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a ISERIAL MIO. OF ROLL .30/Q k- DEFARTtF.NT �i ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP !// PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED a17 Limto ' LIMITED RETENTI/ONQ / DAT£ MICROFILMIED CONTENT'S- Sc NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRS/T� DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MIICROALMiED e 1 SIGNE^vCi' oo - / Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM dY 4 J s Supervisor _ e i. 'moi e V tLF.. —UCL N -: - _-'.�Tlr-,OF.SL. PAUL - _: vis. O._.._c. - --- - . Orlalo•1 m 1ilty Clerk LICENSEf3MMITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. �y M COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e /F�- Marco /iIJ�Q-i 30; 1949 PRESENTED BY , / LLiN--it'•^^` DATE_-------- COMMISSIONSR� c� v/---—�Ly� RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the followin4 persons at the addresses stated. - be and the same are hereby granted. . +'6 Mickey!B Diner, Inc. 364 Main Restaurant "Asp• 1459 New. old Lac, 14 n e p 597 n _ n Cigarette Harold B. Viall 96 N. Dale Off.Sale Malt n 14662 " n n Potter aBrake & Equipment, c. 2417nUniversity Auto Rep Gar " a 14903 ° New ". 22 University - Restaurant' n Gust A. Miller n Gigaretty " 11 15039 n n 15035-^ n= n George�E.,Leach, Inc. 605 9th Ave. S. Mpls.Vend Mach (1) ."; 15049 n. James T. Tongue' 170 E. 6th Foodstuff VMLoc " 15053 Carl J. Seebeck 62 W. Winifred Ice. Sta " 15055 it Old " Simonson Lumber & Supply CO- 6g7 Raymobi V Foodstuff 1,00 it ." 6g7 15o66 New n Daniel J. Madigan 935 Clear Mtr Veh Dr. " 15496-" Onofrio Corradini & Eugene C. Serchia M..A. Dev (3) " 15097 " v. 9053- Cottage Flernard W. MAtykiewic2;696 Tuscarora Junk Gatherer— ?' 15135 B Ronald J. Rhein 463 University Cigarette "` 15199 " Old n � C. F. No. 147512—BY w. A. Parranto- - Robert F. Peterson- - Resolved, Tbarotion t ]leenaes aPPBed fot nareed on the list at- by the rao.a - _ lime are hereby g�rented. and'the, Ctlty lleensGs . y Clerk 1s-Inetnttty to Issue such onpoa the Payment foto 'the City treasury of the ratiored fees. ' - - Adopted by Rhe Coupon Ao 1849. Approved ( ...h 8ii' 49). the CouneiL ---------------------------- ----194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved— .......................... Mortinson Parranto ........--` _ �� . _ .-__- �� Peterson --------•----rII Favor -----��9) Mayor Room Truax ......... Against Mr. President, Delaney ' 8M 0-48 - _ '- - - ..., .. . Clerk IC. 8. No. 147519-- Y K'•'=•Parranto—� RobertF. Peterson— - .. Resolved, That9 ]lcenses apPned for named on the dlst at-' yYYyyy 7`1 �,ll r Cl Orlpiml to City " . . CITY OF 'ST. LICENSE COMMITTEE - �..th Dersons J PAUL)' L'r this reeolutian, be end the�O•--- �tY .. ..._-.-.. ,.:...7Anted,-end the .OFFICE OF THE CITY CUl - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEFWA, a +ORM +�_•:? • 5" - -, PRESENTED COMMISSIONER —r RESOLVED: That licenses applied fort by ths'following persona of the addresses stated. be and the same are hereby granted. Otto & Walfred Johnson 973 Payne Grocery App. 13099 Renewal Andrew`& Mathias Hahold 121 Tj• Maryland Ica LUg & Storage '' ^ 13260 " Ali n Ice Sta R 13261"9 Harry G. Booth 689 St., Peter Restaurant a-- 13650 n n e dgarette n 13651 n )northern States Power Empl. Club c- 13687 n' 825 Rice. Restaurant n' a Cigarette " 136gs Louise Alessi 5149 E. Minnebaha Grocery " 13695 4 o n Off Sale Malt " 13696 n u it Cigarette ^ 13697 " Max Kipperman 893 Rice Grocery ^ 13839 n n n Butcher " 13840 6 u ^ Cigarette " 13841 n W. -R. Cowing . 593 Rice Gas Sta 4P . " 1389-1 n: Harry G. Swenson 399 Case Confectionery ^ 13950 " ^ " Cigarette h 13951 n Mr. & Mrs. John -Woolley 202 W. Central Confectionery " 14055 Off Sale,Malt " 14056 " n c Cigarette ". 14057 " Kleine Super Marketer, Inc. 927 Payne Off Sale Malt " • 14076 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-..' ............................194...... Yeas Nays . Mortinson Approved..--------------- 194-_... Parranto ' .............._.In Favor Peterson ---------------------------•--------------•-•-----------••--- ------••--•----•-•- Mayor Roseil Truax -Against Mr. President, Delaney ' 9M 049 • OrlQiml to•C1q CI k Y -�. ST- �u..[ Cn• N ------ _ e LICENSE COMMI'i'm CITYOF .PAUL .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL K COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE tfERAL FORMe -- _ _ PRESENTED BY °COMMISSIONER ' - _ DATE_ PAGE No. 2 -- __ APP• lu�j21-8enewBl. — Marvin A. Merrick 7'19. Burr Butcher srd Northern. Cooperage C6.551 Ooco Foodstuff 71MOO n 14335 ^ _- 9- Harry C. Hogen 145 W.,Kellogg. Auto Rep Gar 14341 " Edward J Euchelt S41 Burr Grocery * Butcher fln 14365 n n 14 66 n n n ^ Cigarette n .14369 n 3 n 14367 it-x Off Sale Malt _ n Anna M. Curtin ._ 310 IIniversity, $e staurant on Sale Malt ° 14419 fl ° 14419 n ^^ n Off 'Sale Malt 14420 ^ n n. Cigarette ^,. 14421 ^ n John J. Pfiffner ' 1500 N. Dale Grocery Butcher 9 14451 ^ -. ^ 14452 ^ , n n n off. Sale Malt fl n Cigarette- D. E. Forsberg E. 935 3 Else App. Rep " 14611 H. S. Kaplan ' 116 E. Chicago ° Junk Dealer ^ 14792 ^ - s Vincent Walsh 276 Front mo Auto Rep Gar ^ 14917 ^ gpnneth R. McCoy. 11 W. 9th Restaurant ^ 14949 n ^ 14949 n MinnesotaAmusement Co. ' 22 W. 7th Confectionery " ° 11+ 3 n n 439 Wabasha ^ n 14 64 II a Dennis Ricos 1595'Selby Barber ^ 14993 ^ Adopted by the CoundlL ' - 194-....: CCOUNCILMEN Yeas ways Approved--------------------- ........... ......--194.,.-.. Mortinson Parranto--•-- In Favor ...........................------......- - 1VIaygr Peterson - > Rosen - Against r Truax Mr. President, Delaney +# M,• 948 •d`�YJP.� e 4'751 ,O ilkml to ClWdak t _..._ - couaea '. , CITY OF PAUL' INNO31 — --- -- • - --- "LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE50 TION—GENERAL FORM ..PRESENTED BY, March. 3o.. 1949 - T COMMISSIONER _ _—�. —. - DATE_ PAGE, BOs 3 Jamas b. & Thomas Seidlo- e162 N. Grotto P&nto Rep Gar App. 14899 Renew4 Norman & Willard-VinitskY" 6Selby Bakery 14 900 " Arthur J. Schlukabier 65 W. Winifred Grocery " 14901 " n "• Butcher " 14902 " Chateau Amusement do. 1326 Randolph Motion Pic. (9975) 14937 n n Confectionery ^ 14938 " Mr. & Mrs. John Woolley ° 14945 " 202 W. Oentral Butcher Paul P. Milske & Son 1166 Selby " " 14947 11 John Wtas 708 S. Robert Grocery " 14962 " P. J. E. Bowes '170 N. Pascal Butcher " 14967 n •T, e u Ice Sia " 14966 " Edward S. Murnane 313 Front Gas Sta 3P " 14970 n ° Boy Schilla 959 Rondo Grocery . " 14971 n n Off Sale Malt' " 14972 n - n n Cigarette " 14973 " Applebaum Food Market,.Inc, r 427-9 St. Peter Grocery " 14995." Merril Marshall 94 Tilton Mtr Vah Dr. a 15019 John B. Sokol 654 Hall Grocery " 15020 1f n --n Off Sale Malt " 15021 " n. w Cigarette " 15022 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- -------................. ---------194 Yeas Nays Mortineon Approved---------- ------------------------------- 194.--. Parranto. Peterson------ _.In Favor ................... .... ........................................ ------........ Mayor Rosen C_ --•----.-.._- sinal TrussAg , Mr. President, Delaney . 3M 848., ^jD.@ - •. ' ori¢lmr t. city clak _ �- e CITY OF ST, PAUL w8 "` NO.-------- -. LICENSE COL'�tITTEE. - OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1, PRESENTED BY' -. - March. 30, 1949 COMMI6SIONER DATE_ ---- PA9,Nt%• 4, Anchor Casually Co. 2700 University, Foodstuff VMLoc App. 15026 .Renewal, Soeony Cacuum oil 0o. 606 Vandalia ^ " 15042 H. Simes & S. Brenner_94 E. Fairfield Junk Dealer " 15043 ^ Harry Schloff 143 E.fi'$th Foodstuff VMLoc " > 15048 ^ George Mieseler 470 S.IS$elling Grocery ^ 15054.V John Clark 642 St: Peter Mt; Veh Dr. ^ 15089 " Elmer R.'Martin 374 Wabasha ^ ^ 15098 " Field—Schlick. Inca 14 W. 5th Cigarette It 15124 ^ x . Ruben Star 233 E. 13th Junk Gatherer " 15158 " Russell Rollet• 97 Atwater Mtr-Veh Dr. ^ 15163 I' ' 11AR 3 4 i9b9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL................................. 194 Yeas Nays MAR 3 G M9 Mortinson Approved ............. -..... �-..._..------_194• �_ Parranto Peterson ........... --In Favor _........ L "%rMayor Rosen Truax --------------Against Mr. President, Delaney '3M 9-tQ •,*® . PITBLISII>:D p Inl.. trto C1tY C[e j - - _ 7 _ - . • 1-4.5 er CITY OF; S.T. PAUL n� NO:_____.__.14, .._ __... OFFICEIOF``THE CITY.CCERK COON L'RESOLUTION—.GENkRAL'FORM;� _-- r PRECOMM SSIONER DA i _.. t. ° - 1 r - RESOLVED, "That an extra of $6,532.00 fdr`additional labor and material in installing Stacks at the Main Public Is Library, be allowed under'Contract Number G-5147 between r the City of Saint.. Paul and J. S. Sweitzer and Sona Inc., said work havinf, been requested by the Department of Education and the Library Bureau, and agreement made with the Contractor and a memorandum of said agreement having been.filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. g i C r. No. 147514-By W. A, Parranto— ti 9Y Resolved, That an extra of "ss.5n.58 s for additional labor and materw 1.1 installing Stacks at the Main' Pubic 9 Library, be allowed under Contract Number G-5347 between ..the City Appro ed ; of. saint Paul and T. S. Speitzer and l , Son Inc., Said work having been M treated by.the Department of Edo- ca .. tion ;and the Library Bureau,.andj agreement made with thee. Contractor \ and a memorandum of Bald agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. I8A4�dopted by the Council March 30, .City Comptroller �+ppioveaMarch Mardiso,2, 18981849. ) MAR 3 0 ISMS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CollnciL................................. 194___ Yeas Nays 9i.,uR :; i . iApproved _.._.._..................... -•---._..194._.__ Mortinson Parranto In Favor __-•-----• -- io-_-- Peterson ...-- aYoF , Rosen 2Against Truax Mr. Presidell,Y, Delan@y 3M . 948 -jay-® - CITY ^C SAINT PAUL I Ai`z' /2° Capital of Minnesota L BUREAU OF - PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 30, 1949 445 City Hall, Zone 2 f" ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect -dommissidner W. A. Pao anto Dept. Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. ; Dear Sir; On July 13, 1949, Contract dumber G-5147 was awarded to J. S. Sweitzer and Sons, Inc., for certain work.to be done in the Main Library, said contract being in the amount of $198,714.00. Due to changes desired to be made by the Department of Education and the Library Bureau, certain changes were made in the speci- fications after the award. These chspAes were originally anti= cipated'due to alternate bids which were taken at the time of the original quotations,, and a change order was issued accepting a credit of $7,900.00. Since that time, this office is in receipt of a letter from 9?iss Per.,ris Jones, Librarian of the St. Paul Public Library, and also a communication from Commissioner Truax,, pointing out that additional shelving is needed in the sub -basement level of the , stack wing where unbound magazines are stored, and that they desire that additional stacks similar to the ones under the main contract, be added.` In accordance with this, negotiations were conducted with J. S. Sweitzer and Sons, Inc., for the .cost of the installation of these new book stacks, and a proposal has been received from them in the amount of Six Thousand Five Hundred Thirty -Two Dollars ($p6,532.00) for the installation of this additional shelving. This estimate has been checked by this Department d found to be reasonable for this type of work, and it is the �,�f,o$$e re-. commended that the wishes of the Department -of Educati"�n be,comprlied with, and that an extra be allowed to J. S. Sweitzer and Sons, Inc., in the amount of $6,532.00. IlkVery truly your Alf' d H. Schroeder Ci Architect AHS. -al a City c ler 147515 . couacm NO oiwlnai is OF ST. roa - "" CITY PAUL W —FICE OF THE CITY CLERK `` [VGiL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- PRESENTED BY ' C//(�(� COMM ISSIONER__�-- D �� �� /i.V�r A _ s� _ g-EgOI,V,ED, That Donald T. Nystrom of the Bur _.um�sxx - o:r Elections and Registration is hereby, titYiori zed to attend a School at the w AutoM25-- Vo't 3 -ng Machine Company, Jamestown, New Yo :'or the stuff of. Voting machines and Voting methods, for a two-week period begirxr3 _eipril 18, .1949,,E expenses therefor to be paid out .of Fund -2 •r C. ; F. 27o. 147515-8y W. A. Parranto- j Robext V. Peterson -reed M. Truax- XiCsolved, That Donald T, Nystrom _ aP the BuYeau of M etiona and Regie- i tratioa fa hereby euttiorizEd to attend - a -110 1- at the Automatle Voting Ma- - - Jameet0 Na or - For the study of Voting 'echiuea and for a two• ///%l' / - - - votia6 machine meth - S we:elc. period beglrmingg Prn 't W d ouof� - Yis-espenaea therefor Pat 4132.. . Adopted. by She CO March 20, - Approved March 20; 109 ('ADrtl--2. 1949) - MAR3,3 Ado " d by the CounciL-------- ------------------------- COUNCILMEN Yeas Napa VAR , 0 1 1 A roved ---•--•--••---•---•----.----••--•-.-_--- 194_ � ' ortinson Parranto Peterson .._ ..............In Favor or Rosen Truax �.�.Against Mr. President, Delay 3M 9.49 �,�y�fi6 n� �� e� ��. 1ryQ 2nd—�J Laid av;r `to__ f 3rd and app— __ Adopte Yetis N 1 Yeas �1 /J Nays ;/Fipd an sto I n"Fi 11 /Mor inson /M/ort on .�acranto �Pe/tMon eterson /Rosen mm Truax 'Truax, / r, President Delaney "resident Delaney :-_ - C. F. No, 147618--Ordinance Na 1I r Sy,RRo-beet R Fefe! L—W,' A. Par-', Orlyfa.l to City Clark An 6kiin4nca mneg and to 01� _11Pg v° 47516 ' for WhleW a tee L charged m y199ere C�/eying there, oE.11hnd m vide r U n the so , PRESENTED BY Robert F Peterson. CR:mVANCE NO ` ac;' l --a ORDINANCE TO LICENSE AND- REGULATE THE OPERATION SHUFFLE BOARD GAMES AND SIMILAR GAMES OF AMUSE*" T FOR WHICH A FEE IS ORM49D TO PLAYERS FOR THE PLAYING THEREOF, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. ''THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF SAINT,PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall own, operate; maintain or keep for operation within the City of Saint (gs>Z Paul anq eh uffle,boardgame or similar game of amusement for `V----tee is charged to players for the playing thereof at without first having applied for and received a license therefor f, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. CL� Each owner or person desiring to use and /6 c operate said e chfle ar todplayer'ar!ormilar the playingfthereofent uponor off �IFl premises licensed in his name .shall at the time of making`- application for such licenee.de lace in his,applioation the number of s shuffle boards or �imt�ar games of amusement he intends use and operate upon hie premises and a description of such games, 'and 'shall i,a-if ense>fee for the.operat on ' of suchamee-the sum of FiTtyaollars ($50.00) for a-location." lioenae and the sum of Five;.dollare ($5.00) for each such game,,eo operated on the.said premia®e, and upon the granting of of said license's for the cperation'of such games, the License Inspector stall" provide 'said applicant with such looation:license, A. and the individual lioenses;for each -such shu f I card or similar game. of amasemeat. Provided, however, if said applicant. has paid the location fee provided in Ordinance Nv. 8287 as amended,. it shall not be necessary forhim to pay .k 7 the: location license fee as•herein required, but he shall pay ;the license-fee upon.each individual shuffle board { �r ai mils,r fr mB"_of-_ •n o rt f (JA The owner shall receive, in addition tom eAaichCinnssein a Prominent Place. Machine ( ) machine- which shall be displaye, p with licence tage'affixed may be moved by the owner from one location to another., f Location licenses and individual licenses shall expire on November let of cash year. In the oaee'•of nelr locations or new machine lie ties, such licensee shall 4. be pro-sated to November let. 611 applications shall contain a ataement of the list price of each machines. fa. -- grasrca�undar- -� ordinance may +be_.revoked by the 'City Council at any lime.withoat hearing or-notico. Any'miastatement of fact in the application or said licenses shall.be grounds for.recooation of such license. Section 5, Any person, firm or-ebrporation violating the provisions.af this ordinance shall be guilty ofla misdemeanor, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Parr'�%fLGE --------------_:-In Favor Peterson Against Rosen ................... Truax Mr President (McDonough) _,. Approved:.- --- - ----------- Attest: ---- Attest: r - _.... --- _... _ City Clerk Mayor • tA0 .12.44. - . _ ' • ' y 17618Odlmi,C. F.'No. N � F Petern—W.oA. . 92Ftabr--;l f V ; 0N41na1 to City Clerk sB O.VU 1 N ,� N ^� urdfaaaace to ]lessee mfl reatdate 14'56' the .uperafloa o2 tab18"'eha2fle : d , games eafl eknaar games o2 amveelneat " ��/ ! f'o+r�which a fee >s:ehat%ed to players: i , C;,�j� ��'�%""'�!+"v `^_ `/ «�✓�-ti e•Cla9�B theteoA"and to pravlde PRESENTED QY Robert F. Peterson, OR tNANCE NO:- ... ^. �AN1ORDINANCE fi0 LICENSE AND REGULATE THE OPERATION ,� } /RLQ OF SHUFFLE BOARD GAMES AND SIMILAR GAMES OF AMUSE* (' T FOR WHICH A FEE I8 CHARGED TO PLAYERS FOR THE PLAYING THEREOF, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIE§ FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. THE COUNCIL Of -THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall own, operate;. maintain-or.keep for operation within the City of Saint Z Paul anyq shuffle board game or similar game of "amusement for a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof without first having applied for and received a license therefor as hereinafter provided. -section 2. (a) Each owner or person desiring to use and operate said shuffle board game or similar, game; of amusement for �!IA/� wlTtoii' f a charged to. players for -the playing ,thereof upon. premises licensedin his name shall at the time!of making application for such license declare in .his applioation the number of?s shuffle.boards or similar games of amusement he intends �At4� o use and operate upon his premises and a description of: such games, and shall deposit as a l�oense'fee for the operation of auoh games the sum of Fifty dollars ($50.00) for a location license and. thesum of Fina,,dollars ($5.00) for each such game., so opeiated-on the said''premisee',-aad upon the granting of .J of said licensej.;Ior the operation ofi such games, the License t' Inspector shpli.provide-said--applfeant with such looatioa lioense,. and the individual licenses for each such -sh f` l<d or similar game of. amusement. Provided owever, if said ' applicant has paid the•location fee provided is Ordinance . k• No; 8287 -as -amended, it shall_notbe necessary for him to pay; he location.license fee as 'herein required, -but he shall pay `the license fee upon each individual s� huffle board ams or similar game of amusement. .4 /c edse0 llged,✓aeR Section 3. No person; firm or corporationshall permit, -to be_operated is his or her place of business Say such gsml� by any person .under the-age,of 1'8 years: -No person, ,firm or corporation shall rp permit the operation of any such game for the making of aide bets or. gambling in any form. No prize, award, merchandise, gift, money qr anything of value shall be given. any player of, such game which.is contrary to law. section 4. Any license granted under the terms of ,$his' ordinance may be revoked by the City.Council at any time without ' hearing or notice. Any misstatement of fact in the application t for said licenses. shall be grounds for revocation of such license,' Section 5. Any_person' firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall -be guilty of a misdemeanor, - YeasCouncilmen Nays Passed by the Council--.-- .- ------------- - Parr- - autoon 7 Pete. ------------ In Favor 4 Rosen----------- ---'- ............. Against Truax Mr;" President (McDonough) Approved...... ...--...- -- --------- Attest: ....... -................................................. ................ ... ... .. ............... City Clerk Mayor coo 1 ,orlo.*l ,t. City Clerk �RD1NANiCE 1.47516 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.' 0 and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to.exceed-$1`00.00 or by imprisonment in the workhouse for not-to exceed 90 days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe thirty days after its-passage and publication. - pr*s**sssss ; tl II; I gAy 5 1949 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by.the.Council - -----_F -drr— __-_----•••_ - P—ry - __In Favor Peetersor. terson ��i tf n ---Against r Rosen Truax' .. r'l G: r, Y 5 994 Mr. President (MODWOHW/ Approved:---,. _ - - ........... ..... Attest: -------•-- .............. �� `- `City Clerk - Mayor - - aao 1244 PUBLISHED 1 . r a —147517. r Oclalaal-toGiri k _. cc"NCR No .. __ - • CITY o� ST. PAUL .aa OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK COUNCIL FEESOLUTJON— GENERAL FORK�'I ` I March 29, .1949 PR0 B OAT COMMISSION Ia the matter of curbing the north side of HaKthorne Avenue from Mer to Forest Street, under Preliminary Aven Avenr C. F. 145431 approved September 2, 1948, and Final.Order OydeC'. F. 14(p-43 approved November 23, 1948• a RESOLVED,. That the plans and specifications for the above named Improvement as submitted herewith by the commissioner of Public Works, be and the'same"are hereby approved, end be it "RTHER RESOLVEDO That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. - 8 ( ' M Fe No 147417-71 MII.TON RO- In the matter oI curbing the orth side of Hawthorne Avenge from dbtil seertrryyeet:to:.icoreab8tteet•una9pepi.Prp= . cB�'. fieptember -_r2d - Fenid46.,9$1PYaa1 Oved lder @* C. F. 146449: approved November 27, . 1 He'solveb.'Thdbihe, Dl9ris and epetl8- Cartons for tbe'above named improve- r meat as submitted 'berevilth by the (V . Commistsloner- of Pubnc Works, be: and the, rime ere hero y approved, said - . be It Resolved, That the Purclna- ing Agent, be and he Is Aareby directed to advertfee for bids on v tm'pprove)nent. 'AdtiPted bi the Council March 99, . 16A - Approved March 96; 1849. (April 2, 1949) . MAR 3 0 1949 �' •' ; Adopted by the Conceit------- COUNCILMEN Yeas_ . Nays MAR S i� PN-AQ Approved___....__.___...-......._.__194...... Parnson Parranto ' In Favor Peterson - - Mayor Rosen �n1 Truiia Mr. President, Delaney 1M 848 ' 9 - 4111, Orl `Igst to crty c �. r'0a _ - _ coutica NO _ 1 `�[ ,518 city or -ST. .PAUL � •ae OFFICE O THE -CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'. March 29,2-949 In the matter of curbing the north side, of Colorado Street from Stryker_Avenna Widow Alenue,' ndUnder Prl Oimder� Order C. F.'145955 app ,- 5. C. F. 14,604 approved December 14, 190. A ) RESOLVED, That the plane and specifications for the above raised improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vorks, be and• the same'are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. .� C F No, 14751e- 1 ZAMTON ROSEN— Tn t4e'matter of cuxbing the north side of Colorado. Street 'from Stryker Avenue to'W-nstow Avenue, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. 195951 a Proved OMpbex 20, 1948; and Fl OrderfW 4 94 F; 198489 approOed D eempet -19. .Resolved, That the plans and spec!- L nbatt as fbrthe above mored -.prove- (Hent as submitted b end the sa ns aer " ofOerrPeeuybylic DWrorks, be and the same are • h= ResolVed That tand be he Parehea- -ng Age be and he -s hereby directed to ed - for bids oa this - n� urove ent. AdoP by, the Councn 'l -eh 30, ,. Approved March 90, 1899- ' (APrll 2,=1899)- MAR 3 0 1949 COIINCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ----•------ ------------- _._..194 __... Yeas' Nays MARj 0 • Mortinson n Approved______.____"-- Parranto Peterson In Favor _. _ _..�..�. .___�._. Mayor Rosen Truax v� —Against Mr: President, Delaney ,7 ouuNeR NO------ -•----- . t odataai A ; "CITY OF ST. -PAUL + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM est r1TEowt March 29 1949 PR o COMM15S10 - � a ln.the -matter of curbing the south side of E. Fourth I Street froMluth Street to Pedersen Street, under Preliminary i Order C. F. 144615 approved June 23, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 145450 approved September 8,-1948• gESOLVED, That the plans and 'specifications for:.the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of public works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it RZ:SOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement- C: F. No.147519-8y M1LTG* ROSEN_ An the matter of burb)ng the south e, of E. Fourth Street,- from Ruth 1,mlritjo ery Mei' Ca F 144815 approved June 23; 1999, and Fjaal-Order fI. S. 145930 aPPreved Sepptember e, 1948... Resolved, That e .ph M aAd sped_- m ntoh4'for the. above named improve- ment es oner if a hero _ by the CPmunsaloaer ofPublic Works, ;be and . the eerlle are hereby approved", Arid - Further Reeelved, Tliat the Furcha- 118 Agent ba and he i9 hereby directed ment. erose for tiida oa t1119 Improve: - - meat. 1, opted by the Council March 39, Approved. March 30. 1849. ' i (AprII 2, 1949) _ MAR 3 0 1949 V. / COo Adopted by the COuneiL........ _-_-- ................194---._ UNCILMEN Yeas Nays �r 14AR 3 E N)S —.. -- --- APProved Mortinson Parranto �In Favor r Peterson ayor Rosen � Truax -.— --Agit Mr. President, Delaney 1M 848® , - - (Or101ne1 to'Cny Clark - . T 4'7 CITY -OF �jT. TPAUL - r°bas" a" NO----�-- 52 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM WfimFM, the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has participated in the Staff Training Institute program sponsored by the Fellowship Commitee of the Leisure Time Council, held at the Y. W. C. A., on March loth, for w Jhich a registration fee of $10.00 is required, be it `r RESOLVED, that such fee is hereby authorized to be paid out of the Burean of Playgrounds funds. C. F: No: 147620—HY W A Parcanto-. - Wyyhgrgrerooeae The Department of Parke, ° PfPaerticlpated f¢ theu9t&s, Trr,drdnlic g ren. l 1eW ppregr� yhe t'ehlp Caaara ttaenWyedye I.elsure TL Councn, held at the W:CA-, on 6ferchl4th, for which are eticatee (p fa requfred,� be Re6oW d, That such tee 1s hp{aby. :.. . 'a 'h* to he paid out of the Hureau Iof P44ed-unda Fundy 1oPted by the �Coun�d�l March s0, . 1 APProved March a"•, ,a --- tApr11'. a. ;1lK9).. _.. MAR 3 0 i�49 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ............ _. .................. -_ Yeas Nays it4AK 3 o 1949 o • son , / „ APproved .................................. i.._ .194-_.. aut nto /Peterson In Favor Mayor /*7,r�a` President, Delaney - - - 2M "s m�+® orialeal to clek eaerk J r, _ w . 147 52i , -CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOi X cls No -------11 --••--•-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER - �� DAA RESOLVED, that under andlpursuant to the provisions of Section 12, Chaptelr II of Ordinance No. 8824, ad -amended, Dr. Guy Bond, a specialist in reading at the University of Minns- - eota., be employed to give two professional lectures to- the staff of the Department of Education, one on.April 27th from 4:00 to 5:00 P. M. for,Grades 7 through 12, and one on May 4th from 4:00 to 5:00 P. M. for Grades 1 to 6, at.,a fee of $50.00 per lecture, said fee to be paid from 15-0-4: , C P—No,. 147521—By Fred M. Truax— Resolved; That under and pursuant to the provisions, of section 12, Chapter \ - 11 of Ordin . No. OBR4, as amended, Dr. Guy Bond, n speclanst >n reading atthe:Uniyerslty'of Mlnneeota,be emc Pic' oto give :two pptofeselonal ieeturee ' to the .sten of the Department of FA9eatf—'.ala ' aria oh APttl'-7th:,ftUs 4:2 to 5:00 PM: for Gretlee--7 tfirovgh 1R and.oae an -May' 4th' from 4:00 to b:Od P.M. for Grades 1 to e, at' a,. fee of 90,00,per facture, said iee<Oa be, pa91 fftrom 1S -G-4'. Adopted by the Council March 30, ' 1940. Approved March 30, 1949.. (Apra 3,. 1949) a• 3 1949 COTrNCILMEN Adopted by the CdunoiL:........................::......194 ..._. Yeas Nays 11 3 a 1349 orxingon Approved ..............••-.......... »194 k�.ant'o !Pr.eterson _ `..._ ..In Favor ' -=-- -- - - -• -- - . .._ .........: . -Mayor -I ......._.Against r. President, Delaney am 948 ® •' - a _ CITY OF SAINT. PAUL w Capital of Minhaddi ;� `" -- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 7 e FRED .M. TRUAX. COMMISSIONER CARL E. SPEAKES. DEPUTY .COMMISSIONER ' BUREAU OF P -LIC LIBRARY. BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM ° - - M188 PE RIE JONES. LIBRARIAN `' dELMER N. BERG. SUPERINTENDENT. - EDWARD A. FUR MI SUPERINTENDENT r Mash 25. 1949 8 Hoc. Fred M. Truax Caseissioner of Education OFFICE Dear Ilse . Truest The members of the administrative ocnncil he*),recommended that we employ Dr. Guy Bonds a specialist in reading at the University of Mlnneecta,.to give two lectures to our staff, April 27. 4-5 p.m., for grades 7 through 129 and May 49 4-5 p.m.. gradee 1-6. Hie fee will be =b0 for each lecture. We have an item.in the budget for this purpose. C Dr. Bond in a recognized authority in the field of reading I and an author of a member of publications in this field. Several of our staff members, as well as cams of the teachers and principals; have been much interested in securing Dr. Bond for these professional lectures. We shall appreciate your support in taking care of this matter. Thank you. _ Sincerely yours liner H. Berg SHB:J Superintendent of Schoo /j a 1 C. F No 144622—BY Union Rosea- pResoii3 That the _Council_here6Y _- ���t•-[( ` orwnal to {Sty Clerk _ a �roVes dre award oP.,the Purchasing Q Jl!"/� • omerine therefor and hereby'awards eounen. -. CITY the contract, for iutnlehln-g and de p� iVO ...... __.... ..,.• - " Hverhrg to thel Fire Department Repair ICE OF Shop, . 813.:'.4E4edamund Ave:; St. pawl; > - j Triple C riryihettiioan�p m ltegine tto _ - GOU RESOLD "the MACK II9'rERNATiOxAL Mo7.'OR 1i !RUCK CORP,ORATION,,in accordance PRESENTEtt�p BY �tth Clty epeeiStAlone hereto att•e Md CommI$SIONE •d the Formal Bid No. •1935 of fi'Ft' J 411-9 k International Motor Thick r _---on. on at,:etotal e•ti a t �lv gtih,i Res4vedl1 That the Council hereby avprM.1Gr%4'111A d of the Purchasing Committeo therefor, and hereby awardsthe contract•^for furnishing and delivering to, the Fire Department Repair Shop, 213 Edmund Ave., -St, Poul, Nliinnesota, one Duck Type 25- 1000 gal, Triple Combination Pumping Engine, to the MACK ISiii'',_,LATIO'll1L i"OTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, in accordance with City specifications hereto attached and the formal - Bid DIo. 1935 of said Diuck International I;otor"Truck Corporation, at 'a total contract price of $141126.05, such bid. Le•ing the lowest bid. received, and the said ii ck International DOtor Truck Corporation o being the lowest relic i le and reasonable bidder, ..6Ad the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to drat, up Ll -e proper form of contract therefor- and the proper City officials,hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf ,of tie Cit;; of St. Paul. F.D. X1935. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 MAR 3 o 1949 Adopted by the Council._.._......:................:..194 ._ f11C1Ft 3 0 IS43 _ - 6In Favor Approved-.-:.. .... • .......... _194 ••Iaor Mayor Against PUBLISIM, D ta.I to Clvk. ... �..)'. , 1,4'7523 rlpt ,NCITY OF. ST...PAUL 4 NO...____.. F10E OF THE CITY- CLERK Co L RESOL{JTIOfGENERAL FORM T•J,PRESENTED 13Y -pp MaT Ch 29.191+9 ,COMMISSIONE Resolved, Than the PUT'chasingTA `ent be, and he is 'hereby authorized -�. to purchase, -with the consent of the Pkydr and, the comptroller one otank car, approximately -8000 ga-llcdris 11Q11`,1eaded -gasoline 9 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from -the NOATMJESTERhl REFITTING CO. -at a price of .1262 per Fallon, less 1% ten days discount on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to -act promptly would work a hardship to the best 'interests of the 'City. Charge Mun. Eqpt. 1003-134 C F. Md. 14 92a—Rq Muton noeen Resolved That the Purchaa A eat lie and he• is hereby authorlud to Purchace.. wtth thecpngent of • the aMTaayor and the Comptroller oae, tank '� 1 by the Covncn Menti 30, .d Manh 30. 1998.~. .. (APrn 2. 1999) COUNCILMEN LIAR 3 0 1949 Adopted by the Council. -------_----------------------_194..._ Yeas Nays ' —� Mor MAR J, G 1949 Approved ------------------- ---_---------..194._. arranto eterson' sen S (/ :-.....In Favor -.....__ ayo=_ ..Against President, Delaney am 48 .� . C. Fg- No 147624 -By Fred M ilegoIved That the CoVncll hereby C'��I appravee the agerd M the Contract !A � r�'/(■ OrWinal to q Cierk - Cominitfee therefor and hereby award4 .I+�.d3. CITY OF ST the contract tar surnl�Wg all labor. NO --- "' t • materials and: aervlcea ne, for. OFFICE Off' THE C1 OW �n resaddli°tfons to t.n1um t COUNCIL RESOLUTION baeeinent os ttiqq Osraetd-thogl, a6o rcnen ASt Paut ; to -the BDI. d3 4Ax aeATrxa PLI3MHiNti X94' ,.. CO...in accordance with speclecatfons PRESENTED BY - and.• Plana, hlmto attached a#•d the. COMMISSIONF. Formal HidNo 3428 01 t �N• NCWipgn Beating 8 Rlnmj That `-the Council hereby approyes �i�a;•'the Contract Resolved, F _. Committee therefor, an(4hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor, materialsand services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the alterations and additions to plumbing in the base 550 Gorman Ave., St. Pauli to the AXEL llient of the Garf.eld School, NElil14AN r�ATING & PLUP,rKIN.G CO. in accordance urith specifications and plans hereto attached an^ the Formal Bid 110. 1929 of said Axel Newman Heating & Plumbing Co. for the total contract price of $946.00,sulh bid being the lowest bidnand said Axel Newman Heating8- Plumbing Co: being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said Contract on behalf of the City of St, Paul. F.P• #1929r 3 JqO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cognoil-=-----------_---------- Yeas Naye _ 'tJaB So APpr4yed------ ----------. ..-..�. ..194 Mortinson Parranto ..In .. Mayor • ' Peterson •-' Favor .. Rosen Truax ).Against Mr. President, Delaney ewl LISHED Y a 3M 8-48, .W® _ r 147525 oftla d to city clerk .. cornea. ��---__----•-------'— CITY OF ST. PAUL ♦a l[ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYR�� DATE MaTCh 2.. 19Y9 - COMMISSIONE._�— a _ 116bolved,y. Tk6t the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor] and hereby.awards the contract for furnishing, all labor] materials and services necessary for. and reasonably incidental to the completion and execiltion of an addition to Como Park Refectory? Como Park, St. Paul] 14innesotal to PERiff A. SUENSOPI CO. in accordance with .plans and specifications hereto attached-arc the Formal Bid Tic. 1928 of said Perry A. Swenson Co.� for the, contract price of 61+%61.001 such bid Aein,_ the lowest bid received] and the said Perry ii. Swenson Co. /being the lowest reliable and reasonable der and the Corporation Cour•sel be and hereby is directed t6 draw bi up the proper form oi' contract therefor] and the proper Citi officials zed to execute said contract on behalf of the City hereby are authori 9 C. .s�No 1d75R5-B W. A.Parranto--. o f S t . Paul. F . - 7#1928. apB�eale8 dilre 'Hwale os uanen�cyt Committee tatherefor,, and hemby awards the contract fm rnishing all labor, materials and. services, neoessery for - and resaonablY..tnddent4,to.the corn-.. pletfon and execution Of an addition to Como Park $electorAPark. . /Paul, Mlnneosta, to . SON,CO. it, accordance plana and` _ aveciScations hereto attacb and the . - Swenson co.l -No. rith - Of -id' P m.• 1- r. =¢781.00, such bid befog the. aowest bid ieeeived, and. the said Perry A. Sven- son Co, tieing the In at reliable and , reasonable bidder and the CorPoratton Counsel be and haRbY->e diraeted to - •draw uP theProper fo Cry .M Mals' therefor, snd� the ,proM _ hereby are authorized_to execute sold p nti aF $gonN] eel,aitt of toe- «ts, of St. 1949 Adopted by.:tlte Council HfarcA 80. a� - - 1848. Approved (AP A COUNCILMEN --- � , - _................................ -Yeas Nays - -- -- ea Approved .:___-_.._....-_..-_..._..194. IOrtinson �arranto -.In Favor. e/telson Mayor 77'!resident, n Against. Defaney ant Bib, '® - • Petition 1 47526 bl -I I� #432Council File .No.::. _ ...._ _ PROPOSAL; FOR IMPRO'VEMEN1 paer»KINARr oRDERa , tinct c IF. rld. Ma 267 4 � - `ALtltaCt ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. whereas,-w wrl en.proyosal for the ., mavens s the fol n Improvemenq Yade Ark%vr Theundersignedherebyproposeethemskingofthefollowingpublicimprovementb'w-r; 7+ a vta.: _-:.-.:..-_.GYade..Arkxzigbh-Streat:: xom.11ya h-119enue._to..6xlk �s�x�..A9aut4a --..._....... - ........._..--..::.-....................._ ..--- ..... .. _..... -• .. ....... ...... Dated this.. ..29th -. daY Of ................ .....mar -.. ................. ...A---, -9 3 Counnilma1n PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,, A written proposal for the making ofahe,following improvement, :vis. :W -. r�adg-:(lkxrght--Street_f}rom,�gacint �1Menve to_Arlington_Avenue _ .. -.....,x......._........................ ..... 7. .................................._.....- - having been .presented to the. Council of the City of Saint Paul...... therefore, be it c works be and' is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publi ' I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,.extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and'the total cost"thereof. 3. 'To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.' b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance: ' MAR-0 Adopted bj the 0.ounciL - Q - - YERa / NAre WAR ;. 0 194'.1 Councilman »_ ---- . Approved-,,_, ---_-------. MORTINSON PARR4NTO - PETERSON _• -. — - ...- .. TRuAc ayor. - - *V_ PI;{ESIDENT - - . i IM "a PLTBLISIiGD # . Ju 47527 � r Council File No---------------- - IX a%. PXLOPOSAL . FOR, IMPROVEMENT 1 0.11. Ne. 347527= " Abstract n and „ . wRexeee, A serttten Dmppopegl�tor the .. <. � maktnB of the tonowlnQ ImPtWemlM, . . dG mn .nnd teWn6 tin PRELIMINAY-Y ORDER: ;, s st Theundersigned,herebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementbythesu:`an°" Condemning ,anrT ta$ Ag--g10...a13 flaAtettiii...#3ze..land..naneasary.. Por:.slr�ptc'a� --------------------- --- _..=-.._ .-o>}tn• s2cld.:%iJ a.-in--the.. gradin g.. nfArkeright-SIreet-.ixam.:Ay$cinch--Aveauo------------`• to Arlington Avedue.-..._.. ----•- •---•-------•---- - Dated thie....Z4th.......... day of_ ............ _.... _.. ....: -- Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER.: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. and talon sa easement; in the-_land_nese@sary_foreopQp.............. auta and fills in the �radin inth _Ain ue-............. ---- to Ar1ltlgton_Agenue..... ... .... - ---......... ............••----_----•-----•- .................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.:-......_.-.::.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. TO investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not. said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' % A�opted by the CounciL.:_,......_..:---..... ----•--......lt+..•..t . y1as NAys AIAR 3 0 1949 Councilm +Pi3C�L'1!R'� Approvbd_........._ -----. -. . " MOnTINSON - PARRANTO. PETERSON TRDAx C/ �/f�l�� — - - Mayor. _ MR. PRESIDENT - - IM HB * PUBLISHED Council File No ........ ... " . PROPOSAL FOR IMPR6VI6MENT c: k. Nu lave— ' .- - Abstract . and.Whereas, A written pmpoW for the jgrhg of the following ICspwvemeat, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Condemn�n� and �itekin6 aneaee'-i� iue�tit is th, and necessary ; ct + Theundersignedherebyp poseethemWdngofthefollowmgpubliclmprovemenii;x?t r A Yi ni 4 ��s i Condemning, and taking: an eaaement•_in the• -land neceasary_fvr slopea� xf�ts _.. end••f313e-4n-tt►a--gracii a aur€o1ng•o€•;the•-Ale3--ia-dock-1l l8®ra ------------ ....9lld._COla7g9SL�&-.S11ht�.3.Y1fl10A,.A�t�1Qir'1C--2.i-:.i�.RaAII�..�x.QW1A._fllldt:UlA.9.X�.�-.A•dS.ti�.014_. . .�__.... __-... -- -•-_.. ...:..fLOA1._SB,AI9A.AV-dALl9._' 4..�Aa"6lAE!_.11v.�.Allfl-- . ,Dated thio.:-...._!_.- ..day of.. , 9 ..--- -•--- March --.. _:.. ----- __..__. Council n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improve_ t, vu 4tl4le>eA1ilB._gAd-.#!&_gS:ea@ement_i;P._#xlQ:_�..A�oe@gsr�t for__�1988@o__cutp---•- .._ and .fills _in the• -Brading and surfacing of_ -she Alley in Block 1� Rogers and Coleman' Subdivision ot-Block.22� Stinson Brown and Remsegta_Addition�_ _._ ._._..... ... d -. ....... £rota James •Avenue_to_Palaae_Avenwef---••--••........................ ...................... ............. _- - - having been present ed to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------ _•-_----•--•---•---....'------•----... ---••--- therefore,.heIt _ EiESOL�r That'the Commissioner of public j7orks be and is hereby ordered and directed: ' 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2: To investigate the nature, enfant and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile ofsketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners: b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P - Adopted by the CouneiL f R 3 0.19 9 ............. ..... XMAS -NATE MAR 3 Q 104 Approved:�:_ -- . ... _. . MonTmsox .. PARRANTO PETERsom TRuAx ayor. - "MR- PRESIDENT Petition C 14'730 ounoil File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 347530-- C. F. No. . - AbArut wheTeaa, A wrlttea Pran�ooaaeett for the and maklh6, of the following Tinpravemeh4 - ) wesE -de! NARY ORDER. �tCnat aeaPy vme PI PRELIMI . - e,. toghue to a polo[ set x� �!� pS Sub -.i . - •an Avenue t:; ublicim rovementbytihLP!n'Z es •� Tfieuadereignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingp P Conatc�uot a sealer o� the bleat_@3de_of_Johnson_Parkxay_fF9A1.; >} NxbaA:._.................... ilveave `+o a point 80 feet south ofub Surbs$ AvenW4-.----•-------------- ----------. _ ____---________-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtenproposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. -Construct-a-__@.QHgj._Qu--the_ xest,_:aide-of--Johnson-_Parkxay---from. Subur-bea----------------------- Avenue to s oint\80 feet south ------- p .... ...... -- -4f z>aklaxban:AQJm.. ;-.-_.... - \--•---------..•--.._-.......... ......... -................ ................................................... - --•---•--•----••-•------•••- -. t--------------------- ----------------------- -••-------•-••-•—--- - having been presented to the Conn of the City of Saints Paul....-_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comtoner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity f r;'er desirability of, the making of said. improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, exf�ent. sod estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. ° 3. To furnish a plan, profile or s etch'of said improvement. 4.' Twstate-whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners./ b: To report upon all of the forego'ng matters to the Commissioner of -Finance. Adopted by the Council- ...................... _.............. YEAS NAYS 4J " Counc�7m�.8iatrese-- MAR 3 0 19 _- �gtlmelt Approved ...................................- MORTINSON PETERSONG� — ' /.',�v% � `_._._D_T � —__.._.... •. - MR, PRESIMNT 2501147 /��- PUPLISHED : -Y Council File No.14'75 1. . y RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL- APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING . ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the spatter of__aOag_and :ta_4q..1l+RII�AMlAitekl tih0:]gSI.XIRRA11rX. �R� Il3QR1f�s ants and-fills in the .grading..asd-surfacing cf.the alley in Block 3, BrYant'a Randolph Street Addition, and Block-6s.:lfatson+e Addition, from Hilton; Street to Chatsworth Street 7iZBOLDTiox,oF coaxQn. APesov- -sx6�� Asas8aDf6xT .+s+�rv' FI$IN4 I' a -TZDB OFHgAS1N • -li ; - Q A�6R�SBnOSlNo ANN THE, AWARD OF DAK,A - . r: F. No.. 147691- matte M 0 mdemnlna and taktn6 . land neresenryifn�. -December 14i, 19lt8 z under Preliminary Orden ..... approved ........ _....... r 146512 Intermediary 0rder.__.: _�lZ approved ---- ..... ._Jans}art_ Final Order - --------- _ approved ............ r. --• The Cemmissloner of5nahce having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taken of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and;also having submitted his assessment of boneSta to property from the making of. said improvement, therefore be it Approved. Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby app r Resolved further, That.a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the' said assement of ss benefits; At the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of Bt. Paul on the 87th .___...day ._ of.... _ L._.._..:flP 1 ......- , 19• U9, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance f be and hdis hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MM 3 0 1949 - Adopted by the CounclL.......................... _ -_...., ......_. n a • Get Clerk. Approved-- .......................................---...._., ......... l�� . _......_ Y _ _ -File 10?06s . _ -sr—+ _._y M or. — Councilman rtinson Councilman, •R9rranto Councilman 4 zv Paterson CounctlmansRosen . Councllinans. Truer PUBL:SHI D 'Councilinan `. beTa.ney �® �, Mayor I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for ° curbing ,Eleanor Avenue 11 es Haali� Avenue to Albert. Street nuva nsseSMXNT°IIiroa nPPBgv . C. $, Ifo: 14763 of t6 e a. 84`aemt curb}' - - - b4,1 to t ; -nve, from ilatnllne ,::.,• •--•• ,Intermediary Order...,................ -- nndePreliminary Order Final Order_.-._....._ ._.-1L 750._.............. approved-......_.:..._i..__. _Jul-x A , 19� The assessment of--------.-_• bfnefit�x..eoste,and s neeg .............for and in connection wltia' the above 'improvement having been submitted to the Counc° d" the Council havpng considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public heating be had on said assessment on the 27 day of _••- A�111 •--•-----_-••_---- 19_ ., at the hour of IO o'clock-A- M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice-is directed. LIAR S 0 194 i�=Adopted by the Connell.................................................=---•-------••----.-...-----....---� 19---...-. � 1?R O ae -....... . •---- -- City CleA. Approved-----------= -------------------------- --19... - Me 10705 -- Mayor. Councilman >TQ7�S'Ir"� 't Councilman 'ortinson 9 ti Councilman >Ifd _^ _ rranto Councilman RchlWdv- Peterson + � Councilman.SuAbe1Baer=Rosen PTIBL15 ' 1II D % -�-1� s Councilman Truax Mayor HoDelaney a Fo— B. B.'I7 - i- �RBBOLOTION OF COUNCIL APPhOV rIN6' ASBBSBNeNT Y COUNCIL FILE NO --- _------ _------ _...._-._....__ ••- C. of the, mattF. No. 147634- - B_Y............._.........................-....._.........._. - C er of the eesetivaent By .beneflta, costa and • •tor grad - 't''tsrtiig tlt6ffd1tK1'. mock South Addition.:. trees ' -'nR33 Preelhn nary ' ,o CITY OF ST. PAUL ; Resolution of Council Approving Assessment z In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa' and expenses for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Purview South Addition, vi.th bitmdnoas surfacing, from Slue Street to Prior Avenue ................. .. Intermediary Order.._ .. 28..:_.................._....... under Preliminary Ordei..............�6l? Final Order... .... = - approved ...:..........-._.._-------------- .jluna..$, __................, 19.x.. The assessment of ----------------- bene�ta�-,goafs_and•,p pggp�p_,--....for and in -connection with the above improvemenE having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered' same and_ found the said assessment satisfactory, therefpre, be it RESOLVED, Thatthesaid assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects approved. RESOLVED.FURTNER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .-:..-. 97.1!........_...day of - .............. : 19A- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and' City Hall Building, in the City. of St. Paul; that the CommissioneF oUlmance give noiice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature,of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council -!> _Q . ... ....................... - .............._..... is ...: City Clerk. . Approved.......................... ---------------------19,....... .File 10661 Mayor. Councilman Councilman "ortinson Councilman 1 Di6Rd ' Parranto Councilman Riad Peterson '116sen Councilman 3udlleiiiie�� • � —Y`7 Truax PUBLISIiEl�� _ CouneiLnan #�tiet" Mayor Ho Delaney, F" B. B. 17 - - B:8SOL7iTION OF COUNCIL. 6PFAGyw r INO A3311SSMRNTX1.4 75(1,5 COUNCIL FILE C. F."Nd. 147695= 333 s - ' In' the mattgr of the assesanent o' " bene,(,, costs and. expencsYo[, con ..._._. -..__. _.....__..... _.. atruciillnn8,. rernnatruMfag'an' relaying "R. t By "-- — ..._. ... - � cement sldewaUse. Eatlmate -No. 6, Controat 4H-M<e. tH48. An..able.• both - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for - -constructing,reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract . 48-3-6, 19.48 Assessable( F.O. 244654 Eleanor Avenue, both -sides, from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Street F.O. 145302 South Pascal Street, vest side, from Hartford Avenue the" Horth to the North Line of Lot 1, -Block 1, Otto Huntt8 Additiol� F.O. 144546 Hartford Avenues south sides from Cretin'Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard F 0.:145449 Highland Parkway, both sides, from Finn Street to'Cretin Avenue F.O. 144885 South Hilder. Street, east side, from Saunders Avemte to Rome.Avenne,.- ,, z- � .,�..''tli�rie`e`tii%si�s-'ot`ti irltl�$�'emCaldri' Stiisat �o.: . Saunders Avenue F.O. 145870 Nevada -Avenue, sp�14iY"side,�2�rostmdt+sBeet to Yenn4rd S#roet F.O.'145161 Befit°,tura Avenue,•south'side, !Y'om M11toa'8treet to Vic oria street Nsai±s[E6sgp*,fillet . ,. - , F.O. 1446A Eleanor Avenues :both 'sides, f4 =,JIamline Avemu to; Albert. Street F.O. 145449 Highland Parkway, both sides, fro® Fina. Street; to Cretin Avenue,rs F.O. 1h4885 ` Scuth- 9itlder ,Street, 'east `side, ` 'from Sauidsrs °Avenne to Raw Avinue aiid on the west side of South:%alder Street from Calvin Street to Slanders Avenge F.O. 14%4i*MoLean.Avenuei north side, from Griffith Street to Johnson Parkway C.F. 145611' Resolved, That ths,Cormaissibner of Public- Works'be and `he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necepeary..sidewalk extenoiQa�s. and -alley, erossinge to be constructed at the locations listed belows Intersections, Southwest And.Northwest corners of Aron, Street and Fair Place Intersection, South"st,and Southeast corners of Arona rest and Arlington Avenue ,.,. MAR 3 l _........... ... City Clerk. -------•-•-•------.... --------....19------... Approved _.._----�`y�,lsi?�w`•"'-'" -•-- --• ------ > Mayor. Councilman-1*� \ - Councilman Mortinson _ Oonncilman Afi�onalti =:3 Parranto r Councilman Wilidad —223 Peterson Councilman Reimer = Rosen9 PUBLiSII1D Conncilman . ,tel'- ; 9 Truax , Mayor Ho d Delaney Form B. B. 17, ■ s 01"21i t "MAINIMA ! M20111012 z ,. Ji�2JFr� �cr;«u gr�une' aozpU s; ca' 1,Ltua_ ,.LT�LI Sis ?,.pz•;r; � -,:;;,�,G�,.. L:..r:..:,.. - s rv:azs �Aaune , pz,q au,yra •zt:ae ergs O� vnp}r ;vrlgez ,apLsop �>.vr {, 3A Cs.c�pro .'�• ?-it Ef��1: ibfr�;,l �'_r 1't7oX. �'.�Zac_j'' ,a46y 4�T1��: '�%� ;tI%:7i16T•.2 y6yaAn5. j'U ;jows "?i AC 1+P.E �.�. J��itjr dl �:175ex;q ��zic::.<na F=rU ;iQe�'�• �zoer �,J#is� 7�xss�` Fo (;x,�au 'vnsIIrsa i'0• Ti'itC?,i� }�sS�voz` VAGI-:' roFP a{ga0. T'�Lvz- liseu}-ras nsrrns €o t Jpszp �' asp oupp aTos' VzOYr ;TTV U pzssp 4�. hrop la ,r1 GF:F •ol V2;'Ao 6 n aq s., zms' zo�r� il�gfl' �icsu ;7K.rrizsn arz��r o sHs�u�.q �F> s: i.,•,�• 13tz ,t Ors u sAlunc' yazpp 2rgs► troaj o?.TiV U 2; S+"I ro goUuaan azo^,. ��7 ,fie, a ,suns u c o� as us -..2; ergs o1 �'nT1T e-TvT 's..£x,4- OU e , 'r Cz '� ,r° 1..,•vn p1 :.,rJ cLc y,? ss€ alc Ea hx otr�r rGza yreurss ^� o A3i r;,, TSilq�i3`HT _n€r fi7 L•.. .11'11( .- 7. - .•n• �S2ilf deHFbo+�l rh<,un�' ti: ^}, Nrr ' 1;x.oa raspsc, AC+trrrG �.e ;tparu nzro o PIN. y{oktF a oL wo p -V UOPIC ' ;040t3nuF: r, x'14 FTvil `0' S, 30S 2PnpU l,azc 7 ? zss ? ats8p u+tea �xvR ilrzpgr y ;A13M, ri iG� F'J66 Ui7d. h;i717:?' OP.(A 2: r-02' „Z60 j,4?' -ii 'rJ:' i AGr;n6 ,1'P vp Tl ^(.':, f' . The assessment of...........................berAfitscosta rwats and expenses.. ............ for and in. connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be' and the same is hereby in all respects. approved. i RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of ....... .... -,.ApdaApdI ..................... 19_ -., at the 'hour of 10 o'clock A M., in t Council Chamber of the .Court: ,House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notipe of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof; and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAR 3. Q 190 Adoptedby the Council .............. ------•................................._..-.......-----............. 19.......- City Clerk. Approved................ ...---------------- = 19 ..... _......... Mayor. Councilman @IM193MMEIMM 'i idfF•- Councilman MIMMOMM.079 6lortinson Councilman DonalParranto .— Councilman 2W60—"' Peterson Councilman nHhe:mer '_ Rosen ' PUBLISIILD�.. .,,z 3 Councilman !Fi�rtl�r------ Truax Mayor,Ho Delaney F— B. B. 17 . e O. $$ *0; 19799¢— 1 ' _ ReadivedThaweto �, dr agon"7148atoe i� :.NOTICE the. Cita 1Ye 1.47 36 aomunt of t18,89p B9 wvaring checks -" (r . 'rp - G, atrphered 81816 to 81971 1pelualVa, m. COUNCIL FILE NO. Per -checks on: Ble.tn the "office of the PRINTER - Ctty CropCtroller .'1 +. ' - - 1999aupted by :the Coilndl Merch 9bi, March 24 p Approved ISerch90, 3998. 194_7 (Aprll 2, 199BJ . RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF X16,890.64 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 91615 TO—A1�_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN TLE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 3'0 19459 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 194_ � 7j-- 9 -CrrY CAMPTpOLLJtR — 459 APPROVED - _ - - 194_ _ ' TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER INpAVOR OF 6 RETURNED v BY BANK rwnwBFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS • III' BROUGHT FORWARD 126 e 166 2d4 15 ;! .Clyde Meyers Wi 81616 111am Davinl 2455 2" 61617 ;I B.H. Brynildsan 1 81618 ' Franklyn L. Blume 94 _J1 81619 if' William J. Scanlan I 92 DUPLICATE TO CITY LERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 38 0 ' - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBEI' - ROLL - 81622 '1 Automotive Service Company MORTINSON -- PARRANTO -- IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS lkarah 24 4. ,9-4-_ . PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN ROSENTRUAXT.JIGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE'pMOUNT OP 7 —. COVERING, MAY 3 0 y�y��{ 00� CHECKS NUMBERED TO -0. INCLUSIVE. AS ' MFj.PRES.pELANEY PER CHECKS ON FI OFFICE O `M!?-`��OLLER COMPTROLLER. - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .-- , __'_ 81627 Prioe Eleotric Company i i^.ik�'. ,' : I:/.: '44 NUMBER I/ APPROVED— ./� 194_—/---^— i 2 500 ' TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER INpAVOR OF 6 RETURNED v BY BANK rwnwBFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS • III' BROUGHT FORWARD 126 e 166 2d4 15 ;! .Clyde Meyers Wi 81616 111am Davinl 2455 2" 61617 ;I B.H. Brynildsan 1 81618 ' Franklyn L. Blume 94 81619 if' William J. Scanlan I 92 81620 1 Glean P. Varner 'i 38 0 81621 yellow Cab Assoolation 15 81622 '1 Automotive Service Company I 7'4 _81623 !,� Minnesota Paper.& Cordage C pang 146 7 70 2 8n624 NZools, Dean & Gregg company 81625 Palooseel Mfg. Company, Ltd. 19 9 ,� 81626 Park-liaohine-Company. Inc. 57 9 81627 Prioe Eleotric Company i 31 81628 Minnesota Boat Club, Ino, i 2 500 81629 Capitol Meat company 96 5 81630 City Dairy 81631 "! Consumers Milk Company i 219. 0 410 7" 81632 1 Eoonomioe'Laboratory, Ine. 122 6 179 81633 ; Griggs, Cooper and Company 116 81634 ,i Hersohler• sales 81635 !1 Kisch4s Food Market, I 628 4 81636 ;; MoFadden..Lambert Company 81637 :, Minnesota Farm Bureau 9.00. 10. 0 81638 Morton Sausage Qompaay 3 81639 ,� National Biscuit company 141 68 6 81640 RaOinels Wholesale Meats 81641 -!Morris Rifkin & son 120 8 81,642 Security Wholesale Grocery Ca Inc. 178 8164 Ad.. Seidel & son', Ina i 37 3 81644 Ska'fgaard Dist. company 402 0 81645 Skatgaard Dist.. Company 816'66 Sunshiae Creamery Company 361 3 ' 81 7 iWitte Transportation Company 19 81648 . i! Addressograph vultigraph Sal.60 00. 22 ll, 81649 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. company 22 81650 ,;Amerioan Red. & stand. San. C rp. I 184 14 61651 Bandit Mfg. Company 29 28 5''0 81652 ;Bishop Towing Service 816533 1 Buffalo Meter company i 56do 1'; 81654 ^Ths Champion Rivet Company 575 8165 ! E.Y. DuPont De Nemours & CompLuy 'y 4'4 2 8' & V5 Great Lakes Coal & Doak Comp 14+00 • 816 j.Johnson Servioe Company 81 Minnesota Mining & Mfg.' Com y j 363 i 616 9 :,;Remington -Rand, Ino, 169 ;2 81660 ;RoerJamee.Glase Company j ' 102 8q 81661 Joseph A. Rogers Company 816St.Paul Book & stationery Company 5 455 }2 81663 !iAt.Paui Hoof & Stationery com any 46 3 81664 =,%Pauli Sausage company 81665 1The sheet Metal Pub. Company 138 OP 81666 Standard Oil Company 72 9 81667 ;Superior Refining Company 85 81668 !Transit Supply Company 2 294 0 $1669 'Wenger Music MQuipment Comp 52 5 81670 ijAmherst B. Wilder Charity _ 50 0 81671 George $, 911111ams Company 9 6 1 ;I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD,1120 WMA 88 _ ._ A --- C e lv 19 That gYy�A Resolved, That checks be drawn on L -:9i G/ C{1 theCity Treasury, to the aggregate NOTICE - amodnt Of '$28,906.34, covering checks numbered 81672 to 81727 inclusive, as COUNCIL DILE°NO. 'per checkpCo.s on file Sn the of0ce of the J - 70 .I CiAdopted tbyrol� the Council March 30, PRINTER _ _ 1949 ' Approved March 30, 1949. (April 2, 1949) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 29, 98-6e 34COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED gl— 72—TO--_g172% —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER (( LL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—, ---,----- - 194. __ 5oa 12-45 .,CI -COMPTROLLER BY i � I t DATE RETURNED - ! i BY BANK - BROUGHT FORWARD 1 12 '2" 80 2 $1672The Lawrence Aero -Mist Spray'r Co. 2 273 g3 81673 '; ail• Stahl i DATE RETURNED - - CHECK II .NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT _ CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK - BROUGHT FORWARD 1 12 '2" 80 2 $1672The Lawrence Aero -Mist Spray'r Co. 2 273 g3 81673 '; ail• Stahl 1 300 0 81674 ! e 9ohremCompany, 81675 Anker Fiospiial ' 86 0 81676I� Drs. Aurelius & Peterson 10 f 10 O 81678 !I Dr. John F. Briggs I 209 0 81679 !i Dr. Carl 0. Cbatterton• 281 81680 ! Donald 0. Deters, M.D. I 13 0 81681 i John Engler t 81682 Family Nursing Service j 16 0 8103 ! Dre. Sanson &Burlingame 20 81684 V.P. Hauser, 2 0, 81685 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 7j A 16 0 DUPLICATE TO CITYlJLLERK CITY OF SAINT PAL:C^ RL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FIIL.E NU OMBER "'--� • C7C.0 MGRTLNBON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS L---� 13_� PARRANTO PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE O ON THE CITY T; $URY. ROSEN_JIGAINST II11 COVERING TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF fy�'�. TR.PRES.DELANEY CHECKS NUMBERED TO. INCLUSIVE. AS ` 4 I, R4, PER CHECKS ON PI FFICE ITY•COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE . ... _CI .� - �- APPROVED APPROVED-1949fY�NYMBE -64 _.B. . Y_ .-. __...__ ..._ _LL__EN._ _ .OTAL DATE RETURNED - - CHECK II .NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT _ CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK - BROUGHT FORWARD 1 12 '2" 80 2 $1672The Lawrence Aero -Mist Spray'r Co. 2 273 g3 81673 '; ail• Stahl 1 300 0 81674 ! e 9ohremCompany, 81675 Anker Fiospiial 86 0 81676I� Drs. Aurelius & Peterson 10 81671 ;. Dr. Jae. L. Benepe 10 O 81678 !I Dr. John F. Briggs I 209 0 81679 !i Dr. Carl 0. Cbatterton• 281 81680 ! Donald 0. Deters, M.D. I 13 0 81681 i John Engler 6 7 81682 Family Nursing Service j 16 0 8103 ! Dre. Sanson &Burlingame 20 81684 V.P. Hauser, 2 0, 81685 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 7j 81686 jj Drs. Hilger & Goltz 16 0 ` 81687 ` Dr. Goa F. Kelley 31 0 81688 i� Dr. George L. King 5 0 81689 Drs. Lepah & Kenyon 10 0 81690 '; Marsh Drug Company 15 9 81691j Midway Hospital 18 0 81692 ;Charles T. Muller Hospital 461' 9 81693 Mognde Park Hospital j 8 0 81694 'i Dr. L. A. Rash 15 0 81695 ',, Dr. Paul Rick 25 81696 Dr. Harold J. Rothschild 19 0 81697 I'8t.Johnts Hospital 1 81698 13t.Paul Physical Ther"apy Cantor 27 81699 i'St.Paul Rehabilitation Center'; 40 81700 1R.L. Sohmidtke. Y.D. ,81701 ,!Dr. Armor A. Stolpestad 500 29- 81702 1, Dr. William H. Yon Der greyer 81 5 81703 ;Dr. Chas. W. Naas 45 81704 '.i Dr. H.O. winter 20 0 81705 ;i Diamond Alkali %0opoarif 1150 51706 General Rleotrio Supply Corp,'; 5 100 0 j 81707 jGrinnell Company. Inc.. 7 109 9 81708 Henszey-Company 'John 33 2 81709 Leslie Paper Company 309 81710 !Midwest E9uipment Service 00., 615 0 81711 !Northern States Power Company, 149 81712 !Northern States Power Company, 503 • 81713 !Northern States Power Company 81714 S.W.• Printing &'Binding Comp 7 157 9 125 5 1,81715 ;;N.w. Bell Tel. Company 81716 IRamaley Printing Company 308 13 57 20 81717 Reinhold Pub. Corportion. $1719 Rockwell Mfg. Company 7 74 312 67 j 81719 Ronald Press Company ` 17 5 91720 lt.Paul Book & Stationery Company 206 44 5172113t.Paul Book & Stationery Company ]�t�Paul 407 01. 81722 .Book & Stationery Company 193 0 8172 i0t,Paul Stamp Works , 45 7� . 81722 A.P. Smith Mfg, Company 199 90 81725 13yraouse University Press 12 24 81726 Transport Clearings of Twin Ci iee 1 so SIM- Universal Carloading Dist. 0), U ail 51329 kj 183220 � • - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD No. - C. a lve . That a 473318 Resolved, That checks be dravin on - p t -y NOTICE the City Treasury, to the ggregate amountO Cf $29,488.22, covering checks RINCIL FILE NO.— TO umbered 81728 to 81783 inclusive, as IJUNInVII+' - it trye nfflre e' the PRINTER Mn rrh 21S 194-9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 29' 499 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ 8.1728---TO_Al 783 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - ) ADOPTED 'BY THE COUNCIL—__=1.�".�u: J--�Jsy—.— �*94-- - - CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED----------,;--- 194— - BY_ '"-� } � r DUdLIDATE 1170 CI FCLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE. NUMBER-----�- ROL CALL ' RrINSON ' -IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ---� ---'%".R1. S— PARRAM'.O — PETERSON --""1 RESOLVED. TH T CHECKS E D W N THE CITY TR URN, RfJSEN° °"'�/ AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFT 9[f �1 e_N- 2�—., COVERING TRU4X INCLUSIVE, AS MR FRES DELANEY jlly(d� CHECKS NUMBCOMPTROLLER. dEb PER CHECKS ON FILE IN j/F�IjCE OF ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI' ' \ TOTAL DATE RETLRNED � CHECK IN FAVOR OFDIS - NUMBER '.j TRANSFER CHECKS BURSEMENT CHECKS. BY BANK - BROUGHT FORWARD 1128 �� 2202 22 $1728 B.V. Holl ® I 24 I00 P2ig5 ' 81729,; John Dooherty 10370. 81730 John W. Mitchell 41 114. 81731 Blaine Electric Company 66' 51732 I Carpenter Paper Company Kirk & Comp y I29 57 186 8173 Farwell, Ozmun, 81734 f Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp ; '81735 y 213 129 '0 riez-0•Sweep Company 4163 81736 Griggs, Cooper & Company 355 46 81737 Grinnell Company s101 8 81738; Hawk Mfg. Company . 81739 1 K.E. Hulme`Awning & Shade Co 90 51 81740 ;; John Leslie Paper OompaFy q9 81741 Meinecke & Cdmpany, Ino. 434 81742 'I Malady Paper Company, 8174 fielson Truck Service 01 , 73 15 $174 ;I Northern States Power Compan 306 -6 Northern States Power Compan 15 530 81745 184 67 <. 81746 ',! Pioneer Electric Ccmpeag 215 09 81747 ! 'I - H- 8weney Company $1748 Van Paper Supply Company 77 1409 81749 ;American Linen Supp15 ly Compan 110 b0 ' -81750 it Blue Print Service Company 81751 Ij J.& Bonbright Company 100 00 81752 y Burroughs Adding Machine Com 'any 15 80 8175 ,1 Calorio StoveCorp. Mfg. Comp 0 817.1 I; Capitol Statonery y 289 0 7 81755 ;1 A.A. Oarlstrom & Sons' 2b 81756 Central Scientiflo,Company 81757 ,1 Chioago Ap�piratus company ,8 75 t6 81758 !Cram company 313 1 91759 Crane Company 81760 Chicago., Mil. & Pao. RR. Co. 702$5 5 38 81761 j Dore -Redpath[ Company 73 1 81762 ,ji, John F. Kiedaieoh 8176 3 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Compang', 28 16 50 295 1 81764 ; Minhesota Paper & Coida#e Co any 81765 Northern States Power Compan' 5 429 78 81766 Northern States Power Compan 6 81767 1 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 1094 70 $1768 H.w. Bell Tel. Company 81769 i Police & Sheriffs Assoo. 3 1 81770 Raymer.Hardware-Company 81771 '1; Russell-Newman-Villaume comp, y 108 7 34 70 41.772 St.Paul Welding & Mfg.. Comp 17 8177 The Leslie Sohuldt Company 27 58 P. 8177 standard Science Supply ComP y 422 Q0 81775 Standard Storage Battery Com ay 81776 Twin City.Briok Company 50 81777 victory Printing Company 81778 victory Printing Company 234 471 50 .81779 viliaume Box & Lumber Company 357 40 81780 J.1f. Voigt Business Machines, Inc. 18 50, 81781 iWagner Paint Supply Company 201 89 81782 ;' George T. Walker'& Company 99 15 81783 1 Zinamaster Baking Company �° - 140 ]JO l SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ill 51� 2!! �kk � 4 w. NOTICE o -• + 147539, C. a lveNo. 147539—That .f0 Resolved, That checks be drawn on COUNCIL FILE NO.—_ CCthe City Treasury. •to the ggreMe PRINTER 89,547.72, c verfiIg Checks , - b +=°s Inclusive. s Me rah' 26 .�.. ,e the IA 1949 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASUR (, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 9,547-72 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— i7s4 To__ �1�35 INCLUSIVE; AS,VER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE -COUNCIL_'--.—__----.___ __194— __ __194 soo a ae �L, Z=' 'A- - ( C� CO -R -ER BY - l DUPLICATE TO CI CLERK- _ CITY OF SAINT jai PAUL 1 4 ^ 53x0` COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER' FILE NUMBS R 3 C LL T��{{� �(p / MORTINSON' ��_IN FAVOR AUDITED CL(A{l�l,l7 March 20' �9 PARRANTO -"- 1H.-.._.._ PETERSON RESOLVED;THAT CHECKS BE��Jq HE CITY TREASURY, ROUEN _AGAINST 09547.72. TO THE AGGREGATE Al ft Y_ INC COVERING TRUAX rjl MR.PRES.DELANEY , CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS �I UCm PER CHECKS ON FI IN HE OFF[ C TY COMPTROLLER. ' ADOPTED BY THE.COyINCI -- - ��}:,:.!t —.. GOM OLLER APPROVED TOTAL DATE RETURNED •. �C"ECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK A - -.' BROUGHT FORWARD 51 A28 47 Ls616qO ',44 ' ® 81784 Mrs. Dorothy Jung Cooney 24 t)z 5 81785 Mrs. Evelyn Hell 152 90 '24 81786 Mrs. Dorothy E. Weimer 540 j00 $1787 Tress. of the U.Se 27 80 $1.188 Alohele Fuel & Appliances 5 00 81789 ;'American Road Builders Assoo 36 01790Amerioan Technical Society 81791 -American Time Produote, 'Ino. L7' 81792 'j Apex Peet Control Company '81793 Applebaum Fs 1j4 0 81794 j;Augsburg Publishing House, 9 81795 ° W.H..Barber Company 91796 9. Berglund.Lumber Company `r2 799' 80 81797,! S. Brand Coal & Oil Company 653 .7 65 P 51798 Brown and Day Company 81799 ' California Test Bureau 50 S 51800 0onsum8rs union -of The U.S.I o. 22 00 $1801 '; Crescent Creamery Company 95 P 81802 ;_ C.M. Darrow 12 14 t2 81803 : Daytenls Bluff Sheet Metal Works $1904 1 Dependable Motors of St.Paul'Inc. 89 1 81805 Drake Mabble Company 1 ` 81806 Dual Parking Meter Company 27 81 00 81807 I'as*rn Machine storks 81808 " Tlvgren Paint Supply Company' 265 050 81809 First National Bank' 81810 R.B. Buller Company 15 vi 4 81811 General Electric Supply Corp. 81812 Goodall Rubber Company 81813 Hersey Mfg. Company 468 81814 ii Lake Superior Mink Farm 3 '0 681815 John Leslie Paper Company 110 81816 Library of Living Philo ,00hs s 5 El 81817 The Logan Bindery. 42 64 287 81818Minnesota News Company 81839 Minnesota hews Company 199 75 81820 The Missouri Botanical Garde Products 2.50 76 70 81821 Molin Concrete Comp' 81822 !'? National Council of Teaohers y f English 11 80 ° 81823 i Northern States Power Company9568 company'� 444 15 81824 Northern States Power 81825 .' Northern States Power Company.. 65o Oo ' . 81826 I N.'e. Ref. Oomphny 672 O3 81827 ;'Erich W. Pahl, Trsas. Company 15 00 676 11 81828 3t.Paul Book & Stationery 81829 St.Paul Book '& Stationery Come any51 13 4W 81&30 St.Paul Book & Stationery Dome any 61 831 st.Paul Corrugating Company 23 43 47 1832 3oott, Foreem.an Pub. Company 7 1833 G. Seestedt Company 28 00 60656 1834 yilver-Burdett Company 6 835 Sperry Offioe Furniture Company 34 - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 51 128-y'-7 i e a,23e NOTICE \ 'C. F. No. 197540— Resolcheck b drawn on TO 1C, R4 That R Tfeasury t the aggregate • COUNCIL FILE NO. C�lJ1 ..l r4s4.4 43 ring checks PRINTER �" ivchlslve, a Mn r .h 29 194 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 97,471.43 81636 81867 3 )ERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO_- _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFIOF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_11i1Hi S`�_ '19Q ITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED_- -yam_ 194_ BY. ., 500 12-46 '',' I1.nom F � - � I I I I -FT7�- j LJ Lf CITY OF SAINT PAUL 14 J iJ`�1➢0 DU tLIGTE TO CI CLERK . . COUNCIL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL„. - RRA"N;0" 1" FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS gp�Aj-?aT .19-49 ROPOSEERNSON AGAINST 1. T TO THEE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $OLVED, THAT CHECKS BE 0 ON THE ITY COVERING TRUAX $97. 3 INCLUSIVE, AS MR.PItES.DELANEY _ CHECKS NUMBERED TO 1 "f` PER .CHECKS ON FI IN T)1 OFFICE THE CITY •COMPTROLLER. - ADOPTED BY THE COPINCI NUMBER ..__.- • / CAMPTROLLER.. APPROVED '--' -194_ ''.'. 7 II CAECK ',I IN -FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 51 128 07 1 xdF ? 6 DA RETURNED BY BANK • 81836 Roy L. Hanson water Commissioners i 679 3 80 00 7 81837 Board of Commissioners 105 1 81.838 Board of water 81839 1 Board of Water vommissioners 2344 9 689 j 81840 Board of water Commissioners' 81841 Board. of Water Commissioners 1 2601 41 Water Commissioners' 12,9 81842' Board of 81843 Board of water Commissioners ,16 6321 04 91844 Board of Water Commissioners 328 45 81845 ers Board of Water Commission 3C8T97L59 amity of st.Pau1, B. of Aud. 81846 8184 Severin A. Mortinson, C.P.W. 483110 1 783 23 81848 1 W, A. Parranto, C,� arks, etc. 81849 Robert F. PetersBn, C.P.B: 149 59 81850 milton,Rosen, C.P.worke 81851 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 8374186 619 76 81862 j Milton Houen, C.P.Works 45 83 11 4 8185] !I. Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 348 06 8185++ I Milton Rosen, C.P.works 81855 !'Milton Rosea, C.P.Works" 814 03 81856 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 6851, 58 81857 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1601 J6 3634 `�7 81858 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 158661 81859- Milton Rosen, C.P.Werks 860 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 8149 81861• Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 1 Rosen,"C.F.WoTka 295146 889148 81862 Milton 745118 81863 Milton RosenC.P.Worke 81864 Milton Rosen,, C.P.Works 768122 81865 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Torks Rosen, C.P.Works 18181.72 886 11 81866 Milton 81867 Fred M. Truax, C. of Eduo. 1093i58 i TOTAL-FORWARD_'J 1 _ �•� __--_'_ \ �' !RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND -CON- ,,pp /� AND DS OF DAMAGESI AWARON AND AS- S /p % r�.`A SESSMENT THEREOF {�x 4� Y C. F. No. 147541— In a matter o i.#1'�FIRMING - RESOLUTION RATIFYI and ti,opaonrta . '-land n CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS 'OF'DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of--------------------;----------------- ------------------------- ------------ condemning, tskinv and appropriating for park purposes all the area lying between Harriet Island and the following described lines: Beginning at a point 271 feet northwesterly of the intersection of Fillmore Street and Myrtle Street vacated, .measured on the northeasterly line of Myrtle Street vacated, thence in a north- westerly direction on the northeasterly line of Myrtle Street vacated,produced to liarriet Island; also be ;zinning at a Point 271 feet northwesterly of the intersection of Fillmore Street and Myrtle Street vacated, measured on the northeasterly ligvof Myrtle Street vacated, thence southwesterly to a point 90 feet westerly of the ebuth7 westerly corner of the intersection of Vater Street and Moses Street (said corner, coinciding with the corner of Block 191 Irvinels Addition) measured on the south— westerly line of Moses Street or Moses Street produced, thence southwasterly to a noint 90 feet westerly of the northwesterly corner of the intersection of 'Nater Street and Short Street vacated (said corner coinciding with the corner of B1ock.205, Ii -vine's Addition) measured on the northerly line. of Short -Street vacated, thence southwesterly northwesnorth side to a point on.the center line of, Smith Avenue 86 feet roximate1te50yfeettnorthwesterly of the.piers of the High Bridge which are located approximately of the intersection of the center lines of Smith Avtnue and water Street, thence in -a northeasterly direction on the proposed new harbor line to a point on the proposed new harbor line which is intersected by a perpendicular line to the aforesaid proposed harbor line and passing Reroughtthessouthwesterlyesterly aend nd oofnHarriet arriet lsla dd,. thence on the said perp UI Lie—... ... Gr t u �u. vuuuw..u•�b ,".� vu u �""' "" „�..�va , uv - Resolved, That the taking and condemnation. of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance,and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said faking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respectatified and confirmed. 6 benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects Resolved further, that the said assessment of ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be smitted to the District Court for 'confirmation. Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- 19 ------ r; --------vet ------- City Clerk. Approved -------'----------------,19--- ---- ---- File 10897 e "----- -- Mayor.-- Y -. or. -, Councilma#-'"'� tY� Councilman COUncilmatMel ,Dnaill / Councilman pee i JLL5I11 D� gqouncilman- ohland Cduncilmazfpdheinrer� A _ Mayor �_ uey RESOLUTION RATIFYING. AND. CON- ryI�.. FIENWO CONOEMNATIOX `AND i D�� AWARDS OF W4 A;Ny 4 i Y/•YD' $68$M�NT T14 l 146456 approved____ December 8; 1948 under Preliminary Order----------------- ---- -----_----`----------- U6913 _____________ approve January 27, 1949 Intermediary Order------------------------------------------- I,- -------------------------- '' Fe,brua _ 23 1949 Final Order --------------- -------------- approved--------------'---- -------.---- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor,' and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and file awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council --------------------------------19, --- - -------- --- -------------- ; City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- File 10897' - - - -- - -------------- Mayor. Councilman Couneilmass�' t8�� =' CouncilmaW,KqlZonatd Councilmaq,PQ�arce LL9FlL D / Councilman li61dand , CouncilmaA -$udheimer Mayor �=- ; __.a REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of---------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------- condewdng, taking and appropriating for park purposes all the area lying between Harriet Island and the following described lines&° Beginning at a point 271 feet § northwesterly of the intersection of Fillame Street and Myrtle Street vacated, measured on the northeasterly line of Myrtle Street vacated, thence in -a north- westerly direction on the northeasterly line of Myrtle Street vacated produced to Harriet Island; also beginning at a point 271 feet northwesterly of the intersection of Fillmore Street and Myrtle Street vacated, measured on the northeasterly line. of Myrtle Street vacated, thence southwesterly to a point 90 feet westerly of the south- westerly corner of the intersection of Water Street and Moses Street (said corner coinciding with the corner of Block 191 Irvine's Addition) measured on the south- westerly line of Moses Street or Moses Street produced, theme southwesterly to a point 90 feet westerly of the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Water Street and Short Street vacated (said corner coinciding with the corner of Block 205, Irvine's Addition) measured on the northerly line of Short Street vacated, thence southwesterly to a point on the center line of Smith Avenue 86 feet northweaterly of the north side of the piers of the High Bridge whioh are located apprmd.mately 5.0 feet northwesterly of the intersection of the center lines of Smith Avenue and Rater Street, thence in a northeasterly direction on the proposed new harbor line to a point on the proposed new harbor line which is intersected by a perpendicular line to the aforesaid proposed harbor line and passing through the southwesterly end of 'Harriet Island, thence on o _ the said perpendicular line to the southwesterly and of Harriet Island} TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Q The Coknmissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken' and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. ti Fps any beLbsuq?GIYT- T{Us Fc Fpc eon Fp szFsLTi svq ov HsLLTsF T2Jgvq' PgLpoL JTUs guq bgaaTUk.FPLoat;p Fps ao,JFpasaFeL7jL svq of HSLL?SF Ia7suW Fpsucs oU us% pgLpoL Tis AUTcp Ts TursLaSc,pGq p2. g beLbeugdcaJsL T{us Fo Fps g;oLsag?q bLonaasq UoLFPega FSLJA gTLaG;ToLf 00 FFre byoboaeq Usti pgLpOL 7Tus Fv s boSup ou Fps bLoboeaq Ob. Fpe TUFs L860FTOU 0L Fps CBU'F6L JTUOs OI:, 2lAjFP yAsune guq zyi BFSL 'ZFLe6F� ppsUcs TU Er o; Fpegb?sLz O; Fps HTBp Wmae'mWOP VLs TocvMq gbbyox WP3J-a ZO teef vOLFpasaFBTgG co g bo?uF ou FgTF ceU L TTUS 0b ?WTFP Yesvns 8e ;esF uoLFpa+saFsLJ3 oT, rye uoLFp a?qe °,gq?FTpU).WG�TLeq ou Fpe UOLFpsLJB J?Us oT 2poLF 2 LasF AeCgFsQ' FpeUca SOZI 1LATUG' euq 2PO' WLSSF AgcSFeq (197q coLusL cc?vc?q?v� xTFp Fp coLvyL uy jock 50f' Iavee,a boTuF 60 ;psF Ag2pGLT2. o� pire uoLFprsaFGLJa coLUSL 01, PPS TUFSLascFTOU o; ;b1. $L 2FLepF nseFeLTX JTue OT y(oaee 2FLB6F or. p(osee 2;Leep bLognceq'�uPsuCffpn�QWsFGLT Fo S us,s tlggTFT ) >3oaFP- coTUCTgTLTB. AIPP Fps coi.USL o; B100F W IW Leg 8�q COLUSL JWefQ7.T2L COLU6L O; FPs TUPOL86C.{.'TOU O; j.THFBL 2FLeg; suq 1(oses 2PepFeL71 0q COs soTTFP- i$�FIp 2FLpsp AeceFeq' FpeUce aonFppeupaFeLJ] l0 a bn ag a0 ;pe voLFpQ%2PGLT% JTUs o; p 2FLe8F ABc'TFag taeSe�tLs4 s u L86CFTOU oVkTTTWOIe.24-- saq FJ a boTVV 'SIT ;eBF uoLFW►asFsLJZ. o; dp T Fe HSLLTep I -2T -q! SJao peRTUUTUS SF a wf �.. ro cruor •acsrsa�hzoaacaa ro under Preliminary- Order- _1}6416______, approved-------- ----- 19118_---------_-____-----_--_ Intermediary Order ------6913---- aPProved__January 27-_---19 ----------- -------------- Final 0der-------------1117198------, approved_ 19bruata 23a-1pV---------Y-I-------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein` taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of theawards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payabl/e that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached 9 an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature Of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------- 0^' -vr/ -- ---- - ---� atici---�- Commissioner of Finance. I; ' - - r• f, Original to City C• A- cI S4}inc1L p � FJ •CITY OF ST. -PAUL' F% NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G.ENERAL FORM - - PRESENTED BY DA"•'• COMMISSIONER-_.._,__/_— --'—""""_--'— RESOLVED2, That the Plans and Specifications for the ;;rection of Two Baseball Backstops at the Hazel Park Playgrounds in Saint Paul, D,innesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of'theCommissioner of nur'_{s, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same beim satisfactory to the Commissioner of Park's, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the Purchasing Agent is ?zereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. C. P. No. 147542—By W. A, Parranto— N.' Resolved, That the Plans and Spae1- Rcations for the Erection of Two Base- ball Backstops at the Hazel Paik Playgrounds in Saint Paul, Minnesota. submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect. under the direction of ' the Commissioner of Parks. Play. grounds and Public Buildings, be and the s me are hereby approved,- the Same abeing'satisfactory to the Com- -...� missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to ad- vertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. a ' Adopted by the Copncil March 31. 1949. Approved. March 31, 1949. .. (April 2, 1949) A 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194-..-. Yeas Nays --nd3a� —M�ortinson // Approved ------..................................194. �j'srl'antb - "\� If ' Peterson - 4'.- --- -In .Favor %yor .... Posen , .......... Against 'MriaPresid0nt Deiai6By''�'. ® , �ouncii.FileNo ----------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVMEN16 F No.147543- - I �A,bstract � r. and �^Wh real, A written prep8wl 4er the 6klhg of the following fiAp—croont,-1 ° PRELIMINARY ORDER: - Construct with Monolithic Concrete, i wav entrance aprons in the boule-' the east side of OSAGE - - -- ----i anD feet north Theundersignedhereby proposes 6e m4ing of the following public improvement u„ ,City u faint Pawrk' I.: n. -i -h c Concr a drivewa entrance a tons in the boulevard ----- --3r ............ .. .. -----p- ...........--------- - -- ----- --- --- •-- - -- T.............._............................................ ----------- - - - areas on the ea=t side of OSAGE STREET approximately 80.0 feet nor Vi.Orange -- ---.............•----------------- nue thence north 8 --feet q.. on t.he west side of N. VICTORIA >ITRFET -----------......------ -- - ---- ; approxinhtely_100,0-.feet--north- of-_W.Iyy--Avenues thence north 12.0 feet. Dated this ------------------------day of----------------- - - -- ---------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS; A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ".viz. ------- n. . ... r--- - ........ y ------------ - - _.-_-Construct with Monolithic Concrete drivewa entrance aprons in the boulevard _ , areas on the east side of --SAGE STREET a?proximately 80.. feet north of,W.U..... _:-.Aye±me:-.therice:.north_.8.0 feet1._and on the west side of N. VICTORIA$ E ST_.----:.-._---_-- a._proximately 100 0 feet north of W. Ivy Avenue= thence north 12.0 feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.... ---------------- ------- - ................................. --------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the Council------------------------------- .... -------- YEAS NATS Councilman-B44-J-7- -Frnm�— MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON i'��y,/Ji J i �VIR PRP181DLN���'. . 1M 4.46 .... --------- .... --- •• - Mayo . rDFTITION) - � X4754.4 Council File Nob ----------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147544- m . - .Abstract �..� and " Whereas, A written proposal for the " 'ng of the following lmpro Ment; 'Y$ELIMINARY ORDER. ny wlP--lithie Conerete, side off The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by theJE ;�. : 3$ii2i T ::,„9, viz.: Reconstruct vrith Monolithic Concrete, the sidewalk on the north side .......... ........ . STREET-- from -Stryker _Avenue --to._Winslow --Avenue. - -...............-------- 77 ---------------- '--------------------------- _------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ........ .......................... . V----- ------ - Datedthis------------------------ day of------------------------ ---------------------------------... .......,.. 1 4 - - ..........---------------- ..................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ---------- Reconstruct_with-Monolithic... Concret@,...the --si,depa7.k.-on--- th-e rl4.rtkt..SidQ...of- ................. COLORADO STREET. -from Striker-_Fyenue-_to_Winslow._Avenue.___-----.--_---.-_........................:.......__-- ...-----------------------=---------------------------......-----------------------------------............-------------------------------------------- ....... . --- ..... --- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------------------------------ _........-....---..................-------------. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. ------- __.......------------ YEAS NAYS Councilma ARfi IIS uss ¢ L1NnLh - Approved ----------- ........... ---------------------------- --- ----- - PARRANTO PETERSON May r. t,- 2ao a -n - ;u�6t(� .. --� • ;� - PiT -TLl) 14A54y . - , COUNCIL No. ..------ ohatnal to oltrlclerm - .CITY OF ST. PAUL - PILE I OFFICE SOF THE -CITY: CLERK - •- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---- DATE---.------- — PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER—_._-(� RE90LVED, that the free use of the Audtitorium theatre ie given to the Planning Committee of 9t. Paul and Ramsey County Health Day on April 2141 for three sessions of Health Day; the ~cost of opeliing and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. o C. F. No. 147545—BY Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the free use of the Auditorium theatre be given to the ' and RamseygCountyiHeallh Day'on lApril 21st for three sessions f Health, Day; " the cost of opening and operating to' , be set up id Ayldltorium Fund N. Adopted by the Council March 31, 11949. - Approved' March 31. 1999. (April 2, 1949) ". Adopted by the CounciL----- .---------------- ..........194... --- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -�iadiaR� t Approved--------------- ------------ ------------- J Mortinson Parranto �� 'l/� - ...... in Favor M aor Peterson Rosen Tfiihy -- Against . 1y1r. Eresldent, Delaney. -311 "1 e OF .SAINT PAUL Capital -of Minnesota OFFICE. OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS i Mar. 30, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady + Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting "the free use of the theatre section of the Auditorium to the organization named in the attached letter on Thursday, April 21st, as more fully set out in their letter. .I Very truly yours, City Clerk i (� I SrINT PAUL IND F' :SPY COUNT HIIiLTH DAY r' April 21, 1949 Saint Peul Auditorium Theater. March 18, 190 Honorable Edward K.' Del,,-ney h'J yY"r of St. Paul 347 Court House i5, est Kellogg Boulevard .t. Paul 1:; Dear ,'2 . Delaney: Ft your reeuest, we are subn-itting to you and the St. Paul Council members the ke have reserved the day with ir. Edward'Nurni, manager,. tteand have. a plan fcr Health Day to be held at the 5t. P ul Auditorium, Theater Section, Thursday,.a es and pril 21, 1949• g, �, county -aide pl-nning committee workin ve hard through seven major cc'"'" , ccv:ittee nrr_erous sub-cemcittee groups• I am sending to you a list of the planning me hers so that you may have an idea of the wide representation. 4e have included,, also, a list cf the 49 agencies in the S•t. Paui, Area Public Health Council of the nizsti ns, Community Cheat and Council, Inc. They, together with eleven Wither crg= are cc -sponsors with the �-caen,s auxiliary of the arse, sey County is, cti `ely PrO.and havehealthsin aur cn^n unntYand haverenthusnesticrlly welce than OrredLthisaeopnrtuncty t1YcooGerrtteg and share their leadership, skills, and resources, to ms:ke it'a valuable day to every ra.n; woman and child. W With the herders of cur state, are nationally and internat cnally knnts medical schools, clinics, hospitals, reQearch centers, and public heal dep:rtsrents staffed by men and women trho are called upon Fran: coast to coast, to 1 cture, for consulta- a la level of tier or to write articles and books. we are drawing heavily their e;cellent leader - chip for Health Day and have developed a urogr<r,cf greet, merit cn Y presentation'. wft There will be approximately 50 non=c_ onmercial exhibits, arror he by fur li sgencies, to give a colorful display of the numercu -resources for healthflA living and services available in Eansey County. This is the first time that such a large cooperative effort of so zaticns in a metroi:olitcn area has been unde his undertaken endcrsweredeby several hundred health problems cf 'interest to everyhas civic, servicQss educational end social pbars from la and veternnst inter-racial,ittees their 'epresentati.ves,'together with members from labor, youth and religious groups' This is not a fund-raising effort: It is entirely a ost.s for p educational and inspir,tiun.l project.. There are, however, elcnsidTrc���rctotmakerthecperogrnmcavhilable pcst�ge, printing of.prngrar-s and rosters, , to everyone in the county. We have al:ed organizations to share in this expense by the finance crrm.ittee, ending a ccntributiosr to the chairman of Ir, Lelc.rad lmr.uiet, t. Paul. 1, rf_pire t'ationel Bank, SI V sl,iNT P6UL IND •F = ;. EY COUNTY H1 P.LTH DAY 10 a April, 21, 194'3 Saint PAul:Auditcrium Theater ` march 18, 1949 Honorable Edward K. Dele.ney Mayor of st. Paul 347 Court House � 15 west Kellogg BoulevLrd St. Pr.ul 1, ::inncscta Dear ,'r. Delaney At year reCuest, we are submitting to you and the St. Paul Council members the ke have reserved the day kith ;ir. dvri;rd Furni, mama€er, and have a plan for Health Day to be held at the St. pzul Auditorium, Theater ecticn, Thursday, =•pril =1, 1949• tee5 and county-'ide pl:-nning committee Forking very hard through seven major cenc:itco_-u:ittee numerous sub-con,::ittee gI upas. I am sending to you a list cf the planning members sc that you mal have nn idea cf the wide represents tion. bie have included, also, a list cf the 49 agencies in the St. Paul Area Public Heal CouncnlLotitns, Coununity Chest and Council, Inc. They, together r.ith eleven other crg: and are co_spcnscrs pith the wcmenls auxiliary o£,the F<r'sey County ?ediczl society have assisted in plans and promotion. More than 60 organizations, actively promoting health in our community hove enthusilstind TeGlurcelcctoru-ed sit acvaluzb3,etday toevery and share their leadership, -kills, r=n, woman and child. With the borders of our state, are nationally andternathcna lrtents medical sch6cls, clinics, hospitals, research center.., public by men and women vhe are called noon from coast to jecturej for e,cellent leader - tion or, to write articles and books. d are Cr`wing eat merit on a lay level of chip for Health Day and have developed a progr:r.. cf gr presentation. There will be apprcxirately 50 nen-c_ omnerc?al exhibits, arrr rhe It cur own agenciep, to give a colorful display of the nurnercu resources for heck thful living ¢• and services wail: ble in Farrsey County. This is the first time that such a large cooperative effort cf ec ..any crga,ni- zaticns in - me.tro2;oli.tcn area hes been undertaken to endcnewrred by ..-ever- hun(�d' health problems of interest to every nizatiuns and has on its F:crking COmdLitteOF civic, service, educational and social orgy veterans, inter-rc.ciLl, their representatives, together with members from labor, , youth and religious groups. ` This is not aPcutna reisinaref ert.hoveVert conis siderablentirely �costsPfor 1prorotim such as d inepir:tic,n:.l pi -J - etc. in order to make the prograr, availzble stage, printing of programs end pesters, , to tage, - in the county. We have.asked organizations to share in this expense by zo eveg a contribution to the chairman of the finance ccnu.ittee, ?ir. Lelc.nd ELm..ui=t, r-cpire Biational Bank, St.- Paul I- V • - _ March 18, 19:9 H�nor�ble r.&�ar& K. Del, ney However, it would greatly relieve our minds, and be a source cf reLl encour.Le- �ent to the large nus=ber who are working on the project to. have your endorsement and a sistence: 'tie specifically t the use of the 6uditcr rocuest thaium Thee.ter for the three sessions:.of Health Day be given-to the people of arnsey County without charge. Sincerely yours, -- The Planning Committee Et. aul and P,amsey County Heelth Day r� l I Mrs. Valder a.II G. Joe scn, Chairman 4;GJ smb Enc. 2 i L 4 " 4 " CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _ BUREAU OF RECORDS Mar, 30, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution to be submitted tomorrow, March 31st, congratulating Eumboldt High Sch$ol and particularly its basketball team and coach, on winning the recent' state high school championship. very truly yours, City Clerk r C. F. No. 147547— 147547 �J� q i NOTICE - Cthe eS�ittyd•t ensuryheLoks ; _ Cr ` L,Ztl il/ TO COUNCIL°t-c C:yi;. 31H21ON COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER MRreh 30 1943 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,, To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF g FO_ Fig O? COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. 8-_TO_-9192-3—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--_----= 194— . CITY COMPI'ROLL[R APPROWED —194--' 6V R�r' ROLL C FINOL A14 1 MORTINSON - PARRANTO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Xarolk. 30--ig.7-7ILO - ON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS Or DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN _011AIN6T TO THE AGGREGATE j�OUNT OF 1L .r ft� A0 , COVERING. rr - T .INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBER 0 MWA %"j E10 N� COM 0 0---, R, PER CHECKS ON I M FFI( LLER. ADOPTMBYTHECOUNCII ' 0 1 1 '9 �NUMBER COMPM - OLLER APPR MAW J ,,, �q,, 68, "7 pp ru -(r� BY � Tif TOTALDATE CHECK !I HUMBERIN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 1_1 URNEO I 01868 Patrick J. Hagerty BY BANK $1869 1 John P. Mullaney, Supt. 81870 voo. Sdhool Petty Cash Fund 187131 16 81871 jj v6o. so'hool petty Cash fund 81872 1 Rose Brothers Lumber Company $1873 U.S. Souther Gone. Company 91974 Badger later Mfg. Company 91875Doepke—Building Movers 81876 11 The Flazo Sweep Company 81877-1 Great Lakes Coal Dock Comm 81878 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Compq 81979 MPls- St -Paul & Sault Ste -M82 S1880 Mississipol Valley Oil Compaq S1881 I I.W. Hanna Fuel Company 81882 4 Pink Supply Company $1883 I. Railway Express Agency 81884 1 Rockwell Mfg. Company 81885 Western. Union Telg. Company 81886 U. J. Hagerty 81887 Ann F-. Campion, Widow of D.Hi 91888 Helen Sullivan. Widow of M.S* 818$9 "oe. for the P. of Cruelty 81990 Edward Rrbek 81891 Frank Mudra, $1892 j aertifted.0onorete Company cutler -Magner Company 8189 Great ,Northern Railway Compail 81995 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 81896 1 N.W. Herme Fuel Company $1897 i� Pitt burgh Plate Glass Compav 1 91898 stat: of Minnesota 81899 John S. Findlan C,P,R.F. 81900 John S. Findlan: C. of Fin. 81901 John. S. Findlan. 0. of Financ 81902 J0. Bernhard, Reg. of Titles 81903 J. J, Pitzg6rald, C. of D.0t, 81904 Roofings, Inc. 91905 Irnest Geiger 81906 i Carl W. Te11 In 81907.1 Healy Plumbing & Htg. Co. Inc 1 91908, $1909 Standard Oil Company ATMOUr and Company $1910 'Electric Blue Print Company algil ,I Flavor rried Popcorn Company $1912 W.A. Lang, Ind. 8191 Moradden-Lambert Company 819N National Cylinder Gas Company $1915 N.W. Hardware Company , ig 6 81916 i; Albert 0obleb Mfg. Company 1 81917 ;; Twin City. -J-10' 9soo. of, P. Agents 81918 li Underwooe- 0 Inc. Underwood - $1919 H.S. vFedsWaedt Company .81920 jR.8. Whits!, ye & Company, Ino, 91921 Earl Benson $1922 F.W Hoeft, ,Donald 91923 R. d4r9WellL J SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD TOTALDATE 1_1 URNEO I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 49 5191 70 187131 16 64. 49 59 50 1 010 1 179 1 185 2.125 y I 2230 y12 744 e Ry.091. 1 128 Inc. 107 12 672 195 3 5 957 38 30 30 200 90 30 169 1 815 175 395 19. 2 070 53 114 1 26o 21 6 1 56o I 13 257 11792 1 273 685 85 39 7 129 5 1 11 .-l- I "-- -A-'-4--- ' 0. Orlpinal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ti 4'7543 CITY OF,ST. PAUL ins cn. No ....... e OFFICE, OF THE CITY -CLERK CQUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r -. RESOLVED,_That the Specifications for Painting the Emergency Quonset Huts in the City of Saint Paul, as suhnitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of p Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be • tl and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory'g to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for –bids. thereon in the manner .provided in and by the charter; said cork to be charged to Fund Number 1087. - - C. F. No. 147649-13y W. A. Pairanta— - Resolved, That the Specifications for Painting the Emergency Quonset 8uts In the City of Saint Paul, as submltted- - - herewith, prepared by the Clty Archi. tect. under the direction of the Com- - mission- of Parka, Playgrounds and - Public .Buildings, be and eameare hereby .:hg approved, the same being sans- factory to the Commissioner of Parks, ' Playgrounds and Public Bufldinga and - the Purchasing Agent le hereby author- - - ized to -•advertise for bids thereon in the manner -provided. in and by the charter; sold work to be. charged to ! Fund Number 1097. Adopted by the Council March 31, '.. :1949. �. Approved March 31, 1949.. i (April 3, 1949) Y{RR 3 i $949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL................................. 194_._._ Yeas Nays Mortinson / Approved ..........................................194 Patranto I Peterson .............. In Favor ... ._.,�'---•---•-- _...8yo=.,_... Rosen ....Against r 3M 9_441r. aresident (lraax) R _ Orlslnai to City Clerk `47549 C. F. No. '197649--H Milt..-Ross' Whereas. Inue to -adverse enmatie pN« NO T onditlovn are Intermittent OFFICE - OF 'L?haws, end freeze-ups it !s necessary to employ a sutticlent numer o2. men, OUNCIL RESOLUIMw dprnmove snow- top cinder i� - •Its in order to make them safe PRESENTED BY 1i the peratidn - of motor -vehicles i . COMM ISSIONE 'or the use of the pederMans, . eppen.tcl baelna to��.,•'... — . WHEREAS I Due to adverse climatic , cor ij& tF�Pii AY 'intermittent snow- falls, thaws, and freeze-ups it is necessary to employ a sufficient number of men, trucks, and equipment operators to plow and remove.snow, to cinder icy streets in order to make them safe for the operation of motor vehicles and-fdr the use of the pedestrians, and to open up frozen connections to the sewer catchbasins to prevent'watdr during the thaws to-flood the 'basements which would cause a serious health menace and heavy property damage, and 1'IHEJiEA6, funds appropriated for the above services`°so essential for the protection of health and safety of the,inhabitants in the City 'of St. Paul were all expended to cover the cost of these services, and VIMREAS, an emergency has arisen due to the lack of sufficient funds to proper y perform functions above stated, therefore be it RESOL That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow such sums as may be necessary therefor, not exceed- ing a total of $150,000.00, and to execute and deliver to the party or 'parties making the loan or loans,promissory note,or notes, payable to such party or parties, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 2,%1 per annum., said note or notes to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof: be it FURTISR RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed to be credited to the Emergency"Street Snow and Ice Removal rund, Code 13-X, all of said fund'to, be expended only for the purpose of removal of snow and ice from the streets of the city. . Jit � • COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoundL............................. ... 194_._. Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson/ Approved_._.. / ........................................ 194 Parra4to Peterson - In Favor ---------- Rosen -Rosen Maq r Truax 1 a ----Against Mr. President,- Delaney 3M 048 l 1.47550 '^p1, NI -1 to. City perk - __.ST. .- manta NO..--- CITy. OF rna . - - FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e CO'Ij/J1�//. rc�;.I,L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM J^ 4 - R ZZ� 1949 PRESEN0D BY A IW GOMMNER $Y MUD That the Northern States Power Company be #iven permission to. install one pole in alley .west of Woodbridge south of Larpenteur, one pole in alley i south of Taylor west of Albert. one pole on west side of Westminster north' of Hyacinth, with necessary guys, anchors. and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do10 by the Commos Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern.'• , States Power Company. �A�l�� C. V. N,;al!>�nton Roam— Resolved. Tbat the Northern States Power Company be given permfasfon ,J; �"�, ti� too install, one pole in alley west o1 Woodbrl. a south f'Larpenteur, one L,✓ Pole in alllley south of Taylor west of Albert; one pole on west Hyacinth. w ot West sary r north of rs.adwith neces- sary guys. anchor., and wires. Poles / _ and, wires o f removed when re -,I quested to do o by the Common t oube j �' " cn and cost of said removes to Power ' borne by the Northern' States Power '. I Company' by the Councn April 1, 1949. ♦rsq APPtoved Appr18,111949) APR 949 A Adopted by the CounoiiL ................................194.-.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ak'k 1 °"Mjl Approved------ --------------------------------- 194... Mortinson Parranto (��.� — Peterson -_- In Favor _... ayor Rosen. Mr. President, Delaney t .�-�_ , . • . � x'7551. J . orl4ln.1 cu city ©err , CITY OF ST. PAUL m- co�xcn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fred Truax DATE AP1'il 1 - 1949 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, The Co;rmiissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency.whioh rendered necessary the employment Of. certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment= therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorizedtopay the following named anployees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Frank Tsohida Accounting Clerk 92 hours $1 64s hr $151 34 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays II Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen -Tw.S+ Mr. President, Delaney '3M 948 . WP@ C. F. No. 147551—By Fred M. Truax— Resolved. That' the proper city of- 9cers areherebyy authorized to pay certain employe in the Department of Education for extra employment as set out -n the list attached to this reso- lution. Adopted by the Council April 1. 1949. Approved AAppru199 9194 APR 1 IV Adopted by the Council ................................. 194-..- Approved---•-•--------------••-•---------- .194•--- In Favor .......... .----Against . FORM NO. 1 April 1 _ 1949 VOCATIONAL VETERANS EVENING SCHpOL OVERTIME - MARCH 1 to MARCH 31, 1949 Ina An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools,, rendering necessary the emp-loyment ofcertain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, ,in doing the following work: Recording Veteran Teachers time for paFglll- purposes= purchasing and issuin supplies and imterial to Veterans and reoeivinr and recording tuition money from t3 eats. This emergency avose by reason of the following facts and circumatances: Extra work necessary due to veterans vocational Training Program. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. y COUNea NO /� 55 , Original re, Cry Clerk N 3�--V CITY OF ST. PAUL FnH - - FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO N IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' DATE April 1, 1949 PRESENTED E .. COM M ISSIONER In the matter of curbing Ferawood Street from Hoyt Avenue to -Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 145942 approved September 14, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 146105 approved November 9, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same ars hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No. 147552—ny Maton Rcs In the matter of curbing Fernwood street from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Prenminary Oiler C. F. 148592 approved 3ep tem r 1¢, 3899. and Final. Order C. F. 148105 approved November 9, 1948. Resolved, That the plans and specl- i fications for the above named improve- ment, as submitted herewith by the - 4 Commissioner of. Public Works.'be and the same ere hereby approved, and be Further Resolved, That the Purchae- ing Agent be end he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve- ment., Adopted by the Council April 1. 1949. Approved Ayyril 1, I849. (Aprll 9, 1949Y i.. / RPR 119 Y Adopted by•the Council ----- -------------------- ---•---.194..._. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays —baa- -__. - Approved-.____ ................................____. ..194 Mortinson Parranto Peterson -'--- i'• --.In Favor - yor Rosen -Trua• - -----------Agit Mr. President, Delaney 1M 848 OW@ I i 4'755 OrIgL . City Clerk _ COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FuB. NO..._--....-. - -•- FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ('/. C . CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL` FORM PRESENTED BYFUL� DATE April 1, 1949 COMM ISSIONE In the matter of curbing the south side of Arlington Avenue from Grotto Street to -St. Albans'S'treet, under Preliminary -Order C. F."145244, approved August 17, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 145913 approved October 19, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herebydirected to advertise for bids on this improve- ment. r. C. F. No. 147553-13y Milton Rosen— i , In -.the matter of curbing the south side of Arlington Avenue from Grotto i Street to St. Albans Street, under Pre- liminary order C. F. 145344, approved August 17,,1998. and Final Order C. F. 145933 approved October 19, 1948. Resolved, That me plans and specs- - . dcations for the above. named improve- ment. as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and, be It FurtherResolved, That the P. -ha. - Ing Agent be_and he is hereby directed to advertise. for bids on this improve. menta Adopted by the Council April 1. 1949. ; Approved April 1, 1949. ^ I, (April 9. 1949) / APR -1 v�COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............. _............... -... 194 ----- Yeas Nays 1 S Mortinson Approved ___....... .:... _.._.................. 194_.. Parranto Peterson In Favor .- ----e Rosen a O1 - tear ........ -Against Mr. President, Delaney 1M 8-48. w® A ' .4 ' O"HDINANC� bratn.ltu'dlry Cl -k �.- r.ogn CITY of ST. a�Axcls OFFICE OF THE C C. F No. 142554-0rainanae No. azsz-. Muton Rosen- onil_n.. granting perml6eion to. Paul Structuraall 6tee1 Co., e, to reconstruct a pubnw PRESENTED BY ': h .c'Avm,... 'v��ated) from' COMM ISSIONE "-- z Ah ordinance granting permission to the.- . St, Paul Structural Steel Co., a corporation, to,ree onstruct a public sewer on York Avenue (vacated) from a point 149 feet east of Agate Street to a point'318 feet east of Agate Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and. authority are hereby. granted to the St. Paul Structural Steel Co. ,'a. corporation, to reconstruct a public sewer on York Avenue (vacated) from a point 149 feet east of -Agate Street to a,point 318 feet east of Agate Street, accord- ing to the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof. section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby 'authorized to issue_a permit to said St. Paul Structural Steel Co. for the reconstruction of said sewer upon its compliance with the following conditions, viz: 1. -Said permittee shall reconstruct said sewer at its own expense, under the supervision and to y the satisfaction of the -.Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with -the plane and specifications prepared by him: a 2. Said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work, and for the publication of this ordinance. 3. The said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the,street, both,day and night, so as to avoid, all damage or injury to person or property, shall properly rill and tamp said street." to avoid settling, and shall restore said street to its original condition. 4. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 1 3111 9-48 - Approved--------- ------------- --- -----------194 _ --------------I1, Favor .................. --------------Against ..................... Mayor Laid over to '�/ —7� 4 - G 3rd and app.— _Adopted_. Yeas Nay- _ Yeas Nays . i ort' son ��or�son arranto -- arranto ' /�eter �-Peterson oxen oxen: � rua: Trees" / '4r,.. ymr. President Delaney- Mr.. President Delaney .4 ' O"HDINANC� bratn.ltu'dlry Cl -k �.- r.ogn CITY of ST. a�Axcls OFFICE OF THE C C. F No. 142554-0rainanae No. azsz-. Muton Rosen- onil_n.. granting perml6eion to. Paul Structuraall 6tee1 Co., e, to reconstruct a pubnw PRESENTED BY ': h .c'Avm,... 'v��ated) from' COMM ISSIONE "-- z Ah ordinance granting permission to the.- . St, Paul Structural Steel Co., a corporation, to,ree onstruct a public sewer on York Avenue (vacated) from a point 149 feet east of Agate Street to a point'318 feet east of Agate Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and. authority are hereby. granted to the St. Paul Structural Steel Co. ,'a. corporation, to reconstruct a public sewer on York Avenue (vacated) from a point 149 feet east of -Agate Street to a,point 318 feet east of Agate Street, accord- ing to the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof. section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby 'authorized to issue_a permit to said St. Paul Structural Steel Co. for the reconstruction of said sewer upon its compliance with the following conditions, viz: 1. -Said permittee shall reconstruct said sewer at its own expense, under the supervision and to y the satisfaction of the -.Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with -the plane and specifications prepared by him: a 2. Said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work, and for the publication of this ordinance. 3. The said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the,street, both,day and night, so as to avoid, all damage or injury to person or property, shall properly rill and tamp said street." to avoid settling, and shall restore said street to its original condition. 4. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 1 3111 9-48 - Approved--------- ------------- --- -----------194 _ --------------I1, Favor .................. --------------Against ..................... Mayor .I co cur cluk _ counts NO.-:-- i'�1 a CITY OF' PAUL_ F� - � OFFICE OF THEE CITY CLERK. ' WDVAM xi. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' —2— shall prosecute same, continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work, to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner. 5. Said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint. Paul in- the sum of,Five Thousand Dollars ($S,Ooo.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability,, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or property 'occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. 6. The said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk.. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ' - e Passed aQR S. t1 1949 by the Council- --------------------------------- 194..... • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . n an Approved.. ------'-------------------•-------...194_- Mortinson Parranto Favor --- ---• --••------- •--•----•--• --• -------•---•— � Peterson l -----•---�--..In Y Rosen Truax -0----.Against D. �J – Mr. President, Delaney/ �� PUP,LISHi 3M nrs ^aM-0 Attests Ski / / ,.fes/ ^?°�h City Clerk '� I t . Jame 20� 1949 Mr. Bruce J. 9roa!!y Oorposation Ooonoel 8aildins Door sirs 14r. B1'aoik 8. Dsat�herty fdndy aWVM the stbta W Don_ of Sb. P®�tl etPttmtux'u1 Ste Oo.. fl1e8 pia zn8 to (ird. No. • oatisfaitltol9 to you. end am trMsmit the se to the OOwieeiones of for approvoi• cM tbam to the Oowptro110r,4os tilitl�t - very traly yon. City Ole* E s 175 )� 0rioml to City Clerk wur ea No ------------------ ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL "aB LICENSE COMMITTEE _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL-FORM ���(J�✓�//' �L'^-- April 1, 1949. commis. omma SEONEF �Cyy�`�" OdLLe� . 1_ 1 •L.. ' OATF' RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 1504+, On. Sale Malt Beverage. Application B 15005, off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 150060 and' 'Cigarette, Application B 15007, applied for by EdwerdEHarris at 320 Carroll Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. IC. F. No. 147555—By Raba, F. Peter- - - -Malt Parranto— Resolved; That licenses for Restaur- t, Application B 150o. 04.. 50 gale Sale APPllcation .615005,OH ' Beverage. Malt Beverage; Appltwo B 015008, and Cigarette. ApPlicatlon B 15007, ap- _ at 0 . Ceraallo Avenue be a d the aa�me are • - hereby,gtanted. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1949- , Approved Ap pi 1, 1849. (April 9. 1849) NEW Informally approved by Council ------ March 22, 199 ' Old Location nYh 1 1� Adopted by the CollnelL-------............ -•----........ COUNCILMEN194._.. Yeas Nays rindilan j Approved -------------------------------- --------- rtlnson _,Pa'rranto -°--In Favor' ----- ------ ----- May terson ^ /I%sen .............. Agit _ /Mi resident, Delaney 3m 48 - 147556 -. oriatml to city Clerk, CITY OF ST.b PAUL r`�niNca. NO.-..-.—_••-- LICENSE COMMITTEE--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „ x COUNCIL RESOLUTION_:_�_ENERAL" FORM �y April 1, 1949 COMM SS ONEFZ1L'""t �'-GLL'!��L •rC %�L/J.—tea DATE RESOLVEDI That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 14921, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 14922, Off Sale Malt I Beverage, Application B 14923, Cigarette, Application B 14924, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 14925, applied for by Violet Peterson and Peter Doran at 1179 East Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted, a r - ! C. F. No. 147556—ny Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— - Resolved, That licenses,for Restaur- ' eat, Appncatlon B 14921. On Sale Malt Beverage, Appllcation B 14922, Oft Sale -- " Malt Beverage, Application n 14923, Cigarette, Application "B 14924, and Me- - ' chanical Amusement Device -Location, Application B 14925, applied for by NEW�y Violet Peterson and Peter Doran at Informally approved by Council 1179 East Seventh Street' be and the same are hernby granted. March 15, 1949 _ Adopted by the Connell April 1, 1949. Approved .April 1, 1949.' Old Location (April 9. 1949). . APR 11249 Adopted by the Council------------------------------- ...' COUNCILMEN Ye" Nays `— u; Find-- la-- n Approved .-_ ----•-•----..-•194 : - Mortinson J Parranto . Peterson.......--'---""-- �- -.In Favor - ---'• - . .-....- Ma or Rosen . --KrUSM -- Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 . oriQiml to City Clerk - 147557 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FLL.[ M. LICENSE COtlMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pA�. April 1, 1949' r commisssIONE - n RESOLVED: That on Sale Liquor License No. 3352, expiring January 31, 1950, issued to Violet A. Peterson (only) at 1179,East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Violet A. Peterson and Peter -L. Doran at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Violet A. Peterson (only) that it is relased from liability arising after the date of this transfer becomes effective. j C. F. No. 197557—By Robert F. Peter- - on—W. A. b..t an- Resolved, Tltat OntoSale-Liquor-Lt- - ` - No. 3352; xpirmg Januaryol91, ; 1950, issued to Violet A. Peterson Coy) _ '.. at 1179.Ea.t Seventh Street be and the . same is hereby transfered to Violet A., Fetetson sad Peter k Doran at the ' acme address, that the bondfiled by - the transferees le hereby IIPWO"d, and r the City Clerk is direeted to notify the - surety o4 the bond of Violet. A. Peter - eon (only) that TRANSFER it Is released. from llablilty arbd g atter the date of this Informally approved by Council transfer becomes effective. AdopteQ by the Council April 1, 1949. Approved April 1, 1949. March 15, 1949 (Alas e, 1949), 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -.7'.1.111". ..................... 19C Yeas INays Mortinson. Approved..:`......................................194_.. Parranto j Peterson _yIn Favor C/`jJz' "tea Rosen or --------------Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 t"P@ CITY OF SAINT P UL 1 CATION FOR "ON SALE LIQUOR/LICENS Application No .... ........ _.,._..__. _...:...._,.�_ ai o P ter.. t:l3eran _ _. _.......__.__ Age ............ 5k - Residence Address ....._. :.$lift-Dssluth lvernie:�•-St.� Telephone No. Are you a citizen.of the United States?...._.._:.:...._Yea...____...._._................... .......... __._..------------ -----.-._-_........ .......... ..:. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of si ilar S Wh, a c where?a......................... .......,......_...--....... _.._...------------ If.corporation, give name and general purpose of cor --:._............................._.... Whenincorporated? ................ ........... ............. ..............................................._......... _... . _....... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....:_ .........................._..... -...._................_..._...-__-__.,- -How many members?............................._...._...._...._...._..._.........._:_..._...- -Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known ................_......................_.........._...._.-.._...-.----._--._._._...............--.-------._--.--_- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 3.179 :E. Seventh c North Duluth Newcomb How'many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?............. U66 ------------------- ------- ------ How many feet ,from a church (measured along streets) ? .......... .......fi._bincka._...... ............ ... ........ _........ ..... ........ ..... _._................ .....'. How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....._..3....blocks— Nameof closest school----------- ----- --- _.... ........... .... _. _......................... .............. .......................... :._......................_...._..................._-._......_ How are premises classified_ under Zoning Ordinance?.__..Ln=nercial..------- ...------ ...........__..............................._...._............._.............._. Onwhat floor located? - ........._.:.... Main ....... ......... _----•—.........__._..._..... ............... _........... _.............. ........_....._:._...................................-- Are premises owned by you or lea ?._..-Lea sad._..... If leased give name of owner.:.Scbmidt..HPexirg.-.CamPM7 If a restaurant give seating capaci ?....._...._............ ................ _.................................. _.......... _.......... _.......... _......... ..... _.._ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? ......... _-__-_............. ......... .................. _........... ...... ... -----...._....__—__................. .._..... ..__ Givetrade name ----------------- Red --3=.-... ---------------------------------------------- -------------- -- --- ------------------ -- -------- ---------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: _..._— /L"..=v.......................................................... ...._._._.........._...._...._..._...._...._...._._.._..._._...-- (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants'which use more than one, room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rogms in hotel?.................. ................. ................. .......... ............... ................ _...._.......................... - .................... ..............._................_..._............. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ................ .......... .............. ................................................. _...................................... _ Give names and addresses of three business references: .......... _........... -.................... ......................... _.......... -.... ........... .... -_-._._............................. I: .......... Harsg...CaFusss..:Gslgg$ CaoPer Ys..St.-.Pan7...3Einn.._................ ................................................. _......... ._......_... - 2 - -------- ler,ahaats-Nat onal..:Baarks_Sauk--Centexr M3un•.-......_..--._............... ._.......--- _-................ ......... _............ ........-----_-..._----- _-- :. 3...........Ph4-hl i ns._3nd...S.ons.�.. Mi nnaapoli8-------......----..:.--------.....................................__.......................-._.......---............._...._........._...._._......... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFTCER.OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Applicationchecked by Dated ....................... _........ ...... __......,............ ......194............ ............._......................................-....... .............._...._........:......_.................................__...._..._.............-.... _..... .._......_. _ . License 'Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY,A))) _....being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Sub c , ea and sworn to before. me ' this.............. _.. a of.. %..._......_...194.%...... _.......__.:_.__........ Not.....y Pula i Ramsey Cou ty, Minn. My commission expires_ a'�____ .... STATE.OF MINNESOTA, �ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ._ ................... ........_._.._...._..being first duly sworn, deposesand says that_ ......................:_.-.:..: the ................ ...... ,.................... ......._......_...._.......:............................. ............ _... _. of........................_........................... ,..._............-.................................. _....__..........._........__............. _... .........._..__:................................-. .... a corporation; that ._........ .._..................... ............ ....... _........... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the sairie is true to the best of..... ..... _...-___----- ------ __.:.....:............ knowledge, information and belief; that,the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_._..............................day of...... ...... ........ ............ ..................... 194.......... _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My copmission expires ........... .... ......... .... .... .............. IM 1144 ` 0 e 147558 ' original to My Clerk. - eounea - CITY OF ST. PAUL. - wa[.NO•----------...-.--_ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUT� EN L FORM " PRESENTED BYR �lL. COMM ISSIONE .�✓dst�lll/// DATE April 1, 1949" RFISOLVED;That Gas Station (2—pumps) License No. 8990, expiring August 15. 1949, issued, 882 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Sidney Msnders,at the same address. to Roger W. Erickson at a C. F. No. 147658--8y Robert F. Peter- . eon=W. A. Parranto— - Resloved. That Gas Station (2-pompe) 15, TRANSM 1949License issued too Sidney Manders at 692 Selby Avenue be and the same Is here- ' tg transferred to Roger W. Erickson at the same address. o Adopted by the Council April 1, 1949. Approved April 1, 1949. (April 9. 1949) q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------- 194.._ Yeas Nays an ^ or�' son / Approved..,,...............----•------•--•--.....194 _ �arrsnto__��/�' ,Peterson — -------In Favor C/j'b�' """ "l" l�uJ/� --,�- Rosen President, Delaney "' Oai61va1 to Clq�ic CITY OF ST. PAULA OIL NO.------__- ----- - LICENSE COWITPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM > P PRESENTED r _i. /�_ j i3�.'�..c_:_.a' Aa "� /1. l'il 1 1949 i COMMI4.SIDN4— "� 1 �`''• GATE: a - y�p6= Ronald J. Rhein desires to withdra7r Application B 15117 for Restaurant License at 465 University Avenue and rearrests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city of£iCers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ronald J. Mein the fee of $25, and to cancel said application for license, WITHDRAWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � n Mortinson Parranto Peterson .....In Favor Rosen / Zkerene—. ............. Against 4r. President, Pelaney " 3M 948 ,® C. F. Na 147659—nY R.bmt F. Peter- � ean—W. A. PliAM o— Nfiei s, Ronald T Rhein dtsima to withdraw Applleation 8.15117 for rteat- , Adepted by the Coundl A1PMF 1, 1949. - Approved' ApHI 1. 1oil) (April 9, 1949) ' A 1. 049 Adopted by the Counoil..................................194..... Approved. ..................................194._.. r _.. 147559 Original to City Clerk . CITY OF Si. PAUL . - ou"c" LICENSE OOMAITTEE 0 OFFICE OF THE°CITY CLERK // COUNCIL RESOL/UTT—iozsi—,GENERAL FORM 0 PRESENTED i�cyv+1. i `��0! 'DATE COM PRESENTED N April 1, 1949 - WHEREAS: Ronald J. RheSn desirea�o withdraw Application H 15117 for Restaurant License at 463 University Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited theredi'1, therefore, be it RESOLVIDt That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ronald J. Mein Lhe fee of $25. and to cancel said application for license. 0 P WITHTRAWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays an Mortinson Parranto Peterson ..............Irk Favor Rosen ,-T-euar— r .......... ZAgainst Mr. President, Delaney 3M. 948 ® , C. F. No. 147559—Hy Robert F:'PBter- son—W. A. Parranto— Whereaa, Ronald J. Rhein desires to withdraw Application R 15117 for Rest-, aurant ldcense at 453 University Ave- nue and requests thereturn of the license fee deposited thereon, there- fore, be it - Resolved, That the proper city of- ficers be and they are hereby author - i -d to refundtoRonald J. Rhein the, fee of $25 and to cancel said applica- tlon for llcense. , Adopted.by the Council April 1,1949. .. Approved April 1,'19, . (April 9. 1949) q, • $til �". R �` Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------194..... WO Approved.................................. ----...194-_ - ------ -- --� M or.,. Vortotna to Cts Ctuk - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fns LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FARM ''PRESENTED 9E2.5nC// COMMISSION �. WHMASLC. E. Wilson ,desires to withdraw Application B 14949. for Grocery License at 2260 Como Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED! That the proper City officers 'he and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. E. Wilson the fee of $25. and to cancel said application for license. J C. F. No. 14=08 13Y Robert F. Peter- ' son—W. A. Parrant' Whereas, C. R. Wilson 'desires to eweryato ISaense at 8280 Co oflon 4A,vetnu, sad d poelt�ed thereonr il°eref re bei It fee Resolved. That the P=b wily o1- faiehor- cers d to renend to C E. W�flso�n at fee or�cehse to cancel said aPPnoatioa Adopted by the Couneil Aprn I, 3049. _ Approved April . (April t". WITpRAWAL ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounoiL--------------------------- Yeas ------------------------Yeas Nays Mortinson / Approved ..--------••---_. ----------------------- 194.- Parranto ((( - In Favor - — Peterson •---•- - ay or Rosen 1.. -:.Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 1'C. F. No 147881—By Robert F. Peter-.����. ..eoa-.W A.Parranto- 0,10 alto Cry Clerk ^loved, That licensee rued Sor e rsona nstned on rued __________ CITY OF ST. PAL t�iin trsottinon r� and the same NO ._______. ;by r ntr the _. Clerk . LIgdN ObUMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY �cte j I., if," l �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE 4G PRESENTED 9 w • April 1, 1949 COMM ISSIONE DAA - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. ° Carl Bennett 1662 Grand Restaurant App. 13600 New Old Loc n n Cigilrette " 13601 " " n Anne & Pulliam Ninnemen 421 Macknbin Grocery It 14439 11 n n n 11 Off* Sale Malt ^ 1 " n n n n Cigarette 11 14439 11 n n Bruce RPmmett & Baw. %uebn 1431 Marshall Gas Sta 1P ^ 14783 ^ New n Rudolph J. Seliga - 1997 Stillwater. Gas Sta 3P ^ 14926 If 11 " A. G. Olson 573 Atlantic Butcher ^ 1495T ^ Old " Susan M. Lentach 264 University . , Restaurant n 15014 ^ New ^ Cigarette ^ 15015 n n n P. J. Johnson & G. F. Lennon 935 University Barber ^ 15046 n Old 11 Frank S. %asenow. 1312 Forest Off Sale Malt " 15074.11 n n Arthur A. Carlstrom 234_N. Snelling Foodstuff VMLoc - ^ 15076 n New " Richard Simpson 570-2 University 2nd Rd Auto Dlr ^ 149081 James S. Flynn 1298 E. 7th Grocery ^ 15086 n 013 ^ ^ A Off Sale Malt ^ 15097 n n n ^ " Cigarette " 15088 11 s n U. S. Gypsum Co., U. S. G. Club 1121 E. 7th Foodstuff VHLoc it 15100 ^ New ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194 ° Yeas Nays an Mortinson, j Approved .....-•-------_-•---------- - --------_194_..._. Parranto Peterson........----..In Favor -.......................................... ---------- ------•--•-- Rosen Apinst Mayor Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 w - � - •. Qp LAiIS or1II1nr1 to City cI.rk . •'CITY OF ST. PAUL- . ;AEUM COMMITTEE _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 1. i949 PRESENTED'BY COMMISSIONER— OMMISSIONER_PAGE:NO: DA•'•"' PAGE NO 2 a Hellenic Beneficial Society Phoenic 493J:Wabasho, (2nd F1.) 0 14 0 New Nee Lot;Redtanrant Ap 99 If Cigarette it 14991 of n 11 n" Francis Schnieder & Jos. West 451 Cedar Foo dstnPf Vl+B,oc n 151 09 11 of n Albrecht Fares 5th n 13 W. 5 ' o 1.5113 n n e Cardozo & Co. 92-90 E. 7th 11 9 n 15115 11 n n ]bre-Redpath .187 E,Fillmore n o 15116 n to n .Field-Schlick, Inc. 14 W. 5th n o 15123 n n n Globe Business College23 E. 6th 0 15125 n u u American Railmey Express #gency n n 15128 of n 2901 E. Kellogg 0n Park Machine Co. 199 W. 6th n n 15130 s n s Weinhagen Box Ifo. 480 Jackson e ° 15131 if If 11 Star Launderers & Cleaners of if 15139 n n n 839 University Hayden Motor Sales,Inc. " " 15154 1800 University Gust .4 -'Miller 2250 University M.A.D.Loc. "' V15193 of s of Thos. C, Skmeres 475 Wabasha n _ " 151g4 " Old n Jerome H. Pingrey 302 Selby Orig Cont o 15192 of of11 COUNCILMEN ........19..... Y Adopted by the Council ......................._ 4. Yeas Nays j �n an Approved .......................................... 194.._. ' Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor------------•-••---------------•--------------•----••----....._-. • _ M-..a..yoorr ` Rosen Man- ---.-Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 origInAl to city cruor r�'�{y @1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FRZ No..." P� �.ICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL )FORM PRESENTED BY - - COMMISSIONER _ DATF__ Anril 1. PACE ft0. 3 Matthew J. Luby 728 Armstrong 1d.A.Dev (1) APP. 15194 New Vincent J. Dougherty Snelling & Co.Rd.E. M.A.Dev (1) ° 15228 s ,I - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nal. Mortinson Parranto Peterson -------------3n Favor Rosen % ) =C -J --------Against Mr, President, Delaney SM 948 ,Q APR r9a� Adopted by the Council- ............ ............. -------194...... Approved -.....-•-- x ............:.194._.•. -M - r �PUB1,ISHED�1=-- CITY OF ST. PAUL N62 Oriploai to City Clerk munca --.-..— r ,` _ rue NO. ----•-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " .PRESENTED BY IiORTINSON ____ __ DATE_ March 3O, ,1949 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that vate.r Maine be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Nebraska Avenue from Germain St. to Flandrau St. Eaaelwood Street from Nebraska Ave. to 347 ft. North of Nebraska e . C. F. No. 147582—By Severin A. Martin- son the foil That water math be bdd S the fool streets In the City of SA1nk Paul, M eso_ Nebraska Avenue from 4om Germain St.. to F7andrau St. Hazelwood Street from Nebraska Ave. to 347 ft. North of Nebraska. Adopted by the Counall1949 April 1, 3949, Approved Appril i, 1949. (API'a 9. 1949). APR 1 19$9 COUNCILMEN Ad6pted by the CoundL.--_--------------------------- 194..... Yeas Nays ....1 3 J ' Inon Approved 194_ ns In Favor, Marson _... osen %} -.Against ,-r. President, Delaney 3M Q- 8 .8--j°® 1.4'7563 i0jilloal to City Clerk CITY OF ST.' PAUL coueca No ras q -- v OFFJCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Water Department for extra employment from March 16th to March 31st, 1949. as set out in list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 147583-13y Severin A. Martin - so, Resolved, That the proper_ city vf- aeers are hereby euthoriud to pay certain employes in the Water Depart. meet for extra employment from March 18th to March Slat, 1948, 98 set out in - list on ale 1p the offtre o; the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Counoa April 1, 1949. Approved Apra 1, 1949. - (Aprll 9, 1949) COUNCILMEN. Adopted by the Council ....................194..... Yeas Nays Martinson / Appfoved----•-- ................... ............. 194._.. Parranto 41/' Peterson/ -------.:....In Favor -----�'���i�' �-� --•--• - Rosen/n ayor _(...'../....Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 • �. _ ... _ - ' - -.: -�. . . _a .. _ "odd w w City Clerk/ t. _ . _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FItX NO.---- % �1_-S_lL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_-_ t DATE __ _ PLATER tW RT err OVEME - March 16®to March 31,1949 Name Title No.oY His. Rate Amount Fred J. Cormier Foreman-W.D. 7 hra. $1.73-1/4, $1203 H. Archie Eastman Genl.Blacksmith, 2 " 1.90 3.80 Thomas Frain, -Foreman-W.D. 2 " 1.73-1/4 3.46. Leonard S. Munson Foreman-W.D. 12 " 1.73-1/4 20.79 Roy A. Munson ForemanW.D. 32 " 1.73-1/4 20.79 Sam Ranelli Caulker 12 h 1-40 16.80 Girolamo Sapi>rrito Caulker 12 " 1-40 16.80 Jis L. Fritz Utilityman W.D. 12 " 1.41-1/2 16.98 Frank McNearney Utilityman-W.D. 2 " 1.30 2.60 Charles DeVinney Emergency Repairman 8 " 1.40 11920 Harvey Donahue Utilityman W-.D. 8 " 1.44-1/2 11.56 Peter L. Fabio Utilityman-W.D. 8' " 1.44-1/2 11.56 John J. Haggerty UtilitymanW.D. 24 " 1.44-1/2 34.68 Frank W. Janashak Caulker - 8 " 1-40 11.20 Gust A. Johnson UtilitymanW.D. 12 it 1.44-1/2 17.34 Frank'B. Trueo Emergency Repairman 8 " 1.40 11.20 William D. Davie Utilityman-W.D. 9 " 1.44-1/2 13.00 Frank M. Kimlinger Meter Repairman 6 " 1i22-3/4 7.36" George D. Pangal Meter Repairman 9 1.28-1/2 11.56 John J. Vincelli Meter Repairman 9 " 1.40 12.60 Dennis J. Houle Water-Shed Laborer 12 " 1.29-3/4 15.57 Henry J. Conrad Caulker , 1 " 1.40 2.10 Otto Reichow Foreman-W.D. 1 " 1.73-1/4, 2.60 William Boody General Repairman 12 " 1.40 16.80 Garibaldi iosue Foreman-W.D. 12 It 1.73-1/4 20.79 Certified correct: Total $325.27 nard N. Thompson eral Manager APR 11949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ........................ -------- 194------ Yeas NayseP'a. i 'z�'n II an _. - - -q-4Aortinson Approved ............................. ............ 194-- Parranto Peterson -------------InFavor . .---------------- µ --------- ------------- -_... Rosen Mayor .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney Aprilal, 1949 AA emergency has arisen in the water Department rendering necessary the MBloymeat of certain employes of that department for more then eight hours per day in the doing of the folloidag work: _(1) Repairing filtration Plant 004PU 10 --(Driving and servicing track. l3) Taking emergM oalls after business hours. (4) Repairing 6" automatio fire Mf2k at 288 Tackson St. (5) finishing installation of new water connection at.685 Oakdale. filling holes in streets where water connections have been installed. (7) InstAlline water meters at State Capitol & Griffin WnOel V0. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and oircmestances: U To keep eauimment in ■o ?king order. (2) Taking country crew to and from work (3) Nights and 8andays (4) To put fire eapplY,seryiae in order. (5) To but new water connection into (service. (6) To put streets in condition for traffie. (7) Necessary to install meters after business hours HOARD Of Yi SSTONSRs B severin A. Mortiaecct ;rft at: President N. son, General Manager. original to city ctarl� 147564. . CITY OF ST. PAUL 00—a. NO.---- --W:: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �S �Dy ✓G/ COMMISSIONER— DATE- RESOLVED, that John Pinotti be prmitted to erect and. install and operate a gasoline filling station at the north- west corner of Whitall and Edgerton Streets, subject to the conditions that applicant curb the property, as shown on the plan attached to the application, on Edgerton Street with the return on Whitall Street, and a curb along the near side of the sidewalk opposite the pump island, and also fence thgjproperty. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rI�nAdtSn"� ^ Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Delaney'. 3M 048 -Wo.@ C. F. No. 147584—By A. Parranto— Resolved, That John Pinotti be per- mitted to erect and install and operate a gasoline fining station at the north - est corner of Whita)1 and Edgerton Streets, subject to the conditions that applicant curb the psroperty; as shown on the plan attached .to the ayplica- tion, on F_dgerton Stteet with the re turn an Whitall Street, and a curb along the near side of the sidewalk opposite the pump island.' and also fence the property. Adopted by the Counen April 1. 1948. Approved APP (April 9rll 1, 1949. II{ . 194 9) - - t'.r R Adopted by thCounciL---------------- -•--••---.-.194 ..... Ap oved.......-----•-•------•--------•-------•--.194. . -r In Favor -(����� Z""",�- •,�✓ QAgainst M or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minn"ota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS March 31, 1949 d Mr. Brace J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application.of John Pinotti for permission to erect and install and operate a gasoline filling station on property at the northwest corner of Whitall and Edgerton, subject to compliance with the conditions outlined in the letter of the Zoning Board hereto attached. I Very truly.yours A I 0 City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMII�SIONER OF FINANCE 19— 9 St. Paul, Minn., M� M --9�— Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by.the Council of the City of St. Paul, July th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of to erect and install a filling station locate +h[+ no� corner of Whitall & Ed will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Conrt House Building On t at 10 O'clock 1' t__"day of JOHN S. FINDLAN,' 1p Commissioner of Finance. Page_1__----File ,�,ca `Th- Board of Zoning Saint Paul, 1Vlinnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD •R[[IOINO OFFICHR p([CU IVR [[CR[ My A. L OIG[ CI.YOC L M6fRVCI A. 11. H6CItMl1R J. F. R[I.B 11. K [C.ROBO[JC- MCRR� 278 CITY-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA fdarch 2931949 ]Sr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of John Pinotti to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station on Lots 1 & 2. Block 1. Edmund Rice's t'i.rst Addition. The zoning is Light Industry. This is the northwest corner of Edgerton and Whitall. The applicant has 136 linear feet of property on Edgerton and 88 linear feet on Whitall. This is to be an in-and-out station with two driveways on Edgerton with a 60 foot island between. The applicant should curb the property as shown on plan on Edgerton St. with the return on "Miitall St.; and there should be a curb along the near side of the sidewalk opposite the pump island. Also, the property should be fenced. The Board of Zoning recommends that the permit for a filling station at this corner be approved. Yours very truly, GHN:lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of c�MinnesotaPhc cc aloli POLICE 'Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE , HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner - POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner - March 28, 1949 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint.Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs This is ,in reference to the application made by John Pinotti for permission -to install and operate a'drive-in lot on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edmund Rios's First Addition, also described as whit911 and Edgerton. These premises were inspeoted by Sergeant Stattman of the Traffic Division, and Assistant Chief Inspector Scannell of the Fire Prevention Division. They report that the proposed drive-in lot would not interfere with traffic and would not add to the fire hazard of the neighborhood. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety �S m THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - OFTHE. - CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION -- March 25, 1949 a Chief Tierneys This is in reference to the application made by John Pinotti for permission to install and operate a drive-in lot on Lots land'LBlock 1, Edmund Rice's First Addition,.also describ;d as VYhitall and Edge 1 have made the usual inspection of the premises and do not find that there will be any material interfer enoe with traffic, therefore; from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattmau awe/dm Traffic Division s r THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ..INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION march 18. 1949 Honorable R. P. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear 3iri In regard to the. application made by John. Pinotti for permission to install and operate a drive- in automobile, Filling station on Lots 1 and 2. Block 1. ribed as Whit8ll' and nRdgerton. 'Eais located on the cnorthwest corner and is zoned as light industry." We have made our usual investigation and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of this vicinity if permission for this filling station is granted. Respectfull yours. A .;.t chief Inspector 07 FIRg.PRBVENPION HJS/t CITY OF ST. PAUL m THYe AppI.IC . F TO BE MADE IN ' TRIPLICATE—L-- BURRAV , TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY ' e OLEFfKB OFFICC OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ---------------- - DATE` Y C. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Ig Hereby Made t I N U o BY �f ( E OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAIj FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE (••DPIVE IN'• O "'INBID6 GARAGE") - AUTOMOBILE FILLING StAT10 BE LO,CAATIED ON r II rl�1 �1\I L..alr lam• LSO pESCRIBED A9 (gTREEP AND NUMBER . (ADORION) .Jy � C`PACITY OF EAOH TAN—/Q— �f NO. OF PUMPS ---�NO. OF 6A4 TAN K9-------- —�' ' - e1GNATUR6 OP APPLICANT. FILED BY BUBIN ADDRESS. RECEIVEp COPY FROM CITY CLERK - RE VED COPY PROM CITY CLERK 19-- 19—__ DATIZ— u DA CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY' BY BY O I _ . S._EQViCE. STA. LAYOUT M.R.._J O H N P I NOTT 1 ST,pAut, MINN If DIE S IPTIOR. LOTS 14rL, BL0GK1) EOMUmo RICES 1 App►TION (if 44.05' �� �PoufeR �Ot L L �} _,. �-I-• — 32.0' — - 1 I" c ca 0 R- c cc so to O I I TRIlKSI L_---,. C �.iDa.25 I ISLAND I �1 w to I o Q w 1 I ,1�uv�R,.Eo�E 44:05' 44. D S' A ST.:�II�Nr-- } CIITCM.BASIN LIS`e� >'ts uTrrs� . - ....*W H-lT, ALL : `5'T: x)7565 rloval to city clerk c : CITY OF SS. PAUL FCOaeNaL No -------- •--- ....„. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��,�ya, DATE -_ __ COMMISSIONER RESOXxED, "that upon appeal of Fidolt� George fro® the, deaieion of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings, and upon the taoorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, peresisalon is hereby granted to oonvert the double house at 142-244 East Winifred Street into a Soar-plex. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 0 on err o osen resident, Delaney 3M 9-4S "fin . C. F, No. 147585 -+By W. A. Parianto—: G :esolvt1dmThate uponopPeA of Fldolo a.Mimdoner of Parl a Plan at the com- Publtc Buadin ygrovnds aa'd able reco Z da and uPOR the or- all r on lloa p( the Bgard of avONn V permissi>e heieby granted to mett the double house at 142-144 East Winifred Street into a four-plex. 1. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1948., A PDroved AI)rl] . 1849. (Aprll 1848) Adopted by the CotmciL........... ---------------------- 194-.--. Approved--------------- 194-".•. ------nFavor •-=4 ... -- ----- M - or ------ Zgin.t • 1, .. i CITY OF SAINT PAUL755 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE. OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Her- 30, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dean' Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Vidolo George for permission to. convert the double house at 142-144 E. Winifred St. into a fourplex. Very truly yours, City CIO& 0 The -Board of Zoning a Saint Paul, 1Viinw, ota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD • ►�eanwo 01'�'I�.K o[cCVTlvc ucKnAwr � A. i alms mym L MB W A. A HWKMAN J. I. mmh H. BCHNO®OI. CT' Me�mRT 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL Z, MINNESOTA March 23, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'ConnelI City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the appeal of Kdolo George, 1 East ;Yinifred St., for permission to convert his double house into four fam=ily apartment building. This is a 11 B" Residence zone and the present building conforms to the zone.It was built in 1909 and has a foundation area of 361xJi1�J or 1600 sq. ft. It was a two and a half story frame building among several other buildings of the same character.. It is in fair condition as to painting. There is no objection to making this a four-plex and the Board'of Zoning recommends that this appeal be granted. The plans have already been submitted to the City Architect and are satisfactory. Yours very truly, e GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary 142 E. Winifred St. Saint Paul 7, Minnesota February 25, 1949 b' Honorable Council City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul 2,, Minnesota Dear Sirs: n 1 We wish to make applicatlorn for authorization to convert our double house to a four—family unit _ The property is located at 142 and 144 East Winifred Street, between Greenwood and Clinton Streets in a district zoned "B Residence" Wo believe a similar authorization was granted in this block re cently - Our double home is of sound constraction and has more than the required minimum floor area of 1000 square feet. The enclosed plans will show that there are no contemplated changes to the front elevation. Tlaee legal description of this property is as follows: West St. Paul/ Beg on N line of & 50 ft E of 01 cor, of Lot 10; th Sly to a point on CL of & 46.5 ft. MOL from, W line of lot 8; th PS ori sd CL 53.5 ft MOL to E line of W .2/3 of lots 8 9 & 10;' th N on sd E line 125 ft MOL to sd N line; th W 50 it MIOL to beg.being part of lots 81 9 8c 10 7, L Will the Council kindly consir3er- this applicatYon and inform the writer of their decision? If any additional information is required, we will be happy to supply same Re spa ctfully yours, Fido -lo George 11s2 E'_. 171nifred St. Saint Paul. 7, Minnesota /e g Potition .. G-5224-47566 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. r. N.. 147566.– and - bsirmt for the wWhereas, written&' lvannat' PRELIMINARY ORDER, A rade and surface the AMOY7. i I n DI -ft e ilviAion of Lot 11 Lee's Suburban •.� a. dth tit—fr 11 -Aga. ftvm V- Theunderaigned hereby proposeathemakirigofthefoUowingPublic.improvement by tq'.), Wj;"U an], V1-I QMde Py --------_----- -.ALnd awfMo ... t '0 An 1X1.A1qjk1k..a% ......................... . -----------_-_-- -_------- -------------------- ............... -----_-_--_ -------------------------------- ----- _-•------------------------------------------------------- Dated this _31 .......... day, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,':viz. .......... 9XI ........................ . ----------------- --------------- ------- – ---- ----------------- ..................... . . .... --•-----------------------------•---•----–•----------••-•----•--------•............-•-----------... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------ - ........... ............ .......... I -------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the -necessity for, or desirability of, #is making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch I of said improvement. 4. To state whetheror not said improvement is asked for on the,petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner'of Finance. At!, 1 1949 P'�tdopted by the Council. ................. . .......... ....................... YEAS NAys L 1249 CouncilmarIMMMr— �Approved-_.. .............................. .................................... MORTINSON PARRANTO F�ETERB Tlftv*K_ON _-;/(:::��' ........... c:::U_;Zzoelkl� - ---- ............... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. IM 4,46 j?LJ13LlSBED_ZLJ____1ZL_ 14x756 r Council File No --- -_-•-----•----••---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENm C. F. No. 147587 . � Abstract and Whereas, a written prbpposal' for tha ' - - malting of the following tmP;pvement• PRELIMINARY ORDER. vis: Condemning and taking an easement ` in the land necessary"for slopes; cut. . o! the Alley in s in the Di�Subdivleion of P ioS 30; Lee'. Suburban Homes,' Trom a" The undersigned hereby propose themakingofthefollowingpublicim ro Kennard Street to Ge a—Vhav- t OL been presented ' ' Cyd -{g-an easement- in the•_]aad_a tna city o�tsain ` ..._.............. .COndemning_,--.-. Re.ol a '*t �'•t �t� _cuts_and mills- in__the- grading. and --surfacing----- ___--- Subdiq i4]ci of..T,Qt._IQo-.I+�e'.s...&'Aburbalx..Hoanaa....>om..Kann�xsi.&trast._ta.--.------------ ` Germain Street. Dated this -------3.1...------- day of.-----------------................................ � :-� h. . - '-------' councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the, following improvement, :vas. Condemning._andaalcing_am-,easement- in- the _land-_necessary_for._s�9gep..•--------------- - cuts and fills -_in the, -grading: and__surfacing _of _the_Alley--in-_Dietz........................ ubdivisioa_of._Lot--lOx•_Lee! s-_Suburban_Homes�__Prom_Kennard:.Street_to----.._..•.------- --- ---S - -Germain-.Street......_-•----..... -r- .................. ....----- - - .having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Ps ..................::....... theyefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the: making of said improvement. 2: To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total. cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To state whether or not said improvement isasks n the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the CotihciL ........... - .............. �i to YEAS NAYS Councilman-b%vss—' APR 119�Y9 m' r Approved. -------------- - MORTINAON PARRANTO PETERBON�� -------------- ay0[. MR. PRESIDENT / 1 . 1M N8' t47568 I Petition G-564 Council File No: ............ L PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I c: P. No. 147ws- Abst—t and Whereas. A. written proposal for the eking of the following Improvement, •PRELIMINARY ORDER. -1,-ade and �faco the Alley In k Ka2�d�ddlyZ * n with nLa=arla„', Hear a F'andrau Street I j Theundersigned hereby proposes the makingof thefoIlowing public improvement by ti;,.td to the Council'oEvia.: therefore, b - d That Grade and- surface the Alley in Bloc < r'ks be Zdela`�.”. - ------- - - - ----- - ------- ---------------------------------- I f. ----------- ----------------- ---•---------------------------------------- .......... ----------------------- ................................. ------•----------------............-.........•------ -------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------- ....... ......................................... I ........................................... . . ..... Dated this ------ lat ----------- day of ............... April.......... ........ -------------------- ...... 194-9. .......................... ................... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :Viz. ------------- -•--------- .. ............ -------- - ---- - ---------------------- . .................................. ----------- --------------------- - --- ............................................... ................................ . .................. ...................... . .............................. . .................... . . .................................................. ......................................... . ... . .... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................. ........................................... ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissionerof Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To in ' vestigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate ihe nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To -furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on thepetition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter's to the Commissioner of Finance. 'e Adopted by the Council ..................................... ----------------- - .................. YEAS NATS Councilman ZARLIna— APR 1 1949 --F4*Db*N— Approved . ........... .................................... . ... ------------ ------- MURTINSON PARR P.T. :so ... ......... MR. PRESIDENT IM 4-46 14'7569 Council File No......_-- -------- --•- C, F. No. 147589— - a TROPOS8L FOR IMPROVEMENT AbIl-11 _ — Whereas, 'A written Propposal ;or the and meWng 10 the fellowl[,B imBrovement, Condemning end t1111" an easement .- `� the land on e., for slopes, eute PRELIMINARY ORDER. alis m the gredMg andKsurfacing • Alley in nl i �` .G .f t.1iLi3111� ,. w Theundergignedherebypropoeeethemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementbyti. iu l a�?101 Condemning and taking._an_easement-_in _the --aai-�eoessary_fnrslopesr---------- cuts •r -cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of^ the-_Alley--in_Blocl4•-/....................... ----•-------•---------------------- ------ _-......... a Kuhl's 2nd Addition�-_from_White-_Bear.-Avec►!>e..t.9.-_E'1 DAMU..S.trea ............. •............ . . -- -..................... - ......------....... --- ----......----- - April c 194_9 Dated this------lst_----------- .........day of ..... - - - ..• - — - - '----'-`'--- `-- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. - ---------------------- -- -------------- ---------- Condemning_and_taking. an_easemgr-!t_ i.Xl.__the--1.���..A.e.�aa&ai3!.; fQx--slopes cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley. in _Block .4. ....................... ....... •... ----- Kuhlt s 2nd Additions -•_from White-_Bear-_Avenue_to_Flapdreu• Sheet-.-__..................... - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------------- therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is her ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eitent and estimated cost of said ,improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 11949 •--- ZI-Adopted by the Council.._._._.:__ ------- ,---------. YEAS p NATs Councilmea�' ----• Approve ---- MORTINSON PARFUNTO PET ////,,//- �V`�- _ ..__... . MR. PREeIDENT 1M HB r Council File No-----------------------_ PROPOSAL o -----------PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C. F. No. 147570 -- Abstract and Whereas,'A written pre.1 1- the making of the followtDg' improvement; Re6onatruci the sewer on Lexington, PRELIMINARY ORDER. na S,,,Sfl�t Ave sewer . mm !raw the east h.1' -1 1 by,i halln� h - The undersigned hereby proposathe makingofthefollowinipublic improvement , -ll., '--•-.------.-•--._........................ ...... .......... ..........the ............... ton --------------------- .............................. ................. .................. .................... ---------------------•---- -- ... .................... -------_------------ ....... ......................... ............................................................................. ........... . . ..... Dated th iep„- ....... day Of -----------•---------------- ----------"•---- 194 ---------- -------------------------------------•---- .................. ---------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., :viz. - ------------ - ---- - - -- ........... cX -- — ------------------- ------ Lexington Avenue. .................. * ................. •---------------------------: ........................ .......... _ W ----------- -- ........... ..................... .. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul T . ..................... I ......... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. t To investigate the nature,. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile,or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state -whether . or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. s. 5. To report upon -all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 11943 Adopted by the CounciL.,--,, ......................... .................................. YEAS NAYa APR I 184S Councilman4armnss— ............................. Approved ............................ .......... ....... MORTINS PARRANTO PETERSON -Or. ----------- MR. PRESIDENT IM 4-4.6 _ 4 RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court H use and City Hall, in said City, at ten of clock a. me on April ; 1949, upon the advisability and necessity of, the repair, replacement, remodeling, or wrecking and removal of the building known as the Sovereign Apartments, located on the following described property: All that part of Lots 3, 4, and 10, Block 60, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition to 'the town of Saint Paul, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 10, thence in a Southeasterly direction along the Southwesterly line of said lot a distance of 61 feet, thence in a Northeasterly direc- tion on a line parallel with the Southerly line of College Avenue to the point of intersection of said line with the Northerly line of the Southerly one- half of Lot 3, thence Northwesterly along the Northerly line of the Southerly one-half of Lot 3, and said line produced across said Lot 10 to, intersection of said line with the Southerly line of College Avenue, thence Southwesterly along the Southerly line of College Avenue to point of beginning, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including any street or a},,Iey adjacent to said premises vacated or to be.vacated; Lot 9, Block 60, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition to the town of Saint Paul, subject to an easement acquired by the City of St. Paul over the Northwesterly -2 feet of said lot, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds 'in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including) any street,or alley adjacent to said premises-. vacated or to"be vacated; also 'known as No. 317 West Sixth- Street and 146 West College Avenue, use s ick guctum i� £?ported to be dan erou� void, nsafe to liffa— g p op a ty . Adop d by t e otll o� ---- TIM - � Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved----- _................... 194._... Parranto Peterson ... :r1n Favor' r Rosen ax---- Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .41351,® OriaW1 to City Cleslc - - CITY O --" , �._ C F. No. 147671—.By W. A. Pacranto= an' iVO.:_ ._.__—.._M. . .°J. na6—d, That a RRyyb��(ce hearlP6 §e: held b, and befdre the Canac�l of ffie ie: - . OFF�CE OF T Clty. of a Int Paul in. the-- Cou Chamber of the Court Roland City. ••• - -- ' COUNCIL RESOLUT on ; UPon vlekabtLty _ Ap 1949 the adsde and neoeaelty ot'thq repak: MP1s__. PRESENTED 9Y Ment, remode]Ing, or wrecQ. and te- COMMISSIONE — --- —" -- al of the butlding know as the Jp fated an the _ 4 RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court H use and City Hall, in said City, at ten of clock a. me on April ; 1949, upon the advisability and necessity of, the repair, replacement, remodeling, or wrecking and removal of the building known as the Sovereign Apartments, located on the following described property: All that part of Lots 3, 4, and 10, Block 60, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition to 'the town of Saint Paul, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 10, thence in a Southeasterly direction along the Southwesterly line of said lot a distance of 61 feet, thence in a Northeasterly direc- tion on a line parallel with the Southerly line of College Avenue to the point of intersection of said line with the Northerly line of the Southerly one- half of Lot 3, thence Northwesterly along the Northerly line of the Southerly one-half of Lot 3, and said line produced across said Lot 10 to, intersection of said line with the Southerly line of College Avenue, thence Southwesterly along the Southerly line of College Avenue to point of beginning, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including any street or a},,Iey adjacent to said premises vacated or to be.vacated; Lot 9, Block 60, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition to the town of Saint Paul, subject to an easement acquired by the City of St. Paul over the Northwesterly -2 feet of said lot, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds 'in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including) any street,or alley adjacent to said premises-. vacated or to"be vacated; also 'known as No. 317 West Sixth- Street and 146 West College Avenue, use s ick guctum i� £?ported to be dan erou� void, nsafe to liffa— g p op a ty . Adop d by t e otll o� ---- TIM - � Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved----- _................... 194._... Parranto Peterson ... :r1n Favor' r Rosen ax---- Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .41351,® i a TV OF SA NT.PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE CW CITY CLERK BURE^U <>F RECORDS Xe- 31, i949 Mr. Bruce T 3Bo y Corporation BuildLug Dear Sir: `ii1e L�oz�acil requested that you draw a resolution setting a date for In ($o. 1) da the matter of the condemation Of .the building or described is the attached letter of Alred H. Schroeder v F Very truly your, City Clerk ny . CITY- OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC.BUILDIN,GS March 31, 1949 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Arehifect Honorable Council City of Saint Paul n Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 1-14 of ordinange 7210, the require- ment is that when the whole or part,of any building or structure in the opinion of the Cit;, Architect be found dangerous or unsafe, that he shall in writing refer the matter to the CoLmcil of the City of 'Saint Paul, together with his recommendations as to action to be taken, and that the Council shall thereupon pass a resolution setting a date for Public Hearing not loss than twenty days after the date of adoption of said resolution, and also that not less than ten days prior to the time of said hearing, that there shall be mailed to the last known record owner at his last address or to the Agent or to the Occupants, .a notice stating the time, place and nature of the hearing, and also that a notice of such hearing shall be given by publication in the official newspaper not less than five days prior to the date of the hearing. The property located at 31'7 West Sixth Street and 146 West College Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Down as the Sovereign Apartments, legally described as; All that part of Lots three (3), four (4), and ten (10), Block sixty '(60), Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition to the town of Saint Paul, described as follows; Commencing at the South West corner of Lot ten (10), thence in a South Easterly direction along the South Westerly line, of said lot a distance of sixty-one (61)feet, thence in a North Easterly direction on .a line parallel with the Southerly line of College Avenue to the point of intersec- tion of said line with the Northerly line of the ,Southerly one-half of Ipt three (�), thence North Westerly along the Northerly line of the Southerly one-half of Lot three '(3), and said line produced across said Lot ten (10) to intersection of said line with the Southerly line of College Avenue, thence South Westerly along the, Southerly line of College Avenue to point of beginning,' according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including any street or alley adjacent to said premises vacated or to be vacated; Lot Nine (9), Block Sixty (60), Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines addition, to the town of Saint Paul, subject to an easement acquired by the City of St. Paul. over the Northwesterly two (2) feet of said Lot,. according to the plat thereof on file in the office-of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, including any street or alley adjacent to said premises vacated or to be v cated;i U I: ` i City Couaci3t= 5-31x49 and owned August'aas � Beer, West. Cross, Swansea, Wales, Kingdom of Great Britain. F James "BB Bude North Cornwall, England. Muriel Bs sr West Cross -_ -Svffansea, Wales, Kingdom of Great Britain. Mae Rob es s Bude, North Cornwall, England. who are r®p=' s s exited by: W: W A- Agent Agent and Attorney -in -Fact, 714 Pioneer Building, St. Paul 1., Minnesota. has been ixav e zE; tigated and f'otand to be in an unsafe and dmgerous condi- tion. Thg - �sxit and Attorrney-in-Fact and the Owners and Mortgage Hold- ers have be: notified of tfi3.s condition. In the opinion of the under- signed, =+XX dangerous and hazardous condition exists and mediate s Wisps should be taken to repair the building.The Agents and the have been c oatacted a number of times in the past six months s3::L<3 o date no actual steps have been taken to correct the con- dations it is - a erefore requested that a date for a Hearing on the Condem- nation Prot m P ding be sets Very truly your A ed H.- Schroeder,s City Architect FINAL. ORDERS ;, a .7 7 C. F. No. 147572— - �.� ! (] i s. In the matter Of grading Hewitt Ave- _:. __ ---------- One to a width of 50 feet from Tatum ;tree' !.under P{e- FINAL ORDERS O.. F. No. 147572--: w COUNCIL FILE NO ----- .t:•.r , Inthe`Matter of gradlpg Hewitt nue to,3 Width of 80 feet 4am'Tatum ;rese ------------------------t Sp Caaylend Street .'under By_ — —__ __ __---_ 9tminary Order 145rz9 _ FINAL ORDER b: iw'I ,w In the Matter of__gradi 8_Rl414_AV4-»_: 'a width 9f_ 0 teat Nora-Tatnm_Stseet------- c ;. to Clay7and-Stnant----- - - --- -- ---- -- - = --' - - --_- _--------------------i-------------------- _ _ _ _____ ____ under Preliminary. Order_-_-1W31L_ -------- - --------.approved Intermediary Order-____--- ---------------$pproved --_-------------=--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered y the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise.nature, exte, and kind of im AO provement to be made by the said City is__S)La-4Wt- A Tarns-Street and't}re Council hereby orders said unprovement to,be made RESOLVED FURTIiER, That tiie"ComYitlsaioaioi Public" ai3Js�ere y 3 u directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,-,and submit same to the Council fqr approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of-'said iov n accordance therewith. Adopted by thg oun it __ _______ _ ___ -- _ -- _ 192--------- %( ____ _-. a b City Clerk. pr ed--- -J �u 192--- - lila. 10926 Mayor. Councilman EMS ;jr iaa— {r; .Councilman ' L'ortinson Councilman Parranto Councilman cGiogam a Peterson PUBLISfiED Councilman--Sudheimerma. CouncilmanrWenzelz m,.uax Mayor De!Aey -Form B. S. A. 8-7 CIT'f OF ST. AUL- I DEPARTMt h ST - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER con - 14 7306_ In the matter of grading Hewitt Avenue to a width of 50 feet from VTatum Street to Clayladd Street,, a under Preliminary Order approved January 19, 1949. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2-185-96 front The estimated cost pe/foot for•the above improvement is - - - $ 4.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed- valuation -of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ](AAdVALUA Tis 1(.y�&ng- k 1 Hoyd's Addition $325.00 1 2 do 350.00 South 45 feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13 6 Midway Heighta 600.00 $3,400.00 39 9 do X25.00 2,550.00 Total $2,000.00 $5,950.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works: , Dated 19- /� ✓ �t + cr��a .v B. S. D Commissioner of Finance. Form A. 8-5 I -St. Ave. • 1" St. Pau Mi 1942 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property o- heUkDp pr Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be. rn St. Ave. froom St. Ave. to I -St. Ave. n A V - yan , \ N a co � a ; —CLE1/ELAND — --4 — hJ/NNE$pTq TxeA N.9FE2 I� c� q �a a PQi oa AVE. o: ti P061S -Y Sr ° TATUM s T. �a CL4YZ r1ND ST. h -- —FA le VIE w Office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance Febrvary...4a...1949..... .... ....... 194: .... _..... To them 'asioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: e Commissioner. of Public Works, having 2d under consideillstion the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.......]4683.G....approve3.......:.._._!!! uA y._19 ..... 1-9.4.9 ........... 194.......... relative to. grading._Hertit: Aven................. and having investigated the mattersand things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................:............necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $4.05 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._2 _185'26 and the total coat thereof is $ ........................................... Engineering $81.00 Inspection $41.26 Frontage 539.99 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........................................................_...:_......._...._.:......__..........._.... I 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part. hereof. 4. ..:.............................. .............. ................................. .......... ........................... ..._..�✓�................................................................................_.... _...... ' „ 5. Said improvement i* ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of p subject to assessment for said im rovement.- _........._.. ... c.......................k,42.._..... ........ ....._..._ 2M -6-46 '�\ blic Wo RECEIVED FEB 7 1949 DEPT. FINANCE J!V ^ Bva - CUxer. k Remo W. S. COCKROF'T, Sver. GEO. M. Ge�RREN, A— SUPT... •� B --or BxlmeA hl. S. GRYTBAK, Exe�xeu Or" ec r`.xerneee HERBERT S. WEST rxA c Enr rMAURICE W. HEWETT CITY OF S.AINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER February ip 1949 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Work,- City orksCity of St. Paul Derr Sir: Are JOS. PAVLICEK Deere. Acco .— BUc r SAN —111 M. COTTER, .SVYT. 6viceAv ov Mvx�e� AR-MU Evv�euenr ARTHUR H. KOCH Eva " CORR JOHN P. MULLANEY. Suer. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate.of cost for grading Hewitt Avenue to a width.of 50 feet from Tatum Street to Clayland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 146834 approved January 19, 1949• Estimated Cost -- - --- t 2,185.26 Costperfront foot ------ ---- 4.05 Engineering81.00 Inspection -- ------ 41.26 Frontage ---- ----- 539.99' Yours very truly, orge .,Shepard Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Fi.ha. e Milton Rosen Commigsi/oneerr of Public Works s�COUNC L FILE l0. p,Np,, ORDER IN CONDEMNATION i 1_475 d 3 raocssnlNas , FINAL ORDER SIN CON�e° Iar �Br'deo a°a„dFEEDINGS taklnY • } ,the land rec 3 J Fes- 'M e In the latter of :condemning' and taking* easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue from Tatum Street to Clayland Street under Preliminary Order 146 35 _ _, approved— January 19, 1949 Intermediary Order__ 1473Q2--- —, approved 119roh Ft1949 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, -By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by, the said City is . condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesi cuts and fills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue from Tatum Street to Clayland Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that 'the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue from Tatum Street to Clayland Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 5 1949 19— .f R 5 City Clerk. Approved 19— ^ , layor. Councilmen: �s uss i - Parrl//fiL DSC/ Peterson p - I ED ` T-max Mr. President O CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT 'OF 'FINANCE ^ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF 'FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER ; (D). 1473o7 f In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cubs and fills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue to a width of 50 feet from Tatum Street to Clayl.and Streets, under Preliminary Order approved January 19, 1949. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: V The total estimated cost j th above _sa4eaent - is $ 25.00 Dont g The estimated cost pewtoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE7S�EpDN Lan. YALU pSljllllding . 4 1 Boydis Addition $325.00 - 1 2 ,. do 35o.0o - South 45 feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13 6 Midway Heights 600.00 $3,400.PO 39 9 do 725.00 2,550.00 -Total $2,000.00 $5,950.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./_, ?1t�t.AL/� 19 Dated Ems" "v Commissioner of Finance. Pb— B. s. A. 8.5 D Office of the Commissioner .of Public Works Reportsto Commissioner of Finance B Februa':..4x..._1949::.._...... 194 ...... ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: - a The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._35..... approved. .......... _........... January 191 19-49 194........., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the. land necessary for slopes, cuts ............................... _......................................_.........._..................._.. and fills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue to a width of 50 ft. from ............ ........ ..................._................................................._............................................_,.._...._.........._.........._........._.... Tatum St. to ClaylandSt. ..........................................................................................._................_.................................._..._......._......._...._..............._....._.........._.........._...._........._...................._.__...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ............... and the total cost thereof is $. ........................ ......... ..... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... . .............. . ................ ................................ ...... .......... ........... ...... ................................... ............... _..................................... ..................... _...................... ..... ....... ...................... ...... .... _................... _....... _........ ........... ........... .......................... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a - part hereof. 4 . .......... .......... ........ ............. ....... ........ ........ ............ _............................ ._.... _................................................. ....................................... ... ...............,........... . 5 Said improvement is.............................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope , subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ...:........ 1M -6-46co �� y� �� !2 Commissioner of Public Works. FEB 7. FpH �-' �✓. � ., ------------ C. F. No. 147574m- 1. 47674- 147574 JJ ry - In the Matter of gradin6 and surfaaiag! ■ �. /��% with bituminous material, the Alley A ® a 1, -Mock S. Hazel Park I visou ; S, from Hazel.Street to Ven'. Dyke •-Street under .Preliminary Order 1411847 apprv,,,W -- - COUNCIL FILE NO.------------- t,i• ,. .; :: t v By---------------------------------------------------------- FINAL ------------------ ---------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__IIAB +_-e°ian$—wj`Lh-bitti>miaone_material-_the_Allsy_in---_------ BSnak_$}_Sa:el_Earx_Dsrialea-$�--&-Basel.streat_tc__Van_Dyi_Btraet---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a ------------ under Preliminary Order -__1W-47__-_________--_-- pproved __-_,i-- --- Y_�4s- -44_______________-- Intermediary Order -----------=- -- "PProved---------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City-- A]1ey_ in_ffiogk 8,_ Hasel_Park Divlaioa $,t tros_Hasel_Btreet to baa Dike Street —, -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner"of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.. Alli519$45 Adopted by the Council----------------- ------=--- .......... ---- 192_____. -- G_ .-�Crl_ Ni l`3sS 5 - Clerk. Approved-------------------------- ---------------- 192 - File 3.0930 Mayor. Councilman a� Councilman 4qT9==J=M mprti"son Councilman P ranto Councilman RffeGIog= Pe rson Councilman pSudheimer :: Ron - -. - CouncilmanOPRhiWI =4M + puBusHED Mayor HMRo"iF^ t" Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-7 St. Paul, Minn.--,------?4S14h...,3Q.............19�------ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body= NOT to grade the alley in, Blook 8, Hazel Park Division b. from Hazel Street to Ven ke Street..._.............._............_.............................................................._.. ..........._........_....- ...................... .St. Ave. ............................. ...................................................... ................ ........... ..... .._.._._................_....................,....-......... from.... _..... .......... _._._...... ..... ..... . ................. ----St. Ave. to......._....... .....,.......... ........ ................. ........................ ....................... . ................St. Ave. I CITY -OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 6F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' 147308 (A) In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the Alley in Block 89 Hazel ParkAvision 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street s - p under Preliminary Order approved January 20, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 2,035.02 front $ 1-71 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT Bl.ocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'Land. Bnildiag 1 8 Hazel Park Division 5 to St.P"275 ^ S 28 do 325 1,550 3 8 , do .325 4 8 do 275 4,450 5 8 do 275 3,500 6 8 do 300 7 8 do. 325 3,900 8 8 do 325 1,954 9 8 do 325 10 8 do ^ TOTAL. 325 2,350 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT Off' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - LOTBLOCI5 ADDITION DESCRIPTION.:. ! SSESSED� ALUATION u Lot 11 and gut 20 feet of 12 8 )Hazel Park Division 5 to St. _: 475 = 1,000 Lot 13 and Except Beat 20 feet .12 8 Paul d 475 2,poo .14 8 do. 325 1,350 15 8 do 8 do 375 900 18 8 do 350 2,850 17 8 do 350 19 g do 350 1,550 20 8 do 350 11000 21 8 do 350 - 22 8 do .150 850 23 g do 350 .1,800 24 g do 350 - 25 • 8. do 350 t6 8 do 350 Late 27 and .28 8 do 700 1,850 29 8 do 350 - 3p g do 325 - 1,350 Total $9,950 - $34,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Jai o� ✓ J Dated i�� Qn C G✓ $ 19 c .� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.-. ...........................-..:194.. = • To 194 - To The Honorable, The Council, city Of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /Y //V I Bing 0 .................... -------------------- - ------ ---------------- -- . ........... St. Ave. Ave. to from ZM-547 rw�0 ItLjL- 5j2 OF S:W % OF SEC. 23-29-22. L� I� I ~I HYAC I NTH r L O R ANGE r Q W [w Y HAW- ORNE } -I 3 MARYLAND I / eD ' v YOffice of the Commissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance F February ._4.'..._1949._....., 194............ �6the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No_. A4 47..approved.......... _January,_20........... _:........... ...... 194.q....., relative to gradin and surfacing Frith bituminous. material, the Alley. in Block. 8, ............. ................ _Hazel.._I'ark._Division._No.i...5. from._Hazel St:,_.to._Van.._DY..ke..St.�....................................... 4pd having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................ ._.necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot/ $1.71 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._zaD .`J��2..::.., and the total cost thereof is $...._._........_..._ --- ...._....., Engineering $178.52 Inspection $36.40 Frontage 1,190,161 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......:................................_........_......._...._:......__.._...._..._...._..._.... S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........... ................. ....... ............ .................. ....................................... .................. ....................................... .............................. ........... .................. ... ............. _ 6. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said improvement. �cyiiL� f ... ................. __......\............ .........._....:..._......_.... ......... 7M -6-,6 ,� L Commissioner of ubiic Works. FEB is,� \�\ nep �` 0 \'. AccUUnnno D�viswn • BUwenv °e C°n,r. & R—U, CITY O F SAINT PAUL JOS. PAVLICEK w. s. COCKROFT, SUIT. .. Derr �. AccaUn?nnx .,CEO. M. GAREN. AseT. SUPT. Capital of Minnesota BUk,nU or snn„n„on 13.Au - B. DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M. COTTER, SUIT. M. S. GRYTBAK, E.—LI. - MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER BUxenv MUxic�rnU Eamruenr Ur 0-1. Enc.neI FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR H. �COCH HE%BERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER • 0• B... A. .1 C."Icnox Tanrnc E..— - JOHN P. MULLANEY. SUer. MAURICE W. HEWETT February 1, 1949 - Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Finance City of St. Paul Dear Sir: 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the Alley in P Block 8, Hazel Park Division No. 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 146847 approved January 20, 1949. Estimated Cost---------n 2,035.02 d, Cost per front foot---------- 1.71 Engineering----------- 178.52 Inspection — — -- 36.40 Frontage — ------ ..1,190.161 o Yours very truly,. / Geor a M/Shepard Ctiie£ Engineer Approved for transmission to the of Finance �Commissioner Millton R. Commissioner of Public Works IMAL OBDPRn IN OC6EDIN DISINATION �^/ �^/' ,COUNCIL FILE I J d 1 C, F.. No. 147575—By MUtort Rosen— BY ' ii .7 ar of_. condemning and FINAL ORDER IN CONDEnrNa-rilin rnil-,EDINGS In the matter ofs, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopecuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 8, Hazel Park Division No. 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street 146848 a loved January 20, 1949 . under Preliminary Order — _ pp • Intermediary Order -147309 — —, approved March 8,1949 A public he having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement mprovement. to be made by the spid City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 8, Hazel Park Division No. '5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and conde*d for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slope_, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 8, Hazel Park Division No. 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street, to the extent shorn on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the .Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed"with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR 5 449 Adopted by the Council r 19. AR 5 1949��� ^Q City Cler�k Approved 19— /� Mayor. Councilmen: Barfuss Po f j y %L � ' Peterson . �%. pI1BLISHED -- TTu ft JJ / s Mr. President. / 600 946' ' 0 CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTME14T OF FINANCE REPORT OF PRELIMINARY ORDER IONER OF FINANCE (A) „ 1 4'7309. : condemcdng and taking an easement in the land necessary for alopea, ont In the matter of s and fills in the 'grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 8, Hazel park Division 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street under Preliminary Order approved , January 2o, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of as follows' Financef th a easement _ is - 25 The total estimated - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . valuation of each lot or land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ---' DESCRIPTION LOT BLocKd ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,,Wilding .; Division 5 to•St-Paul$275 6 — l 8 Hazel Park 8 do 0 325 1,550 2 3 8 do lii 325 — h do 275 4,450 5 8. do 275 3,5 6 8 do 300 —. do 325 3,900 7 9 8 8 do 325 1,959 9 9 do 325 — - do 325. 2,350 ]0 8 ° TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - EPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT -10 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLoC � ADDIT`ON ASSESSED , VALUATION Lot 11 and East 20 ,feet of 12 8 IRasel Park Division 5 to St. 475 S. X,000 Lot 13 and Except East.20,feet 12 8 Paul d 475 2,000 r 14 8 . do 325. 1,350 ; 15 8 do 350 16 8 do 375 900 18 8 do 350. 2,850 do 350 - 19 8 % do 350 1,550 20 8 do 350 1,000 .; 21.. 8 ! do 350 • 22 8 do 3% 850 23 8 do ;a 350 1,800 ,24 8 do 350 25 8 do 350 - 26 8 . do 350 - Lott) 27 and 28 8 do .. _700 1,850 29 8 do „8 350 - .30 do 325 1,350 V Total $9,950 334, 200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wo Dated ._. Commissioner of Finance. /e-,/ Form B. B. 12 + 1,dka:-s Cut ® Fill o Typical Notation )u Flqures above I���e show ICut or Fill ai property line" Flqur<s below livrts how d f oc< fn whidn apes e.frnd bey rr,d prop<-fy fine Loc BaokNoz7s5 X 5« 6k No 255_ 6� 50 60 HAWTHORNE AVE. HAZEL PARK DIV NO 5 rFr cn 9 rr. Gac 8 7 6 5 I� •� 3- Fr e ' „ �r. I F. l- — - Fc Gar � - y Gar b• rr« -- ' F I II.�I cr 2 rc i 7TFr oar sh. Fr. Gai" til n — � � Gar. 24 29 30 r Z5 Z6 27 ZS J {E Y 16 17 8 9 Ga� 4b ZI Z2 _ N L--� 8 Q HAZEL PARK DIV ND.S - MARYLAND AVE. �{0�9 I ,{u Z _ e.'S_. ,•sacci .', �- y � Office of, the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 41.._1949...:..., 194. ..... ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ..approved. .............._Janver r 20 .. 1949. .......... 194......_., relative to otzademaiag...dad...to..lciPg._aP.._easem@nt.-_in.._the_ And ._ necessaxy.,_gar _..slopesJ._cuts... .................... -_ _ and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block, 8, Hazel Park ....... . ........................................................ ...... ...... ...... .................................... ............. ........ ........ ........ _....................... ....................... _................ _.... _.................. ..............._.... Division J. 5, from Haw Street to Van Dyke Street. ......................... _.............................................. _........................................................ _..... ....... _............. _...... _..... ........... ................ ............ ..... ..... .... ......... .._........................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............................. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$................xxx ........... ..... _..... , and the total cost thereof is $ ........ :._..... ..... ,................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... ..... ....... ..................... ................._:..._......._...._...._...................... 3. Alan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. A - 4. 6. Said improvement is .............................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prof subject to assessment for said improvement. (INrFEB 2M -6-46, Comraissioner.of Public Works 19-,y 1 DEP OF ~ FINAA'CC l ` - - C. F. No. 147676— h, 4he Matter oP.graAing and snrfacing I 147576 _ with bltuminausmateriat, the -Alley in Hlock .1, noic$mbe's Addition, . Munro's Subdlvlston; .and Block 1, " Thompson's Subdlvlslon of Blocks 78 and 19, -Mass' OuUots: from Dale - Streetto St. Albans Street under limina - Orden 797820 .a roved Pre PP ry - "lt`4. 1948:. . COUNCIL FILE NO ----------- ------------- By --- ----------- -----------By------------ ------ -------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---grading_ eaAd_slataci;►S with-Mtuminone_ materials -_the' Alley_- in--------= . B10ok_1,_ Ho3Aom a 9ddLfA0ny_- iUWX03__Subdi41sioll,_-and_mnck_4-MlompaW-&-Sub under Preliminary Order___IWM-------- ---- -------approved _______ Febraary_4�_1949__--________--_ Intermediary Order ---------------- approved ___- =--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__Br—_with bitnminone� �:-e - A115Y-_ia_ffioclc-l.-_Holo�oabe.!a.Additis►ar.�[nar_o'a_ �thdi�d.eiQns-sa��clL1s-�41o�?�97a�_4_ Snbdisisi=_*r_mocks"8_3S_Aad-lq,4(- +i e+ r ne o st„»..t ro_c+. AlbanoSr,ytwt andthe Council hereby,orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -APR --- 5AK%--------------, APR `5 !,Nq----:------��� City Clerk. Approved- ---------- ----------------------------- -, .192 File 10939 - - Mayor. Councilman Councilman on ' or'tinson Councilman �rranto Councilman Pe tarson Councilman �i iit 1- 3 Po ,n Q i'I Councilor Tr"'Y 3liP,LISIfL*D Mayor H gson Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-7 �f,t� �� a' �� x.11 19 Jewett PLnce, Utica, New Yorc, April 1, 194(2 City Cleric, > aint Paul, fcinnesota Dear Bir: I received a card dated Yarch 25th setting forty some improvements desired in the alley at U1 -6F' Dayton Avenue and that tnere will be a meeting A.-ril 5th. Irm unable to attend of'c,,vrse but wish to r.nt'er .rotest against t=iF a= the profit .on rents at control Leh ,rices and the rif�b coot of coal does c:ot warrni;t Fuvh an expenditure, Kind Ly enter my -rotest for me, Mr,Richnrd Kyle Attorney Br me ther-i told rre it was ouite alright to smite a letter and that formal ^rotest wou,d be entved there by you for me, r Kindly Let r.e her from'you, Yours truly, u -w v b{I/eh Owner CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF-CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, - (A) - 4 r/, and surfacing with bituminous material, the Alley in. Block 1, � a " �� In the matter of 'grading 0 d Holoombete Addition, Munro's Subdivision, and Block 1, Thompaonls Subdivision of Blocks 18 -and moss, oatlots, from Dale Street to St. Albans Street a , under Preliminary Order approved PbbruwT 4, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Pain: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 7_ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ►75--61 . front g 2 30 The estimated cost pe0oot.for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcets of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (fteept most 40 feet) Lot 3 and 'meet 40 feet of ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ALUA 4 4 5 6 k9ast 35 feet of 7 aPest 5 feet of Lot.7 and east 30 feet of 8 Lot 9 and seat 10 feet of 8 Lots 1 -to 7 .l 2 Form B. S. 10 Land ding,, 1 Holcombe's Addition to St.Psul 625 $ 1 " do 925 8,250 1 do 925 550 .. 1 do 925 1,750 1 do 800 2,750 1 do 1,800 1 do 650 2,800 munrols Subdivision 7,050 20,700 1 lhoapsonl4 Subdivision of Elko (2,100 3,100 _ 1 . le & 19 of Noss + 0MUsib = CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION e�ock :.. ASSESSED �- VALU/��T��p1� �' uLand ,.if4�.�.e1118 - _. Thomson'4 Shb. of ffika 18 & 1932,000. $2,050_- 4 1 1 of Moss' Ostlots. Lot 5 and wast of 6 1 do .11500 15,000, Lot T and east } of 6 1 ), do / d 2,000 5,500 ? Lots 10 and 11 1 Holooabela Addition to St -Paul D .1,500 12900 n .12 1 do .11000 2,400 .. 13 l do 11000 2.000 .. 14 1 do 1,000 8,000 .,Lot 15 and_wsst 1/3 of 18 1 do 950 8,500 .. Lots -16, 1and 2/3 of ,18 do 1 • 14800 4,1007 .. Total $3o,550 $91,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by by the Commissioner of Public W ts• ^LJ a Dated /gut -� J, 19 7� 7 �/YI GfXGc Tri Commissioner of Fina ce. Form B. B. 1] - . St. Paul, Minn.—. 194— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . plla9.- T1alw-R1-.Alhnna-Tla,�.^.n-Mo�ir�ahg], �7S from St. Ave. to V St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION UYV 1.2M 46 �. �... ii i i UYV 1.2M 46 A a M9 pAYra v 4 vr: It Aee a �4cuF ° � � flv�• °� :� • i, • wrr�ry neo PTLA�- --7777 A a M9 pAYra v 4 vr: It Aee a �4cuF ° � � flv�• °� :� • i, • wrr�ry neo PTLA�- Office of the Commissioner of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance February 14..••.••••_ ... _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No .... _..... 1002Approved_..... ___February! ............... relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the Alley in Block 1, • p � Holcombe's Addition, Munro's Subdivision and'�Th tl.'s Subdivision of _...._.. ..... ... .. ...................._......_.......... __._.. ___. ,a ..._..__...._._...._.._...._... Blocks 18 and 19, Moss'..O from Dale St, to St. Albans St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... .... __........ .... necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 92.30 2.. The estimated cost thereof is $ .._2x757.61. and the total cost thereof is $......... _..____._._-, Engineering $179.71 Inspection $50.55 Frontage 1,i98.08 -ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said' improvement is ............ ...... ...... ...asked for upon petition of ee or more o"propP P •subject to assessment for saivint. __..__ .....___ ...................._.._..._....._.._.._._.2M -6-16 (• Commissioner of. co F �9. OV N Bnc..0 ov Coxcr. a R-- W. S, COCKROFT, Suer. GEO. M. GAREN. Aur. S.— J. BoreAnov 13--e M. S. GRYTBAK, E--- 0-- rra OExc, ,HERBERT S. WEST taw c Enc MAURICE W. HEWETT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSIM4, COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER February 15, 1949 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul a Accoc D,v J05.PAVI.ICEK Dcex o. ACCOVnxAxT Boacnu or SAn,xnnax JOJIN M, COTTER, SarT. Boauu ov Mcx,cnAc Eac,ere. .ARTHUR H. KOCH B. or Cou `JOHN P. MULLANEY, Suer. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the A eL in Block 1, Holcombe's Addition, Munro's Subdivision ands ompson.'s Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 19, Moss' Outlots, from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147020 approved February 4, 1949• Estimated Cost --- Cost per front foot Engineering ------ Inspection------- Frontage-----=-- Atoommisseionerof tnance lic rks 2,757.61 2,30 179.71 50.55 1,198.08 ft. Yours very truly, for . Shepard 'Chi Engineer Y4% FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION i 147577 COUNCIL LE NO. PROCEEDINGS _ C. F. No. 147877—By Muton Rosen— ' BY In the matter of condemning and. EDINGS FINAL ORDER. IN CONDL mldng an easement n the land nec- ,.p for elopes, cuts and fins in the qa ,—feSlpg of the. Alley _ 4, Ad n o_n,-� 4c .7r a:4' p♦ condemnin and takin an easement Ln the land necessary for` In the matter of -- and surfacing of the Alley slopes, cuts and fills in the grading in Block 1, Holcombe': Addition, Munrots Subdivision, and Block 1, Thompson's Subdivision of'Blocks 18 and 19, Moss' Outlots, from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, February 42 1949 under Preliminary Order 147021 approved—_ Intiert'yfedtry Order 14731.- approvedMarch 8. 'yam,/9 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts'and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 19 Holcombe's Addition, Munro's Subdivision, and Block 1, Thompson's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 19, Moss' outlots, from Dale Street to St. Albans Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading andsurfacing of the Alley in Blook 1, Holcombe's Addition, Munro's Subdivisiont.asa Block 1, Thompson's.Subdivisign of Blocks 18 and 19, from Dale Street to St. Alba6i Street, to the extent shown on the plan or} file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wgrks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, aAd the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 19— Adopted by the Councl� City Clerk. , 19— Approved ----- Mayor. .Councilmen: Barf—S Pato �,GYl�ls rami Peterson Rosen Trus— Mr. President 600 0.46' PUBI-ISHED � r! n - CITY OF ST. PAUL , ..�•. r DEPAR'CMENT OF FINANCE - A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYORDER Ih the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, Aoloombe's Addition, Munro's Subdivision, and Block 1, Thompson's Subdivision of Blocks 18. and 19, M0831: Ontlote, !1^om Dale Street to St. Albans Street. under Preliminary Order approved Febftary 4, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above gaeement $ 25.00 The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - and the assessed valuation of each lot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITIONr_,�CYALUAding,, .. _ (Ez�zept west 40 feet) 4 1 Holcombe'e. Addition to St -Paul $ 625 S Lot 3 and west 40 feet of 4 1 do 925 8,250 5 1 ao 925 550 ,.. 6 1 do 925 1,750 East 35 feet of 7 1 do 800 2,750 .West 5 feet of Lot 7 and east 30 feet of 8 'l do 800 11800. Lot 9 -'and west 10 feet of 8 1 do 650 2,800 7 Munro's Subdivision 7,050 20,700 Lots 1 to 1 1 1h9mpeon's'Subdivision of BUS (2,U*, 3,100 _ 2 1 18 & 19 of 0008' Outl ' F- B. B. 10 - .. :.'..,CITY OF ST. -PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FFNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) ,. DESCRIPTION. . a: LOT BLOCK ADDITION %. ASSESSED N LBi3dVALUDGRilA1.Yi� 3 1 ),Thompson's Sub. of Blks 19 & 19;2,0.00, ), .D-$22,,00150 ,. 4 1 ),of Koss' outlote ^t . Lot 5 and west of 6 1); do 10500` 15,000" . Lot 7 and east of 6 1 )! do 2,000 5,500 .Lots 10 and 11 1 Holcombe's Addition to St.Psul ::1,500 11900 :. .12 1 do 1,000 2,400 13 1 do 1,0D0 _._ 2.000 14 1 do 1p000 81000 :;Lot 15 and went 1/3 of 18 1 do 950 8,500 Lots 16, 17 and east 2/3 of 18 1 do 4,800 4,100 Total $30,550 $91,150 The Commiisioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worjcs. Dated-94&1('Z19—V-9 Commissioner bf Finadce. I— H. B. 12 • - - i �S'.�eY Blkt �iolco-bes Add,Munro'S Sub E tsort+t�roon9 SSD of i3�ks 8E .`� Moss Q�tlo's I - - .., -.. __�. -_— � �I '��.:itOdf)S `7�. - � 4 rc_. � ✓tll e' �J,�. I T�.F�cal Noraron I I ., I - f ca otcvc I,r irv. � e i C�.'Fol at - t y .rte eel, e sh II — d�s,osee +o .. rs� v elopes Loc 6—k N, 26C3 X-3— tip. I4,.2Bo3j; MARSHALL H O L. C M U R O S N U �. 3 d Z m Ga.ay. i yr I (Jj - co m_— aic iG' oiN T�tl. 1L.� olc Q . .-75- r-AL.L.- I; Gj' it I. 1� T H O M S O N S S U DAYTON AVE. pel< 54 - Sr a16a„x Sr Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Fe14 ................................ 194.9 .................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No approved. .... . ..........................._...........194..9...., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes., cuts-.a.n.d .................. ..................... : ........................................................ .............................. . ..... ... ............ ........... ........ ....... . ................ ..... ....................... .......... ..... ....... . . fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, Holcombe's Addition ..... ................... = ... . ............... . ..................................................................... Munro's Subdivision and Thompson's -Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 19,Moss' Outlots f..... ....................................................................... . .......... . .... . ...... ................... I ...................... ......... .... .......... .............................. .......... ...... ........ rom Dale Street to St. Albans Street. and having -investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. ' Said improvement is ...............:..............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....................... : ... ............ . and the total cost thereof is $.........................:........._..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, prQfile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._ ....... .. . .............. ........ . . .......... .. .................. .. . .. ........ . . ........... . .. ......... ......... ........... ........................ ........... . ............................ . .. .... 5. Said improvement is .............................asked for upon petition of t ee'or more owner of ro subject to assessment -improvement. ....................... 2M -6-46 01 m to i s sioner of P u b H c Wor 0 0, COUNCIL FILE NO ------- ___-__________ By--------------------------------------------------- C.F.'NO. 147678—In - with Miter us material, the �AAey ,.t, k 6, Aurora. Addttton,. Prom' Street! r AMheg Z,Van,g er 147578 _ =m -ere Aveaua tt e - the _ easementot to be obtained on the easterly' 4 deet - of the werterly 8 feet of Lot Block S. aurora Addition under Pre- " .147023 aPProvedFeb- ^wf ,a .1 n 19 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-_$rsding_-Snd-mirfacingidth_bit, mdnoun-materia3.,__the__Alley_in___-___ Block 6, Aurora Addition, from lhite. Bear.Averme to -Van Dyke. Street. Also contracting - -- — - -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------- a_swmr_ircm_the Alley.tothesever. in-AgggAr Averme in__the_easement _to_be__obt d an the_easterly..4_��et_oL#he _=estsrlg_b feet_ot_?at_A,._BsCck__6r_lurora__Additiaa-_____ under Preliminary Orden—J147022 --- - ------ - --- ---approved ------- Ibbr_4A ___ h --19)A9--------------------------- Intermediary Order pproved-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upop due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is- ECA& `nd e11tG4.A[it 1� iut _19atOsSal,—tthe __ Alley _JX_ Block 62- Aurora- te-BearAwana to.—lien-ityJos Street - — Also eoretxnot _A_�a.� _S ►__thn Alley +A tha_amr_Sae— uspiie= Avenne i�the e.aement tQ_ be_aweter3y 1' _Alook 6, Aurora— AddMon--_--__-- and the- Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. --- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed'to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city', officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of. said improvement in accordance therewith. AN 5 19 Adopted by the Council ______--_____________—__—________., APR a 19�� - L -- ----- a City Clerk, Approved------------------------------------------- 192 --- File 10937 Councilman Councilman 76MMmortinson Councilman 31MrTaf U"` ' P� rranto Councilman NEUI Ean : '''= e "Orson Councilman Sndheimer " Councilman Mayor HQ� Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-7 a — -- - -- - --- ----- ---------- Mayor. L'1SHGD� t 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF• FINANCE , iA) REFORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the Alley in Block 61 Aurora Addition;, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. Also conerutting a sewer from -the Alley to -the sewer in Fauquier Avenue in the easement to -be obt:ned on the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of Lot 6, Block 6, Aurora Addition under Preliminary Order approved February. 4, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ! The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 3,142.08 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - g 2.65 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Fa B. B. 10 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION. ASSESSED 7771Qa1111-0.0.11 _ LadALUAIjj)j1k ng 1 6 Aurora Addition to St. Paul,Mina$ 300 2 '6 do 300 $2,950 3 6 do 300 3,650 .. Lots 4 and 5 6 do 450 11000 6 6 do 250 - T 6 do 250 - 8 6 do 300 3,450 9 6 do 300 4,050 10 6 do 300 3,400 11 6 do 300 3,150 TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (0 ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC 1? ADDITION' -.-ASSESSED ON 12. 6 Aurora Addition. to St.Pau1,Min4 300 $3,950 . 13 6 do 250 - Booth eb feet of ,Cote 14 -and 15 6 do 375 1,500 ..Lot 16 and'vest 20 feet of 17 6 do - 500 1,800 .. Lot 18 and east 20 fist of .17 6 .. do 475 2,350 19 6 do 325 1,900 20 6 do 325 2,000 ., 21 6 do 325 2,400 .. 22 6 do 325 2,800 .23 6 do 3?5. 2,050 24 6 do 325 2,400 25 6 do 325 2,900 .. 26 6 do 325. — 27 6 do 325 2,200 .28 6 do 325 1,650 x,29 6 do 325 3.000 30 6 do 325 1000 .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated /Commissioner of Financew Form B. B. 12 - St. Paul,• Minn..._.Aj-x11 ..x...194_8..._ To The Honorable, The Council, ss3 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _............_.__.__Grade_.-_!!!IA l,_-al.$.._between_Itau-guier__Ave._and_._Reaney ...................... ................. ..... ............................ _.......................... _..... ...__...... _....................... ....................... ............._..._...._...._..:...........St. Ave. from_ 117 �9....$.eaY`_.._...:._.._._...............__.............._ ]M. Ave. to...........VaII:..Myk9.....8t......._..._.:..................... _.. `j St. Ave. N LOT BLOCK — ADDITION X), /Kl x9j 1� Land Bio i i� C= ave_ _ o 5 q /S9 �Z S. W ec. 6 T " /� S z ,9 � R Z 2 flu scale 3 00' J 60 � ' o I � A✓f \ -I i ROSS AVE I I � IIfIA 03 R AvE RyE W � �. �i9u0urE R � N REAN£Y A✓E �'FY A✓E Q M/NNE i y r p ,Office of the Commissioner of P li ub c Words Report to Commissioner of Finance .............. FebruAry..._1.4........... ...... ......... .., 194....9...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul:, The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......._vt7022...approved..,......February_4............... _............. _..... 194.9.....> relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material; the Alley in Block 6, ............................. .......... ............_........_ Aurora A ition, rom to 73enr� Avenue to VanDyke Street, a1�so ......' constructing a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in Fauquier Avenue ......._............in...tb@...easemesrt...tn...be...rbtained...on...the U1-1-y---4 ft; ...of the...V4_ly...6,...E.t...�........_..............I Lot 6, Block 6, Aurora Addition. ............................... _........................................ _.... _............................ _............ ......:........................... _...... .................................................... ..... ..... ............................. :....._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....................... ......necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.65 2. The estimated coat thereof is $...3.:%42.288.........., and the total cost thereof is$............ ..... ..... _......... ...... Engineering $177.76 Inspection $58.12 Frontage 1,185.05 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..............................................................._...._:_...._.........._.........._..... .................... _.......... _........................................................................................................ __... _..... ......... ............ ...... .... .............. _...... _........ .................................. _... • 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............ ................. ........................................... .................................... _.............. _........... .... ....... ...... ..................... ..................... _.............. .._.................... :.. 5. Said improvement is.....................:........asked for upon petition of ee or more o ra of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. � �� 1� il' 12` ......................... _......................... _......... _............ _........ ]M -6..µ w......., pjti �► �O \ Commissioner of Pubblili .................._.c Works. FE0 0 N Oti ` ZSGi'' r flrl P c Bvaenv ar Cvnsr. h Rern�a N. S. COCKROPI', Surr. GEO. M. GAREIJ, A.— S.— B... or Ba�occa M. S. GRYTBAK, E.- On�ee EAp�neea HERBERTS WEST ranrnMAURICE c RICE W. IIEWETT -CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER February 14, 1949 Bon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Acco..— Drv� . JOS. PA VLICEK Deer �. Accovnxnnx Buaeau or S.- JOHN M. COTTER, Surr. Buaanv or MvnlueaL Eau�euenr ARTHUR H. KOCH Bua r Coon JOHN P. MULLANEY. Surr. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material), -the Alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from White.Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street, also constructing a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in Fauquier Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of Lot '6, Block 6. Aurora Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147022 approved February 4, 1949. d Estimated Cost ---- Cost per front foot Engineering ----- Inspection ------ ---- $3,142.08 ---- 2.65 --- 177.76 p=— 58.12 Frontage ---------- — --=-- 1,185.05 ft. Note: Cost per front foot for gravel and Oil. 1.62 As ow -k Yours very truly, EO M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer �App/roed for t nsmission o FinanceN ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works I/ / FINAL ORDER IN'CONDiMNATION PROCEEDINGS _ COUNC F74LE NO. - — C 9 F. �i'y�i7Q a No. 147578—By Mnto16I Rosen— 9 I 9 $Y � Ira the matter of condCindng .and FINAL ORDER IN COND� taking an easement in the land . i. EDINGS decry far alapes...cuta and fin. in ,she grading an -f „.Ihe In the matter of condemns and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and filla in the grading and surfac gAf the Alley " in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street under Preliminary Order x+7023 approved -- February 4, 1949 Intermediary Order__ 147313 _ -, approved— March 8, 1949 -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint"Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the -Alley in Block 69 Aurora Addition, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street and the Council hereby drders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from White -Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street,to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby Authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 5 1949 19 _ A it 5 1949 City Clerk. i Approved---- 19— 4 Mayor. Councilmen: -Parrantoo Peterson , Rosen . Mr. President _ PUBLIsl1ED 91 CITY 'OP ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FII,IANCE ' - ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINIINARY..ORDER (A) _ a rata 14'731 in the mater of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elope s ng of Alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from *hits and fills in the grading and anrfaoi Bear Avenue to van Dyke Street i 0 under Preliminary Order approved February 49 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 25.00 coat o- the above easement —.,,.■ is - - The total estimated $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - r The lots or parcels -of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ` ' �T BLOCK DESCRIPTION ADDITION ,._.; .. -ASSESSED I I,AALUAITHIilding . ' l 6 •Aurora Addition to 5t. Paul,l..inn$ 3W do 300 $2;.950 2 6 300 3,650 3 6 do 5 6 do 450 1,000 Lots 4 and do 250 6 6 R 6 do 250 ,O 8 6 do 300 3,450 .. 6 do 300 4,050 9 6 do 300 3'400 . 10 300 3,u 150 6 .. do TOTAL. ,_ - CITY OF 'ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF .FIN:INCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON .PRELIMINARY ORDER --. -..•_ .,..s :... ,.,.. DESCRIPTION LOT; BLOOM: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 6 (Aurora Addition to St.Paul,minni 300. $3,950 .. .13 6 do 250 9orith 80 feet of Lots 14 and .15 6 do 3755DO 1,:500 Lot 16 and west 20 feet of 17 6 'do 1,800 .Lot 18 and east 20 feet of .17 6 do 475 2,350 19 6 do 325. -, 1,900 .20 6 do 325 21000 .. .21 .'6 do 325 2,400 22 6 do '325 2,800 _ 6 do 325 .2,050 .. 24 6 do 325 21400 25 6 do 325. 2,900 ,. 76 6 do 325 - 27 6 do 325 2,200 .. 28 6 do 325 1,650 6 do- 325 3.000 30 6 . do 325 1;500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby subfnits the foregoing as his report thereon to. the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatterby the Commissioner of Public or s. Dated— F.— ated /I I Q/� P Q1 1 19TT1 Commissioner of Fi— n Farm B. B. 12 MEN 0 0 " Alley FBllcEi Aulrora Addition II While Bear Avc. Van Dyke Si-- 0 t nc rc� r I I II ryp,00i no,otm„ F 9„ s ob-1- 'II Com* I !I extend b �j— crop c. t, Ln. I d I I Lo, b -k N. Zic I � .lra. t`r N 23L j' _ I FAUQUIER AVE. A U R O R A 6 A.: D ©. w I I 10 ., 9 S 7 6 J 4 3 Z I '... ', I W G '� � _ s_• � .. ft3�" :. _ a�� i _.._ F � -e � _. _ _ .. -- _.! �-_. 9 �.a:u�z�a,��axi � PSP y �, r� M.. d , � �, �c�i_—r: `.o _ J ✓I..m ole - - _ � ' - � N LL 71 _ 1�.LnnI n,e 4 WPI,G°r I Go %UjIV I% 16 I `3 ZO LI '4m'9c G", 0 F.....� L4 �G n:p, �1 Z,C L% Z'B Z9 Z 16x.4 - °a A U R O R A A D D. REANEY AVE au�y Aurora kdd. i Slope Dr- 1.No. 9t5 111 v 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Work's Report to Commissioner of Finance February 14, 1949 .............. __..... _.......... _.... ......... .... _..._.__......, 194..._..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner'of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....._1_4.7..P23.... approved _........ Felarm&x7!.-.(44....19.41...... _.... 194....._., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ...... ......... ._..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The esiimated .cost thereof is $_--XX cx........ :.... _.._, and the total. cost thereof is $.______._..._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_._..._....... ........... ....... _._............ .................... _............ ........... _.......... _............. ..._..a... _... ........... .... __.....:................... ....... ..... _...._.._..... :... _...... ..... .................. _..... _...:..__........ _........ __.._:........_._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.................. :......... _._........... ..._...._._................ _......................... _.... :... _............. _.__............ ...... ................ _.... _.._.... _... _._.__._._ ._ b. Said improvement is...... .... _.................asked for upon petition three or more ers of prop. subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ..__:_._._..................... _....... _..__......._.._ _.._...._...... 2M -6-46 ��. O Commissioner of Public Works co Ov VFnYAI ORDER IN CONDEMNATION �y/ j[� FIc PROCEEDINGS 4 0 5VOt. COUNCIL LE NO_. "`. F No. 141580 --By Milton R sen— BY of • mrnletjfi nip EDINGS ° FIN L ORDER IN CONDENI ATIO`N4 , �g . b'.0 �1 M1't •1 0 r d mni and taki an easement for the purpose of constructing In the matter of_42a__Q- and maintaini a publi r on, under and a cross a eas er y ee o e westerly 6 feet of Lot i Aurora Additions from d t akin galer Avenue to the temporary easement for in the rear of said lot; also condemning g construction purposes on a strip of land feet in width on the east side of the.above easement -and the westerly feet of Lot 6 and the easterly 5 feet_of Lot 7 in said Block 6, Aurora Addition, under Preliminary Order ]4Z_6ZL __— _, approved_ February 4th,.1949 Intermediary Order_ --7 473111--- approved March 8th 1949 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemningand taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer; also.condemning and tang a temporary easement for construction purposes. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: An easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public. sewer on; under and across the easterly 4 feet of the westerly.6 feet of lot 6, Block 6, Aurora Addition, from FauquieY Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a °stfip of land 7 feet in width on the east sdde of the above easement -€ynd' the resterly 2 fest of Lot 6 and the easterly 5 feet of Lot 7 in said Block 6,AAuuroorion. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council All APR 5 194ls� Ah5 1949 City Clerk. Approved---------- 19— Mayor. Councilmen: 3daafia®c - Mortinson Parranto Peterson v$osen t't,1sL1JH1D� TFae>� Mr. President Delaney 500 9-45 'ORP- ® j _ CITY O. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a (p) v In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of jot 6. Block 6, Aurora Addition, from Fauquier Avenue to the Alley in the rear of'said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 feet in width on the east side of the above easement and the westerly 2 feet of Lot 6 and the easterly 5 feet of Lot 7 in said Block 6, Aurord Addition under Preliminary Order approved Fbbruary 49 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost. for the above ea_eement is $ 1 50-00 The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION1&ndVALUCTI�f`L. ng 6 6 (Aurora,Addition to St: Paul,) $250 pll C'1 7 6 (Minn. )) $250 Tota $500 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Norks. �J Dated %Yl.,n-e i 8 19 Commissioner'of Finance.� 'Form B. S. t . 9.5 D •. . c�YKE JT. AY/QO.QA A00, 6L/c'6 GOT6 ,}ooh X369 .iFEyER EASEME sof L;ryq. J 0 21 4C1 PO C�.4 /-COQ, BL SEN9ER E/-ISE/Y/E/YT � Bur�ou of Engineers ""*'� FE6. 9, /94.9 ; o — S 4v�m. r,� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance, February 14p -.1949 194 ...... ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of.Public Works, having had^under consideration the preliminary order of the 147024 Februa 4 1949 Council, known as Council File No ...............................approved..........._...._.........._.......rY..._..x............................194.,......., relative to condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public server on, uniie'r "arid across tiie easterly���7, �£eet of"'tYi"ei:est'er y 6 r6wt of Lot 61 Block 61 Aurora Addition, from Fauquier Avenue to the Alley in the rear If said iot; also condemning" -and taking - a be npor�ry, easement- €or a©n9Gr+�ot4c3n purposes on a strip of land 7 feet in width on the east side of the above ease- ment.. and :..the...was.t.erly...2...feet ...of...Lot ...6... and ....the .... easterly...5...fee.i....af..Lat...2...in............................ said Block 6, Aurora Addition. And having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$.......%OC:_X.................... and the total cost thereof is $ ................. _................ _...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..................................:.............._......._............._.........._...._................ r ..... . .................................. _................... -....... _................ .............. ... _...... ... IRA 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part -hereof. ......_..._ ................ ........................... 5. Said improvement is.: ................. asked for upon petition of thr or more owners prop subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ]\ .J- ..r................................ .. ..... ... ..._ �]M -6-I6 C1: Commisslo U orka. \ ner of 11C W Public ' oi \ -T 1��� FINAL ORDER IN OONDEMNAVIoN 147581 COUNCIL FILF' .;ice-� eaoceeDrNcs— BY i C. F. No. 147581 Ey Milton Reset— FINAL ORDER IN CONDE matter ,ia a abed =EDINGS far disposal area of waste material 1n rnnnectlan with the St. P�, bor p%act: Lot 8, ffiock 17, su i • j��__..tn west St In the matter of— condAmning_anaL&king +ha fnl1owi v dam_ h l l�nr dirmosal area of waste material in connection with the St. Paul Harbor project : Lot 8, Block 17, F. Amb7s Addition to West St. Paul, under Preliminary Order --147=----, approved— �r''��1i 1 1 .x.7127 -- Intermediary Order—__11�2�5 __ approved March 8ths 19119 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement `to be made by the said City is condemning and taking the above described land for disposal area of waste material in connection with the St. Peul,Harbor Project. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the follo&•ing land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Lot 8, Block 17, F. Amb's Addition to West St. Paul. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city gfficials are hereby authorized and directed to proceeeRd with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AP5 IS e/g Adopted by the Approved _ 19— Councilmen: Jamill r F mdm — Parranto Mortinson Peterson Rosen . zeas= Mr. President Delaney Soo 945 s City Clerk. ayor, t, PUBLISHED4.L4V_ - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMtNT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 14 31 rz In the matter of condemning and taking, the following described ]and for disposal area._of waste material in connection with the St. Paul Harbor project: Lot 8, Block 17, F. Amb/a Addition to West St. Paul under Preliminary Order approved Flabrnary 15, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The'Commissioner of Finance } ereby reports as follows: 150 00 cost for the above oondema�m on $ The total estimated 9O�tD'dG]0 - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1midVALUATIOtiding 8 17 F. Amb a Addition to West St. $100 _ Paul v u The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he. has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in / reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �.GGtLL�� r+/ Dated �'�"�'� � � 19 Commissioner of Finance: Form B. S. A. 9-5 D . _ti► P �.1 Q e� 9/�Ies 4oO. TO w ST. P,41✓L Lof 8 6/k. /7 GO/YOE�M/YA T/o/V Bur�oy of Engineers Office of the Commissioner of. Public' Works Reportlo Commissioner of Finance ............._...._.... ... . 194-2— To 94_9.__To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had underconsideration the preliminary order of the 147127 February 15._.,__..._.._..._.....1949....., relative to Council, known as Council File No......_..._..._....._.....approved...._...._...._._...._......._... the following described land for ect: the matter of condemning .and taking __..._.__..__.._..._...._.._.._...._.._....._._._.___-._._ __ "------------ spoear Brea jif r+aste materisr, ii connection with the St. Paul Harbor pro _.........._..._....04,Uion__to Neat....S.L.....Paul........... ..... ..... ..... .... _.__...._...._..... __.._ and having investigated the matters and, things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..... .... _............. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The 1estimated cost thereof is $........ ..... ............... ..... and the total cost thereof is $.------_-••—_..__.._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:, _...-__................................ ......... ........... .... ... _..... .......... _.........._... __... .......... _................. ........ -... _... .............. _...__.._._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .._................................ 4 ............ . _........ 5. Said improvement ie ..... ...... .......... ... ...asked for upon petition of ee or more own of pro subject t for said improvement. 5t .... _... _....... ..... ....... ................ .................... .......... _............. .......... _. = a hrc r} rr Commissioner of Public Works. MAR 4 1949 � DEFT. OF FINANCE 0' 8"i to City Clark CITY, OF ST. PAUL =uNca vas NO ------ ----'------ . OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK P COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM B RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $27.00 be paid Tony Roberto while he was totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on ' March 8, 1949, while employed by the Department of Education, and that $27-00 in final settlement, to and including March 22, 3.549; is now payable. C. F. No. 197582 --By {p, Aat out of • parranto— ResolveazGeneral .. Compensationn Account of the Fund, weekly compensation of $27,88 fbe paid Tony Roberto while he was totally disabled by reason f in'ur'es he received on March 8, 1999, wbile - ' omPloyed by the Department of eation,.and that $Dep meat, to and inc $27.00final Bettie- n4 March . ' is now Payable. 22, 1999, Adopted by the Council Aprn 5, 1999. Approved April 5,' 1999. . (April 9. 1999) - APR 5 t.94 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL .............................:...194 -.._ Yeas Nays AfK Mortinson Approved .......................................... 194_.. Parranto Peterson ......—J.. -In Favor Rosen m Mayor ru` -T' uaa "' _.G." JlAgainst Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 0,1glAal to ` CITY OF 'ST. PAUL ma„uaea NO......____...._-..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY ,/( �9yysby� DAA COMMISSIONER.`-� RESOLVED, that out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, weeXly compensation of $$27.00 be paid Charles Hagens while he was totally disabled by real k of linjuries he received on March 11, 1949,Tleemployed by the Department of F,ducation, and that $$27,00 in final settlement, to' and including March 25, 1949, is now payable. C. F. No. 147583 --Sy w• A. Parranto— Resloved, That out of the workmen's Compensation AceoGnt of the General Fund, weakly compensation of §2'1.00 be ppnld Charles Hagens whne he was totally disabled by reason 11 fnluries he received on March 11, 1999. wh11e employed by the Department of Edu- cation, and that $27.00 in anal 'settle-. ment, to and including March 21,1141 Ss nt;o pa ab Adapted by the Council April 5, 1949. Approved AppHI 9181999) An 5 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CotlnciL.................................. 194..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved --------------------- -------------------- 194_:. Parranto Peterson In Favor - - - Rosen //Mayor __. irusr ..............Against Mr -President, Delaney ,M 948 original to City Cle,k (dam wuNCILR 4758q 1 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL a1Le Na------- ---------------- OFFICE OF THE' CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY W. A. Parranto sn- DATE_ ADrj-L 5 19),q COMMISSIONER_—_ 717SOLVEET), that Edward Patrow, 632 Er2 Yennard, be paid A14.66 as a refund for a port on of the April Bent raid in advance as said tenant vacated with notice April 8, 1949. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen T.,,es .._Against '\%Tr. President, Delaney, 3115 9.48 C. F. No. 147b84-13 W. A. Parraato-- aesolved, That Edward PatreW. 832 E-2 Kennard, be paid 814.66 as a re- jjj iia m edv'nee as widortion of �tenantrvaented with notice Apra 8. 1949..' Adopted by the Cou-4 Apra 5, 1949. Approved Appl891119 fli A APR 5 '6349 Adopted by the CounciL.............:...................194...... J�'rla Approved......................................194----- C Mayor 00 1..1 to City Cler► - COUNca' NO...-_---------- � l ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FUX ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��� DA COMMISSIONER—_ -4 / �J R1:,SOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain.employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for extra employment from March 16 to 31, 1949, as set out On the list on file in the office of the'City Clerk and City Comptroller. ` l C. F. No. 147585---13Y W. A. Parranto— Resolved. That the gprapDe- city o1- 'flcefs re hereby uthoriz d it Pay certainemployesin the Dj arhneat o1 Parks, playgrounds and Pubno Bund- tnga'for ¢Xtra, ¢tnPlpy9nent from PSarob 16 to 31, 1949, as gel vat on the list on Ale in the office 10 the City Clark and City Comtptt�roller. APP ed by prllb 1APS 948. 5. 1949. (April 9, 1999) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto' Peterson Rosen ax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 o08y-® .............. Favor ..........,Against i4p to J Adopted by the Council ------------ -------------------- 191_... Aproved. -----•--•-------------•--••-----•---•---194.—. ......:... _...._..._.. •---• Mayor • W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks ' ERNEST-W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CITY. OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesofa DEPARTMENT OF, PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO. Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner April 4, 1949 To the Honorable, the Mayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of this department for more than eight hours a day, because of necessity of rendering service in the interest of the public. The emergency involves overtime work at the Como greenhouse, tree care along, the public highways and. removal of snow from park roads and boulevards. Yours truly Commissioner of Parks, -v Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. ALFRED H.SCHROEDER City Architect �47r`f, W. LA MONT KAUFMAN " Supt.. of Parks ' _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Playgrounds" ALFRED. H. SCHROEDER City Architect - CITY OF SAINT PAUL CSFifal of W nnezon DEPARTMENVOls PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 d� W. A. PARRANTO. Commissioner BERNARD L HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner, �1>® April 5, 1949 OVERTIME March 16 to 31, 1949 NAME TITLE HOURS RATE TOTAL John M. Amon Track Driver 1 1.57 1.57 Anthony A. Floen Garden Laborer 16 1.45 23.20 Joseph Ph Truck -Driver 3 1.57 4.71 'William Le o Tree Laborer 16 1.45 23.20 Joseph P c Andrea Garden Laborer 16 1.45 23.20 Joseph mocky Tree Trimmer 1 1.492 1.50` _17.39 Total-------- 9 11 J ori9mal to city cieri, W.NCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL - rim - OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIPN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Mn, A_, parranto DATE April 7!_1919 COMMISSIONER_------- RESOLITM, that John H. Kohnen, 1640 B-2 E. Cottage, be paid $25.90 as a refrnd for a portion of the April rent paid in advance as said tenant vacated with notice on April 9, 1949. C alwto— Realovedl That John 8. Kohat n- 1840 13-2 E. Cottage. be paid $25.90 as a re- fund for a portion of the AprR rent ,paid in advance as said tenant vacated with notice on Aprn9, 1049. Adopted Athe pprll a n18 u April 3, 1949. (April 9. 1949) Adopted by the Council.- .--.--.---194...-.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an % -------------------------------- 194 ..... Approved..-..--- - Mortinson f Parranto J Peterson "" n Favor ---------.... ... Mayor Rosen ........Against DIr. President, Delaney ortat.i to city clo,k 147r -8 f CITY OF 57. PAUL � w�nca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cqj mm RESOLU JON—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That an extra of $721.91 for additional work and material in Replacing Certain Steam Coils in the Four Fan Rooms of the Municipal Auditorium, be allowed under Contract Number G-5273 between the City of Saint Paul and the Grudem Brothers Company; said work having been requested by the Auditorium Management and agreement made with the Contractor and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Approved: City Comptroller a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson' Rosen Twasm Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .-Amo@ Adopted by the, Council... -_ ...........................i94 .._. /Approved_ ------------In Favor ------Aga ....................................... 194._ . _. ....... Ma r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MinnAsota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect April t, 1949 Co- nissioner 'CJ. A. Parranto Dept. Parks, Playgroands �c Public Bldgs. Dear Sir; G < Contract Number G-5273 was awarded to the Grudem 3rothers Com- pany for the removal of certain steam"coils loc4.ted in the Four Fan Rooms in the Municipal Auditorium and the replacement of same with new copper coils, together with headers, piping, valves, fittings, traps and all other appurtenances in order to make a complete instal- lation, said contract being in the amount of Ten Thousand Six Hundred Ninety -Two Dollars ($109692.00). During the course of operations under thin Contract, it has been discovered that the steam lines outside of the limits of tine work re- quired under this contract are now leaking and a request has been re- ceived from the Auditoritvn Management that this work be taken care of under the present contract with Grudem Brothers. In accordance with their request, negotiations have been conduc— ted with the Grudem Brothers Company, and they quote a figure of Seven hundred Twenty -One Dollars and Ninety -One Cents (°$721.91) which represents a fair and reasonable value for the labor and material in- volved. P It is therefore requested that a resolution -be admitted which authopizas an addition to the Contract of the Grudem Brothers Company in the above-stated'amount. Very truly yo �0_ Al ed H. Schroeder ty Architect AHS;al K49 .2nd_.—L.-..� -..- Laid over .to_ 3rd and a __ Ado ted- Yeas Nays. Yeas _ Nage -PindloA. Findlan Mprtinson / Mortinson PYrranto /l Parranto . terson /� l7osen h / Rosen I /PIuax J V, 1 Truax Mr, President Delaney rI Mr. President Delaney 0 orlpinal to City Cleric CCDINANCE 147588 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BYORDINANCE NO. _94ae�� — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled "An ordinance providing for all metters con eerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, malnten= anoe, use and inspection of all buildl.ngi, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the„ limits of the.City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the -purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habi- tation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such bindings, walls or structures to alter, ,pn- struotot or modify the same, or any part thgreof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits ,and, prescribing the powers and duties of the . Commis - sioner of Public -Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for, the violation thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances inconsistent herewith. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the 'public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930; as amended. This is an -emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF SAIVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Sao tion 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, as amended, be and the -same is hereby further amended kby adding to Section 3-2 thereof the following paragraph e Paragraph (d), which shall -read as follows: "(d) A fee charge of $2.00 shell be made for the installation of a garbage dispoe unit." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Findlan Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Nays Passed by the Council--------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------- In Favor ............................ .Against Approved:.--------------------_---- ------------- ----- ---- r Attest: ----- _.--.--..-..-----..-....----.------------------------ ----------- City Clerk 1M 848 .4qP0'® Mayor ----- ---- t s> The building code of the city of St. Paul, C. 85160, Ordinance No. 7210, should be amended by inserting Paragraph (d) under Section 3-2 of Plumbing Fees. ."The fee 'charge for a garbage disposal unit shall be $2.00 " arse as a p um n e n The building code of the City of St. Paul, C. 85160, Ordinance'No. 7210, should be amended by inserting Paragraph (d) under Section 3-2 of Plumbing bees• . "The fee charge for a garbage disposal -unit shall be $2.00 aw4a,/L' AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND REGULATING THE GRANTING AND ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GARBAGE GRINDERS: SETTING FEES AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR . THE.VIOLATIONISEREOF. Sec. 1. For the purpose of this ordinance a "garbage grinder" is 'hereby defined --as any type of garbage disposal device which disposes of garbage by grinding, chopping, or cutting, and which empties the resultant product into the city sewage system. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to install any,garbage grinder in any dwelling, restaurant, or in any other building or structure in the City of Saint Paul without a first having obtained a permit from the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings. Sec. 3. All applicants fora permit to install a garbage grinder shall file an application therefor with the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings together ;V -1 -th=ug Yee-� "" — Such application shall state the name of the applicant, the address at which the garbage grinder is to be installed, and the make, type, model number, and size of the grinder to be installed. N� Seo. 4. Upon compliance with Section 3 of thisi'� ordinance, the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings shall issue said permit. Sec: 5. It shall be unlawful for a garbage. grinder to be, removed and installed at an address other than that speol- fied in the permit, without first having obtained a new permit. Sec. 6. Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars or, by imprisonment for not to exceed thirty days. FROM THE SAINT PAUL BUILDING CODE AS OF OCTOBER 16 1947 ARTICLE III y Fees for Permits Sec. 3-1 (a) It shall bexthe duty of the Commissioner of Public Buildings when permits are issued to ascertain the cost of such permit in accordance with the provisions hereinafter called for. .(b) The following named fees are hereby established and required and shall be collected by the Commissioner of Public Buildings before the issuance by said Commissioner of any permits for which fees are required under the provisions of this Ordinance and the,Commissioner of Public Buildings, shall not issue any such permit for which the payment of a fee -is required under the pro- visions of this Ordinance until such fee shall have been paid to said Commissioner excepting, however, such permits as may be issued by him to the City of St. Paul, the County of Ramsey, the State of N[innesota, or to the United States Government, for which no fees shall be paid. Every person, persons, firm or corporation, at the time of applying to the Commissioner of Public Buildings for any permit for which a fee is required to be paid under the provisions of this Ordinance shall make a statement in writing upon blank and forms to ba furnished by the Commissioner of Public which shall contain information as to Build2�igs for that purpose, the location, nature, extent and total cost, including pi' bin , heating and electricity, of the proposed structure, work, n al- lation or other purpose, as well as other information, whic the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have the right to require under the charter and the building o dinane of the City. Upon such statement being filed as above ired and upon the payment to the Commissioner of Public Buildings by the applicant for said permit of the required fee, said Commissioner of Public Building`§ shall issue such permit. (c) Yew Buildings: For any new buildings except dwell- ings and apartments with not over eight apartments, fees shall be charged at the rate of 50� per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof, contained in the building, figured from the finished basement floor to the average roof height in peaked roofs or top of average height of parapet walls in the windows, cornices and other projections. in no case shall any permit be issued for less than $1.00. (d) Sheds and Shelters: For one-story sheds, private• garages built independent of dwellings, and open shelter sheds, a fee charge shall bg'made atthe rate of 25'¢ for every 1;000 -cubic feet or fractional part thereof. In no case shall the f6e that is charged be less than $1.00. (e) Alterations and Repairs: For alterations and repairs in or to any building.other than the reshingling or .recovering of any building a fee charge shall.be made .at the rate of 85¢ forevery To 00oascertainfractional thepart costthereof suchproposed alterati-on or repair, therefor. -2 - From the Saint Paul Building Code as or uctobeE_,L�� Sec. 3-1 (e) (continued) it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, to determine the amount to be expended to the best of his knowledge, after carefully- estimating from the drawings, or other data sub- mitted by tine applicant. (f) Foundation, Footings, etc.: For foundations, foot- ings and basement walls, the same rate shall be charged as for new buildings, the cubic contents being figured from the top of such foundation or basement wall to a height of six (6) inches above the top of footings under foundation wall, and where no footing is required, to a height of six (6) inches from the bottom of said foundation wall. (g) Retaining Walls: For retaining walls, fees shall be charged at the rate of 15¢ for every 100 cubic feet or fractional part thereof, contained in said wall, including footing. (h) Re.shingling and Recovering: For reshingling or re- covering of any building or structure or part thereof, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of fifty cents (50¢) for every onethousand (1,000) square feet of area or fractional part thereof to be recovered or reshingled. (i) Building Moved: Where any building, structure, shed, shelter, or garage is moved or placed upon any lot or lots, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of 20� per 1,000 cubic feet. Any parts or part, or addition thereto, including foundations and basements thereunder, shall be figured the same as for neva buildings. -(j) Checking: For tearing down, or wrecking of any buildings, structure or part thereof, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of five cents (5/) per one t`zousand (1,000) Cubic feet, or fractional part thereof, contained in the said building' or structure, including the basement, but not figured below the basement floor, but in no case shall a charge of less than one dollar ($1.00) be made. (k) Fire Escapes: For the erection of fire escapes a fee charge shall be male at the rate of one dollar ($$1.00) for . every fifteen (15) feet in height or fractional part thereof, be- ing figured from a distance of seven (7) feet, from the grade at landing of fire escape. (1) Elevators: $15.00 for each passenger elevator; $10.00 for each power -driven fraight elevator; 5.o0 for each hand -power elevator; 610.00 for each elevator or lift installed 'in *a public sidewalk; $1.00.for each $500 to be spent for the ex- tension or alteration of any elevator, or fraction thereof. See Sec. 14-1 for t"anlifts. From the Saint Paul Buildin. Code; as � Oc o er 1 47 Seca 3-1 (m) Escalators For the installation. of csc a 1 a tors, the fee charge shall be made.at the rate of X15.00 f o r each esca- lator unit, (n) In calculating, the fees for permits for the installa- tion of oower dumb -waiters, these installations shall beconsidered in the same manner as common elevator installations, fees for which are covered herein. The fee for permits covering the instal- lation of hand dumb -waiters shall be One Dollar ($1.00) . (o) Whenever the electric motor or other electrical de - Vices used in connection with the installation of an electrically driven elevator, are so arranged as to form a component hart of the elevator machinery, the fee herein required to be paid for the ?ermit for the installation of the elevator shall r4l so cover the required electrical devices. Provided, however, that where belt -driven electric elevators are installed the electric motor shall not be considered a component part of'the elevator machinery, and the fee for the electric permit for installing said motor shall be as provided in Section 3-4 of this Ordinance. (p) For neva dwelling houses and apartment ac uses with not over,eight (S) apartments or suites of rooms, fees shall be charged at the rate of 35 cents per thousand cubic feetor frac,,tional part thereof contained in the building, figured the same as for new buildings. Said fee of 35 cents per thousand cubic feet shall cover general construction. PlumbinF,: Fee's For Sec. 3-2 (a) A fee charge of, one dollar ($1.00) shall be made for each plumbing fixture permit, and an additional charge as herein- after called for. (b) A foe charge of 50� shall be made for a plumbing per- mit for the installation of each and every plumbing f l xture or device 'arranged to be connected with the sewer or plimbing_system, s and required by ordinance,to be trapped: (c) A fee charge of $2.00 shall be made for the installa- tion of a ewer fr m1�t�herrope/rty l,ii e�'tto� �t�4c jbui i� /4/A tp t�ti9 iii# 7 " . �, � /.�" a (" I/ �. Gas Fittings Fees ForI e4 Sec. 3-3 (a) A fee of one dollar shall be made for each five hundred dollars or fractional part of the installation cost, for a p,,rmit to install the necessary gas piping, to furnish gas for heat, light, or power to a building, with an additional charge as hereinafter called for in paragraphs (b) and (c), when applianc e s are installed ` on the piping permit. -4 - .From the Saint Paul'Building Code as of October 16, 1 47 Seca 3-3 (b) For each new space heater, water heater, or gas open- ing, a charge of 75 cents shall be made. (c)• For each domestic gas appliance installation, a fee charge of 75 cents shall be made. (e) Where any permit is issued for both 'j7as piping and plumbing, the application for such gas piping shall be made out on the plumbing application, and the fee paid at the time the fee is paid for the plumbing. (f) For any alteration, repair, or extension to any exist- ing gas piping system for which a,permit is required and where the work is of such nature that the fees for permits cannot be deter- mined from the above schedule, the fees to be paid�for such permits .. shall be determined at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) for each five hundred dollars or fractional part of the cost of such altera- tions, repairs, or installation. (ff) For installing new and repairing and altering gas burners and/or gas burning equipment, a fee of $2.00 shall be charged. Plumbing and Gas Fitting Alterations; Fees For (g) Foranyalteration, repair, or extension to any exist- ing plumbing systems for which a permit is required and the work of which is of such nature, that the fees for permits cannot be determined, as above specified, the fees to be paid for such permits shall be determined at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred dollars ($500) or fractional part of cost of such alteration, repair, or installation. Electrical Mork: Fees For Sec. 3-4 (a) For, the installation of electric wiring, in any build- ing or structure for which permits are required under this code, a fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be paid for tine permit covering the first twenty-five (25) outlets or fractional part thereof. For each additional twenty-five (25) outlets or £ ractdonal part thereof a fee of seventy-five (75) cents shall be paid. (b) For the purpose of this Code, the word "outlet" shall be interpreted as meaning a lig'rnt receotacle opening, light fix- ture opening, a range opening, a -switch opening including a switch, a convenience opening including a receptacle, a motor opening, or a meter cabinet opening. A.g.roup of lights for win- dow illumination rigidly attached to one another, and made up and installed in one unit, with such unit insulated from all grounded metal work in -a manner provided by this Code, shall be considered, as one outlet only. -5- Fron the Saint Paul Building Code a5 o c o er , Sea. 3-4 (c) For each permit covering the installation of electric` light fixtures or lamp..receptacles for ussee or forthehfiretotwenty - the minimum fee shall be one dollar ($�l five (25) fixtures or dive (25) or for additional twenty-five (25) 95 shall tion thereof an additional fee -of seventy; -five Cents ( �) be paid, (d) For -.permits covering the installation ofe lectric motors of less than two hundred (200) horsepower power circuits, a fee charge shall be made �ertolrnfraction thereof to 5¢) per motor, pluents (10V) per s ten chorsepower for the total rated capacity; provided, however, that the total fee for any such permit shall not be less than fifty cents ¢) 10.00 and provided ,urther, that a flat rate of ten dollars ($10-00) shall be paid for _permits covering each motor of two hundred (200) horsepower or over. (o) For permits covering the installation of dynamsofe,eor `enerators of less than two hundred (200) per enerator plus charge shall be gerekilowatttwenty-five fractioncents therofipforgthe total ten cents (10¢)_ . rated capacity; provided however, that andthe alsototal thatpermit all egenerators not be loss than fifty cents (50¢), of two hundred (200) kilowatts or lar er, thepE�rm�norator.�all be based on a flat rate of ten dollars (910.00) g (f) For permits covering the installation of trans rmers, exclusive of bell ringing transformers or those used in kilovolt-amperen(K.V.) with signs, of less than two hundred (200) capacity per,trans£ormershalor babe madenk of rforf�achrtransformer or bank twenty-five cents (25¢) per K.V.A. or fraction there- of transformers, plus ten cents (10V) ped however, that the total of for the total rated capacity; p provided Hermit fee shall not be less than fifty cents (50V); and further that for all transformers of two aundred (20 ) Kt rate on of capacity or more, the permit fee m all bbane 10 d tray former ten dollars ($p10.00) o -(g) For permits covering the instalnor l�evif heating devices, the fee shall be fifty cents (50¢) lus cents (10¢) per kilowatt capacity or fraction thereof; provided, however, that the 'total fee colering the permit for any -one device shall not exceed five dollars ($5.00). . (k) For wiring installations inPrateegofagost ✓shall barns and open shelters, an electrical permit be charged for the complete wiring installation, which, fee shall cover light wiring and installation of drop cords and lamp recep- tacles only. (1) For permits covering the installation of electric wiring in connection with oil burning devices, electric rofri,era- tors, heat regulators, and stokers, a fee of one dollar 01.00) shall be charged for each such installation. -6- i From the Saint Paul Building Code Sec. 3-4 (m), Fees for permits covering the installation of out= line lighting used on the outside ofbuildings orstructurestor oor a marquee ; stage border, sp g group, stage temporary lighting when permitted shall be based on Section 3-4 (a). (n) For permits covering the wiring installation on illuminated signy, the fee, shall be erekiy er vatt capacity -five cents 5oor frac- sign, plus twenty-five cents (25y) p tion thereof; provided that the total ele ica1ermit fee for any one sign shall not exceed,five dollars ($5.00)- (o) For permits covering' the installation ofstoragshalbe charged battery chargers, a flat fee of one dollar 01.00) for each such charger.' e (q) For permits covering the installation nof motiqsuchnmachine, -pic- ture machines, a fee of three dollars ($� ) e shall be charged. (r) For permits covering alterations to any electrical system or covering electrical work of an�ovidedwhich charlesoshall hbe, nature that no new outlet openings are provided. made which shall be based othe rate fractionone doilar 1.00thereof of the for cost. each one hundred dollars ($100) or (s) That for permits for outline decorative lighting or lighting using luminous tubes, the fee to be charged shall be 25¢ for the first 25 lineal feet or fractional part thereof, and 10¢ for each additional 25 lineal feet. (t) That for hermits for stereopticons, a fee of 75¢ shall be charged for each machine. Plastering work: Fees For sec.3-5 (a) For interior and exterior plasterin or stucco work, including all types of lathing, a fee charEe of 82.00 shall be made for each 1,000 square yards. or fractional part 'thereof, .and $1.00 for each additional 1000 square yards or fractional part thereof. (b) For refinishing interior or exterior plastering, a fee _of .jj2.00 shall be char, god for each 1,000 square yards or frac- tional part thereof. Si ns Billboards IJarquise snd Awnings; Fees For See. 3-7 (a) For any permit to erect a sign not exceeding five hun- dred ninety (590) square feet in area, upon ethe roof of a building or structure a fee charge of five dollars shall be made. For any -7 - From the Saint Paul Building Code. as of Octobers 16, 1947 Sec. 3-7 (a) (continued) . such roof sign exceeding five hundred -ninety (596) square feet in area, a fee,charg,e of six dollars ($6.00) shall be made. (b) For a sign projecting at an angle fxom the face of a building; or structure where such projection beyond the building or structure does.not exceed five feet a charge.of one dollar and a lialf ($1.50) shall be made for each twenty-five ('25) square feet or fractional part thereof. For any sign projecting more than five (5) feet a fee charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made for each twenty-five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof un to 00) for each two hundred (200) square effeo feet and one dolla�a�t thereof, more than twenty-five (25) square two hundred (200) square feet in area. The said fee charges for signs shall include both illuminated and non -illuminated signs. (c) Signs on marquise, canopies, or fixed awnings shall be considered same as independent signs, except in the case of painted letters on a panel or component part of the marquee, canopy or fixed awning. (d) Clotla signs may be placed flat on buildings or strut - tures or on canopies, etc., for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days without permit or fee charge. (e) For a billboard not exceeding six hundred (600) square feet in area a fee charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made. For each billboard exceeding six hundred (600) square feet in area, there shall be charged a fee of 50¢ for each additional 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck billboards shall be considered same as independent billboards. (f) For marquee or fixed awning construction projecting over any sidewalk, alley, or public property-, for each such marquee or fixed awning the area of which is not over one hundred (100) square feet,, a fee charge of teff dollars ($10:00) shall be made, and for each such marquee or fixed'awning, exceeding one hundred (100) square feet, an additional fee charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be, -rade for each additional one hundred (100) square feet or fractional part thereof. Warm Air Heating, Air Conditioning and ventilation Systems: Fees For Sec. 3-8 (a) For the installation of a gravity warm air heating system, a fee of $2.00 shall be charged. (b) For the alteration, repairs and replacements of warm air heating and ventilating systems, p, fee of $2.00 shall be charged. (c) For the installation of a mechanical warm air heating system, a fee of $4.00 shall be charged. From the Saint Paul_Bui_;dinng Code as o C ODei t� Sec. 3-8 (d) For the installation of a mechanical warm air heating system and duct work and equipment of an air-conditioning or ventilating system, a fee of $4.00 shall be charged.. (e) No permit shall - be required for work costing less than $50.00. Double Fees Sec. 3-9 Should any person, persons, firm or corporation, begin which work of any kind such as hereinbefore set forth, or required ba is re oarmit from the Commissioner of Public Buildings q 3 Ordinance without having secured the necessary xrmit therefor from the Commissioner of Public sBuildings, lior within in one dday aft erof work is commenced, oxcopt holidays or Sundays, he shall, when subsequently securing such -ormit, be required to nay double the fees hereinbefore -provided for such nermit, and shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this Ordinance. a FROM THE SAINT PAUL BUILDING CODE AS OF OCTOBER 16; 1947 ARTICLE III Fees for. Permits Sec. 3-1 (a) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Buildings when -permits are issued to ascertain the cost of such permit in accordance with the provisions hereinafter called for. (b) The following named fees are hereby established and required and shall be collected by the Commissioner of Public Buildings before the issuance by said Commissioner of any .permits for which fees are required under the provisions of this Ordinance and the Commissioner of Public Buildings, shall not issue any such permit for which the payment of a fee is required under" the pro- visions of this Ordinance until such fee shall have been paid to said Commissioner excepting, however, such permits as may be issued by him. to the City of St. Paul, the County of Ramsey, the State of Minnesota, or to the United States 0overnment, for which no fees shall be paid. Every person, persons, firm or corporation, at the time of applying to the commissioner of Public Buildings for any permit for which a fee is required to be paid .under the provisions of this Ordinance shall make a statement in writing upon blank and forms to be furnished by the Commissioner of Public' Buildings for that purpose, which shall contain information as to the location, nature, extent and total cost; including plumbing, heating and electpicity, of the proposed structure, work, instal- lation or other purpose, as well as other information, which the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have the right to require under the charter and the building ordinances of the City. Upon such statement being filed as- above -required and upon the payment to the Commissioner of Public Buildings by the applicant for said permit of the required fee, said Commissioner of Public Buildings shall issue such permit. (c) New Buildings: For any new buildings except dwell- ings and apartments with not over eight apartments, fees shall be charged at the rate of 5Ov per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof, contained in the building, figured from the finished basement floor to the average roof height in peaked roofs or top of average height of parapet Walls in the windows, cornices and other projections. In no case shall any permit be issued for less than $1.00. (d) Sheds and Shelters: For one-story sheds, private garages built independent of dwellings,and open shelter sheds, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of 25V for every 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof. In no case shall the fee that is charged be less than $1.00. (e) Alterations and Repairs: .For alterations and repairs in or to any building other than the reshingling or recovering of any building a fee charge shall be made at the rate of 85¢ for every $1,000 or fractional'part thereof proposed to be expended therefor. To ascertain the cost of such alteration or repair, -2 - From the.Saint Paul Building Code a -s -377c o er947 Sec. -3-1 (e) '(continued) E it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, to determine' the amount to be expended to the.best of his knowledge, after carefully estimating from the drawings, or other data.sub- mitted by the aoplicant. (f) Foundation, Footings,.etc.: For foundations, foot ings and basement wErlls, the same rate shall be charged as for new building.s, the cubic 'contents being figured from—the top of such foundation or basement wall to a height of six (6) inches above the too of footings under foundation wall, and where no footing is required, to a height of six (6) inches from the bottom of said foundation wall. (g) Retaining Wills: For retaining: walls, fees shall be charged at the rate of 15� for every 100 cubic feet or fractional part thereof, contained in said wall, including footing. (h) Reshing.ling and Recovering: For reshingling or re- covering; of„any building or structure or part thereof, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of fifty cents (50¢) for every onethousand (1,000) square feet of area or fractional part thereof to be recovered or reshingled. -(i) Building Moved: Where any building, structure, shed, shelter, or garage is moved or placed upon any lot or lots, a, fee charge shall be made at the rate of 20r per 1,000 cubic feet. Any darts or part, or addition -thereto, including foundations and basements thereunder, shall be figured the same as for new buildings. (j) !%,reeking: For tearing; down, or wrecking of any buildings, structureor part thereof, a fee charge shall be made at the rate of five cants (5/) ner one'thousand (1,000) cubic feet, or fractional part thereof, contained in the said building, or structure, including the basement, but not figured below the basement floor, but in no'case shall a charge of less than one dollar ($1.00,) be made. (k) Fire Escapes: For the erection of fire scapes a fee charge shall be male at the rate of one dollar (1.00) for every fifteen (15) feet in hei[ht'or fractional oart thereof, be- ing figured from a distance of seven (7) feet, from the grade at landing of fire escape. (1) Elevators: $15.00 for each pas 'Or elevator; $10.00 -for each power -driven freight elevator; 5.00 for each hand -!ower elevator; $10.00 for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk; $1.00 for each $500 to be spent for the ex- tension or alteration of any elevator or fraction thereof. See Sec. 14-1 for Manlifts. From the Saint • Paul' �Duiltc 'Lnj- - j ,Io as of uctober Sec. 3-1 (m) Escalators: F`or the installation of escalators, the fee charge shall be made at the rate of X15.00 for each esca- lator unit. (n) In calculating, the fees for permits for the installa- tion of power dumb -waiters, these installations shall be considered in the same manner as common elevator installations, fees for which are covered herein. The fee for permits covering the instal- lation of hand dumb -waiters shall be One Dollar (;1.00). (o) Whenever the electric motor or other electrical de- vices used in connection with the installation of an electrically driven elevator, are so arranged as to form a component part of the elevator machinery, the fee herein required to be paid for the hermit for the installation of the elevator shall also cover the required electrical devices. Provided, howe,.4r, that where belt -driven electric elevators are installed the electric motor shall not be considered a component part of the elevator machinery, and the fee for the electric permit for installing said motor shall be as provided in Section 3-4 of this Ordinance. , (p) For now dwelling houses and apartment houses with not over eight (8) apartments or suites of rooms, fees shall be charged at the rate of 35 cents per thousand cubic foot or fractional part thereof contained in the building, fi,ured the same as for new buildings. Said fee of 35 cents per thousand cubic feet shall cover general construction. plumbing: Fees For Sec. 3-2 (a) A fee charge of one dollar ($1.00) shall be made for each plumbing fixture permit, and an additional charge as herein- after called for. (b) A fee charge of 50¢ shall be made for a plumbing per- mit for the installation of each and every plumbing fixture or device arranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system, and required by ordinance to be trapped. (c) A fee charge of $2.00 shall be made for the installa- tion of a sewer from the property line to the building. Gas Fitting: Fees For Sec. 3-3 (a) A fee of one dollar shall be made for each five hundred dollars or fractional part of the installation cost, for a p•:rmit to install the necessary gas piping to furnish gas for heat, light, or power to a building, with an additional charge as hereinafter called for in paragraphs (b) and (c), when appliances are installed on the piping; permit. From the Saint Paul Building Code as o cto er 16, 1947 sec. 3-3 (b) For each nelpr space heater, water heator, or gas open- ing, a charge of 75 cents shall be made. (c) For=each domestic gas appliance installation, a fee charge of 75 cents shall be made. r, (e)' Where any permit issued for both gas piping and plumbing, the application fo9l,such gas piping shall be made out on the plumbing application, and the fee paid at the time the fee is paid for the plumbing. (f) For any alteration, repair, or extensiod to any exist- ing gas piping system for which a permit is required and where the work is of such nature that the fees for permits cannot be deter- mined from the above schedule, the fees to be paid for such permits shall be determined at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) for each five hundred dollars or fractional part of the cost of such altera- tions, repairs, or installation. (ff) For installing new and repairing and altering gas burners and/or gas burning equipment, a fee of $2.00 shall be charged. Plumbing and Gas Fitting Alterations; Fees For (g) For any alteration, repair, or extension to any exist- ing plumbing systems for which a permit is required and, the work of which is of such nature., that the fees for -jermits cannot be determined, as above specified, the fees to be paid for such permits shall be determined at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred dollars ($500) or fractional part of cost of such alteration, repair, or installation. Electrical vJork; Fees For Sec. 3-4 (a) For the installation of electric wiring, in any build- ing or structure for which permits are required unr this code, a fee of one dollar (�1.00)•shall be paid for the per 't covering the first twenty-five (25) outlets or fractional pa hereof. For each additional twenty-five (25) outlets or fractional part thereof a fee of seventy-five (75) cents shall be paid. (b) For the purpose of this Code, the word "outlet" shall be interpreted as meaning a light receptacle opening, light fix= ture opening, a range opening, a switch opening including a switch, a convenience opening including a receptacle, a motor 'opening 'or a meter cabinet opening. A group of lights for win- dow illumination rigidly attached to one.another and made up and installed in one unit, with such unit insulated from all grounded. metal work in a manner provided by this Code, shall be considered as one outlet only. From the Saint Paul BuildingCode_ as of 037175er 1— Sec. 3-4 (c) For each permit covering the installation of electric light fixtures or lamp receptacles for use on a lighting outlet, the minimum fee shall be one dollar ($$1.00) for the first twenty- five (25)' fixtures or receptacles or fraction tllerec f , and for each additional twenty-five (25) fixtures or receptacles or frac- tion thereof an additional fee of seventy-fivd cents (75¢) shall be paid. . I: r (d) . For permits ca,,I.ig the installation o£ electric motors of lessod ,"tuap.two hured' (200) horsepower connected to power circuits„ a 'feechr`ge s all be made o£ tent -five cents (25V) per motor, plus ten cents (10� per horsepower, or, fraction thereof for the total rated capacity; provided, however, that the total fee for any such permit shall not be less than fifty cents (50¢) and provided further, that a flat rate of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be paid for permits covering each motor of two hundred (200) horsepower or over. (e) For permits covering the installation of dynamoes or ganerators of less than two hundred (200) kilovratts each, a fee chalrge shall be mads of twenty-five cents (259�) per generator plus ten cents (10V) per kilowatt or fraction thereof for the total rated capacit,,; provided however, that the total permit fee shall not be loss than fifty cents (50V), and also that for all generators of two hundred (200) kilowatts or larger, the permit fee shall be based on a flat rate of ten dollars (x$10.00) per gEnerator. (f) For permits covering the installation of transformers, exclusive of bell ringing transformers or those used in connection with signs, of less than two hundred (200) kilo=volt -ampere (K.V.A.) capacity per transformer or bank of transformer -s, a charge of twenty-five cents (25¢) shall be made for each transformer or bank of transformers, 'plus ten cents, (10V) per K.V.A. or fraction there- of for the total rated capacity; provided, however , that the total permit fee shall not be less than fifty cents (509�) ; and provided further that for all transformers of two hundred (200) K.V.A. capacity or more, the permit fee shall be based on a flat rate of ten dollars ($10.00) Per transformer or bank of transormers. (g) For'permits covering the iristallation of heating devices, the fee shall be fifty cents (-509�) per, device, plus ten cents (10�) per kilowatt capacity or- fraction thereof; provided, however, that the total fee covering the permit for any one device shall not exceed five dollars (,t5.00). (k) For wiring installations in orivate gars_es, sheds, barns and open shelters, 'an electrical permit P60 of 91.00 shall be cliarged for the -complete wiring installation, which fee shall cover light wiring and installation of drop cor•da and lamp recep- tacles only. (1) For, permits covering- the installation of electric wiring in connection with oil bQrning:, device, electric re.frilera- tors, hest regulators, and stokers, s fee of one dollar (41.00) shall be charged for each such installation. -6 - From the Saint Paul Buildin Code as of -October 16, 1J4 Sec. 3-4 (m) Fees for permits covering the installation of•out - line lighting used on the outside of buildings or structures or an` a marquee, stage border, spotlight group, -.stage proscenitim strip,or temporary lighting when permitted shall be based on Section 3-4 (a). (n) For permits covering the wiring installation on illuminated signs, the fee shall be twenty-five cents (25�) per sign, plus twenty-five cents (25¢) per kilowatt capacity or -frac- tion thereof; provided that the total electrical permit fee for any one sign shall not exceed five dollars ($5.00). (o) For permits covering the installation of storage battery chargers, a flat fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be charged for each such charger. (q) For permits covering the installation of motion -pic- ture machines, a fee of three dollars ($$3.00) for each such machine, shall be charged. (r) For permits covering alterations to any electrical system or covering electrical work of any kind which is of such a nature that no new outlet openings are provided, charges shall be made which shall be based on the rate of one dollar (9$1.00) for each one hundred dollars (100) or fraction thereof of the cost. (s). That for permits for outline decorative lighting or lighting using luminous tubes, the fee to be charged shall be 25� for the first 25 lineal feet or fractional part thereof, and 10/ for each additional 25 lineal feet. (t) That for hermits for stereopticons, a fee of 75¢ shallebe charged for each machine,. Plastering; Vlork: Fees For Sec. 3-5 (a) For interior and exterior plasterin or stucco work, including all types of lathing, a fee charge of x$2.00 shall be made for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof, and $1.00 for each additional 1000 square yards or fractional part thereof. (b) For refinishing interior or exterior plastering, a fee of {32.00 shall be charged for each 1,000 square yards or frac- tional part thereof. Signs Billboards, Marquise, and Awnings;' Fees For Sec. 3-7 (a)� For any permit to erect a sign not exceeding, five hun- dred ninety (590) square feet in area, upon the roof of a building or structure a fee charge of five dollars shall be made. For any -7- d From the Saint Paul Building Code as of October 16, 1947 Sec. 3-7 (a) (continued) such roof sign•exceeding.five hundred ninety (590) square feet in area, a fee charge of six dollars ($6.00) shall,be made. (b) For a sign projecting at an angle, from the face of a building or structure where such projection beyond the building or structure does not exceed five feet a charge of one dollar and a half ($1.50) shall be made for each twenty-five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof,. For any sign projecting more than five (5) feet a fee charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made for each twenty-five (25) square feet or fractional part, thereof up to two hundred (200) square feet and one dollar ($1.00)'lfor each twenty-five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof, more than two hundred (200) square feet in area.. The said fee charges for signs shall include both illuminated and non -illuminated signs. (c) Signs on marquise, canopies, or fixed awnings shall be considered same as independent signs, except in the case of painted letters on a panel or component part of the marquee, canopy or fixed awning. (d) Cloth signs maybe placed flat on buildings or struc- tures or on canopies, etc., for period not exceeding thirty (30) days -�jithout permit or fee charge. (e). For a billboard not exceeding six hundred (600) square feet in area a fee charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made. For each billboard exceeding six hundred (600) square feet in area, there.shall be charged a fee of 50¢ for each additional 100 square feet or -fractional part thereof. Double -deck billboards shall be considered same as independent billboards. (f) For marquee or fixed awning construction projecting over any sidewalk, alley, or public property, for each such marquee or fixed awning the area of which is not over one hundred (100) z square feet, a fee charge of ten dollars (610.00) sh4l?1..be made, and for each such marquee or fixed awning, exceeding, one hundred (100) square feet, an additional fee charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made for each additional one hundred (100) square feet or fractional part thereof. Warm Air Heating, Air Conditioning and . Ventilation Systems; Fees For Sec. 3-8 (a) For the installation of a gravity warm air heating system, a fee of $2.00 shall be charged. (b) For the alteration, repairs and replacements of warm air heating and ventilating systems, a fee of $2.00 shall be charged, (c) For the installation of a mechanical warm air heating system, a fee of $4.00 shall be charged. From the Saint Psul_ Buildin Code .as V.L Vc oder lo, �� Sec. 3-8 (d) For the installation of a mechanical warm air heating system and duct work and equipment of an air-conditioning- or J ventilating system, a fee. of $4.00 shall be charged. (e) No permit shall be required for -work costing leis than $50.00. Double Fees Sec. 3-9 Should any person, persons, firm or corporation, begin work of any kind such as hereinbefore -set forth, or for which a permit from the Commissionor of ,ublic Buildings is required by ordinance without having secured the necessary �crrnit therefor from the Commissioner of flublic Buildings, or within one day after work is commenced, except such time limit shall be exclusive of holidays or Sundays, he shall, when subsequently securing such normit, be required to nay double the fees hereinbefore provided for such permit, and shall be subject to 311 the penal provisions of this Ordinance. M A U o119.1-1 to City Clerk _ WUNCIL CITY OF ST, PAUL sae No ------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Cb MM ssioNER_--=—rte— i, �. ;._ ;{� DAA RESOLVED, that the use of the Arena and Exhibition Hall of the Auditorium be given to Saintpaulites, Inoorpor- ated, and the Builders Exohange from May let through May 7th, for their annual St. Paul Home Show, at a rental of $4500.00. COUXQILMEN vVeas Nays �tffl'�fiiS'—� Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President, President, Delaney 3M 0 48- ..a 0p- ` C. F. No. 147599 -By Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the use of the Arena and Exhibition Hall of the Auditorium be given to Saintpaulites, Incorporated, and the Builders Exchange from May 1st through May 7th, for their annual St. Paul Home Show, at a rental of $Ado�pted by the Councn April 5, 1949. j Approved April 5, 1949. ( (April 9, 1949) I r RPR 5 ,'tom° Adopted by the CounciL. ...... 194 Approved-....---_--------- --------------------- 194 .-... J In Favor yor �- zj:...Against i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS March 31, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Deas Sir, The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of the Arena and Exhibition Hall to Saintpaulites, Inc. and the Builders Exchange May lst through May 7th for their annual St. Paul Home Show, at a rental rate oriom500-00, M0geras recommended in the attached letter of E. A. yorni, Very truly yoursz City Clerk B `DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M.. TRUAX•'CorMl.n CARL E. SPEAKES. MUNICIPAL ,"nITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Ma o- "IN THE HEART OP THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Telephone cArS.M 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA , wrt.t. w Nlro.oar. The Convention Ensemble ARENA -44.000 Snuare deet Sestina 16.000 Ice Rink 100:221 EEHIRPPION HALL 61.000 St..- Peet Ever, Serrlee AUDITORIUM THEATRE. Senting 8.000 Complete Stage All New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stage Scats 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Seat. 660 2 HALLS Seating 160 it COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Comet 110-220 Velte Singld and 8 -ph -II D-0 Current 110.220 Vole Telephone-Telegr.ph P. A. Sntem I-doorDrnft Floes far Combmtlon. Machinery Hot and Cold Water Drai. Connxth"o' Ons. Steam Compressed Air March 25, 1949 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request from Saintpaulites, Incorporated and the Builders Exchange for the use of the Arena and Exhibition Hall May let through May 7th for their annual Saint Paul Home Show. Last year they paid us the sum of $5000.00 for nine days, and they wish to pay X4500.00 this year for seven days. Accordingly, with your approva19 recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use, May 1st through May 7th, 1949, at a rental rate of !�e4500.00. Thanking you, I an, Yours very truly, SAINPPA IT IUM • EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager I 1 ormtnat m tLtr cierk' . 14','( j CITY OF ST. PAUL 1W NO ------ ______.,.`_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GFNERAL ORM PRESENTED BY .r - COMMISSIONER__ DATE RESOLVED, that the -use of the Arena and Stem Hall In the Auditorium be given to the Minnesota Funeral Direct - ore Association for its convention on April 19th, 20th and aeo.o-2 21st; the Association to pay , and the balance of the coat of opening and operating to be set up in the budget In Auditorium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen s!"W Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 ,®. C.laneF. No. 147596—By Edwrd 11, De- lv Resoved, That the use of the Arena . and Stem Rall 1n the Auditorium be - rrectorsen to the Assoeiat un for�its convention era n April 19th: 20th and 21st; the As sociation to pay $1,600.06. and the b.1 - once 6f the cost of opening and oper- ating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council April S. 1949. Approved AApP 591 9. APP 5.1949 Adopted by the Council -------------•-.................. 194 ----• Approved................. ........................ 194 _.._ .......... Favor -.. - ayor -- ..Against C 0 P Y March 23, 1949 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: 7e have had a request from the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association for the use of the Arena and Stem Hall April 19th, 20th and 21st for their convention. This convention alternate@ between Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and I believe they are willing to increase their payment from $500.00 to $900.00, which is an increase of $400.00. The balance of the cost of opening and operating would be paid by the City of Saint Paul. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM EAF:RW Edward A. Furni, Manager C 0 P Y . 01141 ttoCityCJer> 1475% CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCILIla NO .......................• - OFFICE OF 'T� C. F. No. 147591—By Mlltom Rosea— _ delo eerent of In doer and ctiol harborhfa ll- OUNCIL RESOLUTI F y of the Navy Ielana, Idea In the y to It 1s necessary to move bullalaga, ac - PRESENTED BY -� 4uire pioperty, and perform varloua COMMISSIONER_ kental work with the above devel- ment of City forces•- — — `e It Therefore Resloved, That the ^r city oMala be rad nrr `�seby 4.pddb ataZI, fe ., WHEREAS, in connection with the development of river and harbor facilities in the vicinity of the Navy Island, it is necessary to move buildings, acquire property, and perform various incidental work with the above development of City forces, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and are hereby directed to submit to the Council an estimated cost of each individual portion of such development, together with proposed financing of same] and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to pay all of the costs from the P.I.R. Fund, said Fund to be reimbursed by appropriations covering the needed financing as authorized by the Council, and that the Commissioner -of Public Works upon authority granted him by the City Council and approved by the City Comptroller be and is hereby directed to proceed with the execution of the started river and harbor developments. �/' •^ APP. 5 2�J3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194...... Yeas Nays o4" n rtmson A pro ed .......... .......... ..............194 — /Parranto >-Peterson _�...In Favor _.R'osen Mayor —�� ..........Against �Mr. President. Delaney - 3.1fas OriCty4 to City Ciuk -• _ "uuca -- --��(-- CITY OF ST. PAUL vita NO._--_-_---•------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL >RESOLUTION—GENERAL FcRm PRESENTED BY Fred M Trtze.K/�1 17 = oA i'" ,. rAT�ril 5 1949 _ COMM ISSIONER It WHEiZW , The Commissioner of Edueation has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it^ RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay -the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emplbyment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AIMUNT Dr George Snyder Director of School 30 days $75 00 month $75 00 Hygiene C. F. No. 197592—By ii -b-, F. Peter- . - son—ny request— ' Resolved. That the propel city of- ficers are hereby author= to pay certain empploye 1n the Department of Education for extra employment. as set out on the list attached to this reso- lotion. ..Adopted by the Council April 5, 1949. I Approved April 5, 1949. (Aprll 9, 1949) APR 5 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ColmciL-------------------------------- Yeas Nays y �i 5 lssl*�' an Mortinson ^ / Approved -------- •----.... Parranto ....--- .....-ayur•._... In Favor - Peterson - R.osen _ s� -:----Against Mr. President, Delaney ant 048 -4&0@ - 147,592 FORM N0. 1 April 5 1949 Veterans Counseling Service Overtime - March 1 to March 31 Inc An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of c4rtain employes of that department for more than eight hours per dayv In doing the following work; Medical service rendered to Veterans Guidance Canter This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; No other Doctor's service available on short notice This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter,. FRED M.TRUAX 949 orign.i n, City clerx counia 1 47593 _ CITY OF.. ST. PAUL Figs NO ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM; PRESENTED BY f, I Fred M COMMISSIONER�{ —v--- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment Of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Michael Tschida Utilityman Plygrds 30 hours $1.54 hr $36 20 C. F. Nq. 147593—Ry Robert F. Peter - .=y request— th Resolved, e proper city of- ficers certain aemploye emb thfehDrlezpartmentt ed to of Education for extra employment as set out on -the list attached to this reso- lotion. Adopted by the Council April 5, 1949. Approved Aprll 5, 1999. (Aprn 9, 1949) AVK 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ColmciL ................................194..._ Yeas Nays 5 an Mortinson Approved------_----_--•-•-° ------------194_— . � Parranto _ In Favor - •-- - ----- Peterson .._.:. Mayor Rosen .. x- -_Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 win® rA FORM "NO. 1 April 5 194 9 Miscellaneous Overtime - March 1 to March 31 Inc An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per dayy in doing the following work: Extra work necessary to police sc�ioo��. nrog@4 This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Damaging of schoo vandaliam. -- This report'is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FRED M.TRUAX 1949 -- DEPUTY. oe1 to, City Cleric 6C. F. No. 147594—By Robert F. Peter- 4 W594 . CITY OF ST. PAUL waum- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL f3F.50LUTiON—GENERAL FORM .1 -,'PRESENTED BY I Fred M Truax ( / DA H rl1 5 1949 COMMISSIONER i WBEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper oity-offioers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: - NAME TITLE TINE RATE AMOUNT George Sarschnia Utilityman Plygrds 8 hrs $1 54 hr $12 32 _ 6C. F. No. 147594—By Robert F. Peter- . son—By request— Resolved, That the proper city of - . are hereby authorized to pay certain employe 1n the Department of Education for extra employment as set out on the list attadhed to this reso- lution. Adopted by the Council April S. 1949. Approved April 5, 1949. (April 9, 1946 APR 5 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194.-._ Yeas Nays i--imQiaa Mortinson Approved ........................... -------------- 194_, Parranto Peterson " In Favor -----•• ........ --- Rosen syor `'l araxx -/--------Against Mr. President, Delaney e 3M 048 ® , 1475y4 FORM NO. 1 April 5 194 9 School Maintenance Overtime - March 1 to March 31 Inc An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering -necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Extra work necessary to repair leaky boils„ .This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Old boiler at McClellan School - developed leak This report is.in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FRED M.TRUAX 49 P TY. y Unpin., to city Cl.rk - COUNCIL 147595 CITY OF ST. PAUL, NO.--.....---- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I�1COUNrj4 RESOLUTIONL F RM PRESENTEIONECoMMlSSR..—Fres Ml...� "•� _——_- WHEREAS. the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with '•ection 57 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the em6•loyment of certain employes of .'FIs deftarttn for_More than their usual .hours of crnplay- .ment; 1herefor, be it RESOLVED, that the broiler city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the follou.ing named employes, at the rate othegA se fixed for extra employment for extra time, hereinafter set forth, NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL William A. Barrett Jan.-Engineer 8 hrs. 1.90 a 15.20 Ives W. Davies Jan.-Engineer 13 " 1.90 24.70 William Green Jan.-Engineer 8 " 1.90• 15.20 Willard M. Larson Stat. Engineer 7j " 1.68 13.02 Rudolph J. Polanka Jan.-Engineer 24 " 1.90 45.60 Leslie G. Rutherford Janitor 6 " 1.90 11.40 Walter 0. Schilling Jan.-Engineer 6 " 1.90 11.40 August T. Schwartz Jan.-Engineer 7 " 1.90 13.30 John H. Spriggs Janitor 1 hr. 1.90 1.90 Total 151.72 (Overtime for month of March) C. F. No. 147595—By Robert F. Peter- ,. • n-By request— . Resolved. That the proper city of- �. acers ere hereby authdrired to pay tcv� certain employes 1n the Department of WK 5 `6 ' Education, Bureau of Public Libraries., COUNCILMEN list sane employment ed to m e resin tont on the lopted by the Council..-._------------------------_.194..._. Adopted by the Council April 5, 1949. Yeas Nays Approved AprR 5.1949. (April 9, 1949) c� lIIf Bim` Approv d--------......----------------------•--194:.--- Mortinson Parrapto..............✓ In Favor - - ...... ayor Peterson O oaen .............. Against Mr. President, 3M 747 Delaney Form No. I April h. Ighg An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment_ of certain employes of. that ,department for more than. eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keen Arlineton Hills Haml e;MM-rr�ark, Riverview and -St. Anthony Park Branch Libraries open and to clean btildings, Also, to relieve at Main Library on account of sta i ngry engineer's d to clean and wax +'loors at Main r.;tr_ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Tt was naePssary to kaen RrnnL-h Tibrary Buildings Open on aroonn+ of sped l ar•+;vi+i ey to r•ali p3PS__ during absence of s.a ionary en_o;neer and to clean and wax floors at Main Library. This report -is in accordance with Section 53 of' the Charter. FRED M.TRUAX PJ-hb Librarian 1949 EPtJTy. 4(48=100 . orlom it to city Clerk CITY OF ST.. PAUL s¢iwca. NO,________ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM WHEREAS; Harold B. Viall has made Application B 15149 for Off Sale,Malt Beverage License at 962 North Dale Stteet, and WHEREAS; This application was made in error, as Application B 14662.was made Py Harold B. Viall for the same license and said license granted to Harold B. Viall at 962 North Dale Street on March 30, 1949, under Council File No. 147512 (in part), therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorizeO to refund to Harold B. Viall the fee of $5. and to cancel said ap^licstion for license. CANCELLATION (2nd Appl, made in error) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ori1VI tineon ---rl.rranto -eterson 4/sen President, Delaney 3M 9-08 ., ® C. F. No- 147596=By Robert F. Peter- . son—W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Harold B. Viall has made Application B15148 for, Off ,Sale, Malt Street a License at 982 North i5al'ei '- Whereas. This application was made in error, as Ayplication B 14662 Was made by Harold 8. Vlall for the same license nd said license granted to Harold B. Viall t 962 North Dale Street on March 30, 1949, under Conn il File No. 147512 (in part), therefore,: be it + Resolved, That the proper city of- I ficers be and they are hereby author ized. to refund to Harold B- Vian .the fee of $5 and to cancel sold appllca- tion for licenac. € Adopted by the Council April 5, 19. 5 App49 roved April 5, 1949. (April 9. 3949) RP6t 5 �'3a8�J Adopted by the Council--------- ........................ 194____ Approved----------------------- ................ 194-_- -In Favor- -a;or '_... '�-)--,Against odm..l to city Ciak LICENSE COM4ITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL r�itsc"c° NO.---__-'-'--' _ OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY (MGf``--JCt•-7�/i7✓Y2'`�N DATE aril 5. 1949 COMMISSIONER WHMASS Lester L. Harwell desires to withdraw Application B 15173 for Butcher License at 99 North Dale Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore,be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund. to Lester L. Harwell the fee of $25. and to cancel said application for license, 1 C. F. M. 147597—By Boberk F. Peter- eon—W. A. Parranto— to wtthdraI Application Be1617je for Butcher License at 99 North Dale. :Street and requests the return of the 'license fee deposited thereon, there- . for, be it Res 1 at ecerslbeeandTthe'the y are herebycauthor- feOf- e of refund to Lester L. Barwell the tion for $25 nd to cancel sold' applies- _ Adopted by the Council April 5, 1949. Approved Apra 5, 1949, (April 9, 1949) WITHDRAWAL APR 5 WS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL--------------------------------- 194 ------ Yeas' Nays A ved... � ortinson / PP ........ ............. 194._.. 6 ��rranto Peterson Y .-In Favor ........ .. .......... ... ayor -- - — Rosen \) rggx--- • ! -._ gainst �President, Delaney ant OA8 Oaim rll to City Clerk - 1 -" S 598 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F^ COUNca- NO ------ ____-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK EETBCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p PRSNEDY �( /� pATG MQ ph 2CJ.19'+9 GOM MISSIONE - Resolved, "hat the Council hereby appro-ves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental' to the alterL,tion of plumbing at tha McKinley Sc',00l, 485 CL•rrol l Ave., St. Pa.l, to A. -fir, « SOTII IT TC., in accordance with plan and specifications hereto attac7.ed anc the Formal <,id No. 1939 of said A. V. Winterer & Son, Inc. for the contract price of 9;1857.00, such bid being the lowest bid received, and the said A. V. Winterer bein the lowest reliable � nd r. eas•ona' le bidder and the Corporation Counsel be E:nd hereby is directed to cdraw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on he`,,If of the City of �; C. F. NQQ. 147599—By Robert F. Peter - St. Paul. ._-. ;T1939 son—By request St. That the Councilhereby approves the award of the Contract jj Committee therefor, and hereby awards .; the contract, for furnishing all labor, , • materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the alter - tion of plumbing at the McKinley -School,-485 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, to A. V. WINTERER &c SON, INC., in ac- cordance with plan and speciaeations hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1939 of said A. V. Winterer &c Son, Inc. for the contract price of 81,857.09, . such bid beingsathe lowest bid re- ceived, -a d the id A. V. Winterer &c Son, Inc. being the lowest reliable and • reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel a and hereby is directed to draw up.the. proper form of contract APR 5 X194-3 thert+lor. and the proper City officisla COUNCILMEN hereby are authorized to execute said y the Council- --------------------------------- 94--_- contract on behalf of the City of St. f Paul., F.8. No, 1939. Adopted by the Council 5. 1949. Yeas Nays Approved April 5. 1949. (April 9, 1949)- Mortinson Approv d----------------------------------------- Parranto Peterson .n Favor --- Rosen - Rosen --Against Mr. President, Delaney eM 048 ® . IJ • Original to Clty Berk C. F. No. 147580--8yy John S. Flndlan= Severin A.: Mortinson—W. A. Par- Fes/ 47599 99 ' "'✓ C rento—Robert F. Peterson-MRton Rosen—Fred M. Truax—Mayor-Ed- _ i CJq OU -ca No.____..__..___ ---- OFFICEWhereas ward 1CDelaney— Thr 1#onorable-Patrick D. •.� Ciearner, RepreaentatWe 1n the State IRgIffietnre 4om. the 99th District in / COUNCIL Fi Saint Patd died tin March 33, 194/8� end l 1 �T ` / PRESENTED BYI ! - I'S• -f t/JL.�'..� / I � / I.Ut; 3J r -' • <-_ COMMISSIONER.�It DATE' WHEREAS, the Honorable Patrick D. Creamer,.Representative in the State Legislature from the 39th District in Saint Paul, died on March 31, 1949; and WHEREAS, Mr. Creamer has served in the Minnesota House of Representatives for three successive terms, during his tenure r accomplishing many fine and able measures to the betterment of Saint Paul and all its citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by this resolution, do pay homage to the memory of Patrick D. Creamer, publicly acknowledging hereby the faithful service he Bo long rendered to this municipality in the Minnesota House of Representatives; be it also RESOLVED, that we do hereby extend to the members of the family of the deceased our deepest sympathy in this tragic hour, commending them to the consolation- and case of a merciful God; be it also RESOLVED, that in token of our deep sympathy, this resolu- tion be spread on the minutes of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and that a copy thereof be sent to the bereaved family of the deceased. ' 5 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- -------------------------........ 194 ..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ................................. ._... -_.194_._,. Parranto Peterson - .__.In Favor Rosen Mayor -TMRT- "-- �Agalnst n Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 k Patrick Creamer, Legislator, Dies Patrick D. Creamer, 56, St. Paul. representative in the state Legislature from the 39th dis- t r i c t, died Thursday eve- ning in Veter ans' h o s p ital followinga long illness re- sulting e sultin¢ from a A native of it. Paul, he was , ,eelected 1 ,ear for his hind successive Rep. Creamer erm. He had been hospitalized' since the middle,of February. Rep. Creamer attended St. dichael's school, the College of it. Thomas and 'Notre - Dame .iversity and studied law two tears. His regular occupation Has :that of trainman with the 3reat Northern railway. He also operated a real estate business here for two years prior to his death. He was a member of the Riv- !rview Commercial club, the Veterans -of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Broth- erhood of Railway Trainmen. He was a veteran of World War I. Survivors include his wife, Edna; four sons, Robert, Wil- liam, Roman and Patrick; three daughters, Kathleen, Patricia and Mrs. F. J. Landyof Chica- go, and one brother, Joseph, of St. Paul. The family lives at 588 Smith ave. S. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS n �Y April 1, 1949 Pa Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draza a resolution of condolence in the death of Patrick Creamer, member of the State legislature. Very truly yours, City Clerk .ttoCt�a�k 1-47600 counca' NO.__ ---_-- CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—/GENERAL- FORM PRESENTED BY� - / /1� ,Gr✓T' DA March 28 19L+9 COMMISSIONER_( vN✓/ /1 /-'---y-�-- Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby a„.cards the contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to t`,e alteration and addit-on to the plumbing at the Scheffer School„ 61' Yar'ion St., St. Paul, to the C1IIiiLES =,IS PLLTL''I1TG CO, in accordance with plan am speci- fications hereto attached and the Formal '_id 110. 191+0 of said Charles Harris Plumbing Co. for the contract price of X1354.00, such bid bein« the lowest bid received, and the said Charles Harris Plumbing Co. being the lowest relial,le and r,�:,sonable bidder, and the Corpor-tion Counsel be +n_d hereby is directed to draw up the :goner form of contract theref.ar, and tr,e proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contr,ct on behal” of the, 4ity Of SL. P�'.' 1. . . 7#1940' C. F. No. 147680 --By Robert F. Peter- son—ny regUes� Resolved, That the en hereby approves the a aM of the Contrast Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor. materials and serWces necessary for reasonably tion, to t to the alter - and addition, to the plumbing I;a(feT Sri.�i� ,C'- a=cion St, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fmk Mortinson Parranto I/ Peterson 1 --------In Favor Rosen ttaa .............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 8-18 .® APR 51 Adopted by the Council- -..---------- --------------- Approved-------------------------------------- ---194_... ---------------- �.._-.. - -•--- ---- --- -- -- ayor PUBLISHED//J� I/� 0.10pal to My CA.1, � 14760 �.. CITY OF ST. PAUL wu cn_ NO ---- --_____�.._�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` - COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FO,Rm PRESENTED ERryd�,-�]/ r-/7- 'j'1.0 DAA Marsh 2fi l 9 COMM 15$1 ONER `,--YC'==f-- Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award o- the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards t'e contract for furnishing 'all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably in- cidental to the alterations and aC.ditions to the nlil.mbin" at the Gilbert Guttersen Scrooll 2220 Como Ave., St. Paul, to A. V. '.iIT'il lih & Sop, I";C. in accordance with plans Linc specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bid 'To, 191+1 of said A. V. Winterer & Son, Inc, for the contract price of ;3476.00, such bid being the lowest bid re ceived, and the said A. V: irlinterer 6: Son, Inc, bein- th.e lowest reliable and reasbnable bidder and..tli.e Corporation Counsel be and hereby is 'directed to draw up the 1�rop-r form of contract therefor7 and the prover City officials hereby are aut'oriued to execute said contract' on behalf o:' t' -e City of St. Pal. r'. ,. r#1041u C. F. No. 147801—By Robert F. Peter- 'eon—BY request— Resolved, That the Council hereby - - a --, a approves the award of the Contract - Committee therefor, and hereby awards - o the materials and ract foservl es hnecessary all labor - - ' and reasonably Incidental to the alter- atfons d additions to the plumbing -� the Gilbert Guttersen School, 2220 Ave.. St. Paul. to A. V. VIM. &'SON, INP. In accordance !'ad and _ ane hereto 1 -�• P• '- l`i - ' til` APR 5 lar@ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL......................:..........194____ Yeas Nays AP t< 5 �___„• Mortinson Approved .................. ........................ 194 . Parranto r1n Peterson Favor --•--•.. �&a ior ` Rosen TIvaL� .. ---_-_Against Mr. President, Delaney `� 3M D48 m-4�® 1'L)ISl-1Ji LL.11 1.476112 ipl Ornal to City Clark • - - WU CITY OF ST. PAULNetl - LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���%� j April 5, 1949 PREES$EENTED BY ! 1 A - ��i-. DATG 'COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: Barber License No. 5180 expiring January 9, 1950, issued to W. V.. and T. J. Howard at 979 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to W. V. and T. J. Howard at 996 Selby Avenue. : C. F. No. 147602—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved• Barber License No. 5160 ^ expiring January 9. 1950, issued to W. V. and T. J. Howard at 979 Selby Ave. nue be and the same is hereby trans- ferred to W. V. and T. J. Howard at 996 Selby Avenue. Adopted by the Council April 5, 1949. Approved April 5, 1949. (Apr 9, 1949) TRANSFER (Location) Informally approved by Council March 22, 1949• (APR 5 7S49 COUNCILMEN Adopted by'the Council- .......... ....................... 194_-__ Yeas Nays ��ortinson � Approved .......................................... 194__.. /Parranto /Peterson In Favor - --------------_...__... ------_._._ Mayor /foseII .__Against �vIr. President, Delaney 3M 9.46 �® Oripin•I to City Clerk1476 " TTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COMMIFos " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R_ES(/O/LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE COMM SSEtON RESOLVED! That licenses applied for by -the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the s&me are hereby granted. Marie 0. Miller 1919 University 12nd Ed Auto Dlr Apo. 13792 New OldLoc Eldon E. Coates 605 Como Auto Rep Gar ^ 11+680 ^ New" Shelvin Kieffer 612 University ' 2nd Ed Auto Dir ° 114977 ^ Old" Gen Corporation 65-67 W. 7th Pkg Lot 50 cars " 15118 ^ It ^ American Farmers Mutual 1923 University Restaurant a 15136 ^ New" Highway Safety Appliance Inc. 1381 Marshall Foodstuff VMLoc ^ 151149 If IT ^ Norman Brohaugh 1331 University Auto Rep Gar ^ 15156 ^ Old" 11 if Foodstuff (OrigOont)^ 15157 H. C. Nelson Bldg. Mrg. Empire Nat'l Bank Bldg. 360 Robert Foodstuff VMLoc 0 15186 ^ New^, a Raymond & Robert Awe 821 Lovell Rte -#12 M. A. D. Oper ^ 15309 x s n M. A. Device (2) s 15310 n Elmer Klammer 209 N. Western M. A. Device (1) ^ 15365 ^ C. F. No. 197603-131 Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That licenses pplied for t. the persons named on the..list at- ed to this resolution be" and the same are hereby granted• and the Clty Clerk is instmcted to issue such II censes upon the payment into the City tresaury, of the required fees. Adapted by the Council Aprll 5. 1999. Approved April 5, 1999. (Aprll 9. 1999) APR 5 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194 ---- •Yeas Nays Martinson APprov - .............. =.................. 194.-..- Parranto / Peterson In Favor - -- -•----•----- syor �• Rosen/� Truax ----1..-..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 . p.@ ' LZF. No. 147604—Sy Robert R Peter- A. Parranto— 1-4760 i L - Orlpina! d City Clerk .. ResoSved, That neensea aDPiled Tor by u'a Per �i is lis at- va:" 7 a LICENSE COMMITTEE ., CITY OF ST. fCFFICE OF THE CITY >th rnesoi P'tg _e bereb l Y granted, and -the City C .ERS'- Issue such n- NO. .__---___�.._._..._ COON IL,RESOLUTION—GENIkRAL FORM +948 r .S E1 M ty 1949COMMIss10NE ATE_ Agri } RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Capital Cooperative,Assn. State Capitol Restaurant App. 11126 Renewal Jacob Bratty & Son 951 Payne Grocery n 12543 " it Off Sale Malt it 12544 " to " Cigarette " 12545 " Lucas Abbas & Joseph Stage 492 Rice Restaurant " 13107 " u " Cigarette " 13309 n Emil J. Lingle 1037 Payne Grocery " 13316 if n " Off Sale Malt if 13317 " Cigarette " 13315 Ir Otto J. Hawkinson 1111, Payne Foodstuff VMLoc if 13352 " it J. Donais 962 Burr Grocery if 13636 n It it Off Sale. Melt " 13637 " n Cigarette I3639.n F. W. Woolworth Co. 957 Payne Confectionery " 13757 " Thomas 5� Gibbons , 959 Galtier Restaurant " 13956 " " 11 On Sale Malt " 13957 " n " Off Sale Malt " 13959 " Cigarette " 13959 " Steve P. Harbek " 1146 Rice 11 Grocqry " 13993 " n n Butcher " 13994 u Off Sale Malt " 13995 " Klein Super Markets, Inc. 550 Rice Off Sale Malt n 14074 ". COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.....:::........................194._... Yeas Nays Martinson Approved.......................................... 194-_. PaN'anto Peterson..............In Favor ..............................................................•. .............. ...... .. Rosen Mayor . -Truax-- ............ Against Mr. President, Delaney ' 3M 9-48 - 1-4 e 61, 14 Original to City Clerk couNCm FW No.------•----'--- LICENSE ZOMMITTEE - CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 5 1S1t9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pA PAGE M. 2 Kleins Super Markets, Inc. 910 Rice Off Sale Malg Aop. 14097 Renewal G. E. Nelson 911 Payne, Grocery ° 14,90 '1 Wm. J. Zopfi & Albert Rediske Grocery s 1420011 n 1112 Rice Butcher n 111201 11 11 If Off Sale Malt II 42OZ 11 1 II n It cigarette " 14203 n, Steele Bros. 1105 Payne Butcher n 14464 n Leo Ruberto 259-61 University Restaurant 'n 14524 u 14525 u 11 Cigarette Arthur. &Gerald Kamp 171 W.. Central Grocery Sale Malt If 1457Off s 14572 s n II n Cigarette I1 145T3 e Nick Sgnillace 453 Rice Restaurant On Sale Malt 14600 14601 s n s n Off Sale. Malt ° 14602 If s II Cigarette ° 14603 n Wm. E. Jurney & Robert W. Boemisch 516 Tice Butcher 11 14612 Walter Lucci 425 University Grocery(Er. & Veg.) It 14626 s Art Johnson 27,9 E, Kellogg Gas Sta 2P If 14639 11 Arthur Bunday 602 Jackson Grocery ° 14657 n Sam Perna 696 Canada 11 Grocery Off Sale Malt 11 14677 s n 14679 s II It it Cigarette " 14679 n Ado ted by the CouneiL p ------------------------ ;. COUNCILMEN Yells Nays Approved------------- - 194 Mortinson Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor ----------------------------------------------------------...._. - ------ Mayor' Rosen ..Against Mr. President, Delaney SM 948 orlit"atormtyClwk LICENSE eOMMITTEE 147604 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI& OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Highland Recreation Inc. 2020 Ford Pky. n if B. F. Goodrich Co. 176 W. 6th E. G. Sanders 1051 Forest, of s William Menold 799 University n aI n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ^—F' Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Y1rw►* Mr. President, Delaney 37A 048 --------------In Favor .............-Against Confectionery' II 14965 R April -5. 1949 PRESENTED BYDnp COMMISSIONER_ Foodstuff VMLoe II 14979 If Gro eery If - Cigarette II 14991 Grocery It 14993 If PAGE NO. 149g4 II Cigarette II 14995 of Adopted by the CounciL_-------------------------------- Max Eifshitz 181—; E. 7th 2nd Hd Dlr Gen. App• 14733 Renewal Sam Chase 546 Robert Gas Ste, 2p n 14752 11 Ben Poboisk 883 University 2nd Hd Auto Pts Mr n 14801 n Walter A. %earns 194 W. Summit Restaurant II 14804 II n II On Sale Malt n 14805 II n u Oft Sale Malt n 14go6 of of n Cigarette II 14807 It Carl J. Rudeen 237 E. 7th Confectionery ° 14gl6 II R. P. Sundberg 991 Payne Confectionery n 14934 s n n Cigarette II 14935 II Xorman Zats 500 University 2nd Hd Auto Dlr It 14842 Meyer Lande 490 University II II 14969 II Ricard P. Wilson 734.6 University ° ° 14927 " Walter B. Setterholm 1059 E. Maryland Grocery II 1493; of n s Butcher n 14934 11 Highland Recreation Inc. 2020 Ford Pky. n if B. F. Goodrich Co. 176 W. 6th E. G. Sanders 1051 Forest, of s William Menold 799 University n aI n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ^—F' Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Y1rw►* Mr. President, Delaney 37A 048 --------------In Favor .............-Against Confectionery' II 14965 R Bowling Alley (16) II 14966 II Foodstuff VMLoe II 14979 If Gro eery If 14980 II Cigarette II 14991 Grocery It 14993 If Off Sale Malt It 149g4 II Cigarette II 14995 of Adopted by the CounciL_-------------------------------- 194 ..... Approved------------------------------------------ 194— .............. In ---------------------------------------194-_.- Mayor Orlplual tri C14' CWk - 14'7604 CITY OF ST. PAUL Frvca NO.___________.._�_ - LI CENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - April 'S. 1949 DATE PAGE NO. 4 Berger & Steffes.Inc. 494 Wabasha blot. Pic (533) App. 15027 Renewal 11 It Orig Cont n 15028 n Newman A. Nelson 377 Dewey Gas Sta 2P ° 15032 P R. 0. Hines 2387 University Pkg Lot 300 Cars s 150140 11 August L. Merle 837 Mississippi Gas Sta 2P s 15044 11 Montgomery Ward Co. 1400 University Confectionery 11 15045 n Otto Brauer 937 Magnolia Bakery n 15047 'n Donald F. Carpenter 1820 Selby Confectionery " 15050 n n u Off Sale Malt If 15051 s n s Cigarette n 15052 n Chas. P. Rabnsberg 418-24 N. Exchange Pkg Lot 25 cars " 15060 It Wm. A. Kohnke 973 E. 7th Confectionery n 15061 n " Cigarette " 15o62 s George A. Beller 6918e Snelling Auto Rep Gar n 15067 n Joseph J. Stoffels 1201 N. Snelling Restaurant n 15071 n n It Off Sale Malt " 15072 n. " Cigarette 11 15073 11 D. W. Wall 632 N. Snelling Grocery If 15077 Cigarette " 15078 n White Castle System.,Inc. 1085 University Restaurant n 15090 n itCigarette If 15091 n 695 Auditorium Restaurant If 15092 " Cigarette it 15093 If COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ............ _.......... __________194 _._. Yeas Nays Mortinson- Approved ------------------ ...................... 194._ Parranto Petersoh ............... In Favor ------------------------------- ---- Rosen Mayor m,...._ ........... —Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 7-48 .0 .® 147604 - 0,14I.9,, CGRY CI-kcouwca CITY OF � ST. PAUL •� NO """--"•"--`�•-- LICENSE"COWI`ITM OFFICEcOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - April 5, 1949 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DA -. PAGE No. 5 • Opie Leder 55 6 Cedar GroceryApp. Off Sale Malt 15103 Renewal If 15104 n n n Cigarette ° 15105 11 n Henry S. Jensen 1184 E. .7th Butcher n 15106 n Abe Weisberg & Donald W. Siegal 287 E. 6th Restaurant n 15107 n u n Cigarette n 15108 n Carl Sahmalzbaner 820 E. 7th Gas Sta 3P ° 15110 C. Beilfus & W. Schmidt 618 W. Minnehaha Gas ata 4P ° 15111 11 Melvin P. Sather 809 University 2nd Hd Auto Mr ° 15137 n Norman W. Hodge 542 Stryker Gas Ste 3P " 15145 n Harold B. Viall 962 N. Dale Grocery If 15146 11 15147 s n n Cigarette Frank Mancari n 455W;- 7th 11 Restaurant On Sale Malt n 15159 11 15160 n n If Off Sale Malt n 15161 It u n Cigarette n 15162 St. Paul Union Depot Co. 214 E. 4th Restaurant ° 15204 n 11 n On Sale Malt If 15205 n n n Off Sale Maltn 15206 n 11 If Confectionery If15207 n n Cigarette n �520g a John Liebgot 2g9 E. 14th - Junk Gatherern' 15215 u Adopted by the Council. --------"-----••---•---------19i ..-. COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays r-TM—Wan . Approved..................................... 194— - Mortinson Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor . .--------•---••.......................................... Mayor Rosen gwwc-.� .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 19sjW® ' �. 476f.14 Orlauu� l,rG er City Clk CITY OF ST. PAUL couxcLL No.--__-__-_- .n.a -..._--_— LICENSE COMIEITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE' AIs it 5. 1949 PAGE NOP 6 Henry W. Nyberg 427 Como Mtr Veh Dr. App. 15235 Renewal D. Eacheller Meyers 967 Manomin " ° 15236 Henry C..Hicks 266 Goodhue ° ° 15290 s Isaac Cohen 176 State Junk Gatherer 15305 " APR 5 1949 COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194...... Yeas Nays Fiadlatr- Mortinson Approved .............. ........................... 194 Parranto Peterson �In Favor ". - ^ ---. ---------- ---------- ------- --- Rosen ayor .. . Against Mr. Mr. President, Delaney PUBLISHED:/ 14'76"� Petition Council gi No _----_----- --- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME O r• No. 3476oa-- ' A64traet 'v and i Whereas. A written prupasal for the making of the following 1mProyement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. c; rbtng west side of Ganser Street 4,m Orange Av, ' vine L -an p.e` n :'.,y Theundersignedhereby proposes the making ofthefollowingpublicimprovem� $n �y of Saint Paul, vis.: ............... Curbing--crest--aide__of-_Galtier-.,$tre�t_folA-Ox@�1ge--AYeTltte--- to--Zvy--.Avenue..----------------- - ..................... ----- - -.................... .................... ------------------------ - ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----•---------- --------- -------•---- Dated this. 5 day of-------- -Apra-------------- ......-- - 84- 9. ---- -----••--- -------- •---------•-- '-"""""""-""`'"--`- ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, -Cubing-West---�dQ---°--£._Cca�tier-_Fee._from_.O�axige--Aven�xe._ta.-IvY--Ayanna.-------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------------ -------------------------•-----•----------------------------•---- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To stgte whether or not said. improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /'1( 5 1949 / Adopted by the Council- .............. -----------------------------------------•-------- --- YEAS NAYS is Councilman41*"Proee-- tNsire--. Approved - ---------------------------------------------------------- MORTINSON - PARRANTO PETERSO ayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 4-48. P1J131 ISHED _99 (Petition attached to Curb Order) 147606 - Council File No.....---•--------------_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. r. No. 147806- . AbO=et - `and Wheroae, A wrRten Dropoeal for tha meking of the follbwing tmprovembat, PRELIMINARY ORDER. .,root Nrw�Ylonolithic Coaerete 1; nY Galtier Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof the following publicimprovement by the Cii,y of i)&IIIt Pant, •.,,av:` .-_ Construct Nevr.-MonolitltiC.-.feA1�xT.ete..Side�[&lk_On._the..xeat..Rids..of..GALTIER.STREPiT----- -from Orange--Ayenue_to_Ig1!..Avenue............. I ......................... -•----_-------•---_--------- Dated this ------------------------day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ----C.anstru&t..Nea[. Mortoll chic---Concreta..SJ-denalk-..oa..the..37esx..side..of...GALTIER_STREET..- -- -------- from- Orang t _Avenue.. to..LQy.. Avenue....................... ........................... ......................- - -.......... .... ................... -------- ----_--------- having ------- --------------having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............------------------------------------------------------------------ _...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the Council— .................. - ............... .................... YEAS NAY$ Councilman-B%wrvss— 11.1fo—N 11 Approved.--.......................---------....----......---..................-- MORTINSON PARRANTO/n/ PET T$ E� P90N( .� . MR. PRE$IIIENT MOyor. 2501147 _ - - PUBLISFIE, D � ' Petition 1-47607 60 Council File No ....................... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147807— Ab,traet and Whereas; A written proyyooeal for the malCtnB of the followltlg impr'oVenl he PRELIMINARY ORDER. v'f; ubht9 north side f Cottage Aye_ - nt Brom east line of t. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the o" 5aintPa4t>5,: ............. Curbing_north_side-_of- Cottage -_Avenue -_from east -_line, of Lot---U,,--Block--3a_-_._-•,_----- -_ Steenberg's Parkview, to Avon Street, and south side of Cottage Avenue ------------ €rm--east --- 14-ne--of--Lot--9s, Blook •5y Steenbergls--Parkwriewj--to--wes-t--}ine- of-••---------------- Block 59 Steenbergts Parkview. - ----------------------------- ---------.............................................. --------------------- ... -- ---......--------- ...................------... Dated this.. 5th ---day of...------------- --------•..._ARril._........ - t- Z,91_419 -- .............. ...... --------- ---- ---------------------------- ---- ---------------------- ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. .......... Curbing north aide of Cottage- Avenus_from_east line _of Lot_1Ly,__-Block.-3x.....----_. _ Steenberg Parkviex, to Avon Street, and south side 'ofCottage Avenue from_east ..13 ne._nf_LoL..9.,._.&] or1c.-.5,--S-teenberg.!s--Parkuiew,---ta. zest -1 irae--eE------------------ Block 5, Steenberg's Parkview. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4., To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Mnance. APR 5 1849 Adopted by the Council-------------------------- -------- ---------....------... -- YEAS NAYS Councilman -Bari rmr8 A?K I.-, F'ttretst,t' Approved .................... ................................................---- iVlORTINBON PETERSON �.•��L-�'� .. MR PRESIDENT Mayor. IM 4-46 1� YUBLISIII:D9`4 Petition G-537 J47608 Council File No.-.--------•--------•--• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F`xo. 147608— pbstract and Whereas, a written proposal VamenL, �making Of.the fODOWing i,nPrO VIZ.: Grade and surface the Alley 1n Slack PRELIMINARY .ORDER. 1, Hazel Park Divis` n 0' IS s¢ Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Sap viz.: Grade_and-_surface.the__A11gy_-_in_Block_1�__Hazel Park Division No. 8, _--._-- ........... - --- -- ................................ _with_ -bituminous mater-----------iel.from Ruth Street to Luella tree . Dated this------ fig h ........... day PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. - -- Grade-_and_surface _the Alle __1n Block _l I__Hazel_Park-Division_No.-B�------ --------------- -- -:-----with_bit>rminous_materialx from_Ruth-Street-_to-.Luella---tree....................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------• ------------- ------------------------------ therefore, be it mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Co `�esirability of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the neeessit- y forl-o provement, and the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said im 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 5 1949 Adopted by the Council- ---------- ------------------•----............................... ---------- YEAS NAYS n Councilman B*ftrc'B� A INDLAN MORTINSON PARRANTO f+-� _ �✓ PETERSON Imo" - ,,,q"•^ T� MR. PRESIDENT -• . ---May ' �vnl;lsllrn��� ' e . 147WO r Councie No .................... «__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' -09— AbAract �.•....; and Whereas, a written proposal for tt7 e _ .17— making of the -following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. ('nning ce-saafi nd taking an easement d nery r slopes, cuts the ,•:�f� Theundersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the CiiyL i ................. - ------------------ «___ cuts --and _ fill_s,- in_the-•grading_&nd-_ surfacing _of _the_Alley- in_Block --- ------------------------------------ Hazel Park Division No. 8� from Ruth Street to Luella Street. Dated this ------..5.t1} ........ day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. :.GundemnLzlg:6tAd--talcing--ri-_@akQmsrt__i..n-_the-_land--necessr::l slopes .................. ---- •- ---------------- MI -C, f.1a_the--grading_and-_surfacing_of-_the_Alley--in--Block -lz_____•-_--__-_-------- --------------Haze1..P-ark•.111-vi.sari_No-�---�...-dram--Bath=.�tx'eat--t°--i�uellfl--Street-'..................... -................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul----------------=-----------------------------------------------------------------__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----------------.."r....................................................... - YEAS NAYS - Councilma APR b t945 TTft'rAN— Approved ----------- ....................... -------------------------•----------- MORTINSON , PARRANTO PETERSO MR. PRESIDENT �ayor. 2501147 JIUBLISI ED� J INTERMEDIARY. ORDER _ 147610 In the Matter off curbing Rondo Avenue ' from Chatsworth Street to oxford Shieet under Prellminary Order 147800 approved March 8, 1948. _(Fhe Council of, the CRY OfAJPAAI COUNCIL FILE NO. By _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Curbing. Rondo Avenue frog-ChAt=Orth-Street to oxford Street Vrd under Preliminary Order 7�1% approve' 8� 1949 The Council of the City_ of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approvert-atid-adopted,,and the said improvement-is- hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Hondo Avenue fr=,.Chate=orth.Stree-t to Lxford Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.057.55 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of May 195, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided" by the Charter, stating the time and place of heav ing, the nature of the improvemeenntRandthe �tootal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-, 193— APR 5 MB Approved— 193—• City Clerk File 10958 Mayor q Councilman 6N@=MW�'?tnC1MT _ Councilman-INNPNW� Mortinson Councilman Parranto Councilman POM.10. Councilman Roaaa CouncilmanP[J13LISfiIsD!!L, 4 " Mayor Ma11elIB�� Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council File No ...... 14 .6 11 RESOLUTION -OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of...Cot!p8.d•& an.eaeement_in„#he„land. necessary-Yor, slopes,,: cute and Dille in the grading of Alley in Block 7, a+ V. Baconle Addition, from 9ESOLUTI0 N OF COUNCII APPROV- Flandrau Street to Kennard Street nVG ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF RPA81NO THEREON AND FVMG T181E OF HEARING ON THE AWA19D OF DAMAGES C. F. No. 147611— In the matter of condemning and taking an easement In the land ne g- •3ry for slopes, cuts and falx In the ' • �• Ane y to Block 7, G. V. from Flandrau ' ,+ndea Pre Ten. 146895--••-------•----....., approved...._.._JBIItiaTy 26�.._1949------•--...... •-, under Preliminary Order ......................... •• .._19�11 Intermediary Order ---•----•-••-•------•---.....�,4T.�r.B..................... . approved.---Fbbrnt ry_lb,................ Final Order.__ .. .................... _............... 3AU7 .......... approved .............Yar.&_ 15,--1W-----•------------•----•- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of $t. Paul on the ..... ...... 4...............day of ........................... I(ag............... ---•--- --, 19---49._ at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he i& hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council............................................. •-, 19 tai d J u. 4i -------- Approved.-..--------------------------------------------------------- 119 - File 10931 Councilman I '�ftTAt �— Councilman' Mortinsoxl Councilman' Parranto Councilman Paterson Councilman Posen --•�� Councilman Mayor Delaney .......... City Clerk. -- ---------•-••------ ---- _--- Mayor. PiJi1usnrr) ' 9 Council File No...... !. 1.�... . RESOLUTION. OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the Matter of....condemping,aad_taldng-an_easement,in•.the__lac...._neceea......_ary tbr_alo s. cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in that part of Lot 14, Reserve Park Garden Lots lying south of Eleanor Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to the ----- ----- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP_ east line of Block 2, Payson H. Gilbert's Addition PROVING ASSESSNEIM AND FIX- VNO TIME OF $B G THB$BO11 AND FRHVG TWW of HRARiNO ON THE -AWARD OF DAMAGES C. F. No. 14761 Iln the matter of cond=or aad taking an easement In the land necea- nr alopea, cuts and f l s in the --�tnrJntf of the alley .-..-Park under Preliminary Order----------------- 14610___-_•-__------.., approved...----IlegembeT-.t..19118 -------------------• 1- .. 14d------,Teauarlr 18, ,1949 -------. Intermediary ..Order -....................... --...-- -6-e15 approve ...------•------ Final Order'_.........•...........- wTo99---• ...... ............. approved._..._ b=!1a=9 -i5' -1949---------------- ---- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is bpreby approved. a Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the.Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........... --4 .............day of_1?87r........................... 19A9..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of. Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.A?R LIME[ ..................................... 19------.. AM 5 City Clerk. Approved.------------------------------------------ ............ 19... ............. — - File 10906 ayor. Councilman'sitiilsnt4— Councilnlan4 "ortinsoa Councilman P,rronto Councilman Peterson/ Councilman; Rosen kUDLIK--M,DL: —Z=Z Councilman - Mayor Delaney , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, eosts•pad mmenses _ for grading and surfacing with bituminous surfacing, the Alley in Block 8, Highview Addition, from Hewell Street to Fairview Avenue under Preliminary Order.. ..................... 3.}6u..............., Intermediary Order._...--_�!6?-------------•------ Final Order.......................:1;23 ................ approved ............................................. Ji met..17..............1 19.18. The assessment of .................. .......... - ........... for and in connection with the.above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and , found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............ 4 ...........day of .....................*M ...................... 19..49., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said } meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directef ,,-, 5 1949 Adopted by the Approved...:......................................... -- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL. APPROV- CouncilmanWINP02MM —MfnTnn ING ASSESSMENT nrtinson Councilman McDonald -_ - C. F. No. 147813— 1 47613 COUNCIL FIRE NO ............... ........-..........,._ In the matter of the assessment of . Councilman Wenzel ds grading and surfacidsexpenses for - benefits, costs an n with WUM n- Magor How" =" By -.........------_--------------------------------------------------- ous surfacing, the e9 in Block 8, Bowen - K+ohvlew Addition, from -, w Avenue under CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, eosts•pad mmenses _ for grading and surfacing with bituminous surfacing, the Alley in Block 8, Highview Addition, from Hewell Street to Fairview Avenue under Preliminary Order.. ..................... 3.}6u..............., Intermediary Order._...--_�!6?-------------•------ Final Order.......................:1;23 ................ approved ............................................. Ji met..17..............1 19.18. The assessment of .................. .......... - ........... for and in connection with the.above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and , found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............ 4 ...........day of .....................*M ...................... 19..49., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said } meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directef ,,-, 5 1949 Adopted by the Approved...:......................................... -- File 10663 CouncilmanWINP02MM —MfnTnn Councilman ,-s nrtinson Councilman McDonald -_ : - r a n to Councilman Rohland loterson Councilman Sudhelmer. •- Rosen Councilman Wenzel mwoe -- Magor How" =" Delaney Fow B. B. 17 ................................ 19 :...... ............. t_, ,City Clerk. "-... Mayor. PUBLISHED ;. -COUNCIL FILE NO --- ...------•------------------------ BY----------- -------- _................................................ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP- PROVING ASSESSMENT. C,,,=F. No. 147814— In the matter of the assessment of costs and expenses for con- ' rdtary sewer on Nevada. .-^int- 90feet west n18M (va- CITY OF ST. PAUL 14'761-4 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constrnoting a sanitary sewer on Nevada Aveaue from a point 30 feet west of the west ,line of Quincy'Place (vacated)" to Victoria Street 144705 under Preliminary Order ........... -143610 ............_.......... Intermediary Order..........................................................I FinalOrder.......................................................approved .......................................... The assessment, of...........................>?4A91 teRa---134Qt!!.-4ASW8 !) ............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -....._4 .................day of ........ ......... I9.M., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner 'to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council ............................................................................... . 19 � > ------------- City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------------- File 10728 19. ------ --�/��A -- --- ---------- ---- - ., Mayor. Councilman Councilman ,"ortin4an Councilman X"DOValtY`''^ -°n F,.:r.,nto Councilman RbNWOfi ' ` Councilman Sddheiner - a • ;eroon i)3en - PUBLISH) I) Councilman 'Fr6fte1 Mayor Ho Delaney F.— B. B. 17 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV. ING ASSESSMENT No. 147615— COUNCIL FILE NO... ».-..__:•_---...-.- L • :I iL - oP the a65eaBment uP 147615 _ rrS-. ,-menses for -n- :Avenue on- Avenue By:.......... ron CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from a point 45 feet east of Avon Street to a point 600 feet"west of Grotto Street 1W1530 ----- Intermediar Order ---•-•--••-----•----11111815 ------------- under Preliminary Order---------------------------------------------- Y 1115107- .... a roved-.. - — Angust 10 . 19- - I Final Order -------- - pP The assessment of ---------------------- >Ien�.-.coete•_clad-•-- .............. for and in connection with r the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is'hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the--.-.---..-4--------------day of .......................................... House 1949- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AM 5 1149 .-.-... - -- - _-, 19 Adopted by the Council----------------------------------- .... "=111�i�rt!..---•---+ City Cleric. Approved---------------_-- ----------------- 19 . ....... File 1074.3 -- ...... ........... Mayor. Councilman — e Councilman g Mortinson Councilman XMona'ld F,rrsnto Councilman RbNand'=' Peterson PL'BLISHi 11 Councilman Sndheirilisf_ ra Rosen_ Councilman IffinEel---'Momo Mayor HoiTgeetr':,,--a Delaney Form B. B. 17 RESOLUTION OF COUNC-,&PVROV- ING ASSESSMENT C. F. No. 144818— COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ........... _--_._ q--..._-. 7n the matter of the assessment of 6 476 6 ,-f,tr costs and expenses for it street from Nehras- By---- ------- ................................................. ^A4, ,under CITY OF ST: PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alameda Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue under Preliminary Order ................. ..................... Intermediary Order ---••----••------�Q0..................... Final Order---- -------------------- - 2Q0 ------.. approved .-..-•-•----••-----...-•---....%ptemb". 2----•------: 19---17 The assessment of...----.._-.-...._ nte� Coate -:a=id ezpeneea. -_---•-_for and in connection with the. above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 5�4............ day of .............................. W ............ - 19-W, at the -hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 4PF Adopted by the Council---------------------- ............ ..---.-, 19.-----.- . -�/�v ............... City Cleric. Approved..... ...........:.............- -.-.-.......19....-... File 10373 ..:...-...- --'-- / .....-, Mayor. couneilma - Councilma ^ r t i naon CouncilmaFF-MC'Dbiald ' 1 :rranto Councilmaff Rb&Tanll t Larson Councilmah-Sudhelmerio Rosen Councilmaff'-WeifzA4 'Q " Mayor Delaney Form B. B. 17 a _ 1476-17 1.7 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO ---------- ------------ ---------....__ C.F. No. 147617 In the matter, of the assessment of By ..._. ------ beneflts, crosta and expenses for grad- .._.._.........._...... ..� J.surfacing the ane, to mock alat 2. with bltum- .. Staeet CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefitej costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 1, Watts 'Park Yat 2, with bituminous surfacing, from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street under Preliminary Order ............... ........ 142650.....................Intermediar -----•---------------- Order...........11 18 _.... ... _ approved.: .......................................... The 19....4$ Final Order.....................1.4345.2............... - benefits� costa and axpeneee................for and in connection with The assessment of ............................ ........... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED -FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ............ : ItA.......day of ......................... 19..1i9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council .................................................. ......---................. 19 Approved------------------------- .-------- .------------- 19......... File 10552 Councilman Taney -- �-- -n tlnias-- Councilman sa 'p;rtinson Councilman l�ditiniWF - ;',rranto Councilman ffi$fantl" ' ','e terson Councilman %dheimer-- i;osen Councilman Mayor HOW"—Delaney Fono B. B. 17 - .............. City Clerk. ... ........... Mayor: pur? "',TIED y- - I r C. F. No. 14781&– 14761 NOTICE Resolved. That ch ks he tlr wri on t�he��(y �W. 7tea t the aggre�,te COUNCIL FILE NO. TO :JI/IV��L�Y1"L' PRINTER _ F':tv i ih March 31 1949 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 864, 92232 -COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9,1924 _To -81971 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TH CITY CTROLLER. / � �% 12 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194— iJG�l UC J I cl I� ITY Com" 0-m APPROVED 194_ BY l/ soa a-ae ® PUBL1SHSll _�9 ". _ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL � COUNCIL _._ ..._.._..._ REURNED T RN T BY BANK. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_�------- ROLL MOR NSON PARRANTO CALL _ IN FAVOR =�"—' - AUDITED CLAIMS BROUGHT FORWARD 14asn 64 RESOLVE1.1—C HECKS Be ON THE CITY TREASURY. RPETERSON AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f—'• COVERING TRS MR.PRES.DELANEY John 9. Findlan, C. of Fin. Company CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. A9 'i i. e �{.�' �. CO ROLLER. �. FIDE OF �, 98 � MR CHECKS ON FI 1 ADOPTED BY THE CO CI �-- . L1.--: -- �- CO MtTR OLLER APR APPROVE - NUMSER %f 19� 6 ". Ro w CHECK NUMBER . V -- - _ _ IN FAVOR OF ___.. TOTAL _._ ..._.._..._ REURNED T RN T BY BANK. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 14asn 64 2 6o `.24 OL 81924 John 9. Findlan, C. of Fin. Company 98 4776 130 i 7 8192 Nicole, Dean &Gregg States Power C,ompanI�60 8192b Northern 'pany 81927 I; 9t.Psul Builders Material C stationery 72 �0 $192.8 '; St.Paul Book & 0 ,pany 81929 st.Paur Book & -Stationery C ,pany 4tationery 1 532 55 oa 81930 St.Psul Book & C pang 174 81931 Twin City Furnace Company 25 141 0 81932 Westinghouse rleotrio supply Company �1 81933 !, John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 19 173 370 P2 34 S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 17 .8193UJohn $1935 ',',John's. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 10 464 $9 63 81936 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 51 117 $1937 John S. Findlan, O. of yin. Fin. 91 0 511 08 12 $1938 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. l0 314 604 550 8199 John S. Findlan, C. of $19 0,' John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 13 525 2 $1941 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 1 249 5 81942 i County Welfare Board 2 731. ' 8194} John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 13 732 0 8194'+ John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 632 d0 f>�j 81945 Uounty Welfare Board 25 44442 81946 First National Bank .4 81947 First National -Bank 6 $1948 First National Bank 8 81949 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. �583 18 J,6 81950 John s. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 81951 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 2,462 92 $1952 John t3. Findlan, C.. of Fin. 7 372 070 81953 .i John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. Fina 8 896 66 81954 ;John S. Findlan, C. of $1955 i Clare V. Sawye7r 27 q0 81956 ;Lillian Johnson 37 50 81957 Peter S. Johnson 5�+ .0 8195$ Dundoody Industrial Institute 20 00 81959 ;Dunwoody Industrial Institute 25 81960 IAir Reduction Sales Company 22 /'S $1961 'American Library Association 50 6 81962 !Firestone Stores 269 30 $1963 Grace-Lee Products, Inc. 4 5 196+ N.M. Hale & Company 75 7 81965 ;Johnson Pr1ntZng Company 1 252? 5. • 81966 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Company 81947 Librarian ft961 The MaoMillan Company 808 8 $1969 Multigraph Sales Agency 97 77 81970 New Method Book Bindery, Inc.,7 49 $1971 :John Wiley & sone, Ino. 338 37 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3__, • C. F. No. 147619— e- 14761.9 NOTICE ` Resolved, That checks be drawn n _ CICI rc� y�5yyltoo the TO COUNngeoxa OUNCIL FILE NO._ ?7Y lnclusl V e PRINTER Trice of xpr11 1942- RESOLVED, 949RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5440 2573.21 , COVERING'CHECKS NUMBERED 93—Y=—TO ; 02 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN _THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , —194:_ _ ,f- �_�✓L�L� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ------c TY COMPTROLLER APPROVED- — —194.__ BY , gL;I3LL5i3I=D ^ C µ - .. .� TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK 'IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD ' 465 60 81972 H.d. Prodger • 8197 John S. Findlan, G. of Fin.1 Fin. 250 243 15 OOO,OO 8197 John S., Findlan, C. of 300 60 81975 Donald T. Nystrom 0 819.76 fir. Karl Frederick Johnson 13 �� 81977 John g, Findlan, T.P.P.M. 20 000 :0 81978 St.Paul Fire ]Dept. R.Assoc. 21 048 l¢0 81979 St.Pnul Teachers' R.F.Assoo. 81980 mathilda Hook 2 296 50 81981 ,bounty 8f Ramsey 81982 John S. ?Indian, C. of Fin. 3 576 �9 819 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 819 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 0 8 7 1 �9 81985 foo. School Petty Sash Fund 80 81986 , voo. School Petty cash Fuad 21 �0 81987 Thomas A. Brodie 21 g0 81988 , Anoker Hospital 141 45 81989 .midway Hospital 112 5 81990 !Hotel Lowry 187 ;5 81991 Hotel St..Pau1 24 70 Inc - 81992 1J..M. Wright Studios, Inc. 87 03 8199Z Firestone Stores 127 46 8199 'The B.F. Goodrich Company 0 81995 'miss Bernadette S., Hegge LJ 81996 (Shell Oil Company 81997 Armoo Drainage & metal Produo IJ 81998 ,(John S. Findlan, Q. of Fin. Fin. 311 0,5 25 25 81999 Ijohn S. Findlan, G. of 82000 .!John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin- 2 130 56 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS 82002 John S. Flndlan. 0. of ROLL CALL - 82003 Gus E. Brissman 20 00 MORTINSON IN FAVOR CLAIMS APr'1 PARRANTO 400 0 on AUDITED RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR NON THE CITY TREASURY. 40 00 FIE. RSON ROSEN 40 Ob TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT f"-w�1 COVERING 9 Ob -- '1� AGAINST /'t MR.PRES.DELSNEY (.q^ . 86 5 TO,,, G "r INCLUSIVE, AS CHECKS NUMBERED. "-" l��R'.� TH OFFI THE ITY COMPTROLLE r� m PER CHECKS ON F{ -82011 i'Amerioan.Rad. & Stand. San. 0 TP- 148 9 ADOPTED BY THE C07I ----"-"- l �pM oLLER -.-- NUMBER / 140 8s APPROVED `1 i.L- µ - .. .� TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK 'IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD ' 465 60 81972 H.d. Prodger • 8197 John S. Findlan, G. of Fin.1 Fin. 250 243 15 OOO,OO 8197 John S., Findlan, C. of 300 60 81975 Donald T. Nystrom 0 819.76 fir. Karl Frederick Johnson 13 �� 81977 John g, Findlan, T.P.P.M. 20 000 :0 81978 St.Paul Fire ]Dept. R.Assoc. 21 048 l¢0 81979 St.Pnul Teachers' R.F.Assoo. 81980 mathilda Hook 2 296 50 81981 ,bounty 8f Ramsey 81982 John S. ?Indian, C. of Fin. 3 576 �9 819 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 819 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 0 8 7 1 �9 81985 foo. School Petty Sash Fund 80 81986 , voo. School Petty cash Fuad 21 �0 81987 Thomas A. Brodie 21 g0 81988 , Anoker Hospital 141 45 81989 .midway Hospital 112 5 81990 !Hotel Lowry 187 ;5 81991 Hotel St..Pau1 24 70 Inc - 81992 1J..M. Wright Studios, Inc. 87 03 8199Z Firestone Stores 127 46 8199 'The B.F. Goodrich Company 0 81995 'miss Bernadette S., Hegge 470 0 81996 (Shell Oil Company 81997 Armoo Drainage & metal Produo s Co. 18 5;0 81998 ,(John S. Findlan, Q. of Fin. Fin. 311 0,5 25 25 81999 Ijohn S. Findlan, G. of 82000 .!John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin- 2 130 56 82001 John 8: Findlan, 0. of Fin. Y. 6 505 38 3 210 00 82002 John S. Flndlan. 0. of 10 00 82003 Gus E. Brissman 20 00 82004 ,Edward Novak i5 00 82005 iDr. R.B.J. Schoch 82006 Arthur w. Stattman 400 0 on 82007 Gladys Barobus 40 00 82008 Eugene Lacey 40 Ob 82009 Kent R. Whitlock 9 Ob 82010 :The American Baker . 86 5 -82011 i'Amerioan.Rad. & Stand. San. 0 TP- 148 9 82012 Anderson machine Tool Company. 140 8s 82013 !'Berglund Lumber Company • 8201 Brainerd Public Sohoril 55 . 82015 Charvor-Rood Corp. 59 9b 4 4 82 016 Esslingen & Company 484 74 82017 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 91 62 82015 E.F. Houghton & Companyy 83 82019 Inter City Paper Company 1 7 97 82020 Lyon & Realy 82021 National Cylinder Gas Company 303 51 820P2 North Star Bus Company. Inc. 475 00 261 33 8203 Quality Park Envelope Company 66s 82024, St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 82025 Sheet metal Pub. Company 20 25 82026 United States Steel Company 50 1 '82027 21 if -Davie Pub. Company 11 9,, - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 251243115 1E901� 14'7620 Council File'No..------------------------------ By............................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for --iMnB Ashland Avenae fros Pascal Stteet-tw-�A16brO-Street ;RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT. C. F. No. 147820-. In the matte of the assessment of benfits, costs and expenses for cerb- scal atgeet st o Albertnd Street�pnderOm �Pre- under Preliminary Order..._.1.2......., Intermediary Order.......:-�L...., Final Order...ta2_._..., approved 2.6.................19�1�.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Oouneil? and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the, said assessment te and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Di$triet Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.. BE IT FURTSER.RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. __.__.__.._--- J.......:equal installments. APR 6 Adoptedby the Council----------------••........................................................ -- --.......... 19 ......, City Clerk. Approved------ ----------------------------------- ......-----19 419 ......... ....... ......... ., Mayor. Form B. B. 18 - n File 103h2 ��/ PUBLISFIED�- - CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of ,Completion of Assessment ----- ........ _49_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for 3W curbing Ashland Avenue frog Pascal Street to.Albert Street 1405521W924 under Preliminary Order ...... ......... ................................. Intermediary. Order --------------------------------------- ---------- 26 4? Final Order ............... - ............................ . ---......... approved............................................................................ 19........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to -be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . $....a ���.Q....-... Cost of publishing notice , . $.... ......... x-=95--------- Cost of postal cards $ .................81......... 49 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $....:-..... . Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $............. 445......... Engineering 110.00 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $--•- -iat-• Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, fo-wit: the sum of $2t.01S.4o.............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by ..............!.... the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such aetion thereon as may be considered proper. Foam B. B. 17 /i Commissioner of Finance. grading Hampshire Avenue from Davern Street to Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue; Yorkshire (formerly Yolants) Avenue from Davern Street to Fairview Averme; and Hampshire Court from Hampshire Avenue to the south line of Hampshire Court 139636 Intermedia ....._------> ....��8......, under Preliminary Order ..................... . 1'Y OrderFinal Order_ p approved.... -Jn1de-l�x--........ 19 -..�' t A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESMVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. it is hereby determined to be payable ln.-------__--..�. ......equal installments. APR 61 Adoptedby the Council -........................ ---..................... .....-----...19 ...... City Clerk. Approved......-----...... ----------------------------------- 19 - Form 13. B. IS File 10266 Mayor. YL BL1SHED -9 �9 - -147621 - RESOLUTION FAT"yWG ASSESS - Council File No---------------- ------------------ MENT C. F. No. 14701— By ....................................................... - In the matter of the assessment of peneflts. costs and expenses fort 'I admg8ampshlre Avenue from DaveStreet to Yorkshire (former-' rn ly Yolante) A v e n u�e1, Yorkshire r YO)ante) - " CITY OF ST. P D(10TmeT19avern, S?r-; _ au..: rcwr, � eaz nr Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grading Hampshire Avenue from Davern Street to Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue; Yorkshire (formerly Yolants) Avenue from Davern Street to Fairview Averme; and Hampshire Court from Hampshire Avenue to the south line of Hampshire Court 139636 Intermedia ....._------> ....��8......, under Preliminary Order ..................... . 1'Y OrderFinal Order_ p approved.... -Jn1de-l�x--........ 19 -..�' t A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESMVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. it is hereby determined to be payable ln.-------__--..�. ......equal installments. APR 61 Adoptedby the Council -........................ ---..................... .....-----...19 ...... City Clerk. Approved......-----...... ----------------------------------- 19 - Form 13. B. IS File 10266 Mayor. YL BL1SHED -9 �9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COjAIMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -Mara' -8 -------...,19..49 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Copts and expenses for ibm grading Hampshire Avenue from Davern Street to Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue; Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue from Davern Street to Fairview Avenue; and Hampshire Court from Hampshire Avenue to the south line of Hampshire Court under Preliminary Order -------------- ---39.636 ...................... -Intermediary Order-----..----- ............ .------------ Final Order ............... WA98------------- ----- approved .......... -----------------J'-17 ............... 19...1t� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 17.03 Cost of construction - $----�3---•--------- - Cost of publishing notice $............ Cost of postal cards $ ...............2.01 Inspection fees $---------7.36.27..__- Amount of court costs for confirmation $,......._..!'05------- Engineering X27.60 Total expenditures . . $-..12,5103-.01....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.._121003.1- ---------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herbtvith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered p oyer. re,m B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. " l �•tfi22 RSBOyyUTI;QN RATD'YMG ASSESS- ESgW Council File No ___--------------------- C. Fr No. 147622- 1%X&.7=.01 476J2— 7p .the mater -.af the ass stent of benefits, coals and eror r e^r. eer7 By................................................... etructing a sewe' t '1 u^ 1.. . +er•,.i , h--• n A `•.. - . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and espenses for constructing.a sewer on Hampshire Avenue from a point 40 feet west of Davern Avenue to Yorkshire (fonaerly Yolante) Avenue; on Hampshire Court from Hampshire Avenue to a point 170 feet south of Hampshire Avem><e; on Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue from a point 40 feet west of Davern Avenue to.Foirview Avenue, all of which is to be known as the Hampshire—Yolante Sewer System under Preliminary Order.-..._--..---, Intermediary Order.......��22---- Final Order .................. approved --------_-- ---abet_ r 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement; and said assessment having been further considered by the Council,, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, -That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............ ../v.........equal installments. APR g 1949 Adopted by the Council. -- -................19 ' R C Approved- ............. ---------------------- 19:-...... Form B. B. IS File 10317 City Clerk. ........ I Mayor. PU13LIS11EDI —.L— 1141.4- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COM31ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment arc .........._....h...8- .., 19..W. In the matter of the assessment of bensfitet Coats and expenses for imot Constructing a sewer on Hampshire Avenue from a point 40 feet meat of tavern Avenue to Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue; on Hampshire Court from Hampshire Avenue to a point 170,feet south of Hampshire Avenue; on Yorkshire (formerly Yolante) Avenue from a point'40 feet west of Davern Avenue to Fairview Avenue, all of which is,to be known - as the Hampshire-Yolante Sewer System under Preliminary Order........... 8 ........................... Intermediary 0 der.........1W622............. -.�---------------- A gnat13... , 19. Final Order...............:9 Ai ........................I approved.... ...................... ...-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction $----149,375+69 Cost of publishing notice . $--------------- 9.Am•••---- Cost of postal cards $............... �-=98------- "Inspection fees . . . . . . . $..........28z.$] - -- Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ............._...9.7....... Engineering 676.81 Total expenditures . . . . . . . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; on-ferred'thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 0..<�/y<.a. F- s, a. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Q� 4 623 RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS - Council File No ----------------------------------- MENT C. F. No. 147623— By...................................--........ ....... m e he of tmatters. of the expenses enPav - ,ed . part and resurfacing i-nt In alley in Rlock M 3 •.from Rosabel CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bonefits, costa and expenses for paving unpaved part and reaurtacing present pavement in alley in Block 2, Hopkints Addition, from Rosabel Street to westerly line of Lot_!, Block 2, Hopkin's Addition - -- under Preliminary Order....-...------, Intermediary Order Final Order.281►........ approved.-gptbe_2�-- ..1947.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by. the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1n :.............. /.v ......... equal installments. APR 6 1949 Adopted by the Council - - -------------- ------------------- I.......... ---...... 19..... Approved..--....--------------- ------- "I .......... 19........ Form B. B. I2 File 10370 City Clerk. r ------ -"'"""""-""'/---------- ., Mayor. PURLi SffrD_LiL_Y CITY. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TETE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -Marl'•-8----- .... 19_49.- - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and eXpenses for tWX paying unpaved pati and resurfacing present pavement in alley in flock 2, Hopkin's Addition, from 4osabel Street to westerly line of Lot 4, Block 2, Hopkin's Addition under Preliminary Order...............3110620 ................__.., Intermediary Order........... ]1 - - -- -----------------......-, Final Order - 141284......._...--.......:., approved ............... -September 2 1'9..47. ......................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1 348 89 Cost of construction ., , .� $......t.......! ............... Cost of publishing notice . $,.--_---,-.1!tO---------- Gost of postal cards $ ...............!,21 ngLnQertng. . . . . $--- 220100 Catch Basin 1.05_ 21 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ..........b.... Corning -Donahue .(concrete) .y15 Total expenditures $.....t�' Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above, ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..-._1f.8$'92 ........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of 'each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; -that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof,'is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fo B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance RE80LUTION RATIFYING AND QON-i AJ. WARDS: OF DAMAGES OAND BEBBMENT -THEREFOR a/fill 147624 ��-y/,24 C. F. No. ;97624— fit in thematter, of condemning and tgking as easement 6 feet >n width RESOLUTION RATIFYITrI� 1 i$ ose,hOf ite sewer on. under�f' a northerly CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND, ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Inthe matter of_aAB_ n8 - easement 8 feet in width_for_the�ttrpose ____ of constructing and mai.ntaiadng a public serer on, under and across and through the northerly 8 feet of Lot 13, Franklin Steele Ia Subdivision. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes a strip of land 8 feet' in width lying south of and adjacent to the above described easement in Lot 131, Franklin Steele's Subdivision, and the southerly 8 feet of Lot 12, Franklin steels's Subdivision under Preliminary Order- 146377-------------- approved-_-_-_ Xcember 2. 1948 Intermediary Order -------- 146691--------------- approved ------- 1aAP m--1, 1242______-----_, Final Order ---------------1116451-------------, approved ------- Peb3'uj-!,-19-49------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it . Resolved, That the taking and' condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessm@nt roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the award's of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the 'said, assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ine r, Adopted by the Council ------ APR--4-Mg 19�,____ City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- ----- -------------------- FYle 10896 Mayor. Councilm Councilmassiftr8usum"- 'ortinson Councilm 4lnald~ , p --r nto PUBLlaliLD �9 . Couilm�e'ffT•re - r erson C=213 :7 ma Poocn Mayor - - Delaney REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND A3 LS IS!�311-NT OF BENEFITS In the matter of. condemriing_and taking an easement 8_ feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, ander and across anti through the northerly 8 feet of Lot 13, Franklin Steele's Subdivision. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes a strip of land 8 feet in width lying south of and adjacent to the above described easement in Lot 131 Franklin Steele's Subdivision, and the southerly 8 feet of Lot 12, Franklin Steele's Subdivision` under Preliminary Order -----)A6177-- approved ------- .peQember 2j� 124_8 ------------------ Intermediary Order ---------approved --`------ J--- 1116691 anuary 4, _1949_____________________ . ---- Final Order ----------------- approved------- -brgP-9 1 141!9--------------- ----- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r Commissioner of Finance. O,1 l to City Clerk - -1.4'7625 �. - CITY OF- COUNCIL ST. PAUL rvB No ------------- ......... t - OFFICE OF THE" CITY CLERK H`YL (_; y OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM PRESENTED BY MILTON ROSIN - DATE' COMMISSIONER_ In the Matter.of constructing ;Monolithic Concrete and Cement Tile Sidewalks in the City of St. Paul, during the year 19499 except such work as the City may order to be done by City Force Account and except all work spec- ified by the Council to be done under the requirements of the State ori Federal• Governments, financed in whole or in part by State or Federal Aid. RESOLVED, That the Specifi6ations and estimated quantities for these improvements as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing, Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids forthese improvements. „ C. F. No. 147825—BY Z. Rosen— he matter " Sttmono- hlctConcrete and CcyeThe Side- . alks in the City f St. Paul, during I the year 1999, except such work as eF tthye f Farre Account Land bxrepte lly work areflmart ed by the Coun^n to tie done under the requirements of the State ne Federal Governmentp,.gnanced iS whole orni salved bThetathe specidcatlonaidand eatlmated quantities for these Improve- . menta as submitted herewith bythe Commissioner of Public Wor ka b the be 1t e and same are hereby approved. and Further Resolved, That the Patches- 1ng Agent be and he is hereby directed ments. to advertl_ for bids for these improve - Adopted by the Council p Approved APtV 8, I` (APrit 9. 1949) 'P I/ APR 6194% ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................. 194 Yeas Nays APR o/ Approved___. ..__.. - --••-----__._...194 _.. iParranto / ,41'e-terson -- ._.In Favor �Iiosen �� Mayor rI'_ - --Agalnsi 'Kr. President, Delaney 1M 848 �® OrIghma to MY CAerk 147626 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E 5 A��D /1 0 COMMISSIONER- .__ DATE RESOLVED,'that the use of Stem -Hall on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1949, be given to the Minnesota State Poultry Association for its annual Poultry Show; said Association to pay 4160.00, and,the balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. C•lane No. 197629—By Edward X De- Resolvetl, That the use of Stem Ball on December 2nd,n td and 9th, 1999, try given to the Mfnnesota State poul- try Association for Its annu$aly poultry and the eb.1--e OcIaof ttio e o P6pf olpn150t1,9nh9, bud8et inaAugitorlum ply du1021- e Atlopted by the Couneil Aprn 8, 1949. Approved Aprll e, 1949. (Aprll 9, 1949) APS 61949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---...._-.-__- - ' - ................ 194_ ..... Yeas Nays MR :7=o �t� o;Lrnson i (// Approved .......................... :>-.._-.194_ - ��°to met on -.-----In Favor r - �%L�� �Rousean - �-.c�Against Presidelit, Delaney "t 3M 948 .® ' r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 5, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of Stem Hall on Dec. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 1949, to the Minnesota State Poultry Association for their annual' Poultry Show, on the terms set out in the attached letter of B.A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yoou�rs, " City Clerk Cl— 147626 DEPARTMENT OR EDUCATION FRED M. e TRUAX.,—JESIrne CARL E. SPEAKES. q EDWARDA. FURNI. MUNICBIPAL AUDITORIUM awgwu ••IN THE HEART OR THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Telephone GAreeld 1361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET, * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ® w March 25, 1949 ' The Convention Ensemble ASENA-67.000 Square Feet searing 16.000 Ien Rink 100x1.21 EXHIBITION HALL _ 66.060 Beare Feet Ever, sereice AiIDITORI JM THEATRE Sealing 6.000 ComDleta stags All New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stage Seat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Seat. 660 L HALLS RmUm, 160 lI COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A_ Si Ql. and yphz o vnilw D:G Current 110.220 Volt, Telavbone•TeI""-v" P. A. Sntem Induced Draft Floes for CombmM tion achinery Hot and Cold Water Drain Conneetlone Ga.. Steam ComDrNsed Air Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Please find enclosed letter received from Mr_ F. A. Nourse, publisher of the Poultry Herald, requesting the use of Stem Hall on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th2 1949, for their annual Poultry Show upon payment of $k150.00, the same as last year. This is a free show, and we have gone along with them each year. We are herewith submitting the figures on the 1948 show: Base Charge (3 days q,$100-00) A300.00 Hauling rubbish 5.00 Extra cleanup '(24 hrs. U 1."45) 34•� Total cost 5339.80 Less paid by Minnesota State Poultry Association 150.00 Balance due from City of Saint Paul $189.80 Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT 7PAULITO 6 E :rnq Edward A.�Furni, Manager 1 j, jj Minn6sbta POULT Y HERALD Widbonsin Iowa and the 'HAROLD A. NO RSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Dakotas Editor and Publisher 310 Anchor Building r. March 24, 1949 ` �4� S C- MrEdward A. Furni, Mgr, saint Paul Auditorium, 143 West Fourth Street, St.Paul 2, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Furni: �kae Minnesota State roultry Association is about to decide where to hold its next annual exhibition. It is very worth while to keep it in St.Paul and I hope we can do so. The dates are December 2,3,4, 1949. At the most recent exhibition there were exhibitors from at least 13 states, from California to Massachusetts and from Minnesota to Mississippi, and visitors came from about all over this territory. They patronized hotels, restaurants, stores, garages, etc. The dates of that show were December 3,4,5, 1948. It should be noted that this exhibit is Lrjee to everyone. We want ali to come ana see, and, lea It has, therefore, to out, expenses everywhere it can. If we can offer the Association stem Hall at the same price as last year, �p150, I thinl4here is a good chance that we can keep the show here. It may be helpful if I can know about this in the near future. Yours ver. truly H. . /�IOURS HAN/FEF Publisher Poultry Herald . 147627 oript,e city Clark � Willies..� CITY OF ST. PAUL rna NO ------ ..---- ___._-_� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o PRENE SETD BY A DATE April 6, 19112 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, ap',)rox'_mately 8000 \-allons ''Q" leaded gasoline, 72-71+ octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the P'OFtT11,TESTEI'11 aSFIIIIDiG CO. at a price of .12619per gallon, less 1" ten days on refinery price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of'the City. Charge ,biun. Eqpt. 1003-134 itEe'Mmu Co. at a price or ¢ .13618 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price, on infernal bids, as an enter- „ gency exists where failure to act ito he best interests ofrthe City. C] Cha Mun. Eqpt. 190.9-134. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1999. Approved Aprn 6, 1949. (April 9, 1949) ' i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounoiL--------------------------------- 194._._ Yeas Nays Approved------------------------- ................ 194__.- Parranto J -terson -In Favor Mayor �psen Trans. ------ . ..... Agpinat Mr, President, Delaney 3M 9-46 qs�,.@) 147628 Ort final to qty Clark cOUNCe c CITY OF ST. PAUL •ua No---_.___-_-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1UNCl/ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --- • ^ PRESENTED BY ` "'-- COMMISSIONER.,...--� pA•rG RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it Is unalterably opposed to House File 1081 (Sena File 1441), a.bill relating to p�yJtne t for patients in Public institutions, by counties, the effect of which, if passed by the Legislature, would increase the cost to the City of Saint Paul of approximately the 'suff of $100,000; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to each member of the / Senate, and House of Representatives r01 say County. C. -F. No- 147828—ny Edward X. De- laney— Saolved, By the Council to the City of ed t Paul that it is unalterably ap - posed to House File 1083 (Sepate F71e 14 tll a bin lating to payment for patients 1n Public. huanutiopa, by -1 counties, the effect of which, if passed by the Legislature, would Incrseae the int Paul of a - proximately tto the he sum ty of ocost f $300 000; be itp Further Resolved, That the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to each member of the " I Senate and House of Representatives from Ramsey County. Adopted by the Councn April 6, 1999. i Approved APPA 9999-) � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Corm_____6___149:.--.---------194 __-• Yeas Nays plealan rk'K �l pir,' Mortinson Approved ------------------------ 194.__ Parranto Peterson In Favor, __:. - Mayor Rosen �— •---•-�---_Against . Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 .® a 47629 Orl.ttul to CItY Cluk C. F. No. 147879 --By Milton Rosen= Resolved, That the proppeer city of- ,� ....-_ CITY OF 5 acere ere hereby ,thoriz, to pay ---^---- •c rtaln employes In the Department OFFICE OF THE ac 6 i li. on . r st i 6ea t mthf, C NCIL. RESOLUTIONreAdopted by the C..boil April 8, 1999.. - Approved April b. 1949. PRESENTED BY (Aprll 9. 1949) COMM, SSIONE -- OVERTIME RESOLUTION RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from, March 16 to March 31, 1949, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. LABOR ROLL - March 16 to 31-, 1949 NAME TITLE N0. HRS. RATE AMOUNT Road Mach Op- 1.57 7-85 John BanniCk Carl D. Bates Truck Driver- 81 '1.57 13•g5 Clarence Bowers Anthony J. Campbell Coric. & C. Lab. Grew Leader -PW 42 201 1.45 1.44* 0 •90 Edward Carroll Truck Dr. 14 5 1.57 1785 Edward C. Claussen Truck Dr. 16 1.57 25.•12 Chester Diegnau Truck Dr. 8 1.751 14.00 Frank DiMartino Walter T. Einck Tamper Dispatcher 24 1.54 32.08 3285 Edward M. Elliott Util.Fore.PW 20 8 1.664-a 1.57 12.56 Charles A. Ellsworth Truck Dr. '52L 1.57 8.-64 Sidney H. Fuller Truck Dr. 1.57 11.78 Max J. Gallas James A. Goossen Truck Dr. Sew. Mtc. Lab. 2� 1.55 43.40 Myron, Greer Snow Rem. Lab. 99 8 1.45 13'05 12.64 Myron Greer Stephen Hagerty Staty. Fire. Truck Dr. 1 012 1.57 16.49 18: Mike Heinen Asph. Lab. 191 1.445 1. 13..35 Carl J. Hilger Truck Dr. 1 1.57 2.36 Carl 0. Hoen John Horan- Truck Dr. Util.Fore. PW 6 1.5741 6-31 Frank T. Huberty Truck Dr. 6 1.57 9.42 9.42 Raymond Hunt Lawrence J. Hurley Truck Dr. Sew.Mtc.Iab. 4 1- 55 6.20 12.56 Paul L. Kabitz Truck Dr. 8 1.57 1.57 4.71 Peter J. Kiwus Albert W. K16menhagen Truck Dr. Utilityman-PW 49 13 1.441 • 1.872 69.36 24.38 David J. Lavelle Paver COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couneil. -------- -............... -----..-_194..... Yeas Nays �I iad4sa- Mortinson Approved- ------------------ --- ----------------- 194-__ Parranto Peterson--•---InFavor -- ----•-------------------••- .......... --•------------•---- - .... Ma---•--yoorr Rosen /-----Agit Trua>rr- Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 O�i�,iosl Co Clcy ClerY - - Qfx HTEo By CO eI� M ISSI ONE CITY OF ST. PAUL- AULOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OFFICE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM m^-ry - 47629 LABOR ROLL MAR. 16, to 31, 1949 TITLE NOS RATE AMOUNT saoT � s Linnan Util . Fore. -PW 8 5 1.644 3-57 13.14 7-85 :T_-� e 3 TP_ Loeffler Road Mach. Opr . 1.57 7.85. �4�rard L. -Losinski Road Aiach.Opr. 6 1.57 9.42 -. amara c� J. 1,icXenna Truck Dr. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 1.55 24.80 hex licKi11Op Truck Dr. 12 1. 57 18.84 1-iaidl o e pYi 1Aaidl Road Mach. Opr. . 4 1 - 57 6.28 marry � Murphy Unsk.Lab. 2 15 1.1+5 1.57 2.90 23.55 C-_arence A. Paden Truck Dr. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 14 1. 5 21.70 �o1z� Pastuch ai�- chs el Petranton Crew Leader-PW 22 1. 31.79 s a�vey J- Proulx Sew.l.tc.Lab. 18 16 1.55 1. 5� 27.90 25.40 �r e c3 A - Putnam Crew Leader -P �d Bridge Fore. 6 � 1.73,1 10.39 overt -Rasmussen Truck Dr. 1�5� �4.92 ;Tz��iar� Rice Sew.iitc.Lab: y92 1.5. 4'. 80 J. Rose a�ciaal H. Ryan Truck Dr. 2' 16 1-57 1.58 3.14 25.28 Schmidt Staty.Fire. Road rSach. Opr . 5 1. 57 7.85 A� :E- r e ciP . Schreiner Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 1.55 3.10 rsaest Schrenkler -ozaz s I.J. Schrenkler Sew.l-4tc . Lab. 28 28 1 - 55 1.55 43.40 43.40 r3eaSchude Sew.�Itc.Lab. Pow. Shov Opr . 5 2-20 11.00 Z7- S ; � mer . Road Mach.Opr. 1+ 1-57 6.28 =- �ar� A. Swanson Y Sew. dtc.Lab. 6 1-55 9.30. Joan ci. Thayer o Z�� E . Toreen Road Mach. Opv . 5 20 - 1 - 57 1.55 7.85 31.00 Tuccitto Sew.Yitc.Lab. 4 1.55 6.20 ==-,-_!_3:x Van Reese Reeseli. Sew.ldtc.-Lab. Sew.Mte.Lab. 14 1-55 21.70 Z�a�eriicls Road :Mach.. Opr . 4 1 - 57 - 6.28 Z7adell Truck Dr. Li_1.57 6.28 e c3 T__ Winkel Road Mach. Opr - 2 1.57 3.14 Zusan APR 6 1949 COUNCILMEN, Adopted by the CouneiL--------------------- ------------194 ..-. YP� Q Nays APR i Mortinson Approved - ------------------- ------------------- 194 Psrranto PetersonIn J,ZQ Favor - - -- _ Mayor Rosen •' D -------------- Against Mr. President, Delaney . Y; An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employees -of that department for more than eight hours per day,in the doing.of the following work: Tending fires at the Asphalt Plant on Sundays and answering emergency calls for sewer maintenance work. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously and answering emergency street sewer and building repair calls, also plowing and snow removal for the recent snow storm. OpN STONER OF PUtSL1� rv�nnJ p CITT OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. { ORIGINAL— Nv 1336 COUNCIL,RESOLUTION PI`E v CITY CLERK 1' J. V ' FOR UTHORIZAT10N OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON.—_--' - -- "— - •That the"Council he approves .the award of the Resolved Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for • construction of a sewer in the easement obtained on -the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 23, Block 2, Garfield Park in said ;lock '2., Garfield hddition, from James St. to the alley Park Addition to CMIS CHRISTE`SEN, in accordance with plans and i specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1931 of said . 1 Chris Christensen for the contract piice of X6989.50, such bid being the lowest and said Chris Christensen being the lowest reliable IIand reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper Citi —officials hereby are authorized to execute said ,contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted j� property • C _F. No. 147E36—Hy Mi^ton HoEen— _ __ - e - m.nnil hprebv II Committee therefor, and nereoy BwarG6 993.50 1931 Contract £Or COI SLTUCLton Of sewer ,GINEER.S ESTIMATE s FORMAL BIO NO. In the easement Obtained On the west- erly 4 feet at easterly 6 feet Of �LOt 23, Hiock a, Garfield Park Adds- COUNCIL FOR ADOPT --N. NOTE TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILAB tion, from dames St. tD thI, alley in said --� Hiock 2, Garfteld Park Additlan - to PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FLGER7S CHHI6TENSEN, in CCOLdenCe THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: -- .Dn.tAgaHngRahSreto at- s 989.50 i 1, ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY- - - s 2. AePROPRiATED FROM CITY'5 SHARE -1 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— CODE - - - - - - - - s 3 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E%EMPT PROPERTY— CODE s nONO ISSUE—CODE 0. APPROPRIATED FROM s S. COUNTY AID - - - - - s TOTAL s 989.50 I COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- A CITY CLERK NCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRJATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO OOMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REV OLVING I PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AM UNTS. PURCHASING _— DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED_—_ ' COMPTROLLE 1I-- COUNCIL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_• YEAS NAYS \ _ • R[� 6�++ V 9 IN FAVOR 'APRL 949 • — MAYOR p m - I MR, PRESIDENT LPUULISH DS=4—_�4L_�' / od"i t. city Clark 147631 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.________ OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LuTioN—GENERAL FORM 0RE:sr=wrE:1D BY COMMI5S19NER RESOLVED, that all bids reoelved for the IesLelng of the old Court House site be and they are hereby x-ejeoted.. COUNCILMEN Yeas. Nays F' —B --T9-o—rtinson —1-1�..to ---Peterson sen r. President, Delaney -3M 9-48 -4!W0-(9 C. F. No. 147631-337 Edward X. -D.- laney— I Rlsol�d.That. all bids re i -d for the leasing of the old C—t House site be and they a— hereby rejected. Adoptedy the Council April 6, 1949. Approved b _ u A April 6. 1949. (April 9. 1949) APW 6 AMS Adopted by the Cc>uxxciL ---------- ---------------------- 194 ..... 91119 Approved-- - - -- ------------------------------------ 194— In Favor ..........' syor . ------------ Against Original to City Clerk PRESENI COMMIS: cou Sea CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------ ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL" FORM 41M __.—_._... DATE RESOLVED, that United Properties, Inc. be permitted to construct a temporary steel building on Lots '13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 7, Bakerts Addition, on Myrtle Avenue near Raymond Avenue, and maintain said building for a period of five years. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1n an Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen ruax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-98 C.. F. No. 147632-13y W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That United Properties, Inc. be permitted to construct a tem- porary steel buaIng on Lots 13, 14, 15 .and 16, Block. 7, Baker's Addition, on Myrtle Avenue neat Raymond Avenue, and maintain said building for a period of "" years. Adopted by the Council April 6. 1949• Approved Aprll 9, 1949 (Apra 9, 1949{ APR 6 194 Adopted by the Council -----•-------------•------•-------194-----• Approved-----• ---•----------•-------------•------194._- . ------In Favor ----•-_Against i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORQS 4 April 5, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the request of United Properties, Inc. for perm 16',Block7, build a temporary steel building ne nota m3. ond Ave., for a five—year Baker's Addition, on Myrtle Ave. near"Raym period. The file in connection with this matter is hereto attached. Very truly yours, ' City Clerk. CITY ' OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF - PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 4, 1949 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect honorable Council City of Saint Paul - Gentlemen: A request has been made by the United Properties, Inc. -in a letter dated April 1, 1949, addressed to theCity Council and Mayor for property asto ild a Lots,t139 14,y15 steel building on the p P Y dition to the City of Saint Paul,, and 16, Block 71 Baker's Ad Ramsey County. This building will be located inBthe Fire .0 Zone. do requires will be a solid steel building. The in Section. 5.4, Paragraph (d),that a permit may be granted by the City Council for a limited time providing such pro- tection from fire and construction as may be required by the Commissioner of Public Buildings and the Commissioner of public Safety is complied with. This office has contacted the Fire Prevention Bureau and attaches herewith a letter in which they approve of the construction' as outlined in the request for the p This office also approves this construction and d reco mends ethatha permit be -ranted for a five-year period the terms of the Ordinance. Very truly your j!'� AHS:al Attach. p12�ed H. Schroeder l„ity Architect i C 0 P Y DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY April 1, 1949 Mr. Alfred Schroederw,, City Architect -BuildingDepartment St. Paul, Minn.- . I Dear Sir: Referring to our telephone conversation of this morning in regard to the application of the United Properties, Inc., for permission to erect an all -steel building, 40 by 120 ,feet on lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 7, Baker's Addition, otherwise known as Myrtle near Raymund Avenue. This building will be all steal, no heat, no base - mento one story, dirt floor, and no balcony. It will be mused entssand1farmrwarehouse tractors. Itfor te willhnottbeage nnearf torm adjoining buildings. This building would be in the fire limit; but, due to its fire -resistive construction, this department has no objection to its being erected. - yours very truly, H. J., Scannell Assistant Chief Inspector . BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION HJS/t CITY OF SAINT PAUL r Capital of Minnesota 5ep a'ttisi.eift 4 AMc Sa jet' Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 - BUREAU OF FIRE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissloner PREVENTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner Ralph W. Carney, Chief -qw.r April 1. 1949 Mr. Alfred Schroeder City Architect Building Department St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; Referring to our telephone conversation of this morning in regard to the application of the United Properties, Inc., for permission to erect an esl-steel building, 40 by 120 feet on lots 13, 14, lb, 16, block 7. Baker's Addition, otherwise known as Myrtle near Raymond Avenue. This building, will be all steel. no heat. no baso meat, one story, dirt floor, and no balcony. It will be used solely for a warehouse for the storage of farm imple- ments and farm tractors. It will not be near to adjoining. buildings. This building would be in the fire limit; but, due to its dire -resistive construction,' -this department has no objection to its being erected. Yours very truly. / As tant Chief Inspector BURB,AU OF FIRE PRINIMION kW S/ t q IELEPHOIE 4303 UNITED PROPERTIES INCORPORATED HAMM BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2.MINNESOTk D. VICE K April 1, 1949 Hon. Mayor and City Council City Elall Saint Pa•.Ll 2, Minnesota Dear Sirs: We wish to build a temporE,ry steel building on the property known as Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 7, Baker's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. This land is in the fire zone and we understand it is necessary to ask the Mayor.and City Council for a permit to erect the building. It is a Butler steel building, as per plans and survey enclosed. We ask that nennit be granted to erect this building; on said property and that a license be granted to allow it to remain there for a period of five years. The building itR.__be+ used try Motor Power Equipment Company of Saint Paul as a place of storage for farm implements and tractors. There will be no heating eq uip- ment installed in the building, nor will there be a cement floor. The only purpose of the building is for cover -to protect the farm implements from the elements. The machinery is being shipped in every day and we request your permission to erect the building at the earliest possible moment. Respectfully yours, dhs/k D. H. Sullwold encs -2 0 6L.ENDA,C�' i%dE. qT of .sv,Pv�Y of !Ors /.3-/¢ - 7 f /a Bt OCA, 7' BA S �:S flDO/1r/o4Y 70 7112 ciry OF ST IlrYOZ , CO uNTY IVIAIA uarc, !S �9'0% Ix I w ��s 1ay.i Iq"� I i I /5 ke � ........... - • • Ss ' ..........,: ; -5A7e�� .38.5' 1s B Z 30 6L.ENDA,C�' i%dE. qT of .sv,Pv�Y of !Ors /.3-/¢ - 7 f /a Bt OCA, 7' BA S �:S flDO/1r/o4Y 70 7112 ciry OF ST IlrYOZ , CO uNTY IVIAIA uarc, !S �9'0% Ob D— Gu/OE- - - jr"•js=•- Wy.�0--p�,9 U-�. I4o — IIvq3QVY�U - iJ- UFTSO- I/ION- COEt "u 4!ST'rTEo1j_oJ� maLO' cEol>)N YfrSA.C.F''TLpe-6/ew•Oeua "N DL/NOE'vc/EPS_ [//o4E=0D' OO-Rrou"rHO" e'crEF• :la4 ec "r:toyofJifL -rR,arrCBrWoJP p MOimv rA OROim�N,/ronypFce R (,Nc- - O�+B-. < �- •w6 SB}B" 'N"M Nl NdCyc'C. BHBacay�c/Wic rrysRsNErOc ILeEoE_R,iAS so/IBr>Ji o'S=aooCu" _"<eO o�LO/1VO1M1�: 2Nps" ;-f6D v/4G1I[ .b=0oX_• 6CDLF�e-0<reNe�"eoIRS.r L^_N FI �.IT�MeFI Soe'PMILou'OueI-B /Oieo _ TRwFM >Jj/e1i PT✓e uwRAu uM ooNMw McDr�uTiwseeo B" 6' 54" 64OULSs rr'NRR — BBFTiFOoR wwSQOryRW-yr suIx,y,iLar_ro Rl D4lu— IT: Our r OrB5'q• 3=9' OuI+ Renl 7=0" 3= I le-6DlD— Cu J6 1.D /O er Dea PLN Ci CUT— OF /2'OX/3�7"D R OruT IN IN71ERM—.— BAY S—L ENO BAY V Aa T. 0< Wov ON r_ En , - - �61t"/N CoNERFr _ SECT/oN D -D O; - }X4 "MACN BoL rs MwvB OM/rrco FoM - cels �' ti } ar CawumN r Ce<uM - R1 of C«uwN e>DooR 3" cb Cu ruu - /6=p -R6 IJrev DeeR Curour D I91, — fB<aa- /" a -o• /o `DeoR�ioF P e DOOR Gu/oc Pso - - 32-0" ( M 24'0- B,p" (Pgp MM BE pM/rrl0 - -• NMCN DoeR OppNiw 92=0-' p OF /6=0" /3�7"DooR C(/To r O.L Is RF u/Ri GwLr s RFeuiRtal A/or. 34" 6:6^De �Cu rO ur Mwr B IN INTERMEO/ATc BAY - ..-. / AT P s TS MARKHO ®. - ��_ - FOUNOAT/ON SPL AN OF 1610'& 1317',V..R •CUTOUT 9 S/OCWAL L ENO BAY I/.. TR/s Fwuowriou PLwy .L/ Awry .'J/rrRMCGwrF BIr MIFR pesTs ARE Ts Sl— O.F WwY ONLY. - - _ • 4 LfTe:xb.ars E uoom p 6-f •/y G1.veTGTF e /0=0" /Ot 0"b I Icy I 1YQZLi W cy Bu.L a,ycr ARc /=/pj'/-/pl'' •X 4"MweN. BoL rs I 1 a- 10- 3=43• R. GY/rour' 6"D<ry _._ meg W "L �o ` Q/Tr/oG N •� . P /u 'CeucRETL•:� .� _ #-- W OF BLOB fe+B A[Bn rr uLb<uMu J OursiO O+9 Fte R' L/u Our F OF Bap DETAIL OF 3=926!6'P—? Curour�o - t..e.eore 61r'/u L'r.errrF :�, - •3=��r 6'6' SwiNc Dooa Coca r/eys IN a1�/ MN DETA/L ® DErA/L Wi ES7?M.4 TING ,L i V .ANY S/OEIYALL BAY, PLNN WNEN BU/LO/NGS e �O NOT USE�r FOA M BE ARE PLwcFO SOF BY SDE - CON§TP,/f4r�rlOV F�F riR L/NC "`x ` ��� ME���-s+/�tEO FROM CENTER L/N_ F CpLUMN. NorE: PLAN .SNOWS 3 BY//LO/n�(5 W/OE t L ,r ' " $Ecr/ou F -F Aao Oa Sue raAcr 39'-O-C(ENra,¢ o. t a e T o ft o/v O' x / E cN r/Y ELEVAT/oN OF3=4"6=6" " 7- RF z3fmNG. ODOR BELOW BASE %IN6LC 2 4 6 B 10 11 �UTlC11 u1R0ulNLTuuluu Camp— DoeR Curour 17BF- 17333-11 I .L ZAD e/N,57-RUCTION 5H--E7- 7,7/VG .SH TT/NG BU/LD/NG ROOF SHEET — — eoo,- T --/Al PURL/N Nore: Arsacr/ G-7-/3 Ar rz/c+ -CORRUGAT/ON 17-/-6 G-7-/3 G-/-2l��BEa.) G -e-6 GABLE SHEET Gi8-5 SECTION C -C G-2-2 —i i 1G'h ' 61 �I I C r1� N� ISN pn^ll. ENDWALL ELEVATION G40A N�re: Acc Tancrc Baecn H..,.•c_a ' G -/3-3Q END BL/ND - • 6-/4-8 A439 Jo/Nr Si, e G-/4-2(DooR - Dook TRACK LAYOUT a, e SECTION A -A - 3 ' II 4 ♦ G-/3-7 T.eACK a'20-2 TRl/CK W O 0 .SECT/ON B -B T Yiu. z I GAL Z. MACH/NE BO S -6 2MZ FO.Q ASSEMBLY FOR ESTIMATING ONLY DO NOT USE FOR �H y OR 6 BRACC12 THE r MA�- I % 6.76 /MUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BRACEO BAYS _ G77 IWUZr NOT X6 TURNB—LE G-13 G-7.? C G-7-3 _4_1 —6-7--3 0m M ON EN 7001,Emm IN No I ME -- — — — — — — — — --- 67-6-- ;-&2 �H3-1 �7 6-7-7 6- 7 7 --ll " TTGuUR -- — — — — — — — - m- —,9 3 6-3-1 6-7--- )6-1-3 6 -1 (5-7-3 '5"' 6-7' '3 C-7-7- 17 7-. G N� — — — — — — 6-4-1 6-4-2 6 42 6-4-1 6 B GV - 4-/ -- 67- G-7-4 T." G-7-1 G-7-1 G-4-2 11-4 m NS r64 IN Q T, 6-3-/ 10 z kD V) V 'If V 6-6-1 6-1-7 1 L, COL. 20-0, J 20=0- 101-0- 20:0, zo'-o" ELEVATION W/TN P0A?T10t4 OF 3H_ -Z7-,3 RE -MOVED HOLE; /VOTE RrAO Z,,5r,,?4vc7-t.l SHEET &L BUILDIN63 A,/ T E — CIN BEFORE ERECT/NG BU/GD/NG EACH EL40 BAY Q9 /I BAY A/e'r TO END a4y WHEN IVECe.55AR, To AVOID 1tvrcgF--,e_-NCE W,7 -H p002,5 A al"LL),,c LO,6Eg �H y OR 6 BRACC12 THE r MA�- I % 6.76 /MUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BRACEO BAYS _ G77 IWUZr NOT X6 TURNB—LE G-13 G-7.? C G-7-3 _4_1 —6-7--3 Y1(5!H Pos/r— 41 CV 6-7 elbS, zz/ o" FOR ES TIMA TING ONL I DO NOT USE FOR .ALTER MEO/ATE B.eACFn BAY COIVSTP"CTION lo 12[�■YTLIH MAn �AUURjns C0MpQnV/-4,5 0m M ON EN 7001,Emm IN No I ME Y1(5!H Pos/r— 41 CV 6-7 elbS, zz/ o" FOR ES TIMA TING ONL I DO NOT USE FOR .ALTER MEO/ATE B.eACFn BAY COIVSTP"CTION lo 12[�■YTLIH MAn �AUURjns C0MpQnV/-4,5 MNo MEN ME Y1(5!H Pos/r— 41 CV 6-7 elbS, zz/ o" FOR ES TIMA TING ONL I DO NOT USE FOR .ALTER MEO/ATE B.eACFn BAY COIVSTP"CTION lo 12[�■YTLIH MAn �AUURjns C0MpQnV/-4,5 rw149 5Y!'C/AL E O Ba/u •' XwV9 SPee/wG E O Bt/u0 E B /ND JV.2w READ I STRUCTI 7N b%/EET BEFORi ERECT/N'G BU/LD/NS $ A/u TS FOR ASSEMD tY /a- Ise- r`O- r -v r•o / I G-41 --.. _ I'I _ aI G-13-9 G -IJ -9R t IN III d oll o ryI o II' 8 G-5-6. V. _ /ywcw O e Mu Sc.ne 0- wrour.69— 0 Ser Doom .' 4—r.69— CA o -- III2 O O I I ��i... GS6 O o • .S- I t p T I� � G4 -!R I I O IIS -- a O II R -/g-/2 H-/g-/P.I ryII w O B M �I � �- � •' XwV9 SPee/wG E O Bt/u0 E B /ND JV.2w READ I STRUCTI 7N b%/EET BEFORi ERECT/N'G BU/LD/NS $ A/u TS FOR ASSEMD tY ' G-/3-4 I /2'-O" CcewR DooR OPEN/No _ 1 0-0-+ Ty L S/gg— BAY W/TN /2L0'x /3'7' 54-c.Doo TYR/ L SDEWALL BAY W/TN I6�0'X 14'7' SL/DE DOOR 24=0' TRAe Lwrour 92'0' B:O'�9/T woY '0 '(A3/Fl 4.3s �ro/NTs eer>=z a=o'(si ra.rK g'o'("'siT,e�KI=o'(+-wr �RJ-o"(�s/r.�K K r 2/O• 2'ti 20' :f '0- 2=0" P=o- P=0' 6^ 6' -0' Pa' P'o' 2'O' /=O' P'O' 2=0• �o" E'O^ /'s' 2'0' 2�'O" P -G- * _ /x T c e I Y499 SP cuG ' dG-L3.7 S!/PPOR15 E O Buu _ ENO Bc//YD 4.99 SPc'c/wa Ewn B /,vDooR G-/3-6 643-17 .DOOR TRACK GV/DE LAYOUT FOR /2=0"r /.��%'DOOR S[/D/NG To LEir-.-re.•� TESE LAYOV r3 DO R TRACK Gu/DE LAYOUT FOR /6'0'.r L3L7 DOOR SL/D/NG TO LEFT ' NorE W E wee S A�rarr Se/ ' ONE W r S vcD B r 7)f' !O To OFTN@R AT CENTER• HE ER 5w er In I �_ w/'"GAG v. MACK. Boa rs G -/9-3R G -/9--3R r - #J/ TR cK I I C'4'-/ EYE STRUT G -6 -4R -G -6 -SR *G-/9-2 G-6-4Ro G•6�,4R .,ypo P 7 K �0 EP FLAm KO K G -L7 -/O ')H ocR Few /Nr O a * *O-/4-8 *G -/4-g. b DooR G-/5-7 • DooR DOOR - _ T BR.rcKcr NGMUST SL//DE TO L G �� F A K ARR EMEN rvNEN DOORS REVERSE ARRANGEMENT FOR 5,.-- Y L/DE TO SL/DE AWAY FROM EACH OTHER' R/GNT� /B -B 9Gos LnvE M4R ESTIMATING ONL • CDO NOT 'USE FOM FL ooR L/NE CONSTr?+/CTlO1l�' a : D "' � ♦' ' � c -r PR e. (2:r/3=yoR /6.'r/3=7'SL /oe LboR vN S DEa/Aee - 40:4FG, RFGU, d RFG.4 BiDGs 2 ♦ e 6 10 @ ■YTRII mYnun [Tq �®! campYnv +1 E /a- Ise- r`O- r -v r•o / --.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /9 I I G-/9-9 G 9R I I I II V -- ONGr ScE Doan T cr L,.rocr - ---- -- pIIG -'I i o 0 o I,I; p o 0 — 6-/-7 G _4 c-/ - * *G -N -Pt G -/f -t4 /6=0" CLErIR �DooR OPENawe G-/!-6 ' G-/3-4 I /2'-O" CcewR DooR OPEN/No _ 1 0-0-+ Ty L S/gg— BAY W/TN /2L0'x /3'7' 54-c.Doo TYR/ L SDEWALL BAY W/TN I6�0'X 14'7' SL/DE DOOR 24=0' TRAe Lwrour 92'0' B:O'�9/T woY '0 '(A3/Fl 4.3s �ro/NTs eer>=z a=o'(si ra.rK g'o'("'siT,e�KI=o'(+-wr �RJ-o"(�s/r.�K K r 2/O• 2'ti 20' :f '0- 2=0" P=o- P=0' 6^ 6' -0' Pa' P'o' 2'O' /=O' P'O' 2=0• �o" E'O^ /'s' 2'0' 2�'O" P -G- * _ /x T c e I Y499 SP cuG ' dG-L3.7 S!/PPOR15 E O Buu _ ENO Bc//YD 4.99 SPc'c/wa Ewn B /,vDooR G-/3-6 643-17 .DOOR TRACK GV/DE LAYOUT FOR /2=0"r /.��%'DOOR S[/D/NG To LEir-.-re.•� TESE LAYOV r3 DO R TRACK Gu/DE LAYOUT FOR /6'0'.r L3L7 DOOR SL/D/NG TO LEFT ' NorE W E wee S A�rarr Se/ ' ONE W r S vcD B r 7)f' !O To OFTN@R AT CENTER• HE ER 5w er In I �_ w/'"GAG v. MACK. Boa rs G -/9-3R G -/9--3R r - #J/ TR cK I I C'4'-/ EYE STRUT G -6 -4R -G -6 -SR *G-/9-2 G-6-4Ro G•6�,4R .,ypo P 7 K �0 EP FLAm KO K G -L7 -/O ')H ocR Few /Nr O a * *O-/4-8 *G -/4-g. b DooR G-/5-7 • DooR DOOR - _ T BR.rcKcr NGMUST SL//DE TO L G �� F A K ARR EMEN rvNEN DOORS REVERSE ARRANGEMENT FOR 5,.-- Y L/DE TO SL/DE AWAY FROM EACH OTHER' R/GNT� /B -B 9Gos LnvE M4R ESTIMATING ONL • CDO NOT 'USE FOM FL ooR L/NE CONSTr?+/CTlO1l�' a : D "' � ♦' ' � c -r PR e. (2:r/3=yoR /6.'r/3=7'SL /oe LboR vN S DEa/Aee - 40:4FG, RFGU, d RFG.4 BiDGs 2 ♦ e 6 10 @ ■YTRII mYnun [Tq �®! campYnv +1 E -- i a 6-7/ 6-4-/ G-7/ 6-4-1 6-4-/ 6.4-1 6-7-14 G -T-4 G-7/ G-7-/ 6-7-/ \\ \ 6.7-4 6-7-4 �iy Ip' ��\ 6-3-/ G-3-/ \O G7 SNee rB Man Gij G-7-7 G-7-3 n. \' � � � � I V G-3 V (46-1.3 (2)6133 i - 7-7 G-il n t^'. G3-/ _______ -1 V G-3-1 G-7-2 G 72 I ITTI-11- 6-7.7 �, 6-7-R K 6-7-2 G S'iECT3 /N�1rn G-2 G3•/ n U 6-3-I -3/ . 4-77 v r 9 K y __________________ : G-3•/ b ^ V 1' K 6-3-/ 6-3-1 ti - - ��� ^ 0 I V G77 n n 3-/ V I 6'3-/ U G-3-/ U 0� V 6-3-1 p h r c -I_4 GG- 7.6 SMeET3 M Rn G -B-/ G-7--6 PJc-1-f _ G,7-6 .. Q1GI-f - _ 6 6-7-6 G-3-1 \ ? 6.77- G 3-1 ^ G .9 'Ilk n � $Z B+ t V � G -3•I U I GJ-/ - n V n G -3-I � G3.1 G-7-7 N !� N �' 9 ^ 61' N L -3-/G- -/ v j .6- I Mean 6-6-2 6 7-.7 6 I` G7-2 G.3.1 - G-.7-2 �r G3d G-7.2 N \� G-72 TURNBUCnLE G -3-I G'3-1 0G(-3 . r: 6-3-1 V V -7JV G3-/ V -73 SNEE rB /vGRR 66d V G 73 V 73 I t t ... 674 G -3 -IG 6-4-1 G-74 6-4•/ - 6-71 6-7-/ G 7-/ 6-7-/ 6.714 COLUMN 4 CDL UMN I 20:0• - - 20=0 2010 ZO-O NOMINAL BUILDING LE—TM + 4•� - A /NTERVED/AT'E BRACED 84Y - ' kooF PLAN WIT/-/ PORTION OF SHEETS .PEMOVED NOTE: BRACED BAY ALL 19U/LO/N65 MUST LC-- B,eACEO - /N EACH END OTE: 1PEA0. /NSTRUCT/ON H T � BAY NEXT TO ENO BAY WHEN � BEFORE ERECT/NG BUILDING - , NECESSARY TO AVOID INTERFERENCE W/TH DooA- - OR ' WINDOWS). /N A BUILDING LONGER THAN /00 �R ESTIMATING EVERY FIFTH THE BA OR LESS MUST BE BRACED. ONL DO NOT USE MAX/MVM DlS TA NCE BETWEEN BRo AC Y - CON FOR ML s7- NOT EXCEED (50). 1I ' ° 1,7 ' GA Bu2p/NGs Io E sone° mnnurnc u m° c°mrn°v RM w 7-BE=17000-C I ever. L' "x It, MAGIC- G-4-/ G-4-2 - 9 G-7-6 g' 4 A 10 B.r G-3ri �. G•7•� .(NS DETAIL AT SAVE G.B'3 G-1-7 - I1` b1 G'� G /-7 4W t' SYM £TRICA ABOUT ,t 3 3.I MA— FROM I r' G FRAME ASSEMBLY G)F � /2 0 I /VOTE � USE � X / wMACN/NE BOG TS FOR - R a FRAM As E et v B' F R Gad G -3-I Boc riNr EAYE SrRu rs (G -4 -/)_TO STRUT SUPPORT G -4-2I `Lf) SECTION 1-1 • I - G-75 , � W _ • . O G-4-1 G•-4-/ `'.7-/ - G-4-2 G-7-1 .� M.iuc FROM x. is?s $''ECT10®3"3 / /5 n SECTION .R I a w Bement a G-1-7 FLOOR LINE ' mi 61 - /9'-5#, ESTIMATING ONL lo 2o'-0" _ DO NOT USE FOR CLi�1CSTRUCTdb/y -SECTION _ MSEC S/D"L ELEV T/6/V DRAWING •, „ i � ' ' ° T ° " �IGIa F2AME ,4O• RFG . RF'GU. 4f RFG/I 'BuaoiNGs ieeurue men.u.r..a..ayu�emecomreev �� = — B -3o-40 - �'Y 7•BE-17000-D �T ✓oiri s c�T-zz-T e S.25CT_TL6. 9 / �.r23/Yl4cv.. - ID Qurs� L/irk �-=To Fi�� A.cau o GUTJcc 2a_y G. 2' C3 ct.�)_ - 1( �TGLyl1T- «.. GUTTG.0 LAYOUT- Ao'QU/LO/NG Q G -22-/O a- 7'2 F -«-G-] Irl. S 1 � .Si/CG`TS SMaOYII OT/'Tt/E S/IYGGE 1� i H/ioTiY ELFYiAT/OTYS_ w1 i Al = _ ►�iiti ,bll�t B--8 �. �BLLcv/xo L/NC ti Q �• A G 4 i0/ -Y OF /LfULT/PLC f'✓/STH L= /—Y� ALL-1/AT/wry AT GC/T TG.0 • 6-ZPf« 6 -IP -J 6-P - - - . l�BuiLo//YG L//rG 1,, V 2Z.ii r__'' JTTG.0 LAYOUT- BO'6UL0/o•! vi i sNi _ 1 Q, 6-f%7f1 A A .y1-9 - -Prz G -22-J a-zz-aLL �j- 2R6LC 6-280 6-22-4 6-1•J 6-P2•P ' � 1 1 z�TT� G -l_2-9 1 7S�o/ Q Y GY /l�fu T E H/L7T - 1 " G!/TTE'C LAYOUT - P60 �BU/LO//-Y6 G- Qv/co//>v GSE v /00 =2 ••r a OF Lory FU//vTI /PO=O' _ G TT�•e' LAYoIiT-PBO B / a//vG ra G �� /20' 2•� � �' Low ..� //vT- /20=a' C _ O -y -�T a 7; i'7'GiCC /CC lf*OMMG/YOGLJ� _ n /S /HOST �COrYOM/CiAL ��•e��A/-YGG'MENr 1� 9 ' F. 11 z a a O/Loi✓ Pop'YT I OF Low Poa/'vT ' --NG ,2NIlY F Q•� Low Po/ mn1�ST� B--8 �. �BLLcv/xo L/NC /ON A-A-S�_rr/J•!'Y • 6-ZPf« 6 -IP -J 6-P - - - . l�BuiLo//YG L//rG 1,, V 2Z.ii r__'' JTTG.0 LAYOUT- BO'6UL0/o•! Q, 6-f%7f1 A A .y1-9 - -Prz G -22-J a-zz-aLL �j- 2R6LC 6-280 6-22-4 6-1•J 6-P2•P ' \ I I GuTTce LAY+2lJT -/�rBu/Loi/�'� ,O \\ G•QZ• z �- Gl2-GLE G -LP -3 G -22-f G -PP -J G -P2- G -l1 •J 6•PP-f GYY-0 GYY-GLG A .A - F J Z2 6 P2 4 Iwrl-BuGGY/w L//YG •apcP� �' O/Gow P //-/T , �� AYOUT - /40 GU/GO/NG_ SS J I G 22 4 6-P2.4 - 2 9 B B 622 6L 6PE f G j SCCT/GY T •eU MU T/f>LE- I Q �' ¢O 2 O� Low Po/rvT AT '1•� � -< /=rOUT-L60'BIIILO/N6 W/OTN BU/LO//'vG GuT Tc.G < 6 2 E 2 3 22 b - GUTT2'B LAYouT-/BO GurLo//1'G - I �-3 2P -G G C2 G 2 G P2 4 G CL J P P E J f P2f G 2.3 2E D OuiGOi/rG Li c2. pf- Go/v T /00 =0' a' LOry Po T Age GUTTEG'GAY�4/T-2M �'�-U/LO//-+'G Y-/ G -PP -I -Et• -It G-LPY 6•lP-J G•lS -P2-4 6-ZI-J 6 -PZ -2 6- - PI-6LL G<Z-S 6-22✓ 6 -Z2 -J 6 -PL -Z G-ZP-/ G-12•/ G I-2 6-lP-J G-�- -/ G O/r L6N F-b/i'vT . GG1�Gow Fb/. T 80-p" BurLo:/+� Li G ' GU TG,C LAYQ(lT-2206uGo//Y6 - O/Loi✓ Pop'YT I OF Low Poa/'vT ' --NG ,2NIlY F Q•� Low Po/ mn1�ST� NOTICECIT?IOF..;P PAUL �' J_��/l{ TO COUry , c' , COUNCIL FILE NO. 4JV PRINTER _ ^ � ^•mp:... 7�r.3"�41�11X'�Y ,: April 5 -1941 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT-OF' S 79-930-95 -COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 82028 T_ 6208 Q� INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THTY C�Olg(,pTROLLER. (�</ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - `,61``..99 194- / CITU GMPTRO„ c. APPROVED 194_ By aoo Ix-da . (g - PUBLISHED 4� 9` 4 WWI - DUPLICATE To CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ROLL CA OFFIOIE OF THE COMI-i�RZ)LLER FILE NUMBER- 7 MORTINSON PARi 7 IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED, THAT AT .. Ca O- THE CITY TRAIRY. COVERING ROSEN -.(��)GAINST To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 01 XRWAW-- NM..10N�LUSIVE. AS MR.PRES.DELANEY CHECKS NUMBERED r INC 'ROLLER. - Q PER CHECKS ON ADOPTED BY THE COU.Cl— 1�1111'.%l ,. 1 �, NUMBER TOTAL DATE — RETURNED ,I CHECK IN FAVOR OFNUMBER CHECKS BY BANK TRANSFER " 11 DISBURSEMENT ISBURS .1 IT ECKS BROUGHT FORWARD $2028 1 Fin. John S. -Findlan, C. of ' 5 4 =29 John S. Findlan, of In. 4 6 1 3117 82030 R0011ngs- IUO- 1.1 9 398 51 92031 Collector Internal Revenue 55 15 82032 Blaine Electric Company 5-9 45 8203Z 8203 ij L. L.. Cohn Fisher Glut & Chocolate Comp 392 . 8203 1 8203Z Goodyear Service Stores i� Nicola, Dean & Gregg Oompany Company 17 io 92037 Paper, Calmenson. & I leg 23 ' 2 $2038 Sharp and Dohme, Inc. 820�9 Superior Metal Products Comp . 35!97 62 45 820 0 Westinghouse Electric Supplyi 0 ianq am' 61 82041 D.,J, loll 99 q 92042 , Hilary J. Flynn 50 $203 John S. Findlan,-C. of'Fin. 170 0 82044 il John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 4 625 1 $2045i John S. Findlan, 0. of, Fin. 1 313 82046 :1 JohnS. 'rindlan, 0. of Fin, 19 82047 John SL Findlan, 0. of Fin. 27 512 9 =48 Mrs.. Evelyn H. Holm 82049 International Institute. 0 0 82050 Mple. St.Paul San.. Dist. 24 727 92051 StePaul institute 1 500 0 82052 Ohloagop Mile St.psul & P.Ry co. 1 123 0 82053 1 Mayor Edward X. Delaney i 88 6 82054 1! Ramaley Printing company 79 0 8205 ;-Midway : Waterproofing Oompany 891 3 $2052 1 Aame, past Freight, Inc. 11 82057 11! American Book Company 20 5 $2058 American Jewish World 14 6 82059 Educational Test Buread 26 3 82060 Foreign Policy Association 6 o 82061 X.S. Gold Company 12 00 82062 Gould Storage Battery Campan% 227 4 8906 Charles Harris Plumbing Coup y 1 a 820(N Hetherington & Befter, Inc. 411 $2065 Intardbamloal Corp. 0 82066 1: International Publishers Co. jluc. 2 3 82067 Jacks Mf company. I 4 o C 82068 82069 111narls ty Shop Air Products Company 1 5 24 do • 82070 Linda H.B. Coffee Compail 15 do 82071 82072 Madudler Brush Company Malady Paper Company 28 13 1 8 1 8207 1 Motor- fower Equipment Company 1 7 82074 il Powr Brake & Equipment Company 7 '50 82075 Recordak Corporation 41 49 .92076 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company! 4 5$ 82077 S000ny-Vacuum oil Qompany 559 39 82078 D., Van Bostrand�Company, Inc. 28 92079 Veterans Testing; Service vililoox 20 50 $2080 1P Follett Company 2 82081 !wIttenborn and Company 3 9 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 254 �431 1 267 _94 91 71 • • 1 M1 1335 CO`C. CITY OF RANT PAIII COUNCIL No.- 1L%!U64 F. No. 1•19634—BY Milton Rosen— FILE — �1 Resoh ed. That the Council hereby ppro, - Y the a erd [ the Contrast Cmmittee therefor, Bud hereby awards �. AUTHORIZATIO thoe contract for construction of a sewer ECTS On the westerly side of West Seventh Blvd from .the i t ctisn Of Edg- I mbe Road and Norfolk Ave. to the ch�� jIS PREENTED BY HON... _ - -jipy in Franklin Steele's Subdivision. DATE_—.T'^arl.=r1�1.L-S-1-1—! -__- -- -- - -- :-_ west and southerly in said — Fr• I' ..R Subdivision Resolved, That the Council hereb -s the-a'and of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereT:y aria.:.- contract for construction of a sewer on the westerly side of West Seventh Blvd. from the intersection of Edgcumbe Road and I'orfolk Ave. to the alley in Franklin Steele's Sub- , divisign, thence west anc. southerly in said alle;,r in Franklin Steele's Subdib.ision to a point 15 ft. southerly of the northerly line of Lot 11, Franklin Steele's Subdivision on the center line of an easement to be obtained across Lot 13, Franklin Steele's SubTliviSion, from the alley in said Franklin Steele' Subdivision to a point 10 ft. weFterly of the ;easterly line of '.lest Seventh Street, said easement heirs- described as the northerly eight f ?fit of Lot 1, Franklin Steele's Subd.ivisi.on, then northwesteia;, ac ss W. Seventh Str^et a,distance of 112.° ft. to ser -ice Lots 32 and 33 of Chesterl;ood Addition and southw(�3-1=rly across i.West Seventh Strest to the Mississippi `fiver P:lvd., thence on the northerly side of the Mississippi River "lvd. from Crest Seventh Street to a point 10 ft. west of t':e east line of..Lot 18, Chesterwood. Addition, to £}EATSO:- c. L'L'L1:_, in accordance W'Ith p7_;•n s and specifications hereto attached ,-:nd the T'ormal laid 11o. 1930 of said Beatson E Kelly for the contract price f 517,932.85, plus Engrg. & Insp. }$1,780.00, such bid being the lowest and said Beatson & Kelly being the lowest reliable and reasonable lhidd.er c,rd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw cp the proper form of contract th.erefor, and the 11 proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Cit, of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted. (property $v1C,20.00- Apppropri-ated from City's share of local improve - 43 Code 31E1 w9,432,85. FORMAL BID NO. 1930 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE j 17,780-00 NOTE: TO 11 CERTIFIED A PTROLLER a ESENTING T PTION. 5 TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COM EFORE PR O COUNCIL FOP ADO .' PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - . - - _ - - _ S 10 , 280 . CO 2 APPROPRIATED FROM CITY S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- CDDE 31 1 2. 8, i. APPROPRIATED PROM LOCA PROVEMENTS- EXEMPT PROPERTY—_ CODE 5 ATE. FROM BOND ISSUE --CODE S d. APPROPRI - . 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 6. S TOTAL S 19 , 712. R 5 - COPIES TO: THERE IS ENCUMBERED B - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT AN UN AL CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATE. APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO._ RS PERMANENT U_ COMPTROLLER NT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND _ PUBLIC WORKS IN THE AB AMO} T • PU RCH^.S NG / DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED. ' ...PTF COUNCIL EN • YEAS - NAYS ADOPTED BY THE DD IL_ RPk 1$49 IN FAV.R APPROVED -- --- -- -- — AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT . '^(— 1 MAYOR —_ t PUBLISHEn 44 — ORIGINAL_ G!TY c 60UNCIL No. 8.47634 CITY CLERK Na W5 co , � ,X.- �—HY M11ton Roeea— FILE Resohfed, ThRt the Coundl hereby onI oo 1111 approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards i`%!I ���• 1r AUTHORIZATI the. contract for const etion t axwer IECTS _ the the ae rQjr `side of Wean. Seventh I, Hlvd. from the' lntereection. of _-'_ cumbe Road aM Norfo�lc Ave. to ffie PRESENTEDaJtpy,.ln FI'aRk11n Steele s Subdivision.... DA " Mar Ch _� l 19�1a,`Y. •. _ :r west end southerly in said a)xR .SubdiviAbn I� Resolved, That the. Council hereby' �V, 1s `the'"'atYard of the Contract Committee therefor,, and hereby contract for construction of.; a sewer on the westerly side of West Seventh Blvd. from the intersection • of Edgeumbe Road and Norfolk Ave., to`the,alley. in Franklin Steele's Sub division, thence west and southerly,in said alley in Franklin Steele's Subdivision to a point 15 ft, southerly of the northerly line of Lot 11, Franklin Steele's Subdivision on the center line of an easement to be obtained across Lot 13, `Franklin Steele's Subdivision, from the alley in said Franklin Steele's Subdivision to a point 10 ft. westerly of the easterly line of "fest Seventh Street, said easement being described as the northerly eight feet of Lot 13, Franklin Steele's Subdivision, then northwesterly across W. Seventh Street a distance of 112.8 ft. to service Lots,32 and 33 of Chesterwood Addition and southwesterly across West Seventh Street to the Mississippi River Blvd., thence on the northerly side of the Mississippi River Blvd. from West Seventh Street to a point 10 ft. west of the east line.of.,Lot 18, Chesterwood Addition,. to BEATSON & KELLY, in accordance {with plans and specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1930 of said Beatson & Kelly for the contract price- of $17,,932.85, plus Engrg. & Insp. $1,780.00, such bid being the lowest and said Beatson & Kelly being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw tip the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper. City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul..,Assesscd against benefitted property $102280,00- ".Appropriated from City's share of local improve - meets, Code RE1 $9,432.d5'. 193a t7 7 FORMAL BID NO. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 1 / , / BO.00 NOTE, TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BUOR14 PRESENTING TO COUNCIL JOB ADOPTION. PER IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO. BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS 'FOLLOWS:, I'- 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTEO PROPERTY - _ - _ - _ _ _ - - - - t 10,280.00 " 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITV'9'-SHARE-OF LOCAL'IMPROVEMENTE- - - . CODE 31E1 - :- 9,432.85 3. APPRPPRIATEO FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE S 4. APPROPRIATED FROM 'BOND ISSUE -CODE ,S 5. COON' Al. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f_ S - _ $ TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - $ 19,712.85 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. NO. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THEPERMANENTIMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AM COMPTRO TS. t PURCHASING - DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED_ `�•. OLLER_. ' COUNCILWW - yr • YEAS " NAYS-_ -_-- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII���R 66 1949 ,_ _IN FAVOR APR 8 1949 APPROVED -- _AGAINST ' R. PRESIDENT }�}Tr:� .. '4- ` / MAYOR Sae 9-47..'OBC"� —' i. -- 2nd—_-- - Laid 3rd and aPP•--L �- Adopted Yeas Nays Year S Nays rtinaon n M lnson � Pgr¢Praanto Pa rbnto e/ n n J R on Ali a /�oeen J ruax Truax _� r, President Delaney Preaidenf Delano Y odgloal to Clic Clark cru' C. Jr. No. 1478 "rdlnance No, 9263"r BY'W. A, Parranto— 1. 4, 7635 Ordinance An ordinance amending 0. No. 8448 entitled: M adminieatr onbti ratees o certZein PRESENTED BY p ,kd employmeate;' 0. ded. A' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446 entitled An administrative ordinance fixing the oompeneation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for,the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT -PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No.•6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby.further amended as follows: . f�) By ineerting It 800tion,.) the folloO lines, a t � t ut gent PAIntor 2� Fire Dep p u �xtnte�den� of �epa��e (��re �eper�ment� �,0� � Q �p kato Mile (Flm Dspartl�nt) ��q0 Beotion 24 Thie o4na'Ne is deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neoessary for the preservation of the `public peace,.health and safety. F, Section 3- This ordinanc-e shall.take effect .and be in force from and after its passage and publication-. Yeas Councilmen Nays ' Mom—i�m+d}tta---^- rtinson Peters o Peterson " Rosen , Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: - --�--------- City Clerk 1M 848 APR 6 1942 Passed by the Council ••--------------•---------------------- ------ _-..-•--�.---------In Favor -- -----------------Against MR2 6 M9 Approvedc------------------ --------- ........... --•----- ------ -- /, Maybr - -- -------- ----" PUBLISHED � CITY 40030- -0%AlT*rr PAUL $ .. Capital P '�e att�:tesit c� P-J& POLICE - a - Tenth and M%�esota Streets, 2 - - ROBERT F. PE- JIL . Commissioner - - YOLIG'E sad FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDAa Aa-A S7, Deputy Commissioner - March 10, 1949 The Honorable W. Parra---1L--fto Chairman, Wage Scala C©�ittas DeariZommisd oner: Will you g =__3y srrange for the transfer of the following position= s from the Fire Bureau to Mechanical Trades t - ire 0,8 sr6 it Superintes3a- -===3L � of Repair a 1�1n i2oe a Carpenter.' rtment t.�be ut Trinmas r— tFire De p3stee�i These chaag-esam— mm have been requested by and have t)ie approval of the . -CV =2-'or-zned Firefighters_ Local No. 21. Thanking ys Yor yourearly consideration of this matter, I remdisa Vary truly yours, -C— smalls s loner of Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAU L MARSHALL F. HURLEr LEGAL DEPARTMENT WILLIAM M. SERBINE - JAMES F..su�uvAN BRUCE J. BROADY ' PRANK B. OAU GHERTY ' JOHN J. MCNEIL CORPORATION COUNSEL AfS16TANT8 April 6, 1949 Commissioner Wm. ParrantO, Department of Parks etc. City of St. Paul, Dear Sir: I am herewith- forwarding form sf ordixxem-- ce requested by you. I am also returning letter dated MarchL 10th from Commissioner Robert r. Peterson to your self . Yours tru y e yr Marshall F_ Hurley Oripla.l w C14 Clark ^ . O./ •' '� 147636 K D ' N C. F. No. 19763&- 0rdlnance No. 9289 . - By W. A. Parranto— NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 76W, entltled: - - �!� "An ordinance fixing the duties and NO. BY lnordi an and the mtnimum j -:ait. r^imthe varlou4clasaea ., iouu.orb'.t^ a.. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance filing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City".9 approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNT IL OF.THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. That Ordinance, No. 7607, approved February 3,3, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by _ striking out of the employment specifications for Dtilitymen-- Playgrounds, the last_ line under the heading "Examples of Work Performed", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "To operate tractor -driven mowers, power towers and ice -planers." SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. APR2 6 1949 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C,ounc------•-•---•--------------------------- -•-• Pa raneon In Favor Parranto i ------- ---••-----•---- --.-_ Peterson Against Rosen "-+ Truax Mr. President (Delaney) APR 6 1949 Approved:.---...-...---- .............. � ---... Attet: y _ aor yCle im 848 .0wo. .. .. PUBLISHED Ir original W Qty 071, - C. F. No. 197897—Ordinance No. 921115— nt— O D 1 N An r inA. ncePairauth 141763 e Aa 'ordlnence uthorlring the lssu- ance of epermlt to the Church of the HoIY SPr to construct heating mains Y 'and condWte acroea Albert Street on a line approximately 217 feet south --a -south line of ,,,h,.an. Tata is ImC PRESENTED BY - an emergency ordinance rendered nec- 'weary for the preservation of the pub- llc.l8ce, health and safety. •Pjt(V_of Saint Paul An ordinance authorizing the issuanceoi, a permit Eo the Church of the Holy Spirit to construct heating mains and conduits across Albert Street on a line approximately 217 feet'south of the south lime of Randolph Avenue. This is an.emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. "TSE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:. Section 1. That upon compliance: with the conditions here- inafter set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to the Church of the Holy Spirit to construct heating mains and conduits across Albert Street on a line approxi- mately 217 feet south of the south line of Randolph Avenue. The conditions are as follows: 1. Permittee shall furnish a bond of $5,000 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned to .save said City harmless from any and ail liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages or expense so- cruing to person or property, arising out -of theIn- stallation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said mains and conduits. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance as to surety, to the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, and.shall be filed with the City Comptroller.. 2. Permittee shall file plans and specifi- cations for said mains.and conduits with the Cob missioner of Public Works, which shall be satis- factory to him, and said mains shall .be installed as he shall direot. Permittee shall pay the cost of inopection,,if any. 3. This permit may be revoked by the Council at anytime, and thereupon permittee shall remove said mains and conduits, 4. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. 5. Permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to, be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health.and safety. Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. APR2.6 *49 Yeas Councilmen Nays `ph"'ian J rnson Pa Perranto U Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: -� ' City Clerk Ihf � 8-38 0�.0 Passed by the Council. ------- ----------------------------------- ---- - - ----..-_...In Favor ------....5D- Against APR 6 1949 Approved: ------_---•--�-....--- ......- ........ ................ ------------t-- -----_-- - ... -- -- Mayor PUMT.T';TTFT) '2nd -'----- Laid over to__—_ � - 3rd and app.—_ j -- •Adopted— — Yeas Naye Yeas Nays - oorrtit" n - ortiason � J Pa anto arranto - ., �rson ` i �j eieroon /Aesen 1 -Rosen P"ragz /T.ruaz President Delaney /hir. President Delaney original W Qty 071, - C. F. No. 197897—Ordinance No. 921115— nt— O D 1 N An r inA. ncePairauth 141763 e Aa 'ordlnence uthorlring the lssu- ance of epermlt to the Church of the HoIY SPr to construct heating mains Y 'and condWte acroea Albert Street on a line approximately 217 feet south --a -south line of ,,,h,.an. Tata is ImC PRESENTED BY - an emergency ordinance rendered nec- 'weary for the preservation of the pub- llc.l8ce, health and safety. •Pjt(V_of Saint Paul An ordinance authorizing the issuanceoi, a permit Eo the Church of the Holy Spirit to construct heating mains and conduits across Albert Street on a line approximately 217 feet'south of the south lime of Randolph Avenue. This is an.emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. "TSE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:. Section 1. That upon compliance: with the conditions here- inafter set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to the Church of the Holy Spirit to construct heating mains and conduits across Albert Street on a line approxi- mately 217 feet south of the south line of Randolph Avenue. The conditions are as follows: 1. Permittee shall furnish a bond of $5,000 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned to .save said City harmless from any and ail liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages or expense so- cruing to person or property, arising out -of theIn- stallation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said mains and conduits. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance as to surety, to the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, and.shall be filed with the City Comptroller.. 2. Permittee shall file plans and specifi- cations for said mains.and conduits with the Cob missioner of Public Works, which shall be satis- factory to him, and said mains shall .be installed as he shall direot. Permittee shall pay the cost of inopection,,if any. 3. This permit may be revoked by the Council at anytime, and thereupon permittee shall remove said mains and conduits, 4. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. 5. Permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to, be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health.and safety. Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. APR2.6 *49 Yeas Councilmen Nays `ph"'ian J rnson Pa Perranto U Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: -� ' City Clerk Ihf � 8-38 0�.0 Passed by the Council. ------- ----------------------------------- ---- - - ----..-_...In Favor ------....5D- Against APR 6 1949 Approved: ------_---•--�-....--- ......- ........ ................ ------------t-- -----_-- - ... -- -- Mayor PUMT.T';TTFT) Bua.wv or C ---a R-1 ' W. S. COCKROFT. Surr. . GEO. M. GAREN. Aur. S- 13— o. B, MES M.S. GRYTBAK. E—. -e- On a E. ,HERBERT S. WEST MAURICE W. HEWETr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER April 6, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel �{ City Of St. Paul Dear Sir: Accounnnc Dme�on? JOS. PAVLICEE 7 D -r', A.... enr . s.n JOHN M. COTTER, S -r. Mue u Enu�rvsnr ARTHUR H1OCH Bu. or Co.x zm— JOHN P. MULLANEY. S -r. Will you kindly prepare an ordinance granting permission to the Church of the Holy Spirit to construct heating mains and conduits across Albert Street on a line approximately 217 feet south of the south line of Randolph Street. The provisions usually included in an ordinance of this kind, together with the $5,000 bond, will be required. Yours ve truly, RGE SHEPARD hi�f ngineer s �_7638 o Grp clea¢ rou'io A CIL NO.. --- .�.'_� CITY OF�ST. PAUL r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM L FRESENTEU BY 1 U COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that William 0- Blaine be permitted to install and operate a parking lot at the.southeast corner of Fourth and Exchange Streets, subject to compliance with any and all ordinanoes governing the operation of parking lots, and sl jact to the followin conditions; That a ground be prop rly leveled aid made uatlese, and surr dad by a fence, xcepting at drivew , to be made of 3 nch iron pipe stand ds connected by a 5 -inch wire cable o placed that the bump rs of oars will not encroach upon the ids - walk; and a pro ection bumper along the bingold Build facing Fourth St et must be provide APR 7 IMS Adopted by the .CounciL.--.._:------------------------- 194._... COUNCILMEN An 7 Ewa Yeas Nays ortinson'Ir rg to rIn, Approved_....----•-•--••---.------..._-........194 - on sen Favorate ....'� r. President, Delaney •---•---....--Against .�-- _ _ PjlI3Li� D ani. "0 .® "POLICE FIRE HEALTH POLICE and FIRE ALARM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // �e a�timed 01. Pcblcc Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 " ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commiesioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Apr' C, 1949 Referrinr to the application made by the Blaine Electric Company for permission to operate a parking lot at the southeast corner of Fourth and Exchange Streets. Attached are reports covering inspections made by the Traffic Division and the Division of m Fire Prevention. You will note that there would be no objection to the grantinf, of this permit for the reason that the operation of a parking lot at the location mentioned would no+ increase the fire hazard of the neighborhood nor would it materially 'nter£ere with traffic. 7ery truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL a INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION . March 30. 1949 i Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety , Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by William C. Blaine for the Blaine Electric Company for permission to install a parking lot at 175 W.•gellogg Blvd. This department has investigated this applicar tion and report that there Mould be°no fire hazard created by the operation of a parking lot at the foregoing address. .Respectfully yours. 9���j . , Cox-.:�2�/ • Aes ant Chief Inspector OF FIRE PRIVENTION _ 'TRIM[ TE—L�ewse BURGO CITY OP BT. PAUL' TN16-APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED. IN THE CRY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - CLERKS OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING ,STATION i .. DATE Matah_P, 4. i9 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, -MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY 1h. 0. I1&&"* WL Sisise Eleetate QOrFW • 188 M. 4th St. • 8t.Poa1F;tine. {NAME OF FIRM/OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO. INSTALAND OPERATE / L: / ".R. 46 ft. of Lot 3 ""'VE I'.. OR' IDE GARAGE') .. R ��1• at t i Rgg���l ��,pe �Ot S gg� at US'S 12o! Lot 4 16 TO BE LOCATED ON IAT BLOCK- nee 6 Irvine Aftu wISO DESCRIBED AS (ADDITION) (STREET AND NUMBER). FILED BIGNA RH OF APPLIGNT... Mw. o. Elaiaa BY 188 W. St.Panl, 2,; Minn. BUSINEBB ADDRE9E. RECEIVED COW FROM CITY CLERK _ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 19_ DA' 19_ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD a CITY OF SAINT PAUL, capital of Minnesota 6 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 3 BUREAU OF RECORDS aQN-19 April 6, 1949 �T Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of William C. Blaine for permission to install and operate a parking lot.at the southeast corner of Fourth and Exchange Sts., subject to compliance by the permittee with the requirements of any city ordinances pertaining to that use. Very truly yours; City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE`OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ........... March .25th ..... 19. 49 You are herebv notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of'Wm. G. Blaine to install & operate a parking lot on SE corner of 4th & Exchange and that a public hearing will be held. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on April 6th 19 49 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. • JOF?; S. FINDLA"l, File 10957 ' Commissioner of Finance. ar[ The Bo Saint Paul, EGIN E. WAHMAN ►RpIDIHO OAIC�I of Zoning 1Vlinnesota G. H. HERROLD OC[OIInm MRVARY a A. L OIfR[ =Y= L mONvOt A. A. H=KMAM J. F. ROM ROLD A. 1/. wHROmm. CRY ARnRi.Ge 279 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 2, 1949 Ur. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear 'Sir: In the matter of the application of William C. Blaine to install and ,operate a customers' parking lot. This is really the enlargement of a parking lot which was granted Mr. Blaine in 1946. It covers the westerly 481 of Lot 3., the westerly 481 . of the North 511 of Lot 4., the East 121 of the South 991 of Lot 4 and the West 121 of the South 991 of Lot 5. The plat attached shows the development of the property described. The area marked "AA" is the existing parking lot and the area marked "B" is the addition and is the site at the corner of Fourth St. and Exchange St. where the two buildings are being torn down. The applicant wLll use the existing driveway on Exchange Street measuring 17 ft. at the property line and will use the existing 11 foot driveway off Kellogg Blvd. This his plan to use the area marked "AA" for his employeed parking e area marked "B" for customers' parking. The ground will be properly ledelled and made dustless and will be surrounded by a fence excepting at driveways to be made of 3 inch iron pipe standards connected by a 5/8 inch wire cable so placed that the bumpers of cars will not encroach upon the sidewalk. A protection bumper along the Gingold Building facing Fourth St. must be provided. The Board of Zoning recommends that the permit for this customers' parking lot be granted. Yours very truly., G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary GHH:lf cc: A. Schroeder J. Whelan Att. CITY OF 9T. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IH TRIPLICATE AND FILW IN TH6 CITY oR—NI.L - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C K s Dolce. Application For License DATP K rPh 23, 19� ^ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Bv__.Mm C. Blaine - DBA Blaine Electric Company - 188 W. 4th St. - St.Panl, Mian. (NAME OR FIftM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A (••DRIVE IN" OR "INSIDE GARAGE') W. 8 ft. of of Lot 121 of 8 991 of Lot 5 9yt(� 1. t C 1 T RLOCI ^•P •AjMSN 1 O BE LOCATEDetON LOT is Rice R Irvin Adlla ALSO DESCRIBED A4 CO(MT AN 4th & +ti�+A�Abe St. (ADDRION) (STREET AND NUMBER) ....... O APPLICANT. FILED Wm. C. Blaine BY_ 188 W 4th St. - St -Paul 2, Minn. BUSINESS ADDRE99. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE— CITY PLANNING BOARD ' BY_ V' —_ OrIzIp.rio city cie,k 14'7639 CITY OF ST. PAUL Wu Cil. NO.________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED —f ('.1LlN'iiQ/IYii DATE COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that pursuant to. Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Walter H. Steinhoff be paid the sum of $33.00 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident with Theodore Hunziker, a fireman, while in the performance of his official duties. C. F. No. 147639—By Robert F. Peter- son— *` -Resolved, That pursuant to Section 41811, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Coun- sel of a Blease, approved by him, Walter H. Steinhoff be paid the sum of $33.00 out of the Judgment and Com- . promise Fund in full payment of dam- . - ages sustained in an accident with Theodore Hunziker, a fireman, while in the performance of his official duties. Adopted by the Council April 7, 1949. ; Approved April 7, 1949. (April 9, 1949) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��ortinson --Par;anto Aeterson �osen maw Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ,® APR, 7 19S Adopted by the Council, ................................. 194-__ Alk ss. Apoved...............:........---------------.194...... ......In Favor C/5��r"" Mayor ..............Against );%l4s1 to City Clerk . , - . CITY OF ST. PAUL co�uecn NO.------ - . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ' r,NF 1 RED. T - DATE� Aril �, 1949 MREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance. - with Section'�53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency w1lich ren- dered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor be it, RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing named employees, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for ex- tra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE HOURS RATE AMT. DUE Francis J. DeZiel Alfred R. Hansen Louis Herman Maurice F. McElligott Albert C. Meinke Helen M. Utecht Katherine H. Warne Ray Teachout Janitor 1 Hour Asst Supt of Aud. 76 Janitor 9 Ch Refn & Op Engr 242 Asst Ref. Mgr. 161 " Senior -Clerk 12 " Aoc't - Clerk 142 Loc. Ref. Mgr. 44 " COUNCILMEN 17.10 Yeas Nays 49.51 -+iffdidn 243.51 Mortinson J Parranto .. .In Favor Peters :�� ---Against Mr. President,-N1tDr655 Rtr-// U 538.29 131 747 OWQ 1.90 Hr. $ 1..90 1.86 ', 141.74 1.90 17.10 1.98 49.51 1.514 243.51 1.312 15.79. 1.462 21.24 l.10µ 48.51 Total U 538.29 AR 7 194' Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------- 194...... � . , 4 Approved............................ ...... .......194 Mayor C. F. No. 147849 --By Robert F. Peter- . son—By request-- Resolved, That the proper city of- fi n are hereby authorized to pay car- C Iai teln employes in the Department of Education, Bureau of Auditorium, for. employment antra employment as set out on the list as et o attached to this 'Adopted by the Council April 7, 3949. Approved April 7, 1949. (April 9, 1999949 ) AR 7 194' Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------- 194...... � . , 4 Approved............................ ...... .......194 Mayor FORM NO. 1 147640 APRIL 5, 1949 All An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Auditorium, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the follow- ing work: Set up and take down sets operate evitchUowrd evenin s Saturdays and Sundays and viork during various events held in ouildiirg. Concession h . elp needed to keen stands open co tinuously as no other.help was avail- able This time is for the period from February 27th through April 2nd This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; No other hela available. This -report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FRED M.TRUAX 1949 !EYUIY, a Edward A. Furni, Manager toti9tr Civ¢ 147641 _gdptnat i CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca wt=�___ CO OFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM C F.No 147881—By Rupert F. son—Hy�tequesR Resolved That the proper city of- herepy pre to pay jPartmam I the"'ne� of *�M1eJlt PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER(::� Ii'E tr:" ae.��/ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education his reported to the Council in'a000rdanoe with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of oerWn employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra em131oyment for extra time hereinafter set fortis: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Manley Allen Janitor 8 brs 1 90 16 20 Edward Anderson Jan Engr 31 " 1 90 88 00 Mrs Sigrid Ash Janitress 10-8 " " 1 44 15 12 Warren Asher Staty Fireman 96 1 90 182 40 -Charlis Baler Jan Engr 15. " 1 90 28 50 Edward Bakuls. Janitor 102- " 1 90 19 95 George, Barrett Jan F.ngr 44 " 1 90 83 60 Christian Bauer Jan Engr 43 " 1 90 81 70 Henry Bauer Jan Engr 15 " 1 90 28 50 Raymond Bauman Jan Engr 35 " 1 90 66 50 Albert Beeoroft Jan Engr 34 " 1 90 64 60 Arthur Beisang Jan Engr 12Q ° 1 90 c 23 75 Irven Benson Jan Engr 106 " 1 90 201 40 William Benton Jan Engr 22 " 1 90 41 80 Alfred Blade Janitor 30 " 1 90 57 00 'Melvin Bloom Janitor 17 " 1 90 33 25 Ralph Bogue Jan Engr 2 " 1 90 44 65 Charles Burlingame Jan Engr 30 " 1 90 57 00 Fred Bursinger Jan Engr 67 " 1 90 127 30 George Cameron Jan Engr 9 " 1 90 17 10 Cecil Carlson Jan Engr 27 " 1 90 51 30 Frans Carlson Jan Engr 10 ° 1 90 19 00 Frank Chapman Jan Engr 52 " 1 90 98 80 Oreste Ciampi Jan Engr 46 " 1 90 67 40 Perry Coochiarella Jan Engr 6 ° 1 90 11 40 William Co;ding Jan Engr 58 " 1 90 18115 Carl Dahlby Jan Engr 202" 1 90 38 95 Edward Datko Jan Engr 23 " 1 90 43 70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194...__ Yeas Nays --F4ndh=-- Mortinson Approved.......................................... 194-- Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor ----------...---------.-----•----------....-----..................••---... Mayor Rosen r - ..........:Agaiuet Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ® y _ 147641 o.lwo.t:o crcr cre.k - CITY OF ST. PAUL MUM= NO.:- --- FILE - — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ _ DA --- Iq�REpS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council Charter the existence in accordance with Section 53, of the City necessary the employment of of an emergency which rendered than their usual hours of certain employees of his department for more employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay otherwise fixed for the following named employees at the rate extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: TIME RATE AMOUNT NAME Anthony De Ziel TITLE Jan �� 32 hts 53 344 " 1 90 1 90 60 80 10113 Victor De Ziel 8 1 90 15 20 David Donovan Jan Engr41 n 1 90 77 90 Frank Dupuis Janitor n 8 1 90 Z 15 4 20 John Elmond Janitor " Jan Engr 69 1 90 131 Joseph Elmquist " Jen Engr 1 90 122 55 Joseph Fedlmsir E� " 1 90 51 30 Frank Felberg Staty Fireman 6i n 1 gO 12 35 ,. Theodore Fettinger Jan Engr a n 641 1 90 121 60 John Flanagan Sch Engr " Jan Sngr30 1 90 25 65 57 00 Carl Fransen n 1 90 Fred Galles 3taty Fireman 7 " 1 90 13 30 John Gipple Jan Engram " 1 90 25 65 Joseph Godleski Jan Engr 25 n 1 90 48 45 George Gray Jan Engr 82 n 1 90 15 20 Olaf Gund Jan Engr " Jan Fmgr 46 1 90 87 40 40 George Gunther 16 p 1 90 30 Anthony Haider Jen Engr n 41,1 1 90 77 90 Oscar Halgren Jan Engr 1 90 51 78 Harry Hammbrsten Jan Ear 41 " 1 90 78 38 Ernest Hauge Jan Engr 44 n - 1 90 7 60 Anton Haus Janitor 60 3�4 1 90. 115 43 Frank Hayek Jan Engr 1 90 55 10 George Hayes Engr arr g 65 n 1 90 123 50 Carl Hedlund Jan Fngr 84 " 1 90 20 90 Frank Hedlund Jan Engr 701 n 1 90 133 95 John Heinz Jan Engr 16a " 1 90 30 40 Benjamin Henderson Jan Engr 5 n 1 9Q 9 50 Louis Heroff Jr Janitor Adopted by the CiouneiL...:_--------------------------- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -F4n&w -- -•-----....194—. Mortinson Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor ----............. •-•----...------•--.. Mayor Rosen . _ ........... Ag"mat Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 -06p-@ . Orlpinet co city Cleric - .. - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DATE cou"ca vua NO.._-___-.--------- A.� _ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Counoil in accordance with Section 532 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain enployeas of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following reamed employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AMOME Otto Hesse Jan Engr 54 bra " 190 1 90 102 60 61.75 Werner Hesse Jan Engr 32j 68 " 1 90 129 20 Elmer Hintz Jan Engr 21 " 1 90 39 90 William Holden Douglas Hostrawser Janitor n Jan Engr 196 65 -21 n 1 90 90 Zebrum Hylton Janitor 4'3. a Janitor 1 90 8 55 Robert Jabs _ +t 1 90 21 85 Howard Jents 11 Janitor 66-��� Jan Engr „ 1 90 31 35 Anton gohnson 103Y 1 90 196 65 Fred Johnson Jan Engr " Jan Engr 4ZW 1 90 90 2b Gimnard Jghnson n 1 90 3 80 Harry Johnson Janitor n 33- End' 1 90 63 65 Ralph Uopoe Jan 2 n Jan r'ngr 43 190 81 70 Howard Jurgensen Martin Juagemann Janitor 21� ° 1 90 40 85 Benedict Justen Janitor 24 ° 1 90 1 90 45 6,0 20 90 - William Kading Jan t''ngr 11 n 1 1 90 27 55 James Ke Emil Keller Jan 'ngr 562 "- 1 90 106 40 Melvin Kittleson Jan Engr 55 " 64W .1 90 1, 90 104 50 122, 55 Andrew Kolstad JanEngr n Janitor 28 1 90 53 20, Robert Krieger William La Chapelle Jan Engr 56 " 1 90 106 40 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-.--.:------ --------------------- 194 -..-. Yeas Nays _ F;r„ttar, Mortinson Approved ........................ ----------------- 194_.... Parranto Peterson.............In Favor------------------------------'------------------------^........................ Mayor Rosen lhvffax - ------.....Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M. 948 .QWA.® orWjW to City Glvk PRESENTED BY COMMlSSIoNER- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FREIN TMAX DATE- 147641 COUNCIL. F{L6 APRIL 6, 1949 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence in accordance of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain than their usual hours employees of his department for more of anploymentt therefore, be it RESOLVED, That.the proper city offi0efs are hereby authorized to pay the rate otherwise fixed for the following named empl&yees at time hereinafter set forth) extra employment for extra NAME TITLE TIME RATE $1.90 AMOUNT $125 40 Walter Is Motte Staty Fireman 66 14 114 20 16 Mrs. Elise, Larsen Janitress 13 1 go 24 70 Lyman Larson Janitor 16* 1 90 3135 Walter Larson Jan Engr 40 1 go 76 00 Eugene Lefevre Taikitor j 161 1 go 31 35 Emil Lemy Jan Engr llj. 1 go 21 85 George Lemire, Janitor 1 12 1 go 22 80 Wrt in Lindberg Jan Engr, 27 1 go 51 30 Gust Linde Xan Engr 26 1 go 49 40 Frank Linn Jan Engr 6 1 go 3.1 40 Dave Lumaden a Staty Firemn 31 go 5 70 Harold Lundberg Janitor 73 I go 138 70 Thomas Inner Jan Engr 50 1 go 95 00 James Lynn Tan Engr 27 1 go 51 30 Jacob Magnuson Tan Engr 20} 1 go 38 95 Edgar Malaske Janitor 19 1 go 36 10 Andrew Margl Jan Engr 59 1 go 112 10 Albert Martin Tan Engr 1 go 17 l0 Dwight Mason Janitor; 32j 1 go 61 75 Carl Matson Jan Ragr- 61- 1 go 115 90 Guy MmurO Jan Engr 1 1 go 1 go Donald MoDaniela Staty Fireman 6 1 go 11 40 James McDermott Janitor 18 1 go .34 20 Harry McDonald Tan Engr 50 1 go 95 00 George McKinnon Jan Engr 9 1 go 17 10 Robert Metzger Jan Engr 271 1 go 52 25 Adolph Miller Janitor 641 1 go 122 55 Lester Mollere Jan Engr Adopted by the Council. -----------------------------•-•-194..._ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _–Zindlan_ Mortinson Approved ------------------------------------------ 194— Parranto ... ....... Peterson .............. in Favor ..................... .................... ............... .... M - Mayor ....... Rosen .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney 31A 948 .41;0@ Origwi to GUY auk CITY OF ST. PAUL Ncm NO.1 15-G4.1-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRED M..TRUAXAPrRiL 6. 1949 COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of'employment; therefore, be it RES MVED,That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the follw ing named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truer Mr. President, Delaney 7M 9-48 .®'® - ............. In TITLE John Mombrae Jan Eagr Thomas Aulcaby Staty Fireman John Munkelwitz Jan Engr Augustus Munson School Engineer Roy Munson Staty Fireman Melvin Museus Jan Engineer George Nelson Janitor Gustave Nelson Jan Engr Howard Nelson Jan Engr Julius Neuman Janitor We. Ellen Newman Unak Iabr F-1 Joseph Nickelson Jan Engr Leonard Oberg Jan Engr John 0 -Mane Jan Engr Merl Oster Jan Engr William Fhulsen Jan Engr Leo Past Jan Engr August Peterson -Jan Engr Ervin 4uist Jan Engr Otto Rasmussen Tan Engr Waldemar Richter Jan Engr, Mithias Ross Jan Engr Charles•Ryckman School Engr William Sagiasor Jan Eugr Francis Salmon Jan Engr Benjamin Samuelson Janitor Joseph Sander Jan Engr Louis Sohletty Jan Engr COUNCILMEN 22 80 Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truer Mr. President, Delaney 7M 9-48 .®'® - ............. In RA AMOUNT255 6TS1ME go $ 41 1 90 77 90 291 1 90 56 05 11 1 90 20 90 19 1 90 36 10 23 1 90 43 70 33 1 90 62 70 14 1 90 26 60 14 1 90 26 60 10 1 90 19 00 11 1 45 15 95 41 1 90 77, 50 45 1 90 5 1 90 57 00 11 } 1 90 21 85 26 1 90 49 40 55 1 90 104 50 21 1 90 39 90 12 1 90 22 80 9 1 90 17 10 28 1 90 53 20 33 1 90 62 70 381 1 90 73 15 65 1 90 123 50 20 1 90 46 55 431 1 90 82 65 17 1 90 32 30 50 1 90 111 15 Adopted by the Council. 9...__ --.-............................ 194...-- ..............In Favor .......... Approved._...: Mayor 147rll 0r.1_1 m Cloy C1"k • • coueLa NO ------- CITY OF ST. PAUL vae ----- ----'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 6, 1949 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Fred M. Truax DA The Courmissioner of Education has reported to the bounoil VjHERFAS, xistence in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the eOf hich rendered Ont the for more than their usual of an emergency certain employees of his departmentssary n hours of employment; therefore, be it proper officers o pay rat hereby theare RESOLVED, otherwisertfixedfor fooll�ng namedemployees extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT NAME 23 hrs. $1 q0 $ 43 0 Fred Schultz Janitor 30 1 9° 0 57 Earl Shanda Jan Engr 1 90 9 10 Elmer Shaw Jan Engr 2 1 9° 3 80 Arthur I Shellhouse Janitor 551 1 go 105 45 Wilbur Simons Jan Engr 1 q° Staty Fireman 0 9 50 95 95 Edward..,Smith Nicholas Stadtfeld 51 1 9° Jan Engr 641 1 9° 122 55 Robert Stahnke Jan Engr 1 90 27 51 30 'I'rthur Story Jan Engr 1 9° 9 17 10 Joseph Stromm r Janitor 1 q° Jan Engr i5 28 50 6o 8o Bolger Swanson Christopher Tarte 1 go Tan Engr 41�? 41 1 9° 78 85 Rudolph Thalhuber Jan Engr n 49 1 q0 93 10 FA*ard Thomas Jan Engr 1 q° 49� 94 05 Gborge Turnquist Jan Engr 1 go 741 141 55 Joseph Tschida Jan Engr 1 90 44 90 -Watson Jan Engr 1 90 4 60 James Gustave Weide Jan Engr 1 go 16 30 40 Nhx Werner Jan Engr 1 go 5 70 Carl Widing Janitor 6 1 q° 11 40 Louis Zelnansky Janitor 22 1 go 41 80 Kenneth Zeller Jan Engr 1 go 33 62 70 Herbert Zirk Jan Engr APR 7 1949 Adopted, by the Council.. ............................... :-.194--- COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays r1i? it —'�imtilaa'�^ Mortinaon = Approved-- ------------------------------------- — Parranto ��� // ��C ..----..._....._ �-----In PetersonMayor • Favor Rosen /� Agit �! Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 e 14764 FORM NO. 1 A=; 7 1949 JANITORS & ENGINEERS 07ERTIME PAYROLL March 1 to March 31, 1949„Ino An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain, employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Cleaning School buildings - Eatra £;rim and snow aboveldng This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Extra Aatiditiee (extra fir,ag) and illness of — rem,lar eminloygae. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. .1 49 147642 Ad""? City Cleric • CITY OF ST. P:! U'e hereo. gr.oleT and NO'----------�...� OFFICE OF THE CITY .. fs i-trc+trod to Isauc,t _ LIGEYSE COMMItPEE .,,roon ;a ent ✓`jet [/ �y/COUNCIL RESOLUTION--tG��ENL,^:. v PRESENTED BY�- - YG lA / I� '`! E�./si-SIA+) n Cry _ DATE--------:-- Comm ATE' --:- 7 t 191-F9 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses statea. be and the same are hereby granted. Paramount Baking Co. 614 Cromwell Bakery App. 14986 P.enewel Joseph Rosen 691 Selby Barber If 15000 Albrent Transfer & Storage Off Sala Valt IT 15161 II , 812 Berry Foodstuff VMLoc Ii 15006 11 George Schroer 737 N- Snelling Barber " 15063 n W. T. Grant Co. 41-3 E. 7th Restaurant " 15095 II Glen T. Todd. 527 Anita 11 Grocery it 15140 11 n 15141 n n 11 11 Off Sale Malt Cigarette 'I 15142 n Lottie A. Fischer 1215 E..7th Beauty Shop n 15152 n Harry Gertz 1754 Selby Butcher ° 15153 If Harry A. Bird 413 N. Exchange Auto Ren Gar n 15155 n Albino Erick & Edwin Benson 636 Vandalia Restaurant 11 15179 " 11 11 On sale Volt 11 15160 11 - II 11 Off Sala Valt IT 15161 II , If Cigarette n 15182 n Edward Lott 683 E. 3rd Confecticnery If 15197 If John C. Olin 1450 Trankson Butcher It 15196 If Gordon A. Heille 545 Rice Barber If 15221 It Stainless & Steel Products Co. 1000 Berry Foodstuff VMLA n 15229 it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.................._-_---------.-194-.- Yeas Nays an Mortinson - / Approved ---------------------------------- -------- 194_._. Parranto Peterson ......----...In Favor ........................................................ ...... .................. -... Mayor Rosen !1 Mr. President, Delaney 3M 0-98 960"1 to city clal 1470 9 LICENSE COMITITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL F —cm NO ---- ___________ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER GATE AAril. _ 7. 1949 PAGE NO. 2 Otis Sladek 1199 N. We Barber App. 15239 Renewal Towey Drug Co. 1591 Selby Restaurant II 1ri273 n n it, Off Sale Malt it 15274 n s Cigarette 11 15275 Clarence Griffith 497 Ashland Mtr oeh Dr. n 15333 n Albert L. Carll 2249 University Gas,Sta 3P II 15357 n L. t. Carnenter 477 Superior Mtr Reh Dr. n 153g4 11 APR 7 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-_----------•---------- •-•-----_194..... Yeas Nays ,y – �eeliae Mortinson Approved ................. .............. 194_ Parranto Peterson_In Favor Rosen _. -.Against Mr. President, Delaney YLiTLIglllll 3M 8-48 147643 orlQidal to City Clerk '-"''-' . CITY OF ST. PAUL Mini= FIL[ NO.---_--------^--- ,,;,... LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESP TION—'GENERAL FORM PRESETED 9Y�'rYl%0j�„�d ,, (j'/Lj[,�i/'11DA April 7, 19+9 COMMISSIONER_'-�' for by the following persons at the addresses stated, RESOL9EDi That licenses applied be and the same are hereby grantedt N. Snelling Beauty Shop Evelyn J. Swanson 737 - App. 150614 New Old Loc. Klingerfues Mfg. Co. 995 E. 7th Foodstuff VMLoc It 1.5099 " New Plastics Inc. Employes ub�an li p 1`5112 n n n 22 Y. M. C. A. East District n n 1516 p d n 1075 Arcade 14 University n M. &.L. Supply Co. 93 II 15193 1' 21 Selby Jacob Gillman 9 OffcSale Malt n 15209 ii Old n 15210 e s " It a Cigarette It 15211 " n Edward Freund & Hellmuth Meyer Orig Cont Orig Cont it 15?17 Oaidite Battery Co. 1469 Marshall Foodstuff VMLoc n 15225 n New n T. C. Engine Rebuilders 1754 University n it 15227 ° n n H. B. F5111er & Co. 255 Ea€�.e n 1 5 76 9 9 n ° 2 Murceal R._-Rosenbloom 31¢ Rondo M.A.D.Loc. it 15311 n it ° C. F: No. 147843—By- Robert F. Petei- -a—W. A. Patra to— Resolved• That Utenses %plied far on the listat- . by the persons named ' tacked to this resolution„be and th1e� Clerka s hinstruct�da toe Issue such ly-1.i rens.. upon the payment Into the City treasury of the required fees. ” Adopted by the Counen Aprll 7, 1949.., Approved April 7, 1949. �p Q Itt n ` 1949 (Aprll 9, 1949) &aopted by the Co--....194 ..... w-.:,1-------..---•---------•--- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ''X14 Approved .......................................... r Mortinson Parranto 5...In Peterson Favor a or y Rosen nn _S Against Mr. President, Delaney Mr. .. 0M 948 ® .14'7644 Anil ln.l to City Cluk - ' - commas , CITY OF 'ST,. - PAUL fttx NO.___________ -...-_Y. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1 r T[n�t //�y� DnrE April 7. 199 PRESENTED BY t V fJ_VLOe._ilJ_ _ - COMM OMM ISSIONE 21— RES&mY That On Sale Liquor License No. 3285; a xpiring Tan STY 31, 1950. issued We' to Paul T. Arend at 599 North/Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Ben A. Rosemark at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved; and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond -of Paul T. Arend that it is released from liability arising after the date of this transfer becomes effective. fM C. •F. No. 147fi44—nY Rabert F. Peter- 7 �✓y: Parranto— Resolved, That On Sale Liquor Li - 19501s_ d3 to6� Pauli T. gArend an at 599 soherebyrth l tratnsferredreet be ato Ben A, nd and Rosea ' ark at the ame address.'that the Tb be filed by the transferee s here- . _ Tb approved. and the Ctty Clerk is di - r ,ted to notlfy the surety on the bond Paul T. -Arend that it s released f'r'om' llabil ,arising after the date of ' this transfer becomes effective. Adopted by the Council APril e, 3999. Approved (APrn 16, 1949) TRANSFER �— Informally gpproved by Cauncil March 31, 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn8 1949._....._____.._• ................... Yeas Nays n Mortinson / Approved ---------------------------------- ._._..194 Parranto J( /� /��� Peterson •..-__..-_..In Favor. (CJ�� `%< T May Rosen ...... Against i Mr. President, Delaney, <? aka �� •f 3M 048 APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application Name of Applicant _-BEN A. ROSEMARK ' Residence Address1400,Sheldon Avenue _.._______.__._... _ _ Telephone No .... _............. ..... __ _..._.— Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes ._...._.____...__..__._........._...__.._._..._.___ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?_._584-66 Rice.St..^_- ... _-_____...................__ If .corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation _.......... .... ....___.___................ .. When If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club How many members?..: ......... ..... .... _.__._.__..-----_..._.^.__..._ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known..Aetna_Casualty{,- Number Street Side ; Between What Cross Streets - Ward 699 No. Dale I4eat Thomas Edmund 8 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?......_None Near -- --- How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?......._1000_Ft.r.._.... .......................... ..... ._._._... .._.................. _.__._...___ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ? 1000 Ft. ..............__..__..__ Name of closest school .......... St,. Agnes ...._...._....___...._.._.—.._...... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..._Coaunaroial............................... _.......... ._.......... _........ � _....__.__ On what floor located?.._._First__:_..._....____._.._..._..._....._........._. _ Are premises owned by you or leased?._Leased_.. If leased give name of owner....._Leo Hermes If a restaurant?..._58 give seating capacity . _. _.........._._._....._ . If hotel, seating capacity of main dining roomT..._._._..-_.........._.............._....._. Give trade name .:...............- - - - - - - -- Give, below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended; ............ -_Main _bar only_-__._... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). — How many guest rooms in hotel? _.......... _.. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel),. .................. _.......... ................. ........... ..__..... -----.-._._._..._--._ Give names and addresses of three business references: ........... .... _... ...... ................ 1.... ....... ......... - .___._..__Brewin .- Co' -- -- ,. --- -- - Hamm Brewi IS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED:., Issuance of license is not'recommended Application checked by '; Dated. ..... .................. _..... __. ------------ ----- - 194 ..... ...... SEE OTHER SIDE Liee�ae Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RANISEY, � ss. JJJBEN A. R056tARF.........._._....---..__..—__...__.. being first duly sworn, . 'deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.__ 29th •.____day of_.__roh _.._-- ..... 194._9 _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. W,11ardS. Ylor n My commission' expires.__A.Hril 1_ 9L,_195A — STATE OF MINNESOTA, l ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY, IJ ...................................... _...._..........___..._.____being first duly sworn; y deposes and says that _...._�__.____......_.,_:._. _. __has read t._.._ ping a _.. _.._ a corporation; Ofarae..__—._�� __:__.�____ read the foregoing application and known the contents thereof, and that the -same is true to the best edge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is. the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said'application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....._..._.____.-._.day of... ___....... --------- _... .............. 194...__.._ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ..........._..................-...._...._..__...._..._.. JMt 1244 .gip orlylool to City Cluk - couNcn. �..� C `� s 'CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._-____---.-_._--�— LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' 7, 9u9 PRESENTED BY (^,,. �.�__ COMM ISSIONE 'T'-' F RESOLVED! That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15256, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15257, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15259, Cigarette, Application B 15259, alM Mechanical Amusement Device..Location, Application B 15260, applied for by Ben A. Rosemark at 599 North Dale Street be and the same are hereby granted. C. F No . A. Parrant Robert F. Peter- Reson Wlved:. That ltcenses for Restaur- ant, Application B 15258, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 815257, OR Sale Malt Beverage, Application 815259, Ct9- arette, Application 815259, and Mech- + atltcal Amusement Device -Location, Ap- pncation 15290, appited for by Ben A. AosemorR.at 599 North Date Street be and the same ere hereby ®-anted. Adopted by the Councn Aprn 7, 1949. Approved (Aprtr1 9. 1999) H Informally approved by Copncil March 31, 1949 Old Location 11 -Adopted x-•------...194....-.., by the Council- l..................... - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays +s i —FSd�l.. Mortinson = Approved----------------------------------------- 194... Parranto " Peterson �.In Favor --y ... - --- ----- ----• may Rosen ------Against Mi'. President, Delaney 3M 948 .l co147646 ueca PTO,--' orlaln.l to citycrerlc CITY OF ST. PAUL _. } OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 110EITSE OOMMITTBE CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�/ � L c-Y7L .. M.00NER RESOLVED: That license for Hotel (67 Rooms). Application B 150759 a_plied for by Francis J. Belly at 5132 Wabasha Street be and the ePIDB is hereby granted. "Glendale Hotel" NEW Informally P. oroved by Council March 24, 1949 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays an Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen a �— Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ("',.Favor _.Against C. F. No. 197699—By Robert P. Peter- 1"A7'h.1"e.- for Hotel (67 Rooms), Application B 18975. applied for by Francis J. Kelly at 813;5 WaDasha Street be and the same is hereby granted. Adopted by the Co uncll April7, 1999. Approved April 7, 1949. (APrn 9, 1949) Api 7 JW, Adopted by the Colinoil.-.•---•---------••--- --••----.194 ..._ liP ti v '949 Approved .--•-----•----- -----••--•---..194 M or CITY OF SAINT .PAUL COUNCIL NO. 'ORIGINAL-- I"/y /j FILE CITY. CLERK Na 13 3 • cq Q, F. No. 147847—BY Muton Rosen— Resolved: That the Council hereby T aDDro es the award f the Contract FC TS AUTHORIZA Comldtt a therefor, and hereby awards the the alley for c6nstructlon of a sewer' 46in the .'k In Block 1, Frankson's Ari 4 191+9 Dmo Park Addition, from Arbngton DATE '�-----196— a. vL�_' P^`^� north of Ar- PRESENTED BY HON.—_. -- - - - --- • Council hereby approves the award of the Resolved That the Contract Committee therefor,"and hereby awards the contract for construction • of a sewer in the alley in Block 1, Frankson's Como Park Addit_on, from Arlington Ave. to a point 60 feet north of Arlington Ave., to ROBERT MOORED in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached end the Fo-mal Pid To. 1942 of said Robert I'fobre for the IIcontract,price of $}450.00, such bid being- the lowest and said I-'obert Moore being the lowest reliable and reasonable, bidder and the I Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper I - form of contract therefor., and'=the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. • . I 1942 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 607.20 I� FORMAL BID NO. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED w5 TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. VVs i PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FORCOSTOF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS�SoOoo 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - CODE f 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE O LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— S CODE 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPER—BONG ISSUE—CODE 5 , 4. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - - - - _s 5. COUNTY AIn - - - - - --- - s TOTAL - _ - - - - - - - - s 1x-50.00 CE COPIES TO: I I HEREBY RT:THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- I CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. --- COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVDING -No / I PUBLIC WORKS I N THE ABOVE AM TS. II • PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLE -_ - -_ SPR 7 4 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL/_---/ l�} YEAS I P Il8 UW TUcT •. APPROVED - '- _AGAINST , ___ MAYOR MR. PRESIDENT PII$I,IS.HED - --- am ,. FOriginsl ea City Clark 47648' NCM CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX NO. -- — _— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI�O/N�=CaENERAL FORM / (� PRESENTED BYG" '�[/�'� /� .��i April O 1'94 COMMISSIONER- _ - — -- DA Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Hamilton Adman Type Cabinet, 2 Lead and Slug Cases and 2 Simple copy drawer and quarter case units, from the C. l.JO_II1SUT'`lFG. CO. at a cost of 5"479.951 less an allowance of $10.00 for old cases, makin(-, nett cost "e'469.55 F.O.B. `locational School, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools- W,int, of Plant- Rep,:irs & Renewals- 15-J-5 C. F. No. 147648—Hy Milton Rosen—By requesfr Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent he, and he is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Compt- roller. one Hamilton Adman Type Cab- inet, 2 Lead and Slug Cases and 2 Sloglo; copy drawer and quarter case units, from the C. I. JOHNSON MFC. CO. at a cost of $479.95, less an allow- ance of $10.00 for old cases, making net cost $469.95 F.O.B. vocational School, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public School-Maint. of Plant- RT,airs & —wals-15-J-5. r Adopted by the Council Apra 7, 1949. k Approved April 7, 1949. F (Apra 9, 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................--------------194---- Yeas Nays APR ,'%"? TI 1 fin( /� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL NQ.�y A�I,�/ 649 ORIGINAL K .. I 1 9 13 ' co . PILE 1l -LY �-� CITY CLERK 1T�n�. - C. F. No. 197849—By. Milton Rosen— AUTHORIZATI Resolved, Tla1 the Councll hereby JECTS pIn_ the award of the Contract the contract therefor, and hereby awards the contract for construction of a awards 4_1� in the alley in Block 44, Auerbach and PRESENTED BY HON._ _ isnd'9 Addition, $Otll FLORL Ave. YO a DATE_ �19A- ® — —� •ret north of Front Ave., to - i .a rdaacwith rhed I Resolved, That the Council her�oy Lpp ov' „ r. award of the Contract Committee ther.efor,and hereby awards the contract for construction of a sewer in the alley in Block LP+, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Front Ave. to a point 80 feet north of Front Ave., to ROBERT MOORE, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached and the Formal Bic. P'o. 1943 of said Robert Moore for the 1 . contract price of $600.00, such bid beim- the lowest and said iRobert Moore being thelowest relialle and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dr<:w up the proper form of contract .trerefor, lane the proper City offir',ials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. i Assessed a-,ainst benefitted property. � V FORMAL BID NO. 1943 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 826.65 'I NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNOB AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. - III PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWE: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST. -N-1-0. PROPERTY- - - - - --- - - - _ - - - - - S fl00. on 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- CODE S 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LdC I MPROVEMENTS-EXEMPT PROPERTY- v CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE S S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ TOTAL _ _ _ _ $ 600.00 Y II ,COPIES TO: I I HEREBY'CERT1_ AT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED TO PR - CITY CLERK I NCE AVAILABLE IN TYj€ N OVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS T LOCAL IM OVEMENT NO. --_.- COMPTROLLER REIMBUNSE THE PER A�jE ROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN PUBLIC WORKS I N THE ABO E AM S P • _ PURCHASING - - DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED--_.- COMPTROLLER /L,� i-_ . COUNCILMEN l - APR 7 1949 YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _---_------------ • i11 FAVOR Aftr) �- 1, ._AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT II500 9.17 + •C PUBUsHEDL�f-1---�-+--� i// �O• rlginal to City Clerk 147650 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rit1: NO— ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL° RESOLOTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED By COMMISSIONE _.____. _ DATE_ Agri—7—ths__d...?f,9 WHEREAS, in connection with river and harbor improvements it is necessary to acquire various pieces of land in order to make the necessary improvements. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the cost of land so acquired during the year 1949 be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3003, and that the City Council agrees to place in the 1950 budget a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars($3000.00) for the purpose of reimbursing the PIR Fund, Code 3001, for the land acquisition costs. R �. @ C. F. No. 397850—By Milton Rosen— Whereas. In connection with river t and harbor improvements it 1s nece4- sary to acquire various pieces of land v in order to make the eessary Im- prov reents. m- provereents. Be It Therefore Resolved, That the cost of land so acquired during the year 1949 be paid out of the Permanent Im provement Revolving Fund, Code 30111, and that the Clty Council agrees to place in •the 1950 budget a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for the purpose of reimbursing the PDR Fund, Code 3001, for the land acquisi- tion costs. Adopted by the Council April 7, 1949. Approved April 7,' 1949. (April 9, 1949) / kc Z 19413 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councl................. -............... 194---... Yeas Nays tinson Approved------------------------- ---------------194- arranto Peterson _-----_-_In Favor .............. 'Rosen r ---Against We Mr. President, Delaney, 3M A-48 -JEN.0 - F Ori 1@ti to City Clark , couriaL NO._9--4�k 9 /� _CITY OF ST. PAUL ,tom %A-§--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 7, 1949 PRESENTED B DATE COMMISSION --- In the mAtter of paving Alley in Block 3, Holcombe's Addition, from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 145885 approved October 14, 1948) and Final Order C. F. 146559 approved December 28, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and.be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No, 147661—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of paving Alley in - Block 3, Bolcombe's Addition, from Grotto street to st. Albans street, under. Preliminary order C. F. 146886 pproved October 14, 1848, and Final ' Order C. F. 146669 approved December 28, 1948. Resolved, That the -plana and speci- fications for the above named im- provement as submitted here With by the Commissioner ofPublic Works, be and the same are hereby approved. and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchas. ing Agent be and he Is hereby directed to advertise for bide on this improve- . ment. _- Adopted by the Counclt April 7, 1948. - Approved APrn 7, 1948- 11 1999) i 4/ CQUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................. 194 Yeas Nays ksi 4� 7 M81 ...ARdbur ""' Mortinson Approved-............ -----------------.194 Parranto .. j Peterson In Favor - -- 1V yor Rosen .T.cuwe _-..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 W52 original to City Cleric—U1e1i. CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE NO_ ..._-.- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , C CIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 7, 1949 PRESENTED BY DATE v -- -- comMISSIONER------- In the matter of curbing Cumberland Street from Lawson Avenue to Cook Avenue, unde Preliminary Order C. F. 144686 approved June 29, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 145305 approved August 24, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be ane he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. A- COUNCILMEN Yeas + Nays —FiNtHiell Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen 4§uea — •Mr. President, Delaney L3M 0-08 .4ED-(a 197952—By Milton Rosen— matter of curbing Cumber - et from Lawson Avenue to i esoRlve', That the plans and sped+ aca.o_ for the above named im. provement as submitted herewith by! Ne Commissioner of Public Works, be I and the same are hereby' approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchas Ing Agent be and he is hereby directed' �to advertise for bids on this improve meat. Adopted by the Count. Apr. 7, 1999, Approved Aprn 7. 1949. (AP 9, 1949) APR 7 1949 Adopted by the Coubili).......-.-.: ...................... 194 Approved..-......... ---_------------------------ 194. .. t.'....In Favor ---------- -• -- - - / '''' �n� Mayor .�.�!....---Against /original to Clty Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI IL ON—GENERAL FORM - .T/ nATE— FOS couxca NO ----- r-=2 65 RESOLVED, that resolution, Council File No. 139875, adopted and approved May 2, 1947, be and the same is hereby emended by striking from Paragraph numbered 1 thereof the following w03AI%% "and a triangle in the northeast corner of Lot 25, measuring 5 feet on the north line and 5 feet on the east line thereof." and be it ydRTRER RESOLVED, that the time within which the petitioners may comply with the terms and conditions of said resolution be and the { µy the same is hereby extended to April 15. 1949• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . a orlinson 11_arIfirlto V�e/terson �tosen /Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .''® Favor .......... Against C. F. No. 147853—By Severin A. Martin- son—By.. request— Resolved, That resolution, Council File No. 138875, adopted end apphrovedereby amended�bybe and t striking meParagrnPh numbered 1 thereof the following words: and a Mangle In the northeast corner of Lot 35, measuring 5 feet n the north line and 5 fee[ on the east line thereof.' and be it Further Resolved, -That the t 1 to e 4 ywhich the petitioners may mm-�,v,gdn dbal eald ret so11 lutlon� be and" the = 1s t hereby Adopted by the Coli AP,'ll 0'.9"294 9. Approved April 8, 1849. {{- (Apra 18, 1949) APR 618'49 Adopted by the Council. ..------ ...................... Approved--- _-------------------------------- -- --------------.- ... ....--.._.. ----- - Mayor ') orlginal to city clerk 1476,54 6,54 CITY OF ST. PAUL FBunea NO_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - I , C6' b/NNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTD By 7- COMM IsslowwR\ / V ✓iYL �- a TE April 5} 1949 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent bei and he is hereby �iuthorized to purchase, :!ith the consent of the Comptroller, repair pL:r.ts for the Fire Department Rer,air Shop from the TTUTTICIPAL F' IIIP?LT?'_' CO. at a total cost or p373.10 f.o.b. St. Paul, .,__t?--oiit ashinr for compet-tive bids, as these are Ytented articles and no wdvanta„e could be gained thereby. Charge °-D-6 Fund C. F. No. 147859—Hy Robert F. Peter- son— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he JB hereby authorl-d. t,p-- chase, with the consent of t he Comp- ' troller, repair parts for t he Fire De-, partment Repair Shop from the MU- - NICIPAL EQUIPMENT CO–at a total d cost of $373.18 f.o.b. St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 8-D-6 Fund. _ Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. Approved April 8, 1949. - - (April 16, 1949) Am s 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CollneiL-................................ 194--... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved-_.. ...........................__.____.194 --- Parranto Peterson -----In Favor Rosen ') .'Against 4h Mr. .............. Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 ® _ 14-7655 (ftlplval to City Clerk MUN""a NO "� CITY OF ST. PAUL snt --' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ 'PRESENTED B (/!,! DA April JC , 191L9 COMMISSIONE Resolved, That the Purcl...asinF h .ent bel and he is-.',ereby authorized to purcha—et Frith the con-5,ent of the Comptroller, Tiley stoker parts at a total. cost not to exceed 1293.'0 f.o.b. Detroit, Michigan without advertisement or .competitive bida s, s t' -e .esare patented articles and no adventa e could be-t.fined t'_�lereby. Charne ':tater Department Fund. C. F. No. 147655—RY Severin A. Martin- son— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Compi , troller, Rileystoker parts t a tota cost not to exceed $1y93.00 f,o.b. De- troll, Michigan, without advertisement - - ^ or compete bide, as these are patent- ; ed articles and no advantage, could be by. Charge Water Depart- ,I maentaFimU. j Adopted by the Council April B. 1949. ApproVed April 8. 1949- t (April 10, 19491 tf Adopted by the Council. .......... .-.--..-.--..-------- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved .......................................... 194._.. ortinson � - ��srranto '....-........In Favor -------- - ---- ....- -- ,1 eterson syoi A(oBen Against President, Delaney 0 3M 918 m�® 'I T f 147656 6 41'."1 to City Clerk. —U—IL CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLe NO ------------------------- 01 -_...-- ------------01 ICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY DATE___ApTil 8L_1949 COMMISSIONER ----- 1 RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they herein are authorized and instructed to execute on the part of the City of St. Pauli an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Highways, covering the installation of traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. 49 at the intersection of Rice Street and Maryland Avenue. I& ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan �oitinson Parranto _,Peterson osen Z£rewr President, Delaney BM 99-48 .+E0-0. C. F. No. 147858—BY Mato- Rosen— Ttesolved. That the proper city offi- is be and they herein are author)ted sand instructed to execute on the part of the City of St. Pau). an agreement with the Mpinesote Ilepartm Highways rnvoring the installation f tratnt of c control atgnals on Trunk 81gh- way- No. 99 at the interseMion of Rtce Street and Maryland Avenue. Adopted by the Council April 8. 1949. Approved Apr11 9. 1949. (Apra 18, 19499 ) Adopted by the CounieiL............. -------------------- 194...... Approved.. . ..........._.------- 194 ..... - ........In Favor ........... y or Agit .. Original to City Cleric 3p0 `L7f�r� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------ ------------------- OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 8, 19/49 COMM)§SIGNER __ DATE RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for Traffic Signals at Rice Street and Maryland Avenue, as presented by the Commission of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. j C. F. No. 147857—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the plans and specifl- cations for Traffic Signals at Rice _....Street..aad I,faryland Avenue, as pre- sented by the Commissioner of Publlc Works, be and the same am hereby approved, and be it rther Resolved. That the - Ing Agent, be and he is he eby directed to, advertise for bids on this no rove. meat. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. Approved Aprll 8, 1999. (April 16, 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.APt`.....�._Q..._.194.____. Yeas Nays Martinson Approved--------- --------------------------------- 194._ Parrantq Peterson _,l In Favor ....... ----- Rosen ---) Fruetx ------Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-08 .naf'Ta. vk . 1476, 8. CITY OF ST. PAUL -. c ecn. NO------ __ ---- j ITTEE _ OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tEIONE 6 DATE Apr11 fS, 19149 Dr That Off Sale Liquor License No. 1097, expiring January 31, 1950, issued to Mrs, Ida Binder at 159 west Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Max L. Binder at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Mrs. Ida Binder that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. JC'F. No. 1111 —By Robert F. Peter- n—W. A. Parranto r Resolved. That OH Sale Ltquor L1- 1050eisued to No M�Ida Binderat158 Council April B. 1949.E a, 1949. 16,1949) TRANSFER Informally aroroved by Council March 29, !9149 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Courtal k ---194 ..... Yeas Nays Mortinson / Approved ................. ......................... 194. . Parranto n Peterson Rosen . In Favor ............'S aF . _.. ay._.. \\ M 'I4 ttas .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney alt 948 odQfl�l to city clerk eour4ea `! E l�t)� CITY OF ST. -PAUL N�••--- - - --- LICENSE COHMIT TEE OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ���� PRESENTED B 2n�ri-.✓ �- DAM April 8, 1949 COMMISSIONE y__— RESOLVED= That On Sale Liquor License No. 3248, expiring January 31, 1950, issued to Beta A. Rosemark at 586 Rice Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Edward 0. Stahl at the seme address; that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Ben A. Rosemark that it is released fiom liability arising after the date of this transfer becomes effective. C. F. No. 14765 By Robert F. Peter- ` son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That On Sale Liquor Li- cense No. 3248, expiring January 31, 1850, issued to Ben A. Rosemark at he Rice Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Edward O. Stahl at the same address.. that the bond Stahl by the transferee Is the appproved, and the City Clerk is directed t, notify the surety on the bond of Ben A. Rosemark that 1t is released from lia- 1,111ty arising after the date of this 1 transfer becomes effective. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. TRANSFER Informally approved byCouncil March 31, 194-9 • U COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- --- -------------_--.--.-.......194..... Yeas Nays. FSara_n / Mortinson Approved-_-. ------------------------------------- Parranto Peterson y -.In Favor ......------` Rosen T7_ ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 q® r F13 CITY OF ST. PAULL6l- A PLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No._. ----- EDWARD 0 STARL �..._..__......_.�elep �Name of Applicant....._•.-_,--- 'Residence Address..- 4 -86 - rest ne No......__._..._.....___..__.._.._, Are you 'a citizen of the United States? Yes _..._...._-..._.. ._..__....__..____.._.. ..._.._ ._ __--. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?_ -:199 Payne Avenue _3w Years -..._...._....... ..._.......... ..... ............ ............... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ........... .... __._........ _..... I._ ... _.... -- When incorporated?_.._._._.. .------- __._...._._...._..__._.._.._.... _............. _. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ........ _.... _-----. — .---•-- How many members? ............ ... :_.__.__._.___._...._......—�._-- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if knowr. Number - Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 584-86 j Rice East Como 6 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?..._None Near How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?....Several Blocks ..._........_ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?... 3 Blocks_ Name of. closest school..... Soheffer _._..__..._.........._...-__...:.......................................--- ... ................. ....-- ......... ._..._._..... _................... - How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ...._ComnerPIA! ... ................. ........ _.._...._...._...._..___._._....... _.......... __...:._ Onwhat floor located? ._....._First.._ ........................ _._._..._._.___..................................... ....------......_...._...._....__.-_.._._...._............._...._..-- Are premises owned by you or leased?._Leased _ If leased give name of owner..._Solmddt Brevring Co. — Ifa restaurant give seating capacity? ....._125_..... ..... .... .... _............... :........................................ ..............----.--..._......_.._.........:_._._......._......._... - If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....___...._.. ... ............ _...:... ................. ....... .... ........................... ......... _.._..... ............ _............ Give trade name .................. .......-- Rioomo Recreation --tion .......................... .....--------------- .............._........ . - - - --------- .. . . ... _ Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: _....... _...... — -------- Main BasRoom_On1Y_.__..................... ...........:......_........_..._._-._ ............ :__�_.._..._..__.__ (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?........................ ..... ....... ........ .............. ............ .... ............................. ... .... _._..... _... .... .... _....__:.._.__...._.............. _........ __. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaupant or hotel) ........... .................. ..._..._...._.._....._...__..._...._...___...__._— _— Give names and addresses of three business references: ................................................................_...._....-...._........._.:__..._...._..... ColemanLoan. Co....................._...._...._..............................................:....................... ..._........ _....................... ._......_.- 1 ............... .- .._....__...._...._..._.._...._ _.. . _.._. _. 2.... ......... ..... _Jea. J.. McCarter._oo,--._...._._�.-................ _... ._......................_..:__._...._...._....-.._.._...._..__..._............_—_.... _ 3. ..................._ n Sohmidt. Brewin.._Co. r.,_..._...._.._. .... ... ..-.......... ........ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated.._........ ......................._.._........._..._.___._194............ _ _......_._..._.____..__................................_.........._..............__.._ ..................................._. -� ._.. _..._._.._.. _ _License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, l COUNTY OF RAMSEY, Jj ss' EIJPIAp 0. STAHI._._............_....-..._...--...._ __.._. being first duly sworn, _....__.._--.-._..._......._._-..._...._..._.__.._.__.._..._.._....__._.___— - deposes and says that he has read the foregoing -application and knows the contents thereof, and that the --same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this._.?�h____.-da/y of... / l6h....... _............... 194 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires._.A�ril 19, 1955 �- 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA, lss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ) first duly sworn,' deposes and says of , a corporation; read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of....._ -. - _..•_ _ •�:__-knowledge, information and belief ; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the exeeution thereof is the voluntary act apd deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... ................. _._.day of. .... ...... ..-........ ..... ........ _.._.194 _._._.._..._...-_.�____-._.:.-_._..._.-.._.:. _..-_ Notary Public, Ramsey County, ._..._Minn. My commission expires ........... ........ .... I ....................... ... __ IM 12-44 .,tea, O claw to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL - eour4ea 14766(), .9 r No.-------------- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE April 8, 1942 RESOLVED= That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15261, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15262, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15263, Cigarette, Application B 15264, Bowling Alley (8), Application B 15265„ and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15266, applied for by Edward 0. Stahl at 581-6 Rice Street- and the same are hereby granted. " C. F. No. 147668—By Robert F. Peter- mn—W. A. -Parranto— NEL9 Informally approved by Council March 319 1949 Old Location COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ........... -..................... 194-.--_ Yeas Nays `'" --Fina ain Mortinson Parranto APProved--- ....................... 194--- - Peterson :.4 In Favor Rosen - -•-1--.Against Mr. President, Delaney' '3M 9-48 [`City Clerk far tICASE COMMITTEE 147661 CITY S 0 661CITY OF ST. PAUL corca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n -n DATE April 8, 19+9 RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 3302, expiring January 31, 1950, issued to Harry J. Muggley at 756 Jackson Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Carl A. Braham and Willard N. Talk at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Harry J. Muggley that it is released from liability arising after the date r this transfer becomes effective. C. F. No. 197fi61—Hy Robert F. Peter- son—W. Li- cense oNo.•3302a2e PlringeJ Hoary 31, 1960,''--S` to Harry J. Muggley at 768 Jackson Street be and the same 1s hereby transferred to Carl A. Braham Antl Willard N. Falk at The same ad- dress, that the bond filed by the trans- ferees is hereby approved, and the City Clerk fe tllre.ted rrtrrooy notify the that tit fa released from lieblllty arglsing after the date this transfer beeomea effective. Adopted by the Counen April 8, 1999• APPraved APru 8, 1999. (Aprt116, 1999) TWSY R Informally a proved by Council March 22, 1949 8 6949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ------------------........... Yeas Naya ...194 �.,.., oiM rtineon Approved ......................... ananto - --Peterson ------- y.---- In'Favor --Roaen --- M or �..-Against 7J�,�� Delaney ,resident, std o-+8 m®- '.1* All-%F SAINT PA ( /7-7 oPPT iC'ATION FOR„,ON,SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Name of Applicant ....._..AA.. Residence Address Are Are you a citizen of the Unit Havey ver be,n engaged in operat'n9 Whenand where? ------ ---------- _....------ ........... ..... - .................._,..._...._. If corporation,- give name and general purpose of cafe, J o7 pature? -- Whenmcorporated?............_....................:......_...................._..._.....,::.._......._.........._...._............_............................__ . If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members ......___. ...... ...... ...,,._.......... ........................... _...... ... Howmany members? .................-.................... ........ __.._.... _........................ ..._ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and, name and address of general manager .............................................................._...................... _....... -- ................................ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if Number Street Side Between Cross Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured long ets) ?. _.......... .''^=--------------......... - 'How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? ..... .......... ..7. ......... .............. ..... ...... ............._----- _._....----------.....jj ... How. many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?..._�l._. ...-- -- - - Nameof closest.school...:._...._............ ..... ......... .... ..... ..... ................... - r--..................................... ._.......... _............................. _........ How are premises classified under Zor�ng Ordinance?..._..........._..................................................-- On what floor located?....._ .................... ..._..... ................... ...... .......................- Are premises -owned by You or leased ..................... .... leased give name of owner...........r.---...... _......................_................_ If a restaurant give seating capacity?... ......... .......,...—.-.......... .......................................................... _._............ _._.............................. -_.._._ If hotel, seating caps y of main dining room? ...._...._.._._...._.........._.. _................... ........_...._...._.........._._._.........._......................— Givetrade name-. . C��------- ------------- ------------------- ------- --- ----- ------- .--------------- ----- --------- --------- ----- ----------- Give below the, name, or number, or other description •of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels and %estaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?.._.._ ..... ............... _.... Name of resident proprieto or manager (restaurant or hotel)......................................................._.......:......................_....:....... Give names a d esse th��ee��busmess referen 7L ------- - -- - - _ - ..._.1._�Q..... .r ..... ...... \ !vr'._... .1.. '._ ..:.....:....J.... ....... ._........... ..._ 2 ................... ................... 3 ..............' ...TOTHE iii..._:........_... _...... ........ - .................................... _.......... THIS APMUST BE VER ED BY THE APPLI ANT, AN IF CORPORATION, B AN OFFICERORPORATION Y AUTHORIZED TO MATE IS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Applicationchecked by Dated ......... ......... ......... ...... :...___...._................... 194 ........... .. .................... ..........._ .._icer . .......... _._..._.... ....._......_..........:............................_...._..._ License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY RAMSEY, _..___ . . .__being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has"read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscrib ands rn to e ...1 94.1this_....f- _...._... ... .................. _1..-_._...._...._..:.._.._........... ...iv. iPublic, Ramsey County, Minn.. Nnhr, Px`- ...y clun Myco .. -_ .._...... .._J --..u... STATE OF MINNESOTA, �ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ........................ .... _.... _......... ........................................:....being first duly sworn, ....the......_....`._..........................._........._ deposes and says that.............._........._._........._..._..._........__......._...._.........__............_..........._.._ ................._._... a corporation; that ._......... ..._....... ........ ......................... ..... ._.._-has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of...........__........_...-__ ----- .._...._:._.....knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe _ cuted on behalf, of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........... ... :..........-_......day of .... ........................... _................. .194............ ... ... ......... _..............._..-...................._........ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ........... _........ ._..... .......... ..._... ..............__:....._. 147662 orwaal to city Clerk— CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE OOMMITS7�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /��n April 8, 1949 PRESENTED OCI DAT COMMISSIONEE R &ESOLPFD= That licenses for Restaurant, application 8 15009, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15010, Off Sa_le Malt Beverage, Application B 150111 Cigarette, Application B 15012, and Mechanical Amusement.Device Location, Application B 15013, applied for by Carl A. Braham and Willard. N. Falk at 756 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally "Mroved by Council March 22, 19 *9 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ViQ4wAb _ Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen m., Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 C. F. No. 147882—By Robert F. Peter - W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- rant. Application B 15009, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15810, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15011. Cigarette, Application B15012, and Me- chanical Amusement Device Location. Application B 15013, applied for by Carl _ A. Braham and Willard N. Falk at 758 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council April 8. 1949. Approved (Apra 18 11948) ApR s 494E Adopted by the Council---------------------------------- 194 ..... Approved -•------------- ----- In ----------------In Favor j.-.-1 -Against Original to City Cleric C. F. No. 14,7663 --By Robert F. Peter - _W. A. Parrnnto— IResolved, That licenses belled for ^ b yt - persons esmed on the list e 4 . ,, tr this resolution be and the NO.. -s-_ _--� CITY OF ST. PAULA _..by grantedi's aCity ranted to - . - OFFICE OF THE CITY Cb R" . - n COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL IF os April 8, 191+9 DA RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Harold Mortinson 995 Arcade Oil Burner Inst. App. 14960 New Old Loc. Francis B. Ridley 260 W. Kellogg n Restaurant Cigarette. ° 15171 n Joseph J. Retter 1775 E. Minnehaha Sta 3P IfGas F s 15224 It It Foures, Inc. 40 W. Kellogg Foodstuff VMLoc ° 15231 ° New n' National Bushing & Parts Co.n 134 W. 7th „ 15�33 n Vend Mach (1) ° 15234 a n: n „ HTegg Mfg. Co. 2324 Endicott Foodstuff VMLoc n 15295 11 Central Warehouse Co. 739 Pil_sbusy n „ 15296 u n n Progress Pattern/Co. 1457 Marshall n 15297 and Foundry Henry G. Kruschke 717 2?. Snelling It 15306 U. C. I. T. Club Empire Bank Bldg. 6th Floor n 15339 n n n Foodstuff VMLoc Ray E. Haertel 1551 University Orig Cont n 15371 n Old n Orion Michlitsch 453 Selby Mtr Veh Dr. " 15430 Richard A. Pa.riseau 771 Hudson Rd. Cigarette it 15431 If New PPR 81�,,S) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...--"" ......................... 194--.-- t, Yeas Nays n an Aproved ------------................. ------------- 194...... Mortinson j Parranto In Favor Peterson -----•----- -----J - eyor. Rosen Against ! P(_BLlSIiED y " Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .Oao@ Ori6laai to City Clerk 9./6 LICsNSE COMMITTEEEE CITY OF ST. PAUL ="c' NO ---- ___---- �__... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /J/ ,_/,//COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - PRESENTED BY/✓'� + / `�-C —/�. April S, 191F9 COMMISSIONER `i'N" ` /1/I/Lrt�✓�`� DATE RESOLVEDY That licensee for Restaurant, Application B 153229 On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B'15323, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15324, Cigarette, Application B 15325, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Applioa.tion B 153269 applied for by Charles Broz at 9 West Ninth Street be and the same are hereby grented. C. F. No. 147664—By Robert F. Peter- l on—W. A. Parrante— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- nt, Application 816322, On Sale Melt ' Beverage. Application B 16323, OffSale Malt Beverage, Appllcation B 16329, Cigarette, Applica to. B 16325. and Me- chanlcel Amusement Device Location, gApplication. B 15325, applied for by azle. 13— at.9 West Ninth Street be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Aprn 6, 1949. Approved Ap. e, 1949. (April 16, 1949) NIN Informally approved by Council March 31, 1949 APR Old LoOO& CILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194...... Yeas Nays I MortinsonApproved---•----,................................ 194_-. Parranto . Peterson In Favor ------ Mayorr i) _... Rosen ...Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 q<�.® ,inco cl to City Clark i umca 255-_ CITY OF ST. PAUL vn.e NO ------ __-_------- LICENSE COMD.tITTEE OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK .. /�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA April S, 199 COMM ISSIONER— RESOLVED= That licenses for Foodstuff, original Container , Application B 15222, and off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 1522.3, applied for by Max L. Binder at 158 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally aoroved by Council March 29, 191+ Old Location (Liquor—Off Sale) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7''1� ;. lnson arranto Peterson IRbsen t. President, Delaney 3M -48 .A.@ 'C. F. No. 147885—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That licenses for Foodstuff, Original Container, Application B 15222, nd Oft Sale Melt Beverage, Appaaa- tion B 15223, - pplied for by Max L. .Binder at 158 West Seventh Street be and the me are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1999. Approved April 8, 1949. (Apra 18, 1949l APR 8 V34S Adopted by the Council---------------------------------- 194-..-_ Approved-----•--------------------------- ------194- .-.--.In Favor -- -- _.._-. -•-•---Against 1,47666 orlQtoal to City Clark ' COENca. • CITY OF S'1•. PAUL FILEN' LICENSE 00191ITTEEOF,F.�ICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDA_� April S. 1949 COMMISSION. 1 ! WHEREAS: Harold J. Slawik, Inc. desires to witnoraw Bpp.i.ia:a - Second Hand Auto Dealerls License at 1351 University Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to Refund to Harold J. Slewik, Inc. the fee of $50. and to cancel said application for license. pi C. F. No. 147580—By Robert r. pater_ i son—W. A. Parranto— whereas, Harold J. Blawlk, Inc. de - for Seeond H nd A to Deplete License at 1351 University Avenue and requests the return of the license iee deposited' thereon, therefore bethe. it pe Re be and the t are Meter city offf- Y y authorizetl fe Refund to Harold i; ;1 said, Inc, the fee of $50 and to cancel ealtl appnca- rion fart license. ' " Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. i ADP._d APrll 8, 1949. (Apr1130. 1949) WITHDRAWAL (Lost lease and renewed license in error) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays o��rtinson iParranto "_---. person �.._.In Favor _Rosen .M.—" ' ' --------------Against . /Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 ,02Y.0 RPr1 8 1343 Adopted by the CouneiL --------------------------------- Approved------------------------------------------ . . .- -- syor' ` �� x'766 r (lifts1 to City Clerk - . cou„m . CITY OF ST. PAUL FR6 NO ------ ------- _--- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTEDDATE' COMMISSIONER ---------- Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 93 lineal feet of gas main on Pinehurst between Syndicate and Hemline under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 92714 dated July 19, 1941 C. F. No. Ina.147687—Ry Milton Rosen— ' Pawerl Come Y bee roxllNarthernStates on of gas mainta pon Plnehurstebetweeens ync dicate and Hemline under ptrovlsions P Councll Fne No. 123881. Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19. 1941. Approved April 8on C 1949. Aprll 8, 1949. - (Aprll 18. 18491 " $ I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ___................... 194._.__ Yeas Nays `PR Mortinson / Approved---------- ----------•---- -----------_..194._.. Parranto (1/ Peterson In Favor ---- --- - -- --- a=. .. Rosen --......-----Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 —^ ,p _ �V'l taal to city Clerk `• _ `" CITY OF ST. PAUL Fwunca. NO.________ OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE __-_----_ DATE Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 286 lineal feet of gas main across Hewitt Ave. under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F. No.. 147668—By Milton Roaen— Resolved, That the Northern State. Power Company be given,p rmiasion to Blas 012 acrosss Hewit tAve udder p of visions of Couaoa FOO No. 123881, Or dinanes No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941: Adopted by the Codnen Aprn 8, 1949. Approved Aprn 8, 1949, (APrli 16.2949) APR 8 IW COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194.... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved .__------ .------ .................._.._.194._._ Parranto Peterson: In Favor Rosen ......Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .tit4�oQ • [lalml m CITY Cleric 147669 CITY OF ST. PAUL QNCR No --------------------- OFFICE OF THEW CITY CLERK < UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE COMMISSIONER_ ----- '— A -COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .. Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen �Pl an I . Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be giten permission to install approximately 73 lineal feet of gas main on Alameda between Maryland and Orange under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. $271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F. No. 147668—By Min"Rosen— Resolved. Th.? the Northern Statex Power -Company be given ppeermission to Install approximately 73 llpeal feet of i Apg qas I. on -Alameda between Mary-. * land and Orange- under provisions of Council Fie No. 123 001,. Ordinance No. 16271, dated July 19, 1941..y,,�, Adopted by the Council Aprll a, 1949. .� Approved (A ll 16 1999) i; ": 6e 8 W48 Adopted by the Council. --------------------- -----------194------ Approved .............. ----.Approved------------•. ------------------ 194--.. e In Favor --------Against 147670 Oriainal to City Clerk, CITY OF ST: PAUL counts ------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CO _CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR1.i PRESENTED BY _ pA•rF COMMISSIO__ NER--- Q Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given•pefmission to 'install Approximately 127 lineal feet of gas, main on Alameda between Hoyt and Nebraska under provisions of Council File No. 123001,' Ordinance No. 9271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F. No. 147870—Ry Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be givenpPeermission to install approximately 127 Meal feet of and Nebraska as main an Ale r an eda between Hoyt provisions of Cornell File .No. 129001, Ordinance No: 8271, dated July 19, 1991. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. jl ,Approved Aprll 8, 1949. (April 18, 1949) AVK 6 6949, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ............. ......... _:........194...-. Yeas Nays 11 an yiy�[ APR- Mortinson Approved .......................................... 194-»-. Parranto Peterson / , ..In Favor Rosen ^� ^ �— Agit Mr. President, Delaney 9M 048 'r"Origtual to City Clerk 47671 CITY. OF ST. PAUL Nc NO ------ __ ---- _------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_J044 r4�1- DATE Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 120 lineal feet of gas main on Englewood between Dunlap and Lexington under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 6271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson :`...-In Favor Rosen I ----Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 rfii-�T �-9 C. No. 1 Milton Rosen— Resolved, PowweCompanybe given t Install ap- proximately 170 lineal feet of. gea main on Englewood between Dunlap and Lexington under provisions of Council File No. 123001. Ordinance No. 8271. dated July 19. 1941. ' . Adopted by the Council April S. 1949. Approved April 8; 1949. (Aprn 16.1949) i_ ApR. S '1949 Adopted by the Council ............... --- ---........ 194..-... AR, j. Approved ............................. 194. -. .. - -- ------- syor !-*� l a 7f 2 w oriamal to city clew eou .n�- _ CITY OF ST. _PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JA& -.n— .__ _ 9ATE COMMISSIONER—._-- --- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Yt4>t�' Mr. President,"Delaney 31,1 948 Resolved, that the,Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 109 lineal feet of gas main on E. Fourth between Pederson and Winthrop under provisions of Council file No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941- C - 941. C. F. No. 147672—By Milton Rosen— Resolved• That the Northern $Stater Power Company be given ppeer -sion to instal approximately 109 n .al feet of gas main on E. Fourth between Pe- derson and Winthrop under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19,:4941. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. Approved Apra 8, 1949. (April 16.1949) lLp R ---- 8 1949 Adopted by the Counc• ---------------------------194.---.. APR a 13149 } Approved: .................... _..` �.......In Favor M- or az.Against ,Or]"l to City Clerk 147673: . ".>• !CITY OF ST: PAUL MuNcm NO ------ ------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BFj�/%% __. --.—_ j COMMISSION DATp Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 55 lineal feet of gas main C. F. No. 147673—By Milton Rosen— on Beechwood between Howell and Fairview Resolded, That the Northern Statea Power Company be given p rmission to under provisions of Council rile No, 123001, �� approximately 66 lineal feet of gas main on Beechwood between Bow Ordinance No. 9271, dated Jul 1 141. g. end Fairview under provteiona o:I G' y 9 7 Council Flle No. 1230ld Ordinance No.' 8271, dated Tuly 19, 1941. ' Adopted by the Council April 8, 1949. Approved April a 1949. (Ais. 6, 1949) APR 8 9M COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ---------........................ 194-- Yeas Nays APR Mortinson Approved-... - - .194 - . Parranto Peterson In Favor n Rosen ayor Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-08 "VS�.@ r original to City Clerk COUNCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL vu� No ----- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ _ ------ DATE- 147674—BY Mtlton Rosen— C, F- No- That the Northern States Resolved, ven i,ermission tpo0 etnytallomP aaY be 81 imately rox57 lineal feet f Bas main en on E• Nder provisio se Of ��Vlralsh and Weide tm Cozen dated July 1H .1 1 A,1l 8e 1949. 8273, a by the Council AP proved APt'll 8. 1949. (APT 18, 1949) Resolved; that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 57 lineal feet of gas mkin on E. Nebraska between Walsh and Weide under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays I --- Tfffflg — Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen' �41mam Mr. President, Delaney • 3M 948 APR 8 1942 Adopted by the Council----------------- ................ 194 ._.. • i= $ I7 Approved- ------------------------------194._.. .r '.'._._._In Favor Mayor -.__-Against ,Y � orlglnal to Ciry Cleric 1,17675 6 A � / _�l CITY OF ST. PAUL eo�r4ea. NO._!ill9 el_ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ -- _... —__ DATE C. F. No. 147875—By Mnton Rosen— Resolved, Thet the Northern States Power Company be given Remission to install approximately 168 lineal feet of gas main on Stanford between Miss. IR1ver. Blvd. and Woodlawn under pro- f isions of Conncn File No. 121001, Or- dimmee No. 8271, dated July 18. 1941. Adopted by the Couneil April 8,1949.! Approved April 8. 1949. (APr11 18, 1949) Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 169 lineal feet of gas main on Stanford between Mies. River Blvd. and Woodlawn under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 9271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .�—Flatif6lf'�"� Mortinson Parranto Peterson -------------- In Favor Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 APR b 1949 Adopted by the Council -------------- ................... 194_..... r„r 1� . .v5..1 Approved-- ------------ ..............__.---...194_,- --- ------- - 47676 original to City Clerk k CITY OF ST. PAUL ' w�uwcn. - OFF16E-6FJrHE CITYCLERK COUNCIL OL.UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -- COMMISSIONER-- _.- _ DATE. Milton C Resolved, 1That6 -the Northern States Power Company be given permission to Install approximately 30 Imeal feet of Nas main on and ortonto under provision' oanebetween f Couth uncn Flle No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. I Adopted by the Cmme, April 8. 1949. Approved Aprn 8. 1949. (April 16, 1949) D Resolved. that the Northern States Paver Company be given permission to install approximately 30 lineal feet of gas main on Reaney between Rath and Nortonia under provisions of Council File No. 123001. Ordiaaice No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto " - Peterson .............. In Favor Rosen �.� � :a�..—Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 APR 8 1949 Adopted by the Council.................................194_..... Approved.......................................... 194.-... - --- ------- ay r Otfatoal to City Clerk . CITY OF ST. PAUL counca NO... A FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CO IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY G� , COMMISSIONER - DATE i C. F. -No. 147977—By Milton• Rosen- - Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given ppermission to "'to" approximately 79 nneal feet of gas main on Stillwater between Mo- hawk and om Nokis under provisions of Council File No. 123991, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. Adopted by the Counei] April 8, 1949. Approved April 8, 1949. (April 16, 1949) Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 76 lineal feet of gas main on Stillwater between Mohawk and Nokomis under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 5271, dated July 19, 1941. AN 8 w Yeas COUNCILM._........._ EN Adopted by the ColmciLNays ............... 194 — atm APR 8 iG4S Mortinson Parranto _ .. Approved ............................. 194 Peterson ' _In Favor Rosen My6r Against Mr. Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ,,,1" @ 1„ C. F. No. 147878—��� Resolved That checks be drawn on NOTICE the CSty Treasury, to the aggregate TOoP $78,71to7 covering c„eck3 y� numhered 82082 te'82135 Inclusive, as C�./U cer checks an file 1n the office of the :COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER ""`"- - - "` City "�mptr ller. Adopted by the Council Aprll 8. 1949.. I Approved Aprll 8, 1949. { (APrll' 16, 1949)April 194-9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BEDRAWNON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE .AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 79,719.7i 92092 82135 S COVERING CHECKS .NUMBERED TO— _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AK ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL --V U�`!3 194_ CITY COMIT 0O 949 APPROVED 8 194— ,. BY _ sm -41 .fir@ El APPROVED._.— Wo �C .. 72r,124i OTAL DwTE RETURNED CHECK�IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKSBROUGHT FORWARD 5 267940_ 191 • 82082 Q `1 82083 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE NUMBER_ ROLL C4ALrL� i Charlea Earns 'i John S. Findlan, 0. of Fina E ,.1 April 6 ` 49 MORTINSON FAVOR _ AUDITED CLAIMS — —'B~ —IN PARRANTO '— - pETERSON { RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE R W O TME CITY TREASURY, .COVERING ROSEN _—AGAINST vftw% c_ TO THE AGGREGATE A S 0 2ro— IN CHECKS NUMBERED._ ?ORQ INCLUSIVE. AS MR.PRES.DELANEY n' r. i7 IyC� PER CHECKS ON FILE OP THE C_ COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO IL -—NUMBER $209,4 A.B. Dick & Company . APPROVED._.— Wo �C .. 72r,124i OTAL DwTE RETURNED CHECK�IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKSBROUGHT FORWARD 5 267940_ 191 • 82082 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finan 82083 John S. Findlan, C. of Fina E $2084 Lester L. Harwell $2085 820$6 i Charlea Earns 'i John S. Findlan, 0. of Fina E S20g7 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finan e 8Q088 $2089 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin f John S. Findlan, C. of Finan i 82090 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan i 82091 C.E, wilson 82092 John S. Findlan. C. of Finan g2093 John ` Findlan, C. of Finan $209,4 A.B. Dick & Company . 82095 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goo 1 82096 Pioneer Electric Company 82097 Proctor & Gamble Diet. Compa,' 92098 C. Roles Coal Company $2099 Wheeling Corrugating Company $2100 Anderson Grocery 82101 Blomberg's Grocery 92102 Borushak &.Rubenstein Compan $2103 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Comp' S2104 Congress Out Price Market 82105 E.A. Danneoker 82106 Elk Launderers 92107 Forum super Market 82109 Hamilton Beach Company 92109 Henly'a Department Store 82110 International Correspondence. 82111 Kelley -How -Thomson Company $2112 Kennedy Brothers Arms 4Bompa 82113 Kisch's Food Market g2114 Michaud's, Inc. 82115 Minnesota Envelope Company 92116 Mullarky's Meat Market 82117 N.11. Bell Tel. Company .. A 82118 N.v. Bell Tel. Company 82119 Frank Calker 82120 otto's Grocery , 82121 Perfection Type, Inc. $2122 power Toole, Inc. 92123 Psychological Corp. 82124 Public Food Market No. 2 82125 Ray J. Ryan 82126 A.3chooh Grocery Company 82127 3ohulz Food market S?128 Jess soman, Grocer 82129 'I Star Laundry Company $2130 Tilden Food Market 82131 Twin City Beats 9'132 Tysk Grocery 82133 Kerner Transportation Compan] 92134 World Book Company $2135 "'Yates Grocery Co. 1 251 245 I: 4 30 29 �� X05 25 00 27 '00 12 016 124 545 10 1 648 15 19963 9 1 625 00 6 00 349 52 13 05 63 145 24 190 43 9 12$ 42 56 64 1 g0 18 64 54 00 524 6o 228 439 9 28 30 bl 4 12 00 280 1 j5 0 7 3 47 31 121 57 0 152 8 lag $9 4 50 2 25 39 00 168 15 16 42 39 41 40 51 28 149. 20 38 1 73 1 33 10 36' 14 39 25 09 971 23 25 29 346 660 62 II 147679 Crigbod to C[ty Cleric. - coutle0. NO- ---- -------^---� _ -t CITY OF ST.. PAUL FaA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B� '� DATE — COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to Ater into a lease with Sam Bisciglia and Albert Basciglia for the rental of a cave under Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, Staples, First Addition, for a peaiod.of one year commencing May 1, 1949, at a rental of W.00 per month; said lease to contain a provision that no sand shall be removed from said cave, and that the lessees will repair and maintain the doors to said cave. C a Reolved14Thaat thy pW. roperA. PcitY notfi- I cera be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a lease with Sam Bisciglia and Albert Baselglia for the rental of a cave under Lots 9 and 10, Block 3. Staples' F1ret'Atlditlon, for a period of one year mmendug May 1, .1949, at a rental of $10.00 per month; said lease to contain a provigton that no sand shall be removed from said e, and that the lesseeg will epelr and main tain the doors to said cave. Adnnted by the Council April 8, 1999. Adopted by the Coundl-W --- •-194S-------19 -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays$ —— Approved. - 194 _ . iIVfortineon Parranto Peterson, - In Favor G' Mayor Rosen - -_--.-Against Mr: President, Delaney 3M 948 ,Ag+® O. -ByCOUNCIL FILE NO. - By -- --- - ------ ----- -- ------- - -- FINAL ORDER 4� $ /� 0 8 C. F. No. 147680-- �j V t r In the Matter of grading Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street, provedFFebrnaryr 151899. 147125, aP- A public hearing having 'bean had upon the above improvement upon WS n•� notice. and the council having p..snns, objections and i 'hereto, and FINAL ORDER - In the Matter of____ grading Idaho_ Avenue—fromAvon Street to Victoria Street ---'— - aFebraery 15,.--1949._ ------------------ -- under Preliminary Order_:______ 1�71?�----_----------- --approved --- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------approved -------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- l Idaho_ Aveaue_lro� Avon Street to Victoria— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -R1.2__}'---- ------------- , 192 ------ -- ---------- -------- APR ------ APR 1 1942 City Clerk. a Approved--- -------------------------------------- 192 ------ File 10946 Councilman l"' 1r"wr3'r'-- CouncilmanqMFRVA5fir1'=e '`Irtinson Councilman 4PFeDiiM& P-•.rronto Councilman RlFefr'1`ogan''- - -arson Councilman Sudl%imer '' rojen Councilmanenz�k'� — —T -- Mayor Ii� Delaney Form B. 8. A. 8-7 MA PUBLISIi):DI�� l 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In the matter of grading Idaho Avemte from Avon Street to Victoria Street , a under Preliminary Order approved February 15, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost for the above improvement ;is _ _ $ 7.519.65 The total estimated - _ g 3.73 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L _ YALUANalding 2 12 Cosa 950 _ Wait 66 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 , 12 do 1,000 $2,800 East 63.44 feet of west -129.44 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 12 do 950 900 East 63.44 feet of most 192.88 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 12 do 950 250 {Except went 16 feet for Fisk Street and except east 198 feet, the fol— .lowinge Lot 2 and part north of Iowa Avenue of 3 13 do TOTAL, 250 e Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONgR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' �c) DESCRIPTION LCT BweK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUVACJK,___ Land ,. �IliCling .... (Except mouth 135.08 feet) East 63.44 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 12 Como $ 475 - (Except west 58.5 feet and except east 132 feet) the north 136.74 feet of a 2 13 do 200 west 66 feet of east 132 feet.of Lot 2 and of part, north of Iowa Ave. of 3 13 do 375 - East 66 feet of Lot 2 and of part, north of Iowa Ave. of 3 13 do 375 - .(gxcept east 50 feet of west 200 ft. .pari north of Iowa Ave of Lot 4 and ;except east 50 fest.of west 200 ft. of month 63.4 feet; 1 13 do 1,750(incl. other 5 2 do 1,750(PrOP-)- (gxcept Fiak Street) 6 2 do 900 - south 104 1/3 feet of 6 3 do 550 - 6 2 Oeorge Regenoldle Sub. 150 7 2 do 150' - 8 2 do 150 - 9 2 do, 125 - 20 2 do 125 - Total ;11,175 $3,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made' to him in reference to said matter by the Commissio ne r of Public Wprks. _ Dated %N� r��� �S 192E — Commissioner of Finance. Form B: B. 12 v St. Paul, Minn. 1944 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. - Gentlemen: )Ve, the undersigned. property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin- proNement to be made: 4 I:),— , , , -- -------- --- . . ......... ....................................................... . ............ ............ ...... ..... d' St. Ave. ... ... ... . .. : . ... .............. .. ... .. .. . ..... ... .. ...... .. .. .. . . ...................... .. from.................. ..... .... ................................... ............................ . . . . St. Ave. to .......... ..... - ................. . vwt ................St. Ave. 2M 5�47 DER.. Of NRL16 W9114 � N. Vz N. E./f SEC.23 T z9 R.23 SCA1E 900' — i � c I IN II - - - + I i I I - - L--41 ' I CVRTICE STAND. ATLAS PL.3 T -1•r9 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .._........... _February.. z5 .......... ...... .... , 194._g._... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner.of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....._Lt7 1....approved. ........... february._l5........................ _..... 194...9..., relative to gradin gIdahoAvenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street v and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ........... .... ........ ..necessary and (or)`desirable. Cost per front feet $3.73 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._�t_519..65,_.-._ and the total cost thereof is $.... ..___.. __...___., Engineering $302.71 Inspection $141.51 Frontage 21018.08 and the nature and extent -of said improvement is as follows: .... _..... .._.... ................. ................. __.__...... ___.... _... ........ _.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... . ................................ ............ _.............. ..... . ...... s,, ....... _..... ... ........................ _...._...._...._..........__....: 5. Said improvement is....................... _..... asked for upon petition of three or more era of property, subject to assessme 3 aid improvement. 2M.-6-46 ��j, _ Commissioner of Public Works. pEPT Bo.cno or Con.r.'R Rern,. C I' T Y O F SAINT P A U L A—.—S—JOS. PAVLICEK W. S. CUjKROFT, S .LIC Doer e. Accovxrnxr GEO. M. GART. A.— S.— Capital of Minnesota 302.71 13-- - B...... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B°" ;o�M COTTER. S— NI. S.GRYTBAK. Enancec , MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER Oence-Enmxeea - FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bveenv or Mbn -- Ee renr ARTHUR H. KOCH A HE�WERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER • `�® T.i,n Ene�eeec Bveenv yr Coueenon JOHN P. MULLANEY, S."MAURICE W. HE• WETT - ' February 23, 1949 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for'grading Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147125 approved February 15, 1949. Estimated Cost ------------------- 7,519.65 Cost per front foot ------ 3.73 Engineering ---------- 302.71 Inspection -------- -- -- 141.51 Frontage — --- —-------- —_--- 2,018.08 ft. R YOurs vgry truly, 41C R M. SHEPARD hi Engineer Approv for'tran ission to'C Finance MILTON POSEN Commissioner of Public Works 'L FILE NOrO.-_I� I FINALC 1 CONDEMNATION COUN PROCEEDINGS DINGB 11 IL4 ! 681 B r:. F. No. 147881—By Milton Rosen— FINAL ORDER IN CONDEM',m EDINGS in atter condemning and tak- easemenn t % Fe land necessary - lopes, Cuts _ f Ila r to r- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement inthe land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street under Preliminary Order 14712 roved— -_February February 15, 1949 --- Intermediary Order_ %1841_-_,—_____, approved March 15, 1949 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snid City is condemning and taking an easement .in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: - - For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street, to the extent shown on the plans on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and direoted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ann n inen Adopted by -the APR 12i12 Approved------, 19— Councilmen: Bitifuss Peterson Rosen _Tpuaz- Mr. President 500 9-+4 "ap' f PUBLISHED -Y=/4 CITY OF -ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT Oh FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 14384 In the matter of condemning and taking an eaeement in the lend necessary for alepee, cuts and fills in the peading of Idaho Avemte from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order approved February 15, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 2 12 Como west 66 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5. 12 do East 63.44 feet of west 129.44 feet of Late i, 4 and 5 12 do East 63.44 feet of west 192.88 feet of Lots 19 4 and 5 12 do {Except west 16 feet for Fisk Street' and except east. 198 feet, the fol- . lowingl Lot 2 and part north of Iowa Avenue of 3 13' do Form B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED 8 950 _ 1,000 $2,800 950 900 950 250 250 TOTAL, CITY OP -ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT bF(FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C).'.. .. - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK a ADDITION ASSESSED, 14ndYALUOTU][0., ng (Except south 135.08 feet) East 63.44 feet of Lots 1, 4 and 5 12 Como 475 (Except west 58.5 feet and except east 132 feet) the north 136.74 feet of 2 13 ' do 200 West 66 feet of east 132 feet of Lot•2 and of part, north of Iowa Ave. of 3 13 do 375 East 66 feet of Lot 2 and of part, north of Iowa Ave. of 3 .13 do 375 I (Except east 50 feet of most 200 ft. part north of Iowa Ave'of Lot 4 and, except east 50 feet of west 200.ft. of south 63.4 feet; 1 13 do 1,750(incl. other 5 2 do 1,750(prop.)— (Except Fisk Street) 6 2 do 900 South 104 1/3 feet of 6 3 do 550 _ 6 2 George Regenoldle Sub. 150 7 2 do 150 8 2 do 150 .. 9 2. do 125 — 10 2 do 125 Total $11,175 $3,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W rl / Dated h r /-S—,19 Commissioner of Financ . Form B. B. 12 a> - D ' ,I COMO G k IE iU6. C 0 M 0 }n L gut .. Lol 5. o (41 t!1 N Bio CD Lot z Lot t Zn t3 7-1 > �' v C M 0 I � C 0 .•M 0 a ' a r 4 Office of the,Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 1jr.......................... 194....5 . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.....:_.lAZ ..approved_.._. ........... Fe12ruary.15-._............. ...... 194.4....., relative to condemning and taking ....easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts - . _......... _... _............................. _.... _.. and fills in the grading of Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to Victoria Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: m necessary and (or) desirable 1. Said improvement is ............ .. - 2. The estimated cost, thereof is $ ............. and the total cost thereof is $...__.._..__.__-.__-_-•-, - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................._........ ........._................_._._......._ ._. ........... ........... .............................................................. _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..............._......._....__. 5. Said improvement is....................... _..... asked for upon petition of hree or more o s of pro subject to assessment for said improvement. 3 ��! 4iT� C _... ...-- .... _.................. _ti ......... ommissioner of Public Works. tM -6-16 U - �F��� �ok N MpEQ� 'AGE V ~� _ 14,82 COUNCIL FILE N FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS - BY F. No. 147882—By Mnton Rosen— FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMN`t L t-zf opening and extending DINGS s Bock 2. Auditor's westerly . e tInd'n a 7f) f_, - .11 : nl A 9 n A4+..+.te c..ti`a; e; _ on No.69,. In the matter of ^nom-and-------___-�---- I from the westerly end of the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96, Lyman Dayton s Addition to a line which is 20 ft. westerly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Subdivision, and from the alley in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street, by taking and 'condemning all.that land in Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No.69 lying north and east of the following described line -Beginning at a point on the south line of Stinson'sthe alley in b fBlock 96, Lyman Dayton's Addition, -at the west end of the alley,thence xest onthesouthllineofsad alleypro duMd_ to a oint_which"is 20 ft.weat of the west line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Subdivision, thence north on a line which is 20 ft, west and parallel to the west line of Lot 11 in said Stinsonts Subdivision to Fifth Street, Dayton's Addition, to a line which is 20 £t. westerly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Subdivision, and from the alley in said Stinsonts Subdivision to Fifth Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: All that land in Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No.69 lying north and east of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96, Lyman Dayton's Addition, at the west end of the alley,thence west on the south line of said alley produced to a point which is 20 ft. west of the west line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinsonts Subdivision, thence north on a line which is 20 ft. west.and parallel to the west line of Lot 11 in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street. /Gy'"� RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and v directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR l 2 1949 19— �./�spiY�gP APR 12 IttJ4d City Clerk. � Approved 19— Mayor. Counnctlmen: Pn Mortinson Peterson (// J �—=Y--L—� Rosen PUBLISHED Mr. President Delaney 500 9-45 '06W COUNCIL' FILE N FINAL ORDERS CONDEMNATION 4 X682 NALPROO D ERS BY r F. No. 147882—BY Muton Rosen— FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMI<. w. i rsf opening snd extending DINGS 1 T B�nck z. Auditor's _ � - westerly .d In the matter of_openi D9 _and-axten ' n9 -a_ 20 f+ al T ey i n n3 ock 2 Auditori F, a a� i *; &'on N0.69, from the westerly end of the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96s Lyman Dayton's Addition to a line which is 20 ft. westerly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said.Stinson's Subdivision, and from the alley in said Stinsonts Subdivision to Fifth Street, by taking and condemning all that land in Block 2, Auditorts Subdivision No.69 lying north and east.of the following described line:Beginning at a point on the south line of the alley in Stinsonts Subdivision of Block 96, Lyman Dayton's Addition,.at the west end of the alley,_thence,]pg t on she south, line of said alley produced to a point which is 20-ft.weat of �tife'seat, line,of Lot 11 produced in said StinsonIs Subdivision, thence norW.04 which is '20 which and: parallel to the west line of Lot 11"in said'Stiiison's Sulidid3s3on provement to be made by the said City is opening and extending a 20 ft. alley in Block 2, Auditor' Subdivision No.69, from the westerly end of the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 961 Lyman Dayton's Addition, to a line which is 20 ft. westerly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Snbdittision, and from the alley in said Stinsonts Subdivision to Fifth Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVEI5 FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: All that land in Block 2, Auditorts Subdivision No,69 lying north and.east of the following described line: Beginning at a point.on the south line of the alley'in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96, Lyman Daytonts Addition, at the west end of the alley,thence west on the south line of said alley produced to a point which is 20 ft. west of the west line of Lot 11 produced in.said Stinson's Subdivision, thence north on a line which is 20 ft. west and parallel to the west line of Lot 11 in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street. /� RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of -Public Works be and is hereby instructed and v .directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city offickals are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making 6f said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 12 1949 19— APR 12 is4c= y^ // City Clerk. • Approved --- 19— 6 Mayor.. Councilmen: Parranto Mortinson J p PUBLISHEDPeters/ Rosen ._e Mr. Mr. President Delaney / sm 8.98 .00P• CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT Olr. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A'..z 147386 In the matter of Opsn aM totand S 20 ft. 631e7 in Block 2, Auditorle SubdiviQaion 20.69 from the,westorly and of the alley in etinscn+s Subdivision of Block 9' Zysen D%yton's Addition, tn. a lint which is 20 ft. Meetorly M d Ptr4 to the wosterly line of lot 11 produced in Said Stisuonle Subdivision, and tains the a31ey in said 9tLnson's Subdivision to 1`iM Strtet# by ?Asking and cond"Ming an that land. In Block 2, Auditor's Snbdivisicat 20.69 lying north andseat o! the following described lint s H�1DAing at a pout,*A of Block 96, ljmn the mouth lite Daytona Additions of the the wast endof the alleyieion tha+ce asst on the south lint of said alley produced to a point which 1i 20 ft. seat of the crest line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson' o ftWiili4d=4 theme north an a line which in 20 ft. ftet and parallal to the wezt .Una of Int 31 in said Stinsoa'e Subdivision to pifth Street. under PreliminaryDrder approded`"" December 22i 2948" " To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 360.00 coat of the above condemnation is $ The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, aPe as follows: �• DESCRIPTION Form B. 8. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED * anV.ALUMRIbl. ng 3 2 ( Auditor's Subdivision No. 69, _800 $ 200^ 10 2 (St. Paul, Minn. 550 29700 4 2 do 500 2,300 5 2 do 200 - 1 96 (Stinson's Sub. of ffiock 96 of 600 1,400 2 96 (iytan'DIKYWEI's iAa. 550 19600 3 96 do,, 550 - 4 96 do 550 2;550 5 96 do 550 1,750 6 96 do TOTAL, 550 1,700 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OV FINANCE under Preliminary Order approved December 22, 1948 OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Council of the City of St. Paul: REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: (A) - -.-- _-:-:----�.. - 14738� $ In the matter of The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is z p vt fT The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or 4rr nSf .{r. 3 . 2( Auditor's Snbdivieion No. 699 -- S 200 10 2 (St. Paul, Winn. 550 2,700 4 2 do 1's�.'S^. 2,300 under Preliminary Order approved December 22, 1948 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 360.00 coat of the above 0031demn3tiork - - - $ The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION S�SyEqDry,, �ASSEp11 LoupLU 1A14ng 3 . 2( Auditor's Snbdivieion No. 699 $800' S 200 10 2 (St. Paul, Winn. 550 2,700 4 2 do 500 2,300 5 2 do 200 1 96 (Stineon'a Sub. of Elock 96 of 600 1,400 2 96 -(Lynn Daytona add. 550 1,600 3 96 do 550 4 96 do 550 2,550 5 96 do 550 1,750 6 96 do 550 1,700 TOTAL, Form B. B. 19 CITY or ST. PAUL -- DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION Land VALlW14,Wn9 6 (Sti son's Sub of Block 96 of $550 $1,750 7 9 n 8 96 (fin Dayton's Add. to St -Paul' 500 2,200 9 96 do 500 4,250 10 96 do 500 2,650 11 96 do 500 3,200 14 96 do 550 2,600 15 96 do 525 .1,800 16 96 do 525 3,000 17 96 do 525 1,750 18 96 do 500 200 North 40 feet of Lots 19, 20 and 21 . 96 do 450 1,600 Total $11,025 $39,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of, Public Works Dated �JZd/LN�I /S 19CommissionerofFinan F— B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn...._...._...-.. _-..------------------ 194 ..... ..- To The Honorable, The Council, 'City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ._.................... tlL._two"Sil►._gl...�!�?P WA_a►klil!. S�i. 9II171oas!�.._�it..6%!.... ._±� �p._ ��L=� ve. d%U"KLai$ from.............. ...St. Ave. to .................. ........-...__........... .................. ................... _..........._.._ .................. .._...._..._............................ St. Ave. NAME LO*T BLOCK ADDITION %. So UM ou 16 rum fte ftm M. ftm ft. --_1f►�.�Rtat Mt. otts" loans" IN a. F&M Alk M3 a• ftwo M. ■. J, iei� -� MT s. +lit. • VAIM Mdhgp — ---- - 1�� to nm N. Oats dN s6 ftnk s4. X63 16 ftWO rte to 0..31ft" awl sf„�9,fwwefoi — - 03 16 /Mw►Y IK ii 16 I* no. so nm fte sat 1147.+�,r� < 7—/7/41 S T 10 ��ojTo � ST, �oj ALLEY 6�K. auvirvassua6 - Qf�f/Y/NG ALLEN' 14G/O/T02S --5' OGEN/NG . Bu.-cou �,�Bnyi�e�rs - �c ii t i, Office of the -Commissioner of Public Works. Report to commissioner of Finance December 27 ... To the commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had 'under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._u!6599 "„approved... ,_December._22......... ........ ...... ..... 194. 8.., relative to f open and extend a 20 ft* alley in Block 20 Auditor's Subdivision No•69s from the westerly and of the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96, Lyaan Dayton's Addition# to a line which is 20 ft. weeterly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Subdivisions and ,fa the alley in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street, by taking and condemning all that land in Block 2, Auditor's Subdividion Ho•69 lying north and seat of the following described line a Beginning at a point an the south line of the alley in.Stin$On's Subdivision of Blcook 96• Tans, Dayton's Addition,=ab-the-wpat-4nd-of-tha.alleyr.thencos n, the .south line of said alley produced to a point which is 20 ft• west of the west line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's -Iftbdiftsions thence.north on a line cl: which in 20 it. west and parallel -to the wept line of Lot 11 'in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street. t'ku:w+i°n°��«rx�' x uz� s 4 . ..... ...... ....... ....... _._.......... ......... ......... _..... ....... .................. :......... _.... .... ........... _................ _... ........ .... .......... ...... ...... _... ..... ................. ...__.._._ 5. Said improvement is ..... _ .......................asked for upon petit/ofthreer more owners of pro A Auk subject to assessment for sai t° NA Commissioner of Public Works. DEC 271943 . —DEPT-: O€OF ' �4 Office of. the Commissioner of Public Works Report to commissioner of Finance 7 4 A UF1 7TI L V17GX T T10 C f I IT'Rlif: . . ............................................. I ....... . ..... ..... .................... . . .... ............ ............ . ...... .......... . . ......... ..... .......... . ........... ................. ..... ..... ..... ........... ......................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to thergmi, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............................necessary and, W desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof.is $....:__._ ..........................I and the total cost thereof is $.....__._.........._..._...._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ...... ....... ................... . ................ ...... ........ .. . ... . .... . ....... . ...... . .................. . .................................... . .... . .......................................................................... . . ... . ........... .................... .. .......... . ...... . . .... . ......... ..... ... . ................................. S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. INA 4 . ............ .............. . . .. .... . ....... . .... -- ......... ...... .. ... ............ . . ........ . .... .... . .. . ........... . ................. ................ . .................. ...... a ----------------- of pro 5. Said improvement is.....__.._ ................ asked for upon petition of three r more owners subject to assessment for sai t. on of re ..................................................... Works. . i�. 2M -6-46 Commissioner of Public or DEI 27, 1943 1) EPTOF • FINAL ORDER IN C�ONDENNATION 4��3 CHUNCIL �LE�% N�O. PROCEEDING 333 rr BY ���" ✓t.��(/r L-'C.'F. No. 147847 -BY Milton Roaen— FINAL ORDER IN CONDI the matter of enndemning and talo- ,EDINGS Ing an eesemeht in the land necessary for elopes; cutd and fills ih the grad- ing of. Midway Road from Como ,v enuP t line 65 feet north of ,.,pe Aver -d' In the matter of condemning_ and taking an -easement in the land nece0sary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Midway Road from Como Avenue to a line 65 feet north of Chilcombe Avenue ' February 17, 17, 1949 under Preliminary Order—_.___-__ __-- _.---� approved----- _ Intermediary Order—._—_._ 1+85__-- — approved--- March 15 1949 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Suint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City.is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Midway Road from Como Avenue to a line 65 feet north of Chilcombe Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be glade. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in thegradingof Midway Road from Como Avenue to a line 65 feet'north of Chilcombe Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commis ' net of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for aid improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the aking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 'APR! c 7o_zp--, ;�-- ty Clerk. Approved----- --- 19— _ 1 ayor. Councilmen: a uss Parra Peterson Rosen Mr. President Boo 945 4W CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taldng as easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradingof midway Road from Como Avenue to a line.65 feet north of Chilcombe Avenue under Preliminary Order approved February 17, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows- cost for the above easement 8 g 25.00 The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits -for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION YALUATIO road Budding (Except part for midway Road and except north 7 feet for Como Avenue West & $13,000 64,000 except east 20 feet for Eustis Street) Commencing at a point on the east line of the Southwest } of the Northwest }, 822.27 feet north from the southeast corner thereof, thence north on said east line 100 feet to the original south? erly line of Como Avenue West, thence northwesterly along said avenue 574.06 feet, thence south.665.77,feet, thence east 20 feet, thence northeasterly 534.03 feet to beginning. Part of Southwest } of Northwest } of Section 20, Township 29, Range 23 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSI bESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION nVALUATII JAa (Except part for Midway Road and exoept.the east 20 feet for Eustis Street.).422,000 Commencing at the southeast corner of Southwest } of Northwest }, thence vast. to Minnesota Belt Line Railroad right-of-way, thence north along said right - .,of -way, 40 feet, thence north 25047!, east 585.05 feet, thence east 10 feet, thence northeasterly 534.03 feet to.a point on the east line of the aforesaid } } Section 822.27 feet from the place of beginning, thence to beginning. ..Being part of the Southwest } of the Northwest } of Section 20, Township 29, Range 23 (Except part for Midway Road) 2 2 Saint Anthony Park�lfeat 30 25 2 do 350 - 2 $ do (ino175other prop.) TOW Total $44,450 $4,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated C'�✓ �S 199 �N� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 MIDJ..Ai RC AD MC F't C'' NCI+'H f LMII CCM D.F Alk 1�9Vy�, SG i5C 150' OV ,. 14 13 _ A k C IILNOPAE-i AVE I l O MO V I i .. .,, �GRTH ,Nft— tna r. I F 5 E s t 40 h, i, S ?. A H 0INY �A R K W E S 1`� SCALE I loo. V C F-11 p oe P ,,� i c br, ons p� ,", I nP I .. ( __... -_ 1 W > — 18_9 La Bo o. T W > MIDJ..Ai RC AD MC F't C'' NCI+'H f LMII CCM D.F Alk 1�9Vy�, / /° / ` 7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works - Report to Commissioner of Finance - Februai3'__?...... .... _..... ...... 194..2._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 14715 1.approved. ..... ........... Febr.Y-.17.........................194_9..., relative to .................Ge.�.ga?. ... .... .......... _... cuts and fills in the ....... Midvray__Road,from._Como,..Avenue.._to_a _line_..__,_,._ .... 65 feet north of Cilcombe Avenue. ....__...._._...__....._......_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ........... ........ _..necessary and (or) 'desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $..... ..........__......._......._......._...._.......__.....__..._.__...._...._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.........._. _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........_...._....- ... _........ ..... ....................... ..... ........... ........... _...................._..._.. b. Said improvement is ...................... ...... asked for upon petition of .three or more own of pr subject to assessment for said improvement. 3 I- Z4 ....,............._...._..._.._._.......__.. _...._.._.. 1M -b-4a �,Commissioner , of Public Wor DEPT• OF 0 . rigiaw W City Clark.1476840rdinance No. 9.U7— 14768 4 C V U I �4 C. F. F. Feterwn— =ending ordinance w& -native ordir. PRESENTED An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That .Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 11 thereof, in the organization chart of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, under the heading "Radio Division,," the following line: "4 Operator" and by inserting In lieu thereof the following line: "5Operator" Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to ble an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be ln,,.; force from and after Its passage and publication. APR 2 7 1949 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council......-----......----_--------_----------------- Mortinso Parranto ----------.----In Favor P etersonAgainst Rosen . . ....... Truax APR 2 7 1949 Mr. President (Delaney) Approved:. - --_------- ---------- - ----- ------- ------ - --- Attest: -- -- ---- --- ......... Cit Clerk or 1M 8-48 ogeo@ Abu 7 �11 ii4 POLICE FIRE HEALTH POLICE and FIRE ALARM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of -Minnesota .:Aradmewt al -public ale11 Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 8, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Sirs Will you kindly prepare an ordinance for me changing our organization chart to inofude one additional radio operator? Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I remain a Very truly y o urs, CawLissioner of Public Safety 1-11-1 to City Clary '-�rounau. 6' .CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONEE R _ - pA-rE RESOLVED, that there be and hereby -is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (2002)'the sum of 813.56, payable to Fred A. Rapp, 2001 FairmountAve., St. Paul, Minn,, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an overcharge on assessment, a for tree trimming work levied against property described as - Lot 27, Block 1, J. J. Kennas Re—arrangement. s s is Rasolved, That there e a A• Parranto— Ppro elated pt the and hereby g .5-6 Fund (2082) the s ore Falrn ouof n, An ,able tStFPaul, M Rapp 2001 Purpose of reimbursing hi n'i, en scrvercharge oa assessment for tree trfm- lbed as Lo v27d against property de- Re -arrangement. Block I. J. J, Kenaaa Adopted by pprovethe Council gprll 12, 1949. AP Ad rii 12, 1898. (April 16, 1998) APR 12 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194._... Yeas Nays tineon Approved -------------------------------- -- ..194._.. / rLL8lr9ntio lYeterson In Favor /Rosen Ma r rnaa— >...... Against r.President, Delaney _6 3M A6 ot�0 _ /r o,b&lne to City Clark C r IDI S JC.�F 2nd Laid over to 3rd )/!Q Adopt, _721 and app,_'i .'dimmee amending Ordinance .entoed. ordinance m- 2 lacing to the the Yeas Nays Yeas Na s on �Mcrns.on art. "fete n Ifruax rint President Delaney President Delaney,,,., Lj__ o,b&lne to City Clark C r IDI S JC.�F Edward 197888—Ordinance No. 9268— K. Delaney— .'dimmee amending Ordinance .entoed. ordinance m- 2 lacing to the the PRESENTED BY aPP-Intment by City of - ficials of officers and employes in the �s�jfi?d Service, fii.g the num- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled ..*An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by-City'officials Of officers and employee in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establish - Ing organization charts for the various depart- ments of theCity Government. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937,las amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for -the preservation of the public peace, h6alth and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinaries No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 5 thereof, in the Organization Chart of the Corporation Counseli under the heading "Clerical",the following title: "l Senior Clerk Stenographer" Section 2. This ordinance'is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healthland safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after ite,passage and publication. yeaa Councilmen Nays Mortinsion Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney), Attest: —I-- City Clerk Im 848 @W@ A?k 2 7 194� Passed by the Coon ------------ - --------------------------------- ----- ............. In Favor ........... Against 1549 Approve .... ... ... ........... ayor 4 - 147687 Orional to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL F�a.i No._____----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - �' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' RESOLVED, that the expense of wrecking and removal at 189-195 St. Anthony Avenue, having been certified by Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, to the Council, the City Clerk is hereby directed to take action under Section 1-17 of Ordinance No. 7210. s COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , Fiatflan Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President, President, Delaney 3M 048 .Sqpo.@ C. F. No, 147807—ny W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That the expense of wreck- {ing and removal at 189-195 St. Anthony 1 Avenue, having been certified by AI- fred 8. Schroeder. City Arehiteet, to the Council. the City Clerk i8 hereby! directed to take action—der Sectionl 1-17 of Ordinance No. 7210. ) Adopted by tha Councn A. 12, 1949. i Approved April 12, 1949. j (April R, 1949) 3 Adopted by the Council- ............ --------------------- 194 ..... j Approved ........................................... 194_ . ..------ I ---In Favor yor ` - ---/�gainst 1.4'7688 Original to City Clerk "uNCR - - NO.._..___---- CITY OF ST. PAUL alta --'--- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �RESOUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY .DATE COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that -Miller & Holmes, Inc. be permitted to remodel its filling station and the driveways in connection therewith, st the Northwest oorner of Arcade Street and Minnehaha Avenue, in accordance with the new,and revised plan filed April 7, 1949, and subject to the following conditions: That permittee shift the north driveway on Arcade Street to the north and lengthen the south driveway at the curb line to 35 feet; also set in the curb slightly at Minnehaha Avenue; permittee to pay for all -changes in curbing and any paving required; a curbing to be constructed opposite the pump island just inside of the sidewalk line. C. F. No. 147898—By W. A. Parranta Resolved, That Miner &Holmes, Inc. be permitted to remodel Its filling sta- tion and the driveways in connection . therewith, t the Northwest corner of a Arcade Street and f ehaha_Avenue, _ in With-theaccordance-new and- ised plan Edell April 7, 1999, and sub-' j t to the following nditlons: That permittee shfft khe north driveway on 12, 1949. PPR 12 1849 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. --------------------------- ------194_--•- APR ..I Yeas Nays Approved ..............................• .......... 194 Mortinsoh Parranto / j Peterson ......----�--In Favor .-•—_ �����--'---"'..-. ( Mayor ' Rosen. /1 Mr. President, Delaney .-...--'�--.`✓Against SM 9.48 °�+� CITY OF SAINT PAUL_7i; Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 7, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corooration Counsel Building ti Dear Sir; The City Coimcil requested that fou draw a resolution granting the attached application of Miller & Holmes, Inc. for permission to remodel their filling station and the driveways in connection therewith at the northwest corner of Arcade and Minneha_ha, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the attached letter of G. H. Herrold, and in conformance with the new and revised plan filed on April 7th. Very truly yo .S' City Clerk L \ POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. .............March 19th...19 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Miller & Holmes Inc. to change driveways at filling station on northwest corner of Arcade & Minnehaha and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on March 319t , 19 49, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, �� File 10956 Commissioner of Finance. The Bard of Zoning Saint P6ul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD lRHEIDIN6 OPFICmI H%ECW VH HHCRHTARY A. L OIWH C YDH L NHTNVCN A. A HHCKMAN - J. I. RFANHOLO A. H. HCH -M. CRY A- 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA March 29, 19U9 Mr, H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of tdiller & Holmes, Inc. td remodel the station at the northwest corner of Arcade and hinnehaha. This is Lirrht Industry zoning. The remodelling plans are in accordance with the standards established by the City and .the Board of Zoning recommends that the permit be granted. - The proposal calls for shifting the north driveway on Arcade further to the north and lengthening the south driveway at the curb line to 35 ft. and also setting in the curb slightly at Minnehaha St., the applicant to pav for all changes in curbing and any paving required. A curbing is to be constructed opposite the pump island just inside of the sidewalk line. Yours very truly, GI111:lf G. 11. Herrold Executive Secretary E, /_c l ll (le— lift h / �.,,%«,L-,,,,,, ,a -V er1 v u ,l;9 Ar. POLICE FIRE HEALTH POLICE and FIRE ALARM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �efadme'd o� �ublic Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON,Commissloner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner March 29, 1949 Mr. harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Referring to the application made by Mille h Holmes, Inc., for permission to change the driveway to their filling station located at the northwe,pt corner of Arcade and Minnehaha. The necessary inspactions were made and it is reported by Sergeant Stattman of the Traffic Division, and H. J. Scannell, Assistant, Chief Fire Prevention Inspector, that the proposed change would not result in any material interference with traffic, nor would it add to the fire hazard of the neighborhood. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 29, 1949 Chief Tierney: This is in reference to the application made by A. W. Holmes, of 'Miller and Holmes. Ino., for permission to change the driveways at their, filling station located on Lot 18, Block 59, Arlington Hills Addition, also described as the northwest corner of Aroade and minnehaha. I have inspected the premises and do not find that there will be any material interference with traffic with the proposed change in driveways; therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman awe/dm Traffic Division THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 23. 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Pmblic Safety Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by A. W. Holmes of Miller and Holmes, Inc. for permission to change driveways at their filling station located on Lot 18, Block 59. Arlington Hills Addition. also described as the northwest corner of Arcade and Minnebaba. This department has made an investigation and report that this change in their driveways would not be a hindrance to the Fire Department or increase the fire hazard in any way. Respectfully yours. .� C/lLxm�e Asa tant Chief Inspector BUR= OF FIRE PREPENTiOS HJS/t re�0 ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS AFFLIWTION TO BE MADE IN _ - TRPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CRY V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERKS OFFICE. • Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DAT —_ / 19_ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made r-, FOR PERMIT TO. AUTOMOBILE- FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON NO. QF al.ux NO. OF_GAS TANKS__ �C ACITV OP—h" TANK _ FILED SIGNATURE OF APPLIWNT. BU9I.. ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY I CITY PLANNING BOARD Z, o r- ... .. ..� . V . __ I• �,n �< _. CRE��. ,., f'C�r.F _moi oT, R` - NI/LL£/2 3� HOLME5 5r-=:'Y<' STAT/OBJ . - ' is Tc � .9 "E �T ii/✓O I�'%.'NP✓.E tr'A.`fi� J T , V " � 3 u -— os C / I _ a 11 , V u � 1 I � l ,V,_. .' � ' .:.. L/.: H �3'.1:. , IYE-.: I 'tom ARC�.�LC JTF, i•rs _ - - __. ._. - v )L'Ls �W _ B /r r %' �� Ft C ✓ T ; 4 T S w i • - f /TaLCM f NAME- -5f-r %/�G -57-A r,(OV r _< r a G or z , ti/NF vT :7 Nl.`QR 1 \ � —/0 T' / L ' \�� VHF L. ,v >- � CEI•�E,JT L` H� � � � '. �. _ L} Fc C f 7-, z EC - o r ,� ^✓ is ,ktn.,r,:. 1476129 co ori¢]n.1 to City Clark umca NO ------ ------ -. ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL' LICENSE C014:ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNC L RESOLUTION : GENERAL FORM v r April 13, 19+9 PRESENTEDBY GoMM,.S.C, , Rr;SOLVEDt Gas Station ()+ pumps) License No. 8911, expiring August 2, 1949, issued to Joseph Ktizan at 1042 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Roger M. Healy at the same address. C. F. No. 147889—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Patranto— Resolved; Gas Station (4 pumps) Li- cense No. 8911, exPtring,August-2. 1949.... '- - - - - - - - - -- - isued t Tostph Kriion at 1042 Grand -- - Avenue be and the me is hereby " transferred to Roger M. Healy at the same address. Adopted by the Council April 12, 1949. - Approved April 12. 1949. TRANSFER (April 18, 1949) AgR 12 1949 Adopted by the Coundl 194.-.-.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays APR 12 ^9cl, Tiaor3la^ Approved- ----------••••194__..- Mortinson Parranto ll... .......... _.._-. Peterson _1-- -In Favor M or Rosen ,Trl,o� --• ........ Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 d_jW® 14769 ' liicen 1tQtdfl : to CI[y Cteckinames o COUNCR -- mts - CITY OF ST. ' �� ts resolution -t vas NO.__...___ hereby granted. ane m. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE t^sesyetea t^ -su• the rym^r , COUNC14 RESOLUTION; dnril 12. 1949 RESOLVED$ That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated. be and the same are hereby granted. Minn. Mining & Mfg. 00.80 367 Grove Restaurant ApP• 1 `� New New Loc. American Machine Works 78 State Foodstuff VMLoo n 1 114 a n n 5 Minnesota Plastics 366 Wacouta s 1 1e 15127 Gust F. Johnson- 1382.Payne n ++1 off°ery Sale Malt n 64n 01da 15165 ++ s n Cigarette ° 15166 Homer L. SAlley 1047 Arcade Restaurant 15167 n n It 1;7.68 n n s n ++ Cigarette Ralph Nett 1520 Albany Butcher 15170 Warren H. Hubbard 844 E. 3rd Veh Ped (FS) ++ it 15175 tt 15176 n s s F00,1stuff(VP) Edwin N. Lynch 1818 Grand Grocery ° ° 15195 15196 ++ ++ s Cigarette E. W. Pearson 1049 Arcade Confectionery °' " 15212 n' it it n n n s Off Sale Malt 1521 if it ___ _. _ Cigarette IT 1521 Edward Freund & Hellmuth Mayer, 1334 Grand Hdwe It 15216 s n n Ruth Whit>lam 1099 Payne ++ Restaurant o ° 15366 n e n 15367 tt tt tt n Cigarette U. C. I. T. club 6th Fl. Empire Sank Bldg. - Cigarette n 15517 o New n Adopted by the Council -----.------_------. ----•----194...-_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays an 194.._.. Approved-•----•----•--------------------• Mortinson Parranto _......_ Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen /._. -Twax Against Mr. President, Delaney 3DS 9d8 .�y® 4W-1WCity Clerk �a "' wo LICENSE COWITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL NCR NO.-_-___------ _--_ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY1.� COMMISSIONER 'DATE Anril 12. 19I4q . PAGE No. 2 Millard Bruder 1518 E. 7th it. A. Dev (1) App. 15531 New William Sasner 239 State Foot Peddler " 15532 " Charles Siegal 1111 GirardAve.N. Mpls. Foot Peddler " 15533 " Irving John Donovan 283 Sherburne Mtr Veh.Dr. " 15567 " Beverly F. Alford 1651 Charles " " 15569 " Howard L. Ridgeway 1598 Dayton Foot Peddler " 15576 11 APR 12196 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ----_---_--_--------------194_-..- Yeas Nays AM In Mortinson Parranto _ Approved----- ..-........................... Peterson .-.--...In Favor ...... Rosen May of- Tawsir ..---.-.Against l // PUBLISHhl)�/L Mr. President, Delaney BM 9-48 C. F. No. 147891—ny Robert F. Peter- 47691. son—W..A. Parraato-- Resolved, That ]lcenses applied for by : - -the persona named on the 11ct attached Wunea ' prlplaal to Clry Clerk "^- this resolution be and the eeme are LICENSE COMP.STTTEE CITY OF SS. scar"-•, . n,the Sty Clerk is NO..---•----._ ..— OFFICE OF THE. Ct.:, ,GLk;j r., RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Charles Lee 270 E. 7th —Barber Aiib. X4795 Renewal Juliue Dallman 673 Bedford n 11 114915 " E."A. Seppala 969 Arcade D.C. & Ldy Pickup Sta AP,)- 3-4935 " Thomas A. Chisholm & A. W. Merschdorf ° 114914 " 960 Arcade Restaurant s 1i Cigarette It 1494+ " Lambert Beer 946 White Bear Restaurant ° 14996 " s 11 On Sale Malt " 14997 " Off Sale Malt n 14999 " n " Cigarette " 14999 Karl Niva 419 Sibley Restaurant " 15069 " n " Cigarette " 15069 " M. Silberstein & L. Goldman 179 E. 7th Pawnbroker n 15070 1i Arthur Heinman 597 Wabasha. Mec App. Rep ° 15134 it Northwest Airlinea, Inc. 1995 University Restaurant " 15151 Edw. & Herman Firestone 976 Grand Grocery " 15239 n 11 _ Butcher n 15240 " Cigarette " 15241 n Shirley G. Kellman 259 Pleasant Grocery " 1524j " i1 n Off Sale Malt ° 152144 " n u Cigarette. " 15245 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL---------------------------------194.K_ Yeas Nays -- Fiadlall Mortinson Approved -------- ...........................:.....194...._ Parranto Peterson-----------In Favor ................................................................. M...•a-•-----.. ayor Rosen . -.�... --...........Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 ^9M.@ 147691 • odat"I t. city Chili - CITY OF ST. PAUL mur9ca vas NO ------ _--•---------- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 12, 1949 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - OAT FACE M. 2 A. L. Schabacker i33 S Bayard Grocery Off Sale Malt App. 15248 Renewal " 15249 n n If n Cigarette " 15250 " Harry Deyo 0 1922 St. Anthor>,Y n Gas Sta 3V Foal stuff VMLoc a 15266 " - 11 5 Carl R.- Eklund Selby i3 y Grocery Ciearette 15271 " " 15272 0 ` n - Muriel Jean Peterson 1657 E. Minnehaha Beauty Shop If 1x,284 n g. J. & Lottie FaschingHauer 1049 Arcade Grocery a 15285 11 11 Off Sale Malt " 15286 " 11 It 11 Cigarette 0 15287 " John. k. Glasgow 740 University Gas Sta 31' 0 15288,0 n 11Joseph Harman 16 7r 9. th 11 Restaurant Cigarette 11 15307 11 It 11 Frank Annunziata 1412 Arcade s Restaurant On Sale Malt ° 15316 11 11 15317 n u s 1c n ' Off Sale Malt It 15318 If 15319 " iI 11 Cigarette Edward H. Ethier 470 N. Lexington Barber ° 15332 It ,T. 19. Airlines, Inc. Municiapl Airport, St. Lawrence St. Restaurant " 15339 1 1 Louis J. Gibis 1234 Grand Gas Ste IF ". 15344 a Isadore Spiszman 508 Jackson Foodstuff VMLoc " 15345 Adopted by the Council- -------------------------------- 194- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved..................... '........... Mortinson- Parranto Peterson ----••------- InFavor -----.......--------••----•-------•- Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-98 1476191 on4m.rt. City CAvk CITY OF Si. PAUL Fwca ---- LICENSE COMMITTEE - OFFICE OF`THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY- - April 12. 1949 - .PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DA,t,F b PAGE N0. 3 Andrew Biprose 195 Charles Veh. Ped (FS) App. 15352 Renewal IT 11 Foodstuff (VP) I1 15353 " n 11 Cigarette If 15354 " Kenneth J. Schrobilgen 413 St.Peter Restaurant !' 15355 " Mabel Johnson 1160 Selby Confectionery If 15356 It W. C. Berglund 1323 White Bear Butcher " 15376 11 J. A. Gerber Jewelry Co. S E. 7th 2nd Hd-Dlr OG It 15378 " Irving Lebo 1338 Grand Confectionery " 15356 11 11 " Off Sale Malt " 15387 " " Il Cigarette Il 15383 " Francis L. Kelly 978 Front Grocery " 15399 " n n Off Sale Matt " 15390 11 n " Cigarette " 15391 " Perry Zoukoa 239 Earl Restaurant " 15393 " n n On Sale Malt ° 15391} 11 Off Sale Matt " 15395 " n s Grocery " 15396 " u 11 Cigarette 'I ' _,-1-5397 " Joseph E.'Janish 374 Selby Restaurant if 15399 " is " Cigarette " 15399 11 Nonan N. Corbett 635 St. Peter Gas Sta 2P If 15410 11 John B. Elliott 965 University 2nri Hd Auto Dlr 1' 15411 " Mrs. Gladys Hesse 677 Blair Grocery If 15415 " 11 11 - Off Sale Malt 'I 15416 " COUNCILMEN II C1Aa�p e�by the Cound---....__1` �7__n.---..191_.__ Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ..................... . PetersonIn Favor -------•---•------- ---•----------. •---•--------•--•---•---- ....................... Mayor Rosen --------------Agit Mr. President, Delaney ant 9-08 -' `Clry - - 1.47692f, 691, OrIgloot to Clwk CITY OF ST. PAUL coueca LICENSE COLIMITTE7, _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .•PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1' 94 Til 12, 1949 PAGE NO. 4 Julia Caron @561 Sherburne - On Sale ,:salt App. 15418 Renewal. n 11 Off Sale Balt n 15419 11 If 11 Cigarette II 15420 11 Joseph Leuer 140 Front Gas Sta 2P e 15429 s Louis Lieberman 442 Jackson 2nd Ed Dlr Gen II 15471 11 Neisner Bros., Inc.48 E. 7th Ci arette s 15473 Sam Erlich 1024 Iglehart Junk Gatherer ° 15492 11 Darwin Moore 1715 Beech Mtr Veh Dr. 11 - 154g1 if Peter Rehborn 563 Elflet I1 11 15493 11 Frank Geehan 927 Patson 11 11 15530 I1 Matt Milner 3702 Polk, Columbia Eta. - Foot Peddler 1 15574 u Miles J. Hubbard 1435 Ashland Mtr Veh Dr. - 11 15770 11 RPR 1 2 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ................... -............. 191..__ Yeas Nays in an »1c !t 12 1 ;' Mortinson Approved------- -_•------___--•-----_---_---194 Parranto' _ �� Peterson -'�_--.In Favor RosenMay / l •aiTRSE"'"'-. ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney PL'BLTSHED `t 3M 948 .. ® 147692 INTERMEDIARY ORDERS C. F. No. 147692— + In the Matter oI gracing and surfacing with bitumfnous material, the Alley 1n Hlock 3, Bohiand's Edgcurn Hi]Y.. from Fairview Avenue to Ho' `COUNCIL FILE NO. street under Prelimtn: r,• Omer -owed March I By — on .TA w -N INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading. and_ snrtUing With bituml none -material, the Alley in Kaek ],.-Bohlaad.'s Edgcmebe-Kills, frrom Fairview -Avenue to Howell Street under Preliminary Order 147419 approved March 17, 1949 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above; improvement, and having, considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said reportand the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 'as hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and. s WUM_sith..bi#uuitmns Ratezi &4. the Alley in ffiock 1, Bohland! s Edgcusbs Hilts, from Fyirsim Avenue to Howell Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4,963-74 j Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day, of 1LaY 195-w— at the hour of 10'' o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City klall. Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost :thereof as estimated. 1 Adopted by. the.Council - APR 12 184 193— APR 1 2 1d�t- Approved— 193— City Clerk File 10966 Mayor Councilman Via' Milian ian Councilman bh*MWMWM Mortinson Councilman Parrento Councilman Peterson Councilman 0110RUMMMM Rouen. " 'v pUBl,1SHED Councilman MANOWUSZON P*^'ee� Mayor.M I)0 _aney Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ 14769 I C. F. No. 347993-- In the Matter of condemning and tak- Ingan easement in the land necessary ' for elopes, eats and fits in the= and surfacing of the Alley In • Block 1, Bohland's Edgeumbe Hits, from Fairview Avenue to Howell Street under prelh l approved March -u,;, .,i Cris . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an -easement "in-Lhe leull neceesary for slopes, cuts and-.tills-in.the -grading and.surfaci4-of.ths..Alley is Block 1, Boh]andts Edgeumbe Kills, from Fairview Avenue to Ko*ell Street under Preliminary Order A7420 approve mar& 17. 19►t9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said•report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn :andtake an easement inthe land necessary for. slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and •surfacing. of . the Alley. in Block 1, Bahland' a +gdgcumbe Kills, from Fairview Avenue to Kossll Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the loth day of liav 19642 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci_ 1RRI-2 S49 -. 193— APR 12 1949 193— City. Clerk Approved File 10965 - Mayor ,Councilman . Councilma .Ilortinson CouncilmadA Parranto CouncilmarPRUAG02=0100 Paterson Councilma Rosen Councilma Mayor Ivlppwff� Be�BY Form B. S. A. 8-6 14'7694 • C. F. No. 147094— - In the Matteh of conatrucNng a sewe - , COUNCIL FILE NQ.— on the west OWL,., dphnson Parkway from Suburban Aveaue to a point 80 feet south of Suburban Avenue under' - Preliminary Order 147530 approved B March 30, 1949. By The Counc of the City n hal ving, received the x . missioner or- Final INTERMEDIAR' `�"a'Y In the Matter of conetrueting a serer cn the went Hids.-of ..Johnson Parkway from suburban Avenue -.to a -point 80 feet -Hoath of Suburban Avenue under Preliminary Order 14790 approve' Parch 30 1W The: Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report 4nd the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby 'ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct -a saver on the wast.side-of Johmon.Parkway from -Suburban Avenue to a point 8o feat south of Suburban Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 710.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of Yap 193_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council APR 1 2 1942 193- -APR 12 f919 - � C�ati„� y Approved.-193—:�CityCIuk File 10971 Mayor Councilman Councilman = ',,:ortinson Councilmanikeatce ' kid F rrauto CouncilmantRoseiP Pet©rscn / Councilman Truaic ^ 8c s =n Councilman riafetrfel y—?,— Mayor ?,—Mayor M,j?4WW01!2'W Delanoy Form B. S. A. 8-6 147695 R JNG Anorz or ECOUNCIL ppQROV- 11,2 COUNCIL FILE NO ---------- --_----.--------------._- C. F. No. 147695— $y - ............... In the martter of the assessments of ---__..---...._._...-�...----.-.-'--..... benenta. costa end exhs blium�ncus inB and surfadn8 Lane's material, the 111>,- i� ; ,yak 4, M North Dale •-, f 50 �i��yl � - anus to Io 'I -F Order' OF CITY ST. P Pra' - Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and anrfadng with bituminous atatsrial, the alley in HLock 4, Lane' s North. Dale Park five California Avenue to Iowa Avenue under'Preliminary Order .......... 1L!}066-....-....--_---.-....--. Intermediary Order ..-----••-!'-�37-................ -'----------•. Final Order ---1:1474----------------- approved:... -------.....---.._.-----------.._J! y-7---•-----...------.-.-, 19.48 The assessment of ............ -------------illnRfitAa QQD-tA 4"1d• Qgp.erW.g•---------------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............... 11. -.----day of 1d8i!........................ 19--49-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the,amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APR 12 1949 Adopted by the ................................. 19 �yCC-GFa�rn-....-, City Clerk. ........... ... Mayor. �,'— PUBLISHED_. Approved_ ------------------------------------- -------19- ......... File 10702 P Councilman an Councilman Nlortinsou Councilman sfaID6lia�' Parranto Councilman Ba$id#ld= Peterson Councilman Sudhbiiiieiv'� Rosen Councilman iA.E=acz=— 2 Mayor HodyNNIA0302 Delaney Fon+ B. B. 17 ................................. 19 �yCC-GFa�rn-....-, City Clerk. ........... ... Mayor. �,'— PUBLISHED_. COUNCIL FILE By.._:._---- _------ . - 14'7696 RSOLUTIONASSESOF COUNCIL APPROV- INGNT C. F. No. 147696— Ia the matter of the assessment of 'benefits, costs and expenses Yor grad- ing and surfacing wtth bituminous ---rrrtal, the Alley to Block 14,. -- ^�dlttort No. 2, and Block -, No. 3, from CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grading and surfacing with bituminous materiel, the Alley in Block 14, Boulevard Addition No. 2, and Block 1, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Street under Preliminary Order --.------------..... 1.4 .?8jQ-----------•--., Intermediary Order. .......................... Final Order ............ 3JA14 50- - ....--------. approved -------------------------------------- dune........................ 19 SIB.. The assessment of..... JbMfita,.--Costts -And•-B3rj)sn es -•••......----•--for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...........11th.......... day of _may ..:............ 19.0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APR 1 1949 Adopted by the Council .......................: 19 ------- ezf .......... City Clerk. Mayor. o pUBLISHED /_/ 1 Approved.......... -------------------------------.-...19--....--. File 10670 Councilman Councilman ' ortinson Councilman K#DeW&-:�'"r�' rar.ranto Councilman SAii§itd >' r= -,arson Councilman Rosen Councilman We -1""" - Mayor Homo64 Delaney Form B. B. 17 ezf .......... City Clerk. Mayor. o pUBLISHED /_/ 1 w RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP- 147697 PROVING ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO..._....._----------- ------------- --- F. No. 'n7897— By..._._...._...._.....—................... _.................... the m -....t of ,fit ... iti:•." :.e CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Colvin Avenue from a point 100 feet west of Dave— Avenue to a point 215.2 feet east of Fairview Avenue; on Hilltop Lane from Colvin Avenue to a point 20 feet north of the south line of Lot 1, Block 2, Vagoffinls Hilltop Addition, and on an easement obtained across the following described property: (Except-Edgcumbe Rous, Fairview Avenue: and Colvin Avenue) The west of the SA, the Si'tI of the SEI of Section 16, Township 282 Range 23, from Colvin Avenue to Edgeumbe Road. The center line of said easement is described as follows: Begin– ning at a point on the center line of Colvin Avenue 2118.2 feet east of the center -li=ne of Fairview Avenue, thence south at an angle of 900 a distance of 96 feet, thence /southwesterly at an angle -to the right of 270 251 a distance of 2111 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 60 117' a distance of 202.13 feet to a point on the east line of EdCcimmbe Road 37.36 feet east of the center line of Fairview avenue and 2C7.0U feet nortl: of tl-o south section line of Section 16, Township 28, tanf-e 23, Measured _sallcl to the eenvcr line of EdUcumbe Road; The assessment of__..._benetitss--Costa--az4_0Rperi4es.............. •••- ........... for and in connection with + h_ a heen anhmitted to the Council. and the Council, having considered same, and �. � sEESOLi�ED;"That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of .......... ...................... 19.._V, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It., -in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter,. stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner �r to whom the notice is directed. �P Z 1949 Adogedby the Council .................................... ;.................. ............................. 19--- uu-h ll...._...... City Clerk. Approved. ----- ----` ............. ...............19.- - File 10780 - Mayor. .................... .. .... Councilman " Councilman Mortinson Councilman W'Yoif� Parranto Councilman 4 lend `-tea Councilman 4�°iidlieife+er""� RosPeten Rosen C UBLISHED_�f i Councilman WWeate >ere" Mayor H Delaney Form B. B. 17 Fj' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP- 7`�a�7 PROVING ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO. - _ -------- - F. No. :n7687— By----------------------------------------------- -the m �.. --ment of 8 ----- under Preliminary Order-.--..._ 965... _............... ---------- Intermediary Order -.---.-145r-?-�+--..-------....-.--- e-------------- Final Order --------------�)1153-7..--...................... approved -----•---...--a9gt6R1U9x-.11le---............................. 19-- The assessment of----...-.benefits,--assts--an&.®xpeuaea-------------------------------- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, theret'are; be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ` RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ----._11th............... day of Mag ---------------------------------------y 19--.49, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of•hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APP 1 2 1949 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------------- 19 -e K------- City Cleric. Mayor. 5- O PUBUSHED Approved---------------------------------------------- File 10780 Councilman Councilman MPRIMPMOM "'tinson Councilman WiNh �O Parranto Councilman ikiaiY Peterson Councilman' b`` ndhelYn•1er,•.z.,, hose, Councilman W.- .-.n "I *rva!L� Mayor HoffkiaF � Delaney Form E. B. 17 19 -e K------- City Cleric. Mayor. 5- O PUBUSHED COUNCIL FILE NO .......... _---- _---- _------------ _.- By------- ---- _..... _....... ------- --- _--------------_------------ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT /W'd 6 76`8 C. F. No. 197898— a4 In the matter of the aaacsaaaent i of benefits, costs aad expenses for v: proving T=pd Street fmm nates Av- theeP,e nt pcurbing,t widening the - oadway to a width of 90 feet, con- structing ,new., curbing, and paving rnSlpg the coastruc- -�� recon- . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for improving Third Street from Rtes Avenue to Maple Street by removing the present curbing, widening the roadway to a width of 40 feet, constructing now curbing, and paving the roadway, including the construction of new driveways°and reconstruction of old drive- ways where necessary; also by contracting sewer, water and gas connections from the street maim to the property lines where necessary, and all other work necessary and incidental to the above described improvement, under Preliminary Order ............... I.W.9a ................... .--, Intermediary Order.-----...1h2?33........--..:...... Final Order............-1113U3Q .......... approved---..... lbb}ttaTy.- 4 ................... 19.. . The assessment of..:... -....._----------------_begin �a...4Q4tA.. 8 -QQ.ftFA91A--------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... u..... -----.-day of _Ilay................ 1942.:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the CouneiiAPR-1.9_1249 ----- 19 - City Clerk. .............. Approved---- ------------------------ File 10523 - .. Mayor. Councilman ------•--.. ��""'`�" Couneilinan "`ortinson Councilman t9 rDft'kld—�, =-irranto Councilman Councilman Peterson Rosen Councilman - Mayor H Delaney Farm B, B. 17 1.47649 NOTICEo. 14769 TO CC-dtrjaat chtoktbe he ggreg on ON COUNCIL FILE NO. te PRINTER ., , .� ^'-, checks x rP.,es April .7 9 194— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 13,413.59COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -13 T0�21�9 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CO.IMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 2 "9 194— , CITY COMPT 0 APPROVED—L194 BY — wo fx-a CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 82136 John S. Findlan, C, of Finan PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY. OF GAir`If ,I COUNCIL -1 1 YYY i'. OFFICE OF. THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBE ROLL CALL - 49 MORTINSON_ IN FAVOR CLAIMS April 7 ...19._....._.. PARRANTD PETERSON ROSEN '��'Ci' AUDITED _ _ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE ORp N DM TREASURY. - AGGREGATE Am Q�{ P s-_. _.COVERING �.. _AGAINST TO THE GGi To .,I AS CHECKS NUMBERED,-_-- MR.PRES.OELANEY ,CLUSIVE. PER CHECKS ON FIL; IN,TtIEiOF1'ICE brJT,HE. �ITI(..COjAVTROLLER. f� I ` 1949 AOOFTED BY THE COUNCI ° "' NUMBER - APPROVE 72 CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD SHEET' TGTA L- Gr WARD TOTAL DATE '1 BY TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Co. V Co. s 512223 290 50 1 3137 1 139 E 59 P3 2 N 423 35 10 00 2 00 32114 231 5 33 83 81 go 111 45 156 35 197 30 65 656 17177 504 40 990 O1 40 38 6 72 160 32 66 96 32 07 1.6 0o 2778 46 69 90 76 o0 210 � 5', 75 1 65 436 34 65 5b 145 00 108 79 3 00 125 00 7 00 3 21 151 5 1 34 5 00 275 29 i'. 15 91 243'15360074 82136 John S. Findlan, C, of Finan 82137 E.A. Furni, Supt. 82138 William Marlow .82139 Thomas Finn Company 82140 Rex Oil Company 82141 Ace Repair Key Shop 82142 Acme Linen Service Company 82143 Advance Stamp Forks 82144 American��City Magaaine Corp. 82145 Amerioan Linen Supply Compan 82146 American Maobinist 82147 American Public Works Assoo. 82148 _kmerloan;Quarterly 82149 Barbeau Supply Company 82150 :`F.J. Brings & Company 82151 Bureau of Education Research 82152 Capitol Laundry 9215 Central Soap Company 82154 Drovers Meat Markets, Inc. 92155 R.I. DuPont De Nemours & COm 92156 Empire National Bank 92157 Otto N. Each Equipment Supplp 82158 Film Service Company 82159 A.N. Fisher Photographic Supp. 82160 Fuller Brush Company 82161 The Gamewell Company 82162 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Compa 82163. Groes Brothers & Sronioks 82164 H & R Company 82165 Walter R. Hammond Company 92166 Hobart Bros. Sales.& Service 82167 J.vf. Hulme Company -92168 The Institute for Resear6h 82169 Jobneon-Baoheller Pbotographe 82170 Kenny Boiler & Mi;. Company 82171 I Larry's Radio Service 8217.2 L.J. Laison & Son 8217 Latuff Brothers 8217 Mrs. Luoien Nelson Lindsey 82175 Link Belt Company � 82176 82177 Lyons & Carnahan Montgomery -Ward and Company 82179 Otis Elevator Company 82179 Revolving Door Service Oompan 82180 N.E. Heal Slate Company 82181 New Tork Times Company 82192 IT.S. Nott Company ' 82193 'Occupational Index, Inc. 82184 Prentioe-Hall, Inc. 82185 Purity Baking Company 82186 Russell -Bampton Company 82197 'Paul A. Schmitt Music Company 82196. Science Researob Associates 82189 J. A. Sexauer Mfg. Co. Inc. SHEET' TGTA L- Gr WARD TOTAL DATE '1 BY TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Co. V Co. s 512223 290 50 1 3137 1 139 E 59 P3 2 N 423 35 10 00 2 00 32114 231 5 33 83 81 go 111 45 156 35 197 30 65 656 17177 504 40 990 O1 40 38 6 72 160 32 66 96 32 07 1.6 0o 2778 46 69 90 76 o0 210 � 5', 75 1 65 436 34 65 5b 145 00 108 79 3 00 125 00 7 00 3 21 151 5 1 34 5 00 275 29 i'. 15 91 243'15360074 C F. No 147700— . NOTICE Resolved. That checks b d on - - - �th Cfty treasury t - th aggY g to - dryPy'�� AR ... gchecks TO o t f $I OI,0 ..... L/ W! COUNCIL FILE NO._ CC.V•r^.'ed 02190 l0 02 24 • c'•=1 - PRINTER - file . Y April 9 1949 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 101,386.69 82190 8222+ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED____TO_._____INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE -CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_—._-_IyQ_.._ �l COMPTROLLER 17 APPROVED_._—_ — _IBQ___ BLa�.L'�--1y l/� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL FAVOR 49 T T_ IRA FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS . . ......... PETERSON SDELANEY ': D TREASURY, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE 5EN _-!��-..AMST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF II- COVERING MR.FRES�.DELANEY t,{ 4! CHECKS NUMBERED_ I 0- O: INCLUSIVE. r AS A MR CHECKS ON FI IN TH .FF rO% ADOPTED BY THE VPCIL�- 1 ') 1,44, : NUMBER} -Com-0-iii, CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL DAT RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 25124315 I 36op74 82190 John Hiber 82191 Abe Kahan 70 40 10 bo Company 2 439 44 82192 Pioneer EleotTiO 475 PO 92193 1 D.C. Franche & Company 24 82194 mall Tool Company ;0 496 2 82195 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 134 09 82196 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 2079 82197 prioe Electric Company 82198 H. -V. Smith & Company 14 1 46 82199 Voo. School petty Cash Fund 9 165 PS $2200 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 82201 Tony Roberto 00 27 66 44 82202 1 Miss Perrie Jones 219 548 60 82203 J.S. Sweitzer & Son, Ina. $2204 American Red. & Stand. San. <Wpo 2� 20 4 ta 82205 Graybar Electric CompanyoInc. a6 64 $2206 Meier Sales & Equipment Co. 65 82207 H.W. Bell Tel. Company 164 5 92209 S.W. Bell Tel. Company 82208 27 82209 1. WL. Bell Telg. Company 334 82210 H.W.ell Tel. Company 302 5 82211 H.W. Hama Fuel Company 10 507 Qz 82212 Pioneer Electric Company 130 5 82213 Rivet Sales Corp. 82214 U.S. Supt. of Documents, 27 zo 00- 92215 Mrs. Mabel Murphy 82216 John 13. Findlan. C. of Finance' 9 $6 680 70 82217 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 9 437 25 461 91 $2218 Anderson Machine Tool Companj 12 984 6 82219 Ribm Motor Company $2220 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 135 82221 N.W. Bell Tale Company 1143 82222 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 5 J3 $2223 price Electric Company 75 0 92224 John S. Findlan, C. of FinanaP 132 755 58 TOTAL -FORWARD SHEET OTA 51 g43 15 461460 90 11 �0 I jw�- NOTICE CITY 47707— TO That checks be dr:: A1 PRINTER COUNCIL' ^.q�48R,t'Coveringgl �'V COUNCIL FILE NO.___ 4 2" ri, Aril 1 194 c, RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s--2,4A-q--64 i.—_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__A2225 TO_�2-7-Q-_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 'ADOPTED BY THE / —_ clry coCOMPTR/ r;• l � - / TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER, FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL 32 40 303 MORTINPARRANTO -157 IN FAYOR 10 0 AUDITED CLAIMS —_.- -19 PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST 10 00 . RESOLVED. THAT CHEC E _W 1, N_7HE CITY. C BURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $__Q . -- COVERING _, TR.PRE MR.PRES.DELANEY 1 41 INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED_.—�.p,pyQO 'COMPTROLLER. 82229 Arco Publishing Company PER CHECKS ON FI /{�).�i}�p'1�[�(y�j,y,FICE 66 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.�C]1-jam— ..�.- r. !�• --—.!�FlR=��/ �Yt �LI�"PIROLLEw NUMBER _ 7 pp W a CHECK ,IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS xl 243 1 461460 90 C`� DATE RETURNED BY BANK 82225 Acme Fire Extinguisher Compally • i American Can Company 32 40 303 82226 10 0 22227 American Concrete Institute 10 00 82228 Amezioan Red. of Arts 1 41 82229 Arco Publishing Company 10 6 82230 H. Bittner & Company 17 �4 82231 • The. Bleak & Decker Mfg. OomPAUY 82232 J.S. Canner & Company 42 75 .8223 Chicago. Apparatus Company 1 OS 82234 Clevelabd Musdum of Art 82235 I Eoonony Pump Sales & S.aoe so Q0 82236 Robert Ensko 7 50 18 2 82237 Franklin Pub. & Supply Comp ";.'82238 i4 50 The Walter C. Garwiok Company' 00 82239 jirlsI Friendly Society 1 05 822 Good Hou,Akesping 15 45 82241 Haughtonlevator® 5 00 82242 J.A. Hueb!Aeer Company 82243 Int. coundil of Rol. ]Educe 12 Q6 82244 Eelits Pr6buote, Inc. 82245 The Ruutsotl_iamria Agency 46 25 82246 La11e89 Home Journal '44wen 1 90 14 25 82247 League of votese of St.l 82248' McGraw—Hill `Book -Company. Inc.� aul Spade Company 36 82249 t[idway Awnin�g & Fdit Bureau s.Co. 28 82250 Minnesota 82251 ;Minnesota Maoaroul Company 19 20 1 00 82252 *Irs. Helen George go 10 CO 00 82253 Edward Morrill & Son, Inc. 12 63 82254 Munsell Color,Company 82255 Nationa Autoi tive sernoe 98 82256 'Otis Elevatov'Company 82257 ; A.S. Peterson` Typewriter Co. 11 45 30 82258 Roman Cafe 82259 Roofings, Inc. Cos any 10 CO 50 0 76 82260 st,Paul Builders, Material 22 50 82261 St.Paul Saw & Knife Company 538 :82262 st.Paul Structural Steel Company ao 12263 A.P. schwope 901 ' 2264 C.F. Sculley Equipment Compare' 00 82265 Sooial Science ReAdaroh C. 82266 :Spiess Equipment Company 11 1l 82267 istate Historical Soo- Of -Miss • uri 5 75 82268 'I Sturgis Punting Company PO 192269 Sunbeam Corp. 7 11 16 48 82270 Syracuse Public Library 38 50 82271 rhompson's Restaurant 82272 I'Unistrut Products Company 26 0,2 69 15 82273 U.S. San. Specialties Corp. 2 25 82274 U.S. Supt. of Documents 14 218 82275 University of Chicago Press 1 10 82276 Wadsworth Atheneum 82277 ;Westinghouse Electric Supply lomPanY 238 3'19 1 62 82278 Westminster Press 3 6o 82279 ;F.W. Woolworth & Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 251243 15 463 950 56 I 147702 Council File No ---------------- -.--.-------------- By....... -- --------------------- --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bansfits, Coate and expensed for curbing Watson Avenue 8nn Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue o 'RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT C. F. No. 197702— the matter of the assessment of �nbenefits, r. ^^d . -expenses curbing Natson •Plantl �Av- ne _M1 r . under Preliminary Order Intermediary Intermediary Order_....-.1�l3...., Final Order.... -.-..1r6....- approved ................ Ap A,.....---...19.8... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assesszgent having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore -,, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BR IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....................... ._- _-equal installments. APR I atom' Adopted by the Council---- _-------------------------------.............................19... i.. �5� City Clerk. Approved..................... --............ ....... - 19.. Form B. B. 18 ~ File 10563 ------------ Mayor. j/ PI`nl-lctl};I5�L.1 �/ e2 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO,liMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment. ---------- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for ibm curbing Watson Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue ].41810 ....... ..... Intermediary 2 ---..., ander Preliminary Order.._ ..................._... ..... Y Order.......... ------------------------ Final Order ......... ....143536..........--..... -, approved ...-------------------------------- AP 1 b..................... 19 $ To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Contract $3,785.00 Cost of construction Erztrs . . . 14.11 $.------ 3,.80.4,11..... Cost of publishing notice . $-------------- 6• -ZS. -:.- Cost of postal cards $ -------------- Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . $............. .--... s Amount of court costs for confirmation $---------- 6-75-180�1� Engineering Total expenditures . . . .. . • • $---_4.0?-5.18 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $......!±,0.5...1$ ---------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered pro er. --------------- --- ------ Fu B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. t_ I EME�TION EATWONG ASSESS 1.477(,3 Council File No .......................__.. ..... C. F: No. 147703- ' I .benefits.a costa fends expensesent oof ` bemfis. sewer oa Montana Av- .......:............................................. -1 -Street to Curve By =°re. ^+y Order �rY CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benetitat costs and expenses for constructing a newer on Wntana Avenue from Hanel Street to Curve Street under Preliminary Order.:...._�7.-----, Intermediary Order......_ 517--.---; Final Order....._2.._... approved-----,..----...... bruaty 3L.-19. ... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, anI having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore F RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In ................ S ............ equal installments. - UP.R 1 3 1Ad9 , n Adopted by'the Cc APR 1 ,, jg4p Approved..... - - ................................... ..19 .... Form' B. B. IB We 10493 ............. City Clerk. 'p—- - Mayor. PUBLISHED Zf -/ C z[ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .....March 15 ..., >�. . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for7dOe constructing a sewer on Montana Avenue from Hazel Street to Curve Street 142517 under Preliminary Order --------------- Intermediary Order......--------.-_.....-------------.......-----....., . February , 19_ 48 Final Order............1480..... _-, approved ..... ................. .ru.......______._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . Contract $......ftilMQ - Q-.----- Cost of publishing notice . $--------------- 7,.4.5..-.--.• Cost of postal cards $.............. 14)-------- Inspection fees . ' . $:-----..-�=00-------- Amount of court costs for confirmation $--------------7=-b�5-------- Engineering 324.32 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.__61971.15. ----------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for, such action thereon as may be considered ^proper. F- B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 147764 Council File No----------------- _--------------- By.............................................. . ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading California Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street iRESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT C. F. No. 147704— In the matter of the —.1, of benefit., costs expenses g ding California Avenue froGrott Street tr^0 ander preliminary under Preliminary Order ... ............ 139566.. .......... Intermediary Order Final Order -440191 .......... . approved Ma 19.47 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the aboveI improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by . the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all . resp . ects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be 'submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTII7FER RES . ObVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable -T in.... `..........equal installments. Adopted by the Council- ..,..APR 1.3 $49----•------......-- 19— ............ ....................... APR 13 1 ............. City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------------------- 19 File 10258 ------- ---- I Mayor. F- B. B. IS CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C01131ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment March 15q .49 -- ................. ....... In the matter of the assessment of benefltat coats and expenses for xix grading W-ifornin Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street Intermediary Order...... --_9851 under Preliminary .Order .............. 9r�......................... y , -- ............ 140191 ------------, a roved-- ...............lfay..�7.....................................1 19 4� Final Order..-.---..-.--------------------- PP To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1,.8-05...44 .Cost of construction $-..........- ' Cost of publishing notice . $------ --------1�r-�--------- -30 Cost of postal cards $------------------ --- - - Snginipering. . . . . . . $---------160!08 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ...............!40 Sewer 1 5-0Sewer pipe 63.75 Total expenditures $---•----- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $....._21032.:.57. ---------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered roper. --------- - -------------•-------u..:.....: .�Y.---.A� Fo B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. E.E8011U11I0N RATIFYING A1111 -1111-l - Council File No.-...----------- ............... MENT 14771)(5- C. F. No. it's"` 4770 r"' S; f. - In the matter of the -.:If By ....................................... ...........-...-- i b e n e L i t s- coats a ehanglnR Y e R'- - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the east side of Pascal Street from Schaffer Avenue to Bayard Avenue and the grade of both rides of Pascal Street from a point 127.5 feet south of Hartford Avenue to Hartford Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading Pascal Street from Highland Parkway to the north line of Block 1, Otto Hunt's Addition to the proposed red line when established and to the established grade where not changed under Preliminary Order Intermediary Intermediary Order.----_--.----, Final Order.... --_5-.---. approved ... -Ju?►e._Fx.-....- -is--47-• >A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That,the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURT R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ------------------••------------equal installments. . APR 13 1249 Adoptedby the Council ................................................................ ..-----------19- .... ------J- --=-+�--%�;-`--P-.^c�Ys:':�%'...-----••------, City Clerk. Approved........................ --- ---------------- -.......... 19... - Form B. B. 18 File 10261 - - - ----------------- ------- Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COAIAIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -March 15 the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for XKK changing the grade of the east side of Pascal Street from Scheffer Avenue to Bayard Avenue and the grade of both sides of Pascal Street from a point 127.5 feet south of Hartford Avenue to Hartford Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading Pascal Street from Highland Parkway to the north line of Block 1, Otto Hunt's Addition to the proposed red line when established and to the established grade where not changed under Preliminary Order................1395 !+....._.......-----..., Intermediary Order ....------_140213 .......... .................... ..-, Final Order............... l z?3.......... ............ approved -------------------------------------------- - , 19 47 ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ` ment, viz: - Fbrce Account 4 8TT 94 Cost of construction $---------t--------'------------ Cost of publishing notice . $----------------4'�- ------------- Cost of postal cards ... $ ............._.._:-9b....... Truck rental A.J. Tschida $480.00 Veru Anderson . 472.50. $---------- 952-.-54------- Engineering 451.98 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ..............11.90 ---.---- Lowering manhole and catch basins 337.E Total expenditures $--- s ---- - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $....__6d-6-rPj!0........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of Iand in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by.him, and p which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fo B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 1477o 'RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR and an in the land necessary- for slopes, In the matter of_ c°ndemning cuts and fine in the grading of Nevada Avenue from the most line of Quincy Place vacated to Victoria Street RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAOES AND `ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. ? F 11E6528-_--_----_, approved____- Dec---------- 191-8__---' under Preliminary Order_______ ----- Intermediary Order ----------- ------------ approved ------- Jamaxy-26, 1949_____ - Final Order __________________14129 ft -b- , 1949 -----------� approved --=--------------23-------------------- A Tublic hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and -the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and.condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. MUMOMM Adopted by the Council,--------------------------------, 19,____ � Approved------------------------, 19 ---- File 10922 Councilman Tice Councilm _ rt-�r•;:�: per_ Councilm onald .1 t0 Councilma Ge Councilm hian�' s,n CouncilmaiIier Mayor — •=-- - Delaney ---------- - ------------- -------- City Clerk. -- V --------------= - / � Mayor. S�� PUBLISiII;D-�'�-x'L REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of- condemning and_t&- ing an_eseement in the iand_necesaary_for_elopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenne from the west line of Qnincy Place vacated to Victoria Street 146598_p)e nber_22i_ 1948 ----------- undei• Preliminary Order ----- approved--------------- Intermediary Order --------- approved approved ------------------ ----------- Final Order ----------------14712?-- approved ---------------- F-eb—ar23s_ 1942----------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner df Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----- - Commissioner of Finance. > 1. RESOLUTION .RATIFYINOANDCON. FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDg OF. DAMAGES -AND ���{� ASB' +/ SSMENT 'THEREFOR. C. F. No. 147707- -e 47707 -e matter oY ope= wideNng and atlin;; �" Ld Avenue toe width RESOLUTION RATIFYINd!, I, �;it.st ee; a ING i Tran hr CONDEMNATION AND AWARD b"Y DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In'the matter of__(V-9pnB: IIinB _444- -�Ord Ade--- to a width of 60 feet from Eustis Street to the east line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway ComPanr'e Right-of-way by taldng and condemning the south 20 feet of the southwest } of the northwest } of Section 20, Township 29, Range 23, from Eustis Street to the east line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Companyts right-of-way except that part condemned for Midway Road 146776 January 13, 1949 under Preliminary Order_______________________, approved ------ Intermediary Order---------14��----------- approved -----J°_3_ 1949 147199 February 23, 1949 FinalOrder ------------------------------- approved------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had 'upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Count.5!' ! I q 1W------- Approved----------------------- 19 --=- File 10921 CouncilmaWlegg Councilm I ''ortinson CounclillRSFffeaandr-iiiCae�etifm.t—i ---,qnto :' '. Conne JrsOnCOUII Couilncm Mayor Truax j Delaney ------------ 19,---- - ' - i ------------- Clerk.-- __ PT -PT ,..TTrT) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 1 ND A'SL--1F3T N,r or BENEFITS In the mte atter of nFr_ A� _ exnding Baf°� Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Eustis Street to the east line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway CoatpaWs right- of-way by taking and condemning the south 20 feet of the Southwest of the Northwest } of Section 20, Township 29, Range 239 from Eustis Street to the east line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company's right-of-way except that part condemned for Midway Road 146776 January 13, 1949 ' under Preliminary Order-------------- approved---------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- intermediary Order --____---!6899 approved----------- January 26, _1949 --- 147199 -- approved--------- blebruary 23._ 1949 ------------------ Final Order ------------------ TO THE.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance 'hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of 4 the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i Co missioner of Finance ortata,t a r C -k \ ,A N S E 1-4'7'71)8 JU lu 0 N _ =- INO. 147706—Ordinance No. 9259-- i Ordinance pn prdlnance' sine of St. Fain. aP- _NO. PRESENTED BY No. 6995 of the etri enUUea: proved October 23. 1947. to Fred L. Kalman- g,adeeFremont Avenue from Germain Street to Ken- _Hard Street" In. emergency ordinance ren - ti . iqt tl panel safety An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5995 of the City°''pf St. Paul, approved October 23, 1947, entitled: •An ordinance granting permission to Fred L. Kalman to grade Fremont Avenue from Germain Street to Kennard Street." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 'The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That ordinance No. 5995 approved October 23 1947, be and the same is hereby amended by strik na.out of Paragraph 4 of Section 2 the following Words and figures: "November 1, 1945" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "November 31949'.— SECTION 2.. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas: Com Nays Mortinaon Parranto i Peterson`f ' Truax Bia6� Mr. President Attest: �� City Clerk 560 747 �c APR 2 is 1949 Passed by the CoulyiQi --- -��- ---------------In Favor ----0------------------Against *tYrK .r.- _ b 8 i9149 Approved ---_---.--r----- ------------------ - -`-1 S Mayor . PL'BLISiiED-y w H E. 11 L-. . ®le 147769 ortatna to city dart cousca No .-_- CITY OF ST. PAUL - FUJI --_ ------ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I3Y DA COMM ISSIoNE 6 RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for the Addition and Alteration of Electric Power and Lighting Service at Johnson High School, 740 York Street, St,- Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Con1missioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent is,hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and,by the charter, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -I+isataa=� Mortinson . Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr "Fre9ldentyxi3elst�¢b�: 3M 9-08 ----J-..-.--In Favor Against A. P.rranto—' Architect, undei the dtrecb— of the .' Commissioner la. �hlic EnUdln¢s. be and tof Park.. he -me satlafactory Lo the c j.lna Ager Education a -d the Purchasing 'Agent'Is hereby authorized to ad�eT for blda thereon in the manner proNded in and i by the charter. Approved April d3, the .1l.Aprn 13. 1949. i (Apr11 16. 1949) APR 13 19413 Adopted by the CotlneiL---------------------------------- 194------ 1APRi. <<44lz Approved --------------------------------- 194- --a - ------- I Aird 1 � 9'1 Qinal to City Clerk , GOUNCR N - Ic CITY OF ST. PAUL fnb O FICE OF THE :CITY CLERK �+ COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE' --- COMMISSIONER_ -- --- Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 42 lineal feet of gas main on Carroll between Albert and Pascal under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 9271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F, No. 147719—Ry Milton Rosen— Resolved� That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 4211nea1 feet of' ' gas main on Carroll between Albert. and Pascal under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July. 19, 1841. Adopted by the Council April 13. 1949. Approved April 13, 1999. (Apr11 1, 1948) A�'R 13 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-.--.--- -•194-.-••• Yeas Nays Approved ------ -------------- ----•----.194r-. Mortinson Parranto In Favor - . ....._.... .. Peterson a;or Rosen -�, .-----/.......Against `� ti�Eresiil' ' 3M 9,Vr. Ydc &-cgi MIL (TIU14X% orlglnal to City Clerk C. F. No. 147711—By M UrnRosen IL 14 0 1.1 CITY OF H'hereas, Additions and Deductions NO.--:—__-------------- which mlght. prove to be necessary in OpFIC OF THE the making' of the Improvement d - a Abed a the RASPBERRY IS UN IL OLUTION BamcR MOVD4G, known es Comp -i _ - ]per's Contra t 1.4788 M E- Souther ro. pany contractor, have I , PRESENTED BYMILTON R- t q 'LlrailLLL' 1949. 1 COMMISSIONER - — —1-IDw4.... ,,,m_..' -. WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the making of the Improvement described as the. RASPBERRY ISLAND BRIDGE MOVING, known as Comptroller's Contract L-4786, M. E. Souther Construction Company, contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications at unit prices bid to apply thereon, and, WHEREAS, it has.,�een found necessary to make the following Additions: Additions 11,706 f.b.m. of lumber (new untreated) per M@ $180.00 $2,107.08 2,072 f.b.m. of lumber (new treated) per M 'J 215.00 445.48 11894 f.b.m. of lumber (salvaged and treated) per M @ 66.00 125.00 TOTAL ADDITION 2,677.56, and WHEREAS, the total Addition is $ 2,677.56, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $2,677.56, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration name]Q in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-4786, for the making of the aWve Improvement. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of S 2,677.56 is the correct sum to be added to the above contract. COUNTEFSIGNED; GOAPTROLLER CO'UNCILMEN Yeas Nays —tniffiff "1 Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen IM s-lsir'. 4W(PresHent Minx) Lvor Against 1d. E. zU gION COMPANYB Presiden C 0 M M I S S I 0 N F R Adopted by the CouneW-R.1-3-_t94g -----..194 .... APR 13 9945' Approved---- ...................... .......... 194. - PUBLISHED (PETITION) f 1.4771.2 Council_ FSIs PRELIMINARY ORDERSNo.---------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ! _ C. F. No. 1477" -- and 47712— 'and. I Abetrut PRELIMINARY ORDER. A wrltter "�' n ,<be 1'e folVl rCr" Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing publioimprovement by the City bfSil c4tiafil,"via.: r Construct New Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk' on the south side of ARL .......................... ......... _from-_Ker>_nardStreet_-to Germain Street. - ........................................ _..........._..__._... Dated this ------------------------day of ------............-............... . . . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WFIEREAS, A written proposal sr-tt making of the following improvement, :vis. _--.-._.•_Construct New Monglithic_Concrete Sidewalk on the south side of ARLINGTON AVENUE £rom 'dennard Street to Germain Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................ ..................................... ..-..--:_--_----__..__-. therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 1 s �gaa Adopted by the Council........................................................... YEAS NATE Councilman- MORTINSONPARRANTO yJ �,. PETERSON �(�! 'Sax+ R a tea. arae aari�r. . bir. Vice Presirenr (Truax 2501147 'P Approved.:............................................................ - av —---------------- ___... ......... j Mayor. 14771.3 Council File No. -_..._- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ` C. F. No. 397719 I and. Abstraec Whereas, A written proposal Ior - the making o2 the following imPro_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. m�"t C. Reconhe si with Mononthlc Con - Good the sidewalk • Goodrich Avr.•••r; - �s� snv' J The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowing public improveme� ana "fftP.; ',int Paul, viz. .. . • inB bee. .�:. n,.� _ _. ,AyE@UE.-from..OxEosd...Stsee_t..to..Aun)>�R..atreet.,-- _ex ceq.t w.hexe..good..=d..auff.ic-lent..---:---- sidewalks now exist. .......... ............. -------•------ - - -............-----...-- •---......'-- .. .....................---- Datedthis .......- - - day of.-------------------------------------------------------------------- - J94- .. Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. -___--_REconstruct_with._Monolithic- (:onc�et@�-..the.-�.i.deYtelZc._9.A._bgtk�...S�.deR..s]�'..GO�J?k�CH....... _ , AVENUE from Oxford Street to _Dunlap. Street�__except. where -good- and__sufficient-------.-. Si dewalk8 now exist. -.......................... -..................... ----•-................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the, necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on -the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of, the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. rpt. i\' .....�'.. . Adopted by- the Council ----------------------------. -............_.-_....: - YEAS NAYS APR 13 ;9$9 Councilman BAHM. ,.-..gyp---•_� Approved ----------------------------------------------------------- -MORTINS019 PARRANTO PETERSON V �§t'C7r�...... ...... ...._....... . ._........... ri14R'eemg� Mayor. 1M 448 141. Vice Presidiazt i$-9kgsi k'12,BL1SHl'll-/G - 9 147114 Council File No................ - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT { C. F. -No. 147714— Abstract, and Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following lmproyement, viz: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ree nstru t with M nolithte con- , - arete th aldawalk on both sides of Goodrich Avenue fro Avon Street to Victorl Street except where good The undersigned hereby proposes themakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementbythe . wnllksnowexiethav- ^^e of Reconstruct with Monolithic Concrete, the sidewalk on both sides of GGODRICH ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------•---........................... -- - •-----•----- ----------•- AVEPJQE.. 1$fdC@flt.,. -------- Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. 194�....�.. `..C�Gr, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. --- Re.QQA&tT.!?Gt..with..Monolithic-_Qongne-to __the-_sidgwalk--on-_both-_sides,-of--GOODRICH..__--. AVENUE from Avon Street toVictoria Street:.except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of'Public Works be and -is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2,, To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. `Adopted by the Council----------------------------------..... .......... ......--...--- YEAS NAYS Councilms F— 1-- Approved-------- ----•------------- --------- MORTMON PETERSONE ANTO PETERSON �a z-�emeii��� ......_.. ... .. ......... ...............7--------- ...... M'sfNREetDEr1Y'hggya'' Mayor. Mr. Vice Ytctit ('J) 1M 9-48 pi 'IT 79f -IGD v Council File No ............... ....... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. No. 147715-- , - Abstract and Whereas„A written proposal for the Vizking of the following Improvement, PRELIMI9ARY ORDER. Reconsctruct w i t h Monollthie Co. ete, the sidewalks on both sides of Toronto_ Street from W. Seventh Street {, Avenue, except where oot The undersigned herebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementby.ti F n, uft3ac> a�y�M3�_ Reconstruct with--Monolithic-Concretes-_the-_sidewalks..on-_both-_sides--of_'�R�NTO_---.---- -------------------------------------- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - STREET from W. Seventh Street to Jefferson Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. Datedthis---------- -----_ day of................... ......................................... ---- - ----a 194..^ --------------- - - - ....................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Reconstruct with._MgRolithic Concrete the sidewalks on both sides of TORONTO STREET from 1"7. Seventh..Street-.to Jefferson -Avenue: except where good and sufficient _... sidewalks- now exist,.---------------- - --------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...............:.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To reportP g�upon all of the foregoing n .............................. matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Por y Adopted by the Council ............................. - .---....------- .... YEAB NAYS Councilmaa44re�� APR 13 1949 meneafrR" Approved..----------------------------------................................ MOETINBON PARRANTO PETERSON / MR. PR��III d+rl 4kt ybe yOr. V'C? Yf ev{ri iY1F i;Z}rY PUBL1SHED_4�—/9 14'7'716 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C. F. No. 1477187 ! Abatraet and Whereas, a written proposal for the, ,king of the following improvement, viz PRELIMINARY ORDER. Retotract with Monolithic can-! trete, the the alAe hath sides of F lrmou t '' � %'3a" '7..Ay- e, • TheundereignedherebypTopoeesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement anndas60.to J� ,iSaint Paul, vla. --------.gecppgt���_pd,},h__Monolithit--�oncrete,._the_sidewalk-_on-_both-_aides--oY FAIR?JIOUNT f�Q,p�jTJ)--j�om--Ql@ygland,-Avenue-_to__Finn.-Street,--_except-,where food and en sufficit s f - .........sifeWalks_ now _exist. ..................... -------------- ...- .............I.-------..._:.....-............................. ........... I --- ---'--- Datedthis --- ......-----day of --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ,.. A4 ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _$e.G.Qn3truct-_with_Itonolithic_Concrete1-:the-.sidewalk onboth, sides of FAI----CUNT " AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Street, except where_ -ood and sufficient ............ si4ig alks_now-_exist...................... --------..................................... .. .-----.......................... .................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................... .......................____---_---------- therefore, be it RF,.SOI.VED, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent -and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .4. To state whether or not said improvement is`asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the Council ...........................------.�M--.i---------- ---- YEAR NAYS Council Gi1SRD A7 N� A o K MORTINSON a PARRANTO PETERSON v 'd r.''w icr. Nrex;idrnt (f-6'1tpx� 1bf 4 -ss - AR 13 4949 .................(''% \ _.. .. ... _...--- ........ 8yor. �.M J I'1'ItI,[SI-IrD� 14771 Council File No ......................... PROPOSALTOR IMPROVEMENT 'C• F. No. 197417- Abstract arfd Whereas, Awritten proBBosal for the making of the following•ito tovement„ PRELIMINARY ORDER. Re°eraotn et with Monolithic can rete, the sidewalk on both sides of Fairmount Avenue from Howell street' t^.n'igt Avenue having been presented 'x r C City of Saint Paul The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof thefollowing public improvement by the City of au,,, _ RECONSTRUCT with Monolithic Concretep the sidewalk on both sides of FAIRMOUNT AVPNUE from Howell Street to Prior Avenue Dated this----- ------ -----------day of - - ----------------------------------- 94 - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. - R.ECONSTRUCT with Monolithic Concrete# the sidewalk on both sides of FAIRMOUNT -- -------------------•-------------------....----- ............................. .... -----• ...........------.......................--..... - ---------------------• •........... AVENUE from Howell Street to Prior Avenue. ----------------------- ------............-- .......... - ----.......................=------............... -- ------------••----------................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .-............................... ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability ofr the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Zrk>":: Adopted by the Council ................... - ------------------------ --- ...................... YEAS NAYS AF 3 `s 13$9 Councilman_U&uE m , Trn.�— Approved .......... --------•---------------•---------------------------------- • MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON T`LJ ' . ........................... >MR •Pan§i .... ... . . ........... ............. ayor. %ir Vice Pi-mident ('Truer' M 4-46 t'1;1�L1J1�f:ll��� 14'7'718 Petition G-503 Council File No ......................._ C. F. No. "I" — - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Abstraet whereas. A written Pre sal for the and making of the fonowing�Prevement, viz: and surface the Aneyy. in aw 2ntl AP'"«^r with bituminthe PRELIMINARY ORDER. fro.., t - *^ the. osesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the 1, .; of Saint Paul, vis.. Theundersignedhereby pro p Grade and surface -_the__ Alley-_in_Schorr!_s_2nd,Additions-_with bit Schorr' ................ material, from Griffith Street to the east line of the Alley in Schorr's ...... 2nd--Addj:tion.-----Alec-con trust--e--sendrthe westerly 6nfeet of thto be eai3led on the westerly 6 feet o.. Lot 4, ----------• riortTieTly "TO "fee"t"-of""Lot ...2.....S`SalibyF,ii 2"rid"'Ad3itiori: .......... ---------------- ............ ......--13th " .................................. ............April......• .....................----------.......•--- g Dated this ......•-----..day of-----------------------•------------------------------------- -- u cil ..............I - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Grade and surface the. Alley_ in_Schorr's 2nd Addition_with•-tt t Pous-.--•_.._. - in Schorr's -- ""-"""" """ �materialf from Griffith Street to the east line of the A eY -coustxuct--a--savhw er...In--ts--semeat--to--be- Dbt"ned 2nd..Addition------ A7 so -----• - on the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of -the --- north�rly 30 feet of Let Y3, scYforr*s 2nzl Adfl3tiali:........................... .... -.......... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul—-------------•--•----- ------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directs 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. provement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said im 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To stats whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner. of Finance. 1�dopted APR 13 1949 by------- - - ---- the Council ................------- YEAS NAYS APF 13 Council"------- DLAN Approved -------------------•-------- MORTINeON ff )) PARRANTO PETERSON T yA4 :'Truax 25011-47 F PUBi,iSHGD -/ G- 7 A7719 Council File No ----------------------- _ .� - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 797719-- Abstract 'pas; A written proposal for the and t of the following improvement, inn and taking an easement PRELIMINARY ORDER. :d eaessary for slopes, outs the, grading and urfaaing Sl",itrseet to the east dline of Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement bythe Cit'h 937atM.v;+h?�o- ConSemning-_and:_taking. a�..easament..ia_the..land..necessary for slopeav--------------- _-... cuts andfills in the grading_-and__surfacing_-of•.the_AUey.--In---------------------------------------- Schorr's 2nd Addition. from Griffith_Street.•to-_the-_eaGt..a1Ae..AS._the...................... Alley in Schorr's 2nd Addition._.........._--........... j.. � � ti". Dated this 3.. da of..... - -.........J ril----- - - g - -- - c) Councilman. � PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. ----Condemning_and_-tal�ing_a ._�&&BAlflzli .in._the..land..necnssaxg.for.__slopes ..................... . _cuts and fills in the grBding._and.-surfacing.-of-_the._Alley_.1A----- .....___._---_................... Schorr's 2nd Addition, from Griffith Street _to the -_east -_line of --the---••--_---------_-- 'Alley in Schorr's 2nd Addition. .................... ------------------- --•-------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..................................•----------•--------•-••-- -------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 13 ic•4"3 ZAdopted by the Council--------------------------------------•..... .....I---•-------- YEAS NAYS '250 1147 Councilma^,.•8 tii<—• APR 13 1949 Approved - MORTINBON - PARRANTO PETERBO�L'''=�JV/ _ PaEwy Mayor. M�V�c t'rseedrs4c t'iiaeNY- 14'7720. Council Fyle No ................___ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147720— and Abstract Whereas A wrlttea proposal for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. mak�g the following [mprover_t, �f�: acid 4eking an easement' ' i cronstructing and ^Ifc - Theundereignedhereby proposes the malCingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City' s=wer o -coder rpt 4, ;aur•; � .f�ti ' t Conducting and taking an easement for th*'pu;pese of constructing and maintaining a-Publie sewer on, wAsr and across the westerly -6 feet of Lot 4r Schorrts tad A44ition,`froc Point Douglas Road to the somberly line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 120 Sehorris tad Addition. Also ooadsmning and tSking a temporary easomeat,for construction purposes on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 foot of'Lot 4, Schorrts tad Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, Schow s 2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Block 4, Schorrts 2nd Addition) also on the easterly 8 feet of Lot S, Schorrts 2nd Aidition, and the easterly 8 feet of Lot 2, Block 31, Suburban Hills, and -the easterly 8 feet of the northerly 40 feet of Lot 3, Block 31, Suburban Hilla, from (tint Douglas Road to the Alley in Schorrts 2nd Addition. ssam..... .�suw=-jmxx g-mn easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4,, Schorrts 2nd Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of'the. northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorrts 2nd Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of Lot 4, Schorrts 2nd Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, Schorrts 2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Block 42 Schorrts 2nd Addition; also on the easterly 8 feet of Lot 5, Schorrts 2nd Addition, and the easterly 8 feet of Lot 2, Block 31, Suburban Hills, and the easterly 8 feet of the northerly 40 feet of Lot 3, Block 31, Suburban Hills, from Point Douglas Road to the Alley in Schorrts 2nd Addition. '/ 5- To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commtseloner of 5* TO bythe Council------------------ _-_--,.-----........ ..................------... YEAS NAYS Councilman R.RFr_*as APR 13 tQ49 Approved....... MORTINSON PARRANTO ! C�'� j , PETERSO �� "�qV�/ ;i`.'F'nEB1DENT ;gza ayol. 250 11-47 . r PUBLISHED r A; T v 7 T Z+j.! D L j ifL-, 'r. vrilrfl.a T 1,�: ....... ............. ............ .. ................. I ........................... ------------ ................ ................................... .r- -----=--Dated --------Dated this ....... j3j�-h ------- day of ------- W.9 ............. .................... ------------------------- pRELIMINARY ORDER - for the making of the following improvement, WHEREAS, A written proposal Condemning and . taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Additionj from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addition. Also condemning and Wing a temporary easement for construction purposes on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Additiong from Point Douglas Road to the southerly -line of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12m Block .4p Schorr's 2nd Addition; also on the easterly 8 feet of Lot 5, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and the easterly 8 feet of Lot 2, Block 31.n Hills, and the easterly 8 feet of the northerly 40 feet of.Lot 3, Block 31, Suburban Hills, from Point Douglas Road to the Alley in Schorr's 2nd Addition. 5 --ttra-tou.'Conummoller 01 NIUUU-- TO report upon all of the foregoing ma Adopted by the CouneiL --------------------------------------------------------- * ------------------ YEAS NAYS APR 13 !C49 ................ . Couneilmau-BLU=a— Approved --------------------------------------------------------- Femftw; MORTINSON PATI TO ------------------ .T I ---------- - ------ C—� 47 25011lop JPUBLISHLD :.T"-• ) 1. is 1.:12 �. :;;1 (` —c �,.:;:.( .. �.: • .a i. T. ?l. (.'.- I..r al..a .'.)I: _ r .......................................... ---------.................................. ............ - ................... ...___-,_-.....----___.___--..---..___-_-._.--_-____.-._._.�_--__. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .......... _....................................... _................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -----------------.....................-------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman RAREusa -' 6 --F*M0b*k — Appro. MORTINSON ''P$ESIDENT 25011-47 '�ttSitxi +, i ei.iivx APR 13 tom$ ayor.�^ PUBLISHED - i J J I U 1 �, t" � T i v ::J• L 1, J a � r :.T"-• ) 1. is 1.:12 �. :;;1 (` —c �,.:;:.( .. �.: • .a i. T. ?l. (.'.- I..r al..a .'.)I: _ r .......................................... ---------.................................. ............ - ................... ...___-,_-.....----___.___--..---..___-_-._.--_-____.-._._.�_--__. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .......... _....................................... _................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -----------------.....................-------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman RAREusa -' 6 --F*M0b*k — Appro. MORTINSON ''P$ESIDENT 25011-47 '�ttSitxi +, i ei.iivx APR 13 tom$ ayor.�^ PUBLISHED 21 Reno vetl 4 that147721 NOTICE Clty 17easury, to the a g ... �^,an 595,254.07. verth6 becks TO - r ry7p l' sive, s CDU, ���s` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER � -.- •.d hif ptl• April 12 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO,THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i5,25.07 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �22�� TO 2/333 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL — t sa • iYl.f�c h� .Cm CP -0 M APPROVED _194 BY___�%%.,/' PLMLISHED,A DUPLICATE TO CITU CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL M°RTINB°" ._IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ADr�-1 la "-4A PETERSON ptTERSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, ROSEN _AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—TO NC_ IVE. AS 'a d A::MR4RB5'YffiIiAN6V'`.`•, N '_nv' ITV COMPTROLLER. ' �t •�7f71 ' TM PER CHECKS ON FI OFFICE ,ADOPTED BY THE "' - APPROVED - - CHECK -..1 IN FAVOR OF i NUMBER TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 251 24115 463950 6 $2280 Joe. Pavilosk S 82281 Also Hunter 3 6 $ 82282 Farwell, OZmun, Kirk & Compail Farwell, Omsun, Birk & Company 133 13 3 Z44 82283 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Comp _,, 822$4 .,y 82285 General Eleotric Supply Company i 45�9W 7 $2286 General Eleotrio Supply Comp $2287 Grinnell company y 1 87 3 167 1 1 19 82288 Grinnell Company 2 369 12 32 $2289 Joesting & Schilling Company, 49 49 97 82290 Jurgens Company 1 50 82291 Archie Mlntyrs 82292 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 7 82293 H.B. Stahl Company R;C. Duncan Company 1 527 ¢9 333 82294 82295 Great Lakes Coal & Doak Company 7 069 g8 82296 Grinnell Company 10 739 31 82297 J.L. Hughes Company 82298 Mpls. 9t.Pa.l & Sault ste.MaAe RR.Oo- 402 $0. 1 111 79 $2299 Northern States Envelope Com any 156 7 82300 Yellow Cab Association 2 912 $0 $2301 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 10 000 00 82302 Elsa M. Chat, C. Treas. 375 00 3 00 $23033 A. Hawkinson 50 82304 Minnesota Club Assoc.QO 33 $2305 Minnesota Greenkeepers 82306 9t,Paul Council of Human Rel. no. 10 QO 322 42 82307 Lew Bonn Company Co. 35 060 82308 Acme Sawdust & shavings 82309 Air Reduction Sales Company 69 82310 Apex Control Company b6 207 90 $2311 !Ballard Motors & Ramp, Inc. 505 85 $2312 Berglund Lumber Oompany $2313 ,Blue Print.Servioe Company j9 07 82314 9. Brand Coal Company 972 20 35 82315 ;Capitol Stationery Mfg. comp ,y 82316 The Carron Not Company00 252 1 68 82317 Chicago, Mil. St.Paul & Pao -R: -Co. 82318 Colling Pub. Company 3 25 82319 Commonwealth Electric Company, 837 57 82320 'Como Lumber Company 55 51 • 82321 1 The .Orane Company 280 439 75 $2322 ,;Crook & Hanley 82323 DSotaphoue Corp. 3 50 $2324 Goodall Rubber Oo. of Minneso a 40 1;8 82325 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 112 00 82326 'Halter W. Magee Company 54 00 823P7 Mpis. Mquipment Company 92 10 823.8 Minnesota Hews Company 356 09 $2329 Nelson 011 Company 305 10 823 d. H.W. Hardware Company 82 44 $233-1 Oakite Products, Inc. 37 12 8233'2 M.F. Patterson Dental Supply ompany 1 39 493P Pitney -Bowes, Inc. 7 05 t SHECT TOTAL—FORWARD �,� 261-=24 113:-15. '// ' � 63 _�" Original to City Clark CWcm No.------------------ LICENS.E COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL PILI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - //�� COUNCIL. RESO ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �* "G/ /[...!^ , �. 1 / �•� dvf.�f:J DAT, .April 11+ 1949 COMMISSION RESOLVED: That the following licenses}:Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 8175, expiring April 26, 1949, Grgmgpp. + + issued to Ike Levine at 307 East 13th Street be and,the same .est hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police'because of the arrest of Ike Levine, being sent to'court on the charge of selling beer to minors, pleading guilty thereto and receiving a 30 day workhouse sentence ! C F No. 147722—Hy Robert F. Peter - thereon. J son W. A. P.Manto— @ R 1 ed, That the fpllowing license: {.Off S le Malt the No. 8178, ex-'; rt piring April 28, 1849. +sued to Ike Levine at 907 East 13th Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Po - I beingce s sent e10 oartof the re n the charge oIke f selling beer to minors, Pleading"gu.ty i thereto and reretving a 30 -day work- . house sentence thereon. Adopted by the Councll Apr. 14, .Iii j Approved April 14, 1949. yh i "(April. Ie, 1949) REVOCATION COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n an son Psqanto gFnt. 4eterson /i�osen ii uax "President, Delaney 3M 8 aPR 14 %49 Adopted by the Council_,..._----------- ------------194..--_ jApp roved ------••--------_—_--_-- ------------ 194._-. - .-In Favor - • -- --------------..........-. Y ......... _... Against o"'E'A, to MY CWk � C. F. No. 147723--0rdlpanoe No. 9270— - Qa n O D ' : W. A. Parranto- U 7723 rdli! . �nn8` Q{din ` No' 5840, pnHtled on encs "An orA�,�ance for the pPuryose of NO. poromotllig the public fi44}th. satet9. rder, donveNence, pe ty d general iveifare by ,p_:'d j 7- t'. NO cisssifico PRESENTED BYtlon, regulatiga and restric- -- W th �_IocaHon of trades and "b An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled. ".An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, -safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries; and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified,purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and .regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for, saidlspurposes," approved July 7, 1922; as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL -OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended se as to rezone Lot 13, Fort Street Outlots, from "B" Resi- dence to Light Industry. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its.passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen - Trus, Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: --- City Clerk i fat sas. O!WO ,APR 29 1 Passed by the Council---- -------------------------------------- - - --- - ....In Favor ------------ ---Against Approved,--- -- - -- ---------- - Mayor PUBLISHED �.! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS ra April 13, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition for the rezoning of Lot 13, Fort Street Outlots to Light Industry District. ! Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN O/Flcel. G. H. HERROLD 6K[CV,IV[a[c[[,ARv MOIOINO A. L OI[R[ f1YDH L N[THVaN A. A H=KNAN J. F. NEIM[OL.D A. X, aGHRO®!". CT' AIICHIT.L, 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING . SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 1, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the petition for rezoning Lot 13, Fort Street Qutlots, from OB" Residence to light Industry. The petition has been certified as sufficient. This is a plot of land 594 feet long contiguous to the right -of -gray of the Milwaukee Ford spur. It contains a little over an acre and a half. The purpose of the re- zoning is to use the land for a contractor's material and equipment yard. We find that a concrete block warehouse was built in this "B" Residence district under a permit issued in 1945. There are also some frame out buildings. It is stone quarry land and very difficult to develop for any residential purposes. It is 3,600 feet easterly of where the Ford spur crosses West Seventh St. and also below the curve in Edgecumbe Road on the top of the Bluff. The Board of Zoning recommends that this rezoning be approved. We wish to call attention to the provisions in the zoning ordinance relating to open storage in excess of 25% of the area. This is not permitted in a Light Industry district[.but this provision may be waived under the appeal clause if the City Council finds that such open storage, is not detrimental to the character of adjoining properties. Yours very truly, G. H. Herrold } GHH:lf Executive Secretary (� Att.2 To the Honorable) The City Council, 'St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen ; St; Paul, p•S.i.nnesota REZONING 're, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and wee owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be. re- classified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property from a B Dis .r7�-��o a This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance N0.5840. Al ecord 0�m .r Lot Block Addition ,f< Oallian0 & Hoae Orae , 13 S port otreet Out Lots 1744 Sheriaan Ave. 8harlotte b rd6n .62 So. Albans St. ! - APt� 4 - 15 3 Port Street out Lots Itensel A. Sine' 832 .Aandolph St . Cr ow RECORD OWNER' LOT BIACB ADDITION Chicago, Milwaukee, St.Paul "119,10,11,12 = Youngman's Rear. ; & pac' is R 'lroad Company All of R/W in // BY Iota 18 19,20,21 Fort St. 0utlots i t I Genera uperin en en lots 1 to 8 Incl. 5- Majors Addn. o being first duly sworn, deposes and says that. he ; , s tT e person wh cu a e the within petition consisting of page_i �tha.t the parties described above are the otimcrs ton was of the lots placed iignediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each re said oitvners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the '.true and correct signatures of each and all of the narti.es so described. &$r�ribed and sworn to before me_ /CJ this . day of Noldry P„ J I-00 N y Pu ires Comni.ssion expiresPbo_h +, 1pgg Ao Scale I"= 100,\'l i a�� J C� 2- i C/) VC� A, J ik PREPARED BY 51. PAUL CITY PLANNING BOARD MARCH 1949 _ r' Orighud re City Clerk J_' CITY OF ST. PAUL mu cm No ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2,/j,,,�\/ /�C,O�UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E —4=' �.v'�viDl7l/Gf/ COMMISSIONER pgTE RESOLVED, that a permit be issued to Peter and Lucille Tyndale to install and operate a trailer rental lot at, 490,Selby Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 8704, and subject to the condition that permittees shall build a fence along the west line of the property and along the front and rear, with the exception of the driveways. IC. F. No. 147724—BY W. A. Parrante— . Resolved, That a permit be issued to Peter and Lucille Tyadale to install and operate'trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 8704, and subject to the condition that permittees shall build a fence along the west line of the _ ;property and along the front and rear, with tpe exception of the driveways. iAdopted by the Council April 14, 1949. Approved April 14, 1049. j (April 18, 1949) R 14 134s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ........................ Yeas Nayb Mortinson Parranto Approved --.--•--............... „.............. 194 _ Peterson _..-..In Favor ._-.. - ----------yor Rosen !7 Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 CITY OF.SAINT PAUL. Capital of Minnesota. r r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 4 724 BUREAU OF RECORDS r April 13, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution fornpermithtoattached install andlication operate afPeter trailerQnd rentalllls lot atsdale 490 Selby Ave. Very �t�ruly :r/Arrss, City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. Apx! . L. 2nd ........19.49 You are herebv notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Lycille Tysdale to install and operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Ave. and that a public"hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on April 13th , 19 49 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. JOHN S. FINDUN, File 10960 Commissioner of Finance. The Board. of Zoning Saint Paul, .Minnesota ,� .Hm.Y pIn.W1NL'. R0. MM. RM1t,. IRi) EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD MXMw JVe uCRCMRY 'R[s1DIH� p'IICFw OIR[ MyM L MCMVM A & HMKMIIH J. F. RVMB .. H. 6 "R0®ER. Cm 111K.MII6i 298 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 12, 1949 Mr. H. T. 01 Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sirz In the matter of the application of Lucille Tysdale to install and operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Si3lby Avenue. This property has a frontage of seventy—five feet on Selby Avenue and is described as Lot 10 and the east 25 feet of lot 11, Block 10, Woodland Park, and lies immediately to the east of the filling station at the southwest corner of Mackubin and Selby. The applicant will use the existing 22 ft. driveway on her property. The Board of Zoning recommends this application for a trailer rental lot under Ordinance No. 8704 approved January 23, 1946. The applicant should,build a fence along her west line and along the front and rear with the exception of the driveways. There is a building on the east of this site but the ordinance does not require any bumper along this building. The ordinance also requires that the licensee shall keep posted in a conspicuous place a sign bearing the words "This trailer rental business operated under city license No. --"v and shall insert therein the number of the license. Yours truly, GHHclf G. H. Harrold Executive Secretary / 0 ..,� April 5, 1.949 Yr. T'arr,:7 T. 0'^onnell City "lark Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to the arplicati on of Lucille Tysdala for Permission to operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Avenue. Attached are reports covering inspections made by the Traffic Division and the Fire Prevention Division from which you will note that there wnnld be no increase in the fire hazard of the vicinity and no material interference with traffic resulting from the operation of the proposed trailer rental lot. Very truly yours, % Commissioner of F-blA c Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' Capital of MinnesotaP //c �e�attr�e�t o� C aleti POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE 'HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 5, 1.949 Yr. T'arr,:7 T. 0'^onnell City "lark Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to the arplicati on of Lucille Tysdala for Permission to operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Avenue. Attached are reports covering inspections made by the Traffic Division and the Fire Prevention Division from which you will note that there wnnld be no increase in the fire hazard of the vicinity and no material interference with traffic resulting from the operation of the proposed trailer rental lot. Very truly yours, % Commissioner of F-blA c Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 4, 1949 Chief Tierney# This is in reference to the application made by Lucille Tyndale of 4163 Hiawatha Avenue, Minneapolis, for permission to operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Avenue. I have made the necessary inspection of the prem- ises and do not find that there will be any material interference with traffic, therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman awe/dm Traffic Division THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE A CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 31, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety pear Sirt In regard to the application of Lucille Tyndale for permission to operate a trailer rental lot at 490 Selby Avenue. We have investigated this location and report that the operation of a trailer rental lot would not create any fire hazard. RaO3P urs, AInspector PRLIVIMTI0H -4w® ' ORIGINAL • 'CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIPLICAT9 AND FILED N THEDCITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERKS OFFICE. Application For License ' DATA TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made �(AME�% FIM O INDIVI AL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE ("DRIVE IN" OR "INSIDE GARA--) TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 21 / ,� ,LSO DESCRIBED A( NUMBER)r (ADDITION) /T NO. OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANK CAPACI OF CH FILED S NA RE OF APPLICANT. BY---- I BUSINESS ADORE69. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY I CITY PLANNING BOARD BY BY- CITY OF ST. PAUL wuxan. as Fn 6 NO. §-.47725 — -- 'j" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Comm ,SSIO RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Cities Service Oil Company for the installation and operation of a plant for bulk storage of petroleum products on the property on the south side of Thomas Avenue between Fairview Avenue and Wheeler Street vacated, in accordance with the blueprint attached to the application; said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C. F. No. 147725—By W. A. Parrante— Resolved, That a permit be granted to the Cities Service Oil Company for the installation and- operation of a ftzl plant for bulk storage of petroleum products on the property on the south side of Thomas Avenue bet—en Fair- vlew .Avenue and Wheeler Street va- cated, in accordance With the blue - Print attached to be made application; the di rection and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council April 14, 1949. Approved April 14, 1949. (April 19, 1949) APR 14. 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL --------------------------------- 194 ..... Yeas Nays MR 1.4 GVl: 1n�_ �al n __Mortinson ,,�� Approved _........................................ 194._.. /rarranto eterson ....In Favor senO ay or -I, ax -------:Against ,,44r. President, Delaney 2M 9-49 aq�Q I., CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS - April 13, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the application of Cities Service Oil Co. for permission to install and operate a plant for bulk storage of petroleum products on the .property described in their application hereto attached, situated on the south side of Thomas Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Wheeler St. vacated. Very truly yours, ;v City Clerk �_ • CTHIS APPLICATION ITYOP ST. PAUL TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CRY ORIGINAL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GLENN a OFFICE. Application For License BULK STORAGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DATE April L• 1949 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Cities Service 011 GOMP-7, a Delaware cor oration (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) ., Plant for the bulk storage of nakroleum _ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE (••DRIVE IN_OR "INSIDE GARAOE') products. a LOCATED ON BLOCI K Park, all a.s is shown upon the attached blueprint, which is made a. part of this application, which blueprint discloses the proposed location of the tanks, their size, and their relationship to sur- - _ ALSO DESCRIBED A wFil IIND NUM (ADDRION) S.t . (moo , r.� �..11.A/ � rounding streets and highways,. 24 v 1 WV��� -416 Bbl. I�GiC• aC1Y.xAN� 7 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK Za&BYE- CITIES SERVICE OIL COi�p SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT FILED BY -Reg PIT ger and orized Agent. _500 Robert Street St. Paul 1 Minn. ' BUSINESS ADDRESS. ' R RECEIVED COPY FROM /CITY CtL/E/RK / rYY DA / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATS CITY PLANNING BOARD BY VY The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN MMIOIKO O 1R G. H. HERROLD p[HCtJPtvs JRGR"A tY ® _ .. A. G �t01t QYD[ L N6THVfK A. A. H6GKMAN J. P. R61NBW-o A. W BCHRO®PA. CITY A.t - 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL S, MINNESOTA April 13, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Cities Service Oil Company to install and operate a plant for the bulk storage of petroleum products on the south side of Thomas Street between,Fairview Avenue and Wheeler Street vacated. This is heavy industrial zoning. The property runs approximately 230 feet on Fairview and 601 feet on Thomas. The plant consists of a storage ware- house built out to the line on Thomas and setting back 50 feet from Fairview apparently with the intent of having trucks back in from Fairview to the loading dock along the westerly side of the warehouse. The light oil stor- age is on the eastern side of the property and the dike surrounding the twenty-four 417 barrel vertical tanks will be about 90 feet from Thomas St. There is no curbing or sidewalk on'either Fairview or Thomas along this' property. With the exception of the corners at Fairview and Thomas, the north side of Thomas is built up with small homes. The new building of the Buick Division of General Motors is on the south side of Thomas just east of this plant. Griggs -Cooper lies to the south and the eaplant r of will property. be served by a track as shown on plan running The Board of Zoning approves this site subject to more detailed plans as to location of driveways and their width, fencing, gates, etc. Yours truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary Plan Att. CITY OF SAINT PAUL MARSHALL F. HURLEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT' WILLIAM M. SEROINE JAMES F. SULLIVAN BRUCE J. BROADY FRANK B. DAUGHERTV JOHN J. MCNEIL _ CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANTS March 8, 1949 To the Council City of Saint Paul 163/ Gentlemen: In your letter of March 4 you requested my advice as to whether or not the proposed use of the southeast corner of `Fairview and Thomas by the Cities Service Oil Company for a warehouse and above -ground storage tanks of 20,000 gallon capacity or more, for the storage of gasoline and fuel oils is a legal use of that property,Iwhether special permission has to be granted by the City Council be for such use, and whether a public hearing must held, before such use is permitted. As the property in question is in a heavy Industry district, it is a legal use, but by Ordinance No. 1521, as amended, any person desiring permission for storage of crude petroleum, gasoline, naphtha, benzine, camphine, spirit gFe, or fluid containing any materials of an explosive character, in excess of 1,000 gallons, shall make a.pplica.tton in writing to the Council for permission so to do and.af ter proper storage inspection and favorable report, permit of such commodities may be granted to the applicant., It is not mandatory, but rests in the sound discretion of the Council. There is no provision requiring a pudic hearing, but, of course, at the time the application comes up for consideration by the Council, any interested citizen would have the right to appear and be heard. Very truly yours, Bruce J. Broady Corporat16n Counsel BJB-B CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 March 8, 1949 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect .Honorable Council �a City of Saint Paul Gentlemen; Reference is made to your referral letter dated 4 March 1949 in which you requested both this office and the Fire Pre- vention Bureau as well as the Corporation Counsel to make a report on the intended purchase of a tract of land by the Cities Service Oil Company, said tract located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Fairview and Thomas Avenue's. This reportr is a joint report, both of the Fire Prevention Bureau - Howard Scannell acting for them - and the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings - the undersigned acting for the Department. The information we have received is that they propose to construct and maintain a warehouse 1501 by 2001 for the purpose of storing and handling -all materials customarily used by this type of business. Also, that they propose to install a number of above -ground storage tanks of approximately 20,000 gallons capacity, with a maximum storage of not to exceed 450,000 gallons. It is presumed that this storage will be gasoline of the various grades, oils, fuel oil, motor oils and all other associated mat- erial normally used in.this business. It has also been stated that all of this construction and the arrangement and storage shall comply with all local building ordinances as well as the ordinances of the Fire Prevention Bureau rules and regulations, and it shall also comply with the National Board of Fire Underwriters+ rules and regulations for this type of use and .occupancy. The property which the Cities Service Oil Company wishes to purchase is zoned "Heavy Industry" from Fairview on the west to Aldine on the east, University Avenue on the south and Thomas on the north. To the north across Thomas the property is zoned "C Residential" and the property to the west across Fairview ex- tending from University Avenue to Minnehaha is zoned "Heavy Indus- try". At the present time, Griggs Cooper, with trackage, is loca- ted south of this location, and the Skelgas, Plant is located south and east approximately 600 feet from this property. On the property west'of Fairview Avenue and opposite this site is now located an oil storage and merchandising activity very similar to this. 1.2 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul -2- March 8, 1949 Ordinance Number 5840,_effective August 22, 1922, and sub Sequent amendments to date, is known as the "Zoning Ordinance", and Section 7 which describes the limitation of "Heavy Industry" districts is quoted for your information as follows, "The term 'Heavy Industry+ district is used to designate the dis- trict for which -no regulations or restrictions are provided by this article provided that no industry, or use noxious -by reason of emission of odor, dust', smoke, noise or gas shall be located at a point where it would unreasonably interfere with any in- dustrial use of property previously established in the vicinity, or with any permitted use of property in a more restricted dis- trict." a The undersigned cannot see that any activity or use in this type of industry, if it is properly handled, will violate the pro- visions of Section'7 of the Zoning Ordinance, and it is properly the type of industry that should be allowed in the "Heavy Industry" district if the construction is carried on in accordance with the rules and the operation of the facility is carried on in accord- ance with existing rules. We cannot see any objection or any reason_ for denying the use of this.property for this type of acti- vity We therefore recommend approval be given for the establish- ment of this type of industry in this location. Very truly yours,,,, Alf H. Schroeder City Architect Howard Scannell AHSeal Fire Prevention Bureau I , MARSHALL P. HURLEY WILLIAM M. SERBINE JAMES F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. DAUGHERTY JOHN J. MCNEIL AG -TANTS CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT -- BRUCE J. BROADY CORPORATION COUNSEL 0 ?gay- 25, 1949 City Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I am returning herewith the letter from idr. A. H. Markert, together with the petitions at- tached thereto, relative to the granting of a permit to the City Service oil Company.to establish certain storage facilities in the vicinity of Thomas and Fairview Avenues, together with a copy of my letter to idr. Markert relative thereto. Very ruly yours 22 Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel BJB:jn encls. A. H. MARKERT , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR , 900 MINNESOTA BUILDING ST. PAUL 1, MINN. my 20, 1949 City Cierk Court House St. Paul 2, �Jnnesota Lear Sir: I enclose three petitions to the Honorable Council of the City of r St. Paul signed by citizens and nrcnPrty c7iners in the vicinity of Thomas and Fairview bvenues and registering opposition to the estahlish- ment by the City Service Gil Cemoeny of an oil and g:Fz tank farm on y property located at the intersection of those two streets. ((��� I have explained to these neople singly find in groups thr,t�' he property is zoned "'heavy in, 'ustry", and therefore, there was no legal / reouirement for a public hearing; however, the people feel that they should be given an opportunity to meet with the council in a public hearing concerning this matter before the council granted the nermit. They also•feel that the establishment of such r: tf:nk farm will definitely ° be a menace to their nronerty and to their lives and their health. I understand there are other petitions being circulated.in the neirhhorhocd end they will nrobal'iy be delivered direct to you or through me. I do not know what ccnsicereticn you m:.y be able to give these folks at this time, but should be glad of an onnertunity to discuss the matter with the members of the council. Yours truly, �.� Enclosures AHhi:eeg cc: city Service Oil Cc. Chicrigo, Illinois M IN TO THE hONORABLF COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned, citizens of St. Paul, Minnesota, residing in the territor; surrounding Thomas and Fairview ":venues in said city, hereby respect— fully register our opposition to the location at Thomra and Fairview Avenues in St. Paul of the proposed oil and gas tank farm by City Service Company. We respectfully file this opposition, knowing that the property involved is zoned for heavy industry, but thzt the council has authority to withhold the necessary permit. DF.ted this 28th day of April, 19L•9. N A -ME .Y'�I H ji„ ADDRESS (p 2Zk,,,a-0 C9 -,Z @ i D77j1L,) -7 Y L -- o l Al D77j1L,) -7 Y L -- o l Al MTHE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST- PAULI We, the undersigned, citizens of St. Paul, Minnesota, residing in the territory surrounding Thomas and Fairview Avenues in said city, hereby respect— fully register our opposition to the location at Thomas and Fairview Avenues in St. Paul of the proposed oil and gas,tAnk farm 'by City Service Company. We respectfully file this opoosition, knowing that the property involved is zoned for heavy industry, but that the council has authority to withhold the necessary permit. Dated this 28th day of April, 1949, 11 AME 0 ADDR9SS 7-Z-� Z910 ♦ .!1 To mlimORME COUNCIL Or"Taz�cm Olp- ST. pawl' We, the undersignedi'aitia4as Of'St. -Famli Minnesota, and residents and pro— party onnars in the vicinity 57r rrnmdiat�FIhtimi• and PaIrview Avenues in said al hereby wish to respectfully oppose A'e' :pr"00d location at said Thomas and. Fairview Avenues by City ServicaGilOsby,of a large oil and gas tank far k as out- lUed in the public Press recently. We respectfully call the councille at tontion to the April 12th issue of the WiUker Daily Tribune, atiaohd to this petition, which carries the headline of the disastrous fire which occurred on April, lith at Kandiy*bI., Mfinesota. We understand that the property involved 18 heavy 4 .qftrj#bmVthiV the -C Ity co=c" has authOritY td issue Or vAtfibild the,nece ixiilii ug of the tank fara propeneo. Datedthis27th day of Apriliagn.. RARE � � X1 HA 01 IT, FLAMES THRE ATEKANDIYUHLI V I LLHU 16 e o r Co 'so 8 Towns Want o-® e r a l v qu E I e V a� Believe Kathy Fiscus t to Hos tial F r �ssa p s of Crude QjI Burn • S1 1'a, At,,.] 12 } _9'h, It 'Tanks 3 ,®0 0 C� a I I o n DESTROYED IN ®led of Suffocation ka.�n « de,,,a,.:,l h,I:_ 9 EE OIE TANKS --'.--- San Marino. Calif.. April 1 7` t t 1 :,t I f t,l I' —America is ope K J- I k t " 1i git it 91 f I,' � [e.t 6f Kandivohi's Worst Fire book today to rew'aithe 1 r ... Seeds �1�0,000 t ,t ,n AS Fliem-e lit y. ho lost their uc 1 d d h' their attempt to r t I -tile 1 t The b eommitle, f Dental- F'1SCU6 Crash Damages , IL II1 C ill,., ith he 1 1 t x l. u u The Is Angele. CI b r I i. 1 t f h ll . Commerce report- tl t 12 .i --lir. fit t ll 1f n l t e _ corning in from ;ill I a t. f I 1 I 1 11 - F. \I tit F \ D., _ and tau ns s-kinx the m.nlu try for the 50 to 00 nil t under molt haeardoust o I t- I YI 1 t k S..o00uu ,r - t long bey'end-iF.e no mal e.�! .ti 'nJ I Ir tlu,�k it \ I t t point. 1 }icl I I .,h.eh .I l t..t : D C 1 U{ I „•. i has for d coI , 1 t ( thi The rhnmm�mr over-all ittee tosks SI 0.000 and his o CI l ( C C I k h I date the collections. The ."L I- 'il 1te c'1)' S�U,000 n the \ I ((- k_ - can Legion and Veterans of For- �I sults, filed .1 Aril 9 In U. S. t (>pt" _ rlgn wars are sponsoring fund dist t to L. Defendants arc dives. t it o1 Ll nes, Inc. a ]Its I i. I, IUc II If UrporatlUn, and Samuel it ii,.4 tl Go ,•Irl I President Eii'Ir V (;rot, t tl D (11eskV, doing business a•� Ihr r t I L 1 R ' C1 chamber said one of the t Moh-1, rra ufer S MUruKe ` d. —_- - I-, first )obs is to eliside, I alinnr.Lp Ulis land coding the enginev.�rs I 1 , loth tar Carnegie her. r dill.,. L J Ihn If. 15 ill- g St. I I it to I. 1 nt,I He explained thL purp,. of tl. loll d tI .1 1 1 s -fe ...---D,Itlh .Ind tl .. I— is not al p0y the mei to th I , r ly i 1 "d Lr..Wx 11 6 I Lrli, rs allo k} r ll toted long. hazardous hours they d, 1 lh i f St .r ➢P t tl ,,ural Iurello ,. ted, but rather to 9111 thel f 1t - it L ' I t St - 1 r that community ll p a g f cial recogn pion The fund i r t t C'II f t tt t ul CUunty .LtLUI'lle)' C'Iwrlrs The Rescue Fund C, rt tc,.',l 1. hin ueJ> nr. (. II Pierre. and c -o Pot stet' L.' A t. 1 •- I I 11 S \I .w II \I It ly lent. Mea hil11. F 'Whit", , I RI 1 l e' 'ill' ti 1 to St. \R' h I t'.I t R 1 t CI SI cirsdE t- is f ,' n f 11 - fI I t '1 ,Ed the f cl nils I I t Ir ill, -,hos Ital tl Itt t \I 111 hlfortan I hen he swirl: I. \ 1 II -I ,eIc I gangs al ` II 1 nrtic u•as lust "I'm no hero. It a II r D, II matter of slorI humanit Claim Kidnaping I I k, . -iI,. I I n•I f Ri�� r F'IIImo .. �,I - This , tell t 1111 I; . Dr. Paul Flanron famih l) 1' 1Yu rl Ul kte It lh Gov't. Steps I nto 1 - said 3'@ year old Kathy uitilt I liced through to a h - ii, - ',.I Publicity Stunt t d I, .n Newspaper Strike iter,,' ork If her k,,,, •ot 1 }atnmed againsl h 1 t 0ll lh hila �t' lel IIIL ll t' It., Dr. Ranson su id tl J k k iced R I tt 11.. C II.. \I - I 1 .1 I. I t . t Ik I ' position in the 14 I E 4 I r 1 I, p, ., '( "- I' t. it 1 l 1b Babich Appears rented her from breutl'u L I t t �fJ.tIUU { I It `,ttf with great difficulty. A pI 1- 1 t CI t C fi l 1 in Court Today alt autopsy report blamed (( Iii. 1 11 t I ll. I I I ^ t 1 I. I I for her deulh. f 1V I 9,(" t 1 bl t- Il 11 vV 1 t 1 1 Iii ' It 1 Ok I kf tl 1 I Dr, III. ,n and Dr. 11,bert .1. �riI A 1 '111 li ) 11 t MoCulloek said the child f I I„It) t I tint I 'si I• p -. tl 'L I tr II.�; I Iy, xl .bi, died pnlnlessly and likely I i Iv e.,mbline debt+. trr -It down Zen,, ll ' I Iwl l 'ti THR T®WN'S MOST DISASTROUS FIRE ANXIOUS HOURS AS RESIDENTS SPEND F IBLE THEY AWLOSGAS N BIG TO OF TANK O 3,000 GALNS 5 fire'Departments Fight One of Most Spectacular Conflagrations in Years HOLDING CRUDE OI L EXPLOSION OF TANK OF THE FIRE FIGHTERS FELLS SEVERAL evert' building in Itiandlvohi Village ' A fin• 11hch threatened afternoon when. according to report, �`. . r. broke out early I(4uudac i aratus on an oil truck being front pump app' lit 1 1, . ;.Lark Ica`d loaded at the Kandi�'ohi Fekk le Co.bothtttickand�lloadintor g W tanks.'thc resulting blare quickh spreading to an rys iseu(1°gintrtes ' p11Lf n1'tn afl.mlt` alt(1 til a lllall ul forage• tank of ane of the afoot)•', most, Tbal was lint th,• 6c �uutit d. —_- - -b m.dic hl"". the ltt�ld .Incl threw at •3 15. when the - 4 hla-t that knoe(c,`ttllte lun.`'li lui'I•;`II l�lallntntu,<oln, lilhgct•ocl'Sdu'rre�d I •I,rlltl UI tlattl e' U oil stook I; lii'o .hales the I'ieonte❑ thl tat tui theth„nl(• :r<•und of the line id lour crude The ihu'd to begnnyto burn~abo�itt Mill, Fight m hu'enun i•onstantlj' ( ;iw'tl it stream of 11'ater Iht cicv;uor uni�ht tire. .old a gills olio, storage tank be- folng i.iar.ing tank.:. it 1'rum Latch fire. 1 he scan- tool' but the ,h ', ide it tcnlainod. menacing .I� booths, throughout the hours that � ,:..h -- - !' Iflamcs tont thattcltl �suutl>`1�e�ts port f ill,, village and 100 ' S eeto-t ��� Curious p - inks out luL in Imi from tial ,•lel afar located beside. iht Great Nurihern tracks. drove flames Blaze fjToo Close to B Meet The E.tplosicn across the setting Sir to enstreet ��Pna a ,wa.,rnh� -e11 so feet ttito.. abandon- and rt r,. Joe Goodman. '.ca> than the publisher. hues been fa ill- , k ,t I I i - Birmingham. I 9'hr - V'Ila[;e n[ Itandtvoh+ re -I Thr firrrnrn ao-Irt oared to ,cork concern which was completely abet hi ,des )nett ,Istat Atlantic Pact ed well at 4:30 Friday afternoon. teleask. 1 t ,h:, t'med afte, his mother 'l le. Dlus aril,. cl , ,. 1 ,en,hlyd the arms deet gt punas f th.l-ti 11 .I 1 N til the hake 1 aha wns conscious ... the 5:7;000. [n his nA .o. art, Director Hoa I d 7. c 01 .l udgo Harry L. '\ 1 , hyobi Count, fair dor (, (I { f gas 1 .huh sIt hka demolished In what seemed to They ,!a d ed t sa ld she I,a icl a din n[ the Fedc, al 11edt�n ion a»d claclrla ""hal h(r I},I 1. iah u,ll;, I„tI mi,l t til (h,. F'.Ii, s 1 h' gI• bomb y til :, fu,e of lira when a roue was dropp 4II .m u,"rlul„• uullairi0l, t trial on lh, „ll ah:1 rD». In obx•n et shat the , Inq toa,;ud -t A6 Wa,hingtr .Apra 12 h' P, es, �speclators a period (f minutes. her but she couldn't hold on I$1,11a0. C(:nctliatio» S(;ratce a:,an Fed lh( ', •u F >, ` d(nt IT To ,t fila :V„rtl, At1;In-' somehow' fell .uaother-• 1'hc f l I I' a liy-ol t Farn,e,s )loran Co p ,1 1.' - 1 atn d .I to as feet � Willmar firemen were sum - It and :\nl -o ,21 h :Icrcd th'n pat lea - et D�. Hanson Bald he I, Ibli(it '. hn ,sol l'he strike ",hick started shortly hent tog i \5- i i l i 'It."e F.h"atut III tank (ne \1 I n'oIn tb, u„ t I. ,"1 '1 11 ,I•, tic defense ucaty lu tl a in -i tour to r.IJ man, ha tilt pt y I l . d:n urd about ih ba: r A d fain d a 11 equast h,t 11al moved to the scene at 2:15, bclleved It was at that time Ic a ,(:e hi, »i•htu„ that he be�o,e fi t,d.Ia h•, {I, II�a"helbar 1. t (,.,n 1., ;IItI ,',•, nn. a,, 1 lhry thou'. the fill ( a ta, Ill,r,d1t I that her less became .'edged a,uldu't nuct,h(a d(n acts because publicatio, til -fila Monu,O I I ted ;Ind „h.th,r Ih, ..I, le” _ I' "I �Inm:, , [, 4L. T' s 'didlwhen the first whistle blew A against her chest. 14c dud b, an forud h, out 9'um•.Iirr.dd:Ind lila F ,inti star (c to ,. IIt 1 - I D JILL I ,pred,rtableness of b:°k' 11 1. ty a I. 'Ill the realities second call was made et 2'35. 1"'k r 'h rt It I,l.,.'i'. »I tht ill,pate ,t clang„ ,Ind 'r , ttet:dd_ (h, I r cult( nd 1 1 t� fur file f u '1 t t,I I d HOther departments called in He said the rope ak ac cora .III rj:c s,,n of ' _ - _. ,___ f 1 19I high I a c<I. •.acted t - t1 ]fin I.- II it 1 til tl - til around her body and both lr(.: "If tl tat ,dp. t'* a., I t '�(, t d ,1•d „aa t p,u -. IL•r chiat , filo'• n%- "'U 1. - tI1("h1ln' [, t k'. A 1. } II. d 11 1. �I-d \ n (h '.from neighboring communities she had beet, Instructed to i;> Ila nl" n,n Grass Fire Burns III .Ili , I 111 a F,' , 'll Id , Ila 'rl b.' "%rll s C til" v tel, ,n i shouting tram above lint na,. ° I (. t ^ht, I h, _ t'1 ,,,, Ic, l Ih.+. Will nvo t Ilan ober I file ( ,st t1 t o 1 LI r Cni were from Litchfield. Atwater Over 3,000 Acres 11 :,I'h,, u,I bid ( sl ed position Pt eaenled her u0I ' , a the Dtil,c,u,kea even ,,. ,. I 11 s tiexly is ante _ atep and Pay nesCille, The Kandiyohi Ing linea Equipment for \\ n', \. I) \I 1 tz ,r-- - - _ wapkl, ., long o °n Ill! Village unit was fighting the Autopsy ,tit Reons also ,u1. [. -t •d' Ip' , i ,a I n I=tun. I, Ii '. 011h Hog Prices Sllp til. 'tl n hnr, ( I d tl 1 gl ( I ,uud to Dean.' ❑, rt1elhtrsidrni Fria - that the child may have diet rra,m Beekeeping Burnsto', , 1.t 1 .J ', nilc` Ih1 ..I I "blah a ,rl u,g l ,I I- d tat rd ` fltdtllCS from \vii}lin e fl'W nlitl- fright. ., t 1 1 :1 g,1, rI Ilse Below 20 Toda » I . 'haat •If (I , ,1, 1 I II f' , ,1 w,Ir ,.Id vI rnl I QQ r v n ales of the time when the blaze it Y I Vt II I ,h1, sal b n n W 1 I \. I u I 't t - h, I I f I uI �r II t ,'h, h kook k,. i ,, I 1 11 I� I hill" t t 'I - 'II „• t L l 11 11 I2 .-i 1 od ',t di,t n.I ,1 t ,. .'I ,t t I' I' I. I,I began. NO Beef Sold in f u'n , I - I, .1 I pre 11 . ,�_. I y ,I 1 , „ , 1 1 I n.1111 " II III;" TI ,• Ihrge bu, ning tanks blazed ,d 11 ,I slip », ,•q • V, cuL !1�m t l.,(( 1 „1 :$nl[�,,I 1 -ll 1 1: -_ _ It - nd(r th.t ,h, h'.„• , p �,. cO ,. Grocer Store] nl,nt 'Ph, I1.L, swrt uad, 'II I I l t l Ih o h ter Y i, 1 () I I:, :.,•. .,.,, n t r ,” ,Is't, .I�, 1 a tut ear ding son- iia hat in ))beau. s hndly I r I ,l'1„ II , 1• •t IuI :11 11 Lazo. Aril 12.—.:1' --The :, �.( h,l 1 _olio: •"•hl o.Ighl II t 1 I I I ,i Ih ., 1' I t tl I. ,. . ,. , act ,hc a' t' 1 tl ;,'„ I 11I' Fit fighter., hacl to remain don Albert 1 1 ah," III 61 I r I I., b, , ''n, t. I .II. I la I <,la tl , ^"telt int» ,ha nil.), t. It a s fuu»(1 city council last night . '.I pted tillri,r by a h»cket I I i ,; tl 1 I ;1 .d t .i la', t. I. I1. I! '\ �•i „ I `ng hIb, d 1 't pr :51',1 f 1 ,I t '�I 11 , I II ,1 .4 t I,t,la ,ulcl I I b t keep ordinance 0 ol,ibitinK the sale tit b: 1 I „ I I,n ,. ., a. t n h s s(a, rl,l 11.u,rbl d �'rl I'f ,I :i,11 ah„ , - I I til 'I I I I Ick I, »u I .. -. k. 1 'i t I ',.n , I'n 1 k. 11 '.I: t uk I f , „ I Irl L \a II , I 1 , >,hb ; b ild t,. t and wait beer in grocery stores. t 1 t I't: I,I,t II t I: z F L .k ,rt a II 1 1 '� h,.. 7T,e eouncn doubled the tee fur 7'i. f I I t bier ., a` ... It I I the li(I1. to t' .\t" I , 1 11, 1 FI1 .' I Iu,`d Iu Ia (, , , ,II I I 'I ('t . ti I (ha cal a afar t . ,Ir In Ir 11� �I, r h, atio () n ,- rt tl On-xalc liquor h(•ensc. TF. ( _ I Icl, I I I t, , ,I,I. I 1 - III Il, ; I I a I I I t . ,� . , t, ,• ds - 1 k Ila. , I 11 I •:IL ,I .,,, an r - „a _ ohm,a,r now $30o. has been $150. 11 ba n h, ar uu, d I•" I,1, I,b.. 1„ ,1. �1I tl '1 I I I I II I:_hcr tl,: , IhI tract, - . r The lana' became effect:". in - d -s( , •, , a, a` 1 L Iarta 7, R I.,If 11 »(:,_ h 1 ";1, uaI I ,p:Il rI. ,I' t I ` _ t u Iot:11 .:,nn lit III,. IhI .I., I thr't hu, II II fl I ,4. 1 t _._ diately passage - act, t,n„ _ f 't a I ly i u )_ r d 30- pp a�l t It 1 ri 1c (101 gal �' I I 1 'lh 3000 do ng , ;,, >, .I,n La SENATE PASSES I mbi „flan Shortly After Kandiyohi Fire Started it was it spark generated in sumo way- from this tru, k, which uriginall-d til,• I,il lir,, that throatoned for .I time t1, destrl,c the Village I,IKandianhl, Molida}° aI'l rn..,n The low fuel I,il tanks rill' Ile poen L, the Ictt of ihL. den,:• .,mr,ke. Irl the (yaromr 11 ft 1,f the 1lictur( isthe tank which held 3.00u galloll> III ga"dili achich dud NOT oyt,l,dt. - OTTER TAIL BILL g., l . i 6 . , o ,I I,.. I t da to be parucu II , t-nas sh„t.. .i n, ,„d I I», I 1 ,l( tit. Pd,I April1'✓'. .a IIc ,[, tl t„ , Y , ! I f I..I I- t.I' , I,•I Lht1, I 1 tit, t' k I41d bat , h:rl oo ,, tau. I KI _ t„ tl( .,In r» II til,• fill It s1r,ot. Ill lot,bout„): 1'u, the blazing 1-11 (d olt,d tl e 1 't I Mot t t l t 1 ib t S. 1 t, 1 a•d Fire Pictures I tl 11:ll, 1 •.k. t.,-.71 Ill.,11 " .- ill til go' ''A'd t ll til TI 1 D tare, appearing t (i I"ilat ,, I I Olt � C I t d : i.- • o[ tilt nail" T,ib- I t„ 'w'. 11 I' :t f' nt a taken at lilt ,a•ei'�uf enflagru•Lton. t .i., I1,„, 1. , „I ( 11, �, ,'. 1. „ply- .,ahr.king I cip; l liqu( s4 i ,old the by Du Id .. .',,c11 I,n(IrI " to -y,.;, special act. oar (Bunker) Nelson. Father Twin st„rc; b:,'c been I•,tabl""ll 11 1 lot rile engravirl .ere made by and Nationalization )h,„e» Ichn a„a I.neill Babies Die in Fire ti I.li -0ut tl II 1, 1 Ih, othrr are I I t ,cul be of More Industries R rnnd an pa Ke iand R. `4 \1 i , 7 „ „ ,. I \ An I \ • I , 1 i ill, I' I I I :\ rll 1 -I3 F a.a Tal is Ii n, } f, n,a» ,on tl I "n, ked d I I 1J000 pLI,,an 12apfd and Roy Aunr a, :thin :1 teak fact of till, tank 3un- � �, ��III , �_ .., •t 1 .. I I Ca I •'I, at 11. • He Ine1 dant, led I I_ul cp, crura 1 hill Ii. , d _ it ,I foto I'�•k''' ”' IlcltJt t ffs... a, I 'e to the til ra I t k ,an (0r (•1„sa I1 »a 5- t I(, Is d ft” .k'be'i b1 L odaelect i Y.' 11u It '1 -11.Ih i„d I I ity-.I,t1 ana. I. , -_ '- II( acct tai .. r[a(a t ,a,ird the 1" , 111 I' \I I.. .. al• t fu, 105[) tbl II nt ,I Father of Mrs. ,ank r I Staff King Dies It , ,, jn,l like .r grCal ,hre1 of lir Lhe .'hole Lo.n" \f,ro pit 1 12. 7 ,d I:uR ens Knutsea. Kandiyohi, Convenient Tree vd bun nl d ,binR the blaze that. ': I Il I, I ,ay 1 t ll , k[ullu.'inR the - l the ,senna tank Branch Was in U.S. Have Come 3i plc' InR. ',nnndea 1 May II, a 1 ( , „" 11. ,a,1 n1 SII 1';nJ .1nd brR I ju,t Iike a deep Pour. nut to Iliad. From Kandiyohi . bol ",tH, a trrrulr rnna..,an. 1 �• 1 ti 11""d, II - a r I , ( r added. AI 12 \ ` II "a „ that blast, ,g _ s I li, ti I 1. :\ 11, I 1., I I , I �, »II 1 , k I •tit. I til Th, I 61 , I of 11 , I `-h 1hr� „ umbel , 1 K 'ohi ,In t)•I. I I I ,�, .\ h.II of ( ,II .,I I ,,, �1 h n,a 'I' 1, till, ILII Ila,'. fn ..mel, the g,outd They t, - 1 n tl rt11 -. _. _ _ , standing about 100 feel lro,n 1 r II i, 1 I y_ I -d ud. ,I f,f ,I:1 n,I . ,. }y.. bets 30 Years in tl I: nk ill Ill,, time. A,nong the -,op ae('t a• Jnp Rakku,. Sric Rand d it"I—` II• 1 \Ib 1• -Ito n, I ,. l,r II, I sky' State Reformatory ,; gln,1 Bob It *o -n. Roy B-1cl»nd F:n o ank etersnn nd salmanann. \ 'I» I I t .el I: "em 1 I nil Apt 1] t - .1 F I i{an,o, s, fTererl :I huruvd ,.ck I d r1,,d „nil I 1„ h I: II'nt, '.II ,�, hl �, I, 1. (., Il, r.u•,Is, »r as .Is ,a ,t, ,r e11 i disc F 1.,1 To" I' r1�1-I4 aold , til I .. , do I 1 11 till1 , • olI in It, :Ill li (I ( • lin uu ,1 I"g PACE EIGHT Blaze -- (Continued from Page 1) Flames Leap Half -(tile F Ion— from the ran" blast le I over the tavvn anti sit fire to 11eld, on the forms of Pit 'IR r- sui` .n 11 PAr" but) .. e u a t edr., ,t ti Ill t Fire aPµn[ tl I'a brisk til ld t ich it c i ,il 'ova rd ] -. I 'I", l tl ll ft— Ind t ri "'old 1 �. l t I tiurl, u•t lu'c to sit i.- o—ning la.ik, rut "gl t fire 1 t t t' t, I ti il 11 f t tit f -1 1 t it,, 11 1 til lid„I I g great tr ngtt, of II f rkc high into t hit I 1 1 t It t t 'tit 1 i tl I 4 nun o;', rt. with t n It, \ t 1 shot 'I", t k 1 I I I 11 Ittl"'I It l k 1 11 the I 14 giga t t t It 1 It Ih.l 111 1' I I ,. It - till I - tt l i t I t t r,.l n 'r 1 t at 0"sI- It , . ,, crani lilt• I'L11. c lank - Minor namage to It m i1i1 _\I:r cl I, log R Il.lt I att,. r, 1 „tit l "l,I., pill i Freak tvu�lsts of aPparinlly I c t t fc t 1 art 11,dv, I till. lilti.- .111 a xf1 f 1 I. I I t ti' t 1 1 ul u ,tr b l.11e g I 1 I r g 11 lit l t f till f`a: illi .burns on (it,rl ks find hand, were offered b (.rel i.lnd blad, driver of the track from whlrh Il -it floe gr,l .park fir yt 1I inIII, lad w hro he ill sro 'r d file , 1 i, Irurkdrove it 2a feel from the lank, ,n a de, perate effort to keep the fire fru. ,I,r,.dl K to Ihr t f rad 1 II left i i, truck 1 . hen it a of n Fff t I th. K I t f I- 1 h 1 I It t 1 It t„a,n I,n i order t l -t ti.t„hloo, 'he pump.The rami be—o also .thud TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1949 WILLMAR �ATTN TRTRUNR Other Oil Tanks Were Threatened in Kandiyohi Fire '4 Y EAI S AGO TODAY HARRY LOCAL WEATHER i I rra.laa br m. a.0 nerW:�m�.t Admmhtr.tlom or tIM TRUMAN BECAME PRESIDENT I ■w Minnesota' Considerable cloudi- R ERNEST B. VACCARO told reporters that the great Gives Views iters tonight and Wednesday cooler assignment w s Rke hating "the € \\ ,ilogton April 12-11,f, Pre' moot, and all the stars' fall em north and east central tonight and o all began Ills fifth yen south and Bait portions Wednesday. tudnv convinced that tit him. (O� �e'e"IC10n Five day extended forecasts: ting slowly but sure(- The Presittent Tnunan ul today i. r s n �Lnncsota, lou.. Wisconsin. Tem- , Ilia iiread to enduring Pc[ c. a I r different inn m some re I Iperauire average will range from S , after taking over ll spccts. He has mart untidcnrc and By WAYNE OLIVER near no anal northern MmnesoW td _ , government which has i greater ease in the nations biggest Chicago, April 12-1g'i—Justin about 3 degrees above normal in two devastating world jab [ovva Normal mawmum ranging Miller President of the National known to ter( that the At the same time, he has changed' Association oI Broadcasters. said to- from al extreme north to 83 Bang.treing ;,t I, ast m sight. but little in many respects Although day It may be 10 years before telrl south. Normal minimum ranging I from 28 extreirle.rth w 39 extreme it can be stated authoritative I he speaks with a breezy confidence I tismns effects on radio are dettrm oath Preelpitation average gener- h that lir. Truman thinks a Ion many public ol:casiuns, in the nn- filed. 1, or sihrr two years will bring a timacy of friends he speaks with till 11 Miller, just re-elected to a five i Il light and mostly Q1Chorth ante of Peace. some fluid modesty that has been year term to the $50.000 a ,'ear nation's about Scattered light. 0,cavonal rain ,m nn I his trademark in the past it_ of spokesman 1 1 be�fe. sthclabuth poltiondaround Friday a ou urn it point. In his opinion He tells has closest friends that he broadcasters, ion on sound radio Sunrise Sweet I ut the United States made docs not consider himself a brilliant .impact of tele i Today __ _.. 5:40 7:01 racial decision two years ago man. but rather a man vvhe u.rks,has been over -tin -emphasized. Tomlo ovv .. _- -_ 5:39 7:02 s 'IV,.� 'i d Greece and Turkey against constantly to do . good job. He made two points clear: § ; 9 x r. r, nt of communist ens clop I. There is no question but that nHOU HOURLY TEMPERATURE r a ..48 televlslou will have some effect April 11th 9 Pin yr,rshall Plan with its Euro- Memorial Services _ v considerable effect — on 9 um.... ,._53 10 1 m .__.47 :•i„ y w 57 11 Pin .......47 a r program, and the sign. sound radio a, a know it to ]0 .i.m at Warm Springs 1 z alldrnk_. of _bgaL y '• t • g t North Atlantic Pact, hr dal. ,c 12th ., ���,. r. further drvclupmtnts y ppears unllkelY that 12 Noon .62 April ,Warm Springs (' \I rl 12. a'� It sstul Larch to pre%ent Simple Memorial or its will .I le lslon ever wd11 cmnpletely 1 0", nt.. _.. _.63 1 a m ......43 63 2 m 6. LTi i g' wicti be held this afternoon in the bttic replace sound radio, which he P.'Ti.._ ..A3 %'.�. i. ij' '" •, SS"e `Ili i. who will be bt next White House here. where Franklin expects to retain a viol Place 3 p.m..... ..65 3 am 1 y, 43 -•v. .l 'S. , c [comm ums ........ '{C�' •t ylal-l.. ... t :,; . ;.. ,,,. L c P. lu,. ked ell-il•d and will in the nation's roster of medl 4 P.in..... ....... "'• t'a S^e �„�_. i ly y. "- r ;.h,. a,graphen called In his D. Roosevelt died fuor )'cars 65 4 m .igp of public communications. S p m ..63 5 m 43 -,... 43 7..... 60 6 am t.'.W vv ,-:,; i "a' „h. inlay to make unnccrs. ry today* are some forms b,h'n _.53 7 a.m... ._. 0 'i, ""a.R`'ter �t•. Ceremonies will be brit( with her ._ 1 "T e P.m »_ "' ing for which you can't substitute 8 pm.._ . _ 6 I.l................63 7 `-• r• Ile weigh 178 pounds, 11 more music and short talks Exercises al- ! television:' he said at a news con- Willmar and Pre- Low High (lulu Ihr I; ^. t!l;:l tl v incl Ir": 1.., S... till :Ulf! .southwest probably pret'entt•CT than he did when he was sum- so will be held in the chapel where �, ference. Neighboring capita- Last Last ihl•xo ill >',n: }` 'a I.. "' I'l 1'I'' t 1':11'1, 9 Chick sv\'ept the KandiN'ohi FarnlePF maned to lila white house April the late President used to uorshi Among them he listed automobile Stallone to 11 p .I 'un Witte 24 bra I2, 1945 to lake the oath of 43 68 , Ivan Allen o[ Atlanta, chairman radios, portable radios at benches Wlllmur 43 67 '('l i,ju•1 :1'ni T.n .'.;�, .l r, I: L<. \Tnni!.ic ..1'r I'nnua. offlce. land listening while you work or Alexandria of the. Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm I 36 72 f 1 li., r.v'acmn Brig. General Wal- Springs Memorial Cunu,,ivsign, said read in your home. Aberdeen 45 65 I'll, oust• lilr,ek : n,�; five vchi: h nta� bt <e,'ll lolling till Bunt behind the tanks, vsa3 car: Miller pictured the, coming came- Sioux Fulls It Gr,,ham. thinks hr', u bit 45 68 11': 1'1?il',t' till' 111:111;; Illi ll'�. \; :i 11 \1'i�llli:tt'it t'� ':75 t,ii,(t till tit(-l'1't l'ltl'llel'S W'atC}ll[I }+, tT10 �'a" •.. If, today's ct•rem01t1rs marked Vie br-Ictltlutt of standard radio frt•(luciley Jatneslown 41 fib walking every morn- Watertown .... uncoil. nl : ,"kf' ill chi in:dei'n sl; \. t 1 k[ st and taking reg- ginning of an annual ubsrn•anc e. 1inudulatiun radia and television not Mason City __. 38 68 _ the white house PWl I as o struggle among different f t t 'educe his waistline. Adjourn HISS Trial dustries, but as an adlu-stelent 'I Fish - Fish and Wlldllte har. To Start Work on Pp °pp a�llp pp�[t1�� yjRj Midwest May Get M. Truman is celebrating his in a single industry file broadcast- New Loudon, Henn souse hits Qid - I rsttr• us president by Until 2nd of May industry'. _— _ April 9- Temperature, high 57, 2 New U B,.,"d,ngs j Rain 'Wednesday. 11:. i - th o d t.11-gue, o11 ing lovv April 0- south. curer. warm. �'l Killed First Da He APr1l 10—Temperature, high ret AgeMaximum �a i u i pri C. • „ 1{ill ,n 1 1 nn. F.ST. New York. de Trial of Alger 1, y low. 31. Wind south, clear, warm. Clic go A l 12 (!f`I — Sku•6 former state department otticial,on 65. 1 tt and cloudy aver wide It way four yearn ago today Worked on New Job April 11—Temperature high f the romntry coda that he sat in lila offlce of Ills a charge of perjury was odic rned low 34. Wind southwca clear, wurnt 4 I 4 •! I Ill JACK :via,KA1' •" Y until May 2f&' Federal Judge Al- f it till- s tell through t till south- old intend, speaker Snm Ray- Santa Iv`fomca Calif. April 12— Max Min. rre- .i \o i, .•. ••. f'i•.,I. l I I .1'- \ - al'.I. It rn t.,1 cl run except in Florida acid burn, o a Ie lsurelY• nto,Y-tell- fri, C. Coxa. 17 ' t 1. ..t cla,as1 11 ed ii to the luwcr Ohio valley, Ing afterdoon. Hiss was Indicted ed charges that � first(Ald 62i year old workman—his its ` 1 U I,.u•, t I , t„t ith ° ° hr dented he turn ed over secret tint day u i the new tub -was bur- cbtcaeo _.� 99 i, i v ea til t .�, r , u,.v n v, ,.r. Ram won forreast ter the mWwies uvcrnmcut papers to Whltteker aed alive lmdrI 3W OtHI fund" l I .. .. ` t 1 ,mt,s tmf gilt and tomorrow, Sloe Ib i;,t a call from Stephen Early K P I i Chambers, former courier for o come I hips, of tutrd of of I the col Ue� Main -� rY ' ' ., ' Ib llututh It �n•wn, en.untd a few � cv .. t i i , .'rt R 'ally w t'Iu11,17 Froin Ili Da by 111. Trunllnl ; Wider tunist spry ring. - fall of the r rl ,[ live illi- Koansa.,nlllry 55 1v .05 .�, ... I .... .. k t s „tw�itti to the Pacific t t „ ut di lei - to Inirry ui. -- 'Kallen city rt,ei'v uii. L -„s Ansrles. - a7 sa .- n • terdav u nil ea e w ur fill is Miami 1 prratur,•, in sun,• ports of ,�;.. Chi•, rc of ... .. .. _ dropped',"it"h) e. heat left rr cooked i ice wrth a S _ .. tl c `m rtt _t arva drod to a is vial there, he was i little butter or margarine then add thunderous roar,sightly injuria b- •di n. et Pnul t, T,ai punturts t .I ' err bis> of shrimp or diced c,oketl hair 'other workmen. Tlu• body of Rob .,..... ..., ... ,.: f Mit Rue,e It', death ii P Ma loo i -n .. t. , n i Lata 62 of near by Vtmtr 1sen ,6 k .. .t i t,.,. i d i tl t nes. rh`mrrriny ii, i, •i. rhat , •lin he v s sworn „ked green peas ur Ina plc i. In I. lit °y ss .: I'll Sit t Fr sou. Cdif., esterd"Y A a lit Ile finely' cul cclrry. Flavin tilt was dugout of the debit atter 11—all, so 10 sidrnt�t 50 men The mown s sa .. a whole thing wrth onion iwce. v tl , nt tr+•s ml .,l ., ,. i fv 1 n , work .bv i :.' ,'• .. ,Tammany Hall Almost evervonr he saw he .sance, and a List' aI ,ngnt if >ou rl irv.lt s b"Ing buil a , a vvlonl Pa. �37 .. ,til+ ( i S: ,i0 a0 Ol the Ng- - :o,ked to "play for me, and he I k, a Clltnrse touch. dad: Rejects FDR Jr. '1 1 the hoa" of N, w %, rk April 12: A gru.'p ' i. 1 'il b t '1 g tl 'cert ings o } I Hall I i h -1 - it - I 1 u ` " it l d 1 7 t I lldrene. 1 1 o F.wlklin D Ro : 'It J ', I[ P g b' it hoe. .oflr I I 1 , Demul g , • 1\IlrJ te� nate +nmr°d i roil id pi ked a c,tys. • I,r - PDQ Big Question :.. Can 1. f lila dlrv•tt pnrsldrntial -tilh, r td.,lr. primary bill, w-hlrh now' goes la .i Afl,r Ills re lrcnun, linn.ryel( �1�•- - Headless Lazarus covrrnor vanwdaahl for xlgna- dared mit night "I inorgemuut-I Dent.—A __ __ •17ho- N nlittle groan (n TanuriioA P—We'll. In l"IFFItIon to tilI, W.I, "PHI 1.2 11", -o 1 k f- each patient 11 a wn I g,p,p,t the -oo, group--tried tb knife toy fill el le.:", , of .......... Ili,gh ".en la Dcrc "Itt of Ill, ..,I sub- ii I t® Fight 1) .11 . I, I, C d "'i, '. .,f, ie, WII In the mull Lie Spec tatl iIt—na"'Itt— when it, it, tion, ]let,. is red Hemmer of i-lik Jill! 1`7 111:,:, j,tt,pI,d I ke Ila i—, I'ghwit 111 t! "'i" :d i, ,j � j, ji, I A i, mder of llosbee's- Soviet Blast wti1b, bill ll.lit" t j,i,: 27: �.:, I!,' J,j s—al —1- By MAX fiARRELSON hutd e, , 'rItT I'll —ill. 'N 1, 1� ;I I 1 11. fi hil I tell tt 0 t-ti I Ne,, York. April 121�,--_&-I' y r I�11. 41 11 li I I tar.-Ge I 'r,yg, t, Lie — r ll,ri Jtd 1—i"I ,,, I', iru; Itly today to fight al, h, plan 2;td, k, nw,l 0. `Inc' D C _ b e sia s blast agairist his 1 11 f;" -Inw, . "f tl' old 00 for- to guard U. N uric , it L", 6:1-d Ill' till' pr—ent case �rnissto ns over the world.[In 0 Tineheat teas taken off 11 Mal,lg, I. "t th" at"t h t, A, I husky N' or eglart 17. Former Mic igan hi temporarily. however. when it' delegates of the general Iss"Ill Fin' it zt�,IlealI,d that ""eP Governor Dies b shifted this morning f"lle `h(. ... miles meeting, I 1,.ke Fu i 'i f VI` log ceK- I, a series of plenary mett ir,x at I'lshin, Meadow -1b, r PA, I erk. Rii—it ., to 1.f_ Erli-—h. 89- a, ,Id 11 It I I1 f,� iil t th'. I 1 1, ,, ,1 3 11 11, (EST` . pse of Moon Nathan Leopold Asks ItLi-r. I vt I,,, ,, 1)zo. (I, t;,Il,d V N' debilt, to ()ccur Tonig'nt tl`� __!o,_.,t e' Reduced Sentence "'It, J':""I C' N111161—Ity 1" 11— g: -stal't clerk nice It I"'- I'll Poke I r . I �l 1, p-t, S Am 11 12 P 1'0,.1. I, 01 1110 g "I" i There , ,pp,.rvd to be little chat"' J* 25 1— bride of t1- Ill oold d 11, A, e 65 - 1, 1 S wl I it I I— it o- this d hate. Via �i filhog I, d,wh is tilad, 1)� it; f,,l 11 tea , i , , " I �' :, foir A till 44, Is I"?, i is "it afternoon 4 I, jg fi,,,,Iy chapped cJli,ken t I—Ily ah Ih,d pineapple ,chain ed I 'T p,,pp-, slid o 1. j 0 th,I, oii ADMITS CHOKING LAD TO DEATH PEBBLY SCOTCH GRAIN LEATHER! !gh, it 3I ldila RAND M , 'i -.6 "' !�" FREEMATIC 1,.i y `91 -d it 1"'! 1h, '11 TI tiin hi-i til, rI, i� QThis I, the shoe for caro 11: "I "Ir to (1-ible it" , t i.s.re• mile. of happy walking. F Mollil 1,61 A a..'. color. fat. 1-1 Bobby in All th,, —1-- R..d 'F ntir p, hate ple,,y- wulking 695.�, 1395 BemidjiEd"cotor Improved Today C,i ld D: -1, S Hosp nal I11� .till k, 5rh St. W. Kay Peter�on SHOE STORE % V Willmar AT HOLLYWOOD y0 20' Discount ON ALL SPRING AND SUITS - ■ BIGSAVINGSON A BIG NEW STOCK wooal Sh 01P Famous For Style Hits 5TH ST. W. WILLMAR The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota �/ (L.YII.LI.Hm.Y .IID.MNCL Mq YL MYf.IWi EGIN E. WAHMAN •ROIOINO OIlICtR G. H. HERROLD p(HCIRIYi tLGRA1IY A. L OIGt MY- L MHTHVtN 4.11..-KIMM L I. RHIMBOI..O I1. H.. HROMM. CRY AIICIIR6Y 279 CITY-COUNTT BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA May 24, 1949 Mr. H. T. OtConnell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sirs In regard to the application of the Cities Service 011 Co. for a site for the storage of petroleum products and other activities on Thomas between Thomas and Wheeler vacated--. On April 14, 1949 the Council approved this site, C.F. 14772$. The Board of Zoning recommended the site which was zoned for Heavy Industry but did not approve the layout plans. The new layout plans are submitted herewith for your approval. This provides for two driveways off Thomas; one at the eastern end of the property, and one at the western end; also two driveways off Fairview* The property'is to be fenced and gates put in at these'entrances. There is no curbing or sidewalk on either street. These.plans differ from the original plans in that the tank farm is moved to the west and is located in the rear of their service building and will be diked as shown on plan. Also there are no storage,tanks in the warehouse as shown on the original 'plan.- The plan.The Board of Zoning approves this layout as the property to the north is zoned as NC" Residence and this plan will disturb the residents of that district the least possible. Plans attached. Yours very truly,. GHH°lf fir,^,?`1� G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary I _ Original m City Clerk ®�26 rAUNCIL f CITY OF ST. PAUL --- NO ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE. C. F. No. 147726—.Hy nwtoq Rosen— Whereas, In the matter • driving C CIL RESOLUTIONnew pumg and movtns the tstlng 'Iiarrlet Island Hrldi, to Raspberry - Island, Comptroller's Contract L-4766, PRE9M �D�BYo M. E. Souther Canstrdcuon Company, ..,....nnfnr. Ihn dal¢ of rnmPl¢ttnn is, 've :o - lucrease In Te - A .W .✓. -m iui )t•�: :: WHEREAS, in the matter of driving new piling and moving the existing Harriet Island Bridge to Raspberry Island, Comptroller's Contract L-4786, M. E. Souther Construction Company, contractor, the date of completion is March 1, 1949, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but has been delayed due to an increase in the amount of improvement work awarded him to be done with limited available help, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to April 14, 1949, provided however, that this Resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the contractors' bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. SNR 14. 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-------------- .................. 194 Yeas Nays o inson / Approved ... ........................---- --- 194 /Pananto (/� - /Peterson - ..In Favor ........��/ G - /�osen n ayor irax .......... "-Against President, Dehiney .1M 0-48 -s..0 PUBLISHT'rD� , original to City Clerk d °uLrA p f, 9 COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLa ..-_..-.------------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CILTESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / / A—il 14. 1949 RZSOLVED, That.the International Harvester Company is hereby —� authorized to construct in accordance with a Plan submitted, two (2) over– size driveway entrances to their property abutting the west side of EUSTTS STFEET beginning at a point approximately 415.0 feet south of the south–line of Franklin Avenue, thence south 26.0.feet and beginning approx– imately 266.0 feet farther south, thence south 26.0 feet, said driveways to have as corresponding curb openings, the widths of 37.0 feet respectively. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays ce..al. Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Air. President, Delaney 3M 0-1e ..4a23e`l to at potnr ++pN••-^-• ,south -of the south -line f Fran th Avenue, the oxlmatelY 208.0 feet fart2a o feet and her sou gllluu.p aPPr south, thence south 20.0 Seet,.said dcurb ways to have as currespfnd37 U =�Q= 'opehh, , the widths. respectively. Adopted by the Council April 14, 1940• Approved (AAppr� 14, 11949i Adopted by the Co ' -- ............. 194 Approved--------------------------------------- 1.9c n Favor May...- .---- ....I -- - ---------- . Against \�.'Orlalnal to City Clark � .2 � e'. J •:,^•. CITY OF ST. PAUL Feca No ------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN99. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _+ DATE. April 14, 1949 RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for construction of drainage structures on Wilson Avenue adjacent to the northwesterly line of Mounds Playgrounds, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve— ment. C'F ' F. No. 147728—BY Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the plans ndpeci- flcations for construction of drainage fractures Wllson Avenue adjacent to the northwesterly line of Mounds Playgrounds, be and the same are - hereby approved, an be it Further Resolved, That the Purchas- ing Agent'be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Council April 14, 1949. Approved Apnl 14, 1949. (April 18, 1949) i� APR 14 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL .................................194...... Yeas Nays ---iinaia>r Mortinson Approved ............ ....... .......... .............194...... Parranto Peterson .........� In Favor Rosen May Truax n L j...Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.49 -0.0, / 1/47729 Original to City Clerk -' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �.yoCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J3 PRESENTED 5rS_." DATE Ar—il,_ COMMISSION ER In the .matter of curbing the north side of Dayton Avenue and grade the north boulevard, from the present sidewalk on the west side of Lexington Parkway to 118 feet west, under Preliminary Order C. F. 145797 approved October 5, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 146305 approved November 30, 1948 - RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he -is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen - Truax '.\1r. President. Delaney eM .9-48 •+��b+� !:.^:...In Favor .............. Against C. F. No. 147729—By Milian Rosen— In the matter of curbing the north side of Dayton Avenue and grade the north bodlevard, from thepresent side o - alk on the west side f Lexington Parkway to Ile feet west, nder Pre- liminary Order C. F. 196797 pproved October 6, 1998, and Final Order C. F. 149306 approved November 30. 1948. Resolved, That the plana aad specle- cations .Sb above named improve- ent as submitted herewith by the Commhe same are of hereby Lipp, -,d, and be "Fube and rther Resolved, That the P i,eet e- ( Aa ent be and t is hereby otltrecte s dvertise for bids n this improvement. _ �tog Adopted by the Counefl April 14, 1949. ApprovedApril 14, 1949. (Apra 16, 1949) APR 14 11349 Adopted by the Council .......... :_____ ........194...-.. ...-..�� eiApproved i��ayor 194 -------.-.---.-.- . 1477, 7, or nal to city Clerk _ �� CITY OF ST. PAUL - rl� No -_--------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f�/7",T."'`y April;14, 1949 COMMISSIONER_- DA �_ --- In the matter of curbing the north side of Parkview Avenue from Grotto Street to the west side of Lot 12, Block 2, Steenberg's Parkview, and the west side of North Grotto Street from Parkview Avenue to the north end of Lot 22, Block 2, Steenberg's Parkview, under Preliminary. Order C. F. 143764 approved April 21, 1948, and,Fineil Order C. F. 1.41652 approved June 29, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER "RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to.advertise for bids on this improvement. 14/ 'COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FmdiasMort���' inson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney WA 9-49 No. 147739—By Milton Rosen— he matter of curbing the north )f ParkJiew Avenue from Grotto to the west side of Lot 12. Block r X..lved, That the plans and specie - cations for the above named improve- ment as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purchas- ingAgent be and he is hereby directed tow. advertise for bids on' this Improvement. Adopted by the Council April 14, 1949, Approved April 14, 1949. . ApR a, 4 1949 Adopted ,by the CounciL................................. 194 Approved --------- ------------------.194-- --------------In Favor ------ r�{ -a'- ---....:. y or -------..Against In Olwialtto CltyClerk" CITY OF ST. PAUL CO�NLIL NO--------------_-- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4�0 U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By DAT,__April !4, 1949 ---- In the matter of curbing the south side of Parkview Avenue from Grotto Street to the west side of Lot 11, Block 3, Steenbergts Parkview, and the west side of Grotto Street from Parkview Avenue to south side of Lot 1, Block 3, Steenbergts.Parkview, under Preliminary Order C. F. 144044 approved May 12, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 144752 approved July 6,1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, -and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve— ment. C. F. No. 147731—By Milton Rosen— Ih the matter of curbing the south side of Parkview Avenue from Grotto /r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mad Mortinjon Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax N1r. President, Delnney •3M 949..R. s.0. the some are hereby approve', nu' be it m Further. Resolved. That the Purchas- ing Agent be and lie is herebyodirected to advertise for bids n this improvement. the - Approved.,April 14. 1949.. nicil April 19, 1949. (April 19, 1949Y., plpR 14 194` Adopted by the CounciL.................................194...... Approved ..................... - 194..... - - In Favor .............. ....... ayor ..........Against orionat to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Ely oATF-- roprii 11 CoMMISSIoNE A p -Lt be, _nd Ile is hereby aut.,Or-Lze Resoled, ThThat"'cl'-sing A-7 -1 t � !,L,, or ancL thr, Co to ,�urchase, Vitl' the consen o, -i' - 0X & TTO. Fir and Pine -,ron the VILLii.t 13 6401 fL-r't, more or less , 1; >75L' 0 on L-1'oTral conpet-'tive '. imately LM'B3"-" CO -at 6 cost 0' L�rl;ro bids, "it')Out aC`e)+t - erqe"t ' as an. eYists wJ"ere fL�'lllr� I to cct �10L7cwork Lf), to tl-,e list interests of t' -e City Charge.rater DePL.rtent. COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 374 9-48 -000'@ Severin A. Mor - Purchasing 1a'ed" "a be. and he is tithe the consent .1 tIt-. , j t_,_ "'�d"I'h ff.r,'.h, . a comptroller. 6401 fee or %,,,,s., Etc and Iran 11- "i"A . Ut CO. X & LUMBE at a cost of approximately $751.00. On 1 Informal competitive bid., without 4,dt,- a vertisement, s anemerg.png ,cold where 1,11"r, to tmlyIwQrX a hardship tothe best interests of the City. ChargC, la�r nartmem. 'I Ad ted1by the mml-.q�P 14, 1949. AV;11 'nved (A�prll , P'll 6: 949i Adopted by the Council----------- . 194 A? Approved----- - ------ -- -------------.194 ---------- --- ---------------- In -Favor Mayor -------------Against 147733 orlpoj to City Clerkcouwca NO.----_----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL caa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ TED BY DAT CROMMISSIO E — r kirent be ani he , s '-erebtr au t` oi'iZed Resolved, m` et the Purc.. ;sing to purchase, : ith t' e cons-nt of tl,e lda;,or .ncl he Comptroller, 12'5 PCs. more or less, YO. 1 rir Luribnr From t. e S. ?' t "C6().00 on infor�.al C,mpetitive bids, at a cost of 1rox`ma mate ;r i' bout ac v(�rtise,ne_nt, as an e„ st vher fa -i lure to act promptly ''oulc. jaork a hard°•fiP '.o th'n best interests of the City. Charge '_a`-,rr Pe errnent• C. F. No. 147733—ny Severin A. Mor - ""'m— gg t the Leuthorized a to a Resod he is hereby be. with the consent "of the - Purchase, Mayor and the Co FtroU lase. No. 1r Lumber em - more or the S. HERGLUND LUMni �C o" ` • ° cast f approximately formal competitive bids. r a out ad- as art e vertisement, where failure to act PtomPtl would ,work a hardsldP to the hest Interests . J If the City. Charge the 0Water Dep lar4tmeMntp.- . - APPpoved APr11 14 ,1949. _ .... (April 19, 1949) APR 14 19� Adopted by the CoUnciL --------------------------------- 194..._ COUNCILMEN yeas Nays ..� - Approved------------ ........................... 194 � ;OTt1I180II IY&rranto Teterson In FavorY. . Rosen - -Against ,Truax f. President, Delaney_ 4"17734 .1r 734 -"Cm NO.. ----- ----------- — ori& -'to City Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL F" -a LICENSE 0014MITTEF: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO C)L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 114 19q DA PRESENTED BY r/ = G'w� a� COMM Issl _,_ Application B 15525. On Sale Malt Beverage, RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant.` APP Cigarette, Application B 15526, Off Sale Malt Beverage. APPlication B 15527. Application B 15529, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15529, applied for by Darlene and George Park at 5141 Rice Street be and the same are hereby granted. Imw Infos{nally approved by 0ouncil April 7, 19+9 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 31A 949 460-@ J_.In Favor ;1 ----Agit C son o. 1147734—BY Robert F. Peter- arr nu— as 1—d. That licenses for Restaur- cnan.�a. �•• - - lle for nY Application B 15529, app Street ebe and thee same are hereby granted. Apps d.p ed t ll council 1949April 14, 1949. (Apra A16,1949) ktl 14 I'Wi Adopted by the CoundL--------------------------------- 194_.... 9 Approved----•--•----------------------------- -194_... --•-----•-- - --• Mayor 0,161 al to city Clerk7, 1. , LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY of ST. PAUL mu"c" No. --- ____.:_..._� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sa�(�-: .. PRESENTED/J-.y'`(.� ,COMMISSIONEE -y' �"� DATF Anril 14, 1949 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated, be and -the same are hereby granted, Frank E. Kolar 3006 -1st Ave, S. Muls. Vend Mach Omar App. 13956 New Fred W. Allen 665 W..7th Foodstuff n1oc n 15446 n New Loc. n n Vend Mach (1) n 15447 n n u Hildegarde Leither 1657 E. Minnehaha Beenty Shon n 15494 it Old n Joy Bros. Motor Cas Co. 192 Pleasant Foodstuff VhiLoc n 15486 1' New n Ruben Zamansky 495 S. Snelling o it 154gg it u if Harvey Vogel, Inc. 999 Rcymoad n o 15546n Ruth Whitwam 1099 Payne M. A. D. Loc. " 15554 11 old 11 Holt Motor Co. 199 Pleasant Foodstuff VMLoc " 15571 n New 11 Michael Anthony Kallas 255 Summit Mtr Veh Dr. " 15579 " Theo. W. Averbeck 469 S. Cleveland Music Mach (1) 11 15624 if n If M. A. Dev If 15625 if George Farteres 3 W. Ninth Cie-arette " 15639 11 Old n Geo. Thompson 34 E. 4th Restaurant n 15291 n n u n 1' Cigarette ". 15292 n s u ' eter- .. o `A 7p35_By Robert F. Peter- C.s�F _ _—W. That neeases pplied for Resolvpeed. b ' list at_ he to rthls esolutton beeand the are hereby granted, and the' same City. Clerk is instructedor entt ssue intoe the upon the pay - ilcenses City treasuryf the required fees. by the 14, 1949. F�l'1'i .l qpp il� 17'@ COUNCILMEN pppiov.d 1, 1949Aprtt ! Apill aa. 19491 ted by the CounoiL......-_----.---_•..........:..194.---. Yeas Nays Aa i -Firnilen— Mortinson Approved .......................................... P 194__._. Parranto" Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen - Msyor Truax.. ....Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 q�y.® F, No. 197796—ny Robert F F' Peter - .—W. A: anto RA 4 i/ N 3 applied fort Orlploel [o City Clad[ nersoi' i [lie' 11st he � NO.-_--__---_----� CITY OF S; t"."4I - - LICENSE COhIlf.IT?EE OFFICE OF THE C: 1' CLERK COUNCIL RES/OLLUUTION—GENERAL FORM ! " ' /�/-l _ ow APril 14, 199 PRESENTED M f ��' COMMISSIONER _ RESOLVED% That licenses applied for by the following persons et the rOdresses stated, i the some are hereby granted. be anc Cherokee Refrigeration, Inc. 67F 171nelow Gertrude C. Ericksonls0 N. Western n n u n A. N. Pelant 8s W. 7th Earl Nelson 1440 Arcade 0. S. & ffm. Jacobsonl097 Ppvne Carling, Inc. 340, Robert it it Thos. A. Larkin 1201 Edgerton 11 It ?leins SapPr Markets g36Inc. S. Smith n " n u • li n Theodore J. Seubert 96 til. Pinifred Adrian E. Kkns 979, Jackson Arthur W. Erickson n II 391 N, Prior 11 COUNCILMEN " 1+550 Yeas Nays 15331 Mortinson " 14932 " Parranto " 15139 " Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen " 15298 If Truax ..... .Against Mr. President, Delaney " 15303 it 31,1 049 15304 Oil Burner Inst. App. 13990 Renewal Grocery If 14549 " It14549 " Off Sale Malt " 1+550 Cigarette 15331 Hotel 50 R. " 14932 " Restaurant " 15139 " Bakery ° 152+6 " Restaurant " 15298 If Cigarette " 15299 " Grocery " 15303 it Cigarette 15304 Grocery " 15329 " " 15329 " Butcher Off Sale Malt " 15330 Cigarette 15331 Grocery " 15336 " Grocery ° 1531t6 " " 15347 off Sale Malt Cigarette Confectiocery n 15349 " 15350 Off Sale Malt it 15351 " Cigarette Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- 194.-..-. Apprgvo,d..---_-_---_-7 -1-. Mayor O'Wnel to City Cleric :AUNea CITY OF ST. PAUL e¢s NO._.__•__•••- --7— LICENft COMPSITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,- April 14, 1949 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ PAGE. M. 2 Clarence J. Bell 1197 Payne Grocery App. 15407 Renewal Gerhard Larson 561 University Confectionery Malt II 15421 II " 15422 If s if " " Off Sale Cigarette " 15423 Charles Hassett 1214 N. Snelling Restaurerit " 15433 " ° 15h34 II u It n , II On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 15435 If it s Cigarette ° 15436 Joseph Polansky 459 Broadway Grocery Sale " 15443 It 15444 " If it e u 0£f Malt Digarette " 15445 II New St. Paul Kin Chu, Inc, 18 E. 7th Hestaarant " 15449 II n n' On Sale L'alt If 15450 " u u Off Sale Malt n 15451 li s II Cigarette " 15452 Joe Oorbey 449 Jackson Restaurant " 15465 " n n On Sale Malt n 15466 " u Off Sale Malt " 15467 " n II Confectionery ° 15468 " -Floyd Coons 1811 Selby Barber John N. Egan 183 N. @lectern Restaurant 15493 li It On Sale Malt " 15494 If " n Off Sale Yalt n 15495 II u u Cigarette ° 15496 Phillis C. Cooley 924 Aldine Grocery " 1550' II n II Ci&zette it 15501 II COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. -_-------------------_---.--.194•.:... Yeas Nays Fm�iem�-A Mortinson Approved ------------------------------------ 194— Parranto - Peterson --------------In Favor ............. ----------- - ................. •---M------ay----or •--- Rosen Truax -------------Agit Mn President, Delaney 3M 8-48 -9-90.® aHat—,.C!,yCJ- LICEldar COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL Flo�nca NO..___-_---------- ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY yCOMMISSIONER__-__ 11 - - 7 J mnTE___April 14, 1949 __ PACE 110. 3 Lloyd Blomberg I1 2310 Como II Grocery AnP. 15502 Renewal Cigarette ° 15503 If Wi.1Lur Decker It 240 S. Shelling If Confectionery " 15504 n, Cigarette " 15505 " Dux Cleaners, Inc. 1i97 St. Clair Ld,Y & D.O.PickuD Stall 15506 II Hirschrs Watch Shop, Inc. 152 Bremer Arcade 2nd Hd Dlr 00 " 15507 " Martin A. Salzwedel 2759 W. 7th II " On Sale Malt It 15511 " Off Sale `da-lt " 15512 " Joseph Rybak 943 17. 7th Grocery " 15513 If Albert'1). & Richard Johnson 1224 R. Snelling Hdwe ° 15514 11 Leo Pritzker n 450 11. Robert Grocery " 15515 u Butcher " 15516 If Harvey D. Harrington 1229 Selby Oil Burner Inst. If 15524 11 1.1. Liebermen 281 P.entucky Junk GPtherer It 15534 11 Clinton J. Racine 1671 Selby Butcher If 15553 If W. C. Sheller, Al Spicer & Al Bloom c 937-41 IT- .7th Grocery If 15558 n n Butcher ° 15559 If Cigarette It �556o it George Wood Prank Sweeney" 93; W. Tenth 1486 Laureln Mtr,peh Dr. it 15617 11 John Mohn 611 Central Pk Pl n "1 16011 5 1, n COUNCILMEN15620 Adopted Yeas Nays by the Council. ------------ -----................ 194_--_.. SPR y 4 1949 Mortinson Parranto ' _ APProved----------•------=-----------•---------.194-�. Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen .. -...- --- •- -•- -------•- •-•- /Mayor Truax Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 PUBLISHED – .-.® 14773 J origlml to city CA k CITY OF ST. PAUL _ co�wck NO ___----�.----. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ iGGI.•t�.�1L �_ —t T^ IApril 14, 1949 COMMISSIONER W=AS2 OMMISSIONER WHEREAS= The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company has made Application B 15607 for Off Sale Malt Beverage License at 1204 University Avenue, and WHEIEAS: This application was made in error, as Application B 15605 was made by The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Cpmpany for the seine license with other associsited licenses at 1204 University Avenue, therefore, be it P^SOLVEDS That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized, to refund to the Great Atlantic and Pacific Taa Company the fee of $5, cnd to cancel said application for license. CANCELLATION (Fee posted and Application made in Mail refund check to: The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 322 Michigan Street Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin Attn: Lorraine Dank, Acct. Dept. C. FNo. 147737—By Robert F. Peter- . — .e,A T errant, so he pGreat Atlantic and herplicaftea 16897 afor tion Oft 5 ea Malt - Beverage .Licence at 1204- University Avenue, and Whereas. Thla . Pncation was was f in error, as APPllcatfon acidc B 16606 made by The Great Atlantic and P ^. Tea Company for the same Rcense untiht- other associated afore, be if etede versify Avenue, t .the proper city of Resolved.n l7ta a tiercb uthor hM1 8cers be d they lzed to refund to tphpe Great Atlantic �and'to Sftcan ¢1 Csalda aPp cation ffor 6;- license. Councn April 14, 1949 Approw by the r0 APProved APril 14. 1949 (APri123. 19991 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1- Fffi- ran Mortinson Parranto > Peterson -------------- In Favor Rosen Truax ..........--.-Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 Ne.® k,?Ri4 194, Adopted by the Council- --•------_-------•------- Approved ---------------•-------------------------.194 yor i 1.47738 -� prq'llaal to City Clark - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�it,.ceNC6' No ------ - - ---------- OFF19F OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GOMM SSEONER DA•""• resolved, That the PUP U c`asing i.�:ent bel and he is hereby authorized to purc'njse, with the consent of V -ie Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse Farm, 151 Feeder Pigs at a total cost of ;75,905.179 without advertisement, as tl-:is.is the only way a pu,rchEse of livestock can ba made on tl-e ",outh St. Paul I:arizet. Charge '.lorkhouse, 7arm- 1002-131 V C. F. No. 147738—By' Milton Rosen— �es lved, That the Purchasing Agent bL!-and he 1s hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Compt- roller, for the St. Paul Workhouse Farm, 151 Feeder Pigs at a total cost f $5,905.17, Without advertisement, as this is' the only -Way a .purchase of livestock can be made -on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm- . 1002-131. • Adopted by the Council April 14, 1949. - Approved il 14, 1949. April 18, 1949) _ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .--•------------------------------ Yeas Nays r n a o inson Approved ..................................... .....194._.. i ��arranto /Yeterson -----•`----ZnFavor--'---------------••-----'---••--- .... --- -. _.. LL . syat'_ . /H,osen jrruax •.............Agit r. President, Delaney 3M 48 •® Wtool. to City Clark 147739 . o CITY OF ST. PAUL Wu Co. l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUF1/-y(/py,1_L .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13Y k...*" '{"� `-'ems p„ COMMISSIONER .— DATE Lar- 12J 1�LF9 Resolved, that the Purchasing A ent be, and he is hereby authorized to ._ourcha.se, Fri t), the consent of the Mayor Lne. the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 80r)0 gallons 11,11 leaded asoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R, motor method, from the PE_ROLEUI'•l SERITIC-, CO, at a price of $ .126 per c-allon, on informal bids, as an er_ler,�ency exists wl.erc feilure to act promptly would work a hards':ip to tl.,e best interests of t'„e City. Char�-e i`ur , pt. 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson, Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ®” ul the Comptroller, one tanK car, p oximately 8,000 gallons "Q" leaded' isoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor thotl, from the PETROLEUM fiERV- 35' CO. at a price o4 §.328 per gal - n informal bids, as an emergency :fists .are failure to act promptly ould work a hardship to the beat in tt rests of,the City. Charge Mon. Eqpt. 9 03-134. Adopted by the Council April 14, 1949.. App—ed'Apdi 14, 1949. 5 (Aprn 23, 1949) tjt ............... In Favor �19. ............Against PIR, 4 193 Adopted by the Council ................................. 194....- aad'fc j -.:ate Approved.............:............................194— Ma, yor 94.,.Mayor t47740 Petition Council File No ------------------- _--- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT j C. F. No. 147740— Abstract and Whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz. PRELIMINARY ORDER.open 12 -foot Mey from west I Sid —y Stree' 1� 1b d'. BaY- d's R a...,. einck `0 . " 'iIIt Paul VIE.: Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementbytht , Open a 12 -foot Alley from West- Sidney_Street-_to--the-_north-_line- of -.;,<; ^rd!_g•:I%r__....__:. --••-.......................--- arrangement of Lots. 7s-_8-.and-.q:_:Block. _of _ BanIY�r!.S_.Adsiitiaa-ta..Islest_....._ St. Paul, by taking and condemning Lot -5 in Bayardt s-_Rearrangement-_of--Lots--7,-- 8 -arid 9.►_.lilaGk._60..ef._Banning.&-01iv-er[s._Addition-to--Y[est--St.•-P-abtl.--�-j........- --.......... Dated this 13th......day of----------- - ..April ----•----- 1�, 1' ct� -------------•-- ...... - - ----- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. arrangement of Lots 7, 8 -and 9, Block b9`of_Banning .. Oliver's .Addition Wes t I .........................•..... -- St. Paul, by taking and condemning Lot 5-. in Bayardl s Rearrangement_of Lots -_71•_8 --and 9 Bloek 60 of Bannin & Olivers s Addition to West -_St. -_Paul.--- .......................... .... _................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------ ----- ..-..---•-.------•--------------------------------------------- -•---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. Tojnvestigi to the nature, ,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To itirnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APit1�k WO Pj_ Ad'opted by the Council_-- ------ _........... ............................. YEAS NAYS Councilman Approved-----:_...- --------•-••----••---------- --- -----------•--------•---•- MORTINSON PARRANTO , PETER y or. MR. PRESIDENT2501147 • PUBY-15Ii1� 4--�—�-- 147741 Council File No -----------------_----- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -- " C. F. No. 147741— f and Abstract Whereas, A written proposal for the -'- IZking of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. v Installing sew ornamental lights - - •ersity Avenue from Dale Street to The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement bythe� 4Veau�PLnentdfargaeastrian to the Street ----.___Installing_new--ornamental_lights--on-_Uniyersity_Ayenue•_from- I)ale_Street•_to•.._----_,PL- m .......... _Avenue, -_-including _thg-_nece s@aiy-_lighting _egnigme�t _for--p�dg@tria7�---.•-•--- _._- safety islands adjacent to the Street_Railway Comparlp-tracks-at-.street ........... interseotionsl and the • removal of existing light -_standards--- ........... Dated this_ 14 -----------day of--... ........... April ........................... 1P99 ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :via. Installing_neu ornamental_lights-_on University_Avenue-_£rfua_Dale_Street-,to_--._________ ........... Lexington Avenue.including__the-_necessary lighting-_equipment__for.-pedestrian---------- safetyislands adjacent to the Street Railway Oomilsgy tracks at. street__ ........... iatersections2_and the:_removal-._of-_existing.-light-.standards.. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............................. I ................. ...................... _.............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, e#ent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 14 194" �'Adopted by the Council ................. ___ ....... .----- ---- ........................----- YEAS NAYa Councilman BBG=&%-., -- F11101 R11 Approved --•-• ........................................ .................... ....•- MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON _ TRIIAlC ::---------- ... .. ...._ _ yOr...--.._ MR. PRESIDENT 2601147 l./ RUTUSHLD -/ G I ;$ Council FileNo------------------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i C. F. No. 147742— Abstract and whereee, A written Prpp.eat for the -- making of the following improvement, viz:Conc PRELIMINARY OR]AR. oetOtr- On he n 11' 1 side of E. th Sldewalke _ e, roo Street from Roy ^treat end ot. '.. Theundersignedherebyproposes the making ofthe followingpublicimprovementbyt.,.t n•.' 1 .......... Construct-New_Lionolithe-_Concrete_Sidewalks._on-_the_north--@i�Q-••Qi'...E>t���•-+�`fa�'+ST•- from Ruth Street to Winthrop Street and on the south side of E. FIFTH -STREET rom ............................. Pederson -_Street- to-_Winthrop_Street„-_except; where_ -good:. and-_suffici-ant•-.pidevra--k@..:_ (PETITION) 147742 Dated this ------------------------day PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. .._.-----construct--New;tAonol�Ghi�--cz�ta-.S.iilewalxs..9n._the.-xlostb..side.:.nf--E .,FSFTSi..-•----------- STRE_El-_from__Ruth_Street-_to-_➢Pinthrop-_Street._and--on-_th--•side.-4.f_T....F3FT11- STPEFT from PedPraon Street- to YPinthrop Street: exeent-where .good-_end_.suffi-GI—A ---------- sidewalks now exist. -- ................................................ ..........................----•--......-- -... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------------------------------•-------•-------------------------•-- -, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Coiirmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To,inyestigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement; and'the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V/ Allopted by the Council----------------------------.......................................... YEAS NAYS APi<14 ;9ei) Councilm&049*� .'• APP MORTINSON PARRANTO T PETERSON �— , • `-^' TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 2501117 40-@ By0l. (PETITION) 147743 3 Council File No ....................... k PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i C. F. No. 147743— Abstract and Whereas. A wrtiten proposal for the --making of the following improvement,. utk New Monolithic ti - l PRELIMINARY ORDER. .alk on t' :h side of of .,.. '.venue f, - ,L ..nuSe to Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement bythe Ci,y-it Paul, viz.:.- Construct New Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk_on__the--north__side--of_STILL:"ATER............. --- AVENUE from Manitou Avenue to Mohawk Avenue. ............................... -94 Dated this ------------------------day of-------------------••-------------------------------- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Gonstx ut .-N.els_MonaliLhia.-CanaraLe..Sidev¢slic--atl--the--uox..sida..o£..STILLIATER---------- -- AVENUE from Manitou -_Avenue_ to Mohawk--Avenue.:...------------............................-------------------------------....... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...._------------------=----------------------------------------••••-•---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and'directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof., - 3.To furnish a plan, profile or Sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners: 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1a�1 .Adopted by the Council --••- -... ...................... - YEAS Nave, Councilman ARFUs APR 14 1949 FIN- DLAN Approved --------------------------------------------------------------... - MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSONTRUAX ..... ----- ----•- Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 25011-17 PLTI.iSIIED ��t 147744 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT { C. F. N°' "'°°'— Abstract and Whereas. A vvrltten proposal for• the making of the following improvement, V ioi• -nding Mounds Playground across PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'me, vacated, by removing ...IYs, curbs,pavement and Wt 'necessary; . e.r nve- The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City ofSaifitTK1fl,3srit4;:• Extending Mounds Playground across Wilson Avenue,vacated, by removing existing -sl:ftvalkw; "c=brs;` pavement--amd draim9er--structures-i Mhere---neeeftsaryr.-by- grafi#$g----------- that_portion__of Wilson_Avenuefvaca.ted,and that portion ..£_Mounds"Playground east of Wilson Avenue, vacated; by constructing new sidewalks, c= -be --- pavement and--4r-aa.nage-- structur-es.-on.-Uilz�om-Avenue.-and..am- .the ..intersectian.' ._ai._Wilsnn Av"ennue3 _ vacated, with Mounds Boulevard, and by doing all other work necessary and incidental =-------------- - - ................... " ...-•--------•---------- "compTe�e...A$iE--ifripra-vemen'C---------------- ---- Dated this 14th.....day of - April - - -- --------_--- --------------- e,ili- a'---------- Councilmn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Extending Mounds Playground across Wilson Avenue, vacated, by removing existing s#,�ewa] lss,---oarbsy.. pavement-ancl--d-rai�iage-atruetuaesT..uhers-.necessarg-;--by.-grad ing--•-.-- that portion of Wilson Avenue, vacated, and that portion of Mounds Playground "east""of WiTsoii'P:v'e'rii1e;"'6AL`ati2d;--.tsy'--Ctins'Cruatil'ig-Plea-sidewaiirs-, -em' s�..paveme ------------- and--drainage-_structures-_on_Wilson_Avenue--and ort _the intersection; of Wilson Avenue, vacated, with Mounds'Boulevard, and by doing all other work necessary and incidental tocomplete eaicf-imprevemer3t�------ ------------------------------------------------------------------..-..-----------•-------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul....................................................................................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered, and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the pature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.. ` 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P" Adopted by the Council--- ---------• YEAS NAYS - - Councilmati8Amrvse--- APR 14 1549 Approved-- ..............._-------=......--................ MORTINSON I- - - PARRANTOP. '� '��t✓ PETEnsON ' TRDAX.............. .... ...-..............-.......- .._........._ - MR.PRESIDENT 2601147 —Oak, ' RUBLUii1:D_ ! C. F. NO. 147745— F SAINT PAUL '147745 NOTICE s Resolved, That checks be drawn n - rtt.. Treasury, to tha'eggregate � � COUNCIL FILE NO. TO 7wb3. covering checks RESOLUTION • - {lye, as it r. PRINTER ..:.:.I u°..s April 13" ._ ._.. 194 9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 13 3r+4_8•5 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED $23234-TO- 82 g _ INCLUSIVE, AS PER,CHECKS ON FILE IN THEOFFICEOF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. \ AYR 14 1949 d _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII — 194- enY fAMPTROLLER APPROVED 194_ BY — - sad tg— PUBLISHEDY� . TY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO C ' 'ROLL ALL FINDLA OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER P MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON ------IN FAVOR - AUDITED CLAIMS —19- --� TREASURY. RO6EN U RESOLVED, THAT CF11=CK6 BE DRAWN ON TRE CITY TRUAX —r' -AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3� . COVERING MR.PRES.DELANEY ,t -. y �•.j �',�_. CHECKS NUM BERED_.�gr 1�.'�—rO e}3.** PER CHECKS ON Fl OFFICE O NCLUSIVE. AS COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- APPROVED ''Vcii -A 1 .'e. U ,_191_- NUMBER DATE TOTAL - CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT - CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK - BROUGHT FORWARD 261 24 15 4992o4 63 82334 ® miss Lenore Linehan 136 �5 82335 First National Bank WT 11 439 97 82336 John M. Holmes 5 ll 82337 Ernest,0. Hunker 65 82338 Louie Riesch 1 70 82339 John,H. Kohnen 25 q0` 82340 Edward Patvow 14 66 82341 J.A. Bonbright Company 300 60 82342 citizens Ice & Fuel Company 579 50 82343 Crescent Creamery Company 1 981 24 82344 Electric Blue Print Company 1 495 85 82,345 The Emporium 7 01 82346 Hamm Brewing Company 1 372 50 82347 Oust Johnson Lumber Company 1 175 b0 82348 McClain & Hedman Company 103 01 82349 MoLellan-Stores Company 12 64 82350 Midwest Audio Visual Company 24 5o 82351 Minnesota Chemical Company 52 25 82352 Minnesota safety Council 5 00 82353 Model Laundry 3 34 82354 Muxlow Pet Animal Hospital 22 50 82355 National Education Association 3 12 82356 Northern States Power Compan' 4 961 06 82357 Northern states Power Compan 294 95 82358 Northern States Power Companj 215.59 .92359 N. 71. Pub, Ino. 0( 82360 occupations 50 82361. Patterson Sargent Company 180 85 82362 J.F. Ptacek & Sone 2 50 8236Public Adm. Service 2 0n 82364 Radio Arte ou81d ® 5 19 82365 C. Reiss Coal Company 243 4o 82366 Row, Peterson & Company 143 32 82367 Russell sage Foundation 5 58 82368 St.Paul Book & Stationery oo.651 35 82369 st.Paul scrap Iron & Metal OC.5 98 82370 3t.Paul Shopping News 10 50 82371 : Seven Corners Printing Company 75 00 82372 Special Libraries Aeeoce 1 00 82373 Stanford University Press 20 04 82374 • 82375 - 3un Rayed Products A. Swanson & Sons, Inc. 319 540 327 82376 Swartobild & Company Q0 8237.7 Paul Theobald 11 80 82378 Transit Supply Company 2 004 75 82379 Twentieth Century Fund 1 91 82380 Twin City Pigeon Eliminating o. 81 00 82381 United States Blue print Paper Co. 148 44 82382 Valley Iron works, Inc. 570Q 82383 Victory Printing Company 213 �j 82384 1eber & Troseth Company 153 90 82385 Wenger Music Equipment Company 105 00 82386 3,Testlook Upholstering Company 80 00 82387 westiundle Inc. 515 48 82388 2insmaster Baking Company 203 72 _ 1 SHEET TOTAL—rO'?WARO 1261. 243 151629 569t46 - FFii,�an--.. nson ort' on ar nto arranto / eRosen terson ir-eterson f P vosen �Ter. I 4r. President Delaney President Delaney O Original to Clq Clerk C. F. No. 147740 -Ordinance No. 9271— , By Milton Rosen— An ordinance aµthorking the tasu-.4�r�4fl ance of a permit to the Chutctiof"St. 77LL Columba for itis .... truction'ot an un- derground FILE NO. conduit and alecilo. service across the alley in Block 10. Syndicate Addition No. q, petween ].oft 8 arid 9. fThis'19 an emergency ordinance ren- NCE NO.� PRESENTED BY dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. p The Council of the City of Saint Paul An ordinance authorizing the issu,,,VY, e- 'of a permit to the Church of St. Columba for the construction of an undergropmd conduit and eleetrie-,service across the alley in Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 5, between Lots 8 and 9. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the'publie peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: "Section 1. That upon compliance by permittee with the con- ditions hereinafter set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to the Church of St. Columba to oog— struct underground conduit and electric service across the alley in Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 5, between Lots 8 and, 9. The conditions are as follows: 11 1. Permittee shall furnish a bond of,$5,000 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage or expense accruing to person or property, arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, presence, or removal of said con- duit. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the Com- missioner of Finance as_ to surety, to the Corpor- ation Counsel as to form and execution, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. Z. Permittee shall file plans and'specifi- cations"for said conduit with,the Commissioner ,of Public Works, which shall be satisfactory to him, and said conduit shall be constructed as he shall direct. Permittee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. - 3. This permit may be revoked by the Council at any time, and thereupon permittee shall remove said-corduit. 4. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. - 5. Permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Seotion`2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healtli and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. yew Councilmen Nays / Mortinson / —�-- � i r Laid over to / Rosen ��--_ `3rd and aPP-- - Adopted-_�- :Yeas ' Nay- Nays Yeas y FFii,�an--.. nson ort' on ar nto arranto / eRosen terson ir-eterson f P vosen �Ter. I 4r. President Delaney President Delaney O Original to Clq Clerk C. F. No. 147740 -Ordinance No. 9271— , By Milton Rosen— An ordinance aµthorking the tasu-.4�r�4fl ance of a permit to the Chutctiof"St. 77LL Columba for itis .... truction'ot an un- derground FILE NO. conduit and alecilo. service across the alley in Block 10. Syndicate Addition No. q, petween ].oft 8 arid 9. fThis'19 an emergency ordinance ren- NCE NO.� PRESENTED BY dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. p The Council of the City of Saint Paul An ordinance authorizing the issu,,,VY, e- 'of a permit to the Church of St. Columba for the construction of an undergropmd conduit and eleetrie-,service across the alley in Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 5, between Lots 8 and 9. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the'publie peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: "Section 1. That upon compliance by permittee with the con- ditions hereinafter set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to the Church of St. Columba to oog— struct underground conduit and electric service across the alley in Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 5, between Lots 8 and, 9. The conditions are as follows: 11 1. Permittee shall furnish a bond of,$5,000 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage or expense accruing to person or property, arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, presence, or removal of said con- duit. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the Com- missioner of Finance as_ to surety, to the Corpor- ation Counsel as to form and execution, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. Z. Permittee shall file plans and'specifi- cations"for said conduit with,the Commissioner ,of Public Works, which shall be satisfactory to him, and said conduit shall be constructed as he shall direct. Permittee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. - 3. This permit may be revoked by the Council at any time, and thereupon permittee shall remove said-corduit. 4. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance. - 5. Permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Seotion`2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healtli and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. yew Councilmen Nays / Mortinson / Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: City Clerk '- 1Di 8-49 O!W® MAY 5 09 Passed by the Council "'--------------------------------------------- ................... - ........... In Favor Q ----- ... ...... ...Against MAY 5 4 Approved:.----------- --------------------------------------------- ------- ----- -- - -- ---- -.... ---------------- - . --- Mayor PUBLISHED It Bu.. r C..— B R.r.n W.S.COCKROFT,Sb— GEO. M GAREN, A.— Suri. no...o. B.�oo.. M. S. GRMAK, E....... On . Exc (HERBERT S. WEST MAURICE W. HEWETT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. CDMMUISIONER FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIRP ENGINEER April 14, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel tCity of St. Paul Dear Sirs Acc c Dry JOS. PAVLICEK D.Y . ACcou.T..T 8... T s„x JOHN M.�COTTER, Suri. Bv.uu m Mv.�c — EcU11— ARTHUR H. KOCH Bmuv m C....rno. JOHN P. MULLANEY, 5-T. Will you kindly draw an ordinance granting permission to the Church of St. Columba to construct an under- ground conduit and electric service across the alley in Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 5, between Lots 8 and 9• The customary requirements for such ordinance should be included. Yours very truly, RG . SHEPARD Chi Engineer 14 Saint Paul, Minnesota May 12, 1949 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council Pile No. 147746, being ordinance No. 9271. adopted by the Council on May 5, 1949• THE E ST BY tat—.-- 10 Laid over to 3rd and app.- ted— 5 Ida, Yeas Nay Y. Nays -Eindian— : ortinson n8o" r Zor�riinto arranto -Peterson etIrson i' sen ri4osen Wuax I-1fruaX 14r, President Delaney , Mr. President Delaney orjgfaa to City Qerk C C. F.No. 147747—ordinance No. 9272— 1_47747 By W. A. ParTanto Am ordinance amending Ordinance 10• No. 5840, entitled - "An ordinance for the purpose of pto—ting the p.bIic 10. PRESENTED By order, convenience. P -Te neral welfare by providing foT the .1fication, reWulation ..d retric- of the location of trades and in and of J�i - s used far hsbil IJ-- I d An-ordinanoe amending Ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, -prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and 'establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT,PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922 as amended, be.and the as -me Is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 2,.Whitneyte Rearrangement, also knownas2728 West Seventh Street., from I "A" Residence District to.Commercial District. Section 2. This ordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance,shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. YM6 Councilmen Nays u4ndifflff— Mortm*son Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest. app ................ INN 948 �@ V MAY 5 1949 ........... ........ ...... -------------- Passed by the Council_--- . - --------------- --- ------ ............. In Favor .......... .............. Agaimt Approved: . ...... 40M b *�!; , - -------------- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS •r April 13, 1949 14r. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition for rezpning Lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 2,.Whitneyls Rearrangement, also known as 2728 W. Seventh St., from "A°. Residence District to Commercial District. Very trulypyours, City Clerk f The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H_ MF -R .OLD TORY rp[.IOINO ORFICU 11. G OI[R[ G.YO[ L NfR1V W A. I .-KMS. !. I. RONBOL A. H..CHROMM, CRY NCHR[c 279 CITT-COUNTY HUILOMC SAINT PAUL 2, MINNtSOTA April 12; 1949 Mr. H. T. O+Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the petition of.Domenic Corte for rezoning lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 2, Ivhitney's Rearrangement from an "A" Residence District to a Commercial District. This is the northeast corner of West Seventh Blvd. and Gertrude Street northerly of the Fort Snelli; Bridge. The land is now occupied by Gannon's Restaurant. This request for a rezoning follows his appeal to extend and enlarge his buildings, and it was deemed inadvisable to handle it in thatway. he property acentire ross block. The Seventh Blvd. is zoned for Commercial purposes first unit'of this expanding restaurant was built in 1921 just prior to• the zoning ordinance. The Board of Zoning recommends that this rezoning be approved from Residence to Commercial. Mr. Gannon has purchased the property immediately -south of his restaur- ant for a parking lot but has never made application to use it for this purpose. Yours very truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Att. 3 Executive Secretary Scale 1° = 100 NORFOLK AV. i 12 10 9 I 8 7 i I is 1 19 201 2 23 GERTR6Q� AV. 15 14 13 1 12 it '� 10 w_ . Q to PREPARED BY. ST. PAUL GITY PLANNING BOARD MAR 1949 If�U IUIUI■IYI HIM To 'the.Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. 0entlenen : St. Paul, Minnesota REZONING -e, the unders-gnod owners of two—thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated- within 100 £t. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced heroin,and we, owners df 50% or :coree of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property Lots 16, 17 and'18, Block 2 Whitney's Re -arrangement of Bellevue Addition. District. from an +:Ag' District to a This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance A1o.5840. - Record Owner. Lot Block Addition 1o, 11, 12, & 13 Block 2 Whitney's Re. Do. (g �a awn-v7`� 11, 12, 13,'14,& 15 Block 3 Whitney's Re. Do. 16, 17; 18 Block 2 Whitney's Re. .�lOrnzywc ` Ce t� Do. G 0 State of Minnesota )ss County of Rmsey ) being first duly sworn, deposes and says 64 that he � s e p erson-w circu ated the within petition consisting of sPla e t`iat the parties described above are the ownirs respectid^ly of the looms placed nnediatel follovring each name; that this petition was signed by each of said 0 owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the r� true ind correct signatures of each and all of the Darties so described. Subscribedrd sworn befog me '`�/ 41Sthis Z y day of ��T l votary Publi Ramsey Co nty, Atnn.V ry Comri sion expires_;• HAROLD J. RIORDAN - NORY Public, Ramsey Ceunb. 111n1:'. EM St, Paul, yinnesota To the Honorable, > The City Council, St, Paul, Minn, Gentlemen REZO11ING e, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of .real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified., petition your -Honorable Body to change the following described property r -17 d IfG�L W 2 arc M'1� I 2 � Z g, tj _D District, from a OQ District to s This petition is mcde.pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance Dio.5840. State of Minnesota )ss County of Ramsey ) being first duly sworn, deposes infg that he s e person wh- o ir-cnT�ed the within petition consisting of page that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct 'signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn to b eM this .2 i day of_%�Jb�• ,iotary PuUlic, amsey Cony, 1:�Iinn, yy Commission expires���• .r m I S 3 0 go Me 000000 0000*0000000000000 go: so 0 00 000 00-00 00 .� + - -- original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL MUNca. - •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CNClls RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE[1 SIGN k� Z /. —/L-- PRFSEN pqTE RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Bernard C. Tralle be paid the sum sof $92.15 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in -full payment of damages sustained in an accident with George F. Crisler, a police officer, while in the performance of his official duties. C. F. No. 147748—Ry Robert F. Peter - Resolved, That pursuant to Section i- -y 418:11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and v upon delivery to the Corporation Coun- sel ofarelease approved by him, BernardC. Trane be paid the aura of $92.15 out of the Judgment and Com- . promise Fund In fun payment of damages sustained In an aeeldent with George F. Crider, a police ,fl or, white 1n the performance of his of- _1 f - _1 tlutiea. Adopted by the Couhcll Apri119. 1948. Approved April 18, 1949': (Aprll 23, 1949) q?, 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL................................ ---. Yeas Nays in / Approved ................................. - .... -194_�Pantoo 'f'eterson n Favor --Rosen J Mayor Truax ---Against �.,iresident, Delaney .. �,®. 3M 9 Origloel to City ClerkCOUNCIL - 147749 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX NO..-.---------•------ ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PESRENTED /l jDAT COMMISSIONEE R �F-- RESOLVED, that the free use•of the theatre section of the Auditorium be given to the Tower of Truth Club for a rally on Saturday, April 30th; the cost of opening and oper- ating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. C RF. Nv . 11111e9t BY free M � e theatre sectlon of the Auditorium be given ly theSaturday,Tower f April 30thD for the cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. - Appro4ed ted bAprn 19, 1999the Council Apr11 19, 1849. (April 23, 1949) pPRI J 174.3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounCiL........................_.._...194 -.._ Yeas Nays t H.) I I Jltzr o=rtinson �Psrranto Approved----- ----- 194...... -Ireterson - In Favor - ... • -- M.ay...... .. --Rosen ..Against ^or /iivax s /y�.,+y,.," President, Delaney _ 31,1 -4N 8 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY -CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 14, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Buil ling Dear Sir. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the free use of the theatre section for the Tower of Truth Club Rally on Saturday, April 30th, as recommended in the attached letter of E. A. Fumi, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk OEpARTMFNT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. M—Ioneera`I CARL E. SPEAKES, trY AUDITORIUM MUNICIPAL, EDWARD A. FURNI. &U—.- -114 THIS HEART OF THE SHOFF... AND HOTEL DISTRICT" STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Telephone GA,fl.ld 736I 143 WEST FOURTH March 31, 1949 The Convention Ensemble ARENA--47.000 See— feet &-ti.9 15.000 I- Rink 100:221 EXHIBITION HALL 54,000 Snuare Feet Eve" Ser,lee Mr. Fred M. Truax, commissioner Department of Education AUDrrORTUM THEATRE 615 City Mall seating 8.000 Complete Steve Saint Paul 2, Minnesota All Nonr STEM HALL Dear Mr. Truax: Beat—. ConnWeteliStare d a request from the Reverend Louis Gales for Seat. 1.2 the theatre Sect ion for the Tower of Truth RAMSEY HALL the free use of Saturday, April 30th. Beat. 650 Club Rally I HALLS understand this is open to the public and no admission seating 160 ,qe for information they had the free use charged, and your it COMMrrrEE ROOMS last year. SERVICES AVAMABLE A-0 Currant 110.220 V1JW B-ph- Accordingly, with your aPPrOV81i recommend resolution be Slmrl. and D-C Current 110-220 Veit, introduced granting this free use. T.lenho—Telovra'b P. A. Bratern Induced Draft Flues for I am, Combustion Machl—, Thanking You, Hot and cold water Drain Connection. Yours very truly, Gas. St— Compressed Air UM SAINT PAUL A73TPRITJ EAF:M Edward A. Furni, Manager 147759 lihiptaal to City Cleric ". CITY OF ST. PAUL No OF THE, CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY//////�/1 DA'^" COMMISSIONER/----- , RESOLVED, That an extra of $395.00 for additional labor and material in the alterations and additions to the Phalen Park ' Lockor and Shower Rooms, be allowed under Contract Number G-5288 between the City of Saint Paul and the Mcllanis Con- struction Company; said work having been requested by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and agreement made with the Contractor and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and counter- -signed by him. Approved Cy C troller, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson :..- -.In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 1. That anyext a of $395.OOtfor labor and material in the a and additions to the Phalen iter and Shower Room", be nder Contract Number G5288 . he City of Saint Paul and the Construction Company; "aid ving been r quested by the int of Parks, Playgrounds and tlldings, and agreement made said tagreemenI ha ng been the Comptroller and counter. y him. d by the Council Aprn 19, 1949. ed 'April 19, 1949. (April 23, 1949) Adopted by the Couneii------------ -... ................ 194.-.._ Approved ............. ._--_-----_-------------- 194—. .-.. -- - -- •. ........... Mayor �r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAUCr PUBLIC BUIL' __GS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect -40-O April 18, 1949 Commissioner W. A. Parranto Dept. Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. 445 City Hall St. Paul 2, 'Minnesota Dear Sir Contract Fumber G-5288 was awarded to the McManis Construc- tion Company for alterations and additions to the Phalen Park Pavillon Locker and Shower Roams, Phalen Park, said centr,!et being in the amount of Four Thousand Four Hundred Severt�* Five Dollars (�4,475.00). Due to the fact that the present facilities are inadequate to provide sufficient hot water for the operation of the new shovers,a request has been received from Paul Feist and Bernard Holland that an 85 gallon autorlat.ic r_as-fired storare hot water heater be coupled to the present 120 gallon storage heater, this in addition to the work under Contract ;:umber G-5288. In accordance with this request neCotiat;ons have been con- ducted with the I::cla'anis Ccnstruction for the installaticn of this heater and they have quotel a price of Three Hundred `.inety-Five Dollars (*395.00) which re;,.resents a fair and reasonable ar:ount for the labor and material involved. It is therefore requested that an extra to Contract G-5288, in the amount of ?395.00,bn authorized. A'IS ;al very truly yours y ^,r c'^:itect 147751 clrlaloal to city Clerk 'c'u"m NO ------- ----------- ---� fes, CITY OF ST. PAUL °p -e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� LL �<�t//�_----- DA April 19 1919 COMMI STONER_ RIESENTED ByiC� Resolved, What the PUrc'Ih;.sinr. As-ent be, and. he - hereby out' orized to 8"r.2" Hersey Detector purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Check Meter anal one 8t1 5pece Piece fr°T'1 the i L..5 -'Y 1iAT_Ttir AC'___E,IYC, CO. at al=.v^rtisement or cerl- a tot&" cost or ?,e612.0000 f.o.b. 3t. PL , patitive bids, tl'"se are patented Lrticles ani no advz:.nta e could- be g^ .ped. illereL'y, Charge-.iatcr Department COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson 1�osen Truax Mr. President, Delaney -3M OAS C. F. No. 147751..—By Severin A. Mortin- j Resolved That the Purchasing Agent ' be, and he is hereby authorized to. purchase, with the nseot of the Comptroller, one 8"" Hersey Detector Check Meter and one 8" Space Piece from the HERSEY MANUFACTURING CO. at a total cost of $812.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, without advertisement or'com- petetive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be r , gained thereby. Charge Water Depart- m nt. Adopted by the Council April 19, 1949. Approved April 19, 1949. (April 23, 1949) APR 1.9 1� Adopted by the Council, --------------------------------- 194- APP 1 AP roved-- --------------------- --------- 194_- - - ----------------.- .In Favor - -•--• - -- Mayor ............. Against v Orliitod to City Clerk - ra /@ _7 ��aa-J ' CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Ft>�ulvea W&4_77-522..— OFFICE O.P,_,t$_,_ __ —LA_.''._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /f..� �-'� 1 PRESENTED BY DATE 4"' � J , , 1949 COMMISSIONER_ --..--- --- Ifesolved, shat the Purchasing Agent be, and 1-e is hereby authorized to nt:.rch• se, with- t' -e consent of the Mayor ,end. the Comptroller, one tank car., aipioxii-.a.el;r 8000 ,sllans 11SII leade6. aso':--rie, 7%-7L', octane, C.F.H. moor- method,, from Ti. ,- S2 _i L Cu. at a l"ce of Yz .12393 per gallon, lens lj' :_5�cou_t on cost of note ic.l _ paid ,!it} -in ten days from dE,te of i vc__ce, on informal bids, E�.s an emergency exists where failure to act p1'01`11;tly l:ol;lc `orlc a he„rdsl-i:) to the hest interests of the amity. ” tiunicipal '._l,i,,rtent- 10G3-134 C. F. No. 147752-33y Mitten Rosen Resolved, That the Pure h,Fing Agent be, end he is hereby A„ one tank Ions '•o•• 9 motor method, from Fi, K, STAHL CO. t e price Of $.12383 per gallon, less 1% discount on cost of material if Paid within ten days from date of involc¢, on informal bids, as an Ch rge Municipal EquiPauu Adopted by the Council Api Appro etl April 19, 1949. (April 23, 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- .........._ ..............--_-_194 _._ . Yeas Nays an Mortinson Approved...... _ ........................------_.194_-___ Parranto „ Peterson In Favor .... Mayor Rosen Truax_..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 Q - t r No. 1477W -By S. -If. A. Moron- .7 (�4 • or10 =1 to City Clerk CITY OF ST.� sen-ved, ?I r the Proper cttY oPfi- a IVO. - •-•---•- ly,y. �+ . , OFFICE OF THE CVJ:'1T',:'... OU I L ESOLUTION-GENGr.Ip_ FORM / COMMIJSSEONE � DAT WIEREAS, the Comoi.esioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance With Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more then eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore bellowing it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: Title No of ars. Rata amount Name Bred 7. Cormibr, . Foreman-W.D. 21-7,/2 hrs. $1.73-1/4 173-1/4: $37.25 Thomas Frain ]Berl E. Engelbretson Foremen-I.I.D. Sralmtp.Sta.Engr. 12 a x5.20 -76 Dennis T. Houle data --shed lab. 20 n 1;55 31.00 Theodore S. Bergeron Ditch Digger 20 " 1.55 31.00 Rocco L. Costello Ditch Digger 20 n 1.55 31.00 >� C. Halm]8 Ditch Digger . 36 1.40 5 •40 Edward 7. gakals, CauLiser 26 31.00 Tommaso Mazzola Ditch Digger n 1.73-55 1/4 62.37 Hoy A. Il�vnaon Foremen-',l•D• 36 n 1.40 8.� Sam Ranellt Caulker, 6 n 1.40 . Girolemo Saporito George L. Schwantes Caulker Ditch Digger n 1.43-1/2 31.00 16.98 Toe L. Fritz utilitymen-W.D• 17 D . . 12 " 1.30 15. b0 11.63 Frank McNearney Mike Alfonso 1/2 Ditch Digger 7- „ DitchUtiliDigger E4�P•CBTPenter 1.5-5 2.05 18.45 Ingvald Anderson Antonio Bruno Maint.& Ditch Digger 2 " n 26 1.55 2.20 3.10 57.20 Alfred C. Gosewisch Power Shovel Operator n 48 1.44-1/2 69.36 John T. Haggerty Utilitymm -W.D. utilityman-W•D• n 12 1. 1/2 17.30 62.00 Gust A. Tohnson Mario Rane111 Ditch Digger n � „ 1.55 1.6q 1/4 19.71 -T. Stanley sea Storekeeper-W.D. 20 n 1.55 31.00 70ffi Potttinging . Ditch Digger -continued- COUNCILMEN- Adopted by the CounciL...................._-----------194..._ , Yeas Nays Approved----- ................... ...............194 _ Martinson � Parranto Q Peterson ----------.In Favor ...-----•--------------------------------•---------- ----°.......... .......... Ma . yyoror Rosen Truax '._..Against Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 948 'a�'® . - � 6 kit Orlil-I ro city Q_k CITY OF ST. PAUL WduNcm At m N0 Yeas ` Nays OFFICE OF THE'CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY___ COMMISSIONER - - .In Favor' DAT Rosen - Truax ..............Against WMr. President, Delaney Title No.oY Hre. Bate Amount R� John A. Thoresoa6 Ditch Digger 20 hrs. n 1.55 hr; . 1.40 831.00 5G•4Q William Boody General Repairman 3 Garibaldi Iosue Foremen-W.D. 2200 " 1.551/4 00 3100 Martin P. Kinsella Ditch Digger 2SA a 1.55 45.7 Matt Ruberto -Ditch Digger Total 8945.59 Certified,correct: Iso and N.Thompeon U General Manager l Adopted by the Council- ........... ...._--------------- COUNCILMEN Yeas ` Nays a Approved------------------------------------------- 194 Mortinson Parranto Peterson - - .In Favor' _ Ma or Y 7 Rosen Truax ..............Against WMr. President, Delaney gUBLISIILD_1--�-�`. 3M 049 April 19, 1949 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: (1) Repairing 36" effluent pipe from clear wells to pumps at Filtration Plant. .(2) Driving and servicing truck. (3) Taking emergency calls after business hours. (4) Repairing equipment at Mississippi River Station. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: (1) Break in 36" pipe. (2) Taking country crew to and from work.. (3) Nights and Suadays. (4) To put equipment into working order. BOARD OF WR COBILlRISSIONERS %Z�veni�en A. SnsOn fled correct: President Ylard N. Thompson, General Manager e C. F. Na. 147754—By W. A. Pirranto- 147754 477 4 'driploel to City Clerk Resolved, That the Council hereby ep-^ 4 t proves thd1'4Tb d o£the ContractsW TM_ NNCLL NO ----_— CITY OF Imittee therefore, nd hereby d the contract 2or furNahing an ).bar. OFFICE OF TH mservices aterials and ices neceasary for COUNCIL RESOLUTIge d re sonably i- leental to fl-, - .. Uon on and tf of thep .. //JJ @am. ; 19-9 PRESENTED E , / /� ( , �/ /fes ut .- COMMISSIONER �-!� J- y�- �' Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award. of the Contract Committee tefor, anc. ''ere'cy &Wards the contract for furnishing all l.bor. her, 7 materials and ser-, ices neces::a-•f'or and reasonably incident a to the completion and execution of th.e insta llatiorl of ventilators°for the emergency Quonset `lousing and eltere.tions to tle electric airing, to '?10N S FII'P: CGP?P(�ilY7 ;n e.ccor lance the or al i.id I?o. 1951+ of _,_.id fihoP.las Firm :pith i�,l=:ns and speci_i F c�.�tions t_nc e Compa.ny7 ra -a total ^or.tract rri�e of y;1379h0.°07 sn-ch 1_�ic: l eine t?ze lowest no.aid i'.omas Sinn Ce^ =.ly 1' .--ri; t`e ' o,, est re --.son, `'1e ,.n : relia' le 1:idd_er7 na i' ai Cor or< or u'I,a 7 nc 1_ereby i.s directe ; to o.r lw up the proper form of toritract thereforand. tl. e pl-O-Der City officials ,erel-,y are aut'.eorized to execute sz,id r-ontr-ct on be'_,alf of ti e Cit; ;,of Ste P<ul. brchitect's ystima e x167726.00 N: Compar.o .00 on th lolivr-es o°lly The Stand.ar8. .:om= f 'ice 77 but through mistane placing price in the tot, l cohimn re :;nest leave to withdre:,•l :sir bid in :accordance Vith t' eir letter dated Yah j07 1910 rand the. Council hereby concurs ;n t':e ac -on of t'e.C,.;ntract Committee in allowin_ t"nm,to `o so. F.- . 19)4- RPg 19 1989 Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- COUNCILMEN. Yeas Nays lII SII APProved. ---•-•- --:..--=--.-.194.-... Mortinson. Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor .. ------ - - ayor ...... . Rosen _ o� �1 Truax l --!-Against VUli1.l�•all SCJ Mr. President, Delaney 3M u-18 Orlpl"i to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL rAUNcn. rites No 477, �r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fnl*m RESOLVED, that a permit be issued to Fred T. Sawicki for the installation and operation of an ice station at 143 State Street, upon the condition that the ioe-house be set back six feet from the street line with a plat- form running from the ice -house to the sidewalk.' C. F. No. 147755—ay W. A. Parrantc— FredsoT. Sawfeklafar the binstallation State operation of uponnthe station ndltfon t 143 that the ice -house be set back six feet from - :the street line with a platform runNng from the ice -house to the sidewalk. Adopted by the Cpunen April 19, . 19i9 Approvedd April 19. 1949. (April 73, 1949) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson / Parranto % Peterson _....-...In Favor Rosen Tr{tax .....:-------Against Mr. President, Delaney APR 19 194.90 Adopted by the Council.. ...... ----.-•------------=----194.-.... APR' _'i� _ Approved ........................... 194._.. Mayor , 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF -CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 14, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Fred T. Sawicki for permit to install and onerate an ice station at 143 State St. Very /truly yours, City Clerk C POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ' FINANCE St. Paul, Alinn.................... ..._._APr?1..4.............19>19._ Purs ant aph F, ction as ing Zone Ordinance,taplrov dr Tule 7th,e1922, you are hereby notied of fiedlthat the application of ...........................`red T. Sawioki for permission to erect or continu.c rret.a..ii�ice sta..t�iona� located... _........ _... ... .......... .. will come up for consideration before the Crnmc— -- il n the Cotmc�l Cham her in the City Hall and Court House Building on the....._.....__.......__......___ ...... ..... __14th.._ .day of...._......._A1P.r 1.........._........ , 19119.._, at 10 o'clock A. M. PageF� Cominisst-net o ma . ........1.............._..File............__10963 Ni�LAN r '• The Board of Zoning Saint Poul, Minnesota (..iNI.I.IwD .Y OROIWK[NC. N.. MY,.IMI . EGINE.WAHMAN . G. H. HERROL.0 oc[curnre s[cR[r�wY ryt[[IOIN6 0"IC yam® CLYD[ L N[TNVRJ ti A N[CKMAN J. R. RWMC A. N. B "ROWM. CM AI6RR6� A. L OI[A[ 279 C/TT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Fred T. Sawicki for an ice station at 143 State Street. This permit was recommended by the Board of Zoning on August 159 1947 and the application was withdrawn before the date of hearing. Parties of the same name now apply. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. They must beieve that an ice house is necessary in this locality. from the set back six feet from the street line with a platform running ice abuse to the sidewalk as the land is lower than the walk. Yours truly, G. H: Herrold GHH:lf Executive Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDIIORS/(ru YP Tu. coL cTEc DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION // �-9 DSUBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUNT ORDINANCE LI APPLICATION FOR PERMIT VIbLATION. 03 To: BUILD INSTALL C.M.&F.C. ADD. ALTER REPAIR REROOF MOVE WRECK HANG�F,/ J/q.'-ls4e MARK SQUARES ❑ ❑ ❑ E]❑ ❑ ❑ BY X = NON- HOINATION /y^' ERECT REPAIR ILLUM- IOM LLUM- ROOF PRO- - HORI- VERT- ORIZONT L NEW SIGN OLD SIGN I INATED I INATED II I JECTINO I ZONTAL I ICAL I AND VERTICAL STRUCTURE USED AS r -Al- ARCHITECT , s._ % �- � L.. 4nnRFce - .. _., Y ARCHITECT NUMBER STREET 'SIDE - BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD I LOT I BLOCK - ADDITION OR TRACT oletrioN R[rallo esr P NT or su.[RFlnwl. FRONT I WIDTH SIDE OR LENGTH HEIGHT NO. OF ee1LDINe OR Prtm- MATERIAL of SIO„ ESTIMATED VALUATION IN FEET IN FEET IN FEET STORIES H GRS'o�NOFn F[EF OF OONSTRUCTION SWwR[ F[sr SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR PRIVATE GARAGE DETAILS OR REMARKS LOCATION FOR PRIVATE GARAGE TO BE AT LEAST IO FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST ZO FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST S. FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED. Building Work as herein epecifled, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR SIGNED FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING, SIDEWALK, STREET OR CURBING. BY � O Z F < w N 7 Z 5 a W � Ud 4 H U 7 Q N Ftn TO HEALTH BURUU - Eq'Mail Zoning Boardc_ Building Bureau ----.------ �6M—U 7 - PLAT PLAN— I i 1 I I 1 r- orl�i to City Clerk CITY .OF ST. PAUL coonca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —�'OUNCIL'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for extra employment from April 1 to 15, 1949, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Comptroller. C. F. No. 347759—By W. `A. Parranto— cenrs are hereby That authoPUxd to p y comer- teln empin yee In the DeParbnent of Parks, Piaygrounde and Public Bund- - -9B for extra employment from April 1 to 15, 1949, as aet outan the list on Me In theoffice of tha City Clerk and City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council April 19, 1949. Approved .Aprll 19, 1949. (April 29, 1949) 147756 APR a 9 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194 -.-.. Yeas Nays APR i :1 Mortinson ' Approved .............................. ----------194.x. Parranto PetersonIn Favor Rosen ayor Truax .Against Mr. President, Delaney W.,1;-, PONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CI -TY, OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT O' PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO, Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner April 18, 1949 To the Honorable, the Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of this department for more than eight hours a day, because of necessity of rendering service in the interest of the public. The emergency involves overtime work at the Como greenhouses, reeectory service and emergency glazing. Yours truly �jYyGti� ommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect W. 4 MiONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO, Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Depufyy Commissioner O April 20, 1949 RATE 1.45 1.641 1.45 1.45 1.491- 1.351 1.90 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect ,. TOTAL 23.20 26.28 23.20 r 23.20 17.94 16.26 22.80 $ .152.88 OVERTIME REPORT April 1 to April 15 NAME TITLE HOURS Anthony A. Floen Garden Laborer 16 Ernest 0. Kimker Forestry Foreman 16 William Lego Tree Laborer 16 Joseph P..Mc Andrew Garden Laborer 16 John A. .Olsen Tree Trimmer 12 John J. Puetz Greenskeeper 12 Joseph-Tetrault Painter 12 RATE 1.45 1.641 1.45 1.45 1.491- 1.351 1.90 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect ,. TOTAL 23.20 26.28 23.20 r 23.20 17.94 16.26 22.80 $ .152.88 rj i , j Original to City Clerk 4 1 Pr- to LICENSE)'COMHITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL co_nca NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / DATE April 19e 19`t1' 9 COMMISSIONER _/ BESOLPEDi That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15599, On Sale Malt Beverage, 'Application B 155900££ Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 155914 Ciga.Pettes, Application B 15592, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15593, applied for by Audrey Hutcherson at 961 Rice Street be and the same are hereby granted. kr C. F. No. 197757—Ry;Robert F. Peter- ......, .,rr...:.....,.,the__. . Hutch29erson at 8a1 Street tie and -same•-are.-hereby granPProvedted. Adopted by the CouPca Aprll 18. 1999. AAPrn 19, 1949. (APrll 23, 1999) ' NEow Informally approved by Council April 12, 19+9 O Old Location APR t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ....................... 194_.___ Yeas Nays ortineon Approved ............................. .------------- 194---_. Peterson . --------------In Favor ........:.... 4"' ....._. ............._ ,,Rosen, Mayor ,,Truax OAgainst Mr, President, Delaney Original to cur Clerk1 4 7 ' ),q counts CITY OF ST. PAUL rlt.e NO._________--_.__--� LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �,.f/j 'd—Yt.v G- 'v'�- Ls DATE__Anril 9. 1949 • COMMISSIONER RESOLVEDI That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 1537.9, On Sale Malt Beverage,, Application B 15380, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15381,Cigarettes, Application B 15382, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 153839 applied for by Francis J. Donnelly at 181 North Snelling Avenue be and the same are hereby granted, NEW Informally approved by Council April 5, 1949 Old L.qcation COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Find n , .,tin arranto ,-Peterson /-ftosen /truax Mt, President, Delaney 3M 1448 „095lo.@ C. F. No. 147758—By Robert F. Peter- on—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- rant• Application H 15379. On Sale Malt'. Beverage, Appllcatlen 8 15389, Off Sale 1 Malt Beverage Appplication-8.15381;' Cigarettes, Applicatlon 8 15382, and Mechanical Amusement Device Loca- tion, Application B 15383, applied for .by Francis J. Donnelly at 181 North Snelling Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council April 19, 1949. - Approved April 19, 1949. '(April 23, 1949) APR t v 2949 Adopted by the Council. -�-------.......................... 194.----• n Approved ------------------194 ---------- In Favor - - Mayor --Against � • 0 original io City Cleric 1477,59 CITY OF ST. PAUL - w�wta _ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By �, DAT April 19, 199 COMMISSIONEFL` 4'QY'ILL—"��=---- RESOLPEDE That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 151879 on Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 151889 Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15189, Cigarette, Application B 15190, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application i B 151919 applied for by Henry J. Poidinger at 281 S61by Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. NE{7 Informally aopaoved by Council March 29, 19+9 Old Location L COUNCILMEN " Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney _ 3M 048 . Q n C. F. No. 147159—BY Robert F. Peter- P-- eter- 3 Pnrrento— Resolved, 'that 1lcenses for Restau- rant, APplieeHon B 15187. On Sale Malt Beverage, ApPlicatfon B 15188. Off Sale MaltCigaevera APpllcatone B 15190.15and - tLlonh AppllcationsH 1519" pplfedofor by Henry 7• Poltlinger at 281 Selby Av- enue 6e and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council April 19, 1948. } Approved (April ril 28, 1949)_ vrri 1 1942 Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- 194 ----• Approved --------- __........ ...... -- ----- 194.,. ........... In Favor _ayo=,.-.... � n 'l Y ..............Against 147769 - original to City Clerk counca NO.-_-_-__--•--• CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,.e. ----.— LICENSE COM1,11 E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aNTEDPRESEBE/;(, 'y. .- l :•U-' DATE - COMMIs510N4, RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15476, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 154770ff Sale Halt Beverage, Application B 15479, Cigarettes,, Application B 15479, applied for by William C. Gaffey at 171 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted. ' C. P. No. 147768—By Robert F. Peter- son—{yo- - A. Parrent Resolved, That Ilcenses for Kasten_ ant, App]Ieatlon B 15476, On Sale Beverage, Malt gppllcation H 15477, Off gale. Clgetrettesegge' AIPlication B 1178, for b PPllca fon By 79 1178 . SevenLhWSfreeL be and thea 171 Wdat hereby �rr�e are - grantetl. Atlopted by the Counell April 19, 1949. Approved APr11 19, • 1949. (Apr9 23, 1998) NEW Informally approved by Council April 7, 1949 .013 Location Adopted by the Council --------------------------------•194 ----, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved-.:----- ---- --------------------------194.— Mortinson Parranto Peterson - 7.In Favor -Y - --: Mayor Rosen %) Truax .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney .._..... 3111 4-48. ,s® 1 47761. Okloml to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL coumca ,LICENSE COI&ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -'{}C'�OU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E � � /r�� sv' DATE April 19, 19119 COMMISSIONER---����' -ddd L'• RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 3249, e-xpiring January 31, 1950, issued to Frank Dades and Vasilios P. Tsiamardos at 171 Nest Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to William C. Gaffey at the same addrese, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Frank Dades and Vasilios P. Tsiamardos that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. TRANSFER Informally approved- by Council April 7, 1949 COUNCILMEN " Yeas Nays Adopted by theCounc>f.......:........ .................194..._. Mortinson Approved ........... -_-_--------............. 194_.. " Parranto Peterson V.In Favor ......... RosenMayor Truax _ ....-..Against Mr. President, Delaney -._ant 9-48. ®.. _... _' CITY OF SAINT APPLI " TION " FOR "O SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ....... ......... ._. Name of Applicant.._.... _. .. ..... ..... ........... -- ........ Age......✓ ...._ G ....._3- - /................. -.... _..... Telephone No................ ......... _........._..... Residence Address _........-./._.... .-.-- _:....._.._.__............_.._.._....._..._.........................._... ........_..._... ............_.............. Are you a citizen of the United States?.....__ ............. � Have you ver been gaged in o n loon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature. ...................................................................................................................:. ._.. ......_....._...__.. .... . _ .......................... When and where ... ........ .................. ........ ................... _.._.................. _.... _................... -.................................................................................... ._._..........._ If corporation, give name and general Purpose of corporation ........ ............ ............................................--- ......... ......... ...... ............ ... When incorporated? ................................ _.........._............. _..._.........................__....................... -- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members,?..._._i..._......_...----- ..---- .----- ......._...----- .--- ............... How many members? ... ..... Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, arid' name and address of general manager ...... ................ _........._......... - Give name of surety company which. will write bond, if kno -- Nnmhpr Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured alon s e ) ?.............. _...._....----..._..... ets)?............_�................__._._..-.......-..?._.�_�. How How man feet from losefeet from a srch b 'c r ar along s ade or high school (measured along streets) ............_ ..................... Y Name of closest school ..........._...._ ....... ...... ........._..._._........ .............. ........ ....... ............ ........ ................. ........... ................_................_ How are premises classified under Zoning Ord��in��a��nc��eJJ;?��..:��._.._.........._............................_...._..........._............... _................ _.................................... I.......... On what floor located? ........... _.. i...... '1Y.._.........._..-..-........_........._...._.............:.. ... .. Are 'premises owned by ybu or leased?...._...._..._..........._..... lensed give name of owne iLl 91 If a restaurant W11 '' capacity ?...._.:...._.............�--.-'.."------------- --...... ............. ................ .......... _..............._................................ ...... . If hotel, seatingi roo ............ -...................:................ - Give trade name. .......- - Give below the name, oher description of each additional roo i hich liquor sales are intended: _....._......... ... "(The information above must be given for hotels and, restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). HovTmanyguest rooms in hotel? ................ ........... ................................ .......... ......... .............. ............ .............. ...._............._..._..........................._................. a Name of resident proprie or manager (restaurant or hotel)......................................................................._...................................... Give names/ nesse f th siness references:..._._..".:_......-.. ............ ....... . ................ .................:....... THE APPLICANT, AND IF C PORATION, BY THIS APPLICATION MUST BI I]Fjj�* ;fAN OFFICER OF THE CORPORA' DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS AP ICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Applicationchecked by Dated....._ ..... ...._.... ...._......... _..._._..._ .............194......_._. .............. ........................ _......... _ __ ............................_.... _..................... _....-License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE 7 STATE OF MINNE� ' -A, as. COUNTY OF RAMSE , p .....-...._........._..........._... ........_...� g P _ ........... ................_.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the Fore om a ph o d kn s the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and be ief. jee a aw be me this.......!/of...._... ,g ..................:........_ -....194/._.....__ .............................. lie, say County, Minn. My commission expires ...... ...... £ q:INANE"""""._..__..... Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. STATE OF MINNESOArOma� Won rx• , a Mer. 1, 1956. ,COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss. _ ..............._...-........ ..... ..... ............ ....... .._........... .....-.......-.-......._..._........... -.._..-_ ... . _......._..__...:...-...._.................... .......... being first duly sworn, deposes andsays that .....:.................... _...........the_ a corporation; of......:..:....._`:........:................:.._..:--..-:-_:..:.-..:_:.._........-_............-..................................._....._....._..-.._...................._._........... . . that---- -.._.. ........... ........_......................_.........._.....has read the foregoing.application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ........... _... _._.__.,_....... - ._.....knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the .:...._ .; foregoing instrument is the corporate'seal'bf said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the.vol"untary act and deed of said corporation. „ Subscribed and sworn to before me this...............................day of. .......................... ..::....................... 194............ .......................:............._..--............_.-..................-............ .. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Mycommission expires.:...._..............................__.....................-_..... 511 t 14 7'762 - •." -- �, Oriploal to City Cleric " anses = co CITY OF ' ST. P-- ... .1amea on vunea- ee Nd:-.----••-------^ resoluti - on t - ,1,I0ENSE COU11ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CK heietY granted: ani - instructed ti• - COUNCIL RES UTION f 'of thi p Y•* ' /r//.v l(�//!� PRESENTED BY�"`�''�'�` COMMISSIONER.' e by d April l�jti 1g�+9 " - DP`"' RESOLVED? That licenses applied for by the following.persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Wolff Chevrolet Co. 87.5 E. 7th Foodstuff-(VMLoc) `App. 15232 New New Loc. B & B Used Cars, Inc. 517 N. Robert 2nd Hd Auto Dlr It 15259 n n n A. V. Engstrand & Fay Katula Rep n 1 537 0 546 Selby Elea App. Blaul Motors, Inc. 524 Selby Auto Rep Gar It 15377 n to n Charles W. Nelson & Emmett M. Welter " 15402 to n to 392 Rice Auto Rep Gar Kaplan Paper Box Oo.126-46 S. Wabasha Foodstuff (VMLoc) n 15469 li li n Walter Zielinski & Vernon Lundberg n 15450 li li li 76 Mt. Airy Eled. App Rep 01ifford E. Williams165 Front Auto Rep Gar n 15535 n Old n St. Paul House Furnishing to. 71 E. 6th Foodstuff (VMLoc) ° 15557 to New n Tanker Gas, Inc, 460 E. 7th n It 15572 n n lir Kerwin?s, Inc, 31-3r E. 6th n n 15601 n to n Raymond & Robert Awe520 Lowell, Rte 12, Ramsey Co. M. A. Dev (1) !i 15645 n G. M. Barrett 525 Van Buren M. A. Dev (2) II 15697 " John W. Lux, Jr. 967 W.' -7th Cigarette n 15750 ° Old n Adopted by the Coun.y 9 194.. 194..... COUNCILMEN ............ Yeas Days Mortinson Approved .......................................... 194.- Parranto Peterson ------! -.In Favor ...... w •1-� `�''� aYor Rosen Truax ----------Against '/ T�— Mr. President, Delaney PUBi.ISFIF-D 3M 949 o!M"® - ' ' F. No. 147783—BY Rokert F. Peter-' � - 1.47763' OrlQlnat m City Clerk son—W, A. Parranto— p JC. ... n awietleons the l • ` CITY OF " LICI'7S0 COMUITTEE tth.onthy sd atfa hed.lnea l,er„ resolution ke the the same are h•I Kra' t a.. tl the C1ty Clerk 1s c NO.---------- -�---� OFFICE OF THE Ct e , --_ COUNCILJ/RESOLUTION-GENERH�..''F^Rrd PRESENTED BY. -' 4;'.} April 19, 1949 - COMMISSIONER ''T:_ 1A ATF RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the' same are hereby granted. Easy Wash, Inc. 1051 Payne Laundry App. 9184 Renewal Ben Chase 3711•-84-N. Robert Pkg Lot 65 cars It 9222 " Richard F..Hafner 500 N. Robert Restaurant ° 9636 it Phillip J. Skarda 1017 N. 7th M. A. D. Loc- " 9837 " Geo. C. & A. R. Kolar 506 S. Smith Gas Ste. 2P " 12356 it Klein Super Markets, Inc. 1808 Grand Off Sale Malt ° 14092 Russell Neff 380 University Gas Sta 4P ° 14741 " Earl H. Cummins 679 Mississippi Grocery " 14827 " n n Off Sale Malt " 14828 It II n Cigarette " 14829 if Donald M. & Robert P. Schaller 1126 University Restaurant " 15200 If On Sale Malt " 15201 11 " Off Sale Malt " 15202 " - " " Cigarette ° 15203 " Edward & Richard J. Gabash 76 R. Fairfield Gryocery II 15281 " n Ir Off Sale Malt ° 15282 " If if Cigarette rf 15293 rr Frank Lackman 1186 E. 7th Barber " 15406 Louis Rogers 1416 N. Hazel Grocery ° 15459 " If Off Sale Malt " 15460 if Cigarette At 15461 if COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................ ................. 194...... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ..................................... .--.194—.; Parranto Peterson ..In Favor - _-- ...................... ................................ - ..... Rosen Mayor Truax __Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 .ryY,�.@ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ................................ .. 194r_- Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor -------------------— ------------------------------------------ ------------------- Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-98 ^ .Q 147763 763 oftiml to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FCA�utica ' No ------- -------- -- LIC:NSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'COMMISSIONER-----------. DATE April 19. 1949 PAGE I?0. 2 Helen Whistler 379 Concord 11, Grocery Malt App. 15462 Renewal s 15463 n 11 1 if If Off Sale" Cigarette 11 15464 I' M. Schofield 190 S. Wabasha Off Sale Malt n 154g9 " Rogert F. Desmond & Donald F. Sheridan 383 Robert 2nd F1. Pool Hall 14 T. it 15522 0 n s Cigarette ° 15523 II 0. J. Douglas 170 E. 6th Restaurant It 15536 " 11 II Cigarette 15537 1. D. Nardini & E. D. Segale 347 Minnesota Restaurant ° 15539 " If II On Sale Malt it 15540 11 I' Off Sale, Malt It 15541 11 n n Cigarette " 15542 11 0. J. Sonnen 1814 Selby Grocery I' 15561 A n I' Butcher I' 15562 0 n n Off Sale Malt n 15563 " Frank 0. Moffett 450 N. Lexington Confectionery 15584 Adeline Stewart 128 N. Cleveland Restaurant n 15595 II 11 On Salk Malt ° 15596 u s II Off Sale Malt 15597 " it II Cigarette n 15599 n n Confectionery 'r 15598 n Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 1204 University Grocery II 15603 II u n Butcher n 15604 11 n n Off Sale Malt n 15605 n n " Cigarette I' 15606 if COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ................................ .. 194r_- Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor -------------------— ------------------------------------------ ------------------- Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-98 ^ .Q Original to CITY Clerk - 147763 r LICENSE. C01111ITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL manta NO.____________v_____.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE' April to9r]49 , l7 9 PAGE N0. 3 Axel C. Erickson 397 Ashland Auto Rep Gas App. 15637 Renewal Raymond C. Doughty 1091 Ross Mtr Veh Dr a 15657 a Maurice Rosenblum 271 E. Congress Junk Gatherer 15683 n Wm. H.,.Myers 640 Selby Cigarette It 15761 n Vernon J. Tinsley 537 W. Central Mtr Veh Dr. n 15762 s C. B. St.Joyn 265 Pleasant ° s 15763 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Morti-ymdlma��— nson Parranto Peterson ............ in Favor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 "0�@ Af'tt i 9 1849 Adopted by the Council ......................... 194--... Approved----------- ............................194 ---------- Mayor - PUBI,ISHC,D –0°�3 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELUMNARY ORDERS i and I C. I•. No. 147754— . Abstract PRELIMINARY ORDER.A written nroposal for the sof the followir tmpr—emeat, r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the` it,. "=iSl',z•a --Grade.,...p&Te..and..constrmt..Arains ge...structuras.- or..Ellie--AYenue --from.-Mmerald--Street----- _to -_the _east -_line_ of__Berry_StrQet..p7CodtlCecl..A.o.T.tklRlrly.,...in.Gllltding--&aHes,..xatar..Hnd..gsa- _connectiona__from _street-.mains_to_property_linea_comgetQ-,--,xrklesa..nat._a7xfladY_madas;---- - . also including curbing and-pavin� alley and driveway approeches�-_rthere-_neeeasary.--.--- Dated this 38;. day of..... March - -/�/� 194!`1 .......... - ... ........... -....... - ................. - ---------- Councilmen PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. Gradej-..pave-_and._construct _drainage --structures •-Qm_111s.. AYknits.:xnm._Emarald..S.txeet__ to the .east line of Berry Street produced northerly __.including _sexer,-,gator anc��ga$_: :. __.._z ..... ... .. _ .... connections from street mains to property lines-_completer-_Where-_not_slready,_made;-----.. also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches. where necessary,----.-. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------------- -............................... ----------............. - ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mord owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ---- -•................... ----------rn?�....A-.i.-•==--�`= ------ -- YEAS NAYS Councilman"RffrVgr^ APR 19 1949 I'm wexlApproved .......... ........................... .......... --- ---------------------- MORTINSON PARRANTO— PETERBON/� TRUAX V v ✓ ...._......... ........ ......... _..... MR. PRESIDENT/ Mayor. IM 4-45 PUBLISHED � (PETITION) 147765 Council File No ............ •-:-••-•-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 14776 AbAmet and Whereas. A rltten r-�noaal for the Ma of the follow f PRELIMINARY ORDER. `Conatmet New YIo- aewalk on the nr Then ndersignedhereby proposesthemaking ofthefollowingpublic improvement bythe Clv. i b&TLfPaul,.viz.: _Construct New Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk on the north side of MARGARET STREET from GermainStreet to Kennard Street and on the west side of KENNARD STREET ..................---------..... ------...... ---------- ....................----....-----._.." - .......... -------....w ................ ........................ .......... from_ Margaret_?Street,-_th-grace_north-_to--Alley,_.-- ---_.. Datedthis ...... ---------day of .................... -------......... ......................19944 .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :via. __Construct New Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk on the north side of MARGARET STREET -------------------------------- - - - -------------------------------- from -------- ._... from Germain Street to Kennard Street and on the west side of KFYNARD STREET -from 'aargaret Street. thence. north to Alley --- --- - ,having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............. ......... ............................. therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of, Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1" 1 APR I c, 194 /Adopted by the Council. ................... ......................... YEA$ NAY$ Councilma_.einccvpp- . rrgml MORTIrfa.-- . Approved---- MORTI-------• NfiON _ ' PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 9yor. 25011-47 y�,® ��• — \, /j PUBLIsxi.v�'7 14776 ➢ Council File No ......................._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 c' F. N°• Ia77ss- Abstract and of the .Whereas, A written proppopal for the following Improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. rt ea V4 Monolithic t`�li east side n -Ave• .r..t Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Pau, ,;#E: Reconstruct with monolithic Concrete, the sidewalk on the east side of NER5CI3ii3: 1 AVENUEfrom Dayton-.Pvenue-to_Selby_Avenue-_and-_on_the-_west--side-_of-_HERSCHEL-_AVENUE - from Dayton _Avenues -_thence -_south- 120 Gfeet.------------------------•-------------............... ................. ........ -------------------- - 194 Dated thio -----------------------day of---- ------------------------------------•-•-------l�!�h-�`�-1�� �t ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _Eeconsix uct-_with _Monolithic _Concrete,---the-_sidewalk _on •tha--east-_side-_of:-HERSCHFI AVENUE from Dayton.. Avenue. to Selby-- Avenue -_and _on-: the--weat--side-_o£-_HERSCHEL_AVFNUE from_Dayton --Avenues thene.e._south-_120.0 feet.----------------------...-------------------....---------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................:....:. - therefore, be it' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said. improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, "profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓�i� APR I ._ 1949 / Adopted by the Council - - ........................... YEAS NAYS Councilmap-31&a9u.a - I MORTINSON -Q PARRANTO PETERSON / TRIIAXlC MR. PRESIDENT 25011-57 s10_.® � k.. t. b 154-2 ----.._..._... ... ............_.._.._. ___._..._ — Mayor. 147767d Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 111111— Abstract andIWhereas, A written propposal for the making of the following Lmprovement, viz.: - construct with Monolithic Con - PRELIMINARY ORDER. the sidewalk bath sides of +^ St -et from Gra- l ^ nue to The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the Gay or- !r -t Paul, viz.: wI#h_Mgnoli chic--QonFretea--,the-_sidevialk-_on_both_side�-_of-_SAfiATOGA-STREIil _from_Grand-_Avenue_to--Fairmount_ Avenue:--.except-_where good and sufficient sidewalks Dated this------- ------ - day of..................... ----------- --------- --............ -- ........... 194 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _t't construct_with-_�onolithic- Concrete,_ the-_sidewalk_-on_both.-sides_of_SARATO..... F_Ef from Grand Avenue to Fairmount Avenue: except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul-..-..._ :.:............................. :....................... ......_--_---------. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR i zi l£r4.0 Adopted by the Council ................................. ......... ................ YEAS NAYS Councilman,4 ii�" APR Z a 194; -F � Approved ---------- ---...... - ------ -------- -------- MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON (/5'=0 TRVAx MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. 2501147 .�.® Pi?i3TISTU;D �`�� Coun V.. C. F. No. 147768— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Whe-11, A the and. of the It improvement PRELIMINARY ORDER. -;_o ict. Relay hr the we Theundersignedhereby proposesthe makingof the followingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paw, viz.: ........... thence east 54.Q feet. --------------- ....................................................................................... ............................... ............................ ----------------------------------- .................----------------•--...-----•--•---.......-----............... ..............................I............................. .......... . ............ Datedthis.......................day of.................... ..................................... 19 ... I........... ............. -------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _Rzconstruet.-_Reim'-..arld.-Repair---th.e extating...tile-..waU..includiag a—Support..WaUl on the south side of E RDS AVEN press --Street -------------------- ........................... i .......... )E - ----- 7 y thence east 54.0 fe�'i. ...... .............................. ................. . ............ ...... ; ---------• .................................. . ............................ --------------•..............----- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........................................ ....................... - ----------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered 'and directed; 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state. whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4/-4 APR 19 1945 Adopted by the Council------------------- - -- ---- ............ ------- ... ----- YEAR NAYS Councilman B*ftvem— F1WVb*"-- -- Approved----------- ---------------------------- — MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON ,�e'�� TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT /Mayor. 250 11-47 -00- AV! Council File No........................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROvEMBNT c. F Na 147Ta9— Abstract and Wherea A Written proposal for the �•�tng of the folloWing'improvement, ER. ,'t With 'Monolithic Con PRELIMINARY ORD beth sldea of t; ••alk ogerton Street to u ye improvemend nt by the City of Saint Fhe is h ��T g Thi;undersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefallowingp ' .of the . Reconstruct_with.Monolithic._Conere e,...41? .-��a�We�iC.-4 IdeB 4£ E �QQx Ak�u> gF9m--FS>g ext9�i.. at hetet.. to_ payn>~-AsrRnner---ex�pt..wh era..gnod .and- suf ficieslfr-sidelvalks-- now exist........ . ....................... .. ....................... . ......................... ..---------------................................. Dated this-------- ----------•-day of..:. ----- -- -------- --- ----- --- ------------------- --- - ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, .via• Reconstr .......................?.ct_w_Monolithic"_Concrete�__the_sidewalk. on_bptil.sld>:a--�af-E---���--guH�E ------from-Edgerton."Str�et..t<a..PpY11e---Venue.}.except..-whera.goszd-.ancl..svfficient-sidew s- now -------------------------------- - -: - - ------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the .Council ....................-- - YEAS NAvs APR "i � 1948 Councilor � / MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAx MR. PRESIDENT 25011-47 Approved ................ ........ ....... _ .-......... -_. payor. _l1 PliGL=�Ill;ll 14- 779 Council File No ------------------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147770--- . Abstract and whereas. A written Proposal for the aking V the following Improvement, m A— PRELIMINARY ORDER. Reconsh. - .. loncrete, the alae -I Ik m b -� - "cries ADve�nuap I —t The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by tc 40i "0f Saint Paul, vis f Reconstruct.Aith..Ooncrate-,-.:the..s�si w#�11t--4ll-both_--kides_of_CHARLES-_AVEVUE_from---------- Lexington Parkway to Dunlap Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist.................................... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this........................day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Reconstruct with Concrete, the sidewalk on both sides of CHARLES AVENUE from Lexington.Par way-.to._Duril ap Street,. except where food and sufficient sidewalks having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul._.............._.....-....--....---_..-.....--...._-----.---:..--------------- therefore, be it' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. x Adopted by the Council----------------'------------------------------ YEAS NAYS Councllm&a43hf rffsS-7 P2xsmnr" «ll 1\I ORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAx MR. PRESIDENT 2501147 Q APR 19 1949 Approved---------------------------------- ----------- - ------ - ------- //Mayor. . ------ ayor. "1713TASHED —1 Council File No ....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVAbstract a F. N°.'°"" _ Abstract andWhereas. A Written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.; -17,1,Standard Concrete Curb - PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 street from Payne Ave- • having been / v "^ ... City. The undersignedhereby proposesthe makingof the followingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:, Construct Standard Concrete Curbing on NbRTH STREET from Payne Avenue to -DeSoto_Street_ -- ................. .......................... ------- .............--- ... ---------......--...------.._................--......----------•----•--..... Dated this..- ............. .. ..day of............ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. •---_--.:Construct-_Standard_ Concrete- Curbin_g_on NORTIi-_STREET._from.?oxne_?venue o ---------DeSoto _Street- ------------ ---- -...------------- ....-- ---- ........ --........------------ ---.............------------.- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Adopted by the Council .................................. , - .............. YEA$ NAYS Councilm— MORTricn rz� SON PARRANTO .r a PETERBON:':`t TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT l( t 2501147 -Am- Approved - ® P --APR1 i t9�9..........................•---.......... - ............. .__-___.._-___ ........ayor. k1J15Lioliia)_�f--=� ched to Curbing �wbing order) Petition ?�tta Council File No------------------------- IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147712 PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO — A —itt Whereas. fOU-01 _j_g I i ProWsal. SOT the and .9 Mo.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. uct It; �idev ity vim.: Theundersignedhereby proposesthe -,.kingof the following public improvement.by the U 'to S��t bo h T k_0 ...... ........................... ----------- n Stree ......... ---------------------- ------------------------------ - ............. ?gy ---------------------- ----_------ ----------- ...... ------_---------_--- I ............... ... ... ......... ........... . ............. -------------------------- ---- ----------- - ------------- - _ -------_----------- --------------- ...... .... . ........... Dated this ----------------------may °f---- ------------------- -------- ------------- ............. - ----------- ---- ----- ---------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz - U qTRF-','f from Concrete SideYaL< on bo_th__.,id_es.of_'1 RT.H.- . ..... ..... . ........... .. ...... . . .......... ............. . .. . . . . ... ...... ....... . - Construct ----------------- J.Eff-Monolithic . ....... 0 - -------- .. ..... . --------- P _Dq got- - ---------- Ay4g..�p�yq a9t --------- ------- pnjAp tP. ------------ 1- --------- -------- I ---------------------------- ---- - - ----------_--- I- ............ having been presented to the Council of the . City of Saint Paul ...................... ... -------- -- -- - 7_ therefore, be iti cied: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and d re f said improvement - 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability * of, the making 0 al cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and . estimated cost of said improvement, and the tot 3: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more Owners - 4: To state whether -or not said improvement is asked for on the pe e foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance, 5. To report upon all Of th --------- -- ---- ---------------- I 'Adopted by the Council__..-.::.._.-.--..-.. -- ---------- YEAS NAYs 41: Councilman ZAnXZ8&--- Approved . ..... .. .......................................... ..... ........ .UIXWM4-*_ / — MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON 'e_.--•-- ---- ------ TRuAX 7�-ayor. MR. PRESIDENT 250 1147 Petition G-545 14, 7773 . Council File No ------------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. Na.147778— ' Abstract ' and Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following' improvement. viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Grad. --',rfaen —e Alley In91oek 6. -..,, .. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing; public improvement by the.- %f SaintPaur,-VIZ.: _Grade_and-_Surface_the_Alley-_in-_Block__6�__G.-_V, Bacons A---- rig --------------------- --_--Hitk1_kit��li�AUS__AI�tT-I&la--fFom_.linnard Street- to -_Germain --Street ---- Dated this. --.---.14 ------day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :via. 0 -_Ak -A + • ..-.- .-- .......... bituminous material�_fromennard Streetto GermainStreet-------------------- .................. _ having ...--- been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------- be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1.To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of Said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------- ----------- - ""---'""" YEAR NAYS Councilman BABzU0 - APR 1 9 1949 4u&& K Approved-"""--"""---............................................................... MORTINSON PARRANTO//yy y�°� PETERSO;(11 a C'�"l' TRuAX---- --- -- ------- ----_......... -__.______ MR. PRESIDENx � Mayor. 2501147 40mp PLII3i,ISFfED lf- _ .. 0ouncil File No .,4 ! 9 g.4_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i C. F. No: 147774— and , - I "Abstraet . Whereas, A written proposal for the making of.the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. "'cnnaemning and taken g n easement .� "W - The slopes cola "i The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthe followingpublic improvement by the City Sy Paul, viz[?Ov ---------------------Condemning. aAd...iakng..an..flaaemant-.iil..ha.-land..neaessazy--£or..slapea--- ---------....--- cutsand fills in the- grading -.and- surfacing-•of._the.-Alley-_in_Block---(�,--------: ------- .................. 0. Baconss Addition,...from_rCenpard..St�et..t4..Sre.Im�iA.Stxeat--------.----------------------- - --- ---- ......--- ....................---- ----- ... ...... --- .......... -------.................... --- ........................... ............................. -------•------ Dated this... - 14th ..day of.--------- - -- Apxa--------.....- lX.-.- - — 11949 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. •__---_-___--_-_Condemning_and-taking_an_easement_ in_the-_land-_necessary_ for__slopesa•-_-___._-__-_•- ........... _.-_--cute-_and.-fills--3.a..hg--gr}dine_ansl...suFf�e j ng..Qf..G1aa.. All aX-- i n ................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report qpon all of the foregoing matters to *the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ... ......::........................... - YEAS NAYS Councilman Wit. _&u&& -- r x mai QpprPved.------------------------------------------------------------------- 4P.. 1 .. 1.x$9 MORTINSON - ' „y,v/ PARRANTO ��� PETERSON TRUAX�� ..-._.........i�-� -MR. PRESIDENT .� '" , .. .. .. ............. .SyOr......... 2501147 -Woo` J'UL'LISHEDJ.1�2- 9 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT C. F. No. 147775— COUNCIL FILE NO ----- _---------------------------------- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for con- 147"75 e ry streeting s sewer on Ivy Avenue a / �� from Pros rtty Avenue to Hszel- G 9 9 e t By -----..-_l ....................... Ft et under Pr if ninag Or- -I r- - . $ ...................................... -.Se......,- ' - nlsry Order 195265, o- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits,. costa and expenses for constructing a sewer on Ivy Averme from Prosperity Avemis to Hazelwood Street �- 45 under Preliminary Order..-....- X92'-----....................... . Intermediary Order ..-------•--.-- 14.5 -265 65.......-..--------------------, Final Order. ....... ...... - ...-, approved .................... - .......... - -Sae• pt-mber 14 199.. benefits, -_Costa azd_expenses-••-------•--for and in connection with The assessment of ..............----------•- : ---•---- •---- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same And found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.............18�----....day of „ -.----_May ------------------------- 19... 9, it the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House. and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Patel; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APR 1 J 1949 Adoptedby the Council .. ......... ........... ...........- .-......------. .......... 19-.-....- k------------ City Clerk. Approved --------•-- - ----- ------------ ------------19......... File 10783 ----•--....---- -----...., Mayor. ...........'-`" Councilman Councilman on 1n40n Councilman McDonald <-' ' o r (� Councilman Whland son Councilman 9fidheimer ' -..� � PIIBLISHED m..,. o.x Councilman Wl Zee - s. z, Mayo or --="a De Form B- B. 17 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APP6OV- ING NT COUNCIL FILE NO --- ---------------------------------- —' mauve- ,y t y y { 9 ff `� (A � 7 +ne assessment of By ........................................ menses for -ted re - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructingp reconstructing and relaying cement sidswalka, Estimate No. 6, Contract 48-", 1948 Assessable: F.O. 144953 Construct curb and sidewalk on the east aide of Eustis Street from 145142 Wabash Avenue to 270 feet south of Wabash Avenue Lafond Avenue, north aides from Western Avenue thence west 119 feet F.O. F.Os 145448 Univeraiiy Avenues north aides from Milton Street to Cir4tsworth Street from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street F.O. 145872 145867 Yieat Iowa Ayanna, south aide, West Iowa Avenue, nortdi side, from victoria Street to Milton Street F.O. F.O. 145143 East Nevada Avenues north sides from White Bear Avenue to Basel Street Nanh4saessai�iai.,, , . - ,_ C.F. 146229 -Resolved, That V16 COmmiN inner of Public Worke be. and he is hereby to the necessary sidewalk extensions authorised and directed cause to be constructed at the locations listed belmn Intersections Northeast corner of NoBodl. Street and Douglas Street Intersection, Northeast corner of Oxford Street and Lincoln Avenge Northeast and Southeast corners of Schaffer Avenue and Intersections Alber+ Street and Southwest corners of Hartford Avenue and Intersection, Nortbwest tlacalester Street Intersection, Northeast and ,Southeast corners of Hartford Avenue and Davern Street Street Intersection, Northeast corner of Uhio Street and George corners of Ohio Street and Intersection, Northwest and Southwest Stevens Street . Intersection, Northwest and Northeast corners of Ohio Street and C.F. 144063 King Street Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby the necessary sidewalk extensions authorised and,direeted to cause and alley crossings to be constructed at the locations listed below: Alley crossing, West side of Milton Street between Edmund Avenue and C.F. lWn Thomas Avenue Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby the necessary sidewalk extensions authorised and directed to cause and alley crossings to be constructed at the locations listed belowt Alley crossing the east side of Victoria Street between Tuscarora A e and Watson Avenue Intersections Northwest Darner of Western Avenue and Edmund Avenue F.O. 145142 :Lafond Avenue, north side, from Western Avenue hence west 119 feet from Milton Street to Chatsworthant�Street F.O. 145448 F.O. 145143 'University Avenue, north sides ;East Nevada Avenue, north sides from Bear Avenue to Hazel Street `".t; "3.s�i�°3�•-0--e�d.:e. rss-_.,:sa.dri�s...-.,-F��m.�i�v l�;,sar�-�'dm'. beIIePlt6 Coete .8nd, 8- _nD88.....................for and in. connection with The assessment of...........-_......---,-.---.. �----------- --- xpe _ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........A8A..............day of ----------------------_![=,%--...:............, 1949_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as. required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is -directed. Adoptedby the Council ............... ........_-- ......-- .............- .......................... 19 Approved--------------------- ------------------------ -19......... Councilma ;,rt1"ns 0n Councilma Councilma�oHy*aff&t2T=. t ;"son n Councilmaanti. Councilmalf5gW3h,�imer- Truax CouncJCW el""Delaney Mayor Form B. B. 17 ...._...- ��- Yom .. ., City Clerk. --- Mayor. PtriCsLISHGD-��"�—� Council File No....1477 .d1..:..:. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of PR and_taking- an, easement -_in -_the -_land �cese-7 for elcPsllt • -outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 8, Hazel Park Division No. 5, from Hazel Street to Van Dyke Street IRR OF COUNCB. APPROV- ING AND POLING TIMEA8S688MENT OF HEARING THEBEON AND FIILING Tn1D2 OF BEARING ON T8E AWARD OF DAMAGES . • C. F. No. 197777— of condemning and -�� in the land nec- and alis in of the U+!�n under Preliminary Order 3.16818 - aPProveda201G9-_-..-__.._---__..-, ........... Intermediary Order.- ................ ...............:.........., approved.--- - - TCh _ -8i 9 -............--- ...... 1117575-AIR.ril 5 19119 FinalOrder ---•------•-------•-------------------•-------...--�--...-------•----------•, a��roved.----------••---------.......... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the. above improvement and to whom payable, and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolvedq'urther, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 1Qth.......... day of .......................... xaY-•----_-_--_--------, 19.119.--, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the CcunciL------.._A-PR ----•- 1 ---- 9 -'--•---..1943 .•....... ..... ................. 19--• -- ---------- -- - --- - - Clt Clerk. Approved----------------------•------------.........--..........., 19 �-'Fri"-=f- --- -----'---------------------• ------------- File 10922-41M Mayor. Councilmail inson Councilman F -^into Councilmaq pel rson Councilman Rosen pLJBLISMD: Councilman Truaa Councilman Delaney Mayor Council File No.... 4-47778 ..... " O RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING .ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON #*MING TIME OF HEADING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter. of-.9oadgmning. and_taking_an_eaeement_in the-,lal_necesaary-s-.elo�ea�_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 6, Aurora Addition, from White Bear Avenue to Dari Dyke Sheet RESOLUTION OF CODNCM APPROV- �'7�� ING .ASSESSMENT AND FIXMG TIME OF REARING THEREON AND FDeIITG AWARD H THE ARD OF DOF AMAGEEARSING ON V. No., 147778— '. o matter 'of condemntng and l ' en €asc h,• nd nec- la in under Preliminary Order ---------------lZ-02....- ------ , approved y9 -------------------- Intermediary -------------------Intermediary -- -- Order------------••-----•--] a73Li..------•-----------••----. approved - -... Y Cbz , .,1919------------ -- Final Order =--!Zr27............................. approved..............AP. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved,. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 18:�4........... day of- ......... --------_M89 ................ -................. > 19-k9---, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 9 Adopted by the CeunclFPK 1W. ---- -.....................19- - tr.��.J------------------�- City Clerk. Approved -- ----------- -----, 19 ... ---- • �---------------- syor File 10936 - Councilman '' t t n s on Councilman 1 - ' • ,Ito % _ Councilman 1 =orson PL'Ri.TSHFD_L�-�� s Councilman osan Councilman Trues Mayor Delaney �° Council File No...1.4•F .1-47779 . RESOLUTION" OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIM _OF HEARING _ - -- RESOLUTION OF COUNCH, APPROVE ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES T� ASSESSMENT T�o�n° • FU13NGTI OF MIARDAMAGB O ON THE 14777&— condemnl0g and j •. .= the p -r In the matter of._condemrdng_amd_talo&-a!?...QaePmgnit.YoE-_tie-.ParPo4e._of �o�l'u4#R&-t�taame�ss maintaining a public aewer on, under and across the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of Lot 6, Block 6, Aurora Addition, from Fauquier Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on A strip,of land 7 feet in width on the east side of the above easement and the westerly 2 feet of Lot 6 and the easterly 5 feet of Lot 71n said Block 6, Aurora Addition under Preliminary Order .... ......... 7�i7021i•----....................... approved--.-._.Feb1v8T �t� _1949----------------------, Intermediary Order__ 1Z31i1............. .............. approved ------------- T#.L h - 8'---x.449---------- ---- Final Order_....-------------....-- 14TJr - - approved. .....5� -1919 --••------- -------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it a Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon. said report and for a confilma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -.--------18 ...... day of.....................!4Y_-..._.-----__----.-_..---.__--, 19.49----, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council -------------------............................. ......... 19. ..-. City Clerk. Approved, --------- ---_----_------ ------- ........... 19-- - - - ------- ----- - File 109351v- Mayor. Councilman .07inson Councilman ' ortii • Psrrnnto Councilman, Peterson _ (� Councilman, Rosen PUDi,lSHED_1-f Councilman Truax Councilman Delaney Mayor NOTICE 1_4/� kA TO thRe G[ed, That checks 6e drawn on ! 8(l emounty ftrna'" ' to the aggregate PRINTER CO .5184,883.69, covering checks.. COUNCIL FILE NO,__�— numberetl 82388 to 82498 lnelustve, s per checks on file inthe oftfce of the ' Clty Comptrdllet. Ado➢ted by the Council April 19, 1949. Aprli 1 5 APProved April 194 (APrll 23, 1948) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWFf ON THE—CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF X64, 603.,59_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 82$9 TO._82446_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS_ ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED HY THE COUNCIL APGB�+`- iQgy� 194— APRL OV CITY COMPtn0LLER APPROVED 194_ OBY aaB -4s _ .... _ - III 44 DUPLICATE TO CIleCLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -: OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS ROL LL CHECK NUMBER DRTINSON IN FAVOFt AUDITED CLAIMS April 15 `_IS._._ 1 !PARRANT0 -ETERSON !RESOLVED, �q(�yy�Jyi O -COVERING THAT CHECKS 0E D O T EE TREASUROSEN AMOUNT OP _!�Y'"RUAX `� AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE INCLUSIVE,AS BROUGHT FORWARD BROUGHT CHECKS NUMBERED TO IN THE OFF' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R.PRES.DELANEY u(, ., iyt .e PER CHECKSO 1 '•N 1� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI .. W PTRCLL� nx Y A NUMBER APPROVED—��—""��—n�4 7 5 0 82390 n 82391 Richard Carter Yrs. Rose Annzwaid I 0 l8 0 55 8 82392 II 82393 Mrs. Katheriney William 0. sohrem Eng. Clerk ! 400 38 O 82394 82395 !+ 0. J. Regesty Voo. Scbool Petty Cash Fund 111 13 6 1 1! Fred A. Rapp 3 2 1 82397 I,. 82398 " Cutler -Magner. Company Mpls. St.Paul &"Sault Ste.M ie Rp.O�. 790 3 82399 .ii S2400 X.R. Bell Tel. Company U.S. Dept. of Agrioalture Pu :. j 236 9 10 0 554 8 82401 i 19 381 6 8822 33 82401E 1 10 7911 3 13 418 82405 II John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 9 2 921 1 82406'! 82407 ' i 7 3 4j2 82408. 82409 "I Jo bn' S. Findlan 0. of Finan !1 John s. Findlan, C. of Finan 0 7 267 82410 ii John S. Findlan, C. of Finan � 8 923 2 26 ;3 82411 ' County welfare Board 1� 82412 82413 ; Walter Rook ;i Harold J. slewik, Inc. I 50 Q�Op 33 82414 82415 iwelter H. Stinhoff 11 City of St.PaulI33i Co. 22 108132 10 i 82416 82417 '.i Farwell, �Ozmun, Kirk & ; Great Lakes Coal III Comp y p 078 82418 'IThe Grinnell Company, Inc. 133 2 276 55 92419 82420.1 !I Kelley-How-Tyomson Company Lowe & Campbell Athletic Good, ! -Co. 311 �5 82421 ;)Mrs. Mary E. Krey I 32 0000 52 82422 1 Mrs.. Daisy Sohmale 11 B. Burke �5 82423 82424 Jobe ;; Daytonos Bluff Commercial Olu _ .... _ - III 44 DUPLICATE TO CIleCLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -: OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS ROL LL CHECK NUMBER DRTINSON IN FAVOFt AUDITED CLAIMS April 15 `_IS._._ 1 !PARRANT0 -ETERSON !RESOLVED, �q(�yy�Jyi O -COVERING THAT CHECKS 0E D O T EE TREASUROSEN AMOUNT OP _!�Y'"RUAX `� AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE INCLUSIVE,AS BROUGHT FORWARD BROUGHT CHECKS NUMBERED TO IN THE OFF' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R.PRES.DELANEY u(, ., iyt .e PER CHECKSO 1 '•N 1� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI .. W PTRCLL� nx Y A NUMBER APPROVED—��—""��—n�4 7 5 0 _ .... _ - III TOTAL DATE RETURNED BANK I/ CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR.OF TRANSFER CHECK - DISBURSEMENT BY I; BROUGHT FORWARD BROUGHT 24 G 0 L 82389 (1106 V. sawyer 5 0 82390 n 82391 Richard Carter Yrs. Rose Annzwaid I 0 l8 0 55 8 82392 II 82393 Mrs. Katheriney William 0. sohrem Eng. Clerk ! 400 38 O 82394 82395 !+ 0. J. Regesty Voo. Scbool Petty Cash Fund 111 13 6 82396 1! Fred A. Rapp 3 2 1 82397 I,. 82398 " Cutler -Magner. Company Mpls. St.Paul &"Sault Ste.M ie Rp.O�. 790 3 82399 .ii S2400 X.R. Bell Tel. Company U.S. Dept. of Agrioalture Pu :. j 236 9 10 0 554 8 82401 , John S. Findlan, C. of Finan , John ,S. Findlan, C. of Finan ''a 19 381 6 8822 33 82401E ;sJohn s. Findlan, C: of Finan,: 1 John S. Findlan, C. of Fnan'e 10 7911 3 13 418 82405 II John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 9 2 921 1 82406'! 82407 John S. Findlan.' 0. of Finan !1 John s. Fi ndlan. C. of Finan, i 7 3 4j2 82408. 82409 "I Jo bn' S. Findlan 0. of Finan !1 John s. Findlan, C. of Finan 0 7 267 82410 ii John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 8 923 2 26 ;3 82411 ' County welfare Board 1� 82412 82413 ; Walter Rook ;i Harold J. slewik, Inc. I 50 Q�Op 33 82414 82415 iwelter H. Stinhoff 11 City of St.PaulI33i Co. 22 108132 10 i 82416 82417 '.i Farwell, �Ozmun, Kirk & ; Great Lakes Coal III Comp y p 078 82418 'IThe Grinnell Company, Inc. 133 2 276 55 92419 82420.1 !I Kelley-How-Tyomson Company Lowe & Campbell Athletic Good, ! -Co. 311 �5 82421 ;)Mrs. Mary E. Krey I 32 0000 52 82422 1 Mrs.. Daisy Sohmale 11 B. Burke �5 82423 82424 Jobe ;; Daytonos Bluff Commercial Olu 25 ]!2 jo 82425 +j Irwine 8. O'Leary X6 q8 82426 I; A. shelgren & Son Service Company 1233 710 82427 111Automotive 37. 34 82428 82429 '!Brown and Day. Ina. j Cassidy Brothers 10 4b 82430 82431 Cliff Jobnsonse McKesson &.Robbins i i41 17 • 82432, ll -W. Bell Tel. Company 32 l3 9243 8243 ;Park Machine, Inc., IlPhyeicians & Hospitals Supply Co.' 9 ii455 82436 11iftliae Electric Company l Re cordak Corp. 28 9 1 112437 George E. Robertson55 8 82438 ;,Sharp & Dobme,.Inc. l9000ny-Vaouum 4 82439' Oil Company I 517 4o 40 0 82440 82441. jSta#e of Minnesota jiState of Minnesota 461 0 3 7 82442 113ypt. of.Coouments 1 92443 I!Tsa>asport Clearings of Twin C ,ty 10 82444 82445 IVeliet Mfg, Company59 eeler Lumber Bridge & Suppl 00. 59 1 92446 11wit$e Transportation Company ---- - -- I�. - _ __ _ . _ _. { TOTAL -FORWARD i c �t _ _.58. ? -- SHEET ppr 147781 Orl,Ina t,CItY Clerk couuen. o , CITY OF ST. PAUL r„$ NO ------ __------ _----- _ OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL_R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE April 20th, 19119 COM M I SSIONER — RWOLva, That the plat of "Lake Phalen Addition No.2” as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner.of Public '-forks, be and the same is hereby accepted. 19 7 7 81-13Y Milt n taq Iske at the p ReAddition Phalan bYtlthenP et Commissloncn nd Pub- . ' approved by the Commtssioner of 11, Works.. be and the same is hereby accepted. ' Adopted by the Council April 20' ° _ 1949' )roved April 20, 1949. (April 23, 1949) by the Coug02-Z--Ism--------------194 COUNCILMEN Adopted Yeas Nays' Approved..................:...... ------------ ._.194--_ Mortinson Parranto on In Favor .. .. ...._. . '------`- ... ...... - - - r Mayor Rosen / Truax Against Mr. President, Delaney_ ant 9aa' .�•® . flat (41mmi$8iatt of lumsem Count, ffinnesotn OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY va cln HALL April 20th, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We submit herewith for your approval the proposed plat td be known as "Lake Phalen Addition No.211 Yours very truly, HERBERT S.1 -WEST, Secretary. hsw-rh plat attached. west of Birwi,&asi Avenne to a Point 70 feet eaaL ofww-- venin 142460 Intermediary Order 14U0 Final Order 143029 under Preliminary Order ---------- - -------- approved -------------- !��..24 ig.4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above I improvement, and said assessment haling, been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and' the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be prayable i], ............... equal installments. APR 2 0 194C - Adopted by the Council...._.__........_. •-------••............................ ................ 19 ............. 7-1 City Clerk. Approved--------•-'------•--•--------•-------•- ....... 19 F— B. B. 18 File lo524 PT_TBT,11Rfl7,'r Mayor. 47782 ESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- In MENT Council File No.----.--------------.-----.-.--- ! C. F. No. 147782— In the matter of the ones— benefl!�.,. Of. By .................... . ............ oasis and expe=esnt for Case on Avenue —Md - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ra g Assessment P In the matter 0f:jh of -benefitat C0449 and on Cam AVOWS from the Belt j4te5-pswer apprOXIML&tOlY 230 feet constructing a newer Xx- west of Birwi,&asi Avenne to a Point 70 feet eaaL ofww-- venin 142460 Intermediary Order 14U0 Final Order 143029 under Preliminary Order ---------- - -------- approved -------------- !��..24 ig.4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above I improvement, and said assessment haling, been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and' the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be prayable i], ............... equal installments. APR 2 0 194C - Adopted by the Council...._.__........_. •-------••............................ ................ 19 ............. 7-1 City Clerk. Approved--------•-'------•--•--------•-------•- ....... 19 F— B. B. 18 File lo524 PT_TBT,11Rfl7,'r Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C01111ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment March 22' 19_49. .................................... ° In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for 3Wx constructing a surer on Case Avenue from the Belt Line Sewer approximately 230 feet meat of Birmingham Avenue to a point 70 feet east of Hawser Avenue 14w6o 142742 under Preliminary Order .................-- -....._...._.._...._.-.., Intermediary Ordbr.---......--........................------------ Final Order------------------ 029.------ ---------- approved---------...-------------------------Febnlarp 24 ......., 19..48. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ' Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23,767.00 ment, viz: Cost of publishing notice. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9.60 Cost of postal cards . . . .$ 1.92 Inspection fees.•3 475.34 Amount of court costs.for confirmation . 9.60 952.39 Engineering • . . . Tests ID 2461 6.30 • • • • • . . . ' . • .$.$ 18.60 ID 2467 12.30 . . . . . . . . . . Total Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,234.45 Charge to 31—E-1 Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . .*10,310.25 Net Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,924.20 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $'._492' ----------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be consid re proper. Commis -- ro.m B. B. 17 sioner of Finance. 147783 Council File No ----------------------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing- a sewer on Hubbard Avenue from Dunlap street to a point 60 feet west of I&Angton Parkway under Preliminary Order AIM Intermediary Order Final Order 'approved ------------- 19,4§ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURT ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal inAfW1EeejtjS4.q Adopted by the Council- ------------------• ............. ............ _-------_------_ 19 .......................... ........... City Clerk. Approved-. ---------------------------------------19...- ---...-----•-- -----------------------------------------19----------- ----- I Mayor. F.,'m B. B. 18 File 10685 CITY OF ST. PAUI. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment YaTCh -22 1911.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Elm[ constructing a sewer on Hubbard Avenue from Dunlap Street to a point 60 feet most of Lexington Parkway under Preliminary Order ............. 43410 ............ ............. Intermediary Order......;.... 3.11U73 --- ---------- ------------ Final Order...... 1i 4 -..... ....... ............... approved ......-----.....--------------------------- June _i�.............19.. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction .(Contract,) - $_9,500-t _ --------- Cost of publishing notice . . . $ - - 3' ........... Cost of postal cards $.-.--.-....172.---------. Inspection fees $ - � '--`-"-- Amount of court costs for confirmation $-----------3.60..-------- Engineering X163—.. Total expenditures $--`i-l-��••r-'----- ----- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit; the sum of $1J21-=------------ -upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - ra,m B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. ' Council File No--------------------------------- 147784 784 By " CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of'the assessment of benefits, caste and expenses for conatrncting a ower on Syndicate street from Taylor Avenue to a point 215 feet north of Taylor Avenue RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT C. F. No. 147784— ' - ,- of •fie erse.ent. of I . Jc. M i under Preliminary Order ..-.],{t:L 46...--..... Intermediary Order--...144TO&------ Final Order ...11M49 ......... , approved ............... 111T--�ia-... _19.�... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............._ .equal installments. 6PR 2 0 1949 Adopted by the Council .............. ---.......... - --- ............. ...---....19 :-- AP6� 2 is ` City Clerk. -- Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 ..... File 10729 . -- ............ . Mayor. Form B. S. IS .. J VUBL1S11LD 40 q CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO.)1D1ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment March 22, . Is 49 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for tja constructing a seiner on Syndicate Street from Taylor Avenue to a point 215 feet north of ,Taylor Avenue under Preliminary order ............1440............... ._.._.., Intermediary Order ..........-....A� ............................... Jnl 27 I8 Final Order.........7 ..._.�.- ---- ............. aPProced-------------- ...-...--- -- -- ----.-Y.....-............................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1 155 00 Cost of construction (COII't2'set) $--.,i--_----' .....:.......... Cost of publishing notice . $ ........................ of postal cards $__.--......'33_......__ Inspection fees . . . . $.._.---23.10---....---. Amount of court costs for confirmation $--_.._......65 Engineering 74.$2 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $-1, •32............ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit:7 the sum of $----..._1'..2�_'3�-----.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper, . •................ -;P— .... _ ro,m B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. r RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS Council File No ----------------------------------- MENT 147785 lent of B�.,, .er_•.,�.nn CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, casts and expenses for constructing a sewer on Yorkshire Avenue from a point 80 feat east of Cleveland Avenue to a point 20 feet east of the most line of Lot a2, Block 2, Bordner's West view NO - 2, and on sewer easement, being the east 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 29 Bordner!s West r view No. 2, from Yorkshire Avenue to the public sewer in the south end of said Lot 7, Bordner's West view No. 2 1ltit927 -, Int 7115378 under Preliminary Order ......................... y Order..�.�.�..49.........._, Final Order..__................ approve d.- August 31,..........1948._. -------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. R4'R 2 6 t Adoptedby the Council ------------------------- .......... ..................... ................... 19 Approved-------------- ------------------------------------ 19 ........ File 10765 Form B. B. 18 1 City Clerk. Mayor. -- ---------- = A l�-1 f'47- f'I73LISIf1 D"`-------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment - itarc,h 22, ls_49 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forxiR constructing a sewer on Yorkshire Avenne from a point 80 feet east of Cleveland Avenue to a point 20 feet east of the west line of Lot 12, Block 2, Bordner's West View No. 2, aad on sewer easement, being the east 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Bordner's West view. No. 2, from Yorkshire Avenue to the public sewer in the south and of said Lot 7, Bordqer's West View No. 2 under Preliminary Order. ............ 21149 -7 ........... .... Intermediary Order ................ X49 Final Order.......... --................................Au st 31...- ........ .. 1 8 11}5378. ..... ...... approved...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . (Contract) . $--�,-�•----••• Cost of publishing notice . $ ........... 3,15_ .......... " Cost of postal cards $------------- -=63- - --- --- Inspection fees $ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $` 345 Engineering Engineering ' Total expenditures . . . . . . . $3,-767.a81-.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $....._3.t767•81 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has. been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon ma be considered prop r. Fo a_ B. 17 _ Commissioner Of Finance 'RESOLOTION RATIFYING A MENT. (ll/C,888E68--4'77b Council File No ................................... C. r. No. 147786— , - - muter of the asseeameht bf B ota y .....-------•-•-•-------------------.--- - „,. F CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, from Syndicate Street to'Hamline Avenue..Also constructing a storm newer in the alley from a point 120 feet Meet of Syndicate Street to the center line of Syndicate Street, thence in Syndicate Street to the sewer in Thomas Avenue under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order...... -824--.---, Final Order...._1?..--.-, approved-...............-An�1et _pi ..19...47. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the lama is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable m ................................ equal installments. Adopted by the Counci�K:2 -O :ESit2--------- ---- --- -------------------- I------_---19 -- -' .............. -................. City Clerk. 17 Approved ------------ -------------I------------------• 19 File 10338 Form B. B. IS 1'U BL1Sril:n - ------- ----, Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0HAIISSIONER OF FINANCE .Report of Completion of Assessment ww.c-.-22-.--.. is -49 ' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for i tt grading and surfacing the fey in Block 15, Syndicate No. 5. Addition, from Syndicate Street to Hemline Avenue. Also constructing a storm sewer in the alley from a point 120 feet west of Syndicate Street to the center line of Syndicate Street, thence in Syndicate Street to the sewer in Thomas Avenue 11JOIJ35 -.., Intermediar Order------_------ 1lt082l--_- under Preliminary Order......-- ............._.-...-.......--..__.... y Final Order-- ----------------_1-11106--------- ---, approved ........-._._.....-----At1g118L-20.... 19_�lT To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eipen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction ... $-.2:931.60----_--_ Cost of publishing notice . $----------4-=_50----------- 90 Cost of postal. cards $..............' MqWVMpFM Engineering . $ -175•_83 — ....: Amount of court costs for confirmation $-----------4'-`5'0..---,---- Total expenditures $_3su7�33--------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $--.-..-3.,-117.33---,-----,updn each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Farm B. R. 17 Commissioner of Finanee Council File No ................................ 77 7 By............................ ............. .... ........... CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment a In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Ohio Street from George Street to Stevens Street RESOLUTION BIENT RATIFYING ASSESS - under Preliminary Order ............ ]1{ AN Intermediary Order... ----.W-240 ., Final Order ....... approved ............. April_61I-................ 19_48 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment - having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered tb be submitted to the District, Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR ER RESOLVED, That the said assessr lent be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ----------------------------equal installments. - APIR2I, We Adopted by the Council------------ - -.............. --:................................... 19 - Approved. - ............ ------. -- ..................:19.... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 File lo559 PUBLISHEDA:�2 9 P 4 A CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COA121ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ............ arch 22......... 19.k9. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses form curbing Ohio Street from George Street to Stevens Street under Preliminary Order......--......---- W862 .................. Intermediary Order....................U3240....-......... ............ 1143532April 19. u8. FinalOrder .................................... ................... approved. .._.........................- ........................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1 213 YO Cost of construction $....t.......- Cost of publishing notice $---_------ 0 Cost of postal cards $.--_--_--.- •36_--.....__ Inspection fees $ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . $........ m!�_ .......... Engineering 8&H0 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $-3,330.12 ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above'aseertained, to -wit: the sum of $......._1-.33%4? `.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered prop r. �✓ - L - - - c'r---�-� 4-1 Fo B. B. n - Commissioner of Finance. original o, %j, Clerk C. 1r. No. 197789 --Ordnance No. 9275— a( /y�y/}n{ O KAn o trdlnace amending Ordinance 7 0 tl V8 No. 7881, ea fled: .trolling rdlanfefincce zceula drgand ivL1 card tra"vel In the streerl�istngof the Cfty oI Saint Paul'and prptilding punishment PRESENTED BY for the violation t6greof, and repeal- ing an ord[nancee and parts of ordi- nances inconsistent herewith. This 1s an emergency :nrAin�nce SCr.1e d c necessary for the yreservation o4 the ,..oaplic peace health and safety," An ordinance amending Ordinance No.7881, rct "An ordinance regulating and tontroll.ing tr*ffic, riding, driving and travel in the stfeets of the City of Saint Paul and previdi.ng punishment.£or the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved December 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The -Council of the City of.Saint Paul does ordain Section 1. That Ordinance No.7881 approved December 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 85, Subsection (a) (5) the following "On the north side of University Avenue from 0ro'tto to Avon." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas. Couneurnen Nays Mortinst3n Parranto Peterson. Rosen Truax Mr. President (MakkMX01*) Delaney Attest: � Z .�L-------------__. City Clerk 5CO 7-97 OW KIM IAAY 51949 Passed by the. ounci -.........................- .-.� -' - ----...--...In Favor -..........._ Against MAY 51 Approved:--------------- --------------------------- ------------ o Mayor PUBLISHED THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ®eo April 19th, 1949 Commissioner Milton Rosen, Department of Public Works. Dear Sir The attached petition for limited time parking on the north side of University Avenue between Grotto and Avon was referred to me for investigation. I have interviewed many of the signers and find that a limitedtime of parking is warranted I; therefore, attach an ordinance and recommend its appr8val. Yours veerr/y M. 5Y. �TT Traffic Engineer. mwh—rh encl. 111 ]et--` -- Laid over to— _._ __ -- ---- -- 3rd and app_. _.. a—L_ _ Adopted_.— Yeas- Nays Yeas Nays Findlan Martinson NI PI' 111 Mo an Parranto � PaT�nto Peterson ee�tetaon rr ^ Rosen Truax ,/lfrua: Mr- President Delaney Air. President Delaney orWtWl to CIt Clmk ,y D N h-� CSY Fred O R M �Tru�aurtllnance No. M4— ordinance anding 01dlnanGe No. 7842, entitled:: //��,, "An administratlYf: ordinance "lot - en Ing to the aPPointmI b; City offi- fats of offfcera and em =,. yes in the PRESENTED BY classified service, foi P ute number -`et may be apppoointed, and estab- i+ng orgmilzetian charts for the 4 ;as departments of the Clty gov- ^r 1'hie is an emeFrenc: . ;erecsaq ^nl An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1., That Ordinance No., 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in the following divisions under -the heading "Public Library", the following lines: Reference Division: 2 General Library Assistant Branch Division: 4 General Library Assistant Circulation Division: 4 General Library Assistant and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the follow- ing lines: Reference Division: 4 General,Library Assistant Branch Division: 10 General Library Assistant Circulation Division: 8 General Library Assistant _ and by inserting, under the heading "Juvenile Division", the line:. 1 General Library Assistant and by inserting immediately under the title "1 Hospital Li- brarian", the line: Yew Councilmen Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: Cit�-- tai 848 dfflj�.® Passed by the Council.- ................................ In Favor - - - - ------ ------Against Approved:--------------- ----- -------- - ._..--' ...... ---------- Mayor r cru ISANCIE -7789 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY (2) 3 Library Assistant Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take,_effeet and be in force from and after its passage and publi6ation. • i yeas Councilmen Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson(z� j Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: City Clerk j f \11Y. i� Passed by the Council ..--�--- -5--------------------------------------- .. -.—In Favor -------- -- -- ------Against Approved c- ------ ----- -- -----............. .. ----------- - .......... Mayor PUBLISHED or�atnaltoclty�;er> 4779 CITY OF ST. PAUL wueea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COOUNNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY _� //•'/ vwr - COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to Newman Nelson for the operation of a public garage -at 377 Dewey Street, subject to the approval of the City Architect. COUNCILMEN Yeas jL' Nays �Ortt�M 'neon unto cogen Truax Mr. President, Delaney -- 3M 948 ,. @ C- F. No. 147790—By W. A. Parrenta— Resolved, That a permlt he granted to Newman Nelson' for the oPOratlan f a public garage at 377 Dewey Street, subject to the- approval of - the City Architect, Adopted by the Council April 20. 1949pproved April 30, 1949-. (April 33, 1899) APR Q 1349 Adopted by the Coun'G -1,--CI --,.,--: -------194 ..... Approve(- ...... -..................... -----------194 ... Favor _... -- ............. -- /�Mayor ... ...--Against CITY OF .SAINT PAUL Capita[ of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 19, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Newman Nelson for permission to operate a public garage at 377 Dewey St. Very truly yours, City Clerk �. ?;OTIC.: 0.' APPL TCA'iION pp A PTj3LIC GARAGE .iyii3li�F+ Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on AVE41 14 19.", to the City Council of the City of St. Paul, I.:innesota, by ROOY1 HO ea21 - for permission QgO�t a public garage on �..GY�S3iZ e�3Y3t.6 the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1 � Block 10 Of -,like 7 to 10, -16 & 30 Addition,. St. Paul, Minnesota. -On the :Post side of DODOS St. Am., between ROb1ma St . MAW. and R. R. Tra0k6 Stn•eA+�e . No. 877.DOWOT 9tP®Ot St. Ave. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota., Aiwil 1 19 491 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Romsey, Affidavit of Publication .....LAS6.A1AallilydA.................. I ................ being duly mom, on oath says: thalphe now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North. west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated . _ That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .. !Ww..........,, Hereto attached, mid newspaper was printed and, published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the -County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, esmbliahed in said place of rm", cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and III` printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted. to local uews of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its mid known office of publication; has contained general news, cam. ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers;Iles ._ had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the II local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub. lication of legal notices. That the .........994a ......... NOTICE hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, 'for ..... aiZ. tiMa5--........ that it was first so published on ..... M=dajr(p-8A)the .......4th........... day of ...... Ali;�7.......... 1 194.4., and thereafter on Ti 094Y,.dy.9lQdt.] to and including the .,...bt)l.............. day of .....April............, 191.9.; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the eine and kind of type used in the composition and publication of mid notice, to -wit: a h e a e.I a h t t k l m n o D 4.r v t u v w z Y Subscribed and mom to before mq this. ..day of ....... .. My commissio. ".- ............................. fry Public, R County, Minnesota PLOW. llarrtwy COLON, Nitta WAWA 640011 DOL Iii low ............................. 19.... .original to city cil. CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1.47791 counea No ------ - - ------- - - -- RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the St. Paul Milk Company -for the erection of a public garage on Lots 8 and 9, Block W, Rice & Irvine's Addition, located on the east side of Exchange Street between Chestnut and Eagle Streets, subject to approval of the plans by the City Archi- teat. C- F- Wo. 14M 'I—By W. A. Parranto— esolved hat t be granted to a St. P� Milk er tion a raParo, for the 8 f a Public garage an Loth Ad Black . Rice & Irvin.-. locat .n a east aide of Exchange' and Streetbetween Chestnut of t e , bject to =val Ad b e . City zv ct In April 20, Approved April 20, 1949: (April 23, 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL--.. ............................ -194 ..... Yeas Nays ,--g-ortinson Approved ------------------------------------------ 194.-..- azranto avor Mayor --,Iiosen A --Truax gainst Mr. President, Delaney 14,7791 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota < OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 19, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of St. to a garage on Lots Paul Milk Block r permission 8 and 9, 33, erect public Irvinels Addition, situated on the east side of Exchange between Chestnut and Eagle. Very truly Yours, ., Q City Clerk (�_ ?:OTIC:; OP' APPLTCA':ION A PUjLIC POR P_;.i1 T TO .t CT Ak-Q'V.A 4j,&4--it2LV�Z;:GAitAG Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No.. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on April 19 19LLq, to the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, by St. ..')III '*ills Cornnany for permission to erect g public garage on Ali-OSi.9P8'J'59-131�7rY�'�6 the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot 8 an" � Block 33 tteo Irvine's Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. On the • Fast side of xchan. o St. Ave., between Ch,"r.t.nut St. Ave. and Fail® St,. Ave.' No. St. Ave. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, .1prtl 1 191 . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey, } ........iQ..Qt...-4FEiA................................ being duly sworn, on oath Saye: tha0he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .LQotice. of,Applieation,Por..germit,to„gr��t„�,p>}b�#,p,.... That the A8 Ad , , , , , , NOTICE hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in r the English language, 3WOMM21009ft for.....MiX--tt-49:0......... that it was first so published on'.MH1tdlY.`1Pi.0e19j... the ........... AU ....... day of April,,,,.,,.., 149— and thereafter on .e. Q4k-',&, ti A4A......I each week .. to and including the .......f th............ day of ...... R1iril:.. 1....... 19119.; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive; and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a h a d e t x h t t k l to n o p a r e t a. w x y z Q.-%... ...................... Subscribed and sworn to before me thisL� of ........ 19.'c. f .......... .:.:..: ........................... otaxy' Pubhc, fiaptaey Cour Minnesota i. t.. M e- PuWi4 RWH"V Carrrve Mist yti Gaplltltlslolt 6mb” Dc ib, 1"o Mymnuaiwio xpir....................................... 19'.... PI74;p............................................... Hereto attached, said newspaper ,. . was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It purports m be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form —' NngtCa OP APPLICASION'��.� 'pox T xo enact A "ad equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; • . ,I o�t'IGm e% in been issued `from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- No. L hereb7 t No. raa to sauna ss-ta, rmtun st. F.W. ptia cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and t the on - [ mAae ea.A�N rAj p,cseton lit at ^ Cltr,u, e, b7p printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted yptp; to the T. ab = t St. Peai, Mtto - %ntt to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which comp.nr .them Hess at- white stat •e%ea sett Bente. wife e`..a has .been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- coon,: mmatote,. to tmat ymo ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been SC P.W. ndaamewt4 AD <the St. hetrreea ctinenatr sa entirely made up of patents, plata matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and of a.mta,. at. and P<en st. Apt¢ Dated Pavi, Mmot.oe,. near its said place of publication to the eaten[ of at least 240 copies regularly delivered et 94 L rptp. a.bpl._`. subscribers; bas had, and now has entryas second class mail matter in the to mlepelch-Pioneer Prep AprLL. _ - -. -- � paying local pastaffice of its said plane of publication; that there hes been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper - proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- - lication of legal notices That the A8 Ad , , , , , , NOTICE hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in r the English language, 3WOMM21009ft for.....MiX--tt-49:0......... that it was first so published on'.MH1tdlY.`1Pi.0e19j... the ........... AU ....... day of April,,,,.,,.., 149— and thereafter on .e. Q4k-',&, ti A4A......I each week .. to and including the .......f th............ day of ...... R1iril:.. 1....... 19119.; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive; and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a h a d e t x h t t k l to n o p a r e t a. w x y z Q.-%... ...................... Subscribed and sworn to before me thisL� of ........ 19.'c. f .......... .:.:..: ........................... otaxy' Pubhc, fiaptaey Cour Minnesota i. t.. M e- PuWi4 RWH"V Carrrve Mist yti Gaplltltlslolt 6mb” Dc ib, 1"o Mymnuaiwio xpir....................................... 19'.... STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss County of Ramsey, } Affidavit of Publication 0 I b n e e t e h i t k l ran o p 9 r x t a v w t y x , .... ... f.�- V ..., ......................... Subscribed and mom to before me tbjs��..".:day of ...... .. , s 19. `� Lary ff-lAdmsiey.. County, Minnesota PW*c. Ramsay Coup, Nb- - My commission ........................ 19.... ....................•.....•..... being duly mom, on oath says: thaighe now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St - Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated - That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .Notice..Of.Arzp2Acation.for..parmit.to..orent..a.Tglblio•••.• ............................................... Hereto attached, said newspapee was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication ---t�pz•7CS' I rout i'anmiT, T in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it 1 daily, least six days of each week in column and sheet form c�iwtas N.U. Wh—by t101�Ua Na 0 , 1s-ta, Ue purports to be issued at equivalent in apace, to at lees[ 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; " sono[ t the l9 t at P.M..Mlvaaal4' win be made on IV 19, hes been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said lace of publi. p Dntatton iSt9.to .mem eomat of tIM cig t St. Pau6 m�anewm, br St. tau obulk cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and bteom°eatwe{Gfor P�e�Lnx at printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted Lo n, a ate, Wanes 1n eetlbee, e uatr.'beaan ' to wtt: conA to local news of interest to slid community it purports to some, the press work of which 9 amok ae. Sara s. twine's Ad&= Paut, mtmaote. on to Zest Slee .I hasbeen done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- at 1. arch.oee at, b°M ehtnaut st"" went 'and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been e.aaae St. Hecto at at Peut, mfinetota,, a?*r entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and - mu9eteh Pt°"em. P`e" a°�1t 4's— °t near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly- delivered _ to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the - office of the County. Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices - That the ....... #x+.10........... NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, for ..... �. UAWI....+.... - that it was first so published . Monday.trx"s) ... the ........... 4tb........ day of - ton ...... A',tri!........... HAT, and thereafter on .'�I.QB.a..iE..ad.....:-f each week to and including the ....... ben............ day of ...... Anru........... 1949. ; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged asbeing the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication' of said notice, to -wit: I b n e e t e h i t k l ran o p 9 r x t a v w t y x , .... ... f.�- V ..., ......................... Subscribed and mom to before me tbjs��..".:day of ...... .. , s 19. `� Lary ff-lAdmsiey.. County, Minnesota PW*c. Ramsay Coup, Nb- - My commission ........................ 19.... . Qflplasl to CltY Clerk,• - "u"R 477¢2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FRc NO ..... __--------A----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /j�j,( �/Q DATE -- COMMISSIONER- RESOLVED,"that the free use of Stem Hall in the Auditorium be given for the Annual Teen- -gers Formal Hall on June 8th, 1949; the cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. C. F. No. 147792—BY Fred M. Truex— Aesolvetl, That the fore use of Stem Bell in the Auditorium be given for ..the Annual Teen-Agere Formal Ban Ion nd PeratlnBobe 1949;. the cott of uP om the 21 bAdoPted bYuahe rtCouncil '_ APr�20, 1949. Approved April 20, 1949. (April tit, 1949) APR 2 0 1S COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CollndL.._------_ ..................194..... Yeas Nate 0 ort on Approved ----•----------•-----------------•----....194_.. .n -.--.R*berw— Cr ✓ ----.In Favor -------- ... --- -_-_i; a or -IECsen Ilf<ax -..........--Againot __W. -President, Delaney 31,1 948 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4' 79,9 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 19, 1949 a Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution grantin� the free use of Stem Hall on June 8th for the Annual leen-Agers Formal Ball, as recommended in the . attached letter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Cle$t EDWARD A. F RQq. Telephone GArfleld 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 Severe Peet Seattoa 16.000 Ice Rink 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 64.000 Square Feet Every Servlce AUDI7170121"M THEATRE Seatinc 2.000 Complete Bta¢e All 'New STEM HALL 13,11— Complete 3,11 mComplete State Seat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Seat. 660 2 HALLS Seatlotr 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE .A -C Current 110.220 Volta Simile and S -phase D -C Current 110-220 Voltn Teleob"s,Telettrapb P. A. System Induced Draft Flues for Combu.tlon Machinery Hot and Cold Water Dram, Connections Ge.. steam Comoressed Air DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX, Col.Iane.ioaetl CARL E. SPEAKES, D— MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ••IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT•• 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA urlrw or sp.masorA t April 15, 1949 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have received a request from Mr. Frank J. Draesal, supervisor of recreational activities for the Parks Department, for the free use of Stem Hall June 8th for the Annual Teen-Agers Formal Ball. For your information there is no admission charged for this event and they have been granted free use in the past. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this free use. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUl.,AUDITORIUM EAF:$W Edward A. Furni, Manager t I' 01121- st to Clty Clwk ` cc "PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ 147793 CITY OF ST. PAUL couuea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r,IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAA April 20, 1949 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, an,' he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, approximately 115 barrels Tarvia A and B from 3UlY & CA -_1S01`, l:;C. at a total cost of approximately X1675,00, Without advert.sement or competitive bids, as t',is is the only s,)urce of supply. Char -e Bridge i:ep.- TIaterial Z: Supplies 14-A3-331 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' �i•iuuittu - - Mortinson Parranto �'—PetEtBO}7�'� Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 e�® rb"IOtal rnet oY'' "'"- mately $1875.OQ without advertisement �. or—peett— bid., as this is the only source of supply. Charge Hldgt & Rep.- Material a' Suppnes 14-A2-221 Adopt¢d by the CounoR April 20 11949. ' Approved April 20, 1949. (April 23, 1949) 4M4 6 IS47 Adopted by the Council----' ............................ 194.-_ Approved.. -_...---- ..............•---...........194_.-. _'....-In Favor yor ------------ _Against C. F. No. 147794 -Ry M hon Rosen- " Resolved, That the pp opa' city of- �(Crl9lsai to CItY Fmk CITY ,,991i%a are hereby authorpAud to pay lcertaln employes 1n the Department OFFICE OF", Pabnc Works •for -extra employ - went as set out on the list "att-b.d to thi9 reaoluti... . ' OUNCIL RESOL 19s9 opted by the Council April 20, Approved Aprn 20, 1949. (Aprn 23, 19491 -"'E.IISSEI ONE 4'7'714 emumMNo ._____ .............. us_ RESOIU ED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to employees in the Department aafsebou Qn the lists for xonafilelin the pay certain from office Of April 1 to April 1), 19 90 Clerk and the City Comptroller. the City --�- LABOR ROLL - April 1 to NO�HRS• 1; 1949 RATE AMOUNT NAME __-- TITLE ----- 1.57 14.13 John Bannick O Road Mach. pr . Truck Dr. 1.571 1044$ .79 2 .12 Carl D. Bates Anthony J. Campbell Crew Leader -PW Truck Dr. 23Q 21 1. 57 1.57 3.90 32.97 Edward J. Carroll Truck Dr. z6 1.57 40-b2 Edward C•,Claussen Diegnau Truck Dr. 48 1 -1 61 66.44 14.96 Chester T. Finck Dispatcher 1, 43• Walter Edward M. Elliott Pay. Fore. Truck Dr. 28 22 1, 1157 34.5 4 Charles A. Ellsworth Truck Dr. �3s 1.57 36.90 Sidney H. Fuller Max J. Gallas Truck Dr. 20 1. 1.57 31.00 21198 Jan s A. Goossen Sew.Mtc.Leb. Truck Dr. 14 1.57 25.91 Stephen Hagerty Walter A. Heller Truck Dr. Dr. 28 1-57 32.19 13.35 Carl J. Hilger Truck Truck Dr. 36 2 1.57 1.57 56.52 Carl 0. Hoen Frank T. Huberty Truck Dr.. Truck Dr. 3 91 1.57 1.55 62.02 12.40 Raymond Hunt J. Hurley Sew.Mtc.Lab. 24 1.57 37.68 56' Lawrence' Russell Jagger Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 8 i6 1.57 1.1 -a . 18.64 Paul L. Kabitz. E. Kelly Caretaker 5 1.57 7.85 25.12 Clarence Joseph Kennealy Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 16 8 1.571 1.44 -11.56 Peter J. Kiwus Albert W. Klemenhagen Utilityman PW 1 1.441 1.55 12.460 John D. Kuhns Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 24 1.57 3z Lloyd Lindgren Fred F. Loeffler Road Mach. Opr, Road Mach. Opr. 10 1.57 1.55 1 .84 12.40 Edward L. Losinski Sew.Mtc.Lab. 22 1.57 34.54- 1 Frank D, McGee Patrick J. Merenna Truck Dr. Adopted by the Council.•-----------.-=------• ............ 194.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rFWa a� Approved_. _ ------------------------------- ----.194 _ . Mortinson Parranto............... -_......................_. �..In Favor Mayor Rosen ... _......--•Against Truax Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 948 147794 j Orlplosl [4 Cu' awi, mumea . - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO ------ __---------- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSI ONER__-" DAT APR 2 Y 1949 Adopted by the Council. .................................. 194 ..... LABOR ROLL - April 1, to April 15, 1949 TITLE NO.HRS.RATE , � AHOUNT NAi+tE Parranto -Fe6erseII""� -_ In Favor Alex McKillop Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 8 1.55 1.25 24.80 10.00 Carl P. Magistad =Caretaker Truck Dr. 422 1.57 66.73 Francis iiaidl - Road dach.Opr. 24 1.57 37.68 Joseph Idaidl Guiseppe Masucci Unsk.Lab. 2 5 1.45_ 1.45 2.90 7.25 Angelo 1laurizio Unsk.Lab. Staty.Fire. 16 1.58 25.28 Roy E. lloosbrugger Utilityman-PW 1 1.442 1.45 William Newstroma Truck Dr. 162 1.57 25.91 Forrest E. Oberg Truck Dr. 41 1.57 64.37 Clarence A. Paden Sew.Mtc.Lab. 10 1.55 15.50 John Pastilch Guiseppe Perrazzino Sew.Iftc.Lab. 8 8 1.55 1.442 12.40 11.56 Michael Petranton Crew Leader -PW Sew.Idtc.Lab. 24 1.55- 37.20 Harvey J. Proulx Crew Leader -PW 16 1.581 25.40 Fred A. Putna>} Bridge Fore. 6 1.734 10.39 Robert Rasmussen Truck Dr. 1$ William Rice Sew.i,Itc.Lab. 1.57 12.98 40 Frank J. Rose William Schmidt Staty.F^ire. 16 92 1..5 1.57 25.28 1+•92 Alfred P. Schreiner Road Aaca.Opr. 32. 7.55 49.60 Ben U. Schude Sew.ldtc.Lab. Road ldach.Opr. 272 1:57 433- Carl A. Swanson Truck Dr. 288 Clyde A. Tester Sew.itc.Lab.. 8 1.55 12.40 Head H. Thayer Unsk.Lab. 2. 1.45 2.90 Thomas Tighe Sew.iite.Lab. 14 1.55 21.70 Nunzio Tuccitto Sew..Itc.Lab• 8 1.55 12.40 Irvin"Van Reese Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 1.55 24.82 Domenick Vincelli Mach.Opr. 22 1.57 34:54 Leo R. Wadell ,Brad ruck Dr. Fred L. Winkel Frank Zusan Road ilach.Opr. 12 16 1.57 1.55 18.84 24.80 Louis W. Schrenlcl r Sew.11tc.Lab. Staty.Fire. 16 1.58 25.28 Robert Ssakemill APR 2 Y 1949 Adopted by the Council. .................................. 194 ..... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `,,».••N -..w '•---.JV�J an , � APProved---• li.-r,--.194_ Mortinson Parranto -Fe6erseII""� -_ In Favor Mayor Rosen / ) Truax V ---•----Against Mr. President, 'Delaney - r 3M 9-16 .QN�.® " An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work; Tending fires at the Asphalt Plant on Sundays and answering emergency calls for sewer maintenance work, ter. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Necessity of plowing and removing snow from hills and intersections after recent snowstorm. t COMMISSIONER OF PU&LIC WORKS Petition G-592 147795 Council File No ........................ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT1 i. F. No. 147795 -- and IAbtrftt Whereas, A P -P. -al for the aktge of the following Improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. :sae Iowa Avenue froO Will!" o to Hanel street.: , A ,-Ihttr ven, TheundersignedherebyproposeSthemakingofthefoUowingpublicimP—mentbYt�"i"a Amp -au ------------=- Idaha a - ----- ---- from White BearAvenue to Hamel Street, Craig Place from Larpenteur .................Ave r fr0M:'LarP8ateur__A7enue-to' ----------------------- Idaho Avenue, and.��laoe from Iarpenteur Avenue to Idaho..Avenue - ---- ..... --------- ------ .... ............................................. ......... ........... . ........... ------------ ............... .................................... ...................................... . ........ ................ - I ------------- Dated this -19day of.. ------- --- I ---------------- ... ......... 94 ..... ---------------------- 9 ............ ..... .................. - - ------------ --------------- Councilman. PLIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written ritten proposal fo' he making of the following improvement, wiz. vpanua.......... . -t....1dalm L —Grade.--Tai's—Ay"10 fro 4White i+,Lj-to Hazel Street, Craig Place from Larpenteur ------------- -- ------- '117111t'1111"M�70 - Avanu&--t� ry'P c. r'�P Idaho Avenue$ and Ga ce from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue. ...................... ...................................................... . . ...... . ............ I .... : .................. - : ................... .............. ............... .................................... . ..... ......... . .......... ........................................................................... - — ---- - ----------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..---. ......................................... ............. ............. ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate thq nature, extent and estimated cost . of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 2 0 1949 Adopted by the Council---------- ..................... ....... ........... YEAS NAYS APR 2 0 190 Councilman-Pr9PUMr— _9W"r9S__ Approved ------------------------- --------- ........... MORTINSON PARRANTO TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. 2501147 '5-0 PUBLISHED 147796 Council File No ----------------------- - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN C. F. No. 147788— Abstract and. whereas, A written Pro"g5sl for the making of the following improvement, vlx: PRELIMINARY ORDER. eendettnm dnq and tawng an ease- meet t{1e laud necegradi for slopes, e�, enndfroum White Beari Avenue to t. Idaho Avenue.1'.m White. Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofth&folio*ingpublicimprovementbyta.. has•:, +..Craig ..___._-_--_,Condemning--and-_taking_an_easement_in-_the- land_necessary-_forslgpesx•_cuts_._••__-- and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel --------------- &treety--Idehe--Avenue €rom--iikite--Bee-r--Averfu°--to•-Basel--Ft eeb,...0 ig.•glacs-•--------- --from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue, Van Dyke Street from Larpegteur ---------------Aderiii-e---to TdaFi-o'--Avenue--aiid-"-Gary PTS"c`e---from"Zarpenteiir---Avenue - to"I-dalid------"--.---- -----------------•-//---•------••-------------•-•---- Y'------------•--------------•-------------- 19 April , y Dated this ----day of .. ........... - - ......-�-';:7" 194-e PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ____-•.__�gDdemning_and--taking_an_easement_in•-the-_land _necessary -_for- slopesx--cuts-------- _ and fills in the grading of,Iowa Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel ------- 6treet� ldehe Avenue--€rom-FFYt-ite-Bear--Avenae--to--Hanel--St�eet,--Graig--8-aoe•------ -- from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue, Van Dyke Street from Larpenteur '------"---------Avenue to 'IdaFio' Averiue--arid-i:ary--PTace iroiii-I:arp"e-ii�eur--Averiue--to-"rdalio------- having been presented to the Council of the City of.Ssint Paul.-.......-_..........__:....................................................._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner. of,Rublic Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APk % U 1949 Adoptedby the CounciL------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ YEAS NAYS Counclima? " a '9&9 Fr*Tn--...+-"— Approved -------------- ---------•------•----------------------------------------- MORTINeON PAHRANTO (/J}( - ............ ....-----•--•---•-•-- TxvAx MR. PRESIDENT C(/ Mayor. 2501117 -go- J j .. Petition G-595 147797 Council File No ................... ___ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' c• F. No. 147797— Abstract and Wherefor the making of 4he foll foltten lowing improvement. nt vlz: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Grade Hayt Avnue frJ m;White Bear I -enue to lrazrl Sh rpm L;... ...�. �. The undersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement by`4iu'4, •_________Grade-Hoyt_Apenue-:from_White_Bear_Avenue-_to-_Hazel-_Streets--_and:',-' zel Street from Larpenteur Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. ............................................ Dated this -----.--.-19..-----.day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, 'A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Grade Iioyt Avenue from lihite Bear Avenue to Hazel Streets -_and -_Hazel_____________________ ............ t---------------------- ......................... ---•--------------_------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ....................... ................ ......................................... _.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ado....................r n• pted by the Council- ------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman uASwaw APR 2-0 1949 .—L'rw.n--""-I'� — Approved --------------- -......................... -•-------............. ------•-- MORTINSON _ j TRUAX ' PARRANTO i^p M MR. PRESIDENT 2501147 I,f .r .ccrFnl��J`f / 147798 Council File No ----------------------- _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT�C• F. Ne• 1417sa— Abstract and whereas, A written PmPesal 'for the making of the following improve- . ment, vii: ease - PRELIMINARY ORDER. ent in tnmg ens .taking t1 roc +,ent in the l6r and ells ql Rlle' '4f Saint Paul, vis.: Theundereignedherebyproposeethemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementby :';:;;; ..;' . ...................... -.--_Condemning-_and-taking--an--easement-_in-_the-_land-_Pecessary_for-,slgpe.sem.. cuts _and fills .in the-grafiing_of Hoyt Avenue--from_ldhite-:Bear-_Avenue....... _------------- __ ------------tn..HazeLztreet,-.and--Hazel. Str eEt..£tom_S.acpesLtenr.Av�nue--tn_.Hngt. Dated this -19 __. ----..day PRELIMINARY ORDER. V7 of the following WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making owing improvement, :viz• ................ Condemning -.and _taking_an_easement iP--the-_land-_ngcessary_for- sI4B..8=3-+-------------•----•--- adin of Hoyt Avenue from ---hits Bear Avenue ................... - . _-to•_Hazel-.Streetx-_and_Hazel Street-.from_Larpenteur.-A.-._nlie.---------HQA-- Yemae..------•----- having been presented to the Councilof the City of Saint Paul .._.--------------------- therefore, be it missioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Com 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------- :----------------------------- - YEAS NAYS - - APR 2 0 1949 Councilman---------- Approved. MORTINSON - PARRANTO . PSIIBYW" __ .yor. TRUAX MR. PREBIDENT 2501147 PtJBL1S1I0D- �- / - 14'/'IalF- •' "?eeolved, Tliet cheoka be 4rewnon ash [q� �./y�/y`e® ''.''. `YitY. Tneaeury, to the aggregate Y_3 / S 99 tt of '189,979.99; Covering al= CITY OF SAI" d 8'{447 M Bin inCfr—. ae NOTICE � � '� on flle in the oSf.x� IL FILE NO. To COUNCIL RESLu"]e7"- 're.nry7ehr� PRINTER .. AP3711 199 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 163,975-90 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED = — TO P499 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APR 2 Q 19+49 194 - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Cm• Corear O—R, APPROVED 194— Y I'UBLISIi1:ll CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER i BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 3514 772 064' DATE RETURNED BY BANK OF SAINT PAUL - 4 DUPLI54-r- TO CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL - OFFICE OF THE CO(vIPTROLLER FILE NUMBER " ROLL CALF - RrINs0NIN FAVOR PARR O -i..1" L AUDITED CLAIMS 19... _ ROSEN / ROSEN __---AprJ _ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. COVERING —AGAINST TRUAXMR.PRES.DELANEY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f CHECKS NUMBERED- TO I!��— T_COMPTSIVE. AS .. '<4"I� f� `.{ �adWm PER CHECKS ON FFI�COM COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CCI --.--- Q ._ ,UN I"{q'I<.'� :y �: f NUMBER O' APPROVED----- 194 / BY._.__. _._. _.--....----._.._.. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER i BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 3514 772 064' DATE RETURNED BY BANK • 82447 John S. Findian, C. of Finan 82448 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 250 4 46 402 4 4 82449 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 5 3 412 1 82450 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 0 III 82451 ';` John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 8 600 82452 ! City of St.Paul, S.F.C. 33 0 82453 .t City of St.Pau1, S.F.C. 262 5 1 82454 ' Arbeka Webbing Company 143 18 82455 Berglund Lumber Company 230 64 " 82456 Crane Company 82457 Lamprey Produots Company 58 31 8245 8 N.M.- Pub. Inc. 333 05 1.00 82459 U.S. Dept. of Labor 82460 Yellow Cab Assoolation 428 10 82461 Frank Serratore 1 327 TO 18 a0 82462 Amerioan Jewish World 271 57 82463 American Linen Supply Compan 82464 Armour and Company. 101 98 a 82465 '! Bireley's Bottling Company 321 80 38 82466 Booth Figheries Corp. 6 0 82467 j Boyd Publishing Company l0 82468 Capitol Seat Company 82469 i' Coos Cola Bottling Company 6 1 $0 82470 Commeroial Refrigerator Company 44 58 1�3 82471 ! CorninDonohue, inc. 82472 Dieboldg—, Inc. 57 2 82473 - Flavor Fried Popcorn' Company 82474' ,Origga, Cooper & Compa.4 , 129 7 411 37 82475 Hersohler Sales 13 0 82476 Highland Spring Ratar Company 102 07 1 82477 Bisob Food Market 82479,jj McFadden—Lambert Company 460 $2 82479 ;.Morton sausage Company 143 00 82480 j Mother's Friend Laundry 59 11 82481 11 National Biscuit Company 57 17 120 50 82482 ;j New York Tea Company 824g33 ;; Northern States Power Company, 471 6 82444 � Northern States Power Company, 241 §3 82485 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 217 82 30 66 82486 Racine Is Wholesale Meats 82487 Morris Rifkin & Son 187 40 iSt.Paui Shopping Sews 5 $5 •82488 j `82489Sohmidt's Brewing Company 273 70 82490 Scott Outdoor Signe, Ina. 82491 1R16hard L. Shirley 100 00 82492 II L.C. Smith & Corona Typewrita's,Ino. 80 02 82493 F.J. & W.J. Spriggs j189 20 82494 Standard. Milling Company 82495• j. Sunshine Creamery Company 93 69 40 95 82496 .;Thoele Printing Company 147 f�0 82497 t anaport Clearings of Twin C ties 6 0 (0 82498 4.1 ypewriter Sales & Service 30 82499 the Tyre shop, Ino. 54 05 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _ -: 283 351 47 936 040, 63 Council File No.......147800-: RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of-.c4°dem AB. and..taking_an easement in_...... nd.neceee ry_for_elopeaa cuts and Pills in the grading of Hewitt Avenue from Tatum Street to Clayland Street RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES C. F. No. 147800— ' ,he' m MndamninQ and under Preliminary Order ------------------1.4605—..............:.---, approved Intermediary Order-- .......... •—IW307----•--------••-••-----, approved -----------IarOh- -- ---------------------- Final --------- - ------- w7s7s Apel -5► -u 9 ................ TheOrder--•--------•................•----••--------------.-...••-----•-•-------..., approved. --------•----------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for"the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and-,ft,a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...._lg ! ..................day of ------------ Xay------------------------ ----------- ---- 19..119..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR 2 0 1949 Adopted by the Council ------.-----=------ ---------•---- Approved-- -------------- — -------------------------------- 109215 ---------------- 1091 ouncilivah Councilman ''ortinson Councilman P -''`into Councilman "�� ✓ Oouncihnan Rosen Councilman Delaney a Mayor eley - 19 - City Clerk. (!E� you. 2UBLISD-1LD±:L.--� 7 ryp r 6W1 Council File. No...... C? J RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING -TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of condemning-and_-taidng_the__tollcsiag-described lapel Por disposal_._..._. area of waste material in connection with the St. Paul Harbor projects Lot 8, Block 17, F. Amble Addition to West St. Paul -- -- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING SRSSMENT AND FI'Aio 1OFnlR �6ON THE OF DAMAGES o!• condemnln,• and V '• wL S descry _ under Preliminary`Qrder................_:�1Z127............... approved..........-Fsb2 uaI Y 15t.._i949 - - - Intermediary Order -------------------------- -11�---------------------- approved. ---...... -Msrch. 8t .................. 71+7581 April 5,...1.949 -- The , 1949 FinalOrder --...................... _..._------•--••--•-----....---•--...- ='--•---••---� approved----------..-.. - -• ----------------•------•-•-•----------•-----= The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it ,Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before ;the Council upon said report and for a confmna- tion of the awards of damages, made by the Commissioner of. Finance, and also upon the said. assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ...........IBM ......... ... day Of..........................LW................. 19-4..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.......................................................... ......................................................_ 19 City Clerk. Approved................. -------....•-----------------------.....-, File 10950 May........ it 011 Councilman h orti2isotl Councilman Pzarranto /J Councilman- , !` pUBLISHED�_ Councilman Posen ✓ U Councilman Truax t Mayor Delaney h �k1Sri91na1 W Clry Clerk 14'7862 COUNCIL No------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DA1 e„,•il 20._ 1969 In the matter of reconstructing the sewer on Lexington Avenue crossing Summit Avenue, and constructing a sewer on Summit Avenue across G. F1.eeast half of 147570 approvedeAprilol,A1949 venuet under preliminary Order RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the . Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to, advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No. 147802—By Milton ROB in the matter of reconstructing the sewer on Lexington Avenue crossing riAmSand Avenueacross est half of L-11WOn. Avenue, -'under Preaminary Order Cr r' 197hO a,- I,Resolveed d, Thril at the .plans and apeM- dcations for the ab;ve named Im- provement as submitted -herewith by the commiesioner of Publia Works, •be and the eame are.hereby ap) •Wand be It - proved, Further Resolved, That'the Patches_ tog advertise and b dsheoth spMtma I provemeat. Adopted by the Coundl Aprll 20, 19Approved April 20, 1949. , (Apra 23, 1949) /QI'�yt�� APR2 �i 194 ✓ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ....................... 194 Yeas Nayst t,S Approved ------------------- ---------------------- 194...-- Mortinson Parranto (../ _ ----...In Favor \\ erso, �-------------� ---------- ------.._. - Mayor Roses Truax ........... Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-4s .+C ;Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL coUr+cu. OFFICE OFTHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - WHEREAS, the Sinking 'Fund Committee has received the following offer: NAME OF FnN IM OF BOND RATE DUE DATE AMOUNT BASIS Harold E. Wood & Co. St.Paul Water Works Nov. 1,19 49 3,000 1.00 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Water Sinking Fund, and WHEFMAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. !C. F. No. 147803 --BY Edward K. De - Taney— Whereas, The Sinking Fund Com -1 - -� mittee has The the following oirer:l rags: xmouni, a,.vw. . .. and recommends that the Councn con- j cur in the action f the Committee -'n the purcheseof these bonds for the. Water Sihking Fund, and Whereas, The Council is of the et accepted, therefore be nion that the above Ser should b Resolved, That the Mayor, the Com• mission- of Finance and the Comp- - troller re hereby authorized and dir- �ected to consummate the transaetion. Adopted by the Council April 21, 1949. Approved April 21, 1848. (ADrll 23, 1848) _. 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CotinciL.-...... ...... --.....194...-.. Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ........................ Parranto i I---- ---------... -• --• ---------•- ---- � -------- -------• Rosen /Iayor Truax ..----------Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 848.a��,mp Ili 4 Original to City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,. F"uneu. LICENSE COMf+4.TTEE 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ April 21, 1949 COMMISSIONERDAA~�//r _--_ RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15251, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15252, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15253, Cigarette, Application B 152549 and Mechanical Amusement Device Location Application B 15255, applied for by Donpld M. Strausser and Sylvester 1 Citrowski at 23 'Neat Fairfield Avenue be and the same are.hereby granted. O C. F. No. 147994—By W A. Parranto— " Resolved, That licenaea for Resta-- rant, Application B 15251, On Sale Malt Severege,. Appncetlon B 15252, OR Sale Melt 'Beverage, Application B ^ 115253. Cigarette, Application B 15254, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location Application B 15255, applied for by Donald M, Strausser and Syl- vester Citrowski at 23 West Fairfield Avenue be and the some are hereby Igrapted. Adopted by the Council April 21, 1999...- Approved April 21, 1949. (April- 23. 1949) NEW Informally approved by Council March 31. 1949 Old Location MR23 'f✓�` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL .......... -...................... 194 ..... Yeas Nays Mortinson / Approved --------------------------------- 19c—. Parranto Pete f ...- �Y -a-i- yo Rosen Truax ---Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 't"® Orlploal to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL counca .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE April 21, 1949 147805 RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following person's at the addresses stated, Mortinson be and the same are hereby granted. Parranto �-eoefeon—� J Favor Leonard Brand 387 E. Sixth Auto Rep Gar App. 120145 New New LOC Sigurd P. Casperson 885 E. 7th, " " 14959 Blaul Motors, Inc. 1001 University 2nd Hd Auto Mr " 15169 " Old " Thomas D. Storey Astoria Bldg. 366 Wabasha Photographer " 15293 " New " Evelyn & Joseph Peterka 263 Chestnut Restaurant " 15400 11 Old It Cigarette " 15401 n n n Mrs. Reaitha V. Carter624 Rondo Beauty Shop " 15403.11 " 11 Geo. P. Gruber 1418 White Bear Elec App. Rep 11 15641 John E. Sabol 217 E. Winifred Mtr Veh Dr " 15776 " Robert J. Ehrich 269 Ramsey 11 a 15831 n COUNCILMEN` Yeas Nays Mortinson / Parranto �-eoefeon—� J Favor Rosen Truax ------Against' Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .�.Q c 197@a5—Ry W. A- Parranto— Resolved, That lienses applied for by the persona named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same re hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Instructed to Isue anch licensee upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees.. Adopted by the Council April 21, 1999. Approved April21, 1949. (April 23, 1949) .Wr21 SO Adopted by the CounciL ................ ................. 194.._ Approved ............................... -.......... 194.—, --------------- �fe- ---- ---- . r Original to City Clerk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT April 21. 7'Q1}9 1478"6 rounca-----.-.—M rnx NO.------- following Persons the addresses stated* I{ESO11PD'�i t licenses applied for by the be and the same are hereby granted. 14617 Renewal 200 Concord Confectionery App. to 14618 n H. 0. Diedrich n Cigarette n Minnesota Boa Mfg- 00.827 Forest Fuel Dlr 11 15041 n Off Sale Malt i' 15277 11 Roy H. Glewwe 194 Concord n n 1527$ Desnick120 E. 4th Restaurant n 15279 9 Milton 2� Baron Confectionery n 152 n Cigarette n 487 77abasha Cigarette " 15777 John Pledes n 15821 n 242 Ea Rpbie Junk Gatherer Jake Garnett n 15826 n Louis Galles 268 E. Congress n 617 N. Grotto Mtr Veh Dr s 15832 II Robert L. Clark r C Resolved, That beenaas applied t for ° atmed on the list tached to this meso utiuh be and the same Cle1 hereby granted^ and ed toYtnent1nissttho . - suctiCl a sear upon the P the City tdreabsurth e11uAPanf Cau 21; 1949. Approved (AApprf 23. 1949) , Adopted by the Counno- --------- ---- 194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (V,! 9 2 n anApproved ------------------------------------------- 194-- Mortinson Parranto--- - ---•---- - --In Favor - - --- -- -Rotapseg— Rosen 0 Against Truax Mr. President, Delaney ant 948 ^�® ^ drt6laal to City Clerk - -.". • :J� !® I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILXca ' - OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK ZCtJNC)L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - COMMISSIIONER DATE=rl�1'11. Resolved, 'ihut the Purchasing Arent be, and lie is hereby allLl orized to purch::se, with. the consent of the Comptroller, '20 6t1 and. 5 811 Doublex Si-'plex S -lit lie^air Sleeves from the A1,0:ICLI? C,,3'2 i=.C',;. PIPE CO. at a total cost of }?696,00 F.O.-I. Water-)apa;rtNent Yard, St. Paul, .'ithOut advertise,',ent or competitive bids, as t'is is the only source of supply. Ch<:rr,e ';later D�n�-..rtment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ortinaon h1arranto 1-1co_re,ro..a sen I -If -ax i•. President, Delaney 3M C. F. No. 147807—BY Severin A. Mor- Re son Resolved, That the Purchaslhg ed nt to,, be, purchase he Is the authorized to Compt, with the consent D the y Simplex 11 Split Repair Sl eDupletx the AMERICAN CAST IRON PIPECO- ata total cost of $606.00 F.O.B. Water Department Yard. St. Paul, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this Is the oniY source o£ supply. ,Charge Water Department. - Adopted by the T"til April 21, 1949. Approved April 21, 1949. (April 23, 1949) APR 21 IS41 Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- 194....- 'APR 94...._. PPR 2 1 i``.+4L1 Approved.__.. --------------- 194— Favor 94 .Favor --------- _----4��- --------• - ..May .- ..-`.Against a Oftlaal to City Clerk - co' -0. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fns NO.__-_._-_-__-_---__-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _ DATE' - COMMisslo ---" Resolved, that the NorthernStates Power Company be given permission to install approximately 510 lineal feet of gas main on Flandrau between Maryland and Jessamine under provisions Of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 9271, dated July 19, 19.41- C. F. No' 149898—RY Milton Rosen— Resolved. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission in feet install gas main Fl 0 lineo' iniandraubetween 'Maryland and Jessamine under pro- visions of Council File No. 123901, Ordinanm No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. Adopted by the Council April 21. 1949. Approved Aril 21ID49- (April 23, '1949) APR 2,1 t9 COUNCILMEN, Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Yeas Nays ortinson arranto In Favor Approved .............. .. --------- ---------- 194_... -' - . �Febelsee��. sen - � = Y l�ruax. .... Agit ,xr. President, Delaney QrWnni to City Cleric 147809 CITY OF ST. PULwuncn. P� No.._3�13�:___ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ResgF ,I.TION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIION - SENTED B Milton oxen. _ ani April 21, 1949 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and ordered to cause the section of streets named in the accompanying list on file in the office of the City Clerkr to be' flushed, sprinkled or oiled for the purpose of public health, and dust suppression, for the year 1949, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Rose Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48. j ..............In Favor -•------Against C. F. No. 147809—HyMilton Rosen— Resolved, That the Core, do_ f Public u hand lorized rks bordered to cause the, " section of streets' Homed fi the ac- companying list on, me in the face 04 the it 'Clerk, to be pushed, sprinkled or oiled for the purpose. of public health and dust suppression, for the year 1949. Adopted by the Council April 21, 1949: Approved April 21, 1948. (April 23, 1948) .. APR 21 IMS Adopted by the Council ................. .__. Approved............................. ............ 194_ ------------- ---� --•• - Ma r STREET FLUSHING SEASON OF 1949 Ward 1 • Street From To ARcade C St P M & 0 By. Wheelock Beaumont Payne ,Drawry'..Lan* Barr Collins Jenks Case Westminister Payne Collins Lafayette Payne Drewry Lane.. Beaumont Payne Duluth Maryland Orange Earl York IVY Frank Maryland Ivy Grove -NS Mississippi Lafayette Hawthorne Earl ° Phalen Park Hyacinth Earl Orange Ivy Earl Orange Lafayette Grove - Collins Maryland Payne y. Minnehaha Payne N P R y• Mississippi ES Grove York North Payne p Payne Olive Grove Woodward Phalen Park Orange Earl Pat ridge Brunson Payne Payne Seventh Larpenteur Preble Beaumont Payne Seventh Grove N P Ry. Westminister York Case York Mississippi Westminister • S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON 0$ 1949 Ward 2 F om To Street 1 C St P M & 0 By. Arcade Sixth Hudson Road Seventh Bates Arcade Earl Beech 435' W of Johnson Pt. Douglas Burns Mounds Blvd. Maria Conray , Thorn Seventh Earl Mounds Blvd. Maria Fifth Minnehaha 319' South Greenbrier Hudson Road Mounds Blvd, Earl Seventh Earl Margaret Seventh Maria 1um NP By. White Bear Maryland Beech Seventh Mendota H P Ry. East Minnehaha Clermont Seventh Mounds Blvd.' Mounds Blvd. Bates ,Plum N P Ry. Johnson Siixth h Bridge, Earl Mounds Blvd. Maple Third o• Minnehaha Ames White Bear Jessamine Hoyt White Bear '+➢ S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON :OF 1949 Ward ; g 'Street From To Broadway Kellogg, Blvd., 5 Grove Canada .. Ninth Grove Eighth Jackson Willius Fifth Jackson John Fourth Jackson Kitteon Grove SS Jackson I,eyafette Jackson ES Kellogg Blvd. Grove John Fourth Seventh Kellogg Blvd.. Jackson Viaduct (125• E .of -John) Lafayette Road Sixth Grove Mississippi Broadway Grove Ninth Jackson Pine Fourth Grove Pine Prince o Broadway. Pinel Roeabel Kellogg Blvd. Eighth Seventh Jackson Grove Sibley R R Tracks Twelfth Sixth "Jackson Bridge Temperance Eighth Ninth Grove Temperance Twelfth Jackson Broadway Tenth Twelfth Temperance Canada Wacouta P. Kellogg Blvd. Spruce '+➢ 1 9 V S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1944_— • Ward 4 Street From To Auditorium Kellogg Blvd. Fourth Ninth Auditorium Fifth Cedar Kellogg Thirteenth College Kellogg Cedar Eagle ES Levee Kellogg Eighth Wabaeha Jackson Eleventh Cedar Jackson Exchange Kellogg Cedar Fifth Kellogg Jackson Fourth Seven Corners Jackson Jackson WS Kellogg Thirteenth Kellogg ES Pleasant Seven Corners Kellogg Seven Corners Jackson Main Kellogg Tenth St. Peter •) Market Kellogg Thirteenth Minnesota Kellogg Nth Smith Jackson Pleasant Kellogg. Sixth Rice Tenth Miss. River Blvd. Summit Thirteenth W. Robert Thirteenth W. Thirteenth E. Robert ES',, St. Peter Kellogg Summit Jackson Seventh Seven Corners Jackson Sixth Smith Kellogg College Smith Kellogg Wabasha Summit SS Rice Jackson Tenth Thirteenth SS Wabasha Robert Jackson Twelfth Wabasha' Wabasha Kellogg Summit (Prod) Summit Thirteenth Wabaeha ES Seventh Washington Kellogg - 1 9 V STREET FLUSHING SEASON OF 1949 !10r Ward Street From To Chestnut Levee Seventh B Eagle WS Levee Kellogg Lexington Edgcumbe Randolph Eagle Exchange Forbes Fifth Pleasant Kellogg Forbes Seventh Exchange inline ES Ed cumbe St. Clair Hill Chestnut Eagle Kellogg WS Pleasant Seven Corners Lexington Randolph St. Clair Lombard Lexington Milton Oakland Western Ramsey Oneida 100' N of James Seventh Osceola Seventh Pleasant le Pleasant SS St. Clair Western Pleasant Western Kellogg Ramsey t Pleasant Sherman Seventh Randolph Hemline Eagle Rya Chestnut St. Clair SS Hemline Pleasant Seventh St. Clair Pleasant 350' W of Homer Seven Corners Seventh Exchange Seventh Sherman High Bridge Kellogg Smith Wilkin Ramsey Sherman !10r S T R E E T F L U S H I- N G SEASON OF 1949 Ward 6 +i Street From To Baker 125' E of Chippewa Cherokee Cherokee Baker Smith Chicago Wabasha Robert Concord Annapolis Wabasha Congress Wabasha Robert Eaton Indiana E. Fairfield W. Eva Indiana Fairfield Fairfield Belle State Fillmore Bidwell State George Cherokee Robert Humboldt George Winifrid Indiana Robert State Isabel Wabasha Robert Livingston Concord Isabel 0' Oakdale Prescott State Ohio George Winifred Plato Wabasha Robert Prescott Oakdale Woodbury Prospect Bidwell Hall Robert Annapolis King Robert Concord Vise. River Bki.dge Robertson Indiana Fairfield Robie Concord State . Smith Annapolis Cherokee State Robert Concord State Robie W. Robie E. State Utah Fillmore Stryker Baker. Winifred , Wabasha Winifred Miss. River Bridge Walter , Fairfield Fillmore Winifred Ohio WabaQha +i z STREET F L UrS H I N G ,qp! SEASON OF 1949 Ward 7 �� Street From To -_ Summit Marshall Arundel Lexington Western ` Ashland St. Clair Laurel Avon Dale Western Carroll SS Osceola Summit Q Chatsworth Fairmount Goodrich Crocus Place Fairmount Carroll Dale Lexington Summit Dayton Fairmount Lexington Dale Marehall Farrington Summit Goodrich Hemline Syndicate Alley E. of Dale Goodrich Lexington Oakland Grand Hemline 77' S of Linwood Place Summit Grotto Syndicate Dale Hague St. Clair Summit Hemline IS Victoria Wdstern Holly Lexington Farrington Iglehart Summit Marshall. t. Sent. Osceola d Around -Park St. Albans Ke Syndicate Nina laurel Grand Summit Lawton St. Clair Marshall Lexington Lexington ES Marshall Oakland Oakland Lincoln dine Osceola Linwood Avon Suamit Marshall Mackubin Hemline Lexington Marshall SS Lexington Loni's, Marshall Louie Summit Marshall SS Osceola Summit Milton telby Nina Summit Summit Western Oakland Milton Pleasant Osceola Osceola Summit Oxford ,qp! 1 S T R B E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF L 1444 • Ward 9 Street From To Pleasant NS St. Clair Western Portland Lexington Summit St. Albans Fairmount Summit St. Albans Iglehart Carroll Pleasant St. Clair NS Hemline Selby Hamilne Summit Summit Hemline Kellogg Summit Court Lawton S Victoria Osceola Marshall Virginia Summit Marshall Western Summit a Carroll 1 IW S T R E E T F L U 6 H I N O SEASON OF 1949_ Ward 8 Street From To Atwater Albemarle Rice Carroll NS Dale Western Central Dale Rice Lafond Claghorn Como Rice Como Dale Dale KS Carroll Wheelock Front Dale Rice Iglehart Farrington Rice LsYond Como Rice Marshall NS Louis Summit Rice WS Summit Ivy Rice Rondo Dale Sixth Summit Iglehart •� Summit NS Kellogg Rice University Dale Rice Western Carroll Front IW S T R E E T F L U S H I N G Mg2N OF 1942 + lard 9 To Street __ From Mississippi Acker Jackson Wabasha Aurora Rice Fourteenth Canada Grove University Como Capitol Blvd. Thirteenth Como Cedar Rice St. Peter Central Wabasha Robert Central Central Central Park �. Summit Central Central Park W. sit Park Como Rice St. Peter St. Peter Place Dext or Broadway, Fourteenth Robert Park Fuller Rice Mississippi Grove NS Jackson Wabasha Iglehart Rice Thirteenth Jackson ES Grove Thirteenth University Jackson G N Bridge Sycamore Jackson York Mississippi WS . Grove Wabasha Como Park Summit Ivy Thirteenth E Rice ES Thirteenth W University Robert WS Thirteenth 8 Robert. Central St. Peter Summit Wabasha St. Peter Aurora Lookout Sherburne Rice Rice Wabasha Summit NS Rice Jackson Sycamore Robert Thirteenth NS Wabasha Robert University Rice Thirteenth (Prod) Wabasha WS summit Thirttsuth Unidersity Wabasha dW S T RE E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1949 Ward 10 • Street From To Bayless Place Cromwell Raymond Cheilea Carleton Hampden Carleton University Charles Cleveland Como City Limits Como City Limits Hamlin Cromwell University Bayless Engelwwod Snelling Hemline Fairview m University 440' S of Thomas Hemline University Hewitt Hampden University Raymond Hewitt Aldine Hemline' Hubbard Fairview Snelling Lafond Aldine Snelling Lexington WS University Van Slyke ,Midway Parkway Snelling Hemline Ninnehaha Prior Lexington Pillsbury University Territorial Road Prior University Hinnehaha Raymond University Como Snelling University Hoyt University NS Emerald Lexington Van Buren Fairview Snelling Vandalia University Territorial Road dW ei S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 11 Street From TO . Aldine St. Anthony University University Aldine Place Aldine St. Clair Lincoln Amherst Snelling Pascal Ashland Beechwood Fairview Snelling Snelling Berkeley Mt. Curve Snelling Boh Fairview Griggs ggs Bohnn Princeton Summit Cambridge Dunlap Lexington Central St. Paul IIniversity Cleveland Ford Highland Cretin Summit Mise Blvd. Cretin .River Seventh Blvd. CSnellin & P By. Edgcumbe Fairview g Edgeumbe Miss. River. Blvd. Riverwood Place Exeter Place Fairmount Woodlawn Cretin Fairview Fairmount Prior Snelling Hemline Fairmount Edgeumbe land FairviewHi J. St. Clair summit Fairview Selby Marshall Fairview Ford Highland Finn Miss. River Blvd. Snelling ,Ford Emerald University Franklin Mise. River Blvd. Cretin Goodrich Cleveland Amherst Goodrich Snelling aline Godarich Cretin Hemline Grand Bohn University Griggs Hemline FS Edgeumbe Summit 755 S of University Ham University University Hampden Wabash Miss. River Blvd. Hemline_ Highland Cleveland Snelling Hillcrest Hillcrest Highland Howell Fairview Snelling James. Fairview Snelling Jefferson Fairview Snelling Juliet ' S T R E E T O I L I N G .SEASON 149 Ward 11 (Cont.) From To Stream_ Marshall University Lexington WS Fairview Macalester Lincoln Snelling Hemline Lincoln Macalester Jefferson Miss River Blvd. Summit Hemline Marshall Hemline Lexington Marshall NS St. Paul Fairview Montreal Montrose Lane Hartford Riverwcod Place Randolph Marshall _ Montrose Place Ford Randolph Mt� Curve St. Clair Fairmount Mt. Curve Hampden Pillsbury Myrtle Hamlin � Osceola Snelling Exeter Place Eustis Otis $nelligg Palace Fairview Miss River Blvd. Doane Pelham Franklin Uhiversity University Pelham Pillsbury Myrtle Howell Fairview Pinehurst Portland Cleveland Miss River Blvd. Pascal Macald+� er Princeton Marshall University University Prior Mise River Blvd. Hemline Randolph Otis :Exeter Place RiverwoRd Place ="1. Mise Rider B`1vd Hemline St ''Cle'ir ffiont real Cleveland St. Paul, woodlawn Wheeler Hemline Sargent Fairview Seventh Selby Seventh Blvd,. r Brid a Miss, Rive „' g vd. 350' W. of Homer Seventh Highland Highland University - Snelling Fairview Snelling Stonebridge Blvd. Stanford Stanford- Court Mies River Blvd. St. Clair � Stonebridg e Blvd. Jefferson miss River Blvd. Hemline Summit Bohn University Syndicate Emerald Lexington University SS C M St. P & P By. University Vandalaia ra. S.TREBT FL OS HI NG S$ASON 1949 Ward 11 (Cont.) o Street From To ,Vernon St. Clair Princton Wabash Hampden Vandalia Wellesley Fairview Snelling Wheeler St. Clair' Summit Woodlawn Ford Highland Woodlawn Jefferson Goodrich ra. 9 tca AV#. STREET FLUSHING �ASCN 1949 Ward 12 Street From To - Central Lexington Dale Chatsworth Front Van Slyke Como Avenue Como Blvd. E. Dale Como Blvd. E. Maryland Como Dale WS Carroll Wheelock Front Lexington Dale Lexington ES Carroll Van Slyke r, St. Albans Carroll Central St. Anthony St."Albano Dale University Lexington Dale tca AV#. ?$1TiISE.T OI I.'I NQ SEASON 0I+-199 1 *art 3 Street From -- To Arkwright 'Wtiitall Hyacinth Arlington Edgerton 1heelock Arlington E. Shore Drive Wnglish Arlington N P Ry CL N P Ry. EL Beaumont DeSoto Payne Bedford Payne Minnehaha Bradley Beaumont Fauquier Bradley 110' S. of Case Jenks Bradley Lawson Brainard Brainerd Arkvright Edgerton Brunson Patridge North Burnquist Jessamine Maryland Burr Jenks Ivy CaliPayne / Mies ssippi Westminiater Cas efo Case, Payne Duluth Clark Whitall Case Clark Rose Maryland Clear Payne Greenbrier Clear Arcade Forest Water Co. R%W Cook . Mississippi Cottage Payne Forest Cypress 51100 Lawson Jenks Magnolia Cypress Cypress Maryland Orange DeSoto Hopkins Fauquier DeSoto Whitall Geranium DeSoto Rose Brainerd Duchess Wells Alley S of Magnolia Case Maryland Duluth Earl -West Side N P Ry. York Larpenteur Edgerton Payne Arlington Larpentsur English Faw9r Ed erton N P Ry. Bridge Wheelock Fo est Omaha & N P Bridge Lafayette Foreseenth Mississippi Case Frank Sims A.11ey'8 of Jenks Lawson Frank S of Cook Maryland Frank .Alley Burr; Bedford Fred S T R E E T O I L I N G. SEASON f Ward 1 Cont.) • Street From . To -' Geranium Mississippi 50' E. of Arkwright Geranium DeSoto 114' West Geranium Burr Duluth Greenbrier Wells Montana Grove Lafayette Soo Line Tracks Hawthorne Edgerton Earl Hopkins DdSoto Payne Hoyt E. Shore Drive Allay E. of Duluth Hyacinth Edgerton Earl Idaho Edgerton Parkway Drive Iowa 603 Iowa Payne Ivy, Edgerton Greenbrier Ivy Arcase o Earl Janke Mississippi Duluth Jessamine Mississippi Burnquist ,:,Jessie Minnehaha Fauquier Jessie Whitall "Brainerd John Grove Fourteenth Lafayette Collins DeSoto Lane Place (East d West Jessamine Maryland of Park) Lawson Mississippi Duluth Magnolia Mississippi Bumquist Maryland Mississippi Payne Mendota Wells Maryland Mendota Hawthorne Orange Mendota Hyacinth Wheelock Minnehaha Rivoli Payne Mississippi York Maryland Montana Payne Arcade Mt. Ida Rivoli DeSoto Nebraska Edterton Arcade Nevada DeSoto Arcade North DeSoto Payne Olive Woodward Fourteenth Orange Edgerton Earl Otsego Lafayette Mt. Ida, '..Y S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward '1 (Cont.) ' Street From To Parkway Drive (East Side) Hoyt lova Parkway Drive r(West,Side) Payne California. Preble Payne IMinilehaha Reaney Edgerton N P By. Bridge Rivoli 445' S of Mt. Ida Minnehaha Rose Arkwri6t Clark Rose Burr Duluth Russell N P Ry. Case Searle Ivy Sherwood Sherwood Edgerton Forest Sims 100' W. of Westminister Arkwtight Sime Edgerton Frank Thirteenth Olive John Thirteenth Lafayette Soo Line Tracks Wadena Payne Greenbrier Walsh York Orange Walsh Cottage Montana Weide Wells Orange Weide Wheelock Montana Wells Edgerton Wall Wells (North Side) Wall Greenbrier Wells (Borth Side) Walsh Weide Wells(South Side) Wall Walsh Wells Weide Forest Westainister 9001 S. of Whitall York (Barricade) Westminister Case Hyacinth Westminister Clear Arlington Wheelock Arcade Forest Whitall Westminister Payne Williams Mississippi 95' East (Bridge) York Westminister Forest *£ S T R E E.T O I L I N G a SEASON 194 Ward 1 Cont) - N & S Alley -Arlington -Nevada -Bradley -Edgerton Alley -Arlington -Nevada -Edgerton -Payne O Alley-Arlington-Wheelock-Payne-greenbrier N 91' of Alley -Bradley -Jessie -Cook -Magnolia A Alley -Burr -Bradley -Lawson -Gook Alley-Case-Janke-Bradley-Jesaie Alley -Gale -Jenks -Edgerton -Payne Alley -Case -Jenks -Payne -E 469# Alley -Case -Jenks -Greenbrier -Walsh A11ey-Case-Jenks-Walah-Weide Alley-Case-Jenks-Weide-Arcade Alley-Case-Janke-Mandota-Forest "T" Alley -Case -Jenks -Forest -Cypress Alley -Case -Jenks -Cypress -Earl "T" Alley -Case -Jenks -Earl -Frank E & W & NJ of N & S Alley -Clear -Cottage -Walsh -Arcade "T" Alley-Clear-Cottage-9rcade-Mendota E & W Alley -Clear -Cottage -Mendota -Forest Sj of N & S Alley -Clear -Cottage -Mendota -Forest Alley -Collin -Beaumont -DeSoto -Burr Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Westminister-Arkwright Alley -Cook -Magnolia -Edgerton -Payne Alley -Cook -Magnolia -Payne -Greenbrier Allay -Cook -Magnolia -Greenbrier -Walsh Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Weide-Arcade Alley -Cook -Magnolia -Arcade -Mendota Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Forest-Cyprese Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Cypreae-Earl E & W Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Earl6Frank Alley -Cook -Magnolia -Frank -Duluth "T" Alley -Cottage -Sherwood -Payne -Greenbrier Alley -Cottage -Sherwood -Greenbrier -Walsh E & W Alley,Cottage-Sherwood-Arcade-Mendota' "T" Allay -Cottage -Sherwood -Mendota -Forest Alley -DeSoto -Burr -Jenks -Lawson Alley -Edgerton -Searle -Ivy -Sherwood "H" Alley -Geranium-Rose-Edgerton-Paye' Alley -Geranium -Rose -Mendota -Sorest Allay-Geranium-Rose-Forest-Cypreae Alley -Geranium -Rose -Cypress -Earl Alley -Geranium -Rose -Frank -Duluth t S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 1 Cont.) �i "T" Alley -Geranium -Rose -Earl -Frank _"H" Allay-Hawthrone-Orange-Edgerton-Payne _ "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Peyne-Greenbrier Allsy-Hawthorne-Orange-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley -Hawthorne -Orange -Walsh -Weide Alley -Hawthorne -Orange -Mendota -Forest Allay-Hawthorne-Orange-Forest-Cypreas Alley -Hawthorne -Orange -Cypress -Earl "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange7Earl-Frank Alley -Hawthorne -Orange -Duluth -Phalen Park Allay -Hopkins -North -Brunson -Payne "T" Alley -Hyacinth -Ivy -Payne -Greenbrier Allay-Hyacinth-Ivy-Mendota-Foreat "T" Alley-Hyaointh- Ivy -Earl-Frank Alley -Hyacinth -Ivy -Frank -Orange "T" Allay-Iv'y-Clear-Payne-Greenbrier "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-Arcade=ttendoti Alley -Jenks -Lawson -Edgerton -Payne. Alley-Jenks-Laraenn=Payn@-E; 149+':� 1; Alley -Jenks -Lawson -Weide -Arcade !� Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Aroade-Mendota ¢ Alley-Jenks,-Lawson�+L�endota-Forest= ' Alley-Jenks-hsaraph-orsst-Cypress` Alley -Jenks -Lawson -Cypress -Earl E & W Allay-Jeaka-Lawson-Earl-Frank East N & S.Alloi-Jessamine-Gerghium=Edgerton-Payne Allay -Jessamine -Geranium -Greenbrier -Walsh Alley -Jessamine -Geranium -Walsh -Weida "L" Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Mendota-Foreat Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Forest-Cyprese "T" Alley -Jessamine -Geranium -Earl -Frank Alley -Jessamine -Geranium -Frank -Duluth "T" Alley-Jessamine:Maryland-Duluth-Lane Plaoe Alley -Jessie -Edgerton -Jenks -Lawson Allay-Je'saie-Edgerton-Cook-Magnolia Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-Matgnolia-Jessamine Alley -Jessie -Edgerton -Geranium -Rose Alley-LaW-Burnquist-Jessamihe-Maryland Allay-Lawson-Cook-Westminister-363 E. Lawson Allay -Lawson -Cook -Edgerton -Payne Alley -Lawson -Cook -Payne -Greenbrier S T R E E T O I L I N G SBASON 1949 Ward 1 Cont.) Alley-Lawson-Cook-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Lawson-Cook-Weide-Arcade Alley-Lawson-Cook-Mendota-Foreat Alley-Lawson-Cook-Forest-Cypreee Alley-Lawson-Cook-Cyprese-Earl "H" Alley-Magnolia-Jeseamine-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Wedie-Arcade Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Arcade-Mendota All* y-Magnolia-Jeseamine-Mendota-Forest Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Forest-Cypress Alley-Magnolia-Jeeeamine-Cypress-Earl Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Frank 1151 E. Magnolia North E h W Alley & N 40' of N A S Alley - Alley-Maryland-Brainerd-Bradley-Jessie "H" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Greenbrier Walsh Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Walsh-Weide A114y-Maryland-Hawthorne Weide-Arcade Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Forest-500• West ,Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Forest-Cypress Allay-Maryland-Hawthorne-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Earl-Frank Alley-MarylantA-Hawthorne-Frank-Duluth Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Duluth-Phalen Park Alley-Montana-Hoyt-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Nebraska-Montana-Weide"150' West Alley-;Nevada-Nebraska-Greenbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Orange-Hyacinth-Payne-Greenbrier Ailey-Orange-Hyacinth-Greenbrier-Walsh "T". Alley-Orange-Hyacinth Sarl9Frank Alley Preble-Payne-Minnehaha- A11ey-Rose-Maryland-Arkwri# -Clark Alley-Rose-Maryland-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Rose-Maryland-Walsh-Weide . Alley-Rose-Maryland-Weide-Arcade "T" Alley-Rose-Maryland-Earl-Frank Alley-Rose-Maryland-Frank-Duluth Allay-Searle-Payne-Iyy-Sherwood *,. STREET' OI LI NG SEASON 1. 4 Ward 1 Cont. S' "H" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Greenbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Sherwood-Wheelock-Walsh-Arcade E & W Alley-Sherwood-Whealock-ArcadeOMendota "T" Allay-Sherwood-Wheelock-Mendota-Forest "H" Alley-Sime-Caee-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Sime-Caee-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sims#Case-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Sime-Case-WalshBWeide Alley-Sims-Case-Araede-Mendota' Alley-Sime-Case-Mendota-Forest "T" Alley-Sime-Caae-Cypreee-Earl "H" Alley-Sime-Case-Earl-Frank Alley-Welle-York-Bdgerton-Payne Alley-Welle-York-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Welle-York-Mendota-Forest Alley-Welle-York-Weide-212' Ely Alley-1heelock-Parkway-Nebraska-Payne®9reenbrier Alley-Whitall-Welle-Edgerton-Payne East N & 5 Alley-York-Sime-Edgerton-Payne Alley-York-Sims-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-York-Sims-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-York-Sime-Walsh-Weide Alley-York-Sime-Arcade-122' West (807 York). Alley-York-Sime-Arcade-Mendota Alley-York-Sims-E[endota-For eat *' •) S TRE E T 0 I L I N 0 SEASON'1919 . War— 2 Street From To Algonquin . Nokomis Case Ames Johnson Parkway Hazel Ames Place Ames White Bear Arcade Conway Fourth Arlington N P Ry. EL Curve Atlantic Third C St P M & 0 Ry. Barclay York 190' Nly of Case Barclay Maryland Arlington Bates Mounds Blvd. Hudson Bates North Maury Beech Earl Johnson Beech Hazelwood White Bear Birmingham Maryland' Arlington Springside Drive Winthrop. (Pavement) Burlin on Burlington 'Springside Drive Lower Afton Burne Mound 45' W of Johnson Pavement) Burns Clarence itBear Case 14 ' W f ohne on �Engltsfh) Nokomis Cherry 150' W. of Mds. Blvd. Maria Clarence Burne Hudson Clarence Mirinehaha Fiuquier Clarence Stillwater Case Clear White Bear Ruth Clermont Mounds Blvd. Burne Commercial Conway Fifth Conway Commercial Hoffman Conway Maria E Line of Tell Conway Ruth Pedersen Cottage Falndrau 2091 Cottage Curve Clear Sherwood Curve Arlington Alley N. of Nebraska Cypress McLean Seventh Duluth Sixth C it P M & 0 Ry. Eichenwald Sixth Sesenth Eighth" Maria North Elliott Place Bates Mound Etna Burns Pacific Euclid Hudson Frank W O� C3 STREET OILING SEASON 1949 Ward 2 Street From To Fauquier N P Ry. Bridge Arcade Fauquier Forest Etna Fauquier Germain Van Dyke Fauquier Nokomis Pederson Fifth Commercial Hoffman Fifth Maria Johnson Fifth White Bear 1844 E. Fifth Fifth. Hazel Winthrop . Flandrau Third Ames Forest McLean C St P M & 0 Ry. Br. Fountain (East Side) North 117' Nly Fourth 300' W of Commercial Hoffman, Fourth Mounds Blvd. Clarence Fourth' Germain White Bear Fourth Hazel Pederson Frank Thorn -Pacific rank Hudson -Wakefield Frank Margaret Seventh Fremont Arcade Earl Fremont Got zian Claraece Fremont Flandrau White Bear Fremont Hazel Pederson Furness Ivy Arlington Furness Nevada (Prod) Hoyt S. L4 1488 Furness Germain Margaret Beech Germain Minnehaha Seventh Gotzain Johnson Margaret Greenbrier Seventh 125'.N of Margaret Greenbrier Minnehaha Reaney Griffith Johnson Wilson Hancock Third. Fremont Hancock Fifth Sixth Hawthrone White Bear M. St. P & SUB Ry. Hawthorne Luella —Ruth Havel Lower Afton Upper Afton Hazel Fourth Minnehaha Hazel Hawthorne Nebraska Hazelwood Seventh York Hoffman Mounds Plvd. Sixth Hope Fourth Minnphaha Hoyt Flandrau White Bear Hyacinth white Bear Ruth "F S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1'4 Ward 2 Cont.) Street From To Iroquois Nokomis Algonquin Iroquois Stillwater Case Ivy 475' W of Birmingham Ruth Jessamine Johnson Parkway Prosperity Johnson-E. Service Drive Wilson Conway Jordan Stillwater Case Kennard Fifth York Kennard Maryland ivy Kennard Arlington Nevada LaCrosse White Bear Hazel Lover Afton Pt. Douglas City Limits Luella Orange Ivy McLean Mounds Blvd. Clarence Manitou Iroquois Case Maple Hudson. Greenbrier Margaret Greenbrier Seventh Margaret Earl East Maria' Wilshire McLean Maria Short Plum Maria Seventh North Maryland White Bear Hazel Mendota Wilson Beech Mendota Seventh Heaney Mohawk " Manitou Case Montem White Bear Hazel Moana 'Thorn Hudson Nebraska White Bear Winthrop Nevada Kennard Curve Newcombe Seventh Omaha Ry. Nokomis Fauquier Stillwater North Maria Seventh Nortonia Minneheha Stillwater Orange Kennard Flandrau Orange White Bear Ruth Pacific Forest Pt. Douglas Pacific English Etna Pedersen Alley S. of Third Fremont Pedersen Nortonia Nokomis Plum Bates Maple S' T R E E T 0 I L I NG 'SEASON 1949 Ward 2 Street From To Prosperity Jessamine Arlington Hazelwood Arlington Prosperity Christie Place Haeelwood Larpenteur Reaney N P By. Bridge Etna Reaney Birmingham Hazel Reaney Nortonia East Ross Seventh Johnson Rose Germain 158' E. of -Van Dyke Ruth Hudson Road Nokomis Ruth Manitou Case Ruth Cottage Arlington Ruth Hoyt Larpenteur Seventh White Bear Van Dyke Sherwood Flandrau Winthrop Short Mounds Blvd. Bates Sime White Bear Van Dyke Sinnen Sixth Seventh Sixth ,. Earl Etna Stillwater Johnson Clarence Stillwater Hazelwood White Bear Suburban Earl Frank Surrey Mounds Blvd. Maple Tell Conway Third Tswana Mohawk Manitou Third Maple Pedersen Third NE Maple Arcade Thorn 6401. W of Earl (End of St) Indian Mde. Pk. Upper Afton Burns City Limits Urban Place Mounde'Blvd. Bates Utica Jordan Iroquois Van Dyke Wilson Third Van Dyke Minnehaha Reaney Van Dyke Fauquier York Van Dyke Hawthorne Ivy Wakefield Maple Frank Walsh Minnehaha Fauquier Waukon Pedersen Stillwater White Bear Upper Afton Minnehaha .Wilshire Place Mounds Blvd. Maria Willson Mounds Blvd. Frank Wilson 1176 Wilson Griffith York Johnson Clarence York Barclay Van Dyke STREET OILING SEASON 1 4 Ward 2 Cont.) "B" Alley -Arlington -Nevada -Whits Bear-Hazl1 Alley -Bat es-MoundFMcL'ean-Hudson— ley-Beech-Minnehaha-Mendota-Forex Allay-Beech-ginnehaha-Forest-Cypress Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Cyprese-Earl Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Earl-2104 E. Minnehapa Alley-Beech-Minnehahn-Frank-Duluth Alley-Caea-LaCroeae-White-Bear-Van Dyke To Alley-Clear-Cottage-Flandrp<u-White Bear Alley-Conway-Third-Arcade:Mendota Alley -Conray -Third -Mendota -Forest Ailey -Conray -Third -Forest -Cypress Alley-ConwWThird-Cyprese-Earl Alley -Conway -Third -Earl -Tell "H" Alley -Cottage -Sherwood -Hazel -Curve Alley -Cottage -Sherwood -Ruth -379' East Alley -Euclid -Conway -Forest -Cypress Alley-Euclid-Conway-Cyprese-Earl Alley-Fauquier-Rona-Ears-Frank Alley-Fauquier-Rome-Frank-Duluth 4 Alley-Fauquier-Rose-Duluth-Atlantic Alley-Fauquier-Rose-Kennard-Flandrau All ey-Fauquier-Ross-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Fauquier-Rose-White Bear -Van Dyke Alley -Fifth -Sixth -Forest -363' East to End Alley-Fifth-Sixth-Ootzain-Atlantic Alley-Forrth-Fifth-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Forest-Cypreas Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Hancock-Coteain-1150 E• Fifth -Fourth Alley -Fourth -Fifth -Atlantic -Johnson Alley -Fremont -Fourth -Mendota -Forest Alley-Fremont-Fourth-Forwnt-Cypreas Alley -Fremont -Fourth -Atlantic -Johnson Parkway Alley-Hytdeon Road -Wakefield -Maple -Forest Alley-Huddon Road -Wakefield -Cypress -Earl "T" Alley -Ivy -Clear -White Bear -Hazel "T", Alley -Ivy -Clear -Hazel -Curve Alley -LaCrosse -Ames -Van Dyke -Hazel Alley -McLean -Pacific -Cypress -Earl Alley-McLean-Pacific-Earl-Frek Alley -McLean -Pacific -Frank -1173 McLean S T R.E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 2 Cont. .Alley -Margaret -Beech -Greenbrier -Hope Alley-Margaret-Beech-Aroade-Mendota, Alley -Ma rgaret -Bee ch-Mandota-Forest Alley -Margaret -Beech -Forest -Cypress Alley -Margaret -Beech -Cypress -Earl Ails y -Margaret -Bee chFFrgthk-Duluth Ails y-Margaret-Beeeh-Atiaaiic-Johnson Alley -:!aria -Bates -McLean -Short Alley -Maryland -Hawthorne -White Bear -Van Dyke Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Welah;-Weide Alley-Minnehahn-Reaney-Arcade-Mendota. Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Forest-Cypress Allay-Minnehaha-Reaney-Cyprese-Earl Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Earl-i4'ank' Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Frank-Duluth Alley-Minnebaha-Reaney-Atlantic-Johnson Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Johnson-1322 Reaney Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Clarence-Etna Alley-Minnehaha-P.eaney-Van Dyke -Hazel Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Howard-East RA W Alley -Nevada -Nebraska -White Bear -Hazel West N &,S Alley -1842 E. Nebraska West N & S Alley-Nevada-Nebraeka-White Bear -Hazel Alley -Pacific -Hudson Road -Clarence -Etna" Alley-Reaney-Fauquier-Walsh-Weide Alley-Reaney-Fauquier-Weide-Arcade Alley-Reaney-Fauquier-Seventh-Cypress Alley-Reaney-Fauquier-Earl-Frank Alley-Reaney-Fauquier-Atlantio-Johnson Alley -Rose -Seventh -Fret -Duluth Allay -Roes -Seventh -Duluth -Atlantic. Alley-Roes-Seventh-Kennard-Flandrau Alley -Rose -Seventh -White Bear -Van Dyke Alley -Seventh -Stillwater -Hazelwood -Germain Alley-Seventh-Stillwater;Kennard-Flandrau Alley-Seventh-Stillwater-Flandrau-White Bear S T R E E T 0 I L I N 0 SEASON 1949 Ward 2 Cont.) East N & S Alley -Sherwood -Arlington -White Bear -Hazel E & W Alley -Sherwood -Arlington -White Bear -Hazel (E & W Alley from West No. S Alley to East No S Alley) (Sherwood -Arlington -Hazel -Curve) Alley-Sime-Case-WhiteBear-Van Dyke Alley-Sixth-Margaret:Arcade-Mendota Alley -Sixth -Margaret -Mendota -For set Alley-Sixth-Mdrgaret-Cyprese-Earl Alley -Sixth -Margaret -Duluth -Atlantic N & S Alley -Sixth -Seventh -Maria -Bates N & S & Ej of E & W Alley-Sixth-Seventh-Maple-Eichenwald Alley-Sixth-SeventhpRichenwald-Hope Alley -Stillwater -York -Kennard -1679 Stillwater Alley -Suburban -McLean -Earl- 1078 McLean E & W Alley -Third -Fourth -Bates -Maple Alley -Third -Fremont -Arcade -Mendota Alley -Third -Fremont -Forest -Cypress Alley -Third -Fremont -Cypress -Earl E & W Alley -Third -Fremont Hazel -Ruth from East N & S Alley -Ruth East N & S Alley -Third -Fremont -Hazel -Ruth Alley-®akefield-Wilson-Earl-East to 110$ Wakefield - Alley -Wilson -Euclid -Forest -Cypress Alley -Wilson -Euclid -Cypress -Earl „ S T R E E T 0 I L S N G. SEASON 1949 Ward 3 & 4 �• Street From To John Seventh Eighth Kittson Sixth Seventh Neill Sixth Seventh Olive Fifth Eighth Payne Seventh Alley South Rosabel Ninth Tenth Spruce Sibley Canada Tenth Broadway Pine Willius Sixth Grove Alley -Robert -Jackson -Twelfth -Thirteenth S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949' Ward 5 �' Street om To Albion -Fathaway Adrian Adrian Seventh Alaska Adrian Lexington Albion Race Otto Alaska St. Clair Banfil Ann James Grace Arbor Pleasant Drake Armstrong Banfil Duke Smith Grace Bay Butternut Hemline Edgcumbe Bayard Chatsworth Victoria Bayard Bayard Canton . Bay hdicate Beechwood Hemline St, Clair ictoria Victoria V Ben Hill Road Glen Terrace 3 20' E of Selma Lane - Benson Syndicate Griggs Berkeley Hemline Bohland Place Otto Sumac Butternut Otto Seventh Canton Stanford St. Clair `} Cecelia Place Seventh Jefferson Chatsworth Seventh Pleasant Chestnut Oneida Erie Clay St,. Clair Michigan Cliff Superior Smith Cliff Randolph Jefferson Clifton .Cl Palace Jefferson 3 Clibourne 428' N of Jefferson Superior Colbourne (Pavement) _- . Jsmes Grace Seventh _Dalj(y Dealt on '•Deubener _ Benson Ben Hill Road St. 'Clair Place , Goodrich Ramsey Douglas Michigan Goodrich Dousman Tuscarora (Prod) Randol h P Drake Randolph James Duke Palace Pleasant Duke Hemline Montcalm P1acd Eleanor Pleasant Rogers Eleanor Chatsworth Seventh Eleanor Ryan Wilkin Elm Western CM StP&P Ry Emma Randolph superior Erie Wilkin Forbes' Exchange S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASO_4 9 Ward 5 (Cont.) . Street From To Forbes Pleasant Seventh Ford Hamline Edgcumbe Forster Canton Bay Fulton Randolph Jefferson Garfield Goodrich Pleasant Glen Terrace Benson Youngman :Goodhue Duke Cliff Goodrich Pleasant Alley E of Leech Grace Pleasant Western Griggs Highland St. Clair darrison Goodrich Douglas Hartford Hamlin$ Edgcumbe Highland Hamlin$ Montcalm Place Hillerest Hemline Syndicate Homer Stewart C M St. P Q P Ry Irvine Park Ryan Ryan Irvine SS Walnut 358 Irvine Ivan Way Benson Selene Lane 41, James Hamlin$ Levee Jefferson Hamlin$ Edgcupbe Jefferson Pleasant Colbourn Juliet Hemline 160' E. of Lexington Juno Hemline Edgoumbe Juno Lexington 1017 Juno Juno Chatsworth Vier Juno Seventh Drake Leech Goodrich- Ramsey Levee James East to Pavement Levee Chestnut Engle Loretto Lane 395 Loretto Washington MCBoal . Douglas Wilkin may Seventh Alaska Michigan St. Albans Seventh Michigan Western Cliff Middleton Vista Rogers Mill Wilkih Elm Milton Otto Jefferson Milton Ben Hill Road St. Clair Monroe Court Pleasant Victoria Montcalm Hill Montcalm Place, 245' E. of Montcalm P1. Montcalm P1ade Highland Eigoumbe Montreal Seventh Elway i S T R E E T O I L I N G -SEASON 1 4 Ward 5 Coat Street From To Niederhofer Niles Richmond C M St & P & P Ry Nugent Hamlin Edgcumbe C M St P & P Ry St. Clair Oneida Osceola Seventh Superior" Otto Tuscarora Seventh Lexington Stewart Palace Place Hamlin Lexington Palmer Place Pleasant Eleanor Seventh Pinehurst Hamlin Bayard Syndicate Pleasant Schaffer James Pleasant Juliet Victoria Race Randolph Albion Chatsworth Randolph , _orenth Toronto OMMbRichmond -Duke 155' S of Mil By. � y aN of Mil Ry. Richmond (Pavement } (Pavement S' Ridge Seventh Goodrich Rogers $dgcumbe Seventh Highland Ryan Otto Elm Chestnut ,. St. Clair Seventh Cliff Scheffer Schaffer Himline MontcaLn Schaffer Pleasant Victoria Seventh Selma Lane Ivan Way Canton Seneon Sherman Sherman Ryan Exchange Stanford Seventh Pleasant ,§t swart _Hemline .Ward Line Biggs Stewart Strugis Otto Tuscarora Tuscarora Superior Western Oneida Douglas Cliff Syndicate. Beschnood St. Clair Thompson Ramsey Pleasant Toronto Randolph Grace Tuscarora Chatsworth Osceola Vance ;James Palace Vance Jefferson Grace Victoria Otto C M St P & P Ry _View Seventh Jefferson Vista Seventh Lexington i S T REE T O I L I N G SEASON 1 4 Ward 5 Cori Street From To _ Walnut Pleasant Irvine Park Watson Hemline Montcalm Place Watson Pleasant View Watson Seventh Drake Webster Randolph Grace Webster St. Clair Pleasant Wellesley Hamlin Griggs Western C-9 St P & P Ry Pleasant ' Wilkin Bluff Ramsey Youngman Rankin WL Rankin CL n E T RE E.T O I L I N G SEASON 194 Lard Ir Co Alley-Between 325 and 331 Mi11. Alley -Between 355. and 361 Mill Alley -367 and 391 Mill Alley -394 and 402 Mill Alley -405 Upper Levee and Mill School Alisy-Adrian-Seventh-Albion-Alaska Alley-Arbor-Osceola-Jamee�Palace Alley -Armstrong -Juno -Milton -Victoria Alley -Armstrong -Juno -Victoria -View Alley -Bayard -Hertford -Syndicate -Griggs "T" Alley -Bayard -Hartford -Griggs Edgcumbe Alley-Bayard-Tueearora-Milton-Victoria Alley-Beechwood-Bohland Place -Hemline -Syndicate Alley -Berkeley -St- Clair -Syndicate -Griggs Alley-Bohlend Place -Hillcrest -Hamlin -Syndicate Alley -Daly -Toronto -Seventh -Place All ey-Douglas-Smitb-Forbes-Ramsey Alley-Duke-Colbourne-St. Clair -Michigan All, ey-Edgeumbe-Montcalm-Highland-Eleanor Alley-Edgeumbe-Montcalm-Eleanor-Scheffer Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Syndicate-Griggs i Alley -Erie -Duke -C M St & $ P Ry -St. Clair Alley-Goodrich-MaBoai-Smith-Leech Alley -Hartford -Watson -Hamlin -Syndicate All ey-Hart ford-lat a on-Syndicat e- Gr iggs' "T" Alley-Hartford-Watson-Grigge-Edgcumbe Alley -Highland -Eleanor -Hamlin -Syndicate Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Syndicate-Grigge Alley -Hillcrest -Ford Road-Hamline-Syndicate Alley -James -Palace -Hemline -Syndicate "T" Alliy-James-Palace-Edgeumbe-Lexington Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley- Syndicate-Grigge - "H" Alley-Juliet-Edgeumbe-Edgeumbe-Lexington Alley -Juliet -Jefferson -Syndicate -Griggs Alley -Juno -Randolph -Hamlin -Syndicate All ey-Juno-Randolph-Syndicate-Grigge Alley -Juno -Randolph -Milton -Victoria Alley -Lombard -St. Clan -Lexington -Ben Hill Road - Alley-McBoal-Forbes leee -2091 TeWestern st Alley -Michigan- upp NJ of N & S Alley-Niles-Jaho-Hamlin-Syndicate AP l K3 S TR E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1 49 ° Ward 5 Cont. E & W Alley-Niles-Juno-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Niles-Juno-Syndicate-Grigge Alley-Niles-Juno-Grigge-Edgcumbe ley -Palace -Juliet -Hamlin -Syndicate ley -Palace -Juliet -Syndicate -Griggs "H" Alloy-Palace-Juliet-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley -Palace -Juliet -Lexington -120' Leet Alley-Palace-Pleasant-ChatsWorth-Milton Alley -Pleasant -Jeffers on-ChaAeworth-Milton Alley -Randolph -James -Hemline -Syndicate Alley-Randolph-James-Syndicate-Grigge "T" Alley-Randolph-James-Edgoumbe-Lexington Alley -Randolph -Jame d exingten5 ndicant Alley-Scheffer-Bays Y te Alley-Schaffer-Bayard-Syndicate-Grigge Alley -Stanford -Berkeley -Syndicate -Griggs Alley-Syndicate-Ridge-Bohland Place -Ford Road Alley -T c-rora-Watson-Milton-Victoria Alley -Armstrong -Armstrong -Victoria -View Alley -y teon-Nilee-Victoria -Syndicate `y Alley-Watcon-Niles-.Syndicate-Grigge X j W& NJ of N& S Alley-Watson-Niles-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Wellesley-5tanford-Syndicate-1325 Wealeeley Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Syndicate-Grigge Alley -Western -C M St P & P Ry -Emma -St. Clair s� W n S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 6 Street From To Ada Concord Dunedin.Terrace Alabama State Chester Alice & Around Park Ohio Cherokee Andrew, Belvidere Concord Andrew Robie Winifred 'Anita Concord Congress Annapolis Oakdale Brown Baker Cherokee Dodd Road Baker Stryker r Robert Baker Oakdale 200' E of Woodbury Bancroft Concord Congress Belle Fairfield Water Bellows Sidney Delos Belvidere Winslow Woodbury Belvidere Andrew Concord Bidwell City Limits Prospect Blvd. ( S L 130 W.'Sidney) Bidwell Indiana Fillmore Brown Sidney Prescott Page 180' N. of Winifred Brown Channel Chicago Starkey .50' N of Wyoming Chariton Dodd Road Charlton Curtice George Charltob Winifred Congress Cherokee Annapolis Baker Cherokee Smith Ohio Chicago 163' W. of Walter Wabasha Chippewa Annapolies Cherokee Hie. Blvd. Clinton Concord Colorado Colorado Winslow Wabasha Hall East to End of Street Colorado Olio Wabasha Congress Robert 15ol E. of Bancroft Congress Curtice Chippewa Charlton Curtice Robert 100' N., of Concord Plato(Pavement) Indiana Custer Delaware Annapolis Baker 360' E. of Hall Delos Bellows, 75A MY Delos Wabasha Greenwood Delos Starkey Congress M. --A4- Ada S T RE E T O I L ING SEASON 1142 Ward - (Cont. Street From To - —. Florida __Indiana E. Baton Fairfield W. Fillmore Eaton Channel Water Edward Bidwell Stryker Elizabeth Elizabeth (Both Roadways). Hall Livington 230• Last Elizabeth Robert Florida Indiana'' Eva Texas Tennessee Fenton Moses 130 W Fillmore Fillmore Annapolis Wyoming Gown Sidney George Gorman Concord Delos Greenwood Annapolis Prospect Blvd. Hall Annapolis Belvidere Harvard Curtice Alley South Harvard Sidney Prescott Harvard Curtice George Humboldt _ Ethel Robert Indiana Ohio Wabasha Isabel Robert State Isabel 120. 3. of Winona Water Jodi' Annapolis Concord Kansas State Chester Kent ucky Cherokee St$yker KingBumU'oldt Robert King Annapolis George Livingston Isabel Wood Livingston Indiana Fillmore Livingston Annapolis Cherokee Manomin Texas Tennessee Minnetonka Chippewa Waseca Morton Bellows Robert Morton State Brown Morton Curt ice Prescott Mt. Hope Annapolis Prescott Oakdale Annapolis George Ohio' Winifred Isabel Ohio page Cherokee Orleans Annapolis George Ottawa P S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 ., We Cont. Street From To Page Chippewa Bidwell Page Dodd Road Concord Parnell Colorado Wood . Plato C G W Spur Track Eaton Plato Eva Robertson Prescott Brown 293 Prescott Riverview Belvidere 60' North Robertson Plato Indiana Robertson Fairfield 200' Nly of Fairfield Robit Manomin Humboldt Roble State Kansas St. Lawrence Missouri Lowell Seminole Curtics Page Sidney Chippewa Dodd Road Sidney Winslow Stryker Sidney Humboldt Curtice Starkey Concord Plato Starkey Fillmore Water State Concord Roble W. State Roble E. Utah State Fillmore Alabama Stevens Ottawa State Stickney Annapolis Concord Stryker Annapolis Baker Stryker Winifred Prospect Blvd. Texas State Minnetonka Walter Chicago Fairfield Waseca City Limits (756 Waseca) George Water Show Boat Moses Water Walter Starkey Waterloo Belvidere Curtiss Winifred Concord Andrew Winona Chippewa Charlton Winona Bidwell Robert Winona Oakdale Woodbury Winona 280"W of Stickney Stickney Winslow Annapolis Prospect Blvd. Woodbury Belvidere Curtiss Woodbury Morton Prescott Wyoming/ D Winslow Brown Wyoming-`..- Chippewa Charlton Wyomingy Andrew Stiokney S T•R E E T O I L I N G SEASON1942 4 Ward (Cont. N & S Alley -Annapolis -Wyoming -Winslow -Stryker "L" Alley -Annapolis -Wyoming -Rall -Gorman "L" Alley -Annapolis -Wyoming -Robert -160 E. Wyoming Alley -Baker -Elizabeth -Gorman -56 E. Elizabeth Alley -Baker -Sing -Ottawa -Smith Alley-Belvidere-Curtics-Kansas-Waterloo Allay-Belvidere-Curtice-Waterloo-420' East Alley -Charlton -Waseca -Morton -Baker Alley -Cherokee -Ottawa -Wyoming -Winona Alley-Cherokee-Ottava-Winona-Curtice Alley-Goncord-Robie-Ada OCharlton Alley-Curtice-Sidnay- OhiAlley-Curtice-Sidney-Harvard-Woodbury Aliey-Delaware-Cherokee-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Winona-Curtice Allay-Delaware-Cherokee-Curtics-Sidney Allay -Delaware -Cherokee -Page -Morton Alley-Delaware-Cherok-MOrtoWinalow Allety-Elizabeth-King- BiAllay-Isalal-Delos-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Isabel-Delda-Clihton-Grsenvood East N & S Alley -Morton -Baker -Bellow$ -Bidwell ley.%tawa-Sm Alith-Wy oming-'Ninon Alley-Ottava-Smith-Winona-Curt ice, Alley_Gttawa-Smith-Curtice- Sidney All9y-Ottawa-Smith-Sidney-Pa9e Allay-Ottawa-Smit$-Stsvens-George Alley-Page-MortonrNt. Hoed -Harvard Alley -Prescott -Concord -Brown -291 Preacott Alley-Prescott-Concord-Brown-Andrev Alley-Riverview-Oakdale-Curtice-Sidney Alley -Robert -State -King -586 Robert Allay-Robie-Winif red -Bancroft -Brown Ailey-Robie-Winifred-Brown-Andrew Alley -Sidney -Page -Waseca -177 Sidney Alley-Sidnsy-Page-Nt. H6pe-Harvard Alley -Sidney Page -Harvard -Woodbury Alloy-Smith-Manomin-AnpoliWinoning Alley-Smith-Nanomin-Wy'n Alley-Smith-Manomin-Winona-Curtice Allay-Smith-Manomin-Page-Morton S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 194 Ward Cont.) Alley-Smith-Manomin-Morton-Baker Allay -Winifred -Congress -Ada -Anita N & S Alley-Winona-Curtice-Manomin-Ohio Alley -Winslow -Stryker -Wyoming -Winona Alley-Wyoming-Winona-Stickney-518 E. Winona *j S TREE,T O I L IN G SEASON 1949 Ward 7 �? Street From To Arundel Marshall Carroll Ashland Syndicate Lexington Avon Laurel Carroll Carroll Lexington 113' E. of Lexington Carroll Oxford Dale Cathedral Dayton Marshall Chatsworth St. Clair Osceola Chatsworth Summit Carroll Dayton Hemline Lexington Dunlap Osceola Fairmount Dunlap Goodrich Marshall Fairmount Hemline Griggs Fairmount 120' W. of Dunlap Lexington Farrington Marshall Carroll Fisk Laurel Carroll Floral Heather Place Summit Goodrich Syndicate Griggs �i Goodrich C M St P & P Ry Lexington Grand Oakland Lawton Griggs St. Clair Sargent Griggs Osceola Fairmount Griggs Summit Marshall Grotto Summit Carroll Hague Hemline Syndicate Hemline Summit Alley N. of Ashland Hemline Hague Marshall Heather Place Floral Grand Irvine North Side Western Rear of 3$0 Summit Kent Marshall Carroll Laurel Schsuneman Syndicate Linwood Place Lexington Avon Louis Dayton Marshall Mackubin Marshall Carroll Marshall Place Farrington Louis Miltoh St. Clair Osceola Milton Summit Carroll STREET O I L I N G SEASON 1 Vlard 7 ': �orct ) ' To rest `o i F om St.. Clair Osceola Oak Grove , Namlins Griggs Milton Milton Osceola Dunlap, Osceola St, Clair Carroll OxfordSusmit Oxford , Syndicate Portland Hemline C M St P & P Ry Lexington Portland Western Summit Ramsay Iglehart St. Albans Summit Namlins Griggs Summit Sargent St, Clair Marshall Syndicate Ashland Syndicate Osceola St. Clair Carroll Victoria Marshall Carroll Victoria Marshall Virginia Summit Irvine Western �i S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 7 Cont.) Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Syndicate-Grigge Allay -Ashland -Laurel -Griggs -Dunlap Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Hamline-Syndicate Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Syndicate -Griggs Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Griggs -Dunlap Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Dunlap -Lexington . Allay -Dayton -Marshall -Chatsworth -Milton Allay -Dayton -Marshall -Grotto -St. Albans Allay-Fairmount-Goodrioh-Syndioate-Griggs Alley-Grand-Summit-Grigge-Dunlap Alley -Grand -Summit -Chatsworth -Milton Alley -Grand -Summit -Oakland -Floral Alley -Hague -Selby -Milton -Victoria Allay -Holly -Ashland -Victoria -Avon Alley -Holly -Ashland -St. Albans -Dale Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Chatswath-Milton Allay-Iglahart-Carroll-Milton-Victoria Alley-Iglaharb-Carroll-Mackabin-Arundel Alley -Larval -Selby -Dale -Kent Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Syndioate-C M St P & P Ry Allay -Lincoln -Grand -C M St P & P Ry -Dunlap Alley-Lincoln-Grazed-Duhlap-Lexington Allay -Lincoln -Grand -Lexington -Oxford Alley -Marshall -Iglehart -Lexington -Oxford Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Oxford-Chatworth Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Hamline-Syndisate Allay -Osceola -Fairmount -Syndicate -Griggs "T" Alley -Osceola -Fairmount -Dunlap -Lexington Allay -Osceola -Fairmount -Victoria -Avon, Allay -Portland -Ashland -Griggs -Dunlap Alley -Portland -Holly -St. Albans -Dale Alley -St. Clair -Linwood -Lexington --Oxford Alley -St. Clair -Linwood -Oxford -Chatsworth Alley -St. ClairLinwood-Chatworth-Milton "T" Alley -St. Clair -Osceola -Dunlap -Oak Grove N & S Alley -St. Clair -Osceola -Oak Grove -Lexington ' Alley -St. Clair-SargenteHamline-Syndicate Alley -Sargent -Osceola -Syndicate -160' West of Griggs (Pavement) Alley -Selby -Dayton -Milton -299' East Alley-Summit-Portiand-Hamline-Syndicate LF, r s S T R E E T O I L I N G l SEASON 1942 Ward 8 Ap' Street From To Albemarle Atwater Lawson Ivy Albemarle Cook Nebraska Albemarle Cottage Arlington Wheelock Rice Minnehaha Arundel Carroll arro Jessamine (1100 Arundel) Arundel Cook Mac kubin Como Atwater Western Albemaa e Atwater Dale Rice Aurora Dale Como Blair Dale Galt ier Bargees Carroll Western Rice Fuller Cathedral Place Marshall Rice Charles Dale Arundel. Rice Cook Dale Wheelock \ Cottage Matilda (Prod) Rice - Cottage 1090 Cumberland Cumberland Lawson Hoyt Cumberland Arlington it Wheelock Cottage Danforth Dale Rice Edmund Charles Como Elfelt Farrington Carroll, Como Orange Farrington Atwater Rice Fuller Dale St'. Anthony Como Galt ier Atwater Ivy Galt ier YF N P Ry R/ Arlington Galtier Western Rice Geranium Dale Kent Hatch Ma ckub in Woodbridge Hatch Galt ier Rice Ivy Jessamine Western Rice Carroll Minnehaha Kent Kent wont Cook jessamine Kent Cook Cottage Kent Orange r t S T R E E T. O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 8 Cont.) Street From To Lafond DaleGaltier Lafond Marion Como Lawson Mackubin Rice Loeb Lawson Jessamine Lovis Marshall Fuller Mackubin Carroll Minnehaha Mackubin Atwater Front Marion Fuller Como Marion Atwater Ivy Marion Cottage NL 1469 Marion Maryland Dale Rise ... Matilda Front Orange Milford Galtier Rice Minnehaha Dale Como Norton Dawson- Cook Orange Dale Schletti Orange Marion Rice Ravoux Iglehart Rondo Ravoux Central Fuller Rose Farrington Rice St. Anthony Dale Rice Schletti Orange Cottage Sherburne Dale Rice Simcoe Atwater Wayzata Stinson Mackubin 474 Stinson, Stinson Western Galti4r Thomas Dale Como Topping Dale 601 Topping Topping Kent Arundel 'A Topping Western `Galtier Van Buren Dale Como Virginia Carroll Como Virginia Front Maryland Wayzata Galtier Rice Western Front Maryland Western Wheelock Idaho Woodbridge Atwater Ivy S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1 4 Ward Cont.) Ailey-Albemarle-Rice-Wayzata-Front Alley-Albemarle-Rice-Cook-Jessamine Alley-Aurora-University-Dale-Kent Alley-Aurora-University-Galtier-garion Ailey-Blair-Van Buren-Maakubin-Arundel Nly & Sly Alley-Burgess-Dale-Como Alley-Burgess-Stinson-492' W of Galtier (307 Burgess) - Galtier Alley-Central-Fuller-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Central-Fuller-Western-Virginia Alley-Charles-Edmund-Dale-Kent Alley-Charles-Edmund-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Charles-Edmund-Western-79' West Ailey-Edmund-Thomas-Dale-Kent Alley-Edmund-Thomae-Mackubin-Arundel E & W Alley-Edmund-Thomae-Arundel-Western Alley-Front-Hatch-Arundel-Western Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Dale-Kent Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Arundel-Weetern Alley-Fuller"Aurora-Galt Birt arion ont Alley-Gaitier=Marion-gay �i Alley-Galtier-Liarion-Jessamine-Geranium Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dale-Kent AlleyLafond-Blair-Keut-Mackubin Alley-Lafond-Blair-Arundel-Weetern Alley-Loeb-Kent-Lawson-Cook Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Hatch-Lawson Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Jessamine-Geranium Alley-?larion-Woodbridge-Geranium-Rose Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Maryland-Orange Alley1Marion Woodbridge-Orange-IvyMarion Alley-Matilda-Galtier*Cook-Jessamine Alley-Rondo-St. Anthony-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dale-Kent Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Kent-Mackubin All ey-Sherburne-Charles-Mackubin-Arundel Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Firrington-Galtier Alley-Stinson-Front-Farrington-362' West Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Ar nd e1Dale-ern Alley-Universit y- Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Dale-Kent S T R E E T 0 I L.I N G SEASON' 49 Ward Cont.) 0! Alley-Western-Virginia-Thomas-Lafond Alley-Western-Virginia-Cook-Jessamine "T" Alley-Wheelock-Cottago- Kent -Sohletti Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-'aVayzata-Front Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Hatch-Lawson N & S Alley-Woodbridgee-AA-Mar ly E & W Alley-Woodbri¢ lbemarleyland-Orange W V S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949': Ward 9 '� Street< Fr To Jessamine Maryland - Abell Lightner Place Acker Sylvan Larson Agate Cayuga Capitol Blvd. Arch Rice Columbia Arch Jackson Sylvan Atwater Rice 95' E of Cedar (Pavement) Robert Aurora Fourteenth Broadway Grove Acker Granite Buffalo Fourteenth Valley Canada Capitol Blvd. Como Arch Pennsylvania Capitol Hts. University Mississippi Cayuga Jackson St. Peter- Webasha Central Capitol Hts. Charles Rice Pennsylvania Columbia Glencoe Capitol Hts. Como Park Sylvan - Cook Rice Jackson Agate Cook Acker Sycamore Cortland Phos St'. Peter Place Dexter Rice St. Peter Central Dexter __, Fifteenth Broadway Broadway Misaissippi Fourteenth Broadway . .Sylvan Front Rios ygeeiasippi. Genesee Buffalo Agate Geranium Rice Columbia i Mississippi, Mississippi Glencoe Jackson Granite Lyton Place Atwater Hardenbergh P1. Sylvan Hat ch Rice i,arpe nt ecu' Jackson Sycamore Mississippi Jessamine Rice Sylvan Lawson Rice Jackson Agate. Lawson Mt, Airy Arch Linden Litchfield Rice Sylvan Minnehaha L'Orient Broadway Sylvan Lyton Place Rice S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 9 Cont.) Street From To Magnol Rice Agate Ma *t Rice Sylvan Marland Rice Mississippi Minnehaha 162 E. Minnehaha L'Oriert Mt. Airy Wales, Mississippi Park Central Wabasha Park Como Arch Park Sycamore Maryland Pennsylvania Jackson Mississippi Robert University Capitol Hts. Rose Rice. Soo Line Ry. St. Peter Central Fuller St. Peter Place Dexter Central Sims Jackson Agate Sycamore Jackson Cortland Sylvan Acker Hatch Sylvan Magnolia Rose Temperance Grove Thirteenth Thirteenth Robert Mississippi Tilton Rice Wabasha University Q Robert Jackson r Valley Jackson Broadway Wales Mt. Airy `Arch Wayaata Rice Park Winnipeg Rice Sylvan Winter Rice Capitol Hts. 4, S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1 4 Ward 9 Com.) E & W Alley-Acker-Genesee-Buffalo-Mississippi Alley-Case-Jenks-Jackson-110'.East Alley-Cedar-Central-Thirteenth-North to turn around Alley-Front-Hatch-Park-Sylvan West N & S Alley-Geneseee-Granite-Buffalo-Miasiaeippi E & W Alley-Genesee-Granite-Buffalo-Mississippi E & W Alley-Geranium-Rose-Rice-Park Alley-Geranium-Rose-Park-Sylvan All;r-Hatch-Larson-Park-Sylvan ^T" Allgq-Jessamine-Geranium-Rice-Park Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Park-Sylvan Alley-Manitoba-Wayzeta-Riee-Park A11ey-Sims-Case-Jackson-117 Sims „T„ Alley-Winipag-Manitoba-Rice-Park S TRE E T O I -L I N G SEASON 1949' . Ward 10 Street From To Albany, Snelling Hemline Albert University Taylor Albert _Wynne Como Albert Frankson Hoyt Aldine University Englewood Aldine Hubbard. G. N. Ry. Almond Snelling Hemline Arlington Snelling Chelsea Arona Wynne Hoyt Asbury University Englewood Asbury Hewitt Taylor Asbury Midway Parkway Arlington Asbury Nebraska Hoyt Atty Scudder Raymond Bayless Bayless Place Manvel Bayless Place Eustis Cromwell Berry University Charles Berryerritorial.Road Pearl —Bison—Midway Parkway liidwa, Parkway Blair Fairview Lexington Blake Gordon Raymond Bourne Eustis Keston Bradford Ellis Endicott Branston jEast,of Park) '150' S of Hendon to 204' N Hendon Branston `(West of Park) 150"S of Hendon to 224' N Hendon -Branston 214' N of Hendon Hoyt Breda Winston Hemline Brewster (Bath sides of Park) Raymond Gibbs Brompton Doswell Como Como Buford \Brompton Grantham Cleveland Buford California Dunlap Lexington Canfield Snelling Pascal Cleveland Carter Eustis Hampden Vandalia Charles Prior Fairview Charles Aldine Lexington Charles Hewitt ' G N Ry. Charlotte Chelmsford Knapp Carter Chelmsford Doswell Dudley Chelsea Arlington Idaho 'Chalton Prior Fairview Chilcombe Eustis Keston Clayland Chelton Hewitt N. STREET 0I'L I NG SEASON 194 Ward 10 Cont.) �T Street From To Commonwealth Gordon Commonwealth (N Side of Park) West End West End of Park of Park Commonwealth (S Side of Park) West End of Park East End of Park Commonwealth East -End of Park East End of Park Cleveland Cromwell (Both Sides of Park) Bayless Place Manvel Curfew University Charles Nakota Raymond Doswell Wycliff Eustis Dudley Grantham Cleveland DunlaDunlap University P Cleveland Englewood Montana California Edmund Aldine Ellis Lexington Englewood (Both Sides of Park i Minnehahaal Hampden Englewood Fairview �girview Englewood Hemline .$selling Dupla Eustis Uhiversity Eustis Robbins Carter Valentine Fair Place Snelling Asbury Fairview 440' S of Thomas (Pavement)Taylor Felmvood Hoyt Frankson Larpenteur Midwgy Parkway -: 'Fry Hemline UniversityFulham G. N. Ry. Alley S. of Hendon Hoyt Gibbs Brewster Como Gordon (Both Sides of.Triangel) Carter Langford Park .Gordon Langford Park Raymond Grantham Doswell Grantham E. Grantham E. & W Grantham Grantham E. Buford 1412 Grantham Grantham W. Grantham Grantham Grantham Grantham Grantham E & W Hoyt Griggs University Seminary Griggs Hoyt Idaho Hemline Hewitt G. N. Ry. Hemline N P By. Hampden Larpenteur Raymond Hendon Bayless Como Heresy Cleveland Hampden Hewitt Endicott Pusey Hewitt (Both Sides of Park) Clayland Tatum Aldine S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 194 Ward 10 Cont.) * Street From _ a To Hewitt Hemline Grig#a Hillside Commonwealth Como Holton Minnehaha G. N. Ry. Holton Arlington Hoyt Hoyt Fulham Alley East Hoyt Branston East to Alley Hoyt Snelling Lexington Hubbard Simpson Pascal Hubbard Holton Albert Hubbard Hemline Arlington Dunlap 120• N. of Idaho Huron Hythe Doswell o Dudley Idaho Hemline Lexington Iowa Dunlap Lexington Kasota Raymond Gibbs Buford Keeton Commonwealth Cleveland Knapp Hillside Como Knapp Place app Lafond Fairview Aldine �6 Lafond Snelling Lexington Langford Park (Both Sides) Bayless app Long Raymond Ellis Ludlow N P By. Gordon Luther Place Como Grantham McKinley Frankson Arlington Raymond Manvel Robbins Idaho Merrill Parkway Hoyt North ServiceSDnrs}iing Hemline Midway Midway Parkway South Service Dr Snefiing Hemline Dunlap• Lexington Montana Nebraska Snelling Chelsea Pascal University Taylor Hoyt Pascal Wynne Bayless Pearl Berry Tatum Pennock — Pusey Minnehaha Pennock Prior Priscilla Raymond N P Ry. Pusey Chelt on Taylor , V S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 10 (Cont.) lot Street From To Raleigh 1122 Raleigh Como Raymond Cleveland Dudley Raymond Place Raymond Raymond Robbins Eustip Manvel Scudder Blake Cleveland Seal Territorial Rd. Ellie Seminary Hamlin Lexington Sheldon Frankson Nebraska Sheldon Hoyt 419' S of Hoyt (End of Street) Sherburne Aldine Lexington Simpson University Taylor Simpson Midway Parkway Hoyt Standish Raymond, N. P. Ry. Syndicete University, Hewitt Tatum Minnehaha Taylor Taylor Prior Fairview Taylor Wheeler.' Syndicate Territorial Road City Limits Carleton Territorial Road Hampden Pillsbury Thomas Fairview Lexington. Valentine Eustis Como _ _ - Van Buren Snelling Lexington Wheeler University- North to Spur Track %,heeler Thomas Taylor Wycliff Dakota Hepsey Wynne Winston Hamlin Young Taylor G. N. By. .0: r' S T R E E T O I L I N G 61 SEASON 1949 Ward 10(Cont.) E & W Alley -Albany -Almond -Snelling -Arora Alley-Albany-Al.s:ond-Arona-Pascal Alley-Albert-Sheldon-Frankson-Arlington Alley -Albert -Sheldon -Arlington -Nebraska Alley -Albert -Sheldon -Nebraska -Hoyt- "T" Alley -Almond -Canfield -Snelling -Aron Alley-Almond-Canfield-Arona-Pascal "T" Alley-Arlington-Nebraska-Hamline-Huron "L" 'Alley -Arlington -Nebraska -Huron -Chelsea Alley-Arona-Simpson-Frankson-Arlington Alley -Aron -Simpson -Arlington -Nebraska Alley-Aron-Simpeon-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley -Asbury -Aron -Nebraska -Hoyt N & S Alley-Baylese-Pearl-Eustis-Cromwell Alley -Bayless -Place -Pearl -Cromwell -Bayless Alley -Blair -Van BdreneWheeler-Aldine Alley -Blair -Van Buren -Aldine -Fry Alley -Blair -Ban Buren -Pascal -Albert Alley -Blair -Van Buren -Albert -Hamlin Alley -Blair -Van Buren-Grigge-Dunlap "T" Alley -Blair -Van Buren -Dunlap -Lexington Alley -Branston -Grantham -Hendon -Hoyt N & S Alley -Breda -Como -Snelling -Aron ATley-Breda-Como-Arona-Pascal Alley -Breda -Como -Pascal -Albert Alley -Breda -Como -Albert -Hamlin "T" Alley-Buford-Como=Brompton E & W Alley-Carter-Dostell-Gove-2170 Doswell West N & S Alley -Carter -Do ewe ll-Keeton- Como "T" Alley -Charles -Edmund -Fry -Snelling "H" Alley -Charles -Edmund -Snelling -Asbury West N & S Alley-Charles-Edmund-Simpeon-Pascal Alley -Charles -Edmund -Pascal -Albert Alley-Charlee-V-&und6Albert -Hemline Alley-Charles-v-dmund-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Charles-Edmund-Syndicate-Grigge Alley-Charles-Edmund-Grigge-Dunlap Alley -Charles -Edmund -Dunlap -Lexington Alley-Chelmsford-Hythe-Buford-Hendon Alley-Chelmsford-Hythe-Hendon-Dudley Alley -Chelsea -Merrill -Hoyt -Idaho West N & S & E & W Alley also NJ of East N & S Alley Commonwealth -Carter -Como -Chelmsford E 355' E & W Alley -Como -Albany -Snelling -Aron S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 10 Cont-) • Alley-Como-Albany-Aron-East to Turn Around H "T" Alley-Como-Albany-Pascal-Hemline "T^Alley-Como-Hendon-Fulham N & S Alley-Doewell-Buford-Chelmsgord-Hgthe E & W Alley-Doewell-Buford-Hythe-Raymond N 137'. of West N & S Alley -(Between 2330 & 2340 Valentine) Dos$iell-Salentine-Keston-Como: N & S Alley=Edmuind-Thomae-Fry-Snelling "T" Alley-Edmung-Thomae-Snelling=Asbury West N & S Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Asbury-Simpson "H" Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Pascal-Albert Alley-Edmund-Thcmas-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Edmund-Thomae-Syndicate-Grigge North E & W.Alley-Englewood-Hawitt-Pascal-Holton N & S Alley-Englewood-Hewitt-Albert-Hamlin E & W Alley-Englewood-Hawitt-Albert-Hemline a Alley-Englew00d-Seminary-Syndicate-Grigge Alley-Englewood-Seminary-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Gordon-Knapp-Hillside-Langford-Park Alley-Grantham-Cleveland-Dudley-Hoyt Alley-Grigge-Dunlap-Hoyt-North to Turn around Alley-Hamline-Huron-Hoyt-Idaho Alley-Hamlin-Huron-Idaho-1648 N. Hemline West N & S Alley-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford East N & S Alley-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford Alley-Holton-Albert-Arlington-Nebraska Alley-Holton-Albert-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Hoyt-Iowa- Dunlap-Loa xingtoh Alley -Huron -Chelsea -Nebraska -Hoyt' Alley-Hrron-Chelsea-Hoyt-Idaho Alley-Hythe+-Raymond-Buford-Hendon Alley-Hythe-Raymond-Hendon-Dudley Alley-Lafond-Blair-Wheeler-Aldine Alley-Lafond-Blair-Aldine-Fry "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Fry-Snelling Alley-Lafond-Blair-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Lafond-Blair-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-lafond-Blair-Grigge-Dunlap S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1 4 Ward 10 Coat.) "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dunlep-Lexington E & W Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englevood Nly- & Sly Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englewood Alley-Minnehaha Englewood-Faitview Alley-Paecal-Holton-Nebraska-Hoyt Alle Raymond-Cleveland-Hepdon-Dudley Sly + of Wly & Sly Alley-Soudder-Knapp-Como-Raymond Alley-Sheldon-Hamline-Frankson-Arlington Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Aldine -Fry "T" Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Fry -Snelling -- Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Snelling -Asbury Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Asbury-Simpeon Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Simpson -Pascal Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Faecal -Albert Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Hamline-Syndicate Alley -Sherburne -Charles -Syndicate -Griggs Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Grigge-Dunlap Alley-Sherburne-Charlea-Dunlap-Lexington Allay-Simpson-Pascal-Frankson-Arlington Alley -Simpson -Pascal -Arlington -Nebraska rF Jilleq-Snelling-Aabury-Fair Place -Arlington, E & W Alley -Taylor- G N Ry. -Fry -Snelling (E & W Alley runs from Fry to 186' East) Alley -Territorial Rd.-PlaygroundeCromwell-Hunt Place Alley-Thomes-Lafond-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Thomas-Lefond-Wheeler-Aldine E & W tlley4Thomae-Lafond-Fry-Snelling Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Paecgl-Albert Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-University-Sherburne-Asbury-Simpeon Alley -University -Sherburne -Pascal -Albert Alley-University-Sherburne-Ramline-Syndicate Alley -University -Sherburne -Syndicate -Griggs Alley -University -Sherburne -Dunlap -28' W of W 1. Lexington Alley -Valentine -Buford -Brompton -Keston S 18ot of N & S Alley -Valentine -Buford -Keaton -Como Alley -Van Buren-Minnehaha-Wheeler-Aldine "T" Alley -Van Buren-Minnehaha-Aldine-Fry West N & S Alley -Van Buren-yfinnehaha-Snelling-Asbury Alley -Ven Buren-Minnehahs-Asbury-Simpson Alley -Van Buren-Minnehaha-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley -Van ,Buren-Minnehaha-Syndicate-Griggs Alley -Van Buren-Minnehaha-Grigge-Dunlap Alley-Wynne-Breda-Arona-Pascal Allpy-Wynne-Breda-Albert9Hamline S T R E E T 0 1 L I N G SEASON _1 4 Ward 11 Street F m T Alley N. of Ashland Albert Highland Marshall Aldine summit Roblyn St. Anthony Cretin Cretin Finn Ann Arbor R St. Anthony Asbury and Cleveland Snelling Ashland Pascal Hemline Ashland Mt. Curve Snelling Bayard Pascal Hemline Bayard St. Anthony University Beacon Beechwood Bo Fairview Springfield Benson Madison Pascal a Hemline Berkeley. scalin Ellie Berry ' Sty Anthony St. Anthony Beverly Road Cleveland Fairview Bohland Hartford St. Clair Brimball Calvin St. Paul Wilder C M St P & P Ry. Carroll Cretin Pascal Carroll Pierse Syndicate Griggs Vandalia Carroll Cleora Pillsbury [iso River Blvd. St. Paul Cleveland _Beverlq Roed Anthony Summit _lifford Highland Cretin Miss River Blvd. St. Anthony (Both Sides of Island) Cretin St. Anthony Cromwell Doane Wabash University Cromwell Myrtle University Curfew ,�lorfolk Seventh -Montreal Davern 1173 Davern —Rom Alley N. of Hillcrest _Davern Davern St. Clair Davern Ford Mies River Blvd. Saratoga Dayton Summit University Dewey -gust is Raymond Central Doane Dunlap St. Anthony yacalester Eleanor Mr. Curve Snelling Hemline Eleanor . Emerald Berry University Ellis Ellis Curfew Ellie Emerald Franklin Wabash University Eustis Riverwood Marshall Exeter Place S T R E E T f O I L I N G SEASON 1 Ward 11 (Cont.) From To �. Street Prior Fairmount Cretin Highland St. Clair Fairview Fairview Summit Selby University Fairview Marshall Carroll St, Anthony Ferdinand Prior Fairview Feronin Edgcu�be Davern Hartford Field Finn a Highland Summit Finn Niles Selby _§t, Anthony Finn jot. Anthony Curfew University Frontenac Summit Try Glendale Beverly, Doane Myrtle Glendale Wabash CretinCleveland Goodrich Sue A Edgaumbe Graham Seventh Blvd. Davern Graham Carroll Bohn Griggs Albert Hague, g Fairview 755 S• of Univ4FatU,nt) Hemline Marshall St. Anthony C P P Ry. �i Hampden rehireshir Yorkshire er Davvern So to Turn Around _gampshire Ct., e Hampshire amp W oMt. Curve Cleveland Hartford 1166 W, of Fairview mline Hartford Herschel Ashland Carroll Carollr University Herschel St. Anthony Bohland Hillcrest Howell Randolph Palace Grand Howell Howell Stanford St. Anthony Howell Summit Iglehart Cretin Snelling Fry Pascal Iglehart Fairview James Cretin Cretin Pascal Ca Hemline James River Blvd. Fairview Jefferson Snelling'^ Hemline Jefferson Josephine Eleanor Bayard Fairview Juliet Cretin Pascal Hemline Juliet Cretin Cleveland Wheeler Juno Juno Fairview Snelling Juno Davern BOhland Kenneth Saunders Bayard Kenneth Ford Randolph St. Clair Kennbth Princeton Goodrich Kenneth S T R E E T 0'I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 11 Cont '0' Street From T LaSalle Myrtle University Laurel Cleveland Albert Lincoln Cretin Fairview Lynnhurst E. Feronia University Lynnhurst W. Feronie, University Iris Place Lynnhurst W. Lynnhurst E. Beechwood Bohland _Macalester Ford Pinehurst _Macalester Macalester Highland Jefferson _ Madieoh Benson" 150' N. (1280 Madison) Merriam Lane Wilder St. Anthony Milwaukee Wilder Moore Montgomery Myrtle University Moore _Summit Merriam Lane Moore ^St. Anthony Milwaukee -Montreal .Cleveland ySt. Paul Mt. Curve Randolph St. Clair Munster Sue Davern Myrtle Eustis Raymond Myrtle Pillsbury Vand alis Niles Cretin Cleveland Niles Davern Warwick Norfoll Cleveland Edgcumbe Norfolk Seventh Blvd. Davern Oakley Prior Lynnhurst E. Palace Cretin Fairview Palace Snelling _Iiam`ine Pascal _Highland _3911 N of Hartford Pascal Randolph Summit Pascal Summit Selby Pascal Marshak Roblyn Pelham C M St P & P By Franklin Pierce Summit Iglehart Pierce Carroll University Pillsbury St. Anthony Cleora Pinehurst Mt. Curve Howell Pinehurst Fairview Snelling Portland Pascal Hemline prior --Visa River Blvd. __Norfolk Eleanor Bayard _Prior Prior Randolph Marshall S T R E E T 0 I LING SEASON 1 4 Ward 11 (Cont.) *� Street From To University Raymond Wabash Exeter Place Cretin Rivervood Place Cretin Wilder Roblyn Roblyn Merriam Lane' Fairview 2§0` E. of Pascal �oblyn ` Herschel 2334 Rockwood �glton _Rockwood Griggs Lexington Rondo Wilder Fairview Rome Highland Scheffer Roy n St. Anthony University Roy City Limits Lexington St. Anthony Edgcumbe Montreal St. Paul Hartford Dayton Saratoga Sargeut Snellin - -�'l� jjley 130' East Saunders Cleveland Fairview Saunders Wilder. Curve Cleveland Scheffer Fairview Hemline Scheffer Selby _Exeter Place Fairview W of Bridge -�--_Sel,by _C M St P & P Ry X30' W of Bridge -330' g�be J9e1by N & S Drives Norfolk �F Seventh SL Shelby Place Edgcumbe Devern Shelby Place Prior Sheridan Fairview Aldine Shields Pierce Snelling Shields Seventh Se MontMontreal Snelling Fairview Stanford Stalling Hamlin Stanford moo• W of Alton __Yard Line Stewart Wordsworth Sheridan SueFleenor Bayard Sue summit N. Drive Wheeler (Prod) Snelling Brimhall (Prod) Summit S. Drive Wheeler Highland Bayard Sumner Marshall Carroll Syndicate St. Anthony Bohn Syndicate. Cretin Roblyn Temple Court St. Anthony C. M St P & P Ry Vandalia Wabash Eustis Hampden Cleveland- %yandalia Weba4h Prior Dewey Waltham 4 S TRE9T,., OI LI NG SEASON 1 Ward 11 Cont.) T St e t om St. Clair Hartford Cliveland Warrick Cretin Snelling Watson Davern Fair view Watson Mt. Curve Hemline Wellesley Pascal yield Wellesley Sheridan Hartford Wheeler Highland St. Clair Wheeler Juno - Carroll Wheeler Summit 0 University Wheeler St. Anthony Bohland Wheeler Saunders Bayard Wilder _ Highland C M St P & P Ry Wilder Wilder Summit Randolph fferson Woodlawn Prior th � Seventh Wordsworth Fairview Davern Rankin WL Yorkshire Madison. Youngman No S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON_1949 Ward 11 (Coot.) �. "T" Alley -Ashland -Laurel -Cleveland -Wilder Alley -Ashland -Laurel -Moore -Prior Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Srior-Hovell Alley -Ashland -Laurel -Howell -Davey Alley -Ashland -laurel -Fairview -Wheeler Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Wheoler-Herschsl Alley -Ashland -Laurel -Herschel -Aldine Alley-Aehland-Laueel-Aldine-Pierce N & S Alley -Ashland -Laurel -F ylnndlLaurel-Snelling-Saratoga E & W and West N & S Alley- Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Pascal-Alkert Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Daoern-Macalester Alley -Berkeley -St. Clair -Mt. Curve -Cretin "T" Alley -Berkeley -St. Clair -Finn -Cleveland "T" Alley-Berkeley=St- Clair -Cleveland -Kenneth Alley -Berkeley -St. Clair -Kenneth -Prior Alley -Berkeley -St. Chair -Prior -Howell Alley -Berkeley -St. ,Clair-Howell-Fiatview Alley -Berkley -St. Clair-Wheeler-DaverB "T" Alley -Berkeley -St- Clair-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Berkeliy-St. Clair-Maealester-Snelling A116y-Berkeley-St.' Clair -Pascal -Albert' . E & W1 Ailey -Berkeley -St -, Clair-Albert St. Anthony Alley -Beverly -Pillsbury- ym Alley-Brimball-Saratoga�Hartford-Niles "T" Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Randolph-Palace Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Cretin-Finn Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Howell-Ferdinand Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Dewey and -Dewey A'iley-Carroll-Roblyn-Pierce-Fry "T" Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Fry- Snelling Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Asbury-Pascal Alley -Central -university -Dunlap -Lexington Alley -Cleveland -Wilder -Iglehart _Carroll Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Carroll-Roblyn N & S A116y-Cromwell-Pelham-Beverly-205' Nly Alley -Cromwell -Pelham -Doane -St. Anthony S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 11 (Cont.1 E & W Alley-Dayton-Marehall-Exeter-Cretin Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Firm -Cleveland Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Cleveland -Wilder Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Prior -Howell Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Howell -Dewey Alley -Layton -Marshall -Dewey -Fairview Alley-Dayton-)Iarshall-Fairview-Wheeler Alley -Dayton -Marshall -Pierce -${y "T" Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Mt. Curve-Ceetin Alle y-Eleanor-Scheffer- Cret in -Finn Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Eleanor-Seheffer-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley -Fairmount -Goodrich -Finn -Cleveland Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Clevelan d -Kenneth Alley -Fairmount -Goodrich -Howell -Fairview Alley-Feronin-Iris Place-Lynnhurst W.-Lynnhurst E. N & S All ey-Ford-Pinehurst-Mt :'Curve -Cretan "T" Alley -Goodrich -Lincoln -Finn -Cleveland Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln=Cleveland-Prior • Alley -Goodrich -Lincoln -Howell -Fairview "T" Alley -Goodrich -Lincoln -Snelling -Saratoga All ey=Goodrich-Lincoln-Saratoga+Pascal' Alley" Gread-Summit'-Cretin-Firm Alley -Grand -Summit -Finn -100' East Alley -Grand -Summit -Cleveland -Prior Alley- Grand- Summit-Fairview-ibeelow N & S and E & W Alley -Grand -Summit -Snelling -Saratoga Alle y -Gran d-Summit-Albert-Haml.ine All ey-Hartford-Watson-Davem-Macalester N & S Alley -Highland -Eleanor -Mt. Curve-Crotin Alley -Highland -Eleanor -Finn -Cleveland Alley-Highla'd-Eleanor-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Albert-haml.ine Alley -Iglehart -Carroll -Snelling -Asbury Alley -Iglehart -Carroll -Asbury -Pascal Alley -James -Palace -Kenneth -Prior "T" Alley -James -Palace -Howell -Fairview West N &.S Alley-Jame-Palace-Maclaester-Snelling East N & S Alley -James Plaace-Macalester-Snelling Alley -James -Palace -Pascal Albert Alley-Jefferson-Weeleeley-Mt. Curve -Cretin 10 S T"RIB M fi 0-1. ,L I N;6 `- SEASON 1 4 Ward 11 Cont.) *, Alley-Jefferson+Wellesley-Cretin-Fina "L" Alley-Jefferson-Wellealey-Finn-Cleveland Alloy-Jeffereon-Wellesley-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Jefferson-Wellealey-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Jeffereon-Welle8ley=Prior-1857 .Jefferson Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Davern-Macalester Alley-Jeffereon-Wellesley-rascal-Albert ^T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Albert-Hamline Alley -Juliet -Jefferson -Cretin -Finn Alley -Juliet -Jefferson -Cleveland -Kenneth Alley -Juliet -Jefferson -Kenneth -Prior Alley -Juliet -Jefferson -1890 Jefferson -Fairview Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Whealer-Davern E & W Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Davern-Macalester "H" Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Macalester-Snelling Allay -Juliet -Jefferson -Pascal -Albert E & W Alley-Juliet-Jeffereon-Albert-Hamline Alley-Jtmo-Randolph-Cretin-Finn Alley -Juno -Randolph -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Juno -Randolph -Fairview -Wheeler Alley-Juno-Randolph-Davern-Macaleater Alley-,Aure1 Selby -Wilder -Moore Alley-Lanral-Selby-Prior-Howell` Alley -Laurel -Selby -Howell -Dewey Alley -Laurel -Selby -Dewey -Fairview Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Cretin -Finn "T" Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Cleveland -Prior Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Prior -Howell Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Fairview-!9heeler Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cambridge-Macaleater "T" Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Snelling -Saratoga Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Saratoga -Pascal Alley -Lincoln -Grand -Albert -Hamlin -Alley-Marshall-Iglshart-Cretin-Finn Alley -Marshall -Iglehart -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Marshall -Iglehart -Cleveland -Wilder Alley -Marshall -Iglehart -Wilder -Moore Alley-Marshall-IglebartbMoore-Prior Alley-Mareball-IglehartpDewey-Fairview _Alley -Marshall -Iglehart -Wheeler -Herschel _Alley -Mar shall -Iglehart -Here chei-Aldine Alley -Mise. River Blvd. -Mt. Curve -Hartford -Randolph 14 & S Alley -Mt. Curve-CretinpRandolph-Jefferson r t 1 S TAE E,?T o f --L I N G SE ON 1949 a .. Ward 11(Cont . )' S & W Alley-3tt. Curve -Cretin -Randolph -Jefferson' Alley -Mt. Curve-Montboee Lane -Hart ord-Randolph Alley-Munster-Wordworth-ighg umie.=WheeTpr "T" Alley-Niles-Jmno-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Niles-Juno-Davern-Macalsster Alley-osceola-Fairmount-Albert-Hemline Alley -Palace -Juliet -Cretin -Finn "T" Alley -Palace -Juliet -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Palace -Juliet -Cleveland -Kenneth Alley -Palace -Juliet -Prior -1838 Juliet Alley -Palace -Juliet -Fairview -Wheeler w _ All ey-Palace-Juliet-Wheeler-DaVern "T" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Davern-Macalester Alley-Palace-Juliet-Pescal-Albert Alley-Pinehurst-Highland-Davern-Macalester N & S Alley -Portland -Ashland -Cleveland -Wilder Alley-Portland-Aahland-Prior-Rowell Alley-Portland-Ashland-Howell-Deey_, Alley-Portlaad�Aehland-Dewey-Fairview Alley -Portland -Ashland -Pierce -Fry •E & W Alley -Portland -Ashland -Saratoga -Pascal Alley -Princeton -Fairmount -Cleveland -Kenneth "T" Alley -Princeton -Goodrich -Fairview -Wheeler South 8 & W Alley and N & S Alley -Princeton -Goodrich -Wheeler -Amherst - Alley -Randolph -James -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Randolph -James -Kenneth -Prior Ailey -Randolph -Janes -Prior -Howell Alley-Randolph-Jaaes-Howell-Fairview Alley -Randolph -James -Fairview -Wheeler Alley-Randolph-James-Wheeler-Davera ^H" Alley-Randolph-Jamea-Macalester-Snelling Alley -Randolph -James -Pascal -Albert E & W Alley-Randolph-James-Atbert-Hamline Allay-Riverwood-Selby-Exeter-Cretin Alley-Roblyn-Ann Arbor -Cretin -Finn "T" Alley-Roblyn-Finn-Temple Court Willey-Roblyn-St. Anthony -Pierce -Fry Ailey-Rome-Saundere-Howell-Fairview "T" Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Fairview -Beacon . "T" Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Beacon -Wheeler T k E B T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 11 Cont.) "T" Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Wheeler -Herschel N & S Alley -St. Anthony-Shields-Herachel-Aldine "T" Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Pierce -Fry N & S Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Roy -Snelling E & W Alley -St. Anthony -Shields -Roy -Snelling Alley -St. Clair -Sargent' -Finn -Cleveland N &-S Alley -St. Clair -Sargent -Howell -Fairview Alley -St. Clair -Sargent -Fairview -Wheeler Alley -St. Clair-SargentttSnalling-Saratoga Alley -St. Clair -Sargent -Saratoga -Pascal Alley -St. Clair -Sargent -Pascal -Albert Alley -St. Clair-Sargent-Aibert-Hamlin Alley -Saratoga -Warwick -Hartford -Niles N & S Alley -Saratoga -Warwick -Niles -Randolph Alley -Saratoga -Warwick -Randolph -Palace Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Palace-Jeffereon Alley -Saratoga -Warwick -Jefferson -Stanford Alley -Saratoga -Warwick -Stanford -St. Clair Alley -Sargent -Osceola -Snelling -Saratoga ,Alley-Sargent-Oseeola-Saratoga-Pascal Alley -Sargent -Osceola -Pascal -Albert Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Albert=Hamlin N & S Alley -Sargent -Princeton -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Sargent -Princeton -Cleveland -Kenneth Alley -Sargent -Princeton -Kenneth -Prior Alley -Sargent -Princeton -Prior -Novell "T" Alley -Sargent -Princeton -Howell -Fairview Alley-Schaffer-Bayard-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley?Scheffer-Bayard-Macalester-Snelling "T- Alley -Schaffer -Bayard -Albert -Hamlin Alley=Selby-Dayton-Exeter-Cretin "T" Alley -Selby -Dayton -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Selby -Dayton -Moore -Prior Alley -Selby -Dayton -Prior -Howell Alley -Selby -Layton -Howell -Dewey _"T" Alley -Shields -University -Fairview -Beacon S & W Alley-Shielde-University-Roy'-Shelling N & S Alley-Shielde-University-Roy-Snelling Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Hartford-Niles N & S Alley -Shields -University -Beacon -Wheeler 6 S T R E E T 0'1- L I N O SEASON 1944 Ward 11 ,(Cgnt.) Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Randolph-Palaoe' ,_Ailsy-Snelling-Brimhnll-Jefferson-Stanford N & S Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Stanford-St. Clair "T" Alley Stanford-Berkeley-Fian:Cleveland., Alley-Stanford"-Berkeley-Qlepelabd-Ifenneth Allay -Stanford -Berkeley -Kenneth -Prior Alley-Stanford-Nerkeley-Wheeler-Davern "T" Allay-Stanford-Berkeley-Davernplkoalester Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Paaoal Albert Alley -Summit -Portland -Fry -Snelling Alley -Temple Court-Cleveland-Roblyn-St. Anthony Alley -Warwick -Pascal -Hartford -North to End Alloy-Warwick-Pascal-Jeffereon-Stanford Alley -Warwick -Pascal -Stanford -St. Clair Alley-Watson-Niles=Davern-Macalester "T" Alley -Wellesley -Stanford -Finn -Cleveland Alley -Wellesley -Stanford -Cleveland -Kenneth Alley -Wellesley -Stanford -Kenneth -Prior "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Davern-Macaleeter -.-- Alley -Wellesley -Stanford -Pascal -Albert "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Albert-Ramline Alley-Wilder-Kenneth-Highlad-Eleanor Alley-Woodlawn-Mt. Curve -Randolph -Jefferson F1 STREET O I ,L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 12 Street From TO Alameda Wheelock Cottage Alameda Arlington Hoyt California Alameda Iowa Front N P Ry Argyle Argyle Jessamine Van Slyke Arlington Milton Dale Dale Aurora Lexington Carroll Seminary Avon Front Jessamine Avon Avon Wheelock Cottage Avon Hoyt Idaho Barrett Front Jessamine Blair Lexington Oxford! Blair 'Victoria Dale Burgess Lexington Chatsworth California Victoria $i�1 California Grotto Dale Dale Charles Lexington Carroll Thomas Chatsworth Chatsworth Lafond, Blair Chatsworth Burgess Blvd. Front Nebraska �Bioatana Chatsworthtomo _.ghat sworth Nebraska Willey North Chatsworth Hoyt Alley North ,1hatsworth Iowa Front N P Ry Churchill Jessamine Como Park (One Block Churchill No. of Van Slyke) Colne Front N P.Ry Colne N,P Ry Como, Argyle Como Lexington Chatsworth Como Place. Grotto CComo ottage Chatsworth Avon Van Slyke Como Blvd Como Park (12.85 Como Blvd Como Blvd. (West of Lake) Chatsworth Chatsworth Como Blvd. (East of Lake) Victoria Como Como Place Front Grotto Alley East Cottage Edmund Lexington Dale Chatsworth Englewood Lexington 116` E of Victoria Grotto Englewood Carroll Aurora Fisk Wheelock Ivy Folsom Lexington Dale Fuller + Carroll Seminary 1s Grotto Maryland Seminary Grotto S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON 1949 Ward 12 (Cont.) � Street From To Chatsworth Victoria Idaho Avon Grotto Idaho Chatsworth Victoria Iowa_ Avon Dale Iowa Como Blvd. Grotto Ivy Front Orchard Jameson Churchill Chatsworth Jessamine Victoria Avon Jessamine Front N P Ry. Kilburn N P By. Como Kilburn Lafond Lexington Dale _Victoria _ygkeview Como Blvd. o Lakeview Avon Front ,�ott Orchard Louth Marland y Como Blvd. Ole xford Mary Lane Moniaga Maryland Wheelock Maywood Arlington Hoyt Maywood Iowa California Carroll' Thomas ` .MiltonMaywood Arlington Nebraska,; Milton Nebraska Idaho Milton Minnehaha Lexington Dale Victoria Lexington Avon _,-Montana Montana Fisk _ Nebraska Como Blvd. Fisk Maywood Nebraska Avon Alley W. of Dale Dale Nebraska Chatsworth Quincy Place Nevada Osage Folsom Orange St: Albans Dale Orange Lexington Jameson Orchard Victoria Ivy Osage Central Seminary Oxford 1061 Oxford oxford Burgess Jessamine Como Oxford Mary Lane Hoyt ,oxford _ Como Blvd. Victoria Parkview Avon Grotto Parkview _ Lexington ' Dale Rondo Front N P Ry. Ryde' N P Ry. Como Rydo X A M STREET o I LING SEASON 1949 Ward 12 (Coat.) Street From To St. Albans Central Minnehaha St. Albans Maryland Wheelock St. Albans Arlington Hoyt St. Albans Iowa California St. Anthony Lexington, St. Albans Seminary Lexington Chatsworth Seminary Avon Grotto Sherburne Lexington Dale Simon 746 Simon Dale Stinson Lexington Chatsworth Thomas Lexington Dale Van Buren Lexington Dxford Van Buren Victoria Dale Van.Slyke Lexington Chatsworth Victoria Carroll Minnehaha Victoria Front. ' . Jessamine Victoria Wheelock Larpent our Hatch Lexington Grotto Horton Vali Slyke Como Blvd. Hoyt Lexington Grotto X A M f' • 6 S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON Ward 12 Cont.) Alley -Alameda -St. Albans -Maryland -118' North All®Chat J "L" Alley-Argyle'hae`rth-essamine-Van Slyke Alley -Aurora -University -Milton -Victoria Alley -Aurora -University -Grotto -St. Albans Alley -Avon -Folsom -Orange' -Ivy Alley -Blair -Van Buren -Victoria -Avon Alley -Blair -Van Buren -Avon -Grotto Alley -Blair -Van Buren -St. Albans -Dale Alley-Central-Fuller-Chateworth-Miltbn: Alley-Central-Fuller-Milton-Viotoria Alley -Central -Fuller -Victoria -Fisk Alley -Central -Fuller -Avon -Grotto Alley -Central -Fuller -Grotto -9t. Albans N & S Alley-Cbarlem-Edmund-Lexington-oxford Alloy -Charles -Edmund -Milton -Victoria Alley -Charles -Edmund -Avon -Grotto Alley -Charles -Edmund -Grotto -St. Albans Alley -Charles -Edmund -St. Albans -Dale Alley-Chatevorth-Kilburn-Hatch-Orchard Alley -Churchill -Como Blvd. -Horton -North To End Alley -Churchill -Oxford -Jessamine -Camp Alley -Como B1vd..Nevada-Chatsworth-Milton Alley=Como_S*m0u'j46 Simon -Dale West N &'S Alley�,E '& T Alleys Eget N'& S Alley Turn Around Como -van Slyke -Churchill -Argyle N & S Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Lexingtpn-Oxford Alley-Edmund-Thomae-Milton-ViOtoris Alley-Edmund-Thomae-Victoria-Avon Alley-Edmund-Thomas�Grabto-St. Albans Alley-Edmund-T.omae-St,. Albans -Dale Alley -Folsom -Grotto -Wheelock -Ivy "T" Alley -Hatch -Front -Colne -Louth "T" Alley-Front-HatehgLouth-Victaria Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Oxford-Chatevath Alley -Fuller -Aurora -Chatsworth -Milton Alley-Puller-Aurora-Viatoria-Fisk Alley -Fuller -Aurora -Fisk -Avon Alley -Fuller -Aurora -Grotto -St. Albans Alley -Hoyt -Iowa -Chatsworth -Milton Alley-Iowa-Idaho-Chatvverth-Milton "L" Alley -Ivy -Lakeview -Como Blvd. -Osage E. & W Alley-jessamine-Como-Chateworth-Kilburn S T R E E T 0:1 L I N G .SEASON 1 4 Ward 12 Cont.) E & W Alley-Jessamine-Como-Kilburn-Ryde "L" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Lexington-Oxford Alley-Lafond-Blair= Grotto -St 'Albans Alley-Lafond-Blair-St. Albans -Dale Alley -Lexington -Churchill -Jessamine -Como N & S Alley & E & W Alley from N & S Alley to 1077 Minnehaha Minnehaha-Englewood-Lexington-Oxford Alley-Minnehaha-Englevood-Avon-Grotto "T": Alley-Nevada-Nebraska-Qhatsworth-Milton E & W Alley -N P Ry-Como-Ryde-Colne E & W Alley -Orchard -N P Ry-Ryde-Colne A.., N &.S Alley -Rose -Maryland -Como Blvd. -Avon -from E & W Alley To Maryland Alley -St. Anthony -Central -Fisk -Avon Alley -St. Anthbny.Ceatral-Avon-Grotto , Alley -St. Anthony -Central -grotto -St. Albans Alley- Sherbta ne-Charles-Lexingt on- Oxford Alley-Sherburne-Charlea-Milton-Victoria Alley -Sherburne -Charles -wt. Albans -Dale Alley-Stinson-Frout-Lexington-Oxford or Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Victoria-Avon Alley-Thomas-Lafond-St. Albano -Dale Alley-University-Sherb=erLexington-Oxford Alley-University-Sherburne-Avon-Gratto Alley -University -Sherburne -St. Albans -Dale Alley -Van Buren-Minnehaha-Victoria-Avon Alley -Van Buren-Minehaha-Avon-Grotto Alley -Van Bur en-Minnehaha-Grotto-St. Albans " Alley-VictorianAvon-Wheelock-Orange Alley-Victoria-AvotnOrange-Ivy M.I(1 to City Clerk 147810 CITY OF ST. PAUL Y OUNGa. NO ------ -.- -_ ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE C F: No. 197810—Hy Wien Rosen CIL RESOLUTION—GEN Re- it Resolved. That in accordance W ith Ordinance No. 8828, Council File No.' 127988, the sewer maintenance charge for 1999 to be made against' .the following commercial and Indus- - trlal properIle.a and residential proper- ' ,other than single end two-famny whi�h'c• Jd ted4 the City. , BE IT RESOLVED, That in accordance with Ordinance No."8829, Council File No. 137998, the sewer maintenance charge for 1949 to be made against the fol-:- loving ol=loving commercial and industrial properties and residential properties other. than single and two—family dwellings, which are located in the City of Nest Saint Paul and which are connected to the Saint Paul sewer system, be and hereby are determined to be the amounts set opposite -the location of the connection, as follows: 804 Allen Avenue 228 E. Annapolis St. 40 W. Annapolis St.' 218 H. Annapolis St. 404 W. Annapolis St. 163 W. Bernard St. 220 W. Bernard St. 795 Dodd Road 801 " 870 " 1061 Gorman Ave. ' 937 Humboldt Ave. 1000 Oakdale Ave. 888 Ohio Street 883-5 Ottawa Ave. 879 Stryker Ave. 1053-5 Stryker Ave. 879 Robert St. 880 " 885 " 893 -" 912-14 " 91.8 - " 919 " 920-22 " 924 to 932 Robert St. 934 to 938 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. PreAident, Delaney IM 8-18 O'® Tavern 8.80 Grocery 27.20 4—plex 28.80 " 20.80 Garage 20.00 Confectionery 7.20 Grocery and Apts. 15-M Tavern, club hall and apt. 16.00 Grocery, off—sale liquor and apts. 16.80 Filling station 10.40 Store 9.60 4 plea 20.00 Store and apt. 10.40 Tavern and apt. 3.1.20 4-plex 20.00 Buffet and flat _ 12.80 - Store and apt. 8.00 Tavern 29.60 Tavern.and off—sale liquor 40.00 Drug Store 13.60 Printing 'L.off—sale liquor & jewelry 16.00 Drug store and doctor's office 28.00 Bank 32.00 Hardware and flat 21.60 Grocery and apts. 40.00 Theater, restaurant & cocktail lounge 320.00 Dry cleaning pick up station & off—sale liquor, barber, bar 9.60 & grill Adopted by the Council. ............. ................... 194 -.... Approved.... _.................... .-.._....... 194..-... , ---.......... Favor —_................ -___............. ...._....._..._.-. Mayor —..—Against 147810 ginal tb Clty Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ------- ------- ----••-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —2— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA COMMISSIONERa—.-- - 940--42 Robert St. 945 ^ 946 " 950 ^ 987 " 992 " 995 " 999 " 1000 " 1034 " 1059 " 879-81 Smith Ave. 880-2 " 883' " 886 " 888-8882-90 Smith Ave. 887 Smith Ave. 898 " 937 ^ 966 ^ 969 " 973 " 979 " 991 n 999 ° Variety store, food market & 2 apts. 11.20 Filling station 8.00 Grocery 14.40 Bakery, doctors, dentist Yeas Nays�Q & apt. 37.60 Filling station and garage 21.60 Super market 64.00 Furrier and apt. 8.80 Filling station 8.00 Grocery & apts. 11.20 Garage 10.40 Dairy store & apt. 24.00 Drugs, barber, doctors & apt. 48.00 Grocery and apts. 57.60 Bakery and cleaners 19.20 Tavern 18.40 Off -sale liquor, Barber & Dairy 21.60 Variety store 16.00 Doctors and beauty parlor 16.00 Garage and filling station 26.40 4-plex 28.80 11 family apt. house 88.00 Hardware store 40.00 .Super market 40.09 Grocery and dwelling 8.00 Store and apt. 29.60 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sewer maintenance charge for 1949 against all other properties which are used for the purposes above described,be and hereby are determined to be $6.00 for each connection. RPR 21 ` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. l Yeas Nays�Q Approved _----- -_------------------------_.._--.194._.. Mortinaon Parranto ..In Favor _-.._... Rosen Truax _.._Against/ g Mr. President, Delaney PUBLISIIED IM 848 .411PO® �Orlplaal to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL mu cm NO ------- ------ �- OFFICE SOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F==G%�Kl COMMISSIONER_ _ DATE ' RESOLVED, that upon appeal of R. H. Rines from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the triplex at 720-722 Surrey Avenue into a fourplex. COUNCILMEN "Yeas Nays . o�rtlnaon —i'larranto –Pe6ereoa tae Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3mi 64�8 C. F. No. 147811—By W. A. Pa—olo— Resolved, That upon appeal f R. A. Rives from the decision of the Com- missioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favor- able recommendation of the Board Of Zoning, permission is hereby grant - d pursuant to Ordinance No. 5990, ex at 720.722 Samendedurrey Avenue Into a fthe uar- pleX. Adopted by the Council April 21, 1949. Approved April 21, 194 (April 23. 1949) Adopted by the CouneiL------........................... 194..---• Approved------------------------------------------- 194V-.- In Favor Mayor -----Against ,f CITY OF SAINT PAUL'' Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 20, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corooration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of R. R. Rines for permission to remodel a triplex at 720-722 Surrey into a fourplex. Very truly yqurs, ,V-7, City Clerk The Board of Zoning Sort Paul, Minnesota (pIARIt11m .Y .11n�NNK[ K0. NN. JYLY ,. ,,,V EGiN E. WAHMAN rR01DIN6 OIIICtlI G. H. HERROLO "'Cun- RC"M.y A. L OIVI[ CLYDH L NHTHVW A. fl. BCNP0H0C0.. CRY AFN1,.�* A. A NHCKMAN J. P. Ram ------------ 978 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 9r MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the appeal of R. H. Rines to remodel one-half of a double house into two apartments. The house was built in 1912, has 1,650 square feet on the foundation. It is across the street from the Van Buren School playgtbund. In 1946 the Council, on recommendation of the Board of Zoning, approved the making of a tri Alex of this building subject to the condition that it be painted. .The tri-plex remodelling was carried out and the building was painted. The applicant now rushes to make .a four-plex of the building. The Board of Zoning recommends the approval of this appeal making a four-plex of the -building at 720-722 Surrey Avenue. Yours very truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary d 1478 ° /oripinal to City Clerk counen. CITY OF ST. PAUL vaNs Q•-------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED E / DAA . COMMISSIONER jl v._L_ RESOLVED, that permission be granted to Arthur E. Steele to construct A six-foot tight board fenoe across the front and across the rear of Lot 6, Block 4, Joseph Weidels,Addition, also described as approximately 1101 Payne Avenue, said fence to be constructed under the supervision of the City Architect. C.R olved.7ThatBP realsdonabengrant - ed to Arthur E. Steele to construct a six-foot tight board fenceacross the front and across the rear of Lot 9. Hlock 4,, Joseph Weide's Addition. so i .1. ldescrlbed as approximately 1101 Payne Avenue, sold fence to be con- structed under the supervision of the Clty Architect. Adopted by the Council April 21.. - 1949. Approved April 21, 1949. (April 23, 1949) -I AF it 2a I 194a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194-•••-• Yeas Nays IiV tz –=iWindifts.---..� /11utlnson .41arranto i Approved •-------• - ._.194— m"a w In Favor - - --- - • --- -y ----- �' �itosen Ttuaa .........-.!..Against Mr. President, Delaney (I. 3M -gap-® CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ,OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 20, 1949 Mr, Bruce J. Broady 0orvoration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached request of Arthur E. Steele for permission to construct a six-foot tight board fence across the front and across the rear of Lot 8, Block 4, Joseph Weidels Addition, at approximately 1101 Payne Ave. Very truly yours,, City clerk �",, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota r BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect -41W© April '18, 1949 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: e have a letter from I;Ir. Steele, 1105 Payne Avenue, re- questing permission to build a six foot fence at this location. It is on Lot 8, lock 4, Jaeph Heide Addi- tion, approximately 1101 Payne Avenue. This lot is next to Mr. Steelefs store and he wishes to have a tight board fence across the front of the lot and across the rear of the lot to a height of six feet. iia -can see no reason why this fence should not be allow- ed as it will not interfere with anyone's view down the street or with any of the adjoining property owners. Yours truly, IZ d H.Schrceder ARCS I'PFCT FDN..A { t; wt CIT OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota U OFFICE OF CITY CLERK }1� U BUREAU OF RECORDS y Anri1 13, 1949 Hon W. A. Parranto Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. Building Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. A. H. Schro"oder The Council referred to you for investigation and recommendation the attached request of Arthur E. Steele for permission to construct a fence. Very /truly-yos, City Clerk A 13T.LINT CITY Al OF P. P. & P. L Origlael to City Clerk COUMCR •' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a.a NO. ...... _----------- --^ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK /////C7_COOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .I PRESENTED BY E/-1v� DAA .. —. COMM 1551 ONER..—_. RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Arthur J. aebhert from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Paragraph o, Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, to remodel the home at 645 Delaware Avenue into a duplex. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ndia ortinson _--15-a-rranto ...--..In Favor Rosen , ax Against '_ President, Delaney ant 048 C. F, No. 147813—Hy W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That upon appeal' of Arthur J.Gebhart from the decision of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Hoard of joning, permission 1s hereby granted, urahant to Paragraph o. „ Section 20 of the Zoning ordinance, to remodel the home d4,945 Delaware -" Avenue into a duplex. Adopted by the Council April 21. 1949. Approved April 21, 1949. (Apra 23. 1849) 4 p jt 2,1 1W Adopted by the Co11no1L .................................194 -.... i4 K 4 1 164`1 Approved---- •-----------------•---------------•---184---- -._ .. syor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OS.,RECORDS April 20, 1949 Mr. 3ruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Arthur J. Cebhart for permission to remodel his home at 64$ Delaware Ave. into a duplex. Very truly yours, City Clerk C� 9 The'Board ,of Zoning of Saint' Paul, EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD "KCUYIV[ [[CR[YARY •R[,IDINO OAICR CIYD[ L N[iHVRi A. A. HECKMAN J. R. RPJM[CLG IV N. eCHRO®R. CRY AMHIiteY 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING. SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 1, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the appeal of Arthur J. Gebhart for permission to _f, remodel his home at 645 Delaware IAvenue into a duplex. This is the southwest corner of Baker and Delaware and the zoning is "AI' Residence. The house overlooks the park in front and on the west side. The lot is 501x125'; the foundation area is slightly over 1,000 eq. ft. and the building was erected in 1910. This is a two and a half story frame building and the Board of Zoning recommends that the appeal be granted under Para. (o) Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance; but as a condition for granting this appeal that the house must be either stuccoed or painted. The plans for the remodelling have been approved by the City Architect. Your�sr very truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Att. 1 Executive Secretary St. Paul, Minnesota March 14, 1949 Honorable Mayor Members of City Council Dear Sirs: I hereby_petition for permission to duplex my home at 645 Delaware Avenue, lot one, block seventy-two, Banning and Olivers addition. This property comes under the require- ments contained in paragraph 0, sec. 27 Zoning Ordanance. House was constructed prior to 1922 and has over 1,000 square feet foundation. I would appreciate hearing from you as soon as possi- ble as I am anxious to start this spring. Respectfully yours,. Arthur Gebhart 645 Delaware Ave. St.- Paul, Minn. AJG:am M781, 1 4 orlynal to City Clerk couNca No --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL sns OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE$OLVTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By / {" / ( �s�j/�.! DAT COMMISSIONER____---------=---���--- - .. RESOLVED, that Arthur J. VOgel be paid One Dollar, being a refund for a fee paid for Permit No. 190197, as said permit has been voided. q" F. No. 147914—By w A• Parranto—� _ Resolved, Thal Arthur J- Vogel be " - - 'paid One Dollar, .being refund for e fee paid for Permit No. 19D797 , as said permit hes been voided. Adopted by the Cauncil April 21, - - APProved 1Apra �, 1949) . SP1 " Adopted by the Coun _.R�t.....--1194 COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan 9lP62y ] ; / Approved ..--•.------------------------------------ 194. Mortinson Parran�o.. ��...' - �.,�.....�.. \1 In Favor --•----•---•---- ayor Rosen Truax .--.. %-Against Mr. President, Delaney DM 9-49 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 147814 Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS a -• 445 City Half, Zone 2 _ ALFRED SCHROEDER City AiAltect April 19, 1949 Hon. Bruce Broady Corporation Counsel Department of.Law Dear Sir: 'Will you please prepare a resolution to grant a refund to Arthur J. Vogel, of this offic0p-asst is isice the Per - fee which he turned in to the Comp mit No. 190197? d and therefore no fee should This permit had been voide have been turned in. Your, s•truly, Al ed H. Schroeder C y ARCHITECT A r 147815 `1iORplml [o Cit' Clerk - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fwiwca OFFICE OF THE CITY CL -R '- -- - --- - 01 C. F No. 147815—SY Fred M Truax— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Resolved. That the Corpor tion E un- sal; having certified in writing that he y Is in doubt as t who,is entitled to PRESENTED BY 7%f the award of damages pr ewer ease - COMMISSIONER DA}-tPur�es,'more particularly do - PRESENTED J.. . ; .. RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel, having certified in writing that he is in doubt as to who is entitled to the award of damages for sewer easement purposes, more particularly described as follows: An easement 8 feet in width for the purpose �a8.r�6of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across and through the northerly 8 feet of Lot 13, Franklin Steele's Subdivision of Lot 2, Section 21, Township 28, Range 23, 00 — A o-,,-�Ramsey County. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes a strip of land 8 feet � in width lying south of and adjacent to the eel,- g. above described easement in said Lot 13, Franklin Steele's Subdivision of Lot 2, Section 21, Township 28, Range 23, Ramsey County; �� e Pore, be it RESOLVED, that warrant be drawn in the sum of Thirty Dollars 030-00) payable to the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the party or parties entitled thereto pursuant to Council File No. 147624, approved -April 6, 1949, in the matter of taking an easement eight feet in width on, under, and across the above described property by condemnation proceedings. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co11nR-i t -.--194 ..... Yeas Nays ortinson Approved .......................................... 194— - In Favor - - yor /,tosen ' Jhivax ' ---.:........Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 Council File No ....................... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME - _ C. F No 147616- -____ �a atld - _ _ - Abhract - Wherec - =fften proposal for the ! PRELIMINARY ORDER. king o. ag lmpro+ament, demo P.ng . > 'S,: , t The undersignedhere4y proposes the uuakingof thefollowingpublic improvement byttttZt0ityof Saini'Pau;, frit.: Qondenning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, larder and acrose the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd -Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of the northerly ID feet of Lot 120 SahorrIs 2nd Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement ..,,f;r construction purposes on the. -easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet i' Ut,4, Seherrle lid Addition, free Point tieuglae Read to the southerly Tine of Lot 4, Schorr' s.2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly14 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addit chi also on the easterly Q feet of Lot Sp Sohorr's 2nd Addition, and the eaeterl$ 8 feet of Lot 2, 'Block 31, Suburban Hinz, and the easterly 8 Fast of the northerly 40 feet of Lot 3, Block 31, Suburban Hille, from Point Douglas Road to the Alloy in Sohsrrfs 2nd Addition. --------- Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, udder and across the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly j line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the eagterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, from Point Douglas Road to' the southerly line of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addition; also on the easterly 8 feet of Lot 5, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and the easterly 8 feet of Lot -2. Block 31, Suburban Hills, and the easterly 8 feet of the northerly 40, feet of Lot 3, Block 31; Suburban Hills, from Point Douglas Road to the Alley in Schorr's 2nd Addition. r Adopted by the Council....._-------------------------_�-------- :-- YEAS NAYS Councilm' MORTINSON PARRANTO �,�`/ / '�ZS'!7tle9ii/VjA�//�iI'•V/ TRUAY MR. PRESIDENT 2601147 —°'®, APR 2 1 1$49 ..--.-.----. --- -------------------_.-...--------- _ Mayor. ` PTTRl Y;TTrn -g3 1 477 c bOT C on§r .r U0J,t o ra :TT6A .iu ;u}IaLL1a LI; ./ ytplou• _w... g bur o, rtc LTO$;".pel.J� C) .s%,P oT, rop >> _rocx 3T' ,:rpirz;o:u !ITri2> zo" s:ra LTX g T,0o. 06. 110(' .,' L'Txx 3T' arrorrzptiu grrre' auq pTJe e2rp; ,`k Tearozr pFs sargr 3. g �xi T6� a cz'c. r t u } r �Tnn� •n. ,l,a tkG2VGJ&TX TV Leop OT, a'1jo uol,r-gOLTX TO ,as.F ol� Por.' IS gcpOLL18'SItq yggTpTon9 TTue OL Pop S' gcpozL, : cuc,, `g9T-PTOA' clsq ou Ppe ssa:fes.T� $ USP OL Ic: of PoF C'' $cpozzla auq -fcjgTpTpn' ELow boTu.F DorlaTV2 Ropq po ppc aorrppszT% ;,oL coue ncpr0z1 bn bopse on ;:po easpeL7.2 g T.6Gp oL ppa 1'02peLT% T'* UOP gcpoLLla Sug ;rggTpTou tlTco'oo:rgemuruk suq parcr a psr�boL L1. eoasnrav� iT— ox, rot' ; a Tq fps neaP X 12 ba f o' fP6 norkpel.Ta 7fl beef OL_POf TS' r1 , oss ioar u-ar To,-tfi I goa eo 11 aor. •nsz n a L 5 : g f}7 t. T Dated this -21st .day of April---------------------------------- 94 9 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :via. Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 6 feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Additidn, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, and the westerly 6 feet of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addition. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the ea§terly B feet of the westerly 14,feet of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, from Point Douglas Road to the southerly line of Lot 4, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and on the easterly 8 feet of the westerly 14 feet.of the northerly 10 feet of Lot 12, Schorr's 2nd Addition; also on the easterly 8 feet of Lot 5, Schorr's 2nd Addition, and the easterly 8 feet of Lot 2, Block 31, Suburban Hills, -and the easterly 8 feet of the northerly 40'fset of Lot 3, Block 31, Suburban Hills, from Point Douglas Road to the Alley in Schorr's 2nd Addition. Adopted by the Council ........................... ....... YEAS NAYS CouncilmaA44ftnrOSB— =_ MORTIN13ON PARRANTO '�EZ'ESStlBN/V/�4f(/ TRDAX MR. PRESIDENT 2501147 gW © APR 2 l 1940 / Mayor. '_ PtinT.lsxrn -�3 ` '7 o datnal write Clerk CITY No---------------------- 'Qo- CITY OF ST. PAUL -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 13 - p PRESENTED BY pA ARril 21• 3 9 COMMISSIONER-- - • V In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public chseves 2nd under and across the westerly 6 ft. of Lot 49 roved Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147720 app April 13, 1949- RESOLVED, 949RESOLVED, That all orders pertaining to the above work, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 147817—BY Muton Rosen— and In the matter of condemning taking n easement for the purpose and maintaining 'a of constructing public sewer on, under and across the wesrl- Addtion, ander Prenminan Order C. April 13, 1998. IF. 147728 approved That all orders Pertained Resolved. the above work, be and the same ere herebY cancelled, annulled and r" in each Ito sc/nded end all proceedings matter discontinued. Council April 21, 1949. Adopted by the i Approved April 21, 1949• (April 23, 1949) law ✓ Adopted by the Council .................................194...... COUNCILMEN Nays AP Yeas Mortinson Approved.._ ....................................194 _.-. Parranto In Favor Yor Rosen Agit Truax • Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 -19p- 1 4'78 1.8 Council File No.---------__---.•-•-•- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEI c. F. No. 14781e -- Abstract andwhereas, A written proposal for the -along of the following Improvement, Condemning•- taking. and approprlat- PRELIMINARY ORDER. inz fpr harbor Improvement. purposes oIIowing deseclbed land. �' J 1'.,..:: •..•t..a truing.• Theundereignedhereby proposesthemaking ofthefollowingPublic improvement bytlid' W, Il SatntPa"11.,z.: _._.:. . Conde*2114 , tak M and appropriating for harbor improvement purposes all of the following desoribod lands, accretions an� inarements aaoreing thereto, lying bstmon the vested, line of state Street produced and the vesterly line of Lot 2, Block 'l,,Narshallrs Addition to West St. Paul produced and northwesterly of # e.following described lines Gomuenoi,g, for the purpose of describfing the point of beginning, at a aoosnuent located in the northeast corner of Block 6 Marsha111e Addition to Whit st. Pauli thence on a line vhiob bears N 820 351 Va.a distance of 516.3 feet, thio nc� ll 300 g61 W a distance of 100 feet, thence 11 630 401 E a distance of 175 fest, thence X 66o 331 E on a straight line .to. its ,intersection with the vesterly line of Lot 2, Block1, NarshaUt a Addition to West St. Paul produced, being the point, of beginnings thence N 660 330 1 to the westerly line of State Street produced. following described land, accretions and increments accruing thereto; lying between the westerly line of State Street produced and the westerly line of Lot 2, -Block 1, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul produced and northwesterly of the fo'ilowing described line: Commencing, for the purpose of describing the point of beginning, at a monument locortheast corner of Block 6 1 Tsaadistanceiof0 to ated in the n 516.3 feet, West St. Paul, thence,on a line which bears N 82 3� v thence N 300 561 W a distance of 100 feet, thence N 630 401 E a distance of 175 feet thence N 660 331 E on a straight line to its intersection with the westerly line of Lot 21 Block 19 Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul produced, being the point of beginning, thence N 660 331 E to the westerly line of State Street produced. YEAR NAYS ' APR 2 1 9949 Council mau•Ba- c...,,..,.. Approved --------------------------------- MORTINRON , PARRANTO -.-- ayor. MR PRESIDENT 'tea 250 1147 .am- pU13L1ji1�-U a-zss� SLoynoaga . psTlre -1 0 ?Oju- 0r. Ns";s rua' a*cc €N N ppo 33t E"—P& xe3f'EI1,'?. 1,11-16 of 114 + ne2raLT2, Trus O{, rof ' 1-;Tooz 7' y:,ersy,sS7to VQClT-ToD -VO pseo- S.' ;nn7 Sr.ogncatl lest fgsuo-e lq poo 33' E'ou r erLojl.P- T.rirl; -o T -z ru-si.4ecgT u nT.{:*; (JTv fiyGti06 y..�O, ?pt i''?.:u-C„+Tc.(.`3niCe (F, TOO Ie60 .VyGrjce x eo CO, F.' `a' Qj9-iliTCe 01. TS2 :160- 'car' BO ti 'I-CIP.uce OKI U TTue PTCJ7 Ps':�Le L1 (7j;�{.f L'^,8 .0L �T^ rITOAJT GUP Toca,p 'q Tu .f f76 VoLPFQ el COLVOL OF, EiTOo;C p° ni`JL'dPF7TTI F UgQjf SO77 -O Go" uezioluP,' Loz -PPe frzhoua ci gsaczTPJTua -jG boTa- OF PsL-'juurux' i;- Cr oL -yTe LOT:ToMTzt 9ssczTPbq T;''ust "DF �' B1007 T' y LuraTSto V'y9£.f.Tou -o _,s D- 24" xsr•IT bLogncsQ Ong uoLfyrss�sLTa ;)eTJ"eG3W Pljo Aee-PGLLTa True of 2V -0B upxssY-oLog7re34 ars$ pyE tu3araa.T.t Tyne of --.... T - P 9 Tang, - 1acoLs.FTorja Rag Tncz�m©aFa Froaxtr.}•u@-}rsx.s^o' T1TUR '---------------------------------- ----.....---------------------------------------- 21st April, 1949 94. -...— Dated this -- .... - day of. -- ..... -- - . --- !/ 94 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement-, :vis. It Condemninging and appropriating for harbor improvement purposes all of the following described land, accretions and increments accruing thereto, lying between the westerly line of State Street produced and the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul produced and northwesterly of the following -described line: Commencing, for the purpose of descriwing the point of beginning, at a monument located in. the northeast corner ofBlock 6 Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul, thence on a line which bears N Seo 3;i' W, a distance of 516.3.feet, thence N 300 56' W a distance of 100 feet, thence,N 630 40' E a distance of 175 feet, thence N 660 33' E on a straight line to its intersection with the westerly line of Lot 21 Block 1, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul produced, being the point of beginning, thence,N 660 33' E to the westerly line of,State Street produced. a a YEAR NAYS CouncilmaaJ1Lucvco--� r....,.... Al MORTINSON PARRANTO TRUAX MR. PREBIDENT 25011-17 APR 2 1 1943 ................. .... .. ... .. syor. ' PUBUS,,": ) r {t'.�{ bLognc.�y• porrri? gs boT:�.}' oT. Nt lulu=' {yrFv*cs :l E' 0 33, <o -f'Ns ns3fsxT?: TT•11= 01 e:ee,oLr7 TTup ol, PoF ,' ;To r T> pisL cbTrto Ygrr�Ton {,o p,car ,s ,:f a;•oync,�u' lsse' �};auco l9 Yo ��, fi ou �rx :7r�{ TTuo PO T.Fo ;u{cx.2ecFTou n r �r'e FNsuce 9 30o 2p, '. u o r cmc i -=9 - - o, b; t y Er a e. c r,e die°p 2F• bPrrT' {Nsuea or, 4, Tres NlrTc! Nsvx.e 19 85o 3 wo�, 1]' a uTa ;eu s o :L-4.0:L-4.0urrT suerrgoca sg Tu rsrc uo erra:;ti{ GOLVOL oI. };roc;c F' JAjULaNtxrr,s `ggTF?'our{oJ T boL 4 rpe S,Tz.boue ot, geacLTA rug {i;s ooT:.'r cr Ns?Tmjfrrd' ;;+ o oT {Ns 0Tr0r,T_AI' :sacr.Ti'G4 TTust { : ' u7'oo' ?' i,'c`T.vN rr, l' '; egTrTou To oar ^{' hr, 6x.o.anccao au Lougrvarsz n e,l s u ;o nae cx.7: rTxre OL 2+IFs <.)::.et.* .,Logjscty uq +;.; r ;rue o{, T Tssigs`.g..tlZre1'TO.IIe aag....... wu�r . aoazrrs�.,. +rs o� jkraa; � • -- - --- ---'......... -............... . Dated this.-... .........__.._.da . 21st y of...April, 1949, , ,. urnuc. u; 7;CIer ru !.. uo�psre. $' c, ,..uea. c, [-r.�: r'r 1,.:'.l II,{� �' a ,• r,-,.,.uet,r.,u Lr ,. 1c*e trrt.00as cL gc:.ctfp`T us,T V1 �. , r'I. ; Fe Lof Toy+Ti p: geacz.pPeq T ,,MI' ._... "..._.... 3N. r r r having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..-. ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - V therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the- making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Adopted by the Council ----.-............................. APR $ ! 1345 ......................... ------------ YEAS 'NAYS Councilman R APk2 1 1949 Approved .......................... MoRT1NsoN PARRANTO Pcm/ TRUAX ................. MR. PRESIDENT 8 or. - 25011-17 Council File No ---- -------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � C. F No- MR-" bstract �..f _. _ — Whereas, a written ProFFosaltor the a, id making of the fonow/ne' Immaoe nor 1 OPen a20 foot Alley from the line PRELIMINARY ORDER. ;Vater street for , a distanoe,af 200 .norrthw ----. --•- •-w..w .and u. - Theundersignedherebyproposesthemaking ofthe following publicimprovementbythe l€Zt. aaintPaul, viz.: Open a 20 foot Alley from the northerly_line of Water_-Street_for_-a_dista�i%Y`of_200--•--•---- fee£-rioithsiesteTly, by taking and condemning the easterly 20 feet of Lot 43 Block 1, Maxaball.!.s--Addition-f oseeretlen--q.-nd--- inerements--------------- occuring to said easterly 20 feet of aforesaid Lot 4, Block 1, Marshall's Addition ---------------------- to-Veat--et:'•PaviT-fbr a"distaacL uf'20D'feet riortlisiest'eiiy of nortTiiTYy line of Water Street. -------------s-- -= �}--- - Dated this..-...---- 21st _ --day PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :via. Open-a_20::foot_Alley--from-the-_ ortkieS]Y---1 ---a£--yater--Street--fns--a---distarine--oi:-204------------ feet northwesterly, by taking and condemning the easterly 20 feet of Lot 4, Block 1, Marsha:l3-'-s---Addtt3vn--to-ilest--Sb:�•-Pavl-� -together-�ith--giY-aacrattrni--a7td---iriar8mantie------ .......... occuring to said easte_rl_y 20 feet of aforesaid Lot 41 Block 11 Marshall's -Addition Addition-_--------- to vial St: Paul -j for a iristance of 200 feet northwesterly of the northerly line of]dat�ex.: Sties -t ---------- -......... -........... ------------- ------------ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul---------------:------------------------•---------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoiNaati'Stoogthe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._------- YEAS NAYS CouncilmRTtM1TV9F -X4* l„tx— Appr MORTINSON PARRANTO ,r TRDAX MR. PRESIDENT T>. 2501144 '98310© AN' 2 l 1�d41a ------------- -- ---- - ---- - ------ - _s PUBL1SflED •..._.. No. 147820- F > i1 2 Cl,lved, That checks be drawn on0. 78�, NOTICE ` '�' treasury, to the eg8r1. `>"(- COUNCIL PILE-NO. t $108,57712, om'-' ci'C,m TO COUNC, wzsoe ro ..; PRINTER APrll 19 194_9 A RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASUR` , TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ FOO TO=$�-4 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED...�---- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R2 1 —194—� / CITY COMPT`ROLL — ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII A-(--i—t�'� :RPR L 1 �� 194.- BY� � 3 ' APPROVED NU Buls"1LD !00 13.36 ,a® 11,111 JL, L LT .j i, Ei O DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL a L . 782( OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS LL CALL MORTINSON4 . c PARRANTO ++......wwooFAVOR_- AUDITED CLAIMS April 19 1,._-_ IN 9 ROS�ERme I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. U GAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF, 2_ COVERING TRUAX //�� LL 1 y4't t. MR.PRES.DELANEY I'qI'* w L YiA CHECKS NUMBERED._-SitiQ�i-TO. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE_` Til -E -OFFICE OP `^C_ITY�C,OM�PTR,JOLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COOUNCI /� /� -- /=.--..-.--_-- YC/ �R0�%// �y� NUMBER 7% CAMPTROLLER ~ (/ APPROVED �Y 194_.. ���, � /jam // an BY_ �j7f----..._. .................. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS. DISBURSEMENT CHECKS " BROUGHT FORWARD 31 283 4 v3 LO 0�, 6 82500 marehall=Wells Company Westinghouse Eleotrio supply coo ; 239 12 198 98 82501 $2502 John S. Findlan, C; of Finande 2566 $2503 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 376 82504 Mrs. Charlotte I. Kellerman 57 20 $2505 County Welfare Board 87 102 $2506 Aallaoe J. Murray 80 0 $2507 Edwin Holes 118 13 $2508 Glenn Varner `' 119 82 82509 Joseph Pavlioek Z'4+ 58 82510 Joseph Pavlioek 13 17 82511 Joseph Pavlioek 37 �2 82512 Joseph Pavlioek 51 8 164 oo 82513 Dairt Transit Company 82514 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirkompany 82515 Farwell, Osmun, Sark compamy 77 08 745 �2 82516 NO% Bell Tel. Company 76 10 8251 Northern States Power Company, 4 656 35 82518 St.Paul Buick Company 05 82519 Rome Linen Service Company 71 463 Bireley s 82520 , Inc. 540 0 82512 Booth Fisheries Corporation 21 60 825?2 The City Dairy 278 96 82523 Oommeroial Ref. Company s 825244 Conefters Milk Company 46 o4 82525 Cresoent_Creamery Company 614 32 82526 Dixie Cream Donut Company 4375 82527 Flavor Fried Popcorn Company 51 Z1 82528 Frito Company 3 02 $2529 'Griggs, Cooper Company 14 48 82530 Hersohler Sales 41Z 4 $2531 MoFadden-Lambert Company 734 7) 82532 Minnesota Milk Company 712 85 $253 Morton Sausage Company 78 36 82534 ,National Biaouit Company 96 34 82535 New York Tea Company 66 87 $2536 Red star Yeast Company to 96 $2537 !9t.Pau1 Milk Company 1 075 18 82538 ;st.Paul 7 -Op Bottling Company 78 Op 82539 'Sanitary Farm Dairies, Ino, 77949 75 $2540 ;Sanitary Farm Dairies, Ino. 400 16 82541 skafgaard Dist. Company30 $2542 Isiafgganaarrd Dist. Company 331 84 $2543 Standard Brands, Ino. 11 85 825444 Standard Milling Company 1j4 so $2545 Sunshine.Creamery Company 44 d 82546 'swift and Company 34 66, 82547 `Vander Sies, Ino. 607 32 82548 ;Gard Transfer 9 o6 82549 21n8master Baking Company 21097 } $2510 Aome Tag Company 990 0 82551 Engineering News-ieoord 12 0 82552 Hobert E. Goranson Company 95 15 8255 Rupt. of Coouments 1 75 82554 'The Van Hoven Company, Ino. 375 00 S1-1=ET TOTAL—FGRWARO 283 354 4j 1042611 75 ~. Original to City Clerk MUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL vas NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1C — OUN IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FCIkWI o Opril 22, 1949 RESOLVED,: That Be H. Brynildsen, Herbert Kellor, Allyn Taylor, H. W. Teichroew, be and they are hereby authorized to attend a >v three—day workshop for trade and industrial supervisors and teacher trainers at Deer River, May 17, 183 19, 1949• Their expenses to be paid from 15—G-4• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays __B_mff_ -Ftadisin'__ Mortinson Parranto ..'..In Favor" Peterson,:% / 'Truax G r u _---Against C le s Mr. President, 3\l 7-47 OW® C. F. No. 147821-33Y Fred M. Truax — Resolved. That B. R. Brynndsen, Rer- berl Kellar, Allyn Taylor, rr. W. autTelhor- - and they are hereby author-� t -d to attend a three-day workshop for "trade sad industrial supervisors and teacher trainers at Deer lover. May 17, 18, 19, 1949. Their expenses to be paid irore 15-G-4, Adopted by the Council April 22, 1949. Approved April 22. 1949. (April 30, 1949) APIC 2 2 1949 Adopted by the CouneiL-------- ----------------------194 -.-. APR 2 4}l s Approved.---- ---- ------_-----_- - 194 a -oT Y .�" . $ 47822 .original to City Clerk eour4ea CITY OF ST. PAUL vu.a NO...._____•..._• -_M_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /%/ ✓_' DA.,.,.. 1 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that Louis Goldie be permitted to operate a used car lot on Lot 11, Block 3, Be.zil & Guerin's Addition, also described as 57 West Tenth Street, subject to compliance with all ordinances pertaining to such operations, and subject to the conditions that said permittee build a fence along the, easterly side of the lot, keep the lot dustless, and that no dismantling or wrecking of cars be carried on on the lot. JC. F. No. 147922-73y Robert F. Peter- son— llied ted, Brat Louis Goldie be per- milted to operate a used car tot on Lot 11, Block 3; 13azn Guerin's Adtlitfon, also described as 57 West Tenth Street, subject to compliance with all ordf- noncea po Itch` ng to such operations. and subject to the condition. that said permittee build a fence along. the east- ' :erlyside of the lot, keepp the lot dust- . - less and that nodismantlIng or Wreck -Ing of cars be carried on on the lot. Adopted by the Council April 22, 1949. Approved April 22, 1949. (April 39, 1949) AR22 ISO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. .......... .................... _.194...... Yeas Nays 'AIN 2 2 tJ�, --�inrdkas�� Moltinson Approved.. ........................:........194 _. .Parranto .n Favor � '" /) ...._... Peterson . IF--•--- -------------•-•-- •-. SG's.�-�lYor -- Rosen M� Truax .......... Against Mr. President, Delaney 3Ti 9.49 (' ' THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 5. 1949 r Honorable R. P. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir= In regard to the application made by Louis Goldie for permission to operate a used car lot at 57 W. Tenth Street. We have inspected this location and report that no fire hazard would be created by the operation of a used car sales lot. ReY&FIRE S. AsInspector PRININTION HJS/t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE. OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 21, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Coruoration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Louis Goldie for permission to operate a used car lot on Lot 11, Block 9, Bazil & Guerin's Addition, also described as 57 W. Tenth St., subject to compliance with all ordinances pertaining to such operations, and subject to the condition that a fence be constructed along the easterly aide of the lot and that no dismantling or wrecking of cars be done on this site. Very truly yours, City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ........... April. '9 ' th ......19.49 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Louis Goldie to install and operate a used car lot at 57 W. 10th St. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Aprrl 21st , 1949 , in. the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. JOHN S. FINDIAN, --,File 10964 Commissioner of Finance. Board of Zoning . Thi _ aw, i..�.�.«m...R�H...Jw,,.,.W G. H. HERROLD EGIN E. WAHMAN' pcccurrvc 6iOR[rMY pRtO1D�ND OFFK�� ® , CLYp6L NjTHVeJ A. ti HHOKNAH J. F. RHJNDOLO ti K BCHROmER. CrtY AIKHRk "•LD'�" 270 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL z, MINNESOTA April 1h, 1949 . H. T. C'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: the application of Louis Goldie for a used In the matter o£ car lot to Lot h Block 3, Bazil & Guerin's Addition. be located on of This is Commercial zoning. The lot is on the north side . .ITenth St. about opposite the power house of the St. Joseph Hospital. t is to be arage on There are two nine -foot driveways about twenty feet apart operated in conjunction with a three-stall automobile repent g the same lot. and out. for taking cars in Easterly of this site is the Salvation Army Building and northwesterly are apartment' buildings. is 50' 50'• The ground has been The lot surfaced with crushed rock and there are fences along the west side of the lot and the no - .til boundary - that subject to recommends that this permit be gr the lot The Board of Zoning keeping building a fence along the easterly side of tof oars be carried on dustless and that no dismantling or wrecking on the site. truly, Yours very ' G. H. Harrold GHH:U Executive Secretary ;t L> The Board of Zoning Sainte Paid, Minnesota, EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD HlQ1U1NO OIIICp! ®(ECUi1V[[[CR[ ARV A. G O�QI[ CLYO[ L MET M A. A. HECKMAH J. !...M- A. H. [CHROWM CR A.fJIR[CI 270 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Louis Goldie for a used car lot to be located on Lot 11, Block 3, Bazil & Guerin's Addition. This is Commercial zoning. The lot is on the north side of Tenth St. about opposite the power house of the St. Joseph Hospital. It is to be operated in conjunction with a three -stall automobile repair garage on the 'same- 'let. There -ire two nine -foot drivewaya� about -.twazaty feet apart_ for taking cars in and out. Easterly of this site is the Salvation Army Building and northwesterly are apartment buildings. The lot is 501x1501. The ground has been surfaced with crushed rock and there are fences along the west side of the lot and the north boundary. The Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be grantedsubject to building a fence along the easterly side of the lot, keeping the lot dustless and that no dismantling.or wrecking of cars be carried on on the site. Yours very truly, GM-lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary P- t 4 r } CITY OF SAINT PAUL i- - --A– Capital of Minnesota - — ----- ------ �/ �ITa�tr�eszt POLICE - Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 5, 1949 ,jr. Thrr^ T. O'^onnell Cite ^lerk Saint pawl, Vinnesoty P Pear Sir: Referring to the application made by Louis Goldie for permission to operate a used car lot at 57 W. Tenth Street. Tnarections'were made by -'the Traffic Division and the lire Prevention Division. You Will note from the reports attached that there would be ho mn'lerial interference with traffic and no increase in.the fire hazard of the nei;mh- borhood if this permit were granted. Very truly yours, Coumissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION - April 4, 1949 Chief Tierneyr This is in referenoe to the application made by Louis Goldie for permission to operate a used oar lot at 57 W. Tenth Street. I have inspected the premises and do not find 'that there will be any material interferenoe with traffio, therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objeation to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman . aws/dm Traffic Division TRIPLICATE—Lw - W.wf . CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS CATZ ATION TO BE MADE IN TR10.ICATE ANDFILED IN TRE CITY • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' o XS OPPICE Application For License AUTOMOBILE f a _ DAT \�` .r • .CMZ. 19� u TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY � _ (NAME OP FIRMy�i INDIVIDUAL) �•" FORPERMITTO INSTALL ANO OPERATE ''nl . BRIVE IN,- OR '•INBIOE GARAGE") n✓✓ �[BLOG �TOMQBILE•FIILING..STATIQN TO BE LOCATED ON LOT t... f ��';r'�ii'Ir• 'f KLSO DESCRIBED A9 IBrREET ANO NUMBEiI) RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK CITY PLANNING BOARD prlwl ro City Cleric - . • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4,7823 'EOUXCIL No....... - FM — _ COMMISSIONER.— . ' RESOLVED, that a permit be issued to Citizens Ice & Fuel Company to install and operate a self-service ice -house at 250 Richmond Street, subject to the condition that the building will be six feet from Richmond Street and six feet from West Seventh Street and will face Richmond Street. C. F. No. 147927—By Robert F. Peter - Resolved, That a permit be issued to Citizens Ice & Fuel Company to in- stall' and operate a self-service ice. . house at 250 Rlchmond Street, sublets to the condition that the building will be six feet from Richmond Street and six feet from West Seventh Street and will face Richmond Street. Adopted by the Council April 22, 1949. Approved April 22, 1949. (Apra 90, 1949) ' I Adopted by the Council---------------------------------194------ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "N 2 Find an Approved-------_---- 194 __ Mortinson Parranto �- Peterson ----In Favor syo=•• -- i,osen Truax ........... Against Mr. -President, Delaney, 2M 9.49 _ •��® . AP . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 21, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady' Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; o. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Citizens Ice & Fuel Co. for per- mission to install and operate a self-service ice house at 250 Richmond St., subject to the conditions that the building will be six feet from Richmond St. and six feet from 17. Seventh St. nut i,ill face Richmond. Very truly yours,1 City Clerk, — POST CARD NOTICE A ♦ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FIA?ONCE ! St. Paul, Minn ,......._........_April....9_ ............ 19..4.9 Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th 1922, you are hereby notified that Citizens.._I & )!'uel.._oa_....._.........._...._..._............._.... the application of ..... .._...._................_. I........ for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located ............. at........:.. will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chain - her in the City Hall and Court blouse Builtling on the.__.._._`.._..._:......-..... ._........_.21st .....:_day of: ...............:..._AP..?21....._................. 19. �}9_, at 10 o'ckul C. M. AXMWMMW;MX, SZYINDLAN Commissioner of Manw. Page ......_}...... _....... _.. Fi1gp969....... ..... ' The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota iy . - G. H, HERROL0 EGIN E. WAHMAN ®cgcuirv[s[calnAaY Pp[[IOIN6 pFI1C01 my=L M[TNVW -' J. F. aJ9M001.0 A. N. [((NRB®[R. Cm' AIIL'Mrtw•T A. A. N[cKMAN 11.LOIm1[ $79 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 19, 1949 Mr.,H. T. O'Connell City.Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Citizens Ice and Fuel Company to operate a self-service ice house at 250 Richmond Street., This is a triangular piece of land bounded by St. Clair, West Seventh, and Richmond. It is zoned as Light Industry. The building is to be 101x201. It wi I.be six feet from Richmond Street and six feet from West Seventh but facing Richmond. The Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, G. H. Herrold GHH:lf EXeau•tive Secretary iy i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS , TOTAL FEE LO 1 ED DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED �I ACCOUNT ORDINANCE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. VIOLATION. TO: SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS' _.,..:- ... ._... -. BUJI-D INSTALLC.M.&F.C. ADD. ALTER MARK RES ❑ ❑ ❑. ,❑. _❑ REPAIR E. REROOF MOVE EI -0 WRECK HANG D. - B,SQU 'COMBINATION ERECT NEWNEW $IGN�OLD REPAIR $IGN��IryATEp�jNATEp���JELTING�2ONTAL ILLUM- NON- ILLU M- ROOF PRO- HORI- VERT- ICAL ICAL HORIZONTAL ANO VERTICAL AND VEgTICAIIGN��INATEO�INATED���JE/OTING�20NTAL FRONT OR W IDTH IN FEET ARCH ITEC'I CONTRACTOR DATE—! STRUCTURE USED AS f 1,1/ // b`I. 1046 SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS' NUMBER STREET I WARD LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR TRACT FRONT OR W IDTH IN FEET SIDE OR LENGTH IN FEET HEIGHT IN FEET NO. OF STORIES o<. e[.a.D LOINc OR PROP- .m' IN Fe[T FOS Lo SIGN P CR GRWNO IN F MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION s ARu or SIaN ESTIMATED VALUATION SOVM[.Fe[T I I PERMIT REQUIRED FOR PRIVATE GARAGE DETAILS OR REMARKS: SEPARATE LOCATION FOR PRIVATE GARAGE A/ /� j✓ TO BE AT LEAST. IO FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT —. TO BE AT LEAST ZO FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS i TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned herebymake, eppllcatlon for a permit to do OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as hereln,apecitied, agreeing to do all Work In strict accordance with all ordinances Of the City, of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY SIGNED NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS -APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING, SIDEWALK, STREET BY OR CURBING. 1046 original to City Clerk / / mur4eo CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ��/,/�/—COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED E �f/</%L`�� - 1 '/ +,li/— r COMMISSIONER DATE i RESOLVED, that the Economy 011 and Gas Company r be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the northwest corner of Pillsbury Street and University Avenue, in accordance with the plan . submitted, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council determines that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard this permit may be revoked. C. F. No. 147824—By Robert F. Peter- j sm — Resolved, That the Economy, Oa and Gas Company be ,permitted to instal ..� and operate a gasoline fining station t the northwest comer of Pillsbury Street and University Avenue, in ac- cordance with the plan submitted, un- der the direction f the Commissioner f Public Safety. Whenever the Council determines that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard this permit may be revoked. Adopted by the Council April 22, 1949. Approved April 22, 1849. (April 90, 1949) i A022 tW COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194._... Yeas Nays FVnrllnn Mortinson Approved ................. ................ _....... 194 Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor -............... 1 OT Rosen .i Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 TRIPLICATE�Ucjo,. Buw CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO BE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TRIR.ICATE AND FILED IN CL=K 8 OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE April 4th, 19 49 TO THE`"HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL) MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made By--Eoonomy 011 & Lis co. (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE n (-DRIVE IN OR "INSIDE GARAGE^) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT_62_,._63BLOCIt Hewitta outlotsFist Divie Northwest Corner (ADOIr1oN) DESCRIBED A. Pillsbury and university (STREET AND NUMBER) $ • 18.0W /Gala 8 8.000 Oals NO. OF PUMPS 9 iO. OF GAS TANKS --4 CApACITy OF EACH TANK FILED G , RECEIVED COPY PROM CITY CLEFVf DATE t9__� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC JFAFETY BY Economy 011 & ame Co. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. BY- vice Pres en 781 Hampden Ave. St.Paut 4. r�0 BU8)KESB ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY MOM71TY CI.,ERK DATE IS CITY PLANNING BOARD dY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS ly r . April 21, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Coruoration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Economy Cil & Cas Co. for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the north west corner of Pillsbury and University. Very truly y9u�s, City Clerk. �� j POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Ancil 9th _1949 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Eoonony 011 & Gas Co. to erect and install a filling station located.at — -- Omer Of vi l l ab�ry n. T1..i vPrstV will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the - 92 at. day of A , 19J19-, at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, Page_--j__-;-File-0212 Commissioner of Finance. The Board,- ofzoning .Saint Paul, Minnesota t......,.Hm...Ro�H..�.e..a.,�Y,. �w EGON E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD mo�mHa oFncmt - =Ecvnvl wcnn11RY' - •. L O101t GYM L NETHYQI A A. H6CRMAH J. F. RB1MROlO I H..GHROMM. CRY MCHR[CT 279 CITY-COUNTT BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 19, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell Cityf�erk C'y Hall Dear $ir : In the matter of the application of Economy Oil & Gas Company to install and operate a drive—in filling station principally for serving large trucks on Lots 62 and 63'Hewitt's Outlots First Division. This is the northwest corner of University Avenue and Pillsbury Street. There is 150 ft. frontage'on University Avenue and 300 ft. on Pillsbury Street running back to trackage at Charles St. The plans call for three 22 £t, driveways on University. This gives an ,in and out drive with a 49 £t. island to service ordinary cars and one. 22 ft. drive for trucks entering the grease pits. The pits are open at 'both ends so that trucks will proceed if entering on University Avenue and exit on Pillsbury Avenue. Driveways on Pillsbury Avenue are 35 feet on the sidewalk line. These are -over -sized driveways. There is a 61 £t. island between for servicing all types of equipment with gasoline. The Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Plan attached -Executive Secretary n t� ° 1 } .4— CITY OF SAINT PAUL e Capital bt Minnesota r radmeld al Pal/;c Sajetcy POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM - JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner Aaril 12, 2949 0 n Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk. Saint Paul, Minnesota Dees Si,,: This is in refe—nce.to the arrlication of the Economy Oil & Claq Comneny for crmzssion to install and overate an automobile falling station at the northwest corner of Pillsbury an(l Univer=ity _venues. Ins_r.ections were made by Sergeant Ststtman of the Traffic Division, and Assistant Chief Inspector Scannell of the Fire Prevension Division. Their re^orts are attached. Yoix will note that, there would ` not be emy mrterial inter£erc--nce with tr ffic, and no increase in the fire hazar,' of the neighborhood if the -permit �erF granted and this installation wero made. Very trul y yours, Commissioner of Puclic Safety �v e THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 11, 1949 Chief Tierneys This is in reference to the application made by the Economy Oil & Gas Company for permission to install and operate an automobile filling station at the northwest corner of Pills- bury and University Avonwe. I have made the usual inspection of the premises and do not find that there will be any material interference with traffic, therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman A93/dm Traffic Division THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 12, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir= In regard to the application made by the Economy 011 & Gas Company for permission to install and operate an automobile filling station at the northwest corner of Pillsbury and University. We have made our usual investigation and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of this vicinity if permission for this filling station is granted. Respectful ours, Aesi t Chief Inspector OF FIRE PREVENTION HJS/t Qrlpinel �o city ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL muxcn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL,UYION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the license issued to Lillie T. Williams to operate a. nursing home at 740 Dayton Avenue be transferred to Milton S. Davis. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays P - Mortinson Parranto Peterson .............. In Favor Rosen Truax ..... .Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M' 9-48 0Yfij�+.® C. F. No. 147825--ny Robert F. Peter - Resolved, That the license issued to LillieT. Williams to operate a nursing home at 740 Dayton Avenue be trans- ferrea to Milton S. Davis. Adopted by the Council April 22, 1949. Approved April 22, 1949. (April 30, 1949) . MR22 t4. Adopted by the Council .................. .............. ..._ Approved ................. ......................... 194. . - Z Y.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS n April 21, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corooration Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council rea_uested that you draw a resolution transferring the license to operate a nursing home at 740 Dayton Ave. from Lillie T. Williams to Milton S. Davis. Very 7y/yours, n - City Clerk 1 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL d .. Capital of Minnesota re�a�ts�er�t v� �all1c a�etc� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 19, 1949 l4r. Ferry T. 0Cornell City Clerk St. Paul, idinnesote P Dear Sir: H Referring to th^ attached letter from J. Lee i•icCormior re,e;:r inc tr nsfer of -)ermit to oder test home by Lillie T. 19i17iams to Milton S. D ia, at 7410 Dp.yton Avenue. d Attpched is renort coverir? irs"ection made by the Bur -au of Eecltl, FTO letter from Dr. R. 3. 'J. Schoch in which he recommends the reouested trp.nsfer. Very truly yours, CommiGsioner of Public Sp'-ty I ATLANTIC 5263 i J. LEO McQ0RMIC-K. 2 309 PENCE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 3, MINN. April 7th..49 Office of City Clerk, Court Hpuse, Ee. 551illiams Nursing Home St. Paul, Minn. 740 Dayton Ave. City. Gentlemen:- This is to advise that the Rest Home known and regia - tered under the name of Williams Nursing Nome and operating under permit issued to Lillie T. Williams has been purchased by. Milton S. Davis and will be known hereafter as the Milton Nursing Home,licensed by the State of Minnesota for the treatment and care of both Christian Science and Medical Patients. Yours very truly J.LeoMcCormi411,P, 11to£" WHI-ER 3339 Robert F. Peterson • R. B. J. SCHOCH. M. D. COMMR. OF PUBLIC SAFETY CHIEF HEALTH OFFICER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF HEALTH ST. PAUL 2• MINNESOTA April 18, 1949 Re: Rest Home 740 Dayton Ave. Dear Commissioner Peterson, An inspection of the above premises was made today and conditions found satisfactory. If it meets the approval of the City Council we recommend that a transfer of permit from Lily T. Williams to Milton S. Davis be granted. A permit of change of ownership of the rest home was also granted by the State Department of Health. Very truly yours, 16.D. c, oc , M.D. Chief ealth Officer rbjs/brw Robert F. Peterson r;.1..., . ocnocll, I:.11. Commr.of Public Safety 1 Department of Ful:.'ic$Safet> Chief 1?ealth Officer E U R E A U O F H E A L T H St. Paul, 14innesota REPORT ON INSPECTION OF CONVALESCENT 1101.1E Name: Milton R@st Home Address: 740 Dayton Avenue Operator: Milton S- Davis Patients now: 24 - Twenty-four Proposed capacity: 29 - Twenty-nine Environment: O.K. Zoning Restrictions: see Zonin board report. Transportation: Street -car, one block (Selby Ave.) Telephone: Elkhurst 6650 q Construction: Stucco (.3 story) Repair: Good Heating: Hot Water -,Oil Burner Sanitary' Facilities:. Plater: City Water Supply Sewage: Connected to City Sewer Plumbing: O•K- Garbaoe Disposals By private hauler i Al and Dud's - E1. 1395) LiAtine: Pirin _. , Fit V r ,.,:aior, ra^rn `• Ve.•ti] •": �: Natural i O•K• - Two means of egress from each floor. i;. Small rubbish burner attached directly to chimney for burning papers only. Consumer's Milk Company . Foot Frepar.t-on Facilities: Food Storage O.K., Food Supplies O.F., Refrigeration O.K., Fool Storage: O.K. Foo4 Supplies: O.K. Refrigeration: O.K. Roomers: 34 Thirty-four Four toilets and baths, plus five baths and one toilet on 3rd .floor. Furnishings and Supplies: Beds: 26 Twenty six Linen: Sufficient for, 31 beds (sufficient for several changes) Storage Space: •',O.K. Signals: Handl Bells Remarks: Electric dish washer installed in 19489 Si^ned Date No. 197826=By Robert F. Peter - W. A. Parranto— U to City Cleric nve, sesnapped for pd th CITY OF t 47826 ryTf6 y'/YUL v�•:,;fio c,Oi.uartca NO. --••---•-•--•-^---- LICENSE COMtiITTEE - OFFICE,OF THE, _,gTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Cc MMMT PRESENTED By � DATE April April 22, 1949 � a RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Mrs. Strandyls Bakeries, Inca . 1949 St.Anthony Restaurant App. 11808 Renewal Thomas LaNasa 124 E. Arch Veh Pe(f'(FS) 11 14113 If n ° Foodstuff(VP) n 14114 n Jerry C. Welvang 539 Rice Grocery 11 11 I1 14586 n n _ n Off Sale Malt II 14597 n Cigarette n 14599 Mabel A. & -I'so. J. hiller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen Truax ........C_Against Mr. President, Delaney 3111 948 Grocery 320 Stinson 11 if 1' n it Dave Selnick it 362 N. Dale Adrian E. $los 979 Jackson J.. C. Hohl 559 Carroll Victor J. Haakensen II 919 Woodbridge if u n Julius Fooksman 243 Rondo n � n n n John -Berkman __ 637 Pine s n HaroldA. Thienes I1 440 Unive rsity n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen Truax ........C_Against Mr. President, Delaney 3111 948 Grocery n 11 Butcher It 147355 n Off Sale Malt s 14737 n Cigarette 11 14738 11 Off Sale Malt 11 14862 it Butcher a 14898 11 n 11 15034 11 Grocery it 1x,035 11 Off Sale Malt If 15036 II Cigarette, n 15037 " Confectionery 11 15132 n Off Sale Malt 11 15133 n Cigarette n 15094 n Foodstuff VMLoc II 15177 II . Vend Mach (1)' n 15178 11 Grocery if 15269 n Cigarette If 15270 11 Adopted by the Council. ..----.------- -------- --194-..-. Approved -............................ .194_._. -... ........... Mayor 0 1m1 �. cr�r cr�k 1, (� 6 (7�.,1➢ co�r9ca. NO._'.._.____._...__� LICE SE COIR>iITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 April 22, 19+9 PRESENTED,BY COMMISSIONER_._ - -_ _ ----�--- - DATE PAGE N0. 2 John 19edes 487 Wabasha Restaurant App, 15327 Renewal Arthur D. & John A. Sparks Grocery " 15454 If 98 N. Smith n " Cigarette If 15455 " Riverview Herman Hall 454 Onega On Sale Halt " 15456 " Minn. Amusement Co. 449 Rabasha Confetti very " 15470 " J. E. Port 1046 Grand Restaurant " 15508 " c- 11 On Sale Malt " 15509 " If 11 Cigarette ° 15510 " Joseph Forese 57 N. Kellogg Restaurant " 15547 " If 11 On Sale Malt If 15548 11 11 off Sale Malt " 15549 " Cigarette 11 15550 " Kenneth E. Ellsworth 158 E. 5th Restaurant n 15551 Sam ITemo 385 St.Peter Restaurant 11 15564 it on Sale Malt " 15565 " u u Ofgarette " 15566 " Minnesota.Macaroni Co.114 W. Fairfield Foodstuff VMLoc 11 15570 If Eunice Johnson 435 E..7th Restaurant 15585 11 II 11 On sale Malt l5 586 11 n 11 -off Sale Malt '! 15587 " 1i 1I Cigarette " 15588 If B. H. Utecht 292 E. 5th Barber IT 15600if �Taeob Perlman 74 E. 5th If " 15626 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. .................................194 _.... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved... ....................................194.— Parranto PeiehonIn Favor ---- - ...- .................... ......................... ................. _... . Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 Orkinei to City Ciorlc LICENSE OOMMITT-E CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY - 1, April 22, 1949 COMMISSIONER—.___— _—_._—__ DATE PAGE N0 3 Dari -Rine Inc. 1623 Rice Restaurant App. 15631 Renewal If It Confectionery ° 15632 u s " Cigarette " 15633 n Kathryn Bouchard 254 N. Fairview Grocery " 15634 " n n Off Sale Malt " 15635 n n Cigarette ° 15636 " 17in_low A. McCann 927 Selby Barber " 15639 n R. E. Comll Club Bldg. Corp. 823-5 T. 7th On Sale Malt " 15662 Alred 7lestgard 2175 St. Clair Grocery " 15663 " n Butcher " 15664 " Off Sala Malt ° 15665 Cigarette 15666 If St. Paxil Baseball Club, Inc. 1158 Univhrsity Restaurant " 156g4 " " n On Sale Malt ° 15685 " n u Off Sale Malt n 15696 n " " 'cigarette " 15697 n Northern Pacific Ry. 1092 N. Hamline Foodstuff VMLoc " 156gg If John DelVicario 425 Upper Levee Restaurant " 15717 µ n If On Sale Malt If 15719 " If Off Sale Malt n 15719 " Cigarette " 15720 n James Zacks 322 Cedar Barber 15729 If The Specialty Mfg. Co.2362 University Foodstuff VMLoc 'I 15744 n Leonard Doepner 710 N. Dale ice Sta " 15749 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ........... .....................194-_.-.. Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved..-... ......................... 194.__ Parranto Peterson - In Favor ----------------------------...----•- .......... ---------•------- --ay•--or--r____•• Rosen M- Truax ..............Agains't Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .a6y® LI ;rto City Cleric SCleric�uCOMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL No.____---______ OFFICE o--------------OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A-ril 22, 1949 .COMMISSIONER__'__:______--� OATE PAGE FO.14 Pacific Mutual Door Co. 2235 Territorial Rd FooRstaff Villoc App. 15753 Renewal R. X. & J. A. Lacher 1820 Grand Confectionery 15757 Cigarette 15759 Standvrd Heating Company 2278 Como Oil Burner ;nst. 15760 Henry Heil 952 Rice cigarette 15971 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . ___FhMftMr_ -Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 .41Z.@ Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------194._.... APR Approved... ....................................... 194 ----------In Favor .......... . ......... ........ . ....... ... Mayor ..........._Against VUm'lS!lV- jLf F. W. 147827—ByPn Robert F. Pere ,t�try['IH yl. }, Original to City Clerk on—W. A. Parranto— 4 6/ J�(),cyl CITY OF ST esolvea, •rnat ueensea appuea-s t tte persons named on the ::e.=ounen. '1 to this resolution be and •� NO... -- _... LICENSE COM6iITTEE OFFICE OF THE CI; '„hereby q,..aj,�°,"e %a I-C%OUNCIL RESOLUTION—G!,;,. pix ,t tO.�.L PRESENTED Bj_/ DATE ' April 22, 11949COM M ISS ZONE RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated. be and the same are hereby granted. Gopher Stamp & Die Oo. 78 E. Chicago Foodstuff VMLoc App. 15174 New New Loc. Raymer Hdwe Go. 41 E. Fairfield ° It 15226 1' It X11 Cherry-Burell Co. 23 E. Fairfield 1' ° 15230 George R. Rouse 589 N. Dale Confectionery ° 15372 n Old 11 11 11 g Ci arette ° 15373 ” it 11 Harold G. Zimmerman 939 E. Third Booth Fisheries Corp. 40 W. Kellogg Atlas Mfg Co. 1026 Eustis . Lee Nakk'en & Geo. Liljedehl 1114 White Bear The Speed -0 -Lag Products Co. 2386 Wycliff Chile Browne 1188 University G. E. Greer 1041 Selby n n William J. Baumann 193 N. Western John L. Hanson 1005 Eustis Maurice & Julius-Huysentruit_ Old 11 969 Selby Fileman C. Balbuena 224 N. Western 11 n n 11 COUNCILMEN 11 11 Yeas Nays 15622 n . Mortinson M. A. D. Loc. ° Parranto n u Peterson .......... in Favor Rosen 'ice Ste, It Truax ---_-----.---Against Mr. President, Delaney 15653 n 3b1 948 -Amo® 0£f Sale Malt ' 11 Butcher 11 15404 11 11 '11 Foodstuff VMLoc If 15568 " New 11 n n 15591n n n 15582 it Old 11 n n 15602 n New 11 Beauty Shop If 15618 11 Old 11 Confectionery 1' 15621 11 11 11 Cigarette ° 15622 n If 11 M. A. D. Loc. ° 15623 1t n u Foodstuff VMLoc " 15627 Ii New n 'ice Ste, It 15640. 11 Old s, Grocery I1 15653 n It i1 0£f Sale Malt ' 11 15654 n n u O�@We ltgy the Council. ............. 15445.5... " .19L..... Approved--------------- -..................194— Mayor 94.. Mayor APR 2 2 VaO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL----------------------........... 194- Yeas . Nays -•wind}aa— MortinsonApproved-..----------- ... - .............. 194_. Parranto q Peterson -- In Favor -- �6�?y Mayor - Rosen , - Truax ---------=---- Against Mr. President, Delaney 1 9 and 9-48 ,® ., PUBLISIARDI_ City cl"k 1' OrIQ/mi m LICENSE COIFITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COU"O°' NO ---- __---.--r. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY DATE April 22, 1949 COMMISSIONER_..__-____—__--- --_-.-- PANE HC. 2 Albert L. Carll 2249 University Foodstuff VMLoc qnp. 15679 New New Loc. Sta-Vis Oil CO. - 202 Eagle n 11, 15682 s It if National Cylinder Gas Co. 965 N. Lexington 11 11 15691 n 11 " Eurnell & Webb Transfer Co. 2340 Territorial Rd n " 15695 Groff Paper Co. 2300 Endicott If n 15696 it 11 n Earl Johnson 1202 17. Snelling 11 11 15735 11 n n Roy C. Woesthoff 1110 N. Snelling n " 15740 11 n n John J. McDonough 1228.N. Snelling 11 n 15741 Herbert E. Strandauist 699 N. Snelling It n 15746 it n n APR 2 2 VaO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL----------------------........... 194- Yeas . Nays -•wind}aa— MortinsonApproved-..----------- ... - .............. 194_. Parranto q Peterson -- In Favor -- �6�?y Mayor - Rosen , - Truax ---------=---- Against Mr. President, Delaney 1 9 and 9-48 ,® ., PUBLISIARDI_ Or12heal to city Clerk Q. CITY OF SL j ... _ - /- - 2 8 -- � C. F. No. 1978ZB�Hson—y Robert F. Peter. IVO.-_""'_ """ , OFFICE OF THE C Whereas, on January 8. 1949, the City Of Saint Paul ntered foto an agree- . COUNCIL RESOLUTION ment with the Township of Rose, Which �j- �']/� -7 extended for a six months perlotl, to - �li✓/ / f /!/(i" and Incenlnq June 90. 1949. to supply PRESENTED BY ^upplemeptary fire service for the tlls- COMMISSIONER -/ �/v_; is of Falcon. Heights, Northome, 0' We" Court and. Unioersity_GrM T .W" Rnse;. end ico WHEREAS, on January 6, 1949 the City 6i Saint Paul entered into an agreement with the Township of Rose, which extended for a six months period, to and including June 30, 1949, to supply supplementary fire service for the districts of Falcon Heights, _Northome, Hollywood Court and University Grove in said Township of Rose; and WHEREAS, on April 1, 1949, the said districts of Falcon Sleights, Northome, Hollywood Court and University Grove, constituting the Township of Rose, incorporated to form, the Village of Falcon Heights, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement between the City of.Saint Paul and the Village of Falcon Heights, which shall substitute the Village of Falcon Heights,for the Township of Rose,' as a party to the agreement dated January 6, 19491 all other terms and conditions of said agreement to remain unchanged. APR 2 2 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ........................... .-.--194-..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved--------------------------- ----------.194---- Parranto Peterson --------..---In Favor.��. Rosen Truax -----. -Against Mr. President, Delaney PUBLISHED 3M 048 'O a 'Vol'I to City Clerk - "uXC°• NO �F CITY OF ST. PAUL ,._______--•___-��- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT� D BY U-�� �/ DA 9 9 —� ril 22 19 CO_fv�Yt551'ONER— d�^7 WHEREAS= Harold J. Cable has made Application B 13902 for license to operate as Auto Livery one (1) automobile on the streets of the City of Saint Paul, -described as a 1949 Packard Sedan, Motor No. G 1421059 E, Serial No. 2277-9113133, as Auto Livery Car No. 18, insured with the State Automobile Insurance Association, Des Moines, Iowa, Policy No, M 377608, expiring January 29. 1950, and ITEMMASt Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license tb operate said automobile as auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be, and the same is hereby granted to Harold J. Cable C. F. No. 147829—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Harold J. Cable bas made Application B 13902 for license to op- te as Auto Livery a (1) antomo- bile on the streets of the City of Saint ` cul. described 1949 Packard Se - Motor No G„421959 E, Serial No. 911313.^ a ' ".ry Cat No. 18'!I -.,d o ) NEW Informally approved by Council November 16, 1949, APR 2 2 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.,..,,' .' ..._, T �._._...194..... Yeas Nays 1n lap - Mortinson /. Approved ....................................... Parranto -............In Favor Peterson ayor Rosen Truax ......-------Against f l 0 �9 Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 948 ® _ NOTICECITY qr, X83• • h?eke be Erew�' 147,831 D _-� the 66rc. TO COUNCIL,RESOLj-: .,ering� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER - -!��r•. a `.. _ . April 20 1849 -RES&VM THAT CN` CKS_BE DRAWN _ON_THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE'AMOUNT OF 76.032.,64 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 82555 TO—92566 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TH� DFlt EAMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ----194— °°�� 194— C GT' COMPTpOLLER A APPROVED 194— BY - — 500 12-4e . ® - - / c PU13LISIIED �/ Q CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD ® 82555 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan 82556 John Bowe 82557 i Capitol Stationery Mfg. ComPLn 82558 Geo. Edward 82559 M.E. Souther Cons. Company 82560 C.J. Tierney 82561 Thomas Finn Company 82562 Robert Rasmussen 82563 Roy W. Morita etc. 82564 William Henry McAndrews 82565 John S. Findlan, C. of FinanCe 82566 John S. Findlan. C. of Finanoye • I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 351 #7 1042617 26 295 70 55 '00 1 o62 76 $ 42200 i21 109 123 635 PO 9 90 75 00 30 00 10 897 29 28 415 75 zea 351 47p�1gg65d 59 i) ' A �'^,/�yy� 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY C RK CITY OF SAINT PAUL C RLI'1 COUNCIL PFl ` OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER RL MORTINsoN AUDITED CLAIMS - Avril 20 ,9._49 PARRANTOPETERSONRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE O NQ HE TV TREASURY. ROSEN TO THE AGGREGATE AMO UNT OP S. V COVERING TRUAX CHECKS NUMBERED— —. INCLUSIVE.AS MR.PRES.DE3 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 194S ,, ADOPTED BY THE COUy�N(3CyI) �A - /y/ """'" . AkR z' y 1-'9'H9 ... NUMBER -.--..'CO OLLER CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD ® 82555 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan 82556 John Bowe 82557 i Capitol Stationery Mfg. ComPLn 82558 Geo. Edward 82559 M.E. Souther Cons. Company 82560 C.J. Tierney 82561 Thomas Finn Company 82562 Robert Rasmussen 82563 Roy W. Morita etc. 82564 William Henry McAndrews 82565 John S. Findlan, C. of FinanCe 82566 John S. Findlan. C. of Finanoye • I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 351 #7 1042617 26 295 70 55 '00 1 o62 76 $ 42200 i21 109 123 635 PO 9 90 75 00 30 00 10 897 29 28 415 75 zea 351 47p�1gg65d 59 i) ' A NOTICE 171141.- /y • CITY o That checks be dr.7 ,.Yn f TO •asucY. to the aggmr PRINTER COUNCIL:,RE'534.93. co ling icha. COUNCIL FILE NO._______ 1, 82622R the office of APrn aApril • 21 9 194 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4,534.93 92567 92622 5 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_______TO___ _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ___rylr- '•4a., ____, 194 JFJi� AO CITY c TROLLER l �P APPROV ED______v'_ BY_ 500 u3 - �y"�-'-�d� V / v -"Y✓ 0 CCC = i $ � I w t _ ��IIll Y'fy OpPLICATE TO CITY LERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBEI' ROL ALL TINSON T�� ,1 IN FAVOR 9 �L.�. CLAIMS er,r� 9'1 19-49L ANTO RSONRESOLVED. EN�f--pGAfNST !AR --' AUDITED THAT CHECKS BE T CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AM UNT F COVERING AX RES.DELANEY TO_. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED. - •' k�,} w� PER CHECKS ON FI THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Y Q ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- OUNCIL NUMBER APPROVED 1�� •.• - �-- APPROVED /� TAMPfAOLLER -A2__ TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD .283351147 i 1118650'! 9 • 82567 ', Aome Linen Service Company 42 06 3433 82568 Adams Paint Supply 15 154 3 82569 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Corp. m0. 82570 American City Magazine 9 �5 82571 American Insurance Agency 10 00 82572 American Law Book Company 3.9 75 8257 Auto Radiator & Glass Compan 40 13 8257 Barbeau Supply Company 59 00 82575 Bodine Piano Company 82576 Booth Cold Storage Company 2d 62 82577 82578 L: Brotsky &.Company Burroughs Adding Machine Com nY 126 29 82579 Callaghan & Company 10 ©0 18 00 82580 Capitol Linoleum Company 100 54 00 82581 A.A. CarlstTom & Sons 501O1 14 82582 Central Steel & wire Company 92 43 82583 Certified Concrete Company it 56 84 Columbia University Press 3 00 82585 Co -Op., Launderers 139 50 82586 "Doge Market Seed Company 68 82587 Downtown Ford Company ; 805 22 82588 Drake Marble Company 03 176 82589 Drovers Markets, Inc. 50 8259062 ffi Z 9seep Compound Company 13 75 82591 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 117 10 82592 M93 O.R. Eckhardt Comnany Eduoational & Rea. Guides,Ino 3 00 348 711 Y Fy vleotrio Blue Print Company 82595 'Farrell Gout. Company 7b o0 82596 Feist Small Animal Hospital 82597 Flex -o -Sweep Mfg. Co. Inc. 8 95 82598 Gaylor Brothers, Inc. 91 95 82599 A.J. Gerrard & Company 2 62 s2600 R.E. Gilkerson 12 2j 23 82601 Globe Book Company 17 82602 B.F. c3oodrich 41 12 92603 ,: Gopher Plumbing Specialty Co. 82604 ,R.L. Gould.& Company 'The 173 15 328 37 82605 Grinnell Company, -Ino. 43 35, 82606 The Harria-Matteson Agency ' 69 30!' 82607 Geo. A. Hormel & Company Huebner Publications 12 00 •2606 82609 Inter City Paper Company 11 3- 92610 Int. Printingg Ink Co. Inc. Preiee Steil Co. 2 5!+ 270 39 $2611 62612 Sorhumel-Heftron & Lampland Lumber Company 35 32 6261 W.A.' Lang, Inc. 09 s2614 Archie McIntyre 11 90 43 35 82615 "Ray S. Miller OD 82616 E.L. Murphy Trucking Company6G 82617 :'National Paint Lacquer & V.O. is 06 270 34 82618 Pioneer Electric Company x2619 Paysen Mfg. company 5 5 82690 Ramsey Co. Ins, Agency, Inc. 27 3 62621 Robertshaw Thermostat Company 1 2 82622 Jos. A. Rogers Company 14 o� SHEET-DOTAL-rORWARD ,203 351 4 1123185 52 , No. 197632— Ived, That checks be draw NOTICE City tSeasury, to the ggn.'%tj,Zf b� TO .nt of $30,916.61, covering ch Q PRINTER coU lerekca^n231to162R77 1N COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRINTER _April 2�194-9 RESOLVED„ THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 3O, qlE_ l COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED---&26Z3,--TO -8267-7__—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - APH ;04 ^/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.__— ------ —_ 194 _ �_ .'�. /. CITY MP OLLER it APPROVED--------_ ___.____194 __ BY—_ DUPLICAT�TCCITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL /!!, COUNCIL 'C P • "-r OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILEILE NUMBER ROLL LL RTIySON PARRANTO PA --- __IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON ROSEN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. AMOUNT OF f--�^q.�l COVERING TRUAX AGAINST TO TO THE AGGREGATE CLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED. TY COMPTROLLER MR.PRES.DELANEY R 2 `�t �, PER CHECKS ON FILE 40- ICE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- -L Iy�IMBER APPROVED APR.'q49--194-_ BY- --— - TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER - IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 283351 47 112418"5 52 3262 826 Johm's. in lan, C. of inane John S. Findlan. C. of Finan 0 1 1 5 64 0 bo 82625 Patrick J. Hagerty S. 54 8262b Peter Johnson 5 0 82627 Alfred H. Schroeder 5 000 00 82628 Port Authority 19 97 82629 J.L. oonnoll Y� 959 99 82630 Frank serratore 18Z0 5 p 0Q 82631 American Ins. Agency 0 82632 American Boo. -of Meo. Angrs.' 4 PO 82633 Judy Pub. Company - 94 14 82634 A.J. Koch company 33 UO 82635 Lawyers Co-op. Pub. Company 7 50 82636 Library Service 84 95 82637 McGraw-Hill Book Company 132 20 82638 Monroe-oal. Machine Co. Inc. 90 826'39 Municipal Finance officers A Boo. 82640 National Asa00. of Housing 0 ;finials 2 ]0 82641 National Probation & Parole asoo. 82642 National Publicity council 2 b2 826433 National Wire Cloth Company 32 P 82644, Northern States Power Compal 28113g 82645 Northern States Power Compan 199 82646 N.W. Printing & Binding Co. 14 4 :82647 Northwest Studios, Inc. b Q0 0- 82648 N.W. Sanitary Supply Company 15 W 63 3 82649 Otis Elevator company 82650 Peilen & Pollen 10 0 82651 Public Adm. Clearing House 16 00 826.52 Public Affairs Committee, In . 285 25 82653 Remington -Rand, Inc. .- 108 28 82654 Royal Typewriter Company 080 82655 82656 Rusoh Electric Company st.Paul Legal Ledger 43322 826- 3t.Poul Milk Company 11 23 95 92658 Smith Avenue Hardware 82659 Standard Duplicators 25 19 82660 steohert-Hafner; Inc. 51 l9 82661 Bureau of Publications 20 14 90. 82662 Thomas Publishing Company 28 c94 82663 Tilden Products Company 106 40 82664 82665 Trane Company Twin City Engine Rebuilders,'Inc. 24 o0 82666 ® t1.'3. Steel Supply Company lis 62 82667 Universal Agency; Inc. 11 56 82668 Univera&I Sign Company, Inc. Press 10 70 82669 University o Chicago 58 �d 82670 Van Paper Supply company warner Company 203 63 82671 82672 George Waterbury Companies. Ino, bl 50 82673 H.E. Wedelstaedt Company 74 }2 82674 Westinghouse Electric Supply'ompany 276 H1 82675 West Publishing Company 190 00 82676 Wheeler Hardware Company 2 0o 82677 John C. Winston Company 27 30 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD i 2 4711lis4io2• X, 2nd - Laid over to --- 3rd and app- " Adopted ---- Yeas Nays Yeas Nays —PhrdraW— 35 � Find ta. Mortinsort /4 Parranto Peterson A"eterson Rosen Truax Mr, President Delaney r. President Delaney vp Leat. to City Clerk C. F. No. 147833 -Ordinance N., 9275 - By Severin A. Mortinson- C trolling the regulating and con- n I fas —,k, and Ili 1,47833 I n the City of Si.l. aIr providing methods and setting up -E NO. standards for the control thereof; pro- -1 vidin, lot the pp%,nt-en' of an ad .:.ry _rd pro v ling penalties I.; e "0,.t.r heir -apd renealing Or Is, PRESENTED BY ance , 'i 5, 1926. an .,rdina. - 'Oul, An Ordinance regulating and controlling the emission of smoke and pollution of air within the City of Saint Paul; providing methods and setting up standards for the control thereof; providing for the appointment of an advisory board; providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 6578, approved November 5, 1925, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: _SECTION 1 Definitions The following words and phrases when used in this Ordinance shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them herein. - 1. AIK Pollution: Dust, fumes, smoke, soot, or other materials that are of such character as to create an uncleahlyl.destructive, offensives or unhealth- ful conditions when emitted or allowed to escape:J41to the open air. 2. Dust: Gas -borne and air -borne -particles larger than 10 microns in E5 mean diameter, 3. ating i ment: Any device for separating dust from I the gas medium in wnich N is carried. 4. Fuel Burnino -. Any furnaces incinerator, refuse -burning equipments boilers apparatus, devices mechanisms stack, or structure used in the process of b=ming fuel or combustible material except a railroad locomotive or Vehicle as herein defined. 5. Fmes: Gases or vapors that are of such character as to create an uncleanly, destruttiveg or unhealthful condition. 6.Internai Combustion Entine: An engine in which combustion of a gas - eons liquid or pulverized solid fuel takes place within one or more cylinders. 7. 92ftn Fire: Any fire wherein the products of combustion are emitted into the open air and are not directed thereto through a stack or chimney. 8. Person: Any individuals partnership, association, syndicates company, firm, trust, corporations goverment corporations departments bureau, agency, or any other entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. 9. Ringelmarin Smoke Chart: The Ringelmann Chart with instructions for use as published by the U. S. Bureau of Mines', 1941 Revision. 10. Smoke: Small gas -borne particles consisting essentially of carbona- ceous material in sufficient number to be observable. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -i ............. ----------------------- Findlan Mortinson Parranto ................................ In Favor f.Peterson Against Rosen ----------- - Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved:-------------•---------------------------- - .......................... Attest: . . ... .................................................... ----------------------- .. ............ . I ------------------------- ---------- -- ---- City Clerk Mayor Im". v I I lu�wuu�� 6r1,Lnal to City clerk ' 147833 CrUINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 11. Soots Agglomerated particles consisting essentially of carbonaceous material. 12. Stack or Chimney: Flue, conduit, or opening arranged for emitting gases, smoke, dust, cinders, soot, fumes, or waste into the open air. 13. Vehicle: A vehicle is a self-propelled mechanism other than steam locomotive such as a roller, derrick, crane, trencher, portable hoisting engine, steamboat, tug, or other apparatus which is not ordinarily permanently installed in one location but is used at various places over a wide area. y 14. Waste: The waste products of industrial processes such as mineral wool, lint, peanut hulls, etc. W;td Condos SECTION 2 4�Rep MecdNu�%�N� Edy-{deei( Reels The Commissioner of Public Utilities shall appoint an Advisory Board of Al five (5) membera:� the Director of the Municipal Testing Iaboratories, one a railroad representative, one an operating engineer, and one a representative from the real estate board. Such Board shall be known as the Advisory Board on Smoke Eliminat' or Air Purification. The .member] to serve as„ tU member$ as a part of t�official duty without extra pay. Theo er mem re Pf M shall serve a term of two years and without pay. The duties of said Boardaha to confer with and advise the Commissioner of Public Utilities with reaps t tothe elimination of air pollution and enforeament of this ordinance. The minutes of the meeting of the Advisory Board shall be kept in the office of the Commissioner of Public Utilities as a public record. SECTION The Commissioner of Public Utilities shall assign such engineers, in- spectors, or investigators from the Department of Public Utilities as he deems are necessary to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. m SECTION (a) For the purpose of grading the shade or appearance of smoke, the Ringelmann Chartp 1941,Revision, published by the United States Bureau of Nines, shall be the standard. . (b) The Ringelmann Chart, 1941 Revision, published by the United States Bureau of Mines, is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference, and three copies of the Ringelmann Chart, 1941 Revision, together with instructions for use shall be marked official copies and shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk and available to the public for use and examination. N SECTION (a) No person shall cause, suffer, or allow to be discharged from any fuel -burning equipment, internal combustion engine, premises, or opsh fire excepting railroad locomotives or vehicles, smoke- the shade or'appearance of which is greater Yeas Councilmen_ Nays Passed by the•Council-,------------ -----------------------------•----- Findlan Mortinson Parranto---------------------------In Favor Peterson Rosen................ ................ Against 'Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved:.----------------------------------------------- -... -- ....- ... Attest: ----•--------•-----------•----------- --------------------- ----- ..................... ---------------- -1 ----------------------------------- --- ----- City Clerk Mayor 1M 848 I PUBLllLISt1t A ■■ O'fl C l q I Ca (gip 'I. C. 61988 JUNE 1936 . $ REVISED APRIL 1941 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES BUREAU OF MINES JOHN W. FINCH, DIRECTOR INFORMATION CIRCULAR RINGELMANN SMOKE CHART J N 6 N BY RUDOLF KUDLICH I.C. 6888 ,Tune 1936 Revised April 1941 INFORMATION CIRCULAR DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - BUREAU OF MINES * RINGELMANN SMOKE CH&RT-1 By Rudolf gudlich2-/ Wherever smoke abatement is discussed, the Ringelmann Smoke Chart sooner or later receives attention. It is strange that, though this chart is so commonly used and is of comparatively recent origin, its source and early history have been almost entirely forgotten. Recently an inquiry as to its source, addressed to the secretary of a e -abatement organization abroad, after passing through several hands r e Bureau of Mines. The Ringelmann Smoke Chart, giving shades of gray by which the density of columns of smoke rising from stacks may be compared, was developed by a Professor Ringelmann of Paris. Professor Maximilian Ringelmann was born in 1861, was professor of agricultural engineering at l'Snstitute National Agronomique and Director de la Station dtEssais de Machines in Paris in 1888, and still held those positions in 1930. He is the author of several text books on agricultural engineering. The chart apparently was introduced into the United States by William Kent in an article published in "Engineering News" of November 11, 1897, with a comment that he had learned of it in a private communication from a Bryan Donkin of London. It was said to have come into somewhat extensive use in Europe by that time. gent proposed in 1899 that it be accepted as the standard measure of smoke density in the standard code for power -plant testing that was being formulated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Ringelmann Chart was used by the engineers of the Technologic Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey (ionich later formed the nucleus of the present �u.reau of Mines) in their studies of smokeless combustion beginning at St. Louis in 1904,,and by 1910 had been recognized officially in the smoke 'ordinance for Boston passed by the Massachusetts. Legislature. Since then many city ordinances have accepted it as the standard for measuring smoke density. In 1908 copies of the chart were prepared by the Technologic Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey for use by its fuel engineers and for public i 1 The Bureau of Mines will welcome reprinting of this naper, provided the following footnote acknowledgment is used: "Reprinted from U.S. Bureau of Nines Information Circular 6888." Senior Mechanical Engineer, Bureau of Mines. 41g9 t 1 RINGELMANN'CZ RT READING Location .. ..... ............... Hour ..<:.��.:{D:�� Dae ................ 0 1 4 i/2 4 1 1 0 1 4 1 2 4 Point of observation .............................. Distance to stack ............ Direction of stack ........... Direction of wind............ Velocity of wind .............. Equlv.No.I Unit .7:. Units No. 5 ......�s?.... .... Units No. 4 2 4%7. Units No. j ...... ..... ...... Units I -To. 2 ............. 2 Units No. 1 .....��..... // 3 Units No'. 0 i fDUnits 6 �%20%_ ...... .?../.o... Smoke density 0 0 / 1 — — — — 1 / 2 32 / _ — — — — — — — 2 2 2 / / g— / ! -- — — — — 10 — — — — FO — — — 11 — — — — 1 — — — — 44 12 — — — —2 — — — 1 — — — — 1 / / 2 2 _ 1 — — 1 2 3 1 — — — — 3 1 3 3 19 — —. — —1 'g 1 2 1 1 1 2- 1 2 1 2- 2 1 1 2 2 20 z 2 z 0 1z / / / 21 2 2 2 1 / / 22 3 3 3 1 52 1 1/ / 2 — — — 2 5 S S 5 2 3 _ _ _ 2 3 3 33 57 2g 1 2 / I/ 8 — — — - Observer ...................... Checked by ................. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■o■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■m■■■■■■■■■■ m■■■■■■■■■■■.■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■®■ ■■■■■■■m■mo■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■m■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■mm■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■_■■!■■■ ■■■■■■■®■■■■■■ ■-■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■m■■■ 1 PTC 21-1941 1 POWER TEST CODES A.S.M.E. -1941 TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS �c^CygN'CAi iN°����ay APPROVED BY COUNCIL DECEMBER, 1941 Published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 29 -West 39th S t. New York, N. Y. Foreword WITH the incase in the rate of combustion in modern stoker -fired M units and the wide adoption of the pulverized fuel method of firinreg, the necessity for removing the solid Particles from the flue gases has Increased. No standard or generally recognized method seemed to be available for determining the adequacy of dust - separating apparatus when installed in the power plant. Accordingly, after a discussion of this problem, the A.S.M.E. Power Test Codes Committee decided to appoint new committee to be known as Individual Committee No. 21, whose duty it would be to draft a Test Code for Dust -Separating Apparatus. The original membership of this committee was appointed by the President in October, 1934, and the organization meeting was held in December of the same year. The committee membership has since been enlarged. A preliminary draft of the code was circulated for comment and criti- cism in July, 1939. Notification of the material included in this test code was given in the October, 1939, issue of Mechanical Engineering. The code was presented to the Society for discussion at a public hearing held during the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1939. At the September 29, 1941, meeting of the main Committee it was approved in its finally revised form and on December 31, 1941, it was further approved and adopted by the Council as a standard practice of the Society. Individual Committee, No. 21 will welcome any constructive criti- ,cism that may result from the use of this code. December, x941 et Personnel of Power Test Codes Individual Committee No. 21 on Dust -Separating Apparatus M. D. Engle, Chairman 011ison Craig,'Secretary A. D. Bailey, Chief Operating Engineer, Commonwealth Edison Co., 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, M. H. H. Bubar, Consulting Engineer, 15 Park Row, New York, N. Y. W. G. Christy, Smoke Abatement Engineer, Dept. of Smoke Regulation, Board of Health and Vital Statistics of Hudson County, Court House, Jersey City, N. J. - 011ison C aifs. Rngineering Manager, Riley Stoker Corp., 9 Neponset St., Worcester, Mass. H. O. Croft, Professor, Head of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa J. M. DallaValle, Assistant Sanitary Engineer, U. S. Public Health Service, Treasury Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. H. O. Danz, Assistant Manager Power Equipment Division, American Blower Corporation, 6000 Russell Street, Detroit, Mich. H. C. Dohrmann, Chief Engineer, Buell Engineering Company, Inc., 70 Pine St., New York, N. Y. Philip Drinker, Professor, Dept. of Industrial Hygiene, School of Public Health, Harvard . University, Boston, Mass. M. D. Engle, Asst. Supt. of Engineering, Boston Edison Company, 39 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.' J. Wm. Fehnel, Chemist, Industrial Hygiene Laboratory, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., I Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. H. F. Hagen, Vice -President and Director of Research, B. F. Sturtevant Company, Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. P. H. Hardie, Research Engineer, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., 55 Johnson. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. C. W. Hedberg, Chief, Technical and Development Dept., Research Corp., Bound Brook, N. J. J. H. Leech, Engineer, Dracco Corporation, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. H. E. Macomber, Engineer, The Detroit Edison Company, 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Mich. H. B. Meller, Managing Director, Air Hygiene Foundation, Mellon Institute of Industrial Re. search, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. H. C. Murphy, Vice -President, American Air Filter Company, 215 Central Ave., Louisville, Ky. B. F. Tillson, Consulting Engineer, 35 Greenview Way, Upper Montclair, N. J. , Personnel of Main Committee on Power Test Codes . FRANOts HODGRINSGN, Chairman A. G. CHRISTIE, Vice -Chaim an T. BA1'1 E STER P. H. HARDIE R. J S. PIG— C. H. BERRY D. S. IAcosus E. B. POWELL W. A. CARTER L. F. MOODY H. B. REYNOLDS H. COORE B. V. E. NORDBERG E. B. RI -TTS P. D3SEREN H. B. OATLEY - M. C. STuART L. ELuoTT G. A. ORRm P. W. SWAIN E. R. FISH E. N. TRuup N. R. GIBSON CLIFFORD B. LEPAGE, Secretary W. J. WOHLENB£RG 3 0 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES OF 1941 est Code for Lust -Separating Apparatus CONTENTS have been applied to dust separators are as fol - Section Par. lows: collector, catcher, trap, filter, precipi- Introduction ............................ I tator,eliminator,washer,scru ber,andcyclone. 1 Object and Scope. ......... ........... 6 2 Unless otherwise specified, all references 2 Description and Definition of Terms....... 12 to other codes refer to A.S.M.E. Power Test J Guiding Principles ....................... 47 4 Instruments and Methods of Measurement. 62 5 Computation of Results .................. 971 Codes. 3 Before formulating .the procedure for 6 Report of Results ........................ 08 testing a dust separator, the Code on General Instructions should be studied and' followed INTRODUCTION in detail. In particular, before any test is I The term "dust -separating apparatus" is undertaken, its object shall be agreed upon. intended to include all devices used for sepa- 4 The Code on Definitions and Values de- rating gas -borne solid particles from the me- fines certain technical terms and numerical Ilium in which they are carried. This code is constants which are used throughout this code designed to cover tests 'on all types of dust- with the meanings and values there established. separating apparatus installed for operation in 5 The sections of Instruments and Appara- conjunction with solid -fuel -fired furnaces. At tus describe many types of instruments and may be applied to a much wider field, but is methods which are likely to be required in any not applicable to devices used in cleaning air test o power apparatus, and discuss their for ventilation. Trained test men should al- application, calibration, sensitivity, accuracy, ways supervise the conduct of tests on dust- etc. Sections used with this code are herein separating apparatus. Some of the names that designated by the abbreviation "I. and A." ,SECTION 1, OBJECT AND SCOPE 6 The object of the test shall be to deter- 7 The rules and instructions included in the performance characteristics of dust- this code are for the separator proper as in - ,pine separating apparatus. This code provides dicated by Par. 0. If the scope of the test in - mandatory rules for determining the perform- eludes any or all of the auxiliary apparatus, it ante of the apparatus with regard to one or will be necessary to consult such otherA.S.M.E. ' more of the following: codes as apply. (a) The over-all efficiency of the separator 8 The determination of special data or (b) The efficiency of separation according to verification of particular guarantees outside the scope of this code shall be made only after size of particle (c) The resistance to gas flow, i.e., the pres- written agreement of both parties to the test sure loss in the separator regarding methods of measurement and com- putation, all of which shall be completely (d) T•he dust concentration at the inlet and outlet of the separator described in the test report. f (e) The size analysis of the dust entering, 9 The determination of the dust count,' leaving, and caught by the separator extensively used as a measure of atmospheric (f) The combustible content of the dust dust pollution, is eutside the scope of this code. entering, leaving, and caught by the As defined in Par. 37, the efficiency of dust separator separation is based entirely -on weight, not on ' (g) The quantity of gas passing through the count. ' separator. 10 This code excludes the determination of December, 1041 5 5"` b TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 7 Par. No. Term Symbol Description Unit 26 Quantity of dust A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES lb the performance of full-size dust separators by 11 Should the specific directions in leaving separa- the use of models, or from multiple -unit separators. given a single unit of this code for any particular measurement differ The convenience of that method of testing is from those given in other.9.S.M.E. Power Test over -balanced by the' fact that the results are vent' likely to be not Codes for similar measurements, the instruc- indicative of the performance of the full-size tions of this code shall prevail, unless otherwise Wds apparatus in actual service. agreed by the parties to the test. lb ' SECTION 2, DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITION OF TERMS caught by sepa- Par. flue gas passing thiough the separator No. Term Symbol Description Unit int 12 Gast flow through separator Wt The quantity of gas passing through the Ib 29 tratioriseparator. Outlet dust con- dust separator for the period of the test The dust concentratign at the outlet of Ib as Ib dust per 1000 run. Qa Same as above. cu ft at actual centrationthe Average velocity of Vf temp and -,ase Q, Same as above. pressure cu ft at std den - 13 Standard density d,The density of typical flue gas reduced to Ib per cu ft of gas 68 F and 29.92 in. Hg abs = 0.0765; subscripts 1 and 2 denote the inlet and 14 Density of gas in gas constant 52.4. df The density of the flue gas at the tem- lb per cu ft Gas velocity at in- flue perature, pressure, COs and moisture "°4g tl content existing to the flue at the 0r'opening of the sampler. sampling locations. 32 15 Density of gas at d The density of the flue gas at the tem- Ib per cu ft The area of the inlet nozzle, i.e., entrance orifice perature, pressure, COs, and moisture let nozzle content existing on the discharge side 33 of the metering orifice. - 16 Gas drawn through we The quantity of gas passing through the Ib S sampler sampler for the period of the run. the gas flow through the sam ler. The cross-sectional area of the ue at the 17 Dust removed from wd The quantity of dust removed from the lb �y sampled gas sampled gas for the period of the test. I See Par. 41 for definition of dust. 18 Temperature of gas y The temperature of the gas.in the flue at F 35 in flue 19 Temperature of gas the sampling point. t° The temperature of the gas at the exit of F outlet flues, respectively. The deflection of the manometer at orifice the metering orifice. tial of manome- 20 Pressure of gas in pf The static pressure in the flue at the in. Hg abs at water at 68 F flue 21 i Pressure of gas at sampling point. 32 F p,° The static pressure of the gas at the exit in. Hg abs at orifice 22 Orifice of the metering orifice. 32 F coefficient of discharge Co The coefficient of dischar&e' for the meter- a ratio ing orifice, i.e., the ratio of the actual flow to the flow computed for an ideal' Velocity pressure to flue at sam- p,f orifice. f in. water at 68 F 23 Duration of the T The elapsed time from the beginning to hr run the end of the run. 37 24 Operating time for T. The length of time the sampler is in hr The ratio of the weight of dust removed sampler operation. This will be less than the separator duration of the run by the amount of outage, if outage occurs. 25 Quantity of dust Wn The quantity of dust in the flue gas en- Ib entering separa- term the separator during thP g e Period scripts denoting size range, this sym- for of the run. ^ f ' Gas quantities include any water vapor present. bol indicates the efficiency of the' b TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 7 Par. No. Term Symbol Description Unit 26 Quantity of dust We: The quantity of dust in the flue gas leav- lb leaving separa- ing the separator during the period of tort he run.' 27 Quantity of dust Wds The quantity of dust removed from the lb caught by sepa- flue gas passing thiough the separator 28 rator Inlet dust concen- int during the period of the run. The dust concentration at the inlet to the lb dust per 1000 29 tratioriseparator. Outlet dust con- m2 The dust concentratign at the outlet of Ib as Ib dust per 1000 30 centrationthe Average velocity of Vf separator. The average velocity of the gas in the flue 16 as "ft per min gas in flue at the sampling location. The added subscripts 1 and 2 denote the inlet and 31 Gas velocity at in- V. outlet flues, respectively. The velocity of the gas at the inlet nozzle ft per min let of sampler 0r'opening of the sampler. 32 Area of sampler in- A„ The area of the inlet nozzle, i.e., entrance sq ft let nozzle end of the sampling tube. 33 Area of metering A° The area of the orifice used for metering sq ft 34 orifice Area of flue 'If the gas flow through the sam ler. The cross-sectional area of the ue at the sq ft sampling location. The ded sub- scripts 1 and 2 denote the inlet and 35 Pressure differen- N° outlet flues, respectively. The deflection of the manometer in. tial of manome- con- netted across the metering orifice. water at 68 F ter across meter- ingorifice 36 Velocity pressure to flue at sam- p,f The velocity pressure of the gas in the flue at the point where the sampler is in. water at 68 F pling pointspotted. 37 Efficiency of dust E The ratio of the weight of dust removed per cent separator from the gas by the separator to that entering the separator. With sub- scripts denoting size range, this sym- bol indicates the efficiency of the' separator for the various sizes of parti- cles, i.e., the efficiency by size, which 38 Size analysis S is also on a weight basis. The percentage by weight of the various per cent sizes of particles, as indicated by. the subscripts, e.g., S_w+too means the per- centage that passes through 60 -mesh but is held on 100 -mesh sieve. One prime indicates inlet sample, two prime, outlet sample, and three prime, caught 39 Acceleration of g sample. The acceleration of gravity. The stand- ft per sec per sec gravity and value of 32.2 is usually sufficiently 40 Number of sam- N accurate. The number of points in either the inlet pling points or outlet duct where samples are drawn. Also applies to Pitot -tube readings. 4' E- � tl:; A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES 41 Dust, Smoke, and Soot. For the purpose of this code, "Dust" is defined as particles of gas -borne solid matter larger than one micron mean diameter. The larger gas - borne particles (over 100 microns), which are a product of combustion of solid fuel are usually referred to as "cinders," but they come under the general heading of dust. The term "fly ash," although quite generally used, is never- theless improper inasmuch as it ignores a funda- mental concept that ash contains no combus- tible, and therefore the term is not used in this code. Smoke, as distinguished from dust is the result of incomplete or arrested combus- tion of the volatile constituents of fuels, and usually consists of particle sizes smaller than 1.0 micron. Soot is composed of agglomerated smoke particles. 42 Test and Run. A "test" is a com- plete examination either quantitatively or qualitatively, or both, of performance char- acteristics. It is applied in this code to mean the entire investigation included in the scope of the test. A "run" is a subdivision of a test consisting of a complete set of observations and recorded data taken at regular intervals for a period of time. " SECTION 3, GUIDING PRINCIPLES 43 In field practice, the method of deter- (d) Whether the test is to be made by Method mining the dust concentration of flue gases, A, Method B, or Method C. (See Par. which is the principal basis for determining 47.) efficiency of separation, must be adapted to the (e) The number, type, and location of dust conditions of construction and operation en- samplers and other instruments to be en- countered in each particular case. If, as in ployed where alternatives are permitted. laboratory work, flues could be arranged so as (See Par. 44 and Section 4.) to obtain a comparatively uniform flow of the (f) Method of maintaining constancy of test dust -laden gas over the entire cross-sectional conditions. - area; if the temperature and humidity of the (,Q) Gas flow rates or boiler loads at which gas could be held within fixed limits; and if the runs are to be made. dust concentration and other characteristics (h) Method of determining gas flow through could be arranged to suit best the requirements separator, i.e., by Pitot tube or Orsat. of the test—then the problem of testing dust- (See Pars. 79 and 85.) separating apparatus would be comparatively (f) Number and duration of runs. (See simple. Unfortunately, ideal conditions are Par, 57.) seldom"found in" field testing, therefore, it behooves the parties to the test to investigate (J) Duration of operation at each test load the field conditions thoroughly before making beforesampling is commenced. (See Par. 56.) arrangements for conducting a test. (k) Selection of laboratory for making we 44 Items on Which Agreement Shall analysis and combustible content deter - Be Reached. The parties to the test shall minations of the dust samples if cquip- reach a definite agreement as to the specific ment and trained personnel for this work object or objects of the test. Where 'the are not available at the plant. specification or contract under which the appa- ratus is supplied merely specifies that the test (1) Tolerances or margins, if any, to be ap- (See Par. be conducted in accordance with this code, the plied. 46.) 46 Tolerances. This code does in parties to the test shall agree upon the select" on• of those instruments and methods where alter- not - elude consideration of over-all tolerances or natives are permitted. In particular, they margins on dust -separator performance guar:m- tees that might be written into the shall reach an agreement as to whether Method B, or C is to be used: See Par. 47. contract. The test results shall be reported ascomputed ,4, 45 The following is a list of pertinent items From the test observations, only calibrations upon which agreement shall be reached by the having been applied. Certain of the measure - ments, however, may be sub)'ect to appreciable parties to the test. They are listed here merely for check error, the expected"limits of which are stated, purposes: where possible, in Section 4. 'These and other (a) The object or objects of the test. (See allowances for errors of measurement are per - Pars. 6 and 44.) missible, provided they are agreed upon in (6) Time of making the test. (c) That the dust separator is in a satisfactory advance by the parties to the test, and provided they are clearly stated in the test report. condition for testing at the tiu:e selected. Their combined plus or minus value; i.e., the TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 9 tolerance, shall be taken as the square root of the sum of the squares of Lite percentage ef- fects of the various limits of error on the results of the test. Whenever allowances for possible errors of measurement are taken into considera- tion, the reported test results shall be qualified by the statement that the results may be re- garded as correct within a given plus or minus percentage, this value having been determined in accordance with the foregoing method for rnmputing tolerance. 47 Methods of Testing. Three methods of determining the performance of dust-sepa- ratitig apparatus are sanctioned by this code. Any one or all may be used. However, .the physical conditions encountered often make one or another impractical or at least unde- sirable. Method 4. This method is based on the determination of the average dust concentra- tion at the inlet of the separator and at the outlet of the separator. From these data the efficiency can be computed in accordance with the equations given in Section :i, which are based on the assumption that no change in the mass of gas flowing takes place between the two sampling locations. It is not necessary to know the gas flow rate or total quantity passing through the separator for the duration of each run, nor is it necessary to weigh or,sam- ple the dust caught by the separator.. Method B. This method is based on the quantity of dust caught, the dust concentra- tion at the outlet of the separator, and the total quantity of gas passmgthrough the separator. Obviously, this method can be applied only to those installations where the dust can be removed from the hopper in the dry state for the period of each test run, Also, it is necessary to measure the total quantity of gas passing through the separator with reason- able accuracy in order to correlate the average outlet (lust concentration with the total quan- tity of dust caught. Bor method of computa- tion see Section 5. Method C. This method is based on the quantity of dust caught, the dust concentra- tion at 4he inlet of the separator, and the total quantity of gas passing through the separator. The other factors relative to measurement by this method apply as in Method B. 48 These are two other possible methods of determining efficiencies: (1) by weighing the dust caught and estimating the total quantity of dust entering the separator from the coal fired, its ash content, and the unburned com- bustible in the dust; (2) by estimating the quantity of dust entering the separator as in (1), and using the outlet.dust concentration and gas -flow rate. Neither of these is considered accurate enough for acceptance tests, and shall, therefore, be used only if Methods f1, B, and C .are impracticable, and even then only by agree- ment of the parties to the test. Details of the procedure for these two methods are not in- cluded in this code. 49 The parties to the test may designate a person to direct the test and serve as an arbi- trator in the event of any dispute as to the ac- curacy of any observations, conditions, or methods of operation. 50 Upon agreement or by request, accred- ited representatives of both the purchaser and the manufacturer may at all times be present to verify that the test is conducted in accord- ance with this code and the agreements made prior to the test, whether the test is directed by an outside person or by a representative of either of the contracting parties. 51 Preparation for Test. The major points in connection with the test (see Pars. 4:3, 44,45, and 47) having been agreed upon, it is then necessary to prepare the detailed procedure for the test. Care should be used in selecting the best possible sampling cross sections of the flue near the inlet and outlet of the separator. A straight run of duct preceding the point of measurement is of course preferable; when not available, avoid locations near sudden changes in area or direction of the flue, especially 90 - degree bends. The inlet duct of an induced draft fan may be preferable to the outlet duct for the reasolac a fan in operation acts as a separator t V! considerable extent. That is, the passage of dust -laden gas into and through a fanwheel tends to concentrate dust at the pe- riphery of the casing scroll and at a point ad- jacent to the back plate or. center plate.of the wheel, thus causing a condition of stratifica- tion, as well as turbulence, to carry into the outlet duct. (See also Par.,105.) Vertical flues or ducts are generally preferred as a location for measurements as a further preventive of stratification. Room for the test setup and for free movement during the test should not be overlooked when selecting the locations. x"°'52 Vanes or other apparatus used for straightening air flow in ducts sometimes have the opposite effect on the dust part icles,'since they may enhance or intensify the degree of stratification, The only satisfactory means for combating wide differences in velocity or stratification over the sampling cross section is to use more sampling points. , 53 It is not likely that the accuracy of a test will be impaired as the result of sampling the gases at an excessive number of points in the duct. On the other hand, error will prob- (A + 10 A. S.bLE. N1'ER TEST CODES ably be introduced if the points are too` bend or damper, and the gas volume to be The number of Pitot readings required andlejkqed have direct bearing on the number of establish correct volumes and variations in is required. velocity existing in a flue is dependent upon conditions peculiar to each case. This requires \Vhere s f 'doe u iform, i.e., where a preliminary survey to establish general cnn- the range of v loci ies does not exceed ° to t; M I I • i I - I � -USS SECTION OF RECTANGULAR FLUE r•ar�ii p e e NOTE. •7n1i iqn Points of Scrnrp/ing Tube �s4®11Aai CROSS SECTION OF ROUND FLUE low Fm. I ME -OD or Sunorvrory,; 1+ice na Srncr; rxro Mensu arvr, .4xens oa . zo.e. ditions. In few cases will the flow be uniform from twelve to twenty points can be used for and it is more usual to find velocities in different large Hues (exceeding 25 sq ft area) and from parts of the flue varying by as much as 2 to 1. eight to twelve points for small flues. Greater variations are not unusual. Also the \Vhere high velocity differentials or extreme' size and shape of the flue, close proximity to a turbulence of stream flow are encountered, it .TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 11 will be necessary to double and sometimes to load. Steady ,conditions shall be reached at treble the number of points required in order each load before the official run is started even to establish true conditions. if it is found that several hours are required. Rectangular or square-shaped flues, Fig. 1, 57 Number apd Duration of Runs. shall be divided into cross-sectional measuring The number of runs is usually determined by areas or zones of approximately equal size and the number of loads or other operating condi- shape. In number, these shall correspond to tions at which guarantees are made. It is best the number of sampling points thought to be to make two runs at each guaranteed point, necessary according to the physical conditions although this is not mandatory. The duration of the duct system, survey of velocities, and of the runs, unless otherwise agreed, shall be direction of flow of the gas stream. A "point" governed by the number of sampling points and for sampling the gas will be located at the center the number of samplers operated at each Sam - of each zone area. pling cross section. The samplers shall be The method of subdividing round flues is operated ten minutes at each point and there shown by Fig. 1. The sampling points should shall be at least two complete circuits of the be located in the same way as the measuring points. However, the minimum length of run points for fan tests. The number of zones and shall be two hours unless otherwise agreed. consequent number of sampling points will de- 58 Should serious inconsistencies in the ob- pend upon the physical condition of the duct served data be detected during the conduct or system at the approach to the measuring cross computation of an): run, that run shall be section as well as upon the variation in velocity rejected in whole or in part, and shall be re - and direction of gas flow. peated if necessary to attain the objects of the .54 Preliminary Runs. One or more test. In this connection it should be pointed preliminary runs shall be conducted for: out that rough calculations of the performance should be carried along with the runs, lagging (a) Checking instruments not more than one day behind. (b) Training personnel 59 Frequency of Readings. The fre- (c) Making minor adjustments, the need for quency at which complete Pitot -tube traverses which was not evident during preparation are to be made is covered in Par. 79. The for the test. inclined manometer connected to the differ- ential -pressure -producing device or the meter .55 Any preliminary run, when completed, used for indicating the correct rate of sampling.. may be declared, by mutual agreement, to be shall be maintained at the proper setting an acceptance run. virtually continuously. If a null method is 56 Constancy of, Test Conditions. used, in which the sampling velocity is regu- Since guarantees are usually made for steady lated to the existing duct velocity by main_ operating conditions, it is impossible to make taining a zero differential between static pres- a true comparison between guaranteed and . sure within the sampling nozzle mouth and test performance unless the operating condi- without at an adjacent point in the duct, no tions are maintained sensibly constant during record need be made, but for other methods re - each run. Constant gas flow, temperature, and quiring a predetermined setting, a record shall, dust concentration are dependent upon the of course, be kept of the setting computed for operation of the steam ti -generang unit which each sampling point. This value will probably She separator serves. The same precautions be different for each traverse due to the change should be observed to maintain constancy of in resistance of the filter. The gas pressure and operating conditions as for a boiler test. Prior temperature at the metering device shall be to the start of each run, the operating condi- read once for each sampling point, preferably tions, especially gas -flow rate, shall be main- in the middle of the period, so that the values tained constant, and at the same values as for recorded will represent average conditions for the run, for at least one hour. :Much of this each period. Other indicating instruments, preliminary period is necessary for making such as the differential manometer connected the Pitot traverses. However, the Pitot across the separator, shall be read every 15 traverses should not be started sooner than one- minutes. Integrating instruments used for half hour after the load has been adjusted. measuring the quantity of gas sampled, elec- The main purpose, however, of requiring a pre- trical energy consumed, amount of water sup- liminary penod is to allow conditions to become plied, etc., shall be read at the beginning apd steady. Dust tends to accumulate in variousend of each run. Sometimes it is desirable to places in most types of separators and the , read integrating instruments at the end of each amount at these points changes with change in hour of operation. 12 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES " 60 Procedure for Operating Samplers ® at Fixed Points. performance, tests on dust -separating devices of (a) From the Pitot traverse readings made any type. Before proceeding to select or con- during the preliminary period, compute struct instruments, those chapters of Instru- the proper orifice manometer settings or ments and Apparatus (I. and A.) dealing with the meter rates for each point. See Par. these instruments should be consulted for de- 97. tailed information. Many of the required (b) Just prior to the start of the test, open .Aw the control valve in the sampling line to i give approximately the setting computed for the first point. own (c) At exactly the start of the test, insert the sampler through the hole provided in ZM the flue and spot the nozzle at the first point as quickly as possible, being careful to .� face the nozzle directly into the gas stream. (d) Then adjust the sampling rate to the s� proper value and maintain the same setting until the sampler is moved. (e) At the end of five minutes, read and re- cord the gas temperature and pressure at discharge of the metering device. (f) Based on these values, compute the ad- justed value to be maintained for the next point. (g) At the end of ten minutes; move the ,y sampler quickly to the next position and correct the flow rate. Continue this cycle until at least two complete rounds of the sampling points have been made. (h) Should trouble develop, such as the re- sistance of the filter building up too high, Nin breakdown of the means of aspiration, or Weds the filter bursting, shut off the sampler immediately, withdraw the sampling noz- zle from the flue, note the time, and correct the conditions which are at fault. Then g start sampling again at the same position, noting the time lot on the data sheet for wimp future reference. (i) At the end of the run, remove the sampler Without changing the flow rate through it. Hold the tube in a vertical position, nozzle up, and tap on the tube to cause any dust sticking to the inside of the tube to enter the filter. Increasing the flow rate often aids. Whenthereis any doubt that this procedure does not completely clean the tube, use a stiff round bristle brush, of the proper size, as a swab. (j) This completed, shut off the exhauster, remove the filter and send it to the labo- ratory for weighing. The foregoing procedure for operating one sampler shall be followed for all samplers used, whether on the inlet or outlet of the 'separator. The movement of all samplers should be syn- chronized. , 61 Procedure for Operating Samplers in Continuous Traverse of Points. Where the continuous traverse is used, exactly the same procedure is observed in establishing a chart showing the points at which velocity readings were taken. If the gas flows are fairly uniform throughout the duct, within a 15 per' cent variation between high and low veloci- ties, the test apparatus may be set and main- tained at the mean velocity throughout the entire test and traverse of the flue. If, as in most cases, the velocities have a much higher variation, themas many of those points as pos- sible coming within the 1.5 per cent range can be plotted as one or spore larger points for traverse at the mean velocity of each point. Where there is an extreme variation in gas velocity, the velocity in the test apparatus must be varied to meet these changes as the nozzlepasses from one zone to the next in its traverse of the flue. This is accomplished by regulating the velocity in themeasuring sec- tion of the test apparatus by means of the con- trol valve, using the control chart previously established as a guide. The method of continuous traverse consists of a continuous and uniform movement of the test nozzle over all of the points of reading as many times as is required to obtain the neces- sary data and sufficient dust for weight, screen analysis, chemical analysis, etc. SECTION 4, INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENT 62 Necessary Instruments. The instru- been standardized will be found in these chap- ments described in this section are required for ters of "I. and A." performance, tests on dust -separating devices of 63 The instruments and test apparatus re - any type. Before proceeding to select or con- quired are as follows: struct instruments, those chapters of Instru- ments and Apparatus (I. and A.) dealing with (a) Pitot tubes for gas -velocity measurements these instruments should be consulted for de- in the flues. tailed information. Many of the required (b) Dust samplers, nozzles, and dust collectors corrections and conversion factors which have for determining the dust concentration. is 0 TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS ,13 (c) Metering devices, which are usually ori- fices or gas meters for determining the gas - sampling rate. (d) One or more exhausting devices for with- drawing the gas. (e) Thermometers or thermocouples with their temperature indicator for measuring the gas temperatures in the flue and at the orifices or gas meters. (f) Inclined manomtcters for use with Pitot tubes in reading the velocity pressures. (g) Inclined or vertical manometers for in- dicating the pressure drop across the meter- ing orifices. (h) Vertical water -filled manometers for meas- uring the static pressure at discharge of the metering orifice. (i) Vertical water -filled manometers for meas- uring the static pressure in the flue and the pressure drop across the dust separator. (j) A laboratory -type balance for weighing the dust samples. (k) A drying oven for removing moisture from the dust samples and the filters before weighing, and a desiccator to hold the samples while cooling after drying and before being weighed. (1) A set of standard sieves (8 -inch diameter) of the following sizes: 60, 100, 200, and 325 mesh. (m) Equipment for obtaining correct size distribution by sieving or elutriation. In all cases where accurate results are de- sired, the foregoing methods should be supplemented by microscopic examination, especially for particle sizes smaller than 200 mesh, 74 microns. (n) A small riffle sampler with '/�- or '/,inch divisions for reducing the dust samples. (Desirable but not necessary.) (o) Weighing equipment for determining the amount of dust caught, when the dust is caught dry and when the weighing equip- ment can be installed in such,a manner as not to interfere with the operation of dust - separating, equipment. (p) Orsat equipment for flue -gas analysis, if used for determining the gas flow through the dust separator. 64 Dost Samplers. The function of the sampling device is essentially that of with- drawing a portion of the dust -laden gas at such a rate and in such a manner that it represents a true sample at the point of extraction. Having withdrawn the sample, it is then necessary to separate and 'retain the dust for weighing and to measure the quantity of gas withdrawn. The sampling device shall comprise the follow- ing parts: (a) A tube or nozzle for insertion into the gas stream through which the sample is with- drawn. (b) A filtering or separating device for remov- ing the dust from the sampled gas. For the purpose of this code, 99.0 per cent re- moval is considered satisfactory. (c) Means.for checking the approximate equality of the velocity of the gas entering the nozzle and the velocity of the gas in the flue at the point of withdrawing the sample. (d) Means for measuring the quantity of gas sampled. (e) An exhausting device for drawing the gas through the sampling nozzle, filter, and metering device. 65 A number of different types of dust samplers have been developed and successfully used which fulfill the foregoing requirements. These are described in the literature, reference to which can be found in the bibliography. Fig. 2 and Figs. 4 to S show several represen- tative types. resting experience has not been uniform enough to permit standardizing sam- plerdesign. This code, therefore, merely gives limiting requirements which past experience has shown desirable to avoid "major sources r.. error. 66 The inlet diameter of the sampling noz- zle is dependent upon the volume capacity of the separating device through which the sam- pled gas must pass. The diameter shall not be less than '/, inch. The diameter at the mouth of the tube shall be of sufficient size to secure, within reasonable time, true and adequate samples from which accurate results can be ob- tained as to weight, size, and chemical composi- tion. It is important to use a thin, well- rounded edge nozzle. The tapering, if any; .shall be on the outside, not on the inside. 67 The sampling tube from the nozzle to the filtering device shall be smooth with no interruptions. The length of tube between the sampling nozzle and the filter or separator shall be a minimum. Adequate means for reclaiming dust deposited in the tube shall be provided. It is preferable to have the filtering device at- tached to the end of the sampling tube. It is important that the temperature of the gas be above the dew point until after it has passed the filter. This may necessitate heat insula- tion and heating that portion of the sampling tubes outside of the flue as well as the separator. Some designs of samplers have the filter located in the nozzle head, which has some advantages, but their practicability is usually limited to use with small -size nozzles. . 68In general, the filtering device should be located in front of the measuring and ex - MM 14 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES Orifice Static -_ Tube - - d 8d 8 Hoes }{ Static 104' 1- ga Tub OVsc uum Cleaner with Nozzle with 2 Static Tube built Detail of Nozzle and Orifice. Use Pitot Tubes or info Sampling Nozzle Static Separate Pitot Tubes 2 Static Tubes and Outside Tube 5+otic Tube Thimble Static Pressurer-mp in the Pr""" Inverted Round Nose - Impact Tubes Integral Head Integral Head Outlet - Cyclone to Recover Bulk of Dust if Desireable Inlet _ Vacuum Tangential _ Cage wrap with Cloth Thimble or Bag Solution. Sodium of Carbonate Use Meter and Separate or Attached Outside Large Capacity Bubble Bottle Pitot 'Tube Outside Filter MG. 2 SAMPLING DEVICES TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 15 hausting devices. By agreement of the parties to givet' Woximately the same rate of gas to the test, samplers which are built otherwise flow through the sampler at low loads as at may be used prev ded they are fully described high loads. This makes possible the use of the in the test report. For separating the dust from same size orifice for high and low loads. the gas, a filtering material is preferred. How- 72 If the filter is located upstream from ever, other type% of separating devices may be the metering and exhausting devices, it is used if their efficiency of separation can be necessary to have the filter encased in an air - demonstrated to be above 99.0 per cent under tight container. It is advantageous to have test conditions. the filter visible, and for that reason, glass 69 The filter may be made of any material jars with the inlet and outlet tubes passing which has a filtering efficiency of 99.0 per cent through the cap have been used extensively. for dust of the approximate size analysis to be Lucite or transparent bakelite tubing offers encountered during the test, and which will considerable advantage ove[ glass jars. withstand the temperature, humidity, and 73 The rate of sampling is usually con - stress to which it will be subjected during the trolled by a valve in the sampling line, and a test. Some acceptable materials are filter measuring device serves as a guide In maintain - paper, cotton and wool cloths, alundum, ing the flow rate at the proper value. (See glass wool. Glass cloth has many a van- Par. 64(c).) The same measuring device, tageous qualities which are lacking int other properly calibrated, can be used to measure materials, but it is difficult to remove the dust the quantity of gas sampled. It can be located without having it contaminated with broken either at the outlet of the filter's container or glass fibers. at a.reasonable distance from the filter if ade- 70 The filtering material is usually made quate precautions are taken to have a air- inthimble, flat -disk, or bag form so the dust tight connecting line. Some sampling can be retained in or on the filter for drying odsemploy a gas meter to measure the quan- and weighing. Paper or alundum thimbles are tit of gas sampledi and with suitable equip - manufactured in relatively small sizes with a meat this is frequently a more convenient filtering capacity of 0.5 to 1.5 cu ft per min method. Standard gas meters usually have, which limits their use to samplers having small- in addition to the integrating dials, a test dial diameter nozzles. Cloth bags can be made of with a capacity of from one-half to one cubic any size, their only limitations besides strength foot which makes them practical as a guide in i being that they shall be of fine enough weave determining. the instantaneous flow rate which to give the required filtering efficiency and large is necessary for proper control. The double rt enough to keep the resistance to gas flow Pitot tube, the built-in static tube, and, the within the limits of the exhausting device, and , inverted impact tube, all of which use the null small enough to permit accurately determining method, are illustrated in Fig. 2. their increase in weight (net weight) as a result 74 The type of exhauster is immaterial so of the dust caught. It is difficult to control the long as it is capable of handling the required moisture content of filtering bags, hence, the volume of gas against the maximum operating necessity of making the ratio of the weight of duct draft and resistance of the nozzle, filter, the bag to the weight of the dust caught as orifice, etc. Rotary blowers, such as are used small as possible. As an empirical rule, this -for vacuum cleaners, and steam, air; and water ratio should not be greater than 1 to 5—prefer- ejectors have been used for this purpose. The ably much smaller. Provided the bags du not selection of the type of exhauster for any par- fait and their resistance does not exceed the ca- titular test shouldlie governed by the most of the exhausting device, the test should convenient Source of energy available at the racity e of such duration that a relatively large sampling locations, and also on the uniformity quantity of dust will be caught. Not only is and dependability of the source of energy. the size of the dust sample important from the One exhauster, with sufficient capacity for all standpoint of weighing, but Itisimportant to samplers, or a separate exhauster for each have an adequate quantity for sieve analysis, sampler, may be used. combustible determination,.and any additional 75 Number of Samplers and Their analyses required. - Location. One or more samplers shall be 71 .At high loads, sufficient dust is usually operated simultaneously at each sampling caught during a run of standard duration, but cross section of the flue. The duration of the at light loads it may require a longer time'fo 'runs is dependent upon the number of sam- obtain an adequate dust sample. One very pling points which in turn is dependent upon good method to overcome this difficulty is to the uniformity of gas velocity and dust con - have different size nozzles which can be changed centration over the sampling cross section of 16 A.S.M."E. POWER TEST CODES the flue. The ideal arrangement is to have a sampler located at each sampling point, but this may be impractical. However, by using at least two samplers at each cress section, the comparison of their operation often aids in detecting trouble which might otherwise pass unnoticed. 76 As stated in Par. 53, the withdrawal of samples of dust -laden gas from an adequate number of points in the flue cannot be over- emphasized in its relation to the accuracy of the test results. The flue, whether rectangular or round, shall be divided into measurement zones, each of equal area. A "point" of measurement shall be at the center of each zone area. For a point-to-point traverse in tests con- ducted according to Method A, Par. 47, a sam- pler shall be operated an equal length of time at the center of each subdivision in which there is positive gas flow free from eddy currents and ]lack flow over a substantial portion of the subdivision. The number of measurement Innes shall be determined according to the statement of Par. 53. 'I'he dust concentration in the gas fortests conducted- according to Methods B or C may be similarly determined, although because ,'f 'flow conditions a reliable evaluation for mass flow of the gas may necessarily have to be established at sone other point'in the circuit in which the velocity and direction of flow are more constant. It is apparent that there must be no possibility of increase or decrease of mass- flow, between the points of volume measurement and those used for determination of dust concentration. 77 Pitot Tubes. The.Pitot tubes used for measuring the gas velocities in the flues shall be of good.quality and shall have been checked for occuracy in a laboratory equipped for that purpose:- Other types of velocitj•- measuring tubes may be used by agreement of the parties to the,test provided they have been calibrated. 78 The Pitot -tube measurements are re- quired for determining the sampling velocity at each point where the sampling nozzles are to be spotted, and as an alternate method for determining the total quantity of gas passing through the dust separator. See Pars. N, 51, and 53 for method to be employed in deter- mining the points where these measurements are to be made. The initial set of velocity - pressure (p,f) readings shall be taken after the unit has been brought to the test load, and gas flow and temperature conditions have become steady, but before the start of the test run. These velocity -pressure readings, to- gether with gas temperature readings taken at the same points, shall be used in determining the proper sampling rate to be maintained. See Par. 97 for method of computing the orifice differential pressure (Ho) from the velocity pressure and temperature of the gas in the flue. 79 If tests are 'made according to Method ,4 and the quantity of gas passing throueh the dust sear pa remains reasonably constant, the initial set of velocity -pressure and tem- perature readingswill suffice. However, if Method B or C is used, or the gas flow changes considerably, a complete set of readings shall be taken at least every hour. More frequent readings shall be taken if found necessary to assure the desired degree of accuracy. For each new set of velocity -pressure and tempera- ture readings, the flow through the sampling tube shall be readjusted accordingly. A Pitot tube may also be used to measure the quantity of gas withdrawn from skimmer -type separa- tors for circulation through the secondary separator. The amount of recirculation on these types of separators often has an i1n- portant bearing on the performance. 80 The number of Pitot' tubes required is dependent upon the test procedure. If Method A is used there should be ample time during the preliminary period for two skilled observers using one Pitot tube to take all the velocity - pressure readings. On the other hand, two or more Pitot tubes will speed up these readings and provide more time for computing the orifice manometers' settings. If Method B or C is used, which requires a set of readings at least once every flour, it is preferable to use two tubes. In any case, a spare Pitot tube should be available in case of damage to or trouble with the ones in use. 81 Metering Devices. All devices in-, stalled in the sampling lines, whether merely as a guide m regulating the sampling rate or fur measuring the quantity of gas sampled, shall be calibrated with a high-grade gas meter or gasometer. It is not sufficiently accurate to use average values for the coefficient of dis- charge when the orifices are small. Thin -plate orifices are usual, although thick orifices with well-rounded inlets may be employed if de sired. The size of the orifices depends on the rate of samphn6 In general, the orifice should be small enough to give a deflection which aut be read accurately on the type of manometer used and yet not so small that the added pres- sure drop will adversely affect the operation of the exhausting device. If desired, the orifices can be made and used with the same inclined manometers as with the Pitot tubes. For in- structions regarding the design, installation, TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 17 and use of these orifices, refeP to "I. and A.;' Part 5, Chapter 4, Flow Measurements by Means of Standardized Nozzles and Orifice Plates. As stated in Par. 73, the meterin r de- vice can be located either at the outlet the filter's container or a reasonable distance re- moved from it. ,Gas meters should be in "new" condition and should be calibrated against each other at the beginning and end, of the test. 82 Manometers. The manometers used with the Pitot tubes shall be of the inclined type graduated to 0.01 inch water pressure: The same type can be used for the orifice differen- tial pressure reading if the orifices are proper_ tioned to suit. Inclined gages, whether filled with water or some other liquid, shall not require special calibration if a gage of standard manu- facture is used. For description and use of manometers and Pitot tubes, refer to Test Code for Centrifugal Compressors, Exhausters, and Pans. When using manometers containing sonic liquid other than water, care shall be exercised that the density of the liquid is known, or at least the same as''during calibra- tion. Correction for the density of such liquids for temperature is often appreciable if the at- mospheric temperature differs greatly from 68 F. When necessary, the 'temperature correc- tion for density shall be applied. 83 If the metering orifices are designed to give a barge deflection, water -filled vertical manometers may be usedto measure their differential pressure. Similar manometers can 'be used to measure the pressure drop across the dust separator and the staticPressure in the flue. The static pressure at the discharge of the metering orifices shall be measured with mercury -filled vertical manometers. The divi-. sions on any vertical manometer scale shall Ile checked against -a reliable machinist scale. Sometimes scales are graduated to read pres- sure in inches of water when, used with other liquids. If a barometer is available at the plant it should be read, but usually the stand- ard value of 20.92 inches of mercury at 32 F for the atmospheric pressure is sufficiently ac- curate for use in the equations in Section 5 ex- ceptin the case of plants located high above -sea level. 84 Thermometers and Thermocouples. The use of either thermometers or thermo- couples is permitted for any temperature meas- urements made under this code. For measur- ing the temperature of the sampled gas at each orifice, thermometers are well suited. The gas temperature, especially in large flues, is best ob- tained with a thermocouple having the leads directly back of the couple encased in a metal tube in conjunction with a compensated -type temperature indicator. The tube through which the leads pass makes it easy to spot the couple at the same points as for the Pitot -tube and dust -sampler traverses. 85 Orsat. Unless the dust -separator test is run in conjunction with a boiler test, the use of an Orsat,fol- determining the gas flow through the separator is not recommended. In addition to the gas analysis, the determina- tion'of the pounds of carbon burned must be made. When using the Orsat, analyses shall be made from samples of the gas taken at the inlet or outlet of the separator, or at a location close enough so that there is no danger of leak- age between the sampling location and the separator. "I. and A.," Part 10, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses, shall be followed in making these measurements and computing the gas flow. 86. Time Measurements. Any clock or watch which keeps reasonably good time is sufficiently accurate for these tests. Not onh shall a record be kept of the duration of each run, but the movement of the samplers from point to point shall be kept -on schedule, and any outage time for the samplers shall be accurately recorded. 87 Balance and Drying Oven. Any laboratory type of balance which is sensitive to 0.5 per cent of the weight of the dust caught when weighed in the filter is satisfactory. Standard weights shall, of course, be used. The filters when empty or filled shall be dried in an oven 'at approximately 250 F for a sufficient length of time to drive off any excess moisture, then placed in a desiccator to cool before being weighed. See Par. 70 for the minimum percentage difference between the gross and tare weights. If the dust is re- moved from the filter before weighing, the weight of the filter shall be checked to make sure all the dust has been removed. Also extreme care shall be exercised to prevent loss of fine dust during the emptying process. 88 Sieves and Sieving Machine. The following National Bureau of Standards sieve sizes shall be used for the sieve anafvses: 60,100, 200, and 325 mesh. Other sizes or other standards may be used by agree- ment of the parties to the test. See Table I for the two series usual in the United States.' The report shall state which has been wised. N`ii rever ppossible a mechanical sieving ma- chine shall be used. Lacking a sieving machine, . it is best"to have the sieve analyses made by some laboratory equipped with a machine. Where the sieving must be done by hand, a 1s A S M.E. POWER TEST CODES method similar to that outlined in A.S.T.M. Specification D-107-30, Standard Method of Test for Fineness of Powdered Coal, should be used as a Guide. TABLE 1 SIEVE SIZES AND APERTURE IN MICRONS (linch = 25,400 microns) No. mesh Nona per inch Bureauatiof Stanldards I Tyler 10 2000 1651 I4 1168 20 840 833 28 589 35 ... 417 40 420 48 295 60250 65 208 80 177 I00 149 147 40 105 150 - 104 170 88 200 74 74 230 62 250 si 270 53 300 43 325 94 The accuracy'of results of sieve analyses for particle sizes smaller than 200 mesh, 74 mi- crons, is subject to doubt. For that reason it will be desirable to check such evaluations by microscopic examination or elutriation , de- termination. 89 Experience seems to indicate that no hard-and-fast rules for making the size analyses of dust samples will give reliable results for all types of dust. Since dust differs greatly as to shape, density, and its tendency to break or agglomerate, only a few general regulations will be sppecified—the actual procedure being left to the -ingenuity -of theperson making the analysis to obtain reliable results. The actual procedure followed shall be explained in detail in the test report. Only operators experienced in making size analyses can expect to obtain reliable results. 90• As a general guide to making the size analysis; the following general procedure shall be followed: The size of the sample shall be reduced by means of a riffle sampler or by grtering to approximately 10 to 25 grams pulverized -fuel dust, and to approximately 25 to 50 grams for stoker dust. It is not necessary to use -exactly a whole number of grams. The sample shall be dried in an oven and cooled in a desiccator before introduction into the sieves. First, the sample shall be placed on the 325 -mesh sieve and shaken and tapped for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. The portion left on the 325 -mesh sieve shall then be rescreened through the entire series of sieves for approximately 10 to 15 minutes— the minus 325 material from this screening being combined with that from the first screen- ing. The sieves shall then be brushed with a soft brush, beginning with the 60 mesh, in order to cause any agglomerate undersize par- ticles to pass to the sieve below, which in turn shall be brushed in the same manner. Finally, the dust caught on each sieve and also that which passed through the 325 -mesh sieve shall be weighed. The sum of the weights of all the sized samples should not differ from the weight of the original sample by more than one per cent. 91 The size- analysis of subsieve dust, i.e., the dust which passes throug]t a 32,5 -mesh sieve, is a specialized job regwrig more than the usual skill and long experience. It is sug- gested that when subsieve anal es are desired the sample be sent to a laboratory equipped to do this work. Elutriation tests or the measurement of the dust particles under a microscope are the usual methods. The physi- cal characteristics of some dusts preclude the use of the elutriation method. This can easily be determined b'v a person experienced in mak- ing such tests. 92 Platform Scales. \\'here practical, the. dust caught during each ,run shall be weighed and sampled. Usually special means have to be provided for removing the dust from the hopper so that it can be weighed. If removed condnumgv, care shall be exer- cised to make sure this does not upset the normal operation of the separator. If the separator is at a pressure below atmospheric, which is usually the case, air may flow up through the discharge pipe unless special precautions: are taken, such as the use of double valves for discharge lines that depend entirely on gravity, or the use of an exhausting connection to produce a lower pressure in the discharge line than exists in the hopper. The dust should be discharged into a barrel or other container which can be weighed on a platform scale or similar weighing device. The sensi- tivity of such scales shall be at least 0.2 per cent of the net weight, and :'accurate to within 0.5 per cent. 93 The storage space provided for caught dust in most hoppers is so large that great errors can be caused by dust sticking to the sides bf the hoppers. It is, therefore, absolutely necessary that this condition shall not exist either at the beginning or end of each run. If the hopper collection period cannot be made TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARA'T'ING APPARATUS 19 to coincide exactly y:ith the sampling period, , the power consumption of the main apparatus an accurate record of the duration of the collec- and any auxiliaries are adequately covered in tion period shall be kept. Needless to Say, otherA.S.M.E.Codes. For the consumption of if any of the hopper collection period is outside electrical energy, refer to "I. and A.," Pact 6, of the sampling period, the load and other Electrical Measurements, and for the consump- operating conditions shall be as nearly as tion tt)f steam refer to "I. and A.," Part 5, possible the same during both periods. Chapter 4, Flow Measurements by Means of 94 The collection of a large sample (25 Standardized Nozzles and Orifice Plates. Ib or more) of the caught dust and its reduction to laboratory size shall be made using the "fest 96 Miscellaneous Measurements. Any Code for Solid Fuels as a guide. Although this pertinent data not covered in the foregoing code is not entirely applicable to sampling paragraphs, such as quantity and pressure of dust during discharge from a hopper, the prin- water supplied to spray -type separators, and ciples set forth therein are sufficiently compre- level of water in the hopper, and quantity cia- hensive to insure a representative dust sample. culated for Murray -type separators shall be 95 Power Consumption Measure- determined in a manner consistent with the ments. The methods suitable for measuring degree of accnuac} desired. SECTION 5, COMPUTATION OF RESULTS 97 Although this section is intended pri- time, the actual temperature and pressure of marily to cover computation of results, it also covers the the gas at the orifice can be read and the pre - liminar}' preliminary'computations which are necessart'for proper operation of the test equip- manometer setting corrected to give a more nearly correct rate of sampling. This ment. As explained in Par. 78, the differential correction can be made conveniently by use of pressure to be maintained across the metering a curve sheet similar to Fig. 3, which is merely orifice in the sampling line is dependent upon an example. As will be noted, this figure is the area of the inlet nozzle, the area of the ori- plotted for a Correction factor of unity (1.0) fice, the orifice flow coefficient, the velocity, pressure, and temperature of the gas in the when the vacuum at the discharge of the orifice is '/2 inch Of mercury and the gas temperature flue, and the pressure and temperature of the at the orifice is 150 F. From Equation [11, gas at the orifice. The relationship is expressed similar curves can be plotted with the correc- by the following equation: tion factor unity at the orifice pressure and (4.�),_ p,t(tu + 460) '-- temperature most likely to exist at the begin - Ho = - 2 Pt.. In. water (Co:9o) p,.(tt + 4f10) ring of a run. For test apparatus designed to at GS F.... [1 ] maintain constant orifice discharge pressure, the only unknown in Equation 111 is the orifice By maintainingthe nozzle differential pressure temperature, I.. p computed from this equation the velocity of 98 In dealing with flue gas it is important to the ,as elptering the inlet -nozzle (V,) will he ap_ remember that the _density is greater for the proximately the same as the velocity of the same pressure and temperature than air, due gas passing close to the nozzle (Vf), which is mainly to'the CO2 content. the condition necessary for correct sampling. The values for all of the items in Equation [11 f __ 144 X p,t �� except the temperature, to, and pressure, p,,,, Gas constant (y + 460) 2.036' of the gas at the orifice are known before the Ib per cu ft.... [31 start of the test. Past experience should indi- cate approximately what these values should For typical flue gas at the separator having 12 be. Usmg these assumed values of to and p,R per cent CO2 and a dewpoint at 07 F, the -gas the orifice differential pressure for each point constant -is :52.4. This value is usually suf6- for a given sampler can be computed from the ciently accurate for dust separator tests; how - following equation:' ever, if desired, the exact value of the gas con- stant for the composition of the flue gas actu- No = (a constant) X P°t in.,water ally encountered may be used. • Using the gas if -i- 4Ck constant 52.4, Equation [3] reduces to at 68 F-.... [2] After the test has been in progress for a short _ 1.35 X pt dt if + 460 ""' • Ib per cu ft.... [4j p all. MM 9n _ ca 1.35 X p,o period of the run is i - o 0 9n _ ca 1.35 X p,o period of the run is i - o 0 o c - d passing from the flue to the orifice, except for value for the inlet or outlet, depending on the dust which has been removed, the same gas which is being computed. The value for W, constant shall be used. can also be computed from analysis of the flue" 99 The quantity of gas sampled at either gas and the weight of coal burned. See "I. the inlet or outlet of the separator can be ob- and A.," Part 10, Flue and Exhaust Gas twined from the following equation: - Analyses, Par. 122. E . - W . _ Z - ° being determined from the dust caught and outlet samplers (Method B), the total quantity W , o a fVd, !!2n lb ....... [12] inlet or outlet locations resppectively. Using k`a* the standard value 32.2 for the acceleration of gravity, Equation [6] reduces to and the efficiency by this method is w, = 65800 AoC o1/doHo..... lb...[7] E _ 1Vda 100.... per cent. .113) 100 The dust concentration at either the fd�d� -I- /J"12X inlet or outlet of the separator is the following E L J a - ' III = wd X ]000...16 dust per 100016 gas.. [S] inlet samplers (Method C), the total quantity 'c of dust entering the separator is When more than one sampler is used at either nr,Wg crass section and when their inlet nuzzies are Wd+ _ ......16......[141 1000 of the same size, the value of wd is the sum of the Weights of dust caught in all samplers used and the efficiency by this method is at the given cross section, and we is the sum of the weights of gas sampled. This will give a Wda TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 2F Similarly flowing through the dust separator for the 1.35 X p,o period of the run is d t° + 460 ":' 16 per cu ft[51 W8 = 60 VjAtdtT...... lb ..... (ill Since the gas composition does not change in The value of df in this equation is the average passing from the flue to the orifice, except for value for the inlet or outlet, depending on the dust which has been removed, the same gas which is being computed. The value for W, constant shall be used. can also be computed from analysis of the flue" 99 The quantity of gas sampled at either gas and the weight of coal burned. See "I. the inlet or outlet of the separator can be ob- and A.," Part 10, Flue and Exhaust Gas twined from the following equation: - Analyses, Par. 122. 103 For a test where no sampling is done at d the inlet to the dust separator, the efficiency tet = 3600 Aa Co To J 1, 2gHo.... lb... [iI] being determined from the dust caught and outlet samplers (Method B), the total quantity where dw = 62.3 density of water at 68 F. of dust escaping the separator is The addition of the subscript 1or 2 denotes fVd, !!2n lb ....... [12] inlet or outlet locations resppectively. Using 1000'' the standard value 32.2 for the acceleration of gravity, Equation [6] reduces to and the efficiency by this method is w, = 65800 AoC o1/doHo..... lb...[7] E _ 1Vda 100.... per cent. .113) 100 The dust concentration at either the fd�d� -I- /J"12X inlet or outlet of the separator is the following 104 For a test where no sampling is done at ratio: the outlet of the dust separator, the efficiency being determined from the dust caught and III = wd X ]000...16 dust per 100016 gas.. [S] inlet samplers (Method C), the total quantity 'c of dust entering the separator is When more than one sampler is used at either nr,Wg crass section and when their inlet nuzzies are Wd+ _ ......16......[141 1000 of the same size, the value of wd is the sum of the Weights of dust caught in all samplers used and the efficiency by this method is at the given cross section, and we is the sum of the weights of gas sampled. This will give a Wda weight -averaged value of m for the entire E _ _Y__ X 100...... per cent... [151 stream of gas passing the sampling cross sec- tion. To express the dust concentration in 105 Since the over-all efficiency of dust- �rams or grains (avoirdupois) per thousand cu separating apparatus is largely dependent upon tt of gas at standatti density, multiply Equation_ the size analysis of the dust, it is sometimes de - ]81 by 31.70 and 535.4, respectively. sirable to cnmpute the efficiency by size from --101- 'I he efficiency of the dust -separating the over-all effrciencv and the size anal'sis. apparatus shall be computed froln the sampler 'Phis is obtained as follows from the inlet and data as follows: outlet sample,: E — nn 71 7712 X 100.... per cent...[0] S'+so — (100 — -) S11+. )n E+aa = -- (100-- X 100.. per where n+, and 7712 are computed on the basis of cent.... [161 the same total wcight of gas at both the inlet and and outlet measuring cross sections. ' 102 The velocity of the gas at each point (100 — E) - where Pitot tube measurements are made can S'-eo+roo (100) S-so+1W be computed from the following equation: E_6o+Ino Vj = 1006J)....ft per min...[10] X 100. per cent .... [171 etc., for the other sizes. From the average velocity the quantity of gas From the dust caught and the outlet samples, W P1 r 22 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES the efficiency by size is obtained as follows: which may change the size distribution of the E S"'+6a dust. 106 If an over-all efficiency guarantee has 100 been made based on a specified size analysis of _ E+fio — E (100 — E) S11 the dust entering the sepdratorr° then the S"'+eo + 100 (100) efficiency corrected to this size analysis Is as X 100. ..,.per cent. follows: and E.,,- = E1/100 (E+coS'+zo + E_66+looS'-6o+mo S"'-60}100 100 + E_Ioo+x66S'-100+2oo +- E-200+326S'_2o)+n6 ---- ---- E-6o+loa = E ,,, (100 7_E") + E -mV -m ...................... per cent LOOS —60+loo+ (100). X 100. per cent .... [191 In this equation the size analyses_ (S'+fio, etc., for the other sizes. S' -.+,w, etc.) are those specified in the contract, while size efficiencies are those determined Similarly, equations can be set up for deter- from the test. mining the efficiency by size from the inlet sample and the dust caught. Values deter- 107 Other characteristic properties of flue mined by this method are usually not as reli- dust such as density,•and shape of the particles able as either of the other two, and it shall be also affect the performance of dust -separating However, it is impossible with the used only by agreement of the parties to the test. The test report shall state which method apparatus. present state of the art to specify procedures has been used. for correcting for these properties of the dust. When the efficiency by size is to be deter- must lie to the in- Any allowances or corrections for such prop - ertles shall be made only by agreement of the mined, consideration given fluence of any apparatus, such as a fan, present parties to the test, and if applied shall be fully between the point of sampling and the collector, explained in the test report. a A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES OF 1941 a Test Code for Dust -Separating Apparatus V SECTION 6, REPORT OF RESULTS 108 'I'he purpose of this table is to provide apply to any one dust separator and shall a convenient form for reporting results of tests. therefore, be omitted. The table is divided i It is not intended to serve as a guide for deter- under headings which make it convenient for mi the readings that should be taken. selecting those groups of items which are Some Incidental readings which have no par- applicable. Standardization of table forms Is ticular sigpificance in appraising the apparatus, of great convenience to those who study or but which may be necessary for the computa- rts. It is therefore recommended that use repo tions, have been omitted. These data may be p included, or other data added, if desired. On this table form be used with as few modifica- the other hand, many of the items will not, tions as possible. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Date of test........... ........ . .. 2 Dust separator number (plant designation) . • ..... .. • "' ................... (a) Manufacturer's serial number ............................................. ..... . . 3 Location.......................................................... .b.......... 4 Ouner............................................................ ............... 5 Manufacturer ................ ..................._......make, ... (i Dust separator serves boiler no...............size............................... etc. 7 Object of test ...................................`. '........... 8 Test conducted by............................................................... DESCRIPTION, DIMENSIONS, ETC. 0 Class of dust (from stoker or pulverized -fuel burner, etc.) ............................. . 10 Type of dust separator.............................................................. (b) ................. ... .. .. ... __.. 11._Ratedcapacityofunl£(gasflowraie)._ _.- ..: _ _cu_It per min 12 Number of elements or sections ................. "' 13 Size of elements .................... ... . ........................................ 1-1 Location of separator in relation to induced -draft fan ................................. . 15 Cross-sectional area of flue: sq ft (a) At separator inlet ............................................... (L) At separator outlet .................................................. ...,.sq ft (r) At inlet sampling cross section..............................................:sq ft (d) At outlet sampling cross section ............................................. sq ft 1(i Position of flue (vertical, horizontal, or inclined): (a) At inlet sampling cross section ..................... ............................ (L) At outlet sampling cross section ................................................ . 17 General direction of gas flow in flue (up, down, or horizontal): a(a) At inlet sampling cross section .................................................. (!Q At outlet sampling cross section...........................................s .. . 23 ;k ,24 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES Outlet Hopper t 18 Normal method of removing caught dust from hopper ................................. (b) +60, per cent (a) Method used.during test.................................................I..... (c) —60 + 100, per cent (b) Frequency of removal during test when not continuous ........ ...... 19 Number of points used for the Pitot and sampling traverses ............. .... ......... I .............. (a) At inlet sampling cross section ............................ . ..................... (e) —200 + 325, per cent (b) .At outlet sampling cross section ............................................ . 20 lumber of dust samplers used: 4'' (a) At inlet sampling cross section .................... r............................ . (b) At outlet sampling cross section ................................................. . 21 Type of velocity -pressure tubes used ................................................. -- Type of dust samplers used. ................................... .................... . (a) Inside diameter of inlet nozzle................................................in. (b) Inside diameter of tube leading from nozzle to filter ........... ............ in. (r) location of filter (inside or outside of flue)... .. ........ _ ..... ...A. ... .... (d) Find of filter or other device used for separating the sampled dust . (e) Diameter of metering orifice .. ...... .... ..... ....... ....in. (J) Rind of exhauster used ........................ ..... .. ..... (g) Any other important features or dimensions of the sampler ......................... TEST DATA AND RESULTS 23 Run number...................................................................... 24 Date and time of run.............................................................. 25 Duration of run...........................................................'........hr 26 Test made by Method /1 or R or C ................_ ................................ 27 Conditions peculiar to run ..............:........................................... 28 Load, i.e., gas flow rate through separator ....................... ....... cfm or Ib per hr 29 average velocity of gas: (a) Inlet sampling cross section ............................................. ft per min (b) Outlet sampling cross section .......................................... ft per min 30 Average temperature of gas:. (a) At inlet sampling cross section .............. ................................... F (b) At outlet sampling cross section ...................... ......................... F 31 Static pressure of gas: " (a) At inlet sampling cross section ..................................... in. Hg abs- at 32 F (G) At outlet sampling cross section. . . . ........................... in. Hg abs at :32'F - 32 Gas pressure drop from inlet to outlet of separatorr..................... in. water at 68 F . Pitot Tube and Dust Sampler Data °33 Inlet sampling cross section: , (a) rosition 1 2 3 etc. - - - - --(b)--- Gar temperature in flue, deg F ---- _------ _----- -- -- — - (c) Velocity pressure in flue, in. water at 68 F (d) Gas velocity in flue, ft per min (e) Setting held on orifice manometer, in. water at 68 F (j) Gas temperature at orifice, deg F (g) Gas pressure at discharge of orifice, in. Hg at 32 F (h) Gas sampling rate, lb per hr (i) Gas velocity to sampling nozzle, ft per min (�) Outage time, hi ' (k) Quantity of gas sampled during run, Ib 34 Totalquantityof gas sampled at inlet cross section..................................In TEST 'CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 25 35 Inlet dust sample weights: (a) Filter number (b) Gross weight, grams (c) Tare weiggtt, grams (d) Net weight, grams 36 Total weight of dust from inlet` samples ......:..................... .....grams or 11, 37 Dust concentration at inlet sampling cross section ............ ...lb dust per 1000 Ib gas (a) Expressing the quantity of gas volumetrically..... grains of dust per cu It at std density 38 Total weight of dust entering separator, based on inlet dust concentration and quantity of gas passing through separator...................................................lb j 39 Outlet sampling cross section. — (a) Position 1 __2_____ 3 - etc.. (b) Gas temperature in flue deg F (c) Velocity pressure in flue, in. water at 68 F (d) Gas velocity in flue, ft per min (e) Setting held on orifice manometer, in. water at 68 F (J) Gas temperature at orifice, deg F (R) Gas pressure at discharge of orifice, in. Hg at 32 F (h) Gas sampling rate, Ib per hr (i) Gas velocity to sampling nozzle, ft per min (j) Outage time, hr (k) Quantity of gas sampled during run, lb 40 Total quantity of.gas sampled at outlet cross section.................................lb 41 Outlet dust sample weights: (a) Filter number— (b) Gross weight, grams (c) "Care weight, grams - - (d) Net weight, grams 42 Total weight of dust from outlet samples ......................... . ....grams or Ib 43 Dust concentration at outlet sampling cross section.............:. Ab dust per 1000 Ib gas (a) Expressing the quantity of gas volumetrically ............................. .... . ..................................grains of dust per cu ft of gas at std density 44 Total weight of dust leaving separator, based on outlet dust, concentration and quantity of, gas passing thrpugh separator.....................................................lb Dust Caught by Separator, 45 Weight of dust removed from hopper ........................ .. ....16 46 Duration of period represented by catch ......... ............... ..............hr 47 Weight of dust caught for a period equal to that of the run ........................... lb Size Analysis of Dust Samples: 48 Samples from Inlet Outlet Hopper (a) Weight. of sample, grams (b) +60, per cent (c) —60 + 100, per cent (d) —100 + 200, per cent (e) —200 + 325, per cent (fl —32.5. ner cent 26 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES 49 Detail procedure used in sieving samples ............................................. 50 Combustible content of dust samples: (a) Inlet sample ...........................................................per cent (b) Outlet sample ................................................. ..percent (c) Hopper sample ......... ..............................................percent 51 Any peculiar characteristics of dust.......:. Efficiencies 52 Over-all efficiency based on inlet and outlet dust concentrations .................per cent 53 Over-all efficiency based on outlet dust concentration and total catch ............ per cent 54 Over-all efficiency based on inlet dust concentration and total catch..........:...per cent 55 Efficiency by size: (a)+60..................................................................per cent (b) -60 + 100 ...........................................................per cent (c) -100 + 200 ..........................................................per cent (d) -200 + 325 ........ :........................................... I...... per cent (e) -325............................................................... .per cent 56 Over-all efficiency corrected to size analysis specified in contract ................ per cent Size analysis specified in contract: (a) +60 ....................................... .....percent ...................... (b) -60+100............................................................percent (c) -100+200 ...........................................................per cent (d) -200 + 325........................................................... per cent (e) 325 ..... ........................................................... ..ercent P i, Fuel and Gas Analyses 57 Type and proximate analysis of fuel (as fired): (a) Volatile matter ......................................... ...............percent (b) Fixed carbon ..........................................................per cent (c) Ash...................................................................percent (d) \4oisture.............. ..per cent 58 Size analysis of pulverized fuel ...................................................... 59 Flue gas analysis: (a) CO2 ................................ : .................................. per cent (b) O,.....................................................................per,cent (c) CO....:..............................................................percent (d) N2 ................................................................... per cent 60 Carbon burned........... ..lb carbon per lb coal .................................... 61 Total coal fired for period of test.............'.....................................lb General Data 62Barometric pressure... .............................................. in. Hg at 32 F (i3 Power input to separator: ....................................................... kw 64 Power input to auxiliaries.......................................kw or Ib steam per hr 65 Water consumption of wet -type separators ............................. . .. . . . . ..lb per hr 66 Pressure of water supply...................'..............................lb per sq in. 67 Level of water in hopper........................................in. from datum plane (a) Location of datum plane ....................................................... 63 'Percentage recirculation of skimmer -type separators.............. ..per cent 69 Sketch sliowing physical layout of dust -separator equipment and ducting, and location of testing equipment.................................................................. a TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING. APPARATUS 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY ' 1165=6 of Methods for Measuring Flue Dust, by P. H. Combustion, vol. 6, March, 1935, pp. 10-16 and (dis- April, 1935 37-38, May, 1935, 35. Hardie, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 59, 1937, paper FSP- cussion) pp. and p. The Determinarion o? Dust in Blast -Furnace Gas, by W. 59-10, p. 355. The Bagtest Dust Sampler, Bulletin of Hudson H. Bubar, ' Brady and L. A. Touzalin, Journal of Industrial and New York, N. Y. Engineering Chemistry, vol. 3, 1911, p. 662. United States Steel Cor- The Measurement and Properties of Cinders and Fly -Ash, Methods of the Chemists of the for the Sampling and Analysis of Gases, 3rd by A. C. Stern, Combustion, vol. 4, June -July, 1933, ` portion edition, 1927, P. 130. PP• 35-47. Die Dynamik des Staubes and ihr Einfluss auf die Staub- A Recording Dust Concentration Meter for Blast Furnace Gas, by A. W. Simon, Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, gehaltmessungen, by W. Fahmnbaeh, Forschung auf vol. 18, 1930, pp. 1686-1689 and 1700. ebicte Des Ingenieurwesens, vol. 2, 1931, pp, dem Gern G7 Technical Bulletin No. 3E, Research Corporation, 1931. Die Praxis der Flugstaubmessung, by P. Rosin and E. Messung von Flugstaub in Rauchgasen, by E. Zimmer- Rammleq Braunkohle, vol. 34, 1935, pp. 505-512, mann, Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieurc, 525-530, and 542-546. vol. 75, 1931, pp. 481-486. Statistical Description of the Size Properties of Non-Uni- Characteristics of Large. Hell Gate Direct -Fired Boiler form Particulate Substances, by T. Hatch and S. P. Units, by W. E. Caldwell, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 56, Choate, Journal of the Franklin Institute, no. 207, 1934, paper FSP-5�- 2, pp. 73-75. March, 1929. Re, uoval of .Ash >..1 usa of Carbon From Boiler Furnaces, . An Accurate Method for the Determination of the Coln - by D. S. Jacobus and E. G. Bailey, Proceedings of the pon nts of a Heterogeneous Particulate Mincral System, Second International Conference on Bituminous Coal, by F. H. Goldman and J. N1. Dallayalle, American 1928, vol. 2, pp. 241-275. Minerlogisq no. 24, pp. 4017, 1939. "Average From Screen Recovery of Fly Ash From Pulverized -Fuel Stacks by Use Determination of Particle Size" the - Non Particulate Substances, by T. of Stack Sprays, by J. W. Mackenzie, Trans. A.S.M.E., Analysis of -Uniform 207, cal. 53, 1931, paper FSP -53-5, p. 53. Hatch, Journal of the Franklin Institute, no. Cinder and Fly -Ash Measurements, by P. H. Hardie, January, 1933. FIG. 4 SAFII'Llio; •PORES AND JARS IN POSITION FOR SANPLINO AT THE CINDER CATCHER Or'TL£T nI 28 A.S.M.E. POWER TEST CODES C J B d. E D F FIG. 5 COMPONENT PARTS OF SAMPLING JARS SHOWN IN FIG. 4 (.i) Metal frame and cap (BJ Glassjar (C) Gasket (D) Wool filter bag with adapter (E) Spreader for bottom of bag (F) Retaining spring for spreader IL x ..A, FFG. 6 DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY OF APPARATUS SHOWN IN FIGS. 4 AND 5 (NOTE: Valve A is intended to maintain constant orifice. outlet pressure.) TEST CODE FOR DUST -SEPARATING APPARATUS 29 F tr� E p V;M r: E� F/erib/e Sompling Mefo/ tub¢ond ✓acuum '� Exf¢nsion Nose Filter Bog Sampling Nozzl¢ A Measuring section P Pitot tube connections E Motor T Thermometer F Fan Y Control valve M Inclined glass U-tube manometer FIG. 7 SKETCH OF A DUST SAMPLIMG APPARATUS WITH SUCTION FAN AND FIL"1'ER BAG FIG. g ASSEMBLY OF APPARATUS USED FOR SAMPLING OF DUST -LADEN FLUE GASES (l) Null -differential tp e s pling n nle (2) S mPling-pipe, i sulated between flue wall and cyclone collector (see 7) to prevent condensation of moisture in pipe (9) Cyclone -type collector using paper filter insert at outlet. The cyclone is insulated and provided with heating cod to prevent condensation within the cyclone. Dust is deposited in glass jar at bottom of cyclone (4) Orifice pipe containing orifice for volume measurement as well as pressure and temperature of sample gas (5) Askania Minimeter connected by pressure tubes to inner and outer static -pressure connections of sampling nozzle (6) Potentiometer connected to thermocouple for measurement of gas -sample temperature in orifice pipe (7) Connecting hose to gas aspirator (g) Gas sample flow -adjusting valves for regulation of sampling velocity, at inlet of sampling nozzle, to duct velocity -according to indication by Askania Minimeter "A (9) Manometers for measurement of differential pressure across orifice and pressure of gas in orifice pipe, n A.S.M.E. Power Test Codes Information on Instruments and Appa,atus TITLE OF SECTION Code on General Instructions (1945) ........................ PRICE _.. Code on Definitions and Values (194.5)........... $0.1515 Part 1, General Considerations (1935) ...... 0.80 .................. Part 2, Pressure Measurement 0,45 Chapter 1, Barometers; and Chapter (i, Tables, Multipliers, and Stand- ards (1941) ............... Chapter 2, Static and Total Pressure, Static Holes and Tubes, Impact Tubes; and Chapter 3, Pipes for Pressure Measurement 0.75 (194.5).... Chapter4, Bourdon, Bellows, Diaphragm, and Deadweight Gages (1938) 0.75 Chapter 5, Liquid Column Gages (1942) 0.75 ......................... Part 3, "Temperature Measurement . . . 0.7.5 Chapter 1, General; Chapter 5, Pyrometric Cones; Chapter (i, Liquid - in -Glass Thermometers; and Chapter 7, Bourdon (1931) Tube Thermometers Chapter 2, Radiation Pyrometers (1936)..... 0. `5 Chapter 3, Thermocouple Thermometers or Pvrometers (1940) .. Chapter 4, Resistance Thermometers 0 75 0. '' (194;1), .... , Chapter R, Optical Py1940O.SO ............................ Part 4, Head Measuring Apparatus 1933 ( 0.45 tity ofMaterials0.45 Part 5, Measurement of Quantity Chapter 4, Flow Measurement by Means of Standardized Nozzles and Orifice Plates (1(I-10) ... .............. Part 6, Electrical Measurements (1934) ............................... ='•7ci Part 8, Measurement of Indicated Horsepower 1941 o Part 9, Heat of Combustion (1943)..... P .... (, ) 1 .7.i 0.7.' Part 11, Determination of Quality of Steam (1940)......... 0.50 Part 12, Measurement of Time) ............ (1942 0.65 .................... Part 13, Speed Measurements (1939) ..... ........................... 0.50 Part 14, Linear Measurements (19:3(i) :................................ 0 55 Part 15, Measurement of Surface Areas (1944) 0.65 , , ... 16, Density'Determinations (19:31)...... 0.75 !Part, Part 17, Determination of Viscosity of Liquids (1931).. .. ' 0.40 Part 1,14, Humidity Determinations (19:32) ............... . . . I . . ...' ... 0.75 Part 20, Smuke'Density Determinations (1945) .... (1'00 . . . ... . . . ... . . . Part 21, Leakage Measurement 0. '' Chapter 1, Condenser Leakage and Chapter 2, Boiler and Piping Leakage (1942) .................... I ................ ................... 20 per cent discount to d.S.M.E. members. A specially designed binder for holding these anti other Codes, Standards, Research Reports developed by Technical and .4-S.M.E. Committees is available. $3.25 postpaid. Price A complete list of Published Test Codes and Supplements on Instruments 1lpparatusfurnished and Upon requesl. , OI�DIN�iNCE , COUNCIL FILE NO. Z 7 _ ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY — a than No. 2 of the Ringelmann Chart for a period :aggregating four (4) minutes or more in any thirty (30) minutes, or smoke the density of which is not greater than No. 3 of the Ringelmann Chart except for a period or periods aggregating three (3) minutes in any fifteen (15) minutes when building a new fire, or when breakdown of equipment occurs such as to make it evident that the emission was not reasonably preventable. - (b) No person shall cause, suffer, or allow to be discharged from any fuel -burning equipment or premises or to pass any convenient measuring point in the stack, dust in the gases to exceed 0.85 lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of gases, adjusted to 12 per cent CO2 content. (c) No person shall causes ooperationsuffer, materialallow handling,discharged otherosouurrce industrial process, manufacturing p , dust in the gases or air to exceed 0.85 lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of the gases, except in no case shall more than 15 per cent -of the total dust measured before entering the dust -collecting device be emitted into the atmosphere; provided, that the foregoing Provisions shall not apply to companies now operating Bessemer converters. (d) The amount of dust or solid's in the gases shall be determined ac- cording to the Test Code for Dust -Separating Apparatus of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1941 Edition, which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference, and three copies marked official copies shall be on file in the office of the and st shall not be made during the periodble twhenthe tubesiorfor fires are being cleaned. The Such periods shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. (e) All new installations of pulverizsd"'fuel-burning equipment, spreader stokers, or any similar suspension -burning types shall be provided with dust -separating equipment. (£) No person shall cause, or allow to be discharged from any fuel - burning equipment, internal combustion engine, premises, open fires stack, or from any other 'source such quantities of air contaminants or other material which results in air pollution to a degree which cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public or which endangers the comfort, repose, health, or safety of any such persons or thease public opeor rtych causes or has a natural tendency to cause injury damage SECTION 6 Railroad Roundhouses, Locomotives, and Other Vehicles (a) All railroad roundhouses or fire -building stations shall be so equipped that fires may be built and steam raised in cold locomotives without the production of smoke of a density greater than No. 2 of the Ringelmann Charthexccept for a period or'aggregate•of.periods not to exceed five minutes in any one(b) Locomotives in, or ready for, service shall be operated in such a manner that they will not emit into the open air smoke of a density greater than No.21 except for a period or aggregate of periods not to exceed forty-five (45) seconds in any six -minute interval. Passed by the Council-..... - --------------------- - - y� Councilmen Nays il_ Findlan Mortinson ----In Favor Parranto Peters on.Against Rosen - Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved: ._------------------------- ------------ .----- .------------ .. Attest: ------------------------------------ - - ----- - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- City Clerk Mayor �"11 to City Clerk- • • 2 - ' CI�DIN�NCE 147833 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY (c) It shall. be unlawful for any other vehicle to emit smoke of the shade or appearance greater than No. 2 0£ the Ringelmann Chart for more than three (3) minutes in one hour when a fire is being built, or for a period or periods aggregating one, (1) minute in any fifteen -minute period when operating. SECTION 7 Smoke Indicators All newly constructed or reconstructed solid or liquid fuel -burrs ng plants having more than 300 square feet of boiler -heating surface (30 H.P.), equivalent, shall be equipped with smoke indicators, mirrors, or similar devices to enable the fire- man to observe the top of his stack or stacks from the boiler room at all times, unless the top of the.stack is readily visible to the fireman from the boiler room without the use of such devices. In plants where a fireman is not in constant attendance in the boiler room, the smoke -indicator shall be of a type which will sound an alarm, or flash a signal, to attract the attention of the fireman. Any existing plant which emits un- lawful smoke may be required to install such indicating devices. SECTION 8 Entrance to Premises No person shall in any manner, hinder, obstruct, delay, resist, prevent, or in any way interfere or attempt to interfere with the duly -authorized representative or any of the personnel of the department in the performance of any duty herein enjoined or'refuse to permit such inspectors to perform their duty by refusing them or any of them entrance to the premises at reasonable hours. SECTION Person Liable Allpersonsowning, operating, or in charge or control of any equipment who shall cause or permit or participate in any violation of this ordinance either as proprietors, owners; lessees, tenants, managers, superintendents, constructors, in- stallers, mechanics, repairmen, captains, janitors, engin�riesf��or this wise shall be individually and collectively liable for any peimposed ordi- nance., Isk SECTION 10 Any person or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conconthereof shall mora punished an thirty days. f�ne of not more than one hundred dollars or byimprisonment SECTION 11 Ordinance No. 6578, approved November 51 1925, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent h:rewith are hereby repealed. yeas Councilmen Nays', Findlan Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: _. - - - City Clerk ° ut aas .4w p Passed by the Council -- Approved - -------In Favor - - - -Again Mayor Otiawa t, city cWk CDD I %AN C E 147833 - COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 7,C PRESENTEb BY -SECTION 12 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and publication. Yew Councilmen Nays Firidlan Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: ------- - ------- City Clerk im 848 Aw(p JCJAS Passedby the Coum.......... .......................... . .. . ............ -- ----------In Favor .... . ..... ................ 4ainst Approvedy'-Ayll U ---------- - ---------- -- ........ .... .... .... -------------- ........... . yor orlctmi to CAtY Cle<� t 14 7834 counca. NO---------- LICE27SE COiQ4ITiEE CITY OF ST. PAUL F9a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / .•'/ a 4 7�� --/- I. !J . a/-- April 22x..1949 VEREASS Lucille Wickman desires to withdraw Application S 12431 for Catering License at 569 Como Avenue and requests the return of the License fee desposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVERS That the proper city officers be and they are hereby anthorized to refund to Lucille •Wickman the fee of $25- an� to cancel said application for license, C. F. No. 147834—By Robert F. Peter-! son—W. A.Parrsnto— Whereas, Luclne Wic7nnan desires to withdraw APPncetion B 12431 for Cater - req lcense ate ae9 COMO venue rn C ethe rein f the License fee deposited thereon, therefore. le it. i _ Resolved, That the prop cera be and they are hereby authorized to refund to L. 11. Wlck�nan the fee of (S'15, and to cancel said application for license. Adopted blrthi Cquncil Aprn 22. 1999. APProved APrtl 22, 1949. (April 30, 1949) 1RITH1 UWAL Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------- 194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ;t A �•��fQtRIl�� APProved-- ........................................ "14 Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor - Rosen • Truax _-Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 943 .`•Q yql . Odgloal to crtr dart /,' CITY OF ST. PAUL r�¢.i ca No ----- ------� / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL; RPOLUTION—GENERAL FORM on AM11 f , 14 of tt,F Contract Resolved, Anttl:e Council '�ereu-,r :,rnrovqs t'e a* r` CommiWe t i ,ryfor, and .. y :r.r' , cont, ,,t fur inr7 _,: , and ?not^lJ.i:n" complete mitn two '0 f'uct _:=t", G "not Cor-tir. •rtal K `n link or M,Tro,mi Q,,1 Yu c;- er,cl sin_ three b; ;/r, under him wt .. .. 23Y V, ir ce with sketch nr ;1 -c i _; _ Aors no tl e o: ,' ( olU r, .��r �. ,.. ,i7i S`'_Ul"., ULCE>"•. Yroposit_on B, or. 31_71.93, .._- e' 'e - ov"-°_t ur d- � i,, ir, v t, e to ,st re -c on l i n.: O li, i.7 -e - ., t o f to Nal; ,! bidder, n :he ,,rpor%ti;.,n ur.ns< ,l and - --1�r _s ni e City of""' o� °•"i ci- 15 0,},trz�.cr t'��,, .`'or, r'� �." roc ., uu, yLPt on e'yn f cCity --- Mor - of r f. 1' 1 • T • -'.. irl'j J l • C. F. No. 147035—BY Severin A. Mor- tRe;�°—t teed. That the Council he by COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �indiatC�^ Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-49 ^ qjP'-@ --__-In Favor _----Against able bidder, and the Cor nsup the props bI"r , ,.,andthe proper C1t -by are authorizedbehal_ too f exe ,.Ith 26, nF.B. No. 1955 1" Al 38 u April Prl199 (April 30, 1949) Approved -- ------------194 (RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- T��/�_S�) ASSESS- MENT $ it 3 Council File No ............................. C. F. No. 14706— -t- 47888— mtN of the assessment of ndexpenses for < r+. *n.etlnaen.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution.. Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of I benefits, costs and expenses for ak constructth�g, reconstructing and relaying-k-msnt sidewalks, EatiMts No, $, Contract 48 -*-6, 19k8 Asseasables F.O. 144654— Eleanor Avenue, both sides, from Healing- Avenue to Albert Street, F.O. W302 -South Pa041 Street, west side, from Hartford Avenue thence North to the North Line of Lot 1,, Block 1, Otto Bantle Addition, F.O. 144546 -Hartford Avenue, south sides from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard F.O. 145449 -Highland Parkway, both sides, from-Fl.na Street to Cretin Avenue F.O. IW85..-& nth Wilder Streets east side, from Saunders Avenue to Row Aven" "".:and on"the wast side -of Senth"Rilder`Street'fram Calvin Sti+ist t0 ' riffith Street to Johnson F.O. 1b587P-Nevada Avernues y aids, trot 1PAr-U52*-&dI4-AV*=gD,: nerthside, from OFlandrau Street to Kennard Parkway, Saunders Avemus � 'treat' P.O. 145303 --Rest Iola Avenue, south side, fros XUten Street to victoria Street . Non-Assessables F.O. 144654--Eleenor Avenue, both 81400, from Hauling Avenue to Albert Street 1 F,O. 145449—Higblsnd Parkways both aides, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue,. F.O. 144885- South Wilder Street, east side, teas S&Wxb s ATensle to Rosie Avemse ' and an the wast side of South Wilder Street from Calvin Street to Saunders Avenue t F.O. 14,K144--McLean,Avenue, north side, from Griffith Street to Johnson Parkway C.F. 145611 -Resolved, That the emaissioner of Public Yorks be and he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extentdons and alley crossings to be constractid at the'looations listed belows Intersections southwest and Northwest corners of Aron, Street and Fair Plaae f Intersection, Southwest AiA Southeast corners of Aron Street and Arlington Avenue , w �J---� / - Mayor. Farm B. B. 18 1 PUBLISIIED W 3 0 4�q IupeLmOsTou' 2 wAss; suq 204069O; cotrress of VLou4 2;L"; Iraq EIrTL,bTIrao Tu;eraeo,qou' 2oanws; Iraq 11oLpasup coLueLs of YLOIN 2FLSOF sag GLoesTugs ;o pe cousFrrropq eF We. To"MOUS TTG;Sq peTost :;pjjoLTz9q Iraq q LGC;eq Po csase }ire wcesesaa sTgswTjc exFeusTow C.E. VteTT gesoTAeq' &PIrr We C�sSToueL of bapTTc MoLKa pe euq Pe TO POLepL Leo* TVT" KGjVWu VAevae' AOLW sTge' ILos 041 -Up 2FLoe; Fo gopusoo bIrLKrga 2eA GLe VASWO _ euq.ou ;VS Aes; oTge of 2WFP tATNOL 2;LeAF iLos CIrTATa 2;Leo; 0 E•o• 7(tft982 2000 IATTgeY 2;Lse;. eesF sTge' iLos 2IrapgeLe VAOwte go SoWO VAeuae E•• TPZJTi HTKPTIruq beLPLWW pop sTgea' ILOW LTaa 2;L"F Fo CLSFTa tleeunLet)- E•o` Ti eZr MVWOL YASAae' poFP sTges' Z&OW HWNHDO YAeuAe Fo YTPSLF 2;Lev; xou-VssesespTe= Leo. Tlt2303. yea; I*_ YAsuae soap sTge' iLom VIVOa 2FL88F Fo ATOPOLTIr 2FLCeF L•o• Tit28jo maAww YAsuae' aoaCP OTge' ZLow LTIraquM 2FLseF ;o KvuuIrLq 2FLseF E•o` Tp�7(t(t gcreeu YAeuav' uoLFP ONO ZLOW WIT -TV 2FLseF Fo 90Pasoa bIrLY" 291rugeL2 VAGAae: LBeF Fo .euq ou pQ ALSO; sTge os 2oa}p MTTq" 2FLseF iLW CIrTATu 2F Vol Tf4tBB2 2oaFp A1TTq" 2FLseF' SIrOF OTge' iLom 2saugesO YAeuae }w Soso YAvuae Leo* lyt Mta HTgPTvuq bwLwV pop eTgse' iLom ETua 2FLseF Fo CLe;Tu YAs[sre jWT9,LSLq ' Leo' Tits ZM HIrLFioLqVASuae' soap OTge' iwm CLS;TU YAeuae _;o yloauF COLAS _- ------ —__ •a ,....ne ,.t nsnn IIaur.e VwTfT0.'___.,._.....--,_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITFU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. ---- ..................equal installments. Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------------------------- - ------- 19 Approved-_-------- _-----------1 7 ..................... 19.. Farm B. B. 18 City Clerk. ......... Mayor. PUBLISHED s CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE -OF THE ColulISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ............Harch..29.......... ' for7�x In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses oonstruoting, reconstructing and relaying cermsnt eideRalke, Eatlmate No. 5: Contrast 48-m-6, 1948 Assessable: F. o. 144654 Eleanor Avenue, both sides, from-Hsmline Avenue to Albert Street F.o. 145303 South Pascal Street, vest aide, from Hartford Avenue thence Otto Hunts Addition North to the North Line of Lot 1, Block 1, F.O. 144546 Hartford Avenue, south side, from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard F.O. 14541x9 Ri&land Parksay, both sidaa, from Fina Street to Crohn Avenue F.-0 _14485 SOU0.,wilder Street, eget aide, from Saunders Avenue to Rome Avenue aiid `an the r�edt aide of South *jlder -,treat'fr='Calvin Street to Saunders Avenue _ ndrth side, F,C; 1i6Tean Avenue, south aide, from Flandrau Street to Kennard Streeoriffith Street to JOnnson t F.O,. 145674 Nava ' Milton Street to Victoria Street F.O. 145303 test Iowa Avenue, Booth side, from . Non-Aasessable: Eleanor Avenue, both sides, from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Street Highland Parkway, both aides, from Finn tcretjn to RomenAvemie South 'Hilder Street, east aide, .from &u�roAvenue and on the meet side of South Wilder Street from Calvin Street to Siu*ra .Avenue WoLean Avenu, north aide, from Griffith Street to Johnson Park:cay ue the Lowdssioner of Public Works be and. he is hereby Rssolved n authorized and directed to cause the necessary aideRalk extensions and alley crossinp to be constructed at the listed be intersection,Southwest and northwest cornersof Arens Street ands Fair Place Intersection, Southwest and southeast corners of Aron& Street and Arlington Avenue F.o. 144654 F.O. 145449 F.O. 144885 F.O. 145144 c. F. 145611 to -wit: the sum of $.....10353.24__. -....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such oction thereon as may be considered proper. -- Commissioner of Finance. Form a. R. 17 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, vizCost of . construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500-99 : 1 285-03 Engineering . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 190.01 Inspection. . . 3.03 Postal Cards. 15-15 Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Court costs for confirmation. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15.15 Assessable. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . S10,009.36 Non—Assessable . . . . . . .. . . ; . . . . . . . .$ 343-88 Total Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .$10,353.24 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum ofted by ....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benef the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordaned with the benefits eon- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submit to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered p roper. r— B B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 1XI 9 4 L 14 1,7,1 it _"W: J 7ill s" L11 U.i QG S. j�t� N To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, vizCost of . construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500-99 : 1 285-03 Engineering . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 190.01 Inspection. . . 3.03 Postal Cards. 15-15 Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Court costs for confirmation. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15.15 Assessable. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . S10,009.36 Non—Assessable . . . . . . .. . . ; . . . . . . . .$ 343-88 Total Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .$10,353.24 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum ofted by ....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benef the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordaned with the benefits eon- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submit to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered p roper. r— B B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION FIRMING CONT. AND CON- j AAS OF DAMAGES OAND i �W8C� • , SESSMENT THEREFOR. M.- 147&37{ RESOLUTION RATIFYING ANS ''CV1��lNn¢ and CONDEMNATIONAND AW'ARDS OF DAMAG'``ES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR s , In the matter of__ condemning and_takin&-an-easesent in the land necessary for alopea,- cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in B1ock,3, Bryant's Randolph Street Addition, and Block 62 Watson's Addition, from Milton Street to Chatmorth Street VA under Preliminary Order______WS12----------- approved ________�cember-A,- 1948-_-_-_---, Intermediary Order ------------ ]J1681Z________-- ' approved Jann 18 1944 Final Order -------------------1-V- 02_____ ---__February 15,_1949 aPProved-------------------------- A public hearing' having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the 'same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, .and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the CounciW"l-�_____ Approved------------------------,19---- File 10908 Councilman --n Councilman<Giortinson COuncilmantMeD-OnWd.._-j P=anto Councilmana I terson Councilman =a-�^ -- io ='n CouncilmantdditelMU ` Mayor a s.- �-� —x Delaney ------------ 19,---- � City Clerk. ------- ----- --------------- Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AINT) OF 1-1 In the matter of- condemning-� taking an easement in the -land necessary for - ------------------------------ - slopes, cuts and fills in the grading ane surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Bryant's Randolph Street Addition, and Block 6, Watson's Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order__ 146512 approved----- I�cember ]11t_19118----------------------. Intermediary Order -------- 468_17---- approved----__ January_ 18i 1949 ---------------------- Final Order ---------------147102---__ approved---__ February 15, 1949 --------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated foi the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an, assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - ������ Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of ---- condemldng and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Parkway RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFORE C. F. No. 147838— r atter of condemnL. - -ent i, under PreliminaryOrder__-_--146505 -------------- approved------------- December 144 1948 --------------> Intermediary Order ----------- 1lt6W----------- approved --------- January-- 18_1949 --------- Final Order ------------------ 147OQT---------- approved --------- 15,_ 19119 ------ ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to.the District Court for confirmation. APR 2 r 1945 Adopted by the Council -------------------- Approved __________________ Approved----------------------- 19 ---- File 10902. Councilma"°'—"" Councilman z ldortinson Councilman vnald j Pirr3nto Councilman __V.�W.� Councilman 4tiililalit CouncilmanGudh'eimi g°s°n Mayor u.,.. _ Delaney ------------ 19,r--- ------ LXX �- ��--- City Clerk. Mayor. i / PUBLISHED ?�'10 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND A,'NE,�9 111;N'E OV B l"N EF'ITS In the matter of -condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ---------------- cuts and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Le3d.ngton Parkway under Preliminary Order --- ly6s-5------ approved ------ 14-_124-8______________________ Intermediary Order -------- 113-----, approved ------- I&IIUBry_3.4A449---------------------- Final Order --------------1 M7----_, approved ------ Dabruary-15,1949----------- ---------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of, Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com�;�io_lwr_ofe. Council File No-------------------------------- 147839 839 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for curbing Eleanor Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Street RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT v No. 147839— atte� a sssessmer' ^� ..:•ecn^noes for . m x - v ax , under Preliminary Order........_...-, IntermediaryOrder.......-----•, Final Order...._�7�.._-., approved ................ ly 6 ••-•----••-----19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable J In ................................equal installments. APR 2 f ISO Adoptedby the CounciL............................................ .... ..................... 19 City Clerk. Approved.................. ----------------------------------- 19..... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 File 10705 PUBLISH' d CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICTILE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of ompletion of Assessment _......._starer, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forilnx curbing Eleanor Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Street under Preliminary Order ........... �=5.............. Intermediary Order --------_---14��_---------- -.--------- - Final Order ....................... :".7-50 -------approced....--------'-.------..._------...-------Jtil +- 6--- 19_48 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2 Ol12 1� Cost of construction �. $----�----- --'--�------------ Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $........... 3-x-45........... Cost of postal cards $ ..............to........... I.D.1307(Hydrant moved by Water Dept.) 91.52 Inspection fees $---.-._40,94_--------- Amount of court costs for confirmation $.....-1.. "45 ........... Enginering Total expenditures • . $--?9J1Z*Jh ----------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..._2e.37.2a].4............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ro.m n: B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ----------------------------------- By..::................. --------- 14784 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading and surfacing the Alley in Stook 2, Fairview South Addition, with bituminous surfacing, from Saostreetto Prior Avenue RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT C. F. No. 147840— To the n cssment ben efit„t „�` •s for g,,' :..ri. it`i S ie r 1L3617 Intermediary -......, under Preliminary Order.........-_---- ----------- Intermedia Order. -...-_144028 Final Order........1!� approved -------_-• -------------4 ..A, 199 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above• improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same V is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable m ................. ----------equal installments. Adopted by the Counej}R-2."7 =;W1 19...-- + K .......... n �i----- City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------------- 19 1 ................. Mayor. Form B. E. 8 - File 10661 r -/ ? PUBL1St11:L�•J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 111M grading.and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Fairview South Addition, with bituminous surfacing, from Sue Street to Prior Avenue under Preliminary Order .-----------�_-_ 6-1T..........._... Intermediary Order....-- 02-------_-----------_.................. 48 Final Order ............ .....-�JuA6 ------..----------, approved..----------------------...----------------`---.........., 19 To the Council of the City of St: Paul: The Commissioner of Finance. hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expect- dituresnecessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the'making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...2, z0 -3-X95---------- ° Cost of publishing notice . $.---.......4o5.0........... Cost of postal cards $.............. �........... ',�nginpering $ -222.00---------- Amount of court costs for confirmation 4.59---- ---- Total expenditures s..4-05.05--------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, twit: the sum of $.--__2�.r1�8d..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by tthe said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con= ferrel thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ,ction thereon as may be considered proper. -------------- ..... ....�..- Fo a B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. fl-IT111", Ist. _� /__. _ r 2nd --- -- ` Laid over to. 3rd and. app.--- Adopted- Yeas dopted Yeas Nays YeasNays an ,' llortinson �111�or;inson iParranto �I;arranto i Peterson Rosen- ✓ Truaxaa r• President Delaney Mr. President Delaney C. F. No. 147841—Ordinance No. 9276— Ortalajl to City Citrk - _�1i Hy Severin A. Mortinsor— O, 1 _ A�'Anrordlnance dtvla the°�1a6- 1.4'784 1 No. 7607, entitled: fled service of the City of Saint Paul lnto a Graded Division, an Ungraded, NO. Division, and an Unskllled I.abpr Di- / von, nd destining and fixing the titles, duties nd quaRflcations for PRESENTED BY - e vartous positions within. n=cb NO. slo rl . February 17, ,�. �•'-n.n ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service y of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, and an Unskilled Labor Divi- sion, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within each Division," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications for the following positions: Asphalt Laborer Asphalt Shoveler Building Laborer Ditch Digger Filter Plant Laborer Garden Laborer Tree Laborer Water -Shed Laborer and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: Asphalt Laborer: "Good physical eondition"and three months' experience as an asphalt laborer on asphalt paving work." Asphalt Shoveler: "Good physical eondition.and three months' experience .as asphalt laborer or shoveler on asphalt paving work." Building Laborer: "Good physical condition; must be at least 18 years of age." Ditch Digger: "Must be physically able to perform sus- tained hard manual labor and must be over 18 but less than 40 years of age." Filter Plant Laborer: "Good physical condition; must be at least 18 years of age." Yeas Councilmen Nays , Passed by the Council ........................................................ Findlan ' Mortinson Parranto .- .........................In Favor P r Rosen ----- ------ .......Ag"inst Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved:---- - . ----......... .. - .................... Attest: ), City Clerk Mayor i' 1SI 8-18 own® f. S 13 it Pi original to city Clark PRESENTED BY oVF)1SA%_.Cr__ , 147841 COUNCIL,FILE NO. - ORDINANCE NO. Izz, -) Z -2- Garden Laborer: "Good physical condition and three months' experience in work similar to that described above for this employment-" Tree Laborer: "Good physical condition and three monthat .experience in work similar to that described above for this employment." Water -Shed Laborer: '"Good phyeioal condition; must be at I least 18 years of age." And by adding to the minimum qualifications for "Snow Removal Laborer" and for "Unskilled Laborer" the sentence: "Must be at least 18 years of age." This ordinance is to take affect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yew Councilmen Nays Findlan Mortinson Parranto _R;ekTsff__ Rosk Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest Clerk- intaas app 11 py '12 1949 Passeq,by the Council,_ ------------------------------------- - ------ ............. In Favor ........... . ............ Against Ory I Approved:__. ---------_---------- ....... ...... ... 7, --- ------ ------------ - ---- -------- --- ---- Mayor PUBLISHED Laid over to C. F. No. 1978'r rdinax—anee :No. 9277— 'Truax— 3rd and a 1 1 Adopted- dopted Yeas Yeas Nays Yeas Nays - an ` Af tinson �dY} f ./Ftndian Mort' on snt0 I'/ ison �'% l arranto ' " P_ete�rson 7Pet n �-Rosen / ruex uaa ., , . PRESENTED BY_ l V v"'�W Yeas An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7601, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service , of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, end an Unskilled Labor Divi- sion, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within s eech Division,11 approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same As hereby further amended by inserting in said ordinance, in their proper alphabetical order, the following titles and specifications: "Title of class: CHIEF INSPECTOR AND RE%ISTRAR--BUREAU OF HEALTH Dutiee and responsibilities: Under general•direotion, to be in charge of the non;professional work in the administrative and the vital statistice,divisions of the Bureau of Health; and to perform related work as assigned_. Examples of work performed: To receive complaints and explain to the public the ordinances and regulations of the Bureau of Health relating to the control of communi- cable diseases, sanitary conditions, and health nuisances. To supervise and make important investigations regarding sanitary conditions. To instruct health inspectors as to their duties' and to acquaint them with the laws, ordinances', and regulations -governing the control of com- municable diseases,insanitary conditions, and health nuisances. To supervise the work of the non-professional employees in the administrative and the vital statistics divisions of the Bureau of Health. To prepare work schedules of health and medical inspectors. To supervise the registration and filing of vital statistics, and all other office records. To prepare periodic reports. To receive and be responsible for e11 fees re- ceived by the Bureau of Health. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council- --------------------------------- ----------•-----•---- Findlan \$ Mortinaon --In Favor Parranto -... ------ _-Pe'tersen- _ ---...Against . Rosen - ... - Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved: - - - ---_--_--- - _ Attest: • ------ ................ _.... ._...... - - - ---•--- -------- ------------- ._.. ---......_...-----------•-----._--_._---._---- Mayor City Clerk iITS 898 gyp kj i ! t, -< C. F. No. 1978'r rdinax—anee :No. 9277— 'Truax— - Orlalml to City Clerk By Fred M. .Q i'y ['][9 4 - O D' An rdlnance a —iffig Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: A/ 8 2 ( y ..An ordinance dividing the Classl- lied Se Ice of the City of Saint Paul NO. -Di- .� AA w / i.v t Graded n Unso an Ungraded vision de an UnskIDed I.ahor ed 'n, and defining and NO._ ., , . PRESENTED BY_ l V v"'�W duffs and anal-i_?rCE Yeas An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7601, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service , of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, end an Unskilled Labor Divi- sion, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within s eech Division,11 approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section i. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same As hereby further amended by inserting in said ordinance, in their proper alphabetical order, the following titles and specifications: "Title of class: CHIEF INSPECTOR AND RE%ISTRAR--BUREAU OF HEALTH Dutiee and responsibilities: Under general•direotion, to be in charge of the non;professional work in the administrative and the vital statistice,divisions of the Bureau of Health; and to perform related work as assigned_. Examples of work performed: To receive complaints and explain to the public the ordinances and regulations of the Bureau of Health relating to the control of communi- cable diseases, sanitary conditions, and health nuisances. To supervise and make important investigations regarding sanitary conditions. To instruct health inspectors as to their duties' and to acquaint them with the laws, ordinances', and regulations -governing the control of com- municable diseases,insanitary conditions, and health nuisances. To supervise the work of the non-professional employees in the administrative and the vital statistics divisions of the Bureau of Health. To prepare work schedules of health and medical inspectors. To supervise the registration and filing of vital statistics, and all other office records. To prepare periodic reports. To receive and be responsible for e11 fees re- ceived by the Bureau of Health. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council- --------------------------------- ----------•-----•---- Findlan \$ Mortinaon --In Favor Parranto -... ------ _-Pe'tersen- _ ---...Against . Rosen - ... - Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved: - - - ---_--_--- - _ Attest: • ------ ................ _.... ._...... - - - ---•--- -------- ------------- ._.. ---......_...-----------•-----._--_._---._---- Mayor City Clerk iITS 898 gyp kj i ! t, -< - f . _ t i 147842 Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and'eight years as .an inspector in a publi -health agency having a scope of a.ctivties equivalent. to that of the St. Paul Bureau of Health." y "Title of class: JUNIOR SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work of main- taining and caring for a school building in which 4 to 7 custodial workers are em- ployedland which has a high pressure heating plant. Examples pf work performed: To sweep, dust and mop floors. To clean windows, walls; woodwork, black- boards and drinking fountains- To polish furniture. To empty waste paper baskets, and to bale paper. To wash urinals, bowls and sinks and cus- pidors. To mow lawns and keep walks clean. To make minor repairs. To assign and direct the work of all cus- todial employees. To make 'out reports pertaining to buildings and grounds as to damage, repair, and re questa for materials. To receive and to distribute all supplies to their destination. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and four years ex- perience as Janitor." "Title of class: SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to. perform and to be responsible-for the work of main- taining and caring for a school building -in which 8 or more custodial workers are employed and which has a high pressure heating plant. Examples of work performed: 'To sweep, dust and mop floors. To clean windows, walls, woodwork, black- boards and drinking fountains. To polish furniture. To empty waste paper baskets, and to bale paper. To wash urinals, bowls and sinks and cus- pidors. 2 t47842 97 To mow lawns and keep walks clean. To make -minor repairs. To assign and direct the work of all custodial employees - To make out reports pertaining to build- ing and grounds as to damage, repair, and requests for materials. To receive and to distribute all supplies to their destination. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education and four years experience as Junior School Custodian." "Title of Class: JUNIOR CUSTODIAN -ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work of operat- ing, maintaining, and caring for a school building in which three custodial workers are employed and which has a low pressure heatinglplant. Examples of work performed: To sweep•, dust and mop floors. To clean windows, walls, woodwork, black- _. boards and drinking fountains. To polishfurniture. To empty waste paper baskets. To wash urinals, bowlik and sinks. To fire and attend a heating plant, and to maintain proper steam pressure and water level. To clean boilers and remove clinkers and ashes. To make routine repairs to boiler room equipment.- To operate and care for ventilating and lgghting facilities. To keep records and make reports on con- sumption of fuel, supplies, electricity, gas and water. To assign and direct the work of all custodial employees. To make out reports pertaining to building and grounds as to damage, repair, and re- , quests for materials. To receive and to distribute all supplies to their destination. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education and four years experi- ence as Janitor -Engineer." 3' OrWWI co City Glmk � Y , cuuINCIE 147842 COUNCIL FILE NO. C ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY - 4 "Title of class: CUSTODIAN -ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to perform and to be responsible fon the work of operating, maintaining, and caring for a school build- ing in which four or five custodial workers are employed and which has a low pressure heating plant. Examples of work performed: To,sweep., dust and mop floors. To clean windows, walls, woodwork, black- boards and -drinking fountains. To polish furniture. To empty waste paper baskets. To wash urinals, bowls and sinks. To fire and attend a heating plant, and to maintain proper steam pressure and water level. To clean boilers and remove clinkers and ashes. To make routine repairs.to boiler room equipment To operate and.:eare for ventilating and lighting facilities. To keep records and make reports on con- sumption of fuel, supplies, electricity, gas and water. - To assign and direct the work of all custod- ial employees. To make out reports pertaining to building and grounds as to damage, repair, and re- quests for materials. To receive and to distribute all supplies to their destination. Minimum qualifications: Eighth grade education and two years expert- ence as Junior Custodian -Engineer." "Title of class: o SENIOR CUSTODIAN -ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work of operat- ing, maintaining, and caring for a school building in which six or more custodial Yens Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council------.-------------------------------------------- Findlan Mortinson-------------------_In Favor Parranto - -Peters Rosen................................ Against Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Approved:-----------•---- ------------------- -................................. Attest: ------- ------------------ ------......... --------------------------- ----- ---- -----------•---...... ...... ._..•.......--.....-- .................... Mayor City Clerk 1M 848 Q 4 original to City Ciuk l CID D 1 N A N C E 1-47842 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY workers are employed and which has a low pressure heating plant. Examples of work -performed: To sweep, dust and mop floors. To clean windows, walls, woodwork, black- boards and drinking fountains. To polish furniture. To empty waste paper baskets. To wash urinals, bowls and sinks. To fire and attend a heating plant, and to maintain proper steam pressure and water level. 'To clean boilers and remove clinkers and ashes. . To make routine repairs to boiler room equipment. To operate and care for ventilating and lighting facilities. To keep records and make reports on con- sumption of fuel, supplies, electricity, gas and water. To assign and direct the work of all custod- ial employees. to building To make out reports pert4.ning g and grounds as to damage, repair, and re- quests for materials. To receive and -to distribute all supplies to their destination. Minimum qualifioations: Eighth grade education and two years experi- ence as Custodian=Engineer." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. b Yeas Councilmen Nays Findlan Mortinson Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: - City Clerk Im 848 OW® kiA7 12 IAS Passed by the Council.----------------------- --........................... 6 ............-- . ---------In Favor, - ..................Against W 12 1949 ... - - Approved :------- ------------ i'li13LISIILD �L-1-�- , lat- 2nd-_'S Laid over 'to___.. — — 3rd and aPP--S-'--�--- - Adopted_---- Yeas Nays Yeas - Nays Fi /F �d� l/[/J/� Mo��rtinson � �, tinson arr nto (, �parranto /noserugaPresident I Delaney President Delaney ' Fe 147843--Ordinance No. 9270— _ Orl�n.l CItY Clark on Rosen— . - r� O (� D lnance amendin6 Ordinance ���� _ �J .entitled: the duties43 ordinaixingponsibilftfes and the minimtunations Sar the variousdasses�Q• tions in the ClassifiedService City;'t3 1935, as amend-�Q„_. ,PRESENTED BY F. An'ordinance amending Ordinanoe No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the -minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi- fied Service of the City", approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, -approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the,specifleationh for Truck Driver and substi- tuting in lieu thereof the following: "Title of Class: -TRUCK DRIVER Duties and responsibilities:• Under supervision, to drive and care for a .motor truck; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples. of work performed: To drive a truck hauling gravel', earth, rock, cinders, or other materials, or supplies or equipment. To operate the unloading mechanism of a truck. To assist in loading and unloading a truck. To make emergency or minor repairs when. necessary. To keep the equipment supplied with gas, oil, and water. To be responsible for equipment when on the road. To do emergency jobs such as setting barri- eades and light's. To drive a flusher truck. To help with miscellaneous work during waiting periods. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education." - Passed b the Council................... ... .......... ------------ �.� C n n Nays Y Findlan _ .. ...............In Favor Mortmson Parranto . ,j-; r” - .......... ...........---Against TrLosc Truax - Mr. President � Approved :.__------------- -- -- ------'-" Attest: -- --- -- -' ---"-•--- -- ` Mayor City Clerk 500 -747 .061P C, o~1. G1,y ©-t CC 4'7843 �,I�DIN�N COUNCIL FILE NO.------ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.—� —2— �. Section 2. By inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following tittles and specifications: "Title of Class: MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to drive tractors, graders, loaders, and similar motorized equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate a Sno-Go for loading snow. To operate an Athey loader or similar equip- ment for loading earth, snow, leaves, and cinders. To operate a grader or scarifier. To plow snow. To operate a payloader or similar equip- ment for loading earth, snow, or cinders. To operate a orawler or wheel-type tractor. To operate a power street sweeper. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and two,yeare experi- ence operating the type of equipment list- ed above, or four years experience as a Motor Equipment Helper in the city service." "Title of Class: MOTOR EQUIPMENT HELPER Duties and responsibilities: Under immediate supervision, to assist a Motor Equipment Operator in the oper- ation.of equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples-of work performed: To operate the oil distribution mechan- .ism on an oiler truck. To ride a"truck equipped to plow snow and raise and lower the plow as needed. To raise and lower the chute and to operate the front end mechanism on a Sno-Go. To ride a'truek and operate a mechanical sand spinner. To help on a power sweeper To operate a Pulvi-mixer. To operate a cinder crusher. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ------ ----------.......... -------------•----- Findlan ............... In Favor Mortinson Parranto ✓ aE.............. ....... .......Against Truax au Mr.. President fMTDM=I%1ry_ Approved: .-------------------- ------- ------------------- Attest: ......................... .... ----- - -- -- - -- .....----------------...---- ---•---• ................ - Mayor City Clerk 600 747 C cny 0-k CUuISANCU 1.4784.3 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY —3— Minimum qualifications: Eighth—grade education." Section 3. -This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas councilmen Nays ---Bsttff3� ;1 Findlan Mortinson Parranto Truax Mr. President (McDon Attest: ---:.------...--- City -- ---------- - --- dityClerk' 500 7.97 my Passed by the Council---------------- --------- - ------------------- In Favor ---------------- ----- Against --------------- .......... -- MY 12 1949 Approved: ...... ---------- -- ---- -- --------------- ....... ------------------ - - - PUBLISHED wum"" N -1 1. Orighad to My Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL F� _R841 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED NBFI DATE i' commISSIC, lie5blved, ghat the Cmuncil hereby a,1,9r(ff17es the I a,,)ard of t' -,e Cortruct t'jei,efo-T, _nd 'ebb LvlarCs cntlact 'OT furl:is' ing all 1aJhor, materials rd- services necessar, for a.ncL reasonab117 incidentL.l to the --, e-i-ecti��n ay,;' compi'ti0y,_ _,-io !).iseb�,!! '- ,cl'stoPs 1.t t"e azo.l P,fk1 Pla�,Erov,)-�CS, to the C'_,'Ci:077Z ,-'C, DI-1jS-,', In acco-,,daric, �rawl'7 .ri 1.1�.e Formal i(' "C'. 1n('1' Of '&`c! cion'e - 'r.cc %nCt specificationsMd tal co t-L,ot ,;92< .OD, Di-,ision, at L. dotal hiC beiril- the 10"est and said. Cyclone Di--isJ.on helowest ra7ona'cle and rc?i_Ja',1e bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be aj-Z. hereby is , ctei to craw up t',jecol-,tract tl'erefor' � '6 t -01'r"r prop,�r form of C-'ty of_'J_CJ"' is -.utlo,-ized to execute s&id cur tract on be'lal" 0" Llhe Cit", of St. ...'1. Ct s t C. 14784�By W. A. Parra to— Resolved. That the Council hereby ap of the Contract e thefor. and hereby awards Committeere c forfurnishing all labor, ma - to als and necessary for and erriservices asonably incidental to ..the creotion red ,-pler of ,, b . hall back - at the _1 k Playgrounds, to the ENC. lolvlSTON. in C'C'.. FENCE with d-11,_ and specific._ OR 2 7 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL .......................... Yeas Nays $inson Approved ........................................194 or 'K.-anto NterBon.- ---- In Favor ........... ........... IJ17,D __TxUa7__ ............ �-Igainst pUBLIS Mr.-Presideint, Delaney ,am g48 47845 � '• calloai to City Cleric COUNCR lCENSE 0 1ITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.________._____-____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 26, 1949 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER '---'— RESOLVED; That license for Tavern (Limited), Application B 156714, applied for by Voges, Inc. at 788 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby granted. LIMITED NEW Informally approved by Council April 14, 19+9 New Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �ie48oa;t Mortinson / Parranto _ / PetersonFavor /` Rosen ' e Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .eta.® C. c No. 147845— - Aesolved, That license for Tavern (Limited), Application 13156146 ap- plied for by Voges. Inc. at 786 rand Avenue be and the same is hereby Adopted by the Council April 27, 1949. Approved April 27, 1949. (April M. 19491 APR 27 1"S Adopted by the Council- ..................... ............ 194 ..... Approved;-.... ----- ----------------194__: ........... yor ...... 147846 priCto.l to City ClemC1TY OF ST. PAUL NO ------- ------- '--'--- �'- "I.Lit � LIONSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE A Sit Z6, 1949 PRESENTED ------ COMMISSIONEE R.-- ' Application B 15437+ On Sale Malt Beverage, RESOLPLDS That licenses for Restaurant+ AppCigarette, Application B 15438, 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15439, Application B 15440, and Mechanical Atausement Device Location, Application B 151141, applied for by Charles H. Dufour, Jr. at 527-9 St. Peter Street be and the same are hereby granted. Informally approved by Council Ancil 7, 1949 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson ,,. .In Favor Rosen /! rua ............ ..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3b1 048 Q No. 147846— s lResolved. That nes cen for Restaur- t, Applicaton B 15437. On Sale Malt Beverage, Application -154R 15439 Malt Beverage, Application B 15 40 Cigarette. Amusement Device -Location. Apphation B 15941, applied for by Street sbH. e Dud the r. at 527-9 SCare hereby grAAopted by the CoonrII April 27, 1949... Approved April 27, 1949. - (April 30, 1949) APR 2 7 1945 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 19L__._. i ;f W . Approved ---------------------------------------194 — tbolrcm NO ------ ------------ --- qditnal to City. Clerk ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fps LI&TSE CO1dP.4ITTEE OFFIC,F OF ,THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL April 26, 191+9 DATE PRESENTED BY ----- --'—' i COMMISSIONER_------ -- EESOLVEDt That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Bluff Booster Club ds to conduct a festival on the Bluff Playgrounds, of the Bluff P1aYgroun to g; 191+9s Wilson Avenue and Hudson Road for the period of May 2 a $10,000. surety bond to be approved as inclusive, upon the filing of to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the ^,Gmaissioner of Yinan&-, said Bluff Booster Club to pay any license fees that may be required. Informally approved by Council March 31, 1949 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FIndtas----� Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen _Taaene� Mr. President, Delaney 3111 048 03—@ In Favor -----Against C. F. No. 147947— ° Resolved. That permission be ltd it is hereby granted to the Blu(f Booster Club of the B1uR Playgrounds to a duct festival on the Blutr play - its 2 to Avenue and Hudson iggpa Intlustve P upon the filing of a j10,000 surety bond to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsettml a d as to. sure{d B1utY B4osternClub to of Fisny lcense fees that may be re- paY Y U Adopted by the Council April 24. 1949. Approved (AAPrII 30. 1949. 1949) Adopted by the Council- ------------------ ----= ---194....-. Approved--------------- - -----------194-- -"'l 4- -- .. .... a o=....... �..(�..�//� X47848 . Original to City Clerk CITY OF - ST. PAUL F'ia 1LICENSE OotaITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRApril X26, 19149 ESENTED E 'COMMISSIONER_.-----�— EMSOL4EDi That Merry—Go-Round Li cense, Application 8 15779, applied for by the B1ufY Booster Club of the Bluff Playgrounds for the playgrounds at Wilson Avenue and Hudson Road for the period of May 2 to S, 1949. inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with. Informallyapproved by Council March 31, 1949 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays F;ndlan Mortinson Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Ptalnr --....Against Mr. President, Delaney 3Ti 948 n8,�io@ C. F. No. 147849— Resolved, p11cat1onThatM815err779,oapplied for by the BIN Booster Club of the Bluff Playground, for the playgrounds at Wfison Avenue d Hudson Road for the period of May 2 to 8. 1949; in- clu,ive, be and the same is hereby applic ble rovithenetot have been inanrns Piled with. co Adopted by the Council April 27, 1949. Approved April 27, 1949. II (April 30, 1949) Ap5w?is*� Adopted by the Council-_: ............ 194 ..... Approved------------------------------------------ 194._.. 147849, Ori6m ll to dity Clark r CITY OF ST. PAUL Nis,cp• LICENSE 000r11TPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " 'PRESENTED BY — DATA April 26, 1949 COMMISSIONER_.—_ — ---- RESOLVED: That Electrical Appliance Repair License No. 298. expiring December 310 1949, issued to Robert O. Rohweder at 1319 Blair Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert C. Rohweder at 42 South Dale Street. TRANSFER (Location) (Transfer to new location from rest. zone) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1n an Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen WR_ Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .2W--@ ---In Favor -----•--...... Against C. F. No. 147849— Re6olved, That E retrleal Appliance Repair License No. 298, expiring De. emb., 31, 1949, issued to Robert C. Rohweder at 1319 Blair Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert C. Rohweder at 42 South Dale Street. Adopted by the Council April 27. 1949. Approved April 27, 1949. (April 30, 1949) MR2 IS" Adopted by the Council. ........... --.......... ----------194 _-.. Approved ------------------------------•----------.194_- /Mayor Ortgltul to City Clarkuwca .dr CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLLB___t••__-_____ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALrFORM PRESENTED BE?/C - DA COMMISSION - RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Alter- ations and Additions to the Heating in the Theater Section and Annex of the Old Auditorium -in Saint Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Auditorium Committee and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen 1T Mr. President, Delaney 3➢1 048 .tR�'L4-@ �C. F. No. 147960—By W. A. Parranto— aesoived. That the Plans and Speci- 0mlions for Alterations and Additions to the Heating in the Theater Section and Annex of the Old Auditorium in Saint Paul. Minnesota, as ed herewith. prepared by the City Archi- tact, under the direction of the Com- missioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Building., be and the same -� hereby approved, the, same being satis- factory to the Auditorium Committee and the Purcltesin4 Agent is hereby .... �e . bids thereon ! in the manner provide. 1charter. ted by the C until April 27. 1949. APProved April 27. 1949. (April 30. 1949) �PR % 7 S MS 194 ..._ Adopted by the oundL -------------............. / Appprovveed------%--------------•-------------•- 194•_-. In Favor .�`c tr,'�rr4 -"^r ..... - _._ -- ___.–Against 147851 .� orw at [o city clerk _ counca NO ------ — '� CITY OF -ST. PAUL ,aa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that B. Bond, 106 North Smith avenue, be paid $5.00, which is a refund of the amount paid for an examination fee for's, concrete masonry and finish cement contractor, said Pond having decided not to take the examin- ation. 0 147851—$Y K'� A- 106 N o— Smith lA en eh be paid o$50010which i a refund of the amount gold for an enation fee for a concrete masonry and lirdsh cement contractor, said Pond having decided not, to take the ex- amination. Adopted by the Council April 27, 1949. Approved April 27. 1949. (April 30. 1949) i APR 2 Z ! d Adopted by the Council- .......... ----................... 191_... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Z' ---•---------------194... Mortinson Parranto Peterson --4---------In Favor -•---- - ---------- --- -- -- -- Rosen ----•-----•-Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 949 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS d 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect April 22, 1949 Iio:i. Bruce Broady Department of Law Der Sir: CJill you pl.ase prepare a resolution brantinb a refund of N5.00 to Idr: B. Pond, 106 North Smith Avenue, St. Paul 2, which is the examination fee ,paid by him, Receipt -No. 910. Mr. Pond is requestini; t4is refund as he has decided not to take the examination for a Concrete i„asonry And Fin- ish Cement Contractor's license. Yours truly, A�ed.Schroeder TY A:;C?:IT CT FD�1..A 147852 1 Original to City Cleric - . rAuneLL CITY OF ST. PAUL :ilE NO.------ ----- —----- •-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATF__- 'COMMISSIONE - - RESOLVED, That the Specifications for the Painting and . Finishing of the Douglas School, Orleans and Stevens Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Comraission,er of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. C. F- No. 197852—By W. A. Parranta— Resolved, That the Specifications for the Painting and Finishing of the Douglas School, Orleans and Stevens Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as sub- mitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the authorized to advertise for n 1n the manner provided in charter. by the Council April 27, 1949. 1 April 27, 1949. (April 30, 1949) t VR27 "14S Adopted by the COU1101-- ...................... ----------194 ---_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ lndlan ' Approved ------------------------------------------ 194— Mortinson Parranto Peterson -------•- I¢ Favor . ----- - syor . Rosen �) „ppeaw— -...-•/ Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 •s® t !' orl"I to City Clerk / 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL m�eca NO.____________t°.r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the Specifications for the Pfrnishing and Installation of Electric Clock and Program Bell Equipment for the Ames School, 1760 Ames Avenue, Ste Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Department of Education and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided -in and by the charter. C Resolved14Let the Spe Ificntionstfor the Fu..ightng and Installation of Electric Clock and Program Bell Equip- ment for the Ames School, 1760 Ames Avenue. St. Paul, Minnesota, assub- rallied herewith, prepared by the City Architectunder the direction of the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same m hereby approved, the same -being satisfactory to the Department of Edu- cation and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authoNzed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. opted ' ! Approved April 27. 1949.the Council API1 27. 1999. I. (April 30. 1949) - APR 2,7 IMS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ---------- -----------------------194___._. Yeas Nays F•.,at Mortinson / Approved---------- •--------- -- ---------------- Parranto Peterson ----=`------- In Favor --._....Ra.--•-_._... Maor y Rosen ..TZQ%r_ --------------Agit Mr. President, Delaney 3n1 948 r oolatmal to City Clark cOucit. 147854 CITY OF ST. PAUU' FIUS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'v4�=' COMM ISTS-1 �03N-Ey D TrE i1j )rjj 1g, jc)L�q Resolved, =h t t',e Cbunci.1 h�reby approves ti,e award of the P,,1rc'-1asj.n'r-- Committee. t',ere.ro-,, and hereby awards tle contract for 'urnishin- �,pproximately (c)2. C1ei7.os,Po-i-js_'_cl(-s �:-,.d ayi(.1 app: orim,,telj> 5C00 -als. o-- Ice C crm in fro-z(%, 1 to w,rious Cit -arlcs Cmr.n- the se; r -(_,n of to T4.�S, 13'C. In vcrorcL.nctwith sh,cificot_ions '.1..er"o-f 'her -to &-.taci-ed ancl the formal -'i(- -(). 1063 of S':id Me'Irs" inc. ("ert=ct -)r11c'- L.1"1)ro-1_1mtelt' "v9j110.(-0j such in I ow e s t l.':d � nd Tr ^. h=jjj the lowr�t --,elial,le and. rcasona,-.le '-.j.d(ler.;, L,n("I the Cor-.-,orz ti -on Coij),sel 1-c nd hereby is directed to drew up --Yo nruer arm of conte L�ct therefor, an(' tl�e proper C --'t",, officio is h: o1_ -y a, r za,C-o-ized tu.e-,ecu'r, 'p _11, lf of C" S". C7- F. " 11104--, W. A. P.—nt Re;olve*d. That the council hereby the award of the rchasfng f, Committee therefor, and hereby word. the 1, , contract for furnishing approxi- . -ly 8 cl=lea d.onza Ch"g'i�sateopicles Ice Cres, pv' 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co A�27 IqOl ..............................194...... Yeas Nays _44adhm—� Mortinson Approved ..........................................194._._ Parranto .........................................194— Parranto Peterson In Favor ............. Rosen ........... ;,)Agit yq -�3 0 Mr. President, Delaney l?U13L1sl_D BM 948 2nd_ ,_._/V_ -_ Laid over to _---- —}----_._—_ 3rd and and app ---- -� 2 �..._. _ Adopted. Yeas // Nays YeasNays /1 n foyNiison Martinson a/a�ranto 'Parmnto t on (( /R a n � ' Royen � W roar /Truer t.�s fAlr. _President Delaney IN/r. President Delaney o'biu-1 to City Clerlt y - C. F. No. 147855--Ord!-rue No. 9279— y# By Milton Rosen—' e J ��lr �e� OD , An ordinance settling the claim of Robert W. Krohn against the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency'ordi- LE NO. • nance rendered necessary for the pre.- ervation of the public peace, health and safety. CE NO. PRESENTED BY The Councilof the city of saint Paw does ordain: SECTION 1 > ' nropr ..-. _«t,:Pra are, An ordinance settling the cls`i.:- a „td31 j`9 i W:" Krohn egailt the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAULDDOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Robert W. Krohn, the sum of $150.00 in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising from damages to his automobile by reason of a ditch on Mounds Boulevard, about 70 -feet south of the southerly curb line of Short Street, on August 12, 1948. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance is bereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for'the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Cou_ nR cen Nays Findlan I/ Mortinson Paltranto �r...C•� -f't,/ Truax �-PLt/t' /. Mr. President (Mr-Bonoa�r}" / Attest: _.. _... City Clerk . , w9 7-47 * 0 tj (.. III Passed by the Council.. .�2_-.�i--------------------- ---:-...:...._In Favor -. ;..._.(,_.._....._,..Against . Y' Approved « - -..................... .... -- - - ------ ---- --- - Mayor PUBL1SIJLD original t. City CWk - �.4'785fi - C. F. No. 147856—Ordinance No. 9280— . O � D' By Robert F.'Peterson— An rdinance amending Ordtnaace No 7An orditled inance NO, �" l ^ A rdinance a City o the ClPaul r Had Service of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division. an Ungraded PRESENTED $.,' n'v n, d an Unskilled Labor Di- NO. and defining ., fix',,;. •ham. An ordinance amending Ordinance -No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, and an Unskilled Labor Divi- sion, and defining and -fixing the titles, duties, and qualifications for the various positions withr in each Division;'' approved.February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered.necessary for -the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OVSAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. .7607, approved February 13, •1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the -Minimum Q.ualifloations under the title "Hospital Matron" the following: "Age limit - Applicants must be not -less than 21 years nor more than 35 years of age." And by inserting in lieu thereof the following: ."Age limit - App:ftcants must be not less than 21 years nor more than 45 years of age." Section 2. `This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take:effect.and be in force"from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays o Mrt' n 1 ortineon /? Parranto 0 Truss ((�l1/d2G� Mr. President ( onoug Attest: City Clerk neo 7.47 .1_43p�. fig. 2 1949 Pawed by the Council ------------------------------------------- --- -. r - - - .In Favor Against Approved: _............... -- -- ...... --------•— Mayor . 2nd •' Laid over to 3rd and app ___ Adopted - yeas Nays . Yeas � Nays • o -n �al8a ^' (n/hI Mort' on �� `yt o arranto Peterson �i,..en petelself //—. , /uoaeg- I %. rDelaney rresident IX President Delaney original t. City CWk - �.4'785fi - C. F. No. 147856—Ordinance No. 9280— . O � D' By Robert F.'Peterson— An rdinance amending Ordtnaace No 7An orditled inance NO, �" l ^ A rdinance a City o the ClPaul r Had Service of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division. an Ungraded PRESENTED $.,' n'v n, d an Unskilled Labor Di- NO. and defining ., fix',,;. •ham. An ordinance amending Ordinance -No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, and an Unskilled Labor Divi- sion, and defining and -fixing the titles, duties, and qualifications for the various positions withr in each Division;'' approved.February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered.necessary for -the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OVSAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. .7607, approved February 13, •1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the -Minimum Q.ualifloations under the title "Hospital Matron" the following: "Age limit - Applicants must be not -less than 21 years nor more than 35 years of age." And by inserting in lieu thereof the following: ."Age limit - App:ftcants must be not less than 21 years nor more than 45 years of age." Section 2. `This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take:effect.and be in force"from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays o Mrt' n 1 ortineon /? Parranto 0 Truss ((�l1/d2G� Mr. President ( onoug Attest: City Clerk neo 7.47 .1_43p�. fig. 2 1949 Pawed by the Council ------------------------------------------- --- -. r - - - .In Favor Against Approved: _............... -- -- ...... --------•— Mayor . �l '1:: tl.,•�a ::-.:. C -9, .v1c v.l.I JFi. 4, _4, /,-'9'r ..i61:111- 'k 2.d--- nd_ -Laid Laidover ta_._ ?` 3rd and app --.-y -'_ Adopted_��..�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays nson � Morttnson Znto Peit (( " J rranto .—� . l �- LLRo�sen ruaa .{��n 1__�run. / Z: President Delaney Mr. President Delaney 7-na' 147859—Ordinance No. 9781— rt F. Peterson— OrWi.W to Ciry Clerk inance amending Ordi^e s D' ntitled:( ) �^'jrdmance regulating open air7,k�ehicle parking places in the i, J YSefat Paul, andrequitlnaLor the operation cereofdereeergency ordinance rendered 1 nn for the preservattoa of tti PRESENTED Peace, health end sa August 1938• emergency ordi a: w nan -, f An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 803-T,"eatft1ed °An ordinance regulating open air motor ve- hicle parking places in the City of"Saint Paul, and requiring licenses for the operation there- of. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved August 3, 1939, as amended. This is an emergency ordi— nanoe rende33ed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8031, approved August 3, 1939, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 6 thereof the following: (1) (1) In parking lots which require or allow patrons to leave keys in parked oars, the attendant in charge shall, before leaving the lot at the closing hour, lock all unlocked cars remaining on the.lot. This shall include the locking of all doors of care equipped to be so looked, as well as looking the ignition or dash look. (2,) The keys shall then promptly be delivered by said attendant toa responsible party within two blocks of said lot, who shall deliver the keys to, the -owner upon proper identification and Dresentation of the claim check, and without any additional charge to the owner. (3) There shall be posted 1n a prominent place in each parking lot coming within the pro- visions of this section, a signor signs notifying patrons of.the time of closing; that the lot will be unattended after closing time; and the address where patrons may pick up the keys to their cars., (4) The above mentioned sign or signs shall be not less than two (2) feet by one (1) foot in size; made of wood or metal; printed in legible black letters not less than one inch in height on a white background. Said sign or signs shall be.lighted in such a manner that they may be easily seen and read at night, after the parking lot has closed. Said signs need not be kept lighted if at the time the attendant closes the fi Yeas Councilmen !j rindlan Mortinson Parranto .�Rtbeseelr—� Rosen Truax Mr. President (Delaney) Attest: Nays Passed by the Council...... Approved:. ............... In Favor ..................... ...... -•-Against Mayor pr1Qlval ce C111 ch. k �1 cRDiN,�NCE ��.7,S5 ji COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY (2) lot and leaves the lot unattended no cars remain parked in said,lot. (5) No person, firm or corporation operating a parking lot shall require, as a condition for per- mitting any person -to park a car in such lot, any ous- tomer to purchase gasoline, .oil, or anq other substance from the operator of said parking lot. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Co` Nays Findlan Mortinson C n Parranto Truax Mr. President (iM't Hmiov�trj' Attest: / I ........... .. . ....... ... . City Clerk Wo 7-a7 .16WC; VAI 12 1949 Passed by the Council ----.--------=---------------------------- -- ----........ ....... .In Favor ..... .Against .--. to r, - . Approved:.-.-. --- -------- - ------- --'-- .......---------- --'------------ -- ----'--a or Y kUliL..,.a.:il seen conditione- havearisen subse- PRESENTED BY quant to the approval of the Plans and COMMISSIONER._-TONO____- SL19mgnq tinneceery for the Con-Iof Con-`�'�7~` tractor to Incur adldc not expense, the cost of a portion of which could not be determined in advance of doing the - work, these unforseen condi Cns •^''. Ing "it nese WHEREAS, in the reconstruction of the a sting~ runkl_$Oer Siphon crossing the back channel of the Mississippi River from the south bank to Raspberry Island, Comptroller's Contract L-47199 I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Contractor, unforseen conditions have arisen subsequent to the approval.of the Plans and Specifications and the Award of Contract, making it necessary for the Contractor to incur additional expense, the ;coat of a portion of which could not be determined in advance of doing the work, these tlnforseen conditions making it necessary: 1st. For the Contractor to delay starting work from about June 15th to after September 1, 1948 as reouested by the Chief Engineer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District so as to prevent excessive pollution of the river in the extremely dry months of low stream flow in July and August of 1948 and•to save a cost of approx= imately $1000.00 a day to the Sanitary District for extra treatment to compensate for the raw sewage which would be emptied into the river during construction, this delay reouiring winter work -on the part of the Contractor and increased excavation through the fill adjacent to the Navy Building. 2nd. For the Contractor to provide extra pumping equipment.to take care of the water entering the construction trench due to disturbance of the stream bed by dredging in the vicinity of the work, and " �WHMTAS, both the delay in starting time and the extra pumping resulted in the in- curring of additional expense on the part of the contractor and it being possible to adjust the extra excavation on the basis of unit prices and to compromise the claim of $ 12,849.00 for extra pumping cost on the basis of payment of 50% of the actual cost for extra pumping, not including profit or rental on contractor owned equipment, which settlement in the amount of.$ 4,553.47 is approved by the Chief Engineer, and WHEREAS, on this basis, the following Additions and Deductions are found necessary: ADDITIONS: (Excavation, Pumping and hlisscellaneous) 244.0 cu. yds. of excavation to a depth of 12 feet 3.00 732.00 600.0 cu. yds. of excavation below the 12 foot depth @ 3.50 2,100.00 146.0 cu. yds. of wet excavation tolowersiphon pipe" 9 8.,00 1,168.00 390.0 lin. ft. of sewer service and water main placed 9 2.00 780.00 172.00 172.00 1 - Inspection Structure -Additional Pumping Equipment rental: $ 3,796.95 -Gas, Oil ana anti freeze coml:ouad 1,954.06 -Pump Onerstor time 1.52x.0 ?7,974.91 -Contract Bond Premium J 1% 72.74 440.0 hours of labor handling equiptt. 'J $4.00 1.760.00 553.47 Total - 50%allowable($�9,106.95) 4, 2.6 tons of cast-iron pipe,for future repairs @ $120.00 312.00 2 - Water tees installed I @ 50.00 100.00 16.0 hours of bulldozer time on road repairing 4 9.00 144.00 Total Additions 'i10,061.47 DEDUCTIONS: 200.0 cu. yds. of road grevel not placed J $ 4.00 $ 800.00 103.75 cu. yds.. of trench -gravel not placed 'A 6.00 622.50 Total Deductions F1,4222.50 TOTAL ADDITIONS 910,061.47 TOTAL NET ADDITION 8,638.97, and WHEREAS, the total net Addition is 8,638.97, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the amount of $ 8,638.S7, said sum -to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract L-4719, for the.making of the above imvrovement. . The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $ 89638.97 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract,and said amount shall be paid to the said contractor upon the execution by said contractor of releases to the City of St. Paul of all and every claim or claims of said contractor arising from the carrying out of above Improvement. COUNTERSIGNVP. EPH J. MITCHELL C o troller By C ROLLER �/ • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "M�ortlnson /Parranto --,iPeterson Rosen /Sufi. President, Delaney I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, By C O M M I S S I O N E R Adopted by the CounciL.� .�--�.`.. ---••••194-•--- r el,r .,F Cod Approved--------------•-_---------------------- 194...... J In Favor fC ayr ---- ..............Against - I'U13LI�II.D�_�� Mllton Rosen- ( Styclml to city Clerk . CITY O OFFICE OF C. F. No. 147858-$Y whereas, In the reconstruction of the counca existing Trunk Sewer Siph-erusstng FILg the back channel of the Mississlppt River from the south bank trap - Contract berry Loo t Comptroller's Contract No ---- -----'-'" i COUNCIL RESOLD L-4719, I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUC- TION COMPANY. Contractor, unfor- seen conditione- havearisen subse- PRESENTED BY quant to the approval of the Plans and COMMISSIONER._-TONO____- SL19mgnq tinneceery for the Con-Iof Con-`�'�7~` tractor to Incur adldc not expense, the cost of a portion of which could not be determined in advance of doing the - work, these unforseen condi Cns •^''. Ing "it nese WHEREAS, in the reconstruction of the a sting~ runkl_$Oer Siphon crossing the back channel of the Mississippi River from the south bank to Raspberry Island, Comptroller's Contract L-47199 I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Contractor, unforseen conditions have arisen subsequent to the approval.of the Plans and Specifications and the Award of Contract, making it necessary for the Contractor to incur additional expense, the ;coat of a portion of which could not be determined in advance of doing the work, these tlnforseen conditions making it necessary: 1st. For the Contractor to delay starting work from about June 15th to after September 1, 1948 as reouested by the Chief Engineer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District so as to prevent excessive pollution of the river in the extremely dry months of low stream flow in July and August of 1948 and•to save a cost of approx= imately $1000.00 a day to the Sanitary District for extra treatment to compensate for the raw sewage which would be emptied into the river during construction, this delay reouiring winter work -on the part of the Contractor and increased excavation through the fill adjacent to the Navy Building. 2nd. For the Contractor to provide extra pumping equipment.to take care of the water entering the construction trench due to disturbance of the stream bed by dredging in the vicinity of the work, and " �WHMTAS, both the delay in starting time and the extra pumping resulted in the in- curring of additional expense on the part of the contractor and it being possible to adjust the extra excavation on the basis of unit prices and to compromise the claim of $ 12,849.00 for extra pumping cost on the basis of payment of 50% of the actual cost for extra pumping, not including profit or rental on contractor owned equipment, which settlement in the amount of.$ 4,553.47 is approved by the Chief Engineer, and WHEREAS, on this basis, the following Additions and Deductions are found necessary: ADDITIONS: (Excavation, Pumping and hlisscellaneous) 244.0 cu. yds. of excavation to a depth of 12 feet 3.00 732.00 600.0 cu. yds. of excavation below the 12 foot depth @ 3.50 2,100.00 146.0 cu. yds. of wet excavation tolowersiphon pipe" 9 8.,00 1,168.00 390.0 lin. ft. of sewer service and water main placed 9 2.00 780.00 172.00 172.00 1 - Inspection Structure -Additional Pumping Equipment rental: $ 3,796.95 -Gas, Oil ana anti freeze coml:ouad 1,954.06 -Pump Onerstor time 1.52x.0 ?7,974.91 -Contract Bond Premium J 1% 72.74 440.0 hours of labor handling equiptt. 'J $4.00 1.760.00 553.47 Total - 50%allowable($�9,106.95) 4, 2.6 tons of cast-iron pipe,for future repairs @ $120.00 312.00 2 - Water tees installed I @ 50.00 100.00 16.0 hours of bulldozer time on road repairing 4 9.00 144.00 Total Additions 'i10,061.47 DEDUCTIONS: 200.0 cu. yds. of road grevel not placed J $ 4.00 $ 800.00 103.75 cu. yds.. of trench -gravel not placed 'A 6.00 622.50 Total Deductions F1,4222.50 TOTAL ADDITIONS 910,061.47 TOTAL NET ADDITION 8,638.97, and WHEREAS, the total net Addition is 8,638.97, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the amount of $ 8,638.S7, said sum -to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract L-4719, for the.making of the above imvrovement. . The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $ 89638.97 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract,and said amount shall be paid to the said contractor upon the execution by said contractor of releases to the City of St. Paul of all and every claim or claims of said contractor arising from the carrying out of above Improvement. COUNTERSIGNVP. EPH J. MITCHELL C o troller By C ROLLER �/ • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "M�ortlnson /Parranto --,iPeterson Rosen /Sufi. President, Delaney I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, By C O M M I S S I O N E R Adopted by the CounciL.� .�--�.`.. ---••••194-•--- r el,r .,F Cod Approved--------------•-_---------------------- 194...... J In Favor fC ayr ---- ..............Against - I'U13LI�II.D�_�� 1859 Siff ia/n.i to City Cl-lr _ . CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi�elea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN5 D1oNF'R_ G�• ✓�"`+ V iL'Ltl�+tL+ DATE. RESOLVEED, that Dee C. Mitchell be paid out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the .General Fund, the sum of $54 every two weeks beginning April 27, 1949, until the total sum of $810 is paid, in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of_April 22, 1948, while in the employ of the Department of Education, whereby he suffered a temporary total disability until September 7, 19'8, end 10% perieanent general disability. C. F. No. 147839 --Ry Fred MTruax— Resolved. That Dee C. Witch - be paid out of the Workmen's Compensa- tinsum of $% everyhtwo weeks beginningg8 April 27'. 1919, until the total eUm of $830 is paid. in tall settlement of hi - claim agamat the City of Saint Paul for compensation resWting from hIs injury of APrd 22, 1918, who in the employ f the Department of Education, where- by he .suffered a temporary total dis- ability until September 7. 1918. and 10% perm0uent general disability. the Council Approved Adopted April 27, 1949.April 27. 1818. (April $0, 1949) R 2 7 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council, ........... .............. .......-194:.... Yeas Nays Mortinson �Approved .......................................... 194 ..... Peterson . `F lr/F `7... ' Peterson ............... In Favor !F� / - Mayor Rosen .......... Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK', 147860 cooncm No._=. FILM ..—----- �......� RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to Arthur Miller for the erection of an oversize private garage at 1616 Race Street, subject to approval of the plans by the City Architect. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 71rialan Mortinson Parranto Peterson .-:....... -In Favor Rosen "ham. ...... 2 .... Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 C. F. No. 197860—By W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That a permit be granted to Arthur Miller for the erection of an ersize private garage at 1816 Race Street. subject to approval,of the plana by the City Architect. Adopted by the Council April 27, 1949. Approved April 27, 1949. (April 30, 1949) Adopted by the Council .................... ------------- 194.._... Approved------------------------------------------ 194.. i •----- --- - Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF.RECORDS 1 April 26, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the aronlication of Arthur Miller for permit -to erect an oversize private garage at 1616 Pace St. Very truly yours, i City Clerk �� ?;OTIC?; 0:' A?PL'.CA ION t.-flt±tbie Gid:?AGB ?0'1'. P_ .f,::._T TO .I CT ,I Oda ;,,SIJ. PZIVA T Notice is herebygiven that pi:rsuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of thq City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made oftApril 26 19 4$ to tt:e City Council of tkle City of 5t- Paul, t,,innesota, by Arthur Miller y, for permission to erect rr"-Mxb-1.'� garage on oin oversize private the folloaaing described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Miinnesota, to wit: Lot 14 � Block - 6 Birmingham Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota. O;A the S side of RaceSt. Aue betw�yen May, 4 80-. Ave. and. Rogers �_St. Au.a.. Ido. 1616 Race St. Avct. Dated at. St. Pa , Pa ►e=,ota, April 19 1949 , original to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL. vlo�unca No ------------------ OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK - CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (2002) the sum d of 90¢, payable to Ole J. Njus, 2173 Eleanor, St. Paul, Minn., for the purpose of reimbursing him for an overcharge on assessment for grass cutting work levied against property described as Lot 16, Block 2, St. Catherine's Park Second Addition. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto / Peterson L....In Favor Rosen Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 .O��@ C Resolved,Thathere be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Re- volving Fund (2002) the f 98c, Payable to Ole J. Njus, 2173 Eleanor. St. Paul, Minn., for the paurpose of re- imbursing him for an harge on e t for grass cutting W o r k levied assessment against property described s Lot 16, nlock 2. St. Catherine's Park Second Addition. Adopted APi eh concApril 27, 1949. (April 30, 1949) APK 2 7 19049 Adopted by the CounriL...............:...•----------•--194..... Approved,--- -------------------------------------- 194. . .............-- - - ayo=• iaiaal to city ©erk CITY OF ST.—PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM counca RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Bert Williamson, 1893 Taylor Ave.., St. Paul, Minn., for the operation by him of 14 tennis courts on the West end of the South battery", located on Dunning Field, and eight of the ten courts located at Highland Park, upon the following basis: The fee to be charged and retained by said Bert Williamson shall not be more than 15¢ per person per hour on gravel colrts, and 20¢ per person per hour for clay courts, in consideration of which said Bert Williamson shall provide lime for marker, required calcium chloride, weed killer, and gasoline and oil for power roller which is provided by the Bureau of Playgrounds, and otherwise maintain said courts in the manner prescribed by the said Commissioner; said contract to be for the period from May 1 to September 15, 1949. __W. COUNCILMEN. Yeas Nays i14Iortinson 111arranto ,4%e-terson ,-Rosen 1!Fr_ Mi. President; Delaney 3M 948 14ip.p 14 862 f C Resol4 147862—By ed. That upon recommendation oI the Commissloner f Parka, Ply - and grounds Public h Buildings, t h e proper city officers be and they are ;hereby authorized to enter into a con- Itract with Bert Williamson, 1893 Taylor Ave., St. Paul, Minn., for the operation by him of. 14 tennis courts on the West end of ggthe South battery, located on courtsDunninlen ocated gat Highand land Park,ht of eupon the following basis: The fee to be charged and retained by aeitl Bert Wn- llams6n shall not be more than 15c per person per hour on gravel courts. 40' 20c per person per hour for clay c afl=a April 27. 1949. (April 30, 1949) Wfv"2,7 1%,V, Adopted by, the Council -..------_ ......................194 _.... Approved------------------------------------------ 194_-•- - In Favor -ByoT ----•- -=Against . " tidplveI to City Clerk 1 4 '" 8 ^ 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL tOitancm NO. --_-__-.---_----_– r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM !/! PRESENTED. COMMISSION1w A WHEREAS, The Municipal Softball Association and the Municipal Baseball Association have agreed to play their games at night at Dunning Field duririg the season of 1949, upon the same basis that the City and said Associations had in the year 1936 under contract entered into pursuant to Council File No. 103579, approved June 11, 1936, and WHEREAS, the maximum amount to be paid to the Municipal Softball Association during the year 1949 is $1294.00 and the maximum amount to be paid to the Municipal Baseball Association for the year 1949 is $1397.00, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare proper contract between the City and said Associations, the terms of which contract shall be the same as that for the year 1936 as authorized by said Council File No. 1035790 excepting that the maximum amounts to be paid said Associations shall be as herein set forth. C. F. No. 147863—By W. A. Parranto— Whereas, The Municipal Softball As- sociation and the Munictpal Baseball Association have agreed to play their games at night at Dunning Field dur- ing the season 5 1949. pon the wme basis that the City and said Assocla- tionshad in the year 1936 under con- tract entered into limsdant to Council File No. 103579, approved June 11, 1936, and Whereas, the maximum amount to be paid to the Municipal Softball Assoeta- tion during the year 1949 is $1294.00 and the maximum amount to be paid to the Municipal Baseball Association for the year 1949 is $1397.00, therefore, be it he 1s hereby authorized and prepare proper contract be - City and said Associations, of which contract shall be is that,for the year 1938 as by said Council File No. epting that the maximum f be• paid said Associations herein set forth. by. the Council April 27, 1949. 1 April 27, 1949. (April 30, 1949) APR 2'7 ISO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._---------_----------------_- -- Yeas Nays ortineon Approved - _--------------------- 194.— Parranto 'Peterson ~-----In Favor _.... -- BYar Rosen '.... .............. Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ,® - - 'Origln.l to Cl[Y Clerk 147864 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Ft4ca NO.------------ -- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY\, ./ �'-� ._ . �iy-- DAT April 27. 191+9 - COMMISSIONER �—'—' RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Louis Milgram 297 Maria Motion Pic App. 14975 New Old Loc. n u Confectionery it 114579 n it 11 St. Johns Luth. Hosp. Assn. 390 Mounds Blvd. Foodstuff VMLoc s 153714 it New iI Frank T. Stickler 673 Winslow Off Sale Malt It 15495 s 11 Schneider & Horton 1401 Arcade Foodstuff VMLoc s 15545 ° Old Bert Nelson & John Stenck 490 S. Hamlin Confectionery s 15709 Matthew Feeal 775 Hudson Rd. Foodstuff VMLoc a 15730 New It R. A. & J. A. Lacher1820 Grand Restaurant ° 15759 ° Old n Hess Motor Express 2326 Hampden. Foodstuff VMLoc It 15796 ° New It Vern A. Bohneman 737 E. 5th Mtr Veh Dr. it 15544 s Ralph H. Larson 562 Fuller ° it 15972 Frederick A. Richardson 260 w. 6th Foot Peddler 11 15916 s American Farmers Mutual 1923 University Cigarette it 15919 11 New It C. F No. 147864—By Robert F. Peter- , Resolved, That. lteenses applied for by the per, named otion ties liatnd the trahed to this gr d the &Y me re hereby Granted, an Clerk is instructed to payment min thehCltIt- oenses upon the pay treasury of the regotred 'Apr . - 4 APP o ed Athe pril 27u1999.Aprfeta11 27, 1949. ' 6 P COUNCILMEN Apr so. 19491 he Co _.._...-.-- 194 ..... Yeas Nays. rt6e Fi dlnp - ^ Mortinson Approved----------- -- ------------------------..194._.. Parranto 'Peterson ......::i.-..In Favor---- - -------------- --- --- Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ^&® , 1147865 or141u=1 to City Clerk, COUNCIL NO.----------•----✓-.__- CITY, OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMt;ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7>/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y ( r 1, .— 'N- — �'— DATE_. CO M M ISSIONER�-- RESOLaED= That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 15639+ On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15940, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 1561+1, Cigarette, Amusement Device Location, Applicat!*�n Application B 15942, and DSechanical B 1561+3, applied for by Lloyd J. McCorman and Richard L. Fortman at 266 � University Avenue.be and the same are hereby granted. I.. F. No. 197665—By Robert F. Peter- y Avenue be granted.' Aprn 27. 1949. . imw Informally a-wroved by Council April 21. 19+9 Informally a.nproved by Council to Add liRichard L. Fortmanp April 26, 1919 Old Location �9 Adopted _ �dopted by the Council .................-.-. COUNCILMEN..; 194 Yeas Ways �;.Ir6ra' ia.c Wan Approved - - - ------------------------•---------- --194—.- rtinson i P.rranto -Peterson _-- In Favor or Atosen f Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 ",b�` ® ' l Orlalual to City Clerk councn. 7866 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIIF NO.____,______._--_-.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a y. T/ PRESENTED BY ` .yt �'.L�_-NT_( ,./1-f�'..I, c• DAT April 27, 199 COMMISSIONER... -1—. RESOLVED; That the following licenses, Restaurant No. 8850, on Sale Malt Beverage No. 10189 off Sale Malt Beverage No; 8749, and Cigarette No. 27141 all expiring December 9. 1949, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 921, expiring November 1, 1949. all issued to Anthony Plumbo (only) xt 562 Wabasha Street be and the same are hereby transferred to Anthony and Samuel Plumbo at 562 Wabasha Street. C. F. No. 147886—By Robert F. Peter - 1 Resolved That the following ]lcenses, I Restaurant No. 8850. On Sale Malt Bev- . era No. 1018. Off Sale Malt Beverage INo. 8749, and Cigarette No. 2714, all ex- pi ling December 9, 1949, and Mechanl- 1921 Amusement Device L. -tion No. suedeto Anth ny Plumbo(nnlyj all bCL ^ Wabasha Streetbe and the same are hereby fra ude—d to Anthony and Samuel Plumbo at 862 Wabasho Street.I Adopted b - the Coynca Apra 1 - APProved 1prn 27, 1949. (Apra 30, 1949) TRANSFER Informally appaxed by Co')ncil April 19. 1949 Apik2 r 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194_..... Yeas Nays Mr ortinson Approved--------------_----- ------------ 194 Parranto Peterson- - In Favor Rosen Tmj 4 ... ..........Against Mr. President, Delaney - aM 048 .@ f 1 l __.._. -. 197887—RY Robert F. Pete ' A. Parranto— Orly Inel [o City Chile That ]l--- appned .. . -ins named On the libt py 4 J(�) �, 1-4786, W9NCR N� ---- �tJ�d�. CITY OF % as resolution be nd + + ¢ranted, and the rna LICENSt COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE 'C:., , ,' .,,,.:' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL _FQW PRESENTED HY �� 1 J C Dp April 27, 199 COMMISSIONER—L-- - _��.�,,.-�_ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Jansen Fuel Oo. Inc.181 Ramsey Fuel Dlr App. 15375 Renewal N. V. Schwalen 539 N. Grotto Off Sale Malt n 1729 " Rodney W. Button 1401 Asbury Oil Burner Inst. " 15731 " David Hackner 1121 E. Minnehnhn Grocery n Off Sale Malt 15732 ° 15733 " It n It Cigarette ° 1734 " Wm. & Nathan Kaplan 2019 E. Minnehaha Grocery ° 15736 n n Butcher ' 1737 " s Off Sale Malt ° 15735 n " n Cigarettd " 1739 David Sundquist 1537 Como Confectionery ° 1749 Mary Carlotta 750 Pie Grocery n Butcher ° 15770 It 1.5771 n 11 it is Off Sale Malt " 15772 " 11 11 Cigarette It 15773 n C. Robert Koch 792 E..7th Restaurant s 1774 " Archie E. Norgang 1266 Bohn Barber " 15797 'll Clement Bastian 868 Rice Auto Rep Gar " 15795 " Geo. C. Sontag 400 77- -7th Gas Sta 3P " 15799 " LeRoy Runion 634 N. Snelling Barber s 15799 " Minn. Amusement Co. 449 Wabasha ' Motion Pic it 15900 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by. the Council- .................................194...... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved ....................... ...... ............ 194--_.- Parranto PetersonIn Favor-------............................................................. ' Mayor Rosen e+r� ----Against Mr. President, Delaney 3NI 948 4qB.® odatiml I. City Olet{[ ( 9 l 10. i 1 fiI CENSE -COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL CODNCIL No ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE - April 27, 1949 ' COMMISSIONER_._ ---- ---- PAGE N0. 2 Mrs. J. H. C. Coleman 39 S. Cleveland Confectionery App. 15802 Renewal II Off Sale Malt 39 S. Cleveland n 1 15803 11 It Cigarette n it 15801+ if Karl E. M. Nordby 612 Selby Grocery it 15812 n it Off Sale Malt n 15813 n it it Cigarette " 15811+ Henry Longbehm 856 Edmund Butcher ° 15915 Roy E. Johnson 1341 St. Clair Gas Sta 3P ° 1587.6 n Wm. D. Korfhage 938 E. 6th Grocery it 15817 11 n 11 Cigarette If 15818 n Dell Daley 1090 Earl Barber n 15819 If Edwin Meyer 550 York Ice Daly 1T 11 15S30 If Edw. 0. Triese & W. Glasesman 1320 Randolph Gas Ste. 2P n 15833 It Young Motor Co. 880 Grand 2nd Ed Auto Dlr n 15850 it Richard OtHara 361 N. Snelling Gas Sta 3P 11 15851 n Jokeph Faiad 767 W. 7th Off Sale Malt ° 15852 n Wilbur I. White & Rollo R. Rausser 1523 Como Gas Sta 3P ° 15853 n Claude Ghizoni 928 E. 7th Confectionery i' 15959 n n c Cigarette " 15860 11 Harold H. Gurstille 918 Grand Confectionery n 15861 if n' n Off Sale Malt ° 15862 n n n Cigarette " 15863 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................... ............. 194:.__. Yeas Nays Mortinson _. Approved... ............. ---------------- 194— Parranto Peterson.............InFavor .......... ................... ----=................. -....................... Mayor Rosen T?ft 7C— --------....Against Mr. President, Delaney, 3M 9-48 ^'® e0d" t. My Clerk A71%7 0 PAUL No ------ *—.'--..-- CITY OF ST. LICENSE ComaTmE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE April 27, 3.945 COMM ISS IONER-----.-- PAGE, NO. 3 Louis Germscheid 1169 Selby Paul Zirkler 493 Selby Bakery APP- 15964 Renewal Elee App. Rep H 15904 " r A' R 2 7 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ....._.............._.--..----.194 Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved... --------------------------------------- 194— 'Parranto 11 — Peterson or .............. In Favor --------- yo=.._... Rosen '0 TfdTf--- Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .@ 11-2 PUjiLISULD 17 -) 0— 0r1pinal to Clty Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ � Z L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c i PRESENTED BY __— DATE COMMISSIONER___----- ----�""— Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 60 lineal feet of gas main on Nebraska between Sheldon and Hemline under provisions of Council File No.123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In an Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen / .....--.Against Mr. President, Delaney 3a1 048 C. F. No. 147868—By Milton Rosen— Resolved That the Northern States PowerCompany apprbe telgiven permission to Install oximay 60 lmeal feet f gas mal n on Nobraska between Shel- don a tl Hamline under proWstons of Connell Fae No. 123001, Ordinance No. 'y 8271, is July 19, 1091. Approved APra 27'1949 ted IAprApra 27, 1949. 11 30. 1949) . APR27 MIS Adopted by the Council.----_-------.------ --------- 194 ..... Approved --------------------------------- 194._-- ------ ---- - - -- lsyor qg4 tl �/y original to City Cleric :( 8(31s. CITY OF ST. PAUL vi�i.."eNO� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK *��t LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIOKIER_.C!6% —_ .—._ - Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 150 lineal feet of gas t�o main on Nebraska between Avon and Fisk under,provisiona of Council Vile No.123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F. No. 147869—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be ggiven permission to install pproximately 150 lineal feet of gas meN on, Nebraska between Avon and Flsk nder provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. Adopted by the Council April 27, 194y. Approved Apy71 27, 1848. (Aorll 20. 19491 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------194 .-... Yeas Nays . � tit" Ot Mortinson Approved............................... --------.194---- Parranto Peterson -In Favor Rosen " Against eyor FTU&A— -Mr. President, Delaney .............. 3M 948.nr V_1 @ I CITY OF.BAINT PAUL O't'G'N"�- N� .1341 COUNCIL RESOLUTION CITY CLERK a FOR {/ AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • • L • COUNCIL N0147870 FILE I esollred, That the ouncil ];ereby approves the waard of the Cc iraet Committee therefor, and hereby ar;Grds ,Ile Co.iitract for curbiYi(L' south si .e- o` EL st Fourth St, from Guth St. to "Pedersen r`t: to the KE0C-ii CGi:TniCTI'..: CGP?Phi";1-, in accorc;t.nce w tl: pl'ins anc. sreci-`ications hereto attached and the Formal %idl 1'0. 1968 of said KeofilC'ontract- nc^. Company for the contract _-rice of vo9p%oI such �:id be'ng ti -le lowest ;.nd said Keogh Contracting_ Com, any ]�ei.ng the lowest reliable �.nd reasona';ie bicaJer .n, t' -e Corl;or;-11on. Counsel be and here' Y is directed to CrL'w up t' p rorlei• fo,'m of contract there`o?•, and the pro; ,r Cit' officials 'n�reby ai•e auti,.orized_ to e7ecute said contract on be'-. if of the Cit.', of St. Pahl. l ssessed. ag.'i-rlst bene`itted pro erty. C. F. No. 147979—BY Milton Rosen— Resolved. That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract - Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing South side of ! ^ seastn St. toFouothet Efrom GH COSNTRACTING COMPANY • in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached and o I he Formal Bid No. 1969 of said Xeogh C� o 0, FORMAL BID NO. 1962 COnVaCLing .C39, SUCK bid being the IOW- r the Contract i ESTIMATE S / - A mire ot. $998 - P 'g Cpom-F NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED A TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER ^ E GR' I1Ni<^ COUNCIL: OR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FGRi'ROS'T'09 THIS IMPROVEMENT AS F�LOL�W�O 1 ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— CODE S J. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4 APPROPRIATED FROM ` BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ $ s. — _ $ - 'COPES TOTAL - THEE IS H STATED OVE STATED - - - - UNENCUPMa�FEO B L- A PPRO RI TIONS TO ' IMPROVEMENT NO._ -- CITY CLERK BLE 1NY H A THE A NCE AVAILABLE E I NO LOCAL COMRiTROLLER PUBLIC WORKS IN THEREBL LMR REE THE PERMANENTIMPROVEMENT REIMBU ABOVE pI'U `7't� FINAL ORDER ADOPTED__— — PURCHASING ^ (I I DATE COMPTROLLER1-(J!y -- t—_. __ COUNCI 4.1 N YEAS NAYS _IN FAVOR ..-_._ _AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT Soo 9- > �+(•6 #Xrt24 18A ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_----- --- -- APPROVED ----------- c n CITY JP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Nom$_-a9�.R�— FILE 4 �T134® COUNCIL RESOLUTION ORIGINwtt- IV q FOR -.. -. "... `. Omy CLERK 1� i THORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS I Qin 19a__ ` DAT PRESS__, Y—HON the Contract • "i'aat ,,zc Council ,_�"ebb ;-:ppro`'e5 the aFlb.rd of Resolves or ^chin_; north Committee therefor, anC, i�ureby arnards the contract _ ® from Stryker to i;inslo;v Ave. , to 1�iOGH side of Colorado St. ,; plans and sps:cifica�ions Col'Piar y in :, ccOrC,ance e._th CGi'Tit<'tCll'' 1 li. 0 1967 of saj, eo[h Contracting t'ar to attac ed and the normal Comj:.ny for 'she cc . 0 rh sic 'being, e looIest Bractis Corr �; ,1',_ _lowest reli le .:nd nc. : r ooh ;or c:Ciher�hY is bid-dei �-c' t?�e ." or: oration Cotinsc.l re ai.d reasonahl� d ir�,cted l.c, dral.! 1 -1 the i ,,ohe form of contract ther�:for1 and the i.contract proper City officials '-,ert'I Y re ay.tlr') zec `,o exec te 1 S As sesseo- ,t,rlst bens i'ted on behal:"-of t'.'le City of St. Pain. 1 roper til C. F. No. 1478Y3—BY Milton Rosen Resolved, That the CouncB ttemby i pproves the award f the Contract, I Committee therefor, and hereby award, • the Colorado fof,._ Strryker Me. to Colorad Ave., to KEOGH CONTELACTWjosja' in accordance with pG and p�Ycatlons hereto attached ..� Formal Bid No. 1967 of sge I or 5,06.15 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID NO. 1967 PTION. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADO : 529.3C PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMEN SAB FOLLOW I 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - _S E ApppppplwTED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - CODE - - 3 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS--EXEMPT pROPERT BOND ISSUE—CODE s I A. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - TOTAL s. coupry Al. TO I T AN UNENCUMBERED MBEREp SAL- _ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE T pT.IO-S TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.T--�.'--- COPIES TO: IE AVAILABLE IN THE AB V S ATPD P RI FUND CITY CLERK REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVE ENT///�"R'EVOL COMPTROLLER N THE ABOVE AMO Cr R' PU RCH WORKS I DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED III PURCHASING — — — • I COMPTROLLER_ z PTE—�— _ = 'R2 -7 sa --- III COUNCIL EN + _-- _- INF ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI_Af NAYS' YEAS pVOR APPROV -------- -AGAINST uit `�I _ MwrOR - MR. PRESIDENT `u 1 iUD „B 9.47 $jp—(fA —_ "'N'—U!, _ COUNCIL DRIGINA- I� Na L3 n COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE CITY 'CLERK FOR UTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • • • • PRESENTED Resolved, That the Council hereky approves the award f the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby award- the contract for curbing north fide of Hc.wthorne Avc. from Ile.ndota St. to Forest St. to PLDE,S011 BiiGS., in c.cco. dance wi t'� it ,ns and sped-fica tions hereto attc+ched and the Formal 7.id I?o. 1966 o" said Pederson Bros. for the contract price of jv1102.00, _inch kid 1be4n', the lowest eInc, said Pederson Bros. bh _ng tYe lowest relic_' le Ind- reasonal-le kidder. rd i -'"e Cor'porat`or. Cow sel be and 'here(`; is c.irected to dr,,.v up the rro• er `'orm of contra^t therefn5-� and tT he _oner Cit; aflf__ �ci.als '�arF�hy are ;Iut'I-ori2e to execr!te said contract on '-:c.lf of t; e Cit,- of St. Paul. Assessed a-ainst benefitted -_)ropert;. C. F. No. 147872 -BY Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards ithe contract for curbing north side of Hawthorne Ave. from Mendota St. to Forest St. to PEDERSON BROS.- 1n ac - i eordance with plans and specificatinne o.atn attachetl end the Formal Bid "'IFTson Bros. for the FORMAL BID N0.196�/ Yn ,.�lii[4G INEE I�u IM-.IMATE Sl061A 30 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE B COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING1i0 COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PRORERTY - - - - - - - - - - ... - i 1102.00 Z. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE $ J. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE $ 5. COUNTY A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A f TOTAL . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : 1102.00 COPIES TO: - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED S CITY CLERK AN AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.__------ COMPTROLLERMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT G UND REI REVOLVIN F PUBLIC WORKS I IN THE ABOVE AMS 1pUNTS. �J PURCHASING ,/ - / f' DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED-.._— ® it YEAS - II _ I MR. PRESIDENT Sao 9-47 ?R Q 7 194 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___---- ------- ----'-- ��. _ FAVOR<r�SA --,, I APPROVED— •. I' ---AGAINST - Original to City ClerkCIL -U. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESCiLUTION--GENERAL FORM .MIED BY I e �_�!E��/ DATE �. it"I'l i Qin 4y- , llesol-,,ed, ti -e Council herebyr ai.,Drol-"�s the award of the Contract Commit' ee therefor, and he-eby awa-,-ds tl,e contract for furnis!-.in� &11 1-,�bor �,'d mL,teri�,!s necessary to install 174.53 squares of built uil on 11'rificL.tior. 2Loofs, 7cCEipronE Stat; -ons St. %jate- Dcl I i C. ;Icc,cc dance nd to .-LU' 13 iith ='o=,l -id 1969 of 7,cid fto.:)'ir-s inc. total contract rrice of "6 q-192.(10, fo, 1�1-e frlTnis ,n- of 16 ounce copper coir r'l_s'-.dn nl-- 1 o-6' - la F 1- j_r, or s1" -eves jr of iron, si:ch ',-id the lowest n,-. sa".cl !:ooflis Inc. 1- -*n:- reas(,,n:1,1-,PC, 1, l)-idde-) ;_,nc- the "ororL,t-ion Coi:rs�l ;..nd her,-hy is directed to �,,M 01 CC�r 'tr� Ct tl�(�21r.fo 1,. t) -le 01), r, Cjty Off *'j;.J: e-,C(,crt, sEiC cortrt,ct on 1,e'-. _11f C. F. No. 147873—By Severin A. Mor- tinscan— ResnIved, That the Council hereby, approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby award -net for furnishing all labor the ng and materials necessary to Install ap- prox atel, 174squof built up .p — _f= g r, 1 liar 1, _.a St, —ent t". si; . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen ..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9"48 AFR 2 7 1W Adopted by the Council- ......194...... Approved.-.-....... _-_------------------ ------------ ------- zl- 3,1 - qq 147874 Cduncil File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME1 PRELA (NARY ORDERs and C. F. No.. 197874— Abs1rac1 f PRELIMINARY ORDER. Where nos, A wdeea proposer for the I making of the following improvement, Glxth Street from Hope The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingof the following public improvement b, .."dad.�1den;�p�tiz; aca3^�. .......... Improving Sixth Street --from Hope -_Street -_to Arcade._Street,-_1y,_widening-- the roadway; by grading and paving the widened portion of the roadway; - --- •-------..by-const"c4-ing--neu--ca}r4;---by. --reooRst�ruawting--e.1dewaliCs---oma--aons truet&ng-------------------- --- new sidewalks, where necessary, and by doing all work necessary and iYtcitiLnCSI- to 'ea i8 im'pi'oveinerit.----------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------------------------------------- Dated this .......-2i@t day of .................Ap 'il.............. ----- ------ Councilmarq. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ............... 11pan. lAg..$ixih..f treet...fsam.Hoge..Bgreet...in..Arands..S.treet,---by...widening................... the roadway; by grading and paving the widened portion of the roadway; --------------- by-eenstrueting-new curb; by-reconstructing--siriewalks--or-corrstructimg------------------- new sidewalks, where necessary, and by doing all work necessary and incidental' Eo said ................................ ................ .' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - - --------------- --------- YEAS NAYS Councilman---- 1t 2 7 1949 •Frees ter A MORTINSON • _ PARRANTO' PETERSONC MR. PRESIDENT 2501147 -------------- ...... ............. ayor. PU81-IS1ILlllj 30 --, fV 14'7875 • � (PETITION) Council File No ----------------------- _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. Ne. 147895— , Abstract 'dr1LL Whereas, A written proposal making of the following impr..�� Z.. Constmet a 5.0 fent wide ,;,1 9 PRELIMINARY ORDER. t Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: �gpgtSugte_ a 5ZQ-.foot,-_wide_-?�gnolithic_Concrete_Sidewalk-_on-_the easterly -_aide -_of_---. NORTONIA.A�IENUE--frnib-P.edersnn..SSmeat..Sn..3iillwater.. Avenue- ..................................................... .......................................... -.... ........ Dated this .. ...................day of----- ... ..................... ------cr 94 -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ----------- Construct -_a-_5.0 foot wide -Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk on the easterly side o t t .. Avenue. - -••-- ----- ----------------- NOF-TONIA AVENUE from Pederson Street t.. Stil water Avenue. having been presented to the, Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------•-....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed; 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition,of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. • Adapted by the Council ----- ---------- .............................................. .... YEAS NAYS v`!P6ti t 1Sa CouncilmAa,9++4t+'e8ff' "� MORTINSON PARRANTO n PETERSON --•_•- RIIAIr -"""-- - Mayor. Ma. PRESIDENT 2501147 s�•® 14'7876 Council File No----------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147878— arid Abstract Whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following f nprovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. °'R Reconstruct with Monolithic Can- -is the sidewalks on both side of >bRICH AVENUE '�_ ..^ •.rnrth The undersignedhereby proposes the making of thefollowingpublicimprovement by U," o> -ford S# paul;Viz.:" :. _--___RECONSTRUC:_�jtk-.Mon477tkxxC_Co[1CsPte�._th�...51.dfWadk _on,hotl}-_�id� .fxUODRICH........ AVFNUE from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street.__ ___-___-----_........................................-------- .. ........... 19 .................. ................ ....................... ......------................... I----------------- - f" �^ �" Dated this ------------------------day of...--------------------------------------------t----•------------------------ 4c .� - - ---•-------•--------•--- ----------- --- ------•------ .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz - RECON, TRCTwithMonfiJ.thicConcrete1 --o_ e-_sidewalks-_on-_bo th,_sides--o£_GOODRICH--- .• Ghat�swoz'th.-.Stsest-- to ••------•-=--------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------- -..................................................... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: }. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated•cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A' Adopted by the Council -------------- 7-............. '--------- .... YEAS NAYS CouncilmaaFrieh*? Approved $- n`'-`--- MORTINON n PARRANTO �%f•� ' PETERSON(.%� ` -- Mayor. MR. -PRESIDENT 2501147 /2pyp' , - l f l V 147874 Council File No ------------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. No. 147977_ I Abstract and whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following impr(•�ement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. �'�' Reconstruct with Manoilthr c etc, the sidewalk on the eou f UNIVERSITY AVENUE fro,. del Street {o 5 ;tr-ibin Street, .: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicimprovementbyt1em lnyfse+ent �1,,: n pre. RECOIv 5T RUCT_-with... m000l-It1?l9-_Qan axeta,--.ih e_sidee alk--nn.-the-.sontki':yids--oE-- __-----_ IINIVERSITY AVENUE_f{om--Arundel_ 7Lr-eet-..to-.Ms-akubin-.Sheet,-..exnept..wheze-gond.snd sufficient_sidewalks-noyr ex?9.t..........................-----•-•--•------------------------- Datedthis---------- ------ ----day of.................................. -------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. RECONSTRUCT with uonolithic--Concrete-,-_thy---eLftma,k...on_1be-.�-au-th--side--o£----.--..--_-.--- UNIVER ITY AVDWE from Arundel Street -_to Mackubin_Street1__except-wI)-ere--goat:-.and-- ---------------------------- - -----------------..-----....------- --- - -- -.. - sufficient-_sidewalks-now-_exihG-.. ---- ...................................-------------------------------..--------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: . 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or --Sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------------------------------- - - .- .. YEAS NAYS Council APproi MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON' +. MR. PRESIDENT 2501147.•®�_ APR 2 7 1949 .----- - ------------ - ' -------_--_----------_ Mayor. PUIiI.ISHLD 47878 - Council File No --_-------------_------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147878— Abstract and Whereas, a written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz: PRELIMINARY ORDER. .Reconstruct with Monolithic ren Crete. the sidewalk on the west der 9AY STREET from F Theundersigned hereby proposesthe makingof the following public improvement by the k',yofSantPaul,viz.: ............ STREET from Palace Avenue,-_-thencg--sg>tth..-fl�I2TA1CiI0Btely..180.0.:feet..and..on._the.-......-. east side of BAY STREET from Palace-.Avenue,--_ti_gnG-e..S-ol3tkt.. Aproximetely..l2fi_D.Xiaet. Datedthis....-- --'-..... ---day of--------- ------ ---- -------...--"............------------- 194.... --.-. -------------- ---� `-- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Reconstruct...xith-.Monolithic.-Oanrrete,._the.-.sidewalk--on---the--wee#,--efde--<)f BAY ---------- -- ----------_STRP:ET-_from-.PaiAAs.-Asenne�-.-thence...south..a{lnraximate].y.--18II.0--,Eaet--and.-4Dn the---------- east side of BAY STREET from Palace Avenue: the south-aoproximately_126:2Y-feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. -----------_----------- ........................... -------- .._------..therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. y 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on'the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council. ............. ................................... YEAS NAYS Councilmalt-Hanrrmr— sir�tr� Approved..- -...l � 2 ��..................... -.................. MORTINSON / PARRANT PETERSON MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. 2601147 147879 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I. C.F- No. 147879.— - and Abstract, the: meald�ng of the lfonowiPnoPasai for PRELIMINARY ORDER. " a Fe�sz:net aidewaRc With Wiens Who Concrete and Repair CU re Me,bth nANFrL, STR;T ofromo W, sSe urof The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthefollowingpublic improvemen Street toaWestern Avenne having been' M,the Council of the City. --------_Reconstruct side}c:_1k-_a_ith-_Monolithic_Concrete--end-_Repair- Curbing__where :ne_Vc�•,,,,_ „- _on -both- sides _of _BANFIL STREET-from_T -Seventh Street to •Western Avenue. .......... .......... ..................... -------- Datedthis---------------------- day of--------------------------------- -----194-- -- ----------� ..................... 41'__ ------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. treaonats. t..sidervalJs..rith-lCortalithi�_�onar te---and..fiepair--lurking--rihere..aecassa2T .......... on both sides of B/+,gFIL STRELT from W. Seventh Street to Western Avenue. -- - ---- ---- - ------ -- -- ----- - ---- - ... - - - ......................... -------------..................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...................... -------- ----- ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,"the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v' Adopted by the Council-- - ------- -- ----- -- --- ---- YEAS NAYS Councilmar-ftnrnmr ^- Approved.-- ----- -- ---- ----- -- .............. MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON 4-Avark— MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. 7501147,..0 A Council File No.... ...... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME.OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of.. Qq� a_taldn�-a°-a°aen°nt•_in_tiie land: neneeaary_for. elopae=_ ante and fills in'the grading and surfacing of -the Alley.in Block 1, Holcombe's Addition, Munroe -Subdivision, and Block 1, Tlompeon's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 19, Moes' Outlots, from nate Street to Ste Albans street I RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING -- TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND 1 FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES C. F. No. MUM- In 4U —In the matter of condemns g and tak- `• '. PE�Pment In the land neces- - tuts,in the ' OBl....................... approved ---------•-Febmarz 4x._19:19. •------•---- under Preliminary Order-------------------- .i7.. Intermediary Order-------11►73-1i• ................ approved.-------••-----•-Ma�-At 1949-••--- ... 147577 Aril 5, FinalOrder ------- -•----••----------- --- .... _..... ...----••----------------r aPProved.--------....----.-_1949_.�.....----._ -----...---- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the aboveimprovement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his "assessment of benefits, to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it I° Resolved, That the said assessment of -benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved. further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon'said report and for a confirmar tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, -m the' Court -House in the City of St. Paul on the ......._�5� ...._...day of_: ........................ ..................... 19_4 19._4.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR 2 d Adopted by the Ccuncil -............. ............ .... ......................... 19._.:._ - • .. ..........:. APR Z [ 1949 City Clerk. -----------• .................. 19-------- File 10938 ayor. Councilman Councilman Nortinson Councilman p=,:•canto Councilman Paterson r Councilman Hoson,1 Y ` PUBLISHED �Q Councilman +PI122T. ` �/ Mayor Delane.9 Council File No.. 4 ` 4. 81.. .. . SY RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Packard Street .iron Coco Avenue to the south line of Wynne Inthe matter of.....ng_.. .... .... ..................•.--.........._...._.... - ....- Avenue vacated by taking and condemning a strip of land 33 feet Wide, said strip being the easterly half of Packard Streetas vacated by C. F. No. 26184, approved RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- August 12th, 1919 ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF REARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON ,".'9E AWARD OF DAMAGES under Preliminary Order ................... .......... approved-Oetol»r._8s.-19 ------------- Intermediary Order.- --� 9 ........ approved____...1"9 . Final Order ----------- ............................. 14630k..................... ., approved .......... ..... April --5t--1949. ................... -- IThe -Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making ,of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further; That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ----------- 25.th...... _.... .day of. .......... ..........._WY....... ------_--------------,19..._W-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Ccuncil -.............. ........... ................. ................. 19- fly---------•-- IPR 2 4 1943 City Clerk. Approved_ .................. I........ .............................. 19. - l 0858 Cilinaii P+a�o c wm, .,ortinsoa Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman 2r Councilman Delaney Mayor r7m Council File No...14 ! 5.73 +. . RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_RRP!Y� ..and taldng:an sel.went_ in. the .1aad_ neoeaeary_ibr9lopea,. outs and fills in the grilling of Midway -Road -from Como Avenue to a line 65 feet north Of Ch11ComDe Avenue RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APFROV= SS ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING. TIME OF.REARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES •• No. 147885— . .,�. n. 1• .,,mning and v�A under Preliminary Order...................3.j ................. approved.....-...- ---_----••---•--, 147385 Maroh 15, ,1949 ------- ---• IntermediaryOrder --••----------------------_........__...-------••---••--•----. approved__------------•---•`------_..--•---• 147683approved.------•-----FinalOrder--------•---......._.._...._......••.............. Aprill2�-1949 - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement m and to whopayable; and also having submitted his assessment fof benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is h®reby approved. r Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ......... -25th- .......... .-.day of ............................ .....l&y..-....._........... 19...)19., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the CcunciL...................................................................... 19. La �' 9 � Got Clerk. Approved-- .......... .........•-••-----------...................... 119:....... / F-1 10947 eyor. le Councilman Councilman I %fprtinsan Councilman ^ ;•ranto Councilman Po.arsoa Councilman -o ;n Councilman Mayor Delaney P11IIL1SHED -3 Of COUNCIL FILE NO ... -.................................... 14788"1 88"1 By------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Shelby Place from Edgeumbe Road to the southerly line of Shelby Place under Preliminary Order...........14 6 ........................... Intermediary Order ............ uF?5..7P........................ ---------, Final Order....-------JAV5.7....---------------------- approved... ................ --Ehbrllary-17....................... 19.x_ The assessment of ..................... benelY�...COats..arid.AxgenaeA.............•----:.for and in connection with t>1 the above improvement having, been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .........25th-- ........... day of __.-.Hay------------- 19:42.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the'amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. c. ; v(4pc. Adoptedby the Council ...................... ................. ..................................19— Approved 9--- Approved..........:................ ................19 nie,10500 Co Co oii'.ortinson Co,=zilmanz:M4Dohaa---rnnto ' Co n"-RWandTe`,arson �— Coumamx gudhgmbfsan Co lZ — on Delaney Form B. B. 17 ............IK....--, City Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISUED COUNCILFILE -NO ------------------------------------- _.. By•....................................................................... RLSOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT C. F. No. 147884— In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and'expenaes for grad- n i ^•fa�ing the alley in Block[' 5. with r A7 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in ffiock 2, Nagel Park Division No. 59 with bituminous surfacing, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street 142834 . ................. Intermediary Order.................��.lT...... under Preliminary Order---_--------_--......... . Final Order -....... - ._143570------------------------ approved ------------------------------ April ------------ .............. 19..118. beaeflta -Coats and expenses: --_.-for and in comlection with The assessment of ................................ ---................i ---•---- _ the above improvement ]laving been submitted to the'Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.............�5�-.....--.day of 19...��, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building; in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. g & k � I w 19 Adopted by the Council .......................... ::F Approved..... ................ _............. .I ...1 s File 10570 Councilman Cly Councilman FANOWN000= llortinsos Councilman Ml1 Farranto Councilman 114 Fe t arson Councilman Su —� Poson Councilman V Mayor Hodges Delaney Form B. B. 17 ................................. .. .._---..., City Cleric. ............ .............._--......., Mayor. �9_''D PUBLISIIF.DI/ — 3 G 7__/ ' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT 147845 8 f C. F. No. 197885-- ' COUNCIL FILE N0 ....................................._.. - By........................................................................„�- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grad- ing and surfacing thg; alley in Block S. rtt"lafon No. 5, from CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefite, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 5, Hazel Park Division No. 5, from Hazel Street to van Dyke street ..... ................ Intermediary Order -..........21LO629......._.... under Preliminary Order---....-.-_�„349�.- Y ......-- FinalOrder ................ - � -------------- approved....-.............---....:...-Jn1Y..- 1... --......----- ----, .19-.. 7 The assessment of---------- ------benefits costs and Hasa ......................for and in colinhction with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby iff all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 25 ..........day of m4w..................... 19...:14, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the°nature of the improveldent, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. l 7 1942 �N'!S Adoptedby the Council..--- ................................................................... + 19- - dsa9 F Lt+ecCce.-, City Clerk. Approved.......................................... ..19 ..... File 10302 Mayor. i�.ir3Y&S'� Council nc / r inson Council guson -r,)nto Councilffl ' c ona d. son CouncillE[Lohl�jd._J Council u e mr--=s==4� // WBL1SHlD_y Counci a Delaney L Maya gson , Form B. B. 17 RNOTICE e City. . t 1.4 6 the, ag�11wr4—•NCOUNCIL FILE NO.- TO COL'.'RE'3 b PRINTER - ";c.:..r,' .'�. , .; April 22 1949— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE. DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,. TO THE'AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 12, 651.23 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �25'i� TO-82733—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS • ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �`11349 ADOPTED BY THE CQUNCII i 194— COMPTROLLE/R APPROVED _194_ BY Ir wo Iz-a. PLP3LIS:II=D —31) "' L CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLYCATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - LL CALL MORTINSONI PARRANTO - AVIN FOR AUDITED CLAIMS April 22 �j, ----_.__..__..-19......`..� i ERSON AG RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS E DRA-H N THE CITY TREASURY. ROSE. AINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTF f1-zz-r(p#R .-2-3_ Co-R- 1-1m- o-RINGl• 1m- CHECKS NUMBERED. O INCLUSIVE. AS MR.PRES.DELANEY COMPTROLLER. PER CHECKS ON FI FILE O ADOPTEDHE Cp ��i(+r _ _ 'itl ; ,i �i�};i 18+-- NUMBED - COMPTROLLER APPROVED n�. BY._ _ .._...._......_._._..._.._ TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS - CHECK.. IN FAVOR OF - NUMBER V BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 2 1: 4' 11 102 13. • !92678 David Myklebust Finan 17 50 3 665 67 82679 John S. Findlan, C. of e 3 119 25 82680 Harold T. Wood & Company Finance 6i 8o 82681 JoNab9. Findlan. C. of 161 83 82682 Amerioan Linen Supply Compant s2683 American Had. & Stand. San. Gorp. 136 93 82684 Auto Tire Company 82685 Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 39954 92686 Brooke Sales Company70 82687 Capitl Auto Parts Company 37 00 82668 Commonwealth Electric Company 132 76 82689 Continental Safety Equipment Co. 5 25 92690 Dale Body & rrendeT Shop 246 65 92691 Dependable Motors of St.Paul 9 25 92692 Downtown Ford Company 295 77 82693 Downtown Ford Company 92694 Downtown Ford Company 239 10 4 ©4 82695 A.G. Ettel & Company 82696 Firestone Stores N 44 92697 General Truck & Equipment Co pany 66 82698 ilopher Bearing Company 30 14 50 82699 The Gray Company, Inc. 82700 Cy Green Alto Upholstering 113 50 82701 Highway Trailer Company 60 82702 R. E. Hulme•& Company 134 65 55 8270 Larry's Auto Glass Company 92704 M & L Motor Supply Company 25 5 82705 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 99 827o6 Minnesota FWD Company 50 82707 Montgomery Ward & Company Company 42 90 is 82708 Motor Supply & Machine 92709 National Bushing & Parte Company 39363 92710 N.T.Y. Pub. Inc. 464 i4 82711 Paper, Calmenson & Company 92712 Park Machine, Ino. \ 335 0 19 82713 Paulson &Meredith Auto Supply 30 82714 Phillippi-Murphy Equipment Co 19 52 92715 snick Servide Battery Co. Ino 71 35 82716 Republlo Motor.Sales Company 3 60 92717 Rihm Motor Company 322 14'06 82718 Rosoo Mfg. Company 82719 The George T. Ryan Company 414 31 82720 st.Paul Foundry & Mfg. Comp57 • 96 82721 Scheffer & Rossum Company 145 92 82722 Shell 011 Company Smith 137 ao 12 85' 82723 -Dunn Company, Ino. Co. 294 to 8P72 W.F. Smith Tire & Battery 82725 Standard Oil Company 38 10 82726 Standard Spring Company 139 z6 82727 Standard Unit Parte Company 159 95 92728 Stn vie Oil Company 36 27 92729 Terrace Auto Supply Company,I o. 61 37 92730 Terrace Auto Supply Company, Ino. 204 96 82731 Uarco, Inc. 157 50, 82732 Universal Sign Company, Inc. 71 50 82733 Wolters Auto Supply Company 69 os - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD Y y�I./. n66 77W 56 1` ` _ A NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAI, 7887 TO COUNCIL RESOL' hi"I'O'4s PRINTER he 1 COUNCIL FILE NO.__1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 66,716.09 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_82734 _TO_— 82788_ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 4 spa : ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ CITY COMPTROLLER I APPROVED____194_ BY .__ so0 Is -4a 3�y. L; r TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 360,, 11667* 6 DATE f RETURNED J BY BANK f CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t a L ; If f CALL �._- i April. 25 4 _199., I _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ '—• PETERSON ,..-� Ci' 76 15 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WN O THE CITY TREASURY, COVERING ROSEN _ .A1NST Tnrxrx MR.PRES.DELANEY - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS NUMBERED TO. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ONCE P THE IT^Y•`WMPTROLLER. � � � ADOPTED tii�- NUMBER //may^ COMPP��OLLER APPROVED . 56 82742 Kennedy Brothers Arms Co." 19 82743 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Co pang 343 .758 i_, IL 82745 Quality Park Envelope Company 41 5 541QO 82746 Victory Printing Company �....i 1 r TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 360,, 11667* 6 DATE f RETURNED J BY BANK f CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t a 1 f — — If f CALL �._- 82736 Voo.. School Petty Cash Fund April. 25 4 _199., PARRANTO _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ '—• PETERSON ,..-� Ci' 76 15 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WN O THE CITY TREASURY, COVERING ROSEN _ .A1NST Tnrxrx MR.PRES.DELANEY - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS NUMBERED TO. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ONCE P THE IT^Y•`WMPTROLLER. � � � ADOPTED tii�- NUMBER //may^ COMPP��OLLER APPROVED . 56 82742 Kennedy Brothers Arms Co." 19 82743 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Co pang 343 .758 82744 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 82745 Quality Park Envelope Company 41 5 541QO 82746 Victory Printing Company 82747 Roy V. Hansen 80 4 669 1 82748 Grudem Brothers Company - - CHECK IN FAVOR OF ' NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD _ TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 360,, 11667* 6 DATE f RETURNED J BY BANK DV PLICgTE TO CITY CLERK. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 41 216 43 06 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBEI — — ROLL MORTINSON CALL �._- 82736 Voo.. School Petty Cash Fund April. 25 4 _199., PARRANTO _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ '—• PETERSON ,..-� Ci' 76 15 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WN O THE CITY TREASURY, COVERING ROSEN _ .A1NST Tnrxrx MR.PRES.DELANEY - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS NUMBERED TO. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ONCE P THE IT^Y•`WMPTROLLER. BY THE CAUNCI-_a +: <t,64" � _-___--, ADOPTED tii�- NUMBER //may^ COMPP��OLLER APPROVED . 56 - - CHECK IN FAVOR OF ' NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD _ TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 283 360,, 11667* 6 DATE f RETURNED J BY BANK 82734 John S. Findlan, 0, of Finance " 41 216 43 06 82735 Anna Madigan and /or Charles S. smith 82736 Voo.. School Petty Cash Fund 92 12 82737 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund'' Co. 1 05 58 43 82738 Aetna Casualty & Surety 76 15 82739 Anderson machine Tool Company 256 56 40 Jimmie Cashill 755 82741 Esslingen & Company . 56 82742 Kennedy Brothers Arms Co." 19 82743 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Co pang 343 .758 82744 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 82745 Quality Park Envelope Company 41 5 541QO 82746 Victory Printing Company 82747 Roy V. Hansen 80 4 669 1 82748 Grudem Brothers Company 82749 Mrs. Dorothy Jung Cooney 23 2 t 92 82750 Mrs. Evelyn Kell 5 90 $4 82751 Mrs. Dorothy E. Weimer 30 00 82752 Ann F. Campion. A dow of D.H. 82753 Helen Sullivan, Ilidow, of U.S. 30 00 8254 Boo. for the P. of Cruelty 200 00 82755 Bishop Towing Service 56.76 57 The Bruce Pub. Company 82756 82757 C & H Chemical Company. 7 80 12 65 82758 Carpenter Paper Company 54 00 82759 Cudahy Packing Company 82760 Drake Eleotric worke, Inc. 30 1 82761 The Emporium, Inc. 7 3 6 00 82762 Foley mfg. Company 8276] General Electric Supply—Corp.' 141 80 82764 Ginn and'Company 5 030 71 4o 82765 Harley—DLvidhon St.Paul Co. 2 .82766 H. A. Holden, Inc. 13 21 82767 Industrial Press 16 80 82768 Int. Correspondence Schools 18 00 82769 The Jewelers:Ciroular Keystonf 6 3b 82770 C.I. Johnson mfg. Company 31 97 82771 Johnson Printing Company 214 25 82772 Jurgens Company, Inc. 23 35 82773 Langevin Paint supply Company 164 48 SP774 Link Belt Company 44 82775 Louise Mueio Shop 00 • 82776 minhesota Fire Ext. Co. Inc. 27 50 82777 National Cylinderahs Company 34 72 $2778 Northern States Power Vompany 461 20 82779 Northern States Power Company 130 62 82780 Northern States Power Company 7 511 66 82781 Price Electric Company 176 23 82782 Ryan Transfer & Storage Compazy 5 00 82783 'Clarence st.martin' 42 50 82784 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 3 715 00 82785 St.Paul Frame Alignment Compamy 33 45 92786 St.Paul sausage Company 105 0 82787 'liver Arrow Company 6-o0 82788 'Standard 011 Company 293 .46 - SHEET-TOTAL—FORWARD 21136p 2 123349 �i C. F. No. 147880— '1 : �. NOTICE Resolved, That checks be drawn � TO he City f$19.03tT9.15 Lomverin, COUNCIL FILE NO.—_ — COUNl1Ohr i 8"11 t0 PRINTER - "rr..'.: Aprils ie4 9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 19,03-5_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -92789 —TO.—I-2-94--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. K <::'i9 ffc�'' !'Ylt LCcCC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_______—_-----._— —784___ —_ CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED—___ _.194 _ BY 500 12-46 WIZ> -.c it L j - DUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL UMBER FILE NUMBER- ROLL CALL ROLL MORTINSON CLAIMS , PARRANTO __-IN +d-- FAVOR AUDITED _ PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. AMOUNT OF f COVERING ROSEN RTRU STO MR.PRES.DELANEY _��--_AGAINST _------AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE ._. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUM SERE ' 114 �:..�F ON F I OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .'� PER CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - ' NUMSER (- APPRO 86 BY_. �_ �..- ............._ - - WO W - '�-- TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK 'NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS - BROUGHT FORWARD 283 36d 2 1233490 65 82789 Martin Haley94'24 786 82790 John S. Findlan, O.P.R. F. ,19 82791 ye Clare V. Sawr 326 82792, S. Berglund Lumber Company .82793 Copy Papers Sales Agency X9 92794 Dore -Redpath Company 222 I15 82795 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 9 44 82796 Homeliae Corporation 144 9'6 82797 Kelley -How -Thomson Company 4487 82798 John Leslie Paper- ftPany 48 26 82799 National Checking Company 82800 Nelson Truck Servioe g0 5 82801 82802 John Noren Northern States Power Companyl 4 987 54 82803 N.W. Ref. Company 01 04 145 79 82804 Pioneer Electric Company 60 82805 3t.Paul Sporting Goode Comp y, 64 7g 82806 Standard Cigar & Tob. Compan 205 93 82807 M.H. Sweney & Company 6298 62808 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 56 80 82809 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 26037 82810 American Cast Iron,Pipe Company 2 6s0 82811 Badger Meter Mfg. Company 6 O1 82812 Booth Co1d.Storage Company a 96 82813 The Bristol Company $2814 Community Rural Tei. Company 37 50 82815 O.R. Eckhardt company Mpla. St.Paul & Sault Ste.M ie Ry.O. 323 25 82817 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 82816 35 b0 82818 R.L. Polk & Company 60 12 82819 82820 Reoordak Corp. Rockwell "fg. Company 6 607 85 92921 Albert Sohleh Mfg. Company 205 06 33 92823 92822 State of Minnesota -Press 00 Bniversity of Minnesota Hospital l 50 9282 Anoker 4 40 82825 Dr. Harvey 0. Beek 21'go 82826 Drs. Bouma, Wenzel & Adcock 82827 Drs.Frank E. & Fdw. P. Burch 00 82828 Dr. Wallace H. Cole 17 00 4 00 92829 82830 Jos. Derenthal Femily, Nursing service 15 00 82831 • Dr. Thomas Gratzek 82832 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 20 00 8283 Drs. Hilger & Goltz 2 8 00 82834 Dr. Louis P. Hiniker 82835 Drs. Lepak & Kenyon 10 00 82836 marsh Drugs 9 q9 82837 Dr. Donovan L. McCain 12 d0 82838 - Dr. R. Theodore Muller 15 00 82839 St.Johnfs Hospital 8 40 16 00 82940 3t.Josephfe Hospital 4 00 82841 st.Lukefs Hospital 82842 St.Paul Physical Therapy Cent r 33 D0 8294 Dr. Stewart W. Sbim6nek 22 Co 8284. Dr. Charles W. Waae 12 d0 ' SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 36o 83 _ 529,8 7 ,2 22 0 5 1, x'7889 1,6,10na to city clvk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1,. � oA Avril 28 1949 COM MNS EONER._---- wed M T i'w ` The Commissioner of Eduoation has reported to the Counoll min a000rdanee with Seotion 5S, o$ the City Chartlo that of oer ain of an emergenoy which rendered neoessary the 811 ymen employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOD, That the proper City offioers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employees ath the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth'' OOUNT ��� TITLE TINE RATE $125 OZ A000lmting Clerk 76 hours $1 64-j hr Frank Tsohida C. F. No. 147889 --By F. M-'rruax— ed, That the proper to pay nesol8 }iters a hereby uthor D poo temPloye in reemployment a ortain t Education for extra . 1 1st attached to the II sett on the Ii resolution. until April 28. 1849. Adopted byAthe 28 1949. �1 1 Approved (April 30, 1949) wit 28 •Ue'. Adopted by the CounciL---------------•--•----- COUNCILMEN Nay® APR a S u��i%, s Yeas. , APproved------- ------------------------------------ 194 v Mores t.neon Parrauto _. In Favor _.._._ '-_.'.��•_.....`__ Z Mayor Peterson RoseII Agit Truax - Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 .948 I 4 7889 FORM NO . 1 April 28 1949 VOCATIONAL VETERANS EVENING SCHOOL OVERTIME -- April 1 to April 30, 1949 Ino An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Recording Veteran Teachers time for Payroll p++*noses: n r�hae� j^fid — Ift _. Veterans and receiving and recordinP tuition money from students. — This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Extra work necessary due to Veterans Program.— TrAinirg This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. 147889 FORTH NO. 1 Avril?8 1949 VOCATIONAL VETERANS EVENING SCHOOL OVERTIME -- April 1 to April 30, 1949 Ino An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Recording Veteran Teachers time for_Pfi%rolly*L�u_o_ees: a H ainv and issuine sunUliea d material Veterans and reoeiving and rsoording tuition money from -students. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Extra work neoessary due to Veterans 100stin — T-4-4— This -4-; s This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. - 147890 OrWojd to City Clerk _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fmu "m OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Maurice L. Neault and Mrs. Maurice L. Neault from the decision of the Commissioner of,Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the duplex at 900=902 Jenks Aveittig I-iLto a triplex. C. F. No. 197890—ny w A• Pof Maur - Resolved, That upon appea Ice L. Neault and Mrs. Maurice L. Neault from the decision of theme M' missioner f Parks. Playgro Public Buildings, i. and upon the favor- ble recommendation of the Board . Zonsuantp to Ordlnencee No �g 0 ted. amended, to model the duplex x. 900-902 .Jenks rAvenue Into a trlPie 9. Adopted by the Council April 28, 1999• Approved April 28, 1999. (pr ll 30. 1999) BSTK28 too COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194_____ - Yeas Nays Undda— �J"7a ? I� a• Mortinson , Approved --------------------- -------------------- 194— Parranto Peterson - In Favor ------------ -------------- r __._. e, Rosen ayor Truax _--_Against Mr. President, Delaney 3711 048 J, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS--- o April 27'1 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Maurice L. Neault and. Mrs. Maurice -L. Neault for permission to remodel the duplex at 900-902 Jenks Ave. into a triplex. Very truly yours, i City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota � G. H. HERROLD EGIN E. WAHMAN �gpDTlv66Qcw[,Awr MOIDINO MPICY! ti ti HWKMAN J. F. ROMBOLD ti H. fGHRO®R. CRY Aw�1R6f w. L O101i 6YDL L NEfHV�i � _ 378 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the appeal of Maurice L. Neault to remodel his duplex into.a tri-plex at 900-902 Jenks Avenue. o rite find that the building was put up in 1915 and has a foundation area of 1,222 square feet and is on a lot 50,x1251. It is a two and -a half story frame building in very good condition. It is on the fifth lot east of Mendota and on the south side of Jenks. At the present time we find two families and four roomers living in this house. The applicant,wishes to place another family in the rooms occupied by the roomers. Theelling will be on the second floor only. The plans have been approved by the Building Department. The Board of Zoning recommends that the remodelling it 900-902 Jenks Avenue be approved. Yours truly, GHH:]f G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary IT7 a 4NPe1112 iii �f�,5•� s �ddi i'v�i. Je7 Ks 5t1rre t c5 S o T � �• �a Sf V11 la O PII W ---1 �o rc I i original to City Clerk - --... _ CO#478,u HNCIL / .H - CITY OF ST. PAUL vac NO.____________.._� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ER COMMISSIONER ! DATE IMREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended the leasing of the privilege of operating a souvenir stand in Como Park to M. J. McDonough and John E. O'Hara for the 1949 park season, said lessees to pay $300 for said privilege, payable $100 June 1, 8100 July 1, and $100 August 1, and such lease of°privilege to be conditioned that the lessees shall not hawk or peddle any merchandise in said park, and further provided that said stand shall be situated at a lo- cation approved by the Department of Parks, Play- grounds,.`and Public Buildings; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council concurs in the recommendations of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings, and the Cor- poration :Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper lease therefor, and the proper City officers are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of, Saint Paul. C. F. No, 147891—By W. A. Parranto— Whereas, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgru a and Public Buildings has commended the leasing of the prly- ilege of operating a Venir stand in Como Park to M. J s McDonough and John E. O'Hara for the 1949 park season, •,10 lessees to pay $300 for said priv- ^" -rc t— Jr—el. $100 July 1, COUNCILMENAdopted by the Colina l�. �1._ ��---------------194.-:_ Yeas Nays �R ort�nsff on Approved .......................................... 194___ 1 arranto -Lfeterson .............. In Favor &/_Q_,_,4 .....- - - Iioeen - PUBLISHED -Truax .......... Against '19r. President, Delaney 3M 048 ® - 0 ti 147892 original to City Gere couwG0. No.--- ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FUJI OFFICE OF THE CITY ;CLERK - //�y/� �(/yC�O�U�NCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSEE '.Wrlrc DAT RESOLVED, that Robert Knutson and Wave Knutson be permitted, upon payment of the required license fee, to install and operate a drive-in refreshment stand at the southwest corner of Larpenteur Avenue and Rice Street. C. F. No. 147892—BY W. A. Patt- an, Resolved. That Roberttednup P Y' Wave R.nutson be �tr d license fee, ment f the req to a Been m re- I to install nd operateest1. freshment eland at AvenuehWand eR1ce er of Larpenteur it 28. 1949. Street. Adopted by the Cou 1e9n49APr Approved (AP u 30,• 1949) APK2,8 i Adopted by the CoundL............ -........... ---------194 -_.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'f''wr eye Approved -- -------------------------------- J94— Mortinaon Parranto - Peterson .......:......In Favor - --- --•- - y or.._... Rosen 7 Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 -kq_3p.® ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �g hhs OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 27, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Robert & Piave Knutson for permit to install and o -aerate a drive—in refreshment stand at the southwest corner of Laroenteur and Rice, on Lots 3,'4, 5; 6, 7, 8, 9, north 25 ft. of Lot 34, all of Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Block 1, Rice Street Villas. Very truly yours, Af City Clerk C� POST CARD NO'V'ICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. A loth 1"ou are hereby notified that the Council of the City Of St. -Paul will consider the matter of application of Robert & Wave M)nutaon to install & operate a drive-in lunch on the west aide of 'Rice Street South of Larpenteur and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on April 27th , Is49 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. -qpJUe 109V6 JOHN S. FINDIAN, Commissioner of Finance.. CITY OF S kINT'PAUL i . x Capital of Minnesota / �c" �e�art�seat a pall;c Sip, POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE .and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 21, 1949 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application made by Robert and Wave Knutson for permission to operate a drive-in refreshment stand at the southwest corner of Larpenteur and Rice Streets. Attached arereports covering inspections made by Sergeant A. Wk Stattman of the Traffic Division, and Assistant Chief Inspector E. J. Scannell of the Fire Prevention Division. You will note that there would be no material interference with traffic, and no increase in the fire hazard of the neighborhood if this business were permitted to operate. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Y INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 18, 1949 Chief Tierney= This is in reference to the application made by Robert and Wave Knutson of 1234 Jessie St., for permission to operate a drive-in refreshment stand at the southwest corner of Lar- penteur and Rice Streets. I have inspected the premises and do not find that there will be any material interference with traffic, there-. fore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman aws/dm Traffic Division +i+W THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 14, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by Robert and Wave Knutson for permission to operate a drive-in refreshment stand at the southwest corner of Larpentew and Ric e. ff This department has inspected this location and report that a drive-in refreshment stand would not create any fire hazard. HJS/t �7 Respect y ours, • r Ass ant Chief Inspect6r U OF FIRE PREVENTION TRIPLICATE—LJCDue BVRGV CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS AFFLICTION TO BE, MADE IN =K RIPI.IGAND FILED IN THE CIT/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK u.EnKS OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION - DAT .. TST t 7 1 19 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNE186TA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ObP T t Ilut ' pye Vnutson BY (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE i (..ORI IN" OR "IN81DE GARAGE') Lots ��G,�+,6,9•E''•`3• north ?" f't of lot E oPB 411.4 AUTOMOBILFILLING STATION TO BE LOCATEDL%O,TT- ' • . J/ NO. OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANK CAPACITY OF EACH TANIC— FILED f ,/ §IONATURE OF APRICANT. BY T� /Y`/ RECEIVED COPY PROM CITY CLERKI. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK h DA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITVDPLANNING BOARD BY _— r0, OITY PLANNING BOARD April 12, 1949 Mr. Stattman: This man is—acquiring Lots 3-9 inclusive on Rice Street which are 25 ft. _ lots and the lots immediately in the rear facing Albemarle which are 40 ft. lots. He wants two driveways off Rice Street, one for exit and one for access. The refreshment stand is to set back 60 feet or approximately in line with the buildings being put up by Radman south of there. rt .S- 4---= fly ��►� Inr� eta ---- sl lof4. -� The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, lV mesota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERIT - gK[CO,IVE srcae,war PRd1O1N0 OP►IC®l A. L OI[R[ dY0[ L NhTHVQI------------- w. A. HWKMM J. P. R6IMOOLO A. !/. gCNRO®@i. Cm Awc,lrtc, 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2• MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 C. Mr, H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Robert and Wave Knutson for a drive-in lunch counter and soft drink stand on Rice Street, two lots south of Larpenteut Avenue. This is Commercial zoning. The applicant has seven twenty-fivefoot lots on Rice street and also five and a half forty foot lots facing Immediately back of the Rice Street property. The plans call for two driveways off Rice Street approximately eighty feet apart, standard twenty- two foot driveways. The building will set back sixty feet from Rice Street and about the middle of the tract north and south. The Board of Zoning recommends that the permit be granted for this refresh- ment stand and driveways as a drive-in business. Sketch attached. Yours truly, G. It. Herrold OHHtlf Executive Secretary 3 -Al -3'-6 -7-9 q t4.71��o� LotS a q- 3S - q -411 of _of '3� a Kee/v,,If/)4, tkero� o(13(k /, I Rice sf;- V, 114.5 LV A CITY OP ST. PAULTHIS APPLIGTION TO BE MADE IN . ORIGINAL , TRIPLIGTE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c K s OFFICC PP A p lication For License �7 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE AAril TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Robert Knutson and Mrs Wave Knutson (NAME OP FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE ADrive in LllIleh soft E") drinks and 3/2 Beer ("DRIVE IN" OR "INSIDE GARAG Lots 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, north 25 ft Of lot 34,all of �(1)Rine St -V:11 ag AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ' ' ' 'BLOCI —441 ALSO DESCRIBED A9 ( AND NUMBER L ADDRION) NO. OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANKB CAP/AACCITY OF EACH_TANI SIGNATURE OF w IGNT. FILED ' /' >✓ _� �� BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK CITY PLANNING BOARD aT original to Gley Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couN�a vas No ---- --------•--- RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Victor Hubal from the decision of the Com– missioner.of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommenda– tion of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to remodel the house at 1245 East Sixth Street into a two–family house. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays o�rtinson / 6 to eterson ..............In Favor _ Ibsen _ max ----------Against Mr.' President, Delaney 3M 9-49 qp'® y Hesolved.4That upon appeal of Victor Hubal from the decision of the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. and upon the favor- able recommendation of the Board Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordi hnce No. 5840. as mended, to model the house at 1245 East Sixth Stibet into a two- family house. AApri dopted the Ye, 1949- pr11 28. 1949. (Aprn 30, 1949) WK 2 8 1845 Adopted by the Council- .-•.....:........... ............. 194--... Approved------------------------------------------ 194— ayor 147893 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 27, 1949 Mr. Bruce S. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Victor Hubal for permission to remodel his home at 1245 E. Sixth St. into a two—family house. Very truly'youfs, City Clerk �, The Board of Zoning Saint 'Faul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN FROIDINO OFIICJa G. H. HERRO— pIgWTlvc eccwcrAwY- A. C OIfA[ MY— L MHTHv— A. A. NECKMAN J. F. wFJMB ti W —.-M. C— AwC11w6, d 279 CIT: -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2r MINNESOTA April'14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the appeal of Victor Hubal for permission to remodel his home at 1245 East Sixth St. into a two—family house. This is on Lot 17, Block 10, Gotzianls Rearrangement of Sigells, Addition. The lot is 401x1251. The building was built in 1921 and it has something over 1,000 square feet in its foundation area. There are now two families living in this house—,father and son --and they wish to live separately. They have submitted plans for the remodelling of the upstairs into an apartment and the Board of Zoning recommends that the appeal be granted. Yours very truly,. GHH:lf G H. Herrold Executive Secretary 1 St. Paul, Vinr.. April 4, 1949 Honorable Mayor Delarey Members of. City Council Court House City St. Paul, 0 Gentlemen: My wife and myself are requesting that we be allowed t,� convert our home in a two family houee. We wick to make a sma11 apartment that will conform with city inspection, and safety codes? This apartment will in no way mar present look of home, or appearance, but will improve it, as plan drafted.. The house is located at I245 East 6th street Lot P], - Blk..IO. v Gotzians Re. of Sigels Add. The lot is Forty ft. wide b$; One Hundred Twenty Five ft. deep. The house was built end finished in 1921. it has a full basement, size of house is 26 ft. wide by 42 ft. long, with additional rear pantry and seal bin section 8 ft. by 9 ft, the foundation is concrete poured cement, on top cf heavy cement footings.' •Ireloeed find check for sum. of $15.00 to cover this petition. We wish to build this apartment for my Son and hie wife, Mjr bon is a student at'the college of St. Thomas, under G.I. rights, he served over three years on destroyers during war, and finds it impossible to rent an apartment under his allotment, within his means. Thanking you for kind consideration Respectfully ouurre V t o i ��aibh I243 E. 6th et. St. Paul. grionai to City Clerk-: couwca NO..- 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL F9B OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -, COI CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - � // ltd PRESENTED BY E 1J}/t_ �'✓' �l / DATE COMMISSIONER_= RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Texas Company j:w.pea&Lz4ed to"increase the storage capacity for gasoline in underground tanks at its filling station at 78 N. Dale Street, said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C. F. No. 147894—Ry Robert F. Peter- 6on— that Perm granted) Resolved, increase to the Texas Cc soline in I the storage capacity station underground tanks at i g t 78 N. Dale Street, Bald. stallation to be mad¢. under the direction and to the action of the Commissioner of c PubnSafety " APProvte ed Prn 28, 1949A PApril 28, 1949. (Arll 30. 1949) 4PR 2 8 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.. ..........194 ..... Nays Yeas Na Y *11$6 "ole Mortinson Approved... 194 Parranto.` - } Peterson................In Favor .... Z� N1�Yor ------- Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 . ®. . ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 27, 1949 14r. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached app3tation of the Texas Co. for permission to increase the storage capacity for gasoline in underground tanks at their filling station at 78 N. Dale St. Very truly yours, City Clerk April 26, 19+9 Mr. Earry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the attached application of The Texas Company for permission to increase the storage capacity for gasoline in underground tanks at their filling station located at 78 N. Dale Street. An inspection was made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention Divlsion, who re- ports that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of the neighborhood if permit were granted. Very truly yours, commissioner of, Public Safety CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ` �e�a�trne�t o� �icblic �a�eic� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner -POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 26, 19+9 Mr. Earry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the attached application of The Texas Company for permission to increase the storage capacity for gasoline in underground tanks at their filling station located at 78 N. Dale Street. An inspection was made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention Divlsion, who re- ports that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of the neighborhood if permit were granted. Very truly yours, commissioner of, Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 00 , OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 26, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Texas Company to increase their storage of gasoline from 6,000 to 8.000 gallons in underground storage tanks 'at their filling station located at 78 R. Dale Street. This department has investigated this applicatiop and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of this station or the immediate vicinity if per- mission for the 2,000 gallons additional storage of gaso- line were permitted. Re y yours, Chief' Bureau of Fire Preve�rtfon RNC/ t (�/ 1 St. Paul, Minn. �U 1949 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Gentlemen: The undersigned herewith respectfully re4uests per- mission to install 2/3000 and 1/2000 gallon underground gasoline tanks in place of present 2110uO gallon underground gasoline tanks Location - '78 N. !)ale Sr,. St. Paul, Minnesota Description of Building - Service Station Size - 3 Bay Distance from Street Line - 30 feet Construction - Cement and 3rick If garage, is nearest flat within 15 feet? - No Public or Private Garage - Public If stable, number of animals stabled - None Aiiscellaneous information - fotal underground gasoline will not exceed 8000 gallons. Approval i'or 6000 gallons storage has already been received from the city but because of the volume done by this' station`u would be more economical .to increase the volume or storage at this location to 8000 gallons. This peru,it is applied for upon the express condition that all work done under authority of same shall conform in all respects to rile regiirements of the State Housing Act and of the Ordinances of St. 't'aul. Respectfully Submi,ted, Mailing address: Signed dy THE 'TEXAS COIv1PAIdY 662 Cromwell Ave. St. Paul Minn. L Tel. NE �248 14789 o,ipiml to City Clerk. w mu_& NO ------ ------- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FIZ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY a "`-� / --r-_ DA COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company 11 be permitted to install three 4,000 -gallon underground storage tanks for gasoline and one 6650 -gallon capacity tank for the storage of oil, at its private station at 725 Front Avenue, said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya ]n n ortinson .rarranto 1 Peterson In Favor os % %i ruaxAgainst Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9d9 C. F. No. 197995—By Robert F. Peter - 1 Resolved, That Clement F. Sculley E stlllment thres 4,000 -gallon permitted to 'und storage tanks for gasoline and Done 0050 -gallon capacity tank for the stor- age'of on, at its private station at 725 Front Avenue, said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council April 28, 1949. Approved April 28, 1949. (April 39, 1949) APR 2 8 1945 Adopted by the Ci1--------------------------------- 194.... -- Approved------------------------------------------ 194._.. --• Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL 478�)rj Capital of Minnesota a OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 27, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Builo.inc, �- Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co. for permission to install three 4,000 -gallon underground storage tanks for gasoline and one of 6650 -gallon capacity for the storage of oil at their private station at 725 Front Ave. fiery truly urs. i City Clerk n - The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota ' •EGIN E-WAHMAH G.H.HERROLO tROMNG OMIICG - O[lCUi1V! U[CRRARY 1? A. L OIG! CLVO! L MJ VG A. & H -MAN J. F. ROMROLO h H. WHROMM. CRY AR0106T 978 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 9, MINNESOTA April 19, 1949 idr. H. T. OIConnel] City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co. at 725 Front Avenue to increase gasoline and oil storage for private use. This company now has a warehouse located at this point with three 550 gallon tanks and one 1,000 gallon tank. They wish to increase this storage by putting in three new 4,000 gallon tanks under ground. This will increase their storage of gasoline to 8,000 gallons,and of oil to 6,650 gallons. This is a Light Industry District and the storage asked for is well within the limit permitted in a Light Industry district. The Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be granted. As this request is simply to increase their storage capacity, the Board does not believe that any hearing is required. Yours very truly, GHH:lf G. H. Herrold /. Executive Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �e�artrr2eszt o� AM, POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 FIRE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner ijiEALTH - . ' - , POLICE and FIRE'1tLhR1N JOHN C. F�LD13XNN,Depufy Commissioner A-oril 14, 1949 Mr. Harry T. 0' Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to the ao lication of the Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co. for rermission to inst it three 1,,,o00 gallon und.ergroun& storage tanks for F•asoline, .nd one of 6650 gallon capacity for the storage �of oil at t::^.eir premises at 725 Front Avenue. Attached. is re^ort covering- the ins-ec— tion oade by H. J. Sc-.nnell, Assistant ChiefFire Prevention Inspector, from which yo' .. ill note that them erouL'. be. no increase in the, fire hazard of the vicinity if these installatios Were made. Very trkul�yy�o/u�rs, Commissioner of Public S^fety �P® t "CHINK SNOP. YARD I y ,..am � — CLEMENT F.SCULLEY EQUIPMENT CO. INCORPORATED GENERAL. RAILROAD, PAVING, SEWER, GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS MAIN OFFICE - 78 FRONT AVE ASPHALT PUNT„YARD z N. P. TRACK. O U PAYRY R Ra ELKHURST 9410 ELKHURST 3419 CIARPIRLD l9II ST. PAUL 3, MINN., April 8, 1949 Honorable City Council City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minnesota. Rot Gasoline Station Gentlemens We presently have a non -commerical gasoline station at 725 Front Avenue. Iva have 4 small tanks undergrounds 3 at 550 gals - 1650 gals 1 H 1000 gals - 1000 gals Total present storage 'gals We plan on p1roing. 3 new 4000 gal tanks underground which Shall give us P total of 8000 gal gesoline storage and 6650 gale of oil storage. These tanks shall beplaced about 50' from the nearest basement and shall have at least 2' of earth cover and shall be set in a bed of gravel. We are herein requesting permission to increase our storage as outlined above. CFSsile Respectfully submitted, Clement FP Sculley Equipment Co. 7 Clement F. Sculley, Jr. Pres-i,4ent. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 14, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., for permission to increase the underground storage capacity of gasoline and oil tanks at 725 Front Avenue. This company intends to install three new 4,000- gallon-tanks ,000gallon-tanks underground which, in addition to their present storage, will give•,them. a total Of 6,000 gals gasoline storage and 6,650 gallons of oil storage. We have made Our usual investigation and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of this vicinity if permission for this additional storage is granted. Respectfully yours, As teat .Chief In U OF FIRE:PREVENT101 HJS/t fW � 7k9 CLEMENT F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT CO. ' INCORPORATED GENERAL, RAILROAD. PAVING, SEWER. GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS A8~LT PLANT. YARD t MAIN OFFICE - 725 FRONT AVE H. P.— M LA FAYf.TYf Ra CHINE SHOP. YARD 1 OARFIELD D911 ff,•'»f P,, x A- ELKHURST 9410 ELKHURST 3419 ST. PAUL 3, MINN., April 8, 1.949 Honorable City Council City of Saint Paul St. pa111, idinnesota. Res Gasoline Station Gentlemen: '?!e presently have I non -commerical gasoline station at 725 Front Avenue. We have 4 small tanks underground: 3 at 550 gals - 1650 gals 1 " 1000 ,Is = 1000 gals Total present storage 650 gels We -clan on placing 3 new 4000 gal 'tanks underground which shall give us -a total of 8000 gel gasoline storage and 6650 g als Of oil storage. These tanks shall be placed about 50' from the nearest basement and shall have at least 21 of earth cover and shall be set in a bed of -ravel. . We are herein requesting permission to increase our storage as outlined above. Respectfully submitted, Clement F, Sculley Equipment Co. Clement f- Sculley Jr. President. CFS.ils 1 t , ✓ r lual to City Clerk -1, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COAtILSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM °np"d'L No. FILE ..................... Q April 28, 1949 RESOLVED, that George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, Department oc Public Works, be and he is herein authorized and instructed to visit the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago and Rockford, and adjacent areas for the purpose of inspection of garbage and refuse collection and disposal methods, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse George M. Shepard for traveling expenses incurred by him in making said inspection trip from the Engineers' Fund, Code 10-B3, upon presentation of an itemized statement of traveling costs. - C. F. No. 111111—Hy Milton Rosen— Resolved, That George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, be and he is herein authorized and instructed to visit the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago and Flock - ford, and adjacent areas for the pyr- pose of inspection of garbage and ref- . use collection and, disposal methods, and be ft Further Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse George M. Shepard for traveling -� ex- nenses Incurred by him in making 4 COUNCILMEN yeas Nays F:aidl•RH - - , ordrison /.Parranto Peterson Posen Truax President, Delaney 3M 9/is ..40.. - In Favor 0 - Against Against temlzed statement of I Council April 28. 1999. 28. 1999. 30. 1999) 'iii i ;Z b J Adopted by the Council.................................194...... Approved._' ..... ...................... 194.---- ................... . ..... 94.------------------ ....... Mor r. ^i Original to ty Clerk' 14789'd CITY OF ST.j F NO. --------------------- C. F. No. 197897 -By Milton Rasen— OF E OF THE Q Whereas, In the matter of the re-? construction of the Raspberry Island COUNCI FSOLUTION� c ni aetsi 4719, I. Jhnor7NEii1 co`xs STRUCTION COMPANY, cantractora. the date of completion Is October I.. PRESENTED BY "e. and COMMISSIONER—__ "he-e'+s, The :-'opt. ^tnt --- — WHEREAS, in the matter of the reconstruction of the Raspberry Island Trunk Sewer Siphon, Comptroller's Contract L-4719, I. J. DONNELLY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,'contractors, the date of completion is October 1, 1948, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but was delayed in starting the work from June 15th to after September 1, 1948, at the reauest of the St. Paul4dinneapolis Sanitary District, in order to prevent ex- cessive pollution of the river during the low stream flour months and to save I added expense to the Sanitary District for extra treatment due to the raw sewage which would be emptied into the river during construction, together with his having to provide extra pumping equipment to remove the water entering the construction trench due to disturbance of the stream bed from dredging operations in the vicinity of the work, and YIHEREAS,.both the delay in starting time and the extra pumping projected the work into winter months coupled with increased excavation through the fill adjacent to the Navy Building, now therefore be it RLSOLVFD, That the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to April 5, 1949, provided however that this Resolution shall have no force or effect, unless the sureties on the contractors' bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby wades all claim for lieuidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. 'COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .ort--�iadiRfr" ,47'a'rranto ,,Peterson -Rosen Truax r. President, Delaney 3M 9a8,.t;u�' Adopted by the CounciL .........194...... Appproovved-�-......--'--- -------------- ------ 194.----- �..In Favor .......... -�" ""'C' - -------- -------- /Mayor ......-----.Against % 7 pIJI3LISHrD 898 orlibW to Olty Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIpNER DATE_Aj)rt L PO j Resolved, what the Coined hereby approves tl�e award of t) -le Pu.rch�-sing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for .-urnisl in- and de- liverin. to the 3uraau of ''unicipal Ecuipment 9 Standard Ford Tudor ( ) Sedans DIodel 92JTA, to the DC.fi-TOIFT FOi,D CCI'.PbI:Y, in accor(-r,nce With fica'.ions !her=.foi' hereto attac' ed E.: d. the-'ormal 1)ic. 11c,.. 11'5" of said Downtown Ford Company, �Lt a cost of "12,6.51.75 less an al7o-. ance of, .,:x1124.00 for one Chevrolet and 9 Ford sedans to be tF..hen `in trade, makin,. the. total P amount of the contract „,7,527.75, such bid be'_nr t) -e cily one received, «nd. the Coruo�^at.i-on Cc nsel be L:nd ' ereby is directed to uraw ,p the proper form of co; tract tl^2rc4'or anJ the pronnr City officials 1-ereby are authorized to execute; sa=.d. contract on bel,,,tf of the C:t�, of St. rau.l. C. F. No. 147898—BY Milton Rosen— 50; Resolved. That the Council hereby. approves the award of the Purchasing. Committee therefor and hereby awards ontract for furnishing and delivering to the Bureau of_ Muntelpal Equipment 9 Standard Ford Tudor (8) Sedans CMOodel 98B MPANY, into co,danae with FOR it tions therefor hereto attached and th town oFord al BCompany. atf saidlost of p912,851.15' less an allowance of $5,124.00'. for one Chevrolet and 9 Ford sedens' to be taken in trade, king the 4 total amount of the contract $7,627.75, tsuch bid being the only one re. 1 eived, and the Corporation Counsel i be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract there -!f ' for and the proper City officials hereby "- are authorized to execute said contract? , on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.B. 1858. Adopted by the Councn April '28, 1899.'' i Approved lApril 28 30, 1949) b - )APR 2 8 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CollnoiL ................................. 194.--. Yeas Nays /1C4ortinson Approved -...-_ ...................................194.__. arranto _Peterson In Favor ......................... _- _R6sen Mayor ax �2Agalnst 13,11' President, Delaney 3M 948 -09p,® - (r,•19, -I to City ©ark couRca. 1 4 I "S��t !! CITY OF ST. PAUL - FLLi NO..__'____:.�.. O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CO=ILRESOLUTION—GFNEFZAL FORMPRESENTED BY-Gr%y/ DATr ApT it 20 � 9COMMISSIONER r 1tesol,�red, lint tL.e Purch..sin A ,-,nt 1-e, L^r,} e is here1� <:ut'~prized to purchase, it'.. t,,e consent of t}ie Comptroller, one AmerieLn :evolving Aerial Ladder, mr,ximulr: 1 eiiI''r',t 30 feet, 6 inches, and optional equipment from 'i '. i E - .I .a: COn =' _ CC, at tota4' l cost of '0^,47, t•;itilout F F e n t or eola,2eti ti,r ciC s, as t' is is e o y c;v-_ L.11, I (! sol.rce of SUI)ply. C`_rr, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ortinson "-pniTanto _,Pe-terson -Rosen •13ax Mr. President, Delaney i 3M 948 C. F. No. 147899—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be. and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller. one American Revolving from THE AMERICAN COACH & BODY CO. at a total cast of $800.48, without advertisement or competive bids, as this is .the only avanable source of supply. Charge Man. Eqpt. 1003-139. Adopted by the Council April 28, 1949. Approved April 28. 1949. (April 30, 1949) Wk 2 3 `es$9 Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194---.. ;4 Approved..............---------- ............... 194 _.. In Favor _.. _ Mayor Against Ori61r sl to City Clerk 1479 i A� CITY OF ST. PAUL co 04PILEuNc9. No.- ------------ ---------•- ICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER__ DATE ADTi1 ZS, 19L9 a In the matter of curbing Schaffer Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Finn Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 144684 approved June 29, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 145452 approved September 8, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No. 147900. -By Milton Rosen— j In the matter of curbing schelfer Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Finn' Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 8, 1849. 194684 approved June 29, 1949, 's and Final Order C. F. 145452 approved September - Resolved. That the plans and speci 8cations for the above named im- pravement as. submitted herewith by _ the Commissioner of Public. Works, . be and the same are hereby approved, and be it 1 Further Resolved, That the Purchas- ing Agent be and he is hereby directed ' - 3to advertise for bids on this improve- ment. - Adopted by the Council April 28, 1948. Approved April 28, 1949. (Apra 30, 1949) � 'COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL..................:..............194 ..--. Yeas Nays A o 2 8 1n an Mortinson Approved--------------------------------•, -------.194_----• Parranto Peterson.�....In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ...... ..Against Bir. President, Delaney 3M 9-18 Odalnal.to City Clerk r' 1. 79; I CITY OF ST. PAUL IuX—CIL NO-------------- SEOF THE CITY CLERK OLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE April 28, 1949 In the matter of curbing Scheffer Avenue from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 144687 approved June 29, 1948, and Final Order C. F.,;45451 approved September 8, 1948- RESOLVED, Tht the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and.he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. A C. F. No. 147901—BY Milton Roaen— In the matter of curbing Scheff Avenue from Firm Street to Clevelal ' Resolved, That the pans and speci- Rcatlons for the bo a named un provement as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same -are hereby approved. and be it Further Resolved, Th{e{��t the Purchas- dveiUw forent be s he ohethis Improve- tog ment. Adopted by the Council 28, 1949. April ApprovedP il 28, 1949 (April 30. 1949) 2 8 1949. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................ .................194...... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved. .. ....................................194. .. Parranto - Peterson In Favor _._ - ... ......... - Rosen \\\. to y or Truax --------Against Mr. President, Delaney 8M 0-49 .+t•n j!Ihlplasl. to City Cler¢ - 14791, 4 / 91, � LICENSE 00M.'ITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL UNCIt 0 Fd2 C Ftp No ------ -------- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER_ 1 ~�' ✓- �C �_ !4, LL/-,..Cn DA-tE JipTi.l ZSs 1949 RESOLVED= That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Palace Motherst Club to conduct a festival on the Palace Playgrounds, Jefferson Avenue and View Street for the period of May 5 to 9. 1949, inclusive, upon the. filing of a $10,000, surety bond to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Pinance; said Palace Mothers► Club to pay any license fees that may be required. Informally ap.)roved by Council April 5: 1949 MAIL TOS Mrs. Leona. Gisch 324 Bay Street COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays m� dl�l'�ani� Martinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3hi 9.46 C. F. No. 147902—By Robert F. Peter. son— W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That permission be and It Is hereby granted to the Palace Mothers' Club to conduct a festival on the Palace Playgrounds, Jefferson Avenue and View Street for the period of May 6 to 6• 1949, Inclusive, p the ming. of a E10.000. surety bond to beyproved as to form by the Cor- poration Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance; said Palace Mothers' Club to pay any It. cense fees that may he required. Adopted by the Council April 28. 1949. -Approved April 29, 1949. (April 20, 1949) A?kG8 I ,; Adopted by the Council- .................................194 ..... . ' Approved .................... ..................... 194— ...... .. .In Favor .... ---------- -.. ....... ..............Against prlgtnal to City Clerk .. �. 4 794 PITY OF ST. PAUL co�wcn. No------------W...W_ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE•CITY CLERK_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSBIONER__� DATE April 28, 1949 a RESOLVED: That Merry—Go—Round License, Application B 15385 , applied for by the Palace Motherst Olub on the+'Pa3ace Playgrounds, Jefferson Avenue and View Street for the period of May 5 to 8, 1949, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with, C. F. No. 147903—By Robert F. Peter- , n W. A. Parr.Resolved. That , t, n,ac, APPllcation B 15385, appned for by the Palace Mothers' Club on the Palace Playgrounds, Jefferson Avenue Md View Street for the period of May 5 to 8, luel isive, be and the same is hereby granted. provided that all ordlnaces applicable thereto have been complied with. Adopted by the Council April 28, 1949. Approved (AAp`Il 0, 1849) Informally approved by Oouncil April 5, 1949 MAILTOt Mrs. Leona Oisch kiFsa S 324 Bay Street COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ......... -............ ---------194..--.. Yeas Naysr�s8;v Mortinson Approved -----^ ..............................._-..194._.. Parranto Peterson - In Favor - ........... Rosen n /Mayor Truax Against ` Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 �® original to.City Clerk tD A 79 CITY OF ST. PAUL •couNcm NO..____________._�.. LICENSE 00W'JITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONEE R_,�L'Z ` �/=:,,1_(_. -r e..�,�i1 DATE April 29, 1949 RESOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Ramsey Playground Association, Inc, to conduct a festival on the Ramsey Playgrounds, Ramsey Street and Smith Avenue for the period of April 29, to 11ay 3, 1949, inclusive, upon the filing of a $10,000, surety bond to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance; said Ramsey Playground Association, Inc, to pay any license fees that may be required. Informally anproved by Council March 15, 1949 MAIL TO: Miss Betty %inney, Sec. 454 Virginia Street COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s • —�� Mortinson ' Parranto Peterson .......... In Favor Rosen �. Truax.A -----.......alnst g Mr. Prbsident, Delaney 3M 948 „�>® C- F. No. 147904—By Robert F. Peter. oa—W. A. parranta— Resolved, That permission be entl it Is hereby granted d the Ramsey Playground Assoclatlon, Inc. to can- grounac ds festival Ramseyn th Street ndy Smith I T venue 3,r 1949, the lneluslvef u Prll 29, 1 sling of a $10,000 surety bond to the approved as to form by the Cor- theation Commisslonler nofasFlnanceetysaid Ramsay Playground Assoclatlon, Inc. re to pay any license fees that may be r quired. eAdopted by the Council April 28, 1948. APPIOVed April 28, 1949. fAPrll 30, 1949) AWk 2 5 114, Adopted by the Council.._ ............................ 194 Approved... ------------- ..................... ..194___ -- •.. - ... Mayor oltdat to City Cl-1,cou ® �( CITY OF ST. PAUL F„ a LICENSE 00talITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED elf/ -� ' _ e April 29, 1949 COMMISSIONER=,.,I.L_adf�45LL:-/._.....—�i �I._DAt /L_:.-;'(� RESOLVEDt That Merry--Co—Round License, Application B 15593, applied for by the Ramsey Playground Association, Inc, on the Ramsey Playgrounds, Ramsey Street and Smith Avenue for the period of April 29, to May 3. 19499 Inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with. is r C. F. Nb. 197985—By Robert F. Peter. Reso, son—W. A. Parranto— cense,. lAppli ation That B 1m589C8O_Round IA. rn the Ramsey playground applied for Inc. on the Ramsey Playgrounds, Ram_ -„ sey,Street and Smith Avenue for the Period of April 29, to M 3, Inclusive, be and the same is . by, granted, provided that all ordinanrne .In, thereto have been complied Adopted by the Council April 28, 1999. Approved April 28 IRR' ( IAprn 31i, 1999) Informally approved by Council March 15, 1949 MAIL TO: Miss Betty Kinney, Sec. 454 Virginia Street COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r=naxvn-ter Mortinson Parranto _ f Peterson ..:...........In Favor Rosen r_� Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 7M 048 Adopted by the Council .............194 ----• ';s '* Approved............. ............................ 194._.. ------------------ Mayor MFIg,00l to City Clark 14791'16 CITY OF ST. PAUL muxca LICENSE COMMITTEE raa NO. ---_____-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //-#--- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL-FORM PRESENTED BY !'---�_.�_ co DATE April 29, 1949 RESOLVED: That licenses Y r Restaurant, Application B 15945, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15946, Off Sale lle-it Beverages Application B 15g470 . Cigarette, Application B 15949, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15$49, applied for by Orville M. Jackson at 440 Broadway Street be and the same are hereby granted. 0 �C. F. No. 147900—By Robert F. Peter- on—W, A. Perranto— Resolved, 2, licenses for oness le rant. Application B 15895, alt Beverage, Application Bi: ation OH Sale all Be ciaje. on il, 5848, B grette and MecAha jicatia 8 5849ical ` aP "d"' cation, PP "Li by Orville M. Jackson at 440 Broadway Street be and the same are hereby granted. I Adopted by the Council April 28, 1949. Approved April 28, 1949. i (April 30, 1949) NEW Informally approved by Council April 21, 1949 Old Location APR 2 8 1945 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ColmciL............... ............194...-. Yeas Nays - kk✓w_ - 2 d 1949 X0/11 rtinson Approved-------................................... 194._--- ='T.. rr to P�et'erson In Favor _4/.o srl �Iayor /ikuax .............. Against ,-Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 cL �!Orl_ qp (/g� dry/ 1 plurl to City Clerk , eotroea. A -'[ q 9+ VY CITY OF, ST', PAUL - ,� NO.-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUT FORM - PRESENTED BY���� Comm ISSIONE ppTE ' Resolved, That Alfred H. Schroeder,City Architect, is hereby authorized to visit cities of Chicago, Ill., Detroit, Mich., , Milwaukee, Wise., and others, May 1 to May 7, 1949, for the purpose of inspecting garbage and rubbish disposal plants iri those cities; the expense of said trip to be paid out of the Public Building Fund. C Resa ved147907—BY Parranto That Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect• is hereby uthorized Mtlwato iukeeues of Wisc.0 and Bothers, Mayit tl to May 7, 1949, far the purpose of 'inspecting garbage and rubbish dx- posal plants In those cities' the ex - e Pease of said BuildingP-,be paid out of i Adopted by the Council April 20. 1949. Approved Aprn 2g. 1949. t (Aprll 30. 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL .................................194..... Yeas Nays '14or 'neon / Approved .....-.-. - 194 —. �Parranto eraon ...In Favor ZZ.n Mayor . ruax .---...... Against 1 -Mr. President, Delaney 3M' 948 a 1.4'7908 - Petition G -5g7 n , Council File No ------- ----------------- ' - - C. p? No. 197909— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - Abacraet Whlreas, A written proposal for the and - making of the following Improvement• viz.: ^rade Chamber Street from a e7so Avenu to H yea6 feet, PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1-h r t tr' gnedhereby proposes Theundersithemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the Ci$y'bfdaint Paul, via.: ----- enteur Ave nve to Hoyt Avenuea•__also English Street to Grade Chamber Street from Larp---__._---•- - -- - - - di to be the easterl _ sectio s-�rldth_of_60 fee�1..�3e_center_line_of-_said_.gI'e----�--------------------•-----------•-------�---------------n------n--- from Larpenteur- Ayenpe_t9 ?la3!t.--�4eHu�i _a�P° ----- of Section -21r Township -29a ?!Agg-2'��a___-d 1 i_n-_Blocks-- 0 n•- -- a........--- Overbrook. Hoyt-_Agenue-.from_English -Street: to-the-_east_line__of-.----. _QYs---- 194.9... Dated this_ .......... 2,7 - day of---------- --- ----------April'---• - ------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fouowin improvement, =tea' lish Street to a In ue;. also _ Eng . ..�...,..v— Street from Larpenteur Avenue -_to Ho : A -_-_... • o - ---+4" line of -------------- - Council of the City of Saint Pau .......................•----------- ---- -- •--' having been presented to the therefore, be it ordered and RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Works he and ofesa�d improvement.directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature,.extent and estimated coat of said 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or Sketch of said improvement. 4, To State whether or not said improvement to the Commissionepetition asked for on the of Fin or more owners. 5, To report upon all Of the foregoing a. N `5 �, te .Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------------------- YEes NAss APR 2 8 1949 Councilman" — APProved. - IsRTINSON PARRANTO/ J ��" , PETERSON) L- v .................................... VV ---•---- -------- TRDAX-- Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT t!4 4.46 µ,3o. �}BL151�'v 147909 Council File No ......................._ PROPOSAL FOR IMP•RO'VEMEN�c,1 u xa, 147091— 'Abstmct and Whereas, a written proposal for the �. ^,aking of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. mAcmn ng and taking an easement' iecriasnne�r�, Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthefollowingpublicimprovement by tll C Cy +£Sa,nCNMI, « .: _Condemning-_and_taking_an-_eagement-_in__the__land•_ necessary_for-.slopes------------------- cuts and fills in the grading of Chamber Street from Laipenteur Avenue --------- ---tv Hoyt -Avenue; also Engiish'Street to a irtdtli'ui EiO flet; tris"Seriter line of said grading ."." .. fSt21........... ........... from Laroenteur- Avenue to Hoyt Avenue; also Hoyt - 1 r Overbrook,. .... 194...--.. Dated thIIe. 29t ay of----------------"----- ...Ail'n--;-•1949 . ...-...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A .written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes; --------------------- eats--arA€ 11-e--in-th&--grading-of-Ohamber--Struet---from"'t-arpenteur--A'oe8tis to Hoyt Avenues also English Street to a width .o£ 60 feet,__the-_center-------------- -------- T�:e"" r'opi� nraXina-£o-be t2ie eas£erly section line of Section 21t Avenue from English Street to the east line of Alleys in Blocks 10 slid .._...-_... - 3:3 y •-Ove : - - •• -..... ..... _ ___.....-.... having been presented to the, Council of the City of Saint Paul --- be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,`the making of said improvement. 2.. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report Upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR. 2 8 494$ i Adopted by the Council ............... ..... . YEAS NAYS GYb'8�. b sas Couucilmae•13� D Ax Approved. .................. --......-- MORTINSON PARRANTO / PETERSON �g ♦ ,'/ T/� llV//cr« vvv ....... /G a &y0[. MR. PHESIDENT iM 4-18 � / � � " PUBLISHED Petitiom G-463 147910 Council File No .......... .-:--------- - PROPOSAL FOR .IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147910— and Abstract Whereas, A written proposal for the; making of the following improvement, v1a PRELIMINARY ORDER.. Grade na surface the Arley m Block 6, Watts Park from Winthrop S, ---t to Pedersen Slreet^ Also con- TheundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementU3', ``tyof8aintaul°vpe. _Grade and surfacethe Alley in Block 6, Watts Park from Winthrop Street-- .......... to Pedersen Street. Also construct a.sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot q, Block 6, ................................. ..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------........................--- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the, making of the following improvement, :via. Grade and surface the Alley in Block 6f Watts Park from Winthrop Street-----_----• to Pedersen Street. Alsq. const-_sewer.-in_the--easement--to be__obtaiD-Q id --• ------------------ _the--eastg ]y_6._£@.ei..4&..I44t---+---H1oGl�--6+-........................... Watts Park. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. rVr ha 2 8 iSi69 Adopted by the Council ............................................... .................- YEAS NAYS Council APR 2 8 1949 =— Approved----------- ---------- MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAX(/ t ........___...__. ... .... __ ...._._.------ ._.--------- MR. PRESIDENT - yor. IM 4-46 PiJBLISHED.d -. 36 - 9 1479.ti Council File No.._------------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME C. r. We. 141911— Abstract and Whereas' A written Propposal for the I making of the following P IV��' PRELIMINARY ORDER..nde—tnx and 't.- king 9n o9 ^n91 ".the. Purpos, of . V afr ing 0, - ebw - sthe makingof thefollowiugpublic improvement by aint Paul, viz.: Theundersignedhereby propose of constructing and main- . ................. in easement for the purpose Condemning and taking I ---- ------ ----- jfu--t sewey-0-11-0---- t aw adro 15iraiii ttp. Parj�. ......... - --------------- a �p 9, B1.94-6.-YN ..... ....... I... -,-JK9R.R8a9!?Y easement for eastarly:...6 fs."---QfJkQtI taking EL temporary in the rear of said lot' Also condemning and t dth-on I-"8-8 --- fee -t in--"' 1 1: and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 8 ...... --cons the above easement, and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 9 �� .-fxg A116 YK-BIOCR 61 _91601E. -E; i49 in said t Dated this---= day of --------------------- - ----------- --------- ............ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, f constr=ting and main- and ain . ..... ---------- Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose a I U13.1. seweron,--- under--- ------- teifting-a.v je- from Rean�y 6p Watts Park, . ...... easterly 60" of Lot 9, ......... ---------- --------- i ------------ temporary easement for "rear .. ... j:ii--fjjji fes, . r .. 0 f! sa,:cI--1:6t7 ..... rEg-,5-��j�d7imnjiii and taking a of-- .Pur.po.aez on. ..Btr3P--Af--land--SL"Eeet�-"U"Vid -'On' Lily 6 feet of Lo.t q-qjaO.trVP-tAOn-- -a easterly 2 feet cafe" Lot 9 and the weste -Tii�&k the above easement, and the-BjI5aY--6-) vjfftl�K Block --- 6,j --- Wattir-paTk-fr ------------------------------- having been presented to the Council, of the City of Saint Paul- -------------- ------ therefore, be itoramissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the C of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirabilityrovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said imp 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the 5. To report upon an of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. (44 CIK" Z & Adopted by the Council---------------------------------.. ------------ ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilftma-B—ruffl— Al 11 IN ULAV MORTINSON PARaANTO PETERSON TRUAX MR PRESIDENT ARK 2 8 1949 -- - ------------ iM 4-40 PUBLISJiLl) Council File No ........:................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN c: F. 'No. 1TI2— C Abstract Whereas and making r PRELIMINARY ORDER. Iana Theundersigned hereby proposesthe makingof thefollowing public improvement by9tfiTafy of Saint Paul, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesr ---- - ------------------------------------------------- .............. -...... ats--and-41118--in--the-- grad&ng--and--sur-facing--nf.. the..Allay.--in-Blaak.-.6+........... -------- liana--Park-.from.18nthrap..Stseat..to-------------------------------------------------------- nr Dated this. ..----_27 .......... day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Condemning -.and takin_an easement in the land neceasary for slopes,.cuts in--Block--6x................... _-------- _lfatta..P.ark-.fF9m..Y1�A hr4F__Strset-_to_Pederaen_Street.----------------.......... „.....----------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. ....... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, aul.............._-------------------•-----•---------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To -investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To state -whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR z d _1949--..................... Adopted by the Council ............. YEAS NAYS Councilman-Bx� Approved---------- --------------------------. ----------------- ------------ MORTINSONPARRANTO PETERSON' TRUAX .__ .. ............... MR. PRESIDENT / 9yor. 1M 4-46 / f PUBLISHED=��— NOTICE Ci C. F. No. 147913— Re 47913 I� .p (p TO Resolved. That checks be drawn on �� 5 f{ COUNC the Clty treasury, to the eggregat CIL FILE NO. 9 9 PRINTER amount of {17959.59, covering Checks numbered 82945 to 82899 inclusive, as Per checks on file to the office of the. Ctty Comptroller, I April 26 194 Adopted by the Council April 28, 1949. Approved April 28, 1949.' RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS B (April 30, 1949). F. DRAWN -• ..... .. _6......_rHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 17.459.5+ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-1-2-445—To_82�Q_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII Ak28 8190 194_ l -\ G� CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED 194_ BY— Mo Y soo I2-4s- PUBLISHED Q DUPLICATE TO CITY 'RK ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL j COUNCIL .tl IIII 11 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - FILE NUMBER TO CALL �...,, ere �/'!'f ' MORTIN5ON —IN FA YDR AUDITED CLAIMS April 26 PARRANTO -- PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f COVERING TRUAX INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED��IL TO MR.PRES.OELANEY j IM!3 PER CHECKS ON F 1�}H OFFICE ITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUt{CI f I .^, _.QbMPTAOLLER ... t.jf jm NUMBER TOTAL DATE RETURNED I, CHECK i IN FAVOR OF I' TRANCHECKS SFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS � BROUGHT FO WARD 60 L^ �� 2 1.22 0 82$45 Nelson Truck nervi 30 82846 J.J. Fitzgerald, C. of D.Ct. p5 82947 Henry Helgren $2848 1 Lucille Wickman 25 0 $2849 ().J. Hagerty 30 0 82850 1': Louise Berven 3 .82851 Dr. K. Arouni 199 82852 American Rad.. & Stand. San. orp. 241 1_ 828" Brown and Day � 8 $2854 j EI7 Swee# Compound Company 196 $2855 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk & Comp 'y gP856 Farwell, Ozgun, Kirk & Comp ;y% 8 8P857 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp ,y 101 . S285S H.W. Fisher Photo Supply Com ,any 81 4 $2859 Graybar Electric Company 441 p0 $2860 j Walter Kidde Company, Inc. 366 a6 $2861 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co. $2862 ;� Mail Tool Company 118 5 82$63 Nicole, Dean `& Gregg Company 82$64 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 1 257 8 S2865 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 1$32 46 82866 I N.W. Bell Tel. Company 2 82867 James J. Anderson 266 9 52969 1 Armour and Company $2869 !I Booth Fisheries Corp. 8 1 $2870 11 Flavor FrisdPOpooru Company 53 $2871 f! Griggs, Cooper & Company i92 3 $2872 -j Kisoh Food Market 0 82873 !1 Minnesota Restaurant Assoo.I o. 52 6 82874 !i Morton Sausage Company 431 2 82875 j Racine+e Wholesale Meats 43 5 $2876 '! tunehine Creamery Company137 }4 82877 J Crook & Hanley, Inc. 1313 82878 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 82879 1 Feist Small Animal Hospital 10 0 $2880 The First National Hank of S 'Paul 1 23 0 82881 !I Great Lakes Coal & Dock Comp y 6 561 1 $2882 Hersey Meter Mfg. Company 1 336 0 828$3Montgomery Ward & Company 17 82884 ;i Municipal Equipment Company 373 0 828$5 ii Natl. Assoc, of Sec. S. Pring pals 50 0 ' 82886 National Mower Company 1 218 9 82887 j Petroleum Service Company 28 5 82888 11 Roberts Office Equipment Comp' y 37 0 '82889 !jRoe-James Glass Company 32 36 822990 11 9t.Paul Book &.Stationery any 600 2 $2891 ! St.Paul Book & Stationery 0 'any 655 1 $2892 1 St, Paul Boob & Stationery 0 " any 446 $2893'j 9.t.Psul Stamp Works 102 5 82894 il Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc, 4 5- 82M j,Skellet Van & Storage Company 50 0 82896 Sun Rayed Products Sales Co, 57 0 82897 j�emherst H. Wilder Charity 50' 92898 +IWlttenborn & Company 24 9 8P899 I��Corihington-Garcon Meter Comp Iy 652 96 1HEET l OTAL—F?RWARD.I',2$3 360.- 27 1269989:. 3.-4' No. , NOTICE .... ....•. ...., yy r TO. CI"r JF SAINT PAUL (Y 41/i � i y PRINTER _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. 9 i$' — April 27 9 7 94_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS E§E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 181,958.63 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 82900 92937 937_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII f' �• J;,lk;+. CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED_ — 194..._ BV__ SOO I2-44 "r.A.0 PUBLISHED 4 - 30 L 67 TOTAL DATE DISBURSEMENT RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY SANK NUMBER CNFCKS CHECKS 'BROUGHT FORWARD *40090 'ALL 182900 82901 JLALD NL-�'h DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 82902 Board of Water COM21891OUST8 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS ROLL 840k 14H P+ - MORTINS-ON L LL LL L L LL OL � IN FAVI I OR Board of Water OommissionOys AUDITED CLAIM S 49 PARRANTO PETERSON L?:AGAINST �,Bos;Td of later Commissioners '; Board of Water commissioners QITY TREASURY, RF-SOLVFD- THAT CHEMBE - - -36JL. Qj COVERING R SEN 0 TRUAX _AGA IN_ 1, Board of water oommissioneve. MOU FI -101 TO T A..R..AT. AMOUNT HE -a - AS K.. INCLUSI CHECKS NUMBERED ---.929080 -1 MR.PRES-DELANEY 92907 i Board Of water commissioners PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFIC-Eq., THE COMpTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 829" -Board-of Water commissioners 194 - 82909 92910 TOTAL DATE DISBURSEMENT RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY SANK NUMBER CNFCKS CHECKS 'BROUGHT FORWARD *40090 'ALL 182900 82901 MTS. MaTY K. XT8713 John S. Findlan. C. of YinaW ' 0 60 092 82902 Board of Water COM21891OUST8 702196 logi 41 92903 Board of Water OommissionOys 350154 92904 92905 �,Bos;Td of later Commissioners '; Board of Water commissioners 2 317:8 401,14 $2906 1, Board of water oommissioneve. 616;09 92907 i Board Of water commissioners 30416 829" -Board-of Water commissioners 1, 3 o63'95 82909 92910 I Board of Water commissioners ii city of St.paul, B. of Aud. 300 00 82911 $2912 John S. Findlan, G. of Fin- John S. rindlan. 0. of Fin. 1241,89 123!00 $2914 ii 8.4. Mortinson C.P.Ut 111fte '1 I C Parks, qo��65 4 4a log 8291 291Z William A. ParrantO Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 7 151 S291 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works i1 Milton R69,n, C.P.W,rke i 296i5i 162�03 $2917 �I 82918 11 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 4253,0 82919 $2920 1 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works i Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 9121, 5 910, a 11 $2921 82922 Milton Rosen. G.P. 'Rorke Milton Rosen, O.P:Worke 3 06611 235'58 829 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 257'15 1 967�967;60Milton 82921 M11to A Rosen, O.P.Works Rosen, C.P.I'Rorks 389 58 929 9292 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 707197 82927 (Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 519168 j12928 I Milton Rosen, c.P.WoTke 3 418',89 535;54 $2929 82930 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works Milton Rosen, C#P.WoTka 3 o65124 92931 t! Milton Rosen, C. P. Works 593157 82932 1 mjltan Rosen, O.P.Works—' 7 558,82 4 161 82M 1! Milton Rosen, 0. P.14or ke 10 9 1 0 87 82934 j; Milton Rosen* O.P.Works 92935 il Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 253 28 99, i84 82936 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 � 67 $2937 Fred M. Truax, C. of Zduo. C. F- No. 197915—Sy John S. Findlan--;i117 �� q i Sev ria A. Mortinson—W. A. Par- - ii e to CItY Clark ranto—Robert F. Peterson—Milton urea CITY O Roaen— Fred M. Truax—Fdwnra x.� NO.__________�__� Whereas, by action - of the State OFFICE OF TI Leglsmtnre In leas and the passage �mml lo r. 1 by said Legislature of Chapter 71yj COUNCIL RESOLUT faWtehefCltyBf Saint Pau <oenolara apeclal election In reference to the } PRESENTED Y ✓ c nveralon l"a a special s hool dis- POESMN ED tris[ into an independent School dfs_ D/�'G,-� _C.� -. ✓ms's���rv�j'`""�- —` WHEREAS, by action of the State Legislature in 1949 and the pa.ssageeby said Legislature of Chapter 716, Laws of 1949, it becomes necessary for the City of Saint Paul t6 hold a special election in reference to the conversion from a special school district into an independent school district; and WHEREAS, the funds appropriated for the Bureau of Elections are inadequate to defray the cost of such special election made necessary by State law; and WHEREAS, by reason of the premises above, an emergency exists within the provisions of Section 206 of the City Char- ter; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Comptroller are authorized to 'borrow for the foregoing purpose the sum of not to exceed $10,000.00, payable one year from -the date of said loan, with interest not to exceed4g% per annum, and to execute and de- liver to the lender the-prod4esory note of the City there- for; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceeds of -acid loan be credited to th Election Fund 31-D-. y4'",d TL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan ✓ Mortinson Parranto ✓ Peterson ✓ Rosen e� Truax .%_ / Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .06p.® w 'APR 2 n 1949 Adopted by the CollnciL.......... -----------............ 194._.__ Approved------------------------------------------ 194_ In Favor ...... Against - ayor PT_MT TeT-TFD4/- .. 14791-6 Orl6ln.1 t COUNCIL e cur Clerk n e NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `_ PRESENTED DA— COMMISSIONEE R l0. not be -116 he is herel:,}' kUtnorized to tesolvec-I That the Iurc]-_as_ng <'g purchase l _4t, t':e donsent of t" e (',omptroller. r °,r.ir parts `or U<; on nen meters from t' -,e "„u,, `Ii 'C GAT"0 rr 1:. CCb!P�i'iY at a cost not to se �. exceed y7552•'='C ` it'_-�ou'_ ztcivert' ,:ement FIs ur ptented nd no :i2.tpr it i tment _•'lllZd. .. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ortinson arrttnto Terson iAosen Arruax ,)Ir. President, Delaney 2M 440 40-'l //1In Favor -/•---/-Against C. F. No. 147910—ny Severin A. Mor - Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with .the consent of the Comp- troller, repair parts for Gamon 'A" meter. from the WORTHINGTON- ' GAMON METER COMPANY at a cost not to exceed $552.00 without adver- tisement as these are patented and n advantage rnlild be. gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. Approved Aprn 29,149. - (g Y AR, `2- 9 194.9 Adopted by the CounciL..------------------------------- 194-.---- A' 4S Approve _-194-_.-. .-1�Ia - �' `ona9.1 ro City Vert4,. " CITY OF ST. PAUL - C UNCa Al--� OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI OLUTION—GENERAL' FORM PRESENTED BY (� COMMISSIONER_______- DATE ii��1 Hesolveci� -hst tyle Yurchc,sin, -nt bei anc- 1-,i fs hereby ant'iorized to purcha;s , witi L',e co:->, rt o" the ?%,yor .nd the Com;-tro'1er, Porn �".11ons 1:-_•.cted. t;' �Ol-'.i�t?� 7�-74 oct-:ne C.F. 7 motor method, fr,m e 1 ci:i,"` 1C� ". . -1. CC'. ct a -. rise of -1,35 . r 7.un, 1 1;, t, o.L ys, or: «s �-n e^ter, enc;, e-. Ir.c _.. f :.lu'-e -o --c,. tl c t�,r lc, rh a rds'?i_ to ',_est =-nt. r?s ,.. of _ty. Cl -la e -.u. 347917_x,. APR 2'9 1949 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL........... Yeas Nays n an Mortinson APR 2 c : Approved. ........................ - .194. .. Parranto.. Peterson ... ..........In Favor ------------ Rosen /Mayor Truax --2 --Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-d8 ^n oriam•1 to City cle�lt munen CITY OF ST. PAUL ru-s • e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSI ONER_. RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund., weekly compensation of $27.00 be paid Willard M. Larson while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on February 15, 1949, while employed by the Department of Education, and that $4.50 In final settlement,, to and including Februery 23, 1949, is now payable. C. F. No. 147916—ny Fred M. T_, 'C Resolved,That tethe General ��. ?� Fund, eelUY compensatlpn Of 9�7.00 be p itl Willard M. Larson while he is to dlsabled by reason y' of hdrides he received on February 16. 1998, while . e,F oyed by the Deparbnent of 11du_ cation, and that 8950 In Etna' settle- mQnt, to and including February 2{, I',. 16 now payable. - Adopt- by the Counc11 April 28, 1849. Approved Apptil-29, 1999. (May 7, 1949) t.1 x?R 2 9 tom° Adopted by the Council. -----...... .................... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved.........---•--------•----.--------------- 194 Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor yor Rosen i n Truax -......-----Agit Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 '® - � 47919 orto-d to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ItUd' N0.-----__------ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,NTED BY COMMISSIONER f 4_. Cosi �^-'�� ..4_- DATE Aril 28, 1949 RESOLVED, That Leonard N. Thompson, General Manager be authorised to make an inbpection trip as a member of the Technical Committee and as directed by the Council, for a study of garbage and rubbish disposal plants and methods, his expenses to be chargeable to Nater Department iond. COUNCILMEN -. Yeas Nays F:n.ilan '_19oitinson, ,,-Pairanto ---Peterson —Rosen 'Trnax ,, G r, President, Delaney 3M 048 "qD'® �;ech .F. No. 147919—ny Severin A. Mor- tinson— Resolved, That Leonard N. Thompson, eneral Manager he authorized to make n in action trip as a member of the Ncal Committee and as directed by the Council, for a study of garbage and rubbish disposal plants and meth- ods. his expenses to be chargeable to Water Department Fund. Adopted by the Councn Apr4 29, 1949. Approved April 29, 1949... (May 7, 1949) d• t R 2 Adopted by the Council._--- ........................... 194 ..... i Approved ..................... --_----------194.— ............. 94._------ ---- In Favor ------ - - ----•- ••--- a..or.._... Y ------. -Against "- 147920 prlploal to ciH Cterlc CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uncn. No ------o - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �f(,/DATE CO m m ISSI ONER__ RESOLVED, that Edwin F. Tones, Utilities Eftgineer, Department of Public Utilities, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to visit the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago, Rockford and adjacent areas for the purpose of inspection of garbage and refuse collection and disposal methods, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Edwin F. Jones for travel expenses incurred by him in making said inspection trip from the Investigation Fund, Code 21-C2, upon his presentation of an itemized statement of traveling costs. Mr. President, Delaney -4 2M 9/9 •f,,�@ C. F. No. 147920—By Severin A. Mor- I ' Reson— Resolved, That Edwin Jones, ll- hies Engineer. Department of Public Utilities be and he is by author- ized end instructed to visit the cities of . Mnv/aaukee, Detroit, Chicago, Rockford " and dlacent areas for the purpose o2 inspection f garbage and efuse col- leation end disposal methods, and be it Further Resolved. That the proper city offices be and they are hereby - authorited and directed to relmburas Edwin F. Jones for travel expenses tn- - rr d byhim in —king s id inspec- 4 tion trip from the investigation Fund. COQe 21-C7, upon his presentation of an ' itemized statement of traveling costs. ', - Aaopted by the Council April 29, 1949. , Approved April 29, 1949. IMay 7, 1949) Pn 2 9 iaF: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ..:............... ..............194...... Yeas Nays ortinson Approved----------------- — ----------- - .194.". 1_p6ranto -----------.In Favor ,,Peterson -Rosen /1 Mr. President, Delaney -4 2M 9/9 •f,,�@ 47921 original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company be permitted to install and operate a self-service ice -house Pt 1230 Rice Street; this permission to be subject to revocation by the Council at any time. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays indlaa Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 .9,6;p@ 4� C. F. No. 147921—HW. A. Parranto-- • Resolved, That the Citizensice & Fuel Company be permitted to Install and operate a self-service ice -house at 1230 Rice Street; this permission to be subject to revocation by the Council at any time. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. Approved April 29, 1949, (May 7, 1949) APR 2 9 1949 Adopted by the CollnciL...:.............................194-_---- r ��� a :i ��'•=".l Approved-------•-- ..............-----------•----194— .............. in 94-_....... ...In Favor ............. - ------ ------- •-- MaY .- _ --- n -----------Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 29, 19LP I Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Buildi ng Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached annlication of Citizens Ice & Fuel Co. for nermission to install and operate a self—service ice house at 1230 Rice St. very truly yours, r City Clerk a'- POST CARD NOTICE �.' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn ................. Apr.U:_5th............. 19k4g Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, :approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ......... __._...:.Cilizena-Tota &..Fuel....Ca.... .................. _._............. ..... for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located .......... ...... will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chain - her in the City Hall and Court House Building on the.__.._._.__.._.......... 2141..... _......... day of. .............. ...............kP- L..._- 19ZX49 at 10 o'clock A. M. h7£Ld'TEgSB d� )OHN S. FIN Commissioner of Finance. Page ............... 1......._,.File ............... 10970 ® e� The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota EGIN E. WAHMAN G. H. HERROLD JMlPJ1O1HO OAICmI IX[CVY1V6 86RRARY A L OIOI[ f1YO6 L NlTHV01 A. A. H[GKMAK J. P. RFJMROI.O A. M. -ROHM. GM ARCHrt.CM 379 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 3i MINNESOTA April 19, 1949 lAr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Citizens Ice and Fuel Company for a self-service ice house at 1230 Rice Street. This is on the east side of the street betweef,Maryland and Hawthorne. This building will be 121x221 facing Ricee-ara set back six feet from the street. The Board of Zoning recommendsthat the permit be granted. Yours very trulys F 4,JL--Or C�z GHH:lf G. H. Herrold Executive Secretary xOTAL FEe couEcr® DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED l.�l ACCOUNT ORDINANCE VIOLATION. CITY - OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS t2 -DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To: BUILD INSTALLC.M.&F.C. ADD, ALTER REPAIR REROOF MOVE WRECK HANG MARK YOX RES B ❑ �;ATC6 INATIONNEW SIGN OLD SIGN II INATEO I ROOF ���ANODERrICAL I,.,. i . A i l � - ADDRESS ARCH ITEC -1 r`riwlToerrna 'DATE -_184- I a� STRUCTURE USED AS NUMBER STREET SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD LOT BLOCK ADDIT16N OR TRACT i JI FRONT OR WIDTH IN FEET SIDE oR LENGTH IN FEET HEIGHT IN FEE! oN eeroNa NO. OF eoll-cowl oR PRor- la 61aN PR Mor STORIE6 [RTv 41Na IN Pear GRWNO IH Fear e saPaRRc - MATERIAL ARu of 61oN ESTIMATED VALUATION I OF CONSTRUCTION SaaARa Fear r $ SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR PRIVATE GARAGE DETAILS OR REMARKS: . LOCATION FOR PRIVATE GARAGE TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT , TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE t i` TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED The . ndersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work-in strict ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance with all , SIGNED -i NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR f' FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING, SIDEWALK, STREET OR CURBING. BY 0: 0 IL z� 0 F- U . d _ w a. ? m a w � Q 0. z 2 a TO2 Health Bureau - By Mail O a Zoning Board - LL Building Bur. -✓ �� U 7 O rc 0: N 3 L A//may ------------ 677?EET' A//may Pl-47- PLAN — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota -POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets,,,2 HEALTH -ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 27, 1949 Mr. Harry T. 016:)nne11 City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir., , Referring to your letter of April 21 and the application of the Citizens Ice & Fuel Comrany for permission to install a self-service ice house at 1290 Arab Street. An inspection was madq by Sergeant A. W. Stattman of the Traffic Division who reports that there would be no material interference with traffic from the operation of the proposed ice house. Sergeant Ststtmanis report is attached. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 25. 1949 Chief Tierney This is in reference to the application of Citizens Joe & Fuel Company for permission to install a self—service ice house at 1230 Rice Street. I have made the neoessary inspection of the premises and do not find that there will be any material interference with traffic. therefore, from a traffic 'standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. W. Stattman aws/dm Traffic Division ortplrul to City Clerk r� 147922 CITY OF ST. PAUL rcoaeurtcm NO ------ ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOkM RESOLVED, that Fred Spannaus be permitted to operate a miniature golf course on the east side of Albemarle Street north of Wheelock Parkway, on Lots 26 and 27, Block 1, Rice Street Villes. e C. F. No. 147922—By W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That Fed Spannaus be per- ' muted to operate a dnlature golf rse on the east aide of Albemarle St eet north of Wheelock Parkway. a Lots 29 and 27. Block 1, Rtee Street Villas. i Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. - Approved April 29, 1949. (May 7, 1949) t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /MbitillSCn --Va-rranto --r-e-terson .........:..-.In Favor max ------------Against President, Delaney 3M 048 "+16�.® 7 APR 2 9 1945 Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- 194 ..... Approved------------------------------------------ 194-- ------------ 4792 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS • ;Y April 27, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached aprlication of Fred Spannaus for permit to operate a miniature golf course on the east side of Albemarle St. north of Wheelock Parkway, on Lots 26 and 27, Block 1, Rice Street Villas. Very truly yours, LLm >Y> City Clerk „ CA N POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. -.Paul 2, Minn. ......?Pri7 16th..19 You are herebv notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of aPplloatlon of Mrs Fred Spaunane to operate a zdniature golf Course on the east aide of Albemarle St. north of Wheelock Pker. -and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Apri1 27th , 19 49, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. rRUe 10975JOHN S. pi",Commissioner of Finance. The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota EGINE. WAHMAN G.'H. HERROLD PRE.IDINO OPPICM EK- HERE EECRE,MY & L GIME CLYDE L ME VM A A. HECKMM 1. P. REIMBOLD A. H. ECHROMM. CRY MCNR.LY 279 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA April 14, 1949 Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Fred Spannaus to operate a miniature golf course on Lots 26 and 27 Block 1� Rice Street Villas. This -is Commercial zoning. The two forty foot lots are just one lot _ - north of Wheelock Parkway on the east side of Albemarle Street. There is a restaurant to the -east of this property on the Rice Street frontage. Albemarle Street is graded but there is no curb or sidewalk. . A miniature golf course is defined as an.amusement place open.to the Public upon payment of a playing fee. The Board of Zoning recommends that this golf course be permitted subject to a public hearing.to be held April 27, 19119. Yours truly G'lf G. H. Herrod Executive.Secretary , 792f3 original to cityctul " CITY OF iCot, 9T. 'PAUL Fuca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the W. H. Barber Company to construct a 55,000 -barrel fuel oil storage tank on its river terminal property at Western Avenue and Upper Levee Rdad, said installation to be made under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and subject to the moving of the Northern States Power Company transmission line to a distance approximately 200 feet awry from the tank. J COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �"ft- insdn / ar,ranto 'Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen Truax ----------Against _>T'r.' President, Delaney 3M 048 C. F. No. 197923—By W. A. Pa—.t— Resolved. That a permit be granted to the W. B. Barber Company to con- struct a 55,000 -barrel fuel oil storage tank on its river terminal property at --- --- Western Avenue and Upppt".Levee Road. the directiosold nOf theinstallation to be Commissioner . Commis ioner of Public Safety, and subject to the moving of the Northern States Power Company transmission ]Joe to a dia- tancc approximately 200 feet away from the tank. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. Approved Aprll 29, 1949. (May 7, 1949) Adopted by the Council........ .......................... 194 E [L AILS Approved----------------------------------------184_ 4 It CITY OF SAINT PAUL "Capita) of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK" t�Gr BUREAU OF RECORDS April 27, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of W. H. Barber Co., subject to compliance with all ordinances, etc. and subject to the moving of the Northern States Power Co. transmission line mentioned in Mr. Shepaxdts letter, to a distance approximately 200 feet away from the tank' Very truly yours, City Clerk Bv. Z o. C..., A R -- W. S. COCKROFT, Svrx. GEO. M. CAREN, A..x. Svrx. ev. . B.— .S GRYTBAK, Enemee. Ore'em . EHERBERT S. WEST r..e a Ex MAURICE W. HEWETT x CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER FRED DRIVER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER April 26th, 1949 Accb-- Dmnoe JOS. PAVLICEE D—'.. Acwv— " BoceAv oe S.. —. JOHN M. COTTER, Su— Bv.env oe M.-11- E-- ARTHUR mn—ARTHUR H. KOCH B.— or Co.eecnon JOHN P. MULLANEY, Svex. n To the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 4. Gentlemen ; A. conununication from the Vr. H. Barber Company requesting permission to construct a 55,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank on its river termlinal property at Western Avenue was referred to this department under date of April 19th for report. The location of this tank as shown on the attached plan in reference tp the Northern States Power Company's power lines has been discussed with Mr. L. G. Vorpahl, Chief Engineer of the W. H. Barber Company. He stated that negotiations are in progress with the Northern States Power Company to°'move the transmission line referred to in the report dated May 19th, 1947, of Mr. Edwin F. Jones and the undersigned. The location of this 55,000 barrel tank,as applied for,is - approved subject to arrangements being made for the moving of the transmission line to a distance approximately 200 £t. away from the tank. You ery truly, - ,OR M. SHEPARDARD Chi f Engineer. gms-rh April 21, 1949 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir, Referring to the attached ap-nlica.tion of the W. H. Barber Company for permission to erect a 55,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank on their property at Western Avenue and Upper Levee Road. Also attached is report covering the inspection made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief Fire Prevention Inspector, from which you will note x there it; no.objection to .the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF SSAINT PAUL Capital sof Minnesota//��// - �eopadment 01 P.1h, S.jetcy POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE andFIREALARM JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner April 21, 1949 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir, Referring to the attached ap-nlica.tion of the W. H. Barber Company for permission to erect a 55,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank on their property at Western Avenue and Upper Levee Road. Also attached is report covering the inspection made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief Fire Prevention Inspector, from which you will note x there it; no.objection to .the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety PRODU CEI4S. MANUFACTURERS AND MARKETERS 6F i'ETROLEUM AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS NAVAL STORES W H. BARBER COMPANY � PETROLEUM FAlp9 PRODUCTS FAV\�' MINNEAPOLI'S April 14, 1949 The City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sirs: We herewith submit our application to construct a 55,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank on our River terminal property at Western Avenue and Upper Levee Road— The tank will be fabricated and erected by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, all in accordance with specifications and regulations of the City of St. Paul, American Petroleum Institute and The Na— tional Board of Fire Underwriters. Application forms have been accomplished and filed with Mr. W. M. Godette of your Building Department. The attached sketch indicates completed construction with solid lines and new construction with the dotted lines. The tank for which steel is now available is noted in the Northeast corner of our terminal. Your favorable consideration will be greatly ap— preciated. Very truly yours, L. G. Vor hl Chief Engineer LGV/mn Enc. C H I C A G O • M I N N E A P O L I S • S T l P A U L THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -- ^` - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION < April 21, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the W. H. Barber Company for permission to erect a 55,000 barrel fuel oil storage tank on their property at Western Avenue and Upper •. Levee Road. This department has investigated this application and report that this tank is in addition to their present tank farm at the above location. It will be installed in excess of the required distance for this amount of storage from my adjacent property. Tanis will be properly diked and equipped with foam generator extinguishing equipment. All the requirements of, the National Board of Fire Underwriters and local regulations have been met, and it would be the recommendation of this department that approval be granted applicant for the construction of the desired storage. Re tfully yours~ Ch1 Bureau of Fire evention. RiNC�t" f ® F. \ � I An � F {I w ' F 41 --- N 1 41 ut / If UTURE Tr1 rYN 7; W£STER/Y AVE. BRI DGL 6 ' 1i1.1GC Cir GCC dBL. F3 F3 07— �y \ 600C 6dL I 6oco HSL \ 2' JO' BHRI l 6NL0ADIIYG LIN" __— -- --= TFAr SPCRT Q "'NrH -• .. _. T CnR lrl� 111' y / \ ` TRHNSP-RT O OrrICESLIP — LOFT DING DOCHS r -I 1, ORRFT I t -hl I 25V 00 Pump j3ek(�t BbL � en y HVK rO, BLENDli1G FI HArYIJLIJYG PUMPS' a.} Wo"),— CLVS�LRo - IHUILGR B6! nrnn C,Jk 1 110nM UN<UIlUINC. i CV.A W I -I. 509RBER CO. TEF{MINf)L \ ST PAUL , MIronESOTA BBL B xc zolo rcC J zo as en bC --2C'WIDE OlKL FOR —tom— R flR6 F/GVTllr C, „LSGOJ I 'I 6BL I n FBL 7/ 9 I' !!VE f£rrc £ �d- DIKE �- 2s 000. � staoa Bao 3 25ooU I BbL � �7] q Y sa O: THIS TANH To HE �RiCTED, qT THIS TlME TIMK Cf1 ,OHDIn"G �— -70— Cr.R _ ___ RR SPUR — MIN ----------- - 0 �V. 4 ,BARBER CO. TEFerryiPRL 57 PAUL, M r-ir-aSOTA w 41 F I � J W C 41 F - , croc• 73tlL z° uFUTURE h l Trane B _ • I o v I� F �; c �s 1 T \ 9y •- I - • WESTERN r4 VIE. } —T-- BuIUGL � - �s f BBL i 13, W \\ 6:-aG BBL 6aco HBL `•h+l ECO! GY.L. j — \ tL DING L/nc5 _ - _ -- {- 2 10- f� _ HRR ,l. NLJR i --.-- - -..-- - -j .—_ 2r, Q /ftRt• FOR Q. L LCRD)NG - DOCKS- � i DRAFT Bne 1: SLIP r 5 I i'fnc£-d-DIXJE LlrVE TnryK 14 Zoil Btli; - PUMP HfvK4[ -- - I 6 tl L !f Yv I BOL I f ` t HVY. /'O, HLENDHIK: ¢I - j I 1 a„� - THIS TANH TO BE \ HAnULInG. PUMPd + - -ERECTED AT THIS TIM€ v F [JUILLR BH1. I _ _ I 'fRnn CR LOROIn'G .RRCN fl OOM , un—') -- - \-- {—- -t-- f-.f_MCl P)PL `SQL C ._� p Or!Stual to City Clerk M 47924 CITY OF ST. PAUL rii°eXCO' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK'rt COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE - Resolved, ----- Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 2000 lineal feet of gas main on Forest between Reaney and Wells nnd- on Wells between Forest and Arcade under provisions of Council File No.123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. C. F. No. 147924—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Northern States Power ry Install pproxim1 atelbe y2000 lineal ven feet of gas ro. n on Forest between Re—y and Wells and on Wells between Forest and Arcade under provisions of Conn. , n File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 0271, ' dated Troy 19, 1941. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. Approved April 29, 1949. (May 7, 1949) PRR2n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- --------------------- -----_....-194 ..... Yeas Nays Mortinson Approved .......................................... 194._.. Parranto Peterson .....i In Favor..................... �. ,--... Rosen May Truax -. --.--.Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 049 .eM.Q 47425 original to City ClericeouNeM1 NO--_--_-------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL ve.e OFF)FE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY - �,_—_--__._ DATE— COMM15510NER_.._---- .'-- Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 11U lineal feet of gas mein on Fremont between Pederson and Howard under provisions of Council File NO.123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 191+1. C. F. No. 147925—BY Milton Rosen—'� Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given I5—isaion t4 ig stall as iptproxiFremlant I48 lineal between Pet I, Berson and Howard under provisions --} f Council File Na. 122001. Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949.' APProvcd A"u 29, 1949. II (May 7, 1949) a�R z s VMS Adopted by the QounclL----------- ----------------------194.----- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �r �a=n --194— Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor - - - - ---- M or Rosen (D Truax -------------Against Mr. President, Delaney f' 2M 9-45 ....`3'O original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL Fr �uwca LICENSE COMMITTEE" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j !____--��-�- 'VyR/� i`-���1.6•='til DAT April 29s 17'*7 COMMISSIONER ---�-- RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application B 156129 On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15613, off Sale'Malt Beverage, Application B 15614, Cigarette Application B 15615, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15616, sjlplied for by Oscar Robins at 126 rest Central Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 147926—By Robert F. Peter - W. A. ParranUo Resolved, That linen -s for Restau- nt. Application B 15612, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15613, Off Sale Malt Beverage, ppplleatlon B '15614, Cigarette meal Amusement Devic a L - all n' Application B 15616, appplied for Oscar RobI- at 128 West 'Central Ave- nue be and the same are hereby grant- ed. Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949. Approved Apr11 29, 1949. ,t . May7, 1949) - I`IFPIi p APK20 12,4a Informally approved by Council April 12, 1949 - Old LOeOUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL...................... _-_:.....194..... Yeas Nays 71?'indtali" ,,mo—rtinson � Approved ------------------------------------------- 194._.. Tarrantpo - �15 Petersou --------------In Favor .......... =.r�------------ --------- _-'Rosen i Mor Truax Agawst President, Delaney 3M AB .,� ' OciQinal to city Clerk 14792 ' _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca rete NO.--•---- ---------- __ LICENSE C014TTITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE4_j' DATE April 29s 1949 RESOLVED= That Tavern License -No. 1027 and Dance Hall License No. 1548, both expiring November 20, 1949, issued to Harold C. Heldt at 126 West Central Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Oscar Robins at the same address. —�_ C. n. No. 197927—ay Robert F. Peter- eter- ResolvedA hatranto— 1111.11 ILicense No. Taverns 1827 and Dance HLicense cee No. 1548• both exniring November - 29 1949, Issued to Aatold C. Heldt at 126* eat Central 'Avenue be - ntl the same re hereby !'Insferretl to Oscar Robins at the same address, TRANSFER 29, 1949. APPpoved Anrll 29u1949 Informally arproved by Council -April (M&y 7,2949) April 12, 1940 COUNCILMEN Adopted' by the Counk[�"_! ? ......... 194 ...-- Yeas Nays . Q ortinson Approved- ............. -............ -----.......... 194Y- /ryy-- �� arranto Peterson J/ -.---- ...-In Favor � j.. - --E1Z _. Rosen _ /ay! Truax -----Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 qr® 14792,_ Original to City Clerk $ cour4ca CITY OF 5T. PAUL sae NO.___.._------------- _ LICENSE 00WITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTIONr—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 29, 19+9 COMMISSIONER_ -- RESOLVED= That Gas Station (2 pumps) License No. 9188, expiring March 15, 1950, issued to August L. Merle at 837 Mississippi Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Oscar Loberg at the same address. C. F. No. 147928—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— I Resolved, That Gas Station (2 pumps) j' License No. 9188, expiring March 15, 1950, issued to August L. Merle at 837' 1 Mississippi Street be and the same is, j hereby transferred to Oscar Loberg at ,the same address. 1 Adopted by the Council April 29, 1949, ,, Approved April 29, 1949. (May 7, 1949) TRANSFER G COUNCILMEN ' ' Adopted by the CouneiL...-_...._....................... 194__.... Yeas Nays wn'bc.,: c, :, ,•L, rtl-n��son Approved...--- .................................... 194__--- �oI/ ,V'arranto -Peterson -1 Favor --- ,,Rosen _..Against :Truax ,Mr. President, Delaney 3M b- 8 .0&0@ C. F. No. 147929-- Resolved, 47929- - ! Resolved, That licensee applied for by the persons named oo the list attached "- Oripteal to City Clem to this resolution be and the same are iaa NO• ----.—_....-._.--.-- CITY- OF S7 hereby granted, and the City Clerk is .�� .instructed to. issue such licenses upon OFFICE OF THE the payment ittto the City treasury of LlpE1ISE COMMITTEE me equired fees. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Adoptedby the Council April 29, 1949. Approved A ril 28; 1949. (iear7,1949) !9. 1949 PRESENTED eY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Peter Manders 1221 Taylor Joseph Feldman 324 Robert T. B. Koehler 1219 Arcade It it Victor Kubat 1260 Rayne It n It 15609 If n It Gerhard C. Schmidt 1087 Arcade n It it it Levine & Tanz (Eatons) 15676 it " It .397 Robert Perkins Tracy Printing Co. Foodstuff VMLoc " 251 E. Fifth St. Paul Hotel Garage 71 R. Fourth Anna Portugal 496 St. Peter n u a n Hugo H. Radmann 1639 Rice n n n u Hugo H. Radmann n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson .... !......-.In Favor Rosen p Truax 1...... --_Against Mr, President, Delaney 3M 9-99 .43B�.® Auto Rep Gar App. 14799 New New Loc. Ldy & D. C. Pickup Sta n 15700 n Old If app. 15442 is Old " Grocery n 15474 n n n Cigarette " 15475 n Grocery n 15609 If n It Off Sale Malt " 15610 " if " Cigarette If 15611 if if it Groceryu 1567 n If u Butcher " 15676 it " It Cigarette 'i 15677 " " It Foodstuff VMLoc " 15678 it New It it s 15699 it n n 15693 ii n n Grocery n 15700 n Old If Off Sale Malt n 15701 If s n Cigarette " 15702 n n n Grocery " 15709 n n n Off Sale Malt n 15710 n n n Cigarette " 15711 Hdwe If 15713 n It 9 Adopted by the CouneiL------------- -------------------194 -•-- Approved--------------------------------------194 — .............................. .... Mayo.. --.._r ........ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.............................:...194..._.. Yeas Nays .-Fiffdiaa- Mortinson Approved..........................................19c - Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ----------..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 _ Oripinsi to City Clerk LICVSE COWZTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL aca NO._-._-_.,_°____-__ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 29, 1949 COMMISSIONER __..-..-----__ DATE_ PAGE NO. 2 E. L.-Pltterson 818 Como Grocery ,App. 15722 New Old Loc. n 11 Cigarette if 15723 " n s Glen Krause 1201 White Bear Foodstuff VMLoc• " 15725 " New It u n Vend Mach (1) 11 15726 I1 Fred R. Bugh 395 E. 7th Restaurant If 15827 11 Old 11 I1 I1 Cigarette 1' 15828 11 11 11 11 If M. A. D. Loc. n 15929 It n n Wilfred 1,yldhder 171 71. Central Butcher n 15756 It 11 1) John A. Fibison 1090 Arcade Ldy & D. 0. Pickup Ste. 1i - -" App. 15766 New I1 Lampland,Lumber Co. 419 E. 8th Foodstuff VMLoc n 15775 Martfii'L. Kind 7g6 Randolph Bakery n 15780 11 Old !1 Northwest Juvenile Mfg. Co. 239 E. 9th Foodstuff VMLoc " 15793 " New it C. L. Breckenridge 314 E. 6th U '1 15901 11 11 11 Richard Snow 999 Arcade 11 " 15996 Howard L. Lloyd 995 Grand 11 It 15999 11 n n' Mary Ellen McQuillan654 Selby Restaurant 11 15999 11 " n Bernard E. Boerger Sr. 2324 Hampden Restaurant 11 15900 11 n n Cigarette 11 15901 11 Albert P. Herschler 290 W. 7th Confectionery 11 15902 n n 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.............................:...194..._.. Yeas Nays .-Fiffdiaa- Mortinson Approved..........................................19c - Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ----------..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ortpt"I to My Clark - - wur�ca 7 No.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac -•-- -____. �. LG0`D'NSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �j� PRESENTED BY 'DATE Aril 19-ILg COMMISSIONER — ----' PAGE NO. j B. & B. Used Cars, Inc. 1857 University 2nd Hd Auto Dlr App. 15917 New Old Lac. Mrs. Ella Dorr 884 Rice Photogreoher ° 15930 a New n Edward F. Kittel 579 Edmund Mtr Veh Dr. ° 15992 b V AM29 %4' Adopted by the Council- ----....._-..-_--.---. -----194..... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays il'R Approved :................194._ . Mortinson Parranto _ _ Peterson .......In Favor ....... - ' M or Rosen / Truax V ........... _Against PUHLISiu.0 s- 9_4 Mr. President, Delaney - 3M 048 Petition 147930 930 Council File No.: ....... ............. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 'ROL"4-ARY ORDERS and C. F. No. 197930— PRELIMINARY ORDER. j Whereas, a - Abst'act Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing; publicimpiovement by the of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Yorkahire Avenue from Fairview Avenue south'to Prior Avenue, on Prior Avenue from Yorkshire Avenue to St.:Paul Avenue and on Yorkshire Court from Prior Avenue southwest to end of street. Dated this 27 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ---,Construct_a_aeHer on Yorkahire Avenue from Fairview Avenue south to Prior•Avenuex_ -,-: on _Pr}or _Ayezlue--south-_from_Yorkshire-_AYenue _to _St.-•_Paul_Avenue2-_gnd--on-_Yorkshire----- Coalz t..£2nm.P.riar-.Axsn�ze..sal�tbNaat..3a..end..of stssst.----------- ....................................-....._.---------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AN 2 g 1949 Adopted by the Council ........ r - ................ -......... YEAS NAYS CiouncilmaaJkww @q- feme�' Approved.------- -............................................. ------------ MORTINSON PAREANTO SO- PETERSON TRUAR ,��......�VUYJG"""'��'"�.e.�.....++��»..........._.. MR. PRESIDENT / Mayor. ' 1M 498 MBLISk",IJ 5 Pet4lon Council File No- --------------------•- 9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTII C. F. No. 197g31— and Abstract Whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. u, Construct a sewer on Warwick Ave - us from Hartford to a poh • e,et. of Scheffer Avenue, ha The undersigned herebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement^enPdto,the Council +u ul,vis.: Conatruct_a--sexer on Warwick Agenue_from-Harford Avenue`__7..yto _9n ............ ...75_teet,..nortb-.o.I--- S.GhsS ex..Av0nitQ -' ....................... --'- ------_-------- - °of....- ---' 1949. Dated thie......29-------------day ...-..- ----April+.-...----------------- %�� i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Construct --a -sewer_-on_Warwick. Avenue -_from_ Hartford -_Avenue- AS? -------- _ -----r------ -----�5---f eet swsLki.:-dS...&sk1al'fax..-AQezitta.------------------------------------------------------ ---- ------ ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Eau --------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated Cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on -the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoiliglmatters to the Commissioner of Finsfice. ' Adopted by the Council- ............ ----................... ----n . YEAS NAYS Councilman-B,mr'eae'"'— APR 2 9 194 Approved-------------------------------------- ,� MORTINBON PARRANTO PETERBONX TRDAX------• Me MR. PRESIDENT a IM 4-98 PUBLISIILD (PETITION) 147932 Council File No ......................._ NT C. F. No. In7saz— atraee PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME and Whereas, A wrlttea P7'oDosel for the making of the follow; 1mDrovean t-4 viz: ' ,Construct Integral Curb and Sidewalk PRELIMINARY ORDER. r , XN?—an The undersignedhereby proposeathe making of thefollowingpublic improvement by the fr via.: ggngtruct- Integral_Ciirb-- and _Sirlewalk_on_BPNFIL _STREET-, from Dousman-_Street to Dated this ........................day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _Construct_Intearal- Curb_end--SidewAlk _on..BANFIL STREET --fro m_Dousman-_Street-_to------ -- -------------------- ouncil of the City of SaintPaul-----------------•- 9 having been presented to the C therefore, be it RESOLIVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I'- To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report "upon all of the foregotgp,matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._.,_.-_-------------------------------- ...--.------ -- ---------------- YEAR NAYB APR 2 1349 Councilma -B 1n'Uss— r Approved ----------------.._.._.--------•------; MORTINSON PETERSON U .... ... TRIIAX MR. PRESIDENT 2501147 "LVVV'' �•� M111AS1II1) r��� .. No. 197933— _{ 7 �f.ICJ Ived. That checks be dr—' NOTICE city treasury to the apr ,t of $3a' •1, covers' COUNCIL FILE NO.�_ TO COUNIC d R" _SCS"9 PRINTER \ \\ `t ,,,a. April 28 9 \JJJ c 194— . RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 38,828.14 82938 ' 82993- , ; COVERING CHECKS-NUMBERED— TO— _INCLUSIVE, -AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R.,29 190 ADOPTED BY THE 'COUNCIL — 194— — a? cin_comrrnou-Fr+ APPROVED 194_ BY Y`� — J I'U13LISFILll S %'�`/ ' CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 2 166 1393141 DATE RETURNED BY BANK DUPLICATE TO CITY LERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 75 00 51 10 - L.A. 82940 MOManis construction Company -'OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS -- ROL CALL 82941 American Linen Supply Company - MORTINSON PARRANTO , --------'__IN FAVOR 82942 Brings & Company AUDITED CLAIMS _ 1'9 PETERSON ' 8294 Crane Company RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN ROSENAINST $2944' Farwell, Osmun, Kirk & Company _ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFTRUAX �$��..��L�O�� J�.J��.._COVERING MR.PRES.DNEY ELA ( y .v���`� CHECKS NUMBERED. TO...� PER CHECKS ON FIL��9OFFICEITI�CAMPTROLLER. IN USIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---_.------_- 82946 General Truck & Eq pment C cOMPfROLLFR (; ��i _ APPROVED/�/y NUMBER /� /J �� BY-..._..... _......... ' CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 2 166 1393141 DATE RETURNED BY BANK 82938 Marshall F. Hurley 82939 Soler, Cashier W.Dept. 75 00 51 10 L.A. 82940 MOManis construction Company 2 250 00 82941 American Linen Supply Company 269 60 82942 Brings & Company 967 00 ' 8294 Crane Company 901 90 $2944' Farwell, Osmun, Kirk & Company 300 55 82945 Farwell. ozmun, Kirk & Compaz y 181 87 82946 General Truck & Eq pment C pany 2 469 61 82947 Ken S. Gold Compan 295 00 i 82948 Midway Awning & e Compan 160 6o 82949 Minnesota "D y 6 692 00 82950 National Cyli s Compan 180 57 82951 National Cylin as Compan 224 54 82952 Northern States ower Compan 16 354 93 82953 Proctor & Gamble Met. Compail 3 89 8295 Star Launderers &.Cleaners 22 89 82955 voc. Sohool.Petty Cash Fund 100 62 62956 voo. School Petty Cash Fund 69 10 82957 Ronald J. Rhein I 25 00 82958 Harald B. Viall 5 00 i 82959- H.W. Prodger 229 67 .82960 H.W. Prodger 265 33 82961 Winton Christianson 200 00 82962 Frank Fiorito200 ±� 00 . 82963 George P. Lehan a 200.00 82964 Acme Linen Service Company 82965 American Red. & Stand. San. C rp. 25 44 31 82966 Belden,•Porter Company 15 75 82967 S. Berglund Lumber Company 817 00 82968 Blaine Electric Company 117 21 82969 Carpenter -Paper Company 19 10 - 82970 The Crane Company 160 89 82971 E7.ectrio Blue Print Company -112 -35 82972 Elvin First' Aid Supply -Compan r 44 86 a 8297 Esslinger &Company 146 3i6 8297 Thomas Finn Compaay 64 20 82975 Goodin Company 360 00 X82976 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 1 757 9+ 82977 Lyon Chemicals, Inc. 32 30 82978 M,B. Coffee Company 90 00 82980McClqi&uis HedmanpanCompany 47 87;. 82981 MoGill.Warner Company 87 20 82982 M11ler Supply Company 341 94 62983 'E.A. Moeller Company 21.50 82984 `;Nelson 011 Company 250 20 82985 Neptune Meter Company 91 80 82986 N.I. Hardware company, 139 U 82987 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Compan 48187 82986 Purity Baking Company 127 50 82989 Railway Express. Agency 6 09 82990' St.Paul Book & Staionery Company 192 71 82991 9t.Paul Book & Sta;lonery Company 676 o2 82992 Sherwin-Williams Company 9 63 82993 H.V. Smith & company 53 75 " SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _ 52 06.(9 421959.69 I f O..ByCOUNCIL FILE NO. - By ----- ---- - - - -- FINAL ORDER C. F. No. 147934— o Avenu In'he atter of f ommChatmorthbStreet ing uto oxford Street, under Preliminary - 90, approved March " A FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- --- ------------------- Cltl1?lAg_Ropdo_Ay419ue from_Chatewortdz_Street_Lo__Oxtord_Stiheet_____ - --------------- ------------ - ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------- -- ----------- ------------------- under ---- ----- under Preliminary Order -------- 147364 ---------- _------ ---approved __- Mereh_ ii- 1949 Intermediary Order --------------------------------approved ------------ ----=--------=-------------•-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,.be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provejnent to be made Cu by the said City is__-_xh.RflAd4-AY_eA OJr-°fit- iO----;C�-stet_ to__________ OxfordStreet ---------------------------- ------------ ----------------------- — ---- -- - 9 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval, that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in'�-accordance therewith. MAY 3 199 Adopted by the Council _.:- ------------------------------ - 192 ---------- _ .. —------------ to. • S ui City. Clerk. Approved--------- ------------ ---------------.-, 192.--- File 10958,.. - Mayor. Councilman Councilman ",rtinson ?gin Councilman E1CfieDonald to D Councilman WGlokan ° pi}I3LIS /11 Councilman `Sudheimer - ' Councilman Wenzel r I - Mayor Hdffggiii� : _uey Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT' OF- FINANCE REPORT OF'COm PRELInMISN IONER ORDER FINANCE (A) from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Stroot In the matter of curbing Rondo Avenue under Preliminary Order approved March 8, 1949 To the Council of the City of St. Paul; 14'7610 The Commissioner ofs follows: Finance forthe above lnhereby aimprovement is $ 2,057.55 - The total estimated _ _ 1,75 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1a _Il&ALU ung a DESCRIPTION 1 (,ymsin' s Addition to the City S 550 ; 9 of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn* 500 10 1 do 11 1 do 150 12 1 do 150 do 400 2,500 13 1 14 1 do 150 _ i5, 1 do 150 - 16 1 do 200 - 8 2 do 450 (Ezcept Rondo Avenue) Opo 2,100 (Except Rondo Avenue) 7 2 do x»m[ Fmm 8. B. IO •. _ (C) cITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION (Except Rondo Avenuj) (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue). (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue), (Except Rondo Avenue) (Except Rondo Avenue) Lots 1 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION. ASSESSED Land vALIKTAng 6' 2 Cuumi.nls Addition to the City S 400 Us BW . of St. Paul, Ramsey.Co., Minn. 5 2 do 500 2,000 4 2 do 500 2,100 3 2 do 500 5,050 2 2 do 500 1,300 1 2 do 500 1,550 -8 2 Varnerts Subdivision 525 1,600 7 2 do . 525 - 6 2 do 500 1,850 2 2 do 1,150 4,000 7 1 do 400 - (Except East 6.92 feet) 8 1 do 425 1,450 East 6.92 feet of Lot 8, all of Lot . 9 and (Except East 20.78 feet) 10 1 do875 2,000 Lot ll and East 20.78 feet of 10 1 do 750 2,000 12 1 do 700 - Total (611,850.00$31,300.00 The Commissioner of -Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter ^by the Commissioner of Public Wor$s. Dated S 19jc Commissioner of—F–mance. Form B. B. 12 _ X989. St. Paul; Minn.. ----------------- ---- - ----- .._..... 194------ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 19 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition. your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �.............St. Ave. ��2��,,1�............._......................... ,............. From ... St. Ave. to ............. .. .. . ..........St. Ave. NAME _ IAT BLOCK ADDITIION — C At V v _ RE_ CEI IANITl�49 2M 5-47 W— 5. '/z 5.W. %q. Sec. 3f T. 29= A. E.. �. ST ANTHONY r � r r N /I N h _ _J A ve . Q QpMOo I 14 I Ave CAERAL.L Z h r 0 of qvc . Y p O a � IGI._EHA¢.T W 0 N F r V AILSHAL 1, --j i -- I II I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March ....._23....._1949............. 194 ..... ...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...14730 pprove0ach 8d 9 ...._................_........................._....194......_., relative to .....................cur bing...Rondo ...Avenue... £rnm..Gha tsxorth.. S trea.t__tn._Ox£ord..Street.._...._......... .... ....................... __ and having investigated the matters and things' referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. 2,057-55 Cost per front foot $1.75 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... _............................ !.., and the total cost thereof is $ .................. ..... .... _............ Inspection $37.90 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 1,176 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...................................._............_......._...._......._................_.........._..... 8: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .... ....... ........ ......... _............ .................................................................... _......... .................................................... :................ .......... ...... ..... ........ ....... 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more own of Pr , subject to. assessment for said improvement. � 2 u' .......................... .................... _......................... _.............................. ......... _ 1M -6-46 �' Commissioner of Public Workm MqR 4iVEO op y �g � A. R. BvaaW S. `OCK a 'T CITY O F SAINT PAUL A°o--. D.nuon W.COCKROPT,.— 9 -JOS. PAVLICEK GEO. M. GAREI" Aur. Svrr. D.f' . Accovnrwnr Capital of Minnesota Bv` M.S•GRYTBAK,�E - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B"mow""r $wn, JOHN M. COTTER, COTTER. Svrr. ., MILTON ROSEN, CoMMIseIONER Orrlca E.mnau FRED DRIVER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bvauv or Mvmarwc E"vlrrLnr HERCERT S. WEST ` GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER ARTHUR H. KOCH Tawrnc Encixau ® Bvauv or Coa.acrton MAURICE W. HEWETT JOHN P. MULLANEY, Svrr. March 21, 1949 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City ,of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith .preliminary estimate of cost for 'curbing Rondo Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 147300 approved March 8, 1949• Estimated Cost ----------------- 2,057.55 Cost per front foot ------------- 1.75 r Engineering ------------ 125.00 Inspection ----------- ----------- 37.90 Frontage ---------_______—__— 1,176 ft. Yourly, or M. Shepard ' / Chi f Engineer / 'm Ask Approved or trans i sicn to th ommissio of Finance Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works r, 2nd Laid over to_ 3rd and app_. _ Adopted - Yeas Nays _ _ Yeas Nays an :"iS�iorti on - — --++reran — Marti nson iParranto eterson/Peterson Partanto �.._..r•,..,.�..,,. yltos�en- Rosen YOrlQlnal co CITY Clerk A N C E' 7935 C. F. No. 147995—Ordinance x saaz—y COUNCIL FILE NO. RY Milton Rosen— - ''` ��// +'tw• i-,� Mdinanc amending ordinance i ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY_ -"7L` xo. 7sei entitled: "M ordinance regulating and con- travelgntrahfAc.treetsnB*drf he CRY nt .. 1 paint Paul and providing punish nt for the viol - e'�•'-: - --' - ling ar au . An ordinance amending Ordir J%y.t 1 entitled : An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding -.$ driving and travel in the streets of the Uity of.Saint Paul and providing punishment for the violation thereof,,and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safetylF approved December 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of'the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Sad.nt Paul does ordain . Sect o l. - :i That ordinance N6.7881 approved December 30, 1939s, as amended, be and the same is hereby, her amended by adding to Section 85, (a) (5),t4e fpllmwing s ? on the east side of Lexington Avenue from University to Aurora, and on the south side of University Avenue from Lexington to-oicford." Section 2. - This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the.preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall,take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas,. Councihneil Nays Moffew In Mortinson Parranto Peterson Truax Rosen Mr -President Delaney \ Attest: City Clerk 1 so" Passed by the Council.-..--------- ....... ....... .............. -- ... .....----.In Favor ...... -_Against Approved L-- --- ..- .� _.. - . z p ----. ..._. ..- - Mayor .•� m ,>=::-if .[3%..�.:�. Gs „�1�. e.. -� •.�.. :nE ■�_. ::e' E ..:::1�. fis THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSr���c�A . OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL . INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION , April 29th, 1949 Commissioner Milton nosen, D E P A R T M E N T. Dear Sir : You have referred a petition for limited time parking on University at Lexington to me for. investigation and recommendation. The petition is signed by a large proportion of the concerns fronting on the east side of Lexington Avenue from University to Aurora and on the south side of University from Lexington to Oxford. The State of Minnesota Highway Planning Survey has frontage on the University Avenue side. No signature was submitted for that frontage. The frontage involved is a bout 240 ft. on Lexington and about 540 ft. on University Ave.. It will serve a bout thirty-five cars. Since this -Frontage is across from the Ball Park a large amount of the parking during a ball game is by base ball fans. It is the hope expressed by, some of the signers that a limited time parking will eliminate this parking so tYTAt customers can get•at the curb. There is also much long time parking along this frontage that takes away space that would be otherwise available to their custorhers. They have asked for one-hour limited time parking. However, I believe that a two-hour limt would serve the purpose and would be in keeping with other limited time parkings in that area. I, therefore, recommend the two-hour limit. Your��/,t/rul '�H 4� M. SY. _HE.�1, , Traffic Engineer. mwh-rh encl. '2nd--_. --- -- Laid! 3rd and.aPP• -- - -, -- ...Nays:... AdoPted ---F - Yeas - Yeas Naya . - Mprlinson 1 u Mrtinsanon P mta-' - Parganto Peterson' �� / PetersonR"e/• /(� �/n Rosen' Trua Truax' / .�/ Truax • tMt."President Mr. President Delaney Deldney . oii¢tn.f to City Clerk > - O u 1 N C E 147936 OUNCIL FILE NO. 'PRESENTED BY C. No. 747s&g—Ordinance No. sPa— ny Robert F: Peterson—W. A. Par- " ranto— I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: _ "An ordinance for the purpose promoting the F' �•v n -dr •, c vents '•.. .�� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. "An ordinance for the purpose o� ptomoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and -restriction. of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the, height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and.determinin&the minimum size of lot line courts, and other open spaces, and estab- lishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended: This is an,emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNOIL OF THE CITY'OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting At the end of Paragraph (a) of Section 2, Article I, the following: "Photographers who do their own work in their own homes and do not employ help." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declareg,to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and sPfety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays _8aeftfss— Mortinson' Parrant0 Peterson , 4�//Trua((( Mr., President (McDonougtrp' Attest: i Oity Clerk 5po 747 ,41W(5 MAY 18 W Passed by the Council ..------------ ------- -------- -------------------- . ----.--In Favor 0 ............. Against Approved:.----- - MAY -18 INV --- ---- -----� — - -- - --- -'-- -- yjJI;1,I5ii-:- 4 1s����r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital_ of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS April 1, 1949 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corooration Counsel Build)ng Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you .prepare an ordinance hers amending the Zoning Ordinance so as to make it evident loy heft comephotwithin ot who do their Sect on 2rofithehZoni geir mOrdinance, es and do nlast o aragraph thereof. par. (a) Very truly yours, City Clerk a xi �a f#fie ar �a#ce srd is orsated r ��� �iha�a�aphs -fie � prAfa�e's�onAl �eT$bn. � tsxle+ed,mi , t `i 1f the eesgnae of a .pry! , cA ut It �prr IYb}t3d be gat yea x l Ltpgzt thy_ peaeorie 4 *r. �ioa��:�}ts 4,i "��-pdrsatt by c it fa,:aarxisi'sn, i .�+�►Y o�.iT�A� �+ "4ocups ��_ i,noAlvint� speolAl mea�sl���� �ttd�Am�Rttt,o�,s�eo��1, diA�"#ne, as ped ding, "$atilsg, s, siro.ik�pr�t��, 81sD s tt�a`ogar, �this�,wo��.d -n�?t app#g to,� o�axpo�a��aa � oar�saratio,r c'snAdt3 ,per#�i[ a �+��a��ss�Aa# ar a4��,gt. A Rti�a� BoxPorati4�'t4�8' aoatiioa �ed®C . IlitApLQ 3?O,tkiut�a {`lQh4r"iaf�:rmsc�faslo�ii.. aoy�AAb4 �glt tR xeg;sa bg�+'tina4a;`any nuisattoe at any t #� .o14tg qxd#x�oq $nAs nat 7 alt the ower d! t3iet Ctt7 13oa#3.' to do E,m case; a the airy o -f. 4i'u# ve�isss?, t, TNr de eryr! apse; ^ {{�� ga/(sa�► t a ayf mos n• rlyli '!� r `�,� 4t -r Rk xi�t i all�1� Ir. *iY'+ 41, ans> r 1hd T ; a�thtx #t o;re u� �o- ei ► n pOf A, I ^T]� o �t►g lte �►adsi ^ttn ands hero :Pl Y thAt fumaxavltT�o�ne ira a �tes�daAfrd datxteg be ocme#dAxe iesemro�t*a`ubai�"c'�g� 'ander° its oharto-s ,has ,the richt 1�o r , %ter initl�e e 4#4#$ rrSssler i7� �' ?32 o00 `ma'neri�>i��dm��.ion �r�e b�dd�,'��.d�� d,ip�tZiat'o,curt,: att�, a,Z�s;abed t the. - ;p�r th,1i'emg tiauft aeon :� �ocmd t3�ebasneds i�At�esa�► ens a,� wl hAfl Aar soot► Pt'o2t4 #ted ypdbz t3►e ord name +i c ot�x .:'tasII' �dis`Cssofis. ' -' PI Pkif7.R0{iP :#�a ray -:v �l_�" t !Wishing of ;_pbotogrnpbf 'snd equipped pliexei (a'�, J►11 �ex�►oa. fixme or..oar ar�tlans ax tiriis�i ot-ptsotagraphs laulis %be.Wrty ILr for a mono ors�re in an9 aae year aad .tac kL �o,fclnal to City Ciuk cOUNCR CITY OF ST. PAUL FuX NO.. ---- __---------- �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By DATE_ COMM ISSIONEf RESOLVED, That the City Architect haiPing filed with the Council on April 7, 1949, a statement of the expenses involved in the wrecking of a buildingoat 189-195 St. Anthony Avenue, Lots 6 and 7, Gem Addition, file 146489; that the City Clerk is hereby authorized pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-17 of Ordinance No. 7210, to file a statEment of the expenses of such removal in the office of the Register of Deeds in the County of Ramsey securing a lien in favor of the City on such property. W COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In n ortihson /Ifarranto -1�eterson ,,Rosen �ruas /Y41. President, Delaney 3M 8-48 1M.@. 7937—BY K'._ A. P- 1--t-That the City Architect wlth the Council on April taw re, in8 of a Dunding at Anthony Avenue. 1'O that Addition. He 14tKr d ;lark is exhe tom s of SQctlona . the prow a r218 f . t e ne f No. f ch o- f the peN;oReB�ter f heoffice of the aQC11T-' he County of Ramsey of the City on aitch in favor by the C0c May 3. 1949 d May 3, 1&19. (May 7. 18491 ^tr PMAY 31949 Adopted by the CollndL............. --.................. 194_---_. / Approved-------------------------- ------------194 _.. .l.`..In Favor ------ .... ................. - - yor .....Against 4P t councn No------------------ — FILM ortltual to city Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL �I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - i f COUNCIL ROLUTION—GFJ.IERAL FORM e - RESOLVED, that out, of the Water Department Fund, weekly compensation of $27.00 be paid to Wilbert Jack, while he is t0tP-11; disabled by reason of injuries he sustained on April 5, 3.949, while employed by the Water Department, and $,81.00 in partial settlement to and including Q April 26, 1949, is now payable. COUNCILMEN • Yeas Nays an Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 C. F. No. 197938—Ry Severin A. Mor- Zaon— Resolved. That out of the Water De- petfinent Fwd, weekly Compensation of 127.99 be paid to Wilbert Sack, white he is totally dlaable >ny reason of in - Juries he sustained Aprll 5, 1999,1 while employed by the Water Depart- ment. and $81.99 in partial settlement' to and includJng,Apra 28. 1949, is now payable. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. Approved May 3, 1949. (May 7. 1949) MAY 3 ISO Adopted by......-- 194 ..... the CollnciL..................... Approved----------------- ........................ 194—, -------..-.._In Favor /7 .....:.- �...Agalllet 14Or, ,lmt to Cliy Club CITY OF, ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUt10N—GENERAL FORM 4�(A`pa�1�7 FUZ L {MERW, The Ccmissionor of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of su emargenay which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more then their usual hours of employment, therefore,"be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers axe hereby authorized to pay the fallowing nalre d employees at the rate otherwise fixed for A or set forthf extra employment for extra time here na NAME ^ TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT $1 54 hr $ 55 44 Michael Tschida Dtilityman Playgrounds 36 hours C. F. No. 197939—By Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the propp r city offi- are rehereby authorized to yof cer. employe in the Department f Ed- ucation for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this reso- luttop. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1999. Approved May 3 7 9 ,1999 rt491 MAY 3 AM? Adopted by the Council. ---------------------------194 ..... .COUNCILMEN u 1 f Yeas Nays Approved--------------------------------- �. Mortinson Parranto Peterson ......./^. In Favor Rosen X Truax v j' ............ Against Mr. President,. Delaney r 3M 919 •arMi' - 0 a FORM N0. 1 Ma-� S .194 9 MISCELLANEOUS OVERTIME - APRIL '1 to APRIL 30, 1949 INCLUSIVE An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary theemployment of certain employes of that department for more tYtan eight hour: per day, in doing the following work: Extra work neoessary to polios sohooLjroperty This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances : Damaging -of sohool ro art be vandalism. This report is in accordance with Section 63 of the Charter. — 71UA6 eA I eripiaal to City Clerk �jyq/ ( 8 ' 9` 1 ). I' CITY OF ST. PAUL MUNCIL' NO_ ---- -__--_-_-_ OFFICE OF THE,CITY CLERK .. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDE Fred MT ��d COMMISSIONER_ M. __ I� pq•� feBV 3, 1949 ' WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more trill their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named,employees at the Tate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NM!E TITLE TIME RATE AMOM Dr George Snyder Director of School 30 days $75 00 month $75 00 Hygiene Q C. F. No, 1479411—By Fred M. Truax— Eesolwd, That the proper city offi- cers are hereby authorized to pay .cer- tam employe in the Department of Ed- ucation for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this resp - lotion. _ - Adopted by the Council May 3. 1949. Approved May 3, 1949 iMay 7, 19�i9) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................... ............ Yeas Nays fi7(ki' � L Mortinson Approved ------- ........................•.........194-_•. Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen' / Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 51 147940 a FORM NO. 1 3 1949 _ VETERANS COUNSMING SERVICE OVERTIME - APRIL I to APRIL 30, 1949.INCLUSIVE A An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau .of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Medical service rendered tp Veterans Guidanoe Center This emergency arose by reason of tho following facts and circumstances; No other Dootor's _servioe ava11ab1e on ahQr# ,,,,tioa_ This report is in accordance with -Section 53 of the Charter. N. 147941 Orlin—i to city Quit wuXCR CITY OF ST. PAUL vas NO.-_-_-__---.-_-__--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK__ 69UNCIL RESOLUTION—Gtc. F. No. 147941 -By W. a. Parrapto- 1 Whereas, On October 9.1941, purgu- - — ant to Chapter 511, Lam 1941, the State PRESENTED BY ��v r of Minnesota conveyed to the Clty of PRESENTED BYCOMMISSIONER— Saint Paul the following p described de- -wltnt( party fY. ffa P R/W1 Fa NnAF 149.69 feet of Lot thirty-one T*i' and the south 295.16 feet of I,ot - �-nne (311. bake Camo Vinas; and ,�. P' .Y of Sa' d u,- WHEREAS, on October 9, 1941, pursuant to Chapter 511, Laws 1941, the State of Minnesota conveyed to the City of Saint Paul the following described delinquent property for park pur- poses, to -wit: (Except N. P. Railway R/W) the North 147.59 feet of Lot thirty-one (31) and the south 295.16 feet of Lot thirty- one (31), Lake Como Villas; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has failed to put said land to the public use for which it was cbnveyed; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has resnmmended to the Council, in a letter dated April 27, 1949, that the property be re -conveyed to the State of Minne- sota; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec- tion 281.25, the proper city officers are authorized to execute a deed reconveying the above deseriied property to the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- ........... ------------.......... 194..--.. Yeas Nays iIVlor Approved......--- ............... ... ---•------.194. . ,-11-arranto / /Peterson -In Favor - _.. yor ,�aen J ,T-uax -------- -----Against Mr. President, Delaney PUBL1S11Lll - 0 i 794 r CITY OF SAINT PAUL li. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS .,v-, ,a Aril 28, 1949 14r. Bruce J. Broody Corooratio-1 Counsel B ui 7- Dear Sir: The Council requested that you dram a resolution providing for the reconveyance to the State of 14innesota of the land described in the attached letter of Commissioner Parranto. Very truly 'ours, i City Clerk ALFRED H. SCHROEDER • T KAUFMAN s ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect W. LA MON Supt. T Parks Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO. Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner April 27, 1949 1� To the Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: The City is the owner of the following property which is under the con— trol of this department: feet of one(31)Nand the S. 295.16the feet•o147.59 Lot 9thirty one (31), thirty (31), Lake Como Villas. This land is the site of.the old abandoned cemetery in the block bounded by Victoria Street, Orchard Avenue, Louth Street, and the Northern Pacific Railroad, which was tax—forfeited land and which was conveyed to the City, on October 91 1941, under the provisions of Chapter 511, Laws of 1941, by deed recorded in Book 1587 of Deeds, page 619, the conveyance providing that the land be used for public park, parkway and playground purposes. Recent developments indicate thtt because of the fact that this is an the abandoned cemetery, the City cannot use it for the purpose for which same was acquired, and I, therefore, raxgeethetpr per deedouncil tconveyingZthe d direct the'c6rporation counsel to prep land back to the state. Very truly yours ssr/I-� otmttissioner of Parks, Pley- grounds and Public Buildings St , I. ° I1 prlgln.l to CItY ClerkepuncR 147949 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL _rna NO..__-_______--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE - COMM ISSIONER_—.._.___� RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Painting and Finishing of, the Como School, West Wheelock Parkway and North Grotto, St, Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satis— factory to the Department of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. C. F. No, 147942—By W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That the Plans and Specifi- the Comoons oSchoolt West innWheelock Parkf ' way and North Grotttl: St. Paul, Min - reacts, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direc- tion of the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Depart- ment of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby Authorized to adver- Use for bids thereon in the'manner pro- ' ' Acied in and by the charter. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. .. Approved May 3, 1949. (May T, 1949) t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Martinson Parranto Peterson n Favor Rosen Truax _. .Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M OAS Adopted by the Council... ...................... 194... 'kifa t94� Approved....-........ -- -............... 194...-- - -- _- _---_----•- •------ -....... ayor r' orlpta.i to city Ctera J 117943 CITY OF ST. PAUL c=ii..uemom No. --------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for extra employment from April 16 to 30, 1949, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 C. F. No. 147943—By W. A. Parramo— Resolved, That the proper city offl- sare hereby authorized to pay cer- Lain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build. smile for extra employment from April 16 to 30, 1949, a set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Comptroller. _ - Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. Approved May 3, 1949. . 1 (May. 7. 1949) MAY 190 Adopted by the Council ................................. 194.. --.- WAY S 1249 /----In Approved.............................. ........... --- Favor - — �or .. .........-.Against WAA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO. Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner May 3, 1949 To the Honorable, the Mayor and Menbers of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department.of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of this department for more than eight hours a day,,because of necessity of rendering service in the interest of the public. The emergency involves overtime work at the Como greenhouse, golf courses and electrical installations. Yours truly Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect v W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks !ice Walter Cronk William Lego Joseph P. Mc Andrew Martin A. White Louise G. Berven Christine Erlitz Gladys Pepin ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell, Zone 2 W. A. PARRANTO. Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner I May 5, 1949 OVERTIME, April 16 to 30 TITLE HOURS Gen. Blacksmith 36 Tree Laborer. 16 Garden Laborer 16 Utilityman—PG 12 Loc. Ref. Mgr. 3 Ref. Cashier 40 Ref. Cashier 8 W. A. Parranto Commissioner PP&PB ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect RATE TOTAL 1.90 68.40 1.45 23.20 1.45 23.20 1.35 16.20 1.101 3.31 1.071 42.90 1.o7,B �F Council File No. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__Cond° �-and.taldn� an easement in the :land-neoeaees- for ----- # cute and tills in the grading of Idaho Avenue from Avon Street to victoria street The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages mdde by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul -on the....--._1..................day of-:_ ................. J»........_......... ..........19--••4�•, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. my $ 1s Adopted by the Council. ------ - - --------- .......... ., 19. - i MAY s ni RESOLUTION UP coUNcm APPROV- - - ' File 10945 INGASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND Councilman Councilman ma1�-n—-•. �, i tfortinsom Councilman FING TIME of HEARING ON IR Councilman :o® Peterson THE AWARD OF DAMAGES - - - _ Councilman - C. F. No. 147944— In the matter of condeminang and Mayor Delaney taking an a --ten' In the land - - ry r t 1•! �� LyJ� -yT under Preliminary Order ............147196---_---•------_-:------ approved .......... 4 ..................... Intermediary Order .................... ...... aPP ---- -March_ 117681 approved......------- 1-12 ..................... Final Order --- ............................... ........................... -A The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages mdde by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul -on the....--._1..................day of-:_ ................. J»........_......... ..........19--••4�•, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. my $ 1s Adopted by the Council. ------ - - --------- .......... ., 19. - i ..... y Clerk. �7 Mayor. c) PUBLIF)HED - 711 MAY s ni Approved------------------------••------------------••----•-------, 19 File 10945 Councilman Councilman ma1�-n—-•. �, i tfortinsom Councilman -•-1 Parranto Councilman :o® Peterson Councilman sma Rosen Councilman a® Truax Mayor Delaney ..... y Clerk. �7 Mayor. c) PUBLIF)HED - 711 Council File No..... 4_47945 RESOLUTION* OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMF-uT Awnsnum RE80L-- UTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING AS8E83MENT AND FfBII 0 TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIM] TIME OF HEARING HEARINGA0 THE AWARD OF D- ON THE AWARD OF�DAMAGES C. F. No. 147945 In the matter of open'nv am' ing a 20 it. alley in E 2. Subdivision No. 69 ft end of the '•Y it division of Et .. ; L- . d,�. ... �--b^ In. the matter of-.�7Bn?9��!i'. !�.w,..-"''s ••-•- .-_.'__ = -` _ -- No. 69 f=om the westerly and of the alley is Stinson's Subdivision of Block 96, Lyman Dayton's Addition, to a line which is 20 ft. westerly and parallel to the westerly line of Lot 11 produced in said Stinson's Subdivisions and from the alley in said Stinson's Subdivision to Fifth Street, by taking and condemning all that land in Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 69 lying - north and east of the 'following, described lines Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley in Stinson's subdivision of Block 969 Lyman Dayton's Addition, at the west end of the alley, thence west on the south Mine of said alley produced to a point which is 20 ft. west of the west K line of Lot 11 produced in Said Stinson's Subdivision, thence north on a line v1hich is 20 ft. west and r..arallel to the west line of Lot F1 in said Stinsoa's :utdivisicn to Fifth Street, �.Sc..w.O _11 rre� . _Y .. .... .... .... .. under Pre •-WRNA- _._.. .. . . Intermediary Order .--•---...__------1aZ3@6............................. approved___. Ual�h--l5,--l942------------------- A ril 12 1.4_ FinalOrder. ------------•---•-•---._------- 1l1T6B2-............................... , approved ..---------------p-••----------�-•--9- 9--•-------� -------.. The Commissioner of ]mance having submitted -his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having dubmitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a,public hearing be had befoie the Council upon said report and for a confirms, tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..........1 ................day Of June..- 19.19-.., at ten o c oc&`A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Ccun --w .......... ....... ....... 19 - ------- --- _t ---- ---- i COUNCIL FILE NO---------------------- ••....... By...... . ............................................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL 147946 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bensfitso costs and expenses for constructing a sever on HaZelwood Street from Arlington Avenue to Idaho Avenue RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT C. F. No. 147946— to �the matter of the a—e t of constructing a sea 0. F-PI—od Street from ldai-. Ave— d. 1047-7 under Preliminary Order ............. 1.44047 ...... ................... Intermediary Orden ............. �9 ................................ FinalOrder .......................111%49--__,.- ....... approved ............................... ........................... - 19A. The assessment of .......................... ____.,__._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to, the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is. hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... day of ..................... 1 19..49,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall . Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give no . tice ot said meetings, as required by the Chart ' er, stating in said notice the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - dfAY irected'WAY 3 1W Adoptedby the Council ................. .............................. ........................ 119 MAY City Clerk. Approved-: .......... ......... . ----------------.......19......... File 10712 --------_------ --- Mayor.- ........... -Councilman in -Tra-q- Councilman FjjjWAjj&,W== 7or'_Insoi; Councilman.4dQWWA7--", F rr,)nto Councilman c-, . _i -son 1lu.31,islll-,J) Councilman n Councilman. Ti z x Mayor Ho4@WWMW0W Deey F.— B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. 47947 947 ........... t � CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading, graveling and oiling the alley in Hlock 2, Watson's Addition, from Victoria Street to Milton Street RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT • C. F. No. 147947— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading, graveling and oiling the alley in Block 2, Watson's Additipn, from Victoria Str-t to Milton Street oder Prelimin Crder nediary O- L� '5. appy under $reliminary Order ................ _947 Intermediary Order --------..--.--------------- Final Order .......... ; ?5 .... approved .................................. .....lion --2)A----------------, 19...11 .benefits, costs and expenses .for and in connection with The assessment of--------..-._ :.............. . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, thereforet be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ap Jroved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. 18t ........... day of June .............. 19... 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...... F--.--. ------- ........__-------------------------------., 19.-- o ---------------- Cleric. ...... City Approved---------------------------------- .........:. ~.19 -- File 10270 Mayor. Councilman -TrrR�ps--- i Councilman ','ortinson Councilman -• P, rranto _ YcBl.l�i{la Councilman, t o . eraon `� Councilman po , ,n Councilman Tr... x Mayor H� De_-sey Form B. B. 17 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT COUNCIL FILE NO . ............. ....................... __ C. F. No. 147948— 47941S 941S In the matter of the assessment of BY ........................................................................ benefits, costs andexpense for grading Macalester Street from Ford a Parkway to Pinehurat Avenue: also, hanging the grade 9£ the alley in Block 4, Hardenbergh Heights, from cpoint W feet asf`, of Macalester ' t to Macalester Street, to eon- - CITY OF ST. PAUL- 11"e on the profile Resolution of Council Approving, Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ! for grading Macalester Street from Ford Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue; also, changing the grade of the alley in Block 4, Hardenbergh Heights,.f rom a point 60 feet east`of Macalester Street to Macalester Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also regrading and paving the alley in Block 4, Hardenbergh Heights, from a point 60 feet east of Macalester Street to Macalester Street, with 6" concrete to the proposed redline when established, under Preliminary Order .............h.4..1...1..5...5.. Intermediary Order----------- ] 1{2195 ........ ........-------- -- 11{2425 ... -- .., a roved........................................ na...... 3o- 19...42. Final Order ...................... ..------ PP ` benefits coats and nsee The assessment of........-._................................,-------•------••-----•----..-..---•------.-.....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..-.....18t................day of _J ............... 199..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. UK $So Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- WAY a -90 Approved File 10472 Councilman Councilman ffimwj� lortlam Councilman dhWistlbbelar Jiamat0 Councilman dh6hoWNIMM IOWS t Councilman seem Councilman � lfwss Mayor Hulme 161"W Form B. B. 17 19 �•i City Clerk. ....... -- Mayor. PU1311- 11"U �� �— I RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- INO ASSESSMENT 147949 COUNCIL FILE NO......... C. F. No. 147949 - In the matter of the anesam-t ' of xpen: By ............................................... benefits, costs and e ......................... changing the Grade of the e ' Block 19. Stinson's Addition," Minnehaha Avenue to Fauqui,r e, to conform to the red 11 the profile hereto attached ar a part hereof, p—ent ea - CITY u`1 ' Y ode being i 1 , Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment Of benefits, costa and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition, from Hinnehaha Avenue to Fauquier Avenue,to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also, 'grading and surfacing the alley in bock 16, Stingon's Addition, from "innehaha Avenue to Fauquier Avenue, to the proposed red line when established, 140631 74006Q----.........I Intermediary Order ---•------------------- ------------------------- under Preliminary Order ........................ ...... s st .,-,Tnly 31 ---_......... 1947... /Final Order................x.499.72........................ aPProved..............---- The assessment of..benefits,... enIlte:and.8xpenseIl..................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ----------- lst.............day of o ---------- _June... -, 19.._49, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissier of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. i Adopted by the Council........ '$----------- ------------------------------------ 19....-... 1. T.....--.. City Clerk. Approved........................ �(......bt.. ......... a File 10326 .......... sd� lu... .........., Mayor. Councilman anc ;or'inson / Councilman 7.,rr3nto CouncilmanIS, z :..rsoli Councilman Eoson Councilman Truax , Councilman Delaney PUBLISHED ! Mayor godgson Farm B. B. 17 ' 479 Pfd ' oriatn,fi crty cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL Fwca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY��._t DA.� ry COMMISSIONER-- RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Water Department for extra employment from April 16th to April 30th, 1949, as set outflin list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 147950—ny' Severin A. Mor- tinson— Resolved, That the proper city offs- ersa e hereby authorized to pay cer taloemployesfn the Water Depart- ment for extra• emplpymem from April ' - ., 16th to April .39th.. 194 T, as, set, out in . list on file in the office of the City - Clerk and the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. Approved May 3, 1949. (May 7, 1949) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194.....: Yeas Nays z•irmflm - ' Mortinson Approved .... -............. -_--_--_---------194_.- Parranto ^• Peterson -.In Favor - ................... .............. Rosen (� ) Truax ....... _.Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 .� 06pl..y to City Clerk COUNCa CITY OF ST. PAUL .„s NO.--_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTdON-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ �_,_-___._.-- DAT COMMISSIONER ------ ' WATER DEPARTMENP OVERTIME APRIL 16 to APRIL 30, 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 4-08 ^ ® continued - 194..... Adopted by the Council.,-------------------------- .....In Favor ........... _-Against Approved---------------------------------- 194._. 14Sayor Title No. of Hrs- Rate Amount H� Name Filter Plant Operator 11 hire. ll $1.41-3/4 1.35-1/2 $15.59 31.16 Martin J. O'Connor Joseph A. Cas calenda E Filter Plant Laborer �3 it 35 1.73-1/4 60.64 Fred J.Cotmier Foreman W.D. Genl.Blacksmith 11 ,I n 1.q0 1.73-1/4 20.90 45.04 H. Archie Eastman Thomas Frain Foreman W.L. 26 23 1.44-1/2 33.23 John P. Kruse John P. Ma.strofrancesco UtilymaW.L. itn Filter Plant Laborer 11 2• „ 1.32-3/4 1.54-1/2 14.60 35.53 William Stokvis Filter Plant Operator 10 „ 1.1.8-1/4 11.82 Harry F. Thompson Earl E. Engelbretson Water -Shed Laborer Sr.p=p.Sta.Engr. 8„ 2 n 1.73 1.58-1/4 13.64 3.16 Chauncey J. Barett Water -Shed Foreman 2 1.27 2.54 Clifton E. Brisson Water -Shed Laborer Water -Shed Lab. 2 „ 0 „ 1.24 1.35-1/2 2.48 2.71 Clinton A. Dufresne George N. Dupre Water -Shed Lab. 2 2 1.27 2.54 Melvin J. Dupre Water -Shed Lab. 2 u 1.35-1/2 2.71- .71William WilliamDupre Joseph Gambonit Jr. Water -Shed Lab. Water -Shed Lab. 6 „ 2 „ 1.18-1/4 1.21-1/4 7.09 2.42 Ralph W. Graven J. Houle Water -Shed Lab. Water -Shed Lab. 14# „ n 1.32-3/4 1.18-1/4 19.25 2.36 Dennis Melvin J. Houle Water -Shed Lab. 2 2 „ 1.35-1/2 2.71 Antoine Leroux Water -Shed Lab. 2 "n 1.18-1/4 2.36 Wayne J. Leroux Water -Shed Lab. 2 n 1.32-3/4 2.65 Henry G. -Pelletier Water -Shed Lab. 2 0 1.35-1/2 2.71 Thomas Peltier Mater -Shed Lab. Water -Shed Lab. 2 „ 1.27 2.54 3.10 Ralph A. Strecker Theodore S. Bergeron Ditch Digger. 2 u 6 n 1.55 1.55 9.30 Rocco L. Costello Ditch Digger l it 1.55 2.32 Ben Dams. Ditch Digger. n 1.40 58.80 Eduard J. Kordell Caulker n 4f 1.55 6.97 Tommaso Mazzola Ditch Digger n 1.73-7/4 64.97 Roy A. Munson .D. Foreman-W.D. 36 n 1.40 50.40 Sam Ranelli Caulker COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 4-08 ^ ® continued - 194..... Adopted by the Council.,-------------------------- .....In Favor ........... _-Against Approved---------------------------------- 194._. 14Sayor ori4lnA to City Clerk .k CITY OF ST. PAUL ca Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ry COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Na Title No.of Hrs. Rate Amount Girolamo Saporito Caulker 281 hrs. " $1.40 - 1.55E $39.90 6.97 George L. Schwantes Ditch Digger 4 18 If I 1.41--1/2 25.47 Joe L. Fritz, Utilityman-W.D. 8 If 1.40 11.20 Charles DeVinney Emerg.Repairman 8 11 1.44-1 - 11.56 Harvey Donahue. Utilityman W.D. 8 " 1.44-1/2 11.56 Peter L. Fabio John J. Haggerty Utilityman W.D. UtilitymanW.D. 371 "' 1.44-1/2 54.19 Frank -W. Janashak Caulker 8 " 12 " 1.40 1.44-1/2 11.20 17.34 Gust A. Johnson Raymond H. Monno UtilitymanW.D. Genl.Blacksmith 161 " 1.90 31.35 Mario J. Ranelli- Ditch Digger li It 1.55 2.32 Frank Be Truso Energ.Repairman b8 ". 1.40 11.20 Henry J. Conrad Caulker 3 " 3 " 1.40 1.73-1/4 4.20 5.20. Otto Reichow John Potting ForemanW.D. Ditch Digger 11.55 2.32 John A. Thoreson Ditch Digger 1 it 1.55 2.32 William Boody Genl.Repairman 28 " 1..40 39.90 Garibaldi Tosue Foreman-W.D. 25 " 1.73-1/4 44.18 Leonard D. Evangelist ForemanW.D. 12 It 1.50-3/4 18.09 Matt Ruberto Ditch Digger 11 It 1.55 2.32 . Stanley Rasmussen Storekeeper-W.D. 12 It 1.64-x/4 19.71 Total $910.94 Certified correct: Leonard N. Thompson - General Manager. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- .................................194..... Yeas Nays • Ftadtan MAY 3 1944 Mortinson Approved ...------------------------------------ 194...... Parranto Peterson -- ----------In Favor .....................-•--•-...... - M ----a-----...._.._ ayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 -am.@ e R . J1 - may 3, 1949 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that departnent for more than eight hours per day in the doing Of the fdllowing work: (1) Repairing 36^ clear water line at Purification and Filtration pleat.(2) Taking supplies for repair work to Filtration Plant. ) Gleaning sand from chlorinators on account of leak in 36" line. (4) Filling holes in attest where service connections had been installed (5) Installing new connection at 1006 DeSoto St (6) Taking emergency cella after business hours (7) Watching equipment on various obs. This emergency am se by reason of the fol.lovd ng facts and circumstances: 16&13) 2) On account of break in 36° main water line to.P & F Plant. I4) In order to put streets in good___ condition for traffic.' In order to lit new connection into service (6) Nights and Sundays (7) Nights & Sundays.; BOARD OF WAM COk asSIONEM Certified correct: Severin A. Mortiason president Imnard N. Thompson CLQ- - General Manager. NOTICE, be dravn• TO of,-'Y�, SAIpI o� �i�gg.. 147951, G`Ou�'�. M1: 82184 47 incl..], COUNCIL FILE NO._n PRINTER 1eck3 On f the off' •e ON Apr", --29 194-9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS .BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 490GnQ 6F, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9 ---$�29933�--TO-7—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY' COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII APPROVED 194_ •( BY soO taae ® T YUBLISHM # 47,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO GI LERK s OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - ''-/ COUNCIL - - - - FILE NUMB ROLLQ5 April 29 ,9._49 MORTINSOy PARRANTO PETERSON _—INFAVOR ___IN — ��``�� AUDITED CLAIMS AQ— u C TREASURY. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BED D -G) COVERING A OUNT OF $ ROSEr! `/ AGAINST „ TO THE AGGREGATE INCLUSIVE. AS TRUAX MR.PRES.DELANEY CHECKS NUMBERED TO.. p� LLER 1YIi,+ [MMS PER CHECKS ON F N THE FILE THE CCIITY 101177 -�................ ADOPTED BY THE MAY 1 / —..". � . — --./ cOMPIROLLER APPROVE Gy TOTAL ii CHECK I� IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT TRANSFER I'CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK NUMBER ff - BROUGHT FORWARD - p 166 69 1421 6 6 82994 U. Alfred H. Schroeder 250 DO al 551 82995 j Lametti & Lsmstti 60 82996] Arthur J. V09e14 6 82997 ;, Joseph Pevlioek 36 4 82998 ; Bartusoh Peking Company 82999 L.J. Coleman p 65 7 93000 B.F. Griebenow 7 93001 ; Leaf & Thera R*alty Co. Ino.;, 2 93002 ;Ernest Leib 236 �0 93003 Mrs, Ame]:ia Searle. 33 400 83004 L. sudheim. &Son Ray Ssands, 93005 j 93oo6 st.Paul Athletic Club 490 0 5 # 47,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO GI LERK s OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - ''-/ COUNCIL - - - - FILE NUMB ROLLQ5 April 29 ,9._49 MORTINSOy PARRANTO PETERSON _—INFAVOR ___IN — ��``�� AUDITED CLAIMS AQ— u C TREASURY. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BED D -G) COVERING A OUNT OF $ ROSEr! `/ AGAINST „ TO THE AGGREGATE INCLUSIVE. AS TRUAX MR.PRES.DELANEY CHECKS NUMBERED TO.. p� LLER 1YIi,+ [MMS PER CHECKS ON F N THE FILE THE CCIITY 101177 -�................ ADOPTED BY THE MAY 1 / —..". � . — --./ cOMPIROLLER APPROVE Gy TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK I� IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT TRANSFER I'CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK NUMBER - BROUGHT FORWARD - p 166 69 1421 6 6 82994 U. Alfred H. Schroeder 250 DO al 551 82995 j Lametti & Lsmstti 60 82996] Arthur J. V09e14 6 82997 ;, Joseph Pevlioek 36 4 82998 ; Bartusoh Peking Company 82999 L.J. Coleman p 65 7 93000 B.F. Griebenow 7 93001 ; Leaf & Thera R*alty Co. Ino.;, 2 93002 ;Ernest Leib 236 �0 93003 Mrs, Ame]:ia Searle. 33 400 83004 L. sudheim. &Son Ray Ssands, 93005 j 93oo6 st.Paul Athletic Club 490 0 5 83007 ( Charles W. Meehan 47 E0 83008 ! Irvin Sohneller 5 83009 Joyce Ins. no. 11 00 93010 Occupational Index Inc. 1 Pittsburgh EQuitab�e Meter Oc 1346 . 83011 93012 ,j Price Electric Company 83013 83014 l st.Psul Book & Stationery Cum St.Paul Book & stationery 0 any any 719 9 lo 83015 .; ' John S. -Findlan, Fin 0. Finano 6 9 6104 ' 5 83016 93017 !John s. Findlan, of '{John s. Findlan,, C. of Finan 1 888 7 83018 :I John 9- 'Findlan, C. of Finan, 11 0 996 83019 ;John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan; Finan 8 627 1 - 83020 John 9. Findlan, C. of 0. of Finano l 639 8 83421 ii 83022 1i John s. Findlan, 1 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan, 1�John s. Findlan, c. of Finano 3 Z53 - j5 419 6 83023 Finan, 2 431 $3024 83025 John s. Findlan, C. of John s. Findlan. C. of Finano 7 373 83026 John s. Findlan. 0. of Finan 432 ro 93027 ;John S. Findlan. C. of Finano 61 83029 ;John S. Findlan. C. of Finano,', 873 83029 ,'John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 0.2 83030 hn s. Findlan. 0. of Financ. 1Ine-rd 25 83031 hn S. Findlan, C. of Finano, 010 93032 S. Thompson, 1 070 6P93033 jElsa Y. Obst, 0. Treasurer S. Findlan, Q.�YR.F. 837 93034 93035 John J.C. Bernhard, Reg. of Titles; 196 • 83036 J.J. Fitzgerald, C. of D. bbb 83037 il►aoker HOSPItel 3 Ob 93638 930'9 'il Dr." Herbert Husker I; Dr. Carl 'a. ohatterton 7 50 1 31 00 _ '1 830 1Dr, Laurence D. Hilgsr 17 01 $3041 !1 Dr. James W. Reid 35- 0� 83042 1 Dr. John J. Ryan 83043 Dr. Milton B. Sores 17 50 93044 Ballard Motors & Ramp ; 50 930457 Carroll C. Jorgensen 25 00 93046 B. J, sande Lee WightmaA 25 83047 I - - 2 166 .35 6 204247{ 34 - _ --- SHEET TO tlQ That checks be d-'- 1 NOTICE CITY OF treasury, to the agf 3048 7. 703042 1n,, �i COUNCIL FILE NO. — TO COUNCIL ..a 8 PRINTER on fel •I . Apr1 l 30 _194-9 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF fLqj,2V_7 COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDI .i 3049_--TO--A30-7-2—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAY S 196 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_ ------ ---194__ —194.- 100 . -4e 4r_ -(q 4� /� Clef COMPTROLLER pliBL1S1IED �� aw. uw�a� www rr DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY yvF SAINT PAUL 1 COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS ROLL ALL p- . IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS AAr11 i0'i0 ^� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRLppW O '[7y lJ .AGAINST• �yj�jJ—, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -7�rRUAXCHECKS NUMBERED TO— INCLUSIVE, MR.PRES.DELANEY IIWRQ IB PER CHECKS ON PI THE FILE OF HE CITY CO ApOPTED BY THE COUNCI —. • 9AiCJ NYMBDa —� � COMPRiOLLER APPROVED ' V '�-- !~ _ 91 BY - _. ..._..._... � TOTAL - +9-..9 TREASURY. COVERING AS LLER. .. _ __....—..— - — - ' DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR'OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT � CHECKS CHECKS . RETURNED BY BANK ' BROUGHT FORWARD , 52 166169 20424 9 4 83048 A.J. ?eohida Oont. company i 0 $0 39 GO 83049 1 Great Atlantso & Pao.Tea Co. 83050 B. Pond 83051 i Peter S. JohnBon 131 83052 Blaine Eleotrso company 12 6 83053 Burroughs Adding 990hins Com y � 5 905. 7 83054 George N. Burt Company 83055 ,.Central Bldg. Supply Company 4 5 80056 :! General Food Sales, Inc. 97 0 83057i J.W. Hulme Company 60 13 83058 ! Minnesota rnvelope Company 240 95 830559 83060 Northern States Power Oompan Northern States Power Company 23575 83061 Northern States Power Company: 83062 1iN.N. Bell Tel. Company 261 9 83063 ' Paper, Calmenson 8 Company 100 CIO 83064 ',!Prioe E1e0tzso Company 262 '0 83065 ',;Valley Fore Flag 00. Ino. 83066 Vsdtory Printing Company $ 3 7 J10 83067 Villsume Box & Lumber company,'. '' ! 3 83068 :'Western Union Telg. Company 6 292 83069 ''County Weltare Board 4 106 83070 .II.J. Donnelly Const. company.' 0 278 83071 John S. Findlan0. of Finwno, 0 936 83072 John 3: Findlan: C. of Fsnano SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2160_6: 231- . ..__� ... tr C SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2160_6: 231- . ..__� ... �q tr �q Or...' to City cierk C PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER tOUNCLL �� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,na NO...---.___ _'-_�_-�-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK QIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE. May 3, 1949 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 9, Block 6, Watts Park, from-Reaney Avenue to the Alley in tb�e rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 feet in width on the westerly side of the above easement, and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 9 and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 8 in said Block 61 Watts Park, from Reaney Avenue to the Alley in Block 6, Watts Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147911 approved April 28, 1949• RESOLVED, That all orders pertaining to the above work, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 147953—By Milton Rosen---.=. In the matter of condemning and tak- ing a =of for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and acrossIthe wester - 1Y 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 9, Block 6, Watts Park. from Reaney Av- • enue to the Alley in the rear of said ?� lot. Also condemning and taking a tem- . it porary easement for nstructlon pur-'. t�poses on a'strip of land 8 feet in width' 1i on the westerly side of the above ease - :1 and the easterly'2 feet of Lot 9 jl and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 8 in said; Block 6, i Watts Parkfrom Besney Av- j ( enue to the Alley n Block 6, Watts Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. g 347911, approved April 2a. 1949. ; Resolved. That all orders pertaining to the above work, be and the same are herebya celled, annulled and 1 rescinded, and all proceedings in such atter discontinued. a dopted by the Council May 3, 1949. I Approved May 3, 1849 (May 7, Dill) aq COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- 194 Yeas Naysf�Y it D°a Findlan Mortinson Approved •--_--------------------194—. Parranto In Favor u -•-- ------ ----_--- - Peterson ••----------- or Rosen Truax -:------•-Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 .® " 54 o',garei re City Clerk- . CITY OF ST. PAUL 111X a NO ------ __----- _--- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ///�///, 1949 PRESENTED BY. / /l //ice _— DA MB'y 3 f In the matter of curbing the west side of Pascal Street from Hartford Avenue to north line of Block 1, Ott Hunt's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 145245 approved August 17, 1948, and Final Order C. F. 145914 approved October 19, 1948• RESOLVED, That the plans and speci£icatidns for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by,the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No. 147954—By Milton Rosea— In the -atter f curbing the West ide of Pascal Street from Hartford Av�aue to ndrth line of Block 1, Otto Hunt's Addition,under Preliminary Order C. F. 145395, approved August 17, . 1949, and Final i Order C. F. 145914, ap- peed October 19, 1948. Resolved, That the plans and specifi. cations for the above named Improve- ment be submitted herewithby the Commissioner of Public Work., be and the same are hereby approved, and be 1t Further Resolved, That the Purelms- q' hag Agent be and he 1. hereby directed to advertise for bide on this Improve- ment. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. .Approved May 3, 1949. (May 7, 1949) !� Q `^t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL...................... ...........194...... Yeas Nays MY 31949 F'r,tf1A*, Martinson Approved----------------- 194._. i Parranto Peterson -In Favor ..... -...-.... —`- ay or Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 948 ' 0 OurJa d to City Clerk .. tbuMCR CITY OF ST. PAUL Flea NO......__---.--.-- LICENSE 00112'ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�� .�}�— ��""`-"'" DAT May 3 1949 Comm ..a RESOLVEDt That license for Restaurant, Application B 15649, On Sale Lalt Beverage, Application B 15650, Off Sale Llalt Beverage, Application B 15651, and Cigarette, Application B 15652, applied for by Peter %aros at 1443 Arcade Street be and. the same are hereby granted, PROVIDED, HOWEVER; That the business be confined to that area zoned for commercial use and fenced in, being 100 feet on Wheelock Parkway and 100feet on Arcade Street, and that no beer be served on the lot outside of the building and further that no flood lights be maintained on the adjoing residential property. (STIFnATICUS) Placed on initial application) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson :....In Favor Rosen 1Y(lax _----�.Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 C. F. No. 147955—By Ropert F. Peter- n—W. A. Parranto— Resolved. That nceme for Restaurant, 0. Beverage, Application B Orf 15550. We ICigarette, ApplicMalt Bevere, attion B 2565256application B pned for by Peter Rams at 1443 Arcade Street he and the same are hereby granted, I Ptovttled, However, That the business be confined to that area zoned for com- ercial use and `fenced in, being -100 feet on Wb elock Parkway and 100 feet n Arcade Street, and that no beer be - served on the lot outside of the bund - Ing and further that no flood lights be maintained on the adjoining resides- m tial pacperty. Adopted by the Council May 3, 1949. Approved May 3, 1949. (May 7, 1949) Adopted by the Couneil..... _------------------------194 ..._ MAY S 0 Approved -----------------------1-------------------194 �j�`�����f��G% Mdyor....... • original to city Ck"k , 47 936 LICENSE CO11flSITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL =.uNcm NO ------ __----.-...-_T OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESE° TED BY COMMISSIIONER DATE May 3. 19149 AREAS: Peter Karos has made application B 16125 for Mechanical Amusement Device Location License at 114143 'Arcade Street, and 491IEREASt This application was made in error as said license was granted to him under application B 9776, therefore, be it MSOLVED= That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Peter Karos the fee of $25, (pro–rated) and to cancel said application f or license. - {4y n CANCELLATION New application – pragrated Lic. No. 666 issued under App. B 9776 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax _ Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-13" { CF. No. 197956 --By Robert F. Pete, iii son—Pj. A. Parraato— Whereas, Peter Karos has made Amusement nevlce Lo anon Lice,nlnse at 1943 Arcade Street, and Whereas, This ppifcation Was made in error as said -license was granted to fore .r Application B 9770, them - Resolved. That the prep r eny ffl- ers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Peter Karos the fee of $25.00 (p -rate and to cancel said application for license. Adopted -by the Council Mal 3, 1949. Approved May 3, 1949. (May 7, 1949) JW 2, Adopted by the Council ................................. 194 .... MM s ts Approved.-..... ............................ ......194._-- Favor 4 _...... -Mayor .Against A 147957 0rIQ1oa1 to City cl.k CITY OF ST. PAUL coaurur9ca NO.._ -.-__-___----_.--- LICENSE CO1'Il.;ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � 1 DATE May 3 19`+11 O COMMISSIONER AREAS= Richard Unger, 3206 North Owasso Boulevard, has made application B 16075 for Mechanical ,Amumsem�ent Device Location License for Ben A. Rosemark at 599 North Dale.Street, and TMREAS: This application was made in error as Ben A. Rosem'irlc-is properly licensed with Mechanical Amusement Device Loc^tion License No. 980 granted and issued under Application B 15260, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized. to refund to Richard Unger, 3206 North Owasso Boulevard; the fee of $29.17 (pro -rated) and to cancel said application for license. CANCELLATION (Pro -rated fee) Properly licensed Under License 980 issued to Appl. B 15260 COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson ......-.._In Favor Rosen -Against Truax Mr. Presidents Delaney 3M 948 _ .9spo,® C'. F. No. 147957—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Richard Unger, 3208 North Owasso Boulevartl, has made applica- tion 8 16075 for Mechanical Amuse- ment Device Location License for Ben A. Rosemark at 599 North'Dale Street. Whereas, This application ae-made 1n error as Ben A. Rosemark is �t�yy�t�per- 18260, therefore, he it Resolved, That the prow city offi- re be and they are hereby' authorized refund to Rlohard Unger, 3206 North rosrated) Boulevard, ncelfsaid applies? m for license. Adopted the Council May 3, 1999. Approved Ma93 1949 (May 7, 1949) Adopted by the Coung _3.1%".."...--------194.:.... w4j 5, -1 & Approved------------------------------------------ - ` - - - ----- ------ ----- -- ayor a a � A r✓ Petition 573 14 / 9 58 Council File No... ............ ..:._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No: Abstract Whereas, A written and Prolwesl far the . . (makln6 .ads of the following 1mProvement, �: .- G and surface with bituminous PRELIMINARY ORDER. mli.ion'of Block 17�Lee'slSuburbabn Flandrau Street to Ken - The undersigned hereby Oroposeathe makingof the following public improvement by the Grade and surface with bituminous material, the Alley in Taylor's ..............SuhdiYifram..klandrau..Straet--- to..._-.--.-------• Kennard Street. - -------'----------------------------------------- ...................... ----------------- ............... - --------- --------- Dated this------3...............day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of,the following improvement, :via. _Grade and-_surface_with-bit>mzinous._material�__the-_Alley ,in_Tay-lqr!_k_........................... ... Subdivls ion_of_Block--17,--Lee!s_;$uburban_Homeg,_:_from_FlaBdrala-.5-treat --ta................... Kennard Street. _._having been presented to the -Council of the City of Saint -Paul ---="_.-::::.:w::. therefore, be it E RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed'.- 1. irected:1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1349 Adopted by the Council- ---------------------------- ......----- --------------------- YEAS NATS Councilman-n;:irrer— MAY s INS Approved- ............................ ----- ---- ........................ MORTINSON PARRANTO {-r � PETERSON //C TRunx-------------------------------- - ------ MR. PRESIDENT . y- 1!9 9-98 - / _ Council File No.............1'79 �9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147858— and Abstract whereas, A written proposal for the.: PRELIMINARY O along OP the following 1 provement, ORDER. ' C Condemning and taking an ease- ment in the land neem y for slopes, The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthefollowin ants and sna m the grading and surfacing p the Alley in Taylor's following public of Plock 17, zee's sun Condemning and taking -an easement-- in the land necessa for_slH `de 5a.' I — �'nndrau sneer sad fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Ta loris ----------- ubdiyision_of.-Block l� t - --......---- -- ...----...-- -- - - --....,-- Lee.. s--$uburban_HomesA-_from._F. -- ---- ---- --_---.-_--_Kennard Street. ?g�irau.I�1 r5?et..to......---.......-- Dated this .------... 3 -_-------day PRELIMINARY ORDER Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. ............. - -..--....._and-_f_ills-, in. the -.grading_ and_aurfacing- of .the lie Y in..TV1Q.rt -s--- Subdivision of Block 17 Leets Suburban Bomea,-_from .Fla _{...._Kennard_Street .................. ----- - -- ---- ----- - - - therefore, be it having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........................ --- -- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finapce. Adopted by the Council... -...._Mt�f 3 l�r49 YEAS NAYS C0uncilmsa7BX7f ugh MAY 3 190 .MDRTIN80I4 Af7f�[OVed_.-.- :......... PARRANTO ,C / .. PETEReON TRUAB MR. PRESIDENT. { IM 448 � Mayor, ht rl s� rn 5� q- q 9 • Petition G-570 A 479W? ('.nnnril File No....._....__:__� C. F. No. 197960— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Abstract Whereas, A written proposal for the w and • of the following improvement, Grade and surface with bituminous' material, t!?e north and uth Alley PRELIMINARY ORDER. �-F.g in Block 6, WHelburg Hills Aa range from Havrthorne Avenue to Orange • having been presented to the of the CAY ,r Saint veal• Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovementbythet he a Grade and surface with_bit?mminous-_material;---the-_north__and--south_x ! ey. g} ------------- Block 6-_Wifelburg_]illl$-_A?idit3Pla,._from_.HaxtklQrne--��en>ze-to._4Ttznge..AXenue-------. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz• ------- Grade- and._sur£ace.-laith..bitumirlflus-_material.,---t1ze..Xisz�th._811a._s oath---plley _in•---- B1nck..5.,.. Wi£elhuz g..Hil] s.. Ad�3t3vA,-. from-_Iiasthorne_Avenue--to--Orange ............................ - .. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pa ---------------•-------•-----;- ............. ----------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and'is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. • To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said -improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... .......... .......... ....... SAW YEAS NAYa Councilman BARrn0.3MAY 3 1999 -TTNMMIN— 11 _Appr ved--------------------------------- `-- ----.-.-.----.- ............. MORT1N'SON PARRANTO PETRSON /.......... .My..... .....— aar. / TRIIAx v MB. PRESIDENT _ 250 1117 . -00 • @ 6-, r SID �_. � � q a. 147961 Council File No ------------------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147961— Abstract and whereas, A written proposal for the, making of the foDowlag lmprovemeat, viz: Condemning d, taking an eaee- PRELIMINARY .ORDER. an in the landannecessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and sur- fecin„--: the North and South Alley Theundersignedherebyproposesthemaking ofthefollowingpublic improvement E.ra. R Wino ge been >� AOr titnge a - ea - ment the la d necessa f . ...:x "z -----......----Conlemni g_and-_taking -II se - - n - '17 `+. r _cuts-_and--Pills-_in... the --grading: and•- surfacing_of _the -;North -_and _South _Alley------•---- -------------f n..Rlock- _6i-. Wifelburg..Hills._Addition. f rnm._ lawthorme LvDxi e--tnL..Dx-ange-.Auenue. Dated thio -3rd .......day of -------_----_---May------- ...............- 194..9 s.- -- -------. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes! ----_---,-- _______ .. ------------ ---- cuts and-_fills-_in--the--grading--and-_surfacing--of--the-_North-_and-Sovth-_Allay-------.--- _in-Block-- 6�-_Wifelburg_Hills-_Addition,-- from -_Hawthorne _Avenue --;to, Orange -_Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.. ........................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and i$ hereby ordered sud directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,' profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for, on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To "report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 'A AY31 Adoptedby the Council----- .................... -------------- ---------- -----................ YEAR NAra MAY 3 gRdl® Councilm ls-B7rI romr— 1i4� F"tW,** Approved_ _-_ - --;------------ ---- MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON, -, p ✓/ __ �_________________ sy, ...- TRUA7C----------------- - ---- --- ---- - MR. PRESIDENT r„ 2501147 -ON- 4• 147962 Council File No ----------------------- - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i d. F. No. 147962- Whereas,astraet z ' P_P"`I for the and =king or the wing innir—atant. Condemning taking an easement :.Ud' for the purp..e .,,. .,,at, 11ing ad sewer PRELIMINARY ORDER. maintaining Lpublt.,I, a., ur"ar 'at of Q eas f Lot Bi... —1y feet a ite .a k �r, , ar lowing publicimprovement TheunderBignedhereby proposesthe making ofthe fol ng a Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing:a, ..across --the ea-sterbr--4 feet--o-f --- the--ve13ter1,y'1G--fSetOf publi:c--"veT",Dni.�uader--anct d lot. Lot 8, Block 6, Watts Park from Reaney Avenue to the_ Alley in the rear: i1 ............ temporary for construction purposes on a a r p Also condemningandtaking a emliOi'; easement of_ I and --8 -fp-et--in,.,.widt,b-.jarL.,tale-.easterly�-.Eide._.o f tbp.-abovz.-,easement..az&..the..wP-sterly 2 feet of Lot 8 and the easterly 6 feet of Lot 9 in said Block 6, Watts --- Park . from Dated this 3rd day 11 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, 'viz. constructing and maintaining a Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose Of c ...... 'tlYider"'srid"AeY6fie't�i€'�A?3teF1y'4 feet 6f tb76'V69t_df1_Y_ t"rd�6t76f'b. p Lot 8, Block Watts Par...k..from ReanevAvenue to I . .Alley .... .. . ..in I he rear of saidl-ot. .-- .oses on aaa p also condemningand taking a temporary easement for construc ion purp of tha-easterly I I the wastarlY 2 feet of Lot 8 and the easterly 6 feet of Lot 9 in said Block 61 Watts ts Park .. from Tom . _ --------- .. ...... -------------------•--- ------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................ _ -__--_---_- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of . said improvement, and the total . cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe _ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1W 3 ma Adopted by the Council--------------------------- ----- - -----............................. YEAS NAYS Councilinaft-BwNrUSN- MAY a FINDLAN pproed .................. ------ ............ ............... MORTINBO PARRANT( PETERS1 ---------- .......... TRuA'x 8yor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 4-46 147963 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT (C. F. No. 147963-- . - 'Abstract and I Wherea , A written proposal for the akin_ of the following improvement. vlz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Reeenstrpet with Monolithic Con- crete, the Id—'Ik on the south side of ST. CI.Am. AVENUE from Prior. Avenue nn to Keeth- Street The undersigned herebYPro osesthemakin ofthefollowingpublic improvement b th'C good and nfflelent aidw i ,been presented to -------AVENUE-_from_Prior--Ayenue._to--Kenneth,. Street,-_except-,where-._pod_and-_sufficien#i•.--_------ sidestalka..z1Q�_.exiat ............................... .......... - - --............ -: ................................... ---------------------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Reconstruct with Monolithic Concrete. the sidewalk on the south side -of ST-.CLAIR ............................................................... -----------s----......----- --- ......------ ..........AVkI-E...is91o..Rr?o .-Avenue--.ts:.Kennet .-Steeet...e;sent...vghe-xe..9Qa_d.:and-suffici.emt--------• sidewalks now exist. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul... ......................................... ...... ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a,plan, prof le or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 3 1949 Adopted by the Council .................. .----------....... ...... -- ....._----- YEAR NAYS Councilman ARFFuss TINDEAN pproved............................................................................ til ORTINSONN PARRANT(y / PETERBO TRUAX............. ..... .-. _...... ._. ..__.._. _.......___.. MR. PREBIDErfT ayor. IM 4-46 Pli 13L.:,11ia - 1 4'7964 Council File No --------------- -------- FOR IMPROVEMENT - C. F. No. 197864— ^ Abstract pROSAL .-,Ring and of the --m B 9P vemrat ORDER. -cic sld C.ni Reconstruct with Monolith trete, the s1AsidewalkEE°nfron, both Glide oodrich ha -Ing Nnlu pence PRELIMINARY - - south to aDey res .ted t th -T -,.. e• Theundersignedherebyproposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprove�mboth by the sides_9f.V ... ...........l4..::::.. --. AVENUE_ from_ Goodrich, Avenues•- thence -_south- to. alley._.=_-_.....___....... ----.- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvjnent, :viz. $ecgnstruct- with_Monolithic_Concrete�--the--sidewalk_on-both--sides-_of-_HAMLINE----.-----. - --............-............. ------------- AVENUE from-_Goodrich--Avenues--thence--south--to-.e11ey------------------. ----------------------------- having been presented to the -Council of the City of Saint Paul --- ................. therefore, be it Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of . To investigate the necessity for, or d�eysirab 1ility of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the nature; extent and es.. aced cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more dwnere. 5, To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. iY V 3 ' Adopted by the Council ......................................... ........................- ---- -----.............. ---------'---...--- YEAR .NAYS Councilma RI-DSa MAY 31949 -----•------------•- I11.ORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON TRIIAN Mayor. MR PRESIDENT j)— (PETITION) 14796 Council File No ....................... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT f C. F. No. 147865— Abstract and Whereas. A written proposai far the making of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER.Conetruet New Mononthie Cenerete Fidewalk on the north side of MAR- . FRET STR',--^ to Be,. i Theundersigned hereby proposes the makingofthe following public improvement by the `l -I .' inbol'atil,viz.: Construct New M6nolitbic Concrete Sidewalk on the north side of M,.. ARFP STREET ------------ ----------- - - - -------------------- ........... ---------------............. - ---------....--- _from -Birmingham Street -_to- Barcley._Street-------.............. ---.................................................................. ---------------•-------------------..................................... .............................- - - .................................------------.. - Datedthis---------------'- ----day of ........................................ - -- .....................�14 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _---Construct-,l�eyv_uonoliti is-- Con cretg-_ Sidewalk_on__ihe-_north-•side_of-MP3GP£ET--STREET-- from Birmi ham Street to Barcl Btreet-- -------- -------- -------------.-.-....---- ---- - ................................ . -- ..........--- .. u. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----...................... -------........................ -............. -----_.-:-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ,2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----- .................--- --.... .----..---------- YEAR NATs Councilmaa-B::rr r sn - MORTINSON // PARRANTOU PETERSON TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 250 1147 s@jt.•® Approved RAY 3.-1M1 ----------- ------------------------ ............. ..- - ----- ------------- yor. PUBLl:;11ED �` f (PETITION) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 147966 Council File No ......... ............... C. F. No- 147866— . Abstract IWhereas, A Written proposal for the ' .king of the following Improvements. viz: Reconstruct with Monolithic Concrete PRELIMINARY ORDER- the sidewsIkS on "°`° m HART AVENUE from '-eet to Oxford Street, i . nd sufficient Od—.l the making ofthefollowingpublic improvement by the(,, thew, Isid Theundereignedhereby proposes - -.._ _-- h '—+h Sides ............. Wi - AV�NUE._from_Chatsworth._ tregt_to-_Oxy`ord_StrEEt-1--_Exceot._where goo_d__and sufficient Gide of CHATSifORTH STfiFLT from Iglehart Avenue, side::alks naw exist, and on the west T1 STFEFT-" f0m I9Teria"rt""S rest, tE"erica-rioTtH I3I":C feet, arid" on"tlie east side'of"IIXFOR --- Dated this- ---------------------- day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. r nnrptew-the sidewalks-on.both_si E from Chats�erorth $dtto x or elks now ex- t--an-----on the--wee-----side o ! on the 'feet, and on the. east side having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------------------- ------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY . 2 ; MI,: J Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------- ...................... NAYS, MAY s 1949 CouncilBB A proved --- --------- ---------------------------------- � .--- --------------- MORTINSON ' PARRANTO PETERBONG - • - ----•- TRUAx "----'------------ M or. MR. PRESIDENT 25011-47 -am- 0 • (PETITION) Council File No ....................._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 147967— Abstract and Whereas, A written p oposal for 'the making of the following improve-ment. viz: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Construct Monolithic Concrete Slde- ik on the east side of FARRMGTON �XCY' TREETfromOrange Avenue to Ivy venue having been presented to theTheundersignedherebyproposesthemalringofthefollowingpublicimprovement efore°beuit City of samc rani 'd`•ed. Th a t'..,,.:.,; Construct Monolithic- Concrete_ Sidgwalk-_on-__t}�Q-_easy_-5� �je-de- FAj;p;; ;�a, i pif„ tt;,u- = F-::• from Orange Abenue to Ivy Avenue. --------------- ........... ..... -' ——------------.- Datedthis ...................... ..day of------------•-----......-- ----•- - ' ............... ------......- .................... ---.......... .......... _.... --- ................ ......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis. _ -Construct-ldonolithic--Concrete._Sidewalk--on-_the-_east,-_si,�l_g--of--FAftf?INGxOf1---�T�.�,.--•----- -from Orange Sventie..tO._L ._Avenue. ..........-..................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------•---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........... ...................... .............. :--------------- :......_.._._.----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 3 1249 Adopted by the Council...... -- ............................................. YEAS NAYS Councilm 3 194% MORTINSON %- PARRANTO� PET 280 _ "lVsi�d/✓ TRIIAX................._.. .... ... .. .......,._ __—....._ MR. PRESIDENT / - Mayor. 25011-47 147968 Council File No.:.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 'C. F. No. 14796s— end Ahstraet - ` Whereas, A written proposal for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. ? making of the followln6 Improvement, i v 8 nstru t with Monolithic Con- • creta, the sidewalk on the west aide The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public im rovemel f ocsAI from a point1f I478 feet n^n stre^t,I .........I '�Al`1r�V I�..II�tll.�{OAOa.1�1}�.C..CRDATEtt,Af. �@..$�•5��114!�F..OA.ttl}!'nen.e...' re.V.' !Q�... .......................... I....... y ...................... Datedthis...............da of....................... ................. .. . .r• .... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: RECONST1iUCT with Monolithic,Concrete,,_the„aidewalk,on„the,Reat,side.of ,OCEAN,_,,, MRFET,fFpm,a,point,l7E,geet•,north,of„E.,Seventh, Street�,thence,north.40.,Yeet. ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................I..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. ' To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters sspeh{ to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS MA3 CouncilmRFan BA055' Approved... Y........iNS.............................. �INGi wra. PARRANTO - PETERSON ROSEN U/ / ......... ... L . .... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT lsl 741 . _ O PUBLISHLD 5� f J 47!)69 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of --- go ng and taking_a. eaeement_in the -land- necessary for -slopes, - .cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in that part of Lot 14, Reserve Park Garden Lots lying south of Eleanor Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to the RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON - east line of Block 2, Payson H. Gilbert's Addition FIRMING ARDSDAMAGES CONDEMNATION ANDAND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. C. F. No. 147969-- In 97969— In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement In the land necessaey for slopes. cuts and fills in the grad- ing and surfacing of th . a11 -v, in that part of LaI 14, Rese 1 i' ^ 3 Lots lying sot- from F^i*vl i 1116510 December 14, r under Preliminary Order ------ ___------------- approved---------------- -- -.-------------- approved_____------------------------------- -----------18, 1949 Intermediary Order ------------1116815Final Order ------------------ AZ999--------- approved--__ FebruaYp -15, 1949 _______------ P A public .hearing having Steen had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the . awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.-- -- Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 4(y 1f14y Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- CL9 _ Approved------------------------- 19 ---- File 10906 Councilman Findlan Councilma) M?A== Mortinson Councilma McDonald rentor Councilma eaFc Peterson Colne, ma `-Itrb tiH Councilma+Sudlieiiner-"�- Tr�irsatf' Mayor w "- "—"�'. ammowlans Delaney City Clerk. ayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ------------ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in that part of Lot 14, Reserve Park Garden Lots lying south of EleanorliAvenue, from Fairview Avenue to the east line of Block 2, Payson H. Gilbert's Addit#on 146510 December 14� _1948 -------------------- under Preliminary Order_______________, approved________ January 18, 1949 Intermediary Order -------6815---- approved---------------------------------------------- Final Order -------------- 147099-----, approved----- Febrnar}* 15� 1949____________________ -- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------- --- - commissioner of Finance. 147970 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of__ A2nogng and_ taldng_an easement _in the land necessary_ for slopes.,_ cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, 0. o. Bacon's Addition, from Flandrau Street to Kennard Street 'TION RATIFYING AND CON- ING CONDEMNATION AND ;.RDS OF DAMAGES •AND �ESSMENT THEREFOR. No. 147970— a matter of condemning and W , easement in the land ea r slopes• cuts and k a in t of Ailey in Block 7 G , 'Addition. from ri..;: •rd • at under Preliminary Order ------- ]_1}69Qz5_-____--__, approved____J�=� 26=_19�t9______________, bary 16� Intermediary Order ----------- �T152____-=approved___1949 --------------- Final Order ------------------24n67--------- approved ------- Marob 15_a_1Q44--------------- A public hearing ha6ing been had upon �he taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the wards of,damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to -the District Court for confirmation'. f411� ------------ Adopted by the Council MAY --- 4-19W-------------------- 19,_--_ City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- File 10931 t Mayor. Councilman Findlay _ Councilma 'i5DD-a.= -c tinaon Councilmas:McD_onald a=rte j _ Councilma earce -__ ru r `j PLPY:sITFD CouncilmaohZai3d Creon Councilma�udheimern --`' / Mayor Truax Delanoy B REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__44>and taking_an_easement_in the land necessarq_Por slopes, n cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7; G. O. Bacon's Addition, from Flandrau Street to Kennard Street under Preliminary Order—I409,5 approved_ Intermediary Order ------ - ------ --_-_ January 26=_1Q1}Q______________________ 14T152 ---__ approved----- Fbrusry 16� 1949---------------------- - -Final Order -------------147362------- approved--------- arch -15,--1949 ---------------------- TO argh_15, ]344 ---------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of theundersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. C�� - ---- v - - -- �ommissioner of F inanEe. Council File No __----------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 47971 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grading, and surficing with bituminous enrfacingo the Alley in Block 8, Highview Addition, from Howell Street to Fairview Avenue RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT C. F. No. 147971— In the rnatter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grad - ,is and surfacingIth bituminous ?�r!.erga,InBlock 8, High - Addition, from Street ew Avenue u under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ......... 144W Final Order approved-.. . ... -June 7 19 48 A publicI hearing having been had upon the assessment for the- above improvement, and said assessment haVing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally . satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey -for confirmation. BEI THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............. ..... equal installments. Adoptedby the Council .... . ................ . ............................••........-----...------•.19---...... 4 A7o" ---------19- F- B. B. IS File 10663 . ......... City Clerk. Mayor. ----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0JIb1ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -----ABx_5a............ 1919. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forXkK grading and surfacing with bituminous surfacing, the Alley in Block 8, Highview Addition, from Howell Street to Fairview Avenue . under Preliminary Order .t...._.........l�u..._................ Intermediary Order.,... -1 67------- .................... Final Order...................�520. ----------_------- approved.................................... -June 17 �.9 ..... ........--..., 19...-.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen-' ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- - m_ent, viz: Cost of construction Force -Ace, t.$3665.66. .......... Less Credits 50.51 Cost of publishing notice . $.....:.--...6.15- .......... Cost of postal cards .. . $.-.-----..-1.?,3........... xiuqmzmma6= Engineering . . . . . . $.----343.3 x----------- Amount of court costs for confirmation $............ Total expenditures $.3a.Q72�54---...--- Said Commissioner further, reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..._30T?!o% - _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion the onas ay be cons- red roper. r— a. B. 17 Commissioner of Finanee:d� J 14797` Council File No.......--_--_------------------- By-- ........... ................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sanitary sewer on Nevada Avenue from a point 30 feet west of the west line of quincy Place (vacated) to Victoria Street RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- C. F. No. 147972— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for con- atructing a sanitary sewer on Nevada Avenue from apoint 39 feet west of the west line of Quincy Place (vacat- ed) to Vlatoria Street under Prelimi- - -ler 143619.Intermetltary Or •nor under Preliminary Order .......... _. 610 Intermediary Order ......._�N0 ..... Final Order..._�952.._-.., approved ....................... July ......19._48.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore (RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the ¢ame is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................._�L.equal installments. Adoptedby the CouneiI._� .......................................................... .......19 MAY 1 `/ ...... City Clerk. Approved.. ... ...----------------------------------19 B.10728 -' Mayor. D CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COAUMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report, of Completion of Assessment sP ..5, - I949.. - In t e matter of the�assessmcnt of benefits, costs and expenses for3dm constructing a sanitary sewer on Nevada Avenue from a point 30 feet west of the west a line of Qaincy Place (vacated) to Victoria Street 143610 141,705 under Preliminary Order ........................_.........._..._._..._, Intermediary Order...---....----.----------._..------.._......_.._-.., 1!+495? July 27 19..48. Final Order ----------------------- - - ........... . . approved — .... ---- .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction $--1x095-'�---------- Cost of publishing notice . $---------1.-�.......... Cost of postal cards $ ....:.........'15........... $.... 21.90.... Inspection fees . 70.51 Engineering Amount of court costs for confirmation $-------------l-z----------- Total expenditures . . . . . . . $-lsl@9.31----------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $........_111892!31 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,' part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said'Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be coni eredpr, er. Form B. A. 17 Commissioner o -Finance. 147973 Council File No.-- ---------------------- By o----------------------------------- By-------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of b@nefjtsq costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from a point 45 feet east of Avon Street to a point 600 fast west of Grotto Street MENT RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS - C. F. No. 147973— in the taatter Lf ',thassessment eP stmeting a expenses for con- aewe, on Cottage Avenue from a point �15 feet east of Avon ue'nt 600 feet west of under Preliminary Order 144530 -_-_-,Intermediary Order .......... Final Order approved .................. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the Same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ----------------------/..:.....equal -n . installments. Adopted by the 0ounciAW .......................... .. ................................ 19. _�o -101 ........... City Clerk. MAI c! JAM Approved----------------------------------- 19 Form pproved------------------------------------------ Fo B. B. 18 File 10743 ----------------- - -------------- ----- I Mayor. M CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment s AP ..5. .......... Is..49.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for38m constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from a point 45 feet east of Avon Street to a. point 600 feet gest of Grotto Street 14.4530 144815 - Intermediary Order..-----... - --- -...-... 1 ............................ under Preliminary Order ...............................---- - Y FinalOrder ------------------------------------------------------ approved._..._.... ......-----------------Au�-- to ......- 1p To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1042.00 Cost of construction $-----jo-------------------- Cost of publishing notice . $-----------1'p----------- Cost of postal cards $- -p8--..:--- 7inspectionEngineering $... .3� NEPp c ............. Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $- 102 Total expenditures $--1,143.84 Said Commissioner further reports that lie bas amessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.----._1119:.84.-...---.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said, Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and - which is herewith submitted to the Council for such : ction thereon as may be considered proper. �p Furor B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. '� 1.4'79'74 1' or]g1..Ito city Clint couttca. NO ------- ------- —----- - CITY OF ST. PAUL r��c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the use of the Como Park golf course with waiver of greens fees be given to the United States Golf Association for a Sectional Qualifying Tournament to take place cn Sunday, June 19, 1949. M C. F. No. 147974—By W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That the use of -the Como Park golf course with waiver ofgreens fees be ggitven to the United States Calf Assoeta tlon for a Sectional 2Us, Ing Tournament to take place on Sunday, June 19, 1949. Adopted by the Council May 4, 1949. Approved MMey 71949. 949) by the Coup..-.-�........... COUNCILMEN. Adopted Yeas Nays Indlan a rl 14��'�' __��// /1V10Itln80n /Parranto Approved_ ..................•---...----._.194__.. .. -Peterson .............. In Favor ............................ ....... ,� .......... .-....... Ma r ...........Against VIr. President, Delaney . 3M 9-98 ,® • I W, , oriat-1 t. City Cl -k . 147975 wu"Cm No ------- - -------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL •.� WHEREAS, Council Resolution No. 147859, approved" April 27, 1949, authorized payment to Dee C. Mitchell out of the Workmen's Compensation Abcount of the General Fund, the sum of $54 .every two weeks beginning April 27, 1949,' until total sum of 9$810 should be,paid in full settle- ment of his claim against the City for compensation resulting from his injury of April 22, 1948, whereby he suffered tem- porary total disability until September 7, 1948, and 10% permanent general disability; and WHEREAS, the Compensation Attorney for the Industrialt Commission of the State of Minnesota has called attention to the fact that the last payment for compensation for temporary total disability paid Mr. MitchfellptoSeptemberl?,1948 lity and that the 30 weeks paymentpermanentand has stated that has already accrued as of April 3,1949, in hie opinion the amount should be paid in one lump sum; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this claimant be paid a lump sum Of $810 in final settlement of his claim; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 147859, approved April 27, 1949, is hereby repealed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays an / �ortinson /r�arranto �i In Favor --Peterson �ax.Against President, Delaney [ B ro'i Q 3AAV 1W 41mr Adopted by the CoundL-............. ------------------- 194...-- $# t `,�4) Approved----------------------------------- 194— PUBLISIIUD�_1-1-� *�oriawl co cloy cleric - � -.Y ! J 5 ll CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � Fas No --------------------- q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j ' fl- LQ�COUNC LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_,_ :Y PRESENTED BY / -LeA DATE Resolved, -h�.t t'7C' Purc'l,,sin,- A ent Lr,l <;nc i;e is herebe aut',orized to th.c co,.- r,,nt of tl c compt2,011'.r, 1' ^ ton -s, More or less C„tts'ied Limestone `r"..dc6 from 1'1j1. ,,o or file ep;rt.mBrit of Public ';or' s from th^ j. L. SHIELY (-O!f „___ cost of ��.. `�0 Fie - ton, ,Jth S;, c, rd scow. t 1>7'1 -.rox. "'i,1101 t Lsltin' for competitive bins, as .is is t', -e orlly so+rc of snpjly. Chir_,-, Paved. tree Cs-' 11-t1 _231 COUNCILMEN Yens Nays lFiin�ndlan ,l ortinson ,-I&rranto ,-_Peterson ---. rum ax President, Delnney C. F. No. 147976—By Severin A. Mor- tinson—By equest— tieRelolved, That a Id he is hereby author izedg o Pur- chase , with the -consent of the Comp- troller. loo tona...,.,.e .._ ___ _ _ alSiiI'LY rCOMPA Yor ts.afrom cost Pet ton, with 5, Cash discount z., without asking for competi- I % the Council May 4, 1949. d (May 4. 949. IAA & INS Adopted by the Council-. 194...... MAY lb Ima Approved ............................ - 1 In. Favor ---------- Mayor --Against Pl1r, ",11 I) votlab.ttoCityclarl Ae 'tz 'ede.J CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r. -zo-7 , . mulvca NO._ '----- FILE .____.-____�_ RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employees in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from xpril lb, to i.pri'_ 30, 1949, as set out on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson Parranto Peterson Truax Mr, President, Delaney 3M 9-0S jC. F. No. 197977—ny Severin A. Mor- tmson—ny req st— Resolved, That tthohe �l ed toer cP Y cer- fn car' or' hereby au tain employee. in the Department of Public Work. for tra mployment ' Eron1 April 30 to April 30, f t es bet ut on file fn the EEiee of the City IClerk and the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council May 4, 1949. Approved ..y 47'19491 . ' OW 4�'B Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------- 194..... Approved-----•-------•---------------- 194 . avor in Favor ----Against 0,1,1-1 to cra ©ur * PRESENTED BYDA COMMISSIONER._--= mo„ca- NO.-- /_-••7f CITY OF ST. PAUL •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM LABOR ROLL - April 16 to _,0 _, 1945 NO.Ii3S. RATE AbIOUNT NAME Anthony J. CamFpb81111 TITLE Crew Leader -PW 1 1, 2 1.57 5 2 .12 07 7 7.07 Edward J. Carroll Truck Dr. 7 7 1.57 10.99 Edward,C. Claussen Truck Dr. 1 571.20 .57 Chester Diegnau Truck Dr. 8 1.99 1j� Frank DiMartino Asph.Raker 16 1.542 24..72 Walter T. Einck Dispatcher 1.57 7.07 Sidney H. Fu11er Truck Dr. 1 1.57 2.36 Max J. Gallas Truck Dr. 8 28 1.55 43,1Fp James A. Goossen Sew.l4tc.Lab. 1.57 4.71 Stephen Hagerty s Truck Dr. 6 1.57 9.42 Carl 0. Hoen Truci Dr. 3 1.57 4.71 Frank T. Huberty Truck Dr. 6 1.45 8.70 Russell Hughley Asph. Lab. 20 1.55 31.00 Lawrence J. Hurley Sew.bltc.Lab. 8 1.57 12.16 Russell Jagger Truck Dr. 16 1.57 25.02 Paul L. Kabitz Truck Dr. 1'57 7'07 Peter J. Kiwus Albert W. Klemenhagen Truck Dr. Utilityman-PW 12 4 1.442 1.442 1 5.34 5 .78 John D. Kuhns Utilityman-P17 8 1.55 12.40 Lindgren Lloyd Li Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 1.55 12.40, McGee Frank D.3 Sew.Mtc.Lab. 1.57 4.71 Patrick J. McKenna Truck Dr. 24 1.55 37.20 Alex iMcKillop Sew.4tc.Lab. 9 1.57 14.13 Francis Maidl Truck Dr. 4 1.442 5.78 William Newstrom Utilityman-PW 26 1.57 40.82 Clarence A: Paden Truck Dr. 8 1.55` 12.40 John Pastuch Sew.litc.Lab. 8 1.55 12.40 Guiseppe Perrazzino Sew.Mtc.Lab. Crew Leader -PUJ 16 1.442 23.12 Michael Petranton Harvey J. Praulx• Sew.Mtc.Lab. 20 16 1.55 1. 58- 31.00 25.40 Fred A. Putnam Crew Leader -PW 11 1.73 - 19.06 Robert Rasmussen Bridge Fore. 42 1.57 7.07 William Rice Truck Dr. 4� 1.57 7.07 Michael H. Ryan Truck Dr. 20 1.55 31.00 Ernest Schrenkler Sew.Mtc.Lab. Adopted by the Council -------------------- ------------- 194 ---•• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan Approved------------------------------------------ 194..- Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor --------- -------•---. Mayor -- Reseff- Truax -----Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 " ® . orfYto.l to city Cierk i r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER = NAIL Louis V1. Schrenkler Ben G. Schude Carl A. Swanson Dean H. Thayer Nunzio Tuccitto .-Irvin Van Reese Domenick Vincelli Leo R. Wadell John H. Wegwerth P COUNCILMEN ELLE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM DATE_. LABOR ROLL Anril 16 lQO.HRS. yO-=---' —" RATE AMOUNT TITLE 20 1.55 1.55 31.00 43.40 Sew.tdtc.Lab. Sew.Nltc.Lab. 282 1.57 2'36 18.60 Road Mach. Opr. 12 16 1.55 1.55 24.80 9ew.Mtc.Lab. Sew.Ktc.Lab. 20 1.155 24.80 1.00 Sew.Mtc,Lab• 16 . 1'57 12.56 Sew.litc.Lab. Road Mach• Opr. 8 8 1.55 . 12,40 Sew.litc,Lab. Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson Parranto , Peterson Truax Mr. President, Delaney ]Tt 048 •AIR:P® In Favor .............. Against r vW a4 Adopted by the ......----------194------ l>�o Approved---- •------•--------•--•----- ...... 194. ---......... .... Mayor 78 INe orlalnar W City ClerkE; ° _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Flis IL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL{, IIESOLUTIONENERAL FORM ATL M- 7 � k, 1911 ^'. PRESENT�ED.Pe r-"/^ /L�C�C�L.i�__Gi� 4k (•"' _�L D _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent bei and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method from the NORTHWESTERN REFINING CO..at a price of $ .12332 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery©price, on informal bids, as an emergency exists wh3re failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Mun. Eqpt. 1003-134 C. F. No. 147978—By Severin A. Moi- - tinson—' " request— '; Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to put- - chase, with the onsent of the Mayor and theComptroller, approximately • 8000 gallons "Q•' leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane. C.F.R. motor method from the - ,- NORTHWESTERN REPINING CO, at a price of $.12932 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery prim, on Informal bids, as an emergency exists where _ fallure to act promptly Would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge M". Eqpt. 1003-134. Adopted by the Council May 4, 1948.; Approved May 9, 1949. —(May 7, 1949) Adopted by the CounciLHAV-....194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan 14AY Approved-- ------------------- -------------`----194. Mortinson Parranto �...In Z Peterson ...... Favor - - -�- Truax ........::...Against Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 948 nt�'sts•!�5 _ "- 147979 .drlQta.t to crry ct.r1 %- CITY OF ST. LICi`NSE COMLiITTEr .,,-+ ' 2d, That ]lcenses apppllei ""..OUNca. NO.__ �`rsons nametl on the lestar. `gam __--__�•-�_-�� readuuon he and the sav ' . OFFICE OF THE CIYr Granted, and tine Ct_e Cty C1err , —ted t ssu Ie su ils , ': - y en r 1 t tRe c+ry �C�/O/L�UNN/C�IIL/RRE7SOLUTION p PRESENTED BY -May �94J - - 4/ .t^.f'/. �yJs �A.t:F-M� 4, COMMISSIONE RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. 'Donald Beane 312 Rice Restaurant App. 15898 New old Loc. Alfred Schneider 1658 W. 7th Grocery n 15921 n 11 n n 0£f Sale Malt it 15922 n G n 11 n Cigarette ° 15923 u n n W. E. Hendrickson 620 Rice Auto Ren Gar " 15924 it n " Geo. A. LaVictoire 500 S. Snelling Confectionery " 15952 11 New n Gernard Knaff 34 S. Cleveland Foodstuff VMLoc it 15999 11 11 It Great Lakes Coal & Dock Go. n It 16018 it 11 11 2102 University Walter & John L. Hart. 11 n 16019 it 11 n 1590 Grand Berry Chevrolet Co. 917 Grand n " 16021 n 11 n Young Mtr Co. 850 Grand " ° 16022 1i it 1t General Truck & Equipment Co. 2400 University n ° 16023 " 11 11 Standard Brands, Inc. 2631 University " 11 16030 n n n Nash Coffee Co. 1745 University it 11 16031 11 It 11 Harry Schnitzer 963 Berry n " 16032 Richard Unger 3206 N. Owasso Blvd Music Mach (1) " 16073 n n 11 M. A. Dev (2) n 1607 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-" ..................... ..""....__194..... Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson % Approved ........ .....•--------------------194— i Parranto Peterson .."..In Favor -----•Ma•••-•----..._... yor Truax . ....-:./..Against Mr. President; Delaney, 3M 9-48 .go.@ - -' •,-,- ,_, _ _ , __� �. 1_< <_ �= :_�, _=., ._._ �. h � —. �. ^�— --- ' f orletnal to city Clerk - 0 7980 pounces NO.---- ------------- CITY OF ST..PAUL vitt - LICENSE OOMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFESSOLUTIIOON—GGEGN�EER�fAALL FORM �L B `✓G ✓> �_ - �— Maw' X99 AT PRESENTED Iz �/ COMMISSIONER !�/ Application B 15946, and RESOLVED: That Licenses for Restaurant, B 15947, applied for by Lemuel and Cigarette, Application Gertrude Dettinger at 1155 Montreal Avenue be and the same are hereby granted, be sold on the premisest that the restaurant pMVIDED, HOP(EVER:. That no gasoline not later than 12 o1clock midnight: that the lot be closes that signs be posted, s4To Sounding of Horna kept landscaped; After 9 P.M." and that the proprietors will clean up every e�i4r morning all papers, sacks, etc. C. F. No. 147980--Bn Robert F. Peter- j son—W. A. Parra to—john S. Find - Jan— Resolved. That Licenses for Resta"- rant, Application B 15946, a d Cfg- rette. Application B 15947, applied for by Lemuel and Gertrude Dellinger at - 1155 Montreal Avenue be and the same are hereby granted; Provided, However, That no gasoline be tauant closesenot letersthan 12 o'clock midnight; that the lotbe kept led-` ecaped; that signs be posted. No I Sounding of Horns After 9 P.M." and , M up every that the proprietors clean morning all papers, sacks, etc. Adopted by the Counca May 4, 1998. - Approved May 4, 1999. II " (May 7. 3949) I.3 RE]7, AL (STIPULATIONS) (As set forth in initial,application, 0. F. 144233, granted 5-28-48) COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays Vi4r Mortinson /Parranto In Favor ,-Peterson x .............. Against ,ft ruax President, Delaney ant "9 •q'® " .Adopted by the Council----- ............................ 194.-.--. i , 't fJ3g Approved------------------------- ................ 194— .......... 94.._.------- --- Mayor :. No. 147981—By Robenj - Alyn r�,p I—W. A. Parranto—Johr:�, ^" / yI / y% tl_ of to City Clerk "n_. i2 N JI'..,, ))-e �.t elven, That ncensea ap li.. cn. ./ CITY OF ST. PAUL ersananamedon:tt. a NO ------- ----------- — re-Mid..n be and the same OFFICE OF THE CITY CL., R!' nto, and the Cit oe; - LICENSE/C/CE4JIITTEE COUNCIL (/Ry'ESOLUTION—GENEFAJ. I t" r^; eeasu-pip PRESENTED BVl �OfL �lt/WGc, � %[tE )I�y=- —1942 COMMISSIONE RESOLVEDt' That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Louis Minuk _ 418 Jackson Hotel -69 R. App. 18591 Renewal Michael Steiner 369 A. Dale Auto Rep. Gar. " 14987 " Maurice D. Arner 626 N. Robert Gas Sta. 4P. " '15145 " n It Fdstf.V.M.Looe. " 15144 " University Club of St. Paul, Inc. 420 Summit The Gem Corp. 444-68 St. Peter Charles W. Doane 980 Front Robert Mores 1820 Pt. Douglas Rd. n n Rick, Herbert L. 1410 White Bear n s Anton Le Clair 1562 W. Como n n n e Orval W. McCann 80 E. 11th n ■ 15432 ^ :ohnG. Keenan 1332 Theme Robert K. Hoy n 948 Raymond n G n n n n COUNCILMEN Barber Yeas Nays 15680 Findlan Fdatf.Veh.Psd. Mortinson 16706 Parranto V Peterson ..............In Favor " n Truax ---•-•-------Against Mr. President, Delaney Cigarette 3M 948 15743 r Grocery On Sale Malt " 15432 ^ Parking Lot(over 25 C.) " 15658 " Barber " 15680 " Fdatf.Veh.Psd. " 16706 " Veh.Ped. #13 It 15707 " Confectionery " 15742 " Cigarette " 15743 " Grocery " 15788 ^ Off Sale Malt " 15789 " Cigarette " 16790' " Grocery " 16792 " Off Sale Malt " 15793 ^ Cigarette a 15794 " Bakery " 15854 ^ Restaurant " 16865 " On. Sale Balt " 16856 " O££ Sale Malt " 15867 Cigarette ^ 15858 " Adopted by the CounciL ........................._..----194 -..-- Approved- -_-----_---- _---------•••-------.194.-- Mayor 0,i thw to City CI"4 A 79 7[y'� 7py a CITY OF ST. PAUL "ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMM ISSIONER_- - -_.. - DATE_ May 4, 1949 Page NO. 2 H►ael Park Com'1 Club 862 White Bear On Sale Malt App. 15865 Renewal Cigarette " 15866 " Arnold Hoppenstedt 963 Arcade Confectionery " 16867 R Cigarette " 15868 " Mary H. Same 764 W. 7th Str. Restaurant " 16874 ^ Cn Sale Malt " 15875 " Off Sale Malt " 15876 " Cigarette " 15877 " George Miesler 1324 W. 7th Str. Grooery(Milk Store) " 16878 " Elizabeth MoNary -1321 Forest Grocery " 15879 " Off Sale Malt " 15880 " Cigarette " 15881 " Kenneth H. Eddy 361 Earl Confectionery " 15882 >t Cigarette " 15883 " Clifford N. Peterson 106 --let Nat. Bk.Bldg. Barber " 15895 e M. Eerig 341 Jackson Restaurant " 15896 " " " Cigarette " 15897 " Einar Nelson 230 N. Cleveland Oil Burner Inst, " 15899 " Jacob Goldenberg 220 N. Cretin Grocery " 15905 " ^ " Off Sale Malt " 16,906 " Cigarette " 15907 " John F. Velotta .383 W. 7th Str. Restaurant " 15912 " On Sale Malt " 15913 Off Sale Malt " 15914 " Cigarette " 15915 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194.----- Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson Approved ............... .......................... 194._.. Parranto Peterson-- In Favor ................ ........... ---................. --------- - i2esen Mayor Truax ...........Against Mr. President, Delaney net 948 ! t' 0'1g&.1 m City 0-1, - CITY OF ST. PAUL COuxea pus NO.___•._-----___-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSD BY DATE Wk 4 19AS Page No. 3 Frank J. Krejci 360'E. 6th Gas Ste. 2P. App. 16926 Renewal n x Auto Rep. Gar. " 15927 Barry & Mollie R. Bloom " 779 W. Wheelock Pkwy. Grocery " 15931 x x Off Sale Malt " 15932 " Cigarette " 15933 to Oscar Zandell 296 W. 7th Str. Confectionery " 15934 " n It Cigarette " 15935 " Louis & Jack Tallen 1668 Selby Ave. Grocery " 15938 e n x Butcher " 15939 n It Off Sale Malt " 15940 " to of Cigarette " 15941 " Jos. Palmer 1799 Orange Ave. Oil Burner Inst* ° 15948 " Robert J. Aeohoubaoh 1562 Como Butcher It 15959 " John Eshelby 710 N. Snelling Ofr Gale Malt It 15960 " Hansman Heating & Sheev Metal. Inc. " 804 E. Third Oil Burner Inst. " 15966 Howard W. Belmont 277 W. 7th Str. Fdstf.4.M.Loon. ° 15970 " Anton Bauer 2236 Carter Barber of 16971 " Russell -D. Carlstrom 1073 Payne Oil Burner Inst. " 15972 " L. Ae Forrest, 995 Burns Ave. oil Burner Inst. to 15975 " Holl..nd Furnace Co. 669-71 University Oil Burner Inst. to 15.977 " R. H. Luoheinger 23o N. Snelling Gas Sta. 2P. " .15979 " Geo. Weevman Plbg & Htg. Co. 1179 Jessie Oil Burner Inst. x 15980 to COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. .................................194. ..._. Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinson Approved---------_---_------ ---------------194-... Parranto PetersonIn Favor .............. ..........................- - ....................... Mayor Truax, --------------Against Mr. President, Delaney EM 948 pr(p" to City cj"k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCR FaL NO.___.__------- ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE 1(sy' 4' 1949 COMM I SS IONER page No. 4 a Petroleum Service Co. 317 Como Oil Burner Inst. APRv 15985 Renewal Nick Nicholas 192 E. 7th Str. ^ Barber 15988 ^ Myron W. Weidin 554 - 19th Ave. H. So. St. 1bul, Minn. Oil Burner Inst. " 15995 " F. J. Leutgeb 356 N. Cleveland 011 Burner lust. " u 15996 Jonas Johnson 783 E. OrangeOil Burner Inst. " 16000 " August L. Bulinaki 562 Rice Cigarette " 16001 " Ludwig Brennhofer 960 N. Western Grocery " 16003 " I. R. Heath 414 N. Prior Barber " 16007 Paul Fala 1787 Lincoln Oil Burner lust. " 16009 ^ Clifford White 1226 Maekubin Trailer Rental " 16014 n Joseph F. Sohouveller 153 E. Arion Oil Burner last. ^ 16040 " H. B. Brindly 1054 Payne Ave. Gee ata. 2P. ^ 16056 ^ Kenneth P. Walters 421 N. Cleveland Gee Ste. 2P. " 16060 ^ Frank 7Aspe1 1921 Butler Ave. so. St. Paul Ice Delivery 1 T. " 16110 tl yelter A. D. Frick 556 Ries Hardware " 16114 ^ Jean B. Benoit 282 N. Lexington Taxi Driver " 16122 " James T. yaohoveo 939 E. Third Cigarette " 16163 n Midway Chev. Co.,Ino. 1389-99 University Cigarette " Taxi Driver " ^ 16206 " ]]�6..218 Arthur Shypulski 1236 Churchill Adopted by the Council ..--._ -_e-•---•194_.— COUNCILMEN - yeas Nays a�Ai Findlan Mortinson Approved----••.................................... 194___- Parranto 4">.- - Peterson - In Favor --- ------- •- ........yor.._... l rise— v Truax ---•-------Agaitns c7 Mr. President, Delaney 9M 048 .1jR0- 47982) Orl41, al to City Clerk wumca CITY OF ST. PAUL vne NO ------ ___- ---------- — ; `(1— _ FFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK - RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . Robert F. Peterson DAT[_. M8y 4, 194.9 - COMMISSIONER- - RESOLVED That Ralph W. Carney, Chief,Inspector, Fire Prevention Division, be authorized to attend the annual meeting of the Rational Fire Protection Association, to be held in San Francisco, California, on May 16, 17, 18, and 19, and that the proper city officers are authorized to pay from Fire Fund 8 C 6 the sum of $425.00 for expenses, any unused amount to be returned to said fund. C. F. No. 1¢7882—Hy Robert F., Peter- son— Resolyed, That Ralph W. .Carney, Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention Divi- . sion, be authorized to attend the annual ` meeting of the National Fire Protection Association, to be in San Francis- ,p co California, on May 18, 17, 18, and 19. 1d end that the proper city oIll"" are thortze¢ to pay from Fire Fund 8 C6 the sum of ;975.88 for expenses, any un - .sed amount to be returned to said fund. Adopted by the Council May 4, 1949. Approved May 4. 1949. (May 7, 1949) Rte. 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194 ..._ Yeas Nays : an as,: �r ind:I Approved------------------------------------------ 194 _ Mo inson T IIt0 iPeteraon r""' In Favor ------------- Mayar ��/_ YS�OQW. -- --Against m I resident, Delaney 3M® . 147983 Council File No- ........... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C. F. No. I47e83 ` Abstraet and - Whereas. A written ing proposal fot the ` making of the followimprovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Change the grade of the Block i , Terry's Addition, i. heeet to Cypmsa Street, e to co i, g;ede as show• „ ., The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improverall-i m"I, ,. - F j>viz.: -change- the--grade-o£--the,-1411ey--in- B14"k•--1�3�---Te-r-r7i-s--Ilddi.tior-,---From--Ea =btl Set•---•• to Cypress Street, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on _file '"""""""'iri "tke"IIepai'imerit' of"YiIIiTt�""Ro�'ks� ""--Also"'grad"e"'"sYiB"'Stcr"fBC�"ri1Y.11"'tiitiltriti53ii�"""""""-------- ._--__-_material-_the-_Alley_-in.-Blpck.-121__Terry--! s__Additlon1.-from._Earl--Street-_to• Cypress_---.-• Street to the proposed change of grade. -- - - Dated this..-...-4.............day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. _Change:_tha-- ds._o ._the-.Alley.-Im..blink-.�.--TarrY.'..a..Adsli�io�l,-.from--Ear1..3.treet------- to Cypress Street, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file -in t -he --Department---of Psblle--Vorka A1sa--grado- ar d--surface--wihh--bitromimons---------•-- material, the Alley in Block 12, Terry's Addition, from Earl Street to - -Cypress-S£reet to the `proposed ciange of grade. 47 having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------........................ -........................................... ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said.improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1 4. , To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. My i }aR Adopted by the Council ............. _------------- -----------------•..... - - YEAS NAYS Councilma FINDLAN Approved ------- -------------------_-- MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON ° TRUAX------ --- ---- - --------- ........ MR, PRESIDENT Mayor. im HB ----.. E;kISIED 14794 Council File No ------------- PR OPOSAL ............PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT IC. F. No. 147084— Abstract and Whereas, A written propposal for the f making othe following improvement. 'iz.: Condemning and taking n easement PRELIMINARY ORDER. in the land nece—rY for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing • e Alley in Block 12, Terry's Addi- Ea Theundersignedhereby proposes the makingof the followingpublic improvement by'nben. eseaN?n cypress streceut ea em nt the land necessa fore t mn and talon i and fills in_the...�a ding --and surfacing--of--the Alley in -Block 12r--- erry--s-----•--.-.----- ----- ---Addition,-_from_Fz:rl, ...................-- -- --------- ----------•------------------- -- - --- - -- ------ ------------------•--------`rd .-..-- --Y - _ 194-----• Dated this da of --may -- / �// �--✓�-C-- �/ - - .-F�_--f-1 F.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, s:viz. es cut ._-----_Condemning- and taking -_an -easement-- in_ the- land -_necessary_ --------- ------ -- _and. £ills in the grading and-. surfacing of -_the Alley• -in- Blocic_12-f-. Terry! a -- -- ........... . ..-.............. ---- ........................----......................................... .....---- -----------•------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul --------------- ---------- therefore, be. it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby dared and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cot. st thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... .----- YEAS NAYS Councilman FINDLAN MORTINSON PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAX ff MR. PRESIDENT. t_f� IM 446 NO 41,949 Approved------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ----- arTy fCFi',[i, _ 4- d Y INTERMEDIARY ORDERS 147985 985 C. F. No. 147985— " In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in H1aok 1, Rogers and Co:eman's Subdivision of Brook 22, Stinsan,'Brown and Ramsey's Add1- Una, from James Avenue to Palace COUNCIL FILE NO ?rue. Also eonstrueting a aewer in ,ley frau a point 40 feet north - s Avenue to the sewer in tines INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading- and -surfacing- the- Alley. in. ffiock Is Rogers and C0l"an" a Subdivision of-ffiock_22, Stiraon,..Broan ard.Baaeayvs Additioay-Sroa James Avenue to Palace Avenue. Also constwcting a -sever in the Allot -frog-a.point 110 feet north of James Avenue to the -seserlin James Avenue under„Preliminary Order- 147528 approved XA= 3Q- 19h9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having. received the report 'of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and .anrtaae-the-.Alley in.BLook -ls-- Rogers and Coleman$i Subdivision of ffiook 22, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Adcktion, frxw James Avenue .to--Palase Avenue. Also construct a sewer -in- the All y- from- a.point.40 -feet .north of Jams Avenue to the seiner in James Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3,361.45 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on -said improvement on the - 31st - day of Ya4 195 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. -M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buildink in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature.of the' improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ 193.— � X193—. �`� Approved— M Clerk- Mayor lerkMayor 4% 1c198 Fiadlsn Councilman Councilmanfl-0- Councilmancg� =T,_r, Mortiason Parrento % Peterson Councilma---- Councilma Council elan Delaney Mayor Ma oney Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED5 0- 419 In rhe Matter of condemning. and taking -un. easement --in- -the -laud necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the Fading -and surfacing of the A1187i.n Block 1, Rogers' and colemen'a-Subd'ivision of Block 22, Stinson, BrAwn and, -Ramsey' a Addition, from James, Avenue to Palace Avenue under Preliminary Order 147529 approveMarch 30, 1949 - The Council of the City of, St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an.eassment.in.the-land-necessary for elopes,... cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing -6f the.blley in.Block.1, Rogers' and.Coleman's Subdivision of Block 22,'Stinaon,' Brown and_Ramsey's Addition, from Jame&kienue to Palace Avenue, in accordance withtheblue.print-hereto attached and-made.a.part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cats -and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $— 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st _day of May , 194--W— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambi r of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Financc give notice of said meeting to the,persons"and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 193— - Approved_ 193— City Clerk File 10981 ayor Councilman ms FIndlEd Councilman Slortlnson / CouncilmanWMKic�=;!J , Parranto Councilman Peterson /� v , Councilman�'i 7HVZ'Vff__" Councilman T— Mayor M Delaney �PUBLdil D Form B. S. A. 8=6 P A LV• 1.4t")("��.�/` R ` VY C. F. No. 197986— In the matter of condemning and taking n easement in the land necessary ' for elopes, cuts and fills in the grad- . - ing d urfacing of the Alley in -Block 1, Rogers' and Coleman's Sub- divislon of Block 22, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey'a Addition, from James Avpenue to Palace Avenue under Pre - 0 O r d e r 197529, approved COUNCIL FILE NO. 2D 1949. 1 c the City of St. Paul Y rt, of the ti ta, .. INTERMEDIARY ORDERp'SV In rhe Matter of condemning. and taking -un. easement --in- -the -laud necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the Fading -and surfacing of the A1187i.n Block 1, Rogers' and colemen'a-Subd'ivision of Block 22, Stinson, BrAwn and, -Ramsey' a Addition, from James, Avenue to Palace Avenue under Preliminary Order 147529 approveMarch 30, 1949 - The Council of the City of, St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an.eassment.in.the-land-necessary for elopes,... cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing -6f the.blley in.Block.1, Rogers' and.Coleman's Subdivision of Block 22,'Stinaon,' Brown and_Ramsey's Addition, from Jame&kienue to Palace Avenue, in accordance withtheblue.print-hereto attached and-made.a.part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cats -and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $— 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st _day of May , 194--W— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambi r of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Financc give notice of said meeting to the,persons"and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 193— - Approved_ 193— City Clerk File 10981 ayor Councilman ms FIndlEd Councilman Slortlnson / CouncilmanWMKic�=;!J , Parranto Councilman Peterson /� v , Councilman�'i 7HVZ'Vff__" Councilman T— Mayor M Delaney �PUBLdil D Form B. S. A. 8=6 P A - C. F. No. 147987— 14'79 . In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley In Dietz's Subdiviston of Lot 10, Lee's Suburban Homes, with bituminous material. from Kennard', Street to Germain Street under Fr' Unit nary O r d e r 147566, approved COUNCIL FILE NO.- April 1,'1949. 'rhe Councli f the of St. PaW tug received the report of the Com - By lorE of Finance upon the above) ., ,nd h_ P. 'l -ed INTERMEDIARY -7 -V -I R, In the Matter of grading and iwtacing.the--Alloy is Distata Subdivision of Lot 10, Lee's Sqburban-.Homes, vLth. b ^ou• material, :Aram -Kennard _-Street to Germain Street under Preliminary Order 1h W _—approved April 1 1949 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and_mtrfwA _the --Alley in Diets's.Subdivision of Lo", Lee's Suburban Homes, tdth bitnminoae material,. from Kennard. Street to Germain Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2 590.14 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 31st ' day of _ IIa9 S 19349 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CoundVW '& 193— Approved 193—-�— City Clerk Mayor File 10984 Councilman Findlsn Councilman Mortiaeon Councilman�`1"CaIiT"'�"-'ei� Parrtmt0 Councilman sen �-'�----'a Peterson ` Councilman6`Fruax'--' --.V .Flosen� Councilmarlt`'frial TrnBa Mayor M Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-6 pt7BL15iIGD1—=��'—' COUNCIL FILE NO._ By. C.F. No. 197988— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement in the land necc+- eary for slopes, cuts and fljls in the nd surfacing of the Alley grading and; In Dietz's btllvisloof Lot 30, Lee's Suburban omesf r o m Kennard to Germain Street under Pre- ,;Street 'inary O r d e r 147567, approved i ^il I. 1949, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an- easement.. in. the land necessary for slops, cuts and fills in the grading and..surtacing.of the.Alley in Diets's Subdivision of Lot 10, .Lee's Snbarbsn Homes, from Kennard Street to Germain Street under Preliminary Order 1117567 approved_ April 1 19119 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the atove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and, take an easement inthe land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Diets's Subdivision of -Lot 10, Lee's Suburban Homes, from -Kennard Street to Germain Street in socordance.with the blue print hereto attached- and, .made-a-mert hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives% and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25-00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of May , 194-!L9— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House 2nd City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of . said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,and.the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council m aim 193— #93— ity Clerk _ Approved Mayor File 1.0963 Councilmandftftmi6s!! FinQlsa Councilman L"ortittson Councilman Parranto Councilman Paterson 0 Councilman `Bveew— Councilman Truax Mayor MNWWNX v Delaneg , PLTI,Isum 5 Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO, ` C. F. No. 147989— ` In the matter of 111—k and surfacing _���^�^ the Alley fn ffiook 1, Hazel Park `tJj tJj Division No. 8, with bltuminoua ma- terial, 4om Ruth Street to Luella ' Street under Prelhnlnary O r d e r 147808, approved April S, 1848. The Cm- of the City o1 St. Paul having reeelved the report of the Com- ; missloner of Finance up$n the above Improvement, and ha considered - -,Ga(d report, hereby resolver. L _the said re ort and the '�-��nnroved and adopted, hereby INTERMEDIARY ORDER , In the .Matter of grading and surthcing.the. Alley_im Block -11 Hanel Park Division No.: So with bituminous material, from Rath -Street to Luella Street under Preliminary Order 247608 . _ approve' April 5, 1949 The 'Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surtace the_ alley .in Block 1,. Hazel -Park Division -N" 8, with bitudnous material, -.from -Rath. Street to Wells, Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 31st day of Ysy , 19WL49— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1W 4�{ 1W 4 Approved 193 ity Clerk File '10980 ayor Councilmar FlndlSII 1 Councilma Mortinson CouncilmarPPIRFROMazlm Perranto r Councilmarrtcvsr�rr'� Peterson CouncilmatiaFtCa Councilma Mass Tra" Dolan"j'UBLISIILD Mayor N Form B. S. A. 8.6 " a I� C. F. No. 147990— In the matter ofa condemning and tak- qt���(� ing ane slopes, in the land In the L4 I 0 gray for and s cuts and tills In the in -Bloc and surfacing of the Alley from u h HazStreet Park Division No. g, from Ruth Street to Luella Street an - COUNCIL FILE NO. der Hteuminaay order 197609, ap- prov�Q" �Aprlt 5.1998. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report o°'he Corn. By mlaaloner of" Fina :.,bove 'm rbt.ment, an .- '° _fired auv INTERMEDIAR °``UDER� In the Matter of. condemning and taking. an. easemant. n.the..land-necessary for elopes, cuts and -tills in the -grading...and-surfaciug- -of the. Alley -in -Block 1, Hazel Park DivisLon_Ho. 82 from Ruth Street to Luella Street - under Preliminary Order 11,7609 approved�9g131 5, 19119 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is . hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemm and taks:an easement.-in.the.land. necessary for zlopes,-cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Division No. 8, from Ruth Street to Luella Street, in aecordanee-with.the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded port)Lons showing the fills 25.00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of may 7 19*–9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc949— , 193— Approved 193— City Clerk File 10979 Mayor Councilman4GINUMNSOM Flndla Councilman Hortinenn Councilman Parranto Pp^" , 'TrT, Councilman Petersdn r 7.1 CouncilmaniftiN CouncilmanamoR19020M Truax Mayor MOMMORMMO Delaney / Form B. S. A. 8.6 / 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. .0 V.F. No. 147991— _. -- .m.. I` 147 7991 In the matter of grading and aurfaetng .,. the Alley to Block 4, Knnra 2nd Ad_,• ditto,, w i t h bituminous material; S from White Hear Aoenue to Fland,., 597589, ppr_d April 1.r1999 r d e r 1 ,incil of the City of St. Paul e ti 'ed ;; report of the Com- . -•�Rn •the above INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing Ahe. Alle:-in: Bloek-ly- 1uhl.,e. 2nd Addition, c with bituminous. materials 2Y- Mite Bear Aveme- to FUmdrau Street under Preliminary Order _ 147568 approved April 1, 19119 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having, considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to -be proceeded with. t 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and st'face the Alley in Mook 14 wife 2nd Addition, vith bituminous material; from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2 856.41 Resolved Further, That a ,public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of Y9Y 195, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City .of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 193— OW1,7'ze Rte' f Approved— 193— City Clerk File 10986 Mayor C.UncilmaNIF1@199111111 Findla i Councilma 0!ortinson / Councilma F�rranto `�—J CouncilmsiPW crr- — a Peterson Councilmal� t 'Councilma Truax Mayor Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-6 0-�-9 �UIlL1Silt. 147992, C. F. No. 197992— -. In the matter of condemning and tak• ing en easement in the land ecessary for slopes. cuts and fins In the grad- ing and 'surfacing of the Alley= lley m Block 9, Kuhl's 2nd Addition. from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street under Preliminary O r d e r COUNCIL FILE NO.—a7sss, approved Apru 1, 1949. Council , • the _:1-:. eceived e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning'and taking. -an easement.la.the-lana-necessary for alopN,; outs and .fills; n the :.grading-sod-avrSacing_of- the- Alley -in Block 4, Kuhl 'a'2nd Addition, from lYhite Bear Aware to Fisndran Street m under PreliminaFy-Order 11x7569 approve, APril 1, 19119 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having Considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, -and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which -the Council recommends is condemn and, take .an-eaaeffint 1n the-land.neoeeeary for -slopes, cuts and fills is the grading andsurfacingof the Alley in-B].00k b,. Enhl'a- .Addition, from iThite Bear Avenue to Flandrau_Street, inaccordancewith the blue print hereto attached and made a part. hereof,_ the,hatchedportions showing the cuts -and. shaded -.portions showing the rt11s 25.ao with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of Yay , 195--112, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the Ciy of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Uff, 4 193— Appro ve,i 193_— ity Clerk ' Mayor Floe 10965 Councilman &JI&MRkimamMOM & a'isd18II / Councilman fiQOrtinaon��//"l Councilman Parraato . Councilman Peterson Councilman Councilman Truax Mayor Mem Delaney Form B. S. A. 8-6 4 •_ � PiJIILISFIT✓D 5� Form B. S. A. 8-6 4 •_ � PiJIILISFIT✓D 5� 147993 Council File No------------------------------- By........... -------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In tiIe matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for S t'P 11 braska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue grading KLEM a tree IOID e - RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS. - hIENT. _ C. F. No. 147893— -- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grad- - - - Ing Alameda Street from Nebmaka Avepue to Hoyt Avenue under Pre- Ilminary Order 190788, Intermediary F+nai OMer 39]280, ap- under Preliminary Order -..-_997.•.----, Intermediary Order.....IW20-......., Final Order.. 210280 2i9 approved ---------- _-�__Sept8mb8T, -AT. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F/WHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In ................................ equal installments. Adopted by the Council. - y -`J- 90 ......................... -----------------19 t Qs ........... City Clerk. Approved. --------------•-- 19........ .......... ............. .. Mayor. Form B. B. I8 File 10373 n CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ......aped -S I9_49.- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Jkt grading Alameda Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue under Preliminary Order----------------------- T�_-...._...., Intermediary Order ........---..--1�i1Qi0----------------------- Final Order..._ .. ............_i41280...... . . approved ................................ -September.2----------, 19..1i�. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby- reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . - Fbrae.Acgit• $---.h�r2 Cost of publishing notice . $-............. Cost of postal cards $ ---------------- $ . $... -158.21 Amount of court costs for confirmation $............. 345--........ Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $:-- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $............2a118'l1=-.---upon each an([ every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such cetion thereon as may e considere�oper` -F.,m B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. ..0. Council File No ------------------------------------ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment a 147994 In the matter of the assessment of benefits s coats and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 19 Watts Park Plat 2, with bituminous attrfacing, from Kennard Street to Flandrau Stxset RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT. In the the matter of the assessment of aj benefits, costs and expenses for 4; . Ing the alley In nlock,l, Watts Park Flat 2, with bituminous surfacing, m Kennard Street to Flandrau -t r Pre'.. "d?c tan , 1.4,3158____; Final Order 142650------_-- Intermediary Order.--....._-------- ----.. under Preliminary Order.. -......._...---- March 3019 approved................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable im.----...--,_...../:---.....equal installments. . S 1949 Adopted by the Council - i .....................................19. ... a City Clerk. Approved ----------------------------•-----------------------19 - Mayor. Form B. B. IS nle 10552 �� PIIBLIS[lTm5 ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO;IIPIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Aper.., 19.49- In the matter of the assessment of benefits'costs and expenses for the grading and surfacing the alley in Block 1, Watts Park Plat 21 with bituminous surfacing* from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street under Preliminary Order ......... ..------- _ 142650 ..._........_................. , Intermediary Order.... --.....- 1 -- 43 ..... 158 -------------- -14345?....., approved ---------------------------------------------March 30 - ....., 19... FinalOrder ..............---------- - .... _... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Fbrce Account ,,., $..-_la.4ua........ Cost of publishing notice . $--------------4!.3.5-------- Cost of postal cards $................ BT---- wup Engineering . . . . . Amount of court costs for confirmation $............. 35--------- Total expenditures $---2,136.60--------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_._?:16'60 ------------ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel f land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and`that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F- B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. �� eU21ylm1 to City Cf _ I iC Y 995 - - wuwca Nr, - -- j� U CITY OF ST. PAUL: C. F. No. 147BB M. T Robert S. Peter- OFFICE OF THE CITY C eo�t� ed M. Tnex—W. A. Par- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENT Vine That pursuant to the pro- ' vfTnel t Chapter 718 of the Ii.e ,of Minnesota for 1849, special lection' hereby ordered to be held In the City PRESENTED BY Yt•� • f Saint Paul to the nuinner provided COMM —' '• lew, on Tuesday, lune 14, 1948. purpose of submtttin¢ to the i 1 of said pity the frT,.,- .1— to-wit: �. �D riyou ,.. RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provic.b.:,: ' irf Chapter 716 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1949, a special election is hereby ordered to be held in the City of Saint Paul in the manner pro- vided by law, on Tuesday, June 14, 1949, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said City the following question, to-wit: "Do you favor the conversion of this City's schools from a special school district to an independent school district under Chapter 716, Laws of Minnesota 1949?" Yee No RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the registration records on file in the Registration and Election Bureau of the City Clerk's office be used as pro- vided by law; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk is hereby author- ized and directed to equip the polling places at the locations in the 154 election-pnabincte of the 12 wards of said City, at the places named in the list of voting places on file in the office of the City Clerk end Commissioner of Registration, and If for any reason the location named in the list of voting places,'or any of them, will not be available for said election, other locations shall be designated by Council resolution to be approved by said Council; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the persons named on the list'on file in the "Members of the Election Board" binder in the office COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............. 19C Yeas Nays Findlan Mortinsou Approved ..----•----_----• ------ •---•-------..194 .. Parranto PetersonIn Favor - - ..........• ....................... ............ - ....-M----•---........ ayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 couwca NO.-•-•- --••—...._._ 11. ` p,Ui—t m city Clerk CITY OF ST. -PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER__.----- —' Registration are qualified voters ind es appointed g of the Commissioner of Reg are ter 205.46 their respective sir precincts incts and tecompl anoebwith Chap of election in their p to serve at said of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota, special election; eneation of fudges of RESOLVED FURTHER, that the comp hereby fixed at t said special election5shall be paid to each fudge election qday. An additional u es of election; X8.00 per day• that attends the instruction meets r city officers be author - RESOLVED FURTREER, that the proper printing, stationery, prepare the necessary -essasY labor and ized and directed to ndto engagematerials to equip said and 1 and ourchaseineceseary tools and skill and P the cost thereof, together with all expenses polling places, including compensation of judges, Of said election, ral Fund; out of the Election Expense Account of C1 rk is hereby author - RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City whatever else is give such notice podased question at said ized and directed Ic B law. necessary for the in sionerfprescribed by special election in the man MAY 5 Wo 194 -..-. ---------•----_ Adopted by the CounciL.-.----•------=- COUNCILMEN YeasNays Approved................194.— in n �ortinson iparranto - -_.-.In avor - - -Peterson ,1JSCsen _ __'..Against Jlruax j?UBL1SHED President, Delaney 3M 048 .f'® 11 V.e'voel to City clerk c0���" ' 47996 CITY OF ST. PAUL ells NO ---- __-.----------� r FICE OF -THE CITY CLERK ^COU LRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER—. __ --------- - Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permissionto install - approximately 170 lineal feet of gas main on Forest between Hudson Rd. and Pacific under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 9271. dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson .7,.In Favor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, Delaney 9M 948 t i C. F. No. 14799�Ry mu", Rosen— Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given'permlaston to install approximately 170 lineal feet of gas main on Forest between Hudson Rd. and Pacific under provisions of Council File No. 123901. Ordinance No. 9271, dated July 19, 1941. Adopted by the Council May 5• 1949. 1 Approved May 5, 1949. IMay 7, 1949) WX 5 Adopted by the Council ................................194-----. iii 5 Approved--- .......... .............. ............194._.. 1479, 97 Original to city ClaraCITY OF ST. Ica F. No. 197997—By Fred M. T—".— NO ------ ------------ --- Whereas, On the 5th day of August, OFFICE OF THE 940, the Ramaley Printing Company was aw tied a contract by the City of / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—forniht printing of ant of entitled `Q/�1J/ "Color Planning For School Interiors"; /) A w w 9a1d co pang, befog the lowest bidder PRESENTED BY a bid f $1,814.45; and , COMMISSIONER .-yeas, During the prpc— Df. . the me----- -q a•�d the pihlica�r WHEREAS, on the 5th day of August, 1948, -thtla'Ramaley Printing., Company was awarded a contract by the City of Saint Paul, Department of Education, for the printing of a manual entitled "Color Planning For School Interiors"; said company being the lowest bidder with a bid of $1,614.45;.and WHEREAS, during the process of the printing and the publication of said manual, certain conditions arose which made it necessary to include more pages in the completed book than were called for in the specifications and including certain alterations on original copy, increasing the cost to said contractor; and WHEREAS, on November 16,.19+8, the said contraotor submitted bill in the amount of $1,614.45 „j,its original bid on said job, together with a bill for extras covering that hereto stated in the amount of 0465.72; and jMEREAS, after negotiations between the representatives of the City and the said contractor, said bill for extras was reduced to the A amount of 0232.00, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that payment to the Rama.ley Printing Company in the amount of $232.00 is hereby authorized. low9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C7ML .................................. 194 Nays awy 1'<i,44 Yeas ortinson // !Pazcanto I 'l l�� --feterson ..............In Favor ,'Rosen ruax _---!'galnst ---- '------ Mr. President, Delaney ant 94(8 O Approved -------•---•----- ---------------- ----------------- 47998 original to CI[Y Cluk r:! _ umcm ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FUJ[ stli NO. --_-___------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the application of the City of Saint Paul for a permit to operate a free municipal parking lot on Ryan Avenue, Eagle Street and Hill Street, is hereby grantedo subject to compliance with the provisions of any and all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots. COUNCILMEN Yeas "'' Nays Mo/ r •neon arrant. eterson 19sen uax President, Delaney C. F. No. 147998—RY W. A. Parraato— Resolved, That the application of the Clty of Saint Paul for a permit to operate free municipal parking lot n Ryan Avenue. Eagle Street and Hill Street, is hereby granted, subject to compliance with the provisions of any and all ordinances governing the op. erathm f parking lots. Adopted by the Council May 5. 1949. Approved May "1949. (Mall 7.1949) 01 540' Adopted by the Council- ------------- -...... ------....... 194..._ Approved------------------------------------------ 194._... l 1 - _... .In Favor M or .............. Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS May 4, 1',149 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Building Dees Sir: The Council requested that you drata a,resolution granting the application of the City of Saint Paul for a permit Lu operate a free municipal parking lot on Ryan Ave., 3a le St., and Hill St. Very truly ou � %. City Clerk POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ............ iprg. A3rd....19 V You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of City of St. Paul for a permit in operate a free municipal parking lot located on Ryan Ave., Nagle St. & Hill St. and that a public hearing will be held in the -Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on 199j!4th , 1949 , in the City of St. -Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, _4MW jile 10990 Commissioner of Finance. De,.r Sir: The City of St. Paul is contemplating the establishing of free municipal parking lots on tax forfeited property acquired near Ryan Avenue and Eagle Street. The property proposed to be used for this purpose is shown colored in red on the attached plat. Will you kindly request the Finance Department to send out the necesszry notices as required for the establishing of a public prrking-j lot. Yours very truly, O lh7eEngineer SHEPAi�D % Encl . Il// r" / X " CITY OF SAINT PAUL A..... xc D— ON JOS• PAVLICEK W. S. COCKROFT, Svrr. GEO. M. GAREN, A.— 5vr1 Capital of Minnesota Duey.. Acmu— BO— °' eaio"° DEPARTMENT OF PU3LIC WORKS eviiotu+ ni.'corrER, 3— S. GRYTBAK, ENO-- • - • MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER MILTON Ornca E....- FRED DRIVER. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER lYIvH.KO Eavvuur Bva ARTHUR ARTInJR H. KOCH HERBERT S. WEST GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER ` ® Bvauv m C, —ON Twnc Exmnau MAURICE W. HEWETT �,� ' - JOHN P. MULLANEY. Su". April 19, 1949 A Mr. Harry T. O'Connell S City Clerk City of St. Paul De,.r Sir: The City of St. Paul is contemplating the establishing of free municipal parking lots on tax forfeited property acquired near Ryan Avenue and Eagle Street. The property proposed to be used for this purpose is shown colored in red on the attached plat. Will you kindly request the Finance Department to send out the necesszry notices as required for the establishing of a public prrking-j lot. Yours very truly, O lh7eEngineer SHEPAi�D % Encl . Il// r" / �4 79a�g Orlpinat to Citylrerk ; C. F. No, 147999—BY W. A. Pa'rranto— CITY OF ST. Resolved, That United Properties, Inc. NQ,-._.-_.............�— ^ be permitted to install nd operate a OFFICE OF THE Parking lot on the north side of Uni- vanity Avenue.between Carleton Street and LaSalle Street, apart of Lots 52 , COUNCI RESOLUTION—+, d s3 Batvites Onllo. Fent niv'aion, ' subject to compliance with the provi- sl of any and all ordinances govern- PRESENTEDinqq the oPeraUon f Parking lots, and COMMISSION _ l�.:b;cet to the further conditions that the, drlveway shown at the eastern . dP the property shoWd be � t M srve th^ moving RESOLVED, that United Properties, Inc. be permitted to Install and operate a parking lot on the north side of University Avenue between Carleton Street and LaSalle Street, on part of Lots 52 and 53, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, subject to compliance with the provisions of any and ell ordinances govern- ing the operation of parking lots, and subject to the further conditions that (1) the driveway shown at the eastern extremity of the property should be moved 12 feet west to save the moving of a lamp post and an electric light pull box; (2) the property must be fenced excepting along the three-story brick building on the east where a bumper must be put in to protect the build- ing; -and (3) the ground must be made dustless. Adopted by the COudI --------------•------------•- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 5 4949 // Approve d ................. --....................... 194._.. ortinson arranto / Peterson In Favor -• ........... .. ........._. _..... - M or /Lf oxen Truax -`-----Against 1-41r. President, Delaney 3M 9.48 ® pUBLIS111•:D CITY OF SAINT PAUL 14���i��� Capital of Minnaota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS May 4, 1949 Mr. 3ruce J, Broady Corooratiol Counsel Buiic' in ' 7en,r Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached Cila-PrLtimi of United Properties+ Inc. for permission Hewitt�s outlots, 'First to operate a park`_n, lot on the north side of University Ave. bet:een Carleton and LaSalle+ on Lots 52 and th Division, subjeot letto hereto ttached the conditions outlined in 1 Very truly yours, -W. --r City Clerk c . POST CARD NOTICE OFFFCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, -MInn. ............ py!?.?)x..... 19.49. You are herebv notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of United Properties, Inc. to operate a parking lot on the north side of University Ave. between Carleton & LaSalle and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Her 4th 1949 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, ,qp. q File 10991 Commissioner of Finance. The Boord T of Zoning Sint Paul, �es Minn ote G. H. HERROLD gK8g1Y1Vc 8[�RRAwY .GINE. WAHMAN FwltloMo oFFwa �! H. yCHROBUEa• CrtY •acHrta�* p.YOH L'METNVa ma" J. F. aF�MwO�o H=KMM 279 CITY.COUNTY UUILOINO SAINT PAUL 2, MINNE90TA May 2, 1949 tor. H. T. Q'Connell City Clerk City Hall Dear Sir:betInc., to install In the matter of the application Of United Prop, and rtiesHewitt's Qutlots, and operate a parking lot on part of Lots Ave-53,'s LaSalle and First Division, this being on University ve Carleton. of 125 eet running The property has a frontage on University Avenuez ned asfLight Industry back 197 feet, the frontage on University being This is a commercial and the rear of the property as Heavy -six oars. parking lot and is desiLmed to care for sixty The Hoard of Bonto ing recommends that the permit be granted subject m the following conditions: .The driveway shown at the eastern extremiof ty Of the property should be moved twelve beet wx. The trosertytmustbe fenced a lamp post and an electric light pull bbilding on the east where a bum - excepting along the tYn rotectrthe building, and the ground should be made per must be put in to P dustless. Plans attached. Yours very truly, o..H. Herrold oHH;l Executive Secretary /\ I • CITY OF ST. PAUL `THIS .—[—Teo" TO BH MADE IN ORIGINAL TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN TME CITY. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK G KS OFFICE. IApplication For License DAT Anril 20, 19-49. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made United Properties Incomorated BY (NAME OF FIRM OR INpIVIpUAL) Parking Lot FOR PERMIT TO IY�YCffiND OPERATE (•'DRIVE IN" OR "INSIDE GARAGE") Parking, Lot (Except N11y. 113 ft. and Except Wily.75 ft. AUTOMOBILE NNMI IG ^T M&G"` TO BE LOCATED ON LOT BLOC Lot 52; also (Except Nllj. 113 ft.) Lot 53, Hewitt's Outlots Firfst Division University Avenue between LSO DESCRIBED AS Carleton and La Salle (AODRION) (STREET ANp NUMBER) ��G�,.P� CAPAG�Tr'-DP-EACN-PnNK UNITED PROrP:RTIES INGORPORATED BIGNATURH OP APPLICANT. FILED BY 41 Its Vicelresid 200 Hamm Bldg.. St Paul 2 Minn. BU81NE88 ADDRE95. ' .n I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DAT _18 OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -- CITY PLANNING B� D r - BY_ BY --- I i IF-- � f q1 v � I s I I I � �L I ----- ---_-� � I � ,/l Y _ e.;srJ'•✓.;4` �OGfl.�,�D�ilGr��.C.% _�;Fp /l<t�._ �c/' fir �L'j?•=�%4C,/r %O �''. � � w- r �,i: � �jT ,$..9. . _- i IF-- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota —:25erartmeal 01 Palhc Sajel y POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN C..FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner 4 April 28, 1949 Mr. Rarry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application made by United Properties, Inc., for permission to operate a parking lot on Lots 52 and 53, between Carleton and LaSalle Streets, on University Avenue. Attached are reports covering inspections made by Sergeant Stattman and Chief Fire Prevention Inspector Carney, from which you will note that the proposed parking lot would not materially interfere with traffic nor would it add to the fire hazard of the neighborhood. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Pablic Safety 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 25. 1549 Chief Tierneys This is in reference to the application made by United Properties, Inc., for permission to operate a parking lot on University Avenue, between Carleton and LaSal le. I have inspected the premises and do not find that there will be any material interference -Ath traffic, therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Sgt. A. P7. Stattman aws/dm Traffic Division .ow @ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 25, 1949 Honorable R. F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by the United Properties, Inc., for permission to operate a parking lot on Lots 52 and 53 between Carleton & LaSalle on University Avenue. We have inspected this location and report that the operation of a parking lot on the above property would not create any fire hazard. Respeq,4ully yours, Chief, eau of Fire Prevent RWC/ t (((// 09 d TRIPLICATE—U.— 13— CITY OF ST. PAUL TNIS App1,IGT10N TO SE MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK S OFFICE. Application For License AfJT1M,0g+t--FAG PAWM LD2 DATIE April 20/ 19 49 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Malted ProperUes IngrppPated (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO ISD OPERATE APa>dCing �� ("DRIVE IN" OR "INSIDE GARAGE") Pali 1 Lot (Except MY. 113 ft. and $Icaept W14.75 AUTOMOBILE FI[=aZ:"==oN TO BE LOCATED ON LOT RLOC Lot 52; also (apt INly. 113 ft.) Lot 53, Hewaltt*e Outlote First ]XVIBioa Inivereitp Avemn patvews -LBO DESCRIBED ns AD>atl ninfl .rBS I.E (ADDRION) (STREET AN. ..NUMMBER) KS FILED SIGNATURE OF APPLIGNT. BY Its Viae -President MO H mm 81dx. 8t, Fain 2 hien. BUSINESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ---.; P -- CITY PLANNING BOARD BV C. F. No. 148000—By W. A. Parrant— ,4';"_I to City Clerk .'nsall.V.Idj.��%.., Court HC= WUN 8o (f, CITY �'.V As . a CM NO ------------------- 1 Cornrniftee thenfor, anlhth OFFICE 00. th(� eantract for furnlabln-i8eby a"""' I nnE 1 .11 lablo glerfalk and services' n 'r, COUNCIL RESOLV%raaso'-db�ly imId.rd.1 lo`r,�7�.rar a on — lll:.Ctl*n of the Pj.nll, 'W=ol Q.0 tg LVXD INC.,as follows: PRESENTED BY '�P COMMISSIONER aft l�rr&JhUQ� Is 1 281 1949 :n.ro $59f"Am: rr PCT huf 4 Resolved, -h,.t the Council hereby k_,"uwa rd of t' -e Contract Committee therefor, and hereby aw r s the CLntract for fiA- --nishing ali labor, niterials ard services necessary for and reasonLAhly in- cidental 'to the completion and execution of t1l.e. paintingof t"4Emergency -Lionset Huts to Cu:iLD HAGIL 7-:E' , !:'C. 1,S FuLLG*,TS: Unit z)ricc 1)er but on 'carrel p� rt 240 Units 1 coe;t of approved ali.,.riinum p -,int - "'59.00 1h ,160.00 Unit uric(: per rut on fronts and trim 4SO Units, ' coats of a�.)1)roved alumini-un p��, int - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 20.!'0 n ('(,,C -C) Total Less p20.00 � er but for elimin",tion ofpaint-'._ng on fronts of four huts, or a total of - - - x'0.00 Makin-, tote ;-,mour ' t of contract - - - - - - - - - $23,600-00 in accor,lance with sp,3cifications, schedule of loc-tion of the hut.- -knd Formal *,�io F.o. 1971-1% of said Corirad 'iL riu-nf , Inc. such bid b�,inl the lowest and said Ccjnrt;.c. lia-1-un( , Inc. being the lowest reasonahle. ,-nd reliable bidder, ;InC tl,e Corpor.itlun Counsel be -end h� �Io, is C irecte(li to draw up the prop -r 'orm of contract L11( -r- : -:roper pity of"CiZ�i_j, lC ' p',,r C, a C -1 1 1 .-le 1, util, ,rized to execute jc contract on be.?<Ilf of the Cit-' of 3t. pal"l. Arcl,*tcctls IstimziCe MAY 5 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL .................................194...... Yeas Naye Mortinson Approved..........................................194_.... Parranto 'Mavew, Peterson ..............In Favor ................ . . ... Rosen Truax ............ gainst Mr. President, Delaney v—'/ 3M a.18 orwoto citycletm - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL'FORM ATE_. PRESENTED B --- -- D 148f 0',1. wusoo. NO ----- -- – 1. RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota x.941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel Statutes s be pall the sum of a release approved by him, Frank J. Berge of $332.05 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident with Thomas Syfko, drivel-Ot Fire Department rescue squad, while in the perform- ance of his duties. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Mortinson %''Parranto Peterson Rosen /Truax Mr. President, Delaney tint or4i a '"....In Favor ........ .Against '. C. F. No 148001—BY Robert F P ter- ,. I... som—� . S etwn.... ........ the .8f.,46 � 194...._ Adopted by .......................... a° -�' 04 194 _ Approved...... ------------------------------------------ ..-or.._ ... f%- y Laid over to-- 3rd and app.---,5 / Adopted— Yeas Nay e Yeas ) 1, M Nays E dl Sortinson Mortinson v' -41'arrantoParranto =/ -fete on �'� -- G / Peterson Q osen / Rosen ax Truax President Delaney ✓Mr. President Delaney C. F. No. 148002—OrBlhance No. 9204— 480 ^ 000-1 to city Clerk By Bdbert F. Peterson— j4 Al }the O2 CPUI N Saint P xAn ordinaerBes aga�tmt the C� of TheCo—.n of the City of saint' NO. - 2 P l does ordain: �i;-trN oN t y i.,a YE NO. PRESENTED BN(::::; ,•s�n,..�.:. . ti�> • i .: An ordinance settling the claim of Frank J'. Herges against the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of ;the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Frank J. Herges the sum of $332.05 in full settlement of his claim agdnst the City on account of damages to his car!,on December 13, 1948, when a rescue squad car skidded and collided with hU car which was parked on Eighth Street near Robert Street. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all dam- ages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and -publication. Yea Councilmen Nays EWdkT-Morr y / ParrantoPeters. " J11, Truaxo�'e, ra ,f ✓ c.0 , i t / Mr. President (MeDonou Attest: City Clerk i boo 747 4W(dy 99 2 5 !a4b- Pawed by the Council _--------_---------------- -- ---------------- (�J-----------------In Favor ---------- (:!_�)...._ - Against Approved:---- - _- .....-- - -- 4I - - - _ ------- -- - - syor k-� P': I `'. f 0,W-1 to City Clerk'----_ couNcm NO.-,-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fitt OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U�NCICIIL jjjRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY--�—� DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that Louie Kasse be paid the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollars 0540.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of May 1, 1948, while in the employ of the Department of Public Safety, whereby he suffered ten per cent permanent partial disability to his hand and wrist. C. F. No. 148003—By Robert F. Peter- son— ° Resolved, That Louis Kasse be paid the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollars (§540.00) out of the Workmen's Com- pe om- pensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation 'resulting from his injury of May 1, 1948, while in the employ of the De- sufferedtof ten per cent permanent pare iti A Adopted disability the Council to his hand May 5, 1949. Approved May 5, 1949. (May 7, 1949) 11---------------------------------C� im COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ncci194---- Yeas Nays 5 l i%dlma Approved------------------------------------------ 194 Mortinson _ Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor --- - ------- -_ Rosen ��yy Truax -_. /J:.Against Mr. President, Delaney ^ aM 048*qW Original to city clerk InX No.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL ""� f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. ,RESENTED BY H. a. parranto ' DATE- MG! 199 COMMISSIONER_ ----- RESOLVED, tbat Robert J. Johnson, 1640 C-1 E. Cottage be paid #17.60 as a refund fora portion of the May rent paid in advance as said tenant vacated with notice on May 6. 1949. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays or ' on �arranto -'1 eterson /1cosen /fruax Ir. President. Delaney 9M 948-'Z+•' 1 C. F. No. 148009—$y W. A. Farranto— Resolved, That -Robert J. Johnson, o 1040 C-1 E. Cottage be paid $17.90 as a refund for a portion of the May rent .paidin advance as said tenant vacated with notice on May 0. 1949. Adopted by the Council May 5. 1849. Approved Mayy,719499. Adopted by the Counci�L..- ....------.... •--194..__. wAAl 5 S� Approved.............. ------------------------ 194 In savor - - Mayo .Against I CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL No f��; FILE DRIGINAIr- II CITY __KN9 1343 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS n DAT jkI aril 2Q PRESENTED BY • Resolved, '-hat the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the paving of • alley in rlocl� 3, Holcom— 's Addition 'rom Grotto St. to St. Albans St., to CL H?" T`i = • SCI'iLH'`- :IPMLpIT C0I1-iJ_y, in accordance with plans and s Ccifications hereto attached anc:. the Formal Fid D:o. 1975 of said I, Clement F. Sculley Equipment Comhar:y for t] -le contract price of $6434.00 II such bid being the lowest and said Clement F. Sculley Lcuipment "ompany IIbeing the lowest relia'ale and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be ind hereby is di"ected to draw up the proper form of con - per City officials 1-,.0reby are authorized to tract therefor, a.nd the pro execute saiCi contract on behalf of the City 6f St. Pa 1. Assessed I a,ainst benefitted property. ® C. F. No. 14899 By M11ton Rosen— Resolvetl, That the Cooncll her approves the award of the Contract ee Committtherefor, and hereby awards the =,,, or for the paving of alley in Block 3, '$Id_robe's Addition from Grotto St. }£���St. Albans St., to C[.EM- }, . ENT F SLRILI.EY EQU1P1YlENT COM- ER'S ESTIMATE f 6517.6o PANY, in accordance with glans and FORMAL BID No. 1972 - speclticait hereto LtaChed and the al Bid No: 1972 of sold CI ment F. IL FOR ADOPTION. LAeLE ev -Fr-6v..EgWDment Company f the NOTE: TO BE DE-r1F D AS TO FUNDS AVAIfid.-hP- 1 6434.00 S� I PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING F TYO TO BE REINSkkMW- F-'=yST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST 9ENEFITTED PROPER - $ DE PPRO 2, APRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— CODE $ APPROPRIATE. F BOND ISSUE—CODE I. I 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ S. g -F.00 r� • TOTAL - - - - - - - - - COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED NEMBERED B - CITY CERK I ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS To LOCAL IMPROVEMENT L COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMO/�NTB. -, DATE FINAL ORDER A PURCHASING I 'YI� 5 1949 COUNCIL N fo — NAYS ADOPTED BY THE ..UNC — ---� — -- -- - YEAS -� MAY 5 194 IN FAV APPROVED -- -- _ AGAINST j Y y l�_ OR�9 � MR. PRESIDENT pT Ll. JmT IL.TTT•T� sl 'I �' V -CAP-- (Ii, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO•Bp-- ' FILE ill ORIGINAL— II Na 1342 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,. CITY CLERK, FOR AUTHORIZATIONOF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTSDAT G PR SENTED BY HON.---____-- — --" �esolved, That the Cou*il hereby approves the award o` the Contrac strruction ofeSewer�Service rConnections tcontracthe on ArcadeStforeiheen n Minnehaha Ave. and Case Ave. to CHRIS C'T%ISTETTS}JPT AS FOLLO�IS:. ®_2 Sewer Service Connection Pio. 1 - 6.00 � 5 See7er Ssrvice Connection PTo. 2 - 272.00 Sewer ,Serv' ce Connection 110. - - 250.00 Sewer service Connect9n.oI'o. � - - r 00 Sewer Service Connection TTO- 7 _ _ 2�,p,00 Sewer Service Connection I 3Og.00 Sewer Service Connection PTo. 8 - - a total contract price of *,1917.00, Sp. -r Service Connection of the property 6 beim; eliminated from this contract at the request e' ons hereto Owner, ail in accord':nce faith p12ns ''oa-aid1Chris1Christensen attached and the T_'ormal did Idn. 1914 su.clz 1,id bein the lowest and said Chris ChristensentCororation_' the lowest relialle and reasonable icder r.e- the Corporation -Counsel proper City off hereby are authorized_ es 4 be and hereby is directed to draw un the proper form of rized.to therefor, and the prop of St. Paul. Assessed execute said contract on rehalf of the City against benefitted property. I, C Resol ed. I4 att I a Conneil Rhereby • Yes the award of the Contract or hemds ePPro Committee therefor. and NM1. f the contract for the D Sewer Service Conn tions Dn Arcadea See , SAtVe etwoeeIn CHRIS a HRIST SEN. BE follows: r Service Conn Linn No. 2712.UU !' Service' Con# all 'S ESTIMATE $ 1911+ eerviee Co• � , ;h ; ,1„ FORMAL BIO NO. - NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFOI-... NG TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPrIOH• A5 OF THIS IMPROVEMENT PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR CO T 91 0 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - _ CODE f .L 1770 l l 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - $ ROPEIITY— - CODE Ti y. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT P R' $ ' p BOND ISS U —CODE i d. APPROPRIATED FROM - - 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - $ _ B. TOTAL - - - - - - - - - a 1917.00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED ONS TO I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVEPSTOVEMENED T REVOLVING FUND COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT -- PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE A Uc7 DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTEO_— 11 � PURO:HASING COUNCIL +9 GOMPTROLL II r O 6— — — ADOPTED BY THE C UNCI 0 — NAYS I YEAS _IN FAVOR ® I MA`f APPR OV EO— � AGAINST r _u 13 — — — — PYOR -- IIMR. PRESIDENT _yBL oJ. 500 v.dr .0QjPi+(45. - 148007 OrlQiaai to CItY CIMk - COUNCILO.- -------------- 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL sae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/g1�/t1�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p , 1949 (r� .7A Resolved, `hat the Council hereby ap;�roves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and herebY awards tlDc contract for furnishing to t',,c ?3ureau of ??unicipal gc,uipment one 10 -ton Galion liodel Chief 3 -Wheel roller to " H-17' C-LOr,G) T. �YAPI C01'Pkl? at a total contract :rice of in accordance with Y>�,'71 •00o - n The � .eO T. specifications unr. the rornal . ')i . : o. l.•70 of said yan Comp ny, such bio rc9.n the lowest and said :h,; i�eorge ,yin Compe.ny b ir. , the loorest reliable ,nd me ona` ne: the e bidder=, a t Corporation. Counsel be <,nci hereby is directed to 8ra,, up the nrol,er form of contract thenal o-r� _.nd the >ropn Cz'�ereby, ty officials areauthorized to execute said contract 01, ''e'1 if of t;ie City of 1- - ..,nnnv—Rv Milton Rosen— a S t. P= ul. . . r;1�70 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r� Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax 1llr. President, Delaney 3M 9-18 J 0 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194 MAY 5 Jim Approved------------------------------------------ 19C___ n or ---_- ..._.In Favor - -"--' - .__-_. .Against CI Y OF SAINT PAUL - -COUNCIL J. 38008 i FILE ORIGINAL— N(} 1 e�4�' COUNCIL RESOLUTIONCITY CLERK FOR [[// AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS d E'9�fn OAT.yri1 i pRESENTEO B_Y HoN'— _— • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the r • i Contract Committee therefore and hereby av;:A�ds the contract for curbing Cumberland St. from Lawson Ave. to Co?k Ave., to the LOCH COt;TRfCTTI"G C011PeL1`Y, in accordance with plans and specifications heretoattached. and the For„lul Bid 170. 1975 of ice of $1415.10said Keogh Contracting Company for the contract Wr such bid being the lowest and said Keogh Cuntracting Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and. the Corporation I Coup.s•el be e.nd Hereby is directed to draw up the proper Fd)rm II of contract tl:errforl an the proper City offici<.ls hereby are I authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed against benefitted property. • I �C, F. No, 141111—By Milton Sown— Reseived, That theCouncil hereby pproves the award of the Contract Comittee therefore. and hereby awards the contract for Urbing Cumberland St. from Lawson Ave. to Cock Ave., to (� the KEOGH CONTRACTING COM- R • 1%75 'PANY. to accordance wit/' 'NR and INEER'S ESTIMATE 1 7"A00 FORMAL BIO NO. �9 ciftcations hereto attact. •%ormal Bid No. 1075 of o- ntracting Company for �WING TO COUNCIL FOR AOOPnON. NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY�I_.,.f 5141510 such 1•I. and said KN 'It ,51� FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO B,nv bcin�!''l� db.T OF THIS IMPROVEMENTS AS . <UI TNt:. _ - - - II 10 1, ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - CODE $ 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— _ CODE S I ], APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTE—EXEMPT PROPERTY— BOND ISSUE—CODE 4, APPROPRIATED FROM S 5. COUNTY AID e 5 S TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - S 1415. 10 I COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCTO I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CITY CLERK NCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS COMPTROLLER. REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVD LVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMO T5. I'I DATE FINAL -ORDER ADOPTED_—.-- • PURCHASING — COMPTROLLER. — _ - MAY 5 too CoUNC IL M N NAYS `/ ADOPTED BY THE ---- I • YEAS I — ------ FAVOR MAY � _---- NFA APPROVED AGAINST __R Pum � 13L151qi,lly MR. PRESIDENT r1 Jill Soo s -?r a�N•(. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NQ.'p ORIGINAL— cin CLERK Na 1345 COUNCIL RESOLUTION F"E IIiJJJ FOR -'+ - AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS �lTT 1� nn DAT�Apri l P9 _ l qj± I.4_ • • • O Resolvec1 That the Council hereby-tpproves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards tl-,e contract 'or curbing Fernwood St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. to the Yu,O L' COT'TRACTIA?G COT.�'_'AI,TY, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Formal Did T?o, 1974 of said Keoh Contracting Cor,pa.ny for the contract price of {a17g6•?0, such hid bein_ the lowest?and said Keogh Co'ntractin_ Compan; be_n,5 the lowest reliable L.nd reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hQVby is directed to a draw tip the proper form of contract therefor, and the 1 -.'open City officials hereby are authori2ed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Assessed aSainst benefitted property. IC. F. No. 148009—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Council hereby, j approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, Bad hereby award.' the Contract for urbing Fernwood St, from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. to the KROGH CONTRACTING COMPANY. in accordance with plans and speclfi- cat�fons hereto attached, aad the Formal + 2.1974 of said Keogh Contracting ' ii 1. O 1•-- - ... fr the contract prlCe 1 INEER'S FORMAL BIO NO. �97L� ' i:l `eh.q the `. SI ESTIMATE j / . TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER .I1Fl. :'..r.F.dNTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. NOTE: REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOW PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE 80 1786 ' 1, ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - s p, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'. SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE CODE s 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—e.---PROPERn— BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM- - s 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - $ 6. TOTAL - - - - - - - - - p - - S 1786. n^ COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS cN'UNENCUMBERED B L- I PRIATIONS TO ^^• ..eenvcMEN T CITY CLERK A I""c ..... yEMENT REVOLVING UND COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT �J�� �/. PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNT(+ V A PURCHASING 1y' DATE FINAL ORDER A YEAS NAYS / IN FAVORR MR, PRESIDENT 5A MAX 5IS69 ORIGINAL—.T '��TCITY OF SAINT PAUL' COUNCIL NO R.4 f # CITY CLERK NI9 1344 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ""E FOR - \AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - PRESENTED BY HON._ _ _ OAT HT�r 11 29 �1Q4Q Ia1_ • Resolved, That the Council hereby a' -)proves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards t;:e contract for curbing south ® side of Arlington Ave. from Grot'o St. to St. A11-ans St., to the I OG:i C0:`TRACTI iG CQJ!Phl Y, in accord;::nce Keith plc:ns �,nd specifications hereto attached and the Formal -:i: Ko. 1973 of said Keogh Col�tract-n- Company for the contract price of X1129.50, such bicI being- the lowest and said Keogh Contracting Company being the lowest relial_ile and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel l.s ,nd hereby is d.rected to draw up the proper form of contract t'--erefor, and the proper City officials herel,y are aut'_,',rized to execute (said contract on behz:lf of the Cit}- of St. Paul. Assessed aga.insi; benefitted property. IC. F. No. 198010—By Muton Rosen— No' BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE A N Resolved, That the Council hereby TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. • COM FTROLLER REIMBURSE T PERMANENT approves the award' of the Contract I COittee therefor, and hereby awards mm NIGNF ND PURCHASING BLIC WORKS H THE ABOVE A the contract for curbing south side of • COMFTROLLE i *IIF, Ave. from Grotto St. to St. - COUNCILL N St., to the KEOGR CONTRACT- IMPANY, in-accordanei! it d hem- 0 •�qq 1yyI�� jO— specifications ormel Bid Vo. , F:I-•'.• -- 1 YEAS - NAYS j� �r" FAVOR FORMAL Bio NO. 1973 --- --a ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 1143.65 _ NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS:: AINST 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1129. 50 i _4V_@ 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COO. $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE $ S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ S. $ TOTAL - - - - - - .- - - - $ 1129.50 COPIES TO: I HER BY CERTIFY THATN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE A N THEABOVE STATED A TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COM FTROLLER REIMBURSE T PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLV NIGNF ND PURCHASING BLIC WORKS H THE ABOVE A • COMFTROLLE i Five! GATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED _ __ COUNCILL N •�qq 1yyI�� jO— • YEAS - NAYS j� �r" FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIIL•� — _ _IN ij Ay .— MR. PRESIDENT AINST APPROVED i _4V_@ PUBLISHED No. 148011— +p NOTICE CITY S�IYed. That c1h.ck. be drawn on g 48�r . �' 1 TO COUNCIL �e at'SOL4♦o the aggreg.te ;OUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER 'red -I .,.I..:ua•^i. _ may .I, -I .. 1:, ..d, 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 260, 327. 64COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED R'3D7—�rTO—R31 P'INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. '�ry'DOPTED gT THE COUNCII my 194— APPROVED MAY a m 194— S.. 13-4! LIT; COMPTROLLER ,PUBLISHED � / S 8 I - - DUPLi TO CI - CLERK CITY OP SAINT PAUL4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLI-ER COUNCIL P1. NUMB _ ;2R0 ` j�� 4 19,._.3•• FAVOR AUDITED CLADO -PARR/1NTO RESOLVED. THAT �ASRINO ' -,CHECKS 'BEs �'9V.; PETERSON THE AOORE13ATE 9*ffi!, � 1 CI.UEIVE.-AS -. ROSEN .OAINET ROSEN TO NUMBERED TO CR'Y COMPTRO R. F TRUAXMR.PRES.DELANEY G CHECKS 1 .: W PER CHECKS ONFILE IN THE OFFICE tY QOM U=R- AOOMD BY THE COUNCI HUMMM - 19 ,..APPROVED BY ,. �— „w _--- DATE TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF I TR DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS r NUUMBER MB ---- - — _-- BROUGHT FORWARD 36 628 8307 0owmty g3�75 John ltelta=e Boasd S. FindlaU. Trees. P.809 Br ad i3 000 20 000 0 83 S%P.aal `st„peul Fire bapt. R•wsd As TeaOhsre R.Fun 21m00Q 0 3 If 83076 I $3077 John S. rindlan. 0. ot'Fiaa' Finan. gl2 9 83078 ! 7 Sohn 9, Findlan, 0. Of chemical sales 000pany Finan 2 216 0 John.�S-, Fin8d'an• Q. of John Findlis a. of Fin 46 05oo0 83081 , 1� 83082 �i 830 . Ds� tiuy'Bond Se mise Bernadette m. 998 70 0 30. 8.30 �! g3pgrj Frank `NU&S, ii gdrrard Hrbe$ 910 0 12 0 $3085 I; Dunwoody Ind, Institute minngsota paper a;0osda� o any 122 0 83087 ! $3088 John 8. Findlan,-..:Q.# of inan John'S. Findlan. 0, of Fin 139 B 2 11 $3090 Mrs., mrlelyn H, Hose 'Andereoa maohine:Tool Qompan�i! 111 93091 83092 Briasainolennedy Company ! I 6 (i 8 f0933 ' The d rang Company & company 41 6 $32 X094 j 19811wr Fav"ll, 0��* Xkrk 6 0a�p supply CoTpeI 110 I� 830nq 4eneral mleatvia 1 16 1 83097'. �,l J;.L, gughea t3onpan7 Inter city Paper company 198 0 4,8309$ 83099: Jurge S company j 126 4 83100 I $3101:' R. A•, 91yale and company Biools. Deana Gregg a�►pany 3g 3 83102 1, Northern Pao* Railway company 9$ 3 $310 Prios viectrio acepany S%.Paoll scrap iron d metal oo � 63104 316 63105 J, L.,, Shiely !Y Company i 116 6 83106 03107 - 11.H.. Swaney & oompany 114 Usti' ]q,eotsiof$Du'inannc pany ! 3 69 li 83108 �i $3109 John 3, Fiadlan. John S, Findlan, c. of Fiaano 3 155 c 'I 83110 93111 Anchor casualty CO. Ino, Jobn S, Findlan, 0. +QIi Finano j Finana I 75 0 11 83112. I 83113 �Jobn S. Findlan, c. of John S, Diadisa,.c. of ginanc ! 0, of Finano 0 582 '. I:83114 083115 .Toho S. Findlan, Jobn s, Findlan,, c, of Finan 83116.; ;83117:; Silbert Jaolc OfFinan John S, Findl..� 43 7 83128: $3.119 Iscin Rousseau.2 dolleotor Internal Revenue 53a 5 966, 93 chert B, Goranson Company III 83 83122 8. Fuller company neral paper aorporarion I` 32 2 75.1 83123 X931 ,T. Goodrich company nneapoils Iron stave �? �15 3 51 $3125 Anes to paper & cordage Som ay i6 3 83126T 193127paper&Supply Dobme, Ino. Company 272 5 49S I. 83128 Its Auto Supply Company j —...SHEET ,T_—`__ TOTAL—FORWARD __ II C. F. No. 148012—By. Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the proper city offl- (jclpinal to CItY Cleric se are hereby aulhorized to pay cer- ,�- CITY OF STI t'l,nhgus In the Department of Fuhllr F••h�olc for 1 OFFICE OF THE d4. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN`EfUL'%•OFt( ' PRESENTED BY Fred M. Truax &L t'1. �,:LW�-�� ..Vk*= 5f 1997 COMMISSIONER DAYS MEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in qs o_o_r4enoe with Section 53, of the City Chartar the existence n o an emergency ahioh rendered necessary the employment of oe' in employees of his de$artment for more than their usual hotirs Iof employments therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers -tire hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: . NAAE TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Manley Allen Janitor 11 hrs. $1.90 $ 20 90 Edward Anderson Janitor Engineer 25 1 90 47 50 Mrs. Sigrid Ash Janitrese 31 1 44 5 04 Warren Asher Staty Fireman 52 1 90 98 80 Charles Baker Jan Engr 4 1 90 7 60 Edward Bakala Janitor 161 1 90 31 35 George Barrett Jan Engr 3 1 90 5 70 Christian Bauer Jan Engr 27 1 y0 51 30 Henry Bauer Jan Engr 7 1 90 13 30 Raymond Bauman Jan Engr 8} 1 90 16 15 . Albert Beecroft Jan Engr 11 1 90 20 90 Zrven Benson Jan Engr 671 1 90 12a 25 Melvin Bloom Janitor 31 1 90 6 65 Ralph Bogue Jan Engr 241 1 90 46 55 Charles Burlingame Jan Engr 3 1 90 5 70 Fred Bursinger Jan Engr 33 1 90 62 70 George Cameron Jan Engr loi 1 90 19 95 Cecil Carlsen Jan Engr 6 1 90 11 40 Frena Carlson Jan Engr 5 1 90 9 50 Frank Chapman Jan Engr 46 1 90 87 40 Oreste Ciampi Jan Engr 2 1 90 3 80 Ferry Cocchiarella Jan Engr 7 1 90 13 30 William Cording Jan En�r 29 1 90 55 10 Carl Dahlby- Jan 6 1 90 11 40 Edward Datko Jan Engr 11 1 90 20 90 Anthony De Ziel Jan Engr 171 $ 339 8 Victor DeZiel Jan Engr' 311 1 $0 David Donovan Jan Engr 3 1 0 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---- ............................. 194_..._ Yeas Nays .---'FiadfftE�� Martinson / Approved .......................................... 194__..__ Parranto r Peterson-_-__---_�n Favor Rosen Mayor Truax •-------------Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 0-18 Or141ne1 to city 0"k ! CITY. OF ST. PAUL F`oIL6—`a No._=i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fred M. Truax - 5. 1949 COM M ISSIONER -- DATF' VMRW, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employmentOf certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employments therefore , be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Frank Dupuis Janitor John Elmond Janitor Joseph Elmquist Jan Engr Joseph Fedlmeir Jan Engr Frank Felberg Staty Fireman Theodore Fettinger Jan Engr John Flanagan School Engr Carl Fransen Jan Engr Fred Galles Staty Fireman John Gipple Jan Engr Joseph Godleaki Jan Engr George Gray Jan Engr Olaf Gund Jan Engr George Gunther Jan Engr #hthony Hader Jan Engr Oscar Halgren Jan Engr Ernest Hauge Jan Engr Frank Hayek Jan Engr George Hayes Jan Engr Carl Hedlund Jan Engr Frank Hedlund Jan Engr John Heinz Jan Engr Benjamin Henderson Jan Engr Otto Hesse Jan Engr Werner Hesse Jan Engr Elmer Hintz Jan Engr -William Holden Janitor COUNCILMEN Yeas NaY Mdrtinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 4 hrs 10} 41 41 23 2J 45 61 23. 121 2 6 3 42 4 26 32r3/4 34 16 401 2- 471 6 30 8 35 19 ..............In Favor Against $1 90 $ 7 66 1 90 19 95 1 90 77 90 1 90 77 90 1 go 43-70 1 90 4 75 1 90 85 50 1 90 12 35 1 90 39 90 1 90 23 75 1 go 3 80 1 90 11 40 1 90 5 70 1 90 79 80 1 90 7 50 1 90 49 40 1 90 62 23 1 90 64 60 1 90 30 40 1 90 76 48 1 90 3 80 1 90 90 25 1 90 11 40 1 90 57'00 1 90 15 20 1 90 66 50 1 90 36 10 Adopted by the CounciL .................................194___ Approved------ ------------------------------------ 194__. Mayor 148012 odao.t w city cleric No CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v� PRESENTED BY Fred Me Truax _,_ DATE Y 5, 1949 - cOM M ISSIONER - WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Eduoation has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Cbarter the existence of an emergency which ees of rendered dam oeSsnt formore the employment of certain emplotherefore, be it than their usual hours of employment; RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE Douglas Hostrawser Jan Engr Zebrum Hylton Janitor Howard Tents Janitor Anton Johnson Jan Engr Fred John® n Jan Engr Gunnard Johnson Jan Engr Harry Johnson Janitor Ralph Joyce Tan r Howard Jurgensen Jan Engr Benedict Justen Janitor William MMding Jan Engr James Ken Janitor James Seep Janitor mail Keller Jan Eagr Melvin xittleson Jan Engr Andrew Kolstad Jan Engr Robert Krieger Jan itor William LAChapelle Jan Engr Walter LAMotts 8taty Fireman Mrs Elisa Larsen Janitress Walter Larson Jan Engr Engen Lefevre Janitor Hail LeLll:+y Jan Engr George Lemire Janitor Martin Lindberg Jen Engr Guste Linde Jan Engr COUNCILMEN `I yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President! Delaney 3M 9-18 ®' TIME 91 hre 19 54, 17 4 28 20 251 15 27 33 1 201 23 59 11 121 34 6 23 10} 8 ..............In Favor ..............Against 3 RATE AMOUNT ,4 1 90 172 90 1 90 36 10 1 90 10 45 1 90 855 1 90 108 30 1 90 37 60 1 90 1 90 9 50 1 90 53 20 1 90 38 00 1 90 48 45 1 90 9 50 1 90 28 50 1 90 51 70 1 90 62 1 90 58 90 1 90 38 95 1 90 43 to 1 90 112 1 44 15 84 1 90 23 75 1 90 64 60 1 90 11 40 1 90 43 70 1 90 19 95 1 90 i5 20 Adopted by the CounciL • .............194. Approved .............................. .._---- Mayor 148!)12 orlonal to City Clerk tour+"" CITY OF ST. PAUL FMX NO.-_.____----_.------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nosy 5. 1949 PRESENTED BY Fred M. Truax DAT COMMISSIONER WHIsRW, The Commissioner of Education has retorted to tie Council the�ity Charter the in accordance with Seotion 53, of existence of an emergency iihioh rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department forre, more than their usual hours of employment; be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: g TITLE TIDE RATE AMOUNT Frank Linn Jan Engr bra $1 9G $ 19G 50 419 00 Harold Lundberg Janitor 10 1 90 89 30 Thomas Tuner Jan Engr �7 1 90 51 30 James Jan Eng, 1 90 4 7 60 Jacob Ma ag uson} Jan Ehgr 1 90 17 to Bdgar Malaske Janitor 9 1 90 24 70 Andrew Margl Jan Epgr ' 131 281 53 Albert Martin Jan Eng, 2 1 90 80 Dwight Mason Janitor 25 1 90 15 9 Matson Jan Eng, 61 1 90 1 0 Carl Ja Jan E r or 1 9G 15 20 James McDermott Jenitor 8 1 90 Jan Harry McDonald Eng, 1 90 George McKinnon. Jan Engr 6 1 90 11 40 Robert Metzger Jan RW 1 9G 91 18 05 Adolph Miller J$nitor 1 90 51 10 45 Frank Moo Janitor 25 1 90 47 50 Laster hollers Jan Engr 1 90 39i 75 05 Jahn Mombrae Jan Engr 23 1 90 43 70 Thomas Mulcahy- Staty Fireman 1 90 20 90 John Munkelwitz Jan Engr 11 1 90 5 9 50 Augustus U-nson School Engrg 1 90 9 17 10 Melvin Museus Jan Engr 1 1 90 29 45 George Nelson Janitor 4 1 90 7 60 Howard Nelson Jan Engr Adopted by the Council- -------------.................... 194..._ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Approved__. -----------------194 Mortinson Parranto Peterson -------------In Favor - . - . -. .. Mayor Rosen Truax s ------..Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 •' ® 14 8111r) 1.2 9tipluel to City Ctark - cOumlm No..-..._------- ----- --- CITY OF ST. PAUL vas OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM may 5, 1949 PRESENTED BY Fred M. Truax .._. — DA COMMISSIONER The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53 , VPBEREAS, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of s department pathernt forre, be it more than their usual hours of employment; RESOLVED, That the Proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra Employment for extra time bereinsfter set & forth t NAME TITLE Julius Neuman Janitor Dora. Ellen Newman Unsk Laborer F-1 Joseph Nickelson Jan Engr John O'Kane Jan Fngr Karl Oster Jan Engr William Paulsen Jan End Leo Peet Jan Engr August Petersen Janitor Engr Ervin Qpist Jan Engr Axel Rasmussen Janitor Otto Rasmussen Jan Engr Waldemar Richter Jan Engr Mathias Rosa Jan Engr Charles Ryckman School Env William Sagissor Jean Engr Francis Salmon r Benjamin Samuelson Janitor Louie Schletty Jan EW Earl Shanda Jan Engr Elmer Shaw Jan Engr Arthur Shellhouse Janitor Wilbur Simons Jan Engr Nicholas Stadtfeld Jan Engr Mrs. Katherine Stepka Janitress Robert Stahake Jen FAW Arthur Story Jan Engr COUNCILMEN Yeas _- Fi al Nays - Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 ^MBJ?°® TIME 1 hr 4 81 2J 61 43 4 16 4 4 PO 18 171 31 23 27-3A 501 loi to 4 43 49 3 441 13 - In Favor .............. Against RATE �i AMOUNT 1 90 $ 1 90 1 45 5 80 1 90 1 70 90 6 1 90 4 75 1 90 12 35 1 90 81 70 1 90 7 600 1 90 40 3 1 90 7 607 1 90 60 1 90 38 00 1 90 34 20 1 90 33 25 1 90 58 90 1 90 43 70 1 90 52 73 1 90 95 951 190 9 95 1 90 1900 1 90 7 60 1 90 81 70 1 90 3 10 9 1 44 4 32 1 90 84 55 1 90 24 70 Adopted by the Council- -------........... -.......... -.194.---.. Approved------------------------------------------ 194_-. Mayor Ona ripll to City Cluk 14K?� _ a CITY OF ST. PAUL vw¢.s as0. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FredM.. TruaxDAA may 5. 1949 6 1W' - COMMISSIONER — Adopted by the CounciL-------------------_-----..,-.-194 ..._ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council MAV' Y��J in accordance with Section 53, of the .City Charter the / Approved ------------------------------------------ 194Y- existence of an emergency width rendered necessary the employ- - ment of certain employees of his department for more than --------------In Favor .............. yor_.-... their usual hours ofloymentj therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper,oity officers are hereby authorized to pay `_ ------Aget the follwring named employees at the rate otherwise fixed 7 for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NA pAE TITLE TIME RATE AMOUNT Joseph Strommer Janitor 4k, $1 90 1 90 8 55 36 10 Holger Swanson Jan Engr 19 36 1 90 68 40 Christopher Tarte Jan MW Engr 131 1 90 25 65 Rudolph Thalhuber " Jan 17 1 90 32 30 Edward Thomas Jan Engr 201 1 90 38 95 George Tarnquist Jan Engr 20 1 90 38 00 JameeWatsonj Jan Engr 11 1 90 20 90 Nkx,Werner Jan Engr 14 1 90 26 60 Carl Widing John Wilwert Janitor Janitor 4 1 go 7 60 Louis Zamansky Janitor slt�..;. 1.199 1 go 5 70 24 70 Kenneth Zeller Tan Engr 18 1 90 16 ]5 Herbert Zirk Tan Engr 6 1W' - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-------------------_-----..,-.-194 ..._ Yeas Nays MAV' Y��J Mortinson / Approved ------------------------------------------ 194Y- Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor .............. yor_.-... Rosen Truax `_ ------Aget Mr. President, Delaney 7 am 948 .$W -p PU7�LiSFiL',D 1.4KI L 198 FORT___ A__110 - — sa JANITORS AND ENGINEERS OVERTIME PAYROLL - =PRIL 1 TO APRIL 30* 1949 WMLUSIVE) An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of -certain ht hours per day, employes of that department for more than ei�, in doing the following work; CLEANING SCH�UIQINGS by reason of the follov3 ng facts This emergency arose and circumstances; EITRA ACTIVITIES AND ILLNESS OF REGULAR EMPLO of the Charter. This report is in accordance vrith Section 53 original to City Clerk - • - r C-0UNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rile CITY OF / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- �� lgvv`. c"�./U. la»4 K. 19119 PRESENTED BY iedf �� — DA COMMISSIONER -- WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with ,Cection 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED. that the proper city officers are hereby au - the rized to pay the following named employes, a rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth• NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Ives W. Davies Janitor -Engineer 4 hrs. 6 1.90 $ 7.60 Rudolph J. Pols " It 12 n 1.90 22.80 August T. Schwartz 6 " 1.90 11.40 Walter C.t�Sailliag it 1 hr. 1.90 1.90 Total $ 43.70 (overtime for month of April) C. F. No, 111113—BY Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the proper city offi- cars e hereby authorized to pay c lain a employes in the Departmenteof Etlucation, Bureau o[ Public Libraries, for extra employment as set out on the ;list attached to this res, lotion. Adopted y the6. 19 May 6, 1949. A (May 14, 1949)' 8 1� Adopted by the CoAcc COUNCILMEN .------------------------------194...... Yeas Nays . Approved---- - ---- - ----...----194----.. Mortinson Parranto .............. In Favor --- ........... - --- -- Peterson 4 Bosen 'i -..-_--AB ainst Mr. President, 1\I 747 .41W® Delaney ' Form No. May 5, l9l:9 — An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment Of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keep Hamlin Merriam Park and _St.Anthony Park Branch Libraries open and to clean buildings. This emergency arose by'reason of the following facts 1 and circumstances: Tt wag ne enna= to keen Branch Libra= 3t,;ldi Igo open on eco This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Librar n PJ-hb -,� J'-� C.G N' 4148-100 Original to City Glen[ W �48r,�1-4 CITY OF ST. PAUL - rt �unau. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that John J. McDevitt, Purchasing Agent, and George J. Fisher, Assistant Purchasing Agent, be and they are hereby authorized to attend the meeting of the National Associ- ation of Purchasing Agents to be held in Chicago on June 20th, 21st and 22nd; their expenses to be paid from 31 A 3. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��ortinson iYarranto e�/terson �Fi.osen ag / ��' ..............In Favor %� -------------- Against r. President, Delaney 3.--41�N�1y+® C. F. No. 148014—BY Edward K. De- ih sol Purchasing Agent. and gent Jhe and r; Assistant Purchasing Agent, be and they are hereby authorize to [tend the meeting of the National Association of Purchae on sing Ogh� 21to st and 22ndChi ntheix expenses to be paid from 31 A 3. Adopted teed y theay a C ... ell May 6. 1999. (May 14, 1949) gtg 61M9 Adopted by the Council.. 194..._ Approved. -----------------_----..194--. - y ' oriemal to city , 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L R�OLU�—GENERAL FORM 14K, 15 COUNe"-----_-.-------- .9B No. - VHM MS, The League of Minnesota Municipalities is holding its 35th annual convention 1n the City of bebit gy Minnesota, on June 99 10 and -11, 1949; REWLVED, That the city officials attending and those ` delegated by them to attend are hereby authorized eat to attend said convention, expenses of said attendance to be charged to thementsefnrnishedcive ito thece dCitydComptroller onto be paid on item their return. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays finAaw- — Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 1M 818 -4110-0 ..............In Favor —0-2—Against C. F. No. 148015—By Severin A. Mor - The nspn— h Mun eipaliti sis holding is 3i5the no- " . o-ul convention m the City of 111bbing; Minnesota, on '-9, 10 and 11i 1949; itherefore, be it "'olved, That. the city officials t- rending and those delegated by them to attend are hereby authorized to attend It - said convention, Xpense5 f said at- live a ffice funds ha ande otbelpaihe d p n itemized statements furnished to the 3 City Comptroller on their return. Adopted by the Council May 6. 1949. Approved (Ma. Co S,- y 9) MAY 6 ASW Adopted by the CgtlnciL--------------- •--•-------------- 194---._ Approved---- _-------------------------------- 194-- If 94--- 148016 od itnal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL -0- cm LICENSE C0WITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .�1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION-7�GENERAL FORM COMM 59EONER=�" ".r _�L�YI�'�L� ���U+�1..✓<� DAT may 6. 199 r RESOLVED= That Gas Station License (3 pumps) No. 8882, expiring July 14, 1949. issued to Morris Herstein at 79 East Congress Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Thomas G. Kotnour at the same address. 4 gIlk TRANSPEER COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r_Firdt9w- Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney • 3M 948 oOfip�® F. No. 14801r --BY Robert F. Peter • - 'son—W. A. Parrantrs Resolved, That Gas St'g July 14. (3 Pumps) No. 8862, xP 1949, issued t- Mnue a and at e, East Congress Avenue be a d the same, Kot r,b' tthesferredsameadto somas • Adopted by the Counell May 6. 1949• Approved 9. (May'14, 1949) MAY G as Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194 ..... MAY r, ?0411" / Approved ............................. 19C -- In Favor ---•-- •-MBy-- -••- .......... Against oripinsl to City Cl.r4 CITY OF ST. PAULNca NO......__. LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED OOMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That Gas Station (3 pumps) License No. 9031, expiring 1lovember 10, 19499 issued to Paul A. Fischbach at 1168 North Snelling Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert D. Graff at the same address. J TRANSFER COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson ...:..:......In Favor Rosen Truax .... Against Mr. President, Delaney 3M 9-48 C'�n pj; ABParranton-bert F. Petepr- I.i iensevat d. T 03 Gas ptta g November 110 1is 88 Nort SnellingaAve... be anA. d the D. Graffatthe samefeddresa� Robert Adopted by the Counen May 6, 1949. 'i Approved M� y'1194" ) MAY 6 1945 Adopted by the Council --- .............................194...... Approved------------------------- ---------------- 194...... .............................. M or oriita d to City Chit _ cou"m No. --- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fix LICENSE• 00VITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6' / �l/J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1• PRESENTED BV L(� J-�r �r�yT_ DATE May 6, 19`F9 COMMISSIONE s NO. 8984, expiring September 25, 19499 RESOLVED= That Gas Station (3 pum P ) License issued to D. R. Stuibaugh. at 216 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Roland Benson at the same address. C. F. No. A. a—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. , at Gas Sts Resolved, That Gas Station (e pumps) I License No. 6964, ex ring September 25, 1949, issued to D. R. Stambaugh at 216 University Avenue be and the lama is hereby transferred to Roland Benson atthe Adoptetl by me theeCouncn May 6. 1949. Approved 49. (May 1491949) TRANSFER6 �pY 449 • Adopted by the CounclL------=-------------------------19 -----. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Nllll P 194_. Mortinson Parranto ..... Peterson ..-.-..�..---.In Favor -APProved-.. - May Rosen Truax ..........Against Mr. President, Delaney 7M 948 original to City Cleric couHcn. C 48. 8' CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Fa.[ NO ------- _-...------- LI07tSE OOMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1' PRESENTED B11 /%Jt/�—�/O.[/ l _/Si Ln-�--::L'y' DATE M8Y 6 COMM ISSI ONER+�r—�--� , RER: ESOLVThat Auto Repair Garagd License No. 490. expiring October 1, 1949E issued to Raymond 0. Haas at 1200 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Raymond 0. Haas at 411E North Exchange Street. f TRANSM (Location) C. F. No. 148019—By Robert F. Peter- -W.A. Parranta— Resolved, That Auto Repair Garage License No. 490, expiring October 1, 1949, issued to Raymond C. Haas at 1200 Arcade Street be and the same is here- by transferred to Raymond C. Haas at 414 North Exchange Street. Adopted by the Council May e, 1949. Approved May 0. 1949. (May 14, 1949) IW 61'419 Adopted by the Council ................................. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays jq' : zw --Fhfdtwr— Approved---•------------------------------------- 194. Mortineon Parranto �-'-7Peterson . In Favor -ayore, Rosen _Against Truax Mr. President, Delaney 8M 9-48 .�® ' f+ • erlpfoal to City chat, - COUMctL CITY. OF ST. PAUL F8.[ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _ ppT_ May 6. 1949 •COMMISSIONE E R—_— - - RESOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Baker Playgrounds Association to conduct a festival on the Baker Playgrounds, Morton Avenue and Waseca Street for the period of May 9 to 159 19499 a inclusive, upon the filing of a $10,000. surety bond to be.approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commis'joner of Finance; said Baker Playgrounds Association to pPy any license fees that may be required, k, Mail to: Mr. J. A. Friteche 187 W. Baker Ave. Informally approved by Council April 7, 1949 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 048 . 4 J. In Favor _---Against C. F. No. 14802d— Resolved, That perma ission he d it JS hereby granted to the BakerPlay- fgrounds Association to conduct a festi- val on the Baker Playgrounds, Morton Avenue and Waseca Street for the per. 4 the nlfngy fta $10A00san ure yi bond to be approved as to form by the Corpora- tiott Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance; said Baker Playgrounds Association to pay any li- cense fees that maybe required. Adopted by the Council May'8, 1949. Approved May 9, 1949. (May 14. 1949) MAY 6 IM Adopted by the Council- ................................. 194..... fAw G WA Approved------------------------------------------ 194. ........... p... May origh-1 to City Clwk muwen. {! Y' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iaa NO.-----_•:... __•___. LICENSE CON'ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTqION—GENERAL FORM COMMISTONE 1iJf-C:7YRi ,I y ���-L D May. 6, 1949 COMM 1551 ONE RESOLVED: That Merry -Go -Round License, Application B 15991, applied for by the Baker Playground Association on the Baker Playgrounds, Morton Avenue and Waseca Street for the period of May 9 to 159 1949, inclusive, be a and the same is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with . Informally anproved by Council April 7. 1949 Mail license to: Mr. J. A. Fritsehe 187 W. Baker Avenue. C. F. No. 148021—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That Merry -Go -Round Li. cense. Application B 15991, appned for by the Baker Playground AssoclatIon on .the Baker PlaygroundsMorton AV- us a, period Of May 9 to 15, 1949, inclusive. r the and the me js hereby grantetl, provided that n ordinances pplicable thereto have been compiled with. Adopted by the Council May 6, 1949, Approved May 8, 1949. (May 14, 1949) 0 ' s C. F. No. 148021—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That Merry -Go -Round Li. cense. Application B 15991, appned for by the Baker Playground AssoclatIon on .the Baker PlaygroundsMorton AV- us a, period Of May 9 to 15, 1949, inclusive. r the and the me js hereby grantetl, provided that n ordinances pplicable thereto have been compiled with. Adopted by the Council May 6, 1949, Approved May 8, 1949. (May 14, 1949) ra ape COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL .................... ............. 194---._ Yeas Nays 'rya44 --l�dign-1 f Mortinson Approved--•- ------------------------------------194•_-- Parranto Peterson In Favor ------------ - --.....-.._ ... Rosen Mayo Truax _ .....Against Mr. President, Delaney ant 9-49 .. @ oaai'dal to city clerk - eouNea No•---___--------- CITY OF ST. PAUL "'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COME.IITTE= COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tt v 6 1q9 PRESENTED — DA COMM 1551 ONER___. RESOLVED= That permission be and it is hereby granted to the West Minnehaha Playgrounds Association to conduct a festival on the West Minnehaha Playgrounds, West Minnehaha Avenuee'and St. Albans Street for the period of May 9 to 12, 1949, inclusive, upon the filing of $10,000. surety bond to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the-. Commissioner of Finance; said West Minnehaha Playground Association to pay any license fees that may be required. C. F. No. 140022— Aeselved,That permission be and it is hereby granted to the West Mianhiha Playgrounds Association to c n a aestival o the West Minnehaha P1aY' grounds, West Minnehaha Avenue d St. Albans Streclusiveh upon'othe ffiling '� 9 to 12, 1699, bond to be approved of $10.000 surely and atio. un foto surety byset otherCommi stoner of Finance; said West Minnel ny license Mail Permit to: MTs. A. Podgorski t`°si hat maytbenrequiieaa Vice–President e- pies by the sC199nscit Mar s. 1sas. 742 Van BurenAvenueApproved (M y 14, 1949) Informally approved by Council May 3, 19496 ides Adopted by the Council-.-------- .................... --194-.... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays flow 1 cApproved ------------------------------------------ 194_- Mortinson Parranto_ Peterson l V . In Favor $ ----------- -•- -------- ----- • __ ----- M or Rosen Inst Trus�,;Ags Mr. President, Delaney 31,1 048 .+Aw-® oripinal to City Clerk n ''! J �1 '• Fy! CITY OF ST. PAUL w�Rca LICENSE CO2CtUTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "// /COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '1 PRESENTED Br( �l �.� May 6. 1949 COMMISSIONER: ✓ -�-J'P_�_..: r��'-�"' DATE RESOLVED: That Merry—Go—Bound License , Applicetion B 16253, applied for by the West Minnehaha Playgrounds Association on the West Minnehaha Playgrounds, West Minnehaha Avenue and St. Albans Street for the period of May 9 to 12, 1949, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with. Informally approved by Council May 3. 1949 Mail License to: Mrs. A. Podgorski Vice—President 642 Van Buren Avenue COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, Delaney SM 9-48 ..............In Favor ---------Against C. F. No. 148023—By Robert F. Peter- son—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That Merry -Go -Round L4- mrse. Application B 16253,applied for by the West Minnehaha Playgrounds Association on the West Minnehaha' Playgrounds, West Minnehaha Avenue' d St. Albans Street for the period of May 9 to 12, 1949, inclusive, be and the same Is hereby granted, provided that all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with. Adopted by the Council May 6, 1949. Approved May 6. 1999. (May 14, 1948) r0 We Adopted by the CSlin�eiL.... ... ..... --....... -------194 why E 1`. Approved ............. -------------------194--- ------------ orlpiwl to City Clerk tbuNCLL t y� CITY OF ST. PAUL LIOLINSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 811 2l Pi[f� ✓K�✓ DATE' May 5s 1949 - COMM ISSIONE WHEREAS: F. E. and Jane M. Heys, licensees at 1589 Selby Avenue have surrendered On Sale 11alt Beverage License No. 982, and 0££ Sale Malt Beverage License 1 No, 8667, both expiring November 5, 1949, and issued to them at that address, as they wish to continue the restaurant business only at this address, therefore, be it RESOLVEDt That On Sale 11alt Beverage License No. 982 and Off Sale 11alt Beverage License No. 8667, both expiring November 5, 1949, issued to F. E. and Jane I". Heys at 1589 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby cancelled. A C s n A. Parra Cobert F. Peter- W eereat,1F. E. Selby Avenue havessur- renderetl On Sale Malt Beverage License •� No. 962, nd Off Sale Malt Beverage License'Na. 8667, both expiring Novem- b 5, 1949, antl issued to them at that � adtlress. a they wish to Linue the estaurant business only atcthis address, therefore, be it Resolved, That On Salg Malt Bever- age License No. 982 and OPP Sale Malt Beverage License No. 8867, both expir- i ing November 5. 1949, issued to and Jane Hey& verme the at the byb a cancelled. be and sa are Adoptedby the Council May 8, 1849. A, roved May 1491949) (CELLED ( causes surrendered) 6i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL �...........................194 ..... Yeas Nays jig is "�M Mortinson Approved .......................................... 194_�- Parranto In Favor Peterson --•---- ---- --------syor u ._.... Trsen sax1---Against Mr. President, Delaney 6M 948 IIIK Oripivel to City Clerk - CITY OST. PAUL `��NC°- F NO ---- ___---- ---__ LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COMM1455EONEf2//..`/'�"/Sl_��./'�—�"P'T'F 1QE�' 6. 19y'9 RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stateds be and the same are hereby granted and will expire on December 31. 191499 as provided in Ordinance No. 9201; E. J. Yeintz 302 Arbor Elec.App.Rep. App. 15150 Renewal Theodore L. Peltier 579 4anturen Photographer If 15294 New New Loc. C. F. No. 148025—By Robert F. Peter- -W. A. Parranto— R solved, That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the a hereby xiron ecember granted and olidedpineOrdinancc No. 31, 1949, as prv 9201: E. J. Keint , 302 Arbor, Ele, App. Rep., App 15150 Renewal. Theodore L. Peltier. -579 Van Buren, Photographer. App. 15294. New New Loc. Adopted by the Council May 6. 1949. Approved May G. 1949. (May 14, 19997 MAY B 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL--------------------------------- 194..._ Yeas Nays AAY 3 449 Mortinson Approved......--.--- ----------------------194 . Parrauto Paterson ....Ia savor ..............,'LS '�` Jr�'"" ...-....8........... IVI y Rosen '....Against ik Truax Mr. 11rusldullt, Dulaney unl 9-18 ,.e&.4 148102C) eOuNea OrlCin.l to City Clerk CITY NO.___..__......-._._— CITY OF ST. PAUL 'I� LICENSE COMi"TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' May 6. 1949 PRESENTED BX�i �j�•� ✓' li �:( n — DAT COMMISSIONEIIIYYY_ Application B 1593+, On Sale Malt Beverages RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, APP Application B 15935, off Sale Malt Beverage, Application B 15836, Cigarette, Application B 15937, and Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Application B 15838, applied for by Frank A. Morris t 979 East Third Street be and the same are hereby granted. 0 4 NEW Informally approved by Council April 21, 19+9 91d. Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �auanton 6.In Favor 1eterson ,4osen .Against Truax Mr. President, Delaney 3M 0-18 `® C. F. No. 148826—BY Robert F. Peter- -W. A. Parranto— ftes gli That licenses for lestau- ant, Application B 15839; On Sale Malt Beverage, Appileation•B 1583 -"15 tf Sale Malt Beverage. Applicatl B 15836, Cigarette, Application B 15837, and Me- 'ihanical Amusement Dece Location, Application B 15838. applied forF ,an by Street be A.M dritheatsaerne E et hereby granted -Adopted by the Council May 6. 1949. Approved MeY 1919491 MAY 6 YWS Adopted by the CollnciL------------- ..194...... •'�— A rove ------------------------------------------ - ----- --- - Ma or f-� " i ,`•!-•' H �tv to City ©uk - - �- CITY OF ST. _.. u t'd . COUNCa p ...: .� FU ... r grantto tee - LICENSE COMMITTEE re hereby grato in ' OFFICE.OF THE (ie instructed s� .__.. Ute P Ym r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION y of�ne PRESENTED B'A I/�`3 ///^// /t a (—//g✓ .,a� t 6 1949 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Dependable Motors of St. Paul Inc. 2nd Rd Auto Dlr App. 15472 New Old Loc 522 N. Robert Edward E. Dunn 412-14 wabasha Photographer n 15699 n New a LeonatA. Wegwerth 125 E. 5th Barber n 15724 li On Young Motor Cars Co. 41 S. Victoria Auto Rep Gar ° 15959 n n n St.Pau1 Terminal Warehouse Co. 694 E. 7th Foodstuff VMLoc " 15949 " New " A. C. Madsen 503 Blair Barber ° 15993 Curtis E. Worklund 198 Bates Foodstuff Orig Cont n 16017 Wm. H. Lancelot " 337 Jackson Foodstuff VMLoc " 16024 n n n Century Matthews Motor Freight 1602 9 2707 Territorial Rd. Union Freightways 2244 Ellis o n 16033 " Milton & Francis Callery 595 N. Dale Ldy & D.C.Pickup Stan 16035 n n n Michael H. Eisenberg 449 W. 7th Grocery n If 16047 " Old n n n _n n n Butcher 16049 n If Cigarette n 16049 n n " James E. Conway 879 S. Smith Restmrant ° 16050 n ii n n Cigarette n 16051 n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................. Yeas Nays Mo tinaon / Approved.....------- --------------- -------194._.. Parranto }n Peterson In Favor Peterson ------ - ------------------------------------- -----•----------------- -- -% ------- - Mayor •, Rosen Truax .......... ' ...Against Mr. President, Delaney ant 948 e ® 148',27 UKW _1 t. City Clerk COUNCLL I,� sE COb4+SITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FOi . NO ---- ___----- -----__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i( p PRESENTED BY DATE may 6' 1949 COMMISSIONER — PAGE N0. 2 Charles A. Schoonover 97 N. Snelling Auto Rep Gar App. 16058 New Old Loc Harold J. Schaffer 334 N. Chatsworth Off Sale Malt II 16059 n New s Kenneth P. Walters 421 N. Cleveland Foodstuff VMLoc n 16061 II n names Lundy 9 Payne 122 e Restaurant n 16069 it It 16070 n Old n a n Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- 194.----• 11 Cigarette MAY t° `-W Chiro J. Torntore 1400 Marshall Foodstuff VMLoc IT 16115 n New n Ray Bogotty 7314-6 University* 2nd Ed Auto Dlr n 16121 n Old n Carl J. Moberg 121 S. Wabasha M. A. D. Loc. ° 16214 u n n Elmer W. Klammer 208 N. Western M. A. Device (1) n 16215 n s 16216 n II n a II II II s n n 16217 n James F. Halford 253 Colburn Mtr Veh Dr. ° 16219 n Arnold Tessmer 1376 St. Clair M. A. Device (2) n 16221 u Mary Ellen Mcquinlan 654 Selby Cigarette ° 16248 n New n RW 6so COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- --------------------------------- 194.----• Yeas Nays MAY t° `-W Approved------------------------------------------ Mortinson Parranto Peterson In Favor . .... ... ..... _ ----------" - -. Ma or Rosen Truax ......... Against / `r Mr. President, Delaney PUBI,ISHET� SM 0-49 .(�+Q — C. F. No. 148028—... i Resolved, That checks be drawn on 1 48:i e the Cit u treasury, to the aggregate - - ���SSdddll NbTICE `CITY of sA.nmouat f $89.813A0, covering checks bered 83120 to 83186 inclusive, as `LE NO. TO hecks on file in the office,„ ",the r COIIA� RES�i co nntreller. PRINTER l / n,d P7, 'ham ,'.. 1 -A- \�� nla MaY 5 1949- RESOLVED, 949RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE. AMOUNT OF 64 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 83129 TO 93196 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY, C(:d4 LLER. VAT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII �o { 194— ...... .. .. "J I��� _ _.......CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED 194_ BY - PUBLISHED t 'a! CITY OF SAINT PAUL. _�C—LSRK :F%ICATE To Ca l Ji COUNCIL OFFICENUMB 5,.I R FILE HUM OF THE. COMPTROLLER ROL L Oq'f1NSON 19- -M —IN FAVOR AUDITED .CLAIMS'-Xsr-75- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE W N T CITY. TREASURY. ROSEN eGpI. TO THE AGGREGATE .AMOU, COVERING' OF �LUSJVE TRUAX tj . AS CHECKS NUMBERE MR.PRE5.00-41VJ NEY THE CrcvCOM PER CHECKS 0 I'lT OFFICE l ADOPTED SVvTHZ.COUNCI y WMF17I 11" 0 mwmm l .1 194— APPRO y _ BY_ P 7 1,iAIQ le w TOTAL DATE RE1TVRNEO CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 26filar Y. Larson � 0 0 3 4 G 831.3.0 john 9. rindian, C.of Yin 61, 1 93131 'Jobn S. Findlikh. Q,of Fin 6 n 10.132 John 13- 7111(1111132, -0- Of TIan MM 'd , 6 8313 j**bn s. rindlan at Fin 21310 .93134 William Matlow - 9 iInstiltut* 40 83.135 International127 tul San -93136 x0,`1s,-St.P $3137 1 5,00 83:L58' Va�q, � $obqbl:� PfllitY -Cash Fund 13A.. 9 831 102 6 A Raboal P4,tty,'CaA$3i Aind Sal klitd 'L5 Rl MIX4010an'Proftots oil. Inc. 60 , 82-- I �93142 Nation].Bushing & Parts 0 y -'0 �l 831 William 901iiia 151 6- : 8,3145 Dihlioody 4411. 11101101tute 12 0 ftbli L* obty Bilroam 75 0 ]moor0 2 93141 'Rugglesdel$ 17 83148 Aqme,, Fire tlxa 0o"any- 6 #i44 Allyn & . 911146n 999 83150'American Academy of Pal. & 8, 2 2 03151- 11PDX198t.dontrol.company 83152 Audio DOT610PROUt COMPS31Y 10 4 Maine zleotric, ampany 202 S*Ikdy U0011111 00000111Y, 2" 03 55 so, AT01114,00ea & 011.0copany 59 83156 lip m and Day 63157 Butler DVOOSTO mpla. & 13 $3158 0irnegis"W00101631t for Int- I Pao* 93159 Of, F Y, Cal, 83160 OtAIdrene,ftOOD. Inc, 1 3161 L.L. Cobn Cbtilng-Monobo. Inc,, 66 499 0 Inci, 0316 Is 'i Imp"yo 33 70 83i63 Marble Co"4317 913166' '141. Wont to Ifewours 49 Co. no. 2&6jLtjonea,& Rac., aides, 'Iz I. 0 s3x'67 ja 991:68, Ilk Laundry Companly'. $3169 Inoyclopandle DrItanaloa Film l,;Ino. 19 7, 931.. 1 Farvell, Ow",�XL*Lk & Comp127 2 93171 11onr City Body Corpq 3 6' 83172 70081 81 slawarl. Pub.. Corp# 2 2 4 83IR Gas 4g1l, ban Oompam 62, 0,, 7 Ribbon, & Car i01110 1 314 83 -R 06'4111"md 0 '" 'L - 83176 oBanson-Bennet miga is nine Agana I I� 83177 Harcourt. ftl_, Henry83178 Halt, mpany X97 8 831 9` Int.: 40hi Corp. 192 83k LangsvinPallst 841 1,Y Comp 454 Yon Xwe' ' 831 i�' xywtq�a Dist* omtkapy70 �� 93 tijii Ina., a .11d, 0. Law Offi era 275 0) 033). 00 t _1161 Indeji': ilia, 158 3 953 . p magrob A soce 83186 Frank R. Weaker Cmpww. i 10 0)", F IM OIL SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1480. ) (� I. Tby, n( p)29 Hereby Hurn.... . l 11 P -�f OrlWnal to City Clerk - �� � In the � - CITY OF ST. PAL _ Fo�Na� NO.--------- ---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY - " Fred N—GENtHAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fred lYY.� 6 ' M'M 6. l -9 _ COMMISSIONER_ DATF WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an em@rgency Mich ren- de'red necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to paythe follow- ing named employees, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for ex- tra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE HOURS RAE AMT. D3 'Alfred R. Hansen Asst. Supt. of Aud. 46 Hours ;• 1.862 Hr. 85.79 Louis Herman . Janitor 14 " 1.90 1,26.60 Maurice F MCElligott Chief Refn & Op Lngr 42 i' 1.98 83.16 Apert C. Meinke Asst. Ref. Mgr. 48 ° 1.514 72.60 Helen M. Utecht Senior Clerk 82` ° 1.312 11.18 Katherine H. Warne Aoclt-Clerk 10 It 1.462 14.65 Ray Teachout Loc:. Ref. MSF., 272 I' 1.104 30.32 TOTAL r 324.30 � o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council......._........................194....-- Yeas Nays IlA Findlan Approved... .......................... .. -------.194 A or Inson n ........----------------- X=—t—IFavor /Mayor Peterso Truax /J �......... ....Against Mr. President, PI I3LISHI 3711 747 .may® FORM NO. 1 MAY 6, 1949 An emergency has arisen in the Department.of Education, Bureau of Auditorium, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the follow- ing work: Thislergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; No other heln availahle This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Edward A. Furni, Manager SERIAL N0, OF ROLL DEPARTI,FNT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP 1, PERMANENT RETENTIOV DATE TO RE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED RF.TENTIOIN DATE NICROFILIi✓D /)%ae,.h CONTENTS NUTTIER OR WT OF FIRST DOCM:NT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAIL OF LAST DOCUMENT IIICROFILMCD SIGTNF f opera -,or JOINT CITY COUTITY MICROFILM BY Supervisor 3 ��\\ y a ?d �o v/tib 5 •