231556 h t'.. r� ".� ' . �I r
- � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N� '�'��'�`�
PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson �� Januar 12 1967 �
q� ��
WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300,� ; �
H. F. 217 and ratiried by C. F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint� "
Paul , may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction, when { ,;
such costs esceed the benefits to the property owner, � �il
WHEREAS It has been determined that the followin described arcels of � ° �
, g p property ,,,
be relieved of the following amount: �
Description ' Amount
Lot 11 , Blk. 3, Maywood $159.75
� Lots 11 � 12, and the N 34 ft. of Lot 10, Blk. 2, Hamline 30.18 ;
The W. 40 ft, of Lots 1 and 2, �Blk. 2, Hamline 51 .97
Lot 12, Blk. 3, Milham Park 176,32
The N � of vacated Glendale Ave. adj , and Lot 28, Blk. 22, '
Desnoyer Park 18.77
'i'he S. � of Glendale Ave. vacated and e.��, and Lot "C",
Town ar�d Country Place 175.g$ ,
Lot 12, Blk. 21 , Merriam Park 204.57
Lot 13, Blk. 22, Merriam Park ' 204.57
Lot 14 and the W�-'z of Lot 15, Blk. 22, Merriam Park 204.57
Lot .94, Howard Park ' 32.14
Lot 10, Blk. 3, Lovering's Add. to Union Park 158.71
Lot 1 , Blk. 15, Midway Heights 141 .52
Exc. the S. 3 ft. for Minnehaha Ave. ; and' exc, the N. 52 ft.
Lot 12, Blk.-'15, Midway Heights 114,57 ' �
Exc. the W. 30 ft. ; Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 16, Midway Heights 182.41
Lot 3 and the South 2 of Lot 2, Blk. 14, Midway Heighgs 40.43
Lot 5, Blk. 14, Midway Heights 26.28
Lot 7, Blk. 14, �Midway Heights 26.g6 ,
Lot 8, Blk. 14, Midway Heights � 86.g1
Lot 10, Blk. 5, College Place West Division 237.39
Except the N 82 ft. , Lot 11, Blk. 5, College Place West Div. 78.32
_._ � .. -- . � � � - - --- - - - �• - '
WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,352.32�
now therefore be it� �
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized
to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of
�/,�, C�bI�'�F�EN� Portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the
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' ig65 Sidewatk (',ontract 65-M-325,Levy No. 4, District No. 1 , L-6726 in the amount ��
of $2,352.32, said �ermanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from ` ''
, the city's share of �ocal Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-701 . (1967) f �'
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-� - --- Adopted by the Counci g_ �
Yeas - NaYg � l. 1 � '
C�saf�" ��
Dalglish ��� j 19�� - I�t
Approved 19— ��
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In Favor
C I A�1 � Mayor
Tedesco � A gainst
�,,...,�;....,. _:,�,�....,�_,.. �,�:������� PUBI,�SF{�ED JAN 2 Z 1967 ��
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,DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER �' � • /�-f�y ����!JI
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. � _ �
PRESENTED BY �Ort �• r�L�I�SOR p� � , ;
COMMISSIONER DATE �nWrY ��� � ��+7 �
- �.
MlF�R�� �y aythori ty of tha Uv�a of .Nl�ns:ota for �hs yiar 1959, Chaptar 300;,
bi. �, 317 and r#tifi�� by C. F. Ib. 19?.�16, �pprov�d i�ay �� 1959� th� Ctty of �tn�'
ravl, �ay p�y � portton of th� asses�abl� costs of �.icbwalk �onst�uction� whsn '
*uch co�ts sscsed the beneflt� to the prop��ty ownm�. �; .
YI�EREA�R It has b�n dets�in�l thst ths follawing das�rtbad parct�s of propir��r i
!» rsli�vsd of th� following �wount: ' �`
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�sc�i�tioa , . . . ; , , , , ' ; . � ��,
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, I.ot i l. �ik. 3,� �aywood � � � � . , . • �159.7� �,
Lots 11 t 1�, �n+d tI� M' � �t. of Lot 10. �lk. �� �Itna 30.18 � � i ';
TF� M. k 0 �t. of ,I,ot3,� 1 �nd �, H1 k. 2. l�wl i n• $1.91 ;;;
Lot 12 ilk. 3. �Il thiw �ark �76•32 µ,
TMr M � of wcated Gl�ndal� Avs. adj. �nd I.ot 28� �lk. 2�.
�snoy�r Park 18.77 "'
th� �. � of lil�ndal• �1ve. v�cr�tad and �Jd. snd �1,ot "C". ��
Town and �ountry► Rlacs 115,9$ ;,
Lot 12, �ik. 21. 1l�rr�aa� Rark �0�.57
l.ot 13� �ik. 22. 1lsrrtaw �ark �p+�.57 ��
I.ot 14 �nd ths Yl�r of l.ot 15, �ik. 22. 1{�rri� �ark Y04.57 " ,
I.qt 9�+, tbwrrd �ark 3a.�� ;;,
Lot 10, �ik. 3, Lo�r��ing�s Add. to tlnion rark 156.71 '
Lot 1. llk. 15. Mtdw.y H.tghts 141.52 °
Gcc. ths $. 3 ft. for llinnshah� Av�. � and sx�. th� N. 52 ft.
L,ot 12� �lk. 15. !lidw�y �ights !1�►.57 ;
Exc. ths M. 30 ft. f Lots 1 and 2, ��k. 16� !!ld�y Neights 182.�►1 n ,
Lot 3 �nd the South �} of �ot �, �Ik. 1�, Mi�w�r Msighys �0.43 ;;
tot 5. �lk. tb� Mid�y Hetghts 26.28 �i' �
Lot 7. Illk. 14, flidtiwy Hetghts 36.96 ;;;
t,+ot 8, �ik. 14, Nid�y Nmtghts 86.91
j �ot 10, �tk. 5, Coii�gA �Nlace Msst �tvixion 237.39 ��;,
�accept �he M 82 ft.,. i.ot il, Slk.. fi, 'Coilsg� ll�ce ilmst Clfv. y8.�2
� �''
i I�REAS. Th� tot�l �ount Qf a�9gs��ble� costs the City :n�ey pay is $2,352.3�, ��
j now tl�rafor� b� �t, - _
� RES�l,11El, That tfi� Co�wi ss tonsr of 'ub1 f c W�orks be and i�e i s hsrsby autFwriz�d ,�
�} to pay froa� ths �an�aa�nt 'I�prow�snt R�.volving [�urtd. �o@� 6000, th� a�oemt of �1
' . C����F,�F� portion of th� �ss�s:abi� costs of '�irewalk �onstructton under the
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Adopted by'�he Council 19
Yeas Nays 1967 ,
c� ,_ . �� : JAN 13
, 'va�,a���— .
Dalglish Approved ���� � 3 ��6,
.IIoI•l�rrd--'�-° , � • .
In Favor I
e eYSa � ±
c� Mayor
Tedesco , a gainst
2:M�:'Px�e�id'�ri�;`Byrne"�'•3;lf� ' �
11Ir.�Vice Yrc�ic:�nt (liollnnd) ,
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