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y k SERIAL NO. OF ROLL / DEPART14ENT ri:-rc 0-1 1 ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE_DESTROT.ED • If L mated LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS tan 241, e � ' e NUMBER.OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED Operator JOINT `CITY COUNTY MICROFILM a BY Supervisor r Ct4Y OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFomMISSIO FINANCE • REPORT ORDEROF ON - 6 In the,matter of reconstricting or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both v� +sides'of North Avon Street from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved June 18, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: b ment is The total estimated amount of assessment for the above improvement sRn f4. monolithic.; $ 0 39' extra work The estimated cost pe/foot for thde voe*8msprove�mo improvementis _or etc. at extra st. 'the oXparcalaioi and -hast may ee as este eneg or s eth improvement, and �f�ie assessed valuation of each lot or IoBs parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arras follows: P ADDITION ON... DESCRIPT)_ON i LOT P LocK., V LI pp 1414 AMI%ding-l.4! .. - _� 11 14 Royal Oaks „ .550 950, _ r 12 14 do 425 _: 2550._. - G. do 13 1 , ;, 450 _.2150, ;..._. _ it i i ! 14 . 14 ; ^ do _ 450 . 2400. , . do 15 14 450 1600 .. 16 1 14. do 425 ..2750 _. ... 1 I15.. do. 425. .1700. 2 ; 15 ; do 450 2450 3 , 15 do. 4 15 do 450 450 2150 -1 do _. a _ _ 5 5, i15 4 5 00• 6 do l _ TOTAL of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of $5450 $18,700 the aforesaid matters, and The commissioner hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in , reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work a. Dated July 22, 19-5g—Com 'ssli a.: Fes. B. S. A. 5-5.D ` Office of the Commissioner of Public Works , Report to Commissioner -6f -Finan e .26 92_-, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -160.241... approved_._..____tJ_W 6_ $ r_. 952 —29+1_x., relative to _r ge.._onstructing_ or_rewiring,_ as n•�g sary„ t�hg Qxi in_g_a dd waw on both .sides of N.AVON ST. from Front Ave. to Hatch Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.�*.._.._ ecgseery and (or) desirable. ' rS9 per sq. ft. for " mono. cone'. walk 2. The estimated cost thereof Is and the total coat thereof is Extra *ork(gxe.yfill, drive=xings, 'root cutting,etc. extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.__. 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Initiated by the Dept. of Public Works 5. Said improvement is..:.. -___.....asked for upon petition of three o. mo ;owners �f propev subject to assessment for said improvement.CO 3M-6-/6�, J1[ f Commissioner o Public Works tiJ Ftl dK , a CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIAMSNARY ORD R FINANCE 160632 is,, i,,g with monolithic concrete, the existing sidewalk on the Rest side In the matter of recon of Milton Street from the alley in Block 1, Slater'a AdckitiRr±._to Aurora• AvemteI t - 'fir e under Preliminary Order approved June 18, .1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul-- The aul:The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a$ follows: ® $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is D monolithic; _ g 0.39; extra work square Yor b" The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is ting etc- at extra cost - ti as excavgtiQi}, fill, drIc sYas t improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots c parcels of land that may a assessed benefits for sucli imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED II DESCRIPTION - I LOT 61.oeKl • __. � 1 . I} 1* + . t _�1RI-1ta-o- 750 .u. lJ011aM� n"to City,.pSlaters-Additio_ of St. Paul, Minn. n g l'iLi I... ._. i I 1 — --' Total $750 i 51400 v ted all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports that h has investiga as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing reference to said matter by the Commissioned of Public Works. �£ , Dated " °0 19- ? Commissioner ofof Finance; 8ormD. s. A. s.s ._ Office Of t$e commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 26th, 1952 194.-__..- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City, of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration -the preliminary order of the 1602.... oved.. _ Jmrs8z 19? :,__. __194._._., relative to Council, known ajCouncii File No 3—••aPPr ._..._BaaoneLl7uotin8•�-.saa4litk�iA...c�t8stx4t�r._#etre-i!>��1BA_il.�-•4��Q ieet. side of.Milton Streat.froa the alley in Blook 1,..slater'a Addition toAurora Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebY reports: 1. d improvement ;is _ ----necessary and (or) desirable. #0.39 per sq -ft. for 4e Mono•Cono.Ralk 2. The'estimated cost thereof is $_ - - •---, and the total cost thereof is $y—.— Extra work(Exc., fill, drive-xinge, root onttings std.) at extra coat and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ____ �_ tiatad_b� the Dept. of Publio Yorks• .•.:.___._..:..._w._.___------••- 6. Said improvement ia._ ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. y' ' / Commisaioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE REPORT OF ON OM MI NARY ORDER FINANCE ,161633 In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary', the existing sidewalk on both sides of Van Bares Avenue from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order approved June 18, 1952 To the Council of the City,of-St..Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo;ts as follows: The total estimated amount of the -assessment for the above improvement is $ square The estimated cost peVfoot for -the above improvement is for- 4"- monolithic, $ 0.19 extra work ' such as excavation, fill, root cutting, driveways, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT pLocK ADDITION ASSESSED 'I KALU 710Ng_. p1i1ffl _ ..Ii._. Lots 16 and 17 .I 1 Syndicate No. 4 Addition 925 3250.. do 500. 2850. lg; 1 ;. do' 500. 3000: 20:1 do i 500 950' I � 21. 1 do- 400 400 221 -1, do 500 2150' _ 23t 1 , do 50b 1050. �i 24i '1 do 50'0 950• - ..� it 251 1 do 500 1400 uTOTAL. CpITYOF ST. PAUL DESPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IASSESSED LOT �OeK ADDITION VALUATION - DESCRIPTIONS � .-- 1_27 . 1 Syndicate_ No..: 4.Addition 506 - 2800•, j. 2e._ do a 506 .. 4700. _ it j 29 j 1 4 do ( d 1950. 9000 (, II 1.30 j 1 do ( ij � Except south 31 ft., Lots If p , 1, _ 2 & 1 3 "Dale. Street Addition' to the ; 2000. -2950 - City 2950 City o£ St. Paul ;E 4, l do 500 1300 - 5 do500 1450 1!, 6 ! do 506 doo . -500 1650. � 8 500 1100 - 1l a - _.�- 1 do 50P1400 ± 9 I l" 5� 1800 ' 101 do .. 00 CIO4 42 71.4 �r 124 do 5 _. East _35. ft'. Of 0 West -5 ft. of Lot 12 & east 4 do 134 425 2250 30 -ft.- of ff �� Except west 15 ft.; Lot 14 and i 4 4R5;, �X50 ;t 13 west .l0 .ft. of. do I do 650._, 2700 Q _ Lot -15 and west 15 ft. of _ 14E II I, I Total 6N300 _458,450 -i".___ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submit the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 22 19 �2 - Commistioner of Finance Ymm B. B. 13 . - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON COMISSIONER OF PRELIORDER FINANCE MINARY o � � ►634:..: In the matter ofr reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on the wrest side of Western Avenue from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue,:, under Preliminary Order approved June 18, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ �o +ra aorlr square f�"- monolithic} - The estimated cost pestfoot for the above improvement its r Vat extra eo$t ypg roodt U.te — fd 8u a excavatltonf fildl drma bes�asesse bene to suc improvement, an tie assessed valuation of each of or The lots or parte a o Ian Y parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:ASSESSED - -.�:-- ( ADDITION II VALUATION DESCRIPTION I LOT $LOCK _._ Weides Rearrangement of tl _ 2300 - j 1 2 I Lots. 76, 77,"7-8, 79 &_9O, 65 Wilken and Hay,rards Lots f _ 2500 _� Lot 30- and west 15 ft._. of _ 31 , 2 do .:,.. 5T5 I I I Total I #1425, , S480,0 They Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing ae his report t reference to said matter by the Commissioner. of Public Works. /1 . Dated July 22 _14�2� Commissioner of Finan Hone a. S. A. as D.. 2nd ---L L _ f is } ,E Laid over to--rz-��-- 3rd and APP- �{ Yeseay9 Yeas Nays H rson ,nd (1'Holland GYM- * . �P'� Marzitelli l MMo a Mortinson sterson Peterson Rosen Rosen r. President Danbne / President Danbney j ge /(p ° -77s COONT6 SIGNE I ..� m o io ua PG IN THE NEMS FROM WINCH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ., AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -,,�� •: : APPORTIONED ITEM. .� .. ..., DR. ,.c. FROM TO" '.I. 2 g.g City Planning 2'a2 e . '. z50 004. 2,033.14 z a=3" " z F2 Civil'Defense. ,2,000 00 4.952.55 2. G� 13o.16 z c=a : " _0-1- 7,065 36: 2. 17.35 VC -1V 3 & Corporet on Counsel, 2,000.00 3 Aro 200.00 660,02 3 n..a 32 2;600 00 860.Oz 9r3 6l�,:i 8snance 4,560:0o 6 A is a 2Q9�:64 fi. 2 1,0000 YES I.(� COUNCILMEN(�NAYS�. �. A6�19195j " ' 194— .. hg ADOPTED THE COUNCII SY ' APPROVE AIr,19 1952 IN FAVOR, r MAYOR r z �' PIYESIDENT ,000 7 .f _COUNTERS16NEly 8Y c .toM�� �B1.1.�i1C.11 h t APPROPRIATION TRAfVSF,RS-RESOLUTION FOR1Vl I, AER. CHARTER SECT,!ON. Wo `: PREs€RTED BY �_ COMMt$$ION DATE ]94_ .� t.., '.. F� TH' T THE FOLLOWI RANSFEF�S BE - • D ON THE 800 R THE COM OGLER, ,AS, Y SO DQIN N U AVOIDABLE' FICIE CY INCE I N ` $MS AY:: bE Ef BY;SAID T NSFERS ITHOUT AMPE'R THEW RK. PR ED MONEY, THE' ITEMS' F OM: W ' H THE fRpNSF ERS ARE MADE. .CODE FROM. TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED.; DR. 2$ -A-8 2$ i.-9 0. R. & C H.'" e 4..783:64 �5 Y' 126.96 f 25 A_7 .. f 2,500 0o ' 25.A-10 3500:00 210:60 30 A -H comptroller 700 o,:If a 4;023.62. 30.'' 4.723 6z 30 s-4" ;- civil Service. 2,10 7.00' 30 ,_i : e �. 2,107 .00 1 Ar% Purchasing Department, 6.75 31 A-1 31 A-3 2,050.00 31 D-1 Hlection 1,775.00 1,000.ao 31 D-5 31 D-.7 . 1o.00 . 31 D-9 900 00 1, 000, o0 YES (l7 COUNCILMEN NAYS AOOP'TED BY THE COUNCILnu 91852 t9d. , AUG 1.9 1952 - . APPROVED —�--/—IN FAVOR • 194_x_ .. ._ _ AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY�(�(� � MR. PRESIDENT /VA/L• 000 )JI - _ CIiY -M"ROLL y ORIGINALo - env elmK COUNCIL ;t CITY OF SAINT PAUL` nLE ,' " ' PPROARIATION TRANSFERS=RES,O UT.ION ;FORM PER :CHANTER.-. SECTION, 209' ;, COMMISSIONS �T___�_ DATF 194— 94_RES R: E' SL ICE D ,. 'TH HE FO LOWING TRANSFERS B ADE THE BOOKS OF F M ROLLE $ By- DO G AN UNAVOIDA DERICIE Y'IN CERT ITEMS MA BE Y SAID TfIANSFERS WITHOUT H RING THEW K DED BY THE MOVE IN "THE ITEMS FROM WHICH NSFERS,'ARE MADE. . CODE ,. APPORTIONED IT'E'M > AMOUNT . '. -TRANSFERRED :: FROM, TO OR. OR: 31 D-x Election 1671.30 7.15 31'B-6 a 5, 63..45 31 4-3 nnancial Forme 112.00 31 074 Miscellaneous & Unforeseen ' 500.00". 31 00 Surety Bonds 431.25: 31 a9 Water - Wilder Baths 2,000,00 31 J-2 Council"investigation 78.00 4 3l a-1 X8.00 c�. h YES O COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ,. �r�iQ iryly�pn p� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCfI -" 19 1`�'�2 .. HV�e1Lud�y ` APPROVED- AU6 �. ®9l0 .194_ R{'i1�J•I4�i�� IN FAVOR �AGAINST AyoR ROseA CD4, ION I?�i11Aq!'i `- MR PRESIDENT .100..7-11 - - `J R F. R O L V%E D . THAT tTHE" FOI,L0ININ' TRANSFERS )QE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF 4 BE` MET HY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMf'tetlrvc� ,l nc .rra gcn r — IN THE ITEMSFROM WHIC,kI`THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE, AMOUNT TRp1�ISPERRED . ri - '• > '� . ,j. co --- AP ,O RTI_ONED' ITEM •r? :�: 7 t77777777777 . FROM:.TO Public Walks 33,955.24 tc 107R Ccmmissioneof 600.00 ," 10!11 3x000.00 :10-n2 25x355.2ti�., 10-HY 3,000.8D. ' 10-B2 1,lwNw 10-c1 . 400.00,, 11 B Street Repair Fund 13,586 i7 X11 r i,500w00 15, Y 37 p $ SaxerRepair Ftiuid' 13S,182.46-,0004,00 12=A3 ]'000 Ofd 12-�5 <a 13 Bl Street & Seder Cleenin Fund 12,202.47 1,80572. arc IM 3,QQ0.o0 13 H2 13 xtiff 58:24 s 13 B2 yobO.CC 13 H3 '5 13 d" yr ..- '.• YES; (� COUNdkLMEN' (� NAYS. -, --' 'AODPTED. By THE COUNCI AUG APPROVED AUq l.. ..IN: -FAVOR . C'�� `• ` M":!o r aG"AINsr, COUNTERSIGNED BY'`, +`�. CRY COMPTROV_HR MIl , fRESIDENT" RES O LVED H WEF'TRAC FERS BE' MAD THE' BOOKS 1 1A dTCn11J11]!!Cn n AN 11'AIA "tA A m Y1E'CN'.yR'iiTA1N iTl I HE ITEMS WHICH. THE NS S ARE [iAOE - :. APPORTIONED ITFM.% ':, .. .: AMOUNT - TRANSFERRED ' CODE FROM- TO DR.:'CR: y, ...-_ Street &Sewer C1eBnirig:FSud , colYt .. 13-03 12,142:17 � ' 134171938. . 13-05 509..21/ 13-6 5,545'.88•- 13 Dl 2,o00RC0, 1343 500:00. ;. 13-143 a (Bridge 400. 00 14-x' Repaud ir lo 4,424.47 111-A2 3443 2,024;47'., 14 -Alt 2,000400 YFS (�) COUNCILMEN (i) NAYS ' Hea.verson AOOPTm BY THE COUNCIL AUG 1 9 1GJz_19a..- •� ley AOGil9iOtrn v���.�l��ay.d�..7 .'�Mi ElYdZ�.S AP.PRO,VED oi16 IN FAVOR u x6 x6Yi O� ' et _ MA1[GR AGAINST,,' _ AGAINST,,' b. ROsen ' .CITY COON i $Y MR 1'�RESIDENT CdMITR LLD! p.a •D�bns� , • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEOrIvInal to GUY Clerk NGIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..RESENTED BY _ DATE __111,91— T1b 1959 P COMMISMER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent.be, and he is hereby authorized] with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue purchase order to GEO. T. RYAN COMPANY for payment of their invoice for a ,1 - CB -98 Gear at a cost of $287.693 without advertisement arcompetitive bids, as this is the only source !of suPPIvo Charge Water Department. 'lc &. Nq.'Ieb999—Hy $SVetln a Moral dmon—. Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen AIJ, Against Mr. President, RehmeT IV 3M 7-31 AUG 191952 Adopted by the Council 195— p roved AUG 191952195— Mayor OdSod ro.Ciq Clerlr. _ F�1 1 CITY. OF ST.. PAUL COU NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CI E OLUTION=GENERAL FORM 'a _ PRESENTED BY. DATE' August 14, 1952 COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the 'consent of the Comptroller from the GEORGE T. RYAN .COMPANY — 1 — D.He247 Drum,,Hoist complete parts for Link Heft Speeder Model L. S. 71, Serial #3F69 at a cost of $430.50 f.o.b. Minneapolis, Minnesota, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only sourceofsupply, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Dept. > ��c: F xo„ISU4sb ar se6en w Mor-;� COUNC y s Nays olland Marzitelli Me e....,,,tt Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen � Against Mr. President, a9kwy SM 7-51 -4W® AUG 19 1952 . Adopted by °the Council 195— Approved AUG 19 1952 195— yor 07 y15 odon i to Citi Cleric s �•�'� �U5N , ..� CITY OF ST. PAUL FRENC a NO. l� / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4CO —GENERAL FORM ^ PRESENTEDEN ER " DATE_ •+46481 6, 1952 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefory,:, d hereby awards the contract for furnishing and delivering to Mnn3e Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, St. Paul, J,cations Power Grader,less ace for 1 - Model 101 Galion Motor Grader No. lt28 to be taken•in.to the A -W COMPANY o MINNESOTA, INC., in accordaaee with spe and the Formal Bid #3731 of the said A -W Company of Minnesota, Inc., at a total "coact price of $15,.757•, such bid being the only bid received meeting th your -wheel drive and steer" specifications, and the Corporation be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on befialf of the City of St. Paul. I�sB; ",r3n;,► _ EIC F 00= 0, .:,, •. .- - . , �Fdl � 1st + 4� j - e4fsaq�'�1`T CO NCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG 19 1952 196'— y` ays Holland AUG 19 Marzitelli Approved 7952 195 Mortinson n Favor .Peterson Ma or ,,Rosen , ,,in Mr. President, Delnneyl. SM 7.51 ^�® PI7i USHED OdQlnd to City Clerk - 160953 ►953 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL PNea I ENO tOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTEIJ BY COMMISSIONER-- DATE .Aligust 18y,—a,�K2 a� 1 Resolved, That the Uouncil"hereby approves the -sward of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contrict.for furnishing and delivering to Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1 - Motor Pick-up Street Sweeper, Elgin Model 81, less allowance for 1 - 1950 Austin Sweeper Madel 10, Serial. #8890, to he taken in trade on above purchase, to the MMESOTA MUNICIPAL ERS° COMPANY, in accordance with specifications and the Formal Bid. #3733 of the said Minnesota Municipal Equipment Company, at a total contract price of $7,265.00, such bid being the lowest bid received meeting specifications, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to djKw up the proper form of contract therefor, _ and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contraction behalf of the City of St.Paul. F.B. #3733•C, FrQFW cm i { CoetN.ttee�tLe�YiAw °��PB - etLa� u�niclDai v and^tlelty ,. �Nazt,a ...rls.SJa• r � q M �i tur� 1 tn; n, e COUNCIAdopted by the Council ��Holland AUG 19 1952,196 Marzitelli Approved AUG 19 1952 195— Ma➢eumuit Mortinson �n Favor L%5?� Peterson n —Against Mayo Rosen // - Mr. President, Delane3 - 3M 7-51 .4W® �(IRLISHED �/ ,3 OrISI-A W MY Cleric COUNCIL-°'���a,,' CITY OF ST. PAUL Foe NO:' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTI, N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM19310NER 4��- DATE- A gust13__� 19K2 r Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons nQII leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from the MIDWEST OILICOMPANY at a price of 9.127 per gallon, less 1% on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003 - 134- �c F :xo._ eaess-sv anim. a I 1 icce 72-74 Oe�aue C P R.(M e ofgka Meth C, _ ¢Om thMIDWEST 61L CO pWy A ah� ,& Of V-127 per gaUGj jjyt,� rY D+Nho, oh info�_�mi+�I bld, . all emergeng,o)eta wh�re tgppf.e efnp to i- ..y would wor :p, rd. Char �e beprtallnteFeM of Jhp CpY1 . - - AdopteMd b c1 Equip+nen�;:10p2.1,gq; 1810, Y he Council. Au urt 18. ,Approved Aufuef 19 116E;- (Apguet 22 192) E � r CO NCILMENAUG 19 1952 Adopted by the Council 195— s ays Holland Marzitelli Approved AUG 19 1952 195— _ *epff-tt— MortinsonIn Favor Peterson Rosen /C J��ainet' Mr. President, Behmey SM 7-51 I�® - oAmod ShAq ci.r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FICE OF THE CITY CLERK XJ4T COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .4".--- COMINS10NER DATE August 8, 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of,the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons nQn leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, G.F.R. Motor Method, from H. K. STAHL COMPANY at a price of 9.12730 per gallon, less 1% te�days on refinery price; on informal bids, as am emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-134• v COUNCILMEN of and Marzitelli MnTlarmnit Mortinson In Favor Peterson /"�-�"'"` Rosen Against Mr. President, behK%p JM 7-51 Adopted by the Council a11Fs„-195- AUG 19 im Approved 195— r I 041ywo city Cl.rk,, r; lfi 195 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFI OF. THE CITY CLERK CO SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTECIBY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the Specifications for Painting of the Drill Hall at the St. Paul Armory, 389 North Exchange, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Armory Commission, City of Saint Paul, and the Purchasing Agent is her.6by authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. n C: F. No. 16O 7$ ]BY Norrla o iiq Yor 'Re eo�Ved, That the•Syyee�Ca1BctlnNons for Palming of the nrllli 6e11 a k^_ 9t. PaULArmark, 38B Nprth Exohan e., StF Patbul, Minnesota, a ' s.�raubtniNed•.hbrr, wl, pprepared by the Cfty ,Atcli#eo under thadtrection o1, -the Cotnmi6albnn: Of* Pbakd, Playgrounds and Public SuLLdlnee.: be and+the=same areth b, , 1 AUG 19 19512 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195-- Holland 1 pproved AUG 191952 195— Marzitelli �' _ Meas matt Mortinsonf l✓ In Favor ayor Peterson s Rosen - 4 -Against Mr. Presidentpeff_ r SM 7•S,1 �® Odpinaito City Clerk, r - COUNCIL QQ CITYOF ST. PAUL . F0.9 NOC7 ' OFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED'BY ,DATE - COMM.Q0NER IMBOLVID, that upon appeal of the_Northern States Poxer Company from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommend- ation of the Board `of Zoning, permission is, hereby granted to -e construct an electric subs tation,onlithe north side of Rondo AireauV,on Lots 11, 19 and 13, Block 4, Edwin Deane Second. Addition C F, No.L 190959—HY Ndirie o Hslvo ;' son Re,olved Th9'� p;9PPee1, o[ the Northern'W08;Po er�Com nnerdof the doewon of the Co Parke. P]gypround9 plav mbl a S, . pon the tevorabl Cocom ce WuniY phErebY,Qre t t coni !p ,t�tloh on..ffie 11 X78 eud 19 Bloak 4�FdVrin Dean's;' - $ero9d:,A4dlt�on - Adopted by the Council AuBu�l 19; 1B'AS4. PMsed(AuB4rt J9 .. AUG 19 1952 196— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counei>------ YeasRalvorson Nays holland AUG 19 1952 195- Marzitelli P n pPmved- McBertnet%.- Mortinson'' , �LIn Favor VMayor Peterson Rosen Against 1121. Presider4t,-WmmyDaubney 7M 7dl r Aust 6, 1952. a Hon. Bernard T. Holland, Commissioner of Finance, Roam 113, Court House, St. Paul 2, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- V In eply, to your post card notice relative to the appeal from the Zoning Ordinance of the Northern States Pourer CcmparW for permission to build an electric sub -station on Rondo Street just east of Victoria Street, y file .11996, WISH TO PROTEST ANY CHANCE FROM THE PRESENT ZONIN We have awned and occupied our home on Lot B, Block 5, Edwin Dean's Second Addition for the past 30 years. The proposed sub -station would be located directly across the street from our home and would be detrimental to the property value. Our health does not permit us to make a personal appearance at the Council Hearing and as a result, WE RESPECTFULLY REQUEST YOUR VOTE AGAINST THIS CHANGE OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. very truly yours, Charles Kunschier Anna Kunschier. z page I F ' f. pug, I4, 1952. We, the undersigned hereby protest the section of. an electric suli-station olT. tots II, I2 & 13 Block 4 kdwin cam's oeoond Addi �ion.> s For the following reasons, It will cause fear and anxiety to nearby residents. 2 .Interference with radio television. 3 it will decrease property val , th �Gage-.of-the--peopl --o"hJ nei$ borhood'as to the effectiveness of the zoning ordinance. 6 Said lots were on chosen for a housing development. -S ai-d-l�ttsenr8ecT8 d -far P neighborhood �,ox future housing. g Said lots have been used by the smaller children for ay4rounds- 9I. $cid lots could be developed for playground space for smaller children. _._ �-ay�.aund-sg'aaa-a.B-baz�1-y-n esdad,: i n_ thi-8 - Smaller children. - II It will be unsafe for smaller children of the neigh- od - — I`2 Ii will hurt the business of the neighborhood business. 151 men It will decrease rental valuse of nerby property.` I4 It will decrease resale prices of real estate. 15 There is vacant property in the vicinity of Aurora, Fuller and fest Central Ave. where said sub -station.' ted could be erected without any of >the objeotiona sta above. 0 I v,,�4 �Z� �`J , I _ HAROLD J. RIORDAN '+HARRY T., VCONNELL C610 Cl..k -CRY CbrL. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 161)958 r Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT. HOUSE - August 14, 1952 Kr. Timotby P. 0sinn corporation counsel 3uiIaing Dear Sir: The comLoil referred app to you the eal of the Northern States Power Company for s Permit to constt� lotst teast ofsVietoria and quested side of Rondo Ave. on the 2nd, 3rd tbst you prepare a resolution to grant. very truly yours. city Ole* y ning Tho Roard ®f .Zo t 61,114 eso g �p,,,,,q®�,gp.MMC[NC.,MY JMJJ l.IW A. A. H=KMAN - - r-DAVIDyR y - . IROIOINO O„ICWt L 14 ORIML CI.YIM L MEFKM14 W. J. INCL A. R. SCHROMMt. CIR IIIIma,WT` 7U41117 to ALTYIIMT{ tis CIT%COUNTY VdILOINB SAINT PAuL'2, 1NINN@S11TA August 13, 1952 Mrs. A. R. O'Connell City Clerk Bv*1ding Dear: Madams`' kr „ 1 In the matter of the'sppeal of, Northern States Power Company for a permit to construct an electric substation on the north side of Hondo Avenue on the 2, 3, and 4 lots east of .Victoria. This is described as lots ill 12,, 13, block 4, Edwin Dean's Second Addition. The zoning is com- mercial. As originally proposed, this facility was to be constructed approxi- mately one-half block to the west .on th'e 3rd and 4th lots west of Victoria. The Zoning Board's report dated April 15v 1952_presented the need for this facility and recommended that it be granted. Due to objections in the neighborhood, this plan was withdrawn by the ,: Northern States Power Company and the location presently before the Council was substituted in its stead. The Board wishes to point out that essentially; the, same factors that in- fluenced the first proposal are still in effect: The effective tributarg: , area of a substation of this type is approximately one. mile in radius.` The location of a substation in. the area selected provides the moat ef- ficient coverage of a district now being inconvenienced by very low vol tage electricservice. 'These relationships are illustrated -by` he attached map which has been furnished by the Northern States Power Company. I The' new site under consideration has :120 feet offrontageon Rondo and extends' northward 121 feet to an alley at the rear. There is a'store building' immediately to the west of the corner of Victoria. There are residences' adjacent to the property on the east and across Rondo to the south. Mr. M. R. Kromer, superintendent of•electric distrubtion of Northern States Power Cotpany kas stated that if this permit is granted it is their in tention to construct this facilityon the westerly 80 feet of the tract' next to the existing store building in the area. This will leave approxi- mately 40 feet of open space bEtween the substation and the existing resi- dence to the east. It should be pointed out that the first proposal.was located on only 80 feet of frontage with residences on either aide. It Q City Clerk -2- August 13, 1952 can be seen therefore that the proposal -now before the Council provides a better solution to the problem of protecting adjacent residential devel- opaent. r Inconsideration of the fact that this type of facility is not permitted in residential zones and the overriding public necessity of this facility in the location under consideration, the Board of Zoning recommends that this appeal for permission "toconstruct an electric substation be granted. Very truly yours C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma Att. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY SAINT PAUL 2, MINNMSOTA July 29, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: On March 18, 1952, we submitted an application for permission to build an Electric Substation upon Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Stone and Rogers Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. We hereby appeal to your honorable body to amend ".1 S�' the previous application and grant us permission to build on /t{� Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 4, Edwin Deane 2 Addition. The building plane are the same as those previously B. submitted. In support of the revised application for such per— 14, mit, we state that the proposed substation is necessary to the public and community convenience. Very truly yours, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY 1' By Superintendent of Electric Distribution MRg:ae Original to City Clark COUNCIL NO• CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE -. - -- - -- - COMMISSIONER_A4411—, o. 160959—By.MRLOn Rosen— . Po,e, Conapany benglve�orpptaehetn el s,ontto Install agr..ha "856 1local feet of gas ain. on Colvin between Rnitop nd Fdgcumbe Road ntler provlaions of Council File No. 123001, Ortllnance No. 8271, dated July I9. 1891. Adopted by the Council -August 18. 1852. ApprovetlAugust 3 I1952. = (August 23,. 19321 Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given.permission to install approximately 556 lineal feet of gas main on Colvin between Hilltop and Edgecumbe Road under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated anly 19, 1941. CRUNCILM�;� s fir, Nays Holland J Marzitelli 116el�uaetk-+ Mortinson _ In Favor Peterson / ( / Rosen LY-A---X,T_-_. --_Against Mr. President, DRIane5 - 5M 7--51 -OSW® f AUG i ,:,I,:. Adopted by the Council 195— a, Approved ---------195— > -- - -" Mayor OdBiadro City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE I NO.— OFFICE O. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Norris n HajVOrson DATE_ COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay certain employees in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for extra employment frac August 1 to 15, 1952, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. 190990—$y Norris O. HalVor- eon-- That ee p p Resolveed, thr ger Cto pay accen are hereby rtment f' certain em ayBrounds `�a� lic Build Parka) xtr1sout' Inge 'or a ra employment as set an Adopted baytaolh�Coun ilto s Augusttoo 19. '952'11 August 19. 1952. Approve (August 23. 19521 fes' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—195— 195— yeas Halvorson Nays ;jA, T V Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor — May Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, 13eierley Daubney 3M 7-31 .0W® ERNEST W. JOHNSON ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect W. dA,-40NT. KAUFMAN 'Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Perks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell, Zone 2 MORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner GEORGE E. RICHTER, Deputy Commissioner 4610 -®Aug. 21, 1952 Overtime Renort2 Aug o , Hours ?late Amount Title Name 16 1.79 28.64 John Me Amon Truck Driver 8 1721 13.78 Paul Arakel Caretaker Caretaker 8 1.728 13.78 9.53 Raymond C. Clark Richard J. Classen Caretaker 5 1.901 999 3.96 Robert F. Dere Ref. Sales Clerk Plgrda. 21 200 5.00 Riley Be Dutcher Utilman, Life Guard 402 1.621 64.90 44.49 John Be Emkovik Christine A. Erlitz Local Ref. Mgr. 31 26 14'A3 179 46.67 John Me Geraghty Caretaker 2S 1:,67 46.76 Henry Horwath Tree Laborer Asst. Ref. Mgr. 30 1.81'-'3 54.53 17.58 John T. Jansen Caretaker 10 1,75- 2.02$ 4.06 Arthur R._Jobnson John He Johnson Tree Trimmer 2 32 2 2643 72.56 Patrick J. Kane Park Foreman 20 2.264 45.35 Ernest 0. Fimker Forestry Foreman 20 2.72 54.40 Melvin 0. Krause Electrician 4 1.79 7.16 Thomas We A4cCalvy Truck Driver 3 1.831 5.50 Lloyd Re Metraus Caretaker Local Ref. Mgr. 10 1.431 14.35 10.56 Gladys Pepin � Katherine E. Pepin Ref. Cashier 8 10 1.32 1.154 11.53 Theodore Julian Pepin Attendant Plgrds. UtilmFred 2 200 4.00 38.10 A. Petsebauer Clarence G. Sch OssOw Caretaker Caretaker 20 32 1.90 2e12i 68.08 Harry He SChOssOw Park an.PForeman TJtiLman. Plgrds. `2.00 24.00 33.76 John J. Sullivan Joseph Tetrault Tree Trimmer 1fi 10 2.11 1.794 17.95 Frank E. Walsb Caretaker 8 1.96 15.6B Michael Weinhandl Greenskeeper 26 1.901 36.47 We Wilken LocaClaudius TreelTriimnergr• 6 2.064 12.41 John J. Wynne, Jr. 825.54 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON ALFRED H. SCHROEDER . • Sept. of. Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commiuion.r GEORGE E. RICHTER, Deputy Commi.rioner -OW-® August 19, 1952 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of this depart- ment for more than eight hours per day, because of the necessity of rendering; service in the interest of the public. The Overtime involves rush-hour and Sunday time in Parks refectories and for care of ball fields and golf courses, policing grounds aril staffing facil- ities at public parks for heavy week -end patronage, and evening and Sunday band concerts. Yours very truly, li-. Hal so Cner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. Cdglnel to City Clerk i e CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L NO if k Ii r P9 O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 160961—sy Bernard T. Hol -i , d— Where s The C uneu f the C`.lty PRESENTED BY ' i F 1. pursuant toprn- COMMISSIONER DATE No. 857 5H !Ned WHERWt the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9571, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor Septem- ber 15, 1950, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at an election held October 17, 1950, did by resolution, Council File No. 160497, approved July 9, 1952, authorize the issuance of One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,300,000.00) par value bonds of the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds and constructing new school buildings, and Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) par value of such bonds for the purpose of reconstructing, repairing, and remodeling existing school buildings; and WHERUS, Section 475.61, Minnesota Statutes 1949, as amended by Chapter 422, Session laws of Minnesota for 1951,.provides that the governing body of any municipality issuing general obligations shall, prior to the delivery of the obligations, levy by resolution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the municipality, to be spread upon the tax rolls for each year of the term of the obligations, and said law also provides that the tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in fall they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations, will produce at least five per cent (5%) in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on the obligations, and said law fnstlier pro— video that said resolution shall create a separate sinking fund, or a special account in the municipality's regular sinking fund, for each issue of obliga- tions, and shall irrevocably appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assessments or other revenues so pledged to that fund or account; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that for the purpose of providing for the payment of the principal and interest upon the said One Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($61,900,000.00) in bonds so issued, when and as the same mature, and for an additional direct tax in an amount not less than five per cent (5%) in excess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a tax for the payment of said One Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,900,000.00) of school bonds, the following direct annual irrevocable taxes, to -wit: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - 195— Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— MeDermstt Halvorson Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ubney Against Mr. President, nelan- 5M 7-11 iW® 2— For the year 1952 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95.700.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,785.00 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1953 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95.553-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,777.65 , being at least 5%'in excess thereof; For the year 1954 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,385.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,769.25 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1955 a tax sufficient to produce the summa of $ 95.198.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,759.90 , sing at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1956 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,990.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,799.50 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1957 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,742.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,787.10 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1958 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,473.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,773.65 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1959 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95.185.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,759.25 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1960 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,876.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,793.80 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1961 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 96,527.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 49826.35 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1962 a tax sufficient to produce the sum being$at95,138-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,756.90 , least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1963 a tax sufficient to produce the sum off$ataa 91et 7.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,787.45 , g 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1964 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,320.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,766.00 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; -3 - For the year 1965 a tax sufficient to produce the SUM eing$at95,870-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,793.50 least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1966 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95.380.00 for principal and interest, and the snm of $ 4,769.00 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1967 a.tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 94,869.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,743.45 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1968 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $at 5,339.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4.766,95 , g least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1969 a tax"sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95,769.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,788.45 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1970 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 95.159.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4.757.95 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1971 a tax sufficient to produce the sum being lse 00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 4,776.40 , g a 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1972 a tax sufficient to produce the sum being$at ,857.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2.942.85 , east 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1973 a tax sufficient to produce te sum being$at least 00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ , 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1974 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 57.820.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2.891.00 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1975 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 57,791.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2.889.55 , being at least 5% in excess thereof, For the year 1976 a tax sufficient to produee-the sum ei$at 00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2,887.05 being least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1977 a tax sufficient to produce the sum being$at 1 get 00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2,883.50 , 5% in excess thereof; 11( -4- For the year 1975 a tax sufficient .to produce the sum of $ 57.578.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2,878.90 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1979 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 57.465.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2,873.25 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1980 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 57.331.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2.866.55 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; For the year 1981 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $ 57,176,00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $ 2,858.80 , being at least 5% in excess thereof; be it A FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes, it shale be paid promptly when due, out of the general funds of said City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that there shall be created a separate sinking fund, or a special account in the sinking fund, for said obligations and that the taxes received for the payment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account, and that the City Clerk be and &e is hereby instructed to file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this resolu— tion, together with full information regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that $he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1949, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain from the County Auditor and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, in accordance with the provisions of Section 475.63, Minnesota Statutes 1949, as amended by Section 6 of Chapter 422, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1951; be it FURTHER- RESOLVED, that such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof Original to City Clerk ��' CITY OF ST. PAUL F961 �eNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other taxes of the City of Saint Paul, and when collected shall be used solely for paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same shall mature. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McBecmett Halvorson Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, a SM 7-31 u Adopted by the Council AUG 19 195496— AUG19 Approved 195— 2In Favor r Mayor Against PUBLISHED COUNTY. OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF EUGENE A. MONICK COUNTY AUDITOR KAMM COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL R MINNESOTA August 21st, 191 A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Court House & City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam: JOHN P. KARTHEISER CHIEF DEPUTY WILLIAM J. PETERS GENERALACCOUNTANT BURTON C. SPEAR SUPERVISOR OF TAX DIVISION JAMES C,SWAN SECRETARY OF COUNTY BOARD H. J. HIRING, JR. PURCHASING AND ELECTIONS Attached are two copies of the Auditor Ts Certi- fication as to the Tax Levy for School Bonds issued bypgthe City of St. Paul in accordance with your Council File No. 160961. The original copy has been given to Miss Helen McGinnis of the City Comptroller's office at her request. Very truly yours, EUGENE A. MONICK, COUNTY AUDITOR General Ac ntant WJP: jrs ends. 2 ^ 1 I J STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY (SS AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR*S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting County Auditor of Ramsey County do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 20th day of August, 1952, a certified copy of a resolution, Council File No. 160961 dated August 19th, 1952, adopted by the City Council of the City of St. Paul levying taxes for $1,900,000.00, school bonds dated Augast lot, 1952, as the same falls due, and to pay and discharge the principal and interest, thereof, at maturity. It is hereby further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63, Minnesota Statutes 1949 'as amended by Section 6 of Chapter 422 Session Lags of Minnesota for 1951, that said bonds have been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register, file No. 94. WITNESS, Icy hand and official seal, this 21st day of August, 1952. EUGENE A. MONICK, County Auditor NO _MOMCK, C "aditor, Original to City Clerk - 21_61 ►962 FILE NO— T O — CITY FST. PAUL O FI THE CITYCLERK COUN IL E LUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 18086E—ay Norrie xnivo;- Resolved, That Paster En lsea be PRESENTED BY ,� DATE rag Lebed to establish a cu mer park - COMMISSIONER — — Avenue n theseast side of whiit. jand ixoyt Avenue, on Luta 31 to 38 in- 'aluBlve, and 3.ot 90 except the east 30 9r, and the vacnjtev �oeya RESOLVED, that Paster Enterprises be permitted to establish a customer parking lot on the east side of Waite Bear Avenue between Montana Avenue and Hoyt Avenue, on Lots 31 to 39 inclusive, and Lot 40 except the east 30 feet there- of, and the vacated alleys adjacent thereto, all in Block 1, Hayden Heights, subject to the following conditions: 1. That driveways be permitted on White Bear Avenue, Hoyt Avenue and Montana Avenue, provided, however; -that the driveway on White Bear Avenue --be used for entrance only. �.. 2. The due filing of a plan showing (a) the detailed location of all driveways; (b) the location and design of the bumper fence required under the parking lot ordi- nanee; (o) the type of dustproof surfacing to be provided. 3. That the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean jnd free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson 0 Rosen Against Mr. President, DekwieyDaubney 5M 751 .0W8 AUt; i � 1952 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— ayor W4L1SHED VL-�/ J_> HARRY T. O'CONNELL HAROLD J. RIORDAN Ciy CI.h Chid CI.A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota�,��� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE August 15, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Qninn Corporation Counsel BUILD I AG Dear Sirt The attached resolution was referred back to you to be redraxnj the new resolu- tion to give permission for entrance to the parking lot on all three streets. The entrance on White Bear is to be used as entrance only and no exit is to be permitted; the other conditions, small "b" and "c" and +j to be included in the new resolution. Very trul axPours, City Clerk j fl,;� HARRY T. O'CONNELL Cify Clgk , Mr. Timothy P. gLinn Corporation Counsel B n 1 1 d i n g Dear Sirt HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chid Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS tee. 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41111" Augnet 14, 1952 The Conncil referred to you the attached application of Paster Enter- prises for a permit to establish a customer parking lot on the east side of White Bear Avenue from Hoyt to Montana Avenues, and requested that you prepare a resolution to grant, subject to the provisions as recoallmended by the"Zbning Board. Tory truly yours, City Clerk T L . 1 -, The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota (or,Wuaxm RJ aRaN.NeR Ha nw. nLr b IRa) A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS MnICINU omICRR RIQCYYIVR UMIrrmY -qw®l L M. ORIMi MY= LMB 144 W. J. RIC[ A. H. R RM® , JIIIJN9 VL MR ALTOM w 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Aug13, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: 0 In the matter of the application of Paster Enterprises for a permit to establish a customer parking lot on lots 31 - 39 inclusive and lot 40, except the east 30 feet thereof, and lot 30, except the east 30 feet thereof, and the vacated alleys adjacent thereto,all in block 1, Hayden Heights Addition—The zoning is commercial. This is the block adjacent to the east side of White Bear Avenue bounded by Montana Avenue on the south, White Bear Avenue on the north and a 30 foot alley on the east. The applicant's plans contemplate the use of the entire frontage on White Bear to a depth of 57 feet and the entire frontage on Montana to a depth varying from 80 to 130 or 140 feet as shorn on the attached plan. The applicant has proposed three driveways, one on Montana just east of White Bear, one on Hoyt just east of White Bear and one from White Bear approximately 80 feet north of Montana. In consideration of the in- creasing congestion being created on White Bear as the result of the commercial expansion in this district and the fact that adequate access to these parking lots can be provided from the adjacent side streets, the Board of Zoning feels that as a matter of policy it would be proper to limit access to parking lots in this area to the side streets. There- fore, the Board recommends that the proposed driveway from White Bear not be permitted because it would tend to create a hazard and a restric- tion on the free movement of traffic on White Bear. The Board of Zoning therefore recommends that this application be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. That access to the property be limited to the side stre6ts City Clerk -2- August 13, 1952 2. The due filing of a plan showing the following: a. The detailed location of the two driveways to be constructed.from Hoyt and Montana. b. The location and design of the bumper height fence required under the parking lot ordinance. C c. The type of dustproof su£acing to be provided. Very truly yours, C. �) �Ir_-4-'7 C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma Att. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ..... August.1............ 195.?.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Paster Enterprises for permit to install and operate a customer parking lot on east side of White Bear Avenue from Hoyt to Montana Avenues and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on August 14 , 1952 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 11995 Bernard T. Holland .®•® Commissioner of Finance. Si£y cf It. Paul Office of City Clerk Date -1� To Honorable City 'Auncil of St. `caul, Liinnesota FPPL,IC/. IC�is- hereby �made BY --' -Y P l(Name) (Address y (:hone No.) For permission to install and operate a .'ILLING STATION Dzuvi,-Ii! R RLSrL1,'m.PiT N:ISC LLAD!EO?IS Now Remodeled Bio. of rumps No. of cas tanks_ Cap. of each tank F`R{IPG LOT: Customermployees Private Public N a a 14h 0 Remodeled ❑ 0 U n to be used in connection with n Location: LotsD- • Block �_ Additionalso described as — (Street and Number) 1 �?2.t.Q,--� (Signature of Applicant ) (Address) (Phone No.) P13n Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of coning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety 10 T 5, i , 20'• o " r Q LIZ E Y F �eoNoE U . Oe lVr u,a( 1 = 1 I I I _ 39 31 i I , I i .8 I)4..o9' 30 0 DASIETECi%i SE; A. APD 14�- -- - 0- - T -- -P - - A ---- -- - S U P r _P M, A —T S r. _A l e _ S' VAVL h1101. e 194,o8 ' s� i I 0 0 a i �. LA �V ul pe p 05f {� 1)e WwAj p c I i i Original to City, (Rork cou NCL CITY -OF ST. PAUL FILE NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL/RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE August 15th 195? In the matter of grading Burr Street from Ivy Avenue to Arlington Avenue under Preliminary Order 158369 approved December 27, 1951, and Final Order 159480 approved April 22, 1952. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Further, Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. : In tl from under Vorks, be and the same are roved, and be It iesolved, That thePurclias- x and he Is hereby directed e for bids on this improve - by the Council August 19. I August 19, 1952. (August 23. 19521 ALIG 1 Si 1952 —� UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— / CO Yeasgalvorson Nays FZBG Z q ;`'_ Holland 195— Approved Marzitelli Naffill"UsIlt .1 - Mortinson In Favor Ma or Peterson n Rosen Daubney ( l Against Mr. President, Beht>stsarc W 7.31 .W® ' Original to City Clerk fl CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENciL NO. LICENPSE 001NITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE August 19, 1952 WHLME11St The Kraft Mercantile Co., Inc. desire to withdraw Application/fora Hotel License (714 Rooms) lit 611 Central Park Place, Beet and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it H1ISOLVEDs That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to the Kraft Mercantile Co.. Inc. the fee of $ 62.00 and to cancel said application for license. NITH1It AL (Refund) (law Application Inf. Ap r. by Council 6/17/52 COUNCILMEN Y eas Hayo ays Holland Marzitelli A 11 Mortinson In Favor Peterson 0 Rosen Against Mr. President, I)MUM D=HEY SM 7.51 ®®' 169989—By Norris O. Ralvor- Petersonerin A. Morlinson—Robert F. Whereas. he Kraft Mercantile Co.. Inc. The to withdraw A plication a 49111 Centralt Park Place, (Weytom d requpsta the return of the license fee depo; tetl thereon, therefore, be It Olve avers be and the theyare pharreb auroper thor- J-d to r fund to the Kraft Mercantile Co.. Inc. the fee of $92.99 and to cancel said nppil""'n for license. Adopted by, the Council August 19, 1952. ApprovedAugust 19, 1952. (August 23, 1992) AUG 19 1952 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved-.----- .---___--------195— C – -- - - ayor Orighud to City Clerk COU CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. AAA LICANSl6 00WHITTU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,ugast 19, 1952 PRESENTEDCOMMISSION ]MSCLVXN That license for 8estEnrent, Application B 141956a, applied for by Albert lischar at 1197 11. Dale Street be and the ease is hereby granted, subject to the following conditions, that the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be mastless, that the debris be picked up and removed daily from the premises and that the sidewalks around the property be cleared of enow and ice during the winter. �,laq t C. F ]SIVA I8 (BASTBICTI01m) ililMAL 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas =VORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort In Favor Peterson 0 Rosen Against Mr. President, DIGUM D UBW 5M 7.51 tar Mact to the following con It the ground. be preparetl sired so to be duellesa, -brim bs picked up and re- ly from the premises and Idewalks around the prop- sred of snow and ice during &+. by the Council August 19, 1 August 39, 1952. (August 23, 1952) _ ui�r: •�.�n Adopted by the Council— 195— Approved-----------195- -- ---- --- Orlainel to City Cleric COUNCIL NO. ���F�. LICEIM COMMITTEE o CITY OF ST. PAUL . i9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK180868-Hy Norris -i on -Severin A. Mortinwn -7j,/� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ree. Via. Th.t the non _0< a PRESENTED B �'C i�the Peraon5 ^ _. - Yt}i__-- sl COMMISSIONE -__- RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stateds be and the same are hereby granted. I Cyril J. Lope 11110 Arkwright grown Heats APP. 41232 New NOW Loc. Prank Ashby 1139 Payne Off Sale Malt a 41647 a a a Grocery a 41770 a Old a Mrs. Lottie Grohoski 607 Ohio Off Sale Malt a a a a a a a a a a a 6 a Cigarette 1201 Edgerton Grocery a 41806 a a a E. M. Aurelius 6 Frozen Meats a a a a a a a Off Sale Malt a a n a a a Cigarette p a p a a n a 6 Benelling Restaurant a 41614 a a a Alton R. Larson 651. Cigarette a a a w a a Randolph Amuse. Co. 1326 Randolph Not. Pic. 6975 a 41954 a a Confectionery a a a George Spencer, Inc. 444 Stinson Blvd. Mpls. E1e0 A}p Rep. a 142002 a a a Vdrnon & Maurer 1564 Heron Mtr Veh Dr. a 42039 a Wallis M. Pillion 56 Be 13th a a 42040 a 87 E. Isabel a Emmett Dorg� a 42042 s_ John Be Draper 157 E. 13th Ave- N- So•SJnnk Ga re a 42044 a John. S. Connolly 910 * Geranium Htr Veh Dr. a 42045 a Ieaeo Cohen 176 state St. Junk Gatherer a 4Po46 a Geo. James Lyon 1656 Juliet Mtr Veh Dr. a 42e67 a Adopted by the Council AUG 1 9 LOGO 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas NALVORSON Nays AUG 19 19c Holland195— - � Approved-------- Marzitelli 7 t"� Mortinson In Favor yor PetersonRosen Against PUBLiSIiE Mr. President, DITTBNEI SM 7-51 aQOO-® , original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _ _ _ LICEliBB COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c. e. xo. 5gasg�—Ry Norris o. xgroor- aon Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RRpeteescsqn— glveti That the lied � -- �v�ib- � -�A �__ attached to this resolution sopplied tor,by.lt persons named n the hat ons d the aia Inartructed such COMMISSION - _.—.— ;Clerk =.— to I ue liy f.^t1?48.tannn.,eb P. nnivnenr !nap $V RESOLVED) That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Careen Legato 645 Parkway Dr. Barber App. 41692 Renewal Robert V. Carlson 549 Rice Grocery " x Off Sale Malt " N Cigarette Roy J. Ryan 571 Cypress Grocery 41793 h " a Butcher a n Off Sale Malt a M N aCigarette :artin,Peter 6 Mary Moses 4169 118 Eaton a a Grocery Butcher N " x " Off Sale Malt " N Cigarette Alexander T. (tong 1611 University Restaurant " 41889 " N Cigarette " a a :ambert Beer 1412 Arcade Restaurant a n On Sale Malt " N Off Sale Malt a x Cigarette a a a 6. Bartnsch Packing Co. V.M.Loo. a 41943 " 567 1T. Cleveland Mary L. Oglsrro 566 N. Snelling Restaurant " 43.950 " " N On Sale Malt a a N " a Off Sale Malt Cigarette :oseph A. Zaycheek 1406 White Bear Frozen Meats " 41961 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— ouncil 195—Yeas YeasWVORSOIQ Nays Holland Marzitelli------ Approved-- 195— Mortinson In Favor -- --- _— Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dab= DL MM 5M.7-51 -OW® . Orizin.l to City Clerk CITY OF ST. COUNCIL PAUL FILE NO.67 r, LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —_. _...___ DATE_.. _.-.._Augaet 19. PACE M. 2 (Renewals) Jos. J. Mao 65 W. George Grooe& app. 41962 Renewal ^ ^ Off Sale Malt " " ^ ^ ^ Cigarette p ^ II J. G. Longendyke 63 W. Winifred Badtauraat o 41965 ! On Sete Malt ^ ^ Off Sale Malt a n Cigarette Gordon Be Johnson SOO B. 3rd A Grocery ^ 41966 a ^ ^ Butcher ^ ^ Off We Halt :tto " Cigarette P. Streech 502 H. Western Iea Sta. " 41983 p Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.. Inc. 111 W. 4th Gas Sta 4P " 41990 N. Minnesota ,mase Co. 22 we 7th Mot. Pic. 2362 s. ^ 41996 ^ B. M. Healy 781 Hampden Gas Sta 5P n 41997 " ^ T.M.Loct, ^ a Ci garotte " a ^ Mrs. Margaret Kuckler 135 H. Western Grocery a 42000 " ^ ^ Off Sale Malt a ^ a ^ " Cigarette " " p Mrs. Mabel McWay 4S9 st.Peter Cigarette " 42003 a Palcon Cleaners, Inc. T41 Blair Ldy 8 D.C.Piokup " 42008 e " Royal Packard, Inc. 75 H. Snelling 42009 a ^ ^ Cigarette " s a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas H4LOORSOH Nays Holland Marzitelli ll333MMl$ Approved— _ Mortinson In Favor — -- Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, pAlUMq 3M 7 31 OW® Original to City Clerk w.6 LIaRM 0010lITM CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL NO.—.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ____-_—___—...__ p� DATE— AMst_19� �'�1 PAM 110. 3 (Renewals) 0. R. Raltin 560 van Buren Orooery App. 42010 Renewal Off We Balt " e " Cigarette " "' " A. 0. & lthel Pieper 780 Or" Orig. Cont. " 42013 " Vullan schweigel $96 S. chateworth Anto Rep Oar " 42017 " L. L. Bohan 146 N. Snelling Gas Sta 3P " $2o2o " " e V. N. Loc. R. B. Rmting & fishing Qub. Inc. Davern Ave. & River Bottoms Trap Shooting " 42021 " Arthur Enna 211 GcoBrich Mtr 9eh Dr. ^ 42075 e COUNCILMEN Yeas HAL90RS05 Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort In Favor Peterson O Rosen --_Against Mr. President, ZOO= DAABRBY SM 7.51 -ONW® Adopted by the Council AUG 19 1952195— AUG 1 9 1952 ,Approved--—*-__. _.- 195— /I - _ / M or ARILISHED S �� COUNCIL FILE NO. --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing south side of Pacific Street and Point Douglas Road from Griffith Street to Johnson Parkwayj, under Preliminary Or 1bo54T approve' July 15, 1952 The Council of the -City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon - the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb south side of Pacific Street and Point Douglas Road from Griffith Street to Johnson Parkway with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 909.56• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the i 6 h day of Member, 1952 SOX_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 19 1952 193— 1 AUG 191952 ��,(�/ (ie—li,•it� Approved 193— City lerk File 12004 May CouncilmanUMmkimmi wi LVrjz,,i Councilman*dmpz==m=3 HOLLAND COuncilman�q.? ,'ARZITELLI _ Councilman f 21;7y ..,r.�".. MORTINSON ,.rrc7� a'3 CouncilmaniTkuaiC'w6=` - -rN PETERSON Councilmanagagor-hi b Ros (A Mayo DAURNEY Form B. S. A. 8.6 Council File No.... .... ! E. �• �{ 7 z RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT Iki FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION OF COUNCm A"Frwi, - 1NO pggEBS,IE,1T AND O �` TDHE OY iEAE,NO.'1_�8*y_-O O-"{1 F1XIN6 TIME OF ur�au• TflE AWAEU OP DAl,A0E6. ,_ ' In the matter of—In hf^��••Iwing described .-. lands- A11 of Lot l except south 66.25 feet thereof; all of Lot 2, and the north 120 feet of Lot 3, subject to Iowa Avenues all in Block -129 Cono under Preliminary Order --------_-------- approved ---1(ay.-----2Zs-,1952_.—..---- Intermediary Order -- ----- _ l0"111----"-""_---"""-"----_----- approved _si7411e .._2�i� 1452 _. ........... ` t Final Order----.--.--- . .. l6Qit22---------------------- "-----> approved ---"Ault'. Zee— 9.52 .."" - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the, amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a coi�finloB- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment; of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the CourtHouse in the City of St. Paul on the ......... 1 -day 19__52, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 19 1952 Adopted by the Council---•-------"""------.----"-. 19 AUG 19 19so ��v!`vQ Clerk. bApproved ................. 14 ---- -""""_"-"-------------•••--_- 19 File . 11967 •! Councilman PALWP-'ON Councilman Councilman y r ! u Councilman :ter "'=C)N irtJT3LISH3�� Cbuncilman ` u N Councilman -7Z- R-S2N Mayor 001FAMEMmim DAUBNEY '�® Council File No.. . 1611970 RESOLUTION. OF COUNCIL- APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND. FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING. ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES R;NV D awe F>NO;,ND^FIX ' TIME OF H G THEREON FIXING TIME OF RBARWG. THE AWARD OF DAMACJ}. in the matter of partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting . 1 streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 1365422 approved PSay 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August 12 1949"and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1919, by condemning and taking the I £cllowing described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: All of Lot 42 Block 13, Ewing and Chute's Addition; All those parts of Lots 13 2 and 3. Block 13, Ewing and Chutets Addition, except streets, lying between St. Peter Street and St. Peter Place; Lot 3, except the north 25 feet; and all of Lots 4s 53 6, 7, 8s 9 and 10, Botzetts Subdivision; All of Lots 11 2, 3, 43 5, 6, 79 82 9, lo, 16 and 17, Block 3, Ramsey's Addition; The north 6 inches of Lot 3s and all of Lots 5 and 6, Watson and i Rice's Subdivision "A^; All of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Croix Subdivision; All of the miscellaneous tracts in SPI- of Section 31, Township 29s Range 22, lying southerly of Dexter Avenue (formerly Central Terrace)'and bounded on the east and south by Block 3, Ramsey's Addition, and on the west by BotzetJs Subdivision and Rice Street, except a parcel of land bounded by the following described line: Commencing at a point on the west line of Section 31, of Township 29 of Range 223 said point being 15.06 feet north of the intersection 9 of the center line of Dexter Avenue (formerly Citral Terrace) in the City of St. Paul, Kinnesota, with said west line of said Section 31, running thence south 47 degrees and 50 minutes east 29.15 feet to place of beginning of land to be described, running thence south 47 degrees and 50 minutes east, 137.53 feet to a point, running thence north 60 degrees and 19 minutes east 187.6 feet to a point, running thence north 57 degrees and 7 minutes east 81.7 feet to point, running thence north 44 degrees and 49 minutes west 136.24 feet to the south line of said Dexter Avenue, running thence south 59 degrees west, along said south line of said Dexter Avenue 276.8 feet to place of beginning. 'ty Clerk. y Approved--------------•-•----- ! 9--1952--------' 19- .. File 11971 syor. Councilman r.^^^<,._. - - 4�re.•,-r pN Councilman o Councilman g e r z T. ui Councilman a.aara: a 'ollnCllIOan T� ^°' u p I C.Ounellman Rosem Mayor OAURNEY - under Preliminary Order ---------- -.%Qa 15........................ approved ------------ aU.49... Uj --- -------_-- Intermediary Order ------- ...... _1601186--- ........................ approved--- Jay--._8i.-19 ?------------------.., Final Order --_-----_.__.-.-.---------- ----- _ - - , approved.-.. - !Wt_..-.5a... 19.5Z-------•----•- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms, tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.._..-_.11th ••.-_____•_day of_- ,_--_Septembers•-1952........... BipFkiG., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council. ------- AUG......19arQ.-..__........................... 19 o ty Clerk. Approved.. - --AUfr j 9•M2----•--:.-, 19_..._.. File 11971 ay r. Councilman Councilman Councilman g 9^ N i r_Lu Councilman WIMIMM M �jON �f CouncilmanA6t_r R°,ON .. Councilman Ros.-N �® Mayor ,. 44UBNEY Council File No ......:...... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESS M NT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND. FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGESaiT�uAp g- a� In the matter of......_°Pg auey in Block 56 Dayton_ & Irvine's Addition to St. ....------------. __._.... _ __ - Paul from Smith Averme.scutheasterly to the southeasterly lines of.Lots 4 and 5, thence northeasterly to the northeasterly line of Lot 3, by condemning the south- easterly 10 feet of Lots 3 and 4, the.scuthweaterly 7.50 feet of Lot 4, and the northeasterly 7.50 feet of,Lot _59 Block 51,. Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, under Preliminary Order _-----....3.()0?59------ ------------ ---- ----- approved------•---X18------l�r..1Ql�;'___,_--_-:.. -. Intermediary Order------.-__--s60h8Z.._.......................... aPpmved.---------'filly ••---- a* -M52.-.:--_- , , ^ Final Order ------------- ---- 6_ ............... --• ---- �approved _.......... August :__---------- ---- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter, as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a conS;ma tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.._ -__17th _-____ -_-day of. ........ S ))anter---------------•-••---•, 19--52--, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council- . AUG 19 1952 -----...-..---••-•. 19------- ..--_--...-----.. _..... ....._. , AUG 191952 Approved------------ ------- ---------- ---- ------------ --.....-, 19 - File 11981 Councilman HP LM 7 ON Councilman g,,; �`� "•�'._:;'.�: NO!.! �" � Councilman -.. hw C7. 7. 1.!-1 ` '. Councilman !-- ON Councilman n v Z -JN Councihnan pf^ = t Mayor;o;... cap<Nw yv{7Ri TSHF� Council File No......... J-60972 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSES .MENT FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- INGASBB88MSNT- AND Fp G - -TID,B-or HEARIlIO THEREON AND FEK=4G TIME OF HEARINo . ON THE AWARD OF DAMAOEa In the matter of—.29PRe'I.g..a99_eztending--an--alley_across—Lot--7a-_td�l?S2L Block 29 Ames Acre Lots, from the neat line of Block 5, bred S. Herring's Plat 3, to the east line of Block 6, Fred S. Herring's Plat 3, by taking and condemning Use south 20 feet of the north.174 feet.of-the vast j of Lot 8, and the south 20 feet of. the north 174 feet of Lot 79 all in Block 2, Ames Acre Lute, under Preliminary Order --.._._1526.65--. —.---.--.-.------ approved .......... JhW-.._6,---1952-.-- --- ..-- ]6(120 .. approved_------- J>u .- � . 4 -2 ................ Zntermedlary Order._.-.-.-._ .__..._._ .._...................... . Final Order .-......... -------------------- -----$52-------•-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said asse..t of bents be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at theCouncil Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .....17th- ......... ---day r of_--- --------- -81Mtember-..- -------- ---..... 19..52---, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 19 1952 Adopted by the Ccuncil------- ---------------- ............. — ----------------- —----- ..-, 18 AUG 19 1952 Ci Cleik: Approved.-- ...................---...------- ........... ...... ' 19.... ........ .............. ..... .. ..._. ..-- F'ile.11941 Ma or. Councilman 07—= 4WLVER°bN Ciouncilman 1'rOil`AND - - Councilman 2t?SLLI Councilman M64,INSOt4 Councilman PLmRSON Councilman < 6GS-N Mayor DAL8N6h Connell a No...... ®.. �.,, { b y7�. RESOLUTION, OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSES ENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APP$OV 1 iNG ASSES= THONIInD,AG -� - PIXINO "TIME OP HEARING oil r TAR f1,1V�.EyD OFA �$A-.- it n•.:IttV' In the matter of ... S.RndQm0iAg-iad..#aking.aa nasemeat�- B -.land. uses sssx3c: £or- slopes - cats and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order.. -.a59961 ......................... approved. ..... x_19$2 .... ....... .......... . , Intermediary Order _ 1601102 - ------------- _, approved_:1ulY-....._1t_ Final Oider------------- -------- -- UAM_........... ......... ............. approvedJ.Uly Vis.:19512--- --- —•------------ The Commiasioner,of Finance having Submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of th damages awarded for e taking of the land or easements therein appropriated, for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having Submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of Said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a Confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cbamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---------:TV ------ _- --- day epem............... _.......... 19-.52..-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribedby the Charter. Adopted by the Ccuncil__...... ---AUG L L-196-- -----------------------•-, 19 AUG 19 1152 Cit Clerk. dApprove_---,----•-----------------------•----------------•----, 19- - --------------- -•- — — • --•-• - File 1196}1 May r - Councilman rr.-r... - —,: z ON _ Councilman" !0No Councilman maaz r= to Councilman E'.r- r -QTINSON C ouncilman7 +�-dam"•- `^ F TOitON / ie ''I% Councilman R04M Mayor _ .OAUSNEY Council File No...................... I� 161 )974 RESOLUTION OF .COUNCIL APPROVING ASSES ENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND 'FIXING TIME OF _NEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES aB.OLUTIQU OF COUNCIL APPROV INGASSESSMNT RAND MING' TIME OF' TUMBING'THEREON AND FEUNG TUM OF RRARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES C. F. No. In the matter of 919AdemnLng,.W1 }La1Ag-AA..9`"914U1te..3Lt..the..land .see as�F..tor-alopes� cute and fills in the grading of Hoyt.Averme from Greenbrier. Street to Arcede Street` under Preliminary Order ...--....__uAINY.... ......_-_.............� approved ............ 1 Ae.- _-59-.1952-_-..----..---_---_... Intermediary Order_ ... 9 _.... - ...... _.............. approved.___.. ---'Znlg••---........., Final Order __.... __:. aT_.-._..._ wok... --.----•-...........-t approved--...... --- tulg....29i--•1.4-rt2.._...---------jw-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement; therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in. the City. of St. Paul on the.- -__17th .___--day of_-_ ...... September ---__••.•_ ... _...... 19:52...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 19 1952 Adopted by the Council_--- •-- ..... __ _ ............................ 19 AUG 191952 ----- --•�----------- /-17 -... 6 ty Clerk. Approved_ ...... ......... ...... ... ------------------ ....._.., 19 ....... -- . - -• File 11972 ayor. Councilman HALVER ON Ciouneilman r FW' -,F_.. HOLLAND Councilman E[1 .�, h Z' f LLI Councilman , n z .'-6N C� .19ID�y�rL Councilman s zs:- R R_ON �4 Councilman e RosMN Mayor =0Mffi==W= DAUBNEY Co .File No.. ............. RESOLUTION OF .COUNCIL_APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES KESOLUVION OF CODNCIIr � 9Z INO or HEARING FIXING P `I In the matter of_._condemain� and t�!k�nB an. s§nemm►t-!16...�E44a _AS9cekk87cY_t 7L HlapB g� cute and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 15, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, from Prior Avenue to Moore Street, n under Preliminary Order._ _...-129..0..._..................... , approved ........... alay-------2Zs=--1952...._............. ...... Intermediary Ordet.____•-•-•- l�h�.._.--__ ..... approved------Inky_----- 2',.-19:52._-_ .--.,..., 4 Final Order.._..:_..._......-. -- 16®6..---------__------------- approved_ .........dA4• .29r.-1452_.... ............. I The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted' his assessment of benefits to property from the making of add improvement, therefore be it k3esolved; That3he said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment Of benefits; at the CouLd Chamber,,, in the Court House, in the City of $t. Paul on the ...--....17U ------- _day ' of., $lfRt�. -._._:_-...... _._._._........ 19.:52 at ten o'clock A. M., apd that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 1 91952 Adopted by the Council _._-.... ............ ............................. AUG11 9 1952. .....:CC.GyO../Y Approved .-------------•-_------------------------ --- — 119 City Clerk. - .......... . . .....••- _.-......_.-. File'. 11962 _ ayor. CODUrikman Q�3-"-sad' . HALYER-ON. - - Councilman :.••- HU LAND.. - COUIICtkIDBII. a>-�49rau MA (-LLI _ Councilman' F MG <1 -40N. ^ O 11w - Councibr an CN==WW•° , 7U+J J Councilman W""""""' - UGS. N - - Mayor a1 4..a. DAL14ky, ' �® NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1f�� 977 COUNCIL FILE NO. Aug. 15 I9_J2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ 149 241.33 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 36968 TO 37025 —INCLUSIVE, AS. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIT COMPTROLLER.AUG , 1 1952 �T —19--- I / 1/ CRY CAMPTROLLEH pDOFTED BY THE COUNCIL-- AUG OUNCI AUG 19 Ion; IQ BY - I. I., '®n CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO - To COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Aug.�� 14 19� R�$OLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF `,6911 TO3623--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS = 74 800.3.9 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 19 1952 19 vcm wMPTNOIJFa ADOPTED BY THE CO.N..----Tg�1 `) 1952 — I -s, -4w® 1fPt 1.)7fi �b" J / r7 F. Nos.180s7b-180877-100018- 'i •esolved. That -checW 1-ir^^. �97� r City IRP aOn,' , 0 0, �� 1 (7 NOTICE 1 ,y,,OOf"CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO, To COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Aug. 18 _ _19 _:52 O RgE�SOOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH�Rj' y TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 418 b-f�3 3�Y'�91e�y1�6• 37 83 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO_ ----INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 191952 Is_ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL crtY wMvrwoLLEn AUG 191952 APPROVED ts__ Br 000 I-01 �Q / PUL'i.iSIil;ll � .� 2 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL HALVORSON HOLLAND MARZITELLI --------IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON ....... AGAINST ROfi EN MR. PRES. DAUSNEY -. ADOPTED BY THE COUI APPROVED. - --- CHECK NUMBER CITY OF VAINT PAUL Q 1( COUNCIL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.•--- - ------- --- - AUDITED CLAIMS ... Aug .----- 14 ------------------- -6.-52. RESOLVED. THAT 7 CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY t� IN THE AMOUNT OF S' --k-80049 ---------- COVERING J CHECK6 NO.-6.911-.------TO-------.36967----. INCLUSIVE. AS ✓ PER CHECK6 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE VY yMP POLI E� .. - — HUNeER ... ._ _.. TOTAL DATE RETURNED J IN FAVOR OF TRANS FER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 1 -- _—_— BROUGHT FORWARD_— 1-97- 4---- t_— • 36911 City of St. Paul Sink. P. C.1 2 068 25 1 36912 a " M M 9 180 001 36913 Bernard T. Holland9 133 241 36914 Twin City Bedding Co. Inc. 11 I 274 181' 36915 Treas. State of Minn. 1 8 878 I1 36916 Sharp & Dohme Inc. 107. 37µ 36917 PittsburgPlate Glass Co. 36918 Mple. St. P. Sault Sts.M. R.' 558 4: 36919 Inter City Paper Co. 4 go, 36920 James J. De Poo 64 n0 36921 Dorothy Weimer 6 6 24 36922 Brown and Day Inc. 36923 E. A. Purni Supt. Auditorium! 7 64 36924 St. Paul Civic Opera Assoc. ! 82 34ii 36925 s s Musicians Assoc. 82 34!1 36926 F. Morettini i 38 2215 001,1 36927 Erma Busdicker 36928 Robt. M. Ulrich 1 578 0011 36929 Security Wholesale Grocery C} ' 21 391 36930 Seven Corner Print. Co. 245 23 36931 Ix�ing Shores 135 511 36932 L. W. or Co. 16 561„ 36932 Smith -Dunn Co. Ino. 431 411' 3693 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. I 8 414 40 36935 Speas Co. 16 8o 36936 Standard 011 Co. i 462 341 36937 " Spring Co. 210 18] 36938 " Unit Parts Co. 120 681, 36939 Steohert Hafner Inc. 28 7e 36940 Stenotype Co. of Minnesota 20 o01 36941 Teen Age Book Club 5 85 1] 36942 Terrace Auto Suppl Co. Inc. 58 7911 , 36943 Ti-Br,matic Paint Co. I 125 52 'I. 3694 Twin City Pigeon Eliminating',C. 98 001; 36945 Twin City Sound Engro. 5 00] 36946 Twin • Test. & Engr. Lab.I 17 50' 36947 United Bus. Education Assoo.! 6 0011 36948 United Metal Goods Mfg. Co. 8 00 36949 Univ. of Minnesota Press 1 88 36950 Univ. Sign of Co. Ino. 28 0011 36951 Valley Iron Works Ino. 427 6911 • 36952 The Van Hoven Co. Ino. 337 87 3695 D. Van Nostrand Co. Ino. 3695' Vatican City Religious Book 0. 1 02 36955 Victory Printing Co. 803 00 36956 Visual Educ. Consultants I 140 oo 36957 Wagenknecht Potato Co. 25 o0 36958Wagner Paint Co. 59911 36959 George T. Walker & Co. i 912 40�; 36960 Clark Warmington Assoc. 23 4o II 36961 Weber & Troseth Co. 1 73 36962 Warren Webster & Co. 55 161! 36963 West Pub. House 2 9 00j 36964 Western Union Telegraph Co. 64 25 l 36965 Wheel Service Co. j 13 141 36966 R. B. Whitacre & Co. 77 72 36967 John Wiley and Sone Inc. 25 55 11 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD, 963 962 o6111 1 I j ! i I I ! T�. I� L z DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL HALVORSON HOLLAND .ARZ'TELLI------------IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON _____ - AGAINST ROSEN MR. PRES. DAUBNEY ADOPTED BY THE APPROVED– -.------ -- CHECK NUMBER CITY OF SAINT,PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS COUNCIL FILE �( NUMBER.•-----1.k1�'-'j-- --" Aug. 15 9 52 RESOLVED, THAT CH C S 8 DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 19 2 /1.33 , COVERING IN THE AMOUNT OF--------- - ------------- 1 CHECKS NO. 369b---------TO-----3702-------. INCLUSIVE, AS ........ .. ....N.-- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �n �HeeR - ;��- o �. ! f - i� ,. k -- --- t -T\ � �co MPTRO LLeR „ TOTAL DATE RETURNED V IN FAVOR OF TRANSFEURSEMENT SANK R DISB CHECKS I CHECKS I, I I BROUGHTFORWARD _ ` OJ `/OZ UO 36968 Windsor Press 001 • 36969 Wysong and Niles Co. 125 36970 Young Inc. 32 301 36971 Zinsmaster Baking Co. Kohne Electric Co. 172 08, 3 114 36972 9 369733 R. N. Candler 14 36974 Collector of Internal Rev. i 36975 G. N. Railway Co. 97 85 36976 A.A.A. Mfg. Co. 297 50.. 36977 Am. Had. A Standard San. Cor. 199 22 36978 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Co. 1 55 12 36960 7 oo 566 348 Gopher Stamp and Die Co. 36981 Guaranteed Concrete Co. 7 62 4 29 36982 36983 Jurgen Co. Landers-Norblom-Christenson 0. 384 76 36984 Geneva Lee 120 00i� 36985 Langevin Paint Supply Co. 80 23 36986 Maendler Brush Co. I 2$ 69 �M 00 36987 Midwest Conference of Build.i 36988 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. j ° 273 0511 92;; 36989 1 , 99 36990 Nicole Dean and Gregg Co. 63 5811i 36991 Safway Steel scaffolds Co. 15 8411 36992 J. L. shiely Co. Ino. 3 883 84j� 3699 Westinghouse Eledtrio supply'C. 17 06 3699 John F. Hand 1 907 25 2 145 48 36995 International Harvester Co. 36996 H. G. Loftus Co. 27 25 Ij 36997 Commonwealth Electric Co. 2 635 00'li 62;1 36998 Bernard T. Holland 124 379 4 37000 37001 " • ol8u i 12 112 69, �! s ° " 97S 06 33002 003 3 " 21 70 !1 2 979 52 46 9 69 844 198 Ij 3�7j007 18 6S II 37008 ° * 5$8 5o 37009 37010 Co. Welfare Boarfl ! Capitol stationery Mfg. Co. ! 40 882 08 1,1, 237 621 • 37011 Elizabeth G. McMahon 108 001, 37012 Rolm and Olson Inc. 78 001. 37013 Illuminating Engr. society 5 501! 37014 International Film Bureau 125 001 37015 Bud Johnson Pontiac Inc. 26 23'1 37016 Kent -Moore organization Inc.' ! 8 731 37017 Kesting Music Co. 346 50 37018; Enea Heat. Serv. 4 00 ! 37019 Anton Kovar 1 20 001 37020 37021 L. J. Krusemark Langevin Paint supply Co. I 87 001!' 163 2911 37022 Larryls Auto Glass Co. 71 75 1, 37023 Loyal H. Larson 9' 5o 37024 The Lawyers Co-operative Pub: 38 00 37025 League of Minn. Municipalities 4 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 'i :113 203 39 !, ROLL GALL .AL VORSON HOLLAND M ARZITELLI I ------------IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ..--._._.--AGAINBT 194 __7__66__._ 83 _ _ RO6EN IN THE AMOU OF - ...-_-- ----. COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY 0270--3- CHECKSH NO.--_..-FILE.-__..--..TO---------------... ----- IT C,C PT IVE, A9 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMFT80LL EFy. NVM.eR ........... k 18 .......---- _-------- .------------------------ •......_ .-- .� � � c l • fOWT9DLLER� ---- ... ...................... .. . BY.--. ..-...............-...-.----- ---- -... TOTAL DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BANK ANK I CHECKS CHECK. II CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL • r'py OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.-'.-- 52 AUDITED CLAIMS Aug. 18 ---- IS ----- ADOPTED BY THE COU APPROVED--------------- - -------- CHECK NUMBER I 11 17 II 7 4WD 06 II 1 030 89 33 073 87 128 00 20 00 116 66 66 38 19840, 30 65 1 017 50 00 124 70 302 44 19 50 133 01 4 592 11 262 20 17 95 12 0 100 89 93 58 II 600 0o j 61 226 63 11 35736 2 007 2' 833 42 638378011 4 166 81 III 10 00 I! 8759; 72 599 l 29 4g II 40 240; 4 25 g 85 I 14 48 I! 292 30 12 98 18 34 195 33 9 loll SO 50 oo 12 00 26 3511 12 25 44 o4 6 90; 313 41 j 307 970 20 BROUGHT FORWARD Congres� 37026 Librarian—Library of 37027 0 Look—Cowles Magazines 37028 Pederson Bros. 37029 Bernard T. Holland 37030 37031 Walter T. Finck, Jr. 37032 The Whits Co. 3703 Los. Angeles City Bd. of Ed.� 3703 Louise Music Shop 37035 R. A. Lundbeck Co. 37036 Luxor Light. Products Inc. 87037 Lyon Chemicals Ino. 37038 McFadden Lambert Co. 37039 Minnesota M Co. Inc. 37040 E. A. Moeller Co. 37041 National Mower Co. 37042 Northern States Envelope Oo.! 37043 N. W. Printing and Bind. Co.! 37044 Reoordak Corp. 37045 J. L. Shiely Co. Inc. 37046 Superior Refining Co. 37047 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 37048 R. & Val J. Rothschild Inc. i 37049' W. H. Sweney Co. 370$0 Waterous Co. 37051 Sam M. Zappa Contract. Co. Carlson 37052 Elin A. Smith, Ida ei eo. 37053 Bernard T. Holland 37054' 37055 37056 37n57 37058 370569 370 0 Acme Sawdust d Shaving Co. 37061 a Linen Supply Co. 37062 Air Power Equip. Corp. 37063 American Excelsior Corp. 37064 0 Library Assoc. 37065 Arco Pub. Co. 37066 Armour A Co. 37067 British Information Serv. 37068 Bur. of Pub. Teachers Collego Is37069 Chase Pen Shope 37070 E. B. Crabtree Co. Inc. 37071 Doubleday 81 Co. Inc. 37072 E. P. Dutton do Co. Inc. 37079 East Side Motor Sales 37074 Slectric Blue Print Co. 97075 Electric Installation Co. 37076 Engel Weld. Wks. 37077 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 37078 General Weld. 37079 Goodall Rubber Co. 37080 Gopher Plumb. Spec. Co. 37081 Hetherington & Berner Inc. 37082 O. I. Johnson Mfg. Co. 37083 Kenny Boiler do Mfg. Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 11 17 II 7 4WD 06 II 1 030 89 33 073 87 128 00 20 00 116 66 66 38 19840, 30 65 1 017 50 00 124 70 302 44 19 50 133 01 4 592 11 262 20 17 95 12 0 100 89 93 58 II 600 0o j 61 226 63 11 35736 2 007 2' 833 42 638378011 4 166 81 III 10 00 I! 8759; 72 599 l 29 4g II 40 240; 4 25 g 85 I 14 48 I! 292 30 12 98 18 34 195 33 9 loll SO 50 oo 12 00 26 3511 12 25 44 o4 6 90; 313 41 j 307 970 20 h+1979 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR (RESOGOTTON RATIFYING AND CON- . FIRMING CONDR 11 OEC" yn1�T, AWARDS DFnA`,. E 8R88V wr•' r - In the matter of__ condemning and_ taking_an_ easement in the land necessary for slopeat cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of the alley, in Block h, Milton Addition, from Victoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order --- __159412------------ approved ______AP_r_il_15t_1952_____.____ Intermediary Order ---------- 1598.67------------ approved ------ MAY --- 29e- 1.95 --------------, 160June--17,--1952 F`mal Order --------------------- 15 -z------------ aPProved--------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ixmu=xxxx==qualxi Adopted by the Council ---- AUU 0.19.52________________, 19,____ r AUG 2 0 1952 --- =-v-�- Approved ----------------------- 19---- nle 11906 --- Councilman"" a Councilmanterguson Councilman DZcl onald + CouncilmanPesi,.e _ _i:"T, ISON Councilman o1i1>lad ROS25ON Councilman $iidltfiimer CSEN Mayor i^c:::,ca"r..::a;:zy+r DnueNEr City Clerk. ---- - --;Or.-- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS '.',ENEFITS In the matter of_ condemning nkian me d_tang easent in_the_ land necessar-_for_ slo9es, a cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of the alley in Block 4, Milton Addition, from Victoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order -----X59412 _-- approved -----------------April 1-5,--1252 ------------- Intermediary Order ----------- IM -K7- approved----------------fid'----W,-1952------------- Final Order------------------i60I47-• approved -----------------June _1Zr-19�------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------------------------- n Commissioer of Financ a J60980 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR I°on� AND A2RhDiG��� AWARDS OF DAMAGES ANW AS - SSW!!" THEREFOR. In the matterof__ condemning and taking an easement in_the land_necess$r�_for slo_Ress_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material, of the alley in Block 12, Eastville Heights from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order ------ 159408----------- approved ----------- ARril_15s_1912_-------_, Intermediary Order -----------159B-59------------ approved ----------- h�Y ----- Final Order ------------------ 160163------------ approved ------------ ____------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. -�e-i"PrN:er 44eselved, ?`et — ewid-esseAa{nent )3e -end -it is harah� e r 3g---------- -AUG---- Adopted by the Council --- 20 1952-------- ----------------- 19 ----- AUG 2 0 1952 /V City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19 ---- File 11912 --- ----- - ------ ---- ----- Ma or. CouncilmandowoY-_:., cver�e« Councilman Ferguson Councilman iVlcDonaTd jLi Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_CDndejMiug_&D-1 t�a-king_-4Ln easement_in the_land necessary for_slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material, of the alley in Block 12, Eastville Heights from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order__ 59_408___-__, approved --- Aps_il_15,_19 2____ _____ Intermediary Order ______ j5059______, approved ___MAY --- 20 _1912--__ ---- Final Order ------------- J -6Q163------- approved --------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance 9 R 6?I 1981 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR aE�AsWoARDOB OFRDDAME-AEa-T- -AiON BEgEMENT ugTggRt— EFOR N BAN In the matter of__ FQadgmrli-ng_and_taking an_easement_in_the land_necessary_for slowest_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley with bituminous material, irr Block 3, Eastville Heights, from Cypress Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order ---152-406-_ ------------ approved ---- Apri_1_ 1i5A- -1 9 2 ------------------ Intermediary _-_-__________Intermediary Order -------- 5281r'-7--------------- approved-__ �3' __ 20, 1952 160161 ------------ approved---- 17,_ 195?----------------- June-- Final Order ---------------------- -- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Se +t -°ate #LasAlaee}•-llfftk th '� - `",•. �` — - - in------------ AUG 2 0 1952 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- AUS 2 0 1' , -------------------------------, -Z ----------- City Clerk. - ------ ---- - ----- - ----- M ----- yor. fl / , TSHED L-2 S Z AUS201', Approved------------------------- 19 ---- File 11906 .moi COUDClhnan O NALVEfKN Councilman ' NOILAND Councilman McDonald - n ,QZiTEw Councilman Name—- MGRT.-. 'SON Councilman Robed - PETERSON Councilman dhermei ". FJSEN �--� Mayor DAUBNSY -Z ----------- City Clerk. - ------ ---- - ----- - ----- M ----- yor. fl / , TSHED L-2 S Z REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary -forslopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley with bituminous material, in Block 31 Eastville Heights, from Cypress Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order_____j524Q6____, approved______________ April 15,_ 1952_-_____.-_______ Intermediary Order --------- 15V57____, approved-------------- 4y ---?0'-1952---------------- Final Order ----------------160161----, approved -------------- June__17,-195.2---------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated.for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fina. orisi,al to City Cleric COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /.�ry� COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM X:i7PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER__ WHEREAS, the baseball team sponsored by the North End American Legion Post of the City of Saint Paul has captured the Region 9 American Legion Junior baseball championship, and has thereby brought much commendation to our City; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for themselves and on behalf of all the citizens of the City, hereby extend their earnest congratulations to the team and their sponsors and best wishes in the coming sectional championships at Bloomington, Illinois, next week; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy hereof to the North End Legion Post. aernard T. Rel_ %land— .Whereas. The baseball team apon- 3 Frld American Le- t�t'Pa,". has tika's AUG 2c, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeasj '15F' Halvorsonys 2 Holland nA195— �Il i;Qroved— Marzitelli t -IcI%ramtt- Mortinson In Favor or Peterson Rosen Z)Against C; Mr. President, Deia„erDsubney 5M 7.51 .QP0-0 D Q P„�4 Odelad to City Clerk FO UNCIL NO. w 198 CITY OF ST. PAUL OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN RESOLUTION {—t GENERAL FORMn��,��+ n� PRESENTED BY .!/"` . DATE—nud COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the Erection of a Six Foot High Chain Link Fence, 554 Lineal Ft. (121011 gate included) at the Lake Phalen Bathing Beach, St. Paul, Minnesota, to W. H. GROHS, in accordance with plans and specifications and the Formal Bid #3749 of said W. H. Grohs, at a contract price of X2143.00, said bid being the lowest, and said bidder being a reliable and reasonable one, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the p roper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.B. #3749. C. F. No, 180883—By Norrie O. Halvor- son— Resolved. That the Council hereby app roves the 7aryl of the Contract Co mltwe therefor, end hereby awards the contract for furnLshing all labor. materials and lees necessary for add reasonabincidental ntal to the eregtlon of a•Six at r'itatn C UNCILMEN v Nays Holland Marzitelli MortAie il3 nerffm Peterson Rosen-,..r..{r Mr. President, Belsey J sM 7.71 �® 2 0 Adopted by the Council AUG 1952195— AUG 2 0 1952 pproved 195— In Favor — Mayor 71 Against ._ PUBLISHED " Original to City Clerk Co CIL N 161084 CITY OF ST. PAUL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK J���/� COU RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE- COMMISSIONER --- REsOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby Authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from August 1 to 15, 1952, asset out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. C. Fao ro.' I ;t—g lialten Hesen u tale are erepy oath Prod toC,pipty in. freunbllicA Wo Astor the Deepai%Y,re extra mplo p, pf �CItYt Cler ku nlflie InSthn o8'tceso( but �I Atlopted strut the Clty. C. to, the Council August 23, ,i' Approved August 211, I932. j (August 22, 18321 AUG 2 0 1952 CO ,NCILMEN , Adopted by the Council— 195— y -�✓ �dNays AUG 2 0195'j Holland % Approved---- ---1 — Marzitelli MaRematt- Mortinson-----In Favor �_Yor Peterson A)Against Rosen" Mr. President, Pelewe _ SM 7-51 .�® An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Emergency street and building repair Dispatching men for emergency sewer jobs Dispatching motor vehicles for street, sewer & building repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs Hauling materials for all emergency work Emergency calls for sewer maintenance Removing obstacles from street such as limbs etc. Tending fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays & holidays Emergency repair on bridges Emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans. Commissioner of Public Works odalnel to City Clerk /� (_ Q (74 COUNCIL NO. / �` / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_... COMMISSIONER - - - -�- --- - NAME TITLE LABCR ROLL - August 1 to August 15, 1952 NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Stanley J. Baciak Asph. Lab. 5 2 1.67 2.12 8.35 4.24 Carl D. Sates Mtr.Equip.Opr. Asph. Raker 3.1 2.12 23.32 Clarence Boxers Albert E. Boxman Caretaker 8 1.94 2.45 15.52 22.05 Edwin J. Brown Pow.Shov.Opr. Mtr-Equip.Opr- 9 3.18 Edward J. Carroll Edward J. Downing Caretaker 8 24 1.12 2.161 15.52 51.90 Walter T. Einek Dispatcher util.Fore.-PW 4 2.31 3/4 9.27 George Elliott Charles A. Ellsworth Truck Dr. 20 4 1.79 1.77 35.80 7.08 John Elly Sew.Mte.Lab. IInsk. Lab. 4 1.67 6.68 Arthur F. Friedl Mtr.$quip.Opr• 1 2.12 3.18 Max J. Gallas Staty-Fire. 35 1.86 65.10 Myron Greer Charles E. Harper Road Maeh.Opr. 8 8 1.79 1.79 14.32 14.32 George Harper C. Hedeen Road Mach.Opr. Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2 2.12 4.24 Lawrence W11ter A. Heller Trx�uck Dr. 2 12 1.79 2.12 3.58 3.18 Frank T. Huberty MtrEquip-Opr." 8 1.86 14.88 Samuel L. Inman Staty.Fire. Mtr.Equip.Opr. 1 2.12 2.12 Rneael] Jagger Albert W. Rlemenhagen utilityman-PYP 16 4 2.11 1.67 33.76 6.68 William Lavelle IInsk. Lab. Garb. Coll. 2 9.12 6.24 Fred Leitner LLogd Lindgren Sew.Mtc•Lsb. 4 1.77 7.08 7.08 Frank D. McGee 8 w.Mtc.Lab. SIn• �• 16 1.77 31 04 Joseph N. McIntyre Francis Maidl Tft0r-'Q V&Q"z:', 8 1.79 2.05 3/4 14.32 16.46 Ralph A. Morrison Floorman-M.E. 8 51 9.85 Herman J. Neeker1.79 Forrest R. Oberg Trunk Dr. Mtr.Equip.Opr. 1 2.12 2.45 2.12 4.90 Thomas Olsen Pow.Shov.Opr. 2 9 2.12 19.08 Clarence A. Paden Mtr.Egnip.Opr. 4 1.77 7.08 Giuseppe Perrazzino Sew.Mtc.Lab. Mtr.Equip-Opr. 2 2.12 4.24 Milton W. Petrowske 1.79 5.37 Douglas L. Poucher� Btanley�N STtaty.Fireman 24 Adopted by the 1.86 Council-----195- 44.64 yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved ------ .- --195 - McDermott Mortinson _-__In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rosen _---Against Mr. President, Delaney 7M 7-51 -*!W® r oacmpv to C15r CI.& COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL � T OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—'GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ -------- — - -. NB1� — TITLE DATE-. LABOR ROLL - August 1 to August 15, 1952 NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Frank J. Rose Sew.Mto.Lab. 26 1 1.77 3.12 46.02 3.12 Gottfried Rudolf Garb. Coll. 5� 1.79 9.85 Michael R. Ryan Truck Dr. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 4 1.77 7.08 Louis W. Schrenkler 1.77 7.08 Hen G. Schude Pow.Shov.Opr. 271 2.45 67.38 Ray Simmer Garb. Coll. 3. 12-48 Floris Twisk Domenick Yincelli Sew.Mtc.Lab. 122 1.7777 21.24 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Delaney 5M 7-51 SW® ----.in Favor _. -- Against Adopted by the Council---196— Approved--------- --- ouncil_ 196— Approved--------- - -195-- Mayor riglnei to City Clerk WUNpIL n c ,� 1 l� 5 c O CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE i c,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .20,1952 - RESOLVED l n S'1 RESOLVED That the appointment of Ted P. Mosio as Weed Inspector by the Mayor, for the term ending December 312 1952, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Wzlnso telli W - n Peterson Rosen TA= Daubney Mr. President. 3M 9 -48 -9j -n -0 - C. F. No. 160985 --Ry Mayor John E. Daubney- en Resolved That the . ppnlntlnent ' e Ted Mayor. Mosio es Weed Inspector ar the 31, 1952, a hereby cthe teran oncurredling in imm�d approved. Adopted by the Council August 20, 1952' Approved August 28, 1952' j (August 29, 1952) AUG 2 0 1952 Adopted by the Countil-------------------------------- 194..... AUG 2 0 19 ,z_.1s� _._ Approved---- ---------------' --'---�In Favor ... ------ .------ . - -- ayo�' ...... Against Odginsl to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.AA``IIPP al OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �����J/COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM August 19, 1952 COMMISe ON ETED v DATE- - In the matter of grading Gary Place from Idaho Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, under Prelirlinary Order C. F. 159532 approved April 24, 1952, and Final Order C. F. 160158 approved June 17, 1952• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby chrected to advertise for bids on this improvement. vq 0 oVNCILMX4 Ye Nays._., Holland Marzitelli Mepor matt Mortinson Peterson }/ Rosen Mr. President, Helattey- 5M 7-51 .06108 Resolved. That the plans and .pocili ment sas r the submitted above named the SCommts- stoner of Public Work.. be and the aameare hereby approved, and be it further Resolved. That the Purchasing. Agent be and he is hereby directed to adver- tise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Council August 29, 1952. Approved August 20, 1992. (August 29, 1952) AUG 2 0 1952 Adopted by the Council---195— AUG ouncil - 195— AUG 2 0 Id52 Approved --195— U` --In Favor - r _1 `n —Against *od to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `e_ OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— —--_-.-- - -- . -- - - DATE--.August--Z9.,.-19. In the matter of grading Conway Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazelwood Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 158790 approved February 7, 1952, and Final Order C. F. 159483 approved April 22, 1952• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli mcftmst Mortinson Peterson Rosen paubney Mr. President, jdjela7[g®[ 5M 7-51 q1P-0 C. IFWe 180997 rBof 111&q,, * C6nw y ,I Street from White Beer.. 'A, ue , Hazelwood Street, undep g ! 15 9483, approved AIp ai Resolved, 79iat the pla{vs anti gireota-. Cation. Eor the above named improve - meat as submitted liWarkthe yy8 the Ctot1mmts• stone'samer are herebyof PUblie approved. anddba it further Resolved, That the Purchasing Ageht be and he ishereby dimpled to §dver- tise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Counen Auhdst 20. 1932. Approved August 20, 1932. IAUgusl 23. 1952) Adopted by the Council ----195— t 95—[Approved--_ 195— [,--In —In Favor r - dQLLt `/ ayor —Against X161►988 C. F. No. 180988— " X. the matter of repairing and ,e7ay m@,where necessary. the. exiseng ttl - idewalka, atone retaining wells, and; the post and,oable fences on the south side of Fillmore Avenue and the north I aide of Fairfield Avenue Prom Evai COUNCIL FILE NO-•---..+.�.r-�--��-_---�,1---mgr By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing and relaying, where necessary, the existing tile side- walks, stone retaining walls, and the post and cable fedces on the south side of. Fillmore Avenue and the north side of Fairfield Avenue from Eva Street to Robertson Street, under Preliminary Order 160846 approve' August 72 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissiioner, of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered -said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair an d relay, where necessary, the existing the sidewalks, stone retaining walls, and the post and cable fences on the south side of Fillmore Avenue and the north side of Fairfield Avenue .from Eva Street to Robertson Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.300.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of SeRtember. 1952 P?g at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City ,Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 2 0 1952 193— 1 a AUG 2 0 1952 Approved 193— City Clerk File S5345 Mayor Councilma NALv=_R-ow Councilmar r,�, POLLAND ,_Couneilma Nu1RZ!TSLLi C0UnCilmar2''-=- "'."' IORTiNSON CouncilmarwTk=8S.T="%+ PETERSON CounCilina ROSEN Mayo fi- DAUSNEY / Form B. S. A, 8-6 / LISFIED--='` 7 a NOTICE clT OF SAINT PAUL To COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. 't PRINTER - .. - _- I Aug. 18 Is�'2. C. F. N°. 180888— Resolved, That checW Ix drawn -on tTe City tree6ary. to the ntagrragate T °Iof 08D.88: eolaerl5 .Cka RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE Dh "1°4 3° tq" 37131,,`'`"'•17 3; • `°° RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 88 020.86 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED r 37084 To_ 37138 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �+�—yy—r—_ �) AUG 2 0 1952 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-AUG19—' 2 � cm CANPrflouen APPROVED_ 19—_ BY/I YWi�lrlgfhili-��'%'` r _ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 393 991 04 BROUGHT FORWARD ._—__ 1i O o22 ® 37084 Rlinea Rey Shop Service Co. 75 2 35 37085 37086 Larry's Radio Losse and Cambell Ath.Goods�C. � � 21 00 37087 Richard C. Fernald Safety 64 00 34'54 11 37088 37089 Chemical Sales & Ida J. Seagren & H. p. Rutledge I 4 250 o0 l08 00 37090 37091 Frank Shypulaki Lametti and Sone 2 8o0 00 { 4 460 40 37092' E. L. Zimmerman 11 75 00 I 37093 37094 Alfred F. Sterk gent R. Whitlook--Reor& Center D. Co. ! 75 00 j, 201 ?7j 3709 3709 Virgil D. Schaaf and Comm^nwealth Electric Co. 4 481 51 37097 37098 Peter Lametti Constr. Co. - Souther Constr. Co. 19 431 00 11 050 00 '1 37099 37100 F. Morettini Harold Purtell 600 00 1I 1 000 00 11 37101 37102 John F. Hand State of Minn.Comms Taxation 1 357 50 1� 1 521 05 37103 Universal Sales Equip. Co. Mayas Inc. 545 00�j 2 530 45 Ii 37104 37105 Phil A. Maynard and Son Ino, 3 37106 A. C. Mo Clurg and Co. 32Z 501 37107 Minnesota Macaroni Co. 20 3710 1 Mining Auger & Tool Wks. R 37160 Monsanto Chemical Co. 0o 18 49. 37110 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 196 00' OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --- _ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE 37113 Nienas Tractor and Implement N. W. Cigar Corporation ROLL LL 395;00' 120 Aug. 19HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS ', N. W. Bell Telephone Co. HOLLAND +F4 1 37116 " IIHardware Co. 9 " MARZITELLI ------ —IN FAVOR 37117 37118 Refining Co. L. Paulle Midway Fixture & S. 81 00 1 6811 MORTINSON 37119„ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON .._.-......-AGAINST 88 020.86 37122 ROSEN MR. PRES. DAUSNEY k3 95;1 IN THE AMOUR7o8�i------------g7i38-------- ---- _ _ - COVERING - Ramsey Co. D1etr Boiler Inl�p. 0011 ,, 64 CHECKS NO.- ..._.--___TO ..... .................... INCLUSIVE. AS OFFICE O THE CITY COMPTROLLSP_ 37124 _ _ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--- -- - ------ ----- - - NUMaEa {_ f 843 � APPROVED ...................... ..... ..........19._...... i8A 18 F 'Y/ ... �..-/_.'_..'co MPTaoLu[a -_- - 5 6411 498 04 , y271 Jaoob Schmidt Ino. TOTAL DATE 37128 L. N. Sickels Co. RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF 7TRAN.r DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER ECCHECKS I� SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 393 991 04 BROUGHT FORWARD ._—__ 1i O o22 ® 37084 Rlinea Rey Shop Service Co. 75 2 35 37085 37086 Larry's Radio Losse and Cambell Ath.Goods�C. � � 21 00 37087 Richard C. Fernald Safety 64 00 34'54 11 37088 37089 Chemical Sales & Ida J. Seagren & H. p. Rutledge I 4 250 o0 l08 00 37090 37091 Frank Shypulaki Lametti and Sone 2 8o0 00 { 4 460 40 37092' E. L. Zimmerman 11 75 00 I 37093 37094 Alfred F. Sterk gent R. Whitlook--Reor& Center D. Co. ! 75 00 j, 201 ?7j 3709 3709 Virgil D. Schaaf and Comm^nwealth Electric Co. 4 481 51 37097 37098 Peter Lametti Constr. Co. - Souther Constr. Co. 19 431 00 11 050 00 '1 37099 37100 F. Morettini Harold Purtell 600 00 1I 1 000 00 11 37101 37102 John F. Hand State of Minn.Comms Taxation 1 357 50 1� 1 521 05 37103 Universal Sales Equip. Co. Mayas Inc. 545 00�j 2 530 45 Ii 37104 37105 Phil A. Maynard and Son Ino, 3 37106 A. C. Mo Clurg and Co. 32Z 501 37107 Minnesota Macaroni Co. 20 3710 1 Mining Auger & Tool Wks. R 37160 Monsanto Chemical Co. 0o 18 49. 37110 Motor Sunnly and Machine Co, 196 00' 37111 37112 George Neihart Net York Tea Co.- 43 20 i1 37113 Nienas Tractor and Implement N. W. Cigar Corporation 395;00' 120 37114 37115 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. +F4 1 37116 " IIHardware Co. 9 " 86 141 886 97 37117 37118 Refining Co. L. Paulle Midway Fixture & S. 81 00 1 6811 37119„ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. 701 491 6211 37120 37121 Photostat Corp. Pineorest Food Products Co. 27o 481' 37122 Railway Express Agency Inca k3 95;1 37123' Ramsey Co. D1etr Boiler Inl�p. 0011 ,, 64 37124 Mt. Pau' 7TUp Bottling Co. Legal Ledger 843 • 125„ X6 .. � A. J. Soriaeke Co. Brew. Co. 5 6411 498 04 , y271 Jaoob Schmidt Ino. 641 49 1' 3 1 37128 L. N. Sickels Co. 1 766 78! 37129 37130 Skelly Oil Co. A. P. Smith Mfg. Co. , 395 00ii� 5 on 37131 F. B. Spindler 19 80 37132 37133 Len Thole Radio Co. U. S. Supt. of Documents r 3 5o 'I 37134 Universal Sign Co. Inc. 79 001' 181 7011 37135 37136 Western Mach. Mfg. Co. Amherst H. Wilder Charity 50 00'! 'I 37137 h. W• Wilson Co. 622 07 114 88'' 37138 Zip Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 393 991 04 l 1! 2nd lgt — Laid over to 3rd and and app Adopted Yeas NaY/ry Yeas Nay. Halvorson %a?� JHalvorson Holland L Holland Marzitelli arzitelli Mortin.on -1 Mortinson Peterson Peterson r�� Rosen .r® Mr. President Daubney Mr_ President Daubney s C. F Na. I-pr�Utenee No 9986.- i Orisin✓t. City Cl.h By Norris O Paul yemoPLsuoPlORD1NANCE — and ndthirmpom � I COUNCIL FILE NOf-�`g�/j PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance regulating the moving of dwellings or structures on the streets of the City of Saint Paul and from one location to another on private property; providing for inspection and supervision of said houses or structures before the moving thereof, and of the sites upon which said houses or structures are proposed to be relocated; to provide for licenses for house or structure movers; to provide for the issuance of permits for each individual moving operation; to provide for a cash deposit to protect the City of Saint Paul from any damage caused by such moving operations or expenses incurred by the City by reason thereof; to provide for a bond to protect the City of Saint Paul and others from any damage caused by such moving operations; to provide for license fees for said movers and permit fee for each individual moving operation', and to provide penalties for the viola— tion of said ordinance. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after the passage and publication of this - ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation (a) To engage in the business of house moving or the moving of arq building or structure on, over, or across the streets of the City of Saint Paul or from one location to another on private property, without first having obtained the license hereinafter provided for. (b) To engage in the business of house moving or the moving of any building or. $ttp4oture in the City of Saint Paul, as described in subsection (a) hepbe£ylathout first having obtained a permit for each individual moving operation which said person, firm, or corporation proposes to carry on. (c) This ordinance shall apply only to any house, building, or structure or part thereof in size larger than the following dimensions: 8 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 15 feet long. Section 2. Any person, firm, or corporation desiring a license to eagage'in the business of moving, as described in Section 1 hereof, mast first make a written application to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in which application said applicant shall set forth his or its name, business and home addresses, the number of units, including type and kind, of moving equipment possessed by him or it and available for such moving operations at the time of making said application. Said application shall also list the number of moving operations engaged in by said person, firm, or corporation in the twelve months' period immediately prior to the filing of said application, including the City and State in which said operations were carried on, the type of structure moved, and the time in which said moving r operation was accomplished. Said ap lie tion shall be accompanied by the payment of a license fee in the sum of �� X/ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Against --Rosea--' Mr. President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: Dt _ City Clerk Mayor - lm &92 . f itT.TSIiEI3�� l F -2- 99�� The Council, upon receipt of the application and said license fee, shall transmit said application and license fee directly to the City Architect. Upon receipt of the same, the City Architect shall i$spect and examine the application and inquire into in such process the responsibility of said applicant and as to whether or not said applicant is a proper and suitable person, firm, or corporation to have issued to him or it such a license. Full inquiry shall be made by the City Architect into the information contained in the application and required under this section. If, upon such inquiry and examination, it appears that said prospective licensee is a capable and responsible operator, the City Architect shall then issue a license for such person, firm, or corporation to engage in the activities hdrein licensed by this ordinance. If the application is rejected, the license fee provided for herein shall be returned to said applicant. Section 3. If the City Architect shall conclude that said applicant is a proper and responsible party to whom a license under this ordinance should be issued, said applicant, before the issuance of the license and before engaging in any business and r said license, shall file with the City of Saint Paul a bond in the sum of $' 1,T $si- indemnifying all parties, including the City of Saint Paul, against any cramages, coats, or suits rising out of or caused by any moving operation carried on under said license, and any permit hereinafter provided for issued to such licensee for each individual moving operation, by reason of the moving of any house, building, or structure and indemnifying all parties, including the City of Saint Paul, and guaranteeing the payment of`any final judgment obtained against said party or parties and the City or against said applicant by any person injured in person or property by reason of the carrying on of such moving operations. All licenses which are granted hereunder shall expire on December 31 of the year in which such license is granted. Section 4. Before any licensee licensed under the provisions of this ordinance shall engage in or carry on any individual moving operation herein pro- vided for, he shall make application for a permit to engage in such operation. Said permit shall be issued by the City Architect, upon such terms and conditions as the City Architect, with the aid of the Chief of Police, and the Commissioner of Public Works may rec_uire, and upon the compliance by said applicant with all of the rules and reo_uirements provided for in this ordinance. Section 5. The application for any individual moving operation by a licensed house mover shall be made to the City Architect, who shall inspect and examine the same with reference to the issuance of such permit, with the aid and assistance of the Chief of Police and the Commissioner of Public Works. Section 6. No permit shall be granted unless the same is approved by the City Architect, Chief of Police, and Commissioner of Public Works. Section 7. It shall be the duty and obligation of the City Architect,. when an application for a moving operation has been filed, to inspect the building or structure proposed to be moved, and for him to ascertain whether or not said house or structure is structurally safe to be moved on the streets of the City of Saint Paul and in compliance with the provision of the Building Code. Thet.issuduce of any such permit shall not be approved by the City Architect if the building or structure proposed to be moved has from any cause deteriorated more than 50 per cent of its original strength or value, or if in his opinion the said house or structure is for any reason structurally unsafe for the moving operation proposed to be engaged in. The issuance of such permit shall not be approved by the City Architect unless the said house or structure to be moved does or will comply, when located on the proposed new site, with the regulations of the Building Code Ordinance No. 7210 and the requirements of the Zoning Code Ordinance No. 5840, or unless satis- factory evidence is presented to the office of the City Architect that the said building or structure will be made to comply with the terms and provisions of the ordinances hereinabove referred to. Nl� G90 1�0 —3— Section 8. When a permit for house moving is issued, said permit shall cover only the permission for the moving of said house or structure on the public streets or from one location to another on private property. Additional permits required under other ordinances for any construction connected with the moving or the relocation of said house or structure on another site must be made by the mover or owner or contractor. All applications for house moving permits shall be accompanied by two sets of plans and specifications or sufficient data on the existing house or structure and plans and specifications or sufficient data on any proposeu altera— tions intended to be effected on said house or building when relocated on its new location. Section 9. After the inspection by the City Architect of the house or structure to be moved, the inspection of the plans and specifications or data referred to above, and the proposed site of relocation of said house or structure, the said City Architect shall make his report in writing as to the advisability of the granting of the permit for such moving operation. Such recommendation for the granting or the denial of the permit shall state the basis upon which the opinion of said official has been arrived at or any conditions which said City Architect believes should be imposed upon the operation to be engaged in either in the removal of the house or structure from the old location, the relocation of the house or structure on the new site, or in the actual moving of the house or structure on the streets of this City. Such opinion, recommendati:n for granting or denial of permit, or conditions to be imposed upon the licensee in the house or structure moving operation shall be based upon the consideration of the public safety involved in such moving operation, and the compliance by licensee of the requirements of this ordinance. Section 10. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to inspect the application made by any licensee for any moving operation to determine the advisa— bility of this use of the streets from the viewpoint of traffic and public safety, on and over which the licensee proposes to move said house or structure and the days of the week and the time of day when said licensee proposes to engage in the actual moving operation. The Chief of Police shall make his report in writing, recommending the granting or refusal of the application for the permit to engage in such moving operation, or recommending the imposition of such conditions in the permit pertaining to the route to be taken in such moving operation on the public streets, the particular days of the week and the time of day during which said moving operation shall take place, and any other conditions that may be pertinent to the questions of traffic and public safety involved. Said report shall be trans— mitted by the Chief of Police to the City Architect. Section 11. It is made the duty of the Commissioner of Public Forks, upon reference to him by the City Architect of any application for an individual moving operation, to inspect the route upon which said licensee proposes to conduct any moving operation on the streets of the City of Saint Paul to determine the advisability of the issuance of any such permit in connection with the consideration by him of the load of the house or structure to be moved, the type, weight, and kind of eiuipment to be used by said mover, and the consideration of any other matter that may be relevant to said operation from the viewpoint of the protection of the public streets proposed to be used. The report of the Commissioner of Public Works shall be transmitted to the City Architect. Section 12. After the steps hereinabove provided for have been taken, the City Architect shall, if said permit is to be granted, issue to the licensee a permit for the individual operation of house moving to be made. If any conditions are imposed upon any individual moving operation, said permit shall not be granted until the licensee shall have agreed and assented to such conditions, in writing. "Section 13. Said permit shall not be granted until the said licensee shall have paid to the office of -the City Architect,.& permit fee in the sum -of $50.00.0,. - Section 14. Before any permit is issued, the licensee or 4o owner of the house or structure shall make a cash deposit in the sum of U_, to.be deposited with the office of the City Architect, to reimburse the City for any expense incurred by any department of the City of Saint Paul in connection with said moving operation and to guarantee that all rubbish and materials will be removed from the premises from which the house or structure has been moved, and that all walls and excavations be filled and leveled to existing grade and left in a safe and sani- tary condition. If such conditions are not complied with within thirty days after the issuance of the permit, the City shall proceed to do the necessary work and charge the cost thereof against the cash deposit. After all work under said permit is completed and after deducting any expense incurred by any department of the City, any moneys remaining in the cash deposit shall be returned to the party making such deposit. This shall be done within thirty days after the moving operation has been completed. Section 15. Before moving any house or structure, it shall be the duty of the mover to see that the sewer line is plugged with a concrete stopper, the water shut off, and the water meter returned to the City Water Department. The electric and gas services which might be connected with the house or structure shall be removed by the service company. Section 16. In every case in which a permit shall be issued, when such house or structure moving operation requires the displacement of any overhead electrical or street car wires, it shall be the duty of the person, firm, or cor- poration owning, operating, and controlling such wires to remove or displace the same so far as it may be necessary to effect the moving operation. Section 17. It shall be the responsibility of any licensee under this ordinance, who has made application for any moving operation, to notify the person, firm, or corporation owning, operating, or controlling any overhead wires of the proposed moving operation, and no permit shall be issued hereunder until satis- factory proof is offered to the office of the City Architect that such person, firm, or corporation shall remove or displace such wires sufficiently to allow the passage of the house or structure along the street over which said wires are sus- pended, on the dates and at the times designated for the passage of such house or structure. Section 18. No building shall be moved across any steam or street railway tracks except between the hours of 96!2 and m., unless otherwise permitted by the company controlling such tracks. Section 19. It is hereby made the duty and obligation of the City Architect to inspect and supervise each individual moving operation authorized by permit at all times from the initiation of the operation to the completion of the same when said house or structure shall be relocated on the new site. At all times during such operation it,shall be the duty and the obligation of the said City Architect in consideration of the public safety involved in such an operation, to compbl the compliance by the licensee with any additional precautionary or safety method or device which he in the exercise of his discretion shall believe necessary for such operation. Section 20. Refusal by the licensee to comply with any terms or pro- visions of this ordinance or to adopt any safety or precautionary device or method imposed by the City Architect during the actual moving operation shall be cause for the immediate revocation of the permit. Section 21. If for any reason the permit shall be revoked, the proper City officials are hereby authorized, on behalf of the City, to take any steps ohm cin cl.A, ORDINANCE;;,Q��n COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Y At —5— necessary for the completion of the moving operation. The charges incurred by the City, in taking over such operation shall, if necessary, be paid from and out of the cash deposit provided for above. Section 22. Any parking signs required at any time during such operation by the Chief of Police shall be provided for by the licensee at his own expense,.-„...,—...__..._ and Said.-siEna-.-shs�ll. hsa nnatad at souls -ti mca. a +- -••^'- —�____ __ "Seotign 23. No permit shall be issued until fourteen (14) days from and after the filing of the applicationno work of any inbe door typein conte platsuch ed by this ordinance shall kind or type contemplated b9 this of the permit.” be founde n id, the validity of the remainder of said ordinance shall conflict with affected this ordinancelareherebysrepealeds of ordinances in Section 25. The continued violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be and constitute a separate offense under this ordinance for each and every day such violation shall continue. Section 26. Any person, fixV, or corporation who shall violate any provision of this ordinance s be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than $ 1'0 nor more than $100.00, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul for a term of not exceeding ninety days. Section 27. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 28. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. tegt: im ens Councilmen Nays Halvorson % Holland Marzitelli Mortinsonson Peterson .Reese, Mr. President (Daubney) �l�. ity Clerk If 6-62 8 SEP 12 1952 Passed by the Council In Favor _Against Approved: SEP 12 1952 Mayor oma. City Clark ORDINANCE90 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Y At iM necessary for the completion of the moving operation. The charges incurred by the City in taking over such operation shall, if necessary, be paid from and out of 'the cash deposit provided for above. Section 22. Any parking signs reeuired at any time during such operation by the Chief of Police shall be provided for by the licensee at his own expenses-._.:-- and said-.signs_.-alga1-1. h& nnatpd "Section 23. No permit shall be issued until the fourteen (14) days from and after the filing of application for such permit, and no work of any kind or type contemplated by this ordinance shall be done in advance of the issuance of the permit." be found to a in id, the validity of the remainder of said ordinance shall in no way be affected thereby. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 25. The continued violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be and constitute a separate offense under this ordinance for each and every day such violation shall continue. Section 26. Any person, firip, or corporation who shall violate any provision of this ordinance,shill be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than 4 Zif nor more than $100.00, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul for a term of not exceeding ninety days. Section 27. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 28. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Is Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Mri/tel Mortinsonson Peterson _Bosse. Mr. President (Daubney)'"'� test: / 9. %//� City Clerk "2 8 SEP 12 1952 Passed by the Counc* In Favor CAgainst Approved: 'SEP 12 1952 Mayor 09114i,t. City CWT, . ORDINANCE 1pq( COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 5— necessary for the completion of the moving operation. The charges incurred by' the City in taking over such operation shall, if necessary, be paid from and out of the cash deposit provided for above. Section 22. Any parking signs required at any time during such operation by the Chief of Police shall be provided for by the licensee at his own expense, -and said signs shall be posted at such times and in such places as said Chief of dice shall direct. ih S ion -2 No 2}ctual moving operation shall be initiated prior tq rr uf,. nr-.n s om ; iasuenoe of such permit. nb ed Section 24. If any section or clause or part of this ordinance shall t found to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of said ordinance shall in noway be affected thereby. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 25. The continued violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be and constitute a separate offense under this ordinance for each and every day such violation shall continue. Section 26. Any person, fir}, or corporation who shall violate any provision of this ordinance sbe guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than 8 2' nor more than $100.00, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul for a term of not exceeding ninety days. Section 27. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 28. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli/1 Mortinsonaon Peterson _Seeee. Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: �(&4 City Clerk IM 642 s SEP 121952 Passed by the Counc. Favor — I- p_AAgainst Approved: SEP 12 1952 Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL MARSHALL P. HURLEY LOUIS P. SHEAHAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT B..cI.L A..I.TANT JAMES P. SULLIVAN JOHN J. MCNEIL ROBERT E. O'CONNELL TIMOTIiY P. QUINN - J.JEROME PLUNKETT A.—TANT. CORPORATION COUNSEL August 26, 1952 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk City Hall and Court House Dear Madam: Attached hereto are amendments to the so-called house mover's ordinance. These have been composed at the request of Mr. Schroeder, and the ordinance should be amended by the insertion of these prior to final reading. Please call the attention of the Council to this matter so that this may be done before such reading. Yours very truly, Marshall F. Hurley MFH -S Ass]stant Corporation Counsel Orleled to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NC•.IF _ 11010 COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. Nco. ,60991—By No ie10. IialVor- COUNCIL--7R—ESOLUTION FORM I A '1 r irso R bert F. r /—GENERAL 7T u T�t^- /_� "„ DATE b g st Llil 19� - - PRESENTED BY �/iy..Tl.�. COM ISSIONER M1l — — - __AU --- RESMYRD! That licenses applied for by the following oersone at the addresses stated, be and the sane are hereby granted - 593 Rabasha Barber App. 41949 New Old Loo. D. Lopes Julius Pertsii 170 1- Fairfield Fro sen Yeats " 41977 " " " " n 41976 « « " Raymond Peltoa 1503 N- Hemline Schumacher Motors Express 661 I:ast.le Cigarette " 42027 " 11" « " 42032 « « " Michael George 214 S. Aabasha Carleton E. East 1121 Lase Place a er PhotoPh �' n 42069 " New « Lawrence J. Plata. J1536 *e 7th Mtr 9eh Dr. " 42077 " Robert He Hain 319 I. 7th n n 42122 « Floyd Me Gunderson 1408 Como n COUNCILMEN Yeas WVCRSON Nays Holland Marzitelli XIMESM �. Mortinson _ -In Favor Peterson Rosen --_Against Mr. President, 133CM DAUB= m+ 7 51 -OW® n"^ 1 1 1151 Adopted by the Council -.----195— A—, --195— A—^ 1 1'152 Approved------- - --195— yor $WLISHLD original to City Clerk C G - 7f COU NCIL NO- 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �` LICENSC OOMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i C.F. No. 160992—By Norris o. Hot— Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ptit on— Iviye PRESENTED BY„�'�L�v_`-�AT�`._ AngnBL 21, 195 _ COMMISSIONE ��-�------ -- -- BESOLVEDI That licenses applied f(Ir by the following persons at the addressee stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Coleman's Parking & Greasing Sta.. Inc. 305 Robert Parking Lot over 250 APP. 41827 Renewal Ams Schloff 143 4. 8th ” " 41893 e Walter E. Nelson 1190 E. 7th Hdwe. " 41998 " Bernard Boisen 1624 Rice Gas Sta 3P s 42011 " Fred A. Metzler 949 White Bear Hdws. s 42019 " Donald V. Larson 892 Selby Gas Sta 2P " 42033 " Bert 0. Hoon 924 White Bear Hdwe. " 42034 " Ben Preeman Gas & oil 00. Balk oil Stge. " 42051 " 323 Oono " " If s Gas sta 4P Joseph Novotny 36 E. 4th 2nd Ed Dlr. Dune " 42053 " let Arcade Wine Shop. Inc. 365 Robert cigarette " 42057 N. G. & John T. Henderson " 42061 " 1647 Rice Ham• W. T. Grant Go. 41 E. Tth 42074 " Frackage 011 00. 1685 University Cigarette " 42090 " Matt Milner 6424 Baker, Fridley. Minas chnea Ped. 10 days " 42133 " , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_- AUG 21 V),195— Yeas HOI,VORSON Nays AUG 21 1952 Holland Marzitelli q pproved ------ -- - --- -- --195— Mortinson In Favor -- or Peterson V Rosen -----Against Mr. President)VIBM B LM= PUBLISHED4 �— SM 7-51 ® � Original to City Clerk FO ENCIL NO. p , 161 ; I CITY OF ST. PAUL LICUSS 00WHITM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM c� 5j —}- s-� HATE et 2.9. 1952 /vim' tel.-v.-� - _-_- PRESENTED B /L_�----- r _ _ COMMISSIONE ---- =- -'- IMMLYL'D! That licenses for Restaurant+ On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Oig"rette, Application B 41900. and Mechanical Amasmmsnt Device Location. Application B 41901. applied for by John J. and Bernice Broderick at 1039 Front Avenue Bs and the same are hereby granted - %F. B� Informally APProved by Oouncil August 5. 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas MVORSONays Holland Marzitelli Mort In Favor Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, IMM DA MM 1M 7-51 may® , Seve�2A Mortieten-Robe t F. Peteraon- Beat— raBt, One and OR , That iSale Malt r8everage an Mechanical lttAmusement Devic tion B I.o ea tion, Application B 41901,ernice ggaDpplletl for rick at IUi9JFront Avenuohn J. and e be and thea... are hereby granted. 5p$dopted by the Council August 21, 19 Approved( AAugg gt 22, 1952.5 Adopted by the Council-AIG_2_1A952��5-- AUG 21 1952 Approved.— — --195— May Original to. City Clerk COU CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. ' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUS! L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER---------, DATE. C. F. No. 160994—By Milton RoBen— Resodived. That the Northern States Power Company be ggiven ermission I to install eppDroxlmately 955 lineal feet of as malh dA Victoria between St. Clair and Linwood. on Mississippi River Blvd. between Kenneth and Prior, and! n Margaret hetween Ruth and Win -1 ihrop der provisions of and FRe No. 123001. Ordinance No. 9271, dated "flY 19. 1941. i Adopted by the Connell Augast 21, f 1952. z ApprovedAugust 21. 1952. ! IAugust 23. 19521 Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 955 lineal feet of gas main on Victoria between St. Clair and Linwood, on Mississippi River Blvd. between Kenneth and Prior, and on Margaret between Ruth aqd Winthrop under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No.8271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- r±uu 4 1 1952__195— Yeas 952195— Yeas Halvorson Nays , ice, ki N ! 1952 Holland Marzitelli / Approved -- ---195— ][If95 6 Mortinson _ _—I—In Favor -// -� Mayor Peterson /1 / Rosen Daubney -- (/ Against Mr. President, Aad= 5M 751 OQWO Original to City Clerk cou""L NO. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL m. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM RESOLVED, that the employment by the County Welfare Board of an Executive Secretary for said Board, b at an annual salary of $10,500.00, is hereby approved. COUN LMEN Ye Nays orson �d / Marzitelli 1 oaffinett Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President,-Detatw*Daubney sM 7-51 .tom® 4 C, F. No. leets—By wlpyor, John b Daubtley.—that •ttle employment by Besdivbd'. Welfare Board o' en Exec.• the County far Bald Board at t,_ Sear¢tary of $10.509.90. is annpual Vary pdOpted by the CVocll August ZI' 1951• d August 21, 1952. Approve lAagust 11, 19521 }1..: . i Adopted by the Council - 195— Appr ved 195- -In Favor Mayor Against ' HAROLD )pIORDAN Chieferk HARRY T. O'CONNELL. Ciiy Clerk �i CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE .46" Augmst 19, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B U I L D I A 0 Dear Sirs The Council requested that you drw a resolution approving for eld � atit by the County Welfare BO erd of as &ascribedjibDecutive Secretary an annual salary of $10,500.00 as described in the attached resolution of the County Board. Pert' truly yo COUNTY BOARD File No. --252r — Resolulion No.--=�P93t►-- County aubitor's ®f f ice St. Paul, Minn., ►ngnst l4 195 / 2 The attention of the Qennty Welfare Board. County Auditor. and Mrs. lorry 1. 090onnells is respectfully call&j%itQs^owing Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey inst. County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on the lith By Commissioner Moeller Wim. The county Welfare Board Of the City o! Saint Paul anConaty Board it P of Ramsey has requested Of the Sanaul 014y Council and 4110 Passey of hole loners. the anthoritY to 0eteblish a salary of Ten Thousand Sive ltnndred Dollars 0.5500.00) for an S,xeontive Secretary. and N&S atter momeroas hearisgs and conferences. thes►e�d of County commiseioaers is convinced that 4110 County Welfare Board doinmenlig a antstaanding service persont►el of the Welfare organization hav® done and are doing an on to oar sotennaitys and the County Wls jkS By virtue of laws enacted by our Minnessta LegielaEnre. Welfare Board is charged' with the tall resp6wdbility of administrating all !ores of reliefs and ty 1 0! the City of 9t. Pawl. and WMPAS ander the 011a'mmlaws 12eers.iwast provide tangs tach year for the the Ramsey County Bo b our LsgiOLtm ss purpose of carrying cut the mandates is said down y county CosmisAonere in �SMs BR IT R�so>v n The gust the Board of >samsey gnlar meeting assembled Monday. Augusb 11th. 1932. •rprovse the as reive tsd b aryet r@ d Sive ssuadrad Dollars ($10.300.00) a nually. as requested by salary of Ten Thousand On Ramsey wanly Welfare Board. EUGENE A. MOPIICK, County Auditor 221�it� Deputy. Form Aud. 200 SId I1-51 �/�— Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J_6! A 96 COUNCIL FILE NO. — RESOLVED, that the proposed 1953 budget submitted to the Council on August 15, 1952, for the St. Paul Rousing and Redevelopment Authority, in the sum of $93,250.00 for accumulation in the redevelopment project fund for the eventual repayment of Federal advances, is hereby in all things approved and adopted. COUNCILMEN YeagRalvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli 4epopoko>;6 Mortinson �In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, BelexesDaubney 5M 1-51 O y C. F. No, 16BY.MaYor John E. Daubras Bequest b dgetivedb53 an mittetl to the they proposed on Auggustd'5Bedevelopin"cat he SAuthoilty. t. Paul He—,,- bad, n tI.he sum of $93.250.09 for project fun -ti or In the r development the eventual repay ment f Federal ad - is hereby in all things approved as dr adopted. nAdopled by ,the Council August 21. )1�Approvetl (AuAugust gust 21. 1952. 111 23. 1952) V AUG 21 19"' Adopted by the Council 195— AUG 2 i 1952 Approved 195— May • HAROLD J. RIORDAN HARRY T. O'CONNELL ChW Clerk CRy Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -4" August 20, 1952 Q Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B U I L D I N G Dear Sir: The Council requested that yon draw a resolution approving and adopting the t of the St. Paul Housing end Redevelopment Authority as described 1953 Budge in the attached letter of Joseph J. Mitchell. Very truly„ yours, I Y City Clerk 0 jo OFFICE OF THE F MPTROLLER SAINT PAUL (2) b ( MINNESOTA 1091 pli6� 311. JAY P. O'CONNOR JOSEPH J. MITCHELL t^, h I , , DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER CITY COMPTROLLER August,;15, 1952 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Gentlemen' I am submitting to you the 1953 Budget Estimate for the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority as it was sub- mitted to my office by Mr. Fred W. Fisher, Executive Director and Counsel. JJM/cs .4wa Budget requirement for the fiscal year 1953 for accumulation in the redevelopment project Hind for the eventual repayment of Federal advances is - $93.250.00 very truly yours, Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroller CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL PILE No � ' �Qi'�9 ■" �•J ../TPI — OIIYINAL—M . 1504 COUNCIL RESOLUTION OLMEKFOR i UTHORjZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ,aA &,,- Rt 21.1952 • Tn the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1► Axelrod Addition► from appel roved Street to Ruth Street► under Preliminary Order 159415 PP April 15, 1952► end Final Order 160164 approved June 17, 1952• • as jubmiti�jj for the above i�provement� Resolved ► That the plana an spec cations blip t kap same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of be and he b hereby yo cescatdan place-the coatgof $3983 89 land surfacing si Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, the purchasing Ag and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to obtain bids for the grading work on this improvement, and be it + Further Resolved, That the coat of the above improvement incldding engineering and inspection expenses amounting B II $646.83 or a total of $4630.72, Plus the coat of g — be assessed against the benefitted property. C. F. ND. 169997—BY Milton Rosen - 1 LJ In tinhe molter. of greding and .SIR ng Bloh blt.mAxelrod oAddltlone Proem �inzel Stre�P,t tl Ruth Str e�un'I '- Y dIPP _ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S F RMAL BID NO. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR wDOPTIOHAS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT -S 463300..7y2 Plus coat 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - CODE S Af of grading 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— s CODE 3 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPER BOND ISSUE—CODE j 4. APPROPRIATED FROM - _ - - - _ _ - f counrtr All - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ i B. :4630.72 plus cost TOTAL II COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL' I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CITY CLERK CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE 6TATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COM PTROLIJ=R REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE:.MOUNTS. GATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED---- • PURCHASING -_—_ -- COMPTROLLER � BY — ------ ----- � AUG 2 1 1952 COUNCILMEN ---- -- NAYS / ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—A�G � � — YEAS FAVOR 1952 • I ___AGAI AP __ PROVED MR. PRESIDENT Original to City Clerk /(�1 • COUNCIL NO.. WINS CITY- OF ST. PAUL t. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E �/ OpTR rents 1, 1952 COMMISSIONER in the matter of constricting a sewer on East Avenue from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Lake Street from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Howard Street from a point 20 feet south of the north line of Lot 141 Block 31 Essex Park Addition to Stillwater Avenue; on the southerly side of Stillwater Avenue from East Avenue to a point approximately 130 feet easterly of Waukon Avenue; thence southerly and southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 feet of the westerly and northwesterly 140 feet of Block "G", Beaver Lake Heights Addition, from Stillwater Avenue to Fauquier Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to Pedersen Street; on Pedersen Street from Fauquier Avenue to Reaney Street, all of which is to be known as Essex Park. Extension to the Belt Line Sewer System, under Preliminary Order C. F. 158757 approved February 5, 1952, and Final Order C. F. 159485 approved April 22, 1952• RESOLVED, That the revised plans and specific ations for the improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to readvertise for bids on this improvement . /,COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Daubney Against Mr. President,WRWX 5ni 7.51 gyp© C. F. No. 15 ftfBy V"r1on Rosen— Ln Lite matter of constructing a sewer on East Avenue from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue: on Lake Street from a point TS feet north of Fauquier. Avenue to I mater Avenue: on -.7- .-.: •" ^sty ngint °" AUG -) 1 195� Adopted by the Council --!'95— AUG 2 1 1952 Approved —195— r • • • • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL .-A 1 1999 N° -1350 COUNCIL ��j `� COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No. Fop._.- AIJTHO tiZ ION)OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 21, "� DATE August Q$ 1952 reg_ _ PRESENTED BY H.M.In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Auditor's Subdivision MEN from Watson Avenue to the north line of Lot 13, Auditor's udit r'2 Subdivision No.88, under Preliminary Order 1599642apd 1 2 May 7, 9 and Final Order 160615 approved July , 95 RESOLVED, That the plane and specifications as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work at an estimated cost of $896.$0 by City Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including engineering and inspectionexpenses amounting to $92.01, or a total of $988.51, be assessed against the benefitted property. C. F. No. 160E -By Milton Ro[en- In the matter, of grading end Surfac- ing with bttuminou/ material the alley in Audltoi'S SubdtvlsYOn, NP, ✓>8, f" "^ ,4 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE { F RMAL BID NO. REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT As FOLLOW.; PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT . 9VU t. A19199-0 AGAIN.r .[R.-TaD 1.01-11ov[M[. a /HAM[ .1 LOCAL IMPM MENT COO[ { 3. APPMOPRIAT[D FROM CITY TY- { COva¢OND APPRO....... FROM LOCAL IMPROV[LMCA-[[[MPT It/U[-Coo[ { 4. ao IRON - - { ¢ CO.— - D . { ¢. 988.51 TOTAL { COPIES TO: I -------:R111.1 T"Al THRI. I TI ISUNT ITA C r NO. - - - - -- eN-- ANC[ PCRMANCN CITY CLERK T M¢INeU R.[ rNa I- .[YDLVINO FUND LOCAL IMP.o v[N __ COMPTROLLERTIC AeOva AMOu - COMPTROLLER IN i B LIC WORKS PU PURCHASING DAra FINAL Onoa. .—T.. -------'— COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN YEAS LMR. PRESIDENT NAYS ADOPT[O BT TIC COUNCIL -----'-- APP.0— __ %,IR)tK) Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT --__ PRR"J"'ARY ORDERS and C. F. No. leioco-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ahereas, a written proposal for the 8 0[ the toilowing imJlroverttppt Theundersignedhereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Condemning and taking e► easement for the purpose*of constructing and maintaining a public drain on, under and across the northerly 8 ft. of Lot 70 Block 14, Wast Ind Addition, from 9o. Lexington Parkway to the alley in the rear of said Lot 7. Also oondemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 4 ft. in width an the south 4 ft, of the north 12 ft.of Lot 7, Block 14, West End Addition, and on a strip of land 4 ft. in width on the south 4 ft. of Lot 6, said Block 114, West End Addition, from 9o. Lexington Parkway to the alley in the rear of said lots. WHEREAS, A written proposal Tor the making of the following improvemeht, :viz. ---- Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public drain on, under and across the northerly 8 ft.. of Lot 7, Block 14, West End Addition, from So. Lexington Parlcway to the alley in the rear of said Lot 7. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 4 ft. in width on the south 4 ft. of the north 12 ft.of Lot 7, Block 14, West End Addition, and on a strip of land 4 ft. in width on the south 4 ft. of Lot 61 said Block 14, West End Addition, from So. Lexington Parkway to the alley in the rear of said lots. ` -•'"' 4. 'io staxc wue4uer-u. uuu .o.0 -Ilu 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓G{��$ AUG 21 1952 Adopted by the Council ......---- . ---- . - ... ............... ..--......---...--- YEAR NAYS Councilman FikzL" Ralvorson Rolland Marzitelli pmzamsew Mortinaon Rets Peters6n Tnu*x Rosen MR. PRESIDENT — Daubney 1000 7.49 qqP0.Q 1k AUG 2 1 '1952 - ------ .. or. 1 1-610 0o Councu rle"VO.' ....... - PROPOSAL FORIMPk6VEMENT --- p�BI.RHQIARY ORDERS J, r and t; ' 0 asrq So Hti a T ❑ re,' r r<::z T_ x F 9 P e � Ctis zta Ez. r 7:r c b1' t f o 4p, 2on r It{1.F• o { E r y-SRo ougsw-zrr s,. ac. a,t` r i� oL icrc 77, LC'ci ro i� .ia 5'Sorrc Tna S'.>m:.., ceryl. ossc�rsovc r,ct coua�x.ac;rau aryho ae2 ou o b.r l° 7 ua..el F`o 11F� zr7'r �,'< Sic a:fu crs� n mi - frr t•re _L.f air ,f. �.. Dated this 219t. ...day of ---------------- .AUF2?St................................................. r 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal forthe making of the following improvement, :via. Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maidtaindnAddition public drain on, under and across the northerly 8 ft.. of Lot 7, Block 142 , from So. Lexington Parkway to the alley in the rear of said Lot 7. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposeson a strip of land 4 ft. in width on the south 4 ft. of the north 12 ft.o£ Lot 7, 142 West End Addition, and on a strip of land 4 ft. in width on the south 4 ft. of Lot 6, said Block 14, West End Addition, from So. Lexington Parkway to the alley in the rear of said lots. ..�:. _-...... __ 4. 1O HLSLC WDC4uaC-vr uWo-mru Twp..o.................�.—......�.._..... ..__...__....._ ...—_ ..... _.�. ... 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. //'A'dopted a AUG 2 1 1952 by the Council - ------_----------------------_------ YEAB NAYS CouncilmanEibu^*.0Halvorson AUG 21'1952 Moa"Weelr Holland Approved. .....-------_-_---- --- ----------------------------- -- - - EaaR*errTr Marzitelli E,,�aveer Mortinson Reeser Petersbn Tex Rosen ----- - .......... MR. PRESIDENT - Daubney or. q rood 7-40 y Council ale No ... t E'. PROPOSAL FOR -IMPROVEMENT I PRE X*INARY ORDERS I" and c r ?'m aa;_ A(JC .J li., .it'2 Cby GY 7t..9 t•. F.... C.9v4 7"'4� - ..............._..............................................._..... . 21st y 19G f Dated this ....................da of..._..._.......AUg]?St....... - -- - - ....._..........,. , - ......iI _.......... ......._-._........-. ---- ..Counccilmen. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.-..._e..............................-------............................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i/a' l -z AUG 2 11952 'Adopted by the Council ......_................................................. - - YEAS NAYS Councilman •{ Halvorson AUG 21 1952 11Saw4 4ee+r Holland Approved .-------------------------------- RAr� Marzitelli vsm^Reer Mortinson ReWK Peters6n Rosen - 'I'neax - or. MR. PRESIDENT - Daubney 1000 7.49 -OWo Petition Council File No. J 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 161001— and vlhereas., Aitten proposol for tht e ,pkJn6, 9t..�iCel tp�lnwir^ 1T 'q tr meni PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a ublic drain a roximael 200 feet iW stnEn from the Paul, in South Lexington Parkway to the Alleyin Blocs 14, Block 14, West End Addition. Also consA Fid i.truct a drain in the Alley:: from a ee sou er y o a poin appro poen approx e y ni k I� West, End Add ion aroduced northerly of the north line of westerly. , 21 day of August 19F?—. Dated this Ifle Councilman. PRELIMIARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Co tract a b c d ltoathe Alleyein Block00 fee 14,i le End fro the sewer in South -Lexington Parkway Block 14, West End Addition. Also construct a drain roxthe Alle5lfrom a po n approxima Aly 9 ee southerly o a p PP westerly. of Saint Pau having been presented to the Council of the City therefore, be it issioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comm necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the mprovement, and the total cost 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said i thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoingmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG m 1 1952 v ' ' Adopted by the Counci YEAS NAYS AUG 21 1952 Councilman MARZITELLI y,aREXXdTT Halvorson MORTINSON r4MMOcp0 Holland PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DgVN Daubney IES 441 Ows �Maya�• –;;:2 (gyp LiSHLDSLs�--} OHEb A to city Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYL� August 22 1952 COMMISSIONER _ -1/ DATE Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 3000 tons of stone screenings from J.L.SHIELY COMPANY without advertisement cr bids as an emergency exists in that Dresser Trap Rock Company who have city contract are unable to supply sufficient quantity to keep City paving plant operating to full capacity because of shortage of gondola cars in which to ship. Price will be approximately $0.17 per ton more than same type of material delivered by Dresser Trap Company. C. F. No. 10100 ,By hN Charge Paving Plant Fund 1001-133• be. and heest.Tis betrebe COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Marzitelli MO Mortinson Parranto4�- Favor Peterson 0 Rosen_'r_' A, � J Against Mr. President, Behmey 5M 1-51 .'.2 v geto the oxi- dugs or otos as an emergency at Dresser Trap Rock C._ have city contract re on- evinsuf0 eeent "vantttoy to g u peratlnl t full rause f shortage f gon- a whlch to ship. Price "' ! mately $0.77 per ton more type of material delivered r Trap Company. Charge t Fund 1001..99. by the Council August 22; August 22. 1952. (August 30, 1952) Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195_ ayor M COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort __ __In Favor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, IS» DA 161 stt 751 40-0 Adopted by the Council-- ----- - Approved -- -------195— M or PUBLISHED COUNCIL Orieioel to City CI.[k CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Augast 22, 1 952 "' ✓tc}y PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ._-- DATE _- — —_ licenses applied for by the following persona at the addressee stated. RESOLTED1 That be and the same are hereby granted. 41710 Yew Bea Loc. Maxine A. Theron 87 E. Acker Grocery Off Sale Malt App. n n " " n Cigarette n " a Inc. Appleba=s Food Market, 6 1550 te Bear Grocery n 41905 a a a " a p n n p Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette a Butcher " 41906 " " a singer Meats. Inc. S " " 112001 " Old " Robert Ferries 467 N. Snelling Restaurant Downtown Ford Co. a Oo Delaware 2nd Ed Auto Itr " 42030 " " a 99 Of -„ 62 University David M. Birnberg 9 Confectionery n 42049 " a a 5 60 Van Buren Frozen Meats n 112065 " Now " 0. H. �1tin It 112137 Socony Vocinm Oil Co. 2542_ University Cigarette 482 Earl I Mee App Rep P 42043 Irvin Gntache / n 42135 " Adrian H. Rowan 820 Butternut Mtr Veh Dr. " n 42174 " Harley M. Sorensen 563 Arandel — – -_ Ct .-8obe003 FS Peterwn—A Mor- . - geeaived, That It ---pelted for by Ee inched io Wle cel named n hoe and the the same are hereby granted, .t) }1„Ujj city. Din -- -- . . t�rib•t•. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort __ __In Favor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, IS» DA 161 stt 751 40-0 Adopted by the Council-- ----- - Approved -- -------195— M or PUBLISHED O,d,tpd to City Clerk Yeas NALVORSONNays COUNCIL I_� �'� Holland CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO LIMNSH OWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C'uoeon—Robeert Peterann A' Mor- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F.. neaolved, That neenaea applied for on the 1st at - PRESENTED Y COMMISSION R..y Q ci .� �— —� '�'^ `L ------- by the persona named A,11 !ached to tMa resolution be and the DATE.. _-._. __ ^......,. ��.. near -greeted,-:• t.ttR Ctli RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated,^rev" be and the same are hereby granted. Baited Enterprises. Inc. 310 University Restsnrant App. 41366 Renewal p x On Sale Malt n N " p n Off Sale Malt x a a n N Cigarette Arvid R. Johnson 411 University Barber " 41360 N George J. Hilgert 461 University Restamrant N 41429 a p x On Sale Malt p N Off Sate Malt p a Cigarette N N x Wilmer Carlson 321 Burgess Grocery " 41431 " N N Off Sale Malt N N n n n Cigarette a a N Bernard J. & Arancis E. Lotzer x 41686 a 312 University Grocery p x Off Bale Malt " " N p a Cigarette N n II Albin Novotny T30 White Bear Beauty Shop N 41776 N Edna Splittatoser 1152 E. 7th N " 41785 a Francis S. Koch 946 White Bear Restaurant " 41799 " p n OIL Sale Malt N N " a p off Sale Malt " " " p a Cigarette a n N Matie Skelly Pwne Grocery „ 41605 1076 Cigarette x COUNCILMEN Yeas NALVORSONNays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen _. !CL Against Mr. Presidentift9kn= AAUBRW 5M 751 AUG 2 2 1952 Adopted by the Council_ AUG 2 1':52 Approved ---_ — _— ... _- . _195- 11L Ma 9 PLIBLISIIGD 0 9 � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli C Mortinson — In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, 03DOOMIBMREY 5M 7-51 Adopted by the Council-------195— Approved -- — — ----195— Mayor Od¢Ip.l to Cla Clerk NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ENCIL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 8_t 22.1952 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER------- —'--' _ __. — DATE .. _A%L -' PAGE 110. 2 (Renewals) Louie Laverato 1 E. 7th e9 Restaurant App. 41859 Renew& N On Sale Malt " N Off Balle Malt a N a N n Cigarette N w n Listoe &Told. Inc. 531 8. Snelling Mortician " 41912 N Stephen Moser 1039 Selby Bakery N 41995 " Harry Shepard, Jr. 728 White Bear Barber N 42019 N R. H. Milson 3744 Robert V. M.' Loa. N 42028 N Monica M. %ulig b Gladys B. Vollmer 154 E. 4th Restaurant " 42047 a Florence Pappas 242 E. 7th RestaWant " 42056 s NCigarette N Bros. Mtr. Car Oo.192 Pleasant :oya 2nd Ed Auto DIr N 42059 N N a Auto Rep Gar N n V.M.Loc. a N a Marvin D. Cooper 340 Minnewta Confectionery a 42063 111 n a N Cigarette Harry Robinson 5 W. 9th Pawnbroker N 42079 N Richard Trommer 923 Randolph Gas Ste, 3P " 42092 " International Harvester Co. Eustis V.M.Loc. N 42084 N N Cigarette vera CoronadoNE. :54 Fairfield Cigarette N a a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli C Mortinson — In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, 03DOOMIBMREY 5M 7-51 Adopted by the Council-------195— Approved -- — — ----195— Mayor AUG 2 2 1952 195— Adopted by the Council - COUNCILMEN Yeas-g#9@N-' Nays 104 J61004 OrlQinnl to CIIY Clerk ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.-- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Peterson COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mr. President, ZM= I10BW 5M ]-51 Augset 22. 1952 PRESENTED BY ISSIONR----- -- COMME• _ --'— - - DATE_. — —'-- - -- -_--' __ -- - PAOE NO. 3 ($enewals) App. 42094 Renewal USX Poliaoff 463 II. Snelling Hdae Elea App Rep " ■ e 191 I. 7th Elea App Rep " 42096 P Leonard A. Copps " 42098 s Fred L. Hamel Co. 4 0 2 Rice 3 _ Auto Rep Oar 16 W. 4th 5 " n 42100 " LLoyd Y. Michele Aye & Mollie Sechtor 146 . 4th '9 Cigarette n 42101 " Commercial Ref. Inc. 269 N. 5th Elea App Rep a 102 " Mitsah 8, Reck Co. 20i 11 a. 5th _ Auto Rep mar " 42105 Reinhard Rros. Co.. Ina. 11 S. 9th St. Mple. Elea APP Rep w 42112 " AUG 2 2 1952 195— Adopted by the Council - COUNCILMEN Yeas-g#9@N-' Nays Holland Marzitellli - Favor Mortinson -------In Peterson Rosen _.— Against Mr. President, ZM= I10BW 5M ]-51 AUG 2 2 1952 Approved _- --------195— Mayor u o t w@1 to City Clerk .J_6 1' ��� A CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. [. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Augast 22 1 COMMISSIONER —_-- -_... __ _ DATE.. 952 PAGE B0. 3 (Renewals) Max Policoff 463 H. Snelling Rdwe App. 14209$ Renewal s " E1eo A Be IIIs " COUNCILMEN PP P Holland Leonard A. Copps 191 w. 7th Elea App Rep " 42096 " Fred L. Hencel 00. 430_2 Rice Auto Rep (lar 1 " 4209g " LLoyd V. Michele 156 w. 4th " " 42100 " Abe & Mollie Sechtor 149 E. 4th Cigarette " 42101 " Commercial Ref. Inc. 269 A. 5th Elea Apv Rep, 42102 " Mitsch & Heck Co. 201 ll R. 5th Anto Rep Car " 42105 " Reinhard Bros. Co.. Inc. 11 S. 9th St. Mple. Elea App Rep " 42].12 " COUNCILMEN Yeas $ Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, I DAUBRES 5M 7-51 r Adopted by the Council—_AUG 2 2 1952 195— AUG 2 ^ 1952 Approved 195— Mayor Crlonel to City Clerk 00t CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO. ? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�NCIL�RESS(O�LU�TIOfN-GGENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /4v " 1 / T."""",•'� DATE August ZZ 1952 Resolved! That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects all bids received for the Relocation of Tennis Courts and Erection of new Tot -Lot at the Palace Playgrounds for the reason that there are not funds available at this time to make so great an exle nditure. F•a. #3737 C. F. No. 1810U5 --By Milt— Priem—By I re W N RbeolveZd. Thol the CouneB hereby nears in the recommendation oY the Contract Committee and refects all bids received for the Relocation of Tennis Courts and Erection of new I Tot -Lot at We Palace on, o, ,s" Lhe reason that there are of funds available at this time to make so great n expenditure. F. B. No. 3737. -• . Atlapted by ,the Caunct�l2August 22„ 19 ApprovediAugust 0 ]I Ii C UU Cgely� Adopted by the Council = 196— Yeas Rolland Nays r MarzitelliNMEW= t Approved! 196— Mortinson rimmm n Favor t4_� ayor Peterson Rosen Daubney --Against Mr. President, Data= cn tai -amp., Original to City Clerk ' OR INANCE J610(" COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED 1Y ORDINANCE NO � - C. F.No. 161006—Ordinance No. 9867—' An ordinance amending Ordinance No.7881, entitled ay. Milton Rosen "An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic ridin5, A" oral enemmes Ordinance en,cc: driving and travel in the streets of the City of Saint Paul and providing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing E11 ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety approved December 30, 1937, as amended." This is an emergency --� - -- - a ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. i THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDIIN s Section 1. That Ordinance No.7881 approved December 30, 1937, as amended, b6 and the same is hereby further amended by striking out paragraph _... (g-24) of Section 68, and substituting for it the following (g-24) No vehicle shall be left standing at any time on the s west side of Sixth St. between Summit Ave. and Iglehart Ave. No vehicle shall be left standing. at anytime on the north side of Summit Ave. from Sixth St. to Marshall Ave. No vehicle shall be left standing on the west side of Kellogg Blvd. from the Selby Tunnel entrance south of College Ave. to Summit Ave., nor on the south side of Summit Ave. from Kellogg Blvd. westward to a point 130 ft.west of the south line of Dayton Avenue extended. 2n No vehicle shall be left standing on Dale St. from Minnehaha Ave. to the north end of the north approach N lat 1 of the bridge over the Great Northern Railway tracks. Laid over to + ` No vehicle shall be left standing or parked n� doused between the hours of 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. except _ r3 3rd and app r Sundays and holidays an the east side of Asbury Yeas Nays Yeas Nays - . Street between Univers+ity Avenue and Sherburne ur �• .o..,. Halvorson Avenue. Holland /� Holland % Section 2. J illi Marzitelli / Marzte That paragraph (g-10) of Section 68 of Ordinance No.7881 as Martinson Mortinson i amended be struck out and replaced by the following ". ..,�„ Peterson Peterson ,. (g-10) No vehicle shall be left standing at any time on Ninth 3» Rosen Mr. President Daubney St. from Smith Ave. to Summit Ave. ' lr Vice P77"t (Peter5ollEAW Between the hours of 8 to 10 A.M. and 4 to 6 P.M. no '0 vehicle shall be left standing on the west side of y Sixth St. from Pleasant Ave. to Summit Ave. Ori.i.0 b Car MAI ORDINANCE �_Ftnf►� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Halvorson Holland Nays Marino Mortinson D Peterson 2leey) Mr. President (Daub Attest: ( �-vv✓r/O1� nl City Clerk Im &42 a SEP 12 A=U Passed by the Council b In Favor Against sF.P 12196 Approved: Major PUBLISHED 9- lodaia.i to City Clark COU NCIL E ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4CNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that all orders in the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the North and South Alley in Block 10, in the West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Ourtice Street, under P.O. 159917 and P.O. 159918, both approved May 22, 1952, be discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson Rosen Daubney Mr. President, 5M 7.51 C. F. No. 164111-ByMilton Rosen Resolved. Thn ordersin the atter of grading d uHactng ltd bituminous. terial the North South 11e in Eloek 30. to the meet 1. Sty. Paul Real Estate and 1mProve vide eeaStreetaotlCuron tice Str e m der P. O. 159917 22. an 950 Isconttn ed. prAdoPted by the Council August 22. 1455.d August 22, 1952' Approve /August 30. 1952) Adopted by the Council 19b— Approved 19b— In Favor-- t Against \\ COUNCIL FILE NO. By-- -- FINAL ORDER 16100 -7 f In the Matter of ... gradingand--ssizSacing_aith_.bitumiaous_ mai�eria] _ the .North-and-Bouth 3 Alley in Stock 10� in the West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate _ - Addition No. 1, from Belvidere_Street to Curtice Street.___._._. ---- - _------- ----- ------ ------ - ----- -- under Preliminary Order ---------- 1599-1Z ----------------- -_.approved __ _ -__ may __22_.1452__--_______.______---_ Intermediary Order --------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of SfX Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is...6? ade_ and_ surface_ with_bitumineus material- the_____ North_and_South _A11ey1n_Blo¢k 10 _in_-the-West-St.__Paul_Real_Bstate__aad_Improyement Syndicate_ 1ri'i; tion-21o.__1.,__�am_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby uthorized and dir cted to pro- ceed with the making of.said improvemenj m accordance therewith. �D.r�w�Q Adopted by the Council _. ----- ----------------------------- ------, 192-_-- -__. Approved ---------- ----------.... ----- . 192..._. File 11953 _ Councilman 9 V€€es8k / Councilman gCaB.ry Councilman 1 LLAND MARZITEILI Councilman M TINSON CouncilmanWvW ✓a SON Councilm�anORPR ORMO os%N / Mayor IRMNIr— DAUBNEy Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE ON n6'}39A (D) In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the North and South Alae y in Block 10, in the West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Streets under Preliminary Order approved say 22s 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: s , 86- 91 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 4.58 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is nt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improveme parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 2 19- Dated 39 Commissioner of Fip3� Form B. S. A. 6-5 D LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION 7 10 The West St. Paul Neal Estate 325 2850 and Improvement Syndicate Addi- (Except Street) 8 10 tion No. 1 400 (Except Street) 9 lA do ( 400 (Except Street) 10 . 10 do 925 6850 (Except Street) 1 1 10 fo l (kStreet) la 10 aoept 450 goo East 50 ft. of Lots 13 & 14 10 _ do 400 1800 15 10 do 400 1200 Total -43200 $13,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 2 19- Dated 39 Commissioner of Fip3� Form B. S. A. 6-5 D • To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, A1inn—PA;ember.l8,.......... _191. ..��� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade.._and...snriace...Horth...and..S.nuih...alley...ia..Hlock...1Q,...in...The.was-L...S.t....Pan1...8aa]...._.. Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No, 1. From ...E.- Eelvidere ___ ____ ... ...._.St. x=. to......E....Cur.tica_5.1.,. ..... ...... 0 G ;LAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 9 sac and N, p the Ao cpO �e� fiat I& Same as ammo- U el Fr -- �'- 2 - DEPT. of rm 9s'� E:l W //VO/Vll V) .5 T. -5 T Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance J e.._?19`1a............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.....159917.....approved .......... ..... _Msac..22,....19.52.... _........... RB#........, relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material,the North and South Alley in Block 10, in The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $4.55 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._1,8.45_•_91...., and the total cost thereof is $.....___....__.._... ...... ...... Engineering $51.53 Inspection $34.99 Frontage 407.66 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...............................................................................-...................._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........... ........ ........ ................. .................... ........................................ ..._...._..._................. ......... ...... ......... ............... ........ .......... ............ ............. .... ............... b. Said improvement is..........._.. ........ _..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for saicj�' pr9vement. ♦\� ' 1M -6-46 • Commissioner of Public Works. do A ■l �__� Jl1N 3 1952 C '� Fi�N� CO B".. °' c°x'x� & Raael` CITY OF SAINT PAUL GEO. M. GABEN. Svrx. Capital of Minnesota B—; B. GRYTBAE, Eamxaa: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER O.x�ca Eno•nas FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HERBERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER Tae c Exc MAURICE W. HEWECT May 29, 1952 Hon. `4ilton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Acc c Dry JOS. PAVLICEK D—'L. Accovnxenx Hvauv o. Sexrrenox JOHN M. COTTER, Surx. Bvaeev o. Maxic�re� Evv�es�enx ARTHUR H. KOCH Bva r Cou JOHN P. MULLANEY. Svr'r. I transmit herewith prelimimry estimate of cost for grding and surf Lcin_ with bituminous matar ial, the Nortn - n,' So Ith Alley in Block 10, in the Weet St. Pc.ul =,e=.1 Estate and Improve— ment Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Street, under Prelimine.ry Order C. F. 159917 ap.roved May 22, 1952. Estim.ted Cost -------------------- 1,865.91 Cost :ger front foot --------------- 4.58 Engineering --------------------- 81.53 Inspection ---------------------- 34.99 Front ;-e ----------------- -------- 407.66' Yours, very truly, 1 �Ask he Veorg�^1. Shepard - Chi ei Engineer Ap ved for nsmission th C rami pner of Fiance ilt �sn Rosen omnsioner of Public horks CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D). In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fil]s in the grading and surfacing with bitu6nous material the North and South Alley in Block 10, in The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Street, ^J� under Preliminary Order approved May 22, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: �v �� pqv The Commissioner of CUBLcf herb e1egrts con&Ination isi $ ove�!— The total estimated 3W[ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 10 The West St. Paul Real Estate 325 2850 and Improvement Syndicate Addi— (Except Street) 8 .10 tion No. 1 400 (Except Street) 9 10 do ( 400 (Except Street) 10 10 do 825 6850. (Except Street) 11 10 fo (Except Street) 12 10 do 450 900 East 50 ft. of Lots 13 & 14 10 do 400 1800 15 10 do 400 1200 Total 1u 13200 $13,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 Dated — 4 Commissioner of Finance J— Form B. S. A. 8-5 D a Elrdic&es Cut �e� C -f zicotes Fill Typical Notation 31 Figures F�gUrC5 above lin above I ho, gu"5 line Cul or F::] c� nro"eHy L'1 - Figur" below line �Show distance to which slopes n 6y , pro fcncl beyond properfy line e beyond I Book 2, cl B,ok No 28 Field tdoRTH IIIIC� —�cALE `4 -TqLG Ah, I i, 811, 10 V/. R,E E Imo.Synd Add." ROBERT 67. W 5-7 PAUL R. E IMP SYND ADD NO i r 163 10 9 39, 0 4n' GO 1 (D r. c c,1 Z Till W Fry.n ,fry Fr P,f.c io W. ST PAUL R. E. IMF SYND ADD No f RIVERVIEW A\/ I- -TqLG Ah, I i, 811, 10 V/. R,E E Imo.Synd Add." Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance J.iAme...2.r....1.952......... ._... _..........., 194........... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......_159918Pproved. .._...._.. a May 22 ..1952 . ......... _... . _...._..... 194.......... relative to ......_...._.... ..............condemningand taking_an__easement in -the, for slopest cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the North and South ..............Alley.._in.._Block.._10�.._in„ The__West.._St.._._]?aul _Real EstatPand Improvement.._Syndicg Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _............ ... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....?aocx.................... and the total cost thereof is $....._XP?« ...... ...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: I A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.........................................................................................._.........._..._.........._...._................_.............................................._................_..................__.._ 5. Said improvement is......................._.....asked for upon petition of three or more ownersof property, subject to assessment for ovement. � ,� 12 J` 'YRECEIVE( Commissioner of Public Works. 2M -6-I6 JUN 3 19b2co DEPT. OF N FINANCE i N E Y 1 o The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Gentlemen: We, the unders'gned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause Ith/e following iimprrrovveme to e made: car N ...,X"!ef f i- r.. _ �'rt--• f.�e...r. 2.1 . ,......_lL^.::5....t, .. i!1 la.. -t ' e / St Ave. from .� L!/�GC..,.. _...... _...... St. Ave ::..:_ .. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION .11 BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMIER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier -Owr. August 18, 1952 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: ARTHUR f COLEMAN Deputy Commissioner In accordance with your request of August 12, I have checked the attached petition of remonstrance filed in the matter of grading and surfacing, also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 10, West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere Street to Curtice Street, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours -very truly, Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance C9: se HARRY T. O'CONNELL FIAROLD J. RIORDAN City Clerk Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mir mosofa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 409 August 12, 1952 Hon. B. T. Holland Comer. of Finance B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: The attached petition of remonstrance in connection with the Final Order and Slopes Order in connection with grading and surfacing with bituminqua material the North And South Alley In Block 10, West St, aul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere St. to Curtioe St., under F.0.159917, 159918, your file No. 11953, is referred to you for check. The matter will come before the Council for re -hearing on August 13th. very truly yours, City Clerk Tt v ti jk0 ,o PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL We, the undersigned, resident owners of the property hereinafter described fronting on the line of the improvement hereinafter described, do here- by respectfully petition your Honorable Body to deny the petition filed request- ing the said improvement, to -wit: The grading and surfacing of the North-South alley in Block Ten (10) The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1 from Curtis Street to Belvidere Street, and do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to decline to pass and adopt the final order therein. NAME RESIDENCE DESCRIPTION OF LINEAL FEET PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE Ar d' f1s l T ,j `, All the foregoing tracts of land are in The West {` -" J I�o E 1' " Bt.Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addn.No.2, All according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the µ Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota I, CHARLES M. BURNS, do hereby certify that I am one of the signers of the foregoing petition and that each of the other persons whose signatures are affixed thereto signed the said petition in my presence. Subscr'bed and sworn to before me this day of August, 1952. G � � Notary Public USTAV A. LARSON, No Public, Re-?- County, Minn, My w `- c3kh= Sepr. 12, 1958 August 12, 1952 Hon. B. T. Holland Comsr. of Fin�inoe B u i l d i n g Dear Sirt The attached petition of remonstrance in connection with the Final Order and Slopes Order in connection with grading and surfacing with bitumingus material the North And South Alley In Block 10, Blest St. aul Real Fstate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Belvidere St. to Curtioe St., under P.0.159917, 159918, Your file No. 11953, Is referred to you for ohevk. The matter will cone before the 0ouncil for re -hearing on Luzuat 13th. Very truly yours, City 01erk COUNCIL Nom•— Original to City Clerk FILE ------- • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENEFIAL FORM DATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, that Louis Lipsehultz and Joseph L. Dudowitz be permitted to install and operate a customer parking lot on the south side of Como Avenue on the second lot west of Arona Street, described as Lot 2, Block 2, Lake Park Third Division, sub�eet to complianoe with the provisions of all ordinances to governing the operation of parking lots, and subs ect the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. C. F_Nn.a9 COUNCILMEN Yeas.ii.�ays Holland Marzitelli 7Mort_ . Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dib e� SM 7-51-90-6 %ojopultz as "Wetner vat ng t�o aoues lock 2: Lake Park t.to ,comdPnenca 'of an.oTd nantxs Chet t t11 co �d elks ab of ice I. n end. free �s.:uncil August 22, 22, 1952• 20, 1952)0 Adopted by the Council------------ -�95— Ap roved195 ayor _"InFavor Against HAROLDJ. J C I ORDAN HARRY�� aCONNELL Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS ,. 396 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE August 21, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u I L D I N 6 Dear Sirs The Council requested that yon prepare a resolution grentinB•the attached: application of Louis Lipshultz and Joseph L. DadOWitZ for a permit'to g lot on the south side of COmo Avenue as establish a customers parkin more fully described in the attached file. very truly yours, City Clerk �� WA I WIN COUNSEL POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONI✓R OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ...... 49V§t -B ...........:195. ?. . You are hereby notified that the Council of the City Of St. and lwill consider Joseph si er the matter of application .of -Louis Lip shultzL. Dudowitz for permit to install and operate a customer parking lot Brest of 1522 West Como Avenue and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on August 21 , 195 2 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:0o o'clock A.M. Bernard T. Holland File 12002 Commissioner of Finance. 4AW0 The Board Saint Paul, A. A. HECKMAN MMIDING DIII of Zoning Minnesota G DAVID LOCKS oacunIW [c Wmy L M. GRIMi - GLYDL L MCTHVOI GOIALD D•DONN W. J. RIG6 ti N. [CNROma. CRY Awcwm'r Anus VIYJWMr_ •LILW.T[ 979 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 9, MINNESOTA August 19, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building ✓' Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of Louis Lipsh z and Joseph L. Dudowitz for a permit to establish a customers arking lot on the south side of Como Avenue, second lot crest o£ treet. This is des- cribed as lot 2, block 2, Lake Park Third Division. The zoning is commercial. The tract under consideration has a frontage of 50 feet on Como Avenue and extends 120 feet south to an alley at the rear. This lot which will have a capacity of approximately 18 cars calls for an entrance only on Como Avenue and exit via the alley at the rear. The area will be suitably fenced and paved with bituminous surfacing. There is a store building directly to the east od the corner of Avon Street. There is a home adjacent to the west side of the proposed parking lot. The new Foodtown market is located two lots to the west of the tract under consideration. In consideration of the general need for off street parking and the fact that a review of the applicant's plans discloses no basic objection to the construction of this facility, the Board of Zoning recommends that a permit to establish a parking lot be granted. Very truly yours, C. D. Loek Executive Secretary CDL/ma Att. a n City of St. Faul Oft'ice of City Clerk Date d� 3 To ioncrable Citv Council of St. aul, tdiinnesota 16, / O Q k IPPLIC4310" is hereby made By i (iva. 4387 (Address) (?hone No.) inr ^ermission to install and operate a FILLING STATION DFSVii-IiQ R,,RSS-1!,tlT DISC LLAP!L�JS e'9 ❑ ❑ Remodeled ❑ ❑ ?!o, of F !mps No. of las tan!cs_ Cap. of each tank F"RXI;`G LOT: Customer �mgloyees Private Public vzr ❑ 0 Remodeled ❑ ❑ Q �❑ to be iced in confiecti.on vith Location: Lots Z Block Addition AW& VI Q ,`111✓' iW also described as vj (Stre t M6 Sbu Slot G bVA4 (Street and Number) (Sienatur�1,pplica Plin Approved by: Doard of Zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected original to City Clerk Fp uNCIL NO. 1 !1! • CITY OF ST. PAUL �,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `�--'_' C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..------ PRESENTED BY �! DATE _ COMMISSIONER __---- — RESOLVED, that First Merchants State Bank of St -Paul be permitted to install and operate drive–in banking facilities and indoor parking area, according to the plat submitted, at its present location at the northeast corner of Mendota and East Seventh Streets, described as Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, E. Mackubin's Addition, any sidewalks abutting said premises to be kept clean and free of Joe and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas 'V.,,'24,s�ys Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson Rosen Mr. President, XXWiW sni 1-st Daubney C. F. No. 161999 --BY Muton Sosan— Resolved, That First Merchants State Bank of St. Paull betlrt� permitted o in- stall and Pere ng facilities and indoor parking ares, Its c- cordin@ to the plat submitted. Io present location at the northeast corner f Mendota andEast Seventh Streets, described as Lots 7 and e, Block 3, E. Mackubin's Addition, saY sidewalks abutting said premises to be kept o clean and free f ice and snow at all Adopted by the , Council August 22, 1952. ed August 22. 1952. APPrm' (August 20, 1952) AUG 2.2 195 Adopted by the Council--AUG195— ? '1952 Approved --195— In Favor ayor Against HARRY T: O'CONNELL City CI.A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -Os" August 21, 19$2 Mr. Timothy P. Qainn Corporation Counsel B U I L D I N G J -6I W HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief CI.A Dear Sirs The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of the First Merchants State Bank of St. Paul. Very truly yours, l C_, _<� City Clerk uc 21 1952 COUNSEL . POST CARD'NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ` August.8.............195 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of First Merchants Mate Bank for permit.to install and operate a customer parking lot at northeast corner of Mendota and East Seventh Street and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on August 21 , 195 2 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 12003 Bernar,J T. Holland Commissioner of Finance. The Board of Zoning Saint Paul? Minnesota (a.Y.®J.�.Y OMNMNQ H.. R8. LILY ,. IMu • A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID L.OEKe P IDIND 0"1= auanvs 8[CRRMY .40.® L M. OR,MBdYDRI MRHVW GWR 0•DONND L H. 8--=M W' TY 111R.aYmf JU us VIIJ..YMa. •LTDUMTa Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building W. J. RIC[ 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 19, 1952 Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of the First Merchants State Bank of St. Paul to establish a drive in banking facility in an existing structure adjacent to their present quarters located at the northeast corner of Mendota and E. Seventh Streets. The property under con- sideration is described as lots 7 and 81 block 3, E. Mackubins Addi- tion. It is also known as 885 E. Seventh Street. The zoning is light industry. The applicant proposes to reconstruct an existing entrance to this building which was formerly used for a garage to provide approach access to a drive in teller window and adjacent facilities for indoor parking. Customers will exit from a ramp at the rear of the property via Mendota Street. The Board has reviewed the applicant's plans and find that they are in keeping with the traffic requirements of this type of facility. They find no basic objection to this proposal and recommend that it be granted. Very truly yours, �. i), �fi/o C. D. Loeks Director w ' CDL/ma Executive Secretary / Att. r1C z-'tl � F'_ot'�z LINE a V L X I 1 1 N B A" K FLOOR E'_. 174'-O"2" S t C F• 4i N L_ K ..:'.A.r: ,1T Irl. . f 174' ^r4 I Z Ll !74 z 3: r in h flit T,JRFS-N01 IN LpN TftAU t ` P WWDOW^ i ri =LoN Hr C) B y O'vJ 'At EktCT L' D 6'+ CDNTRnLTOR r . Up 'i4V�Dqw -'H' .1 •� J J � I i •Q I'�%z'' J �.11y=JrJ,T. J[�IN1 -� i `\ Et_ 17Sr-2 i PC171 1\ Et tTa'.7aa- -V L. 1-7 4-9�.'j I J —.) I STRP - I LL. 175'-0112 7;g I �( " I� r � I 1, �R@tt1pVE EXISTILJG OftIGKaY $ F LOCK WALL TO MS1 JOINT OI � � \ I DELOW GRnDt CJ NFW 31nLVCURB TG tr r.ZCN 4GJO1N!NG \dORK�� I h - PL`M,CVE OLD CF N.F .;� �: ^LK ,CUttat PAv1vG f� A S T f` v- t4 T H j T FZ f. E1.1 r L0O Rt 'r-'L/NN. SC A. LL Ii61' 0, . Yj TOLTZ, KING & DAY, INC. ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA orslc r+Eo I hereby artifv that this plan was prepared by me COM. i or under r.v direct supervision and that I am a duly o�.wr 3-21"1 Registered ---- T. `'5 under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DRG. CMCCNEO _ • - 1 Date- -- - -- Reg. No. - ---- — METAL lNSE2T > I ;AC7AL CAP FLASWNG � � t 1 � 7fING II {� .GR AVE I` r�•-'�t [xtsT�Nc 2n12�s I 16'o.c - kms F1. S E C T 1 17 N TTERI, ?p COF'INC. DETAIL_ .Dc ALE IVa ° I' -C Y T 4'< i Roc 14 /g taA1RP,N ±_ G2 7 A F_V-"0'4E OLD CEMENT WOkLK GUICB Q. PINING � TO MATCH ',301,4 e NCI�X USW Y ti J P10npRrn U � W r ✓? ^v P ERF,. 2/>.[ '1 \, /�� - F1 I I l E 171 I wEL F- +'L, ORlIN G RAO 1 G..� � J 0.", ' 0 L1Jk J� C 1� A .• i c` tTOOL ._} rr -xl /A ,NT i ^l ` {MOVE ^LC i:0'J GRt•iE �E ��C'�+[. J '"oNc. B'_.t w4��,BR.' :. I i FLOOSL THQOUGt10UT ' I t -H I l til , Location: Lots 7 & 8_ Block __I_ Addition B. Mackubin'e Addition also described as $. Seventh Street (Street and Number) Plan Approved by: Board of Zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety First --1agJ- Bank of Saint Paul (Signature of Applicant) By Assistant Oashier 879 E. Seventh Street, To. 2748 (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date July ]$, 1952 1 l ry 111 To Honorable City ,ouncil of St. Faul, Minnesota (p ;PPLIC:TIO` is hereby made State Bank of Saint Paul By _First Merchants (Name) 879 ESeventh Street St. Paul 6, Minn. To. 2748 (Address) (=hone No.) For permission to install and operate a FILLING STATION DRIVL-IN RLP RLSyMr'.NT NISCLLLANBOUS Ne`v ,, .0 0 Remodeled O 0 No. o£ was tanks Cap. of Plo. of ptunps — each tank pARXING LOT: Customer Lmployees Private Public Oevr Remodeled Q U 0 0 to be used in connection with Auto Bank Location: Lots 7 & 8_ Block __I_ Addition B. Mackubin'e Addition also described as $. Seventh Street (Street and Number) Plan Approved by: Board of Zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety First --1agJ- Bank of Saint Paul (Signature of Applicant) By Assistant Oashier 879 E. Seventh Street, To. 2748 (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected Original to City Clerk CO ENCIL NO a CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COIOLITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - �/7 DATE -- 22. 1952 COMMISSIONER -:-- -- =_=--- THWASE prank 1. Benda desires to withdraw application B 42072 for Grocery. Butcher, Off Sale Malt and Cigarette licenses at 283 Selby Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED= That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to prank J. Benda the fee of $ 67.00 and to cancel said application for license. *ITRffiA11AL (Total Refund) COUNCILMEN Yeas RLIffleHS91i—Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort __ - In Favor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, XEL= AAMIM 5M 7.51 51010—By Saved" A. Mor- bert F. Peters°n— prank J. Bends desires to t. off Sale Malt far Gloe� end Cig- Ies at 287 Selby vee ee fee e return of the e re therefore, be it tate proper city of- ntl they are hereby author - and to Frank J. Benda the .00 and to cancel said ap- or license. by the Counca August 22..1 d August 22, 18+2` . (August 20, 1952) AUG 2 2 1952 Adopted by the Council_ -.---195— AUG 2 2 196, _' Approved -----/�--(yt—5_19955— Mayor Original to City Clerk /1 COUNCIL f^ LICENSE COWITPEE CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y_ August 22, 1952 COMMISSIONE r' _ DATE RESOLVEDi That licensee for Restaurant. On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette. Application B 41636. and Mical Amusement Device !locations Application ar B 418379 applied for by Mt,n J. Galardi and Reinard 0. Meissner at 1900 Stillwater Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. NEw Informally approved by Council Only 31. 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ._In Favor Peterson I J Rosen —_—.Against Mr. President, 1 DAOBNEY 5M ]-51 C. F. No. 101011—By Severin A. Mor- ' tlnson—Robert F. Feterafo Renu_ Resolved. T st neeaae rant, On and OAH Application Bt 63�8'dv0e. and and Cigarette. PP Mechanleppal Amua roe t Device Lore' tion J OG ] on Bdi &and aPpUed Reinard for 0. end the sat ame are heStMreti "g Avenue ue be Adopted by the Counet August 22, 1981 Approved August 22, 1982- . (Auguat 30, 1982) Adopted by the Council AU6 2 ! 19h2195— AUCs 22 1.952 Approved-__— --195— 6i _ _e� _ _ 4ayor 2nd [aid over to dopted 3rd and aPP /c1 0 Yeas Neys Yeas / �a �ni er "tealn y/Crean e`te/reon / /Kasen / ReselP // r- President Daubmy ey ' bir: Vice Proi.lcnl 1pecersun) s �h,1 �e12 Orlcln.l to Cit, Cl.rt ORDINANCE COUNCIL PILE N-0s..PRESENTEDBYORDINANCE O ORDINANCE C. F. No. 103018-Ordlna No. 8965--I sy Tohn E. Daub ey. MaYor— An ordinance providing for invoking nn o_.._.. rt, _a . r :nom., divine guidance at certain meetings of the 4 - City Council. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOFS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to select clergymen of various religious faiths, one of whom to be present at one meeting of the City Council each week for the purpose of invoking divine guidance on the deliberations of the 1 City Council. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to expend from his Contingent fiord any necessary expenses incident to carrying out the provisions of Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Zallnad— MaiziteM O Martinson Peterson BMW— Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: / / /city Clerk IM 6.62 B i SEP V) ASS2 Passed by the Counne! , `s In Favor gainst SEP 1 p j9'JL App v d: Mayor / WM. F. WALKER 132 EATON AVE. ST. PAUL 1. MINN. at. Paul city 00nnoil, city court Souse. 9t. Paul 1, Sian. August 81, 1962 Honorable viral I wish to protest the proposed City ordinanos recently submitted by Sayor Daabney, to engage alsrgymeu to say prayers Vestey at Council meetings for annSt.t. PCompensation. ��done very wall in ththat Past withoutwill auoh &aconstitute gratuitousgross an device. I suggest that if open prayers are considered aecessart in the oounbll ohssbsr, let the mayor and volunteer Couaotlean talo* turns at the test, ab their petitionseshooN d have as maah effectiveness with whatever gods may be, as those bhan�everr latf of whatever faith Considered. Any al"flesin worthy 01AU ins, should be only too UPPP to act in this Capacity "without looney and. without Prigs". AIA t,her,as bis prayers Couldttravel just ass asitnand justPersonaasthe far,fromlany prnsooli have him lnot Convenient to his effort. But the mayor's propoeal for publi0 prayers, doss not have biblical *¬ion, because Jesus, on one ocossion, admonished his followers thus (lhatth*w v116-6)1 "Aad when than pra$ast, thou sbalt not be as the. hypocrites Oros for they love to pray •tauding in the synrgogwa and in the ooraers of the streets. that they may be assnof Non". But "when thou prays$, enter into thy Closet, CIA whoa thou haat Mat or door. pray to thy lathes which is in secrete and thy Yathsr which meth in worst, shall regard thea openly." If, however, the epyor's "oontiagent fund" is overloaded and the surplus SOSf be squandered, thrrs era many Door. devout lay oitisans sorely in need of financial aid, who ooubA ass such Cash bamdonts to great advantage. lhsy eo y My have y months to food, backs to Cloths, rant or Overdue teras on homson�y or other severely pressing obligations to meet, and those payments would serve them well. Why not select from among %brae needy souls weekly, someone who would agree to Pray for the Council members (v3W perhaps need it badly)? Their Prayer,, I ween, would be just as sincere and acceptable to the gods,92 ft' &V Cllergy manes, and in addition, might verve a far mora brlpfal Porpose Le ewly practical about our fervent "proposals+. sincerely, William I. Walter. IF Orhrhwl to City CI.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL PL ENO1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERDATE Anpilat 2l 1952 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects all bids received for the construction of a sewer known as Essex Park Extension to the Belt Line Sewer System, as the low bid is in excess of Engineer's Estimate, and the Committee recommends that same be re -advertised. F.B. ;/3747 C. F. No. 161T6 Bihe Counca hereby Resolves, aatlon of the onetnre 1n the ,ttro �r�eetp all bide Contract Comm a ection of a received .for ag a ik �tBpasShn • !sewer known yy c. i iow biaB I.t inane Sea of 8ngineeI, Fs- th tsame bee e-advommertised. F H eNo. 5'%t 22, Adopted by the Council Augus IM d August 22. 1952. Approve (August W. 1952) AUG 2 2 195495— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MWIvermIn YeaeHolland Nays MarziteRi • ?1Qc `Z 2 I� Mortinson. Approved . n Favor Mayo Peterson. Rosen. n Against Ci Dautiney Mr. President, 6M t-Pl p NOTICE' CITY OF SAINT PAUL oI 1 _ S TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. e r PRINTER Aug. 20 —19_52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 14}-6+ 1.21 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37139 TO 57193_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS s f >.J,- n37ti�8 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLCL�IER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—AUG � 2 1952 —19-- ` V - �%� cm CO.-- AUG 2 ° ,:� , y / �� �. c�-,,_-T-_ -y—� APPROVED 19-- BY - w4 ,, .fin . �6�1�►�4 (r 1 '� NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL_'_l' 9 1 To COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER C. F. No. 101014-181030— Aug. 20 1952 8e I That checlsa be dray. , RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON`Tt, , j a _ ,',&ASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 91-4�.676.44 s 3 ri;r , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED x'94 TO-37228_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII +UG 221952 --19--- ���1/�y—c",`.`^""C CITY COMPTPOLLEiI AUG 92? i95�^ APPROVED_ 19-- BY -- PUBLISHFD I S� •Y)YPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL C�L rT> HOLLAND MARZITELLI ---------- .IN FAVOR MORTINSON –J PETERSON ______-----..AGAINST ROS— MR. PRES. DAUBNEY ADOPTED BY T1H111ECOUNt APPROVED---�v-==--,-----� CITY OF SAINT PAUL o COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ----------- �-- AUDITED CLAIMS .....Aug'-------- ------- ---9.52 RVMa[R RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE $ 149 3641.321 ------------- COVERING CHECK9AN0 UN�J7------ TO"'-'-"Z�"--"--""-' INCLUBI VE. A9 PER CH ECKfi ON FILE THE OFFICE QF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 11 r, 1,R,(f --------- 1--------- 188 ---- ^...1 OMPTROLLER _f L --- ----- TOTAL TATE RETURNED � CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I, • BROUGHT FORWARD 37139 Bernard T. Holland ! • 37140 Walter Holunagel & Marie 37141 St. Paul Abstract & Title G. 37142 Gertrude Rhode 37143 Fred J. Hall oG tAstiefordao. 371 5 m 37146 Lametti and Lametti Inc. 37147 Standard Stone Co. 37148 Joslyn Mfg. & Supply GO - 37149 Lyon Chemicals Inc. 37150 McFadden Lambert 00. 37151 Villaume Boz and Lumber Co. Clark 37152 Wheeling Corrugating Co. i 37154 Stateof Minn.Va Bjornson eeea 37155 37156 Gilbert Ellis 37157 Ballard Motors and Ramp 37158 Don W. Norton 37159 Joseph F. Reimbold 37160 George H. Westman 37161 Elsa Obst 37162 Reuben L. Anderson Inc. 3716 Samuel Jacobs Furniture Co. Bldg. Comm, 37162 State Vet's eerv, 37165 A. G. A. Lab. Inc. 37166 Acme Fast Freight Inc. 37167 Amer4 oan Radiator & St. S. C} 6 Ballarde motors and Ramp Ino� 37169 Bishop & 00. Platinum Wks. 37170 J. H. Bonbright 37171 Blackfriars Press 37172 Bostitch-Mo Clain Co. 3717 3717 Breuer Sale & Serv. Citizens Ice and Fuel Co. 37175 Coo& -Cola Bottling Co. 37176 Cnngressi•nnal Digest 37177 37178 Crook and Hanley Inc. Crusell Bros. Mach. Tool Co., 37179 37180 John Cudly Distributors Supply 00. Inc., 37181 Dresser Trap Rook 00. 37182 37183 Emrich Baking 00. Fisher Nut and Chocolate Oo., 37184 Albert Fortier 37185 Gardner Hardware Co. 37186 Geiger Co. Inc. 37187 General Chemical DivisiOh 37188 Gold Medal Beverage Co. - 37189 R. L. Gould and Co. 37190 Hooker Electrochemical 00. In andMfgCoal and Dock 0. 3n91 The 37193 A. J. Techida Contract. Co. ! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00 i 4 8o9 75 15 25 73 60 15 00 1 200 oe 60 00 1! 1 ono 00 20 00 �I 24 84 69 78 li, 87 21 672 17 loz 46 5o 99 2 997 o6 !� L16 337 00 0I 4201 75 100 00 Ion 00 416 67 ;1 26 86 '!I 1 08 I, 9 79 !j 2 0035 I� 7g9�` 07 14 95 I� 0 31 2 0011 39 32 �I 6 6o i 84 00 I 240 00 II 1 o0 1 75 85 302 00 II 53 00 26 861! li 4 070 8811 36 85 I! 138 2 , 10 00 ,, 57. 51 5 OF 28'11, 2 10D 28 498 62 ! 11S 93 1 291 2011 4 121 381. 27 3111 394 29 �I 515 632 �9 ;i y r I ,c.. fie • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL G ,O YIPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFF 'fCE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ----- ------------------------- ROLL CALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS Aug' 20 - SSS.. HOLLAND MARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINEON PETERSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ...--------- AGAINST t ROBEN IN THE AMOUNT OF 5---16.5---035-23------- COVERING MR. PRES. DAUSNEY AUG 22 IS52 CHECKS NO.37 9..____..___.TO_.372Z8____..__.., INCLUSIVE. A8 ADOPTED BY T ECO NCIL.A j� PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER APPROVED._. f9 — ._ _� �.._.._ f.----------------- 2coN Fo rs ____. XY ..- �' _.....� ___. . ........------------........... TOTAL DATE RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS II CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 37194 Bernard T. Holland 35 809 99 500 00 37195 37196 Wm. H. Mattooke Wm. Milner -Fire Dept. 500 00 37197 37198, A. J. Tschida Axel Neaman Heat.& Plumb. 00 375 84 12 277 820 37199 St. Paul Civic Opera Assoc. r e 77 21 f y r I ,c.. fie • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL G ,O YIPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFF 'fCE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ----- ------------------------- ROLL CALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS Aug' 20 - SSS.. HOLLAND MARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINEON PETERSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ...--------- AGAINST t ROBEN IN THE AMOUNT OF 5---16.5---035-23------- COVERING MR. PRES. DAUSNEY AUG 22 IS52 CHECKS NO.37 9..____..___.TO_.372Z8____..__.., INCLUSIVE. A8 ADOPTED BY T ECO NCIL.A j� PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER APPROVED._. f9 — ._ _� �.._.._ f.----------------- 2coN Fo rs ____. XY ..- �' _.....� ___. . ........------------........... TOTAL DATE RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS II CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 37194 Bernard T. Holland 35 809 99 500 00 37195 37196 Wm. H. Mattooke Wm. Milner -Fire Dept. 500 00 37197 37198, A. J. Tschida Axel Neaman Heat.& Plumb. 00 375 84 12 277 820 37199 St. Paul Civic Opera Assoc. r e 77 21 37200 37201 Musicians Assoc. Akron Braes Mfg. Oo. 20 29 37202 3720 Brown and Day Inc. Jimmie Cashill 74 10 00 , 3720 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 237 43 45 37205 L. J. Glazier, Steeplejack 00 G%u Concrete Co. 19 O1 37206 7207 :meed Jacks fg. Oo. 45 00 37208 37209 D. A. McLain Robt. Metzger Bldg. Materially 139 88 37210 Multi -Clean Products Inc. 87% 37211 Northern States Power Co. 13 468 34 N. W. Bels Tele no Co. 112 97 20 1132 r r it 120 474 97 72111 7213 Northwestern Refining Co. 1 912 06 37216 Park Machine Co. Inc. 7o 81 37217' Railway Express Agency 10 21 96 38 37218 37219 S000ny-Vaouum 011 Co. U. S. Dept. of Commerce 10 6 $7220 Commonwealth Electric Co. 1 1 6 659,94 16 382 70 37221 37222' D. W. Hickey & Co. Inc. Perry A. Swenson Co. 1 13 569 60 372233 Tieso-Sostka Electric Co. Int. 1 243 76 3?224 Davis and Davis Inc. I S 381 10 M. E. Souther Constr. Co. 854'32 P225 226 227 L. N. Sickels Co. I Bern•rd T. Holland 12 501 97 26 687 85 r • i 16 094 70 37228 Laid over q 2nd 3rd and app_ Adopted. fJ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays --.A/alvyt�enaon- Halvorson /gO d Holland �11i/ziLelli �� Marzitelli "1 Mon Peterson Peterson /�aene Rneo.. k_r°i214eYT Mr. President Daubney Jlr. �'iu 1 resi.lcn[ l eteraon ormwt m civ rkt - .f i , CrIANANCE �Illfi COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY Az�� - ORDINANCE NO. C. F. Mont.— 16"rdinance No. 9968— entitled BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No.9705,,a_v,,_ >o - "An ordinance designating certain streets in the City of Saint Paul as 'One -Way' Streets and providing punishment for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewithj" approved April 5, 1951, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN : Section 1. That ordinance No.9705 approved April 5, 1951, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended q revising paragraph (o) Section 2F'tarwaads - (o) West on Sixth St. from Wacouta Street to Summit Avenue. 2 and by adding to Section thereof the following (p) West on Pleasant Ave. from Sixth St. to Kellogg Blvd. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. yeas Councilmen Nays phmmiteyL Halvorson A4cBermett Holland P Marzitelli .netersea Mortinaon �. Peterson Mr. President (De6wAV1Roseh--- Dau �n?y Attest: City Clerk SEP 121951 Passed by the Council --....._..._.__In Favor —_ �--_ _-Against 195 Approved--__..._ — Ma or PUBLISIIGD_�I-�� ` �� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION -qp-© August 21, 1952 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir : Attached hereto are two ordinances : The first provides for the extension of One -Way operation of Sixth St. to Summit Avenue and for One -Way west on Pleasant from Sixth to Kellogg. The second ordinance provides certain parking bans : 1- on Sixth St.between Summit and Iglehart the side of the street where parking is banned is changed so that cars westbound can park without running to Iglehart and turning around. 2 -The ban on the north side of Summit between Sixth and Marshall and that on the west side of Kellogg and on the south side of Summit Ave. are necessary for the One -Way Sixth Street extension. 3- The ban on Dale St, w a.s suggested by Yr}Cotter and approved by the Traffic Committee. 4- The ban on Asbury was approved by the Traffic Committee. Yo s very . y, M. W. HE* TP, gmrh-rh Traffic Engineer. 2-oncls. C. F. No..7— COUNCIL FILE N0._ I' 7n the matter of reconsttvctln6 ar __......__ .-.-_ reppaaiirri!ng. as necessary: the exlalNtf vidon'.alk.4n.$f�?fI f••C;.ox`-1'i,`�a� -'v FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__ reconstructing_or__reRairjng,_as_necessary,--the--- exi-eting_ siidewal.k- on_both-sides-ef_Oxford_Street--from_Front -Avenue -tn_Hatch - Avenue, exe-egt-Rhes---------- good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ---------- 160236 ------------------ -_.approved __ .---- June- 18,_1952 IntermediaryOrder -----------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully, considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___reconstruct_ or_ repay r�__as_necessary,__the_______________- existing--- sidewalk --- on --- both_sides_ of -Avenue to--Hatch_Avenue,_- ----------- except_ where _ good and sufficient_ sidewalks_now_exist,_---________________________-_______________________ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG 2 s 1952 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------ --------, 192._ -__..- AUG 2 g 1952 -- " ��. City Clerk. L. Approved ------------------ ---- a� Fiie S 5327 Councilman Councilman Fergdsa- ,.oL!tNo Councilman Donald r + Councilman Wdr.1dgan Councilman Sudheimer Councilman M nzel Mayor ee-eh-"u DAUoNL7 Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IV REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 6 (A) In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides or Oxford Street from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved June 181 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ square is for 4"- monolithic; $0.39, • extra work The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement such as excavation, fill, driveways, root cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot 26, south 2 of 27 & except north 37.50 ft.; south 2 0£ North 2 of Lot 27, all of Lot 28 and north 37.50 ft. of south 2 of Form 0. 0, 10 LOT BLOCK ADDIT ION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 2 Como Park, Second Addition ( $550 $2950 22 2 do ( 550 2100 23 2 do 24 2 do ( 550 2150 25 2 do 31 2 do 400 2500 31 2 do 400 2500 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building Lot 29,. Lot 30 and north 2 of 31 2 Como Park, Second Addition 625 3700 1 3 do ( 525 800 2 3 do 3 3 do ( 500 1650 L 3 do 5 3 do 250 850 6 3 do 250 700 7 3 do 125 8 3 do 125 9 3 do 125 ( 10 3 do ( 500 1950 ( 11 3 do 12 3 do 600 7150 TOTAL $6,075 $29,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 22, 19 52 444U4 -- Commissioner—of I e• Form B. B. 17 V�5-0a 7 . 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June _1952 _......._._..._, 194............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......].60236..... approved. .......... J.tF_1e.._M,_19 9...._ ............._....W...._., relative to EflcnaatluSltiilf�_.QF...I flR.g gggar !at __exietin$._aideielk ....... _.... _ on both sides of oxford Street from Front A*MM6 to Hatch Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ..... _............. .necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Yono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. ..... ........... .... _........... and the total cost thereof is $...._.___.._...�._.__.._, Extra work(Exc.r filly drive—xingarroot cutting, etc.) at extra cost. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------- ._..._.._..._....._.._.._........_......._...._...._._...._...._.._--------- ------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. CD 4 . ................... ..Al i ted.._by._the_._r?eP.t.*.._of__Public._Works................. .... _..... ........... .... _.... ...... .................. _------- — (17 5. Said improvement is ..... ...... .............:....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro subject to assessment for said imri_� 1M Commissioner of Public rkkIV COUNCIL FILE NO f F AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS C_ F. No. 161038— In the ruatter of odsmning a taRing fo public school purpofias the In the matter of,F �prm�' fbuow ng aeacnbeland.. taklag for yyubllc schW�,]iUtpoBgeB.ethe to �. tett` W tato d, . following described -landa- Lou 1: Lau e2. telm'•y dui nsM- v under Preliminary Order 159912 approved May 22, 1952 Intermediary Order 160729 , approved July 301952 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,± and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City ism'y83f;gegr"'. Y[ hictuslveocic 1:`end lu ve„niock S; HaBet and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, – -- -- — - V12.: Iaty, 1$ to 28 inclusive, Block I. and i' Lots a to 6 inolu.ive, Block 2. Harel - Park Plat A. Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, and 18 to 28. , inclusive in Block 1, and all of J Block 2. Ames• Park. . =S pay� An that Dart of the q f9jpueprt�wz of g� o6nno�rtiterlF of RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pioceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 21i 1%2 19— AUG 2 6 1952 Ity Clerk. Approved 19— Councilmen: FaJ3==n Marzitelli Holland McDermott marzitelli Mortinso Parranton MortinsonUBLI HIMd / Peterson Pdterson Rosen Il,t– j Mr. President, coo 1.51 -OW00 Daubney CITY OF ST. PAUL , ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 10 1729 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemn and take for public school purposes the following described landsi iota 12 to 22 inclusive, Block 1, and Lots 5 to 8 inclusive, Block 29 Hazel Park Plat A. Lots 1 to 11 inolusive, and 18 to 28, inclusive in Block 1, and all of Block 2, Ames' Park. 1 All that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 29, of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Range 22, lying northerly Omaha Railway right -of -sway, and westerly of the Minneapolis, St. Paul of the south line of Hazel Suburban Railway right -4 -may, and south Park Plat A and said south line produced, except White Bear Avenue and except Ames' Park. All that part of the, Northwest Quarter of the. N„orthimai Quarter of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, lying wast of fusel St. and between the south line of alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Plat A, extended easterly Hazel Park Plat A extended easterly, except the :h lot or and the south line of part in railway right-of-way. the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 29, A11 that part of Range 22, except the west 180.22 ft. lying northerly of Rose Avenue in Arose' Park and except the east 294.44 ft. of the west lig as platted 1174.66 ft. lying northerly of the south line of the alley in Block 2, Hazel Park Plat A projected westerly. 1 % S Bear Ave. and northerly of C. St. P- M. & 0. By. right of way, 'n Unplatted $1000 Section 26, Township 29, Range 22• P $1700 16 2 Ames' Park ( 1150 3950 Jessamine St. vacated south of and do adjoining and 17 2 Lots 14 and 15 2 do 600 350 Lots 12 and 13 2 do 750 �GUf,v'�iY31:r LOT `' 11 {...tt�fvQ ab C6 ADDITION ASSESSED nLu (,JS, Land Building West 125 ft. of part of Northwest 4, i'T x f1 1 -zz. 7 Bear Ave. and northerly of C. St. P. SS"jT Q1. tTSi'`'J{ }e `d'.LE E 7 •.U'?.jr` ^(. T PC) ]-T, .: E3"mit "2 $4 37 M. & 0. Ry, right of way, 4n Section 26, Township 29, Range 22. under Preliminary Order approved May 22, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost Ux t�e ve cod% o i� $ 47000.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED nLu Land Building West 125 ft. of part of Northwest 4, South of ftes' Park, east of White Bear Ave. and northerly of C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry, right of way, 4n Section 26, Township 29, Range 22. Unplatted $1000 $1700 16 2 Ames' Park ( 1150 3950 Jessamine St. vacated south of and adjoining and 17 2 do Lots 14 and 15 2 do 600 350 Lots 12 and 13 2 do 750 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTKtENY OF FINANCE F#EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. _ '- • BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT DESCRIPTION : Land'. Building`, East 73.61 ft. of west 253.83 ft. of south 295.88 ft. of north 328.88'. ft. of Northwest 4 of Section 26, Unplatted 750 1950 Township 29, Range 22 East 73.61- ft. of west 327.44 ft. of south 295.88 ft- of north 328.88: ft. of Northwest 4 Of Section 2 69 do 750 2200 Township 29, Range 22• . 7 £t. of west 376.51 ft- '� of outh 295.88 ft. of North 328.88 .ft. of Northwest 4 of Section 269 do 500 1100 Townahip 29, Range22. East 49.07 ft. of west 425.58 ft. of south 295.88 ft- of north 328.88 ft. of Northwest 4 of Section 261 do 500 2700' ;Township 299 Range 22 'East 49.08 ft. of West 474.66 ft. 'of South 295.88 ft. of North 328.88 ;ft. of Northwest 4 of Section 26, do 500 4200 !'Township 29, Range 22- f ':Except west 41 ft- of North 122.82 ft.; "West 80 ft. of east 164.2 ft. of of Northwest 4 of Northwest 4 .part west of Hazel St. and between Maryland Ave. and extended center line of Rose ''Ave. in Section 26, Township 29, do 400 y. !Range 22. Except north 142.82 ft. and except '`,part in R. By; The East 84.2 ft. `a of part of Northwest 4 of Northwest - wrest of Hazel St. and between 31aryland Ave. and extended center aline of Rose Ave. in Section 26, 50 Township 29, Range 22. do _Except north 30 ft- & exce t west 30 ft.; part of Northwest ,northerly of G. St. P. M. & 0. Ry R/W, westerly of Mpls. St. Paul 'Sub. Ry. R/W, south of extended south line of Hazel Park Plat A. east of Ames Park and north of extended south line of Block 2 in said Ames Park, all in Section 26, Township 29;, do (� 900 Ragne 22. TOTAL _- ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT DLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Except Nest 158 ft.; all that part of the Northwest I lying northerly of C. St. P. M. & 0 Railway right of wad, south of a line 30 ft. south of and paralled with the south line of Ames Park, and west of west line of Van Dyke St. in Ames Park extend south in Section 26, Township 292 Onplatted $350 Range 22. Except west 158 ft. and except part in Ames Park; all parts of west iff Of Northwest a northerly of C. St. P. & 0. Ry. R/W and westerly of Minneapolis & St. Paul Suburban Railway and south of extended center line of Rose Ave. which would be included in extensions of Rose, A i Jessamine and van Dyke S. n Section 26, Township 29, Range 22. do 100 1 1 Ames' Park 75 2 1 do 50 3 1 do 50 Lot 4 and east 20 ft. of 5 1 do 75 Lot 6 and except east 20 ft.; 5 1 do 75 7 1 do 50 . 8 l do 50 9 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 ll 1 do 50 18 1 di 50 19 1 do 50 20 1 do 50 21 . 1 do 50 22 1 do 50 F.Aw e.e.i 23 1 do TOTAL 50 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCK. ADDITION VALUATION Land Building p; 24 ! 1 Ames' Park 50 . 25 1 do 50 26 1 do 50 27 1 do 50 28 1 do 75 1 2 do 75 2 2 do 50 3 2 do 50 4 2 do 50 5 2 do 50 6 2 do 50 7 2 do 50 8 2 do 50 9 2 do 50 10 . 2 do 50 11 2 do Deeded to City 18 - 2 do Deeded to City 19 2 do 50 20 . 2 do 50 21 2 do 50 22 2 do 50 23 2 do 50 24 . 2 do 50 25 _ 2 do 50 26 2 do 50 27 2 d o 50 28 2 do v .e.Ii TOTAL 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 Lot 20 and except east 25 £t.; 21 1 Lot 22 & east 25 ft. of 21 1 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 ADDITION Hazel Park Plat A do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED LandYAL%1%.g $50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 Total $11,250 $18,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. S:j� Dated July 30, 19 52 — Commisaloner of�anck. Form B. B. 12 //-7VS.+ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance \ MAY 27 1952 DEPT, OF n:l FINANCE May 27 _..._...._......._�...._.1952 ..._...._.... ............. 194 ..... ...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......_15Q91?,.. approved. .......... ...... .... MAy...??,. 1952....._...._.....194........, relative to Coadasaing end taking for public school purposes the follorira described lands t Lots 12 to 22 Inclusive, )lock 1, and Lots 5 to 8 inalUsive, Inook 2, Heal Park Plat A. Lots 1 to n iaciusive, and 18 to 28 inclusive in Block 1, and All of Blook 2, Awes' Park. All that dart of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, loanehip 29, Range 22, lying eartbarly of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & 0meh8 Mini' right-oi'- n% and westerly of the Minnapolis, St. Paul of the southlof ine Armand andduuced, Pa 18411 aid south Bine ptodexcept whiteuth Bear Avenue and except Awes, Park. All that part of tbs Mortbwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 269 To mehb 28, Reage 22, lying west of Mesal 8t. and between the south lino of MWIend Avenue and the earth line of Hesoi Park Plat A extended easterly, except the west 41 ft. of the north 142.82 ft. Of the west 80 ft. of the act 164.2 ft. and except the north 142.82 ft. Of the east 84.2 ft. and except the part in reilway right-of-upy. (� eiws All that Part of the Northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, except the wast 180.22 ft. lying twrtharlg of Rose Avenue a: /� +� as platted in Ases0 Park and except the seat 294.44 ft. of the west 474.b6 lt. lying northerly of the south lira of the alley in Block 2, v Hazel Park Plat A projected westerly. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...................... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat .thereof is $ ........................................ and the total cost thereof is $ ...... _....... _.._._..__.._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..- ........................ _....... .................................... _............................. _..._............... ..................... _.... .............................. _............... ._...._............... _........ _ . 5. Said improvement ia.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -............ ............-......._...._._...._...._.........._...._..._ 2M -6-46 Commissioner of Public Works. r J I _ o� t Y t ° <" FRU T nT, vi amu, " �y„ .�d Ra. L 1 'i SY t• 15 Zv R R C �.... 1 r �I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...................... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat .thereof is $ ........................................ and the total cost thereof is $ ...... _....... _.._._..__.._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..- ........................ _....... .................................... _............................. _..._............... ..................... _.... .............................. _............... ._...._............... _........ _ . 5. Said improvement ia.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -............ ............-......._...._._...._...._.........._...._..._ 2M -6-46 Commissioner of Public Works. THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS BIB CITY HALL SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA July 25, 1952 Mr. Leonard C. Seamer 1 Valuation Engineer r 286 City Hall b Re: East Side Junior High School Site Dear Mr. Seamer: In accordance with my recent conversation with Mr. Dehn, we would like to revise the condemnation request for the subject property by omitting the following parcels The East 39 feet of the West 80 feet of East 16L.2 feet of Part of the Northwest Quarter of the North- west Quarter; West of Hazel Street and between Mary- land Avenue and the extended South line of the alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Plat A, in Section 26, Town- ship 29, Range 22. This parcel is encircled in green on the enclosed map. The Board of Education will be informed of this action. Very truly yours, / - -- Richa�Fel Consulting Architect , RFH:db / enc. cc: Mr. F. E. Conner • •i 9a 9- � • r c c ;,'TRAM/ UM h YE, W J 5 3; VE- 71. - i s z. ' I 4v 4 l 71-1-17 r c c ;,'TRAM/ UM h YE, W J 5 3; VE- 71. - i s z. 71-1-17 r c c ;,'TRAM/ UM h YE, W J 5 3; VE- 71. - i s z. X14 SE T t� zo mlgRl Yz l9,410 - I -T 39 s-- � 1. ti •' V 5 6 7 S ' 1 I ,% C�;,ITRh V/ UA -1 A VF - e -7 F- i t N / qp e EI'7t 40 4o.•: 44.6 N / qp e EI'7t 40 FIE.. t uj� /g 7G ?7 /7 7 LLl, ,J6 S SA A-4WE A v&-• r• _ fupon w /0 is zo SE- ca�umi � f �3 LI 3 49P1 41j01 9`' 1. 7L - —'.d J - CV V I r if Zn C-3�- I15 A. r 4u.,: q4 r 17 4q 4 i QEI?AAII UM 1 2 o: >.y /9 /7 Q % _S Hd�klr.,yt9 p "Ei s"nsb .Q 0.5--c' /3 °v /4 • 1/ p /c -9 Q N 4 3 n /7 / p h n ,zs _S Hd�klr.,yt9 p "Ei s"nsb .Q 0.5--c' ,2> 9 7 n c y h al 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B a: s ad Fly y� Q h '1 QOs• ao./z• 3a nl' LLL Z9 ./�•SSAM/NE ASE-• ,'• 7 0 Yq 5� pP G w J3 OMEJ • ". V.OZEL ,g*. 1-78g N`Y %a SE c. 26.79 CONpEM/YAT/ON O� j N' 8/3 9 / �2( �� $ C � — • 1/ p /c -9 4 3 2 / p h N y /6 v /9 20 2/22 23 24 25 26 2.7 m 26 :yGa nw./ow S g114 or ,2> 9 7 n c y h al 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B a: s ad Fly y� Q h '1 QOs• ao./z• 3a nl' LLL Z9 ./�•SSAM/NE ASE-• ,'• 7 0 Yq 5� pP G w J3 OMEJ • ". V.OZEL ,g*. 1-78g N`Y %a SE c. 26.79 CONpEM/YAT/ON O� j N' 8/3 9 / �2( �� $ C � — �NW%aGor.Scc. z6-79-22 _ __ m MA 2YG -4 /Y AYE. n aQ .30 z 33 j 47406 •ro - 9�� 4 32PJ 7 6 5 4 3 2 H / /4 /S /6 /7 /B /9 20 2/ *2 s e4 za �, .2 O SG" A ✓E. ® z4 Oo 4 _ 6. -'.S -- - IN 2 �i . N I VI ! I 7 /9 i 20 2; '. 22 li 123 124 2$ 2H 27 215 oj I a1 MSC-•�i'n/„#-,�'.. .. .-V... •_ i �voc j aOs ... Is! �11Al .,'ooh g NGO� QQ Erc.ync.,ey .. d s'Nsb 33. ,z5' Q z0 '405 .. ., .. .. .. .. ac,s• 4a 65' :30' I o /2 i 13 is -9 /4 j 45 2 /6 a /9 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 S /6 26 y /7 GEQA/Y/UM �4✓�. �` 3 3 I ! i / /4 /S /6 /7 /B /9 20 2/ *2 s e4 za �, .2 O SG" A ✓E. ® z4 Oo 4 _ 6. -'.S -- - IN 2 �i . N I VI ! I 7 /9 i 20 2; '. 22 li 123 124 2$ 2H 27 215 oj �voc j aOs .,w /z, S r� C _30 '{ v.�c.e-s =9 ,JESSAM/NE A✓E. "'fir � V N ,4,WZSI /-AQ/C BG A- S. / ft 2 HAZEL PArQKPLATA 9,4 •41x`2 NYY %a SEC. 26 - 29 - 22 CONOEMNAT/ON (Schon/ lP�rPoSeS� BtlrG OU Ol' �nqq//7PCrS /j//py 2 2, 797 2 /ao" THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS 615 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA May 13, 1952 A blr. Leonard C. Seamer Valuation Engineer 286 Citv Hall and Court Mouse Re: 'ite for hast Jr. HiPh School Dear Mr. Seamer: To accommodate a property owner adjacent to the site being condemned for the East Junior High School, we would like to revise a paragrarh in the condemnation request as follows: Except West !11 feet of North lh2.E2 feet; the West 80 feet of East 164.2 feet of part of Northwest g!uarter of Northwest quarter West of Hazel Street and between Maryland Avenue and extended center line of Hose Avenue, in Section26, Township 29, Range 22. The enclosed site plan indicates the location of this change. if such a revision is possible, do ,you require that the Board of Education take appropriate action? Very truly yours, Richard r . Hamme Consulting Architect RF H: db enc. 'a HARRY T. 'CONNELL day CITY Of SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE April 4, 1952 Mr. William M. Serbine Corporation Counsel BUI LDItf a HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clah Dear Sirt The Council requested that you take the proper steps for the acquisition of the property described in the attached resolution of the Board of Education. Very trul urs, City�lerk 'Aft'" 6e i r 16P1jq C. F. No. 181UI&— 1' r e the matter of reconstructing o ep Irmg. where necessary. the ex - i is[�ng sidewalk on both sides f C. COUNCIL FILE NO.. way street from Arcade street to FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_. -reconstructing or-_repairing,_where--ne_ceffsary,--the.-existing ----------- sidawalk__on. both sides o£_ Conway- .Streat_irom_Arcade__S_treat-to_Forest-Street, - -- ---- -- ------------- -- - - ----------------------------- ---- - - - --- ----- ---- --- - -------------- .----------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----- 16041 ----------------------- --approved --- - ------July 3+_1952- ---- -- ----- - IntermediaryOrder --------- ----------------- ------ ------- ----- -mpproved --------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- —the_-_________ existing_sidewalk-flm-both _s3tlea--_o£_Donwag_ Street_Isom_arcade_8treet__ta__Eor�st_-_______- _tree- +-------- --- - - - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------=------------ --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council ------------ --- -------------- ------- , 192--------- - - ---- AUG 2 g 1952 City Clerk. Approved -------- ------------ - - -. 192 File s 5333 Councilman f..e,, R•r„e Councilman 0erguean.- Councilman McDonaldLIT Councilman :McG11ogan N councilman aSudheimer i Councilman eNANZ01::-- Mayord&x18savwx L;,O_N�r Form B. S. A. 8-7 PTTRT.TSHrD 0 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (p) U ON PRELIMINARY ORDER WOO OO 11 In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Conway Street from Arcade Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost perAoMorre£he above improvement is For 4'monolithic; $ 0.39; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways root—cuttigg, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assesse� benefits for such Improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ianaL1A01ding 15 83 Stinson's Subdivision of Block $550 83 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 16 83 do 500 $150 17 83 do 500 3000 18 83 do 500 3050 19 83 do 500 2650 20 83 do 500 2350 21 83 do 500 1500 22 83 do 500 1250 23 83 do 500 1200 24 83 do 500 1250 • CITY OF ST. PAUL do 425 1600 do 475 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( •. . - `B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ASSESSED Land - Building -; 25 83 '.Stinson's Subdivision ofl $500 $1500. Block 83 of Lyman Dayton a 26 83 :Addition do 500 Lots 27 and 28 83 do 1075 2450 16 84 Adam 0otzianIs Subdn. of Block. 550 1300 on's Addition 84, l7man Dayton's 500 650 ,.Fast 17 84 do 18 84 do 375 1350 30 feet of -West 10 £t. of Lot 18 & east of 19 84 do 375 1100 :East 3.5 ft. of Lot 20 & west of 19 84 do 300 650 Except east 3.5 ft.; 20 84 do 450 2850 21 84 do 500 1300 22 84 do 500 1350 23 84 do 500 300 24 . 84 do 500 650 25 84 do 500 Boo 26 84 . do 500 1100 27 84 . do 500 750 28 84 . do 500 1000 29 84. do 500 1200 30 84 . do 575 1000. West 50 ft. of east 400 ft. of 134 ft. of 82 Lyman Dayton's Addition to 550 2100 north the City of Saint Paul West 50 ft. of east 350 ft. of 82 north 134 ft. of West 50 ft. of east 200 ft. of 82 north 134 ft. of West 50 ft- of east 150 ft. of 82 north 134 ft. of do 450 950 do 425 1600 do 475 1950 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building North 50 ft. of East 100 ft. of 82 Lyman Dayton's Addition to the 550 2100 City of Saint Paul 1 Kennedy's Subdivision of Part 50 of Block 82, of L Dayton's 2 Addition to St. Paul 50 3 do 550 1300 4 do 550 1300 5 do 800 2000 Total $19,200 $51,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 30, 1952 Commissioner of Finpnc/_f_j/�e. Form B. B. I7 "Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................. .......... _...... 19'R . ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 160 I ...... ...... ....._...._..... 194'2...., relative to Council, known as Council File No............_.................approved.........._._J�_�............_. ........................... eC.C>aB ,=Cting.._Or....R6pairings... where._.necessaryy...the'. xistin-sid4malk-. on_bothsides.._of.. Cover y-_Street...lY.am..ArCada...Straet...te...Forsat-Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Mono. conc.walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. ............... _............._...... and the total cost thereof is $....__.._....__.._..._...._.._, Extra eork(Exe., fill, drive xings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. .. ..... .. ------------------- - ..................................................................... _... .._............. _.......... ........... .... .. --- 03 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ... ....... ........... ...7.nitiatad.-by _ths_.IIept.....oY...Ail>li.o-.Wosks........ ........................................ _.... ...................... _._.....im 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessmen �dimpr��t. — w RECE �v�0 �- � Commissioner of Public Works. ' 7M -6-46 N JUL 231952 nEEx. OF jlrt\IF) n FINANCE 2r' C. F. No. 183112o-- In�Nnghere on m enshveftng o lacing sidewalk a both rysliles n f E. Fifth Street from Earl SI et COUNCIL FILE NO.- By-- C. O..By- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_recon@t_runting or__repairing=_-where_necessaryf__the, exis-t--ing_________ _ sidewal.k_on_both_sides-of_E.__FUth_Street_ from Earl Street_ to Hancock -Street=__._ --- -- -- ----- - - ---------- --- --- - - -- --- - - ----- ------------ - ------ ------------- - -- - - - ---------------------- --- - - -------- ---------------- -- -- - -- ---- --- ------ -------------- --- - under Preliminary Order._ 160MA-- ---------------------- _ - July -3,1952 Intermediary Order-------------------------------------------Approved----------------------- ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_h_construct_or_rep__where_necessary�__the------------- existing--sidewal.lc_nn-_bntb _sides_--oS_li.__F3Eth�tz e_e_t _ fsom_Far] __Stx eet__tQ-_-H#nF4ck_StreetP and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- -AUG-2-6-1952 _ i ----- -- , 192 -------- AUG 2 b a? -� 1 City Clerk. Approved -- -- ---- -------------- _ - , 192 S 5331 _ Councilman ncy -- •, a,}�ve,e,� Councilman Ferguson � 0' ' No Councilman XcDonald " 7' ' Councilman XcGlogan DN Councilman ejmer "iO" Counciia ��- Mayor Hodgson �AuONEY Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - - - -------------- Mayor. LISHED 3 e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of E. Fifth Street from Earl Street to Hancock Street, 160731 X731 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: j The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ squareFor 411 monolithic. _ $ 0.32, Extra work The estimated cost pe;400t for the above improvement is such as excavation fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 1 14 A.GotsiAdditi Rearrangement Of $125 Sigel1 15 do 225 2 15 do 300 850 3 i5 do 275 2600 1 3 Kumlis Addition to St. Paul 325 2 3 do 250 1050 3 3 do 100 4 3 do 250 1450 5 3 do 250 1750 6 3 do ( 350 1300 T (((( 7 3 do TOTAL. V— E. a. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) V ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 8 3 Kumlis Addition to St. Paul 6 50 9 3 do 25 Vacated street adjoining and 1 4 do 225 2 4 do 75 3 4 do 250 .2000 4 4 do 275 1850 5 4 do 275 1750 6 4 do 275 1850 7 4 do 275 1600 8 4 do 275 9 4 do 300 3550 Total t�17sO 76�2: 6oa The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. O Dated July 30. 1952 Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 12 (\ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 16 . ................... 19F ....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..160448.........approved....-.............. 3 ............................ ........... 19 2....., relative to .................... ............ eonnatructing...or..Fepairings...ahera_.neceasa17.o-..the ...Ald ing...aidexalk............... _.._ on both sides of E. Fifth Street fr�_Earl Street to Hancock Street .............. ................................... ............ ._....... ...... .......... ........ .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...........................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Mono-co—Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._ ......... .......... ............. and the total cost thereof is $._.._._...._...._........._._., ERtra work(Esc.,fill, drive-xingas root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.............................................................................._...._.........._...., 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... ......-Initiated b the Department of_Publi.....Norks... ...... ............................._................ _.................. ....... _.... _ 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or mo�=perty, subject to assessment for said improvement. L�tf1�� 2M -6-16 ��y\, Commissioner of Public Works. (i I,t.IVE� `�, JUL 2:31952 i-I[PT. OF i 1-tNANCE "/ W1021 11 C. F. No. 161021— $ the r oP ceeonetruoting' or repalrin , COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ reconstx=ting_or_-imp iring,._ediere _me_aaasary._the- existing _------- __ aidexalk--on- both --sides. of Hawthorne--Avenue-from Weide-Street--to--Arcade-Street,------- under Preliminary Order__"_ 160452-__ approved __ _-JulY-3, 1952- .-- ---- ___ _____-___- IntermediaryOrder ----------------------------------------------approved ---------------------------------------------------'--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kindiof im- provement to be made by the said City is___ construct or_ repair,_ rrherenecessar ,__the_,_______- _exieting.. sidewgllc_on_both_ aides__Q�__Hal�h4�__A9erlue_>;'T_om_Wei.cle__StzeeL___t9_A?'Caa4______ Str_t,---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -A -UG -2--6--19-5-2 __--"______-_"_/_,�1192�-_/_,__,_-- �� AUG 2 g 9 , - U City Clerk. Approved ---- ------------- --- --._ , 192, File s 5334 --- - - --------------- --- -- a or. CouncilmanCL'""r="'+ Councilman Fefgfige-n _ ' AND Councilman McDdhald r L11 PLJBLISI-M, D— Councilman McGT6gan CIN Councilman SudWimer A Councilman WiF Mayor° Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of 'reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hawthorne Avenue from Weide Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ square for V monolithic1 • _ $0.39; Extra work The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: T DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 7 Oak Ville Park 11 7 do 12 7 do 13 7 do 14 7 do 15 7 do 16 7 do 17 7 do 18 7 do North 21 feet of Lots 1 and 2 12 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED Land L�AJOTding $500 $12550 450 1100 425 2550 50 50 50 100 1200 20,000 350 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION 3 12 4 12 5 12 6 12 7 12 8 12 9- 12 Oak Ville Park do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION land Building. $450 $1990..._ ..... 500 1850 500 500 850 500 2300 500 1950 550 U50 Total $6,675 $34,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him,in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 30, 19 52 &"�'vr "�yk "�. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jing_lb........ _.... _.... ....... 19.2_.._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....l6Ril 2....... approved .......... _...dn.]y_.3................... .... _............ ....... 194?..., relative to 8econstructing.._oF._RePait3.n&�.._where.._neceesarY:.._the exiatin sideoralk _ ............................................................ on both sides of Hawthorne Avenue from Weide Street to Arcade Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... ..............necessary and (or) desirable. 1 $0.39 per eq.ft. for 4e Mono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ ........................................ and the total cost thereof is $ ............. ...... ..... .............. Extra work(Fxc., fills drive—sings root cuttings etc. at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ... ... ....... . ... .. ... ...... . .. ........................ . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. Initiated b . tthe 1)a of Public Works .............. .......... ......................... ....... ..........._..... .... ................... I ......... _.... b. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of roperll et subject to assessment for said impr r . ... _...._.....__...._......._._........._............ ........ _........................... ..._.. 7M _6-I6 !l- r.O Commissioner of Public Works. JUL 231952 DEPT. OF CE �� FINANCE �� I -C ! 092 4 I C. F. No. M022— Sn the matterof recamtructtag or reP4d!L whero hey COUNCIL FILE NO._ __-- -.-- -- r;. _ y14•;,' A ------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---- ahere__ necessary,__ the _existing_ _ _ _ ridexa k_on- both --sides of_ Jessamine__Amenue._from Clark -Street to Desot_a_Stree_t---------- .__ - - -. -- ------------ -------------- ---------- -- - - -------- - ---- - ------- under Preliminary Order -------- 1454 ----------------------- approved __ July 3,-- 1952--- -__ --- --- -- ------------- Intermediary Order --------- ---------------- ______-_—___-_-_-approved ------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is---- recgnstruct_or_repairsxhere_necessary}__the existing sidewalk_on-both- sides _of Jessamine_Avenue Prom Clark Street to Desoto and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to.pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG -2-6 1952 , Adopted by the Council ..._.--- ___ _________-___--- 192. -------- AUG 2 6 1952 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------ - 192 ------ File S 5335 - - ----- - - -- ---------- Councilman c a xr or. Councilman PMLISHED ,,rU, ,, , �� Councilman c nrLI Councilman c �asoN Councilman 91en Councilman enz, oAA O Mayor r Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Jessamine Avenue from Clark Street to Desoto Street, 16W'733 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ square F`xtra work The estimated cost pe;/foot for the above improvement is for 4" -monolithic: - 39- g� ch as exca atjj n f�{{11 driivewav� ooi clttin� at extra costd 1�he lots or parcels of laAd tHat inay 6e asse5sef3 �ene is or suc Improvement, an *the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 1 17 Beaupre & Kelly's Addition to $2250 (Inc- lot"&3) Saint Pail 4 17 8 2 Van Slyke & Lewis' Rearrangement 275 - of Humbirds Addition to St. Paul 9 2 do 350 2750 10 2 do 50 11 2 do 50 12 2 do 150 13 2 do 375 2500 14 2 do 400 2550 $3,900 $7,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works^ Dated missioner�Financ�. Form B. S. A. 8.5 D . 91.5--333 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....16%. 54......approved.....July..3....... ..... ........ _.........._....... ..... ...... 19 2......,, relative to aaansta�uctln&._or._liepamin.g.,_.3fhere.._Mce>5.oar1:*._the ....eXJsV n$.._110A1! on both sides of Jessamine Avenue from Clark street to DeSoto Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ..................... necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Nono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... ...... .................. ............. and the total cost thereof is $ .... _...... ........ ..__.......... ..... Extra xork(Exc., fill, drive—xings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................Initiated.._bY..._the.._Department....Qt.. Pltblko.._?I.arke..........................................._................_.............. 5. Said improvement is.............................asked for upon petition of three or more wners of pro subject to assessment for said improv yyby vvll - ........... 1M -6-16 �` N E C �'v O Commissioner of Public Work �_ / 1. L JUL 231952 Pr.."T. OF FINANCE y IC? 023 C. F. Na. 101025 -- In the matter of rec9n4m=g-.or repatri.$ .1 where ..� ,7 the ea - a, k, sat•' = COUNCIL FILE NO. - it i;.,i. By-- - - - - - -- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of- -_reconstruct_ing or_rgpairingf_where-_necessary,._ the_ existing --- _---- _ _ sidenik_-on._b-oth sides_ oS__ Acker -BtrQ_at:_,from_Cortland_Place - to- Buffalo --Street-._ - _--- under Preliminary Order ------- 160449_ ---------- -------- -_.approved ._ . _July_3,_1952 Intermediary Order -----------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.-__reconstruct-_or_repairi_ where necessargi --- the existing_sidewalk_on- __to_ Aff_1,o_ Street,-.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to theCouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council _---- ---------- _------------------ ------- , 192 -------- AUG 2 6 1952 �'u�r'°-l--�l--'--Cl/-Lb7------- City Clerk. Approved -- ---- --------- --- -- - 192--- ---------------- ----- ----- - -- File -__. Ma r. Councilman = rwtr-tom Councilman'0'r—gruson PUBLISHED 6 Councilman McDonald` Councilman '31icOlogan _,N L Councilman Sudheimer 4 Counc' an �Veitel - L Mayor o ' L-U-Nsv Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the malter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Acker Street from Cortland Place to Buffalo Street, 1611734 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ quare For L�" monolithic; $ 0.39; extra work The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is such as driveways excavation, £ill, root-cuttin ,,etc. at extr� cost. The lots or parcels of )'and that may be assessed benents for suc� improvement, an the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 5 Edmund Rice's Second Addition ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building $725 $500 100 375 - 350 250 225 200 125 125 100 to the City of St. Paul 17 8 do 18 8 do 19 3 do 20 8 do 21 8 do 22 8 do 23 8 do 24 8 do 25 8 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building $725 $500 100 375 - 350 250 225 200 125 125 100 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFMSSIONEOF FINANCE ON PREjvIORDER DESCRIPTION Lot 10 and west 20 ft. of East 30 f t. of Lot 9 and west z of East j of Lot 10 and all of SAI, $11,175 $10,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Juiy 30 19 Commissioner of Fina) Form B. B. 12 ASSESSED .LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 26 8 . Edmund Rice's, Second Addition $100 to the City of St. Paul 100 27 8 do 28 8 do 200 29 8 do 275 30 8 do 300 goo 31 8 do 325 325 1250 32 B do 33 8 do 400 525 1150 8 9 do do 500 1100 9 9 1 do 700 2200 11 9 11 9 do 300 750 do 500 1150 12 9 13 9 do 500 5 F. W. Laphamb Addition 600 650 6 do 550 7 do 375 8 do 375 10 do 550 do 400 600 11 do 400 700 12 SAI, $11,175 $10,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Juiy 30 19 Commissioner of Fina) Form B. B. 12 IC Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ..... ........+�x._;14............. _...................... ...... 1 is,6?_..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Noapproved- ........_JAY..._ ......... ....... ........... ......... .... ...... 19452..., relative to Recaxlatruciiix�.._or...Rem ri.ag....................... _.... on b oth sides of Acker Street from Cortland Place to Buffalo Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... _ .......................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 411 Mono.Conc.walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................................ and the total cost thereof is $ .................... _.......... _..... Extra work(Etc., fill, drive-rings,r oat cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........................................_................_...._......._.........._..._.........._,._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. Initiated... by. ...the ...Dept ..... of...Publia- Burka.................... ....................._.........._..................................OD 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of ree or more owners proat subject to assessment for said improvement. _ vzyU� 2M -6-46 �v^� Commissioner of Public Works. cu JUL 231952 DEPT. OF FtN,ANCB y r odclnal to City Clerk ✓ / 1024 '� A CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLENCIL NO. - Lt - w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE COMMISSIEONEY - DATE. -.. C. F. No. 181024 --By Severin A. Mor- . tinson— _ t9h(W8, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Vtllitlec hasreported In riecord- _ _ ......w... c....a.... . A . rr 1 .cs tie'v1�7 - •1 Lt WHERF,�'1S) the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Depart- ment of Public Utilities for more than'-6tght hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE OVERTIhr RATE TOTAL William Cockriel Jr.Util.Investigator 8 hours 1.75-3/46 14.06 Alfred 0. Grundner Jr.Util.Investigator 8 hours 1.72-1/4, 13.78 Albert L. Hogan Market Director 16 hours 2.41-3/4 38.68 Frank E. Pierce Market Clerk 16 hours 1.94 31.04 Arthur J. Robert Util.Investigator 8 hours 2.17-1/4 17.38 CO N QILMEN Yeas s Holland Marzitelli McDa raiott Mortinson Peterson -Resew" 4e" 4i_G,') Mr. President,-Belat ey. 5M 7SI •® i' :i !952 Adopted by the Council --------195— j`:1 Approved _ -_ - ----------195— �In Favor 4--a-C�M-Y -Against PUBL1SHED g� r� J Orlainat to city clerk ' \jn•j r �O ENCIL NO. � � � r�'•,t� CITY OF ST. PAUL -- LICENSE 00MMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AuguPRESENTEDDATE_.8t 26. 1952 COMMISSIONE - - - HESOLVEDt That on Sale Liquor License Ido. 3856, expiring January 31. 1953, issued to David F. Heffron at 1067 Hadeon Road be and the same is hereby transferred to Donald He oourteau and Raymond P. MoFadden at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of David F. Heffron that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. TR0SFEE (Licensese) On Sale Liquor Establishment Informally approved by Council July 31. 1952 COUNCILMEN Yeas — 1eAna+A Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort nsoonn —y—In Favor Peterson .f-- _ .Against Mr. President, NEU= 11021my 5M 7.51 .®® F. No. 161025—Hy Severin A. Mor" Resolved' That atFoPeters— Steal oe 1�t9uor 3'-. Resaived, .nae No. 3856, xPiring January 31, i53, [sued to David F. Heftron t 167 Hudson Road be and the a is ri erebytranaferretl dt0 FD0 Fadd nua !au and Raymoto n me ad ass, that the bontlofted nthe tranafereea is hereby pPr d the Corporation Comael is di Cted to notify the surety on the bond d David F. Hetrron that it is leased i. ill arising after the date Ns transfer becomes eHecitve. [ 28 Adopted by the Council Augus 1832. d August 26. 1952' Approve ,August 30,'1952) ( AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council -------195— Approved-- ) AUG 2 6 1952 195— --- – -- yor CITY ` g ,sz ✓lG/�'Z.S� APPLI p/ !^^!dF05 OQ�.SALE" ALE"45LIQUOR, LICENSE ICENSE Application No .................._..... - -_-.-_.-...—_.....cantN �pli�� Residence Address..:: ------ _,I�.�...s�f C.la�..L............_____.._.... Telephone No......_......_ ...................._...._...----'- Are you a citizen o ',,the United StiatesiF ... .......... ..... ..: ...------_---_--_--_.... ...... ....... -........ _....... -.-------- -._--------------------------- Have you ever been engaged in operating,a4saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? A 1. l - Whenand where?_.-...._.__...._._..._..........- .................... - ...._...............:�._...�_._-.---------- -:,_.[:; ....-- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporatiQn...._�_....: -- ._...--............. __......:_f .11 `....._._ _._...�......_-___.._-__. s Whenincorporated?.... .._...._......—_...__.._.... _........... t c--- — --- - ----- ----....._...._.._ .......... ........... —................... _......._...._.._.. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters. for club -mem6ers?..... ...... ._..__.._...._.___._..___...__.__........__...._..._ How many members?..__......__.---.----....-.---....-'--.--..._ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ............... ..... .... _...._..---------------------- ----'-"— Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street �p Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured among stree/ts) ?.-......jam._....- How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? .............1..,p 1a._q-...Es_..:......._.__.._._.._._.___.... .... _...._...._...._/.... How many feet from closest ublic/or parochial grade or high school measured along streets) ?...2.. le.cLfS Name of closest school._. d.111L ...._.f�L..lq__...�f^r4..0.../......._...._..__....._..._...----_---._....--------------.— p. / 9 How are premises classified under Zord g Ordinance?..__..4..Q...�j2.CX1_P.f.^_�1.` f......_......._..._...._...............____...._................_........._. On what floor located?.—/25' ._..._..__.._.__...JJ�.-_..............--......._._...._..__...._..........----�-�...^_..:_/...-....__...-../.......�......_....._...._......... Are premises owned by you or leased?...l�S.�.dt..If leased give name of owner....I.t..C..%M./-,V.ts_.�e�Z-Z 0 If a restaurant give seating capacity? ....._...—..__....__.._..... ................. ..... ...... ... ......... ............. ... _... ----- ---- ----------- ...._...._._— —_ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....�.._.. _.................. _............................ ...._.........__-..__..._...._........._....._...._....._........._......- Givetrade name----------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel? _._.................. _.......... _....................... __.......---- ---- ----- ------ _.._..---------------------------- ....--- ---- ._................................... Name of resident proprietoieQr. meager (re4aurjUt or hgtel)....._........_......._.._._._....._....-._..._...._.........._......... _.............. ........... Give THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated. ....................... ................ ..... . ........ ..... .... 19 ..._..... _.__.......__...._... -----------_...._...._..............._...__...._.................--.... .__---._........_.._ License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUXTr)0F RAMSEY, / ��_.._tAr& i�'i et dig.. sworn, Sep an says that he has r�eadF the oregoing application an ows the conte is eof, that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. ._ ..... Subscribed and /go to be5pre me Minn. My commission STATE OF MINNESOTA, l ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY, )( first duly sworn, deposes and says that .................. .............. ......... _. nom__.._—.. —_..___...-.---___—_ .._..._......._._..............-..._..........................._....., a corporation; that_.._..........._...._.........._............................_........... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the r same is true to the best of..........._...._...._..._...._._--._ ......... _.....knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. ...........................day of......... ... ......... ..._.......... _..... .........._ia Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission 1M-7-51 .0§00'n Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILN{.4 `� �r�/�� FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (/' Augast 26. 1952 PRESENTED BY i l--s+-J'1 COMMISSION DATE__ -_--._ RESOLVED= That licensee for Restaurant'# On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci9ar8tte9 Application B 419029 and"Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 41903* applied for by Donald H. Oourteau and Rely P. McFadden at 1067 Hhdson Road be and the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally approved by Oouncil Jnly 31. 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas -$.lys Holland Marzitclli Mortinson///In Favor Peterson Resew —Against Mr. President, 1398MM DAUBNEY SM 7 -SI .01911.0 C. F. No. 161026—By Severin A. Mor- tinson—Robert F. Peferaon— Resolved. That licensee for Reetau- a t. on and OR Sale Malt Bevernge and Cigarette. APPncatfon B41902, and Mechanical Amusement , applied for tion, Appncation 841903• apP M Faddendat 1067 Hudson Road t ".nd the a a e e hereby granted. Adopledby the Council August 26. ust 26. 1952. 1952. Approvedi August 30, 1952) Adopted by the Council- -M"-R 19-r4195— AVG 2 g 1152 Approved------ -- 195— -- - ay original to City Clerk CO ENCIL OF ST PAUL CITY LICENSE OOWrfTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //— I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pilg st 26. 1952 � :7 � r �✓' � DATE_ ._ COMMISSIONER�/v RESOLVED3 That the following li);enses Confectionery, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette No. w+2, expirling January 31. 1953, issued to August J. Bu7.inski (deceased) at 562 Rice Street be and the ease is hereby transferred to Raymond J. and Edward A. Bulinski at the same address. TRANSFER (Licensees) Off Sale Liquor establishment Informally approved by Council Augmat 7, 1952 COUNCILMEN YeasNays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson .FA"rr Mr. President, Doha= DAUTINEY 1M 711 _— --- C. F. No. 161027—By Severin A. Mor- Unson—RoBt Lite following licenses Resolved, Sae Malt Beverage Confectionery, Oft iring January and Cigarette No. 442, expt J. sulinskl 31, 1953, issued at 58too RlceeStkeet be an d theCes and Is hereby transferred to Raymond J' ean ddreas.ward A. Bullnski at the same the Council August 26 Adopted by 1952. t 26. 1952. ppprovedlAAug st 30. 1952) AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council--- ---195-- AUG 2 6 1952 Pproved---- ---- -- 195-- In 95—In Favor Mayor I ✓ Against Original to City clCh COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE CONMIVEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ij�.C.Lr7���y_–_. DATEAugust S. 191 - cg PRESENTED BY — ----- cOMMISSIONE - - - RESOLVEDt That Off Sale Liquor=- License Ro- 1316- expiring January 31. 1953- issued to August J. Bulinski (deceased) at 562 Rice Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Raymond J- and Edward A. Bulkinski- at the same address and the City Clerk shall transfer said license when the bond filed by the licensees has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and the Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the issuance Of the license. No. 101088-BYa e_ A. Mor - TRANSFER (Off Sale Liquor) Informally approved by 001=11 Angast 7- 1952 COUNCILMEN Yeaa.ts'— '"'�a.++e'�^..� ��Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort In Favor Peterson P,.....__ __ Against Mr. President,?I IX BA[IB=f SM 7-31' eOW® Adopted by the Council -------195— Approved--- -/---- -195— M y 95—My r . vuu 10-48 �AIWPAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.— (T i. o.(Thi. form must be Alled ou d on to the ayDlicnHon nd rmuimd by t Li r yp�cry. Co leeioner the State oP Minnmots.) Name of Applica Telephone No Residence Address Are you a citizen of the United States? Have yo en engaged in operati a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, m• business of similar nature? When and where? If corporation, give date when incorporate Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sol Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward jz�� How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) . How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? f How many feet from closes ublic or p ro i hig rade school easured along streets) Name of closest schooBGl� ""T-'" How are premises class i d under Zpning on what floor located? � If leased, give name of owner v Is application for drugstore, generalfo store or exclusive liquor tore? How long have you operated present business at present site? Do you now have an "on Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must he verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated- 19— License Inspector Fuvm 8= acriu.d 6/1/61 STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER AppLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly- in ccordinglyIn answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a CorPo- ration one ation rs and rs. For a ship one f the rAPPLIC Nexecute TS" shall exeecute tohis application for ll members of theepartnership•�ner Every question must be answered. Bulins14 1, I Edward A Bulinski and Pzymond J. as P (lndividval aamer, officer, ar parnxr) for and in behalf of , hereby apply for an Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at 562 Rice 5 eet (Street Addreu and/or Lot and Block Number) Municipality of a"' County of RAMSPY State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1949, Chapter 340, as amended, commencing Au st6 ,1952 , and ending January 1 195. Edward A. Bulins*January 21, 1927 2. Date of Birt Ra"mond J. BulinSid March 16 1913 (pay) (Month) Our 3. dfv residence>at present and for the past five years is as follows: Edward A. Eulinski 2 Edmund Avenue St. Pavl lirmesota - Iia and J. Eulinski Kli3 North Western Ave. St. Paul 3 i`L-nn• Are 4. -Ivthe applicant3i citizetsof the United States? es If naturalized state If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers and/or partners. Both of the abovea Edward A. Bulinski.'s wife is Shirley Bulinski nd r t 9K9 ^dmnnA Ave St Pa v'1 'i. Minn. 5. Give wife's or husband's full name and addresses --- Raymond J. Bulinsla's wife is Dolores Bulinski and resides at543 North idestern Ave.St.Pauu 3, 6. What occupations have you followed for the past ten years? Ra-'16orxi Bulinski has been employed with his father, Fuviard Bulinski attended schools served in U.S. Navy during `.dorld Wax II and was employed by his father since 1246 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnersh' Edward A. Bulinski 259 Edmund Avenue St a 1 'A. Minnesota Raymond J Bu1Lnski 5)�3 North Western Ave.. St Fa ' M'.,, go-ta _- If a corporation, date of incorporation , state in which incorporated mount of authorized capitalization-------, amount of paid in---- if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so give purpose of corporatio name and address of all officers, directors and stockholders and the number of shares held by each If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? _ Number of certificate of authority If this application is for a new Corporation include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws• If this application is for a RENEWAL of license state whether any changes have been made in the Articles of Incorporation and BY -Laws since the last issue of Li 8. On what floor is the establishment located, or to tie located? F; * + 9. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how is the location of the building classified? Commercial Is the building located within the prescribed area for such license? 10. Is the establishment located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school? ]done near State the approximate distance of the establishment from such school or church 00 feet from Ch rch 275 south Pascal MDM 11. State name and address of owner of building HaT Pittelkowa C has owner of building any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant? No z� 12. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent? No 13. State whetfier applicant, and/or any of his associates, have ever had an application for a Liquor License rejected by any municipality or State authority, if so, give date and details-119- 14. etailsNo 14. Has the applicant, and/or any of his associates, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details No 16. State whether applicant, and/or any of his associates, were ever convicted of any crime in this state, or any other state, or under Federal Laws, and if so give date and details No 16. Is applicant, and/or any of his associates, a member of the governing body of the municipality in which this license is to be issued? No If so, in what capacity? '17. State whether any person other than applicants has any right, title or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details None others Have 18.41#s applicants any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor, establishment in the State of Minnesota? No Give name and address of such establishment 19. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference- Ra mond E Rossberr, Schmidt Drewery, St Faul 11illiam Tafiel, Phillips and Sons, Stinson blvd., Epis. 20. Do you possess a retail dealer's identification card issued by the liquor Control Commissioner which will expire December Slat of this year? Give number of same .41-1 21. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer? mn 22. State whether applicant intends to possess, operate or permit the,possession or operation of, on the licensed premises or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice, gambling device and apparatus, or permit any gambling therein. i10 23. Under what classification is the license applied for: EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?_ EXelftlailve 24. Are the premises now occupied, or to be occupied, by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from any other business establishment? 26. If a drugAlore, state length of time the store has been in operatio 26. Stat trade name to be 27. State name of person that will operate store___BniiLap. l is 28. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off -sale Liquor License and for the same premises No 29. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage License in conjunction with this Off -sale Liquor license, and for the same premises No 30. Give Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Tax Stamp Number 31. Do you intend to deliver liquor by vehicle? des --If so, state the number of the Vehicle Permit issued for the current year by the Liquor Control Commissioner_ ____ --4i11 i 32. If this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale License, give name of former licensee and state whether any consideration, money or property has been paid, or will be paid, given or exchanged by any -one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of consideration Former Lcensee was August J. Bulinski. Approximately $8,000.00, to be adjusted by the Inventory, to be paid by the app cants to Rose Bulinski, Special tdministratr x of the Estate of August J. Bulinski. I hereby verify the above statement—e7lnskrY�.L !1 �� (&gnature of former licensee) 33. Will applicant and/or his associates strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota govern- ing the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor; rales and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Con- trol Commissioner; and all ordinances of your municipality? Yes I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this HayTff65ncrJ. BuA y,,yre of apph—) G day of August 19 52 Vincent P. Coarr�tnVy*"y Public) ar P.ubJ_c R ey County, illi esota ot y co mission & e ecem er ;, REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, and/or his associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past fiveyears for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, or Municipal Ordinances relating to Intoxi- caring Liquor, except as hereinafter stated POLICE DEPARTMENT (Name of city, village or borough) APPROVED BY TITLE (If you have no police department, either the Marshal or the Constable shall execute this report on the applicant) REPORT ON PREMISES BY FIRE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the premises herein described have been inspected and that all Laws of the State of Minnesota and municipal ordinances relating to Fire Protection have been complied with. - i� 1fluoG 9 ARE DEPARTmr-.NT (Name of city, village or borough) APPROVED BY TITLE (If you have no Fire Department, an authorized member of the Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of the applicant's premises) . originalto City Clerk cou NGIL • ON CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—_ LICENSE OOMMITPEE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Augnst_26_ 1952 - - DATE_.�. -- RESOLVED2 That. that portion of License No. 1659 dealing with Gas Station 2 pump licenses expiring March 1. 1953, issued to Kenneth L. Sheeran at 6i5 South Snelling Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Roy G. Boestehoff at the same address. TRANSFER Ltr. COUNCILMEN YeasHAlrWOWN Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson Rcsoa.-- Mr. President, r DAUB= 5M 7-51 -QjW® C tinson�Roberte- P teprrsoo n� A. Mor- seoNo.dIG39 ties call G s Sutton' 2e pump license, tphlring March 1, l 1at M9 Soissued to Neraneuth Snelling Avenue be e8adnthe me Is hereby transterreddto uy y Woestehotr at the me 2fi, Atlopted by the Council August 1952. ppprovedl,26 1952. nugust 30, 18521 11 ,1G Adopted by the Council— - _-195— / Approved--_.___ _-_ 195-- n �In Favor - Ma or /' Against Original to City Clark , COUNCIL �_\ P �'; CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-- LICEHSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM August 26, 1952 PRESENTED DATE. - -- -_ COMMISSION RESOLVED= That licensee for permit to conduct Bingo Games applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Hose Sodality, St. Adalbert Church L21 6 Hew 265 Charles Avenue 1 Period APP- 3 Parente+ Club of Boy Scout Troup No. 171+ Margaret Plalygrounda, Earl & Beech Ste, 1 Period App. 1+2135 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas SAL a�w .,Nays Holland / Marzitelli Mortinson �-_In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, III= Y fM 7-51 C. F. No. 161 BY Severin A. Mor- tinsnn—RobertF. Pets �r permit to o solved. That amc�BeaDPRed for by -_ - duct Bingn iyatlona at ete ad - the following gsn ncaUon. dresses stated,nfor the a haaPP�nstei d hours in t. on herebj' Br's be and the same ar 265 t Charles seSdAvt nue. Adal a iT od tnAP_ plication 42136, Ne W. Scout Troop Parents'Ma6garet Pl.ygoun lica- Nn,174, d M a Streets. 1 Period. APP tloAdoP� by the Council August 28. .1952. APProv _ ed Augu�t 28 1852 — 952) Adopted by the Council-.--- f195— Approved------- 195- 1 ayor original to City ClsrtCoarsen 1�-e. ,a� 031- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r r PRESENTED BY r"_„ Y3, J�_�� A; L, �. t DATE August `27, 1972. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Council and the Comptroller, without advertisement or competitive bids, such supplies as may be r$quired for the operation of the Concessions at the Municipal Auditorium for a period of one year, such items which by reason and/or copyrights of patents/are sold at uniform prices, and no advantage can be secured by competitive bids. (Such supplies including pop, beer, cigarettes, cigars,etc.) C. F. No. 16loal-13Y Frank D. Mar- Resol— rt r.rj d g Agtnt Resolved, That y suthorlud to puts be and is hereby Chase, with the Consr withO edvegirl- tlsd the C r c °�lP¢{ipve bids, such ement or n nired for the applies as may be reg ns t the ope tion f the Concessioon, of lrlunlcipal uehl items WhICh bygireaspn' one year, s is — sold of patents end/or anYrino ". - at untform prices, end no .duan can be secured by competltive b i(Suh aupDllea lndnding poD. Wit. ii dgarettea dg�tbeeCo)nca Augast 26, Adopters by e� 1952. 26 Approved August (August 3o. 1952) V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas iio1 Nays Marzitelli / Approved 195_ Mortinson In Favor Ma or Peterson /I R.,y Against Mr, President, IdfC Original to City Cl.rk COUNCIL NO. tq a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY2 -. �^ DATE Augnet 25, 1972• COMMISSIONEP«��� Resolved, That the Purchasing Age t be and is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Council and the Comptrollers without advertisement or competitive bids, such supplies as may be required for the operation of the various Park Refectories, and/or o 1VTights for a period of one year, such items which by reason of patentsjare sold at uniform prices, and no advantage can be secured by competitive bids. (such supplies including pop, beer, cigarettes, cigars, etc.) Severin A. Mar- tiaement or c.-Penuve u.us, m.1,l = 1 plies as may be quired far Lre oper- ton of the v rious Park Refectories, for period of one year, such itetlls which by res bon of patents and/ar It, enpyrights are old at iform prices, a a d advantage can be secured by ? ppeetilive bids. (Such supplies in- alutling p, beer, cigarettes, cigars, etc,). Adopted by the C ... c. August 26, } �y93 18Approved August 26, 1952. 1 (August 39, 19521 V •//!Gn- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1952196— Yeas Hol' Nays jlilfyi; o land Marzitelli j Approved 196— Mortinson 0 > J 1n Favor Mayor Peterson Rnaer, Against Mr. President, = 6M 1-61 �419n6 original to City Clerk ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .-.,I Ii RFGn1.11TION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, That in accordance with Chapter 531, Laws of Minnesota for 1951, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Alice I4eisel the sum of $136.59, being vacation allowance payable to her as widow of Arthur H. Meisel, deceased. COUNCILMEN yeaserarnr Nays Holland Marzitelli wDermott Mortinson Peterson Iier -- Mr. President, B46"Paubney 5M 7-51 361033—BY Severin ,A. Mor - By That '.accordance with 1. Laws of Mianesota for proper City officers are here- ,Pid ns directed to pay to the u of >p138b9.— "e '. 12' August 26, 1952. Approved,August 30. 1952) Adopted by the Council-'-�-1-93.52.195— Approved------ ----195— __\ .—In Favor L May r Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN MARSHALL F. HURLEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT JAMES P. SULLIVAN JOHN J. MCNEIL TIMOTHY P. QUINN ROBERT E. O'CONNELL J. JEROME PLUNKETT CORPORATION COUNSEL A°s1aTwNt° August 21, 1952 Mr. Norris 0. Halvorson Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings Dear Sir: In answer to your ;letter of August 20, 1952, please be advised as follows: In ,your letter you refer to Section 7 of Ordinance 17 N1951. which was amended by Ordinance No. 9804, approved October 1., You state: "* * * Arthur H. Meisel, a veteran employee of this Since themamendingdordinance last October 1st. was not effective until October 13th, last year, would the provisions of Chapter 531, Laws of Minnesota for 1951, be operative in Meisel's case notwithstanding? He (or his wife) was paid for all his time through October 1st, but there was an accumulation of ten vacation days for which th=_re has been no pay." The answer to your question is that the 1951 lqw referred to, Chapter 531, is operative in this particular case. The date of the This lawq as far passage of rationmun- the 95areaconcerned,lw was lwas�not,lin eget terminolo�asselfi cipal colpo enacting legislation. It provided the ent toitheasurvivingtspouseiof the authority to "# �t �r provide for payor accumulated credits under the vacation or overtime ermissive legisla- maintained by the employer". It wecificas twe term action onpthe part of rthe tion and, therefore, would take specific municipality to act thereunder. Ordinance No. 9804, approved October 131 1951, can only be considered as a statement of policy written into our herCouncil,rlinance batthany City Council. In itself it is not self -enacting. time afteordinancerreferrredsto, could proceed in nytspecific casehout the under ence of he the pasage of tState under the Mr. Norris 0. Halvorson _2_ August 21, 1952 authority granted it by the State law. Under the provisions of the ordinance, action must be taken by the Council in each specific case. As I have stated, the Council could have acted at any time after the passage of the State law. It is my opinion that it can now rightly act on the statement of facts which you present in your letter and provide for, if it deems fit, payment of the accumulation of ten vacation days which the employe named is entitled to and which his dependants have not received. Yours_ very truly, 1 Marshall F. Hurley Assistant Corporation C sal MFH—B Original to City Clerk- (,j 9' 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. ` t - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE C, F, No,. 161034—By Severin A, Mor- tinson—By ratio d— Resalved� That the Northern States Power Company be gl Permission to install approximately 921 lineal feet of gas main on W. California between Avon and Fisk to 844, on Fremont be- tween Johnson Pkwy. and Clarenre to • 1344. and on Hampshire between Edg- numbs Road and Howell under pro - I visions of Council File No. 123001, Ord- ' humee We- 8271, dated JWy 19, 1941. Adopted by the Couneil August 26, '195.. ApprovedAugust 26, 1952. E !; (August 30, 19521 Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be Given persission t-) install ;pro rim::tely 921 lineal feet of ,�s main on W. OoliforniLt between Avon ano. Fisk to SLI+, on Fremont between Johnson P.,wy. and Cl rence to 131'i, and on Hampshire between rd;ecumbe rd. and Ho�rell unser ,rovisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated Jul.; 19, 1811.1. v / . C UNCILMEN Yes _'" ays Holland Marzitelli n4ePe g[o ii Morti Peterson Rosea Mr. President, -Dalaaa3c SM ]-SI QQ Adopted by the Council__ 1,1, _195— df Approved------- —"--195— In Favor - _ n ___ _.Against ori¢in.i to Cin Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM %,1035 COUNCIL FILE NO• C. IF. No. 161035—HY Severin A. Mor - Ya EREAS, in the matter of 1R50 contid contractor, C odateoofer's. Contract, L-4925, Pederson Bros., completion is November 11 1950, and vIHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but was delayed due to the increased amount of improvement work awarded to him to be done with limited available skilled help, also due to delays on account of the Capitol Approach Improvement Project, therefore, be it, RESODIED, That the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said ntract hextend, ing the time of completion to September 1, 1952, provided that this Resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FUMI ER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project, will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. Adopted by the Council_ _-195— COUNCILMEN Y eas--�Nays Holland Approved---- - -195— Marzitelli j MsUMLOIX Mortinson _—In Favor Peterson Against PUBLISHLU -� gp�l— Ilau�ne� Mr. President, )M 7-11 -O!W® original to City Clerk Fo ENCIL NO. J-61 � �f 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —nl uTlON—GENERAL FORM August 26, 1952 IC. F. No. 181038—Hy Severin A. Mor- I tlneon—Hy ,quest— Resolved. That Maurice W. Hewett,' (Traffic Engineer, is hereby authorized lastltutedo4 T'. ffctheuEngin eLrs gat Ch c6 an�nn ^^ "'ober. 8th lo. 1,•° - I WA RFSOLVED, that i„aurice W. Hewett, Traffic Engineer) is hereby authorized to attend the annual meeting of the Institute of Traffic Zrigineers at Chicago) Illinois) September 8 to lith inclusive) 1952) and be it farther %ESOLVED'That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse :iaurice V. Hewett for travelling expenses incurred by him in attending said meeting from the Traffic Control Fund, Code 1063, upon presentation of an itemized statement of travelling costs. V COUNCILMEN Yeas FW►oreea^Nays Holland Marzitelli XSVWXW Mort Peterson R---- Dazibner Mr. President, l yk— )M 7.51 -IGW® Adopted by the Council— `'r 195-- / Approved— --'— 195— I q� —1—In Favor -- —� ` ayor Against PUBLISHED ''3 C / 9, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No FILE ORIGINAL- _N9 1505 COUNCIL RESOLUTION �. CITY DLERK FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATEA'_A§t 22nd• 1 2 • In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous • material, the alley in Block 1, Hillcrest Centers from Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order 159409 , 1952, and Final Order 160166 approved approved April 15 June 17, 1952. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as suiimitted for the above named improvement, be and the same and he is hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public by City directed to do the work at an esti en epcost of 6 0 proceed toaecurethe Forces, and that the Purchasing Ag necessary materials, and be it I That the cost of the above improvement, Fing en RESOLVED, expenses amounting to including engineering and inspection exp 54 02 be assessed against the • • $291.62, or a total of $29 . benefitted property. C. F. No. 161097—By Soverin A. Mor- $ request, tin ao.— Y - In the matter of grading and s facing wtth Bituminous materiel, the alley In Black 1. H Ilerest Center, from _ Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under PI'eliminaCY_ Order 159409�rup- LiL,t +.•r ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S GRMAL BID NO. TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED A OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST $ 2,954,02 V 1 ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - LOGE $ 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT'-- LOGE $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOLL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPER ..--- NISSUE—GOOF i <. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - i 5. COUNTY AID - -- - - - - - - - - _— a. TOTAL $ 2,954.02 - - - - : GOPIE5 TO: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS E UNENCUMBEREDROPRIATIONS TO CITY CLERK AN AVAILABLE IN THE A APP COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT MPROV EMENT DEVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHAYING------ IICOUNCILMEN • IYEAS I MR. PRESIDENT 30a 9-A) �•Ci LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DATE FINAL ORDER THE COUNCI ADOAUc�_6 1952_ PTED BY L_— — NAYS —IN FAVOR AUG 2 6 1952 —�— APPROVED_ ._._AGAINST PU1j41SHM Original to city c1.rt O- f'038 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL lN 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU11154J, EtgSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �r`�uL�/ ppTF August 20� 1 5_� Resolved,'That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized,to purchase, uIIitf the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 4000 gallons, emulsified asphalt, Minnesota State highway specifications SS-l,froln AMLRICAN BITUMALS & ASPHALT.00IMPANY at an approximate cost of 1,0430.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists whera failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Oiling Streets 2001-C-131. COUNCILMEN Yeas WWlaaNays RolMarziteRi Mortinson pto"pto Peterson u. Dmbnyr Mr. President, CGUNWE 6M 1-01 ..4wI C. F. No. 161038—By Severin A. Mor - Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, hereb c authorized Mayor and with the onsent of the d the Comptrolle ..fi , o Mons. I Cable YMirinesota State Highway pG fi ttons SS -1, from AMERICAN BTTI3- MALS & ASPHALT COMPANY With It aPPtoXimm n cert cot 5930.00. _ to t ompetitive btds. a •t 21W1-'&; 'U.tl August 26, by the Canc August 26. 1952. i An gust 30. 1952) �. it Adopted by the Council 195— Approved i yIn Favor /l J)V,May dr Against O Ur1Qin-I to City Ct.rk ;� r,. 161039 39 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENO1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Bp �� DATE Augiisf, 20 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, aid he is hereby authorized to purchase, gallons with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 500000 leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from H.K.STAHL COMPANY at a price of -1776 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Public Safety, Gasoline 1005, C-2. COUNCILMEN Yeas 1101Ba Nays Marzitelli Ndimmet Mortinson Peterson 11"an- ]lsnbasy Mr. President, 6M '.61 C. F. No. 161039—Ry Robert F. Peter- Aeaolved, That the hePurchasing Ageto n d he 1a reby autho zfd the bids, as an tePrumbf,PtlS ould work e failure tointerest City. hardship Charge Publict Safety. Gasoline 1005, C-2. Adopted bythe Council August 26, 195: At 26 1952 Av d(Augusst 30,1952). Adopted by the Council hLG 195- 2 J. PJ�i�96_ (/ Approve In Favor v C May _Against Original mcity Clark cour4cit NO. "'" CITY OF ST. PAUL Fite OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CORCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R PESENTED n AT August 20, 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the &onsent of the 14ayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from H.K.STAHL COMPANY at a price of p.12735 per gallon, less 1% ten days, on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Jhinicipal equipment 1003-134. COUNCILMEN Yeas HolHall� Nays Marzitelli Mortinson It1>0romim Peterson pa— =bnby Mr. President,. 5M 1-51 -08-3 C. F. No. 181046 -By Severin A. Mor- tlnwn—By yuest— Resolved, That the Purchaaltnt Agent be, and he >s hereby authorized to Mayor andwthe ComptroIIRit pprozie ately 5,000 gallons Q" leaded gaso- line. 72-74 Octane, CFR. Motor Method, from H. K. STARL COMPANY at a priyyce of 12735 per gallon, less 1% ten b1g, as an on Bemergprim, ney exists oor R 'failure to eet promptly wuOld work a j hardship to the best interest _of the ..:y. Charge Municipal Equipmentrg 1003-129. Adopted by the Council August 20, � 1pApproved August 26,1%2. 4 (August 30, 1052) AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council 196— AUR ? „ Approves 196— n a or YI-Favor / Against Orfa'ia.] t. city Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL rILE L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYA'�/�' _ COMMISSIONER/JQz--w�-r—� DATE At1 [t].St 20, 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 61,000 Registration Record Shaw -Walker cards from McCLAIN & HEDMA_v COMPANY at a ccst of �48.05, without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund - Election Ptg. & Post. 31D6. Gk' COUNCILMEN Yeas Ho1Bt4 Nays Marzitelli 11 ja t Mortinson 1 Peterson $"- Dea bney Mr. President, SN t -St .�2 F. No, 181041—By Severin A. Mor - lye bleb, s failure loact a hardship to by the Council August 26. August 26, 1852. IAugust 30, 1952) Adopted by the Council 95_ Approved 195— In Favor Mayor Against original to city clerk illi �YC CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUtPI IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /O� COMMISSIIONER��L�/`7 ���-'-� DATP August 220 1952 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the rehabilitation of tile roof on the Main Public Library on Fourth Street between Market and :-lashington, St. Paul 2, Minnesota, to ROOFINGS, INC., in accordance with city plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3738 of said Roofings, Inc., for the contract price of 424,884.00, such bid bein the lowest and said Roofings, Inc., being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. C. F. No. 161042—By Severin A. Mor- thtaoa—By request- - -- Resolved, That the Council hereby i'' . B pproves the award of the Contract • 3738• Committee therefor and hereby awards ,the contract for furnishing an labor, materials and services necessary for d reasonably incidental to the r habilitation of Lite roof on the Main Public Library on Fourth Street be - and the Formal ,81d No. 3758 f said Bornngs, Inc.. for the contract price of -: 324,1134.00, such bid being the lowest and saidRoofings, Inc., being the lowest tlable and reasonable bidder, -pd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby J.directed to draw up the proper form n contract therefor, and the prvpei City officlpis hereby re ..in- orued to execute said contract n be- half of the City of St. Paul. Formal l Bid 3730. Adopted by the Council August 26, 1952. Approved August 20, 1832. lAugust 30, 1952) a,i-f(, "' 1952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 196_ Yeas S$po11sZWJM Nays amd Marziteni t Mortinson / ` Approved _196— app y In Favor Peterson Mayo Ra"It-. Doibney Against Mr. President,[ bm 1.51 "11M.8 ORIGINAL— CITY CLERK • - -- - t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N0. 110-_ Na 14$4 COUNCIL _RESOLUTION FILE 1!_V 10 A�j C. F. No. 181043—Ey Severin A. Mar- SECTS AUTHCRIZATIC tin son—BY q TheteSthe CDancll hereby �.,_-._....ee I.e nlvnrd of the Contract ;d hPTebv a'ra -a ATEA Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of DORA COURT ?'TEST from Upper Afton Road to the southerly line of Dora Lane, DORA COURT EAST from Upper Afton Road to the southerly line of Dora Lane, and DORA LANE from Dora Court East to Dora Court West to WALBON EXCAVATING COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 3755 of said Walbon Excavating Company, for the contract price of "$2,050.00, stich bid being the lowest and said Walbon Excavating Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be �n d hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property $2050.00 FORMAL BIO NO. 3755 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 2,438.77 NOTE: TO B CERTIFIED AST FUNDS AVAILABLE BY RROLLER BEFORE P ESENTING TO COUNCIL FOP ADOPTI ON. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVE- f A52 050-00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEPITTED PROPERTY - - - CODE S 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - CODE S ,. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E%EMR PROPER BOND ISSUE—CODE $ A. APPROPRIATED FROM- - s 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - $ 6. TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -NE IS AN UNEN UMBER.. B - I 2050.00 COPIES T L PNCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATE. APPROPRIATIONS T LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO._. CITV CLERK VAIL M FUND COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT I PROVEMENT REVOLVING PUBLIC VVORK5IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. �^', ���� — PURCHASING n A DATE FINAL ORDER ADORED—_. -- I YEAS MR. PRESIDENT No 9-47 �•(iu AUG2t; 1y NAYS J ADORED BY THE COUNCIL-__-- --------- — -- _ FAVOR Y4a,r PUBLISIIGD ORIGINw1.._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ng i 4 Q COUNCIL NO. CITY CLERK 1 0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE AUTHORI ATI OP C. F. 49— No, 1610BY Severin A. Mor- CTS tlnson—ey ThhatTt Resolve �, the Council hereby PRESENTEDDATE Ali':IIC'f iir__l- i Resolved, Tat the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract • Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing and drainage structures on Hazelwood Street from Maryland Avenue to Ames Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to S'PA`IDARD STONE COP1PANY, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached and the Formal did #3754 of said Standard Stone Company, for the contract price of ;6,857.00, such bid being the laaest and said Standard Stone Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be az d hereby i is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed aZainst benefitted property ao6,857.00. • • FORMAL BID NO. 37551' ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 56,865-00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - S $6,857-00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COO. S 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S <. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s 6. . COUNCILMEN • YEAS I PRESIDENT AUG 2 R 1952 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____—____-___, l . _IN FAVOR AUG 2 R 1952 APPROVED W&UMA TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - s $6,857-00 COPIES TO: CITY CLERK Y THAT THERE IS ANCE A ABLETIN THE ABOVE STATED UNENCUMBERED B - APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.—_ PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. /�/ G .� ./ ;- GG I DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED__—_ - COUNCILMEN • YEAS I PRESIDENT AUG 2 R 1952 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____—____-___, l . _IN FAVOR AUG 2 R 1952 APPROVED W&UMA CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILEt No. 15 ORIGINAL—FILE 1486 COUNCIL RESOLUTION CITY CLERK FOR AUTHORIZATIIOON/N OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS //// DAT Au�uBt PRESENTED BY HON._._ _ �r Resolved, T the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for grading, graveling, oiling and improvement of Orme Lane from Orme Court to ® Orme Court, also the construction of a sewer in the easement on the southerly two feet of Lot 25 and the northerly two feet of Lot 24, Block 5, Bohlands Edgcumbe Hills from Howell Street to Orme Lane, to M.G. ASTLEFORD in accordance with plans and specifications , . hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 3753 of said M.G.�'stleford for the contract price of $4,999.00, such bid being the lowest and said M.G. Astleford being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are ized to execute said benefittedcontract property. �of the City of 9t. Paulul.. Assessedagainst C. F. No. 161046-13y Severin A. Mor- tinson—By request— Resolved, That the Council hereby II _pprovea the award of the Contract Committee therefor. an' H. Rwarda the conlro nT. I'ec'�^.ling. 9)B121i 0 0 lJ FORMAL BIO NO. 3753 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ $5096.76 NOTE: TOB CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TOC UNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS $4,999.00FOLLOWS: 1 ASSESSED AGAINST .-SPITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - s 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE $ a. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ t. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - s 6 — TOTAL - - - - - - - - - $ COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK A -CE AVAIL BLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS I IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING n — - _ �Q LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED-- -- AUG 2 6 1952 YEA. NAYS �' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_------- -- ;, -IN FAVOR [ 9 2 g APPROVED -----— + .__AGAINST (� OR MR. PRESIDENT 2UELISHGD 1146 Council bile No...... R 6...1 .— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 101046— and whereas, A written Dreppooaer for the me_king of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: OPenx-widen-_and extend C-hestnut Street from Hill Street to the northerly -line of Lot4s 9 and 10, Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, by taking and condemning all of Lots 9 and 10,Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, and that part of Lot 11, Block 34, - ---- ..............-------- - ... ......----------............... -- -----..--....... --...........................-- Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying -westerly and southerly off' the alley in said Lot 11. ................................ ............................ •........................... Datedthis-Und.......day of ................... ugust................... .....................9 '.. - -- - .......... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WbiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. gpQn� X deD--.ai4 extend-_Ches..tnut--$treat-_from-_Iiill..Street.northerly line of Lots9--.end 10. Block 34t Rice and Irvine's Addition, by taking and condemning all of Lots_9-_and lOx_Block 34x. Rice and Irvine's Addition, and that part of Lot 11, -Block 34, Rice and Irvinefs Addition, lying westerly and southerly of the alley in said Lot 11. —� having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul............................................................... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1952 Adopted by the Council ................. AUG.2-6........... - - YEAR NAYS Councilman FffrncxN- °n AUG 2 6 1952 W,,. sox Holland Approved ..................... -........................ ............................ Pr4aro Marzitelli p,&wR*Be Mettinsan UegrR- Peterson Trtvxx Reoa°' - ....... - Ma. Pame4naxr _ Daubney / Ma 1000 7-40 �® / ^'� PUBLISHED 10 47 If h,_the COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing south side of Edmund Avenue from Mackabin Street to Arundel Street, under ?reliminary Order 160811 approved Au¢nst 5 1952 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb south side of Edmund Avenue from llackabin Street to Arundel Street,!' 4 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 19624.39. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on theme_-- _--day of Zaptember, 1952 *0&_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council A__ UC?g�— , 193— AUG 2 6 1952 Approved 193— Ci Clerk File 12006 Ma r Councilman F Councilman.3M'dpr' —,-'=- ` 'CLLAND Councilman7PWree*-`z- 1AU'TUL1 Councilman nW---='t MOarNSON PUBLISHED Councilmatl *'-'<= u rar=_asON ' CouncilmarA =: -- K– -T Mayo DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8.6 4 Council File XGA., ........... y.•g y � A 8 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_.__.. condemning_and-_taking_ag_e$Q1pgrA.-JA..the..]And..necessaL7-- f= --n7 slop s, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block b, Edgrood Addition from Sheridan Avenue to Norfolk Avenne, C. F. No. 181098-- In the mwttm of �ohdemn n8 '�x � a� 4 IV— under fid 1599111 ----... a . - -! 'v ---------22i -1952 ---- Preliminary Order--•---•----•----•.---•-------------------- approved Intermediary Order-----------160315---------approved.--------- -Ju152---------------- FinalOrder----------------•----._..•----16061L ------•------------ approved _- ---------- as1952-------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it s�1ar• Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. -Paul on the __....._ 214th____._..____day of ----- goR &.dxr--_-------•----_--------•-_ 19..52_.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 2 6 1959 Adopted by the Ccuncil -.......... ................ _ ........................19......../ - AUG 2 6 9952 •-cy cierk. it Approved - 19 ........ 0 ........................ File 119119 _ Councilman &sw—'__.. n Councilman T7z;_1_V i_;z.:_ _! AND Councilman v,e< IT—Lu Councilman z«. ,C ar *,>oN HI01,I3HED l�J Councilman ?soN Councilman - Mayor 4rkl2w_ ._, _v — O Council File No .. �........... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In She mater of contlatnnln8 antl� taldnR an easement for t•���4yt'Do�� ,of In the matter of condemning and tiking an easement for the park if colatrnating attt;maiutaining a public water wain ons under and across the following described bpmaintainin .aoa.p public part water � ainnortheaet j of the northwest i .nf Sectimn..R6,.:1 rin'Ohip 29s Ranof ge 22, bouaded:by'the Yollosing described limes Beginning at the intersebtion of the northerly line of the 4doagos St. Pan" Minmeapolis and Omaha Railway Company Right of Way and the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburb" Railway Company Right of Way, thence north- easterly i ong the northwesterlyway o Chicago, St. 30 tPaul, Mi neap s and Omaha Railway Company Rightay ne stint easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company Bight of Ways measured at right angles to Basel Avenue, thence northerly on a straight Lim parallel to the easterly line of Hazel Avenue to its intersection with the southeasterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Ca®pany Right of Rays thence southwesterly and southerly along the southeasterly and easterly lines of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company Right of Way to the point of beginning. Intermediary Order ...�• _ . - -- --------=---------- ----t --. _ 7� ...----- approve - •---- - - ------ - -- 16086b ........ approved- - et -12' -1952---------------------------- The ----------- Final Order------.... - ..._ �. - - - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........._�th......... .... day of An lir-----------_------_----- - 19..-5Z., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 2 6 1952 Adoptedby the Council ------------------I ............. ...... - ......................... 19._`--... / AUG 2 6 1952 1..'...��...-.'...---r-•-••----- y Cit Clerk. Approved----------- .......... -------------------------------- 19..------ File 11985 Ms or. Councilman ex:+""r''" t nrnfrea CounciEDlman up PMLISH_ �� - Councilman Councilman Councilman I Councilman— Mayor Council File No...... 10 / �.. ....... :., :r 160432 Jul 2 1952 under Preliminary Order ..................._-.....----. PP -...-------:---------------------------------� --•-----------------.., approved. - Intermediary Order ------------------ 1605 .............................approved --AIT 151._19 ----•----- ------ Au st 12 1952 Final Order. --—..--.160864- ......--•---......--..... - , approved - - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the— ......-& .---....-...day of..--.....Septembeg------------------ ........... 19..- .., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 2 6 1952 Adopted by the Council ------------- -- •-- • - , 19 AUG 2 6 1952 (�G- , ..l. '.-.. • ---------------- City Clerk. Approved--- ---------------•-•-••------• ----------•-----••----+ 19........ File 11985 Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman - Councilman Y• CouncilmanF`•+�-- Mayor V ---•--- - - ------- •- - ------ •• - --- -- Ma or. FWLISHUD NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL f+ TO PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION. COUNCIL FILE NO.— 1T^�s0ant —checks 6e drawn NAF $2b 22 19 _vdT i RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN"�'�_.5d7 ����y�tJpZY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-49 010.74 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37229TO� 284__INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_ ]c1 5((2� ty_ "'a- 6 H IJ52 CRY CAMPRiOLLER , /t//, APPROVED 18-- BYt�-.t%Lil. '°° �O PUBLESHE?D _3 o WIN -00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 9 COUNCIL � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK t' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------- �-----' ROLL MMrYOAGON C Aug. 22-------- HAUDITED CLAIMS-------- A-------------'----B OLLAND MARZITEL LI ----N FAVOR MORTINSON T RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY tREASURY PETERSON AGAINST I� n RGG✓i1iIN THE AMOUNT OF 5----49 ill"---". 7 4 --------- COVERING MR. PRIES. DAUBNEY 37229 %284 CHECKS NO._-%----------------0-___---------- INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _-_.__... UG 2 L J9�r1 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. NUIDER APPROVED %Y-+-V B, -1 BY- P O S �- - ._ _ - TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ® -- ------ —-------- I 15 37229 Bernard T. Holland 3 257 2 024 60 37230 185 60 !, 37231 Edw. H. Carlson 37232 Sgt. T. Donald Wallace 55 30 37233 Dt. Lt. Wm. F. Proetz 57 73 37234 Ace Electric & Neon Serv. 320 00 11, 37235 Bernard T. Holland 36 830 87 !I' 37236 Perris Jones, Librarian 21 75 !I 37237 AoMi Sawdust and Shavings Co. I 50 001 37238 American Linen Supply Co. 114 921' 37239 Charles P. Anderson Inc. 86 281. 37240 Architectural Forum 12 50ij 37241 Automotive Warehous. Corp. 100 00,. 37242 Bell & Howell Co. i 20 05.E 37243 Berglund Lumber Co. 185 2V 37244 Bishop Tow. Service 198 00� 37245 Blueprint Serv. Co. 105 35 i1 37246 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Co. 198 751 37247 Carpenter Paper Co. 22 261 37248 Certified Concrete Co. 109 73!1 37249 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. 130 8011 37250 Commercial Refrigeration & A 2 411 37251 Commonwealth Electric Co. 3 37252 Corning Donohue Inc. 5 5 63;1 37253 Crescent Creamery Co. 136 OOIj 37254 Crook and Hanley Inc. i 511 0011 37255 Dealers Mfg. Co. ; 56 3 37256 East Side Motor Sales Co. i 17 3�',, 37257 Educational Enterprises 37258 Eibert Coffee Co. 22 5011 37259 Elk Laundry Co. 21 3711 37260 General Food Sales Div. 87 55;1 37261 Grinnell Co. j 40 59'' 37262 Gruber Auto Electric Co. 37263 Hickok Electrical Instaument 69 8011 37264 Hayden Motor Sales Inc. I 45 2111 37265 Jurgen Co. 57 371 37266 Kee Loa Mfg. Co. 116 8o'! 37267 Laurel Pub.00'� I 3 li ® 37268 Wm. F. Loulan 50 37269 McGill–Warner Co. 683 00'I 37270 Midland Lab. 12 37:! 37271 Minnesota Casket Co. 22 801' 37272 National Theatre Su-ply 16 61" 37273 Northern States Power Co. 32 89 3727 N. w. Radio & Electronic C. ! a3 236',, Fuel Co. 1 389 37275 N. W. Hanna 37276 Otis Elevator Co. 82 4024 501,!, 37277 Pitman Pub. Co. 15 50';' 37278 Hand-McNally and Co. 37279 Reisdorph Haul. Serv. 16 75 37280 St. Paul Book and Stationery, 193 85!1 37281 • Builders Mat. Co. ! 166 321'1 37282 " " Letter Co. 38 73 I;. 37283 St. Paul Linoleum and Carpet 74 30 II 37284 8atterlee Co. J 5 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ], 759 678 2611 ICl10 55 1 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR C. F. No. 101051- 121 _ihe =tter of condemning and .. meat foc the pnrPoee of a In the matter of__condgmning_and talcing_gn esement_£or the_purpose_of_constructingand maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 11, Block 1, Harrison & Handy's Addition, from Hoyt Avenue to the alley inthe rear of said Lot 11; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land B feet in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 11 and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 10 in Block 1, Harrison & Handy's Addition, from Hoyt Avenue to the alley in the rear of the said lots, under Preliminary Order -159161---------------, approved --------- 1252____________, Intermediary Order ------ 16aZ2---------------- approved --------- June_ _ly ------------ Final Order ------------- 1, 160411 -------------- approved ---------July _ 16,_1952 ------------ -. -_____ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. rrM AU6 Adopted by the Council ?1q�_________________, A{lG 2 7 1952 - -� ----- `' - Approved -------------------------19--- / G j Ir i File 11901 +fweaert�v+c' Councilman nfroy ' ANo Councilman son WCouncilman t4eDonald - Councilman R r City Clerk. esrce- =°N Councilman Rohl�nd., Councilman &Lh. imer Mayor uAUoNEr r City Clerk. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of --- condemnin� and_taking_an_easement_for_ the _2ur2ose -of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, .under and across the westerly li feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 11, Block 1, Harrison & Handy's Addition., from Hoyt Avenue to the alley in the rear of said Lot 11; also codemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 feet in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 11 and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 10 in Block 1, Harrison & Handy's Addition, from Hoyt Avenue to the alley in the rear of the said lots, under Preliminary Order --- 152461 ---- approved --- Apri_1_;u 1252---------------------------- Intermediary Order -------16=2-----, approved --- June- -- 1, -1952 ---------------------------- Final Order--------------16OL11 -----, approved ---July_- 16� 1252 ---------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. l � Commissioner of ante. 10162 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__CDndemning_ansi_tsking_Dn-eaaement--in -the -lansinecessar_x-Lai_sl.apes.F_ cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Harrison & dandy's Addition, from Greenbrier Street to Parkway Drive, C. F. No. ))i 161062e• I rn th. matt --g —d ng e under Preliminary Order ------ -9.46?------------ approved --------- Alari1-22- 1452_______-----, Intermediary Order ---------_ 1A(?975______----_, approved -------- ------------- -----------,FinalOrder-----------------160374------------ Final Order ----------------- lAO-374 ------------ approved --------- jAly-._16,_1952------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. X31 ------- AUG 2 7 1952 Adopted by the Council ---------------- AUG p 7 ;952 Approved-----------------------+19--- File 11902 Councilman W Councilman ForgusonND �• Councilman McDonald - ZITcu_i Councilman ce Councilman o Iant� �eii�r' " Councilman Mayor -------------- 19,---- ------ 0 -- Clerk. -- ---------j 'ty ayor. TClTlili _ PUBLISIILD REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ condemning_and taking_an easement in- -the _land_ necessary for_slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Harrison & Handy's Addition, from Greenbrier Street to Parkway Drive, under Preliminary Order_15p1462__----_, approved --- APFi3L_1Z,-J952--------------------------- Intermediary Order ----- 1bf1f1-5------ approved ---June_---4,-1..9-52--------------------------- Final Order ------------160374 -------- approved---July--_16,-1452--------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. commission�of Finance. p. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— �e'sNays Holland tw Marzitelli / proved--- --------______-_195-- McPerWtOtt Mortinson— —In Favor - Mayo Peterson Rosen- rn1 / Against Mr. President, y � SM 7 51 q0A0a,® 0 6 Original to City Clerk 9 I` CAU NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER DATE_. MII- tL2E5,.._IZZ___-__-_. RESOLVED C. F. No. 161053 -By Severia A. Mor- I tinson— Resolved, That bee given a rm1%�on men- powerexcavate to a to for d build holesand stelln dduct from pRreoad,. dt- d Milhownton o ori atc o� easthofe foo II That the Northern States Power Company be tnAd ptedmby the Council August 27, 1952. Approve di Au gust 30ust . 1952) given permission to excavate for and build three manholes and install duct from present manhole at Rondo and Milton to Rondo, east of Victoria all as shown on attached print. p. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— �e'sNays Holland tw Marzitelli / proved--- --------______-_195-- McPerWtOtt Mortinson— —In Favor - Mayo Peterson Rosen- rn1 / Against Mr. President, y � SM 7 51 q0A0a,® olein l,to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - / COUNCRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E TE N DATE RESOLVED, that The Board of Christian Service, a corporation, be permitted to erect twgoversize private garages, one on Lot 7, Block 6, Brewster's Addition, located on the west side of Capitol Blvd.between Charles Avenue and Sherburne Avenue, known as 545 Capitol Blvd., the other on Lot 8, Block 6, Brewster's Addition, located on the west side of Capitol Blvd. between Charles Avenue and Sherburne Avenue, known as 541 Capitol Blvd., subject to approval of the plans by the City Architect and subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free cf ice and snow at all times. C. F.snn No. 161054--89 Severin A. Mor - tin -89,u ,Iy o4 Chris - Resolved, _ Nnn_ be i1M- EU August 27. 1052. IAugast 30. 19521 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -- Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved-- ---195- t Mortinson / _ In Favor --- _ — - _ Mayor Peterson RG"is Against Mr. President,[ 5NI ,.,, , © Daubney • HAROLD oj. f C IORDAN HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -ON" Augast 26, 1952 Hon. Timothy P. Q'Xin' Corporation 001=881 S u 1 1 d i n g Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare resolutions granting the attached applications. very traly yours, City Clerk Z IiOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE PRIVATE GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on Aa,ggsL 26 1952 ' to the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by y t x of r ddYNV81ratlan for permission to erect garage on the an oversize private following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot a ' Block !� ' Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. On the Viest side of :APIWI _:Ivd• ., between C1mr1as 191t. Ave. and Oa 90ft Ave. No. rof t4al Blvd, tI Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, ur 19 � Norris 0. Halvorson, Commissioner of Department of Parks, Play- grounds And Public Buildings. l NOTICE OF APPLICATION FUR. PERMIT TO ERECT AN OVER- SI'!.E PRIVATE GARAGE Is 2.1NSe�etion 15-13.y Ordinanlcel p or the City or arUo St. Paul, M nnesoZ 10 26 p11952� to the C'ty Counril of gthe C132"", ty of St. Paul. Minnesota, by The Pora ion��� for rislian Service, aOverst- permisc,on ", er ctan cur r Private g. reg ,n the ro1'o _ r ms esc o,al r al state, situs led i Ramsey County, h]Innesola, to -wit: Lut Pa. Block 6, Brewsler's Add,tion. St. Paul• Minnesota. On the West side of Cap.tol Blvd.. between Charles Ave. B1erd Sherburne A— No.-�Dy-Capitol: v Dated at Sl. Paul, Mtnnesote, August 8, 1952. NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commisswneor f Playgrounds adarks. Public Buil tlto" sLEGAL LEDGER �hps PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATF. OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. if. O. Warming, being duly sworn, ort oath says that he is, std during all the itmes herein slated has been business mmmger of the nrwsnaper /cnoscn as Saint Pad Legal Ledyer, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stoted. 7'/int for vlo, that one year prior to the publication therein of the 110M. Co .of ........... a'p� 1oatlon lgr p��p�I hereinafter described, said newspaper was Printed aid published in the Ctty aJ St. Wd, in the Coatty of Ranl.vcy, State of Minnesota, daily except Sunday and Monday of each week; that during all said (joie said newspaper has been printed to the English language from its kuocn office of pu 61jcatiort within the City from achwh it purpots to be issued as above stated in column and •sheet form egairalent in space to at least 450 raining inches of single column, two uncles wide; has 1 a n issued daily except Sunday and Monday from a known office established in said place of publication, equipped with skilled workmen and file necessary material for preparing find printing the same; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty -fire per cent of fits news colen ns have beat devoted to local news of interest to the contntunity it purports to serge; that daring all said time it has ,,at wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been a firely rade up of patents, plate matter and advetblerwnts; has been circulated in old near its said Place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (210) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; and that there has beat ort file in the office of file County Auditor of Ramsey cot 11ty, Mirotesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said twiospnper and the existence of the couditiots constituting its qualifications as a legal nev'spapel. That theHotlea.of..applicatioa.far•POMIt •. • .. . here toattached was out front the col�ngin�ns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, mice eachZeE , for .Tbli9a.(3). sucessi,c 4MA; that it teas first so published of V.�,..... th.t)3e ..... 2.......... day of .......AlygWt.............. 19.52„ and I11 thereafter on f.YO.94M. AU&1.2.th ut each we,4e-!o aid incinding lit#we eSdBq. j.,3th..... day of .. AV940............................19.5$; and that the following is a pi tried copy of the lower ease alphabet front A to Z, both inchisive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the sire and kind of type used in the composition aid publicatinn of said notice, to -wit: abcdefghljklmnopgrst Li— }'z H. O. WAR ING SubscHbed and sworn to before me this ....lata.......... day of ..... A'1I1S-t G-.. 1952. I. B. WARMING J Notay Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My conooksioll c,rpjur.s An,lnst 19, 19.-16. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County o% Ramsey, } ss. That the ........... Nda ...... NOTICE ........................ hereto attached was cut, from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, saT 6s, for .......three. days......... that it was first so published on .... HQIXUY.. ....... the .....eleventh...... day of sMUO.......... 19.59, and thereafter on T10.1Pd4Y.TW0dUfl5 4L7of each week to and including the ..LWF.LaeAth.... day of ...... Ai3oste....... 19.52; and that the following is a.frinted copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged m being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a D c d e KnitI k t to POP a -U1 1 x r a Subscribed and swom to before me this...Utbay of ..... Wste.............. 19.52 ... ........ ..... ............... otery Pahl' say County, Minnesota 'Diary Public, Dak�iu Co, My commission expires „1fy commis....c.pii.....cs Apui xl. ,.., 19.... Poem 135 BMUn....................... being duly aworn, on oath ....................110.4AO.L. says: that Se now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North. • vest Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the 3MLX2iMbdb9XKft St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated 4 That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the N ICE O RECT AN OVEAPPLICATION R PER- A11T TO ERSIZE to. .an. ovary sa Not"' I' .an twati-Pint to secuon ISIS. grdi...ce No. 7210 printed.pOtt.4A.P.p.aP.P71ceL1Ra..Yar..Dflnait..erect Lot M8 al Ne -City al Et. Paul. M= -'2a. ,ppliuuon wnl ea made on Au oat I.. mtr Private eiara Hoard P C �t attached, said newspaper Isaz. to the car Ccuncn aI t%. It.Of Che ion E<rvlceaoln rorpnby ratlon.o N .....,..... v...... .....0.....kiT.;-Rtl@A. .Ox`7Hereto was Printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication p—tiotOn to erect an avenue onv.1. on me fouaa o, deacrlhen rcc.1 i 'n the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it nntale. et-ost in Ramsey Ccualg, nnelita m u: rut s, al«x , purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet forret Srevate['. Addition. at. Pflol .i - Blvd. p WenaCWrlea equivalent In space, to at least 450 running Inch" of single column two Inches wide; Ave, _dd51 o- Durno Ave. NO. — Capital Ewe. has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in avid place of publi- c D9ed At Et Peul, btlBALV., AYNIt cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Nr q O. HAm .1 P,N. eam--d c�nenarttoevt oI printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted mo. 111.ritn a ed..A sundmee. IP. P. Atoa. Tue. Wed. Aux. ll -13-131 to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com - meand miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been nt entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second clays mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications m a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........... Nda ...... NOTICE ........................ hereto attached was cut, from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, saT 6s, for .......three. days......... that it was first so published on .... HQIXUY.. ....... the .....eleventh...... day of sMUO.......... 19.59, and thereafter on T10.1Pd4Y.TW0dUfl5 4L7of each week to and including the ..LWF.LaeAth.... day of ...... Ai3oste....... 19.52; and that the following is a.frinted copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged m being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a D c d e KnitI k t to POP a -U1 1 x r a Subscribed and swom to before me this...Utbay of ..... Wste.............. 19.52 ... ........ ..... ............... otery Pahl' say County, Minnesota 'Diary Public, Dak�iu Co, My commission expires „1fy commis....c.pii.....cs Apui xl. ,.., 19.... Poem 135 y I;OTICE OF APPLICATION A...RTS8ir3G. FOR PERMIT TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE PRIVATE GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on AUgM', 26 19 , to the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by Tha -nmnrt1 of r1itAntilan g"Vfan� a nnap-r t-liyp for permission to erect Q- .i garage on the an oversize private following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot 7 , Block O P iiFowatcwt o Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. On the gest side of Capitol 3ayd* So6v lhwsvp between Charles a". Ave. and :sharba na a". Ave. No. 54,° 0"Itol Uyde »3bvAnvev- Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, August 3, 1952 Norris 0. Halvorson, Commissioner of Department of Parks, Play- grounds And Public Buildings. NOTICE OV APPLICATION FOlt PERMIT TO ERECT • AN OVER- SIZE PRIVATE GARAGE Notice is hereby given that p taut I'. PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PiJBLICATION to $Ce'Han 15 -IJ, Ordinance N+o.s72w1 or the city of it St, Paul, Minnesota, I STATE OF MINNESOTA, 26 p11952�a to th, city counbe road, cil of gthe s-. Cit of SL Paul. hlinnesom, by The COUNTY OF P.AhISEl. oBoard or ch Ike ion Service, a rnr- H. O. Warming, being duty sworn, on oath says that he is, and daring all the. times vi rsize privateeg ri;�ge out the rnitlox�'I herein stated has been burliness onamger of the ncuauaper knotcn as Saint Pard Legul Ledger, mg described real estate, siwated to and has fall knowledge of tile facts hereinafter stated. Ramsey County, Minnesota, to -wit: Lot That for more than one year priorto the publication th—In of the ....................... 7, Hlock 6, Brewster', Atltlition. SI Paul. Minnesota, On the West side of Notic®.Of.,ap plioatien-•for'pe� thereinn/ter rlcsc+'ibcd, said newspapo' urns printed maul BlCapitol Blvd., A went Charles Ave. published in the City of St. Paul, in-Tl'e County of Ruur scy, State of tbiinnesota, daily except d Sherburne Ave. Nu. 545 pit.] vd. - Sunday and Monday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed g D952d at St. Paul. Minnesota, August I in, the English language front its known office of publication within the City from which it purports to be issued as above stated in cohunn and .sheet forst equivalent in;,gpace to at NORRIS O. HALVORSON. least 450 running iniks of single cNalan, two hushes rude; Inas he issued daily except Sll1ldity Commissioner f and Monday from a known office established in said (ace o t)epartment of Rrks, Jf p 1 pnlb(ic¢tion, equipped with ski!/ed Playgrounds and workmen and the necessary material far• preparing and printing the same; that during all said Public Buildings. time in its makes fiat less than twenty -fire p J Aug. 9-12-131 p y-fioe err cent o its news columns have been devoted to ��� 'EGAL LEDGER,&��s��? local flews of interest to the community it purports to .sc)re; that doling all said tints it has - I not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up aJ patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and Ducar its said place of publication to the extent of at least two hit idred and forty !2110/ copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and ilia existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal licivspaper. That the .Notice- of. appllaatiQn..for. P.4rl-RIt.................... he, attacked tons out from tile coI� mE��us of said newspaper, and was pr'ktt eui published therein in the English language, once each �tlkr far .t�ll'9.8. (.3). an....i rc 'tc�eJYe'i. that it was first so published all . Saturday........ ilia ..... Rth ......... day of ......AUg1e$ ............... 1958 ., and thereafter all ..TileadW-Aug.L3thheeohsIii k-ie-aud including UL Wedneedi%7'ioth... day of.Atlgast............................. 19j2,; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition mud publication of said notice, to -wit: abcdefghljklmnnngrstu ,,z � L/ l��i �K/�'i %���. (, ✓cam. H. O, WA}RJIING Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....13th........ day of ... AAg12et"t', ... 1952, I. B. WARMING Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, My eonnnilAuli expires August 19, 19J0. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, That the PAM......... NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, 610=10000M for ....threto.."Y11 • • • ..... • • 31ZKMI]BCXM % that it was first an published on ... tIP]A!LY ........... the ..... RTAVR4th..... day of ....... #UCUSt........ 195.!.., and thereafter of1TU0Lffd4y.-}I0dD06d8,V..of each week to and including the .. thirteenth... • • • • day of august ... 19.52; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: e b! d e t r It n l e l re vn 0 P g r 1 t B v w 1 y 1 W'� ... .. .. / L( ...C... ..... ......... I....... Subscribed and sworn to before me this..14tebday of ............ !Ugufft....... 1952. otary Pub ' amsey County, Minnesota J. IJ. .YCRS, Notary Public, Dakota County. Minn. commission eapircp.Apfll 10..19" My cnmmissian expires .. �l.`.. .......... .. �$.. 19.... Ibrm 115 $1 eanOr B 11A ......... being duly sworn, on oath says: that$ne now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North - west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the l St. NOTICE OF7,P A N FOR - .TT TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE PRI- Paul Pioneer Press, end hII6 full knowledge of the facts hereinafter slated A Na[•1 a /eAlhi E. elven tnat pur.7eut 10 of i§e car sous1. Paul.. -Ind.. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the ! pllralndn wan be IDede on Au u,t 26. I$ss. to the Cu' Councn of t.„ cnty of St. Paui, minnupte, by The Board nn.a.. i s ntt'.� `-int; olivae Nq �4e.o�. aPP�1c�.t1oA..ioT..Permit--to.tract. an..overeise j A.e the f.U.—t deealbed leaf printed . ,� edueed 1. mueley Cpuvty. Mnnne.ota, to ,rt: Lot I, Sldce- k LV Lot BRwAter'e Adam- St. Paul. Mlvne t... on lne wen tae of e.. ei said DBW9 Priyate GaragQ Ql1R1.4tJM. 0Z'7f] ,u attached, paper Blvd, b—Am Chen,. Ave. sad Sher- bum, Ave. No. ses C.olmt Blvd. y,.B.Ogd..O.�. " was panted and published in the English language from its known office of publication Deted at St. PAW, Lava W.. A41u.t E. lass. in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it -NORRIS AALVOASON. C-5,16ner of DIP .1 f Parer. purports m be issued daily, at lens[ six days of each week in column and sheet form r Pnes'r—d, d blm aullatne,. IP. P. bran. Tue. W,d. Ave. t1- `3 equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as shove stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment Bud miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second clam mail matter in—the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on• m the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub. lication of legal notices That the PAM......... NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, 610=10000M for ....threto.."Y11 • • • ..... • • 31ZKMI]BCXM % that it was first an published on ... tIP]A!LY ........... the ..... RTAVR4th..... day of ....... #UCUSt........ 195.!.., and thereafter of1TU0Lffd4y.-}I0dD06d8,V..of each week to and including the .. thirteenth... • • • • day of august ... 19.52; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: e b! d e t r It n l e l re vn 0 P g r 1 t B v w 1 y 1 W'� ... .. .. / L( ...C... ..... ......... I....... Subscribed and sworn to before me this..14tebday of ............ !Ugufft....... 1952. otary Pub ' amsey County, Minnesota J. IJ. .YCRS, Notary Public, Dakota County. Minn. commission eapircp.Apfll 10..19" My cnmmissian expires .. �l.`.. .......... .. �$.. 19.... Ibrm 115 Od¢i.d to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESpC COMMISSIIONENTED R $Obert r Pete�17—_____._ ___ ___ DATE_.. et.-Z2a 1752 - IC. F. No. 161066 --BY Robert F. Peter- wn— Rewlved, That the FFroppeer� Clty A Hcern are hereby a., rized to pay 47 'SAS. the Commissioner of public Safety has reported to the Council in accordanca with Section 52 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVID: That the props* city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLZ HHS RATE AMOUNT Raymond A. Bakowaki Police Steno. 66 2.11139.26 Pan], J. McDonald Sr. Clerk Typist 74 1.94 1 3.56 Adam 7ierling Jr. Police Steno. 29 2.o6j 59.96 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson SAS— Mr. President, ZGURIXA D=baey 5M 7.51 Q _ 195 Adopted by the Council _ ____ -_.— —195— _ Approved------- -- _ -195— / _--_�_In Favor 44 q or _— Against PT?PLIgiIED August 22, 1952 = i An emergency has arisen in the Department Of Public Safety making necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours 'per day in the doing of the following work: General clerical and stenographic work in the Bureau of Records. This emergency aroea by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Using present trained personnel to compensate for recent reduction in clerical force. ommissioner of Public Safety Odginai to City Clerk sou NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO -- 161056 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 103050—By Severin A. Mer- ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! tensor—By request— Resolved, That Clark's Super Gas Co. be permitted to install and operate gasoline flllig station adJacent to CR ENT IOD BY - -- — —DATE_ —J rhe nortbeasj _ er pf Boyt antl Wh�te 'T RESOLVED, that Clark's Super Gas Co. be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station adjacent to the northeast corner of Hoyt and White Bear Avenues, in accordance with the plan submitted, subject to the condition that the portion of said site to be used for filling station purposes be separated from future parking area by enclosing said area on the north and the east with a bumper high fence, said fence on the north to extend to within 31 feet of White Bear Avenue, and subject to the further condition that eidewa112s be provided for the entire montage on White Bear Avenue and along Iowa and Hoyt Avenues to the clepth of the filling station property; installation of said station to b e under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may determine that said station constitutes a t raffio or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. COUNCILMEN Yeas Argun Nays Holland Marzitelli DQE Mortinson Peterson 901380— Mr. President, i IM 1-51 . © Daubney Adopted by the Council -- ==--195— / pproved —195— { --- --- — In Favor May r n Against HA,RRYC�y CICAONNELL CITY OF SAINT PANE Capital of Witmesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Augnet 26, 1952 Mr. Timotby P• Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief CNA Dear Sir: The Council requested that you drag a resolution granting the application of Clarks Super Gas Co. for permission to install and operate a filling station on the property described in the attached file, subject to compliance with the recommendations contained in a letter of the Zoning Board hereto attached. Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board of Zouing Saint paul,t�sota C, DAVID LAEKS ag�urly! t[CRRMY A. A- 11E.01 .11AN R ®' A. H. eCHRO®6R. CR.' M�HrYK� JUUU9 vlV um4 KYOM.Ta 6 M. ME,HV@J ORIMB MY06 L RICE Nig CITY -COUNTY BUILDING gA1NT PAUL 3, MINNEBDTA August 69 1952 y1 Mrs. A- H. O'Connell City Clerk �v Building Dear Madam - In the matter of the application of Clarks Super Gas Company for a per or •it to construct a filling station adjacent to the northeast corner of Hoyt and White Bear Avenues. This is t 1, blocka6,tHillcreshe t Center West 100 feet of the south 225 feet of lot 1J Flat #2 subject to an easement from the portion of lows Street within 100 feet of White Bear Avenue. The zoning is commercial. et on White The tract under consideratdepthaOfa100 feetof 225on Hoyt. eThe applicant's and extends easterly to a depth from White Bear) one driveway plans call for two standard driveways om, Iowa from Hoyt and one driveway via an easementpovide White Bear. SlBefeet There will be two 34 foot pump islands parallel island 43 feet from White from the property line and one 36 foot pump Bear. A small office and sales room is tract. T will be locatedpalong lans cthe all efor asterly limits at the rear of thhe easterly limits of the property to separate 125 feet of fence along property to this filling station area from the remaining commercial p P Y the east. salthe Board has reviewed the affect In considering the applicant's propo, standpoint th this proposal will development have on is i areas eor te andthelo grangom e development of of this block when the remaining property to the east is developed for commercial purposes. �.'j zned The entire bloc in nih this dcextendsfilling ntosaadepthlof1350tfeetstooGaryfor 4, commercial purposes ng Place. The applicant has stated that he intends nfle dstoneighborhood cothe mmercial ( { for retail shopping t 250 feet of property -2- of purposes. The sidewalk adjacent to the future estorelbuilding east Of proposed shopping center will be located approximately this filling station station premises• In Bf the rear of the filling center within the area will be sitting in front of a future e shopping show that the customarily assigned to parking. ro osed to be used for area directly to the east and to the north is s. The Board of Zoning is parking incident to the future store buildiig�nt's plans do not provide very concerned about the fact thfilling at the app area. for adequate separation of this 1 meansstation aparking Of preventingrea and the people As now proposed, there is no physicswithin the filling station property) who will come to shop from parking t. thus affecting its traffic characteristics with ace in his blockcistvery smallin Inasmuch as the remaining parking traffic character - relationship to the amount of stores proposed, the Board feels that e probability of parked cars interfering with the -W., therefore feel` istics of the proposed filling station is very station rp os efils that the portion of this site to be usedfor rarealbygenclosingpthis area should be separated from the future p g permit on the north and the east with a bumper height fence. This fence on the north could extend to within 31 feet of White Bear P_venue to Plan. cars from Iowa Street to enter the filling station without driving on 'White Bear Avenue. These relationships are shown on the attached p The Board of Zoning also wishes to point out that this plan should make eted at the time that h provision for sidewalks to be comPl he s dewalks should be provided for lthe ng station is put into use. ro ert This is entire frontage on White Bear oFethe fillinge and estationnd gpl pa and Hoyt Streets at least to the depth in conformance with the Council's recent decision to embody the ordinance. require- in of sidewalks in areas such as this in the form of an ordinance. The Board of Zoning therefore recommends that this permit for a filling station be granted subject to the provision of sidewalks and fencing along the easterly and northerly portions of the tract under consideration. Very truly yours, l C . V,41A-1 C. D. Loeks Director CDL/ma Att. r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota // e e�a�t�feut a� /p wlic aletj Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 BEALTD. POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner FIRE PROTECTION 7OiIN C. F'ELDMANN. Deputy Oommieeioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, Mee— Inewter July 25, 1952 Mrs. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam: With reference to the aprlicntion of Clark's Super Gas Company for rermission to install end operate a gn.soline filling nBstrtion at tsthe north- east corner of Hoyt and White Attached is report coverinc ins,ection made by the Fire Prevention Division from which you will note that the proposed installation would not create a fire hazard. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety .dapg THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ^n July 23rd 1952 411r. Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir' Ir. regard to the application of to Clcr:ds S,aper ras Company for permission install and, operate a gasoline fillip, station at the northeast corner of Hoyt anal White Bear Avenues, we have inspected this location and report there will be no increase in the fire hazad stationlifthe it weereimmediate oermittedvicinity tobeproposed installed. F e tfull.yy yours, C 'hiR, h W. Carney, Chief eventi Bureau of = ire Fr City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date rule 15 1952 0 To Honorable City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota LIC`TI0,' is hereby made -:?PSt. Paul Offioec 06 Randolph Avenue By Clar 's Su er Gas CO - Nan o. St. Paul, Minn. (!Na e) Cedar 2717 8530 West Natibna� Avenue Milwaukee 14 Wisconsin (Address) !(•'hone 'iJo.) For permission to install and operate a FILLING STATION DRI Ji-IN�R� RLS-' r.FT uISC LLAT EOL'S New Re;nodeled ;lo. of pivaps_.10No, of gas tanksCap. of each tank 8000 Customer 'employees Private Public P''R;tIDG LOT: D Non Remodeled Q 0 0 � 71 to be used in connection with NE corner of Hoyt and V46te Bear Location: Lots Block Addition Front or fest 100' of the South 225' °n L__oee_ttbgj th an 0980- .. peal M` wi also described as Hilloresv van o c+ i' Lot for the purpoae meat across the Wast 100' of the North 4b•06'(9L�'24X O1' said sub eot of ingress and egress of persons and vehicles to and from the above described premises; however to an easement across and vehicles to andthe West loo of efrom thSouth e6E&at 250 of1 of said tsaid Lot1 for hl.purpose of Ingress and egress of p CLARK' crrocu Fns CO. (Signature of Applicant) By R. W. Farnsworth 2948 Nioollet Avenue Pleasant 6879 Minna olis Minn' (Address) (Phone No.) Plan Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning ----- Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE CommISSIONER OF FINANCE St, Paul, Minn.,_ Jules -19 -51L - Pursuant -19152 - Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance r b ano pted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, y Y that the applica or of Clarks Slicer Gas OompaL n�----- to install and operate a filling station located at northeast corner—of— White Bear Aven and Hovt Avenue will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in The City Hall and Court House Building n the 19 52 ,at 10 o'clock A. M �h--day of_--kuguat -- BE ARD T. HOLLAND, Page —Fi!e 11 2. _ Commissioner of Finance. HARRY t. O'CONNELL • City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -00" August 20, 1952 HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk Mr. C. D. Loeks Zoning Board B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: The City Council would like to know whether you propose to make any supplemental report with referenCompany cfor opermission the otoiInstall a filling on of the Clarke sstuper e station at the Northeast corner of White Bear and Hoyt, and whether or not there has been any change in the original plan as discussed on August 7th and August 14th. Attached is a letter of Sydney Goff concerning this matter. Very truly yours, City Clerk L 6v,) ti ,IBJ ME IN J. SILVER M.C.GREEN SV)NEY W. GOFF STANLEY J. MOBIO ROBERT A-WORSKY SILVER,GREEN AND GOFF ATTORNEYS AT LAW MINNESOTA BUILDING SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA August 19, 1952 The Hon. City Council of St. Paul, Minn., Court House, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Attention: City Clerk My dear Sirs: In connection with the application made by Clark Super Gas Company for a permit for a gas service station to be located on the northeast corner fWhiteBear forAvenue c and Hoyt Street, this city, a application e up the Council's consideration on Thursday, August 1 1952, for and consideration of which was tabled for a period of two weeks, we wish to advise, as attorneys for Alex G. Tankenoff, the record owner of the property involved in said application, that he does not oppose the granting of said application at this time. He further requests that you give this applica- tion your favorable consideration at your earliest possible convenience. Thanking you for your attention to this mtter, we beg to remain Very truly yours, SILVER, GREEN and GOFF By (V, SWG:OC S y W. Goff 1. l August 21, 1952 M�. "1�9n�y "•off. At `o-•n.r.�-at-Lase . P4in-+.nsota Building Minneoota I>P r Sirt ho 7ity ^ouncii .ill ni co7sider the aimlication of Cla'V 9 Super Gag Co. and AoYE on August ?6th. instead a filling station permit at '+hite gear of the 28th as originally eet. V,ry truly yours. City Cleat ivy,wst 21, 1952 Mr. . Famatrorth 29'.9 '!icollet Avo. MInlnapolio 8, "'nnesota Dery sirs ^hn ^ity Council twill consider the appl^_cation of Clai'kts .aper One Oo. for a fllljn station nt "hite jic�ar anc, lk9E on uAcd�, AtVacE nth at 10e00 a.m. instentl of AvF stet 28th. '."he quwstion till apparontly be on informal aTmrovrl oY the app'_ication andthe Cotmc4l regnc+ets that you arrnar at that time. Very truly yours. City Clerk O'~% o R. W. FARNSWORTH. INC. 1948 NICOLLET AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS 8. MINNESOTA REAL ESTATE SALES AND DEVELOPMENT PLEASANT 9879 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INSURANCE BUSINESS BROKERS August 18, 1952 Honorable Members St. Paul City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen) IN RE% APPLICATION OF CLARK'S SUPER GAS CO. PERMIT FOR SERVICE STATION ON NORTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE BEAR AVENUE AND HOYT, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA The question of the differences in the matter of the proposed service station at the subject location between the writer and Mr. Alex G. Tankenoff of St. Paul having been amicably settled, we are now rsquesting�uch action by your body at the earliest time possible so as t" grant permission to Clac'k's Super Gas Co. to proceed with its building, either by moving the hearing date up or in lieu thereof, informal approval so that we may proceed in the meantime, with formal approval to be granted on the date now set. Respectfully yours, R. W. Farnsworth HWFIEF ,1 f I F , Q *� 44 i ' - �-f Y7v _.. i � I Vii v V, . � �� i �• �� jj qp -Z7tit F i!� I l P 1 i ----- 4 LI r\ - -j-- - - - t x- _- I 71 � � �, L f�� � � f � <� rJ f� 1 � � 1', J r �'� '1 I ,� �/ �i � � .� t�. � �� ,� � _- I 71 � � � L � � � � f � <� ,� J� Cl` 1 '` J � �'� '1 I �i � � .� t�. � ,� � :l '� �, ; o`� w. r � � � �, v _a �t ly, � �, �) W a 'y' t� \ ,i, r C� � ` �� ) n1 U, ` I u, ti�� � � � � ' � �, ;rW , �h. -.: h, _max �= l� ; 1 c I r I� f r , 1 1 `1 m o { � All, l� ; NOTICE To PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL , \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. 1 C. F. No. 1810577 Aug • 26 _19J2 Resolved, Thi draw RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DtiAV:' !i a TIBEP SUNY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 107 407.79 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDII J7285 TO 37341__ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. r r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_— — ___19_. l CITY COMPTROLLER u 1452 �•1/1111. �� � � , APPROVED__.. 19__ aoo 1-m �O PUBLISHLU (1 2') >9� • CITY OF OF SAINT PAUL � COUNCIL t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --- .--------------------- --- ROLL ug. 26 32 HOLLAND Cr1/ AUDITED CLAIMS ------------------------------------------IB-- ------ MARZITELLI ...... .. �---IN FAVOR MORTINSON rn RESOLVED. THAT ZH K9 BE D(tA VJN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON .--_----_---AGAINST EY �y Rte. IN THE AMOUNT OS S -07-�4-02���------------------• COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBN EY 5 (J CHECKS H NO. -ON ON OFFICE F THE -IT INCLUSIVE. R. ADOPTED BY T�CNII L.. __'_!IJ :�.(-.. QC�C-------- --- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY•COMPTROLLE R. NVMBER a. C- i I APPROVED__ _.___ .. - 191 i_._-.`...-..._ ......... ________________�.-co MPiRos rs _..._ .... ....... ..---- TOTALDATE ! RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ) BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS II I BROUGHTFORWARD 1 759 678 261 i 1. 2 65 37285 Andrew Schooh.Grocery Co. • 37286 Simmons College -Sch. Retail., 1 00 37287 Socony-Vacuum 011 Co. 980 391' 37288 Standard Electric Time Co. 3 020 00 441 37289 Standard Stone Co. 34 37290 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co. 12 00l! 37291 John Kasal 18 231 5011 25 37292 372933 Grant 0. Helmer Rose Bros. Lumber and Supply' 2 50n 00 3729+ 37295 Pederson Bros. 1 A. J. Tschida Contract. Co. 1 4 355 758 371 8811 37296 Joseph J. Mitchell 403 67 21j 00 37297 Frank J. Benda 62 on 37298 Kraft Mercantile Co. Inc. 37299 Supt. of Documents -U.S. Goth. 1 00 37300 Leon Linden -Train. Program R. Eggert and Doris 89 1 700 40 37301 Waiter 99 60 373n2 3730 Elsa M. Obst Sam J. Tuminello Inn on 3730 J. L. Connolly 20 29 45' 4o 37305 Blaokmore Chemical Co. i 37306 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 186 02 37307 r r r 37308 r r r 125 13 37309 Fisher Nut and Chocolate Co. 177 81 37310 Mr. Robt. E. Gehan 30 422 00 i; 7311 37311 37312 J. W. Hulme Co. Mandel Distr. Co. 1 522 51 37313 Minnesota Popoorn Co. 54 675 5 i 79 37314 N. W. Refining Co. 62,1 37315 Olson Specialty Co. 77 97 021 37316 Patterson Sargent and Co. 48 37317 Pres -To -Line Sales 36 268 821 37318 37319 Prioe Electric Co. Terraoe Auto Supply Co. ??5 68 37320 Twin City Watch Supply Co. 95 061; 37321 Villaume Box and Lumber Co. 1 074 69 186 23 11 34i� 37322 Bernard T. Holland 37323 Virgil D. Schaaf and Son 1 278 05 ii 37324 Mr. Alfred H. Schroeder 93 7 eCo. Archie _Reduction 99 80 37326 ® FuelEngre. L. N. Siokels Co. 975 7 503 101j 11 it 37327 37328 Johnson Advertising Co. 99 116 00, 50,! 37329 Gus De Lisi 37330 Gopher Stamp and Die Co. 158 95i� 37331 Graton and Knight Co. Co. 83 134 99 69 ji 37332 37333 Grinnell Guaranteed Concrete Co. 454 on !I 37334 R. E. Hulge Co. 152; 83 37335 Robt. Metzger Bldg. Materials 138 391I 37336 37337 John Noren N. W. Bell Tele hone Co. j 120'0011 287 95! 37338 r r r 126 85 37339 r r r r 88 80 37340 J. L. Shisly Co. Ino. 1 637 18 37341 Pederson Bros. ! I 6 120 66 I 867 086 0$ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i 1. o6gi-1— City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ------ -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /.•',,,' C PRESENTED BY ___ /1� -- l .. DATE -__--,must 28th,. 1912. COMMISSION EFF���f/tel _ — --. --.-. - f _ RES -LVED, That the plat of "Robert Schmidt Addition" as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public i1orks, be and the same is hereby accepted, COUNCILMEN Yeas–mnVarso n._ljsly s Holland Marzitelli I M9w ((( Mortinson __In Favor Peterson Rueefl- Daubney ---Against Mr. President, I)GtXW ,11 7al -Oqw,� C. F. No. 161058—ay Severin A. hlortin- n. by qq st— Resolved,elTat the plat of "Ro by Schmidt Addition" a the Plat Com mission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be I, hereb t d. �nAdolpled tbY' the Councils August 28. 1952, Approved August 28, 1952. I August 30. 19521 Adopted by the Council - g 195 1 S Approved _ - _ 195— Ma or plat (�nmmioginn of j �Rnmsey bounty �ftinnesotn OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 234 CITY HALL G G) August 23th, 1952 To the Honorable Mayor and I,1embe.^5 of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentle -en : I am submitting herewith for your approval the plat of "Robert Schmidt Addition". This plat has been approved by the Plat Comrlissi.on of Ramsey County. Yours very truly, 'I .?r,ERT S. Wll )T, Secretary. hsw—rh plat att,,ched 0 original to City Usti, BY Q I� COUNCIL No •-,.------ 4r}. ---.- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oAre.__.Au�ust 28 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, upon requisition of the various city officials, for use of their respective departments, typewriters of various makes, without advertisement or competitive bids, as the typewriters are patented articles, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Or COUNCILMEN Yeas Rallereea Mays Holland Marzitelli MortDftHt mv�t inson kmmmkc Peterson BOA" Daubney Mr. President, ftboj t 351 6_sn s C. F. N- 16lo59—BY Sohn E. Daubnel • 1� by r 9uesl— P,. i_tl. That the Purchasing Agent be :utd is hereby on oolfether Comu.l chase, with tiI consent t' the vaso s t roller, uponrequisition of their esPectivc .{tY officials. for e tlepariments, ty`i, r,e r of r, Hakes. thou( :dvertisement,� e[s?! e pe Litive bids. ' s tlae t}n. et cd tides, ' dvanlage Po uldt be gained thereby. Adopted by the Council August 28. 1952.d August 28. 1952. APp''o�'e IA, ust 30, 19521 8 (a`2 Adopted by the CounciL .................................195...... - _8 1 Approved ------------------------------------------ 195. In Favor _/.. - -- ...-Y r - M. ...........Against -Oricl-al to CISY Clerk p�- "`" NO.-'- � 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE CMITTEE ,FSE - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C No 181080—BY severtn w. Mor-' tt F, son—Robert F Peter- n t t HeesPp 11-1 COUNCIL mea , r Ausx 28� 14 DATE_ rtlih 1rWQ- _ PRESENTED BY ..,. COMMISSIONER' for by the following persons at the addresses statede RESMVEDt That licenses applied be and the same are hereby granted. 620 Rondo Restaurant App. 41762 New New Loc. Luther Fulford n Cigarette n a D. Nelson D. LetournesA630 N. Dale V. M. Loc. 11 41824 n a n DeLaittre Dixon Fuel 011 Co. 2100 N. 2nd St. Mpl%Puel 13jr " 42005 " Thomas A. Ninnemann 1887 Randolph rrozen Meats " 42062 " " a Millard Bruder 1518 E. 7th Music Mach (1) " 42123 " Olivia E. Callender 1317 Rice Confectionery " 112120 u Old " cery Victor Etienne 690 Wheeler Frozen "2134 " a Meats " n Cigarette Clark Super Gas Divn. (Petco Corp) 1142142 " New " 223 S. Exchange Cigarette Chas. P. Anderson, Inc. " " 42143 " a a 199 Pleasant Young. Inc. 214 8e 16 W. 5th 42144 a Gus J. Margellon 1094 Igl.ehadt Restaurant 11 42160 " Old " n n Ciga Tette John Saltzman 7700 Newton, S. Richfield rael IQr n 1{2150 " Adopted by the Council---------- -195-- COUNCILMEN Yeaommmtsw Nays Holland Approved---_----- -- –195— / Marzitelli 7 Mortinson __ i--In Favor Mayor Peterson \ Against Mr. President, 3C DAlIDNEY 5M 7.51 -O!W® Ori¢l..l t0 City Cleric COUNCIL 7` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO"i — LICENEE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY — DATE --- J==et 29, 19g- '- COMMISSIONER - - PAR No. 2 (Initial) Edwin Alm. Arndt 341 w. Central Mtr Veh Dr. App. 42207 New Robert J. McCann 531' Wabaeha p. 42209 It John J. Maher 941E Armstrong a II 42233 N Anthony J. Eiaiani 466 Laurel It n 42239 R Joseph Bongart 1255 Ashland. Junk Gatherer " 42264 0 Willard Vinitsky 592 Ashland Foot Peddler s 42279 " Douglas J. Ringold 510 E. Minnebaha Etr Veh Dr. s 42317 n AUG 2 g 1 � 7' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_. _ _ __ - ---.195 — Yeas-411WIM ON Nays AUG I}ib2 AUG,,) Holland 195— Approved-- -- --- Marzitelli I Mortinson —. -In Favor Mayor Peterson Against ✓ � -- PUBLISHED Mr. President, I DATE= SM 7-5I -OW® Original to City Clerk g / (� p( 11'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 181081—Ry Severin' A. Mor-' ./ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Imwl—Robert F. Peterson— R olved. That licenses applied for BY j" by the parsons ed on t list at - �SygQ to bRil,<o_?,hf,. resolution be Band the PRESENTED COMMISSIONER '.-. .'.')-is%�.- -' DATE—_.___— RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee statedo ry be and the same are hereby granted. Florence E. Schurmeierl3O Bates Catering APP- 35145 Renewal Frank J. Krejci 355 E. 6th Pkg Lot n 35779 " R. Goodman Co. 739 Iglehart Grocery " 41620 " " n Off Sale Malt n a n n s Cigarette Lois Schmidt 549 E. Minnehaha Grocery ^ 41663 " Off Sale Malt " " " Cigarette " n :a1vadore Ciresi 235 Ea 13th Foodstuff VP " 41832 " " ^ Veh. Peddler FS " 41873 " Sidney S. Pilot 35 R. Geranium Grocery n 41864 ^ Off Sale Malt " " " Cigarette Joseph Pearlman 441 Rondo Grocery " 41885 " Frozen Meats " n n Off Sale Malt 0 n " Cigarette Vincent 0. Jones 1019 Edgerton Grocery " 41930 " ^ " Off Sale Malt " p Cigarette Joseph F. Fisher 499 University Barber " 41945 " PaulHerseth 886 Aldine Butchhr " 41988 0 Edw. A. Szczurek 99 E. 5th Restaurant " 42014 " " " Cigarette " n " COUNCILMEN Yeas I=VORS09 Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---.–In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President,30MMM AADBAEY 5M 7 51 OMP0.0 Adopted by the Council. 195— Approved – –-----------195— Mayor Original to City Clark i I ( C I • CITYOF ST. PAUL S" COUNCIL 7 /�, FILE NO._. LICENSE MWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 28. 1952 PRESENTED BYAugust COMMISSIONER---—--- DATE------------ PAGE N0. 2 (Renewal) Donald A. & Harriet Collier 1470 S. Cleveland Restaurant 420 Renewal App. 31 " a On Sale Malt a " Off Sale Malt R a Ciga Tette aim H. Goon 767 S. Cleveland Restaurant IN 42036 " a o Cigarette R a a Oakey Bros. Petroleum Corp. 2250 University Gas Sta 5P aa 42048 n n V. M. Loo. a a a P. T. & J. E. Bowes 170 N. Pascal Ice Sta. " 142066 " Robert Mliott 659 Rondo Grocery " 42079 " R n n Off Sale Malt a n R " Cigarette Henry G. 'ott 10 E. 6th Midland Bldg. " 142060 " Barber Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.. Inc. 14th " 142065 " 111 11. V. R. Loc. Harrold Spindler 375 I. 7th Gas Sts 2P " 42068 " %enneth Johnson 2409 'University Auto Rep Gar " 142091 " L. W. Thomson 173 E. 6th " " 42095 " Westinghouse Else Supply co. 253 8. 4th Eieo Opp Rep " 42097 " Schneider Motors Inc. 165 Pleasant 2ndiNd Auto Dir " 42099 " a a Auto Rep Gar a n n a a V. M. Loo. IN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ --- –195— Yeas HM,VORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved---- -- -195— )1OC Mortinson -----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _ ____Against Mr. President, 0 D=NEY 5M 7 51 .4W© ded..l to City Clerk `� , CCU NO. NCIL LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ The Masonic Club of St. Paul 395 Minnesota, M125 B.Y.Bldg. Cigarette ^ 4214o it F. E. Eddy 175 B. Milton 2nd Ed Mr. Oen ^ 42141 ^ Ingersoll Service Sales Inc. 528 Hennepin, Mple. Else App Rap ^ 42145 ^ schanemea's Inc. 405 Wabasha ^ ^ 42146 It Clare E. Briesler 969 thiversity Auto Rep Gar " 42147 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----- ---195— Yeas 9AbQZM Nays Holland Approved Marzitelli -- Mortinson _-�--In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rss� % _Against Mr. President i. Wim 7M 751 .may® 28. 19" PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ ----_ DATE _ __�i$ILBt PAGE NO. 3 (Renewal) Young, Inc. 214 & 16 W. 5th Auto Rep Oar app. 42103 Renewal n it ^ N n P. M. Loc. Raymond Laboratories, Inc. 261 E. 5th Cigarette n 112106 ^' Julia Born e Ston Gro eeryn 42107 ^ n n n Off sale Melt n n Cigarette Soppy Motors, Inc. 345 Main 2nd Ed Auto Mlr a 42110 a 0 ^ n Auto Rep Oar It n n B. M. Loc. ^ ^ n R. A. Laramy 1082 Payne Elea App Rep ^ 42125 ^ Lawrence Janacek 376 Main Auto Rep Oar ^ 42126 ^ Will. A Tony Muska 700 Grand Mae App Rap " 42128 ^ Weyandt Furn. Co. 156 E. 7th Elea App Rep ^ 42129 ^ ^ n V. M. Loo. n ^ ^ George Anderson 965 Rice Mae App Rep " 42130 M The Masonic Club of St. Paul 395 Minnesota, M125 B.Y.Bldg. Cigarette ^ 4214o it F. E. Eddy 175 B. Milton 2nd Ed Mr. Oen ^ 42141 ^ Ingersoll Service Sales Inc. 528 Hennepin, Mple. Else App Rap ^ 42145 ^ schanemea's Inc. 405 Wabasha ^ ^ 42146 It Clare E. Briesler 969 thiversity Auto Rep Gar " 42147 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----- ---195— Yeas 9AbQZM Nays Holland Approved Marzitelli -- Mortinson _-�--In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rss� % _Against Mr. President i. Wim 7M 751 .may® dri¢inal to CITY. Clerk^- - LEASE OOMMITTEE IO CITY OF ST. FO ENCIL PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' .PRESENTED BY DATE Jluguet 28, 1952 COMMISSIONER--- _- .— PAGE No. 4 (Renewal) Hatfield Q,neenan, Inc. 1013 University Auto Rep Gar App. 42149 Renewal V. M. Loa. " " Thole :ann 783 University Elea App $ep ° 42150 ^ Holmsten Ref. Co. 423 University " n 42151 n Chas. Reinhold 584 & 6 stryker Auto Rep Gar ^ 42152 " Eenike Radio Co. 308 H. Snelling Elea App Rep " 42153 " Easy Rash Inc. 378 Selby Jdy & D.O.Pickup p 42155 p pV. M. Loc. p ^ :ohnL. Homquist 623 E. Geranicm Auto Rep.Gar " 42159 p Louis Orloff 181 E. 5th Gas Sta 3P It 42161 p D. W. Steinhauer 220 E. 8th Auto Rep Gar " 42162 " Clarence B. Misgen 912 Arcade Elea App Rep " 42165 " Melvin J. & Verna Greotsch ^ 42166 " 136 H. Western Grocery p n gro>zen Meats p n Off Sala Malt p p M N a Cigarette Chas. P. Anderson. Inc. 199 Pleasant Auto Rep Gar " 42172 p Jack OIRrien & Alf Bohm 164 s. Wabasha " " 42176 p COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_-.-_--_ —195— Yeas RAL1bRsdyw Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved - - - -195-- / l Mortinson — In Favor Mayor Peterson en _—C—)Against Mr. President,200MM DAUMMY SM 711 eri¢lo.l to City Cle,k �; I ( 161 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL LICEESE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY __ DATE — 2g, 1952 COMMISSIONER — _- -'— PAGE E0. 5 (Renewal) — Klein Super Mkts, Inc.655 University Grocery App. U2177 Renewal " a n Butcher " n Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette " " " Bud Johnson Pontiac Inc. a 42162 a 1515 Univerdity Auto Rep Gar a a V. M. Loc. P. R. Schneider 509 University Hatcher " 42163 " Oscar Buerkle 324 W. 7th Gas Ste. 2P " 42166 a C. G. 'Thole 633 S. 7th Mee App Rep " 421ST " E. R. Peterson 796 E..7th fl " 42169 a Kenneth R. Olafson 141 E. Dale Mtr Veh Dr. " 112167. a Verley R. castor 750 Curfew Auto Rep Gar " 42194 a Jack Gores & sons. 452 Broadway Moe App Rep a 42195 " E. 3. Meier 1007 Arcade Auto Rep Gar " 42210 " Louis Levig & Frank Galusky a 42212 a 441 E. Snelling Gas Sta 3P w a n Auto Rep Gar fl R a standard spring Go.. Inc. n 42215 a 361 Main Auto Rep Gar IL W. Equipment Co. 3021 5th Ave. S. Mple. Mee App Rep " 42221 a A. W. Aligment Service Ino:`4 2$0 & 2 E. Sth Auto Rep Gar " 42225 a Adopted by the Council COUNCILMEN _.__AUG 2 1952195— Yeas RAfM OCII Nays Holland AUG 2 g 1952 Marzitelli Approved----- - — --195— NKSMOOM Mortinson _._ _._In Favor /= ayor Peterson l;eeere– —.�--Against i'U[3LISHI;D 9-3,2 Mr. President,303MM AAUBM 5M 7o1 -OQJ�-© Original to City Clark COUNCIL LIOENSE CAMEiIlTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFkE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J i `� / _- r ,. .1 f t /_�•� �•�_ -. _- DATE bi&ust 29, 1952 COMMISSIONEp - ----- - - -- _ --- RESOLVED: That the following license:, 163!9- tet.. Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 2160 =*zftun ,expiring October 9. 19529 issued to Edwin N. Fink at 136 North We Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest of the licensee, Edwin N. Fink, on the charge of sale of 3.2 beer to a person under 21 years of age, being sent to court thereon, pleading guilty thereto and sentenced to $100. or 10 days, paying said fine. ! C. F. No. 161092 By Severin A. Mer- tinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved. That the following license, Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 21611, ex Apiring October 8, 1952, Issued to Edwin N. Fink at 138 North Dale Street be d the same at ane hereby revoked upon e the re mendatlon of the Bureau; of Police because of the arrest of the licensee, Edwin N. Fink, on the charge of sale of 3.2 beer to a person antler 21 years of age. beingg t to c u t I pleading gullI thereto o nd mentenced to 5100 or 10 days, paying id fine. Adopted by the Council August 28.% 1952. Approved August 1. 1952. (August 30, 19521 REVOOATION COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli L ` Mortinson _ — __In Favor Peterson 0. Remelt ---Against Mr. President, Meb= DDIINEY 5M )-51 Is_ Approved-- 195— _. - Ma r 0,wnal to City CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK 7RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a' IC1064. c Clt_ NO.-.. PRS .....-... August 27, 1952 C.. No. 161064-6y Severin A. Mor- tlnttby request— In he matter of cronstructing a sewer n the easement in be obtained on the westerly 4,fset of the va;Sal•ly 6 feet y.A In the matter of constructing a sewer in the easement to be obt-fined on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 11, Block 1, Harrison and Handy's Addition, from the alley in the rear of said lot to Hoyt Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 159460 approved April 17, 1952, and Final Order C. F. 160373 approved July 15, 1952• RESOLVED, Th t the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVPD, Th:.t the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. ✓/rlS COUNCILMEN Yeas l8&T St_ Nays Bolland Marzitelli qdyl�zms1C Mortinson Peterson .&eseo- Mr. President, Delaney 8M 6se Adopted by the Council- ............................. $'9 5 proved ---------------- ----------- ............ j95 - --------------In Favor ....... -- -- ... - -- Mayor _.......Against VUBLIS111.0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO PILE ORIGINAL-- II O 1488 COUNCIL RESOLUTION CITY CLERIC FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS c. F. NO iSt086— Severin A, Mor- Aug. 28, Teg— LITLSDPbY. SCQ•U P,- a1^4 �nd SOr1RC- DATE ----- PRESENTED BY HON.— - _ -- 7 a(�!"f9[( In the matter of grading and surfacing wiiY i�rn°� material, the alleys in Block 3, Clarke &Wilgus Addition and Schm kdL Addation, from Jessie Street to the North and South Alley, and from the northerly East and West Alley to the southerly East and West Alley. Also constructing sewers in the easements to be • 4 and the obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of LotClarke &Wilgus southerly 4 feet of the northerly 6 feet of3Loth16rin ofBlo°said lots, under Addition, from Bradley Street to the alley and Final Order C. F. Preliminary Order C. F. 156319 approved June 12, 1951, 157346 approved September 11, 1951, and re -approved October 9, 1951. vers in WHEFEAS, the plans and specifications for the of theruction Of southerly 6efeet of the i easements to be obtained on the northerly 4 feet northerly 6 feet a. of Lot 16 in Block 3, Lot 4 and the southerly 4 feet of thesa Clarke & Wilgus Addition, from Bradley STreet to oved Mayt7e 19523 therefore,rbefit id lots,'"under resolution, C. F. 159683 aPP I RESOLVED, Th%t the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commis -for thrading and B nOus sioner of Public Works Clarkee&gWilgus Addit osurfacing vitb t andSchmi0tsAddition, fromal, the alleys in Block 3, Jessie Street to the North and South Alleys and fbemandethersame are ahereby West Alley to the southerly East and West Alley, approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and h116s55era d that cthe to do the work by City Forces, at an estimated cost of !64,-55,e and be it further purchasing Agent proceed to procure the necessary • RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvementincluding engineering and , I inspection expenses amo}nting to $375.87, or a total of $4,492.42, be assessed against the benefited property. ' ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE s FORMAL BID NO. ' NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PREBENYING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. FGA T IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR CMT OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLO S: ESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - CODE $ 4 ROPRIATED FROM CITYS SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMFl1T4— - -sCODE _ROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY—BOND ISSUE—CODE PROPRIATED FROM ___ - _ _ s UNTY AID - - - - - s - - - - s 4,492..42 TOTAL - -----I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL-: O LOCAL IMPROVEMLERK NCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND WORKS I IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. — DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT— IN DOPTED — • PURCHASING COMPTROLLER-------- II COUNCILMEN NAYB ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- YEAS _IN FAVOR • I - � -- APPROVED. --- � --- -- __AGAINST M OR MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHED O 216_1P— -- Odginal to City Clerk COU NCIL CITY OF 5T. PAUL CCYY OFFICE OF TM4,!PITY CLERK --T— C. F. No. 181088—By Robert F. Peter- C`OUNCIh..,RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM lied. That pursuant to sectio 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, ind PRESENTED BY uA'1ln Pon delivery to the ATE_= —— Corporation COMMISSIONER_.—� - DiIi .,�,; RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.119 Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the.Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Joseph Itrawczak be paid the sum of $123.84 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages to his automobile, sustained in an accident involving a police squad car, driven by Robert LaBathe, while in the performance of his official duties. COUNCILMEN YeasH-*,,,.—� Nays Holland, Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rncpn Mr. President, Day 51,1 tat .�r0 �.' 2$ . Adopted by the Council— —195— . Approved ----195— In Favor Ma T/ Against Q 0"to City clar2 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE + 4I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL %'SOLUT��IION—GENERAL FORM '7GC�r�. l COMM SSIONEY 2� -. - - DATE' AllPl1St 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.Ra Motor Method, from MIDWEST OIL COMPANY at a price of $$1272 Per gallon, less 1% on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship Ito the best C. F. No. 181087- o A. Mori interest Of the City- tin,on' by Tiaai the Purchasing Age Su be,e end he 11 consent 1 the M.Y.-Ir Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-134. pnaehase we he cli,r• ap3dreea 5000 gallons 4 leaded gasolineaod, from O.tan' C.F.A. COMPANY tap ce FST OIL. a tq on reElne[Y of $127- P- irtforrnal bids, - - act PI here failurehardship to exists promPtlY would oork a Charge best Interest t th199S'134, 29 the Augus t Munfcipald bYu ern AdoP a 1952. 3852. d August 28, APPreve iAugust 30, 19521 AUCI 2 g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas$$ts"We"M aril eiu Nays o D McDermott pproverl 196_ Mortinson Parranto 1 In Favor Mayo Peterson /�- -PAN Daubney- ---6L-Against Mr. President, 3WIMQ 5M 1-513 PETITION 6 - Council File No.— 161068 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. N.. 181088— and Ti"kj epof Lhe fo lowingeimP ovement. iil•' . e5f. PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic aidem1k on the south side of Meannr from Ro era Street to Chatsworth Street Dated this 7 day of August 195 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Eleanor Avenue from Rogers Street to Chatsworth Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed' 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and, Lstimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said' fmprpvpn1ept-,-- 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 2$1952 / Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS ,iUG 9 1952 Councilman MARZITELLI A1t@PffAjqW HOLLAND Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSE)? -- MR. PRESIDENT, 131074W DAUBNEi yor. PUQLISHLD U C IM 4-51 8 NOTICE 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. l� 4 PRINTER — C. F. No, 7nprp_ Aug. 27 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE C6W TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF = 26 536.91 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37342 TO 37394INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' 1952 7 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—AUG 2 .— -19-.. comFrnoueF AM Cp r - APPROVED___ 2�195Z -I9__ BY PU13Ll�TIT;D _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QII , } 1 �. � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------- .--------- ......�-- - ROLL GALL AUDITED CLAIMS ------- 52 i HOLLAND 373 37344 Air Reduction Sales Co. American Linen Supply Co. -Aug.--27 .................t 111 51 MARZITELLI ----- ----IN FAVOR N Truck Crane Service Inc.' Anderson Machine Tool Co. 1 883 88 149 01 M ORTINSON 37347 37-1 RESOLVED. T HAT CHECKS B DRAWN N.THE CITY TREASURY E PETERSON RSR _A __._..._._. AGAINST 37950 Coonery and Mfg. lElectric COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT OF B ------2-6--536.-91 377----------"""""' AS AUG 2 $ 1952 CHECKS NOL---------TO-----3-•39--- PER CHECKS ON F�LE IN THE OFFICE OF THE INCLUSIVE, CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTHE COUNCIL +El Jt APPROVE -- O D 192`o B. ... EP _ z ---. _ -�® --- -- ---- _ TOTAL 3 880er 82 ATE RETUBR NED J NUMBER IN FAVOR OF cHecKSR F�aetman Kodak Stores Ino. D, CHECKSENr II BY ANK a BROUGHT FORWARD 37342 Alice K. Dillon 98 00 150 68 • 373 37344 Air Reduction Sales Co. American Linen Supply Co. 111 51 37345 37346 N Truck Crane Service Inc.' Anderson Machine Tool Co. 1 883 88 149 01 37347 37-1 Automotive Service Co. Barre Inoorp. 44 73 35b 00 37950 Coonery and Mfg. lElectric I 34, 2 247 90 onwealthCapitol Co. 33 37351 Como Lumber Co.1 66 �4 973$2 3735 Corning Donohue Inc. CO - 3 880er 82 3735 F�aetman Kodak Stores Ino. 4 4 o B10 Print Co. 233+2 4 37356 El�otrio 37357 Helma Engquist 11 30r 68 21 37358 3 358 Esslinger and Co. Farwell Czmun Kirk and Co. 505 17 37360°.,Frawley Equipment Co. I 4 767 00 37361 37362 G & G Sales Co. General Electric Supply Corp.! 10z 36 718 74 37363 Cy Green and Son 52 00 123 50 37364 Halloran Sign Co. 37365 J. F. Hand 30 00 37366 37367 Hersey Mfg. Co. International Harvester Co. 1 301 20 5 946 74 37368 J. H. Kartack Company Inc. 24 Langevin Paint SuTnly I 156 37369 37370 Larryle Auto Glass Co. 92 18 37371 McFadden—Lambert Co. 673 37372 Minnesota Envelope Co. 1 127 02 3737 " Pop Corn Co. Products 87 73 '+ 3737 Molin Concrete 37375 Monroe Add. Mach. Co. 112 00 77 50 37376 The Mo Adam Agency 20 00 37377 37378 Hans Miller Minnesota Paper and Cordage CGI. 13 33 37379 Muxlow Vet. Hospital 29 21 6o 37380 Northern States Power Co. 37381 N. W. Refining Co. 1 010 37 76 52 37382 Cakite Products Co. 162 75 738 3738 Henry H. Pittelkow St. Paul Cement Wks. Mfg. Co. 57 33 27 93 37385 37386 Serley So. Bend Current Controller CT 108 50 37387 37388 Standard Spring Co. " Unit Parte Co. I 92 34 105.7 37389 37390 W. H. Sweney Co. Lan Thole Radio and Electric Q. 16 10 37391 Van Paper Supply Co. 76 61 37392 Universal Sign Co. 30 00 3739 3739 White Co. Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. 10 I 40 40 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 893 622 96 j 1 � i Orlainal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL '�'• FILE NO.�, C. F. No. 16IDNI—BY Frank D. Metzi- I ��n�d. Tha4 f"e use �of the Arenas ! _ _-n]..artrmr. RESOLVED, that the use of the Arena in the Auditorium be given to the Women's Institute of Saint Paul on the following dates October 1, November 51 December 21 1952, January 13, Apand May 5, 1953, upon payment of the cost of opening and operating on said dates, not to exceed $4,200.00, and any costs in excess of said sum shall be set up in Auditorium Fiend 1021; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the Women's Institute furnishes the ushersfor said programs, said Institute shall receive a credit of 9150.00 per day, and shall pay only for ushers actually used. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli mcaffmafit Mortinson Peterson Resew Mr. President, BMIQ ®9 5M ) 51 4, . Aor, ? a 191' . Adopted by the Council---195— Approved--195- -In ouncil— —195—Approved— 195— In Favor Against PUBLISHED 1 EDWARD A. FURNI, MwKwor Telephone CArSeW 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -17.000 eaeare Feet S_U= 15.000 Iee Rink 100.441 EXHIBITION HALL 54.000 So— Feet Every Serrin AUDITORIUM THEATRE Sestina 5.000 complete Stage Au Hew STEM HALL Bell— complete Et.se Seat. 1.250 EY L HAL b 550 4 HALLS Beatma 150 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A end Volta Single D.0 current 110-440 volt. Teleplum.T.1—Ph P. A. Sntem Induced Dealt Plum for Hot and Cold Water Drain Connection, Ga.. Steam Compremed Air AUG 2° 1952 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS FRANK O. MARZITELLI. cow M,salaNaa HERMAN P. PRANKE, oervrr cowwieslo,ml MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 11'.1i;M) "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT-- 143 ISTRICT"143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA N-40'® rvrrw<ov Hl w August 21, 1952 Mr. Frank D. Marzitelli, Commissioner Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums 179 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Marzitelli: Please find enclosed letter from Mrs. Edith Lundquist, secretary to Mrs. Agnes Kennedy Ridder, requesting the approval of the Auditorium Committee and the Council for resolution granting them the use of the Auditorium Arena on the same terms as in past years for the 1952- 1953 season of Women's Institute programs. For your information we are reserving these dates, and are herewith giving the terms of the resolution used last season (using this season's dates), and also the cost as paid by the City and the Women's Institute. "Resolved that the use of the Arena in the Auditori4 be given to the Women's Institute of Saint Paul on the following dates: October 1, November 5, December 2, 1952, January 13, April 15, May 5, 1953, upon payment of the cost of opening and operating on said dates, not to exceed $4,200.00, and any costs in excess of said sum shall be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021; be it further resolved, that in the event the Women's Institute furnishes the ushers for said programs, said Institute shall receive a credit of $150.00 per day, and shall pay only for ushers actually used." The cost of six days use in 1951-1952 was $12,779,05, of which the City paid $9298.05 and the lnstitute $3481.00. LIBRAWLS,AUDITG1UUM EAF:KW AND MUSEUMS Yours very truly, SAINT PAUPDIT RI Edward A. F11rni, Manage r &�- Women s Institute of Saint Pau Sponsored bythe St. Paul Dispatch -Pioneer Press Mn. Thomas L. Daniels Miss Helga Freeman Mrs. Agnes Kennedy Ridder Miss Mary Downey Chairmen of the Board Secretary -Program Director General Chairman Honorary Chairman I August 18, 1952 Mr. Edward A. Furni, Manager l.:unicipal Auditorium 1L3 'rest Fourth Street Saint Paul 21 Minnesota Dear Mr. Furni: I received your letter and I would appreciate your sending me - upon recommendation of the Auditorium Committee and as set up by Council resolution - the contract covering the use of the Auditorium Arena on the same terms as past years, for the following dates of the 1952-1953 season of the Women's Institute: October 1, 1952 November 5, 1952 December 2, 1952 January 131 1953 April 15, 1953 may 5, 1953 Sincerely yours, Secretary foto Mrs.�idde . /el rj� li}�j jl�ia 1 ``'1/ � 1 1 h!JG 22 1952 • LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS TO PROMOTE THE SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND CIVIC PROGRESS OF THIS COMMUNITY Original to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f`LECOUNCIL NO. DATE_ _ Angnst 29, 1952_-_ NESOLVEDf That license for Restaurants Application B 417200 applied for by George and Antbony Kowski at 1139 Prosperity Avenue be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the following conditisns that the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be dustless, that the debris be picked up and removed daily from the premises and that the sidewalks around the property be cleared of snow and ice during the winter. HENSWAL IBIVE IN (RESTRICTIONS) COUNCILMEN Yeas -Rgb4pit" Nays Holland Marzitelli t Mortinson i _4n _In Favor Peterson .&sees+- Against Mr. President, 5M 751 -IQW® C. F. No. 161971—By Severin A. Mnr- tlnson—Robert F. Peorson— Resolved, That icenae far applied to- nt. Application B41729, pp e by George nd Anthony KOwski at 113' be and the same Pis hereby ranted. subJect o the y gran following conditionsmaintained that the grounds be prep red atdebrisso is to be dustless. that the debris be picked and moved dally from the pre - u up d that the sidewalks around th puop ty be cleared of snow and d rl g the inter. r Adulated by the Council August 29, 19"' ApproJed August 29, 1952. (September 6. 1952) dl.. Adopted by the Council— -195— Approved---- -195— Approoveed-- - - -- '-195-- Mayor -195—Mayor origival to Clt7 Clerk COUNCIL NO.. LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM August 29. 1952 PRESE-- — DATE— COMM .— NTED BY DATESSIONER_ C �1T RESOLVEDI That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stateds be and the same are hereby granted. Marshall Beauty Shop APP• x+1966 Now Old Loc. 20 Lois Marvin 9 Downtown Ford Co.. Ina. 1r2n 2}2029 a a a j Auditorium Auto Rep Gar " p P. M. Loc- I, oc•n n Cigarette Hazel Park Commercial ClubN 42lOS n n a 562 White Bear Off Sale Malt Joe Danca & Henry Meyers University 2nd Ed Auto lar " 112119 p � a Allen L. Elledge SO W. C. R. C zone 6 Scavaoger 29 Robert C. Hendricks & Chas. W. Herignlake n 42166 a a n 1666 & 66 White Bear Hardware James Barr Weir 1979 Oarroll Mtr Veh Dr. " 42349 a Donald W. Schultz 790 Ashland " n 42403 n Severin A. Moi- C. 'so No.Rodert FB Paterson plied for t sol a That Rcenses aaPPu list Resolved, named and the ty the Pers i and the ttacha to hereby s Granted, e h same are is instructed to issue the lictenses upon the Pe lr (Citytreasury of the squired fees. Adopted by the Council August 29. 1952. o d August 29, 1952. APPr �'e (September 6. 1952) A ;9b2 COUNCILMEN Adopted bY_tlouncil— Yeas ftbVORSON Nays ? Holland Approved— ----195— Marzitelli � Mortinson --In Fav r Peterson Resell �Ag tnst Mr. President, DQM=y _ 5M 741 -41W® original to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE COMMISS ONENTED R �L 1-s�.1-i�`� O fly p 1 , COUNCIL NO. FM_ f CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 161073—By s-irin A. Mot.- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—'GENERAL FORM 8ies.1 ed. That licenseii applied for Ess, the persons named on the list _ �A ,'/f/� the �—�i��— DATE__— Az -y RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses statedq be and the same are hereby granted. Agnes & Walter (kochowski 920 Rice Bakery App. 39900 Renewal Blanche & Habert J. Hawkins ^ 40047 " 936 Rice Restaurant n Cigarette :larence Cramer 730 N. Western Grocery " 40132 n " n Frozen Meats " n Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette Mrs. Helen gosoy 369 Carroll Grocery " 41013 " " n Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette Louis D. S,eMire 605 Front Restaurant „ 81294 n " " On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette n a n Montgomery Ward Whose 990 gent Omaha $v. Co. 799 Payne Citizens Ice & Phel Co. 1230 Rice Darling Olds, Inc. 734 Grand n 11 n n Joseph Snyder 356 Rondo COUNCILMEN Yeas jgrrfflEjN: Nuys Holland Marzitelli IUPC Mortinson In Favor Peterson aaoaa Against Mr. President, Y SM 7-51 -41W0 V. M. Loo. ^ 41347 ^ " " 41353 " Ice Sta. " 41375 " 2nd Ed Auto Dir n 40217 " Auto Rep Oar t. M. IAC. 11 n n 2nd Ed Auto Pts IF 40793 " Adopted by the Council --- Approved — -. _— __-195- - Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas4ftbP01 H Nays 1,. ` 5 F ( 171 orl¢in.l to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL cou NCIL FILE NO._ Peterson Ibex++• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Mr. President,-DAARM 5M ]-51 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 29, c� 19!R- 952 PRESENTED E COMMISSIONER----— COMMISSIONER_tR -- _. DATE _.-Aagus --- ----.--- PAGE M. 2 (Renewal) PAGE Brown & Bigelow 451 Grove V. M. Loc. APP. 41379 Renewal Anthony Baissi 670 Payne Restaurant n41419 11n n n On Sale Malt 11 n 11 Off Sale Malt it " it it Cigarette n n Roy E. Hinz 397 Earl Bakery " 41422 " Hazel Carlson 934 Rice Confectionery " 41521 " Eva Jane Arth 559 Carroll Grocery " 41635 " n " Off Sale Malt n n n p n pigareGte " " It Jerry Wharton 1195 Earl Barber " 41690 " Fred Herriges 2607 W. 7tb Gas Sta 3P " 41761 n Frank S. Fasenow 1316 Forest Grocery " n 41g04 n n n n n Off Sale Malt p n Cigarette Harold I. Olson 902 Arcade V. M. Loc. " 41821 n James A. Haner 600 H. Western Confectionery 41g47 n 11 110 Off Sale Malt p n Cigarette Hatale Rocco 924 Rice Restaurant " 41g49 " n n On Sale Malt p n p n n Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette " it " COUNCILMEN Yeas4ftbP01 H Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —_In Favor Peterson Ibex++• _07—Against Mr. President,-DAARM 5M ]-51 AUG P. 9 1952 Adopted by the Council-_ --195— AUG 2 n 115 Approved--------- 195-- ayor ,Tr15 lst Y _ail Laid ov r to 3rd andAdopted. b Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson Halvorson Ile3LHolland Marzitelli/ Marzitelli Mortinson S/ :0rtin8on Peterson .../// Peterson / , a-�--" Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney s Orl.loai t. City Cl.rk ORDINANCE IH 114 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BYy ORDINANCE NO S• An ordinance amending Ordinance No•7881, entitled i..,.. "An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of Saint Paul and providing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved December 30, 197, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance reddered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN : Section 1. That ordinance No.7881 approved December 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 85 Subsection (a)(5) the following : "on the west side of Payne Avenue between Reaney Ave. and Fauquier Ave." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. SEP 16 1952 Passed by the Council In Favor Against SEP 16 1952 Approv Mayor � PUBLISHED q-2 Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) r � � Attester F City Clerk �3M 6.6E B ft It A tjS SEP 16 1952 Passed by the Council In Favor Against SEP 16 1952 Approv Mayor � PUBLISHED q-2 rr 2nd Laid over to _ cf c i 3rd and app dopled Yeas I Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson Halvorson w^"-'' Holland Marzitelli Martinson Marzitelli Martinson q� X X �i Peterson J --Reeser- - Peterson Rosen / Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney✓✓✓ qe g it S'( (1 75) o.i.j..i w as Ci.rk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO a c PRESENTED BY E �_ ORDINANCE NO �Z 70 C'By IL.Iri. A M Lin. a sy�re cc ar An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promot- ing the public health, safety, order, conven- ience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human. habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes", approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 19229 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District: All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 easterly of a line beginning at a point on the north line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4, thence southeasterly making an included angle of 850 129 with the north line of Block 8 to the southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be 1n force upon its passage andpublication. Yeas Councilmen Bays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli O Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest (� City Clerk s.ca e Passed by the Council SEP 16195? In Favor 0 Against SEP l 6 19 ApprovR: MayKr'— V'� YUI�LlS11LDe1�—� +TARRY T. O'CONNELL City CI.,k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mitmesoto OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Sea CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE '®® August 28, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation 0ounsel B u 1 1 d i n g Dear Sir: HAROLD J. RIORDAN ChW CI.A The Council requested that you draw an ordinance rezoning the property described in the attached petition and file. Tery truly yours, City Clerk The Board Saint Paul, A. A. HECKMAN PR®IOINO Of'ICRR FA of Zoning Minnesota (orAcu.em .r amlNMca Na MR. ,�.,. Hw C. DAVID LOEKS zxBCHTIVi! IffmY M M. ORIMB CIYDR L MhTHVfiN W. J. RICE A. H. SCHROMM Cm' ARCHDEG, JIAIus v umr..LLmuun 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 14, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the petition of Truman P. Gardner to rezone lots 2, 7 and part of lots 3 and 4, block 8, Terrace Park Addition from "A" Resi- dence to "C" Residence as described in detail on the attached petition. This is known as 488 Grand Avenue and is located on the south side of Grand between Floral and Lawton Streets. The premises under consideration has a frontage of 156 feet on Grand Avenue and extends southerly to a depth of approximately 370 feet to the center line of the vacated alley which is adjacent to the rear of the lots fronting on Oakland. The toning of these lots on Oakland is "C" Residence. The tract under consideration has an area of 1.87 acres. There is a large old residence located on the tract which is to be torn down. The applicant is proposing to develop high rental apartment units adjacent to the bluff line at the rear portion of the site. This petition which has been certified by the Commissioner of Finance to be sufficient in- cludes the consent of all of the property owners abutting this property. The Board has reviewed the applicant's plans and find that the type of development contemplated by Mr. Gardner would actually constitute a sub- stantial improvement over the present vacant structure which is now located on this large tract of land. It is further found that this rezoning would in effect constitute a northward extension of the existing "C" residential zoning to the south. In consideration of the character of the development contemplated, the zoning pattern which would result and the unanimous approval of the property owners in the area who are affected, the Board of Zoning find that this petition would permit a substantial improvement in this dis- trict and therefore recommends that this petition be granted. Very truly your IIr` i C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma a Att. - 4f- 4 / � ARTHUR F. COLEMAN BERNARD T. HOLLAND Deputy Commissioner Cgmmissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation ..d Aesment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief -MP-0.4 August 1, 1952 To the Council city of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition which has been filed in the matter of rezoning All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 6 Easterly of a line beginning at a point, on the North lin�f and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot lr, thence southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the north line of Block 8 to the southerly line of said lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley yn of vin saidtion Block thereas accrued to said property by all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition from a Class "A" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence Dis- trict, and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, CH: se Bernard T. holland Commissioner of Finance _r St. Paul, T!innesota July 23 1952 To the Honorable, The City Council, �_EE St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen REZOdINri "e, the unders;_gned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real esta`.e situated within 100 ft. of the real c #atc affocted, have Zcquiesned herci.n, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- cyssificd, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that pa:•t of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4 thence Southeasterlv .nakin e an included anele ,f, R.1,0121 with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition from a Class A District to a Class C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 233 Ordinance DTo.58110. Record (timer Lot Block Addition 7 n s ) LOT 14, Block 8, and Terrace Park Addition vacated alley JosePaine staples State of Minnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) Ra mond B. Oltman being first duly sworn, deposes and says that h -s he person w o circu ed the within petition consisting of 1 page e ? that the Darties described above are the owners respectively of the low plare irnediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa-r oiners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr,:c and correct signatures of each and all of the Darties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this n 244th .day of July, 1952 G{ . t%..67�A�AlfJll A.('. Rercat'�dt Notary Pub c, Ramsey Co nty, Minn. my Commission expires October 5,. 19 8 Q3 O 108 E. 4th St.,St. Paul 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : St. Paul, Minnesota REZOIILdG "e, the unders'gned own^rs of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real eGtat,e situated within 100 ft. of the Wal estate affected., have acquiesced herc,n, and wo, owners of 50% or mb,e of the frontage to be re- classificd, petition your Honorable Body to change the .following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North Line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4 thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 852, with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as aecrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition from a Class A District to a Class C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, ordinance mo.58hO. Record Owncr Lot Block Addition �it Q(i— Lot 15 and the W.122 ft Terrace Park Addition arof Lot 16, Block 2 State of Minnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) / � � � being first duly sworn, deposes and says - that he i -5 --the person w o circuia�ed the within petition consisting of page-,: that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lois pl�.re immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa;ct of-mers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tree and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /3 day of-114...—If N, aiy Public, Ramsey Co nty, Pdinn. yy Cormlission expires LFL ti. SMI.'rl No[•.y Pu".�-. -, � ..unit'. T.tin.�. 79. 1958. GARDNER COMPANY 108 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1 GARFIELD 7573 i ,7nly 2�, 195 TRUMAN D. G�RDNER, S—.1., Ci ty Planni nj; Board city of 3t. Paul 274 Court .House St. P:ul 1, Minr.escta Sen''-] -ren: Enclosrzd i he anrlication to the 'i`y Council for I rezor.in, of LotF 2 and 7 and p *. of Lo'= ' and 4, "leek P, Terrane Perk :,ddi tion, known as 4Pi y r2 :a y• en,ie n t+:n 1i ty of St. Paul, changing same from a L;ss �" tstrict "C].azs C" district, The heti-tion h Dern circul.atPd by Truman P. Gardner; 10P East Fourth Street, St„ Paul 1, 'Minneso"a, Garfield and if any of the necessary requirements have not been met, would ',you please be so kind as to cal.] him in reference to the abov^ matter. Yrurs '..rely, 1 j Ferre I'3ry TPG:dn Enc. i who have signed the petition to rezone the property List of persons St. Paul, Minnesota at'488 Grand Avenue, of property Mailing address Name of Petitioner Address owned of petitioner 502 Grand Avemue Wallace H. Cole 502 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. Mary Crunden Cole ) 506 Grand Avenue Edward C. Brown, Jr. ) 506 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. Margaret W. Brown 514 Grand Avenue Walter J. Kennedy ) 514 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. - El&zabeth Dean Kennedy ) 585 Oakland Avenue 800 Pioneer Bldg. St. Paul 1, Minn. John P. Drews 577 Oakland Avenue 577 Oakland Avenue Paul 2, Minn. John P. Mattson St. Mary L. Mattson ) 569 Oakland Avenue 569 Oakland Avenue St.Paul 2, Minn. Anne K. Feist - 325 Otis Avenue 559-561 Oakland Ave. St. Paul 4, Minn. Meyer Aaron 480 Grand Avenue Harriette D. Weyerhaeuser 480 Grad Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. 475 Grand Avenue Annie L. Carroll ) 475 Grand Avenue St Paul $, Minna Maribel R. Otis 511 Grand Avenue Margaret A. Wright 511 Grand Avenue St, Paul 8, Minn• 501 Grand Avenue Norris D. Jackson 501 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. p 483 Grand Avenue Alice D. Jackson 483 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. 5 Heather place Samuel Mairs 5 Heather Place St. Paul 2, Minn. 125 College Avenue West Hospital, Inc. 488 Grand Avenue St.Paul 2, Minnesota Chas. T. Miller 1 Other property owners appearing on petition. Margherita A. Hyman 489 Grand Avenue Merton Staples ) 563-565 Oakland Avenue Josephin rtaples ) M C/o Lincoln S. Harris 489 Grand Avenue St. Paul 2, Minn. 2136 Watson Avenue St. Paul 5, Minn. St, Paul, n.innesota V July 23 1952 To the Honorable, The City Council, St.* Paul, Minn. r-ntlemen , REzorTING "'e, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real esta`.e situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have ZcViesced hero4n, and we, owners of 50° or more of the frontage to be re- ,lassificd, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast _corner of said Lot 4, thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by Peason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District, from.a Class A District to a Class r — This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, ordinance Aio.58L0. Record ovmcr Lot Block Addition All of Lots 2 and 7, and that Terrace Park Addition part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly Chas. T M'ller Hospital, Inc. of a line beginning at a point B L V,P,on the North line of and 6 ft 1 C as a k_ T -Inc. from the NE corner of said Lot By Vice President 4,thence SE'ly making an included angle of 85012' with the No.line of Block 8 to the S'ly line.of said Lot 3,together with so muah of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, State of Minnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) Truman P. Gardner being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person w o circu a ed the within petition consisting of6 pages ; t-lat the parties described above are the owners respectively of the low pl^cc^ immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa'c'_ owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr:e and correct signatures of each and all of the oartics so described. y i Subscribed and sworn to before me this and day 01 �G 108 E. 4th Street, St.Padl 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 Notary Public, Ramsey Cc n y, Ml nn. yy Cormission expires October 17. 1954 To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. ,t-ntlemen . St. Paul, Minnesota REZOTTT'NI i July 23 1952 "e, the unders;gned own::rs of two-thirds of the several descriptions/ of real e=ta:e situated within 100 ft, of the real cstat.e aff�Ctcci, have Icquiesced h.oroin, and we, owners of 509 or more of the frontage to be re- ,lassifird, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4 thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as ac .rued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District. from a Class A District to a Class C This petition is mads pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance mo.58LO- Record Chmcr l) John P. 11rews r�) t MaMatson tso� . Anna K. Feist Merton T. Staplbs a osep FITHe a es ) C` Meyer Aaron State of Minnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) Lot Block Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, and vacated alley Lots 12 and 13, except the ff ely 40 ft. of said 13, Block 8, k vacated alley W ely 40 ft. of Lot 13,. Block 8, h vacated alley Lot 14, Block 8, and vacated allay Lot 16, Block 8, and vacated alley Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Truman P. Gardner being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of6 pages ; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots Alar . i mediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa'� orrers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr-: ind'rorrect signatures of each and all of the Darti.es so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23r�day of July, 1952 108 E. 4th Street,S+.Paul 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 Notary Public, Ramsey Co nty, M nn. ;?y Corm sion expires p tob� r 17_1954 To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : St. Paul, Minnesota July 23, 1952 REZONING 11'e, the undersigned owncrs of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estai-.e situated within 100 ft, of the real estate affected, have .acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified., petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 E sterly of a line beginning at a point on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4 thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District. from a Class A Listrict to a Class C— This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance mo.584o. Record Owner Lot Block l�l,�l�'-<.cZC�G�L f \, Harriet D. We_e auser Lot 1, Block 8, and Jvacated alley Annie L. Uarroll aribel .` tis ) State ofMinnesota )as County of Ramsey ) East 1/4 of Lot 17, and all of Lot 18, Block 2 Addition 0 Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Truman P. Gardner being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 6page-s? th t the parties described above are the oxncrs respectivcly of the loFs pl^-re_ immediately following each namef that this petition was signed by each of sa;r oimers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr'c and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_23rd day of Llk 1952 R.B. Oltman �ota— ry PubS'c, Ramsey Co nty, Mlnn. Iiv Commission expires October 17. 1954 108 E. 4th St.,St..Paul 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. 99 ,;,ntlemen . St. Paul, Minnesota REZO',dlh'G July 23 ;952 'e, the undersigned owners of two of the several descriptions of real esta'c situated within 100 ft, o the real estate affoctc:c', have ,.cquiesred herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classifird, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at aoint on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot•4p thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District. fron a Class A District to a Class C This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.58hO. Record Owncr Lot Block Addition _.� t 11, and the west Terrace Park Addition 1 argare A. rig t ft of Lot ]Z, Block 2 p� Lot 12, except the West Terrace Park Addition '/7 Norris D. Ja z n � 15 ft, thereof, and all of lots 13 and 14, Block 2 The East 372 ft of Lot 16, Terrace Park addition Alice e D .J son and the west 372 ft of Lot 17, Block 2 State of Minnesota )ss Count;,, of Ramsey ) Tr, an P. Gardner being first duly sworn, deposes and says that. he As e person w 977-jr-FU a rd the within petition consisting of 6 pages_; t"Lat the 0 rtios described above are the owners respectively of the lois plata:' immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa"^ owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr,ic and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this__aj,,Lday of_ .L,4_ qL? Notary public, Ramsey Co nty,-ASinn. ry Commission expires 17. 1954 108 E. 4th St.,St. Paul 1, Minn. Phone; Garfield 7573 rt To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. 99 ,;,ntlemen . St. Paul, Minnesota REZO',dlh'G July 23 ;952 'e, the undersigned owners of two of the several descriptions of real esta'c situated within 100 ft, o the real estate affoctc:c', have ,.cquiesred herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classifird, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at aoint on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot•4p thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District. fron a Class A District to a Class C This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.58hO. Record Owncr Lot Block Addition _.� t 11, and the west Terrace Park Addition 1 argare A. rig t ft of Lot ]Z, Block 2 p� Lot 12, except the West Terrace Park Addition '/7 Norris D. Ja z n � 15 ft, thereof, and all of lots 13 and 14, Block 2 The East 372 ft of Lot 16, Terrace Park addition Alice e D .J son and the west 372 ft of Lot 17, Block 2 State of Minnesota )ss Count;,, of Ramsey ) Tr, an P. Gardner being first duly sworn, deposes and says that. he As e person w 977-jr-FU a rd the within petition consisting of 6 pages_; t"Lat the 0 rtios described above are the owners respectively of the lois plata:' immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa"^ owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr,ic and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this__aj,,Lday of_ .L,4_ qL? Notary public, Ramsey Co nty,-ASinn. ry Commission expires 17. 1954 108 E. 4th St.,St. Paul 1, Minn. Phone; Garfield 7573 l To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen . St. Paul, Minnesota July 23, 1952 REZONING "'e, the undersigned ownors of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, o- the real estatFa affl ctee, have Zcquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50`; or more of the frontage to be re— classifird, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North ]]g�ine of and 6 feet from the northegst corner of said Lot 4 thence Southeasteily making an included angle of 85 12' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition from aClass A District to a Class C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.58LO. e Record �Owner — Waliace H. Cole �� Mary run en o e 7' dward C. Brown, Jr JJ ) 'i uj-A, ) Ma:rgaqet VY. Brown Lot Block Lot 4, except W. 10 ft & part Lot 3, Block 8, All of Lot 5, and Westerly 10 ft. of Lot 4, Block 8, A, Elizabeth Dean Kenne y Lot 6, Block 8, ' J/ a enne VIN Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition Terrace Park Addition State of Minnesota )sa County of Ramsey ) P being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is he person w o circa a ed the within petition consisting of 6 page s t' ---,t the p_:rtics described above are the owners respectively of the loi� s plaz: immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa"a owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true a,nd correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Su'hscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of July. 1952_ Lman Notary Public, Ramsey Co nty, m nn. Ply Commission expires Qnlo, r 17. 19954 108 E. 4th Street, St.Paul 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 St, Paul, Minnesota Jule 23 1952 To,'the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : REZO'IING the unders!gned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real esta'.e situated within 100 ft- of the real estate affected, have Zcgniesrrd hereon, and we, owners of 50" or more of the frontage to be re- rlassifscribe icd, petition your Honorable Body to change the following de crib property : All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 Easterly of a line beginning at a point on the North line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4, thence Southeasterly making an included angle of 85012' with the North line of Block 8 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3, together with so much of vacated alley in said Block as accrued to said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 8, Terrace Park Addition District. from a Class A District to a Class C This petition is made pursuant to Section 233 Ordinance N0.58h0. Record (Teter 'y mue Ma ra ) State of Minnesota ass County of Ramsey being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he 's e person w o c>rcu a ed the within petition consisting of pages r t:z t the parties described above are the ownors respectively of the lois plat" ? immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa'ct ovin:�rs in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above arc the tr,:u and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of Julv 1952 R Olt Notary P11 c, Ramsey Co nty, A>nn. yy Comm.ission expires October r 17,T1954 Lot Block Addition _ That part of Lots 3 and 4 Est'ly Goodkind Terrace of the following described line: Beginning at NE'ly corner of acid Lot 3, thence SE'ly along Elly line thereof 53.06 ft.,thence S'ly at an angle of 153043' 56 ft to center of top stone of stairway; thence W'ly along top of said stairway to W'ly line thereof;thence S'ly along said W'ly line to a point on N'ly line of Oakland Avenue 19.55 ft Elly from SE'ly corner of said Lot 4 } li/Gr2lfri X- 108 -108 E. 4th St.,St.Paul 1, Minn. Phone: Garfield 7573 Do CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Commissioner of Finance Saint Paul 2, Minnesota August 15, 1952 Frederick E. and Harriette D. Weyerhauser W2192 First National Bank Building St. Paul 1, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23 of the Building Zone Ordinance adohereby notified d by the Council of the City of St. Paul, my 7 1922, , 9 , Y are that a public at 10 o'clock k A.M.be ld by in the CounciliChamberthe in8th thedCourt y of August, 1952, House and City Hall Building on the advisability of amending the Building Zone Ordinance by changing All of Lots 2 and 7, and that part of Lots 3 and 4 easterly of a line beginning at a point on the north line of and 6 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 4, thence south- easterly making an included angle of 850 12' with the north to line of Block 8 to . the souther line of said loot said Block as accrued {ether with, so much of vacated alley said property by reason of vacation thereof, all in Block 81 Terrace Park Addition, also known as 488 Grand Ave. from Class "A" Residence to Class "C" Residence. BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance File 11997 Origiml to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11 C/RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���iC�1J DATE_ COUFILENCIL NO. 1 t � ,/ D C. F. No. 18307b—SY Severin A. Mor- tinson—BY etl...= gg R yeolbed. peT voted nt emadet Oil CIE. Kling station .adle��ent aorohae-Lsouth- - � 7IA1T'.V+ RESOLVED, that Standard 011 Company be permitted to remodel its filling station adjacent to the southwest corner of Front and Rice Streets, in accordance with the plan submitted, subject to the further condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises shall be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN y� Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson BuaeA-^ Mr. President, sni 7.51 AUG p 9 1952 Adopted by the Council--- 195— AUg Approved— — 2,9J952 195— In Favor Against PUBLISULD_% HARRY T. O'CONNELL City. Clark Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Miimesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 366 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE August 28, 1952 v Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Standard Oil Co. for a permit to remodel a filling station adjacent to the southwest corner of Front and Rice Streets. Very truly yours, City Clerk 1 The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, lViimesota ' (mNL1.Mm N pIDIN.NCt 014 R6 IYLY )� IOL) A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID RIV[ I.OEKSt[CR pltt•.IRMY PRltIDIND OPII®I �® C M. ORIMt O.YDt L MBTMVeO W. J. RICt �.H.-H—=-.CRY.II[1Di.D) JULIO! VILLIIUMQ. KTWMTt 179 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL S, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. M. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the application of Standard Oil Company for a permit to remodel a filling station adjacent to the southwest corner of Front and Rice Streets. This is described as lots 9, 10, block 2, Weide's Addition and Rearrangement of Paist's Outlots. The zoning is commer- cial. The exicbting filling station on this corner is to be removed and the site°w`o�6mpletely redesigned with new facilities. There will be two driveways from Front and two driveways from Rice. There vM be a two unit pump island adjacent to Front and a two unit pump island ad- jacent to Rice. A new building including office space, grease rack, and heah staTh Board findsthat plansareinand soutbeAT con of the sitete.. conformance with existing standards and recommends that this permit be granted. Very truly yourso CV- /', C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary l CDL/ma att. v ,ity of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date Augaat 27, 1952 To Honorable City 'council of St. :aul, i•nesota � ppL•IC :TIC" is hereby node bv _ Standard Oil Co (Name) No. 4894 1300 Harmon Plac ( M41s - (Address) ?hone No.) r'or permission to install and operate a TILLING STATION D:iI JL-I;? R RLS c's NT iq:ISC:.LLAPIEO'JS ew �� O Remodeled 0 P'o. of cas tan!cs 4 Cao. of each tank 2,000 Bal, b!o, of L�..mps_4 - P'h3I'G LOT: Customer mm�loyoes Private Fu�hli�o P Remodeled ❑ 0 n to be •ised in connection vdth Location: Lots 9. 10 Block 2 Addition Wlide's Add & Re-ar of Paiatle Outlots also described as SW corner of Frg (Street and Number) F , ll ,(Spgnature of Applicant) y� 7 0 q / (Address) (Phone No.) Plan Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning — Comm. of Public Bldgs. - Comm. of Public Safety ccc_•- d LA I it - p ' _ T, cep � _ ,r _ ,� �z �� �_ _-!.•,sr� ccc_•- d 1 -.= Y. �.-. ..✓ F'., `.: � �'. 1.. ' - -; LA I it ' _ T, cep � _ ,r _ ,� �z �� �_ _-!.•,sr� -.= Y. �.-. ..✓ F'., `.: � �'. 1.. ' - -; I it ' _ T, cep � _ ,r _ ,� �z �� �_ _-!.•,sr� 1� :I - -;l IT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �eTattcrfeoft al Public Sa jely Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, Me— Inepeetor . August 27, 1952 Mrs. Harry T. 01 Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Madams Referring to the application of the Standard Oil Company for permission to remodel and rebuild their filling station located on the south- west corner of Front and Rios Streets. Attached is report covering inspection made by the Fire Prevention Division from which you will nqt that the proposed changes will not greatly Sncreas'Ithe fire hazard. Very truly yours, f Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 27,1952• Mr. Robert P. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Deer Sir: Regarding the application by the Standard Oil Co., for permission to remodel and rebuild their filling station located on the Southwest corner of Front and Rice. They AA have 4 pumps and 4 tanks,underground, of 2,000 gallons capacity 'Akdh " This department investigated the foregoing and report that the desired changes will not greatly increase the fire hasafid in that vicinity. i tffully &PMTM�ION s J, ief Inap. ON BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION. 0 City of 'It. Paul Office of City Clerk Date Aug�lt'27, '1952 To Honorable City Council of St. -,aul, Minnesota is hereby node iv Stwsdwd Oil Co. (Name) 1300 Ramon Plww- NPU- we. 4894 (Address) Mone No.) , For permission to install and operate a e'TLLING STATION Dfavh-Ii!SCI:LLAI TEO' US New CD Heraodeled 0 "Jo. of rumps 4 No. of ras tanks 4 rap. of each tank 2.600 gal. F'R.'<IOG LOT: Customer Employees Private Public Nee:CD F-1 1--3 ED Remodeled 0 C3 to be ised in connection with Location: Lots 9# 10 . Block 2 Addition Whtkft MAW of PAINt's also described as SW QOmer of ft" and a (Street and Number) Plan Approved by: Board of Zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety (Stg-w ture of.Applicant)' (Address) (]'hone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected RESOLVED, that the compensation of two carpenters employed on City of Saint Paul Veterans' Housing Project, effective as of September 1, 1952, shall be computed and paid as follows, to -wit: The salary in each case on the basis of regular hourly wage rate of $2.,55 and travel expense allowance in each case for use of private automobile to be furnished by the employe without other charge in connection with such work, on the basis of 7 cents per actual travel mile and in no case to exceed the equivalent of 5 cent a per actual working hour on any regular work day. RESOLVED FURTHER, that such salaries and travel ecpense allowances shall be paid from Fund 1086, Veterans' Housing, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson 8000a - Mr. President, DXXX99 sni 7-51 .p n_vb4— Adopted by the Council— -�i �: ✓ i�J�t / Approved---- —195— 7n Favor — Mayor �i gainst PUBLI�Iiia y � ����- Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 161077—BY Severin A. Mor- COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tinson—BY queet— Resolved; Ttmt the compensa�;on 1 employed on t. of two c pePters SalatPaul Veterans' liousin& Pro]ecll ` PRESENTED BY DATE e+-'.-) `•' r -- COMM15510NER_ ..nth"- •�1 •.t RESOLVED, that the compensation of two carpenters employed on City of Saint Paul Veterans' Housing Project, effective as of September 1, 1952, shall be computed and paid as follows, to -wit: The salary in each case on the basis of regular hourly wage rate of $2.,55 and travel expense allowance in each case for use of private automobile to be furnished by the employe without other charge in connection with such work, on the basis of 7 cents per actual travel mile and in no case to exceed the equivalent of 5 cent a per actual working hour on any regular work day. RESOLVED FURTHER, that such salaries and travel ecpense allowances shall be paid from Fund 1086, Veterans' Housing, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort Peterson 8000a - Mr. President, DXXX99 sni 7-51 .p n_vb4— Adopted by the Council— -�i �: ✓ i�J�t / Approved---- —195— 7n Favor — Mayor �i gainst PUBLI�Iiia y � ����- Oripinnl to City Clerk COUNCIL I' C,! ;)7R R CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.---- OFFICE O._——OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c. F. No. 16107B -9y Severin A. Mor - it sot— Resolved, That the compensation of PRESENTED BY DATE---'"ba-er em..ploved on city of Saint COMMISSIONE— - RESOLVED, th-4 the compensation of one laborer, employed on City of Saint Paul Veterans Housing Project, effective as of September 1, 1952, shall be computed and paid as follows, to -wit: The salary in each ease on the basis of regular hourly wage rate of $1.82 and travel expense allowance in each case for use of private automobile to be furnished by the employe without other charge in connection with such work, on the basis of 7 cents per actual travel mile and in no case to exceed the equivalent of 5 cents per actual working hour on any regular work day. RESOLVED FURTHER, that such salaries and travel expense allowances shall be paid from Fund 1086, Veterans Housing. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--. -- ------195— Yeasp,L � aa"n Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved— .---195— WWWWWX / Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Against i Mr. President,of PUBLISHED I-e,/�-- 5M 7-51 qty.© 2]—..3aw ori¢inal to City Clerk (' • COUNCIL NO. a 107 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C.t F. No. 161079 By Severin, A. Mo[- Resolvetl.+That upotn appeal of George That peoision ^r She,.Com- 'PRESENTED BY DATE--------- :�eNe+' ,a COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that upon appeal of George A. Rea from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel a two family structure at 255 W. George Street so as to accommodate three families. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays o an Marzitelli 2mcxxDtncxt Mortinson Peterson RO Mr. President, 39:91W 51,1 751 O — r" Adopted by the Council - -195— r,,q; r� Approved-- -195- 1 In Favor Mayor �J Against ct111:D 9 5� ' HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mirmesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE @ �i "79 August 28, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. jinn Corporation Counsel S n i l d i n g HAROLD J. RIORDAN ChW Clerk Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of George A. Rea for permission to remodel a two family structure at 255 W. George St. to accommodate three families. Very truly yours, t City Clerk 2 The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEK51 PRESIDING OFFICER EXECYTIV[ fECRRJIRY 8. M. GRIME CLYOE L MEEXVEN W. J. RICE .. H. 8CNR080611, CT' MGR/moi JUIJUE v8 umE. ALYJO.MYE 27• CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL Z, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the appeal of George A. Rea for permission to remodel a two family structure at 255 W. George St. to accommodate three families. This is located on the north aide of W. George between Ohio and Waseca and is described as lots 9, 10, block 7, Dawson's Addition and so much of Charleton Street as accrued to said lots by vacation thereof, excepting the east 10 feet thereof. The zoning is "B" Residence. This appeal is made pursuant to Section 20, paragraph (o) which provides that houses in "A" and "B" residence districts existing prior to the en- actment of the Zoning Ordinance having a foundation of 1,000 square feet or more may be remodeled to accommodate not more than four families provided that there is a finding by the Council expressed in a resolution that such a change would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. ,,gg� The structure under consideration has a foundation area of 1448r4eet. The tract upon which the structure is located has a frontage of 107 feet on W. George and extends to a depth of 141 feet with an area of 15,130 square feet. If this change were granted, there would result approximately 5,045 square feet of site area per family which is substantially in excess of minimum population density standards prescribed for the zone in which this facility is located. Therefore, the Board finds that this change would be consistent with the intent and purpose of this ordinance and recommends that this appeal be granted. Very truly yours, C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. f4git G002.1,Meet, To: S Kbjl 7, ., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, Juiy°:M, 1982 Attention: City Clerk. A PETITICH 1952 JUL 26 A41 8 50 For the Remodeling of a Two-ram4y(i,'St 'OX,!,,�4O7A A Three -Family Structure. Ci I CI Lf;K 1. The undersigned, George A. Rea, does hereby petition The Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, as provided in Section 204 Article V of the Zoning Ordinance, (Paragraph (b)), as follows: 2. That the two-family structure, located at 288 West George Street, in the City of Saint Paul, be remodeled by reconstruction of the interior of such structure into a three-family structure. (a) This structure is presently in a Class RB^ Residence District. (b) This structure is described on the tax rolls of Remsey County, Minnesota, as follows: It stands on ^Lots 9 and 10 in Block seven (7) of Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, and so much of Charlton Street as accrued to said lots by vacation thereof, excepting the East 10 feet thereof, conveyed by Book "9721, of Deeds, on page 317 and 319, according to the recordedplat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State-" (c) The structure to be remodeled is a two- story. VWelve room house, of wood frame construction, thirty (30) feet wide and sixty -feet (68) feet long, with a stone foundation underlying the entire house. (d) When the proposed remodeling is completed, there will be two (2) apartments of three (3) rooms each on the second floor, and an apartment of six (6) roams on the first floor. 3. The following conditions will be complied with: (1) That the said structure, the interior of which is to be remodeled or reconstructed, shall possess a gross ground area area delineated by its foundation walls of at least 1,000 square feet. (2) That upon completion of said remodeling or reconstruction, said structure shall contain accommodations for not in excess of four families. (3) That there shall be no substantial alteration of the exterior of each structure, nor shall any addition be made to the exterior of such structure. M] r Page 2 'A Petition for the Remodeling of a Two -Family Structure into a Three -Family Structure, of house at 255 West George Street, St. Paul 7, Minn. (Continued): 3. (4) That in the instant case there shall be an express finding of the Council which shall be made a part of the resolution of authorization that such work is consistent with the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare. 4. That the remodeling will be completed within one year from the date of Council action. Therefore, the petitioner, said George A. Rea, the owner and occupant of said structure described herein, hereby makes application for remodeling of said two-family structure into a three-family structure, and requests that permission to engage in such remodeling and reconstruction be granted. by the City Council of St. Paul by resolution. Respectfully submitted: btwtg Q- !e,,L— July 24, 1952 George A. Rea EWA= Odidnel to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY --3A (\ COMMISSIONER .e - - YS� DATE_ —.—— �--. _4 RESOLVED, that Skelly 011 Company be permitted to remodel its filling station at the northwest corner of Grotto aid University Avenue; in accordance with the plans submitted, dated August 9, 1952; also subject to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises shall be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN YeasR, Nays Holland Marzitelli / Mortinson In Favor Peterson 0 galieft— Against Mr. President, ZWONYX C• F. No. 181080.—By Severin A. Mor- tinson—By request— OB Company Resolved That Skelly no oto. be permitted N,h�y¢sotdel cornernof C tto tin t thee o ht ac rtlan gt' and univ rsity Avenue, q with the Plana submtltto' datedndigtoo 9, 1952; also 9ublect to the said Pro that the ldewalks sbutting s shall ee kept clean and free f ice and now t all times. Adopted by at Counell August 29, 1952.o d August 27, 1952. Approved 8, 1952) Adopted by the Council—--.195— Approved—=195— M yor i C HA RY T.- O'CONNELL HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Cleh City CI•rk• I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mim esota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE August 28, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g Dear Sirs fl The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Skelly Oil Co. Very truly yours, r City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota Building (dTMusHYD R aRRVUHC[ R4 R1. MY f. ttlJJ A. A. HECKMAN OFFICER C. DAVID 60EKSI paCHT1Vi SECIIRMY M-101NG IL M. GRIME CLYDE L MRHVEN W. J. RICE ti H. SCHROMM. CITY 1111L•1ETR'T Juuue VRJJ.YME. ILLTo1W1YE Crrotto and University Avenues. This is desc bed as lots 29, 30, 279 CITT-COUNTT BUILDING block 3, Syndicate Addition No. 1. 2h�o g is light industry. SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA The proposed remodeling involves the addit on of a 15 x 26 .foot car August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of Skelly Oil C aoy to remodel an existing fi��T1R station located adjacent t0 northwest comer of Crrotto and University Avenues. This is desc bed as lots 29, 30, block 3, Syndicate Addition No. 1. 2h�o g is light industry. The proposed remodeling involves the addit on of a 15 x 26 .foot car wash room adjacent to the vest wall of t existing structure. There will be no other changes in the pump is ds or the entrance driveway. The Board of Zoning finds no objection o the proposed remodeling and recommends that ed purs to plans dated August 9, 1952. Very truly yours, C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. A/ xlff ,it,, of St. Paul / G 1 to Gfiice of City Clerk 1 J, Date 8 To Honorable City (;ouncil of St: -au1, l;iinnesota ppl,Ir,.Tln�- is hereby made By L (Name) (Address) ('hone No.) v'or rermission to install and operate a JLLING STMON D-:IOi;-U' RSS-E,:i.DT MJSC:,LLAPf:,opS . New Remodeled 'r!O, of pumps 2 D]o, of vas tan!cs-L Cap• of each tank P'R3I;'G LOT: Customer employees Private Public R,mnodeled I� to be .teed in connection with �f Location: Lots Block _ Addition )�/ nig az � also described asy -1 (Street and Number) �c l �1 1 (Signa ,ure of Applicant.) o (Address) phone No.) 111-4n Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of "toning' Comm. of `ibli.c Bldgs. T— Comm. of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO 9 ■.� tl`� ry ORIGINAL— IIT° 1508 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE LITY CLERK l� - FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATE _Aupg4nh 19gpG [t� P L��I / PRESENTED BY HO _ �--- • C. F. No. 183081—BY Sever'D A. Mor- Linson—BY retlueaf t— rthe matter ogrBdLnB In In the matter of grading and surfacing with bita;;gJilctua ® material the alley in Block 4, Milton Addition, from VSetoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order 159411, approved 59411- approved April 15, 1952, and Final Order 160156 approved June 17, 1952. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public 'horks be and he is herebyy City directed to do the work at an estimated cost of $2410.85 ecure the necessary Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent proceed materials, and be it further RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $287.02,tted orta total of $2697.87, be assessed against 0 y/•. _/. , ENGIVEER'S ESTIMATE $ FOR/MAL BID NO. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOP ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT NST NT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR -COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT A51;OLL7 8'1 1. ASSESSED A BENEFITTED PRO PROPERTY _ - - L 66997 8 E, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— CODE $ �. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IM VEMENTS—E%EMPT PROPERTY— CODE 1 d APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE i s. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ - - $ 2,697.87 TOTAL - - - - - - - - I HEREBY CABLE THERE IS AN UNENC PM BEREO BALI COPIES TO: I ER FY THwT T P O RIATIONp — CITY CLERK NCM AVAIL THE TIN THE ABOVS ATE. A LOCAL IM ROVEMENT NO. II COMPTROLLER 1 BU M1PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS RN ITHE ABOVE A OUNTS O jl PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED— .. . I COMPTROLLER.._ COUNCILMEN NAYS COUNCIL -MG ADOPTED BY THE CO.NCII� ��'^-'�----- -- • YEAS FAVOR I I --APPROVED _AGAINST IIMR. PRESIDENT P1 i^T .iCHG1i 9_� % Qom` 82 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO1 6 10 I FILE ORIGINAL— Na 1507 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ° CITY CLERK - FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DAT August 1 2,9,— In the matter of g PRESENTED BY HON. -- , rading and surfacing with bituminous • hts material the alley in Black 12' Eil astvle Heig Ofrom Order Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminaryder 159407 roved., approved Aptil 15, 1952, and Final Order 160162 P pp June 17, 1952• for RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submittederebyved, the above named improvemett, be. and the same herishher by directed and the Commissioner of Public citydices to do the Work at an igentdproceedsto f $2625.14 by the necessary and that the Purchasing Ag materials, and be it further RESOLVED That the cost Of the above improvement,'Jncluding engineering and inspection expensesamounting benefitted property* total of $2917.04, be assessed against C. F. NO. 161(=.. Severin A. Mar- ttnsOn—BY _u.1 gradinB a d Bur- In the mattes e . facing with bitumin9�,tO} e h B c. .�1J.. n TtIO_ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S �RMAL BID NO. _ NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PPE9ENTING TO COUNCIL FOP IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: NT 2,917.04 PERMANEIMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEME 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY CODE s 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - CODE i 3 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPER BOND ISSUE—CODE S <. APPROPRIATED FROM E. COUNTY Al.-- .. S 2,917.04 TOTAL - - " I ES TO: I HEREBY UN CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN ENCUMBERED BAL- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COPI CITY CLEflK NCE A LABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. I DATE FINAL ORDER ADOFTED� COM PTROLIPGf_--:%-- BY___--. -- ---- — AUG 2 9 195, COUNCILMEN � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL----- — NNYS YEAS-IN FAVOR PROVED—,�,� �— _AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No._ ORIGINAL— Na 150 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE CLERK FOR A AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS D.ATE August 29th, 195219— PRESENTED BY HO — -- • In the matter of grading and surfacing the alley, • with bituminous material, in Block 33-j. Eastville Heights, from Cypress Street to Forest Street, unddr Preliminary Order 159405 approved April 15, 1952, and Final Order 3.60160 approved June 17, 1952. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the abode named improvement, be and the samR Are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work at an estimated cost o£ $2790.45 by City Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it further RESOLVED; That the Cost of the above improvement, including engineering and inspection expenses amounting t_, $295.51, or a total of $3085.96, be assessed against th$ benefitted property. C,tl . No., 461082 REE t Severin A. Mor - In the matter oY g1-atling aNtl Bur- . ,yjthbltuminPuF ^la- IfT ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID ENO. NO.E: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FONDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR A—— PERMANENT PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSE. FOR DOST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - s 3,085.96 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-- - - CODE f B. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EKEMFT PROPERTY— - CODE S a. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE i S. COUNTY AID S S. TOTAL - - - - - - - $ 3.085-916 II COPIES TO: I 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IB AN UNP NCUM.ERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED A PROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. • PURCHASING — DATE FINAL ORDER A COMPTROLLER_ -- YEAS NAYS ]� • _ �/� FAVOR _AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT 500 0-a] ��4i AUG 2 c1 1952 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__— -- --- Pt -9 * .195" Or/gloat to OILY Clerk + ► = a- �S � p4L l� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUN R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEAll- St 281-1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he isherebyauthorized to purchases with the consent of the Comptroller, one Shaw -Walker #2098 Steel Cabinet with 20 removable drawers inside, from McCLAIId HEDMAN COMPANY at a cost of 4173.70, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Safety, Bureau of Health. COUNCILMEN Yeas Holver n Nays Marzitelli iVfOWE010tt Mortinson iia Peterson Regen Baeg� Mr. President, 3M n-50 .0jD4.6l C. F. No. 161961—By Severin A. Mor- tinson—By request— .haAgent Resolved. That the rcuthorl. to 2n0a98 aab and h S theb consent f the purchase, one at etNo. CamptroLLer, drawers einslde`nfromi MCCLAIN oHED- MAN COMPANY at a cost of $173.79, without dvertisement competitived tilde as thla is a p tents wed thereby. advantage cool be ga Charge Public Safety. Bureau of Health. the Council August 29• Adopted by 1952, Apprave Approved August 29, 1952. (September e, 1952) 1 Adopted by the CounmL._._-...._ f x �r A proved----- --------- ---------195 .. /....In Favor ...... - ��- v _.. Mayor -Against 85 Original to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. Y ! 1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Flu* OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO (SENT 0NEY DAT- AUnst 28, 1252 MMISSResol ed, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, one 611 Hersey Model CT Compound Pieter, Round Reading, Cubic Feet, from the HMSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY at a cost of 51092.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Ho11 —litmays Marzitelli Mom Petertinson rson $°"w Daubney Mr, President, fthmW GM 1-51 s N C. F. No. 191085—ny Severin A. Mor- tinson-- Reaolved. That the Purchasing Agent Ibe. d he is hereby authortaed to purchase with the oneen f the' Comptroller. one r. Hersey Model CT Compound Meter, Round Reeding. Cubic Feet, from the HMEY'MANtl- FACT,R&. COMPANY at a rn,t 'of 51,092.90 f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota. without advertisement or competitive bid, as this is a patented article and no advantage ould be gained thereby. (Charge Water Department. Adopted by the Council Auguat 29, 1952. Approved August 29. 1952. (September 0, 19521 , Adopted by the Council IMG 2 (' 1d`a�196— Approved —195— n Favor Mayor l Against Original to City Clerk - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . DATE. fl11gust 29.--1952 COMMISSIONER PRESENTED BY P@Sereoa— ... — - -- _ --- ---�-b� — _ ---'- =- "-- ___._— �����gf���(`'���i�N✓`ter, - USOLVBD, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Pnblio Safety of Heal C. McMahon as Chief of Polies, effective E49"t 29. 1952. be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. C. F. No. 161066—By Robert S, Peter- Resolved eter- That the appointment by Resolved. I"' CotnmLSMahon of fs Chief Of..Pd , Neai C. Mc t 12,bm antl the aftence lyse h rebY concurred a d ap- prpd pled by the Council August 29, 13952.ved August 29 1952. 6 1952. Appra (Septemb, 19521 I. COUNCILMEN 5 ^195— Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli ----195- D Oa Mortinson _ __ i _.In Favor Peterson 0 •Against Rcsea., Mr. President, Hal= Dm'bney __ 5M 7-51 may© Adopted by the C�Suncil--- 5 ^195— Approved — - --- ----195- - NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION G, F Nio. !'Ch.t- -e . checks h "it Thaar.vn u !I: y� treasu. t h. t f 1t?e 7 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR6p°"I-:. !feQOY TREASURY 10 087 COUNCIL FILE NO. Aug. 27 Is 52 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 128 085.86 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3739537435 _T�__ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ AUG 9 9 1952 AUG 2 g 1952 ( CITY COMPIAOLLER ." 1 APPROVED__ 19_— BY eoo I -n �n PUBLISHrD • I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 127 989 86.1893718 96 CITY OF SAINT PAU'-- COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ---- ---- -- ---- I- ----------- --- ROLL CAy HuypibN S �- - ._..--f.r� AUDITED CLAIMS Au 2 .............. .....ts-_ �_ mARZITELu ORTINSON PETERSON RDSl1R -.--........Iry ........-.-- AGAINST FAVOR RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF §-----0 �+5-RY ___________________ COVERING MR. PRE9. OAU BN EY 52 �J pAS INCLUSIVE. R. G 7 1952 CHECKS KS ON FILE IN OFFICE OF PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- APPROVED'- --- --t( 193 C- BY _. _ -- -_ TOTAL I RETURNED E J NUMBER IN FAVOR OFT CHECKSR DI ENr BY BANK CHECKS i,�I �I ARD FORWARD _ ---- _ I • 3739'3 Mary E. Krey James J. De Feo CC 2 00 64 00 37396 -- Rosen 994 4o 994 37397 Milton -Mn.Zquip. r r ''i5 1 873 94 37398 37399 N r r N 4 284 28 37400 r r N N 1 992 23: 37401 a r N r 1 268 92' 37402• r r N 2 289 43 37403 2 322 6o N r N N 14 359 83 374o5 37406 • r N r r ■ • r 336 85 1 036 8 37408 • • r r 543 90 37 " ° " " 358 46 37469 r N N M 2 o61 37410 37411 n ; r r 482 417 14 r 4 17 924 78 37412 3741 N r " o67 20 13 47o 65 , 37415 " " 7 o64 68 37416 Robert F. Peterson—Reiair S. 498 451 3717 37 18 N r " 916 12' 6 913 801 37419 « 914 39, 37420 N r 1 078 59 37421 N " r 1 930 83 37422 r r r 2 542 81 37428 Board of Water Oommissionere r N 946 19j 1 8 60 374 �+ 4�5 r r r r 1 814 25 j 37426 " r " 982 35 37427 « 659 21 37428 r r o6 37429 r r N 3 101 52 37430 Norrie 0. Halvorson—Pks.P. 2 993 07 37431 Board of Education 902 15 3732 of Eduo. 1 569 79 3? 93 JosephAJ. Mitchell 10 000 00 37434 City of st. Paul—Auditorium 300 00 37435 Bertwd T. Holland — Finance 14 79 • I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 127 989 86.1893718 96 Original to City Clerk e. •v 3 � i $38 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— OFFO OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE August 28, 1952 C. F. No. 183088--HY Maton Rosen— Whereea, Deduction hT. mi8ht prove to be necessary in the noprova" ment described as Curhing Flandrac m Jessartdne nvenua to WHEREAS, Deductions which might prove to be necessary'in improvement described as Curbing Flandrau Street from Jessamine - Avenue to Rose Avenue, Comptroller's Contract, L-5169, Standard Stone Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Deductions DEMTIONs 18.4 Lin. Ft. Straight Concrete Curb 0 1.45 $26.68 , the Total Deduction is $26.68, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Deduction made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $26.68, said anm to be deducted from the lump am consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-5169, for the making of the above improvment. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $26.68 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. COUNTERSIONEDs o roI s� #NCILMEN Ye iI,Nays Ho land Marzitelli -I14cDermatt__ /I Mortinson --1-In Favor �t�iBaII-- n Rosen _ / Against W,li—eside.0 sAM SM 7.3'1vil'sk" Pr.sId.nr (1,CCCrson) STANDARD STONE COMPANY Commissioner o lic Works Adfpted b� Cou --- 195- SFP 9, 1957 Approved---_ ---- 195- Mayor PUI3LISH1•:D �-1--/9h—�- COUNCIL FILE NO.. FMAL ORDIMS By C F. N.. 161089' - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-- grading aDd-sUrTA01mg-with .bit _puEd,nou - maLtexial. -the -Alley-in-Mock 28 Lane15 Highland Par*,- from -Fairy-i-w-Avenue.- to -thewoot-UrLe of-Whe-eler Walk - ------- Also constructing a sewer in the.Alley-fr9m apoint 150 -west -et, --- we -at --- ofthewestline --- --- ---- -- ----- -- - ----- of Wh ler Walk tottw sewer -in,-Wheeler-lalk, - ----------- --------- ------- ------ ftq - - - --- ------- I ---- - ----- - -- ------------- - ---- ---------------- --- ------- ----- ---------------------------------- --------- ---- under Preliminary, Order ----- 159?15 -------------------------- approved May 22, 1952 --- ------ ---------------- IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- - -------------- - ------ Approved --------------------------------------------------------------- 7--.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the ouncif having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- g_ra4@LMd_ surface ---with_bituminous material the------ lanaL, 4 --- Of 8 _J nge Wheeler__Walk.____ Al An -imonatruat-a- sewer -,in- the -Allp-y--from--a--point--150--feet--west-jof the went__line__of__When ler_W-q1 k__ta__the___sexer in Wheeler -Walk, -----------------------------__________________________-- and --------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .? a 1952 5F Adopted by the Council --- ---- ----------------------- ------ 1 192______. SEJ? 21952 4�Z?—n64 N, - -- - -- - ------------------------------ City Clerk. Approved 192 File 11951 wot.LAND 6M ROSR4 DAUSNEY Form B. S. A. 8-7 C�11 - - ---------- - -- ----- -- --------- M yor. PUB RED D CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER {f� In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block 28, Lane's "r�� Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk. Also construct a sewer in the Alley from a point 150 feet west of the west line of Wheeler Walk to the sewer in Wheeler Walk, under Preliminary Order approved May 22, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 4,289.32 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 3.488 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building Lot 1 and east 8 feet of 2 28 Lane's Highland Park 4775 $4000 Except east 8 ft.; & except west 20.5 ft.; 3 28 do 800 4750 East 29.55 feet of Lot 4 and west 20.5 feet of 3 28 do 750 46550 Lot 5, except west 39 feet; Lot 6 and except east 29.5 ft.; 4 28 do 825 West 39 ft. of Lot 6 & except west 25 ft.; 7 28 do 825 5500 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 ` - CITY OF ST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �ES6R'IPTION - LOT BL ADDITION East 30 ft. of Lot 8 and west 25 ft -'of 7 28 , Lane Is Highland Park ;Lot 9, except west 29 ft.; Lot 10 land except east 30 ft.; 8 .28 . Except West 26 ft.; Lot 11 and west. 900 39 ft. of 10 • 28 Lot 12 and west 26 ft. of 11 28, Lot 13 and east } of 14 28, Lot 15 and west of 14 28 West } of Lot 17 and west 5 ft. of I 150 east 3/4 of Lot 17 and all of 16 28, West 42 feet of Lot 18 and except 5554 .. i west 5 feet; east 3/6 of .17 28. i Lot 19, except east 37 ft.; Lot 20 . s and except west 42 it.; .18 28 k East 37 feet of Lot 20 and except . east 28 ft.; 21 28d, East 28 ft. of Lot 21 and except east 19 ft.; 22 23, East 19 ft. of Lot 22 and except east 10 feet; 23 28. b Lot 24 and east 10 ft. of 23 28. r Lot 25 and west 9 feet of 26 28. Z West 18 feet of Lot 27 and except . K west 9 feet; 26 %8, Lot 29 and east 16 ft. of 28 28, do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED LS&J L'Xylling , 825, 5250 825 4750 800 4750 1000 6200 950 8900 1050 8200 850 8650 975 6900 725 900 750 900 do 750 900 do 750 2000 do 750 .2000 .. do 750 3400 do 150 3000 do TOTAL 875 5554 .. CITYST. PAUL \\\` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) D@SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'Except west 18 feet; Lot 27 and except east 16 feet; 28 28 Lane's Highland Park I ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 750 3500 Total $18,200 $94,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated f r tlf'% S-. 19-1.2 Commissioner of Financgyl, Form B. B. 12 • To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 159915 St. Paul, Minn ----- -- Gentlemen: . Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 1 40- GRADE 0., GRADE.._&...SURFACE ALLEY....._.......-_ ........... --- , BET'dEPEN_RWE AND.MONTREAL AVE,S...._.. ._ __....._.... .._..... _ ..... ....-St. Ave. from r^AIRVI�"+1 E: Ave. to....... _ - ..._........_._..._.._. --_.._........St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5162 28 Lane's Highland Park — — ---- F �p :13 A J W 11-47 . -VI 'rl ADDITIONAL PETITION ,,I. Paul, A To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gradin.. and surfaci n. ....... ... . ... ... .......... ............ - .... .. .... . ....... .......... between Rome and Montreal Avenues Fairview_._ Ave. to from .-St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ar A L 28 -La.e „•_w,a d PART Z -A -PARTZ,z2 14- 11-17 St. Paul, Minn....._......-_ \S.r--L-L �.� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followiimprovement to be made: {L�..rCf........'........1......__/-"-`......-.l.....`....%_.............. ......_.._._...._..._.... ...... St. Ave. from �„li1!'✓L-PFu....._ _.St. Ave. to.._.. St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK ADDITION - ..K'-y— �.� 3SUY, — -- T 96T 5.Yz, N.E./4,5EC.IG-T28-R.23- 5CALE: - 300' to I". BORLAND 4 AVE. MONTREAL AVE. 'A 1w, l4w-- z ll fsf (3ffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ...............June...2,....19.52..... _........... 194 ...... _... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._51`�....._ approved ........... ...M3Y.._22.,.._19.$2........................194........., relative to grading__and.._s)g facing._yith._b.? tiu¢imus.._m�1 exlal....tkia_.A17 ey....in...Bloak...2B.................. ............... Lane's Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the Hest line of Wheeler Walk, ..__.... .................... ......................._...................... _............. ......... ....... ....._...... ....... ...... .......... .._----- also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 150 ft. west of the west ................ . line of . ....Wheeler Walk to the sewer in Wheeler Walk. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $3.48 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ 4,2$9... .32 ..-- and the total cost thereof is $.... ....... .......... ............... _.. .........-.-.. Engineering $246.40 Inspect........ion $79.28 Frontage 1,232 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............•...... ......._..-......._.............................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............_.... 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners.of property, subject to as,'mprovement. cI, __ y, RECEIVED Commissioner of Public Works. 2M -6-16 -f N JUN 3 1952 _ DEPT. OF FINANCE �° B°...° °. „.x. A Rwua CITY OF SAINT PAUL JO$°PAVLICEK ""°°;nP °'" GFA. M. GAREN, Sver. Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - Dsrx °. Acc°vnrwnr Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capital of Minnesota Bvn Bu DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS°. M. S, GRYTBAe E..m JOHN M. COTTER. Sver. • MILTON ROSEN'C MMISSIONER Ornea Exe�weu FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bverw° E°°....enr HERBERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER ARTHUR 11. KOCH T-- Enc -n -u 28,' 1952 B..",or Couernon JGIiN P. MUW.AN EY. S-, MAURICE W. HEWErT it'=y Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Pear Sir: I transmit herewith prelimin---ry eitirhte of co: -,t for grading and surfa.cin ,lith bituminous', material the Alley in block 28, Lnnels Highland Park, from Fairview ;.venue to the we -;t line of Wheeler Walk, also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 150 feet, west of the west line of Wheeler Walk to the sewer in Wheeler Walk, under Preliminary Drier C. F. 159915 approved May 22, 1952. Estimcted Cost - - - - - - - - - - - $ 4,289.32 Cost oer front foot - - - - - - - - - 3.48 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - -- 79.28 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - 246.450 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,232 ft. Yourff very truly, �^�'org" Shepard Chi gineer *Aovedfor ns1nissi_,n G' one; of Fin.nee sen Commissioner of Public Works a COUNCIL ILE NO. � BY — 161(b% FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of rand mninP and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 28, Lane's Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 1599 under Preliminary Order 16 Intermediary Order 160803 approved May 22, 1952 -- - ea August 5, 1952 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 28, Lane's Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz" For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 28, Lane's Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SEP 2 1952 19— / l / �i A 5 SEP 31952 19— '- Councilmen:vlat- MarcitelliMeRer- Mort son r �� ' iii Rosen �� sidene (Pererson) 500 Q,� Clerk. PUBLISHED q- 45� CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block 28, Lane's Highland'Park from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk, 16118-- �`3 under Preliminary Order approved May 22, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost offi the above c n t on iaj The total estimated7etmetrnmnn irnx�s�ttam;et g�x�clo - - - $" L!-� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot 1 and east 8 feet of Except east 8 ft.; & except most 20.5 ft.) East 29.50 feet of Lot 4 and west 20.5 feet of Lot 5, except west 39 feet} Lot 6 and except east 29.5 ft -1 West 39 ft. of Lot 6 & except west 25 ft-) Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 2 28 Lane's Highland Park 6775 $4000 3 28 do 800 4750 3 28 do 750 4850 4 28 do 825 7 28 do 925 5500 TOTAL. • • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION ;' LOT OLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED �ALU/bTjQ/jA__ �dIIG +Yil\ii�� East 30 ft. of Lot 8 and zest 125 ft. of 7 28. Lane's Highland Park 825, 5250 Lot 9, except most 29 ft.; Lot 10 and except east 30 ft.; A 8 .28 do 825, .4750 ;Except zest 26 ft.; Lot U and meet. 39 ft. of 10 20 do 800: 4750 Lot 12 and meet 26 ft- of 3.1 28 do 1000 6200 Lot 13 and east j of 14 28. do 950 8900 Lot 15 and meat i of 14 28 do 1050 8wP a Hest i of Lot 17 and west 5 ft. of , ll ¢ east 3/4 of Lot 17 and aof 16 28 do 850 8650 u West 42 feet of Lot 18 and except . wet 5 feet; east 3/4 of 17 28. do 975 6900 t Lot 19, except east. 37 ft.; Lot 20 and except west 62 ft.; .18 28 do 725 900 East 37- teat of Lot 20 and except , east 28 ft.; 21 28: do 750 900 East 28 ft. of Lot 21 and except I east 19 ft.; 22 28 do 750 900 Bast 19 ft. of Lot 22 and except r east 10. feet; 23 28; do 750 lot 24 and east 10 ft. of 23 28. do 750 . Lot 25 ewest 9 feet of nd 26 28 do 756 3400 West 18 feet of lot 27 and except ; vest 9 feet; 26 28. do 750 3000 IK Lot 29 and east 16 ft. of 28 2B; do 875 5550 iro.nl e...ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Bxoept west 18 feet{ Lot 27 and exospt east 16 feet) 28 28 Lane's Highland Park ASSESSED VALUATION land Building 750 3500 Total i18,2oo $94,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatediF a 19—� Commissioner o#�i�ance. Form B. B. 12 A::cy BIk 28 ,,,I. Dr 2 C7 C,,� 'Ga Figures above line show Cu} or Fillr,f Prolxrl line c, end beyond irrocri,/ line 5), 1" 203� ALLEY BLK'Z8 LANES HIGHLAND PARK Fairview Ave W.L.oFWhec!cr- V\11,. C) 9Z: SCALE 1-40' ROME AVE LANE S co HI GH L A28 N D Is 14 13 12 41* 10 Fenca r [F]7 4) —7- - --------- 0 IS 44' Ln NN 16 17 LANES ALLEY BLK'Z8 LANES HIGHLAND PARK Fairview Ave W.L.oFWhec!cr- V\11,. C) 9Z: SCALE 1-40' ROME AVE HI GH L A28 N D P AR K 10 .9 8 r [F]7 4) —7- - --------- 0 IS Ln NN F2 -28 Gr 19 01 21 22 26 26 27 28 H I G H L AN D P A R K MONTREAL AVE. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................ May...2.9,..1952.......... ...... ...... 194 ...... ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._159916.....approved..........._......_MaY..? z.._l95?....................194........., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and ...........fil_ls_.._in._the ...gradngand.._surfacin .._xith.,_bit iuninous._material,._the„_alley ..in,._Bloek.._28, Lane's Highland Park from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk. ............._......................................................................_.........._...._......................_......._.............__...._........................................_................_..............._.........._............... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._?IXC........... ....... and the total cost thereof is $................. _..... ............. _1 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. b. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said ' �ent. G�%/�� v r 7M -6-16 ` Commissioner of Public ... ........ tA Works. �~ t�ELL�VE -_:I JUN 3 1952 N m� DEPT. OF I FIPdA1JCE �”! C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U I Office of Commissioner of Finance ) 6 1 �, J August 22, 1952 James L. and Mary E. Mur, d ® ;regio to f GRADING AND SURFACING also co emning and taking an EASWM T In the matter o , in the lands necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading and surfacing -with bituminous material the Alley in Block 28, Lane's Highland Park, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wheeler Walk. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 150 feet west of the west lineof Wheeler Walk to the sewer in Wheeler Walk, under Preliminary Orders C.F. 159915 and C.F. 159916 approved May 22, 1952. You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $4,339.32, or $3.48 per front foot. A public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, on the 2nd day of September, 1952 at 10 o'clock A.M. BERNARD T. HOLLAND Commissioner of Finance Files 11951-11950 M COUNCIL FILE NO.- C. F. No. 161091- "reconstrueaI By -------- - - - - - --- --- ---- -------------- or ol FINAL ORDER In the Matter X�qppL:LT7i p_g,_ _ _ jqqpe Rqp_qs�spqy, jhe_e-xisting ............... on bothsides- of -North --- S-treet-from- Ba-tes-Are-nue- tor -GreenbrieStreet; ......... sidewalk .--the--ea t --side -of-- Batea -Avenue --- frn--F---SavBnth5_treet_ to-.N.orth-.$-treP-t; --and ------------------ --b-othpides of Xaury_Street ------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- -- - 160459 ----------- - --- approved -- -- __ -July--3,_1952_.___---- ---- IntermediaryOrder ------------------------------------------approves -------------------------------------------------------------- A ---------------------- - ----- - - - --- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- made by the said City is--37��c q�__or repair, where necessary,-s-the--t-he -------------- provement to be reconstruct -- ------- - ------ - ---------- existing sidewalk on both sides of North Street from Bates Avenue to Greenbrier -- - - -------------------- - -- - - ----------------------- - -- - — -------- - -------- tToqet .. the east --of Bates Avenue from E. Seventh Streetto--- North Street; --- -- - -- - -------- - andboth --------- --side.s--.of--Greenbr3-ex-�l;t.r .__-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. SEP 2I= Adopted by the Council ------ ------------------- SEP 21952 Approved --------- -------- ------------------------- ., 192 --- 192 -------• / City Clerk. File S 5339 --- - --------- Mayor Councilman Councilman HaILAIM PUBLISHED Councilman dftJ).=akL--s- N.o r""'LL' Councilman iNefflogan' S L)N Councilman sSudheimer Councilman' d&suwls- Mayor4iodgwom V Mr. Vicc President (Peumon) Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matteeof reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of North Street from Bates Avenue to Greenbrier Street; the east side of Bates Avenue from E. Seventh Street to North Street; and both sides of Greenbrier Street from E. Seventh Street to Maury Street, 461 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - g The estimated cost per�foosquare fothe above improvement is for 4" monolithic walk; - $ 0 39' Flora work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION Land Building 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 72, $1650 St. Paul, Minn. 400 1150 2 do 3 do 400 750 4 do goo 3500 South 38 ft. of Lots 7, 8 and 9 10 Irvine's Second Addition to 650 10 10 St. Paul do 600 2450 11 10 do 550 1800 South 40.75 ft. of Lots 12 & 19 10 do 500 2250 1 10 do 1325 Inc Lot 18 2 10 do 650 2050 TOTAL. Norm D. U. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Except south 5 ft.; Lot 6 and south 5 ft. of North 31.9 ft. of Lots 7, 8 and North 38.7 ft. of south 77.4 ft. of Lots 7, 8 and West 241 ft. of 3 10 Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul 4 10 do 5 10 do 5 10 do 9 10 do 9 10 do 7 Lyman Dayton's Addition to the City of Saint 8 Paul do ASSESSED Lan'e"ItEffing 650 1900 650 2450 575 1200 725 3450 600 3200 600 2000 10,000 63,000 Total $23,425 $89,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 5, 1952 19— Commissioner o { - mance y, Porm B. B. 12 ��� !!;-,3 3 9 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance JIIJ ........................._...._..........., 16452....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._1�45.9-......approved......_) p._3_......._......._ ........................ ...... 1 42 ........ relative to Heconatructing_or rewiringr xliere neceseary� the existing sidewalk __ on both aides of North Street from Bates Avenue to Greenbrier Btree f the east aide of Bates Avenue from S. Seventh Street to North Street; and both .............sides 'of - Greenbrier Street from K� 3everth Strout-to..-Moury stree - _.........__. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Yono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. .................................... and the total cost thereof is $......__........._...__.._.._, Extra work(Ex., fill, drive.rings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......................................_................_....__..__...._...._..._.._......_..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............IUltiatad.._bY.-1he....Dept.....c...?ublla . ........ ............. ............ .... ....... ......... .... ...... .... _........... .... 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more own sof propeyj ■ subject to assessment for said improvement. \ _ .......... .._. .............-........._......._...... _. _. .. ... .............. 2M -6-16"���`��•� Commissioner of Public Works. 1952 ,` I'� t� c1'T • GP � l� ........................................................................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO.- - By------ - FINAL ORDER 161 09 21 In the Matter of__r_e_C4X9tMC_tiD9-9_r .. r_p_p_ajripg,w ccjstingsjciewalk qn__11Q1h__5ide0__Qf_Payne_ -------- ----------------------------- ----- ------------ - - ____ � -- ---- --------------------------------- --- - -- --- ------ ____ - ----------------------------- ---------------------- - ------ ---- ---- ----------------------------- - - --------------------- --- ---- --------------------------------- -------------- -- ----------------------------------------- - ------ --------- -- ---- ---- - --- -------------- ------------------- - - -- - ----- -- - - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- - under Preliminary Order-----160460-------------------approved JulY_ 3,1952- ---- ------------- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------approved------------------------------------------------------- - A ------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Cityr ADr. 1 : ------necessary ---- - --- - - - -- - , - --the------------------ qp 1 existing _7!1 ere -- -------------------- - - - - - --------------- - ---- __sidfwajk _on_ - both sides of--Payne-Avenue from Sims Avenue - to Case Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - -------------------------------- - ---------- 192 City Clerk. Approved.-------------------------------------- 1192 ----- --------- File s 5340 - ---------------- - ---------------------------------------- - M - ayor.____ Councilman 800my2ar—rw 1JALYFA1'5X>0 Councilman ikrgusmr.T.:z, HOLLAND Councilman NVBon8l&--rYv AAARDULLI Councilman NuffiogazV?-- I,C,zT -0N Councilman Sudheimer ,cm Councilman Mayo SNEY Form A. 8- �'> 3 00 16f)8(, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 16 ................... - 1 ..._....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._1604� .....approved_.................................................142......., relative to Reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both ..................................................................._............................................................................_...._................_..._..............................._...................._................ - ewes.. 4_f.....k........AYem.1.0 _from._.s.. .._Avenua...tu._.GAae...Avenue........._......................_............._........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Hono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................... ............ . and the total cost thereof is $..._._._....._...--- ....._........ , Extra work(Exe., fill, drive-xings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... . ..... ...... .... .. ............... ....... . ....... .... ...................... . .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Initiated by the Dept. of Public Works .......... ....................... _......................_.........._...._............ 5. Said improvement is.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners subject to assessment for said impro `ti 2M -6-46 1 i� JUL 231952 DEPT. OF n FINANCE w _ ,J W Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both fides of Payne Avenue from Sims Avenue to Case Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pey'foot for the above improvement uare is for monolithic walk; - $ Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are ;s follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Building 1 25 Chas. Weidels Subdivision of $5300 $8600 Block 25 and 26, of Arlington 2 25 Hills Addition to St. Paul 3000 3800 3 25 do 2400 4000 4 �5 do 2150 5100 5 25 do 2100 550 6 25 do 2100 6350 7 �5 do 2100 3950 8 25 do 2100 2200 9 �5 do 6750 33,000 10 25 do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . R OF FINANCE OMISSIONNARY REPORT OFP ER ON (C) ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK ' DESCRIPTION Land Building 15 Joseph R. Weidels Subdivision 3700 2800 of Block 24, Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. p900 8050 16 do 2300 1250 do 17 4050 26,300 18 do ( 19 do 2000 4500 20 do 2000 1350 21 do 2000 1400 22 do 5400 13,400 23 do ( 24 do Total $52,35o $126,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l' Dated August 5, 19 52 /vl'�` Commissioner otce• Form B. B. 12 Sept. 2, 1952 Mr. Walter Fbsnes secretary , pspe Avenue Business Aeeociatiln St. pml 1. Minnesota Dear Mr. Foeneet As regnested in your letter of AW%st 25tb. the City Connoil today laid onebr to o h ides payae vol from 91maltothe ase.matter lk The matter sideon er 5th the Fnal order ereill be c- e at 10 A.M. in the Council M—her. sidered again on that dat Very truly y"n- 0ity C1-rk A November 5. 1952 Non. Hilton Rosen Comer. of Public Works B U I L D I N G Derr Sir: The Council laid over to November 12th r. Final Order in the matter of repr.iring where necessary the existing sidewrlk on both sides of Payne !ve. from Sime to Cage, red requestW, that you confer with Walter iesne Secretary of the Payne Ave. Business Association (Tower 3535) to their wishes in this matter. Very truly yours, City Clerk S November 14. 1952 Hqn. 3. T. Holl and Co7zr. or 1M,,.ance 9ui 1 , I'I Dear Sir: The Council laio. over to March 15th. '959. Final Order in the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary. the existing; sidewalk on both sides of F Pyne Ave. from Si a Ave. to Case Ave.,under �.0. 160160. approved July 3. ' 952. Ifill you please send new notices at the proper time and also send a notice to 19r. Planer Fomes, Secretary, Payne Avenue Business Association, 97n Payne Ave.? 4nry truly ynure, City Clerk March 18. 1953 Mr. Walter Downes! Secy.. Payne Ave=e Nosiness Assn. 978 Payne Ava- st. Paul 1. Minnesota Dear Mr• tosness r letter of March 7th. the city tol epai ,&q requested in youring over to June 18th for further consideration the Ave-er from om s to sidewalks there necessary, on both aides of Asyne Case. Very truly yours. city Cleric June 18, 1953 Hon. lVank D. marzitelli Oomsr. of PnbUO Woks 3nildug Deer Birt The OOunoil laid over to A ust20 a sidewalk on both eideaio or repairsri, where neoeasary� , the exirting Payne from 94ms to G"e• very truly yours, 01ty Olerk jme 18, 1953 Mr. Walter Fosnes Payne97ATmeYne inose Association Ave - St. Paul 1, Minnesota Desi Mr. Foenesi in oonformaafos wIth Your request, the Oity Oowioll laid over torderr for botthh for P&PeAve- from a'" toratiOn the dOs repair Very tru1Y YO'ws, Olty Clerk WALTER E. BLOMQUIST. PRESIDENT DIRECTORS NORTH SECTION TOWER 9595 - WALTER FOSNES. SECRETMY PAYNE AVENUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 878 PAYNE AVENUE SAINT PAUL 1. MINNESOTA August 25th, 1952. RU88ELL CMLSTROM HERBERT O. LEM.— ItUIow P. PETERSON CENTRAL SECTION WALTER E. BLOMOUIET LAWRENCE RYLAN "I'" LL B. SVAW.ON LUKE J. TIE80 SOUTH SECTION JOS. H. MDERSON 9—o. CROKE MATHEW MORBLLI CHI18. O, o"oN Mr. T. Holland, Co.:!^i2;sioner of _`inane, St. Paul., 2, Einnesota. Dear 'Ir. ollanil: Confirri.ng the conversation had with you over the p_ione today, I wish that you could postpone the hearing on the-.ssesomcnt for Payne !,venue Sidew%lhs for a month or two. This come; up on Tuesday, Septec:ber 2nd. As I advised you we are contemplatin; haviii;; mr Street widened 1;y cutting off threo feet of the sides m.lk on each side of the street. They are now 13 £evt wide, and we figure t—at 10 or even) f-,ct would. be sufficient. '.Ir. Posen is out of the City and that is why I called you. However, since I wrote this letter I have been th:inlcing I shoull also write I:r. George M. Shepard, tic City Engineer, and also call :iin up, as he is familiar with the matter. I hope it will bo unnece ;sairy for us to attend the Yours very truly, Payne Aver_ Business ass y Secretary. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA August 7, 1953 19 To_ Ci#s9 Clerk The Camcil of the City of St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order 1604fn approved July 3• 1952 which proposes to reconstruct or repair, where necessary the existing sidewalk on both sides of'PUne Avenue from Sims Avenue to Case Avenue except where coed and sufficient sidewalks now exist. The estimated cost thereof is $ O.L2 per sgtftt Additional work such as driveways, Woo root labor, fill, over -normal excavation, etc. at extra cost.) You are hereby notified that a public hearing on the advisability of said improvement will be held in the Council Chamber of the Court t-{pused City Hall Building on the— 20th day of August 19, at 10 o'clock A. Ivt. — — IMPORTANT NOTICE: For detailed information pertaining to the—advisability of or necessity For the above improvement, please call at the DeparMent of Public Works, Room 734, prior to fhr: Ilme the above matter is considered the Council. Milton Rosen Page _File 55340 _4W_O Commissioner of Finance. MILTON ROSEN Commissioner FRED DRIVER Deputy Commissioner / CITY OF SAINT PAUL i Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk / CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier March 9, 1973 Mrs. Agnes OtConnell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Please note the attached communication from Walter Fosnes, Secretary of the Payne Avenue Business Association. I have conferred with George Shepard, and he has agreed to lay this matter over until June 18. I wish that you would keep this in your files and present it to the Council at the hearing on Wednesday, March 18. Yours ruly, i Milton Rosen Commissioner of Finance Rase At+ach. c C.C.—Mr. Walter Fosn-A 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA POS TPOPfED HEARING"larch 6 195_ To '``'r• Wa1'ier Fosnes, Secy. The Cquncil of the City of St. Paul has under con;ideration 'Preliminary Order 1601460 approved July 3. ]-952 which proposes to rec� strict oy, renair where necessary the exist� ins;dewalk on o4th sides !)f Pavne Ave, from Sims Ave. to Case Ave except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. The estimated cost thereof is $ •_112 Per sq- ft," (Additional work such as driveways, free root labor, fill, over -normal excavation, etc. at extra costa You are hereby notified that a public hearing on the advisability of said improvement will be held in the Council Chamber of the Court House nd City Hall Building on the— lath __day of "larch I9at 10 o'clock A. M. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For drtailed information Pertaining 1. the advisability of or uccessify i„r the ,,bovn improvement, plr.alse call at the Department of Public W<,rk,., Room 734, p,i, t�, th- t.rn,- thy: al, .....after i,, � ,,id—d by Ihn ouncil C, ,f'TFJJ �_ ,,r„A,E, MILTON ROS X5340 Page _File Commissioner off{ Finance. WALTER E. BLOMOUIST. PRESIOENT TOWER 3535 WALTER FOSHES. SEORETARY PAYNE AVENUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Yours verryy, truly, /f Secy. 978 PAYNE AVENUE • SAINT PAUL 1. MINNESOTA DIRECTORS n March 7th, 1953• NORTH SECTION SSELL O. DARLSTROM HgROY D. MUNSON Hon. Milton Rosen 7 —1-1 L R O F. PETERSDN Commissioner of Finance, .1— WDLD CENTRAL SECTION St, Paul, 2, Minnesota, E 3NZE . a sr N P. H Dear Sir: `.RROLL . SWE SON SOUTH Enclosed is notice, that we have received in ON ANDERSON regard to the repairing of sidewalks etc on Payne Avenue. ..AS. D. DLSDN This hearing has been adjourned from time to time because we are figuring on cutting down the side— alk 3 feet on each side of the street and thus give more rooms for driving and parking. This widening project will be set up as one of the essential ones by the Second United Improvement Council, so we wish you would again postpone this hearing for a couple of months or so. The writer is on the Improvement Council so we know that we are giving you the facts, altho this is not a matter for publication yet. Yours verryy, truly, /f Secy. February 169 1954 nce Bull T)o 'r " !- r , The rr,ler for rawratructlxc or ")O+h m - -, -IGG460. aVP-v ra July 3.1952- V�,nj truly YOUr"s City clerk 161(no"t C. F. No. 1810937, In- the matter or COUNCIL FILE NO -- __�%_--_------ h^re of NOS" �Oe By- ------- _ ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__ reconstructing__or_ repair, _ where necessary -the _existing_ sidewalk__ on both sides of Rose Avenue from Arcade Street to Mendota Streets -------------- --- under Preliminary Order ------ 160461 ------------ -------- --approved .___ ----- July3i1952 Intermediary Order ----------------------------------------approved --------- ---------- ---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- =nstrnct_or_repair� !Ltiere_necessaryZ_the___--_--__- existing__sidewalk _on _both_sides_o£ Rose -Avenue from Arcade-Street_to Mendota Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. --RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said ingpvelMeni,jzl accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SEP 21952 Approved-------------------------------------------------------- 192--- File 92_File S 531x. Councilman >-m-A rmu -R� Councilman -,, No -'AND Councilman oaald- • Mn, , " Councilman -JfC690gan•, • -oN Councilman -Zudheimer Councilman Mayor H•-� LL t ._A°{� bte Vice President (Peterson) Form B. S. A. 8-7 ---------- 192--------- ��- —----------- (/ City Clerk. ---------L—'/_ ---------- ------------- ------ I M r. PUDLiSHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of 'reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Rose Avenue from Arcade Street to Mendota Street, 16o8()6 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pedfyyoot for the above improvement is for 4"- monolithic -Walk) $ 0,39; Extra oat such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAL AT N: Land �uii�ing;:' 16 1 Eastville Heights ( $2500 $23,000 t` 17 1 do + . 18 1 do 19 1 do 300 I 20 1 do 300 21 1 do 400 3100 22 1 do 400 3200 23 1 do 400 2750 24 1 do 400 3050 25 1 do 400 2050 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 (C) 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 26 1 Eastville Heights ( 250 5200 27 1 do 28 1 do 100 29 1 do 375 1450 30 1 do 400 1500 1 8 do 450 3250 2 8 do 400 2500 3 8 do 400 1900 4 8 do 400 100 5 8 do 400 2350 6 8 do 400 2100 7 8 do 400 2900 8 8 do 400 2500 q 9 do 400 3250 10 8 do 400 1650 11 8 do 400 1800 12 8 do 400 1350 13 8 do 350 3050 14 8 do 2100 4000 15 8 do TOTAL 813,525 $78,0001 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 5, 19 52 X&1/C Commissioner of�ypt nc . Form B. B. 13 '' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 A6...................................I JI.......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 2 Council, known as Council File No....10461....... approved. .....JaY..3...... ..................................._...._.....19 ........., relative to Reconstructin.......... ... aides of Rose Avenue from Arcade Street to Mendota Street. ................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per eq.ft. for 4" Mono.Conc.Walk ......, and the total coat thereof is ............ ........ . . ....._...._...., 2. The estimated coat thereof is $-...._.........._........Q ' root cutting# etc.) at extra cost )�ctra work(is�c., Pilldrive—ring , and the nature and extent of said improvelhent is as follows: .. .. ..... ...... . ........ ...... ..._..................... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. W 4 Initiated by the De t, of. Public Works. ......................................................_................_...._........................._ ....................................... . _.................. . elow 5. Said improvement is .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said improvement,_ Commissioner of Public Works. 2M-6-46 \14 JUL 231952 �, ��,t t;NANCB , v 16119 COUNCIL FILE NO.- .___- C. F. No. 181084— •s. __ ____ _______ ______________________ r T� Lh? m8112t OI!`�LecoRsttLLCtlt1B Orl Y- .,.sn. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___._=e�onatuctng_or__rewiring,_where_necessarysthe--- existing -___ __ _sidewalk.-on_both_-sides__of_Wilson-A_v__e__nue-_from_Forest_ Street to Cypress_Streett__ ......... Preliminary Order ----------- ---- 160 _----------- -_.approved .__ __ ___July 9,_ 1952 IntermediaryOrder ------------ -----------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------ - - - ------ — A ------------------------- ------------------ A public hearinghaving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____? eC4natruct or repairs -where- nec-esaary--------- � the-- _existing__sidewalk_on__both__Bielea_oiWi1}on__Av@nue__fYom Forest_Street_to_Cypress and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 2 1774 Adopted by the Council SEP ----------------------------- - SEP 21952 192 ------ File s 5342 Councilman a c Councilman > h' �;ZAvo Councilman 1V - 'ond Councilman fft— ogi a ' Councilman Stu heimei— Council n enz fxma Mayor gson ^s =- Mr. Vier PresiaLnr (Peterson) Form B. S. A. 8-7 ----- , .192 ---• r City Clerk. - ---------or Mayor. %� 9s� PUBLISHED � CITY OF ST. PAUL •�' '• • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OCOMMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE ON P (A) In the matterof -reconstructing or repairiing) where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Wilson Avenue from Forest Street to Cypress Street, 16))8(;7 under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - - 2 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $0-39' �n r s a , k square for4B monolithic walk; - The estimated cost per�Foot for the above improvement is such as excavation, fill) root—cuttings driveways[ etc. at extra The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and thcost. e assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK Land Building 1 77 Adam Gotzians Subdn. of Block 77, $600 $1250 Lyman Dayton's Addition 550 1400 2 77 do 550 1900 3 77 do 550 2050 4 77 do 550 700 5 77 do 850 2200 Lot 6 and west 20 ft. of 7 77 do 850 1450 Lot 8 and east 20 ft. of 7 77 do 325 950 West 24 ft. of 9 77 do 775 1700 Lot 10 and east 16 ft. of 9 77 do 550 2000 11 77 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 Total $16,225 $60,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 5, 1952_ Commissioner of Financ F.- B. D. 12 / — CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER \/ (C" . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 12 77' Adam Ootzians Subdn. of Block $550 $1850 77, Lyman Dayton's Addition 550 1150 13 77 do 14 77 do 550 1600 15 77 do 650 4200 1 Wakefield Place, St. Paul, Minn. 650 2200 2 do 550 3700 3 do 550 2650 4 do 550 3800 5 do 550 6 do 550 2050 7 do 550 1900 8 do 550 3350 North 110 £t. of Lot 9 and south 525 100 20 ft. of north 110 £t. of 10 do N /- h 0 ft. of 10 do 450 2200 11 do 550 3350 12 do 550 3500 13 do 550 3200 14 do 550 235o 15- do 600 1750 Total $16,225 $60,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 5, 1952_ Commissioner of Financ F.- B. D. 12 / r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July16......_ ......................_............ 1912 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......l6o%6..... approved ...July ... 9 ...... ....... ........ ........... ........ ..... ...... 19 2....., relative to geconstriac.t.ing._or...repairing,..xheFe...neceth.0 ..................... both sides of Wilson Avenue from Forest Street to Cypress Street ...--....---.........._.._........_....... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ...... ..........._.....necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 40 Yono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. .............. _..................... and the total cost thereof is $..._..__------ ...._..------_----- Ebrtra work(Exc.fill, drive—x—ings, root cutting, etc.) at extra coat and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:................................................._......._...._......._...._...._...._.........._..- .............................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. TM+iniad hV t.ha Denartment of Public Works. :....._._ ........... .... ._.......... ............ _. QR5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of threeormore owners of pro subject to assessment for said impFce0 ITEC^ ca 2M -6.46 1952 I� JUL 23 pEpT. OF n FINANCE Commissioner of Public � 7d05 C. F. No. 161085 -- COUNCIL FILE NO.__ - __ ---- ----- In the matter of recronah'i+etinq or reoairlv6. where esaaryi the exlat- tipiF gi.tea oY E. Third By ---- -- _- - - . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____rec_o_nstlttctjng__or__s_egai ing._-Wher__he_gessary,_Lhe_ existing_--_____.__ side4[ells_Qn..troth_�isles_oS_I.__Thin-Str_eat _from_For_e_e.t-Stree_t_toEarl__S.treets----_----- ----------------------------- ----------- under Preliminary Order-------160508--------------------approved - _July_9 __1952-- ------- --- ------------ Intermediary Order - ------------- -------------------- - ----- a------------------------------------------ pproved --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ------------ - _existjng_sidewalk__pn bszth__sides_s2f EThi_rd Street__from__Forest__StrQet_to_Earl________ ---------------------------------------------- — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and -directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvetm�e`nt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SEP2 improv2eme195nt 192____----. SEP S 195.2 -------- 0 City Clerk. Approved-------- ----- - -------.. , 192 . ------------- File S 5343F Mayor. Councilman `k5R'r"'"?A%�. Councilman Tergt[sbh - 1 "-' 41NJ PUBLISHED Councilman gTeDonaid- -1 7 W Councilman W&logair "SON Councilman Sudhein'i'er'- ) Councilman q ROsSN (� Mayor DAUBNP bIf Vsce President (Peterson) Form B. S. A. 8-7 ` CITYPAUL A; DEPARTMENT OF OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , �) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A �y. QomC In the matter of .reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of E. Third Street from Forest Street to Earl Street, under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ qlla The estimated cost pe/f99obt foar the above improvement is for 4" -monolithic walk; $0. i9: �rtrawnrk_ such as excavation, fill, root -cutting, driveways, etc. at extra c ost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 McCarricks, Richard, Subdivision $900 $3650 of Block 88 of Lyman Dayton's 19 Addition to St. Paul 525 5500 20 do 550 1400 21 do 550 950 22- do 550 1850 23 do 550 2500 24 do 500 3600 25 do 500 3600 26 do 500 2550 27 do TOTAL, 500 50 Form B. B, 10 - . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER Of, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 1i DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28 McCarricks, Richard, Subdivision $500 $2900 = of Block 88. of Lyman Dayton's Lot 29-and except east 40 ft.; 30 Addition to St. Paul 525 1550 East 40 ft. of ; 30 do 575 1750 . 17 87 .Leffman's Subdivision of Block - 600 2950 86 and 87, of Lyman Dayton's 18 87 Addition to Saint Paul 525 2250 19-. 87- do 450 1100 20 87 do 450 3150 21 87 do 450 2150 22 87 do 450 2300 23 87 do 450 2500 24 87 do 375 200 25 87 do 375 3600 26 87 do 375 3550 27 87 do 400 2450 28 87 do 450 1250 29 87 do 450 3700 30 87 . do 400 31 87 do 425 1750 32 87 do 525 Lot 1 and east 12 ft. of 2 86 do 750 4350 86 do 300 Except east 12 ft.; 2 3 86 do 450 1800 4 86 do 450 1100 5 86 do 450 1000 6 86 do 450 2650 7 86 do 45o 2800 8 86 do 450 2600 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fr7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION yQASSESSEpD Lan Q 11101t� Lef£man's Subdivision of Block 9 86 B6 & 87, of Lyman Dayton's $450 $3350 Addition to Saint Paul to 86 do 425 11 B6 do 450 4250 12 86 do 450 450 1250 13 86 do 450 3550 14 86 do 525 2800 15 86 do 16 86 do 600 3300 1 Joseph Arth's Subdivision of 600 3750 Block B5 of Lyman Dayton's 550 1800 2 Addition to St. Paul do 550 1650 3 4 do 550 2250 5 do 550 2950 6 do 550 1050 7 do 550 1150 8 do 550 1500 do 425 1500 East 30 £ t. of 9 West 10 ft. of Lot 9 & east 2 of 10 do 425 1700 Lot 11 and west ? of 10 do 825 1000 12 do 550 2650 East 40 f t. of Lots 13, 14 and 15 do 550 2350 West 80 ft. of Lots 13, 14 and 15 do 1400 4850 Total $30,550 $129,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Ausust 5 19 4� Dated Commissioner of Finaggp Office of the Com ssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._1601r08......... approved ..........J.Uly--4a--�ps� .............. _.....#�......., relative to Reconatruating:..or..repairinBa...chars._JMQe.pa 5ieting.._sidewalk °n both sides of E. Third Street from Forest Street to Earl Street ................ _....._......................... ......................--............................................................................._............. . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ....... .................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Yono.Cono.Aalk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ....I and the total cost thereof is $ ................. ...-_.......... ..... , Extra xork(Eac., fill, drive—xinge, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....................................._......_.._......._...._......._...._...._....-.............._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. CA 4 . .......... ..Initilsted....by._the.._D.ePt.:.._of ._Public__Worke................................. _.............................................. _.................... _..._ 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of thr a or more owners property subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ..........................._ .......... _.............. ...... . Commissioner of Public Works. IM -6-A6 ti JUL 231952 rn CAD pEFI. OF t i-1NANC� 161 -f 196 COUNCIL FILE NO.- __ . -___- - ._._ C. F. No. 1e10e1-4 In the matter of iheolti6tructfng ori m a.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of- reconstrngting_or-repairingi_where__necessary,--the_ex going -------------- --- si4erwaikon-the south side of-Wheplock-Paximay fi7 ___-________sidewaik-on-thesouth__side_of-Wheelock_Parkwayfi7om Walsh -Street_ to ---Arcade Streat,--- - ---- --- - --------------------- --------------- ---- - --- - - ----------- - ------- ------ --------------------- --- - ------------------------------------- - ------- ------------------------------ ------ - ----- - --- -- ------- -- --- - under---------- --------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- _160507 ---------- ------- -__approved -_. _. -__-July-9 - 1952 - Intermediary Order --------------------- ----- - ------ -- aPProved-------------------------------------------- — -- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- reconstrsct_or_ repairs where__necessaryJ_ the _:! stin-g_sidewalk_on_the_south_side_of_9Pheelock_Parkway_fYom_Walsh__Street_to_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- SEP ---- 2_��-r-2-------- —_ ------ - 192 --------- SEP 2 1952 - ��r��'� P/�i. -CJS---------- City Clerk. Approved---------------- ------ , 192 ----- File S 5344 --_- -- --- - =/ -- ---------- - Councilman ""' n�op Mayor. Councilman @�'g u8�'0II u «No ret�,A�IITE Councilman ,lnald �\ /� PLl)3L1SHtiD� 1RC� %iaII ,v'OR71ry =.ON J Councilman ,. ,.., Councilman 3$dlieimer gvstN , Councilman Im ' ° :::,, y Mayor Ar. Vicc Presidenr (Pete Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 16f 1809 (D) ' In the matter of reconstructing Vr repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the south side of Wheelock Parkway from Walsh Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is for_ 411 walk; $ $ 0 39; extra work The estimated cost pe�foos rr the above improvement is monolithic such as excavation £ill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or. The lots or parcels of land that may parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lund Building 1 1 King's Arcade Park 13075 $7200 Inc. cthei property 7 1 do 550 4900 8 1 do 600 9 l do 600 4050 10 1 do 600 3950 11 1 do 600 2850 600 3350 12 1 do 13 1 do 600 5100 14 1 do 600 4500 15 1 do 600 675 16 1 do Tot4l$9100 of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of $35,90( the afort�said matters, an The Commissioner foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.��� Dated August 5, .195z_ Commissioner of F1tC� iet. Fo B. S. A. 8.8 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................ July._16............. ..... _............ 19452 .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._1lrOZ......... approved. ....._.iulY...9.................... ........................_.....192....., relative to ._............ li@cone!ructing.._or.._repairing-._wire,._neceasaxg,_the.._e eting.._eidewalk.__._. __ on the south side of Wheelock Parkway from Walsh Street to Arcade Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _ ................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Mono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ ..... _................................. and the total coat thereof is $ ...................... ...... .... _.... , Extra work(Exc., fill, drive—rings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......................................._................_...._......._...._.........._................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... ..._Initiated.. bY.._the.._I apt..._of.._Ngtc.._Worke,........ _.................................................... _................ 6. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners o/offprops subject to assessment for said improvement.` - 3 IM -6-16 S Commissioner of Public Works. c'IVEl� JUL 231962 rn DEPT. OF n fNANC , is 2nd Laid over to C }� 3rd and app _Adopted / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson Halvorson Holland Marzitelli _ Marzitelli ^ Mortinson <<�-Mortinson Peterson Peterson / —Ir8Ht7r Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney e o,taln.l " CIq cWk' PRESENTED BY CVU1NANCr 161097 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 9 IC. F. No. 1610.7 ordi nce N'* 071— BY Frank D. atarzitelll— An ordinance amending Ordinance An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: " "Aa ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City." approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAM DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Tebruary 13, 1935, as amended. be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the 4anim m qualifications" for the title of CHIEF NURSE, and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "lfinimum qualifications: Graduation from a recognised hospital train- ing school for nurses, a degree in pub - lie health nursing equivalent to that z conferred W the University of Kinnesgqta, and five yinrst experience in public iiealth nursing at least two of which shall have been as a Nurse Adviser or egvivalent. A Haster$a Degree In public health nursing may be substitutedfor the two years$ experience as Horse Adviser. Applicant most be a registered nurse is the State of Kinnesota.it Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. l §'EP 171952 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc ..__ _---_ --- Marzitelli j"ja f. Holland In Favor Mortinson - --` "- Peterson Halvorson D Against -- Room -SEP 17 1952 Mr. President (lam Daubney Approv - - — Attest: City Clerk Mayor {. tin e -6o �® PUBLISHED THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS 016 CITY HALL V SAINT PAUL 2.MINNESOTA aE.,EE of T E E PER„..—T August 29, 1952 Mrs. Harry O'Connell City Clerk 386 City Hall St, Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: We are submitting herewith a proposed ordinance which has been drawn with the co- operation of the Civil Service office, which makes a alight change in the qualifications for the title of Chief Norse for the St. Paul Public Schools. We would appreciate it if this ordinance could be submitted to the Council for action in order that way might be cleared to fill a vacancy in this position at the earliest possible date. Cor yours, Forrest E. Conner Superintendent of Schools FEC:P Att. 111�� original to City Clerk FILENCIL NO. CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i. C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - _ -.... DATE. ---..---.— COMMISSIONER )eSota and Clark, ons.— Rlver Blvd. between eow- MagotM under pp ovid m File No. 122001, Ordinance ,ate tl JuIY 19, 1941. by the Council September 2, d Se2. 5eptembere6. 1952)2 Resolved., That the Northern States Fower Company be oven permission to install ,mrosimatelY oL7 lineal feet of as main 'n Kenneth between Sheridan and Norfolk, on Geranium between DeSota and Clark, on So. Mississippi River Blvd. between Bowdoin and 2;a;toffin under provisions of Council File No. 1% 001, Ordinance No. S-71, dated July la, 18111. SEP 2 1952 CO NCILMEN o Adopted by the CounK? 2 1952 —195— Yeas' Nays SEP 2,02 Holland � Marzitelli `McDerxnett-- j Approved _ --- —195— Mortinson — —In Favor e e—r9otr— %� Rosen — -`_' _Against set 7 sl:• Presi&nt (Peterson) �h,1, L l�lcl Original to City Clerk Fo "NCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` y O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — PRESENTED BY _ _ _ DATE - --- - ----'-- COMMISSIONER— -- - -- - _ -- _---- --- — _---- C. N F. No161999--8y Mnton Rosen— . fts¢Company That b e g pen P rtNseton to install approximately 1.039 lineal feet of gas main oEerHoyt between Hazel and Ret bet—emr th, albite Bear nd Hazel, on Park be - v sionssof Count f File No.n123oolrOrd- ! mance No. 8271, dated JuIY 19, 1941. ! Adopted by the Council September 2. 19'2* d September 2, 1982. Approved 6, 1952) Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 1039 linea- feet of gas main on ldarge-et bets-;een Hazel and Ruth, on E. Hoyt between white Sear and Hazel, on Park between Sherubrne and Como under provisions of Council File No. 123ool, ordinate N,-,. 8271, Dated Scaly lv, 1941 Adopted by the Council --- 195— n UNCILMEN SEP 21952 Yea f � Nays -1 /J Holland Approved-_.-_ -__ ___ _— —195— Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson __ In Favor ReC r� sbTi _ _ Rosen .Against rJ_ 4id' .tet'PIWIM sM 751) PresiduRL We=30n) 161100 ..rNTS6MEnrABY 081/866 suis ?6 .Lu Ri. COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY O INTERMEDIARY - ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sever on West California Avenue from a point 187 feet east of Victoria Street to Fisk Street, under Preliminary Order 160091 approved June 5"P" Y - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the of r of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the Sa18`fmprodecnent'is r'y hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ,. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sever on West California Avenue from a point 187 feet east of Victoria Street to Fisk Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.631.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 30th day of September, 1952 M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impr(nengaWb$te total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council = 193- 21957 93— a1952 Approved 193— ` City lerk File 120111 Mayor Councilm-andWADmmlift,/ 9 CouncilmanD No, LAND f uuLISHED COunCihnangp,CQTf., _.-n N,ARZITELLI Councilman 19d3sti NORTINSON Councilmantta>;'SON - CouncilmanAk%; , R SCN Mayou oA43Nt Y /, Form B. S. A. 8-6 ' �u t l ecesnv� w COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 161101— ra She matter of p,rbinH the . south aide f HOSt Aw�iu• }Ia �I.e�duNfau Al -. A,... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order 160895 1 approved August 13, 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford Street, ,with. no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0p ja1S- Rdolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 30th _._.day of Sapa 1952 14131, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 21952 , 143— SEP 21952 x Approved 193- City C ark File 12013 ayor Councilman ' ` " __u Councilman •"; Councilman HOLLAND PUBLISHED �i'sw.y�---1-„.•,;._ ,NAfZITELLI < �J Councilman,..,._,,,, _41flaTINSON J Councilman:, Councilman `v'-&-^& ”"-_ ROSEIJ Mayor " Eipp�4S614X Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mt. Vice President (Peterson) COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 2811* - I. Ne�},� er of urbl the north /• t side of Iowa'=CYenue L&om Avon Street �"1 `2 _. 6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing the north side of Iowa Avenue from Avon Street to Grotto Streets under Preliminary Order 160896 approved Angnst 13. 19 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb the north side of Iowa Avenue from Avon Street to Grotto Street, with no alternatives,.and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1x097.20, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 30th —day of September, 1952 P33C_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council btN d 1952 , 193— , sp 21952 Approved 193- y Clerk File 12012 Mayor Councilma ' 4G4*4 Councilman ,%-,,.-, zS,,, HO' -'-AND CouncilmarxFR,e2t,. z:T�tu PUBLISHED Councilmat@,r..-r..-. .ca-ri.,oN CouncilrnarwT.r-uai4„y,:, - - Councilma--�'--' - f RCS' N !f Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice President (Pewieow COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 361103— .: In the —11"01 constrvMing a mono- I - --cSe sld:walk on the south .. 161103 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Sherwood Avenue from Flandrau Street to Kennard Street, under Preliminary Order 160393 approved July 1. 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i9 hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Sherwood Avenue from Flandran Street to Kennard Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.39 per Loh ft, for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation fill drivevay�ga root -cutting, etc. att eatra cos . Resolved Further, That a public �iearing �e had on 3ai� improvement on the 3Qth ay of September, 1952 )t6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cou$Epa I= 193_— SEP 2195? Approved 193-- / r Cit Clerk File S 5346 Mayor Councilman __ Councilman -,t HOLLAND Councilman :. . , MARZIrELU C0unci1man4C :- . P MORTINSOt4 PUBLISHED Councilman xW; xa-n7rnzR--- Councilma�` ROSEN Mayo�r,� Form B. S. A. 8.6 Mr* Vice President (Peter,,,) NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6'1 p. J COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Aug. 29 192 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 198 o41.60 -7494 j COVERING CHECKS NUMBER -i749437551 -------INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCit SEP 2 1952___-19_ CRY co-OLLE 21952 o 4. APPROVED —191� BY- - I -!I ,Mwn NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL J61 104 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Aug. 29 _19,52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 83 005.36 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37436 TO,37499 __INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. —, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— 21952.--19— (� COMPTROLLER SEP 2 1952 a SpA, e eoonvcn 19-- BY- - Y NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �_��� Infa a_ 1� lom COUNCIL FILE NO. To COUNCIL RESOLUTION C2 PRINTER C. F. No. 161304--181105--181108— Aug.A11g29 5 gesglvetl; That yheTla he dr.—re¢ate I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ONT ti,�"e"" 37558 -UIRY, To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF — X 28211ING CHECKS NUMBERED- 19MTO3 558 --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS f — ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL�—--- _ 19—_. SI:P 21952 APPROVED— 9 -- PUBLISHED � �� it _BROUGHT. FORWARD 2.ft R 9_ 89 37436 Bernard T. Holland,Post. R. '. 1 072 95 11 40 00 1 t i I I�. i I• � I ! r 315 76 j 37499 Coca Cola Bottling 30 40 37440 Emrich Baking Co. � I Gold Medal Beverage Co. 1 653 96 337442 g4 Hamm Brew. Co. (Theo.) r r r r 1 146 48 �j 1 240 $7 3744 1 37445 Inland Coal and Dock Co. 6 958 40 37446 Johnson Print. Co. 258 75 261 001 37447 37448 A. Keller and Sone Mays Incorp. 3 n41 le ;I 37449 Northern States Power Co. 1 126 23 37450 37451 r r r r r r CITY OF SA -T PAUL 37452 DUPLICATE TO CITY LLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER2--- = -----V--- ---'""-..-""" ROLL CALL alwtwusora �, HOLLAND AUDITED CLAIMS Aug.---2? po 2 MARZITELLI MORTINSON ------------IN FAVOR RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON .._._.......AGAINST 21 89 'I -5- 83 0-0-3-0- ROSEN MR. PRE.. DA U.NEY IN THE AMOUT 1{1C4 NOF 5-----------""" �, �V� CHECKS ND._37436---- i _._, COVERING ----- - ------------- "".36 .. ---- TO ----- 3-793___.-- INCLUSIVE. A. THE CO PER CHECKS ON FILE IN ----- ADOPTED BY JNCIL._---------------- aeR THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. • _ P OVED . .-- _ _-.}C... �-n�l .... ..... 1L - L�Eg, 0 00 00 n`r t -(/—F -- -- — _—I.-- TOTAL ar ET RN J \\\`"CC/C/C/HEcic IN FAVOR OF _ RAN.FE NUMBER TC.ECKSR I DISBURSEMENT . CHECKS K BY BANK _BROUGHT. FORWARD 2.ft R 9_ 89 37436 Bernard T. Holland,Post. R. '. 1 072 95 11 40 00 }7437 Gilbert Ellie 105 18 II 37438 Aome Linen Service Co. 315 76 j 37499 Coca Cola Bottling 30 40 37440 Emrich Baking Co. 820 7211 37441 Gold Medal Beverage Co. 1 653 96 337442 g4 Hamm Brew. Co. (Theo.) r r r r 1 146 48 �j 1 240 $7 3744 1 37445 Inland Coal and Dock Co. 6 958 40 37446 Johnson Print. Co. 258 75 261 001 37447 37448 A. Keller and Sone Mays Incorp. 3 n41 le ;I 37449 Northern States Power Co. 1 126 23 37450 37451 r r r r r r 894 2 6 458 68 37452 Northwestern Bell Telephone 1 52287 37453 r • r 260 64:, 37454 Emmett MoGarthwaite 26 681 40 523 36 j 37455 37456 Bernard T. Holland S. L. Gipple, Custodian 21 89 'I 37457 w. S. Howatt .Vet's Hous. Irene Longeway 14 84' 128 00' 37438 Anna Jurgenson 105 8011 37459 livan 0 00 00 460 37461 37462 Mrs. Helen Ann F. Campion Society for Prev. Cruelty', 30 200 00i11 37463 of Did Dutch Foods 391 50;i 1 366 52 37464 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. I ;I 122 37465 37466 Pinecrest Food Products I St. Paul Builders Material 0 g2 28 46 37467 St. Paul Milk Co. 37468 37469 r r Seven Up Bottling C¢. Soheffer and Roesum Co. 29Z 0 183 47 827 0411 37470 Jacob Schmidt Brew. Co. 647 07',i 37471 Schmidt Brew. Co. valley Iron works 467 45 11 37472 37473 H. E. wedelsteadt Co. 6n7 78;, 37474 western Union Telegraph Co. 20 061 37475 westlunds Market Yoerg Brew. Co. 381 68 5o 60 i! 37476 37477 Zinsmaster Baking Co. 154 1411 • 37478 37479 Zip Bottling Co. Minnie Moshane and Hausler 316 80 1 875 38 37480 Am. Radiator and Standard S.I. 375 38 37481 Brissman-Kennedy Co. 18 87 1 675 80 37482 Carpenter Paper Co. 37483 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 526 12 96 88 37484 37485 Goodall Rubber Co. Jeffery Paper Co. 2 811 60 37486 Jurgens Co. John Leslie Paper Co. 134 28 !I 198 28�I 37487 G. Co: 54 29 37488 Lowe and Campbell Ath. 37489 State Supply Co. Missouri - 183 93 11 25 37490 Univ. of :I 57491 van Paper Supply Co. 89 00 76 80 37492 st. Paul Musicians Assoc. 76 8o 37493 r r Civio Opera Ass"., SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 127 9R9 86111976724 32 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ; 157 467 64, 2145288 16� CITY OF SAIMT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMSER- ROLL CALL 1976724 Richard Fernald -RW[VORSON 64 oo Bernard T. Holland AUDITED CLAIMS --------- Aug ---29 ---------------- ----- 5-2 HOLLAND 1� 610 69 MARZITELLI FAVOR 29 20 II R TIN FON 6 84 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN_ IN THE AMOUNT OF $----198--041,-(4----- ----------- COVERING LV 2 837 14 INCLUSIVE AS CC NO.3 ---- i�-TOW A LER. SZ E COMPTROL ADOPTED BY THE CO1W ------ PER CHECK. FI N E 0 APPROVED ----------------------------------------15.. R ------------------------------- -- - 195 By------ ---- ----------------- ----- ------- ---------------- --------- TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEM ENT BY BANK E CHECKS SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ; 157 467 64, 2145288 16� BROUGHT FORWARD_''.1271 989 86 1976724 Richard Fernald 64 oo Bernard T. Holland 558 50 1� 610 69 29 20 II 6 84 11 126 38 13 890 94 11 2 837 14 15 70 36653 41 4733 60 11 n97 93 A. J. Tsohida Contract. Co. 758 88 II J. J. Fitzgerald 55 50 Arthur A. Anderson 25 00 Reuben L. Anderson 6 00 Wm. Bossenmaier 2500 Hankee Heat. Co. 94 A,roher H. Hohenwald 1 75 0. J. Husby 100 00 Joseph Olk 151 01 K. F. Patterson Dental S. C. 55 96 Leo Pritzker, Inc. 135 00 Olark K. Rios20 00 St. Paul Structural Steel 0i1 61 92 Tohn Strauss 1 50 00 1i Ray W. Wentz 1 25 00l Bernard T. Holland 1 134 339 36 1 National Cash Register Co. 1 2 80 11 Northern States Power Co. 1 657 88 47.5 41 1 236 85 Pheoll Mfg. Co. 24 27 Rainbow Pie Co. 6 oo Ramaley Print. Co. 304 .50 II St. Paul Book and Stationery 1144 72 497 13. 227 0.5 1 Bernard T. Holland89 09 j V6 A. J. Tachida Contract. 2 6 73 City of St. Paul—Sewer Rent.' 29 477 76' 0. V. Anderson 200 00 li Winton Christianson 200 00 Frank Fiorito 200 00 Gene Pavek Constr. Co. 5 940 00 Brooks Cavin j 2 214 33 11 Eugene D. Corwin, Architect 1 1 964 47 Oollina—Hegbarg Electric Co.(: 1 050 00 ii Einar Sovad 375 00 Northern States Power Co. 955 35 2693 N. W. Bell ftlephone Co. 693 00 R. B. Fuller Co. 1 12 91 .1 Yoe Kleinart Meat Market 1 63 11 Pink Supply Co. 31 63 Bkell.- Oil Co. 1 2 9()9 03 Terrace Auto Supply Co. Inc.' 198 30 Sun Rayed Products 36 on Motor Supply and Mach. Co. 14 il SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ; 157 467 64, 2145288 16� j CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------------- -- --'-'" ROLL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS p (� rhoo -32- N ...._ AuD_�..-`_Z ......... ..... .....t 9. HOLLAND M ARZITELLI - -- -IN FAVOR MORTI NSON BLN. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BEDRAWNON THE CITY TREASURY ._-_,. ..--AGAINST 1 127.75 ROSEN y,T �f [ }� COVERING EP 21952 IN THE AMOU�7552 .. .- --7J__. _..___, INCLUSIVE. AB ..._ _TO.....___._ _ CHECKS NO ----------------- .j{ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. E CIL............. :.. .-___ fi StP_..„. ... eR _... BY ---- __ — -- _ TOTAL ! DATE RETURNED ✓ CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS II BROUGHT FORWARD' e 37552 Portable Dredging Co. 620 00 11 37551 Bethesda Hoeoital 37 75 37554 Karl Frederiok Johnson , M. D. 10 00 37553 W. T. Miler, M. D. 12 00 37556 8t. Joseph's Hospital 25 00 37557 St. Luke's Hospital I 378 YU 37558 State of Minn. Industrial Comm. 44 30 Ij �I 1 ! I I I i ! I `t I 2146416 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 157 467 6 , iIIfP Original to City Cleric FI ENGIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tgum-ay Severin A. Mor, .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Re.-.' a [hecity of her y antMo-°=`+ to Pay PRESENTED BY 2`eQn�t DATE Sept COMMISSIONER-- __ VMUU A8, the City Clerk has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his office for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, thatthe p oper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named a oyeee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Walter A. Bell Sr.Clk, Dorothy Z. Brennan Asst.Reg.Clk. Adele Cool Aset.Reg.Clk. Dorothy M. Dansky Sr.Clk. Ilda Fiorito Asst.Reg.Clk. Lettie E. Hansen Asst.Reg.Clk. Harry Hynes Asst.Oh.Clk.-+Reg. Hildegarde N. Madden Asst.2Reg.Clk. Helen K. Mata Clk.Steno. Mollie mcquillan Asst.Reg.Clk. DonaldT. Nystrom Ch.Olk.-Reg. Muriel Prelate Asst.Rsg.Clk. Lillian Richter Sr.Clk. Mores Rigali Aset.Reg.0 lk. George Sadek Asst.Ch.Clk.-Roo. Olarenoek. Storms Head Clerk Fred Swearingen Sr.Clk. Catherine Weitzel Sr.Clk. Leonard Vesely Sr.Clk. 68* 9 1.72 1.6 117.99 14.60 23.40 2.9z 4.72 89.87 16.68 80it 1.94. 156621 .17 31.4640 6.25 118.32 43 1.62J 2.32b.3/4 69.79g7 13.80 .52 55.97 86 13 1. 76 1§13 35.60 ?AP 1* 1.6 2.43 11.86 .49 2.37 .47 .9 9.42 s9 58 1.6 2.5 147.30 150.51 29.20 30.00 5.89 6.02 3.12.21 114.49 66 76 1.6109.23 1191 q►� 44 21.80 29.20 4.37 5.90 83.06 u.� 61 1,621 363/4 46 191.77 9 38.00 7.67 146.10 43 2.21 3/4 95.35 19.00 3.81 4.00 72.54 76.11 51* 1.94 99.91 19.80 34.80 6.91 130.95 89 1.94 172.66 s SEp 31952 CO NCILMEN Adopted by the Council- -195- Yeas Is SLP 31952 -o- Holland Marzitelli Approved 195- i IvfCHsrfmrtt� , Mortinson - In Favor Ma or Peterson 10 Rosen,N: •� / Against 1 /% Mr. President, 5M 7.51 -06W8 DONALD T. NYSTROM ..EARS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief Clark City Clark and fomminioner of Rapirtration CITY OF ST. PAUL BUREAU OF REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS. a I 33 City Hall and Court House Sept. 2, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the offioe of the City Clerk making it necessary to employ overtime employees, for more than, eight hours per day in the doing of the following work; Preparing for the election of Sept, 9, 1952. The office was open evenings from August 9'h up to and including August 19th. 1952, for registrar tion of voters and preparing for the election of Sept. 9th, 1952. 0 odghal to City Clerk ' Fo ENCIL N1 _Jo CITY OF ST. PAUL SINN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATEtI--W-- COMMISSIONER '/ _.._— WHWAS, the City Clerk has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City 06rter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employaent of certain employees of his office for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized e�etraythe following employment for theeextraltime hereiees at nafterrate e set hi fixed for Harold J. Riordan, Ch.Clk.-City Clerk 26 bra. ® 3.371 87.69 tax 17.40,net 742 .00 NCILMEN Ye s �1.�,,� Hollan Marzitelli Mortinson �. In Favor Peterson 0 Rosen {� t' �% Against Mr. President, i)e}xuey G 5NI lst .41W© C. F. No. 161106—By Severto A. Mor- Reson—By rani Resolved. That thae groppe City Of- ftcers are hereby allththeoriz d to pay office for extra employee tt es set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council September 3, 1652, Approved September3, 1952. (September 6, 19521 SGP '3 1959 Adopted by the Council— —195— SEP 310 Approved 195— / — ayor 1 DONALD T. NYSTROM HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk and ,..m ,isdnn.r at RQiwafi.n CITY OF ST. PAUL BUREAU OF REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS : 1 ! @8 33 City Hall and Court House Sept. 2, 19$2 An emergency has arisen in the office of the City Clerk making it necessary to employ overtime employees for more than eight hours per flay in the doing of the following work: Preparing a supplementary index to 1941 compilation of Ordinances. M. Ate . i 11 ter. -- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR aESOLUTION EATIFMG AND CON - WARDS OF nUAMAOEB OAND. AIS SESSNENT TBggEF08 condemnin and talon an easement in the_c land ne In the matter of_______-- ---g-- - -�----------------------------- esear` = _'ti3'" it cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of the alley in Block 2, Clarke's Addition, from View Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order --- J-595-------------- approved -------- AMJ_1-24,_ 1-95?__________-__, Intermediary Order ________ 1.599-11 -------------- approved -------- aY___27�_ ------------- Final Order ---------------1496-------------+ 2Z aPProved-------- -- Jun—e- -- 24x-1952 ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i,aYxxwxxxxx 31951 Adopted by the Council --3 1952 Approved------------------------,19---- File 11932 h — Councilmaqr6Q= Y' Councilma�erguson Councilman McDonald j ' Councilman7Pearce ON Councilman=Rdh1and 3�4 Councilman8ndheimer u Js N Mayor _.- .-..a s �p iGN Y ------------ 19,---- -°-/ ----�------- v ty Clerk. -v' 1-----�------- ---------- ----- - Mayor. PUBLISHED — �� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ condemning and_taking an _easement _in_the_ land_necessary f or slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of the alley in Block 2, Clarke's Addition, from View Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order ----- 15.2531---, approved ------------------ Ap5'i.1- �4s_195z ------------ Intermediary Order --------- 159971---, approved------------------May----Z7,-1952------------- Final Order ---------------- 14927-6-_-, approved ------------------ jam--24._1952______------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements thereil#'taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner Finance. Ilk 44 kal 3o ox • Council File No ................................. - 1.x 1110 RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS -I MENT CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate Number 11-A, Contract 50-h'-26, ASSESSABLE: F. O. 152766 Bay Street, both sides, from Randolph Street to West Seventh Streeu;, �i.3.1 is illi: r- ._................................ _...............-�ai'-@rtier........................... , ................................................. ------........ ......................... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURT R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In..............................equal installments. SEP 3195 Adoptedby the Council ............................................. ..........................19-........ SFP 31952 /-I Approved----------------------------.......19..... Form B. H. 11 i Cty Clerk. ...... ... ......-, Mayor. PUBLISHED 7 - 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -August 5x , 195?. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for lkx constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate Number 11—A, Contract 50-1u-26, ASSESSABLE: F. 0. 152766 Bay Street, both sides, from Randolph Street to West Seventh Street. Intermt�c Final_OFrler.._----- -- ----- ---- ------- -------- -------- a ------.....--- ------- --- --.......-- 29........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . $...-.1,9.30..3II..-.... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $------------ 1QJQ........ Cost of postal cards $ ..............1.L4........ Inspection fees $............ 912.5 -2 -----.-- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $-------------- 3.s.6p........ Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $.....2,.Qb.2x6b........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $......2aW66........... "Pon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred theroon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �. / F.- B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR RFLt II[iG CO DlOND LAND AWARDS OF DAE,AGES AND. AS- SSSSMS THMEFOR- In the matter of --partially opening, widening and ext dr -g -Summit Avenue from --- Layton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street fYom Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Code Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136$42, approved may 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approv-ad August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission, August 15s 1949 by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all ?n the City of St. Pa,]l, tie sans being part of the lands necessary for the ahoy: ercril—i :.,_.ro:,�-gent: all. u: -Lt; .,f 3, v.: c.:, Led .11lev� '1rr.N ].?,... ut,:•e��i'i t`. on, ,-r"et�-Avernle under Preliminary urcer-_�� ==u1 --------------. -pp.-------------------- ---> A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B9x)txY@ik14j?x7I��j5A3�B'!� i.-......... _ exx+f�da.Rdxh3sc>�nc 60 31952 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- SEP ----------------------- ,SEP 31mvt-�O-_Ll/-------- - - Approved --------- ------------,19--- G C� City Clerk. File 11969 ------------ '-`------ - Mayor. -- Councilman ConroyaR�"-" Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald PUBLISfiI D Councilman Pearce cr+ Councilman Rohland -ON Councilman Sudheimer Mayorz. :-SEN 1�. DAUBNEY RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR aFsDI;O Neo .WAG AoxND CON- A" iAWAHDB OF DAMAGES AND AS- SE88MENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ partially openinB, vddening and extending--Su>sadt Avenue front --- Uayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to ftl.ler Avenue; and Rice Street from Su=it Avenua to University Avenue and from Univers'. ty Avenue to Corso Avenue, together with approaches and connectl me to Intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved fty 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission, Auenst 159 1949s by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all ;n t'la '.ity of iw,l, tLie s&—,e bel ng cart of the lands necessary for the a:-ov-.= _rcrirrt ` ro:,!. lent: yc" Etre-ail. ., .. , v-cated elle;•, i1.-.,, 13, 'ete7 trt�et and ..antral avenue --• approveu--- == --- --------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �1@xl� '�Y&4�1.4��fe�t i�SXili� i� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x�tRilroeaisxa9r�mc est�txl�Oe3nof�daxdaQ3>3se>d�drdtdles�c 60 31952 19 ----- Adopted by the Council ------------------- ___ SEP 3119 Approved---------------- 19 File 11969 Councilman ConroyE'��"' " Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald i._i Councilman Pearce -GN Councilman ltbhland ON Councilman Sadheimer Mayor ... -- v_cN DAUaNEY (U/ City Clerk. / 1 / ------ ---- ------c-`- -- --------- -i� Mayor. j/ PUBLISHED V' r) W111 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIItMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND v ASSESSMENT THEREFORn' I `. ._ .. ....c-ve....—��.�_.e...i..-..»n.1.u.� - av^L�.LS+- - �¢P�y'„`� avis %1� •+ �ws k'ieai'i "H�"�..+i-r'_-w . under Preliminary Order-_ 160071--------------, approved --- _L r_195� __----___-------_-, Intermediary Order ------- 26DZQ2-------------- I approved---j1ule_17,-1952 ------------------ Final Order -------------- 16034--------------- approved-__ July_16,1952--------__---__--__ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i�x t xdW'W&MW' ixx. ......... xinStgkMeUts )OCDnatskXWM)dMfAadX')se c AP 31952 Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- SEP ------------------------------ SEP 31 �' Q-�� City Clerk. Approved------------------------,19---- File 11969 Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce ;pri Councilman 9-o'hland ori Councilman Sudheimer N Mayor c CAU3NEY ------ ------ ----- M ------ay--or.- --- CPUBLISHI;D b0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_, partially opening, widening -and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from Univers'ty Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and exxteended der 1949, C. F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August � and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission, August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvements Except street, all those parts of Lots 3, 5, 6, 7 and vacated alley, Block 13, Ewing and Chute's Addition, lying between St. Peter Street and Central Avenue under Preliminary Order ---_160071 __, approved------------- June_l�i_19�2__-_--------___--_- Intermediary Order--------1bflZQ2----, approved--------------June-17,1952------------------ Final Order ---------------260 34- approved --------------slily- 16 -125?---------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -- --o Commissioner of Finance.�%Tj Ir i(=? 112 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR 'RESOLUTION ahTIFPDY6'AND CON- AWARDB OF DDAMA6H6t AND Ai8 , '. SBSBMHNT TSHSEFOS In the matter of___an _�aael elLtin_the_3-.and_r�ac�ss�r cuts and fills in the grading of Cedar Street from Twelfth Street to Thirteenth Street, and Thirteenth Street from Wabasha Street to the westerly line of West Central Park, and the alley in Block 3, Central Park Addition from Thirteenth Street to 60 feet northerly, (Part of Captiol Approach Project) under Preliminary Order -1-5.9364 A ---------------- approved- _-April_10,_1952------------------ Intermediary Order ______ 160073 ---------------- PP oved_______t_________________> approved— June 4 1952 Final Order -------------149375---------------> approved ----'duly--- - 1.1252 ------------------ . 1252------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �ecidx£et�d�l�c x&o:itcus xa----------- SEP 3 1952 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------, 19,_---- , EP 31952 zi-1C� Cry"-------- City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- File. 11936 ------ - -----�--- • -- yor. Councilman Conroy Qu - Councilman "-Councilman- Ferguson .4D Councilman McDonald T, c.I Councilman, Pearce CJ PUBLISHED Councilman�Xohland wN Mayor �/ Mayor E, i -- ..._— DAU3NF; 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Cedar Street from Twelfth Street to Thirteenth Street, and Thirteenth Street from Wabasha Street to the westerly line of West Central Park, and the alley in Block 31 Central Park Addition from Thirteenth Street to 60 feet northerly, (Part of Capitol Approach Project) I" under Preliminary Order --- ------ approved --------------April l0i 1252 ------------_---- Intermediary Order ----__ 160073 ------- approved------------- June ---- 4- 19$2 ----------------- Final Order --------------160375 ---- approved --------------July--- 1� 125 ----------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above slid identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------------------------------------- - Commissioner of Finance. Original to city clericFI. I LE NO. - CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MRT0801, DATE S8I7t—/�� 1952 — COMMISSIONER -- LVED, that water main be laid in the following Street in the City of RESO C. F. No. 161113—By Severin A. Mor- tlnson— nH[h 1folowl a street in tube Cityyoff Saint Paul, Minnesota: to oFHowaird Avenue from East Avenue Adopted by the Council September 3. 1952.19252. Approved ptetmb r 6. 19521 II Saint Paul, Minnesota: Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to Howard Street C�YNMLMEN Yeas a s olland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosenl4 Mr. President, 5M 7 -sl ® SEP 3'1952 Adopted by the Council— 195— SEp 3 AM Approved---195— In pproved— —195—In Favor or l l Against odgi—I to City Clerk 161114 COUNCIL NO. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;everin A. Mos- wo bundinge on (ding to the plat he :oP.flrP_ .nc -- N RESOLVED, that the two buildings on Lots 14 and 15, Block 15, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 2236 Youngman Avenue, in Saint Paul, was and is, by reason of its structural condition, unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said structure is incapable of reasonable repair, replacement or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land; and it is ordered that said structure be forthwith wrecked and removed from sa nd y and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli MoRrtinsoon t Peterson Rosen Mr. Presideiil, fthwa ,hi 7.51 ,0010© Daubney SEP 31962 Adopted by the Council -3 195— 1952 Approved---- 195— 1 —kIn Favor-- M r Against, p� PUBLISIII;D 'HARRY T. O'CONNELL City CI.A , ' Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B U I L D I N G Dear Siri HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Cleh CITY OF SAINT PAULIf Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -40" August 29, 1952 The Council requested that you draw a resolution No. 2, covering the con- demnation of the building described in the attached resolution. Very truly yours,` City Clerk Ur1a�mro ury We•'a MUNCH. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl" No ----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //^/`�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY am �T �`-''i DATA- September 2_ 1952— COMMISSIONER -- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 411 Badger Model TC Compound meter, from the BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY, at a cost of $51+6.00 f.o.b. Milwaukee with full freight allowed to St.Paul, Minn., without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. C. F. No. 161115—By Severin A. Mor - Charge Water Department. Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, d he is hereb c a thortzed e purchase, with the ntent f the Comptroller, one 4- Badger Model TC Comp d eter, from the BADGER METER MFG. COMPANY, ata cost of $548.00 f.o.b. Milwaukee with full freight allowed to St. Paul. M/nn.. without advertisement, as this la Patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water De- partment. Adopted by the Council September 3, 1952. Approve3 ptetmbere 6.319522 a Is* SEP Adopted by the CouneiL.................................195...... C i 1 Yetis �y.` SEP 3195 Marzltelti — NYeHerrttet� AP roved ---------------------.-..................195_.... Mortinson Parranto----r,"'-' ----In Favor ..._................ M.................... / a or Peterson Rosen ll.l int -...Against Mr. President, Del 3M r.5n the t Original td City Clerk FILE NO. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ - �- RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Water Department for extra employment from August 16th to August 31st, 1952, as set out in list on file in the C.t F. NO-. 161116—By Severlo A' hof Aesolare' Thet the Proper city iticera hereby thorlaed to Pay rtaln ert 1. s 1 Ployment from AUH- ment fore em ust 16th to August 31st, 1952, as .1 out in Clerk t ..dt he Citye City It ComS 01 r. Adopted by the Couneptember 3, en Sj X1952 d September 3. 1952. Approve (September 61 1952) office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. -FPPN Yea Holland Marzitelli tfd1eFM_0_= Mortinson Peterson Rosen,u - Mr. Presiden , 5Ai ]-51 SEP 31955 Adopted by the Council---------195— So ouncil------195— So 31952 Approved. -- ---195- - � ---- - - __kIn Favor Ma r i I( i i Against If,- a If. September 3, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the Nater Department rendering necessary the esploiment of certain employes in that departSt in the doing of the following for more than eight hears per day works (1) Pogrim oonarets for mer fluoride feeder. (2) RunaloB ohemiasle at Mltration Plant N shifts of re men off an account of illness Told Omer no calls at Storerd pinieinstallation of� a»d _ water — la(5) hL�_ nrivk � and serei4M �tsins service c�mneetions and hydrants. (6) - - trnak. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and concrete before it ciroumstancest 1 Necoos to finish woa7d wt.(2) t (3) !less of emal•,..es as regular shifts. -- (4) eights aua o�r. �Gl In oMr to mt rater mars serriae as possible. Cameotions and hvdz'ants into sarvlae an au.a trty (6) *149 a =try ower to and tram work 0pap Cg CC�[ISSICIS�RS 87 A. ortiason� Certified corrects President. oma N; 9hamp�ona � ��✓ �-- General NanagOr• Original to City Cleric / COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE._ COMMISSIONER - - -- - --- -WATER MWAFMM ME== - Aug.16th to Aug.31st.1952 inc. Name Joseph A. Cascalenda Fred J. Cormier Martin A. Farley H. Archie Eastman Thomas Frain Joseph D. Palumbo Joseph A. Faini Ralph 0. Thompson Peter L. Fabio Dominic E. Fritz Joe L. Fritz Michael Alfonso Carl A. Anderson Edward A. Brunner Chester E. Clark Charles DeVinney. Leonard D. Evangelist John 7. Haggerty Frank W. Tans. Stanley Rasmussen Herman A. Schwantes Dominick Todora Frank B. Truso John L. Buechner Alfred C. Gosewiaoh Garibaldi Iosue Martin P. Kinsella James G. Saporito Melvin J. Dupre Dennis J. Houle Melvin J. Houle COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr, President, Delaney set 7-51 -4!W9 t"le Utilitymen-W.D. -Shed No.of Bre. Rata Amount 12 hrs.l.B`j-1/2 02 Foreman-W.D. " 2.02 48.48 Watchman " 1.15-1/4 18.44 Geni.Blacksmith 9 n 2.02 2-25 .18 Foreman-W.D. Filter Plant Laborer 9 12 " 1.67 2D. Coal Passer Coal Passer 32 " 12 " 1.73 1. 20.71 20.26, Utilityman-W.D. 8 " 12-1/2 1¢.93 Ditch Digger Utilityman-W.D. " 18 " z 1•x3-1/2 1 33.03 Utilitymen-W.D. 8 " 8 " 1.83-1/2 1.77 14- 14.16 Ditch Digger Utilityman-W.D. 20 " 1.79-3/4 35.95 Ditch Digger 16 " 8 " 1.�7 1: 3-1/2 28. 2 14. 8 Emargenoy Repairman 9 " 1.83-1/2 16.51 Utilityman-W.D. Utilitymen-W.D. 24 " 1.83-1/2 44.04 Geulkar Storekeeper-W.D. 8 12 " 1.83-1/2 1.92-3/4 14.68 23.13 Ditch Digger Ditch Digger 8 " * 1.77 14..16 41.bt3 Emergency Repairman 8 " 1.tS3-1/2 6 Backfiller Operator 3 " 2.45 66 17.15 Power Shovel Operator 7 1� " 2.02 3.03 Foreman-W.D. Utiutymen-W.D. 3 '� 1. 9-'34 5.39 Utilitymen-W.D. 1 1.b3-1/2 2.75 Water -Shed Lab. 25 n 1.74 15 6,1 Water -Shed Lab. 9 ter Forman 1 1.3/4 1.85 >fa C fled correct: nard N. Thompson General Manager Adopted by the Council---- _195- Total ouncil---195- Total 4626.01 Approved --195- In Favor -- - -- Mayor Against Orr,d to city Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL Fw,.u"c` NO_ ................ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7, COUNCIL R 79LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -f —/A— August 25, 1952 // COMMISSIONER-- _'� RESOLVED C F. No,Muton gt e 'Roa.Wed, That the b given ieroal?io' tates Power CorrP�%,. e., Clark north 01 W install one pole on ArlGgt0.Dolesn- east 9vranium;in 1110 ""t' That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install one pole on Clark, north of Geranium; one pole on Arlington, east of Payne; two poles alley south of East Third, east of 14 Germain; one pole on Sherwood, east of Greenbrier, with necessary guys, anchors, and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. SEP 31952 NCILMEN Adopted by the Council........._ ....................... 31952 Yc� �,Ma __McDerrnVtt____ Approved .......................................... 195 Mortinson PA k.ln Favor. ............. .. ...... Peterson Rosen y/fv --- Against -D V o Mr. President, L/ abl G_W _01W-60) Original to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for extra employment from August 16 to 31, 1952, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City a Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas7°— Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson — In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Beiwley-Daubney 5M 7-51 0O!W® X61118 C. r. No. 161116—By Severin A. Mor- tjn, o, —By re4ueet— Resolved, That the Proper -LYtY of- Resolved, are hereby thottzed r pay c rtain employy In the Departmeyt f Parks, Playgro a da nd P.0. Bulltlings for tre mployment from August 16 to 81, 1952, as set 0LLt on the list on file I tithe fftcep of the City CleArdoptcd by the Counci September 3. 1952. Approved September 3, 1952. (September 6. 19521 Adopted by the Cou1§Fp ---31952- —195— SEP 31W Approvveed ----- — - 195— a or W, U MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt, of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner GEORGE E. RICHTER, Deputy Commissioner offlpoo Overtime Reort August 16 to .317 952 Name Title Rate Hours Amount Johm Me A -non Truck Driver 1.79 16 28.64 Louise G. 9erven Local Ref. Vgr. 1.57 8 12.56 Sam Casalenda Tree Laborer 1.67 4 6.68 Robert N. Chaffin Life Guard 1.68A 8 13.50 John Be Emkovik Life Guard 1.62 40 64.90 Christine A. Erlitz Local Ref. ?�_vr. 1.43 32 45.92 Bernadette Flis Andant 1.15 1 1.15 Joseph S. Flis U h lman. Plgds. 1.96 24 47.04 Joseph Furey Truck Driver 1.7Q 4 7.1.6 Robert G. Harper Ref. Sales Clerk .99 8 7.92 Robert J. Herron Life Guard 1.824 8 12.98 Henry Horwath Tree Laborer 1.67 32 53.44 Lillian L. Hurst Local Ref. Vgr. 1.404 8 11.22 Thor J. Jackson Truck Driver 1.79 3 5.37 John T. Jansen Asstt. Ref. Nwr. 1.81.E 54 98.15 Harold R. Johrson Life Guard 1.62= 8 12.98 Thomas F. Jcyce Caretaker 1721 8 13.78 Patrick J. Kane Park Foreman 2..2.61 40 90.70 Elizabeth M. KarthPiser Attendant 1.15; 8 9.22 Ernest, 0. Kimker Forestry Foreman 2.26` 36 81.63 John J. Kirby Life Guard 1.72 8 13.78 Joyce K. Knoedl Local Ref. 4g^. 1.404 3 4.21 Melvin 0. Krause Electrician 2.72 7 19.04 Justin A. Masson Glazier 2.11 4 8.44 Martha M. Jayknski Waitress 1.32 8 10.56 Stanley R. Parker Attendant 1.151 8 9.22 Gladys Pepin Local Refs i1gr. 1.4312 29 41.62 Katherine E. Pepin Ref. Cashier 1.32 24 31.68 Theodore Julian Pepin Attendant 1.151 27 31.12 Donald B. Quist Tree Trimmer 2.069 1 2.07 Anthony E. Renneberg Tree Trimmer 1.98 1 1.99 William R. Reach Caretaker 1.865 1 1.87 Clarence G. Sehossow Caretaker 1e9O 28 53.34 Harry He Sehossow Park Foroman 2.124 48 1C21.12 Walter C. Stahl TJti lman. Plgrds. 2.00 2 4.00 960.00 Page 2� r Name John J. Sullivan Joseph J. Tetrault James F. Thibault Joseph Tuchner Curtis C. Wallace Michael Weinhandl Predrica E. Weston Patrick L. Whalen Edith F. Wilwert Byron L. Woodward Overtime Report, August 16 to 31., 1952 Title TJtilman. Plgrds. Tree Trimmer Ref. Snles Clerk Utilman. Plards. Trunk Driver Greenskeeper General Matron Caretak er Attendant Perk Foremen Rate Hours Amount 2.00 8 16.00 2.11 19 40.09 .99 8 7.92 2.00 8 16.00 1.79 3 5.37 1.96 16 31.36 1:1- 48 55.32 2 6.89 }..1. 1.26 4 2 1 1.31 2.27 t.l,143.53 W LAN KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Sw Parks ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt, of Playgrounds , Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, C.—Inions GEORGE E. RICHTER Deputy C—Ini... r '®`® September 3, 1952 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen; An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering nec- essary the employment of certain employees of this department for more than eight hours per day, be- cause of the necessity of rendering service in the interest of the public. The overthm involves rush-hour and Sunday time in Parks refectories and for care of ball fields and golf courses, policing grounds and staffing facil. ities at public parks for heavy weekend patronage, and evening and Sunday band concerts. Yours verytruly, I y, �_ Norris 0. Halvorson Commissioner of Parks,' Playgrounds &c Pub. Blgds. Orw to cta Clark W 119 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IQ L / 7 CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ oATF August 27, 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R.1.otor Method, from H. K. STAHL COMPANY at a price of $6.17725 per'gallpn less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would »ork a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Public Safety 1005 Gasoline G-2. 1 Yeas. rzitel1i McDermott .Mortinson -farraatII Peterson Rosen Mr. President, 6M 1-51�a:¢-p C. F. No. 191119—By Robert F. Peter- son— of $ .17725 per gallon less ,, tea n refinery price, on Informal emergency exists ^here & a toact promptly ltl k by the Council September 3. 1 September 3. 1952. September 5. 1952) SEP 31952 Adopted by the Council 195_ SEP $1952 Approved 195- 1 n Favor Mayor Against �� P e t i t i o n 161120 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT rasunuNAsy pHD"Rs and C. F. No. le1120— 1 fur the - aY n,..�,.f r_�ro� .a PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constrict a r.onolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of W. Iowa Ave. from Avon St. to Fisk St„ except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 3rd day of September 196 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: n,...e+,.,,..+. o mnnolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of 59 Iowa Ave. from Avon St. to Fisk St,q except where good and sufficient sidewall4 exists. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the j9Commissioner of Finance. $� Adopted by the Council YEAS3 1952 ars orso Holland SEP Councilman MARzITE I Holland li DER OT Mportitell Approve M nson RTI ON P NTo Peterson PE SON Rosen /(� R N — (� ayor. MR. PRESIDENT, DEL EY— Daubney 1,M 4-61 B ' � P 1J lll.l.�ill:l-%y�'Z Petition 1611 i Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. NMI— . x nraooNl for the! and -` 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Recongtruct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Arkwright St. from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave, except where gond and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 3rd day of September 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Recnnairnnt. a mnnnlithin nancrotm sidewalk nn the west side of Arkwright St. from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SEP 3 1,352 YEAS NAYS ��— Holland SEP 3 1952 Councilman M RZITE IlMarzitelli MDER oTiMortinson Approved MO TI SON Peterson PA To Rosen PET ON R "S MR. PRESIDENT, DE Y Daubney 1M 4.51 Q10.8 / PUBLISHED — Petition 6! I V, Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C. F. No. 161122— . iWhereas. • written propp eai for the m�king at the fonowing Smprovement, and ; ,;;;:' a ete siae- PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on t'tgI south side o£ East Fourth St from Winthrop St to Howard St except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists Dated this-3rd—day of Sept Amber 195 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constr.t t a monoliths te sidewalk on the south side of East Fourth St. from '',Vinthrop St to Howard St., except where good and _ sufficient sidewalk exists having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 3 1,352 Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS_ Councilman A TELLI Holland SEP 31952 C ERMOTTylarzitelli Approved 7NSON blortinson P NTo Peterson / T ON Rosen G ROSE a MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney n / v or. IDM 4-51 .46!0.6 PUBLISHED P E T I T I O N 1.6? P1 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT w7. No. -,ll whereas. A written v propoefthe and o nalmgroruvr� emt PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Craig Place from E Idaho Ave to E. Larpenteur Ave,, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 3rd day of September , 195 'ZA�� 4, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Graig Placa from E. Tdaho Ave Ave., except where,gond and sufficient sidewalk exists having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattteerPs to 95 ommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS CouncilmanITE I Holl M DER soNIarzitelli Ap. Mortinson PA NTo Peterson PET ON uRosen Ro E MR. PRESIDENT, D LA EY— I)aubney yor. PUBLISIILD /—z— 5 SEP 31952 1M 4-°1 8 Petition �y4 Council File No. " " 0 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c�F. No, 161124— and Ri 110 a I.M1[ PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of W. Iowa. Ave, from Grotto St. to Avon St. except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 3rd day of September Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of W- low, Avel crow r to Avon Str xceptwbere gnnrj nnri Q+ff';riPnt sirlewalk exists having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SEP 3 1952 YEAS NAYS man-- SEp 3 1952 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland MCDERMOTT Marxitell4pproved MORTINSON Mortinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY— Daubney Ma Or. 1M 451 /P PUBLISHC:D J6t 1'a Council File No. CNo361126 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. . 'Nhere wosa propl fur the of 1 making o[ the followonowing 1mDrovement, and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the West aide of Frapt from Ivy Street to Orange Street, except where Rood and sufficient sidewalk Dated this 2nd day of September , 195 2 Fh 6' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the West aide of Farrington Street from Ivy Street to Orange Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchof said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 3 1952 Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI,Ot, SEP 3 1952 -ML"DfriCivte�T Approved MORTINSON PETERSON � ROSEN , E� 1ti Mayor., MR. PRESIDENT, IM 4-61 �e (, 0 PUBLISHED Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT iC. F. No. 181128— and -- u„ 10" PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Summit Avemis from DaYtda'�'tisatiae Parti" opening, widening and extending Fuller Avermej end $lne t Avenue to University Avem s and from Upiverslty Aveane to Como to Central Avenney Park Street from Central Avenue +� Street from Sammi nAe ow to intersecting slas 22, &enue, tpgether with appYynodea and Qo et 12, 1949, and approved by the State proposed to be opened, widened and extended Hader C, F. 1365 approveda� � 1946,and C. F, 149337 apProved Augn st 15, 1949, by condemning Veterans Service Building Commission upof lend, all in the City of Stosul, the following described lots and P for the above described iaglrovsment, the same being part of the lands neoeeeery Lot 8, Block 1, Audifar's Subdivision 11o,75 6o ruii.er Avenue; and Rice rsi rom nive Street fromeh�llwith a er0achesUniversity Jconnectionsntofintersecting tstreets easo Como Svenue, tog PP roved May 22 proposed to be opened, widened and extended underand approvedlibyathe State y 1946,and C. F. 149337 approved August 12, 1949, and taking Veterans Service Building Commission August, 151 1949, by condemn ng g the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St.Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement. Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No.75 ----_---� SEP -----'31952---- __....-...... Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS -iW1— Councilman ��..r- Holland A rove SEP 3 1952 MATT Marzitelli pp YEORWNSON MortinsPeterson n P P'c Peterson 12EeeneeN Rosen Resew / Ma or. MR. PRESIDENT, DELAZ= Daubney/ 2 I\ i'UBLISf ISll 161126 V,,— F:,- .,- t. 1'. k' ICj -�)'i.]. .�,d... 1 c±C:1-i 31 - T ly <G9 i1-fT Liq t I t TJF6f71€,. L ,j'H R9 J1 jV JC 7C..[S $G7 y Cl1Ti'f ...s, r'1 [ Y'wi1R $'v 0,O'*JO ie c Dated this 2nd day of September ,, 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Svenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved biay 22, 1946,and C. F. 149337 approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August. 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St.Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement. Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No.75 gkp 3 1952 Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYSOra�� Councilman ;1*09=r7" Holland MeBERM47-T MarzitelliApproved SEP 31952 MenPtNOeN Mort&nson P*RR*N 0 Peterson PmERsem Rosen Resets MR. PRESIDENT, DFLANF&y Daubney /! Mar. ifs �J — ,M 4-51 e�R ruul.lsi'il',D 9 �5 r 161126 Council File No lq ,���Szw (.• 11'3331 aL.dLt+ l ��; -. � t wna,f.� "" '°%� ��� TBI' ,_ .�'' bxobos�q c o..s-. scefA sa cow � a�rr�t�sxe So Dated this 2nd day of September having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SEP 3 1552 YEAS MAYS -HS�40t'EQIt-�' Councilman 1"33xr Holland STT MarzitelliApproved SEP 31952 Mort&nson p*o Peterson Rosen MR. PRESIDENT, DFS .N Daubney a /' Mr. 1L4 461 8 / — 1� Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. -- whereas. A I'ltten Propoael for the and imak_g of the tonowmg improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking for library purposes the following described parcels of land t Lots 5 and 6 of Larson's Hazel Park Homesites Dated this 3rd day of September 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking for library purposes the followine described parcels of land • Lots 5 and 6`of Larsonts Hazel having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SEP 3 1952 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holland SEP 31952 MCDERMOTT Marzitell&pproved MORTINSON Mortinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney _ yor. I iM 4-61 O!B4�e / J Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. No. 161128 - Whereas. A written proppoosal for the making of the fallowing imP—ement, and .. v2 suu'h .side IIS PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: construct sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue from White Bear Avenue to having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 31952 Adopted by the Council YEAS NnYs 7�, 6V'7}r SEP 3 195 Councilman MARZITELLt —M[.BRWMTYT APprn.I MORTINSON —PAftR*NT1D1— PETERSON �' (..t Rosby l MR. PRESIDENT, DE c �/ � Ma IM 4.51 �p PU131ISHLD-I-7 7 Odginal to City ClertCoU CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL R S LUTIOI—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 1.1 T�B HJat ohn acS/[prnily eap- pears, d fromvthe mtport 6f the City DATE an he z -tar. end. the '-R9BdLVED, that it satisfactorily appears, upon investigation in the premises and from the report of the City Architect in the premises, and the Council accordingly finds, that resultant from an explosion which occurred thereon the 27th of August 1952, whereby the structure then located thereon and used for dwelling purposes wasvrecked and demolished, the real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, 9ounty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as Lot 4, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to Saint Paul, according .to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey County, and commonly described as 734 N. Western Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, by reason of the existence thereon of the ruins of said building and exposed excavation constitutes a public nuisance and an imminent and extraordinary danger and peril and is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and in the interests of public should be summarily dealt with and corrected so that such public nuisance thereon and such dangerous and u0safe conditions represented therein shall be forthwith abated and eliminated. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings and the City Architect of the City of Saint Paul hereby are authorized and directed to forthwith enter upon said real estate and do all things essential to the end that said public nuisance and said dangerous and unsafe condition shall be summarily abated, corrected and eliminated by the razing and removal of the ruins of said building, the filling of said excavation and otherwise, and the expense thereof to be incurred by the City of Saint Paul to the full amount of the same, shall be assessed against the owner of said premises and represent a lien thereon in favor of the City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Commissioner and said Architect shall endeavor to procure the written assent of such action by the owner of said premises and any mortgagee thereof, but such assent shall not be a condition precedent to such action by said Commissioner and said Architect hereunder. so 41oa COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeagja Nays SEP 419M Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— lYBd�c>�Dt Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson � J, Rosen Against \\ PUBLISHED Mr. President, DaYaiAy sni ].JI © Daubney ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 / ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, Circ Architect N. 0. HALVORSON ® COMMISSIONER September 3, 1952 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: On August 27, 1952, an explosion occurred at 734 North Western Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, also !mown as Lot 41 Block 2, Iiumphreyts Addition - with the result that the building is incapable of reasonable repair, replacement or remodeling so as to make it safe to life, limb and adjoin- ing property. The remaining structure should be wrecked immediately and removed from the site. It is therefore requested that the Council take the necessary steps to authorize the City to wreck the structure and in turn charge the expense of said wrecking as a lien against the property. This should be done on an emergency basis because of the extremely dangerous conditions existing at the present time. AHS:al Very truly yours, r H. cifroi�L Ci aqt�. Oriei-I to City Clerk if; . 4 130 40 " CITY OF ST. PAUL CO ENCIL NO. — OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONER DATE —_ C.pp. No. 1811,90—By Muton 8oaen— �tgsolvgd; It ha�i g been shown to the RESOLVED, It having been shown to the Council that the land here— inafter more specifically described, which was tax forfeited and acquired by the City of St. Paul pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated Section 282.01 for public uses incident to the storage of equipment and materials in connection with the asphalt plant maintained and operated by the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, is no longer needed therefor and will not be used for that purpose and for such designated and authorized public use, the proper city officials are hereby authorized to reconvey said land specifically described as: Lots 8 to 17, inclusive, Block 3, "Foundry Addition" to St. Paul, to the State of Minnesota as trustee under M. S. A. 281.25. SEP 41953 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays SEP 41952 Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— E MortinsonMayIn Favor f= -- or Peterson � PUBLISIILD p Rosen Against a�bney Mr. President, hhOmW D sni � st p Biiauv nr Cour. A R. Ac ,.J. nc D,naion M. cABEN, S.- CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOB. PAVLICEK Capital of Minnesota D_". Acc°anr�nr B M. S. GRYTBTBAK� E.—- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT or SM" non JOHN M JO. COTTT.R, Bvrr. ' MILTON ROSEN. CoMMIemoNER Orrica Enmxau FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bva°"° or Mvn,ar"a Eovir uanr HERBERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPAR®D. ENGINEER ARTHUR H. KOCH Ta" Enol �CHIEF Bvu.0 or Couecnon MAURICE W. HEWETT JOHN P. MULLANEY, Svr, September 3, 1952 To the Mayor and Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Under date of February 28, 1948, the City of Saint Paul acquired Lots 8 to 17, inclusive, in Block 3, "Foundry Ad— dition" to Saint Paul, for the Stora„e of equipment and materials in connection with the asphalt plant operated by this department. I rind that these lots are no longer required for this purpose, and I, therefore, recommend that the oroper city offi— cials be authorized to reconvey them to the State of Minnesota as trustee under Miinesota Statutes Annotated, Section 281.25. Resile tfully s 'tted, MILTOi, R0 Ell Commissioner of Public Works Original in city cl,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY " COMMISSIONE DATESeptember 11. 195;> C. F. No. 161133—By Severin^A, Mor- tlnaon, by request— Resolved, That a retuntl be made to Rotw•r' Ress, of 966 A•1 .Wrrsan. who RFSOLVM, that a refund be made to Robert Ross, of a ' I " '.enP. 966 A-1 Jefferson, who was a tenant but moved out on the 15th having paid a full month's rent in a�vance. The amount of M.50 to be charged out Of Veterans' Housing 1}1nd 1086, COPIITCILMEN J Yeas t , ys K rt.,i Marzitelli _11�_ Mortinson _—PiffFaah'tS --- Peterson Rosen Lt 4-1 Air. President, Delaney ,' rM 1"6, • ^�g.6 SEP 41952 Adopted by the Counci]__.__.______195_ SEF 4 1952 / Approved. __. _195_ In Favor � Mayor ---Against PUBI.ISHLllj-/- ff �' Original to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THF ('ITY rl FRIC K'11�'� COUNCIL FILE NO.- — COUNCI SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IC. FNo. 161132rBy Severin A. Mor - r,;. tfn— Resolved, Thet Timothy P. V% Inn, Corporatton Counsel, be a d he is .a_ ATE_ hereby authorized and tlirectedcto at- �-' t� ceder -I RESOLVED, that Timothy P. Quinn, Corporation Counsel, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the hearing before the Federal Power Commission, at Washington, D. C., starting September 10, 1952, to intervene on behalf of the City of Saint Paul in the Matter of the Northern Hatthral Gas Company; charge Corporation Counsel's Fund 3 A 2. SEP 41952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--__._ —195— Yeaa_rl--j Nays Up 4:1952 Holland M arzitel li Approved-- -195— NXRM== 4 Mortinson In Favor - _ -- -- Peterson Ma or Rosen Mr. President, Dpd7—.Against PLiBLISI II;D m�8 5M 7 51 0.fflj�,© Daubney original to City Cleric CITY of sr. Paul Fab – rAt+�l� No-------------- -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV X - DATE.-- �t��t— COMMISSIONE -- — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-71+ Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from NORTHWESTERN REFINING COMPANY at a price of $.12905, less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. C. F. No. 1,,,—By e Mnton shill Resolved. That the Purchasing ed 10 Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-131+. bn, d he is hereby �aet''°` dme aarenaae. wun the --•--n; `:..l he THWESTERN— -l2EFQ`TINC j at a refinery of $i12905 .n lens finery Psexists n an emergency ata act promptly would !dship toCharge Municipalthe est tEquipt 34. y the Council September 4. September 4. 1952. September 6. 19521 SEP 41952 -QOU CIL Yeas - i/ Adopted by the Council--------------------------- •195.-.... ; ',a? Nays �Y 4 U9152 Marzitelli Approved----------------------------------------- 195...... McDennntt ---- Mortinson .......In Favor _.. = n-- - Partinso ---Mayor Peterson Rosen ^ L '-' / Against �t i tt . � Mr. President, Delaney ----lf 3M 9-i9 RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Installing a Warm Air Oil Fired Furnace and Heating System at the Workhouse Farm Bunk House, Upper Afton Road, Ste Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the, Commissioner of Public Works, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. YJN.CILMEN Yeas t` ays Holland Marzitelli McDermott---- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Be}aT1ey 5M 7 51 SEP 4 ts52 Adopted by the Council-------195— SEP 4 Ag52 Approved---- In Favor _ _ 4—Mayon /_7 V/ PUBLISHED Against Odcinal to City clerY • , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Bosen� Dy n CIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /%/ JU C. F. Na. 161134—ByM71ton Resolved. That the Pians andAS,PeOfl Furnace and Heatln6 System t— lications for Installingg a Warm Rouse. //4ueat— PRESENTED BY fir/{/�/.•.+ COMMISSIONER. DATE_— _ Fired the Workh uee Ferm Bunk RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Installing a Warm Air Oil Fired Furnace and Heating System at the Workhouse Farm Bunk House, Upper Afton Road, Ste Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the, Commissioner of Public Works, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. YJN.CILMEN Yeas t` ays Holland Marzitelli McDermott---- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Be}aT1ey 5M 7 51 SEP 4 ts52 Adopted by the Council-------195— SEP 4 Ag52 Approved---- In Favor _ _ 4—Mayon /_7 V/ PUBLISHED Against _ 161115 orWln.l to City CAerk COUNCIL No ......................... CITY OF ST. PAUL r11J< OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED By NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DA SffRteerl 52— COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue purchase order to KENNY BOILER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY to replace upper bank of tubes in heating boiler, and to replace lower bank of tubes (except 3 tubes recently replaced) in heating boiler in the Public Utilities Building at 100 E. 10th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, at a total cost of $816.00, as an emergency exists and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. _ -- r n Nn. 161135—By Severin A. Mor - Charge Expense 21—D3- 3 tubes : boiler in t 100 E. loner bank ox e ^ tty repincedl inheating amg be Publfe Utnilfes Bnit .0th Street, St. Paui, Minae- total 06l f ,018.00, as nn exists entl failure to act would work a hardship 9e terests of the City. Charge 1-D . n by the CouncSeptember 4. �d September 9, 1952. (September 6. 7052) 1 SEP 41952 co N ILb1F.N Adopted by the Council.._.............................195...... Yeas SEP 1952 Marzitellli Approved... . .................................._195...... -�YicBePfn�atC"-'� Mortinson -----...In Favor ---------- ----------- Peterson -- --- - -Peterson X r Rosen .t t l i..0 • A Against Mr. President,d�e3nxey—�- 3N1 6-50 -(qW(-, ON¢inol to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER—_ — �o -- RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Frank Valesh be paid $6160.00 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident with Clarence J. Drobinski,- fireman, while in the performance of his official duties. SEP 41952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays SP 41951 Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Njortinson In Favor �tt--y Peterson t— Rosen Daubney 1 Against plil3LiSHLD �� Mr. President, )ill 5M 7-51 .4§2�0-0 Orlainal to City Q hk 161-11,37 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. -- III CENSE O. — IIICENSE COMMITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p PRESENTED -/tom September 4, 1952 COMMISSION 7._i-1r��L �.J _ DATE- _ L RESOLVEDt That On Sale Liquor License No. 4030, expiring January 31, 1953, issued to Stephen J. Lapadat and Frank J. and Patrick J. Delmont at 127 and 9 East Fifth Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Patrick J. Delmont (only) at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Stephen J. Lapadat and Frank J. and Patrick �. Delmont (jointly) that It is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. C. F. No. 181127-113_5everin A. Mor - la TUNSFER Informally approved by Council August 21, 1952 COUNCILMEN Yeas_zALyggS0N _Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort _-t _ -. In Favor Peterson Rosen - Against Mr. President, SXKW DAMNEY 5M 7-51 Rjp�•® Frank J 'and Patrick J. Delmont at '�. 127 and 9 East Fifth Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Patrick J. Delmont (only) at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby pproved. nd the Corporation Counsel 15 directed to tify thesurety on the bond f Stephen J. Lapadat and Frank J. and Patrick J. Delmont (jointly) that it Is released from liability arisigHg after cti i 5Adopted dltl iby the Council Septemebery 9. 19 I 1952. Approved September 9. 1112, (September 8, 1952) sw 4195°) Adopted by the Council_._ 195— aEP 1100 Approved -- -- --195— Mayor J Y CITY OF S .j�/�3� APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" IQUOR LICENSE Application No — Patrick J. Delmont ................ I....... .__..—`_ Age. 35 _ Name of QPPlicant__....-- 6 II er Levee.....No.._.._._..._... _._.— Resldence Address---.'t...�--_pp.—..:-...._..........---._.........._ Telephone Are you a citizen of the United States?—_.Y@.H ----..-._----------..._---...._._.----------- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where1- 1 to—date----------.._...._...._..-------------------- ._.same._ _-9- 5 ------ if corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.._.. ........ ....... ........... _........ _..._._____—__-..-- --- When incorporated?....._...—_....-------___--- ------ __..-----.._........_.__..._...._....---......_. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ............. _.._....._._..._...._.._.__.._.... .... �._ How many members? -------- _...._.—— Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ._....... ...... -.._...._...--...........------ ... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known..._U.,,.3._-Fidelity 8t�C�e�egY. Osla Number Street Side Between W net gross acreecs 127 :Hest 5th No. :Robert and Jackson How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...._none 6 blocks How many feet from a church (measured along streets) .._........_...._----------.._...----...._—._---._...---.--__---- How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.6 BlOeka .— Name of closest school ...._..._..._—.--- St . EQary! s..------------__---...._..--------------- How are premises classified under Zoning ordinance? _.------------- o m m e r c i a 1. _.............. _ ------ . . .... _........ On what floor located?_.._...._...._..__..__.-_... Are premises owned by you or leased?... leased leased give name of owner_IInited Properties If arestaurant glue seating capaclty?._.—_.._...S.Q_._.._--- _..........------ - ...__..... -- — ....---...__ ._...._..._...._.....-- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?--.._.__..._..__.._.._....-------.—..._...._..__.._._................ _......... __ Five O'Clock Club ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------,. Give trade name - ------------------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: —_.. Main barroom ane room ad oinin�--_..._.........._.._-------------- _.._._...._.._.,...._._ (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? .... ......... _.._...._.__.._.—_.._...._....------- ..._........ ............... ....... _....--- ..._..---....------...._---- —.--- _--- --------- - Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ............................................. ........... ._._._.... _..._.—,._. Give names and addresses of three business references :....................................... --.._...._........--------...-----.-....._..._.._ i._._ Peter Munteau _ Saint_Paul-_.._............................ .... ......... .._..._..................... _....... _............................ - -- -- dohn McCart9:.---...._Saint Paul _. ................ ..............._.... _........... ....................... ...... ..................... .......... ........ ............. _ ._..- 8.:- George 1QafRi ov.- --Saint Paul_... --.._------- •---.......................... -..._...._...._.._-.._..._...._...._...._.........._....._._..� THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE RATIO DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated- ......... _...... ...... .......... .... ......._...._------- ---- _19 ...._..... ....._..._._.._...._......._.........._....---................- ........................._.._...__._..........___....__.. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 COUNTY OF RAMSEY, )))Patrick J. Delmont being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this...._ 2nd..- --d y A Ra— June -----19 52 Notary Pu c, msey County, Minn. My commission expires..._ Seod-g�:GoY- STATE OF MINNESOTA, t as COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 1 fust duly sworn, deposes and says that..---. T�n -'- - of .-------- .:..----------------------- ----- - - - - ----..-..- - " — —.—, a corporation; that.__._..._...__..... --- ...____....._.._..._...._..__.has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of --- ._..._....-..— �mowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said- application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ............ ........ ..-.......... day of...-- ---19— Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires...--...__.- - IM -IS -W .4410.4p original to CITY Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__=. - LICENSE 00WaTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B _ - DATE September 49 19$ COMMISSIONS=- sY_� RESOLVED3 That the following licenses, Restaurant and Cigarette No. 699, expiring January 31, 1953, Aad Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 50, exDiring November 1, 1952, all issued to Stephen J. Lapadat and Frank J. and Patrick J. Ddmont at 127 and 9 East Fifth Street be and the same are hereby transferred to Patrick J. Delmont (only) at the same address. TRAN-_M tOn Sale Liquor establishment) Informally approved by Council August 21, 1952 COUNCILMEN Yea Holland Marzitelli n Mortinson _ C� _-- In Favor Peterson Rosen _ _-Against Mr. President, Zazi=W DAA IM 7 5i •© C. F. No. 18113&— H—y S— A. Mor' tmson—Robert the tohdWitlP. lleen a. Resolved. Tna Cigaretteand'Njranf- r nt a Real,' j iannarY31, 1953, cation No. mpggg Pal ejrylrin8 hen D3 I+aPadat sand 9ranuaemen ember e d ited to SLti R 3 Delmonn me 9- and Pe t mp dc J- gEast Fifth tratrsierred Delmont bla'IY� at th cn September 4. Adapted by t e Coon 1952. d September 4, 1952. App rove(September ��pp Adopted by the Cotl�tttl— 41952-- -- -195— SEP 4 Approved --__ 195— M yor 1611 ,19 original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. --_--- LICENSE COMMITTEE _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY�_.C-�[.w�+'.�'o—r---� September, 1952 COMMISSIONER_ - DATE. RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application B 112269, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 422709 applied for by Raymond Filipezyk at 1079 Forest Street be and the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally approved by Council August 26, 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas=H*WaBgy Navs Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _ In Favor Peterson Rosen - Against Mr. President, 99NKW DAUB= 5M 7-51 C. F. No. 161199—By Severin q. Mor- tinson—Robert F. Peterson—' Relived, That licenses for $esteu- rent. On and OH Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application B42269, and Mechanical Amusement I1vice Loca- tion, Application B42.270, applied for by Raymond Filipczyk at 1079 Forest Street be and the same are hereby Adopted by the Council September 4. 1952. Approved September 4, 1952. (September 6, 1952) SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council SEP 41952 Approved--_ .__ _— -- --195— �� ayor W1 14,0 original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL LICERSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c� PRESENTED BY September 4. 1952 -DATE COMMISSIONER_ �t L- -"-- - �— -__ RESOLVED! That license for Restaurant, Application B 41916, applied for by Harvey Hinz at 1661 White tear Avenue be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the following conditions that the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be dustless, that the debris be picked up and removed daily from the promisee and that the sidewalks around the property be cleared of snow and ice 'luring the winter. REIMWAL IRIVE IN (RESTRO CTIOHS) COUNCILMEN YesrRXt p&qW—Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _ * In Favor Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President 8 DAUBI0Y int 7 51 -0!wO C. F. No. 181198 --BY Severin A_ Mor' tinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Hcense for Reshedtlor ant, APIA1111lo1 R 41918, white Bear by Harvey Hinz t 1881 Avenue eby , subject to ad h theafollome winge cOn Litlon9 that the grounds be prepared that the debris be picked up and re- thar raises and t hed iaildewalfrom l{5 a and the Property De cleared of snow and ice during the winter. Adopted by the Council September 4. 19 Approved September 4. 1952. (September 6, 1952) SEP 4; 1952 Adopted by the Council- -- --195— go 41952 Approved --- ---195— Mayo Original to City Clerk 1_6 1141 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c.F. No.A. Mor- Rabert Peter COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F161141- nn o . tjrResolved, That licenses applied for by lie persona n d o the list PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER_. -+yty,. SeptelQOuY,r"r�4419•rP�olytloq, ¢r and the DATE.. '- �IY _f!'+�-- IESOLVEDI That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Mildred Riedlberger 614 Como Beauty Shop App. 42234 New Old Zoe. F. J. Eichinger 666 Pillsbury Music Mach (1) " 42314 " J. Neubel 2155 Randolph Me A. Dev (1) a 42331. " Hayden Motor Sales, Inc.1800 University Cigarette ^ 42352 " Old " H. J. Slawlk, Inc. 1934 University " ^ 42353 " ^ ^ Slawik Motor Go. 1865 University ^ ^ 42354 it ^ ^ Ervan Stephens & A. Gagnier 475 S. Fairview " ^ 42355 " a a Moore Motor Freight, Inc. 2091 Kasota n n 42356 a a a L. L. Joslyn 1202 N. Snelling n a 42357 " a n L. Bernstein 974 Selby Idy & D.O.Pidmp " 42401 ^ " " Merit Chev. Co. 815 E. 7th Cigarette ^ 42411 " ^ ^ Everett D. Mitchell 62 W. Summit Mtr Veh Dr. ^ 42423 " Max Levine, Harry Wolkoff Trustees Est. of M. Halpern 730 and 4 N. Sne111ngCigarette " 42424 " " it Richard 0. Nelson 640 Kennard Mtr Veh Dr. " 42472 " Berland G. Nienhaus 91 N. Lexington " " 42545 " Chase H. Stinson 343 W. Maryland a n 425(49 COUNCILMEN Yea s Holland Marzitelli K Mortinson --- _In Favor Peterson _ Rosen Against Mr. President, IXdIRiTm@C DAUBM 5M 7 51 Q Adopted by the Council --. --- 195— g_� 4i9l9� Approved--- _ - – 195— - Mayo u Pulil.lsill:n Z� 1 J `� 1.6. G 14 2- Original to City Clerk coup CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE C. F. No. 1611k2—Hyy Severi&,A: Mor- son—Robert F. Peterson— LICPRSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Re solved, That licenses a RePtined for by the persons named on the list at- ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •' ^hrd to this. resolitipn be and the 'ts� 6ity h DATE September 41 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ $ESOLVEDl That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Joseph Selbitsohka 559 Edmund Restaurant APP. 41951 "Renewal e n On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt It " " n H Cigarette " " n Welter F. Schoewe 917 E. Maryland Confectionery w a 4197 n n n Cigarette William J. Abel 193 University Auto Rep Gar n 41953 a n V. M. Loc.William :205 S. Tjoavold Robbins Pael Dir " 4196o " Kenneth Lund 64 E. Pennsylvania 2nd Ed Auto Pte I r.App. 41994 ° Thomas Prokopowiez 1033 Arcade Barber " 42015 " Kline Oldsmobile Inc. 1020 University 2nd Ed Auto Mr l " 42024 " Elmore J. Tempel & Paul T. Romanowski " n 1I2035 n 975 IIniversityy Kemper Motor Co.. Inc. 901 E. 7th 2nd Ed Auto Dir " 42G54 " East Side Motor Co. 693 E. 7th"to " 42055 " n AuRep Gar :etfield(aieenan. Inc.n 101j to 1039 IIniveraity2nd Ed Auto Dlr " 42052 " Adopted by the Council-------195— COUNCILMEN Yeas--$*VAbH301P"—Nfl?" Holland Approved - - - —195— Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen -- - ---Against Mr. President, Z DADBICRY PUBLISHVD--- 5M 7-51 Orlain.l to City Clerk 1 6 114,11, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NO.___ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Se to IDber COMMISSIONER_ -- ___ ._— _.. _.. DATE.. _..._._. p . 1952 PACE NO. 2 (Renewals) Thomas H. Johnson Pt. Douglas Rd. Battle Creek Pk. Orig Oont App. 142059 Renewal Joseph E. Ekelin 916 Arcade Grocery a 42064 it n a Butcher a n n n n Cigarette n n ■ t Farwell Oz m & Kirk Co. 260 E. Kellogg Blvd. V. M. Loc. " 42081 a Clarence Huberty 644 A. Snelling Restaurant If 42089 a Cigarette a a It Midway Chev. Co. 1389 and 99 University 2nd Ed Auto iar a 42092 a n n Auto Rep Gar a n n n n V. M. Loc. a n n Owens Motor Sales Inc.709 to 19 University 2nd Rd Auto Dlr a 42093 a Auto Rep Gar a n a a n V. M. Loc. a n n Dependable Motors, Inc. 11 W. Exchange 2nd Rd Auto D1r a 42109 a a N n n Auto Rep Gar a n n V. M. Loc. a a a Merit Chev. Go. 815 E. Tth Auto Rbp Gar a 42111 a If If 2nd Rd Auto Mr a n a L. 0. Barchinger 20 E. 10th Pkg Lot a 42132 a Freuhauf Trailer Co. 2180 University Auto Rep Gar a 42148 a a s V. M. Loc. a a a Egekviat Bakeries. Inc . T93 Randolph Bakery a 1421 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ _-_.____—__ __ _195— Yeas-$>sy7Q8h91P-3ieye Holland Marzitelli Approved.------ _- -_ 195— Mortinson _-_ _In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _ _ Against Mr. President, III 'IMd DLIUBNEY 5M 7-5t ,08D.p 161149, Origin.] to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._.— - LIOENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4, 1952 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_— DATESeptember PAM 10. 3 (Renewals) John P. Tracy 1355 Marshall 2nd Rd Anto Drl App. 42158 Renewal Joseph Daffin87 E..7th Grocery a 170ani a M Butcher n n Off Sale Malt X X Cigarette n n n Chas. P. Anderson, Inc. 225 Pleasant 2nd Rd Auto Drl n 42171 " )salmon Pontiac. Inc. 39/41 W. 9th s a s 42175 " a LI n Auto Rep Gar Lambert Simpson, Inc. 101 E. 6th Mae App Rep " 42184 " General Elea Supply Co. 174 E. 6th Elea APP Rep X 4218 " 5 n X V. M. Loc. n n n Kemper Motor Co., Inc.90115 3- .7th Gas Sta 1 P It 421gg n a V. M. Loc. n n Cigarette The Golden Rule 95 E. 7th Elea App Rep a 42190 " The Emporium 121/39 E..7th " s 42191 n Ed. Steckmeyer 133 Concord Auto Rep Gar " 42213 N Mabel E. Goodman 763 H. Snelling Grocery " 42218 " n n n n Cigarette n Louie J. Gibis 1234 Grand Auto Rep Gar " 42227 " n n R n V. M. Loc. " Arthur J. Strobel 2076 Grand Auto Rep Gar " 42229 " Raymond Duffing g04 Rages Mtr Veh Dr. " 42230 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___.-- -------195— Yeas,RAty11RS9N.-- a s Holland Approved-- — -- ----_195— Marzitelli 7C Mortinson _____ _In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _ __ -_Against Mr. President, I RLIOBNEY 5M ]-51 •O orininal to City Clerk FO U�NCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL - LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ DATE September 4, 1952 PRESENTED 9Y COMMISSIONER------------ PAGE 170. 4 (Renewals) 42241 Renewql Anthony M. V111ano 962 Payne tato Rep Gar APP• R. 1q. Cardozo & Bro. Inc. Elec App Rep " 1422143 " 92/90 E. 7th V. M. Loa. n a " n " Hattie Hable g E. 6th Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 422414 " Joseph Slaby 453 W. 7th Auto Rep Car " 42245 " Joesting & Schilling Go 42246 " 87 S. Levee James OtBrien 1321 White Bear a " 4 The Texas Co. 662 Crommell Benjamin L. Myers 329 N• We Thorne Coal Co. 1444 Carroll Fred Thorne 1429 Marshall Leonard Wood 626 SelV Nelson Oil Co. 491 W. Minnehaha a n J. A. Moran 997 E. 7th Herman glabuns 163 Concord Sent M. Potlick 505 Iglehart Stephen Malady, Jr. 517 Broedwey Erwin G. Erke 327 W. 7th COUNCILMEN Y eas-VALVDASWAk4ays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ___ _In Favor Peterson Rosen _ ---- Against Mr. President, E18bC[90C Dp 1W )M 7-51 �y® Elea App Rep " 42246 " Grocery a 42247 " Cigarette Balk 011 Stge. n 42249 " Ldy & D.O.Pickup " 42250 " Bulk 011 Stge. " 42251 " Peel Drl " 42252 " Elea App Rep " 42253 " Balk Oil Stge. a 2257 n Yael Dlr. Rdws. " 42260 " Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42265 " Mtr Veh Dr. " 42269 " Bunk Oil Stge- " 42272 " Plea APP Rep " 42278 " 195— Adopted by the Council---- Approved - - - Mayor COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council------ 195— Y eas-ftb7IORSDI '---QaYs Holland Marzitelli Approved---- ------195- 7 Mortinson -In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _ ____ Against Mr. President,=M= DAUBNEY 5M 751 may© 1-6, 1 ' Ori¢ivel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ —---------- - - —' DATE._. September 4.1952 - - ----- PAGE N0. 5 (Renewal) Mutual Dealers Wholesale Co. Inc— 2361 Hampien Bulk oil Stge. App. 42280 Renewal Naegele Advertising Co. 951 E. Hennepin, Mpls. Bill Poster n 42261 " H. B. Dehr 468 St.Albana Auto Rep Gar " 42282 " Nor4rn State. Power Go. 825 Rice Elea App Rep " 42263 " Peter Dombek 889 University Auto Rep Gar " 42287 " Arthur J. & Wm. J. Pulkrabek n is 42286 " 690 University J. E. Nedoroski 50 E. 12th " ° 42290 a Edward & Ernest Gruetzman 856/8 Thoma. Grocery n 1}22 1 " 9 n 11 Butcher n n fl p fl Digarette fl fl fl Jos. C. Shimek 1646 Rice Else App Rep " 42293 " Peter A. ldiller 538 Rice " a 42294 n Don Brizen 312 Auditorium Auto Rep Gar " 42295 " Louis H. Bapman 178 W.-7th &leo jFp Hep " 42297 " Edward A. Boyd 631 W. Central" a 42304 n n 1Rte1 Del R. M. Lehman 14o6 Arcade Gas Sts, 3P " 42305 " a a Auto Rep Gar n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council------ 195— Y eas-ftb7IORSDI '---QaYs Holland Marzitelli Approved---- ------195- 7 Mortinson -In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _ ____ Against Mr. President,=M= DAUBNEY 5M 751 may© 1-611 T `A Oti¢in.l to CItY Clerk CITY OF ST. COUNCIL PAUL FILE NO._—— LICENSE COMMITTES OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 1' -`j 1952. --- COMMISSIONER-- — --- ---- ----'- - "— _ - PAGE N0. 6 (Renewals) H. G. Dannecker 500 B. Western Auto Rep Gar App. 42406 Renewal Hied Hawkinson 1525 Marshall Auto Rep Gar " 42307 " O.Z. Langevin 255 University Else App Rep n 42309 n Arthur M. Palen 2478/80 University " n 42319 " G. E. Rowe & Albert Baker 337 W. 7th Auto Rep Gar " 42320 " Daytona Bluff Hdwe Inc. n 42 Z4 ^ 3 1100 Arcade Hdwe Earl A. Reisdorph 191 W. 7th oleo Ap^ Rep " 42325 " Morris W. & Sophie Store 681 Selby Ldy & D.C.Pickup ^ 1+2329 " Phillip Ring 371 Selby ^ " 42332 a Leo Ruppert 911 Rice Elea App Rep " 42334 " Maurice G. Goldberg 130 E. 4th a " 42341 " Lawrence J. Palmen 159 Dousman Auto Rep Gar n 42342 " Edw. W. Miller 243 Concord Grocery " ^ 42343 " 42343 " ` n a n n Frozen Meats Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette n n n Henry W. Einum 1248 Arcade Auto Rep Gar " 42344 " Irving Ash & Otto Myrdahl 1050 Arkwright Gas Sta 3P " 42345 " a n Auto Rap Gar n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--------195— Y eas Holland Marzitelli Approved-- - -- --_ -195— Mortinson ___---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen -------Against Mr. President,?h DAUTINEY 5M 7-51 ..Q COUNCILMEN Y eas �. Holland Marzitelli 1 Mortinson _ __ ._In Favor Peterson O Rosen _ _-_ Against Mr. President? DAUBHEY 5M 7 51 y© SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council ---- SEP Approved Approved —195—Mayo PUBLISI ILD 611421 ' orioo.l to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—_------ $ICENSE'COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 4. 1952_ _ -- PRESENTED BY-- COMMI5510NER---—------ DATE. ----- - -- -' -�- -'- PAGE H0. 7 (Renewals) _-- Mtr Veh Dr. APP. 42346 Renewal John 08,119110 711 Dayton n 142 61 " 3 127 E. Bobie Auto Hep Gar Jos. Mudek it 42363 " Roland Foix 713 Jackson " n 142367 " 156 N. Dale Gas ata 4P Abe MallsOn Balk 011 gtge. n 42372 n Continental Oil Co. 2121 University " X373 " H. 0. & Ida Schwerdt 1596 University Hdwe. " 1}2376 " (gl N. Snelling Else App Rep Wm. B. Sehorn Mtr Veh Dr. n 42379 11 Reuben H. Strand 3 � Ramsey " 42390 " Lawrfto4 Watters 1116 E. 7th Auto Rep Gar Hdwe " 4�3ff1 n Edw. Bachman 410 Selby " 42382 n Harold Brinkman 7 gl Selby Elea App Rep 02 4 Payne 9 / Auto Rep Gar s 42365 " " n " Arvid G. Nelson Hdwe n 537 Minnesota Auto Rep Gar ° 42399 n Eimer Nyseth n " 4X394 Miller & Holmes, Inc. 50 1 layette Bulk 011 Stge. " n 42397 " Superior Refining Co. 261 Eaton 11 Fuel Mrn n " COUNCILMEN Y eas �. Holland Marzitelli 1 Mortinson _ __ ._In Favor Peterson O Rosen _ _-_ Against Mr. President? DAUBHEY 5M 7 51 y© SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council ---- SEP Approved Approved —195—Mayo PUBLISI ILD Original to City Clerk 1.61143 CITY OF ST. PAUL F'L C. F. No. 181149 --By 3everin A, Mor- tinaon—Robert F. pseverin LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK = Resolved, That Ilcensea app7led for by the persona COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM named on the Ifet I ,ry• ^n PRESENTED BY p� s September 4 i1_ x_12 _ _ COMMISSIONER_) - - DATE. RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, . B Henry J. Spannbaner 383 University Bakery App. 41657 Renewal William C. Stohr 65 E. 9th Pkg Lot over 250 ^ 41879 ^ Rose M. %lass 476/8 Cedar n n 41915 u Mae L. Marhoun 381 University Restaurant ^ 42050 ^ n n Cigarette u n If Will. Robonovitz 99 S. Robert Grocery ^ 42060 ^ Ann Nicol 112 State Grocery ^ 42169 " a n Off Sale Malt ^ ^ ^ ^ " Cigarette a n n A. R. Kolar 506 S. Smith Auto Rep Gar ^ 42211 " St. Peal Laundry, Inc. 909/19 Selby Ldy & D.O.Pickup a 42254 ^ George E. House 408 S. Snelling Hdwe. ^ 42256 Stuhlman Hdse Co. 420 S. Wabasha a n 42259 a Ernest A. Larson 367 Robert Else App Rep. ^ 42262 " The Texas Co. 1700 Stewatt Bulk 011 Stge. ^ 42266 ^ A. G. Baner 1107 W. 7th Hdwe. ^ 42276 " John J. Hoschette 940 w. .7th ^ " 42277 ^ Howard Hendrickson, Sr. 96 Atwater Veh. Ped. (P'S) ^ 42284 ^ " " Poodstuff(VP) ^ 42285 u COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas AALVOR19GY-..RNA Holland Marzitelli Approved - - _ —195— Mortinson ____In Favor - - Mayor Peterson Rosen _ _— _Against Mr. Presidents DAUBNEY 5M 7-51 qwe 161141 Original to City Clerk 205 Forbes COUNCIL On Sale Malt CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE, a LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E. Indiana a a p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^ Louis Bernstein 256 S. Cleveland September 4. 7.952 --- - PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER---------'—'"— —� "- — - -- DATE - N PAGE M. 2 (Renewals) --__ _.- 494 S. Wabasha n Rihm Motor Co. 210g University 2nd Rd Auto Drl App. 42286 Renewal ^ ^ n a n Auto Rep Gar n n n V. M. Loc. a a Milton Smith 679 Rice confectionery a42292 n a n cigarette peal M. Marian 1684 Grand Elea App Rep ^ 42300 " Wm. J. Davern 13301 Grand ^ 11 42301 n a Ralph Curella 205 Forbes 42302 On Sale Malt n n a ^ Abe Bernick E. Indiana a a p n ^ Louis Bernstein 256 S. Cleveland Eugene Goethe 93 E• Anapoaie Dave Levy 95/91 S. Wabasha N ^ Justin Curran 494 S. Wabasha n ^ n ^ Sonia Goldstein 999 Selby Morris W. & Sophie ShoreT29 N. Snelling 0. V. Wulff 934 Reeney COUNCILMEN YeasRALN0RSO*_ •.Vays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson -__ --In Favor Peterson Rosen - -Against Mr. President, 3X21111112W DAUBIWuY 51A 7-51 .Oej�"© Restaurant ^ 42302 On Sale Malt ^ fl n Off Sale Malt " Cigarette n a p Grocery a 42310 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ it n cigarette fl 11 a Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42313 " Auto Rep Gar ^ 42315 ^ 2nd Rd Anto Pts Dlr. App. 42316 " /mto Rep Oar ^ n " Gas Sta 3P n 2319 a 2nd Rd Auto Mr cigarette Ldy toe D.O.Piakup n 42329 a Ldy & D.C.Plant ^ 42330 ^ Mortician " 42335 " Adopted by the Council -- -"- ---195 Approved ---- -------195— Mayor Or181ne1 to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE COMMISSIONER- ______ --- - - 10 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- --- September 4, 1952 PAGE 10. 3 (Renewals) Ernest P. Williams 1343 Randolph Mee App Rep App. 42336 Renewal H. A. Zemke 1214 Randolph Hdwe r? It 42337 " Gust Bergstrom 1134 Payne Ldy & D.O.Plant " 42338 " Francis D. Wardner 1675 Grand Mee App Rep ^ 42339 " Faye Zach 1164 Selby Beanty Shop ^ 42351 " John P. Tracy 1345 Marshall Bulk 011 Stge. " 42359 " a n Auto Rep Oar ^ 11 n n Fuel Ills n n n n " V. M. Loc. n a a " n cigarette of " ^ Henry Yep 894 Payne Lay & D.C.Plant " 42359 " Emma Hinz 266 W. 7th of of 42360 a Rex 011 iii Co. 207 Como Gas Ste. 6P " 42362 " " " Bulk Oil Stge. n a n ^ " V. M. Loc. ^ of a Paul J. Tamborino 1556 Randolph Rdws. of 42365 " D. J. McKenzie 1217 W. 7th n n 42377 " Harry Spector 974 W. 7th Ldy & D.C.Pickup 11 42379 " Joe Anderson 912 Payne Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42384 n Shell 011 Co. 778 Otto Bulk 011 Stge. of 42397 " Harry & Maybelle Wells 376 Main Auto Rep Gar " 42391 " COUNCILMEN Y eas_AALVDR89V----Nays Holland Marzitelli 11 Mortinson ____—In Favor Peterson Rosen - ____Against Mr. President, 3320= DAM1W 5M 7-51 Q Adopted by the Council _195— Approved - --_ 195— Mayor Mr. President, TWOM DAUBIM 5M 75t Awo Orirsipal to City Clerk FOl1ENGIL NCI. " ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. -- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 4, 1952 PRESENTED BYDATE. COMMISSIONER—__ —------------ "-- --- ---- -- - --- - �� PAGE NO. 4 (Renewals) Richard L. Fortman 191 N. Western Restaurant APP• 42392 Renewal R N9 On Sale Malt R n n N n Off Sale Malt n n a n Cigarette a Albert Sandler 228 W. Kellogg Ldy & D.C.Pioknp " 42393 " John& Walter Hart 1564 Grand Auto Rep Gar " 42396 " Dsniel Wiener 673 Cmddn Grocery n 42399 a a n Butcher " n n Off Sale Malt n 11 Cigarette Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. 470 N. Lexington Ldy & D.O.Pickko N 42406 a Lauren &Cyril Hegerle 1148 Grand Sea App Rep a 4240Ta Gerald Saul & Leonard Weinberg 423 W. .7th Hdwe. n 42410 " A. B. C. Diaper Service Co. 1605 Selby Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42413 " Morris Cohen 945 Grand Ldy & D.C.Pikoup " 42414 " John Stiepan 1759 Selby Restaurant " 42415 " J. E. Luckow 555 Rice Hdwe. " 42452 N Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Elec App Rep " 42462 " John Moser & John Schaffer 570 Z- 7th Auto Rep Gar a 4246 5 " Hassett oil Co. 453 N. Cleveland Bulk oil Stge. " 42468 " " 42469 n " il Fula Irir _4 jg5j —195— Adopted by the Co*#_ — COUNCILMEN ye4&ftM,M2qq*_ Nays Holland SEP 195— Marzitelli REDEEM Approve - - Mortinson — ___In Favorayo Peterson — J Rosen l�-Against 1UBLISIII;D Mr. President, TWOM DAUBIM 5M 75t Awo 10 14 4 oriploal to City CJUJW muNcm x CITY OF Sr. PAUL Fn.e NO...-------..-...----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank D Marzltelll DATE.-P.$� 1952 COMMISSIONER_..___.. �__. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Libraries- Auditorium and Museums has reported to the (:nuncil in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an crarrgency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his .letarament for more than their usual hours of employment, therefor, be it RESOLVED,that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth NAME TITLE TIME David E. Klinkhammer Janitor 8 John R. Lyons " 8 (Overtime for month of August) COUNCILMEN Yens Holland Nays Marzitelli Martinson In Favor Peterson Rosen '-.Against Mr. President, Hoeg 351 n -:al a0gly(y) Daubney RATE TOTAL $2.20 $ 17.60 2.20 17.60 $ 35.20 C. F. No. 191144-13Y Frank D. M"`1- telli— That the proper city ofs- Resoived, - tag a e hereby authorized a pan er talo eent of I Auditortum in the ands Muaeuma 1lbrarles, nt .6 Wt out on the [or extra e�711oyme list toed b to this September Adopted by the Cpuncu September 4, 1952, d September 4, 1952. Approved 9, 1952) SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council .. .............................. ..1A5-..._ SEP 41952 Approved------------------------------------------195 . / . J_14 !Rta�or 161144 Form No. l August 3, 1952 An emergency .has arisen in the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that depart- ment for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work. To clean and Rax floors in Mein Library when rooms here not 9n use bV Public - This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances To nl wan and wax floors in main Library whwn rooms ware not in use by public. _ This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. . Librarian • PJ-hb 6/51 -loo Oduinal to City Clerk 161115 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU.NCiL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I OUNC RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM C, F, No. 181145 --BY John E. Daubney— Resolved. ""fit for the • Prlma� PRESENTED BY •�mnbf Septetnber' 11th'"and the COMMISSIONER__ �� DATE ,P"echon 4th, oY Nw`eAber ling RESOLVED, that for the Primary Election of September 9th and the General Election of November 4th, 1952, the following named polling places are hereby designated as the place of holding the elections, said places being outside their respective districts but within 1500 feet of said district, as authorized by Section 205.25 Minnesota Election Laws: Ward 7, Precinct 3 - Neighborhood Fix -it Shop 448 Selby Avenue Ward 11, Precinct 19 - Macalester Gymnasium, Snelling at Goodrich. COUNCILMEN Ye4,9,H , la _ Navy Holland Marzitelli Mortice Peterson Rosen Mr. President, =93MIX snl ,si .may,© Daubney SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council----195— SEP ouncil— 195— SEP 41M Approved----- 195— In pproved —195— In Favor - - Mayor Against YL'1?LISHGD Original to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�I RESOLUTION'=GEN RAL FORM r-, ,, -�� 74 C. F. I No. 161196—By Frank D. Marzi- teni— Resolveb, That the free use of the RESOLVED, that the free use of the Theatre section of the Saint Paul Auditorium is given to Ramsey County Sportsmen's Association for its fall meeting on September 16, 1952, at 7:30 P. m.,.orojection equipment and personnel reouired for the showing pf pictures to be provided by the Association, and the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Daubney Mr. President, ikehmW 5M 7.51 SEP 41952 Adopted by the Council --195— SEP 4 Approved 195— t In Favor - - �ay. 0 / Against NOTICE TO PRINTER CfITY OF SAINT PAUL •."4 1'l a ! 1 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. P 7 a:.c:i•Y �' Sept. 32 IM iegete j 19 5 g4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON'THE CITY TREASUR>•, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5134,110'05 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37559 TO_ 3761IV_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SEP 1852 --A-- —19—. SEP41952 L�nrV CONPTNOLLER APPROVED 19—_ i BY _ "" �rf -;t_ PUBLISHED PUBLISHED BROUGHTFORWARD _ ® 37559 Mrs. Esther Barok 37560 N Rose Anna Ewald 37561 Standard Stone Co. 27562 Marjorie R. Baginsky & Stanldy 37563Paul W. Hanft. Identif. Dept, 37564 Joseph Krawozak 37565 Bernard T. Holland 37566 N " 37567 " " 87568 " " 37569 " " 37570 a N 37571- Co. welfare Bd. 37572 ' " " 375 Sgt. T. Donald Wallace 3757► M & L Supply Co. r 37575 Mo Clain & Hedman Co. 37576 Meinsok• & Co. Inc. 37577 Micro -Film Record Co. 37578 Minnesota Lumber Co. 37579 Minnesota News Co. 37580 a Toro Inc. 37581 W. E. Mooney Co. 37582 Mutual Serv. Fire Insurance C%• 3758 Wm. Nalditoh Co. 3758 Nati nal Bush. & Parte Co. 37583 0 Fire Protection Asst. 37586 Nelson Oil Co. 37587 Nelson 1 11 37588 Neubauer Carbon & Ribbon Co.' 37589 37590 N. W. 97591 N N N a 37592 N. W. Hardware Co. Inc. $7593 N N Heat. Engineers Inc. 37594 Poorer Toole Inc. 37595 F. E. Quimby Co. 37596 Ramsey Co. Distr. Boiler Insp. 37591 Reoordak Corporation 37598 Red Dot Foods Inc. 37599 Rook Spring Distr. Co. 376o0 & Val J. Rothschild Co. 37601 yal Packard Co. 37602 8t. Paul Foundry & Mfg. Co. 37603 a N Linoleum Co. 3760 N ' Sausage Co. 376x5 ' N Stamp Wks. Inc. X606 Paul Schnaith Serv. Station 37607 Leslie Schuldt Co. 37608 Earl Schwanz 37609 Seestedt's Linoleum Co. 37610 H. K. Stahl Co. 37611 standard Cigar and Tobacco Co. 37612 N Milling Co. 37613 w. C. Stanton Lumber Co. 3761 Transit Supply Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 108 on 108 00 'I 3 514 27 6 5o0 oo 350 00 123 84 2 720 12 lj 61 559 30 63 433 64 ''ll 4 166 76 8 425 74 'I 3 606 41 40 154 86 33 522 32 200 00 79 00 222 30 64 8o 13 00 16 oo 359 74 ;' 129 71 25 00 137 79 8 18 !! 82 93 25 00 ?1 91 57 1 0 35 202; 475 99 11089 326 80 60 57 i' 339 89 177 8.5 !I 13 4o 72 00 61 47 03534 78 46 no 25 37 45 55 87 61 o0 119 on j 5:.40 249 5n I� l65 20 171 o6 25 30 58 on 138 32 992 4o :234 110.05 ; a► CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLELR FILE NUMBER- ------ -=-= ----=-------- --- DUPLICATE TO C Y CLERK ROL 'L Bent.- 3 - AUDITED CLAIMS9--52-- I LLANO HO- M ARZITELLI .. ......... IN FAVOR MORTINSON ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ROSEN ._--- ---- AGAINST (� l /� [ COVERING MR. PRES. OA..NEY EP n��n` IN THE AMOUNT OFe§C-.(-X2-3-4,111-0-0.5----------------- 41952 CHECKS NO.--- -�/}i-----TO--F•"1 "7b LPTROLLERS F"•SHE CIFY PER CHECKS ON FFF IIILLL EEE M THE OF CE CO �i`I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL nu Me ER J } APPROVED-. _ .._r wiLF -•�• J-+1_'119 .... "_".--- { , 1 I- I _ COMP LLER ✓\' _ _ -- -- _9053➢= _. _..._ TOTAL DATE RETURNED/ CHEC IN FAVOR) OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS II BROUGHTFORWARD _ ® 37559 Mrs. Esther Barok 37560 N Rose Anna Ewald 37561 Standard Stone Co. 27562 Marjorie R. Baginsky & Stanldy 37563Paul W. Hanft. Identif. Dept, 37564 Joseph Krawozak 37565 Bernard T. Holland 37566 N " 37567 " " 87568 " " 37569 " " 37570 a N 37571- Co. welfare Bd. 37572 ' " " 375 Sgt. T. Donald Wallace 3757► M & L Supply Co. r 37575 Mo Clain & Hedman Co. 37576 Meinsok• & Co. Inc. 37577 Micro -Film Record Co. 37578 Minnesota Lumber Co. 37579 Minnesota News Co. 37580 a Toro Inc. 37581 W. E. Mooney Co. 37582 Mutual Serv. Fire Insurance C%• 3758 Wm. Nalditoh Co. 3758 Nati nal Bush. & Parte Co. 37583 0 Fire Protection Asst. 37586 Nelson Oil Co. 37587 Nelson 1 11 37588 Neubauer Carbon & Ribbon Co.' 37589 37590 N. W. 97591 N N N a 37592 N. W. Hardware Co. Inc. $7593 N N Heat. Engineers Inc. 37594 Poorer Toole Inc. 37595 F. E. Quimby Co. 37596 Ramsey Co. Distr. Boiler Insp. 37591 Reoordak Corporation 37598 Red Dot Foods Inc. 37599 Rook Spring Distr. Co. 376o0 & Val J. Rothschild Co. 37601 yal Packard Co. 37602 8t. Paul Foundry & Mfg. Co. 37603 a N Linoleum Co. 3760 N ' Sausage Co. 376x5 ' N Stamp Wks. Inc. X606 Paul Schnaith Serv. Station 37607 Leslie Schuldt Co. 37608 Earl Schwanz 37609 Seestedt's Linoleum Co. 37610 H. K. Stahl Co. 37611 standard Cigar and Tobacco Co. 37612 N Milling Co. 37613 w. C. Stanton Lumber Co. 3761 Transit Supply Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 108 on 108 00 'I 3 514 27 6 5o0 oo 350 00 123 84 2 720 12 lj 61 559 30 63 433 64 ''ll 4 166 76 8 425 74 'I 3 606 41 40 154 86 33 522 32 200 00 79 00 222 30 64 8o 13 00 16 oo 359 74 ;' 129 71 25 00 137 79 8 18 !! 82 93 25 00 ?1 91 57 1 0 35 202; 475 99 11089 326 80 60 57 i' 339 89 177 8.5 !I 13 4o 72 00 61 47 03534 78 46 no 25 37 45 55 87 61 o0 119 on j 5:.40 249 5n I� l65 20 171 o6 25 30 58 on 138 32 992 4o :234 110.05 ; a► oA¢iml to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. tetiya--BY Severin A. Mor- tinso ` COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aei Pved .;, By the council t City ut Sominte PaW, upon the council sie Ci rec� 2 ^/ m dntion f its Co missioner i PRESENTED BY !/ Y/7 DATE - COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, by the Council of City of Saint Paul, upon the consistent that recommendation f itPaulmCityiFailwsy Company oner of Public IIbeland the same thereby he pisal therefor by subject to the requisite con - approved and accepted; and that said Company, curring approval of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, shall be and hereby is authorized, in lieu of and in substitution for its presently operated Snelling Avenue crosstown line of street railway, representing an integral part of its system of street railway in the City of Saint Paul, to establish and operate, as part and parcel of said system of street railway, and subject to the same rates of fare and transfer privileges that and the maintenance of the same service fruency as buslinecoverlthe following for said line of street railway, passenger specified routes, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of Snelling eAvenue and Ford Parkway; thence northerly on Snelling Como, Avenue; thence easterly on Como Avenue to Pascal Street; thence northerly on Pascal Street to Hoyt Avenue; thence easterly on Hoyt Avenue to Hemline Avenue; returning via the same route; FURTHER RESOLVED, by said. Council, that said Council hereby assents to the order of said Railroad and Warehouse ouusse Co issthe theon of the at said of innesota, upon the petition of said Company, providing permit or license, under said Commission's Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or other appropriate instrument to establish and operate the aforesaid proposed and hereby authorized passenger motor bus line in lieu of and in substitject toution cfor said existinaboveerailway, of street other things, and hereinafterexpressed;that said Comparly upon the establishment and commencement of the operation of said proposed and hereby authorized passenger motor bus line, subject to said expressed conditions, shall be and hereby is authorized, subject to the concurring authorization of said Commission to discontinue and abandon said said Company rails shall become existing line of street railway, and that thereupon and obligated, at its sole cost and expensepto remove sendits railroad�right-ofawap, wires from the following sections of public representing portions of such discontinued and abandoned line of street railway, viz: Adopted by the Council ----195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland 195— . Approved Marzitelli M,�ger,,,ett Halvorson Mortinson --In Favor --- - Mayor Peterson Rosen �Dgubney Against Mr. President, i�et94 5M 7.51 -44EDy9 origi—I to City Clerk FP_�► E 148 LE . NO CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY " DATE — COMMISSIONER____. _2_ Snelling Avenue between Highland Parkway and Grand Avenue; Pascal Street between Como and Arlington Avenues; Arlington Avenue between Pascal Street and Hemline Avenue; and Hamline Avenue between Arlington and Hoyt Avenues; when and as directed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and to perform all other attendant obligations which may devolve upon said Company in respect to the restoration of the street surfaces involved and otherwise; and that the City Clerk shall within the period of five days next after the publication of this resolution, furnish one certified copy thereof to said Company and one certified copy thereof to said Commission; FURTHER RESOLVED, by said Council, that said Company shall, by the written instrument filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days next after the publi- cation of this resolution, accept this resolution and covenant and agree to perform all provisions, terms and conditions thereof to be performed by said Company as therein provided. SEP 41952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— -195— 41952 Yeas Nays SVP Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— MaD4uiwtJ_ Halvorson Mortinson In Favor �— May6r Peterson Rosen Daubney Com—Against PUBLISHED Mr. President, DeasxeY- snl Ori¢Innl to City Clerk J-61149 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 161199—By Severin -A. Mor- nnson— By the Councll; of Ct PRESENTED B W jjpsoived. - ,_:1 _ .�vp It to - r^nnsaf COMMISSIONE DATE_ --._ RESOLVED, by the Council of City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the proposal of The St. Paul City Railway Company and the favorable recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Utilities therefor, subject to the concurring authorization of the Railroad and Warehouse Commm Von of the State of Minnesota, that in respect to the presently established Dale -Hoyt bus line of said Company, representing an integral part of its line of street railway in the City of Saint Paul, the routing on Lexington Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, on Idaho Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Hamline Avenue, and on Hamline Avenue from Idaho Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, may be discontinued, and in lieu of such routing, the following routing may be substituted: Along Hoyte Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Hemline Avenue. SEP 41952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----- 195— Yeas ouncil ---195— Yeas Nays A ?952 Holland Marzitelli Approved- 195- -MtBermeft Halvorson Mortinson 11? ' In Favor - -- Mayor Peterson Rosen Daubne � Against Mr. President, _P l PUBLISHED I- 7 sm 7-st AQPoa Ori¢inal to City Clerk�.�� G 1, A CITY OF ST. PAUL FI EN CIL NO.— OFFICE O. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 1en50-ny Severin A. Mo tfneon— COUNC ES/SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - -e 'he couoe» of city of 1C/ f� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �����-DATE �'S r40 , RESOLVED, b3� the Council of City of Saint Paul, upon the consistent recommendation of its Commissioner of Public Utilities, that the proposal therefor by The St. Paul City Railway Company be and the same hereby is approved and accepted; and that said Company, subject to the requisite con- curring approval of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, shall be and hereby is authorized, in lieu of and in substitution for its presently operated St. Clair -Payne Avenue line of street railway, representing an integral part of its system of street railway in the City of Saint Paul, to establish and operate, as part and parcel of said system of street railway, and subject to the same rates of fare and transfer privileges and the maintenance of the same service frequency as that scheduled presently for said line of street railway, a passenger motor bus line over the following specified routes, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and Cleveland Avenue; thence on St. Clair Avenue to Weeit 7th Street; thence on West 7th Street and East 7th Street to Lafayette Road; thence on Lafayette Road to Collins Street; thence on Collins Street to Burr Street; thence on Burr Street to Minnehaha Avenue; thence on Minnehaha Avenue to Payne Avenue; thence on Payne Avenue to Maryland Avenue; thence on Maryland Avenue to Forest Street; thence on Forest Street to Wheelock Parkway; return trip via same route; (with the hereby authorized use of the following sections of public streets for turn around purposes therefor: Cleveland Avenue from St. Clair Avenue to Sargent Avenue; Sargent Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Prior Avenue; Prior Avenue from Sargent Avenue to St. Clair Avenue). FURTHER RESOLVED, by said Council, that said Council hereby assents to the order of said Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, upon the petition of said Company, providing for the issuance to said Company of a permit or license, under said Commission's 0ertificate of Public Conven- ience and Necessity or other appropriate instrument to establish and operate the aforesaid proposed and hereby authorized passenger motor bus line in lieu of and in substitution for said existing line of street railway, among other things, subject to the conditions hereinabove and hereinafter expressed; that said Company upon the establishment and commencement of the operation of said proposed and hereby authorized passenger motor bus line, subject to said COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli MeDerrnottr Halvorson Mortinson _.-_In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Daubney Mr. President, Bekmey 5M 7-51 OWO Adopted by the Council— 195— Approved 195— 1.61E 50 Ori¢im1 to City Clerk COUNCIL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_. COMMISSIONER _ expressed conditions, shall be and hereby is authorized, subject to the concurring authorization of said Commission to discontinue and abandon said existing line of street railway, and that thereupon said Company shall become obligated, at its sole cost and expense, to remove all its rails, poles, and wires from the following sections of public streets and railroad right-of-way, representing portions of such discontinued and abandoned line of street railway, viz: St. Clair Avenue between Cleveland Avenue and West 7th Str et; West 7th Street between St. Clair Avenue and Ramsey r 7th Street between Broadway and Lafayette Road; Lafayette Road between East 7thStreet and Collins Street; Collins Street between <.ffi urr Street; Burr Street between Collins Street Lafayette Road and B Avenue between Burr Paipv; Avenue, Payne PayneAenebweenMinnehahaanYork Avenues; York Avenue between Payne Avenue and Greenbrier Street; Greenbrier Street between York and Maryland Avenues; Maryland Avenue between Greenbrier and Forest Streets; Forest Street to the end of the streetcar line in Phalen Park; when and as directed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and to perform all other attendant obligations which may devolve upon said Company in respect to the restoration of the street surfaces involved and otherwise; and that the City Clerk shall within the period of five days hereofnext tafter thempublication of this ny and one certified resolution, furnish one certified copy copy thereof to said Commission; FURTHER RESOLVED, by said Council, that said Company shall, by the written instrument filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days next after the publication of this resolution, accept this resolution and covenant and agree to perform all provisions, terms and conditions thereof to be performed by said Company as therein provided. Sit 4IS52 Adopted by the Council-- 195— COUNCILMEN SEP I 195` Yeas Nays Holland 195— Marzitelli a ` Approved McBermvw Halvorson L — Mortinson In Favor Maygr Peterson Rosen Daubney 19 Against PUBLISHED r Mr. President, Delftney nu 7-51 Commencing at the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and Cleveland Avenue; thence on St. Clair Avenue to West 7th Street; thence on West 7th Street and Fast 7th Street to Lafayette Road; thence on Lafayette Road to Collins Street; thence on Collins Street to Burr Street; thence on Burr Street tc Minnehaha Avenue; thence on Minnehaha Avenue to Payne Avenue; thence on Payne Avenue to Maryland Avenue; thence on Maryland Avenue to Forest Street; thence on Forest Street to Wheelock Parkway; return trip via the same route. The use of the following streets ark authorized for turn around purposes: Cleveland Avenue from St. Clair Avenue to Sargent Avenue; Sargent Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Prior Avenue; Prior Avenue from Sargent Avenueto St. Clair Avenue. TWIN CITY RAPID TRANSIT CO. MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINNESOTA FRED A.OSSANNA ..U,W 18, jy� 7o _,one r evr i n "crt, nF,,r,. -,F l tit - ;oi I �r - , -, �, j to �,ci ct-)n� rirt: :)ir oonv. rtli" ,;,, t, ;l r-! sit-tcll 11- '0 ':1� P of r, nu h '. DI, tv, -, �n hpt',.,.en �iwin_'C,1,2. !Jt I ", � 11,1 of t,r jS m.j., -n — ln or orl�yi oil n,d IV r. zonr in tis d.ij '3, �?, , � the .- v,,n cLrrfl,l - - 'r fAlowd bw—n 11004YA' `l-mlms nv 7,vel4tvi oil ty "r us no un krtb, "PsuZt'-,, of or ;wrn"AZ or u"q IM my Or L" p0ow of NmF in y"umi ni A. 76r. To ma 1wiKAW of bus en es a bus lVe to we "cmt,q ev-r 4A, or Qv-lpri too I vfAt-rt mi Own :MQI coridKC11S 4040 inom! J ex- oc of street t,rn aro,:ni qice nneconO,nlcil. :P in, 1,Dw, io. Q%" r w o jVov" t -,�_ r and nuveiarri !-!,n, on tl oc - t: s �. !, it „' u.i L e _"t of :Ievel 'n;q, lrl= fo vi of on 1-! , ;0!, - I, e. r )var t ,_iv,jjvci w�nb r. ;on,s, we, no D "n" n wy r, j 1 1 i! .,,,no :,vio.e it It ,v - , � riut.e: 0jj,^jji,.in i�o. of L. :Iror nil 'Tev,!-,nl :.ver e; ri-rcc on ',1-v,1'InI tvenue to .'ivenue; thence or, r'ole- :.von_c to :, nn-),, 'It? cc, or :_eroltlto nue; ',hence on it, r -tt -n I ..i'it ',0 to 71ins rll- n; t,ncte 31 ,' I irs lro10: On `-r l -""n no IrI" "n.a on A-" r e ; , 1-1, 11 . �-u von poll. I v,n— o r-t; 'om: 1 ; ioncr Ieverin 1'i. :,jortij) son An,ust IR, 1912 one i resymmy —juest that we a, o,-er�Ation of tt-, rml Qty mw of the above described nus line in order ti.at 'in a,1-*,ci,'.'on MV he "" P'WIQY to the :innesct-i is s i on Or i 1W:Qmqe of Ahlic Convenience and W of syd has line. Nrf,11-r reiue��t t4 t mw CR, PanL`, upon inaij�ur,tlon of f,h, ti -w, J,Sr, ibed his Service, to "we it s street r -Ii lw-._, t r, cl: s, -o'_ I;,. ur t r a, ces or. st, :j -I "Pen tTO" Avpnne andWTTSPY Arent; an ast Ph strent hamen L�tf��'et,,e on Dif,i,,ettp oa_' 1t`qe'n ---t T,h rr] ,011'.ns ',tr,et; on 'o,,,,,, ',xr `trep r t; on 7.1)rI"`t '01� ins �ixep� orid i r,rel '0� t Avml,p ; on ' h ire -urr :street an,i � ,*rle Avenue; On !)-'eIP �vemie, het ween I anl ',venu.cs; on Yorl, Avenue beteen 1:jyj, ,,, -�n Meet; on NeenhKer :Ar"A Khmen Tor._ mi arynni Avemns; an awi Aver- hpLwe,ii �renhripr ,nd For,�-,,, , ',r,('t5; on `,)MsL re,t .o t1j, j:�_ ej of �'le streetcar 2 i*i- j _};,iler T irt:. Ver,, truly "',J): JI 1, A. )`.3A,!%,�, VMS Hn't Original to City Clerk COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL ' C�FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM N I 5�� PRESENTED BY _ DATE COMMISSIONER -- -_--- C.Fteesolved81That 8theMg�Northernven �States too lnataller ompany be aPProximate7lon I 401 lineal feet of@ga in on McLean between Grif- fortl antl Johnson Pkwy. on N. Victoria between W. Jessamine and Orchard, on Kennard between Case and Sims under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ortlinance No. 0271, dated July J. 1941. Adopted by the Council September 5, 1952. Approved September 5, 1952. I September 13, 1952) Resolved, That the Nort}cern Stites Power Company be given permission to install approximately 1;01+ lineal feet of ^^s ^lain on KcLear between Crif£ord and Johnson PL-ov, on 1,T.4ictoria between w'.Jess�,mine =nd Orcl--ard, on Kennard bet-cen Caee and Sims under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 9271, Gated July 19, 1x111. Sr'? 51952 UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --_-_. .-195— SEP 51952 Ye 1.Holland Marzitellij" Approved - --- - - -------195— -ivtel7AP'TP[6Zt" / I �/ � i Mortinson — —In Favor / Jayor __Peters=_') RosenA __.—_Against Mr. President, 5M 7-51 Original to C(tY Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_...__- _ DATE COUNCIL FILE NO. IC.11521 RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from August 16 to 31, 1552, ass3t out on the list on file in the Office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. OUNCILMEN Y, Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson l Peterson Rosen Mr. President, a an SM 7 51 C. F. No. 161152—Hy Milton Rosen— Resolved. That the p open City of- ficers are beryyeby nth Ized to pay certaof Puibllc Worksefor extlra Depi rtment emp emenl from August 16 to 31, 1952, s set out !. on the list on ftle 1n the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council September 5, 1952. Approved September 5, 1952. (September 13, 1952) SEP 51952 Adopted by the Council------___195— SEP 51952 Approved _ - - --195— In Favor « - -Mayor -- Against Ori¢in.l t. Cin, Clerk • COUNCIL 1 2.12 2.12 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. IT� 8 I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Anthony J. Campbell 6 Crew Leader -PW 16 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 33.76 Edward J. Carroll PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-_.-------- _. _.. _- __... _.._- ._. - -. DATE 2.12 1.06 Charles L. Davis LABOR ROLL - August 16 to 31 1952 NAME TITLE NO HRS RATE �MO 8 Carl D. Bates Mtr.Equip.Opr. 1 2.12 2.12 Albert E. Bowman Caretaker 8 1.94 15.52 Anthony J. Campbell 6 Crew Leader -PW 16 2.11 33.76 Edward J. Carroll Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Charles L. Davis Staty.Fireman 4 1.86 7.44 Paul Dickey Caretaker 8 1.94 15.52 Chester K. Diegnau Ward Foreman 9 2.211 19.96 Edward J. Downing Caretaker 16 1.94 31.04 Walter T. Einck Dispatcher 22 2.16$ 47.58 Walter T. Einck Jr. Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Charles A. Ellsworth Truck Dr. 20 1.79 35.80 Arthur F. Friedl Unsk. Lab. 4 1.67 6.68 Rudolph Fuenffinger Garb. Coll. 4 3.12 12.48 Max J. Gallas Mtr.Equip.Opr. A 2.12 7.42 Myron Greer Staty.Fireman 42 1.86 78.12 Charles E. Harper Road Mach.Opr. 2 1.79 3.58 Lawrence C. Hedeen Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Walter A. Heller Truck Dr. 2 1.79 3.58 Frank T. Huberty Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Samuel L. Inman Staty.Fireman 8 1.86 14.88 Albert W. Klemenhagen 8tilityman-PW 32 2.11 67.52 Alice N. Koenig Sr.Clk.Typ 2 1.9 3.81 Leon J. Kotilinek Guard 6 2.051 12.35 William Lavalle Unsk. Lab. 4 1.67 6.68 Fred Leitner Garb. Coll. 12 3.12 37.44 Stanley E. Lindrud Staty.Fire. 8 1.86 14.88 Fred F. Loeffler Road Mach.Opr. 1.79 .90 Joseph N. McIntyre San. Insp. 32 1.94 62.08 Edward F. Mullaney Crew Leader -PW 24 2.11 50.64 Martin Negaard Guard 3 2.05-1 6.17 Herman J. Noeker Truck Dr. 5 1.79 8.95 Frank C. Nuebel Caretaker 69 1.94 133.86 Forrest E. Oberg Mtr.Equip.Opr. 4 2.12 8.48 Thomas Olsen Pow.Shov.Opr. 6 2.4 14.70 Ralph A. Morrison Floorman-M.E. 8 2.04 16.46 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- 195 - Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved .- - __195 - McDermott Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Delaney 5M 7.51 a�j•Ci Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILENCIL N.J_ / J t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—___— _____._ -._. __ --_ DATE ° LABOR ROLL - August 16 to 31, 1952 UUILg.LU5 U. rULLI:LLCr Robert Rasmussen 1rIAIJA V.V. Bridge Fore. / 2 i./7 2.36# v:7/ 4.X Frank J. Rose Sew.Mtc.Lab. 26 1.77 46.02 Gottfried Rudolf Garb. Coll. 7 3.12 21.84 Michael H. Ryan Truck Dr. 5 1.79 8.95 August L. Spreigl Garb. Coll. 8 3.12 24.96 Albert Taube Mtr.Equip.Opr.6 2.12 13.78 MichaelJ. Tschida Guard 6 2.051 12.35 Domenick Vincelli Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 1.77 28.32 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---.-.-----195— Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved — - - — -----195— McDermott Mortinson _ In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Delaney W 7 51 AWO 1.C. p 119 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Emergency street and building repair Dispatching men for emergency sewer jobs Dispatching motor vehicles for street, Sewer &. building repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs Hauling materials for all emergency work Emergency calls for sewer maintenance Removing obstacles from streets such as limbs, etc. Tending fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and holidays Emergency repair on bridges Emergency inspection on alleys,on garbage cans Overseeing workhouse inmates who were harvesting crops Doing work of employee who is on vacation This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: 1 Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans, h.ervesting crops on workhouse farm and need of keeping work for payroll up to date. Commissioner of Public Works ORIGINAL— CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL .� �,S CIT/ CLERK _ _M 1498 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE N - FOR AU HORIZATI/4NF OCAL I MPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON.—_.. ____ ----,— -- �•--.— -- OATF September 3-. ,p Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the • Contract Committee therefor, and-hereby awards contract for the grading and paving of Track Area on Randolph Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to OTTO B. ASHBACH & SONS, INC., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 3763 of said Otto B. Ashbach & Sons, Inc., for the contract price of $118,624.59, such bid being the lowest and said Otto B. Ashbach & Sons, Inc. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the.City of St. Paul. Appropriated from • City's share of local improvements, Code 31-E1 $118,624.59 C. F. NG. 16 153—Hy t. Ro ..n ReSDIved. That the Co»Deil rieceby -- _4N-� the CD'LPO FORMAL BID NO. 3763 1•CIL.OI•'.l +`+j� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE { 135,856.00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE 31-E1 : 118,624.59 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ d. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 6. $ TOTAL - - - - - - - - s 118, 624.59 COPIES TO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN U - CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER E THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND IN THE PUBLIC WORKS ABOVE AMOUNTS, • PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLER COUNCILM N SEP `+ • YEAS NAYS N ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ . _l _N FAVOR r SEP 5195 APPROVED AGAINST • I MR. PRESIDENT-- MAYOR —_ _011P.-(9 i PUBLISHEDy /3 COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ .._ C. a. BY- -- - - -- ----------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__reconstructi--n_g_or_repairing, where_necessaryt the existing sidewalk on both sides of Maple Street from E. Seventh Street to E. Sixth Street, under Preliminary Order --- _----- 1601156__ ---------------------- approved ___- - . July 3,1952 -_-_ Intermediary Order-----------------------------------------approved------------------------------------------ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- r_ec9n6truct_or repair,__ tere_necessary_,___the-_______ ............ existing sidewalk on both sides of Maple Street from E. Seventh Street to E. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvem9e't 'iA accordance therewith. sw `JAL Adopted by the Council _ -- - -------------------------------------- 192--------. C-ityy_.�- Approved----------- -------------------- 192_... 0 File S 5337 ------ - -------- -------------------------- - ��-------- - Mayor. Councilmab OOLanerv,�„ „ r ;� Councilman tkrguzon PUBLISHED Councilman 9WcDonald CouncilmanMaGlogan \ CouncilmanvShdheimer CouncilmanTWAnzet Mayotlwd 6fi;-:: Lau; JQ Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Maple Street from E. Seventh Street to E. Sixth Street, 16'1)881 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is For I!!' monolithic- walk; - $ 0.39; Extra work such as excavation, fill, root—cutting, driveways, at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except southeasterly 50 feet) The southeasterly 50 feet of (Except part to City) Form 9. B. 10 N ASSESSED ADDITION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Building 5 Auditors Subdivision No. 72, $6750 $;all, 250 St. Paul, Minn. Inc. other property 6 do 400 2,650 1 Ralph Brownson's Subdivision 1200 3,000 2 do 750 2,850 3 do 750 2,850 4 do Public Alley 4 do 750 2,800 6 2 Keller's Subdn. of Block 11, 825 Lyman Day -tons Addition 550 2,85C 7 2 do TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ,DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Larir�Lu�iiMing 8 2 Keller's subdn, of Block 11, $600 4P3650 Lyman Daytons Addition 9 2 do 600 1650 10 2 do 600 11 2 do 600 12 2 do 600 2250 13 2 do 6o0 250 1ft 2 do 650 1950 Total $16,225 $72,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August�/1952_ — Commissioner of�tce. Form B. B. 13 -� A 533, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................. y. lb........_ .......... ............ ..... I 19f 2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._160456 approved- ............... ............... ......... ...... ........ ..... 19 2....., relative to ................. ..... -Re MFtj.ng...gr.._Repairing,..,where.._nQc�ssary,_ _the.._exiatin�._t+idexalk. on both sides _Street _from E. Seventh Str. ............................................ _.............. ................ ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....................... necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Yono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ----- -------------- .................... and the total cost thereof is $ ....................... _.... ............ Extra work (Exc.,fi11, drive—xings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........................................_........_......._...._...._._..__...._...._...._........._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Initiated by the Dept. of Public Works 4............................................................................ ...._.................................................. ...................................... _.... _............. .................... 6. Said improvement is ............. ...asked for upon petition'of ee or more owners of proper T% subject to assessment for said improvement. J � 2M -6-46 y \.- Commissioner of Public Works. ',tEtE�`JtU JUl 231952 c) DEFT. OP �t { 1 A COUNCIL FILE NO. By_ _ ___ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_reconstructing_or_repng1_-where_ _n__eceaeary'--the-_existing__ __sideaalk_.on_bnth_ sides- of .Margaret street ,from_Forest,-5tree_tb Q Earl Street, ------------- - under Preliminary Order_________ 1604-57 -------------------- approved __ __ July. 3,_19-52__.-_ __ IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------approved----------- --------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council 1 having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --_-reconstruct_ or repair,_ where necessary, the_ ext*t.tng__sidewalk__m--b-oth__sides__QS_MargarQ-t Slreet__1 wi__Forest_Street to_Earl_Street� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __SEP__ 9252 ----------- ------- , 192________. SEP 91952 EY U°.� 1 ---------- City Clerk. Approved -------------- ----------- , 192 ----- File S 5338 - ------------=------------------------ Councilmannc' Councilman ei o Councilman TWonhT u PUBLISHED Councilman 'Weisi6atr SON Councilman' helmer Councilmani7ti81" "}�"°'—�'/,'►,% Mayor DAUBNEY ` Form B. S. A. 8-7--, ✓// • CIT ST. PAUL ,� ... DEPAR - T OF FIN"fCE „• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of RECONSTRUCTING OR REPAIRING, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Margaret Street from Forest Street to Earl Street, 160882 under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S square The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is for 4" -monolithic aralki $ 0.39; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root -cutting, etc. at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building (Except alley) West 40 ft. of Adam Gotzian's Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 3 107 Block 107, Lyman Dayton's $700 $3500 Addition (Except alley) West 40 ft. of east 80 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 107 do 650 3600 (Except alley) East 40 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 107 do 650 3300 (Except alley) 4 107 do 650 1750 do 5 107 do 650 2150 do 6 107 do 650 1100 do 7 107 do 650 1700 do Form B. B. 10 8 107 do TOTAL. 650 1700 (B) s ., DESCRIPTION (Except alley) do do do do do do (Except alley) do do do do DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION yy�'ylASSESSEDy LanD AL. 1D41ng .. Adam Gotzian's Subdivision of 9 107 Block 107, Lyman Dayton's $650 $1300 Addition 10 ,107 do 650 600 11 107 do 650 12 107 do 650 1350 13 .107 do 650 1400 14 107 do 650 1600 15 107 do 700 1000 Chas. Freinds Subdivision of 16 107 ,Block 108 of Lyman Dayton's 650 3650 Addition to St. Paul 17 .107 do 6G0 2700 18 .108 do 600 1850 19 .108 do 600 1900 20 108 do 600 3850 21 .108 do e 600 2150 22 .108 . do 600 1900 23 .108 . do 600 350 24 108 do 600 3500 25 .108 . do 600 3100 26 ,108 do 600 2200 27 .108 . do 600 2950 28 :108 do 600 3750 29 108 do 600 2000 30 .108 do 650 H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of 1 101 Blocks 101 & 102, Lyman Dayton's 650 3000 Addition to St. Paul, Minn. 2 .101 do 600 2750 3 101 do 600 3400 4 101 do 600 2250 5 101 do TOTAL 600 . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ _� l 19'5�2 Paan B. B. 13 Commissioner in— anCe, a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of (Except alley) 6 101 Blocks 101 & 102, Lyman Daybon's ;600 Addition to St. Paul, Minn. do, 7 101 do 600 do 8 101 do 600 2650 0 do 9 101 do 600 3950 do 10 101 do 600 1050 do 11 101 do 600 1050 do 12 .101 do 600 3000 do 13 101 do 600 1450 do 14 101 do 600 2950 do 15 101 do 650 2200 North 95 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 102 do 1050 1050 South 38 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 102 do 300 950 3 102 do 650 2750 4 102 do 650 3350 5 102 do 650 3750 6 102 do 650 2300 7 102 do 650 1450 West of Lot 9 and all of 8 ,102 do 975 1050 East z of 9 ) 102 do ) ) 975 2700 10 ,102 do ) 11 102 do 650 3600 12 102 do 650 4500 13 102 do 650 2000 14 102 do 650 1550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ _� l 19'5�2 Paan B. B. 13 Commissioner in— anCe, a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July _16 ...... ...... ......... 2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....16.._.._04.5Z...appr oved....__4W—Y....3._....... _............................ _........... 19�?...., relative to ..... Reconatryctigg._or._$epairing,.._N ars....ma.��.s3al�rY.__tk�a....easiax. t;...sidsaaa ............._ on both sides of Margaret Street from Pbrest Street to Earl Street ........... ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............................necessary and (or) desirable. $0.39 per sq.ft. for 4" Mono.Conc.Walk 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ ..... ............._....., and the total cost thereof is $ ............ _._...._...._.._----- , Extra mork(Exc., fill, drive -zings, root cutting, etc.) at extra cost - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......................................................................................_...._.---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propMIW,"w subject to assessment for said improvement- IM -6-46 _ nn Commissioner of Public Works `f JUL 23CO DEPT. OF , rINANCB 00 \ ��rT Or'glenl to Chy Cle,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC(/Nf�,I' L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 161156—By Norris O. Hal- voraon— DATE_ Resolved, That the permission granted by ,the Board of Education, for usef _ �s Jr. RESOLVED, that the permission granted by the Board of Education for use of Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 5, Woodland Park, to the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings a more particularly set out in Board of Education Resolution No. /�0 b hereto attached, said property being property of the City o Saint Paul under the control and jurisdiction of the Board of Education, is hereby approved. V* 9 1952 UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— Yea aya -195— 13olland / SEP 63 19w Marzitelli Approved �BeBernratt� 195— Mortinson / In Favor Peterson Mayor) Mr. President, Delaney Against �% PUBLIsifm 5M ]-51 �® Laid over to_�.--y�— 3rd and app.---r=—Adopted I Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays Halvorson Haly n Holland 1 Ho nd Marzitelliy l a,.IcIIi rMartinson I / .1rt' on Peterson � etc n i Rosen Mr. President Daubney /Mr. President Daubney ORDINANCE._.. p Orifia.l to City Clerk Y 6 1157 15 7 O R I N A! C.73y'N-1161157—Ordinance 0°rNo. 9942_ N An Halvorson— ordinance -amending Ordinance No. ,ti entitled' An ordinance for the pdrpoae of prromonng the public health, safety. PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5844, entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and a stab- 11shing the boundaries of districts for said purposes", approved July 79 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TFL CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5844, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to re -zone Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, situated on the east side of Snelling Avenue between St. Clair and Stanford Avenues, from "A" Residence District to Commercial District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Halvorson Holland Nays MalzitelB Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 8 SEP 2 41952 Passed by the Council l / Tn Favor Against Approved: SEP 2 11 Mayor PUBLISH)✓D q W V F a ■ yyy/ HARRY T 'CONNELL ' City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Whinesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41" Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk Dear Sir: for The Council requested t18, 9, Block re an 4, Sylvan Park Addition,oe gsituated the rezoning of Lots 7, on the east side of setitioned for the attached file. Snelling Ave. between i�atAves. to Commercial District, Very truly Ycusres City Clerk r� The Board Saint Paul, A. A. HECKMAN - .. , of Zoning Minnesota (OlAWSHm !Y .RDIN.NC. x0. R.. JULY ). IRJ) C. DAVID IAEKS m(BCVi1V[ f[CRtTARY L M. ORIMH CLYDE L MUHV W. J. RICE A. H. 8CHROMM. Crtv ARCHrteci JULIUB vI um B. ALYOI = 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 3, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the petition of John L. Lund to rezone lots 7, 8, 9, block 4, Sylvan Park Addition from "A" Residence to Commercial. This is described as 272 S. Snelling Avenue. It is located on the east aide of Snelling between Stanford and St. Clair. The petition has been certified by the Commissioner of finance to be sufficient. There was a non -conforming greenhouse located on the premises which has been partially destroyed by fire. In rebuilding this facility, the applicant desires to improve the property to an extent that would exceed the limits imposed by the non -conforming use regulations under the Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, in order to execute his plan it is necessary to rezone this property. There is a home to the north, a plumbing shop to the south and homes behind the facility to the east across the alley. The remaining frontage on Snelling Avenue north to St. Clair is zoned commercially. In effect, this petition would extend this existing commercial zoning southward along Snelling Avenue &,-,distance of 150 feet. In consideration of the commercial character of this area, the ac- quiescence of the adjacent property owners affected by this change and the question of equity which is raised by the fact that this activity was formerly a non -conforming use, the Board of Zoning finds no objection to this rezoning and recommends that this petition be granted. Very truly yours, C. D. Looks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. s V/4 I ARTHUR F. COLEMAN BERNARD T. HOLLAND Deputy Commini0ner Commissioner - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARDMCent Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSONh of Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier 41*.4 August 5, 1952 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen' I have checked the attached petition filed in the rre tter of rezoning Lots 7, B and 9, Block b, Sylvan Park from Class "A" Residence to Commercial District, and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, CH: se / � 34;�,�� Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. nt lemen St. Paul, h!i es to RRZO?IIN'ri- — ^e, thG•unders`gned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real agitate ;to be re- uated within 100 ft, o" the real estate aff•stud, have ecTAesr.ed here'n, and we, owners of $M or more of the frontsse described �lassifird, petition your Honorable Body to change the following property - a. 7, Q, 9, block 4, Sylvan Park from a "A" Res.!)istri ct to a OCommereial Distri.ct. This petition is mad= pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance AIo.58hO. Record Owner Lot Block Addition �2, 9- "'4 J �. State of vinnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) � , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he s e person w o circ- ed the within petition consisting of page-_; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the low plzrer ilmediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa`d owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr,:e and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. i (-Z- ----Q�- S cribec�and sworn �'�ef re m� /• NJ� -- t is�_day yF- "11 _��' �of�n���/!� Notary P b c, Ramsey�y'p tet nn. 1,1y Commission expires - �.�,,,. LJ n 'ix kj 0 1A J To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlenen : St, Paul, Minnesota REZONING "e, the undersigned owners of two=thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, of the real estate affected, have .acquiesced here -n, and Wei owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- �lassified, petition your Honorable Body too change the following described rope y S� 0/06/C / CJ �//%�Ci✓ / 6L !`� from ate% CJ District to a �. e ro/`1P/'Ciao District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.58LO. Record Crivner Lot Block �:�,/� 9 }g� Addition V . �,E 'J I/ iC/�vW v J State of Minnesota )ss / County of Ramsey �) ,,/ �� `/ry , Z U AIDC being first duly sworn, deposes and says s' that he s e person who circulated the within petition consisting of3 page; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placo. irunediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tree and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed, and sworn to befor me this day of ./" %L I0artr Public, Ramsey Co my h nn. /- i.� ,4P4-7 py Courission expires ,��i ,l V �... - St. Paul, DAinnesota To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Tdinn. Gentlemen : REZOIJING ^e, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, of the real estate affected, have .acquiesced herein, and we, owners of w or more of the frontage to be re- :lassified, petition your Honorabl: Bo to change the following described property from %< District to a District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance tto.5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition C e A/C; ;;rte m fo rOVA oil y State o DF.innesota ')ss County of Ramsey ) Al ..Z `A*/ being first duly sworn, deposes and ys that he is ie person w o eircu ed the within petition consisting of pages ; L ttj-a t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the to s place6. f immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said 1rnpresence this alahitesci.c the triiCand correcsignaturesof eachand. aofthe oartsoderbed Subscri and swo to befo mep this F -day of , / Notary 4- c, Ramsey C1 R cion expires Dy Con¢ni s RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Lund & LangV Inc, from the decision of the Commissioner of arks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the building line on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, located on the east side of Snelling Avenue between Stanford and St. Clair Avenues, be established at four feet from the property line on Snelling Avenue. SEP 9 1952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas ouncil- 195—Yeas Halvorson Nays SEP � 1954 Marzitelli Approved--- -195— Mortinson Y1.Favor - Mayor Peterson -Roserr"-'-- � Against PL'I3LlSIII;D �_ Mr. President, M93M 5NI 7-51 8 Daubney % 1158 origiael to city cieek CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C ' �% Z DATE_ COMMISSIONER y'— I�w T.. C. F. No. 181158—By Norris 0. Sal. va.. — -- _ Resolved, That upon appeal of Lund — _-- -- ' ,r,, Wro the +eclalon of the e.._. rvrmi.r,.ts RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Lund & LangV Inc, from the decision of the Commissioner of arks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the building line on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, located on the east side of Snelling Avenue between Stanford and St. Clair Avenues, be established at four feet from the property line on Snelling Avenue. SEP 9 1952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas ouncil- 195—Yeas Halvorson Nays SEP � 1954 Marzitelli Approved--- -195— Mortinson Y1.Favor - Mayor Peterson -Roserr"-'-- � Against PL'I3LlSIII;D �_ Mr. President, M93M 5NI 7-51 8 Daubney HARRY T. O'CONNELL City CI.,k HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chi.f CI.A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK , BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41" Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Lund and Lange, Inc. for the establishment of a new building line on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, located on the east side of Snelling Ave. between Stan- ford and St. Clair Aves. Very truly yours, City Clerk ` f „ The Boars[ of Zoniulf Saint Paul, Minnesota Ittl) C. DAVID LOEKS A. A. HECKMAN'I oecvnvH HHDRHr�Rv ryyEHIDINO OPPIGVt �® 6 M. ORIMH 0.YD6 L MHTHVHX W. J. RICE ti H. BGXROHDHR. CITT T JUUUS VRJJ.UM14 KTOH 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 3, 1952 Mrs, A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the application of John L. Lund to establish a new bullying line affecting lots 7, B, 9, block 4, Sylvan Park Addition. This is on the east side of Snailing oAreconstructenue ea noStanford n conforming St. Clair. The applicant prop greenhouse on the property which will Or set back from Snelling dzoning approximately b feet, under the Zoning se the is a mixture of residential and commercial use in this block, he is now required to set back 15 feet. The Hoard has red they the find thatefield investigationts plans for the ddisclosestnof this property an Y objection to this change and that further the granting of this appeal will permit a substantial improvement of this property. in consideration Of these factors, the Board recommends that this appeal for a change in the building line be gr Very truly y , /s19, l G h C. D. Loeke Executive Secretary CDL/m3 att. r The Honorable Mayor and City Council City Clerk 386 City Hall Gentlemen: We the undersigned petition itu ti t� Lt J U, St. Paul, Minnesota August 15, 1952 7n. Zcv i' is lo— a u. Lund &Lange Inc. By John L. Lund Origin•] to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.----- OFFICE O._--OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 151159—Hy Norris O. Hat- PRESENTED � COMMISSONER_ /D iQ `Y ✓i Jk--. / DATE --1. RESOLVED, that John L. Lundebe permitted to install and operate a customer parking lot on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, situated on the east side of Snelling Avenue between Stanford and St. Clair Avenues, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times, such permission being granted pursuant,to the plans submitted, dated May 22, 1952• SEP 9 1% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council------195— YeasHalvorson Nays SEP 91952 r—a�el•I� Marzitelli Approved--.. 195— Mortinson In Favor " or Peterson -R6seTr— Against Mr. President, Syk� j1pul3LIS,BLIS110)� 5M ]51gt�yL .© Daubney HARRY. T: O'CONNELL HAROLD J. R!ORDAN Cly Clvk ' Chid Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL' �� Capital of Mirmesota ) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corooration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of John L. Lund for permit to install and operate a customer parking lot on Lots 7, 8, 9, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition. Very truly yours, City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE.OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' -St. Paul 2, Minn, August 22 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of John L. Lund Por permit to install and operate a customer p'rking lot on Lots 7, 9, 9, block L, Sylvan Park. Addition (272 S. Snelling, Ave.) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on September h , 195 2 , in the City,of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 12009 BER`;ARll :. H )LLAIM �� Commissioner of Finance. The .Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN I C. DAVID LCEKS PRESIDING OFFICER s]tECVf1V[ sHCRRARY -OW® 6 M. GRIME CLYDE L Me VEN W. J. RICH A. H. SCHROEDER. CR>• ARCWTB4T JOLIGs VILLAUME. KiwuTi 298 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 3, 1952 Mrs. A. B. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the application of John L. Ludd for a permit to establish a customers parking lot incident to the operation of a retail greenhouse on lots 7, B, 9, block 4, Sylvan Park Addition. This is described as the east side of Snelling Avenue between Stanford and St. Clair. The zoning is "A" Residbace. There is a home to the north, a plumbing shop to the south and residences aargss Snelling to the west. The property under consideration has a frontage of 150 feet on Snelling and extends easterly to a depth of 123 feet. The applicant's proposal to improve this lot is contingent upon rezoning this property from "A" Residence to commercial. The Board has considered the question of rezoning and the necessary building line change and has forwarded a favorable report bn these proposals to the Council. This recommendation concerning the parking lot is made contingent upon the Council granting th$ necessary change in zoning and building line which is necessary to permit the execution of the applicant's plans. There are to be two driveways which have been granted informally by the Council. The northerly most driveway is to be used as an exit only and the southerly most driveway will be an entrance only. This lot will be adequately fenced and dustless surfacing applied. The Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be granted pursuant to the plans dated May 22, 1952. Very truly youuj�rs/, _ 1 1 0 cam(/ tel. C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. / . - EMERSON 1347 Y -and and Yanye 91oxat Wom'ian y - F L O0 R I S T S- 2]2 SO. SNELLING AVE."E SAINT PAUL S. MINNESOTA May 21, 1952 1 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council I am the owner of lots 7, 8, 9, block 4, Sylvan Park Addition. The property is located on the east side of Snelling Avenue between Stanford and St. Clair Avenues. I am contemplating remodeling my existing operations on this property which will involve a new building and customers park-ing lot. This new construction is contingent upon my being able to rezone my property from "A" Residence to Commercial. My operations are now conducted under non -conforming use having been located here since 1882. I have made formal application for a public parking lot on this premises. However, the State Highway Department is now widening Snelling Avenue and it would facilitate their operations if a permit could be obtained to install two 22 foot driveways at the extremes of my property to serve this proposed parking lot. If such permission is granted, I will be perfectly agreeable to close one or both driveways if for some unforeseen r son I am unable to carry out my proposed plans as submitted iia plot plan dated 5/16/52. - v TELEGRAPH - DELIVERY - SERVICE A:;O de o ,o os E ip PA ,a*-/ w9 -- .LOTS 7 B � ,9, BLOCK SY L l/.4 �•/ f� !✓ � � • °` osvv-a - L.4,Q-CFZ AZORlsr S' .ELL / A19 .04 {�E S CU%?6 UNOE.P Lo NSTQ,Ic i /oNF """""`~ I I lr l ; Q Vb � I ../l,/ G✓ co.Vsr/z r�nN.al l L I :d @ G OJO P4:. . f/z /vq o/vC /,vim, 0 Q-57.a 7'1 o -/ \ ESrgBI/sN,7En/T o � �_- City of Sti Paul Office of City Clerk Date S ToHowrable 8ity Council of St. Faul, Minnesota r PPLIC .TIC;' is hereby made By (Name) i� z (Address) (.-hone No.) r'or permission to install and operate a FILLING STATION DRIVE-IN REb'R&S.MI&NT MISCLLLANEOIIS New ❑ ❑ Remodeled ❑ ❑ ,'o. of pumps No. of Pas tanks_ Cap. of each tank PARING LOT: Customer"I ees Private Public Neer ❑ ® CJ - Remodeled Remodeled ❑ to be used in connection yrith Location: Lots ij B. 9 Block_ Addition also described as Fes. ti� �Q ly��� (Street and Number) (Signature of hpplicantl By Plan Approved by: Board of 'Zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected I P` I Ori¢ind 1° City Clerk 60 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --" C. F. No. 161160—B> :7oRls O. 8-1- C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o °^=,1 .ghat Cl -WS Super Gas Co. PRESENTED BY -_____ DATE- _—.. . . ....-Ia COMMISSIONER.___..—.-. - __-- - G RESOLVED, that Clark's Super Gas Co. be permitted to install and operate a customer parking lot at the rear of its filling station at 1060 Grand Avenue, subject to the condition that the surfacing of the lot be made dustpro6f and not merely surfaced with crushed rock, as shown on applicant's plan, and subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking loth, and to the further condition that the sidewalks abutting said Dremises be kept clean and free of ice and snow a t all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorst Nays ffaiiand Marzitelli MA'JWF75 x Mortinson Peterson Mr. P� rem sident, 949PW © Daubney SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council --_195— SEP 9 1952 Approved------ —195— In Favor - _ M Against UBLISIU, 1- original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FSE"°" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �iCOUNCIL-a-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C. 161161—By Norrie b, Hel COMMISSIONER—, I/ i/� �^�� " DATE—p°�a That CI.W. Super Gae Co. �— RESOLVED, that Clark's Super Gas Co. be permitted to remodel its filling station located at 1060 Grand Avenue in accordance with the plan submitted, subject also to the condition that sidewalks abutting the premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Hralvason Marzitelli t Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, 9zhEDrA9 W 7.51 Daubney SEP 9 10 Adopted by the Council -----195— SEP § 10 Approved----- --195— In Favor Gr�a__M or 2Agairist U11UBLISIJE,D_(cL 5� HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk ' HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41" Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Clarkke Super Gas Co. for permit to establish and operate a customer parking lot at the rear of their filling station at 1060 Grand Ave., subject to the conditions set out in the attached letter of the Zoning Board. The Council also requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Clarkks Super Gas Co, for permit to remodel their filling station at 1060 Grand Ave. Very truly yours, ,L City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFPICE'.OF="FH-E COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE "--St. Paul 2, Minn. AueuSt 22 . 195.?.. ................. 1 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of a:�nl.icat.ion o` CLarks Super was Cor permit to r, ode' c,:s+,mer narking lot on Lots L, 5, and 1, dock 38 Su:n,nit Park ('4-195') lrnnn Avenue) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Sen t.e•aher L 1952 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. rile l"O10 R43"At?ll 'P. HOLI,A^ID Commissioner of Finance. The Board of. Zoning saint Paul? Minnesota � A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS rN®ID,No orr,� .XRCLMW ncasr�wr L M. ONIMB dYD6 L MBTXV@1 G®+N-D O'DONNMl K' �• n�"� A X. SC ROWM L•,iY MW,'D:T JULIU9 VILIAUMC. ALT�.T. 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. B. O'Connell City Clark Building Dear Madams In the natter of the application of Clarks Super Gas Company for a permit to establish a customer parking lot at the rear a oof an athe soath g filling Grand Avenue located It we n 60 Le in tonaand Oxford and is described as side of 5,6, block 38,tSumnitt Par Addition. The zoning is commercial. lots b, 5, a The applicant's plans call for access from f this illing station pch remises. have There capacity of approximately 35 cars will be two approach driveways from the rear of the filling station premises located 161 feet to the east and west of the exiistinds no o ling station building now on the site. The Board of Zoning jection to this proposal and recommends that this permit be Wanted subject to the plans dated August 9, 1952 and subject to the condition that the surfacing of this lot be made dustproof and not merely crushed rock as shown on the applicant's plans. Very truly yours, C. D. Leeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. i �J :ity of St. Paul Of,'ice of City Clerk Date A+ 12tob To �i-norable -�itv Souncil of St. '.aul, Liinnesota DPLIC-:Th° is hereby made C1&rk Super Cane Bnjd,io. Of (,ivame) Ceder 2717 506 Randolph street, St. Paul (address) r(.ridssion to install and operate a r'ILLItv'G STATION pow CI D:'IJ�,-Ii i'R Sri cf^T i,gSC::LLA?'1!0TJS Remo Ieled _ 4--� o, of _,,mns P7o, of oas tanks Cap• of each tank :(I."G LOT: Customer mrloyees Private public Cal Remodeled 0 I� 1 to be .ieed in connection With g Location: Lots _ block 38 Addition g mmlt PL& also described as (Street and Number) Clark Super pas Division of Petoo Corporation at re of !kpplicant.) plan Approved by: Hoard of "zoning Comm. of )Ibli-c Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety 2948 Nioollet Avenue P1 6879 (Address) (phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected A The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota C. DAVID A. A. HECKMAN IXggJfIV[{[CLOEK5RRMY gt,3101N0 OITIWI �® L M. OflIM[ dYD[ L M[THV6N W. J. RILE ti H. 9LHRO®[R- L ARCRIIR%T JULJUe VILLAUML. KTWMT[ 278 CITY -COUNTY HUILOINO SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams Dear matter of the application of Clarks Super Gas Compal for a permit in to remodel matter emitting filling station located at 1060 Grand Avenue lo- an cated on the south side of Grand Avenue between Lexington and Oxford. This is described as lots 41 5, 6, block 38, Summit park Addition. zoning is commercial. The applicant's plans call for the installation of 2 single unit pump islands 161 feet to the east and the vest of the existing building. These pump islands will be located adjacent to the entrances of a proposed parking lot at the rear of these premises. The app two entrance driveways from plans also call for enlargement of the Grand Avenue from 34 feet at the curb line to 41 feet at thecurb affect the line. This 7 foot expansion on each driveway will curb space of the abutting property to the east and west. The Board of Zoning has no objection to this proposal from the standpoint of traffic. The applicant has stated that he will provide a letter from the abutting property owners to the effect that they have no objection to the remodeling of the filling station driveways as shown on the plan. If this consideration is complied with, the Board of Zoning finds that the applicant's plans are in conform= with existing standards and an recommends-permit be granted. very truly yours, 411 Executive Secretary V' CLD/ma &i It i0 att. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota_ rrr1111 /„ rl , CerathneKL al PUL U 00 ' Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner IIEALTR FIRE PROTECTION JOnN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commlaelover A. R. ANDERSON, License Inspector POLICE AND FIRE ALARM August 19, 1952 Mrs. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam: Referring to the application of Clark's Super Gas Company for permission to remodel their filling station at 1060 Grand Avenue. Attached is report coveringlnspeotion made by the Fire Prevention Division from which you will note that the proposed changes at this filling station would not or any fire hazard. Very truly yours. &, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 18th 152 Mr. Robert F. Peter=on Cor;i-issioner of Public Dear Sir: In reg, -.rd to Clerkrs Super Gas Companyls request for permission to remodel their service station at 1060 Grand Avenue, we have investigated this :vDplicetion and report that there will be no change in the fire heard in.. the immediate vicinity of this station if permission `or remodeling was allowed. _esp tfully yours, V..uw..f Carney, Chief Fire Preventi n% I City of It. T'aul i Gfi:ice of City Clerk Date August 12. 1952 To ,Ionorible City Council of St: =aul, Uinnesota ,oPLIC,'M^ is hereby nude Clark Super Gas By (!dame ) (Address) (.'hone ido.) r"r permission to install and operate a ;RRSc.;T :'TLLING STMON D:I'JL-IiN;ISnLLAt1SO'JS de.r F CI Remodeled EJ 0 of 2 Pdo. of ^as tents Cap. of each tank o, :mps --- p+fl;Q,'G LOT: Customer Oe; Remodeled to be ,.Fe,l in connection ',pith mrloyees Private Public Pt 0 ❑ I� n Addition Summit Park Block Location: Lots 4, ,b 38 — also described as lobo Grand Avenue (Street and Number) Clark Supeb Gas Division of Pet00 Corporation B�- (Signature of Applicant) Plin Approved 'oy: Board of %oning Comm.. of 'iiblic 131dg81 Comm. of Public Safety n}� 29 NioO&lst Avenue Pi 6879 (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected Orizi-I to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ --_--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CoU C L SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Norrts O. C, F, F. $Io. 161162—E PRESENTED BY DATE_—; orson ubllc v COMMISSIONER----.-- _ Ae9olvedIThat Jack Geller be P _.._ --------------- —� mated to ns alln Itt t the no theast RESOLVED, that Jack Geller be permitted to install and operate a public parking lot adjacent to the northeast corner of Wabasha and Fourth Streets, described as the youth 150 feet of the west 167.5 feet of Block 20, St. Paul !Proper, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and including the right to use four feet of the ten foot strip reserved to the City adjacent to the north side of Fourth Street, provided that the owners of the land or the operators of the lot provide adquate insurance to protest the City against any lose occasioned by such use; subject further to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays 'Morand Marzitelli Ajaxxxmt Mortinson Peterson --Raeerr""""—' Mr. President, MOW sM 7-3l p Daubney SEP 11252 Adopted by the Council -195— SEP § 1959- Approved- - 195— In Favor - -— - Mayor Against PUi3LISl1Gll HARRY T. O'CONNELL • HAROLD J. RIORDAN City CI.rk Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -08" Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. ' Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the application of Jack Geller for permission to install and operate a public parking lot on the land described in the attached appli- cation and letter, including the right to use 4 ft. of the 10 -ft. strip reserved to the city adjacent to the north side of Fourth St., provided, however, that the owners of the land or the operators of the lot provide adequate insurance to protect the city against any loss occasioned by such use. We do not know whether that 10 -ft. strip is owned entirely by the city or by the city and county jointly. Very truly yours, p City Clerk ��, POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THECOMMISSIONEROF FINANCE St. Paul 2, You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul to consider the matter of application b c parking lot ck Geller oatpthe northeast install and operate a public Streets, corner of iiabasha and Fourth Streets, Court and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Cha bers'ofttheCity of House and City Hall Building on September i St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Bernard '. Holland, File 12011 Commissioner of Finance. ,..® r The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Mhmesota C. DAVID LOEKS A. A. HECKMAN p{[MIV[[KRRMY %R31DIN6.-UMI �® G M. GRIM[ dVDE L MiTXV[N W.J. RICE A H. SC11RD6DER. CRY ARn' R6( JULIU[ VILLAUM[. 11 -ya 379 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA September 3, 1952 Mrs, A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam' In the matter of the application of Jack Geller for a permit to install and operate a public parking lot adjacent to the northeast corner of Wabash& and 0 feet of the west 167.5 feet Fourth Streets. This is described as the south 15 jof block 20, St. Paul Proper• The zoning is commercialg- 'Mhe applicant's plans call for the installation Ofytwo to standabe usstandard of drive ways on Wabasha Street, the southerly most only and the northerly most driveway to be used as an exit only. rance The plans call for a 12 foot emergency exit driveway onto Fourth Street adjacent to the easterly line of the premises. The lot as laid out will accommodate 105 care. The existing hedge surrounding this property on the northwest and south will be retained. Directly inside of this hedge, the applicant proposes to con- struct a waist heighth fence of a suitable design to provide a visual barrier during the winter months when the hedge will not perform this function. Directly inside of the hedge, the applicant will provide a wheel stop of a type to be approved by the City Architect which will prevent the cars from hitting the fence. The area is to be black -topped. The applicant's plans request the use of approximately 4 feet of the 10 foot srip t to the north e of Fourth for g lot pturposesSe The use aofnthis extra 4 feet of Street of space providesadditionaall space for maneuvering cars in the center of the lot. The applicant has been advised that should the Council see fit to authorize the use of this 4 foot strip of Ldthe p oper municipatofficials t the iand presumably would ls of the tinvolvwoulde e worked out by in qstion an rendering the city blameless in the event of liabilities incurred as a result of the use of said municipal property and further stipulate the immediate cessation of this use upon due notification by municipality. P This matter came before the Board of Zoning at its meeting of August 26 at which time considerable discussion was directed toward the question of the advisability of using this tract for parking lot purposes. After thoroughable to discussion of all the factors involved, the Board of Zoning was a motion conveying a recommendation on this matter. The writer has been directed therefore to report that the Board of Zoning has no recommendation to convey relative to the permit in question. C. D. Looks CDL/ma AttExecutive Secretary - a — lu qj up 1' all N .�9 :i✓ bili J 61 f� 1 Z4- A/ Y w l I� ouc oG c 'I (fU/eJ3 �elvlo✓e Puy P F Ii j X .�� —._. �-..__ _-....__._...—._ a.. .•____... J- NE �� Li G ... 1 w -- r " _ .ate _.__._ _.__•le + /S T / Na'1 _.4 / am^ / .. .._ _. _. _ _ `_♦_ -.f__ ... _ _ L/C `i/7�((JLyi_C �. Cv FI Lt PLO! D 57. Sca LE / as /OJ -O^ 4U1,. Z7, /952 i f 1 I i I I i • r, I Y� - ,t�71 h of St. Faul Office of Cit,,Clerk � Date_ -1 To ;;onorable City Oouncil of St. aul, Liinnesota PPLrC,JIr` hereby nude B' 3 (kddress) (hone Ao.) L -)r ;c:rmirsion to install and operate a BILLING STATION DiS;lL-I!' R--KS,t4irNT 4ISC-LLA.FE0'JS New Remofleled n, of , umps Tb. of ^as tanks _ Cap. of each tank LOT: Customern!arlo ees Private Public'_.. y U IJ C3 Remodeled Q C to he :aed in connection ':rith 5/>o -4167' Location: Lots Blnck 0.0 Additionalso described as/V L L„��i��� , (Street and Number) L, J '(Signature of APplicant•) P7. -In kpproved bv: Doard of %zoning Comm. of Public Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety (Address) (Phone No.) Date Date Approved Rejected �6-VI/rI Original to City C irk • / COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.___—_—__..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I - COUNCIL 5 TION—GENERAL FORM C P No. feftsa--By Norma o' xaf- g esoly— That upon appeal of '.II P SENTEO 9Y ftideaux from the decidua of the C gn- COMMISSIONER ATE-- - rase[ of Parks. Playgrounds u - end anon the tavo_f RESOLVED, that upon appeal of James Rideaux from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, end upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the existing duplex at 693-695 Iglehart Avenue into a four—plex. SEP 9 A952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas Halvoson Nays !EP 9 19a� Marzitelli j Approved ___—_._195— MtXMNw Y8 Mortinson ___�_In Favor - - - - ayor Peterson " Against PUBLIsiIED T-I-)-5,�.) Mr. President, ZVAWW 5M 7-5I .o Daubney HARRY T. O'CONNELL •CITY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesofa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Sept. 4, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk Y k t`e B The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of James Rideaux for permission to remodel the home at 693-95 Iglehart Ave. into a fourplex. Very truly yours, City Clerk �4- The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS MKII-M0 0"ICRR p(iClR1V[ Y[CRRARY V®'® L M.ORIM[ CLYDE L M6 HV@l W. J. RICH A. H. SCHRO® . CRY ARCWT6CY J-8 VILLAOMV. -IX 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 3, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the appeal of James Rideaux for a permit to remodel an existing duplex to a fourplex located at 693-695 Iglehart Avenue. This is on the north side of Iglehart Avenue between Grotto and St. Albans Streets and is described as lot 3 and the east 9 feet of lot 4, block 2, Portland Addition. The zoning is "B" Residence. This appeal is made pursuant to Section 20, paragraph (o) of the Zoning Ordinance which authorizes the Council to allow in "A" and "B" Residence zones the remodeling of structures existing at the time the Zoning Ordinance was adopted having a gross foundation area of not lesa than 1,000 square feet to accommodate not more than four families. Field investigation discloses that the adjacent area is used for high density multifamily housing. Plans for this proposed remodeling have been approved by the Building Department. The Board finds that if these plans are properly executed, the proposed change would be in harmony with the existing character of this district and therefore recommends that this appeal be granted. Very truly yours C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary h CDL/ma att. / August 15, 1952 The Hon. Mayor and City Council City Clerk's Office 386 Courthouse St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: I am requesting that the rezoning petition filed about June 26, 1952 to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residence at 693-695 Iglehart Avenue be withdrawn and an appeal be substituted in accordance with Section 20, paragraph (o) of of the Zoning oningaOrdinance No. 5840 that would permit the remodeling 693-695 Iglehart to four families. This home was built in 1890 and has a foundation area of 1,408 sq. Et. Thanking you for your consideration of this matter, Sincerely yours, '-/X eax James Ridu Origlnni to City Cicrk 1-6 11 wCITY OF ST. PAUL F6.ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - NCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM�!C. F. No. 161164—ay Norris o. Nat -I vorson— Resolved, That the proper City of acers be and they are hereby thor- DATE - —.'zetl anU tlirectetl ^o re{Np¢, to Dr. C.. _.__ .,.. „venue RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to Dr. (borge Geist, 885 Cleveland Avenue So., the sum of $17.00, paid for Permit 59903 for combination dwelling and dental office, said permit having been o anoelled. COUNCILMEN YeasHalvorson Nays ,Holland Marzitelli MdCt / Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rceen— Against Mr. President, Dib1my SM ,-y, ,© Daubney SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council---. -- --- ---------195— Approved--195— May 195— Approved 195—May - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect N. 0. HALVORSON®COMMISSIONER September 4, 1952 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Department of Law 316 City Hall Dear Sir: On August 19, 1953, this office issued Permit 59903 to Dr. George Geist for a combination dwelling and dental office at 951 Wilder Avenue and a fee of $17.00 was col- lected. This permit should not have been issued by this Depart- ment as the plans submitted had once been rejected be- cause the proportion of the area to be used for profes- sional purposes was too great compared with the area for dwelling purposes. Therefore, the permit has been cancelled and a refund of $17.00 should be made to Dr. George Geist, 885 Cleveland Avenue S., St. Paul 5. FDW..A Yours truly, 06 lfred H. Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT 1� 1611(3i Ori¢ival to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL,FORM c e N_1 requBy Se A. Mor- _` R I d YThat tileCototal ssloner f 7 Public Work b d h i hereby PRESENTED BY DATE th lzetl d directed t ii . /t fr. _. - COMMISSIONER_ — y Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Woks bead he is for authorized public®health andoil dust suppression. for the perp Nevada, 2001 E of Arkwright to WL 448 Nevada Cherry, Maria to Bates Griffith, Alley S of Conway to Third Alley -Hyacinth, Ivys Van Dyke, Hazel West N & S Alley -Montana, Hoyt, White Bear -Hazel West N & A Alley-SI-�od, Arlin on, Hazel,ears Curve Hazel East N & S Alley , Chatsworth, Jefferson to Pleasant Cliff, Michigan to Superior Montcalm Court Pleasant, Otto to Scheffer Schaffer, Lexington to Pleasant Edgcusbe N 1001 of N & S Alley -James, Palaces Griggs, Alley -Juliet, Jefferson, Hamlin, Syndicate N & S Alley, Milton, Deubenr Fl., Ben Hill, St. Clair Florida, Eva to State Woodbury, Sidney to Morton Alley-Goorge, Robie, Robert, EL lot 5 Alley -Laurel, Selby, gent, Macknbin Arundel, NL lot 69 to NL lot 66 Orange, Schletti to 134 Stinson, Kent to Mackabin &Uey_Hatch, Lawson, Mackubin, Arundel Sylvan, Hatch to Lawson Wales, Valley to Mt- Airy Euatia Pearl, 295 E of Berry to Davern, St. Paul to 1173 Dave= Montreal, Snelling to Hamlin Mon Montreal, ElWay to CM St P & P Ry Snelling, Montreal to Highland Stewart at Sibley Manor Project Yorkshire, Cleveland to St. Paul Woodlawrl, Highland to Miss River Blvd Alley -Dayton, Marshall, Moore, Prior Original to CkY Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER__._.—__. Jessamine, Churchill to Alley west Orange, Alameda to St. Albans Parkview, Avon to 777 Parkview Dept. of Parks - Como Park office Road CCILMEN Y ea Nays Marzitelli . Mortinson / Peterson ._Rosen-..-... / Gr, Mr. Preside t, SM 7.51 1R.W0 SEP 9 1952 Adopted by the Council -- —195- 1%62 Approved -- ___ 195— - 1 In Favor �0`�. 1. J, Against Original to City Clerk ' 1 169 !6fi) mm"' No ----_------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL "11� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — ___, trrtnnl--r.FNERAL FORM DATE September oth. 1Q RESOLVFD, That the Northwest Publications, Inc. authorized to install and maintain storage boxes on the public streets and highways in the City of St. Paul, pursuant to Ca F. 120785 approved November 8th, 1940, (in accordance with Ordinance No.8164) wherein the specific number and specific location of said boxes were made a part thereof, is hereby granted permission to make the following change 9r said location to wit : From Maryland and Wheelock to the northeast corner of Folsom and Wheelock Parkway. 18 .1 oy 3 verin A. Mar- tlnson—BY quest— e Retailed. That the Northwest Pnb- Iicatlona, ine. anthori.ed to install and maintain torage boxes the publ/c treets and highways in the Clty o4 St. Paul, pursuant to C. F. 120705, ap- aroved November 0th, 1940, " a0cord- nce with Ordinance No. 0104) wherein the specific number and specific oca- tionn of said boxes werea a thereof, is hereby gg anted permission to make the hi to change In sold location, to -wit: FtheasMarylandei otnd Wheelocd to whteee lock Parkway Adopted by the Council September 9. 1952. �o..n 1 COUNCILMF,N Yeas Ndj®lvorson Marzitelli Marzitelli McDermott Liortinson Mortinson Peterson Parranto RnRQW9 Peterson Rosen Daubney Mr. President, -'1x ANI 0-50 41IMP.fu SEP 9 AN Adopted by the CouneiL_-------------------- 195...-.. SEP ®1952 jApproved----------------------- --- ............. 195 _ �In Favor ....... ........ . ....11... fir---...Against �� C Orig[nel to City Clerk _ aoQ n�i ' COUNCIL 61 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B�C. F. No. 161167—BY Frank D. Mar- COMMISSIONE _ FRANK D MARZTTELI��_ _- -- -- - DATE -- Zl[ll[— h..^e^a..?#: k'.5:gn_arnouucPtl .in._ WHEREAS, it has been announced in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on Monday, September 8, 1952, by the State Insurance Commissioner, that as of that date increased basic rates for automobile public liability and property damage insurance would be in effect; and WHEREAS, the raise in rate in the City of St. Paul has been announced as being in the amount of $13.50 per year, from a basic rate of $46.50 to $60.00, which constitutes a 29p" boost over the former basic rate; and WHEREAS, the automobile liability insurance companies generally have been granted a rate increase of from 17% to 53% on basic rates in the State of Minnesota; _n WHEREAS, this matter seriously involves the public interest and welfare of all of our citizens; now, therefore be it RLSOLVr&D, that the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby request that the Legislature of the State of Minnesota to be convened in January, 1953, make a thorough investigation into all phases of automobile liability insurance and basic rates for such liability insurance for the purpose of ascertaining if such increased basic rates are, in fact, justified; and, be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to all members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Minnesota from Ramsey County. SEP 81952 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ `_. S' 9 IM ___395— Approved –/__-195— 6 Mayor, 4UNCILMEN Yeas ( l Ns 'A Hhand Marzitelli –ivfr.Hernlott-- Mortinson f _In Favor Peterson �GL2`Against Mr. President, Delaney 5M 151 Qpo© SEP 81952 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ `_. S' 9 IM ___395— Approved –/__-195— 6 Mayor, September 9. 1952 Ron. Harold it. sohulta state Senator 882 Jenks St. st. Paul 6, Minnesota Dear Fir. Sobultat We call to your attention the enclosed copy of a resolution. adopted by the St. Paul City council today. asking the Legislature to make a thorough investigation of automobile liability inenrance rates, as more fatly at oat in tha resolution. Your assistanceih"An matter will -Us greatly amreciated. Very truly yours. Gity Clerk Letters Sent to the following: B. G. Novak, State Senator Joseph H. Masek Nt n Milton C. Lightner- �, George L. Siegel Elmer L. Andersen Sheldon L. Beanblossom, State Representative Arthur T. Gibbons, Joseph Prifrel,Jr. Anthony Podgorski, it D. D. Wozniak u Raymond S. Mickelsen Alfred J. Otto Louis W. Hill, Jr. William E. Carlson �i n Joe Karth Claude H. Allen William P. Tucker 161.1,68 Ori¢iael to City Clerk COU NCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL �FORM �9 PRESENTED V �i �y� YE._ .Sember 4„ 191"_. 9 Cis` — COMMISSION --- RESOLVED= That Off Sale Liquor License No. 1276. expiring January 31. 1953, issued to Daniels Liquors. Inc, at 375 Robert Street be and the same is hereby 8 transferred to Harold A. Daniels (4yndividual) at the same address and the City Clerk shall transfer said license when the bond filed by the transferee has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner and the Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the issuance of the license. TRAMPER (Off Sale Liquor) Informally approved by Council August 22, 1952 COUNCILMEN Yeas RALvORSONNays --4eihm'-- Marzitelli / Mortinson In Favor Peterson _ Against -- Mr. President, I DAUBNEY 5M 7-51 OW® C. F. No. 181188 -BY" Norris' O. Bal- a — Severin !+. 16o�'R/nson Robert, F. Pet0nolb- Resolved, That OR Satrin¢lle liquor Li - 1953 ,Issued ense No. lto8ilaNela Liquor% In .3 t 375 itobert Streetbe and the same Is her byy tray d.—d to Harold A. DnNela (individual) at the same d - dress and the City Clerk Shall transfer ld ncense when the bond Bled by t transferee has been approved by th Liquor Control Commissioner en dthe Liquor Control Commissioner advises the CityClerk that he approved the issuance of the He._.. Adopted by the Cmne. September e. 1952. 1952. Approved September e,, (September 13. 1952)) SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council_. 195— SEP 9190 Approved -------_ 195— A,w M Yor Fern s—Revised 6/11/51 J STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions I'APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpo- ration one officer shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a par er- ship one of the "APPLICANTS" shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. Every question must be answered. individual 1 I Harold A. Daniels & (Individual oumer, officer, or pornur) o sel£ hereby apply for an Off for and in behalf Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at 375 Robert Street (Street Addren and /or Lot and Block Number) Municipality of Saint Paul County of Ramsey State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1949, Chapter 340, as amended, Seotember 1, 1952 195_, commencing 195.—. and ending January 31, 1953 lEth June 1923 2. Date of Birt 3. My residence at present and for the past five years is as follows: 1890 Bohland Avec e, Saint Paul, Minnesota 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? If naturalized state dates If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers and/or partners. Gloria Daniels, 1E90 Borland Avenue, 5. Give wife's or husband's full name and address— Sain, Paul, Minnesota 6. What occupations have you followed for the past ten years'. Off -sale liquor store 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership If a corporation, date of incorporation state in which incorporated amount of authorized capitalization -- - _ amount of paid in capital- - _ - - if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so sta give purpose of corporatio name and address of all officers, directors and stockholders and the number of shares held by each If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? Number of certificate of authority If this application is for a new Corporation include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If this application is for a RENEWAL of license state whether any changes have been' made in the Articles of Incorporation and By -Laws since the last issue of Lice S. On what floor is the establishment located, or to be located? f is s t 9. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how is the location of the building classified? mare a Is the building located within the prescribed area for such license? yes 10. Is the establishment located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school? ? blocks State the approximate distance of the establishment from such school or church 11. State name and address of owner of building Guertner Roldin� Comaat�y 3�9 Robert Street has owner of building any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant? no 12. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent? no 13. State whether applicant, and/or any of his associates, have ever had an application for a Liquor License rejected by any municipality or State authority, if so, give date and details no 14. Has the applicant, and/or any of his associates, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details no 16. State whether applicant, and/or any of his associates, were ever convicted of any crime in this state, or any other state, or under Federal Laws, and if so give date and details no 16. Is applicant, and/or any of his associates, a member of the governing body of the municipality- in which this license is to be issued? no If so, in what capacity? 17. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details 18. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota? No Give name and address of such establishment 19. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference_ Empire National Bank, Saint Paul, Minnesota Ed Phillips & Sons, Minreapolis Griggs, Cooper & Co., Saint Paul 20. Do you possess a retail dealer's identification card issued by the Liquor Control Commissionwhich will expire December Slat of this year? Give number of same 700 21. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer? no 22. State whether applicant intends to possess, operate or permit the possession or operation of, on the licensed premises or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice, gambling device and apparatus, or permit any gambling therein. no 23. Under what classification is the license applied for: EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE? Exclusive Liquor Store 24. Are the premises now occupied, or to be occupied, by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from c any other business establishment? yes 26. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation 26. State trade name to be Daniels Liquor Store 27. State name of person that will operate store Harold A. Daniels 28. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off -sale Liquor License and for the same premises No 29. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage License in conjunction with this Off -sale Liquor License, and for the same pre—i... No 30. Give Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Tax Stamp Number 168996 31. Do you intend to deliver liquor by vehicle? yes Tf so, state the number of the Vehicle Permit issued for the current year by the Liquor Control Commissioner_ 500 32. If this application is for a transfer of an off -sale License, give name of former licensee and -state whether any consideration, money or property has been paid, or will be paid, given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of consideration I hereby verify the above statement—d e-Z`�, (Signature of former licensee) 33. Will applicant and/or his associates strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota govern- ing the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Con- trol Commissioner; and all ordinances of your municipality? yes _ I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing questions and that the answers to said question's are true of my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signature of applicant) day of August ig 52. _ "�_---• -Notary at� I1n P,£O to ' y.tary Public, R.V,*. (! sy, Ml My commission expires parch 22, 1953 REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, and/or his associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, or Municipal Ordinances relating to Intoxi- cating Liquor, except as hereinafter stated I�LICE DEPARTMENT (Name of city, village or borough) APPROVED BY TITLE (If you have no police department, either the Marshal or the Constable shall execute this report on the applicant) REPORT ON PREMISES BY FIRE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the premises herein described have been inspected and that all Laws of the State of Minnesota and municipal ordinances relating to Fire Protection have been complied with. RtRE DEPARTMENT (Name of city, village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no Fire Department, an authorized member of the Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of the applicant's premises). 600 10-18. CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.---- ent required by the Liquor Control Commissloner of the State of bnnneeote-1 (This form must be filled out in gddltlon to the spDligotlon form and sworn etatem 29 Name of Applicant HAROLD A. DANIELS g ] r�b Residence Address 1890 Eohland Telephone No. '"_b. -r- Are you a citizen of the United States? Y e s Have you ever been en ged in opeEating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Have been engined asr. officer of Daniels Liquors for ei ht ears When and where. 375 R bert Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota If corporation, give date when incorporate' Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sol United States Fidelity and Guaranty Comoan:, Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Ward Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets 4th375 Robert west 5th & 6ths Streets ' How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ? 7 block= How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? 9 or to blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) . Name of closest schoo French Catholic School How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? commercial On what floor located? first If leased, give name of owner exc2 usive liquor store Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store. ells Liquor Inc 1 4 How long have you operated present business at present site? o Do you now have an ,On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? — (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The Stale application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Date 1 19_ APPLICANT. License Inspeetor. 16 1.169' Origioel to City Cleric COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— LICENSE CClMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tember 9,_1952 PRESENTED BY commissio License No. 1733. xp April 22, 1953, issued to RESCLVEDO That Confectionery L e expiring Ap Daniel Liquors, Inc, at 375 Robert Street be and the sameis hereby transferred to Harold A. Daniels (individual) at the same address. TRANSFER (off Sale Liquor establishment) Informally approved by Council August 22, 1952 COUNCILMEN YeasNays HaLVCRSCN Marzitelli INWOM Mortinson In Favor //) Peterson Against Mr. President, I DAUBNn 5M 7-51 C. F. No. 183169 --By Cjorilc D• Rol' Jr— —Severin. A. Mortitlson — Robert F. Peters8n— ense No a1733hexPlr•ng Ap�l 82 1959, issued to Daniels Wquore, Nc. L 375 Robert Street be and the same le -'ri. by transferred to Rarold A. Dantele (in e'r .an at the same address. Adopted by Lhe rm, September 9, 1952. 1952. Approved September 9, (September 13, 1952) SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council----- —195— SEP 9 199 Approved -----195— i I A_61170 Original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ LICENSE C01&1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �--7I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9 �J DATE- Ptamber �� 1952• POMM15510NE �, ii RESENTED B / - -' - - C _ RESOIfVEDj That licenses for permit to conduct Biggo Games, applied for by the following organizations at the addressee stated, for the clays, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. Minn. bodge No. 157, Bnai Brith 741 Holly Avenue Women's Ditty Club 305 St. Peter Street COUNCILMEN Yeas MVORSON Nays _+i0tt0itT` Marzitelli Mort __ In Favor Peterson—Resm — ___ .-Against Mr. President,== DAJBIM 5M 7-51 •O 1 Period 1 Period t App. 1121621 New a 1121102 a o. 181179-8y C• F' N Severin A. Mortinaoa — rso vorson — s lieenses Robert F' ThaI go Garcons named Resolved, me organize anplie lost attached to this resolution be th dthe same are hereby granted' nd the a a Clerk is fthe payment issue ch licenses Pon the equlred into the City treasury o fees. cll Septe 1. Adopted by the Cotmmber 1952.mber 9, 1952. Approved Septe (September 13. 19521 SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council— —195— SEP 9 i95B Approved. -— . ---- ._195— Ma or Bsckbee Mears Employees Credit Union 900 Lindeke Bldg. s n Morris Horwitz 624 Canada Roy & H. 0. Hjelmgren J6117�_ Orll[loel to CIt9 Clerk ' NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 71-43, Nonle O• ad - �' or'seno-1Severid A. Mortln,on — R Bert F Feet-- _r H.A v..< PRESENTED COMMISSION —�- -'✓yv �- -_ -..._ _ :-- - _.-_ -__— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by�ethe following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. _. __—Against L.eo Hurley & Charles F. Hindman 513 Jackson Pkg Lot over 250 App. 41896 ReneTal DeLoon Parking Serv. Inc. n " 41914 n 384 Cedar Arthur Johnson 242 E. 4th " " 41927 " Oenll Elec. Sap. 00.382/68 Jackson Pkg Lot 25 C. " 42031 " Miller & Holmes, Inc. " 310/14 E. 7th n 42114 " Louis J. Moris 220 E. 9th Into Rep Gar " 42267 " Raymer Hdwe. Co. lg0 E. 6th Hdwe. " 42274 " Russell & Harriet pall 390 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant " 42299 " The Emporium 121/39 F..7th Hdws. " 42326 s A. M. Peterson 184 E. 7th Else App Rep " X327 " Independent Oil OD. 255 Eaton Bulk Oil Stge. " 4236g " Bsckbee Mears Employees Credit Union 900 Lindeke Bldg. s n Morris Horwitz 624 Canada Roy & H. 0. Hjelmgren 162 Concord COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSOH Nays I_HDffM1d__ Marzitelli / Mortinson _ In Favor Peterson _. __—Against Mr. Presidents SM 7-51 .®© V. M. Loo. " 42399 " V. M. W " 42390 n Bat cher " 42419 " Else App Re tI 42425 " 195— Adopted by the Council-- Approved - ------_195— _Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas BALVROSON Nays d•_� Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson gyp—' -_ - __.Against Mr. President, MOB= 5M 7-51 SEP 91 Adopted by the Council - SE? 01952 Approved Mayor PUBLISHLD _'� 71. odginal to City Clerk - - COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ------ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9 September $, 1952 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--- -- __ _. -. DATE. --- - ----- PAGE NO. 2 (Renewaal) Skelly 011 Co. 215 Eaton Bulk Oil Stge. App. 42427 Renewal Fael Mr :Outs Silverberg 34 E. Fillmore Junk Mr. ° 42464 " Diehl Bros. 600 N. Dale Hdwe. ° 42467 " Wyyandt Bros., Inc. 904/6/8 Rice n " 42493 n Robert C. Jaworski 556 N. Dale Auto Bap Car n 42494 n Pako Corp. 1010 Lyndale N. Mpla. Pbotographer " 42555 a Geo. Halran 215 Rondo Mtr Veh Dr. " 42569 " James C. Connolly 169 Arundel n " 42476 " COUNCILMEN Yeas BALVROSON Nays d•_� Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson gyp—' -_ - __.Against Mr. President, MOB= 5M 7-51 SEP 91 Adopted by the Council - SE? 01952 Approved Mayor PUBLISHLD _'� Orltri..t to �Iry Clerk r-" 172 COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL _ LICENSE COMMIT"Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKNo.. ie1172–sr xor+•�s 4?•= Ham' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN RAL FORM I Robert F. Peterm. Morttomnv" . Rq 1ye55 That li�e•Isea pp—d Se tember PRESENTED B DATE _ T._ COMMISSION' HESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated. be and the same are hereby granted - Arthur 6 Thomas Grocery App. 42068 Renewal a ArthuY TYsk n33 Off Sale Malt " II n Ben Waldman 719 Iglehart a n Albert Lieberman 2070 St. Clair Pete Georgantones 187 E. 9th Charles J. Prokop 128 E. 4th Beaumont & James V. Ford 22340 " 176/8 E. 8th Alfred Schmitt 408 St. Peter Ethel Bryant 374 St. Peter Alma R. Herbst 779 Raymond a n ^ ^ Ben SadowskY 132 E. 4th Theo. E. Carpenter 2015 Pord PkY. Arthur H. Adams 742 N. Snelling " n n n n n Armand Sorint 445 Broadway COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays -.Holland-- __-- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson $oserr ---_Against Mr. President, ZJO= DApBNET 5M 7.51 Veh. Peddler (PS)" 42117 " Poodstuff (VP) " 42115 " Butcher " 4�156 " Pkg Lot over 250 " 42203 " Barber " 42214 " Pkg Lot over 250 ^ 42242 " Barber " 42258 " Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42261 n Grocery n 42312 " Butcher " " " Cigarette " " " Ldy & D.C.Pickup ^ 22340 " Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42366 " Restaurant " 42375 " On Sale Malt " " " Off Sale Malt n n n Cigarette Lay & D.O.Pickup " 42400 " Adopted by the Council-- 195— Approved--- -- ____ __ — 195- - - Mayor Orlcin.l to City Clerk J-61172, LICEHSE COMECTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY__._— DATE-------- September 9. 1952 COMMISSIONER -.- --- ----'— _- - ---- "-' — PAGE H0. 2 (Renewals) Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. 131 E. 6th Ldy & D.C.Pickup App. 42104 Renewal ^ 2068 Ford Pky. ^ " 42405 " Apes & Wm. Wondra 721 H. Snelling Grocery ^ 42408 " a n Frozen Meats n n ^ n a Cigarette ^ Clarence Kluender 979 University Restaurant n 4240911 a n Cigarette ^ III ^ Martin A. Salzwedel 2759 W. 7th Restaurant ^ 42426 " a n On Sale Malt ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 Off Sale Malt n n Cigarette ^ ^ ^ Rao Motors, Inc. 2373 University Auto Rep Gar ^ 42428 " Cities Service Oil Co. 5g4 H. Fairview Bulk Oil Stga. ^ 42431 n Easy Wash, Inc. 705 Selby Ldy & D.C.Plant n 42435 " a a V. M. Loc. " n n ^ 380 H. Prior Ldy & D.O.Pickup n 42438 ^ n n V. M. Loc. n 11 n Carrie Halvorson 70 Endicott Bldg. Restaurant " 42439 " n n Cigarette a n n Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. 720 W. 7th " 895 Randolph COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSOH Nays -1101 aI-n3'� Marzitelli 7 Mortinson —_In Favor Peterson Ross,* _._—Against Mr. President, MM= DAUBNEY SM 7.51 IAJ�©i Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42447 11 " It 4244g " Adopted by the Council Approved----- — -- 195- ---- Mayor ori¢in.l to City Clerk �_L 1172 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO.--- LIOII+M COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE—.— p_Se tember 9,_1952 COMMISSIONER_-- _- -_---------- PAGE NO. 3 (Renewal) -- -- Dr. Scott G. Larrabee 999/1001 Selby 4244 Renewal Restaurant APP. 9 " n Bowling 10 Allery" n n " n Cigarette n n n Emil Beandet 1191 Earl Bakery " 42450 " John V. Palmquist 165 R. Dunlap Groee4y " " 2451 a Sale Malt Orr n a Cigarette n n a Ted Barbas 445 St. Peter Lay & D.C.Pickup " 42456 " Gottlieb Prostka 295 Maria Ldy & D.C.Plant n 421 n Frank Moe 240 W. Kellogg " ° 42458 a Elizabeth Young 456 Selby Ldy & D.C.Pickup n 42463 n Mervyn Dahlin 786 Grand Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42466 n Young, Inc. 214/16 W. 5th 2nd Ed Auto Mr " 42468 " Wm. J. Ploren 2290 Como Eleo App Rep " 42489 " Wm. J. Flores 2290 Como Ed". " 42490 " Skelly 011 Co. 527 Aldine Bulk 011 Stge. it 42491 " Mutual Dealers Whew. Inc. 2361 Hampden V. M. Loc. ° 42495 " Dewey J. 0113rien 1115 University Mortician " 42501 " Adolph Rosen 859 University Gas Sta 3P " n 42502 " a a n "Fuel Ilr n n V. M. Loc. " n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - Yeas EALVORSOR Nays Marzitelli Approved--- ----195— B Mortinson _—_In Favor - Mayor Peterson Iieeen--""""" —_Against Mr. President,1 DAMM SM 7 -SI Irvin L. Bubbelke 317 N. Smith LeRoy W. Anderle 1-61 72 orivi—I to City Clerk 1906 Stillwater Marzitelli �L Mortinson CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Mr. Presidents DABBPEY Gas Sta 3P COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 2nd Ed Xr. Gen " 42562 ^ Hdwe. 9. 1952 PRESENTED BYSeptember COMMISSIONER _ -- -- 42572 ^ PAGE 110. 4 (Renewal) " 42598 " Cigarette Morris Preeman 323/$9 E. 7th 2nd Ed Ilr. Gen App. 42508 Renewal "" " 42509 " Rudolph Tschesche 1518 Selby Broadcasting Veh (1) 42512 n (2�� p n " Irvin L. Bubbelke 317 N. Smith LeRoy W. Anderle 218 Bates GElue Hofacker 1906 Stillwater N :09Robert W. Metzger Payne Henry Goodman 2251 E. 7th St. Paul Wreckage Co., Inc. 6o4 Lafayette Harry I. & Sander Smith 436 Wabasha R. G. Reiter 1613 UnivaiYsity Arthur & Alfred Erickson 400 E. 7th COUNCILMEN App. Yeas HALVORSON Nays Elea App Rep `MbI and— 42~14 ^ Marzitelli ^ Mortinson In Favor Peterson 425331111 gResvi —" _—Against Mr. Presidents DABBPEY Gas Sta 3P 5M 7.51 .may® 42547 " SEP 91952 Adopted by thg6o11gS1 52---- 195— Approved.------ ---- 195.- --__ _ p Mayo PUBLISEE-D App. " h / Elea App Rep " 42~14 ^ Auto Rep Ger ^ 42526 ^ Gas Sta 2P " 425331111 Auto Ren Gar ^ 42534 " Gas Sta 3P " 42547 " 2nd Ed Xr. Gen " 42562 ^ Hdwe. ^ 42563 " Photographer ^ 42572 ^ Else App Rep " 42598 " Cigarette " 42610 " SEP 91952 Adopted by thg6o11gS1 52---- 195— Approved.------ ---- 195.- --__ _ p Mayo PUBLISEE-D PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I_C, 117-13 Council File No ......................... PRELIDIINARY ORDERS I The undersigned hereby proposes the makingofthefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Partially opening and widening the Nabashe Stroet-Cedar Street Approach described lots and parcels to the Stats Capitol by condemn..ng_and taking the Following - --.. ............-- of land, all in the City of St. Paul : Lots 34,35,36 and 37, AuditorIa Subdivision ................................... ---............ ............. •-- .................-- ..................-...-------- No 10 St Paul Minnesota ------------. u„ _2 'r Dated this .-----9th.......... day of ..... ..............S..e_P...............ember ..... ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. .............. Prtially---opening--- and -widening ---:the-Wabasha--S-tr-ee-t-CedrZtraa-t-.Appr-oaoi*----•---...__ 4 t p._the_. S+At�...Qapj toJ ._bY-. C_aadetuzu Ag--and..t.aking --the..Stallawing--deacrihed.lo_ts._ and -par -cels of lands all in the City of St. Paul-s--.--Lots--34�35,36_and-37,__Auditor!s-_Subdivision �6innea'•°La-'-------... ----------- ---- ------ ----- ------------------- ........................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ....................................... .................. .............................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 91952 Adopted by the Council ............... :...................................... ......... ---- YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman Fats-NoTmr ONgarzitelli Mortinson ' Peterson MR. PRESIDENT Daubney 1000 7-99 SEP 9 1952 - -- ------------------- ----- --•--------•---- Mayor. j /� PUBLISHED �%- 5� COUNCIL FILE NO 1611'4_ C. F. No. 161174-- 1. 81174-1n the matter of condemnor a oP j tatr.4 an esaement�_ for t A:i.�..r ..,,v.. ad t� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and takinganand semens thent for northetherly Purposes feet of Lot? and maintaining a public on'the rear of said Block 14, West End, from South Lexington Parkway to the all 3n Lot 7. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes'. on a strip of land 4 feet in width on the south 4 feet of the north 12 feet of Lot 79 Block 1+, West End, and.on a strip of,land 4 feet in width on the south 4_ feet of Lot 6, said Block los West End, from South Lexington Parkway to the alley, in the rear of said lots, under Preliminary Order 161000 approved August 21 195 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:_ approved and adopted, and the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn �d make an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public drain South , under and across the northerly 8 feet of Lot 7, Block 14, West End, Parkway to the alley in the rear of said Lot 7. Also condemning and taking a I I . temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 4 feet,in width. on the south 4 feet of the north 12 feet -of Lot 7, Bleck 14, West End, and on a strip of land 4 feet in width on the south 4 feet of Lot 6, said Block 149 West End, from South Lexington Pslkway to the alley in the rear of said lots, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.W. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th-2th ' day of october, 1959 - *4 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of -_ said meeting to the persons and`in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvers. arty ota1 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council i11' v , 193— �� 0 l� � Approve' 193— City Clerk ayor File 12017 Councilman New<r.•o'= Councilman VA01010100110krr MARUT«u PUBLISHED q- ,Lf Councilman ass --r,^ MORTINSON Councilman '".---- Councilman PETER501 Councilman Rte �� S Mayor " DAUBNEY l Form B. S. A. 8.6 lJ 1611-75 INTEaMRML% T OtW-a. . COUNCIL FILE NO— B, O By .INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concretesidewalk5 feet wide on the south Bide of.FYfth,Street from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street, 1, r under Preliminary Order 160394 approve July 1 195 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic -concrete sidewalk 5 feet wide on the south side of Fifth Street from Pedersen: Street to Rath Street, except -where .good, and sufficient sidewalks naw axis with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0-39 *+A_ ^ par nci- _ft. for 4° monolithic walk; '6ctra work- such as excavation, fill, driveways, root-aatting,.etc. at sutra cost. Resolved Further, That a.public hearing be had on said improvement on the 71b day of October, 1952 , X03L_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Conn P 91952 1 193—_ t SEP 91952 Approved 193-_ �¢¢�y Clerk File S 5347 —V - Councilman _ NALVERSON ;� Councilman - MARZITELLI Councilman .yORTINSON Councilman 4 ° ' ETERSON PUBLISHED :Z— 52 Councilman i Councilman DAUBNEY Mayor borm B. S. A. 8-6 . 161176 C. F. No. 16117 COUNCIL FILE NO— B O B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing; as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Osceola Avenue from Janes Avenue to Palace Avenue, under Preliminary Order 16081-9 approved Angnst 7 7959 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Osceola Avenue from James Avenue to Palace Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.38 per sq. ft. for 4" monolithic walk; . Extra work such as (driveways, fill, excavation, root–cutting, etc.) at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 7th day of October, 1252 1 x�, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. y 1952 . ALdopted by the Council SEP , 193— SEP Approved— 193— City Clerk Pile 3 5348 • :..yy...... ,W. ,..._..._ 3 Mayor Councilman 0004101� 14ALVOMM Councilman IMIPINNN� MMM Councilman 111=01� MARZITELLI Councilman � MORTINSON PUBLISHI D� Councilman 1000� PETERSON ` Councilman 1009N� ,ROSEW" , Mayor WNWWWFM DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 1611' C. F. No. 761177— , COUNCIL FILE NO - B O B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Snelling Avenue from Juliet Avenue to Jefferson Avenue, under Preliminary Order 1852 approve.' Angnst 7s 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, as neeeseary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Snelling Avenue from Juliet Avenue to Jefferson Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.38 per sq' ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—actting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 7+.h day of October 1252 }�_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improygv}Fnt #1W total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council , 193_ SEP 190 193 Ci Clerk City Approved -- File S 5349 Mayor Councilman HAL-W.•R-I._N Mme.._ Councilman �R � Councihnan*@RqF� nwRziTCLU _ pjjBLlSii iJ Councilman MEN MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON _ CouncilmanIWNWIN� ,ROSEN Mayor M DAU8HR J Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO- 161178 O A611"78 C. F. No, l¢1178— the, p.t i)�_. •. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Pierce Street from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue, under Preliminary Order 160851 approved August 7, 195! The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the Said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Pierce Street frim Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue, with -no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $52,3$_pe -ft. for 4" monolithic walk; $ttTa work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root -tatting, etc. at extra cost. ".Resoived,Furthep That a public hearing be had on'said improvement on the 7th ___day of To52 XlftZ—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.. Adopted by the Council CF4 'y1 'ice 193— � 1952 Approve SEP 193— City Clerk (-iylayor File S 5350 Councilman pAl Councilman PUBLISHG,D 9—/ — v� CouncilmanMARZITEILI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON �-- Councilman Mayor DAURNEY \) Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO By 161179 C. F. No. 16UP— ¢3�' �. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk an both aides of Osceola Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street, under Preliminary Order 160850approved Ang-t 7, 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, as neceseary,'the existing sidewalk on both sides of Osceola Avenue Pram Griggs Street to Snydicate Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0-38 Wr sq.. ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, till, driveways, root—patting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the`— 7th ----day of October, 1952 W, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OLD 9 ISU . 193_— SEP Approved File S 5351 Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor WWWWWWP Form B. S. A. 8.6 16!180 COUNCIL FILE NO c F. No. leusa— In the matter of reconstrueHng By cepa+true. parr. the> e�aaunq:: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both aides of Goodrich Avenue from Syndicate Street to Hamlin Avenue under Preliminary Order 1608117 approved AnrnWt- 7. 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: f. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repairp as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Goodrich Avenue free Syndicate Street to Hamlin Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.38 R�9• ft. for. 1t" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways,-root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 7tb day of October, 1952 JJJL_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilSEF y 195 , 193— /n SEP 91952 Cl/ Approved— 193— ity Clerk Yale S 5352 or Councilman 14ALVOCOM a Councilmn Councilman*WW&Wmds MARZITELU PUBLISHED Councilman MORTINSON �. Councilman 4TENNEWWOMM PETERSON Councilman WNNNWNo "ROSCR' 71 Mayor jjj&�n� DAUSNEY L/ Form B. S. A. 8.6 J611821 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER Sept. 4 —79 52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 16 581.02 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3767 TOL7_72pL—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITYCOMPTROLLER. y 1952 LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— CITY COMPTROLLER SEP 91952 19 BY — 1-s, .44wn IF, 118.3 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT P $J6 COUNCIL FILE NO. 61IM4 To COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER II♦1°, ;I. ..-'; Sept. 5 is 52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,128.33 2613 _COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO-3732—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMIJPTR5Or1LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --SEP _19— C/5�OMPRR SEP 9 1957 _ 19— BYt�Aa� APPROVED NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOCOUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Sept 5 19i2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 128, 605.20 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37D TO 37786 --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CO1`��J ROLLER. SEP y _-19_- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILmMPrrtoLLeR SEP _ APPROVED__ -- J 81 NOTICE ` , CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 -1 TO UNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. PRINTER Sept. $ 52 ts_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF :138,820•x•0 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 37615 TO—L16Z--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII SLP C, 1957 � ( CT'iOMPYROLLER < =C APPROVED 19_- BY—" j j I 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL T' COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------------------------------ ROLL CALL XALVORSON .......i!e_.,t..................IB_ AUDITED CLAIMS aapYy1� 52--- ..... x M AR2ITE1LI ' --IN FAVOR ORT. NBC. PETERSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ .__.. ...AGAINST �- IN THE AMOUNT OF -------------- .. COVERING MR. PR ES. D ,UBNEY SEP 9 1952 ``�� � CHECKS KS ON FILE I ---HE off673'------ ----• INCLUSIVE A9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.___ _ - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. S� t3--19�Z _U_ R APPROVED ------ _ ........... .............. ......... .............. ........ .COM TROLLER, -- .---- -- - ---- �:..�,+ --- i TOTAL DATE RETURNED C E K IN FtiVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK U ER Ft CHECKS CHECKS _ BROUGHTFORWARD 234 11005 — - —.3%5 Thomas J. Caulfield 108 (N0 ® 37616 Catherine E. Novak 108 00 37617 St. Paul Teaohersl Retire. A,; 24 185 000 0 37618 Grace V. Schrank 156 00 ii 37619 Mrs. Mary E. Kray 140 b0 37620 John G. Bouthilet 911 ?S 37621 37622 Jhicagoop St. P. Mple. & 0. 37623 St. John's Hospital 500 00 37624 Boris L. Levioh 100 00 37625 R. M. Kayser-Bd. of Ed. 50n 0o 37626 Richard F. Hammel 625 00 37627 Grant 0. Helmer 231 25 37628 Bernard T. Holland ', 2 228 81 7 81 37629 e " 261 15 37631 Wm. L. Erlandson & Mathilds 95 00 �I 37632 Axel Newman Heat. & Plumb. 13 14 924 49 323 630 37633 Christensen Electric Co. 7 480 34 37634 Fridholm Constr. Co. i 37635 George Pearson 4 093 2 37636 Harold Purtell Constr. Co. 13 446 24 37637 Sauers Constr. Co. 1 17 084 00 37638 Sheehy, Nielsen, Dougan 32 012 28 37639 St. Paul Musicians Assoc. 56 58 37646 " " Civic Opera Assoc. 56 58 II 37641 Advance Stamp Works 4 50 37642 Aetna Insurance Co. 23 12 52 37643 A. S. Aloe Co. )7644 American Council on Educ. 7 50 l 37645 " Gas Maoh. Co. 16 60 37646 " Prison Assoc. 90 00 37647 Apex Peet Control 37648 Booth Fisheries Corp. 78 83 ill 37649 Brandt Aero Serv. Inc. 12 45 37650 Empire National Bk. 6 H. L. Ettman Sponge Co. 577 4297 37632 Garland Luggage Co. 37653 Hall Electric Co. 54 32 37654 R. E. Hulme Co. 354,56 376 5 Dr. Lyle G. Larson & E. Hoppi 1n0 OO 37656 Lowe and Campbell Ath. Goods C. 92 71 ® 37657 National Industrial Conferend�le 66 00 91 I� 37658 = New York Tea Co. 198 42 �I 379 Nicole Dean and Gregg __ 37660 Northern States Envelope Co. J40Y 376662 Northwestern Bell Tel* hone C. l48 64 3766' " ■ r r 510 19 3766 L. Paulle Midway Fixture 2 527 00 37665 Price Electric Co. 49 05 8 85 it 37666 ata -Vie oil Co. x92 50 37667 Tripod Refining Co. 37668 U. S. Gov't Print. Office 3 00 37669 Universal Sign Co. Ino. 66 00 37670 Van Hoven Co. Inc. 375 00 37671 Wheeler Hardware Co. 17 47 7672 Amherst H. Wilder 50 00 1 7673 Wolters Auto Supply 86 63. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i ! Total - 372 930 45 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL HALVORSON MA..ITEL- ----\---IN FAVOR MORTINHON PETERSON 1_�-� ---- _AGAINST MR. PRE3. DAUBNEY ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL C -_n__------. APPROVED-- ------------(_i_a]____ 9- 37674 7675 - 37717 it 37718 i 37719 3772c � 37721 37722 it 772 7725 ':1 37726 i! 37727 $7728 37729 �I h CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,COUCIL _1 !J 44 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILEN NUMBER ----------------- _82.-_ AUDITED CLAIMS --------sept.- 4 ,�2 37674 Cp SEP 8 1952 ------ -- -------------- 7673 � NUMaER 7676 37677 7678 ' -r_I/1� 38 76 TOTAL DATE FAVOR F 37682 RETURNED J BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 7684 7685 CHECKS 37686 BROUGHTFORWARD X9687 72 9303 37688. 37690 37691 37692. 1 337694 337691 7699 37698 7699 'i 7700 3770332 37704 7 )7707 7708 37709 377b0 37711 ;: 37712 (� • 771 3771 ;, 37715 7716 i' 37717 it 37718 i 37719 3772c � 37721 37722 it 772 7725 ':1 37726 i! 37727 $7728 37729 �I h CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,COUCIL _1 !J 44 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILEN NUMBER ----------------- _82.-_ AUDITED CLAIMS --------sept.- 4 ,�2 J Ault A Wiborg Carbon 6 Ribbo* Bishop Tow. Service Booth Cold Storage Co. ii Bud's Landscape Serv. Bury A Carlson Inc. Capitol Awning and Shade Co. Oitisens Iee and Fuel Co. Crane Co, of Minnesota CrocAe Bill Tire Co. Diotaphone Corporation I' Louis F, Dow Co-. Downtown Ford Co. Dunn Welding Supply 0o.. B. I. Dupont De Nemours A Co iEastern Machine Works Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co: Ino. i Encyclopaedia Britannica Fil' First National Bk: of St. Pa H. W. Fisher Photo Supply Co Foley Mfg. 00. General Playgrds Equip. Co. Truck & Equip. Co. G11gosoh & Sons Ginn d Co. 41obs Pub. Co. Gopher State Oil Co. R. L. Gould 6 Co. Grand Ave. Motor Co. Hardware Mutual Insurance Co Henry Holt 6 Co. ¢ 0. Horn Co. Ino. allinois AssIn of Teachers o Illuminating Engr. Society Insulation Sales 00. Insulube Cil Products International News Photos Alvin J. Jansen Joyce Insurance Inc. Kee Lax Mfg.. Co. Walter Kiddee Co. (Teo. 0. Kilner Wire Co. Kos& Real Estate Lange Bros. D. J. Leighton Co. Librarian- Library of Congre a R. A. Lundbeck Co. Lyon Chemicals Inc. Lyons & Carnahan Will's - Moore Insurance Co.i Rlizabeth G. MoNahon 1 M. B, Coffee 00. Malmon Pontiac Ino. Manners Motz Co. Mpls. St. Paulk Sault Ste M. IR. Minnesota Fenoe and Iron Wka Mobile Engr. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2,11 17 91 00 26 50 2 00 14 , 80 1271 38 54 74 29 94 611 50 70 23 79 85 220 60 1071 39 • 3 58 00 20 9S 2 46 o0 1 12 3 033; 0 34�, oe lb 74 Minn. 12 35 8 70i 2 00 Eng. 00 1 393110 0 30 ;LOO 00 4gyd ao pry 56 100 5i 6o 2i 91 14, 25 19al 71 3130 58, 70 ?j 26 1901 70 108! 0o 65i 00 11 26 62! 44 1 928 53 231 75 I 65j._8a u u 389 5lt 47 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Cp SEP 8 1952 ------ -- -------------- p IN THE AMOUNT OF6-Z$_1_615 j..oZ�_j____e________________ COVERING CHECKS NO ---- --____---........ TO___.,)_? I.-------- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � NUMaER �+ yy j - �___ PTF L ' -r_I/1� TOTAL DATE FAVOR F RETURNED J BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 72 9303 J Ault A Wiborg Carbon 6 Ribbo* Bishop Tow. Service Booth Cold Storage Co. ii Bud's Landscape Serv. Bury A Carlson Inc. Capitol Awning and Shade Co. Oitisens Iee and Fuel Co. Crane Co, of Minnesota CrocAe Bill Tire Co. Diotaphone Corporation I' Louis F, Dow Co-. Downtown Ford Co. Dunn Welding Supply 0o.. B. I. Dupont De Nemours A Co iEastern Machine Works Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co: Ino. i Encyclopaedia Britannica Fil' First National Bk: of St. Pa H. W. Fisher Photo Supply Co Foley Mfg. 00. General Playgrds Equip. Co. Truck & Equip. Co. G11gosoh & Sons Ginn d Co. 41obs Pub. Co. Gopher State Oil Co. R. L. Gould 6 Co. Grand Ave. Motor Co. Hardware Mutual Insurance Co Henry Holt 6 Co. ¢ 0. Horn Co. Ino. allinois AssIn of Teachers o Illuminating Engr. Society Insulation Sales 00. Insulube Cil Products International News Photos Alvin J. Jansen Joyce Insurance Inc. Kee Lax Mfg.. Co. Walter Kiddee Co. (Teo. 0. Kilner Wire Co. Kos& Real Estate Lange Bros. D. J. Leighton Co. Librarian- Library of Congre a R. A. Lundbeck Co. Lyon Chemicals Inc. Lyons & Carnahan Will's - Moore Insurance Co.i Rlizabeth G. MoNahon 1 M. B, Coffee 00. Malmon Pontiac Ino. Manners Motz Co. Mpls. St. Paulk Sault Ste M. IR. Minnesota Fenoe and Iron Wka Mobile Engr. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2,11 17 91 00 26 50 2 00 14 , 80 1271 38 54 74 29 94 611 50 70 23 79 85 220 60 1071 39 • 3 58 00 20 9S 2 46 o0 1 12 3 033; 0 34�, oe lb 74 Minn. 12 35 8 70i 2 00 Eng. 00 1 393110 0 30 ;LOO 00 4gyd ao pry 56 100 5i 6o 2i 91 14, 25 19al 71 3130 58, 70 ?j 26 1901 70 108! 0o 65i 00 11 26 62! 44 1 928 53 231 75 I 65j._8a u u 389 5lt 47 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ................. ROLL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS sept. - 52 HALVORSON .................1B_._._.. MARZITELLI ----�---IN FAVOR MORTINSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ----AGAINST I.DBEr� 1�$►60 IN THE AMOUNT ny�-�f - COVERING MR. PRES. DAU BNEY �p 1, ��I� --- - - -- ---- -------INCLUSIVE,AS SLF J �.9./j CHECKS NO_______________________TO.____.. .__..___. - PER CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTRQLLER. .............................. l0. NUMBER C �/( TOTAL DATE U RETURNED � CHECK �y AVOR F1 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER 1 CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 37752 i 3775 3; 37754 i 377$5 i 37756 37757 37748 37783 37784 37785 37786 National Lumber Co. Mae Oetho" Bernard T. Holland r r International Inw-itute St. Paul Institute Patrick J. Hagerty Antoinette S. Kellerman Catherine C. Sohmause Bernard T. Holland r r r r r r Leonard N. Thompson Milton Rosen Bernard T. Holland Carl A. Flack, Registrar Ross A. Thuma Sgt. Arthur W. Stattman Flavor Fried Popcorn 81 P. C.!, 8t. P. Comm. National Thanke Collector Internal Rev. Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier W' Otis Elevator Co. Johnson Service 00. Fillmore and Bradbury Inc. A. G. arendahl Herbert B. Crommett Albert G. Plagens Brooke Cavin Bernard T. Holland Anoker Hospital Dr. 0. Curry Bell Drs. Chadbourn and How* Earl Clinic Drs. Endress and Endress Dr. John V. Farkas V. P. Hauser, M. D. Dr. A. A. Kugler Dr. Donovan L. McCain Dr. J. J. M0 Oarthy Midway Hospital Carl A. Miller, D. 0. Charles T. Miller Hospital St. Lukefe Hospital I pawl Physical Therapy Cei Dr. L. T. Simons Oeorge W. Snyder M. D. Dr. 0. I. Sohlberg Dr. Joe. M. Sprafka Dr. G. P. Wenzel Dr. Karl 0. Wold Ralph L. Olsen, M. D. St. Josephoe Hospital Dale Purnell, M. D. Drs. Schons, Medelman, P. & 13 34 15Q� 00 sl 5 � 5s 1 964j 23 22 000100 800' 00 1 500 00 64; o0 120; 00 56100 39.30' 7T 95 265' 12' 2 510189 65! 00 65; no 65! on 65i no 63j 00 25!59 96110 4001 00 5 299168 4813 942'; oo 254 92 2 00 1 00 499187 1 145185 z OP 35 667154 29150 75,00 130!00 2:51 00 5 100 9100 9100 6'o0 25! 00 14+00 8 00 00 i3{50 16 50 14i 00 13eo 42100 2; 00 5 no 77100 6!00 5160 81'00 15100 20 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1518 116, 67 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL HALVORSON 'FiOLOO.+A MARZITELLI ---- ----IN FAVOR MORTINSON 7 nW116ON '--_..AGAINST MR. PRES. DAUBNEY P 9 1952 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....n...-w.................. nK 201 I CITY OF SAINT PAyL COUNCIL tIFF110E OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER____ -------------------- AUDITED ________ __ __---AUDITED CLAIMS ._Sent• ----5-- -------------- ---IB-$2-- RESOLVED. THAj CH C�1�L� B DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 0 . IN THE AMOUNT OF $-----------------p---j-�----- ----------------- COVERING CHECKS NO. 37787 ---------TO- TO-37ffi'39 ----------- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TELE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL DATE 110, C K 11 RETURNED J N il�.OR TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUI ER CHEG KB CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARD ,l 37787 ! A. J. Teohida Oontract. C06 ! Bernard T. Holland 37788 37789 7790 7791: 37792 7799 I! Pederson Bros. Book Co. $ l Ma Graw Hili 1 37795 , ller Bryant Pierce 00. it Products 37796 Minnesota Mark. 3779 Morgan-Gerrish 00. Food 006 ! 37798 Morton Bog )7799 Mutual Distri CO. 17800 R, A. Myere and Co. 801 National Assoo. for Mental H�1' ,1 7802 'i National Bureau of Standards') 37809 0 Council of Teachers of Co. Ino, • 3g80i! W; W. Morton and 7806 N. W. Publications Ino. 1 780( N. W. Equip. & Supply CO. > 7807 j O. N. Olson Photo Supplies � 7808Pliam Linoleum Oo. ! 7809 11 Prentice Hall Co. j 37814 The Psychological Corp. 37811 Public Affairs Comm. Inc. 37812 '� Purity Baking 00. l 37813 4uiok Service Battery Co. In . 37814 Railway Express Agency II 37815 Rand MONally b 00- 37816 D. Raverty and Son 37817 Refrigeration Supply Co. Inch: 37818 1 Ribm Motor 00. 37819 !I Ronald Press Co. 37820 11 Hoeholt Equip. Oo. 37821 1j Royal Typewriter Co. 37822 ii Ruffridge Johnson Equip. Co I. 37829 1 George T. Ryan Co. � 37882216+ .I S"t. Paul Book and Stationery; A) 3 37826 11" " Corrugating Co. 37827 " " Linoleum Co. ! 3782$ j Science Kit • . 97829 Shell Oil Co. 378y0 Singer Sew. Machine CO. " 37831 H. M. Smyth Print. Co. Ina. 8 2ij South Bend Lathe Wks. 37833. Southwestern Pub. Co. 37834,! Sperry Office Furn. Co. 37835 Standard Duplicators 37836 Oil Co. 1 378371 Star Launderers and 01Fanere�' 378381 Supt. of Documents 378391 Teach. Film Custodians SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ?58 88 L03 38 L64 64 948 ?8 110 2 Wi 30 846 f 784 101 80 19106 47,161 12100 2175 13 00 � 0 12143 22' 62 93! 79 5; 36 12300 47' 08 258 3@ 1 90 g5 i 00 148 46 18161 281112 9100 691 69 135140 12120 463!,60 101 2 500100 274180 4213'7 375,36 77'28 2031 fq 69766 1 73153 12!19 83 20 3 00 38 si 54 1 90 11 25 52 00 8 238..: r 1 p > � SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ?58 88 L03 38 L64 64 948 ?8 110 2 Wi 30 846 f 784 101 80 19106 47,161 12100 2175 13 00 � 0 12143 22' 62 93! 79 5; 36 12300 47' 08 258 3@ 1 90 g5 i 00 148 46 18161 281112 9100 691 69 135140 12120 463!,60 101 2 500100 274180 4213'7 375,36 77'28 2031 fq 69766 1 73153 12!19 83 20 3 00 38 si 54 1 90 11 25 52 00 8 238..: r p > t .1(A 115 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR aes°LOjTr Nei oN SND N In the matter of__condemning and taking an easement in_the_land necessar_y-_for_slopesy_ cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 from Watson Avenue to the north line of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88, ..__._._-- Intermediary Order _________ under Preliminary Order_1s996�_______________, approved- _Ley_2Z,_14$2___.-----------_-_---._ .- - 160313________________, approved__June24_1952 , Final Order ___-___-----16061E _______________, approved- —11i.1.y_22,_J.9-2 _----- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $Z't fur--- t1J t tl. —M t h d if hu nli.. .iutn o.7 M b1 ..b4e I 4 it t t SEP 101952 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ SEA 10 1952 ---- City Clerk. Approved---------------- ' ` ----,19---- File 11960 ----- -------- r ----- r - ;t..1vrR^ON Mayer. Councilman Conroy Councilman)'erguson+s /pljg iSIiLD -�� _ Councilman McDonald U Councilman $P6rce=" CIN Councilman Rohland %N 111 Councilman6ud.b*i=__-_ -^sem— J Mayor,—_,—_ ctiut3NEr / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of___ condemning and taking an easement -in_the_ land_necessar_for_ slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 from Watson Avenue to the north line of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88, under Preliminary Order --- 52265------- approved ------------- MAY --- 27,-)-5Z52 Intermediary Order ----__ !6Q;3 ------- approved------------ jJLije--24,_ 1952------------------ Final Order -------------- 160616 - ---- approved------------ July--??'- ------------------ ------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. lT ---------1---�-----_a_-a--- z=-- -- - Commissioner of Pi .- nee. j 161186 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_condemningand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Dunlap Street from California Avenue to larpenteur Avenue, {aFIR ; G N -&N — N�AR7o D CAxn II '.wAR^P nF ,,^1MA�'RP AND A8-, under Preliminary Order__-Ji@012--------------- approved --- Xmmmber_]_Ez�_1951-------------- Intermediary Order ________, 15____5_ 83 2 -------------- aPP, roved___ December 26L 1951______________ Final Order ______________ i5555_-___---------, approved___ July 29, 1952 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �� yg�x �gc�a�dxi�boYx�dYe4�2byX�gE0�ii3t14gd �pgx�x j4Aj�f113 U ............ tnxeae�xp�naeknf�d�d Adopted by the Councfit; -1-01-942 95 ---_- 19 ---------------- (/ 'City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- �Z I File 11811 ------ - -- -- -------L------ ------- ---- / M or. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson --------- Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland PUBLISHED Councilman 9udheimer Mayor WZW'-^- L'AU GNi � _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__�opdemng_s.n_d_aki�]�:}n_ estnye�,t•_�r�_7<,he._lgnd_P�FeSsai'y_S_¢c_slflpes, cuts and fills in the grading of Dunlap Street from California Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order- _155—QIL ------- approved -------------- N9yaniae -16,_1951-----------__ Intermediary Order ------ 153352------- approved -------------- Deet -26,_1951 ------------- Final Order -------------158555 ------ approved -------------- Jul -F ----- 24._Ja5?-------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -- ----- B_£_n_-_►"- Commissioner of Fm orwmi to City Clerk SCID CITY OF ST. PAUL co= Cm NO-------------- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM DATE September 10th 1952 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works, be and he is herein authorized and instructed to proceed with the improvement of the intersection of the alleys in Blocks 7 and 8, of Hardenbergh Heights, with Macalester Street, at an estimated cost of $657.00, said cost to be paid out of the Paving Aid Fund, Code 31—E1. _ C tinson- By lrequesst—Severin A. Mor - Resolved. That the Commissioner f Pu�orizetl rksa b iaucted to�pro-ad with the improvement f the inter- oYcturn of the Hardenbergh alleys elBhlsB,loc lth7 Maaag- ter Street, at an stlmated cot f $857.00. said cost to be paid out of the Paving ad Fund, Code Slept. Adapted by the Council September 10, 195Appprove Approved September 10, 1952. (September 13. 1952) COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Marzi�, gxxx Mortinson Racawtax Peterson 4,esea-- Daubney Mr. President, DAA 9M OSO °sfpo n OWIC Adopted by the CouneiL........... ..................... .195. -...- $fir 1 DIM pproved---------------- --......--------195.. In Favor .' Dv..".-.'. ..... May ......Against original to City Clerk - - ^ ".' CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOiismca -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI MOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE Sept. 9, 1952 COMMISSIONER— L` --- ----- -- ^ M188—By Severin A. Mor- ' nl :i9IN'� In the matter of constructing a sewer on Fourth Street from Howard Street to a point 35 feet west of East Avenue, on Fremont Avenue from Howard Street to East Avenue, and on Howard Street from Third Street to Fourth Street_ under Preliminary Order C. F. 159201 approved March 25, 1952, w and Final Order C. F. 160536 ap,,roved July 15, 1952. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public tdorks, be and the same are hereby approved, and b^ it further RESOLVED, Th -.t the Purchasing Agent be and e is hereby directed to advertise for bi s on this improvement. QgtNCILMEN Yeas, N Mme.:a I: Mavo arzitelji pIrD. it Mortinson e--- Peterson ..R eeeft'_ _ Mr. President, Delnney--' aft n -so u SEP 10 1952 Adopted by the CouneiL.................................195------ SEP 101952 / Approved----- ...... ................... ......195 -In Favort -M or------- J ..............Against �..,.., PUIILISHED�-----' Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No ORIGINAL— CITY CLERK 11�, Y 1509 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE T3-- FOR .AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS II iPRESENTED BY HON.— __.___ II C. F. No: 161169 --By Severin A. Mor - tlns0n—By request- In the matter of grading Germain Street from • Cottage Avenue to Arlington Avenue, under Preliminary Order 158685 approved January 31, 1952, and Final Order 159239 approved June h, 1952• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work at an estimated cost of 963511,65 by Ctty Forces, and 'that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $267.21, or a total of $3778.86, be assessed against the benefitted property. • II ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE i FORMAL BIO NO. INOTE TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE By COMPTROLLER BEFORE PREAENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERM ANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - : 3778.86 2. APPROPRIATED FROM C $ C CITY SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—BON - CODE - ODE $ 3, APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IM OVEMENT9—EXEMPT PROPERTY— $ gPPROPPIATED FROM DISSUE--CODE 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ -- — _ — 6. TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - , 3778.86 F I COPIES TO: I HERESY 0.11-1 THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK AVAILABLE THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. • I PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED_ — COMPTROLLER--- � I — - SEP 101952 VIII COUNCILMEN L_— -- NAYS ', ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI----- YEAS --- ---- ------ F• IN FAVOR --- SEP 101952 APPROVE ---__ --- _. _AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT PUIi1.1SHL SII 500 9-17 ® CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 L� 9 ■.!C■_--- ORIGINAL- COUNCIL 4JMLli!■ L[_dB.1'Ll'`L• CITY CLERK N9 1510 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE FOR AUTHORIZATION -OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON._ In the matter of grading Macalester Street from • Sohland Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue under Preliminary Order 158655 approved January 29, 1952, and Final Order 159240 Approved April 1, 1952. RESOLVED. That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvelrent, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public fforks be and he is hereby directed to do the work at an estimated cost of $1470.84 by City Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and -be it FURTH&R RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvementx including engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $124.96, br a-total°of $1595,80, be:adbabsddhagainbt the benefitted property. • C. F. No. 161186—By SeV.rm A. MOr- tinson—By request— In the matter of grading Macalester ,..rPet from Boldnnd Avenue to Fii11- FORMAL BID NO. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFDTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 1595.80 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE $ <. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1595.80 COPIES TO: I M Y THAT THERE IS MBERED 13 - CITY CLERK ANCE a THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING COMPTROLLER- MR. OMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT 500 9-a] gt�r�y Ass� NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- _--_ _ -- -tel FAVOR SEP 101Q5�1 - APPROVED ----------._-_--- PUBL 1 ED - / — 2 MAY A — 01 original to City Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK am:= AL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— COMMISSIONER— ATE_COMMISSIONER_— K' 119 COUNCIL FILE NO. -- C. F. No. 161191—By N—Is O. Hai- V2oraOn w mi...+ Willie E. C. Meiste RESOLVED, that Willie E. C. Melstering be permitted to erect an oversize private garage at 1617-1629 Charles Avenue, subject to approval of the plans by the City Architect, and subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays v rson Marzitelli _114DOFM04 Mortinson Peterson FQCrn Mr. President, Pelw OY 5NI ,.,I © Daubney sst Adopted by the Council_---- h 195— SEP 1010 / Approved---195— A pproved-- 195—A In Favor— �___ _ Ma or Against HAROLD J. RIORDAN HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief CI.,k City Clot CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Winnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -on" Sept. 9, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Willie E. C. Meistering for permit to erect an oversize private garage at 1617-1629 Charles Ave. Very tT^uy yours, City Clerk. rf� U NV L I;OTICE OF APPLICATION - gTTBT.ZG. �? FOR PERMIT TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE PRIVATE GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on cegtmbar q. 19_2, to the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, bye 1 to r, . 1AMI c _grirm for permission to erect" garage on the an oversize private following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit; Lot Weat 1/2 Of 11. All of 12. 13, ",and 15 Block 1 , S0 GAS ARGOnMiise 44 :,a:t &srla sUb at 41dway Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. On the Sort 38ide of Charles St. Agra., between P17 St. A`0"b r and ;Willi, .9*% -Ave. No. 16i7.162'?y chrarlaa St. A.W_ Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, RUt 22, 1952 Norris 0. Halvorson, Commissioner of Department of Parks, Play- grounds And Public Buildings. 1OT1CF. Of APPLICATION, FOR PERMIT TO ERECT AN OVER- tiR.E PRIVATE GARAGE VUUc is 1""Ay gi—o thatpursuaPRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PITRI,MATION nt s.•euon is'If .t Paul, No. 7210 ,i au• /.:ity r St. Paul, Minnesnta, STATE OF MINNESOTA, ,ppb15Z will be made on September COUNTY OF RAMSET. s' i ]'J 52 to the City Council of the of `;t. Paul. Minnesota by Willie e rot",sp ring, bx p,•rm issio„lo er, et if. 0. Wa-rnting, being doly sworn. mr oafk says that he is, mid du,mg all the times m n pnvat, garag,, on the m1- herein stated has been business m—ugrr or the ..cies.... nm' kootcn as Saint Paid Leyul Ledycr, v. rsv. lowing descrmed real estate. siha,ted in and Las all kaowled, e o the acts herein.. ler .�'tutcd. W-1 ,Y County All ,,12.1 to -wit: L„ t ! t / 1T West �; of 11. All of 12. 13, 10. and 16 Thal f01' nl0)'C t)Iart oilC ycaT prior totIIc phi bli C(1t10)4 i1h C1'Clln of thhe Rot ice. .t)f. .. .... .. .. 3otl 1, ti1,11 McConville & t, io,,, gut,. or naldwaY Addition, St. Paw. .8pp11Catinn. fOr..PerIDi.t.... ... 8ereinafter rinscribed, said ncuspaper acus printed and tnnno,.na. Dn the Nord, side of published in the City of St. Paul, in th County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, daily except vh,vles 5i., b,—_.o Fry St. uicl .3 day mid Monday of each tccek; that durhig all said finne said newspaper has been printed e•111n, Ave. No. 1617-1629 Charles St. Dated at St. Paid, Minnesota, August to the English language from its knot.... office of pu blicatiou within the City froth which it ^_. 1952 purports to be issued as above stated in solumn raid sheet for i cquiralent in space to at NORRIS o. HALVORSON. least 150 running inches of single colanut, two inches aside; has been issued daily except Sunday Commim'overt wn and Monday from a knooffice established in said place of publication, equipped with skilled Department of Parks. war)anat and the necessary material for preparing mid printing the sante; that dunag all said Playgrounds and Public Huildtngstime in its makeup not Iess that twenty -fire per cent of its news columns have been devoted to sur; z3 -2e -271 o skips local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it las LEaat. LEDGER N���:, atot !,holly duplicated any other publication, atd has not been entirely made tap of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty !2401 copies regularly delivered to paying > subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local posteffice; and that there has been on , file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey Cmuhty, Diinnesota, the affidavit of a pea:son " a having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said-:e:espaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a Irgul nncspaper. That tete .Notice of application for ,permit .... hereto attached tons cut from the columns rr of said newspaper, and icas printed annAd�� published therein in the English language, once each tIId'2'Erfor ..threw. (3) it vas first so published on .... Satuxdtay...... the ...23rd.......... daj)fff ....August ................. 19.52, and thereafter on ... Tuesdray..Aug. 26t3}fec9raleek and including !Nie Wednesday..27.th.... day of .....August......................:...19.52; and thnt the follotcing is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inchhsive, and is hereby acknoacledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication ,f said atotiee, to -wit: abcdefghlj klm napgrsto—syz H. O. WARMING Subsca'tbed and sworn to before me this .....27th..........,. day of ... Aust...•.... 1952• I. B. WARMING Votary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My rum m i.s.sinn r.rpirr,s Atuln.st 19, 1956. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 xs• County of Ramsey, That the aSl........ .. NOTICE ......... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, ZK9XMjX3CMM for .......three .days...... • .7mmuct1Lic1Odm that it was first ao published on .. SatUrdag.... the •.t.NOAtynthird. day of ,dp&ngt',........ 19...., and thereafter on.KQr44Y:-TU0.sd4y....f each week to and including the ....tr/AIIty-sixth.. day of ...... AuguSt......... 1952.; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b r d e f a h 1 I k 1 m n o P V r a t a v w x y e Subscribed and swum to before me this.-4th.day ,,iSQP-t4=1)0r........ ........ 79 rJ2. .. .. ... ............... Notary P te Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires .... 19.... Porro les Ela,apgr.P'AlmI............ being duly sworn, on oath ............... says: the®b, now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North - vest Publications, Inc., pul,lisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter .stated That for more than one year Immediately prior to the publication therein of the Oru"er Txm N 0Eape A lxOgtrtn QL.1C.a..of for..permit.-to-erect an-ov"sim— Notl eOTaEOA1C eLY Poivant to ae n- l: -m, ordln... < No. i"re of th< "I" at at. Paul. 11hou'oia. ae- panted .IlpPliewtion. enon wm be made on s otrn,o , v. v.`a'iipne oi:°eI icui°es"c: i.Y1t00..garage.. •Yfill-i•e. E•.G•-?leisteriftreto attached, said newspaper amallrrmc for rtR,lealon to a= i . Nate me ...PF. was and published in the English language from its known office u( publication as n r�dow� "nilaoP oti:. i�lvii� tai printed in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of hlinnesota, irom which It ru. an ar v. u. la ase u. Pluck rl. ffiierle mecv„a\ue seaarr•a purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form SOM1. of IdwaY \ddly v. 1. Paul s rata. a, lire . am. ler i fharlrs equivalent in space, m at lens[ 450 running inches n( single column two inches wide; si., bcnaern Fry at. and anrll- Ivb . Ne. tsuae� cnaura n has been issued from its known a{fits as above stated, established in said place of puhli- wed et St. Paul. \Ilnnezota. Au¢uat cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and NORRii n. {IALrODRSD.a'. commnamnr, a .�anmrnt a. printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted of which er nu r s�uaini��°u ane to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work ,r. a. sal.. av°.i TO,' nue.:.i-:,m sds� has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and least 240 copies regularly delivered near its said place of publication to the extent of at to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second clam mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the aSl........ .. NOTICE ......... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, ZK9XMjX3CMM for .......three .days...... • .7mmuct1Lic1Odm that it was first ao published on .. SatUrdag.... the •.t.NOAtynthird. day of ,dp&ngt',........ 19...., and thereafter on.KQr44Y:-TU0.sd4y....f each week to and including the ....tr/AIIty-sixth.. day of ...... AuguSt......... 1952.; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b r d e f a h 1 I k 1 m n o P V r a t a v w x y e Subscribed and swum to before me this.-4th.day ,,iSQP-t4=1)0r........ ........ 79 rJ2. .. .. ... ............... Notary P te Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires .... 19.... Porro les 10 19 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and IC. FI No. 161192 Whereas, written proposaAor the akirk t the 'jjjow!"^ 'mpiovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER wAndersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the westerly side of St Paul Avenue from Saunders Avenue northwesterly approximately 100 ft. to the existing sidewalk and on the northerly side of Saunders Avenue from St. Paul Avenue southwesterly approximately 100 ft, to the easterly alley thru Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition — including the cross walk. Dated this 4th day of September Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the westerly side of St. Paul Avenue from Saunders Avenue northwesterly approximately 100 ft. to the existing sidewalk and on the northerly side of Saunders Avenue from St. Paul Avenue southwesterly approximately 100 to the easterly alley thru Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition —including the croas having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2., To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 10 1952 Adopted by the Council_ YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI MORTINSON gAgWOM HALVORSON PETERSON MR. PRESIDENT, QdAW DAl1BNEY 1M 4-51 8 SEP 10 1952 I G ayor. PUBL1SllED - — ` NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL •� 9 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. PRINTER C. S. No. 16119S— ReaotYea, That cheeks he arawa on I Sept. 8 [2 the City treasury, to the aggregate 1952 'nc9`1h n/ $71'-RP0. ��. !pNe•/`..lg CFP.Ck81 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DWAWN' bW'I"k E' !i Y'TREA�.'URY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-71 894.12 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3784p -TO--32U-Z--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. — Z2 EIR-'r E' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— _ 19_ SPSP1 0 1952 �TriczoNP,'rnouea APPROVED— 19_– / - BY_'�` eW t -m �� �� PUBLISHED '7— — iJ rITY OF RAIN CITY r PAUL C• _ .U-6— TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F FILE LE NUMBER _ .-.-.---------'--'- ROLL CALL HALVORSON O AUDITED CLAIMS Sept. -_.. 8 52 _.-..,B. ARZITELLI I'll MORTINSONTREASURY PETERSON POGO "-'--" _..IN FAV R -....._- - AGAINST RESOLVED. ON THAT CHECKS B OAW 71 89+.12 N THE CITY MR. PR ES. DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT 04 ........... Q SEP 10 1952 CHECKS NO... 7-------------TOFFIC---------------IT PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE 97892 OFFICE OF THE COVERING INCLUSIVE. R, CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....._..._ q r.. _ r j�TJ6 ___ r APPROVE lir- 202 ------ � -BY TOTAL TOTAL DATE / NCHECK UMBER IN AVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS I DISBURSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED B / Y BANK BROUGHT FORWARD _ ---- --• --- 37840 _ Midwest 011 Co. I 1 270 97 37841 H. K. Stahl Co. 632 17.,i 37842 J. L. Shiely and Co. 1 272 17 37843 Bernard T. Holland 93 1 813 00 ^, 44 '! 37844 37845 " " 35 597 42 '! 37846 . 905 58 37847w a 3 877 19 b, 37848 Roy L. Hansen 80 o0;'; 'I 37849 Bernard T. Holland 321 20 37830 Timothy P. Quinn 250 ;62 00,1 00;' 37851 Wm. C. Schram 37852 Addressograph—Multi. Sales Ag. 57 92 37853 American Book Co. 10 940 75 37854 M Inat. of Planners 1n 4 on 37855 " Surplus Co. 25 37856 Armour & Co. 5$ 9'+ 37857 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 285 176 4o l 37858 Milt,,n Bradley Co. 54 o8,; 37859 37860 Brown and Day Buettner welding Supply Co. li 140 50 37851 Capitol Supply Co. 4 5 'I 37862 F. J. Chase Printing Co. 45 00',' 3788b3 Committee on Diagnostic Read. 249 48 $99 37865 Commonwealth Electric Go. Comntometer Division 520 00 37866 Cook Paint and Y?.rnish 14 18 37867 Coronet Films 1 400 472 00 62'''' 37869 Crook and Hanley Ino. 3 046 63 37869 Dresser Trap Rook Co. 37870 Elgin Sweeper Co. 1 I17 68 37871 L. D. Engberg 24 37872 Farnham Stationery do Soh. S. 0. 66 21 37873 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. i 527 43 37874 Foley Mfg. Co. 390 72' 37875 Golden Rule 107 00 37876 GrPat Lakes Coal and Dock Co. 458 21 37877 Greene Engraving Co. 13 32 37878 Groes Bros.—Kronicks 3 75' 37879 H d R. Co.—Finoh Mdse. Mart 390 00 37880 International Assoc. of Arson I. 10 00 37881 Joesting and Schilling Co. Co. 1.57 10 37883 37882 Kennedy Bros. Arms 03 Kenny Boiler and Mfg. Co. 2 5378 35 37884 Northern States Power 1 191 27 't 37885 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 1 233 95 37886 Univ. of Minnesota 5 00 I' 37887 Victory Print. Co. 486 75 37888 Vincent Braes and Copper Co. 126 07 ; 37889 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 161 64: 37890 World News of the Week 15 00 37891 Dan I. York Agency 495 76 37892 Ed. A. Stein 38 75 61^132 30�' SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1.6!194 original to City Clerk - FNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ILENO. O------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By/may,_/7J/f/J/� ��t /-,� 4-Y�DATE September 11, 1952 COMMISSION ERrC-tL`""'='i-"""' - ' "� -- RESOLVED2 That the portion of License No. 91 covering Off Sale Malt Beverage, expiring January 2, 1953, issued to Otto F. Isask at 458 East Maryland Avenue be and the same is hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest of the licensee, Otto P. Iseak on the charge of sale of 3.2 malt beverage to a person under 21 years of age, being sent to court thereon, pleading guilty thereto and sentenced to $100. or 10 days, paying said fine.0. REVOCATION COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays a—Ii6n Marzitelli Mortinson _ __ _') In Favor arson _R0900— __ _ Against Mr. a PEY 5M 1-51 aqqktPVjCe Provident (Petere0n) C vorsono-1 Severuty A. Norris Martinson — �.,, Robert F. Peterson— tion of License aeselvetl, That the par No. 91 covering off Sale l alt Iasseueda to Airing vJanuaray 2, Otto F. Lsaak t 458 East MAvenue be azylantl revoked upon he hrecommmentla lou ois h re f 'c. the he resBureau t of the licensee Otto F. Isaak be — ofton the charge of sale of 3.2 all beverage (to a person under 21 years lfadgng t being sent to court thereon, e guilty and tented tp o $190 or 110 days, paying id fine. 11 Adopted by the Council September 1t, 1952. Approvd Septeber 11, 1952. e m (September 13. 19521 6 SEP 1119$ Adopted by the Council_ __— _._.195— SEP 1 11952 Approved - __ -195— / , �(Cijll9 Mayor s original to City Clerk F 1 COUNCIL Y Y LICENSE OOWTME CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONED-17�- September 11}. 1952 RESOLVED. That the f-6llowing licensee, Restaurant No. 1371, On Sale Malt Beverage No. 214116, Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 2098, and Cigarette No. 801+6, all expiring November 189 1952 and Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 23369 expiring November 1. 1954 all issued to Arthur N. Nadeau at 816 Payne Avenue be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest of the licensee, Arthur N. Nadeau on the charge of sale of 3.2 malt beverage to a person under 21 years of age, being sent to court thereon, pleading guilty thereto, . and sentenced to 9'O. or 10 days, paying said fine. C. F. No_1 Severinay A. oMoS rwis°nal-I at 818 Payne Avenue be and the same are heorebyy oked opo ecommend- ation f thetaureau P Poll A thutuN. f the arrest Of the licensee. Nadeau on the charge person sale of 3-2 Haler 2l salt of age.g ito sent to court there - oyears of age, be ug thereto and sent- encedeto 1$100 or 10 days, paying said a Adopted by the Council September 11. 1952. d Septa bar 11, 1952. Approved 13. 1952) REVOCATION SEP I I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ _195 -- Yeas HALVORSON Nays Marzitelli Approved ---- -195— Morti - -_—In Favor�� Ac{]rg Mayor er�Pe� s-o�i--�-- �. —*w"serr1— _ __.. Against PbAJJBM sat si 1 �e President (Petersori) I o,tataal to City Owt COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BYa ORDINANCE NO. C. F. No. 191198-0rdinance No. 9979— By Babert F. Peterson— . ._ _. ..._s..ii.. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: °An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as emended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the Niaimrm qualifications" for DISTRICT FINS CHIDE, and substituting in lien thereof the following: Mighth-grade education and fifteen years' experience as a member of the fire department, four years of which sball have been in the position and holding the title of Fire Captain in the St. Paul, Fire Department.° Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Marzitelli ilf�� Holland Mortinson REEKWIN Pe ��r Rosen Mr. President (${ppm) Daubney Attest, City C ark . �.- 1m am sw® SEP 2 6 195' Passed by the Coupcll___ 1--•---...----- /O Favor -.-Against SEP 2 6 1952 Approved __---- - •-•----•-- I yo i PI1Rl ISFIFI) 1%� -�� _ r- 2nd L - /� Laid over to 3rd and pp_Adopted iI Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson __HWIvtr+se ___ Holland Holland Marzitelli Marzitelli Martinson ) Martinson Peterson / Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney I o,tataal to City Owt COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BYa ORDINANCE NO. C. F. No. 191198-0rdinance No. 9979— By Babert F. Peterson— . ._ _. ..._s..ii.. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: °An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as emended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the Niaimrm qualifications" for DISTRICT FINS CHIDE, and substituting in lien thereof the following: Mighth-grade education and fifteen years' experience as a member of the fire department, four years of which sball have been in the position and holding the title of Fire Captain in the St. Paul, Fire Department.° Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Marzitelli ilf�� Holland Mortinson REEKWIN Pe ��r Rosen Mr. President (${ppm) Daubney Attest, City C ark . �.- 1m am sw® SEP 2 6 195' Passed by the Coupcll___ 1--•---...----- /O Favor -.-Against SEP 2 6 1952 Approved __---- - •-•----•-- I yo i PI1Rl ISFIFI) 1%� -�� _ r- Laid over to-- /^ 3rd and app_pdopled Teas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson -AwAiMP"+ Holland Holland Marzitelli Marzitelli Mortinson Mortinson } Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen _ - Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney 1 el� -� A erWWl to cry ©wk C LAE) 1 N A N C E �1 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. C. F. No. 161197— Ordinance No. 9979— . —te—n— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled' ye' "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rales and regulations therefor," Approved August 20, 1914, as amended. V3 COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN' Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out, where they appear in Section 34 (c) (PIES SERVICE), the following words' "four years of which shall have been as a Fire Captain.", and substituting in lien thereof the following' "four years of vhich shall have been in the position and holding the title of Fire Captain in the St. Paul Fire De- partment." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. yeas Councilmen Nays Marzitelli AIREZEMM Holland Mortinson Itaaaeo Peterson Rosen Mr. President Daubney Attest: � ---1 City'Clerk. IM 6-60 Opp.® Approved: Civil Se ce ommissio @r SEP 2 s AA't Passed by the Council..___.___ -------- -- --_In Favor _Against SEP 2 6 195 Approved-- - - —_ -- - - - -- UAI /I .___ - -• " Mayor YUi3Lt�lll ll —� f- ori¢inal to City Clerk - 1.611 (98 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 1611H8 -By. Norris o, n^ai_ C NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vorma— - Resolved, That the one-4sae-half rs; Leila 6 and 9, PRESENTED BY ,. COMMISSIONER_ DATE RESOLVED, that the one and one-half story frame barn on Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Messerle & Eschbach's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 1198 East Seventh Street, 1n Saint Paul, was and is, by reason of its structural condition, unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said structure is incapable of reasonable repair, replacement, or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land forthwith; and it is ordered that said structure be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. SEP 111952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- Yeas Halvorson Halvorson Nays SEP 1 11 Marzitelli Approved 195— 44eDerwlett– Mortinson In Favor �or _Peterson-- _ Maa yor Ros'2n - Against sn[ 7-s��Presid y D pUBLISIIED �� en[ (ecereQn) HARRY T. CeONNELLCHY - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41" September 10, 19$2 441 Mr. Timothy P. Qum Corporation Counsel B II I L D I N 0 HAROLDj. RIORDAN ChCI-A Dear Sir: The Council requested th^.t you draw a resolution No. 2, confirming the condemnation of the building at 1198 T• Seventh St. as more fully described in the attached file. Very truly Yours, City Clerk X99 odiilya1 m city Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER Frank D Marzitelli DATE' September 9. 1952 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existance of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAPiE Alfred R. Hansen Maurice F. McElligott Helen M. Utecht Katherine H. Warne TITLE Asst. Supt. of Aud. Chief Refn L Op Engr. Senior -Clerk Jr. Clerk -Stenographer CV61WILMEN !! RATE Yeas 39 Hours ® $ 2.10 Hour Makzitelli 692 11 McDermott - Mortinson 157.07 Parranto----- Tn Favor Petersocr- ROOM---- Against ago 51'%tr w President (Peterson) s>b 1-51 '%tr 71.73 HOURS RATE AMOUNT DUE 39 Hours ® $ 2.10 Hour 81.90 692 11 2.26 11 157.07 41 " 1.684 " 69.19 572 " 1.24,3- " 71.73 Total i6 379.89 C. F. No. 16119a --BY Flank D. Mar- zitali— p fieersoare lvetl. That hereby the authorh:ed Ctoy ay rain employes'n the DepartmenPay f Wbraries, Auditorium and Museums for extra employment a stout on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Couneil September 11, 1952. ApprovedSeptember 11, 1952. (September 13, 1952) SEP 11 is% Adopted by the Counci 196— p 111951 Approved 196— Aotilg Mayor September 9 1952 FORM N0. 1 Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, An emergency has arisen in the Department of xWjo&%I=, Bureau of Auditorium, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the follow- ing work: To work durin "Fo " Con rt P f i t' on 1 buildi _ includi o Saturd Iand Sunda, time for the eriod from Jul 2 th through August 30, 1 2. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; This report is in accorc'.a::ce with section 7 of t're master. Edward A. Furni, Manager Odginel.to Ch, Clerk j_\ 7 6'1 l� J COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL ION—GENERAL FORM -. 1� DATE . �:... / pp C. F. No.--161200—BY Rob�'g^Peter- PRESENTED E i I�f��"=-� COMMISSIONER— Resolved. That pursuant to the r om- _.___-�on of theSlnkin6 Fund CCom- .negdet RESOLVED, that pursuant to the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to release and deliver to the First National Bank of Saint Paul the following securi- ties, assigned to said City as collateral for City deposits in said Bank, to -wit; $1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2+% bonds of 1956-58, and to accept in lieu thereof the following: $1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2 3/8% bonds of 1956, due June 15, 1958. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays u,.n.._a Marzitelli ,Ii7cDcrsneCt Mortinson In Favor rson -Rcseft-- 2Against Mr. JWAMkjney vic° President (Peterson) 5M 7-s1,jyr SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 1 1' Approved .� 195— Acting Mayor hUi1l,IS11ED 161200, oriuln.l to City CI.,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE- - COMMISSIONE -_ - -- -- _ - --- - - 1.1201 -BY pev rin A. Mor - Resolved, Tbat the liorthern States Power Comppny be given Permission to inetall approximately 911 lineal feet of gas main on Oxford between California and Larpenteur, on Larpenteur 'etween Oxford and Chatsworth, on Farrin, ton between Arlington :1nd liebr: ska, on Colvin between Edgecumbe Rd.. cnd Hilltop under provisions of Gouncil File ITo. 1 001, Ordinance 1To. 8271, date July 19, 1941. SEP 1119 UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------195— Y e#ldf- � 4-,-Ptds SE.P 11 i Holland Approved--195— Marzitelli f Mortinson _ .__In Favor ACt(►1y Mayor Petareeyr1) __ -------- Against offilwMemm 5M 7O1 %44jj*W President (Peterson) UPw,aa to —Y cera WUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CbILNCIL RESOIMUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By �.0 DATE September R, 1952 COMMISSIONER. — C. F. No. 161202—By Severin A. Mor- uhnsnil- a nt Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, meter repair parts from various meter companies at a cost of $1404.87 without advertisement or competitive bids as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. VI`\ N� ILMEN Mar i elli Mortin� s�°n_ t� ..............In Favor —PeLNM" J ft8g¢tr. �, ...-----••----Against aM 6 -.resident (Petueot) SEP 111952 Adopted by the CounciL .....................195 SEF '1t" Approved._. ----------------------------------.195.-.... Mayor Acting PL;IILISI IED 11_�E��fty OrtgJael to city Cleric a Mcu. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fits o• ---------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUT-ION- —GENERAL FORM September 9, 1952 PRESENTED BY _ DATA -- COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, and services necessary for repairing interior brick work of brick settings of two Edgemoor water tube boilers (No. 1 and No. 2) in McCarrons Station to FRANK J. GUERTIN in accordance with specifications therefb hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3762, at a total contract price of $1675.00, such bid being the lowest and said bidder being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St.Paul. 1c.tlF. No. 161203—sy Severin A..Mor- Resolved, That the Council hereby ]r7approves the award f the Contract F.B. ,#]7b'Lo Committee therefor, and hereby awards 3 contract for furnishing all labor, m lleble�bidder,d the Core poration Counsel be and hereby its directed to draw p the proper f m t' remtherefor, and the proper City Officials hereby are uthorirtd to of execute Itl contract on behalf the City of St. Paul. Formal Sld No. 3762. Adopted by the Council September It. 1 1952. Approved September 11. 1952. A (September 13, 1952) SEP 11 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 195-.---- S'EP 111952 Approved__ ------------------ ......... 195. t _ Mayor Acting ILMEN�Yeas,fN . e Marzitelli _Mn1)crtn.t.r- Mortinson Ia Favor ---P-arranto Ratemon— I) ----------..Against _ t' W NJJO Vjy YJenC (Peterson) lleble�bidder,d the Core poration Counsel be and hereby its directed to draw p the proper f m t' remtherefor, and the proper City Officials hereby are uthorirtd to of execute Itl contract on behalf the City of St. Paul. Formal Sld No. 3762. Adopted by the Council September It. 1 1952. Approved September 11. 1952. A (September 13, 1952) SEP 11 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 195-.---- S'EP 111952 Approved__ ------------------ ......... 195. t _ Mayor Acting o- 161204 Orlgiml to Chy Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE- LIOENSE COM aTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / PRESENTED Y li l'��?,/�j�_ _ /7f �f/!�� _MTE__-. September 11, 1952 COMMISSION RESOLVED1 That On Sale Liquor License No. 4005, expiring January 31. 1953, issued to George Awada, Fred J. Zaine and Joseph Pedro at 792 and 55 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to George Awada and Joseph Pedro at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notM -the surety on the bond of George Awada. Fred J. Zaino and Joseph Pedro (jointly) that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. TRANSFER (On Sale Liquor) Informally approved by Council August 26, 195P COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Marzitelli zonnw= 3% -MortinsonIn Favor on 0 -Rasem— __—Against I UBNEY 5M 751 e President (Peterson) C. F. no-1SeN.verla yAN gWTtimon�' vo'aRobert F. Peterson— Resolved, That On Sele Liquor U- se No, 4995, expiring January 31, 1953, Issued to George Awade, Fred J. Zalne and Joseph Pet'. at 7g2 and eg Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to George Awado and Joseph Pedro of the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee Is hereby approved. ad the Corpora tion Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of George Awada, Fred J. Zaino and Joseph Pedro dolntlyI that it Is released from liabil- ity arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. Adopted by the Council September 11, 1952. Approved September 11, 1952. I September 13, 1952) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council----- __195- 3E? ouncil- --195— SEP 11 A`pproved)_. - r- --195— Aothly Mayor CITY OF ST. APPLICATION FOR " N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No..._.___�—_..-...1.-- Name of Applicant..:. ..._ t� �e .................._........----- Ag.... T .. �f.........._.._ .. _ i Residence Address....._/_Vri- ..-t7�1 .-�saloon, gam_... e.�.:l�l� :�.-....... Telephone No...... ..... .................. ........ ......... ...__ Are you a citizen of the United States?... .............._.....Have you ever been engaged in operati cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?_..-. //. ........./llG�t�lr If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ........____.................. .............. ........ . Whenincorporated? .............. _._................. ..........._................_....----.---- _............... ...--- ..---------- .---- _..._........ ........ .........._...._...._................................... ................------- ---- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ............ ............... ............ ..... ... ...... .......... _...... ... ._..... Howmany members T._._....__ ----...._....--_-__---._....._...._------.._...---_--- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known N"umbeer�tj Street) Side Between What Cross Streets Ward - �O Z'/O� 6lti Ff�u-Q, C"..NN.cscf-,�• { �t.,y �.0 -- How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along sstreets) ?..y`r..t......................... _...._........... How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?........._...0....T•..._..__.........._...------- .._.._...._.._......_...._...._...._........ _..... How many feet frofli closest ublic,or paroc al grade o h�school Name of closest schooL— f}.a__...._....fGrar/.1.--............._.._...../........._. .... _.. Y_.._...._...__.._.............. - -- How are premises classifi u der Zonjpg Ordinance? ...... _......----- ----------- ..............._...._.........-....._...._...._...._.........._...._.........._....._.._.----.._.... On what floor located?.--i.�._�f.. .�.-......__ _...._................_.. /D Are premises owned by you or leased?..— p�_..._If leased give name -- owner _:_ 5�.... ..._2 __ 5 If a restaurant give seating capacity? ...... .... ... .l...U..... ... __.--- .-----..._..------ ............. ...................... --- ...... ----.... - ................. - ...— If hotel, seating capacity of`,m$. dininj room?.-___-_..-__......._. .... ..... _.._.................._.._...................__.._...._...._..._.._.................._._..........__ Givetrade name._ ............. CJS'-✓ °"c/ L1"------_----..._-------------_------ ---------- --- ----------_--_------ - ----------------------------- Give below wwltthhee name, or numb, or other description of e h additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?................----_._......_..._....._.......-..__......................... ...._........... ....._......... ...--- ...--------- .------- ..._..... ...................... ...... Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ....................... .... _................. ... _... _... -......... ..... ........................ .... __, Give names and addresses of three business references :........................_........_ _.`......... ..._r___ _�.....j ,._..._...._............_. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated...- .................. _.... _............. ........... ._........... 19 ...... _............ ............... _.................... .............. .... ....................................... .. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, deposes and says that he read the foregoing application and knows true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. ^ My commission expires. - STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY, mann. „1 s /`%-; being first duly sworn, thereof, and that the same is ..................... _.......... _.............. ...being first duly sworn, ..._.._the..---.._...._.__..___...-------------------------_._...._................_................p._..._.. deposes and says that ...................__......._.a corporation; °____ ..._._._._._..-------...------ _........._................_...._..._. _-------- -... that.... -- ._....._...._.__....._....................................._has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of. .............__................_._...._...............lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluptary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this................................day of ------- .--- ---------- ._...._... ......... ...._....19 . --...._..._......._..:............._..___.__....__.._...._.-...... _.._..- Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires.........__ ...... ........ ....... ...... ....--- ...._--- ...--- I M ._ IM 7-51 Q Orildnal to City Clerk 6I9dl5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUFNCIL NO._ - LICENSE OOMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION.-GENERAL r FORM PRESENTED COMMISS ONE �Y--� \�,� 7 rJ�-'1-1 � oA E____.. September 11 1952 - p_ -er ,- - -- RESOLVED: That the following licenses, portion of License No. 561, covering Tavern (Limited), expiring January 31, 1953, Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beferage and Oigarette No. 2041, expiring May 91 19539 and Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 20112, expiring November 1, 1952, all issued to George Awada, Fred J. Zaine and Joseph Pedro at 782 and 88 Grand Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to George Awe& and Joseph Pedro at the same BddSe SS. IC. F. No, 181205 --By Norrisrtutaon O. nal-' Ro son — Severin. A. Mo — nAnrt. F. Peterson—'. TRANSFER (On Sale Liquor Establishment) Informally approved by Council August 26, 1952 COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Marzitelli v� Mortinson _In Favor -Beter ^�^r -- __ � Against M>y; zesident KEY 5M 7-51 yiU Pit:sitlent. Ct . to•Geo[ge AWada, Fred J. Zalne ana Avenue ba ands theme andaBe herebdd transfered to George AWada and Joseph Pedro at the s address. Adoptedy the Council September 11, 1952. Approved September 11, 1952. (September 13, 1952) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council 195- 5U 111 Approved 195— Aotl:q Mayor Odgln.l to City Clerk 16191, 9' 16 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - rn_E NO.--- LI O._ —LI MNSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 11, 1952 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_— _.__ - _. _ DATE RESOMD= That Mechanical Amusement Device Location License No. 2272, expiring November 1, 1952, issued to Richard Portman and Lloyd McGorman at 191 North western Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Richard L. Portman (only) at the same address. TRANSFER (to one name only) All licensed destroyed by fire Associated licenses expired and new ones applied for in one name. COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Nufland Marzitelli f , Mortinson --.----In Favor Rosen— _- l/—Against M NET sM 1-sl�iceP�esident(Peterson) C. F. No. 161206-15Y Norris O. Ha]- Orson — Severin A. Mortlnson — Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Mechanical Amuse - 2272t expiring Novemb r 1L19525 issued to Richard Fortran d Lloyd Me - Gorman t 191 North and Lloyd i oe Riehard L rn Fortmae Is n (only) at rthe same address. Adopted by the Council September 11, 1962. Approved September 11, 1952. (September 13, 1952) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council- 195— Approved_195— " ACfllg ''Mayor Oriatoel to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FICOUNCIL NO.-________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISS IONE -- -.�_. ` ?'–DATE September 11, .1552 - > J RESOLVED: That Gas Station 3 Pump License No. 926, expiring February 1, 1953, issued to Clarence L. Favilla at 1023 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to A. A. Rukke at'the same address. TRANSFER COUNCILMEN Yeas ROLVORSOIQ Nays `I 61hInd-----., , Marzitelli Mortinson _.._In Favor - Peterson n Rosen._..,.... -( --Against M �AIIBNEY )M 7 51 d WNhce President (Peterson) C. F. No. 191217 -ay. NorrisO.'�Efei_ Severin A. Mortinsdn — Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Gas Station 3 Pumpp License No. 929, expiring February1, 1953 Issued to Clarence L. FavWa at is�he hereby transferred toaq A.eRsame ukke at the same address. Adopted by the Council September it. 1952. Approved September Il, 1952. (September 13, 1952) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council_ _---195— sp 11 "952 Approved— - _- . — ---- - 195_ Acti Mayor q a_6112dN ori.ln.i to City Clerk COUNCIL — 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.._----- LICENSE COMldITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � n PRESENTED rl �� T� �aptembeT 11, 1952__ _ Y --- COMMISSION RESOLVED] That Gas Station 3 Pump License No. 73 (portion thereof). expiring Jano y 2. 1953- issued to Albert J. Faust at'3111 North Point Douglas Road be snd the same is hereby transferred to Carl Lindquist at the same address. C. F. N. 181208—BYA °MoR�sonal_ goyert'F• Peterson'—Smtlon 3 PuemP aesolvedl That Gas LlcenseJanua Y yIPB°I sued C £Albert piring at 3q1 North P int D titans- 3, Faust d the same "hereby rl Lindquist at the same goad . an b r 11, , ,a to C8 until SePtem e address` d by the Co ,d.P a 1952. 1952hpProv (September 13.119521 TRANSFER COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays _ _ffe}lsndr Marzitelli Immum Mortinson In Favoi 0 --R mmr— — _ _ Against lay Mr. 5M 1.51 r®vice President (Peterson) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council -- -- 195— SEP 111952 Approved AOtifff Mayor Orlido.l to CRY Clerk 1.61209 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--- LICENSE O.--LICENSE COMMITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pp��qq PRESENTED Y eptember 11, 1952 COMMISSION '_. _ �k1.'—= _ 2%��p.�y�_____.__.. RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates. and yours indicated on each application. be and the same are hereby granted. St. Bernardls Menlo Club 197 Hest Geranium Avenue 13 Periods App. 842507 New American Progressive Club 160 Rest Ninth Street 52 Periods' M B42636 p Belvidere Booster Club Belvidere Playgrounds, Belvidere & Woodbury Streets 6 Periods App. B42637 New C. F. no. 181209—By Norris O..Hal- Severin A. Mortinson gobon rt F. h olvPeterson— gesed, That Bingo Games licentsee s pplietl for by the organizations on list attached thereiby grantedn and the the s e issue such City Clerk ris itheuFeYme t into the City streasury f the r refees. Adopted by the Council September 11. 19AppraveIf September 11, 1952. (September 13. 1952) COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Marzitelli IMMM L__�, Mortinson In Favor -,Against ose� n Mr NEY 5M 7 11 .@Vice President (Peterson) SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council_ - 195— il1 1. Via* Approved�7-1-/- ACtiw Mayor Original to Ciry Clerk I f" I` I 0 LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. COU PAUL FIILENCIL NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 161210—ay Norrle O. H.1 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v r " — Severin w MortinSOn — RobG t F P t r on— seen l d; Th.t lice. s pplled for PRESENTED _ /N w� U. ,@m_ed o the Ls[ /� '�Yi'�'Septe)eb.q. he COMMISSIONER 17 ER t-- .ia'ji: ,Y �----..___ __ DATE-. _. _ _ _ __ . - _ .. .. _. _ RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated„ be and the same are hereby granted. Thomas V. Fiche, 551 W. 7th Gas Sta 2P App. 42139 New Old Loc. Rocco Dalmedico 340 W. 7th Grocery " 42231 n If n it ^ Off Sale Malt n 11 n n n 11 ^ Cigarette i1 ti If n n James Colonna 360 Clifton n Grocery " 42308 New 11 n it Off Sale Malt n n p It n It it Cigarette if 11 it ^ n W. H. Theilmann g61 Randolph Auto Rep Gar " 42422 11 Old n Cecil J. Courtean 1543 Payne Grocery n 42532 n n n " Off Sale Malt ^ n n n n n n Cigarette n it n n n Roy D. Young 201 3rd Ave. N. Mt. Vernon. Iowa Photographer n 42609 if Richard Snow 1200 Arcade Cigarette it 42632 n New ^ Bernard M. Boesin 1624 Rice ^ 11 42633 11 11 II Clarence C. Combs 91 E. 12th Mtr Veh Dr. ^ 42634 u John G. Erickson 538 St. Peter ^ 11 42635 ^ Earl C. Fenton 628 Mendota " ^ 42665 ^ Roy I. Forseen 545 Wabasha Photographer 11 42691 ^ New ^ Richard A. Wybieralia 970 E. Geranium Mtr Veh Dr. 11 42695 n Kenneth C. Wilson 999 Marion ^ 11 42719 ^ Ray E. Berry 30 W. Summit n 11 7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -- EPI 195— Yeas HALVORSON Nays C . P. 111952 an Marzitelli Approved----------- --- --195— Mort In Favor�� AotfOg Mayor Rn— _ - Against M �gXEy p�jITLISI IF,D SM ])t © ice Pr id etecaott) COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays rr Marzitelli Mortinson —___In Favor _-- _Against M MEN rmmmm sM 7 51 /ice President (Pe" ydr. NEY 111952 Adopted by the CounSEP -----195— SEP 111954 Approved Acting Mayor - 1_1 Yu>zLl,)l 1 i. V Oricinol to City Clete CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.— LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 181211—Sy xorris o. A Mort�nson — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GRAL FORM rLDATE -- oraon SeverinEN g bert FPete n— Rgsolved I. s That lapplled fnr 11� Zj °•~ "le _. _Se%t eIDber PRESEN COMMISSION at the addresses stated* RESOLVEDt That licensee appl ied for by the following persons be and the same are hereby granted. 1188 E. 7th Restaurant APP• 41910 New Old Loc. Harold P. Braman Vivian Truen & Eleanor Thomas a n 41937 " " " 920 RReaney Gordon Hags, & Clair Peterson 6th Photographer n 42025 a n n Harold Braman 1188 E. 7th Cigarette It 4203 u n n Jerry Axelrod 1112 Grand Else App Rep it 42113 " New " 217 W. 4th Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42296 n a n John Dellzonna Walter A. Kearns 192 N. Snelling Restaurant " 42350 " Old " n n 35 u n n n n Peter & Louis Junkerfield 852 E. 7th Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42433 Carl R. Sproat 101 E. 5th Hdwe. n 42477 a a a Carl Lundquiat 341 N. Pt. Douglas Rd. Orig Cont n 42479 n n a n n Cigarette Mrs. Theresa Unger 3206 Owasso Blvd. M. A. Dev. (2) n 42498 " Clarence Pelton 710 N. Dale Else App, ReP " 42499 " New " Russell G. Hoffman 775 Portland idtr Veh Dr. " 42570 " Vivian Truen & Eleanor Thomas Cigarette n 4260 " Old " 920 Reaney II n M. A. D. Loc. n 42606 " " COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays rr Marzitelli Mortinson —___In Favor _-- _Against M MEN rmmmm sM 7 51 /ice President (Pe" ydr. NEY 111952 Adopted by the CounSEP -----195— SEP 111954 Approved Acting Mayor - 1_1 Yu>zLl,)l 1 i. V Loyal Order of Moose No. 400 Inc. 1048 Rice Harry L. Bremer 136 E. 12th Stephen C. Kopp 234 W. 9th American Linen Supply CO - 219 W. 5th n it Sta Vis Oil Co. vue sagle Cities Service Oil CO. State & Water Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. N• Snelling Snow Flake Ldy, Inc. 355 N. Snelling Speedometer Service And Accessory Co. 251 W. Kellogg Evelyn K. Arens 1954 St. Anthony COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays __9WW_k__ Marzitelli 1 Mortinson -------In Favor ----.Against 17F.Fli enc a .reon 5M 7-51 Dance Hall it 42263 n 1-6122 Orizin.l to CITY Clerk Auto Rep Gar COUNCIL FILE NO.�- CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMITTEE ". OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - Ic. F. No. 161212—BY Nar15 o. a:Ij COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I Robert F. Peterson A. Mortw:: oPlied PRESENTED //��- J— -- pq E" wed The' 11rtnses list SBpteID i -- —_ GOMMISSIONEY� - RESOLVEDI That Licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. 494 St. Peter Restaurant App. 41997 Renewal Morris Holtzman n9 On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt s n u n n Cigarette n If n n 1108 View Grocery " 42104 11Felix n Jambor " Off Sale Malt n s " 1 n Cigarette Loyal Order of Moose No. 400 Inc. 1048 Rice Harry L. Bremer 136 E. 12th Stephen C. Kopp 234 W. 9th American Linen Supply CO - 219 W. 5th n it Sta Vis Oil Co. vue sagle Cities Service Oil CO. State & Water Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. N• Snelling Snow Flake Ldy, Inc. 355 N. Snelling Speedometer Service And Accessory Co. 251 W. Kellogg Evelyn K. Arens 1954 St. Anthony COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays __9WW_k__ Marzitelli 1 Mortinson -------In Favor ----.Against 17F.Fli enc a .reon 5M 7-51 Dance Hall it 42263 n Auto Rep Gar 11 42273 " Auto Rep Gar If 42299 If 64 11 Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42364 V. M. Loc. 11 If " Bulk Oil Stge. " 42399 " Bulk Oil Stge. ^ 42430 " Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42445 " Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42453 u V. M. Loc. " 42460 n Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42482 n Adopted by the Council - -- - — --195— Approved- -. - --- - -195— Mayor Oe¢inl to City Clerk COUNCIL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LIC NSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE -_September ll.- 1952 _.. COMMISSIONFR-------- PAGE R_— —.--PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) George Lett, 112 Pioneer Bldg.. 334 Robert App. 42494 Renewal Restaurant Harley Kreger 439 Lafond Butcher It 42496 Jens & Arthur Eggom 59 S• Hemline Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42497 n E. L. Reinhardt 1095 W. 7th Elee Ap? Rep It 42515 n Pure 011 Co. 140 E. Water Bulls Oil Stge. It 42517 n " It it Fuel Dlr " it W. John Wong 564 wabasha Ldy & D.C.Plant It 42521 " Henry H. Engler ]Serie off 11 n 425522 n n 11 n Sale Malt " 1' " n Cigarette n n It Benrard Just 169 E. George Hdwe. ° 42524 it Socony Vacuum 011 Co. 606 Vandalia Bulk 011 Stge. " 11 42529 n It n It Fuel Dir n It V. M. Loc. n 11 n Albert B. Case g42 S. Smith Hdwe. " 42535 " Julius C. Hensler 771 W. 7th Grocery " " 42536 It " n Butcher n n Cigarette n n n R. Sayre 1796 E. 7th Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42537 " Casimer tibcko 410 Jackson Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42542 " Paul Ogren 1059 E. Four Grocery " „2544 n n it Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— Yeas HALVORSON Nays -Holland--,- Marzitelli Approved - --- --_ - 195— Mortinson __In Favor - _ Mayor &eterson ---. e::.....r _-__._ Against r PIEY 5M 7-51 .Mic Me Pri,11 11'eic00e) OH¢inel to City Clerk " 42594 " Grocery • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL ''v LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Cigarette PRECOMMISSIONER __---__ ------__-.--_-- DATE -.-September 11, 1952 PAGE H0. 3 (Renewals) Butcher Iwanoski Funeral Home, Inc. 1235 Arcade Mortician App. 42546 Renewal. Angelo Carboni 956 Payne Photographer n 42540 " Polyfoto Corp. 121/39 E. 7th Photographer " 42559 Phillip Short 560 Wabasha Lay & D.C.Pickup ^ 42560 ^ Lavern Wendell 369 Earl Lay & D.C.Plant ^ 42566 ^ H. L. Green Cop 67 E. 7th Hdwe. " 42561 ^ Abraham I. Gernstein 1572 Selby Lay &. D. C. Pickin ^ 42562 ^ A. C. Lindon & Chas. Burch 453 Hain Auto Rep Gar ^ 42592 ^ Midcontinent Oil Co. 1400 Marshall Bulk Oil Stge. It 42593 n ^ ^ Fuel Mr ^ ^ ^ Clare P. Watson 1554 Randolph Bernard I. McCormick 250 Thomas n n n n n n Brammils, Inc. 524 H. Snelling n n n n Standard Oil Co. 225 Commercial Albert L. Tofte 102 E. 12th John A. Johnson 915 Arcade VUCILMEN Yeas13� Marzitelli c er Mortinson -PetersW'— -..Roeett� 1M 7SL• �.® 'uni Elec APP Rep " 42594 " Grocery " 42599 " Butcher n n n Off Sale Malt ^ n n Cigarette ^ n n Grocery ^ 42600 n Butcher Cigarette ^ ^ It Bulk oil Stge. It 42619 " Auto Rep Gar ^ ^ Hdwe. " 142266�22a2 SEP I-I�9� Adopted by the Council--- _.___ 195- __-____195— 11195? up I I 1qq? Approved---- 195— /InFavor _/ -�9v ACflllyl�g Mayor --Against PUI3LISHLD / - S Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 852 Hathaway Sam Arenson 629 Jenks Chas. M. Finck 1013 W. 7th COUNCILMEN YeasRALVORSON Nays Marzitelli Mortinson _—___In Favor Pat r ...�I�.�� -----Against MI' �� fr. Vice President (Peterson) 5M 7.51 Bulk 011 Stge. " 42528 " 161 I �1 Original to City Clerk Ldy & D.C.Pickup " '' CITY OF ST. PAUL cour+clL COU NO.------- --- LIC711I1SE COMMIT'PEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC. F. No.'iise —By Norrie U. Ha varwn — Severin A. Mortinson COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM bert F. Peterson— �d, Th t 1 uses ppned f W .... ... a "J" PRESENTED B _ /..7.�i�.E- .Sept ember 11� 1}54;rs d COMMISSIONE - -—--- RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Arthur S. Lueders 133 W. University Confectionery App. 41372 Renewal Earl H. Cummings 679 Mississippi Frozen Meats " 42216 " St. Paul Laundry Co., Inc. 289 Rice Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42434 " Alma &,Geo. Crapson 381 Edmund Grocery 11 42440 " n n Butcher 11 n " O££ Sale Malt n 11 n n " Cigarette n 11 it Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. " 42443 " 477 Rice Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 988 N. Dale n n 42444 " Dsle B. & Lillina J. Schmitz 7248 N. Snelling Lely & D.C.Plant " 42504 n E. B. Cole & G. E. Lief n 42510 n 655 Payne " H. K. Stahl Co. 2314 Wycliff Bulk 011 Stge. " 42518 " B. W. Smith 305 E. 8th " " 42525 " it It Fuel n1r n if n Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 852 Hathaway Sam Arenson 629 Jenks Chas. M. Finck 1013 W. 7th COUNCILMEN YeasRALVORSON Nays Marzitelli Mortinson _—___In Favor Pat r ...�I�.�� -----Against MI' �� fr. Vice President (Peterson) 5M 7.51 Bulk 011 Stge. " 42528 " Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42541 " Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42545 " Adopted by the Council- _..__—_____195— Approved 195— Approved- -.-----195— Mayor ----195— Mayor o,jo.,l to City Cleric COUNCIL NO., —_-- ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE _ LiCENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 11. 1952 p PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER --- DATE - -- PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) David Goldman 339 W 7th Ldy & D.C.Pickup App. 42557 Renewal Joyce & Irene Anderson 262 E. 7th Restaurant " 42561 " Drew Cleaners 386 Robert Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42593 " David Lundholm 947 pPlyne n 42586 n 3atiana Mallory 318 Cedar Beauty Shop " 42589 " Peters Motor Sales. Inc. 654 university Auto Rep Gar n 42621 n Alan MacDonald 1346 Marshall If li 42630 " Jarado Schiavino 888 Rice Lay & D.C.Pickun " 42631 " Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.. Inc. 333 N. Washington Auto Rep Gar " X639 " Claude Fitzgerald 920 Albemarle Mtr Veh Dr. " 42639 " Hobert J. Brandt 157 Atwater " n 42640 n Harry A. Brown Co. 10023 E. Indlana Junk Dealer " 42644 n Phillips Petroleum Co. p 245 E. Fillmore Bulk Oil Stge. " X650 n n Fuel Erickson Goo & 011 Co. 629 Rice Gas Sta 9 P n 42651} " n 695 St. Peter Gas Sta 4P " 42655 II Roland R. Foix Jr. 1015 Seminary Mtr Veh Dr. " 42656 Adopted by the Council-------195— COUNCILMEN Yeas EZVORSON Nays - $nlland Approved_-_- _. Marzitelli Mortinson _ —In Favor Mayor TVter30n___ " --Against Mr. I NEY sot 7-51 18 Vice Presidcnt (Petcreon) Otigiml to City Clerk �i I " FILE N� CITY OF ST. PAUL -- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_..-- - _. DATE _.. _ Sept ember -11, 1952 --- PAGE NO. 3 (Renewals) Erickson Gas & Oil 00. 415 E. 7th Gas Sta 5P App. 42657 Renewal W. E. Mowrey Co. 1435 University 2nd Rd Dlr O.G. " 42659 " Everett Kroeger 5 Macknbin Photorgrapher " 42671 " Midway Dialers Inc. 1607/9 University Edwe. " 42678 " Wm. F. Novak 704 N. Snelling " " 426g0 " Cherokee Refrigeration, Inc. 542 Ohio Else App Rep if 42683 R Paul schlessinger 210 W. 9th Auto Rep Gar " 42684 " Robert L. Jones 546 Rice Mtr Peh Dr. n 42693 " COUNCILMEN Yeas M70RS017 Nays —Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor --petrITITI!r,b (� Toren—.,, `! _Against MENSHIJIMMORMIkUBNET sM 7-51 President (Petcatia) 50111962 Adopted by the Council_--...-- —195 — SEP 11?952 Approved— -___--_______ -_195— ACtl1q Mayor FUDLlsml) -- oricioal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.__ ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _____In Favor C'tnsono, 1s121a—sy severin A. Mor -I 0 Rtson_ That the propper City of - racers are hereby authorized na pay of PRESENTED Bto Y ..__ - DATE. — — -- -- - - certain emPbyes in the Department Public Utilities for eKr_ employment .COMMISSIONER.— --- _= -' as set out on the list attached to this - - lution. reAdopted by the Council September 11, g 1852. Approved September 11. 1952 (septemoer 13, 1952) WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Utilities for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE OVERTIME RATE TOTAL William Cockriel Jr.Util.Investigator 13 hours 1.75-3/4$ 22.85 Alfred 0. Grundner Jr.Util.Investigator 8 hours 1.72-1/4 13.78 Albert L. Hogan Market Director 24 hours 2.41-3/4 58.02 Frank E. Pierce Market Clerk 24 hours 1.94 46.56 Arthur J. Robert Util.Investigator 18 hours 2.17-1/4 39.11 ;�ILMEN Yea ays •... Holland_ �. Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Peterson--•--• 0 ___ Against 5M 7-51 botWOAcc President (Peterson) • SEP 111952 Adopted by the Council-.—-195— SEP 11152 Approved _ _ _ _ ___-195— Acting Mayor IF,,1214 September 11, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Checking street car and bus schedules and loadings. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and ciroumstancesi Submission by the Street Railway Company of .. proposed schedule changes. O2+ BSIOMIM OF PMIC UMITIES ®pproved,by: . L. Connol�y Departmental Accountant i J :€ 9,9114 September 11, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the Bureau of Markets rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Supervising the activities of the City Market. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and eirmotancest Saturday and Labor Day work made necessary because of increased activity at the Cit et. ,,, COD4tISSImm OE PIIBLIC uTILITrm Certified sarrect: dx A. L. He Market Director 1st f 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � � Adopted A4 Yeas Nays Yeas left Nays j Halvorson `fi81Cd st• on / (/ Holland Holland l/ -fin Marzitelli Marzitelli Martinson / Martinson Jf/J VVV 'Peterson � Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney e$ � , I oa,[w to ctv ct.rt ORDINANCE 1.61215 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY —� -7�/ ORDINANCE NO 171 C By Norris 0. Hat ei son—No. 9875-- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, Prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordi= nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TETE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the easterly one-half of Lot 1 and (except street) the east 40 feet of the west 50 feet, Lot 1, Block A, Bell's Addition, located at the southwest corner of Bancroft Avenue and Concord Street, from "B" and "C" Residence District to Commercial District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. CCT 11952 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council tlolsolr� land {fes_ Holr„ Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen: Mr. President (Daubney) Approve/ C/I i Attest: e / — { s _ City Clerk Mayor -. pUIIL1SHLD a0 K M W_ ,a 11,.-, 1". t HAROLD J. RIORDAN HARRY T. O'CONNELL .Chief Clerk City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 111 "2 15 BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE September 11, 1952 Mr. T. P. ciuinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare an ordinance providing for the rezoning of the property described as the easterly one -fl, of Lot 1 and (except street) the east 40 feet of west 50 feet, Lot Block A, Be11Bs Addition, also described as the southwest corner of Banoroft and Concord Ste., from thenand flCif attaahed file, Residence to Commercial District, as Very truly yours, City Clerk - The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID L.OEKS MWDIN OMCM ORMIy[8[CBRMY �® L M. O.IM[CLYD[6 MRHVM Gmd o•OONNmI ti N. BCNRO�y, RY 118C..i.oT W. J. HimC JULIYe VIWIUMR ALR.fW.Y. 278 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the petition of Hilman Shaw to rezone the Easterly } of lot one and (except street) East 40 feet of West 50 feet, lot 1, block A, Bell's Addition from "Bs and mCm Residence to commercial. This is adjacent to the southwest corner of Bancroft and Concord Streets. The tract under consideration has a frontage of 90 feet on Concord and extends westerly to a depth of approximately 170 feet. The surrounding property is a mixture of vacant 1and, residences, and commercial activi- ties. The tract under consideration slopes upward at a substantial angle with the result that under the present platting of the land, vehicular access to the rear or westerly portion of the lot is not possible because of the change in elevation. As a practical matter, the portion of the lot ,adaptable for commercial purposes consists of the 90 foot frontage on Concord and extends approximately 30 feet westerly into the embankment. The applicant desires to establish a boat and marine supply retail facility of this kind. This petitW has been certified by the Commissioner of Finance to be sufficient. The absence of any expressed opposition on the part of the abutting property owners, the Board of Zoning finds this change would be consistent with the proper development of this district and therefore recommends that it be granted. Very truly yours C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. GLV' ' BERNARD T. HOLLAND ARTHUR F. COLEMAN Commissioner ' Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashlar -4wu August 6, 1952 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition filed in the matter of rezoning Easterly one-half of Lot 1, and the East 40 feet of West 50 feet of Lot 1, Block A, Bell's Addition from Class "C" Residence to Commercial District, and find that same is sufficient. CH: se Yours very truly, Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance St, Paul, minnesota. T ne 3, 1959 To the Honorable, / i The City Council, ( of/J St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : RF.ZOTTING "e, the unders`gned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real eGtar.e situated within 100 ft, of the real estate affected, have acquiesred herein, and we, owners of 50° or more of the fronta7e to be re- rlassifird, petition your Honorabl+. Body to change the following described 0 prope rty.Q/ 1V `. } xfy (Eaoev t Street) East 40 feet of tSest 50 feet, Lot 1 Block A Bell's Add. �c from aC resideaMstrict to a Commercial District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 4?o.5840. Record (Amer Lot Block Addition -------------- N. 135 ft Lot 1 Blk 34 Linse & Zima Add. --------- ----------------- %�Except N 135 ft of Lot 1 T: 135 ft of Lot 2 Linze & Zimm Add. ------------------------ N. 135 ft of Lot 2 Linze & Zimm. Ad. Lot 4 Lienau's Rearrangement 1:. 177 - Q Stat f Minnesota N rth 1qr,ptof Lots 1 & 2 BlockkJ4 z Linse al5fl Zimmerman, s Ftearrangem nI of Blocks W `�4L-0 33 & �4 of Brown & Jacksons Add. also the mBy a F oI y O u i or o�nWest g of Lot 2, Block A, Bell's Add. to ,West St .Paul JQ%/�u✓ 9 r Ifs ' State of Minnesota ) ass County of R e / dB's being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he •s he person w o Circu ed the within petition consisting of page that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lois immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa`d. ormers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the trite and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscr' orn to efore me this i �daay�of Notary Public, Ramsey Co nty, Minn. )tr Commission e�#MP , I' ." _11"V. S,i To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : St. Paul, Mnnesota dune 23rd 1952 REZOPJING ^.'e, the undersigned owners of two—thirds of the several descriptions of real estai.e situated within 100 ft. of the.real estate affected, have acquiesc=d herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re— cIassifird., petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property Easterly . of Lot one Block A Bell's Addition to West -5t .Paul. (Except Street East 40 feet of West 50 feet, Lot 1. Block A Bell's Add. from aCtrict to 2 Canmercial District. .residenT This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.580. Record Owner - ----------------- Lot Block Addition 10 ft lot 1 L east of lot 2 Block A. Bell's Add. IV. 4 of Lot 2. .azaz Lot 12 Blk 10 Prospect Pl. Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 1*' Lot 1 & part of 2, Blk 1 '.tioodbury dedd., ----- --------------------- Lot 3 and Pb rt of 1 44,E Woodbury end Case Add. ---------------------------- ----- D ------- n----------------------------- 2iG��4h ('. State of Minnesota )ss "•" County of Ramsey �i being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he 4 e peon rsw o circuited the within petition consisting of page_-: that the parties described above are the own::rs respectively of the looms pl=re:• immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of sa`� o,:ners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above arc: the trnc and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscrib sworn before rpa ` X this�day of f d �J Notary Pu 'c, Ramsey Co nty, 1,1 nn. My Commission 6#3Fgetn f• K, ® owl 1 0 I t I F ju:wlj F FROM THE OFFICE OF P. R. McLAGAN 2.33 Dakota Avenue WEST ST. PAUL 7, MINN. MINNESOTA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ' lj f I Hereby Certify that this PNIt shows a lur\ cc made hV Me 01 t110 pi-opet-IN this plat, and t1lilt the corners are correctly pkw"(1 a, Alown,mict been col -I (.Ctiv sllov� 11. �0), that all localmils, (.11cloac-11111cTit", cic- 11;1�( Surveyed For 1111,wa17 6J�ary P. R. McLAGAN Da to ✓/&/y ze -.z1 / ,,q52- Scale J01'11,pelllleli EQs t %r And Post 4011 9/* Let r/ OCK -B Z- L L ',5 jq-D-D. (� -� �/ � r �., % / .A��.. tJ % .. i � , _ _ / j/ � / 2n tat—� Laid over to----/ ' 1 1J�3 _Adopted. 3rd and oPP I Nays Nays Yeas to ( Yeas Uaw-Raw Halvorson Holland Holland Marzilelli Marzilelli / J Mortinson Martinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr, President Daubney Mr. President Daubney s^' oflsia.l to cis clerk OROINANCE 161216 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO C. F. No. 161216—Ordinance No. 8976— Ey Severin A. Martinson, by requesl— _ dmanae a enamg ordmanae q .nn sou.-•....... nn- .�e, I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7881, entitled "An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding driving and travel in the streets of the dity of Saint Paul and provid- ing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and.parts of ordi- nances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved December 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL Oil' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7881, approved December 30, T 1937, as amended, be and the "`same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 85, Subsection (a) (5) the following: "Both sides of Sherburne Avenue . between Albert Street and Pascal Street. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shell take effect and be in force from and after Its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays �H83VOtS�II" Holland Marzi j1 Martinson _ 1 Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest,mss. Art— 1M ssz - � /C!• F City Clerk e OCT 1 AM Passed by the Council In Favor L) Against 11952 Approv OCT Mayor y) r Od¢Inal to City Clerk -C � 9 _1917 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMC. F. No. Mels}7.—Bye Severin A. Mor - PRESENTED BV I!Z °rep, That MitmOeota's rn4rea�i-,, COMMISSIONER DATEiiA RESOLVED, that Minnesota's representatives in Congress be and they are hereby requested to confer with officials of the Department of Interior and U. S. Army Engineers for the purpose of determining wether or not the maintenance of pools above the dame in the upper Miesissippi %ver, a -to filled to capacity at all times, is necessary and advisable or whether or not it would be advisable and consistent with the public interests to lower the depth of the water in such pools during particular periods of the year when flood waters may be reasonably anticipated, and to report thereon to this Council. COUNCILMEN Yeasgalvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli MortIVl xW=t inson Peterson Mr. President, IM)M= tM 7-51 © Daubney SEP 12 1952 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 12 1952 Approved 195— In Favor - — Mayor Against Plil3LIS11e.D � ` 6 �� - Odei—I to City Clerk ' FOENCIL NO OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. r No. 1G321."r8y Robert F. Peer - PRESENTED BY 'Rea e e tl, That the- p?oper City of- :LG-- %f L b- "�'' DATE vv are aurhorized antl COMMISSIONER � -pt' RESOLVED, that the proper city offieers be and they are authorized and directed to dram a warrant in the sum of $25.00, being reinstatement of bail money forfeited by Michael Bisbee, 475 Cedar Street, and paid into the City treasury when he failed to appear on September 3, 1952 to answer to a charge then pending against him, bat who later appeared in Court and was fined We00, which was paid, the Hoa. Andrew Glenn, Juige of Municipal C ourt, having recommended that said bail money be reinstated. SEP 121952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas ouncil 195—Yeas $a140r80II Nays SEP 121952 Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor �f_ ayor Peterson _ - "� AgainstMr. President,01 ruuL1 .. ,J ? n - . 5M 7-51 ®® Daubney ° ,KT P""L, CP N", 0 G "7'7 315 SAT � t 195 M. LI. N0..ti r 1 v C l r-g 2•' ME TI IIOtO c^I\ P. M. VOOLATION.� .�— Pi METER NOYal DgyVER e• ! �15h FP B.� � / 93 t �r /Ut Ca ) DIRTN DA --2 ppORESS ��"3^ r eDDRESS � rxia OFFICER oL g ,R; FOR ADDITIONAL'INFORMATION USE REVERSE SIDE Original to City Clerk (p', COumcm CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO-------------- -- --•--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO PRESENTED BY ,a - • rS�i' - / ' ,VATF—Bea mb r 10, 1952 COMMISSIONER Resolved�/upox*"request by the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditoriums and Museums, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Orders for a period of one year, to the LOGAN BINDERY for the binding of documents and periodicals, without advertisement as no advantage could be gained thereby since this is the only bindery in St. Paul having the machine which will do the work based on specifications set up by the Library Bindery Institute of America. lC. F. No. 161219 By Frank D. Mar- itelll— Resolved, UBon request byy the Com- ! missloner of Libraries. Auditoriums end Museaums, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorised with the consent of the cempt[ollet, to issue Purchase Orders for gr iod f one YYear, to the LOGAN BINERY for the withou advertisement as nof documents and o advanta@0 could be ggained thereby since this fs the machine c only wh ch nderwin do the in St. Pauhaving b sed on peciacations set p by the Library Bindery Institute of America. Adopted by the Council September 12, 1952. Approved September 12, 1952. +. (September 20, 1952) Adopted by the Cw...1 ..A952 ..............195 QUILMEN Yens/ — t.( ..--.- R r n �� SF.P 12195'2 Marzltelli Approved---------- 195.--... Mortinson _Parr.., tom ---J .In Favor / Ma Peterson F / ..... ------.Against Mr. President, Delaney aM 9-s9 .4wr% ZkLillml ti) City Clerk -UNCH. CITY OF ST. PAUL Ill -a No ---------- ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR --m-rED BY VATF SeDteMberjal__� Resolved/,//,PoX/,equest by the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditoriums and Museums, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Orders for a period of one year, to the LOGAN BINDERY for the binding of documents and periodicals, without advertisement as no advantage could be gained thereby since this is the only bindery in St. Paul having the machine which will do the work based on specifications set up by the Library Bindery Institute of America. C. F. No. 161219—By Frank D. 'Aar- YYear w Ine out of advertisement t a ..nd ed advantage with s "I'd be "ned tha,cb� since this the only jnd,', in St. out having the hi.. which will do the -.,I be d on yeeffications, set up by the Library Bindery Institute of America 'is Adopted by the Council Sep mber 12. 1952. Approved September 12, 1952. (September 20. 1952) or. --iUNCILMEI�-,,Adopted by the Cou4-1-2-1SS— ........... 195 Yeas/ -f e`t 1* 02 Marzitelli Approved ..........................................195..- Mortinson .—,k -In Favor Peterson gainst Mr. President, Im .44WO. Original to City Clerk 1-6129-0 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL R.5— PRESENTED B COMMISSION DATE_.__._. - — ---- -----_--" - --_--- verin A• blor- C, F. No. 181221)—By Se Beenn—BY requestei rmtsslon to gesolved. That thelvenrp�eern Stator Power Company be 8 nneal test of Install aPProxima. t betv:==•• i ..,pin on Victoria between - betornta Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 982 lineal feet of gas main on Victoria between California and Larpenteur, on Larpenteur between Victoria and Fisk, on No.Western between Nebraska and Arlington, and on Hall between Winona and. Wyoming under provisions of Cnuncil File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. UNCILMEN / Ye ,,l,.ti ,1 NyfP✓ Holland Marzitelli _KeDe—tt --- Mortinson Peterson Rosea--- 1�� Mr. President, -Bi SM 7 -SI by the Council September SEP 12196 Adopted by the Council 1-1 C P 12 1952 Approved,,,----------- In pproved,------__In Favor - ° _ May - Against orlItinW to City ci • COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CRREMi63i�N ER DATE September RESCLYED C. F. No. 181221—By Severin A, Mor- tinson—By request— ' IResolved, Thi the Northern States! Power ComPenY be ii "r ' miaeloe to That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install one pole on Fauquier, west of Hazel; one pole in the alley north of Fauquier, west of Hazel; two poles on the north side of Jefferson, east of Mississippi River Rlvd; one pole on Heaney, east of Flandrou, with necessary guys, anchors, and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. NCILMEN YeNVs„ Holland Marzitelli McDermott MortinsonIn Favor Peterson �I L'- 0 .dose Against Mr. President, -Delaney–" m 5M 7-51 -OW® Adopted by the Council 195— 12 1952 Approved------ / — --195— -- --- Ma r - PUBLISHLD 9� �� NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ;f l 2?2; COUNCIL FILE NO. — All / • o Sept. 10 19 52 S R,,VEFLD, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 222,53+.386 37893 Vd COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO—._INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ;obv,y 37�j��i ON FILE IN THE OFFICERpIrl %a COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL, n SEP 121959 CRY COMPS\OLLER APPROVED--------____,/,, L., aoo 1-aI �� NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESPLUT ION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER "'.A ;� 1,, Sept. 11 19J-2 - A I1� RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2 062.74 j , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO-37993—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 121952 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_--_ f{ 19-- SEP '1- S �(,- � CT'fAMPIROILER / APPROVED— _l9—_ BY SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 832 6G6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CI 71 CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------------------------------ ROLL, ALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS ..... Sopit.._0___________________8...52 HOLLAND FAVOR MAR [TELL] � ------------IN 'ORTIN.ON PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ----- _AGAINST COVERING MR. PRES. t UBNEY SEP 1121952 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ --- -------------- , 3-7893 ---- _T. ----3794O ---- ---- INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NO.- ON FILE IN - THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. COUNCIL............. *---- PER CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE ---------------- SEPI-197)5NUMIER APPROVED ------------------------ ----------- ---------- - ----- ----------- .......COMPTROLLER - ------------------------------ ------------- - TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT i BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS �R FORWARD BROUGHT 61 1 37893 J, H, Kartaok Co, 1 066 25 37894 Portable Dredging Co. 440 on 37895 Virgil D. Schaaf �53 15 37896 Young Ina. 2 4 on 118 0 00 37897 Frank Valesh 37898 W. La Mont Kaufman 273 00 11 37899 Vincent Losinaki 37900 Central Bldg. Supply CO.2j 120 00 23 37901 Midwest Oil Co. 72 46o 6o i 37902 Mueller Co. 37903 L. N. Sickelo Co. 4 815 99 11 683 of I 37904 H. K. Stahl Co. 37905R. B. Whitacre & Co. Ina. go 60 37906 J.-Lmse J. Do Foo Bernard T. Holland 62 136 47 379078 57909 M. E. Souther Constr. Co. 50 �3 11 172 40 37910 Acme Fast Freight Co. Co.Go. 84 65 026 79 79 1 Cutler Magner 37911 31 07 11 37912 Grinnell Co. 37913 Guaranteed Concrete Co. 35 05 37914 John F. Hand Inc. 622,50 84 28 37915 Hansoome-Rogness Hersey Mfg. Co. 1 396 50 37916 Theatre Supplies 1 4 10 LI 37917 National 199 73 37918 N. W. Print. & Bond. Co. Co. 2 217 On 1 37919 J. F. hilly 1 855 58 37920 J. L.Shisly 00. 37921 United States pipe & FoundZ4 56 32o 57 37922 Dugdale Constr. Co. 64 229 91 37923 Anderson Machine Tool Co. 887 10 12 94 37924 Fred Boldt Paint Co. 37925 Lew Bonn Co. 27Z44 97 61 37926 solinger and Co. Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 1 191 98 37927 37928 1 226 61 37929r a r1;5 65 498 07 II 37930 37931 Inter City Paper Co. 134 36 37932 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co. 3793 Minnesota Paper and Cordage � Tele hone Co. 833 00 336 43 146 66 3793Z N. W. Bell • 214 0 7 77935 li 7936 362 94 37937 St. Paul Builders Material 0. 211 19 379381 0 1 " 4e 100 15 6 og 3o4 81 37949 ,ndelar 379 0 Terminal Electric Corp. 57 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 832 6G6 1 pli '.. - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE To C7Y CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ---------- HALVORB NOL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS Sept. 11 - -1 HOLLAND MARZITELLI-----------.IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY EP 121352 IN THE AMOUT OF 88,528.38-------------- COVERING MR. PRE.. DAUBNEY 37993 CHECKS NO__Y794 TO... __._...... __._. INCLUSIVE. A3 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --------- - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY, CRIMPTROLLER. SEP i 3522 _. RUNBER t _ s.� APPROVED_-- ----- T-� -� ----_ -- C� 204 BY t - -- - -- — TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT jl BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS {{ BROUGHT FORWARD 812 666 91 37941 Walter T. Einck, Jr. 128 00'jj 37942 Fred L. Mularis 150 00 1 379U Grace V. Sohrank 8n 00 3794'► Theo. A. Johnson 92 96. 7945 E. A. Furni, Supt. Auditoriuila 15 29 7946 Perrie Jones, Librarian 21 73 37947 Vocational Soh. Petty Cash F4 11 80� 37948 Minnesota Soh. Board Assoc. I 150 00 37949 Mr. A. Hawkinson 5 00 7950 Hoeft Electric Co. 33 68 37951 Dr. George Geist 17 00 37952 Butler Bros. 188 33li 3795 Carpenter Paper Co. 29 16 !I 37934 F. E. Compton & Oo. 111 84�! 37956 Dixie Cream Donut Co. 9 35 37911 John A. Downey Co. 46 2s 37957 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Oo. 110 14' 37958 T. C. Field and Co. 27 75!�, 37959 Highland Spring Water Co. 11 201 37960 Hultquist Implement Co. 26 621 37961 Lyon Chemicals Inc. 42 83 37962 Maendler Brush Co. I 19 75 79633 Mall Tool Co. 59 70Ij 3796+ Marsh and Mo Lennon 9 25 37965 Benjamin Mantz Shoe Store 877 50 'I 37966 Fred E. Meyer Insurance Ag. 110 001 37967 Micro Film Record Co. 6 oo it 37968 Mpls. St. P. Sault Ste M. R. 947 97 37969 N. W. Publications Inc. 41 0 37970 a a a 194 25 1I 37971 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 46 15 37972 Owens Motor Sales Ina 11 64 37971 Price Electric Co. 386 l0 i! 37974 Joseph A. Rogers Co. 170 00 37975 H. & Val J. Rothschild Ino. 7 50 r 37976 Scholastic Book Service 6 25 37977 S000ny-Vaouum Oil 00. 942 00 37978 Standard Oil Co. 6739 !i 37979 W. M. Sweney Co. 294 15 37980 Transit Supply Co. 89 75 j' • 37981 Twentieth Century Fund I2 37 37982 Twin City Pigeon Eliminatingla. 98 00 37983 U. S. Sunt. of Documents 50 00 37984 United world Films Inc. 1 66 26 !' 3?985 Visual Educ. Consultants Inc. 3$ 00 37986 Melvin P. Vollhaber Agency 16 85 3?987 J. F. Wallerius & Sons 30 00 37988 E. 0. Webster 136 50 11 37989 Western Chemical Co. 15 50 11 37990 R. B. Whitacre & Cu. 72 78 " 37991 Wilensky Auto Parts Co. 325 00 37992 Kenneth M. Wright Studios Inq. 93 00 37993 Sam M. zappa 1 185 80 !I j. i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 841 195 29; NOTICE OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO FILE No.— PRINTER Sept. 12 19_52 F. No, ---- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THS -,CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f10 633.63_ _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3799 TO_._38n4 -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL clTv corn PraoLLEa l C _ EF J 19? APPROVEO—BY—K. _ --- i t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ( �'✓Lr� Foy../ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK '�J FFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------------------------------ ROLL CALL Sept. 12 52 HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND MARZITELLI ---- ----IN FAVOR MORTIN60N PETERSON _-.;/ ..-.AGAINST YERESOLVED. THAT[C0� r"WN ON THE CITY TREASURY _..-., RO6EN IN THE AMOUN ___..___ - COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY F CHECKS NO_ ---------------------- TO------------------------- INCLUSIVE. A9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .__=iKl--- - ........................ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE pFFi E OF THE -CITY COMj,�TROLLER. �uMaER o { % h1+C< eX APPROVED..._. EP -1- _1 __. ___.__._1 ._. 20� _..-.-. _. v 17 -- APPROVED (_ _______________)_ a---.'L Y.... .... .......... coM�Ro L¢R ____..-------- -------------- '.. -- -- ---- TOTAL 1 RETDATE C CK IN F VOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK MDERCHECKS f � CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 841 195 29 37994 Victory Printing Co. 42 00 'I • 37995A. J. Teohida Contract. 00. 568 56 37996 Barre Incorporated 880 50 37997 Edw. Delmore 56 0o it 37999 American Linen Supply Co. 316 $1 �jRI� QQ o Techinal society 82 04 9 1 oo Baokstay Welt Co. 17 47 1� 38OQ1 Bruce Publishing Co. 47 38002 Buffalo Meter Co. 1�2 5068 38003 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Co.] 60 38004 Chase Braes d Copper Co. 78 15 38005 Chesterfield Music Shope Ini. 61 oo J 38006 Christensen Potato Co. 60 6o0 98007 Citizen Ice and Fuel Co. 265 6 38008 Louis L. Cohn 95 00 38009 Cooperative Test Bureau 3 10 38010 Drake Hydraulic Servo CO. 2(0 25 98011 Elbert Coffee Co. 38012 Finch Downtown Chevrolet Cot 26 52 38013 Graham Transmissions Co. 65 58 38014 Haughton Elevator Co. 30 90�� 38015 Hoeft Electric Co. 196 on 11 38016 Johnson Printing Co. 421 75 p 38017' Lyon and Healy Inc. 165 83 38018 A. 0. Mo Clurg Co. fig 38019 Minnesota Repair Dept. 30 1 I, 38020 Moline Concrete Products Co* 126 50 !I 38021 National Mower Co. 341 63 io 38022 A. J. Nystrom and Co. 38023 D. W. Onan and Sons 3 00 38024 Otis Elevator Co. 73 00 38n25 Paper Calmenson and Co. 516 36!1 380266 Patterson-Surgioal Supply 0, 8 55i, 38027 Puritan Compressed Gad Corps 474I! 38n28 Radleins Inoorp. 11 50'' 38029 St. Paul Letter Co. 16 3811 38030 1 1 Sorap Iron and Metal 48 0011 38n31 Science Research Assoc. 181 071 38032, Soonny Vacuum oil Oo. 1 889 28 1 9803 The Sun -Spring Valley 2 00 .I 38034 Taylor Sales Co. ss 'i 8n35 Tweso i�OPict 11 7F0 1 8036 Twin City Picture Framing Co. 64 3� 38037 Uaroo Inc. 5 8 38038 Wagner Paint Go. 90 47'' 38039 Waterous Co. 1 352 10 , 38040 Wheeling Corrugating Co. 91 431 38041 John Wiley and Sons Ino. 11 38042 Degraff Wolff i 235 4998 38043 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. 608 13 38047+ Zinsmaster Baking Co. 130 201, 1i I ii II �i III i 851,828 12 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I COUNCIL FILE NO. By--- -- - - - FINAL. O"MS FINAL ORDER J- Y• In the Matter of__repairing and relaying, where necessary, the existing tile sidewalks, - - - - - - - ----------------- stone retaining walls -and the post__and cable fences on the south side of Fillmore Avenue stone - and the north side of Fairfield Avenue from Eva Street to Robertson Street, ---- under Preliminary Order -------- 1608116_ ---------- _------- ---approved August -7., 1952 IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- - ----- — ---------- approved ------------------------- ---------------------------------�--" A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----repair and relay, where necessary,_ the existing tile sidewalks, stone retaining walls and the post and cable fences on the south ------------- side_ -of Fillmore ---- Agenue and the north side of Fairfield Avenue from Eva Street to Robertson Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . s 1 6 1__---------- --------- 192 --------- SEP 16195 ---- -, - l er Approved --- ----- ---------- , 192 - File S5345 Councilman Councilman uson Councilman onald z'r" an,CouncilCouncil CouncilHogs6on .:.SON DAUBNEY DAUSNMayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. PUBLISHLI) b — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFOMMISCOMMISSIONER ARY OF FINANCE ON DER (D) tile , where necessary, the exist inff/sidewalks, stone re— In the matter of repairing and relaying, taining walls and the post and cable fences on the south side of Nillmore Ave. and the north side of Fairfield Ave. from Eva St.. to Robertson St. under Preliminary Order approved August 7, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: s3,300--00 cost o � the above improvement is The total estimate (Compt�E Pr to be requested to include cost in flood emergency appropri �— The estimated cost per foot for te above Improvement Is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATI N DESCRIPTION Land �ldg. Lots 1 to 2h St, Croix Lumber Co.'s Rearrange— (inclusive) merit of block 8, Marshall's Adoition to Ylest St. Paul $9200 $h00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 01 � /7"/OAwl�f�tA[ -- Dated " 19 SY Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. B -S D Office of the Commissioner of Puhlic ®Yorks Report to Commissioner of Finance August 15, 1952 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1 GOSGb approved An¢ust 7-195?, relative to repairing and relaying, where necessary, the existing tile sidewalks, stone retaining walls, and the post and cable fences on the south side of Fillmore Avenue and the north side of Fairfield Avenue from Eva St. to Robertson St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie necessary and jgf) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,300.00— and the total cost thereof is $ See attached and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. M 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pr IM subject to assessment for said improvement. / V � Commissioner of Public W(Yrkft 2M 7.49 .OW8 2 AUG i8 195 (SEPT. CSF `yl d ru ,C. F. No. 16127 gg omsae ?1,rthe matter oYa�d bPoint DouHlas COUNCIL FILE NO. By--- --- - ---- ----- FINAL ,ORDER In the Matter of curbing_ southside of Pacific - Street and Point Douglas_ Road from Griffith Street to Johnson Parkway, -------------------------- --- ..- ---- ------------ --------- - ---- -- ---- ------------- I - -- ----- ---- ----------------------- -- - under Preliminary Order ---- 160517_---- ----approved -_ _ July- 15o 1952 ._ ---_ ._-_-------- -_-- Intermediary Order --------------------------- ------------------approved ------------------------------ ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --_-curb_ south_ side_ of -Pacific -street -and Point - - - - ------------------------------------- D.-ouglas-_Road-from-Griffith_Str_ee-t_-tsz-J-Oh son Parkway----------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said,j�q rTi in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _-G.�-_______________ _-------- 192__-___. SEP 16 1952 ---- --L- C— City Clerk. Approved_ ----- -, 192 ----- File12004 -- - ------- -- - ------------- -L--- - - - -------- ' Mayor. Councilman Councilman 'fin''= Z C.c 4 No j Councilman 3d�onald M.%' = . LLI Al 15iilD ---� o Councilman ag tGlogan ',c - Councilman Councilman SudWffter '` PcICR5oN Councilman W-6n%elW+n=''° 4 R --s N Mayor DAUBNEY J i Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing south sides of Pacific Street and Point Douglas Road from Griffith Street,to Johnson Parkway, under Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 909.56 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot 2 and except south 110 ft; East } of north 10 feet of Lot 12 and east j of Lot 4 and all of East 51.62 feet of Lot 5 and except alley; West jZ of Lot 4, Schorr's Second Add. and the east 51.62 feet of north 40 feet of Lot 3 and except Street and except west 200 ft.; LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 Schorr's Second Add. 3 do 2 31 Suburban Hills TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED LanCYA"tZIMing #350 $5400 350 4950 500 3 550 ,� •• - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building Exceptlwest 140 feet and except east 51.62 feet; Lot 5 Schorr's Second Add. and the West 38.38 feet of east 90 feet of north 40 feet of Lot 3 and except; East 60 feet of west 200 feet of 2 31 Suburban Hills 350 2100 East 60 feet of west 140 feet of Lot 5, Schorr's Second Add. and except Street east 60 feet of west 140 feet of 2 31 do 600 1600 West 80 feet of Lot 5, Schorr's Second Add. and except Street; west 80 feet; 2 31 do 700 2200 Total $2,850 $19,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 19. 19 l_12 _ Fi'1/� Commissioner of Finan Form B. B. 13 • - 6'ii547 St. Paul, Minn.. ._IV— _19dr To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. G en tlemen : We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............ St. arm from .. a c / St: Ave. t.-.- St. o._.. ...9 sta NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 �3 3- Y, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 6, 1952 19 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 16054^x approved July 15, 1952 19_, relative to Council, known as Council File No PP curbing the south side of Pacific Street and Point Douglas Road from Griffit* Street to Johnson Parkway and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.13 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 909.56 _, and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $70.00 Inspection $16.46 Frontage 426 £t. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.; 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propet J subject to assessment for said improvement. 'C r "blic zM 7.49 .tea'-Nia B-- — c—, h Rani.. GED. M. GAREN, S.— B--. - B.M.. M. S. GRYTBAK. E--,.caa .. a OExme ,HE%BERT S. WEST T.- E.,-.- MAURICE W. HEWErr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMIeaIONER FRED DRIVER, DEPUTY COMMIaaIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER August 5, 1952 lion. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paui Dear Sir: Acc J—x Drvin�nx OS. PAVLICEK D -r'. A-... rAnr B—J- o. S. —T— OHN M. COTTER, S11— B�cc�a or Mvn�c�'n CHEa��r nisxr ARTIiUR 7{. KO B.. . C. JOHN P. MULLANEY. S,,,,. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the south side of Pacific Street and Point Douglas Road from Griffith Street to Johnson Pcrkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 160547 approved July 15, 1952. Estimated Cost ------------------------ $ 909.56 Cost per front foot -------------- 2.13 Engineering ----------------------- 70.00 Inspection ------------------------- 16.46 Frontage --------------------------- 426 ft. YoFs,yery truly, IL eorg Shepard O Chi, Engineer App o ed for t smis� on Atee C i oner of Finance Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Work:3 Q s `) OdgCOUNCIL lval to City Clark !.. � LICENSE COMldITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDB�t%'� l� L ATE September 16p_195? COMMISSIONER- ,� -- RESOLVED; That Off Sale Malt Beverage License No. 2055, expiring November 7, 19529 issued to Israel J. Paletz, at 524 St, Peter Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of his arrest on the charge of sale of 3.2 malt beverage to a person under 21 years of age, being sent tocwrt thereon, pleading guilty thereto and sentenced to $100. or 10 days, paying said fine. — C. F. No. 161227—By Norris O. Halvor- son --Severin A. Mortlnson—Robert F. Peterson— er geNoa 20T55. t PIrInGoff 1N vembHe 7. 1952, issued to Israel J. Patel-.aat 524 St. Peter Street be and theamei'a hereby evoked pon re »m of the Bureau ofuPolice because of 32 arrest on the charge of -rson under 21 malt of age, being see to a ct t0 court there- oyea s n, pleading guilty thereto and ae. it enced to $100 or 30 days, paying sal a Adopted by the Council September 16. 19Approved September 16, 1952. (September 20. 1952) REVOCATION SEP 3. 61952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------195— Yeas M-MRSON Nays ',EP a 19 Holland Approved-- - - - -- 195— Marzitelli Mortinson -In Favor Ma r Peterson / Rosen __ '_Against-� Mr. President, 1061M DAITBNEY 5nI 151 -Aw® "A am original to City Clerk FILE ENCIL NO. _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y9 �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 7--1J w�--F- ----- COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED, that the Transit Supply Company be permitted to install three underground storage tanks, of 10,000 gallons capacity each, at 406 North Snelling Avenue, in accordance with the plan submitted; said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the, Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli M,clleuUQU Mortinson In Favor Peterson / Rosen ! � Against Mr. President, i�I:tae]t Daubney W 7.51 4WO C. F. No. 191220 --By Robert F. Peter- son— Resolved, That the Transit Supply Company be permitted to install three ..d.,; derg[ound storage .soaks. 6 L0.000 gallons avenue a• t 406 North Snelling cAvenue, in ccordanceB with the plena bunder ; said to be de, oder the direction an d to the tlsfactitm f the Commis- .. stoner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council September 16. 1952. Approved September 16. 1952. (September 20. 19521 SEP 161952 Adopted by the Council ---195- 3E? I 6 1W ouncil --195- 3iPI619 Approved 195— -- Ivla or HARRY. T. O'CONNELL City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 4-� 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -43" September 12, 1952 4A r Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B U I L D I" G HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clan Dear Sir, The Council requests that you draw a resolution granting the application of the Transit Supply Co. for underground storage tanks, as indicated in their application hereto attached. Very truly yours, 6G City Clerk of ZQriln The Board g Saint Paulr Minnesota (ErrAcmHeD r .RDIN„N�. ND, � ,DLY ,. �1 A. A. HECKMAN 7 C. DAVID LOEKS MWIDING OFFICER ERECUYIVE EHCRRAPY L M. GRIME CLYDE L MEIIHVEN W. J. RICE A. H. ECHRGEDER, I— ANCWTEL, JULIUS VR—UME. KiYeJATE 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA, September 10, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of.the application of Transit Supply Company for a permit to install three underground storage tanks having a capacity of 10,000 gallons each at 406 N. Snelling Avenue. These tanks will be located approximately 250 feet east of Snelling Avenue End 75 feet north of St. Anthony Avenue. The zoning is light industry. Inadmach as these tanks are to be placed underground, the Board of Zoning is of the opinion that this proposal has no appreciable effect on the development of the surrounding area and recommends that this permit be granted contingent upon a favorable report from the Bureau of Fire Prevention as to the safety of the facilities in question. Very truly yours, O -—A U/ C. D. Loeks CDL/ma Executive Secretary i 1 att. ; , i THE TRANSIT SUPPLY COMPANY FISCAL -NT ioR MINNEAPOLIS ,TRSET RAILWAY c ANY TNR ST, AUL C RAILWAY COMPANY TRS Y XN[�POLI9 . T. PAUL S ALROAO CO TNM MINNRTONRA R MNITR p.AR N YR iAN MAl.O TRANN R IT RNALYENTATR CORPORATION TRIR CITY MOTOR MU, COMPANY CITY OF SAINT. PAUL - Capital of Minnesota ' �e�aztya,eHt ag /j�ic��cc �a�etc� Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Comml,elaner FIRE PROTECTION A. R. ANDERSON, Lkenee Inspector September 10, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul 2. Minnesota Dear Madam This 1s in reference 4406t1q. Snelling he application f ng Avenue the Transit Supply Company' tanks at their for permission to install three storage gasoline, Snelling Avenue Shops, to be used for storing diesel fuel and lubricating oil. Inspection of the premises was made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Fire Prevention 'Division and his attached report states that the installation eend will create nocadditionalnce tfiredinance hazard in heements immediate neighborhood. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety .4Wa THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 9th 1952 Mr. Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Transit Supply Company to install three under- ground tanks for the storage of 12,000 gallons of diesel fuel, 12,000 gallons of lubricating oil, and 10,000 gallons of gasoline, we have investigated this request and report that the installation will be made in accordance with ordinance requirements, and it is my opinion that this storage will create no additional fire hazard in the immediate neighborhood. epectfully yours, ph Car, Chie Bureau of Fire Prev ion C 0 P Y TIM TRANSIT SUPPLY COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 446 N. Snelling Avenue. September 2, 1952 Honorable City Council City of St. Paul The Court House 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota ATTENTION: Commissioner Robert F. Peterson. Gentlemen: Please note the attached prints showing the location of three storage tanks which we would like to install at our Snelling Avenue Shops. The tanks will be used for storing gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricating oil. They will be located ten feet from the nearest building, which building does not have a basement, and approxi- mately seventy-five feet north of St. Anthony Avenue. The tanks will be buried three feet underground, and the gasoline and diesel fuel will be pumped into the building for fueling our buses. We will appreciate your approval on this installation so that we might proceed with this work. Yours very truly, (Signed) F. S. Morgan F. S. Morgan Sunt. of Power and FSM:ms Equipment. enc. 0 Otlgi-I to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 161229 By Robert F. reter- son— Resolvetl, That �lursuant t� rtle�7. COMMISSIONENTED ER_ DATE °-�•`°- RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.119 Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, John S. McMahon be paid $316.07 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, in full payment of damages sustained in an accident with Florian F. Collett, Fire Department Chauffeur, while in the per— formance of his official duties. COUNCILMEN Yea$alvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli ldmbomud Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, WWRC 5M 71 Daubney 5tr 16 as Adopted by the Council 195— SIE? 161852 Approved 195— G In Favor — — r C_�CM VUI3i.ISiil:Ll Against K 1230 origla.l to city Clerk aouwa` CITY OF ST. PAUL No--------------- •aa ----'----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ _ DATE San ember 10* 195 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from H.K.STAHL COMPANY at a price of $.12905, less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. IC. o F. No. 161210—By Severin A. Mor- ttnsn— Resolved. That the Purchasing Age t Charge Water Department. be. d he is theeb-authorized to purchase wi. hereby c naent of the _..__ .. ,.... ....tlnr wnoroxl- GW=CILMEI-� Yens e I 11111t binrzitelli -4drDniffarr— Mortinson -Parrsntu -- Peterson Rosen �LZ Mr. President, Deiaeeg 3M -M �n from H K. STAHL COMPANY at a pence of $ .12905, less 1% ten days on r anery price, on informal bids, as an promptly would work a ttmusmp the best interest arest f the City. Charge thet Department'Adopted by the Council September 16. 1952. Approved Setember 16 September 20, 1952M SEP 16 19% Adopted by the Council- ................... .............. 195....._ SEP 16 196 Approved------------------------------------------ 195 .. --'� -------- In Favor -' (.. Against /, Orildaal to City Clerk ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENC1L NO._. OFFICE OF THE C TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUJf'II-�GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Municipal Football Association for the use of the Highland Park football field, said Association to receive the net proceeds up to but not to exceed $574.00 for the season of 1952. C. F. No. 101731—By Norris O. Aalvor- Rnolved. That the proper City of - delete a hereby authorized d directed to eetim a agreement be- t=d City of Saint Paul and the Municipal Football Association for the of the Highland Park football field. said Association to ato v_ celve the t proceeds up to but not txceetl $579.00 for !he season of 1952. Adopted by the Council September 10, 1952. Approved September 10, 1952. (September 20, 1952) � CILMEN Yea k, Holland Marzitelli *cHermatt— Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, 5M 751 SEP 16 IM Adopted by the Council___-195— SEP 161952 Approved / - - 195 -- J 95 --J -In Favor L� Ma or ____Against Original to City Cleric COUNCIL 232 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO— LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM gevtember_ 26 A e__ PRESENTED B -- COMMISSIONE _ -- ____ YIHEREAS: 4he Commercial Investment Co. desires to withdrae Application R 41697 for Parking Lot (60 care) license at jj East College Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be its RESOLVED: That the prover city officers be and they are hereby autrorized to refund to the Commercial Investment Co. the fee of $25.00, deducting $25.00 from the original fee of $50,00 posted for the period the applicant operated on ,said application and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 161'272—By Norris o. Halool- a. A. Mortinson—Robert F. P terson The Commercial Invest- Whereasw Antilles - WITMUWAL (Partial Refund) COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mort __t_—In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, RAW= DAURNEY 5M 1di '© Lot (60 cars) license at 33 East College Avenue nd quests the return of the libenit fee deposited thereon, Resolved, That the proper Clty of- ficers a nd they re hereby uthor- tied for refund to the Commercial In- vestment Co. the fee of X25.00. deduct - $50: posted Dior the m the original thee of plldanto ops tela said midappapplies On for license. Adopted by the Council September 16. 1952. Approved September 16, 1952. (September 20, 1952) SEP 16 19% 195— Adopted by the Council ---- SEP 161952 Approved --195— - — � �May.- Original to City Clerk - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _---- .—__—_ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 16, 1952 PRESENTED COMMISSION MSOLVEDI That Licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette No. 29114, all expiring July 22, 1953, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 2915, expiring November 1, 1952, issued to Gust J. Lekokapes at 581 Robert Street be and the same are hereby transferred to George Beekos at the same address. C. F^�ever nNo 3 A MortinsanNO"la-R bcrt F. Peterson—That Licenses far Resteu- aResolveda r t, OIt nd Off Sale malt ae ping .ad ClHarette Ntl Mechanical eAr=a_ July 22, 1953, n ant Device Location No. I suede to plring November 1, 1952. be Jd thri tree e k ams at 581hea a htram` ferred to George stakes at te same address. Adopted by the Council September 18. 11952. Approved September 18, 1952. A (September 20, 18521 TRANSFER Informally approved by Council September 9, 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN YeasHALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen 0 Against Mr. President, MQUaW DAIIBNEY 5M -51 -4IW© SEP 161952 Adopted by the Council-- 195— Approved // --195— vG Ma or F,,' 214 Original to City Clerk COU" CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._._—_ _--- LICENSE MITIEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 16, 1952 PRESENTED � �- ----'----- RESOLVEDt That Gas Station 9 Pump License No. 391, expiring November 26, 1952, issued to E. J. Meko at 1089 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to James Ingram at the same address. C. F. No. 181234—By Norris o. Flalvor- son—Severin A. Mortineon—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved. That Gas Station 9 Pump License No. 381, expiring November 28, 1952, issued to E. J. Meko at 1089 University Avenue be d the same Is hereby transferred address to James Ingram at the Adopted by the Council September 10. 1952. Approved September 18, 1952.1 (September 20. 1952 TRANSFER (Ltr. 9/5/52) COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson 0 Rosen Against Mr. President, MQ0DW DAUBMY 5M 751 ®© SEP 161952 Adopted by the Council--------195- 3�,1ri9� Approved 195— May r Q r Orisinal to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ _ LIOENSE COMMITTEECITY OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED Et']:� (�tatl� / vi'�'L,''�` September 16, 1952._---- COMMISSION - DATE RESOIPED=That Gas Station 2 pump License No, 1467, expiring March 28, 1953, issued to Meril C. Baker at 140 Front Avenue be end the same is hereby transferred to Mitchell Mouchet at the same address, TRANSFER COUNCILMEN Yeas HAZVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ,- In Favor Peterson Rosen / Against Mr. President, ibaivia= DAUBNEY 5ni 7.51 "!EP,.© C. F.'No. 161235—By Norris O. HalGor- son—Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Gas Station 2 Pump License No. 1issued to467, expiring March 26. nrll d theker M I`5 at Front Avenue be hereby transferred to Mitchell Mouchet at the same address. Adopted by the Council September 16. 1952. Approved SeptemberI6. 1952. (September 20. 1952) SEP 16 10 Adopted by the Council— SEP 16 1952 Approved 195- 1 / yor Original to City Clerk p6 121361 LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—___ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'I C. F. No. 181236Hy Norris C. Halvor- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i son--Severin A. Morunson—Hobert F. Peter on— PRESENTED BY _��i ,,�� - + Tti Ile 5 A�pned for September by 19�Lr , ^- / COMMISSIONE /7�/ +_fl / I •[7:_' /< yL!i"/�/„��"R'v— - DATE._._ - HEBOLIM That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Baron &Milton Deanick 458 N. Lexington Pkg Lot over 250 App. 40402 Nem°Ol$ Loc. Wm. Shoemaker 1564 Grand 2nd Hd Autb Mr. " 42205 a n a Lyle K. Silverthorne 2008 Grand Grocery If 42475 " " u n Frozen Meats n n n n n u It Off Sale Malt n it n 1t n n n Cigarette it If a it a Rose Steinberg 145 S. Chatsworth Grocery n 42552 " " n a " Off Sale Malt n n n u u It n Cigarette n n I1 n n Nelson Drugs, Inc. 896 Plyne Confectionery n 42555 n n Cigarette n n It n n Bay Poole 407 S. Waba.sha,. Cigarette n 42578 11 n a Frederic Lemmer 650 GrVd " n 42727 " New " Robt. Denn Olsson 1045 Carroll Mtr Veh Dr. It 42743 " Steve Gralish 271 Maria " It 12756 11 Richard C. Sieger 242 E. 12th " n 42777 " Melvin E. Spielman 467 Ada It n 42778 " John M. Nassell 1876 E. Nebraska " II 42780 " Herbert H. Lorenz 259 E. Wyoming a n • 42781 Bogert W. Goranson 420 Fuller n n 42797 p COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas HALVORSON Nays 5E' 1 6 10 Holland Marzitelli --- 195— Approved—.------ --- ------195— it C ItX B Mortinson — In Favor - — Ma r Peterson Rosen % )—Against � 9— 0 `S Mr. Presidents DATIBNEY PU13LlSiliCD )M 731 Ori¢innl to Chy Clerk g a�[_ f LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL !A COUNCIL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- -- - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IC F F Severin A. M tlneoln Robert F. PRESENTED COMMISSION �/�/ .S8 11 p Petetson— Resolved. That Ifcmeds -P tied for m by the persons na meds on the list RESOLVED) That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Rice Phillips Ldy Co. 391 E. 6th Ldy & D.C.Plant App. 42275 Renewal Kamil Sianko 646 S. Smith Ldy & D.C.Pickup n 42454 n Mrs. Jos. Waldorf 167 Summit n 71 42491 n Eagle Laundry Co. 200 University Lely & D.C.Plant it 42497 n Max E. Swafford ofn 471 Broadway Restaurant n 42551 n Cigarette n if n John W. Kessler & Thomas S. Maguire 64o W. 7th Mortician a 42579 n H. J. Hells 964 Randolph Barber n 42603 Part M. Bedard 451 Bay Bakery nii 42619 Dale Stephenson 421 University Lay& D.C.Plant It 42629 It Sam J. Miller 301/3 E. 13th Grocery n 42643 n n it But the r n tf it Off Sale Malt n n if Cigarette n n Eleanor A. Chartier 205 Mat Nat'l Bk. Bldg- 332 Minnesota Beauty Shop " 42658 n Meyer Agranoff 642 Selby Ldyy & D.C.Pickuo n 42662 n L. J. Glaser 367 N. Prior n " 42663 if Herman Martens 1690 Grand II it Grocery i' 42670 n n it Butcher n n u n fi Off Sale Malt n n COUNCILMEN Cigarette it ft if Yeas HALgORSON Nays Adopted by the Council ------195— Holland Marzitelli Approved —195— Mortinson Peterson In Favor - Mayor- ayor Rosen Mr. President, jogbM DAUBNEY Against PUBLISUrn Or.—I to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__-__—._ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_—__195— YeasHALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor -" -- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, jR DAURNEY 5M 7si O September 16, 1952 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.--- OMMISSIONER —PAGE DATE PAGENO. 2 (Renewals) Garber's Inc. 174 W. 7th Ldy & D.C.Pickup App. 42681 Renewal Thomas V. Dumont 153 N. Snelling Beauty Shop " 42696 14 She11011 Go. 778 Otto V. M. Loc. " 42700 " Sainia & Michael Steinbauer ° 42708 " 1957 St. Anthony Restaurant n It Cigarette Dampier Baird 288 W. Kellogg Mortician " 42710 " Wm. Finlayson 2234 Carter Ldy A D.C.Pickup ° 42713 " Nick P.ChouklIts 116/18 Brmer Arcade Ldy & D.C.Plant " 42714 It Val U. Simmer 288 W. Kellogg Mortician ° 42722 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Gas Sta 6P it 42728 " O'Halloran & Murphy Co., Inc. 215 W. 6th Nortician " 42732 s Charles A. Gof@out Funeral Home, Inc. " " 42733 " 56o W. 7th Maxims of Minnesota 121/39 E. 7th Beauty Shop n 42735 it EricksonGas & Oil Co. 256 W. Kellogg V. M. Loc. " 42742 " Carl L. Coleman 779 Selby Hdwe. " 42755 " National Tea Co. 735 S. Cleveland Grocery " 42758 " n n But cher ° " it Cigarette " " It COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_—__195— YeasHALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor -" -- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, jR DAURNEY 5M 7si O Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FICOONCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COM ISS ONER DATE - Se tember 1 1.952 _ PAGE PAGE NO. 3 (Renewals) Richard McGeehan 502 Laurel Photogranher App. 42761 Renewal Aaron Rosenblum 135/7 W. 7th Elec App Rep " 42764 n Genevieve Villano & Rose Marie Morton 947 W. .7th Beauty Shoo n 42765 n Walter A. Mueller 187 N. Snelling Photographer " 42767 n Al Watzl 1142 W. 7th Hdwe. a 42768 n John Miss 1632 Ridgewood Lane Photographer ° 42770 it Harry H. Gaston 125 Eva Auto Rep Gar a 427 73 'I Thomas J. Larkin 233 Arundel Mtr Veh Dr. n 142949 n COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson /1 Rosen U Against Mr. President, JOftM DAUBM 5M 7.51 .JIWO SEP 16 A952 Adopted by the Council--- _195— SEP 16 1952 Approved---195— _ pproved— —195— M yor xyil.1S111:1)— `� Oriainnt to City Clerk { v 9 2,38 LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO I� !„ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I F N 181.?"7ay N is O Helvor- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tr F. PRESENTED 13Y 7 L 3(t COMM ISSIONEFT( kv1 l / ['��1 �F�2r... 2 [mss E v wipe J952"' - RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Manly Jackson 1801 Hudson Rd. Hotel 56 Units App. 42395 Renewil IT n Orig Cont tt tt IT it it Cigarette lI n IT Easy Wash, Inc. 427 S. Robert L(iy & D.C.Pickup It 42437 It n IT V. It. Loc. n n n Falcon Dry Cleaners, Inc. Ldy & D.C.Pickup It 4214112 tl if 193 Concord Confectionery 112 S. Robert Oomcord Drug Co. n 176 Concord it It it Inter City Fuel Co. 601 N. Fairview to II n n H. J. SlawiV, Inc. IT 1831E University if Sol Wallace 248 S. Prior John V. Koch 2026 Marshall Harry Grossman 166 N. Fairview A. A. Reding & J. J. Matzke 631/5 Selby Sam Lee 187 N. Western COUNCILMEN YeaXALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, DQD13= DArBM 5M 7.51 oq31I,1© Ldy & D.C.Pickup It 4214112 tl if n 42446 tI Confectionery II 42455 11 Off Sale Malt IT IT IT Cigarette it Il n Bulk 011 Stge. IT 421471 n Fuel Mr 11 n n V. M. Loc. it It n Auto Rep Gar n 42480 n V. M. Loc. n II n Lay & D.C.Pickup IT 42483 IT Ldy & D.C.Pickup tt 42485 n Ldy & D.C.PickaT) tt 42496 It Ldy & D.C.Plant n 42513 n Lily & D.C.Plant IT 42520 n Adopted by the Council--_ --195— Approved_ —195— Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli x Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President,) DAVM= W 7-5l 8 Adopted by the Council—.-----195— Approved —195- - —Mayoorr — - } 1238 Odgimt to City Clerk COUNCIL NO.__— CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 16.1952 COMMISSIONER_ '- PAGE N0. 2 (Renewals) Arnold B. Stillwell 2067 Grand V. M. Loc. IIpp. 42523 Renewal Arthur N. Gauthier 1824 Grand Barber " 42550 " Fabian Pietruszewsld 418 Concord Grocery It 42553 " n 11 Butcher 11 n it It n Off Sale Malt It n it n n Cigarette Caroline 11. Fideli 266 E. Morton Grocery " 42554 " it II Off Sale Malt It " II li I. Cigarette 11 n " Leo M. Foley 940 E. 7th Confectionery 1 42556 it it it Cigarette Lovering1s Inc. 1418 orand Ldp & D.C.Plant " 42561E n Fred W. Johnston Funeral Nome, Inc. 334 N. Snelling Mortician It 42573 " Drew Cleaners 466 N. Roy Ldy & D.C.Plant " 425g4 n Morris Berg 185 N. Dale Ldy & D.O.Pickup " 1 42587 " Matt Groh 54 S. Prior Ldy & D.C.Pickup 11 42599 11 Marie Stapleton & Gertrude Lrnith 1830 Grand Beauty Shop It 42590 n AnnaS. Nelson 301 Selby Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42596 John Blanc g64 Grand Ldy & D.C.Pickup " 42625 " COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli x Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President,) DAVM= W 7-5l 8 Adopted by the Council—.-----195— Approved —195- - —Mayoorr — OrIM101 to City Clerk 7 J 6 911 COUNCIL LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 16. 1952 _ - COMMISSIONER___----- PAGE NO. 3 (Renewals) FrankJ. Weiss 171 N. Chatsworth Grocery jkpp. 142626 Renewal II n s n Frozen. Meats n Off Sale Malt n It n n It n Cigarette Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 91 E. 6th C. 0. C. M. L. isi.% &% J. M. Bawden 14 E. 7th 20th Century Studio Inc. 319 Newton Bldg. Ben Gantman 455 N. Snelling John R. Lonnee 2024 Marshall n 11 Manuel Permuth 220 E. Fairfield Omar Sperling 1673 Grand Ervan Stephen & A. Gagnier 475 S. Fairview it it Ke nneth J. Burke 2258 Marshall n I n n Photo Reflex Studio 95 E. 7th St. Paul House Furn. Co. 71 E. 6th C08NCILMEN s Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, S1 , DATMMY 5M 75t Photographer n 42642 II Pho togr.-pher 11 42646 n Photographer 11 42647 n Ldv & D.C.Picknp n 42649 it Restaurant ° 42651 n Cigarette It 11 n Butcher It 42653 n Grocery ° 42667 n Gas Ste 3P It 4266g It V. M. Loc. it 11 n Restaurant It 42672 n Off Sale Malt 11 It 11 Cigarette 11 It s Photographer n 42673 n Else App Rep It 42674 n AdBpt� 4081'e Council_ a - 11- n 195— Approved 195— Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSOINays Holland Marzitelli }EMOrt inson Peterson 01 Rosen Mr. President, IVPY 51,7 7-31 4EW(R) SEP 1 6 1852 Adopted by the Council----- 195— ow ouncil-----195— ow 16 1952 Approved 195— ' In Favor May Against ��� 1UB11Slll:ll2_ Orizi—I to Ciry Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL cou NciL FILE NO --- LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 16, 1952 PRESENTED BY DATE -- — — COMMISSIONER-- –_— --—.-_—'---__ _._--.------_— PAGE 110. 4 (Renewals) _ Schunemanls Inc. 405 Wabaeha Hdwe. App. 42677 Renewal E. C. McLane 1439 Arcade Gas stn 5P V. 11. Loc. n 42695 n n it n n R. J. & W. S. Aird 754 Grand Hdwe. n 426gg n Ida E. Ebert 1507 Randolph Beauty Shop n 4269^ 11 Hayy & Irene Renton & Mrs. Richard Bjork 169 E. 6th Photographer a 42701 II Will. L. weigh 195 W. 7th Hdwe. n 42706 u Buckbee Mears Co. 291 E. 4th Photographer ° 42711 " Joseph Pase 415 Ceder Photogrepher n 42712 Rolland Studios Inc. 366 Wabasha, Astore Bldg: Photographer it 42719n COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSOINays Holland Marzitelli }EMOrt inson Peterson 01 Rosen Mr. President, IVPY 51,7 7-31 4EW(R) SEP 1 6 1852 Adopted by the Council----- 195— ow ouncil-----195— ow 16 1952 Approved 195— ' In Favor May Against ��� 1UB11Slll:ll2_ I y K- 1239 Original m City Clerk a COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN E UTION—GENERAL FORM IC. F. No. 181239—By Norris 04 Hnl—r- • PRESENTED BY TE`��' COMMISSIONER------- _ — WHEREAS, it appears from the report of the City Archi- tect, and the Council accordingly finds, that it is necessary to wreck and demolish the dwelling on Lot 4, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to Saint Paul, also described as No. 734 Western Ave- nue North, for the reason that said structure is unsafe and dangerous to the public health and to life, limb and adjoining property; and WHEREAS, by reason thereof, an emergency exists which necessitates the appropriation of the sum of $1,050.00 from the Building Wrecking Emergency Loan Fund for the cost of such wrecking and removal; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,050.00 be appropriated from said Building Wrecking Emergency Loan Fund, 20 B 5. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli �J A4a4)er-r�etk � / Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, -Delaney-Daubney 5M ]-)t SEP 1 6 is% Adopted by the Council---195— SEP ouncil— 195— SEP 1 � 1g52 Approved 195— M 95— Macey - J.: original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I�4210 COUNCIL FILE NO.---- the O.----- RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor and equipment necessary for the wrecking the dwelling on Lot 4, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to Saint Paul, also described as 734 Western Avenue North, to Rose Bros. Lumber & Supply Company, in accordance with the specifications therefor, and in accordance with the proposal of said Company, dated Septem- ber 4, 1952; and the Corporation Counsel is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul., Charge 20 5 5. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli M'ODeelao" Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, 4)6&m-,3- Daubney SM 7 31 41P© C. F. No. 181240—Hy Norris O. Helvor- eou— That the Council hereby Rewlved,h. award of the Con•rr-t approves t Adopted by the Council-- — _195— V 1 g 1852 Approved 195— -- �Mayor /�,/.z /v CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS Q. HALVORSON, Commissioner ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect O January 3, 1953 P.'ss. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk Dear Madam: As provided by Section 1-17 of Ordinance No. 7210, Build- ing Code, please file a statement of expense in the office of the Register of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 734 N. Western Avenue, de- scribed as Lot 4, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to St. Paul. The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous structure consisting of a dwell- ing damaged by an explosion. Following is an itemized statement of expenses: City of St. Paul paid to Rose Bros. for wrecking and removing the dwelling at 734 N. Western Avenue, on Lot 4, Block 2, Humphrey's Addition to St. Paul (Mist. Claim 584and Registered Bill No. 4-1319 dat- ed December 2, 1952) by Voucher No. 2701, dated Octo- ber 27, 1952, the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - $975.00 Department expense, investigations, notifications and emergency condemnation. Inspections, gas inspec- tor and building inspector Aug. 29, Sept. 4-12, and 16, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 $1,050.00 Th. owner of the property is James S. Flynn, c/o E. 11. 1.;urnane, 1106 Commerce Building, St. Paul 1. Vic are today asking the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amoW,t. Yours truly, C- Alf d H. Schroeder C Y ARCHITECT AHS..A Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 0"' O.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 15, 1952 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from P. F. COLLIER & SON, one Collier's Encyclopedia, 20 volumes, at a cost of $163.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a copy -righted item and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Library, Library Service - New Books 16-A5. C. F. No. 161241—By Frank 1). Mat'zi- telli— Resolvedand , That the Purchasing Agent he consent of he Cois mapptroller authorized with Chase from P. F. Cot.t.iFR & SON, one Collier's Encyclopedia, 20 volumes, at a cot of $163.00, without askingfor competitive bids, as hCOP is a PY- Ighted it.. and o advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Lib- rary, Library Service—New Book. 16- A5. Adopted by the Council September 16, 1952. Approved September 16, 1952. (September 20, 1952) SEP 161962 OILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................195...... Yeah I Marzitell'r McBennektr Approved .-----•................................... 195.-.... Mortinson G `" ---------..In Favor ......... ..... - - - - -- Peterson ayor 1 Rosen 4 // Against Mr. President, W n.5o OW4 Origin,[ to City Clerk VA 2.' / CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- NO.- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o. 1,9242—ey Seyerrn A. Mor- �_ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .__ DATE-----, WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners, on June 18, 1952, deemed it appropriate to r elifiquish easement rights in certain properties, to the Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company, and authorized the Corporation Counsel to prepare the necessary instruments for execution, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City of Saint Paul may hold certain rights, title or interests in these particular easements, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs in the action of the Board of Water Commissioners relinquishing the easement rights of the Board of Water Commissioners, directs the Corporation Counsel to prepare thenecessary instruments for relinquishing any rights, title or interests that the City of Saint Paul may hold in these properties, and authorizes the proper City officials to execute the necessary instruments. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli ZXZXXXXX Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, ZXIL2;x 5M 7-31 n&.© Daubney g?161952 Adopted by the Council--_ _195— SFP 1 %1952 Approved 195— In Favor — 2Against May l'UBr.rSrrrD � 0- nridinal to City Clerk .['_`I"i 1 21 1 COUN .. CITY OF ST. PAUL CILFItJ_ NO ....................•.-•. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSION DATE ---2 e -r 1 2 In the matter of constructing a sewer in the Alley in block 2, Clark's Addition, from a point 52 feet east of Victoria Street to Victoria Street, thence southerly on Victoria Street to Juno Avenue, under Prelimin:-ry Order C. F. 159534 approved April 24, 1952, end Final Order C. F. 160277 approved June 24, 1952 RESOLVED, Th t the plans and specific tior_s for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissi ner of Public Worcs, be anti the s me are hereby approved, zind b,� it FU1tTHER RESOLVED, Th t the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for hies on this improvement. ti )$CILMEN Yeas /fC ! .�, 1 8�! Marzitelt d ]t,f. Den -.. Mortinson Peterson Rosen 4( �� t Mr. President,e aney IF/ 3M 6-50 40,./y j C. F'No . 161243—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of constructing Wer in the alleys in Block 2, Clark's Addi- tion, from point 52 feet eat f Vic- toria Street m Victoria Street, thence utherly o Victoria Street to no Avenue. under prelimppinary Order C. and Final Order approved F. 160277, approved rii 24, June 24, 1952. Resolved, That the plans and speci- e dcations for the above named improve - I in t as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are Adapted by the Council September 16, 1952. Approved September 16, 1952' (September 26, 1952) SEP 161952 Adopted by the CounciL.................................195...... SEP 1 � 1952 /J Approved...................................... .195_ .............In Favor nn-' Mayor _...1..:...Against orininrl to city clerk mmun NO-----------------•------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FUJI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Spp tembe COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons Stanolex Diesel Fuel from STANDARD OIL COMPANY at a price of approximately $640.00, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. ui ment 1003-134- CReao.11ved. T a he Charge Municipal Eq pbe. and he ie +Fre re to act rnc epromptly wat f horseMunic pall Equ ptnent har6e by the Council September 18. SEP 16 1951 C CILMEN Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------- 195 z 1 �' ✓J SEP 16 1951 as Yeas Marziteeliiproved -----195 .-... ---------- --------•----------- Mortin�-- ; ..... - - . In Favor ------ --•--- -- -- - - Mayor Peterson a`� �' �;_.+-' Rosen .. Against Mr. President, a aney aat ason IF, } 9: e y origlo.l to City Clerk eouNea. NO,..---- CITY OF ST. PAUL rns ---.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I C. F. No. I61245--Br Hint D. MaIA- wher COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM teW— whereas. Pursuant to council File F+tl6. bids w e taken for the i� er •���... PRESENTED BY _ ___ pATEtP7fIt1PT {j QK7 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, pursuant to Council ile Fo. 157176, bids were taken for the sale of the following described property, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 6, Clarke's Addition (known as the old Adams site, consisting of one lot 36 ft. x 120 ft. on the southwest corner of View and Armstrong Ave.) Lots 1 and 21 Block 7, Tracys Outlots (known as the old Deane site, consisting of two lots 104 2/3 ft- x 141 1/6 ft. on the southeast corner of York and Clarence Streets) Lots 1 and 2, Block 37, Lyman Daytons itddition (known as the Maple Street site, consisting of two lots 76 ft. x 123.25 ft., across Conway Street from the Van Buren School, corner of Maple and Conway) Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, Block 31, West End Addition, Ward 5 (known as the old Riverside site, bounded by Adrian, Albion, Montreal, and Elway Streets) Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 5, Woodland Park Addition (known as the old Webster site, consisting of 160.59 ft. x 172.31 ft. on Laurel and Mackubin Street); and WBEREAS, The Committee on Lands recommends the sale of the first three above- described parcels of property to M. SLOANE COMPANY, INC., the highest responsible bidder, for ?"250.00 for the old Adams site; $200.00 for the old Deane site; and $500.00 for the Maple Street site; totalling Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($950.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves said recommendation and directs the proper City officers to convey said property to said purchaser by warranty deed Upon the following terms: $500.00 to be paid upon delivery of deed, and the balance of $450.00 to be paid within thirty (30) days after the passage of this resolution; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceeds of said sale be credited to the Land Fund of the Board of Education of the City of St. Paul. (Bidd and will ld siteswasrgrantedvtoside site Departmentere of Parks,ePlaygroundsb,eanc.aPublicsBuildiingskjter old for their use.) 61962 UNCILME Adopted by the Counci6)"P_�........................195...... r U-�/ Nays s�P 161952 Yeas ' �" ; __. Marzitell{ Approved............................. - -----...---195...... MaDerm^tt p Mortinson/ In Favor /.J/- -....._...... --- ------- pa t^ � ...-...... � Mayo Peterson Rosen -.-Against — 6 Mr. President, Doi ask a 6n 'Aw original to City Clerk eoUNCII��`-_-9 ---- --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL raa- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rj%�%//fes C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C PRESENTED By `% I _`, _ _ DATE September 101 19 J2 COMMISSIONER------- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-71+ Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from H.K.STAHL COMPANY at a price of $.12905, less 1,% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an ^mergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-131+. Gc,6N ILMEN%', Yeas Marzl elli c ermo Mortinson Peterson Roaen Mr. President, AehtrreY— a�l C. F. No. 181296—BY Milton RRosen— Resolved. That the purcbasing Aeeto be, d he is hereby allthorluf the purehase. with the consent ,..i - Mayor d the Com�!trol leadedpsaw- i mately 5,000 gallons @ line, 72-79 Octane, C.F-RCQMPAYsMethod. F '. from H. R. STAIiL ten days on pence of $ .12905 less 3% anery prteeiif informal bids. as an' emergency where fstlure to ato ct �? P ompoY uld pork a hty luirge the best i 9USPmentt 1002 13y9. Adopted by the Council September 30, 19Approved September Se, I-~= (September 20, 19522)) SEP 16 1952 Adopted by the Couneil---------------------------------- 195...... q 16 Approved ---- ------------------------------..195. - In Favor ----- ----- .... . ----- Ma aor /.Against / �2 tt fI o t-7 K,1 247 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS I and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct the existing sidewalk with monolithic cone += n the west si x good and sufficient sidewalk maV exist 195i? Dated this i th day of / / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: west side of or St J good and sufficient sidewalk m t having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau therefore, be it Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, tyre making of said improvement. timated cost bf said improvement, and the total cost 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for ori the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 1 6 1951 ✓'Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson SEP 16 1954 Councilman A eERTT Holland liarzitelliApprove Mo Lortinson pPetersonET Rosen SMR. PRESIDENT, EL Daubney 1M I-61 e PUBL1Sltl'.D PE tf tl;�n .1-612-18 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 161746-- t written proposal for the and na improvement. , PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Howard Streets except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 11th day ofSeptember5Z' / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �� For S is— on ~treat t inward ��rerti �F.pt where � a— sufficient sidewalk exi having. been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investi ate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /HAdopted by the Council `oo t a IgS2 — YEAS NAYS Halvorson SEP 16 1952 Councilman MARZI L I Holland M'CDE TT MarzitellApprove 11';II'II,,O,,RTI S N Mortinson P RRA o Peterson P TE Rosen R SE Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT, D�L Daubney 1 1M 4-61 i°et,'r.oh,�`3:�b Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN"1 C. F. No. 181249— and Whereas. A written propoenl fo;'khe inking pt the following improvement, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER ._ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of E Hoyt Ave from Flandrau St to White Bear Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this 11th day of September 1962 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constru t a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of E. Hot Ave.ft'om Flandrau St. to White Lear Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SEp 1 8 1952 YEAS NAYS HALVORSON Councilman MARZITELLI Holland SEP 16 1952 MCDERMOTT Marzitellihpproved -.. MORTINSON MCrtinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney Mayor. im 4.61 ,e YUliLl,iilcll —� A 161250 INTERMEDIARY ORDERS COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hague Avenue from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order 160848 approved Angcst 7,_1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, as necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hague Avenue from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.38 per sq. ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root-outting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the its—_ .day of October, 1952 *9* , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost. thereof as estimated. ] 6 Adopted by the Council SEP 196 193— � WEP 1 1952 1 Approved 193— / �i File s 5353 Councilman jjbjNNNWNt.Tz Ham. yr"" Councilman =-�, HoLL A-* Councilman r;a+> r+,rzrt9W Councilman 0PTWS0- Councilman fur-.' :-- -r E 7 4'ISOK Councilman -' Mayor a; NEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 /� D Z 0-7` PUBL1SIi1:D�. C. F. No. 161251— COUNCIL FILE NO the matter of reconstructing o where necessaryy. the exp rn, on both sltles of fiope By aerx to _Fast, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hope Street from Margaret Street to East Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order 160453 approved Jn1y 3, 1,952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstract or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hope Street from Margaret Street to East Seventh Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.39 Per sq. f t. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Thth __day of October, 1952 *, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciSFP 16 1952 193—ApprovedF l B 12193— J�7��CiFile S 5354 x Councilman HALVED"* Councilman SWNF� HOLLAND Councilman MARZiTELLt Councilman MORTMSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN ',vl Mayorawhww� oAUSHE'f Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO By 1.61252 C. F. No. 161252-- "' « ,f tter of constructing a mono- . :. the south aide of INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Eleanor Ave. from Rogers Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order 161068 approved Augt1st 28, T 959 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a -monolithic Ave. sidewalk on the south side of Eleanor/from Rogers Street to Chatsworth Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.38 per sq* ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on theme — ----day of October. 1952 egg_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 16195 , 193— i 1619552/ Approved 193— —__71C 1 �t C File S 5355 Councilman WORONVAMW t1ALVV1 Councilman "OLLAMD Councilman MARZITCW Councilman I = MORT'MS'ON Councilman'�R110�+ -PETER50M Councilman ROSA Mayor JinjamoiW DAUSHEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 i COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 161258 -- In the matter of constructing a mono- llthic concrete sidewhlh on the south ��•�--•f West Iowa Avenue from Avon j 9 .` ��1, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of West Iowa Avenue from Avon Street to Fisk Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Order 161120 —approved September 3.-4.5_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of West Iowa Avenue from Avon Street to Fisk Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0.39 par sqf t. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root–cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the th ___day of October, 1952 _0M_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating- the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 16 1952 , 193_.— SEP 191952 File S 5356 Councilman 1 Na - Councilman lav HOLLAND Councilman MAUITULI Councilman ANKRV--'�– -Z MORTINSON CouncilmanPETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mayor"FER"UNNDAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8.6 V d• City C k ayor COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 16— �Ea�c`hewcttteor oaf<dceownas7thrucotlnQthae moonoth- Iowa Avenue from Gr INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of West Iowa Avenue fron Grotto Street to Avon Street except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Order 163.124 approved September 3, 3952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of West Iowa Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.39 per sq. ft. for b" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 111th—_ ---day of October, 1952 x1af, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SES' MQ , 193- 195? 93 1952 4�z � Q &rives Approved 193 C' y Clerk File S 5357 — M Councilman HALVMS6W Councilman r1 HOLLAND Councilman ,._-, _.-_,1.: , ARZITELLI Councilman rrr•_- ,z IORTINS014 S�,,,� Councilman i .:; -' pEiFR50N Councilman .'-'+ , POSFN Mayor�toas rnuaNET Form B. S. A. 8-6 a aa.y kUBLISHED 1�� C. F. No. �161255— Inthe matter of construct.¢' a mono- lit,;,-. e sdewame on the west COUNCIL FILE NOS " INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Craig Place from Fast Idaho Avenue to East Larpenteur Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Ord,,____V6lIZ3 approved September 3, 1952 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received thg report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Craig Place from East Idaho Avenue to East Larpenteur Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.39per re_ fte for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root -cutting, etc, at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __14th—__.._—day of 0otobbr, 1952 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 16 1952 , 193_— SEP' S 193— File S 5358 CouncilmarWj ..nay ®" HALVMSM Councilma HOLLAND Councilman, 'jrjj& � MARZITEIII Councilman,.,.. MORT NSOh Councilman p;_yy PETERSON Councilman J6210t ROSEN Mayor,W&4RpAv,W DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 /,0 Cit Clerk May ISE60LDTION RATIFYING AND f CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR 161 2iti N.. 1', RESOLUTION RATIFYING t 4*_40 CONf,' ING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue fro. -2 Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved iday 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Ail of Lot 4, Block 13, Ewing and Chuteis Addition, All those parts of Lots 1, 2 and 3, ,Block 13, Ewing and Chute's Addition, except streets, lying between St. Peter Street and St. Peter Place; Lot 3, except,the north 25 feet; and all of Lots 4, 53 6, 72 8, 9 and 10,'Botzet+s Subdivision; 8 10 16 and 17 Block 3, All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, , 9, a a Ramsey's Addition; The north 6 inches of Lot 3, and all of Lots 5 and 6, Watson and Ricers Subdivision "AD; All of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Croix Subdivision; All of the miscellaneous tracts in SITg of Section 31, Township 29, Range 22, lying southerly of Dexter Avenue (formerly Central Terrace)"and bounded on the east and south by Block 3, RamseyLs Addition, and on the west by Botzetis Subdivision and Rice Street,except an except a parcel of land bounded by the follovring described line: easement for Commencing at a point on the west line of Section 31, of Tamship sewer obtain - 29 of Range 22, said point being 15.06 feet north of the intersection ed by of the center line of Dexter Avenue (formerly Central Terrace) in Minneapolis. the City of St. Paul, Dlinnesota, with said west line of said St.Paul 8ani- Section 31, running thence south 47 degrees and 50 minutes east tary District 29.15 feet to place of beginning of land to be described, running between ele- thence south 47 degrees and 50 minutes east, 137.53 feet to a vations 700ft. point, running thence north 60 degrees and 19 minutes east 187.6 to 730 ft. feet to a point, running thence north 57 degrees and 7 minutes east above mean 81.7 feet to a point, running thence north 44 degrees and 49 minutes sea level, west 136.24 feet to the south line of said Dexter Avenue, running and thence south 59 degrees west, along said south line of said Dexter Avenue 276.8 feet to place of beginning. - _---------- City Clerk. -- - ----------------------- -- -- - y y f�v :, SEP 191952 Approved-- --- --- -------- --, 19 ---- File 11971�r "i NALVER-30h Councilman T.6iil�? Councilman FW6ion "o' AND Councilman'MeDongld I/ ,z'r L.LJ Councilman &Rwace r r. O Councilman d Councilman e , R_O N N mayoro - _---------- City Clerk. -- - ----------------------- -- -- - y y f�v :, I [a under Preliminary Order -___169155 ____-_______ A-- approved_ June 11 1952-_______ Intermediary Order --------- 160486 approved ------- du1,y_-- 81 1252---------------, Final Order ---------------- 16Q772 approved ------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. xiu------------ Adopted by the Council ------- -----------------------, 19,-/--- 191952 ----------- Approved ------------------------- City Clerk. File 11971 -------------------------- _ Councilman iffTu HA"Ye'"a' yor. Councilman7e` 66n c irwo Councilman-3kDonald W 7,T L i i Councilman d?a mee Councilman d aso" /X Council e / T .rl •.rn Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue fro -n Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller nvenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved ?nay 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: All of Lot 4, Block 13, Ewing and Chutets Addition; All those parts of Lots 11 2 and 3. Block 13, Erving and Chute's Addition, except streets, lying between St. Peter Street and St. Peter Place; Lot 3, except the north 25 feet; and all of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Botzetts Subdivision; All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17, Block 3, Ramsey's Addition; The north 6 inches of Lot 3, and all of Lots 5 and 6, 'Matson and Rice's Subdivision I'A"; All of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Croix Subdivision; All of the miscellaneous tracts in SWZ1 of Section 31, Township 29, Range 22, lying southerly of Dexter Avenue (formerly Central Terrace) -and bounded on the east and south by Block 3, Ramseyls Addition, and on the west by Botzet's Subdivision and Rice Street, except a parcel of land bounded by the following described line: Commencing at a point on the west line of Section 31, of Township 29 of Range 22, said point being 15.06 feet north of the intersection of the center line of Dexter Avenue (formerly Central Terrace) in the City of St. Paul, i,:innesota, with said west line of said Section 31, running thence south 47 decrees and 50 minutes east 29.15 feet to place of beginning of land to be described, running thence south 47 degrees and 50 minutes east, 137.53 feet to a point, running thence north 60 degrees and 19 minutes east 187.6 feet to a point, running thence north 57 degrees and 7 minutes east 81.7 feet to a point, running thence north 44 degrees and 49 minutes west 136.24 feet to the south line of said Dexter Avenue, running thence south 59 degrees west, along said south line of said Dexter Avenue 276.8 feet to place of beginning. Commissioner of Finan ��iwlrlll�INI1 160155 June u,- 195?------------ under Preliminary Order---------------, approved ----------------- -------- --- Intermediary Order --------- 160486___, approved ------------- ----Jul-y____B,_19?------------ -----------------Au9ust--5,-1962-- Final Order----------------16lZZZ2---, approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. NOTICE To: The Council of the City of St. Paul You will please take notice that Joseph E. Erickson and Iyle S. Erickson object herewith to the taking of their land and ease- ments therein by condemnation proceedings and to the award of damages . th said land lying in the County of Ramsey, State of ing described an follows, to -wit: That part of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), Block Thirteen (13), Ewing and Chute's Addition to St. Paul lying Southwesterly of St. Peter Street as said street is opened through said block thirteen (13), ex- oept that portion of said Lot one (1), which was conveyed to the City of St. Paul, by deeds recorded in Book 1011 Deeds 363 and 365, and except that portion of Lots Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), which was conveyed to Harry G. Booth by deed bearing document number 1172045 and recorded in Book 1274 Deeds 421. This objection is made pursuant to "Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings" dated August 19, 1952, signed by Bernard T. Holland, Commissioner of Finance, and bearing File No. 11971, and pur- suant to the provisions of the Charter of City of St. Paul. Objection to the taking of said land and easements therein is based upon the ground that said taking is unauthorized. Objection to the award of damages therefor is based upon the ground that said award is grossly inadequate in amount and does not fairly or justly compensate said above named owners for damages sustained by them in the taking of such land. Dated this A day of September, 1952. co 4 N 'e � "' � Gerha Bundlie and - � 7. '� BUADLIE, ffi,LEY, FIHLEY AAD P4AAIIA " Attorneys for Joseph E. Prickoon and _ r Lyle S. Erickson w 425 Hamm Building N z Saint Paul 2, Minnesota N .. O O STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Lyle S. Erickson, being first duly sworn deposes and says that she is the same person named in the foregoing notice, that she has read said notice and that same is true and correct to the beat of her knowledge, information and belief; that dae to the temporary absence of her husband, Joseph E. Erickson, from the State of Minnesota, she signs this affidavit on his behalf as well as her own. Subscribed and sworn to before ` me this �-day of September, 1952• CHARLES V. MOREN Notary FubGc, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Feb. 20, 1958 RE: Condemning and taking for opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and apFroved by the State veterans Service Uuilding Commission hugust 15, 1949, the following described parcel of land: Lot Seven (7), Block Three (3) except the Northeasterly fifteen (15) feet thereof, Ramseys Addition to Saint Paul, / otherwise known as 61 Tilton Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota / C OBJECTIONS BY PAULINE M. GAMPEAU TO THE AWARD OF DAMAGES r -OR THE TAI ING OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 'rRCPERTY STATE OF MINkv: SCTA ) SS GOUNTY CF itALSEY ) PAULINE Ni. CAMPEAU, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That she resides at 61 Tilton Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, which is her homestead. That your affiant has resided in said home for about 24 years. That on the 6th day of August, 1952, your affiant received an offer from one Leonard Seamer,who is employed by the City of Saint Paul in the Land Lepartment, of $4600.00 for the above described property. That on said property is located a ten room dwelling, including one bathroom, and your affiant for the past 24 years has used the said dwelling located thereon as a rooming house and has had from time to time an average of three families occupying certain rooms divided into apartments. That from said rented rooms your affiant has received the sum of $85.00 each month, and your affiant has depended upon the said $85.00 each month for her own living because she receives no other monies. that your affiant,since the purchase of said building about 24 years ago, has, in addition to her original investment of M20J.00, expended approximately another $5,000.00 in modernizing the said home and arranging it in such a manner that she could provide herself with an independent income from the said apartments. -That your affiant does not believe the 64600.00 offer which she received on august 6, 1952, is a fair and equitable offer. -1- l'hat about two years ago your affiant received an offer for the sale of said property, the figure being a sum of money greatly in excess of the $1,600.00 offered your affiant by the said Leonard Seamer, and when the said purchaser learned of the possibility of the said land being condemned for the Capitol Approach project, said prospective purchaser refused to proceed with the purchase of said property. That your affiant, as already indicated herein, is dependent absolutely upon the income from the said property for her own livelihood, and the said dwelling has provided her free of charge a three room apartments that your affiant has looked elsewhere in the City of Saint Paul for a dwelling with the same number of rooms and in a similar condition but has been informed that she could not purchase such a building for less than $10,000. That your affiant objects to the award of damages offered her by the said Leonard Seamer in the amount of $b60J.00 and believes that a sum approximating $10,000.00 would be a fair and reasonable sum for said property at this time. AUL NhM. CAMP�— STATE OF MINNZWTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) PAULINE M. CAMPEAU, being first duly sworn on oath, says that she has read the within and foregoing Objection by her subscribed, and knows the con— tents thereof and that the same is true. k,AuLINE %U Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th/d3y of tember, 1952. JOHN T. O'DONN" NW.rq PAF tic, Fem;ey C—ry, Ming My C.—&'— 11. ktW C 16125 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ...LCTION RATIFYING AND CON- �T,c CONnFIfWATiMti, AN^. In the matter of... condemning and taking for public school purposes the following ------------------------------------------------------------------------- described lands: All of Lot 1 except south 66.25 feet thereof; all of Lot 2, and the north 120 feet of Lot 3, subject to Iona Avenue, all in Block 12, Como under Preliminary Order --159257 --------------- approved --- M 27s-1952_.____________-----, Intermediary Order ------- !�M --------------- approved--- June -24,_1952 ____-_______--_ Final Order -------------- 160622--------------- approved ----July 2& _195?_____________ ------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. xxxxx »----------- SEP17IM Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- 19,___ SEP 171952 Approved----------------------- 19 ---- File 11967 Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson AND Councilman McDo4ald r_ a-1 Councilman iearce .�N Councilman ohland Councilman Svdheimer --r'�s— Mayor Mr. Vice President (Peterson) //Pty Clerk.-- ---- �- ��----`---L%' Ma I _ `4jUBLlSlfED ii REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__ condemning and_takinp for public school purposes the following described lands: All of Lot 1 except south 66,25 feet thereof; all of Lot 2, and the north 12) feet of Lot 3, subject to Iowa Avenue, all in Block 12, Como 1952 under Preliminary Order -152257 -------- approved ---------------8y-----27-_---- --------------- Intermediary Order ----160312--____-, a oved----------- dune--- 2s-195 _______________ Final Order ------------160622 -----__ approved -------------- July _ 29, 1952 --------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of z the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. I ---------------------------------- ---- Commissioner of Fina e. -6125,5 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR j RESOLVTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING Cm0 .E.MNATIONr AND AWARDS " ^9E9 AND In the matter of --- opening_an_alles_in_Block_51,_Dapton & I-------q--------Additi--to-St--_____ Paul from Smith Avenue southeasterly to the southeasterly lines of Lots 4 and 5, thence northeasterly to the northeasterly line of Lot 3, by condemning the south— easterly 10 feet of Lots 3 and 4, the southwesterly 7.50 feet of Lot 4, and the northeasterly 7.50 feet of Lot 5, Block 51, Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, under Preliminary Order ___160259 ------------- , approved ------- J» ---- %_191r -------------- Intermediary _______----_,Intermediary Order ________ 160407_____________, approved ------- July ____8&__1952 _______-----, Final Order ------ ----- -- 160773--------- -- approved -------August 5, 1952--------=--- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. XJ0L---------- SEP 17 1952 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- 19----- S E ____ S'L u 17 1959- Approved----------------------- 19 --- File 11981 Councilman -- °^e N4LVEfi Councilman Fano tson I _!_LAND Councilman z TCL Councilman r N scN Councilman oh add ` " Councilman tll envie, Mayor < � '--.._::^ aoSCN Mz. Vi— President ( etcram li City Clerk. -- 'fir----- =�--`'---�-'- ----- l�yor. LISHED_ C� Ir REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__Te inR an alley in Block 51, Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. ------------------------------------------- Paul from Smith Avenue southeasterly to the southeasterly lines of bots 4 and 5, thence northeasterly to the northeasterly line of Lot 3, by condemning the south— easterly 10 feet of Lots 3 and 4, the southwesterly 7.50 feet of Lot 4, and the northeasterly 7.50 feet of Lot 5, Block 51, Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, under Preliminary Order_____ - approved_________________ June19�_ 195? ------------ Intermediary Order --------- 160!187__-, approved----------------- Aqiy---- 81_195? ------------ 1_195?______------ Final Order -----------------1-6-0-773---, Final approved----------------- ------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- Commissioner of Finance. ACA9,i! i RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR N RATIFYING AND CON- ^ ' ^ioN 't 0 In the matter of --- ogenin9-and extending an alley_across Lot - -- 7 and -the- west - -- - of ---------------------- Lot 8, Block 2, Ames Acre Lots, from the west line of Block 5, Fred S. Herring's Plat 3, to the east line of Block 6, Fred S. Herring's Plat 3, by taking and condemning the south 20 feet of the north 174 feet of the west } of Lot 8, and the south 20 feet of the north 174 feet of Lot 7, all in Block 2, Ames Acre Lots under Preliminary Order___ 1L59665 -_-_----___-- approved______ may____ _____________ Intermediary Order ---------160203 --- - --------> approved------------------------------------- June 17, 1952 Final Order ------------ 16 1605-------------- approved--------1-°1y--161-1952-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e �---------- Adopted by the Council __S2 17 IM _________________- ------ ---` P -- City Clerk. Approved--------- ----------,19---- File 11941 ----- - er- i� ---------- -=-- Nta or. Councilman Conroy LM—ON Councilman FeOftjon LAND Councilman McDonald 7 TILL: 1 Councilman Pgerge usor t; ' 1 PUftI,ISI IF.D� Councilman Rghland Councilman Seimer-- O Mayor r' W .r. Vire Prcsidenr (Yeteceon) aE _.. E Adir - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of___oPening and extending an alley across_I.ot 7 and the gest z -of -- Lot 82 Block 2, Ames Acre Lots, from the west line of Block 5, Fred S. Herring's Plat 32 to the east line of Block 6, Fred S. Herring's Plat 31 by taking and condemning the south 20 feet of the north 174 feet of the west 1 of Lot 8, and the south 20 feet of the north 174 feet of Lot 7, all in Block 21 Ames Acre Lots, under Preliminary Order ----- 152665-__, approved ----------------- flay --- 6,_1852-----__ Intermediary Order ---------160203---, approved------------------ 51ime_17,_1952__ -- Final Order ----------------16Q535-- approved ------------------ LU3,V-16+-I-952-------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined to of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Ftinance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR gESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FMMugG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND AS - THEREFOR In the matter of__condemning-and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ------------ ------------------------------- cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order -_1599-61 -------------- , approved --- May_-Z7i-1952 160(102 July 1, 1952 Intermediary Order --------------------------- approved-------------------- ----- a Final Order --------------160688--------------, approved -_--July 2-&-195?-------_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i SEP 1719K Adopted by the Council --------------------------------> ¢.FP 17 155, --------- - --- - City Clerk. Approved-----------,19---- File 11964 ------ - ---- -- ---- r-^+-�-a"oNor.-- Councilman Mn—r-oy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman P,earce ._.+ PUBLISHED Councilman fl$ohland — Councilman Sudheltnef' Mayor Mr. Vice President •(PeocraQU) A IN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ condemning -444- !Rktng an_easement in_the land_necessary_for sl(Tts, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order_ 152461 ------- approved -------------- MBY----- Z4-195 --------------- Intermediary Order ------ 1bDL,G2------- approved -------------- July_----li_1Q5R _-------------- Final Order -------------1694$&----- approved --------------duly---- 2,q,-19-qL--------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. r R_471261 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR I -M -M a°Neon Nn SAND - "EMN T ^ Wn AND In the matter of___ _ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes _______ cuts and fills in the grading of Hoyt Avenue from Greenbrier Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order-__ 160092 ------------, approved ------- June ---51-1952 -------------, Intermediary Order ---------16939. ------------- approved ------- J�-- 1i -1952 ---------'----I Final Order ----------------160 kh-------------, approved------- Jul -Y-29— 19-52-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Im ---------- Sri, 71 Adopted by the Council ______________________, /-1 Approved------------------------,19--- File 11972 Councilmandknroy-- vc,rcH CouncilmanZer'-guson NO Councilman ,McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman mid Councilmanheimer + Mayor rw: et Ms• Vice President (Petersoa) ------------ ------------ --- - ---------- -- City Clerk. i "IJBLISIIBD REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary_for slopes, ------------------------ cuts and fills in the grading of Hoyt Avenue from Greenbrier Street to Arcade Streetp under Preliminary Order ----- 160092__- approved -----------------June 5L1952 -------------- Intermediary Order___________60____ 1396 approved----------------- --------------- Final Order ---------------- 1b0684----------- approved ----------------- Jules29Z_1952- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fina e� RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR onr IMON RATIFY No AND CON - In the matter of___ condemning and_ta_king an.easement_�n_the land_ng�esr�gty_f9 g�QgQ§, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous materials the alley in Block 15, Merriam Park 2nd Additions from Prior Avenue to Moore Streets under Preliminary Order___ q599-63 -------------- approved ------ Y_?7, 1Qr1�----------------, Intermediary Order --------- -------------- approved ------- ,I>11y_)� 1952________________I Final Order ---------------16Q666 ------------- approved-------July-29a-1952--------------- ,J_ON A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- !Fr- 17 1952 ---_ City Clerk. Approved _-_________ File 11-962 Councilman TffVr--: --' - Nn�uE Councilman�Yerguson �No Councilman..McpQua1d T. u Councilman,Tearce. Councilman Rohland ,J_ON Councilman'Sudheimer Mayor acsFN Mr. Vice President (Peterson) - l j �---- +- -- L-- ------ M---- ! ayor. ~ PUBSHLD —. D — 5 � if REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__ condemning_and takin�_an_easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 15, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, from Prior Avenue to Moore Street, under Preliminary Order_____ 152263___, approved ------- Xay---- 23a 195? Intermediary Order ___________ 1601100 approved------- July .... 1,_ A952---------------------- Final Order ----------------- 160686,approved------- Jul_y---?.?,_ 1952---------- ---- -- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of'fance. Orionel to City Clerk NO. COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REWL)OTIO#,1—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That Norris 0. Halvorson, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and Ernest W. Johnson, Superintendent of Playgrounds, be and they are hereby authorised to attend the National Recreation Congress at Seattle, Washington, September 29 to October 3, 1952; the expenses of said trip to be .paid out of the Playground Fund 19 C 3. — vo,,or- I 6I �}�/�NCILMEN Yeas " Holland Marzitelli McBermett-- Mortinson Peterson � Rosenk� Mr. President, �ehates'-- SM 7-51 IWO SEP 171952 Adopted by the Council ---195- 7 1952 ouncil-- 195- 71952 Approved-.. -- - 195- 1 In Favor Mayo ctv�q_ /�' Against / V l'9(w Orl¢i,,l rn City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO__ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B '-� (B4 request) DATE Sept• 16i `JOG -- COMMISSION J�4L ------ WHEREAS, The City Clerk has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his office for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hrs. Rate Earned Tax Pen. Net James F. Barrett Sthse.Helpr. 12 1.562 .2.35 .47 1.721 34.45 7.00 1.38 1.88 26.07 Walter A. Bell Sr. Clk. 0. Bork Sthse Hlpr. 20 54 1.562 8.22 1.64 6.58 Geo. Dorothy Z. Brennan Asst.Reg. Clk. 4 1.621 6.49 1.30 5.19 1.88 Harley E. Coleman Sthse.Hlpr. 1 4041.94 1.562 2.35 .47 78.09 15.80 3.12 59.17 Dorothy M. Dansky Sr. Clk. Ilda Fiorito Asst.Reg. Clk. 2 1.821 3.25 .65 2.60 Lettie E. Hansen Asst.Reg. Clk. 42 1.621 7.30 1.46 .29 5.55 Harry Hynes Asst.Ch.Clk-Reg. 38 3/4 2,36 3/4 91.74 18.20 3.67 69.87 Mollie McQuillan Asst.Reg. Clk. 29 3/4 1.65 49.24 9.60 1.97 37.47 George Moore Sthse.Hlpr. T.Nystrom Ch.Clk-Reg. 3 304 1.561 4.70 .94 .19 2.598 78.50 15.80 3.14 3.57 59.56 Donald Muriel Prelate Asst.Reg. Clk. 29 3/4 1.65 49.24 9.80 1.97 37ti47 Lillian Richter Sr. Clk. 281 1.94 55.29 11.00 2.21 42.08 George Sadek Asst.Ch.Clk.-Recd.. 35,f 2.36 3/4 84.05 17.00 3.36 63.69 Clarence Storms Head Clerk 32 2.21 3/4 70.96 14.20 2.84 53.92 Fred Swearingen Sr. Clk. 7 1.94 13.58 2.72 .54 10.32 Catherine Weitzel Sr. Clk. 18 1.94 34.92 7.00 1.40 26.52 Leonard Wesely Sr. Clk. 404 1.94 78.09 15.80 3.12 59.17 752.81 29.20 Total --- 151.05 752.8 SEP 17 1952 Adopted by the Council 195 - _COUNCILMEN ,{ SEP 17 1952 Yeas '',' :' i. } ,a Nays.r Y. Rolland Marzitelli Approved 195 - McDermott_.__ Mortinson In Favor Ma r " Peterson ' Rosen 1 Against Mr. President, Delaney PUBLISHED V', 5M 'I-51 O DONALD T. NYSTROM MF HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk and _ Commissioner of Regishration r CITY CF ST. PAUL- �i BUREAU OF REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 33 City Hall and Court House Sept. 16, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the office of the City Clerk making it necessary to employ overtime employees for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Preparing for the election of September 9th, 1952. Finishing up the work for the County and State Primary election of September 9th, 1952. The office was open until 9 P.M. to complete the work. -010�® Odgin.l to City Clerk 11_( 7 1)r FOE"CIL NO r 1 ,- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CP NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. N.. 161265—By Frank D. Al—i- /1 '.= 1'-01 Hrds tha' COMMISSIONEERR PRESENTED /T`lj,�„/�� —DATE- — — —. "`Z/ RESOLVED, that this Council finds that requirements of Ordinance No. 5711, a s amended, to the effect that all employes in work performed for the City of &Int Paul shall be residents thereof, would be impossible and impracticable of performance by the Contractor, Louis J. %roeger and Associates, under the proposed authorized contract by and between the latter and the City, for the Classification and Wage Study and Report and Recommendation thereon, relating to the City's Classified Employment Service, and that pursuant to said Ordinance, as amended, the provisions thereof in the nature of such requirements shall be and hereby are waived, suspended and rendered ineffective as respects said Contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas HalvorsJlays Holland Marzitelli ZFA7QF41WXX Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, SM ]-Sl p Ya-u-brney. SEP 171952 Adopted by the Council— 196— SEP 1719578 Approved— 195— /' In Favor- -� ayor Against 1_F PUBLISII4;D �" � C J � Original to City Clerk 1 6 •/!�/ l COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 161266—By Milton an. /C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM xaa:.: acd, That Council File No_ !/ .,5Ws7 Hooted August 7 ;962, pra PRESENTED BY \ '— COMMISSIONER _ _.. __. __._-._._...-. _ _ - DATE RESOLVED, That Council File No. 160837, adopted August 7, 195?s granting the petition of Henry H. Elmquist and others for the vacation of certain alleys in Grotto and Parkview, etc., be amended so that it read as follows; All of the alleys as platted in Block 2, Rogers and Hendrickis Acre Lots from Arlington Ave. (formerly Como—Phalen) to Grotto St.; the above correction being made in accordance with a misinterpretation of the description. iJOUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _— __195— Holland Marzitelli Approved-----_195— `-3rfc$LFmoiE--_ Mortinson -In Favor Peterson �� _ .__- Mayor Rosen ...-_-Against Mr. President, ney- 5M 751 �p original to Ciq Clerk 1619,r)7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION_ 16'1287—By Milton Rosen— _ GENERAL FORM s Additions and Deductions COMMISSIONER r ' —__ DATE_ August_25, 1952 wIIEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improve- ment described as sewer on Dudley Avenue from Raymond Avenue to 80 feet east of Raymond Avenue, Comptroller's Contract, L-51731 Floyd G. Youliston, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, and 'BEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the folirnving Additions and Deductions: ADDITIONS: 114anhole 9,13 deep 82t of 121' sewer pipe 12.00 per ft. ;1109.56 11.8 Cu- yds. trench excavation average 10.6' deep 3.00 per ft, 8'50 1 each manhole castings A and B 35.40 2 hrs. labor to connect existing house connection to 40.00 tra pipe to connect exisnew manhole 1.90 ting house connection to new 3.80 manhole - 8' of 8" Sevier pipe 2 - 8" bends 0.594 4.75 2.376 Dr,DUCTIovs: Total Additions 4.75 206.76 Cost of reconditioning street Reduction in trench excavation resulting from raising the grade of the sewer on 120.00 average of 1.25 ft. -15.1f4 cu.yds.-3.00 45.42 Total Deductions 165.42 TOTAL id1 ADDITION I;HLMEAS,, the net Total Addition is IP41.34,-therefore, be it O 1. RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its l approves the foregoing City Counci ci Addition made in accordance with the specifications in the sum .41.34, added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract. said sum to be The Commissioner of Public 19orks has agreed with the above mined contractor that the sum of w41.34 is the correct amount and that the City herebyvraives the requir the x120.00 for the reconditioning of the street shall be deducted from due the ement that contractor. the final estimate -LO;) G. El L ON COn'TERSIGIv'ED: 0 0 OMEN yNays �O-r-clE5� s Adopte�iy`195— -``1 �;'{,,.�.j� &Band / Marzitelli SEP 17 1952 Approved—_.__— --- -195— Mortinson Peterson In Favor ------ -- Y Rosen ! j G� I yt " i J �l a or Mr. Presidentr-DVI cley� Against 1'liBLISIIP,'D SM 7 51 §Wa W 1268 Dripldi to City Clerk =MOIL CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Ilia NO•----------- -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,,,�� �'J PRESENTED BY r _ DATIZ Sept- Mber 1', 195P COMMISSIONER— Resolved, OMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to the ROYAL PACKARD COMPANY for payment of their invoices totalling ?AHr r $253.70 for repair of Fire Chief Is Packard car as an emergency existed due to accident and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Public Safety 1005, Shop Supplies and Parts B-2. �1 �OIINCIj.I�IF.�I:,."' ,•;; ' Yeas t - N4" Marzite�i McDermott--- Mortinson Parranto-- Peterson ei. Rosen Mr. President, Detattay-'—" s'r 6.5a .041p'.n C. F. No. 161260-13y Robert F. Peter- nee.teed, That the Purchasing Aw lh be, and In, sa herteibeY Mayor the ns' he.tornller. to i 11 ssue P ,chase Ord{e` aa&R to act hardship_ tc by the Council September 17, 1 September 17, 1952. September 29, "1" SEP 171952 Adopted by the Council - 1 7 1952 Pproved.....................................195..--.. In Favor ---- -----•- / Mayor ---.Against Ori¢inal to City ClerkCOUY d C Fi �� D CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL 11NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ----- COUNGIL RESOLUTION -,GENERAL FORM CJIF No. 161266 -By Se,edn A. Mor - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the proper city officdrs are hereby authorized to pay certain employee in the Water Department for extra employment from Sept. 1 to Sept.15,1952, as set out in the following list: Name Title No.of bra. Rate Amount Fred T. Cormier Foreman-W.D. 9 bra. $2.02 $18.18 H. Archie Eastman Genl.Blackamith9 " 2.25 20.25 Joseph A. Faini Sta.Fireman 16 " 1.86 29.76 John F. Biber Oiler 12 " 1.73 20.76 Donald E. Sandia Oiler 12 " 1.7 20.76 Senneth 0. Swedberg Asst.Supt.Meoh.Equip.-W.D.24 " 2.2 54.24. Grant H. Thomason Coal Passer 24 " 1.73 41.52 Will, d A. Valois Coal Passer 12 " 1.73 20.76 Raymond T. Watters Coal Passer 12 " 1.73 20.76 Walter Munson Sr.Pump.Sta.Engr. 1 " 2.01 18.09 Harry Oas Utilitymen-W.D. 12 " 1.83-1/2 22.02 Harry F. Thompson Water -Shad Lab. 22. " 1.70-1/2 38.36 Thomas I. Welch Meter Inspector 1 " 1. 4 18.27 Leonard D. Evangelist Utilityman-W.D. 12 " 1.;3-1/2 22.02 Peter L. Fabio Utilityman-W.D. 12 1.83-1/2 22.02 John K. Rutz Truck Driver 12 " 1.79 21.48 Carl A. Anderson Ditch Digger 1 " 1.77 1.Tj Edward A. Brunner Utilityman-W.D. 16 " 1.79-3/4 28.76 Herbert T. Buechner Treach.Mach.Opr. 41 " 2.22 9.99 Chester E. Clark Ditch Digger 1 " 1. 1.77 John T. Haggerty Utilityman-W.D. 20 " 1.ti3-1/2 36.70 Clifford R. Rasmussen Backfiller Opr. " $2.22 3.33 Stanley Rasmussen storekeeper-W.D. 24 " 1.92-3/4 46.26 Herman A. Schwantes Ditch Digger 8 " 1.77 14.16 Dominick Todora Ditch Digger 31 " 1.77 54.87 od'gI.m Io City Clam QN)cl ,[ • CITY OF ST.- PAUL FILE NO Ez E `? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ._ DATE--- Name ATE_ Name John Evangelist Ferdimmd F. Gaul Alfred 0. Gosewisch John E. Gardner Wallace F. Irestone Dennie J. Houle Title Foreman-W.D. Ditch Digger Power Shovel Opr. Foreman-W.D. Truck Driver Water -Shad Laborer Certified correct: .91?j- '��77 Tao d N. eon. Gene Manager 7117t; �UNCILMEN Yeas 11 t E 1 I` t Nays Holland �- Marzitelli _m4Dem19tt_ Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, -Delaney-- snf �x q�p r No.of Hre. Rate Amount 1j hre. $2.02 $ 3.03 4 " 1.77 2.65 2.45 14-70 l 2.02 3.03 l ^ 1.79 2.66 10 1.74 17.40 Total $650.35 SEP 171952 Adopted by the Council- ----195— SEP 17 1552 Approved. --195— i IS Mayor \ i PUIILISFII?D ' � O "1j P71269 Beptesber 17* 1952 An 00NOaoy has aaissn in the eater fterim"t rendering nsoessany the eseployment o! certain mployes in that dapartmt for more than eight hours per dew in the doing Of the following work: (1) u jairim giltration Plan{ e9ttlpment. l2) RepakWRAL— boiler at MoOarronts out on and rsQairing pimp at NEW — Park station. 131 +corking shute o! man on regular chit*- off an n000tmt o! i] mesa end aeaRI ane �e1 Tnking Me nay oafs pt store yard i51 Rap jrjp& water mains and bydrants. L6) DCi►- i_n�tisnd eervloin trunk. s swmrgenay arose by reason Of the loliowing facts and & (2) oircumtsnoees () /Meoessa_w to kaep Filtration Pleat and pn�ing elation aguiwent in world order. L Illness end vacations of mea on regular shifts Ib1 Rights and Smdgsi._ (5) In order to pat water maim and bydranta into service as sAo as solble. 6 Talon oounUT craw to and from work. ROAM OF W COAD ONSRS Oertiriea oorreots ey ria A. tinaon, p President . Thompson. General Manager. 'T CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK ORIGINALRK I�IQ 1529 COUNCIL RESOLUTIOPJ :� 1, FOR AUTHORIZAT N OF LOCAL IMPROn ry aRFSENTEO BY HON._ _ .- ----------' -- 4 • • • • • COUNCIL N 1 __ FILE Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for the Grading and Improvement of BURR STREET from Ivy Avenue to Arlington Avenue, to M. G. ASTLEFORD in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3777 of said M. G. Astleford, at a total contract price of $7950.00, such bid being the lowest and said M.G.Astleford being the lowest reliab16 and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against C. F. No. 161270—BY Milton AU6en— benefitted property, Resolved, ThattheCoo.c hereby pproves af the Contract C_Ittee therefor, and hereby awards FORMAL BID NO. 3777 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 10,358.00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TOC .CIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO.BE REIMBURSED FOR .OST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 0-00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - 798 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE bF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE S q. APPROPRIATED FROM - BOND ISSUE -CODE i - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. COUNTY AID S S 6. TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ : 7980.00 COPIES TO: EREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS UNENC UMBERED B .i AL TY CLERK AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE P STATEDAP ROPRIATIONS TOO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. .OMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT ROVEMENT REVOLVING UN PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS, ` o PURCHASING A // . :, " DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED--_.- DU...IL EN• 4Q 17 1952 YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE CODNCIL------- ,„ PAYOR SEP 17 AM ( APPROVED ---- '--- _, MAYOR MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISREAl� Q `J Me 9-47 1jjPIr(4y .0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL , 'ITY OJL— •Ilia ' 1528 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COU. _ CRY CLERK FOR A AUTH� ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS r rT PRESENTED BY HON—.. OAT September 15, 195 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the ® Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for Grading and Improvement of COMMY STREET from White Bear Avenue to Hazelwood Street, to M.G.ASTLEFORD in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal s. Ii Bid #3776 of said M.G.Astleford, at a total contract price of $14,700.00, such bid beim the only one received and said M.G.Astleford being a reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the • City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. C. F. No. 161271—By Milton Rosen— j Resolvetl., That th¢ (byRCH hereby i N71: FORMAL BID NO. 3776 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 16721+500 NOTE: TO BE ERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE .1 BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 14,700-00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE S S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S +. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S s. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - $ 14,700.00 COPIES TO:1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED RAL - CITY CLERK CE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.—T.— COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING V FUND PUBLIC WORKS THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. IN PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED • COMPTROLLER COUNCIL EN YEAR NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_—�T-- _------- _ __IN FAVOR SFP? ? APPROVED __.,�__ _AGAINST M R. PRESIDENT MAYOR VUBLISIILD q 5� /� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No ) 2 a . , CITY CLERK -M 1527 COUNCIL RESOLUTION "`E CITY CLERK. 1� F. AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -1 DATE_September 15, 194 PRESENTED BY HON._ Resolved, That the Council hereby approves award of the Contract • I Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for the Construction of a Sewer on Eustis Street from ICarter Avenue to Hillside Avenue, to FRANK SERRATORE, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3771, at a total contract price of $1949.00, such bid being the lowest and. said Frank Serratore being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form Of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. C. F. No. 181272—By Milton Rosen— AeaDlved, That the C—C" heb award of thF Con tr=^' ercn CBy • P ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 110.00 FORMAL BID NO. 3771 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED A UNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE P ESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVINGFUNDTO BE REIMBURSED FOR DOST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS:.00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - _ f 191`1•-9 CODE 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - s S APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE BOND ISSUE—CODE i 4, APPROPRIATED FROM - - , 1. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - , B TOTAL --1949 . oo -- I COPIES TO: NC HEREBY CERMIOFY THAT THERE IB AN UNERNGUMBERED SAL- I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.__ -- CITY CLERK q E AVAIIABL E IN THE ABOVE STATED AP OPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER i REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT PROVEMENT EVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE A LINTS. DATE FINAL ORDER A PURCHASINGDOPTED_----_ • COMPTROLLER—__— --- ._. _ _ _ _ —_ _._ __ COUNCIL EN - NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---- 11 (, �IFS 7lFAVOR SEP196t -- _ — APPROVED_ S U S MR. PRESIDENT pULI.ISHLD� -- 4J �+( ♦ V 161 2'7-3 'I orlateai to City Clerk Q MC. No ----------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fna OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - / FOUNCIL RES¢LUTION—GENERAL FORM � •��Rantemher 16, 1952 �2%_ PRESENTED BY DATE - --r" COMMISSIONER ----- ------ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, from the GEORGE T. hY0 COMPArlY 36 Shoes to fit Snow Plows at a total cost of $452.76 f.o.b. Minneapolis, 14innesota, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply (authori.zed dealer), and no Udvantage could be gaineu thereby. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-131. CO Ci;LMEN �•It.t.N. Yeas I/, Marzitelli Mortinson -Parrsn1e-'--7 Peterson d, Rosen ` Mr. President, Yy ane '/`- 3M 0-511 � d ` C. F. No. 161273—RY Mllton Rosen— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, hBSe he is bith to the b consent oth.riof d the Comptroller. "am the GEORGET. RYAN COMPANY 36 Shoes to at Snow Plows at total cost of $952.76 t.o.b. MiMeal>olls, Minnesota, wlthouats adver- tisement o ompoetitive bids. thls is the only sr f supply lautuldirbe tdealer),o -do" advantage etl thereby. Charge Municipal gainE Adoptedt by Ot3he Council September 17, roe1952. Approved September 17, 1952. i September 20, 19521 S" 171952 Adopted by the CounciL...----_-_--------------------195...... SEP 171 Approved------------------------------------------ 195...... G - .-In Favor- - % ------ - --- ------------ - - Mayor __.!....Against 1 �rIginal to City Clark i 1217 muwca NO ------------------------ CITY OF 5T. PAUL •ice OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI7-07.. ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JL%!% — DAT September 12, 1912 - COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Orders to GUARANTEED CONCRETE COMPANY and CORNING DONOHUE, INC. each for 42 cubic yards, more or less, ready mixed concrete at a cost of $12.60 per cu. yd. without advertisement or competitive bids as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City, time being an important factor, and these firms were the only sources of supply. Charge P.I.R. 3001, Eagle Street Paving, L. c.R .aO VeasTna $e PurehRosen— aaing Agent be, and he 1. hereby thorized; with ,the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Orders to GUARANTEED CONCRE•1'E COM- I PANY and CORNING DONOHUE. each for 42 cubic yat(e6, ei orae Cos[ o/ ready mixed c—crWithout ativertise- 1e'nt or r o petiitve e as an em - e at o existed wherot failure to a t r pity woultl wok a hardship to ti Ing eye mtereaea of the cna' ttieae t Important factor, a 4 Cj18igwaPeI.R e3001yE le r-cestreat of PeIV- f ing. L Aeopted by the Council September 17. 19 Approve d September 17. 1952. V%. (n.� I\ (September 29.1952) dC SEP 171952 tN4ILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.................................195...... Yens t Pays SEP �. 7'195532 Mai it�11F �- Approved.----- •------j-----•-------------------..195..--- Mortinson - r --------------In Favor - -------- ----- ----✓ - ----- Mayor Petersontkt .- / r ...... -----Against Rosen Mr. President,-Belmley SN a -w y�r(5 ►9 75 original to City Clerk rb Cit. • CITY OF ST. PAUL .Its NO..._-...---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `���� • "` J`"'COU�CRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -� /L/�'�-`'1- DATE September 11 1 2— COMMISSIONER --- '-- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, aid he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to E. J. PENNIG COMPANY for 1000 Cubic Yards, more or less, Of Sand Material for use in filling basements on Cedar Street Paving Job at a price of .13 per cubic yard, as an emergency exists and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. ' Charge Paving Plant - Capitol Approach - 1001-132. C. F. No. 161275—By Milton in Ag aesoW ,That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Puichase Order Cotroller, to E. inn J. PENNIG COMPANY fir Sand Cubic Yards. m r r less. .te na Cedat]StreetuPav nglJob btu pAceet bic yard, . , rgency exisfa sand failure tos acts promptly ould work hardshipp to the best interests of the Cify. &.rge Paving Plant—Ca itol Approach -1091-132. Adopted by the Council September 17. Approved d September 17, 1952. A tSeplember 20. 1952) V 1 � //A/Inn- - l SEP 17 19 COUNCILMEN ; Adopted by the CounciL.. ..................195...... Yeas Mn ItsUI t Nays SEP 17 195 : ,f . , MrBermett Approved-.............................- 195 .-.... Mortinson .............. In Favor ---. ------- ... -- - -- ---- FarraBio---- ... ..... Mayor Peterson 4 e.r Rosen -....Against Mr. President, Dola 3M 9.511 �pn CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 G 1 ORIGWAtt -NI9 1499 COUNCIL RESOLUTION PIE"`I` No.-pP r�f-t3 -�F CITY CLERK 1� FOR AUTTHHORRIZZATION OF CAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Lr DA PES t P R1F1P T PRESENTED BY HON.—_ 1.452 • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing N. Side ® THURE AVE. from Cleveland Avenue easterly to N- S Alley, Block 1 Edford Plat No. 1, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid #3768 of said Standard Stone Company, for the ^ contract price of $1385.001 such bid being the lowest and said Standard Stone Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. • C. F. No. 161276—By Milton RosBn— Resolved. That the Council hereby -hP award of the ContTaot FORMAL BID NO. 3768 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 1302.1+0 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED A. To FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AB FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - S 1385.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM C I -S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - Co.. S 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -E...- PROPERTY- - CODE S 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE S 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 6. $ TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - : 1385.00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 15 AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK INCE AVAILABLE IN T.. ABOVE STATE. APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.- _ COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER A.OPTED- COMPTROLLER COUNCIL EN �I," --17 1f3 - • YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIaU-9� - 5 N FAVOR SEP 171952 -- /,_ AGAINST APPROVED MR. PRESIDENT LL-1-.�20eoo 9-4�. PUBLISHED - ORIGINAL CRY -V. • 0 .7 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUYNCIL N0. N9 , 1500 COUNCIL RESOLUTION P"` FOR AUTHORF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 161177h —B FMf,1tn nIdjeDRos h rebY C n}ember �5� I, MSENTED BY HON.. ---- ----- --'' Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for the Construction of a Sewer in the north and south alley from the sewer in Van Buren Avenue to the east and west alley7 and in the east and west alley from a point 50 feet east of the center line of the north and south alley to the center line of the north and south alley, all in Block 21 Lindemann Place, to FRANK SEPRATORE, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3769, at a total contract price of X1329.001 such bid being the lowest and said Frank Serratore being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials. hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the cit, of St. PO(a]ul. Assessed against benefittedlNgR°kseTi,, �. s 1294.00 FORMAL BID NO. 37/ 7 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED ATO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TOCOUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR DOST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FO 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - s 1329.00 2.' APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - CODE3. i APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMP OVEMENTS-EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE S E APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6. i S TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1329.00 COPIES TO: HEREBY C THA E IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL CITY CLERK NYTHE A ATED FPROPRIATIONSU NO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COMPTROLLER T IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IRR IT'HE ABOVE AMOUNTS. -.J,�� ,(D o PURCHASING ^-li-'3�`.�T9T DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED- I COMPTROLLER A/L' -� �-- -COUNCIL EN --- � - YEAS NAYS FAVOR - _AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT 500 .-AT L --- SEP 171952 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--.-- ---------�-------- SEP 171952 ORIGINAL— I /. CITY OP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL `6_ . � -152 clTM CLERK p6A COUNCIL RESOLUTION FIS No. FOR AUTHOryI2,�AT/10N�OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS d� • PRESENTED BV HON.—_..___---_.._/_._.•_.- DATE September 15,---,,52 ® Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards- contract for the Construction ® of a Sewer on Rockwood Avenue from the west line of Palisade Addition to a point 10 feet easterly of the, westerly line of LuL 20, Block 7, Palisade Addition to I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #3770 of said I.J.Donnelly Construction Company, for the contract price of $10,762.64, such bid being the lowest and said I.J.Donnelly Construction Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor,, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City • of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. C. F. No. 161278--By Milt.. Ro.en— ReEolvW That the Counell hereby ppro d the award f the Coract C6To ttee therefor. and herebly ntward. P. '_'t for the r,.T" 11+ n.. �a 11_ FORMAL BID NO. 3770 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 10, 500.00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 10,762.64 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'5 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— _ - CODE $ B. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE T 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 6. i TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 64 COPIES TO: ENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK IONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.__- PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT COMPTROLLER COUNCIL EN , SEp 17 YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_---__—_—___-- • _IN FAVOR AFP 171952 APPROVED- -AGAINST R. MR. PRESIDENT 500 .-n 00-Na . PUBLISHhD±�S� NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 279 COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION C PRINTER .,„.y. Septi. 1.0 19 52 (1 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY'TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF = 18o,258.3845 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38oTO— 38101 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ,1 �ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. L ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI---i9-- m COMPTROLLER SEP 17185 APPROVED_- 19—_ BY— ~ �1 CITY OF SAINT_j4Uk. COUNCIL r DUPLICATE TO CITN C'ERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------------ ------ ------ - - HALIORSDNOLL CA L AUDI'T'ED CLAIMS get -----�? p 16 - ^9 HOLLAND M ARZITELLI --- --------- IN FAVOR MORTINPETERSON /'I RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON �.// AGAINST 180,258.38 ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $---------------- ----- ---.... ---------"""""""• COVERING MR. PRES. DAU BN EY —171952 en4 81 INCLUSIVE. A$ CHECKS No.___ _ TO... __�._ n� ' 1JJL - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL I—ER _ APPROVED-------- IB - "- - C Z. — — r BYER TOTAL DATE RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS �I II �I BROUGHT FORWARD _ _ 8�1 Fi'E3 92 ® 38045 Gilbert Ellis 4Q n0 1 38046 George F. Thompson 383 4o 38047 Dorothy E. Weimer i 90 2411 38048 Geneva Lee 120 00S 38n49 Frank Shypulski 108 00, 38050 Richard C. Fernald 64 nol! 38n31 Automotive Service Co. 66 35 38052 Fred Boldt Paint Co. 426 89 i! 38053 Brown and Day 128 181,1 38054 Builders Wholesale 178 863' 38055 Cudahy Pabking Co. 52 891,! 38056 Farwell osmun Kirk and Co. j 89 92: 38057 Gold Nodal Beverage Co. 233 00 38038 John F. Rand 451 84i 38019 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Co. 40 78,�, 38060 J. H. Kartack Co. 75 481 38n61 Lineer Broom Co. 1 83 66 I 38062 Melady Paper Co. 1 209 78ij 38n6 Motor Supply and Machine Co., 23 681 38064 Midwest 011 Co. 1 802 34 38065 Nicola Dean and Gregg Co. 173 35 38066 N. W. Refining Co. 1 038 67 38067 Park Machine Inc. 91 71 11 38068 Price Electric Co. 135 61! 38n69 Restaurant China Co.51 35 j. 38n70 Seheffer and Rossum 7 261' 38n71 H. K. Stahl Co. ! 742 46,1 38`172 Van Paper Supply Co. 264 72! 3RA7 Catherine Joheon or L. J. Mai4er ion 00 3807 G & H oil Co.41 18 !' 38073 Hardwood Products Co. I 275 38'', 38076 M. M. Bell Telephone Co. 779 00 274 22 !' 38078 Bernard T. Holland 24 246 40 38079 r " 11 076 58 3$080 " " 11 040 61 '1 38081 " " 456 30 4 38082 r " 558 50 38083 " " 3 183 96 1 38n84 " r 17 418 18 38n85 r r 16 210 02 38086 Co. Welfare Board 1 39 560 79 I, 38n87 Bernard T. Holland 9 724 62 38088 r r 563 41 38089 " " 34 795 13 38090 Mrs. Mildred Drake 2n6'72 � 38091 George Sadek 1 20 23 38092 Bishop Tow. Service 195 70 38093 195 70 38n94 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 200 80 h 38n93 McKesson Robbins Inc. 24 81 j 38096 Midway Chevrolet Co. 56 67 li 38097 Minnesota United Nations Aseln. 2 14 li 38`198 N. V. Refining Co. 692 09 38099 St. Paul Bottling Co. 169 60 38100 r r Material Co. (Builders) 8n7 FF 11 38101 Wise. Bureau of Purchases Y SHEET�'fOTAL—FORWARD 032 087 3N i �1 CITY OF SAINT_j4Uk. COUNCIL r DUPLICATE TO CITN C'ERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------------ ------ ------ - - HALIORSDNOLL CA L AUDI'T'ED CLAIMS get -----�? p 16 - ^9 HOLLAND M ARZITELLI --- --------- IN FAVOR MORTINPETERSON /'I RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON �.// AGAINST 180,258.38 ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $---------------- ----- ---.... ---------"""""""• COVERING MR. PRES. DAU BN EY —171952 en4 81 INCLUSIVE. A$ CHECKS No.___ _ TO... __�._ n� ' 1JJL - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL I—ER _ APPROVED-------- IB - "- - C Z. — — r BYER TOTAL DATE RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS �I II �I BROUGHT FORWARD _ _ 8�1 Fi'E3 92 ® 38045 Gilbert Ellis 4Q n0 1 38046 George F. Thompson 383 4o 38047 Dorothy E. Weimer i 90 2411 38048 Geneva Lee 120 00S 38n49 Frank Shypulski 108 00, 38050 Richard C. Fernald 64 nol! 38n31 Automotive Service Co. 66 35 38052 Fred Boldt Paint Co. 426 89 i! 38053 Brown and Day 128 181,1 38054 Builders Wholesale 178 863' 38055 Cudahy Pabking Co. 52 891,! 38056 Farwell osmun Kirk and Co. j 89 92: 38057 Gold Nodal Beverage Co. 233 00 38038 John F. Rand 451 84i 38019 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Co. 40 78,�, 38060 J. H. Kartack Co. 75 481 38n61 Lineer Broom Co. 1 83 66 I 38062 Melady Paper Co. 1 209 78ij 38n6 Motor Supply and Machine Co., 23 681 38064 Midwest 011 Co. 1 802 34 38065 Nicola Dean and Gregg Co. 173 35 38066 N. W. Refining Co. 1 038 67 38067 Park Machine Inc. 91 71 11 38068 Price Electric Co. 135 61! 38n69 Restaurant China Co.51 35 j. 38n70 Seheffer and Rossum 7 261' 38n71 H. K. Stahl Co. ! 742 46,1 38`172 Van Paper Supply Co. 264 72! 3RA7 Catherine Joheon or L. J. Mai4er ion 00 3807 G & H oil Co.41 18 !' 38073 Hardwood Products Co. I 275 38'', 38076 M. M. Bell Telephone Co. 779 00 274 22 !' 38078 Bernard T. Holland 24 246 40 38079 r " 11 076 58 3$080 " " 11 040 61 '1 38081 " " 456 30 4 38082 r " 558 50 38083 " " 3 183 96 1 38n84 " r 17 418 18 38n85 r r 16 210 02 38086 Co. Welfare Board 1 39 560 79 I, 38n87 Bernard T. Holland 9 724 62 38088 r r 563 41 38089 " " 34 795 13 38090 Mrs. Mildred Drake 2n6'72 � 38091 George Sadek 1 20 23 38092 Bishop Tow. Service 195 70 38093 195 70 38n94 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 200 80 h 38n93 McKesson Robbins Inc. 24 81 j 38096 Midway Chevrolet Co. 56 67 li 38097 Minnesota United Nations Aseln. 2 14 li 38`198 N. V. Refining Co. 692 09 38099 St. Paul Bottling Co. 169 60 38100 r r Material Co. (Builders) 8n7 FF 11 38101 Wise. Bureau of Purchases Y SHEET�'fOTAL—FORWARD 032 087 3N Original to City Clerk COUNCIL Y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--. - LICENSE COMMITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED JJi/� tr.c�-ry3p-gE_ September 16, 19�_ _ COMMISSION RESOLVED. That the following licensee, Restaurant, On sad off Sale Malt Beverage, and Cigarette, Application B 42744, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 42745, applied for by Helen McMahan at 426 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted, NEW Informally approved by Council September 11, 1952 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli IMMUMM Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Deb= DAUBNEY snl 751 -4§j© C. F. No. Resolved, That the mpowms ••«••�_• Restaurant, on nd ttOe pppllciiol❑ Beverage nd Cigars 192799, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Appllcanon H 42745, .plied for by Haien McMahnr. at 420 Selb Avenue be and the same are here Adoptedby granted dthe Council September 10, 1952. d September 10, 1952. pprove A i (September 20, 1952) t SEP 181952 Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 18 ism n proved 195— — In Favor Mayor Against 16! 281 Odainal to city Clerk COUNCIL LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /„��gptel9ber 18, 1952 PRESENTED B COMMISSICINE RESOLVEDi That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Elaine Koran 978 Front Grocery App. 42568 New n old Loc. n ” 9 n Off Sale Malt n it u n nn Cigarette " It s Ray Poole 407 S. Wabasha Confectionery ° 42577 It ° n Mardell Boldt 1640 Sherburne Frozen Meats " 42620 " New " Mrs. Straidyls Bakeries, Inc. n 42686 " It if White Bear Bakery Erickson Gas & Oil Co.695 St.Peter Cigarette " n Old " If It V. M. Loc. 142740 11 if Will. Dobsinski 235 N. Snelling Gas Sta.. 2P ° 42795 n It 42796 " n n " " It n Auto Ren Gar Joseph Goossens 567 Payne Mtr Veh Dr. It 42978 it Clarence N. Johnson 445 Wacouta " II 42881 II Junk Gatherer 569 Laurel Cbas. Martin " 42894 " C. F. No. 161281—By Norris.0. Ra]vor- -Severin A. Morthason—Rabe)'(. F. Peterson— Resolved, That licensespplied for by the persons named on the list at- tached to this restlution be and the same re hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses! upon the Payment" the City heal•', ury of the requiretl fees. Adapted by the Council Septeraber 18, 1952. Approved September 18. 1952. (September 29, 1952) SEP 1 S 1952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas EALVORSON Nays c,f� 1, 3 195eP Holland Approved----- 196— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor M yor Peterson i Rosen Against Mr. Presidents DAIIBNEY j 5n1 7-5i .Itqj�.© �/ Original to City Clerk COUCIL NO. -__ CITY OF ST. PAUL _-- LICENSE 0OIWTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : C. F. No. 1612e2–sv Norris o. Haivor- -Severin A. Mortineon—Robert F. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �.. Petepgai- Y✓/1 DATE VL'� -- PRESENTED 'G COMMISSION R ----- ____ —�-- RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. s n n Dr. Chas. J. Graf 666 University Restaurant App. 42289 Renewal 11 11 11 11 On Sale Malt " n n Off Sale Malt ° ° u Bowling Alley 20 n 11 11 Cigarette n n n Reuben Keswin 919 W. Central It " y' u It 11 s M. Schofield & Sons 190 S. Wabasha Geo. Brooks Jr. 697 Ron& James A. Cooper 542 Stn-ker John J. Devlin 488 Humboldt Larryls Auto Glass Co., Inc. Fuel Dlr 406%8 University n " Mark OIDonnell 937 E. 3rd s n n n 11 i Walton M. Swanson 1298 E. 7th n s it 't W. T. Grant Oo, 41 E. 7th n i COUNCILMEN Yeas HALVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, 18 DAUBNEY 5M 7.51 -4930-0 Grocery ° 42492 " 11 ti Frozen Meats u 0£f Sale Malt " 11 11 Cigarette n n n Fuel Dlr it 42516 it Mortician 1' 42595 11 V. M. Loc. It 42616 i1 Mortician it 42617 1i Auto Rep Gar 11n ° V. M. Loc. 142720 Restaurant " 42725 11 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt it Cigarette " " It Q+rocery ° 42774 II Off. Sale Malt " 11 Cigarette n n 0 Confectionery ° 42739 " Cigarette ° i1 " Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195- - --Mayor 0diii I to City ClerkCOU CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILE�CI` NO. -.___ LICENSE COMMITTEE _-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September 19, 1952 COMMISSIONER DATE_ PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Falcon Dry Cleaning Inc. 2380 Hampden Ldy & D.C.Pickup App. 42750 Renewal Robert C. Koehnen 741 University Gas Sta 3P ° 42754 n s n P. M. Loc. u n n Reuben Johnson 856 Edmund Gro eery " 42757 ll s Off Sale Malt ° l' " n " Cigarette " " Frank Reiling 695 N. Dale Auto Rep Gar " 42782 " Dolores Bachrach 1344 Thomas Beauty Shop " 42785 n Chas. W. Brown 1234 Payne Elec App Rep " 42787 " Roy H. Gilfillan 2040 Dt. Clair Hdwe. " 42790 " W. F. Florin 210 W. 9th Auto Rep Gar " 42792 ll Mina C. Fischer 2311 Como Beauty Shop " 42793 " Gertrude M. Hanson 529 Stryker " " 42799 " B. C. Golling g E. 6th Photographer " 42g00 e Kenneth P. Cadwell 422 Selby Else App Rep " 42804 e I James A. Skaar 1423 W..7th Gas Sta 2P " 42909 n C. E. Dougherty 366 Wacouta Photograbher " 42g16 " St. Paul Buick Co. Whee. 1750 Thomas V. M. Loc. " 42817 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas IULVORSON Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— thkMoft Mortinson In Favor — -- ---- - Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, DOW= DAUBNEY 5M 75l @ Orizinel to City Cleric / COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED September 18, 1952 DATE — --- COMMISSIONER — PAGE N0. 3 (Renewels) Minnehaha Cleaning & leing Co. 4473 N. Dale Ldy & D.C.P'.clnip App. 42528 Renewal n 11 42g33 n 11 377 University Henry Zahradka 1925 University Gas Sta 6P 11 42936 n John A. Riehl & Charles F. Hoffman n 42937 407 Sibley Photorgapher T. R. Price 392 Minnesota (Oppenheim Bldg.) Photographer " 42940 Ban Railing 2296 Como Auto Rep Gar I' 42g41 n Roy E. Wieken 705 E. 7th Gas Sta 3P " 42847 n Ruben Berg 746 Selby Auto Rep Gar " 42952 n E. A. Da.nnecker & L. F. Schue " 42954 11 793 Randolph Grocery n It Butcher ° It It n n Off Sale Malt ° It it n n Cigarette n 11 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas HALVORSON Nays 1 $195 Holland SEP Marzitelli Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor _- or Peterson i Rosen Against Mr. PresidentJ41O&M MUBNEy PUL3LISIIL D sm 751 J!W© Original to Clty CJerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL .ILa No. --------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL R LU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - -- COMMISSIONER __ _� I� —__ DATE..... September 16, 1952 - Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72/74 Octane, CFR Motor Method, from H. K. STAHL COMPANY at a price of $-17930 per gallon less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Public Safety 1005 Gasoline C-2. C. F. No. 161283—By Robert F. Peter- Ban— Resolved. That the. Purcheaing Agent be. and he Is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the o nt of the Mayor d the Comptroller, pproim Lely 5000 gallons "Q• leaded gasoline. 72/79' X. STAHL COMPANY CFR Motor eth` d, train Bf $.179301 per gallon less alt bids, as an meretY price, n s gency isle wheie failure to act promptly ould work a hardship to 'thea he best /merest of the City. Charge Public Safety 1005 Gasoline C-2. f Adopted by the Council September lgAppraved September 18, 1952. (September 20. 1952) SEP 181952 -� /�Q N1 1LMEN� yam/ Adopted by the CounciL .................................195....-. Yeas Navs Marzltclli YI--�'' $F_P 18 1952 Approved............................------------195. .. Mortinson A mento ----------- -- In Favor -------4--Z --------------- - - - -- ------ -- ------- ----- Peterson i Ma-yor Rosen t (/ ---------------Against Mr. President_,,, 3M 9-5o Origloel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dare September 16, 1952 J t T 1284 f4UNCIL WNo. ----------- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons Diesel Engine Fuel Oil for delivery to Water Dept. Station, Centerville, Minnesota, from STANDARD OIL COMPANY at a price of approximately $613.20 less 1,% ten days on spot price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Water Department. U L g*i Yens' Marzitelli cDermott Mortinson —rarralIttr ---- Peterson ltd t Rosen Mr. President, DManey P amt r.50 C. F. No. 101209—n9 Severin A. Mor- Unson— Thal the Purchasing Agent Resolved• pur- be, and he 1s hereby cuth0 thetMayor chase ith the o nNO Engnapproximately tl the Comptroller, deligallons Diesel Dept. Station- Cal delivery to Water Dep tervllle, Minnesota, from STANDARD OIL COMPANY al Price of appT6x1- te]Yon13.201ess 1% ten date on Pat price. I formal bSds, as n emert .an exists where failure to prampOY would work a hardship to the best interest of the Cety. Charge Water Department. Adopted by the Council September j Ig, 19LSro52. APV (Septemebere20.g1952)2 SEP I b 1952 Adopted by the Council.................................195....-. SEP 181952 ovedjppr,.......:.................... ... 195__.. ------•- In Favor -------- ----------------- ---o- ----- Ma ..............Against Original to City Clark ! 7 4 %5 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL A[l 4 FILE NO, -__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRENTBY COMMIS IONER DATE SOLVED, THAT THE NORTHERN STATES POKER CO:4PAlTY BE GIVEN r-R4ISSION TO INSTALL APPROINITMY 266 LINEAL FEET OF GAS 3UIN ON E. NEVADA BETqEEN DE SOTA AND ARKYRIGHT, ON DAVERt BET4TM'T UPPER ST. DRTN IS AND COLVIN, VTD 01T CASE BETIPMM !MlirARD AND IEHBERT UNDER PROVISIONS OF CODICIL FILE NO. 123001, ORDINANC ; No. 8271, DATED JULY 19, 1gF 1. y -.4I CILMEN / t- 6 -ti -11 Njw Holland Marzitelli a Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen --- Against Mr. President, Delaney 5M 7-51 C. F. No. 101285--$yy Milton Ro9en— Resolved, That 115 Narthel7T States power Caompany be given rmisslon w lnstalPprot%mately 208 ineol feet of gas a n on E i t. on rn between Sdta d Arkwright. Dove e between Upper St. Dennis and Colvin, antl r Case between Kennerd uncll He No. u128D01 P Ordinance INo 0 8271. at JuIY 19, the Coyncit September I 8, 1952. A952. by Approv September 20.11952952. SEP 18 1951 Adopted by the Council----195— SEP 1 ouncil_ _-195—SEP1 Approved __- .-195— _ May n CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILNo. N.1 286 CITY CL L.R.. NV 1511 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE ITY l� FOR AUTHO I ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DAT I PRESENTED BY HO — --- ---- — In the matter of grading Dunlap Street from California Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 0158011 approved November 16, 1951, and Final Order C. F. 158518 approved July 292 1952• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvements be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is here -by Fdirected Cit to do the work at an estimated cost of $1326.35 by Y , and that the Purchasing AFent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it further RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvemeAts including engineering and inspection expenses amounting to $130.93, or a total of $1457.28, be assessed against the benefitted property. I, F. No. 161286— BY Mf1taR Rosen— fl • I 1 COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS I ADOPTED BY THE— • __IN FAVOR SEP 1 8195SE —'! APPROVED --- -- _AGAINST � MR. PRESIDENT / 5.5 A9iF C /// PUBLISHED 9—� ENGINEER'� ESTIMATE S FOR MAL BIO NO. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AST NDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT - - i 1457.28 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE S ;. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E.EMPT PROPERTY— - CODE d. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S - - - - - - - - - S 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - 1 TOTAL - - - - -" - - - - - - 11 1457.28 -------------------- COPIES TO: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS N UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK CEAVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS, PURCHASINGORDER ADOPTED S COMPTROLLER_.--.---- BY_—_ COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS I ADOPTED BY THE— • __IN FAVOR SEP 1 8195SE —'! APPROVED --- -- _AGAINST � MR. PRESIDENT / 5.5 A9iF C /// PUBLISHED 9—� Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL cnJZ NCIL No-------------------- / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C;OI NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _-__JL!/� _� .., DATE September 16, 195 �— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 5000 gallons 11Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 Octane, C.F.R. Motor Method, from H. K. STAHL COMPANY at a price of $.12905, less 1% ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-134. NN' CILME, / Yeas � `� � ' Se Ma,A i _--UODerlRetk Mortinson Parmum— Peterson Rosen ;. Mr. President. D 3M n -w �p,u C. F. No. 161287—Bye Minos R.a%, Resolved. That th Fut h.sI-Rzed en be, and heis hereb purchase, with the consent Pof the Mayor d the ComPtrol�eadedPr.--so- Imalely 5.000 gallons Q• line, 12-74 octane. C.F.R. at Method. from H. 1 . STAIn. COM- : "ANY at a tprlree of $ .12905. lees in - len days a r e>nery price, on n - a. formal bids, a no is where failure W act promptly would work a hardship to the best late at of the City. Charge Municipal ui - ment 1003-134. Adopted by the Council September 19, 1952. pprovd September Ig. 1952. p(September 20, 1952) SEP 1 S 1952 Adopted by the CouneiL.................................195...... SEP 181952 f Approved... --------------- ...............195 ----- -------------In Favor ....... ....---•. - --- Ma ..._-.......Against Original to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL rani ca. NO..-.--------_-----.---• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR COMM SSBY EONER DATE September 11, 1952 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Department of Public Works, in Gondola Cars f.o.b. City Yards at 877 North Dale Street, St. Paul, Gondola Minnesota, 25/Carloads (1000 tons) more or less, #1 Crushed Rock Salt, to CUTLER-MAGNER_COMPANY, in accordance with City specifications and the Formal Bid #3765 of said Cutler -Magner Company, at a price of $14,90 per ton, making total amount of contract approximately $14,900.00, such bid being the lowest and said Cutler -Magner Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be aid hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.B. #3765• C. F. N..'161288 --BY Milton Rn,en— Resolved. That the Connell hereby approves the award of the' Purchoeing Committee therefor and herebyy award, contract for furnishing nd deny erfng � .'lepartmen' i yi�� f SE� 181952 ILMEN Adopted by the Councl.................... ................................ 195 ays Yeas (M.-.-.- SEPIS199 tt ,t Approved-.. --- ........................195. Mortinson ' ...In Favor ....... . --- -- . ...... -(2-..Against Pete�n� Rosen Mr. President, Doleneg— y/ 2M U-511 (Wnn PUBLISIIIiD / Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL /OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �-• ��"`_'"1. _ - DATE COMMISSIONER_ ----- -- —- RESOLVED, THAT THE 1?CRTfi AN STATES PO` -2 CO'.•UANY BE GIVEN PERMISSION TO INSTALL APPROXLdATELY 274 LINEAL FET OF CLS %AIN O:1 BYA^1 ByTSSi-- :EAGLE AND =, STNW , ON CASE BETVIEE_^? BA.HCLAY AND HAZELWOOD , AND 0i NO. ST. ALBANS BETRT T =, LOCK PICdY. AND COTTAGE UNDER PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL FILE NO. 123001, ORDINANCE NO. 52711 DATED JULY 19, 1941- Ye41UCILMEN Nays Holland Marzitelli *cHerrllott-- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Ad7u Mr. President, SM 7 -Sl 1fi4` 84 COUNCIL FILE NO. ------ C. a No. le That the Milton ern States i Resolved, That Ne Northern Steles ;I Power Company be Vven permission to install Fproxicam 7y 274 ]fneal feet o£ gee =—r+ on Ryan between Eagle ntl Chestnut, on Case between Bar- . day and Hazelwood, .and on -No. St. Albans between Wheelock Pkwy. and Cottage u121UUl,provisions Ordinance No. 8271, 1 File N �y dated Adopt d by the19". Council Sdptember 18. 1952. Approved September 18, 1852. (September 20, 1952) SEP 18 is* Adopted by the Council_- —195— SEP -18 im Approved--- -------195— -----In Favor C d� Mr _ --�-Against OdWoel to City Clerk 161290 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL N NO.__ . ' Jp�j�JFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU "So UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/G/-yw..- COMMISSIONER_--_ .---------------- -- DATE RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Public Works for, extra employment from September 1 to 15, 1952, as sat out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. 0 NCILMEN Yeas of and Marzitelli MrTlPrmntt Mortinson Peterson \V. Rosen Mr. President, sM 7 51 i9 C*Reaolved'F No That 8theMiltan propeAoCltY of flcers are That uthori-d to Pay cerLain employe In the Departracrit of Public Works for xtra employment from ut on ethenlint r 1 wfllee5'i lathe em l of the CII' Clerk and the City Compt- roller. Adopted by the Council September 18'A 1952. pproved September 18, 1952. (September 20, 1852) SEP 181952 Adopted by the Council. --.----195— ;C? 1 31$59 proved - - -- 195— �i -n---In Favor _ ayo 11 � __-�-Against �,' 1-6129 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Q7 Emergency street and building repair Dispatching men for emergency sewer jobs Dispatchimg motor vehicles for street, sewer & building repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs Hauling materials for all emergency work Emergency calls for sewer maintenance Removing obstacles from streets such as limbs etc. Tending fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and holidays Emergency repair on bridges Emergency inspection alleys and garbage cans. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans. i y. 4 - Commissioner of Public Works Oti¢loel to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ _-___-___.._.____.- _. ._. - DATE NatVt>. LABOR TITLE ROLL - September 1 to NQ. HRS RATE 15 1952 MOUNT NI J. Ashton Albert E. Bowman Garb. lJoll. Caretaker . 8 3.1.-170bu 1.94 15.52 William D. Carlson Staty.Fire. 8 1.86 14.88 Edward J. Carroll Truck Dr. 8 1.79 14.32 Edward J. Carroll Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Chester K. Diegnau Ward Fore. 1 2.21' 2.22 Edward J. Downing Caretaker 8 1.94 15.52 Walter T. Einck Dispatcher 22 2.16-f 47.58 Charles A. Ellsworth Truck Dr. 24 1.79 42.96 Nels I. Forsberg Utilityman-PW 5 2.061 10.34 Arthur F. Friedl Unsk. Lab. 8 1.67 13.36 Myron Greer Staty.Fire. 20 1.86 37.20 Frank Hansen Garb. Coll. 5 3.12 15.60 Charles E. Harper Road Mach.Opr. 16 1.79 28.64 George Harper Road Mach.Opr. 8 1.79 14.32 Walter A. Heller Truck Dr. 8 1.79 14.32 Edward J. Hennessy Truck Dr. 2 1.79 3.58 Edward J. Hennessy Mtr.Equip.Opr. 1 2.12 2.12 Frank T. Huberty Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Lawrence J. Hurley Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 1.77 28.32 Samuel L. Inman Staty.Fire. 8 1.86 14.88 'Ferdinand L. Juran Staty.Fire. 8 1.86 14.88 Maurice J. Kimball Truck Dr. 1 1.79 1.79 Albert W. Klemenha.gen Utilityman-PW 8 2.11 16.88 Frank Kubik Auto Washer 24 1.88 45.12 William Lqvalle Unsk. Lab. 8 1.67 13.36 Fred Leitner Garb. Coll. 5 3.12 15.60 Stanley E. Lindrud Staty.Fire. 18 1.86 33.48 Thomas Linnan Pay. Fore. 3 2.59 7.79 Joseph N. McIntyre San. Insp. 16 1.94 31.04 Patrick J. McKenna Truck Dr. 8 1.79 14.32 Paul R. Mailand Truck Dr. 2 1.79 3.58 Clarence C. Miller Truck Dr. 2 1.79 3.58 Herman J. Noeker Truck Dr. 4+ 1.79 8.06 Frank C. Nuebel Caretaker 12 1.94 23.28 Forrest E. Oberg Mtr.Equip.Opr. 2.12 1.06 Thomas Olsen Staty.Eng. 18 1.96 35.28 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ -__._- 95- Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved - -- ---------195- McDermott Mortinson ---In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rosen - Against Mr. President, Delaney SM 7-51 q�Q orlaieal to City Clerk FOENCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY- DATE. -.. ----- - _-- COMMISSIONER__.___.— LABOR ROLL -September 1 to 15,195L2 astuch ew. tc. ab. utiliohn S 1 1.11 2.06' J.*.i. 2.07 Alex J. Patrick Douglas L. Poucher Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 5 8 1.79 2.11 8.95 16.88 Fred A. Putnam Crew Leader -PW Sew.Mtc.Lab. 42 74-34 Frank J. Rose Michael H. Ryan Truck Dr. 3 1.77 79 177 5.37 1770 Louis W. Schrenkler Sew.Mtc.Lab. 10 51` . 2.45 1,i .48 Ray Simmer Pow.Shov.Opr. Road Mach.Opr. 8 1.79 �? 14.32 Carl A. Swanson Domenick Vincelli Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 1.77 28.32 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Delaney snl 7-51 BOO __ -- —In Favor --__ . Against Adopted by the Council---------195— Approved--- -- -----195— Mayor Orl¢Inei to City clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /q///As/� COO[/UNCII"17�"/�TESO ` _UNION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV (` /(,t 1."-^'/� Vii .Cf'�i1�\ DATE C. F. No. 163281-8Y Robert F�Peter-� COMMISSIONER son— Rawleed� That p rsuant to Section --...._— = I .a T RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.1.1, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Grant P. Severson be paid $120.75 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident with Wilfred Ernest Dugas, police officer, while in the performance of his official duties. SEP 18 152 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- 196— Yeas Nays SrP 13 192 Holland Marzitelli Approved 195— btggeMMM Halvorson SII Mortinson In Favor _ Mayor Peterson Rosen Against _ Daubney _ Mr. President, / YUI3LIS111:13i 5M 7.51 �Q Or'yfuei to City Clerk A ' COUNCIL NQ. �I G i �N 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ML RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Replacement of Gutters and General Repairs at the Como Park Pavilion and Bandstand, Lake Como, Ste Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satis- factory to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. U�ICILM Y ea CC// Holland Marzitelli c ermo Mortinson Peterson ^.-,�, Rosen Mr. President J BElalre9 - 5M 7 51 1. r. F. No. 161293—BY Nom's O. Hai -1 - SIP 16 1952 Adopted by the Council----195— Approved ouncil_ --195— Approved —�In Favor f �� ay Against G-780 Petition I (eg 91111 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C. F, No. m294-- and 61294—and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surfoce with bituminous material the alley in Block 8. Hazel Park Division No L, from Van Dyke St to Hazel Sts Also construct a sewer- in the alley from a point approximately 45 ft west of Hazel St. to the sewer in Hazel St. Dated this 18th day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with b ituminous material the. alley in B1ock R, Hazel Park Division No -L from Van Dyke St to Hazel St Alcn rnnctmot. a sower in the, alley from a point roicimately 45 ft west of Hazel St tn the qpwpr Jm Hazel Sty having been presented to thA Council of the City of Saint Paul e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. n 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total- cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓� Adopted by the Council SFF 1,6 1951 YEAS NAYS Councilman ML M DE MOTT M RTI ON PA RA TO PE R N Ras N MR. PRESIDENT, DEL N Y i 1M 4-51 2 Halvorson SEp 1 g �g52 Holland Marzi.telApproved Mortinson Peterson Rosen Daubney g ar • F�?E��a�l Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. No. 18 and 4i �`tF•tnl' n) PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: f ondemnin and takine an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 8, Hazel Park Division No.111 from Van Dyke St. to Hazel St, Dated this 18th day of September Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CondemninP and takins an easeme t in the land necessary far slopes, cuts and fills in grading and suLfanjnZ with hituminQUa mater+ 1 the alley in Block 8. Hazel Park Division No.4, from Van Dyke St to Hazel St having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul a therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Ad5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. opted by the Council P 1 31952 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland SEP1 � 1952 MCDERMOTT Marzi-toll]Approved MORTINSON Mortinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney �' May orl 1M 4-51 8 � � � Puu>✓i�u>;u 9�-S� � C-781 Pet- tion 1-6 1296 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 161E98 and PRELIMINARY ORDER �•L Thug undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.. Grade East Seventh Street from Ven Dyke Street to Hazel Street and Hazel Street from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue. Dated this 3 8th day of Se tember 5 2 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Prade East Seventh Street from Van Dyke Street t� HazeL-9tT22et— and Hazel Street from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. i 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 1 S 1952 Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson SEP 18 1952 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland MODERMOTT MarzitellApproved MORTINSON Mortinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney ay —�— SM 4-61 R / / 1649-9-1 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. y,. No. HIM- - .nnosy: •t the and rpt. PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in grading East Seventh Street from Van Dyke Street to Hazel Street and Hazel Street from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue. Dated this 18th day of S-ptember , PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading East Seventh Street from Van Dyke Street to Hazel Street and Hazel Street from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP Adopted the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland SEP 18 1952 MCDERMOTT MarzitellApprovea MORTINSON Martinson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney ayO PUBL1SHI:D n: C fj IM /-61 a /I I n W I T19 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER 4. leTh t Sept • 17 19 52 Resolved, That c3le�ke Le drawn �,..ri•: •.: r«asu•.. ^. the aRBre4ate RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE uCITY "TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF : 173 713.53 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38102 To_38158 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ^ / / 1 9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII SEP 18 1952 n_ 19—� R.t-� n�f�-' /k /'h�c.rr / (..�,i. SE.f 1 'S � 1�2 •i / CRY CAMRPOLLEP // APPROVED— 19-- BY — soe I -Si ®� PLBLiSl IED rt : J. - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CI LERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------------ - ---- ----- HALVOR6 N°L ` AUDITED CLAIMS - - fleet. 12----------------- 19--52- HOLLAND M AR.,TELLI ------ ^ -IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON !fAGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSE N ^� MR. PR ES. DAUBN EV [ J 1952 IN THE AMOUNT OF $----..173♦713--p------------� COVERING SLP -38-102._..-._.TO... 3-81-58 ---------- INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NO. Ff ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ............: PER CHECKS N FILE IN THE OF CE THE CITY GOMPTRO LL ER. SEP 1 a 1352 R r" t- -- / R APPROVED ....- -- :�.. 19 - L •i 1 /� +{ n .(�------ ----- BY__n ._ .. f _. f i TOTAL T DATE RETURNED J CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER IIDISB.=.NT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD Q 2 n8% 31--1 38102 Northern States Power Co. 1110 996 $0 li IMDZ ® J. 0. Bernhard3 j50 894 50 3810 E. J. Keogh Co. 94 38105 Robert E. Otte 25 00 38106 Elea M. Obst 1 On 3810?` Cb. Welfare Board 1 1.00 525 04 38108 Am. Radiator & Std. San. Corp. 6o 56 38109 Applebaum Food Markets 102 00 38110 Aslesen Co. 1 124 95 38111 B and M Siren Mfg. Co. 19 69 38112 Blakiston Co. 8 on 38113 Brings & Co. 371 05 38114 Buokie Printers Ink Co. 2 00 38115 George A. Cleveland 2 50 j 38116 Clutch & Transmission Serv. Inc. ) 39 23 38117 Downtown Ford Co. 96 97 e 38118 East Side Motor Sales Ino. 153 48 i�� 38119 Federal Enterprises Ino. 152 84 38120 H. W. Fisher Photo Supply Co. 69 05 jl 38121 Gopher Bearing Co. 37 72 38122 Grossman Instrument Works 79 75 38123 Gruber Auto Electric Co. 60 12 38124 Hauser and Sone Malting Co. 30 75 38125 Hayden Motor Sales Inc. 121 07 II 38126 Bud Johnson Pontiac Inc. 188 99 38127 goolaire Incorporated 98 50 38128 Larry's Auto Glass Co. 74 30 38129 Langevin Paint Supply Oo. 157 09 38130 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 19 50 38131 M. B. Coffee Co. 130 00 38132 M & L Motor SuprAy Co. 68 1 38133 Mining Auger and Tool Wks. 35 10 38134 National Bush. & Parte Co. 58 99 38135 ' Fire Protection Ass: 1 12 50 38136 " Tax Assoo. 10 on 38137 Northern States Power Co. 507 80 U 38138 " " a 593 43 38139 N. W. Refining Co. 1 bon 91 391 0 Olson Equip. Co. 9 55 ' 38141 M. F. Patterson Dental Supply 59 6o 38142 Paulsen Auto Supply Co. 75 50 38143 Rex oil Co. 96 32 ® 38144 Rochester Germicide Co. 24 0 38145 St. Paul Frame Alignment Co. 55 0 38146 " " Sausage Co. 166 00 38147 « • Stamp Wks. 144 60 38148 Skelly Oil Co. 1 3 185 44 38149 Silver Burdett & 00. 1 462 �4 38150 Slade Hipp and Malay 16 54 38151 L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriter 9 5o 38152 Socony—Vacuum oil Co. 135 62 38153 Spriggs and Co. 7 93 38154 Tripoil Refining Co. 292 50 38155 Tynecrafters j 6 on 38156 Underwood Typewriter Co. 417 92 38157 Univ. Equip. Sales Co. 7 04 I 38158 Paul H. Wilkinson 8 On RESOLVED, that Unity C*frchY.permitted to establish a private parking lot at the southwest corner of Portland Avenue and St. Albans Street, on Lots 1, 2, 3, and the East z of Lot 4, Block 15, Holcombe's Addition, and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adjacent to the southerly boundary of said lots, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing parking lots, all subject to the following conditions: 1. That said Permittee shall, at said Permittee's own cost and expense and subject to the approval of the City Architect, within the period of the next::60 days:, except for surfacing,' (a) Provide all necessary labor, materials, supplies, and equi.pkent therefor and construct and complete such private parking lot, at said site, in accordance with the blue print plan therefor, dated August 27, 1952, and filed with the City Clerk August 28, 1952• (b) Provide and maintain, at all times, at said permittee's own cost and expense, a locked chain or gate barrier, approved by the City Architect, over and across each entrance to said parking lot, when the same shall not be in use for the parking of motor vehicles of said permittee's congregation members or guests in attendance upon church functions of said permittee within said permittee's addacent premises. (c) Maintain, at said permittee's own cost and expense, the sidewalk abutting said premises free and clear of snow and ice, at all times. 2. That the City reserves the right, at any time, to require the installation of fencing upon said premises, supplemental to the aforesaid requirements hereof, by and at the expense of said permittee, and to revoke any permit or license hereby granted, for any violation of any condition hereof or for any other cause, at the discretion of the Council of the City, and by Resolution of said Council. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli IMFeDermett Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Da}ibney Mr. President, De�aae SM 7.31 o Approved— 195— --sill—Sy Norris O. Ralvor- Odgiv.l tn&City Clerk eon— Resolved, That Unity Church be to park- j _ permlttetl stablish private CITY OF ST. PA tn8 lot t. the southwest corner • .Portland Avenue entl St. Albans Street. OFFICE OF THE CITY8. andtheEast% of Lot . t of the va^ RESOLUTION—GENERAL chf. ",-_70XUIL —t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER o4TE_ RESOLVED, that Unity C*frchY.permitted to establish a private parking lot at the southwest corner of Portland Avenue and St. Albans Street, on Lots 1, 2, 3, and the East z of Lot 4, Block 15, Holcombe's Addition, and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adjacent to the southerly boundary of said lots, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing parking lots, all subject to the following conditions: 1. That said Permittee shall, at said Permittee's own cost and expense and subject to the approval of the City Architect, within the period of the next::60 days:, except for surfacing,' (a) Provide all necessary labor, materials, supplies, and equi.pkent therefor and construct and complete such private parking lot, at said site, in accordance with the blue print plan therefor, dated August 27, 1952, and filed with the City Clerk August 28, 1952• (b) Provide and maintain, at all times, at said permittee's own cost and expense, a locked chain or gate barrier, approved by the City Architect, over and across each entrance to said parking lot, when the same shall not be in use for the parking of motor vehicles of said permittee's congregation members or guests in attendance upon church functions of said permittee within said permittee's addacent premises. (c) Maintain, at said permittee's own cost and expense, the sidewalk abutting said premises free and clear of snow and ice, at all times. 2. That the City reserves the right, at any time, to require the installation of fencing upon said premises, supplemental to the aforesaid requirements hereof, by and at the expense of said permittee, and to revoke any permit or license hereby granted, for any violation of any condition hereof or for any other cause, at the discretion of the Council of the City, and by Resolution of said Council. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli IMFeDermett Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Da}ibney Mr. President, De�aae SM 7.31 o Approved— 195— Origlp1.51C11y Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENI_ NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 3. That within ten days next after the publication of this Resolution, said permittee shall file with the City Clerk said permitteels written acceptance of this Resolution and agreement to perform all of its provisionsp terms. and XY, conditions thereby fixed to be performed by the said permittee, subject to approval as to form by the Corporation Counsel 4. SEP 19 1952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- --195— Yeas Nays SEP 19195% FH vorson of land Marzitelli Approved 195— XaDormoft Mortinson _—In Favor— Mayor Peterson - Rosen Daubney Against �J 5 Mr. President, Delano PU1;L!S11rD 5M 7.51 .01DO-9 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Saint Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned, hereby accept and agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions set out in that certain resolution of the St. Paxil. City Council, being Council Bile No. 161299, adopted and approved on September 19. 1952, granting permission for the establishment of a private parking lot on property described in said resolution. MrM 0=08 BY: Dated Z 5 g S Z Chairman, Board of Trustees t of Unity church — V r w 4 5 THEODORE W. KOCH 3 a EE oI D i G SAINT PAUL1q MINNESOTA IEDAR 7411 September 26, 1952 Office of Ciiy,61erk 386 City Hall and Court Rouse St. Paul 20 Minnesota Dear Madame: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 22nd enclosing copy of the resolution granting a permit to Unity Church to establish a private parking lot subject to the conditions outlined in the permit. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the permit, I enclose herewith letter signed by Edward M. Read, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Unity Church, being a written acceptance of the resolu- tion and an agreement to comply with the provisions. Very truly yours, Chairman Parking Lot Committee, Unity Church TK-fw enc. ity of St. Paul jl Gfiice of City Clerk Date ku'tus�52 Ci To Honorable City 'council of St. -aul, Unnesota I I lam/ �noLIC,'J10 is hereby made By _ (Name) St. Paul ,khurst 3459 Portland Avenue, 5 'Minn.;lirn. 739 (,hone No. ) (Address) rnr permission to install and operate a Unit,v Church Parkin, Lot Committee nature ofApplicant.)) Chairman 305 Pioneer 1--1 nn - Cedar 7411' (Address) (hone No.) Plin Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning T --- Comm., of "nbli.c B1d9s. ---- Comm. of Public Safety - - Re;uodeled L__1 U No. of as tanks Cap. of each tank of ,,imps --- Tm ' Customer mployees 'rivate Public 0 Remodeled onocaIDm by members of Unity `'hurch to be booao�e°�°3 :eed 1 2,3 and Location: Lots g of Block 15 teddition Holcomb's —alley II ��II the North In ee o_ the vaca a �o'th�sortaM LL ------ lard sr and also described as y i aLj (Street and Number) Unit,v Church Parkin, Lot Committee nature ofApplicant.)) Chairman 305 Pioneer 1--1 nn - Cedar 7411' (Address) (hone No.) Plin Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning T --- Comm., of "nbli.c B1d9s. ---- Comm. of Public Safety - - OHri 15o City C1e k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ZIL R$SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. ��(noq L 0 RESOLVED, that Unity Church be permitted to establish a private parking lot at the southwest corner of Portland Avenue and St. Albans Street, on Lots 1, 2, 3, and the East of Lot 4, Block 15, Holcombe's Addition, and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adjacent to the southerly boundary of said lots, subject to compliance with► the provisionsof all W }} r ordinances governing parking lotsT-roubject tp t oondition�: ,Z,._ rte, the chain fence or gate and p7s ok be constructed * that a high fence be trusted if the need it is determined; and subject further to the cats ion that the s alks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of d snow a 11 w times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli Mri3ermvtt Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Helaaey-Daubney 5M 7-51 .Q5!0.0 r'r Adopted by the Council—.---- —195— Approved 195— _ - ---mayor HARRY T. O'CONNEkL City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CIN CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 366 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -OW-® September 11, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building J. RIORDAN if Clerk Dear Sir: The Council requested that you pre area resolution granting for permit to establish the attached application of Unity Church a private parking lot at the southwest corner ofthePortland zand eastof St. Albans, also described as Lots 1, 2, 3, andLot 4, Block 15, Holcombe's Addition and the north 10 ft. of the vacated alley adjacent to the southerly boundary ofsaid lots, subject to the condition that a chain fence or gate and padlock be constructed or that a high fence be constructed if the need for it is determined. Very truly your City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFPIC OF THE COMMISSIONS OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. IAu:'ut t.29............195..2. that the Council of the d�ty of St. Paul will consider You are hereby n0 ified arrlication of l{`�ity % the matter of hurch for """t to establish nr"Iete parkin- ld e.t the southwest corner of Portland and St, Albans. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Ser,tember 11 , 195 2 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Bi,C{P.ARL) HOLLAND rile 1?o15 Commissioner of Finance. .43?r0 The Board of Zoning Saint Poul, Minnesota _ C. DAVID LOEKS A. OAICHR HXHCUTIVE HHCRRARV pRBIO1N0 �® 6 N. ORINH CIYDH L MHTNV@1 W. J. RICE N N. SCNROMM C ARWTeCT JU IDH VII UME. ILLTWMTe 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA September 10, 1952 mss. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madamt In the matter of the application of Unity Church for apermitonthetlsnd h a private parking lot for the use of the church congregation adjacent to the southwest corner of Portland andSt.lock Albans. This ssAis des- cribed as lots 1, 21 3, and the east J of 4, on scent to the southerly boundary and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adj Of said lots. The zoning is "A" Residence. The tract under consideration has a frontage of 129.5 feet on St. Albans and 140:7 feet on Portland. The plans call for two 22 foot driveways On St - Albans. This lot is laid out to provide for a capacityof 56 r height Ys andce will have asphalt surfacing and is to be enclosedby aalso call for pedestrian re- quired by the parking lot ordinance. p The land to the teat exit onto Portland from the westerly end of to elot. homes fronting on and to the south is used for residential pure Summit Avenue. The land to the east across St. Albans is used for apart- ment Building purposes. There are also residences to the north fronting on Portland. The Board of Zoning feels that a parking lot in this locataspace would be of general benefit to the area by providing off street ng for cars which now congest the adaca t residential streets and therefore recommend that this permit be gr When this matter was brought before the Board of Zoning, it was advised by the applicants that the adjacent property owners to the west and south had expressed the opinion that this facility might possibly become an informal play space for children in the area and from s thisparking children hi drenn might iacent cross these neighbors yards going to property owners feel, therefore, that the solution called for on the present plans eit would prevent trespassing dfromktheoparking lot provide a fenoe on h a design that to the adjacent private property. The Board of Zoning feels this suggestion has merit and recommends that this permit be granted contingent upon the working out of fencing arrangements satisfactory to the adjacent property owners and subject to the approval of the City Architect. very 77(7i� a ( C. D. Loeks CDL/ma Executive Secretary WMCII. No --------------- OrWnRi to Cliy Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�------ PRESENTED BY DAT V COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, from MINE SAFETY APPLIANCE COMPANY 24 Canisters for All -Service G�:s Mask at a total cost of $151.20, less 20 - 30 days, f.o.b. Pittsburgh, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be pained thereby. Charge Public Safety - Fire - Supplies - 8-C2. or.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Hal yagon Nays H an Marzltelh NIeI�+r Mortinson -...In Favor �22rrenite' . Peterson Rosen ---,..2.Againat Mr. President, 1*+meY•- >7embaey 3M n-50 .MpoC> C. F. No. 161300 --Ry Robert F. Peter-- Resoved That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the_5V17 nt t the PLTAPNCEeCOrMPANY 2929 5 lsters for All -Service Cas Mask at a total cost o[ $151.20, less 2%-30 days, fA.b, Pitts. burgh, Without dvertlsement, as this lea pe articles d no edvent- .,age hi be gelded thereby. Charge Public Safety—Flre--Supplies-9-C2. Adopted by the Council September 19, 1952. Approved September 19. 1952. (September 27. 1952) SEP 191952 Adopted by the Council. ................................. 195 Scp 19 1958 195 ..... yrove ..................... 71 ......:.............................. Mayor,. 1 to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL`S FILE NO._ COMMISSIONER Norrie 0 Halvorson DATE___ — — RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings for extra employment from September 1 to 15, 1952, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 181301—By Norris O. Halvor- Resolved, That the proper City of- ficers are hereby authorized to pay cer- "i Fain employees in the Department of Parks, Playgro..d. and. Public Build- ' togs forxtra m ployment from, September 1 to 15, 1952, as set out o the list on flle in the o[fl- of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council September 19. 1952. Approved September 19. 1952. (September 27, 1952) COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli MeDerffkoO Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson iI L/ Rosen Against Mr. President, Pelaney Daubney SM 7-51 .!,® 0 SEP 191852 Adopted by the Council SES' 19 1952 Approved- -- 195 -- Mayo ERNEST W. JOHNSON, W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks ALFRED 'H SCHROEDER City Architact CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSOH, Commissioner GEORGE E. RICHTER, Deputy Commissioner 1952 Sept. 19, Overtime Revert Sept. 1 to 15, 1952 Fours Fate Amount NTame Title 2.00 R.00 LTtilman. Plgrds. 4 26 1.43.E 30..14 Riley P. Thatcher Erlitz Local Refs 'SFr' 1'354 8.17 26.7216 Ohristine A. Christine A. Erlitz Ref. Cashier mree Laborer 1.81 72.70 Henry uorwath Asst. Ref. 'oar. 40 a 2.26_ 15.14 John T. Jansen PRrk Forernkn 2a 2.26—R 63.49 Patrick J. Kane Forestry Foreman 1.401 5. 1 Ernest 0. ?linker Local. Ref. ^igr• 4 8 1.76 14 .12, JoyCe K. unoedl Gnlf Ranger 16 2.11 33.76 9incent J. Losinski Glazier , 1.754 14.06 Justin A. Masson Caretaker A 2.11 16i88 Edward P. r,?uFgenburg Tree Trimmer 10 1.43 14.35 W John A. Olsen Local Ref. Mgr. 1.32 6.60 Glddys Penin Ref. Cashier Vg 1.159 9.22 Katherine Re Pepin Pepin Attendant i4 2.11 71.74 Treolore Julian Tree Tr'_r^ier 16 1.96 31.36 ,Joseph Tetrault Greenskeeper 8 2.11 16.88 -- t4ichael 'aNe7.nhandl Tree Tri -: er 461.89 John A4. i�9lttman W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Sypt. of Parks Supt, of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL �I�� Capifal of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Cify Hail, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, C—Lion., GEORGE E. RICHTER, D.p.ly C—Wi... r '® September 19, 1952 To the Honorable, The Mayor and 1,embers of the City Council Gentlemen: kn emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buiidings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of this department for more than eight hours per day, because of the necessity of rendering service in the interest of the public. The overtime involves rush-hour, Sunday and holiday time in Parks refectories and for care of golf courses, glazing at the Como Park Greenhouse requiring immediate attention, and policing grounds and staffing, facilities at public parks for heavy holiday patronage. Yours very truly, r� IJorr� r alvorsoni Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs original to City Clerk I - fTem No --------------------- C. OF! Its ..------------------- C. F. No. 161392—By Milton S of Reserve of Re Whereas, In n Forest OFFICE OF TM street vlaanet ana Foveae street srtage Improvement certain costs in the total ESOLUTI amountof $9,924.64e were paid by the - ,^1 BY . rna DAM - t7�7-- — PRESENTED COMMISSIONER --- WHEREAS, in construction of Reserve Street Viaduct and Forest Street Bridge Improvement certain costs in the total amount of $4,924.64 were paid by the Railway Companies and Minnesota State Highway Department that were not reimbursable from Federal Funds, and WHEREAS, the Railway Companies and the Minnesota State Highway Depart- ment were temporarily reimbursed for the above mentioned costs from the Bridge Building Revolving Fund in the following order: C.M. St. P. & P. Ry. Co. C.F. 132505 appr. Jan. 2,1945 $1,035.53 C. G. W. Ry. Co. C.F. 132506 " Jan. 2,1945 64.17 Minnesota State Highway Department C.F. 134350 " Sept.18,1945 3,543.36 C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry. Co. C.F. 13435 II Sept.18,1945 281.58 Total $4,924.64 WHEREAS, the above mentioned items are part of City's share of Local Improvements, be it, therefore RESOLVED, that the above mentioned sum of $4,92h•64 be reimbursed to the Bridge Building Revolving Fund from the City's share of Local Improvement Fund Code 31-E1. / COUNCILMEN Halvorson Ns ys Yeas Holland Marzitelli .A4eBerlketx Mortinson Pertal:te- .....In Favor Peterson () Rosen ...........Against Mr. President, RttlaeeT Daubney fiy' ,m it_rm Oslon SEP 19 1952 Adopted by the CounciL.................................195....-. gFP i 9 1952 n Approved ---- -................. --- 195...... / - j- Mn� pU13L1S14ID � original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rrL RE40LUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO RESOLVED, that upon appeal of JOb4 C. Wappel from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable consideration of the Board of Zoning, a building line of 21 feet on the portion of Lot Subdivision,- 12, Block 14, HagerIs+21 %, adjacent to Ivy Avenue, and a building line of 12 feet on the portions of Lots 10, 11 and 12, which abut on Albemarle Street, are hereby established. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli WE)erntott Mortinson _�—In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Belaney Daubney 5M ]-51 O �I C. F. No. 101303—By Norris O. Halvor- son— Resolved, That upo ppeal of John t C. Wappel from then decision of the Cumm•sstoner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable consideratlon of the Board j of Zoning, a building line of 21 feet on the p tion of Lot 12, Block 19, Hager's `• Subdivision, adjacent to Ivy Avenue. and a building line f 12 feet on the partivn4 of Lots 10, 11 and 12, which abuton Albemarle Street, are hereby established. Adopted by the Council September 1 ID, 1P52. Approved September 19, 1952. (September 27, 19521 SEP 19 1952 Adopted by the Council--- 195— SEP 19 1,352 Approved 195— r HAROLD J. RIORDAN HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE .®® Sept. 18, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corooration Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council requested that you draw a resoluti-^ ,ranting the appeal of John C. Wappel for the establishment of a building line of 21 feet on the portion of Lot 12, Block 14, Hagerks Subdivision, adjacent to Ivy Ave. and a building line of 12 feet on the portions of Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 14, Hagerks Subdivision which abut Albemarle St. Very truly z , �Y City Clerk yours, The board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota (.ervuvNm ....wN•Nc. R., fl. ,..Y ,. IJD) C. DAVID LOEKS A. JMIE9IDIND OA N� ®CHMIV[ fBCRRARY B. M. ORIMR p.YDE L MRNVQJ W. J. flICE A. N. BGNRO®BR. Juuus VIL WK. ALTDp.Ti 270 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 17, 1952 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the appeal of John C. Wappel for the establishment of new building lines affecting the east asadjacent lots no0122 block 14, Hager's Subdivision. to corner of Albemarle and Ivy Avenue. The zoning is " northwest B" Residence. This land was originally platted with lots 10, 11, 12, facing east 'On Albemarle Street. When it was .developg4t was divided in a- nortb-south direction with homes facing sooth on the IvyZonAvenuueng d��ce, Albemarle Street has not been graded, Under the building lines established by the present platting would place the front building line affecting these lots along Albemarle Street with the requirement that any structure constructed on this land must be set back a distance of 29 feet. The side yard affecting these lots would be along Ivy Avenue and the side yard fow in effect under the Zoning Ordinance would be approximately 5eet Inasmuch as the nature of the property to the north which abuts the northern Pacific Railway tracks makes it improbable that the remaining property to the north will ever be developed for resi- dential purposes on Albemarle Street, the applicant wishes to orient his house so that his front yard will be adjacent to Ivy Avenue. Therefore, he has requested in his appeal dated August 81 19529 that the building line be modified to provide a front yard along Ivy Avenue of 16 feet and a side yard adjacent to Albemarle Street of 12 feet. This matter was brought before t these lCouencil and informal approval was secured to proceed s. r ;'r Field investigation discloses that a structure has been started on this property which is set back 12 feet from Albemarle Street and t_ - I / Mrs. A. H. O'Connell -2- September 17, 1952 24 feet from Ivy Avenue. In reviewing this property, the Board finds that a more suitable building line with respect to the adjacent property to the west wouN be 21 feet from Ivy. This distance would be more consistent with the building line established for parcels of this type under the Zoning Ordinance and would protect the property to the west which is now set back from Ivy Avenue approximately 21 feet. This proposal has been discussed with the applicant and he has stated that he is in accord with this modification of his appeal. The Board of Zoning further finds that the legal building line under the Zoning Ordinance for the remaining property to the west on Ivy Street is approximately 5 feet. They feel, therefore, that the establishment of a new building line along Ivy Avenue should not be confined solely to the easterly 50 feet which is the property des- cribed in the petition but should apply to all of the frontage of lot 12 adjacent to Ivy Avenue. This would be in harmony with the existing development of the area and would prevent undesirable en- croachment at a later date. The Board of Zoning, therefore, recommends that the Council establish a building line of 21 feet on the portion of lot 12 adjacent to I*y Avenue and a building line of 12 feet on the portions of lots 109 11, 12, which abut Albemarle Street. Very truly yourso ,4. � C. D. Loeks Director of Planning Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL/ma att. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect N. 0. HALVORSON "4111`0 COMFIISSIONER August 12, 1952 George Sadek City Clerk's Office Dear Sir: Attached herewith are the applicationsof John C. Wappel for a break in the building line at Albermarle and Ivy. The Council granted informal approval this morning, and the Board of Zoning has expressed approval this afternoon, and we are returning these papers to you becuase it was necessary that we borrow them . Very truly you fred H. Schroeder ity Architect AHS:al Attachs: THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA DATE TO Ston letter SUBJECT FROM OFFICE / .� o T.c/ fi T 7-a .C/ ,✓ I �✓ ft P!� .0 �. -Tz G /i .✓ `.� u i L h1 - o � ✓ / -/� i 1 FEE. � r,3 T" O N E c 7�j o .✓ �_o �h'- J2A T IVA MC - JT 7 SSS Prictsd Iv U. S. A. bt• Rudem4l N - 5 5850A 0 —1 Td. $ �I-) Gu s T /yS _I- C, Y c- ,✓ Tom. c �l c`�rl�' l U� T fit lh� /'iv UE,� cn/ Z o.✓ , �/ G— O 2D. s c c Tio,✓ ao -- �h` A F wouLD L. KE To �ui�1� ia�cE% -5 7e ff�✓� id Fc i f Poly � y A ✓E., .9,✓ � � f6c- i ,cz o.� fl.D.rm,e ni.�✓� L o f.c, 19AQQ •rty !-o19.✓ AI s ffcE.✓ AP��2m✓ED ft,vd GPiti'-Erb. �i5 i¢L.L s/A5 C�Ec N �6.✓D�.✓G— 5 i.ticc T ✓E� T / yS oZ �f/4 ✓ E f A) 7--/,FAo "41 o.PE 57 yo J ,e iM r/ E� r 9- T T T� Al Tim ✓ o�✓ / /dam %!%/� TT L� SO � G,/f�i✓ �7�T WFyT</c2 S,7 -5 /n/. / X/c A60 -5 (5i9 7-/ o A) Al 'tnainm, m -^uv 71— =7 _-P _— T+V'LL4 MQ- iaf_-_� x -.;2t_ 'm m: �ai 'A imim :Jt? '37G?.:"3tLi QR S <"B.T._SR. 2-'r". '133* «_ ALF .. �12tZ 15L"`ii11EiL•i = .AZ%j::.L: bt. "z 't4 14,* .;ze lull' s! rt �y 7 m Jif' 1.-z 1 Salmi Lzcza�-edffiC.�: i :l3 ��?L ,..� 813.51 �"<2`�S.$'� Si Simi a ^az":M �„sv+tuw r^n 't}N Vu bW. 7X+ w. �1 lAV14'tl4 W!� �nu�u vu R 41 � lrtti �u I�7tt n..Nl�k 4i l �vV:r utt^ !� wla»u t _lpt, � fir' COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli hheHern,att- Mortinson .._In Favor Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Helaney Daubney 5M 751 4!mp0-Q lMlWVY V^Y {0./}. CVINYA4S �VNNM1� rW�i SEF S Il 1:1t AdopRxi by Ow Comwil 1pprtiyol 11k J i 11 C_ HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clark r - HAROLD' J-RIORDAN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK} BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE .qw-® Sept. 18, 1952 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Jerome Boppel for the establishment of a building line as indicated in the attached apneal and letter of the Zoning Board. Wry truly yours, i City Clerk The Board Saint Paul, A. A. HECKMAN "! PRESIDING OFFICER of Zoning Minnesota (RE�IeH® .Y OROINNJCE N0. 04.. JULY i. JJJi) C. DAVID LOEKS �CUEIVE EECRRARY -MO® 8. M. GRIME CLYDE L MRHVEN W. L RICE ti H. BCMRO®8R. CJJY AROHITCCi JULIUR VILIAUME� ILLTODJ.Tf 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 10, 1952 Mrs, A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madams In the matter of the appeal of Jerome Boppel for a change in the build- ing line affecting the east J of the east 2/3 of lots 6 and 71 block 1299 West St. Paul Proper. The land under consideration is located adjacent to the northwest corner of Livingston and E. Morton. The zoning is IIBII Residence. When this land was originally platted, lots 6 and 7 were laid out in an east -west direction to front on Livingston and therefore there is now in effect a requirement that buildings be set back 30 feet from Livingston. Since the time the land was platted, however, this property has been developed with houses fronting to the south on E. Morton. The applicant has a frontage of 50 feet on E. Morton and 100 feet on Livingston. If he is to construct a residence on this lot, the house must of necessity front on E. Morton. The present regulations, however, would produce a side yard of 30 feet adjacent to Livingston. The ap- plicant is requesting the establishment of a new building line whidi would produce a side yard of 40 feet on the parts of lots 6 and 7 under consideration. Inasmuch as this is apparently the only reasonable means whereby this property can be developed consistent with the existing arrangement of the land, the Board of Zoning finds no objection to this appeal and recommends that it be granted. Very truly yours, C. D. Loeks Executive Secretary CDL/ma att. :7,a r. August 26, 1952 Honorable Mayor and City Council of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sire: I would like to request the building line changed on the west side of Livingston it. between Morton and Baker to 141-0° from Livingston. I am appealing under Section 20 Paragraph Building Zone 5840. My lot dl:scription is Fast i of Fast 2/3 of lots 6and 7 Block 129. West St. Paul proper. Hoping this will be granted. Sincerely yours, I a -,t�p a 7 1 ��s� 5-0 I JlYCt t f0 i 0 i JYof7oStcr�)G�t„F a -,t�p a 7 1 ��s� Orisioal to CIA Clerk 60 AV v5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _ OFFICE OFTH CITY CLERK COUNCIL REgfOLPjlr-GENERAL FORM Norris 0. Halvorson tember 19,_1952 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to expend out of Fund 1087, a sum not to exceed $8,000.00 for the purpose of rehabilitating the Colorado Playgrounds Building, Grounds & Fencingg on South Robert & Colorado Sts. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Delaney SM 7.51 C. F. No. 101305—By Norris 0. Ralvor- son— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Bulld- i ga is hereby authorlged to expend out f Fund 1087, a sum, not to exceed ing Othe Colorado plese of rehabilitat- tMing, Grotm and-Fencirongn on BWId- ert and Colorodo Sts. }4ou[b Adopted by the Council SeOtembsr 10, lopted Approved September 19, 1052. (September 27, 1952) SEP 19 1952 Adopted by the Council_ -_ __—_.-195— -,F_p 19 152 Approved-_ __ -- ----195-- LZ -- —In Favor / Mayor Against Original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAULItIB No --_---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE-_�, )tambar r'r1MMISCif)NER Resolved, That the Purciasing Agent be, and lie is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue purchase order to the U1,1DERWOOD CORPO;;&TION in payment of invoice in the amount of $393.30 for maintenance service covering Underwood Accounting machines for period of 8/15/52 to 8/15/53, as this was the only source of supply. Charge hater Department. Ori COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli Me_�xtekE Mortinson Psrree6[r Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Hrhtney Danbney 331 n-50 Wqp�. y C. F. No. 161306—ny Severin A. Mortm- 9otL beR andheis herebey suthorizetl AwlUt the consent of the Comptroller, to Issue purchase rder to the [JNDEIt_ nv 1- 100 hOl;Ramou�t uP Payment of m nr 'ten e... ervlce coVerinB3Underr wood Accounting machines for period of 6/15/52 to 8/15/53, as this was the only source of supply. Charge Water Department. td l8o�pted by the Council September Approved September i9, 1952. I September 27, 1952) SEP 19 1952 Adopted by the Council ............------_-----_---_- 195 SEP 191952 Approved--- ---------------------------------------- - .. In Favor / . - j6--- -- ----- --- -------- yor .---...Against eri2a..1 to City C -1-i com R. CITY OF ST. PAUL rna No------------- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION�—GENERAL FORM P�Uti«EDtiBA�i�l/�i—� DATA September li, 1952 R,�solved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of ther-.nmptroller, one 311 Hersey Model CT Compound Meter, Round Reading, Cubic Feet, from the HERSEY MANUFACTURIDG COMPAd;Y at a cost of $327.60 f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota, net 30 days, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge ',later Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorsm Nays Holland Marzitelli MA orDe fnne b sion Pali nta— ..............In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, TVIMIey Daubney 3M 0-50 .4QP0 C, F. No. 101307—By Severin A. Morhn- son— ResolSve he is t the hereby purchasingAgent eto Ibe. n .purchase with the consent of the Compound , et 3" Hersey Model CT Compound Meter, Round Reading, Cubic Feet, from the IU;Rat coal MANU FACTORING COMPANY ata cast of $327.00 t.o.bA SL. caul, M/nnesma, net ... ..,. vwvtisement or com- 10. 1052. APprov (September 27. 1952922. SEP 19195 Adopted by the CouneiL--------------------------------- 195.-.... �� 19 1952 Approved----------------------- ---...195...... -- -Mayo_. I original to City Clem CITY OF ST. PAUL W$NCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYR DATA .Se ember ,- 181952 COMMISSIONERMi------- "'—'----- RESOLVED, that John P. Mullaney, Superintendent of Workhouse, be hereby authorized to attend the 82nd Congress of Correction held by the American Prison Association at Atlantic City, New Jersey, from October 5 to October 10, 1952, and that the expenses of attending said Congress be charged to 10-35-127 and to be paid upon the presentation of an itemized statement furnished to the City Comptroller upon his return. COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays arzite 1 ?&Pefmot,.- Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President. H 4wrrry-- Daubney ant 050 0 n Rosen— S Reaolvetl 51 That John P. Mullaney, �pauthorl ed to (attend the 82 ba here bynd Con_ igreas f Correction held by, the Amer - scan Prison Associationt Atlantic City, New Jersey, from October 5 to October 10, 1952, and that the expenses 'of attending said Congress be charged its 10 -CS -127 Ind to be H�eid upon the Presentation of an itemized tatement urnished to the City Comptroller upon his return. Adopted by the Council September 19, 1952. Approved September 19, .1952. ISeptember 27. 1952) SEP 19 19M Adopted by the CounciL.................................195...-.. �FQ 1 g 195' Approved------------------------------------------ 195. In Favor '`=--- C 4- - - - A alnst Orl,inal to CAty Clerk ,. "I! `� Yo. 181309 --By Melton Ro;e;,— ' CITY OF STereas, A contract was awarded, eouwett NO.- OFFICE77FT` a Contracting Coml+ OFFICE OF THE ta• to removal oP approxim ' - �npa, at a coat of $21 .. C CIL RESOWTIC3��;� __ ____ _ -------------- yam "' """ 5d ' A.If.i,Ji„ n PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ^ +r.f DATE WHEREAS, a contract was awarded to A. J. Tschida Contracting Company, Inc. for the removal of approximately 165 tree stumps, at a cost of $21.45 per stump; and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to remove approximately 160 additional tree stumps at a cost of $21.45 per stamp, or a total of approximately $3,432.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its City Council, approves the foregoing addition, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in said contract, Comptroller's Contract 0-6251, for the performance of the additional work, same to be Paid out from Emergency Storm Damage Fund Code 13-L. Approved: C es over of o orks A. J. TSCHIDA CONTRACTIWG CO. INC. ontractor /1 Countersigned: By :1 cit y o ro SEP 191952 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. .................................195...... Yeas 1iollaafion Nays Marzitelli SEP 19 last -A4eBe""ev proved ...................... ................... 195 Mortinson mei to _....._In Favor Peterson. Sr Rosen --.......Against Mr. President, 4)elailey Daubney / 3%l ren �.n PUBLISHED 7 COUNCIL FILE NO.- By----- ---- - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_curbing--south side_of Edmund__A�ee__from_lfacknbn_Stx4ef t__o_Arundel - - -------------------- --------------------------------------- ------ -- ------------------------------------------ - - ---- - --- - - - ------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 160811 ---------------------- approved __-August--5,.-1252 ____ ___--_----_-____ IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- - ------- ------------approved ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of In provement to be made by the said City is__4uTb__ssM3th sjd�_oP_F,dmuRd__4eenne_fQm_Nackabin_-__-_ St)reet__to_ ------- --------------- ------- ---- -------------------------------------------------- —------- -- - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 31552 Adopted by the Council SEP - -2 - - -- ------------------------1 192--- --------- , ?952 - -------- SSP 2 3City Clerk. Approved --------------------------------- , 192 File 12006 �t4 - Mayo .Councilman HOLLPALWNO Councilman HOL1-ANDl�T$LISli16D � Councilman -McDonaldl MARz,TEw Councilman MrGlog&?r, 7;,3 "c- .I asoN Councilman Councilman VA 110` Mayor s oflu wr4Of 1 V Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL s pEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) nue from Maekubin Street to Arundel Street, In the matter of• curbing south side of Edmund Ave under Preliminary Order approved August 5, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ,' � — —-9 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 2.72 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 111�� la'YUULU4T'IgN,ing 16 10 Smith's subdivision of Stinson's $700 $1200 Division of the NW} of Section Township 29, Range 23. 650 1700 17 10 36, do 650 3200 18 10 650 3750 19 10 do do 650 3750 20 10 22 10 do 650 2100 25 10 do 650 1400 28 10 do 600 2100 1 Geo. H. Schickler's Addition 650 1500 to the City of St. Paul, mosey 425 1950 2 County, Minnesota TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • ADDITION • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 3 Geo, H. Schickler's Addition $425 $1600 to the City of St. Paul, 4 otamsey County, Minnesota 425 1550 5 do 425 1600 6 do 425 1500 7 do 425 1800 8 do 500 2600 TOTAL $8,900 $33,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 26, 19-52._ — Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn ---- ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. lsent'emen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................. Ave. Crom k"cue/ _._.St..A'e. to i ..._...._ ............................... __.__.._...._.._...St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION :,., � �.,, •tea.-... T. N. W. %A. :SEC. 36 - THOMAS f1Vc. �- h c EDI-(UND AVE. C HARLES AVE. 5111 Bu KN E. T �z W Z IE 3 jl VN IVF IZSITY-- 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 15, 1952 ,19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 160811approved August 5, 1952 19_, relative to curbing the south side of Edmund Avenue from Mackubin Street to and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.72 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1.624.39_ and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $90.00 Inspection $30.09 Front:ige 5913 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert� subject to assessment for said improvemgnt. l � Commissioner of Public Works. :M 7-49 .1M.8 AUG 16 1952 DEPT. FiNANCIC B�aew� ar C-G,T a Ra,— GFA. M. GAREN. S.— B—Zor R-1—. M. S. GRYAAE. Eac1Nau On s Encl HERBERT S. WEST Taw c Enc rMAURICE W. HEWETr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSSEN• COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER August 12, 1952 Hon. Milton rosen Commissioner of Finrnce City of Et. Paul Acc 1 D.. aJOS' PAVLICEK D,ITL. A—IN—T If�xunor SANIiwTIUX JOHN M. COTTEk, Burr. B--, ar MUN.—L E-1111 .NT AR'T'HUR ll. KOCH BNa u o Cau jLLA JOHN P. MULLANEY, SVrT. Dear ir: I transmit hereeith prelimin ry eAim'te o_` cost for curbing the south side of Fdmund ;.venue from Mrickubin Street to Anindel Str,et, under Prelimin^ry Cruer F. 160811 approved August 5, 1952. Estimr,.ted Cost ----------- ------- $ 1,624.39 Cost ver front f'ot----------- 2.72 90.00 Engineering ------------------- Inspection ------------------ 30.09 Front-.ge--------------------- 598 ft. Your;, very trw.y, Georgi;;ii. Shepc.rd / Chief Fngineer Approy_d for tr on to e_Co" ia5i r of i'in-.nce r4ilton No sen Conunissianer of Pubic 'rorkc I 1 X19. mtmlm NO : ........... ............. PILE Clark CIT`! OF ST. PAUL °riH�'t to MYClarkCITY CLERK OFFICE OF THEL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA COiYNC M� ,8 -; .....195...... �'-6 f Approved - -- Yeas ma --i toil! <� ::............May Mortinson Is Favor1: -- 4zetyrs r . Against i Rosen Mr. President, 3\1 a',n .4qw w �. he is hnreb be -le Purchasing Agent �, ural R=solved, That ti to issue with the consent of the Comptroller, advertising, posting authorized Orders newspaper and s co radio tickets, all pur'•h-ts" rinting of and of, posters, envelopes, and nrintine the ,ublicity for entertainment A essay,- and incidental to c: recei.�t of requisitions n u,,on Municipal Audi-torium, .,ithout given at th:, for th" 'erio of one Year, the Bureau °f F.uditorium ,urc'-,ased from from bins, as these ar,, or competitive be c;ained th reby. advertisement no advantage could SOUPCeS of supply and only Charge Auditorium- C. F. No. 161311—Ry Frank D. Marzi- tefh— Resolved. That the Purchasing A,,,'hh be, and he is hereby aLtmhaoer� o Issue of the Co the consent ening ewspapea Purchase Orders v ryng a au io a posters�H p lopes, and pr sting f pointing f tickets, 11' ceessarye and to the pbblicity for ter- cidental tainmentigiven'at the Munlcepal Autli- [orium. poo receipt of quisitions of Aiuiit dver- nom the Bureau. ut the period of one'yeST, asa these t'{ement r c mpetin' bids, f Y our a purcanased ff upPIY tl dvantage co 11 be gained thereby�CharHe Auditorium. Septemhe, II Adopted by the Councll - 23. 1952. d September 23, 1952. Approv lSeptember 27, 19521 SEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Cpn�i 1b2' COiYNC M� ,8 -; .....195...... �'-6 f Approved - -- Yeas ma --i toil! <� ::............May Mortinson Is Favor1: -- 4zetyrs r . Against i Rosen Mr. President, 3\1 a',n .4qw w �. ,1 q�y♦�j ep Original to City Clerk 4n T ", C C j 71 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.._.._._._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COI,1N IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE COMMISSIONER. - RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to Tom O'Laughlin for the "Holiday on Ice" show from January 2nd through January 6th, 1953, upon payment of a rental fee of $3,500.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas HalvorsoNays Holland Marzitelli / M-epeNTI(At' �/ J Mortinson --In Favor —Tom___ -_11 Rosen Against Mr. President, BelalteyDaubney 5h1 7 51 r0119IPO 'll C. F. NO. 151312—BY Frank D. Marzl- tetll ^eat the of the Audi-� Resolvednre he giVen too Tom ? Corium ••g lidaY n Ice" p Laughlin for the 2nd through o na show 6th, JanuauPon Payment 0 953, i1uerlal Eee f 5�' Council september II Adopted by 23, 1952. d september 23. 1952. A'Prov (seDtember 27, 1952) SEP , 31952 Adopted by the Council —------ —195— J T 2 3152 Approved---- 195— /— - - — Mayr DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES. AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS FRANK D. MARZITELLI. corrvaeioaml HERMAN P. PRANKE, pmvry coHKiaa,a�[n r MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. MuuRaea "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA T eaor Telep6ove cnreetd 7361 O September 11, 1952 The ble a Ceett4r� Frank J. t'�iarZite111, �'iOP1m15 SlO nEr Department of Libraries, auditorium and lwseurms E 54. to ION HALL 64.000 Baasre Feet 119 City ??a11 Even Benue Saint tail 2, 1'.innesota ADDITORIDM THEATRE Brad's Moo ear ,.r. ',Iarzite.11l: Complete Stere All Naw I1.au',hlln,k1n0 15 frit 're' -CEJ 1n f)rO Ot171' t,` -P, STEM HALL .r. i,o Ci ! Ill �:oli'.ia,% un lre", in L;1e P.rpra Januar',' 2n1 Ballroom LCF, s',Ow, f,}leSP, j us for a rental 5Ca1e Oil Complete Stade tllrour�h bth, !ta.:+ asked Brat. 1.260 _'ive da"s • RAMBEY EALL Brat. 660 Nit-'. your ap`. rovel, recorgren_t that he. De �,ranteu the u.S P. Of l.f`.e '.rena for the ice snow On these dates Upon HALLS 2 H nayrlent of rental fee of „3500•jO• This shoul:i cover BALLS 6o should do pretty well. the cost, also our concessions 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLETi,gnklri;'. A Volb YOu 1 a -^r _ BI ¢le -d 3-,,1 ea D -C Correvt 110-220 Volb Yours very traly, Tele ph0na•T.lerraph F. A BrII e Indured Draft Flue for -I. ;;.7 I �I I� . SA.11`IT :-/1�1, /1'. -111 _ Cpmhmtluu Maeblven Hot and Cold Westar /7 Dlaly Cevveetlom f�.L Compretted A4 Edward N. Furni, izanaPer E1Fch. ( SEP t2 1952 LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS 13 13 cousclL NO. Original to City Clerk FILE CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,.. COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE - -.-- —. - — COMMISSIONESENTEDR. RESOLVED, that the free use of tine Auditorium Theatre be given to the Saint Paul Junior Chamber -of Commerce ce fo19521 safety campaign program for children on September the cost thereof, estimated at $225.00, to be set up in Audi- torium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN YeasNays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli % "^,1j In Favor Mortinson // I Against Rosen M" rr..rP'resident,4)elaneYDaubney t. 5NI 7.51 �H•'8 161913—Dy Frank D. M—i- ielll— [ the I Resolved. That the tree use to the Auditorium The9lre be given Salm Paul Junior Chmpe�8n Program coerce [or a safety 1952, for children an SEP IE.'Cd 2t $226.99. the cos[ thereof, est to be set up In Audltbrium Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council September 23,A 1952. pprove d September 23. 1862. (September 27. 19521 SEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Council----- 195— su 2 319x^ Approved------- 195— I� / E - f DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARI G, - "3 AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS FRANK D. MARZITELLI, coMMlaeloasa HERMAN P. PRANKE, parr coHrossloN¢rt EDWARD A.FURNI. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM MwNwpm "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL D13TRI0"f'• Telephone GArfield 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA � '. ® urrtw� or Mleweaorw The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47,000 84aare Poet Seating 16,000 Ice Rink 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 64,000 Bonen Feet Even Bawl - AUDITORIUM THEATRE a -Ung 2,000 Complete Stade All New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stade Real. 1260 RAMSEY HALL Berta 660 2 HALLS Seating 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C C—t 110-220 Volta Single and 6 -phase D -C Cnrront 110-220 Voll. Telephone -Telegraph P. A. Stem Indaeed Draft Fl— for Combmtlon 21whhmm SoT'iT :A U L : JJITC'P.iu'r. Hot and Cold water , Drain C—.-U— Oaa. St— Com-e—A Alr Furni, :"ana,er n nc . 1, 1 SEP 17 1952 Serterrher 16, 19 2 t r. Franl J. i:arzitelli. �,o,missioner Jepartr'ent of" Llttrarles, -u�Aitoriw^ ant ':use --s 17" City !!all Sair'.t .1 aul. 2, ' inilesota. Dear -r. ::arzitelli: Flease. find enclose;. letter Cron, iir. H. L�. v'renzel, ).rector ;f Public Safet-� for tie S -:int i'aal Junior Chamber of Coirmerce, asking for the free use of the Saint Faul Auditorium Theatre section, 3atur6ay, Serte-coer 27th. They are n_tCir.- on a Safety Cempaiz-n ^roe r�oi for youn:-stcrs, there is no admission it is open to the r,jblic. Thar.!-ir-'You, 1 a'r ""urs Ver!v truly, LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS �j wt OFFICERS ROBERT L ANDERSON H11PKp,.� OND CORTLAND 7. SILVER' LES B.::WUiI ' VIa.PmLt 'BURTON'N. ryNOAH ' Swao EDGAR C. WONDER Tneterer ' DIRECTORS ,0 ROE AIKEN' THOMAS.L: CAXLIN RORERT L:; CHANDLER ,O,.FREDBIICR `NP'.CLAPP `JOHN C. BRAIN' RICHARD :L, MENZEL :DONALD O. O. AAMPLAND DANIEL H. BIDDER ROBERTM. RUNYON CLAYTON O. REIN Pea eMuq« t BE 101 COUNCIL WRSLET M. CHANDLER GUSTAV.A. LARSON ROBERT L UTNR EDWARD-R. OENRKE' GOODWIN S. ANDERSON SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE ADOLPH BREMER, -Jr. SAINT PAUL JUNIOR CHAMBER Of COMMERCE 1617 PIONEER BUILDING 0 SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA Mr. Ed Furni St. Paul Auditorium St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Furni: September 15, 1952 The St. Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce Public Safety Committee will be conducting its annual Pedestrian Safety Week September 21 through the 27th. A featured safety program being built around the youngsters is planned for Saturday morning September 27th. At this program, we wish to have a moving picture showing a feature attraction together with several safety picture shorts. There will be, of course, no admission to these young- sters, and admission will be a newspaper cartoon that they will clip and which is the result of a puzzle contest illustrating safety violations. Needless to say, the whole program is built around pedestrian safety. For this reason, the Junior Chamber makes formal request for use of the St. Paul Auditorium Theatre Section Saturday morning, September 27th. We would appreciate an early confirmation so that we may proceed with further detail. We are requesting the use of the auditorium on a "no charge" basis. Yours truly, /R. L. enzel, Director of Public Safety R LF/af ori.bud to City Clerk t l COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..— OFFICE O..._—OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER_ _ DATE.__ RESOLVED, that the Associated Traffic Clubs of America be granted the use of the Arena in the Auditorium for its con- vention dinner and ice show on October 21, 1952, upon payment of $300.00 for the use of the ice; the balance of the cost, estimated at $900.00, to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeasgalvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli -McBepnq!otir Mortinson $ekra,Paen Rosen Mr. President, 8ela4eyDaubney 5NI i -sl a�yp C,te IINo. 181314—EY Frank D. Maal- R"Aved, That the Asaoclnted Traffic anted the nae at oftbs he Area 1n the America be u itor um for Its v otlon dinner and ice how on October 21, 1952, upon Payment of l$300.00 for the nae ofde. f✓ tm$.00. ance of the cost, estimate to m be act up Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted y the Council September 23.Appro1952. ve d September 23, 1952. )September 27, 1952) z 31952 Adopted by the Council-- 195— SEP 2 3 1952. I� Approved--- 195— In Favor_Ma r Against EDWARD A. FURNI, Mwtu.rA Telephone GArseld 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 ft— Fket S_ti" 15.000 Ice Rlpk 100.481 EF:HIRr1TON HALL 64.000 evv.n Feet Er— service AUDTLORIUM THEATRE se.tin. 6.000 Complete et-. All New STEM HALL R.11rpom Complete Bt.¢e seat. 1.460 RAMSEY HALL B -t. 660 t HALLS S-dD 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAH.ADLE A 6 d &uhmeo Volb 1n 1, D -C Cm t 110-440 Volb T.,..ho.e-Tele—vh P. A. Stem 1°C mhpdon M� hinetor rr Het —dCala w.ter D-1, om+ Ctt.- Ou. at-- C—vrew" Air DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES. AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS FRANK D. MARZITELLI, coslMl.elaKen HERMAN P. PRANKE, DPury coHrnlsslo„en MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM " IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA September 11, 1952 I,lr. Frank J. Earzitelli, Cormcissioner Jepartment of I_ibr�:ries, _:aditorium and :.useti,ms 1'(� City !fall Saint Pau 1 2, i,innesota Dear i,:r. 9arzitelli: e have had a request from :°:r. F. J, 21°'eiii, Associate i traffic Club Convention General Chairman, for the fr,e use of the Arena for their convention dirLner and ice show Gctober 21, 1952. fie have informed him that the practice in the past ;'or convent' -ons til,,:t use ice have to pay for the ice which will amount to „3JO..C. iiith your ap_)roval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting the free use of the Arena for the National Convention of the Associated Tras'fic Clubs of America. Gctober 21, 1952 upon the payment of,3300.00. Ae estimate the total cost of approximately ;;900.1 . thanking ,you, i am ,.ours ver;; truly, SGTI?T :I.JL J?9 Ep- :fit Edward A. Furni, P.an: er SEP i`; 1952 LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS A Original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N7CI FORM PRESENTED BY Q� COMMISSIONER.__ __ DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $32.00 be paid Rose Groebner while she is totally disabled by reason of injuries she received on July 19, 1952, while employed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and that $288.00 in partial settlement, to and including September 20, 1952, is now payable. COUNCILMEN YeasHalvorsonNays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Petersm Rosen Mr. President, 2XWXJ;X 5M 1.51 QPR�,C� Daubney C. F. No. 161315—By Norris O. Balvor- Resolved, That out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fount weekly compensation of $32.00 be paid Rose Groebner while she is totally disabled by reason of injuries she r - ry d on Julyl9, 1952, while employed', r by the Dep tment of Parks, Play grounds and Public Buildings, and that tlamne.t, to and Talbding Septemberartiet20, 1952. is now p Adopted by the Council September 23, Approve" September 23, 1952. (September 27, 1952) SEP 2 3 1952 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195- 1 -i GL In Favor - — ---- — - --- ayor Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No may/ FILE ORIGINAL— IVV 1512 COUNCIL RESOLUTION CITY CLEPK 1� FOR AUT RIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATE_ ` Sen tember 2?.y..i IFIL - - ---- — --- PRESENT BY -_-- — ---�— surfacirig with bituminous In the matter of grading and • material the alley in Block 15, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, from Prior Avenue to Moore St eetFir:aleCrder1160685 approved 159962 approved -ay 27i 95 July 29, 1952• RESOLyFD, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same Pre hereby Pon oved, and the Commissioner cf Public 'forks be and he is herebydirected to do the work at an estimated cost of $1461.22 by y Forces, and that the P,lrchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, i and be it further II. RESOLVED, That the cost cf the above improvement, including i engineering end inspection expenses amornting to $1)19.23, or a I total of -"$167.0.!;5, be assessed against the benefitted property. o. 161316—By Milton 11 d ur- atter of grading a with bituminous material sthe Block 15, Merriam Park 2nc n, from Prior Avminarenue to Moor der PrelI1B52 elyld Firsorder. jd May 27. • .r vho July 28, 1852 . r k hat the 'nP 1 a ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S Oi3N1AL BIO NO. CABLE B COMPTROLLER BEFORE ESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE Y EPR THIS IMPROVE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF - s A 1610 45 1. ASSOS5ED APPROPRIATED NBT BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - CODE S FROM CITY'S SNARE OF LOCAL IMPPOVEMENTS— $ E. CODE , APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS --EXEMPT PROPERTY— $ T - - - - - - - - BOND ISSUE—CODE - — — — -- --- q APPROPRIATED FROM S 5. COUNTY AIDS S. - - - : 16io.45 TOTAL - - - - - - - - YT HAT THERE IS N EIC—ERED BAC- -1 NSI COPIES TD' IN THEV BIL BLETIER MA T ABOVE STATED EVOLVING TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO, ----- I -- -- ANCE A THE FUND OIRI CITY CLERK MBE RSEO THE P PROVEMENT PR COMPTROLLER I VE AMOUNTS,EN REI PUBLIC WORKS I PATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED._ — �--------- • PURCHACING _._ BY COMPTROLLER -- — — — I COUNCILMEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCfL�— YEAS NAYS -- •IN FAVOR -- ____ _AGAINST APPROVED— — MR. PRESIDENT 1 a 21 1`1 original to City Clerk C-0UNCI6 CITY OF Sr. PAUL FILE NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p PRESENTED BY -. DATE_ Septe tuber 1.V 1952 Resolved, That the Purci,asing Agent be, .nd he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the TQayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to EBEnTZ CONTRACTING COMN01Y for rental of D C % Bulldozer and operator for work as specified at Mounds Park, at a cost of $12.00 per hour for approximately 20 hours, without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to ';he best interests of the City. Charge Parks Department 18 C 4. C. F. No. 161317—By Norris O. Halvor- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent he. and he is hereby authorized with PANY erator for, work as Specified at d t a cost f $12.00 Per Mounds Park. i telt 20 hours, with- hoourafor aVpprox ma ompe urs. bide, , Stan emelrgencyt exists where failure to act Promptly would work hard- I hip to the best interest of the Cfty. Charge Park Department 18 C to /fit Adopted by the Council September 1952. d September 23. 1952. APProve (September 27, 1952) SEP 2 31952 {JNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - .................................195..-... Yeas/jt 0- Ae 9%�W MatzYitelli' �lr� / Approved -- - 195 .-... Mortinson / G P�raata -- In Favor fQ –----------- M----- � - Peterson— Rosen etersorr Rosen r g_ ....Against Mr. President. a Rney ant n-.Sn ..fir µ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ORIGINN-- I -M 1533. Ce. �..�..-___..._. _.., FILE No.- _3�-f�--- CITY CLERK 31 ilton JY� F. No. 1efor, and here Rosen— I Resolved, Th t the Council hereby ROJECTS a AUTHORIZAT, 1preves award of the Contract Co.. U tire therefor, and hereby aware' for the construction of ve, In n the easement to be Obla " the westerly9 ., 1of the .' PRESENTED BY HON._... _.. _ _ � " IqL Il. i110C': , Aar^I• DATE— II Resolved, That the Council hereby approves award of the ® Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for the construction of a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 11, Block 1. Harrison and Handy's Addition, from the alley in the rear of said Tot to Hoyt Av,�nue, to FRA14K SERRATORE, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #k3786 of the said Frank Serratore, at a total contract price of $749.00, such bid being the lowest and said Frank Serratore being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the • I proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against nene n Llea property. FORMAL BID NO. 3786 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 858-75 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BEREFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 749.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.—- - CODE $ a. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS--E%EMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE T S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f. s 4 TAL - - - - - - - - - - - E --- 749.00 COPIES TO: H "Y PRBnTEE O CITY CLERK NCE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT N .—_.-_. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THEPERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC WORKS IN IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. EN PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED...._. CDMPTROLLER_�{��� -- I a BY COUNCILMEN / ,� ((]]mo�ii]] ✓ /' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIGEP-2.-3j9n-- • EAS NAYS CLEW IN FAVOR SEP 2 31952-- I! APPROVED._ _ illi MR. PRESIDENT c 15 � 6Da 9., acs J '1Sl 4 ORIGINAL— �T CITY OP SeINT Pe I COUNCIL l! Y C/ CITY CLERK lr� 1530 co C. F. No. 18131&—Ry Milton Rosen— FILE NO._ - ReilOWed. That the Council hereby pproves the award f the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards TS _ AUTHORIZATION therontrect for the construction a Df a sewer on EAST AVENUE f oT a pa ,^' at 35 ft. o Stillwater en Fau PRESENTED BY HON........._ ._ --_ ...-_ --_ fr __-_- DATE- Sep td'jnb er 17 • lam • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on East Avenue from a point 85 ft. north of Fauquier Avenue • to Stillwater Avenue; on Lake Street from a point 85 ft, north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Howard Street from a point 20 ft. south of the north line of Lot 14, Block 3 Essex Park Addition to Stillwater Avenue; on the southerly side of Stillwater AvLrjue from East Avenue to a point approximately 130 ft. easterly of Waukon Avenue; thence southerly and. southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 ft. of the westerly and northwesterly 140 ft. of Block 11G11, Beaver Lake Heights Addition, from Stillwater Avenue to Fauquier Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to P--dersen Street; on Pedersen Street from Fauquier Avenue to Reaney Street, all of which is to be known as Essex Park Extension to the Belt Line Sewer System, to LAMETTI & SONS, is accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 3779 of said Lametti & Sons, for the contract price of $105,200.00, plus Engineering $9,000.00, such bid being the lowest and said Lametti & Sons being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of It. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property $49,376.00. Appropriated from City's share of 1opp1 improvements, Code 31-E1 $64,824.00. • I FORMAL BID NO. 3779 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. 100, 397. 00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO F NDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 49,3 76.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-- - _ CODE 31-E1 S 64,824.00 ]. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- _ CODE $ d. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE $ 5. COUNTY All - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S a. $ TOTAL - - - - - - - f 114, 200.00 COPIES TO: HEREBY CERTIFY T THERE la UNENCUMBERED B - CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE I OVE S PgOPR'ATIONS TL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND • PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED -— COM PTROLLE��f BY_-_-- MR. PRESIDENT 500 9-47 �•�6 SEP 2 31964 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -_—____--- SEP 2 31952 ..ccam�..{ MA OP PURL U - , �t COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS _IN FAVOR __AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT 500 9-47 �•�6 SEP 2 31964 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -_—____--- SEP 2 31952 ..ccam�..{ MA OP PURL U - , �t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No 2_c)(i j ORIGINAL— 'RUTd� FILE / -- CITY CLERK M 1532 COUNCIL R.15. UTION F"' () AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRES TE EAG%/ -- - DATE SP .Pm1:GTI.eJ-- D BY HON. -1 • esolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Idaho avenue from 'Ihite Bear Avenue - Kennard Street* Iowa Avenue from White Bear Avenue - Hazelwood Street; • Hoyt Avenue from Kennard Street - Hazelwoo Street; Montana Avenue from K"nnard Street - Hazelod Street; Flandrau Street from Hoyt Avenue - Idaho A enue; Kennard Street from Hoyt Avenue - Idaho Avenue; (land for the construction of a Sewer on 11 Idaho Avenue from Kennard Street to -Uhite Bear Avenue; Iowa Avenue from Hazelwood Street to White Bear Avnue; Hoyt Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kennard Street Montana Avenue from Hazelwood Street to Kennard Street Kennard Street from Hoyt (.venue to Idaho Avenue; all of which is to be known as the "HOYT-KENNARD EXTENSION of the Belt Line Sewer System", to PETER LA1,ETTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the lbrmal Bid No. 3772 of said Peter Lametti Construction Company for the contract price of $65,461.42; plus $16,877.20 by city and plus $2775.37 engineering on grading work; plus $5,230.00 for engineering on sewer work; such bid being the lowest and said Peter Lametti Construc- tion Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form • of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property $90,343.99 Grading - $24553.00 FORMAL BID NO. 3772 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ Sewer - 52,300.0 NO TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED SESFORCOST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS! 343.99 1. ASS.. AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - PR - 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IM OVEMENTS- CO.E i 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-EKEMPT PROPERTY- - COO. i d APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE { 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i s TOTAL - - - - • - - - - - - - s 90,343.99 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS UNENCUMBERED BALo PR '— I CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE ST D APPROPRIATIONS T LOCAL IM OVEMENT NO._ COMPTROLLER REIMBURH SE TE PRMENT IMP EMENT REVOL TNG FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ASOVE AMOEANUNTS. PURCHASING I DATE FINAL DRIER ADOPTED-.-. • COMPTROLLER �. - SE I COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— _._ . _-_---.-------- --- YEAS SEP 2 31 52 • _ _ _ _. _IN FAVOR --- ,IMAYOR MR. PRESIDENT�mh--/"• Original to City Cleric -' `�- 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL r�n.e �� OF,VI�E OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYC;;L DATE S'1r -omh 9-52- COMMISSIONER — --- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent bel and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, from TILLERY C0111`hINEER COMPANY 1000 Cylindrical Molds for Testing Concrete at a total cost of ?147.60 less 20 20 days, f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Testing Laboratories - F-vOly. 1004. C($CILMEN Yea9 2 Mnrzitdli `' .�Ia.1�as+metA..• Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen (• Mr. President, Delaney tat 0-50 .96PO-.w C. ri No. 101321—By Severin A. Mar- on— Resolved, or- nson— g �Resoldve heThsat hereby he rchthorgzed ato i➢urrhese With the sent of the Comptroller, from TII.LERY CON - Molds COMPANY 1drical ,000 CyllnCON- Molds for Testing Concrete at a total ost of $147.00 less 2% 20 days, f.o,b. St. Paul, Minnesota, without dvertise- 'm so competitive pblds, s this is the gal— the ere advert sHngulLayuratorles—Rev01vY 10Cphgarge Adopted by the Connell September 27, 1952. Approved September 23. 1952. (September 27, 1952) SEP 2 3195? Adopted by the Council- .................................195....-. SEP 2 3192 / APproved----------------------------...-----...195.-.... _ !�...In Favor L.;E k —L -----�z= -... rMayr _�--..Against l -� Orl[lesl t. etti Cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENd'L NO. //,�/pp/FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COWNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vim /// hi R.SOLVED, THAT T IM NO'-'.THERN STATES PO'AER 0O1,iPADY BE GIVEN P%R7ISSIOIT TO INSTALL APPI 111TF.LY 756 IINMAL FEET OF GAS IUIN G'_•i , ORBERT PLACE 9Et`=N ST. PAUL AND DOROTIIEA, OL- l'�DGCUI•TE ROAD BETVFr 7? BOHLAIM AND FORD Pl'rv., AND ON PA"ZUIER BFT'9ET; FOR-7ST AM, E. SEVEidTH, AND ON E. S2711TH BlV'TTT1.' v'Ati(�"LR AND #975 E. SEVI—ENTH UNDER PROVTSIG-'*S OF COUNCIL FILE NC. 123001, CRDI'IAITOE NO. 3271, DATED JULY 19, 15�1• €C.3 po QQJ�SNCILMFAN.r-sC:' ' att^a f, Yeas Marzi ell, Mortice n� Irrr- 6 — In Favor --Petei"�6n'— r Rosen j . s _—O+Sainst Mr. President jy r Milton Ros Northern Fares. atl E. Seventh, aha n r;. l,v,,Ih between Feuquter a d No. 375 E. Seventh under provisions f B271�dated July- 193094,1 Ordinance No. Atlopled by the Cmmet September 29, 1952. ApproVed September 23. 1952. (September 27. 1952) SEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Council—._195— S L P ' 195_SLP' '3162 nApproved _195— � -- x Wayor original to City Clerk WUNCIL R T iO CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLs NO------------------------ OFFIIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C. DATA'9T3 t r-- T 1�`4`i CO M M ISSI ONER._----------------"—" Resolved, that the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects all bids received for the grading and improvement of &Iry Pl=,ce from Idaho Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, for the reason that they are in excess of the Engineer's. Estimate. It is-ecommended that the work be re -advertised, F.B. #3775 C. F'No . 181323—By Milton Rosen— ., Resolved, That the Councll hereby concurs in the recommends — of the Contract Committee and rejects all b,ds received for the ggrradlng and im- provement of Gary Plaee from Idaho Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, for the reason that they arein excess of the Engine- 's estimate. It is t onn't ad that the k be re -advertised. Formal Bid No. 3775. Adopted by the Council September 23. 1952. Approved September 23, 1952. (September 27, 1952) SEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Council- ----------------------- ---------- 195...... NGiLMF.N C��^y r� 9 (1-•.�.-¢ p..P.,.. i l ISS 9i tl9 4 Yeasvv Marzite h Approved------------------------------------------ 195_.... Mortinson -- In Favor ..... ----�__'----�--.. Pnrranto --- "--'� - i Rosen )..Against �-� .� /f Mr. President, DtIRMey- 3M 9-50 "�(� Oridnel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FO.LENCIL NO. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATA COMMISSIONER R: --,SOLVED, THAT THE NCRTIBBN STATES POWER 001-fPANY BE GIVEN PERbISSION TO INSTALL APPRO%INie= 4,676 LI?v'VU FEET OF GAS K&nT CiT, CASE BET':', MN WTH AND NOKO14IS, OLT NOKUHIS BETiti•SIT CAS: 2ND STILL'AATER, ON STILLI?ATER RETI SEN NOKC:ILS AIM EAST AVENUE, Alm ON LAKE BETW:'-'r: STILLWATER AND FAUQUIER UNDER PROVISIONS OF-OLTNOIL FILE NO. 123r101, ORDINANCE NO, 9271, DATED JULY 19, 1941. C�OUN.CILMEN Yeas V tG'navet Marzitelli * A - /. - (' c `^ Mortinson tt-� ---Petersm Rosen Mr. President, Belmwi t6 1 324 C. F. No. 161324—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That it's Northern States SS Power Comapany be given permission to install pproxima[ely 4,676 lineal ff feet f gas main on Case between Ruth and Nokomis, Nokomis between Case be- ttweenaN Nokomis and East SAvenue,water ntl anqn Lake between Stillwater and FaV uier under provisions of Connell File N. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. Adapted by the Council September 23. 1952. ApprovedSeptember 23, 1952. .(September 27, 1952) SEP 2 31852 Adopted by the Council_ 195- 111_t' z s 1952 �pproved 195— %n In Favor _ ` — ayor Against Petition G771 Council File No. '395 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the East and 'Nest alley in Block 8, Elmwood, from the Nest— North and South alley to the East— North and a So,lth alley. Dated this ?3rd day of September 1952 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the Fast and h + 11..y i.n Blook 8. Elmwood,. from the 'Nast Nnrth and South i v tP the t Mnrf1. a South alley, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council SGP 2;'952 Halvorson YEAS NAYS Holland CouncilmanARZITE LI '1arzitelli SEP 2 31952 CDER OTT 1! ortinsonApproved RTI SONS P To Rosen PE E SON � Ro x MR. PRESIDENT, D NEY Daubney Ma or. IM 4-51 .013P0.8 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 181326— Whereas. A written proposal for and making of the following impr-- PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning, and taking an ease!aant in the land necessary for slooee, cuts and fills in the gredins and surfacing with bituminous material the East and Test alley in block % Elmwood from the West- NTn,rth and South alley to the East- North and South alley. Dated this 23rd day of September PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: sonde ng and takilg ane s nt in the land ne s i for slnne�, Put,- ,Lj 1'ill,s it the grnding and 1 rF rin Itith bitnminn is rmtrlal the East and West alley in Block % Elmwood, from the Weft- North and South alley to the Eas;f- North and South alley. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �/ Adopted by the Council ccP ? 3 19rYL YEAS NAYS Halverson M CouncilmanRZITE ILI Holland SEP 2 31952 DER 0TTMarzitelliApproved MOIRTIISON liortinson PA TO PET SON Rosen i Ros �Z L MR. a�PRESIDENT, DEN Y Daubney I'/�/7Y im 4-61 `-' w 8 or. t S-' Q 902'1 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 161324— Whereas. A wrrt[en proposal for ` making fo the following 1 - and co . PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct catch basins and drainage on West Seventh Street at the intersections of Maynard Drive West and Maynard Drive East. Dated this 23 day of September , PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct catch basins and drainage on West Seventh Street at the intersections of Maynard Drive West and Maynard Drive East having been presented to the Council'of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council— YEAS NAYS Nrt Councilman MARZITELLI SEP 2 3 1952 Approved MORTINSON n / 1 ROSEN L L Z MR. PRESIDENT, P96Ai'..R"s— 'v" � ZayOr i COUNCIL FILE NO. INTBaMF1" ^' INTERMEDIARY ORDER 161 G In the Matter of condemning and taking for library purposes the following described parcels of land: Lots 5 and 6 of Larson's Hazel Park Homesites, under Preliminary Order 161127 approves %September 3. 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take for library purposes the following described parcels of land: Lots 5 and 6 of Larson's Hazel Park Homesites, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2200.00• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. 21st ._-____day of October, 1952 xpgg_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. -? % 31952 Adopted by the Council=_ _ _, 193__ —12 31952 Approved 193- v k File 12022 —jI�aYor- -- I Councilman HALVeMC& _ Councilman HOLLAND PIL LISYr.%B ! 7 Co '1 unci mang RZITELLI Councilman MORR COuncilman�ru ERSO-S-Up Councilmanvj6WAINW� ROSEN Mayor DAUSNU Form B. S. A. 8-6 Pf �/ ' C. F. No. 181328— In the matter of partially opening. tge Ave- wide from aD%toand Avenue tomlt nueCentral Park' Etre t from Central Avenue: Avenue. to Fuller Avenue: and R1CG Street from Summit Avenue to Un1- veraity Avenue �nnd from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together COUNCIL FILE NO. with apprdaches and conneetiona to the tersecnn, streets a peroposed to be widened and tended under extended opened,38592,_ I t . F^ approved 22, 1998,. By ...e - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Partially opening, widening and extending Smit Averse ftoe Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue) Park Street from Central Avenue to Huller Avenue;and Rice Street from Swasit Avenue to university Avesue and from University Avenue to Cue= Svenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as Proposed to be opened, widened and extended ander C. F. 136542 approved May 220 1%69and C. F. 149337 approved August 129 1949, and approved by the State veterans Service Building Colmeission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St.Paul, the asap being part of the lands necessary for the above described isproveslent. Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No.75 1. That the said repot�EWNM*ie 1s hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is partially open, widen and extend Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22, 1946, and C. F, 1119337 approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 19491 by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 75 """r10U5e 3nQ"t'Ity^Huai~UHifetng'ctn-tNv-w.Fr::vwaXar:.y n,.�r-ma,:-,�„,3' -•.� G•-•. •••••••,•, •••...-'. said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. --P23IM Adopted by the Council--- 1933-- 2 3 1959 Approved 193— File 12023 Councilman i I W®,1 HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilmansi�amr�_ppr;�` Councilman�m� RO$fN Mayor DAUSNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 Clerk PUBLISHE13 2—_(�L� 7�/c COUNCIL FILE NO C. F. No. 161326— In the matter of widening and ten e tram Dayton Avenue; Park' 5t: Avenue to Fuller and 41 1329 under Preliminary Order 161126 approved September 3, 1952 -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is partially open, widen and extend Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22, 1946, and C. F. 7119337 approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949) by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvements Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 75 -nuuc}ngn.t`..A..,a.ura:.. �: ... ,,..;...,�«........._.__ e ...............» -- said meettn � ai�i4Fz�Y RAM provided by the Carter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. =? 2 31952 Adopted by the CounciL__--- 193--- 3 1952 93_- 31952 File 12023 Councilman 66diaMdAmm HALVERIM Councilman i HOLLAND Councilman h1ARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman eLiLL%otu —_, Councilman dihmmdmmomon ROWN Mayo 1 DAUONEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 Clerk PUBLISHI,D_1�--� 1�/0� ,2Q 161126 approve September 3, 1952 __ under Preliminary Order The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon - AM )rovement, and having considered said report hereby resolves xs3tFt `" ent _i: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--7&250'00' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21st _---day of October, 1952,AN---, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court f St. sHouse and City aid meeting to tHa l 13unatand nin thheCityman0 pro ided bylthe Charter,aul. Tat the stating the time and place of issioner of Finance give not`ce hear, nt and the total cost thereof as estimated. ing, the nature of the improveme 193---- 1 Adopted by the Council------- -- I, 14 per^ 31952 _193— File 12023 Councilman WALVER90H Councilman HOLLAND Councilman AN III MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON DFTCDcn u Councilman Councilman® R066N Mayou DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 Clerk PUBLIS1iLD y5 C. F. No. 161330- 1 In the matter ofand extending Chestnut Street from Hill Street to the northerly ce Lots 9 d 30. Block 34, Rice Irvine's AddYion, i _ dnIand C�;•�� and COUNCIL FILE NO. "ri INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending Chestnut Street from Hill Street to the northerly line of Lots 9 and 10, Block 349 Bice and Irvine's Addition, by taking and condemning all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, and that part of Lot 11, Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying westerly and southerly of the alley in said Lot 11, under Preliminary Order 161046 —approved Tugust 26sL 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend Chestnut Street from Hill Street to the northerly line of Lots 9 and 10, Block 34, Bice and Irvine's Addition, by taking and condemning all of Lots 9 and 10, Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, and that part of Lot 11, Block 34, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying westerly and southerly of the alley in said Lot 11, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 15,000 -00 - Resolved 000.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21st _ _-day of October, 1952 7lps0g_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP3j9§$ 193—._._ f SEP 2 31952 - Approved 193-- "y Clerk File 12024ayor ..rti Councilman WIPSYM HALWRSON i Councilman HOLLAND L USHED Councilman ! MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON r n Councilman '®NPOMMMNie"Olf� ROSEN Councilman Reeser-- DOSBNEY Mayor 11lgl1 Form B. S. A. 8.6 INTERMEDIARY C. F. No. AIM— Councilman .. In the matter of constructing amono-' 11th1c to sidewalk the West Councilman side f Farrington Street from Ivy Councilman .- —' Street to 01'6gqggi Street, exceGt where I fi exists. 'i 9 Councilman good and stdHdent sidewalk under Prellmlpary Ortler 151185, ap- �i 6 )t1 Councilman "$ proved Septetnber 3, I952. Councilman ROSEN O. COUNCIL FILE NO.— DAUSNEY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the West side of Farrington Street from Ivy Street to Orange Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Order 161125 __approved September -1,1952 --- The _The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the West side of Farrington Street from Ivy Street to Orange Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_0.39 per sq• ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra w9rk each as yxcava ons 11 � yews root -cut in tc. at extra co Resolved Further, That a public heal nghe had ons t�d'improvemen 21st day o -Oct.—, 193--5-2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall- Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Council----, 193___ SEP 2 31952 File S 53 59 Councilman .. NALVERSON , Councilman "OLLAND Councilman .- —' MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman "$ Councilman ROSEN Mayor )ddWRW=W0 DAUSNEY Ferm B. S. A. 8.6 l�nlYliytn.ty Clerk M or ;ice ,Z�A� V COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the existing sidewalk on the most side of Arkwright Street from Rose Avenue to Maryland Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, under Preliminary Order 161121 approved September 3_1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete the existing sidewalk on the west side of Arkwright Street frou Rose Avenue to Maryland Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0,39 per= _e. ft. for 4" monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting} etc. as extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Tlst _______day of October. 1952 3M—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 'House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvengEpTttj%2)tal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ SEP 2 31952 A nnroveci 193— File S 5360 Councilman rte HALVERSON . Councilman 4NF HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman Councilman WWWW� ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 193-- f City Clerk - (�p`/��� ayor z� o D 4 IC. F. No. Mass— In the matter of constructing a mono- lithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of Fast Fourth Street from Winth- rop Street to Howard Street, exc and •...., . ....r nd y-flcient a_tdeWalk g y t COUNCIL FILE NO. By -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the south side of East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Howard Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exista, under Preliminary Order 161122 approved September 3._1452_-_— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the napyre of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete` on the south side of East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Howard Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_9-3-9--P—'kr- eq• ft* for lts monolithic walk; Extra work such as driveways, excavation, fill, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _21st— _-day of October, 1252 3M_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 2 3 1952 SEP 2 3 1952 193 -- File S 5361 Councilman Jfidjnnljj� HALVERSON Councilman W00100016- HOLLAND Councilman - MARZITELLI Councilman &@ssMWWVs4y MORTINSON Councilman WMNNWNWW-;,;*M — Councilman 116000i� ROSEN Mayor DAUSNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 193_ __C��T-4yYlXXJ/ C. Clerk yor PUBLISHED— C. F. No. 161334- 11 theatter of walk r� the ' ..... ting 1de- .•Idde of Hoyt Ave - '<n w Avenue to Hazel �minary ._'ober 3, 1952sa f Pau] f . e COUNCIL FILE NO. 1hr ab,.m , „ '� 8 (,'l INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, under Preliminary Order_ 163.128 —approved September 3, 1952—__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. 'That -the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered -to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct sidewalk on the south side of Hoyt Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 039 nam r sq. £t. for 40 monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root—cutting, etc. at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--_21Ht—_ __ day of October, 1952 xpgl%, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 2 31952 __, 193 SEP 2 31952 Approved— 193-- / n City Jerk File S 5362 / ayor Councilman I4ALV0M0t4 Councilman HOLLAND Ti�1LISIIT'-1:__�q_ d Councilman 9 '" '-nu MAR71TELLI Councilman OWBO3"" -10 MORTINSON / Councilman - 42 -PFFE tSQN Cf/iJ� Councilman ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 1fi1395-- In the matter of constructlD6 a mono- _ lithle 1011— 11 sidewalk On the west- ayn side f St. Pa 1 Ave.from lg tiers Avenue orthwestereLV P- P 100 feet to the xlstln8 sidewalk and on the northerly side of Saunders Avenue from St. Paul Avenue southwesterly approxittiately 300 feet ,Jai R1 T- ..Pton�byf �^ •,tY ,,I•` �,� COUNCIL FILE NO. L li INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the westerly side of St. Paul Avenue from Saunders Avenue northwesterly approximately 100 feet to the existing sidewalk and on the northerly side of Saunders Avenue from St. Paul Avenue southwesterly approximately 100 feet to the -easterly alley thru Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition, including the crosswalk, under Preliminary Order 161192 approved September 1,-19__.__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the westerly side of St. Paul Avenue from Saunders Avenue northwesterly approximately 100 feet to the existing sidewalk and on the northerly side of Saunders Avenue from St. Paul Avenue southwesterly approximately 100 feet to the easterly alley thra Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition, including the crosswalk, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0. 58 per stl. ft. for 40 monolithic walk; Extra work such as excavation, fill, driveways, root -cutting, etc, at extra cost. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_21st— __ day of October, 1952 x7913e at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner ptgyided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - fig, the nature of the improvement and the total -cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci Sl EP 2 3 195--, 193_ AFP 92 31952 < �? Approved 193_ ty Clerk ---- -- -- - --- File S 5363- ayor Councilman NALvr"cCw x-�;,Ll_."-.`. :.__ t /- /��'o�• Councilman HOLLAND CouncilmariMMEWMICOMCM MARZITELLI 1, CouncilmanqV@WKVXWWW= MORTINSON Councilman -'P rSTS'ZM-- 13 Councilman® ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8.6 n Council File NQ_......f-6 RESOLU ION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FLING TI OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES aT mE aF°REAR ' mom° FIXING' In the clatter of condemning and taking for public school purposes the following described landsi Lots 12 to 22 inclusive, Block 11 and Lots 5 to 8 inclusive, Block 2, Hazel Park Plat A. Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, and 18 to 29 inclusive in Block 1, and all of Block 2, Ames' Park. All that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, lying northerly of the Chicago, St. Paul, IJinneapolis & Omaha Railway right-of-way, and westerly of the Ilinneapolis, St. Paul Suburban Railway right-of-way, and south of the south line of Hazel Park Plat A and said south line produced, except +shite Bear Avenue and except Ames' Park. All that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest ()uarter of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, lying west of Hazel St. and between the south line of alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Plat A, extended easterly and the south line of Hazel Paide Plat A extended easterly except the part in railway right-of- way. All that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, except the west 180.22 ft. lying northerly of Rose Avenue as platted in Ames' Park and except the east 294.4L ft. of the west 474.66 ft. lying northerly of the south line of the alley in Block 2, Hazel Park Plat A projected westerly. j tion of theaway s o y e ommisaioner o mance an o up�1�s~ sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..____ 22nd..................day of.---........�tobdr................................ 19..52..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. BSEP 2 31952 Adopted by the Ccunc..........................................19 .__.._., SEP 231952 � 4A, City Clerk. APP'roved----------------- .............. -----_-------------•- _- 19 File 119115 Councilman _., y .-.. v i ON Councilman- PLBLISHFD Councilman _ r U-1 Councilman 2" w,, Councilman .. - - Councilman., Mayor under Preliminary Order ............. 15.Qp12................. ........ approved ------------------- MY- ........... ,?2a..a352............. I Intermediary Order .----_-----------2602729..------------------------.... approved .--------------luly -3D,...1-952----------- Final Order .--........... .------------.16191x----........ approved-.-.-. ------------- Augas-t -26+---x-52---- -------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmar tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ...___ 22nd..................day of. .......... -QQtQb9T................................. 19..52..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. �� 2 31952 Adopted by the Ccunc ---- . .... ---- .. 19 -- SEP 23'"? //�� �' r- - - City Clerk. Aliproved--.-.--__---- _-•-__-- ----------------------------- 19 - - ... .... ................. Mr. _� File 119:x5 �J Councilman _.,vp' E n, .-- c:, _-oN Councilman --•'•��� PLBL1SIilri)_4 �'�`" Councilman r w yZI7Cn s5. Councilman Councilman 1M, Councilman Misr_ Mayor Council File No .......... e RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of.._condemning_and-_taking _an.eement__in-_the-_]#ind-neeee-Poi---@gi-- cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material, of the alley in Scotten's Subdivision of Block 70, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Cypress Street N OF to Forest Street, �INGL Asa SSMENT COUNCIL AND"FRING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FRI G TIME OF HEARING ON AWARD OF DAMAGRE under Preliminary Order ........... 16.0u.4 :............. - .......... approved J'lip - 2-9 1955 -- Intermediary Order__..................7.002-?..............approved .................. s roved.__J1?-4.-----24--19 2-------------------- ------' Final Order ---------------------- -1 ?4 8. ------------ approved ....-bmzt-_192--- 1952- .................... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said asse§sment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..__.�.?.-s"................day of .......... .__9ctober ............................... 19..52..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. BEP 2 3 190 Adopted by the SEEP 2 3195' File 13.988 Councilman �• Councilman, . Councilman W.. Councilman ";IT- - . Councilman Fs[ Councilman rz�Tc ti- s:.ra Mayor .l,:-. ; onus--, -- ................................. 19 - .. City Clerk. 19 ----- ayor. i i /�i _ 1, 19� A 1'T TiLISi�Tili f-� • F_�iCrl+lu� NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No.— PRINTER Sept. 19 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 207 3n9.48 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38215 _TO_3z —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS f- __..._ ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 2 31952 —19— �J ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ----7 �ITY COMPTROLLER r --='6 , y� , APPROVED_--19--—�---- Sap tat w( �e►� I C. F. No. 161338-161330-161340— NOTICE 01338-101339-161340—NOTICE 181391— �uL Resolved. That checks e,tlrawn on COUNCIL F. NO._ To theam City t 1j45y. to t�r 9 ceecks�UTION t [ $501,951.15, LroJerine checks PRINTER permunbel.dcheck 38158 a the Inclusive. s I per checks of 01e in the gOce of the i Sept � 22 _19_52 City comptroller. Adopted by the Council September ?3. 1953. I Approved ptember 2 21, 1952. RESOLVED, THAT CHI (Septe ber z7, 1952) ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF '�-- - s COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— ON UMBERED -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER- r SEP 2 31952k ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—. --'---" —19— CITY OMPTROLLER SEP 2 31952; . yp0 t at �(ie; 1. NOTICE To CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. C Sept. 20 _1952 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i �8 8r6� �T , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38�7238324 _TO --- ___INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . SEP 2 31952 y —79— CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED_— NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL t ,{ Q A�iD TO F.9!R19;16 PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO._ Sept. 18 19-52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 253,567.28 i< COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38159 _TO— 38214 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_SEP 2 31952 SEP 2 3 252 ✓// CITY CO//MPTRo— APPROVED_— BY 1 i. 2 _.1/J 1 app I -sl �'ba, NOTICE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Y J Yew PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Sept. 19 _19 52 .Im�lt- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF :2n7 39.48 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38215 382 _TO—___ 71 ___INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 2 31952 �� 1 ��' /' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---- i ti ..CITY COM ROLLER APPROVED__. BY C. F. No. 151338 —181339 — 1 �_ t� �• •� a� ��.t 9�(a NOTICE 101341— ADL Resolved That checks be dravvr., COUNCIL FJLE NO.— thecB '1 TO City treasu y to tom'. etrc'OLUTION PRINTER am t [ =.45715, vert 9 numbered 35159 t 35377, In 1 y f,•, per checks on 61 n the q79 - _ Sept. 22 city e m troller. p _19_52 Adoptetl by the C 23. 1952. APprot _ RESOLVED, THAT CHI dE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S � COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED � W- 77._ _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 2 31952fi k _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_... ______ _-19_. ._ 2 1952 CITY COMPTROLLER •+, _ APPROVED_—_.. 19-- BY—._ NOTICE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Sept. 20 _1952 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF = 28 8P6.07 38272 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ _TO38324• -------INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMP PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ .SEP 2 31`752 ' —_19__. �� TCITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED__ ____19__ By ��`* 4i `,✓7. �' — NOTICE TOOF SAINT PAUL - yy j� ` TO pg eA s j .�. 7. J PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Sept. 18 is 52 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 253,567.28 S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38159 _TO_ 3821___INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. (� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ SEP?. 31952 SEP 2 31,952 CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED__ BY (` { L"=yYI•� l `t i'7'� ,.y_ _ _ a _• • ..:� r-....,2 u ;�� .�_. .-,,x: � _-_�.-°c rs> .�: z .. moii((_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER -------- -- ---------------- ROLL ALL HALVORSON _, HOLLAND MA.—ELLI -- ----IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMSCC __......_p Sept-. ... .............19_... .1.V J2 MORTINSON C=l RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN OAUBN _-.-.-......AGAINST EY O SEP 2 31952 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5---------yrJ'3-�-jr f �p ----• COVERING 7�f.f>----------- MR. PRES. CHECKS NO.....3'159------TO---38214---------. CHECKS=- INCLUSIVE. COMPTROLAS R. Tr ADOPTED B COU _ _ PER CHECKS O FILE IN T acR OFFICE I APPROVED 2n8 (J / TOTAL i D Rev BANK CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER. CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I 1 205 8nn 83 BROUGHTFORWARD — 38159 Bernard T. Holland 10 479 08 38160 First National Bk. Type. Sa]�Ise 4 144 n0 38161 Mutual Gen. Ag.Mo Carty -O. 14 0933 35 38162 R. N. Candler 14 3 95 38163 Robert Rose50 18 73 60 38164 Gertrude Rhode 105 80 38165 Anna Jurgenson 45 0o 3,9166 Mrs. Kenneth D. Miller 38167 Wood, Kind & Dawson 9450 no 38168 Mr. George C. King 75 0o 38169 Bernard T. Holland I 4 166 84 38170 " " 63 971 12 38171 " " 3 579 05 3P172 N N 61 546 49 38i73 N " 1 901 86 38174 N N 833 42 ,9175 Axel Newman Heat. & Plumb. 9598 Do 44 38176 Commonwealth Electric Co. 3 38177 Frank Eha Heat. and Plumb. 2 49 0 38178 Robt. E. Goranson Co. 169 0 38179 Hankee Heat. Co. j 8 172 on 38180 Healy Plumb. & Heat. Co. I 3 105 00 9 023 40 38181 38182 D. W. Hickey and Qo. no. Ksllestad & Nelson 11In tr. o. 16 291 60 3818 Tony Muska Electric Co. 1 979 00 2 923 88 3818 George Pearson ! 8 122 46 38185 38186 Sheehy] Nielson, Doug" Perry A. Sorenson Co. Ino. 11 853 00 33187 Tieso—Koetka Electric Co. I 0. 1 562 99 38188 N. W. Heat. Engre. Inc. 44 70 38189 Kohne Electric Co. 85 no 38190 Bernard T. Holland R. 1 271 87 1 355 96 38191 BernAxd T. Holland—Poet. 38192 Richard M. Kayser—Bd. of Ed Son n0 38192 Grant 0. Reimer Co. 231 25 28n n0 3819 3,9195 Portable Dredging Bishop Tow. Service 195 70 38196 Fred Boldt Paint Co. 136 61 38197 Curtis 1000 Inc. 147 48 38198 • Economics Lab. Inc. Electric Blue Print Co. 221 28 185 59 38199 Kirk Co. 156 65 38200 Farwell Ozman and 38201 I 252 50 ` 382n2 Hooker Electrochemical Co. i 1 Zig 20 38203 K and 0. Sax SPrvioe 25 38204 Lamprey Products Co. 62 70 38205 Mandel Distr. Co. 397 08 179 45 38206 Miller Supply Co. 38207 Minnesota Popcorn Co. 56 93 38208 Nati-nal Assin Produce Mar t. 15 00 38209 N. W. W l Telephone Co. 79 50 38210 " " N a 123 38 38211 Pub. Utilities Reports 15 o0 38212 Safway Steel Scaffolds Co. 19 80 38213 3821 J. L. 3hiely Co. Wat 40AL—FORWARD 10,$ ]8 15 Totsl-1 ''459 368 11 HOLLAND MAl TELL' ---- -...... IN FAVOR MORTINSON .' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ----------- -AGAINST DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER--------------- -- ------------- ROLLLL ---- --- .. �11M Ea I APPROVED -- sept: 19 -19 ^ ?- HALVORSON _ -/. AUDITED CLAIMS ..........................................19..5 CHECK HOLLAND MAl TELL' ---- -...... IN FAVOR MORTINSON .' RO..N ----------- -AGAINST MR. PRE9. DAUSNEY 2 3 10 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .. ---- --- .. �11M Ea I APPROVED -- � % -- -19 ^ -/. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER . 3823.5 38216 38217 38218 38219 38220 38221 38222 38223 3822 38225 38226 38227 38228 38229 38230 38231 38232 3823 3 823 38235 38236 38237 382338 382 38240 38241 38242 38243 38244 38245 38246 38247 38248 38249 38250 38251 38252 38253 38254 • 38255 38256 38257 38258 38259 3826o 38261 38262 38263 38264 38265 38266 38267 38268 38269 38270 38271 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DnnRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT O ....5--5----207 11nr9.48-------------- COVERING CHECKS NO. -_.3215 ----- .T.- 3-8`7............ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE. OFFICE OF T)1E CITY COMPTROLLER. pT Ea TOTAL T DATE i' RETURNED J SII vV vevu BROUGHT FORWARD Bernard T. Holland First National Bk. of St. P. Bernard T. Holland I r Rose Bros. Lbr. and Supply 0., Bernard T. Holland Herbert Lyon, Chief Exam. C. Ernest W. Johnson Bernard T. Holland I r N. W. Airlines Inc. A. J. Teohida Contract. Co. I John F. Hand Virgil D. Schaaf and Sons American Home— Am. Home Bldg. I Management Assoc. Brodhead Garrett Co. Carpenter Paper Co. Commercial West Dresser Trap Rock Co. R. C. Duncan Emrich Baking Co. Martin F. Falk Paper Co. J. J. Fitzgerald Florence 0. Galloway Frank J. Gould F. S. Haas Guaranteed Concrete Co. Gillespie Equipment Co. Grinnell Co. B. H. Gustafson Jurgens Co. Kenney Co. Inc. Lamao Process Co. Loyal Larson George R. X)mds Co. Master Products Co. Molin Concrete Products Northern States Power Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. a r r r Old Dutch Foods Pabst, Inc. Park Machine Inc. Pictorial Events Classroom Reels Peilen & Peilen Co. Review Publishing Co. Rose Bros. St. Paul Legal Ledger L. N. Siokele Co. Inc. Society for the Prevention of IC. Torseth Sign Co. Transport Clear. of Twin Cities Twin City Fruit Co. r r Iron do Wire Co. Typewriter Sales and Service Zinemaster Baking Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 3 654 51 'j lo4 696 o6 �, 741218' 1 105 nn 'II 2 445 0o 'i 35 111 42 I; 300 oo iI o 0 00 ;I 36 517 28 ill 752 81 I'; 425 00 ':1 181044! 700 50 13280U 4 on � 5 75 16 16 72 17 23 40 II 1 743 88 39 o4 38 31 93 90 10 50 it 25 00 1 6 oo li 93 30 239 29 16o oo 10559' 9 00 152 88 176 53 .I 1 03 7 50 51 25 11 236 25 690 55 !i 159 25 273 35 li 18 90 ' 922 39 48 6n 111 92 50 63 no 'I 64 6o !i 1 120 01 'il 5 422 64 , 2o0 oo to 26I 26 30 24 65 it 24 50 172 74 iI, 1 §66 677 59 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N Um BER --------- ------- -- R LLALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS ------ .... Sept. 20, IB --- 52 HOLLAND 4 MARZIT E -----------IN FAVOR MORTINSON - A.A-ST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ------ RO EN 28 8o6.07 COVERING PR EB. DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUN3822-------------38324------- CHECKS F � ------------------------- 2 - 4 ---------------- SEP 2 31952 2 2 3 � INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF T CI -TY L CHECKS NO .......................TO_....._... COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........................................ 1U11ER APPROVED- ------ IGI X ITR�L R I ---------- TOTAL i DATE RETURNED CHECKTRANSFER .1S.0 BY BANK IN FAVOR OF .S...NT NUMBER CHECK9 CHECKS I! i. _BROUGHTFORWARD 1 11666 677 -59�+ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 695 483 60 T 38272 Bernard T. Holland 1 11 1 089 87 38273 1$ 940 38274 J. L. Shiely Co. Inc. 2 756110 38275 Air Power Equip. Corp. 12 65 38276 H. M. Allen Co.American35 61 38277 1 American Linen Supply 00. $0 60 38278 Public Health Assoc. 9 16 38279 Truck Crane Service Inc.' 328 44 382Pn 0. P. Anderson Inc. 13 84 38281 Arlington Electric Co. 225 31 38282 Auto Tire go. of St. Paul 69 42 38283 Beckley-Cardy Co. 93 I 23 i 3P284 Bell and Howell Co. 51 n6 i 38285 Berger Scientific Supplies Inc. to 43 38286 Booth Cold Storage Co. 21 30 i 38287 F. S. Brainerd & Co. 4 6o 38288 Al Brown 9 on 38289 Bureau of Publicatinns 442 50 38290 Capitol Station-ry and Mfg. C! 13n 42 3829 Clay Carpet Cleaner Co. 198 4o 3829r- Commonwealth Electric Co. 110 32 38293 Corbett Blackboard Stencils 15 35 38294 Crook and Hanley Inc. 523 38 38295 Jed H. Davis 38296 Delmar Publishers 97 76 38297 Dells Refrigeration 18 5n 38298 Do All Twin Cities Co. j, gn 72 38299 Pat Dowling Pictures 29 no 38300 Sophie W. Downs, Editor $ on 38301 Drew and drew 77 61 Ii 38302 Drovers Market 2 42 38303 E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. 21 60 383f)4 0. R. Eckhardt Co. 55 33 38305 Eduo. Film Library Assin. 90 no 38306 Electric Blue Print Co. 266 61 38307 Emporium lo4 96 38308 Engel Weld. Works 11 00 383119 Fideler Co. 120 68 3°310 Field Enterprise,, Inc. 122 32 • 38311 Firestone Stores 56 94 38312 Fnel Economy Engr. Co. 37 9.; 38313 G!,sholt Machine Co. 1 50 38314 B. F. Goodrich Co. 200 67 3831$ R. L. Gould Co. 87 65 38316 Grand Ave. Motor Co. 6 97 38317 0. L. Halvorson Decorating Co*l !1 1 282 00 38318 Haldeman Lqngford 89 6n 38319 D. C. Heath & Co. 2 912 69 38320 Thos. G. Helle Co. 39n MO 38321 International Bus. Mach. Corp. 364 46 38322 Iroquois Pub. Co. 52 33 38323 Koolaire Inc. 14 25 38324 Kestings Music Co. 48 96 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 695 483 60 T �J CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER... COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ------------------------------ ROLL C L HALVORBON HOLLAND AUDITED CLAIMS ��.__�ja..................19.__ ----- sept _ -22 - sa Y� MARZIT ELLI MORTINSON --- --I- 1 FAVOR RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY R09EN --. --------AGAINST OF 7 $- Ll ----------------- ------• COVERING M R. PRES. DAUBN EY EP 2 3 1 9 5JJ62 N THE AMOUNT -- .1 CHECKS NO.-__383.25______TD._.�$332..__.._. INCLUSIVE. AS ICE O THECITY C L ER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED--. f- - PER CHECKS ON r THE HBER -� __ _ __ �..- t 211 BY __ R� '=------------ l _ _ ... — TOTAL DATE I' RETURNED J CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFI ggNBFER C. ..K. DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK � I BROUGHT FORWARD 14621_48,3_.66 i' 38925 W. R. Lewi• 110 00 38326 ® Leitner Fuel Co. 31 50 38327 Lyons and C,rnahan 223 03 38328 Acme Linen service Co. 68 62 38329 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. 1 126 73 38330 Capitol Supply Co. 19 59 38331 Clutch & Transmission SPrv. II. 91 99 38332 hue Ds List 94 ?5 3839 Downtown Ford Co. 98 54 38334 Dunn Wilding Co. j, 71 84 38335 General Truck and Equip. Co. 60 44 38336 International Harvester Co. j 1 95 �! 38337 Jax Mfg. Co. i 34 20 j 38338 Kisoh Food Market 336 63 j 38339 H. Kohnstamm'& Co. Inc. 14 70 38340 Little Giant, Ino. I, 8 77 j 38341 Lore and Campbell Co. ;; 168 30 38342 Maas–Keefe Co. ;I 68 4o 38343 May Brothers Co. it 748 21 38344 National Bush. & Parte Co. j II 83 78 38345 Nati-nal Institute of Olean. D. i! 7 86 38346 Nelson Oil Co. 295 85 38347 Nicole Dean and Gregg Co. ! j 120 22 38348 John Norenj 160 00 j 38349 Northern Mach. and Supply Co.; 1 8 U j 38350 N. W. Equip. & Supply Co. it 40 38351 N. W. Tire Co. of St. Paul �I 1 140 00 i 38352 Otis Elevator Co. 942 00 38353 Wok servo Battery Co. 200 61 38354 Racines Wholesale Meats 543 81 38355 RMd Win Potteries Inc. 145 8o j 38356 Reinhard Bros. Co. 30 65 �I 38337 Rose Tribune 2 32 38358 Royal Typewriter Co. 167 25 38359 George T. Ryan Co. 816 29 38360 Sebesta Stone Co. 56 00 38361 Ad. Seidel and Son Inc. ;' 4 00 38362 Sperry Office Equip. Co. 6 26 38363 Tractor Supply Co. 9 20 38364 H. F. Wetr.eohreck !' 38 50 38365 White Co. 20 00 38366 • Young Inc. 4 5o 38367 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Inc 800 00 38368 St. Paul Book and Stationery 560 10 38369 r r r r 197 09 38370 x n x r II 113 40 l 38371 L. L. Cohn ! 173 80 38372 Otto Each Equip. Supply Co. 268 13 38373 Northern Pacific Raulway 1 35 38374 Northern States Power Co. 9 58 38375 Pineorest Food Products 248 08 38376 Wagner Paint Co. 45 80 11 38377 Weyands Furniture Store I 1%5 00 �J RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ condemning and taking an easementAn-the- land -necessary -for_ slopes, cutsand fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block 4, Edgwood Addition from Sheridan Avenue to Norfolk Avenue? RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND A'ARDB OF DAMAGES AND AS- 8E8SMENT TREREFOR C. F. No. 161342— Ia the meth- ^• ie^ ,�, t...:.,, under Preliminary Order ---- 159911t ----, approved______ 4Y ----- _2-1 -1952--------__- Intermediary Order -------_.14491.5 -----------_, approved-------June-----241-1952------------ , 1--------------> approved Angust--��- 1952--- Final Order ________________606�--------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. IDL Adopted by the Council __sEpttiaw_________________- 19,__/__ i SEP 2 19952 -- - -1'-/- ---- �tylerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- File 11948 ---- - - - --------- ®: Teic NnLvea�oro Ma or. Councilma_ oy- nou allo / Councilma =p i 6 Councilma • cbonald /� �� PUBL�SI�D� / ` Councilmaree Moat :; ICON J CouncilmaAMM9end FET=2'_ON —� Couneilmal — R s N May DAU6NEY /, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block 41 Edgwood Addition from Sheridan Avenue to Norfolk Avenue, under Preliminary Order----- 15221-4---, approved -----------------may---- 2,2,_14$2------------ Intermediary Order -------__ 160315__, approved----------------- Junfl-_-2l�1252_____------- Final Order ----------------- approved ----------------- August_73a..1252------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..:. — _TMI.. __. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in Block 4. Edgwood Addition from Sheridan Avenue to Norfolk Avenue, under Preliminary Order_____ 1122111__-, approved ----------------- YA}[---- 2.2-1452____----_--_ Intermediary Order -------__ 169n5-- approved----------------- June ---2.1i -1252 ------------ Final Order ----------------- 6Qblh --, approved ----------------- August_13}1452----- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fina7� RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON - ASSESSMENT THEREFOR AFIRM DS OCOF DA' 15 OANND A8 sESV"p, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing arndlaatutAdmidg-s--pablie-Water-main on, ander an& serous the following described property lying on that part of the northeast j of the northwest of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, bounded by the following described finest Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the �ohioago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company Right of Wray and the easterly line of the Minneapolis and at. Paul Suburban Railway Company Right of Way, thence north— easterly al ong the northwesterly lite of the Chi Paul, Minneip olis and Omaha Railway Company Right of Way to a •oint that is 30 feet east of the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Caomany Right of lay, measured at right angles to Hazel Avenue, thence northerly on a straight lite parallel to the easterly line of Hazel Avetae to its intersection with the southeasterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway company Right of day, thence southwesterly and southerly along the southeasterly and easterly lines of the Minneapolis and St. Panil Suburban Rallway Company Right of viay to the point of beginning. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 49----------- SEP 2 Adopted by the Coun�jP-ZIiast----------------------- 19,--/__ ----- City Clerk. Approved-------------------------19---- File 11985 ---Nay---- Councilman @�" �� Councilman .'H--' PCu Councilman9fmBmewid Mcnz,T•_Lu �• Councilmanffi.,_ NSC j Councilman :RSCN Councilman -sumer rzos 'N / Mayor DAUBN6.t CON AND' AS - under Preliminary Order___160432_____________, approved .... July_2,_1952__---------------- Intermediary Order -------- 160551-_---------- approved ---- Jjs_15:_1952_________________ Final Order --------------- 160864---___-______ approved___- August 12, 1952 ------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Vt SEP 2 4'=4 Adopted by the Coun�LP-,,1----------------------, 19,---- Approved------------------------- 19 ---- City Clerk, File 11985 --- -------- - - --------- Councilman 99MR9YI Councilman Noy« No Councilman d k.aazirau Councilman Councilman Councilman eTmer -RSCN ,4 ao/ Mayor ; s`v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public water main on, under and across the following described P =opq��,yn� !!}}�� pn •that part of the northeast $ of the northweat a` of Seduce 26, Tome- p 29; Range 22, bounded by the following described lineal Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the 6hicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company Right of 'Bay and the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company Right of Way, thence north— easterly al ong the northwesterly line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minnemp olis and Omaha Railway Company Right of Way to a -oint that is 30 feet east of the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company Right of way, measured at right angles to Hazel Avenue, thence northerly on a straight line narallel to the easterly line of Hazel Avenue to its intersection with the southeasterly lane of the .11nnearolis and Wit. .aul-,itnurban ailway r r.many ;ti ph T, r,f a,�, thence south,vosterly and southerly alonr t'lo southeasterly and Steri,- lineae of tHaili:ay t:o:1 —1y Wpht, o_ -:l'✓ tU ,.:�1.' 't?..•. .. CJI �(!j nCiryq. Final Order ----------------160 864---, approved --------------- Auv§1 _ 14 -1252 ------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------V6!____ ------ -_" - Commissioner of Finance. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public water main on, under and across the following described prop oy� n_g on -that part of the northeast $ of the northwest a- of Section 26, TownefPi�iV � Range 22, bounded by the following described lineae Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company Right of Way and the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Company Right of Way, thence north— easterly al ong the northwesterly line of the Chicago, St. Paul, lu'innesp olio and Omaha Railway Company Right of Way to a :oint that is 30 feet east of the easterly line of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Rpilway Company RIpht of 'Xay, teasured at ri,ht an,,:lea to hazel Avenue, thonce nnrtnerly � straj�'it line nurallol to the easterly line of iazel Avenue to its intersectioi :+i.th the sovtheazterly lino of the nnearolia and au _,Ihurban ;iai.lr:.ay i ty tipfii.-. rf .a Vii, ti�nce sr ,Vnv'osterly rnd southerly ale r t'ie s< theasterly -ex easterl liners or the !- Ii. nn,1 ::t. iaul uburban T-titicay 1-, P,g':-�t vi _ .,o the ••o^; r.+, of t��±i nni n�. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of. and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's' -finding on said matters. ----------�3-- Commissioner of Finance. Orlcinel to City Clerk •4 O M CITY OF ST. PAUL FENGIL NO. A E�" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, THAT TAE NORTEERN STATES POWER CO;iPANY BE GIVIV PER.IISSION TO INSTALL AI'PRIOXIIIATELY 1, 299 LINEAL FEET OF GAS 11AIN OL :WOOD BETW'"—,,T ROB ZRT AND STARK�'� Y , ON i9. JAR Pi TEtJR B TbEy? TISK A'D VICTORIA, AND ON S0, i1IS6ISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. BETWEEN PRIOR AYD KE1'7T2T_H UNDER PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL TILE 110. 123001, ORDrTANCE NO. U 71, DATED JULY 19, 1941. CILMEN Yeas, M rzltelli lviefiermotr-- Mortinson "PSPPSZILU �"— Peterson RosenC �, J Mr. President, LM 1 -fit ' �' C. F. No. 161344—By Milton Rosen— Resolvetl. That the Northern States .or Company be given permission to install approximately 1,299 lineal feet f gas main on Wood between Roberta d Starkey n W. Larpenteur between Fisk and Victoria, and on So. Mississippi .River Blvd:. ii etween Prior and Kenneth under prbkions of Cmm- cll File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 82-11, dated July 19, 1941. Ado p2ted 24, by the Council September 185. Approved September 24, 1952. 17 (September 27, 1852) SEP 2 41952 Adopted by the Council--- 195- 5EP 2 419% Approved 195— In Favor ^ o 0 ----Against % ayor ! _Against Orblinel.to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo W$NCIL No ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUUNNCCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE PRESENTED BY //c September 23,, 1952 COMMISSIONER `� Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, one 411 Hersey Model CT Compound Meter, Round Reading, Cubic Feet, from i-LIRSEY MAJIUFACTiJI:ING COMPANY at a cost of "51+6.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota, net 30 clays, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Wditer Department. Cq LyNCILMEN Yeas /�������yyyyyy'' ey MarziCdfl����� Mortinson P 1 Peterson Ron Mr. t G2 President, �Plnrley--- 3a1 6-66 (Wn C. F. No. 161346—Ay Severin A. Ml in Resolved, That the Purchasin A t Resolved, g gen be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with theonsent of the Camptroller, nc 4" Hersey Model CT Compound Meter, Round Reading, Cubic Feet. from HER_ MANU- FACTURING COMPANY at a cost of 5646.66 f.o.b. St. Paul, Minnesota, net no Save - Charge W d by the SEP 2, 419% Adopted by the CounciL .................................195...... SEP 2 41952 Approved .............................. - 195. .......In Favor !..-'......Against Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC14 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FRM COUNCIL FILE NO. 1_61347 RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in said city, at ten o'clock A. M. on October 17th, 1952, upon the advisability and necessity of the repair, replacement, remodeling, or wrecking and removal of the two-story frame dwelling on Lot 20, Block 9, Woodland Park Addi- tion, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as 462 Laurel Avenue, because said structure is reported to be danger- ous and unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. 1 n %f p ll �II COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli A4eBepmo4k Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Be4nffDaubney 5M 7.51 .0100.0 C. F. No. 161347—By Norris O. Halvor- ApprovedSeptember 24, 1952. (September 27, 1952) SEP 2 41952 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— — ayor HARRY T. O'CONNELL City CI.A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -000.® Sept. 19, 1952 cr. T. P. Q)Linn orporation Counsel Building Deer Sir! HAROLD J.cxJRIIORDAN The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building described in the attached letter of A. X. Schroeder, City Architect, and requested that you set a date of hearing at the earliest possible time under the law. 18 Very truly yours,/ City clerk ---- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect N. 0. HALVORSON COMMISSIONER September 19, 1952 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: An inspection was made of the property at 1+62 Laurel Avenue, described as Lot 20, Block 9, Woodland Park Addition. A two story frame dwelling has been moved onto this prop- erty and is still standing on piers. The front porch is ready to fall, the cornice has been damaged, windows are broken out, sills are rotted, and the roof is in bad shape. The building is now a moral and fire hazard as it is open. The last known record owner is Oscar Robins, 126 West Cen- tral Avenue. A Danger Notice has been posted. Please institute condemnation action in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. We will appreciate your setting a hearing date. Yours truly, i Alfred H. Schroeder CZTY ARCHITECT AHS..A 1: CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Y ~y No. CITY CLERKK ORIGINAL_M 1513 COUNCIL RESOLUTI�F'LE II FOR ALITHOWIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, Sanbornls Midway Addition, from Dunlap Street • to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order 159960 approved May 27,1952, and Final Order 160687 approved July 29, 1952• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public 4orks be and he is hereby directed to do the work at, an estimated cost of $2153.35 by City Forces, and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materials, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement, including engineaering and inspection expenses amounting to A$289.27, or a total of $2742.62, be assessed against the benefitted property. C. F. No. 161348—By Milton Roaen— Tn th� atter f gradings and sur- [acing with bituminous terlal the III in Block 7, Sanborn's Midwe�v Addition, from Dunlap Street to Grigt. Street, under Prell"I" T Order 1599E apprBV " **^.• Od Fihal OM y •e=� ,end Sn I, T.A•. the g T the - • MAL BID NO. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE s NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN. TO EE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AB F.LLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - s 2742.62 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE s 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE s d. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S s TOTAL - - - - - - - - _ - - t 2742.62 III COPIES TO: RE IS AN EROVEMENNENCUMBERO CITY CLERK AVAILABLE IN wB OVE ST APPROPRIATIONS TO T LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. - COMPTROLLER E THE PERMANENT REIMBURSE REITHE IMPT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN ABOVE AMOUNTS. PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED • COMPTROLLER— _-- _ -- - ' -- BY.._—._.-__ _--_- -- -_ SEP 2 419 COUNCILMEN S YEAS ....ADOPTED -IN FAVOR BY THE COUNCIL_--..— ------------ SEP 2 41952 APPROVED _---- --'— MR. PRESIDENT ..__AGAINST AYOR �.is mom M13 O[Igiati to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY NO. - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEL FORM PRESENTED BYHobert F. Peterson " E September '22 1952 _.-- COMMISSIONER — _ ---_ VVHERHAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 52 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment. therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HRS RATE AMOUNT Raymond A. BukOwski Police steno. 59 2.11 124.119 Fred J. Hall Police steno. 1 36-36 24 1,5 36,38 Betty Hobsa Clerk Steno. Kathryn V. gfludt Clerk Steno. 16 1 51) 36.64 Paul J. McDonald Sr. Clerk Typist S teno. 79 1.94 153.26 67 2.061 138.52 Adam Vierling Jr. Police C. F. No. 161349—By Robert F. Peter- ! Resolved. That the ppropper City of- ftcers a e hereby "" Itized to pay certain employes in the Department of Public Safety for extramBloyment s set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council September 24, 1952. Approved September 24. 1952. ° (September 27, 1952) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli XtzSzm== Halvorson Mortinson In Favor Peterson C Rosen Against Mr. President, Jb3lmgt Deubney sni ]OL O SEP 2 41952 Adopted by the Council— 195— SEP 2 119`52 Approved--195— May pproved-195—MaY — September 22, 1952 An emergency hes arisen in the Department of Public Safety making necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: General clerical and stenographic work in the Bureau of Records. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Using present trained personnel to compensate for recent reduction in clerical force. ommissioner of Public Safety R V p C-797 Petition Cov-0 >r iln W i C. F. No. 181350— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I whereas, a written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: and Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Mae 1, Fred ' PRELIMINARY ORDER ne°ri1nngg s Plat 1, fro xeannM Germain St., having!!' the Council o.4,lY The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ij acai` irk. Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminc,ls material the—a-11-ay—In Block 11 Fred S. Herring's Plat 1, from Kermard St, to Germain St, Dated this 24th day of September " A<V, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the all.e in Plock 1 Fred S. Herring's Plat 1, from Kennard St, to Germain St, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said iglprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance, Adopted by the Council JEi u 4 1952 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZI LLI Holland SEP 2 4 1952 M�DE MOTT l"arzitelliApproved MRT SON ,aiortinson PA NTO Peterson PERSON Rosen Ro I MR. PRESIDENT, DEL NEY Daubney 11 IM*or. im 4.51 .0600S /J Irii3'i,t Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT v j". '": PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cita of : Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for Saint Paul, viz. the grading of alley in Block 1, Fred S. Herring's jj� ... cuts and fills in Plat 11 from Kennard St. to Germain St. Dated this 24th day of e + fiar PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1 Plat 1, from Kennard St, to Germain St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau therefore, be it lie Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �n� SEP 2 419s°� Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland 4 �g52 MCDERMOTT Marzitellikpproved MORTINSON 1Kort1.nson PARRANTO Peterson PETERSON Rosen ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DELANEY Daubney 1M 4-61 °gapo8 Orlonal to City Clerk _ (C. F. No. 16135�By Severin A. Mor- 1 tlnson— CITY OF ST. PAI, xe t Control w°tFef 199'!,, asn�menaea OFFICE OF THE CITY provided Shat xe/'r,,%°19 2. �1 COUNCI RESOLUTION—G j4f q'e tsl FORM - n ORATE WnREAS, the Federal Housing and Rent Control'Act of 1947, as amended, provided that rent controls should cease on September 30, 1952, but was subsequently amended to extend such controls until April 30, 1953, under certain conditions; and WHEREAS, controls of various kinds seem to be accepted as necessary during periods when the nation is engaged in a war effort, but in the absence of the most compelling circumstances such controls are recognized as being an infringement of, the rights of every individual, and as essentially un-American in principle; and WHERW, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has received and considered a great volume of evidence, much of which was opinions of individuals or organizations or self-serving testimony r of interested persons, and was on the whole extremely conflicting as respects actual facts concerning the housing situation in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Council has been activated by a sincere desire to give all interested 01tizens an opportunity to give whatever testimony might be helpful in arriving at the facts, but in so 195— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council YeasNays Halvorson Holland 195— Approved Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor --- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. PresidentX x 5M ,-sl .© Daubney ONelnol to Cur C1e k 6 e! 52 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENC'L NO. --. __ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. _ DATE_ doing considerable time necessarily was consumed, with the re- sult that the date within which he law requires action to be taken, if any is taken, will be reached within the next few days; and WHEREAS, it appears that moat of the rental housing in the City is presently on a thirty -day rental basis, with the result that a dropping of controls immediately would cause great in- convenience to many 191 our citizens because of the necessity to locate other facilities within a 30 -day period, which would un- fortunately come during a time of year when inclement weather would add to the confusion and inconvenience; and WHEREAS, a mass movement of malty family units from one location to ,another during a short period might not be physical- ly possible with existing facilities, but such re -location, if extended over a period until April 30, 1953, could be accomplished without inconvenience or hardship, and the family units involved would be given a reasonable time within which to select the lo- cation most satisfactory to their particular circumstances; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli MtXXXZ tB Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, SM 7 51 Daubney In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— Mayor - Original to City Clerk COUNCIL FILE NO. -- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_-- COMMISSIONER —"_—�- -- ----- _ _-- (3 ) WHEREAS, sleeping rooms are not subject toient control, re- sulting, in many instances, in tenants receiving more from their sub -tenants than the landlord is allowed to charge the tenant under existing regulations; and WHEREAS, under the existing laws a landlord cannot rid himself of an objectionable tenant without resorting to the civil courts, a costly and difficult procedure; and WHEREAS, from the or and written evidence presented to the Council it appears that a real and doubtful question exists as to whether or not a substantial shortage of housing accommodations exists in the City of Saint Paul at the present time, but that such doubt has been resolved in favor of a finding of such a shortage; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Public Law 429 of the 82nd Congress, being Chapter 530, 2nd Session, approved June 30, 1952, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul declares thst a substantial short— age of housing accommodations exists, which requires the continuance of Federal Rent Control in the City beyond September 30, 1952; and be it Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli -- Mortinson In Favor — Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, ! 5M 7-51 .© Daub-ey Original to City Clerk FOENCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER (4) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby direoted to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Director of Rent Stabilization, Midway Hall, Langston Terrace, 24th and Oklahoma Avenue, N. E., Washington 25 D. C. OUNCILMEN Yeasalvorson Nays Holland Marzitelli NKII&J fM Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, W 7_3I ,®e Daubney SEP 2 41952 Adopted by the Council -195— SEP 2 41952 Approved 195— —�In Favor --- — or AgainstI"JiTLISIII?1)_��� 0 OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION r ST. PAUL BRANCH RENT OFFICE 205 FEDERAL COURTS ELDG. ST. PAUL 2, MINN. Sept. 15, 1952 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk, Court House St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Pursuant to our letter of September 10, 1952, we are trans— mitting herewith a photostatic copy of the report by the United States Bureau of Census on the dwelling unit vacancy survey recently completed in the City of St. Paul. Photostatic copies of this report have also been mailed this date to the Honorable John E. Daubney, our payor, ,Is well as to each member of the City Council. Also enclosed is a report of the County lvelfare Board which was directed to this office for transmittal to the City Council together with the Census Bureau report. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Costello, Associate Area Rent Director TFC:nz Encl. 2 DEPARTMENT OF C0129RCE Bureau of the Census Washington September 11, 1952 DTELLING llNIT VACANCY SURVEY IN ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: AUGUST 1952 A dwelling unit vacancy survey was made by the Office of Rent Stabilization in St. Paul, Minnesota during the last week of August, At the request of the Office of Rent Stabilization, the Bureau of the Census assisted in conducting the survey by providing all of the technical materials needed to make the survey, such as, the sample design, instructions to the enumerators and the enumeration schedules, and also field supervision to carry out the survey procedures. The enumerators used in the survey, however, were not Census employees but Office of Rent Stabilization personnel. The sample survey was limited to the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul. The survey was designed to provide an accurate measure of the available rental vacancy rate for family quarters in the city. Family quarters are those having 3 rooms or more. A figure with a somewhat greater sampling variability is provided for the gross vacancy rate. Source of the data. --The results contained in this report were obtained by personal enumeration of a sample of duelling units in the city. The survey covered all sections of the city and all types of residential structures except public housing projects, large rooming houses, transient hotels, and institutions. Because the data are based on a sample, they are subject to sampling variability as explained in the section on "Reliability of Estimates." The estimated number of all privately -owned dwelling units, however, is not derived from the sample survey but is based on the count of dwelling units in the 1950 Census of :lousing and on data from other sources on public housing and new construction. Definitions. --In general, the definitions of the terms used in this survey are the same as those which were used in the 1950 Census of Housing. The definitions of some of the more important concepts follow. An available vacant unit is a nonseaponal, not dilapidated vacancy which is being offered for rent or sale. A unit is nonseasonal if it is intended for year-round occupancy. A unit is dilapidated if, because of either deterioration or inadequate original construction, it does not provide adequate shelter or protection against the elements. Vacant units under construction were included in the survey if all the exterior windows and doors were installed and final usable floors were in place. To be final usable floors, they must be finished for the use of the occupants. General],y, for wood floors, this means that they have been sanded and have a coat of varnish, shellac, paint, or other finish. Quality of enumeration. --To obtain a measure of the accuracy of the enumeration ? the (ffice of Rent Stabilization enumerators, a subsample of the areas incl.ided in the original enumeration was checked, the subsample Including about 8 :percent of the dwelling unite in the original enumeration. This re-enunerption was performed by the Supervisor and his assistant, both - 2 - Census employees, and consisted of a revisit to the areas in the subsample. A listing was made of all dwelling units in the area and a vacancy schedule was completed for each vacant unit found in the re -enumeration. The check was performed independently of the original enumeration since the checkers did not have the original results available during this period. A comparison of the results was then made and reasons for any differences investigated. The checkers' report of 294 dwelling units in the area included in the subsample agreed closely with the enumerators' count of 295. A difference of this magnitude does not affect the vacancy rate. Both reported 3 available rental vacancies with 3 or more rooms in the subsample at the time of the enumeration. On the basis of these results, there is no evidence of any bias on the part of the enumerators in the original enw--ration. Furthermore, in accordance with standard Bureau of the Census training procedures, the supervisor and his assistant verified the entries made for a portion of the units which were not included in the oubsample selected for independent re -enumeration. This was done early in the survey by revisiting some of the units already enumerated and, where necessary, correcting the enumeration schedules completed by the enumerators. Reliability of estimates. --Because the percentages in this report are based on data obtained from a sample of dwelling units, they are subject to sampling variability. The table below presents the approximate standard errors of selected percentages. The standard error is a measure of sampling variability. The chances are about 2 out of 3 that the difference due to sampling variability between a percentage obtained in the survey and the figures that would have been obtained from a complete count of dwelling units is less than the standard error. The chances are about 19 out of 20 that the difference is less than twice the standard error and 99 out of 100 that it is less than 2} times the standard error. Estimated Standard Item percentage error All vacant units ..................... 2.0 0.5 Available vacant units for rent with 3 or more rooms ................ 0.4 0.1 To illustrate, the above table indicates that for the 0.4 percent available vacant units for rent with 3 or more rooms, the standard error is 0.1 percent. The chances are about 2 out of 3 that the results of a complete census would have been between 0.3 percent and 0.5 percent. In addition to sampling variability, the estimates are subject to biases due to errors of response and to nonreporting. Factors affecting the accuracy of reporting are the respondent's knowledge of the facts and the abilitv of enumerators to obtain accurate information on such items as condition, number of rooms, and the status of vacant dwelling units. The possible effect of these biases is not included in the measure of reliability; data obtained from a complete count of all dwelling units are also subject to such biases. -3 - PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF VACANCIES IN PRIVATELY -OWNED DWELLING UNITS IN ST. PAUL, MINgESOTA: AUGUST 1952 (An available vacant dwelling unit is a nonseasonal, not dilapidated vacancy which is being offered for rent or sale.) Subject Total Privately -owned dwelling unite: Number ................................... 98,000 Percent .................................. 100.0 Occupied dwelling units ................................. 98.0 Vacant dwelling units ................................... 2.0 Available for rent .............. I.................. 0.8 1 or 2 rooms .................................... 0.4 3 rooms or more ................................. 0.4 Available for sale ................................. 0.4 Not available...................................... 0.8 Not dilapidated, not for rent ore ale ........... 0.7 Dilapidated ..................................... 0.1 ti' OrISI—I to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COESETED MMISSONER—__—�aUU Q-1LkMITL'�j+-I._._---_ __--- ._ _.. DATE Declaration by the governing body of the City of St. Paui in the State of Minnesota, that a shortage of rental housin "accommodations exists therein which requires the continuance of refit control under the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended. WHr1REAS, existing rent controls will cease on September 301 1952, in the City of S t. Paul unless prior to that time /the City Council, by resolu- tion adopted for that purpose, or by popular re€erendum in accordance with local law, declares or votes, respectively, that a substantial shortage of housing accommodations exists which requires the continuance of federal rent control in the City/of St. Paul, and WR&REAS, the state standby rent control law cannot, under its terms, ever become operative because fbderal legislation extended rent control in this area to oeptember 30,,/1952, and provided for continuance of federal rent control by locai option thereafter through the adoption of either of the two methods aforementioned as regards the City of St. Paul, and / WHLR&kS, in view of t06 ever mounting threat to our economic stability and the serious impact the lifting of rent control would have on our citizenry, particularly so with those in the middle and lower income brackets, and WHEREAS, in rec/g.ition of the fact that there is a critical shortage of rental housingiin the City of St. Paul it is necessary that federal rent control be co,$tinued in the City of St. Paul beyond September 30, 1952; therefore bq'it RESCLVFA y the City Council of the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, -, b as follow r q y1 (1) suant to the 1952 Amendment to the 1947 Housing and Rent Act, Public Law 4 , 82nd Congress, Second Session, Chapter 530, it is hereby declared that substantial shortage of rental housing accommodations exists in the a City/ of St. Paul, Minnesota which requires the continuance of federal COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— --195— Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Approved -- -- —196— McDermott Mortinson -----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Delaney 5M 7.51 original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRA14K D. MARZITELLI DATE__. --.. COMMISSIONER._ --'--- - -_--- - -- --- - Page 2. rent control in said City of StIt Paul, HUmesota, beyond September 30, 1952. (2) That the City Clerk b and he is hereby directed to transmit a certi- fied copy of this resolution to Mr. Tighe E. Woods, Director of Rent Stabilization, Midway 1, Langston Terrace, 24th and Oklahoma Avenue, N.E., Washington 25, D It COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson ----.-In Favor Peterson Rosen ___._Against Mr. President, Delaney 5M 751 @W@ Adopted by the Council __-195— Approved - -- - - ----195— Mayor — 195— Mayor Ctg of '�$ain# Paul ,Minnesota Pepttrtment of 'Xibraries, Aubitorium nub Museums CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - 2 FRANK D. MARZITELLI, COMMISSIONER EDWARD A. FURNI. AU11TORIU. SUPE11-10ENT HERMAN P. PRANKE. DEPUTY C...--- PERRIE JONES. LIBRARIAN July 19, 1952 Pers. Harry OlConnell City Clerk City Hall and Court House St. caul 2, :Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: 3nelosed is a copy of a resolution relatinE: to continuance of federal rent control, to be introduced at the meeting of the 6t. Faul City Council, Tuesday, July 22, 1952. Yours very truly o --"o er o Li ,arias, Auditorium and 1 seams r01M:s C OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION WASHINGTON 25, 0. Q OFFIC_ ALU October 71 19* CII 70". IN Re Y Revell W1 1952 OCT 10 M1 9 52 SAID[ pAjL;'*1jW1ESOTA CITY CI.ERK The City Council City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk Gentlemen: I wish to acknowledge receipt of advice that the governing body of your municipality has taken the necessary action under the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, to continue Federal rent control after September 30, 1952• We have examined the material submitted and find that the action taken is in accordance with the provisions of the Housing and Rent Act of 19471 as amended, and Federal rent control has, therefore, continued in effect in your community after September 30, 1952. cerely�jyfoourss,, JAMES MCI. HEIMERSON r � Director of Rent Stabilization September 22, 1952 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemenz Following is data as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Office of Rent Stabilization showing increases in rent following discontinuance of Federal Rent Stabilization as reported under date of august 25, 1952: SPECIAL BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICST STUDY SHOWING INCREASES IN RENTS UNDER $30.00 AFTER DECONTROL Overall Date of Date of Percentage Decontrol B.L.S. Survey of Increase An Rents Average Date of Birmingham, Ala. Under $30.00 Percentage 300 17,63-15-52 Decontrol Period of Survey Receiving -increases of Increase Citv 8-5-49 12-21•-50 5-15-52 11.4 43.6 Milwaukee, Wis. Birmingham, ala. 5-25-50 12-49 — 2-51 86 71 50 45 Houston, Texas 10-19-49 8-49 --2-50 2,-50 _ 2-51 35 64 Jacksonville, Fla. 8- 5-49 6-49 •-�-12-49 67 30 37 3340 12-49 —lz-SG Los Angeles, Calif. 12-21-50 11-50 — z-•51 66 37 Milwaukee, Wis, 8- 5-49 5-25-50 2-50 — 2-51 12-49 --50 7k 38 Mobile, Ala. Richmond, Va. 6-25-50 1-50 — 1•-51 85 29 29 Savannah, Ga, 3- 6-50 1-50 — 1-51 CITIES IN BUREAU OF LABOR STATLSTICS' INDEX OVERALL INCREASE FROM DATE OF DECONTROL TO LATEST B.L.S. INDEX Overall Date of Date of Percentage Decontrol B.L.S. Survey of Increase C1tY Birmingham, Ala. 5-25-•50 5-15-52 300 17,63-15-52 Houston, Texas 10-19-49 5-15-52 22.4 Jacksonville, Fla- Los Angeles, Calif, 8-5-49 12-21•-50 5-15-52 11.4 43.6 Milwaukee, Wis. 8•- 5-49 - 15-52 3-15-52 13,7 Mobile, Ala. 5-25•-50 12-29-50 4-15•-52 13.2 Portland, Ore. Richmond, a. 6•-25-50 4-15-52 18,1 21.2 G Savannah, Ga. 3- 6-50 4-15•-52 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council September 22, 1952 Page 2. I COMPARISON OF RENT CHANGES IN DECONTROLLED AND CONTROLLED CITIES IN B.L.S. INDEX average Percentage Increase in Rents Mid -1949 TO November 1951 -Jan, 1952 Decontrolled Cities 23.1 Controlled Cities 7.9 RENTINCREASES IN DECONTROLLED COMMUNITIES SURVEYED BY OFFICE OF RENT STABILL,ATION Yours very truly ��;c D, Marzi e i Cor�^:issioner of L b les, audi.toriun and ums FDM:s Percentage ' Overall. All Rents average Data of Date of Percentage Under $30.00 Percentage City Decontrol ourvev of lncrease Receiving Incr, of Increase alexandria, La. 4-25-49 4-51 19 84 53 New Castle, Ind. 2-14-52 4-51 29 76 50 Mayfield, V. 9-13-50 4-51 40 74 71 Bremerton & Port Orchard, Wash. 4- 8--48 4-51 13 68 52 Fremont, Ohio 10-12-49 4-51 32 88 46 Point Pleasant & Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. 3- 5-49 4-51 32 65 68 Sanford, Fla. 6-30-49 6•-51 53 96 85 Cecil County, M. 9-28-49 9.51 40 77 69 Muskegon, Mich. 6-30-51 11•-51 14 68 51 Danville, Pa. 12-21-49 3-62 44 92 57 Yours very truly ��;c D, Marzi e i Cor�^:issioner of L b les, audi.toriun and ums FDM:s / //' ' ^' / /, �� �� � /% J � � � �(�!. �� -( ;,. . 7 _�i /r v ✓�.. � ,/' /� � � ,. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA HOUSES - FAMILIES - POPULATION DUPLEXES APARTMENTS STORES USED FOR ROOMING HONSEETC PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER j HOTELS STORES OFFICES GARAGES 1952 MISCELLANEOUS SINGLES NtMER NUptgER FAMILIES LIVING QUARTERS NUMBER FAMILIES NUMBER FAMILIES NUMBER PERSONS PULER FAMILIES NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER FAMILIES NUMBER FAMILIES STATION BLDGS FAMILIES 2§1 993 BLDGS 90 lE9 29.3.- 1 1 ---zil -- - -_ 12 _ 12 _ 1 00140 DAYTON'S BLUFF 11115 12227 1462 3o62 -.51 _.._ 571 - 1326 10 10 ---- 100 4 - 399 72 4969 5 5 9 189 75 279 0 INWSTRLAL 10996 12048 1595 3299 901 3997 40 55 _496 2942 - - 573 23 997 - MAIN OFFICE 21 260 12 2595 575 1579 1 22 99 1153 � �_ MmT TRAIT SFETi 41 6 11 219 2 X35 5 5 21 1 110 9 - - 17919 - 3° RIVERVriA 2962 3 9 s5 1931 135 1 3 13 392 12 13 �i 975 — = - 2 7 — 1 ST GLAIR 11029 11 7 2 _ —49�-1369 -- 0069----E----- �— 373 -- 3851 25 - 1$�1 - 12 1 792 10 1 1 3 UP�IFf- 11 TOTALS 50971 12 56176 9326 17360 3990 22o41 144 157 1186 9919 29 937 3649 3495 37 37 6os 543 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS EXCLUSIVE OF FT SNEELLING NEU BRIGHTON NORTH ST PAUL WHITE BEAR LASE AND RURAL ROUTES collo 4 4104 _170— 349 -- 39 6 — io -- 247- ---— -- 1 -- 15--- - 62 - 24 -- 7 7 159 156 - DAYTON' S BLUFF 2 i 2590 92 25 2 5 - - - - - - 2 5 IND?'STRIAL 225 225 - _ - 1 10 - - - - 56 10 4 4 14 2_ W_ ST PAUL) 21.0 2254 160 29 4_2 110 - - - - - UPTOWN 19 - - - - - - - - 1 1 TOTALS 9091 9499 371 735 94 4o1 9 15 1 15 - - 163 43 17 19 294 292 FORT SNELLING NEW BRIGHTON NO ST PAUL AND WHITE BEAR (WITHIN CITY LIMITS) 4 12 FORT SNELLING 99 99 - - 3 39 - - 2 11 1 1 1 3 21 1 1 8 lOj NEvIBPly=::• )ill '�1'1Y 391 jg lg 12 1 5 [3 1 —� if--_-- 1TO�TrTA - 1 1 j - - 2 1 1 5 2 - - - 9 29 2 2 17 3 4lHIT� - 9 TOTALS 2699 101 2921 119 1 215 31 41 1 2 117 9 9 5 47 1 1 163 72 7 7 123 121 RURAL ROUTES - COMPLETE - - - 5 - DAYTON'S BL -RUR. 396 473 - - - _ - 1 1 1 15 - - - 7 NEW BRIGHT. -RUR. 3 0 449 6 13 -1 -1 3--- i --- 3 3 1s 7 __ io - - 3 - RSL;- R. 1020 1020 1 2 j -1 - - _ - — - 9 _ WHI B RUR 9 99 13 2 1 --� 1 - 2 - 25 - - 12 1 9 13 13 31 15 TOTALS 3225 3376 Ti 143 3 12 7 9 ST PAUL PROPER ITO ST PAUL, WITS REAR LAKE, FORT T'SID^ CITY LI?BITS- SI -MMM AND RURAL ROUTES YENT FAY• IL1ES POPULATIOIT TOTAL 97151 3 0023 1090 3.300 WON Rooming Rooming 1952 ' Houses Etc. 9319 349847 31134Q 772 eta Rooming Rooming s� 1950 Houses Etc. 311349 TOTAL P:CR.EASE 3,9499 NORTH ST PdJL (CITY) a Y AP, FA-TILIES POPULATICN TOTAL 1433 5015 ITO ST PAUL, WITS REAR LAKE, FORT Rooming SI -MMM AND RURAL ROUTES 1" 1952 Houses Etc. 5 5020 ■ 4249 1090 3.300 ib Rooming Rooming �!➢I 1950 houses Etc. - — 4248 TCT=kL n Ua SME 772 5012i—T ROT TDS Y71AR FAIIILIES POP'^.1TIOI' TOTAL 35 n 14 7 Rooming 14295 1952 Houses Etc_ 2` Rooming 1949 Touses Eto. 12 25'4 TOTAL D CiunSE 11599 ST PAUL - NOT IATMUDING N'TW BRIGHTON. ITO ST PAUL, WITS REAR LAKE, FORT r!TAL SI -MMM AND RURAL ROUTES 7220- YEAR FAMILIES POPULATION `OTAL 1090 3.300 Rooming 66 1052 Houses ^tc. 1 435a5 3 9 2539 Rooming 1049 Rouses Etc. 28 25424 TOTAL !70FE.SE 18391 7FHI'TF?ER (CITY) w ;;R F;l':ILI?S PC" LLATIGI? TOTIAL 1145 007 Rooming 19F2 rouses Etc. 2 14033 3n 6 Rooming 1950 Houses Etc. - 3646 T9iiL IKCREASE 397 CoP'PLETE TI A Al ITOT INC.JDI'G ST PA -L PPr)PER YEAS. F:U'IT 17" PCLU111'Il,iT r!TAL 1Sr,�,2 7220- 11 963 Rooming Rooming 1952 Houses Etc. 66 72274 139a 55352 Rooming 1g4qHouses Etc. 366 55417 _ TOTAL INCREASE 1;T57 NE9 BRIGHTON (CITY) YEAR FAAILIES POPULATION TOTAL 5 3 2252 11 963 Rooming Rooming 1952 Houses Etc. 5 2257 263 2218 Rooming 1950 Houses Etc, - 2218 TOTAL INCREASE 39 FORT SITELLING YEAR FAMILIES POPULATION TOTAL 149 59 11 963 Rooming Rooming 1952 Houses Etc. 11 60 263 1052 Rooming 1949 Houses Etc. 4 1056 TOTAL DECREASE 9 COPTLE'TE ST PAUL POSTAL DISTRICT FAMILIES AND POPULATION YEAR hU'ILIES POPULA^1IOIT TOTAL 11 963 --kO 90- Rooming 1992 Houses Etc 9906 414396 Rooming Houses Etc. xxxx xxx, TOTAL xxx vxxI xxxx HOUSE'S - FAMILIES - POPULATION PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 3. 1952 HOUSES & FAMILIES WITHIN CITY LIMITS CITY OF ST PAUL TOTALS 71239 97151 PERSONS ROOMING HOUSES REST HOMES ETC, 1196 9919 TOTAL HOUSES 72425 - - - - FAMILIES & POPULATION z— — CITY OF ST PAUL WITHIN CITY LIMITS FAMILIES POPULATION 97151 3028 !Rooming Houses, Rest Homes, Institutions, etc. 9819 TOTAL POPULATION 349847 HOUSING UNITS EXCLUSIVE OF NE)T BRIGHTON, NORTH ST PAUL, WHITE BEAR LAKE AND RURAL ROUTES SINGLES BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 ---�0o52 65675 1949 2648 603g2 INCREASE 7404 5293 DUPLEXES DUPLEXES BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 a697 19095 1949 64 20325 DECREASE - 7 - 2230 APARTMENTS APARZOTTS BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 4077 22442 1949 3581 20397 INCREASE 496 2045 HOTELS HOTELS BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 29 837 1949 �1-- 691 INCREASE - 2 15 MISCI ,LANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS FAMILIES --195£- 902 825 lq�q 9 M6 DECREASE - 9 4T1 ROOMING HOUSES, REST HOMES, etc. ROOMING HOUSES etc. PERSONS 1952 98 1944 19613 DECREASE - 9779 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA HOUSES - FAMILIES - PCJFCLATION DUPLEXES APARTMENTS STORES USED FORROOMING HOUSSES PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 3. 1952 HOTELS STORES OFFICES GARAGES MISCELLANEOUS SINGLES NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER FAMILIES LIVING QUARTERS NU1BER FAMILIES NUMBER PERSONS 17MER FAMILIES NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER FAMILIES NUMBER FAMILIES STATION BLDGS FAMILIES -5- -i BLDGS ----TE�'- FAMILIES 1_ - COM° ----- --— 4 _ _ _12 ----12 - _ ---l- 72 5 5 189 _ 279 DAYTOIT' S BLUFF 11115 12227 12o4s 1462 1585 3o62 3298 571 sol 1'26 10 10 3997 40 55 100 496 29 _398 - - -5-7-3V9-G--9 9 75 30 INDUSTRIAL 1o996 MAIN OFFICE 2139 2603 1253 2595 575 1579_ 14 22 98 1153 4 25 997 1 30 - - 53fi --�- fd INN 7�?ATd SFER 41 6 11 219 2 3 X35 21 1 110 9 - ---�- - - 179 19 6 0 3o 13 sIVPLRTn b a 2962 3 9 9 1931 1 3 5 5 1 sm CLAIR 11029 11 7 135 --_��-1 13 �---lo�6� _392 - -12 13 3�---��- 1 73 975 3951 - 25-$1�+--1z 1—X92--- io—�---�� _ UPTOW 1 9 TOTALS 50971 lz 56176 2 9326 17360 3980 22041 144 157 1196 9si9 29 937 3649 3495 37 37 Eos 543 _ OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS EXCLUSIVE OF FT SNELLING NEV BRIGHTON NORTH. ST PAUL WHITE BEAR LAKE AND RURAL ROUTSS Como 3974 4104-- 17° 349 _ -- 39 247 6 10 1 15 -- - 62 24 7 7 159 - -- - -- - -- --- -- ------ - G� -- 6- - 156 - M DA_TOIP� S BLUFF 2 590 92 25 3 2 - 5 - - - - 2 - 5 - - INZDT'STRIAL 22 225 - - 1 10 - - - - - - RIv RTT - 56 10 4 4 14 1 2 i _ �•..:.:.... UPR�AN 18 1 1 - TOTALS 9091 9499 371 735 94 4ol 9 15 1 15 - - 163 43 17 19 294 282 FORT SidELLING, NEV BRIGHTON, NO ST PAUL AND WHITE BEAR (WITHIN CITY LIMITS) 4 .,,. 12 - FORT SNETLTNG 99 99 - - 3 39 - - 2 11 - - 1 1 1 31 j 21 1 1 _ 103 a NEwB i ;_ --Af I1Y 391 39 19 12 1 1 5 5 - 7 �9 �- _ ITO SRN PAM- 31 1 3 - - 1 2 2 1 2 - - 9 29 2 2 17 3 WHIB MR--TTTT-q65-1O16 4G 61 31 s 47 1 1 163 72 7 7 123 121 TOTALS 2699 2921 lis 215 41 117 s 5 RURAL ROUTES - COMPLETE DAYTON' S BL -RU -R. 96 47 - - - - 1 1 1 15 - - - - - - 3 - 3 5 6 - 7 _ NEW BRIGHT, -RUR, 3 0 448 6 ---_2 13 --- - - 3 4 - -_ —_ _ i - - 7 3 - - - 18 7 IM V- 3 i- to - - _ R V�ER�i-IY; - R. 1020 1020 L57 54 1 z _ 3 - - - -, 4THI BAR-' BUR. �b 99 13 2 1 12 9 1 13 9 lj jl i5 -... TOTALS 3225 3376 71 143 3 12 7 9 2 25 - - ST PAUL PROPER TOTAL 1-SID7 CIT`_' LIMITS, Rooming YEAR FAMILIES POPULATIOIT TOTAL 97151 54 0o2q Rooming Rooming oes Etc, — 1950 Sus — 4249 1952 Rouses Etc. 9519 349847 lQ4 ' o,lses Etc. 29 3113'0 12 Rooming TG^_AL DECREASE 1950 Houses Etc. 11950 X11349 TOTAL nTCREkSE 39499 NORTH ST PAIL (CITY) Y 1:,R FA`dILIES POPULATICN TOTAL 5015 35..E Rooming 7?9n.--- FATTILIES POEULATIOIT 1952 Houses Etc. 5 5020 2' 1.952 Houses Etc. Rooming 14295 oes Etc, — 1950 Sus — 4249 TCTAL RICREAS 772 RURAL ROS" 'ES Y A= Fe9I4'T IES POPULATION TOTAL 35..E 14 72 7?9n.--- FATTILIES POEULATIOIT Rooming 10950 43900 1.952 Houses Etc. 25 14295 _ 646? 2,72 26 Rooming lQ4 ' o,lses Etc. 29 1949 Houses Etc. 12 257,4 TG^_AL DECREASE 115x9 ST PAUL - NOT IIICLUDING ?:EP! BRIGHTOIT, 0 ST PAUL, NHITE BEAR LAKE, FORT PC7U'L.1TIGi' S1-MMTG AND RURAL ROUTES 72201 7?9n.--- FATTILIES POEULATIOIT TOTAL 10950 43900 Rooming 66 1152 Houses 7te. 15 _ 3915 b349 2539 26 Rooming lQ4 ' o,lses Etc. 29 25424 TOTAL i:-0i:ILSE 19391 dHIT- ?EAR (CITY) Y AP. F=L`.I11-, S PC7U'L.1TIGi' TOTAL 72201 1145 007 Rooming 66 72274 1992 Houses Etc. 26 4033 263 3646 366 55417 Rooming 1 57 11950 es Etc_ - 3646 TOTAL P1CRFASE 397 COPPLEJ PA n= i P'OT INCLUDIi HOUSES FAMILIES POPULATION PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 3. 1952 HOUSES & FAMILIES WITHIN CITY LIMITS d1TY OF ST PAUL TOTALS 71239 97151 PERSONS ROOMING HOUSES REST HOMES ETC. 1186 gs19 TOTAL HOUSES 72425 — -- - FAMILIES & POPULATION— CITY OF ST PAUL WITHIN CITY LIMITS FAMILIES POPULATION 97151 —_ 3VO029 iRooming Houses, Rest Homes, Institutions, etc. ggig TOTAL POPULATION 349847 ' HOUSING UNITS EXCLUSIVE OF "T BRIGHTON, NORTH ST PAUL, WHITE BEAR LAKE AND RURAL ROUTES SINGLES BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 60052 X675 1949 2648 6o s2 INCREASE 7404 5293 DUPLEXES DUPLEXES BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 979-7 18095 1949 9364 20325 DECREASE - 667 - 2230 APART14MTS APART4r4'T.ITS BUILDINGS FAMILIES 1952 4077 22442 1949 3581 20397 INCREASE49620— HOTELS HOTELS BUILDINGS FAMILIES 195229 937 1949 681 INCREASE - 2 15 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS FAMILIES — I55z- — 902 825 1949 8 1296 -_ DECREASE - 9 - Ti ROOMING HOUSES REST HOMES, etc. ROOMING HOUSES etc. PERSONS 1952 -- 9934 1949 18613 DECREASE - 9779 SUOOB$!SD lOFX FOR COMlifli MN OF BENT CON2ROL 88SOLDTI01 (INCORPORATED 14CiLI2M) Pursuant " Section ;N*(f) of the Housing and Fact Act of 1947, as Amended, the _ rt' ,0-�U1 t ._. ,the guver'"', bodyt,of the Incorporated 4Uof Stas of _LW,,vdw o t1. , hereby declares by this reee? ntlon adopted this day of >Wjt�h , 19$2, that a sxibstantial shortage of housing accom•odatians exists plop requires the continuance of Federal rent control in the I + 1. ( ��AIQI O 9 age Of It is further resolved that a duly certified copy of this. resolution shall promptly be sent to the Director of Fent Stabilisation, Washington, D. C• wwaaaaawawaaaaawwawawawaaaaaaawwwaawa I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the above resolution. Dated this day of , 1952. )SLonature) FOM To be effective, this resolution must be adopted on or before September 29, 1952, at a time when Federal rent control is In effect inthe locality. 5 R E N T 0 0 N T R 0 L rOR AGAINST St.Paul Trades & Labor Assembly Jewish War Veterans of the V.S.A. 26 General Drivers,Looal Union No. 120. St. Paul Lodge No. 593 Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butoher Workmen of North Amerioa International Union of Eleotrioal, Radio & Maohine- Workers, Looal 1117 Sooiety of St. Vinoent de Paul Tenants at 79-81 Summit Ave. Building & Construotion Trades Oounoil Townsend Club No. �j12-Fourth Congressional Diet. 647 others Ell EXECUTIVE DIVISION FIRST CLASS mutteb btateq V05t (office IN A MElRION INRIALS AND GATE SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA AAVD-rP September 11, 1952. Agnes H. OtConnell, City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 21 Mihnesota. My dear Madam+ Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of September 9, 1952, reference to the question of rent controls. As an officer of the federal government we can take no part In discussions concerning another agency of the government, but we do make and do have housing surveys for our own use and information. One will be completed within the next few days and any information contained therein we shall be glad to furnish to the Honorable City Council, for such informa- tion as it contains reference to the present housing situa- tion in the City of Saint Paul. If any individual representing the City Government desires such information I shall be glad to give them a copy and explain it to them. Very truly yours, Ct4k�tthux A. van Dyke Postmaster. JEROME L. LOBERG. BU.IN [ee R.I. MARTIN J. O-DONNELL. PR[.. NICK SMITH. FIN. SA., -TR[.. -R THOMAS J. DONOHUE. Vlc[-PR[e. VICTOR E. LAPA KK O, Becw eTAwv WM. REGLIN, EX—TIVEBOARD HARVEY L. JOHNSON. Exec. BD. WALTER DEFIEL. EKec. BOARD ffnEevzaEionaf .- HOD CRRRIERS, BUILD106 & COMMOn LHBOURS 2100 Of MENU / X.=f Z/VWjEz 132 520 UNIVERSITY AVENUE • DALE 7536 SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA °®'® September 18, 1952 The Hon. Mayor and the City Council City Ball and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs: At our last regular meetin,, our Union representing 3,500 citizens of the City Of St. Paul unanimously instructed me to noteriodify o r er- Tionorable Body to extend rent controls for the maximum p mitted by law. It is our firm belief that a relaxation of rent controls will only mean an indirect way to cut wages and working conditions. The lifting of rent controls can only result in immediate rent increases which will prove to be a hardship on the wage earners in this city. In those cases where the demanded increases cannot be met, the inevitable result will be a drastic reduction in the standard of living for those families affected. Tale believe that relaxation of rent controls at this time will give added im�,etus to the rapidly rising cost of living and can only result in another round of general wage demands. It is virtually imp to take the position that organized labor should "hold the line" while those who determine costs of living increase prices beyond the limit of the mage earner's ability to pay. We earnestly urge the council to unanimously extend rent controls. yours very truly, INTERNATIONAL HOD CARR1i,,RS, BUILDING & COMMON LABORERS UNION OF AMERICA CAL NUI�iB]sR n Jerome L. Loberg JLL/J'bs CITY PLANNING BOARD &dnt Paul, minnaota. Summary of Building Construction Compiled August 18, 1952 Between 1945 and 1951 inclusive, there have been permits issued for the construction of 9,577 units. 7,138 single family units 200 duplex units 2,239 multifamilyunits There were 560 units destroyed due to Capitol Approach and condemnation proceedings in the same period. Owner- Rental (Occupancy) Family Units Year Owner Occupancq - Percent Rental - Percent Total No. Vacant Vacant-% 1934# 29,774 ` 41.6 38,101 53.3 71,570 3,695 5.12 1940- 37,040 45.4 42,617 52.5 83,234 2,737 3.3 1950** 50,000 53. 43,400 46 93,400 1,200 1.28 *Source: Real property Inventory 1934 **,Source: Dept. of Census Report Block Statistics DIRECTORS F. MiCamp Welfare 36oarb D1V181� ceu¢ Eri¢. Cw.iw�ux MYINI,iRAT1VC $orv�co RicwAwu J. OF THE F�srw�ev�v�cea Mw.. W—u ,A. W—Awe MAS Kea �aniiu —%,e.—m. M. D. CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMfBY —K J. acw— Sx. 1616 COURT HOUSE r. R—L Bo—. SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA Ex—Ve S.cweiAwY ,eavicv T. -wows September 16, 1952. Mr. Bernard T. Holland, City Councilman City of Saint Paul Saint Paul. Kinnesota Dear Sir: As per your request of recent date, there follows an estimate of rent paid and included in Welfare recipients grants per month: Direct Belief - $11,500.00 Aid to Dependent Children - 17,100.00 Old Age Assistance - 52,000.00 Total per month - $80,600.00 Total annually -$967,200.00 - 071 9G/ I trust this is the information you desire. Respectfully submitted, GJ. C. Hambrick Auditor jch/hl �� An NICC AIR MAN MRS. CHARLES T. SURNLHY ' VICE CHAIRMAN SYDNEY W. GOFF Houdng and Redevelopment? AnthoritqRYLAN.LCRD J. LYARY ROTHSCHILD YRGLDRLR OF LAWRENCE C. MERTHAN THE CITY OF $T. PAUL, FISHER MINNESOTA FRED W. F .< ISHERR .— September 12, 1952 1745 City Hall and Court House SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA The Honorable City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: You have requested that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, along with the Office of Rent Stabilization, the Ramsey County Welfare Board, the St. Paul Board of Realtors and the United States Post Office Department, report upon the facts as to whether or not there exists in the city of St. Paul a substantial shortage of rental housing unite. The current information which we can make available to you is limited to statistics on the present low rent public housing and urban redevelopment programs, and for this reason we are not in a position to make any recommendations or to express any opinion on the rental situation on a city wide basis or on the subject of extension of rent controls. Our office has received, as of September 1, 1952, a total of 4,147 applications for low rent public housing. Of these applications, 2,441 have been rejected because of income in excess of the eligibility limits which were estab- lished in the spring of 1951 and remain in effect. Most of these 2,441 rejected applicants reported incomes however which were not in excess of eligibility limits by more than $100 to $200. Although no records on the subject were kept, I believe it is fair to state that our office has had inquiries from at least another 3,000 interested families, but from whom no formal applications were taken because the applicants were obviously ineligible for public housing. Of the remaining total of 1,706 eligible and pending applications, 628 families have already been assigned to the John J. McDonough and Franklin D. Roosevelt Romeo. Assignment to the remaining 184 dwelling units at the McDonough Homes will be made,as soon as the buildings are completed and delivered to us by the contractors, out of the eligible and pending list of 1,078 applicants. With a continual flow of new applications being received daily, it is apparent that when full occupancy is reached of the 832 dwelling unite now nearing completion, there will be a back- log of nearly 1,000 applicants eligible for low rent public housing for whom no accommodations will be available. As you are aware, the program for redevelopment of the areae east and west of the Capitol Approach is now being reviewed by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and it is anticipated that this program will be under way in the very near future. Our surveys in these areae, comprising approximately 39 city blocks, The Honorable City Council September 12, 1952 page 2. indicate that approximately 1,000 families are now occupying rental housing in these areae, and that 60% of them pay rents lose than $30 per month, with an additional 33% paying rents between $30 and $50 per month. 57% of the families in the area reported annual income of lees than $31000. The redevelopment plan proposes gradual relocation of these families over a period of approximately 4 years, and it is apparent that rental housing will have to be found for nearly all of those who are renting at the present time. I trust the information reported in this letter will be of assistance to you. If further details are desired on W phase of our public housing or redevelopment activities, we shall be pleased to report further at your request. Very truly yours, FEED W. FISHER Executive Director and Counsel FWF:tl DIRECTOR`S Micxwel. F. Erna, Cxwi.wnx County Welfare oarb DIV IBIONS Aoxlxirtnwtive 9vrvico Fnwxw J. 6cw.aiFm. en., V IceCxwinxwx Fircu 8uvic® Mm. W—.A.W-1— OF THE Mw xol xov�nu. 5Ar S. G— CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY ex.wYaeY Fnm P. MErxm R— 1. 1618 COURT HOUSE warm re �«,w�savice. Iro Ex¢vr'vasmlerwm SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA evrvicn io cxnnnw September 11, 1952 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk,. 586 City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota. Dear Mrs O'Connells Thank you for the invitation to attend the public hearing on September 16th in the City Council Chamber on the question of continuance of rent controls after September 30th. Mr. Spencer E. Brader will be Executive Secretary of the Ramsey County Welfare Board effective September 15th. I am referring your invitation to his. Sincere yours, (Mise) Ruth L. Bowman, Executive Secretary. rlb/smm OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION ST. PAUL BRANCH FENT OFFICE 205 FEDERAL COURTS BLDG. ST. PAUL 2, MINT<'• Sept. 10, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, and Members of the Council City of St. pawl, Minnesota Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt° of telephone inquiry from Mr. Harold Horden requesting information on the Housing purvey recently com- pleted in the City of St. Paul by the United States Bureau of Census. Immediately after speaking to Mr. Riorden I contacted our "ashington office via telephone and was informed that the Census Bureau promised delivery of their report to the National Office by Wednesday, �ptember 10th. I was assured that immediately upon receipt of the report it will be transmittedto this office via teletype. As soon as the report is received by this office it will be submitted to you so that in all probability it will be in your hands by Thursday or rriday of this week at the latest. Also, please be advised that I have been informed by Dr. Arthur A. Van - Dyke, postmaster, that the Yost Office Department is to make a survey of the City commencing Wednesday, September 10th. It will require about 3 days to complete the survey and an additional 10 days to prepare the statistical report. This would indicate that a report from the Postal Authorities will be available on or about September 23rd. A separate report is now being prepared by the Ramsey County Welfare Board according to Miss Huth Bovman, its Executive Secretary. •thetis end ofr pected that this report will also be available for study y the current week. It is believed that the Census Bureau report will be inclusive of infor- mation received from the bt. raul Board of healtors and the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority as contact was made with these groups by the Census Bureau representatives. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. lobtello Associate Area Rent Director Ilb TFC:nz \ September 10, 1952 Mr. Fred Fisher Executive Director and Counsel Housing and Redevelopment Authority Court House Dear Mr. Fisher: The City Ocunoil will hold a public hearing on Se embeX 16th at -lit 01 A in the City Qoisnoil Chamber in tip ity Hall and ourt Ouse Building, on the question of continuance of rent controls after September 90th. You are invited to attend this meeting and speak on the subject, if you wish. 'eery truly yours, city Olerk September 10, 7952 Mise Puth L. Bowman Executive Secretary Board of Public Welfare Court House Dear Mies Bowman: The City Council win hold a publio hearing on Sth tuber 16 M in the City 0ouncil Chamber in ity Ha11 an�a 11 on the question of continuance of rt "O"was, eiiiiding, rent controls after September 30th. You are invited W attend this meeting and speak on the subject, if you wish. Very truly yours, City Olerk September lo, 1952 Dr. A. A. Van Dyke Postmaster 18o E. Kellogg Blvd. St. paul 1. ?4innesota Dear Dr. Van Dyket The oity Council will hold Q uracil Chamber earingionthe itye8a16 a p AwM., in the City and ourt House Buildirg, on the question of continuance of rent oontrols after September 30th. You are invited to attend this meeting and speak on the subject, if you wish. Very truly yours, 0ity cies![ Beptember 10i 1952 Mr. Chandler B. Davie President St. Paul Board of Peaitors Guardian Life Building .St. Paul 1, Minnesota Dear Mr. Daviel The City Oounoil will hold a publio hearing on Be ember 165,E a 00 p M in the City Counoil.Chamber in the ity an-' �'aourt Ouse Huildirgs on the queetlon of aontinuatwe of rent oontrols after September 30t11. and speak on the sulr You are innv tom : attend this It meeting seot� Very truly yours# city Clerk September 10, 1952 %r. Thomas F. Costello Associate Area rent Director 7_05 %deral Courts Building St. Paul 2., Minnesota De!ir 1-fr. Costellot "e tha`* you for the information contained in your letter of September 10th, addressed to the City Council. "he Council will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chamber at 11100 a.m. on September 16th on the question of whether or not they should continuo rent controls after September 30th. If you. or any representatives of your office, desire to attend this hearing you will be welcome either to take part in the discussion or listen. Very truly yours. City Clerk ST. PAUL BRANCH BERT OFFICE 205 FEDERAL COURTS BLDG. ST. PAUL 2, XINN. Sept. 10, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, and Members of the Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: this is to acknowledge receipt of telephone inquiry from Mr. Harold Riordan requesting information on the Housing Survey recently com- pleted in the City of St. Pail by the United States Bureau of Census. Immediately after speaking to Mr. Riordan I contacted our "ashington office via telephone and was informed that the Census Daman promised delivery of their report to the Rational Offica ty Wednesday, S,ptember 10th. I was assured that immediately upon receipt of the report it will be transmitted to this office via teletype. As:soon as the report is received by this office it will be submitted to you so that in all probability it will be in your hands by Thursday or Friday of this week at the latest, Also, please be advised that I have been informed by Dr. Arthur A. Van. Dyke, Postmaster, that the Post Office Department is to make a survey of the City Gonmencing Wednesday, September 10th. It will require about 3 days to complete the survey and an additional 10,days to prepare the statistical, report. This would indicate that a report from the Postal Authorities will be available on or about September 23rd. A separate report is now being prepared by the Ramsey County Welfare Board according to MissButh Bowman, its Executive S*dretary. It is ex- pected that this report will also be available for study by the and of the current week. It is believed that the Census Bureau.report will be incl o � of infor- mation received from the St. Paul Board of Realtors and,the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority as contact was made with these groups by the Census Bureau representatives. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Costello Associate Area Rent Director TFCnns ' , Ctv of '�$atin# pan[ �tinnesnfu ,Veyartment of '�ibraries, Aubitarium anis fflusei:ms CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE- 2 FRANK D. MARZITELLI.COMMISSIONER EDWARD A. FURN1. A-1 1---R-ENDENT HERMAN R FRANKE, DEPDTY COM1I1510NER PERRIE JONES. LIR-IAN September 15, 1952 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Upon receipt of the report from the Office of Rent Stabilization relative to whether a shortage of housing accommodations exist9,it would be well for us to have an inside view of the income structure of our St. Paul citizenry. The following analysis of the income structure as taken from the records of the Department of Taxation, State of Minnesota, will give us information on the income of our St. Paul citizens, establishing their ability or inability to pay present, and possibly increased rents which will result from failure on our part to extend rent regulations beyond September 30, 1952: Number of Percentage Accumulated Gross Income Taxpayers Distribution Percentage 0 — 900• 1494 1.63 1.63 1000 - 1900* 9794 10.68 12.31 2000 - 2900 20685 22.55 34.86 3000 — 3900 25859 28.20 63.06 4000 — 4900 16356 17.83 80.89 5000 — 5900 7025 7.66 88.55 6000 - 6900 3029 3.30 91.85 7000'— 9900 3382 3.69 95.54 10000 — 19900 2779 3.04 98.58 20000 — 29900 640 .70 99.28 30000 — 39900 277 .30 99.58 40000 — 49900 137 .15 99.73 50000 — 99900 194 .a 99.94 100000 — and over 59 .06 100.00 I am of the opinion that the above information relating to ability or inability on the part of our citizens to pay rent increases should be given considerable weight, for when it is recognized (as stated in 2 the 1950 United States Census on Housing for SttP�,Minnesrenter o oupied, that 40,715 or 43.6 percent of all dwelling s it can be readily agreed that any action on our part seriously affects the social and economic wellbeing of a substantial number of :_'tizens. Rent represents one of the three basic necessities of life; namely, food, shelter and clothing. Since rent represents the greatest single cost item in the family budget, we should be gravely concerned with the effect and result that our determination relating thereto ll adjust- ment. upon those of our citizens who may be unable to meet anyupward neat. Because of the existing shortage of housing accommodations, there can be no doubt but that there will be a push—up of the rent and purchase price level, which will raise the cost of living. The inflation of rents will bring about a serious impact, inducing what may be referred to a "inflation spiral', unless there occurs an immediate increase in the number of housing accommodations within the ability of Our citizenry to pay. The property owner is deserving of and is entitled to and should receive a fair and reasonable return u�s investment. resultikewisso from the tenant should not be required to payexcessive of housing accommodations. There is a serious doubt that any increase in housing accommodations will be realized early enough to prevent excessive rents, for we must recognize the necessity for the fulfillment of our preparedness program established for the defense of our country. This program requires the allocation of many basic materials used in the construction of housing accommodations. It must be remembered too that even though we could double the number of housing accommodations, we could still "lose our shirts* unless people have money with which to rent or purchase them. It is expressed by many that inflation appears to be progressing rapidly in the United States, and if it is to be controlled it must be curbed promptly. We should recognize uncontrolled inflation as the terrible scourge that it is and should do all in our power to prevent it. In discussing the question of the need for controls and regulations, it may be well, when the question is raised as to how soon controls can be hey are discontinued, if we first purposes whichearn madeth m necesnd know saarytas war measued res; o the special ures;and the modifications of these purposes peculiar to the transition back to peace and a peacetime economy. 'hie special economic controls which war has forced upon us are no not i and themselves desirable. To this most of the general pub w _3.. sound public policy would require that having served their purpose, a major objective in reconversion would be the removal of controls as soon as hecourse, in beat of allycontrols are no lin this matteonger er is reconversion, he the speedy construction Of housing accommodations. This and the foragainstces of competition lation or exploitation* should become the consumer s beat safeguard The abandonment of rent controls presupposes that competition is in reasonably effective working order, and also implies that the structure of the industry permits healthy competition. It is my opinion, therefore, that conditions in St. Paul have not yet reached the point where decontrol would be advisable in the light of the following factss 1. Inability on the part of our citizenry to pay high rents 2. Existence of wage and salary controls 3. Existence of the Preparatory Defense Program 4. Shortage and/or allocation of building construction materials 5. Inflationary effect that will be brought about while relationship of supply and demand are still abnormal 6. Further reduction in the number of dwelling units being brought about by the city and the state 7. Transition period --if controls are not extended— vould fall during the winter montha, at the expanse of human hardship, misery and want. 8. Shortage of lar—coat housing. Since it is our responsibility to protect and promote the prosperity and the economic and social welfareo offa p public citizens, that duty requires Maya well be discharged by recognizing continuation of rent regulations beyond September 30, 1952. Yours very truly Commissioner o rariea, Auditorium and Museums FDMsa DIRECTORS yy M --F. E- Cxnigwnv Countp Welfare Jgoarb Fgnrvq J. Scv�eirea, Sq., Vice{xniaw.v • Mm. Wi�eux A. W....Fiscn�Scav�c¢a DIV(BIONS Aowixisianiive Seavicsa OF THE Snw S. OR— Menic�� seav CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY FNE. P. M[wi. R., L. sawwnx, 1616 COURT HOUSE EcecVirve Seca— owe w SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Sotiwusenv c® September 10, 1952 Mr. Thomas F. Costello Associate Area Rent Director 205 Federal Courts Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Costello: Sometime ago the St. Paul City Council requested a study of the housing situation in St.Paul and has asked you to submit a report to it. This report may in part determine the action of the City Council in extending or abolishing rent controls in this city. You may make this letter a part of your report to the City Council. As you well (mow, the problem of obtaining adequate low cost housing has been one which has troubled the County Welfare Board for mar4y years. The public housing program has eased the situation somewhat in that low cost housing for not only persons with low incomes but for people who are in need of and are receiving public assistance is more available than it has been in the past. We find that we now have few families we have to house in hotels for any long period of time as we were forced to in the past when no housing was available and families with children could not find rental housing at reasonable rent. However, the social service staff,who are dealing with families who have extremely low incomes or no private incomes and must accept relief or other public assistance, state that those families not eligible for public housing or families who cannot be placed there because there is not enough of it, have great difficulty in obtain decent housing at reasonable rentals. This is particularly true of families with children. The staff has indicated that there are mamy conscientious landlords whose rents in comparison with rentals being paid in other housing are low. Many of the families living in poor and sub -standard housing are paying high rents for the type of housing in which they live and they feel and have actually been told by landlords that if rent controls go off, the rentals will be raised. The consensus of the staff actually working with the low income families dr families receiving public assistance is that if rent controls are removed, the cost of housing, particularly in- adequate housing, will increase and the additional cost will fall on the taxpayers. About 20% of our direct relief expenditures now go for pay- ment of rent. The percentage of other public assistance expenditures, Mr. Thomas F. Costello — 2 ' would represent mel., Old Age Assistance and Aid to Dependent t i-ttals�will, of course, the same amount Any increase and since the majority of approximately the coat would mean increased public assistance exp the families receiving public assistance are renters, have to be borne by the taxpayers' it is the opinion of our staff that rarcontrols here even prior effective, Particularly in the ,b and housingd to to rent controls no repairs were made and the utirelycontinue f reach ofathe r ate. Mat�P of the new homes are, of Course, oY housing might be low income families so that even though this type available, the cost to the City and County would be exorbitant• If there would be time to give you a more complete report costs and adequacy of the rental, housing which isto ail ble to Dependent of housing Old Age Assistance and that a the recipients of direct relief, I understand Children, we will be glad to do so - decision decision must be made by the City Council before the 30th of September. We will be able, I believe, to t ake a sampling of our cases if it would assist the City Council in coming to a declaion.with regard to this Problem. Sincer youra� 6�1�� ( a) Ruth L. Bowman rlbtrj Executive Secretary AWM, st 1. 19$2 Mr. rred W. '9. aher Bousinr & 19develoTnent Authority 3UI1,7)I }i@ Dear Mr. 'M short A few days ago we addressed a lett©r to the Pert Control Office a*LC thm to confer with several groupso inoluding you*•o. and mram a report to 4he nnnnoi3 as to whsthor or not thnro exists LZ the City of St. Paul, a substnntial shortage of rentnl housiM units. Mayor John T. Danbney instructed us to advise the lUminr rind Podaram�mOnE lnahority that they may matesa separate report to the Council on this subject if they so desire. Vary truly yours. City Clerk Samot 1, 3952 Mr. Cheadlor B. Davis. President St. Paul Board of 'Ioaltors Guardian Lift Building St. Paxil. 1. Minnesota Dear Mr. Daviel A few days ago we addressed a letter to the 'tenttrod office asking them to confer with several groups, including yo to the Council as to whether or not there w ets in the City of et. Paul a substantial shortage of rental housing units. Mayor John B. Daubney instructed us to advise the St. Paul Board of Realtors that they may make a separate report to the Council on this subject if they w desire. Very truly yours. City Clerk Excerpt from the Minutes of the Council — July 22nd, 1952 Mayor Daubney announced that the Council will now consider the advisability of extending rent control when the same expires under Federal legislation on Sept. 30th. Resolution was submitted by Comer. Marsitelli declaring that a shortage of rents} housing accommodations exists In the City of Saint Paul which requires the continuance of rent control under the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended. A letter of Oomsr. Marzdtel li pointing out the reasons why the resolution should be adopted was read. Attached to Comer. Marzitelil's letter was a letter of Paul A. Vanstrum, Area Rent Director, explaining the law in this matter, including the rights of landlords. Letter of Stuart Rothman, Director of Housing and Redevelopment, explaining the state lar was read. Letters of St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council, J. S. Martin, John Boyden, The Society of St. Vincent Ds Paul, urging that the Council take action to continue rent control, were read. Letter of Roger F. Noreen was read, with reference to certain provisions of the law. Wm. E. Brennan, Chairman of the Civic Committee of the Trades and Labor Assembly, said that that group strongly favors rent control. Mrs. N. 0. Lawler, representing the Toomsend Club No. 12, urged that rent control be retained for a period of 2 yrs. and filed a letter signed by herself and Mrs. Elizabeth Clustafson# State District Chairman, to that effect. Al J. Otto, Representative in the State Legislature from the Fourth Ward, s oke in favor of rent control and said that he could fill the Auditorium with people who would like to be heard in favor of it. go said that he had secured the passage of a concurrent resolution at the last session of the legislature, asking Congress to extend rent control for another 2 yrs., and that the resolution was passed unanimously in the House. He said he believes rent control is a fine thing for a city which is trying to get new industries, and claimed that there is stili a shortage of housing. He said if the city does not act, he will petition the Governor for a speoial session of the legislature. Mayor Daubney explained the law and said that it is not likely that St. Paul will be designated as a vital defense area. He siplained the alternatives. Mr. Rothman's letter was read at this time. Leo Kelly, representing the St. Vincent Ds Paul Society, said that they repre- sent a group of poor people and that they are always looking for housing for them. Se urged continuance of controls and said that he can provide figures, If necessary. Otto Simon, representing the CIO supported the resolution and said that the Council has the obligation to help its citizens by extending rent controls. He said there is a definite need for controls as long as there is a housing shortage. Mr. Wilfred Weber, 531 0altie r, said that he is a landlord and the owner of 7 housing units and that he favors rent control and in making a fair income of the Legislative of Realtors, opposed the oontinuanoe of rent control and said that most of the landlords are small ones who have an extra house or building which they acquired by their savings. He discussed the term *findings of fact* and said that the courts have held that that expression does not include a mere expression of opinion. He alleged that there is not a shortage of rental housing and cited figures of the amount of vacancy, year by year since 1933. He said that the vacancy average between 1935 and 1941 was 1.731 and said that sometimes a figure on vacancy had gotten down as low as .2 X. He said that the 1950 vacanoiss were 1200 units, constituting 1.28under the new census figures. He further said that the average rental per unit according to the 1950 census figures in St. Paul was $40.20. He said that 50% of the occupants Of the newly-oonstruoted Sibley Manor are from Minneapolis. He said it cannot be honestly claimed that St. Paul rentals are high and pointed.out that some rentals include heat, utilities, eto. He cited figures indicating that rentals have increased since 1942 only, 13%, whereas the cost's of many other things have increased to a far greater extent. 8e cited figures showing increases in the wage scales of various orafts in the building trades, and said that any one who believes that those increases are justified must also agree that some rental inoreases are in order so that owners can afford to employ building tradesmen to make necessary repairs. He read from letters from officials of various cities to the effect that the discontinuance of rent control has not done any damage and that there have been few abuses or hardships. Be further said that if we control and regiment the people, private capital will not be invested for the construction of new rental property. He said that he has oonsiderable more material on the subject, if desired, and further said that there are few hardship oases among tenants, and at least as many landlord hardship oases. He said that the 0ouncil to not justified in adopting such a reso- lution unless then find as a fact that there is a substantial shortage of rental housing. Howard Belmont, owner of 8 units on W. Seventh St. said that he has 3 vacancies, charges low rental, and that the bulUing needs many repairs which he cannot afford to maks. Barbara Levy, 165 No. Avon, owner of an apartment building, said that there is no houslnnnngggg shorts eI that she has very fine apartments bringing a gross Income of on $2,06 .00 a yr.- that she most provide heat, keep the apart- mente in cepa r, eta. She sums that owners of buildings which need repairs will make the same if oontrols are off; otherwise not. , She also said that she has to take abuse from tenants and that they damage her property. Comer. Mariitelli said that his father and other relatives own rental property and that he is acquiring some himself, and said that he does not seek to impose on either the landlords or tenants. Be read from the law regarding hardship adjustments for owners and said that in hie remarks made recently, he did not mean that the law guarantees the owner 20X on his investment as indicated in the article In the press. He said that under the present laws no landlord need suffer hardship, and if he does, that it is bis own fault. Another owner opposed the resolution and said that it is hard to get building trades to do small repair jobs. Mr. Otto again urged adaption of the resolution and said that some rentals have been greatly increased in the downtown. Mrs. White, owner of rental property at 1528 Sherburne and 502 Ashland, said that she cannot afford to make repairs to her property and cited the high cost of such repairs. Walter Finn, representing the United Auto Workers 0I0, said that Mr. Thomsse es only of the the average wagenrateein his organizationdISSabo teii group* per hr. 29 that recommended that xists andials confer Said that he would be williners to geto towork withne a hoaxing shortage nits them. Be claimed that there is a shortage of rentalhousing people in the m'ddle and lows-inoome groups. He opposed sreteAdum the subject, olaiming that the natter has been a political football too long. from owner propertyin St. Paul opposed the resolution and said thatoe edhas to take abuse from her tenants. A. Huebner said that the oontrolsnow in force are not square.bawd A resident of Anoka, owning property on scales 10 yrs. old. He favored a referendum on the subject. Mrs. Lawler spoke briefly again. over to Wednesdayer , theohour being late ®on so thatthat themembersof thee0ounoil can dusouse the matter. Comer. Xarzitelli said that he does not oppose such a motion. Roll call on the motion - Yeas - 6 says - 0 motion oarried. is ';aaerpte of the Minutes of the Council of suly 23. 1952• The council again considered the subject of rent control. Mayor Dambney said that the question before the Council is a resolution submitted by Comer. Maraitelli yesterday. declaring that a shortage of rental housing a000medatiota exists in the city and continuing rent control under the Federal Bonsiag and Rest Act. owcoion 'be referred to the POOP18 comer. Martinson Couaseltprepare thehat the staeceseaiy instrasentee to submmitftheaga s at that cthe omer. Sept. 9th Primary Elactian. Comer. Harsitelli objected to the proposed roferandum and said that the Federal statute provides that local governing bodies am determine whether or not to oontiaue rent controls and that in the event the governing body fails to � for suchad r sureteSeSS, the tthateths petition for a. referendum. kis said that no group Council should face and determine this problem themselves- es - In reply to a question by Comer. Rosen. L. P. sLeeban, d Eloy wish, sus- pendthe Council stag determine its own method of procedure and may. f pend the rules and vote on the above motion before acting on the resolution. Comer. Martinson than moved that the rules of the Counail be suspended insofar as neceeeary to permit a roll call on,his motion before a roll call on the resolution. Roll mall — Leae - Comsre. Halvorson, Mortineon, Dmibney (Mr. President) .. 3 Nays - Comers. Marsiteili. Paterson. Rosen The motion was lost. Cater. Mortineon said that he belteveethis question should be referred to the voters and that they are entitled to act on it. He said he believes that Saab an action VdW not show my cowardice on the part of the Coanoll. Mayor Daubney said that he had csmpaigagi for his ofiiae partly on the proposition that the oitisens are entitled to vote on such matters, and that he does not see any aowardice on the part of the Council in submitting the gneetion rather pebeie theii�0ioftvoiee themselves. He said he believes such an action would be just giving their government' Comer. Marsitelli saifl that the City Charter outlines the conditions under which the aiti- sene may demand a referendum. Re said that the public wnid not have sn opportunity to determine the facts as to a housing shortage as would the'Ctty 0omwil. He quoted parts of the ad that if d at Yederal. statute end conduct a Public hearing to sua determinethe questis not ion of whethers times tb* Councila shortage of rental housing exists. le whethsr Caner. Halvorson expressed the opinion that no one knows better than the peop such a hanging shortage does exist. Comer. Martinson moved that a study be made of the housing situation in St. Paul to determine whether or not there in a shortage. that Sine providing briskly that the city offail itself of the repilittes of th"OuComer. Mar2ltelli then submitted a written motion e 0f as of Rent stabiliastion and ask them to make a survey of the housing situation in the City. Council Mayor Danbney auggeeted that in addition to boa office of Rhavi��nfosrmation Onethe sub - invite the Housing Auftority and any other group agency ject, to aseist the 04unail in arriving at a determination. i Comer. Martinsonsaid that si hat hal can word him Ownmotion$' ager. Rosen said that if the question is submitted to the people for a vote, that those of tfavorethe of tinuancebion cellos opponents ofethe 1pro pogal could He said that he has had calls from people who are destitute and cannot afford even a small increase In their rent. Re opposed the referendum proposal and asked for a roll call on the resolution at a time when the full membership of the Council is present. Comer. Mortinson moved that the resolution be laid over from day to day until the question of housing shortage has been determined by the Council with the assistance of the Rousing Authority, Welfare Board. and Board of Realtors. Mayor Daoubney suggested that a public Rearing be held on the subject at which time the Council will hear evidence from the Rent Control Office. the Rousing Authority, and any others who have evidence to present so that the Council can determine the question. Comer. Mortinson amended his motion to conform to the Mayors suggestion. Comer. Meraitelli moved as a substitute as followst The City of St. Paul avail itself of the facilities of the Office of Rent stabilisation by requesting that agency to make a survey of the housing situation of this City, to consult with the St, Paul Rousing and Redevelopment Authority, Ramsay County Welfare Board, St. Paul Board of Realtors. At the earliest possible date, a report of the factual information thus obtained shall be furnished the Mayor and members of the City Council immediately upon Conclusion of the survey. Further, that the matter now under consideration be laid over from day to day pending receipt of the factual information requested, and that as soon as practicable thereafter the subject be reconsidered in the light of the findings obtained as a result of the survey conducted for the purpose. so that final disposition of the problem may be predicated on facts, which do not appear to be sufficiently in evidence to the satisfaction of all concerned to justify affirmative action at the present time. Comer. Martinson moved that the substitute motion be emended by adding postal author— ities. ff Comer. Marsitelii said he had no objectiu�: Roll call on the substitute motion — 7eas - B Mays - 0 Notion carried. Judy 2.4k 1952 office of Rent Stabilisation rederel Courts Building St. Paul 2, Mi•nesota Gontlemecul in connection with its consideration of a resolution eAew in, renE eo,trols after September 90th. 1952. the St. Paul city Council requests that the office of Rent Stabilisation make a SVXVW of the rental houeint; situation in ort.ge ofat qLe earliest sunh- datiioons. end report theirsible datee to findings there 4a ®shortage the city Oounal.l. In connection i4th your sarw7s the Oouncil. requested that You consult a1Eh the St. Pant Beueint; and BadeVelopment Authorit8 in the Oity Hall and 0ourt House, the Ramsey Qouuty welfare BoeuA, also in the City Ball and Court Hougs, the St. Paul Board of Realtors, and ooetal authnrities. Very truly yours, City Clerk Siaae it is apparent that the Mayor and certain members of the City Council are somewhat reluotant to adopt a resolution to the offset that a substantial shortage of housing accommodations exists in the City of St. Paul, the adoption of which resolution would automatical�� extend Federal Hent Control 6a4...1 -0—M -08,eTind r the 1952 Amendments to the Housing and Hent dot of 1947, as Ascended, mad Since it appears to be quite evident that this relnctamoe is based upon uncertainty as to whether or not a substantial shortage of housing accommodation does or does not is fact exist in the City of St. Paul I therefore move thatt The City of St. Paul avail itself of the facilities of the Office of Hent Stabilization by requesting that age mate a survey of the housing situation of this City t the earliest possible date t a report of the feotnal information thus obtai a urnished the Mayor and members of the City Counoil 1 mediately upon conclusion of the survey. I Bother move that the matter now under consideration be pending reosipt of the factual War - nation requested, and that as soon as practicable there- after the subject be reconsidered in the light of the findings obtained as a result of the survey conducted fo the purpose, so that final disposition of the problem< be predicated on facts, which do not appear to be a ciently in evidence to the satisfeetion of all corned to justify affirmative action at the prosen nee ,XI - VY VV -e- IIV �lt t44,i Paul jot i JOHN E. DAU BN EY xecutibe �Bepttr#men# MAYOR t: S1ATG;•u:.'1 US I:��'1 COPLLN.OL 1,y: '(ayor llaubney 'Ihe numerous phone calls) letters, and office callers re,=ardi:,- reot control have led r.,e to believe that there is a nuswiderstandinr, en tte part of the public as to the rent coetrol situation i, St. Faul. At the present time, I`ederal rent oontrols are in force, but will expire on the 30th day of Septei:�bcr, 19i2, unless the City Cowlc" by resolution, or the voters by referendtuo, indicate their intention I o retain rent control_. In t'tat eve a, rec t, Cor trot will be extended until April 30, 1953. 1'o extend rent control. in St. Faul, there oust, be a f:indie that there is a shorta;te of rental :wits avail- able. A resolution has bell; introiu ed b' 'orrissioner liarzitell! rccr,;_ that there is asYloitl'�e�tf rental units, acid ti�at rent control should be e�tended in St. Paul. Dy motion of Coumdssiouer Jiortinswt, this resolution has beer tabl.d `VQ`ts.1d , cl, time as a findin; is .wade by the Cotu;cil that there is a A SIt or Lade of rental writs in St. Paul. itequests have been made t:o the hent Control A•,ency, the :bust ar, Authority, tlto St. Faul Board of itealtors, and other interested a,encies and individuals to present- evidence as to i,thether or not a rental shorta e in fact Sx. in St. Paul.. Upon presentation be held, ac:d at that time of this evidence, another�nearic wild - a recital sitorta^e exists the Council will vote as to whether or not in St. Paul, anal w!cether or not rent controls should be extended, or whether such deterrtination sltculd be made by a vote of the people. No definite date has been set for this hearing_, as the hearin-is continent upon rental information beinc received fro- the various interested :Iroups. Giayo�r Ctv of "Saint Paill ,fflinnesota ,Bepartimut of'libraries, �ubifvrium anb fflnseumo CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - 2 FRANK D. MARZITELLI. COMMISSIONER EDWARD A. FURNI. AUDITORIUM SUPERINTENDENT HERMAN P. PRANKS. DEPUTY Co ni wt i Rsio NER PERRIE JONES. Lie RARInN August 8, 1952 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the St. Paul City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen& You will recall on July 23, 1952, that Mr. Rohland H. Thomason of the Clapp-Thoween Realty Company attacked my resolution to extend rent control beyond September 30, 1952, stating that the resolution was one mans opinion and was not founded on fact. Feeling that the Council should have legal advice on this point, I asked Mr. Thomas F. Costello, Associate Area Rent Director, if he would ask their General Counsel, Mr. Ed* Dupre, for a legal opinion relative to whether the resolution to continue rent control beyond Seember 30, 1952 could be attacked on the alleged ground that the resolution was not fowled on facts obtained as a result of a survey conducted for that purpose. The General Counsels reply to the above question was as follows: "In this respect, the plain wording of the Act, the legislative history, and the decisions of the courts are to the effect that a simple resolution is sufficient. There is no require- ment that the resolution be preceded by a survey or public hearing, nor is it possible to attack the validity of the finding. See Woods v. Babcock, 185 Fe 2d 5089 511 (D. C. Cir. 1950 —;and Gates v. The Council of the Ci HuntiZ&gn, 93 F. Supp. 757 (S. D. W. Va. 1950 Judging from the above, it is to be noted that the Council may pass on or before September 30, 1952, the resolution now under considera- tion for the continuation of rent control. YoursiAudi�toriii= very truly of b ies, and M sums FDM&s C OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION ST. PAUL BRANCH RENT OFFICE 205 FEDERAL COURTS BLDG. ST. PAUL 2, MINN. August 14, 1952 Mr. John E. Daubney, Mayor, and Members of the City Council, Court House, St. Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemeni With regard to the request of the St. Paul City Council for a survey of the rental situation in the City of St. Paul, please be advised that such a survey is to be conducted by the Office of Rent Stabilization under the supervision of the United States Bureau of Census oommenoing Monday. August 18, 1952• It is expected that the survey will be completed in about two weeks. A report on the findings should be in your possession shortly thereafter. Very truly yours, Paul A. Vanstrum, Area Rent Director BYs Thomas F. Costello Associate Area Bent Director TFCias Opepartment of AbwinistrafiLm �,,y� DIVISION OF HOUSING w wr cou uie.�o uww OVA �""1"—'� sy ']�___I I AND REDEVELOPMENT EARLII 17 R �f+Alil BTUART ROTHMAN EARL L. BERG oiwwerow COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION July 21, 1952 St. Paul City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Harold J. Riordan, Chief Clerk Honorable Sirs: The newspaper report of your Friday meeting indicates that 4�- your council may be under some misunderstanding concerning the application of state law to recently amended federal rent con- trol legislation which permits cities to continue under federal rent control until April 30, 1953, if they want to. There is transmitted herewith for your information a copy of our newspaper release of July 16, 1952. Your attention is particularly directed to the following paragraph: "The state law will remain in a stand-by state be- cause (1) it is effective only if the Congress makes rent control impossible; (2) if the governing body of a community does not believe rent controls are necessary, the state would not force that community to have it,• and (3) it would not be possible to ad- minister a program where one city is under federal con- trol and another under state control." The Congress has said to each city that it can continue to have rent control until April 30, 1953, or it can terminate it on September 30, 1952, as it wishes. Since your city or any city can continue under existing controls until April 30, 1953, the provisions of the state stand-by act are clear that the state law will not supersede and impose an entirely new system of rent controls when all that a city has to do to continue under present controls is simply to say that it wants controls continued. The key to rent control today is that it has been made a matter of local option, and each community must decide the question for itself by takin_ action or by not acting on the matter prior to September 30, 1952. Sincerely cerely yours, Sa t Director of Housing and Redevelopment .�w3 rit jk4t.`e,1 of O'. R. VAN: KREVBLEN' P9aY�tuut'.� Al L"""' - inio' trafian DIVISION OF HOUSING AND R6DEVELOPM 6 NT A' • xr Goxwu�ow[x �,.{noqSFL BTUAR op OTHMAN EARL L. BCRG COMMI9BIONIER - - OF ADMINISTRATION July 21, 1952 St. Paul City Council City Ha11. St Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Harold J. Riordan, Chief Clerk Honorable Sirs: The newspaper report of your Friday meeting indicates-that' your council may be under some misunderstanding concerning the application of state law to recently amended federal rent con- trol legislation which permits cities to continue under federal rent control until April 30, 1953, if they want to, There ,is transmitted herewith for your information a copy of our newspaper release of July 16, 1952. Your..,attention is particularly directed to the following paragraph: "The state law will, remain in a stand-by state be cause (.1) it is effective only if the'Congress makes rent 'control impossi'ble;(2) if the governing body :of a community does not believe rent controls are necessary, the state would not force that community to have it; and (3) it would not 'be possible to ad- minister a program where one city is under federal con- trol and another under state control." The Con ss has said to, each city that it can continue to have rent�c 0w until. April 30, 1953, .or it can terra nate it on September 30, 1952,' as it wishes. Since your oity`er any ,city can, continue under existing controls' until April 3019 1953, the.provi-Olons of the state stand-by act are clear that :the state low till not supersedeand impose an .entirely new feystem of rent controls when all that "a city has to do to continue - under present controls is simply to say that it wants controls continued. The key to rent control today is.that it has been made a matter of local Option,' ption, and each community must decide the que$tion for itself by taking action or by not acting on the matter prior to September 30, 1952. Sincerely yors," , Stuart Rothman Director.; of 7.-... Housing and Redevelopment ' - yt�y3 'V. I e For release Wednesday p.m-, July 16, 1952 Stuart Rothman, Minnesota State Housing Director, said today that requests are still pouring in for information about rent control under the new federal law. Congress has provided that federal rent controls can be continued til April 30, 1953, provided that continuation after September 60, 1952, is dependent upon a declaration before that time by the local verning body (or by public referendum) of an incorporated city or village, to the effect that a substantial shortage of housing ons exists. Where such a resolution is adopted, rent con- olscontinua until April 30,1953, unless subsequently 1coomodat" rminated in other ways. PneIf the Congress had failed to extend rent control at all beyond 30, 1952, or had merely provided that all federal rent controls uld expire September 30, 1952, the Minnesota Stand -Sy Emergency Rent: Control Act would have become effective at the end of the deral rent control period. However, since Congress has provided for a system under which it s possible for a community to have or not have federal rent controls, as it likes, the state law does not need to and cannot supplant the federal arrangement. Accordingly, it will be up to the governing body of each incorporated city or village that presently has rent control to act p"rior to September 30 if it believes that a substantial shortage of housing accommodations exists in the area. The state law will remain in a stand-by state because (1) it is effective only if the Congress makes rent control impossible; i (2) if the governing body of a community does not believe rent con- trols are necessary, the state would not force that community to have it; and (3) it would not be possible to administer a program where one city is under federal control and another under state control. We trust this information will answer many of the in- quiries we are receiving. If an incorporated area constitutes the major portion of the defense rental area and declares there is a substantial shortage of housing accommodations, rent control continues also in any unin- corporated locality in the defense rental area. .This automatic continuation of unincorporated areas'vgould not apply to other incorporated places in the rent control area. Incorporated communities in Minnesota where federal rent control will terminate on September 30, 1952, unless prior to that date there is a local expression for a continuation by passage of resolutions by local governing bodies, are the following: (List not attached) 6tV of �$annt Paul 4[iunesnta Peyartment of `Xibraries, Auhitorium anb 41Hnseums CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE- - EDWARD A. FURNI. AUDITORIUM SUPE—T—T FRANK D. MARZITELLI, COMMISSIONER PERRIE JONES. LIBRARIAN HERMAN P. PRANNE. DEPOT. CONrnlss ER July 22, 1952 The honorable Aiayor and 1•Iembers of the City Council ot. Faal, dinnesota Gentlemen: In addition to the attached letter dated July 21, 1952, re^�iv'd, i.I r^pl;; to T� r nuest, from i•r. Thomas Costello, Associa.tc Area eat Director, I should lige to outline s few reasons Why f,-,edersl rent control should be extended b=yond Septmbar 30, 1952, concludint, that a substantial sliortare of housinr acrom-nod-(tions exists in the City Of ` . haul, �1IIf-sot' . I believ- til:,t ,you will agrra that both s social and an economic injustice will have been conrlitted if rent control is discontin.red, while at the same ti.na ra:e and salary controls remain i:: effect. !,7hile I agrea wholeheartedly with the Capitol ipprcac5 and hedevclopment i3oirrams, it must be un,_''z'stood that we have and w^ will po::aibly continue roup. ide to cause all unusual displacement emor.E tuose in the low—income i;_lave psrticipatad in bringing about a shortaEe and/or reduction of rental snd/or housing accorimodations utilized by �ople i;; the lower—income bracket. Since the year 1947,.the City of 3t- Paul could have taken acticn for decontrol if it so found necessary. :,t no time, to my knawledre, has the kentzAdvisory landlord, or landlord association representative app Board, ti -le State of V:innesota, or the St. Falil City Council for decontrol. This can brinE7 me to no conclusion other than that tie lawasit aapplies to e, th amity of Jt. Paull is being'. administered properly eq yi I call sea noIcgic ir- our prevokinf- 3nd/cr creatine a situation by fail n7 to take appropriate action for its continuance. It may also be noted th-st even though the law is continued, =here is nothi..E to orohibiS the St. Fain City Council from obtaining; termination of federal rent control tthe 6h the paC'L G. of a resolution acloptod fcr that purpose, based upon a finding by our F;overnin� body that there no longer exists a shortgUc' in rental housing accow,7odations .�o as to require rent control in our city. still in It Tu.;t be understood that re -1t is a uti+ityh<)u,, isccom odatiorsaamon th ose It is my Dpinior. teat the deman., for rental It the middle and lower income brackets is much r'r^ater than tha supply. The Honorable mayor aid Members of the City Council Page 2. If the above is true, then you must agree that imperfect competition exists in this area and that substantial and/or excessive increases in rent are inevitable. The application of the above will yield to the property owner more than a fair net operating income. Rents can be expected to rise to the maximum that the market will bear. Our failure to continue federal rent control beyond September 30, 1952, could logically result in evictions, many of which could be unwarranted, together with unwarranted substantial and/or excessive rent increases against those least able to pay and at the expense of human hardship, misery, and want. Rental costs to the County Welfare Board could also be expected to at least double. Recognizing that it is our obligation to protect and promote the prosperity, welfare, and economic security of our people, industries and institutions -- are not the tenants entitled to the protection that the City Council can give, at least during the winter months, through the continuance of federal rent control? It is said by many that we are living in a period of economic instability, and are experiencing difficulty in making secure the relatively high standard of living achieved. If this be true, then you must conclude that security and stability have become an economic problem that we as legislators must recognize. I have always believed that public officials have obligations of honesty toward the different peoples that make up society; also, that every social Croup has a just claim against the ;tate and its officials for that measure of governmental protection and assistance which is necessary to provide the conditions of right and reasonable life, Too, owe of the primary duties of public officials is to possess an adequate knowledge of what constitutes the common welfare, and the means by which it is best promoted, Therefore, I solicit each and every member of the St. Paul City Council to meet his responsibility by recognizing that the federal rent control law is equitable, and by voting for the adoption of the resolution which requires the continuance of federal rent control in the City of St. Paul, Miinnesota, boyond September 30, 1952. Respectfully submitted / ra�i7ar'ite li Commissioner of1 r ries, Auditorium and h eums OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION ST. PAUL BRANCH RENT OFFICE 206 FEDERAL COURTS BLDG. ST. PAUL 2, XINN. July 21. 1962 Commissioner Frank D. Wrzitelli, City Hall and Court House, St. Paul 2, Mismesota Dear Commissioners The following excerpts from the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as Amended, -and statistics taken from the records of this Offi e18 e being furnished you, per your verbal request of Friday, y , inso Viafur is ephone. All of this possible. as it applies fto ttheen has City ofeSt pPaul and in so far as Po can be verified$ UEMPT AND DECONTROLLED MUSING ACCONWDATIONS - IN GENERAL The regulation DOES ECT apply$ 1. To dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, managers or other employees to whom space is provided as porall tof their c npalk- satien and who are employed for Of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part. 2. To rooms in hotels which on June 300 19470 were being rendered customary hotel services. S. To rooms in rooming houses which on September 9, 1949, were furnished nen housekeeping aocommoda- tions. 4. To entire structures wherein more than 26 rooms are rented or offered for rent. 6. To entire structures where 26 or less rooms are rented or offered for rent Provided that all of the housing eooemodethns are exempt or decontrolled. 6. To housing accommodation operated by educational or charitable institutions and used in carrying out their educational or charitable purposes. 7. To Tourists Homes which on June 80, 1947, oatered to transient guests exclusively. 2 Comm. iirzitelli July 21, 1952 S. To housing accommodations, the construction, of which was completed, or which were created by a change from nonAousing to housing use, on or after February 1, 1947- 9. To additional housing sea dations created on or after February 1, 1947, by a conversion i.e.. a structural ehwW in a residential unit in- volving substantial alterations or ronodeling rowalting in the creation of additional sale- contained alecontained family units. All types of housing accommodations which are net ppooXfioally exempt or decontrolled by the Housing and Rent Act of 19470 as Amended, or by regulations promulgated thereunder are controlled housing accommodations. As far as the City of St. Paul is oon- earned controlled housing a000mmodations are, generally speaking, confined to these housing accommodations which were in existence and used as such prior to February 1, 1947. Maximum ceiling rents to which a landlord is entitled fall into one of the following oatagoriess 1. The maximmum amount of rent in effect on March 1, 1942. 2. On housing acoommodations first rented after klfarlh 10 19420 the amount of the first rent received after that date. S. The amount of rent fixed by order of determination of the Office of Rent Stabilization. 4. The amunt of rent established by order of the Office of Rent Stabilization upon the filing of petitions for inoroases, applications for decreases or upon the Rent Directors Initiative on rents originally estab— lished wader items 1, 2 and S above. With regard to rent increases there are a number of grounds upon which a landlord may file petitions for adjustments and among which are the followings 1. For *hJor capital improvements. 2. For improvements, etc., made prier to the freeze date if the freeze date rent failed to give due oonsideration for the iarrevements, oto., males .3- Comm. Marsitelli July 21, 1962 3. For substantial increase in services, furniture furnishings and equipment. 4. For substantial increase in occupancy or sub-tenanoy. 5. To relieve Ju6quities in controlled rents which are found to be lower than the rents generally prevail- ing for comparable controlled housing accommodations. 6. To insure that a property will yield a fair net oper- ating income. 7. To compensate for increased operating costs for such items an fuel, insuranoo, taxes, general maintenance, eto. Under the sixth ground mentioned above the net operating income of a building is 'considered as being less than fair if the net is lose than 25% of the annual inoeme in the case of a building containing less than 5 dwelling unite. Imo the case of a building containing five or more dwelling unite, the net operating income is considered as being less Ithan fair if it is less than 20% of the groes annual income. The adjustment or in ase in such oases is the amount necessary to bring the net operating oome to 30% of the gross annual income in the case of buildinga oo iniag 1 es than 6 dwelling units and to 25% in the case of building cont ning 5 or more dwelling units - With regard to compensation for increased operating costs under item 7, landlords are entitled to an inorease of 20% over and above the maximum ceiling rent in effect on June 30, 1967, plus additional,inio urease of 20% on all adjustments granted, by order, for major capital improvements and increased services since June 30, 1947. Since August 1, 1961, when this provision of the regulation first be- came effective, through Wy, 1952, 3,447 applications for peroentage increases were filed. Of this member, increases were granted in 29866 oases and the remaining 682 applications were denied for the reason that increases of at least 20% had already been granted to eompensate for such higher operating costs since June 30, 1947. For the year commencing June, 1951, and ending May, 1952, landlords were found to be eligible for increases on grounds as indicated under 1 to 8 above on 7,197 unite under petitions filed with the St. Paul Rent Office. The average monthly increase granted under these peti- tions amounted to ;7.20. Also, during this same period, there were 670 compliance actions dooketed involving violations of the Rent Regulations. Refund to -4- Comm. Marzitelli July 21, 1952 tenants amounted to #9,674.00, which funds were dispersed through the Office of Rent Stabilization. This amount is eaolusive of damages recovered by tenants who instituted their own actions ix the local courts, the monetary amount of which°reoevery we have ne knowledge. During this sane twelve month period, there were 804 Units that came on to controlled rental market with the first rents established so - heretofore montioneif i.e., by the landlord establishing his own first rent. Of this number, orders were issued reducing the rents in 107 oases on the grounds that the rents as originally established were found to be substantially higher than the rents generally prevailing for comparable housing accommodations in this area. With regard to eviotiona, 1,805 notices to vacate were filed with the St. Paul Office involving grounds Under local law such as nonpayment of rent, nuiawwo, ot►. Also, during this some period, 784 Certifi- cates authorizing eviction of tenants for occupancy by purchasers, members of ,their immediate families, for substantial alterations or remodeling, oto., were issued by the Rent Office. As to your request for the writer's aim personal Opinion as to the category of controlled rentals which wsuad be most seriously affected by lifting of controls this coming September 30th, I believe it to be reasonably anti*ipated'thats Percentage -wise the heaviest increases would be born by tenants occupy- ing rental Units in the $60.00 per month and below braeket, with the percentage graduating as present day rents are lower than $60.00 per month. It is also my opinion that the percentage increase to present day rents of more than $60.00 per month would be gradually less as present day rents *mooed that figure. Very truly yours, . pan, A. Vanstrsm, Area Rent Director M Thomas F. Costello, Associate Area Rent Director TFC:az DONALD T. NYSTROM MRS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration CITY OF ST. PAUL BUREAU OF REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS 33 City Hall and Court House July 21, 1952 Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Because of the fact that the mechanics of holding the election of Sepition of thetballotare wou dder notway, the require asdmuch timegasordinance referendif no election were to already scheduled. The following tables represent what I believe would be the latest possible time to start such an ordinance: IF BY ORDINARY ORDINANCE IF BY EMERGENCY ORDINANCE July 24 Presentation Aug. 6 July 31 2nd Reading Aug. 13 Aug. 1 3rd Reading Aug. 14 Aug. 8 Final passage Aug. 21 Aug. 9 Publish ordinance Aug. 23 Aug. 30 Notice of Election Aug. 30 Sept. 9 Election Sept. 9 I call your attention to the fact that at the November Presidential Election, there is already scheduled a list of 5 constitutional anendments for the voters to decide. Past experience has shown that when a number of questions are placed before the voters at once, the tendency is to ignore all of them, especially when some such as tl*e amdndments are complicated matters. ( Very truly yours, Chief 1 erg Bureau of Reg. & Elections ® Til.: DAI, 9956 CLUB ROOMS - DIPSCH'S HALL THOMAS AND WESTERN ST. PAUL 3, MINNESOTA a,4 -l�.e BI ST. PAUL LODGE No. 593 BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS FREIGHT HANDLERS. EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES GREAT NORTHERN RY. BLDG.. ST, PAUL. MINN. 4wp® September 15, 1952 Mr. John Daubney Honorable Mayor: our bodge has gone on record in favor of re— taining rent control in the City of St. Pant end has requested me to so inform you ethe o that you may know opinion of our members and that they wish to have you give this favorable consideration. As information. our Lodge represents over 1.100 members who are vitally interested in having this control retained. Yours truly. / ESooi<ding secretary Cc — St. Paal City Council .we o .^wEEx.w E. M. & H. F. WARE ... war :� 1903 .wTwuw [. c�vM[w F R"T NATIONAL "AN" 9UILDINO .wwww e.�wcw.eC SAINT PAUL 1. MINNESOTA September 9, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: A misconception prevails regarding who owns rental housing units. For your information and consideration, I enclose a quotation from an article in Readers Digest of December, 1948, titled, "How is American Income Distributed?" As the statement shows,'+6 er cent of rental property income goes to people with incomes of less than $5,000 hardly a well-to-do group. P Very truly yours, G� M e m w Paul G. Maurer Eac. QASS OP SE¢VI® WESTERN'' fTggdorriertaamTle,ehc^gdel¢re daIctmhhVbela yedaou rNd(uarGrcelallmnroePbdbIriryrcnolne NL=NSS1¢YIuMLBaOmL SDL=Dy Lma 5)�LT=I^iI LTd n^UNION ' a W. P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT `C ni� rnry L- y 'fhe EIID¢ time ehown in the dale line on te3e¢nma and day lettem fe 87'ANDARD TIS at point al oNpn. Tia] a of tangy@ '1IUEat point of deetinatinn MA026 SSJ1'4f 2ML-SPB167 PDAST PAUL MINN 16 1023 Az MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNC 1 L= 4COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE SHB) ST PAUL MINN, I WANT MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VOTE AGAINST RENT CONTROL IT IS A BURDEN TO THE TAX PAYERS AND t. OT DEMOCRATICm 'MR AND MRS R LANGHOFF 1752 IGLEHARTm TEE COVPA VT WILL APPRECIATE EUOO£STIONS FROM PPE PATROEE �'O:ICFStIPLgO IT, HEttYPCn NICK J. SMITH. P—id..1 010MIMIftloft Fin. Sec. and B... R.P. Dau NEIL G. BHLRlUIINL BUIIDIDG NO CODSTBUCTIOR THDIS COUP CII v yAmerican Federation of Labor. - — Garfield 5510 LABOR TEMPLE 413 AUDITORIUM STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA July 22, 1952 ASBESTOS WORKERS NO. 34 BOILER MAKERS NO. 647 BRICKLAYERS NO. 1 BUILDING LABORERS NO. 132 CARPENTERS NO, 87 CABINET MAKERS 6 MILLMEN NO. 1252 Mayor Daubney and the City Council ELECTRICAL WORKERS NO. 110 Court House ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS NO. 9 St, Paul, Minnesota GENERAL DRIVERS NO. 120 Gentlemen: CLASS WORKERS NO. 1086 The St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council, GLAZIERS NO. 1324 at it's meeting last night, took action to request that INSULATION WORKERS NO. 1628 your Council pass a resolution to continue rent controls after the expiration of the present Pederal Controls IRON WORKERS NO. 512 after September 30th. LATHERS NO. 483 We feel that there is still a critical shortage of LINOLEUM WORKERS NO. 596 housing in St. Paul; and the de -control of rents at MILLWRIGHTS NO. 548 this time would result in shah increases in rent. OPERATING ENGINEERS NO. 49 Sincerely yours, PAINTERS NO. 61 PIPEFITTERS NO. 455 /Cl PLASTERERS AND CEMENT HCS:cb 2gSHEEBi1Rt�, SeC'r• FINISHERS NO. 20 oein;l6 PLUMBERS NO. 34 0 ROOFERS NO. 96 1 SHEET METAL WORKERS NO. 75 SIGN WRITERS NO. 880 SPRINKLER FITTERS NO. 417 'TERRAZZO WORKERS NO. 5 TERRAZZO WORKER HELPERS NO. 107 TILE LAYERS NO. IS 'PILE LAYER HELPERS NO. 34 St. Paul, Minnesota May 14, 1952 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council: We, the members of Townsend Club No. 12, of the Fourth Congressional District, petition you to intercede in our behalf to keep Rent Control in this area for a period of two years. Many members and people on low income could not pay higher rent because of fixed incomes not adequate to meet the advance. I£ removed from the present homes these people could not find shelter, causing hardship . We hope you use every effort to grant our request. �l MOST REV. JOHN G. MURRAY, D.D. WM. POHL, v "I ..[NT axt rULLea AVE. HONOpARY Pp[tID[NT REV. LAWRENCE F. RYAN PARTICULAR COUNCIL MMS P MSOUKUP ePlillruAL DIp[ciop OF SAINT PAUL Pa[RtD[Ni REV. RICHARD DOHERTY }y }� `� �( Tto �AM[t AVE. CHARITI[e DIRECTOR *ocietp of &t. Vincent be Vaul M. F. ETTEL / LEO A. KELLEY, PRESIDENT IJ IWO LAUREL AVE. ees.&UA[ML, cGEPKWY. IST. PAUL, MINN. TREASUIER Jnl^ 29, 1952 ale A,iHLANDAVE. orora' lc _. or 7o':n 7n„} :,e and e: ein of t _e "it onr C' 1 of St. Paul all ,.:_' CorPt "ruse St. Pahl 2, . lniLosCta At a r"wA .._eet>- of w,r or-_nizat'_-n'ala nt to St. Ja_,. Cat' oiic Glmrch in W. W!, t: e question of to retention of oor nrosont 7o,loral ;ier..t Lac; :las discusscd and c ::,Doan cap rade adopted, directin^, tits writer as Secre- tar-e to L,. ito to our :._ayor and 047 Cornc it for I e nimnose of n' _n, :or, to take . "c]. Hans :a- o -cces. aw° to =ta ro our Acderal rent control under tqe nrosent " ederal Local OnV on Law. Our or-_nizaticn is comprised of conferences of St. `lincont le Paul Soc_.,ettr in t:w Catholic Cl nrcLes of St. Paul. our close contact v it:,, t he lover lncol.te ro�.pc i,c, f ,!nd t at the _ est nro',_ler,. fac_^ droop todny is fin 107 _.ocont lii.ln- euarters for their c'iillren and t'.omselvos at nrlces tl)etr ran of'ord to na«. At T'e nrosent tv-;e t' ere, Bre n_raci;;call;• ro vacancies :: low -rent ;_n St. Paul. _.uo, ere vacan new re � :i hrusin- iN not v e �, o_ control al .toe Tic runts are vont: n 1 w4 - K T la: -e :;ajorit-of T, fanilies re ntin�- in St. Paul arc not a lc 0 w7 Vot nwn Pont,il alto •, now private reQW— units ova too s_all to acco�.olnto r fa Al: :t'.. several c -_iron. if __,it control was In St _..u'_, reran.,_, c�onl_. e at c ^crc:• of ,,..,1_ lanilardo, and alt':outi :taa-' Inn ilor is WO -MCor :pct_ l 1a' ,_ _ _....._ _ .s „ ar'c .c c' C onciti„ s a '_cr. c a ;o, .nt C e:- L' n ..._c cc i_ ro_tc. _ o ,jil„ off frr -O"s a -o, ..n of PC 111'. ;:oul.! cans„ .,Ds t:;a1 ur_Wo W& .4- s, : my ishiy to our lo:oy noNa noople. l-� .. ci ,'r •i', t:_e 1r. 11 ' - a -, ,o in, .L,lcdl to .. _n' � r ,.in,Io,it vos . . a, so a_.e... „ e ant . 1a1 _„s 1LI ... In :I. :.o r ,ce' _ ^otl. :t. , loll ava allose l n 7=0112n t cry pants P t 00 c. n i ,I c 1 too':ct; „pia -'^ t t .:...�� j'r la::'� 1� ,arc c - re an,�, _ ur' m I�vc. 1 1 . -I Ccc ras r soul t I c nl i,, -r -ger.. I, a rn t -,ro,ert. 1'c... a.ler�cal. �;',.,� cPntr�I c, .t t1 a,il Ohl'. lc e ns I su„ Care cf ou^ 1, Cec C', 1 .c', nr t e 1,01 -love a cc-ec,_.s_ c t WM. POHL. VIC[ PR[[ID[rvT MOST REV. JOHN G. MURRAY, D.D. <at .ULLER AVE. HDNDR..I PR[EID ENT PARTICULAR COUNCIL W, S.SOU REV. LA.WRENCE F. RYAN 9PIRITUAL DIRECT— OF SAINT PAUL DKUP TID �wNEE AV[' REV. RICHARD DOHERTY CHARtTI DIR[CTDR t• Vincent Ve�+�� &6cietp of V M. F. ETTEL ARY A. KELLEY, PRESIDENT ans w. wH[ [LARK P_LEO 1979 LAUREL AVE. WILL AM J GILL ST. PAUL, MINN. TIE [t[ ASHLAND. AV. :'or_or able Jo'.r c;r o^ C' it o ..c: c. n i ,I c 1 too':ct; „pia -'^ t t .:...�� j'r la::'� 1� ,arc c - re an,�, _ ur' m I�vc. 1 1 . -I Ccc ras r soul t I c nl i,, -r -ger.. I, a rn t -,ro,ert. 1'c... a.ler�cal. �;',.,� cPntr�I c, .t t1 a,il Ohl'. lc e ns I su„ Care cf ou^ 1, Cec C', 1 .c', nr t e 1,01 -love a cc-ec,_.s_ c t Printed —Unlon Med. Pacer Telephone Cedar 1930 M—S—.d M Fourth Fnd-.1 Monrh -spo® _— St. Paul Trades and La6or Assembly E. D. McKINNON, Secretary Office of Secretary ... LABOR TEMPLE, 418,Auditorium Street SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA August 27, 1952 1a The Honorable Mayor Daubney, Members of the St. Paul City Council Court House 15 19. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, at a regular meeting on August 22, 1952, went on record in favor of extension of rent controls. The delegates feel there is a real need for rent control and instructed me to notify the mayor and Members of the Council that they favor the extension of rent control beyond the September 30, 1952, date. Very truly yours, ST. PAUL TRADES AND LABOR ASSt,NiBLY E. D. McKinnon, Secretary EDin: fl cc: ::ommissioner 14orris 0. halvorson Commissioner 3ernard T. Holland Commissioner Drank D. 6'iarzitelli Commissioner Severin A. ivtortinson Commissioner Hobert T. Peterson Commissioner .!ilton Rosen :11. SC 1111'ARIZ., Coni rnnnd,, 666 Ashland GOPHER POST NO. 354 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. Mavnr Jobn Lauhnw Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mavor Daubnev: Saint Paul, Minnesota I Ih:RNIAS FIRLSIONF., idjut-t 1318 Goodrich August 9, 195? The Jewish 'War V•teranq Gopher Poet #3154 of St. Paul are gvite concerned abrnit t19- comm! and of rent control in our city. We wieh to so on record for favorin- extenq+on of rent c"ntrol by local authorities until the nreq-nt hnusin> situation offers a brichter future for the maiority of oroole. Ne hnne, vo•I wi l l sum ort our vIe,os and do a' 1 in vour power to aid nur cause. �Sinc-rely, Al Schwartz, -o'nmEnder tion o I',ro'Com eedro /.0 r .1d:.nr Ib r C.M1eplei 0oir a/ llev 'fru. MIRE I.IBMAN JA(0B DIM BEN D)RSIIOW JACK SPEC -TOR NEIL TILSNER /o. Iurf.nimandn/'ori Su osroe Queorr ma�rn 00.,r+ol Guerd SA\J LATZER \Il RS1.4\ ARRA\IS \I. RARC)N SI �I.r ISORNSTF.IN S'I'AN PA S'I'ER\AA 11013 SEIGEI. ''THE PATRIOTIC VOICE OF JEWRY' To Mayor Daubney and Members of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sire: Enclosed find copy of a resolution being presented by General Drivers, Helpers and Truck Terminal Employees Union, Local 120, in behalf of its members. We urgently request that this resolution be given proper consideration on this matter. yours very truly, Jus R. Okoneski, Secretary -Treasurer JRO:k Encl. KEEP'EM ROLLING—When you make a purchase, always say, "DELIVER IT" V. St. Paul Phone•. Elkhe t 3444.5 Mlnneapolls Phone: N•rtor Kok HELPERS RRD TRUCH THEM (Ff0yffS HER D�IV�RS r�3 LOCAL UNION NUMBER ONE HUNDRED TWENTY Afflieted with the I. B. of T. C. W. & H. of A., A. F. of L • Minnesota Sfe fe Federe lion of Labor • Minnesota d11C,enc e St. Paul Trades 6 Lebor Assembly • Building Trades Council �s �Jqof Teemsfers .Teamster. Joint Counul No.34 • SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA 343 UNIVERSITY AVENUE t, August 16, 1955 To Mayor Daubney and Members of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sire: Enclosed find copy of a resolution being presented by General Drivers, Helpers and Truck Terminal Employees Union, Local 120, in behalf of its members. We urgently request that this resolution be given proper consideration on this matter. yours very truly, Jus R. Okoneski, Secretary -Treasurer JRO:k Encl. KEEP'EM ROLLING—When you make a purchase, always say, "DELIVER IT" V. B ST. PAUL LODGE No. 593 BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP CLERKS FREIGHT HANDLERS. EXPRESS AND STATION EMPLOYES N GREAT NORTHERN RY, BLDO.. ST. PAUL. MINN. September 15. 1952 Hr. John DMUW Honorable Hgyor: our Lodge has gone on record in favor of re- taining rent control in the MY of 8t. Fan1 and has requested ms to so inform you so that you my know the opinion of our members and that th'V wish to have YOU give this favorable consideration. a As information. our Lodge represents over 1.100 members who are vitally interested in having this control retained. ?ours traly. Hr r�mg s.or � - 00 — St. Final city coanoil Amalgamated j Workmen LOCAL UNION No. 114 LABOR TEMPLE, 418 AUDITORIUM ST Meat gWtgrs and Butcher of NO �,li� America Iaffilkbd 1,415L. F. of L. CEDAR 4861 . SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA -dw® CITY CLERK RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has decreed that the retention of rent control in the re— spective communities shall be dependent upon action taken by local governing bodies, and WHEREAS, despite the releasing of controls by the Congress there still remains a definite need for controls to prevent inordinate increases to a large number of our citizens; increases which are certain to be imposed by landlords in view of the still ex— isting shortage of adequate housing, and WHEREAS, proper action by the City Council of St. Paul will put into effect controls necessary to prevent excessive rent increases and resulting hard— ships to a great many of our citizens, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that we respectfully petition the City Council of St. Paul to enact such legislation as is necessa7y for adequate rental controls. Adopted September 12, 1952, at a regular meeting of MEAT CUTTERS LOCAL UNION #114 AFL Secretary iJ a / nese Repr eentative oEIU ##16 Ami 1117 10HRORTIOR URIOH Of (LECTRICRL, RRO10 & RIRCHIRE WORMS Affiliated with the Cong—s of industrial Organisations 150 WEST FOURTH STREET iz Mar 5714 it ST. PAUL 2, MINNESOTA .© August 13, 1952 Mayor J. E. Daubney � City Councilmen CourtHouse St. Paul 1, 1v'.innesota Dear Sir: The membership of Local 1117 Ii1E CIO ung-u-7:)'!sly demand the enactment of a strop= rent control proCram in St. Paul, to be effective after the ex-)iration of the Federal rent control program. Yours very truly, Irene Gonzagowski Recordin', Secretary IG:nlg �a'n—� o�`-D C°� `t - `'� �� C����-e� vC � � �- � �� ,�. .,,� � q -- f . � 7) 17, St. Paul. Minnesota September I8, I952 HonorabXs John A. Dsubney Mayor of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota o-O`0'0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w o•o-o-o-oo=o-o o'o' Rent Control Regarding the landlord who was one of the last of many speaking at the recent hearing. I do not remember this —Is new I bats You will recall, he oleimed to have five (5) $vaoants. places -svaileble which he $wculd like to ren$ This same mea:.... was brought into t son rt on several ocoasione and received ooneiderable newspaper Publicity during the time he operated a radio sales and iserwioet store (on M or 5th near •abaeha) due, to his preatice,of charging vastly 0=0681" amounts for Nrepsirss on radios= then, whenever owners were unable or unwilling to pay the saurnnt sake& imm!.their radio to someone 6180= after being �y v ediately, he 8eo18' lrgto court several tiles, OILeach owes, he was severely ereprimsadedt by the judge -n- with resulting newspaper coverage. I ,should also mention s e o experience with this segue man which occurred during the depression, He waatsd $a carpenter to do some panel works at his enmmer home near yaks 0sasso and X was sent to him* Than he offered to p4y less than half of the carpenter rate, I offered but he said. to buy merchandise from.him at the same.rate �r?� to sdo the work r scouldntt do that"* I heard later that t ea0diad at a o. mach himself$ and $o0mpietely ruined much been grpsjer tbein skilled labor, if it.had bbeen done by a qualified. carpenter jai proper; rates. Ria appearance and ststflments at be the srecentill hearing tlor�n" o. veal the fact Chats as;a landlords with $five (5) vacant places$ ++during a housing shortaget ion will rsosil*,he said former tsnanta $decide& to b y* el8esher4l ,�....�. Avlo W nwn she". landlords of this tgpe are Im MOM --�- - sa¢ that to why _ 0083 is neoe s K�-+h Addreest It t telson o Bre ns i70 Mt. Airy Street at. Paul I, Minnesota PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST..PAUL: We the undersigned citizens of voting age, property tenants,respectfully petition your Honorable Body not to support requesting the Federal Government to continue rent controls. owners and resolution Our city does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as "a critical defense area", and we know that there is an oversupply of rental property for housing now, as shown by the high percentage of vacancies. Rent control is un-American. We, therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul and pray that they will oppose any continuance of rent control. .• � � l _. .:•ate When petition is filled with sig- natures, mail to: ST.PAUL RENTAL PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, 1550 W. Larpenteur Ave. St. Paul 8,Minn. STREET AND TELEPHONE NUMBER I certify that I personally solicited the above signatures and witnessed the signing of same. _ SIGNED_ PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned citizens of voting age, property owners and tenants, respectfully petition your Honorable Body not to support a resolution requesting the Federal Government to continue rent controls. Our city does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as "a critical defense area", and we know that there is an oversupply of rental property for housing now, as shown by the high percentage of vacancies. Rent control is un-American. PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We the undersigned citizens of voting age, property owners and tenants, respectfully petition your Honorable Body not to support a resolution requesting the Federal Government to continue rent controls. Our city does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as "a critical defense area", and we know that there is an oversupply of rental property for housing now, as shown by the high percentage of vaearncies. Rent control is un-American. We, therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul and pray that they will oppose any continuance of rent control. We, therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul and I pray that it will oppose any continuance of rent control. NAME STREET AND TELEPHONE'NUMBER NAME STREET AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Af '?/'� l s5 �� �'L-� C/-C�v �S ''� �T �,{��' L-� c°w���� `� 1-�� ► � � 'f 3 ��r ti,�,-o�orDL (�1'nr 1-r..�-: Sr Sr ! R' When petition is filled with sig- I certify that I personally solicited the natures, mail to: ST.PAUL RENTAL above signatures and witnessed the signing PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, 1550 of same. 0 W. Larpenteur Ave. St. Paul 8,Minn. SIGNED PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We the undersigned citizens of voting age, propertIT owners and tenants, respectfully petition your Honorable Body not to support a resolution renuestin7 the Federal Government to continue rent controls. Our city does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as "a critical defense area", And we lmow that there is an oversupply of rental property for housing now, as shown by the high percentage of vao8ncies. Rent control is un-American. We, therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul ).nd pray that they will oppose any continuance of rent control. I i �7 _' �i�., •� -.amu STREET AND TELEPHONE NUMBER D W'n,.,n uotition is filled with sig- I certify that I personally solicited the r,ntures, nail to: ST.PAUL RENTAL above signatures and witnessed the signinr, PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, 1550 of same. 'd. Larpenteur Ave. St. Paul P,Minn. SIGNED w CLAS This OF SEIIW® W.l� S TE RN 1801 SYMBOLS Thio r. • Fullaate Telegram or table DI�Q,y Lena gg�ra less ira de• _ forted chmaaer le Iry -UNIstdyeicmdated by a rable tJ�^�®N LNTt==bN,:(sI hL LenT�r4 jgnoo W. P. MARSHALL. PREafaENT VLTA} 'I Vf—I Lv, 6e 91iog uma ehowa to the dote line oa tele and day tattele N STANDARD TIME at potot y( ^ M A 0 27 S S i' 7 7 0e'�O �• of IetpiDt V are "ARD TIMEatpoint oI desetaativa M�-SPB184 PD=ST PAUL MINN _18 1034Am MAYOR DAUBNEY OF ST PAUL,, 1MMY DELI VERYq 'COURT HOUSE (HB) ST PAUL MI NN= IF COUNCIL VOTES RENT CONTROL THEN IT HAS MORAL OBLIGTION TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO ESTABLISH DOG CONTROLm :ZONE KADDEN 718 CHIPPEWA= TEE COhIPANV WILL APPRECIATE 9OOOEBTIONE FROM TIB PATRO.tl CONCERNINO IIV EERVICAI ob Christian Carlsen 1438 Edmond Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota September 18, 1952 T0, The Mayor and The Aldermen Dear Sirs: my mind to tell you my experience of the 0. P• A. Controls. It came to s: The hotels are all free and have becost mefor sometime. A $10 per -nth. lowcthessame hotel, I stayed there in 1937 hotels or 3rd class hasn't changed, room is $60 per month. The loop only a couple dollars raiEea month. n the hey The poor people that rented out here Someihadoliensuses ithrown£attthem, tand hadn't money to live out of this The went on relief -- too old to work. It's the same thing today. out poor. very poor is paying for it, and the very poor is helping Of course, the laboring people are better off today. I bought this house two years ago and didn't know it had been under OPA in 1940• The owner had lived there for eight ,yearsbut the old people , s, one in f9inneapolis and one in St.t l, and in beore had two lienbut Minneapolis buying the house, 1 had to pay the lien on the house, passed ittp I rented out the house for $125, but I left them have it for $100• I s after I was under the OPA control and they cut my found out six month rent down to $65 a month. I finally got a raise to $75. I sakJOff 0 remodeling, but still I was under OPA. It should have been toff control. er I was talking to a young business man and he said he wasaphouse6He say month for it and it wahec4ouldrbuythan a house buy ofand hiskeep ownnand I have known when control was out, of others that sold their houses because they are losing money on the small income from the houses. Respectfully, Christian Carlsen �N fShristisn Carps 143$ Edaamd Ab9tn W St. Nap Rfliwoobiwi Oeptea 10, , TO: : Tor Wit' and The Aldermen Doer Shat It aeme to,zW mind .to ton you my experience, of the 0. P. A.. Coutrols. Tb,a hotels' are all free and have, been Sor 'sometboA; A,middle, olsss haEeX, I Ovoid,there in. IM. It .Most ao $10 Par Month. Now the Sav* roiiia is $60 per.month. The loop hotels or 3rd chins hasn't ahsvAo d, oWy a smy�F]ai' dollars raise a month. 'Plitt poor. paop3js •thea rated put ht re their hogpee in the forties, they hsAa't Mionw to live out of, this Some had liens. throes► at them, and on "'lle, -- too old to vorh. It's the sema thing::todey.. Th6 Teri poor 14 paylzg for it, MA t1w very poor is helping out the poor. Of.00t}rse,: the laborlag people are betier off today. I t this house tirogears ago A •dtdrr*t Buiois it 3rad biles► Under OPA iu ]6 IS* o had liv*4, tbera for; eight yearn; 'but t1:M of d' psople iet}oit"r bot i'ao:liens, ow ia:Mihaeapolis end one in st..Paa iz A' In btytng thr Tiov s0i Y ]r.4. too pay ilia lien on the house, blit 73ifuMiapalis pattt4m8 fire►:,. I ranted out the house for $125, but I 3elt bebm•bAle it for $1W. I soul "ou0'iFix sMaattlea g t, was ir►idrf: ©PA oositsoI sad 'tbe9. aft MW rimy dom to $65• d 'I aoiith� ' fisall got a mum to $15. I uppis4 $3:wo ti raso4s alIft, but stall I fess undpx:.OPA. It should, have been tab= off fF lilt , kis ,going basiu s+fm aM& bA still he il"19 ,SCS BsX k SaiR • end Yt�.tas oh4aper to btiig +sad kpeP up a� ouse - . He�itej• . odatrol vas out, hs F7&ad bisy a house of hls oan ,JMa .I helve.' of othe"ti thd* 203A tbpfZ houses beoause,th" a" losing Mioriy on for Aft"33 . In6oB <f=M the hotitlrdr� Penpectfttily, Christien.Carlson N ,00 -n o to 7.:) c ` 1 oM o i -n x z N N T p 0 -i > w c PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO THE 'HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned citizens of voting age, property owners and tenants, respectfully petition your Honorable 4pdy not to support a resolution requesting the Federal Government to continue rent controls. Our city does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as defense area", and we know that there is an oversu"a critical pply of rental property for housing now, as shown by the high percentage of vacancies. Rent control is un-American. Wes therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul and pray that it will oppose any continuance of rent control. NAME /.�.- -�6-��� 7��Ky STREET AND TELEPHONE NUMBER 2/D 6P-&, sfi�y�V 7 y S7- �� ; •i wIchS ,.�yiamay •, �•cfs�.�c Acc•ocN'TANTh..4na•r0 H 1825 Selby Ave., TAINT vAvi, July 29, 11,'52 The honorable ial and i..ertcrs of the City Council City of St. ?aul.... Gentlemen: attended -our meeting of Jule 22 and 24 with reference to the continuation or abandonment of rent control. I desired to give you some facts regarding avaii- able housing but did not have the orrortunity and I all, taking this method of bring- ing them and other pertinent matters to your attention. I am the record owner of 43 apartment units at 710 and 116 Selby Avenue. About twelve years ago i invested i,ha greater portion of my lifcs earnln�s in apartment real estate as o personal social security not then being in a covered employment. A heart attack in 1947 practically retired me and since that time I draw rave had on other capital their being no profit in operating apartment buildings undeerr rent ts of labor, materials and reel estate taxes which by control due to the rising cos the Tray have increased over j0;o the past five years end are a matter of record. The vital question is whether or not there is still a housing shortage in our locality and it appears that your body roust determine by facts before you contil:ue the control by resolution or have a referendum vote. The following would indicate that a housing shortege no longer oxists here and the method of corroborating the figures. 1 s.,,,cina Ads in newsl,apors: A comparison of the number of ads, the conventional method :f rent in housine, n'leatTheir availability. es The following number of ix months of this year ads afpeared in the Disuatoh and Pioneer i'ress the first s 1J52 and the first six months of 1951' Kind of Ad. 1y52 1'y;.1 :.umber Increase or Decrease Per Cent. �. 2436 Increase ever 'S1 L4.5 I 1lirnished Apartii�ents 7078 2� �o Unfurnished 10199 7641 ❑ „ 41.7 i= 11Duplexes 111; 7t7 328 o.L Totals 101 lj� 0 �jc'r2 verae increase 33 F 18; 23.2 Decrease over '�1 10.1 Unfurnished Y:ouses 612 777 „ 18 j0 20737 2087 „ „ n lo.2 Rooms 108 1195 112 Suburban and Lake 20 5 22Tp9 � l.verage decrease 10.6 o Totals 1029] 11215 922 Decrease over ',1. � i< yjanted to Rent :;ou non, 1'.anaCer of Classif- The above numbers of ads was furnished by ;,.r. :'.d 6 ied Advertising; of the Dispatcl, and Pioneer Press end the same figures for like periods of other years are available. 2. Housin' units constructed vs iiousin, units torn down: It appease that this r.Cormatlon can be procured from the buil-'in,, 'epartment and should be authentic •�,�� if unbiased. cincrease in rents where areas have been decontrolled: I understand or.crhat 1 consider reliable authority that rents in the State of California have not incr- eased over 5;a since decontrol and t,,j3 fact and any increase after decontrol in by reference to the ,roper authorities. In - other localities can be corroborated Is established in trance after Corld ^+ar 1 cidentally I understand that rent cont are still in existence. ;Ont'd cn 2. 4. A Questionnaire to landlords and agents regarding vacancies: It would appear that such a questionnaire could be published in the newspapers or furnished other- wise would bring results and l;eing a Federal matter could be signed under the penalties of perjury. 1 had a vacancy the month of July and one for the first of August which I have not been able to rent as yet, the first in over ten years. Few know what vacancies exist except the landlord or agent. iacancy signs which are a;;pearir-6 more often are another fact indicating relief from the shortage. One may kill off the little pigs, -�Iow under the cotton, color the potatoes but no man can change the natural law of supply and demand. I was advised by a ;inneapolis landlord who attended .\cur meetings that a survey was made in that city a couple of years ago ',y sone Federal men out of Chicago and that the results were incomplete and unreliable. Who can expect men whose job depends upon continued controls to make an unbiased survey. In the past when it appeared rent controls would not be extended the newspapers printed stories of two or three hundred percent increases. I have found that some landlords have tenants who had been in their hair since controls were established, and I am one, merely took this method of getting rid of them where tenants did noth- ing on which a legal aviation could be brought under rent controls. Personally I received the 15,, increase in rents from about 9G per cent Of my tenants who signed written leases. I had to wait about two years for an increase on those who did not sign leases and had to petition the Zent office for an increase on comparability with other rentals in the same district. I have not yet petition- ed for the additional 5io increase tusking have further inflation in the 20i, in all to which 1 have been entitled for over a year and do not intend to do so unless we ha ld like to be able to do is cost of labor and materials that I need. '"fhat I wou to equalize rents for the same kind of apartments wnich would not increase the total however,it does not appear that this can be done under the rent control without lowering the higher rent to meet the lower. It is a shame that some tenants can continue to occupy an apartment at considerably less rent than others who occupy identical apartments. 1 will thank you entlellen if you will seriously consider tl-e forecoing in raking your decision. '_ours very truly, � v �. ":licks BOYD INVESTMENT CO, REAL ESTATE - MORTGAGES - INSURANCE EMERS(ZqtJy90af St. Paul 162 SOUTH MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD City Council S A I N T P A U L S, M I N N E S O T A Subject: Is there a housing shortage in St. Paul? My Dear Commissioner: I understand that the City Council will soon maka a stady of the 1—:sing sit- uation in St. Paul to determine if there is a substantial Housing Snortaga, and have asked several organizations for factual ir_formatior to assist them to that end. By requiring "factual in7_6rmat10nn you have ruled out, opinions without fact- ual foundation, guess work and statements colored with self interest or pi:ejudice. It is with this understanding that I respectfully submit some facts for your careful consideration as follows: Fact #1: Sunday Pioneer Press - 7/27/52 had 44 families or individuals who want3d to rent shelter and 235 separate landlord advertisements offering places for rent. On 7/30/52 - 11 families had already found a place to live and none of the others (cantao d by phone) had to move, but were only shopping around to better th ekes. It Fact #2: Sunday Pioneer Pr. of 8/3 showed 59 "Wanted to Pent" advertisements, with 276 separate Lan ord Advertisements offering housing for rent. From the above representative advertising days it will be rioted that there are approx- imately 42 times as many offerings of places for rent, as there are adver- tisers who want to rent places and one landlord's single advertisernt covers over 100 units for rent. Fact #3: One of our leading Justices cf the Peace reports that during his 23 years of service, only one family was forcibly evicted. From a practical point of view, I know of no better place to get the facts concerning housing availability in St. Paul then to go to the "Market Place", namely the Pioneer Press and Dispatch, where the Landlords and Tenants meet. Fact #4: There are approximately 300 units of the low rent housing still unassigred, in Roosevelt and McDonough projects. These, it is reported, will be assign- ed during this summer. Fact #5: It is assumed that all discussions and your decision, will deal only with the proposition as to whether there is or is not a housing shortage. This I assume rules out all other matters, such as the plight of landlords ar_d tanants living under rent control, or the advisability of Rent Contrcl. Some may advocate continuing Federal Rent Control, believing in some way, that it will relieve the so called housing shortage, but the facts Drove that the war was the first cause and Federal Rent Control froeze of rents below the investment level, aggravated and deepened that cause, causing shortage which existed since 1942. Fact #S: Commissioner Marzitelli advocated that Federal Rent Ccntrols should be con- tinued as long as salaries and wages are controlled and on the face of it, this appears a reasonable position until, it is realized, that the so called salary and wage freeze as administered by our Government has allowed wages and salaries to increase 100% to less than 20`9 increase for rents, since 1942. Fact ff7: Commissioner Marzitelli says if Federal Rent Controls are net continued, reni will be increased and be burdensome to tenants, especially the low income tenants. It is true that rentals would be in e free market and would in som, cases undoubtedly increase to more than 20% above 19-12 rents, but the law of supply and demand, and competition, would control the unfair dealer as it does in most every other industry in the U.S. This would be a forward step towards solving any housing shcrtage that :sight threaten our economy it the future, if rents are reasonable and give the owner a fair and reasonable return on their investment, private building would go forward without government subsidy. Page 2 "Is there a housing shortage in St. Paul. Fact ,',48: Neither salary, wages or rer,ts are proporly relevant to the question, whether there is or is not a Housing Shortage in, St. Paul, within the meaning and authority of the 1952 P_mendments to the Dousing Act of 1947, c.s amended, Sec. 201 - 73 and should be ruled out. Salary, wages or rents do not effect the quantity of housing in b.t. Paul, Lu do not prove there is or is not a housing shortage. I submit the above facts for your careful perusal oai' feel tnet the,- prove beyond a doubt that no substantial housing shortage exists in St. Paul, but rctnor a housing surplus. Respectfully s ibmitttted, H. 50"d _ A/ meal �dlafe a """"y�a8e �a[and - �ndu2a�rce i Buy FromGA. 7851 �L•. • 610 PIONEER BLDG. LLL *T. MUL 1, MILAN. Realtors September 15, 1962. Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of St.Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen* It is our belief that you are deeply interested in the actual facts concerning the''rental situation and that the following information will be helpful. We are the owner of a 15 unit rental property in which we have had 8 vacancies within the past 14 months. Each of these vacancies re- sulted in the rental loss from 1 month to 1i month. Two units which consist of 2 rooms each, including apartment range, accommodations for food storage, heat and untilt ies furnished, have been vacant for 4 months. One has been rented recently and the other is still va- cant. During this period we have had ads in the paper at least once a week and have had a large sign in our groundfloor window offering these units. There has been no demand. These are near and comfortable apartments, suitable for younger couples or for older pensioned tenants. Although these do not con- tain a private bath, there is a full Ltodern bath on the same floor shared with only one other tenant. As these units rent for only $28900 per month with heat and utilities furnished, we very definitely feel that it is conclusive evidence that there is no shortgge in this bracket at the present time. We are confident that you will not overlook this fact in arriving at your decision concerning future controls. Very truly yours, eyQ ��j - P esi ant ire EFL/mc OFFICE: SOB COMO AVE. HUMBOLDT 2922 Bent Control, City Council of it. Baal, St. 2aul 2, Minnesota. ,..,ST Um mum CORPORATED RES. HUMBOLDT 1769 Sept®mbar 12, 1952 Dear sirs: Rent control was a necessity just as all controls were necessary during war, but on wars completion, all controls should have been taken off, including rent control. Communists yellows and pinks who are interested in making a second Russia out of the United states, are for rent controls. it is true that in some cases, rents are cheaper than they would be if the controls were off but I believe that there would be equally as many chsapstirents if controls were off. Rents on new buildings, on reoonverted buildings, and on attics would be cheaper if controls were off. As a rule, big rent operators did not suffer as a result of rent control since they had the money and the know how to get sufficient raises to offset the increase of operating costs. But, the modest owner of an upstairs, who did not have the money to hire an attorney, had to be satisfied with the old rate which is far below the amount necessary to maintain the property. As a rule, you will find that the people who are for controls are those who doubledoor tripled their own income since the war but are too selfish and unfair to grant or wish others a fair income. Yours y WAR:erd.��� Labor Day, 1952 Dear airs: -- Neither your government, nor any other can control my property. Five more families are up a tree for a place to live this winter -- the same tree up which Marzitelli will be in 1964. L. Parrish � PETITION OPPOSING RENT CONTROL TO �HE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL - We the undersigned citizens of voting age, property owners and tenants,respectfully petition your Honorable Body not.to support a resolution requesting the Feder.l Government to continue rent controls. Our c ,ty does not meet the specifications in the Federal law as "a critical defensf,area", and we know that there is an oversupply of rental property for housi_,g now, as shown by the high percentage of vacancies. Rent control is un-American. We, therefore, present this petition to the City Council of St. Paul and pray that they will oppose any continuance of rent control. STREET AND TELEPHONE NUMBER 611 -- 1 When petition is filled with sig- I certify that I personally solicited the natures, mail to: ST,PAUL RENTAL above signatures and witnessed the signing PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, 1550 of same. W. Larpenteur Ave. St. Paul 8,Minn. SIGNED IIII-�' rs. Ora M. Garley 421 North Roy Street, St. Paul 4, Minn. VQ 4e, / -�iK-f/ CiLU�O 0 r To The Honorable, The City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: When the council meets to consider the rent control situation, I would like to offer two equitable solutions for your consideration. Please consider the fact that the average landlord is not seeking an increase in rent but if his tenants receive a cost of living increase every three or four months the landlord is entitled to the same increase. It is obvious, landlords costs have increased by the same percentage. In reality he is employed by the tenant to fire the furnace and do the other janitor work. Let me explain the landlord is in no way responsible for this housing shortage. First the Government placed controls on all building materials. Second, proceeded to export billions of dollars worth of all kinds of building materials under the Marshall Plan and The Point Four Program. This created a shortage of building materials at Home; in fact, these controls will continue in effect until April 1953. - 2 - Under these conditions the landlords could not build additional housing. Why not persecute the parties responsible for this situation. I believe that most of the opposition to decontrol is caused by the fear of a few, th•t have been giving the landlord a bad time the past eight years. I would like to offer a solution for this problem; allow rents to be incre-sed the same percentage that Commissioner Marzitelli's Bakers and Confectionery Union was able to obtain for his members. Also the fringe benefits and vacations. Another solution the government paid the far er a sub- sidy on most foods the tenants consumed; such as, butter, milk, eggs and potatoes. These are but a few. Also to that list you must add tobacco that the tenants cigarettes are manufactured from. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties are in favor of the F. E. P. C. Bill. Well isn't it discrimination to keep extending rent control a few months at a time the past three or four years. Remember you have placed controls on the materials that produce housing,the Landlord is not to blame for this shortage. . 0 -3- I have sold a lot of my assets to enable me tolive amand feel also have economized on my living standards. I being discriminated against and ask this 80uncil, take no action in extending Rent Control. It is unconstitutional. If you know of another segment of our civilization, who have received a less percentage of increase than the Landlords have in the past eight years; I wish you would let me know. E. T. Wardell 394 Dayton A St. Paul Minnesota yours �trul , a� Una J-cobson 460 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, Mi^nesotA Au-'st 99, 1959 St. Paul City Council, City Clerk's Office Court House St. Paul, MinnesotA Gentlemen: I believe t:At rent controls should be abolished in the St. Paul Area because there Are A number of vacancies in my distriot at the present time And the controls Are working a hardship on the landlord who is not getting A Pair return on his investment. I hAve a four unit Apartment house getting $53.00 a unit, heat And water f,,rnished. As the families increase the wear and tear on the dwelline is doubled, the water bill alone has doubled, the price of oil is doubled, coat of plumbing ,painting is exhorbitant And the/ cost was $700.00, Almost double to what it was four years Ago. I Am losing money by maintaining these units at this price. A neighboring house gets $85.00 for three rooms, while I have four rooms and a private bath. I think there should be some equAlizntion in rents if I am to maintain this building I worked so hard to scouire. I think it is high time that controls were lifted. Sincereljr �� &4,et Alrf r � � a 647 Cherokee Ave. St. Paul 7, Minn. August 20, 1952. 4 To the City Council of St. Paul Gentlemen: I heard there is to be another meeting of the Council before the final decision is made on rent control. As I could not come to the open meeting, I feel a letter is the next best thing. Don't you think it is tine the landlord's get a break, or at least those that were renting at the time the rent control was but onq Salaries have more than doubled, food, clothing, repairs, etc. but the rents have not doubled. That is the only income some of the landlord's have to live on and it isn't enough to keep a place in repairs and to live on too. My Mother has a small place and she doesn't get enough income to keep the home in good condition. We have a duplex. The upstairs is in need of decorating, etc. and when we asked the OPA if we could get an increase, they said whatever benefits the tenant, we could get an increase on, so we decorated the hall, made minor repairs,decorated the living room and insulated the attic, and when we asked for an increase, after going through a lot of red tape and getting a bawling out by the tenants, the OPA allowed us $2.00 a month increase. If the rent control is removed I am sure the Landlords will use common sense In raising the rents. One thing sure there is no fairness in the way the rents are now. r Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, L'rs. Olive Gruetzman (Vllu.� V Af- �s A.A kL -1 zAJL� , 4C Honorable John E. Daubney Mayor of St. Paul Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Re: Rent Control 1005 SelbyAvenue St. Paul , Minnesota August 15, 1952 Have you noticed the newspaper ads for rental property avail- able? Also, the "Vacancy', and "For Rent" signs? Recently I had two apartments vacant, and altho I advertised in the news- paper for six days, there were very few answers to the ads. Why are so many of the John J. McDonough Apartments unoccupied? These low rent tenants have new cars and television sets that the landlords cannot afford. Surely any fair minded person realizes rent control is not necessary in St. Paul. After ten years, it i9 time the landlords have control of their own property. Your kind co-operation will be appreciated. Respectfully yours, G i 2033 Grand Ave., Apt. 4, St, Paul, Minn., Aug. 15, 19G2, Mayor John E. Daubney Court House St. Paul, Minn., Honorable Mayor: 'Kith reference to the controversy regarding rent control, I wish to state that if rent control is extended, which is not necessary as there is an abundance of rental units, there should be a provision whereby the landlord could receive a blanket increase of a fair percentage due to the increased cost of maintaining these rental units. You are well aware that rentals have not increased in proportion to the high cost of material and labor in maintaining these rental units. Furthermore, the tenants are receiving salaries far in excess of what they were receiving in 15Lt2 and their rents have not increased in proportion to same. After all, the landlord is a decent law—abiding citizen and is entitled to the same consideration that the tenant is. Yours very truly, M. G. Cray 17S.2- JC� W. H. DEUBENER LAKE GEORGE. P. O. 'HUBBARD CO.), MINN. /7e of a 1280 klarshall Avenue Saint Paul 4, 13innesota August 1s 1952 Hoa. John Daubney mayor of Saint Paul city Hall Saint Paul, P-dnne® to Dear payor Daubneyc Nqr name is Trs. Henry Kryser. lie started 39 years ago with a 44,000 mortgage on an 80 acre farm in Pine county, P•fismeseta. We worked hard and saved to give soows four would°hildren an education and to not be a burden to anyone, With the help oa home oT income for our old age so children I raised and dressed over two thousand chickens and planted and picked two acres of strawberries along with many vegetables every yearus�� engaged in ducefarmat and roadside stand and trucked to Saint Paul, utile my dairying with the help from no one else but God. we succeeded and purchased an apartment building in Saint P w ch we now call our homer but dossit belong to us3 To pay taxes yes, but t'hr o controls it3 It is now confiscated VW the government and taken over by unworthy tenants. we still work hard andhave more grief while a group of people who have no right to our property are enjoying it and treat us, like dirb. As it iso, there is no way out. I know we are not the only ones. There are thousands of thrifty disappointed old peoplfiw As I look back to.the days on the farm I was much happier} with our hard w3rk came the assurance that what we worked for was our otm. we do not mind hard work but grief is leading us to the grave. Our home nocr needs repair. No one knows better than the owner what is to be done. Irby this interference by the government and tenant --whether we can do it or not? We are not interested in any more of the tenants' money. All 1,e want is to control our own property. Tenants do not have a right to demand control of property they do not own. ws want our property back. For over ten years tenant and owner has been pitted against each other. .here has developed a habrad by tenants for all property owners. we norkedhard and saved all our lives to secure an incoae For our old age and now isn't it pathetic to ece this property deliberately being ruined by a class of people who never er has could manage to save a cent --now they demand the right to manage our busithe ri ght, the owner or the tenant? In all fairness, how would you like such treatment? One group is favored at the expense of the other --that is an injustice. If you will read the want adds you will see there are many ,pore apartments offered for rent than there are tenants. There is no shortage of homes as some would make you believe. lie are not now charging the ceiling price. It is not the poor class of people who are yeiling about rents. It is the rich class who sold their homes for bis money and now rent nice apartments oheap--have beautiful -2- furniture, the beat television sets, new cars, hold good jobs and enjoy all the protection our city offers yet they do not pay one cent of the tax. The assessor does not bother them at all. We taxpayers pay for sidewalks and upkeep, street oiling, tree triniing, street lights, fire hnd police protection, parks, and all other things that the city provides --and not a cent of taxes from our renters. ;•hien the city officials need more money, where do they turn to get it? 'ilia tax payers, of course. Our taxes have gone up since 19112 about 40%. Sure it is cheper to rent than to own a house. Our property is being confiscated. 146 are being robbed of our freedom and our liberty that belongs to us under the Constitution. Our freedom now is in the hands of the same City Officials who remember us when more raonsy is needed. Please also remember us now that we want our property,, our freedom, our liberty and our rights back --the same rights that another group enjoys. After, ,pore than ten years of such opprossion--are we to submit to more of it under the pretense that someone would be hurt. It is a propaganda by well-to-do tenants for their own gain. Rent Control is as inefficient, unjust, confiscatory and communistic as anyone could imagine. How much more cormnmistie could a setup like this get, even in Fussia? Throw it out and you will be rid of something that "S adopted from the Kremlin. Shed no tears over theoor to is we will not rob them, as for the rich tenants, let thrum buy their avm me_� ; c and become taxpayers to help take the burden In supporting our city government. Sincerely your ss Mrs. Henry Kryzer cc City Council JENNIE H. BOYD TRUST REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE TRUSTEES L P. BOYD LH BOYD ST. PAUL, MINN. I. H. BOYD August 7, 1952 City of St. Paul City Council Re: Rent Control advisability Gentlemen: Since 1942 - Landlords who have requested it, have received general increases to a total of 2o%, while wages have increased 100%. I consider it an affront to the property owning group, to have been singled out for controls, when all other groups in the U.S. were given afree in m rket. could It look- ed to me, as if the law makers felt Landlords were the only people not be trusted to deal fairly. I do not believe there are any more unfair people in one group, than in the other group; including Farmer -Labor, Bankers, etc. Some say the Rent Control law (if requested) gives rent increases where ad- justments are shown to be fairly needed, especially under the so-called "Fair Net In- come form. The Rent Control administrator set up a formula which in effect states that no increase is allowed if Landlord earns as much as $1.00 out of $5.00 collected from rents, after depreciation. When increases are given, they aim to give the Landlord adjustments for increased costs of operation, which means he will have the same number of dollars earned as in 1942. This figures out that the Landlord would have to reduce his standard of living 50%. to compensate for our depreciated dollar. Our Government does not apply that rule in regard to labor, farmer or any other group. They want is ot ess others to be When thee nfarmer getssated, so ha1r purchasing pesubsidy, Congressrasksnthelpeopleaasln 1942. a whole to pay for it, out of the national Treasury. When Congress thinks the tenant should receive a subsidy, they force the landlord to pay it, under Rent Control. If tenants need help in paying their just rent, so the landlord can maintain his property and his standard of living, equal to year of 1942, then it is my conten- tion that the National Treasury should pay it and not the landlords. The greatest danger to a Democracy is where the majority treat the minority inequitably, and for one reason or the other, the constitution does not protect them. This is what has been going on under rent control, when such controls were in effect, and the rest of our economy were free of controls. �If'any minority can be dealt with unjustly by the-a¢a ority, and get away with it, there is no minority in our country, be it 4,W jVcolor, business or religion, that is safe. 1 This tendency of majority to injure the minority, if allowed to spread, will destroy our great Democracy. However, the injury to landlords, if rent control is extended, is insignifi- cant compared to its great threat to our Democracy. Any one who advocates action which injures a minority group, are dangerously short sighted. Respectfully submitted, j d J. H. Boyd jHE�M\DYr A`(�S Q lET 1 ER SHOP . y .ton 317- 31 1a SZ. PAUL 4, M\NN. p Ib July July 30, 1052 To the Honorable Mayor Dnubney City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I have noticed quite a bit lately regarding rent controls has appeared in our local press. This is mostly relative to the dropping of rent controls this fall, unless requested to keep same by our local Council. I for one an very much against rent controls -- or any other kind o`_' controls which are as discriminatory as rent controls. And as far as there being s bhortage of houses and apartments such is not the cage in St. Paul. But if controls continue to exist yo,; can very certainly be assured of the largest slum cit;: Saint Paul has ever taiown. This is bound to haTpen because with rent controls the owner has no voice in his renting, can not keep his property up in good condition, and tinants get the idea they can do anvthLing they wish as long as they pay a sniveling rental. I r-spectfully call yo,xr attention to the current editorial from the Saturday Evening Post of August 2nd date, which I am enclosing. This I believe sum the "Controls" situation up very nicely. Please consider this fact when you make your final decision on rent controls. Let's give everyone an even break and let people with property handle their own property in their own way. There will be no drastic increase in rents -- the public would let thein stay vacant, the stun as they stopped. buying when prices were out of order. At the same time we can get rid of the government leaches who have bled the public dry these past 20 years by their bureaus, controls and graft. I do not write this letter to you in any disrespect to you, or your office. I do feel very keenly that rent controls are not just nor fair. Your usual thoughtful consideration when the time is right will be appreciated. /— Sinc �-J/7val� "Controls" Don't Make Low Prices; Production Does Nit is necessary to divert goods from ff vate consumers and toward defense uatrfes or the armed services, pricetrol, if supported by rationing, Lae a ce. But price control is futile as a means of providing plenty at low prices. It is also futile as a means of controlling inflation, when the Government is using its other functions to promote inflation. The advantages of price control are political, as the effort in Congress to get rid of it makes clear. The pattern is always the same, but its most re- cent exemplification is the hese of OPS vs. the Potato. On May twenty-seventh, OPS Director Ellie Arnall appeared before the House Banking Com- mittee and testified that, if controls were removed, higher prices could be predicted for "milk, bread, meat, POTATOES and a large number of grocery items." On June fifth, after the Senate had passed the bill removing controls, Mr. Arnall announced the end of price ceilings on several items, including potatoes, which had all but disappeared from the markets. Asked whether he expected the price of potatoes to rise to heights unknown, Mr. Arnall said cryptically, "It will be interesting to watch." Here a diversion. Mr. Arnall'e caution may be explained by the difficulties which previous price administrators have had in the field of prophecy. In 1946, for example, Mr. Cheater Bowlespredicted a wild orgy of price and rent increases, probably enough to double the cost of living within twenty days, if strict controls were not maintained. What actually happened, after controls were removed dur- ing the summer of 1946, was that food appeared in the stores after a virtual famine. To return to 1'Affaire Potato. In removing Con- trols, ENmector Arnall pointed out that Congress, by taking even one step in the direction of removing price controls, had messed things up to such an ex- tent that it might be better to pull the plug and put us all out of our misery. The tone of his valedictory was to the effect that the and of the ceiling on po- tatoes might result in a terrific jump in price. These characters never understand the free market. Therefore it was probably a shock to OPS when, after a quick upward spurt in the price of spuds, supply began to creep up on demand. Potatoes began flowing into the market like pleasure cars streaming back from the shore on Labor Day. Before the comer grocer knew what had happened, the price of spuds had declined by 40 per cent. Another day or two and the potato price had hit the Ceiling— from above—and crashed right through it. Perhaps OPS will survive this ignominy. It always seems to. But we should like to contribute our fifteen cents' worth to reason by reminding such spud users as read this editorial that a plentiful supply of potatoes at fair prices was not brought into being by OPS spies or by radio spots advising consumers to "Pay No More Than Ceiling Prices." All that these agencies could accomplish was to drive potatoes out of sight and create a black market. The potato supply rose and the price came down when the free market finally had a chance to operate. If Americans ever discover this simple truth, it will be tough on the bureaucrats whom we pay to deprive us of food and other good things. But under- standing of basic economics will be fine for the United States consumer and his standard of living. A Soviet Germany Would Mean Disaster for West By ROBERT STRAUSZ-HUPE m'SPIt TE our distaste for further foreign adven- ll ures and the advice of certain timid or over - trustful publicists, pacifists and pontificators, West - am Germany cannot be left to dangle in a no man's land between the NATO countries and the Soviet bloc. With " Western Germany in our orbit" we can defend Europe from the Baltic to the Alps. Without Western Germany, defense' of the West would be impossible. It is as simple as that—a mili- tary equation which the contractual agreement between Western Germany and the West translates into political terms, or, at any rate, will do so when it is ratified by other participants se, well as by the United States. Understanding this better than many Westerners do, Stalin bee greeted the agreement vith a new offensive. By propaganda, pressure slid action, Stalin is attempting to convince the Get.. that the Soviet Union, and not the West, can supply the coveted unity which all Germans crave, Stalin can produce strain and embarrassment, blit his promise of a free Germany under Russian sponsorehi i empty one. Stalin knows that a free yrs pe m cut loose from the Soviet satellite system, would line up with the West. He knows also that such an event would threaten the already -threadbare fabric of the satellite system, tempting the little Stalina, from Mao Tse-tung to Gottwald, to toy with Titoism. Actually the Germans are already joined to the West. German industrialists sell their products all over Europe. German youth turns West when it has the opportunity to turn anywhere. But Western nerve will be tested by the usual Red shenanigans, plus plenty of propaganda here at home. We are warned that an armed West Germany in the Western system will either gang up with Russia against her allies or else embroil them in a war with Russia for the liberation of East Germany. The Blow progress of NATO's defense program and the probability of delay in ratification of the German contractual agreement are relied on to cool the ardor of our European allies. These fears are by no means groundless. Germany could uas her new power to play both ends against the middle. However, some things have changed. German power, in the foreseeable future, will be feeble compared with the strength of the United States or, for that matter, of the Soviet Union. The bulk of the German people, their ablest and most respected military expert; included, harbor lofty ambitions for Germany's role in the world. But they have no stomach for fighting a lone -wolf war or CONTINUED oN PAGE IY August 8, 1952 y E zt.Paul, Minn. FiLL'U at. Paul City Council �cvF11� OFCI t City Hall � \Q �� ^'. �?K St. Paul, Minnesota pOG 9 Attention: Mr. Harold J. RYordan, ChA59%>AUG 9 AM 10 07 Sirs: SAINT PAUL r.11NNESOTA For the purpose of evaluating my position in the matter of rent control,. I am a landlord in the least degree, i.eUkV*61.666 rental unit. My belief is that certain members of the City Council are confused in their thinking because their po itien does not cause them direct son- tast with the little people who suffer the most in case of rent in- creases that are as sure to fol demisslof the Rent Coatrol ac night follows day. ir There are two main reasons why certain people do and must live in the ■o called "lower rent" housing units. One is that they can't afford to live in betterlb housing. Can a family man pay a large sum for rent on a wage of sixty-seven and one half eents per hour. One member of our City Council is reputed to have paid that kind of a wage last year. The other reason is what makes future additional housing necessary. i. e. children. A family with five or six youngsters can't live in what 70 or 80 dollar available rent provides. In order to have needed space for these future tenants, he must find a larger place for less rent thereby becoming a lower rent payer. However, in proportion to the number of persons he pro- tects from the elements, he pays more rent for actual space occupied than a couple without children. Should these people be forced into going further in debt by having to buy property sixty and seventy years old which was built for two to three thousand dollars and now oost=ten and twelve thousand or attempting to buy a new hoult4on't even stand up for the last payment, assuming the buyer gets that f4? Any rent increase will only add to that prevailing vicious circle. it has been recognized for many years that wages, rents and food are de- pendent on each other and as surly as rent goes up so will its partners. t'hs vicious circle must be generating, it cannot be perfect. Certain members of the Council refuse to distinguish between houses and housing. I think that we all agree that there are plenty of houses, but that if we stop listening to the people trying to sell these houses and instead of going out to the lake next week-end, take the almost paid for oar, and take a look at what too many people have to raise their children in, and then admit that rent controls are not only necessary but compulsory. The so called "middle class" renter can always find cheaper housinP, but the so called "lower income renter" will be forced out this winter and judging from the number of aspirants for public office, it is going to be a very cold winter. Respectfully, 4 ���.- . .WW- F. A. NOREEN TELEPHONES 2.2867 R. F. NOREEN 2.2868 NOREEN & NOREEN �>,Ad ..y, .f L.m ///(�;' 816 TORREY BUILDING V ? J DULUTH 2, MINNESOTA Jn1y 21, 1952 Mayor John E. Danbney and The City Council of St. Paul City Han Building St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: When I was in St. Paul yesterday I came across a piece in the St. Paul Dispatch of Friday. July 18, 1952, concerning the continuation of rent control in St. Paul. In that article Commissioner Marzitelli was quoted as having made the following statements "There isn't a landlord who has a legitimate case who is not making a 20 per cent return on his property". I am sure that the condesioner did not intend to give the impression that property owners were making a 20 per cent annual return on investment, although that is the way the quotation sounds. Apparently Commissioner Mamzitelli is basing this statement upon the rent regulation which provides that a property owner is entitled to receive a net profit of 20 per cent of the annual rent if his building contains five or more units. Although such a provision does exist in the rent regulations, there is a further provision beginning with, "Provided however", that permits the reLt stabilizer to give less than 20 per cent if he establishes that the building in question was earning less than 20 per cent of the annual gross rent during the base year, which was 1942. This "Provided howaver" provision permits the rent stabilizer to establish by a fictitious formula the 1942 profit and to therefore deny the 20 par cent profit at the present time. To determine the base year (1942) earnings on such a structure, the rent stabilizer establishes the base year income by subtracting all rent increases allowed since that date, thereby establishing an accurate figure. To determine base year expenses the rent stabilizer maltiplies the current year Ia expenses by 90.9 per cent arriving at a fictitious and deceptive figure,. approximately 40 per cent higher than the true figure thereby ar1kitrarily establishing a small profit or a lose for the year 1942 and thereby justifying mach lees than 20 per cant of the gross rent for the current profit* This 90.9 formZg has been set up by the rent stabilizer in Washington. It is used on a national scale. The form upon which it appears •r Mayor John E. Dauhney anti The City Council of St. Paul July 21, 1952 Page #2 11I Office of the Housing Expediter, Form No. D-107 revised 6=50. See line 12. I have seen this formula cheat many property owners in Dcluth out of what the rent law itself entitles them to and I therefore feel it as duty to call this deception to the attention of the St. Paul City Cound l, although I am a resident of Duluth - Very truly youres F. Noreen EF'Nt gn /* Enclosures (b) Office Housing SExpediter F2orm D-107 it Line 14 is a profit f 20% or more for small structures, or 1S% or more for large otrocturos, compute Lines 15. 18. and 19 -- and skip Lines 16 and 17. Otherwise. compute Lines 16 through 19 -- and skip o Line 15. PRELIMINARY FINAL LINE ITEM SOURCE AMOUNT AMOUNT 1 2 9 4 5 15 New Annual Income to be Lin. 7 divided by -•.70 for wall. Established -._-_ or .75 for large - - - - - - -- 5------------ S-""""-'-- 16 percentage Increase in From Schedule --column 2for small. Base Income _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- ^� or column for large -- '� 17 New Annual Income to be Line 11 multiplied by (100% plus line 16)- _ _ --- _ S ------------ 5-------- Established-- --------------- If line 15 or 17 is less than lino 4 --the petition must be denied Line 15 or Line 17. S_____________ 18 Increase in Annual minae Line 4__ _ _ _ - - S --------•--- Income..--. -- - •_-_ ---_ Lin. 18 divided by ---_ 19 Percentage Increase on -..-..-.----% -------- Annual Scheduled -Rents - . - - - -- Line " - . Igoe lines 20 thru 23moldf (a) there has been previous rinanoial relief on oontrolled from uncontrolled or decontrolled units. units and (b) there in "Other Inoomew or inooms 20 Total annual scheduled teats To From petition, multiplied of all commercial and residential units which to put figures m 5............ 5------------• ate not controlled.----- . ..... . ...... ®Waal basis ----------- 21 Total annual rents of Line 2 sinus S.---_._-„--- - 3............ _- conttoll-d units ----------- Lee 20....._... - - -_� 22 Ratio of controlled rents 21 divided 67 Line 4- _-_-_-- --�------`--- •••••••_••• •� -�” to aamial incoas._------• 23 Total annual increase to be Line 16 multiplied by S ------------- S-......-.... ordered in controlled rents.- L22---- --- �_--.- - al0i�` (ACV. Mem UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF THE HOUSIND EXPEDITER FAIR NET OPERATING INCOME WORKSHEET DOCKET NO. --...----••••-- No. OF ()NITS ------------- LINE ITEM SOURCE PRELIMINARY AMOUNT FINAL AMOUNT 1 2 3 4 5 11 Base income -----••••••---••--•• Line 4 minna lime 10 -__---_---- .ester S--_------»_ $-------_-»- 1 Total monthly rents ------------ Total of col. 4. part D -------- S------------ S------------ 2 Annual scheduled rents --------- Lim 1 multiplied by 12 -------- S ------------ S--_--_----_- 3 Ether income ------------------- part F-------------------------- S------------ S------------ 4 Annual income ------------------ Total of lines 2 anti 3 --------- 5------------ S------------ 5 Expenses (except repairs and re- Total of part B. after proper -- S------------ S ------------ 14 placements) , selection of depreciation -------'-"'� -----------� 6 Repairs and replacements-------- Total of col. 5. part C -------- S------------ $------------ 7 Annual operating expenses------- Total of lines 5 and 6 --------- 5------------ S------------ 8 Net operating income------------ (it Line .min us lin . w.------- 1. $----»------ $------------ ll.• r ..d pr....d WtA IL. lo) % ----------- A 9 Present income ratio ----------- Lim 8 divided by line 4 ---- --- ........... if line 9 is 25% or more for cull structures, or 9D% or more for large structures, no adjustment is required, And the petition should be denied 10 Annual amount of previous finan- From registration files--------- 5------------ S-------"--' tial relief. 11 Base income -----••••••---••--•• Line 4 minna lime 10 -__---_---- .ester S--_------»_ $-------_-»- f-.at "-/..•Ila.e4) , 12a expense-------------------- Line 7 multiplied by .909 ------ S-» - S------------ 3 Base not operating income------- him 11 minus line 12 ---------- S-»---"---- ---- ---- S-»----- (11 f1.iii.t .d�/hol«»J... udA. .A..... //... 13 ..d Iq 14 Base income (or loss) ratio --- Line 13 divided by line 11------ -------'-"'� -----------� ®o-o-aes kiss OFFICE OF RENT STABILIZATION CONTROLLED HORSING RENT REGULATION Including Amendments 1-399 NOTE: This copy of the Controlled Housing Rent Regulation is NOT official, but is for information purposes only. For the official text of the Regula- tion, reference must be made to the appropriate issues of the Federal Register. PART 825—Rxrrr REGMATIONS UNDER THE Hopsnrc AND Rmrr Acr or 1947, As A.;G. OOH'rROL1.ED HOUSURG RENT REOIn.ATION Sec. 896.1 De ialtlona and scope of 41 825.1 to 0253 825.12. Probibnlon againat higher than maximum tensa. 8253 Minimum apace, aervlee., furniture, furniaDings. and equipment. 825.4 Maximum rents. 825,5 Adjustment. and other determina- t1oD.. 825.8 Removal of tenant. 825.7 ReglesrWon. 826.8 Evmlon. 826.9 Enforcement 825.10 Procedure. 026.12 Adoption of orders. SECriON 1 1825.1 DeRnittorls and scope Of 11825.1 to 825.12. "Act" means the Housing and Rent Act of 1947 as amended. "Director" means Director of Rent Stabilization, or the Area Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Director of Rent Stabilization may ap- point or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him pursuant to the act. "Area Rent Director" means the per- son designated by the Director as direc- tor of the defense -rental area or such Person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Area Rent Director by the Director. "Local Advisory Hoard" means a board created in a defense -rental area, or a part thereof, the members of which are appointed by the Housing Expediter upon recommendations made by the Governor or as otherwise required by section 294 (e) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, m amended. .,Area rent df ice" means the office of the Rent Director in the defense -rental area. "Person" includes an Individual, cor- poration, partnership, association or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any Wherever the word "Expediter" or words "Housing Expediter" appear a "Director" shall be substituted and wherever the words "Once of the Hous- ing Expediter" appear, the words "Office of Rent Stabilization" shall be substi- tuted. other government, or any of Its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. "Housing accommodations" means any building, structure. or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or of- fered for rent for living or dwelling put - poses, togather with all privileges, serv- ices, furnishings, furniture. equipment. facilities and Improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. "Controlled housing accommodations" means any housing accommodation In any defense -rental area which Is not specifically exempted from control or decontrolled under 111 825.1 to 825.12. "Services" includes repairs, decorating and maintenance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and stor- age, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service. Janitor service, and removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility con- nected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. "Landlord" Includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, assignee or other person re- ceiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing ac- commodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. "Tenant" Includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. "Rent" means the consideration, in- cluding any bonus, benefit, or gratuity demanded or received for or In connec- tion with the use or occupancy of hom- ing accommodations or the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. "Motor court" means an establishment renting rooms, cottages or cabins; sup- plying parking or storage facilities for motor vehicles in connection with such renting and other services and facilities customarily supplied by such establish- ments; and commonly known as a motor, Auto or tourist court In the community. "Tourist home" means a rooming house which caters primarily to tran- sient guests and Is known as a tourist home In the community. "Rooming house" means, in addition to Its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel or motor court in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short term basis of daily, weekly, or monthly occupancy. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, residence clubs and all other establishments of a similar nature, including tourist homes, as well as rooms in private homes. "Maximum rent date" means the max- imum rent date applicable In any par- ticular defense -rental area or portion thereof as set forth in Schedule A. "Effective date of regulation" means the effective date of the Rent Regula- tion for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act .of 1942, as amended, or the effective date of this regulation, whichever is applicable, for each defense -rental area, or portion thereof, as Indicated in Schedule A ex- cept where the context indicates clearly to the contrary. Sec. 1, par. (a) (a) Homing and defense -rental areas to which H 825.1 to 825.12, inclusive, apply. (1) Sections 825.1 to 825.12 In- clusive (except the provisions contained in Schedule H), apply to all housing ac- commodatlons within each of the de- fense -rental areas and each of the por- tions of a defense -rental area, which are listed in Schedule A. except as otherwise provided in paragraph ibl of this sec- tion. (2) In Schedule A. the "maximum rent date" and the "effective date of reg- ulation," are given for each defense - rental area listed. More than one maxi- mum rent date or more than one effec- tive date are given for different portions of a defense -rental area or for different classes of housing accommodations where the same maximum rent date or effective date is not applicable to the entire defense -rental area or to all hous- ing accommodations In the defense - rental area. GPO -0-016 1636 . .w (3) In Schedule B are set forth ,pro- a visions which modify or supplement o §§ 825.1 *to 825.12 insofar as they are ap- t plicable to certain Individual defense11 - rental areas, or portions thereof or to a class or classes of housing accommo- dations In a defense -rental area. v r Sec. 1, par. (b) (b) Decontrolled and esernPted hous- ing to which 14825.1 to 825.12 do not apply -(1) Exempted housing. Sections 825.1 to 825.12 do not apply to the follow- ing: (D Farming tenants. Housing ace0m- c cavitations situated on a farm and oc- cupied by a tenant who is engaged for t a substantial portion of his time in farm - Ing operations thereon. (it) Service employees. Dwelling space I occupied by domestic servants, "care- takers, managers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part or an of their compensation and who are em- ployed for the purpose of rendering serv- ices In connection with the Premises of which the dwelling space Is a part. (ill) Accommodations in hotels, motor courts, rooming houses and other estab- lishments. All accommodations subject to the provisions of the Rent Regulation for Controlled Rooms in Rooming Houses and Other Establishments and the Rent Regulation 3 -Hotel Regulation. (iv) Structures subject to underlying leases. (a) Entire structures or prem- ises wherein more than 25 rooms are rented or offered for rent by any lessee, sublessee or other tenant of such entire structure br premises, except as provided In (c) of this subdivision Qv). (b) Entire structures or premises where 25 or less rooms are rented or offered for rent by any lessee, sublessee, or other tenant of such entire structures or premises: Provided, That all of thew accommodations in such Am tures or premises are exempt or decon- trolled under the provisions of this sec- tion and are not subject to the provisions of Subpart B. (c) "Sections 825.1 to 825.12 do apply to an underlying lease of any entire structure or premises which was entered Into after the maximum rent date and prior to the effective date of the regula- tion while such lease remains in force with no power In the tenant to cancel or otherwise terminate the lease, unless all of the housing accommodations in such structure are exempt or decontrolled under the provisions of this section and are not subject to the provisions of Sub- part B. (v) Rented to National - Housing Agency. Housing accommodations rent- ed to the United States acting by the National Housing Agency: Provided, however, That 44 825.1 to 825.12 do apply to a sublease or other subrenting of such accommodations or any part thereof. (vi) Resort housing. Housing accom- modations located in a resort commu- nity and customarily rented or occupied on a seasonal basis prior to September 1, 1951, or the effective date of regula- tion applicable tq such housing accom- modations, whichever is later, or newly constructed or newly converted housing ecommodations which have been rented r occupied on a seasonal basis since hey were first rented or occupied. Rented or occupied on a seasonal basis" means (a) rented or occupied during the "1n season" (winter or summer) and scant during the "off season," or (b) ented during the "in season" at a sub- stantially higher rent than during the off season." This exemption shall be effective only from June 1st to Septem- ber 30th, inclusive, in the case of -sum- mer resort housing and only from Oc- tober 1st to May 31st, inclusive, in the m ase of winter resort housing. This pro- vision shall not be construed to recon- rol any housing accommodation which was exempt from the rent regulation under the summer or winter resort hous- ng exemption provisions as they read onSeptember 19, 1951. l vii) Housing accommodations sub- ject to national rent schedule of Army, Navy, or Air Force. Housing accommo- dations rented by the Army. Navy or Air Force at a rent fixed by a national sched- ule of rents of the Army, Navy or Air Force. (Vill) Charitable or educational insti- tutions. Housing accommodations op- erated by educational or charitable insti- tutions and used In carrying out, their educational or charitable purposes. (2) Decontrolled housing to which If 825.1 to 825.12 do not apply. Unless otherwise provided in Sched- ule A, 44 825.1 to 825.12 do not apply to the following: (1) Accommodations in hotels. Those housing accommodations in any hotel which on June 30, 1947, were occupied by persons to whom were provided cus- tomary hotel services such as maid serv- ice, -furnishing and laundering of linen, telephone and secretarial or desk serv- ice, use and upkeep of furniture and fix- t•:res, and bellboy services not neces- sarily all the types of services named need be provided In all cases, as long as enoughareprovided to constitute cus- tomary hotel services usually supplied in establishments commonly known as hotelsin the community where they are located). For purposes of this subdivi- sion, the term "hotel" means any estab- lishment which is commonly known as a hotel in the community in which it 1s located and which provides customary hotel services. (it) Motor courts. Housing accommo- dations In establishments which were motor courts on June 30, 1947. (1111 Trailer or trotter space. Housing accommodations located in trailers and ground space rented for trailers, which on April 1, 1949, were used exclusively for transient occupancy, I. e., rented on a daily basis to tenants who tied not con- tinuously resided therein on and since March 1, 1949. (iv) Tourist homes. Housing accom- modations in any tourist home serving transient guests exclusively on June 30. 1947. (v) Accommodations created by new construction or Thongs from non -housing use. (a) Housing accommodations the construction of which was completed, or which were created by s change from a non -housing to a housing use, on or after February. 1, 1947: Provided, however, That maximum rents established under the Veterans' Emergency Housing Act for Priority constructed housing accommo- dations completed on or after February 1, 1947, shall continue in full force and effect, if. such accommodations are being rented to veterans of World War II or their immediate families, who, on June 30, 1947, either (1) occupied such hous- ing accommodations, or (2) had a right to occupy such housing accommodations at any time on or after July 1, 1947, un- der any agreement whether written or oral. (b) Housing accommodations the con- struction of which was completed be- tween February 1, 1945 and January 31, 1947, both dates inclusive, and which between the date of completion and June 30, 1947, both des atInclusive, at no time were rented as housing accommodations (other than to members of the immediate family of the landlord). For purposes of this subdivision (v) : The time at which construction of housing accommodations shall be deemed to be "completed" shall be the date on which the dwelling is first suitable for occupancy and all utility and service con- nections have been made, except for the Installation of such items and the com- pletion of such decoration work, as, in accordance with the custom of the com- munity, are left for Installation by,'br to the choice of, the purchaser or the ten- ant. (vD Additional housing accommoda- floru created by conversion. (a) Addl- tional housing accommodations created on or after February 1, 1947, by a con- version (i. e., a structural change In a residential unit or units involving sqb- atantial alterations and remodeling) which was created on or before March, 31, 1949, but subject to the proviso clause set forth in paragraph (b) (2) (v) (a). (b) Housing accommodations as to which a decontrol order has been entered by the Housing Expediter based on a con- version created on or after April 1, 1949, but subject to the proviso clause set forth In paragraph (b) (2) (v) (a). On peti- tion by the owner such a decontrol order steal' be entered by the Housing Expe- diter. if the following facts are estab- lished: (1) There has been a structural change in a residential unit or units in- volving substantial alterations or remod- eling; and (2) Such change has resulted in ad- ditional, self-contained family units. For purposes of this paragraph (b).(2) (VD : The term "self-contained family unit" means a housing accommodation with private access, containing one or more rooms In addition to a kitchen (including kitchenette or Pullman kitchen) and a private bathroom: Provided, however, That where a housing accommodation meets all these conditions except that it has no private bathroom or no bathroom facilities other than toilet, the Area Rent Director may waive such requirement if he finds that the accommodation is of the type recognized as a self-contained fam- ily unit in the neighborhood in which it is located. (vill Non -housekeeping furnished ac- commodations. Non -housekeeping fur- nished housing accommodations, located within a single dwelling unit not used as a rooming or boarding house, but only if no more than two paying tenants, not members of the landlord's Immediate family live In such dwelling unit, and the remaining portion of such dwelling unit Is occupied by the landlord or his immediate family. (See definition of roaming house In this section.) (v11D Luxury accommodations. Lux. ury housing accommodations as to which a decontrol order has been Issued by the Expediter. On petition of the landlord, filed on the Expediter's Form D-118 in accordance with the Instructions there- on, the Expediter shall decontrol any luxury housing accommodations If in his Judgment such action will result in the creation of additional self-contained family rental units by conversion of such luxury accommodations. Such decon- trol order shall be effective no earlier than 30 days after the date of its issu- ance ane may contain such conditions as the Expediter may deem appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this subdi- vision (vill). For purposes of this subdivision (vial) : The term "luxury housing accommo- dations" means unfurnished housing accommodations, located in a multi -unit structure, rented for use by no more than a single family and having a maximum rent in excess of $290 per month or such lower rental figure as the area rent di- rectormay determine to be representa- tive of rentals for luxury housing accom- modations in his defense -rental area or portion thereof. The terms "self-contained family unit" and "conversion" shall have the same meaning as In paragraph (b) (2) (vi) of this section. Sec. 1, par. (c) (e) Effect of §§ 825.1 to 825.12 on leases and other rental agreements. The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pur- suant to the terms thereof, except imo- far as those provisions are Inconsistent with §§ 825.1 to 825.12. Sec. 1, par. (d) (d) Waiver of benefit void. An agree- ment by the tenant to waive the benefit or any provision of §§ 825.1 to 825.12 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of If 825.1 to 825.12 to refuse to Pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to the effective date of §§ 825.1 to 825.12. SrmoN 2 § 825.2 Prohibition against higher than maximum rents -(a) General pro- hibition. Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease, or other obligation heretofore or hereafter entered Into, no Person shall offer, demand or receive any rent for or in connection with the use or occupancy on and after the effective date o H 825.1 to 825.12 of any housing ac- commodations within the Defense - Rental Area higher t-^.^. the maximum rents provided by 44 825.1 to 825.12; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. A re- duction in the services, furniture, fur- nishings, or equipment required under § 825.3 shall constitute an acceptance of rent higher than the maximum rent. Lower rents than those provided by §4825.1 to 825.12 may be demanded or received. Sec. 2, par. (b) (b) Lease with option to buy. Where a lease of housing accommodations was entered into prior to the effective date of regulation (or prior to October 20, 1942, where the effective date of regu- lation is prior to that date) and the tenant as a part of such lease or in con- nection therewith was granted an option to buy the housing accommodations which were the subject of the lease, with the further provision that some or all of the payments made under the lease should be credited toward the purchase price In the event such option Is exer- cised, the landlord, notwithstanding any other provision of 44 825.1 to 825.12, may be authorized to receive payment made by the tenant in accordance with the provisions of such lease and in excess of the maximum rent for such housing ac- commodations. Such authority may be secured only by a written request of the tenant to the area rent office and shall be granted by order of the Expediter if he finds that such payments in excess of the maximum rent will not be Inconsis- tent with the purposes of the act or §§ 825.1 to 825.12 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. After entry of such order the landlord shall be authorized to demand, receive and retain and the tenant shall be authorized to offer pay- ments provided by the lease In excess of the maximum rent for periods com- mencing on or after the effective date of H 825.1 to 825.12. After entry o1 such order, the provisions of the lease may be enforced in accordance with law, not- withstanding any other provision of § 1825.1 to 825.12. Nothing in this para- graph shall be construed to authorize the landlord to demand or receive or the tenant to offer payments in excess of the maximum rent In the absence of an order of the Expediter as herein provided. Where alease of housing accommoda- lions has been entered into on or after the has date of regulation (or on or after October 20, 1842, where the ef- fective date of regulation Is prior to that date), and the tenant as a part of such lease or in connection therewith has been granted an option to buy the housing accommodations which are the subject of the lease, the landlord, prior to the exercise by the tenant of the. option to buy, shall not demand or receive nor shall the tenant offer payments in excess of the maximum rent, whether or not such lease allocates some portion or portions of the periodic payments therein provided as Payment on or for the option to buy. Sec. 2, par. (c) (c) Security deposits - (1) General Prohibition. Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease, or other obligation heretofore or hereafter en- tered Into, no Person shall demand, receive or retain a security deposit for or in connection with the use or occu- pancy of housing accdmmodations within the defense -rental area except as provided in this paragraph (c). The term "security deposit." In addition to Its customary meaning, Includes any Prepayment of rent except payment in advance of the next periodic installment of rent for a period no longer than one month but shall not include rent volun- tarily prepaid subsequent to Possession by a tenant under a written lease for his own convenience. Subparagraphs (2) to (9), inclusive, of this paragraph shall be applicable to all housing accommoda- tions with maximum rents established under 4 825.4 (a) and (b) (2). Subpar- agraphs (7), (9) and (10) of this para- graph shall be applicable to all housing accommodations with maximum rents established under 1825.4 (b) except maximum rents established under sub- paragraph (2) of § 825.4 (b). (2) Maximum rent established under section 4 (a) or (b) of the Rent Regula- tion for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Where the maximum rent of the housing accommodations is or ini- tially was established under said section 4 (a) or (b), no security deposit shall be demanded, received, or retained except Ih-the amount (or any lesser amount) and on the same terms and conditions for on terms and conditions less burden- some to the tenant) provided for In the lease or other rental agreement in effect on the date determining the maximum rent established under said section 4 (a) or (b). (3) Maximum rent established under section 4 (c) or (d) o1 the Rent Regula- tion for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Where the maximum rent of the housing accommodations is or Ini- tially was established under said section 4 (c) or (d), no security deposit shall be demanded. received, or retained except in the amount (or any lesser amount) and on the same terms and conditions (or on terms and conditions less burdensome to the tenant) provided for in the lease or other rental agreement under which the accommodations were first rented or In any order heretofore or hereafter en• tered. Where such lease or other rental agreement provided for a security de- posit, the Expediter at any time, on his own Initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease In the amount of -such deposit of may order Its elimination. (4) Maximum rent established under section 4 (e) or 4 (j) of the Rent Regula- tion for Housing, issued Pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Where the maximum rent of the housing accommodations Is or ini- tially was established under said sec- tion 4 (e) or 4 (j), no security deposit shall be demanded or received. (5) Maximum rent established under section 4 (f) of the Rent Regulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the'Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Where the maximum rent of the housing accommodations is or ini- tially was established under said section 4 (f), no security deposit shall be de- manded, received, or retained. (8) Maximum rent established under section 4 (g) or 4 (h) of the Rent Regu- lation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Where the maximum rent of the housing accommodations Is or Initially was established under said sec- tion 4 (g) or 4 (h), no security deposit shal! be demanded or received, except In the amount (or any lesser amount) and on the same terms and conditions (or on terms and conditions less burdensome to the tenant) provided for in the lease or other rental agreement In effect on September 1, 1944. Where such accom' modatlons were or are first rented after September 1, 1944, no security deposit shall be demanded, received, or retained. (7) Deposits to secure the return o1 certain movable articles. Notwithstand- ing the preceding provisions of this par- agraph 1c), any landlord may petition for an order authorizing the demand and receipt of a deposit to secure the return of movable articles. If the land. lord shows that he has a special need therefor, the Expediter may enter an order authorizing a security deposit, not In excess of ten dollars, to secure the return of the movable articles specified In the order, (8) Deposits on certain leased fur- nished accommodations. Notwithstand- ing the preceding provisions of this para- graph (c). any landlord may demand, receive and retain as a security deposit, the rent for the last rental period of the term, not exceeding one month, where a newly constructed housing accommoda- tion Is. or was, rented and occupied for the first time after March 25, 1947, fully furnished, under a written lease, or where such newly constructed housing accommodation was rented and occupied for the first time on or prior to March 25, 1947, fully furnished, under a written lease, "it was constructed with a prior- ity rating or under specific authorization by the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent was approved by the United States or -any agency thereof and the entire project covered by the single priority application of which the housing accommodation was a part was not completed until after March 25, 1947. (9) Deposits based on prior rental practices. Notwithstanding the preced- ing provisions of this paragraph (c), any landlord may demand, receive, and re- tain, In the case of any rental agreement entered Into on or after April 1, 1948, a security deposit, If said deposit does not exceed the rent for one month In addi- tion to the otherwise authorized collec- tion of rent In advance, 1f the demand, collection or retention of such a security deposit was an accepted rental practice, Prior to January 30, 1942, in the area in which the premises are located, or was customarily required before that date by the same landlord In the renting of the particular housing accommodations in- volved, and If the tenant is allowed, under the terms of the rental agreement, to occupy the premises for the period covered by the security deposit without further payment of rent. Each area rent director shall determine the rental prac- tice or practices, prior to January 30. 1942, with reference to such security de- posits In the particular area or any por- tion thereof. (10) Maximum rents established un- der 1825.4 (b) (1), (3), (4), (5), or (8). Where the maximum rent of the hous- ing accommodation is established on the effective date of the regulation under §825.4 (b) (1), (3), (4), (5), or (8) no security deposit shall be demanded, re- ceived or retained except in the amount for In a lesser amount) and on the same terms and conditions (or on terms and conditions less burdensome to the ten- ant) provided for in the lease or other rental agreement in effect on the date determining the maximum rent. Pro- vided, however, That where such lease or other rental agreement provided for a security deposit the Director at any time on his own initiative, or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease In the amount of such deposit, or may order Its elimination. SxcnoN 3 1825.3 Minimum space, s e r v i c e s, furniture, furnishingsr and equipment. Every landlord shall, m a minimum, pro- vide with housing accommodations the same living space and the same essen- flal services, furniture, furnishings and equipment as were provided on the date determining the maximum rent, and as to other services, furniture, furnishings and equipment not substantially less than those ^rovlded on the date deter- mining the maximum rent, plus or minus any Increases or decreases made pursu- ant to 1825.5 (a) (3) or § 825.5 (b) or the comparable provisions of the rent regulations Issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. Szcrrox 4 1825.4 Maximum rents. (a) For housing accommodations of a class under control In a rent controlled area on September 19, 1951. iii Maximum rents in effect on June 30, 1947. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the maximum rent for any housing accommodations subject to §§ 825.1 to 82512 shall be the maximum rent which was In effect on June 30. 1947, as established under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. and the applicable rent regulation issued thereunder, plus or minus adjustments under 1825.5. (2) Maximum rents in statutory tease cases. (U For housing accommodations concerning which a statutory lease is in effect the maximum rent, until such lease is terminated or expires, shall be the rent set forth in such lease. if) For housing accommodations con- cerning which a statutory lease has here- tofore terminated or expired or hereafter terminates or expires, the maximum rent shall be the ren; set forth in such lease, plus or minus adjustments under § 825.5: Provided, however, That if immediately prior to the execution of any such statu- tory lease alternate maximum rents were In effect for the housing accommodations covered by such lease, the maximum rent for each al.ernative not referred to in the lease shall be determined as if it had been included In such lease: And Provided further, That 11 such housing accommodations are In a defense -rental area In which a general increase in maxi- mum rents has been or Is hereafter granted, the maximum rent shall be such lease rent plus or minus adjust- ments under § 825.5, or the maximum rent in .he absence of a lease, whichever Is higher. Reporting requirements. A landlord shall file a report in the Area Rent Office, on a form provided by the Director, of any termination of a statutory lease prior to the expiration date of the lease, unless such report was filed prior to April 1, 1949. Such report shall be Ned within fifteen days after such termination or fifteen days after April 1, 1949, which- ever is later. For purposes of this subparagraph (2). the term "statutory lease" means a lease as described in section 204 (b) (2) or 204 (b) (3) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, and § 825.1 (b) (1) (v), as they read prior to April 1, 1949. (3) First rent after dune 30, 1917 (see also subparagraph (5) of this para- graph). For housing accommodations first rented on ar after July 1, 1947, the maximum rent shall be the first rent for such accommodations. The landlord shall, within 30 days after renting said accommodations, file a proper registra- tion statement In the Area Rent Office in accordance with the provisions of § 825.7, except that in the case of controlled housing accommodations which were not included as controlled housing accom- modations on March 31, 1949, such regis- tration shall be made by the end of such 30 day period, or by May 15, 1949, which- ever date is later. The Director may order a decrease In the maximum rent as provided in § 825.5 (c) (1) and (8). If the Director finds that the landlord or any successor landlord knew of his obligation to register and negligently failed or deliberately refused to do so, the rent received for any rental period commencing on or after the date of first renting shall be received subject to re- fund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order under § 825.5 (e) (1) or (8): Provided, however, That the order under 1825.5 (c) may relieve the landlord or any successor landlord of the duty to refund the excess rent for any rental period during which the land- lord or any successor landlord neither negligently failed nor deliberately re- fused to register. The landlord or any successor landlord shall have the duty to refund only if the order under § 825.5 (c) Is issued in a proceeding commenced by the Director within 3 months after the date of the filing of such registration statement. If a refund is required by the order under § 825.5 (c) such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of the Issuance of the order unless the refund is stayed in accordance with the provisions of Rent Procedural Regulation 2. (4) Housing subject to rent schedule of Army, Navy, or Air Force Department. Where housing accommodations on June 30. 1947 are rented to either Army, Navy, or Air Force personnel, including civilian employees of the Army. Navy, or Air Force Department for which the rent is fixed by the national rent schedule of the Army. Navy, or Air Force Depart- ment, and on or after July 1, 1947, the rents on such housing accommodations cease to be governed by the national rent schedule of the Army, Navy, or Air Force Department, the maximum rents shall be those which would have been applicable under the appropriate subsection of sec- tion 4 of the Rent Regulation for Hous- ing issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, or shall be established under subpara- graph (3) of this paragraph. (5) Increase or decrease in space on or after April 1, 1948. Where housing ac- commodations are changed on or after April 1, 1948, by a substantial Increase or decrease In dwelling space, the maxi- mum rent for the housing accommoda- tons resulting from such change shall be the first rent charged after such change The landlord shall, within 30 days after renting said accommodations, file a proper registration statement In the area rent office In accordance with the pro- visions of section 825.7. The Director may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in § 825.5 (c) (1) and (8). If the Director finds that the landlord or any successor landlord knew of his obligation to register and negligently failed or deliberately refused to do so, the rent received for any rental period com- mencing on or after the date of first rent- ing shall be received subject to refund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maxlmum rent which may later be fixed by an order under § 825.5 (c) (1) or (8): Provided, however, That the order under § 825.5 (c) may relieve the land- lord or any successor landlord of the duty to refund the excess rent for any rental period during which the landlord or any successor landlord neither negli- gently failed nor deliberately refused to revi-Lei'. The landlord or any successor landlord shall have the duty to refund only if the order under § 825.5 (c) is issued in a proceeding commenced by the Director within 3 months after the date cf the filing of such registration state- ment. If a refund is required by the order under § 825.5 (c) such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 20 days after the date of the Issuance of the order unless the refund is stayed in accordance with the provisions of Rent Procedural Regulation 2. (.b) For housing accommodations of a class or 1n a defense -rental area not un- der control on September 19, 1951. (1) Rented on maximum rent date. For housing accommodations rented on the maximum rent date, the maximum rent shall be the rent for such accom- modations on that date, except as here- inafter provided in this section. (2) Under federal rent control on maximum rent date_ For housing accommodations which were under fed- eral rent control on the maximum rent date and thereafter decontrolled, the maximum rent shall be the maximum rent in effect on the date such accommo- dations were decontrolled. (3) First rent alter maximum rent date. For housing accommodations not rented on the maximum rent date which are rented after the maximum rent date, the maximum rent shall be the first rent for such accommodations after the max- imum rent date. The landlord shall within 30 days after renting said accom- modations or within 30 days after the effective date of regulation, whichever date is later, file a proper registration statement in the area rent office in accordance with the provisions of § 825.7. The Director may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in § 825.5 (c) (1) and (8). (4) Change alter maximum rent date but before effective date. For housing accommodations (except those for which a maximum rent is established under this 1825.4 (b) (2)) substantially changed after the maximum rent date but before effective date of regulation by a major capital Improvement as distin- guished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, or for housing accommodations changed between those dates by a substantial increase or decrease in services, furniture, or equip- ment, the maximum rent shall be the first rent charged for such housing ac- commodation after such change. The landlord shall within 30 days after the effective dare of the regulation file a proper registration statement in the area office in accordance with the provisions Of 1825.7. The Director may order a decrease in the maximum rent as pro- vided in § 825.5 (c) (1) and (8). (5) Increase or decrease in space atter maximum rent date. Where housing accommodations are changed after the maximum rent date by a substantial in- crease or decrease in dwelling space, the maximum rent for the housing accom- modations resulting from such change shall be the first rent charged after such change. The landlord shall within 30 days after renting said accommodations or within 30 days after the effective date of the regulation, whichever date is later, file a proper registration statement in the area rent office in accordance with the provisions of § 825.7. The Di- rector may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in 11825.5 (c) (1) and (8). (8) Rents received subject to refund. If the Director finds in cases where the maximum rent is established under § 825.4 (b) (3), (4) or (5) that the land- lord or any successor landlord knew of his obligation to register and negligently failed or deliberately refused to do so, the rent received for any rental period commencing on or after the date of first rentingor the effective date, whichever is later, shall be received subject to re- fund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order under § 825.5 (c) (1) or (8) : Provided, however, That the order under § 825.5 (c) may relieve the landlord or any successor landlord of the duty to refund the excess rent for any rental period during which the land- lord or any successor landlord neither negligently failed nor deliberately re- fused to register. The landlord or any successor landlord shall have the duty to refund only if the order under § 825.5 (c), is issued in a proceeding commenced by the Director within 3 months after the date of tiling of such registration statement. If a refund is required by the order under § 825.5 (c), such amount shall be refunde," to the tenant within 30 days after the date of the issuance of the order unless the refund is stayed.ln accordance with the provisions of Rent Procedural Regulation 2. (7) Housing subject to rent schedule of Army, Navy, or Air Force. Where housing accommodations on the effective date of this regulation are rented to either Army. Navy, or Air Force person- nel, including civilian employees of the Army, Navy, or Air Force Department for which the rent is fixed by the na- tional rent schedule of the Army. Navy, or Air Force Department, and on or after the effective date of the regulation the rents on such housing accommodations cease to be governed by the national rent schedule of the Army, Navy, or Air Force Department, the maximum rents shall be established -under 11825.4 (b) (3). (8) Housing owned and constructed by the Government. For housing ac- commodations constructed by the United States or any agency thereof, or by a State of the United States or any of its Political subdivisions, or any agency of the State or any of Ls political sub- divisions, and owned by any of the fore- going, the maximum rent, notwithstand- ing any other provision of this sec- tion, shall be the rent generally pre- vailing in the defense -rental area for comparable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date, as determined by the owner of such accommodations: Provided, however, That any corpora- tion formed under the laws of a State shall not be considered an agency of the United States within the meaning of this paragraph. The Director may order a decrease in the maximum rent as pro- vided in § 825.5 (c). SECTIO- 5 4 825.5 Adjustments and other de- terminations; general- considerations. This section sets forth speelfic standards for the adjustment of maximum rents. In applying these standards and enter - Ing orders Increasing or d0creasing max- Imum rents, the Expediter shall give full consideration to the correction of InegW- ties in maximum rents and the purposes and provisions of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, as well as any previous changes to the maximum rent. In the circumstances enumerated in this section, the Expediter may Issue an order changing . the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum space, services, furniture, furnishings or equipment required, except In cases where an order increasing or decreasing the maximum rent on the same facts and grounds was entered under the rent reg- ulations issued pursuant to the Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942, m amended. In making adjustments under this section, recommendations of local advis- ory boards shall be approved within 30 days if appropriately substantiated and In accordance with applicable law and regulations. If any recommendation cannot be acted uponIfni- w 3 days the board shall ben notified ed In writing of the reasons therefor. Upon approval or dis- approval of any board recommendation, the board shall promptly be notified of such approval or disapproval. Standards for adustments. In addl- tion to the adjustment standards which are Included In certain subparagraphs setting forth grounds for adjustment, the standards for a djustments under this section are set forth below. In ap- plying these standards, the Expediter shall, wherever appropriate, give due consideration to general increases in the defense -rental area since the maximum rent date for the defense -rental area in all costs of operating and maintaining the housing accommoda- tions. in the cost of providing services, furniture, furnishings and equipment and In the cost of construction or mak- ing major capital improvements, except insofar as the landlord has been pre- viously compensated for such cost in- creases. '(1) Difference in rental value. In those cases involving a major capital Improvement, an increase or decrease In living space, services, furniture, fur- nishings or equipment, an increase or decrease in the number of subtenants or other occupants, or a deterioration, the adjustment In the maximum rent shall be the amount the Expediter finds would have been, on the maximum rent "date, the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change: Provided, however, That no adjustment shall be ordered where It appears that the rent on the date -deter- mining the maximum rent was fixed In contemplation of and so as to reflect such change: And provided further, That In cases Involving an increase or dcresse in living space or a change from unfur- nished to fully furnished, the adjusted maximum rent shall be not less than the rent which the Expediter finds was gen- erally prevailing In the defense -rental area for comparable housing accommo- dations on the maximum rent date. (2) Rent generally Prevailing. In cases under paragraphs (a) (a) (a) (10),(c) (1), (c) (4). and (c) (5) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Expediter finds was generally prevailing In the defense -rental area for comparable housing accommo- dations on the maximum rent date: Provided, however, That In cases under Paragraphs ctlon, ( he adjustment ( may be on the basis of the rental agreement in force on the date determining the maximum rent. (3) Seasonal rent cases. In cases un- der c) (6)agrapof this s ction,) ( the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Expediter finds were generally pre- vailing in the defense -rental area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on the maximum rent date. (4) Rent increase approved by Gov- ernment Agency. In cases under para- graph (a) (15) of this section, the Adjustment shall be the amount of the rent increase granted by the appropriate agency of the United States. (5) Correction of error. In cases un- der ra a Pagr h (1) p of this section the adjustment shallb be the amount neces- sary to correct the -error. Landlord's certification as to services, etc. Any landlord who files a petition for adjustment under paragraph (a) of this section shall certify,that he Is main- taining all services, furniture, furnish - Ings and equipment required by this regulation and that he will continue to Maintain such services, furnitureas , the [ elshings and equipment so long the adjustment in such maximum rent which may be granted continues In effect. Effective date of rent increases. In all cases under paragraph (a) of this section the adjustment td the maximum rent shall be effective as of the date of the filing of the landlord's application or petition: Provided, however, That where a maximum rent for a housing accommodation .s established under 4 825.4 (b) (2) and a petition for ad- Justment Is filed by the landlord under 4825.5 (a) (1) or (3) within 30 days of ;he effective date of this regulation the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be retroactive to the effective date of the regulation. Sec. 5, par. (a) (a) Grounds for increase of maximum rent. Any landlord of housing accom- modations registered in accordance with the requirements of this regula- tion may file a petition or application for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable only on the grounds that: (1) Major capital Improvement after maximum rent date. There has been, since the maximum rent date, a substan- tial change in the housing accommoda- tions by a major capital improvement, as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance for which the landlord has not been compensated under the provisions of this regulation. (2) Change prior to maximum rent date. There was, on or prior to the max- imum rent date, a substantial change In the housing accommodations by a major capital Improvement, as distinguished from Ordinary repair, replacement, and malnttnance or a substantial Increase in the services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment, and the rent on the maxi- mum rent date was tired by a lease or other rental agreement which was In force at the time of such change or increase. (3) Substantial increase in space, services, furniture, furnishings or equip- mnt. There has been a substantial in- crease In the services, foralture, furnish - Ings or equipment provided with the h0usma accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent, or a substantial increase In the ilving apace since June 30, 1947 but before April 1, 1948. No ,adjustment under this para- graph (a) (3) shall be ordered on the basis of anY such change unless it Oc- curred with the consent of the tenant or while the housing accommodations were vacant: Provided, however, That the tenants' consent shall not be re- quired if the Expediter finds that such change e 11 e Is reasonably mired Y required for the operation pe on o f a multiple dwelling strucuc- ture or other structure of which the hous- ing accommodations are a part, or (it) is necessary for the preservation or main- tenance of the housing accommodations, or (Ill) is consistent with local property management practices and customs. (4) [Revoked.) (5) [Revoked.) 8 Varying n r7l g r enta. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was established by a lease or other rental agreement which provided for a higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease or agreement. (71 Seasonal rents. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was substantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand, or seasonal variations in the rent, for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Expediter's order may If he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calen- dar year. (8) Substantial increase in occupancy. 11) There has been. since the date deter- mining the maximum rent a substantial Increase In the number of subtenants or other persons occupying the accommoda- tion: or a part thereof under a rental agreement with the tenant. (it) There has been, since the date determining the maximum rent a sub- stantial increase in the number of oc- cupants, in excess of normal occupancy for that class of accommodations on the maximum rent date. (IID There has been, since the date de- termining the maximum rent an In- crease In the number of occupants over the number contemplated by the rental agreement on the date determining the maximum rent, where the landlord on that date had a regular and definite practice of fixing different rents for the accommodations for different numbers of occupants. (9) [Revoked.) (10) Priority rating granted on Sep- tember 1941 application form of Office of Production Management. The maxi- mum rent for the housing accommoda- tions was originally established under section 4 M of the Rent Regulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, the application for priority rating for the construction of the hous- ing accommodations was filed on the September 1941 form In use by the Office of Production Management prior to the revision of this form on December 15, 1941, the landlord did not make, prior to the maximum rent date, or. If the accommodations were not rented on that date, prior to the first renting of the accommodations after that date, a, writ- ten request to the appropriate agency of the United States to approve a higher rent than the rent Initially approved be- cause of Increased costs of construction, and the maximum rent for the accom- modation Is substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the defense - rental area for comparable accommoda- tions on the maximum rent date, giving due consideration to general increases In cast of construction, If any, In the defense -rental area since the maximum rent date. This paragraph (a) (10) shall apply Y only to housing accommodations which were first rented prior to March 29, 1944. (11) Inequitable rents. The landlord is suffering an inequity in that (I) the maximum rent for the housing accom- modations (other than company housing accommodations, 1. e., housing accom- modations regularlyrented to employee of the landlord) Is substantially lowe than the rent generally prevailing in th defense -rental area for comparabl housing accommodations on the max. mum rent date for the defense -rents -area, or (11) the landlord has not been compensated for a substantial increase in the costs of operating and Maintain - Ing the housing accommodations since the maximum rent date for the defense. rental area. The adjustment under this subparagraph shall be In an amount suf- ficient to relieve the Inequity. (12) [Revoked as of April 1, 1949, (13) Company housing accommoda- flons. The housing accommodations are company housing accommodations, and at a time subsequent to the date deter- mining the maximumrent the landlord and tenant agreed, ss a result of a con- tinuous process of bargaining on interre- lated matters. upon a wage increase and a rent Increase, and the wage Increase agreed upon has been put Into effect. The adjustment under this paragraph (a) (13) shall be on the bast. of the rent an agreed upon by the landlord and ten- ant, but the adjusted maximum rent may not exceed the amount which the Ex- pediter finds was generally prevailing In the defense -rental area for comparable non -company housing accommodations on the maximum rent date. For purposes of this paragraph (a) (13), the term "company housing accom- modations" means housing accommoda- tions which are regularly rented to em- ployees of the landlord. (14) Changes from year round to sea- sonal renting. The accommodatloue are located In a resort community, are pri- marily adapted to Occupancy on a sea- sonal basis, are vacant and the estab- lishment of seasonal variations in the rent would not, in the opinion of the area rent director, be Inconsistent with the Purposes of the act. (15) Approval of higher rents for Priority constructed housing. The max- imum rent was established under section 4 (f) of the Rent Regulation for Housing issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and prior to final completion of all units Included In a single priority application, but subsequent to the first renting of said accommodations, the landlord made a written request to the appropriate agency of the United States to approve a higher rent than the rent Initially approved be- cause of increased costs of construction, and a higher rent was approved by such agency. (18) [Revoked as of April 1, 1949, by the provision set forth in subparagraph (12) of this paragraph.) (17) .[Revoked as of April 1, 1949, by e provision set forth In sub at ph (18) H oust- accommodations.n p of )din air 0 net craft- in om—(ll / op c p Grounds, The net operating income from the building .s less than a fair net operating income. (The net operating Income shall not be considered less than fair .f it is 25 percent or more of the anckNal-Ancome in the case of a building colftitain—Ifiv less than five dwelling units, o I8 20 tlrcdnt or more m the case of a ntalnl five or more dwell- units.) 1 Paragraph (a) (18) must be filled on Worm D-106, provided by the Housing % Expediter, in accordance with the in- structions contained therein. No adjustment shall be granted under this paragraph (a) (18) with respect to housing accommodations regularly rent- ed to employees of the landlord (so- called company housing) or with respect to housing accommodations in hotels as defined in 1825.1 (b) (2) (1) (a) or (b). (.ID Successive petitions. Where an adjustment Is granted under this para- graph (a) (18) and a subsequent peti- tion Is flied thereunder, the test year used In any such subsequent petition shall. begin after the end of the test year used In the last previous petition: Pro- vided, however, That the Expediter may waive this limitation where the building has been affected by a significant in- crease in operating expenses which ap- plied to all or an Important class of housing accommodations in the commu- nity (such as a significant Increase in Property taxes or a significant Increase in contract wages). (Iv) Definitions, For purposes of this paragraph (a) (181, the term: "Building" means any structure or group of structures containing housing accommodations, having common fa- cilities and operated as a single business enterprise. "Net. operating Income" means the amount by which annual Income exceeds annual operating expenses. "Annual Income" means the legal onthly, weekly or other periodic rent al u 1building [din (both resl- or I nits n the bud B entlal an commercial) on the date the d Pell tion Is filed, computed on an annual basis, together with any other income earned from the operation of the build- ing during the test. year: Provided, how- ever, That any adjustments in maximum rents ordered after the date the petition Is filed shall be taken Into account: And provided further, That where a unit has seasons other I alternate or varying g Y rents, appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Expediter. In any case where an uncontrolled rental unit Is vacant, or Is occupied in whole or In part rent free, the full rental value shall be considered the legal rent. "Annual operating expenses" means all real estate taxes and other unavoid- able operating costs necessary to the operation and maintenance of the build - !ng, plus depreciation but excluding mortgage Interest and amortization, Properly allocated to the test year Or Projected on an annual basis In accord- ance with principles determined by the Expediter. "Depreciation" means the amount shown for the building In the latest re - 711 -Amount of adjustment. The ad- quired Federal Income tax return, but in ;tment under this paragraph (a) (18) no event more than 21 percent of the ill be in such amount as Is necessary annual Income for a building containing bring the net operating income from less than 5 dwelling units or 16 percent building (expressed as a percentage of the annual Income for a building con. annual income after adjustment) to taining 5 or more dwelling units. e median net operating Income of "Test year" means the most recent full ldlords generally (this median is 30 calendar or fiscal year, or any 12 con- reent of annual Income in the case of secutive months ending not earlier than Adings containing less than flue dwell- 90 days before the date the petition is f units, and 25 percent In the case of filed. Ildings containing five or more dwell- (v) Pending Petitions under former I units): Provided, however, That paragraph (a) (12), (a) (16), or (a) fere the Expediter determines that the (17) of this section, (a) If a petition liding falls within a class which nor- for adjustment under paragraph (a) illy experienced considerably lower 12), (a) (16) or (a) (17) of this sec- reenta8es of net operatingIncome ion, as It read Immediately prior to an the median, he may determine the ay 3, land, was riled on or alter fount of adjustment -on a baela which tion 1 .1949, end er order a such Rent been entered by the Area Rent Di- ll yield a lower percentage of net oper- ector prior to May 3. 1949, no adjust - Ing income which would be fair and ent may be granted under said para- ultable for that class of buildings. raph, but if the petitioner tiles such share based on the proportion which the number of shares of stock or other evi- dence of interest allocated to the dwell- ing units Involved bears to the total num- ber of shares of stock or other evidence Fof Interest allocated to all the dwelling units 1n the building. Except insofar as they are inconsist- ent with the foregoing provisions of this subdivision (vD, all the other provisions of this paragraph (a) (18) shall apply to cases covered by this subdivision (vi), (19) Ineffective statutory lease. The landlord and tenant entered into a writ- ten lease for the housing accommoda- tions which they in good faith intended to be a statutory lease as described In section 204 (b) (2) or 204 (b) (3) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, as It read prior to April 1, 1949, and the Rent Regulations Issued thereunder. and the lease was ineffec- tive to Increase the maximum rent be- cause of failure to meet all the require- ments of said act and regulations: Provided, however, That the deficiency was of a minor or procedural nature or has been cured by actual performance, and that the maximum rent had not been increased by a subsequent statutory lease. In cases under this paragraph (a) (19) . the adjustment shall be 1. the amount necessary to increase the maximum rent to the amount set forth In such lease, but not above the maximum amount au- thorized by the act and the regulations at the time of execution of the lease: Pro- vided, however, That In making such adjustment the Expediter shall take into consideration all adjustments made since the execution of said lease.- (20) ease:(20) Adjustment for increases in costs and prices. (1) The housing accommo- dations had a maximum rent in effect on July 31, 1951, or on the maximum rent date and on June 30, 1947, and the pres- ent maximum rent does not equal 120 percent of the following: (a) The maxi- mum rent In effect on June 30, 1947; (b) Plus any increases in the maximum rent allowed or allowable under this regula- tion for major capital improvements or for Increases in living space, services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment; and (c) minus any decreases in the maximum rent which are or may be re- quired under this regulation because of decreases in living space, services, fural- ture, furnishings, or equipment or be- cause of substantial deterioration or failure to perform ordinary repair, re- placement, or maintenance. (ill The housing accommodations had a maximum rent in effect on July 31, 1951, or on the maximum rent date but none on June 30, 1947, and the present maximum rent does not equal 120 per- cent of the following: '(a) The maximum rent for comparable housing accommo- dations on June 30, 1947; (b) plus any increases in the maximum rent allowed or allowable under this regulation for major capital improvements or for in- creases In living space, services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment and (c) minus any decreases in the maximum rent which are or may be required under this regulation because of decreases in 0 living space, services, furniture, furnish- ings, or equipment or because of sub- stantial deterioration or failure to Perform ordinary repair, replacement or maintenance. (111) Amount of adjWtment. The ad- justment under this paragraph (a) (20) shall be in an amount sufficient to cause the maximum rent to equal 120 percent of the amount specified In subdivision (1) 01 (it) of .this subparagraph which- ever is applicable: Provided, however, That the Director shall give appropriate consideration toorders Issued under paragraph (c) (1) or (c) (6) of this section decreasing maximum rents whlc:1 were In effect on June 30, 1947: And provided further, That no adjust- ment under this parag, aph (a) (20) shall be effected unless the application filed by the landlord for the adjustment 1s sworn to. dv) Where an adjustment under this Paragraph (a) (20) is based on a maxi- mum rent in effect on June 30, 1947 and on increases or decreases, if any, in the maximum rent actually allowed under this regulation, such adjustment shall be effective automatically upon the filing of the sworn application. In all other cases under this paragraph (a) (20), such ad- justment shall not be effective until an order Is entered by the Director. Sec. 5, par. (b) (b) Decreases in minimum services, furniture, furnishings, equipment, and space. (1) Requirements for Petition and Or- der, or Report. The landlord shall, until the accommodations become vacant, maintain the minimum services. furni- ture, furnishings, and equipment as re- quired under 4 825.3, unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease the serv- ices, furniture, furnishings, or equipment and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon. When the accom- modations become vacant, the landlord may on renting to a new tenant decrease the services, furniture. furnishings, or equipment below the minimum; within 10 days after so renting the landlord shall file a written report with the area rent director showing such decrease. (2) Adjustment in maximum rent for decreases on or after April Z. 1948. The order on any petition under this para- graph (b) may require an appropriate adjustment In the maximum rent; and any maximum rent for which a report is required by this paragraph. (b) may be decreased In accordance with the provi- sions ofParagraph (c) (3) of this section. If the landlord falls to file the report required by this paragraph (b) within the time specified, or decreases the ser Ices. furniture, furnishings, or equip- ment without an order authorizing such decrease where such order is required, the rent received by the landlord for any rental period commencing on or after such decrease or April 1, 1948, whichever Is the later, shall be received subject to refund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order decreasing the maximum rent on account of sbch de- crease In services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment. Such amount shall be re- funded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of Issuance of the order unless the refund Is stayed In accordance with the provisions of Revised Rent Proce- dural Regulation 1 or Rent Procedural Regulation 2 (Part 840 of this chapter). If the Expediter finds that the landlord was not at fault In falling to comply with this paragraph (b) , the order may relieve the landlord of the duty to refund. (3) Adjustment in maximum rent for decreases prior to April 1, 1948. Where a landlord decreased living space, serv- ices, furniture, furnishings, or equlp- ment before April 1, 1948, while tyh�e accommodations were Occupied, or de- creased, the living space, services, fur- niture, furnishings, or equipment during such period while the accommodations were vacant, and failed or falls to file a petition o: a written report as was required by the provisions of this,para- graph (b) prior to April 1, 1948, the rent received by the landlord for any rental pe'. d commencing on or after such de- erease or July 1, 1947, whichever is later shall be received subject to refund to the tenant of any amount In excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order decreasing the maxi- mum rent on account of such decrease In living space, services, furniture, fur- nishings, or equipment. Such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of issuance of the order, unless the refund Is stayed in ac- cordance with the provisions of Revised Rent Procedural Regulation 1 or Rent Procedural Regulation 2 tPart 840 of this chapter) . If the Expediter finds that the landlord was not at fault In failing to comply with the provisions of this para- graph (b) in effect prior to April 1, 1948, the order may relieve the landlord of the duty to refund. (Sec. 5, par. (e) (c) Grounds for decrease of maximum rent. The Expediter at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the max- imum rent otherwise allowable only on the grounds that: (l) Rent highs.* than rents generally Prevailing. The maximum rent for the housing accommodations was established under paragraph (c), (d), (e), (g), or (j) of section 4 of the Rent Regulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, or under 3 8254 (a) (3) or (5), or (b) (l), (3), (4), (5) or (8), and said maximum rent is substantially higher than the rent generally prevail- ing In the defense -rental area for com- parable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date, taking into con- sideration all relevant factors including any adjustments under 4 825.5 (a) which may be applicable. Where the maximum rent for said housing accommodations was originally established under paragraph (c), (d), (e), or (j) of section 4 of the Rent Reg- ulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and the Expediter finds that the landlord or any successor landlord knew of his obligation to reg- ister and negligently failed or deliber- ately refused to do so, the rent received for any rental period commencing on or after July 1, 1947, shall be received sub- ject to refund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order under this section: Provided, however, That the order under this section may relieve the landlord or ar,y successor landlord of the duty to refund the excess rent for any rental period during which the landlord or any successor landlord neither negligently failed nor deliber- ately refused to register. The landlord or any successor landlord shall have the duty to refund only if the order under this -section is issued In a proceeding commenced by the Expediter within 3 months after the date of the filing of such registration statement. If a refund is required by the order under this sec- tion such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of the issuance of the order unless the refund is stayed in accordance with the provisions of Rent Procedural Regula- tion 2 (Part 840 of this chapter). (2) Substantial deterioration. There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining Its maximum rent. (3) Decreases in space, services, fur- niture, furnishings or equipment. Thera has been a decrease in the minimum services, furniture, furnishings or equip- ment required by 4 825.3 since the date or order determining the maximum rent or a substantial decrease In the living space since June 30, 1947 but before April 1, 1948. (4) Special relationship between land- lord and tenant or peculiar circum- stances. The rent on the date deter- mining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relationship between the land- lord and tenant, or by peculiar- circum- stances and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the defense -rental area for compa- rable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date. (5) Varying rents. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was established by a lease or other rental agreement which provided for a lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease or agreement. (8) Seasonal rent. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was substantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand or seasonal variations In the rent, for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Expediter's order may If he deems It advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the cal- endar year. (7) Substantial decrease in occupancy. There has been a substantial decrease In the number of subtenants or other occu- pants since an order under paragraph (a) 18) of this section or section 5 (a) (8) of the Rent Regulation for Housing Issued Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con- trol Act of 1942, as amended. (8) [Revoked as of April 1, 1949 by the provision set forth in paragraph (a) (12) of this section.) Sec. 5. par. (d) (d) Orders where facts are in dispute, in doubt, or not known. If the maxi- mum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, or the living space, services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment required to be provided with the accommodations, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant. or is in doubt, or is not mown, the Director at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such factor determining the living space, services, furniture, furnishings and equipment required to be provided with the accommodations which order shall be effective to establish the maximum rent from the effective date of regula- tion or date of first renting, whichever is later, but In no event earlier than July 1, 1947. If the Director is unable to ascertain such fact, or facts, he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the defense -rental area for compa- rable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date and, where appro- priate, may determine the living space, services, furniture, furnishings and equipment included in such rent. Sec. 5. pan (e) (e) Sate of underlying lease or other rental agreement. Where housing ac- commodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more sub- tenants or other persons occupying un- der a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Expediter for leave to exercise any right he would have except for H 825.1 to 825.12 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Expediter may grant such petition if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result In the circumvention or evasion of the act or 44 825.1 to 825.12. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such cir- cumvention or evasion. Sec. 5, par. (D (f) Interim orders. Where a petition is filed by a landlord on one of the grounds set out In paragraph (a) of this section or a proceeding 1s Initiated by the Expediter under paragraph (d), the Expediter may enter an Interim order Increasing or fixing the maximum rent until further order subject to refund by the landlord to the tenant of any amount received In excess of the maximum rent established by final order in such pro- ceeding. The receipt by the landlord of any rent authorized by such interim or- der shall constitute an agreement by the landlord with the tenant to refund to addltlnpal data -as may be required for purposes of an adjustment under this paragraph (a) (18) the case shall be - -, processed under said paragraph (a) (18) and any adjustment granted thereunder shall be effective m of the date of filing of the petition for adjustment under said Paragraph (a) (12), (a) (16), or (a) (17). (b) If a petition for adjustment under Paragraph (a) (12), (a) (16) (a) (17) or Of this section, as it read Immediately Prior to May 3, 1949, was filed prior to April 1, 1949, and no order on such peti- tion had been entered by the Area Rent me�Y Director prior to May 3, 1949, the o case may be processed under said paragraph as It read immediately prior to May 3, 1949 and any adjustment granted there- _ _ under shall be effective as of the date of _ filing of such petition for adjustment: Provided, however, That if the petition contains virtually all the facts required for purposes of an adjustment under this paragraph (a) (18) and such an --' adjustment would result In higher maxl- im mum rents than an adjustment under the paragraph under which the petition was originally filed. the case shall be Processed under this paragraph (a) (18) and any adjustment granted thereunder shall be effective as of April 1, 1949. (vU XOtlsi g accommodattons in building owned by cooperative corpora- tion or association. In the case of hous- + Ing accommodations located In a build- ing which Is owned by a cooperative cor- poration or association, the annual in - 777 come and annual operating expenses to be used for purposes of this paragraph ai" (a) 118) shall be those for all the dwell- ing units In such building which are rented or offered for rent by a landlord (either the cooperative corporation or association or a person holding stock or other evidence of interest in such cor- poration or association), and the test Year shall be the latest complete fiscal year of such corporation or association. The annual income for the dwelling units Involved shall include (a) the max- imum rents for those units, computed on an annual basis, and (b) a proportionate share of all other Inc..,. other than '`" rental Income from dwelling units, earned from the Operation of the build- ing during the test year. The annual operating expenses for the dwelling units involved shall include (a) s;Z a proportionate share of the annual operating expenses Incurred by the eo- operative corporation or association with .. respect to the building: Provided, how- ever, That the amount of depreciation may not exceed 16 percent of the annual - - Income for the dwelling units involved where they are located In a building con- taining five or more dwelling units and not more than 21 percent of such annual Income In the case of a building con- tainingless than live dwelling units, and (b) all additional annual operating ex- .1. penes Incurred by the landlord which apply exclusively to the dwelling units involved (excluding, however, payments 77777 made to the cooperative corporation or Now association by a holder of stock or other evidence of Interest therein, in his ca- pacity as such). The term proportional, share," as used In this subdivision (vll, means a share based on the proportion which the number of shares of stock or other evi- dence of interest allocated to the dwell- ing units Involved bears to the total num- ber of shares of stock or other evidence Fof Interest allocated to all the dwelling units 1n the building. Except insofar as they are inconsist- ent with the foregoing provisions of this subdivision (vD, all the other provisions of this paragraph (a) (18) shall apply to cases covered by this subdivision (vi), (19) Ineffective statutory lease. The landlord and tenant entered into a writ- ten lease for the housing accommoda- tions which they in good faith intended to be a statutory lease as described In section 204 (b) (2) or 204 (b) (3) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, as It read prior to April 1, 1949, and the Rent Regulations Issued thereunder. and the lease was ineffec- tive to Increase the maximum rent be- cause of failure to meet all the require- ments of said act and regulations: Provided, however, That the deficiency was of a minor or procedural nature or has been cured by actual performance, and that the maximum rent had not been increased by a subsequent statutory lease. In cases under this paragraph (a) (19) . the adjustment shall be 1. the amount necessary to increase the maximum rent to the amount set forth In such lease, but not above the maximum amount au- thorized by the act and the regulations at the time of execution of the lease: Pro- vided, however, That In making such adjustment the Expediter shall take into consideration all adjustments made since the execution of said lease.- (20) ease:(20) Adjustment for increases in costs and prices. (1) The housing accommo- dations had a maximum rent in effect on July 31, 1951, or on the maximum rent date and on June 30, 1947, and the pres- ent maximum rent does not equal 120 percent of the following: (a) The maxi- mum rent In effect on June 30, 1947; (b) Plus any increases in the maximum rent allowed or allowable under this regula- tion for major capital improvements or for Increases in living space, services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment; and (c) minus any decreases in the maximum rent which are or may be re- quired under this regulation because of decreases in living space, services, fural- ture, furnishings, or equipment or be- cause of substantial deterioration or failure to perform ordinary repair, re- placement, or maintenance. (ill The housing accommodations had a maximum rent in effect on July 31, 1951, or on the maximum rent date but none on June 30, 1947, and the present maximum rent does not equal 120 per- cent of the following: '(a) The maximum rent for comparable housing accommo- dations on June 30, 1947; (b) plus any increases in the maximum rent allowed or allowable under this regulation for major capital improvements or for in- creases In living space, services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment and (c) minus any decreases in the maximum rent which are or may be required under this regulation because of decreases in 0 living space, services, furniture, furnish- ings, or equipment or because of sub- stantial deterioration or failure to Perform ordinary repair, replacement or maintenance. (111) Amount of adjWtment. The ad- justment under this paragraph (a) (20) shall be in an amount sufficient to cause the maximum rent to equal 120 percent of the amount specified In subdivision (1) 01 (it) of .this subparagraph which- ever is applicable: Provided, however, That the Director shall give appropriate consideration toorders Issued under paragraph (c) (1) or (c) (6) of this section decreasing maximum rents whlc:1 were In effect on June 30, 1947: And provided further, That no adjust- ment under this parag, aph (a) (20) shall be effected unless the application filed by the landlord for the adjustment 1s sworn to. dv) Where an adjustment under this Paragraph (a) (20) is based on a maxi- mum rent in effect on June 30, 1947 and on increases or decreases, if any, in the maximum rent actually allowed under this regulation, such adjustment shall be effective automatically upon the filing of the sworn application. In all other cases under this paragraph (a) (20), such ad- justment shall not be effective until an order Is entered by the Director. Sec. 5, par. (b) (b) Decreases in minimum services, furniture, furnishings, equipment, and space. (1) Requirements for Petition and Or- der, or Report. The landlord shall, until the accommodations become vacant, maintain the minimum services. furni- ture, furnishings, and equipment as re- quired under 4 825.3, unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease the serv- ices, furniture, furnishings, or equipment and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon. When the accom- modations become vacant, the landlord may on renting to a new tenant decrease the services, furniture. furnishings, or equipment below the minimum; within 10 days after so renting the landlord shall file a written report with the area rent director showing such decrease. (2) Adjustment in maximum rent for decreases on or after April Z. 1948. The order on any petition under this para- graph (b) may require an appropriate adjustment In the maximum rent; and any maximum rent for which a report is required by this paragraph. (b) may be decreased In accordance with the provi- sions ofParagraph (c) (3) of this section. If the landlord falls to file the report required by this paragraph (b) within the time specified, or decreases the ser Ices. furniture, furnishings, or equip- ment without an order authorizing such decrease where such order is required, the rent received by the landlord for any rental period commencing on or after such decrease or April 1, 1948, whichever Is the later, shall be received subject to refund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order decreasing the maximum rent on account of sbch de- crease In services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment. Such amount shall be re- funded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of Issuance of the order unless the refund Is stayed In accordance with the provisions of Revised Rent Proce- dural Regulation 1 or Rent Procedural Regulation 2 (Part 840 of this chapter). If the Expediter finds that the landlord was not at fault In falling to comply with this paragraph (b) , the order may relieve the landlord of the duty to refund. (3) Adjustment in maximum rent for decreases prior to April 1, 1948. Where a landlord decreased living space, serv- ices, furniture, furnishings, or equlp- ment before April 1, 1948, while tyh�e accommodations were Occupied, or de- creased, the living space, services, fur- niture, furnishings, or equipment during such period while the accommodations were vacant, and failed or falls to file a petition o: a written report as was required by the provisions of this,para- graph (b) prior to April 1, 1948, the rent received by the landlord for any rental pe'. d commencing on or after such de- erease or July 1, 1947, whichever is later shall be received subject to refund to the tenant of any amount In excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order decreasing the maxi- mum rent on account of such decrease In living space, services, furniture, fur- nishings, or equipment. Such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of issuance of the order, unless the refund Is stayed in ac- cordance with the provisions of Revised Rent Procedural Regulation 1 or Rent Procedural Regulation 2 tPart 840 of this chapter) . If the Expediter finds that the landlord was not at fault In failing to comply with the provisions of this para- graph (b) in effect prior to April 1, 1948, the order may relieve the landlord of the duty to refund. (Sec. 5, par. (e) (c) Grounds for decrease of maximum rent. The Expediter at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the max- imum rent otherwise allowable only on the grounds that: (l) Rent highs.* than rents generally Prevailing. The maximum rent for the housing accommodations was established under paragraph (c), (d), (e), (g), or (j) of section 4 of the Rent Regulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, or under 3 8254 (a) (3) or (5), or (b) (l), (3), (4), (5) or (8), and said maximum rent is substantially higher than the rent generally prevail- ing In the defense -rental area for com- parable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date, taking into con- sideration all relevant factors including any adjustments under 4 825.5 (a) which may be applicable. Where the maximum rent for said housing accommodations was originally established under paragraph (c), (d), (e), or (j) of section 4 of the Rent Reg- ulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and the Expediter finds that the landlord or any successor landlord knew of his obligation to reg- ister and negligently failed or deliber- ately refused to do so, the rent received for any rental period commencing on or after July 1, 1947, shall be received sub- ject to refund to the tenant of any amount in excess of the maximum rent which may later be fixed by an order under this section: Provided, however, That the order under this section may relieve the landlord or ar,y successor landlord of the duty to refund the excess rent for any rental period during which the landlord or any successor landlord neither negligently failed nor deliber- ately refused to register. The landlord or any successor landlord shall have the duty to refund only if the order under this -section is issued In a proceeding commenced by the Expediter within 3 months after the date of the filing of such registration statement. If a refund is required by the order under this sec- tion such amount shall be refunded to the tenant within 30 days after the date of the issuance of the order unless the refund is stayed in accordance with the provisions of Rent Procedural Regula- tion 2 (Part 840 of this chapter). (2) Substantial deterioration. There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining Its maximum rent. (3) Decreases in space, services, fur- niture, furnishings or equipment. Thera has been a decrease in the minimum services, furniture, furnishings or equip- ment required by 4 825.3 since the date or order determining the maximum rent or a substantial decrease In the living space since June 30, 1947 but before April 1, 1948. (4) Special relationship between land- lord and tenant or peculiar circum- stances. The rent on the date deter- mining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relationship between the land- lord and tenant, or by peculiar- circum- stances and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the defense -rental area for compa- rable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date. (5) Varying rents. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was established by a lease or other rental agreement which provided for a lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease or agreement. (8) Seasonal rent. The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was substantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand or seasonal variations In the rent, for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Expediter's order may If he deems It advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the cal- endar year. (7) Substantial decrease in occupancy. There has been a substantial decrease In the number of subtenants or other occu- pants since an order under paragraph (a) 18) of this section or section 5 (a) (8) of the Rent Regulation for Housing Issued Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con- trol Act of 1942, as amended. (8) [Revoked as of April 1, 1949 by the provision set forth in paragraph (a) (12) of this section.) Sec. 5. par. (d) (d) Orders where facts are in dispute, in doubt, or not known. If the maxi- mum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, or the living space, services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment required to be provided with the accommodations, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant. or is in doubt, or is not mown, the Director at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such factor determining the living space, services, furniture, furnishings and equipment required to be provided with the accommodations which order shall be effective to establish the maximum rent from the effective date of regula- tion or date of first renting, whichever is later, but In no event earlier than July 1, 1947. If the Director is unable to ascertain such fact, or facts, he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the defense -rental area for compa- rable housing accommodations on the maximum rent date and, where appro- priate, may determine the living space, services, furniture, furnishings and equipment included in such rent. Sec. 5. pan (e) (e) Sate of underlying lease or other rental agreement. Where housing ac- commodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more sub- tenants or other persons occupying un- der a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Expediter for leave to exercise any right he would have except for H 825.1 to 825.12 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Expediter may grant such petition if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result In the circumvention or evasion of the act or 44 825.1 to 825.12. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such cir- cumvention or evasion. Sec. 5, par. (D (f) Interim orders. Where a petition is filed by a landlord on one of the grounds set out In paragraph (a) of this section or a proceeding 1s Initiated by the Expediter under paragraph (d), the Expediter may enter an Interim order Increasing or fixing the maximum rent until further order subject to refund by the landlord to the tenant of any amount received In excess of the maximum rent established by final order in such pro- ceeding. The receipt by the landlord of any rent authorized by such interim or- der shall constitute an agreement by the landlord with the tenant to refund to the tenantAny amount received in excess Of the maximum rent established by final order. The landlord shall make such refund either by repayment in Cash or where the tenant remains in occupancy after the effective date of the final order, by deduction from the next installment of rent, or both. Sec. 5, par. (g) (g) Adiustments in case of options to buy. No adjustment In the maximum rent shall be ordered on the ground that the landlord has, as a part of or in con- nection with a lease of housing accom- modations, granted the tenant an option to buy the accommodations which are the subject of the lease. Where a lease of housing accommodations was in force on the date determining the maximum rent, and the landlord had on that date, as a part of or in connection with such lease, granted the tenant an option to buy the accommodations which are the subject of the lease, the Expediter may, on or after the termination of such lease, on his own Initiative or on application of the tenant, enter an order fixing the maximum rent on the basis of the rent which the Expediter finds was generally prevailing In the defense -rental area for comparable housing accommodations not subject to an option to buy on the maximum rent date. Sec. 5, per. 11) (1) Adjustment to correct determina- tions of maximum rent. The Expediter at any hme on petition of the landlord or on his own initiative may enter an order adjusting the maximum rent where the maximum rent In effect on June 30, 1947, was established by an order issued under the rent regulations Issued pur- suant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and such order was based upon an erroneous determina- tion of tact or law. SZCT ON 5 Removal of tenant—(a) Restrictions on removal of tenant. So long as the tenant continues to pay the re;3. to which the landlord Is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing ac- commodations by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any Person attempt such removal or exclu- sion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired. or otherwise terminated ;• and regardless of any contract, lease, agree- ment or oldigation heretofore or here - alter entered into which provides for surrender of Possession or for entry of judgment upon the tenant's confession for breach of the covenants thereof, or which otherwise Provides contrary here- to, unless the housing accommodations are registered as required by this regula- tion and except on one or more of the grounds specified In this paragraph (a) or unless a certificate has been issued as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (1) Violating substantial obligation of tenancy. The tenant is violating a sub- stantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent or an obligation to surrender possession of the. housing accommodations, and has con- tinued or failed to cure such violation after a written notice by the landlord that the violation cease. (2) Nuisance or illegal or immoral use. Under the local law, the tenant (I) is committing or permitting a nuisance in the housing accommoda- tions and such nuisance continues after written notice to the tenant that the same shall cease or (it) Is using or per- mitting a use of such housing accom- modations for an Immoral or illegal purpose. (3) Tenant's refusal of access to land- lord. The tenant has unreasonably re- fused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of in- spection or of showing the accommoda- tions to a prospective purchaser, mort- gagee, or prospective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate Interest there- in: Provided, however, That such refusal shall not be ground for removal if such inspection or showing of the accommo- dations Is contrary to the prov!sions of the tenant's lease or other rental agree- ment. (4) Accommodations entirely sublet. The tenant's lease or 'Other rental agree- ment has expired or otherwise termi- nated, and at the time of termination the occupants of, the housing accommo- dations are subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, and no part of the ac- commodations Is used by the tenant as his dwelling. (5) Landlord is a state or political &b - division thereof. The housing accommo- dations have been acquired by a state or political subdivision thereof and such state or political subdivision seeks to recover possession for the immediate pur- pose of making a publl^ improvement. (b) Eviction certificate; evictions not inconsistent with regulation. No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated in paragraph (a) of this section or other than for non- payment of rent unless on petition of the landlord the Director certifies that an eviction of the character proposed Is not Inconsistent with the purposes of the act or this regulation and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. Where the housing accommo- dations are registered as required by this regulation, the Director shall so certify for the following purposes: (U Occupancy by landlord or by land- lord's parent or child. Where the land- lord seeks in good faitl- to recover imme- diate possession of housing accommoda- tions for personal use and occupancy as a dwelling or for the use and occupancy as a dwelling for the landlord's parent or child: Provided, That the petition states the facts or reasons moving the land- lord to seek possession for such use or occupancy: And provided, however, That: (U Where the landlord acquired his rights in the housing accommodations on or after April 1, 1949, or on or after the effective date of control under this regulation, whichever date Is later, and at the time the petition is filed the land- lord has title or an enforceable right to Purchase and the right of immediate Possession to the housing accommoda- tions, a certificate for the purpose stated In the above paragraph (b) (1) shall be Issued for the eviction of a person who was a tenant of the housing accommo- dations at the time such landlord ac- quired his rights therein, only where the Director finds that the payment, qr pay- ments, of principal made by such land- lord aggregate ten percent or more of the purchase price of the housing accommo- dations. Any payment of principal made from funds borrowed for the purpose of making such payments shall be excluded in determining whether ten percent of the purchase price has been paid. Where Property other than the housing accom- modations which are the subject of the Purchase is mortgaged or pledged to the seller to secure any unpaid balance of the purchase price, the payment required shall be deemed satisfied if the value of such security, plus any payment of prin- cipal made from funds not borrowed for the purpose of making such principal Payments, equal ten percent or more of the purchase price. Payment, or pay- ments, of principal may be made con- ditionally or in escrow to the end that they shall be returned to the landlord - Purchaser In the event the Director de- nies a petition for a certificate: And pro- vided further, however, That the princi- pal payment requirement of this para- graph shall not apply where the land- lord Is a veteran of World War II, who obtained a loan for use In purchasing such housing �hhousirvg mmodations which was granted InIs or in part by the Adminlstrator eterans' Affairs; (IS> Where accommoda- tions are locatea structure or prem- ises which contore than [our hous Ing accommodations and the housing ac- commodations or premises are owned by two or more persons not constituting P cooperative corporation or association (husband and wife or parent and child as owners being considered one owner for this purpose) no certificate shall be is- sued under this paragraph (b) (1) for occupancy of more than one housing ac- commodation, and then only if none of co-owners are already In occupancy of any housing accomodatlon in such strun Cure or premises; (ill) In the case of housing accommo- dations in a structure or premises owned by a cooperative corporation or associa- tion, no certificate shall be Issued, for eviction of a person who was a tenant of the housing accommodations at the time of purchase, to a purchaser of stock or other evidence of interest in the coopera live, who Is entitled by reason of such ownership of stock or other interest to possession of such housing accommoda- tions by virtue of a proprietary lease, or otherwise, unless such cooperative cor- poration or association was organized prior to August 1, 1951, or prior to the effective date of this regulation, where the effective date of this regulation is later than August 1, 1951, and unless the stock or other evidence of interests in the cooperative has been purchased by persons who are tenants in occupancy of at least 05 percent of the housing ac- commodations in the structure or prem- ises and are entitled to proprietary leases of housing accommodations in the struc- ture or premises. For the purposes of paragraph (b) (1) of this section, the word "parent" In- cludes a father and father -In-law. mother and mother-in-law; and the word "child" includes a son and son-in- law, daughter and daughter-in-law, stepchild and adopted child. (2) Alterations or remodeling. Where a landlord seeks in good faith to re- cover possession for the Immediate pur- pose of substantially altering or remod- eling the housing accommodations and such alterations or remodeling (1) is for the purpose of creating additional hom- Ing accommodations of the type recog- nized as self-contained family dwelling units in the neighborhood In which they are located or (it) is to substantially improve such accommodations for con- tinued use as housing accommodations or is reasonably necessary to protect and conserve the housing accommodations: Provided, That the landlord has obtained such approval for the proposed altera- tions or remodeling as may be required by Federal, State, and local law: And provided further, That such alterations or remodeling cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy. (3) Withdrawal from rental market. Where the landlord establishes that he seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for the immediate purpose of permanently with- drawing them from both the housing and non -housing rental markets without any intent to sell the housing accommoda- tions. (4) Landlord is tax-exempt organiza- tion. Where the landlord establishes that it is an organization exempt from taxation under section 101 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code, and that it seeks In good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for the lm ndt diate and personal use and occupancy as housing accommodations by members of its staff. (5) Eviction not inconsistent with act or regulation. Where the Director In any case finds and certifies that a re- moval or eviction of the character proposed Is not inconsistent with the purposes of the act or this regulationand would not be likely to result In the cir- cumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Eviction certificates; waiting pe- riod; valid use of certificate. Certificates issued under paragraph (b) of this sec- tion, at the expiration of three months from the date of the filing of the petition, shall authorize an action to be brought for removal or eviction of the tenant instituted in accordance with require- ments of local law: Provided, however, That: (1) In cases under paragraph (b) (3) of this section the waiting period shall be six months; (2) In any case where the Director And that by reason of exceptional cir- cumltances extreme hardship would re- sult he may waive all or part of the wait- ing period; (3) No provision of this section shall be construed to prohibit a landlord who has obtained a certificate under para- graph (b) of this section from serving, prior to the expiration of the waiting period specified in said certificate, such notice or notices as may be required by the local law, provided that such notice or notices do not demand surrender of possession until after expiration of said waiting period; (4) In the event that the landlord's intention or circumstances so change that the premises, possession of which is sought, will not be used for the purpose specified in the certificate, the certificate shall not be effective to authorize evic- tion or removal of the tenant through court action or otherwise. (d) Notide required. (1) No tenant shall be removed or evicted from housing accommodations by court process or otherwise and no action or proceeding shall be commenced for such purpose upon any of the grounds permitted in paragraph (a) of this section, including an action based upon non-payment of rent, unless and until the landlord shall have given written notice to the Area Rent Office and to the tenant as pro- vided In this paragraph (d) (1). Every such notice to a tenant to vacate or surrender possession of housing ac- commodations shall state that the hous- ing accommodations are registered as required by this regulation, and shall state the ground under this section upon which the landlord relies for removal or eviction of the tenant, the facts neces- sary to establish the existence of such ground, and the date when the tenant is required to surrender possession. Where the basis relied upon for removal or eviction of a tenant is non-payment of rent the notice shall also include a state- ment of the maximum rent, the amount of the rent due and the rental period or periods for which such rent is due. A written copy of every notice required by ).his paragraph (d) (1) shall be filed with .he Area Rent Office within 24 hours of- .er such notice is given to the tenant. Unless a longer period Is required by the local law, every such notice shall give to the tenant a period not less than the following periods prior to the date speci- fied therein for the surrender of posses- sion and to the commencement of any action for removal or eviction: In cases arising under paragraph (a) (1) or (a) (2) of this section, a period not less than 10 days; under paragraph (a) (3) of this section, a period not less than one month; under paragraph (a) (4) or (a) (5) of this section, a period not less than 2 months; and in cases where the basis relied upon in such notice for removal or eviction is non-payment of rent, a period not less than three days. If judgment for possession is sought by virtue of a confession of judgment or by virtue of a warrant of attorney authorizing confession of such judgment against the tenr.nt, the date of com- mencement of the action as referred to in this section shall be deemed to be the date of the filing in court of the first papers in the proceedings for the entry of such judgment. (2) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant, on any groune permitted to paragraph (a) of this sectloa, including an action based upon non-payment of rent, the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office, stating the title of the case, the number of the case where that is possible, the name and address of the tenant, and the ground or basis relied upon under this section on which re- moval or eviction is sought. (e) Exceptions. The provisions of this section do not apply to: ( l) Subtenants. A subtenant or other Person who occupies or occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, where removal or eviction of the sub- tenant or other such occupant is sought by the landlord of the tenant, unless the rental agreement between the land- lord and tenant contemplated the sub- letting by the tenant of the entire ac- commodations or substantially all of the individual units therein, or unless under the local law there is a tenancy relation- ship between the landlord and the sub- tenant or other such occupant. (2) Public housing. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section the United States or any State or local pub- lic agency may maintain an action or Proceeding to recover possession of any housing accommodations operated by it where such action or proceeding is au- thorized by the statute or regulation under which such accommodations are administered. Sc XON 7 11125.7 Registration— (a) Registration statement. Every landlord of controlled housing accom- modations rented or offered foe rent shall file in triplicate a written state- ment on the form provided therefor, to be known as a registration statement, unless a registration statement was heretofore filed in accordance with the Provisions of this section as it read on September 19, 1951: Provided, however, That a landlord must re -register any housing accommodation which is recon - trolled after September 19, 1951, unless it had a maximum rent in effect under Federal rent control on the new maxi- mum rent date. If the housing accom- modation was controlled for the first time or recontrolled after September 19, 1951, the registration statement shall be filed within 30 days after the effective date of the regulation or within 30 days - after the first renting thereafter. If the housing accommodation was controlled on September 19, 1951 and not registered, the landlord has a continuing obligation to register in accordance with this regu- lation as It existed prior to September 19, 1951. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by §§ 825.1 to 825.12 for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Director shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Director and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the ten- ant and one copy to be stamped to indi- cate that It is a correct copy of the orig- inal, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new ten- ant his stamped copy of the registra- tion statement and shall obtain the ten- ant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. When the maximum rent Is changed by order of the Expediter, the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration statement to the area rent office for appropriate action reflecting such change. Where, since the filing of the registra- tion statement for any controlled hous- ing accommodations, there has been a change In the identity of the landlord, by transfer of title or otherwise, the new landlord shall flle a notice of such change on a form provided for that purpose, to be known as a notice of change in Iden- tity within 15 days after the change or July 1, 1947, whichever Is later. If the new landlord Indicates on the notice of change in Identity that he hasnot ob- tained the landlord's copy of the original registration statement. the Expediter shall cause to be prepared and delivered to him a true copy of said original, which may be used to satisfy all requirements of this paragraph (a). Any notice, order or other process or paper directed to the person named on the registration statement as the land- lord at the address given thereon, or where a notice of change In Identity has been filed, to the person named as land- lord and at the address given In the most recent such notice, shall, under the cir- cumstances prescribed in Revised Rent Procedural Regulation 1 or Rept Pro- cedural Regulation 2 (Part 840 of this chapter) constitute notice to the person who Is then the landlord. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to any housing accommoda- tion whose maximum rent was deter- mined under section 4 (g) of the Rent Regulation for Housing, Issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, or under § 825.4 (b) (8), on its sale by the owning agency, and within 30 days after the sale of such accommodations the new landlord shall file a registration statement as pro- vided in paragraph (a) of this section: Provided, however, That if the housing accommodations are sold to the United Statesor a State of the United States or any of Its political subdivisions, or any agency of the foregoing, paragraph (c) of this section shall continue to be applicable. Sec. 7, par. (b) (b) Receipt for amount paid. Nopay- ment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. Sec. 7, par. (ci (c) Exceptions from registration re- quirements; housing owned and con- structed by governmental agencies. The provisions of this section shall not apply to housing accommodations whose maxi- mum rent was originally determined under section 4 (g) of the Rent Regula- tion for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, or under § 825.4 (bl (8). The owner of such housing accommodations shall file a schedule or schedules, setting out the maximum rents for all such ac- commodations in the defense -rental area and containing such other Information as the Director shall require. A copy of such schedule or schedules shall be Posted by the owner in a place where it will be available for inspection by the tenants of such accommodations. Sec. 7, par. (p) (d) Housing in Puerto Rico Defense - Rental Area The provisions of para- graph (d) of this section shall be sub- stituted for the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section for housing accom- modations In the Puerto Rico defense - rental area. Every landlord of housing accommo- dations rented or offered for rent shall file In the area rent office a form pro- vided by the area rent office for this purposg, unless a form was heretofore filed In accordance with the provisions of section 7 (d) of the Rent Regulation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. For housing accommodations rented prior to June 1, 1947, such form shall be filed on or before July 30, 1947, For housing :tccommodatlons first rented on or atter June I. 1947, such form shall be filed on or before July 30, 1947, or within 30 days after.flrst renting, which- ever is later. The form shallIdenfit y each dwelling unit and shall specify the maximum rent provided by §1825.1 to 825.12, inclusive, for such dwelling unit and shall contaln such other information as the Expediter shall require. (1) Notice of maximum rent. The landlord shall prepare the form known as Notice of Maximum Rent". if the maximum rent for the dwelling unit was originally determined under paragraph (a) of section 4 of the Rent Regulation for Housing, Issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. The landlord shall pre- pare the notice in duplicate and shall send one copy to the tenant and one copy to the area rent office. (2 ) Registration statement. The land- lord shall prepare the form known as "Registration Statement" If the maxi- mum rent for the dwelling unit originally was, or Is. determined otherwise than Indicated In subparagraph 11) of this Paragraph. The landlord shall prepare the registration statement In triplicate and shall send the three copies to the area rent office. The Expediter shall retain one copy on file and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. (3) Change of landlord. Where, since the filing of the notice of maximum rent or the registration statement for any controlled housing accommodations, there has been a change in the Identity of the landlord, by transfer of title or otherwise, the new landlord shall file a notice of such change on a form pro- vided for that purpose, to be known as a notice of change In Identity, within fifteen days after the change or July 1. 1947, whichever is later. If the new land- lord Indicates on the notice of change In Identity that he has not obtained the landlord's Copy of the original registra- tion statement, the Expediter shall cause to be prepared and delivered to him, a true copy of said original, which may be used to satisfy all the requirements of this paragraph. Any notice, order or other process or Paper directed to the person named on the registration statement or on the notice of maximum rent as the landlord at the address given thereon, or. where a notice of change In Identity has been filed, to the person named As landlord and at the address given In the most recent such notice, shall, under the cir- cumstances prescribed in Revised Rent Procedural Regulation 1 or Rent Proce- dural Regulation 2 (Part 840 of this chapter), constitute notice to the person who Is then the landlord. SECTION 8 1825.8 Evasion—ia) Cenral. The maximum rents and other requirements Provided In §§825.1 to 825.12 shall not be evaded, either directly or Indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing ac- commodations, by way of absolute or con- ditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to -purchase or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges or by mod- ification o: the services furnfshcd with housing accommodations, or by tying agreement, or otherwise. Sec. 8, par. (b) 1b) Purchase of property as conciftion o) renting. Specifically, but without limitation on the foregoing, no person shall require a tenant or prospective tenant to purchase or agree to purchase furniture or any other property as a Con- dition of renting housing aeeommCda- tions unless the prior written consent of the Expediter Is obtained. SErrioN 9 §825.9 Enforcement. (a) Persons violating any provision of §§825.1 to 825.12, are subject to civil enforcement actions and sults for treble damages as provided by the act. Sec. 9, par. (b) (b) Any person who rents or offers for rent, or acts As a broker or agent for the rental of, any controlled housing ac- commodations or housing accommoda- tions which the Expediter has reason to believe may be controlled housing ac- commodations shall, as the Expediter may from time to time require, furnish information under oath or affirmation or otherwise, permit Inspection and copying of records and other documents and per- mit Inspection of any such housing ac- commodations. Any person who.rents or offers for rent, or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of, any controlled housing accommodations shall, as the Expediter may from time to time require, make and keep records and other docu- ments and make reports. SEcl'IoN 19 1825.10 Procedure. All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by H 825.1 to 825.12 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and tenant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Rent Procedural Regulation 2 (Part 840 of this chapter). SWrlON 12 - - 1 825.12 Adoption of orders. All or- ders Issued pursuant to section 2 (c), 2 (d) (3) and 2 (d) (1) of the Rent RegU- lation for Housing, issued pursuant to the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, As amended, which were In effect on June 30, 1947, shall be deemed to continue in effect under 11825.1 to 825.12, unless and until revoked or modified by the Expe- diter. Prepared by Office of General Counsel Office of Rent stabilization 47 a _ 4OP'J"` /{ f C f .1 G• ?.. �— fir?' �! jL -_4 ,ems ._ ..' Gr,/' ✓�' , �� 1-c-� � _ __ _ - - _ _ _- 24o Ham Building St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 21, 1952 City Council Court House St, Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: Re: Resulution in Connection with Rent Control Lapse This letter is to urgently request that you pass and sub- mit to the President of the United States the necessary resolu- tion for the continuance of rent control in St. Paul. With the shortage in housing in St. Paul still very great (especially those available to lower and medium -bracket insome people), it is most necessary that rent control be continued. Thank you. Yours/very truly, JCM:MC V zl< r , THE FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES CARL D. GASTINEAU, P ... Want RALPH A. MORRISON, Ron Secretary 1634 Snelling Drive, 8 370 Sup.riot Sfr..t, Z '.,31' (AMIiet. of Am.riun F.dar.tian of Lebodcan Fderatien of State, County and Municipal Employaer—Minnesota $tat* d—fl.. of Lab—Min—fa Council of City and County Employa. I t, Paul Trader and Labor A.ambly—Central Ci ... 11 of kubffc S-1cm Employ..) SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA September 6, 1952 Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Mrs. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: No. 8 ALFRED A. LISCHKE, Fin. S.c'y.Trees. 734 City Hall and Court Hour., 7 The Federatioof Public Service Employees, Local 8, are deeply concerned with rent problems in the City and feel that lifting of rent controls at this time would have a tendency to jeopardize the growth of the City. Under our present per capita limitation system we can not afford to lose any of our population who may be driven from the City to lower rental areas, this would also eventually &;ffect property values in the City, so we therefore urge your honorable body to adopt a program to further rent controls. Sincerely yours, Ralph A. Morrison, Sec. 6 9 - St Paul Minn September 3* 195 Hon City Council Court House St Paul Minn Sirs:",'e the undersigned protest the abandoning of rent controls after September 30th. "!e rent of J H Boyd 162 So Igississippi River Blvd who raised our rent from $52.00 to 468.00 per month four years ago and have had no improvements or deeoratLons during that time. Apt F. 62 S St Albans St. tL41 '..tiv�- IA}-e-- Qn-a-, �J sCVw✓�- tiz�� aIlii, �e2ald 1�. i^vans 1247 I/aff.id —Amar Saint gpaaj 4, Ajinncao(a September it, 1952 The Hon. John Daubney, Mayor City of St. Paul St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mayor Daubney. I would like to state that I am very much in favor of eontinuing rent controls. Certain parties claim that a housing shortage does not exist, but unless a parson can pay from $100-$110 a month, there is a serious shortage for those with children. With high living costs, many working men with a family have a hard time saving the $2,000 or more necessary to purchase a home, and thus are forced to rent.. If controls went off, rents would sky -rocket, causing thousands of St. Paul families untold financial strain. I wish to thank those members of the Council who are in favor of extending rent controls, I will remember them in the next election. V Thank you, Mayor Daubney, for any support you may give this situation. Very tiv �ycours,� ve LtiC,C�� Tr - l�/V(�(� • �/-pati �/`�—w'll��t/ _ �T ^ a1 IjI � \ W. H. DEUBENER LAKE GEORGE, P. O. (HUB BARO CO.), MINN. O / y n � Who Owns the Property? To the Editor: It interesting to follow the /'. various argumggnts in connection with rent con- trol, but I adt impressed with the tact that almost all the arguments seem to miss the �1 important part entirely. That Is the rights of the prop eCv - - �1" ette-i ertappeaareed last week signed by two people who I presume are tenants, wherein they point out that the cost of operating the rent j control office is much less than the owners wouldask for their property if controls were taken off. May I be so"crude as to point out that the property belongs to the owner, and not to eitt c She lenartt; �r the..oIfice of price ad. `\ iRlnistratlon, and such arguments sound some what IIat.41,-P"L...._"'._...._._- ._._ r. Minneapolis. -R. E. Wendell. j �� �; �;'� 1� �, � . ��- «.. . '�z . �� w��� � � ��-,-�� ,, � �� ,� ,` _ � _� �.�� -� � a� �- w ,� J _y � �- ? L.i.. -Z- L L.� � �- ��< � ,-�-� � � �j i September 8, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, City of St.Paul St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: What is being done about the continuing of Rent Control for the tenant? My rent has been increased 5 times within the past two years due to repairs on the building in which I am living. I voted for you, having confidence that you would help us in our problems. This should be given immediate attention before it is too late. Apartments are not plentiful and people do not care to move if they are satisfactorily located. Our rent will be raised sky-high if rent control should go off, as per the landlords' agreement. The city of Minneapolis has extended the time in favor of the tenants and I feel you should do likewise. Can we have some action on this' Respectfully you Mrs.Alice C.Works 1915 St.Clair Apt 7 St.Paul 5, Minn x/ 136'Nest-rn Ave.Idorth, St. Paul, Linn,., Septoinber 8, 1952. To the Hon. John E. Daubney, Mayor, r'embers of the City Council, City of St. Paul, 16innesota. Gentlemen: - I hereby wish to cast my affirmative vote to continue Controls after expiration date, Sept-mbsr 30th next. I am renter of Apartment 10.5, at 136 Ylestern Avenue Alorth, since 1958. My income is derived from a pension based on standards of 1936, when I was retired, and a smell annuity. In 1968 I paid a rental of •ti)37.50, f orwhich I received spas heat, refriceration, full janitor service, cleaning and such repairs, s became necessary. For the same space I row pay a rental of $51.201, receivine only space, heat and water. In the past two years, a -new refrigerator hes--been` nstalled, for which my rent vias raised ;2.50 per month, and the cost of operation put on my individual circuit. While installing a good-sized piece of plaster and lath wqs dislodged, the plaster was replaced by the landlord, but it was necessary for me to have the whole room painted; along with -the living room, where the radiator in the apartment above had leaked, making a most unsightly broken place onrPthe ceiling. This decorating job was also at my expense, which brings the rental above the figure previously given. My rent therefore amounts to over fifty percent of my income, leaving less than forty per cent to cover food, clothing„ insurance, telephone, religious and soci--1 requirements, etc. I feel that while it ent-ils som-i hardship on my personal finances, the rental I am now paying is a ¢ood return for the services rendered. I und-rstand the landlord claiirs he is installim, so-called improvements(?) .o brine the buiidi.nr up to new property being developed in this vicinity, renting for $70. and up:,rard; but this buildinm is old and constantly in need of repairs, none of which ere caused by carelessness or ill-useee on my part.' I therefore requ-st that Rent Control be cor.ti nued. Respoc ully, /�_,,_� r� e e� v/Gc_.o Laura L. At` -ins �O St. Paul, Minn., September 9, 1952 City Clerk St. Paul City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs The attached is self—explanatory and would appreciate very mach if you would present this petition to the Council for consideration at their meeting, September 17th, 1952. / rel yo K L JCCLuIwH. Aw CM.MKMMI GMKY. W L CanCR Mo. KCK[Y�GUMiw.. .[L wwllKe pl[IRXMCCCY. ICK. • KY. KICK/.KU M. NIXOK. CJJJP. 'Acnifeb -sfafez Zonate COMM ITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS September 4, 1952 Miss Ann Flaherty 1853 Randolph, #306 St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Miss Flaherty:' The enclosed is a report from the Director of Rent Stabilization regarding the rent control situation in St. Paul. Inasmuch as you have heard directly from him, I need not go into detail, but I do want to impress upon you the urgency of making your concern in this matter known to the members of the St. Paul City Council. I am returning the list of nsmesyou sent me so that you may, if you wish, submit them to the Council. Sincerely yours, e��%rte C7` • / Hubert H. HA phrey Enclosures - r n r' F ft. y 1 h We the undersigned are petitioning the continuance of rent control. NAFZADDRESS 3 �/l 7--2 22i iso. _C -V-. 711 So 722 aa.�� 9-O SO (SOL) LY 1-n e NAME ADDRESS -7 (v '7 a4le Otl� 7A) ti AMERICAN RED CROSS V1 11 61 H St. Paul, Minnesota August 22, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney. Mayor City of St. Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, respectfully request that rent control be extended for at least one year in the City of St. Paul. We feel this to be in the interest of preventing further inflation. We also believe, if rentals are permitted to be increased without control, it will result in hardship to hundreds of families in St. Paul. Name � p JEL d' Address P7 'J� s3/ 37 at. Aul, Minnesota August 22, 1952 Nssrsuble JAR Z. Danbery, Mayor City of Sts Paul, Yianssots • We. the uoderaigoed te=mts. respeetfully request that rent control be O tsad0d far at least one year in the City of at. Paul. we feel this to be in the interest of praesnt.+rg further inflation. We also believe. if rends are permitted to be lneressed without oontrel, it will result in hardship to hundreds of !whiles in St. Paul. • 09 St. Psul, M nssota August 22s' 1912 NWArabSo dabs B. Dadboye MWw City of St. Prnl, hl —nota hhr. the Mdessigned tenants, respecUtIly request that rant control be tactor -4 far at 1s"t ons yeas im the City 0 St. Prof. We reel this to be in Ow interest of prevaatimg feather inflstica. We also believe, if rentals are permitted to be in rsand dthout controls it will result in hardship to hundreds of rYm "I" in Ste Phot. now ) Address vy l4- l ` at. Paul, Minnesota August 22, 1952 hionorable John 8. Daubney. Nayor City of St. Paul, is woota • Ifs, the uudereigaed tenants, respectfully request that rent control be extended for at least one year in the City of St. Paul. We feel this to be in the interest of preventing further inflation. We also believe, if rentals are permitted to be increased without ooatrol, it will result in hardship to hundreds of families in at. Paul. • hTeme Address 0 243 Maria Avenue St. Paul 6, Minnesota August 28, 1952 Members of the St. Paul City Council Court House 6t. caul 2, Minnesota .ientlemen: In your consideration of extending rent controls or of eliminating will find it possible to thoroughly in - them, Z sincerely hope you vesti ate the types o° housing being offered at the various rates of rent. I em sure you will agree with me that rents are already too high for what is nein; o'fered and that it is necessar to ex- tend rent controls. I trist fou will vote to continue rent controls. Yours truly, (Miss) :irace Ceisenhoff QrxJ li l a c—e,L/�e 2 �J Lc" C/f�. ti p /I�a°�.✓�-�—lC/� / --"�-�'-�z-L �.-�r—u-2-E"--�2�s�__.� //iX�o--i/L1tc� �LaL�� (��� �f OI�,GG�/— -L"� �c� v ter_.✓ �.�.� ���ri l � oc"_c�..�� _;_-;-7�-�-�'- � % �-moi � a • �s -o « ��;.�- o--,�,`�i 'ti-�- � � L Mr Mayors you'll learn a lot if youill take a day off an go out to rent a place for humans to live, at apything un under 70.00 pr month and worse yet at not over 60.00. The landlordly arguments Everyhting else has nearly doubl do so rents should go up. That sound familiar? Pardon my mentioning it but you might remember: Landlords make more noise, but renters have more votes — one eacht Two per family, sometimes more. Cost of living is high enuf -- t -turn --k gher rent boys. --- �– %odors gain 2052y30kshtre ul 5 ota y This com a to urge you to make effective continuation of rent controls, at least equal to the Federal controls. Any landlord in hardship gets relief. The others who howl for no controls expect to raise rents, high. I know one modest landlord who without benefit of rules has increased rent 25% in a little less than two years. Another who has about 100 units has not quite achieved his goal of doubling 1940 rents ( no improvements meanwhile). Hisarguments Everything has gone up morethan runts so Prez&should go up. NI 7eodore Karo 2052 Yorkshire , St Paul Minnesota August 29, 1952 city_.Coun411, City of Saint Paul, ,Court House, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am writing you to urge you to take the proper actions to extend rent controls after September 30, 1952. There certainly is an emergency condition still remaining in the City of Saint Paul. People renting ordinary apartments (neither the poor classed nor the expensive), are just lucky to have their apartment, but they are not able to pay rent increases, which will definitely take place when thie'rent control is removed. Apartments are still at a premium, unless you are in a position to pay exorbitant rents. There are not too many people who have an income to be able to pay 1100 or thereabouts for just rent each month, and that is what will take Place if controls are removed. As far as these tales of landlords receiving stingy rents and getting tenants who are abusive to their property, it must be their own fault. There are people looking for decent places to live, who use an apartment like their own home. Keep it clean and decorated and are willing to pay a just price for its use. But the trouble with the landlords is that they expect to make a cleaning on the helpless tenant who has no place else to go. Another point is that if the city wants to force the veteran and his family to buy a home which also is priced way beyond the reach of many Aw are trying to raise families, in a decent manner, then of course, rent control will be removed. Thee are many more renters than there are real estate men and I believe you will get more votes and also be doing the right thing if you will arrange to continue rent control beyond September 30, 1952, and also until there are enough apartments available and homes have come to a sensible buying price. Very truly yours, -K s. Cl. A. Kohler r7 r:... St. Paul, Minnesota August 22, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor - - City_of_St,_l'su1,-Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, respectfully request that rent control be -.. _.. extended for at least one year in the City of St. Paul. We feel this to be in the interest of preventing_ further inflation. We also. believe, if - rentals are permitted to be increased without control, it will result in hardship to hundreds of families in St. Paul. — - Name _ Address _ - � 8�8 �;_� 1-6 -/3S3� 7 - uw� �ve / 8 %,/ � Z'o 04 �o 0 f. 7'74 13 �r7Z-1 oz 1517'. Ooh / 91'1-- V v a pyy ..__ ��� %222 `" VY Ak Ct L ,P4— � 16- v Dear Sirs; We the vndersigned are petitioning you t please retain rent controls in St Pml. We knovr what bappened to meat prices. 1 17 7� loqq 7/, -e To City 6awilmen Dear sire; titioning you to please retain We the =dersigaed are pe rout controls in St Paul we know what bappened to meet prices - j, To City Co Umen; Deer Sire; We the vndersiped are petitioning ym to pla&es retain rent controls in St Pani. WO'kuOW *at happened to teat prices - r rt i �_ f , f 2 � r • i , 1 . r� � 5 Iris Place St. Paul 4, Minn - July 25, 1952 City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen of the Council: Will you please submit a resolution to the President of the United States urging him to continue the present home rental control? Thanking you for your attention to this request, I am Sincerely yours, Clara Ashenbrenner St. Paul, Minnesota July 24, 1952 City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Attn: City Council Gentlemen: I would like to request the City Council to pass a resolution and submit it to the President of the United States for the continuation of rent control in St. Paul. This would greatly aid the lower salaried people who have fewer rental units available. Sincerely �yours, (Miss) Lee Wentz '44W4 4 St. Paul, Minnesota July 24, 1952 City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Attn: City Council Gentlemen: I would like to request the City Council to pass a resolution and submit it to the President of the United States for the continuation of rent control in St. Paul. This would greatly aid the lower salaried people who, have fewer rental units available. Sincerely yours, (Miss) Marilyn Nemitz � 1LLD f' July 24, 1952 9 26 1952rs JUL 26 Tk ' Honorable Mayor, Members CIERK of the City Council and CITY City Clerk Attention: City Clerk Gentlemen: We have been reading with great interest the discussion in our paper in reference to rent control. We are sincerel__y h that you are going to Five this matter your every consideration. We as tenants ]mow that there are not very many places available in the medium price bracket. The majority of the vacancies that areavailable range from $65.00 a month and up, and we as working people cannot afford this kind of rent. There are many of us now that are paying rents beyond our means. We feel that the stand taken by Councilman Rosen and Councilmen�Jt Marzitelli was in all fairness to those o£ us wlo arreeptenants. We ' are well aware of the fact that the real estate in our city wouldr like nothing better than to get the discontinuance of rent control. We feel pretty safe in saying that landlords at the present time are getting a very good return on their rentals. At the recent election we elected Councilmen who we felt would be fair and square on all issues and would have the public's welfare at hand. This matter of rent control is of vital importance to the majority of us who are of the working class, and the Council as our representativesrz should see that a resolution is passed extending this rent control. Please do not fail us at this time - it is most important that you give this matter your undivided attention! We are counting on your loyal support in having rent control extended. Just a Few of Innumerable Tenants ;t "ij M2,10 Allo vios?W"M Ifiv-, (NPIS 91 6 WV 9Z Inr Zia �xd-j 'do A 07*11 Jolijo k 01 -o o M W O tct Z Y W W U Q L,LL OOL N Z O aYs'�tLf/' &I *-) m *0w0. APARTMENT 11 11 SUMMIT COURT - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 35 NORTH GROTTO STREET IT, PgUL 5, MINNEOSTA .2��� i , _ `te�.� C,i�- ,� .,�,� �i�- Gia-�-_ ,, t_ ar>,.�- l��%� G%,/w- .U -Pyr-., --- �---�:1- � 7%k�� � a /, �, GR&ci, ARTn UR,Pn.P. n N.—I G.— ST ... T S—T P-11 .1, Dl�vxenarw August 5, 1952 Saint Paul City Council City Hall Saint Paul, viinnesota m Gentlemen: May I suggest that you give immediate attention to the business of keeping rent controls operating in this city. It seems to me that it would be a serious misfortune to a large part of the population, if they were allowed to lapse. Yours very truly, k at. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, MaSt. Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the oontinuanoe of Rent Oontrole Vaoanoles to a000modate the families of the average wage earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities ars still extremely somas and diffioult to find. �3"? Ao �,/��'�•��✓s'�' f��`t"k".. ��l etc:; rx �' %f- s e L tom. C-- - 44, St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned, tenants request your aid in the continuance of Rent Control. Vacancies within the limitations of the average wage earner are still few and extremely hard to find. 1,7 Jo�SAr"VVrI� 19 fC �d a _ � .02 ,% t•:� ��� ��,C �( �v�. tea.., sL 8 SrMrsaK sr St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable JaIm E. Daubney, mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota we, the undersigned tenants, request, your aid in the oontImance of Rent Control. V"Anejes to accomodate the families Of the &TOZ wag* earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely scarce and difficult to find. 11 Summit Court St. Paul, 2, Minnesota August 7, 1952 kr St. Paul City Council Court House St. Paul, E, Minnesota Gentlemen: / C k In the interests of St. Paul's many renters, I strongly urge the y �" � �M \ extension of state rent control provisions now in effect. Much personal hardship involving many St. Paul citizens will result if this ceiling is removed.�� Q� —Y� �� ��✓� �-� '�/w __ We have only to see the exorbitant charges now being asked on -• uncontrolled properties to know the expected consequences ofd no legal regulations. Uta ( cJ�cl/� {Ve are all painfully aware of the excessively high cost of living. D LA/\ Please act in the best interests of all citizens by preventing�C��_J`�/, further inflationary trends. e y truly yours, (� ^ �{/ �Q p i✓`L :as,-*� r� s. N. R. McVeigh) �, o of U) ._ W I OD U zz August 8, 1952 Honorable J. E. Daubney, Mayor: St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor Daubneys As an honorable citizen in the City of St. Paul, we cast our vote for you in the last election with the thought in t mind that you would do what was best for the greater number of people. This is an appeal for the continuance of the Rent Control Law in the City of St. Paul. --- --: At the present time we are already paying an adequate Rent of $60.00 plus the cost of our own utilities. There is no - caretaker service, hence the responsibility of keeping the halls - and the yard in a living condition rests with the tenants. I might add also that we are located in a middle—class residential district.�:.:.,a,. Our income falls into a bracket whereby we are considered =� in too high a bracket,to qualify for a Low Rent Housing Apartment, ;.:....-_....,::: and in too low a bracket to obtain a O.I. Loan for a substantial Jr=. home of our own with payments within our means. We feel that the landlord is getting a fair return on his investment. Be spent 3 months redecorating the apartment with all _. expenses and labor befrayed by us, the tenants. This of course is to his advantage should we decide that we could not meet an additional raise in rent. Therefore, you can appreciate our stand on this -,-. question of higher rents. Trusting that you can see the tenant's point of view in this case, we again ask that you vote for the continuance of Rent Controls. An East Side Tenant ccs Councilmen: Halvorson, Holland, " Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen • • •47c • • APARTMENT NUMBER 16 II SUMMIT COURT [� SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA �� 116 St. Paul, August 6, 1952 Mayor Daubney City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Please, don't let rent controls be decontroled. Whys do we want them? Everyone knows the answer. My landlord practically lives at the Rent Control Office. Rather, why the investigation to see whether St. Paul needs controls? There are still two large apartment buildings that will unnecessariby be torn down to make way for the Capital Approach that will make a considerable difference in housing demands, what then? 'Pill the Commission investigating bear this in mind? When an apartment owner quotes his rents I wonder if he informs any one of the improvements his tenants have put in his building. In t e building, I live in every single tenant has put in considerable7i provement in redecorating,and refurnishing if a furnished apartment is occupied. I believe in a fair and equitable rent, but I know I could not afford one of these apartments that rent for a sum that it would take me a whole week or more to pay for. I also feelconfident that these high rents have gone on for a much longer period than antici- pated by the landlord. I also know that the money spent in advertising "for rent" were out off the rent rate might make a difference, also these high-priced buildings never seem to be fully rented. This one item I'm watching carefully, who is for and who is against rent control in the City Building. Mabel Sails 1329 Grand Ave. �. /' �� �y-�-e��- _� ��-ate-- �� � �� 0_1;� St. Paul, Minnesota, Aaguet 6, 1952 Tothe Honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the City of 3t. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: ccntinu- We the undersigned tenants. request your sincere aid in the anoe of rent control. lies of the overage ws earner within Vacancies to accommodate the famitill extremely scarce and the limitations of his fin—is, possibilities ere s difficult to find. Rent in trolo ustobe kept s as not to add fuel to an otherwise mountingrise d99 q X36 ��• /j -3e ��o Q 113S -PL::) !!7? G?�►�,Q Qom` � Sl ��. 7� �.-w.,� G�aa�i �— .,� 1 � � , c��-s� � �,,� ii �� i �� y .� _ St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 3.932 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the continuance of Rent Control. Vacancies to accomodate the families of the average rage earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities 4 still extremely scarce and difficult to find. 17 �.f'a M- �� r., s. at. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable John $, Daubney, morSt. Paul, Xlnnesota - We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the continuance of Rent Control. Vacancies to accomodate the families of the average rage earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely scarce and difficult to find.. St. Paul, Minnesota Augast 6, 2952 HOnoraMe John 3. Danbney, Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, request ,our aid in the eontinaanoe of Rent Control. Vaoansies to accomodate the families of the average wage earner vitbin the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely searoe and difficult to find. St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, 1 St. Paul, Minnesota \ We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the continuance of Hent Control. Vacancies to accomodate the families of the average wage earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely scarce and difficult to find. 3Ir r L/ r St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Honorable John E. Daubney, Mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the continuance of Rent Control. Vacancies to accomodate the families of the average mage earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely scarce and difficult to find. 723 St.Qv�, � 1-L..�bz _ •� .1 / /,gin-,-��." 7614 10311 00-/ 711 -r' OA,,e.K,u / �, 6 3 a"A.-A. �/ �� � fes. (,7') � Ow•� at. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1952 Soncrable John E. Daubney, Mayor, St. Pant, Minnesota we, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the ooatinuanee of Rent Control. Vacancies to s000modate the families of the average wags earner within the limitations of his financial possibilities are still extremely seares and difficult to find. -7Z7 17'a 0 j�,. Or jS/ f j Gn r!1 0 17 2 o St. Paul, Minnesota August 6, 1932 Ronorable John g. Daubney, St. Pall, Minnesota We, the undersigned tenants, request your aid in the oontinuanoe of Rent Control. Yaoanelee to aoeomodate the families of the average Wage earner et within ythe limitations iand onstof bis lt to find. possibilities till SERIAL NO. OF ROLL 3 : A DEPARTIJENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP V PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If L}mated LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILti D a 7 CONTENTS r O�tL2C,! / ����f/"Z)T NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS or I lan 941 /n i9 s- - NUMBER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT hIICROFILMED fe3-- r SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor SERIAL N0, OF ROLL DEPARTIJ!ENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If L mated LIMITED RETENTIONQ DATE MICROFILt•'LrD CONTENTS // Gu.L2�i�/ NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS C 1 / S NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT 14ICROFILIIED SIGNED^ �✓ Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervzsor