231569 j i � .
OriY1n¢�1 to Clty Clltk . � ,
xy� � , e
-��" -F . � ORbINANC � � �315 � � :
� r--�� � �� �
' � - N ! '
. �
. �
, , ,
t •
' An Ordinance establishing No Parking Zones�
; pursuant to Chapter 1�5 of the Saint Paul Legis-
- ;�.�'� lative Code. ' ;
- ;�
Seetior� 1. Absolntelv No. Parkin� No person shall� at any .•
time stop, stand or park any vehicle except when necessary to avoid �
conf�ict with other traffic or in compliance with the direetions of '
a police officer� or other recognized emergency authority� or in „
obedience to a traffic control device� in any of the following „/
plaees s . ;
, . � .
. � E
� , .
� •
. L. � .
. , ,
� . ,
, -
� �
' _ . � .
. � , �
' , .
_ � ,
Yeas Councilmen ' Nays Passed by the Counci
Carlson . �
Dalglish � In Favor
Holland , . .
Meredith � � � � Against
Tedesco • �
Mr. President (Byrne) '
Attest: ,
City Clerk or � •
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �
, ��
t ��
-- - � , , - _ .. •` . .� . _ • . Page 2. � -� � � , . .
, - .
���; ` �� .
- � STREET � . F'RO�I - TO ' SID� - � '_; �
Aldine St. Anthony 250 ft. PZo,of Shields East ° . '
,- . ' =i
Aldine Roblyn. St. Anthony � E�st i ,-`
. �
` Ames - Haaelwood Jeasam�ine - Both � �
. � , -
Ames Hazelvrood _ E. Lino of Franklin South '
- D. Roosovelt Home�. � - � �
� � Addition ; �a � �,
. �
Annapolis ' Livingston 150 ft . W. oP � ' - North � ' �-� •
� Robert � • t- ,
Annapolis Oakdale 150 ft . E. c�f North � �
Robert . �
nna olis . Chippewa . Cherokee Hts. Blvd. � North � �`
� A p - . �
; � Aroade Margaret . �South to alley ' We�t � . _
- Aroade . C�se - Simg !�?est � ...
� Araade N.Cit,y � Idaho West � ! ,
limits ' ` I '
� . . - , .
I � .
Arcade Wheelook Pky. � V'estern , , Both ; •,
i � ' _
; Arcade . V'dells '�Vhitall West < <
� �Aroh �� Orient , Jackson ' Both � '
'� Arlin�ton Huron �~ `
Chel9ea � Pdorth �
.� - _ � ,t '' ' - __
Arlin�ton Jaokson �}� L� Orient Both ", t
� — -- - - - , �
,_�---;- . --.. -- - _-
- � _ Arundel R k ��
R�innehAha En�letivood }3oth
_ � � ' .
� Asbury University Sherburne . East -
• � T`
• Ashland Western Arundel � . South � ,
- =i1s hland -� � - - - .-- --� - --
. Dale Viotoria ' -
__ , South^ .
. . i
Ashland Arundel Dale � � � .
- North ,� � ..
.• ,�twater Rioe - �
, Albomarle South i �
�� Aurora Cedar
Rioe North j '
� ;
' + qvon Summit Portland East - � `;
• BanPi7. ��;►estern ?Ves�. Seventt2 South C .
� � • Bid�vell Fairf3eld �;�,�r�ter �est k ;
; � . . �,:
� . ,
� � � ,,�
�� -...�,..__....r�.. . - _"' . � j
- , - . E
r �
_ I•3 �
• �
__ �}
- - [
. . ^ • � 'i.
• � _ . (
- • ` , ' - = Page 3. s-� � �I -
• � . , �G ��V
STREET ' - Fi�(1T4 , TO � SIVE � - -z -
. V � - -
Bidwell Pairfi.eld - • 200 ft. Nor�th East F �
E -
Bi�;elow `rimborlal�e Klainert � Poth �
� .
Bre�n OranRe Hawthorne y West �
_ . �
Berry Univergity Territorial, Rd. - West -
- Broadva�a,y Ei�hth Tdinth West
Broadwa,y Prince Allev No. of Etzst �
' Fourth St. Eaqt F � _
L'roadwa,y Six�h Seventh East
Broadway � Spruce Balsa�m . West �=
Broad�vay So. Ju:�ction ;
of riftl� St . Sixth East '
Bur�e s s Como �4.:.c;cizbi n Sout h � r
Bus h „ 4 -
Cambridge Sur�riit �rr na ta � !Nes� `,
� ,
Canada i�Tinth �'o�a�teenth b'Vest t
Gapitol Universi��T :'Com� �Nest �
! '
Garter C1evelFrc. �he��sf.ord North � -
Case lluchoss �arl South
Case Jess�e :c7�r�on V South �I �
f ,
Case Jessi� �rlrw±�ight South G '
t `
Case � i"aalsh Ydeide South F
Cedar Central Corro :�lest � �I
� �
Cedar Central Saer�izrne Bast �
. �
Cedar Eleventh T���c:7.fth ' Both � ,
Cedar T+rrelft�Z Columb�as �,VPat � :
- Central �ober� �:��est t� Lxiz�e North ► -
Central :,'r�bash�. redar Both �
� � � ..
Charles. Pil?:�,urs; T�4r.dalia South E ,
� i
Charles t7andalia ':?ir,:;. Tr�ns�er R.y. �
tracks North E {
f �•
Chelmsforc� Cot,rnorl�,��ealth 1{n�Pp Last .
..�,. _ �. r 1 f
� ��
' j�
• I��
� ._ _ ,. � : - . Page� 4. ��
. _ � . � � � 23 �6 ,� �
. , � � STREET . �T�O;�R m ' � � F�.
, . � SIDE � , -
� _ Chelton Tatum , Prior North �
Church ill . � f ' -
Van Slylce Y:exin�ton Pkw,y. �►�►est. � __ .
Cl�veland Ford� Pk�v,y. Hillcrest � i"lest � .
.Clevelsnd James Summit East ; �
Clevelr�nd James Randolph- 1llest � �� '
• Cleveland � St. Anthony Unlversity ' East��xce � -
• . - from ; 100 t.
- � . I�To. �of S
� 1�nth�`ny t �
?�7 i lv �uke e Fty.
. Cleveland Sur.,mit rrand f
Bot h { •
C ol l ins Burr Pa,yne � Nort h� E �;
Conimonwealth Clotreland �helr�gford South� � - �
Common�vealth ' �{�ston Gomo ' Cente � DTal
Como ' Canii,ol Llvdb Pdr� '
North � w
Como Cedar C;apitol Hts. El��d. RTor�th y '
Como ' �
Ce car Park Sout h �
C�mo Blvd.. ''�'est Ch4t��:-a��'r_, . � .
:�'o�'�;� � �i:�: �'t a T3orth of t . ,
- � �Qr•ton . East '
- j ,�.
� Como Blvd. �,Gst Lt��re3��t,�.� Vorrh Vic;�o��a South
Congress �;o�:corc� ����;�t � -
North k
Concordia S:�e:�lin; '_a4r�i;��ior1 North �
Concordia � � ,., .- �
�,exin ��o� :�p��� oxo 6:�0 ft, t - -
. '^.'est �� r..exir.�;fion �outh ` �
Cotta�ae Dale '-�G�r,;;-,Q� U;�., . South �
Cretin Goodri�ch ?erkelc� i���gt � �
Cr�tin Goodri ch �ur;inlit ��►est ` •� -
Cretin Ni;*'rls"nc� P?�w,ye Goociri ch ',��P,Sti . �
CT�ot;��vall �i'�•�=,;to�i ��. ' 1 .
�. P� . ��:.��i:,�lin ,":eat �
Dale Goodrj ch �,�.r.�,o�'r. East � e
. R
Dale Goodz��`c'ri G�,�:�d '�Jest � �
~ _ _ � _ . t
' � _
. j { � ..
I _
� + .
� � , ' .
. ' ii�
_ ' . V, . . , - __� _ . - � _ �_ - .page 5�- .. " _ - -' --� - ���'�`��
. � ,. � STi EET . - - ' FRnR+( - " - • -TO . . � _ _" _ SIUE � --; -
-- _ ` --- - - - � t -
- . - . . . - , • .-
. Dale � - - M innehaha -°- T�,To . end of. Ilorth - " � ��-
.. _ �pproach of G. Id. � � ,! -
_. _ � � �Eria�;e - -. � Both j: y �
. - � _
Dal� Goodrich S.�'l. �unotion of . ( �-� �
� Dalc and CroQUS - - �'Vest � � T :
� Da,yton � Summit � Victoria , Nor�th -
De Couro�y �exin�;ton Jones _ Both �;
De Soto Coll inq r,i innehaha - ' B�t h. � �
� � . f : �
: De Soto Collins I�orth St. ��lsst k � -
� ..
' Deu�ne� Pl.. St . Clai� Benhill Last �
� Dewey y�eronia Univers�it,y . East � '
Dodd Rd.. Bal��r anuth Cit,y Limits Both i -'
� `
Donohue 5,yndica�e Grit;�s South j
� -
� -
� Doswell Co�r.o G'r��ve P1., � South �
� , Dosvrell C��1.rosford Cl�zreland South ' �
� Ea�le RR Shepard Rd. service � '
' ' lane t��est � i
i � Eleanor ;cielli�� �60 ft . E�st � S�uth f ,
. 4
� Eleventh �r'abash�i. �acl��an North � ;wf
, , • .
� Ellis - - Ber_y C:z,^fe�v � Both � . �- � .
` En�lish LK�pen'ce:.:�� :;�^li��;ton !T'est E
� � -
� Etna � �hird 01c ?��zc�son P.d. Tl�lest ; ,
� i
1 '
; Eustis St . ser��'ce ! -
j drive Pe arl ?obbir.s Both � z '
� �
;� � Eustis �earl i obhins 1��est !
E •
Eustig Pearl Tc:z�ri�oriul ?�d. East
� �
�ustis Valer�tir�� Do:��rael,:L �P1est � �
� �
t �
Eustis Univ�rsity Bayless P1. East
� � �:
Exahan�� �a�;lc Forbes Both �
! '�
�xchanp;e Ce�ar 10� ft. �ti'est �outh � .
; -�
, Fairviev� C��rles :�,�arshall t!►est � .
Fairvievr F.andolph Ja��es � �ast � �
� Farrinr��on L,a��rel �urr►�it East
, - ;,, -
, _ ._ _ _.4_. . - . -- - . - � - - - �_ �- _• � __ � .,,;.
, , _ . , _ _ ,
� ' - � �
b l
� � .
ii 1 !
� ' �!:
� r
� �'_ � ' . . . ' . Page 6. . � �� ''�5� .
.• � ,
•' ' STREET • �'RO�T . TO ' � • - SIDE � -
— F -
Farrin�ton Selb,y T�aurel - ;1►est �� �:
. � .
- Fellov►�s Lan� East of � � �
Hazel�vood � Both k "
t -
' � Fello��rs Lane H�zelwood 5upornick I,an'e South ; ;
i. .
. rifteenth St• 1�9issisai�pi St. Jaokson• � Both � � , �
� , .
• ' Fifth St. Broadway Roaabel North ; y .
. � �
Fifth St. John Kittson . South � ,�
• . t ,
Fillmore �a�on �obert North I
Finn � Ford Pkw�r. Pinohurst �?�'eat � ' ,
Finn ' Grar.d Summit �1Vest :
Flynn Rosen ??d. Schroeder �d. Both t
. Forest Third Nixth East � ;
Fbre�t �-ane� S�xth bVest `
- I
Forest T•rian�;le (all � I '�
3 sides j Idorth �
Fourth St„ �'P.'���� �^;�basha North
Fourteenth St. i�o�erL Juckaon
._._. Fred Burr t3�dford South �
. �
. ' _�'r,y St. . - Un�.uers i�y � `;i:er��urne � YVest _ '-
; ,
George Srni�h . '��Tanomin North �
Glendale VVabash�( 1�c�.�th�•��a�d 100 ft, East� �
. k
, Grotto Holl,y �shland East ;
� i
Grotto • r��in�er�aha picrce But�ar Rd. E�st
Grove �' acl{son Canada South
Grove Canaaa �,'r��?c��Tay F�oth � -
Ha�u� �a�.e Jiatori a � North j .
Hamline n��ey bPLV�reen f � .
• Randr�lph r�n d � -
� ,T�,.M�ies �Yc11es1Ey East � �.�
Ha�line Sa�frerit Lincoln �ast �
� � �-
�iarnlir�r, �t;�nmi� �P:LY�y ��.�st .=
, E ,
: � ,
� � � �-- .
_ � _
- F
' f _
� � .
, , E .:
. -;
_ � ,
- - }
: �
. . " ' !;: -:
, - . , . _ . - . _ . - Page '7. ' � - "- ' _ : , - . '' 31. 9
= STREET FROM � . - TO � � SIDE � • .: ,
� . � _. -- . F
Hamline _ University St. Anthony � Both�-
Hamline Wellesley Sargent - _ West � �
, , . _ � ; .
Hampden Ave. University Charles . � �_ East 4 `
_ � , �
Hartford ' Miss. River - � � -
North f
_ Blvd. - Mt. Curve Blvd. � : -
- Hazel _ Case La Crosse Both p �,
. �
' f , ,
- Hazelwood , Fellows Lane - Maryland East �
' f
Herschel Selby Hague - West �
- � .
� �
Herschel Dayton Selby - East � �
Hewitt Prior Howell Both � _�
Highway 12
(North Frontage Rd. ) Johnson Pkwy. . �
� (West Frontage � . ' �
. Rd. ) � 150 f t. Westerly North �
Hill St. Kellogg Blvd. Eagl� Both f ,
Holly Ave. Dale Victoria North �
Holly Ave. � lrlestern Dale South ' �
I Homer Milwaukee Rd. �
Tracks Seventh West � `'
Hudson Rd. Maria Surrey North f 1t
_,.._. - ��: •_-
Idaho Arcade 4Jeide � � North
Jackson Arlington t�lheelock �kwy. Bo�h � •
Jackson Eighth Ninth West i
Jackson Gxove Fifteenth E ast � �
Jackson Kellogg Blvd. Fourth East `
Jackson � Twelfth University East � �
Jackson University Valley Both �
, i.
Jackson University Fourteenth West t
Jackson Valley Arch East � � '
Jefferson Edgecumbe Rd. Cleveland North � �
� �
Jenks �Payne 275 ft. East Nor�h �
Jessamine Lexington Hamline South � ,
� -
- � .
Jessamine Dale Maywood P1. , approx. � -
r 25� f t.. w2$t. ►SOUti�'1 i -
� � ..
..... . -- _ . - - � + �_ - = - - _ . .� �_ _-,__,.-_ _ �__:�.. __
- ;
t ,�Z [V
• � 1
� � ; �
1 '
v `
r' i
�c: :
� � �.
• . . . _ . . . . _ - _ Page -8. _ -_ _ . -- .� ' _ - . � �-
_ _ _ , . - - - - - ._ _- - � - : --_= = -- - _ - - . -- _ _ :231r , 69 _ .
_ STREET , -. - . = FRO"�- -_ - TO - . -- SII7E ¢
� �� � � Jess�mine - - - H,�zelwood � �mes -- _ _ -- Both �`� i
Joh2� St. - _rOUrth -�'ifth . ' V�'est � �". '
Johnson Pktivv. _ Ea9t Shore - _ . - -. -j - : . E �,_
-.� - Drive Marylarid - - � � - ' _ -- r"'�e5t E �
. - Johnson Pkw,y. ' - Hudson Rd. � � - - . -
(;"Jest sPrvice Rd. j (Noi°th froi��a�:e - - _� . � �
�d• ) - Johnson Pkw,y.. � Both �` -
- - �,.
- Jones St. ' De (�ouro�3,y Dr. Sohroeder ;�d. � y Both f ,
. FCellog�; Blvd. Bro adwa g ICello/%� Viaduct � - South -
I�ello��;� Blvd. Colle�e - Sumrni� - ?ve�t - �
Kello�� Blvd. _ Plea�ant � Colle�a Both �
- " � ' r -
- Kellog� Bl��d. Pleasant ' F�fth �
�ast ; -
, ' .
• �iello�� Blvd. 12A f�. ivorth
�f Coll ege Coll��e � East
Kellog�; Blvd. . R��r�bi�1 Bro�d�vay North
Iiello�� Blvd. Sibley _ >>V�couta(that pa'rt Both
1�jin� txnd�rneath �
Conooi�r�o of St.
Paul Union Depot) • - �
� t
riellog�; Blvd. St . Peter � 1^'ahas��a South �
(trucks ma� p�xr�: 7 �1.r?.,-�� P.r,I . ) � -
Renneth Hi11c��est Ly'��'rd Pk��s,�. East
� � ,
Klainert Tir�bnrl�.ke Rdo �?r1.:tt;r�on Both � -
Knapp Clevelaric� Crelrrqi'�rc2 South 1�(
� - _.t'Ya .. . t t, , �
- F,af.a,yette yhirt�Anth 100 ft. i�orth East 4
Lafa,ye'�te Rd. i�inth � t
Lafond Grove East f �• -
� Como Rice Ivorth f .
Langford Park ��sn�;��: Gordon Bo�h �
� t -
� Laurel , ','�135tern " jT;,,tor�� Pdorth 4
�aurel 'rdestern '�lina � South
L,exi:�gton P�w,y. Jniver9i ty Como tiVest B�th �
�,incoln Dr�1P Oxford I�Torth }
Linden p,�t. ,�ir,y Arch � �
Enth '�
Lombard Lexin�rton :•;tilTon I���rth �
L' Orient(���est fronta�e � = �
�aadj l�rlin�;��n Larpent�ur Bc�h , ,
;J:acal�ster ,^•,ummit Alle,y south of '
. � Linc�ln Ea:�t � f �
-- -. - -� - � -- - � - � . .-
, _ ,
� , . . . . - -+
� • �
. ,? .
. . -
, , �
, . ...
� . ,�. �
h' 1
• - �� �
� Page 9. � - - � ' I �� .!
� � � '���� .
Marshall Summit Victoria - South- ' �
. _ . , !
� � ;
Marshall Clevela nd Wilder North � '
- . ;
Marshall Victoria Miss.River Blvd. North ; �
- (excep. �` Sun ays ;
from 6 a.m. to �
- � � 1 p.m. betw en `
• Oxford and ;
� Milton. and '
� between� Wil er i
and Wh��'eler r ;
I ' r
� Marshall Snelling 250 ft. West South ' I
� << . E
Maryland " Hazelwood 1602 Maryland South , ;
, Mendota Bush Reaney _ Both , � :
. ,
' Minnehaha Payne 300 ft. East South �
Minnehaha Lexington Hamline North � � 1�
. �
Minnehaha - L� Orient Approx.750 f t.West Both
Minnehaha Dale Grotto North ' �
� -
Minnesota Eleventh Twelf th Both �
Miss. River Pkwy. Ford Pkwy. Woodlawn Both � „
Miss. River Pkwy. Pelham Dayton West i :� ;
Miss . River Pkwy. Marshall Pelham East �
Miss. River Pkwy. 4J. Seventh Davern � � North � �,
Mounds Blvd.� Third Seventh B oth k �� '
4 •
Mounds Blvd. Kellogg Blvd. Hudson Rd. , Wes� �
Mt. Airy L' Orient Jackson Both � •'
M ,rtle Vandalia Ham�den South � �
Y . r -
Myrtle Vandalia Pi.11sbury Both � .
Myrtle _ ' La Salle Raymond Both. ' �
Nebraska � Snelling Simpson _ North
Nina Selby Summit Eas�
Ninth Canada Broadway Soa�h �
Nint�1� Smith Summit Both
, '
Nintn Lafayette 100 ft. ln'est -
. - � '
� - , _-- _ . _ __ . __- .._._ . ,.
-- . - - �----- - - j - -
I ' �� ,
. ' . ; Page 10. _ ��� t � r
� � � �3� 56 ;
• STREET ROM TO . SIDE } , � �
� ' � � • � ( '
Ninth Jackson Canada � - ' North ' � ;
. � ; -
Ninth iibley Wacouta South �
Ninth Lafayette Rd. John South �
North Street Payne DeSoto Both �
� � •
North Hudson Rd. Pt.11ouglas Rd. 100 ft. West �of -
Frank St. South .
OaltXand am��y ��r���:w�xa �oo ��, So�xth ,
Oakland � � wn�ni� i�rand South , '
� �
Old Hudson Rd. I�hiLe �ear Ave. Kennard North �
Otto Avenue fieventh Shepard Rd. Both i
Otis elha:n . Approx. 600 ft. No. f
of Marshall East �
Otis � ayt4r_ 2�arshall Ezst f
, Oxford ,ranct Lincoln West
Park ni,�ersi�y Sherburne West F
Park Cnarles Como La�� � '
Park Aurora University Ea�t
Park Piace ��?� fou� s�.des Park Place Park East
Payne I ush �Torth 200 ft. East
+ �
Pasczl University 5,,. Anthony Both(Pa ept as��
� siae f�� .L '18'
ft. , 2 � ft. anc
- 43o-6�a �:�t.
Sou�h o�
, Univers�ty)
Pennsy?vania Jackson 600 ��. East � South � �
, (
Pennock �Prior Howell North � �
Pierce St. �nthony Roblyn Both
Pierce �St, Anthony 200 it. No.of Shields West -
Pierce °utler �d. �P�finnehaha Snelling . - Both
Pierce Butle-r ��d. Unelli�g Priar North �
. F
Pills�ur� G�:ar'e, �erritoriai Rd. Both �
Pla�� Rabcr� Livingston North r -
- , _ _ - - - � °
' • I
. �
� �
. �
. I �
a • ' �
• f�! I
, • ' - . ' , Page 11. . �. � `
. . 23 �, �6 _
Pleasant Ramsey Forbes - Both � �
. � . f
Pleasant St. Clair Grace East
Pleasant Sherman Ramsey North
Portland Western Arund�l , South ` .
Portland Dale Victoria South
� If�
Pc�rtland Arundel Dale Nox�th •
Prescott Harv�rd N�. �iope South �
. �
� Prior Minnehaha 100 ft. No.of Chelt�n West
Prior Minnehaha Pennock East
. Prior Taylor Hewitt '�lest
Prior Charles University West ,
Prosperity Jess���.ne N:aryland • Both
Ramsey Exchange Sherman South �
� � k
Raymor�d Co.10 D�adley East ;
Reaney ��41sr� Greenbrier South �
Rice Carroll Coilege Both k
, �
Rice Fuller� igleha-rt Both C
_ .. . .. -- . _. _ ,. _ . - - - _ _ k ,.. ;
Rice Sherburne Univ ersity West f
Robert ���� ght� Ninth �1est (
Robert :�illmoz�e �'airfield East �
Robert Kellogg Blvd. �ighth E as�
Robert Concord � George f
East Drive WesL
West Drive , East
Robert (So. )
(Wes� Ser�ice I�ive) Concord King Both {
. ;
Rober� (So. ) �
(East Service Drive) 'zCing George Both �
Ro�acel �'�urtn Si�th � Both � _
Ro�auel Eighth Ninth West
,���.�e? Seven�h Eighth Both �
_ _ , ,- ---� - - � ,., . _
. t
. �
. ���' i
, �
� _ . � • - Page 1�.� _ � .
, - , , . . . �.v
' � � ,��i
- STRELT _ �''RO��;t TO � SIDE : 'i. '
' i4 i �
Rosen Rd . Jones t+l,ytin ' " Bc�th ��� _ -
- ��
. - Roy Street Univcrsit,y Shi�lds _ -_ - East . i
St . Albans Fairmount Goodrich � �
• Ea s� .,
St . Albans . Goodrioh Greznd . West �
' St . Anthony Hamlino �nPlling • North
�t. Anthony Lextn��on Apnrox. 300 :E't. i�,r�rt �i�
o�" Zc;c�n��ton North t
St . �nthon3* L�xi��t�;or. h�arion �
Sout h �
St. anthon,y :+Ta:c•i�n �ice �oth �
St . AnthonY �i�roe q�,u�,�,� � .,
St. Anthony pierce Fry ' �,Jo�,��, f ' �
St . Anthonv Sne?1i.n�, Lexinp��on Bo�h { '
�t. Clair Cleveland Cretin South F
St. Clair �ic'n.mond SeT�enth � South �
� St . Peter A�'��'elfth c �
,t.zn�.�i t �o��
St. Pet�r 100 i�, ;�;o. ?0� f� , �o.
_ �f Coli-��;e o� Colle�;e ?Vest
St. P�ter � �Iir��h 2��0 i� . T��. East �:
Schro��e„ pd , ,� _ . " ' ,
i . .. S,^,C.�_.iTi�L' �i0.?G4 �L'Ot,i1
Sea�-,er :?o� e:� :;a� :;�h�oeder �?d. Both, r
S'P,f�C1_T'� St. "��l���na .iackson Sbuth
Selma L;�-:z T„ontr�al Bera�n � `
Sevcr.tr � Sibley- Sixth � ,
Botn C
( truck� may park E ,
6:00-11 :00 �. �(. )
S°vex��� u�if�yette Rd.. Rosabel Sou�h
�rve�t� Laia,yeZ;�e Rd. John
Nortn �
S,c��e.�t?;(Y7�,� ) r,l���.a St . Paul Ave. I�ort� i
S�lepa�^C� Rd. ;lm c • T I
Vl'�ZBr� BO�� 4
s�l��iu('� �(�o �,lm .:T".�i.i� �
.;.in r Sou�h
She�r�rd Rd. �',�ilkin T.-.� -'
��... as Both
Sr�e;���a �d• OtLO �?andolph Both
_ - ' �
_ . , , . ___ � ,
..- ,
. � - �
. - - - I
. �
� " �
I � � .,
- i �
, .. ' I � ' ' P�xge 13 0 �`)� � �Q .
- I _
� j � .
8herburne Rice Cedar South �
� a
Sherman Exchange Ramsey E ast � -
Sibley TwelfthJ Tenth East � � ,
Sib ley Al1ey So. of ��
Kellogg Blvd. '� Second St. West �°'
Simcoe Milford Atwater - West � �
. E
, Sixth Cedar Wabasha North �
Sixth Hope � Arcade South �
Sixth Mounds Mar�a Both
Sixth Neil . Kittson Both � "
Sixth Olive Broadway North �
. . �
Sixth Smit'n College East {
Sixth Summit Iglehart west t�
! '
Snelling Englewood Hubbard Both �
Snelling �arshall Iglehart Both I
. � ,
East �
�nelling i�idway Pkk►y. Fair Pl. �
Snelling Portland A11ey between Summit �
and Grand Both , •
Snellzr_g So. end oi � �
G.Pi. Ry. Bridge N.t. Ry. Tracks Both f�
t '
Snellino Srields University East �
� -
Snelling Jniversity Sherburne West E �
. �
Snelling Taylor G.N. Bridge Both f
Spruce Sibley � Canada South E ,
Starkey Fillmore Water West j
S u.romi� � �
(So. servicG drive) Cambridge Macal�ster South �
Summir, Kellogg Blvd. �elby South f
SI�m.TM1�. 150 ft. lh'2St �
of Sixth Ninth South �
Sur�:.i� Ninth Rice South ;
Su��t St. Peter Marshall North ` "�
., __ _ - . ._ � _ _ __....._____. � - .� _.___
, �
I • •,P �
. iFk�
, I!� �
� I�
_ , � ,
. �- i , . . ��� .
- � _ - � . . ' , r a�e 14. �� j��Q
� S�TRErT ��nt�� Tp" - S T?;.J ' k!
Sumcnit T�^aPlf;�h St. Pet�:x�( t•ri r�rlr*le j all 3 s i.d�a -
. • �
Superior '•,'4'eyZ ��venth L�r,n South ` "
� .
Supor:�ick L�;ne 7���arrl�nd Southvrurd to the Ea:�t ( so
trafflc loop on in. ide o
traff�c ln )
. Supornick Lane So. of- � �'
• Tti4arVland Both i _.
, Syndi ca te U»iversi ty S� . ��n�hony �^Je9� � '`
Te�p�rance iVint;� Li�;hth Eaqt �
Tenth Ced�r ��innesot� �oth
Ten�n Colle�e N:�zi.n S�ath
� Tent� C�l�.e�;c St . Peter �oth E �
. � :
_ Tez=�:� Robert i+Iinne sota North , �
'�T�:t=^- Sibley BroadlA�ay Idorth �
� �
`"°�^�� to�ial Rd.. n�rnpc�en Z�00 ft . '���st to �
1.�1 i .�,
Ry. truclis IZorth � �
=^-�.-rc. �rcade Third � North, �
j-=--��� --�-= ,^ ^°;'�"a� i
;a � � v - _.,�
' - �r': �� � CG��r �iorth �
. u,,e
� � T_.�.�teenth Ro�er'c ?00 ft . Pas� of � �
i'e�porance >y South �
n�o�as ha��line �s nury South '
_ - 1
T'r.o.;ias Snellin�Z " t,ld.inN nTor�h k
- ' 6
� �
�"�^:::':'� Hranl� }Fax'1 � _
iimverlake �d. J ackso_� �aclts�n St. B oth t
`yop�in�; C�rno �^'estern . Nor�h F
� .
'���•elrtn Jackson Broad�ray North �
- • I
�'`''�°.�I �1'2 John IY'P..�ic1:C� �
T31�d. St. Peter Sout�. �
1 �'����'�+.L 11 f
��be rt 1"�� �t . •,;��t =��:�_-=
,.. ,.��.i�h Uni�rcrs•ity Jac��son Bo�h �
: �;°,el_"t:� Ja;lrs on "Jabas hA South
• � I
�niversit� Prior r�i�n.Transf��r Bldg,. South ' .
. _ . f
_ - r ,. _ � - -
�- • -
. ;
� v I r ♦
�' ..' �
' -- ~ . � ',i, ,
_ _ . . . . P��� �� - �3�a
� �9
- i �
. University , JackSOr, �ark � B oth- j •
� �
University Snell.ing �ascal South E
Victoria Grand Summit E ast � '
Victori.a Marshall Dayton Both �
Virginia Laurel Summit East � ��;
Tlirginia Selby Laure7. West !' .
t�Tabash Eme'rald Eustis , Both f
Wabash Hampden 275 ft. East South � � 1
Wabash Glendale Raymond Both � �
'�labasha St. • Aurora Central Both C �
Wabasha St. 160 ft. So, �
of College College West !
Wabasha S�. Kellogg Blvd. Fourth East ;
inlabasha St. � '
Summit 220 ft. North lr7est �
T�labas:�a St. 1�0 it. So. �
of College � Twelftn , East k
� i
Wacouta Tenth Spruce ti�lest �
'�Tacouta Eighth Tenth East
'�Ta1es N�ount Airy Arch Both � �
�rlarr�er Road Jackson Faerve S�. Br�idge Both �
Watsr Fillmore Fairfield Boih k
, Wayza�a Albemarle Rice �oth �
Wellesley �ve. Prior 700 ft. East `4 North '
`�lells bleide 200 ft. West of k
��io?��h Half) Greenbrier Both � ,
'�lestern Carroll St. Anthony Bo�h `
.�. �
Western St. Anthony Fuller ` ''� E ast ! :
'r:est�rn Summit Laurel East
k�'c_Aeler Marshall Iglehart West
�r!ree?ock P�,,ry. St. Albans Como ��- South `
ydr.eelGC'_� Pkwy. Cottage Dale ; South � �
, . . - � - � - -- - f . �
.. I
4 '
•• �
� '+ `i
- - . t = , . . _ - � -'
_. . - • ' ' . Page 16. _ 23�5 �,� .
_ Wheelock Pkwy. Arcade - 125 ft. West thereof South �
. - �
� Wheelock Pkwy. Jackson 215 E. Wheelock Pkwy. North �
- � . �
� Wheelock Pkwy. Weide 300 ft. West of Ga�tier South i
White Bear Ave. � Margaret Bridge of the St.Paul. '
Minneapolis & Omaha f
RF. (Except LaCrosse- � �;
Ames) East
White Bear Ave. Montana Larpenteur Bot'n ` _
Wilson Ave : McKnight Ho�rard Both � •
Winston St. Como Breda West ' •
Wood Robert Parnell North i
Alley, Easterly N. -S. between Payne & Edgerton from Maryland to Haw- � �
tho,rne -- both sides. �
Alley in Block 3, Hill' s Addition (Block bounded by Mendota, Reaney, I
Arcade and Minnehaha) . � •
Any side of any street within John J. McDonough Homes Addition. � ,
Al1ey, Block 38, Summit Park Addition -- South 'Side bounded by Grand, �
iincoln, Lexington and Oxford. , `
�lley bounded by Doswell, Raymond, Buford and Cleveland. �
:.iiey b�unded by Case Avenue from Jenks Avenue to Arcade Street , i
�iJeide -- Botn sides. E
�lley bounded by Cleveland, Grand arri Swnmit -- Both �sides. " �
- - - - -- � - - v - � ��
�lley bounded by Arcade, Case, Jenks and Mendota -- Both sides . � •
k �
Eas;,-'.dest portion of al.ley South of Maryland , between Duluth and '
T�ane Pl. -- Both sides. . �
nlley bounded by Cretin, Finn, Grand and Summit -- Bdh sides. �
�_lley� bounded by Dale, Kent, Sherburne and University -- Both sides . t
Alley bounded by Dayton, Marshall, Moore and Prior -- Both sides . �
Alley bounded by Grand, Hamline, Swnmit and Syndicate -- North side. � •�
Alley bounded by Grotto, Hague, Selby and St. Albans -- Both sides. !
Alley botinded by Idaho,� Larpenteur, Hamline and Huron -- Both sides.
� klley bounded by Roy, Shields, Snelling and University -- Both sides. � .
. �
.. � • _ .. _ _ � �
' � 4
- . - - --- � -- ---.--._._ �-- �_ .,_
, � .
� ��� �
, �
�E. '
� . �'
� f `
, . . _ _ _ � i
� �
. - - � . - . . P��e �7. 23 �6 .
. t� _
Alley bounded by Pascal, Sherburne , �Si.i�rson and Unive�rsity -- Both f
sides. � • � _
. �
Alley bounded by Pinehurst, r'ord Pkwy. , Cre't�;fi and Mount Curve -- � �
Both sides .• , f .
:1 �
Alley bounded by University, Sherburne, Arundel and Mackubin -- � � !- -
Bot�h sides. ' �
A_lley bounded by Davern, Fairview, Ford Pkwy. and Pinehurst -- Both i''
sides .
. �
Al1ey bounde� by Dale� Edgar, Simon and Jessamine -- Both sides. �
. ,
Alley bounded by Avon, Grand, Grotto and Lincoln -- Both sides. �
� ,
. _ � ,
Al1ey bounded by Grand, Hamline, L•incoln and Syndicate -- Both sides. E �
Alley bounded by Cretin, Marshall, Dayton & Exeter P1. -- Both sides . �
Alley bounded 'ay llale, Grand, St. Albans and Summit - - Both sides. -
Alley bounded by Englewood, Simpson, Mir�nehaha, Asbury, -- Both sides. �
-�: . ; ,
Al1e�� bounded by Aurora� Marion, Rice and University -- Both sides. �
�l:�ey bounded by 'Snelling Ave. , Scheffer Ave. , Macalester St. and `
�a�ard Ave. -- Both sides, k
. .
A�ley b�unded by Grand, Dale, Lincoln and St. Albans -- Botn sides . �
� ���
. I
"` Section 2 . No Farkin� Bet�,�een 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. Bet�aeen the hour } f
of 2:00 a.m. and '] :00 a.m. (or such other hours as herein designated) , � _
� no �renicle,�ha�l be 1�°t standing on the following streets : E
No\ �' k
parking 'oetween 2 a,m. .and 5 a.m. Snelling Ave. from E
• St. Anthony Ave. to Snields Avenue -- East side. �
_ • . �
No parking betTaeen 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. on property owned ;
or cox�trolled by the Board oi Education located at
?��ckubin Street and Sherburne Avenue adjacent to said
Eozrd' s storehouse.' �
� '
Arcade Jessamine Wheelock East k
� .
. , �
Arca�e Maryland Wheelock _ West �
� ; -
Arcade Seventh Rose West E
' f
Arcade Seventh Wells �;. .,.,� East E
� . � �
Arcade York Magnolia �ast �
Concord Wabasha Livingston Both �
; ,
� � • ..
t •
- -- . - -- -� __ _..-.--. ---- l - . -
I ,
' I !P 1
� !4
. i�r
� �
' , I �
. .- . '� - • � . P�ge� 18. - 2�� ��
: ( � s - -
; Concord Ada ' Livingston Both� ` " _�
. � :._
; � Payne Jenks Parkway Urive 'nTest � -
! Payne Case � Parkway Drive East �
Payne Seven�:h � Sims Both �k
I ,;
Robert Fillmore Concord Both � -
. ; ,
• �_
Rice University • North City Limits Both(excgpt
side from E ur
� � to Charles)
' . f
Seventh, East Arcade Johnson Pkwy. Both �
Seventh, East � Lafayette Margaret Both �
Seventh, West Seven Corn�rs Tuscarora Both �
Seventh, West Norfolk I�jss. River Blvd� Both
, - - f
Seventh, West Si. taul Edgcumbe Nortn ' •
Seven�h, West Tuscarora Albion ' North I
SevenLh, West Tuscarora � Edgcumbe South '
Smith High Bridge Annapolis Both k
. f
IIniversity Rice West City Limits Both(exce t N.
_, side fro ' Asb r
ta Sneli ng, d
' both si�es fr� n
Snellin�I; to y
� ar�d from �Prio
to W. Lynnhur t
� except from D 1
, • to 300 f��. E, f
, Dale, No�rth s d
I •
Wabasr.a Water Concord - Both �
, f
�ection 3. No Paz�kin� Mond��vs , Wednesdays and Fridavs . Between t�h�e
hours of 1:30 a.m, to 7 :00 a.m. (or such other hours as herein desig- IE
nateci) on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays, no vehicle shall be lef t sta��d-
in� on the following streets : �
�T�.;�� FROi�i Tp � [ .
�uGi��r�um .Streeti Kellogg Blvd. Fourth Street �
Auditorium Street Fifth Street Ninth Street �
� � -
<�. • ; '
Broadway . Kellogg Blvd. Grove Street �
Canada Street Ninth Street; FourLeenth St. �
e . -� .- -�- - --• - �- -
' � '
, .• 'i
. ' ��
•� - �;_
. � �,
_ : , _, : _ _ P a�;� 19. _ ,�,
_ - - , . , _
' �STREET FHOM TC �3156 `
� ��
Cedar Street � Kellogg Byvd. Ce��tral Ave. �
Como Ave. Rice � Dale (2 :00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. -- .
South siue ) .:
Como Ave. HamlinV �dest Ci.�y T�imits (?:00 a.m. - _
- � :GO a.rri. -- Soutn side) _
Dale St. Grmnd Larpenteur (2 :00 a.m. - '7:00 { - `
_ a.m. -- East side} �
� , �
Exchange Street Kellogg Blvd. Ninth Street
.. � :
Ford Pkwy. Snelling Miss. R�er Blvd. (2 :00 a.m. - ;
7 :00 a.m. -- South side) � '
Front Ave. Rice Lexington (2 :00 a.m. - 7 :00 } ;
a.m. -- South side) �
Grard- xve . Oakland Ave. Cretin (2 :OOa.m. - � :00 a.m. -� _
North side) �
Jacksor_ Street Kellogg Blvd. Fif�eenth St. (1:30 a.m. - �
5:00 a.m. between lOth St. �
� and 12th St. ) �
Kellogg Blvd. Smith Avenue ��Test 7th (3:30 a.m. - 7 :30 a.m.�)
(��es L side) � '
3�:ain Street Seventh Street Tenth S�reet k
r�arket Street Kellogg Blvd. Seventh Str�et �
Riinneso�a Street Kellogg Blvd. Thirteenth Si,. �
- . .. _ - � -
Ninth St. Auditorium St. St. Peter St. (3 :30 a.m. - '7 :3 �
(No�tn side) a.m. ) �
Ninth S�. �uditoriiun St. Glabasha St. (3 :30 a.m. - �:30
(Sout� side) a.m. ) �
. �
Oakland Ave. Grand , Ramsey (2:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. -=
. East side) '
Raymond Blake Como (2 :00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. -- {
East side) �
Robert Street Kellogg Blvd. University Ave. ;
- � {
Robert 13th St. Unive-rsity Ave. ;
Ros�be? Street Kellogg Blvd. i��.nth St. • �
�`� - �
St� �e�er S�. Exchar�ge �to �niest �tn (3:30 a.m. - 7:3a�..m. �'
�� f
Se��:.� �.ve. Fairview Ave. Summit. (2:00 a.m. - 7 :00 a.m. �f �
`� South side) �
. . l
. � �
. �
. - - �- � - - - -•- •- -�--- --- ; ��--
. �'° � _,t
. ;
. r
I t
� �
. `
. f .�
I ��
� -�-� - � - � � � � � � � � - - 2� �569
_ -� � ^ ` � ' PGge 20, - ,
. — .
• : � Sibley Street Second St;r•eet - Twe�fth St. - � :
� S�ith Ave. Ramsey Str�et College Ave. , -
�Snelling Ave. Ford Pkwy. • Hoyt (2 :00 a.m. = '7 :00 a.m. --
- � East side) � � � ,
St. Peter Stzeet Kellogg Blvd. - Summit Avenue � � `
Temperance Street Eighth Street Ninth Street � �
� � .
t -
Temperance Street Twelfth Street Grove Street � , -
- Wabasha Street Kellogg Blvd. University k �
- Wabasha Street 5th Str�et 6th Street (3 :30 a,m. - �: 30 a.m. ) �
(��est side) F
- r .
Wabasha Street 7th Street 9th Street (3 :30 a.m. - 7 :30 a:m. )
(West side) . � F �
� -
Wabasha Street Exchange St. lOth 8treet (3:30 a.m. - 7 :30 a:m. )
(West side) .- k '
' ;
, Irlacouta Streez Kellogg Blvd. Spruce Street � ,
! ,
Washington Street Ke?logg Blvd. Seventh Street � , �
Western �ver_ue Marshall Front (2 :00 a.m. - 7 :00 a. m. - �
East side) i
, .
. � !
Section 4.� No Parkine Tuesd�vs ,_Th��rsdav5 �nd Saturdavs. Between
the riours of 1:30 a.mo to � :00 aom. (or such o�her hours as haein �
designated) on Tuesdays , Triursdays and Saturdays , no vehicle shall be �
lefz standing on the following streets : F
i .
. ' i
Cent:a? Avenue Wabasha Robert '
- � �
Coll.ege Avenue Kellogg Blvd. Cedar , _ ,
Como �venue Rice Dale (2 :00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. -- '
North side) � "
f � �
Como �verlue Hamline West City Limits (2 :00 a.m. - �
7 :00 a.m. -- North side) � !
Dale Grand Larpent�ur (2 :00 a.m. - � :00 i �
a.m. -- West side) '
� �
� �
Ei�,:�t'r� Street T�Tabasha Lafayette Road � `
EleJenth Street Cedar Jackson . � � �
E�chan�e Street Ninth Cedar . �
- �
.- (
. •- . -- -� °- - - --^ -�- ---�' --'- � ! ft ...
. , I � �
, IE 1 ,
I!, `
i�� '
- - � - � ' t - -
� . _; � . •• - - . � Page 21� - . . 231�6 � ,� . -
- - ' - STREET � FROM 7._U - _ _ _ �
- - Fifth Street= Pleasant Broadway' - - -
: - E
� � - Fourth Street ' Seven Corners- Broadway (3:30 a.m. - �30 a.m. � „
� . on S. side $om Exchan ge to _
. " - - l�uditorium) � -
. �
� Ford Pkwy: Snelling Miss. River B�d. (2 :00 a.m. - r . �
7 :00 a.m. -- North side) - _
Front Avenue Rice 'Lexington (2:00 a.m. - 7:00 �t
a.m. -- North side) � �
Grand Avenue Oakland Cretin (2 :00 a.m. - 7 :00 a.m. - -
- . West side) ,r
Grove Street Jackson Lafayette Roa d ;
" f ,
Kellogg B.lvd. Summit John , ',
Mulberry Street Kel�ogg Blvd. Sixth Street � :
Ninth Street Summit Broadway � � , �•
Oakland Ave.nue Grand � 200 ft. �Jest of Ramsey (200 a.m. -
'7 :00 a.m. -- West side) � -
Rayr.:o::a Blake Cono (2 :00 a.m. - 7 000 a.;n. -- �
West side) ' -
Secor�y Stree� V��.bas'r:a - Sibley 4 ,
i '
Sel��r �venue Fairview Surnmit (2 :00 a.m. - � :OD a. M. - �
North side) [ �
� - �
Seven�r Stree� Kellogg Blvdo Broadway �
S�xt^ Ltreet Summit . Broadway r
Sneiling Avenue Ford Pkwya Hoyt (2 :00 a.m. - 7 :00 a.m. -- f
West side) I
Su,mmit Avenue K�ellogo Blvd. Wabasha �
' Te�?tY�. Street Rice Broadway �
� -
Thirteer��h Street � Summi� Mall Robert �
. k
. �.
� Twelfth Street Wabasha Canada �
Western Aven�e �Iarshall �'ronL (? :00 a.m. - 7 :OOa.m.� -- ;
' Wes� side) �
. , �
_ , ,
,� " 3ection 5. No Parking, Rush Hours. No person�shall stop, stand � . ,
�� or �.a�'_� any vehicle, except when necessary to avoid �conflict with otn � . .
tr�.:'��c or in compliance t��ith the directions of a police officer or �
, �
._ , _ ._.. , _._. - _-- t - _-
.� .
, �i
' �
- - • � - . , Page 22. �3 � ` �✓ �
' other recognized emergency authority, or in obedience to a traffic � � `
control device� iri any of the following places during the time in dicated: .
- k
- E
_ Arcade Sixth Seventh East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m;: , ;
• � Arcade Case Wheelock Pkwy.East 4:00 - 6:00 p. � � ' ,� '
� �� - ,
Arcade Wheelock Pkwy. Geranium West 7 :00 - 9:OOa. m�. `- .
- �I� „ _ ;
Arcade Hawthorne Rose � West 4:00 - 6:00 p.��� ,1 f
�Broadway Fourth So.Juncti.an '7 =00 - g:00 a. � ", ;
of Fifth East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� +
Broadway Fourth Sixth West 7 :00 - 9:00 a. i� : ;
4 I�� - 6:�0 p.TII�: ;
, � ;
Case Payne Approx. 100 �I` ° E
ft. West South 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� � �
Cedar Exchange Fifth West- 7 :00 - 9:•00 a.�lf. �
��F '
Cedar Fourth Kellogg G�est 7:00 - 9:00 a.ul4. �
Cedar Fourth Kellogg East 7 :00 - 9• �I! ' �
.00 a.m. s
4:00 - 6:0o p.�i'. . ,
Cedar Exchange � Kellogg East 4:OG - 6:00 p. �. ;
. . �� -
Chestnut Shepard Rd. Exchange East 7 :OG - 9:00 a.m.
- Cleveland St. Anthony �00 ft.So. East 7 :00 - 9:00 a.�I'. � ;
.. . ^ n:f� "..`
Cleveland 1 inehurst - Ford Pkwy. West 4:00 - 6:00 p-:•m: •' '
; -
Cleve�ar�d Milwaukee RR ��� . .
, Tracks Surnmmit West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Cleveland Roblyn St. Anthony East 7:00 - 9:00 a.�I..
Cleveland , Dayton Iglehart East '] :00 - 9:00 a.�l�. ` J
Cleveland Dayton � Iglehart West 4:00 - 6 :00 p.��`. '
. � ,
College Smith Rice South 7 :00 - 9:00 a.� '.
Como Dale E. Como Blvd. North 4:00 - 6:00 p. . .
� �
Como Dale E. Como Blvd. South 7:00 - 9:00 a.�.
Como Front Kent North 4:00 - 6 :00 p.�k.
� Como Rice Park South 7:00 - 9:00 a.��`.
Nortn 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Como Front 250 ft.West South ' '] :00 - 9:00 a.��.
Front 300 ft.E�st North 4:00 - 6:00 p.���. .,
, � -
- --- „ - - . _ _ ,_ . �. --,�-- -
, '.• � .
• . 5
- !
. . f , f
: - 231�� �69 �
: , _ � _ . . . . . ' . P�ge 23. i
Como � Thomas i�ic� South � :00 �- 9:00 a.m. � ;
� - �
. Como Western G.N.Ry.Bridge South 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m.� •�
� Como Blvd. E. Como Maryland East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.�l ,
I _i
Como �Blvd. North leg of South leg of West '7:00 - 9:00 a.m,.4 " ;
� , W. Como Blvd. W.Como Blvd. F ;
� �
Cretin Dayton Iglehart East � :00 - 9:00 a.m. ! ` �
Cretin Dayton 1'glehart West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� �
Dale ' Geranium � Orange East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m: i �
� ; . � !
Dale Como Burgess East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. ; i
Dale Como Edgar West 7 :00 - 8:00 a.m� � = �
. �
Dale Como 150 ft. N. East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� � -
G �
Dale Dayton Van Buren Easi 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� f
Dale Iglehart Summit West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� f �
Earl Reaney 3eech West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. {� ; �
Earl Beech 411ey N. ,of �
. Minnehah� 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. � -
. , .
Eustis University , 350 ft. �f, of r '] :00 - 9:00 a.m. :
Territorial Rd.kesi 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Fairview Marshall � � South to Alley �ast � :00 - 9:00 a.m. '
-_. -. - _ . -. - - _ -- _ -- - - -- - -- ' .- -- - - _ ._ - _ - . _ -- . _ - ..4:Q0-�--6a00 p.m.. � i
; ^ �
Fairvie�•r , Marshall Iglehart East � :00 - 8:00 a.m. ; � �
� :
Fairvi,ew Shields 1�0 ft. N. 1
of University East '7 :00 - 9:00 a.m. � `
Fifth Wabasha ' Cedar South 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. i ' �
Fif th Kellogg � �
�Iarket North 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m. � I
Fifth Minnesota Robert South 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m. � - '
f E
�Fifth Robert Broadway South 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. ` !
k ,
Fifth St. Peter Sibley North � :00 - 9:00 a.m. ' �
4:00 — 6:0o p.m, a
Forest ' Rose Maryland East 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m. ' �
� �
Fourth Broadway Rosabel North 4:00 �- 6:00 p.m. ,
Fourth Cedar Sible North 4 �
Y 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m. +
4:00 - 6:00 p.m. i '
' r ,
. -�--.. ___ _ . -- . - - � -- - - _ - — .. .----. � . _
' 4
1 '., I ,
• , i �`�
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� �I 1
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� . I .
_. -,_ : ' � - . +_. e � ' - Page 24. _ - � _ - � _ f
. , - - :- � .. - 2�� ; g- ;
. - � STREET . � � FROM TO - STDE HOURS , '.
. . _ - _ � � ,
_ �Fourth Seventh � Sibley � , South �:00 - 9:00 a� € . '� _ �
' - � - - _ ' 4:00 - 6:00 p. . �
. , _ ,
- � �Fourth Seventh Wabasha North 7:00 - 9:00 a. � . �
' 4:00 - 6:00 p�m. , �
. ,
• � � Front Dale 300 ft.W. South 7 :00 - 9:00 a.��� .�'� I
� _ 4:00 - 6:00 p 1�m. I
IE n I
� Fron t Da le 1 6 0 f t.E. Nor t h '7 :0 0 - 9:0 0 a.� � . i!' ',
Hamline � Marshall Selby West 4:00 �- 6:00 p�m. ' '
�Hamline Marshall Concordia East 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. s
Hamline Concordia " , Marshall West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Hampden Charles University West 4:00 - 6:00 p��m�.
Jackson Magnolia Maryland East 4:00 - 6:00 p:'m�.
Jackson Soo Line Brid�ge Ma�nolia West �:00 - 9•:00 a., l�.
Jackson Tenth Kellogg Blvd. West 4:00 - 6:00 Il
--- �+:00 - 9:00 a.'m'.
Jackson Tenth Fourth East 4:00 - 6:00 �I�
, � 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. '
' Jackson lOth llth Both 4:00 - 6:00 p.�l�. �
' Jackson 14th 150 ft. N. �I�
of 12�h West 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m.
_ ---�--_ � _�_-� �_._._ _-� - -_ - . _ - , 4;o0�r- 6:�00 p. ��'•
Jackson Arch Vall W st :0 - : ;•�k
ey e 7 0 9 00 a. � I
Johnson P . Stillwater Ave. t'n W t : 0 - a �� �
kwy 7 es � 0 9:00 . .
Kellogg Cedar Wabasr�a North '7:00 - 9:00 a.�� i
. 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m�:
` �
Kellogg 80 ft. S. of 100 ft. S.of � ��
Pleasant Pleasant West '7 :00 - 9:00 a.m:
Kellogg Market St. Peter South 4:00 - 6:00 p.�k�
7 :00 - 9:00 a.m:
� f
Kellogg Smith Seventh South 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. ,
, � :oo - 9:00 a. "!`
Kello Sibl R N - . : � �
gg ey obert orth � t00 9 00 a. 1
, ; .
- Kellogg W. Seventh Fifth North 4:00 - 6:00 p.ml�
N 4: - 6:00 .�i,�4
Kellogg Wabasha Washington orth 00 p
' ' �
. �
_ ,..._.._..___ _ _ . _ . __ _ . _ _ - _ _�..__... .„....
1 F
• � �f
_ • It �
�n t
• ' ' I .
: � . ' - . ' . Page 25. � �G� �69 '
Kellogg Wacouta Kosabel North 7:00 - 9:00 a.�n. .
4:oo - 6:oo p.�n. �
Lafayette Rd. Seventh Eighth West 3:00 - 6:00 p.�l�. ,�
Lexington Larpenteur ldaho West West �
7 :00 - g:00 a.M��•
East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. "
Lexington Summit Lincoln West � ']:00 - .9:00 a.fril. '
� �+:00 - 6:00 p.in` " ;
�I� '
Lexington Lincoln Juno , West 4:00 - 6:00 p. . , �I
Lexington Summit Grand ,� ' East '7 :00 - 9:00 a.�:
� ' 4:00 - 6:00 p. " : �
p r
Lexington University Fuller . East �;00 - 9:00 a.m: �
. 4.00 - 6:00 p.m �
' ;:
Maryland Westminster , Frank � ' South � :00 - 9:00 a.�� �'
_ Maryland Albemarle Park Both 4:00 - 6:00 p.m , �
� j
Maryland Frank . n '
Westminster North �:00 - 9:00 a.m, ' ,`-
�li r
Maryland 200 ft. E, of Frank North 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m.� � `
trosperity , �
. � �
Maryland 200 ft. E. of Frank South 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m�.� �
Prosperity . , i
Mendota Reane �� � � '
Y Seventh 1rlest— 4:00 - _6:00 p.m. ! ' �
� Minnehaha � Weide � �E. 7th South 4:00 - 6 :00 � ^ � I . �
p.m. .
Minnehaha Forest Payne North F ' �'
7:00 - 9:00 a.m� l. }
� Minnehaha Fry Snellin �
g South , 4i00 - 6:00 p.m� l .
Minnehaha • ' Payne 2 , • � �
50 ft. E. of � �..
, - Payne North 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. �
Minnehaha llale 250 ft. East North 7:00 - 9:00 a.m.
. 4:00 - 6 :0o p.m.
Minnesota Tenth Kellogg � East � :OC� - 9:00 a.m. �"
West 7 :t�t� - �:00 a.m. �
�lest 4:O0 - 6:00 p.m. ;
Miss. River Blvd. Dayton Marshall East 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m. �
4:00 - b :o0 p.m.
Mounds Blvd. Kellogg Blvd. 180 ft. S. East :00 - :0 a �
of Conway
7 9 0 .m. �
Park Sherburne University West 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m. �
Park Sherburne Charles East 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m. ff
� _ t
._ _. � __.__.. . j - � - - . _ _ _ . _._T , . _ . _ _ _��._
. . ..
- - �.� a.
. ��
� � , . � ��
, [f
. " ' '
. ' ' � '
' _ ' . _ Page 26.- "-�'� `"'
, _ .
. — - - , � _
- - ,
Payne Rose Hawthorne East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. � �
- Pleasant - Kellogg Sherman � North 4:00 - 6:00 p.lin. •
Pleasant _ Forbes Western - East 7 :00 - 9:00 �a�.m.�.
Prior University •200 ft. S. East 3 :30 - 6:00 p��m.-�
� .
Prior , University Roblyn West 3:00 - 5:00 p ` .�
Prior Waltham � University East 7 :00 - g:00 a� ` . =.
Prior Minnehaha University Both '7 :00 - 9:00 a�� .
4:00 - 6:00 p�m.
Ramsey Dougl.as Pleasant North 4:00 - 6:00 p.�m. ' .
Ramsey Seventh Leech South 7 :00 - 9:00 a��m4 . '
t -
Randolph Seventh 300 ft. W. South � :00 - 9:00 a.m. �
Randolph Seventh Dr�ke West 4:00 - 6:00 p.,I�.
Randolph Toronto W. 7th North 4:00 - 6 :00 p.��.
Randolph Osceola 1b0 ft. W. North �+:00 - �6 :00 p.�I�.
Raymond Brewster Como East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m�` �
� :00 - 9:00 a.�. .
t •
Raymond G.N. Bridge Kasota East , 4:00 - 6:00 p. ��
Rice _ I lehart � -�. Colle e . 4Jest :00 - • "`�'
- - g - - . ___ g _ _ . �_ _ 9.00_ a.m. �.
- 4.00 - 6:00 p.�:
a � Rice Lyon� P�l. G,N.B-ridge East 4:00 - 6:00 p.�i
Rice Geranium Larpenteur East 4:OU - 6:00 p. :,
Rice Litchfield Hatch East 4:0:) - �I< <
6:00 p.m.
- Rice '• N.P, Bridge G. N.Bridge West 7 :0f) - 9:00 a. I'
Rice - Colle e I lehart East 4: - ���
g g 00 6:00 p.m.
Rice Atwater Lyon Pl. West � :00 - 9:00 a.ml�
Rice University Sherburne ��Iest 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.f
Robert 4th Kellogg '�lest 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m� '
. �
Robert 6th 4th West 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m� �
Robert 6th 8th West 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� '
Robert 8th llth East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� ��
� :00 - 9:00 a.m� � _
` � . ' k .
__y_. . _-�- - �-- -- - - � - - -- �- - ,._ -� �---- `-�-�-
, -
. '" . ' �t.
_ � ��
. � - I;- .
. {!
�, _ ��
� . . ' , -
- - . - . - . __ ` -
-- -,: V = - - - � • _� Page 27._ � � � � � 231 ' �69 ;
y S
llth West .7:00 - 9:00 m:• � �
Robert 9th . _ 4:00 - 6:00 p �m:`
,. �.,��. . . - � � �: �
Robert� So. Fillmore Fairfield West 7 :00 - 9:00 a�.�m.
4:00 - 6:00 p��''m.
East 4:00 -- 6:00 pdEm.
- Rosabel Kellogg , - Fourth .
� .
� St. Anthony Beacon Dewey North '7 :00 - 9:00 ��m. °
4:00 - 6:00 p."tc►.`
� S llin 120 ft.W. Both � :00 - 9:00 a�I�. � '
St. Anthony ne � 4:00 - 6:00 p��m.
St. Clair Ave.
00 f t. E. of Milwaukee North 4:00 - 6:00 p�:�.
Lexington Pkwy. RK Bridge 1 �
St. Peter � Exchange Kellogg West 4:00 - 6:00 p�.,m. .
th East 4:00 - 6:00 p��m.
St. Peter . 6th 5 �
Smi th 7 t
h Ramsey East � :00 - 9:00 a,.�in. :
Bush Minnohaha North 7 :00 - 8:00 a�in.
Seventh . � �
Seventh� W. Chestnut Seven Co�ners South � :00 - 8:00 a. � .
� Dealtion Montreal South '7 :00 - 8:00 a� � .•
Seventh !
Auditorium 6th South 4:00 - 6:00 p� � . �
Seventh _
Seventh Ocean 4J. Johnson South �-:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Service Dr. I�
_ -- Seventh _ __ __ S�.bley , _ . .x _ Wac�uta �� :��0 - 9:00 a�m.
-- - .._ _ - � -�- �.;.»__--6-;-pp�p,in ,
q �
� South :00 - 9�00 a:l; .
Seventh 4th 6tn 7
� '
Sibley Kell.ogg 4th East 7 :00 - 9�00 a.pm.
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
• t
Sibley Kellogg 6th �rlest 7 :00 - 9:00 a: �.
, �
Sibley -- 4th 7th Eas�; � :00 - 9:00 a. �.
th , �Both 4:00 - 6 :00 p.im.
Sibley 4th J� �If
Sibley 5th 7th East 4:00 - 6:00 p.�m. •
Sixth Jackson Minnesota North 4:00 - 6:00 p.�i�.
Sixth Wabasha St. Peter North 4:00 - 6:00 p.m�.
Sixth Smith Summit East 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Wabasha Seventh South 4:00 - 6:00 p.i��. �
� {
� �
i �
_.......-....r.� ... _ _._ .- -- - : . . . - . � - _ °- - •-- - ---T. �........
. I _
` . - I
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� . " ' _ _ �
I � � _
.' ' .. �
. ._ - � - � - � , � _ Page 28. _ -- ' ' ~ _ � -- - " ��p�'��
-• - .-� ` . � . ,_ �-. � � .- - - - -
� w ' 'STRLET. - FROM - � = TO � - _ SIDE HOUHS _ �` � _
' Sixth _ Rosabel ' • Sibley = North- 4.O�J - 6:00 � .m.
, - • _ � - , .
. . ,
, Sixth Arcade - • Maria -. North 7 �G� - 9:00 � .m.
� . Sixth� . _ Maria . . . Hope � _ South �4:0� - 6:00 � '
- - �;.m.
, _�- Sixth Rosabel� - Sibley, - • - SoutYi _'7:00 - 9:00 �.m.
Wabasha . Sibley' . South :00 - 9:00 m.
- . • • ' - -. - � South �:00 - 6:00 " �m.
. `� _ - " � �� ti�
- - Smith 220 ft. S. of College East - 7 :00 - 9:00 a:m.~
' • . . . Kellogg • . � � , �
_ Smith Forbes McBoal West 4:00 - 6:00 p+ �m.
Smith • ` � Kellogg Blvd. Sixth East 4:00 - 6 :00 p�� �m.'
• Smith • . W. �th 150 ft. S. East `7 :00 - 9:00 a,.�m.
i , of I�cBoal � � _
i _ �. Smith Ninth Six1;h West 4:00 - 6:00 p. � .
, � _ Summit Kent St. albans North 4:00 - 6:00 .� �
; � p�m .
, Sixth Kellogg S.outh �:00 - 9:00 a�m.
� Tenth Robert Jackson South 4:00 - 6:00 p� .
�� _
! Tenth Robert Jackson North 7 :00 - 9:00 a.�Hn.
I 4:00 - 6:0o p. .
; �
' Third Mounds Blvd. Maria Nor�h �
7:00 - 9:00 a. y. ;
; ,- ---��.--�, ---� - ��I .Y.�
� IIniversity y Cleveland LaSalle � South 4:00 - 6 :00 p. �
i �f .
! University Cleveland Cromwell North 7 :00 - 8:00 a.m: L
; Univexsity �Iarion Rice South 7 :00 - 9:00 a. :
; - I
Wabasha 6th �Lh West 4:00 - 6:00 p.ml�
. '�Iabasha 5th Exchange � East 7 :00 - 9:00 a.m.t _
Wabasha 5th 6�h Wes� 4:00 - 6:00 p.m� '� •n;
Wabasha 7th 9th �+7est 3 :00 - 6:00 p.m� �
� 4:00 - 6:OOp.m� � '
Western �herburne University '�Jest � :00 - 9:00 a.m. �
White Bear P.ve. Margaret Montana East 4:00 - 6 :00 p.m. F
White Bear ` v ' Reaney BeecY� West 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. � .
_�� . � �
' �— . Section 6. No Parkin� -- Certain Ho��rs. No person shall stop� I
w� stand or ark an vehicle exce t tahen necessar to avoi on i -
P Y P y d c fl ct with l
other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer r
:� ' t
� �
t .
, � ,
. • "' - f
, ' i
� ,
� �
� ,
� '
' , • _ �
. �;
. ` - �� �
_ ._ : _' _ �, - ' " '" _ x - - -' " . . - _ ' �� - _ -
_.. :_._ . . : - , . " - � _ - - . � � 23t �, 56- �
_ - - Page 29. -
or other recognized authority, or in obedience to a traffic control
:. device� in any of the following places during the time indicated: - �
� - STR�ET _ FROM � TO _ SIDE HOURS - _- �
. . . � - . • �
� Cedar , Central , - - - 13th � East 4:00� - 6:00 �'�.m.
Grot�o Portland - Ho13.y East 9:00 a.m. - fIf:00 .m.
, - - (Sundays o�ly) .
. f
Gro.tto � Summit Holly East 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
(Sundays on y) "
Kellogg Sibley 150 ft. W. South 7 :00 - 9:00 ��m.
_ � _ - r _ ���m .
Marshall Dunlap 150 � t. E. South � :00 9:00 � . � ,
. - �' ' i
Section 7. No Parking, School Davs . No person shall stop, stand�
or park any vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on �
school days on any of the following streei;s : �
Albert Lafond Blair West r �
Baker Humboldt Goz•man North � -
. , -
Clifton James Palace � East � �
Dayton rry Approx. 320 , iVorth � " �
ft. E. �
Delos Livingston Approx. 150 ' South � .
ft. E. -
Front• Western Virginia North I `
Fulton James Palace West '�
James Clifton Fulton North �
E �
, : i
Kenneth Hillc�rest Bohland West � k
. �
� � Margaret �, Hope -- 7th �earth r
. ,� , .
Montxeal Snelling 250 ft. lar. South `�
Mulberry Kellogg 200 ft. E. South � _
Palace Clifton Ful�ton South `
St. Albans Holly Ashland k'est I
Thompson Ramsey Pleasant East 4
' Walsh Jenks Lawson East � �-
� ° - - •- � � .
n r�.. ....- � ._ _.�.�., .-. . " _ .� " ' w _ .. '__� _'_.. T . . . --,-� ..,,�.M
� !
. � 1 ..
. F
i �.* 1
�/'y .� � a j{ 'i
�~ � • 7
1 '
' � .
I "
. �
� 1 ,1{
• 4
Ori�nal tq,City Cler&� � =
� OJR � INANCE - - 2 �5
� �:
N I ►'
N I ��
. Page 30.
Section 8. Loading Exception. Notwithstanding the provisions `
Sections 5 and 6� vehicles bearing commereial license plates may� � �
during morning hours banned� where signs indicate trucks are exempt� k �,,
b ut not during afternoon hours banned� stop in prohibited areas when 4 '
necessary for the immediate purpose of loading or unloading� but � . �
only for such period of time as is reasonably necessary for sueh �
purpose. +
Section 9. Holiday Exception. The parking ban provided by Sec�ion.
5 shall not apply on Saturdays p.m. Sundays nor the following listed �
holidays: New Year's Day� Memorial �ay, Independenee Day� Labor Day� y
T�ianksgiving and Christmas. I
Section 10. This ordinanee shall not be printed as part of the � .
- Saint Paul.iLegislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by
Section 11. This ordinance shall t�ke effect and be in force i
� thirty (30) days from and af ter its passage, approval and publica- '
tion. � �
. �
- i =
. � .
_ �
. !
. �
, �
. �
�JAN 3 1 196� '
. ;
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ' ,
Carlson f
Dalglish �
Holland Tn Favor
,���^ � N 3 i��t i
Tedesco �' �A . ' .
��a��.L�g��'�E�.: .i::i'�:�:�i �
:: .:o::. ,...e APProved: �
�egt: .�/ice�Pr•sident• e, ) �
C' Clerk or ��
�� i�
Form approved Corporation Counael B
� �
. ;
� ,�� - d�' �
` I st f � . � ` 2nd � a�
Laid over to
3rd and app � �4dopted I
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
�arlson Carison
`Dalglish Dalglish
�Nsllapd-- �3��69 Holland •
�Vleredifh Meredith
� �
�eterson �e tsan-^
`Tedesco Tedesco
�Mr. Presiden+ Byrne �:; eE�1?'�'ri.;;e�i;�sii�elif-;�yrii�;�s��„'"•
��.�'Ir. Vice President (Yeterson)