231542 �i � ���P�� If : � COUIICIl�8 NO..__...._...........�_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundersignedhereby propoaeethemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement bythe City of 6sint Paul,vis.: Grade and sur£a,ce ,w_ith�-�bituminous material .Valley View`�'Iace��fiom'McKnight , . �°'Road"'�rest`"`to'•cc�=Y-"de�°sac;:°YPi,ne''';Yi'ew`"Ctiur�"�rom°Va11ey�Vie�w"F1RCe"�o�itli.°��o�s�'�"""""--'�-- 4 . cul�de=�sac; Oak, View Court'�from�•�alley .View Place soutti- to.cul�de,sac and `' -..� �...... ..... ....•......�, �,...,_.,.._..-,,.��-,...._- -:.e--.,.�__ .. .- ,,.E. ,. • - •----=�-• . .........,�.,..o...:�.....�_.....-------------- - ~ Bir-ch. View_Court-�frQm `Valley...,View .Pl,ac_'e:�,,s,outh-rto-�cul�de-sac by constructing � and b 'sdoin� � ��Y��� � Y ' ..�s.torm w�e��d�r,a-tnage:Rf.aci=l.it-ies;=.by. cons,tructing-,water service=•connections�-•----•------•--- y' g all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete _�._--- .. ,___ .--- ------ ,-..................................-,._�_._......,�....---........... ---- -....�y�._..._.._...�_-....,......_....._.,�....,-....,.---_....-•--- said' impro�ement. _ �'- /l Dated this.....9.t...:..........day of..------�v��m�e=.=.._..............-- ... —�oo � „ ............ ...................-�------ - ----------...- •- --...-•----.... -- ------ ` Councilman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material .UalTe�� �'"�.� "'"m - _ y Vi-ew Place �r�night,_,__..._._.__ � - - - ,,,..�.r,�, .-..,.. ...:.:_. ..�.--. i ----°•R�oad�west�`fib'°cuI',d'`e-sac;'"Pine"View�ourt from Valley View Ylace south fo> - .- - .- - . �. �. ---- cul�de-sac; 6ak�View Court .from,Val�,�y�Yiew_�lace�sou�h�:.to-�cu1-d�»sac.•and-•-•�••----------� �. .Bi'rchy�View,Court:f roy✓.V.._.,f ° ° _ _ ,,,�:�_.� _ ... ,,. _ m e1:1:e,y=:Vie"w.�_P.lace--s'outh to cui�de-�sac'by°co striicting� s,t.o.rm...watex,--drairia�re'�facilit�es•��••b - -�•-��••• �- °• �°°°°---•---°-~ ' ._,�. ,� , y�-�ron•structing'wafez"service' connections �and by doing all o�her work which is necessary and incidental to comp_lete:,�;.....�._.._ --�---said°imp .. .... .. ..................._.._._.�--.,.,..._.......,.._,..:..,._........_-.-... roveinent ....__ _.,.....----•----...----- - —_ y --— —-- - -- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul___................................................_.._..._.____._�_.___.._._ � therefore, be it � � --RESOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: f • ' 1. To inveatigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiseioner of Finance. � �:� JAN 12196� , Adopted by the Council--------------•------......_........._........-----•--------•-•-•-------.... � : . YEAS � �p� 12�9�� � Councilman Dalglish - ,�; Hol land Approved..................._. " L-o�s-- , - .• :� Meredith -' � ,; ..' Petersony • �� u -.._..__..__ ---.. '.... ... MB. PRPI8IDEINT Va�eu-lis Mayor. 3000 7-b4 � ..V � 'j U �UBLISHED �IAM �.� ��- ..