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• r� ,r � � ^ �r • �� ltl•H� 1531 MOI1fIl053tl Ad0'JUtl�IR ._ ' ( "sSONVONViS do'nnuao 1VNOILVN u w m � 9•T II �•T IIII �Z•TI�III .. - •. _ .. , :� _ t .<,. -I �r ., i•i (IIII _ — 0•Zdilli3� -i o �, S zllul B:zll��� p •j VIII _ d s Oy bis r i Eby °a O�bq y AS\% 80 i SERIAL PIO, OF ROLLg4 P DEPARTItNT' ROLL IDENTIFICATIOti SLIP u PERhjANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED ( If Limited I4IMITED' RETENTION DATE MICROFILPED CONTENTS u NUMBER OR NATE OF FIRST DOCUM�MT OF REGULAR CONTENTS ;a XA i. ,-. Ir 9 t 9 L11c a NUPTBER OR NAPE OF LAST 'DOCULIENT PIICROFILIED SI(NED Operator JOIITT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor z a F. No 13517" ed Id runx- f - Orliin.l to City Clerk - 51'1LVFD 7' 97 O,, -T -p of , t A 1�4 to on: COUNCIL City 0� %J h (.1 ^ o FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM W ' PRESENTD BY '•' — DATE Tan 7 h E—I (44F; " COMMISS ONER WHEREAS, The_'Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which„ rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the- rate otherwise fixed for extra employment f.or extra time hereinafter set forth; JANITORS & ENGINEERS OVERTIME - FOR DECEMBER - 1945 NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Edward Anderson Jan. Engr. Mrs Sigrid Ash Janitress Warren' `LAshdr-'j Staty. Frmn. Charles Baker Jan. Engr.' George Barrett Do. Christian Bauer Do. Henry Bauer Do. Raymond Bauman Do. Albert eecroft Do. Arthur Beisang Do. Irven Benson Do. `- William Benton Do. Carl Berger - Staty. Frmn. Alfred glade Jan. Melvin Bloom Do. . Ralph Bogue Jan. Engr. John Buhl Do. Charles Burlingame Do. - Fred Bursinger Do. George Cameron Do. Cecil Carlsen Do. Frans Carlson Do., Frank Chapman Do. Crests Ciampi Do. William Cording Do., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax -Against Mr. President, McDonough 2M 5-47 .j1W8 . 17 hrs. 1 10 18 70 16 " 814 13 00 45 " 1 10 49 50 20 " 1 10 22 00 30 " 1 10 33 00 344 1 10 37 95 35 " 1 10 38 50 4 " 1 10 4 40 11 " 1 10 12 10 224 " 1 10 24 75 59 " 1 10 64 90 20 " 1 10 22 00 42 ^ 1 10 w 46 20 4 ° 1 10 4 40 12 " 1 10 13 20 bb, " 1 10 55 00 9 " 1 10 9 90 ,33 " 1 10 36 30 36 " 1 10 39 60 9 " 1 10 9 90 16 "- 1 10 17 60 18 " 1 10 19 80 26 " 1 10 28 60 1 10 22 5 42 " 1 10 46 75 Adopted by the Council 194_ Approved 194_ Mayor Oridnel to Clb Clerl'c 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL FILE NO.- -OFFICE O. •OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C (��U�'Ny�/CyIL RESOLU^TIIO�N`/� GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER— _' FRF, +D me RUHI � �" DATE JADJ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employments therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth= JANITORS & ENGI4JRS - bVERTIMETh&OR DECEY1M&ftl945 NAME T TOTAL Carl Dahlby Jan. Engr. 25'* " 1 10 28 05 Edward Datko Do. 29 " 1 10 31 90 S Victor De Ziel Do. 5 " 1 10 5 50 John Dippel Jan.' 10 " 1 10 11 00 David Donovan Jan. Engr. 10 " 1 10 11 00 John Elmond Jan. 61 " 1 10 7 15 Joseph Elmquist Jan. Engr. 55 " 1 10 61 05 Charley Engelbretson Do. 49 " 1 10 53 90 Joseph Fedlmeir Do. 82 " 1 10 90 20 Frank Felberg Staty. Frmn. 5 " 1 10 5 50 Theodore Fettinger Jan. Engr. 131 " 1 10 14 85 John Flanagan 8aho91 Engr. 8 " 1 10 8 80 Carl Fransen Jan. Engr. 22 " 1 10 24 20 Gabriel Gagliardi Do. 12 ° 1 10 13 20 Fred Galles Staty. Frmn. 48 " 1 10 52 80 Frank Garski Jan. Engr. 12* " 1 10 13 75 Charles Giossi Do. 6 " 1 10 6 60 John Gipple Do. 40 " 1 10 44 00 Joseph 'Godleski Do. 41 " 1 10 45 10 George `Gray Do. 15 1 10 16 50 01of Gund Do. Zo " 1 10 33 55 George Gunther' Do. 12 ° 1 10 13 20 Anthony Haider - Do. 23 " 1 10 25 30 Oscar Halgren Do. 44 " 1 10 48 40 Harry Hammersten Do. 27 " 1 10 29 70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 194- Parranto Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 2M 5-43 @§WS orl,rip.l t. City Clerk COUNCIL ' r CITY OF ST.'P.AUL, FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUNCILL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRID T7�jj X _ DATE TAN 7TH '1946 COMMISSIONER J WHEREAS, The C—issioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance_w.ith Section 53,, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of-=-eerthin for more than their usual employes of his department hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au-, the thorized to pay the folcJowing named employes, at �p rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; OVERTIMET R DECEMBER1945 JANITORS & ENGINEERS- TOTAL NAME Frank TITIE Hayek Jan. Engr. 51 hrs. 1 10 111 10 56 10"- 33 OQ George Hayes Do. 30 14 " 1 10 15 40. Carl Hedlund Do. 15 i, 1 10 16 50 Frank Hedlund Do. n 1 10 59* 65 45 Benjamin Henderson D. it 1 10 55 00 Otto Hesse n 1 10 7 7 70 Werner Hesse Do. Do. 47 n 1 10 44 00 Elmer Hintz ri 1 10 42 46 20 Douglas n 1 10 Hostra*ser- Do. 35 38 50 Anton Johnson 173 " 1 10 190 30 Fred Johnson Do. 23 n .1 10 25 30 Gunnard Do. Johnson 8 n 1 10 8 80 Ralph JoyCe Do.1 10 13 " 14 30 Howard Jhrgensen Do. 21J " 1 10 23 65 William Kading Do. ^_ 1 10 8 80 James Emil Jan. - Kane � 1 10 Keller Jan. Engr. 18' n 1 10 14 85 8 80 Melvin Kittleson Do. 15 " 1 10 16 60 Andrew golatad 47 It 10 51 70 Robert Joseph Krieger Jan. 7 e 1 10 Sustalaki Jan. End'• it 1 10 7 70 20 90 William La Chapelle Do. 19 80- 19 50 Mrs. Elisa Larsen Janitress ° 1 18 19 80 Lyman Larson Jan. " 1 10 Jan. Engr. 17 18 70 Walter Larson " 1 10 9 9 90 Eugene Lefevre Jan. Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCILMEN o yeas Nays Barfuss Approved-194 Parranto Peterson _1n Favor Mayor Rosen Truax _Against Mr. President, McDonough 2M 5-43 .0§W8 Ori`in.l to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENcn NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RFYOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRED AX DATE JAN_ 7TH ig4F, COMMISSIONER F' WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter -the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; JANITORS &ENGINEERS - OVERTIME - FOR DECEMBY:R - 1945 NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL. Emil Le May Jan. Engr. 23 hays 1 10 25 30 Martin Lindberg Do. 48 1 10 52 80 Gust Linde Do. 29 " 1 10 31 90 Frank Linn Do. 5 " 1 10 5 50 Thomas Lunzer Do. 432 " 1 10 47 85 James Lynn Do. 36 " 1 10 39 60 Jacob Magnuson Do. 242 " 1 10 26 95 Andrew Margl Do. 19 " 1 10 20 90 Edwar* Manska Do. 4ug " 1 10 44 55 Albert Martin Do. 30 " 1 10 $3 00 Nels Martin Jan. 27 " 1 10 29 70 Carl Matson Jan. Engr. 23 " 1 10 25 30 Harry Mc Donald Do. 62 " 1 10 68 20 George Mc Kinnon Do. 31* ^ 1 10 34 65 Robert Metzger Do.' 6 " 1 10 6 60 Adolph Miller Jan. 11 " 1 10 12 10 Carl Miller Jan: Engr. - 72 " 1 10 8 25 Lester. Mollers Do. 24 " 1 10k,26 40 - John Mombrae Do. 31 ° 1 10 34 10 Hugo Mordh Jan. 41 " 1 10 45 10 Thomas Mulcahy Staty. Frmn. 18 " 1 10 19 80 John Munkelwitz Jan. Engr. 17 " 1 10 18 70 Gustave Nelson Do. 3 n 1 10 3 30 Julius Neuman Jan. 5 " 1 10 5 50 Mrs. Ellen Newman Unsk. Labr. F-1 16 " 95 15 20 Charles Nodes Staty. Frmn. T& ° Idopted 1 10 8 25 COUNCILMEN by the Council 94 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 194 Parranto Peterson Tn Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough " 2M 5.43 oow8 e }},, CO `'6 COUNCIL NO. . City Perk' Ort,inal t. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF TI-IE-CITY CLERK. t C CIL RESOL TION-GENERAL FORM X ' JAN 7mu A46 _. PR ENTER BY FRED M -_ onTF SCO MISS%2ER ' Educ&J;1gR has reported to WHEAEAS, The Cam>misi oner of in accordance with-section 5V, of the the Council of an emergency which , City Charter the existence the employment Of certain rendered necessary for more than^their usual employes of his department therefor, be it, hours of employment; RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- at thorized to pay.the following named empnoyfor extras emplgyme rate otherwise fixed for extra time hereinafter set forth; yEC�1BER - 1945 JANITORS & ENGINE1rTRS - OVERTIME T FOOR 20 RILTE TOTAL NAME t, TITLE Leonard Oberg Jan. Engr. ' 34 hrs. 1 10 11 1 10 37 40 11 00 Karl Oster Do. 10 13 11 1 10 14 30 1Villiam Paulsen Do. 11 n 1 10 12 10 Do. Leo Peet 14 "1 10 15 40 August Peterson DDo. 12 K 1 10 13 20 Waldemar Richter Jan. 8,,n 1 10 8 80 Martin Ristau 23Q n 1 10 William Sagissor Jan.n 1 10 a . Engr• 25 8` 4 40 4 Francis Salmon 39 n 1 10 42 90 Benjamin Samuelson Do. 2 1 10 2 20 Robert Sandberg Staty. Frmn. 22 u 1 10 24 20 Joseph Sander Q Jan. Engr. ;, 1 10 38 50 Louis Schletty Do. 23 it 1 10 Albsrt Schooner Staty. Frmri. „ 1 10 25 30 38 50 35 Earl Shands. Jan. Engr. 7 11 1 10 7 70 Elmer Shaw Do. 37 1 10 40 70 Wilbur Simons Do. n 5 50 Nicholas Stadtfeld Do. 3i� n 1 10 34 65 h Robert Stanke Do. n 1 10 13 20 Frederick Stephan Do..12 u 1 10 9 9 90 Arthur Story Do. 3 ° 1 10 3 30 Joseph Stro»IIner Jan. 42 u 1 IU 46 20 Christopher Tarte Jan. En 24- n 1 10 -26 95 Rudolph Thalhuber Lo. 12 n 1 10 13 20 Edward Thomas Do. Adopted by the Council _.--194— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Approve' —194___ Findlan m Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Against Truax — Mr. President, McDonough 261 6-49 •®s ,. 9-17j j o jar.a a cup ct.rn coUNCI r CITY OF ST. PjAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE' CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTaON—GENERAL FORM DATE JAN 7Tli 1 U46 COMMISSIIONER FR�D �• to 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __— n--104 Yeas Nays Barfuss Approve' 194— Findlan Parranto j )M���Mayor Peterson —_fin Favor Rosen Truax Agaifl§t �� Mr. President, McDonough 7$F1ET3 �% 2D1 5-43 .41W8 The Commissioner of Education has reported to WHEREAS, the, Council in accordance with Section 53, of the an emergency which Cit y.Chart�r the existence of the employment of certain rendered necessary ore than their usual emplohours of his department here for, employment are er RESOLVED, That the thePfollowing namedsemployes,batathe thorized to pay fixed for extra employment for extra rate otherwise time hereinafter set forth% JANITORS & EN - OVERTIM TIME OR DECEMBER 1945 TOTAL NAME TIT> ERS Albert Jan. Engr• 7 hr 1 10 - Thompson 25 3�4 mss, 1 10 7 70 28 33 Joseph Tscriida Do• 42 hrs 1 10 Turnquist Do. n 1 10 46 20 5 50 George Carl 5 Warodell Do. 49 n 1 10 53 90 James Watson 2 „ 1 10 2 20 John Wilwert Jan. u 1 10 $ijrk Jan. Engr. 11 12 10 Herbert 3583 93 to 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __— n--104 Yeas Nays Barfuss Approve' 194— Findlan Parranto j )M���Mayor Peterson —_fin Favor Rosen Truax Agaifl§t �� Mr. President, McDonough 7$F1ET3 �% 2D1 5-43 .41W8 FORM NO 1 194 vertime - December 1, 1945 thru December 31, Janitors & Engineer$ O 1945 Inc. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Educations. Bureau of Schools, reniering necessary the employment of certain tment for more than eight hours per day, employes of that depar in doing the following work: "".CT9e.kkin and. •firin ..of school buildin s. i o This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances : of the Charter. "Inas report is, in accordance with Section 53 0 Orldhad to city. clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL counca t. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .— DATE Jarlaary 9, 1946 Resolved, That -the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller,, one Front End Sanding Machine mounted.,on 11 -ton Chevrolet Truck from the C. & F. MACHINE %ORKS, at a cost of $4500.00 net, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Municipal E•:uipra-�nt- 1003-159. A a COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays Barfuss /Findlan /Parranto /Peterson ,-Rosen' -Truax President, McDonough 590 4-44yy, (J fC. F. No. 135175—By Muton Rosen— RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he /s hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Front End goading Machine mounted on 1% -ton Chevro- let Truck from the C'& F. MACHINE WORKS, at a cost of 44590.99 net, with- outdvertisement or tomppeetltive bids, as this is a patented. and .no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Munyicippaal Equlpmeat-1003-139. AppiwedbJan9, 1948c11 Jan. 9, 1948. (January 12, 1948.) JAN Adopted by the Council........t�.........................194...... Approved------------------ ..................... 194 ----------- ..__In Favor �} �i�- _•- / ----.Against w 51 �r COUNCIL FILE NO.....:.-...-.........._ .............. . By---- - - ---- - -------- - ------------------------------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ,curbing Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Street, RRsocaxrox th� Ts. V of w under Preliminary Order........_..132510........................... Intermediary Order ...................................... 45 Final Order ................................. approved .-.........--Max. . 19 The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ......................... for and in 'connection with . . .................................. ........ ............ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in an respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Ath .................. day of 1946 ................. ]Mx at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature 6f, the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council ..................................................................................... 19 ........ City Clcrl+ .............. Approved......................................... . ..... 19 File9743 ....... .... ........................................ .... . Mayor. Councilman Baiiuss CouncilmanI Findlan Councilman Parranto Councilman 11F&VhRF- Peter"Ou 0/� Councilman ARRWI- Ro8eu Truax Councilman Mayor ENW&W-1 Form B. B. 17 P'COUNCIL FILE NO ... _..... .............................. By...... _.... ..... ....................................................... 6 \ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Laurel Avenue between Syndicate Street and Scheuneman Avenue, RESOLUTION,: OF APMOVINO'ASEt F. No. 195171— `n the ,nutter , -.flt . {� t under, Preliminary Order -13161-2 ................... Intermediary Order......_133419_-___...............____.._...._.____- Final Order 133654........... ....................... approved ...................... JB.Ile...1Z................. r.................... 19._4 . The assessment of. ............. q qAt A..gp ......---for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... 6th .................day of February 19 46 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against fie -lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is dixectea. Ad aaonxea ns- me eoan�si___--- ------�-----�-----........... ------- �------- ----- _--- ---------------_-- 1B-------- ------- 1fppC6Vo .. ...... . ............. f . .... File 9748 Covnci7ma='� $aT�m e Co�nciCmeo��o'G�� �ad�a� Councilman lodatn PaIA�O Councilman RMlead= 3 PetergOII Councilman tA�r-r�-'rs Rosea Councilman Mayor H�.z l•ScUovna� Form B, B, Il i NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -9 .; r'. I TO a COUNCIL FILE NO.— 'r COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER January 7 —194-6 J�ESaLVdgF„�, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, ,,�TOOTHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF = 53, 9 9• �i , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �2gg�TO—��5—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS YOf? 6 6.8 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—JAN 1' _194_ ' Cy61P�ROLLER APPROVED 194_ M t2-44 �® NOTICE . C. F. No. 133178-9— TO RESOLVED, NCIL FILE N0.�3 COUI That checks 4e dray, % on the city treasury, to the PRINTER ggre- gate amount of t8p,g 10.02. covcring .4 checks cambered 4388'! to 92888 inclh- aWe, as per chtyeecks n isle 1n the of- lice �Lhe comptroller. C 1940. b Jan 9, 1998. Approvedan. 9, 1848. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAV ITanuary- 12, 1949.) THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—lj$$—TO----INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ ¢�_ .... 194_.4-7-Z�l,/ ; CnY�NAMPTROU.ER APPROVED 194_ BY- M t2-44 �® CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL - FiNDLAN AUDITED CLAIMS 1B4 (— PARRANTO IN FAVOR PETERSON -- RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TCQVERIING ROSEN aGA1NST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S • CLUSIVE, AS TRUAX TO i CHECKS NUMBER r OLLER. MR. PRES. McDONOUGH PER CHECKS O F E IN F`F. OF JAN � -- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI /fly coMFraoLL.R APfiRuiVfiD._}.T.�1r NUMBZR 0 CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 'i 42887 42888 .Patriok J. Hagerty Florenoe L. Covington Miss Mabel gittlee0n John 8. Findlan, C.of Finanoe john s. Findlan, 0. of Finan American Dist. Telg. C=pany Colleotor Internal Revenue Ainderson Msohine Tool 00mpan Autoxotive Serv106 0001pany R.O. Dnnoan Coppany lire, Marie Hagge Imna Oil 001apany Laupland Lumber 0011111psny j; -Mine safety Applianos 00spanq', h Yilmeeota Paper d Cordae 0 I Sharps and DObme ! Stine of Minnesota State of Minnesota :state of Minnesota Jobn S. Findlanp 0. of Finan John S. Findlen, 0. of .Finan jolhA S. Findlan, Ce of Finan. ,jobh S. Findlin, C. of Fianna 1,4mbn H. Findian, C. of Finand jj George We Hunt Joseph He Anderson J.P. Chegsyn Day Brothers R.S. nUkead Josepb Sraushamper Florian 0, RDtsohel 'gape? _A•1C, piolaaorth S.L. Qipple, Custodian 'R.H. aasder Qospavw Chioago, uil. St:Paul & Panel Fisher goientifio company J47,041 'Ato Caapeny }fie �qu3pDlent Co�psny Lind is Mfg, dompalay 1LOTIA au'usibavt 0o&panT 3.R. Sanaa Ftiel company $.q. SardwsTe Company. Inc. 0.A, Obsei Agent jl AsAsY Beardnere Oca►peAy Standard Conveyor 00IMp8317 S.J. 9tilwen Paper company B.O. Streioh geeginghouse 8leotrio Supply TOTAL 11 DATE RETURNED TRANSFER II O'SCHECKSENT BY BANK CHECKS 116448 I Co. 34 579159 64 100 449 !00 11875 13 411 '03 176 $a 2 299 766 20 �j0 9 1000 262 � 31 11021 16 16 7 35 50 00 50 00 10 475 25 159 Z1 765 8 96 900577p 5 73 6 q8 14 18 io 68 AS ?6 220 is 22 W 69 1 399 �C �g t 211 7p 59tF 71 26 13� 31 159 2 22 �; 39 �' SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD kk6 448 75 99 559k__53 A 42936 Ralston Wheeler CITY OF SAINT PAUL • ` DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL f? 151 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL• - BARFUSS FINDLAN AUDITED CLAIMS Janus 19 R}yC.,1lRANTO 1N FAVOR 191-6- Pp:TERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECK9BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY - ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OP 5 COVERING TRUAX MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED O INCLUSIVE. A6 - �iR Qy •�y/�L1, PER CHECKS ON FIL T O F E O THE CI C P LLER. L* 'Y ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI (i I �I� CON- OLLLR AP_ R VED 194- NUMBLR 35 100 3 R. it 4206 Inter City Paper Company TOTAL DATE RETURNED 7 ':25 FAVOR OF TCHECKSR 016 BY BANK NUMBERKIN CHECKSURSEMENT 174 '00 164 _. 142^949 B.A. Refining Company BROUGHT FORWARD 42936 Ralston Wheeler 40100I �} 42937 John s. Findlan, 0. of Finan 42938 John S. Findlan,,0. of Finan p j60 422195 x429 9 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan 429 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan' 1 1 380;30 20 154,20 i1 42941 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence 61 196 42942 John S. Findlon, 0. of Finanqe 1 372100 {I 429 4 Capitol. Stationery Mfg. Company 2 Firestone Stores 89 115 448.!88 142945 Bawkensen Printing Company 35 100 it 4206 Inter City Paper Company 7 ':25 42947 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Oospany 42948 N.W. Bell Tel: Company 174 '00 164 142^949 B.A. Refining Company C 6628 142950 S6•PaUI White Lead &,011 Cos j�42951 Slitrite Auto Top & Body Sho y l 3-196 6;00 ° (42952 i' Borohert-Ingersoll Company 4295 Ohioago, St.Paul, Mple. & 0. .00. 22 19 245 4295 East Side Motor Sales Company'12,76 142955 General Truck & Equipment Com 42956 Elsotrio any 33 74 36 �5 Gruber Auto Oompany' 42957 Harley 5 #8 Davidaon4lplaAampany; 42958 HetfieidwParry+ Ino. 19 34 !42959 ;! Industrial Supply Company 11 75 ;!42966 International Harvester Comp 1,42961 Joy Brothers Motor Oar Company ,y 14 ,2 13 P2 42962 Kromer Spring & Aligsaent Company I 52 49 '4296 \Larry In Auto @lase Company 125 25 4296 Latuff Brothers 16 �0 ,429655 McKesson and Robbins Oo.Ino. 17 21 14296b ; Midway Ohelirolet Company I 6 42967 Millar -Torras, Ino. 246 ° 142968 iiNational Bushing & Parts Co. 1142969 ii Northern States Power Company' ' 17 ;0 160 29 1142970 1 Owens Motor`Sales, Inc. ;;42971 Paper, Oalsonson and Company 142972 Park Machine Company 340 2,11 49 95 1!4297 4uick Se;v oe Battery Company 36 t!1 25 114297 St•Paui Buo>< Company 10 14297755 'w.F.Smith Tire a Battery Comp y 12 1 1142976 S000ny-Vaouum oil Company Speedometer SOTV104 &, Aoo.Co. 26 ¢6 1142977 ;42978 Standard Unit Parts Company ; 32 29 1142979 The Sta'vis Oil Company 42980 i R.B. Whitacre and Company � 11429 1 .1 45 18! 46 81 Nolters Auto Supply Company 79 42982 Young Motor Cas Company 21 y2 1142983 Nm. R. Ziegler Company 186 31 01;&.r to Cltr Clark 'I't CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GFNERAL-F-ORM DAT 7amory � 1-946 FILLCOUNCIL N0. PILE WREREAS, The Cemmissioner of EaUcatLon has _retorted to the Council in accordance with $eemergerrcft.Ola 53 1 Of the City Charter the existence of an y which rendered necessary the employment of certain his department for more tylarl their usual employes of hours of employment; therefor, be its RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- the following named emp10yea, at the thorized to pay rate otherwise fixed for extra employn'lerzt for extra time hereinafter set forth: NATAE• TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL Berman E. Benke Refn Engr.(s-e) 22 Hours .97 Br• 42 ° 1.30 11 14.25 54.71 Nicholas D. Bleyker Stage Oarpenter 21 " 1.10. " 23 .10 Ernest Ebinger Janitor Alfred R. Hansen Asst Supt of Aud 71 " 1.10-22k " 11 -,1 10- " 27.5 Louie Berman Janitor 2 2 1'10 Gilbert L. Johnson Janitor a Alexander LePage Refn Engr (s -le) 32 d * " 28.00 62.15 Pomeroy Loa a Janitor 56 1.10 Maurice F MoElligott Oh Refn & Op Engr 59 1.2 1p 71a 9 91 39 Albert 0. Meinke Local Ref Mgr 1231 u - g5 11 John T. Mitchell Ind Rink Oars.i, 1,10 , " -54.45 Albert J. Stoneman Janitor n 62 " Helen M. Utecht Jr Olk-Typist 12 d :74 7.75 1.11 Katherine H. Warne Jr Olk-Steno. 1 0 1.30k ° 76.95 Bert R. Wheeler Stage Electrician 59 TOTAL $ 692.36 C- 1 That �proiP�. Nclleyx— ItijiBOLV01 + v oare hereby authorizedpay cer- tain emDloYee In tris Depc�unea! £ducatlon, Hureau of Audltorlu+q foorf eorha emPloY�entolu -out. oh the, thin tion. list tteched Adopted bYJ the ula Jam, 30. 1898. to gpProvedl7enuary 12. 1048) JAN 10X46 Adopted by the Counci COUNCILMEN 194— Yeas Nays e4'�+ IaritS Barfuss �l Approve 194— Findlan Parranto t Favor Peterson` Mayor Mayor Rosen D , Truax '/ A8ai0st Mr. President, McDonough sr 1-41 - .. r 194 FOR�._1- - An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, � lr Bureau of ,rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Qeaning_buildi�0 A in eats and�reparing_for enente a eo work _1 n during Ahows. Thie time 1 r e ,,his emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; hreC� essarY to k� re ar hely on dutn asye_gMad ea ncl tV ^omm late work in +imp �O= '-'^te' not a urs enouh " g. This time includes all day Satur�ye 8days and holida s• This report 1s accordance cordance vr3.th section 53 of the Charter. o or um OrlRlnli to City Clerk � � 181 . CITY OF ST. PALM, � cout+ca 'NO ------------r ° rim- --- OFFICE THE CITY CLER1 COUNCIL R UTIO�—GENERAL FORM lb - PRESENTED BY' DATE .------ CO.MMISSIC1NEi2__,- - 0 RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Mrs. Samuel J. Gurneau from the decision of the Compliesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, Permission is hereby granted, pur- suent to Ordinanoe No, 5840) as amended, .to -remodel the build- ing at the building at the southwest corner of Dale and Portland Avenues into a fourplex• C. F. No. 135181—By Muton Rosen- - RESOLVED, That upon appeal of Mrs. Samuel J. Gurneau from the decision of the commission— of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and up- on the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning. permission - 1s herby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No:' 5890, as amended, to remodel the building at the building at the south- west corner of Dale and Portland Ave- - - Hues into a fourples:. + Adopted by the Councu Jan. 10; 1946. Approved Jan. 10, 19411 (January 12, 1946) COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya arCuss + �ndlan iParranto ,-V'etersola ------In Favor Rosen V '9�ruax -------Against X1. President, 11,bonough am 9-45 a JAN 10 W. Adopted by the Council. ................................. 194 Approved.........:....._t74P1 . -- ....----194 -------Mayor IV C ITy OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minoawta. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BURF^tj OF RECORDS Jan- 9, 19'16. Yr. Bruuoe J. Broed7 Corporation Counsel city Hall Dear Sirt The council reQueat"a' that You draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Wre' $tael J• Ou"*au ror permission to remodel a building at the Southwest 0O2'ner of Dale an& Portland into a fourplex. Very truly yo,rsa city clerk. i z.; APPEAy - 0 A nettle of appeal,tta ,n¢ been filed- _ with �e City Clerk ire thr tleclslon ' of the ssloneE of P ke• PIaY- - ¢rOu➢dS pnbit, gu ldin a as to < A �C\TY O� g PPlicatlon of Orde nce o. 5848 approved July 7. 1922, to that certain p opet4 described as 2ti No:"Dole at EBOARD Fk re u¢st�n44 perm;- at to remotlel Into OF ZONING .old school. btuldi' at that location C a fourPlex. as more fullyeetttOn line the ttablish¢ - - ,] OtsieePdnd said a In PPeal having brk's d by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 , A .referred to the Hoard of Zoning and , , saldgoardhavir+ tthln ten Ool'days SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o ! thereaiter,. in wr �6. made its reeom- enendetmna to the City Caand1 the i 279 COURT HOUSE �s Council of the City o of Saint an has Y' fixed the 9th day f Janus tY 1048, at a ten o clock Itt the forenoon it1 the Coun-' ' it Chamber has the CitHall of said Eli Pn o City, nd at ;d time and Place, the ' NC Aopr,ccn blections� year all persons and and all recotnmendatlona ie� *•f- EIEPNAao J Mc�LyN lativs to aald an Peal DbCemlber, 21st 1 Dated Dee¢mb r 28, 1945. ✓• 945• -L M 1. 11 SEH 8. T. C•CONNELL, JOSEPH F. RGIM©OL!T iDecember 20 tD45) Clerk, ' EPH A. TYLER CHARHr ngeMbji ceTFOtep ' GEDPn`E H, HS , OLIAr / Mr• $arxy T. peQ0I111911, city Ole Buil i ag• Desi' Sir = in the matter of application of Mrs. Samuel Ac delily au Por peimissiOic to remodel the old St. Paul ae»Building at the southwest corner of Dale and Portland into a fourplea• This building has been used as a music school. It is in an "Ae Residence District, and sets back from Portland Avenue, The building is adapted for remodelling to be used Eta a residence, and the Board of Zoning recommend that this Permit be granted i.e. old St. peal � to remodel the interior of the Academy Building into a rourplex,under the amendment to the zonizig ordinance of April 29th, 1942• Yours Very truly, GEORGE-H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary, ah'rh i i i Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen:, I Dale Street,ewhichtis lolcateacIn ani"A" ResidenceoDis-.. trict. I would like to arrange it into a four family apartment. All stairways and necessary facilities Will be provided as required by the building code. The outside of the building 7,T:5- 11 not ba changed in ap- pearance. I therefore appeal for your corhsideration in accordance with Council File No. 125733, prdinanae 1Vo. 8365, yours t S'uly, 9� Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen:, I Dale Street,ewhichtis lolcateacIn ani"A" ResidenceoDis-.. trict. I would like to arrange it into a four family apartment. All stairways and necessary facilities Will be provided as required by the building code. The outside of the building 7,T:5- 11 not ba changed in ap- pearance. I therefore appeal for your corhsideration in accordance with Council File No. 125733, prdinanae 1Vo. 8365, yours t S'uly, { 95182' -- - COUNCIL No. prizinal to City Clerk FILE I`I -. CITY OF "ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (;RUNCIL RESOLUTION_ GENERAL FORM ` � u RESOLVED, that Edwin F. Jones- Utilities Engineer, is authorized to attend the hearings before the Federal Power 46, Commission at Houston, Texas; oommenoing January 28artment and that he be reimbursed Invests expenses from Dep of Pablio Utilities Fund, gs tiong C. F. No. 135182—Hy WA. Parranto— RESOLVED. That Edwin. F. Jones, Utilities Engineer, is authorized to at- tend the hearings before the Federal Power Commission at Houston. Texas. eacing January 28, 1940, and that he be reimbursed for his exppeenses from Department f Public Uttllties Fund, 21 Investigation, C2. Adopted by the Council Jan. 10; 1940. Approved Jan. 10. 1948. (January 12, 1948) JAN 10 Adopted by the Coupn��cil -194 COUNCILMEN Yea Nays a uss 7indlan ° approved 194 _—_ arranto / /� In Favor Mayor rsan /EiRoisen �L O Against r x �NIr. President, McDonough 3M 5-41 8 2�11r NOTICE C. F. No. 135303— TO RESOLVED That checks be drawn oa ICOUNCIL FILE NO. CO the city treasury. to the aggregate 4 PRINTER amount of $20.9,708.52, covering checks k' tp numbered 42884 to 43099 lncluslve, s' clI Comkptrollerde in the office o1 -the :jam y 9 ___194—D Adopted by the Council Jan. 30, 1948. Approved Tan. 30, 1848. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DF �'O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 203,706.52 42994 4V39 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -_- -TO-- --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE yyCITY COMPTROLLER, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL tl�C9E4 �d'Jcd__194— JAN194—_.p pOMPfROLLER APPROVED_ __x_194_ BY - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE ROLL FALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRAHTO IN FAVOR AUDITED ARR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. MCDONOUGHu Ea. 10 IN6 ADOPTED BY THE JNeCILt'.�1�4,J ----- APPROVE I'FF1� Cly, 744- TER N� UNT PAUL COUNCIL COMPTROLLER ' FILE NUMBER CLAIMS RESOLVED'." ESOL : THAT CHECKS BE DR9A TREASURY COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AM NY F E "� CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F IN THE F E O HE C TY C LLER. Y COMPTROLLER i ? TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF 11 NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSE ENT CHECKS1 BY BANK t BROUGHT FORWARD 116 44 7 V 115540 X41 142994 C.J. Hagerty 38140 42985 Anthony J. Boners. A E.S,f 35 OO 42996 John B. Pindlan, 0. of Fin. !200 O ('42987 Adding Machine sales A Be75 4;98 1`,42988 Edwin Allen Company 1{ 42989 Allie-Chdoers Company 22493 1142990 if American Excelsior Carp. 16 99 42991 ! Amsrioan.Insura#ce Agency 14 117 E42992 ; American Medical Association 00 '42993 Automatic Electric Mfg. Comp y 21 00, �j]*2994 Bishop ?owing service 8 00 442995 Blaine Electric Company 1.05 ,,42996 Booihunters 3 00 142997 Aian Boxell and Company 232010 142998 ; S. Brand Coal 8 Oil Company 200 42999 Burroughs Adding Machine Oompiny 26 X30 143000 Henning Carlson 9 15 143001 Central States Sewage Works A soo. 5 '43002 Coca Cola Bottling Company 181 ;1430033 Oommittee for Eoonomlo Develo' !143004 ent 1 34 Detroit stoker Company bE ,43005 E►I. DuPont De Nemoure Company 54 1143006 ;;zkholm+e Record shop 19 43007 ?hos. J. Engel Melding Works 26.50 43.008 Ferodowsill Mfg., Company 12 143009 Richard L. Forrest Frub. Comp y 19 00 , !(43010 Too. Fox 2 00 43011 generator specialty Company 32 3 143012 graybar Electric Company 455 31 ;143013 Aall Electric company 3011E ; ?heo. Hamm Brewing Company345 4301 Hsn000k+•felson Mer. ocspany 1143012 63 Hauenotein A Burneletero Inc*: 0 43017 Theo. a Halle and Company 32 40 018 Highland1pring Rater Company' ! 9 QO 1;43019 Imperial Book Company 95 59 1;43020 inter City Printing Company 35 -143021 Wm. R.. Lambert 7i ,1F3022 Mpia-Housysell Reg. Company ,43023 Minnesota salt Company 4 162 00 143024 Multigraph Sales Agency 43 3025 -Rational Lumber Company. 3026 'North American Polish Corp. 13 50 3027 R:W. Printing A Binding Company 113 15 3028 Otle Elevator Company ! 612 00 84 13029 .:Purity Baking Company Women"Voters 00 1 00 3030 Ramsey County League of 1 143031 The Readerle Digest 5 25 j 3032 St.Paul Book d stationery Company 232 93 30334 'Bt.Paui Book A Stationery Com ; iany 414 49 303 saroo Company, Ino, 19 64 3035 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 4 50 3036 Soviet Russia Today 1 00 3037 Btiokler Dis..Company 80 00 !43038 Twin City Supply Company 7 20 3039 Wilcox A Follett Company 19 04 - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 316 44 7 119 246 9 T A lz IF 1 1 9 1 l` ii I I orlonal to City Clerk 012DINANCE ���?� / COUNCIL FILE. n PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. V C An ordinancetamending Ordinance No. 8616, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, �. the Semi -skilled Labor Servioe, and the Unskilled j Labor Division," approved June 22, 1946, as amended, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, ' as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1 where it appears therein, the line "Trenching Mach=ine Operator . . . . $1.50 per hour," and by inserting in lieu thereof the following line: "Trenching Machine Operator . . . . $1.60 per hour" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ,.,,,,,thirty days after its passage and publication. 4k CBy F. W.oPa=r5anto--OrdinanceNo,8785— , � N8818,ifentftled amending Ordlnince fix- ingAn the comp nsatio for emply- rnent in the Ungraded Division, the lsf. i ( SOMI:Unskilled, Labor Division,' approvand e 2nd._ 6 °ed June 22, 1945, as amended. TBE COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF Laid,over to T P1. TAUL hat DOES ORDAIN: Semon Ordinance No. 8618 approved June 22, 1845, as amended, be and the same is .hereby further amend- :^' 3rd. and app. Y ed by sUlking out of Secttoa 1 where k Adopted Ing am�aclyne�ereln, the une ; enttr Operator . Yeas hour:' and by fnserting 'in Lthem - Yeas the - {i Nays Yeas the following Nays Machine Operator Barfuss t Barlus5 Section62, erh1hour" oure shall take V(\ effect and be in force thirty days atter I Findlan 1ta passage ndo publlcatfon. Findlan Yeas Countunen Bartusg Parran- Parranfo / - to, Peterson, Rosen and Truax -5. ( l� / Parranfo Nays —None. Passed by the Council Jan. '29, 1946. Peterson / Approved Jan. 28, )948. Peterson FRED M. TRUAJI, Rosen fittest: Acting Mayor. Rosen R. T. O'CONNELL, Truax City Clerk. Truax (February 2, 1946.) Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss -Ftffdrn -- Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Attest: ............. _-------------- City Clerk 500 17-44 AN 291946 Passed by the Council ................ .... .._.._------ ----- -__.__--- ------------ 1- -------------In Favor -• ...... ...............Against ..AN..f __1`46 Approv d:------------------ - - - SS -y- - r:; is Mayor CITY OF SAINTPAUL Capital of Minnesota r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O Ja mass 9, 1946• Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir. The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance increasing the scale for Trenching Machine Operator from $1.50 to $1.60 per hour as per the attached letter of Commissioner Parranto. Very truly yourss r City Clerk. Q January 8, 1946 Mr. Bruce Broady Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Sirs Under date of December 20, 1945, Council File #134914, Ordinanoe-#8681, was approved, amending ordinance #8616. In reviewing this ordinance it has been called to my attention that the position of Trenching Machine Operator, carrying a rate of $1.50 per hour, wan apparently inadvertently omitted from the list of those titles whose salaries were increased by the above -said ordinance. Would you be kind enough to prepare the neoeaekxy amendment required to increase the hourly rate of Trenching ftchine Operator from $1.50 per hour to $1.6o. Yours very truly, C�-CO-M-I-1 33IO2i13Et PUBLIC IITILITIE3 R. A. THUMA Supt. of Filtration r f BOARD OF WATER -COMMISSIONERS JOHN S. FINDLAN WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, President . MILTON ROSEN WATER DEPARTMENT N. THOMPSON, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ral Manager Capital.of Minnesota WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, Commissioner WILLIAM E. BRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner January 8, 1946 Mr. Bruce Broady Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Sirs Under date of December 20, 1945, Council File #134914, Ordinanoe-#8681, was approved, amending ordinance #8616. In reviewing this ordinance it has been called to my attention that the position of Trenching Machine Operator, carrying a rate of $1.50 per hour, wan apparently inadvertently omitted from the list of those titles whose salaries were increased by the above -said ordinance. Would you be kind enough to prepare the neoeaekxy amendment required to increase the hourly rate of Trenching ftchine Operator from $1.50 per hour to $1.6o. Yours very truly, C�-CO-M-I-1 33IO2i13Et PUBLIC IITILITIE3 R. A. THUMA Supt. of Filtration r f U PORTor AINTFAUL J� 1 Gateway to the Great Northwest THE CITY OF PURE DRINKING WATER I Oriona to C Clerk � C. F. No 1 5tF' . ! h, - ti - Q �! CITY Yello�E? m�wca NO.--. V nssl^ a OFFICE OF '1 tie ''•' V'CLERK ES.OLUTL—CEf1"'RaAL FORM PRN n COMMISSI DATE Santta��t�ClljFj 8 WHEREAS, Adolph Lindstrom, dba Yellow Cab, has made application A36003, for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, eight (8) taxicabs,described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 17 Plymouth P12-55719 11152605 St. Paul Mercury 86 Plymouth P10.Policy #721601,262252 11029113 expiring Oct. 12, 89 Plymouth P10-230809 11009117 II a II 91 Plymouth P12-166130 112011030 92 Plymouth P14-144664 15153302' 93 Plymouth P12-71667 1161221 n n Il 122 Plymouth P14-75570 a 11445172 125 Packard C63036H 1382B42517A n n n ;4MMMRREAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Adolph Lindstrom, • Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar indIan -4'arranto rson 7n x c onoug 500 4-44 JW.1 1. Adopted by the Council_'...._ ............... 194_ --- A ' "t 1 TA / Approved.---- ----_ . .............._194 i - J (� In Favor % --- ------ ----------- Mayor a.- -_---.Against AJOLISHEb 4 /1/ Original to Cit Y Clerk 5 186 CITY OF ST. PAUL co—uNcm NO—. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4WIV'��OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER --�� DATE - January 11. 1946 WMM", Charles F. Orme, dba Capitol City Cab Company, has made application A36g41 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) Packard automobile, Motor 657375, Serial 138238549, Car No. 133, 'covered by Great American Indemnity Co. of Now York, Policy #421323, expiringJanuary / 4. 1947, and WHEMS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City Of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it IMSOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the city of Saint Paul be and the some is hereby granted to Charles F. Orme. C. P. No. 135186. -By Barfuss, Findlan. P cl-nto . Capital Ci SCabCharles COm F. anyOrmhas made ppllettlo 1 for license to operate! as R cab u on the streets the Cl of Saint an a 1. one (1) Packard r-obile, o I r 657375. Seri of 14-111- C- NO covered by Great American Poll No am of New York, 1947. and I iting January 4:1 WHEREAS, Said applicant has flied' . cOff of the insurance and said With, the he ty Of Saint Paul an mid poll - -Y a been Cproved as to orre, and execution the Cc .1. Y rpomu.a, Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate mid'automobile m a taxicab u the streets of the City of Saint _pan, Pan, be and the same is hereby granted to Charles F crane. Now Adopted Council Jan. 11 1946. Informally approved by Council Approved (JanuaryY e an.11. 19.1946. 1946) November 2$, 1945. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "B rfuss I-Findlan -`J?arranto �cterson .............. In Favor ruax r.......-- Against 500 4-44 JAN 11194& Adopted by the Council ............ ......................194--__-_ JAN I 1 10*11 Approved---- .................................----194.----- original to ity Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL sna------- OFFICE OF TRE CITY CLERK '-i COUNCIL RESOLUT—GENERAL FORM 11 PRESENTE4 DATE January 11 1946 COMMISSION WEMMAS, Walter D. House has made application A36055 for license to operate as an auto livery car upon the, streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) Packard automobile, Motor No. X138720, Serial CD1091X1783, Car No, 1, covered by the St, Paul Mercury Indemnity Co., insurance policy CA47023, expiring November 5, 1946, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery car upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Walter D. House. C. F. No. ;35187—By Barfuss, Fh dlan, Parranto-- applicWHEREAS. cattaon A9 Walter for beeense tooperateas an auto ]]very car upon the streets a copy of the insujince policy with the. City of Baht Paul and mid policy -has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counael, therefore. be it RESOLVED, that license to operate 1141d automobile as n auto livery upon the Streets of the City of Saint Paul be nd the aame is hereby granted to Walter D. Renee. Renewal. ftoP .by the Council Jan. 11, 1948. Renewal. JAN II IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............._.........____._....194..---- Yeas Nays Barfuss JAN 1,.1 AP Findlan / Approved ........................ ................. 194.. Parranto Peterson In Favor�--------•----- Rosen n (/ Mayor . Truax ...........__Against en , c onoug 500 4-44 •®•� Orl to city - , CITY OF ST. PAUL F=.I cm NO.-----__- ' G�W u.c ---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKq COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES CO1. M ssEIONE� - DATE JE11Var}j ZZ 19IlFi RESOLVED,: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the salve are hereby granted: H. Tooker 683 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 35594 Hww Old Loc. n n 11 n n Off Sale Malt " 35595 n n n a If n u u Cigarette " 35596 u n u Rodney Eugquist 1559 University Ave. Restaurant "— 36006 " It " William G. Ebert 872 Payne Avenue Grocery " 36196 n n n n u n Cigarette " 36197 u n n Domenico Lopesi,Jr. 414 Broadway Barber If 36309 " Wm. & Joe. Twardovski 221 W. Kellogg Blvd. Gas Station 4P." 36417 u u li Clarence A. Parker 2346 Stewart -Ave. Taxi Driver " 36936 If Ray Swanda 345 University Taxi Driver if 37004 11 Ralph Darwin 700 W. Maryland Taxi Driver " 37005 " Mrs. Alma Herbst 779 Raymond Ave. Cigarette " 37050 " Old Loc. Theodore Fitch 419 Marshall Ave, Maxi Driver " 37073 " Ralph H. Pippinger 195 St. Anthony Taxi Driver " 37173 If Joe Corbey 448 Jackson Str. Cigarette " 37233 " Old Loc. ` C. F. No. 195188-13y C._. Barflies, Flndlan, Parranto— RE'e _V .D, That licenses applied for the persona named on the list t- - t. tached to thfs esolutlol3- . be'-, and the II Game are hereby: �Kilted, and the 7 City. Clerkyis lri¢tYucted to issue such ( licenses upon, {tie payment into the City treasury f the required fee.. - Adopted by nJan. 31, 1848. Approved Jan. then e council Is - (JanUary 19, AN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.... - 194-__-. Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto / Approved--------------------------- --------------194 Peterson ----------- .In Favor Rosen n (/ Mayor Truax TJ• AQrT)nnnilnh --------------Against Pr[IAi9ICn4� 500 4-44 may,® e Original to 07;C-1, n HESOLVEDI That licenses applied for by the Following persona . at the addresses stated be C. F. No_ 135189--33Y Comsrs- i '-'`sem, s' -le r 7npl y Ttrat licenses applied for Minnesota Amusement Co. 22ESOLVED, the persona gamed on the list at- councn. sib NO ____'."""'-- /''�' ttached to this r 1s tion be arced -the Como Ave 8.E_Mp3-s. Fuel Dealer / OFFICt — 'are heret>Y gastrea, aced the issue ch- city li- E. L. Wendt Clerx 3s i^=tructed to - COUNCIL Rcenaes -upon the payraent into the Pees. City " 35524 " 35525 tr try oY the required Adopteded by the Coaaa Jaa_ 3L,. 1946. n 4 ApprovJan_ 11, :1 (January 19. . 19946.) Off Sale Cigarette — HESOLVEDI That licenses applied for by the Following persona . at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted_ Minnesota Amusement Co. 1560 St. Clair Motion Picture App -35104 Renew Eidsmo Fael & Lbs. Co. 3011 Como Ave 8.E_Mp3-s. Fuel Dealer " 35314 " E. L. Wendt 361 Ste46ns street Grocery Malt " 35524 " 35525 " " 11 11 n n n _ n No Off Sale Cigarette " 35526 " Fannie Rosenblum 175 State Street Bakery " 35543 " Daniel M. Vogelgesang 919 Ran8.o3.p3a Ave Tavern It 35623 11 " a n u u ++ n On sale Malt " 3562 f n u it n n n Off Sale Malt " 35625 It n n n Restaurant it 35626 " n u n n n n Cigarette " 35627 Harry Silverberg 145 - Ro-bertsoa Str- It ++ Cigarette " 35697 It 35688 " It n 11 n to n to a Grocery Off Sale Malt " 35699 n M. Cooperman 3.73. E- Robi.e Grocery " 35724 , n 11 u n n Off sale Malt " 35725 n a n of to Cigarette " 35726 " Noah Tomash 459 Grocery Malt " 35727 " 35729 " " n 11 n 11 n n n n Off Sale Cigarette It 35729 " L. F. Perry Coal Co. 201E Liviagstolz Fuel Dealer " 35730 " Patrick Capece 225 W- 7th Street Restaurant " 35816 " " n g a n w n on Sale Malt " 35817 " u n n n n Off Sale Melt " 35818 " n n n n n n Cigarette " 35919 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------- ....................... 194____. Yeas Nays Bartuss Findlan / Approved---------- -- -----------------194 Parranto Peterson ---------- In Favor ---------------------- Mayor r Rosen Truax -------------- AgEiinist 500 4-44 �.® - w 6 OrlQinal to Citi�tuk • ' .qp MF - • � CITY OF ST. PAUL' cour4ctt ,h� FIS NO.--------•------- "` f OFFICE OF THe CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRENTED BY CQMM SSIIONER DATE January 11. 1946 P.ESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Blanch Parrish 752 W. 7th Street Restaurant App.3586 Rea newal n n n a n 11 bu Sale Malt a 35864 a a II it it Is Off Sale Malt1135865 II - a n n of a a Cigarette a 35686 11 James F. O'Gara 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant 11 35994 11 s a a n n n a On Sale Malt of 35995 a of It to of a If It Off Sale Malt" 35996 a n 11 It II 11 11 cigarette of 35997 of Anthony J. Bloechl 173 E. Robie Butcher a 36036 of Leonard & Lawrence Steiner and Mary Gall 1202-04 Rice Street Grocery II 36042 1t of n of if a a It to 1' Butcher a 36043 11 a s n a a a u n a Cigarette a 36044 11 Julius Rosen 224 W. 7th Street Restaurant 1/ 36060 II n a n n n n On sale Malt II 36061 It IS a a s If to Off Sale Malta 36062 II 11 II If of II 11 Cigarette of 36063 a Fred Nachtigall 619 Selby Avenue Restaurant II 36078 II 11 11 II II II On Sale Malt II 36079 II It I1 11 11 11 Off .Sale Malta 36060 11 n It 11 of of Cigarette n 36081 " George A. gohls 738 Thomas Restaurant of 36091 a a n If It On Sale Malt of 36092 I1 11 n 11 n a Off Sale Malt" 3609 a 11 `11 11 11 II Cigarette 11 36094 11 John Rieger 263 Front Avenue Grocery 11 36095 11 n a If a It Butcher of 36096 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved........................ 194 Parranto Peterson .........In Favor -------------------------- ---------------------- Rosen Rosen Mayor Truax --------------Against 500 4-44 �„� .... orlynrl to city Qvlc CITX OF ST. PAUL FILLuncoca No.----------------_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE JaAg= 11 1946 HMSOLVEM That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and`the same are hereby granted:' Tom Skarda 1015 W. 7th Street Restaurant App. 36123 Renewal " 11 s If 11 11 On Sale Malt 11 36124 " 11 11 11 11 i1 11 off Sale Malt " 36125 " u of " to " If Cigarette " 36126 " John J. Wosika 731 Randolph Ave. Restaurant " 36206 s If 0 -M It If On Sale Malt " 36207. to 11 s of of 11 Off Sale Malt " 36208 " If If If Is If 11 Cigarette " 36209 " Anthony Radecki 1111 University Ave. Gas Station 7P. " 36248 " Louis Korsh 485 N. Snelling Ave. Gas Statioa'l+P. " 36265 " e @ Walter Mergens and 'John White 1026 W. 7th Street Restaurant " 36295 of 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 It On Sale Malt 11 36296 1' u of s s of of 11 Is Off Sale Malt s 36297 " _ 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 Cigarette 11 36298 11 William Picha 665 University Ave. Restaurant to 36439 of s s s s s On Sale Malt If 36440 11 s It 11 Off Sale Malt Is 36441 11 " 11 11 11 11 Tavern t1 36442 11 q " If" " Cigarette " 36443 to Leonard Kowalski & Howard Johnson 680 University Avenue Gas Station 4P. " 36537 Walter Stanke 216 University Avenue Gas Station 3F. " 36538 " Ludwig Hatter 1201 Rice Street Gas Station 3P. " 36552 " Phillip Greenberg Co. 276 E..9th Street Junk Dealer " 36565 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................. 194-.---. Yeas Nays Bartuss Findlan Approved.--- --..................-------.194------ Parranto Peterson-------- _In Favor --------------------------- ...........------- ........... Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against , --�t24:' rest en c o 500 4-44 a 9"din.11 to city C,..k c"C°' Iz®®(��p CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_:�.tL1`l. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY BATF' January 11 1946, _ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Mark Madigan 739 University Avenue Restaurant P° App. 3659 Renewal n n n n u On Sale Malt n 3659 n n " of n n Off Sale Malt " 36595 n of If of of 11 Cigarette of 36596 " Verneeta Lindberg 1035 Charles Street Confectionery 0 36610 of n n s " of Off Sale Malt 11 36611 " ,- n of n of of 01,kI to of 36612 of Bernard Gretz 229 N. Western Ave. Gas Station 3P. " 36620 11 P. N. Hillman 436 Selby Avenue Gas Station 4P, 11 36621 " Mary McBride 170 Ramsey Street Milk Store " 36711 " Frank Samec 517-19 W. 7th Street Restaurant " 36725 11 of AI if n If s On Sale Malt of 36726 to it n If n If n Off Sale Malt 11 36727 of it of It of n n Cigarette 11 36729 " Victor Sloat 1022 Payne Avenue Gas Station 3P. " 36947 " Weinhagen Tire Co, 175 Pleasant Avenue Gas Station 2P. ° 36959 11 Leslie F. Wiggins 131 University Ave-, Cigarette " 36914 11 Harry 8ramermsn 1171 Jackson Street Cigarette " 36917 I1 Miller Hospital Nuress Fund 125 W. College Cigarette ° 36919 " Jack Wong 367 Selby Avenue Cigarette " 36940 " Jessie Tatarsky 626 Canada Cigarette " 3695+ " Gabriel Bransil 170 E. Fairfield Cigarette " 37065 of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ------------------------�--�-�-q--�----194 --_-- Yeas Nays JIAN i Barfuss Findlan Parranto Approved--------------- 4 194.----- Peterson _--...-.-In Favor p- -- ----------- Rosen Mayor Truax Againsta 500 4-44 Orlatual to city Clerk ,g r CITY OF ST. PAUL. Musico NO--r—li)a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIONER- _✓,�F'r' DATv January 11. 1946 M013AS, John J. Shomion desires to withdraw application A34396 for On Sale Liquor license at 158 Concord Street, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore be it IMSOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they.are hereby authorized to refund to John J. Shomion the fee of $416.67 and to, cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays $ar ss in an Parr lite i et�rson o '' ..............In Favor ,'1 ruax .............. Against 500 4-44 C. F. NB• 135190—gy Barfuss, Median, Parranto - tVREREAS, John J. Sheraton desires to withdrawanpppplicatton A34396 for On Sale Liquor cense of 156 Concord Street, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city of - I cers be and they are hereby author Iz d to refund to John J. Shcn ion the I ee of $416.67 and to cancel said ap- plication for license. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 1946. (January 19, 1946.) Adopted by the Council -JAN lj.=...194-..... 111 1946, Approved------ -----------..............----...194 I -----•-----• - Mayor orldbial to City Clerk .. NO.------ s r a H CITY OF ST. PAUL w�ricn. O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK JJ'GLi7/cM✓�"/' OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT Samt8r�11 1946 . COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses for On Sias, Malt Beverage, Application A35424, Restaurant, Application A35425, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A 3542b, and Cigarette, Application A 35427, applied for by Mike O'Dowd at 391 Robert Street, be and tne•same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 135191—By Barfum, Findlan, Parranto— Sa1q MOt ,Beverage t Appll eC s for A354Del 1 ReaMalt Bever Sep Aation plication A'35426 and foigbYe.M kepb0'De.don A et 391 aRob t Street, be and the eatre are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1998. Approved Jan. 31, 1998. j.. (January 19, 1946.) New Informally approved by Council Novel7ber 27, 1945 Old Location. JAN 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Con n ;j t ...............................194...... 1 �� Yeas Nays 'T'u t Barfuss Findlan Parranto ------------------...............194 Peterson � - -.In Favor -Approved------ - ... - - Mayor Rosen Truax -..Against Mr. President, McDonough 599 4-44 q�L�Q 99 original to city Clerk' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fd.uwea. NO.--------------- z' O E OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 141 DATE January 11, 1946 m RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 36763, On Sale Halt Bevera#e, application 36764, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 36765, and Cigarettes, a plioation 36766, applied for by Harold A."Belair at 257 E. Fairfield Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 8, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B/s /dlan yl /P�arranto ireterson---- --------- In Favor /fruax--------------Against --W. President, McDonough 500 4-44 y8mp® - C. F. No. 135192—By Barfuss, Findlan, Parranto— RESOLVED, That licenses for Restau- rant, application 36763. On Sale Malt Beverage, application 38769, Off Sale Malt Beverage, pplication 36765, an Cigarettes. application 36766, applied for I by Harold A. Helm, at 257 E. Fairfield Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 1946. (January 19, 1946.) j JAN,1wa Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... uJAm;; % i`q,, Approved ---......------......-----194. JrLl-- --- ...- • --- --. '.- ------ Mayor original to city arr - R r 1� ccnlcm CITY OF ST. PAULr4NO--- -.- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN QED BY ��/��O DATE January 11 1946 41 RESCLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 36893, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 36894, off Sale Malt Beverage, application 36895, and Cigarettes, application 36896, applied for by Yrs. Frances Morgan at 215 E. Filmore Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 8, 1946 Old location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 ,®•0 C. F. No. 136193—By Barfuss, Findlan, Parranto—, RESOLVED, That licenses for Restau- rant, appncation 38993, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 38994, Off Sale Malt Beverage, aFFpllcation 36885, and Cigarettes, applies on 36896, applied for by Mrs. Frances Morgan at 215 E. Fnlmora Avenue, be and the same ere hereby granted... Adapted by the CouncilJan. 11, 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 1946. (January 19, 1846.) JU 11 1946 Adopted by the Council..................................194...... A -j In Favor Approved..------ - -...194--- -p rQ� .Mayor ..... .� J... --.Against oHonal to City - it J cOUNCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fns NO ---- --------------- – n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY y.DAT'- Tatm�rp_]r�1 46 COMM ISS IONE IZ RESOLVED: That licensee for Restaurant, Application A35978, On Ssle Malt Beverage, Application A35979, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A35990, and Cigarette, Application A35991, applied for by Robert M. Sharpe at 440 Broadway Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved. by Council December 13, 19115 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson _G/ ------.In Favor Rosen Truax.. --.Against Mr. President, McDonough' 500 `4-44 C. F. No. 135193—Ry Bartun, Findlan, Parranto- 11F % 1^., That 15`9V C for Reatau- nt, AppllApplic A3597A Cn Sale Malt Bevera8gee, Application A35979. Off Sale and Cigarette, erADplie. cationa AA33991 ppned for by Robert M. Sharpe at 340 Broadway Street, be and the same are hereby Granted. Adopted by the Counen Jan. 11, 1846. Approved Jan. 11. 1949. i (January 19, 1940.) jM 111946 Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 ------ Approved -------- ----- Approved-------- -------- --------- - --......---194 Mayor 1! "A 95 CITY OF ST. PAUL �� `a' NO.-..___............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pATF J'snnary 11. l t� RESULTED: That On' Sale Liquor license, application.. 35423, applied for by Mike O'Dowd at 391 Robert Street be and the same in hereby granted; that the bond filed by Mike O'Dowd is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to iasae Bald license. Inf, approved by Council. November 27, 1945. Old Location'. COUNCILMEN Yeas .Nays arfuss indlan -4-arranto ,T'e't son ffo en Truax �xr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 C. F. 14 - 135195—By Barfuss. Findlan, , Parranta>~- RESOLV£D. That On Sale Liquor n- cense, pplication 35421,pplied for by -Mike O'Dowd at 391 Robert Street be and %k— same is hereby granted• that the 1—cr filed by Mike O'Dowb is hereby pproved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. i Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1946. Appro 2(_Tan.46. TjmUay1.19191946.) JAN 11 ft Adopted by the Councill.�94Y' ...... ................q.....�.:__... ._--.___.194 6N ... 1 1 19'w Approved--------........... ....................194 — ----_In Favor — ._ _-------------------orr May _ __Against 4?rip4nYl to City © c ■ TY of P'-a'Trrma_n,_bt.os-1_ - 9 E ' --- -- - - OFF'IC� OF THE �l�I-it" GLEF2K - - //////''''''������44 NCIL RESOLUTIOAi-y�GENiERAL FORM PRESEIssio NTED B - C OM M NTED EIIIIII 1%i2y'%i67 OArc �Ta nnA�R l�� l � WEaMMpB, H. C. Peterson, dba Yellow Catsmala application b36318, for license to operate as taxicabs upon t7se stx-Bets of tha City of Saint Paul, nine (9) taxicabs described as Fo12ovss s Cab No. Make 2+Sa f or 7Yo _ =� Serial No. Insurance _ 23 Plymouth P1Ci--121364 - 4 _`' 3-6949--;95St. Paul/'Mercury Policy #721601. 25 Dodge -160707 30319421 expiring Oct. 12,19116 70 Plymouth P1'1s 114-4236 111+90-137 1. 71 Plymouth PZZ7-14x771 11492074 72 Desota 1—S10-23057 671 •550316 n n n I 73 Plymouth M-'12-1765 13223070 74 Plymouth b$3e_-r+-A+ _ 1773 15153$50 128 Ford 15-669C>44Z 11A 73B " 129 Dodge b114-11388 n n n W19MMO, said applicant has filed c4cii�aies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have b8aza apgz-oved as to :Corm and execution by the Corporati6n _- Counsel, therefore be 1t - RESOLVED, That licenses to operate safci avtomobilea as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be aar3 t13e are hereby greated to H. C, Peterson, rr�� a"avP :C3 Renewal. JAN 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............ ...................... 194__._._ Yeas - B -- Nays SiIUS9 �UNU� T Findlan Approved.................. - - ......-----.194 - Parranto Peterson --- ='j------- Yn Favor- IJ ------ Rosen Mayor Truax _ _ _ _ _ A gni n S Mr. President; McDonough �LTBI 13HED� _ 500 4-44 y�.0 orional to city Clerk -, -CITY OF 5-r. PAUL ////����t1� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Wq"VI/�.,/*�COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��-/L,yy.�yj DATE 115197 cou.." NC•._ _.. _-. F.1 ___---_--_- WHEREAS, Leo J. Allison has mads application A35764 for license to operate ae a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) LaSalle automobile, Motor 23102669 Serial 1132160036, Oar No. 131* covered by Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Co., insurance policy #540192, expiring September 7, 1946, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corpor4tion Counsel, therefore, be it RMSOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab.upbn the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Leo J. Allison. C. F. No. 135197-33y Barfas Parraato —Findian— WFIEREAS. Leo J. Allison, has made pp"* A35764 for license to op-. erste as a taxicab upon the streets f the City of Saint Paul. one (1) Le-� Salle automobne, Motor 2730288, Serial 1132180038. Car No. 131. —red by Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance - Co.,. •a insurance po icy .Nod 540182, expiring', September 9, 948 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed) a copy of the insurance poncy .with the City of Saint Paul.and mid.,pon- cy has been approved as to form and .execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore. be it RESOLVED. that license to operate said utombile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be Renewal• and the same is hereby granted to. Leo J. Allison. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1948. APProvedJan. 12, 1946. (January 19, 1940.) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194...... Yeas Nays r;it t ll' Barfuss Findlan Approved ------------------------------------------194 Parranto '----------y - Peterson --_ --_..._In Favor -- ----- - --- --• - "' - - Ma or Rosen Truax /' ----Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 *qr.(g ONQimt to i C_ IF. No 131Sl98—$y Harfv Find; gtyjqerk ' - j'• - -Cab. Maas de aPPriaatlon 35; co—cm NO.________ CITY OF S ___�____— l OFFICE OF THE Ci- :jLERK - 1" 04 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�scNERAL- FORM �. _ x° - PRESENTED COMM ° BATF January 10. 194b WHEHEAS. Thomas L. Otte. db4 Yellow Cab. tsar made application 35824 for license to operate as' taxicabs upon the streets of tae City of St. Paul. nine (9) taxicabs described as follows: Cab No. Ma=e Motor Ho, Ser1a1 No Insurance 53 Dodge D19-311+37 303b0150 St. Paul Mercury Policy $721601 Ex. 10-12w4b 54 Plymouth P12-9499 1112571+1 N N 55 Plymouth MO-347t,3-9 11079530 ° r 56 Plymouth P14-3.2991+6 11r+7S581 a N 57 Plymouth P14-11+1S24 15152944 M N 58 Plymoath P3-4-3.43.973 15153033 N s 59 Plymouth P10-3-b74b1 109743ts5 a a 119 Plymouth Mi a4-1631+ 112 S7 918 124 Ford is- b42055b 1941-11-A WHEFEAsaid applicant has Piled copies of insuxrsaca policies with the City of St. Pant and said policies have been approved as yo form and execution oy tue Corporation Counsel, tnerefore. be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxl cabs. upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby grarited to Thomas L. Otte. Renewal. JAN1i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -------------------- _------------- 194------ Yeas Nays JAN 1W) Barfuss Findlan Parranto Approved--------------------------------- -----194 Peterson - _____________In Favor -- --------------------- - - - - - --- ---------------- Rosen_ Mayor Truax ______Against Mr. President, McDonough i¢0 _... 600 444 oawn.l City clerk counen. No ------ ------ ----- __- GITY OF ST- PAUL .'Fl" „ i OFFICE OF THE GITY CLERK (�/{�,,, COUNCIL RESOLUTIOt4—GENERAL . FORM - - PRESENTEDe__ pA JBtlnar9 1C y' has )baba application 3b056 Tor licaase to operate as an - WHEREAS, Charles Actermsn unto livery car upon the streets o:r the Gity of St. Paul, One (1) Buick Serial $o. 313bl.54s -Bar 1Qo- lb, covered by automobile, Motor No. 63292423,- 4422945, expIx, November 30, lyub, Anchor Casualty Co- insvranca policy c. i' and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy oY insnranca policy with the City of St- Pa* and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it to operate said automobile as an auto livery car upon the streets RESOLVED, that license of the City of St. Pant be and the same i s hereby granted to Charles Ackerman- - No- 135199-13y Barfusa—Findlan— _ - Parranto— Charles Ackerman has W j;AS. 3 de,application 36056 for license to - upalate as an auto livery car upon the streets or the City of St. Paul, One (1�2�uicle auto "'i Motor No. ��=1 No. 3116154, C. No. 16, covered by Anchor Casualty Co. insur- . aerobe 30 19446, 472x5. expiring. No. v WBEAEAS. said applicant has filed a copoy S insurance policy with the i'Cit f St_ Paul and said policy has Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Bartuss. Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen g Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 -gap-® �RESOLV£D. that license to operate said automobile a anauto livery car streets of upon the stthe City o£ St. an Paul be d the same is hereby grant - to Claa les Ackerman. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1946. -- Approved Jan. 11. 1946. (January 19, 1946.) JAN 11 1946 Adopted by the Council-- -------------------------------- 194 IAb Approved.. -- ---------------------------194 orlpwl m cit, PRESENTED BO COMMISSION F CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 135200 coUNca NO._.- — --—---------- `— DATE January 10, 1946 w►raRMS,' Edward Reps,.has made application 3o255 for license to operate j4,an auto livery car upon tae streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. Minn -2049, Serial No. 112b3222. Car No. 2, covered by State Farm Mutual, continuous insurance polic $5203987 -Minn., and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of inearance olicy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it IMSOLVED,, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Edward Reps. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto . Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 Q C. F. No. 193200—By Barfuss—Findlan— Parranto— p""t" S.- £dwartj Reps has made application 9live for r upon to operate as auto livery car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, Onetl�plym- outh autom.bne. Motor No. M1�Co 2099. Serial No. 11263222. Car No. 2, vered by State Farm Mutual, continuous in- surance �policy aid o., t7 -Minn., land copy t.of insurance policy with the City apprsovedoas to f.. andnF ecutition eby the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it RESOLVED. that license to operate said automobae as an auto livery car pon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to ;Edward Repa. Adopted by the Council Jan. 11, 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 1946. (January 19. 1946: Adopted by the Cou.AK_.1:.1......................194__.... Approved-- ...... - -- -------------------194-----` --J... -In Favor C i� --- ---- ---. - Mayor Against C_ F_ STo_ 135201-4-13Y Robert F. Peter- - Origlnai to City Cleok • X=t3F OLVED, 'that upon 9=e4.1 the e. �''-- Side Motor Sales de- !'l" _ ____ \" "G ITY Oi cisioa o£ the Commiseionex of Parke a NO__________._.__-.- ` - Playgrouad8 andf Public Bundinge, anti' OFFIGE O)F "=upozi the Favorable 9j. V endadon of 2Y1e Board of Zonin6: the autharear. `czse o£ part of Lot 3, Marlys Rear - Co CSL RESOLES -f -- ease—s o£ Lots a lu.ana lk, Bioe- 5� Lysins Dayton's Addition as a tom- _ m¢rcfal district 1s herebry extended. PRESENTED B J!.=er `- G..r Hursuaat to Para6lFa�h�.",a' of -Section - GOMMIssIONER_—_.. .._..___ _ 20 O£ 2110Zoriing nce to, cover — RESOLVED, that upori app a a1 0 :r tl'1e East Side Motor Sales from the decision of the of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a_nc1 uporx tine Sao -arable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, tine aet2aorized use of part of Lot 1, is tyts Rearrangement oS Z.o t s 9 , X0 anti 11, Block 5, Lyman Dayton's Addition, as a conai.raei-tial district is hereby extended, pursuant to Paragraph "sat' of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, to cover the entire lot , asci s.sid Last Side Motor Sales is given permission to use " saki 10 G for an .addition to its garage building, subject to the cozy ditiora that no windows on the "rth side of the building be pgmTz— - tt;ecl to be open at any time; and subject to the further conditi om. tis>et so =ew or used oars owned by the said East Side Motor Sales abAL3-'1L 'bssi, of _ a® the street for sale and that no care belonging to employes o:e ,ess -Xa eon or owned by� the said company ehsll be parked on Maria Ave - sa<ar WhL csg their ImIldi �J COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays B��a"rfuss iN'indlan W Zranto Peterson /fosen �r x President, McDonough 3NI 9-445 - i ii4EJ - Adopted by the Council.//.��................................ 194.. ___-__A�a-iust Approved.........................- ------..194 Mayor f _ 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS sem. 9, 19146. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that yon draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of East Side Motor Sales for the extension of the commercial zoning on property, described in the appeal, subject to the condition that no windows an the norti% side of the building be permitted to be open at any t Ine . Vary tx' 3 y yours, � �p City Clerk. THE BOARD OF ZONING R'r� 9ry Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 w - '3 - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?6 O 479 COURT HOUSE cc i rH ' o �a ovr d7anuary 8th, 1946• E NTRO J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. METHVEN JOSEPH F. REIMROLO EPN A. TYLER c HARLES A. S-FORU r GEORGE H ,HERROLO Mr. Harry O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the appeal of the East Side Motor Sales for the extension of the commercial zoning on part of their lot to cover the entire lot (.Lot 1,n's Dayton's of Lots 9,10 and 118 Block' 5o Lyman Addition). The East Side Motor Sales bought three lots facing East Seventh St. at the northeast corner of Maria Avenue prior to the passage of the Zoning ordinance. They built a gar�ige building on two of the lots and used the corner lot for parking cars or an on -Sales Auto Lot- The frontage on East Sev-mth Street is zoned for commercial purposes and this zoning extends back 100 ft. The depths of the lots are 130 ft. The zoning of the real lots and the property to the north is, therefore, "C" Residence, In order to build an addition to the present garage building covering this lot 40 ft. x 130 ft., it is necessary to have the zoning on the front part of the lot to cover the rear. This is a commercial business to be encouraged th nagoing oon Min ariapAvee to of l000kk atales cares theot ilbtpwillnbecoming enclosed in a building, and all operations will be carried on within the building. We are advised that the On -Sales business will be carried on by this same co pany on the south side of Seventh Street if a permit is gr d. The Board of Zoning recommend that this appeal be granted in order that the entire lot may be used for the extension of the present garage building. This can be done under par."a" Saction2oof the Coning ordinance which reads es follows : nVihere a use district boundary line divides a lot in a single ownership permit a use authorized on either portion of such lot to eatend,to the entire lot." yo ve p Oeooxge Ham. errold.__ � v \ gh-rh Engineer Secretary. MOTOP. SALES r.+sz stvr'Nril ,r, nvn �.I n,un n�', ip. . __ 5_A_INT PAUL 6. MINNESOTA n TONER 4405 December 28, 1945 St. Paul City Council City Hall St. Pa'd 2, idinnesota The Honorable Council: ^ zoning of the north Vill you please change the thirty feet, of Lot One of idarty's Re -arrangement of Lots 9, 10, and 11xBlock 5, Lyman Dayton's Add. -- to 1 be changed from a ,4ftldistrict zoning to a commercial district. This lot has been used for twenty-five years as a used car lot and we now wish to build a new building thereon. Very, truly yours EAST/OTOR ES BY (//j resident L CIN hr �1 , fart. 10 City PRESENTED BY GO M M ISSIONER.._.-____._ WHEREAS, due to the wsr comparatively Yew cavrzstz-uc'Gec2 3a the City of Saint Paul housing unite have been since the commencement of 'the wsr , which ax -e greatly insufficient to meet the ordinary demand Por housing; and WHEREAS, the population oP tYse 0313y or Saint Paul has; since the commencement of the war , i.acress eti at a greater than normal rate; and WHEREAS, due to the suciderx a13ic1 urianticipated ending of the war, large numbers of men and wom6r1 have returned and are return- ing from the military service sric3 3=Leed places in which to live and which do not exist; and WHEREAS, these conditioris create and have crested a critical shortage of housing accommodations mor all oY the residents of the City oY Saint Paul to the eaters'.. that returning service men, fami- lies of service men, and other perso=as of low income groups are and will be without places in w23Lic1nL to live; and WHEREAS, existing housing cozzditions are overcrowded to the extent that many are unsafe asci irxsariitary and detrimental to human welfare; and WHEREAS, the existence oS cozic331t1_ons in the way of insuf- 735202—By Fred 'A'ruax— n— OFFI OF THE CITY GLERK B etliss—Milt n g la—, rt F. Peterson—Sohn S. Flndla�—, COUNCIL F2ESOLCJTlO1�I�EhiERAL FORMarranto— 'BEBEAS. due W the ar en• - - -_ ' .hingg .oafew ous const u•; constructedin rye C3`- sthkhthe = -- , iSr — hi h emergency exists by reason oP irisuPPicient on a mational scale, and lzas t aTseri act ion to alleviate the nation- al housing shortage by Purr2.3.s1nirx1K WHEREAS, due to the wsr comparatively Yew cavrzstz-uc'Gec2 3a the City of Saint Paul housing unite have been since the commencement of 'the wsr , which ax -e greatly insufficient to meet the ordinary demand Por housing; and WHEREAS, the population oP tYse 0313y or Saint Paul has; since the commencement of the war , i.acress eti at a greater than normal rate; and WHEREAS, due to the suciderx a13ic1 urianticipated ending of the war, large numbers of men and wom6r1 have returned and are return- ing from the military service sric3 3=Leed places in which to live and which do not exist; and WHEREAS, these conditioris create and have crested a critical shortage of housing accommodations mor all oY the residents of the City oY Saint Paul to the eaters'.. that returning service men, fami- lies of service men, and other perso=as of low income groups are and will be without places in w23Lic1nL to live; and WHEREAS, existing housing cozzditions are overcrowded to the extent that many are unsafe asci irxsariitary and detrimental to human welfare; and WHEREAS, the existence oS cozic331t1_ons in the way of insuf- ficient ire rniaLnd tcontinuation haasps unrest, which thereof will create, xtraoraifssary 'Ghe ecWd safety are and will be detrimental to health , and general t2ze City or Saint Paul; and welfare of all the 1nhabitan'Gs oP WHEREAS, the Federal Losrerruaezzt Yeas taken notice that an housing accommodations emergency exists by reason oP irisuPPicient on a mational scale, and lzas t aTseri act ion to alleviate the nation- al housing shortage by Purr2.3.s1nirx1K municipalities with temporary both and independent housing units, but which s -squires complementary action by the City of Saint 3PaLu3 iri order to take advantage thereof; and COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved 194 Findlan Parranto Peterson --------------In --------- v '-- Mayor Rosen _ Truax______________Against KMT TSTTI?Il_ -- Mr. President, McDonough 3M 9-45 app 4D_,4 a1 40-1ty Cle,k •- _r CITY OF ST_ PAUL coErvca NO ------ -------- .--------- a.� OFFICE OF' THE ^iTY GLT=RK. - COONCIL RESOLUTION i=1V ERAL FORIv1 P R ESEIVTEO, BY COMMISSIONER ...... _....... — c2i WHEREAS, it is believed, and 'trie Coti*zcil of the City of Saint Paul finds, that a sudden aril emergency exists, as hereinbefore set forth, which it is riecessary to meet in order to protect and promote the .public welfare , comfort and well-being of the City and its inhabitants therefore be it RESOLVED; that the Mayor arx4i Comp roller are authorized to borrow, for the foreggoing purpo se , tiae sum of One Huridred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), payable ane y'e4ss3L- Yx--om the date of Said loan,'with interest not exceedirag 0% per 49Lr1zx%zm, aria to execute and deliver to the lender the promissory zoo t e o f 'Wie City therefor; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pro ctat ecds of said loan be credited to Special Fund, Code 1085, Hous3r3Lg vmea_ rgericy, and be used in such amounts and at such times as tits Courac i1 , by reeolut ion, shall direct, for temporary housing to alleviate the housing shortage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays SS �irxdlan /i'arranto terson 14fosen x President, McDonough _3M 945 Q JAN 11 190 Adopted 'by the Council ---------------------------------- IN-.--- Approved-- -- -- ----------------- ----------------194---- . ------------- Ia Favor - -- - - - -- -- ...................--- - Mayor --------------- Hai ns t Ori¢fnaf to City Cleric , - CITY 01= ST_ PAUL OFFICE `OF- TH1= GiTY CLERK COUNCIL RE'sOLL FORM PRESENTED BYAsk COMMISSIONER.-_-----T COUNCIL RFISOLVED, that tiro case oP time Theater Section of the Saint Paul 1a given the Ways and Means Committee oY Sslzst �osepYm• s Academy Alumnae Association On January 26 C eve -ming) and January 27 (-afternoon) 1946, upon p8ym4ezm1t; of the c ost of open- ing and operating sa3c3 on said dates. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar. as 1n an ar n t o son , ru r President, McDonough am 9-45 .gyp �_--`Against C. 11. -Mo. 135203 --By P—d M. rna Tx— RFSOLVED, that the use of the 'theater Section of the Saint Paul Au- ditorium - given the Way. and Meana Alumtca¢� Association of Saint Joseph'.nJanuarye 26 (evening) and January 27 (afternoon) 1946, upon payment of the ,coat of up- ezl3ng nd operating said sectlon on said dates. Adopted by the C -CH Jan. 11, 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 1946. (January 19, 1940.) DAN I 11946 Adopted by the Council ----------------- ----------------- 194------ {,{ rll6 _l Approved-------------------- ................. ....194 - Mayor M CZZ [ T Y OF -SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O Jan. lo, 19U6. N Mr. Bruce J. Broa.cl;y- Corporation Couffi e1 City Hall Dear Sir: The City rbgn,ested that you prepare s resolution granting the reojaest of the Wa_wm and Means Committee of Saint Joseph's Aca"My Alumnae Yor the use of Theatre section of the Auditorium the even; 3c3o of am=p 26th and the afternoon of Jan. 27th for the presentation of t2ze Film "Here Is Ireland", as more fully set out in the aictac&3Low-M latter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly- yours, ✓- City Clerk. fl DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUA%. 6FEAKE3Dow.ame�mKal CARL E. . DeTun MUNNICIPAL AlJE31TORIUM EDWARD A. FUR'RaNI.. --IN THE HEART OF THE SMOPPtNG ANO HO_Vllm . D.STRtGT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET -Ar SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Talephonm cnra.w 7167 ...yam... ''� The Convention Ensemble AAED7A—d7,000 B,l u Feet js tix 16.000 Ira Blak 10OX221 Fx.—ITION HALL Is 000 S_ F.% Every Sarvtaa AUDrrOIt11 IUTHEATRE Soatiaa 2.000 Complete stag Au 14— STEM HALL seuX-oom Complete atc¢e Sesta 1260 BAMS= ALL Seats 650 2 HALLS Seataaa 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOM$ sEBVICFs AVAHABLE AL -C Cntrent 110-220 Volb Si -ale and 2 -Pham D -C CatrrmDt 110-220 Valu Telephone-Tele¢rnDh Y. A_ S,at— Iadnred Drat" Flu. for Combustion Mahi—T .at and Cold Water Dui. C... 0— Gas, steam Co—V—d All Jsauary 9 s 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, ConwLtBaioner Department or Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request froal lt[iss-Texoxiiea M. Healy, chairman of the ,Rays nand Meaxss Com■i ttee or Saint Joseph's Academy Alurmae Association, rco= the use of the Theatre section January 26 (evening) and Tsauaryr 2e7 ( afternoon) for the presentation of the film *'Here 2s Ireland" at the cost of opening and cparatixig� Accordingly, with your approved f recommexad that resolution be introduced granting the Ilse oT t2ie 'I'Yleatre section January 26, 27, 1946, to Saint Toseph• s Aoademy Alummae Association at the cost of openiag aacl operating. Thanking you, I a-, Yours waxy t MRu 1y SAINT P AU 'T'O Z3M FAF:Kr Edward A. Flirai Maaager i 1A I� CRY •Qrdinanc� .No. 8108 04011awl to Clfy Clark An Robcr11362D�ordillonce oinendln ' 6890, entitled, 8 Ordinance No. O K D "An ordinance for the li K t pro 11119 the public heallhos�le� ty, order, convenlence, ;prosperity and general welfare by providing !or the classification, regulatlon and restriction of the location of trades` /vl / J and industries and the height and O l f t' J bulk of buildings hereafter wected PRESENTED 8Y ,+ t. An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of pro- moting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regu- lation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum sire of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is so emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Slayton's Linwood Park Addition, located at the northwest corner of Victoria Street and Jefferson Avenue, from "B" Residence to Commercial District. - Section 2, This ordinance ie hereby declared to be in tergencq ordinance rendered neoeeeary for the preservae tion of the public pane, health and 88f itys Seotion 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be Urom and after ite.paesage and publication, l 1st. I 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. and app. J �—�Ad.pl.d� Yeas ZB.,fBarfuss Nays Yeas IN � Barfuss �/ Fi n Findlan E arr. toParranto Peterson Peterson osen Rosen - Xuax Truax �Mr. President McDonough / Parranto r"="�'�`���,•.r ( Peterson Rosen Truax -114rr-Presideat-(McI7oYYougfi"�" Attest. City Clerk 500 12-" JAN 31 ; Passed by the Council...... .......................... Cn ......... ...... ---........... In Favor p - ................Against Approved -- --� tlY - L46. ....... ---.......... ................ --- --------- Mayo eLIBLISIEL :2 1110 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caplta) of Mirmesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SLJRE^U OF RECORDS O Jealuary 9, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Ccm%-x%ci1 requested that you prepare an ordinance providing for the rezoairag of I+ots 9 and 10, Blocic 1, Slayton's Linwood Park Addition., locste8 at the northwest corner of Victoria St. and Jefferson Ave- s from "B" Residence to Commercial District. Very truly yours, City Clerk. �•�Y a� THE BOARD OF ZONING s Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE December 21st, 1945• DERNARO J. MOGLV NN -y- L. MEYH VEN JOSEPH F. REIMDOLO ., EPH A.TYLER CHARLES A. pA55FOfeO GEORGE H.c HER HOL^.r Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of rezoning tYo lots at the northwest corner of Victoria and Jefferson - 80 ft* on Victoria and 195 ft- on Jefferson. This is "B" Residence Zoning. The Board of Zoning has previously recommended the rezoning of two corners at this intersection onthe bpleH that there was a necessity for a business development the only thing we now find on these two lorners are seven billboards - see map attached. We have contacted the owner of�the herhasreubmitted Ray p. Lauer, to find out stat onewhichshe intends to build plans for asuper-filling oned,the filling station plans as soon as the land ise the material. The plans submitted approved and he can g e station house which will by Mr. Lauer are satisfactory- Th ft- from be 78 ft. long sets back 40 ft. from Victoria and 35 the property line on Jefferson. There are we be to onedriveway off of Jefferson,with applicant ne160 ft statesisland atwhe exppects to off of Victoria. The pe wean of his filling station which establish store building will set �istreet same as station that patrons may parhtarson hisland between thefrntof the store buildings and the street line. ,The Board of Zoning recommend that this rezoning e be approved. , ' ' P yours very truly, I1 t GEORGE H. "'t,ERROLD• Engineer secretary• gh-rh P. E. WDERMOTT JOHN S. FINDLAW Deputy Commissioner Commissioner -_ `_-- iTy <::>F SAINT -PAUL Capstal of Minnesota DEPART ME.NT OF FINANCE LEONARD C_ Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A_ JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M_ "ySTROM, Chief Cashier 2�ovembsr 27, 1945 To the Couacil City of St. 1Pau3 - Gentlemens 0 I have ahecicftd tie petition attached hereto, filed is the matter of re $oaiag Lots 9 sad 3-4::>- B33c. 1, Slayton's Linwood Park Add. located oa aort'1�rest corner of ➢IeFferson Ave. and Victoria St from ^B^ Residaace to Commercial and find that ssme is sufficient . Yours very truly� John S. Findlan ` Commissioner of Finance I St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 17, 19451- n nurt Hous,-!, st. -P-jul, Minn - G qI'Ll =;ii en: t,t-_ach.,,i you will find a petition r,3quest- -ibed property. nsr th r _-.LDning of described AS 7 huv - more th.n _sary i,wn-thirds 3:gn by p ry t y -,)v n 1 -s, within the one hundred ileo-nnsicii�rinr thefact that al - P _,j rty ;it. this i.nI.,_-rsk!ction has b -,n I %voulJ appreciate your acting on this matter in my favor. Yours truly, gay .4. Launr, 80P) James Ave.: SL. Paul, 'Olnn. ' AW Sty Paul, Minnesota To the ionornble, JF /�/• The City Council, St, paul, Minn. Gentlemen 19t5�i+r REMN� PJe, the undersigned owners of twog irds of thAev al descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, of t}�, zpl estate of ted, have. acquiesced herein, end we, ownors of 50, or' *e`'� �; Font age to be r�- c1,�.5sified, petition your Honorable Body to cha �,, �'?�4owing doscrib,'d prop.rt•y ; S L'iY!GCN ' LiW';'C0j PARK :1u�D.. Lots 9W 31ock_1_ from a : _, ic'i..+ llf,strict to a This petition is made pursuant to S, action 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition / •STH+.kA,rl G 4',_ r� ni I l -jy 'V) V v f v e f nesots ) SS Co LLnt of R"mje.fµl being first duly earorn, deposes and says at'.i: is t e person who circulated the within petition consisting of_age_; +hn*. the herties described nbovp nr_ the owners reapectiv..ely, of the lots Dlnce - following reach n�uae; th��t this petition was eiKncd by evh o1' said ouTers in thn presence of this affiant, and that. the signptures Rbove n; w- • • • t' • •� or Gi EN ERAL OFFICE " HAf? iR i50N 8� LOOMIS STREETS CHICAGO �3oveml� r 25, 1945 City, Council Paul St. 'Paul , Miar3L6 s os Gentlemen: We own a pia ce o z� property on Jefferson A„enue near pleasant in St maul, dasor:j-bed as follows: ^Lots 3` —2-3 Bloa1- 3 Slaytons Linwood Parr Addition" We understasid neighborhood at the present time is zoned ^B -RB 992!-- a cience" and it is satisfactory with us to have t'ze property rezoned "Commercial"— Yours very truly, Inc. Genera - General Oudoor Advertising Co., E.M.Ha10s c FS Se ere ta ry-Trea surer r L orlelaal W Cay elarx CITY OF ST. PAUL ---------------- _" iF�F74=E OF THE CITY CLERK 3 L. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORK! - - COMM SSEONE�/� GATE J 3s- 2746 C.F. No. S RESOLVEDRESOLVEDPo 135^^ By Milton 12osea- . REOLvEn 'Asst the Nox-th ra States :wer G mpaaly be q,en install 1-40 Yoot pole on - th.e i sout2a I side of Front d , between jp d Sy1- an analso install rl an1-46 foot pole oa athe south of Fz-out, between pax -lc and ice, with necessary pays, anchors nd wires. Poles and wires to moved when - requested to do so by _ .the Common Council and ost f sal$ t removal to be borne by the Nor-tYiexa _ S Fps Power Company- - Adot d b o-��- P y the Council Jan_ 11. 7.444_ APProved Jan- il, 1946. (January 19, 1946-) That the NortAk=kAawm- = States power Company be given permission to 1-40 Foot pole on the sonth side of Froati 7s b-wEaw tureen Paris and Sglvan and also install 1140 moo -A--- pole on the south of Front. be — ween Park *3==V3EiL -Mce. with necessary gaps. anchors and wires. PQZB s sad wires to be removed `rhea requested to ds by the Common Council and cost of .said to` -be borne by the Northern States Power Co MY - Estimate +376PL&--WP- f JAN 11 1946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194 -_---- Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved ----------------- ------------------------194 Parranto Peterson - '----------- - ----- - - ----------------- Rosen Mayor Truax --- ___Agai'.nst Mr. President, McDonough 3M 945 �® Di1Q1OL1 t0 CIt9 QRtIi , .- COUNCfL � ��fd� �'� �� CITY OF S't'_ PAUL t*tt..E IVO----------------------- . ICE OF THE: CITX CLERK COU AL FORM PRESENTED BY ` OA -r- .T�.„r��� 2• 15 -_-_ COMMISSIONER Ap- C- F. No. 135206-33y Milton Rosea- 1tESOLVED, That tiac Norther— States Power•. Company be �3ven meson to i—t n 1-40 fot pole oa the west side of Mendota. south of Pitla necessary guys. anchors sad wires. oles d wire to be rerrioveH when BE$CItOEI1 requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of removal to be borne by the Norther- States Power COmpany- >='Q* No. 37645. Adopted bythe Council -T— 11. 1946. Approved Jan. 11, 4 196- (January J. 1946.) That the Horthera States Power Company be given permission to iast4eL3L2 3,740 foot pole on the rest aids of l+Leadota: .oath of Minnehebaw with aecesssarg &�UYss anchors and vires. Pole aacl w ---res to be removed when requested to do so by the Common „ Council and cost of 8sid removal to be borne by the gorthera States Power Company. Estimate # 376+5 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson - Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough" 3M 945 4QWQ .. In Favor --------------Against Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------- 194...... Approved-------------------------------------- ---194. .. ----------------------- - -------- '" M ayor NOTICE ' • C_' F. W. 135207— TO ■ . BE.SOLVED, That. aheeka t. drawn oa �OUNCIL FILENO. PRINTER COV araouat�of 519.5?5.93.�coveringQ M! -a ]—red 43090 to 43061 inclusive. as a nun ry 10 194— 6 -pe•F checks on file in the office of the city omptmller. ---- Adopted by the Councll Jan. 11, 1946. RESOLVED, THAT CH EC FES �E ORAI Approved Tan. 11, 1996. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1 (January 19, 1996.) 29,52 COVERING C1—; KS NUMBERED— TO, �3 62 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIE TY COMPTROLLER. �j- �' /'/J ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 194— — 77 APPROVED - 194—`BY— z a U J = o � j O m F W K O Z 0cm m In Q m 5 z rc 3 W Z Z Q ¢ m { In Q m 5 d O O Mtt1 .j .r�1 QyI C �L3r � o.�"�.� �ir4 .c �. l.i O �i, a3 :�--*•l !+�\mm C O � ��ao ir�c. W m aWim Q -_ _. _.. __ _ aD %D r/ ICU V N N l+�'ro 3 �r'1l0N Mg � 'MM :O __ = u eLL11 t�! .J m M N SAN - ¢ O 1-• .; To !Q {Wi YISO!'4 Z W �m -owl d P6 cv- 3Q sa W Ra o o $as a• S•i.. o a it W 0• 0 $4 0 0 0 !1 'a'e eo-s �� M s. ss. s=. O K LL O -.4 C:3. ��� 10p O .4 57 Q .M M 94 �0rAOOdOqp ;7. • - Q z ..FyyF • O .4 O ��ae .a� _�_� ��.0 >. w -gQ ya.o pW■. O 0r4 Me t0 t? FWxy in r$2+ a+ w •a o a .. --swsem. a.040 ri o .4 q M a+ q f3- t� � � W Or O � �� � �• S►Cfl' +. i3 - Z 9 d Y A O O O - • a� a� r�y� rt t'Z i. pa. O 0 o Is. . of o av ai c 0'� ge o o N M - spa as .a Ow s. ars n 000 pp pQ {{F1r4 14 "Ivs.Cleo 9t•a o 7a1 ►a .9 p+ AS a is p., c! M v m r1 N Oy¢e ', _ z -. MMIMMMMMMMMMMMMt�'�i�'3 - !�\tom\!•\M - W6 aty clerk 3521 VCOUNCR CITY OF" ST_ PAUL No ------ _----------------- ��. OFFICE OF' TH)= GiTY- CLERK C®UNCIL RESOLLJTIOI�I GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_____— RESOLVED, that the prop ®r =1 t y ox' F is er s b e author- ized and directed to draw a wsrrzLzxU iza the sum or $25.00 in favor of the ClerY of t2s4a lituuicipal Court. being re- instatement of bail money -thru mimxumclerstanding by Alois G. Schwann end paid into Ukxm Cit y Treasury when he failed to appear oa Jarixxarg :3L2, 1946 to answer to a charge then pending against lalan, tla a HoZx - z?oydsa S . Dane, Judge of Munioipal Court,havang recowrwnaad4sc3 that sacci bail money be reinstated and the case again placed cm the calendar for trial. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss .X_ Parranto Peterson R Truax Mr. President, McDonough 31%1 0-45 ..®Q --Ila Favor c ------------- Agai ns t Adopted by the C601115 lox ... ............._194-_--- kN Approved------- -. -----'- --------------.194 - { - -----"---- ' Mayor o r COUNCIL -----• o,rjgtaar to City Clerk F NO. - CITY OF ST. PAUL , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - _- imr—oe'l_ FORM - 9 RESOLVED, that the City enter Sato a contract with the County or Ramsey for the period beginning January 1, 1946 and terminating December 51, 1946, pro- viding that the services of the City Civil Service Bureau be used by the County of Ramsey, the County to provide and pay. the salaries of one -senior Assistant Civil Service Examiner and one Senior Clerk Stenographer m d to pay for all other expenses incurred thru such additional work. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parndi9W ranto Peterson PEI Truax Mr. President, McDonough ...In Favor ----- Against `5 AN 1-s l Adopted by the Council._. ................194 Approved --------------------------------------194 ........ --------- ------------ Mayorr OrIG,ln a to city Clark , Y O -- CITY ST. PAUL 2-uuwcm OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CO><--fl'�iCI_L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '•!6 PRESENTED BY SATE 4� January 1y194 COM M ISSIONE RESOLVED: That Gas Station c®nse -f7b97, expiring October 11, 194b, issued to Walter J. Sah1 at SX*!j Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred ta- E. Weeks at the same address. , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss " P INZ71ST Parranto Peterson Asea Truax Mr. President, McDonough SOO 4-44 .Q C. F. No. 135216—By Barfuss—Parran- �. to— RESOLVED. That Gas Station License No. 7687. expiring October t11. IMP.is- sued to Wal JVahl hereby ransferred to andthe Weeks at the ' Adopted by the Councn Jan. 15. 1&16. same address -j. ApprovedfJaJa ry5. is,N1948J JAN 15 Z Adopted by the Council ....:..:.......... ---------------- 194------ ...-.JA JAN' Approved----- ...-----......-------- ---------194 ---- In Favor ` ---- ------ -- -- Mayor -------Against Orillow to city cl- - �- CITY OF ST. .-PAUL _ cou"' v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " DOLTII�iC�L RESOLUTION—GENERAL PciFT M D Y PRESlCOMMI COMM155i ER. GATE January 14, .1g4b RESOLVED: That licenses app3L3-ed for lay the following persons at the addresses stated be and the saris are hereby granted: Gordon Chergee 1951 University Ave, Barber App. A 35668 New O.L. Harold B. Base: sa 1102 W. Larpentenr Grocery " A j6023 'n n a ~ Orr Sale Malt " A 36024 n n ■ w " e w e Gg.s Sta. jP. " A 36025 n n a e Cigarette " A 3bO2b " " Ray L. Stevens 80 7tY+ So. Cleveland Grocery " A 3bO33 " u James G. Wayae n n w a s Butcher " A 3b034 " it Norman W. Newnlsa 277 W. Kellogg Oil Burner " A 3b3b7 a Louie D. Horne S M. bth St. , Rm 410 Pawnbroker " A 36934 n Raymond Warner iT iT=L3E34a �i 226 SO. Exchange Grocery " A 36837 " " OYF Sale Malt " A 31939 " n w e Cigarette " A 36939 e u Charles L. Olsoa 3.050 Payne Avenue Gas Station " A 37020 " " Doris & Miram Hance ----@ 1133 Bice Street Cigarette " A 51345 n n Joseph *d.- Lat=oia 11.5 E. Hoyt Motor V. Driver " A 31351 " James P. Morri sozi 110 Como Avenue Mo Lor V. Driver " A 3(371 " C. No. 131=11—By Corne,re. narfus J par,ranto— by1tESOLV1M That l3cea the persona ses applied for namedon the list at. tacked to this resolution be sad the aame Clerk amihnsstttry ytegrana d• and the City erases upon the issue such ]1- tr¢asury of the r payment into the City eq, red fees. Adopted by the: -1413 Jan. is, 1946.) -approved Jan. 15.0 61 - (January 29, 1948.) . .COUNCILMEN p� Adopted by the Council. .A-- .... ... .......... ._--194.._... Yeas Nays Barfuss .. - irrdt��— Approved ------------------------------------------ 194.---- Parranto Peterson _5�__ ------ In Favor�__�__________ -Rosen y - Truax ------ Against Mr. President, McDonough E-00 4-44 ,® to-- a RPPned for cour+cti g�pLV£D. gnat m¢d on the list at- caE o CitY C• GI by i_ -¢solution be and City . Ya Y' ted. aad such OFFICE ciesy.e' a tr.�ic -unto issue such it ted ¢at into the City �_�=o kaon tri¢ ;; Y;j red- fees 1946. COUNCIL R tre— of the r¢`7 the Council Jan. 15. .4 A£yppted by 14 Ap s'oved Sas- 15• 194j946-) JBtigar (SanuafY 19. COMMS TONER lied forYollowing persona at the addresses stated RESOhVED: That license applied be and the same are hereby A!Pv'a R= zeds _ Superior Packing Co. 2�C�-25j WabasiM Slaughter. House App. x495 Renewal - 10� 3 p�n43 luel Dealer.. ^ 35577 " A. A. Carlstrom & Son y a 3 21 fl Z3 Grand Confectioner92G " Clarence J. Thomas s a Off Sale Malt a 35923 " a is n Cigarette fl " q ' 2 Grand Gasoline Station " 35972 " Ernest J. Rebut & Howard T.l p��t3- 9p3 „ Original Cont. ^ 3573 n n Archie J. ROY 27_t32 Como Gas Sta. bP. " 35881 a ^ 35910 " �2fl Randolph Bakery n 35911 " Richard Schuster n Cigarette e n " X32 W. 7th St35913 . Grocery " 35912 " Frank J. Pi1neY n Blitcner " Off Sale Malt 35914 " Cigarette " 35915 " e Station 35959 " Arthur A. Carlatrom 23�j Wo. Snelling Gasoline n Broadway Grocery " 35972 " n 35973 James Rotondo �3 p Off Sale Malt a 35974 " ^ " a It Cigarette n n q g, P, Walters & R. J. O •�� 1333 University 2nd Rd. Auto Dir. " 3�4 673 Selby Barber ^ 3t1035 " Crisis Thoreaon " 336 n s570 Greed Barber Emil gludt a 3b069 n �7b Arcade Cigarette Mrs. Celia I;ybacic Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - ---- 194...--- Barfuss - Approved-------- - -------------------------- Parranto -- - - - - - - ------In Favor---------------------------------------------------------------•-Mayor Peterson --R-e i _________Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 ®. oltain" W Q14 Cerk { ��1 s CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uncn. NO.___-!__'f_:!-�.'..^'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " Page 2 - COUFiCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^,, PRESENTED BY January 14 19}6 COMMISSIONER _ p'4-r� Gladys Leininge bOb. Selby Coafecti.onery App. 30088 Renewal n a p " Cigarette " 36089 " Samuel Far sht 976 Grand Gr o C_- -0 rg " 3b196 " - n n n n Butcxtar " 36197 " n a n a Cigarette " 36198 " Herman Winnicl_- 411 Robert C;3roce3ry " 3b232 " n n " n Butcher " 36233 " William Supora3l_ d=dc 1340 Grand Grocery. " 36257 " p fl n n BMt ¢her" If 36256 " pff Saxe Malt " 3b259 " n n n n Cigarette " 36260 " Frank J. 1331E Randolph Grocery " 3b2bb It " a K a Biz t c2aer " 3b207 n n n n n Ofi' Same Malt " 3b2bg " n a 11 a Cigarette " 36269 " Louis F. Horai 914 Randolph Gsa3 Sta. 3P. " 36270 " Theresa Klein Gass_ Stampfle 1017 Front Grocery " 36275 " a a a a a Katcher " 3627b " Nick Ballas Harry Robert sow^�� n M a a a a William C. Sto �- 'Elmer J. SoePg�er Sam Donna a a a a:. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss �i-rrdlHri� Parranto Peterson --Rasen Truax Mr. President, McDonoia 500 4-44 qjffiq!y.O 185 E. 7tn St. Cigarette " 3b305 " 1(84 E. Minnehaha Ee staurant " 36394 " a a oa Sal a Malt If 3b395 " e " C}YP Saxe Malt " 36396 " n n Cigalrette " 3b397 " b5 E. 9th CYas Stagy 4P. " 36409 " 1342 Pt. Douglas Rd. Cr�r=L s Sta. 3P. " 36410 " 600 Canada Grocery " 36414 " a n OfY Ss1e Malt If 36415 " CIL garatte " -36416 If Adopted by the Council.._..............__...........194...... Approved ------194 - --------------In Favor - -- - - ---------------------- Mayor ..----.-..--_Against o -- orlQinml to CIV Clerk _ - GATY OF ST_ PAUL - C> F—IF 9 4-- ]—=: AULOFFIGIE O?F THE CITY CLERK a Page 3 COUNCIL 1=2>E'.S�LLJTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISS IONER4: -Samlary LATE. 14. 1946 -- Harry H. Benson S37 Randolph Gas Sta. 2P. APP. 3615$ Renews] Norman AlorechtA9 Thomas Cigarette " 36459 " Pare Oil Co. Z€336 Grsnd Gas Sta. 6P. " 36480 " S. Cleveland GeLs Sta. 4P. " 36482 " Bernard gnoff 3 S. Cleveland Gas Sta. 5P. " 36489 1 George Criss 1S3f3 Wnite Bear Ave. Cigarette " 3b490 " Herold G. Bakke ZC=-Orj Univereity. Cigarette " 36491 " Vincent Gangl S lj9 Thomas Restaurant " 36510 it On Sale Malt n 36511 n q n sa a Off Sale Malt " 36512 " ^ ^ sw a Cigarette it 3b513 " Marty Glynn Z2L>0 W. 7th GaB Sta. 3P. n 36540 n Richard A. Pariseatl SEGO Hodson Rd. Gas Sta. 3P. " 36560 " A. L. Johnson - Z 32i j Burns Restaurant " 3b594 " a n a On Sale Malt " 36585 " ^ ^ as a Off Sale Malt " 36566 " a Cigarette it 36567 " C. Monsour & Co. State St. Grocery " 3b590 ^ ^ slw a Botcher " 36591 n Herman gofka *—¢U 'N. Western Grocery " 36606 " Butcher ^ 3bbO7 " a n a Off Sale Malt " 36606 " n n Alm a Cigarette " 3b6o9 " Wenzel Lunak --N-2S}i W. 7th Grocery "3bb45 " a 41 a if Butcher " 36646 n n it ww a Cigarette " 36647 ^ Pari Drug Co. , Ina. M- 5-72 N. Sne'l Ci �tte . " jbb " COUNCILMEN op ed by to ouncll.................. ---------------- Yeas Nays Barfuss --Fitldisn--- Approved----- ..._.... ----- ----------.....194. Parranto Peterson- - - - - - - - - - - - n Favor--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Mayor Truax _Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .484-Q 40r16ina1 to City perk CITY OF ST. 'PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .1� No ---- --- ---------- - page 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - DATE- JaM%M 14 194b' COMMISSIONER 997-99 W, 7th Grocery APP- 3bb98 Renewal " Stanley Machoves a Butcher " 36699 " a Alvin T. LaFlenr 840 Beech Taxicab Driver " 36771 " Earl W. Hugo 282 Clarence Taxicab Driver " 36776 n Paul L. Froclick 268 Kent St. Taxicab Driver " 36792 " J. E. Spott 459 S. Hobert Gas Sta. 6P. " 36799 " Felice Bacigalupo 423 Fry a n Grocery Off Sale Malt ^ 36842 " " 3b843 " a n n a Cigarette 11 36844 " Harris Robinovitz 272 Florida 7 Junk Dealer " 3bgb8 " F. W. Asmaley & Co. 2071 St. Clair Confectionery " 36876 " Hobert Helfman 674 Grand Butcher " 36918 n Henry Selbitschka 691 N. Dale a Restaurant On Sale Malt " 36927 " " 36928 ^ ^ a n Off Sale Melt " 36929 " n a cigarette ^ 3b930 " a n Arthur M. Olson 411* Banfil St. Motor V. Driver " 37034 " Hobert geistad 1133 Fauquier Ave. Motor V. Driver " 37014 " Charles Eastey 396 Snerburne Ave. Taxicab Driver ^ 370ob n Stephen q. Walsh 450 E. Minnehaha Teed cab Driver " 37081 " Vernon Hitter 169 Sherborne Motor V. Driver " 37100 ^ Ray Pizinger 1282 Randolph Taxicab Driver " 37144 " Doherty Mena Fraternity 500 Robert 7th floor Cigarette " 37162 " Adopted by the Council ................... ...............194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays' Bartuss Approved ................... 194.. m an I arranto Peterson -------------In Favor --- ------ ---------------------- --------- --------------••------- - - - - - Mayor - Truax ._.---------.Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 q+® OrR1nr1 to City Clrrk Page 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GC�LINGIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAUNCIL` FILE No.------ ==----- -- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _. DATE January 1 19-4b George N. Albert $cam— 84 E. Cartice Motor V. Driver App. 37170 Renewal Horace K. Chem 2099 Village Lane Taxicab Driver " 37172 n Louie Sinykin , 2bl W. Kellogg Tam cab Driver " 37191 " Heischel Pepin, �!EMZ3=-379 Chestnut Taxicab Driver " 37192 " Magma Bartels 611 Marshall Motor V. Driver " 37198 n John E. Downey 101 W. Central Tsaicab Driver " 37212 ^ E Harold Sonaffer 334:`'x. Chatsworth Cigarette " 37232 " Mike O'Dowd` 391 Robert On Same Malt " 3723$ " OSY ^ale Malt " 37239 " n a n ^ Re at a +-ant " 37237 " n n n It Cigarette " 37240 " Arthur F. Slater 1557 University Ci. gaxratt0 " 37246 " s Carl Olson 15b N. Smith Motor V. Driver " 37248 " Raymond Stevens 21 Ludlow Motor V. Driver " 37301 " Charles M. 41 E. Geranium Taxicab Driver " 37328 " Arthur D. Wha14s:v- 35 Aurora Ave. Motor V. Driver " 37342 " William R. Swigar- 853 E. Minnehaha Tsai cab Driver " 37343 " Neil Blanchard b60 Jackson Tmm:L4=a'b Driver " 37344 " Melvin R. Johaso 234 St. Anthony Taal cab Driver " 37350 " Roy A. Truesdell 129 W. Summit Taal cab Driver " 37357 " Anthony J. Hieb 720 Iglehart Ave. Motor V. Driver " 37361 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -------------------- ------------- 94.._.. Yeas Nays Barfuss &iatl}afr— Approved------------------ ------------------- 194..- Parranto Peterson -_-_.-_.-.-In Favor Mayor Truax ---- .--------- Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 52.. Oc1141rr1 to city (jerk CITY OF ST. PAUL coTCa No ------ F." _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ------------- In Favor -ReseR- Page b RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---- --Against Mr. President, McDonouKlt-:i- JB,nuary 14 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_-- DA - - Russell Zapper938 Carroll Ave. Motor V. Driver App. 37362 Renewal Paul Preston 1269 Randolph Motor V. Driver " 37376 " Ed Eisenmenger 727 Grand Motor V. Driver " 37410 " Henry S. Novotny 345 Chestnut _ _Taa3Cab Driver " 37416 " Hall & Anaeraoa 21 w. 4th Cigsrette " 37418 " Carl R. Schulz 1008 Arcade cigarette " 37423 " Michael Esper®aa 2236 Myrtle Cigarette " 37425 " Stanley J. Petr e3z 777 S. Smith Cigarette " 37432 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bartuss Par Peterson ------------- In Favor -ReseR- 0- Truax ---- --Against Mr. President, McDonouKlt-:i- 500 4-44 Adopted by the Counvdm171EII---------.194 .... ._ AVAN IN TW' Approved-- -- -------------------------------------194------ Mayor OrldIn,l to City Clark ( \ t F ✓ _�. I- CETY OF ST. PAUL si3O.Uucm THE CITY CLERK COUNCEL-.RESOLL.STEON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Ts, `la i a COMMISSIONER - RESCS.VED That licenses ror s►pplioation 36181, On Sale MR't Bevera#e, app13-om ti o33 363 82 — Or£' Sale Malt Beverage, applioati on —1 36183, and Cigar-atlze 1i cs4ex>ta4ew , a6pp3.1 atton. 36184, applied for by Heil 8e Greene ab 57 S. 3E§8L3ma:3 iJ1Q AQenaea be and the same are hereby granted. NOW Informally a ppz-ovad 130W- January gJanuary 3, 1946 COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Naps Barfuss F•indln^ Parranto Peterson Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .Q Favor C. F'. No. 135213—BY Bariuss—Parran- r t�A>:S Thot 1lcenseOn P 9 6Sou pp ation 38181.36182. le .l. Be�eraBe. application and Malt Beverage. aapnllcation 3381M. aP" Cigtssette ltce Nell PEP Greene at - DDlied for by and the 5aille are Bait Avenue. be .A11" Adopted on the Co na. Jan. 15. 1948. Approved Jan. 15,19, 1948.) (January I JAN Adopted by the Council................. .................194 JAN U, Approved...-. - ----------194 - ......... - Ma-yor or ------- Ocliinol to City 0 - - t �F�1 d - CITY OF ST. PAUL co�ueca No.______.._-_____--_. I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CC X-lr i& - 3 L RESOLUTION—GENERAL F7OF2M PRESENTED B > .OAT" sTanllar4 14 940 COMM ISSIONE RESOLVED That licens6 s mor Reetaavant. application 3b2.90. On Sale Malt BeverAge application 30191, Off Sole Malt Beverage. applicatioxs. 3Ae===w-�3-92. Tavern. application 362.93. Fablic Dance Ha11cation 3b194. and Curette, Jlpplication 36195. applie for by Ralph Marrone and Size Delmedico at 13 Leech Strom - t, be and the same are hereby wanted. New Informally appproved b� January 3. 194b Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas a Nays Bar[uss Parranto Peterson -Reeerr—^ Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44L>.® C. F_ No_ 135214—By Barfuss—Parran-I to— jj l t. vjP fYD, That licenses for a blel ta- nt, application 59190. On Sale Molt Beverage. application 56191, Off Sel- Malt Beverraagge, application 36192, ante ern, applicat3 n 193. Publle Dance r3a11, application 36194, and Cigarette, Application 36195, applied for by Ralph Marron¢ and Sue Delmedico �t 13 Leech Street. be and -the same are _ - hereby ^te:d. Adopted by 'the Council Jan. 15, 1998. Approved Jan. 15. - (January 19,, 1946.) CCaancil AN 7 1"6 Adopted by the Council -....__:...".. ..................194...___ 'SAN Approved---•-------------- ------- -.............. 194. - - -In Favor ----------- ---- i - - - - ^ (/ or-- 0 al --f to Ctq © � C { 1 e 6� CITY _O>F ST-_ IPA LIL tbUNCR NO....- OFFICE OF TIF; G iETY CLERK COUNCIL RESOw FORM PRESENTED e .. -.... - pA .7871118ry 14 194b , COMMISSIONEEEEEETTffFFYYYYYY_- -- RESOLVED That licenses for 8-�rZicatlon 3b112. On Sale Malt Beverage, appl_i -ca:tios3 3�� ! 3 — OFf Sta1-e Malt Beverage, application' 3b1T4, aac-L CiAlEP:m� w-- t $6 — application 3b175. - applied for by One la s '3" �— — t o QS+3nc ?dl chael Ba.lsimo at 580 North Robert St3r4met be Q -tnLe same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Coancil January 3. 194b old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss a——= Parranto Peterson —Ruses Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 ai,�j•® I11X F'svor -_ ------------A �$-� amt C. F.' No. 135215 --By Barfus ]?.rran- to— t. apV78D, TBat 11t1 nava for Reatau- rant, application 9817$ On Sale Malt Malt rag veraHea PPllcatlon3 3p8y01Y9. Sale and Cigarette, aPP cau clto ae171. ageldBfor byy Charles Tu simo at 580 North Rotrert Street, be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by -the Council Jen. 15, 1848. Approved Jen. 35, 1898. (Tanuary 18, 1848.) JAN 15 190 Adopted by the Cofuncil------------------- -........... ---194--- Approved -- --Approved-- ------194 - ------ -- -------------------------- -------------- -•--• -�- ------- -------- -- Mayor orional to city clerk uaca ! CITY OF Sr- PAUL Fl" NO ------ _------ _--------- 1 J eoOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //���• COUt�_-�L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �1 PRESENTED BY DATE Jana= 14 194b ca M M ISS,ONER —� RESOLVED: Tnat On Sale Lig-ox- -micense #2597. Eestanrelnt I.ic4mx>lse $b226, On Selo Malt Beverage License �53, Off Sale ma3t Beverage Licexise $5341, Cigarette License #7337, and =yowling Allef (12) License $355. s•1 expiring January 31, 194b, issued tas John G. Lorene at 4W -bb 1740rtY1 Lexington Parkway, be and the same is transferred to Lorence He4=rection, Inc. at the same address; that the bond filed by the tra Lare:r4ses is hereby approved, and the City Clem 3s directed to notify the sur6ty on the bond of. John G. Lorence that it. 3 a released from liability sri sing after the date this transfer beccs Qfts effective. This is to be effective as of $ebruary 1, 194b. C_ F_ No. 135216-337 Barfues—Parran-' Trsf, inf. approve OL by Council, December 20, 1945 - old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss __Fiwdt=r— Parranto Peterson Truax ---Reaefr'� Mr. President, McDonough 500 4.44 _QGP_® -------- In Favor . �j .-_--_J____Against to— F-SOLVED. That On Sale Liqquor Ll- Z4 2567. Restaurant Llcehse No. C. 2 . On Bale Malt Beverage License No. 9453• Off Sale Malt Beverage Li- cezase, 14.. 5361 Cigarette License No. 7337. d Bowling Alley (12) License ` No_ 355. all expiring January Sl. 1966.: i issued to John G. Lorence at 460-66 MoMrtis Lexington Parkway be and the var„e. ix haroFv trnnsfemuA to T�nanna boIId of John G. Lorence that 1C 1s re1Pd from nabfll1g arlaing after the C3C3-1;- thin transfer becomes effective. In to be effeetive as of February 1, 1845. Adopted by the Council Jan 15, 1946. Approved Jan. 15, 1946. it (January 19, 1948.) AN 15 106 Adopted by the Council- -------------------------------- 194_---_- Approved--------........ --------------------194 ------ -------------•----- ---- --- yor 0cl"iloa1 to city cia'k - FouNCR-6�— GITY OF ST. PAUL �� - OFT=1_CE OF THE CITY CLERK - 1� GOL)iVGiL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN'iiLD""W/ - - DATE - �T8IIR8SY lli 1946 COMMI 10 R - EESOLVED: Tnat pes Statioa =,ice se 467679, -spiting September 20, 1946, issued to Norman B. Ahit4m -b at 597 Sauth Sn-lling Avema.e be and the same is, hereby transfer-=!-- -ed to as their Q. Kirby at the same address.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss Parranto Peterson -- Favor Trua_ x Truax -___v --_-_-Against Mr. President, McDonoug2z u00 4-44 -ow-4 1p C -t- No. :135=7-33, . Bartusa—Parran- RESOLVID, That Gas Station License No. 7679,pSeptember lring epteber 20,,. 1846, issued to Norman EWhitcromb at 597 South Snelling Avenu-e be and the same 11 hereby transferred to Arthur 0, Kirby at the as o. address - Adopted by the Council Jan. 15, 1848. Approved Jan- 15, 1946, (Jani—a , 19, 1946.) Adopted by the Counc4_AR -rD-1:-----194 JIM 15 Approved -------------------------`------------194 Mayor Oil—'o-, to city k - CITY OF ST. PAUL couwcn. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK oil - �lOi� >niCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J ^',L PRESENTE BY January 14 1746 COmmissl0 E DATE - RESOLVED: That Gas SzBt!%—ari =—icenae #(541. expiring Jnae 1. 191i4ft. Sewed to Charles S. How me s at 645 South Smith Avenue be m -CL the same to .nereby, tranaPerracZ to Donald F. Sheridan at the same address - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss In an Parranto Peterson R. WJL— Truax Mr. President, McDonougi-i 500 4-44 0 C.t�. No- 135218-13y Barfuss—Parran- aF RESOLVED. -X1j t Gas Station Mcense No-i No. 7541. exP June I. 1946. issued tCharles S_ 8ohnes at 645 South Smith Aveaaaie be and the same is hereby tr m --f . red to Donald F. Sheri- dan at U.— sorra address. Adopted b9 !Lk— Council Tan. 15, 1946. Approved Jars_ 15, 1946. <Jaatsary 19, 1946.) jpm -15 Adopted by tlae Council_________________x_.....------ ..... 194...... Approved - - ------.194 ----- In Favor er --- - .... - Mayor ICD -_.___-Against COUNCIL _-______- No ------- ------------- ortatml to City Clerk CITY. OF ST. PAUL a FILs • - ©FFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUr-ai4`7FZESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By A/-iS7AC `• - OAT i COMMISSIONER.- -- x RE50LVED, That Rom ert F. Peterson, commissioner of Parks, G. Ze1 m Br , City Playgrounds & Pubes g BgTedhereby authorized a;xci directed Architect be aynyde. �eY 0. to witness s demonstration D. to proceed to - �_ 3ngton, to attempt to obtofiSta of portable homes of such bu � mane Paula, ase _c lings for the City emer enc , the housing g y number determined, in eo��T+eetion with city officers be and t lar are and that the proper authorizec3��annddR. to e or traveling said G. hereby Robert F. Peterso zelzerd - from the Housing IIsergency Fund ineurred _ on the rip , o£ itemized sta cements Item 1085, upon MD-resentation of traveling expo azses - COUNCILMEN Yeas NaYs Barfuss an ParrantO Peterson qtt�sen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3D1 945 400�Q �--.--In Favor �_-.Against C. F.. No_ 2219—BY Robert F. Pete' son— urcOLVm. -That Robert F. Play son. COrr><miss-goner f Parks, grounds arid. Public Bulldinga and R. gT Zelz r. City Architect, be and they are hereby auttrorized and directed to Proceed to Washington D. C. to wit' nese a darn io ration of portable home: and to at 1pt to obtain a suitable oStdini�e of . P -V a determined. nconnc tion with Z2sa housin8mergendy, am that the HroPer city officers be ane direct thdey are Y,.ereby authorized and to reimburse the said Robert F Peterson --X R. G. Zelzer for travel ing e3cj a s Incurred aoen the tril Item 1085_ $POS�gpres °tetion�oFund- I to izea stm-ter'+r+�-�ts of traveling expenses Adopted b9 the Council Jan. 15, 194 1 APPr0v 'e TJan. 15 a3 1946.1 JAN 15 LN Adopted by the Coupn��ci(`l�j-�................... - -----------194. v➢N'l'YI Approved ------------------------------------194. or CITY_ OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minn¢sota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF REC0121Dy5 dsauazy 9. 1946• Hon. Hobert P.. Petersoa Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. City Hall Deaf -Sir: The Council requested that you sad Mr. Zelzsr go to Washington, D. C. for a dsmoastrati oa oY homes and to attempt to obtain a suitable uumber of sauc2z buildings :for this city after you have determined how maay -&Vi Di_1 bas needed. I believe that you or lir. Zelzer haws s ci=-4= as' in this matter. 4�ry t ztz 1y yaur a , CityClerk. �' 1 � orlil-al to City Clerk - - ' I}p"� � � CITY Off' ST. PAUL - couNcn. F No --- ------------------- - OFFICE Olt= _ - THE CITY CLERK q ChL RESOL—W-3 T-ION—GENERAL FORM aanuary 15, 1946 M M RESOLVED, That the plans a specifications for Ventilation for Shop, Snow Office, a33Lca- >r- oilet Room in the Municipal Garage and Workshop, as sum-- =fx- tted herewith., prepared by the, City Architect, under tlza S -action of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub c Building s ,be and the same are hereby approved, tkwe e being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to adverb se for bids thereon in the manner provided in and b-�y, -I---�e charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson _jaeeeH-- Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 0-45 :]E: �3� Favor No. 135220—Sy Robert F. Peter- son, by request RESOLVED, That the Plane and specifications for ToiettlR for Shop, Snow Office, and Toilet Room 1n the' M. ie Garage sad Workshop, " subrai d herewith• prepared byy the City Architect, under the dlmctian of I the Commissioner of Parka, Play- grounds and Public Buildings• be and the are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Com- rrtised..— of Public Workszeand the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorid to advertise for bids thereon In the manner provided in and by the chart- er � hart-er. Adopted by! the Jan. 15. 1996. Approved 15,5. 1946 (January 19,, 19 3998.) am 151 Adopted by the Council ............................ ......194...... 5 r! Approved.. .................. ..................... 194 - - ---------- ------ ..... - - Mayor t7ridtd1 to City ©uY (l t�(-1[Z,g) CITY OF ST. PAUL couNci�________.�..A...._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` RESOLVED, that the use of the theat ex- s e (c t ion of the Auditorium be given to the ftnnesota Council 2'o3r- Permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission for at mass meeting on February 13th, at the cost of opaiing and open-a"G :3 -rig. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss "'PfIIllSBir" / Parranto L/J Peterson ....--In Favor Truax \ !/ ....Against Mr. President, McDonough C. F. No_ 135 3—By Fred X. Truaz— FMSOLVID= T -I= the nae of the the- ater section of -UN:— Auditorium be given to the Mizan to Councn for Perman- ent Fair Practice Com- missfon fox•---�6 meeting on Febru- ary 13th- atm t2ze cost of opening and operating_ Adopted 1>9 -Ck— 4=—ncn Jan. 15, 1948. Approved San- 25. 1848. (Jaxi'czary 19. 1948.) . JAR Urt I Adopted by t.lze Council. ......... .. ..................... 194 Approved-------------------- -----------.....194-- - ---- Mayor 0 CITY OF SAINT P/_AUL�A Gpttal of Minncsotn !•,� OFFICE CW CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS .Tau- mm, z9". Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that yo[i prepar0 a resolution granting the use of the Theatre sact3oa of tlis ALvrlitorium to the Minnesota Council for Permmneut F'gir for a mase meeting on Februa 1 th �Z�maat Practice Commission operati a e 8t the cost of opening and lianager.�� as set out in the attache@ 1et-b mx, of B:- AL- Furni, Auditorium fiery traily yours, 4:ity C1crk. 2 I DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. Caww.kv.onrn T t! CARL E. 8P£AltES. DOvtY MU" -2 C 1 P A L AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI. • MxNMe. •.l!•i T>F; >t-;EJJIRT OF THE 3H0PPINfi AND L10TEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST IFOLi RTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA T.I.pho.. cATR.Id 7361 January 10, 1946 The Conorntion EnsembIr - ARENA -17.000 Sct— Feet So.Une 15.000 - I— Rink 100x221 &XHIBITTON HALL 64.000 S...te F"t Eve" Seevlee AUDITORIUM THEATRE _ - Se.tt. 1.000 COmplel. St... AH New STEM. HALL Mr. Fred M � '� i��� 8a, COmati SSIOUer Ballroom Department o7v— �$iication Complete St.2.- S—t. ,.266 615 City Hal Saint Paul z 33�inaesota RAMSEY HALL .. S—" 550 _ Dear Mr. T m-- a. 2 HALLS S..thw 150 Please find- ergclosed latter received from Mrs. Woodard Colby it COMMITTEE ROOMS requesting t�3 a 'use of the Theatre section of the Auditorium SERVICES AVAILABLE for a maBS February 13th. A -C C—t 110-220 Vo1M . — SIn21e ..d 2-.h.xe D.0 C—t110-220 V.R. If this m64ew-lk�— S with your approval recommend that resolution Telephone-Tele2r.ph be introduc ec3_ granting the use of the Theatre section B_ A..—T. Induced DmIt Flue. I.r February 3-3-%,--1=3L- to the Minnesota Council for Permanent Fair Combn.U.n Mechlne a.t ..d C.Id W.ter Employment 3z1x—$ cti ce Cornmi anion at the cost of opening an Dal. C.nn Uo- tl... stems o cretin . P � — _-.. COL.= All ' Thanking yazz S ami Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM EAF:KW F'.dward A. Furni, Manager f 0-0- �� �� COUNCIL FOR Permanent Fair Practice Commission SdINT Pd UL MINNSIPOLIS Col3.i�me. Co-Ch-irmen MRS. RUIN GAGE-COLHYi� St:Y1, 3-946. MRS. LAWRENCE D. STEEFEL FRANK BOYD TALMAGE B. CAREY REV. C. T. R. NELSON - JONAS G. SCHWARTZ, Al-." Sec T" 631 Sr. Anrh-7 Aix. 833 M.wp Ul Bldg. Sr. P. 4, M_.. Mrnnne.rou. 2, Minn. Mr. Edward A. Furni, Msnsger The St. Paul MunioipaI Aladit o -=3 � Third Floor, St. Paul 2, Minnesota . Dear Mr. Furni: For severs 1 Zr -waaw8. z= -ma is -h he month of February¢, there have been programs ]a —a a St - Pain stressing the ideal of better race relations , or .25ima s vwN6 kxsva preferred to say, better human relations . Some of us be -A — terve bast an unusua} oontribution could be made toward the a c km � oP this goal by public tes- timony of our support of t h a _,F� r z rsc ip 1e of fa it employment oppor- tunity as embodied in tha pr- o -c==- s @a Fedora 1 Aot to. establish a permanent Fair Employment ]E�s-s c moi¢ 6 C�c>xnx L sslon with enforcement powers. A. Phillip � r>lgt O i�InL t kxAs distinguished Negro leader has been invited to � s� 3&_- mm-fts mass meeting at.the Auditorium, on Wednesday ever= —y ?E'ebrvasry 13th, 1946. Because of the eduostional rte— azx- B o � t hs meeting and the foot that admission is free vra very s 3k=3w- to spply Por the privilege of the basic -cost rental for t 3tmwe lltzewatre section of the Auditor- ium.on thaate. We ear3aest 3L� t Yist the members of the City Council whose function it 3- s --a-- o grs XX this application, will do so in the belief that 1--73..ey- s 3VI4em herring a fundamental human right' "The right to _ ox-lk-- S_ tiie right to live.." Vary s inoerely yours, m - Woodard Colby, 23-C>Z Iglehart Av., Ne. 2439. S T2.c �R ING COMMITTEE WENDELL C. JONES I_A-= REV. BENJAMIN N. MOORE B. E. HALL hZ FLS_ E� M_ VX'ILLIANTS CECIL E. NEWMAN 1%11C x __3K:_ 3�Z YRTI_lE GARDEN REV. KYLE HASELDEN DR_ AADS H _ WILLIAMS l T. WARDLAW GEORGE W. MATTHEWS OWENS MRS. HELEN PARKER MUDGETT 9 Oriiin.l_lia City Clark ° CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY ¢LERK ! COUN(A' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fz.'ed M ptTruax DATE COMMISSIONEIx.T RESOLVED, That 'Halter J. Rock, Supervisor of Veterans! Education. -and he is hereby authorized and instructed to go to Cleveland. 0* to attend the National Conference on Vet -ran Education of the National Education Association to be held January 17 to 19. 1946 inclusive; his expenses to be paid from Education Fund #1073–Veteran Counseling Service. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson _a— Truax Tru Mr. President, McDonough 3M 5-99 -OMO'8 A C. F. No. 135222-13 Fred M. Treat— s Epeemisor f V teranavMEpucation tie and he Is hereby uthorized and. in- structed to go to Clec'.3-4, Ohio, to attend the National Conference to Veteran Education of the National du! .17 on Association to be held January 17 to 19, 1996 inclusive; his expenses to be paid from Educatlon Fund No. 1073 Veteran Counsenng Service. Ado led by the Council Jan. 15, 1996. Approved Jan. 15, 1946. (January 19, 1946.) JAN 15 1 Adopted by the Council 194 &K '' — Approved 194 _ In Favor 0--� QMayor Against J , NATIOIIAI CC '_` _'�Fl?C� OPi VFTERF.N EDUCP.TION Depa rtaza� rat of Adult Education Nat io�2 � Jciucation Association .h s=ot�1 Hollendenvv� Z� -Nr elandOhio ��rzuary 17-19, 194e Tlmrsday, January 17 11:00 A. I.:. Gr 1'_RAL SESSION Chairman - Colonel Robert Owens, Director, Veterans Education, Cleveland, Ohio 1:30 P. M. -5:00 P- - FSORK CO?:511' TEE SE7,SION 8:00 P. M. - 5:15 P. ?s- COU11 NITY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR VETERA14 EDUCATION Speeker to be announced later Friday, January 18 8:30 A. m. - 10:45 A =-i dIORIi cor? S- SESSION 11:00 A. T;:. - 12:45 P - - - SYI:IPOSIUM Roben J._ JAaaske President, Chairman - Dr. Department of Adult Education Participants - �,.Ia jor Harry H. Rsnsom, AJ�F Alonzo G. Grace, Commissioner of F:ducntion, Connecticut Eugene B. laliott, Superintcndent of Public Instruction, '4Ichigan Ch�:ries 1.-ke'Sup rintendent of Schools, Cle-,,,-1'nd, Ohio 2:00 P• Id. - 5:30 P - _ nF CO? ' S TTr. SESSION 7:30 P. ':`. - 10:00 P zs :^ Fit C0'L.ariT SESSION Sntrsdey, imurry 10 8:30 F.. T" - 10:45 - :PSR : C0':N:1t^Tc 3 S'SSION 11:00 ... L". - 12:45 P _ OFG=_I<IZ::TI:OId rETING Ch is -man - Dr- Roben J. T.:Ra^ske 1:00 P. Trb. - 3:30 P - 'ts_` _ UUNCHEON PluIITEL Or COT _.ff'_T7-� CHi IR?EN Fduc^tion .l - u ^'oderator - Paul H- Sh=-ts Director, 'I awn H.,1 1, Ncs: Cit:, Original to City Clerk l p �? CITY OF ST_ P C_ F_ Na_ 135223—By Mayor John J. -_______________e_, McDonough W8)LrREA�3 ttre Fourth DiArlct. Am - O;= F' ■ G E OF THE C 1 ¢z item legion, Department of Minae- . - sota. 1s petitioning Elmer W. Sher- COUIV�fL RESOLUTION—G wood, Dinrtor of the National Am - the American _hal ArnerleantErn PRESENTED BY `I ;"T Q��j� -Commies and oth the aAmerlcan. Ipgfon t GOMPn ISSIONER.-- - �� rd to- the City of Saint Paul the r - 1946 National _ -. •cnlcr ypp+*,n T�mLry went pf —_ WHEREAS, the Fourtbi IJis'trict American Legion, Department of Minnesota, is petit itsatng Elmer W. Sherwood, Director of the National Americanism commission or the American Legion, and the National Americanism Coalalission of the American Legion to award to the City of Saint P a u1 the 1946 NeLtional Junior Baseball Tournament of the Amari c sxi Legion ; and WHEREAS, the City o:r Saint Paul has been one of the lead- ing pioneers in promo -T_- ing tYiis activity and a continuous sponsor since the inception o:V this program, and tae been host to the State Junior Baseball_ 'Moux-riament of the Legion for the past five years, and the 1945 Stste tournament exceeded all known attend- ance records for a st ate tournament; and WHEREAS, the City or' Saint Paul has an ideal baseball park accommodating 12,000 people acid is known throughout the country as a baseball -minded comaluzsity, has ample first class hotel ac- commodations for guest s sacs unexcelled transportation facilities; therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the (=A-Zy Council of the City of Saint Paul that the petition of District , American Legion, De- partment of Minnesota sl.Ycw esa,icl be approved and that the Nation- al Americanism Comes s i ora or the Legion be urged to award to Saint Paul the Natior34EL2 Turiior Baseball Tournament in 1946. RESOLVED ghat the City Clex-k be directed to send a copy of this r- e s 0 tut i o n 'to M3 -mer W. Sherwood, Director of the National Amer -i c amx- i sm Comm3- ssion oP the American Legion. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss _40lilemr— Parranto Peterson 108eft Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 9-45 O CC _ -------In Favor <�D----- Against JAN 15 LN Adopted by the Council .................................194...... Approved--- ....... .. ..........................194--- - �- -- .... Mayor =TTT:T t,-- /-!% `i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jan. lls 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel city full Dear girt The City Council requested that you draw a resolution along the line requested in the attached notation from the Mayorse Office. Pert' truly yours) City Clerk. 2 Friday, Jan. 11, 1946. Request for Council Resolution 12dM. The 4th District, American Legion, Department of Minnesota, (consisting chiefly of the City of Saint Paul), is petitioning Elmer V. Sherwood. Director of the National Americanism Commissiba of the American Legion, and the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion.for the award of the American Legion 1946 National Junior Baseball Tournament to the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota. The City of Saint Paul has been one of the leading pioneers and continuous sponsors since the inception of this program. It has been host to the State Tournament for the past five years, and in 1945 exceeded all gown attendance records for a State Tournament. It held two highly successful regional tournaments in 1943 and 1944. Saint Paul has an ideal baseball park, accommodating 12,000, has ample first—class hotel accommodations, and is readily accessible by all transportation facilities. The 4th Dist. requests s Council Resolution petitioning this tournament for St. Paul, and also a personal letter, from Mayor McDonough. �'� 1st. ,. 2nd.—�— Laid over io J }J Adopted - 3rd_ at:d app_ 1 YB21s � Nays (� i Yeas Barfuss Nays $arfuss Fi (�len / �L' —Qarranto Parantrrant 13 d2' o Peterson Pat son i— Rosen Rosen / /4ruaz Truax Mr_ Pres=dant McDonough veteran ' C. F. No. 135224—Ordinance No. 8708— By Robert F. Peterson—Fred M. Tru - 4 to city clerk rk• • - 8018, itled: O D ' ',_g1 ance amending Ordinance •An ordinance fix - �' �atlministrative ing a compensatton for employ- menl�. n the ngratled Division, the _ Se,at knlId Labor Service, and the Unaic ed Labor Division" 0 approved June 22, 1945, s am d. Th15 ' ik an _e7ne•;3�J Faufl{� L'-. PRESENTED BY r An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8616, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi- skilled Labor Service, and the Unskilled, Labor Division" approved June 22, 19450 as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, as outtnOfdSeoti nmad 1,the wheresame further atrik3ng they appear therein, Ithe following lines: "Truck Owner -Driver $•gb per hour, 3/4 ton . . . . . . . 1 ton . . . . . . .$1.10 per hour/. 3 ton . . .. . . . . 061.50 per hour 2 to 2j ton . . . . . . . . .$1.90 per hour 3 ton 2.30 per hour ($2.00 per hour on snow removal) 5 ton -. .$3.00 per hour ($2.70 per hour on snow removal)" "Truck Owner -Driver $•75 per hour per truck, 1 ton, hid loading' $1.o0 eroo per hour per truck, hour per driver 1 ton, mechanical loading, C $1.00 per hour per driver 2 ton, $1.15 per hr• per truck, $1.00 per hr. per driver 3 ton, $1.550 per hr- per truck, per driver $1,00 per hr. p a 5'ton, $2.25 per hr. per track, $1.00 per hr. per driver". i Section 2. That said ordinance be ana sae numa hereby further amended by atriking out of Section 1, where 1 they appear therein, the following linea: i �I'r hour "Plumber 1.55 per hour* St:eaimgitter .., : . . . w Garbage Collector 1.50 per hour or $16$-00 per month t and:by inserting 'in lieu thereof the' following lines: "Plumber .,. . $1.65 per hour yege Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_- ------ ------•-•----------•--•----•- — Barfuss Findlan � ---------------- ---- --------_In Favor Parranto Peterson ------------ ....... Against Rosen l �r Truax enc ugh) Approved:---------------- --•-------------------- -----`------------' Attest: 6 - 1----------- ---../ --_. -• ............. ---m i Mayoa ............... --------; City Clerk --------------°�----�/ 500 1244 _ Origtoal to city Cvk PRESENTED BY oI�D1i�I�NCE52211 COUNCIL FILE NO.-V- 41, O. ORDINANCE NO. ' D a °Steamfitter . . . .. . . 41.65 per hour* Garbage Collector . . $2.00 p or hour M. Section S. Thia ordinance, is hereby declared to b e an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Badum Findlan Parranto Peterson `- Rosen Truax 0 Attest: -----------�--.�-rtl-i2�G--•------ City Clerik;. 500 12 IAN ?i Passed by the Counccd---------- ........................ -...... ............ --------- In Favor ----------- --- Against T 1'94& Approved:.-= -- ---...... - - AWj# Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jaen. lis 1946. a Hon. Robert 8. Peterson wage Scale Committee City Rall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the wage Scale Committee the file in connection with a decision of the wage Adjustment Board with reference to an increase in wage rates for Plumbers and Steam - fitters. Very truly yours, i City Clerk. 6L o. Geld 6008 PLUMBERS URIOD, LOCAL Ro. 34 p®If.td �.tth Udtd 1Wool.tlon o! doFum.>m. n � .nd Be..mtttt.n, .nd tba 1 arlo.n LABOR TEMPLE • 418 Auditorium St. • ST. PAUL 2. MINN. January 10, 1948 ?''r. Harry olconnell 386 Court Hou", St. PRul 1, t"innesot�, Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find a copy of a decision from the ►Page Adjustment Board for building and construction work, Case Noe 82-13'll In' regard to an increase in waw rates which is self-explanatory. Respectfully yours, John Dempee , Business Repre eentative pLMIBERS UNION LOCAL No. 34 JD/ek Enol. , ACr, -41'1 USTP.4ENT BOARD FOR BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WASHINGTON,25, D„C. Cases Nos. 52-8541 52-8151 52-8395 DECI SI ON Ir accordance with the orovisions of General Orders Nos. 13 and 41 of the National War Labor Board , and the Secretary of Labor's order vedNo. thel01- as authorizedded wagethe ratesgsetdent Board forthbelow: today app Craft Clasaification Present Wade Authorized Tage Plumbers $1.55 ?1.65 Steamfitters 1.55 1.65 The above adjusted ratesare authorized for members of Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No_ 15 of Miinreaoolis iiir.r.esets, Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No, 455 of fit. Paul,!'itrr.eaota, ar.d Plumbers and Steamfitters ocal Unior ^'o. 539 of Mir.neapolis,Mincesota, to Ppply or. r.or_ ederal build! g construction ir. Her.nepir.,Ar.oka,Ramsey nrd Dn.kotn Counties .it the State of Mlirr.esot=, effective the first full p^y roll period after December 12,1945. It w,^.s also the decisior of the Bo -rd to recommcrd rceogri- tior of the above •^uthorized r,.tos tr the rrxt w^gc dctcrmt-^t- ior issued by the Secretary of L-bor oursu-rt to the n,mcrded D•nvis-Bacor Act, witRhIDBeyP^ra D°kotaeCourticsdingtheerStrtcJOf~ it Herrepir, Arok^, Piirresote.. Mir. H.R. Colo I-dustry !--ember, disse^t d with resocct to the foregoing ruling of the Board - WAGE ADJUSTMENT BOARD Drted December 12T1945 By /s! Robert_ C.1--oore v,,-•shi^gtor,D.C, Tx cutive Sccrct,rv) cedar• sees Sfeamfitters and Helpers Union, Local No. 455 • P Affiliated .fth U,dted A—ietf— of'd6urneymen Plumb�n d 8teemfit—, and the Amerd— Fed,mU,, of Lebo. R Labor Temple • 418 Auditorium St. • ST. PAUL 2, MINN. January 10, 1945 Mr. Harry O'Connell 386 Court House " St. Paul 2, Minnesot a Dear Sir3 Enclosed you will find a Copy Of a decision from the Wage Adjustment Board for building and construction work, Case No. 52_8541, in,regard to an increase in wage rates which Is self-explanatory. Reapeotfully yours, (} O'Donnell, nese Representative STEAMP'ITTERS AND HELPERS UNION LOCAL NO, 455 Wo/ek Ener 'RAGE Aj,, USTMENT BOARD FOR BUILDINGCON CTION . S. LABOR WASHINGTON, 25, D=' _Cases Nos. 52-11541 52-8151 52.-8395 DECI 3I ON Jr. accordance witri the orovisiona of General Orders Nos. d 41 of the National War Labor $OWa rd e Ad justmentcBoard` oY 13 aand the ', Order No. 101 as amended the g Labor s roved the authorized wage rates set forth below today aPP Presert vial Wage Authorized Craft Class $1.65 -�- $1.65 $81.55 1.65 Plumbers 1.55 Ste amfitters of The above adjusted rates are authorized for members fit. Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union N Union No. 55 of and Steamfitters ocal Union i?o. kir.resota,Plumbera and 9teamfind Steam or. nor- e8eral build 9.~g Pau1,Arir.r.esota, and ?lumbers rpoly acd D^Kota Counties 539 o£ Minr.eapolis,Mir.resota, RsmseV f roll cor.structior. ir. Her.neQir.,Ar.oka, it the 'State of Nilrresot-^, effective the first full o V period after December 12,1945. Bo rd to rccommerd rocogr1- the r^xt w^ge dct�,rmi" t - It w^.s also the decisior. of the r.t to th^ ,mordcd ti or of the above cuthorized f^L borr pursue corstordod ~ Secret roct to Fcder^1 butldi- , tc of for i-BLacorbActhcwith resp the S D.:vis- A„ok.,,R^.mscy .,rd D^kota Cour.tics it it Hc-,.Cpin� piii^resota- D;ir. H.R. Co1e,I~dustry i -ember, dissect; d v,ith rrsocct Bo<^.rd. to the foregoing ruling of the WAGE ADJUSTS°ENT BOARL B-. is Robert C_i::oore Df.tcd Dc ember 12 1; 945 fix- cutive Srcrct^= yr vJr,shi gtor,D.C. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -gap..® *4 January 23, 1946. Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sir* The Council laid over to Tuesday, January 29th2 and referred to you the attached ordinance, Council File No- 1352241 and requested that you ask the Corporation Counsel Prepare the amendments which you have in mind. There is also attached Oreosed a letter of Lewis L. Anderson with reference to one of the prop Very truly yours, City Clerk. Ll 0 LEWis L. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW W2..1 IIP.T NATIONAL B NK BYILOINO SAINT PAUL f. MINNESOTA January 22, 1946. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House, St,. Paul 2, Minnesota. Dear Commissioner: At the request of Individual Truck Owners Union Local No. 62, will you please move to amend the wage scale ordinance which comes on for third reading Wednesday, the 23rd, so as to add another category to those provided in said ordinance as follows: 12 ton truck, hand loading, 755e per hour per truck, 41.00 per hour per owner driver. And then add to the first category in the ordinance as now be- fore the Council which provides for 61.00 per hour, the words "mechanical loading" so that there will be a 251 differential between hand loading and mechanical loading for 12 ton trucks. The Union is appreciative of the attitude of the Wage Scale Committee in providing this straight compensation of $1.00 per hour for the truck whether loaded by hand or by mechanical means, but the Union feels nevertheless that a hand loaded truck is operated less than a mechanical loaded truck and that therefore there should be the differential of 25¢x. I am, LLA:MB Yours very truly, Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for storage and trucking of 325 voting machines, 400 chRirs and 200 tables for the four elections to be held in the year 1946 in the City of St„ Paul, to the ST. PALL TEALlEAL eVAREHUtiSE CO., in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1015 as follows: 11 All To transport the voting machines, tables and cliairs to and from the storage space and voting places for the 4 regular elections in the calendar y--.ar 1946 $4487.24 111;1' To store voting machines, tables and fclding chairs per month durint the calendar year 1946 - 240.00 1'D" To transport the voting machines, Cablf_;s and folding chairs to and from storage space and voting places for each special election that :nay be held in the City of St.. Paul durink, the calendar year 1946 - 1121.81 such bid being the lowest bid and said St. Paul Terminal Warehouse. Co. being tl,e lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and 'hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City official -hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.B. #1015. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss .1—_ Parranto Peterson ROBQ>f" Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 -QW® PIAN 3 Adopted by the Council... ................... 194 Approved - ......... 194 ....In Favor -- - - n Mayor .............. Against -� C. F. No. 135225-13Y Robert F. Peter. son—W. A. Parranto—r.. . M. Truax— Proves dthe 1& thord of then P�rches�nbe ommittee therefor, and hereb �ur4ca erefor, CITY tr" �votin�r NO stora6e and nts ------ __---- _------ —. oP 32g 8 tnaI lne,. 4e, °ham`' (1 r OFFICE O �t 200 tables for the four electtona to- be held f0 the year 1048 048 In the Clty of St. Paul, to COUNCIL RESO 1Lt • /, the PAULr^ TERMINAL WARERgFSE co., �, 1 ^/ h.Ul, vv N , . .. COMMISSIONER- DATE Decpmbpr ?il•,F l QV; Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for storage and trucking of 325 voting machines, 400 chRirs and 200 tables for the four elections to be held in the year 1946 in the City of St„ Paul, to the ST. PALL TEALlEAL eVAREHUtiSE CO., in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1015 as follows: 11 All To transport the voting machines, tables and cliairs to and from the storage space and voting places for the 4 regular elections in the calendar y--.ar 1946 $4487.24 111;1' To store voting machines, tables and fclding chairs per month durint the calendar year 1946 - 240.00 1'D" To transport the voting machines, Cablf_;s and folding chairs to and from storage space and voting places for each special election that :nay be held in the City of St.. Paul durink, the calendar year 1946 - 1121.81 such bid being the lowest bid and said St. Paul Terminal Warehouse. Co. being tl,e lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and 'hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City official -hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.B. #1015. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss .1—_ Parranto Peterson ROBQ>f" Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 -QW® PIAN 3 Adopted by the Council... ................... 194 Approved - ......... 194 ....In Favor -- - - n Mayor .............. Against NOTICE C. F. No. TO PRINTER COU �RF.Scity VED, aumD 1. -'19 peck I., FILE NO. per checks on file fo the oA. of. the city comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jas 15. 1998. 1' ) 94_ APpro—dJannarY5.19.1946. ) J@Aiia3'f 14 6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS .BE DRAWN viV 1 PIC L t Y I HEA5URY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i > 151• 0 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --_TO— 43165 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILJAN � rT" 194 COMiTaoLL81, APPROVED 194— BY •ao Iz-u •am-® NOTICE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER COUNCIL FILE NO. January 11 6 194— '� R$ESggOLED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2`i1>• 73G' �/}. J� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED x'3062 TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / JAN 15 L9% ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII JAR _ 194 C-1, AR �. i ti�'(] cco�Prwourw APPROVED 194— BYvT s•• Iz-u °ow® CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER BARFUSS ROLL CALL January 6 FINDLAN j_.N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS P RRANTO PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN —AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFs 25;, -3.2_-3g- COVERING E TRUAX IECKS NUMBERED 1-1--INCLU51V , A T .Fjj HE CY, MR. PRES. DONOUGH CH E r,/d PTROLLER. PER CHECK F INT 15F 10 E �O ZF S ON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL COMPTROLLER APPROVED—,, 784— CHECK NUMBER II DATERETURNED By BANK • 43062 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER BARFUSS ROLL CALL January 6 FINDLAN j_.N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS P RRANTO PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN —AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFs 25;, -3.2_-3g- COVERING E TRUAX IECKS NUMBERED 1-1--INCLU51V , A T .Fjj HE CY, MR. PRES. DONOUGH CH E r,/d PTROLLER. PER CHECK F INT 15F 10 E �O ZF S ON ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL COMPTROLLER APPROVED—,, 784— CHECK NUMBER TOTAL DISBURSEMENT IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSE CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD �316 46o 63 4 6 DATERETURNED By BANK • 43062 Empire National Bank & Trust !Co. 1 00 000 00 oo o62 M 43063 piret National Bank of St.PaA1 43064 John 9. Findlan, Tress. of P,O.F, i11 000 00 430(20 39 13t. Paul Teachers I R. F. Assoc..', 000'00 15 196 70 43066 Mpls.-St.Psul San. Distriot 43067 international Institute 600 oo 43068 7,t.Paul Institute i Coo 00 49 48 43069 Broadway ?Tess, Inc. 22 50 43070 Kamman-Art Printing Company 90 50 43071 Northwest Airlines 16 15 43072 The Ryan Hotel Company 143 25 43073 43074 The City Dairy Commercial Refrigeration,ino., 453 58 43075 Gus De Lisi Celery Specialty 3306 2525 43076 M.A. Gedney & Company 83 671 43077 Griggs, Cooper &4ompany 43078 43079 Mays, Inc. Minnesota Milk Company 359 52 1 76 14 43090 National Biscuit Company 231 24 43091 New York Tea Company 36 60 43082 Red Star yeast & Products Company 3 00 ii 43083 Standard Milling Company 88 62 43094 Acme Linen Service Company 9 90 43085 Addresaograo-Sales Agency 4 so 43086 kmerloan Council on Education 3 50 43087 E.A. Bette, Dir, of ReOlinto 5 00 43098 co-ops. Launderers & Cleaners 4 6 N 43089 Dunham-Soott Company 4Z 43090 Florist Pub. Company 00 43091 General Mille, Inc,34 go 43092 L.J. Glazier 7 00 43093 Gokey Company 30 50 4300 Great Lakes Coal & Dook Company 1 4 3� 89 43095 R.T. Hulme Company 1 10 43096 Jewish Pub, goo. of America 2 47 2 00 43097 The Judy Company d 43099 Robb Motor Sales Company 75 43099 The MoCormlok-Mathers Pub. Oop 313 4 3100 43101 McGraw-Hill Book Company National Council of Teachers of English lZ 17 60 43102 M.F. Patterson Dential-114pply Company 1 3 54 1 43103 J.F. Ftsosk and son 9 50 43104 Jos. A. Rogers Company J10 0 22 43 0 43105 9t.Psul Bottling Company 43106 1.3t.paul Fixture Exchange 12 50 43107 Oindelar Athletic Equip. & R.Co. 1 58 90 6 60 43108 Stanford University Press 25 65 43109 Universal Iron Foundry 43110 West Pub. Company 16 on 45 70 43111 H.1. Wilson Company II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD31646o 63 400 493 -36 11 Al. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER -- ---- ROLL CALL SARFUS9 AUDITED CLAIMS January 14___IBd 6 FINDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY OV ERIING PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF TO INCLUSIVE. AS TRUAK - CHECKS NUMBERED ROLLER. MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH 15 lg4f� PER CHECKS ON F E IN HE FICE F TH CI �/ $—�7 � — ComPTnol.l-ER ADOPTED BY THEI,C.IgU NCIL („ APPROVED Hu'BEA- U�T--_ r DATE vo. o TOTAL RETURNED I—BY BANK TRANSFER 'i OIS CHECKSENT CHECK IN FAVOR OF CHECKS NUMBER i 1IIt BROUGHT FORWARD 1— hrn L2 !I IIM 4 ap 43112 Edward A. Furni, Mgr. I 125 00 Il 21 00 43113 Roger Stuart Crane Company i 123 j0 144 84 43114 43115 43116 Grinnell Company I Harris Calorific Sales Co. •I 3 68 2 82 43117 Lax E1e0tri0 Company 24 75�11 43118 Marvin Law Book Company 22 95 1 43119 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 101 05 ! 4312o 43121 N.W. Bell Tel, Company Villaume Boz & Lumber Company 92 90 i 171 38 1 43122 N.W. Bell Tel. Company ;' 0g 43123 George W. Hunt %p 00 43124 Eben 0. Pollook 5 60 IfI 43125 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 1 American.Linen supply Company 109 38 361 72 x43126 43127 Badger Meter Company 28 481 43128 43129 Brwon and'DayI Ina. Chemical sales & Safety company 10 25 99 43130 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & O.R'y.00. 1 717 33 43131 43132 cutler, Magner Company Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 40- 26 40 43138g 43133 First National Bank Pies 8 40 4313+ L.L. Freeberg 3 90 1!, 43135 Gangl and company 4 43L36 43137 Hall and MOCreary company Hanson -Bennett Magazine Ageno 33 35 4 91 II 43138 43139 Harley-Davidson st.Paul Companny 1 Jobbers Supply Company 1 92 27 8111 43140 Joyce Ina. Company, Inc - 47 31 !i ' 43141 Benny BoilsT &.Mfg. Company { 9 44 1I 43142 Carl L. Larsen Company 71 04 43143 ,Lewis Bolt & Nut company 43144 Library off Congress 21 5o 43145 kIll B.J. Li 24 6o 43146 M. Megbrig and Sons 11 120 75 �1 43147 43148 Mercury Letter Company Minneapolis Board of Eduoatio 1 00 43149 MDls. St.Paul & Sault Ste.M-It a Ry.Co. i6o i5 43154 Minnesota News Company 52 00 43151 Monroe cal. Machine Co. 666 • 43152 43153 National Lead Company Northern States Power Company 1 Tel. Company 4 716 98 11 19 10 11 43154 43155 N.F. Bell N.W. Sanitary Supply company 2 87 43156 Pantheon Books, Inc. 32 42 43157 oakite Products Company 13 55 I' 43158 Philosophical Library 5 525 95 1' 43159 4316o Pittsburgh Coal Company Publio Utilities Reporta,Ino. 20 00 is 00 '. 43161 Restaurant China Co.Ino. 37 35 l' 43162 43163 Rex oil Company It.Paul Book & Stationery Company 1 951 56 229 50 1 43164 O.F. Sculley Equipment Company 7 35 �I 43165 Sharp and Dohme II SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I, 316 46o 63 417312 79 ap EffERAKEDLARY ORDER C. F. No. 135228— 15 19 2 IS In the Metter of Constructing a sew- er on Cottage Avenue �*%J�=Wqe Of ..Jg,n t street to 658 :fee under Ruth COUNCIL FILE NO B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from terminus of existing sewer 658 feet east of Ruth Street to Winthrop Street, under Preliminary Order 134890 approved December 42 1946 I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Cottage Avenue from terminus of existing sewer 658 feet east of Ruth Street to Winthrop Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 31265,00* Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th day of February, 1946 q*X— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the -improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted. by the CounciOAN 15 19V 193 Approved– 193 City Clerk File 9859 Mayor Councilman NODWRINOW0 BOrfu" PUBLISBFD Councilman d� Councilman Parrallto Councilman RKW - - - M pst-O Councilman 1'!d AResew Councilman**"MONO Tru" Mayor Mad,111V4. Xcl)—Ouat Form B. S. A. 8-6 e f C. F. No. 135328-- . In the Matter -of constructing a seal-. er on Nevada Avenue- 'Prom Areade Street to, welde Street, under Prelim- inary m Order '139893, ' approved Nove tier 23, 1895. The Council- of the C1 of St. Paul. 'having. received the report of the Com-. 19-522 (1 {fit missloaer of Finance upon the above; 14 rjy improvement, and having considered ;aid report, hereby resolves:, COUNCIL FILE NO — t. he, to �e p�oanfl th ss me) INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Street, under Preliminary Order 134846 approved November 28 1445, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ? the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.50040. Resolved Further, That`a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of February, 1946 � at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciJAN 15 LOS 193—��� JAN �� 1 ���1 �F�B Approved 19.3— Ci File' 9860 Mayor Councilman I Barfuss Councilman 49indian PUBT ISHl"I) Councilman #401MUWAMMus Parranto Councilman RN ' Peterson 5• Councilman 1 __ Councilman Trues Mayor MdmwmWo Mcmuough Form B. S. A. 8.6 C•In. thN.mt5t—f onrbina both aide of Cathedral - Place n'hy'o Avenuecnnde enue to .. St: order�o 154869. ,.:ayyrova N emb r�58. 1948. - The CO rel, o! the City of St. COu Pal having recdved ilia roparrtcII fthe allm COUNCIL FILE NO miastoner of 8ynance "ppoo eoneiden 1m°r V..t.� add bW g INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing both sides of Cathedral Place From Central Avenue t0 St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Or 134869 approved November 30, 1945. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb both sides of Cathedral Place from Central Avenue to St. Anthony. Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 675.42. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th day of February, 1946 M_, at the hour,of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the [Wanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- \.. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councl5 —IN, 193— JAN Is IM, Approved 193— ' City Clerk Fila 9861 1 1 Mayor Councilman WWbKV*WWW Baetsaa PUBLISIED u Councilman Councilman ROWW02WO Parrsato Councilman AWWWWWOM Peterson Councilman 'Rle rHewr Councilman Tfu— Mayor Malas ricUoodnfeb Form B. S. A. 8-6 C.F. •�rtatter of pvwua tout. hy70 P -5231Street from Tpce]iminar9_ord -" Avenue, ands' 1945,. gt. Paul . j approved, N� the TeV it4 L. the Com.: The baving ieoceived the reporrtt the above, Te COUNCIL FILE NOp ovnemeot, F`�e e NO— said _.,f att the said -,n 13.0 �d B tAbembyrt??,r°v Y a, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ourbing Woodbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to Lawson Avenue, under Preliminary Order X34870 approved November 30,_1945 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and'the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Woodbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to Iawson Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 976.43.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th day of February. 1946 , 199c_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St., Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, thi nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 'A' q5 i 193— App 93— JAN IF 19P 1 APPtoved 193— � ACity Clerk File 9862 — Mayor Councilman leo BarfuBe Councilman 1rMW931 Councilman PaNNNIONIPM Parranto Councilman RM NIS Peterson _ Councilman TVNMPQNNEM -1�05Cn- Councilman Trus Mayor Malmppytrria McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 RESOLUTIONS OF COUNCIL 'APPaOV- ING"-ASSESSN(ENT - -AND FDMG TF.HaAamG'..TREESON .AND FiIIING AMWE OFHD ES N-TIM RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 11MON AND 1'I, I"G TEV CF 11EA,"1'iG ON THE AWARD Of DAMAGES In the matter of_ o�ening,_widenix�gand ee0ding Fennard_$tree_14_g_yv�dth_of 60 deet_ . from Maryland Avenue to a point 1019.30 feet south of the center line of Maryland Avenue by condemning and taking the East 30 feet in.the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 and the West 30 feet in the Northeast g of the Northeast 4 of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West. Also opening, widening and extending Rose Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Breen Street to the proposed opening of Kennard Street by condemning and taking that part of the Northeast j of the Northeast; j of said Section 27 lying within a strip of land 60 feet in width, the center line of which is the southerly line of Rose Avenue as platted and dedicated in the plat of Ames Park Plat 2 and said line extended west to said proposed Kennard Street; under Preliminary Order ---- 134217 -------------- approved_-____ August 28i_ 1945 __________ Intermediary Order _________ 134695 ------------- approved_______November 71 ------------ Final Order ________________134912 -------------- approved_______ December 4_1945-_-___-_____ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ 14th ___day of ------- February -------------- 19 46-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ��gg� Adopted by the Coifn'fi11 1_�---------------------------> 19___-• ,. ,s0 ---- ---------------- Fr , City Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19 ---- File 9805 Barfuse or. Councilman 1n Councilman Parranto '::i:L1Sli ll I - r y q� Councilman KoRmAdm= Peterson Councilman Resele— Councilman Truax Councilman Mayor blcllononA RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ' THEREON AND FIXI'N`G TIME OF UARING ON THE AWARD OF WWI., In the matter of --- condemning and taking -an - easement- in - -land- land-necessar-y_for slopes,_ --------------- ----------------------------- cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 1, St. Bernard's Villas, and Block 12, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue, Ic. F. No. 135233— Tn the; matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slapee cute and Eats 1, the aurtacln6 gratltnand, of the alley g llnn Block 3, 9t. Bernard's villas, and - Addl- under Preliminary Order____ 1343h8 ------------- approved____ ____--------, Intermediary Order ______-__ ------------- approved_-__October_30,_ 194$--------------, Final Order ------------------------------ approved-- approved____ Nogember 27�-1945----___------ The 'Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said, assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - -11th ---------- day he--__-_14th----------day of__-Fe-bruary------------------ 19_46_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council -JAN -15-194 ------------------- A __--___- -----, City Clerk. --------- Approved ---------------- File 9817 19---- Rn Councilman Confoy. ,_-Pnvtlkew Councilman F @qnM„- .a p.H canto Councilman d. --_-r. Peterson Councilman _ Councilman RO'�4.r��>` Tom` Councilman S Mayor somwava McDonough Mayor. IT-'T�=t1' I- IC)- Y� ` 3--. Council File No................................. By RESOLUTIONS RATIFYING _ ASSBSSMENT- -' C. F. - Nn. 156294— ' In tiie matter of iheassemnent- of benefits, damages, costa and emxneoa for changing the grade of Fate P ee from _...fury'_ gt_.m-soyniia. • _. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses I � ' 2,34 for changing the grade of Fair Place from Asbury St. to Snelling Ave., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading Fair Place from Asbury St. to Spelling Ave. to the proposed red line when established, 130939 131267 131496 . _.._. under Preliminary Order ------------------•------, Intermediary Order.....-.----....-----••----, Final Order----••-•--------- approved _.July -25------------ ............. 194i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment foi the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in, all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................ /.2.....equal installments. JAN 1 110 Adopted by the Council...= ....... - - .....• --------------------19 ..... City Clerk. JAN Approved............ .----------------------------------------- 19. -- ----- --- - •- --------------------- Mayor. Form B. B. 19 File 9661 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December18 ---- 19- 45- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for Jdmx changing the grade of Fair Place from Asbury St. to Snelling Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading Fair PIIace.from Asbury St. to Snelling Ave. to the proposed red line when established, 130939 Intermediary Order .....131267.................... under Preliminary Order....................39................ Y 131498.. a roved ... ................. - --- - July 25............:..., 19.. 44 Final Order------------------------------ approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction (Force .Account). $------5.&2-..0- ............ Cost of publishing notice . $.......... .00--.---"-..... Cost of postal cards $.-......_0.12--""-•-....-- Amount of Court costs for confirmation $ 0.60 Iuaj[satiQmhms Engineering . . . . . . $ Q.0.00 . Balance to Owner enefits $960.7 ) �oaatAfxmnzbcamsta�'a ''� (� j -•-------•--------• amages $ 4. 0"' """"" Total expenditures (Balance to City) $ ................ Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...._956..77.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or pa;cel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fo B. R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.. --------- By .................. 4..................................... ?� ,11 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on the south side of Hartford Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Albert Street, 135285— ' benefits, costs and the asaesmnent. ofl etructlnz curb es for conf Herfsor Avenue g.e south-alde of: It. Albert, street under 8em11ne„Avenue' .._ 131570,: rutermediery_Ord- 31704r - K. _,;a under Preliminary Order.... ....--. Intermediary Order ...N..1-10.. Final Order ...131859......... . approved......._September .......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1n ................. --3.......equal installments. 96 Adoptedby the Counm--1----------1A---------------------------_.......-•------•----------•------..19---...... i ,,�� �ixteFl ......... City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------------------- - ------- 19... Form B. B. IB File 9689 - / ....... - .......... - Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 18 lg 45 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tlza constructing curbing on the south side of Hartford Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Albert Street, under Preliminary Order......131570 ................................. Intermediary Order .........131708----_......_.......___. Final Order ---.....1.31.@59............................... approved ................ September_19-------------------------------- 1'J._44. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 605 00 Cost of construction $............._'_...----------- 1.80 Cost of publishing notice . $ ................................ .36 Cost of postal cards $---•--------------------------• 12.10 Inspection fees $....................... Amount of court costs for confirmation --------- 1.80 59.00 Engineering . Total expenditures . . $......680,06........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..._680.-06.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. E. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Ortgnal to G ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL co"' NO ------ _-------.- - " -1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • I N COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMM ISSIONER._.____ RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Wheeler Trans- portation Company for the installation of one 10,000 to 12,000 gallon capacity gasoline storage tank above the ground, at its property at 656 Pelham Boulevard; said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss ParrrFmd�l[n-- anto Peterson .--_.. J...In Favor c Truax --------------Against Mr. President, McDonough. 2M 945 ow® -�T C. F. No. 135236. -By G:, 8. B rhee Resolved, to the Wheeler Tranepo�rtatioo Co granted for the of, one 10,OW to 12.000 Hanot n�eepe ity gasoLne stp e tank above the ground,' et ite pm at 059 Pelham .Boulevard: said Van to be made under the dlrectlon and to the eatfsfectlon of the Commie- sloner of Fu c Safety. Adopted by the Counen Jen. 19, 1899. APProved Jan. 19, 1948. (January 19, 1940) JAN * 6 Adopted by the Council.--:..............................194...--- Approved.................................... 194 Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jan. 15, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Wheeler Transportation Co. for permit to install one gasoline storage tank above ground of 10,000 to 12,000 gallon capacity on their property at 656 Pelham Blvd. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Gl POLICE FIRE HEALTH POLICE and FIRE ALARM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota c �epadwepd a� AIL csaletcv Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 10, 1946 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Pauli wi— sota Dear Sir i Referring to the application of the Wheeler TransportationCompanyoforthepermit to ground an above- ground storags tank Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention has made the neoesaary inspeotion and reports that there is no objection to the granting of this pezmit- Mr. Carney's report is attached. VTruVYB, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT GAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 9, 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Wheeler Transportation Company to install one gasoline stor- age tank above ground of 10.000 to 12,000 gallon capacity. We have made our usual inspection and report that company has agreed to install this tank in accordance with our local regulations; and as tank adjoin- ingbe more belliiev ehiseinstallation would not ing property, serionsly,iaerease the fire hazard of that vicinity. He ly yours, Chief, eau of Fire Preventi HWC/t WHEELEk TRANSPORTATION COMPANY E a U)NEE�yv11 7. DAILY SERVICE uL�w Aew_.1 HwSRa .: WISCONSIN UPPER MICHIGAN i T 656 PELHAM BOULEVARD Mw6sH rie�o Ww SwuE6S ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA December 2'i, 1945 City Council 366 Court House St. Paul, i,',innesota Attention: idr. Harry OTConnell, City Clerk Gentlemen: It is our desire to erect a lu-12,uOO gallon vertical tank on our property here at bb6 Pelham Blvd., St. Paul ':innesota. T1 --e tank will be a new one, properly installed and properly dyked. ,bay we kindly have your permission please, to proceed with this work. Yours ver? truly, VV�iFy pf� TR.; -. PORTATIOILi Ccii Fp" l VLresident RAPeters/ pl 1� ER..' TRANSPORTATION COMPANY PPLE�ON MINN wvous vlNEE�" - ,�� DAILY SERVICE CHIPPtww rwu, NEENAH-NAeNw Mme/ WISCONSIN UPPER MICHIGAN eHEeovOwN 656 PELHAM BOULEVARD BfEV ENa r•o6—R.es q ST. PAUL 4. MINNESOTA —FISH.IELo —U... April 25, 1946 City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Pdinnesota Re: Gasoline Storage Gentlemen: We would like permission to install a 10,000 gallon storage tank for gasoline on our property located at Pelham Boulevard and 'Habash Avenue. The tank has already been delivered to aTherefore,dw ish we to install same as soon as we receive your appy would appreciate consideration as soon as possible. Yours very ruly, 'AAF,11. !: RANSPCRTATIGi•1 C011:PANY Vice President RAPeters/pl � I 4� �L / lU r 01 O"Pua to city cj�k CITY OF ST. PAUL MU""` NO..___--•-.-_- Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY- �n�� ! G� JanuaP 15, 1946 COMMISSIONER ii(///L_.- I� DAA Resolved, That the rurchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purcnasd, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "f4" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.tt. motor method, from the H.X.8TAhL 6ORPr1NY, at a price of S .07344 per gallon, less 1%' ten days on refinery price, to be delivered on Municipal Equipment spur at Dale Street,'on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 C. F- 9uestNO' 134—$Y Parraato—(y7 re- Resoloow ....__..._ of thea b-dshi—p �",heo b PUY would Ad100.4-134. Charge Munbi.'t' 11=1- APPxPov¢d bJan IB 18 8 Jan. 18, 1940. (January 19. 1848.) DRQ 6 1946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194....-. Yeas Nays { ! a1,(9 Barfuss J n� Approved ............................ ------------- 194------ Parranto / Peterson In Favor Truax .--..-...Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 OQW@ Comsis. Badus er`igioat city Cleric C. F. No. 195238—B9 Ferrante— atheplhfet counen. NO. -..--------"---'=-- su.[ .f+ the�opereoneTn madeon attach-- -' ed. to fids reeolutton be and the same ' Clerlt ere herebyy granted. and- the lice lnatructed to issue such licenses UP- i8 IRM C.OUN�on the payment into the City treasury oP the re0vired flees. .Adopted by the Councn Jan. 18, 1918: Approved Jav: 18. 194". PR EN D BY GOM i TONER_ ( (January 1B, 1896.) licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated RESOLVED: That be and the same are hereby granted: Direct Service oil co. 390 E. Kellogg Gasoline Sts. App. 35490 Renewal W. B .�,Soukop 721 A. Snelling ^ Grocery ^ Cigarette a 35535 x 35536 n o Mollie Alpert 412 X. Smith a Grocery " Butcher " 35775 n 3577b a a ^ " n Off Sale Malt " 35777 " e n n Cigarette " 35779 " ^ Seven Corners Drug Co. Inc.175 W. 7th a Confectionery ^ cigarette " 35779 n 35790 a a a " a Victor Niewinaki Arcade 1045 Arc ^ Restaurant on Sale Malt " 35791 " 357 62 n a " Off Sale Matt " 35793 " e n a Cigarette a 35794 " Isaac S19 der 414 Jackson n Restaurant n On Sale Malt 35901 " 35902 " a a n a a Off Sale Malt " 35603 a e n n n Cigarette a 35904 " Edward Leuthge Rew York Bldg. " a Confectionery " Cigarette ^ 35909 " 35909 " a a " Clyde 0. Prescott 402 Robert a Confectionery " cigarette " 35917 " 35919 a a a n St. Paul Scrap Iron & Metal Co. 290 Alabama Junk Dealer ". 35921 " 959 Rice Gas Sta. 3P. ^ 35977 " Robert Hennessey Vito Clarizio 160 E. Itn n Restaurant a On Sale Malt ^ 3bO5O " 3bO51 " a ^ n Adopted by the Council ----------------------------- -----194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved--- - -------------•-- 194...... Parranto ---------' --------- Peterson . --- ....-.In Favor - Mayor --�iasen--- Truax _ -....Against --- Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 .4qWp _ I ?15238, grland to C14 cauk co—C11- ouHedCITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------ CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By .. DATE January 15 COMMISSIONER -_-.--..•.-••..� 1946 - E. Off Sale Malt afp. 3bO52 Renewal - Vito Clarizio 180 7th " p p • ■ Cigarette 3653 William Spiel 826 E. 7tn Restaurant " " 3b103 3b1O4 " " p p a a • • ■ ■ On Sale Malt Off Sale Melt ^ 36105 " • a • ■ Cigarette " 3blOb ^ Ralph Marrone 13 Leech St. Cigarette " 3b188 " bred C. Herges 981 University Restaurant " 36201 ^ p n a a On Sale Malt ^ 3b202 n p • R n Off Sale Malt n 3b203 " a a e n Cigarette 11 3b20 " Paul Arend & Robt. Koehnen 599 N. Dale Restaurant a 36244 ^ p p p n n n On Sale Malt " 3b245 " a a n a n a Off Sale Malt ^ 3b246 ^ a n n n a n Cigarette ^ 3b247 n Joseph E. Hensler 967 E. Minnenana Grocery - ^ 3b2b2 n ^ p e n •' Botcher. n 36263 Gino Andreassi 221 E. 7th Restaurant ^ 3b2SO n p p n a On Sale Malt ^ 3b281 " a ■ ^ Off Sale Malt " 36292 " p p n n Cigarette " 36263 ° Tony Lamanna 3b1 Upper Levee Restaurant " 303s4 " n n n ^ ^ On Sale Malt " 3b365 " p p n a ■ Off Sale Malt " 3b380 " Cigarette " 3b397 " Harry Snapiro 978 Grand Confectionery " " 36390 " " n a n e ■ ■ ■ ■ Off Sale Malt Cigarette n 36391 36392 " Archie Schwietz 1109 Arcade Restaurant Sale Malt. " ^ 36402 36403 " " p n n n a n n n On Off Sale Malt " 36404 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194...... yeas Nays Barfuss . Approved ------- ------_------------t ------------ 194 Parranto Peterson -------------In Favor -- ............ --................----------.. - ........... Mayor------- Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 °®'® W1¢Inal to MY clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL . _. Page 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY_CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENeRAL FORM couHcm NO.____ FILE — ------ DAIS Januar4 I 1946 Archie Schwiets 1109 ArcadeCigarette App. 36405 Renewal - Stanley Maslaski 949 W. 7tn Restaurant " 36445 " " " " ■ On Sale Malt " 3644b " Off Sale Malt " 36447 " William Gotlieb 92 State St. Junk Dealer it 3649b " Dave Levy 95-91 S. Wabasna 2nd nd. Auto Pts." 36493 " Mortenson Bros. b7b Winslow Confectionery " 36497 " e n " " Off Sale Mair " 36499 n Cigarette "n 399 Paul Faraci 413 St. Peter Barber " 36530 " Joe Eckert & Geo. Dennemeyer 309 Jackson Barber " 36541 a Harry A. Dfelt 871 E. 7th Gas Sta. 3P. " 36553 " Harry Schnitzer 963 Berry Junk Dealer It 36559 " Mrs. Jennie Balers, n n n 407 James Grocery " 36561 " n u Batcher " 36562 It Off Sale Malt " 36563 n Cigarette " 36564 o L.P., L.A., & B.J. Novotny 977 Oakdale n n Groce " Butcher it36� It n n Off Sale Malt " 36572 n Cigarette " 36573 n C. Monsour & Co. " n 125 S. WabashaGrocer n It ° " Butcher " 36599 n Charles C. Steele n " 199 N. Hemline " Grocery " 36600 " It Cigarette " 36601 It Harry Lindquist 227 E. 9th Gas St p n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(uss —"�-diae Parranto Peterson --...In Favor—•--- rResen Truax ............ Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .�,0 Ste 3 36602 " Adopted by the Council......................... ___ ....194.__._. Approved.------ ----- ---•-----•-- 194 ------ Mayor OrlQins4 to Car quk - CITY OF ST. PAUL couHcn. NO..-.___—' •� ..--" -.---• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK page COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Janaery 157 1946 PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER DATE Harry Lindquist 227 E. 8th Orig. Cont. App. " 36603 Renewal 36604 " a n a „ Parking Lot L. Eisenmenger Meats 4 Wabasa n5 h " Grocery " Butcher " 36634 " 36635.." n ^ L. M. Dot 81 N. Snelling n Gas Sta. 3P. ^ Orig. Cont. ^ 36643 " 36644 ^ ^ „es ^ S.D. Macent & A.J. Branca 2513 University Restaurant " On Sale Malt " 36649 " 36650 " Off Sale Malt " 36651 " Tavern ^ 36652 " Dance Hall ^ " 3665 ^ 36654 " Cigarette rixst Arcade Wind Shop, Inc. 365 Robert Confectionery " 36665 ^ Maurice 0. Peterson 949 E. 7th " ^ Restaurant " On Sale Malt " 36676 ^ 36679 " „ a Off Sale Malt ^ 36680 " a n Cigarette ^ 366g1 ^ Rocco Carbone 369-73 Z. 7th Off Sale Malt " 36697 " Emil J. Lingle 1037 Payne a a Grocery " Butcher " 36692 " 36693 " „ „ Off Sale Malt " 36694 " a „ a a Cigarette ^ 36695 " Chester O. Tallakeon 640 Grand OsSan368 On Sale 70 n ^ Off Sale Malt " 36709 a_ Cigarette " 36710 " Louie & Milton Nahineky 194 E. 7th a Restaurant " On Sale Malt ^ 36715 " 36716 " n Off Sale Malt " 36717 " Adopted bfUMtYYN------------ p........ 36718.194" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss r.Izindlan ---- Approved..................... ---------------------194.----- Parranto Peterson ------------.In Favor ------------- .................... ............ Mayor -Kasen — _ Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .@W-® Wjtj ant to clis ©-k page 5 cou` NO----.------- -- �-� CITY OF ST. PAUL F." - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY GO M M ISSIONER. DATE— 16 S Rice St- Restaurant APP. 36720 Renewal �rlya Margares a3 a on We Malt Is 36721 " " a Off Sale Malt "36722 ^ a a a a Cigarette n 36723. " Bernard Pabst 8 Margaret 7p a " Butcher " 36731 " 36732 " n a a a Off Sale Malt " 36733 " Cigarette " 36734 " Helen E. Kemper 37 1 Earl St. a Restaurant " on Sale Malt " 36741 " 642 u 3 7 n " n Off Sale Malt "3674N n n n n n Cigarette " 367 " James Zogar 619 Grand n n Confectionery " Off Sale Malt " 36759 " 36760 n n It Cigarette " 36761 " n n Mr a. Dewey Raarup 36 so. Date Restaurant " 36799 " Joseph F. Ryan 207 Bates " Restaurant " On Sale Malt " 36801 ^ 36so2 " " a n Off Sale Malt " 36803 " Cigarette " 4 36go " Mary Boradale 959 Arcade Restaurant " a 36933 " " a n a n n n on Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 3693 36935 " n n Cigarette " 36936 " and Klimenhagen � 850 Selby a Grocery " Botcher ^ 3686o ^ 36961 n a n Daniel & Peter Ehlenz 75 N. Snelling Gas Sta. 4P. " 36862 " E. P. Esaner Geo. H. Williams 64§-7-9 Selby a n Restaurant " on sale Malt " 36994 " 36885 " a " " n a n a u n n n u Off Sale Malt " 36886 " Adopted by the Council..................................194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss �indlarr'" Approved------ --------------------------...-----194------ Parranto Peterson -------------- In Favor -- -......----------- ----------- -------------------------Mayor _.— Truax ------------- Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .gap.® 19, O}Ipinal to ct4 Clot CITY OF ST. PAUL m�nca No«_._-- ---- .»----- Page 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 15 191jj6 E. P. Esener & Geo. H. Williams 645-7-9 Selby Cigarette App. 36857 Renewal Joseph Degidlo & Louise Palumbo 1425 W. 7th Restaurant " 36859 " p a fl N a N On Sete Malt " 36890 " Off Sale Malt " 36591 " p n fl a n a Cigarette " 36592 " jr. J. Weblishauser 1555 Marshall Gas Ste. 3P. " 36944 " Aaron Goldberg. 195 E. Indiana Butcher " 36945 " Aloysius Heinz 1158 Selby Confectionery " 36996 " Off Sale Malt "35997 " R n n R Cigarette " 3699$ " Town & Country Club 2279 Marshall On Sale Malt " 37001 " n a a a a Off Sale Malt " 37002 " n N R a n Cigarette " 37003 " Peter Westlund 927 Rice Butcher " 37048 " Otto P. Groner, Jr. 742 Edmund Grocery " 37054 " " n n R Butcher " 37055 " E1of E. Lundin 955 Rice Grocery " 37142 " n a a n Butcher " 37143 " Harry A. Millman 75-79 N. Western Gas Sta. 2P. " 37168 " Alphonsus Davis 389 Selby Restaurant " 37257 " a a n R On Sale Malt " 37255 " Off Sale Malt " 37259 n a n a n Cigarette " 37290 " Elmer S. Nelson 1174-76 Arcade Restaurant " 37317 " OII Sale Malt " 37315 " a • ■ " Off Sale Malt " 37319 " Cigarette " 37320 " Adopted by the CouncilJAle._� �.. -..194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN t9 !tl16 yt(� Barfuss -Findhm--- Approved------------------ ----------------------- 19C----- Parranto S..In Peterson Favor - - Mayor 6 Truax .........Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 ..�.� d 1524► Or141aa1 to CITY Clerk ' - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FI NO._ --_--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL OLUTION.—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that upon appeal of R. H. Rines from the de- cision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted to remodel the two-story frame dwelling at 720-722 Surrey Avenue into a triplex, subject to the conditions that the plans be approved by the City Architect, and that the house be painted. C.6pnF- No. 13- —By Robert F. Peter- Ri, — Resolved, aea ire... T'tl et �poa appeal o; R. H. _ of to COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounCl'A-_11... """°'-.._----194------ Yeas Nays: " -t '4s, 1.1 1I t" arFuss man - Approved------------ --------_--------------- -194 4a�rranto - �terson Favor, --- --- Mayor TrPr..ident, ---�:-__Against McDonough am 945 qQW CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita_ 1 of Minnesota - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU O -oil IF RECORDS * 4 i �Myl_® i Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel _ City Hall Dear Sir! Jan. 16, 1946. The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of R. H. "Hines for permission to remodel a two-story frame dwelling at 720-722 Surrey St, into a triples, subject to the approval of the plans by the City Architect and subject to the condition further, that the house be painted. Very truly yours, City Clerk. .Tan. 2, 1946. Hon. John S. Tindina Comer. of linaao� City Sell Dear Sirs The City Council will hold a hearingg on January 16th In the matter of the appeal of R. S. Blues, 1k30 Rdgoumbs Road, for permission to remodel a two—story frame dwelling at 720-M Surrey St. into a triples. Will yon kindly send notices to property owners as required by the Zoning Ordinance= as amendod4 Very truly yours, City Clark. �SY On s, THE BOARD OF ZONING rw �� Established by Ordinance. No. 5840 July 7th, 1932 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C 279 COURT HOUSE - w.P H� EGI P E. o NCMAN January 15th, 1946. orrlccR BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. M ETH V EN JOSEPH F. REIMBOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. D r.D GEORIGE H. HERWOLD Mr. Harry T. OlConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of R. H. Rines to remodel a portion of the double house at 720-722 Surrey Street. This is the third building from Bates Avenue to the east in a "B" Residence District. It is a frame two-story double house and is across the street from the 4m Buren School Playgrounds. It stands on a lot 71 ft. x 120 ft. The applicant requests that he be permitted to remodel one side by making two small apartments on the second floor and one apartment on the first floor. There will be no exterior alter- ations. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted subject to satisfactory plans approved by the City Architect, and as a condition for granting this privilege that the house be painted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh January 2, 1946 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I am the oviner of a two story frame dwelling, 52 by 50 feet, W 22 Surrey Street, dese ibed as Wilder & Dodge's Subdivision of Block 48 of Lyman Dayton Addition, except West 9 feet of Porth 80.02 feet of Lot 10 and all Lot 9, Block 1. The lot is approximately 71 by 120 feet, and is in a "B" residence District. This is a double house and I would like to arrange one side into a three family dw-�lling. There will be no ex- terior changes. IW 11 a,) I) reciate your favorable consideration of my ap- pe i 44bF;i� Ince with C. J'. 125733, Ordinance No. 6365. �r. Y01131s tr / ✓7 d 1 1430 Ldgeumbe Rd. -10 24 i) i t -,RV41 OrWrud to City Clete eouHea . CITY OF ST. PAUL v,. NO ---- ___---- _---- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` Jan 16 1946 PREe N ONE E DATE '-�+1 COM I RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A36906, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 136907, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A36908, Two Pool Tables, Application A36909, and Cigarette, Application A36910, applied for by Eugene Burke at 959 Gaultier Street, be and the same are hereby granted, New Informally approved by Council January S, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arluss �arranto Peterson A.. -.--.-In Favor ruT ax .... -----Against "Air. President, McDonough 500 9-44 Eqjjyp,,@ C. F. No, 136241—By G. H. Barfuss, W. A. Parranto— Resolved. That licenses far Restaurant. Application ASON, On Sale Malt Bev - stage, Application A36907, Off Sale Milt Tabges.g ppAppP"Catlono 136909pp nd Cigar! andetheHurk for by onaiAM eGabultle-aStrra t, be Adopted by the Councn Jan. 17, 1946. Approved (January 19, 1946) JO 17194& Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... ajk'W; ' c Approved------------------------------------------ 194. ---------M----ayor ---------- Original t0 City Clerk O CITY OF ST. PAUL count-- No2524 a.a .----•---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ----•---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER pA� J'amlary 16 19x5 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and. he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller., to arran,e with the KEEi.Y BOILER & MANUFACTURING CO. for the complete retubing of Boilers #1 and #2 in the Johnson High School at a cost of approximately $2500.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the bast interests Of the City. Charge Public Schools- Major Repairs- 15 -J -S COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays lt3ariuss gy�m. an �Yarranto ,1ycterson In Favor ru' ax XPresident, McDonough -�....Against 500 4-44 iSWQ C 1 a True— Resolved, Thtthe c Purchasing Agent M. be, and he is hereby authorited with the consent of the Mayor and the Comp- troller, to arrange with itth the Kenny !complete retubinga of Bp vers, No. o1 and No. 2 in the Johnson >iigh School at cost of approximately $2900.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, ea an mergency exists where failure to act, promptly would work a hardship to the beat interests of . the City. Charge Public School—Major Repairs -15J-9. Adopted by the Councll Jan. 17, 1948. Approved Jan. 17, 1949.. (.Us, 18, 1948) j JAN 17 LW Adopted by the Council ............ ---------------------- 194 --.-.- 'JAR 1 Y Approved ............ •----- ------------194------ V ....... - - ----------------- Mayor original toaak X243 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�"`�"� NO.__�_�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - //�L{�') COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /� COMM SIIONER GATE �tnuary l7. 1946 0 WHEREAS, Paul Preston has made application 37377 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one LaSalle automobile, Serial No. 2233979, Car No. 134, covered by the Casualty Reciprocal ,v ^ Exchange, Policy No. DF - 5200, expiring December 24, 1946, and. WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by � the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it / IIESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a(taxicab�upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Paul Preston. ,.I ly G. A. Barfuss, Preston has made license to operate the streets of the Resolved. That license to operate said aotomobtle ae a- taxicab upon the New streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same Is hereby granted to Paul. Informally approved by Council Preston. Adopted by the Council Jan. 17, 1898. Approved Jen. 17; i November 28, 1945, (January l9, s, i898) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncAP....�_l 90 194. Yeas Nays 6rfllB9 JAN a /Approved..-.. ......................------------194 arranto Peterson -`..'....In Favor $o5en Mayor 'Truax - ...--.--.Against i .Xr. President, McDonough 500 4-43 .®•Q - NO. - original to c err CITY OF ST. PAUL P0s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (\ ly Ja DAnva 7' 196 PRESENTED -RX. COMMiSS10 license to operate as an Vi1MIfW. Carl Peterson has made application 36375 for auto livery car upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) Packard automobile, Motor -No. B 505724A, Serial No. 1271D2340, Car No. 15, covered by Saint Paul Mercury Indemnity Co., insurance policy CAI.5629, expiring December 29, 1946, and W1S, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance' policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it an livery, car upon the RESOLVED, That license to operate said automobile,as anted to' streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby gr Carl Peterson. C. F. No. 135244—BY G. a. sarLusa.� \ W. A. Partanto— WHEREAS, Car1 Peterson has made �� I application 3Me Lor license to operate of the City of Saint Paulp one I) Peck and automobile. Motor NoNo 115;=7�-' aerial No. 1211D2348. Car Cas insurance pp)icyPaul MCA4'�38'LB.. xpiring:. may,. IE��. 3e1d aPPncent has Lned a. c of the insurance policy with the Cff of saint Paul and aeld DoRey has been approved as to form end execu tion by the Corporation Counsel, there- fore. be it Resolved. That license to operate said automobile as an auto livery car upon the streets of the CiV of Saint Paul be . and the same is hereby Granted to. Carl Peterson.d by y the Council- Jan. 17. 1W. Adopte Approved (Januery 17. 18� 1846). I ` Renewal. 3Ai� 1 Adopted by the Council --------------------- ---------194 COUNCILMEN PAU"'' e14,, Yeas Nays Barfuss--------- 194 Approved.-------•------------•-- Parranto i- - _--.--�....In Favor --- ------ Mayor Peterson n -- --------------Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 �® or111nal to Cityk couNcm CITY OF ST. PAUL Fn.a NO._.-.__-----_---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' �j� PRESENTED. - DATE'19 COMMISSIONE ' WHEREAS. Bolch J. Perkins has made application 36330 for license to operate as a. taxicab upon the streets Of.the City of Saint Paul, one (1) Chevrolet automobile, Motor No. 2261, Serial No. 21AG104722, Car No. 132, covered by the Anchor Casualty Company, policy As455730, expiring December 13, 1946, and p(gMMAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy With the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is leareby granted to Bolch J. Perkin% i C. F. No. 135145 -By G. 8. Battuss,. W. A. Parraoto— WBEREAS, Botch J. Perkins had fnr. nems% to'. LTn et asa taxxicabu pp000l Cfe heieby`1grapnte te" Council Jan. 17, Renewal. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counct-_.--..-- ---------- 194.._.. Yeas Nays F"Id Barfusa in an / Approved -------------------------194 Parranto -----------.In Favor i-� - - ------- Peterson - - Mayor •–Rosefl— Truax .............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44'� on oft, r�4s CITY OF ST. PAUL 2 --ca -... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7'/�/7(�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE SENJfEO E DATE T/, 7 7 7 1 944.. COM ED WHEREAS, Wabasha - Third Corporation has made application 36157 for license to operate as auto rental care upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, two (2) Ford automobiles - Car No. 11, Motor # 195951105, and Car No. 12, Motor # 99A - 1728224, covered by Continental Cpsualty Co., policy #CA2000706, expiring January 1, 1947, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobiles as auto rental care upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the Wabasha - Third Corporation. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss -a� r an�to— / -11'eterson - ---.- In Favor _leeerr --- Jruax --------------Against � President, McDonough 500 4-s .O ,AN 17 ft Adopted by the Council ---------------------- ------------ 194...... Approved------ ----------- ........... -1-------------- Mayor P Original ro CITY OF ST. PAUL M—CI. 247 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ------------ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ T n ,,y 7 7 _ 1915f WHEREAS, Hertz Drive Yourself System has made application 36158 for license to operate as auto rental care upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, two (2) Chevrolet automobiles, Car No. S. Motor No. 292'9569, 29569 Serial 21gB1124113, and Dar No. 9, Motor AA60189, Serial 21AQ092275, covered by the Continental Casualty Co., policy #CA2000706, expiring January 1, 1947, and AREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobiles as auto rental cars upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Hertz Drive Yourself System. C. F. No. 135247—By G. H. Barfuss. W. A. Parranto— tem hasEA,nadeH ePpllenaUon 38olbg f r li- cense%to operate Ora auto rental cars vp- n the streets of the C14y of Saint Paul. two 121 - x 0S vm, That license to operate said automobnes as auto rental ais upon the streets of the City of Saint tonul Hertz DriveeYourselff System. anted Adopted by the Council Jan. 17, 1948. Approved Jan. 17, 1948. (January 19, 1948) Renewal, i COUNCILMEN JAN 17 194 Yeas Nays � Adopted by the Council ._----------------------------_-194 _ / arfuss AM! "; 7 i t'1n }an ' _,�Z�ranto / Approved.' pproved -------- -------------------- - 194 iPeterson Favor c. seen -Truax ....Against -•--- • --•------•-- Mayor 'Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 '® kwatuae to City .-MC. F. xo{/ .1 •35�B—sy G-'B�S�artuas� -S �-p� V - W. A. Farranto— CIT. , Resolved. That Rcensea appplie�d for by %N°2 OFFICE d the mO°s n81:db:-..d... an the .let attached to this'yantteon tie and the same are - heaeby granted, and the Clty Clerk is COUNCIL FiESC� i' r"Med to ZO e C ncen°es upon I! the payment a aS. the City treasury of the xequlred,Sees. . PRESENTED B Adopted by the Cou4oil. Tan 17, 1946. COMMISSIONE _ 1 ADProved Jas' 17, 1 (I 1 16. 1946 Jmtiary 19, 9, 1848) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated - be and the same are hereby granted: George Thompson 1609 Rice Street Grocery App. 35305 Renewal n « ^ ^ off Sale Malt " 35306 " Cigarette " 35307 " Harry Stathas 2422 University Restaurant " 35409 " Cigarette " 35410 " George R. Herbst 499 Lafond Grocery " 35413 " Off Sale Malt " 35414 " n n n n Cigarette " 35415 " Mary F. Mills 124 Bremer Arcade Restaurant n 35460 " Guilio Cassi & A.M. Rossi 316 Rice St. Bakery " 35513 " Pauline Gordon 529 Rice St. Cigarette ^ 35661 " n n n n Butcher " 35662 " Grocery " 3566} ^ n n n n Off Sale Malt " 35664 " William Woetovich 625 Central Pk.Place Grocery " 35900 " Off Sale Malt " 35901 " Cigarette It 35902 " Chris Christensen 1567 University Restaurant " 3595y? " On Sale Malt " 359N " Off Sale Malt " 35955 " Cigarette " 35956 " LeRoy Marshall 569 Arundel Grocery " 35990 " Off Sale Malt " 35991 " Cigarette ^ 35992 " Harry Lennon & Geo. Richter 1591 University Restaurant ^ 36237 " n n n n n n On Sale Malt " 36239 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194----_ Yeas Nays Barfuss Xi� Approved ...................... -- ............ -194 Parranto Peterson------In Favor ......................- . --- ------------------------------ ................... Mayor Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44.® CITY OF ST. PAUL Ff.'OUNCR No ------ __--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January 16 1946 COMMISSIONER Harry Lennon & Geo. Richter 1581 University Off Sale Malt App. 3b239 Renewal Tavern " 36240 a Dance Hall " 36241 a cigarette " 36242 " Rudolph Mottl 438 Lafond Grocery a 36309 " a a 11 ^ Off Sale Malt " 36310 " n R a " cigarette " 36311 " Catherine Arbuckle R R A R R R Phil Memmer fl R E. W. Ramaley & Co. n n n p a n Lorene Recreation. Inc. n n n p p R R a Edw. H. Sharretts fl R Frank N. -Lux a R R R " R Wilbert R. Raines Elmer Tinklenberg COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss —FiffftyP"^ Parranto Peterson 'Ro"n_ Truax Mr. President, McDonough 600 4-44 .O 1537 University Restaurant ^ 36336 " ^ ^ On Sale Malt " 36337 " n a Off Sale Malt " 36339 a fl " Cigarette " 36339 " 943 E. 7th St. Grocery " 36662 " ^ " Butcher " 36663 ". 668 Grand + Off Sale Malt " 36672 " 664-8 Grand Butcher " 36873 " 66g Grand Bakery " 36874 " ^ " Cigarette " 36975 " 460-8 N. Lexington Restaurant " 36g7g " " " On Sale Malt " 36979 " n a Off Sale Malt " 36ggo " a a Bowl.Alley 12 " 36991 " " ^ Cigarette " 36892 ^ 2389 University Restaurant " 37128 " " ^ Cigarette " 37129 " 147 N. Snelling Grocery " 37339 " " ^ Butcher " 37339 " n n Off Sale Malt " 37340 " " ^ Cigarette " 37341 " 137 Mt. Airy Taxicab Driver ^ 37443 " 109 N. Smith Taxicab Driver p 37473 " Adopted by the Council ................. ................. 194....-. ---.----..._.In Favor -------------- Against Approved------------...................----..194------ •"OrIonrt to Ctty C1uk ��-- .y� - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL rlLc NO.___ `=__f_______:_�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 16, 1946 Hoy E. Martin 1561 Rice St. Taxicab Driver App. 37476 Renewal Chester W. Beater 971 Dodd Rd. Taxicab Driver " 37477 " Lewis Bogdanovich 260 w. 6th St. Taxicab Driver " 37478 " Louis Vad 179 Eva St. cigarette ". 37492 " Robert Clark 1764 Iglehart Motor V. Driver " 37504 " Laverne J. Murphy 985 Italer Motor V. Driver ^ 37523 ^ Raymond H. Dmffert 680 Broadway Taxicab Driver " 37524 " Lloyd T. LaFleur Sr. 355 W. Cottage Taxicab Driver ^ 37531 " Mrs. Jane Mattson 994 Arcade Cigarette " 37557 " Edward W. Tepel 755 E. 5th St. Taxicab Driver ^ 37562 ^ T. M. Solstad 2362 University Cigarette ^ 37581 " Silas E. Baird 1927 Birmingbam Taxicab Driver " 37595 " St. Paul Lodge B.P.O. Elks $59 14 E. 8th St. Cigarette " 37597 " Harold Edwin Myhre 419 Iglehart Taxicab Driver " 37604 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncoR... 17TIM ------194.----- Yeas Barfuss Nays JAN IFI TFindtalT, Approved... .................................. ----194 Parranto Peterson ----- In Favor - .... - - Reae>f"� Mayor Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 �..Q Oripin•1 to City Clerk - ,IR -524t) R -h2 }� t) �' R CITY OF ST. PAUL co" 4 R - M No..___ i_ . +._ M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �1.L PRESENTED BY /�,.'/ �yy[/_. ,teary 17. 19W COMMISSIONER.—DATE' wfMmas the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charters the existence of an emergency which rendered neoessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per days said employment being more than usual hours of employments therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinaf- ter net forth. XLME TITLE OVERTIME EATB TOTAL PAID • George Leroux Water -shed laborer 16 hre. " .80 / 12.80 7.60 Marvin T. McGrath Ditch digger 8 12 ".81 .95 9.3 Chauncey J. Barett Water -shed laborer 6 " 1.06- Roy Leonard S. Munson Foreman-W.D. 6 " 1.o6-7/L� 6.38 A. Munson John J. Barton do Ditch digger 7 " " •95 6.65 2.51 Joe L. Frits Meter repairman 3 •83-3/13 # 52.04 s Omitted in Dec. 1945 Certified corrects ,�-��ieonard S. Thompson General Manager COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss 'FYadian Parranto Peterson Truax Mr. President, McDonough 343 9-45- am @ ..In Favor n Against C.F. . F. No. 136749—BY W. A. Parrant, .Resolved. That the prover city oftl- ere are hereby authorized to pay cer- tefn emDlo ea 1n the Department of eetb)outu on�etheorlistt tftehrd tonthl�a resolution. a Adopted by the Councll Jan. 17, 1946. Approved Jan. 17, lncn (January 19,. 1946) P 17 Igo Adopted by the Councl .............---------- ....---- ...194...-__ Approved ........................... V �f ------------- - - Mayor emergency has arisen in the WAAM Drilam� remderiag necessary the evlgloyrAnt of certain employes of that departunt for more than eight hours per dsyy in the doing of the folloii.ng�aork: Opsratia6 filter giant.-* Driving end aee4oing truok.# Outting off water maim, Cretin d Eleanor This emergency arose by reason of the 11mdng facts and eiroumstaneest *Sundays 'eoumtry crew to and from worl[. ff&" t in main, New Yew's Day. BOARD OF WATER COO[ISSI president Certified correott �f�Leonwrd N. �ompeoa tieneral Manager ' NOTICE C. F. NO. 135258 & 135251— TO Treeaury agrregate '16 , Thai check the drawn. on • . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER -amount of 873,82801, covering checks numbered 43188 to' 4=2 Inclusive mer ;checks on the 1a the office' of City -Com troller. pp January 1(�_ AdoPtefl bY. the: Cottncil Jan.. 37, 1998. Approved Jan. 17,98. - 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BEI (January ��18; 1848). i.� '+3166— , TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 73>,626.o1 5(—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_TO--A3?Z?--- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, r1,�3I'1'f d .--.— ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 'IP1111 i � 1 j4_ - -� � ,- OoJ,JPraOLLeR APPROVED 194_ BY !�' n J y�,/Ji/ ix -F/ �% -�L=✓ tws tru �® NOTICE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER Ten,,Rro 15 194-6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 549.09 437.66 -A "— $ 7 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _—_TO_ ----INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS C FtCE IN TORE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. tlyw III lu4` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL----194— APPROVE OUNCII _ 194—APPROVED 194_ BY two tr-u �® - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - F DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.— .._ ROLL CALL Armour and Company BARFUSS Bireley'a Ino. 175 3 AUDITED CLAIMS IBS PFINDLANARRANTO PETERSON IN FAVOR I1 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROUEN TR UAX AGAINST Citizens Ice & ruel Company TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO IN CLU9IV E. AS MR. FRE S. MCDONOUGH Commercial Refrigeration Complany PER CHECKS ON FIL N THE OFFICE O THECITYCO—MPT�ROLLER. 00 455 oonepre Milk company dm 567 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL — i-` . RO Eq — CHECK NUMBER 43166 43167 43168 43169 43170 43171 431732 4017 3174 43175 43176 43177 43178 43179 43180 43181 43182 43183 4318854 43186 43187 43188 43189 43190 43191 431932 43194 43195 43196 43197 43198 4199 43200 43201 20 43202'3j 04 43206 43207 43208 43209 43210 43211 421 43212 43214 43215 43216 43217 43218 A NIIM eEN TOTAL DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT, SY BANK 'i CHECKS _ ill,_ CHECKS I � BROUGHT FORWARD �� Mrs. Evelyn H. Holm 96 00 (i 100 60 Acme Linen Service Company 110 I; 49 II Armour and Company Bireley'a Ino. 175 3 75 Bireleyle Inc. 135 I1 Booth Cold Storage company 5 93 Citizens Ice & ruel Company 101 38 Commercial Refrigeration Complany 224 267 00 455 oonepre Milk company dm 567 Crescent Creamery Company 2 02 Gardner Hardware Company 44o 1! 41 Minnesota Milk Company 4 Old Home Creameries,Iao. 80 St.Paul Milk Company 589 849 57 jj 81 4anitary Farm Dairies 588 82 4ohluke•-Biers 261 22 Sohluke-Biers Meat Market Skafgaard Dist. Company 593 55 Standard Brands, Ino.f 0 Swift and Company 25 530 44 04 Vander Bies, Ino. 118 50 Zinsmaster Baking Company l Zinsmaster Baking Company 113 as Mason Publishing Company 50 + l12 Meredith Publishing Company 1 31 80 40 Mining Auger 6 Tool works Ino 2 08 Morehouse—Gorham Company, Multisteasp Company 77 National Council of Teachers of English 52 4 134 72 47 �I National Cylinder Gas Company' Nation's Business 12 11 00 , New Method Book Bindery, Inc.' i 14 Pan Ink Pub. Company 00 Pheoll Mfg. company 2� 15 Puppeteers of America 1 36 85 11 oo, Riehle Studios 8 Rose Brothers Lumber Supply Cp. 4 9t.Pau1 Saw & Knife 'Rorke 00 46 St.Paul Stamp works 23 40 Porter Sargent j5 Ii P. Sohawang g 'i Sobunemans, Inc. 45 16 Silver Burdett Company 55 76 Standard 011 Company 23 44 ' D. Van Nostrand Company, Ino.l W.M. welch Mfg. Company 37 11 Worthington -Damon Meter Company 86 of 0o Bishop Towing Service 126 48 f Lamprey Products Company 51 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 117 87 61 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 39 II S000nj-.Vaouum oil company 122 36 Yellow Cab Association 632 40 ti I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 316460 63 424 961 97 .� is CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN AUDITED CLAIMS Januar-l6 6 PARRANTO IN FAVOR __ 1.4- PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D N�E�CITY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST 92 TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES. MC DONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS 1"A (U PER CHECKS ON F E N THE ICE 'Ojy'YH�E CI CO T ER. ADOPTED BY THE, APPNUNCIL 1..1- G � tl 1�14h COM PTROLL6RNUMBER - �YE TOTAL DATE ✓ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF i TRANSFER, DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 1 NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS 11 j I BROUGHT FORWARD 43219 43220 43221 43222 43223 43224 43225 43226 43227 43228 43229 43230 43231 432332 43234 3234 43235 43236 43241 432432 4332 4 43245 43246 43247 43248 43249 43250 43251 432532 43254 43255 43256 43257 43259 43259 43260 43261 432632 43264 43265 43266 43267 43268 43269 43270 43271 43272 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finange 9 483 88 ,I John S. Findlan, C. of Finanoe John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan e ! 265 22 2 508 41 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finanje S. 795 18 562 94 John Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finan; 6 353 57 George Sudeith oo oooo George Sudeith 56 A.J. Rook 100 00 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 484 1 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan qq' Findlan, C. 4 882 q4 17 404 16 i John S. of Finan John S. Findlan, C. of yinani 69 47 Armour and Company 57 33 Brown and White Cab Company ! 406 5o Ij Fuller Brush Company !i 98 00 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 179 34 1 H.1f. Pubs. Ino. I 32 93 H.W. Bell Tel. Company 68 80 H.W. Refining Company! 906 98 1 Sindelar Athletic Equipment R�Co. 16 81 11 Altman Grocery Company 4 94 j American Book Company 155 26 American Federation of Arte 10 23 Ault A Wiborg Carbon & R,Co. j 25 50 Arerbeokle Grocery Store 1 50 Blue Print Service Compary 54 0 8 Bxady-Mergulus Company 745 j Brings and Company 186 00 Brozek'a Food Market 8 53 Butler Brothers 4 82 Capitol Laundry ! 36 OS Chemical Pub. Co. Inc. go obloago, Mil. St.Paul 6 Pao. RRCo. 3 98 Coca Cola Bottling Company 480 o0 Como Grocery Company 9 08 Cresoent Creamery Company 135 45 Dunn is Fairway Market 18 38 Editor and Publisher 1 PO L. Eisenmenger Meats 100 59 Elite Grocery 5 11 Elk Laundry Company 9 87 Theodore Fillipi 1 90 Foley Mfg. Company 5 60 Forum Super Market 14J7 Frejlach Fairway goods 9 8 I R.L. Gould and Company 22 60 Charles R. Radley Company 4 g8 Int. Test Book Company 2 0 Johnson a Barnes 12 37 gisoh is Food Market 11 83 H.C. Klosterman and son 16 90 Laird -Ludwig Company 65 50 j The Logan Bindery I 391 85 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD •316460 63 1490939 79 002toai to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL couH • FILE No.-----------•---------• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE RESOLVED, that application be made to the Com- missioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota for the conveyance of the following described tax -forfeited property: The West One-half of that part of vacated Gorman Avenue which adjoins the South Half of Lot 8, Block 86, Town of West Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; that said premises are unimproved and are now unused; that the City desires to obtain said property for the purpose of constructing a fire station to be located thereon and on adjacent property; that the City is about to become the owner of that portion of vacated Gorman Avenue lying to the east and south thereof except the 0 - west 18 feet, which is to be used for said purpose; that there is need for the acquisition of the land heretofore described to complement the adjacent prpverty being ac- quired by the City. „ F ,s_ I—- _ _ _ _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ba -fr arraannto / iPeteraon .......... In Favor W. rum ax v.....Against Xi. President, McDonough am 045 b® to -va.oa That application be made state the Commissioner of TAxatfon of thd, - 6tate of Minnac..fn property being it Jan. 17, 1949 ,.IAN 17 . Adopted by the Council:.................................194.--_.. Approved.. 194_.-._. -------------- ----- ------- - ------------- Mayor Original to aty Clerk CITY ,JF ST. PAUL rwu iuNea NO._.•---.--.------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PCommRESENTED l CAT January 11, 1946' - c Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, for use of the Bureau of Police, 14 New VSB Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedans, to the YOUNG MVC01R qAR CO., in accordance with city specifications therefor hereto attached and their Formal Bid No. 1014, with � f exceptions noted on same,. for the contract price of' $14,308.00, such bid being the only one received, and said Young Motor Car Co. therefore being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the { gorporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the p-oper form of contract therefor, a.nc the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St.Paul. F.B. ;1014. 1 C'nsolea,135i eByconuh nmyt_ proves �ittee therefor, award ofd thereby ahe wards, , the contract for furnlshing the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, for use of the OFord DeLuxe oTudor S dans1Police4to theNewvYOUNG MOTOR CAB CO., in accordance with! City specificationstherefor hereto at- inched and their Formal Bld No. 1014, with exceptions noted on same, for the contract $14,308.00, such bid being the only one received• and said Younngg Motor Car Co. therefor bean¢ the; lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the prop er pform of contract therefor, and the fieri r Official am contractboaabehelP ofthe City - of St. Paul. F. B. No. 1014. Adopted by the Cogell Jan. 18, 1948. �_ Approved Jan. 16, 1998. ap�t y p (January20, ,1948) ..tHitl 1 O 1946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............................ ......194._--- Yeas Nays { artusa LIP �Firldiarn l Approved ............................ ........ .194.. Parranto Peterson .......... In Favor =- 4tvsesMayor Truax-..Against 1 en , c onoug 500 4.44 �'Q Original to City, Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL couacm NO.-----_-------.--.- FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fyOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Public Works for extra em- ployment from January 1 to January 15, 1946, as set out on the list on file in the office of the CiOty Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto LIZ�ladtSfi-- / Peterson In Favor Rosuff— / l Truax ..............Against reel ent ,McDonough am 9-95 -060-® C. F. No, 135255—By W. A. Parranto by equeat— Resolved. That the proper city otefl- cera are hereby authorlmd to pay c r - twin employee in the Department of Public Works. for extraemployment from January 1 to January 16, 1996, as set out on the list on file in the office f the City Clerk and the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the -Council Jan. 18, 1946. 1 Approved Jan. 18, 1946. 1 (January 26, 1946) JAN 18 1946 Adopted by the Council..................................194..-.-- Approved �4 ---_ ----- ---................... ---- Mayor .i Or laal t. C[ty Clerk . CITY OF ST. PAUL - co�uHcn. No.___i'�5_?15 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- DATE LABOR ROLL - JANUARY 1 to 15, 1946 NAME TITLE NO.HR8. RATE AMOUNT Anderson, Arthur W. Asph.Lab. 16 .95 15.20 Anderson, August Tr.O.D.I*T. 8 1.50 12.00 Armstrong, Malachy J. Unsk.Lab. 8 .95 7:60 Bowers, Clarence Brunner, Joseph Unsk.Lab. Util.Fors.-PW 20 •95 19.00 Carroll,'Edward J. Truck Dr. 17 8 1.8 18.02 Clausse, Edward C. Truck Dr. 16 .87 14.04 Clinton, John M. Kettle Fire. 16 .95 15.20 Connolly, Martin Arthur Unsk.Lab. Copley, B. Staty.Fire. 16 .95 15.20 DeMartena, Frank Dickey, Paul Asph.Lab. Caretaker 2 9 25065 16 .$2 13:20 Diegnau, Chester Truck Dr. 61 .87 53•5 Einck, Walter T. Dispatcher 44 9 4349 Elliott, Edward M. Util.Fore. 24 1.0 26028 Fuenffinger, Rudolph Garb.Coll. 6 1.50 9000 Fuller; Sidney H. Truck Dr. -PT 1.00 3.00 Gallas, Max J. Truck Dr. 18 .87* 15.80 Gangi,'Sam Unsk.Lab. Glancy,'Glen L. Unsk.Lab. 8 95 7.6o Goossen, Janes A. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 12 .95 11.40 Guye, Lloyd W. Asph.Lab. 1 17, Hayek, Joseph E. Unsk.Lab: 0 ;95 0 Heinen, Mike Asph.Lab.16 .95 12.35 Hennessy, Edward J. Unsk.Lab. .95 15,20 Horan, Raymond Cono.&C.Lab. 3 Huberty, Frank T. Truck Dr. -PT 5 1. 00 2.85 55 00 Johnson, Gustaf A. Unek.Lab. 1 .95 1520 Johnson, Oscar F. Tr.O.D.l*T. 24 1.50 36.00 Johnson, Peter S. Unak.Lab. 10 •95• Keller, Anthony P. Tr.0.D.1*T. 32 1.50 40.00 Kiwae, Peter J. Truck Dr. -PT 4 1.00 4.00 "L-1 t. city ©.tk CITY OF SI'. PAUL `IOENCIL No--- 135955 ------- OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. DATE LABOR ROLL - JANUARY 1 to 15, 1946 NAME TITLE NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Klemenhagen, Albert W. Utilityman-PW 8.981 7.86 Kotilinek, Leon J. Guard 82 .96 78.72 Krueger, Henry Unsk.Lab. 32 .95 30.40 Lavalle, David J. Unsk.Lab. 23 •95 21 85 Lind, Andrew _ Unsk.Lab. 14 •95 13.30 Linnan, Thomas Util.Fore.-PW 10 1.09} 10.95 Locke, Clinton S. Unsk.Lab. 8 .95 7.60 Loeffler, Fred F. Road Mach.Opr. 30 .951 28.73 Losinski, Edward L. Road Mach.Opr. 177 N 5 16.28 Maidl, Francis Truck Dr. .971 50.90 Maidl, Joseph Road Mach.Opr. 2'j •95 25.85 Malaski, Frank Unak.Lab. 16 .95 15.20 Manderson, James F. Unsk.Lab. 16 .95 15.20 MaternoFsky, Vincent Unsk.Lab. 8 .95 7.60 May, Peter Jr. Unsk.Lab. 8 .95 7.60 McDonough, James Unsk.Lab. 145 19 .30 McKenna Patrick J. Truck Dr. 10 MoKenny,'Frank Tr.0.D.3T. 6 2.00 12.00 Msihofer, Edwin H. Tr.0.D.1*T. 9 1.50 13.50 Murphy, Jerry E. Unsk.Lab. $ .95 7.60 Oberg, Forrest E. Truck Dr. -PT 21 1.00 a100 Perry, James A. Tr.O.D.1*T. 14 1.50 21.00 petrowske, Milton W. Truck Dr. -PT 2 1.00 2.00 Plum, Alfred W. Tr.0.D.1*T. 40 1.50 60.00 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW 16 .981 15.72 Rinke, Henry Tr.O.D.l$T. 16 1.50 24.00 Schreiner, Alfred P. Road Mach.Opr. 4 •951 �.83 Sohrenkler, Louis W. Truck Dr. -PT 8 1.00 .00 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 .95 7.6o Schude, Ben G. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 12 .95 11.40 Simpson, James Unsk.Lab. 8 .95z.60 Sorensen, Peter Tr.0.D.1-JT. 32 1.50 49.00 Stoffel, Jacob C. Caretaker 8 .771 6.18 wo aI. City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nca N013 -5 -?55-_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..__ DATE NAME LABOR ROLL - JANUARY 1 TITLE to 15, 1946 NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Strobel, Ferdinand Oarb.Coll. 6 1.50 9.00 Studler, Fred Unsk.Lab. 12 .95 11.40 Sealay, Stephan Unsk.Lab. 14 .95 13.30 Taube, Albert Sweeper Opr. 42 1:99* 45.99 Tereau, Fred Asph.Lab. 22 20.90 Teeter, Clyde A. Truck Dr. -PT 13 1.00 13.00 Vinoelli, Domeniok Bricklayer 12 1.62* 19.50 Wadell, Leo R. Truck Dr. -PT 23 1.00 23.00 Welsh, William P. Truck Dr. $ .8Tit 7.02 Yerke, Max Unsk.Lab. 8.9 7.60 Zusan, Frank Road Maoh.Opr. 8 .99, 7.86 TOTAL 1,368.79 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Making repairs to streets and sewers, snow plow- ing and cindering streets, watching equipment and material. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts gnd circumstances: Necessity for repairing streets and sewers after regular hours and on Sundays in answer to emergency calls, snow removal and cindering after regular hours, watching 8 equipment and material at Plant on Sundays. / gj ISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Or4ji d{l to City Clerk., COUNCIL "2 6_ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Fila NO.__:_:___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI/^�,(/, �--� DATE ONER. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Pl ygroun s and SecPublic Buithengs has reported to the Council, a City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight house,domtbeing more l eight �s per day, aidemployentbeingorethan their usuahours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED; That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE TOTAL Leonard Jalmar Tree Laborer 16 16 .95 .95' 15.20 15.20 Fred La Porte if 1t 16 .95 15.20 William Lego Joseph Romocky Tree Trimmer 2 .921 1.85 6.90 George J. Dixon Utilityman--Playgrounds 4 .804 3.20 Lawrence Lewandowski Caretaker 24 873 21.06 Ray J. Schmidt Truck Driver 16 :99� /S-2.10 John J. Sullivan Utilityman--Playgrounds 4 .80 3.20 Arthur F. Treichel Caretaker 8 .864 6.90 Joseph Tuchner Utilityman--Playgrounds 1M� 155256—nY Robert F. Peter - n— PP offi- Rrs Bare to city c he hereby euthorii..de cers •employes Jr. the Departments of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Blnld- ings for extra employment as set ut on the list attached to this resolution. e18, 019481 Jen. 16, 1948. Approvedted , Jan. (January 26, 1946) JA .❑ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved............................. ........ 194 ...... Parranto 11 Peterson ---=----.In Favor �—� ------------ -- r -- --ay---or ----------- M Truax _.--Against rest en, c onoug and 045 .®,® Wv,LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON -I-Supt. of Parks I Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner January 17, 1946 To the Honorable, The 11,1ayor and tdembers of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, ren- dering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours a day, maintaining department facilities. The emergency involves cindering of park roads, firing greenhouse boilers, care of skating rinks. Yours truly, o Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. R. G. ZELZER City Architect F. No. 135257—By G. H. BaHuss,t'le OrWnid to Cty Cler W. " Farranto— �a 7 VHEREAS The Yellow Cab Afor It It" CI hes_ made ap pllcati n 3703D for n- rRa e to O))erate a OFFICE COUNCIL RESOLUTICUV GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA++- TAmIaTV ii �.� COMMISSIONER WEEMS, The Yellow Cab Association has made application 37030 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, .tea (10) taxicabs described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No, Serial No. Insurance 15 Dodge 1119-81125 30415713 St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Co. Pol. 721601, exp. 10-12-46. 16 Chevrolet A244725 21AR1113639 11I' 11 n 1s Plymouth P14-122533 11473646 " It 19 Cadillac 3132833 " Is 41 Plymouth Minn. 1796 13,274318 " I' it 42 Plymouth P12-24600 11137685. 50 Desoto S10-22644 6150101 n " " a 51 Dodge D197-0921 30403602 52 DeSota S1022641 6150103 63 DeSota 59-54922. 6119659 V'" WHEREAS. said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to the Yellow Cab Association. wal ;)AN 18 190 COUILMEN Adopted by the Council ...... .......................... 194_.... Yeas Nays Barfues JAN k -? 194C. ---Fiftd4a_- Approved ................................... -------194------ Parranto Peterson -------------- In Favor - Mayor jr Truax -------------- Against 500 4-44 135258-13y G. H. Barfu , Ix7('.519 W. A. Parrento— WHEREAS, The Yellow Cab Assoclr- Otla� to City ��� - ras madeapplication 37030 for ��erm as t•-nbs upon cotn4ca NO.-----------------•• CITY •OFS-t':'- - - Pau OF 1 E OF THE C, "Y CLERK 1, COUNCI ESOLUTION—GE ERA FORM DA,F Janvary 18 1 has made application 37030 for licensetooperate 1glMFMS, The Yellow Cab Association as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, ten (10) ceb described as f011Owst Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 6)} Plymouth 61 St, Paul Mercury Indemnity Co. Minn. 1782 11128 7 Pol. 721601, exp. 1.0-12-46. 65 Plymouth P10-25835 10896839 " " s n V 66 Plymouth P12-108913 11177558 n it n 69 Plymouth It It it Minn. 1689 15000583 - 75 Plymouth P12-260700 11251162 n It n n 94 Plymouth P12-7378 1128780 It 95 Plymouth P12-62926 11157226 u 96 Plymouth P12-1581+61 11200207 s 97 Mercury n n n 99A-135777 130 Chevrolet AA165562 21AG106975 -- said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint MD,EW form and execution by the , Paul and said policies have been approved as to Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it n the aid lhereby tgranted toostreets f the axicabs es as RESOLVED, the yellow Cab lenses to oerateof Bthe Cly Saint Paulpbe andssesame are Association. Renewal. .JAN 18 1946 Adopted by the Council— ----- -------------------------- 194__ ---- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN' 18 1946 Barfuss194___--- -_ Approved - - ............. Parranto Peterson _ ---- -...__In Favor P°"^' (--._.Against Truax esl en , c.Donoug 500 444 . .06W® Orfgtnal to ;0�-ke W. No. 1.35FL By G. H. B.rf—, PS . 1 "159 7n C C' 35791. ft.� G"t-111 h- -,d, No.— ffeense to operate rte '—ft f grCit' OFFICE OF t P.. 'd'. 91 t—k.b. d -- loo COUNCIL RESOLD 2(. PRESENTEDT,is, 1946 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, H. C. Gottwald has made application 35799 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, nine (9) taxicabs described as follows: Cab No. Mel- Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 20 Plymouth Minn. 1777 11209003 St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Co. Pol. 721601, exp. 10-12-46. 212 Plymouth P14-120957 1147L903 22 Plymouth P14-20420 15139717 n If If 11 90 Plymouth Minn. 1767 15024414 11 98 Plymouth P14-111323 11466787 0 0 u If 99 Plymouth P14-56247 15143773 100 Plymouth P14-48655 11425549 118 Plymouth P12-227835 13235241 If 120 Plymouth P14-147429 11492235 If 11 -11 -WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs -upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to H. C. Gottwald. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --FMWFn Parranto Peterson In Favor -Resew— Truax ?..:.Against Mr. rrF.—Terft, 'McDonough 500 4-44 JAN 18 1946 Adopted by the Council ..................................194..._.. X Approved OrIonki to My k .�. ,n.a � 15,9 .CITY OI P..",. „ w$unca NO.---•---- --•--•---_ OFFICE OF' THE QIT CLERK ( ] I COUNCIL RESOLUTION. -!7 _-'NERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJJ COMMISSIONER a°y - DATE Jannax'y19. 191+6 MMM S, Daniel Delmont has made application 36058 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, nine (9) taxicabs described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 1 Plymouth P11-18702 15002980 St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Co. Pol. 721601, exp. 10-12-46. 2 Plymouth P14-69913 11439805 3 Plymouth P4 -E-228853 15150089 4 Plymouth P14-140295 15152655 5 Plymouth P12-90619 11170442 " s 1' if 24 Plymouth P12-356567 11299431 If If it If 12 Plymouth Minn. 1600 11228919 11 11 11 11 116 Plymouth P10-10418 10896307 If is If 0 127 Plymouth 9878 Mich. 11412644 WEBM&S, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the city of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Daniel Delmont. Renewal. JAN 18 19* COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...- ......................._.-..194...... Yeas Nays Barfuss JAN B 046 - Fiudl... Parranto Z'_/ Approved --------------------............=......194----- Peterson ..............In Favor �-- - Truax ..Against Mayor w10 500 4-44 Q Orlom.1 to CHY �C.WF.A. No-Parranto 135261-33y G. 11. CITi PIWHERREAS, Earl ]cense ratt has 'ad' a,- NO... ... . . .... . ....... . 'taxicabs upon the streets icat35799 for to ii-cratye :-f OFFICE C� Saint Paul, . (9) taxicabs des- cribed as follows: Plymouth; Me COUNCIL RESI No. P39-1438; No., 43: Make. ply ou Motor -A.- 0. 1 Arl 'I No In - se a 140. Indemnity PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONERDATE 4. MOFTAS, Earl Pratt has made application 35799 for license to ope&te as taxicabsupon the streets of City of Saint Paul, nine (9) taxicabs described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No, Serial No. Insurance 43 Plymouth Pio-1436 10993679 St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Co. Pol. 721601, exp. 10-12"46. 44 Plymouth P12-317930 11279948 11 11 11 11 45 Plymouth P14-114173 11472469 n u n It 46 Chevrolet A620199 901224 It 47 Plymouth Minn. 1997 11081307 49 Plymouth P10-9793 10996215 49 Plymouth P12-193510 11229971 117 Plymouth P14-94031 11455410 123 Dodge D14109554 4386795 WHERAS, -said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint i Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Earl Pratt. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson .....In Favor Truax .... . ....... Against 500 4-44 -Owl@ JAN 18 1946 - Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... JAN 18 L94011, Approved................................. ........194 ....... .... ...... ....... I ..... ...................... Mayor OrLLU61 to Chy Clerk -�� • - CI C. F. --No. 138282—By G. H. Bgrfus% W. Pa solo— P Resolved, That licenses a lied fdr by pp the pessons named on .the 11sY attached ie.be this .I1 rr•� COUMCR NO i resolution and the same are to" tfiis resolution be .and the same are n ...... __.......... .�. OFFICE hereby granted, and .the City .Clark 1s nstructed to Issue such .Itcensea upon a Into the City treasury f - COUNCIL RES pyamgut the required tees. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18 1998. r. PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER Approved Jan. 18, 1948. (January 28, 1948)january lg. 1q46 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Joe Breisler 969 University 2nd Hd.Auto Pts. App. 35742 Renewal John L. Johnson 388 Como Ave.' 2nd HiI.Auto Pts. " 35772 a Adam Kirch 1601 University Restaurant ^ 36065 n n n n n On Sale Malt " 36066 ^ a n n n Off Sale Malt " 36o67 " Cigarette ^ 36068' n Philip D. Sullivan 492 Jackson Butcher " 36271 " Alma H. Herbst 779 Raymond Butcher " 36549 fl Norse Cloutier 46 Cambridge Gas Station " 36599 " Josephine Spears 697 Case St. Grocery " 36659 " Off Sale Malt ^ 36660 ^ " Cigarette a 36661. n A. H. Heinsohn 931 Arcade Grocery " 36772 " Butcher " 36773 " Off Sale Malt "' 36774 ^ a n n n Cigarette " 36775 " Thomas Basta 1039 Hudson Rd. Bakery " 36870 " Emil T. Kolar 62o R. 7th Restaurant " 36921 " a a n n On Sale Malt " 36922 ^ a a n n Off Sale Malt " 3692 " n n a a Cigarette n 3692 ^ E. M. Aurelius 924 Payne Gas Sta. 3P. ^ 36916 a Allan C. Reichow 746 Grand Confectionery ^ 36964 n a n COUNCILMEN a a p Adoptedbp y t§W.unfit.-.......... °......-3696gs4 ^ Yeas Nays Barfuss —F4"d1"ar-- Approved .... -•---................................ 194--- Parranto / Peterson -In Favor —4z = Mayor ee Truax Mr PrpRidgatALcll� .......`.....Against 600 4-44 .®.® 0r1jVVW to My Q�k CITY OF ST. PAUL so -um' Page 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY SSIONE DAT'• January 18. 1946 Allan C. Reichow 746 Grand Cigarette APP. 36966 Renewal Chris Eggam 1332 Thomas Bakery " 36968 n Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 300 E. 7th Grocery " 36972 " Hatcher " 36973 " a n a n a Bakery " 3697 " n n a n n Florist " 36975 " n n n II n Off Sale Malt " 36976 " Cigarette " 36977 " John B. Aafalz 579 Thomas Grocery " 36985 " Frank Machovee 95 W. 7th Restaurant " 36992 " a n I n On Sale Balt " 36993 " Off Sale Malt " 3699 " Cigarette " 36995 " Armine Shomion & Geo.Awada 120 S. Wabasha Restaurant " 37022 " n n n n n n On Sale Malt n 3702 " a n a n n n Off Sale Malt " 3702 " n n a n n ^ Cigarette " 37025 " S. J. Culver & Co. 1219 Randolph Grocery n 37057 " Butcher " 37059 " Cigarette " 37059 " Alfred McArdell 256-2 W. 7th Restaurant " 37131 " On Sale Malt " 37132 " Off Sale Malt " 37133 " a n n a Tavern " 37134 " a n a n Dance Hall " 37135 " Cigarette " 37136 " R. H. Keller 1437 N. Cleveland Butcher " 37137 " John Starzecki 1110 Forest Ave. Confectionery n 37145 n a n n n Off Sale Malt " 37146 " Cigarette - " 37147 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................194...... Yeas Nays Bariuss 9ind4ww Approved---------------- --------------- ---194 Parranto Peterson...........In Favor ------- ---- .................... - - .................. ........... Mayor - __RA:ea Truax ..............Against 500 4-44 4h4slu$ t. Cay Clva ' CITY OF ST. PAUL tbur4ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 18 1946 Howard E. Bahnsmann 1087 `made Grocery App. 37148 Renewal p p 11a Butcher " 37149 " Ed De LeHant 425 Oakland Gas Sta. 2P. " 37150 " a p a a Orig. Cont. " 37151 " John Elm 614 Rondo Ave. Butcher " 37159 " John Tschida 909 W. 7th n Confectionery ^ " 37159 " " a a ^ Off Sale Malt Cigarette " 37160 37161 " Midway Amuse. Co., Inc. 1633-39 University Restaurant " 37182 ^ a n n a a On Sale Malt " 37193 " a 11 n n n Off Sale Malt ^ 37184 " n n p a a Tavern " '37195 " n n n n a Dance Hall " 37186 " p a p a n Bowl. Alleys (8) " 37187 " a p a n a Pool Hall (13 T) " 37188 " n n a a n Cigarette a 37189 " Ray Fraynor 733 W. 7th Restaurant " 37219 " n n n n On Sale Malt " 37220 " n n a n Off Sale Malt " 37221 ^ n n a n Cigarette " 37222 " Gustav E. Michaelsen 2 E. 9th Parking Lot " 37235 " Harold W. Olsen 573 W. 7th Restaurant " 37250 ^ a a n a On Sale Malt " 37251 " a ^ a a Off Sale Malt " 37252 " Cigarette " 37253 " Joseph A. Stransky, Jr. 1209 W. 7th Restaurant " 37273 " n a a a On Sale Malt n 37274 a n n a a Off Sale Malt a 37275 " a n n n Tavern " 37276 " n n a a Dance Hall " 37277 " n a n a Cigarette " 37279 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........... .................... :..194...._. yeas Nays Barfuss �indtgtf---- Approved ................. ............. 194 Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor ............- -•---------...................... ------- ....... Mayor v-� Truax ______________Against 500 4-44 orlon& to Qhy cruet CITY OF ST. PAUL CAUHCR Page 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Jamiary 18 1946 DATE W. H. Cowing 593 Rice St. Gas Sta. 5P. A $ Re Renewal n 01" " Vend. Machine "p• 37349 Park Recreation Parlor Inc.188 N. Snelling Restaurant " 37 gg n " 188-92 N. Snelling On Sale Malt " 37$00 n " " Off Sale Malt 37401 " Tavern " 37402 " Dance Rall " 3740?3 n Cigarette " 374N " Gant F. Johnson 819 E. Minnehaha Grocery " 37420 " Off Sale Malt " 37421 " Cigarette " 37422 " John Svabnk 504-06 W. 7th Restaurant " 37427 n On Sale Malt " 37428 " Off Sale Malt " 37429 " • n n Cigarette " 37430 n 4d. Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins Grocery n 37457 " Bat cher " 37459 " n n " Off Sale Malt " 374 n Cigarette " 3746o it Ernest C. McLane 292 W. Kellogg Gas -Sta. 3P. " 37486 " Alverdes Rest., Inc. 379 St. Peter Cigarette " 37505 " Firestone Auto Supply Co. 183 W. 5th Gas Sta. 5P. " 37620 " Lawrence P. Merton 823 University Restaurant " 3751.7 n " n On Sale Malt " 37518 ". Off Sale Malt " 37519 " Tavern " 37520 n Dance Hall " 37521 " Cigarette " 37522 n Fred W. Bailey 111 Western Ave.N. Taxicab Driver " 37634 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.. ---------- Yeas Nays ...194...... Barfuss Approved,-... ........................ ------------194 Parranto Peterson ...In Favor ftsen ------•------------• ' Mayor Truax .Against Ift res, en , c onoug 500 4-44 ,® COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 'fin Parranto Peterson In Favor —fit oserr--- Truax _L....Against r. real , 500 4-44 .�.Q JAN. 18 199 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... Approved. -------- ............................ 194------ v { ` ------ Mayor 1 9 - OHp1m/1 to Ctty 0-k1 - - -F..J� :` CITY OF ST. PAUL NO------ __----- __---_� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER J8II17�ftry lg j C3I}6 DATE - Clarence C. Schanno 259 E. 10th Taxicab Driver App. 37635 Renewal Robert Holo 2465 Territorial Rd.Tazicab Driver " 37660 " Frank Drexl 719 Hague Ave. Motor V. Driver " 37661 " George V. Blanchard 353 Fuller Taxicab Driver " 37662 " Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter St. Pinball Machine 1 " 35621 New H. J. Galck 1560 Selby Music Machine 3 " 35675 New Gino Andreassi 221 E. 7th Mechanical Device 1 " 36284 Renewal Midwest Novelty Sales Co. 777 University Mechanical Device 1 " 36666 New Louis H. Nordeen 1524 Portland Music Machine (1) " 36746 New COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 'fin Parranto Peterson In Favor —fit oserr--- Truax _L....Against r. real , 500 4-44 .�.Q JAN. 18 199 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... Approved. -------- ............................ 194------ v { ` ------ Mayor C. F. No- 1an263—BY G. 8. Barfuas. P+ - t -------d- laal to City Cl W. A. .d Th. in,bY r -ounces jq / Resolved. That Ilconaea epHlled attached ed vim NO...___L___._.______. CI „ersona named.oa the, lest attached W OFFICE COUNCIL RE Jan. 16; 1946. RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated be end the same are hereby granted: Albert T. Johnson 767 Raymond Restaurant App. Cigarette a 36006 New -Old Loc. 36009 " " � a Geo. Chris & Gordon Rieger 1051 Arkwright Grocery " 3 555 " 36 556 " a to Butcher off Sale M. " n n 36557 . Seusby, Adm. Estate of 600 University Confectionery " 36627 " " Harry Sanaby a u n n Off Sale Malt n 36626 " a " n n n n " Cigarette a 36629 L. A. Bohn 1200 Arcade Gas Station a 36691 " n James J. Ziton 931 University n a Grocery a Butcher " 36767 367bg a " " a n n a Off Sale Malt " 36769 " " a n " , n n Cigarette " 36770 " " Lester E. Green 1437 N, Cleveland Grocery E. J. geuger 702 W. Wheelock Pkwy.011 Burner " 37300 " New Loc. 1 Rice St. Mrs. Nora Madigan 95 Cigarette " 37596 " Old Loo. Karl W. Dahlstrom 2465 Territorial Rd, Taxicab Driver " 37525 " Rodney Engquist 1559 University Cigarette " 37611 n " Josephine McCormick 37 2 Robert St. Cigarette a w 37656 0 " Lawrence & Dorothy Dunbar 260 W. Kellogg Restaurant " " 37474 " " 37475 " " " a n a n Cigarette Adopted by the Council ................... -.............. 194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved........... -------........ ---------------194----- Parranto ------------In Favor Peterson - --- -------------- ._..-.._ ------------------------ --------•---Mayor i1 Truax /-__Against r. real en , 500 4-44 .® C>:Iwoal m cres 0-k CITY OF ST, PAUL F."m Page 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1. COMMISSIONER.._— DATE januarV 16 1946 Sexton Holmdahl 191-93 N- Snelling Restaurant' App. 36297 New Old Lao. Einar Nelson 230 N. Cleveland Oil Burner. n 367+5 n e Richard M. Klotz 243 S- Cleveland Gas Sta- 3P. s 36791 a n Mrs. Stephanie Erhart 799 Edmund Grocery a 36952 n n � N n p Cigarette n 369553 n n Elmer Annen r 321 Farrington Taxicab Driver a 37714 n a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouNI.J.$---- Yeas Nays -----------------194 ----- kk Barfuss Parranto Approved---- ................ _ ......................194 Peterson In Favor -- --------- -------... - —ibeaea 0 Mayor Truax --------------Agamet —MrTreap en , c onoug 500 4-44 may,® NOTICE +' C. F. No. 335288— '` + • • ^ Resolved, That checks be drawn on TO the C1tY Treasury, to the aggregate p��� amount o4 $76,884,92, covertag checks COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER CO numbered 93273 to 93326 fncluslve, ae P6, checkat on file in the office o4 the Clty Comptroller. January 17 Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1998. O Approved Jan. 38, 1946. i gq_ (January. 26, 1946) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR)tmm ury TR`E17 rrcr vml, �O THE AGGREGATE AMNT OF 76,664.42 5 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3273 TO///''' 3326 _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 19 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII rQ 194_ J OM R.LL APPROVED 194_ aoo Iz-aa ,®,Q t ' - _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ----— -- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS TAri r_y--17 19d �_IN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF EE--' COVERING RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T.VC TRUAX MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH �I /�.j ! Y CHECKS NUMBERED TOINCLUSIVE. AS FFICE OF ROLLER. • A ±i PER CHECKS ON F IN T ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL COMPTROLLER APPR ED JAN 184__ - - R10ER TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER �� CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I BY BANK 1 j BROUGHT FORWARD'.,316460 63 �., O'► 490 938 79 l 4327} George Andert I J 80 00 so 00 43274 Richard Carter 70 40 43275 John Hiber 48 00 43276 Thomas Peltier 57 60 43277 William Teohida 43278 city of St.Paul, S.F.C. 2 707 50 43279 city of st.Paul, s.F.c. 577 50 43280 Robert E. Otte jl 29 000 43281 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company 4 524 46 43282 Minnesota Dept. of Health "25 74 4328} 43284 R.H. Sweney and Company Thoele Printing Company 55 00 � 43285 Robert F. Peterson, C.Parks, $to. 200 00 �! 43286 43287 R.G. Zelser John S. Findlan, 0.of Finance 200 00 37 460 76 43288 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 5 314 21 43289 T. A. Furni, Supt. 36 60 43290 Leo Sasinak t 3 75 43291 Margarette Lilligren 81 00 IP12 90 i 43292 9t.Paul High School Athletic Committee 147 00 4329-4 Rose Brothers Lumber Company 43294 Washington Foundry 53 30 43295 Westinghouse Electric Corp. 2 00 43296 Brown and White Cab company 10 5g Do All Twin Cities Company 43297 43298 Farwell, ozmun, Mirk & Company 71 26 43299 Farwell, ozmun, Eirk & Company 128 44 7 `! 43300 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 63 43301 General Electric Supply Corp.' � 43302 Hall Electric Company 22 5 44 �I 43303 P.A.L. Hardenbergh & Company 16 63 43304 Joesting & Schilling Company 43305 Jurgens Company 335 433o6 W.W. goepke 21 5 4 25 ?! 43307 C.B. Lyon & Brother, Inc. 43308 Maloney & Tysk 17 03 �. 43309 'v. J. McCallum i 22 50 105 94 43310 MoBesson and Robbins. Inc. 33 60 43311 Michaud -Friedman 4 50 43312 Minnehaha Cleaners 43313 Morelli Grocery Power Company 5 21 597 84 I! ® 43314 Northern States 852 43315 Northern States Power Company 119 �3 43315 N.W. Hanna Fuel Company 2 278 2 9 96 !! 43317 Otto's Grocery 67 I' 43318 Pioneer Electric Company35 5 04 43319 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 43320 noe-James Glass Company 43321 Ray J. Ryan 328108. 43322 A.';obooh Grocery company 1 35 05 Ii 43323 3ohulz food Market 19 02 43324 9ocony-vacuum oil Company 22 74 43325 Transit Supply Company 928 50 43326 Werner Transportation Company 1 97 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 31046o 63 67 603 til 111i1MINI 1st. //I U a 2nd. / v� Laid over to / 3rd. and app. I Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays"� Barfuss Barfuss Findlan R an Paterson a��rmnto ro Peterson � �eteraon Rosen/ iRo n Truax ruax Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough Original to City Clerk r r ; ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE I PRESENTED BYORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul into eight specialised services,- a skilled labor service, and an unskilled labor aervice, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within each servic approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SdtINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by Striking out of Section II thereof, where they appear therein, the titles and specifications for the following: "Special Investigator - Water Department Assistant Market Director Head Janitor Superintendent of Library Buildings". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto ) Peterson Rosen Truax --Mr.—President, - (McDoaouphl Attest: City Clerk SOD 9-42 GANGL 6 00. Passed by the Council ftB In Favor `J Against Approv #EB 5 1J FU 11ANO Mayor PUBLISHED ' 1 _ W EI'M W 14 i C3'. No 19�tb—�tdia°�° No. 071=: Original to City Clark_ gc end—SoSnty; 1ao. ORDINA � a r.. sate .nedot Ing the oom ttoa •te= m' =went in the "u -adll d tabor service,, Vnstdned taborran service _ Y a proved .June 82: 1995 g..'smmded. / J PRESENTED BY lerediae",%%'g,he;wa' the OF An ordinance amen ing Ordjnance No. 8616, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi -skilled Labor Service, and the Unskilled Labor Service", approved June 22, 1945, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof, where they appear therein, the lines: "Miner . . . . . . . . . . . 01.50 per hour Plasterer's Tender .75 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the lines: "Miner $1.681 per hour Plasterer's Tender . . . . . . $1.321 per hour". Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 2, vh ere they appear therein, under the heading "Semi -skilled Labor Service", the lines: "Asphalt Laborer . . . . . . .95 per hour Bridge Laborer . . . . . . .95 per hour 4 Building Laborer . . .95 per hour Concrete and Curb Laborer .95 per hour p�G�eK Garden Laborer . . . . . .95 per hour 9 Sewer Laborer. . . . . . .95 per hour Sewer Maintenance Laborer . .95 per hour Tree Laborer . . . . . . . .95 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the linea: "Asphalt Laborer per hour _Bridge Laborer 1.01 per hour Building Laborer . . . . . 1.01 per hourrConcrete and Curb Laborer. .11.01 1.01 per hour&cR �FGarden Laborer . . . . . .1.01 per hou- -Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss an In Favor Parranto Peterson Rosen Against Truax Mr. Approved; Attest: Mayor City Clerk' 9�0 9.42 ....I 1st. I 211d. Laid over to l 3rd. and app. 1, Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss Barfuss Findlan rt Parranranro / Perrento � Peterson , Peterson Rosen / Rosen Truax Truax Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough i C3'. No 19�tb—�tdia°�° No. 071=: Original to City Clark_ gc end—SoSnty; 1ao. ORDINA � a r.. sate .nedot Ing the oom ttoa •te= m' =went in the "u -adll d tabor service,, Vnstdned taborran service _ Y a proved .June 82: 1995 g..'smmded. / J PRESENTED BY lerediae",%%'g,he;wa' the OF An ordinance amen ing Ordjnance No. 8616, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi -skilled Labor Service, and the Unskilled Labor Service", approved June 22, 1945, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof, where they appear therein, the lines: "Miner . . . . . . . . . . . 01.50 per hour Plasterer's Tender .75 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the lines: "Miner $1.681 per hour Plasterer's Tender . . . . . . $1.321 per hour". Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 2, vh ere they appear therein, under the heading "Semi -skilled Labor Service", the lines: "Asphalt Laborer . . . . . . .95 per hour Bridge Laborer . . . . . . .95 per hour 4 Building Laborer . . .95 per hour Concrete and Curb Laborer .95 per hour p�G�eK Garden Laborer . . . . . .95 per hour 9 Sewer Laborer. . . . . . .95 per hour Sewer Maintenance Laborer . .95 per hour Tree Laborer . . . . . . . .95 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the linea: "Asphalt Laborer per hour _Bridge Laborer 1.01 per hour Building Laborer . . . . . 1.01 per hourrConcrete and Curb Laborer. .11.01 1.01 per hour&cR �FGarden Laborer . . . . . .1.01 per hou- -Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss an In Favor Parranto Peterson Rosen Against Truax Mr. Approved; Attest: Mayor City Clerk' 9�0 9.42 ....I cc XX CMglnal to City Clerk y ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- "Sewer O. "Sewer Laborer1.01 per hour Sewer MaintenanceLaborer . . . 1.01 per hour Tree Laborer . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 per hour". Section 3. That said ordinance be and the same is _ hereby further amended by striking out of Section 2, where it appears therein, under the heading "Unskilled Labor Division", the line: "Unskilled Laborer .95 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the line,: "Unskilled Laborer . . . . . . $1.01 per hour". Section 4. This ordinance 1s hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the Public Peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findfan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. Attest: City Clerk Soo 9-42 nANGL b Ca. V FEB 5 1946 Passed by the Council In Favor Against FEB 51946 Approved: Mayor eGBLISBE1j FORAGLADJUBl'IPI;i BOARD BUI 2 -.'NG AND CONSTRUCTION F/ORK U. S,DPEARTi>ENT OF LABOR TWA SHINGTO'NT, 25, r. C CASE NO�82_8?50 DECTSI ON Ir accor"arce 71th the and 41 of the National arvlslor.a of Gereral Orders N. of Labor's Order No, Labor Board and t Nos. _ Board today a�oroved the as eamerded, the Wn ehA Jgcretary g e stmert g rates set forth below, Craft Classficiatl r ---'---- ° Present WpgA -- —_y W� e Plasterers, tenders Authorized The above aooroved raze -Is authorized for members of Laborers' Local Urior. N struct °' ir the I32 to aool or r.or.-Federal buildng con._ + after October k25,1945,St.Paul,Iviirnesota area, contracted for It was also the decision of the Board to recommend recogr.itior. Of the above authorized rate it the next wage detPrmir.atior. issued by the Secretary of Labor enex next to Davis -Bacon Act with re,4oect to Federal builrir work ir. the St,� he ame^ded aul,ivi�nr.sota area, .cone ruction DATED October 23 1945 Vrashirgtor- . T"'AGE ArJL',='(YEMT BOARD BY /oLRrrbert C L-oare Executibe S— Cre —qpy. WAGE ADJUSTMENT BOARD U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Washington 25, D. C. Wage Adjustment Case No. 52-7767 The following wage scales are effective beginning with the first full pay-roll period after-October 11, 1945: Place Craft Classification Present Rate Building Construction in the Laborers ................................................$1.01 V St. Paul, Minnesota Area Powder Monkey.......................................... 1.01 Dumpman............................................... 1.11 Cement Car Unloader..................................... 1.11 Hot Tar Caulker and Cooker................................ 1.11 Air Hammerman......................................... 1.11 Paving Breaker Operator.................................. 1.11 Concrete Vibrator Operator................................ 1.11 Automatic Tamper Operator ............................... 1.11 Jackhammer Operator.................................... 1.11 Chipping Hammer Operator ............................... 1.11 Vibrator Operator........................................ 1.11 Mortar Mixers.......... :................................. 1.11 Laborers on rope swing scaffolds, but not including safety scaffolds....................................... 1.11 *Caisson Work ............................................ 1.26 *Cofferdam Work • ......................................... 1.26 *Tunnel Work ............................................ 1.26 *Underpinning Work ...................................... 1.26 *Open Ditch Work ............................... :........ 1.26 *Underground Work ....................................... 1.26 Nozzleman............................................... 1.36 Pipelayers............................................... 1.31 Powdermen ..................... 1.68% Power drillers for blasting purposes ........................ 1.681/2 Miners.................................................. 1.681/2 Watchman................................................69 Foreman................................................ 1.26 *As defined in existing agreement between St. Paul Builders Division, Associated General Contractors of Minnesota and International Hod Carriers Building and Common Laborer's' Union, Local 132, St. Paul, Minnesota. AGREEMENT BETWEEN and INTERNATIONAL HOD CARRIERS, BUILDING AND COMMON LABORERS UNION LOCAL NO. 132 OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA In order to promote better working relations, stabilize conditions, and help eliminate unfair practices within the industry; we the undersigned parties, being vested with proper authority hereby agree to the following terms covering wages, hours and working conditions in tho employment of union members on building construction and wrecking operations: ARTICLE I The Union shall be the sole representative of all construction and general labor employees in collective bargaining with the employer. There shall be no discrimination against any employee because of union affiliation. The Employer agrees to employ members of the Union., ARTICLE II The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to designate a Job Steward to handle such union business as may from time to time be delegated to him by the Union and to see that the laws of the Union and the terms of this agreement are being complied with. The Job Steward must be selected from men working on the job. ARTICLE III In case there is any complaint on the part of any employee or if there is good reason to believe that the wage scales herein agreed upon are not being upheld, the Employer agrees to open the payroll records of the company for inspeortion by the representatives of the Union. ARTICLE IV In the event that the Employer intentionally violates any of the provisions of this agreement relating to wages, hours or fails to pay the employee any back pay due him, the Employer shall pay for such violation at the rate of two times the standard time and overtime rates. ARTICLE V Upon the termination of employment, the Employer shall pay the Employee promptly. In the event that a time slip .is given, payment for same shall be made within the following 24 hours (excluding Sundays and legal holidays) or an addi- tional two hours be allowed on the time slip for each day. In case the employee does not appear for his wages, such check shall be mailed to his last known address or to the Union office if his address is sot known. ARTICLE VI The Union and the Employer agree that there shall be no strike or lockout without first using all possible means of peaceful settlement of any controversy which might arise. The Union agrees that there will be no cessation of work on a job because of any jurisdictional dispute. The Employer shall not request or instruct any employees to go through a picket line of striking unions. However, the Union agrees -that in case of a controversy between the Employer and any union or unions, the Union shall do all in its cower to effect a fair sottlement of the dispute. ARTICLE VII The regular "Day Shift" shall be any 8 hours between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday to Friday inclusive and work done on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays shall be paid for at time and one-half. "Night Shift" shall start after 5:00 P.M. and workmen shall be paid 8 hours for 7% hours' work. All work over 8 hours shall be paid for at time and one-half. It least one-half hour shall be allowed in the middle of all shifts for lunch. ARTICLE VIII (a) The minimum rate of pay for all laborerq shall be one dollar and one cent ($1.01) per hour. (b) The rate of pay for miners shall be one dollar sixty-eight and one-half ($1.68'/x) per hour. (c) Watchmen shall receive sixty-nine cents (69c) per hour on the basis of 40 -hour week, with time and one-half for overtime after 40 hours, but not for daily overtime over 8 hours nor for Saturday and Sunday overtime, unless such hours are worked beyond 40 hours. Watchmen shall not be required to tend salamanders alone. (d) All laborers doing underground work, open ditch work, caisson work, cofferdam work, tunnel work and underpinning work, shall receive one dollar, twenty-six cents ($1.26) per hour. This loss not apply to air pressure jobs. All work where sheeting or cribbing is used 8 feet or more below the adjoining ground and where the excevation is not more than 8 feet wide, shall be classed as underground work. (e) Labor foremen are to be employed where there are more than 10 laborers on the job. Labor foremen shall receive a minimum of one dollar, twenty-six cents ($1.26) per hour. (f) One dollar, and eleven cents ($1.11) per hour shall be paid dumpmen, cement car unloaders, hot tar caulkers and cookers, air hammer men and paving- breaker avingbreaker operators, concrete vibrator operators, mortar mixers, and laborers on rope swing scaffolds, but not including safety scaffolds. (g) The rate of pay for all pipe_ layers shall be one dollar and thirty-one cents ($1.31) per hour. (h) Powdermen and power drillers for blasting purposes, shall receive one dollar sixty-eight and one-half cents. ($1.68%) per hour. Powder monkey shall receive one dollar and one cent ($1.01) per hour. (i) Tha following classifications of labor shall be paid the wage rates shown: Nozzlemen ............$1.36 per hour Chipping hammer operator .$1.11 per hour Jackhammer operator .. 1.11 " " Automatic tamper operator 1.11_ " Vibrator operator .... 1.11 " " Laborer .................. 1.01 ARTICLE I% The following days shall be recognized as legal holidays: New Year's. Day, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ARTICLE R When any man is ordered to report to work by the contractor, superintendent or foreman, the man is to be put to work. If not, he shall be paid two (2) hours for showing up for work. This does not apply in case of inclement weather, lack of materials or breakdown of machinery. The contractors are to use the as possible in putting men to work. ARTICLE RI services of the business agent as much ARTICLE XII In case of any controversy arising out of the interpretation of this agreement and its terms and provisions, the same shall be settled by nego- tiations between the Union and the Employer. If such dispute cannot be settled within four days, the matter shall be settled by a Board of Arbitration composed of two members of the Union, two representatives of the Employer and a fifth to be named by the four selected. The majority decision of this Board shall be final and binding upon both parties. ARTICLE XIII The Union agrees to have its members tend only to union mechanics on the job and reserves the right to instruct its members to work accordingly. ARTICLE XIV The terms of this agreement shall be in effect on all construction and wrecking operations located in Ramsey and Dakota counties, Minnesota, to May 1, 1946, as provided in Article XV, and shall continue in full force and effect from year to year thereafter, unless written notice of desire to change or modify the agreement is served by either party hereto sixty (60) days prior to the annual date of expiration. ARTICLE XV It is further understood and agreed between the parties that the wage scale specified in this contract is to be submitted to the Wage Adjustment Board for approval on WAR Form No. 44, and is to take effect as of the date and in the manner authorized by the termsof the Board's decision. The parties hereto shall be responsible for complete and full compliance by their membership. If no wage adjustment, or a lesser wage adjustment than that proposed is authorized by the Board, the Board's decision shall modify this contract to that extent. This agreement will remain in effect until May 1, 1946. ARTICLE XVI In witness and testimony of the provisions and terms mutually agreed upon and specified herein, the duly authorized officers or representatives of said employers and said union hereunto affix their signatures: INTERNATIONAL HOD CARRIERS, BUILDING AND COMMON LABORERS' UNION LOCAL #132 Dated this day of 19 to :City Clark 135287 -Ordinance � No. n 6730— 1 i39 W. Parran=, An ordinance emeding Ordinance No. O D , "' Ait adodm ofstretive ordinance re- Sating to the Civil ServiceBureau. 01! the Cgtd of saint: Paul. approv- 1n»_.nnd do. of rules and I.. _ ..— Yeas " ordinance amending Ordinance Noe 32501, entitled: 41 "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and -regulations therefor" approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Noe 32501, approved August 20, 1914,as amendedbe and the same is hereby further • amended by striking out of Lotion 6 where it appears in Grade 4 of the Professional and Scientific Service, the title "Principal Assistant - Circulation Division". Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby ection 6t where appearsfintGrade her m5 ofdthe Inspeettional anby strikinout of d Investigational it Investigational Service, the title: "Special Investigator - Water Department". Section 3. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it pears in Grade 9 of the Attendance Servide, the title: "Assistant Market Director". Section 4. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 2 of the Building Care and Power Plant Service, the t itle: "#Head Janitor" Section 5. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 60 where it appears in Grade 6 of the Building Care and Power Plant Service the title: "Superintendent of Library Buildings". Section 6. That said ordinance be and the same In hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where: it appears in Grade 1 of the unclassified (Exempt) Service, the title: "Assistant Clerk - Municipal Court". Councilmen Nays Barfuss -Fiudiaa Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr.—Presided(MvBonough) Attest: ......... _.............................. ............. ...... ................... City Clerk 800 3&94 Passed by the Council .......................... ,..._ _... --------------- In Favor ..........................----Against Approved: --- ..... r..- ............................... .............. -........... Mayor No 1st; 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. and app. ( C f/ Adopted P Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bar1055 Findlan 3Ia uss / Parranfo F,6an 1 Pa nto / Peterson J J a e� Rosen ' Rosen Truax /Truax Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough to :City Clark 135287 -Ordinance � No. n 6730— 1 i39 W. Parran=, An ordinance emeding Ordinance No. O D , "' Ait adodm ofstretive ordinance re- Sating to the Civil ServiceBureau. 01! the Cgtd of saint: Paul. approv- 1n»_.nnd do. of rules and I.. _ ..— Yeas " ordinance amending Ordinance Noe 32501, entitled: 41 "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and -regulations therefor" approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Noe 32501, approved August 20, 1914,as amendedbe and the same is hereby further • amended by striking out of Lotion 6 where it appears in Grade 4 of the Professional and Scientific Service, the title "Principal Assistant - Circulation Division". Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby ection 6t where appearsfintGrade her m5 ofdthe Inspeettional anby strikinout of d Investigational it Investigational Service, the title: "Special Investigator - Water Department". Section 3. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it pears in Grade 9 of the Attendance Servide, the title: "Assistant Market Director". Section 4. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 2 of the Building Care and Power Plant Service, the t itle: "#Head Janitor" Section 5. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 60 where it appears in Grade 6 of the Building Care and Power Plant Service the title: "Superintendent of Library Buildings". Section 6. That said ordinance be and the same In hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where: it appears in Grade 1 of the unclassified (Exempt) Service, the title: "Assistant Clerk - Municipal Court". Councilmen Nays Barfuss -Fiudiaa Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr.—Presided(MvBonough) Attest: ......... _.............................. ............. ...... ................... City Clerk 800 3&94 Passed by the Council .......................... ,..._ _... --------------- In Favor ..........................----Against Approved: --- ..... r..- ............................... .............. -........... Mayor No CrUIN,ANCE 9526 COUNCIL W#L. NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY cc Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Approved: )—,," er a om�88 er' yeas Councilmen Nays Passed b the Council -._ -FEB _51946 y Barfuss -filen- Favor Parranto _ — -----------In Peterson -__-__-. ......... Rosen Truax en a FEB 5 1 Mr: rest Attest: Approved• _-------------- . s it .....- Mayor erlk, City Clerk CiJBLIiSir - Ll6 500 1244 Original to City Clark I C.F.No. 135288—By A6 Rosen tunes CITY OI Whereas, an emergency has arisen due NO to the lackof sufficient -funds to prop erly clews the streets�oi-snow and. ice OF E OF 'and to cinder the streets,: and thereby eliminate elanger tb the life and -safety -COUNC ESOLUi'of the inhabitants oL. the .City, of St-', Paul: and Whereas. all available funds -for -this.; PRESENTED BY - year have been expended' for an ' ^� % D .uaa .and Sce 'removal and clndering there-' WHEREAS, an emergency has arisen due to the lack of sufficient funds to properly clean the streets of snow and ice and to cinder the streets, and thereby eliminate danger to the life and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, all available funds for this year have been ex- pended for snow and ice removal and cindering; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow (such sums as may be necessary there- for, not exceeding a total of $50,000.00, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan or loans promis- sory note or notes, payable to such party or parties, bearing Interest at a rate not to exceed 2% per annum, said note or notes to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13-K, all of said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removal of snow and ice from the streets of the City, and for oindering. FEB 27 X94 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. _-__-_:._c-g__________________194------ Yeas Nays taut �F •�7 �Q� /N'indlati Approved ............................ ---------...19C arranto � - ........ In favor �Yeterson-._----- -- -- - ---� ayor �� , 4fc en /Truax .......... Against PMTSHED President, McDonough 3M 945 '4W® 1 i -Cpytl�� 179Q o,laln,! to city c2wk R54269 CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNC- NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �t, CIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM January 18. lath MMPYASp on December 15, 1945, the Department of Public Works rendered Registered Bill No. 1-7578 to PedersonBiwa. in the amount of $7.50, and same was paid to the Department of Finance on December 319 1945, and WEEms, Pederson Bros. did inadvertently again on danu-7 15, 1946, remit to the Department of Finance $7.50 in payment of said Registered Bill No. 1-7578; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a refund be made to Pederson Bros. in the amount of $7.50 for the aforesaid overpsWment. Charge Pavingf/W Code 1001. COUNCILMEN Yeas� Nays �13artuss Fitrunto dlan /son Z --In Favor 1oosen -- i1 ruax �>..--.Against President, McDonough 500 4-44 -AM-®° Adopted b the C JAN 21 IN Ado �l P Y Council ---......--194 -.. JAN 21 1,345, Approved---------------- -------------------- 194. Mayor Orlliin.l to CJty Uerk ' 5270 CITY OF ST. PAUL F1o.uumca. NO.---_-_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..._. DATE RESOLVED, that Bruce Jappinter and Robert W. Browning be permitted to operate a used car sales lot at the northeast corner of Robert and Tenth -.Streets. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -Findtan- Parranto Peterson ..-In Favor Rosen Truax. ---Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 9A5 �® C. F. No. 135274 -By G. B. Barfuss— Resolved, That Bruce • Japppinfer and. Robert W. Browning be permited to p-, erate a used carsaleslot at the north- east corner of Robert and Tenth Streets. Adopted by the Councn Jan. 21, 1948. Approved Jan. 21, 1946. (January 26, 1946) JAK 211946 Adopted by the Council__ ... ........................ .194..__.. Approved.......................................... 194------ 'A -- ----- -c/\ dill— ---------------- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK'�o ?i? BUREAU OF RECORDS �O January 18, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Bruce Jappinier and Robert N. Browning for permission to operate a used car sales lot at the northeast corner of Robert and Tenth Ste., on Lots 8, 9 and the southwest 113 of root 10, Block T, Roberts & Randallse Addition. Very truly yours, City Clerk. (� .�^ POST CARD-- NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St Paul i4inn. Janua 5 y' You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the• matter of application of Robert W. Browning and Bruce Jappinier for permission o operate a Used Car Lot at northeast corner of Robe and Tenth Ste. (Lots 8, 9 and SW 1/3 of 10, 81k. 7, Roberts & Randalls Addition) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on January 16 , 19 46 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. John S. Findlan File 9868 Commissioner of l4nance. r Y°F THE BOARD OF ZONING ♦� Established by Ordinance No_ 5840 July 7th, 1944 1 ��3 iiii'i'r's SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o ^C 279 COURT HOUSE EG[N E_ BER NARO 1_ MCGLYNN GLY OE L_ METHVGN JOSEPH �"_ REIMROLO EPH A_ TYLER CHARLES A. BASSFORO �� - Cary l�r�c HirccT GEORGE H_ HERROLO Mr. Harry T. (),Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir Taauaiy 15th, 1946. In the matter of application. of Bruoe Tappinier and Robert W. bronning Por pezymn: ssion to operate Used Car Sales Lot at the northeast corasw oP iAobert and Tenth Streets. This zoning is Light Industry. 'Ma sl -ba was formerly used as a parking lot. There is a driveway oYY of Robert Street and a small attendant's house built oP stone - well designed. There is a wall along Tenth St. with a timber bulkhead along the top of the wall. The Board of Zoning wecomangnd that the permit for this On Sales Used Car Lot at this location be granted. YoXIMS very truly, GEORGE H. IMMLD, Engineer Searetary. gh-rh I ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 'NIB APPLICATION TO SE MAGE IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE FILED IN TNe CITY Application For License DATE --- .--------- :�/___ —A / _____________- A/!.__ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made v---- - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A__________ __ _ --------- ----------------------------- ___-- ----------------------------------------- ('DRIVE IN- OR 'INSICE OARAOE') A N TO BE LOCATED ON LOT_�1_._ _ _ _ _ _ ________ BLOCK ._____j__- --------- --- -._-------- AS ----- .--- -__-__'''---_ (ADDITION) ISTRE TAND UMBERI ---------"----------- _ _-----------------------_-/ _ _-----_-------- FILED -----__ F1LED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE------ ._../__C________—_—_______19_ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ------------------------------------------------ ----- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. /! r BY ___ ----------------- •___ ZVE RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLEkt DATE_________ CITY PLANNING BOARD ADDRESS. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota '�5eradmeat of Public Sa�et j POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH r - G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 11, 1846 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Referring to the application made by Bruce Jappinier and Robert W. Browning for permission to operate a used oar lot at 488 Selby Avenue. You will note from Superintendent Wetter- gren's report, also attached, that this application has been withdrawn. Very truly yours, )JI 44x�)X� Commissioner of liblia, Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 8, 1946 bTr. C. J. Tierney Chief of Police Dear Sirs This is in reference to the application of Bruce Jappinier and Robert f. Browning for permission to operate a used oar lot at 488 Selby Avenue. In talking to T�Tr. Bruce Jappinier, he informs me that they have withdrawn this application and are applying for a permit to operate on a lot at Tenth and Robert streets. Respectfully submitted, Harry N. ttergren HN'N/dm Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 3. 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Bruce Jappinier and Robert W. Blowning for permission to operate a used car lot at 488 Selby Ave ue. this department has made its usual investigation and report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of that vicinity, neither would the operation of the Fire Department be interfered with'if the application for this lot were approved. Respectfully yours, R? E%G ief, Bur of Fire Prev.t on RNIC�t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 Capital of Minnes ota /1-:bera med a SCly ,1YPOLICE O (1 (((111 O FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 18, 1946 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Bruce Jappinier and Robert W. Browning for permission to operate a used car lot at the northeast corner of Tenth and Robert Streets. These premises were inspected by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. You will note from the attached reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very ruly yourCommissioner c61� Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 17, 19¢6 Mr. C. J. Tierney, Chief of.police. Dear Sir: This is in reference to the following application: "Application has been made by Bruce Jappinier and Robert W. Browning for permission to operate a used car sales lot at the northeast corner of Robert and Tenth Streets." There were no blueprints submitted with the application. In checking the property I find it has been used as a parking lot and there is a driveway to this property that is ample to handle all oars in and outof the lot. Therefore, from a traffic standpoint, there would be no objection to the granting of a permit. Yours truly, Har�N.Weren Superintendent of Traffic BNW/kd THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 17, 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfnss Commissioner of Public.Safety Dear Sirt In regard to the application of Brace Jeppinier and Robert W. Browning for permission to operate a used car sales lot at the northeast a corner of Tenth & Robert Streets. Our usual investigation has been mades and • we report that there would be no increase in the fire hazard of the vicinity of this lot if permis- sion for used car sales lot is granted. Resp tfully yours$ vV . Chie emi of Fire Prev ion RWC/t DUPLICATE S CITY OF ST. PAUL AND FILED IN THE CITY -:- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ELER�.5 SAOFFIGE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION V -fit DATE a -b NO, OF PUMPS NO, OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ------ - ---------------------- ------ - -------- SIGNATURE OF APPLIIANT. FILED --- ------- ------ - -------------R ----- - - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK IS-------- ___________--19 19 DATE-.__-- ------------------- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD 'By ------- ----------- ---- --- ------- BY____-____-___________________- ----------------- ----- ---- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ----- /; ---- NAME OF FIRM 01 IND", AL) --------- ----- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A -- ---- 4S, D. AWAGI ---- - ------------------ 4) ------------ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT -1 BLOCK 'ALSO AOD,TION) DESCRIBED AS -- - STREET AND ---- ------------ --- NUMBER) NO, OF PUMPS NO, OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ------ - ---------------------- ------ - -------- SIGNATURE OF APPLIIANT. FILED --- ------- ------ - -------------R ----- - - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK IS-------- ___________--19 19 DATE-.__-- ------------------- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD 'By ------- ----------- ---- --- ------- BY____-____-___________________- ----------------- ----- ---- COUNCIL FILE N0._ By------------ - - FINAL ORDERS. C. F. No. 195271— In the Matt2r of V dlvg Montana Avenue from oxford Street_ toLesdng- Q'd ,-y ,. tan Parkway also 8radlnB:-Mary Lane - to from ' Montana Avenue O#td c} -eat, ne.. Prgji, n - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... grading_ Montana_ Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway___ alaA__grading_X&ry-lane .fr_om--Montana_Asenue tv.-Oxfozsl_ StrQ_Qt,----------- ---------------- - ------------------------------------- --- ---- --------------------------- ---------------------------- - ---- under Preliminary Order.__ 13.4239___ ----------------------- approved _ November _14,__1945 IntermediaryOrder-----------------------------------------------approved----------------------- --------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__grede_Montana_Avenue_ from_Oxford_Street_to-Lexington parkxay,__also_grade-_Mery__Lane_from_Biontana_Avenue to --Oxford _Street,--__----__-_--______-___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;thdt upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _J'AN- _` 1 LLAfi ----------- ---------- 192________. City Clerk. Approved:.- ----- ----- - --_ . , 192 .... File 9853Mayo - - - - -- r• - — � . Councilman Chnaftmm,10M Bemuse Councilman FiDdlan Councilman Td1VAWA6kVw Psrwnto Councilman 1416hopmou= Peterson Councilman SNAWAMMMM Rosen Councilman Thins i Mayor Hcy McDonough - NA3I,f" Form B. S. A. 8-7 i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR, MENX OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading Montana Ave. from Oxford St. to Lexington Parkway, also krading Mary Lane from Montana Ave. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order approved November 14, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ 1,777.90 (Montana) 1,099.95 bLaryLane f ont _ _ $ 1, g� ontan a ) � The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is - - - - $1.41 (Mary Lane The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AMDITION 10 1 Moravec Addition, St. Paul, Minn. 11 1 do 12 1 do 13 1 do 14 1 do 15 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 1 2 do TOTAL. Form D. Is. 10 0 ASSESSED Lend ALUAT IO kd liii g' $250 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 225 225 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTVENT PF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Total $7125 $8500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Dec. 28 19 45 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanYALUATION_ld Q _ H gf 2 2 Moravec Addition $200 3 2 do 200 4 2 do 200 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 400 7 2 do 450 8 2 do 475 9 2 do 475 10 2 do 475 11 2 do 450 Lot 12 and West a of 13 2 do 675 Lot 14 and East a of 13 2 do 725 8500 Total $7125 $8500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Dec. 28 19 45 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 0 0 11 G-3 W St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause Ave. N/t. N. //a N.W '/4 SEC.23 T. 29. R. 23. SCALE 300 HOYT -- F F SCM as I.. F h ONNAVE. O - T NA ' 0 V = of N SMASKA Avt. tto CL Jx M[VADAAVC I- V a0 Y LAKt COMO -- �IL �J I• S- - — — ARLINQTON CURT�<E STAMP A-ruAs AN , OL 15 7-1-19. - :a _ 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 4, 1945 _............_ ....._..__....._.., 194...__..._ i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..1.34M......approved....._:. _.November..14.._._,._,.._._,.....194.5....,relative to grading Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, also grading teary i,ane froia Montana Avenue to OaPord Street __............ _._. _ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ...... . ........necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $................_____.. ___., and the total cost thereof is $.._......._ ....... ........ ._........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .............................._....._....._.__............. _......._ _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __ ......... 5. Said improvement is...... . .... .... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said improvement. 500-544 Commissioner of Public Works , ar s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Engineering Capital OF Minnesota Inspection DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS adCaMeT RV.Iw 4 - MILTON R EN. COMMISSIONER .1COCKRO . S— C NSNCE J. VOKOUN. DS— COMMI..lola OEOIAOE M. fHEPIIRO. CMV s—MnIm O. H. HERROLO -000.© .DRErD D. MDMlel�wl Eq VMYR ARTHUR H. KOCH December 1, 1945 ' Cotmnissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: fuwLul M SAM -10N RREO DRIVER. f1rY• aYwEAl. O! YSAK. M. S. GRYTfAK. SMS- RAY J. AOTAK. S RAY 1. K�RT�K, fort. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, also grading Mary Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134739 approved November 14, 1945• Grading Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkw Estimated Cost 1777.90 Cost per'front foot 1.95 Engineering 90.00 Inspection 33.10 Frontage 912.4 ft. Grading Maly Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street Estimated Cost $ 1099.95 Cost per front foot 1.41 Engineering 75.00 Inspection 20.10` Frontage 778 ft. Approver tr tot ion on of Finance MILTON ROSIN commissioner of Public Works Yours very truly, /� //.///r ' 'J�'T _ "� GEO M. =A@D Chief Engineer CD orlamsl to City Clerk 72 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX NO- -_--_.--_---.- .•..� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 - YNCI L_,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY DATE January 2ald, 1946• commissloNE -' Resolved. khat the plat of "Kingsford Place" as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works$ be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Fa1Ta�FIEdtgM-- nto Fut—on Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 046 .4610.® -C. F. No. 135272—By Milton Rosen ........ Resolved, tMt the plat f Kings- ford Place" as recommended by the Plat Commission and pp roved by the Commissioner f Pubac W rhs, be and the same is - hereby accepted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 1946. Approved Jan. 22, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) JAN 2f, 1945 Adopted by the Council ........... ._ ....................194...... Approved--------------------- _.-.194---... In Favor / - 6 - -------------- V Mayor Against flat (Commission of Ramseg (t vunty. Minnesota "FF1E GF THE SECRETARY 234 CITY HALL January 22nd, 1946• To the Honorable, the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We submit herewith the plat known as "kiingsford Placa" for your acceptance. We call your attention to the attached letter which expresses the intention of Joseph P. TaMotte to purchase lots RA" and "B" on the corner of Jessamine Ave. and Balsam St. These lots were accepted on the plat so that the transfer could be mane by lots rather than by a metes and bounds description. The platted property is to be improved with sewers, grading and water as soon as possible. HSW-RH l Yours very truly, , HERBERT S. AST, Seely of the Plat Commission. January 7. 1946 To the Plat Commission City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This will advise you that it has been my intention and still is to purchase from Mr. W. G. Kingsford the Lots shown on the plat of Kingsford Place as lots 6 and B. Signed • IFINAL ORDER. �. F. No. 135275— In the Matter of gr.rl, Al,-kT AV nue from Wit F-Verth rat. t^ " q ry met, under oropetl'• bNb t COUNCIL FILE N0.- ----- ---- - ----- ---------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._.grading- Alaska- Avanue__from West-Seventh__Street to _Race _Street_-____ -- ------------ - - - - - - --- --------- --------------------- -------------------- ---------- -- ----------------------- ----- --------------- --------------- ---------------------- ----- -- - ------------ - ----- - ------------ ---- - - -- - ------ ---------------- ---------------- _____-.a roved --- _ ._ November_16t -194-----------__"__-- 134760----------- pp under Preliminary Order_____-_----- - -- - Intermediary Order -----------------------------------------�PProved----------- - ---- - - - - - ------ ----- - -- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Im- ____siQ-Akaek�_AQsny9-f provement to be made by the said City isgze°-m-Rest_S@Qenh__Stxeet-_to__ -------------------------------------and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and sid directed to prepare plans and speci e proper citytions forsoffieialsoare hereby au horized and directed tolprovement, and submit same to the Councl 1 approval; that upon said approval, teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CounciJAR-22-19------------ - ------ 1192 ---- - -City Clerk. Approved ----- -------- - - - ____ , 192. --- --------- ---- File 9855 --- --- ----------- ---- '" Mayor. Councilma 131'tin"(, CouncilmaraWWWOMORMI—"— Parranto Councilma .. j Councilm tefffJ Councilmansi Ro"n Councilman Ne ono +r'Mayor I Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL • ♦ , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN(tE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of grading Alaska Ave. from W. 7th St. to Race St. any under Preliminary Order approved November 16, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 1314.51 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fr nt $ 2.02 The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED YALUATIONBldg. Lan 7 29 West End $30440 (Except 7th St.) 8 29 do 600 $350 1 34 do 350 1600 (Except 7th St.) 14 34 do 600 2200 Total $18E0 $4150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l Dated December 26 19 45 ; tr }�• — —'t' _ Commissioner of Finance. Form s. S. A. 8.5 D To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn. 194 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned.. property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . Avc. t.. to Ave. Lim Jle /Y. !N/4 Sec. /4. T. 28. R. 23. I I . I 'P � s E `� S� � ►^� I I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December...4._........_......... .._., 194.._5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...l3,476.0..__approved .....__.......Nov.' 16 __.194.5._, relative to grading Alaska Avenue from West Seventh Street to Race Street _. ...... .._._ ...._...._.._..._...._ ._......... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._..............necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.02 1 314.51.__, and the total cost thereof is $......_..... _.__..... _....._., 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._.....e..... . Engineering $65.00 Inspection $24.50 Frontage 654 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................................................. ...................... _.._ ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is .............. _....asked for upon petition of three or more owner of prope� subject to assessment for said improvement. _. Sao—s-,a �,�� L�I(iiT Commissioner of Public Works W. S . C OKROCKRO a RVwIR W. S. SYIf. OPIICt EHa1rI�R O. H. HERROLO av^GT RH01 UR NN'KOCHIPM� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnowta DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, OOMMISSION_ O RENO- J. VOKOUN. DAY COMMIseIOMER GEORGE M. aHEPARD. "'- EHOIN[Wl 2 .4159-® Nov. 30, 1945 commissioner of Public Works Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Girt ellR.wll oP RwHRwrRH BRED DRnrErs. Euwr. M. S. GRYTaAK. QIQIMa -- U N OpRRD 'V RAY D. KARTAK. WIPE. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost est Seventh Street to Race Street, for grading Alaska Avenue from W under Preliminary order C. F. 134760 approved November 16, 1945• Estimated Cost 1,314.51 Coat per front foot 2.02 65.00 Engineering 24.50 Inspection 654 ft. -. Frontage yours very truly, M. c� 4ftlli SHED Chi f Engineer Approved for tranHmis to th Cotmnissioner Finenoe NITON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works COUNCIL FILE N0._ ------- _.----- -__- By------- -- - - -- _-- - ------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____-constructing_standard_concrete-.curbing_on-_both _sldea_of_Ride-____ $treet_e9;9ept_wh9re--90od__snd__seffic_ient--curbing_n__o1r eziats,_-from_Highland Parkway______ to_ Edgopmbe -Road,_. - -- -------------------------------------- - -------------- -------------------- --- under Preliminary Order ----- 134525- --------------------- -_.approved _-October 16, 1946 IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------approved ----- -------------------------------- - ------------ A public hearing having been :had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectionh and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- construct_standard__concrete_ourbing on_both_sides of Ridpze Street except where food and sufficient curbing now exists, from Highland Far-------------------------------------------------------------- --- - — — — -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _____________ ---------, 192 --------- i c�i �?? 19V City Clerk. . Approvod ----- -- ---- -- ---- - -- - -- - 192- File 92- ..File 9848 Councilman fiimmummimn Barfnse Councilman gBomemovNIM mac"-' Councilman Pahunto Councilman i eafflmw Councilman Roven Councilman � UP" Mayor H Xwonomtll Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - - --------- - ------ Mayor. PUBLISZIED_ 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIVIFSSi,-)NER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �1 In the matter of construct standard concrete curbing on both sides of Ridge St., except where good and sufficient curbing now exists, from Highland Parkway to Edgcumbe Road under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 16, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2836.38 £oat The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is s in The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed val a tion n of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 9 West End-Edgcumbe 5 9 do 6 9 do 7 9 do South 60 ft. of West 30 ft. of Lot 3 ) ( h all of 8 ( 9 do also the vacated alley between and the North 12 -of vac. alley adjoining ) The South 2 and East 2 of vacated ) alley adjoining and the West 180 ft. - ( (Except the South 50 ft.) of 9 9) TOTAL. Form B. B. 30 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $900 $6700 850 6550 850 6800 850 6250 950 7000 ' r . ClT OF Sf. PAUL. i �! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMIvII§$IONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI Land.. �d a i 4- South 50 £t. of West 180 ft. of Lot: 9 ) $650 = -- also (Except West 180 ft.) 9 ) 9 West End-Edgcumbe 1550 $11,450 10 9 do 2600' 11 9 do 2650 1 10 do 2000 2 10 do 2000 18,000.; 3 10 do 2000 5,950_ Borth 120 ft. of 4 10 do 1450 13,400,; (Except North 120 ft.) 4 10 do 700 1 6 do 2400 2 6 do 2400 Lot 1 and North z of 2 4 _ Gilbert's Greenway Court 1100 11,000. Lot 3 and South j of 2 , 4 do 1060 4;500! Lots 4 and North•a of b 4 do lObO 8,000 S. a of Lot 5, all of 6 4 do 1060 4 Lot 7 and North a of 8 4 do 1060_ 6,000 7! Lot 9 and South of 8 ,4 , do 1050- _ 8,500 1; Lot 10 and North 20 ft. of 11 4 do 1125. 7,150 Lot 12 and South 30 ft. of 11 4 . do 1025, --H- North 50 £t. of Lots 1 and 2, and (Except W. 10 ft.) the N. 50 ft.of 3 5 . do 950 6,000 ;South 60ft. of N. 110 ft. of Lots 1'& 2 also (Except W. 10 ft-) the South 60 ft. of North 110 ft. of 3 ) 5 do 850 6,600' i South 19.75 ft. of Lots 1 & 2 and South f 19.75 ft. of part East of alley Of 3 also imcated alley adjoining Lot 4 and North 30.25 ft. of 4 ) 5 do 975 6,900- _ Lot S._and. South 19.75 ft. of _ 4 5 Po11w e.s.,, - do TOTAL 97.5 _ ;6,2507_ I .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF mMI N ORDER OF FINANCE ON PR (c) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 6 5 7 5 Lot 8 and North z of 9 5 Lot 10 and South s of 9 5 11 5 12 5 . ADDITION I Gilbert's Greenway Court do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg., $700 $7900 700 7500, 1050 8500,. 1050 6300 700 4750 750 6400, Total $42,450 $194.350 that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated' December 26 19 45 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 525 St. Paul, Minn. nni-jD' er I l y _194 . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: des RIDGE ent curbing, now ^ttrh hath viof�S.Le�--.-eeRt-`�^hereg0od_ &Il�i._s�3�L- exists - _..-- --- ---- St. Ave. Ni hl and vav MttXAjC ,. to d be Road from VAME 0 r` " LOT BLOCK - ADDITION r 4_ g—_,yest End Edgcumbe 5 9 10 9 - ��/ 8 9 L 9 -- 1 5 Gilbert's Gr`eenwsy Court 5 5 " li 6 5 7 — - _0D 8-NL9 5 11„ i)w.r SL9-10 —5 — -- ---� ■— �\ „ 11 5 12 5 UU„ 1�� 53M 41 Gaoyl & Co. St. Paul, Minn.— __194 ToThe Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Construct standard curbing -o-11-both ides of Ridge swept`-,er_P gond and sufficient curbing now exists St.�214at from Fnrd Pprkway stC. Avx. to -Ed gaumhe. Road NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION !N 4 Gilbert's Greenway Co Y7 S11-2--3 4-5-p_t ,t.6-7 4 6 4 (/• — r - ---�-— r n 4 4 1 4 --- 2 4 S12 8-9 10 -Pt - 3 11 — — \-- C „ �nsz�Q, t.11- U 1 2 3 - 10 - -We-at End_�Ua-End 10 ti/'Nr% ,r ,r o,.( 0 INvr Cei.wn9ao L. _ 10 „ r (IJvw�wl . 4 pt.4 10 C Pa. vim+ 10 „ 5-3M 41 Gans[ & C.. art Z u �- L✓�}' Iz I h - a s Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .Nov...27..... ........... ..... +............... 194. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....._13.4525.....approved......_......._4ctober....16.-- .... _ _....... 194.5.._, relative to construct of_concrate curbing on _both sides„of .Ridge Street_ _. except. there _,.good._.and_ sufficient_curbing.now exists ,from. Highland ........ ......... Parkway to Edgcunbe Road _..... .........._..._ .._ _ _ . _. _._._... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - __......_..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2 836 Cost per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..__...�...........�.. _._..., and the total cost thereof is $ .............. ......................... , Engineering $160.00 new curb $1.38 Ar�sgectidon p2.Lq. fvuiere curb in place .23 and then WORM an extent o sai improvement is as o ows: ........................................ ................... .........................__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .... .. . .....__... 5. Said improvement is......... .._ _.. _asked for upon petition of three or more own of property, i subject to assessment for said improvement. r ` .._... soo-aaa . -� -, Commissioner of Public Works' GO rf Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public works ' St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir., -.-V BANITATI- FRED DRIVER. SUIT. B1IREAR - SRIDOet M. S. GRYTBAK. ENOINtcI BURPJIU OP C— 10" RAY J. KARTAK. — I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of concrete curbing on both sides of Ridge Street except Where good and sufficient curbing now exists, from Highland Parkway to Edgcumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134525 approved October 16, 1945• Total estimated costa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Engineering Capital of Minnesota Inspection DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Sutuu o. CON6T. s RBPAIR MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. CLJIRENCE J. VOKOUN, OD — —11611-1 GEORGE M. SH—RD. CHIW ENSI M OTFlCt ENo1Nan1 G. H. HERROLD •23 SUR[AU M MUNICIVAL EOUIPMOD ARTHUR H. KOCH Nov. 26, 1945 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public works ' St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir., -.-V BANITATI- FRED DRIVER. SUIT. B1IREAR - SRIDOet M. S. GRYTBAK. ENOINtcI BURPJIU OP C— 10" RAY J. KARTAK. — I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of concrete curbing on both sides of Ridge Street except Where good and sufficient curbing now exists, from Highland Parkway to Edgcumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134525 approved October 16, 1945• Total estimated costa 2,836.38 Engineering 16o.o0 Inspection 52.48 Cost per front foot for new curb 1.38 tighere curb is in •23 Total frontage 2,511 ft - curb in place 525 ft - New curb 1,986 ft. Approve�or trap ssion to the Consio ' r of Finance Commissioner of Public Works Yours truly, .ARD E0' M. SHEPAHD /Chi Engineer OrlpiaN to ty Clerk ' COUNca. NO..--___- -'- CITY OF ST. PAUL •oB'••� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY DATE Te,e,nt•y 22-1946 PRESEN COMMI Ny RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37704, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37705t Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37706, and cigarette. Application A37707, applied for by Pauly and Mello Patient at 427 South Wabasha Street, be and the same are hereby granted. NOW Informally approved by Council January 17, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN yewssNays "fuss Parranto e erson In Favor s n trues ) ._.Against .1�1 President, McDonough 500 4-44 .0GV4•® C. R No, 135275 --BY Barfuas—Parran- to— RESOLVED: That licenses £or Res- taurant.age, Application A37704, 70 Sale Man Beverage, Application A37705, Oft. Sale Melt Beverage, Application A37UP 706. and Cigarette, Appncatioa A37707, ap- plied for by Pauly nd Mello Patient tl a 927 Sou[re hereby a gr rated. be and I Adopted by the Council. Jan. 22, 1946. Approved Jan. 22, 1946. tJanuary 26, 1946.) 22 1946 Adopted by the Councl ........................... ----- 19C g� dq� 1.94 Approved ................................: ....._ 194 M 4t ;;or orlaimi to City cotmea CITY OF ST. PAUL FlUl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � DATE January `-`. 1g46 COM M lssloNER. WHEREAS, Frank Peluso desires to withdraw application 37691 for Hotel license at 378 Jackson Street, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Frank Peluso the fee,of $25.00 and, to cancel said application for license. (C.tp— F. No. 135276 us —By Harfs—Parran- wlthdHE AS. Frank Peluso 'desires to license at 2p llcation 37691 for xan l equests thea return ackson Street, deposited thereon, theretor`e bl..ifse ice sESOLV aD, that the proper "leers be d they hereby atuthor- i2ed to iund to Frank -11 lso the If - See f $2x.00 and to cancel --l- Ad. a/d ap- pllcaLon for lcense. Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 3996. Approved Jan. 22, 1946. (January • 2g, 1996.) JAN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ...................... ...........194...... Yeas Nays f`) tirf uss Approved--------------------------------- arrant. In Favor AA ""'r` v "-„ -- ---------- t�----- Mayor os ruax ............Against I. President, McDonough 500 4-44 '49?,9 Otldairvi to City Cl p PT'" • -` u . CITY OF ST. PAUL tbuHcn. NO.-iti__.... _...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rl� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `,C6 PRESENTED BY DATE January 22 194 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37687, On'Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37688, Cigarette, Application A37690, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37689, applied for by Frank Peluso at 378 Jackson Street, be and the same are hereby granted. Now Informally approved by Council January 17, 1946 Old location w C.t�F. No. 135277—By Barfn,Parran- tauran , ED Illation A37687,Onor Sale l ettetAppllcaUoyyn A37690, even uon a Off SaleppMait farVeby eF enk11 Peluso Aat X378 JacksdId n Street, -be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 1946.. Approved San. 22, 1846. (January 26, 1946.) JAN 221W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.-. ---- ._-_--.-..----``.----.------194...... Yeas Nays , )43 Bariuss -}srr----- Approved------- ------ ------------ -----------194-----• Parranto f son - In Favor + ��` Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 �a,0 ortonal to City cn. CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.ccoUHNO._.____---____-•-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/\/`;�7J�J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY v DATE January 22 1946 COMM ISSI ONE RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37533, On Sale Malt BeveXAge, Application A37534, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37535. and cigarette, Application A37536, applied for by Alfred G. Anderson and James OtBrien at 216 E. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 15, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _"Ir_ rfuss arr��r ..............In Favor 77- 1Truax 1. ------Against -iC. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .,AW® C. F. No. 135278—BY Barfuas—Parrao- to— RESOLVED: That licenses for Res- taurant. Application A37533, On Sale Malt Beverage. Application A37534, Off Sale Melt Beverage. Appucation A37M5. and Cigarette, Appllcatlfon A37538, ap- yPug for by Alfred G. Anderson and demand 'thee same 2a eEhereventh Street, by granted. Adopteedb theJn* 2Co 1948. Jan. 22, 1946. Appro(January 26, 1946.) Adopted by the Council............. ..........------ 194.._.__ ha4fiU��! E^.2: 117v, Approved.... 4- Mayor C. F. No. 135279—Hy Harfu Parran- OHBInal to city Clerk .g WHEREAS , P Emil Harbeau,- dba Brown wn DOUNca �F� White Cab Co., has made of NO.___._____.._�_____, CITY 6k V7 for ]lcense. to operate as pae " OFFICE OF T� the etre is of the city �mr+ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION— PRESEN1 013 DATE. .7aTYtla,yT4, 22 lQu6. COMIA SSIONE WEE SASS, Emil Barbeau, dba Brown & Whits Cab Co., has made application 36007 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, eleven (ll) automobiles described as follows: Cab No. Mace M2,tor Novi Serial No. Insurance 26 Plymouth P12-114561 111614g8 CasualtReciprocal Exchange Pol. DG 47. �7 Plymouth P12-27034 11135134 n 26 Plymouth P14-26367 14410946 O �9 Plymouth P11-15oo64 15036003 30 Plymouth P12-88951 11170076 31 Plymouth P12-141468 11192309 11 ° it 32 Plymouth P10-301620 11053247 it " n Plymouth P14-56593 11432300 33 - 34 -Dodge D19-61624 30391935 35 Plymouth P10-41400 10905165 n n It 36 Plymouth P14—lo4g24 11462439 U n / WHEREAS. said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of ^� , 7 Saint Pavl and said policies have been approved as to form and execution r> by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it \ the streets ll PESOI,VED, Cly oofcSaint Paulpbe8andsthe samemarelherebyaid autoobies astgranted toaxicabs oEmil Barbeau. of the Renewal. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -------_----_----------- ------ 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss __44trdM7r_ "' Approved -............... ........ ' - 194 Parranto avor --..SriMaYor -Rosen Truax -.-.._____Against Mr. President, McDonough t _i ISl1LD1-2 (,- /6 500 4-44 �.Q Cleric F. No. 135280—BY Barruss—Parran- � � •,\ .,� counts. CITY �tyl7FRFGC, Emil Barbeau, dba Broom white Cab Cr., *as made applfcatlon OFFICE OF' .z for :� <<_ .,,application taxi - COUNCIL RESOLCh'h� IiENEC±A4Fi'j. i f VER.. _ 1 ! �, `- i� DATIE 'WHEFOAS, Anil Barbeau, dba Brown & White Cab Co., has made application 36007 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streett of the City of Saint Paul, eleven (11) automobiles described as follows: Cab No. Make Moto_ r No. SerialNo. Insurance 37 Plymouth P12-196103 11218374 Casualty Reciprocal Exchange Pol. DG - 6138, expr. 1-12-47 36 Dodge D19-3329 30446416 11 39 Plymouth Pll-92628 15034976 11 it 40 Chrysler 028-2822 7902324 Y If 60 Plymouth Pili -19320 15005779 If If " 61 Plymouth P12 -6636o 11159556 If It n 62 Plymouth P12-473082 11359206 If Is 67 Dodge D14-106296 30264987 ' !1 It x 66 Plymouth P12-302335 11272584 It s it 76. Chrysler 025-39286 7646535 It 11 " 77 Dodge D19-180935 30522187 If MUHMOS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Anil Barbeau. Renewal. .JAN 2213 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 Yeas Nays A6 �V de Pili t H -- Approved .............. .......... ----194 Parranto JC` .Ee6e:emr' ------------ In Favor - - ------------ � Mayor Rosen Truax .............. Against Mr. President, McDonough U1;L;3IIED_L 500 4-44 .� •• OHpinal to City Clem C. F. No. 135281—By Harfw^s—Parran- �. to 7 CITY IF WHEREAS, Emil Harbeau, db^ " - NO ---- ___---- _..__-__ White CabCo., �ha4 1-iaA� , '•1'% OFFICEOF.THE�(• 38007• -,for ]Lcen- " upon COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---m :� � •;i;: ze r W�RE4S; Emil Bar8ea:E, dim Brown B,4fhite Cab Co., has made application 36007 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, eleven (11) automobiles des ribed as follows: Cab No. Make Motor�Io, serial No. Insurance 79 Plymouth P14-60423 11433916 Casualty Reciprocal Exchange Pol. DG - 6136, exp. 1-12-47. 79 Plymouth P12-262015 11251751 11 11 11 61 Plymouth P12-257069 11260946 11 11 II 62 Plymouth P14-72633 11441713 83 Plymouth P10 -41o14 10905053 11 11 n s4 Chrysler 025-37744 7645513 n n it 95 Dodge D14-1570'21 44o6g45 n u n 97 Plymouth P10-45906 10909160 n n n 9s Plymouth P4-553132 20077317 ° 11 n 90 Plymouth P12-214215 11231642 a 11 s 101 Plymouth P14-104479 11462420 n n n WIM MS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Emil Barbeau. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --F;nd}atr Parranto FetersuRoseff -"'- Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 y,O JAN 22 l Adopted by the Counppil�cil ..................................194...... aSli N '111 1tisi Irl . Approved -----------•------------------------------194 - - -..-In Favor VA -.. J ............Against l'UliL1';1I1Sll 0r10zuti to Ctty 431vk )UNCR " CITY OF ST. P4ULNO..._-_-----�---- OFFICE OF THE CIT,` CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION— ".ENEF,AL oe���. r�r e Yr1 rel A 11211 � WEERM S, Emil Barbeau; dba Brown & White Cab Co., has made application 36007 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, eleven (11) automobiles described as follows: Cab No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 102 Plymouth Pl",120642 11472453 Casualty Reciprocal Exchane Pol. DG - 6138, exp. 1-12- 7 th P1 1 4410 11188700 It " " WHEREAS, RESOLVED, 103 Plymou 2- 3 104 'Plymouth Pill -105003 11462463 " " to 105 Dodge D19-185611 30526823 " to - It 106 Plymouth P14-051977 11427850 107 Plymouth P12-36713 11146036 108 Packard Co5o6893F 1351-2276 " " it 109 Packard 0507011F 1371D2404 is 11 to 110 Plymouth P14-101151 11460162 " " It 111 Plymouth P14-51977 10971076 " " " 112 Plymouth P14-55775 1143o59a said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution .Saint by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Emil Barbeau. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Ros.)relerser["� en Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 JANd%' X rY-m3' Adopted by the Council ...... ..........................194...... Approved...................... -----------------194. ..In Favor ^" 'SL��"S ... - - � - ------------ ---- -a or / 1 Y �_ ...Against yt , ' D-- j �q---{ fo OHWmI Clty perk f Vr— � �f R���y .. CITY OF ST. PAL: s; -.. No. ----- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CL COUNCIL RESOLUTIG:�`,-GENU AL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 22 1946 WHEREAS, Charles Greenberg has made application 36101 for license to operate as auto rental cars upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, thirteen (13) automobiles described as follows: Car No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 1 Chevrolet 6448229 21FA0542053 Merchants & Farmers Mut, Cas. Co Pol. #38228, exp, 7-1-46. 2 Chevrolet 1917554 sJB1121s4 n s s 3 Plymouth P11-418816 15112227 4 Chevrolet 566411 21GA0326162 5 Chevrolet 163435 21GA115730 if ff If 6 Chevrolet 591962 21GA0427910 s if it 7 Chevrolet AA403154 21AG1216680 9 u it 15 DeSota 5751117 56g955o It " it 16 Chevrolet BA274s0 21BH092915 It Is n 17 Ford 19 5873067 Model 101A If If if is Ford 18 6766949 It s s 19 Ford 18 5940366 Model 111A n ,1 ff 20 Plymouth Pll-23454 15027524 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as auto rental care upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted t Com; reenberg. Renewal. ,,L, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ---------- ................... _194 Yeas ouncil.............................._194Yeas Nays r��Kl '421946 arfuss 7i an Approved ......... .......................... _.194 arranto 1 In Favor ------------_ --------- • o�s n Mayor j!'ruas (,-,....Against President, McDonough 500 4-44 ^owd'J Or d to City k x. ... .....r wti Cd.NO.______ 50, .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRTED BY - - TED January 215 1946 DAA RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted: David OlDofsky 340 W. 7th Grocery App. 35399 New O.L. Frank J. Balsimo 462 Wabasha Fruits & Vag. " 35967 " Geo. Chris & Gordon Rieger 1051 Arkwright Cigarette " 36559 " " Florence Wynacht 399 E. Sidney Butcher " 37234 n n A. L. & A. F. Gaughan 1373 Selby Oil Burner " 37641 n n Noma Inc. 300 E. 4th Restaurant " 37663 n n Donald D. Guiles 600 Wells Taxicab Driver " 37733 B. Isabel 322 No. St. Albans Junk Gatherer " 37737 Carl R. Paulus 756 So. Smith Taxicab Driver ." 37751 Glen A. Gray 1684 Dayton Taxicab Driver " 37762 James Gogalakis 4550 Jackson Cigarette " 37799 C. F. No. 135281—By Comars. Barfuss— Parranto— Resolved. That licenses applied for by persons named on the list attached to j this resolution be and the same are herebygranted, and the City Clerk is instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council .Jan. 22, 1946. Approved Jan. 22, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) A 221'. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................ ...............194_-_ YeasNays arfuss Approved..............................194. Parranto InFavor ----------------------------------- ----------------------- Mayor - osen / ,Truax ..............Against r. President, McDonough 509 ✓44 may,® C. F.pp No. 135286 --BY Camara. Barfuss—',' .! (1f�o�` solved. a That licenses y' Or101nWtocity�Qk , tacnhedeto thLs,,adlutionaa4ae dC a ravaca NO,. P.4 CITY same are hereby grantetl, yy Fu-" ."""–'"""""'-""""""' Clerk 1s inatrocted to issue such OFFICE O cenaes uponthe payment Into the City ' .treasury of the required fees. COUNCIL RESO Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 1946. Approved Jan. 22, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) PRESENTED Y -uary2i. 1946 COMM ISSIO�I RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: H. J. Widna Coal Co. 1810 E:Franklin.Mpls. Fuel Dlr. App. 35520 Renewal. Arnold %ramba 1961 St. Anthony Barber " 35615 " Rose Tilley Catlin 1105 Selby Restaurant " 35967 " a n n n a On Sale Malt " 35968 " nn n n Off sale Malt " 35969 " " a n n " " Cigarette " 35970 n Joe Haefliger 2015 E. Minnehaha Gas Ste. 2P. " 36291 " Otto F. Isaak 459 E. Maryland Grocery " 36454 " n a n n Butcher " 36455 " n " n n Cigarette " 36456 x John D. Anderson 993 Payne Butcher " 36550 " John Oras 917 E. Minnehaha Gas Sta. 3P. " 36554 n Mrs. M.M. Rapp & H.J.Wittman 919 St. Clair Grocery " 36579 " n n n n n Butcher n 36579 " a n a n n Off Sale Malt " 36590 " a a n n " Cigarette " 36591 " Earl S. Johnson 1202 X. Snelling Gas Sta. 5P. " 36615 " M. B. Frejlach 249 S. Cleveland Grocery "36793 " n - n n " Butcher " 36794 " Off Sale Malt " 36795 " n n n n Cigarette " 36796 n Herbert W. Garbe 919 E. Maryland Gas Ste. 3P• " 36545 " Walter J. Gratz 666 Ho. Snelling Gas Sta. 3P. " 36854 ". COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................... ............... 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss --T IndWri- -:., — Approved ................... ............. 194 Parranto -- ---------In Favor - ---.............. ............................. --........... - Mayor Rosen Truax .......... Against Mr. President, McDonough ' 500 4-44 Orland to CI4 Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCII. cns . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE JAMMY 21-1946 Pure Oil Co. 40 E. Water Fuel Dealer App. 36864 Renewal Park Drug Co. 172 No. Snelling Confectionery " " 36915 " " n a If a Off Sale Malt 36916 Nicholas Schmoller 1450 Frankson Butcher " 36950 " Francis S. Pariseau 695 Arcade Gas Sta. 3P. " 36955 George B. Leitner 945 Randolph Fuel Dealer " 37051 " Otto W. Rohland Sr. 461-63 W. 7th Grocery Butcher " " 37o6s " 37069 " Off Sale Malt " 37070 " Cigarette " 37071 a Michand Bros., Inc. 1059 Grand Grocery " " 37303 " 37304 " n n n n Butcher Off Sale Malt " 37305 " n a n n Cigarette " 37306 Hiwayan Club 1246 IInivereity Orig. Cont. " 37372 " n n a - " Cigarette " 3737 " n n 1279 University Orig. Cont. " 3737 " Cigarette " 37375 " Transit Supply Co. 1175 E. 7th Orig. Cont. " 37379 " a II n n Cigarette " 37379 " Michael Eepersen 1754 Pan Buren Milk Store a 37426 " George C. Kolar 5o6 so. Smith Gas Ste. 2P. " 37433 " E. J. Gowette 1700 Grand Grocery " 37436 " Butcher " 37437 " Henry M. Buhl. 2599 W. 7th Gas Sta. 2P. " 37441 " - Kab 30 W. Water ��nI LaMlerl Adopted 6y ttfe o nci .......................... " F4494—"_. . COUNCILMEIt Yeas Nays Barfuss :' / Approved---------------- ----------- ----194 Parranto p� Rosen In Favor /✓) .................................. Mayor Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .®.Q 4hIQId4 to C14 ©ark CITY OF. ST. PAUL rioi°eNe� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE- January 21, 1946 COMMISSIONER Skelly Oil Co. -- 215 Eaton Ave. Fuel Dealer App. 37479 Renewal Riverview Iron & Metal Co. 139 E. Indiana Junk Dealer " 37490 " Lafayette Fields 620 Rondo Confectionery it 37554 " " ^ off Sale Malt Cigarette It 37555 It John Porte ^ n M. E. Heickert s n " n Joseph Hatter John A. Strain Herman Zieman Albert Sinyykin Bernard C. Jung Burnell Beermann Walter Rudnick Harold C. Nadeau Elry A. Anderson Leslie Gagnelius Harold Allison Virgil 0. Zabel Robert J. Gallivan COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss In an Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44' .®.® 362 So. Snelling Off Sale Malt ^ 37575 " " ^ Cigarette " 37576 ^ 1830 St. Clair Confectionery " 37617 " " ^ off Sale Malt ^ 37618 ^ ^ " Cigarette " 37619 ^ 422 Laurel Ave. Taxicab Driver ^ 37671 n 67 E. 11th Motor V. Driver ^ 37709 q " 527 E. Water St. Taxicab Driver It 37709 " 1604 Ashland Taxicab Driver ^ 37713 " 493 Randolph Taxicab Driver " 37715 " 1520 Iglehart Taxicab Driver It 37716 ^ 903 Ohio St. Taxicab Driver ^ 37719 ^ 597 Wabasha Taxicab Driver ^ 37720 " 179 Carroll Taxicab Driver It 37731 ^ 1977 E. Nevada Taxicab Driver It 37732 " 129 W. 7th Motor V. Driver " 37736 n 779 W. Idaho Motor V. Driver It 37739 " 372 WabashaSt, igare6te 11 37743194-" Adopted by the ouncd..... ..............In Favor ..............Against Approved...--------------------- 194 ------ Mayor -' OtlQlnW to City Clerk J CITY OF ST. PAUL o.`m NO ------ __---------- _� Page 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESED BY COMMISS ONER_ DATE .January 21. 1946 Edward J. Skok 628 Selby Cigarette App. 37748 Renewal Harold Rorby 602 Carroll Taxicab Driver " 37753 " Kenneth Lockway 1200 Forest Taxicab Driver " 37754 " Jerome E. Brown 371 larl St. Taxicab Driver " 37755 r Martin McNulty 51.6 No. Lexington Taxicab Driver " 37757 " Ben P. Lee 106 No. Smith Taxicab Driver " 37758 " William J. Ullman 850 Palace Taxicab Driver " 37759 " Richard C. Castle 787 Cromwell Motor V. Driver " 37763 " Gene P. Howls 1258 Reaney Taxicab Driver " 37769 " Redmond J. McDonough 87 E. Acker Cigarette " 37775 " Edward S. Williams 224 W. Kellogg Cigarette " 37795 " Andrew Allan- 49 valley Taxicab Driver " 37800 " Cheater Langevin 215 Rondo Taxicab Driver " 37801 " E. W. Nystrom 130 No. Smith Cigarette " 37807 " John Brandt 212 Rondo Motor V. Driver " 37824 " Martin Schaible 1131 Beech St. Taxicab Driver " 37825 " Patrick J. Chilefone 445 Michigan Taxicab Driver IT 37826 " Albert Salchow 1585 York Taxicab Driver IT 37829 " 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc_� '__.___.194-._-. Yeas Nays Barfuss __Vindhrn Parranto _ Approved------------------.................. .... 194...... rsPel' - - ._.In Favor ------ - ...' Rosen � Mayor Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 4 W @ Original to Cit' Clerk r ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY1 c. F. No COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G asoL. ORM emerges - Pro— 1: PRESENTED BY Citi th _-' DATE - RESOLVED, there being a housing emergency, where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized to purchase, without advertisement and competitive bids, twenty-one Jameaway portable insulated shelters from the_Jemes Manufacturing Company of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, Aen shelters being16 feet by 32 feet, at $760.00 each, and eleven shelters being 16 feet by 24 feet at $600.00 each, said shelters being patented and sold only at a uniform price and no advantage can be secured by competitive bids, charge Special Fund No. 1085, Emergency Housing Project. COUNCILMEN leas Nays 1_B_'rfuss arrantoIn Favor J /R�osen i ruax -_..Against "_M�. President, McDonough ant 945 ow p JAR 22 Adopted by the Council ............................. 194 Approved ...................................... ------- ---- --'................. ----a Y --ar -_---- PUBLISITED I- `� LN Original to City Clerk mu"' CITY ` - CITY OF ST. PAUL rl� 4FFICE NO.___..__--------------- OF.THE CITY .CLERK CRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY DATECOMMISSIONER.._ -- _ RESOLVED, that the Planning Board is authorized to employ John A. Riehle, doing business as Riehle Studios, to perform the skilled work necessary in the preparation and lay -out of the Planning Board report; the total cost thereof not to exceed $990.00, to be charged to Code 10-D-3. COUNCILMEN Yea" -Nays uss /Yarranto ff� .. ............. In Favor reterbou ,Y%sen ruax ....__ `......Against Xr. President, McDonough 3M 945 4QW@ C RESOLVED that tyMhePlaonningf Board Rlehiethdoing business asi RlehleoStpdios. to perform the skilled ork necessary the preparation and lay -out f the Planning Board report;- the- total c t thereof not to exceed $990.06, to be chargetl to Code 10-D-3. Adopted bye Council Jan. 22. 1996. ApprovedtJanuary 26.941946.1 JPN ?"U 1W Adopted by the Coun��ciil�lryry.................................194__.... tfNi+kh� C. Approved -----_-- _-A---------------194------ -=`--- ------ -- "'" ----------- r oti0te113 to City Clink I CF No. 135288—Ordi-Ad Ao. 8713—By -Muton asen— An - 3e ,rdi.a.- grantiag`permissioa C R D I P.1 n E. Lane to grade' Saint 13'b. Road. UPper Saint Detlnis Road and Lower Saint Dennis Road. from- . a vern Street in South Snetlinn: A•w��S. .�.� An ordinance granting permission to Den E. Lane to grade Saint Dennis Road, Upper Saint Dennis Road and Lower Saint Dennis Road,.from Davern Street to South Snelling Avenue, and Birahman Lane from Upper Saint Dennis Road to Lower Saint Dennis Road; also grade Saint Dennis Road, Lower Saint Dennis Road and Upper Saint Dennis Road, from South Snelling Avenue to Edgcumbe Road. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace; health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereby given to Den E. Lane to grade Saint Dennis Road.IIpper Saint Dennis Road, and Lower Saint Dennis Road, from Davern Street to South Snelling Avenue, and Birebman Lane from Upper Saint Dennis Road to Lower Saint Dennis Road, also grade Saint Dennis Road, Lower Saint Dennis Road and Upper Saint Dennis Road, from South Snelling Avenue to Edgeumbe Road. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works.is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Den E. Lane to grade Saint Dennis Road, Upper Saint Dennis Road; and Lower Saint Dennis Road, from Davern Street to South Snelling Avenue; and Birchman Lane from Upper Saint Dennis Road to Lower Saint Dennis, also grade Saint Dennis Road, Lower Saint Dennis Road and Upper Saint Dennis Road, from South Snelling Avenue to Edgoumbe Road, upon his compliance with the following conditions, viz: �} 01) Said licensee shall grade said streets entirely at his own cost and " expense and to thilTkisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works; and in accordance with the plan and profiles prepared by said Commissioner. (2) Said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering -and inspection of said work (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work, said licensee shall procure from the abutting owners such easements in and to the abutting property as. may be necessary for slopes, cuts and fills and shall obtain a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easements for slopes, and releasing the City from all conse- quenttal damages by reason of the grading of said streets. (4) Said licensee after the inception of said work, shall prosecute some continuously with diligence and shall complete said work on or before November 1, 1946. If said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized; and the licensee expressly agrees, that he shall have power and authority to complete said work, and the licensee will pay to said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby.' and such eost'shall be a liability upon and a condition of said licensee's bond. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen vr. d i1t°; gh) Mr. Vice President (Truax) Attest: Passed by the Council -----------------------___---------•- Approved:. ......-------------------...In Favor ------------ - Against City Clerk Mayor n'. onyo�to rr,r ctel� f � �r�ll�; 7;7 --= OI�DIN,�NCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED PY ORDINANCE NO. �� 3 1 (5) Said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sun of $5;000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages, and expense that may accrue to persons and property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall, within five days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinanoe, file a written acceptance thegpof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation`Counsel. If -such acbeptanoe is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. FEB 2 61946 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ...... .......... .--- -.._.------- ------- _---..---. Barluss ! Findlan Parranto Peterson -------------- -------- Ii Favor Rosen ( Against ..........- - --- ------- - eT.an. > eetdsnt, kfe7Son" b) . E ' ( a Mr. Vice siticpt (Truss! Attest: �. ---.....Y�-.:L+l---••-...-----y -- • - ---------•--•-----• Approved:-- - - .-d.. - •- -- Cit Clerk r?If3$%Ag aY°hi r sos last t'CI [3LISIiEn 3 -a - N (p 1st. ; 2nd Laid over to —�-1 �A 3rd. and app. ) Adopte�—y Yeas Nays Yeas Nays arfuss �1��111 7 a Fladlen Parrann to pia Ian err nfo IIS 'Pet�ersoniPefer Rosen n ;) yI Mr. President McDonough -., g.precidenE�Mc6 Mr. Vice Pres:uenr (Truax) Lowry Medical Arts Building 23 Frst Fourth Street SAINT PAUL Cedar 3644 January 8th, 1946 Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works Room 234, Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Commissioner Rosen: I am desirous of grading the streets in the new Edgcumbe Hills Sub—division, which is now recorded privately and I would appreciate the preparation of such an Ordinance that would permit me to do this work. We are now putting in the sewer on Upper Saint Dennis Road and expect to do the grading imddiately after the completion of the sewer. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Very truly yours, DIN E. LANE DEL n By , OWN YOUR HOME Oripl�l ty Cluk CITY OF ST. PAUL co" NO.-.-.._____. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' (\/`,�/,}y� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE. BY COMMISSIONER DA JaIIubly 22, 1946 a RESOLVED That Restaurant License #6188, On Sale Malt Beverage License #9433, Off Sale Malt Beverage License #5289, and Cigarette License #7257, all expiring October 27, 1946, issued to Ernest Lawrens at 508 S. Smith Avenue, be and the same are hereby revoked upon reoommendation by the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Ernest Lawrenz to the charges of possession of liquor for consumption on the premises= no On Sale Liquor License, and possession of gambling device. COUNCILMEN Yeas /' Nays arPuss Parranto /lrpax Xr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 ,O C. F. No. 135489—By Baifuss—Parran- Lo— liquor for consumptlon o 11 n thessplrem)ses; no On Sale Liquor License, and posses- sion of gambling device. Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 1946. i Approved Jan. 22, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) I Adopted by the Co!l14N.d�' .A..--------__194...-.- JAN Approved.-------- ••--- ..--------..194. ----------In Favor Mayor .. .....Against Or1thad to City Clerk �1P'90 CITY OF ST. PAUL COO n- NO.--_-__----- Fl" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --� COUNCIL �RESOUjj1QL�C.ENERAL FORM It RESOLVED, that the City and County Employes Credit Union be paid $80.64, expense of making deductions for Victory Bonds for City and County employes for January 1946; charge Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of General Fund. �. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays arf ues -11� arranto .•Pe/Er'T�Bn � itco en ruas President, McDonough 311 9-46 -4w@ C. F. No. 13529a—Bye W. City a m t a RESOLVED, that th '. Coun- ty Employes Credit Union be paid $89.84 XXpense of making deductions for Victoty Bonds for City and County celPbyes for January, 1946; charge Mie aneous and Unforeseen Account of General Fund. Adopted by the Council Jan. 22, 1946. �PProvedl6. Janury 26,Jan 22. 1946.) iI JAN 2;� i Adopted by the Council -------...... ---_..... _....... _194.__. Approved...................................... 194 ..In Favor --- - Mayor .-- ...........Against ORIGINAL CITY OR SAINT PAUL COUNCIL '� y`rj-GI CITY CLERK N? 1139 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No. FOR e AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS T DATE January RESENTED BY N. • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of th Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for gvnstruction • o£ a sewer on Montana avenue from Chatsworth street to a point 30 feet east o£ Oxford street, to LAMETTI & LAMETTI, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the IIFbrmal Bid No. 1017 of said Lametti & Lametti for the contract price of $2593.69, such bid being the lowest bid and said Lametti & Lametti being the lowest reliable and reasonable, bidders, and the Corporation i Counsel be and herby is 'directed to draw up the proper form of con- tract t:,erefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint -Paul. C. F. No. 335291—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Council hereby ap- p" p- mrittee therefor.the r and hereby Coot' awsi ds the • contract for construction of a sewer. on Montana Avenue from Chatsworth street to a I.APp int 30 feet. east of Oxford street, to MVM a LA`to accordance with plans and speelfie.tio.. therefor hereto attached- and the For- mal Bid No. 1017 _ of -said Laniettl & Mtti for the contract price f 2560.00 FORMAL BID NO. 1617 93,09, such bid being the lowest bid TIMATE, d said Lametti & Lametti being the alowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corpporation COunoel be and wywlLw.Le er cowl hereby is directed to draw up the ADOPnoR. Nor[, To e[ cewnneo A[ To Fury Oa proper form f contract therefor, and "_---- ---- the proper City officials hereby are PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO a authorized t0 cuteid c ntmct On IEMENT A9 F�CL2 ° behalf of the City of Saint Paul. s 593.69 I. 118[8[10 1911N.T SER[FITTED PROPERTY - - Formal Bid No. 1017. - - Engineer's estimate .... :.. ...... $2500.00 s E APPROPRIATED FROM CITY-1 SNARE OF LOCAL IMP Adopted by the Council San. 22, -1946. APproved(jJa.. ry •26941040.) s e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCIL IMPa ERT.—cE1� A. APPROPRIATED FROM COUNTY AID - - - - - - . - - - . - - . - - - - i S TOTAL • 2593.69- I 593.69_ - - i AT coPIEB To: KERS ! CITY CLERK Ae I., py o urvD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT No- wNeE A [HENT REVOLVING wElM.uw.E THE PtwMANtN R F COMPTROLLER Iry THE AeOV[ w LNT1. - //n PUBLIC VVORKS 'r{- PURCHASING BGG//✓ DATE FINAL On— ADOPTED COMPTROLL — — - BY COUNCILMEN YEA. NAY. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL fy—I,---- • FAVOR APPROVED _---- MR. PRESIDENT MAYOR COUNCIL PILE NO-----------------------------..._.. By O----------------------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contract 45-M-3, 1946 Asaessables F.O. 133252 Western Ave,, both sides, from Carroll Ave. to Rondo F.O. 133471 E. Indiana Ave., southerly side, from a point 26 ft. west of Eva St. thence west 54 feet F.O. 133246 West California Ave., north side, from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap Street F.O. 133251 Simpson Street, east side, from Englewood Ave. to Hubbard Ave. 1!4 3260 ��g 13 lAtsdii 'Street, both sides -Alii m-Sla"Ir 'A"' . to Van 'Buren Ave. P.O. 133394 Pelham Boulevard, eapt side, from Beverly Ro&d.to.Dq"e Ave. Non-Assessablej both sides, from Carroll Ave. to Rondo Ave. I$WeResolved that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby siuthorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extension$ and alley crossings to be constructed at the locations listed belows Intersection N.N. comer Dale St. and Fuller Ave. . 11 Alley crossing on the south side of Sidney St. between Gorman Avenue 'Od Humboldt Ave. F.O. 133246 W. California Ave*, north side, ,from ,lexington Parkwg to. Dunlap Street F.O. 135251 Simpson Stteet, east side, froRzi&le*odd'A Hubbard Ave F.O. 133250 Simpson Street, both' idop, from Blair A q�, to Vzp,,Avp�A v Pilhim 'Boule*ardieast ' .V." '133'894 t side; from Beverly Road to Doane Ave. t A! improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. .. ............... - 19 .................. Adopted by the Council ....... ................................. City Cl r (J/,1... ..... ............. h. AIR - , � Approved.. --- .... .......... ..................... 19 A, Councilman jVXnq;m2%== --------- ...... Mayor. Councilman dNjjnVffl=E&3-9+ U— Councilman 3-96wU— Councilman AUNMNKMaN Parranto Councilman awasna= 7? .946 -OW —5 Councilman Rafteim6F Councilman --ax Mayor Hjdg&an;w - F.— U. B. 17 h'0' T332od bsT}1e• ..^7rsnsLq' sgzr 2;qs' 1,Lo� iiansLJ;i ;roc1; :,: ^oe:�a i•r.r.• l5•Q' Ti �u CO 'Z T:Lbe CU 2fL0e42' pOfi! ;q"' TLO_ '; Jg7L V1'6.420 tl lJ r1 L'p �'.1� • L'0' 7s?S2J $11cbe Ou 2p7.eef' saef '7qc' LLo •�.• T^3S u:' ..ui;boLvTa wns uoL,': aT,ls ;,LO.JGxnu+eu L, L , J,; fLu:a gvg gnwpoT9f tins' yJJoA czos2Tvl ou fps 2onfp aTge c,, gyquo? 2;' Fefh:esu ;oL.s,1 ;ncu:7a TufeL2eofTOv ;;• OOLUGL DETO 2P' au9 LnJTsL VAs- uvq uTTs1 oLoe8Tu2e f0 ps cou2fL11cfeq gf fpe TOcufTous Tlapoq paT07A1 unfpoLI auq q,Lcopoq po oanee f}re necoaeuLT 21OoMoJi sxpoueTOur, C'1,• 122S2e gaeojAaq fpup fpe QQUWT2eTO0sL OL bnPT1c pOLIce po uvq pe 10 }JOLepA 0' 733S2S b4ea;'6LA Vna" pop}J 2Tgca' T,Loar CsLLOTJ `rAs• fo 90090 Vno• •„ov-Veaeeagpje: L'0• ,T3338v bsTpam BonTGhZLO' egef aTge' -,LOW BeAeLj?. 9ogq f0 poavo Vne• h'0' 122S20 allub2o0 2;Loef' pofp eTgea' LLom FjaTL tial• po 7Isu PPILGO Vno' h•0' 12IS2T gTiabeov 2fte6f' susp aTgo' LLom Eu9Tsmooq VAa• f0 1{npPVLq Vno' h -o• Jg2S4e Vee; CaTTLOLOTu VAG” OOLfp 9T90LLO1a jNxTukfoa Vne• fo pnujob t: fLOe: fpeuca meaf 21 LBef 122111 F,' IugygOg VAe -' 2011fpsLT:1 2196' LLOBJ a bo Tap SC T.f' WIG 2p 01, T3^SOS "fsLu ,ns•' 0F} 2TCse' LLOI� CcLLOTT VAs' P(';ocgo xxxxxxxzx-rt Y�(i,rk2x z:zzxzzzxxxxxMdxxX&X71%xXXJL717CXx7 x x7�lY�1C7C--- The assessment of ...................... benefits t costs and, expenses _.__.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .........�Oth............. day of Yebruary------------------------------- 19.._46, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that. the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 'improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. a.: Adoptedby the Council ............ _........------•---•...................... .---........... rCC !` t/ i -a- ••-- 7c:.... City Clerk. Approved................ ..... .......................... 19...-- � ----�..1.-�1�............. Mayor. Councilman Councilman 6atluon .�^ I Councilman*= Parranto p' iyULiJi11:L ! �° Councilman>i11ri7ii= t7 " C% Councilman 9editeimee"-�''- liners Councilman RReiteei- Mayor 114nVxgn:..... .. t J„ooagh Form B. B. 17 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON ANU 77"o- TYIAF OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__condemningand taking an _easement in the_land necessary for_slopest_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 78, St. Anthony Park, from Cromwell Avenue to Eustis Street, under Preliminary Order____ 134605 _________ approved__ Oct2ber_25, 1945 Intermediary Order --------- 134736 approved- - november 14I 1945 ---------------- Final Order __________________------- ________-___- 134949 __________- approved --- December_11j_ 1945_______________ _____ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, T t a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at a Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.___ of_ __February______________, 19 46_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. — i� Adopted by the Council__ ----------------------- 19 ---- Approved ---------------------------- 9__-- Approved---------------------------- 19---- 1 File9829 -------!-------------------- ----------- ayor. Councilman in au Councilman --K Parranfo PUMTSHEP_j (SO Councilman - ) Councilman Horan Councilman Y " Truax Councilman Mayor 6.:x,;_-,N;4n Alcllouough RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 1 LI EMM MER GN AND FLING TV4r1- Of IIEAUNG ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__condemning- and taking an easement in the -land necessary for - slopes, - cuts and fills in the grading and paving of the east and west alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Plock 7, Rosedale Park and Auditor's Subdivision No. 68 from the north and south alley to Finn Street, under Preliminary Order__ 134563______________, approved____ Intermediary Order ________ October_ 18_1945 134853 -------------, approved____ N°Member 28L_1945 ------------- _______ -- --- Final Order ------------------ 135044 ---- ________ approved_____Decemb 1945 ________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ _20th______ --___day of ---- Febr_uary---------------- 19 46_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Cou&i'1_ =� n g ,. i ---------- Ciiy Clerk. Approved-----------------------------> 19---- j File 9838` I--------- --- -- ----------------- Barfms k Mayor. Councilman Gammummm=9 ,Fiudlaw— Councilmanalaa=a Parranto Councilman f.: zuBT-l" Councilman rc Rosea =� Councilman TNS Councilman Mayor anamM McDonouab CIL FIL NO." FINAr < 0ADER5 IN CONDEMNATION EROCENDIC N BY C F. No. 135295—BY Milton Rosen— 95 C. In the matter 'of condemning and C E E D I N G S F I A t ORDER I N CONI `�"Ing on easement m the lend neces- cart 'for slopes, cµts and fa18 "in -'tfie C Sgtreet _ u Lexinj on Parlewey Ox - m tke grading of MMaary Iane"'t oder P 11mf^aryeO deOr X7� �Zdnu condemning and takia ent in the land necessary for In slopes$cuts an a e gra n e —U�ox 5�'G-- c to Lexington Parkway, also in the grading of Marg Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street under Preliminary Order 134740 approved November 14, 1945 Intermediary Order 135047 approved— December 26, 1945 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, also in the grading of Marg Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: i For slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, also in the grading of Mary Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street, to the extent shotat on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby. instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JAN _ --19— i City Clerk. Approved 19 Mayor. Councilmen Barfuss –Firtdlnw-- Parranto -Petersen – Rosen Truax Mr. President, 8110 149 CITY OF ST. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A' REPORT OF COMM181MONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Ave. from Oxford St. to Lexington Parkway, also in the grading of Mary Lane from Montana Ave. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order approved November 14, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is The total estimatei}mm]n[�Cxrfx�En a9¢t[>tamcln gxp>yp:pag x y� _ $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as'follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - Lan &ALUATIOrbld D g• 10 1 Moraveo Addition, St. Paul, $250 Minn. 11 1 do 200 12 1 do 200 18 1 do 200 14 1 do 200 15 1 do 200 16 1 do 200 17 1 do 200 18 1 do 228 1 2 do 226 TOTAL, Form B. B, 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF F FINANCE REPORT IdMISNORDER ON PREL (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED G Land 2 moraveo Addition $200 S ; do 200 4 2 do 200 5 2 do S00 6 2 do 400 7 2 do 450 8 2 do 475 9 2 do 475 10 2 do 475 11 2 do 450 Lot 12 and Sleet j of 18 2 do 675 Lot 14 and East j of 18 2 do 725 8600.. Total #7126 $8600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.l� � Dated December 26 19 45CommFinance. Form B. a. 12 �• - 6d;—t<, F11. T,vkal Notation 'zo I.0 � P, qa.<+ aho.e Ione show C -t o. RII at property I— F,9-- 6.1— d t .1—d.stLo ..hlck slopes e.t<nd b.yo..d prove.ty Ione j Los Book Ns 25I l X. Se c 11 2-5 �3 r wa An a r y/,pe Or. � IY 713 o a M 0N7'.9 IV VS'. From OXIO d 5t to LeX1179to"Porkwa1v MIR Y LANE" From MontancL AVC. Yo Oxford St M OKAVAC 1 AM. T ' 10 I �5 (.l'5' SSD 550 55.0 5S.D 55.0- `'5,0 SS.D 550 O 2 MOIIlA11A r AVE. o o 7Z,- S5o J \C/ � of - o?o ss -u 4- LAME St eS 550 1„44{., 55.0 J 55.0 B Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .......... Pec .....:........_............, 194..5...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.134249._..._.approved..................Nov ...14__--- 1-------....._..1945....., relative to condemning and taking an easement in._the _.land__neca- arg._ror.._elopes.,...... ciits and Pills in the grading of Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, also in the grading of Mary Lane from ......_... .................................................... ............................... ........:..................... ................. Montana Avenue to Oxford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......... ................ and the total cost thereof is$.........................................I and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J soo—s-++�" �r �°`°` _ `�_;,. Commissioner of Public Works. Ir CCS 6 I.94i DEFT; Or — FiNAATCE<; rNA7. ORDER IN CONDEMNATION COUPT FI 'N0. PROCEEDINGS Qp tl u fi! .J F. No. 335286—By Milton Rosen— '! ^?52 6 Bir y'n the matter of condemning and tak- r an easement do the land necessary C 'slopes. cuts and fins In the grading E D I 1I8 FINAL ORDER IN ON I Ada to Cee Str••f^- i Pst SeVe�ry In the atter of condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, c Seventh Street to Race Street under Preliminary Order 134761 approved November 16, 1945 Intermediary Order 135050 approved December 26, 1945 A public hearing having been had upb5 the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Avenue from West Seventh Street to Race Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby 1 K, RESOLVED to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Avenue from West Seventh Street to Race Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council iA' 22IW6 19_ 'AINN" City Clerk. Approved Ifl— 1 'L . _ — -• Councilmen Barfuss -FhrdtevT-- Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President 600 149 PUBLISHLI) �-a�-u�' a, clrr d1 , °fsr. PAUL , DEPARTMf[ -? OF FINANC9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Ave. from W. 7th St. to Race St. under Preliminary Order approved Nov. 16, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is25.00 The total estimate4&xla=x&%34s ��� gx�a9�B��x $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan VALUATIONHldg. 7 29 West End 8300 (Except 7th St.) 8 29 do 600 8350 1 34 do 350 1600 (Except 7th St.) 14 34 do 600 2200 Total ,j18F.0 1 84160 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated December 26 19 45 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8.5 D IC7 . W—f" 'dlh — k8gat- I,p -N j, aio 3— Bk No FZY-ij ALASKA \,,J SEVENTH 5T. AV L RACE ST SC ALL 1 = 40' 3 WEST END 34 GRY cc 29 WEST ENDDD 44,' ALASKA -AV E TO RACE ST. SLOPE DRI M.1401 SC ALL 1 = 40' 3 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 194.5--- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the t Council, known as Council File No...1.3.4761__.._.approved........Nov..._lb._.,_......._...._.................194.....5., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ...... _ _........ cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Avenue from West Seventh Street ..................._.._........_........_..._.........._..._............_........._..._................_......_.__.................................._...._...._.................................._........_...._.......................:._.... _..._.. to Race Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... ............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._.._?.. _..._._., and the total cost thereof is $...._....._......._......_. _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ __ ....._._.... . _ ......... _._ . _ .......... _ 5. Said improvement is........_ .... .. .... asked for upon petition of three or more owners o rop subject to assessment for said improvement. Sao—wa �'1Commissioner of Public Works. CS 1, o It-1� LEI,' g 194d �j DEPT, OF �y��FINA NCE Council File No ........................ By RESOLUTIONS RATIFYING - F. No. 135 ASSESSMENT17 the mat, "9 4ts. ••v1. 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing south side of Bohland Avenue from Howell Street to Beechwood Avenue, under Preliminary Order... -_1$0.342......, Intermediary Order.....}3$108,......,_, Final Order....133346--_--_- approved.......... �--8•-- ...................... 1945- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, ^That the said assessment be and the'same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR! $T It RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in o.,-2 /....equal installments. Adopted by the Council..._211*1.............................................. 19 ... Approved--------------• ----------------------19.-- .. Form B. B. is File 9670 City Clerk. .............. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COmAlISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 1245.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for aka curbing south side of Bohland Avenue from Howell Street to Beechwood Avenue, under Preliminary Order 13.0.94Z ................................ Intermediary Order ......._133108. -----_-__-----------------,--- Final Order.. -133346 ...............-- ....................... approved .................... -May--8 -...........---------... 19 45 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 698 32 Cost of construction $-••-----------'----- ........... Cost of publishing notice . $----------- 1.65 -- Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . $.............. 133 13.97 Inspection fees . . $ - ..--- -- 1.65 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . ........ 54.74 . Engineering . . • ' . Total expenditures $.---- 770.56 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $. 770.66....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such sction thereon as may be considered proper. G qr"`~ F.— B. B. 17 — Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.. ............................ .... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the north side of Sidney St-. from Smith Ave. to Manomin Ave., the south side of Page St. from Smith Ave. to Manomin Ave., and the west side of Manomin Ave. from Sidney St. to Page St., 132509 133268 133536 under Preliminary Order----_•------••-------•--, Intermediary Order..--•------------------------ Final Order...----••-•-----------_... approved.....MaY, 29 ............................19...45. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURRRESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable m- ............... ............... equal installments. r., i ... .............:_.-...... Adopted by the CounciL.WL ... -, City Clerk. Approved.........------..:---- ----------------------------- 19 .... ..... --- ••-- -- ........ . ------ Mayor. Form H. B. IB File 9744 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Decem-ber 2,0 .......... 19 45 ---- -- ----- - - ---- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ibc curbing the north side of Sidney St. from Smith Ave. to Manomin Ave., the south side of Page St. from Smith Ave.: to Manomin Ave., and the west side of Manomin Ave. from Sidney St. to Page St., 132509 -- Intermediary 133268 under Preliminary Order ......... .............................y Order.... __1.-.3.---- ...... Final Order. -.. ..133b-38----- ................................ approved ........... M@Y...29................................................... 19.45 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1065 00 Cost of construction$.-.-----�-----............. Cost of publishing notice . $-------_1.05 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $----------- • 21 ................. Inspection fees $_....21.30 Amount of court costs for confirmation . Engineering . . . . . . . . . $ 95.00 Total expenditures . . . . . . . .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.-1183..6].................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, andmade a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to they Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /7 Farm B. H. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses I for paving the alley in Lane's Fairview Villas and Block 2, We Place, to a width of 18 feet with 6 inches of concrete from Fairview Ave. to the west line of Lot 3, Block 2, Wellesley Place, under Preliminary Order ....._131707------ Intermediary Order......131915-„-- Final Order.....13207b-------. approved....._Ootober,--24-----------------19..44.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FLIRT R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...................... --.......equal installments. r� 2' Adoptedby the CouneiL`.......................... _................ ---.................... •-•----19.-------• f -----: _7.rr<f....., City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------- s ------------- 19. B. B. IS --'i --._... -..................Mayor. Form -- File 9692 RESOLUTION RATIFYING - ASSESSMENT C. F. No. 125299— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fnr paving '�• Council File No ----------------------------------- the alley in Lane's Fair- ,rd Block 2, Wellesle-• of 1S feet with from Fairy'. 0 t Lot 2, ' " Byder ........................................................ Pres- ..^�•di:r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses I for paving the alley in Lane's Fairview Villas and Block 2, We Place, to a width of 18 feet with 6 inches of concrete from Fairview Ave. to the west line of Lot 3, Block 2, Wellesley Place, under Preliminary Order ....._131707------ Intermediary Order......131915-„-- Final Order.....13207b-------. approved....._Ootober,--24-----------------19..44.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FLIRT R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...................... --.......equal installments. r� 2' Adoptedby the CouneiL`.......................... _................ ---.................... •-•----19.-------• f -----: _7.rr<f....., City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------- s ------------- 19. B. B. IS --'i --._... -..................Mayor. Form -- File 9692 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ----•-December--21------ 19..4b. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thea paving the alley in Lane's Fairview Villas and Block 2, Wellesley Place, to a width of 18 feet with 6 incheis of concrete from Fairview Ave. to the west line of Lot 3, Block 2, Wellesley Place, under Preliminary Order... --....131707 ............................. Intermediary Order .......... 131915_............. Final Order -132075 ........... ........I approved ................. October- 24 .........., 19...44 --------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . $••_31174.00.......... r 3.30 Cost of publishing notice .$-------------------------------- 0.66 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . .$................................ 63.48 Inspection fees .. . . . . . . . . $_--_-----------•----------- Engineering . . . . . . $ 146.92 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 3.30 Testing Laboratory . . . . . . . $ 6.60 Total expenditures . . . . . . . $._31398.26-.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of .............. each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fa B. ec 17 Commissioner of Finance. Original to City Clerk..... CITY OF ST. P C. F. No. 135304 -By Fred M. Tmax- J - t ... WHEREAS, theSaint P i Pub' OFFICE OF THE CIT been onductiAthletic tthtI.S 9pn.- COUNCIL RESOLUTION— tyithin conducting high sch..11 Saint Paul: nd ' WHr.1rASi it - it er PRESENTED BY �l , , V i t .i -•"t`� COMMISSIONER._- " law DATE ,t WHEREAS, the Saint Paul.Public High School Athletic Conference has been conducting athletics among and within the high schools of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, it is to the best interests of the City that said Conference be granted the continued use of Central Stadium for said purposes; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul grant the St. Paul Public High School Athletic Conference the continudd and exclusive use of Ceptral Stadium for the sole purpose of conducting high sohdbl athletic events therein upon the folio ing conditions: 1..1hat said Cohferenoe, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Education, properly and at its own expense, care for said Stadium and its equipment. 2. That said Conference shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from any and all liability arising out of the operation of said Stadium, and to protect the City of Saint Paul from such liability,?, shall deposit with the City a policy of insurance therefor in a company _ approved by the Commissioner of Finance and in form to be approved by the. Corporation Counsel, in the sum of $25,000 for injury to any one person, and $50,000 for injuries arising from any accident. COUNCILMEN yf Nays fl '., tB�arfuss arr�P -auto ,7r. x President, McDonough 3M 045 .q.® .-.....--.-In Favor :J...Against JAN 23 Adopted by the Council .......... ........194...... J d21_1 ...... ............ ... .. . ....... Mayor (PETITION) ddaa i Council File No ................ �V ► PROPOSAJ. FOR IM( PKEL -j and ?� e6�IQuNa..tS.T.NAa]awT..RLeaI.nMIx4NaAARRlel.Ye.S..Oitd4R.e.D penakingofthe following o�b^iI� a5,li.7ca..iIsclAsys p.�•p.oa.- v>Qaevm.beenQTltuibh9yat..hua e[ 7aC.d.i.+tet yao.f.Saint Paul,viz: aintPaul,viz: heunderlgnedherebproposes ftx............... ............... .....................r ................................................ Datedthis............/..day of .................................................... 4...... i........................�. ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: �axta> xup„�Ie.N ,MoolitY}iq,•Congrete„Sidewalks„on,both„ei�les, off,,,,.,,•.,.,. ...... N...AVON. Z3 RBBT..from..Qot.tage.A 01WEI.............................. ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......;. .......................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ JAN 23 190 f' Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO r p 9H 1 ROSEN { ................................ TRUAR Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT ' IM 741 � ld6HEA Prellmfnary• OrBer `.ile No ............ �. .;,Nu. 135302— p PROPOSAL FOR IMt eating, of ,her1th, _?r0P0$a1 ` and: e jyF PRELIMINARY OkD6t. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public Improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ei¢e�,of„ST.,.ALBAN3„STREET,between„Iglehart,Avenue„and,Carrol 1. Avenue ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Datedthis...............day of..................................................., 194.... _ ................................ .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: RECARSTFiIIQT.. and..REPAJR. Anl .. here..ne caasaxp.,. •.the..aidewalka.. bn..both liT..bl).tweein.. 910baxt.Amenue..and..Raxxoll.AQenue. ..........................................................................................................I.................. ...................................... ........................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �i5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................... ..23...... .............. YEAS NAYS e(UFy' �rj Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... "'flF6LJCR�� PARRANTO —PITEgmlT— ROSENTRUAX C) '....................... ... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Ini 7.41 — /l �it51.i01I1:1Y �P Council File N.I.T. 1, 0 PROPOSAL FORPreliminary Order No. 1353Q3— WHEREAS.A written - the making of the f- g an ment. Repair -b.ky PRELIMINAR The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: "Th PR. Pay— milikrip.. X)fk c.40.q A fk fk A;r ................ .. ta..Tx.v1ng..Park aj:d.. an.tha.me S tarly.. aide.. CLf.. C HESTUU.T. - ST.RFXLT .. f -VOM - AY'an - Avenaie I, - -then" from.. Rya n..A.Ve nUe.,.. thence ..s.outbe.Vly .. 72.-OL.feet. Datedthis ...............day of................................................. A 194...... 4 .7 ... 4...-. ...... ........................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ............... ...... BYAN.AVENUE..from. Clhe.e.tnUt . Stre.et,...theaos.. socLLthwes.teLrlv..tO..Izvv.ing..Park ...... and. nn..tba . -we-3-ta.r]-y.. si&e.. of. -CHE&TYUT-.3.TjjF aT , ..fmm..Ryan..Avsnue.,..the.nee ...... ft0r.thgtr7T.. Sipo.0.. fete.t4..and.. from. Ryan.jvenue,.. the -nae - -s-outhe-rl-y •'12 r0 -feet, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report, upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 3 1946 77iA7cfopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS =BMh%W_ PARRANTO _PM1901T_ ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IN] 7.41 Approved 7� ............ .... ............. Mayor. rrellminary order File No. .......... 6: =— I•,PROPOSAL Mk IMF! 04 and, a". PRELIMINARY', ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of Saint Paul,viz: URAM. 21dom..of. -SHORT....... ... 13T "M ... f rom.. MI�XIA..'kV.Q41 ........................................... ............................................................................................................................. ...................................................................... : ...................................................... Dated this ...............day .............. day of ................................................... 1194 ............................ .... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ... REFAUR. Qnl:Sr. Wh03?J3- On. -t1Q"J_d1 ..If.. SHORT ....... .... STRUAT.. from.. M4.rt A.Avo nue .. t.Q.Aonnd $..13 0MIR YVX.d� ................. I ........................ .......... I ........................................................... I ..................................................... ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or More owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 231946 I- Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS JAN 20' 14�0 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO _yBnR6GH_ -1 ........ . ............... ........... ROSE—. TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 7.41 ftmuswm 115305 -I' ckle No ................ PROPOSAL FOR iMPR&1MENT- and PRELIMINARttD OP E . R - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: .... RRUN ST -RUG T -.and..FXTAX..th-Q - - S.I.ap yj&j mrtb.. PL 1AQ. -Of.. ROU.. AT n=. .... from. GV.Pra as.. stre.e.t..—t')IQ nne .. ea at.. . . .......................................... ................................................................................ I ................. I ......................... ............................................................................................................... ....... Datedthis ...............day of................................................... 94...... ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: from.. Qa at.. 21W.. ............................................ ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said impiovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted -by the Council .......................... YEAS NAYS JAN 2 's V1qJqj6' Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... AN PARRANTO —*EMSCW— ........................ ... ...... ROSES TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT W 7.41 *jU13LISHED ;' Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cityof Saint Paul,viz: 4t?@..i3idewpjk.. PIR. ??Qtih.AA0...0..UK&-AV.FiRUE %I'AN..8hgxti..$.tx6.@.t...t1aAQM)4LA.AA4P.WA.a?} AVENLI}?.. fxa�..Mari�.. AP.9X3!?9,...ta?QTIQ@..e.4.Qt..j,4., ..tl�ena@.. waat..2A,.0.. k'af) tq.............................................. Datedthis...............day of................................................... 1_9_44....... ..; ......................�"""""' :..............E4.....I t A-Puncilma. , S PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improveme)t, viz: .MARIA..AVZNuE ..#;rq}t},.$,k�4xt..S.txe.et., to,,Mq�EQ,,N,.Avenpe, anc�,,on_.the,.northerly,.si,¢e,.of,,l�a�AN ...thence.. vre at.2D..0...feet.................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AN 231946 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... --FtIDtR1a.— PARRANTO ROSEN i� !........... .................. .. TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 1hi 7.11 2'iJBi,i9iED � �/' Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENT i� and I :I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following.public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: REPAIR ..only .?share.. miles sa ry., .. the.. aide Walk.. un . bio th . A idea.. of ................ 9eanue.................... ....................................................................................I............................. ........................................ Datedthis ............... day of...................................... ..., 194...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: ......REPAIR . Anly.. whexs..ne.ees aar7., ..the ..aidawalk.. on.. both . s i.des.. of ................ ...... W..... GEO.RGE..STREET.. from. Manomd.n..A.vanus.. to . 3- - Smith- Ave-nue.................... .............. .................... :.............. ............................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... .. 23 1946'.............. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO ROS—?ETlRS01�— , �f ............................... .. TRUAX C �y �- ayor. MR. PRESIDENT J IM 7.41 / � 3BI.1S1iED.-- Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPR0 C. F. ... P135308-- —n� 0""' ' WHEREAS, A written P, -,king 11 1 71 and ffi-.n Vi PRELIMINARY 0 —le ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following. public Improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: ................ ................................. ................................................................... I ......................................................... .......... ............................ .......................................................................... Datedthis ...............da of ...................................... .-- -1 19 . . .. ........................................ .............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, VIZI. , ................ ..... HOLLY. AVENUE - -f.rJQM , CTrOt ha - S tr.e.e.t.. to.. Amon.. Scree t ..................................... ............... .......................... ............ I ................................................................... ... . .................................................................... ............ ............................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter;Ltr*.the Commissioner of Finance. 231946 f- 'Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS JAN 21 12 191W, Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... AN - PARRANTO • +ETERMR ..... .. .. ..... ROSEN or. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 7AI I i i.ii:Ll:aEiDD� �f0// Council File to.t-� PROPOSAL FOR IMP rreummary orae=. No. 73539— and ----No. — w rr-P��a2.:or he ^�c2 "'P V-1 PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: ....1%FC.0�1&'�l?U��..Y+�-xh, Mgnoli,�hic , Concrete__, the , s ide�n�allca,,on, both, side e., of CATHEDRAL,.PLACE_ between 3t...Anthony. Avenue .and �entral Avenue.,,,,,,,,,, ............................................................................................................. Dated this...............day of.................. .............................. ... 194...... e .......... ................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: p��I3TRUQT._with,Monolithic,Concrete;„the sidewalks „on both sides of QAT.Tik7P.RA.�7..R?�?.0. between. 3t... Anthony. Agenue and Central Avenue..,,_.,.,,. ............................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works'be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 23190 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS ti { 1+ 3% hwl Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... tFIN9L-hhl� PARRANTO ROSEPElERSOFT— D �__ '........................................... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 7.41 Council File No... �.: tMpl0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE preliminary Order F. No. 135310— and WHEREAS, A rilten yyrop°sal for the making of the C. follgving improve- mr.-� oiz: PRELIMINARY ORDER.. °"' n `°r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvementby the City of Saint Paul, viz: ;p,A�{�._gr}ly„whore„}?e,ceasary,t, the.,aidewalka, on, both„s,ides, oP, �9eria,,,, - Avenue„Prom , C onwaY.. e t , to„3urrey,. Ave nue, and„on„ the„southerly„side of CONI,NAY STREET from Maria Avenue, thence westerly 120.0 feet and on ........ th ................... .......................................................... ............. the northerly side of SURREY AVENUE from Maria Avenue, thence easter y •....120.0 Peet. Datedthis ............... day of.................................................... 194 ............................ .... .... .............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal -for the making of the following improvement, viz: .....RE�AI,�.QTi�-.y..Wh@.�'Q..ri@.9@NR6ixS....xb.Q..Qidewalka..4�}. b9tk1..6.�•dQN..Of..MAk�IA..9.VENUE ,,,, Prom, Cgn�sy„Street.,to..gurrey„ Avenue.,and,on• the..southerly, side_of..,,,, CONWAY STREET From Maria Avenue, thence westerly 120.0 feet and on the ' � "'riorl;fierly''s ide "of” �UR13EY"AVENUE" f i^d'rn"'Ma'ria "Averiiie ;"t'fie iice ' ea s t'e'rT ji' 120.0 %ee.....................................................:........................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �� yl A� i' TAdopted by the Council ......................:• '`�•YR• • • • • YEAS NAYS JAIN 4113 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... ._FJMF1dW — PARRANTO –PT0K-- ' 17 .......... ..... ...ROSE1 Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT INS 7.41 f 'LISIIED Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: f. - JiOLLY ..... Av .. tn..V1.a.tQrisL -.8-tree.t.. an(i..on..thti..eas.t..side..Of- - ............... .......................................... ...... * ............ Z .................................... Dated this ...............day of................ Council an. .................................. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: RRR MITA re ... 4.Q P.4p.q.4 P1 ry.,:qhp. . A... Q;r. B.OLL - X ... ..... AVYNU E. fJ?0M - AvOn - -Stree-t. .:tQ -VIP toxi Q.xk. the.. . e a o.t. A Jde ... of V.10TORIA.. ST UBT - .:VX.QM - -aOl ly.. Avenue t)IOn CLe.. Jamth.. 1113 . Q..fA a t ................ ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish, _p profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....................... at.23.194 ....... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO ROSEN .. Mayor.- ..... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 114 741 "LISHED L AA �d ' Petition 1 �i 1'r AI G-3_58 Council File osa No..........1...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPR1I Preliminary order ♦. ' C. F. No. 13531?~ AS,pp and `eInvoking of the following PimPTOx, int. viz: 'gado vett Itlahn .. a PRELIMINARY The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement iiy the City of Saint Paul,viz: ....... Grade. West :Idaho .APenu9 from North tiiltop, St Qet„(t,p, Y� q 0�1t1.StT.Bat......... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................... .............. Dated this .... ?W ..... day of................JflR!i?rY...................o., y . ................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Grade West Idaho Avenue frm North Milton Street. to Via a. ia,Str@et.,,,,,,,,., ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council ...................... A 231946 YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... ---f115IDCT.IQ"� PA RANTO NS -0—N SON ROSEN Ci ^"'••••••••••••.r••• . ............. TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 1M 7.41 e Prelim —,y Order P4�_�� ^ ; t No 135313— , �l0 ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO Ess `A icer and PRELIMINARY ORDER. L The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ......................... ..............Rtktluj.tQA.......... ............. Street to 4letorie Street...................................................,...................:.. ..............................Y.................................................................................... . Dated this.... 22nd .... da of ................ Januar:.y......................... 194.6.... ........................................ ... ...... . . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Coad®ning ead„tekin$ an„eaeement in the land necessary for aloResz QLLti�..�RS1.i�ie..}?.tc>}e,grading,of, Vfeat,Ideho,Avenue,from North Milton.......... Street to.Vietoria..Street.. ........................ n............................ ..................... ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. im 23 19 6 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Ai(' n J Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... . fIN➢l�.P:-�� PPA�RRRAA�NTO.� ROSEN., ........................ .............. TRUAX v Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 7.41 � "lea-AI.ISIiEDr�i���// (� o.ia!n.l 4n Civ Clete CITY OF ST. PAUL / FICE OF THE CITY CLERK '4 COUWdLL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r $ fbUN onrE January 23, 1946 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized..- to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the NORTITNESIERN REFINING C01dkANY at a price of $ .07325 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price, to be delivered on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids, as a.n emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City- Char,;e Municipal Equipment 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilaA ..?I................._...194 Yeas Nays f11kf Cj3,. Barfuss _.Findkan--_ / Approved----------- ------------ ................ 194_ Parranto j Retersto ----- j ...... In Favor /... ...................... - - .............. .-a--o....... Rosen ay or -------.-Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 444 .p fMQina1 t0 City ©erk COUNCIL 15 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fn,a NO ------ _------- •--------- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COM M ISSIONER.-_.___ RESOLVED,,that a permit be granted to Latuff Brothers for the erection of a public garage at 973 University Avenue. C. F. N. I36316—By Barfuss— RESOLVED, that a permit be grant- ed to Latuff Brothers for the erection f a public garage at 973 University Avenue. Adopted by the Council J...,23. 1946. Approved Jan. 23, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) E3 Wl e'4 3 JA COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................. ................. 194_ Yeas Nays JW.t .' <r.j Barfuss an Approved - 194 Parranto In Favor - "'' Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 945 a�0. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hell Dear Sir: CITY OF SAINT MAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -OW® January 22, 1946. The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Latuff Bros. for permission to erect a public garage at 973 University Ave. Very truly yours, r City Clerk. a_ NOTICE OF' APPL?CATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota application will be made on /_ LZ 19 to the C y Council of e City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by for permission to epect a public garage on the following describ- reall estate, s tua ed in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: t ,/J) Block , Addition, SaID,t Paul, Iviinneso�a�On the _side of St. Ave., b ween St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number y St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1. V Affidavit of Publication STATE O.F MINNESOTA, M County of Ramsey-, .... AQ1All*Z..X..efA9r................................... being duly sworn, on oath says:. tbatl he now Is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as theme St Paul Pioneer Press, and bas full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the Notice, oP.A I ilication.to h�ect Public Garaip.printed Repardin� ... Latlif_f • Br.ot$ers ............................ hereto attached, said newspaper xorremrrs o Arr N g rail= ula8 printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication xotrse � Ate w res& caaace.. in the city of St Paul in the County of Ramsey, Stats of Minnesota, from which it purports to be Issued, daily at least Six days of each week in column and ebeet farm to -aeotr n as-ra �imn.n ria ruo. waeanon'.stn nc na.de m - equivalent In space. Wet least 460 running inches of single column two inches wide:. iaea. so tae cite- aewasameos. of tee nes sros"'s. ra"r• Mibs mime has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publt- gniaa! zor 1`i ate• vn e, preparing •+ace..ainracea � n cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for and anon wit r�1 3ey&C3. tsantaar� printing the same; has had is its makeup twenty-five per cent oI news columns devoted p714 `Mr��c�=m on fed<N�at� e`e[ to local news of Interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which rrmserarp woe.. een.eea ca•ieworey a`' a saarcea St. xumeer ar3 vm- has been done in Its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- rerartAse. - .aate9 d s saws root, Mto,.wea, Sm. .meat and miscellany: hes not duplicated wholly, any other publication; hes not been v. iae. cr,eaa s aisa., aan..a, v e ret entirely made up of patents, Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated h1 and -- near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered . to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter In the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County In which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein In the English language,, , for.... jibXed. J.jXWA........ 7aXi that it was first so published on. Fridal............ the ...... llth........... day of Januarythe 14th .................... 946 1 ...., and hereafter oa .........12th......&.......... to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: a b c d e f g a r 7 k 1 m n o p g r a t n v w z7a ........�.,. . .......... subscribed and sworn to before me this..a• thda of .... 7 I . .. .... ...... 19..46 ........... .. ... .................. ........ Public, Ramsey Coun esota i 1. L My eo on Plfil4s. li+f ..CQIRt1Ya .�'MSlri•... 19... MWV Oonrtdecton na Use 16. 1950. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MEVIVESOTA, County of Ramsey,• MALA •.?k.L.ngrnoR.................................. being drily MOM oa oattt says: tbathe now is, and during all the time hereto stated has been clerk Dispatch, h North - wast Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the wand has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the Publication therein of the c3LiM Printed Fotioo ol,A$Piicatian to Seeot PuA110 AsgarAin� ....Lat. ... Hs 4!. ............................ hereto attached, sold newspaper ....... was printed and published in the English language from Its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it Purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent 1a space, to at least 460running inches of single column two inches has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said Place P ubli- -NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PSR- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and MIT TO ffitECT A noN CM printing the same: has bad m its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted Notice Is hereb9 tl�v�e¢¢�rot Duti ;moi I p its to serve, the press work of which to �ectto¢ Ie-Ia. O Nu to local news of interest to said community it purpo oI at9 of asi¢t Pati, Mi¢¢wta. has been done 1n its said known office of publication: has contained generalnews, oo - 'iuuum Ruu m Doss oe J.¢. a. other Publication: has not been we° . w the cte9 coYodi of ute ae9 f .soot, esw, afbt¢e.ota by .-„,11 meat and to.,en¢9,y; has not duplicated wholly. any other '.4fog, the fo o¢ to user a YDac �uset oo tee fovoRtor ee9c9tee8 test entirely made up of patents, Plate matter and advertisements: hes been circulated Sa an rets ,ousted m R-2 S—BI tfi¢- near its said Place re delivered w a' � istrmcl'o1es tAdaiu� 1 aslni of publication to the extent of at least :40 topica regularly Peed Mie¢note. O¢ me N. ids f to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class man matter in the ati�mA� MatoY .BtDetN� 9�t� per v9nit9 Age, local poatoffice of its said Place of publication; that there hes been and is on Elle in e noted et sent Paui, ttinnewt.. Jm. office of the County Auditor of the County m which said pilbltcatioa rasa made,or pub - e, Seca proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of Sts qualifications as a newspaper (Pros 6 DUD. Jay. 11, if b to _.._ licatlon of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was Printed and published therein in the English language, anw for.... l!!"•Tt'•-11........ that It was first so Published on. ............ the ...... ii..teh........... day of .... the 12th 14th dBnuerY........... 1946., and thereafter on ......................... to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....: and that the ollowing Is a ted py of the lower case from A to Z. both inclusive, and 1s hfereby acknowledged escebein8 the size and kInd. of type used in the comPmltton and publication of said notice,, to -wit: a b c d e f Ebll lit m n o Pqr• t o vwir• Subscribed andsworn to before me this. 14t• • o� Public, Ramsey Count r� �. �. MOODOL Mtmt r4mm PuyUc, RsmseY >dr co on es . �.�Iplon Dec .1.6. JR50, 39... Otlpin.l t. C vk CITY OF ST. PAUL -%NCM NO ---- __------------ _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA-�' (lam t i RESOLVED That application A 86808 for Groosry liosnee, and Lpplioation 86809, for off Sale Malt license, applied for by Tena Labovitch at 228 E. Fourteenth Street, be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Fire Preven— tion, and the proper oity officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Tem Labovitch the fee of $8.88 and $4.17 and to cancel said applications for licensee (the amounts of $1.67 and .88 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 2 months on said applications). JAN 2319* COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -------.................... --- ---- 194...... Yeas Bafuas Nays e,Ji18 x319-0 .-94mfffr_� Approved-----•---------------- ------------------194 Parranto __Ret --r— ------------.In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax -------------Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 p Otlalnal to City Clerk Ia,39 s CITY OF ST. PAULFHX NO ...... ___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DA•re January 22 3946 RESOLVED; That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37542, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37543, Off Sole Malt Beverage, Application A37544, and Cigarette, Application A37545, applied for by Frank Conney a.nd 0. E. Ragogna at 413 Robert Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council Ja=ary 15, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto -3'e' MW5n Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .qsp�® C. F. No. 139317—By Barfuss— RESOLVED: That licenses for Res- taurant. Application A37542, On Sale Malt Beverage, Applies pon A37543, Off Sale Malt d Cigarette, Ap is tion ation A37545. p- Vied ,for by Frank Cooney and O. E. Ragogna, at 419 Robert Street, be and the are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 23,-1940. Approved Jan. 23, 1846. (January 26, 1946.) JAN 2319 Adopted by the Council .r...................... ......... ..194.-..-. Approved.................................. 194------ Favor - - ............ ayor Against ori tty Cler cou.cm CITY OF ST. PAUL Pim NO.. ----__-..------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /\//'��){/'//� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA J811U9±)T 17 1946 — COMMISSIONER- — RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 37152, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 37153, Off Sale VAlt Beverage, applica- tion 37154, and Cigarette, application 37155, applied for by John F. Haider at 937 E. Third Street, be and the acme are hereby granted, provided that Nark O'Donnell is not employed on these premises and does not have any connection whatsoever with the management or ownership of this business- C. usiness. C.tpF. No. 135318—By Barfuss—Panan- RESOLVED. That licenses for Res - i taurant, ap i1cation 37152, On Sale Malt Beverage, aB Beverage,tion pff Sale and Malt Plic do 37153. 154, and Cigarette. F pliicaat on a 37155,apEll Thed ird John bi • reet, be and the ame are hereby nte,roidedthtODonnellsnot mploved on these pandshae any er with the management or owner- ship of this business. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29, 1948. 1 APProvedtJanhary 28,1998.) i NOW Informally approved by Council January 10, 1946 Old location 21 R 194 Adopted by the Councl --------------------------------- COUNCILMEN "Yeas Nays S �t, - agues Approved_-------- ---- .......................194 arranto Favor ---.......- ----- n - - -In l Mayor rs r x �Ir President, McDonough _-----Against 500 4-44 •® orl4laa1 to Clq perk CITY OF ST. PAUL wHca NO_? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `FWESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 22. 46 , Truax ___..._..._.Against L` RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37567, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37568, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37569, and Cigarette, Application A37570, applied for by Mrs. Rose O'Toole at 173 West Sixth Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 15, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ss an Parranto Zsen on ....�In Favor , Truax ___..._..._.Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 C. F. No. 135319—By Barfus, BESOLVED:That licenses for Restau- irant, Application A37567. On Sale Malt Maltr Beve age. Apponcatlan A37569, cad' Cigazette, Application A37570, appned for by Mrs.. Rose O'Toole at 173 West Sixth Street, be and -the. same are here I by &rant d. .At d by doptheCouncil Jan. 23, 1946.1 Approved Jan. 23. 1996. lJanuary 26;. 1948:) JAN 22" LM Adopted by the Council ............................ 194 Approved.......................... ------------..194-- syor to cIa © Cou,+Ca on - CITY OF ST. PAUL FMx OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tit Tanuery 22, 1946 - PRESENTED aY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, Application A37628, on Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37629, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37630, Tavern, Application A37631, Dance Hall, Application A37632, and Cigarette, Application A37633+ applied for by Arthur J. Cherry at 266 University Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 15, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss "lin an arranto r P`eterson" ' _5 --.-.--In Favor -Rosen .'Truax ------Against ,�Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 '! C. F. No. 135320—BY Comer. BarNss— sESOLvr 11: That license for sestau' aat, > 7�, ausie Beverage. App1,a Malt beverage. Aplicetion A37630•'1av ern, APPl+cat.On As7831, Daar a. PA pncaUu.. n316�2• ned CtorTebY prmur anon A37o33. aPP ;Avenue• be C Cherry at iheraoY gr��d' and the same' are, AdoPt� by the Courtcu„ Jan. 2's, 199 . APPEvedl� uary 2e, 1996.) I JAN 231W Adopted by the Council --------------------------•------- 194-.-_-- M Tzl9 Approved ------------------------------------------194 1 Mayor 11'ripp'l Original to City Clerk WuNCM1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January 22 1946 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: George Choban 860 E. 3rd Grocery App. 37667 New O1d.LOO_. " 37668 " " Butcher Off Sale Malt " 37669 a a Cigarette " 37670 " " Jerry Mikacevich 475-77 Collins Grocery " " 37664 " 37665 " " In n n n n 11Cigarette Butcher " 37686 " " Paul G. Donner 721 No. Snelling Grocery a " i7723 " 37724 n n n Cigarette Joseph N. Chierello 26 Douglas St- Motor V. Driver " 37650 Everett Winiseke 1371 Blair Ave. Taxicab Driver " 37665 " n C. F. No. 135321—By Comsr. Barfuss— Resolved, 'gnat licenses spline., for by the persons named o U,e —t at- tached to tuts resolution be and _Me same are hereby granted, .and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such n- censes upon the payment into the City treasury o[ the required fees. Adopted by the —uracil, Jan. 23, 1946. Approved Jan. 20, 1646. (January 26, 1646.) AP� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councl..............................194_ Yeas Nays q �t � Barfuss Findlas /= Approved-. ---194 Parranto -Peterson-'...."` -- = -- .In Favor Mayor Rosen i Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 .4Qjj!0,® Original to City Clerk v$fTlf a aq r.p _Nd courua- NO ------ ------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fits: OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK /1C COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensa- tion Account of the General Fund, w eekly compensa- tion of $24.00 be paid Thomas Maloney whiieahe is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on December 20, 1945, while employed by the Depart- ment of Public Works, and $96.00 in partial settle- ment, to and including January 190 1946, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -rmmlr Parranto . Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 945 � p C BLSOLVED35322tBy..t -ontheosWork- men's ' t;ompensanop Account of the General e'und, weekly ompensanon of 4,00 be paid to Tnomas maioney White heIs totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on Leeember 2p, 1940, While mployed bya the De- part ent ot. Public Works, an., ;96.V0 In partial settlement, to and Including January 19, 1946, is now pay.ble.. nu"' edb Jane 25, d199ti. Jan. ' 1946App. lJanu.ry 26, 1946.) JAN .23 , Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... .09 /Approved .......................................... 194-- .............. 94------ ..............In Favor - Ma or Against 1 `5323 COUNCIL RESOLVED( That licenses applied for by the .following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: David Efron 720 N. Western Orl0-1 to altr ©mk C. P. No. 3Ls�R BY Comsr. Bar£uss— lnat licenses applied xor by . the persons named; on the - list attach- ed to th)s resolution be and the .same OF are hereby granted, and. the City- Clerk COUNCI Is -instructed to issue such licenses up- on the payment into the. City treasury Cigarette of the required fees. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 23, 1946- - PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER Approved Jan- 23, 1946. - -- (January 26, 1946.) 1 `5323 COUNCIL RESOLVED( That licenses applied for by the .following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: David Efron 720 N. Western Grocery App, X1040 Renewal Off Sale Malt " %1041 ^ Cigarette 0 %1042 " David P. Heffron 1070 Hudson Rd. On Sale Malt " 35629 " n P n a Off Sale Malt " 35630 " " " Restaurant 0 35631 " n n n n Cigarette " 35632 a Christine Mucciaro 818 Payne Restaurant " 35845 " n n n n On Sale Malt " 35846 " n n n n Off Sale Malt " 35847 " Cigarette " 35848 " Mrs. Elizabeth Schwa itz 956 Payne Restaurant " 35851 " n n n n w On Sale Malt " 35852 " P n n n n Off Sale Malt " 35853 " n Cigarette " 35954 " Anthony & Bert J. Pnedmann 404 Wabasha Otf Sale Malt " 35859 " Mrs. Louis Pinn 118 So. nobert M^-4ectionery ^ 35974 ^ n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 35975 " n n n " n Cigarette ^ 35976 " Robert Herold 1066 E. 7th Restaurant " 35999 n On Sale Malt ^ 35994 " Off Sale Malt " 35895 " Bowl: Alley (4) " 35896 " " Cigarette " 35897 " Ln D. Lindsay 336 Robert Confectionery " 35925 " Cigarette " 35926 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .......................... ---..... 194. ---.- yeas Nays Barfuss - - iviieur— Approved------------------------------------------194------ Parranto P r ------ ---- ----In Favor ------------------------------ . Rosen Mayor Truax --------------Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 �,® , s cma w Io CIV ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL No OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE_ January 22 1946 Anchor Casualty ,Co. 2700 University Restaurant App. 35994 Renewal n If 0 ^ Cigarette " 35995 Adolph Lindstrom 886 Payne Restaurant It 35999 " n 11 ^ ^ On Sale Malt " 36000 n '. Off Sale Malt " 36001 " Cigarette " 36002 ^ L. P. Liquor Store Inc. 480 Wabasha Confectionery " 36021 ^ n It n " ^ Off Sale Malt n 36022 " Yale Johnson 379 Wabasha Confectionery ^ 36o46 " n n 11 n 0£f Sale Malt " 36047 n Cigarette " 36o48 n Wm. J. & Arthur Lux 154 University Confectionery " 36162 ^ n n fl n ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 36163 n n u ^ fl ^ Cigarette ^ 36164 n Joseph Monti 90 So. Robert Restaurant ^ 36177 " It 11 " " On Sale Malt " 36178 n of n " " Off Sale Malt ^ 36179 " Cigarette " 36igo " Michael Tachida, Sr. 319 Robert Restaurant " 36211 " On Sale Malt n 36212 " fl n fl n Off Sale Malt " 36213 " Cigarette n 362111 ^ Joseph O. Tschida 497 Wabasha Restaurant " 3¢221 0 On Sale Malt ^ 36222 ^ n n n fl Off Sale Malt fl 362�3 n a n n n Cigarette ° 36224 ^ Frank P. Lenahan 601-03 IL Western Restaurant " 36314 n On Sale Malt " 36315 " n n n ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 36316 ^ Cigarette " 36317 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194._.-. Yeas Nays Barfuss mlafici— Approved .................. .......................194----- Parranto ------------.In Favor ...................... ........................ ------.........- ................ ..Patersorr— Rosen v Mayor Truax ............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4.44 _@GP_Q .� oripitul to City Clerk COtMCR CITY OF ST. PAUL rRs OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page ,3 _. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 22 1946 PRESENTED OMMISS ON R DATE. Frank Belgea 889 Rice a a n n Arnold Gray Cat Rate Drugs 970 Payne n n n ^ ^ Wolter Bros. 438 University n n n a Edwin F. Muzyk 905 Payne a n n n Henry Soheibel 429 So. Wabas p a n a p p n a Frank M. Gaertner 433 So. Robert Edward J. Aydt 2424 Universi p p a n p p I I n a n a n G. G. Deiters 383 Wabasha n n n n n n n n n n n n. p n n n Biers System of Foods, Inc. 467 Webaaha Josephine Belloms g06 E. 3rd a it n n p p n n COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Bsrf� 1'al canto FetersiSiY"— ............--In Favor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44 Grocery App. 36430 Renewal Off Sale Malt " 36431 " Cigarette " 36432 " Confectionery " 36465 °. Cigarette " 36466 n Confectionery " 36501 ^ Off Sale Malt " 36502 " Cigarette " 36503 " Grocery " 36568 " Cigarette " 36569 n is Restaurant " 36668 " On Sale Malt " 36669. " Off Sale Malt " 36670 " Cigarette ^ 36671 " Confectionery ^ 36704 " Off Sale Malt ° 36705 " ty Restaurant " 36g11 ^ On Sale Malt " 36812 ^ Off Sale Malt " 36913 " Cigarette " 36814 n Restaurant " 36926 n On Sale Malt ^ 36927 " Off Sale Malt " 36929 " Tavern "36929 n Cigarette " 36930 " Butcher " 36911 " Restaurant " 36937 " On Sale Malt " 36938 n Cigarette it 36939 " Adopted by the Council.................................194...... Approved.... orlon, to City Clnk - - ` CITY OF ST. PAUL -couwca �., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .eage 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 22, 1946 Daytona Bluff Comtl Club 770 E. 7th Restaurant App. 37027 Renewal e a a " a On Sale Malt " 37025 " it n " n n Cigarette ^ 37029 ^ Wm. F. Haberman 1056 E. 7th Restaurant " 37042 " On Sale Malt n 37043 a Off Sale Malt " 37044 " it " " ^ Cigarette " 37045 " August Balinski 562 Rice Confectionery " 37140 a " II " " Off Sale Malt " j7141 n Verne W. Watling 950 E. 7th Restaurant ^ 37242 " a n n n On Sale Malt " 37243 " n n n a Off Sale Malt " 37244 " n n " " Cigarette " 37245 " Robert M. Welch b95 E. 3rd Restaurant " 37255 " a a n n On Sale Malt " 37256 " a a n n Off Sale Malt " 37257 " Cigarette " 37259 n Margaret Behnke 567 Rice Milk Store ^ 37334 ^ Frank J. Berger 700 Reaney St. Restaurant " 37390 " On Sale Malt " 37391 " n a n n Off Sale Malt " 37392 n Cigarette 'h 37393 " Josephine Bellome 806 E. 3rd Off Sale Malt a 37440 " John Esslinger Inc. 1927-31 University Restaurant " 37469 it On Sale Malt " 37470 " n u n n Off Sale Malt " 37471 n Cigarette ^ 37472 " Edwin Janssen 365 University Confectionery " 37495 " Off Sale Malt " 37496 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ---FhfETln-- Parranto _Xetereon— Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough soc 444 p ..............In Favor Against Adopted by the Council .............. ......---------- _A94 Approved.--_. ............... - ------- 194 Mayor orionat t0 city civk CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNcO. No ... raB _____.... _.._____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 22 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - Rex 011 Co. Inc. 207 Como Fuel Dealer APP. 37499 Renewal Arthur J. Treacy 1098 Grand n n Confectionery " n Cigarette 37571 " 3757 2 ^ " 0 Louise A7leaei 4 E. Minnehaha Grocery " 5 9 n a Off Sale Malt n 376og " 37609 n n n n n n a Cigarette " 37610 ^ Phil Korman 1 Barr 709 n Grocery " Cigarette " 37621 " 3762 " Vart Boraaiaa 739 Selby Grocery " " 37624 " 37625 " n n n n n n Butcher Off Sale Malt ^ 37626 ^ n n n n fl a Cigarette " 37627 " Farwell Metal Fabricating Co. 75 W. Fairfield Restaurant ^ 37640 " Milton Rosen Tire Co. 147 W. 6th Gas sta. 6P. ^ 37644 n W. Johnson &Ralph Barnes 925 Rice Grocery ^ " 37646 "a 37647 n n „ n a cigarette Mrs. F. N. Amundsen 1040 Selby Grocery " fl 3764g Frank Elliott 662 Grand Confectionery " 37652 " Ferdinand Szalay 956 Rice Grocery 0 " 37664 ^ 37665 n a n n n Cigarette Howard Joseph 201 Concord Grocery " " 37692 a 37693 " " n n " Butcher Thomas J. Maruska 1029 W. 7th a n Confectionery ^ Off Sale Malt " 37711 n 37712 n n Adopted by the Council.. ........ 194 ...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Naysnli1 L: Barfuss Approved................. -................. ------194------ Parranto Petersod'-_'_. ....... ---......... In Favor �Q J !�'.-----�.�...---------------------- -•• y--- ... ----- Ma - o - r Rosen C? Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 500 4-44Sj.® C. F. No 135324-0. F. No. 135325—CSI', '�iq�rf 9 NOTICE F.RESOLNo. VED, 135326- - 4�Ar�p11("An That checks be drawn(,) COUNCIL FILE NO. r To on the City treasury. to the agg egaTION amount f $357.33116, overing hec a'.l PRINTER numbered 43327 to 93474 inclusive„ as per checks on file in the office of Uae Ji CAComptroller: 11$rT22 Adopted p by the Council, Jen. 173, 1896. n v 194 Approved Jan. 23, 1946. (January 26, 1946.) RESOLVED, THAT , r . +..,� �,t. t n� Vl I * TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF y�0426 43474 $ t _- , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— � TO— --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER { R ADOPTED BY THE COUNCit — w t2 -M may,® 194—. 1 ,T//V//y¢_ MPTROLLFrt 194— BY CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO._— TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 6 PRINTER J8nL1A.I'y Zl 194— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 6 74 SB,4Z, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 43373—To-434-0—INCLUSIVE, 434-0F���—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , AR _ �'(' 194-- 11ER i CIeOMPTRO ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ------7— i/ 9/ 194— BYE APPROVED poo t2 -N �Q M1 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 6 PRINTER January 19 194— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 43327 To 43372 _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS $ i3o, 399.51 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-- -- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.��%% h , 1 / �St�'w � _ 194— COMPfROLLiR ADOPTED BY THE C.OUNC11 -- 194_ BY w 1z -u .4w® k " r 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - Tp+�R- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER..._ _-. --- — ROLL CALL BARFUSS FNOLANTOJ_.. FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 1.4--6— PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D, HSC TY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE A OUNT OF S� COVERING TRUAX - ., INCLUSIVE, AS MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH Uj+R.t CHECKS NUMBERED TO PER CHECKS ON 1 INT FFICE,,OFTHE CITY O ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI .—PTROLEa APP�VE : X84--' NUMIER CHECK NUMBER i TOTAL I IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER ',I DISBURSEMENT CHECKSI CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i6 460. 63 567 603 21 REDATETURNED BY BANK 43327 John J. Shomion 4016 51 67 69 43328 43329 Elizabeth Halgren John S. Findlan, C. of Finan e 1 383 01 43330 43331 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 33X15 2 86 40 64 43332 Greene Posting Service 242 55 4333 Hersey Meter Mfg. Company 1 187 92 4333 Minnesota Envelope Company 627 59 43335 Northwest Publications, Ino.l 1 250 94 43336 N.11. Bell Tel. Company 537 85 43337 St.Faul Legal Ledger 117 6o 43338 Thoele printing company car 1 400 I' 00� 43339 Young Motor Company Murphy I 49 56 43340 Mrs. Mabel 37 10 43341 Mrs. Ella Woodward l 991 35 43342 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 43343 First National Bank 1 2 360 08 43344 43345 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance John 9. Findlan, C. of Finande it 13 4 94 85 43346 Anderson Machine Tool Company 108 660 10 46 43347 Commissioner of Taxation 34 76 43348 Commissioner of Taxation Il 136 43349 Fuller Brush Company 56 56 43350 guaranteed Concrete Company 144 24 43351 Lampland Lumber Company 48 31 43352 G.A. MacArthur Company 4335 Niools, Dean & Gregg Company 6 57 321 05 10 4335 43355 Northern states Power CompanM Northwestern Bell Tel. Comparjy .j 218 8� I. 43356 Northwestern Bell Tel. Company 125 5 Hardware Company ;j 102 54 43357 Northwestern i2 813 63 43358 Pittsburgh Coal Company Company 436 05 43359 43360 St.Paul Floor surfacing John S. Findlan, C. of Finance '47 899 55 43361 S. Berglund Lumber Company 112 19 43362 Capitol stationery Mfg. Company 138 30 43363 43364 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk 6 Company Firestone stores IZ3 15 61 i 53 542 43365 B.F. Goodrich stores 36 43366 John Leslie Paper Company i 75 38 43367 I.T. Bell Tei. Company l 307 70 43368 • N.w Bell Tel. Company 289 76 1143369 N.�t. Tire Company 13 66 23370 3371 Price Electric company van Hoven Company, Inc. g5 00 43372 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano ill l 20 60 i II s J �!I I� I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .316460 63 11698002 72 s DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO�-IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. MC 30NOUGH i56c ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 11e'";� COUNCIL FILE NUMBER.. --- AUDITED CLAIMS x_.21 I.4 -6 -- RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S. COVERING Y�( CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS f f i;Q ' PER CHECKS O ILE I F E OF E f� ,y PTROLLER. /COMPTROLLER NUMBER CHECK NUMBER TOTAL 1 IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECK9 CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD '.316460 63 ��b9g 002 72 ! DATE_ RETURNED BY BANK 43373 John S. Finaldn, C. of Finange j 22 676 5o j 43374 city of st.Paul 13653 33 43375 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 7500 00 !j 00 !f 43376 Elea M. Obst, O. Treasurer 375 43377 George, Coverdale j 22 00 00 43378 Frank Dieveney 3600 Ii 43379 A. Hawkinson 20 00 43380 43381 m. J. Morin American City Magazine,Compax� 2 00 II 43392 The Bristol company 0 00 I200 24 43393 Buffalo Meter Company Mfg. compapy 296 65 43384 Capitol Stationery 4 994 43385 Commonwealth Eleotrio.00mpany 60 40 43386 A.B. Dick Company 43397 R.C. Duncan Company 161 36 43399 Farweli, ozmun, Kirk d oompanq 69 43389 Goodyear service stores, Inc.:187 43390 Haf 'ere Market 1 00 43391 Intdr City Paper Company 17 93� 43392 Joesting and Schilling Company 11 43393 c.i. Johnson Mfg. company 7 5 43394 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company 177 50 43395 Nelson Oil Company 39 00 12 41 43396 Neptune Meter Company y �! 43397 Northern states Power Company; 771 83 43399 Northern states Power Company, 4 702 33 43399 N.W. Hanna Fuel Company 291 30 43400 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Company 203 19 II 43401 Rahway Txpress Agency 16 92 43402 3t.raul Builders Material company 128 98 43403 9t.Pau1 White Lead d Oil Company 18 35 43404 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 18 76 43405 3000ny—vaouum oil Company 72 9 ;I 43406 Vaughan's seed store 284 50 jl 43407 Tashington Youndry 206 25 43408 ''Testingbouse Eleotrio Qompany' 191 22 43409 Westlundms Meats !I 1 66 43410 Zinamaster Baking Company l lis 43411 Dr. G.9. Brand 0870 43412 Cherokee Drug Company 23 08, i! 43413 Dr. Thomas J. Edwards 3 00 43414 W.E. Fabel 8 75 43415 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 10 00 60 0o 43416 seen . Johanson No 43417 Dr. A.N. Lundholn ! 200. 43418 Mounds Park Hospital 18 25 0o 43419 Drs. Ostergren & Youngren 16 43420 3t.John1s Hospital 77 94 43421 3t.Josephts Hospital 334 70 43422 Dr. H.J. setzer 0 00. i 43423 Dr. fm. H. von der Weyer 183 50 1 66 0o 43424Dr. M. Weisberg SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1337613 e63c27C I i i; 13 II CHECK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t!��• dl DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - ROLL CALL John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance i 1 2 740 00 43426 '� 43427 BARFUSS F[NOLAN 21 947 92 85 276 87 43429 AUDITED CLAIMS Jams .r,L.22.. PARRANTO 1-1N PETERSON ROSEN FAVOR AGAINST i 77 5o 43430 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE ORA N ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-'-!';���1~ COVERING TRUAX 43431 Leonard 0. Seemer 61 00 CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH 32 00 ! 43433 43434 IN TH FFICE OF THE C PTROLLE R. 250 00 ..AA PER CHECKS ON FI i ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILI nL APPRQVED NUMeEa ' LLER COM PraO LLE i 250 00 4 93 43437 .Sir Reduction Sales Company �I 5000 CHECK ! TOTAL RETDURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTy BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER f BROUGHT FORWARD.735 , 276 13 43425 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance i 1 2 740 00 43426 '� 43427 Ralston Wheeler John 3. Findlan, 0. of Finance Revenuq 21 947 92 85 276 87 43429 Collector of Internal 43429 Wright S. Cockroft i 77 5o 43430 Mayor John J. McDonough 51 45 ! 97 48 43431 Leonard 0. Seemer 61 00 43432 George M. Shepard 32 00 ! 43433 43434 clary E. gray Mayor John J. McDonough 250 00 43435 County Ifelfare Board 1 56 459 27 43436 Ernest A. Johnson i 250 00 4 93 43437 .Sir Reduction Sales Company �I 5000 43439 American Institute of Banking 42 43439 American Jewish World I,j 12 45 434 American LaFranoe Foamite Corp. 2 71 43441 American Library Association t 43442 American Linen Supply Company 17 30 41 86 43443 American Linen Supply company i 29 03 43444 American Had. & Stand. San. Corp- 43445 American Soo, for the Hard of Hearing 11 1 50 43446 John D. Anderson 7 89 13 20 43447 Ault & Wl Borg Carbon & R.Co. I 43449 Blind League 5 00 ( 3 07 43449 Albert Bonnier Pub. House 43450 Booth Fisheries Corp. 19 00 43451 R.R. Bowker Company12 50 1 92 8o 43452 Alan Boxell and Company 311 52 43453 s. Brand Coal & oil Company 5�� 23 2 43454 Brown and Day. Inc. 43455 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 13 75 43456 Central Soap Company 29 26 43457 Cereal soaps Company, Inc. . 56 34 43459 Chicago Apparatus Company 1 0 37 5 I 43459 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company Oitiz P y 2 08 43460 Columbia UniverSity Press j ? 21 83 43461 Co-op. Test Service 1 24 43462 corning -Donohue, Inc. Corp. 94 it 43463 Ralph 0. Coxhead 27 21 43464 43465 Crane Company E.A. Dannecker 3 20 43466 Diebold, Inc.' 5 19 !; S 43467 Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc. 60 97 21 56 !' 43469 43469 Drewry and Sons Company E.I. DuPont De Nemours and Oo.Ino. 9 72 43470 East Side Grocery Company i 5 92 29 50 43471 O.R. Eckhardt Company 61 19 f 43472 Electric Blue Print Company 21 10 4347'] Flvgren Paint Supply Company 11 50 43474 Engel Welding works I, SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 337 6i3 96 903791 0411 Original to City Clerk' CITY OF ST. PAUL %NCR NO. --- ---_q: 115327 LR F THE CITY CLERK COU LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ByCOMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul lease to Lloyd \ A. Peterson and Arnold Le Brothejo(s doing business civ as the Aee-�Ifbld2sq, �r Z;t r Mg-0az1nMy-, the premises described as'Lot S, Block 42, Rice & Irvine's Addition, -also known as 174 Hill Street, for the sum of $60.00 per month, beginning February 1, 1946, upon a month to month basis, the lessees to vacate said premises at any time upon thirty days written notice from lessor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss - - Parranto Peterso Rosena Truax .ant 9-46 ,�Q t .. - C. Rosen— v of S enu Street, for the um of $69.9 month, beein=9 February 1, 1941 on a month to month basis, the I to Vacate said premises at any upon thirty days written notice or. Adopted by the Cotmen Jan. 24. Approved) Jan. 24,'1946.'- - 1._ (January 29, 1946.) JAN 24_ Adopted by the Council ..................................194..-..- Approved.......................... --------------- 194...... AA In Favor/ ••-> ---- j MIng Mayor ..............Against 1st. 2nd. % '✓ / Laid over to 3rd. and app .a � � Adopted Yeas / Nays -iar6s Yeas Nays F_ �° I ,,nlian Y -Peterson / no Zon/1U Rose ruax Gi� os �I Y Mr. President McDonough -W1 ^, N�h pres;4Z `'• • ugh =1«. Original to CIH Clerk c. F. rdl tssase BY W'Parrant, O R D I I An ordinance a 11 imao, entified: An ordinance.~ promoting the order, convert /� Kenn*o` wptn t _ 'ILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and reatbotion of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of dis- tricts for said, purposes," approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to re- zone Lots 153 and 154, Union Park, in a Commercial District, instead of "C" Residence as at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan -1 Po Peterson Rosen Attest: Mr. Vice President (Truax` - City Clerk SOO 9.42 aANOL 6 CO. FEB 26 196 Passed by the Council In Favor ^Against t= E"�I � 6 lA1K : =- t�N Approved �J A&e//L t dt�i —7 Aetjng Mayor 'U13L15tiLD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS ",?vp January 23, 1946• Mr. Bruce J. Broaey Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition for rezoning Lots 153 and 154, Union Park, being the northwest corner of Lynnhurst and Oakley, from "Os Residence to Commercial District. Very truly yours, f '�/? —ro— City Clerk. 6 'K JHI've JAN 2 3 1946 CORPORATION COUNSEL EGIPE. o IMAM R BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. M HVEN JOSEPH F. RCIMBOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. SASSFOV D GEORGE H CHERROLD THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinancc No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE January 8th, 1946. Mr. Harry T. OfConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the petition of Louis F. Parker, at al to rezone the northwest corner of Lynnhurst and Oakley. This is Lots 153 and 154, Union Park. The property is now zonedi.for °C" Residence and is vacant. The applicants are manufacturere• agents for certain windows and doors, toilets and showers, movable steel office partitions, lightproof shades, class -room wardrobes, etc. They wish to erect an office and store -room building at this corner. The property on University Avenue is zoned Light Industry and is all built up with various industrial buildings. The frontage on Prior Avenue is likewise zoned for Light Industry and is built up with industrial buildings. Immediately east of the Prior Avenue buildings the Murphy Transfer Company have a non -conforming storage yard. There is every indication that this entire block bounded by University, Prior, Oakley and Lynnhurst will be wanted for Light Industrial purposes. The petition for rezoning has been certified as sufficient by the Commissioner of Finance. The Board of Zoning recommend that the rezoning of these two lots be approved. gh-rh Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Eagineer Secretary. JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .� . LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment'Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier December 21, 1945. To the Obuncil City of St. Paul Gentlemen, I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 153 and 154, Union Park, located at the N.W. corner of Lynnhurst and Oakley Avenues from "C" Residence to Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, John S. Findlan Commissioner of Finance t- �� neap �m St. Paul, Minnesota L 1914 TO the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentleden : REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real, estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have aecftif6scad herein; and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition ydur Honorable Body to change the following described property Leta W aAld 154, 11nie'n Prlr_ Rgualt•(10njy, 81 Baal, a from a gm,.ie.ng*District to a Goo -8804-1 District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, ordinance No. 5840. Re ord 0 er Lot Block Addition J Uuton Park 154 J199 Union Park Hinkells 3rd Amendment to Union Park 200 202 203 '_/)Oe7zG'�204 160 Union 152 29 V 0 St. Paul, Minnesota To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft- of the real estate affected, have classified herein, petitionand yourwe, Honorable Body to changeor more fthe the following described • re- classified, p property -�.. n ... y_....._,. State of Minnesota ) SS County of esay being first duly sworn. deposes and says that he ie the person who circulated the within petition consisting of�aga ; immediately rolluwing eaun uevuo, �ua��in�o^povs�ra&^wct+r8jv..,nf_xh®_1.8t@_nleeed owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn t b©fore a th' ( day of Louis F. Parker No ry Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires CLAUDIA !'.NL County, My Conviuwn Expir.., J... 16, 19.19. 9864 t79 Ortalow to City Cl k wuNoa CITY OF ST. PAUL .ns NO ---- ___------ -- ----- - 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B DAA Tnnnar_y 21� 7 Q� . COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, Martin McNulty has made application 37756 for license to operate as an auto livery upon the streets of the city of Saint Paul, one (1) automobile, Cadillac, Motor No. 3105455, Serial No. 3105455, Car No. 20, covered by policy R 60118, expiring Great American Indemnity Co„ p y � 3 � g November 20, 1946, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Martin McNulty. C.tF. No. 135329 -Hy Barfuss—Parran- o— WHEREAS. Martin McNulty has made application 37756 for license to operate s an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one o.( 1) auto- - _ Ser1nl "a31)05455, Cnro No. 20, cav5e4reU byyy Great American Indemnity Co., polf- 1946No.na 60118, expiring November 20, ._ WHEREAS, said applicant' has - filed a copy of the insurance policy ith the City of Saint Paul and raid � pollcay c. - been a, the oas torporat form and xere j tion byy the Cdrporation' Counsel, there - tore, be it ifiE said gutto mbile athat ran license Jivto e operate oa the streets,: of the City ofrySalnt Paul be and the a >e hereby grant= ed to Martin McN�: Adopted by the Council Jan. 24; 1946, Approved Jan. 24,' 1946. (January ,26,. 1998) Renewal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ._Firrd+ff r— Parranto In Favor Rosen Truax . �-Against �_ Ir_Rl'esident�• 500 4-41 JANS. 2 19* Adopted by the Council------------------------------ ... 194...... JAIL 924 «; Approved - ------------------------------194 �{•No- 135336—By Barfue9—Parran- o4nal.w City clerk RESOLVED: That ..Off Sale" Liquor licenses aPPUed 4 r by ..the followfng CIT penone at the addresses stated, be and the same 'are- hekeM1v "granted• that, OFFICE ( the bond 11W M1! ;. nee ie hen aPn ovo+ - OUNCIL RESC�L.tw.- '";r•GF.Iil PRNTED ERAL FORIN ESEISSIONEE COMMISSIONER pare January 24, 1946 RESOLVED; That "Off Sale" -Liquor licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted; that the bond filed by each licensee is hereby approved; and the City Clerk shall issue said license whenever the bond filed by each licensee has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner,. and Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approves the Issuance of the license: Christian Olson 254 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store APP -35312 Renewal Alexandriu E. Fedoreal 560 W. Como General Food Storo " 35345 " Victor E. Felt 480 S. Snelling Drug Store " 35462 " Mrs. Louis Finn 118 S. Robert Drug Store " 35584 " Samuel G. Cres 1577 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 35645 " Wilfrid Anderson 980 Payne Exclusive' Liquor Store " 35648 " B. M. Daniels 375 Robert Exclusive Liquor Store " 35655 " 10. A. Crea 334-6 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 35665 " Domenico Cirsei 521 Jackson Exclusive Liquor Store " , 35700- " Humbert Rigali 1944 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 35796 " Clarence J.,Thomas 1941 Grand Drug Store " 35820 " Anthony & Bert J.Friedmann 404 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 35958 " Charles P. Schwietz 1 1110 Arcade Exclusive Liquor Store " 35s6g " Clemence L. Hudalla 1016 Arcade Exclusive Liquor Store " 35877 " John W. Lux, Jr. 967 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " i5979 " Sarah R. %lane 435 Wabasba Exclusive Liquor Store " 35982 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................. -............... 194 ------ Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved ----------- ----•----•-----•-•-----------19' Parranto Petersolt --------In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ---Against Mr est ent, WeDonoug 500 4-44 !•® i r ^ ICI>y4,fl City G1.k CITY OF ST. PAUL CLERK COUNCIL No ------ _-....-...-- OFFICE OF THE CITY i Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nn January 24 1946 - PITEO BY COMMIoMMI SSIONER -- 158 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store APP -35999 Renewal Iia Hinder Seven Corners Drug Co. 175 W. 7th Drug Store " 36005 " L. P. Liquor Store Inc. 480 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 36o2o " 379 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 36045 " Yale Johnson Gladys L. Leininger W6, Selby Exclusive Liquor Store " 36097 " Joseph C. Bernstein 919 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 36112 Theo. A. Braun 472 N. Lexington Exclusive Liquor Store " 36130 " Wm. J. & Arthur E. Lux 154 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 36161 " Herman Winnick 411 Robert General Food Store " 36231 " William Supornick 1340 Grand General Food Store " 36256 " Mrs. Ida Moskovitz 633 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 36300 " R.J. Baumhofer & Geo.C.Klix 859 Selby Drug Store " 363140 " Harry I. Shapiro 978 Grand Drug Store " 36399 " Frank Belgea 899 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 36429 " Wolter Bros. 438 University Drug Store " 36500 " Mrs. M.M.Rapp & H.J. Wittman 919 St. Clair General Food Store " 36577 " Robert Exd ugivs Liquor store- • 36664--R, First Arcade Wine Shop,Inc. 365 park Drug Co., Inc. 168-172 N. Snelling Drug Store " 36692 " Rocco Carbone 369-73 E. 7th General Food Store " 36696 " Frank M. Gaertner 433 S. Robert Exclusive Liquor Store " 36703 " Adopted by the Council..................................194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bartuss Approved........................ --•--•----------194---_. an Parranto -Pstereea-----^�-,: -.In Favor - , Mayor Rosen Truax .............. Against Mr. Presideub,-'Mt°SbYTt3t1`6�tt"`"""'""`�• . 500 444�•�® oto City ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL 0—cm N01 '- 'I. ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - - Dq January 24:1946 R. Lasky Drugs Inc. 360 Selby Drag Store APP-36T12 Renewal Bernard J. Pabst 796 Margaret General Food Store " 36730 " Commerce Liquor Store Inc.14 E. 4th Exclusive Liquor Store " 36747 " James F. Logar 44 S. Bale Drug Store " 36756 " F. W. Remaley & Co. 668 Grand General Food Store ° 36671 " Apothecary Shop Inc. 364 St. Peter Drag Store " 36925 " Morrie Rutman 442 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 37031 " Otto W. Rohland Sr. 461-63 W. 7th General Food Store ^ 37067 St. Paul Liquor House Inc-900 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 37106 " Edw. H. Sharretts 2369 University Drug Store " 37127 ^ August J. Bulinski 562 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 37139 " Oscar Swoboda Inc. 676 University Drug Store " 37190 " City Liquor Store Inc. 544 St. Peter Exclusive Liquor Store " 37210 " Michaud Bros. Inc. 1059 Grand General Food Store " 37302 " Nathan A. Johnson 395 Rice General Food Store " 37313 n S. Paul Johnson 301 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store ^ 37336 " Frank N. LUX i47`B: Sne'T'11ng "1Gesherh3. `F0t3 Store x 33331. " Michael J. Foley 262 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store ^ 37346 " Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins General Food Store " 37456 " Edwin F. Janssen 365 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 37494 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---............. ------------------ 94._,.. Yeas Nays Barfuss ^„ _- Approved.........-..... -......----..194------ Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor ................ ........................ ...... .................... ....... Mayor Rosen Truax -------------Against Ms -PM en , e 500 4-44 �jap �' to C14 ©vk ~ cou cm NO11 - Ri CITY OF ST. PAUL r' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D by DATE January 24 n46 - GOME33 R. Laska Drags,Inc. 380 Selby Drug Store APP-36712 Renewal Bernard J. Pabst 798 Margaret General Food Store " 36730 " Commerce Liquor Store Inc.14 E. 4th Exclusive Liquor Store " 36747 " James F. Logar 44 S. Dale Drug Store " 36758 " F. W. Ramaley & Co. 668 Grand General Food Store " 36971 " Apothecary Shop Inc. 364 St. Peter Drag Store " 36925 " Morris Rutman 442 wabasba Exclusive Liquor Store " 37031 " Otto W. Rohland Sr. 461-63 W. 7th General Food Store " 37067 " St. Paul Liquor House IncA00 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 37106 " Edw. H. Sharretts 2399 University Drug Store " 37127 " Angust J. Balinski 562 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store ". 37139 " Oscar Swoboda Inc. 678 University Drug Store " 37190 " City Liquor Store Inc. 544 St. Peter Exclusive Liquor Store " 37210 " Michaad.Bros. Inc. 1059 Grand General Food Store ^ 37302 " Nathan A. Johnson 395 Rice General Food Store " 37313 " S. Paul Johnson 301 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store ^ 37336 " Wank g, Lux 147 N. Snelling General Food Store " 37337 " Michael J. Foley 292 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store H 37346 " Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins General Food Store " 37456 " Edwin F. Janssen 365 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 37494 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the. Council ------- _.:.......:...._._.._194.__. Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved-----................................--194 .. Parranto Peterson-- -- --....In Favor ................................... ---............ ......------ Mayor Rosen Truax -.-.-----.-.Against Mss-PM en , c DM Mvgh WO 4-44 ap�•® o:Ib.A to City clerk coa'+ca •' CITY OF ST. PAUL cuB NAY,`'------------ r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT January Z4, 1946 COMMISSIONER E. J. Wall 794 Grand General Food Store App.37698 Renewal Thomas J. Maruska 1028 W. 7th General Food Store " 37710 " Sherman & Toby Gordon 471 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 37770 " Leo Pritzker 450 Robert General Food Store " 37884 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -IlTdTa—n Parranto a r _ .....---....In Favor. Rosen 9 Truax ..............Against esl en , c onouq WO 444 -AW-(9 JAIL 241946 Adopted by the Council .......... .....................194...... Approved ------------------------------------------194--- �t�:I�yp Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto rson Rosen Truax c onoug 500 4-44 .repo ..............In Favor ...... ........Against Adopted by the Council.._ ------------------- 194.-_.-- Approved------------------------------------------194 -------------------------------------- - Mayor T,.r. C.tk C. F N 121337 Wm P RESODarrr,s'`i _. �l: •'tL.� q q cou"ca NQ.A ti G� � 9 OHWnd to City censes ST- PAUL _ � COUNCIL OFF.':.L OF '-HE CITY CLERK FLEEOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pA- Jgnyar�24 1946 COMMISSIONER That On Sale Liquor licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses RESMVED rvbsadh licenses rantedl tdire8tee bodtoiiss by ysaidd statdbndthand herebyis approved, that�theyCity Clerk ialioensess Henry &Louie Kroening 741-43 Edmund Ave . Restaurant App. 56211 Renewal IAWrenee A. Goodman 531 Wabasba St. 56264 " Carmen Delmont 901 Pa Ave. y� 55598 w" Daniel M. Vogelgesang 919 Randolph Ave. " " 35622 " David F. Heffron 1070 Hudson Road n " 55628 " Ted Bien 349-51 University It " 55638 " Cecil J. Bruesell 499 Wabasba St. 35669 " Anthony Roith 719 W. Dale St. 36701 " Sam Silver 1650 W. Seventh St . 35706 " IwTatt N. Weber 20 E. Seventh St. " " 55713 " Irving Gleeman 616 Jackson St. " " 36718 " Michael Lendway 609 University ave- 35756 " Frank C. Graves 932 Arcade St. 36767 " Jobn W. Bow'lin 139 W. Central Ave. " " 35791 " Isaak Snyder 414 Jackson St. " " 35800 " Peter Aplikowaki 672 Rice St. It " 35805 " It " 35810 A(cIN Wm. E. & Alfred T. Klein 1013 Front Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto rson Rosen Truax c onoug 500 4-44 .repo ..............In Favor ...... ........Against Adopted by the Council.._ ------------------- 194.-_.-- Approved------------------------------------------194 -------------------------------------- - Mayor OtIWnal to C"7 CIvk Muuaa, _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILO NO. -----_-..-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY ° DATE January 24 1946 COMMISSIONER Patrick Capeoe 225 W. Seventh St. Restaurant App. 35815 Renewal Alex. Kubitsohek 1141-43 Rice St. " " 35833 " John B. Mauer 141-45 W. Sixth St. ^ " 35838 " Mrs. Christine Muooiaro 818 Payne Ave. " " 35844 " Mrs. Eliz. Sohwietz 966 Payne Ave. " " 35850 ^ Geo. Wilke & E. J. Gala e 320-22 Wabasha St. " " 35861 " Blanch Parrish 752 W. Seventh St. TM If 35882 ^ George DamiaA 230 Front Ave. " " 35887 n Robert Herold 1066 E. Seventh St. 11 11 35892 TM Fred J. King 601-03 University Ave. " " 36945 ^ Chris Christensen 1567 University Ave. 35952 " Thos. C. Skweres 475 Wabasha St. n " 35959 " James F. uIGara 164-6 A. Snelling Ave. " " 35993 " Adolph Lindstrom 886 Payne Ave. It 35998 ^ James P. Gossett 560 University, Ave. " " 36013 .^ Vito Clariaio 180 E. Seventh St. " It 38049 " Joe. H. Carte 292 Rice St. It It 36054 " Julius Rosen 224 W. Seventh St. " It 36059 " Adam Kirch 1601 University Ave. If 36064 " Payne Ave. Recreation 893-95 Payne Ave. " ° 36070 " Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfusa Findlnn---- APPtoved---.............................. --------- 194 Parranto -.Petersen -------------In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax ......._.....Against 500 4-44 _0010'® orIUo.l to City ©rrk CITY OF ST. PAUL �$ "` NO..______.__ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 24, 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA Frank Dades & Vasilios Teiamardas 171 W. 7th Restaurant APP -36072 Renewal Fred Nachtigall 619 Selby ^ ° 36077 ^ a Ernest A. Jackson Co. 406-05 Wabasha " " 36052 " George A. Kohls 739 Thomas " " 36090 " William Spiel 525 E. 7th - " " 36102 " John Di Santo & Ben Nemo 156 W. 7th " " 36107 " John M. Drexler 572 N. Dale " " 36116 " Tom Skards, 1015 W. 7th " " 36122 " Mrs. Barbara K. Donohue 129-33 W. 7th ° " 36127 " Leo R. Bouttell 469 N. Snelling " " 36133 " State Hotel Corp. of Delaware 339 Wabasha Hotel " 36170 " Joseph Monti 90 S. Robert Restaurant " 36176 " Ralph Marrone & Sue Delmedico 13 Leach 0 " 361g9 New Fred C. Herges 991 University " " 36200 Renewal. John J. Wosika 731 Randolph ° " 36205 " Michael Tschida Sr. 319 Robert ° " 36210 " Michael Tschida Jr. 616 Como " " 36215 " Joseph G. Techide, 497 Wabaeha " 36220 " Stanley J. Fiorito 250-52 W. Kellogg " ° 36226 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................... .............. 194...._. Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved - - 194 Parranto InFavor ........................... .......................... .......... . Mayor . ........ Rosen Truax Against Air -Pre. Ceti 1VI nmh.. . 500 444 '®•® �oriQW1 t0 Ct4 40411[ COU.CR CITY OF ST. PAUL .Ia8 NO..-.___--.-.------- page, 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTEE) BY COMMISSIONER---- DATIE JannarV 24 Cd.R -- Harry Lannon & Geo. Richter 1581 University Ave. Roetaurant App. 36236 Renewal Paul Arend & Robt. Xbohnen 699 N. Dale St. - ^ " 36243 " Eagles, St. Paul Aerie #33 113 W. University Club " 36274 " Albert'Uniss 380 Jackson St. Rlsstaurant " 36277 ^ Gino Andreasei 221 E. Seventh St. ^ " 36279 " W. Morgans & J. J. White 1026 W. Seventh St. It " 56294 ^ Nick Bolles 185 E. Seventh St. " " 36304 ^ Frank P. Lenehaa 601-03 N. Western " It 36313 ^ L. J. haiola & Gust Barrack 721 Payne Ave. 38320 " Henry Swanson 1199 Payne Ave. " ^ 36325 " Catherine Arbuckle 1537 University Ave. 36335 " Henry Greene 15 E. Fifth St. 11 " 38341 " St. Francis Hotel, Inc. 7-9 W. Seventh St. Hotel ° 36353 " Edm W A. Schmidt 107 Concord St. Restaurant " 36360 " - Gkla s . Gentile 497-99 Payne Ave. ^ It 36368 " Henry M. Fi>Istad 767-76 Webasha St. " " 36376 " Harry Robertson 1784 E. llinnebRIM Ave. " " 36393 ". Leo F. Hoye 1112 Arcade St. 36398 " Archie P. gcbsiets 1109 Arcade St. It It 36401 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............... ........... ........194..._.- Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved------------------------------------------ 194----- Parranto -- _In Favor - - -Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against f 500 4-44 -09?0.Q ' 0,1,1-1 t. City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE January 6 241946 COMMISSIONER.--- 537 Greenwood Restaurant APP -36419 Renewal Ben G. Lehmann Carl Pink 597 Broadway " " 36433 William Picba 665 University " " 36439 " Stanley Masloski 949 W. 7th " 36444 " St. Paul Athletic Club 340 Cedar I., Club " 3644s w John Graner 1091 Ries Restaurant 9 36504 " Vincent Gengl 959 Thomas a " 36509 " Harold Lang 379 University " " 36514 " Goo. Gekas & Michael 'Sarant0s 46C, St. Peter " " 36519 " 559-61 St. Peter " 36544 0 Nick Kotsonaros 1347 Burns " 36593 " A. L. Johnson Mark Madigan 739 University " 36592 " St. Paul Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter Hotel 0 36597 Angelina & Dante Rossini 309 Sibley Restaurant " 36622 S.D. Macent & A.J. Branca 2513 University " 3664g Henry J. Schetbal 429.S. Wabasha 0 36667 Mike Marchek 492 Mississippi " 36672 Maurice 0. Peterson 949 E. 7th it 36677 " Thomas J. Gannon 639-41 S. Smith " 36694 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved 194 1-F �__ � Parranto 1-1?etertw In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax -----Against as &44 onw.w t. cnr Oa k r k CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"cn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .COMMISSIONER._ DAT'- January 24 1946 Cheater C. Tallskson 640 Grand Ave. Restaurant App. 36706 Renewal Louis & Milton Nahinsky 194 E. Seventh St. " " 36714 " Arlys Margares 1638 Rioe St. " " 36719 " Frank L. Samoa 517-19 W. Seventh St. " " 36724 " The University Club 420 Sua®it Ave. Club " 36729 " Stephen Koshuba 468 Wabasha St. kestaurant " 36736 " Helen E. Kemper 371 Earl St. " " 36740 " R. M. & B. E. Washington 165-71 N. Western Ave. Hotel " 36749 " The Minnesota Club 317 N. Washington St. Club " 36762 " Leonard A. Klue 359 Robert St. Restaurant " 36786 " Andrew Kappas & Louis Trigas 82 W. Seventh St. " ° 36787 " Jos. F. Ryan 207 Bates Ave. " ". 36800 " Alfred Braverman 678 Selby Ave. " " 36805 " Edw. J. Aydt 2424 University Ave. " " 36810 " Jams Williams 560 St. Anthony Ave. " " 36815 " James E. Cagle 323 Robert St. Hotel 36820 " G. G. Dieters 383 W9basha St. Restaurant " 36825 " Mary Borndale 959 Arcade St. " ° 36832 " Lorene Reoreation, Ina. 460-8 N. Lexington Ave. ". " 36877 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss �andi8t5- Parranto eon Rosen Truax Mr..P c o 500 4-44 .Qu ' `e', ,Adopted by he Council,,: -4: ................. :__...._194------- ..............In Favor .............. Against Approved --............. --------194 . ,OHQIn.I SO CIV ©eri[ - - CITY OF ST. PAUL CAUNCIL ,ae NO.__.__________ Page 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /DATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Tan+L->r- 1166 E. P. Essner & Geo. Williams 645-49 Selby Ave. Restaurant App. 36883 Renewal Jos. Degedio & Louise Palumbo 425 W. Seventh St. " " 36888 " John A. Carr 860 University Ave. " " 36897 " Edw. P. Winkel 429 S. Robert St. ° It 36900 " Alverdes Beata-urant, Inc. 379 St. Peter St. " " 36905 " Criterion, Ino. 739 University Ave. " " 36913 " Henry Selbitsohka 691 N. Dale St. " " 36926 " Philip girmser 382 Wabasha St. " " 36931 " Frank Maohoveo. 995 W. Seventh St. ° " 36991 " Town & Country Club 2279 Marshall Ave. Club. " 37000 " Alex Viner & A. Sabowitz 375 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 37014 " Armiae Shomion & Geo. Awada 120 S. Wabasha St. " " 37021 " Daytonfe Bluff Commeroial Club, 770 E. Seventh St. Club " 37026 " John & Carl Hildebrandt 43'E. Fifth St. Hotel " 37035 " Wm. F. Haberman 1056 E. Seventh St. Restaurant " 37041 " Violet A. Peterson 1179 E. Seventh St. ° " 37072 " Joe. MoBride &Emmet Connolly, 467-69 St. Peter " " 37074 " Franoss Sohloff 486 Jaokson St. " " 37082 " Theo. P. Kikas 347 Robert St. It " 37087 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ------------- -............. -------194.-.-__ Yeas Nays Barf uss ' an APProved----_---- ----------- ---............... 194------ - Parranto -------------- In Favor .......................................,--.... - -------------- - - _,.Eetersom_. Mayor Rosen Truax --------------Against 500 4-44 .�j.0 1~ ooli".1 to M7 Cl.h COUNCR 11 ?e��Rc . CITY OF ST. PAUL Ft" NO._-___ ---- _----- r. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 8 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT January 24 1946 COMMISSIONER Frank Yarusso 636-37 Payne Ave. Nick L. Arvanities 444-48 St. Peter St. Mrs. Cath. Welsch 1199 Rice St. Edw. J. -Pederson 870 Payne Ave Walter E. Nelson 1180 E. Seventh St. German House, Ino. 444 Rios St. Alfred MoArdell 268 W. Seventh St. Harry A. Millman 76-79 N. Western Melvin Vollmolor 674 Dodd Road Midway Amusement Co. 1633-39 Uni-versiiti}r Frank J. Rink 484 N. Robert St. Geo. N. Miller 488-92 St. Peter Clement J. Miller 289 Como Ave. Ray P. Traynor 733 W. Seventh St. Gerald Brennan 449 N. Snelling Mike O'Dowd 391 Robert St. Verne Werling 880 E. Seventh St. Elis. Stout & Marg. Marsh 899 Ries St. Harold W. Olsen 673 W. Seventh St. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Bariuss Parranto --Peterson -- --------------In Favor Rosen Truax --------------Against Presidenl�� t, A4cDonongl+' 500 4-44 -401- Restaurant App. 37092 Renewal n " 37097 " n " 37101 " n " 37110 " n ° 37114 " Club " 37119 " Restaurant " 37130 " Hotel " 37164. " Restaurant " 37174 " n " 37181 " n ^ 37193 " n " 37202 " n " 37213 " n " 37218 " 37223 " n " 37236 " n ^ 37241 " n " 37247 ^ n " 37249 ^ Adopted by the Coaneil---------------------------------- 194 ...... Approved---------------------------------------194 Mayor OrtalnY to City Clerk f� COUNCILC j!P J, - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 9 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE- January 24, 1946 Robert M. Welch 685 E. 3rd Restaurant APP -37254 Renewal Wm. Pd. Nagle 615 University 11 If i7267 " Joseph Stransky, Jr. 1209 W. 7th " " 37272 " Alphoneus D. Davis 389 Selby " " 37286 " $yan Hotel Co. 402 Robert Hotel " 37296 n James Manos 241 E. 7th Restaurant " 37307 " C. Lyle Anderson 992-4 Arcade " " 37312 " Elmer S. Nelson 1174-76 Arcade " " 37316 " Mrs. Sharon Coleman 444 Wabasha " " 37321. " George-Weinzetl 560 Wabasha " " 37329 If Rudolph Tschida 1209 Rice " " 37352 " B.L. Fitzgerald & Maurice O'Connor 501 Blair " " 37364 n Frank J. Berger 700 Reaney „ " 37399 n Harriet F. DeRoma 1355 University " " 37395 " Park Recreation Parlor Inc. 199-92 N. Snelling n " 37399 " Peter LaNasa 553 Jackson of " 37405 n Edward C. Stieger 991 Rice 11 " 37411 n Emil T. Kolar 620 We 7th " " 37417 " Joseph M. McCormick 923 E. 7th " " 37444 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss S� -- - Approved 194— Parranto Pate. _ In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. SM 5-44 �8 Mayor Adopted by the Council —194_— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Approves —194_ In n Parranto In Favor Mayor __ Rosen Atrainet , Truax Xx gh 5M Wt 8 �Oei�in�1 to city.cleek CITY OF ST. COUNCIL NO.-� F PAUL at OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK page 10 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM January 24 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE , 1421 E. 7th Restaurant APp.37449 Renews' Mathew A. Morelli " 37461 ". 31}7 University " Bernard F. Selinake " n 37468 " John Esslinger Inc. 1927-31 University 22 E. 4th " 37500 " " Philip J., Gallivan " 37516 " " 823 University " Lawrence P. Merten n " 37526 " Grant P. Severson 365 Jackson & Jambs O'Brien 216 E. 7th n " 37532 New Alfred G. Anderson Rinkey & Sheindel Binder 2162 University " " 37537 Renewal Sam Mogol, Geo. Restaurant " 37539 N� v✓ Robert P. & Kathryn M.Childers 607 Payne " " 37541 New Frank P. Oonney & O.E. Ragogna 413 Robert " " 37546 Renewal Thos, L. Rice & Guy Rice 96 N. Dale 33 W. 6th " 11 37547 " Victor G. Tachida " 37566 Now 173 W. 6th " Mrs. Rose O'Toole " 37582 Renewal Julius J. Favills, 586 Rice " 1096 Grand " " 37590 " A. A. Williams f n 37612 New Ben Zetlin & Louis Robins 127-29 E. 5th " 1415 University n 37692 Renewal Tip Top Tap, Inca Pauly & Mello N. patient 42 7 S. Wabasha " 37703 0 .New 571-73 Jackson " " 37726 Renewal George A. Conroy Adopted by the Council —194_— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Approves —194_ In n Parranto In Favor Mayor __ Rosen Atrainet , Truax Xx gh 5M Wt 8 .0�101 w Cfty ask CITY OF ST. PAUL COU"M NO.---___..._„.-.R,53 Page 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I-FROSENTED BY CC)MMISSIONE OATr— January 24, 1946 V.L.A. Burton & Minnie Marlow & Mrs. Cecil R. Halvorson 875 E. Minnebahn Ave. RestaUrant Chris Lauer & G. W. Moore 171 E. seventh St. TM Herman J. Moren 567-69 Stryker Ave. TM Vendome Realty Co. 241 E. Kellogg Blvd. TM Monica M. Delaney 317 St. Peter St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --Fkfdhlff- - Parranto -y-ate—r- Rosen - Truax Wx,Pr0 Men, M=n.uk!T- 500 4-44 _4A?0_@ App. $7734 Renewal 37764 37819 37831 ” 37878 " Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 ...... Approved......................... ...............194 ----- ------ An Favor), ----------- 4 ----- ...?-A........, ......C1; ------ylk'a"Wr IIED/ ..............Against , Z PUBLIS] .ICIor� Ro City Clerk 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL iw�uNca OFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY G. H. Barfuae DATE Jamiary 23, 1246 COMMSSS WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, from December 21st, 1945 to January 20, 1946, inclusive, said employment being more than usual hours of employment: therefore, be it 1 RESOLVED: That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment, the employees named in the list attached hereto, for the extra time therein set forth, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays sarfuss ---an Ian Parranto -- p9rerson"` - --.__In Favor Rosen Truax ..............Against 500 4-44 C. F. No. 135332-8y narfu , RESOLVED, That the .proper city of ficera are hereby authorlmd to pay, certain empployes, .In .the - Depeartment of 1 Pubbc Satety for extra mployment 4ae act out on the Ust attached.to thin] resolution. Adopted by the Council Jan. 24, 1946. ApprovedJa 24. 1946. (January. 26, 3946.). Adopted by the Counc£a61-.A4_d`t-..---194.--_,_ JAW T419'6 Approved............................------------.194 i,'�dli Mayor Bar61►'Aof Police - January. 1946' Name; Title: No.Hre. Rate Amount Anfaig _Bernard J. Sr; Clerk -Typist., 2 SB 1-T6 Doyle,.,Kathryn M .Sr Clerk-Stenog. 2 ' ,69 1.38 Richard Mri a . J. $r.-- Clerk ` 4 .88 3.52 Hall. Fred J Sr.'Clerk-Typist 8 .88 7.04 I,Tieh,'Jamee 1. -Sr. Clerk-Stenog. '' .qi 22.T5 King, Rosemary Jr.. Clerk-Stenog; 4 ,54 2.06 Ot4sron, Frank R. Sr" Clerk 4 .88. 3 52 Scanlan; Anne E. Jr. Cbrk-Steaog. T :66 3i4, 4.6T 06arta, Violet Aloysius Jr; Clerk-Stenog, 4 .66 3/4 2.67 Sewaid, W. - Jr. Clerk -St nog. 471 2.86 Soler, Genevieve M. Jr. Cler*t-Typist �`` ;543%4 2,74 Wimmer, Miry -E.Jr. Clerk-Stenog. 4.66 3/4 2.67 57.64 Days. Byram, Dr..James W. Amb.Surgeon 12 7.12 85.44 Rollie, Dr. Carl 0. Amb,Surgeon 6 T.12 4z.T2 .Bureau of Fire - January, 1946 Jefferson, Roy H. Jr. Accountant 16, 1.22* 19.56 7 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Clerical and stenographic work This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: The necessity of the Police Records Division being open at all times for service to the general public and members of the Police Bureau; to complete various accounting and timekeeping records. Commissioner of P lie Safety The undersigned herebypose,, Grading and surf—Q th, .... Ad" tA on . grAm - 0211990 * Stv the eapqMent to be obtal: ....... . ................. .............................. .day .............. ................. 0 ., 194.6 ... Dated this .... ��4 ....... ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY -ORDER- /Petition G-324 PRELERAWARY .01RD1.1R;6 ........... Millon C F. X.. 1 , for -F. POS# F u� making ,71 viz ELIMINAlky ORDEPL king of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz'- le'y in Block 28 Enlargement of Anna E. RMSOY's . to. Ashj,and.Aveiaueti ...Alen - oonstrUet-Ing' e- 'sewer* +M- on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of jV,0T, AhWE'.* .................................... ............... n. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Grading and surfacing the Alley in Block .28 ......... Addition from Grigge Street to Ashland Avenue.- Also Constructing a sewer in th9..easmmt..to..be. obtained..on. the -wester],V. 4 -fest- -O:C - tbB -easterly. 4. .:rest .0s ........ lot 11e.,Block 28, Enlargement of Anna E. Remsey's Addit .. ion,. from .. the .. Alley. .. to ....... . ....... .... .. .... .. ........................................ ....................... I ............................. ; ........................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not -said. improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. " S., net of Finance. 5. To report upon all of;�kc foargatWO the Commissio Adopted by the CounciL ............................... ........... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... rIN-D—LAIT- -PARRANTO 7 l,,_ ROSEN ....... '� ............. tw or. TRUAX AV_*Re549EW_ IM 7.41 *soon u. File NO...........: .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT;", and PRELIMINARY ORDER. the following public improvement by the City of SaintPaul,viz: The undersigned herby proposes the making of Condemning and t ng an easement for the purpose of OOnstruOting and maintaining ..w.publio-sewer . -under - and. across. •the- -weGtqrjy.4.fa9t - of. -the. -SaBt.0013- -6 -f-Oat- 'of.. Ashland Avenue to the Alley lot 3.1, Block Anna E. Ramsey's Enlargement Of, from alftwrrd, ........ 1ji, Wd' k6ut"6f * Al�& ltw.7.. *AX0 d6U&dWiijjg' ; side of Nl�kq.A�.QVe 8 feet in width .9n. A4!!.A9A!... ....................6 feet of said easement and 2 feet of lot ll and the westerly ..to the. eal-ey. •-in. .0614-Ble •..28,.,A R BaY B3.9ok. .28,. -fM'1k and -Avenue 19 EcRrtk"t lnst-O!. 22nd.day of ................... Tanuerr 9 4'R6 ............ .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WjiEREAS A written propos.lf- . the making of the followng imrovement V12: Con denining'and taking On .f.r the purposeiof copnstruct6g and maintaining ..a.pnblJ_o..saWqr.nn, . under- and. across -thO -WestOrlY- 4 - feet "Of- 'tha`-eas`ter17_ 6 -feet- -of lot 1_1, Block 28, Anna E. Ramsey's Enlargement Of, from Ashland Avenue to the Alley ,ry* T6i... -in- th'O* Tear.of . 13at&.10t.; - -OOn&e=j)ip;- -Atd- -thX1W9 N'Vd9JWrah construction pur]po . of l8m..d_8..f..e..e.t. in e..above qn�..?n a strip easement and the east 6*� 0*:F *i:6t 3.1 and the westerly 6 feet of lot 10 in said BlOn1L.28'..frcm. n3hjud. Avsne..to . the . alley.. in• said •Bleak. .28 j. -Anne - 13+• -Ramseys 8 ........ Enlargement of. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch ofsaidimprovement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ I YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS PARRANTO —PERItsorw- ROSEN orf TRUAX MKIPResfMr- INI 7.41 ............... JAN ;4 Approved........................................ '�`� �- i4 I& Coun,.• Ie No .:.............. PROPOS FOR IMPROVEMENT and 'I PR LIMINARY ORDER:. R The undersigned hereby proposes the ing of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Condemning and taking an asement in the land neoeiasary Por slopeati outs,;;;,., ............................................................................................... and fills, in the gradsand .surfaoinQ the A17 a in Bloolc„28,,,1#}j arg�git..0i ........................................................ ..........kn,.I�mm.CriPgs.Streat..to..Ashland..Asenua.................... ...................2........ Y ..........................:....... .................. ............. ... .......... Dated this..... Rk..... da of...... .............. .T-EmnW. ............... 194.6....^ ....... 00 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slo�est cute ..... .......................................................... ...........Wd.RJU13.r..1R.t4U.Ej.JM. W 1•g.44.$.n=fAQL4&.the.AUqY..1A.AIRGk.28a.>;07er$€anani;.of ,,,.Anna E..Ramaey�e Additions.Yrom,Grig&e,Street„to Ashland, Ayenue..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch,of said improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 241946 /. 'Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS j t - _ 4 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... PARRANTO TRUAX `� jj Mayor. -PRESIDERT - .... MRCD INI 7.41 C. F. No; 135388 -- NOTICE p,E50Y.VFD, That checkabe drawn on the City treasay' aggregate COUNCIL FILE NO. TO amount of $7,854,!.'aedn4 checks numbered 43475 to43526 inclusive, as PRINTER per checks 34 flle-In the, offloo of the T f4rp 2T t 194— 'City Comptroller: . -Adopted by the Counefl Sen. 29, 1948, "— Approved San. 24.'1948. f (January 28. 1946.) ' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE3-7-5--- --_ x}3526 7,954.9 AS PER CHECKS , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED----TO--�'—INCLUSIVE, r A ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 194 ADOPTED IBY THE COUNCIL t� _194_ BY --F7T— CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - ---- ROLL CALL * 'j 6 SARFUSS J� 23 ___194_- FINDLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS CITY TREASURY PETERSOO RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D� PETERSON COVERING RO.EN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE A OU T OF TO INCLUSIVE, AS TRUAX CHECKS NUMBERE MR. PRE.. MCDONOUGH 'IT PER CHECKS ON i IN TH FICE THEC P LLE R. COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ -194_- // V C] CHECK NUMBER 43475 43476 43477 43479 43479 43490 43491 43492 4 4 4 4 H 43496 43497 43498 43499 43500 43501 43502 43505 43506 43507 43509 43509 43510 43511 435132 4351 43514 43515 43516 43517 43519 43519 43520 43521 4352332 43523 4352 43525 43526 NUMBER DATE TOTAL �i - _ RETURNED BY BANK K �.---'�- I IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERCHECKS j' DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD John Fitzgerald, Abstract Clerk Frank Peluso C & F Machine Torks W, q, Refining Company Vocational School Petty Cash 'Fund Esslingen & Company Fisher Photo supply Company French Book Corporation The Gamewell Company rdartin Giesen Ginn and Company B.F. Goodrich Storee,Ino. Graybar Electric Company, Ind. Griggs, COOPer and Company li.J. Haas Mfg. Company v. }d. Hale Company Heger Produots Company HighlandSpring dater Company Houghton, Mifflin Company Int. Business Machines Corp. Kee Lox Mfg. Company Kennedy Fruit Company E.L. Klingel 3. Knowlan The Lawyers Go -0p. Pub. Oo. Locto Company Lyon & Healy Company The MacMillan Company Moolain & Hedman Company McFadden -.Lambert Company Gus D. Messing Midwest $quipment S.Oo. Miller-Brunt—Pierce Company Minnesota Union Advocate Montgomery Ward and Company Mothers Friend Laundry Mullarky's Meat Market R.A. Myers Company Northern States Power company, Northern States Power Company,, Northern States Power Company N.A. Alignment Service Northwest Publications, Inc. N.iv. safety Appliance company N.' . Copper rks 013on Brothers George F. Peglow Pergande Pub. Company Perkins—Tlaoy Printing Company 4.S. Peterson Prentioe—Hall, Inc. Puritan Compressed Gas Corp, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD �9 25 1' 25 00 j 4 500 00 !' 605 29 130 97 11 4 90 4 60 1 06 11 32 49 1 50 j 10 39 j 13 90 374 12 li �I 53 01 1000 4 40 34 0 1 00 1996 j; 16 95 " 11 7665511 21 90 {j 136 90 49 74 209'' 56 42 i 279 96 14 19 31 96 10 00 3 00 101 33 37 91 j 1 90 32 69 356 99 274 16 `324 50 �'' 99 74 269" 2 12 20 00 2 10 13 5o f. 6 65 p, 3 70 1 98 �! 1 I p 337613 96 111 636 02 jl P Original m CW Clark e�4t�A 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO.UENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO MMISSIEi DATE January 25, 1946 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Harvey T. Sinclair 1543. Payne Grocery App -35755 New O1d.Loc. ^ n n n Cigarette " 35756 n n Bluebird Theater Co. 900 Rice Motion Picture n 35965 11 " n n n If Confectionery " 35966 n ^ Jacob Brody & Son 951 Payne Grocery " 36700 " ^ n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 36701 n ^ n n n n " Cigarette n 36702 " If Harold Barnes 1102 W. Larpenteur Ice Station " 37450 " n Nick Sarafolean 1096 Rice Barber " 37493 " " Robert P. & Kathryn Childers 1007 Payne Off Sale Malt " '3754o " " George Schrofer 1334 W. Minnebehe Barber " 37659 n n Otto Hall & Albert Benham 442 Rondo Gas Station n 37666 " " Blaine V. Kranz 255 No. Smith Taxicab Driver ^ 37907 " " Paul A. Vorweck 843 Raymond Taxicab Driver ^ 37915 it " " " "'a',1 C.`VF A. Parranto-7_By Resolved. That licenses p lied far by the persons med on the Plst attached tc this resolution be and the same a hereby granted. and the City Clerk is instructed to Issue Such licenses upon i "y""t into the City–treasury oi' "y""fees. I", rnnt.d Adopted by the Council Jan. 25, 1946.1 APAioved (February 12961996) � u COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Mn ` 46. Barfuss Filldj ill— Approved 194 Parranto -Peterson___ In Favor &W Mayor Rosen D Truax Against eM 5-44 -QW 8 Orlpin.i to City Clark- p` C, li CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL.No.-• --- — __ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //��Jy/1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y DATE JBIIU82'y5 1945 COMMISSI Er1 4IHERi!a3 Mabel Miller desires to withdraw application A87842 for Hotel license at 1981-85 St. Anthony Avenue, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Babel Miller the fee of $25.00 and to eanoel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �iiuss -41iRdtan /Yarranto - Petmsmy— _.....__In Favor /Rosen ,,Truax .Against b , NO 4-44 C. F. No. 135338—By G. H. Barfuss„ W. A. Prranto— WHEREAS, Mabel Miller desires t.; Ithdraw application A37842 for Hotel;: license at 1981.83 St. Anthony Avenue, f and requests the return of the ncense tee deposited thereon, therefore, be it f RESOLVED, That the proper Clty of I ficers be and they- are hereby author lzed to refund to Mabel Miller- the fee fY $15.00 and to cancel said application or license. Adopted by the Council Jan. 25, 1946. Approved Jan. 25, 1946. ' (February 2, 1946) JAN .2:5 JW Adopted by the Council ..........................:..... -194.....- c�t`I�il �a Approved-------- . ........................... ---194. - ii�A Mayor C. F. No. -135339—By G. H. Barfucs,. Oriai to Cltr Clerk Resolved, a That licenses applied.fcr by CITY OF S the Persons named on the list Attached NGIL NO. to this resolution be and the same nre OFFICE'OF THE hereby granted. and the city Clerk is Instructed to Issue such licenses upon OUNCIL RESOLUTIO me requIT d tees. the city tre r,ury a Adopted by the Council Jan. 25. 199& PRESEN E BY Approved Jan.. 25. 1945. ��c COMMIS NE (Fobruary 2, 1995) January 25, 1940 Id .d RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the salve are hereby granted: River Terminal Coal & Coke Co. 3300 4th Ave. So.,Itlpls.Fael Mr. APP -35511 Renewal i Sam Silver 111 W. 6th Restaurant " 35707 n n n fl n On Sale Malt " 35709 " Off Sale Malt " 35709 " Cigarette " 35710 " Sinclair Refining Co. 1901 Grant N.E.Mpla. Fuel Dealer " 35751 " . Frank C. Grans 932 Arcade Restaurant " 35769 " On Sale Malt " 35769 ^ n Off Sale Malt " 35770 " n n n Cigarette " 35771 " Jay H. Craig Co. 1914 California N.E.Mpla. Fuel Mr. " 35927 " Sarah R. Klane 435 Wabasha Confectionery " 35993 " Ernest A. Jackson Co. 406-08 Wabasha Restaurant " 36o93 " n " " on Sale Malt " 36og4 n Off Sale Malt " 36o95 " Cigarette " 360g6 e Deep Rock Oil Corp. 2709 29th Ave.So.Mpls. Fuel Mr. " 36097 e John Di Santo & Ben Nemo 156 W. Beeanth Restaurant n 36108 " On Sale Malt " 36109 It n n n n " n ° n n off Sale Malt " 36110 n " If " Cigarette " 36111 " Sam Spiegler 469 Anita Grocery " 36289 " Off Sale Malt " 36289 " COUNREM fliger 2015 2. Minneh pted be3Phe%jW " 36292 191 Yeas Nays Barfuss -- � Approved 194_ Parranto e ersari In Favor Rosen 0 Mayor Truax against Mr Presidelst M T�onougFi'�'' SM &44 AWS t Oricin.l to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 25, 1946 Henry Greene 15 Be 5th St. Restaurant APP -36342 Renewal n n ^ n On Sale Malt " 36343 " Off Sale Malt " 36344 " Tavern ^ 36345 ^ Dance Aall ^ 36346 " " " Cigarette ^ 36347 n Edmund A. Schmidt 107 Concord Restaurant ^ 36361 " On Sale Malt ^ 36362 " n n a n Off Sale Malt ^ 36363 • Cigarette ^ 36364 " Bowl. Alley (9) " 36365 ^ Albert C. Erickson 39 W. Stevens Barber " 36406 " C. I. Fitzsimons 546 Ohio Barber " 36411 11 n n 549 " Confectionery 36412 " Been G. Lehmann 537 Greenwood Restaurant " 36420 ^ On Sale Malt ^ 36421 ^ Off We Malt ^ 36422 ^ Cigarette ^ 36423 " Carl Fink 597 Broadway Restaurant " 36434 ^ " On Sale Malt ^ 36435 ^ n Off Sale Malt " 36436 n " Cigarette " 36437 " Pure oil Co. 1099 University Gas Ste. 6P. ^ 36491 " Philip Rosenblum 694 Selby Grocery ^ 36493 • Off Sale Malt ^ 36424 n Cigarette ^ 36495 " Gem Theater Inc. 399 W. 7th Motion Picture 'r #6535 " n n II n Confectionery " 36536 11Wilfred Perper 999 Selby Motion Picture ^ 36542 " 11 " " Confectionery " 36543 n 5 3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss an Approved 194_ Parranto --pet"90— " In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax Against Mr.,.Presi am a 44 -OW-8 Orieinal to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 25, 1946 BeLyle Mellinger 192 Concord Barber App -36613 Renewal Martel I. Formo 913 Payne Bakery " 36642 " Mike Marchek 482 Mississippi Restaurant " 36673 " On Sale Malt " 36674 " Off Sale Malt " 36675 " Cigarette " 36676 " Thomas J. Gannon 639-41 So. Smith Restaurant " 36685 " It " " " On Sale Malt " 36686 " Off Sale Malt " 36687 " Cigarette ^ 36688 a Commerce Liquor Store Inc. 14 E. 4th Confectionery ^ 36748 " W. H. Barber Co. 825 Thronton S.E.Mple. Fael Dlr. " 36780 " Midland Theatres Inc. 924 E. 7th Motion Picture " 36782 " " ^ ^ tr Confectionery " 36783 ^ ^ " 947 Arcade Motion Picture " 36784 it n n n n Confectionery " 36785 " E. J. Robertson 166 Concord Barber " 36999 " Walter E. Nelson 1180 E. 7th Restaurant " 37115 n 011 Sale Malt, n 37116 " n n n n Off Sale Malt " 37117 " n n a n Cigarette " 37118 " Melvin Volkmeier 674 Dodd Rd.. Restaurant " i7175 " On Sale Malt " 37176 It ' Off Sale Malt " 37177 " n a n n Cigarette " 37178 " Louie Rosen 102 So. Robert Barber " 37180 " I. R. Heath 393 No. Prior Barber " 37199 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss ` .;,...-`._, Approved 194— Parranto -Pgda-•- _ In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against _U .-Pmen, cDonough� 8M 6-dd 9 Yeas Nays Barfuss _-Findhm-- Approved 194__ Parranto mss-- In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against sl en , c 8M 6-{4 8 ddainxi to City Clvk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE E NO. Page Ik' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER - - DATE January 25, 1946 Francis M. Kohn 600 So. Smith Barber APP -37209 Renewal Morris Berezowsky 236 So. Snelling Barber " 37230 " John J. Littfin 121 W. Winifred Barber " 37263 " Roy Milner 709 W. 7th Barber " 37283 " St. Paul Municipal Airport Bldg. Airport Orig. Cont. " 37357 " n n n s Cigarette " 37388 " Klein Bros. 179 Concord Grocery " " 37434 " 37435 " Cigarette Joseph McCormick 923 B. 7th Restaurant n 37445 n n n n n On Sale Malt " 37446 " n n n n Off Sale Malt " 37447 " " " n n Cigarette " 37448 " Everett Olson 1722 University Barber " 37491 " Jacob Perlman 62 W. 5th Barber " 37556 " Arthur W. Steffen 457 St. Peter Barber " 37559 " Borgstrom-Bergstrom-Sandberg 1321 Payne Confectionery " 37560 " N n " " n Cigarette " 37561 " R. J. Heath 737 No. Snelling Barber A 37564 " Allein Sjobeck 45 So. Cleveland Barber Clarence E. -Ridge 419 So. Wabash& Berber n 37573 " Harry Hanson 2046 St. Clair Barber " 37574 " Ballard Motor Ramp 309 Wabash& Gas Sta. 6P. " 37579 " Francis Doran 52 So. Prior Barber " 37580 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194T Yeas Nays Barfuss _-Findhm-- Approved 194__ Parranto mss-- In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against sl en , c 8M 6-{4 8 llrieinel It. City Clerk COUNCIL t 'f "r TY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY DATE January 25, 1946 CPRESENTED OMMISSIONER Woods Chocolate Shop 4 W. 5th Confectionery APP -37623 Renewal Abe L. Orenstein 680 Selby Confectionery " 37639 " L. E. McGough 623 Selby Barber " 37645 " Joseph'Antonucei 117 So. Wabasha Barber " 37673 " Emil Reber 657 Stryker Barber " 37674 " Tip Top Tap Inc. " "n 1415 University Restaurant On Sale Malt " 37693 " 37694 " n n n II " Off sale Malt " 37695 " n n a n n Tavern " 37696 " s n x n n Cigarette " 37697 " Allen -Edwards Fuel Co. 99 E. Hennipen, Mpls. Fuel Dlr. " 37777 " Emil Novotny 323 Jackson 2nd Ed. Dlr.(Gun)" 37909 E. W. McGill 820 Rondo Grocery " 37910 " Off Sale Malt " 37911 " Cigarette " 37912 It Phillipa Petroleum Co. 245 E. Fillmore Fuel Dealer " 37915 " Albert Jerry 189 W. Congress Taxicab Driver " 37829 " Clarence Cole 992 W. Central Taxicab Driver " 37930 " Richard King 993 Ashland Taxicab Driver " 37932 " Fred T. Sawicki 121 E. Congress Taxicab Driver " 37833 " Farmers Union Co-op Oil Co.1200 N. Concord,So.St. Paul Fuel Dlr. " 37852 " Howard W. Kramber 211 W. University Taxicab Driver " 37973 ". aedler 502 Portland Adopted by the GounciL-- " 37993 194— COUNCILM , Yeas Nays Barfuss i' n Approved 194— Parranto �-- - In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against esl en , cDonoug SM �44 r Yeas Nays a Original to CIV Clerk _Zind� len � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL FILE NO b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 25. 1946 George R. Webb 1154 E. Lawson Taxicab Driver App -37995 Renewal Rex Price 233 Arundel Motor V. Driver " 37996 " John M. Jones 546 Ashland Taxicab Driver " 37997 " Alexander G. Schierman 433 Selby Taxicab Driver " 37585 " John Proehlingsdorf 257 Cathedral Place Foot Peddler " 37593 " Jack A. Meyers 262 So. Exchange Taxicab Driver " 37596 " Clarence L. Berg 673 N. Western Taxicab Driver ^ 37597 ^ Leo Paraskevas 1377 St. Clair Vehicle Peddler " 37595 " n ^ u ^ Foodstuff (V -P) " 37599 " n n n " Cigarette (V -P) n 3790, " Ray R. Bright 195 N. Lexington Taxicab Driver " 37904 " Pete Georgantones 277 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler "37905 " fl it n, fl Foodstuff (V -P) ^ 37906 n Rainie J. Durand 556 S. Robert Motor V. Driver " 37914 ^ Charles E. Brown 99 W. 7th Taxicab Driver " 37916 " J. P. Frees 383 Robert Cigarette " 37936 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss _Zind� len � - Parranto erson In Favor Rosen b Truax Against ME.—Pa eat a -U .AD -8 JAS P-5 '19 `4� Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194— .4W Mayor orlamnl to City Ctvb � s� CITY OF ST. PAUL coueca t bPd4��{p� . No. --------_-------•---- OFFICE OF THE CI CLERK - - - -- ---- - ]35340—ny request Won $ Rosen— . COUNCIL RESOLUTIO EN L M RESOLVED. That Counca Flle No. `"1307, s amended by Cnu��fl Flle'No. PRESENTED BY 304, be further ame ao as toy COMMISSIONER..__. t s follows: TF 'ESOLVEIT is and RESOLVED, that Council File No. 128367, as amended by Council File No. 128394, be further amended so as to read as,, fo-1lows: "RESOLVED, that subject to the conditions and reservations herein, upon the appeal of the American Lutheran Church and Otto R. Vold from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favor- able recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Section 20 of Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to use and. remodel into an apartment building the so-called Ladies Dormitory now standing on the west 145 feet of the north 264 feet of any part of the east I of the north * of the southeast J of the south— west J, Section 21, Town 29, Range 22, excepting streets, the conditions and restrictions being that this building is to be used as an apartment building for its life -only; that no part of said premises may be.used for other than single family homes and duplexes; that the owner shall provide an adequate parking area for .tenants, graded,,_..-._ graveled and oiled, to be located at least 70 feet north of the north line of Hyacinth Avenue extended, and that as soon as materials therefor shall be available, he shall construct a garage building with a oar capacity equal to at least one-half of the number of apartments in the apartment building; and that these conditions and restrictions as to single family homes and duplexes be embodied in any subsequent transfer of any part of the east 2 of the north * of the southeast J of the southwest J of Section 21 Town 29, Range 22.11 ' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfusa 44aeftat: Parranto "Pe%rsofi ..............In Favor Rosen Truax -..Against 7s:�-ice 3M 045 '®°® CC JAN 25 ISE Adopted by the Council I.......... --- ............... ------194...:.. Approved ............... - ---------194------ --------- -�ln ✓ • ,It�FJ Mayor �.TdLISI%;D �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O Jan. 22, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Ha11 Dear Sirt The Council requested that you draw a resolution amending C. F. No. 128367, as amended by C. B. 1283941 copies of which are hereto attacheds so as to eliminate the requirement for the construction of a garage at this time but to provide that such a garage building be con— structed when materials are available, the other provisions to.remain the same. Very truly youres i City Clerk. Council File No. 128367 (Copy) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORK Presented by Commissioner Fred M. Truax. RESOLVED. butCalways subject to the conditions and restrio- tions herein, upon the appeal of the American Lutheran Church and Otto R. Vold from the decision of the Cosmissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board. of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance (No. 5840) as amended, to use and remodel into an apartment building the so-called Ladies Dormitory now standing on the west 1115 feet of thd.north 264 feet of the east 3/4 of the north 1/2 of the southeast IA of the southwest 1/4. Section 21, Town 29, Range 22, excepting streets, the conditions and restrictions being that this b#ilding !s to be used as an apartment building for its life onlyf that no part of said promises may be used for other than single family homes and duplexesl that the owner shall, construct a garage building with a oar capacity equal to at least half the number of the apartments in.the apartment, are building and also a parking a grades, graveled and oiled, with a oapaoity�f at least five oars, to be located at least 70 feet north, of the north line of Hyacinth Street extended] and that these conditions and restrictions be embodied in any subsequent transfer. Adopted by the Council War, 31, 1943 Approved Mar. 31, 1943 COUNCILMEN leas Nays (Signed) John J. McDonough. Mayor Aarfus hindlan /Parranto Petersen 6 In Favor f R/osen 0 Against .%Truax W, 'Mr. President. McDonough Council File No. 128394 Copy CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Presented by Commissioner Fred M. Truax RESOLVED, wending Council File No. 188367, but always subject to the oonditions and reservations herein, upon tt1H�i appeal of the American Lutheran Church and Otto R. Vold from the decision of L� the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission`iin hereby granted, pursuant to Section 20 of the Zoning Ordimmn-T � 70+10 M as emended, to use and remodel into an ap _nt_h di i, a so-called Ladies Dormitory now standing on the west feet of the north 264 feet of any part of the east 3/4 of the north 1 of the southeast 1/11 of the southwest 111. Section 21, Town 29, Range 22, excepting streets, the conditions and restrictions being that this building is to be used as an apartment building for its life onlyi that no part of sal. promises may be used for other than single family hones end duplexes at th owner shall construct.& garage building, with a car capacity equal to least half of the number of the apakt:snts-in the apartment building, and also a parking area graded, graveled and oiled, with a capacity of at least five oars. to be locat1E44 0 fest north of the no line of Hyacinth 8ireat eatondethat these oon o e an ros'Ao- tions as to single fmnily homes,.plexss be.embodiad in-wW subee4usu transfer of any'part of Cha east .3,l4 of the north I'&'of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 21, Tann 29, Range 22. Adopted by the Countil Apr. 6, 1913 COUNCILMffi Approved Apr. 6, 1943 Yeas Nay@ Barfuss (Signed) John J. MoDonough, Mayor Pindlan 6 In Favor Parranto 0 Against Rosen Truax Truax Mr. -411'u�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL I 7C11"K 1141 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL No.__.o�,, FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS r T. caTl�? r'y 24 > 19Q�3� D BY NON. ----- ---- --.---—- olved, That the Council hereby approvesthe award o' the ntract Co:maittee therefoT',and hereby awards the contract for • the construction of a seWer on an easement being the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of Lot 25, Block F, Capitol Addition, from the alley in said block to St. Anthony Avenue, to FRr,�C SERiriluaE, in accordance v.1th pl'.ns and s.ecificati ons therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 1022 of said Frac:'. Serratore for the contract :^ice of $465.00, such bid being✓ the lovIest bid and said Frank Serratore being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and h reby is directed to draw up the pro,•er form of cortract therefor, and the prep=r City officials hereby are autiorized to execu e said contract on behalf • I of the City of Saint Pa -,:1. C. F. No. 125241-B1Y Milton R.-D— Resolved. That he Conned hereby P= vas the award of - the ConttaI ittee therefor.- and hereby awatdE I Lot 25, R< the alley I 1022 Avelllle, . to FORMAL BID NO. Dordanee 1 therefor IN Nov., To ww C.-jr— AS roIu OLl Bid No. 1 rvow wvwlLAetw Or cDMPTw fdr the CI VIN(Frank e®r PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REI able and '' w...... .I.wr ........ P F.RTY - - - Corp -AU., dlreoted G a w.IwowwurwD.rwo. CITY..w.wws or LOCAL I.Pwov[. cbB&aetna [MIT IR officials T Iwurwo Iwo. LOCAL IMIRove.eMTv-E[ to saia: a. wllwo of�-ga7nt a APPROPRIATED IRO. Formal: B _ Engfneer5 [ courvrr AID - - - - Adoptec pp—, e. APPTOYI S 454.00 lOWeat Dm an',-jr,,INT AS FOLLOWS: being the. lowest r Inable bidder, and the f 465.00 Inset theproper hereby f f s,nand the Proper exeY tg f .:,are', authorized Ict on behalf of City E . 1022.: '> .mate: ..'... $45400 f the C.... 11 Tan. 25, 1946. (/��%`yL�C%1 DATE FINAL ORDER 25, 1946 bruary 2 1946) g -- - -' "— a1 f 465.00 - --IES TO: COPIER TO: - I HER[wY cERTIIY THAT THERE Iw ANc[ AV AILww LE I. YHE A.OY. er.TEO a[w[o a w. UNENCUM w4 wlPRowRI.Tlorvw ro --... --__--- IUND LOCAL CITY CLERK COMPTROLLER RVII—A ... T IN-- ... N TH. Awov[ A .o IT waVOLVI.O PUBLIC WORKS (/��%`yL�C%1 DATE FINAL ORDER Aoo PT[O PURCHASING�ft(/� COMPTROLLER • BY — COUNCILMEN I -]-T ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL YEAR NAYS • IN lll� t� !tI APIRoveD -- — -_ _-.�AOAI.wr Mwrow MR, PRESIDENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,ol«sw N� 1142 COUNCIL COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PREB D BY HON.`7uatry�4_,] 945ea_ eResolved, That the Council hereby approves the award ofYne Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contrect ® I for the construction of a sewer on an easement be-nL the easterly 10 feet of Lot 4, Block 10, Lovering Park, from the alley in slid block to i lehart avenue, to FR-hK SERRn uftE, in accordance with plans and s,.c:cifications therefor hereto attached and the For,ac.l Bid Yo. 1023 of said Frank Serratore for the contract trice of $729.00,�/stch bid bean. the lowest 1 -id and said Frank Serratore bein., tho lo-:.nst reliabi-� «nd reasonaul= bidder, rind the Corporation i Counsel be and hereby is directed to dray; up the proper norm of contract Therefor, and thq proper City officials Hereby are authorized to execute sa_d contract c.n :,ehalf of the City (f • k C. F. No. 135342 -By Milton Rosen- _ Saint Paal • 3 Resolved. That the Council hereb_ a proves the award f the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract foo the construction of a ewer on n easement being the aster- . ply 10 feetofLot 4, Block 10, Lovering' Park, from the alley in said block to Iglehart Avenue, to FRANK SERRA- TORE: in accordance with plans and 739.00 FORMALBIDNO. 1023 spacifleations therefor - hereto attached TIMATE S and the Formal Bid No. 1023 of said Frank Serritore of 729.00 ku h for being n he slowest IT'... rice NOTE, To e[ ccwrl Fl[. wa TO FUNoe AV AIusL[ BY coMP f bid and said Frank. Serratore lading the ""---- -- lowgst reliable and reaaonable bidder. NENr AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO 89and the Corporation Counsel be and 729. VQ I Aae[aecO 'Owwvr e[N[nrr[. PwoP[Rrr _ _ `iihereby is directed to draw try the pro. _ i J V IMF,. per form of contract herefer, and the proper City of. is hereby are i uthorized to execute said ontract on a. wPPwoPRureD FROLOCAL eNPwowaN CNTa AL behalf of the City of Saint 'Paul. ti a. •RPROPIRI—D FROMFormal Bid No. '1024. APPaorwuTro FwoN ' EngIneeYs Estimate _...._................ $732.00 S +. Adopted by the Council Jan. 25, 1098. a cou Nrr wlO - - - - _ Approved Jan. 25. 1996. _ a (February 2, 1946)TOTAL . 6 . . _ . . _ . . s ._ 729.00 . COPIES TO: I N[R[ev CERTIFY THAT TH[R[ IS AN UNINcu Ne[REO aAL- CITY CLERK ANc[ wvwl�AaL[ IN TH[ Aeov[ STAY[O APPROPRIATIONS REIRetIRa[ TH. P[RNAN[NT INPROV[NENT R[VOLVINO FUN. LOCAL IN PR-II—T No. - ..-_.. COMPTROLLER IN TH['BOV[ wltouN / PUBLIC ,r /%[ PURCHASING �✓ Dwr[ FINAL OwDER A..PT[D COMPTROLLER - COUNCILMEN IAW - YEAS NAYS AOOPT[. BY TH[ COUNCIL' Fit l� • --- --IN FAVOR -- gPPROVlO - _ 1w ,l�p•� g}{ M'YOR MR. PRESIDENT Lttl�l�ayy Ow101Nw I� /I a'.a R� CITY CLERK N° �i �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ?� -y P_I• lv t%%%111 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No. /J FOR < .. �/'LIJ/n/(•"_`• AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY MON. O,,.January 24, 194i�.— Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the e Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the constraction of a sewer on an easement beim the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of.' Lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No.4, from the alley in said block to Lafcnd avenue, to F'R.ZK SStitiAlbzc, in accordant,, with pl-ns a»u sp=_cificat;ons therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bild No. 1024 of s -Aid Frank Seirratore for I the contract pride of $835.r)0, such bid being the lo,"est bid and said Frank Serratore being the lowest reli— le and reasonable bidder, and the Corporption Cor.rsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the propr form of contract therefor, and the t -roper City officials are authorized to execute said contract on behalf • of the City of Saint Paul. C. F. No. 135993 -By 11111ton Rosen- f Resolved, That the Council hereby ap_! proves the award Of the Contract Com -1 reittee therefor, and hereby awards thgl contract for the construction of a Sew 4n an easement being the westerly *I feet of the. easterly 6 feet of Lo{ ,A Chute Bros, Division NO.._ fen... FORMAL BID NO. •E"; 'T--LINZ. 1n aC%ol anoe IMATE s 780.00 1024 Ihe etoD attached anCc3f- tj or,mi sir NOTE, To e[ CERTIFIED A[ TO FUNIS wvwuweu er coMPT.JNo. 1089 Of said Frank Serratore for PTION. the contract price of $M,o. Such bid being .the lowest bid and said Frank --_- _---- --- PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE ,I Ie'asotore being the 1C*egt reliable and ENT A8 FOLLOWS: reasonable bidder, and the Corporation I. ........... S[H VITreO PROPERTY - _ 'Counsel be and, hereby is directed to f 835.00 draw up the proper form of contract x. wPPROFRII-D FROM CITY c .HAa[ or LocwL IMPwov therefor• and the proper Ctty officials f are thorized to execute Bald contract r eu s. APPROPRIAT[o F... LOCAL IMPwoveN.NT[-ezeMPr I on behalf of tfia C1ty of Salnt Paul. s Formal "Z III No. 3014. .. APPaOIRIAT.O FROM Enginecr Estimate $780.00 s e. eou.TY .1. - - - - _ _ Approved b'an 25 194611 Jan. 25. 7990. s (February 2, TorAL _ _ .855.00 COPIES TO: MB[R[D a CITY CLERK weL[I Ir w'c[ wvwlL N TN[ weov[ aTATCD APPwoPRIATIONe r0 COMPTROLLER JRN =ROE THE-PIRMAN[NT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING NO LOCAL IMPwov .— NO. ASCI[ AMO TI. PUBLIC WORKS //JJ /7 PURCHASING: - COMPTROLLER DATA FINAL OROcw 4 AOOPTEO YEAS PT[ COUNCILMEN J 1 _ --_-- NAYS AOOD Br TNc COUNCIL NCIL A•nN IL •�I�� MR. PRESIDENT -"- ---_"—�r- .I.. 9^i15,1 "' --�Ffd W MAYOR . CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCLL {➢�"?i� pL_ Cr'r'«1 , 9 :a 114 COUNCIL RLION ESOLUTIONILE No.FOR AUTHORIF LOCAL R IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - DATE January 24, 19,i PRESENTED BY • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award o£ the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract ® for the construction of a sewer on an.easement beim the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 19 feet of Lot 4, Block 12 of yerriamts A:nendment to Blocks 12 to 23 Merriam Park, from the alley in said block to Carroll zivenue, to rtRANK SEct�ta OrcE in accordance „ith plans and specifications therefor h^reto attached and the For,al nid. No. 1021 of said Frank Serratore for the contract price of $945.00, such bid being the iov:est bid and said Frank Serratore beim the lovaest reliable and. I d hereby bidder , and th reasonable e Co_porat.ion Counsel be an is directed to draw up the proper crm of contract ther<�for, I and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Fnn 872.00 IC. ResF. olved. NO. 135•".x. Y , ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID NO. 1021 pPtOV¢s the •} a Commute^ the: � BefowE ' NOTe� To BE CERTIFIED As TO FUR" A'he CI nt. ' .. rTROLL[R - Pa'1-.�NTINa TO copNGL FOR 100-10" et .—{-. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVINe, BE REIMBUR8E0 FOf C08T OF TNI- IMPROVEMENT S8 FOLLOWS!�00 1. A....... A.AINIT ......TTeo vw P[I.7,r - _ _ coo[ S [, wpPRorRIATeo FRO, CITYa R. Of LOCAL I,PRov E,e,Tf — CO.. S f, APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROV .M[RTf—e[EMIT FROPew ............S a. APFROPRIwTeo FROM - - - - - - - - _ _ _ . . S e. COu,TY 110 - - - - S - - - B 945.00--- - -I I a. BERT u, Eae "AR °: L, — - -- THEw . To COPIES TO: AvwILAOL O wFPRoo `� T IU -0 LOCAL IMPRovEMENT No. ---- - CITY CLERK H THE ABOVE wP T ...Ro MEN /J _ --- ---- --- COMPTROLLER v vs eO , Mo Ts PUBLIC NG I ', DwT[ FINAL ORDER AooPTeD-- PURCNABING COMPTROLLE ---- YEAS COUNCILMEN NAYS I f/(.r/y/ AOovT[O BY TIC CIUICIL _ fwvoR —JAN MAYOR E�!1`v�f�c •� a... c..M.. PRESIDENT PUBL1SULD orlQinal to City Clerk . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL /�� p(� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER.._---__'�',�`�' DATE RESOLVED, that the use of Stem Hall be given to the Old Timers' Hot Stove League on February 6th, 1946, for their annual banquet, at the cost o'f opening and operating. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'r+` a�ntn o - 11' e ..............In Favor /���osen l ruax .- :..---Against 3M 045 �Q C. F" No. 135345—gy Fred M. Tr,1ax— Ha11iEl SO LVED, That the use Stove League to the Feb Old Timers' Hot for their' anr. nual bangdet, at tiin the leo t Of opening and operating. Adopted by the Council 1 Jan. 25, 1996. Approved Jan. 25, 1896. (February 2, 1946) (g@� 242L.-L%6 s- Adopted by the Council.JAR-- 2L_ .--194...... Approved------ - .......... -....... 194 y ' -Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jan. 24, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The city Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of Stem Hall on February 6th to the Old Timers• Hot Stove League for their annual banquet, at the met of opening and operating. Very truly yours, � I� City Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION . FRED M. TRUAX. = CARL E. SPEAKES. nmRr MUNICIPAL CI• I -s AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Mw_ --IN THE HEART OP THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Telephone GAraeld 7661 January 22, 1946 The Convention Ensemble ARENA-47.000 S.— Feet wean¢ 16.000 Ioe Ride 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 64.000sq—F"t ° Ever. serrid AUDITORIIIM THEATRE Sating 2.000 Complete 8t�e AR New STEM HALL Ballroom Cg Wete m— Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner seat, 1x60 Department of Education RAMSEY HALL 615 city Hall seer 660 Saint Paul 29 Minnesota 2 HALLS seating 160 Dear Mr. Truax: 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS We have had a request from Frank Shimon, Secretary-Treasurer SERVICES AVAILABLE of the Old Timers'Hot Stove League, for the use of Stem Hall A-C Cn—nt 110-220 Voite single end 2-phn.e for their annual banquet February 6th at the cost of opening D-C C—t 116-220 Vellw Telephone -Telegraph and operating. P. A. Stem InC-bustlan 14ncbfr i— Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution Het and Cold Weser be introduced granting this use at the cost of opening and Do Conpeotio- Cee, Steam operating. Compree.ed Ale Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM 1 EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager Cn� 1 ' I Y i, v2-346 orlii• to City Clerk - eouNea - - CITY OF ST. PAUL �I� NO..._. -=-----.---•----- /1. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED E COMM 1551 ONER.._..____ RESOLVED, that the use of Stem Hall be given to the Twin City Wholesale arocerCompany for their annual meeting on February 4th and 5th, at the cost of opening and operat- ing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto -PeLbrson In Favor Rosen Truax.... -Against M_ r._Prg9jdP3�G,�et+ee'gh"'"'",�"'�..'•'. 3M 9-45 I 135346—By Fred M. Truax— RESOLVED, That the use of Stem Xe be give Com the Twin City Whole- -ltheet'" of February for their 4- and annual Adopted by pand t!"enC ugo pan, i25�19g6t Approved Jan. 25, 1996. (February 2. 1946) ti Adopted by the Coun'cll' ..............................194...... G, Approved ---__-_--_------------- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jen. 24, 1946 Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that youprepare and pre 5re toresolutthe tiion granting the use of Stem Hall on February it City lfholesale Grocer Co. srot outtheir a h�ttmeeting, ached atethe cost6 £Furni, opening and operatings as Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 4 •. EDWARD A. FURNI. Mwwwu Telephone GArfidd 7.361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47,000 Somre Feet Seatins 16.000 Iar Rik 100x421 EXHIBITION HALL 64.000 &Quare Feet Every Service AUDITORIUM THEATRE Seatlnz 6.000 Complete St— STEM HALL Ballroom Completes at— Seat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Beat. 660 2 HALLS S-U.s 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Current 110.220 Volta Sin¢le and 3-phase D-0 Current 110320 Volta Tdepbone-Telettraph P. A. Stem Induced Draft Plow for Cambustlon Marlines, Hot and Cold Water D.. C—actlon. Gas. Steam Camprce.ed Air I DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX, CpwwleelaRu CARL E. SPEAKES. p.rVrr MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM --IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING ANO HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ewnrtwt pF wuwmora January 23, 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request from the Twin City Wholesale Grocer Company for the use of Stem Hall February 4th and 5th for their annual meeting at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the cost of opening and operating. Thanking your I am, EAF:KW Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM Edward A. Furni, Manager origlual to city Cterk ^ d' y� C. F. No. 135347—By Fretl M. Truax. Gp Ir �p�t L�7. Barfuss,nto. Milton co� ///� clrY Essen fl NO _.y /1 A I,� U�.� ice•• WHEREAS. r since th fog ___ -------- OFFICFr O of th unionE, it eco �i by the J COU, IL ESO of�th _'., nRAL PRESENTED BY"'�'� COMMISSIONER__ DATE WHEREAS, ever since the formation of the Union, it has been universally recognized by the Executive Depart- ment of the Government of the United States and established by an unbroken line of judicial decisions that each state is the absolute owner of all lands beneath tide waters and the lands beneath navigable waters within its boundaries, and WHEREAS, said court decisions and said uniform course of conduct of the Executive Department have resulted in an established and a long settled rule of property, and states, cities, including the City of Saint Paul, counties, port authorities, including the Port Authority of Saint Paul, harbor districts, and other public agencies, such as the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, as well as many private citizens, have invested or expended in the aggregate huge sums of money in justified reliance upon said rule of property, and WHEREAS, certain persons have recently asserted that the United States 1s the owner of all lands beneath tide waters and land beneath navigable waters, thus creating clouds upon the titles of the true owners thereof, and the establish- ment of such claim would work tremendous and irreparable damage to the states, their governmental subdivisions, the City of Saint Paul, and many private citizens, and W$6REAS, there has passed the House of Representa- tives a joint resolution, H.J.R. 225, whereby the titles to .Said lands would be confirmed in the reepeotive states and those claiming under them, and said joint resolution is now pending in the Senate of the United States as S. J. R, 48, RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of K1 Saint Paul urges the Senate of the United States to speedily pass said.joint resolution No. 48; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................. 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved ...............................194 Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax .-.-.----_-..Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 0-45 �Q orl,lael to City Clerk '� 1--.g 'CITY OF ST. PAUL irmauaaa_ NO.- ----, 'r -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE w COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED — RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolu- tion be sent to each Senator from the State of Minnesota, and to the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Fiadtw Parranto `Feierson .In Favor Rosen ,fl Truax ..............Against 3M 945 Q JA 2 5 11l" Adopted by the Council .. il................................194 �_.._.. ll Approved.......................................... 194 ............ 4.4-'.ot ....... i6mo�-im-a--y-o--r- 's�7i3LiSHlll �//J CMglnal to CIH Clark - ORDS.: PRESENTED BY= .'J, 1l l- f LE NO. ORDINANCE NO. t An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled: "An administr Oive ordinance relating to the appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and estab- lishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety" approved September 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 3 thereof, in the organ- ization chart of the City Clerk, under the subdivision entitled "Records", the following line: " 1 Assistant Chief Clerk'% Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto \J Peterson Rosen i'resideat cDdb h Attest: Mr Vp" . fres;,-, i rrrex City Clerk Passed by the Council FEB 261 CIn Favor Against FF� Approved: �C$l749 Mayo I& % 12 l3 :.'. .. It, M 1,5349 Orlpina .to'City hark COUXCa- CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�a NO._---__---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /-1 COUNCIL RPOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that a warrant be drawn in favor of Philip Raskin, 4649 Abbott Avenue South, Minneapolis, in the sum of.$5.00, being a refund of fee paid for a journeyman plumber's examination. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss an Parrnnto Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen 0 Truax ..............Against r. resident, , onoug aM 046 .4w@ C. F. No. 135399—By Robert. F. Peter - RESOLVED. That a warrant be drawn A favor f Philip Raskin. is 4899 Abbott Avenue South, raf apolla, in the sum I of Journeyman being a refund of fee paid for a Journeyman phe Co - examination. Adopted by the 9 194l Jon. 29, 1998. Approved Jen. 29, 2. fi (February 2, 1948) ,-I Ai Lc 1946 Adopted by the Council...... — ................ 194 ------ Approved.-•- ------------------------------ 194 ----- �-:-.-------- ----- ,fiti�cFl�' Mayor January 25, 1940 Hon. :truce J. 3roady Corporation Counsel 816 City IIall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Wiill you please prepare a resolution autliorizing a re- fund in the account of :5.00 to Philip Raskin, 4649 Abbott Avonue, so., Llinn!apolis, whicli is for a ,journey- man plurs,er examination? Mr. Rns:ci.n moved out of tlio city before an examination was scheduled. Lours truly, R. G. Zelzer CITY AR^.iIITliCT Bureau of Inspection LAK .-IT R. G. ZELZER W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of pens Supt. of Playgrounds � City Architect • CITY OF SAINT PAUL „ Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner January 25, 1940 Hon. :truce J. 3roady Corporation Counsel 816 City IIall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Wiill you please prepare a resolution autliorizing a re- fund in the account of :5.00 to Philip Raskin, 4649 Abbott Avonue, so., Llinn!apolis, whicli is for a ,journey- man plurs,er examination? Mr. Rns:ci.n moved out of tlio city before an examination was scheduled. Lours truly, R. G. Zelzer CITY AR^.iIITliCT Bureau of Inspection LAK .-IT Original to City Clerk IFN r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM onTF RESOLVED, that the. City approve the contract of the Department of Education with the Veterans Administration of the United States of America for vocational guidance service to Veterans for the .period of January 2, 1946 to June 30, 1946, executed by the United States of America on December 21, 1945. COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Barfuss I_Eir� Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax --------------Against Mr. Prrai 1pnt McDonoueh 3M 945 �O C. F. No. 135354—Hy Fred M. Tn,ax— RESOLVED, That e ...t the Clty approve thraci t the Department of Education with the Veterans Adminfs- tratlon of the Unftetl States of AneH- for vocational guidance servlee to Veterans for the period of January 2, 1 nit to June 30, 1946, xecuted by the her 21 States of America on Decem- ber 21, 1945. Adopted by the Counafl Jan. 29 1946 Approvetl Jan. 29, 1946, (February 2, 1946) JAN R9190 Adopted by the Council pp-----------........ ----_-__-----_194--.--- � Approved.................... -----_-------- ----- 194 - >�us# Ma or Ori Oral to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL, F° ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE$pLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—/J DATIE RE30LVED, that Benjamin H. Brynildsen, Director of Vocational Education, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to go to Buffalo, New York, to attend the annual meeting of the American Vocational Association tb°.be held February 4th. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and,,9th, 1946; his expenses to be paid from Education Instruction Supply Fund G 5. C RESOLVED. That B Ben)aminl H. Bryn- ildsen, Director of Vocational- Educa- tion, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to go to Buffalo, New York, to attend the annual meeting 1 the American Vocational Association oto be and 9th,th 7th Sth held February e his expnses to be paid II from Education Instruction - Supply IFund G-6: Adopted by the CounclI Jan. 29, 1946. Approved (February 21946) JAN 29190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss arr— ! . Approved 194_ Parranto ��� Peterson In Favor �=—� , Mayor Rosen - Truax - Against onough 361 5-54 6 . ortainel to MY Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ASI ,y'COU�NCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONS y+e� DAT RESOLVED, that Henry H. Teichroew, Coordinator of the Boys' Vocational School, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to go to Buffalo, New York, for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the American Vocational Association from February 6 to February 9, 1946; the railway expenses of said trip to be paid from Education Instruction Supply Fund G 5. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss r-Ti—nBraMn— Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax 3M 5-44 6 S h8y Fred M. HenryH.TTeich- �tT t the BOSS' Voca- be and he Is hereby- kkto tor the gpurpos Huff r nnual es omeeZS of he at 9ag kal,th2Febuy , taeld iSu9 lnsgal..PPi the Council Jan. 29, 1946- 46. hoary 2. 1946.) Adopted by the Counci 29 1946 194— JApproved 194_ _ In Favor %ln �WJMayor \ t Against cp 1, 9.-1111, Ate orlYln.l to cltY CE.rk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL BILE NO.....__---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITi'C: F. xo./iayss 1-1 —h COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G pmp�rlactea D' Ti 'I - oso much thereof a� _ of the M+ BY ,- ^ , _ .-/ Item o1 • .c4 COMMISSIONER. v✓v ! 9•' for !• PRESENTEDDATE-. float t neMc• � -- ca RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum,of $750.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the General Fund, Code 31 G 4, for the purpose of purchasing a float or such other supplies as may be needed by the City of Saint Paul in connection with the City and County Employes marching club, said float and supplies to be used in the 1946 Saint Paul Winter Carnival, it having been found by the Council that no advantage can be secured by competitive bids because competitive bide for the materials hereinbefore described cannot be obtained and that it is necessary and expedient that said materials be purchased and supplied forthwith; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby author- ized to purchase such materials wherever he is able to do so. COUNCI MEN Adopted'by the Council ........... :....._---...._.::-_194..-... Yeas Nays FApproved............. ------- --------------------194 PP ranto /Peterson .... --....--In Favor -7L1' '....... Mayor hCosen ,,,Truax _.--.-----Against .. Mr—PUBLISHED L /n 3M 9 -Ab �® Orlpinoi to City Clerk - COUNCIL y CITY OF ST. PAUL NO— ----- _--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L DATECOMM, OMMI SSI ONER.._._ RESOLVED, that out of the Workments Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, weekly com- pensation of $20.00 be paid Charles H. Niemela while he is disabled by reason of injuries he received on February 6, 1945, while employed by the Department of Education, and $30.92 in final settlement, to and including February 23, 1945 is now payable. C. F. No. 135354—By Fred h1. Truax— RESOLVED, That out of the Work --1 men'sCompensation Account f the General Fund, weekly compensation f i $20.00 be paid to Charles H. Niemela while he is disabled by reason of -- - .. lnluries he received on February 6. 1945, while employed by the Depart- ment of Education, and $30.92 In final settlement, to and including February 23, 1945, isnow payable. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29, 1946: Approved Jan. 29'1946. tFebruary 2, 1946.) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barflies lnan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax rest en , 3M 915 QP Q JAIL 29 1946 Adopted by the Council ........... .......... Approved ....................... .. ... .-------194 --- ------In Favor '.. J....Against prtyta.t to city Cierk ---- � CITY OF ST C. F. No. 136355-8yy W. Paaanto— NO. -- WgEREAS. there is Pending in the OFFICE OF THE District conn -oi Naruenve t aai7inYn COON a tion -brought ., LUTION Inc.. n as Pia n d ag tort Salo` T nd e >^ PRESENTE BY DAT WHEREAS, there is pending in the District Court of Ramsey County, an action brought by Northwest Airlines, Inc., as plaintiff, against the City of Saint Paul and others, as defendants, to determine mh ether or not certain taxes levied against the land at the Holman Municipal Airport, leased by said plaintiff from the City of Saint Paul, are valid, and WHEREAS, said plaintiff has offered to pay the sum of $18,396.70 for the general taxes for the years 1941 to 1945, both inclusive, incompromise and settle went of said action,_ provided said payor ent shall stitute full performance of the obligation of said plaintiff with respect to the payment of taxes under the terms of those certain leases from the City of Saint Paul to said Northwest Airlines�anallfotherthe years enumerated, as well as for anyn aid offer isforthe bestpinterestspears tof the the cCity aofeS Saof int Paul' sPaul' RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted, and that the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to enter into stipulation on behalf of said i tlemOut action in accordance with thty f eforegoing or the t ofsaidoffer. JAN Z9 1.946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- -194 Yeas Nays 10" rtR � Barfuss _Ftadit[>S- / Approved------------------------------------------ 194 .-.... Parranto S" -- -In favor �0% �.�-...^c"'----------------- Peterson - - iggMayor Rosen Truax .............. /D Truax 3M 045 '46NP® f �"5 , Orl m City ©er , S e [ t . , .� 0. CITY OF ST. PAUL No -- — — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P NTED SY DATE January 29, IWO- CO MleSIONER mst>Iwv That Motor Vehicle Driver License #289, expiring February 1, 1948, issued to Arthur Austin, be and the same is hereby revolosd upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of his arrest and guilty plea to violating the taxicab ordinance (false trip sheet and overcharge on fare) and for pati% larceny. C. F. No. 13535G—Ey Barfuss—Parran- RES RESOLVED• That. Motor Vehicle Driver License No. 239• ex piring Feb- uary 1, 1d issued to Arthur Aus- tin, be and the same is hereby • ked upon commendation f the Eureau f Police because f his ar- restd guilty plea to violating the taxicab ordinance (false trip sheet and overcharge on fare) and for petit lar- ceny. Adopted by the Coillicil Jan. 29, 1946. Approved Jan. 29, 1996• (February 2, 1946.) "1 2.91946 1pp COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................... .....:..194---.-. Yeas Nays arfuss r Approved. - ........................................1M_ arranto �e erson ..............In Favor ---- ... Q' -- ..... l�,t�y� Mayor Posen /Truax ..............Against ' c 500 4-44 p.Q original to ty dark COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESS ED BYDpTp Tei ii Py Pg -1949 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Lloyd W. Brandt desires to withdraw application 38020 for one (1) Music Machine License at 725 W. 7th Street, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Lloyd W. Brandt the fee of P8.33 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays arfuss 1 an auto on Favor 7In 'Truax Against r. esl en , e on 8M 5-44 'iW 8 C. F. No. 135357—By Barfuss Parran- to— WBEhdraw Lloyd application Brandt desires to withdraw Machine se a for one (1) Music Machine License' at Ire W. 7th Street, and requests the turn of the license gee deposited theron, .therefore be it RESOLVED. That the propercity of- flcers be and they are hereby au- thorized to refund to Lioyd W. Brandt the fee of $8.33 and to cancel- said application for license. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29, 1948. Approved Jan. 29, 1948. (February 2, 1948.) JAN 29 1946 Adopted by the CounciL 194 JAN Approved 194i_ u( ,.-�. Mayor Original to Cl lark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATA Januar,� 2 791:0 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application 37538, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37539, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37840, and Cigarette, Application 37841, applied for by Angeline M. Blair at 871 Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 22, 1946 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss i rndlazf . Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax eat ent, McDonoug 3M 544 ^�a ZI.vor Against C. F. No. 135358-33Y Barfuss—Parran-� RESOLVED. That licenses for Res taurant. Applieatien 37838. On Sale Malt Malt rage l3eve age Application37939. 37840, Off Said.' Cigarette. Application 37841, ppl etl for by Angeline M. Blair at 871 here-, tle Street, be- and the same are by ,granted. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29. 1746. Aproved Jan. 29. 1946. (February 2, 1946.) JAN 29 1946 Adopted by the CouneiL 194 Approved 19 Lam._ 4IVAF Mayor Orlamal to Cib I et �I�r F �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY TAytlaa„�.�t9 a 11�G COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application 37843, On Sete Malt Beverage, Application 37944, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37845, and Cigarette, Application 37646, applied £or by Mrs, Genevieve Smith at 255 E. 7th Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 22, 1946 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea a �� . Nays iBarfusa anhto Z1e son � In Favor osen _rnax Against 3M 5.44 C. F. No. 135359—By Barfuss—Parran- t RESOLVED, That licenses for Res - se'., t, Application 37843, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37844, Off Sale Matt Beverage, Application 3p78845. and by Mrs Ctme Application eve Smith Bat x25511 E. 7th Street, be and the some ar2e5 hereby' granted. Adopted by the Council Tan. 29, 1948,� Approved Jan. 29, 1946- (February 2, 1948.) IN 0-9 190 t�l•1 Adopted by the Council 194— JRR Approve4l 194— 2c�f. Tri . <Za j Mayor tnry C A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VCOMMISSIONER— DATE PRESENTED January 29, 1946 RESOLVED: That licensea for Restaurant, Application 37613, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37614, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application 37615, and Cigarette, Application 37616, applied for by Ben Zetlin and Louis Robins at 127-29 E, 5th Street, .be and the same are hereby granted, C. F. No. 13536(—By Barf-s Parran- to— tau an0[,LApp •teat That 37613n pn Sale jt Beveraget Be, Appltcatlon 37619, Off Sate by Cigarette Be.' eppnlc t oa11 18 a8ppl ed 15 f r 117-29 E. 5th Street, be and the nsarne iare hereby granted. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 29, 3996. Approved Jan. 29, We. 1�eW (February 2, 1946.) Informally approved by Council January 15, 1946 Old Location, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co`uuAe11' 194 Yeas Nays G arfues Findian-- Approved 194 'arrantoet�j erson In Favor �2-<-d, -)1Ad/L� h1osen � Mayor --,-Truax , Against gh SM 5-44 6 C. F. No. 735361—BY corp". Barfuss— Findfan. Parranto— q �y r Fl =S Gf- p Orislad to CIV Cl Resolved. That licenses applied for by named on the 31st attached;our4uL pit al N'O. CITY OF 'the Persons ' to this resolution be and the same are FILE O ICE OF TH y�in�tedto issued such li__eseLupon the Cfty treasury of RESOLUTI� tihhhe =rend tees. Adopted by the Council Jan. 29. 1996• APProved Jan. 29, 1946• PRESENTED BY (February 2. 1946) }gnLrtr 29 1946, COMMISSIONER _- __ --.-- ---- HESOLTED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Northwestern Hanna Fuel Co. 2196 university Oil Brnr. Inst, App. 36756 New Old I Capitol Air Equipment Corp, 577 university Oil Brnr. Inst, 11 37163 11 Cora Colbert & Irene Litshein 985 Selby Ave, Restaurant It 37514 John Fjeran & Henning Fjeran 179 N. St. Albans 011 Brnr. Inst, 11 37679 " Falter R. Anderson 2093 Como Avenue Grocery 11 11 " 37760 if 37761 11 II 11 11 11 Cigarette Raymond Weiskopf 1312 Forest Ave. Off Sale Malt " 37818 David E. Swanson 246 S. Hamlin Milk Store " 37827 Perry Franklin 514 Rice Street Restaurant " 37892 " Nick D. Koulouris 124 Bremer Arcade Restaurant " 37902 Geo. J. & Mabel A. Miller 668 E. Central Pk. Cigarette If 37920 ° 11 James P. Hannon 645 Central Pk.Pl. Taxi Driver 11 37945 Oliver Smith, Jr. 395 Charles Ave. Taxi Driver It 37947 " Paul Tetu 719 Hague Avenue Taxi Driver ° 37962 " Leonard R. Erickson 436 Iglehart Ave. Taxi Driver 11 37989 " Ervin Wallace Quiet 973 Hague Avenue Taxi Driver " 38017 x John Birch 199 State Street Foot Peddler 11 38021 11 Adopted 5y the Coualfi 2-1 1 194_ COUNCILMEN Yea's Nays Barfuss Findlnn Approved 194— Parranto Peterson In Favor ^ ;;y Mayor Rosen �v) Truax Against aR 'fr13uneag4+ r-p:esidunt, 3M 5-44 "*SW6 ' INTERMEDIARY ORDERS, F. No. 1&5362. ,tn the matter oP grading, W: nne Aven- ` fonSnelling Avemr — Wlaafon 27 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY "ORpER In the Matter of grading Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street.,✓ under Preliminary Order 135007 approved December 18, 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the 96ove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Wynne Avenue from. Snelling Avenue to Winston Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1949.73. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of. February, 1946 , W , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounriJAIN 29 lug 193 _ � Approved 193— d City Clerk File 9875 /o or Councilman N#880oidnasna Barfuas Councilman FiadtHif" Councilman IMMIPMMMEN Parranto Councilman.RVINPlasnamsOM Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor Maililgwow norlQ _. Form B. S. A. 8.6 V't1BLISHED % k C.-F.� No. 135363— In the Matter of condemning and tak- ing an., easement in the land- necessary, for slopes, cuts and fills in thegrading of Wynne Avenue from "Snelling Avenr r " to Winston Street, under Preli-nir Order 135008, approved - Deceb' - •4 1945. The '- rcil of tl C' lea• •1l1... COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street, under Preliminary Order 135008 approved December 11_1945 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an asement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynne' ' Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. C r Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of February_ 1946 3VW—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., -iii the Council Chamber of the Court Ein�gthFnattlre d City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ing to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JRN 29 J1100 Saw Adopted by the' CMil,� '. 193— . Y.M:F � Approved 193— City Clerk / — — .File 9874 +g�Q Mayor- Berfuss Councilman on. Councilman Parranto Councilman rce petetson Councilman se Roaen Councilman Tru" Councilmannze Mayor MakVK@?J"* Form B. S. A. 8.6 C. F. No.. 135364— Councilman PSI" =� In the Matter of grading and surfacing :he alley Parailel to' st. Anthony Av in Block 4, Merriam Park 6th A. Councilman R"'^"� n, from Pillsbury str-1 - ? Avenue; also r� •' . Councilman T -- "_ x71'- hom s - Councilman eft' "titer Tranx Mayor Makamye =-- oaoa¢h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER- ----- In the Matter of grading and surfacing the -alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, herriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of Raymond Avenue to the sewer in Raymond Avenues, under Preliminary Order 135004 approved December 18, 1945. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature, of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue; also construct a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of Raymond Avenue to the sewer in Raymond Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1605.98. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the - 26th day of February, 1946 4W at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cound4A' " 1W , 193 Approved y. 193— File 9873 Councilman MV8WKA@WAft Barfnss . Councilman h indlan Councilman PSI" =� Parranto Councilman R"'^"� Peterson Councilman T -- "_ Rosen Councilman eft' "titer Tranx Mayor Makamye =-- oaoa¢h Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk — a- $` Mayor C. F. No. atter — In thMatter atter of condemning eco k- ing an easement d the lend," for slopes, eats and fills in the and aurtacing of the aneypara'•i' St. Anthony Avenue fn Block rlam Park 5th Ade fry hStreet to Rax, 7 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthoby Avenue` in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue, under Preliminary Order 135005 approved December 18. 1945 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam. Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of Febtuarv. 1946 4" , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—AN Nri nJ_ 193_ Approved 193 City Clerk File 9872 Councilman 14999MMOMM Bare CouncilmanWNP —TV-4Nwdtan Councilman 14 i r "sWfF3�q Psrrnnto Councilman ftwn Peterson Councilman R13sen Councilman " -. Troax Mayor Tis' �rlr Form B. S. A. 8.6 v / / ISffirB'/�1 Mayor `rCn. A `•T .. COUNCILFILE NO ------------------- ----------------- _-- J CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order ... -..-._121448 . ........................ .•.-, Intermediary Order ...................................... Final Order ......_12.19-6.6................................. approved......... `... - ............................ 1 19...4.1 The assessment of.....-._benefits-,--costs-_and-, ........................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... ??th.............day of February .................... 19.46--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Ike '9194 Adopted by the Council. - :....... ............................... .._., 19 -'lT..(..!..e..xxr c� City Clerk. Approved.......................................19 File 9183 Councilman Al»� •n itarfnes Councilman Heoi% ° aan Councilman t Mould t'arrunto CouncilmanlWahland 1'etersOu Councilman 3heimer = 1 peen Councilman dente} y' fin Mayor BliBgaen�> Form B. B. 17 d ',-^ ; ----•-�•----- - - --...,, Mayor. �-I33T.Tgr*� COUNCH, FILE NO...... ... -............................. By......_...- ............... ...........................•.......... - %SOLUTION OF COUNCIL At 7 ING ASSESSMENT �. No. 135387— ,y the matter of the a costs ardi expen=e," ' surfacln, a alley 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1!) Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 4, Mattock Park, from Watson Avenue to Niles hvenue and from the North and South alley to Mtacalester Street, for under Preliminary Order .......12.1607 ................................ Intermediary Order. --...._122003-_..._....___..___.....__...___.__.__. 122259 Aril 22 1941 Final Order-----......-... - - ........... ....... approved.... - - ---.Q....--- - 2 ...-....... - The assessment of .......... and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......_ZZth...............day of February..............................1 19.46.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Conrt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said `meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is direct IAN 2u '19 Adopted by the Council ................................................. Approved-- - ................'.....--------.......19......... File 9203 Councilmfllfifiifan:fy-�-qj"�rittss Councilmafi3W'ifson "" Tri ndlan Counci1mar=WiWu6dU ParrantO CouncilmaAzWh aai `" 11 i'cwreou Councilmarie e4filer T°eea Councilman _ Mayor Form B. a 17 � ................ , 19... ..............1i../..!.G� ,City Clerk. _.._.:.../..................:.....?'`^ Mayor. 1R0V-I COUNCIL FILE NO .......... _........................ .. A �`�`•tkj By....0 ------.....................--..--..-......---------......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex ''_?, for grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 7, Elmwood, f James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Da •''94 Q(S cting �,a. ... a sewer in the alley from a point 88 feet east of Devern Stf enter line of Davern Street, thence in Davern Street from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in James Avenue, under Preliminary Order --..._121448................................ Intermediary Order ._121685---......................... Final Order...._121892 ............................... approved ................................................ 19 ..41 The assessment of......._benefits, coats and expenses ,,„-------------------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVEb FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .............day of February .............................. 19AL, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. q� Adopted by the Council........................................a2 9 19 '...... -.................; 19.. r( .-+�-•<"P----- ...-, City Clerk. Approved............... ---.............................19...-- File 9179 G... ` y Councilman 13wtfa Councilman WPgvlson'— CouncilmanW'Donald- ': Pr.rranto Councilman iilartiI .: z Petersfm Councilman tiLim`ti°Rosea Councilman 'WThTgTrum 4/ d=L i i.lS1Il;D Mayor°a°vffb Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO --- ------ -------- -..- ------------ --- By-..._.... -...... _................................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing California Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order -.--...13 .]Q ................................ Intermediary Order..... 133718 ------ Final Order - 133921 ....................... approved ------.....-----Jul-y-17........................................ .., 19 46 The assessment of..._benefits, costs and expenses ....................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council #aving considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it J RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the !N! .............day of f February ....................... _"---- 19_46., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner r to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Coun&01.19.13.......- ----....- ................................... 19 p�rif GC s xr----------------- City Clerk. C<9:1 Approved------------------------------------------ ----- 19.- ... File 9772 0� ......_all Mayor. 1i:.1 � liFa Councilman�le� � $ // Councilman WFVR Councilman 3bn.- — Parranto .�_=a P Councilman �7 n4=— cterson Councilman aLrgj,lSljl D Councilman TMNX FVQo na nn oh Mayor BENNASM Form B. B. 17 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.r PRINTER January 24 194-6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f5.916.97 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 43527_To 43580 -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_--eA-9�9 -194- APPROVE 94_.APPROVED 194_ BY - Ay/ . I'Dr 7n NOTIOE nr — C' a,NtT PAUL • ?A r� TO ' JUNG;" 2^ ION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER k., d,4 — .jrXgate �I a _,I$nus rp 28 194L 'rp�r�R�ESO�LpVcED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, 6O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 92 75,507.26 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ T/OI 3 —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / 7 /f - 2) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— :`f. 194_.. \ '; — 1 . ao!IW® NOTICE TO PRINTER APPROVED 194— BY lkz� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. _..T.q nuo ry 25 -194-k RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 30, 220.93 35 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4_91 _TO—g63U—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i'AL� a �'�^' 194— / GOMPTAOLLFA i / APPROVED 194— 0V two tz-u � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1 '71 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER .._-_-- ROLL CALL 43528 Grinnell Company 13ARFUSS 43529 Northern states Envelope Co. T JanuAry 24 6 -Pw"L",N Northwestern Refining Company Fund 135 AUDITED CLAIMS PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN FAVOR AGAINST 43532 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON H ITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _�. COVERING TR UAX R. X cDONOUG 43533 CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS VPi PER CHECKS ON F IN THE FILE OF THECIjV CfltAP LLER.. :, JII� 73 17� 43534 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCl/ //�-n—/ /L/r APPROVED ---_ -- CHECK NUMBER f,n, COMPTR R '� y. /� .c. RER .—r — / -- -- 15 - - TOTAL_ i DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TclAie SFE DISBURSEMENT II BY BANK CKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I� 337613 96 �1911 636 02 43527 Automotive Service Company 177 40 43528 Grinnell Company 20 56 128'07 43529 Northern states Envelope Co. J 605 22 43530 Northwestern Refining Company Fund 135 43531 vocational school Petty Cash �5 6o 8 43532 Vocational School Petty cash Fund 96 oo 43533 Thomas Maloney 73 17� 43534 American Linen Supply company 1 25 s6 43535 The Kenney Company i' 43536 Miller Supply Company 8 75 43537 Minnesota Hews Company 73 92' 18 70 53538 Multigreph Sales Agency 3539 Northern states Power Company 298 55 68'' 4354400 Northern states Power Company 978 43541 Northern States Power Company 377 85 li 10 20 435432. N.A. Stamp Works Park Machine Company 132 69 j 43544 Remington_Rand, Inc* 185 43 11 43545 Rihm Motor Company 1 81 i; 43546 Roo -James Glass Company 17 7 I 43547 Jos. A. Rogers Company 4 16 it 43548 H. & Val. J. Rothschild Stationery Company 628 42 43549 9t.Paul Book & 25 64 u 43550 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 3 96 �! 43551 St.Paul Braes Foundry Company 60 00 43552 St.Paul sausage Company 11 93 43553 St.Paul Shopper 43554 Schaffer & Rossum Company 43555 G. Schirmer, Inc. 15 1; l 43556 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 192 00 43557 Security Wholesale Grocery Company 17 50 1 43558 M.H. Sime Decorating Company Singer 20 00 ;I 2 45 43559 Sewing Machine Company �I 43566 L.C.Smith & Corona Typewriters,Ino. 11 00 I� 43561 W.F.Smith Tire & Battery Company 293 24 43562 Snap-On Toole Corp. 5 00 43563 Sperry Office Furniture Company 20 26 180 43564 H. K. Stahl Company 56 66 43565 Standard Brands, Inc. 129 43566 Steins Super Market 3 80 43567 Sunrayed Products Sales Co. 110 25 54 60 i, 43568 • Superior Refining Company 43569 Lew Thole Radio Electric co.Ino. 17 25 43570 Tilden ood Market 5 53 i'. 43571 Twin City Bottle Company 27 42 274 43572 Underwood Corporation 55 43573 U.S. Steel Supply Company 6 04 43574 Victory Printing Company 188 50 43575 WMIN 50 00 43576 George T. Walker and Company 15 83 12 98 43577 1T.M. Welch Mfg. Company 45 94 43578 John Wiley and Sons, Inc* 10 99 43579 John C. Winston Company 70 43580 F.W. Woolworth company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 337613 96 •917552 99 ,I L11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER -- — ROLL CALL BARFUSS PATD AUDITED CLAIMS—_;er;,Ry_ 84� IN FAVOR --25"-- PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ECOVERING TRUA% jAS _uo PRE9 p6CDONOUGH ..t CHECKS NUMBERED TO CL.U..SfI VE. ER „�. PER CHECKS ON F E IN FIC FrOF I�1//y�OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE; GO UN 41L 41 /q Orn PTTR'o/LLER APPROVED ^ 194 1 ---------- ' TOTALDATE __ _ _ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT til BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS 'I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 43581 Henriette A. Gell 100 00 527 42 43582 John S. Findlan,C.P.R.F. 40 00 43583 Eben o. Pollock loo 00 43594' 45585 s. Brand Chicago, Mil. St.Psul & Pac.R.R.Oc. 83 55 " 262 89 43536 9t.Paul High school Athletic Comittee 43587 Mrs. Gertrude S. Sudeith ,_ 162 00 485 10 43588 The Flox Company, Inc. I' 43589 Hersey Mfg. Company 1 078 00 40 24 43590 Minnesota Chemical Company 43591 Mutual Die. Company 59 83 43592 R.E.R. Supply Company i66 64 43593 Mrs. Daisy Sohmale 55 88 43594 Mrs. Katherine Seery 55 88 "1 43595 G.H. Barfus:, C.P.Safety 1003 98 43596 Board of water Commissioners 55Z 77 43597 Board of Water Commissioners 165 76 43598 Board of Rater Commissioners 369 57 '! 43599 43600 Board of Water Commissioners Board of Water Commissioner: 399 63, 2202 33 43601 Board of water Commissioners 1263 38 j. 43602 Board of Water Commissioners 152 18 43603 City of St.Paul,Bur. of Aud. 300 00 43604 43605 Robert F. Peterson, 0. Parka Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 437 23 2482 4 43606 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1934 97 !i 43607 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 3301 92 43608 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3104 63 Ij 43609 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 385 5�+ 43610 Milton Rosen, C.P.1orks 249 54 ! ' 43611 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 662 37 43612 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1003 11 43613 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 297 19 640 43614 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 31 43615 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1017 39 43616 Fred M. Truax, C. of Eduo. 939 53 43617 Fred M. Truax, O. of Eduo. 1534 67 43618 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 119 25 43619 Chicago, Mil. St.Paul & Pao.RR. 5 5 4362o Davidson & Gardner, Agents 32 24 • 43621 43622 +)ore -Redpath Company Minneapolis Star Journal & Tribune 83 90 65 Oo 43623 43624 John Toren Northern States Power Company 53 75 117 68 43625 Northern States Power Company 31}2 81 , 43626 43627 N.W. Bell Tel. Company p.+a. Bell Tel. Company 11 66 25 43628 Price Electric Company 47 77 43629 43630 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 10 005 00 43631 State of Minnesota Supt. of Documents 1 95 43632 43613 Universal Carloading & Diet.Co. 'Vallace 11 81 �5 00 & Tiernan company is I! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 363506 40 921 881 48 . ii CITY. OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_ ---- ROLL CL 6 BARFUSS Janna 2 - _tDa— Fydp¢AN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ �—�--- PARRANTO PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DR WN THE CITY TREASURY g. COVERING ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . 7`QI /> INCLUSIVE, AS TRUAX CHECKS NUMBERED TO -3699— H PER CHECKS ON F IN TM FILE F THE CITY TROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ,E --L _ - -- ..H Frno �LeB CHECK NUMBER n Hun --- --- jl DATE 1K�•/�9M-/--r-- TOTAL l RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Ii i ij li I BROUGHT FORWARD 363506 �21 991 491r. i 7 90 j' 43634 41a Kathleen B. Mott, Reporter 313 313 34 j1 436355 John s. Findlan, c.P.R.F. 0. of Finanos 43649 60 43636° John S. Findlan, 10 00 43637 Ballard Motors and Ramp 230 00 43639 Gopher Stamp & Die Works 269 50 43639 Hersey Mfg. Company 10 00 43640 Holm & Olson, Inc. i3 50 ;! 43641 43642 Marvin Law Book Company Mpls. st.Paul & Sault ste.Yatie Ry. 409 50 '' 90 I 43663 43643 N Mpls. star Journal & Tribune Co. Company 7 29 99 ii Marquette Mfg, Company 43645 - 436t�6 Parke—lhx st.Paul Hotel 436117 St -Paul Youth for Christ 43649 H.V. smith Company 43649 Victory Printing Company 43650 43651 Meet Publishing Company Snelling Avenue Commercial Club 43652 Tena Labovitoh 4365 John s. Findlan, 0. of Finance 4365 County welfare Board 43655 American Hoist & Derrick Company 43656 Biltrite Auto Top & Body shop 43657 Downtown Ford Company 43659 gest side motor sales Company 43659 Eitens Piston Ring sales 43660 Elgin sweeper company 43661 Holt motor Company 43662 Larry's Auto Glass Company 43663 M & L Motor Supply Company 43664 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 43665 Marquette Mfg, Company 43666 Midway Chevrolet Company 43667 Mid—Oontineut Petroleum Corp* 43669 43669 Millar & Tarras, Inc. National Bushing & Parts company 43670 National Cylinder Gas Company 43671 Owens Motor sales, Inc. 43672 Reinhard Brothers Company 43673 Geo.T. Ryan and Company 43674 st.Paul Book & stationery Company 43675 9t.Paul Book & stationery Company 43676 ® sohreler's Auto Top 43677 43679 shell Oil OOmpany Slawik Motor Parte Company 43679 standard Unit Parte Company 43690 ,jolters Auto supply company 43691 Young Motor Car Company 43692 ,f. R. Ziegler Company 43644 N.W. Publiostions, 1110 - SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 42 33 34 69 41 73 117 00 12 50 i 19 554 50 15 324 11 lo6 66 1500 47 go. 24 35 29 26 20 89 97 87 56 35 56 5 47 11 27 14 90 76 16 33 54 9094 223 402 149 69 973 36 1 7599 70 34 26 oo 69 51 30 15 29 93 377 46 j I ii I 5o6 4o 61250 79 �! Council File No ----------------------------------- By RE60U`"11ey, A0e . 1.. C. t A in b - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs end expenses for constructing reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate Ho. 8, contract 44-Y-8, 1944 Assessable: F.O. 131317 seat Minnehaha Avenue, both sides, from Forest St. to Earl St. F.O. 131596 Milton Street, both sides, from St. Clair Ave. to Benhill Road F.O. 131231 Juliet Avenue, both sides, from Albert St. to Pascal St- Ron-Assessable t. NonAssessable C.F.130686 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works -be and he is hereby authorised' and dirbe eil "�o` banek : r the neoeexdfi�dkirtik"ytenelona and alley crossing to be constructed at the location listed belowt N.E. corner of Hopkins and Brunson Ste. F.O. 131317 E. Mimiehaha Ave., both sides, from Forest St. to Earl St. F.0 1$1$96 Milton Street, both sides, from,,6t. Clair Ave. to Benhill Road F.O. 131231 Juliet Ave., both sidsi'-" om Albert St. teiliscsl 5t. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITF'1jiiTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable M ............................... equal installments. Adopted by the Council- ------ -. --_--.._...... -........... _.- ..... _19.-------• Approved ------------------------------------------------------19 - Form B. B. 18 . ✓» i ---.., City Clerk. $ULZd�tIED �' y, Mayor. Council File No ................................... RESOLUT1OY ,—v' . ABS __ oi.1�..... 'JA j,..t ,..v•' }c,.. 2i.SG@' Lig', Ji�i.,: .r t ccr L�C� iy's .. LC JLe .. . l;•t aoLL,L�OL Iiool<inB v-, ;,Lnuauu sraq BjjG1, OLOUcp/ po pe coosfLncpeq u, ppe jocs,{,. {.:;. ,,;;c,: an�poLlsoq suq, glLecfuq FO WOES lNe IJGCGEBUL21 C•l • 790282 BOBOTAGq' 4}'Hr fpe 00-182IO336L OL bffP77o !, OL 1( s' UG fiiy '.i6 j Idov-VsseeBap76 s•C 737S87 `-111; VAcunc' po;P sages' LLOM 'i7POLf.?f- po baacar nf. ,,.:y,:"Jrr:nb'1"',tn,n.:.%sr. ty ri. VA©' ro rOuUrTT-Hoeq A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITF�ktTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in- ................ ............. equal installments. n Adopted. by the Council..._--M--2n ......••. ............................ -19 ...... City Clerk. Approved. --------------------------- - ----- ................... 19 .... -/`. Mayor. -............ - Form B. B. 18 p i 17LF1,I�tliiD � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COmAIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January ............... 19.46 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for iim constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, Contract 44-M-6, 1944 Asseesables Ase131317 East Minnehaha Avenue, both sides, from forest St. to Earl St. Clair Ave F.O. 131596 ilton Street, both sides, fr F.O. 131231 Juliet Avenue, both sides, from Albert St. o•Pasca1nSt' Road Non -Assessable is public be and C.F. 130595 Resolved, That die Commitoicausennerothe necessaryssidewalk haxtensionsY onstrnoted at the location listed below$ and alley crossing to be o N.E. cbrndr.-of Hopkins and Brues,nson Sts- froForest St. to Earl St. F.O. 131317 E. Minnehaha Ave., from St. Clair -Ave• to Benhill Road F+O. 131596 Milton, Street, both sidesy F.O. 131231 Juliet Ave., both sides, from Albert St. to Pascal St. ,--menL,-VIZ: - -4997 03 ----•---- Cost of construction • . $------•----�------- 14.25 Cost of publishing notice -----••--•--•----- 2.85 Cost of postal cards . Inspection fees and Engineering 14.25 Amount b court costs for confirmation • . 2278•" ' Assessa le Non -Assessable STOP �•..�.�..-............ Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.....5505-.93______________upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed'by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. l ✓�_____�,C ................ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B- +7. CITY OF ST. PAUL i u.'n' 1;275^i T qI 1;'0' 731pK Y14TPOu 2FLOPp' IMI'! 1','0' 7312II Evs; ViTo"G"ps vneuijo porp H19e'' V:^2922ef'Te __--._..__. ...........:.m - ...,. ... _ .. ..... .. .,... P. --.,vim �. ,•G;g, �'�i mdex%R=Umkmrxx@zim=xxx= x.xxxxxxx2D 2Y7:a 6mx7 7L ........................................................ �aK%�eazacxaxaczcxzcxxxxaxxxxxxxa��xxaxxazcxax xzcxaxxxxxaxaxxxxxx�cxxx�C X�x xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 4997.03 Cost of construction $................................ Cost of publishing notice . $----.-_14.25 Cost of postal cards $.......... 2.85............. Inspection fees and Engineering . . . . . $ I----24-�•-$`+'------------- mount court costs for confirmation ssessa aT777. Non -Assessable . . . 227.70 Total expenditures �Y.M... i ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.-...5505._93 .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such netion thereon as may be considered proper. ... omm.- --------...----._.-......issioner of Finance. .' _ J' _-----.-------------------i5 F- n. B. n. oricma to city Cluk . CITY OF ST. PAUL FaeNoa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTD EY �„ COMMISSIJanuary 3�. 1946 ON DATE RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted; that the bond filed by each licensee is hereby approved, and that the City Clerk is directed to issue said licenses: Robert J. Gallivan 372 Wabasha Street Restaurant App. 37739 Renewal Edward J. Skok 628 Selby Avenue Restaurant o 37744 n II c. F. No. 135374—BY Barfuss, Parran- RESOLVEA lied h for by thele toll LWtn6l, licenses PP d persons , the addresses�ntteatI that the the same are hereby 8r �bontl filed by seely licensee 1s hereby aproved.and tbat t1i_e C ty Clerk directedto issue said neeaaea:' . Robert J Ganfvaa 372 , Wabasha Street.Edw' 1 ard J. Skok. 626 Seltiy Avenue. 1. Adopted by the Coarsen Jan. 30, 1646: Approved Jen. 30, 1946. (February 2. 1946) COUNCILMEN i Yeas Nays a�B Muse to iPetnon Favor iRosen �In L-' 11�-'ax Against Mr. President, c on am -OW6 JAN 30 Y9* Adopted by the Council -194 Approved ounci]194 Approved 194— —� - +IUV ' Mayor We Wish You All wr A Very - HAPPY NEW YEAR MIDWAY CHEVROLET CO. • 24 Years on _ University Ave. Across from Montgomery Wards b HAPPY NEW YEAR .. . FROM YOUR CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DEALER • ART KEMPER Management May 1946 M full of DART PRITCHARD happinus and toy Sale, M-0., /a, one and oil. VERNE KEMPER SHANK MOORE Salesman • CHARLEY TANK Service Superintendent Is WILLIAM GILBERT Part, Manager �-� KEMPER MOTOR COMPANY .«xeaf;3v 801 EAST 7TH ST. TO. 6060—TO. 6061 YFUL The Entire Personnel Season's Greetings New ; SEASON'S Year's GREETINGS and Best Wishes 1 Greetings ! j from M & L Motor Su I Co. ' for a Yery Prosperous € A.<amatire Dabbers mG ! ! Bob Gallivan's Bar 372 W.6e4h. Er.— Reaclla<n NEW YEAR! 1493 Univenity—MldweY. NE. 4091 And I _ _ _ w�w i Autama,l 7r.il.r,~ Gallivan 's Buffet 628 5.167 I ED SKOK & BOB GALLIVAN With the advenf of 1946 w are Orta mat happy fo ,t be arfinq a New Yeer in which we are c. d.,f that w illbe able to 1,11 ALL your t—,p.00 ,needs, whether it be a new ar or truck. Alla new ,take, gain, dump ornder 6ody hoists. Also any , n .II ,foal pI•t- forms and an 6adies, Always 100 used can nd trucks on he for your s.J.di— All units erJ —A carry cur guarantee. 20 year, of serving our North—t neighbors. NORTHWEST'S FINEST EGAN CHEVROLET, INC. South St. Paul LA. 1341 Hearty Greetings a • lar Health and Happiness in 19461 ST. PAUL NASH MOTORS 184 W. COLLEGE GA. 1301 A HAPPY NEW YEAR A HAPPY NEW YEAR !7 I I r li May Your New Year be full of the Fl—t Thing, far you nd Your Laved on.,. He}field Parry Inc. University at Osfard I May We Extend Best Wishes for 1946 And alsoinvite von+ to :e• cur aomplet. line of hoose treilan. Ca �ital Trailer Co. 325 W. Iver,ity. DA. 7704 bill Howard, Prop. Aufomotir• R ... iring �9r6 To Each and Everyone of You Bent Wish.. far 19461 NORTHWEST ALIGNMENT SERVICE 270 E. Bth St. CE. 0935 f To All Our Many Friends and Customers n We Wish to Extend as Hearty Greetings for 1946 \� SCHNEIDER GREETINGS MOTORS, Inc. "Studebaker" Body Co. 165 Pleasant Ave. CE. 2766 Hearty Greetings a • lar Health and Happiness in 19461 ST. PAUL NASH MOTORS 184 W. COLLEGE GA. 1301 A HAPPY NEW YEAR A HAPPY NEW YEAR !7 I I r li May Your New Year be full of the Fl—t Thing, far you nd Your Laved on.,. He}field Parry Inc. University at Osfard I May We Extend Best Wishes for 1946 And alsoinvite von+ to :e• cur aomplet. line of hoose treilan. Ca �ital Trailer Co. 325 W. Iver,ity. DA. 7704 bill Howard, Prop. Aufomotir• R ... iring �9r6 To Each and Everyone of You Bent Wish.. far 19461 NORTHWEST ALIGNMENT SERVICE 270 E. Bth St. CE. 0935 f Wishing `r Everyone the Season's ase• Best/ Mahle.Auto • Body Co. 370 BthSI. GA. 1145. (Corner ally St.)__._. Season's IA% Sincerest malas Wishes I ILTo All ,? I 878 E. 3rd Byers Bar TO. 9008. John BYNr PraN. V To All Our Friends The Very Best New Year Ever i Minnehaha Tavern 1184 Mlnneheha Ave. E. TN. 9113 1N Hap,, j New Yaer 1 fa All Our Friend, and C.dom.n 1' LENDWAY'S BAR / 609 Vnlvenlly A. 0863 aucneel uenawnr. rrov. Frank & Otto Hess Hess, Hair Milk Laboratories "GREETINGS" i I t self `4 li v o I Wishes a 0 39 6, to All W OOG 1 BOWLING ALLEYS I 112 No. Concord I So. St. Paul LA. 8903 HAPPY NEW YEAR Friends Twin CitY Bldg. & Impr• Co. 1048 Unlr. Are. E3.. 8530 Y e A HePPY & e Prosperous 4 New Year e HAM INESWEET HOP 722 N. I j ettr�r� Season's Best Wishes R. J. Davini 347 Minn. CE. %64 116 E. at • CEE. ~Cafe,—Night Clubs YEA R K KOPPY MOTORS, INC. * Dodge and Plymouth Deals. k Wish Everyone The Best of Everything in 1946 345 Main AY Seven Corners CE. 3644 SINCERE GREETINGS WELCOME '46 To one and All—A Very Happy and Prosperous ed Year. May 1946 be full of • NSI good things for you. Yours for finer transportation Harold J. Slawik, Inc. 1150 University Ave. NE. 4061 Your D.Set a-,Plymoufh Dealer A • Very Happy New Year To All] KOBB MOTOR SALES 6" Uni—.1 v. EL. 4433 — NEW • To YEAR All • of • 1946 You We E.f.nd Greetings for 1946 JOHNSON MOTORS. Bn UnHvAty. EL. 3655 A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year To Alll J. C. SWEENEY L W, FISCHER BUD M.GAHN WABASHA MOTOR CO. 412 So. Wabesha RI. 5580 As new as a babe pinned into its 1 first diaper, 1946 is ;one year were predicting a brilliant, fu - HAPPY ture for. If's going fol be good \tJEW YEAR and generous to you, we hope 2 / and we'd like to see if just the I t beginning of unending 'good will I Happy New Year in the world. I I To Alll DOWNTOWN FORD CO. ^ J�i wayside Motors 9th of Auditorium Sts. 75 No. Snelling ^• _ 3 NE. 1394. EL. 51 14 'ST Heartiest Greetings ISH. 6 and Very Best Wishes for a Bright 6 Prosperous New Year CENTRAL MOTOR CO. Studebaker Can h Trucks All- Z. Gramm- DA 6524. 325 Vv3aersll> Ave. • ea: � 10 1 •F NC// 'Joy Brothers Motor Sales (� unite in extending to you the f(ff very we sit New Year great - 1 946 be a good 1' year far you in every way. Best Wishes For a Happy New Year To All BERRY COMPAONYT 917 GRAND AVE. Hea,fy Greeting. and Beef Wishes I., the New Year SID WOLD MOTOR CO. 1031 Payne Aye. TO. 8001 -ImTo All My Friends The Bei! of Everyfhiag !or 1946 CHUCK LANDE The Working Man's Friend" S91 W. 7fh St. CE. 9236 1 JOY BROTHERS MOTOR SALES 196 Ple.s,nt Ave. Greetings for 19461 DOLAN-DANIELSON MOTOR CO. SO, ST. PAUL D*dge.Plym 0h D-4, LA. 7033 LA. 6455 ,yyyJJ�JJ���```JJJ<vv To Every*,* We 7••(�'� �( GreerIr"lnq, far 19461 L. MIRE .1. Paul LA, 3566 NOPPII PQ IIEW VE That's Our Wish To One And All Our Friends ... And All America Melmon Motor Co. B.I..., smut 6 Mel, 235 W. 9th St. CE. 4467 Greetings Our warmest holiday gr.etings to an and all Whit Joyous Pesach! d.y. BLAUL MOTOR CO. 734 Grand - T. E.e,y One W. aEEts W;rh the Best G 04 All i U 19461 I Hansen Auto Service 2S5 W. 7th. CE 6501 WILSON r MOTORS. INC. f l'S� So. Si. Paul Ford Dealers May all our friends and customers Enjoy health, happiness and prosperity in 1946. $0. ST. PAUL LA. 1315, LA. IV Aute A—s—N,-P,ris .v Our Many Friends We Sincerely Wish The Heartiest Season's Greetings MAYER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CO Mfg's. & Rebuilders of Automotive Parts 343-345 Jackson St. CE. 3900 Happy New Year WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 51 E. 8th St. in re Wishesler ° Q.PPY ° N 6 Yeao r KARL'S JtkAuto Parts Co. 1125 N. Concord. S. St. Paul LA. 89" . MA PETLR KAR a. Mmafer Elmer. Nyse9b4: prop — S37 ssjo.at.. To our e,. lom.a .tend dead, Happy YNew Year ') LATUFF EROS. 1. a Johne Joe, Mike nd Bill BTST IY6fMS 869 Univeniry GIIPalo' New Year r JULIA'S BARBER SHOP 306 Pit. CE. 0540 UUHappy New Year . from May Thi> Yaar Bdn9'77 Golde's Beauty Salon Th An oar Friends I y Y TM1e Grealesf Peace) [ 624 Grand Open TYn. A Fri Evea. Oa19 dHappiness Eyeri ^,._,.�..,.•_„", REITER'S LILL'S BEAU�S�PPE ANDY'S SANDWICH SHOP Formerly ACE'S SANDWICH SHOP Noonday Lunches Open 7 Days a Week ROBERT ANDERSON, Prop. E. -service Man 979 University DA, 9636 Body & Fender Works May 1946 bring you the very best Best Wishes of everything — Health—Wealth Happy New Year I —Happiness --Joy and Content- s ' ment. Gillespie's Used Can AL MERGENS 'r MOTOR CO. TO, 0157 STUDEBAKER The New 1326.30 Grand, at Hemline. EM. 1307 A • Very Happy New Year To All] KOBB MOTOR SALES 6" Uni—.1 v. EL. 4433 — NEW • To YEAR All • of • 1946 You We E.f.nd Greetings for 1946 JOHNSON MOTORS. Bn UnHvAty. EL. 3655 A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year To Alll J. C. SWEENEY L W, FISCHER BUD M.GAHN WABASHA MOTOR CO. 412 So. Wabesha RI. 5580 As new as a babe pinned into its 1 first diaper, 1946 is ;one year were predicting a brilliant, fu - HAPPY ture for. If's going fol be good \tJEW YEAR and generous to you, we hope 2 / and we'd like to see if just the I t beginning of unending 'good will I Happy New Year in the world. I I To Alll DOWNTOWN FORD CO. ^ J�i wayside Motors 9th of Auditorium Sts. 75 No. Snelling ^• _ 3 NE. 1394. EL. 51 14 'ST Heartiest Greetings ISH. 6 and Very Best Wishes for a Bright 6 Prosperous New Year CENTRAL MOTOR CO. Studebaker Can h Trucks All- Z. Gramm- DA 6524. 325 Vv3aersll> Ave. • ea: � 10 1 •F NC// 'Joy Brothers Motor Sales (� unite in extending to you the f(ff very we sit New Year great - 1 946 be a good 1' year far you in every way. Best Wishes For a Happy New Year To All BERRY COMPAONYT 917 GRAND AVE. Hea,fy Greeting. and Beef Wishes I., the New Year SID WOLD MOTOR CO. 1031 Payne Aye. TO. 8001 -ImTo All My Friends The Bei! of Everyfhiag !or 1946 CHUCK LANDE The Working Man's Friend" S91 W. 7fh St. CE. 9236 1 JOY BROTHERS MOTOR SALES 196 Ple.s,nt Ave. Greetings for 19461 DOLAN-DANIELSON MOTOR CO. SO, ST. PAUL D*dge.Plym 0h D-4, LA. 7033 LA. 6455 ,yyyJJ�JJ���```JJJ<vv To Every*,* We 7••(�'� �( GreerIr"lnq, far 19461 L. MIRE .1. Paul LA, 3566 NOPPII PQ IIEW VE That's Our Wish To One And All Our Friends ... And All America Melmon Motor Co. B.I..., smut 6 Mel, 235 W. 9th St. CE. 4467 Greetings Our warmest holiday gr.etings to an and all Whit Joyous Pesach! d.y. BLAUL MOTOR CO. 734 Grand - T. E.e,y One W. aEEts W;rh the Best G 04 All i U 19461 I Hansen Auto Service 2S5 W. 7th. CE 6501 WILSON r MOTORS. INC. f l'S� So. Si. Paul Ford Dealers May all our friends and customers Enjoy health, happiness and prosperity in 1946. $0. ST. PAUL LA. 1315, LA. IV Aute A—s—N,-P,ris .v Our Many Friends We Sincerely Wish The Heartiest Season's Greetings MAYER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CO Mfg's. & Rebuilders of Automotive Parts 343-345 Jackson St. CE. 3900 Happy New Year WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 51 E. 8th St. in re Wishesler ° Q.PPY ° N 6 Yeao r KARL'S JtkAuto Parts Co. 1125 N. Concord. S. St. Paul LA. 89" . MA PETLR KAR a. Mmafer Elmer. Nyse9b4: prop — S37 ssjo.at.. To our e,. lom.a .tend dead, Happy YNew Year ') LATUFF EROS. 1. a Johne Joe, Mike nd Bill BTST IY6fMS 869 Univeniry GIIPalo' New Year r JULIA'S BARBER SHOP 306 Pit. CE. 0540 UUHappy New Year . from May Thi> Yaar Bdn9'77 Golde's Beauty Salon Th An oar Friends I y Y TM1e Grealesf Peace) [ 624 Grand Open TYn. A Fri Evea. Oa19 dHappiness Eyeri ^,._,.�..,.•_„", REITER'S LILL'S BEAU�S�PPE ANDY'S SANDWICH SHOP Formerly ACE'S SANDWICH SHOP Noonday Lunches Open 7 Days a Week ROBERT ANDERSON, Prop. E. -service Man 979 University DA, 9636 Body & Fender Works Greetings for the Best Wishes New Year] Happy New Year I "Health" ^---- "" NewHo Y cr •'Weal!," Gillespie's Used Can "HappMesi' Wolff Chevrolet Co. 111 1. 7th St. TO, 0157 A • Very Happy New Year To All] KOBB MOTOR SALES 6" Uni—.1 v. EL. 4433 — NEW • To YEAR All • of • 1946 You We E.f.nd Greetings for 1946 JOHNSON MOTORS. Bn UnHvAty. EL. 3655 A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year To Alll J. C. SWEENEY L W, FISCHER BUD M.GAHN WABASHA MOTOR CO. 412 So. Wabesha RI. 5580 As new as a babe pinned into its 1 first diaper, 1946 is ;one year were predicting a brilliant, fu - HAPPY ture for. If's going fol be good \tJEW YEAR and generous to you, we hope 2 / and we'd like to see if just the I t beginning of unending 'good will I Happy New Year in the world. I I To Alll DOWNTOWN FORD CO. ^ J�i wayside Motors 9th of Auditorium Sts. 75 No. Snelling ^• _ 3 NE. 1394. EL. 51 14 'ST Heartiest Greetings ISH. 6 and Very Best Wishes for a Bright 6 Prosperous New Year CENTRAL MOTOR CO. Studebaker Can h Trucks All- Z. Gramm- DA 6524. 325 Vv3aersll> Ave. • ea: � 10 1 •F NC// 'Joy Brothers Motor Sales (� unite in extending to you the f(ff very we sit New Year great - 1 946 be a good 1' year far you in every way. Best Wishes For a Happy New Year To All BERRY COMPAONYT 917 GRAND AVE. Hea,fy Greeting. and Beef Wishes I., the New Year SID WOLD MOTOR CO. 1031 Payne Aye. TO. 8001 -ImTo All My Friends The Bei! of Everyfhiag !or 1946 CHUCK LANDE The Working Man's Friend" S91 W. 7fh St. CE. 9236 1 JOY BROTHERS MOTOR SALES 196 Ple.s,nt Ave. Greetings for 19461 DOLAN-DANIELSON MOTOR CO. SO, ST. PAUL D*dge.Plym 0h D-4, LA. 7033 LA. 6455 ,yyyJJ�JJ���```JJJ<vv To Every*,* We 7••(�'� �( GreerIr"lnq, far 19461 L. MIRE .1. Paul LA, 3566 NOPPII PQ IIEW VE That's Our Wish To One And All Our Friends ... And All America Melmon Motor Co. B.I..., smut 6 Mel, 235 W. 9th St. CE. 4467 Greetings Our warmest holiday gr.etings to an and all Whit Joyous Pesach! d.y. BLAUL MOTOR CO. 734 Grand - T. E.e,y One W. aEEts W;rh the Best G 04 All i U 19461 I Hansen Auto Service 2S5 W. 7th. CE 6501 WILSON r MOTORS. INC. f l'S� So. Si. Paul Ford Dealers May all our friends and customers Enjoy health, happiness and prosperity in 1946. $0. ST. PAUL LA. 1315, LA. IV Aute A—s—N,-P,ris .v Our Many Friends We Sincerely Wish The Heartiest Season's Greetings MAYER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CO Mfg's. & Rebuilders of Automotive Parts 343-345 Jackson St. CE. 3900 Happy New Year WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 51 E. 8th St. in re Wishesler ° Q.PPY ° N 6 Yeao r KARL'S JtkAuto Parts Co. 1125 N. Concord. S. St. Paul LA. 89" . MA PETLR KAR a. Mmafer Elmer. Nyse9b4: prop — S37 ssjo.at.. To our e,. lom.a .tend dead, Happy YNew Year ') LATUFF EROS. 1. a Johne Joe, Mike nd Bill BTST IY6fMS 869 Univeniry GIIPalo' New Year r JULIA'S BARBER SHOP 306 Pit. CE. 0540 UUHappy New Year . from May Thi> Yaar Bdn9'77 Golde's Beauty Salon Th An oar Friends I y Y TM1e Grealesf Peace) [ 624 Grand Open TYn. A Fri Evea. Oa19 dHappiness Eyeri ^,._,.�..,.•_„", REITER'S LILL'S BEAU�S�PPE ANDY'S SANDWICH SHOP Formerly ACE'S SANDWICH SHOP Noonday Lunches Open 7 Days a Week ROBERT ANDERSON, Prop. E. -service Man 979 University DA, 9636 Body & Fender Works Happy Best Wishes New Happy New Year I Year ^---- "" NewHo Y cr To AIII Gillespie's Used Can 2409 University MI. 7912 A • Very Happy New Year To All] KOBB MOTOR SALES 6" Uni—.1 v. EL. 4433 — NEW • To YEAR All • of • 1946 You We E.f.nd Greetings for 1946 JOHNSON MOTORS. Bn UnHvAty. EL. 3655 A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year To Alll J. C. SWEENEY L W, FISCHER BUD M.GAHN WABASHA MOTOR CO. 412 So. Wabesha RI. 5580 As new as a babe pinned into its 1 first diaper, 1946 is ;one year were predicting a brilliant, fu - HAPPY ture for. If's going fol be good \tJEW YEAR and generous to you, we hope 2 / and we'd like to see if just the I t beginning of unending 'good will I Happy New Year in the world. I I To Alll DOWNTOWN FORD CO. ^ J�i wayside Motors 9th of Auditorium Sts. 75 No. Snelling ^• _ 3 NE. 1394. EL. 51 14 'ST Heartiest Greetings ISH. 6 and Very Best Wishes for a Bright 6 Prosperous New Year CENTRAL MOTOR CO. Studebaker Can h Trucks All- Z. Gramm- DA 6524. 325 Vv3aersll> Ave. • ea: � 10 1 •F NC// 'Joy Brothers Motor Sales (� unite in extending to you the f(ff very we sit New Year great - 1 946 be a good 1' year far you in every way. Best Wishes For a Happy New Year To All BERRY COMPAONYT 917 GRAND AVE. Hea,fy Greeting. and Beef Wishes I., the New Year SID WOLD MOTOR CO. 1031 Payne Aye. TO. 8001 -ImTo All My Friends The Bei! of Everyfhiag !or 1946 CHUCK LANDE The Working Man's Friend" S91 W. 7fh St. CE. 9236 1 JOY BROTHERS MOTOR SALES 196 Ple.s,nt Ave. Greetings for 19461 DOLAN-DANIELSON MOTOR CO. SO, ST. PAUL D*dge.Plym 0h D-4, LA. 7033 LA. 6455 ,yyyJJ�JJ���```JJJ<vv To Every*,* We 7••(�'� �( GreerIr"lnq, far 19461 L. MIRE .1. Paul LA, 3566 NOPPII PQ IIEW VE That's Our Wish To One And All Our Friends ... And All America Melmon Motor Co. B.I..., smut 6 Mel, 235 W. 9th St. CE. 4467 Greetings Our warmest holiday gr.etings to an and all Whit Joyous Pesach! d.y. BLAUL MOTOR CO. 734 Grand - T. E.e,y One W. aEEts W;rh the Best G 04 All i U 19461 I Hansen Auto Service 2S5 W. 7th. CE 6501 WILSON r MOTORS. INC. f l'S� So. Si. Paul Ford Dealers May all our friends and customers Enjoy health, happiness and prosperity in 1946. $0. ST. PAUL LA. 1315, LA. IV Aute A—s—N,-P,ris .v Our Many Friends We Sincerely Wish The Heartiest Season's Greetings MAYER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CO Mfg's. & Rebuilders of Automotive Parts 343-345 Jackson St. CE. 3900 Happy New Year WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 51 E. 8th St. in re Wishesler ° Q.PPY ° N 6 Yeao r KARL'S JtkAuto Parts Co. 1125 N. Concord. S. St. Paul LA. 89" . MA PETLR KAR a. Mmafer Elmer. Nyse9b4: prop — S37 ssjo.at.. To our e,. lom.a .tend dead, Happy YNew Year ') LATUFF EROS. 1. a Johne Joe, Mike nd Bill BTST IY6fMS 869 Univeniry GIIPalo' New Year r JULIA'S BARBER SHOP 306 Pit. CE. 0540 UUHappy New Year . from May Thi> Yaar Bdn9'77 Golde's Beauty Salon Th An oar Friends I y Y TM1e Grealesf Peace) [ 624 Grand Open TYn. A Fri Evea. Oa19 dHappiness Eyeri ^,._,.�..,.•_„", REITER'S LILL'S BEAU�S�PPE ANDY'S SANDWICH SHOP Formerly ACE'S SANDWICH SHOP Noonday Lunches Open 7 Days a Week ROBERT ANDERSON, Prop. E. -service Man 979 University DA, 9636 Body & Fender Works [ 246 WEST- AVE.. S. 0A. 3063 1 Best Wishes 214 Unly.,tt, CE, 59M Happy New Year I ^---- "" NewHo Y cr NEW YEAR'S? j i ' yy GREETINGS far e Happy and Prosperous to AII!i r Midland ) ] New Year HAMPTON '> , iBeaut ShopI �1Midland j�;j The New AUTO BODY AND PAINT SHOP j IBdg. .�..v,�....v.�..�. Greetings of the Seasonl CAPITAL GARAGE 34-X Servlcewinq 0.epal,Saj' All Kinds 524 Selby DA. 9973 Happy New- Year to AIII JOE NEDOROSKI Body b Fonder Repairing So E. 12th 6 572 Cedar A«oa,r.nts ~ since,. I WHh., 11 �7 Happy oN.r Yam I L A. J. A. ) IMSDAHIEndicott I� alas. i A ' • Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Dixie Cream Doughnut Co. 918 University A— NA ppy ve. HAPPY A Hbndly WI,h far a Happy. Healthy 6. W.arrhy New Y. - NEW YEAF Martin Baking Co. 620 Sims TO. 4701 If CLUB CRITERION hNN]l71 Harry Turgeon Joe Sutherland ¢ lZRso The Robert St. Bowling Center Wishes._ All Our Friends The Sinceresf Greetings for 1946 "June" £+ Pick 343 Robert CE. 7924 NEW YEAR Greetings from the New Bob Herold's Recreation 1066 E. 7th St. at Earl TO. 5546 Bowling—Choice Foods and Liquors -..v Our Best Wishes far the Coming 44� New Year Lyle Anderson Bowling Alleys 992 Arcade TO. 9232 4 f4 BEST WISHES TO ALL From TOM McNULTY 266 Uni.-ersity, DA. 9974 ft Greefings to All Our Friends and Patrons Oriental Cafe 418 Wabesha Greetings From � B AND B e NIGHT SPOT CARL DAKKE, Prop. 540 Rice CE. 9787 Happy New Yawl CORN COB NICK'S Ole Pay,, Ave. TO. 9097 Happy "New Year ROY'S GRILL 1 538 Wabash, 8- .ries i ~Sea..'. Greetings )', Bicycle, r ? yNew Year ! j Befwe-n sih a 6th Sts. ?'? �+ JOINT TAVERN j P l 383 Webeshe—CEder 9958 ) 3e i ?.�2D qq�, �• Friendly 7 (. A 4 sei eieir ,) ' Season's ! �^• Greetings! H-ppy New Year ? j Ha and j ?! NEW !?� 1,an ! PPY ?! YErIR?7 AI's ? j Prosperous i ' i j ° Sandwich ] i New Year SHAMROCK �) i i Shop ,.y, rY9 N. SnallNnp`i to All ? INN Greefin to All 1 RED FEATHER �, senwatey Rd., 21/1 mi. E. of i ! ? Ou, Fiend°` d refrnn l BUFFET !II E. Co. Line TO. 24718?I1! ! THE CAMERA SHOP i?AVE. ! / Eedtc131 Arced- CE. 3991 665 UNIVERSITY AV RALPH WILLIAMS, Prop.;�77 �d�_ yDA. 9982 V We Wish to Extend 7 i j i Qur, Heartiest _ e s\ Greetings HAPPY ! I77 a ! ?[ CENTRAL CANDY �,f4frD45 to All i) 642 Grand EL. 1430 _ Best Wishes for the New Year Copilot Drug Co. Rid, nNUn'e.�ityvry Season's g Grreeteet ings from the Greetings \%A Best Wishes of the \ A111111216 ? OLSON BROS. Meetl / end Fin Food P . H.rfr/ Erfenele 7 Nd. e. yeer I Gneling.l TO. 5913 Sincere greetings to an. and iii 915 Peyne ell—Mey 1946 be the type of 1.-....�..�..�...�..�.--.+-•�-• year you went—full of the !I {"•--•--•-"'�---�^•^'^" good thing, of life. A ?!I. Happy Grand Mill Furniture i Shop 811.18. COMP— our Pll . Fj .]rbc ` I Very Ne. Year LUCY'S GROCERY 151 N. CONCORD, SO. 6T. P- ? e roin.lo d— - era h R1et. it ��jl�'C�I 479 Mi1-11.11.1 CE. 103 a ,k. limens Wo pp W -- — e.a,yan. YEAR Our Customers ir[a Appliance, V` i to .4/i { HArE�R"E ? r..�...�..�..�.."._..�..�..�,. J % '�k�+Ar B for 79,46es _ ? ? lc\J w; p• to, a Very "T) % The Trading�) ? ? AMERICAN HOUSE ?) ! nd Friends for the? • n Pra,Parea, 194e ? , • O'Halloran & Murphy j Past J u+ Hoa GA. — ) % Cordial J P Y % ' { ' DUALITY MACARONI CO. ? ?,j j j , ? ? j STANDARD % ! l04Flll IUI % 7 215 W, 6th St, e+ Mein Ave. ? ? {A° Altann]c `weld % 357 Wacoul. % CORIIn New Year STONE CO. [ - stent % % Greef n s "� 7 .� Coming 317 s". Snelling , g j , CE 5578. % ,.,? _ Greetings jl�r , _ Naw roar. ?] l ) ? A,. , i % a ROSEHILL i ^i 1 Greetings for 3 .. f A Happy an ! EM 1307 ( { 9j]'�[_•'^ d esBrrrl�see % i s V - ~~ , % % Prw emus 7 A Friendly Wish for ��? G,eeN^9t 7 . VICTOR'S - i chna,.n, s`., % % The Happy and Prosperous ij NAPOLEON'S [ % "'^' •�•�-; Appliance & Serviceq090 % New Year ) New Year to All j ) % l iw ~New years % Ban Rol. -k, prop NE. 4781 j ?Best ? Fram the ? ' BOOTH FISHERIES CAFE % Gree}in s _ New Year % ! , Twin City { %I 3355 CAFE H. g , _ jWish,. ? ? Bedding { j CORP. j it' .�..�..�.. .�...�.....�..�. To All .�...�. .�..�. .�..�. NNSTLJ q0 w. EaIIc�BNr .....�. YELLOW CAB CO. % — ? (% VICTOR end RALPH !I? <"aur % ~ Em°'^ moot Aq�ncies %lar the / I % — % = HI A, P cot'. LP any ornea 7,_ New Years i ? J TSCHIDA, Props. Farriers J r��� �r ---�'-�--' White Castle � i % eE oar ami j'I j ) , Slorkville �~ To all our friends j jNew�N ������Nv New Yea, Greetings %�. Sandwich Shops Clofh'nq and ' ? Gr tin •aslmrseePs>!c, ) -...7) ' ) F6rn t9re I A Happy New Year j J j To a moor Perran, r. h.r. g' From the lu g 5 1u % CANTON I �.�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�.{) He`d91e Foibfor �j I J % j lulunurin Yn. Pwar was as .:v { ? Is D'S % p6^bom, Lh a os— ` CAFE { ^• ~^ ~~~�,~ I d R bent 1 Richter Personnel SOUTHERN Happy d IF a.,. IN. ` / , _ , , , , ; % ) , 7 J) GROCERY 7 / 387 web.Ih. ! ) -� „„ % FUNERAL HOME ROSEN { C CE sssl ; ' .. ) I j Service j 706 SoOWIIr Blyd. ? 658 E. ]rh ....,.,_ .. t I! I Sree ds I- aath'y s ., P,P/ I J L.".�.�.�..r.r.V Best wishes i; —•- - ROSEN FUR SHOP t ) (r^•.".�..�..�.'�.•�•._�.w.` j enlona mPloYmanl j Sf Peull !) 2D E. 6th 6465 Greetings / E South % Far J { To Alla j •w from the ! { HAPPY , % o {I, caan,.nar, % ����� j 4 A H �) h � „Z O �..�..�......�. j " }p % r e New Ye I H°PPY O°d I j H L i { j G.erg. E. Rlahmr j j~ e l wisher • l (�"""' "'�'^'^"�' ) if ., New a5 ear ! .,�s�ss • °`1�1, Prosperous % ® ? LIDAV O.H. w-il.rr. !on 1946 J Wishing You Is ? i . ? 3a1%o 1946 I ! .iHaok-Em- i YZC`-J ? )) Lois Raudenbu,h I l lE }o our Patrons PARAMOUNT INN ! % i Cow ? !';I DUNSTAN % J HAPPY % ? RT ST, MARKET ) The New Han Kow Cafe (I• N ! ji Season's Best Wishes (? E 1126 Hf Mail Beni Bldg % % '+'�' FUNERAL j'j NEW YEAR % J Mae Frau. v.aa.bla [ Rice St. d Go. Rd E HU. 7614 .I) 385 Robert B.N Sth and 6th Sts. i Hotel ) i % , .�., j end uga,r, Jeck Roses Orchasrre J j .�..�..�,.� 45It Robert �' & Cafe i Greetings ?'j Robinsons Clothing ) HOME , j Bad 0-0.1n I'�.'t'.�..�..�......�..�.•�.•�J'j {I) {"j Store I NN Happy New^1�'�..�..�.•�•-�.°bN RN. ryIr^t•N%II A 969DA} 0113 Ir i N Hee}ina—Pum ~ �., ,..,......,.._..�..�.; , From I Y... ( .�.z_..�...7 .,...,..,..�..�..�..,.ry rsz9awe.- HaPVy j 24 Hour Service ) 161 E. 7th GA. be0a' �`r '_"_""��'V'_'^"�-} ""'"' E• -,? Ner Year :I % L.�..v.�.."-",�„�•�. RELIABLE r it y�•.�.•+�~.�..�..�..�...�. ~ -y Greetings to All ! L to Alll l - / EMPLOYMENT ) New Years { ? 4'', To Ona J All ry Liquors &Good Foods !r- / i ~ Greatin &Best 4 2 {,. ! _ 7 %The TOWI1 Talk %1 y i SERVICE I i Greetin s ( ss • NEW ^-•�-•-• Ill wk, - 9 Wi,M1es for I d ^9 Our FrJentl, s.esan's j j 439 P1.n r /� % HAPPY KIN CHU 2I„ J, and ca,rama„ / , Hide. % MUELLER-BIES % HBPPY I NEW YEAR Best Wishes IB E. III, ""? 1 Sandwich Sho !{ J ,H. 3i.J°I, M[r. j j I ? I',.� �- ,..'—`"•�= •.., jj Susie Q. Cafe!' • CE. 179] I p 8 A Very Happy' ) cE o-bi ! CHAPEL New Year J' '� CAPITOL ^•^I� ~Here's to {J H.r6 Houske Pro (? New Y ( J " David Krupp ! * supPL� } t �'• j the Best p• Year �� '"'V� 575 University )_ •\_ i ^"„^""^""^""'i I ! I DAVE wEINSTEIN {l ��?--•-•- '�. .�' Fur Co. _ 336 E. 7th S[. . I) o£ ! Minnesota Btild'nYearI �. 3e So Data De 8514 I �.�, ��•�� Aw N. DA. 9896 j g / I Ha New .,.z ee,3 w„nes lar red %.., I' L PPYI j ?=�� �..��.�.......�.: Ner teas i Everything _. �_.___._�� , a IWANOSKI ~[ _ .c •^ anseI : ,p ! ' v Cloth MI _d-wh I rl� help 194 I %,),3 { l e} us h m keF' , d 7 ��� Season's j m _...._. _,. ?�.”' ) l •--•-•-------�.-�-•� -_I ° ° en out in e � ? J ~The Very Best Wishes ~' "•l KIRCH & GILLIS l�• 194e ( 'V~ •�•-•-�- j g y ar b�e°� BASKFIELD to, ) Greetings J ! !I finding VVPL FUNERAL HOME ! % to All f~~��~~~�� % CAFE / ) ( g you the job you I 633 w.b.,h. i re¢tltl S j SEASON'S j I 7 !% L 1t"' The Silver / % 1601 unlreri W 'i Es Esquire Bar ' �+ " ? j wan`. { We Sincere/ wish You a ? ( 1946 { J °' Conred Healing Coaches _! ,q {) - GREETINGS Y 7�i g7 i L,.._......�.._.._.._. /�z3 un 'ty DA. 1818 �'h 4w l HAPPY NEW YEAR [ I IMir 1031 W. 7th ? wi,ha, rou ! •—..—..—•--`-�- _ _ "" J j � k t', � Oscar ?;j Graebner and { ?� � _•_ �� � V�•, j E. W. SCHMIDT FURS ? � Ery. g r, i j ~ Be,r WI h tar ou, ^� J ~-� % J �� �' Weitzman { Com I 651 Un'versi �-. - A HaPPY New Year a HPPPY dna vias I w �e zman % pony _ " , l j V 65 r� ri �N 7 ?~ . ,I r Per ? I j k Best Wishes ? •1638 Rce HU. 9987 ii New Yea A % j ! / IB9 E. ]rh :) Professional Employment (J Ch.,l., A. f Fa. NSEASON'S % j �Serv'ca Godbaut JERRY'S J Pre emus ? i j i.,..,,.�..�..�.._.._..�..�..,. ? EeEr•r- p I f i d San % J GREETINGS % % NIT E CLUB ) Lj W„dn9On.ane! the agency for men" % and ;j HAPPY NEW YEAR ! New Year Ho New YearI P,oneer Bldg. CE. 8505 chep.l % i % •/: ° e 449 Snelling. ) PPY Al,AI, a HvppV i g• .r 7 r' ? FROM tram } .•e••r'..^�' - J t, !i� ) * t) from I 1 Nar r.m ^`^'^'^•-- -^ �l I M.mar.l 7r1an91. HEALY LI To All I) S60 w. nh s FREEMAN OIL CO. % % Plumbing & Heatin Co., ^' .,. ^"� j ' Fiorito's Venice Cafe � L. D. Caddo" �' �~���.-..�...� ) .,. Fa.l on far L.,.. l g g �_._�_� % g. ! • re An a. DOYLE'S CHICKEN $HOP • ! I ! b B,,,, ? ? Best Wishes for o Happy .�J ! i cE 3635. 56 N. DALE %) IIT r --- !% y�Jh+ Friend a I,/ (R op nedl J ?y 252 W. Kellogg Blvd. j 3w E. em l 1 / New % M.ch<^Icel Egvi Heppe Ner MpI , MA. 9881 Sr. Pevl NE 97]3 •�• •1 _ _ rosperouS pm.nt Conirec}an il. i I N and P % Years ! )- -•�- ..�..�..�..�, .�•s i 279 W. K.Ilo�g Blvdi CE. 3631 'm.�•ffi7 (, ? e CONNEY & i .".�,.�,,.�,,.�,� r'.�'.�'.v.�.""�.'�"'_' 1 N zl�ti� .``. `a•'v°:v �. t New Year ? Greetings ! NNav0lvater, ) _ A Happy New Year % . ;,e RAGOGNA Ji, , , , ~ l i Greetings (j� l ? DAHLIN ? ' re ur our i ! i t! Fumrel Hama 7 Friends and ? 7 I BAR ! ! r Wishing All !ora / $f, Pour Goodwin j { szu un1•.anit7 t / v HAPPY { %~ cr,.ram.,. 4 _-- ? t0 All illN 4u Rob.rt ,, v H b °! I I t Indushies Walker { ( +''""}•„ J I ( N „y,v,�,^,,.�,V � 1 �^ as appy „ Prosperous i � IDth 5 S'�E. S CE 2585—CE 2586 ? i ��-'�•^•^•'"^"� r"^'^'{ % NEW � , 4 Y,ar '•v~ war Pro P taus r —, {) ! ^- sr. Paul plumb• _. Parrish s Cafe t) % j 1946 i J New tea j �emr b7 ^' r ;; yea Employment j '" �) YEAR % • a H.a}Ing % 752 W. 7th !jj 7L, '•)= HOPPY %: 'nu �� RAY iRAYNOR I j°" a l) ) To i 'a4z cr.na. s -- f_ e w 7 p p ; , _ : ' Happy New Year s E, sms h a Ser3ice { i % 3.- ...._ -- ° New Year! ' { SNAIL LAKE � ' ! ` Y ! ! {I' All Our Friends EL 34n. ,gaslu AT j, SH00.3 LINE INN: t...�. ..�.._ - -s `1/�'' f,i Johnson &Sons ^•�•^•^�^•A ..,. L.,�„�„r-�..�.,�.,.�,,.�.,�„„ VV..��•+BCtlY� TAVERN ]83 W. 7th t - �.r_. _.:_..�.., 19za Minnesota BId9, GA. 78u ! % ,�'r •, , j and Customers.�---•�--- _erold C. Anderson % I _ ) MATT WEBER CAFE I ' l 533 N.W.NBank Bldg.. M 1, Ga 0336 - L7 �) ow /a, FI F od,-Li u r { N�., CE. 9315 ! ! s�,ur, w',h.s ! 9 p j l funeral Dveclon !) W C. Stieger EL 3184 Best Wishes I __ ss1 mama, / % HU. 2458 Wm. A. Sabin, Qwna _ _ .,fain 9 0 _ __ _ L�..�- ". Season's �. NN: ~Nh�N '..! 1..-.NNNNN�ry� NVNNNry�ry_.i I for the I Fn`d.l N~^ 932 Pan Ave.— TO. 1247! _ �•,�, •�,v��� % To All Our I' MNN I w�V ._..,.., — _A Ho ~and I J N.. Y.er j � •T 1 , � i Customers A �. _ _.. j Greetings �......_.._. A Hopp l r S o �ry5evson's ! ?N PPY I ! ,--._..,. .,. HOPPY ? l _ e t ST PAUL �" New Year ! J di Best Wishes and Friends r' '1: i I'I ' a • u✓� �, Best Wishes l I `•£J' l Ila An %) ! a ! J Y M. C. A. far •'(' and ProsPe�oas I! �, Greetings ?., iro "(j" Prosperous I %'.) r° A71 !I% vn` / I i) HEFLUG ATING �JAIJ� a�11 athe New Year lL�1G �ivtli 7946 do (I from 7 New Year I) til INVESTORS jWThe New Year _ % PRODUCE CAFE 7 ! ? e ) SYNDICATE ! i The National Funeral Home .% % 755.257 uni-city L J OReill 's Cafe ! � l Lanno s Sod, Founfa'n L h ! Y'"—^—••�-•�•�• 200 Roaneka ( Cerlwn Funeral Rey Plug. Pp.516 Jackson CE. 8955 Y THE GREEN GATE ?li n) �?Home ) 349 un'r.r,Ity Ara. 1 EL. B9g5 jBEN GLEEMAN, Mong., t i 791 Rica Sr. I ! 364 ... Peter 1• n Commerce Bidg , I ��� Bldg., MPIs ,.3t' 4 Peybe Are { t•"-"�,N� ( i�„�•�•v��EN.s�D Ai 3919 L - 1 , �! -_ New Year's ') _ __ �) ) - -...t ... .a..e,a. .� �.oiNi Nei. .�. ..�.~../ % !� vN For,-ih .�. GIM S op•....�..�. Insurance i-..�..�..�,.�..�..�.. .-� t N .�..�..�..�.�.�..�..( J HAPP'J'N ...�...�..�r ,�'.�..�..�..�.....�..�..�. Greetings % .�..�. �.,.�..T ..-. Graeung, _ % wl,n;n I FN.ndr wlreo? I PPY ~~~ v.- 7 5,mon's % ` rp Au oar ' ''e" ' ' friendly Wishes % ) gaa•N ° Ha ">" { i > ! se I j ) I eeee, ro, _ rad Au -'�1 v j season:~ . ] GrlSNngt F,Pm . Frlrna, A< p. % {O All „s r/'..1 A Happy l for IA. New ? V^ F�unln JJ Greetings( j rfhe New Year I'; ] /�!/r, the Yearl ! - Ne. Year Greetings %''(j' f0 the j) n _ £ { 3 ' , , ) ) r , Yrar J EQUITABLE — Lunch ° _ Guardian Grl!!III Mr 6 Mn I' YEARII I ) From the !' wAL'ER BUTLER I $chi try YE6p O'BR RA L , " Guardian Lir. Bldg ( Jae Daft l' SLATER'S RESTAURANT I {) COMaAr ) Greenh !'I NEM FHOMEL deiy et v s - ) _ _ �D,E, t� ( ROMAN CAFEry j w .. INC. I ' P , Ori F. 60'ft 7? i I m - I�Dof, end We11Y HoPlnerNN� CE. 9996vjILMN1557'Unlranity Are %'j 57 W. Ne11a99 Blyd. !,r, y , eltla N j) Nk�Nerr� { ( P ~~1115 L'.e.V4n ll>• e ( 535 Hamm ? 14 E. dlry.� jt' Hla[. GA. 38N5! r^ SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS George' Demos and I attended the national convention of the American Legion in Chicago as delegates last month. George has a beautiful off -sale place in Rapid City and is one of the active Legionnaires in South Dakota. The ex -servicemen of World War I did an awful lot to keep this country from going into wartime prohibition again. These boys remembered what hap- pened in 1918 and 1919. When they came home an[ found Prohibition, they resolved that the new veterans return- ing were going to have none of it. All through the United States veterans and their organizations actively went into the battle against a return of Pro- hibition. In our own session of the legislature, our state adjutant of the American Legion made one of the most effective talks against local option and through his efforts this vicious bill was defeated. The writer could not help but notice the contrast between the Chicago convention and those held im- mediately following World War I when Prohibition was a law of the land. The boys in Chicago were well behaved. There was very little drunkenness, no windows smashed and none of the rowdyism that attended the national Legion conventions during the first years of Prohibition. Under Prohibi- tion usually all Legionnaires came to the convention with their own bootleg corn whiskey and alcohol and this vicious sluff created havoc. Compar- isons are always odious but the con- INSURANCE PROBLEMS Every liquor dealer should have his insurance matters carefully looked over by pro- fessional insurance specialists. Don't take chances on any coverage today. We give you the finest ,insurance service and often save you money be- sides. Every kind of insur- ance analyzed and written. Gaeckle & Wiedenman, Inc. Madison, South Dakota 16 By W. V. WIEDENMAN Secretary, South Dakota Liquor Dealers Association trast was so great and noticeable that many made remarks about it. Over 90,000 Legion veterans attended this convention in Chicago and to have it as well behaved is primarily due to the legal and organized control of the sale of liquor. Many of you do not know Milton Figen, the editor of this magazine. I need say little more except that he is one swell fellow, but he always gets into my hair asking that I keep this column more personal. He wishes me to have more names and news of South Dakota dealers. I am willing to oblige, provided you readers will furnish me with news that you would like in this column. Perhaps you have ideas. If you have such, make a note and send them to me. They need not be written up in fancy language as I will be happy to re-edit where necessary. I appreci- ated a nice long letter from C. B. Cash- man of Hayti. C. B. thinks the ruling we have in the state requiring a pur- chaser of the liquor business to estab- lish residence in the community for one year is unfair. His contention is that this should be changed so that only residents who have lived one year in South Dakota should be given licenses, but that they should not be required to live in each subdivision for one year. He claims that in the smaller communities if a tavern dealer im- proves his place and invests consider- able money to make it a good tavern and he wishes to sell, a hardship is put on him because it might be a small community where few buyers exist. If any of you owners have suggestions, just send them in and we will discuss them. This article is written for the De- cember issue, and being still filled with Thanksgiving turkey, I find it hard to think of Christmas. However, by the time you get the magazine, it will be the Christmas issue. It is always pleas- ant to wish a Merry Christmas, and my only regret is that I cannot stop in at all places and personally greet you and perhaps enjoy a Tom and Jerry with you. However, from the bottom of my heart it is my wish that each and everyone of you dealers and tav-, ern men will have a Very Merry Christmas. Pheasant hunting near Gary in South Dakota, weekend of October 27th—Left to right: Bob Gallivan, owner of two of the most popular bars in St. Paul; Taylor Hay, manager of Chicago's Union League Club; Ike Sewell, division manager, the Fleischmann Distilling Corporation; £d English, Wis- consin state manager for the Fleischmann Distilling Corporation. NORTHWEST PACKAGE & TAVERN NEWS—DECEMBER, 1945 IkIT_,�7 -WAi Called on E. A. Curry at Kearney. He was visiting his mother in Missouri. Saw R. G. Lehman of Wakefield. He ad just returned from the hospital. Also said "hello" to Jack Meister at Wayne. He says he is the best duck hunter in northeast Nebraska. Some doubt it. Dropped in to see Harold Maeklem of Laurel. He has found a sneering pheasant. (Sounds like Pedersen's hunting luck.) Buff Rowe, Loup City, now has two ,tame squirrels that come to the store door every day for their nuts. They have nothing on me—I'm nuts, too. Stopped to see Charles Chandler at Ansley. He has been on the sick list, but is now improved. Last, but not forgotten: my com- petitors in northeast Nebraska—Wally Street, Owens, Hughes, Burns, Suhr, Lucore, Sutton. The only complaint I have is, they didn't sell my brands— busy with their own. Good luck, fel- lows. You have all been grand. It has been a pleasure the past year calling on liquor dealers in Nebraska. Hope to see them all in the near fu- ture—those mentioned above and those space will not permit to mention this time. So, to everybody — I do mean a "Merry Christmas"! Meeting of Rural Liquor Dealers - of Minnesota Is Well Attended at Winona Their pictures came too late to go with the story of this October meeting. So to show how well attended it was we give you this pictorial proof. At the speaker's table, left to right, sit Mr. Len Derrick, Winona, State Representative; Mr. M. J. Galvin, Winona, Slate Senator; Mr. Wm; Gronholz, Waterville, past secretary; Mr. Nelson, representing Liquor Commissioner Earl Haskin; Mr. Joe Sandkamp, Waite Park, past president; Mr. Henry Zollman, Winona, director (standing); Mr. Henry Kowalewski, Winona, toastmaster; Han. John Drury, mayor of Winona; Mr. R. T. Rheaume, St. Peter, director (past vice-president); Mr. R. E. Donahue, Janesville, past treasurer; Mrs. Earl Chodister, Winona; Mr. Earl Chedister, Winona. good neighbors Rock Spring Water and rum from the sun -kissed lands to the south have always been good neighbors —when mixed together in a tall, re- freshing rum mllins. 11JOCK SPRING SPARKLING WATER (Return emPlr bottlrr PmmPtlr) Self-regulatory Program Launched By Nebraska Liquor Dealers` Some thirty odd midwestern Nebraska cities were represented at the Liquor Dealers' meeting in the Pawnee Hotel, North Platte, at which Clarence N. Dufek'director of field education for Allied Liquor Indus- tries of New York; Jackson B. Chase, chairman of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, and Jack Marer, general counsel of the Liquor Dealers' Assn., were the principal speakers. President T. D. Pyle, of the city council, acting on behalf of Mayor P. McFarland and the city council, welcomed the delegation. Dufek outlined a three-point program which he recommended that the dealers inaugurate in their respective communities. The program includes: (1) Establishment of a Citizens' Advisory Committee on liquor industry social responsibility. (2) Establishment of a self -regula- tions committee within the industry, whose principal objective would be to eliminate undesirable practices and conditions. Ac- tivities of this committee would have the support of all dealers. (3) Publication of a series of newspaper advertisements. The ads point out the wisdom of the law which prohibits sale of alco- holic beverages to minors and solicits the cooperation of both parents and juveniles in the observance of the laws. In addition, the ads stress the theme of moderation. Throughout the advertising campaign the dealers pledge not to sell to minors, to abide by legal opening and closing hours and to maintain clean, orderly business places and to promote the principle and practice of moderation. Marer spoke on the desire of the wholesalers to cooperate with the retailers in their problems, particularly in regard to community rela- tions activities. Chase and Marcus L. Poteet, members of the commission, urged dealers to take active part in self-regulatory efforts within the industry. The meeting, which marked the opening campaign aimed at elimina- tion of unsatisfactory conditions in the sale of alcoholic beverages, was sponsored by the Nebraska Wholesale Liquor Distributors Assn. and was attended by wholesalers', retailers' and distillers' representatives. NORTHWEST PACKAGE 6 TAVERN NEWS—DECEMBER. 1945 January 29, 1946 License Committee City of Saint Paul Gentlemens On Thursday, January 246 Mr. Hilary Flynn, Director of the Council's Investigation and Research Bureau, communicated with Chief of Police C.J. Tierney and me regarding the investigation he was con- ducting concerning the ownership of On Sale Liquor businesses operating on licenses issued to Robert J. Gallivan at 372 Wabasha Street and Edward J. Skok at 628 Selby Avenue. He informed us that he had examined a lease for the building at 628 Selby Avenue, which shows Mr. Skok as the lessee; several insurance policies covering the contents of building, which show Edward Skok as proprietor; and that there is on file a Power of Attorney authorising Mr. Skok to conduct the business at 372 }yebasha Street. All of these documents he found to be in proper order. Mr. Skok had signed a letter authorising the City, through the Council Investigation and Research Bureau, to examine any records necessary to conduct this investigatidn. Mr. Gallivan, who was out of the city at that time, has now also signed such a letter. As it was neoesaary for Mr. Flynn to go away on other business, he requested Mr. Skok to bring to the Public Safety Building his books showing receipts, bank deposits, disbursements, and ledger accounts for examination. Mr. Skok appeared, accompanied by Mr. Willard Murnane, his attorney, and was interviewed by Chief Tierney in the presence of Mr. Murnane and myself. Mr. Skok informed us that he had purchased the establishment on Selby Avenue from Mr. Gallivan and that he had made a down payment, and the balance was paid in installments over a period of time, ending in 1943. Examimtion of the records confirm this statement. To questions concerning the operation of the business at 372 Wabasha Street, Mr. Skok explained that his daughter is married to Mr. Gallivan, and that the Power of Attorney enabled him to operate Mr. Gallivan's business while he was in the armed services, and for which he received a salary. Social Security reports of Mr. Gallivan's CITY OF SAIN\PAUL Capital of Minnesotan Asalefcy I POLICE (J FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 29, 1946 License Committee City of Saint Paul Gentlemens On Thursday, January 246 Mr. Hilary Flynn, Director of the Council's Investigation and Research Bureau, communicated with Chief of Police C.J. Tierney and me regarding the investigation he was con- ducting concerning the ownership of On Sale Liquor businesses operating on licenses issued to Robert J. Gallivan at 372 Wabasha Street and Edward J. Skok at 628 Selby Avenue. He informed us that he had examined a lease for the building at 628 Selby Avenue, which shows Mr. Skok as the lessee; several insurance policies covering the contents of building, which show Edward Skok as proprietor; and that there is on file a Power of Attorney authorising Mr. Skok to conduct the business at 372 }yebasha Street. All of these documents he found to be in proper order. Mr. Skok had signed a letter authorising the City, through the Council Investigation and Research Bureau, to examine any records necessary to conduct this investigatidn. Mr. Gallivan, who was out of the city at that time, has now also signed such a letter. As it was neoesaary for Mr. Flynn to go away on other business, he requested Mr. Skok to bring to the Public Safety Building his books showing receipts, bank deposits, disbursements, and ledger accounts for examination. Mr. Skok appeared, accompanied by Mr. Willard Murnane, his attorney, and was interviewed by Chief Tierney in the presence of Mr. Murnane and myself. Mr. Skok informed us that he had purchased the establishment on Selby Avenue from Mr. Gallivan and that he had made a down payment, and the balance was paid in installments over a period of time, ending in 1943. Examimtion of the records confirm this statement. To questions concerning the operation of the business at 372 Wabasha Street, Mr. Skok explained that his daughter is married to Mr. Gallivan, and that the Power of Attorney enabled him to operate Mr. Gallivan's business while he was in the armed services, and for which he received a salary. Social Security reports of Mr. Gallivan's License Committee - Page 2 business show that Mr. Skok was an employee. Mr. Skok reported the salary he received from Mr. Gallivan for this service on his income tax returns. Mr. Skok also lists on his income tax return all of the profits of the business at 628 Selby Avenue. Mr. Gallivants tax returns show only income from the business at 372 Wabasha Street. In answer to questions regarding joint advertising and tele- phone listings of both places as Gallivants, Mr. Skok explained that as he had bought the business from Gallivan and Mr. Gallivan was better known than he, he thought it would be good for business to leave the name as it was, not realizing that any harm was being done. His explana- tion of the "Tavern News" article was that Mr. Gallivan was not responsible for that. The books presented for examination show than all of the re- oeipts are deposited in the bank, and expenditures are made by check. Other than purchase payments mentioned, the check registers, day books or ledger accounts do not reveal payments or division of profits in any manner between Mr. Skok and Mr. Gallivan. Applications by Mr. Gallivan and Mr. Skok for 1946 licenses have affidavits attached saying that they are the sole owners of their businesses and are interested in no other liquor business in Saint Paul. Respectfully sub tt d, License Inspector original to Cltr clerk (\ CITY OF ST. PAUL cOu"' No ------ _. .__-.. _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_AZ � �� DATE January 30 1946 ? IL AZ That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Oomptroller, for the Department of Education, from time to time as required for a period of one year, such books of the necessary number for their book supply of text books as are on their present list or may be authorized by the City Council, without adver- tisement, as these books are to be bought direct from the various publishers and it is Impossible to obtain competitive prices. Charge School Book FunA 1072 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss an arrgnt0 e�t son ..............In Favor Rosen /Pivax °--.._. Against resident, c onoug 500 4-44 -4900.Q Fred M. Truax. Ipon the reeom- ommisBloner of ing Agent be, �thorized� to pur- trollyr, for tion, from 3G� X946 Adopted by the Councl AIV _......_..-: ......................194------ Approved.... .......... .................. ------- 194------ Mayor ( z,i9V6 orlalnal to Ohy er CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNCIL NO ------ ___-- - \ \ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January `30, 1946 COMMISSIONER --- RESMVED That Motor Vehicle Driver Lieensse#98, expiring -February 1, 1946, and #60, expiring February 1, 1947, issued to Elmer Tinklenberg, be and the same are hereby revoked upon reoommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of E1mer,Tinklenberg to the charge of sale of liquor, no license. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss 72ar to �- eyerson .sen 4I'USR Mr. , 500 4-44 .�.Q _r� . ------ ...... In Favor .. --..Against C. F. No. 135376—Hy Bartow, Parran- S�ESOLVED, That -Motor Vehicle In river 1,1c.,wm No: 93, exP�g Febru ery 1, 1946, and No. 60, exptring�_ ry 1. 1947, issued to Eliner. ! berg, be and the same are eberetiy re- yoked upon-. recommen�atio of the are Bureau of Polfceabeo Elmer-Thilden- _aY and. autlty P petq to the, charge of sale of liquor. noilcenae• 1846. Adopted b, .the Council "Jan. 30, Approved Jan. 30. 1946. tFe)rmary 2. 1946) JAN 30 19 Adopted by the Council..................................194...... ,Wk' Approved-------------........ ----------------194. f Mayor CtoF-•:. Nd. 135377-By Bartuae, Parrett- ,-C, 537 (.B I `. P Y RESOLVED,^ • Orldnel to C14 b me 17Iat alenaea.: aPDlled for j Y plte006 Helped On m! IISC et- ,COUNCIL TY BBRObICea-e re6alanan 'bC FILE ii NO. ben and m! Clerk le- Lutep ate• end ml. Clty ICE OFT upon na tO ksue . Rcena_ ., ffeeeury of thpay3, nmlr!d�imeee. me C14 CIL"RESOLU wdoyted byy me. Woancii Jan. 30, 1sae. Approved . Jan: 0; 19"6. PRESENTE Y (February $ Iggg): COMMISSIONER Jia,. 2 1 46 RESOLVED-That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted: Cecil C. Scott 1905 Stillwater Rd Restaurant App. %786 Renewal It It n It On Sale Malt " X787 " n n ry " Off Sale Malt If X788 " n n n n Cigarette ° X789 " Mrs. Evelyn Scott 1534 E."Minnehaha Restaurant " X790 " ry n n n n On Sale Malt " X791 " Off Sale Malt It X792 " ry n n n n Cigarette ". x793 " Rubenstein & Kaplan 626 University Motion Picture " 35544 " Highland Theater Corp. 760 So. Cleveland Motion Picture " 35487 " Grandview theater Corp. 1830 Grand Motion Picture " 35488 " Martin Kirby 763 Wabasha Berber " 36400 " C. E. Mueller 874 White Bear Gas Sta. 3P. " 36488 " Louis R. Lepsche 1199 White Bear Cigarette " 36494 " n n n n Grocery " 36495 " Off Sale Malt " 36496 " Walter A. Lenz 2572 University Barber d 36848 " W. J. McAndrews 371 Thomas Barber " 36850 Conrad Freund 4922 Rice Barber It 36945 " Ethel Prewer 1090 Eery Grocery it 36978 " n n If ry Off Sete Malt " 36979 " n n It ry Cigarette " 36980 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss --Findhnr_-.._ Approved 194— Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen ' Truax Against D3f':"Isi�es' i�nill�ic'bo�^gym am 544 1IM 5,A77 // 6{ ' oriQind to CHH Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Fat NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 29, 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE -r DATE - 1213 Randolph Barber App. 36964 Renewal 011ie Ahlf R. J. Sisemore 363 Rice Barber It 37011 " Alex 9iner & Albert gabowitz 375 Wabasha Restaurant n 37015 " 37016 n n p n n n On Sale Malt It " n n n Off Sale Malt " 37017 n n p n n Tavern " -37019 " Cigarette It 37019 II Wm. E. Gehrmaa 503 Blair Barber " 37049 " James Ricos 617 University Barber " 37052 " Andrew G. Johnson 174 E. 7th Grocery Cigarette " 37060 " " 37061 " n It n It Federal Bake Shops, Inc. 364 Wabasha Bakery " 37062 " W. E. Otoo 1200 Earl Gas St a. 4P. " 37157 " Frank Eivek 464 Robert It Restaurant On Sale Malt ° 37194 " " 37195 " n n It n n Off Sale Malt " 37196 " 11 np " p n n Cigarette F137197 W. P. Mergens 499 University Barber " 37259 " Mike Eischens_ 1395 St. Clair Barber " 37265 " Joe F. Fisher 437 University Barber " 37264 " Otto H. Schwarze 493 N. Dale Barber " 37314 " Charles Simon 566 Rice Barber " 37315 " N. W. Airlines, Inc. Airport O. Cont. ° " 37365 Edmund Fuchs 796 E. 7th iyg. Adopted by i�iei�onu i ° -:- 194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfusa Approved 194 Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against n, c onou8 eM 544 "44W" . Orleinel to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONERY DATE January ' 29, 1946. Edmund Fuchs 796 E. 7th Off Sale Malt App. 37483 Renewal " . " " " Cigarette n 37484 it Charles Olson 915 Payne Butches« ^ 37495 " Johnson Bros. 973 Payne Grocery n 37499 ^ Nelson Bros. 1020 Payne Grocery ^ 37491 ^ White Fuel & Ice Co. 915 W. 7th Fuel Dealer ^ 37498 ^ John Bialozpnski 1080 Forest Grocery " 37598 " II n n .n Butcher " 37599 " Mrs. Anna McDermott 121 S. Western Grocery n 37642 " F. E. Bremer 800 E. 3rd St. Butcher ^ 37649 ^ it n n n Cigarette " 37650 " Peter J. Memmer 1045 Hudson Rd. Grocery ^ 37676 n Butcher " 37677 " Cigarette ^ 37679 ^ Anton Johnson & Son 962 Forest Grocery " 37721 " n n n n n Cigarette " 37722 " Chris Lauer & G. W. Moore 171 E. 7th Restaurant^ 37765 ^ n n n n n n On Sale Malt ^ 37766 " n n a n n n Off Sale Malt " 37767 " n ^ n n n a Cigarette " 37768 " H. E. Myhre & Son 255 W. 5th Gas Sta. 2P. n 37773 " E. F. Dornfeld 1171 Hudson Rd. Gas Ste. 4P. ^ 37793 n Mildred Asch 422-24 Webasha 2nd Hd.Dlr.(Old Gold)" 37794 " Harold W. Peterson 989 Arcade Gas Sta. 3P. " 37795 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against M . en , c noug 8M 6.116 -OW8 - Approved -194 Mayor pproved194 Mayor Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e Page 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT January 29 1946 COMMISSIONE Joseph Stransky, Jr. 1209 W. 7th Bowl. Alleys (9) App. 37916 Renewisl. Richard A. Pariseau 860 Hudson Rd. Vend. Machine " 37955 " Hetfield-Parry, Inc. 1013 University Venda Machine " 37961 " Midway Chev. Co., Inc. 1389-99 University Vend. Machine ^ 37863 ^ Rubenstein & Kaplan 626 University Orig. Cont. 37999 " Adam Letson 565 Marshall Motor V. Driver " 37917 " Frans J. Elmquist 953 DeSoto Motor V. Driver ^ '37921 " James E. Nagle 478 Ashland Motor V. Driver ° 37944 " George Pruden 127 Charles Taxicab Driver ^ 37946.. " Fredolph W. Anderson 394 Laurel Taxicab Driver " 37949 " George E. Stone 65 Valley Taxicab Driver " 37949 " Virgil L.'Rhone 60 E. 13th Taxicab Driver " 37950 " Alray Tourville 477 Charles Taxicab Driver " 37955 " Willis E. Bauman 223 Concord Taxicab Driver ^ 37957 " Walter W. Stark 1421 E. Arlington Taxicab Driver " 37959 " Charles Wald 169 Faller Taxicab Driver " 37959 " Henry A. Faller 342 Faller Taxicab Driver " 37960 " Robert L. Jones 342 Faller Taxicab Driver " 37961 " Gordon Hoppe 605 Stryker Taxicab Driver " 37993 " Lawrence J. Erickson 244 S. Exchange Adopted Taxicab -y the Council " 39011 ls4— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --gitt�- Approved 194— Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. Pr am w4 ^�^ 191'�377 -, • oritnal to CRY Cluk JAN 30 IN6 COUNCILMEN CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --Iqnmmr— Approved —194 Paige 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Parranto Favor PRESENTED BYjanuary COMM[SSIONE DATE-- 2c), iq46 1AW Mayor Clyde Briggs 191 Faller Taxicab Driver APP- 39613 Renewal Virgil G. Debban 146 Iglehart Motor V. Driver a 380I.4 P Harry Ackerman 5T2 State Junk Gatherer " 39015 " Harvey M. Lange 69,W. College Taxicab Driver n 38016 a Clarence W. Stevens 3&Winnipeg Taxicab Driver " 38019 " Leighton Ford 460 Selby Taxicab Driver 9 39022 JAN 30 IN6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council —194— 94Yeas. Yeas .Nays Barfuss OP. --Iqnmmr— Approved —194 Parranto Favor Peterson 1AW Mayor Rosen D Truax — -- Against si en�,c n� an "4 -QW a Original to City Clerk-ri��}'j- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fig""` No._ Trip CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "•• RESOLVED, that out of the Water Department Fund, weekly compensation of $24.00 be paid Peter Lynch while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 9, 1946, while employed by the Water Department, and $48.00 in partial settlement, to and including Jan. 30, 1946, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ria- "tag--. Parranto Peterson D..In Favor Rosen Truax ........... Against Mr. President, Mc onou 3M 9-45 _400_Q C., F. No. 435378-13y Parranto. RESOLVED, That out of the -. Water Departmeltt Fund, weekly compensa— tion of $24.00`.be paid Peter Lynch while 1 he Is totally disabled by reasotr of. in- uries he aeoeived �.on. January.:: -8.•`1940,; while employed by me Weter'Dephrt- ent, and $x0.00 In 'partial settlement, to and including Jan. 30, 1940, is, now Payable. Adopted by the Council Jan. 30, 1940. Approved Jan. 30. 1940: (February 2, 1940) JAN 3O x9 Adopted .by the Council .......... ...--- _----- _.._----- 194._ JAN Approved ...................... - --------..194 I -az U-41>11 ,,---:....,QI,�........ • Ikpjp� Mayor original to Cib L1 / / n COUNCIL 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL �(J'p'�FILe NO.��. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKtit1„., �+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '� PRESENTED BY ,� Jp^eterson, Election COmlaittee COMMISSIONERS 1�rraII$O, Th'ed 1[ TT11RZ,_BII�_.a—,la4 "4TF,�,.�-V�T� j,Tl(,• RE90LMMI That the comensation of Judges of Election serving at the City Primary Election of Tuesday$ March 12, 1946, to be held in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, is hereby fixed at $6.00 per day. An additional $T.15 shall be paid to sac&Judge that attends the instruction meeting for Tudges of Election; be it FORTHI RE9MLMM, That the City Comptroller -t@ hereby authorized and directed to audit such claims on said basis upon certification by the City.Clerk. to be paid out of 31D1, the Election Expense Account of the General Fuad, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to make such payments, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss /parranto te---. J Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against esi en r, 9MME . 8M 5-99 -Owl .I C. F.. No. 135379—Hy Truax, Peterson, RESO V RESOLV13 That the compensation of Judges of Election s rving t the City Primary Election f Tuesday. March 12, IfWB, to be held'm the fixed t 6. Paul„ Minnesota. is hereby fixed t $8.00 per day. An additional $1.15 shall be paid. to each Judge that attends the lnstruo- an meeting for Judges of Election: be it FURTHER. RESOLVED.' That the .City Comptroller 1s hereby authorized and directed to audit such claims on safttl basis upon certification by the City Clerk; to be paid out of 31133, the Elec-', tion Expense Account of the General Fund, and the .proper ity officers are hereby authorized and directed to make I such payments: Adopted by the Council Tan.: 30, 1996. j Approved Jan: 30. 1998. - .(February 2, 1998) +I 30 1946 Adopted by the Council — 194_ ':[AN -'S�0 Approvefl 194— 'RV Mayor Original to ata Clot '��� � ./�/� � � pp CITY OF ST. PAUL / !N� FILE L NO. I FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL O4RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENT BY - 'eter/on, BleatlOII CO�itteQ COMMISSION ERB W. A..Perrsntn,� _DYed M. Trt..W- DATF RESOLVED. That the City Clerk is hereby authorised, empowered and di- rected to equip the polling places at the locations in the one hundred and fifty -tour (154) election preclnots hereafter to be designated by the Council fcr the City Primary Election of Tuesday. March 12. 1946, to be held in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County. Minnesota; and for such purposes said City Clerk is hereby authorised to engage the neceaeary labor and skill and purchase necessary tools and materials. the cost and expense of all thereof to be met and paid out of 91D9 the Election Espeuse Account of the General Pund• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss a- Parranto Peterson Z1.avor Rosen 0 Truax Against esldent, a no 3M s -u -QW e 135380-13y Parranto, . Truax, 1, That the City -Clerk % chase neesssaaryabeooh cost and paid o1 Extensa Account tof Adopted- by the G Approved San. 30. . (February Adopted by the Cottffdi} 30. IM 194— ,SAN 311 I� Approval 194— Mayor Ori.ia.l to City Clark V /[/y cILE NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL /l f i / FOU ►///`���G/�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � __`.'.. 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y s 'Peterson. Election Coinnittes PRESENTED BY and Robt, F./ DATE J8 1_l�' 99, Ti9/1_.-.6 COMMISSIONED'a"a'a y ^t ABSOLVED. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for the City Primary Election and the City Special Election of_ _. Tuesday. March 12, 1,946, to be held in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, cost thereof to be paid out of 31 D7. theAU@ction Expense Account of the General Fund.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bss / in an an Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against M-TFe—s1ZIenT,—McD-wugb__ 3M 544 AWS C; F. No.135381—EY Parranto, Truax, Peterson— . A,,.,VE11, That the Ctty Clerk be and he is hereby authorized andLdlrected to purchase and provide the necessary ta pplies . requfred for the Cfty Primary, Electlon' and the City Special Electlon of Tuesday, March 12, 1948, to be held thereof tto,be 'paidP out of 315 D7, ttie Election .Expense Account o[the Gen- etal Fund. Adopted by the Council Jan. 30,' 1946. Approved San. 30. 1946. (February 2, 19481 JAN 30 190 Adopted by the Council 194— UINN 3 0 Approved 194_ Wb � Mayor Orkin; to City Clerk r •"-'n� �d CITY OF ST. PAUL F° eNci` NO. t r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL.'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -PRESENT 13v. h Peterson, Election 1%6. tee COMMISSIONEFL W. 1TrantO. Fred- M. Truss, and RObt. 'F. pATE,i%^^ i ol.L RESOLVED. That for the City Primary Election of Tuesday, March 12, 1946, to be hold in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. said election shall be held in the one hundred and fifty-four (154) election preoincts of the twelve wards of the said City at the places named in the "List of Voting Places" on file in the office of the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration; if, for any reasons. the locations named in the *List of voting Places, will not be available for said election, other locations will be designated in the Council Resolutions to be approved by the City Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays arfusa �Parranto . �K�tar�eraon In Favor Z'a'1 b X Against Mr-rFe5TiTe-nT,-7rCBW-49h__ 3M 5-44 -OW 8 No.135382—By Parranto, Truax, MED, That for the City Prim - ,tion of Tuesday, March 12, 1946, geld in the City of St. Paul, La. said election shall be held ,ne hundred and fifty-four (154) precincts f the twelve wards sold City at the places named "L1st of Voting Places" on file ff,_ --of the City , Clerk nd Inner of Registration; 1t, for wns, the IocaHHons named fn the Voting Places" win not' be for said election, other loco- 11 be designated in the Coun- lutions to be approved by the mefl. d by the Council Jan. 30, 1946. Fed Jan. 30, 1946. (February 2, 1946) Adopted by the Council JAN 30 jg46 194 JAN "i J i yAp Approved 194— Mayor 040-1 to city CITY OF ST. PAUL FcUUUNcm NO ---- _°_----- =FICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEJanuasr'y 30- l 046 Resolved, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Safety the proper city officers bei and they are hereby authorized to enter into a lease with the IDEAL BRASS 'NuRKS for the use of vacant Lot 3, Block 14, Whitney and Smith's Addition to Saint Paul (except Nly 18 feet and except Wly 25 feet) known as 345-347 Rosabel Street, belonging to the D4- rtment of Public Safety, said lease to data from Februarynl, 1946, provide for a rental of $40.00 per month to be paid in ac.vance, and be subject to revocation upon thirty days' notice by either party, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed =-taZ draw the proper lease therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7 /7" Bariues Parranntto` eterson ^-.-In Favor �,Aosen _Tfuax ..............Against Mr: -Preen` en , --" 600 4-44 AepoO JAN 301 F Adopted by the Council. ........................ :..:..Y94------ Approved_ _ ...........................-.......194 -------- ....,.-.._G.SiL�i.... / &W Mayor ori�laol to air Clark CJ�L'r` `r / C. ' F. No. 135384—BY Comars. Berfu95— Patranto— COUNCIL NO. - 0 O. CITY O Resolved, That licenses applied for by' FILE the persona named on the list attached 1, OFFICE OF w thte •: resolution be and the same are hereby`. granted. and the Clty Clerk fa COUNCIL RE$OLUT tnetructed to fesue- such lieenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the" -re utred fees. PRESENTEDB Ka. Adopted by the CouncU Jan. 31, 1998. j` January 70r 1946 29. COMMISSIONER Approved(February2,461946) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stafed be and the same are hereby granted: James Gogolakis 450 Jackson ,.;€ Restaurant App -37382 New New Loc.' Fred A. Dahnke 2436 Myrtle Grocery ^ 37859 ^ Old Loa. n n ^ ^ Cigarette " 37859 n Old, William M. Harris 242 E. 7th Restaurant " 37912 ^ ^ a II a ^ Cigarette " 37913 E. W. Luhrsen 2361 Hampden Gas,Sta. 3P. " 37977 Lavern Wm. Maria 106 No. Smith Motor V. Driver ^ 38089 " ^ Arnold Teamer 1376 St. Clair Music Mach. (1) " 37749 Hilario Diaz 627 Jackson Music Machine " 37750 ^ ^ H. J. Gulak 1560 Selby Music Mach -(l) ° 37895 a a Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter Pl. Pinball n 35745 " " n n n a Pinball " 36225. n n Richard Unger Como Sta.,Rte.$3 Pinball " 36235 n n Jack %arter 777 University Mach. Device ^ 37725 ^ ^ H. J. Gulck 3.560 Selby Pinball (3) " 37994 Jay J. cook 46 Dexter Ave. Mech. Device (1) " 37903 " ^ Charles F. Showers 99 W. 7th Taxicab Driver " 39080 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss —F'indian--- Parranto Peterson 21. Favor Rosen Z) Truax Against Mr en , CDonough ax 5.19 -awl Adopted by the Co*k-��19L_ a Mayor 'o C.P nano.—a=5—By cornDari srs. us -1 (jricmal to city RESOLVED. That licenses applied 3X r CITY ' O persons -named by the ons the at named on e R OFFICE OF T tached to this : resolution; be and the seen,' -e h_Xd_anted' and the City Clerk !s lmtru to issue Hoch Lceneea NO. COUNCIL RESOLUT uyo the payment into the'Clty-treasury of the requl+ed lees. PRESENTED BY - Adopted bJan. 1. 1946 Jana. 31, 794& 1 5 .:Approved Jan. 31, 1998. - January �' COMMI SJON_y (February 2. 1948) RESOLVED: That licensea applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Barber APP -35774 Renewal Barber " 36631 " Barber " 36920 " Barber " 36956 " Gust Soderlund 990 Front George M. Stafford 611 Selby P. J. Kohl 1565 Sherburne David Barry 390 Selby Amanda Williams 624 Rondo Percy Ross 2236 Carter Seabrook Sydea 662 Selby H. V. & T. J. Howard 979 Selby Mathew Morelli 421 E. 7th fl fl n n fl p n fl fl g n n n n n n a n n n Philip J. Gallivan 22 E. 4th fl n n n a n n a " A. B. Branner 1338 Randolph n n n n Edward J. Skok 628 Selby g it fl n n n n n COUNCILMEN " Yeas Nays " Barfuss " Parranto " Peterson In Favor Rosen " Truax _—Against 3M 544 8 Barber " 37056 " Barber " 37231 " Barber " 37260 " Barber " 37261 " Restaurant " 37450 " On Sale Melt " 37451 " Off Sale Malt " 37452 F. Tavern " 37453 " Dance Hall " 37454 " Cigarette " 37455 " On Sale Malt " 37501 " Off Sale Malt " 37,502 " Cigarette " 37503 " Restaurant " 37563 " Confectionery " 37657 " Cigarette " 37659 " Restaurant " 37745 " On Sale Malt " 37746 " Off Sale Malt " 37747" Adopted by the 'Council 194— Approves 194— Mayor . P,rlaln.t to City ct..t CITY OF`ST. PAUL COUFILE FILE L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY. COMMISSIONER DATE January 30, 1946 Empire Coal & 011 Co. Armour & N.Concord.So.St. Paul Fuel D1r.App.37776 Renewal George Hetznecker 1338 Thomas Butcher APP-37799 Renewal Patrick Crowley 56 No. Snelling Gas Sta. 3P. " 37917 ^ Joseph Leurer 112-14 E. Maryland Gas Sta. x r. " 37947 " Richard F. Smith 388 Kent Barber " 37954 " Mothers Friend Laundry 744 E. 7th Vending Mach. " 37929 it W. Nightingale & Ernest Makin 918 Como Grocery " 37930 " n n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 37931 " n Cigarette " 37932 " C. A. Blomquist 1023 Payne Gas Sta. 3P. " 37940 " Rose Ward 92 No. Milton Grocery " 37952 " n n Off Sale Malt " 37953 " Ole P. Frilseth 1734 Grand Milk Store " 37965 " Colonial Mfg. Co. 2496 University Vending Mach. " 37966 n Clarence C. Houle 736 E. 3rd Ice Delivery (1) " 37973 " Socony—Vacuum 011 Co. 6o6 Vandalis Fuel Dealer " 37999 " Bert E. Brost 77 W. Summit Taxicab Driver " 39023 " Peter Ricci 624 Dayton Taxicab Driver " 39025 " Edward Brisson 265 Carroll Taxicab Driver " 38029 " Hyman Kaplan 109 Sherburne Foot Peddler n 39030 n Everett Holland 217 Pleasant Ave. Motor V. Driver ^ 39031 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss r Phrdhar----- Approved 194_ Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax Against SH &44 .QWe o" m C4 CI.ek CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo Etica NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Jana ry 30, 1946 - COMMISSIONER Herbert Chandler 710 Selby Taxicab Driver APP -39032 Renewal John B. Heimkes 1938 University Cigarette " 35033 " Lowell Franklin 1030 Hudson Rd. Cigarette " 38034 " John A. Carr 860 University Cigarette " 38035 " Charles J. Garvey 1093 Reaney Taxicab Driver " 35039 " Mrs. H. C. Kozlowski 1144 Marion Cigarette n 38052 " William E. Hicks 281 Pleasant Taxicab Driver n 38065 n Earl R. Paulson 1792 Heaney Motor V. Driver n 38066 " Leo J. Allison 1394 Blair Taxicab Driver " 38072 " Joseph G. Baffham 1397 Palace Taxicab Driver " 38073 " Max Stroth 64 Iglehart Taxicab Driver n 38074 n Francis C. Ballis 587 No. Western Taxicab Driver " 38077 n Maurice St. George, Sr. 237 Marshall Taxicab Driver " 38078 " John Bulgatz 748 Iglehart Taxicab Driver ^ 35079 " Leslie Lingofelt 120 W. Stevens Taxicab Driver n 38052 " Robert D. Blood 84 Iglehart Taxicab Driver " 38086 " Joseph D. Witha 106 No. Smith #212 Taxicab Driver n 38087 a Austin C. Pangborn 653 Thomas Taxicab Driver n 38055 " Herman Anderson 1249 W. 6th Motor V. Driver " 3$090 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss r„--- Approved 194_ Parranto Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. esi en , c SM s44 e 1"- QriCinai to city Clerk •'� • r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM_ PRESENTED BY DATE January 30, 19146 COMMISSIONER Ernest F. Weisz 57 Summit Ave. Motor V. Driver App -39091 Renewal Macy A. Barnhart 640 St. Peter Motor V. Driver " 38092 " Arthur K. Averby 227 Ramsey Taxicab Driver " 38093 " Mrs. Louise Weston 363 Jackson Cigarette " 3097 " John McHugh 252 W. Kellogg Motor V. Driver " 38101 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss ndlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen U Truax Against r President, McDonough axt s -et ,tea JAIL 31 1946 Adopted by the Council 194— nlAp'proved 194— j JL4=9 Mayor original to City Clgrk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - CITY OFFICE Ol COUNCIL REP ST. PAUL E CITY CLERK )N—GENERAL FORM fmu A '3p6' FILE.......... RESOLVED, that ash hauler's license hereto- fore issued to Ervin Dworshak be and it is hereby revoked and cancelled for failure of said licensee to maintain liability insurance on vehicles, as required by ordinance. COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfues In a anto 7fson /Ro en .............. in Favor ruax ..............Against Mr. President, c 3M 9-45 •41jP.Q C. F. No. 135396—BY M11111 Aosen— RESOLVED.That ash hauler's license'. heretofore issued to Ervin Dworshak be' and it Is hereby revoked and cancelled for failure of id licensee to rnalntaln '.. i liability insurance on vehicles, as re- qulred by ordinanc Adopted by the Ce.ouncil Jan. 31, 1849• Approved Jan. 31, 1999. (February 2. 1. .).._. — p� Adopted by the Cou`> ic' il. _ ............................. 194...... 14 .0 Approved------------- ............................ 194-.._. ........... ..... ......,, XJ�.� � Mayor r .Truck Insurance Exchange � Home Office Loa Andelo., C.liforni. `t .. January 18, 1946 Midwest Branch Office Inanranee Exchange Bldg. Tenth & Baltimore City of dt . Paul s.n... City. Me. St. Paul Minnesota NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Policy # 6132391 Insured: Ervin Dworshak 14.3 Robertson St. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minnesota You are hereby notified that the policy mentioned above will be cancelled in ac- cordance with its provisions at 12:01 A.M., Standard Time, on January 30 , 1946 We are attaching to this Cancellation Notice a return post card, and we ask that you kind- ly acknowledge receipt of this Cancellation Notice thereon, and mail the card to us. Yours very truly, OPP�ManagerJ_ ,1AN 2 : 194s or Pad to City ©ark �.. " CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII RUYION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED d_ //-ti✓/ �l // ons January 31, 19 6 CCPMMISSIONResolved, That the Purchasing ALent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Manley Lifetime Electric Corn Popping Machira, 1946 model, at a total cost of .$008.25 fGo.b. Kansas City, Missouri, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks- 1022 Fund. C. F. No. 135387—BY Robert F- Peter- son— Rea n,, That the. Purchasing Agent; be. and he 1s -hereby authorized to, Comptroller with the oconsent of the! Comptroller. one'. Mabeyy L1feSime' glee-; --trlc. Corn Popping Machine. 3948 model, at a--,total cosstt of -$50825 f: o: b. Kao- sae City,. Missouri, without advernae- m ent •or com titive bids, as thia is a ppatented artic a and no advantage could be kind thereby. Charge Parks-1022 Fund. . AdoptV by the C1.ouncil Jan. 31, 1948.1 Appro edtFebruary,2,�1948J COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counceki 31_1946__:194_ Yeas / Nays arfuss / Approved------...---••---_®.....----•--------.194...... Parranto 'z', ' I , / Peterson ..-......In Favor ----- ._'.'....._•` -... - Rosen Mayor Truax Against lmx_r 500 4-44 �® , f ` , original to leery Clark _ couNcn_,- CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� NO ---- ___ :- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -_ 4. 1 l.COUNCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ea`. PRESENTONER D BY .( Ali��_—`/W (TM.I.aN� DAT . ' -.-...y COMM 1551 __-7— �7 RESOLVED, that the use of the theater section of the Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium is given to the Covenant Women's Auxiliary on the evening of March 16, 1946, upon payment of the cost of opening and operating said theater section on said date. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss 1n - arranto etetson osen Xuax r. regi en , conougb 3M 045 .qqWQ C. F. No. 135368—By Fred M. Truax— RESOLVED. That the use of the the- ater section of the saint Paul Municipal I Auditorium is given to - the Covenant Women's Auxiliary on; the. evening of March 16; 1946, upon ))ayment of the cost of. opening and .operating said theater section on said date. Adopted by the Council Jan, 31, 1816. Approved Jr—. 31, 1946. (February 2, 1946.) JAN a 3 .h. Adopted by the Council.......................w :.194------ I"P Approved---- -------------------------------------194-••--- In Favorob ............•i.• Mayor -------------- Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �•' BUREAU OF RECORDS Jan. 30, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Siri The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of the Auditorium Theatre to the Covenant Qoments Auxiliary on the evening of March 16th, at the cost of opening and operating, as set out in the attached letter of E. A. F=1, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk - 'Al • },� DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. C .....iaao, CARL E. SPEAXES. oi— DWARDA.,�a. EMUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT- T.I.Phon. GAre.Id rwl 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA wrcw� w Nnwnmw The Convention Enrembh ARENA -47,000 SQ=m Feet Sean. 16,000 I- Rink 100.221 EBHI MON HALL 64,000 Square Faet Evert 11 r 1" AUDITORIUM THEATRE Susan. 3.000 Complete Staaa AB New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stade Seats 1$60 RAMSEX HALL S -U 660 2 HALLS Seatiug 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Current 110-220 Volb S,n Ie and 3-phme D -C Current 110-220 V.Ib Telephone-T,Ie ph P. A, S"tmn Induced Draft Fiuee tur Comhustlo. Machinery Hot and Cold w.Ue Btu - u ate�•m°eetinne � Compressed AIr January 297 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a further request from Mr. Axel Olson on behalf of Covenant Women'a Auxiliary for the use of the Auditorium Theatre the evening of March 16th at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the coat of opening and operating. In the meantime, as I have informed Mr. Olson, the date of March 16th is being definitely held for him pending introduction of resolution and drawing of contract. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUD TORIDM EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager CC Mr. Axel Olson j C. i. -NOs. 13b399'd NOTICE RESOLVED. That •the Clty treasury, TO numbered t43gM In PRINTER ner checks' on 'fth RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T $89,131.11 i _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE eeCAAIpTp��Y COMPTROLLER. AAA c5� A- 1946 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL — tz-u -QPN'® NOTICE TO PRINTER ka be drawn -on ..'?� 7 o coth snag areh¢aka w )nclua' es COUNCIL FILE NO. the ott)ce o9 eil Jan. 31• 1998• January 30 6 i999) 194— 4tTT TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF --"v-91NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS 194—_ //J`//tel, RY COMPrROLLOt 194— Bv_�r�/� L-�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1?$a >"R299 COUNCIL FILE NO. January 29 194-6. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,� yq. 9 v 43653 �3fi3T—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS J 95 651.%9 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Sr�f194__ _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - �/ - o /aoMMRatmt APPROVED 194— BY , aLw tz-u �� • CHECK NUMBER 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4' 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 .4 43717 43718 43719 43720 43721 43722 43723 43724 43725 43726 43727 43728 43729 43730 43731 43732 43733 43734 43735 43736 43737. i - _—BI CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' COUNCIL ,.. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER._._ ROLL CALL DATE Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 32 664 342 53 BARF �,�.. �^" " IN FAVOR OF January 29 6 * IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 194 PARRANTO PETERSON , ' BROUGHT FORWARD RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D�li�/—�ITY TREASURY ROSEN TRUAX ✓ AGAINST 9T so 64 TO THE AGGREGATE f!j'j OF S 1�. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED va Tp INCLUSIVE, AS MRIPR!e"M.BONOVGTF J.J. Fitzgerald, 0. of D.Ct. I PER CHECKS ON FIJC� IN TM FIC F; OF THE IT�G f TROLLER. Gine Brothers & Lane, Ino.j2 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL COMPTROLLER CHECK NUMBER 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4' 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 .4 43717 43718 43719 43720 43721 43722 43723 43724 43725 43726 43727 43728 43729 43730 43731 43732 43733 43734 43735 43736 43737. Board of Water Commissioners; 26 2�0 00'; 16 344 00! i - _—BI Board of Water Commissioners Robert F. Peterson, O.Parks 749 341 TOTAL DATE Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 32 664 342 53 RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DIS BURBEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS , ' BROUGHT FORWARD t ., C. �nL hn InL� 9GA 799 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. j Board of Water Commissioners; 26 2�0 00'; 16 344 00! Board of Mater Commissioners 7C �', Board of Water Commissioners Robert F. Peterson, O.Parks 749 341 Milton Rosen, O.P.Works784 04 'i. Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 32 664 342 53 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 509 47 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 392 13!!� Milton Rosen, C. P. Works 1 709 20 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 8 764 69 Pled Y. Truax, 0. of Eduo. 122 80 ; 75000 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. j so 64 city & County Employees C.Unilon J.J. Fitzgerald, 0. of D.Ct. I 19 15 34 Gine Brothers & Lane, Ino.j2 Minnesota Chemical Company Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company j 44 23 21 07 Neptune Meter Company3 234 00 J.L. Shiely Company Thornton Brothers Company j 536 75 I� Victor BlindlProducts Oompani 53 10 R.L. Anderson 15 00 George Coverdale ,I Ed. Gabrielsou ;1 2 20 , 56 00 Fred L. Kalman 3 00 Cora R. Meier L.S. Mercer 1 00 Int. Assn. of Auditorium Mgrs. Inc. Assoc. 50 00 65 00 American Water Works 1. Dr. I.O. Burington 18 00 148 24 Capitol Stationery Mfg. CompaiAy , i City Produce Company 31 50 Community Rural Tel. Company 1 3 00 If 1 423 63 cutler, Magner Company I 2 012 60 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agency Lampland Lumber Company j 28 91 61 00 Latuff Brothers 429 12 MoFaddenCLambert Company ' 21 49 McKesson & Robbins, Inc- '2 Minnesota Envelope Company L 167 70 Moore -Cottrell Sub. Agencies, nc. 67 95 i N.'4. Bell Tel. Ootipany N.W. Bell Tel. Company91 i6 N.W. Bell Tel, Company Paper, Calmenson and company 29 49 3t.Paul Legal Ledger 140 82 St.Paul stamp Works 345 58 C. F. soulle Company 9mpany. 3 00 ij shell Oil Inc. socon3 9aouum Cil Company 10 00 '1 CC Standard Oil Company Western Union Telegraph bompaay 40 67 �I R.W. Wilson Company 18 60 101 49 Linsmaster Baking Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 437 868 261972 570 71.11 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ ROLL CL /AL BARFUSS !n `ARRAN PARRANTO N FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX ,{R.Sk"6,MCnON000H 3 111 194! ADOPTED BY Tl{9 COV NCP CITY OF SAINT PAUL • COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER AUDITED CLAIMS /B RESOLVED: THAT CHEC $ BEDR NONTHv E CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 6 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED O INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FI E F'ICE H CI Y CO T ER. (4 _ CO ROLLER BY DATE TOTAL RETURNED _-_ i. TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK 'I IN FAVOR OF CHECKS CHECK6 NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 437 g66T2 6 72 570 71 !4373g Yabei Yi11er �� I76 80 ,' 9 ,; a. J. Hagwrty 96X00 i'437.g0 ; Mabel Attleson ( 43741 MT $0 Ul#ailotte 2. Seliermaa : 57 f20 143742 Bernios Eikins & E*O.Mattimo p j 100100 h3T.3 sta#dard Stone Company !': 30 00 744 j Ballard Motors and Ramp, Ino.i 137 43745 j' J.H. 8oabright Company 12 �00 1!43746 10arpsnter,Paper Company i " 43747 The Co�monweslth fund j5 j 43748 1 Eeslinger & Company i; j 1515 43749 11 T,,4. Helie Company ! 546 �( 43750 011ff Johnson's Home Equipme i Co. 12 X50 j; 43751 1 11ne la Iey shop I 71 � 43752 The Looto Company (43753 Moaraw-Hill Hook aospany, In 2: 7 43754 j� Malady Paper Company 2 29 43755 Minneapolis Daily liege• ii 162 j00 143756 j Minnesota Salt Company �, 6 43757 E*A. 1100110T Company- 43758 ii The National Cash Register 06 ipany 12 S33 43759 Northern States Power Compan 629 4 43760 1� U.N. 8ardware'Company 1j 4j 43761 Purity Baking Company 43762 li Raymer Aardwars Company 34,0 43763 j; 9%Pa Book &, Stationery a any 461 sr43764 St.P. elding & Mfg. Coup E 1 �0 j43785 soienop epeeroh Assooiates 11 35 R-043766 ;� s"0 drd MillingOo■pany st,Paul High School 'Athletic uta-vle It C�papy 8275 22 Dr, R..Gl. -Allison Drs. Boumai, Qensel A selvig .aii Thermal Company, Ino. 15 pp¢000 00 39 1�00 981`vatore Colosw ;i ! Ij,The Thompson RestagYent ITyentieth Dr. E.US_Jonae" Dr. H.AMolander 5 Po 60 P0O Century fund - yoig, Paper 8npply Company . L. Dr. .J. 0.0onnor 82 5 0 eir Dr, Ramby Rasmussen �7Ott 49H..R. 12 0 WletdCmpan7 � eeto Ij i Drs, Sohous, Madelowa, Peters, �j41 Westinghouse Sidtrio supply 01. i 16 2 Dr. M. Relsberg J.L Connolly s'rank Dr4deal 1i 61 Minneapolis Symphony 0rohestr 8 7 st,Paul High School 'Athletic . �ritte 8275 Dr, R..Gl. -Allison Drs. Boumai, Qensel A selvig 15 pp¢000 00 981`vatore Colosw ;i ! 7 b Dr. E.US_Jonae" Dr. H.AMolander 5 Po 60 P0O L. Dr. .J. 0.0onnor 5 0 Dr, Ramby Rasmussen 12 0 Dr. Harold J, Rotheohild1 Drs, Sohous, Madelowa, Peters, U & 14 15 Dr. M. Relsberg p 58 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - 0. j. Hagerty 76 80 96 00 ROLL CALL Mabel Kittleson 57 20 BARFUSS /. 100 00 F1N DL AN 30 00 l Ballard Motors and Ramp, Ino. PARRANTO IN FAVOR J.A. Bonbright Company Carpenter Paper Company 12 79 "' PETERSON (, 75 �'i ROSEN - AGAINST Esslinger & Company TRUAX T.O. Hello Company Cliff Johnson's Home Equipmenit Co. 12 50 -MR-PRES. MCDONOUGH Kline @a Key Shop .t 10 1 3 ��^^ 4[rr 19 ADOPTED BY TH5 COUNCIL McGraw-Hill Book Company, Ina. APPROVED. ) -1 194.- 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • - F�^7 C) COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__. --. -- AUDITED CLAIMS � /V�_ RESOLVED: THAT CJ.52 SE FDRV. ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3 �2. COVERING --- CHECKS NUMBERED / TO INCLUSIVE. ER AS KS ON FI N E F ICE O H CI PER CHECCO T ER. / •� COMPTROLLER DATE TOTAL ✓ RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY NUMBER BANK CHECK CHECKS 'i CHECKS �� it I BROUGHT FORWARD '437 868 261972 5570 71 i f � 43747 43748 43749 43750 43751 437532 43754 43755 43756 43757 43758 43759 43760 43761 43762 43763 43764 43765 43766 43767 43768 43769 43770 43771 43772 43773 43774 43775 43776 43777 43778 43779 43780 43781 4378378432 4 43785 43786 43787 43788 43789 Mabel Miller 0. j. Hagerty 76 80 96 00 Mabel Kittleson 57 20 Mr,. Charlotte I. Kellerman Bernice Elkins & E.C.Mattimore 100 00 Standard $tone Company 30 00 l Ballard Motors and Ramp, Ino. 37 11 00 P J.A. Bonbright Company Carpenter Paper Company 12 79 "' Bund 75 �'i The Commonwealth Esslinger & Company ! 15 15 I! 5 40 T.O. Hello Company Cliff Johnson's Home Equipmenit Co. 12 50 Kline @a Key Shop s ! The Looto Company �350 71 47 2 i i McGraw-Hill Book Company, Ina. Malady Paper Company 2 29 Minneapolis Daily Times 7 80 1626 E.A. Minnesota Salt Company 00 Moeller Company The Rational Cash Register Company { 33 74 �+. Northern States Power Company 626 I.. R.W. Hardware Company 43 05 Purity Baking Company Raymer Hardware Company20 461 68 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company 1 10 �! scienceResearch Assoolates 30 03 i Standard Milling Company Stas Photo Company 35 00 i; j' 22 00 Sta--vie 011 Company 22 50 �I 24 39 The Thermal Company, Inc. (I Thompson Restaurant 16 00 Twentieth Century Bund 8 82 vow Paper Supply Company 27 60 Geo. Warner Company 49 97 !' H.E. Wedelstnedt Company 41 67 Westinghouse Eldtrio Supply Co. 16 9261 J.L. Connolly . Frank Drassal Minneapolis Symphony Orohsstro 67 67 St.Paul High School Athletic Committee St.Paul 1 82 75 i Dr. R.G. Allison 15 00 7 00 I� Drs. Bouma, Wenzel & Selvig Salvatore Colosimo 4 25 !' Dr. E.M. Jones 7 00 Dr. H.A. Molander 5 00 60 00 Dr. L.J. O'Connor Dr. Ramby Rasmussen 5 00 Dr. Harold J. Rothschild' 12 00 Drs. Sobons, Medelman, Peterson & Rash 15 00 Dr. M. Weisberg 1 58 00 + I i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1437 1168 26 j 75 020 03 oriao.i to City CI -4 A e " pT�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COU"c" NO ---- ___-----.-- ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /] �} COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM h. PRESENTED(( J DAT COMMISSION _ RESOLVED, that upon the report of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, recommending that the property described as the east 44 feet.of Lots 14, 15 and 16, and also the south 25 feet of'Lot 3, all in Block 23, St. Paul Proper, be disposed of, said project is hereby approved, and it is directed that said property be disposed of in accordance with the ,provisions of Ordinance No. 6576. j CF. No. 135383—BY W- Pa,zanto Resolved, That -By thennort Of the Commiestoner' of '=1 Utgeot;recom, -Inendln6 that the pr ea the east 44 feet oi-I:ota 1i Iband •�C'. and also the south $ feet, gt'.7gV W all in Block 29, S sposed t. PaW= Proper;• he diof, said .pYLiiby py. proved, and It"'. f£s� __ aafd property be disposed of in accordance �,' the provlslon6 of ordinanee No. Adopted the Council Feb. 1, 19th. Approved Pbb. 1.:1a tire ry 9. 1946.) y . COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays Bari'uss r `dtan J / Parranto Peterson ...... .--In Favor Rosen Against Truax .............. . res!en , c o 3l %46 .4W@ I FEB 1.1 Adopted by the Council..................................194..--.- FEB 1 1915 Approved ------------------------------------------194 .. ------ i` ----------- /�a f Mayor BUREAU OF WATER \ L%01! N. THOMPBON. GrTJYrOtAL BUPERINTDiDENT & ENGINEER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING LABORATORIES VICTOR H. ROEHRICH. DIRECTOR_ BUREAU OF LIGHTING H. C. STREICH. SU1—NTe`I-D"T CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House W. A. PARRANTO, Commissioner WK E. BRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner 9 To the Council BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION EDWIN F. JONES. UTILITIES ENGINEER SAINT PAUL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT— HOLMAN FIELD FRANCIS J. GENG. AIRPORT DIRECTOR BUREAU OF MARKETS A. 4 HOGAN. MARKET DIRECTOR February 1, 1946 Gentlemen: The City is the owner of the east 44 feet of Lots 14, 15 and 16, and also the south 25 feet of Lot 3, all in Block 23, St. Paul Proper, which is under the control of this department and has been used for the City Lighting Bureau. This property has become inadequate for said purpose, and other arrangements have been made for housing the City Lighting Bureau. For this reason, the property will not be useful to this department, and it is recommended that said property be disposed of. Yours very truly, Xw-: A. Parranto Commissioner of Public Utilities PORTot: AIP® ND Gateway tD the Great Northwest - r O,IB nw W 0Ity Q"k F�x�ti - S f � f ! I - No. -- CITY OF ST. PAUL rnE ---• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- ----- - +,I COUNCIL �RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I --p RESOLVED, that upon appeal of St. Clement's Memorial Episcopal Church from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, the Portland Avenue building line for Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, Block 20, Summit Park Addition, is established 21 feet, 6 inches from the Port- land Avenue line; provided that no buildings extend closer than four feet from the east property line of said property. lumi sr FYee -T14-i. s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couhcil'..._.._: _...._.......194._.... Yeas Nays � i_4;'. ,;. arfuss nto �Approved ,,------------✓----u�--'-,#--i--l-L-�----------M----a---Y -10 9r4 ieta............ff -----.-. 01, ,ruax z '------Against . s, ent, McDonough 3M 946 .®p® _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK"' - BUREAU OF RECORDS -4wO Jan. 30, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of St. Clements Memorial Episcopal Church to establish a building line 21 feet, 6 inches, back from the Portland dvenue line but u feet from their east property line, as recommended in the attached letter of the Zoning Board. Very truly yours) G�'� City Clerk. Iti �cE�v�D CORPORAt1914 cowsm THE BOARD OF ZONING b q Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 70h, 7944 rw '; SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o iii Tiiiinn 479 COURT HOUSE' �6�m Mince ^c 7anuarY 15th, 1946. EGIN E. WAHMAN PResIR,Nc Ovr,c[n BERNARD J.M GLYNN CLYDE L. M -EN JOSEPH F. REIMDOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. BASSFOFO ITy R[HITECT i GEORGE H. HEFROLO Ervelrvt•rH S�cne-�AHr Mr. Barry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the appeal of St.Clementts Memorial Episcopal Church, 901 Portland Avenue at Milton, to establish s new building line and asking that they be permitted to build the extension of their building 2 feet from the property line. The Board of Zoning have given careful consideration to this proposal. They find that the L -uses on Portland Avenue set back approximately 21 ft. 6 inches from the property line with the exception of one house, the house immediately ediatld ely adjoining house end the church to the east which is apparently built in 1885 and which sets back 46 feet. The extension which the applicants ask for is an extension of the parish house and not the church proper, the church itself setting back approximately 78 feet. It is apparent from the drawing attached showing the foundation walls of the building that the simplest way to enlarge the parish house is by extending it as shown on the plat. The Board of Zoning recommend against extending the ilding as which is 2 feet from east walproperty of the lines andurecommend thatethis, he wall be set back 4 feet property from the property line as now required by the Building Code. They also recommend that the perish house extension be permitted out to 21 ft. 6 inchesfromthe Portland Avenue lindinenae provided for under paragraph j Section 20 of ^ Zoning Ordinance, rizes the Council requested by the church. Paragraph7 to establish a building line which differs from the provisions of Section 161 which states the methods of establishing building riq page -2 -- lines. As stated by the applicants, this church was designed by Gass Gilbert under laws existing at the time it was constructed and it now stands on the property as permitted at that time. It is their desire to make the enlargement in such a manner as not to change the architectural effect of the layout. gh-rh Yours very truly, GEORGE H. FIERROI,U, Eagineer Secretary. 0 ST. OL MENTS MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH 901 Portland Avenuen at Milton Street r St. Paul 5, Minnesota • October 26, 1945 Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: On account of increased enrolment both of the Sunday School and Parish, St. Clements Memorial Church located on the corner of Portland and Milton Avenue, St. Paul, finds it desirable to enlarge the capacity of the parish house, which Is located immediately -at the east end of the church. The most practical way to accomplish this enlargement, and at the same time not detract in any way from the architectural beauty of this structure, which was designed by the late Case Gilbert,.is to bring the front of the parish house out toward Portland Avenue as far as building ordinances will permit. On the sketch which is enclosed the present outline of the parish house is shown by full lines and the proposed new construction is indicated by dotted lines. It is desired to extend the face of the structure directly south to a point where it will be 21-1/2 ft. from the street line as measured from the inside edge of the walk. Brought out in this way the face of this building will be directly in line with residences to the east in the same block. Also in this connection it may be noted from the sketch that the east face of the parish house, which was constructed some 30 years ago, is within two feet of the property line. While I understand there is now a regulation requiring that buildings be kept back four feet from the property line, inasmuch as this building has already been constructed in this part two feet from the property line we would like to extend it in a straight line clear out to the front of the structure as indicated by the dotted lines, making the entire east end'of the structure just two feet distant from the property line. There are no drainage or other conditions making It in any way necessary to keep the building four feet back from the property line, a nd we desire to avoid a jog of two feet in the east line of the building and at the same time obtain all the area that is possible by our new construction. This parish house is No. 901 Portland Avenue. Plans are now in preparation on this basis for use of our property, and your early decision, and we hope your approval, of this arrangement will be very much appreciated. Thanking you for this ,and on behalf of the Wardens and Vestry of St. Clements Memorial Church, I am Yours respectfully, E. M. Grime (Signed) E. M. Grime EMG:P Junior Warden enc. // � Original W 4 Cl - COUNCIL N CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN D BYDATE February 1. 1946 COMMISSIONER_ _ C RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Lester E. Green 1437 No. Cleveland Cigarette APP -37295 New 01d.Loc. Paul & Ruth Shieley 2604 W. 7th Butcher " 37901 Conrad Spiess 170-72 W. 4th Parking Lot " 37997 n n Harry Chin 1611 University Cigarette " 38154 n " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -•pin'h7di dian- Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen 10 Truax Against r. esl en , Donough----_Y 8m 6-44 -010 8 .Cil'. Na � 6moee.:--llafillm-�i toricto nr°�eFo a a? a t0 IYnI' .li(C}1 P s Ae- Pted eb. I C Xib. i iBK.` - i _ Adopted by the Councl ,� 194 Approved 194— Mayor ' q No la ft -I$ Serfage—P t0<• q (� a ,g origin city ` hepeBBrpgde appnCett.- 36eri, Nt:IL CITY OF S cense to operate ag auto ]tverles NO. the streets' of the C! of Saint i Al OFFICE OF THE ,?tom lti) automoblles-�escribeA ra COUNCIL RESOLUTION— PRE TED BY DATE February 1 1946 — COMMISSIONER WHEp AS, The Martin Auto Livery, Inc., has made application 36126 for license to operate as auto liveries upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, five (5) automobiles described as follows: Car No. Make Motor No. Serial No. Insurance 10 Packard E-501943 1591x2071A Pa ul Mercury Pol.CA 46354 exp. 4-12-46. 11 Packard B-504963 12702269 s s It n 12 Packard 396176 lol4B271 it n it It 13 Packard A-600102 1135R2019 if it it n 14 Packard 502265 11152362 II 11 II 11 MEmERAS, said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that license to operate said automobiles as auto liveries upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the Martin Auto Livery, Inc. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson YI.Favor Rosen Truax Against esi en , c onough eM W4 8 Adopted by the CouncilSEB 11 194— FEB. ;: Approved 194— jgg Mayor j1huabtfLI)7�� CITY OF ST. PAUL Nes' NO...-___.•. t ty� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Pal rnmry 1- 1946 WHEREAS John Huppertz desires to withdraw application 36027 for On Sale Liquor lioenod, application 36028 for Restaurant, lioense; application 36029 for On Sale Malt lioense; application 36030 for Off Sale Malt lioense; and, applioation 36031 for Cigarette lioense, at 117-119 South Wabasha Street, and requests the return of the lioense fees deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the proper oity officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John Huppertz the fee of $1,077.00 and to oanoel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays orfuss a����r auto 'son... 0 ruax -..In Favor r"1 ✓✓-;.... Against rest en , c. 500 444 a� E. No. 13639 -- l4hereas, John BuDPet'tzd !Sale. thdraw applldation 3 0 quor. llcenae. aDPlicatton SWIJ for staurant. ]fcense: aPPhcation-36M for'. i Sale Malt hcenee;,-appllcatlon-'+36038 r Off Sale Malt hcense, and,taypuee m 36031 for Cigarette llcenee,.at 117- 9 South Wabasba'street, and �requeste e return of the ];cense fmh . depos- - 1 thereon, therefore, be ttelofflcera Resolved. That the prop authorized to e and they and then fee o. fund to John Sup j,o77,00 and to Cance sold applications >r licenses. .1 Adopt edbF.il?e1C1948.n Feb. `7, 1946. (FelbDruary 9. 1946.) _ FEB 1 Adopted by the ColinciL----------------------- ---------194...... Approved ................ --•------ - --------194 dF/ '•� �r_yOC ofil - COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fat OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 1 1946 1 l � RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A37909, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A37909. Off sale Malt Beverage, Application A37910, and Cigarette, Application A37911, applied for by Calvin Croskrey at 209 Marshall Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 24, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays alfllss unto iPetersan /I�o n /'r U. esl en , 8M 544 � 8 Favor Against ' CF. No. 135396—BY Bari`,.ss—parranto Resolved: That licenses for Restaurant, j APPllcation A37908, On Sale Malt Bev- rage. Application A37909. Off Sale Malt I Beverage. AP pllcatign A37910, and Cig- et4. Appiicatiop A37911, applied for byn Calvin Croskr% at 209 Marshall Av- e ue. p and the same are hereby �Igranted] Adop d b the Councll Feb. 7, 1948. Approved .February 19, 81946.1 j . FEB 1 Adopted by the Council 194— 1 Approve 194— A `0 .;I EW Mayor orlglnsl to C Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENS BY - COMMISSIONER DATE February 1,1946 - RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A39061, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39062, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39063, and Cigarette, Application A39064, applied for by Edward G. Smith at 263 West Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 29, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss "Findlan' Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against onoug am r 44 � 6 CF, No. 135397—By Earfuls—Parranto— Resolved: That licenses for Restaurant, ApplicaUan A38061. On Sale Malt Bev - rage. Appncpation A38002. Off Sale Malt . etteegefppllcetion an Ai806 appandd C{ar by Edward. G. Smith at 263 West See- enth Street, be and,the carne ere here- byAdoptedeby the COunell Feb. 1, 1946. Approved Feb. 1'194 (February 9. 1946.) FR Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194_ /L4, d_ WIN Mayor Orlalual to City Cle;i/� 1+`AJ CITY < COUNCIL OF COUNC � IL RESOLI CD. N. 39539"—By 6.p . B -fir-- :-Adopted 'by the Council Feb: 1. 1949. NO. PRESENTED BY•+vr•�•a� �_�• COMMISSIONER _ (February 9, 1946.) j Febrvery 1. 1946 .�9 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Grays Out Rate Drug Store big Selby Restaurant App -36460 Renewal Confectionery " 36461 " Cigarette " 36462 Andrew Kappas & Louis Trigas 92 W. 7th On Sale Malt " 36799 " n n a n a n Off Sale Malt " 36789 " n n n n of n Cigarette " 36790 " Minn. Amusement Co. 450 Wabasha Confectionery " 36955 " Morris Rutman 442 Wabasha Confectionery " 37032 n Nick Arvanitis 444-49 St. Peter Restaurant " 37099 " n n n n On Sale Malt " 37099 " Off Sale Malt " 37200 " Cigarette " 37201 " Mrs. Sharon Coleman' 444 Wabash& Restaurant " 37322 " n s n n n On Sale Malt " 37323 " n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 37324 " n n n n n Tavern " 37325 " n n n to n Dance Rall " 37326 " n n n n n Cigarette " 37327 " George Weinzetl 560 Wsbasba Restaurant " 37330 " On Sale Malt " 37331" ` ry, n n n Off Sale Malt " 37332 a If " " " Cigarette " 37333 " Transit Supply Co. 164 W. 5th Orig. Cont. " 37390 " " " " " Cigarette " 37391 " Dan Peterson 1630 University 2nd Ed. Auto Dlr. a 37559 " COUNCILMEN 'Adopted by the Couneil 194 YeasNays Earfuss ln'i�a Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen ID Truax Against M . sal en , c ax B-44 # e Approved 194_ Mayor Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL UENCIL CFIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February I- 194r. .- - Mrs. K. H. Marsh 600 No. Western Confectionery APP -37577 Renewal n n n 11 " Cigarette " 37579 " Monica Delaney 317 St. Peter Restaurant " 37879 " n n n n On Sale Malt ii 37880 " n " n n Off Sale Malt, " 37881 " " " Cigarette " 37882 " James I. Mu Murphy 1403 St. Peter Confectionery " 37925 " " n n " Cigarette " 37926 " Adeline P. Mueller 879 Fremont Confectionery " 379333 " n " n n Off Sale Malt " 3793+ " " " Cigarette " 37935 " Morris Rolnick 148 Plato Junk Dealer " 37982 " Augast Duban 2295 University Vend. Machine " 38010 " Alfred J. Kohler 386 Cathedral P1. Taxicab Driver " 38119 " Peter Pfeifer 2017 Iglehart Taxicab Driver " 38120 " Jesse M. Heller 257 Johnson Pkwy. Taxicab Driver " 38123 " Frank J. Legato 502 Collins Taxicab Driver "38124 " Albert C. Morrissey 322 So. Exchange Taxicab Driver " 38125 it Cosmic DeCarlo 178 Forbes Taxicab Driver " 38126 " Jack D. Barisonzi 193 MaokLibin Taxicab Driver " 38127 " William Boyd 535 Rondo Taxicab Driver 11 38129 n Phil P. Capra 50 W. Summit Taxicab Driver " 38130 " Melvin Bowen 227 E. Morton Taxicab. Driver. ° 38131 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194 YeasNays Barfuss PftrdtAn Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against SM 544 �' 8 Approved 194— Mayor original to CIU Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Page 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER DATE February 1 1946 Gerald A. Bartels 457 Michigan Taxicab Driver APP -39147 Renewal C. M. Fitzgerald 757 Cedar Motor V. Driver ^ 3gl4g ^ Louie Schlichting 5131 Wabasha Taxicab Driver ^ 39149 ^ Harry Schrodt 701 Cherry Motor V. Driver b 39150 ^ Stanley L. Johnson 159 Lafond Taxicab Driver ^ 39158 ^ John Dillon 311 Ramsey Taxicab Driver ^ 3916o n Charles E. Hicks 291 Pleasant Taxicab Driver ^ 39161 ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pte— arranto Peterson In Favox Rosen Truax �gafnat esl ent, c onoug am a -u s Adopted by the Counc '� 9194— T. Approved 194_ JPiAW Mayor Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couNca. NO.. rILP...._-.--..-.9..-----• RE80LVED, that the appointment by the Mayor of A. G. Bush as a member of the City Planning Board for a three-year term expiring January 1, 1949, be and the same is hereby con- firmed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar(u99 / -TtSd a�— Parranto Peterson ,.In Favor Rosen Truax ..............Against Mr. E 3M 040 �Q C.F. No. 135399—By Fred M. Truax, by request Resolved, That the appointment by the Mayor of A. G. Bush as a. member of the City Planning Board fora three- year term expiring January 1, 1949, be d the game is hereby eonfirtned. Adopted by the Council Feb. 1, 1946. Approved Feb. 1, 1946. - (February 9, 1946.) 7 1 1.946 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... A4ppp(rovll ed ............... .............. _.......... 194 .. / ---- -- - -------- `- - - - ---- - iia CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS,A Jan. 31, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution confirming the appointment by the Mayor of term aspiring as a member of the City Planning Board for a three -y 1949. Very truly yours, City Clerk. (fit u6xix�# Paul JOHN d�ICbONOUGH Mgy'R January 31, 1946. The Members of the City Council: Before Mayor McDonough left for Washington, he wrote to Mr. A. G. Bush. Vice -President of Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company, asking him to serve on the City Planning Board for the three-year term expiring January 1. 1949. There was a vacancy in the membership left when Mr. Harry C. Palmer resigned as of January 1, 1946. Mr. Bush has written a letter of acceptance, dated January 30. The Mayor has always presented such acceptances to the City Council for approval, and in his absence I therefore send in this.notice of Mr. Bush's acceptance. Yours very truly. 4, P � Original to City Clerk St �' 4, e'y^ fi CITY OF ST. PAUL �l " Ncn. NO.-.---__---.---. OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM ° PRESENTED BY DATA" .V0 COMMISSIONER----`_� 1 v..Hezett, 110 West Orange Streetin this city, ha p for license as house sewer contractor and in accordance with Oainance Ho.7661 has been examined and approved by the Board of Examiners for such license, and Iftereas, said applicant has filed a duly executed and approve¢ bond in accordance with said ordinance No.7661, now therefore, be it MMLVED, That a lioanse as House Sewer Contractor be hereby granted to said D. W. HaIImnett, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the OOmIDissionsr of public Works is instructed to issue said license upon payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barflies Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax resident, McDonough 3M 9-45 -op.® No. 136400—By Milton Rosen— cress, D. W. Hammett, 110 West ge Street, In this city, has applied license as house sewer Con- or and in accordance with Ordin- No, 7661 has - been examined and ovetl by the ,Board of Examiners mch ncense, and iereas, said applicant has filed a executed and approved bond /n 'dance. with said Ordinance No. nowtherefore, be it calved, That a license as House �r Contractor be hereby granted to D. W. Hammett, subject to the Isions ofId ordinance, and the missioner :;k1 Worsts is tn- ted to issue said license upon pay - into the city treasury of the re- �d fee. opted to the Councn, Feb. 1, 1946. proved Feb. 1, 1946. (February 9, 1946.) Adopted by the Council -..H...-.....1.194-..... Approved----;----- -- ............. 194 InFavor ...... ..................... . ...�..... /a�',t� Mayor -....Against CITY OF ST. - PAUL n°Ewca No... - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..TF-- February 1, 1946 YfffgfflEIl38 the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter; the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forths NAM TITLE OVERTIME RATS TOTAL PAID Fred J. Cormier Foreman W.D. 1.1 hrs. 1.06-2/4 # 4.25 Peter Meyers Ditch digger 8 e 14 ^ .95 811 7.60 11.34 Chauncey J. Barett Watershed laborer ).Against M,. -P ew en , c onough 2.59 Edward J. Kordell Caulker 3s 3 " 1.06-M 3.19 Leonard S. Munson Foreman-W.D. do 1-�8 bra. 1: 1.599 Sem Rog A: Munson Ranelli Caulker 3' 2• Girolamo Saporito do 3 ° •86'i/4 2.59 Total # 35.74 Certified corrects Leoand N. Thompson Gene s1 Manager COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --PiIIHIa`n` Parranto Peterson .............In Favor Rosen Truax ).Against M,. -P ew en , c onough 500 4-44 jsjo® C•F. No. 18601—By" tp+nmlee'ioner,.,�j: Parranto— Reare, h. That the elty. Oak - to, eta are, hereby authorbeetl;; •J y talo--emp]oyea in tll. Public Nea' Sbr aParlmeAt ,Pt! A�.. -set oYt on `LtiCIkt ution, -atta CI)' ,r at' :vAaophy-]ry the Councll• Feb. 1, lea.. �PPrayed Feb. i, 1946• (February a, 1846.1 Adopted by the Counci ...............:................194...-.. Approved ...................... ......----..194-- .. �N May -II - ------------ - 1or February.3. 1946 An emergency has arisen in the HATER DEPART-NT rendering neoesssry the employment of oertain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Operating Filtration Plant.* Driving and servicing truok Repairi water mains on Indiana and athel Streets, and on Hall between Bernard and Arion Streets.** This emergency arose by reason of the following faots and oiroumetancess *Sundays #Taking country crew to and from work. ** Leaks in -pins. BOARD OF WATER COMISSIONERS Certified correots Leona N:'Thompsoa fiener, ganager c s xo`lswas ane 736948— A 3� - $esolve4 Tbat','eh ko be NOTICE tbi C1L7 ttx�eutY.. 'to the a to amount, of ewerl10 ?! ti TO numberee W ltle !; ae COUNCIL. FILE NO. sir vtleoBB' 311e' n"�'�Jr e; N PRINTER Htb Ci C1114pjro 11 A4rpaa r7 Laa X52!. ser. s, iU9e. � AJanuary 31 194 6 I pproved Seb i; 1898 (Fenrupry a, 1998 ) eES OL,V THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE45 TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF iW44, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -4 /y0 -TO 3855 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHE*KS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. n ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ ' -_ 194 / �Y MPrROLLER APPROVED 194_ BY NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER January 30 194 6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-43790—TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS 3 �3gs' ON FId IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL �-L_ -� cn�wsxFrRo,.w APPROVED 194— B� x00 1x M ow® J. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, - COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO Cm CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER _--_. -- ROLL CALL BARFU33 - FRVDtANIN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS JA'nnaTy 30 PO PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BED g�N N TY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE A OUNT OF S vv COVERING TRUA%TO INCLUSIVE. AS MR:'PRES-77C E IN THOMOUG!!_.__ CHECKS NUMBERED 3++-- PER CHECKS ON, 1 E IN TH FFICE DF)THE ITV ff7M OLLER. ADOPTED SY THE COUNCIL— ti COMPTROLLER APPROVED 4 4" t 194_ NUMBER � j .rlA nn TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OFTRANSFER;i DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ;I'I 4 g6 2 020 g • 43790 Charles H. Niemela 30 92 43791 Mrs. Alice Hunt IIS � � I 43792 Mrs..Gertrude Minogue 37 10 43793 Mrs. Ella Woodward 43794 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.HCe 30 00 43795 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.94R 1 1 I 30 00 43796 Qooiety for the Prev. of Cruelty ! 200 00. 43797 Lloyd 1. Brandt i 9 33 43798 American Had. & Stand. San. Oorp. I 2 03 43799 Belden -Porter Company 6 15 43800 Blue Print Service Company 43801 Corning-Donohne, Inc. ;! 72 11 43802 Eleotrio Blue Print Company ' 15 25 43803 General Electric Supply Corp. 48 19 43804 Mrs. Marie Hegge or Bernadette M. Hegge;1 55 00 43805 Luger Mercantile Company I 199 65' 00 i 43806 N.17. Printing & Binding Comps4ny 50 00 �! j 43807 Standard oil Company 43808 Universal Iron Foundry 38 11 43809 waterworks & sewerage i 5 00 ' � 43810 Bethesda Hospital 43811 Sven N. Johanson 6 00 �I 43812 Dr. C.E. Johnson it 16o 0 43813 Dr. Wm. W. Hook 1660 6 oo 43814 Dr. C.O. Rollie 43815 St.Joseph's Hospital 109 95 43816 Dre. Sohons, Medelman, Peterson & Nash 335 00 4381'7 Dr. Wm. H. von der Weyer 4600 43818 Peter Lynch 8 00 43819 General Chemical Company 2 497 27226 38 Ii 43820 Hersey Mfg. Company 43821 International Harvester Company j 100 00 43822 Margarette L1111gren 6o oo 43823 Mason Publishing Company 12 00 43824 St.Paul Foundry & Mfg. Company 27 53 80 00 43825 Treasurer of U.S. 12 12 43826 western Union Tel. Company 43827 gallaoe J. Murray 43828 Dr. J.A. Boiriergo 00 43829 John Se Findlan, C. of Ninancl 17 486 58 43830 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finano4 474 331 43831 John s. ,Yndlan, 0. of Finance55 627 �+5 43832 John S. Findlan C. of Financ X24 096 25 43833 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano$ 120 868 75 43834- John 4. Findlan, C. of Finano6 I 272 61 I1 43835 John s. Findlan. C. of FinancQ1 9 i5}9 68 11 43836 John S. Findlan, Co of Finance 1 8► 43837 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finanop 73 9 ! 43938 John Findlan, C. of Finano, 9Z Z 43939 John S. Findlan, C. of FinencO 6 320 59 I, .i i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 437 66t 26�1277959:_82i i s I BROUGHT FORWARD At,37g 43840 Banjamin Brynildeen 43841 43842 Henry q. Tetchroew John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan6s 43843 John 8. Findlan, C. of Finan e 43844 John S. Findlan, r„ of Finan e 43845 John 13. Findlan, C. of Finan e 43846 state of Minnesota 43847 Pederson Brothers 43848 The Bank of New York 43849 43850 Bireley'e, Ino. Industrial Commission of Minnesota 43851 Postwar Information ?zohange.Ino. 43852 John TAokman 4385iF Yoerg Brewing Company state of Minnesota 43855 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanoe yy FAW $�CITYY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.._.— ROLL CALL BARFUSB _ January 31 6 —P AUDITED CLAIMS _ - .—IB4-- BRAN PETERSON PETERSOO ROSEN IN FAVOR - AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D C�(1 Ty E 'YTREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE A DUN T OF S iIg �I COVERING TRUAXAS CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. —JFR 'To1�O�II�GFL _ ER PER CHECKS ON F IN THE FILE F THE ITY ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL COMPTROLLER APPROVED / 1844 ]��/�(y� I/Y V TOTAL DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANKCHECKS CHECK NUMBER CHECKS s 200 00 100 00 555569 32 38 5 0'�3 990 12 512 86 1 00 16 54 162 o4 1 50 1 95 55 00 B3 0 213 00 09 II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 437868 26 1737398 89 I tl f! I BROUGHT FORWARD At,37g 43840 Banjamin Brynildeen 43841 43842 Henry q. Tetchroew John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan6s 43843 John 8. Findlan, C. of Finan e 43844 John S. Findlan, r„ of Finan e 43845 John 13. Findlan, C. of Finan e 43846 state of Minnesota 43847 Pederson Brothers 43848 The Bank of New York 43849 43850 Bireley'e, Ino. Industrial Commission of Minnesota 43851 Postwar Information ?zohange.Ino. 43852 John TAokman 4385iF Yoerg Brewing Company state of Minnesota 43855 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanoe 200 00 100 00 555569 32 38 5 0'�3 990 12 512 86 1 00 16 54 162 o4 1 50 1 95 55 00 B3 0 213 00 09 II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 437868 26 1737398 89 I tl f! Orwmi W City clerk eourven_ CITY OF ST. -PAUL Fla No ------------------- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Jannar9 24, .19=_--- commissioNER cF No:.1359U4—By X -110n Rose°— m fNMtae d—d, nut dte P r i:u+nPeny, be Wv LL ixrtn+ssi }mt wu r -vu uoc p..ee o Sue t a rv? LL � hoary d u we La;e1 lln wau oasaa'y kUSa n; en e ovea lwi�ie ro yu [Ued w �o o a u e' nOn [.OuuOu "auLL COS[ Ot fiat N`e' w ue orae by Ute ++I .eo tower l.U+npaV,y+ncil Feb. I. 1948. 'r, 1N"eUlLLe+y That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the north side of Maryland, between Easel and Luella, with nsoeseary goys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Sorthera States power Company. n, r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bariuss R'nflign Parranto Peterson ....-....In Favor Rosen Truax ...... -.-- -.Against M. I I M16MIE, 3M 945 -4W1-® 01 Adopted by the Council: 194...... Approved.. ------------ --------------------------1a4...-.. r�----------- ------- ... Mayor Sosen— Origlnel to City Clerk hVeher�es, n[auch of e t �e 4cysla_I +oent' are oc�ng p � auu l,v.aru-� `� oen��i er ig La�m�g•' �c u'e___ ' nen tir 'yy_ CIL NO.___' -- '±4' t_ t nos hap rrtu i.E51K 9+. "��W of iWl CITY OF OFFICE OF THE a �,.-, v , • r. DATEA( Feb 1946 the affairs of the of the National,Governm Government are being blocked by he islative filibuster being conducted in the Senate opposing the enactment of a law to create a permanent fair employment practice commission, and WHEREAS, there has never been a time when more impor- tant legislation was waiting to be passed, legislation de- signed to turn our military victory into economic and social peace, and WHEREAS, we have observed the need of better race relations in our country and have endorsed in past years the observance of Brotherhood Week and Race Relations Sunday in the month of February, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on this first day of February 1946, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that we urge. an immediate vote for cloture to stop the filibuster in the Senate, to be followed at once by the passage of Se F. 101, creating a permanent fair employment practice commission as being a major contribution toward equalizing opportuni- ties for all citizens, regardless of race, color or creed, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Senators from the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss r--Fi rdiBS-- Parranto Peterson Rosen f F.P. 1946 Adopted by the Council ----......................... -----194--_._- Nays Tr*i 1. Truax r resident, McDonough 8M 9-96 40 Q Approved_.. , ........................... 194 ,...--In Favor - �/� �� Mayor ....Against PUBLISHED G_��,Z�C� .... ..... ONglnel 1. City U.r¢ 1154. a(; CITY OF ST. PAUL �umcmNO.----- _---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M ISSIONER_ DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to. the Council in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it,. n RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE TOTAL Leonard Jalmar Tree Laborer 16 .95 15.20 William Lego Tree Laborer 24 .95 22.60 George J. Dixon Utilityman--Playgrounds 1286 13.80 Aloys L. Drassal 11" 8 .8 g 6.90 Lawrence Lewandowski Caretaker 4 .60 3.20 Fred A. Petschauer Utilityman--Playgrounds 5 .86-1 4.31 Ray J. Schmidt Truck Driver 12 ,874 10.53 John J. Sullivan Utilityman--Playgrounds 16 .95 15.20 91.9 ekt F. AGSaWet=— :''>4fe�lYad.'371rL tlSe; dp+•.:.. !rs are !>� to_�yI_ers-SbT ri4ra'atmt it wC.6�'oo Sbe Atluoted'-bY "itu' CWnd1 Peb: • b, 1 (February s: 3s1sJ .::'I TO COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couneil .................................. 194 Yeas Nays Bariuss` _4RiriMan - Approved ................................. ...194 - Parranto R Peterson In Favor f ... .._(?_ Rosen .. nMayor Truax 0...Against Mr - am 9-9L �® W. �A.IAONT KAUFM4\N ERNEST W. JOHNSON R. G. ZELZER ' Supt. of Parks' Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hail, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner .492110y- (io February 4, 1946 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen; An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, ren- dering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours a day, maintaining department facilities. The emergency involves cindering of park roads, firing greenhouse boilers, and care of skating rinks. Your s truly, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. FINAL ORDER. No. 1354077 iP: ,N•.� ,: in¢ n rfar- a V. .. � 435407 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__-_$radiAg__ausi_✓gurL�43t1g_the_slley__1A_�1441i--38 _$t.__Antbony__Parl4_North, Prom_Gordoa_dvenue_to lieatoa_Street-------- ------ --------- -------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 134564 --------- - --------- _--approved -------- Intermediary Order ----------------- --- - --- - approved --------------------------- — - — - — — -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard' all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_____grade and_eurFace_the_ eller in_ Block 39• St.__Anthony_Park_North,_from Gordon_Annue to Keaton Street, --____—_— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---______FEB _-- 1946 192-___----- FEB 5 1946 - City Clerk. Ap .proved 192----- v�. File 9832 ----------- Councilman --------Councilman Councilman RUNNOP50 _F,ndian Parrento "PUBLISHED 11 Councilman "06101910M Peterson Councilman 0 Posen Councilman >I 'ri (% Trust Councilman immosswo/ Mayor Hcy Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL I` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '-j (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 39, St. Anthony Park Forth, from Gordon Avenue to Keeton Street under Preliminary Order approved October 18, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 1893.31 fOnt 2.23 The estimated cost peXot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 39 St. Anthony Park North 2 39 do 3 39 do 4 39 do Lot 5 and northeast 7 ft. of 6 39 do Land Bldg.. $900 800 $5550 1150 3850 800 100 900 3650 (Except northeast 7 ft.) Lot 6 and North 25 ft. of 7 39 do 1050 2700 (Except north 25 ft.) Lot 7 and all of 8 39 do 1100 2200 West 55.50 ft. of 9 39 do 650 4400 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ti . I. REPORT OF CdMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land. Bldg.; East 5 ft. of Lot 9 and all of 10 89 St. Anthony Park North $750 $2950 11 89 do 675 4400 12 39 do 675 5800 „ 18 89. do 625 8700 .. 14 39 do 450 5800 .. 15 39 do 450 4500 .. 16 39 do 450 150 . 17 39 do 800 8350 Total $12,225 $47,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .yj$ ua _y _8 19-40- ' -- — Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. 12 �• To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Sit:! r.0 C ,j 1,74,564 St. Paul, Minn. August 91 1945 i entlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface with asphalt alley in Block 39 St. Anthony Park, Porth at pencil level displayed on attached blueprint as agree Ave. froh;t conversation with blr. ahep#eA:4,t�,t the CourtYiouse on August S. 1945. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK 4- -/3 n 'ADDITION /-3 _ �— _ ✓ ✓ 3 V 7 Run— M CaNsr. 4 RPNR W, R. COCKROPT. SVPP. 0-.. ENaIN[[R G. H. NERROLD RSRNS OP MVNICIPAL EcuvMM ARTHUR H. KOCK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON RoREN. COMMI3910NER cLARERCE J. VOKOUN, DWPY CCMMIeaIWN GEORGE M. SNEEFARO.�pCNt ENOlrutml '"® Oct. 31, 1945 commissioner Milton Hosen Department of Public Rorke city of St. Paul Dear Sir: FRE eVeP SANIPATIw PRED DRIVER. &IPP• -R-U OP RRID.EB M. 9. GRYTBAK. ENOIR[ BRAY J. KARTAV_ aDVP• In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley n Avenue to i�Bltok�er Preliminary Ordder C. 7. 13456 approved d Octobersl8n 1945• Estimated cost $ 10893.31 cost per front foot 2•23 Inspection 3+^18 Engineering 150.00 Frontage 850 ft. Yours very trm17; no M.'SHSPA!!D �4 Chi Engineer 40 Approved ¢or tranooinanoe n tot ommi sionOD MILTON ROSEN commissioner of Public works Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 e t ... _.. _ _. _.... _. _..... 194_._5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1-34564 approved...__....October .18_......._._.,__,._.,._..._...194....5, relative to the grading and surfacing._.of_.the.. Alley.._J.n 'B1GSf�_.39.....3t_...Anthony Park........_. _.__ ..........__. _....... _..... _ _... _...................... . North, from Gordon Avenue to Seaton Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .-necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $2.23 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......11893.?31...., and the total cost thereof is $....._......._...._...._._....._, 1Frontage 850 ft. and thha utrlnand e toRsaid eeemn1ws:..._.... . __.._..................._......_.__......_.._.........__...._ ... ............ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.... .. asked for upon petition of tree or more owners of p o arty, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. 500 —5-44 . ` Commissioner of Public Works. �- �� la o \J; p�Y� �G� `V' No.. 175608—By Milton -Rosen.. - 1n the matter of condemning and tak- nent in the land necessary COUPjGIL F I�y;iFO.:>? s rnd Etas to alleythe grad_ t35408 e in Block r. *' rth, from • ndee FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROrCEEDINGS In the matter of oandemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 39, St. Anthony Park North, from Cordon Avenue to Seaton Street under Preliminary Order 134565 approved October 18, 1945 135156 approved January 89 1946 Intermediary Order PP - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 39, St. Anthony Park North, from Gordon Avenue to Keeton Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For elopes, outs and fille in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 39, St. Anthoir Park North, from Gordon Avenue to Keaton Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Cammi.eeioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FE9 5 194g 19_ FEB 5 1946 /_� City Clerk. Approved _'19 ✓ ✓ �/ o/ / ��A/ L 7`4MM Mayor. Councilmen Barfuss TIMTE—n Parranto Peterson ` lj J r✓j Rosen ' Truax -Mr. res ent 500 149 PTMLISHED_':�____!LV� CITY OF ST. PAUL --f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER )115,03 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 39, St. Anthony Park North, from Gordon Avenue to Keston Street under Preliminary Order approved October 18, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: coat of the above easement is The total estimated _ _ $\80 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan QyyALUATIONBld .. C g 1 39 St. Anthony Park North $900 2 39 do 800 $3550 3 39 do 1150 3850 4 39 do 800 100 Lot 5 and northeast 7 ft. of 8 39 do 900 3350 (Except northeast 7 ft.) Lot 8 and North 25 ft. of 7 39 do ,1050 2700 (Except north 25 ft.) Lot 7 and all of 8 39 do 1100 2200' West 55.50 ft. of 9 39 do 850 4400 Dorm B. B IB TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL I W' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r. REPORT OF COMMIS5]6NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION \LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - ndVALUATION Bld g. Salt 5 ft. of Lot 9. and all of 10 39! St. Anthony Park Horth 8760, $2950 !: 11 89. do 675 4400 12 39. do 675 5800 is 39 do 625 8700 .. 14 59 do 460 5800 ;. 15 1 39 do 460 4600 18 39 do 450 180 ,• 17 39 do 800 8550 Total 812,226. $47.100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Japuary 8 . 19 46 i�'TGc�.�J jtI•c Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 C= ICY +,Indicates Cat. D - Indicat.5 FII. Typical Notation +30 Fig—es above I-- show C,t or Fill it property line. F g„res below line show distance to which Slopes e.tend beyond property hnc. Loa Book No 2180 X -Sea Sk No. ALLEY-BLK. 39 ST. ANTHONY PARK N. Im GORDON AVE.. TO KESTON ST CARTER A V E . N T H O N P A R K 7 6 S 4 504 •• #III T 39 �h Scole I"=40' . N OIR T s d' 2 v I - 3r ! q /0 / /2 I /3 /4 I /5 S T. A N T H O N Y P A P K W- COMMONWE-A L TH A VE. ALLEY -'6 H 39 ST. ANTHONY PARI N GOPOON AVE. y0 N ® R T H HESTON 5T. SLOPED 2 NO. 73B ' Scole I"=40' . N OIR T s d' 2 60' Fr ! o -Eos W- /6 /7 N ® R T H ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Oct......31,...1945.................... 194........... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Oat..._18......_.._...._......_............194.6. _, relative to Council, known as Council File No.......1345.65....approved_..........................._ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, _................_..................................._...._ __.........................._......_................................. outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 39, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... St. Anthony Park North, from Gordon Avenue to Keston Street ........._...... _............................_._....._....... ....................._...._............._.................__.._..............._........_.._..........................._....._._._.... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .............. .............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.... C ..................... and the total cost thereof is $............... _....................... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ._.............................. .._.......... ... .......... .................... ._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... ... .......... ............... .. ......... ........._. _ .............. __.... ._.'._.._ 5. Said improvement is..........................asked for upon petition of three or more own of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � s /7 0 500-5i9 I � a �, Commissioner of Public Works. 2 194i C!�,U ` PEPT. OF w f7UNCIL J?fLE NO. F7ZT r1v 1ung,�wtaeNng �(Af�t street to aBYl Mackuhln FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMN!iA. .JON-,°"'. +CEEDINGS 135409 In the matter of opening widening and extending Cohansey Street to a width of 60 ft. from Cottage Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, and -opening, widening and extend Mac ban Street to a width of 66 -ft. from Cottage Ave. to Wheelock Parkway under Preliminary Order 134962 approved December 11th, 194 5 Intermediary Order 135153 approved January 12th, 1946 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to open, widen and extend Cohansey St. to a width of 60 ft. from Cottage Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, and opening, widening and extending Maekubin St. to a width of 66 ft. from Cottage Ave, to Wheelock Parkway. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: opening, widening and extending Cohansey Street to a width of 60 ft. from Cottage Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, and opening, widening and extending Mackubin Street to a width of 66 ft. from Cottage t0enue to Wheelock Parkway. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CounFEB 5 1W6 19� FEB 5 jggg/yn , — City Clerk. Approved , 19_ �/ `^�" r Mayor. Councilmen C4�z Barfuss PIJRLISI7- Peterson Fitdlen rrantPt(( f Rosen J Truax 500 1-" CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF ON PRELIMORDOF ER FINANCE (D), In the matter of opening, widening and extending Cohansey St. to a width of 60 ft. from Cottage Ave. to Wheelock Pkwy-, and opening, widening and extending Mackubin St. to a width of 66 £t. from Cottage Ave. to Wheelock Pljwy. under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 11, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 25.00 oet of the abov�eimpro emY e❑sexy� The total estimatedAglt of 3ooaaixod�Do $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION an d Bldg. (Except Wheelock Pkwy) The W. 33 ft.of 16 Cottage Homes $375 (Exc, Wheelock Pkwy) The E. 30 ft. of 16 do 350 West 90 ft, of the E. 120 ft. of .,The that part S'ly of a line 150 ft. N'ly and parallel with the N'ly line. do 1000 $5550 .from 16 of Wheelock Pkwy., of - - - - The E. 45 ft. of the W. 78 ft, of that part S'ly of a line 150 ft. N'ly from and parallel with the N'ly line of do 500 1200 Wheelock Parkway, of - - - - - 16_ (Exc. The W. 33 ft.; exc. the E. 30 ft.; exc. Wheelock Pkwy.; exc. the E. 45 ft.; of W. 78 ft. of S. 150 ft. N. of said Parkway, end exc. the W. 90 ft, Of E. id 120 ft. of S. 150 ft. of part N.of sa 2575 do Parkway) Lot - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 Total 4800 $6750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. Dated _January 8 19 46 Commissioner of Finance. Norm B. S. A. 8-5 D - - 0 y�sAf�i 9'.v _sT r" ��Yf1N1E y _5 7- ,;2e 3 /Y9 47F 'Y/ACKUB/N �ST. whe'el",k :kvey.-CoifoyPA✓e. .CO HAN_SEY -5-7- 'A T'% O i i � � � � ✓`tole: / "_ 00 _-- _ --9858 Tj I G O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _13.........._........ ... ......._1 194.5..._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..... .4962.....approved....................A..e4......]7..._.................. ..... .......194...5., relative to opening, widening and extending Cohansey Street to a width of 60 feet from Cottage. Avenue to Wheelock Farkwe,Y...._and ._ppeng....widening.._andiq4d ................. ........................ extending Mackubin Street to a width of 66 feet from Cottage Avenue to Wheelock Parkway. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._..SCC...__.._._, and the total cost thereof is $.._........_.....__ .................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........................................................................................................ " 3. A plan, profile or sketch, of d'aid improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. ....... .. ............ ............... . .......... .. .. ........................ 5. Said improvement is.... __..__._. _asked for upon petition of three or moreown of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. soo—sas Commissioner of Public Works. TV St. Paul, Minnesota 3 U February 4, 1946 ' To The Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; We the undersigned property owners, holding real estate directly ad- joining a proposed street to be designated as Cohansey and extending from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage, a distance of approximately 480 feet, hereby peti- tion that such street be not approved. The undersigned property owners hold approximately 65% of the total frontage on both sides of such proposed street, and we respectfully submit that the opening up of a street in this location is not desirable or necessary either from the common interests of the taxpayers of the City of St. Paul, or from the narrower aggregate interest of all the property owners holding property on the proposed street. We believe that opening the proposed Cohansey Street between Wheelock Parkway and Cottage is undesirable because: 1. No benefit whatever would be received by property owners holding approximately 65% of the total frontage on both sides of the proposed street. 2. The remaining approximately 35% of the frontage on the proposed street, which could be benefitted by the opening of the street, could be divided into about 5 residential lots facing this street, none of which could be considered desirable since they would face the rear of the lots directly across the proposed street. 3. Most of the property which could be benefitted by the proposed street could be utilized equally wellby facing lots on Cottage, a present street which will likely be extended from McCubin to Wheelock Parkway in any event. 4. I£ the sewer and water mains are extended from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage along the proposed street, the cost of the total improvements would be grossly disproportionate to the maximum value of the property benefitted. Such improvements for a length of approximately 480 feet could be expected to cost in the neighborhood of $6,000, or some $1200 per lot for the possible residential lots which would thereby be opened up for development. The greater part of the cost of such improvement would, of course, fall on non -benefitted property holders, and moreover, a substantial part of the assessments could never be collected. The Duluth and Virginia Realty Company owns an unimproved lot on Wheelock Parkway extending 217 feet along the east side of the proposed street, and it is clear that the assessments on this lot would greatly exceed the value of the lot. They are now paying their regular real estate taxes, but their agent in St.'Paul has stated that they will not pap either taxes or assessments on the lot if the proposed street goes through, but will allow the lot to go delinquent. Page 2 February 4, 1946 The proposed street would not only not benefit the property holders on whom approximately 65% of the assessments would fall, but the location of such street would depreciate property values in the neighborhood. The lots which could be opened up by such street would not be desira— ble since they would face the rear of the lots directly across the street, and therefore the class of 'construction and permanent tenancy which might be anticipated would be inferior. 6. Location of the proposed street would create an unnecessary traffic hazard on Wheelock Parkway, since the street would run into Wheelock on the inside of a curve on the latter street, where visibility would be poor in both directions. Lot 1, Taylors Wheelock Addition (217 feet on proposed street) Lot 2, Taylors Wheelock Addition (30 feet on proposed street) Lot 3, Taylors Wheelock Addition (30 feet on proposed street) Lots 4, 5 and 6, Taylors Wheelock Addition (180 feet on proposed street) (150,feet oii proposed street) ems..,..,... a FINAL Mr. IN CO"JUMATION COUNC FILE NO. raoota>snrxtrs f k u. y BY „'. No. 136410 FINAL ORDER IN CON S 1Tt�of opening, widen,,CEEDINGS g Iowa Avenue , ' feet Prom the et Block 8, Como, kwaY Nnorth, iY>< Yr 135410 In the matter of omni g widening and extending IowaAvenueto a width of 60 feet from the east line of Lot 3. Block 8, Como, to Lexington Parkway North, by taking t and condemning a strip of land on the north 30 ft. of that part of Lot 3, Block 8, Como, lying south of Iowa Avenue as now opened under Preliminary Order 134762 approved November 16th, 1945 Intermediary Order_ 135154 approved 7ehroary 8th 1946 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard'allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ar RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul .thAt the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to open, widen extend Tows. Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from the east line of Lot 3, Block 8, C ,to Leatngon Parkway North, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: 45. A strip of land on the north 30 ft. of that part of Lot 3, 1.Block 8, Como, lying south of Iowa Avenue as now opened. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to -prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- Jied anddirected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1� 'c Adopted by the Council MAY 12 190 19 Approved 19 City Clerk. I F Mayor. Counciltnctr HED � �' • _ 1_l g Parranto et rson JJJ c __ �/ Preside ' ` -J . vice l z siaen> (Trttex) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER /✓ f (D) In the matter of opening, widening and extending Iowa Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from the east line of Lot 3, Block 8,"Como" to Lexington Parkway North, by taking and condemning a strip of land on the north 30 ft. of that part of Lot 3, Block 8, "Como" lying south of Iowa Ave. as now opened under Preliminary Order approved November 16, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: costo the above improve entkjs M= %a®aa�cs �EEunR 755.00 $ The total estimated 0.85 $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATION Bldg. (Except Lexington Pkwy) South a of 3 8 Como $850 $2600 (Exe. Lexington pkwy. & Iowa Ave.) The � North a of 3 8 do 650 Part North of Iowa Ave. of 4 8 do 300 (Except East 153.50 ft.) Part South of } Iowa Ave. of 4 8 do 100 ..East 153.50 ft, of part South of Iowa Ave. of 4/ 8 do 200 Total $2100 $2600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �J2 January 8 19 46 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8.5 D St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n St. Ave. r a/ St. Ave. to from, St. Ave. 5-3M 41 Gangi & Co. LOT BLOCK ADDITION �jNAME 5-3M 41 Gangi & Co. /OWA A ✓E. 3B/.E.3Ce�+o- Lex�n�fon OG6.v%NG !OYYA A✓ef- E.L Lof.3 /f/k B Comc-Lex�n, lan OGEN/NG BurtaU of E�gir�r's /O VYA 14 ✓E 9847 /OWA A ✓E. 3B/.E.3Ce�+o- Lex�n�fon OG6.v%NG /O VYA 14 ✓E � G � v /OWA A ✓E. 3B/.E.3Ce�+o- Lex�n�fon OG6.v%NG ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov.27 ..:..................._._.._............_, 194..5.._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._134Z62.._..approved............ NOVA ....16,._ ................--- ........... _......194`......, relative to opening, widening and extending Iowa Aven.............. __...... from the east line of Lot 3, Block 8, Como" to Lexington Parkway North. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... .......... ..... ... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._.........._........_ ._..., and the total cost thereof is $...___.__..__......_._.........., . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.__....__._....._... ................... ..................._.............._........_.._...._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......_....._............._.._........_......._........_..........................._....._...__..........._..............................._..._.._._............................._.._... _.._.........._. 5. Said improvement is .............. ......... ..._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners o Atop+ subject to assessment for said improvemen , 2 � � Y 500-5-44 L — ,�, Commissioner of Public Works. /V -99194,U FINAIV &F ,` Original w City Cleric RESOLYID 135411 CITY OF ST. PAUL l vlCO1icNO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE January 14, 1946 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the north aide of Sherburne. between Avon and Grotbo and also install 1-40 foot pole in the alley north of Sherburne, between Avon and Grotto, with nec— essary goys. anchors and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said. removal to be borne by the Northdrn States Power Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax 3M B45 �® / FEB 51946 Adopted by the Council.................................194...... FEB 51946 ...-......�In Favor -.--.-/�--/--Against Approved---............... . .....................194 -------------- ,/� Mayor oe'tQ.Lto` City Clerk 13541 CITY OF ST. PAUL ta�nca. NO ....... ................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -? co IL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL NORM COM MI SIO BY January 16. 106 COMM 1551 ONER DATE ..— CF. No. 135912—By Muton Rosen— Resolved, That the M Northern States RESOLVED rPower company be given permiblStn. to install 1-90 foot pole on Wellesley,. bto tween Howell and Prior, with necessary. guys, anchors and wires. Poles and' -wires to be removed when requested. ndo so by the Common Counen and cost. of hard removal to be borne by Lha`; Northern .States Power Company. Adopted *. thr Couacn Feb. 5, 1999. Appty- n br j 9. i _ _'(February 9. 1998.) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1— 40 foot pole on Wellesley, between Howell and Prior, with necessary guys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss IFiedlan___. Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax 3M 945 �® Adopted by the Coun.....rj-_11......-.-194 FEB 51946 Approved-------------------- -- ......194. .. ------------inFavor-%1-�_� - Ma or 0.......Against OrlQlnal to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK - UNCL. OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYlAa-44LfI,1--" ��COMMISSIONER DATE=..—_ CF, ST Sown No 13541—.gytnn Rosen-,. P IIs -'O C , . ThP at the N to orthern staeFs' Lnatall -,foofe, fl,p Permtegton Pole onn the . i afde of (3iov. Street, east f sbuth wfres�� Poleeeesand mss• anpho j when,Crequeated to ldro. bye remaved' .. PQmon,ounefl apd cost of 9ald FemWal ,be Comp anyM� the Siorthem' States A11. -W by tyle CouheR Feb. .b, 789g,� �.. APProveap"d Feb. b, - Ig48, (Feb_uary. 8. 1g9g.) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 1� n-dFan - Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, c 3M 045 4D Q That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the month side of Grove Street, east of Mississippi, with necessary guys, anchore and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. ..... In Favor v Against I I FEB 5 M6 Adopted by the Council..................................194..-.-. FB 51946 Approved............... ........................... 194. ------------------ Mayor eelainal to City Clerk - 135414 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUFILENCIL NO. r' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F3ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -/Fred 7U %— DATE February 6� IgAR WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existents of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of, csrtain employss of his. department for more than their usual hours of employ- sent; therefor., be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers ars hereby au- thorised to pay ths. fol'lowiny named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed fot'� extra employment for extra time hereinafter set foh: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Building Service, Main Ives W. Davies Janitor-Engineer 2 bra. $ 1,10 $ 2.20 Adelbert A. Fettiager Janitor 4 " 1.10 4.40 Paul H. Schilling Janitor-Engineer 2 " 1.10 2.20 Arlington Hills Branch Library William Green " " 16 " 1.10 17.60 Hemline Branch Library George L. Davenport " " 18 " 1.10 19.80 Merriam Park Branch Library August T. Schwartz " " 31 " 1.10 34.10 Riverview Branch Library William A. Barrett " " 10 " 1.10 11.00 St. Anthony Park Branch Library Rudolph J. Polanka It " 12 " 1.10 13.20 _Total 104.60 I.C.F. No. 36414-8 Fred M. Truax—- (Overtime for month of January) Resolve ThatI,eoee clty_osnc_I ra are tiereby au "to pay twin emP V' 1, the De ofi Education, Bureau of PU' Libraries, 'for extra employmentas set out on thel list, attached to Ulla rewlutton. Adopted by the CouncU Feb. 5, 1946. `CQ Approved Feb: 5, 1946, ■ A 5 (February 9, 1946,) r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays FEB Barfuas 5 ],* —Findhnr / Approved 194_ Parranto / Peterson •( In Favor Rosen *JUN Mayor Truax Against Mr7TFe—siTe_nT,_Mc_D`on—ougN- 3M 6-44 -qW9 - _ Fore No. 0 February 4. 1946 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours.per day, in doing the following work: o keeg Arlington Hills Hemline Merriam Park. Riverview and Anthony Park Branch Libraries open and to clean buildings. -Alsot to remove snow from walks at Main Library building and to move St Clair Branch Library to new quarters. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Tt was necessary to keep branch library buildings ogen on account of special activities, to clean M! at Main Library building and to move St. Blair Branoh__ Library. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. PJ -HB Librarian 1/44-100 1,15415 - Lto City Clerk COUNCIL ' NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ...--- _--------------- ''• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,COUNCIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM COMM issl ONER. RETED BY DAT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized,to pay certain Employes in the Department of public Works for extra employment from January 16 to January 31, 1946, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss an Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax .....Against noug — aM 9-45 OGP-Q C.F. No. 135415-13Y Into n Rosen— il swlved, That the proper oily offic- er; are hereby authorized to pay cer- tain employes in the Department of fromic Ja Work. for 18r to_jue ern31�y 39 6 -Tee t futh_Cfty C1erK and the nCity ComppppGGjrouer. yy Apppethe 7946!1 Feb. 5,r 1996. led tlF (February 9, 1946.) FEB Adopted by the Council ----------------- ..--..194...... FEB 19d6 Approved -----------------------------------------194---- Mayor Or fel to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL co�raca NO �FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIONtIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER. LABOR ROLL - JANUARY 16 to 31., 1946 NAME TITLE NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Andert, Anthony W. Garb.Coll. 13 1050 19050 Armstrong, Malachy J. Unak.Lab. 8 . 5 7.60 Clauseen, Edward C. Truck Dr. 71 702 Clinton, John M. Kettle Fire. 16 .� 15.20 DeMartena, Frank Asph.Labe 12 .95 11.40 Diegnsu, Cheater Truck Dr. 8.87f 7.02 Einck,.Walter T. Dispatcher 20 .9 19.90 Fuenffinger, Rudolph Garb.Coll. 166 1.57 24000 5 27 Gallas, J. Truck Dr. $$ Max Gangi, Sam Unsk.Lab. 12 .95 11.40 Glancy,'Glen L. Unak.Lab. 8 -95 7.60 Gooseen, James A. Hagerty, Stephen Truck Dr. -PT 12 1.00 12.00 Hansen, Frank - Garb.0oll.0 1.50 7. Hayek; Joseph E. Unsk.Lab. 32 e95 30.40 Henry,•Alfred J. Unak.Lab. 12 .Q95 11.40 Hilger, Carl J. Truck Dr. 4 .$7_1 3. 1 Horan, Raymond Unsk.Lab. 8 e95 7.00 Johnson, Peter S. Unsk.Lab. 16 .95 15.20 Kennealy, Joseph Truck Dr. 5 1.00 5000 Krueger, Henry Unak.Lab. lb .95_ 15.20 Kubik; Frank Caretaker 14 lle55 Kuehn, Lawrence Garb.Coll. .7 1.50 10.50 Leitner, Fred Garb.Coll.13 1.50 19.50 Leitner, Otto Garb.Coll. 16 1.50 24.00 Lind, Andrew Unsk.Lab. 16 .95 15.20 Lindbom, Arthur Unsk.Labe 14 .95 13.30 Looks, Clinton S. Unsk.Lab. 24 .995 22.80 Maidl, Francis Truck Dr. 12 .87-2 1043 Malaski, Frank Unak.Leb. 40 8 .95 .95 38,00 Marsitelli, Domenico St.Sweeper 8 . 7.60 7.60 Maraitelli, Mike St.Sweeper 95 Masao, Alberto Unak.Lab. 328 30760 Vincent Unak.Lab. 0995 Maternowsky, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss vi-dl.n - Approved ........................... ------ ..194 ...... Parranto Peterson ----- -_In Favor ................ ------............ Mayor Rosen Truax .......... Against i en , c onoug 3M 945 _q90P0_® oriCity Cle(k COUNCIL / CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO_-----�---------------- • r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMM ISSIONER� -� FEB 5 10 Adopted by the Councill----------------------------------194. COUNCILMEN ..... , Yeas FEB 5 Nays i..i ^ril Barfuss mdlan Approved. ----------------------------------------- 194. ---- Parranto Peterson ------ --- --In Favor ----- -------------------- ------------- -....... ---•-----........-----Mayor Rosen Truax Against ant 945 LABOR ROLL - JANUARY 16 to 31, No466 AMOUNT NAME TITLE Maurizio, Angelo IInsk.Lab. 8 16 •95 •95 7.6o 15.20 McDonough, James Michaud, William Unsk.Lab. Unak.Lob. 20 6 •95 1.00 19.00 6.00 Neuaehwander, Joseph F. Truck Dr. -PT 5 1.00 5.00 Oberg, Forreat B. Truck Dr. -PT Unsk.Lab. 5 15.20 O'Donnell, MR Crew Leader -PW 16 .98j 15-22 Putnam, Fred A. Rhode, Steve Unsk.Lab. 24 13 .95 1.00 22.00 J3.00 Ryan, Michael H. Schreiner, Alfred P. Truck Dr. -PT Road Mabh.Opr. 8 •95f 7,60 Schude, Ben G. gew.Mtc.Lab. .60 Shea, Cornelius Unsk.Lab. 6 .77* 4.64 Stoffel, Jacob Stephan Caretaker IISne •erb�pr. 16 •95 1526 8 7 Szaley, Taube, Albert p 8 1.09 95 2.85 Taylor, Harold Unsk.Lab. Garb.Coll.of 5 1:50 7 50 Twisk, Floris Vitro, Leonard P. Unak.Lsb. 4 9 8 8.84 Wadell, Leo Road Mach.Opr. Truck Dr. -PT 12 1.00 12.00 Wadell, Leo Welsh, William P. Truck Dr. 13 X87# 1.00 7.90 13.00 West, John A. Truck Dr. -PT 8•95 7.60 Yorke, Max Unsk.Lab. TOTAL 700.54 FEB 5 10 Adopted by the Councill----------------------------------194. COUNCILMEN ..... , Yeas FEB 5 Nays i..i ^ril Barfuss mdlan Approved. ----------------------------------------- 194. ---- Parranto Peterson ------ --- --In Favor ----- -------------------- ------------- -....... ---•-----........-----Mayor Rosen Truax Against ant 945 1,?5415 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the fol- lowing work: Maintaining fires and watching equipment and material, snow removal and cindering, making repairs to streets and sewers. This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances: Necessity for maintaining fires and watching equipment and material at Plant on Sundays, removing snow and cindering following recent storm, answering emergency calls for sewer maintenance and street maintenance. ,�Iac 4 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 1_:5416 oriitnal to city Clerk COREUNCIL NO ------- --•---•----•--- • CITY OF ST. PAUL F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERa .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEaL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. f----- yX"LVn, that the tree wee of the ftbi.bition Yell sued fheator of the Auditorium be Yieea to the Yineesota "sto Dental Assooistion os tebraW 85th, 86th sad 87th, 1841; the cost .of ,z opening sed operating to be sot up is the budget 1,n Auditorium Hund 1081. COUNCILMEN YeasNays Barfuss Ze�erson ...In Favor o ..............Against ruax 3M 945 �QQ C '' - CF. No. 135416—By Freat the frd M. Truax E hibitlResolvon Halaaand Th cue of thefAud' ltorlum be given to the Minnesota State Dental Assoclatlon on February 25th. ing and operating to be 26th and 27tyyh, 1946; the cost opf open - t in b AP0 led Febthe 5. 1946. Ft bFund �fS,t 1946. (February 9. 1946.) Adopted by the CouFEB 51946 194.--•-- FEB 5 1946 Approved------------------------------------------ 194 ------------ a/p� Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 135416 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O February 1, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs ° The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the free use of the Exhibition Hall and Theatre of the Auditorium to the Minnesota State Dental Assaaiation on February 25, 26, 271 1946, as recommendve ed in the attachedoletter of said association. Puria♦•iAuditorium Manager, Very truly yours, 'City Clerk. GL EDWARD A. PURNI. Mwrunew Telephone GArBeld 7761 nr Conpention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 84oare Feet Beating 16.000 Ice Rink 100x221 EXHIBITION HALL 04.000 S.— Feet Ever, Berrlee AUDITORIUM THEATRE Beating 8.000 Complele stage AR New STEM HALL Balte— Gomptete stage Beat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Sent. 060 2 HALL8 Senting 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C C-1 110-220 Volta Single and 2-pho.e D -O C_nt 110.220 Volt. Telephone -Telegraph P. A. S7.tem InOomhuaHonl Mashie ry Hot and Cold water Drein Connection. Ga.. Ste- Comp—.d All DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PREO M. TRUAX. Cn-111— CARL E. SPEAKES. Der - MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM _IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ^�' � wtru w rpwoorw January 30, 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, COffiRisSioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Please find enclosed letter received from Mr. Leo Faricy, convention manager for the Saint Paul Association of Commerce, requesting the free use of the Exhibition Hall and Theatre February 25, 26, 27, 1946, for the convention of the Minnesota State Dental Association. For:your information, they have been granted free use in past years, and accordingly, if this is approved, will recommend that resolution be introduced granting them the free use as in the past. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT P TO UM r� G" EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager �1 'CIS RENCF. A. CUSI IN,W, YRINDENT 4 � YAM. 0.'. ANDFR54�N� VICt: YHLSIDENT .GUY t: 11.41Lh:\r. TRE,lSVRER fl)t IN C. t Co)HNIN<:. VICt: I_siUt.Yl' I.A�IIIERT s. GILT_ Vlt'EI•KF:.IUEN 1' WIII.IA`: F. UA\'IU� �'VIt CK SAINT PAUL ASSOCIATION OFCO - STATES MF_MI3ER • CHAMBER OF COMMEOF THE FRED 1,. FELI_oW, GENERAL SECRt_FARY SAINT PAUL I, MINNESO'T'A January 26, 1946 jgr. F. A. Furni, idanager saint Paul municipal Auditorium Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Fdx The Minnesota State Dental Agsto1ho11dnits regular f which rconvention uand den is the Secretary, exhibit in Saint Paul, February 25 to 27. On behalf of the Minnesota State Dental Association, I would like to make application for the free use 5, 26e and exhibition nd forlof the the free use Municipal Auditorium on February 25, 25, 26 and 27, and the of the theatre sectionr5. Therexhibiti es of xhibition to be used for a afternoon of January clinics, and it will no doubt be large exhibit and several Special necessary for the Dental Association to have entrance to the building a couple of days in advance in order to set up generally The annual, meeting of 'the 4?innesost State Dental Association e admitted to be one of the finest state conventions. I believe e st the third largess about three meeting in the persons.ted StAttendancates and e willgbetr� tion usually drawn not only from Minnesota and its adjacent trade territory, but also from about half of the states as well. with an average hotel occupancy of three days Per person, the Dental convention comprises a very important piece of business for Saint Paul. Yours very truly, Leo B. Faricy, manager Convention Bureau LBF:vg ccs L. M- Cruttenden F. Y Truax J • yit chell Original to city ©ark CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM *1 PRESENTEDBY pgTc COMMISSIONER__ ---- COUNCIL N0V5.417-. RR80un, that the free use of the theater seotion of the lnditoriun bs given to the Lutheran Vorld Astlen Committee for the afternoon of Marsh 10th, 1846; the *oat of opening and operating to be set np in the budget in Auditorium fund 1021. C.F. No. 135417—By Fred M. Truax— Resolved, That the free use of the theater section of - the Auditorium be Action COMmlttee heiv totfor the fternoonri Lutheran of March 10th, 1946; the cost of opening and Aerating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1u1 Adopted bF the5Cocn Feb. 5, 1946. Approved 1946. (Febbua. ff 9, 1946.) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss rrIlan �a/ant. -Pe�terson ..............In Favor Posen n uax ...:/.-.....Against Mr. President OtiwrgiT""•—""" 3M 9145 _Ilw�Q cc FEB 51946 Adopted by the Council .............. ...194...... FEB 5 1940 Approved--.... --------------------------------- ---194 .... /�� -..... .....- ...-... '� or �r CITY OF -SAINT PAUL r� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE 'OF CITY CLERK , BUREAU OF RECORDS' Feb. 1, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City'Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the free use of the Theatre section of the Auditorium to the Lutheran World Action Committee, as requested by Reverend Charles L. Grant, on March 10th (afternoon), in accordance with recommendation contained in attached letter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 2 EDWARD A. FURNI.MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM M__ -IN THE HEART OF THE. SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Telephone GlAraehl 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA a DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Ili FRED M. TRUAX. Comma Na Convention Ensemble CARL E. SPEAKES. pPpfY EDWARD A. FURNI.MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM M__ -IN THE HEART OF THE. SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Telephone GlAraehl 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA a January 31, 1946 The � Convention Ensemble ARENA -64.000 So.— Pent 8eatl.w 16.000 O Ice Rink 100.221 EXHI13MON HALL 66.000 Sanere Peet Every Service AUDrrORHIM THEATRE SemOne 2.000 Comvlo. Stade AR Ner. Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner STEM HALL Department of Education . B1)— 615 City Hall Complete Stade Saint Paul 2s Minnesota Sea. 1.260 RAMSEY HwLL Dear Mr. Truax: See. 660 '2 HALLS Regarding request of the Lutheran World Action Committees SeatlnQ 160 the Reverend Charles L. Grant, for the free use of the 16 COMMITTEE ROOMS Theatre section Sunday afternoons March 10th, recommends SERVICES AVAILABLE with your approvals that resolution be introduced granting A -C C.—I110-220 Voile 81,21e and 3-phase the free use for that date. .. C_.nt 110-220 Vol. TeleDhoae-T.1—ph P. A. S,. Thanking your I ams mdaoed Draft Plpea tar Cambmtlon Machloery trulyy Hat and Cold water Yours very Du1n Connections Gv Steam compressed Air SAINT PAUL AIID TORIUM EAF:KW Edward A. Furnis Manager t�1 N To the City Council of Saint Paul: care of: Commissioner Fred M. Truax: The Lutherans of Saint Paul hereby petition for the use of the Theatre Section of the Saint Paul Auditorium for Sunday, March 10th, at 3:30 P.M. It is respectfully reo_uested that this courtesy be given without any charge. The following information pertains to the Rally meeting: 1. - The meeting is open to the public. 2. - It is sponsored by the Lutherans of Saint Paul in behalf of the suffering people of Europe, and all benefits will be only to them with no church body or denomination deriving any help, financial or otherwise, therefrom. 3• - The meeting itself is only for purposes of inspiration and infor- mat ion. h. - No offering will be received. In behalf of the Lutheran world Action Committee - Rev. Charles L. Grant v. Melvin A. Hammarber 135418 original to City Clerkcout+cn. No..______ --------- _____ CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.e r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM $SOLRA, that the age of the j=hitiitiom mall and Stem Ball in rho Amditoriam be gaamtod to the riimnegota "re"n rood Loeher Aggoeiatiem on April 19th and 20th. 1946, at the aegt of oponi" and operating. CF. No. 135418—By Fred M. T--- Resolved. That the use. of the FSc hibltlon Hall and :Stem Hall to the Auditoriumbe granted to the Minne- sota Frozen Food Locker Association on April 19th and 20th. 1946• at the cost of openln8. and aperating. Adopted by the Co1uncn Feb. s, 1996. Approved Feb. 5. .- (February 8.. i998:) Adopted by the Council 5.1946 194_.... COUNCILMEN Nays FEB 51946 Yeas/ Barfuss..... Approved---- ------------------------- - -._...-...194_ indlan arranto �terson .In Favor Mayor Rosen uax �--.-�--.Against 3M 045 -460>Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY. CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 1, 1946• Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepareaesolut oond granting the use of the Exhibition Hall and Stem ,all on April pr 20th to the Minnesota Frozen recommended in theattached letter of Zreoociation, at the sE.o opening Furni, opening and operating, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yourass City Clerk. 1 EDWARD A. FURNI, M__ Telephone GArseid 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 Squere Feet Sent 16.000 Iee Rink 100.221 EXI HtITION HALL 64.000 Square Faet Every Service AUDITORHIM THEATRE Satin 2,000 Complete Stave All New STEM HALL Bell—. Complete Sme. Sub 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Saab 660 2 HALLS ....a 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A-C Current 110-220 Valle emaleiaud 6-ph— D-C Current 110.220 Volta Telephone-Tel�Eraph P. A. System Iodoced Draft Flues -foe Combeetlon Machinery Hot and Cold Water Dram Con—tions Gas. steam Compxveeed Air DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIOH FRED M. TRUAX, Cgwwiea�ow01 CARL E. SPEAKES. Oven, .MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM --IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET Ir SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA wirw� ar wiwwuorw January 30, 1946 w Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 29 Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Please find enclosed letter from Mr. Leo Faricy, convention manager for the Saint Paul Association of Commerce, for the use of the Exhibition Hall and Stem Hall April 19th and 20th by the Minnesota Frozen Food Locker Association at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the cost of opening and operating. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM v EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager CL\RFNCI'.:V C-11MAN, PRENI)LN1' PAlll_ \\'. AM)M ;N. VICF.1'RF'.,II)F'.N F GUY F MAIIl_). TREASVRFR • jOHN C. i. CORN-;, VICL-I'R IUINT • LAN11-1G. GILL VICFPRF DKN1 • \\'RJJANI F. I)AVII).til)N. V10.11RF_MIAN1 SAINT PAUL ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE MF MBER • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF TI IF UNITED STATES FRFI) P. FE[jVo V , GENERAL SECRETARY SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA January 29, 1946 Mr. E. A. Furni, Manager Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium Saint Paul 21 Minnesota Dear Edz The National Frozen Food Locker Association is planning a very large regional meeting to be held here in Saint Paul, April 19 and 20, at the Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium. As you may know the Minnesota Frozen Food Locker Association convention was just completed here on January 17 and 18 at the Hotel Saint Paul. On behalf of the Frozen Food Locker Manufacturers and Suppliers Association I would like to request the use of the exhibition hall on April 19 and 20, and either Stem Hall or the theatre section for the morning and afternoon of April 19 and 20, these two facilities to be made available at the actual cost of opening and operating. With the tremendous interest that has been generated for food lockers for home use, this convention and exhibit should bring a very large attendance to Saint Paul. It will be greatly appreciated if you will use your good offices to secure these facilities for the Frozen Food people. Yours very truly, Leo B. Faricy, Manager Convention Bureau LBF -vg cc: R. R. Farquhar D. R. Card F. M. Truax J. Mitchell li 3419.ri,1 l Robert F. Peterson—� 1. 5419 That the Mayor, siomptro]- r1y1nW to city Iter CITY OF ST. PAUL dsn& Pubil Hulldines NO---_-__--.---------_.. �^ lrereby uthorlied to OFFICE OF THE CItY CLERK'`.' .Wth the 8ne11i 1,1 1. 1b, leasing. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL-,tOY2Ni building tntoI PRESENTED .� tnll-oin7� COMMISSIONE( /� i,. ,uTeW �; ti.,.,,. DATE RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Comptroller, City Clerk and Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings be and they are hereby•authorized to enter into a lease with the Snelling Avenue Commercial Club,leasing to said Club a City -owned building in Newell Park, under the following terms; 1. The term of the lease shall begin February 1, 194J, and terminate December 31, 1948, subject to the right of either party to cancel the same on thirty days notice served on the other party on December 1st of any year during the life of the lease. 2. The consideration shall be the payment of a rental of 01,.00 per year, and in addition, the lessee shall provide all maintenance of said building, including fuel, electricity, water, all necessary repairs, and janitor service. 3. The lessee shall have the privilege of subleasing to other organizations in order to secure the funds necessary for the maintenance as provided in the preceding condition. 4. At all times when the lessee or its sub -lessees are not actually usigg the building, the same may be used by other organizations and groups by permit issued by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings 5. The sale of all intoxicating beer or intoxicating liquor shall be prohibited. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss tt nto on 0 ruax r. rest , 3M 943 ® Q Adopted by the Counf-p..-R..---_55194-...-...194.. FEB 5144 Approved - --------------- 194 - ...'r.In _ ..............Against YUBLISHED,��� odgbW to Qty Qerk CITY OF ST. PAUL '�"ca NO ------ ___------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK > UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • CO'PRMMIJ SEODBY NER. DATE bri yv r+f 19�F6_ RESOLVED, That the Northwest Publications, Inc - authorized to install and maintain storage boxes on the public streets and highways in the City of St. P aul, pursuant to C. F. 120785 approved November 8th, 1940, (in accordance with Ordinance No.8161,), wherein the specific number and specific location of said boxes were made a part thereof, is hereby granted permission to install a storage box at the southeast corner of East Seventh Street and Johnson Parljway. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councif_Ea.---_.5...199-6_- .... 194___.-. Yeas Nays Barfuss 194b, _ Approved -----•- ........................ 194_..... Parranto Peterson ------� ---In Favor------------- - - --- - - -- •-- ...-= ----- - ------ Mayor------- -----•----• Rosen rJ Truax ..............Against en ,e onoug am 0-45 qW® .. Original to City Cleric 135421 CITY OF ST. PAUL Ni -E, NO---- ------ ----- .---.-.. POE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN 1 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ° COMMISSIONER DATE Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 165 lineal feet of gas main on Highland Parkway between Cretin and I4t. Curve under provisions of Council File No. 123001 Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuae 7ar1 a -- ranto Aleterson _ ...--In Favor ,,Aosen ,-Truax /1 ..............Against r. Presiden , c 3M 945 .4W0 C.F. N0. 195921--$y 7dlltow Rcicen—'. Resolved Thef the Northern States Fower. Company be given ppeermission to ing, 11 approximately 165 Ilneai, kat o{ Bas' main on lilBicland Parkway` behveen Gratia ..e�nnd Mt. Curve under, ':pprdine ns t Coufcll Flle No 3290614rdfnance No: 6273, .dated July 19 1991. "Adopted. try the Council Feb. 5, 1946. Approved Feb. 5. 1&16. (February 9, 1946,) Adopted by the Council...EB "..194..1 194.. FEB 194 Approved - ...................... ...... 194 ..... ... �-....�I3� Mayor 0.1 to to City ' It A� 1115422 6' " CITY OF ST. PAUL C0—C�i`IO.___.______.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TED BY DATE February 5 19$6 COMMISSIONER WREAS: Joseph M. Sausen desires to withdraw application 36165 for On Bele Liquor, application 36166 for Restaurant license, application 36167 for On Sale Malt License, application 36165 for Off Sale Malt, and application 36169 for Otgarette license, at 120 South Robert Street, and requests the return of the licehse fees deposited thereon, therefore, be'sit RESOLVED! That the proper city officers be end they are hereby anthbrized to refund to Joseph M. Seasen the fee of $1,077.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses.. COUNCILMEN YeasNays Muss in n ar to e .---.. on In Favor �.-.--Against r. resident, McDonough 500 4-44yp Adopted by the Coun�iY......._.5.-..i7.. ........ 194...... FEB 5 196 Approved .............................._ 194 ---------- ---------- edsio.l to Cur Clerk 1,15423 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �^ (�//Q� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pommissl N DATE February 5. 1946 RESOLVEnt That license for Restaurant, Application 139143, On Sale Malt, Application 139144, Off Sale Malt. Application A39145, and Cigarette, Application 1391460 applied for by Joseph Volk at 693 Mississippi Street, be and the some are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January 31, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays 111 an nto Pete} son __ -In Favor osen 'Ttus __-Against nou$ aM 544 8 CF. No. l3mii—Hyy Herfuss—Parranto R-.11.II That Ilcense 'ior Restaurant, pp 'A�8I4A Oa, Sale 2Sa1 Pltratbp" 1381 pft: Sale 27a1t,, , tion tor.. trY 7oaep �. Vo1E' Ae.are:ka'tY dopteA p e Couriclt Feb ti; '7898.' i rPPFoved^ etr ,3. .181e. _ ___,4Feb�tvary. 9`!1918.) FEB 610 Adopted by the Council 194_ ern fm 5 1946 Approves 194— Mayor Origin.lW City Cle ' 5424 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENGIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATES February 5 1946 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, Application A36067, On Bale Malt Beverage, Application A36066, Off Sale Malt Beverage Application A36069, and Cigarette, Application A36070, applied for by rrank Walus at 926 Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby granted. Now Informally approved by Council January 29, 19$6 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays arfuas ffan .Yar} anto �etersan Sh Favor osen /iTUaX Against r President, McDonoug 8M W4 -QW8 Cy. No. 19MM—H�Yy��fuYusa 'PmmMo= tw<W. That »Koro -for, /lpplfgitiga _:Og_,3+1e waft sev. .rate wnnsr'�°� ` P.u.awe 7iid�'��by��s��dreaQe: =aheeA Adopted by the CounflB 5 1%6 194_ FEB 51946 Approved 194_ Mayor 135425 oddn.l to City rlc OUNCIL -CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y ���//Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOF* PRESENTED BY DATE February 1946 COMM15510NER _— WHEREAS. John Dillon has made application 38159 for license to operate -as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) automobile, 1939 Packard, Motor No. B305906A, Serial No. 1291E20$0A, Car No. 9. covered by the Great American Indemnity Company Policy No. 139555. expiring December 30, 1946. and WHEREAS{ said applicant has filed a copy of the'insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy bas been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to John Dillon. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -Ptffffa—n Parranto Peterson Z1.avor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonoug 6M 6-44 °� 6 dopted b the Council Feb. 5, 1996.1 PProved(Fcbrucry 9.1946' .1946.) FFB 5196 Adopted by the Council 194— FEB 5 1946 Approved -20UMN Mayor OAZI. t t CW CI CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILocNO. 15426 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 111 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE ED $Y - DATEFebruary 5. 1940 COMMISSIONER _ WHEREAS, Anna Brieson has made application 35999 for license to operate as an unto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one (1) automobile, 1940 Packard, Motor No. 00504907D, Serial No. 1351-2172, Car No. 22 covered by Farmer's & Merchants Casualty Company. policy No. 38963. expiring August 15, 1946, and WHEREAS, said applicant has tiled a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Anna Brisson. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss P anto- Z.son In Favor TjKuax against eM 6-44 -4w 1 FEB 51916 Adopted by the Council 194— FE8 51946 Approv--'194— SOM . Mayor Original to CI4 CI 1,15427 CITY OF ST,"PAUL s VoEwca NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1!bbruars 5, 1946 WHERmec, Frank 0, flicker, dba Yellow Cab, has made application 39194 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, nine (9) taxicabs described as follows% Cab No. Make Motor No, Serial No, Insurance 6 42 Plymouth P14-16209 11406105 St. Paul Meru'. Ind. Policy #6216oi, Exp. 1x12-46. 7 41 Plymouth P1247go24 11367393 a a a a a 9 41 malfte.- D19 1027 30360112 a a a a a 9 42 Plymouth P1424939 11410335 a a a a a 10 42 Plymouth P1469gg2 ii4397ST a a a a a 11 42 Plymouth P1441o9T 11419g41 a a a a a 13 39 Chrysler 02213629 7594209 a a a a a 121 40 Chrysler 02549939 7650950 " 126 41 Plymouth P11127249 15029756 a a a a a - WEMMAS, said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as, taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted to (Prank 0, flicker. Renewal. COUNCILMEN Yeas // Nays arfusa n f'a�to Peterson o In Favor Against r.esi en , 3M N{ -QW 8 FEB 5194@ Adopted by the Council 194_ FEB 5196 Approves 194_ AkIgm Mayor R27BLISf If:ri___p� ��� C.F. No. 1359$8—BY Comers, Original W CW Clerk :7 Parranto— Reaolvedl That COUNCIL _ (; licenses appned Sor', FILE NO CITY O by the persona named on the list �d Ar at-' tachod to this resolution be and the l OFFICE OF ti t d. an hehCtj civ=ic al. NGL vyctegranted. COUNCIL RESOLD censes. upon the payment into the City -- PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council- Feb. 5, 1948. Approved FFeb. 6. 19.1 i�5 ( cliruary 9, 3948.) 135428 4 BESOLVEDt That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: David guretsky 55860 Canada Junk Dealer App 37394 New old Loo. Fanny Farmer Inc. 418 St. Peter Confectionery « 37606 New Old Loc. N. V. Schwal.en 539 N. Grotto Confectionery « 37848 New Old Loc. it n « « N « Cigarette « 37949 « « « Mr A Mrs Carl Engelken 1957 St. AnthonyRestaurant « 37871 New Old Loc. « « « « « « « Cigarette « 37872 « « « Arthur Harrington 642 Jackson Restaurant « 37963 « « « Leo Seigel & Maurice Flacher 380 Thomas Butcher « 37989 New Old Loc. « « « « « « Grocery « 37990 « « « « « « « : « Cigarette « 37991 « « a William Black 558 St -Anthony Off We Malt « 37994 New Old Loc. James G.Onertin 2264 Como Restaurant « 38075 New Old Loc. « « « « « Cigarette « 38076 N ■ « Mrs. L. We«ton 363 Jackson Restaurant « 39096 New Old Loa.' E.W. & Al Shier 198 Bates Gas Sta 2P « 39112 New Old Loc. Warren A.oaughn 418 Jackson Taxi Driver « 39122 New Charles L. Liddle 841 Selby Taxi Driver « 38248 New Howard C. Morten 11100 Breda Taxi Driver « 38266 New Dominic M.Parizino 341 Goodhue Cigarette s 36271 New Old Loo. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciEEB 519% 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss FEB —Find!—, Approve 194_ Pn Peterson In Favor MOM Mayor Rosen Truax Against 3M 544 -OW 8 Orijin.l to city Clerk 1.35429 CITY OF ST. PAUL �""`a No ------- OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 0%�y�/.Jr/-� "%'%' DATE Febrnar j. 194 RESOLVED: That license for Rest -rant, Application A37036, On Sale Malt. Application A37037, off Sale Malt, Application ,37038, and cigarette Application A37039, applied for by Round Up Inc. at 317 Robert Street whose officers are Edward P. Starr, Pres., Evelyn Starr, Sec.–Treas., and Walter J. Starr. Vioe–Pres., be and the same are hereby granted. CResol%d13Th 1Bjc ser for Restaurant,! Application A37039. Oa.. Sale Malt, An plication A37(137, off Sale Matt, Appli-; cation A37038, and Cigarette Application A37039, applied for by Round Up, Inc.• at 317 Robert Street, whose officers are Sec. T eae andward P. d Walter r. . J Stan, Vt ce Pres., be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Counen Feb. 5, 1998. Approved deb. 5, 1998. (February 9, 1946.) New Informally approved by Council January 31-, 1946 Old Loeation FEB 5190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194.-_-- Yea6Nays FEB sa�n53 51949 Finnd�dlan Approved------ ------ ---------------............194 -Parranto Pet on ........... -:In Favor• -- - ....... /Mayor iRos n ✓ ruax _ ...........Against .Mr.-Pre>li c onoug 500 4-44 �.® Original to Chy Clerk K CITY OF ST. PAUL =S .___ ��V_laaNCIL NOn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y�y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Awl COMMISSIONS ___! DATE February 5s 1946 RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License, Application A37035, applied for by Round Up Inc. at 317 Robert Street whose officers consist of Edward P. Starr, Pres., Evelyn Starr, SeomTrease, Walter J. Starr, Vice—Pres., be and the same is hereby granted. that the bond filed by Round Up Inc. Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. Inf. approved by Council January 31, 1946 Old Location Yeas Nays Bartuss Findlan Parranto 1 Peterson ...........In Favor Rosen ` Truax .......... Against HTr President At n_ ----i-- 590 4-44 ,060..@ C . No. 135430—RY Parranto— Reso]vedp: That On sale Lpiquor L! - by Rcenseound pUpe Inc., t 3 A370T' R%erteStreet tion Siawhose officers consist of Edward P. Walter' j- Starr yi e_pm ' be S--Ti,..: d the same 1-j- that the bond filed by Round UF. Inc., 1s hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said :.license: . Adopted by the Council Feb. -_5 1940. ,!�DProveIf 1: eb. 8. 1940. (February 9. 1948.) FFR 51" Adopted by the Council--..-. .................. 194 FEB 5 1946 /Approved. ......... -------- - ....194 Mayor erietnal w City clerk 1354:31 CITY OF ST. PAUL FEN`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BDATE Tebruar9 5. 1946 COMMISS ZONE - RESOLVEDi ''hat license for Restaurant, Application A38165, On Sale Malt, application A381669 Off Sale Malt, Application A38167, and Cigarette, Application A381689 applied for by John Gleeman at 208 E. Seventh Streets be and the same are hereby granted. Nes Informally approved by Council January 31. 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas j usa days / Ztan arranto ' / P erson Tren uax-2—Against uax —resident, meponetligh In Favor am &44 a C:F. No. 1831— Taranto a 601Ved: Thot lkenee Eor neataurant, .plication oAbBlbb,. tic °MW4 AoD1 Aai+� t�io�n3g9A, 3b187 anA Apollcatloa. "me'0Tme AM ore hesetg 1CranteC. Adopted' by the Couad( >;'eb: b: 3116: APD5.1 � _.—_I!'gDr°m'Y 9, tele:) • , $ FEB 5 1916 Adopted by the Council 194— FEB 5 1946 a Approved 194__ OWN Mayor od'i—1 to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FOIIENCIL O 11,543-2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 5, 1946 RESOLVED.- That On Sale Liquor License, Application A38164, applied for by John Gleeman at 208 E. Seventh Street be and the same Is hereby granted.- that the bond filed by John Qeeman is hereby approved, and the City Clerk Is directed to issue said license. iC.P. No. 33=49 1133 Porranto-_ - Resolved•97wt On Hate Ligver, Lt. Beene AppUAR1an A3pp,for 11171 Johim eerie. at els F=atrteti i. direrted.. to faeael:arid nee. Inf. approved Adopted. -Ii � a'e COpO� aeb.,5. 3ase.� by Ot3une11 Approved Feb 8, 38ge (Febrnaty. 8 ima January 31, 1946 Old Location _ FE® 51946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays FEB 51 Barfuss // Findlan Approved 194_ Po Peterson —In Favor Mayor Rosen Z/ Truax Against s3 en ,c onough 8M 5-tt 9 Original to City Clark -435433 CITY OF ST.' PAUL FlOLENCIL i110 t t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '/,/� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1.r COMM15610NER1 '� DATF February 5a 19`� - RESOLVED[ That license for Restaurant, Application 138173, On Sale Malt. Application A38174, Off Sale Malt, Application A38175, and Cigarette Application A391769 applied for by Peter No Isaac at 120 South Robert Street be and the same are hereby granted. NOW Informally approved by Council January 31, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. Barfuss r Findlan Parranto Peterson s Rosen Truax 71Rr Pr iud.r,t M.11"111.gt_— 3M 544 olfiS-6 C.F. _ - 135433—B Parranto— Resolved: That li�cenae for Restaurant, ;pllcall=onA8174.A38Off Sal Malt, 1pApAyp= tiononA36�875ap lied Cigarette Peteci` AE-'l Isaac at 120 South Robert Street be' and the same are Hereby ranted. Adopted by me Council Feb. 5, 1946. Approved Feb. 5, 1946. (February 9, 1946.) FEB 51946 „Adopted by ibe Council 194— M 1 f Approved 194— 'A7L In Favor �/Z-t 71'1 . ,2�� Mayor against Orialaal to Cit, Clerk 1.35434 61TY OF ST. PAUL Flog NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 `COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONS �yA' DATE February 5, l9 RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor license. Application 135172, applied for by Peter M. Isaac at 120 So. Robert Street, be and.the same is hereby granted: that the bond filed by Peter M. Isaac is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. CF. No. 135434—By Parranto— ResoWad: That On Sale Ltquor Ll -i C_ , .Application A311172; applied for by Peter M. "Isaac at 120 S. - Robert' Sweet, bWthel, e same � 1s herebygg anted: toad filed by PeterS .Isaac •aD owed. and theClty Cletecte�r.to'lasue sold]lcense:AdoptedCopacll :Feb. 5, 1946.,ADProve1848. a 1998) . Inf. approved by Council January 31. 1946 Old Location. FEB: 51946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194 — Yeas Nays Barfuss FEB 5194 Findlan Approved194— Po 117, Peterson In Favor mayor Rosen / Ti uax y Against 3M 544 -SW 8 ' 135435 o'Im." to City ClerkwuNca. CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE NO ------ __-----••-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^ p PRESENTED BY� DATE rebraary 5. 1946 COMM ISSIONE _ RESOLv= That On Sale Liquor Licensee Application A392109 applied for by Melvin R. Larson, at 119 So. Webasba Street be and the same is hereby grantedi that the bond filed by Melvin R. Larson is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. Inf. approved by Council January 31. 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax _Mz, reetde 500 444 -GN•Q CF. No. 13593$ -By Parrant Resolved: 7'bat oa selae Lio.- puok- LI - aerie. Appp7faatioa....A3821U•ayplied for by StM R.' La'014' aL 1n9; go Webasba ere �Brtarenet:' be and the eetae '"ie hereby R. 'IaisbnthLt bend lRed.' by''Welvin by' ay3ssoved. and -the Ctty 'C1eHc is;: dliected to lake' said n- cenee. ,Adopted byy...thr C U' Feb. 6. 3998. Approved- Fetr. 8eb Adopted by the Council194 ...... FEB ` 1P, 0 Approved ----------------------------------------194------ - .In Favor- - Mayor ------...--Against original t. City Clerk COUNCR M._t53fz CITY OF ST. PAUL 'COU "In- OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_BY �� DAT February 5. 1946 RISOLVEM That license for Restaurant, Application A38211, On Sale Malt, Application A38212, Off Sale Malt, Application, A38213, and Cigarette, Application A38214, applied for by Melvin R. Larson at 119 So. Vabasha Street, be and the same are hdreby granted. iew Informally approved by Council January 31, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto i Peterson `s ....... In Favor Rosen .Against Truax 500 4-44 Ci-. No. 13506—Sq Parranto— sesolved: That Itetm.e: tor. Rsat urmnt Applieatlon �1 Oa. Salb 1h16' P capon A88313, DK Sale Malt.:w cation A38=" add- G(are44, Ap von A38014,' -tr-- at 10- W�bSalta . street: be - the a4mV:ax ba�eD7-8,6, ,Ted. opted b '. the CormelY Yeb. 1818: Approved February 9. 1"6.) FEB 51946 Adopted by the Council.............................:....194_._... 51916 Approved........... ........ .................... 194 - _> , . S ................. Mayor Council File No . .......................... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1.35437 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Laurel Avenue between Syndicate Street and Scheuneman Avenue, under Preliminary Order.._131612 Intermediary Order... -...133419 Final Order.....133654 approved •June ...................... 19_4-5.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F9MR RZ$OLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -..--------------,---....equal installments. F sR 6194. Adopted by the Council ... _... .................................... ....... ......... ..... .....x.19 ..... FEB 6YC! Y/1 ✓-=�ss�u r�11 City Clerk. Approved------------------------ ----------------------------- 19..... _4! —�- Mayor. Form B. B. 18 File 9748 / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January- 9------- 19--46• In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ides curbing Laurel Avenue between Syndicate Street and Scheuneman Avenue, 131612 -.-, Intermediary 133419 under Preliminary Order ......... ..........................- -..... y Order..... -..1 3 1 ..................................... 13365445 Final Order .......... ............................. approved ............. J..une.----12---•- --------....----- --•--.......................... 19 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 815 00 Cost of construction $-...-...--- �------------------- Cost of publishing notice . $-......2..40--•-- ......... Cost of postal cards $----.._0.48---- Inspection feesI----•26.30 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 59.08 Amount of court costs for confirmation 40 Total expenditures $---895.66 ............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the 'sum of $-._895.66•••---:........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the spid improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is h-6,vi h --submitted to, the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 ---------- ---- - Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ................................... U1115438 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the mattet of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Street, ----. -- -- .-- CF. No. 195438— confiniieHon.� the said assess Te'Ftas b. Mh.Th" under Preliminary Order..._132510 Intermediary Order...-133267„----� d'"=%, eW mn6d to be payable in 5 eyval AQopted by the-Counotl Feb. 6, 3996: Approved Feb. 8, 1918. approved.--M8y-29........................19-45,• Fue e-- (February e, 1946.) i. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................................ equal installments. Adopted by the CounciL. FEB -6 19D ............................19.. tet........., City Clerk. J Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 - Form B. B. 18 File 9743 v J _ hl o' �4 �.-t._-> Mayor. pUBLISHED4--Z---/:�'� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January 9--- .............19..46 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Elte curbing Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Street, y 132510 133267 under Preliminary Order ................... ... Intermediary Order.... Final OrderPP - - 133535approved ......��-29----......---------------------------- 19.45-- ..-.-----•-------------- .--_--------------_- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with, the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $ 1375.00 Coat of construction - ------------------------ 3.30 Cost of publishing notice $---------� -------•------------ Cost -------••Cost of postal cards $-------...... .66 ........ --.- Inspectiop fees $-----_27_.50............ Engineering . . . . . . . . . 40.65 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . $.- 3.30----••---_-- 1450.61 Total expenditures $---------•••--------•---- - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.1450.61 ----------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fm n B. 17 - j ' Commissioner of Finance. orlyln.l to City Clerk •�! {f'; 1 }ij'� " C14 OF ST. PAUL' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ ,/{+taw-y�"� COMM ISSIONER:._' / DATE— �o���,� No- PILE �i- S$SObtW, that the nee of the AnUtorlus lheator be given to Ohrist Lutheran Church on JW 111h for a consort by Saint 01af Lutheran Choir, at the soot of opening and operating. C.F.No, .: ?rY.1- Ralo2vad.'•.AAati '!L!'rYe?•ot'L .April. i0rtum 'Dae.t.r pe >j{oln�. to ChH.t' yu,. .ihelan Cb m - fI1H+ Yora concert `Iry �L'"': ' cAMfr. aYMoDkdoo¢yYp.yy � �ay�aa- -,llgpmv0(1-Yetl dG COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barruss _ T dla Parranto FavorPeterson�-In Rosen %J Truax .....Against e onoug 3M 9-95 'O'® FEB -51946 Adopted by the Council ---.-.------ 194.....- FEB 190 Approved................ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 17� -� � Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O i Feb. 5, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of the Auditorium Theatre on May 11th to Christ Lutheran Church for a concert by Saint Olaf Lutheran Choir, at the cost of opening and operating, as recommended in the attached letter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk. I _ DEPARTMENT OF EDV CATION FRED M. TRVAX. Caww�avioaR. CARL E. SPEAKS . parYrtr- EDWgpD A.Y RUNq. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT- Telephane GAraeid 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA par ram pr w wraps The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 Bpvare Feet Seatlpg 16.000 Ice Riuk 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL """ apvaza Fast Every B-1- AUDITORIUM THEATRE Seating 8.000 Complete 81, - All New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stage Sesta 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Beate 660 2 HALLS Seating 160 11 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAH.ABLE A -C Current 110-220 Vulte 81n¢le and 8 -phaco D -C Current 110-220 Volte Teleph0na-Telegraph P. A. System Indueed Draft Flues for Combuetion Maehiaen Hot and Cold water D.I. ConvecUova Oen. Steam Comprea.ed Air February 1, 1946 Mr. Fred Id. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request from Christ Lutheran Church, the Reverend Joseph Simonson, pastor, for the use of the Auditorium Theatre May llth for a concert by Saint Olaf Lutheran Choir at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the coat of opening and operating. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM AF: -KW Edward A. Furni, Manager orl61o.1 90 City Ct rk FouNCIL 1A}� CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE NO. -- 1-35 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER.."� st80LVU, that the use of the Areas in the Auditorim be given to the Minnesota Catholic sigh school Association on March 7th, 8th and 9th, 1946, for its first annual state basketball tournament; the gross receipts froa ticket sales. (exclusive of tax) over $5,000.00 to be divided equally between the Auditorium and said Association; da -LA sum of =5,000 of the gross tioket sales to be paid to said Association to cover the ooet of staging the tournament. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Barfuss, , --fix Parranto Peterson In Favor Posen "rnaR •..'--.✓..---..Against 3M 6-05 -"W@ cc Council Feb. 6, 1946.: 1946 . i y A 1946.) FEB 619V " Adopted by the Council ........----------- ....... ...-...194...... FFBr;ra Approved.............. ............................194 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1?5440 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS b0 Feb. 5, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached request for use of the Auditorium Arena on March 7, g, 9, 1946) by the Minnesota Catholic High School Association for their annual state basketball tournament, on the terms outlined in the letter of Mr. Furni. The Council suggested that you call Mr. Furni to clarify the terms in the event that the letter does not make them clear. Very truly yours, City Clerk. lil DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX....—em.nOt CARL E. SPEAKES. Dery i EDWARD A. FURNI. S Muupvt j Telephone GArlleld 9161 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -17,000 So— Feet Beating 16,000 Iee Rick 100:221 EXHIHPrION HALL 61.000 Seuere Feet Every Service AUDITORNM THEA77tE Senting 2.000 Complete St— All New STEM HALL Bell—. Complete Stege Seat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Scene 660 2 HALLS Seating 160 1/ COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Current 110-220 Volt. Single end 1 -phase D -C Comcast 110-220 Volt. Telephone -Telegraph P. A. System Induced Draft Fluee for Combustion Mnin he Hot end Cold Water Drew connection. Gass. St— Compressed Air MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA u.nw� or sslro.nvre February 1, 1946 Mr. Fred Me Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Regarding the request of the Minnesota Catholic High School Association for the use of the Arena March 7, 6, 9, 1946, for their first annual state basketball tournament, with your approval recommend the following resolution be introduced granting this use: The gross receipts from ticket sales (exclusive of tax) over $3000.00 to be divided equally between the Auditorium and the Minnesota Catholic High School Association. This HIM of $3000.00 of the gross ticket sales is to be paid the Minnesota Catholic High School Association to cover the cost of staging the tournament. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT P%AUL�AUDITO EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager ((/� �X Vl • C.F. No. IM941—HY Sertuss—Parranto—: ����1 original to City Cie Resolve$ :That licenses. eppnotl for by; pOUNCR toethls resolutions NO•------------'----_._. CITY be s dethlfeatsatteched c,tE hereby grantetl, antl the City Clerkalrea, OFFICE 01 the ,am.ntlnla l,,licenses upon! the COUNCIL Ch, Clty treasury of the reeupulred fees, RESO - Adopted by the Feb. e, 3998. Approved •:peb. 8, 7998. _(February 9, 3948.) -'-'------ . ,,e 6 1946 PRESENTED B COMM ISS, ONE .__ -- uh„ _ — -- t RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: George J. Brown 1043 Grand Restaurant App 35560 Renewal r Cecil J. Brassell 499 Wabashe, Restaurant " 35670 " On Sale Malt " 35671 " off Sale Matt " 35672 " N r a N a Cigarette " 35673 " John We Bowlin 139 W. Central Restaurant " 35792 " r a a N a N On Sale Malt " 357V3 " off Sale Malt " 35794 " r r a N N a Cigarette " 35795 " Morrie bit 730-34 N. SnellingGrocery " 3569 " W N a r N Cigarette " 3569 " Nicholas Breter 609 He Dale Barber " 36413 " John Mann 947 W 7th Barber " 36415 " Henry Watzl 1069 We 7th Barber N 36616 " Joseph Milner 569 We 7th Barber " 36615 " Fred Schwabel 1612 Randolph Barber " 36563 " Philip Eirmser 382 Webasha Restaurant " 36932 " r N M N a N On Sale Malt N N Matt Nb9 " 33 M 3693+ " Off Sale Cigarette " 36935 " Ernest Herberts 472 S. Cleveland Barber " 36951 " C. F. Schulz 1574 Selby Barber " 36961 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax 9M 9-45 Q.p I .............. In Favor ........ Against Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Approved ....... Mayor Original to City Clerk 1 135441 t' CITY OF ST. PAUL =UNcll- NO ------ ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..__ _ DATE Pebruary 6. 1946 Page No. 2 Christ Keller 368 Selby Barber APP 36967 Renewal Michael Bill— 630 University Berber a 36982 a Andrew Lavrinsts 475 R. 7th Barber N 36983 a Patrick Casey 2052 Marshall Barber N 37046 N Dennie Ricoe 1585 Selby Barber " 37053 " Charles Koolan 1169 A- 7th Barber a 37063 a Jas McBride & Eblmett,Oonnall 45759 Bt.Peter xeatanrant a a On Sale Malt a 37075 37076 a N N a a N a Off Sale Malt " 37077 " N N N a N N Tavern " 31079 N Public Dance Hall N 37079 " p N N N N N Cigarette " 37090 " George M. Miller 488-90 St. Peter xestanrant a 37203 a N N N N N On Sale Malt a 3720 N a N N N N Off Sale Malt " 37205 " N N N N N Tavern " 37206 a Public Dance Hall " 37207 a N Cigarette a 37208 a City Liquor Store Inc. 544 St. Peter. Confectionery a 37211 a Pred Labors 1199 B. Snelling Barber a 37266 a Arthur H. Schultz 736 H. Snelling Barber a 37280 a Joseph Griemenn 1963 Rice Barber a 37424 a John Schneider 1194 Rice Barber " 37439 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Yeas . . . . Nays Barfuss -Findfan Approved ................ ------------------..194------ Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor ... ................................. ........................... Rosen Mayor Truax -------Against Mr. 3M 945 . 0 @ -' - "Inal to City Cleric 1 , 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL MUNCa NO ------ _------- ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._. Bebraary 6, 1946 DATE Page Ho. 3 lfm Montzka 1014 Arcade Barber APP 37506 Renewal Geo Del Signore 179 Rondo Grocery " 37605 " " " Off Sale Malt " 37606 a " " a " M Cigarette " 37607 " Ray O'Donnell 929 Arcade Barber " 37643 " R. L. Hornbach 1956 St.Anthony Barber " 37675 a Robert J. Gallivan 372 Wabasha Restaurant " 37740 N On Sale Malt a 37741 " a N a a N Off Sale Malt " 37742 " A. R. Disterhoff 755 Raymond Barber " 37789 " Hlemens A. $rase 990 Rice Grocery N 37796 a " " " " " Cigarette " 37797 " Faye Dudovitz 389 Wabasha Fruits 81 Vegetables N37913 a Rose Yard 82 H. Milton Cigarette " 37954 a Oscar Zan«ell 879 Rice Confectionery N 37978 N " " Cigarette " 37979 N Melvin E. Nelson 285 R. George Cigarette " 37995 " Julius Greenberg 465 Webasha Restaurant " 37995 a Confectionery " 37996 " Cigarette N 37997 " Claude M. Gillespie 2409 'University 2nd Ed Auto Mr " 3g004 " Ohas Helier. Jr. 530 St. Peter Confectionery a 39041 " a N a a N Off Sale Malt " 39042 " Cigarette N 38043 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Yeas Nays Barfuss --Findhnr-- Approved ............... ........ ------......----194------ Parranto Peterson........In Favor ........... ...................................- -............................... Rosen Mayor Truax ............ Against 31M 945 �O. - 1-3,5441 OrlQinnl to City Cleric CAUNCiL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENo ------ ---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7sbrnaTy 6. 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._.____ DATE - _ Page Ho. 4 Harvey 1. Haas 71tO Blair Grooery App 38044 Renewal ■ r a ° a Hatcher a 38045 a Mrs Marie R. Johnson 919 Armstrong Grocery " 39049 " a a a ■ a ° Off Sale Malt " 38050 " ■ a a a ■ a Cigarette " 38051 " Steve Harbek 1146 Rice Grocery " 39055 " a,. a ■ a Batcher ° 38054 " ■ a 00 'Off Sale Malt Off a 38055 " Harry Cohen 370 N. Junk Dealer " 38071 ■ Lowry Garage Inc. 349 Wabasha Gas station " 3SD95 " Joseph lybak 943 W Tth Butcher 1 39115 " Russell M. Neff 380 University Gas Ste, 4—P " 38132 a a a a a ■ Orig Cont ° 3813Z " a ■ a a a Cigarette a 3813 " James P. Morrison 110 Como Taxi Driver ° 3816] " Jack Gilman Tog Iglehart Taxi Driver ■ 38169 a 'lhitmas P. Drake 33T Larch Taxi Driver a 38170 ° Raymond W. Bednar 106 N. Smith Taxi Driver " 38171 " Robert Cable 26D N. Oxford Taxi Deriver " 38179 " Lawrence P. Wagner 108 Como Taxi Driver a 38180 ■ James Barron 120 E. Colorado Taxi Driver ° 38182 a William E. Johnson 1516 Iglehart Taxi Driver " 3S183 " FEB 6 194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 ------ Yeas Nays FEB 6 INS Barfuss Inan - Approved ----------........... ----------------- ._.194-•---• ParrantoAim 11 Peterson --In Favor .... lrl" Mayor Rosen Truax .............. Against M u •I�ough 3M 9-46 40 ® ' Original to Clerk couxCm _' 135442 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.________.__._:__� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMENTED BY M SSIONER DATE February 6. 1946 RESOLVED: The Grocery License No. 3955, Butcher License No. 8304, Off Sale Malt License No. 5328. and Cigarette License No. 7321, all esptring November 17, 1946, issued to W. J. $nowlan at 693 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred -to We J. Bnowlan at 677 Hague Avenue. C.F. No. 1Mi:7gy garfuas Parranto_, 3855, Butcher L ceneoO Norya7--- Off SNO Malt. License No. 8378, and Cigarette; License No: 73M all eupiringg November[ 17. 1848, Issued to W. J. Voven er, 883 SelbyY Avenue,' be and the- carrell lans heerebr7 annsrerredd to J. r{earoe ow - Adopted by the Connell Feb. B, 1948.1 APProved Feb• 8, 1848, � (February_9, 1948.) FEB 6199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................. ............ 194 Yeas Nays FEB S jig Barfusa Approved............................... ... 194- ..... /Parranto �tersonFavor In Favar' sen /1 Mayor ,,,Truax ..--....--..Against Mr. President, McDonoug 500 4-44 .O orlonal toCOUNCIL - 135443 Y CITY OF ST. PAUL .ILe NO..-.--__----�.---� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— COMM 6, 194466 COMM ISSIONER.- RESOLVED: The On Sale -Malt License No. 9143, Cigarette License No. 6279, AW expiring February 19 1946 and Pinball (2) License No 521, expiring November 1, 1946 issued to Riverview Commercial Club at SO Fast Congress, be and the same is hereby transferred to Riverview Commercial Club at 426 So. Natasha Street. CF. No. 135449 --Hy Barfus—Parranto—' Resolved: The On Sale Malt Ltbensej No. 910, Cigarette License No: 8279.' ex 'ringg February'-],.. 190, and Pfn-; ball (2) Lltense Too. 321. explring November 1, 1998, issued to " 1werview, Coinmemlal Clbb t. so Sett-.C�epa be and the same is hereby Lralieieaxw'd� to Riverview Commercial Club at '428 So. Wabasha Street. Adopted by the C.—H Feb. 9, 1948.'i Approved Feb. g, 1890., (February e, t9s6d FEB 6 i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council------ -------------------------- 194...... Yeas arias: Nays FEB rj 7n an Approved .................. ......... ...........194 arrant. S fn tersonIn Favor --................... Mayor Ftgsen Against real ant, c on 500 4-44 �..p Original t ity ©.ria CITY OF ST. PAUL 135444 { nOUNCIL \; BILE No.- ------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..._.___ _—_ February 6 46 DATE y . 1I(69 B'SLVEDS The (k6 Station License No. 7679 (two pump) expiring September 20. 19$6 issued to Arthur G. 81rby at 597 South Snelling Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Clarence Brown. and Lloyd Haugland at the same address. C.F. No. 135444--Barfua�-.Parranto— Resolved: The Gas Station License Na. 7679 (.". pumP) a.Plring. September 20. 1946, ed to Arthur GG 1Tt at 567 South" Snelling Avenue, be and the same 18 hereby transferred to Clarence Brown and Lloyd Aauglend at the same address. Adopted by the Council Feb. 6, 1946. Approved Feb. 6, 1946. _ (February 91 1846,) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss an arranto ,A"e'terson - 4fosen --------------In Favor _Truax -_-...Against 3M 045 .46!0-O FFP l Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- --194..---- FEB �' L Approved-- 194_.._. -- ---------- ------------- Mayor OrIWQ.I t. C14 Clerk 1 - .:135445. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. -_-___....—...— O CE OF THE CITY CLERK COON I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 5, 1946 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons IIQs leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, ,C.F.R. motor method, from the n. K. STAHL COUPAIY, at a price of $ .0732 per gallon, less to ten days on refinery price, to be delivered on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failube to act promptly would cork a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment -1003-134 FEB 6 I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ......... ......... .r ... ..........194_.... Yeas � Nays C `11 'I3arfuss ! Approved-....,. ............ ...-......----------194 I-P-Irranto ,,,Peterson In Favor 'f /Rosen /1 Mayor ,,Wuax J .Against lylr , 500 4-44 .��® orlsiaa,ta�tty�le<k 1:5446 CITY OF ST. PAUL couvca visa O•-------'-------------' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tNC LL RES LOTION—GENERAL FORM 00, PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._ FXSOLVUI that any bidder upon the property desoribed in Ceunoll File No. 138391, approved February 1. 1946, shall deposit, with his bid, ten per aent Of the mount of his bid. C.F. No. 196948—By Mnton Rosen, by request Resolved That any bidder the property bescribed 1n Co—ii Fne No. 135391, approved February -.1. 1998, atoll deposit, with h1s bid ten per, cent of the amount of h -bid. Adopted by the Councn Feb. 8, 199(1. Approved Feb. e, 1946. (February 9, -1998.) r[g R� =Ate COUNCILMEN 'Adopted -by the Cou clr.:_._6:1--°-------.-i94 YeasNays FFP 6 �. arfuss I� �In an — Approved- -_--------------------194 - -1 arranto /4eterson----..In Favor= ----- ---- -- ---- ruax . ..............Against en , 3M 945 .4610.Q 00 J W5447 .. odo to City CITY OF ST. PAUL _ couNLi..J-----__---.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM QmSsIONER— BESCLVED NED BY P That Motor Vehicle Driver License No. 3, expiring Febtuary 1, 1946, issued to Charles E. Heck, be and the same is hereby revoked upon reoommendation of the Bureau of Police because of his second arrest for speeding within a 12 -month period on Jaimary 19, 1946 and bail forfeiture thereon. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss an Pia/ rranto �Petsrson P�osen 11 ruax AU -Pare Sid mft ' Mtn mmugr- 400 4-44 qqjj�•O I C.P. No. 135647-13y Barfus&_Farranto— Reeolved, That Motor Vehicle Driver, License No. S. expiring February 1, 1946, issued to Charles E. Eeck, be and'I the same Is hereby revoked upon rec because eoto lJs second akrest far speed-, Ing W14 a 1&month ppeeriod on Janu- cry 1B,. 1946,_ and. ball forfeiture there o Adopted b the Council Feb. 13, 1946.. Approved Feb. 13, 1946: (February16, 1946.) Adopted by the Com ._!3J'!9®------- ...... 194-..... Approved................ ......................... 194...... ...... ....... In Favor - .......... -- - Mayor ...Against Original to City Cierk - 135448 CITY OF ST. PAUL counts FILE No.- ---- ----•---•---•--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM h+ PRESENTED BY�� DATE COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $24.00 be paid Alice Lebeck while she is totally disabled by reason of injuries she received on Jsivary 2, 1946 while employed by the Department of Education, and $96.00 in final settlement, to and including Jan. 30, 1946, is now payable. CF. No. 135449—By Fred M. Truax— Besolved. That out of the workmen's Compensation Account f the General Fund, eekly comppensation of $24.00 be paid Alice L. -it hile she he Is totally disabled by she received on January 2, I940, while employed by the Department of Edu- tobonfl enluding Ja00 n 30. final 19462tis now payable. i Adepb theC 1949il Feb. 7, 1949. Appoved7 (February 9, 1996.) FEB 71W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............................ ......194-...:. Yeas Nays N BarPusa —XU -U— Approved.... .........- - - ......194 .. Parranto ��nn '''. ��,, """, �% PetersonIn Favor A' All " - . - Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against 3M 045 .�,Q 0r10aw to City Clot CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL. NO 135449 DA., February 7, 1946 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 5- 211 Hersey Model CT Compound Meters and 2- 311 Hersey Model CT Compound Meters, at a cost of $772.20 f.o.b. St. Paul, less 2%1 ten days, without advertise- ment or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantaLe could be gained thereby. Charge 7:ater Irepartment Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss rranto_4 / �aP�1 ,Peterson ....In Favor Posen /J -Truax --------------Against Mr. Pry 1 en , c 500 4-44 C Resole pd,.. haft the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchasemuu. with the onsent oP the Comptroller, 5-2" Hersey Model CT Mode CT Meters and 2-3" Hersey Compound Meters at a cost Of $772.20 P. 0. b. St. PAu1, less 2.: per cent ten dayys, without advertise- ment cut titive bids, as these re patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Adopted by the Council -Feb. 7, 1946. APProved Feb. 7, 1946. : (February FEB Adopted by the Council .................... .............. 194-..... FEB 7 199 Approved.................... ................---..194 ...7?'V...... - // Mayor 1,5450 OrlaLml to C16 oterk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC°' NO.____:;-------- ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r -- COMSIE SEED BY DATA February 7th, 1946 Whereas, Fred Mmus, 704 No. Snelling Avenge, in this city, has made application for license as house sewer contractor and in accordance with Ordinance No.7661 has been examined and approved by the Hoard of Examiners for such license, and Whereas, said applicant has filed a duly executed and approved bond in accordance with said Ordinance No.76611 now therefore, be it Resolved, 14at a license as House Sewer Contractor be hereby granted to said Fred Mcaus, subject to the provisions Of said ordinance, and the Comissioner of Public Forks is instructed to issue said license upon payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Harfuss in an Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen nr Truax ..............Against rest ant, c onoug aM 945 .4§W® FEB 7 gam mm Adopted by the Council..................................194_..___ ,v Approved----.......... ..................---.194 / �ayor orianoi to city G1.k 135451 CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCa NO ------ _______._ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (r CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4e" PRESENTED BYDA,r February 7th, 1946 COMMISSIONER _. Ihereas, Bart Carloue, 761 Jefferson Avenue, in this city, has made application for license as house sewer contractor and in accordance with Ordinance No.7661 has been examined and approved by the Board of Examiners for such license, and Whereas, said applicant has filed a duly executed and approved bond in accordance with said Ordinance No.7661, now therefore, be it %solved, That a license as House Sewer Contractor be hereby granted to said Bart Carlon, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the Commissioner of Pablio Works is instructed to issue said license upon payment into the City treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson .....:........In Favor Rosen /0 Truax ........... ...Against 3M 9-96 9 ' FFB 190 Adopted by the Council .............. ........... _........194...... FEB 7 Approved..........................194------ / /�U Mayor Orlgtnal to City Clerk ' - 1:1,54,52 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.______ FILE ----'--------- FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ar COU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATA .COM M ISS IONER.._.- RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, weekly com- pensation of $24.00 be paid Henry G. Rueth while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 16, 1946, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and $48.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 6, 1946, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss an Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax ---......Against am 945 CResN ed �aThat out ao3fnton Rosen— Fun CompenBBLOn ACCOUnt Of h thWorkmen's Pald0`Hen� compensetion of $24.00 'be totallY. disabled' by while he !B j he recelved ion Jen � reaeon of ` IWTW. mPlOYed by the uary 1g• IM while llc Works, and a DAePertM,6. i pub- ment, to anQ'7nc'j �dL�i ��al settle- 1f14tl, 11 now payable. 6 February g, AAdor V pv t6e Council.Feb 7, Ig98, pproved eb. T, 199g. (Febiueryi.-9. 199gJ • -111u Adopted by the Council .................................. 194-. i; Approved ------------_-_------------------------194-•---• / �� ��► Mayor 135453 original to cl `Y 0.rk COUNCR CITY OF ST. PAUL _ FILE NO.________---.__------ FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r^ PRESENTED BY DATA COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from January 31 to February 6, 1946, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCIL E�VI�� Yeas Nays Barfuss �iadtlts— Parranto Peterson Favor Rosen /..--..In /✓ Truax ......Against real ent-M7 Donough 3M 9-45 OW@ C.F. No. - 135453--13y . Milton Rosea— Resolved, That .the proper city olLe. ata are- hereby: authorized to pay .'eer- rainemployee /n , the Deperanent qt Pilbnc Works for extra etamployraent . :from January 37 to February 8�:�1948, a6 t oat on fba list on fLLe Iit the. of. tCkoemptorfotlu' City Clerk and the City r. Addpted byy the Council �MSb.. 7, 1948. Ayproved ebb. -'7, 1998. (Febtuary 9, 1999.) FEB 7 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... FEB ? D46 Approved------ ----------------------------194------ ----� :.... A� ✓ e'��Mayor wo—I to CR9 Clerk c u NO ---- 1 -35453 ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Flse OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISS I ONER.._ EMERGENCY LAB OR ROLL JAN 31 to FEB 6. 1946 AME TITLE NO.HR8. RATE AMOUNT Ralph Berg Unsk.Lab. Cecil Bolin Unsk.Lab. Louis Mauritz Unsk.Lab. 8 .95 7.60 8 .95 7.60 2 .95 1.90 17.10 , An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works certain employes nofrthan tdepartmeecessary hemployment ntformore mof than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Snow removal and cindering. This emergency arose by reason of the follow- ing facts and circumstances: Necessity for snow removal and cindering after recent storm. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 1.35454 CITY OF ST.` f 4U ....i c UNaL NO----------•----- rBY OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLEF?,COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERALFORMPRESE�LCOMMIIOEFebruar9 7. 1946COMMISSI E DATE 7 WHEREAS: Manthe & Miller has made application 38189 for license to operate as -- auto liveries upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, six (6) automobileadescribed as follows: Car No. make_ M2tor No. Serial. No. Insurance 3 Packard 1942 B502502 15712197 Anchor Casualty Company Policy $407183. exp 5-14_46 4 Packard 1937 396618A 1014X332 s s s s 5 Packard 396472A 1014B303 M N s s 6 Packard 1938 A5o1508 1114v2149A s a a s 7 Packard 1940' cop4o87D i351M2144 s s s s 9 Packard 1938 A501044 11142117 n a w s WHEREAS: said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESMVED: that license to operate said automobiles as auto liveries upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the Manthe & Miller. firm. FM MIIAL /° COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss .,. TlffrIan , Parranto i Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax --------------Against M , 8M 045 FEB Adopted by the Council ............. '.............. .-..-194------ - EB 7 * 45 Approved------------------------------------------ 194.. Mayor C.F. No. 135955—By Banylyg—parranto— ' 455 Origlaal to CI Clerk _ Ansotvetl, That Motor Vehicle Driver CouNCa � t .licenses aPPlhe for by the.'PetBone F� NO._______ C nataed on the Ilst attached to bile resolution be and the. 9a+ae .are .hereby OFFICE sra!1ted,.and the 'City •Clerk1 1s in- sbveted to isaue such censes uponthe COUNCIL RE PaY+aenR into ffie City. treasury of the required Ecce ' Adopted by the Council Feb. 7, 399G PRESENTED APProved Feb. 7, 1898, ���� �. 19_46 COMMISSIONER..7— RESOMED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Robert Godfrey SUS Goodrich Motor Peh Dr App 36138 Renewal Lloyd Sane 1031 H. Grotto Taxi Driver p 36139 N Herbert Chandler 698 Marshall Taxi Driver N 36140 Raymond Porlitt 1414 McKinley Taxi Driver N 36141 N Robert Cone 260 W. 6th Taxi Driver N 36142 N Stanley Johnson 132 E. Stevens Taxi Driver " 36143 s James Heywood 963 Wakefield Taxi Driver N 36144 • Pred E. White 562 A. Lexington Taxi Driver N 36145 N Lee Cunningham T68 Carroll Taxi Driver N 36146 N William Colbert 634 Edmund Taxi Driver N 36147 N Wm. G. Karston 1400 Woodbridge Taxi Driver N 36143 N Edward G. Rowanetz 1400 Woodbridge Taxi Driver N 36149 N John Blaisdell 171 Edmund Taxi Driver N 36150 Wesley Lundeen 1845 Beachwood Rotor 7eh Dr N 36151 Milton Brindamour 491 Ashland Taxi Driver N 36152 N Paul Titus 719 Hague Taxi Driver 36153 N Erving L. Carlson 23 W. Acker Taxi Criver N 36155 N M. L.,Sanford 492 Marshall Taxi Driver N 36156 N FEB 7 1* COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................. 194 Yeas Nays FER 7 Barfuss Fimiiair-- Approved................ .............. - .194.__ Parranto Peterson_....._In Favor- ------------ -------------•---------------"--- ----------------"-- -------......--- Rosen AJ10W Mayor Truax _f ':.___.._Against s den , c onoug 3M 8-45 �Q Bo ch J. Perkins Peter Dadeck Superior Refining Co a a a a a a John Schulenburg Edward J. Hagle Gordon G. Tronson John Butler COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss d'iitdtmn Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax en , e onoug 3111 045 pp 225 Rondo Motor Veh Dr QF No. 335656 --BY Bartnse—Palrantb- ■ 5456 Resolved, That llcenaee ADyy11ed for by f 0'1jL al to MY CW � a the peraam named ori the llat attached co�Ncn. NO...-_--•------••-------- a CITV to thla-reaolutlon be and_llle same aze hereby gtanted, and =,-- It; Clerk la ' Cas Sts, OFFICE O matructed lo. -load ouch licensee upon We,.ygy✓rnent'-lnto'.ifie City treasury of 1 _ COUNCIL RES th. 4*quteam';Cc AdoOted. the Counoi)Feb 7 -.19l4 -i ' 36208 " " 111 E. 9th ADP:ovad 7kb. . 3&16.. 7', (Fe3avary 9. 3966) �yy, Q 7. 1946 PRESENT B GOMMIS" R.__ _ Taxi Driver RESOLVED, That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted, a Fred R. Coates 617 Como Cas Ste. 2-P App 38141 Renewal William Bridges 1666 English Taxi Driver " 38184 " Harold W. Carlson 161 N. St.Albans Motor Veh Dr a 38185 a Robert Kieman 553 Charles Motor Veh Dr a 36166 " Michael G. Flaherty 1668 Race Taxi Driver a 36188 " Cordon Engen 462 Beaumont Taxi Driver ay 39190 " Raymond H. Langevin 248 Z. Kellogg Motor Veh Dr " 39192 " J. Drake 393 Eichenweld Motor Veh Dr " 36193 " St. Paul Police Relief Aeon 101 E. 10th Orig Cont " 39196 " " " " a a a a a Cigarette 36197 Bo ch J. Perkins Peter Dadeck Superior Refining Co a a a a a a John Schulenburg Edward J. Hagle Gordon G. Tronson John Butler COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss d'iitdtmn Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax en , e onoug 3111 045 pp 225 Rondo Motor Veh Dr a 38203 a 148 E. Roble Motor Veh Dr a 36204 a 627 Dayton Cas Sts, " 38207 " 1580 Grand a a a 36208 " " 111 E. 9th " " a 35209 457 St. Peter Taxi Driver a 36221 a 402 Iglehart Taxi Driver a 36222 a 6l1 Summit Taxi Driver a 38223 a 5 Western, H. Taxi Driver a 38224 a Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 In Favor `...Against Approved_....... Mayor Original to City Clerk 1,15456 tcnE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC°' NO.-----__- ---•'----'--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February T. 1946 COMMISSIONER__ :__ DATE Page No. 2 James Gould 46 Dexter Taxi Drive= App 38225 Renewal Vern P. Owens 694 Rice Taxi Driver " 38227 " Edward G. Stark 1421 E. Arlington Taxi Driver " 38228 " Willard Preeman 890 Duchess Taxi Driver " 38229 " Prank B. Odewald 604 Portland Taxi Driver " 38230 " Richard Stevens 38 Winnipeg Taxi Driver " 38231 " Virgil E. Clark 849 E. Rose Taxi Driver p_j8236 " Fred C. Holst 1200 Rice hes Ste, 4–P " 38258 " Joseph Piette 83 Summit Taxi Driver " 38261 " Frank Mateche 467 Selby Taxi Driver " 38262 " Sam Laderman 166 State Vehicle Peddler " 38263 " s s " " Foodstuff " 38264 " Arthur Millette 565 Carroll Motor Veh Dr " 38267 " Mike Parinella 531 LIOrient Motor Veh Dr " 38269 a David Piette 1856 Charles Motor Veh Dr " 38273 " Joseph LaCroix 45 E. Hoyt Taxi Driver " 38276 " Carl W. Voss 617 N. Grotto Taxi Driver " 38280 " Robert W. King 702 Cedar Taxi Driver " 38288 " John P. McNulty 863 W. Central Taxi Driver " 38289 " Adopted by the Counti S.-_._ {..-...-....194-----. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss FEB ypfc -Ftffffa—n Approved--------------- ----'-....... ------------194----.. Parranto Peterson — ----------In Favor ------------------ Mayor Rosen Truax ..............Against M _ p�..Aidenh—$fe�onengh 3M 945 -4up-p RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 249,091.979 Ii-i�� $ � COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED –TO-433-64—INCLUSIVE, INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB `� 19�" ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ _ 194— — Crrr)! MICTROUL APPROVED 194_ BY—, ws Lz-s, Qp�.(o NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL +' L l5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. BIJ JI February 5 194---6 R OLV THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3.Z�. � � $133,771 -Y5 -COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --1(1656 — INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ,;/ 8V1/47 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEl.MP 194_- / — . FEMRE 7 ty L,T G L•rROLLeR /7 7 �/ , '• APPROVED 194— BY_�S7 — u -N ,fW® 1,15458 545745 NOTICE 'tanPhuermbcereeCd 9385ti:,W .19864 .inclusive,- as TO ,N COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRINTER City Mn :.: ;Adopted by ltie Council Feb. 7, 1846. proved cFyb. 7: 0946 ons_I February 6 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 249,091.979 Ii-i�� $ � COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED –TO-433-64—INCLUSIVE, INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB `� 19�" ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ _ 194— — Crrr)! MICTROUL APPROVED 194_ BY—, ws Lz-s, Qp�.(o NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL +' L l5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. BIJ JI February 5 194---6 R OLV THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3.Z�. � � $133,771 -Y5 -COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --1(1656 — INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ,;/ 8V1/47 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEl.MP 194_- / — . FEMRE 7 ty L,T G L•rROLLeR /7 7 �/ , '• APPROVED 194— BY_�S7 — u -N ,fW® SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 3.33 771 45 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ' ,4 DUPLICATE v# CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL p FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FIN OLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS February 56 ------_IB4_ PRRANTO PETERSON ROSEN - AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT TO THE AGGREGATE CHECKS BE DRAWN �ON THE CITY TREASURY AMOUNT O S�yll-lG-� COVERING TRUAX MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED TO �J INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE {'N THE O ICE OF THE CI CO.1 P,7f)OLLE R. k ,� ���=-O-- ADOPTED BY THE [CLOItJNCIIr�- y" APPROVED , RUMBE 22 COMPTROLLER vY ------- TOTAL _ DATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER 'il CHECKSCHECKS DISBURSEMENT Ii BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD il 43856 43857 9t.Paul Fire Dept. Relief A9000. Alfred H. Schroeder 115 002 00 �j 43848 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 115 45 62 43859 John s. Findlan C. of Finance 1 361 133 783 59 43860 John S. Findlan 0. of Finance 37 859 94 43861 43862 John S. Findlan C. of Finanoe John S. Findlan:C. of Finano,o 438633 , `�'+1 John s. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 56 ' 43864 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finano'0 320 00 f 756 90 43865 John s. Findlan, C. of Finance 13 329 57 43866 County welfare Board Comp 356 55 43867 Capitol Stationery Mfg. y 53 26 43868 John Duer IS Sone, Inc. it 117 60 43869 Fisher Nut & Chocolate Compa* 249 48 43870 H.B. Fuller Company 0 9jj 49 43871 The Glinddn Company 265 45 43872 Graybar Electric Company 43873 Grinnell Company 18 12 ii j 43874 Laird_Ludgig Company 380 98 24 1 1 43875 John Leslie Paper Company 22 40 43876 Maendier Brush Company �,' 43877 Minnesota tnvelope Company 25 73 43878 Minnesota Raper & Cordage company 279 4 879 Nelson Truck service 52 '+7 43880 Paper, Calmenson & Company 134 67 j 39 20 43881 Red wing Potteries 175 00 43882 Richard L. Shirley 113 15 43883 43884 v.H. Sweney and Company westingbouse Electric supply Company 150 33 l 43885 43886 John 9. Finilan, C. of FinancA John 3. Findlan, C. of Finanoe 65 00 3 649 09 ! (' 43887 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finanoe 55 00 43888 Vaughn Die -lays, Inc. 750 00 43889 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 164 �j25 43890 Patrick Hagerty 00 4 1 390 13 ii I: 43891 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 00 i 43892 Ralston wheeler 36 40 4389 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund Cash Fund �?5 45 4389 Voo. School Petty 43895 43896 Eben 0. Pollock American Rad. & stand. San. Corp. �►o o 25 09 O 43897 Anderson Machine Tool Company 232 05 43898 Charles Sales Company 2 68 43899 Diebold, Inc. 356 70 43900 Barwell. ozmun,Kirk & Company 238 ' ' 43901 Richard L. Forrest Pub. Company g0 43902 43903 Garlands, Inc. Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 116 90 Lincoln Transfer Company 147 50 ___A3304_ 439n5 The Logan Bindery 42 00 j 43906 4.9. Peterson 7 50 43907 mhe Quarrie corp. 71 52 43908 The Readers Digest company 5 25 101 o6 43909 9t.Paul Builders Materi l 43910 ,> & M Tire & Auto supply Company 402 93 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 3.33 771 45 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO�_IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. McDONOUGH F ADOPTED BY T?gUNCIL " F 4664dF VL CHECK NUMBER 43911 4391332 4391? 4391 43915 43916 43917 43918 43919 43920 43921 43922 43923 43924 43925 43926 43927 43929 43929 43930. 43931 439332 4393+ 43935 43936 43937 43938 4399 439 0 43941 439444 32 43944 39 43945 43946 43947 43948 43949 43950 43951 43952 4395 4395 43955 43956 43957 43958 43959 4396o 43 961 43962 43963 43964 CITY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --.- --- AUDITED CLAIMS February 6 __,.,6 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVV�EE.x.. AS- �(aPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE T/HE CCIITYY COMATRQeLER. AEF '(��E 194— u Z11^ �_---r– DATE � G - TOTAL I RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD .I 133 771 451 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan e 9 158 CU ,I 12 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO�_IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. McDONOUGH F ADOPTED BY T?gUNCIL " F 4664dF VL CHECK NUMBER 43911 4391332 4391? 4391 43915 43916 43917 43918 43919 43920 43921 43922 43923 43924 43925 43926 43927 43929 43929 43930. 43931 439332 4393+ 43935 43936 43937 43938 4399 439 0 43941 439444 32 43944 39 43945 43946 43947 43948 43949 43950 43951 43952 4395 4395 43955 43956 43957 43958 43959 4396o 43 961 43962 43963 43964 CITY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --.- --- AUDITED CLAIMS February 6 __,.,6 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVV�EE.x.. AS- �(aPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE T/HE CCIITYY COMATRQeLER. AEF '(��E 194— u Z11^ �_---r– DATE � G - TOTAL I RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD .I 133 771 451 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan e 5 158 CU John S. Findlan, C. of Fin'nje bb8 12 22 061 71 John s. Findlan, C. of Finan Lawrence 96� Mre. Sophie L. 077 00 i; • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO�_IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. McDONOUGH F ADOPTED BY T?gUNCIL " F 4664dF VL CHECK NUMBER 43911 4391332 4391? 4391 43915 43916 43917 43918 43919 43920 43921 43922 43923 43924 43925 43926 43927 43929 43929 43930. 43931 439332 4393+ 43935 43936 43937 43938 4399 439 0 43941 439444 32 43944 39 43945 43946 43947 43948 43949 43950 43951 43952 4395 4395 43955 43956 43957 43958 43959 4396o 43 961 43962 43963 43964 CITY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --.- --- AUDITED CLAIMS February 6 __,.,6 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVV�EE.x.. AS- �(aPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE T/HE CCIITYY COMATRQeLER. AEF '(��E 194— u Z11^ �_---r– DATE � G - TOTAL I RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD .I 133 771 451 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan e 5 158 CU John S. Findlan, C. of Fin'nje bb8 12 22 061 71 John s. Findlan, C. of Finan Lawrence 96� Mre. Sophie 1 077 00 i; Joseph M. Sausen 5 00i'j Betty Delmore 20 Ri111an Marlow l0 i. Craybar Electric Company 10 693 9 Great Lakes Coal & Doak Company Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company i 1 815 03 Lineer Broom Mfg. Company j Sharp and Dohme, Inc. 49 419 89 55 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 425 15 I' John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 18 502 99 ;! Jcbn S. Findlan, 0. of Finance John S. Findlan, T. of P.P.F. 11 000 00 �• St.Paul Teachersll R.T.Assoc. 20 000 196 00 1� Mpls.St.Paul San. District 115 70 International Institute 600 00 �!! St.Paul Institute 1 Coo 00 Collector Internal Revenue 3 901 15 49 E. A. Furni,vSupt• 79 450 i American Had. & ;tend. San. Corp. ;! Benner Chemical Company 813 78 20 Fred Boldt Paint Company !� John Fitzgerald, Abstract Clark 46 N.T. B611 Tel. Company log 795 7 6 N.M. Bell Tel. Company 99 8 N.W. Hanna Fuel Company 7 101 23 National Fire Protection Assoc. 10 00 f New York Times, Index, 80 00 N.W. Publications, Inc. 72 80 it 'Mail C. Novotny Sporting Goodje 9 80 Patterson's American Educ. Directory 00 Prentioe-Hall, Inc. 41 18 00 67 ;! The Psychological Corp. Public Affairs Inf. Service 100 00 J Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 1 25 St.Paul Buick Company �! Salute Auto Supply Company 12 50 iJ The Sherwood Press 2 75 !' H.V. Smith Company 104 50 S000ny-Vaouum 011 Company 22 30 Sperry Office Furniture Company 13 37 Standard Oil Company 7 20 The Telautograph Corporation 56 4S Len Thole Radio IS Eleotric Company 1 00 University of North Carolina Press 2 47 Valley Iron ;Forks 67 59 Victory Printing Company 221 50 Wagner Electric Company 3 50 Werner Transportation Company go 04 Whistle Bottling Company 6o Oo 'eorld Book Company 447 92 SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD Chiglnef to Gty Clerk — _ � __. _ R. D I N IAli tdon' Roser—R btert,rrne F NoPeterwn Y 1-3,5459 F True— , .4n ordinancey�,amending ordinance ,f � — L-7 2 PRESEN D i ❑RO NANC NO. iT , 0 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8616," entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi- skilled Labor Service, and the Unskilled Labor Division" approved June 22, 1945, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1, where they appear therein, the lines: "Bricklayer . . . . . . . . .$1.622 per hour Stone Mason . . . . . . . . .$1.622 per hour" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following lines: "Bricklayer . . . . . . . . .$1.682 per hour Stone Mason . . . . . . . . .$1.682 per hour". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays 1st.= 2nd Laid over to % 3rd. and app. -"2! Adopted YeasNays Yeas Nays arfi8 uss �j %� Fi an ✓Ianoo �--Fin /pa�terson I..1� / Petleer�wn 'Rosgn /Rosen ruax �TflC97P'-' Mr. President McDonough Mr. PresidentMcDonough a Chiglnef to Gty Clerk — _ � __. _ R. D I N IAli tdon' Roser—R btert,rrne F NoPeterwn Y 1-3,5459 F True— , .4n ordinancey�,amending ordinance ,f � — L-7 2 PRESEN D i ❑RO NANC NO. iT , 0 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8616," entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi- skilled Labor Service, and the Unskilled Labor Division" approved June 22, 1945, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved June 22, 1945, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1, where they appear therein, the lines: "Bricklayer . . . . . . . . .$1.622 per hour Stone Mason . . . . . . . . .$1.622 per hour" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following lines: "Bricklayer . . . . . . . . .$1.682 per hour Stone Mason . . . . . . . . .$1.682 per hour". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto % Peterson. R..cn Attest: Mr.. VV/i�cep p .sid,.nt (Truax) City Clerk SOD 9-42 GANGL 6 CO. rEE 27 Passed by the Counpil In Favor Against Approved: C nr Yayor IUM, S ' �f 2/6/46 Commr: Builders Exchange advise that the $1.662 rate conforms. Art CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota . OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS, Feb. 5, 1946. Hon. Robert F. Peterson Wage Scale Committee City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Wage Scale Committee the attached letter of John G. Mann, Business Representative, Bricklayers Local No. 11 transmitting a decision of the Wage Adjustment Board authorizing an increase in the scale for Bricklayers and Stone Masons from $1.62* to $1.6o4 - Very truly yours,o 14 Ke'.1ew City Clerk. tf. A, 7 S Vis'" "Budd Mid BTla " Bricklaners, Masons and M. M. 38enenalent Union NUN®ER ONE OF BAINT PAUL - Secretary's Office . Labor Temple . Phone Garfield 3481 Post Office Bo: Number 122 - Saint Paul 2. Minnesota Mr.Harry '.O'Connell City Clerk Court House St.Paul,2,Minn. Dear Sir: Feb. 1,1946 Enclosed find copy from the Wage Adjustment Board which is self—explanatory. We hope you will comply with this request. Yours truly, John G.M=nn,Bus.Rep. BRICKLAYERS #1 C1 FJR BUIT DING AVD 0 U.. S. DEPARrKT,Y1 0:' La90B P WASHINGTON?,5, i.U. Y gases Nos. 52-8273 52-9115 DECISION N In accordance with the orovtstons of General Orders Nos. 13 and 41 of the National War Labor Board, and the Secretary of Labor's Order No. 101 as nmer.ded,the Wage Adjustment Board today approved the authorized wage rate set forth below. graft Classification. Present '."age Authorized 7r-:ge 3rick Lt;yprg and Stone Masors $1.62-1/2 $$1.68-1/2 The above adjusted rate is authorized for members of Bricklayers and Stone Masons' Local Union No. 2 of Mir^enoolis, Mi^r.esota and Local Union. No. 1 of St. Paul, Minna sota,t0 apply or nor. -Federal building construction ir. the Mi -re -polis and St. Paul,Mir.nesota areas effective the first full pay roll period after December 12,1945. It Vnns also the decision of the Bonrd to recommend recognition, of the above authorized rate In the next v,ege determi-,,.tion issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the amorded Davis -Bacon Act, with respect to Federal buil(5ir,t corstruction in the Mir,r.eppolis ^.rd St.Pnul,h1irr.esota nre-s. Itas;FzYie further decision of the Board to noprove the cortract. tifne -nd one-hplf for overtime to doubletime for )Il -overtime. WAGE ADJUSTMENT BOARD !L-,Qd,--DecopPer. 2.1945 By ISIRobert C,hoore (Tg !h Cor. I., D. Executive SecretarvS original to City Clerk 135460 _ 6`f�A 6® CITY OF ST. PAUL `ILENCa NO,_--r-(_----- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRNTED BY COMMESEISSIONER. IQ� DATE lahlmary $g l9_46 SSS George S. Carlson desires to withdraw application 38303 for Restaurant, application 38305 for On 1340 Mal , application 38306 for Off Sale Malt, and application 38304 t 114 oe rest, and requests the return of the license fees deposited thereon, therefore be it SES01VED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby, authorized to refund to George S. Carlson the fee of .$ 77.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. toV No. George Parranto- Whereas: George S- Carlson deabaas to f withdraw aDDllcatfoa amm for sal urant, application 88M5 far Sale Malt. a pucatiaa 88888 for on; i arett met 11 aDPlicatlon 38M for efg- quests the retn,o Rise Street and re_. Posited thereon..th the license feet de- Soolved: T1tat teeatD"ro be it era be and they ate here cittyy offlc- W refund t ileo by�a'9y7uatphorized fee of {T7:Bp. and � �ap'e!1 :e81d ape P1leation, 'for ucenee8 opted by the Coaagi3"Feb. 8, 1!798. DDroved Feb. 8, x.96 (February 18, IfHB. -,_ . F 8 8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194...... Yeas Nays parfuss -- Fiat$an f Approved------------- --......----194. Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor _- ....... �f ......?W _J, Rosen /� / "i► Mayor Truax ..............Against 0.M 9-45 �� •. Original to City Clerk 1354.61 CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNOe- NO. --..-__--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,g. CL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'?; PRESENTEDBY --_-��.i _�- DATE Dm1S—zar S. 1S— COMMISSIONEER RESOLVEDt That license for Restaurant, Applcation.A38298, On Sale Malt, Application A38299, Off Sate Malt, Application 438300, Cigarette, Application 138301, Tavern, Application A38364. and.Dance Hall, Application 138365, applied for by Julins a. Zirul at 488 Rice Street. be and the same are hereby granted. NOW Applications A39299, A38299. A38300g and A38301 Informally approved by Council February 5. 3.946 Applications 138364 and A38365 Informally approved by Council February 7. 1946 Old Location V,r No. 193461—By Parranto— AAlptyeLsolved- That license ror R tauranpt, yLcatlon A988B6, 6,? jea r Male la. tAPpP11- .U.n A=W, Cigarette. AyyFFlicstion A9696I, Tavern. APPU-tion A96T4e4, and 11 APEice='a96.4a"RU19 +I� Dneby�.. 1 street, be and the again are hereby, Wanted• yy Ippr edbFebrb. eCouricil e. "16. .. 946. Feb.8, 1996.1 (Feuary 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counccil.B_..-_:................ 194-..... Yeas Nays p -'Barru99 FFD �ij'g4g1 —_ / Approved_ ............................ --194-• Parranto Peterson ....In Favor f �,�,,--Mg---- Rosen /J yor Truax /..-,.....Against r. resident, McDonough 9M 045 . 0 @ .. Origanal to City Clerk 1, S 1462 b!./...LLL ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL i°°ENca NO......__.----.-..�-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6YiBbrOary S. 1q 46 CDMMI$$IDNE - y�CY,�/ r DATE - RESOLPEDS That licensee applied.for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedt a"E riuss --rrnatau Parranto Ray Schoemig 748 Tatum Grocery App 36136 New old Loc. W a " a Botcher a 36137 a Albert Bigelow 485 Wabasba Grocery a 37717 a New Loc. a " " n Butcher 37719 James Raphael 344 w. 6th Grocery a a Old Loc. " n " " Cigarette " 900226 Lyle M. 6rends 486 W. Lawson Taxi Driver " 39195 Calvin Croskey 209 Marshall Grocery a 38206 Edward G. Partch, Jr. 138 E. Indiana 2nd Ed Mr' (Gen) a 38226 Max Ryatt 381 Michigan Grocery a 36244 r " Butcher a 36245 a a e n off sale Malt. a 38246 Cigarette M 38247 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a"E riuss --rrnatau Parranto Peterson ......In favor Rosen Truax ............Against .rest cut, hoc onou 3M 945 '®'® -CF. No. 13548&-Bltcenaeaarra° Deed for Beaolved. That pez aemed m e not he taachede to h's "Dobdon be tandhe the :arae are hereby granted. and the Cl ty Clerk L taalraeted a "a "into Ch 1ty tceaeurycensee um0f ythe �`���%� fee". ploy �Feb e& nt Sunil Feb, 8. 1945. b (FebraerY le, -1949. Appr Adopted by the Council � $. -- 194... -- Approved.................. ----------------------194 ------ - -- OriSmal to CI[y Clerk CITY C. 135463 - , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,� NO..----------_.--.------ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOI'M RRSOLUD, that upon appeal of Vatted Properties Ineorpor- ated from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and public Halialags, the bight Industrial zoning Is hereby ex- tended to cover all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, DaYsonas Becend Addition. CS. No. 135163—Hy FredTruax— Resolved, That upon appeal of de Unit - Properties. Incorporated from the decDdon of the Cotnmiavloaer of Parka,, M% p]av8ro�nds and PUDIic Hu11d'T the Iadurt 1 zoning ,X hereby ex- tended to cover an of Lots 4d - 5. Block 1, Dawson's Second Addition. _ Adopted by the Council Feb. 8. 100. Approved Feb. S. 1948: (February_ 16, 1948. FEBg COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.....----_--- ----------------- 194 Yeas Nays ar ass an ranto etdrson In favor o ruax ..............Against rest ent, cDonoug 351 946 -Qp-@ CC Approved-..._----- ------------------------194 - Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O l:; X463 rebruary 62 1946, Nr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution to provide for the extension of the light industrial use to cover all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Dawsonts Second Addition, as appealed for by United Properties Incorporated. Very truly yours City Clerk. THE BOARD OF ZONING F" r2 Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 G iiiZ iim� ,. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?Q o C 479 COURT HOUSE .Tpuary 22nd, 1946. EGIN E. AHMAN BERNARD JGMCGLYNN CLYDE L. MErHVEN JOSEPH F. REIMOOLO EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. BASSFORo GEORIGE ". .1c.. L. Mr. Barry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the appeal of Uhited Properties Incorporated : The only part of this request that can be complied with is to extend the Light Industrial zoning on Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Dawson's 2nd Addition, to cover the entire depth of the lots. The balance of this property is on Miciiigan, and the applicants will have to secure a petition to have it rezoned. This matter has been explained to them and they ask that you postpone the matter for two weeks in order for them to determine what their next move will be. The hearing is scheduled for hearing tomorrow, January 23rd, gh-rh encl. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer -Secretary. Telephones: Garfeid 4303-4304 UNITED PROPERTIES INCORPORATED Y-0�•YY '9?ii lluutnr Building S,11,�71' p,jUL, MINNESUT,1 .5 ` December 26, 1945. Hm� Bvmoma To the Honorable, The Mayor, and The City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We request that you re -zone the following property: Extend light industry zone on Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Dawson's 2nd Addition, to cover the entire depth of lots; also extend said zoning in Lots 10-11-12, Block 1, for a ear distance of forty (40) feet from ndhparallel lot line of said Lots 4 and 5, proposed store thereto for the width of the prop - building, or sixty-five (65) feet, four (4) inches. We enclose plat of the above property here- with. Respectfully submitted, UNITED PROPERTIES INCORPORATED By s esiden� JEK#MS Pr Enc R '/k St. Paul. Minn., Jan. 19, 1946 To the Honorable Council City of St Paul Gentlemen: The attached list of property Owners located on Michigan Street and in the immediate vicinity of Lots 4,5,10, and ll,t"Block 1, Dawson+s Second Addition,— strongly oppose zoning off said portion of Michigan Street for industrial purpose, and they hereby petition the Council not to permit it. It is their desire that it be retained as a residential street and not zoned for the purpose intended. It is the general contention that it is not necessary in this area to erect s store building of such long proportion as to require cutting into a strictly Residential Street, and thereby devaluate the entire block of properties surrounding the area. If a large building was planned to serve a larger area, some other and more suitable location should be found. There will be representation of property owners in the Council Chambers January 23, 1946. t7+ w o :n J W � i Q i c> Some additional reasons gathered during the course of this petition are presented here: Reduced value of surrounding properties. Church and School within half block. using street No definite safeguard, for children especially, as they have been accustomed for years if same truck hauling seis ew open to in—and—out parking of Instead of small � play ground that has been open for ce years for neighborhood children, the resVeatssswoed e9back of parked cars and trucks, possible pile=up , building, to say nothing of the gas and oil atmosphere. There are already Four Food Stores in this small area that have given years of satisfactory service to the neighborhood. 4hy such a large store to virtually protrude into owners' front yard? If the proposed store building must be erected here, it should be confined to its 7th Street Industrial Zone and not extended to Michigan Street. In other words, the building to be shortened so as not to into a strictly residential street. necessitate cutting �' ��,.i' K��..i' k�"''�.4�' �i � _ � 11' 1: 4 Nil 1 1 i The above are a few Tenants of FJome owners who either reside out of the City or otherwise could not be reached.the They are all civic minded citizennsa�ed leasedvitallytonhaveQthemlincluded owner's property they occupy. V P in this petition.. oriyitlal to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 135464 Co""CR cNOF'"------ DATE 7ebruary g, 1941 RESOLYEDi Thatlieenses for Restaurant, Application A37934, On Sale Malt, Application A37935. Off sale Malt, Application A37836, and Cigarette, Application A37837. applied for by Clifford P. Nelson at 387 North Prior Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council Jamlary 22, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar uss t an 7Parjanto In Favor eterson osen 4) ,Tf�'ax - Against Mr. President, iVICLYonougli 3M 8-45 qW@ C.F. No. 138964—BY •Parranto— Resolved: That llcenaes for Restaurant, Ayypncatlon A37834, On Sale Malt. A plcation A37835, Off Sale Malt, A?ppF11- eatlon A37836,. and, Cigarette, App nca- tion A378N. applied for by Clifford V. Nelson at 387 North Prior Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Feb. 8, 1896. Approved Feb. e, 3898. (February 16, 1848, FEB Adopted by the Council------------------- _ ----194---_-- FF8 Approved----------------------------------- Mayor Original to City Clerk _ -- 135465 CITY OF ST. PAUL �ENGII NO,.....___....._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��►,. FR ENTED COMES.,SSIONEB .. DATE rebruary S. 1946' RESOLVED: That license for Hotel 90 Roome, Application A39191. applied for by William A. Morse at 539 St. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby granted. N New Informally approved by Council January 29. 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n /Peterson_ -_In Favor osen 10 -Truax .......Against Mr, s en , c on gtr---•—.. �,,,, 3M 945 �O c -F• No. 195483—gyy parranto— iteaolved: That noense tot Hotet 90 Rooms, Application A38191,' appp 0 for b William 6• Morae at fi38 St. Peter Street, be and the same is hereby Adopted by the COlmcn Feb. 8, 1948. APProved Feb. 8, 1946' (February 18, 1948. FEB 8 Adopted by the Council... ................. Im FEB ';�� Approved ........ ��---f-------_............. .194-- - - - -------------- Mayor - threra.f t. citr•Clwk • • - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ -_ C.F. No. 136488-By Fred ruax M. T- Beaolved, That the proppeer city ottic-: �. eta are hereby autharized: to pa y tt 1 - fain employe" ., the . aartm" oftt CITY F4ucatfoa, Bureau t Publtc achoole,tUNGIL tor, extra employment ea eet out on.the E NO. ��10E ]let attachedp thi. resolution. couNC,l� RESO �pP edbFeb 'a. I_' Feb. 8. 1898., O( (February 18, 1998; M. TR DATF - - February .f rt ���5�, - 7, 1946 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby su- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL ward Anderson Jan. Engr• 14 hrs. 1.10 15.40 Mrs. Sigrid Ash. Janitress 20 " .821 16.50 Warren Asher Staty.Frmn. 13 " 1.10 14.30 Charles Baker Jan. Engr. 1Q''n ��1.10 11.00 George Barrett " " 55 " 1.10 600-50 Christian Bauer " '! 40 " 1.10 44.00 Henry Bauer '! ° 15'x- i' 1.10. 17.45., Albert Beecroft " " 19 " 1.10 20.90 Arthur Bei sang " " 8 " 1.10 8.80` Irven Benson " ° 64} " 1.10 70.95 William Benton " if 22 " 1.10 24.20 Carl Berger Staty.Frmn 30 " 1.10 33.00 Melvin Bloom Janitor 14 " 1.10 15.40 Ralph Bogue Jan. Engr. 50" 1.10 55.55 John Buhl " " 12 " 1.10 13.20 Charles Burlingame " " 17 " 1.10 18070 Fred Birsinger " " 40} " 1.10 44.55 George Cameron " " 12 " 1.10 13.20 Cecil Carlsen '! it 15 " 1.10 16.50 Frans Carlson If If 8 " 1.10 8.80 Frank Chapman If if 44 It 1.10 48.40 Crests Ciampi to If 39 " 1.10 43.45 William Cording " ?' 37 " 1.10 41.25 Edward Datko If " 20 " 1010 22.00' victor DeZiel If " 22 " 1.10 24.20 David Donovan ° " 11 " 1.10 12.10 Joseph RIMMuist " If 15 if 1.10 16.50 COUNCILEN Adopted by the Council 194- Yeas Nays - -iindhll f Approved 194- Parranto _G PetersonSn /f/ Favor Rosen /J Mayor Truax Against 8M1.41 M?.-rre-sM-enT7M- ED-onTagir- - Oripnai b City- Clark 5466 A • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL C � �(1 illl�l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Pae No. COUNCIL -RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM coM �tssio ER PRM X TRIIA,B oa*E February 7, 1946 WHER'FAa, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Charley Engelbretson Jan. Engr. 59 Hrs. 1.10 64.90 Joseph Fedlmeir " " 91 it 1.10 100.10 Theodore Fettinger " " 43 " 1.10 47.30. -John Flanagan Bch. Engr., 14 " 1.10' 15.40 Carl Fransen Jan.-,Engr. 19 " 1.10 20.90. Gabriel Gagliardi " " 12 " 1.10 13-20 Fred Gallas Staty.Frmn 40 " 1.10 44.00 Frank Garski Jan. Engre 11 " 1.10 12.10 Charles Gipsai 5 ° 1.10 5.50 John Gipple ° " 40 " 1.10 44.00 Joseph Godleski " '! 34 ° 1.10 37.40 George Gray '! n 11 '! 1.10 12.10. Olof Gund " " 15 „ 1.10 16.50 George Gunther " " 14 " 1.10 15.40 Anthony Haider " " 29 " 1.10 31.90. Oscar Halgren u a 43 " 1.10, 47.30 Harry Hammersten " u it ° 1.10 12.10 Frank Hayek " " 54} a 1e10 59.95 George. Hayes " ° 33 " 1.10 36.30 Carl Hedlund n n 9 " 1.10 9.90 Frank Hedlund " " 8 " 1.10 8.80 Benjamin Henderson " " 15 " 1.10 16.50 Louis Heroff Jr. Janitor 2 It 1.10 2.20 Otto Hesse Jan. Engr. 46 It 1.10 50.60 Werner Hesse " " 6 " 1.10 6.60 Elmer Hintz " n 50 It 1.10 55.00 William Holden Janitor 1* '! 1.10 1.65 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194 - Yeas Nays TD g _ VSgObA"w -. an Approved 194- Parrauto Peterson 1n Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against as i -u . c onoug 0 Original to atr•Clrrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �%�'466. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fae NO.J211- �:1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM E"s o EFRED M. TRIIAXCOMSR oATF-February 7. 1946 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth= NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Douglas Hostraweer Jan.En r. 80 Hra. 1.10 88.00 Anton Johnson " 4 " 1.10 4.40 Fred Johnson " " 117 " 1.10 128.70 Gunnard Johnson it " 41 If 1.10 45.10 -Ralph Joyce of " 36 If 1.10 39.60 Howard Jurgensen If If 6 if 1.10 6.60 William Kading ° " 18 " 1.10 19.80 ,James • Kane Janitor 24 1.10 26.40 Emil Keller Jan. En " 121 1.10 14.85 Melvin Kittleson to "gr. " 1.10 17.05 Andrew Kolstad " " 19 " 1.10 20.90 Robert Krieger Janitor 19 " 1.10 20:90_ William LaChappelle Jan. Engr. 16 ° 1.10 17.60 Mrs. Elisa Larsen Janitress 18 n .82* 14.85 Lyman Larson. Janitor 24 " 1.10 26.40 Walter Larson Jan. Engr. 25',x' ° 1.10 28.05 Eugene Lefevre Janitor 32 " 1910 35920 ,.Emil LeMay Jan. Engr. 42'w If 1.10. 46.75 Martin Lindberg " It 35 ° 1.10 38.50 Oust Linde If If 33 " 1.10 36.30 Thomas Lunzer ° If 50 If 1.10 55.00 Jamea Lynn " " 38 If 1.10 41.80 Jacob Magnuson n " 32 " 1.10 35.20 Edward MansIm If 11133 If 1.10 36.30 Andrew Margl it if 17 " 1,10 18.70 Albert Martin " If 5* " 1.10 58.85 Nola Martin Janitor 39 ° 1:10 42.90 COUNCILMEN Adopted -by the Council 194 - Yeas Nays Barfuss- -. _40indiani- Approved 194_ Parranto Peterson' Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Truax Against slat I -u Orisin.l t. City -Clot CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUE-,NCIL NO. 5`1t66 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM coM IISSIONErYx FRED M. TRIIAA o oAI • February 7_ 1946 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; Rwrd Carl harry George Robert Adolph Carl Lester John Hugo somas John, Melvin Gustav Julius ,August Waldemar Charles William Benjamin Robert Joseph Matson McDonald McKinnon Metzger Miller Miller Mollers Mombrae Mordh Mulcahy Munkelwitz Munson Museus Nelson Neuman I .Newman Oberg Oster Paulsen Peet Peterson Richter Ryckman Sagissor Samuelson Sandberg Sander COUNCILMEN TITLE Jan. Engr. It n u fl fl fl Janitor Jan. Engr. n n n n Janitor Statyrrmn Jan. Engr. Sch. Engr. Jan. Engr. Janitor. Unsk.Labr. 1-1 Jan.Engr* n n n n n ti n n n, Staty.Frmn. Jan. Engr. Janitor Staty. Frmn. Jan. Engr. Yeas Nays . -Bsrfuss _-Eindlan-- Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against c onoug an i -u Tiva RATE TOTAL 22 Ers. 1.10 24.20 18 ." 1.10 85.80 26 I! 1.10 28`.60 6 " 1.10 .6.60 15 it .1.10 16.50 7 it. .1.10 7070 33i• P 1.10 36.85 32 " 1.10 35.20 39 ° 1.10 42.90 20 " 1.10. 22.00 31 " 1.10 34.10 4" 1.10 .4.40 3, fl .1.10 3.85 10 " •1.10 11.00 8 " .1.10 8.80 14 ° .95 .13.30 34 n 1.10 37.40 391 " 1.10 43e45 8 " 1010 8.80 46 " .1010 50.60 16 " 1.10 17060 15 " 1.10 16050 14. ^ 1.10 3,5.40 30 " 1010 $3000 94. " 1.10 10.45 29 " 1.10 31.90 26 " 1.10 28.60 Adopted by the Council 194 - Approved 194 - Mayor OrlCln.t to City Clerk COUNCIL 13,5466 gITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRED NI TR'rrAx DATE February 7, 1946 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TIME Francis Salmon Louis Schletty Albert Schoener Earl Shands Elmer Shaw Wilbur Simons Nicholas Stadtfeld Robert Stahnke Frederick Stephan 8.80 Arthur Story Christopher Tarte Rudolph Thalhuber Joseph Thill Edward Thomas Albert Thompson Joseph Tsehida George Turnquist Carl Warodell James Watson John Wilwert Herbert Zirk COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Janitor 2 Ers. " 1.10 1.10 2.20 14.30 Jan. Engr. 13 39 " 1.10 42.90 Staty Frmn. 38 " 1.10 42.90 Jan. E"ngr. " 1.10 8.80 tt u 34 t' 1.10 37.40 n n 17a 1.10 19.25 tt " 41 " 1.10 45.65 To to 25 " 1.10 27.50 n to 6 tt 1.10 6.60 n it 53 It 1 10 58.30 it it 33 " 1.10 36.30 It to 4 it 1.10 4.40 it to 16a o1.10 18.15 it it 8 to 1.10 8.80 n it 2 n 1.10 32*45 21 1.10 23.65 is it 1 n 1.10 1.65 n n 58 " 1.10 63.80 Janitor. 4 " " 1.10 1.10 4.40 13.20 Jan. Engr. 12 Total- 3,670.80 --$arfnss- _`indian Parranto Peterson _ In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr,Br,esident-3feDonett9h--_--.,.,.. 2m 5-42 yj&.9 Adopted by the CouncfLB-�� 194- fEB Ski Approved 194- awou Mayor FORM NO. 1 .1175466 February 7 194 6 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances : Extrapativities e_nd i »nAsm nf re g] er = nyBS-a, This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. �� -- -w---� (hlglnal • ry FOUNLIL�`---- CITY O PAUL THE CITY CLERK trmi nTinN=GENERAL FORM W 1lSSOL�D, th" the daily newspapers within which the 01ty Clem shall publish the lull text Of Ordinanee No. 8608' as prescribed by Resolution NO- 186108, shall be St. Paul Pioneer Press, at. Paul Dispatch, and St. Pani Legal Ledger. C. F. No, ,,461—By w- A. Parratdo— Resolved. that the daily newspapers within which the City Clerk shun- pub- lish the full text of Ordinance No. 8598. as preser;bed _b Resolution ', 135108. shall be St. Paul Pioneer Frew. St. Poul Dlcpatch, end St. Paul Le al Ledger. Adopted by the Council, Feb. 8.1948. Approved Feb. 8'2946 (February 9. 1946.) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........................_._ -._194,.--_ Yeas Nays FEB 8 —�arfttss--- _ Approved--•---- ................................... 194---- zar nto - /eterson ------------ In Favor �Hc en /Truax Against 311 945 "-4W@ ' cc lMWnal to City Clerk , r _ C.F. No. 195468—Ordinance No. 8417— O IQ D ' _ I By Robert F. enijFon= 135468 11�\! An' Robe t F. Pet ng Ordinance No. f 7692,' entitled: Rn adol4nistrativ. ordinance :re- r: .. h. . .tmeot by Clty O. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and estab- lishing organization charts for the various _ departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved September 30, 1937, as anfended. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 300 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended boy striking out of the subdivision entitled "ACCOUNTING" in Section 7 0£ said ordinance, the following: 112 Junior Clerk" and by adding to said subdivision the following: "2 Junior Clerk Typist:: -1 Senior Clerk -Typist". Section 2. That said ordinance -be further amended by addition to the subdivision entitled "RECORDS" in said Section 7, the following: 'tl Accounting Machine Operator". Section 3. That said ordinance be further amended by striking out of the subdivision entitled "BONDS" in Section 7 of said ordinance, the following: "l Junior Clerk -Stenographer" and by addigg to said subdivision the following: "l Senior Clerk -Stenographer". Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be anitu T. - emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ; 1; Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.j, EEB 9, ' !-•-----•--••- Yeas Councilmen- - Nays Passed by the Counci ....-.------------------ Barfuss Findlan Parranto ---------------- ------------.-In Favor Peterson Rosen _jD .......... Against —TOWit gh)' I4 ;.• ei w t�a� Approved: _. ... .............. _...... ..._..__........---......_ t '1-..\i•r Prrst�j.�nt (Trusxi Attest '' ./( ..........� ..... ... "lf. .... _............_ Mayor/CiY 500 12-44 BLISIIEI%.. Original to City Clerk immm" 11,5469 CITY OF ST. PAUL coILEunca FNo.------ ------•--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK k NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4e � r PRESENTED BY, DATA February 8s 1946 COMM ISS I ONER. Resolved, That, the.Purohasing.Agent.be,, and he.is.hereby ..., authorized, to purchase, .with-thp oomen t. -,of the Comptroller, for. the St, Pau7_,jPorkhouee Farm, 158 Breeder Piga at.a total cleat of $3,778.81, without adverti-Bement,- as this 18 the . only Aay s_purebase of livestock oan be made .on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm- 1002 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays fuss —far ..............In Favor Peterson /Rosen 0 ruax ..............Against r. rest en , c ono 3111 045 C.F. No. 135889—BY Milton Rosen— be, sad dhet the hergbyn eut�hogjz lgeio Durchase. with the consent of the. =ComtrFar-in,, 156 Feeder r- the Pigs at Work - e l f fe,tth.8, Without advertisement' my way a purchase ofi livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse.: Farm -1002. Adopted by the Council Feb. 8, 1998. Approved Feb. 8, 19a. 48. bruary 18, 1948. FEB 8 1946 Adopted by the Council..................................194...... FEB 8 J'i'fJ Approved...................... ------------ ..194 Mayor FINAL ORDERS Cr. No. 13$474-. , fit��r�Yl mQ.the Matter of =.11 ni both- nue Of Cathedral Place from, Central : Aveaue to St. AnthonY,'AveSftiq,,, tinder' Prenm- - 1n�a Order 189888 �ry=ed W wm: FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- 9urbing.botkt_s_i_t1sQ_o#Qathedrsl_Place from--Central-Ayenue_to_------- Stx-An-thnny_AFenue--------- ------------------ --- -- --------- -------- ------------- ------------------- ----- - - --- --- - ----- ----- - ---------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------ ---- ----------- ------ - ---- ---------- -------------- - ----- under -------- under Preliminary Order___ _134869____ -_-____----____-_-approved __- November' 30 1945--__-_--_----_---_____ Intertimdimy-Ard--------------------------------- - d ------------------ ------------------------ ------------- -- publichearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recolmttendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___curb_both_sidea__of_Cathedral_ lace.—from—Central___ Avenue__to_St._Anthony Avenue -t-------------------------------------------------------- =--------------------- -- - --------------------------------- -- ---- --------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to. be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of t'ublic Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said -improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement. in accordance therewith. fF� ; 194 Adopted by the Council- -------------------- - ---------- __ ---------, 192 ----- --- gni----------� -: - Ctty Clerk. Approved------------------ -------------------------- , 192 ----- File 9861 - - - Mayyoror ---. Councilman C Hsr9nes �/� � Councilman PUBLISI-JED_.�_=f1d " Councilman Pnrranto Councilman M�Zf'n t r. resin Councilman- S e Councilman 1'runX Mayor Hoon a Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER rr 5, In the matter of curbing both sides of Cathedral Place from Central Avenue to St. Anthony Ave. under Preliminary Order approved November 30, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated arnount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 675.42 front 1.34 The estimated cost perhoot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION IAnd Bldg. (Except Cathedral Place and ) 2 4 A. G. Fuller's Addition $275 St. Anthony Avenue) ) (Except Cathedral Place) - - 3 4 do 375 do 4 4 do 375 do South 21 of 5 4 do 175 $1050 do North a of 5 4 do 175 800 do 6 4 do 375 1700 do 7 4 do 375 1200 do 8 4 do 425 3200 1 1 Dewey, Drake & Pence's Add. 625 1750 15 1 do 625 3900 Form B. B, 16 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION. 16 1 Dewey, Drake & Pence's Add. 17 1 do 18 1 do ASSESSED ALUATIO Lan ldg $500 $1900, 500 3150 500 850.. Total $5300 $19,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 15 19 46 jCommissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 `�_/ RECEIVED: Oct9bber 22, 1945. St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned propeity owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: o d /l/ Oi ifi8.t��76dT'&Z lac p St. Ave. p of 05 ie r'Etl Place $t Ave. to / from ( �� '� � i St. Ave. c t . ,Z ► o N%z, S. E. %9, .SEC. 3G— T 29— R. Z3, �I I UNi✓�RSirr IFn ,q v.e o,e A � ✓E e Fat cE e 4�� x r h lzI L� h CEN T.¢4 1- 14 r F---�F I F7 F Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance I December 11 , -, 1945, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 13486,9 approved... --- N 0 VI 194....._. 30 5, relative to curbing both sides of Cathedral Place from Central Avenue to St. .......... - .......... - Anthony Avenue. ............ ......... . - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... ........ . necessary and (or) desirable. . Cost per front foot $1.31, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 675,42- _ , and the total cost thereof is $--- - .................. Engineering $60.00 Inspection $12-07 Frontage 504 feet and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.. --asked for upon petition of three or more ow�Zesdf property, subject to assessment for said improvement. z? I IL 500-�4 Commissioner of Public' Warks. 00 -1A0 L", �� Ina W. S. MCKKRROORT. 0-- ER .- G. H. HERROW au UM MVNIn—Eww— ARTHUR H. KOCH CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. =MMI"IO.R CLARENCE J. VOKOUN, V—Y W-98 0NY. GEORGE M. SHEPARO. -- E,qI— December 11, 1945 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public 'Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate Of cost for curbing both sides of Cathedral Place from Central Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134869 approved November 30, 1945• Estimated Cost 675.42 Cost per front foot 1.34 Engineering 60.00 In 1. 12.07 Frontage 504 £t. Appr ed for smiesi to a Commi-t!!` ner of Finance MILTON ROSIN Commissioner of Public Works FRED DRIVER. 811PY. aVRPAY W SRI - 6. GRY K. EMR -I a11RM' CMI RAAYY J. KARTAK. AK, 0—. Yours very truly, co Sf�PARD(�� 00 ie£ gineer 4 O.-ByCOUNCIL FILE 90. - By ---- ---- -- ----- - r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___constructing--&_newer__-an-.Nevada_ .venue-Tr_om_Arcads__Street-_tQ______..___ yfe ide Street, ---------- _ _ ---- - ---- ---- --- I- -- ------- under Preliminary Order ------- U048 ------------------------- approved _. November_28,__ 1945 IntermediaryOrder -----------------------------------------------Approved ----------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._construct_ a_sewer__on_ Ne_yada_Av_enue__from_Arcade_Street to weld_e _Street,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare.plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilGR------ j__ _----------- ------- _1192-__.____. FEE 1 r,q�r�i?� z - - - City Clerk. Approved - -- -. - ------ 192. File 9860 -- - --/ �41e ----- --------- Mayor. Councilman�n arfose Councilman % Councilman act a canto F'iJBLISI:FD 1—� Councilman 4&QJw v,== .WeSerson / Councilman mien J Councilman 'ruaz Mayor Ho 1,17)onoag 2 Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A1°'� (D) A In the matter of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Arcade St. to Weide St. under Preliminary Order approved November 2-8, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2,500.00 f ont 4.00 The estimated cost per for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION land Bldg. 2 7 B. Schnitzius Addition $6275 1 12 do 400 $5500 7 3 lake Phalen Addition 225 8 3 do 225 9 3 do 225 10 3 do 225 11 3 do 275 12 3 do 450 Block 4 do 7800 2600 Total $14100 $8100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has'investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated January 15 1946 __ i' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D ri St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followi�g improvement to be made: Ave. from Ave. I � i I �� P�a�d SEyvf-r C3 o NEI�ADA. f�'�L'E. R � I V 0 El like P i Q Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _DeceM,DQ ..11...._..__, 194...5 ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the November 28 ..,__.,..._._194.5.., relative to Council, known as Council File No...:.1.34.84.._..approve .._.._. ..._.._..._ the construction of a seE^rer on Plevads. Avenue _from, Arq.ade. Stxe.et_.to ......... vleide Street. ............................. ....... _ ... _.......................... ................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ... ... ..... ... ._necessary and (or) desirable. .Cost per front foot $4.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..-. 2, �j00_. C�0__. and the total cost thereof is $._............__.... _........., Frontage 623 feet .............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ _...... .... ..... .......... ... ........................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............. . ......._.... 5. Said improvement is.._. ---___ ... asked for upon petition of three or more o ners f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ......:.... Commissioner of Public Warks. 500-5-44 f ft— aF C-. s R— W.R.COCKRO".S—. 0— Ema— G. HERRO— a AMY U I.H. KOC. EgIIFYRR ARTHUR H. KOCH CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMIBRIONER CL REHCE J. VOKOUN. DV COMMISeI GEORGE M. SHEFARD, Cl— E -1—n December 6, 1945 Commissioner of Public Works Department of Public Works Dear Sir: D FRED DRIVER. D• S FRES M. S. GgYTEAK, ENOIN� RVRCMRE RAAYY J.. KARTAK, BUFT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134848 approved November 28, 1945• b Estimated Coat 2,500.00 Frontage 623 ft. Cost per front foot 4.00 Yours very truly, .;A5 jCRG M. SfIEPARA Q� hie Engineer�C��,Ij Approved f tramm�i n to the ssioner Finance XMTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public liorks COUNCIL FILE NO.. By---- --- ----- ------ - -- %. No. 125472'— -_- the_Aditter of conatrvctfng a sewef .'L8ttage ;'Avebue from tehy"ua of lettng� sewer+ W, feet east. of, Ruth �- Aa AC [A� 1 rest.tdl^Yyiniliio(p8treei;�undes<Pm- -ni+ury^amu` 13680 er, ... �:._.,_ Deco - p -f y't�A, H+ r 9i 18^ .. due r f , ------- -------- ------ ----- FINAL, ORDER s_of_existing_- In the Matter of_con_s_tructing_a_sewer_on_Qottage--Avenue-from-terminu sewer__658ee feet of Ruth Strt_to YPinthrop-_ ree _- -------- -- - ---- - -------------------------- - - - - - - ---------------- 134890 ____a roved -_December 4, 1945 _-_________ under Preliminary Order. ----1-3-4.8-9-0 ----- ^ --approved ------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediary Order _____--------------------------------' - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-__uexl_iir-uct_ e_sewer_on_Qotta�e_Avenue_from_termipus_ -- of exietin sewer__65S feet east of_Rnth_Street to VPinthrop Stree_, --------------------------------- ------------------ -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council,... --- FEB -- ---- I ------- ----------- ----------- 192 -----• i -- - --------- City Clerk. Approved .------ ----------- - - - 192. --- File 9859 Councilman Councilmanat o Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman MM M�.� Mayor How Form B. S. A. 8-7 o' ------------------ --------------- - -Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPbRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cottage Ave. from terminus of existing sewer 658 ft. east of Ruth St. to Winthrop St. I under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: s The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $3265.00 font 2,89 The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION Land Bldg. 23 Mehsikomer's Re. $125 24 do 125 25 do 125 26 do 125 27 do 125 28 do 125 29 do 125 30 do 125 31 do 125 32 do 125 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FtEPOAT OFPRELInMIN LONERRY OF FINANCE ON ER (C) ' ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION land Sldg.. 33 Mehsikomer's Re. $125 34 do 125 35 do 125 36 do 125 (Except Katherine's Addition, Autumn and Cottage Aves., and except North 298.97 ft. of East 185.11 ft. of West 711.11 ft.) The South � of the Northwest 4 of the 3000 Southeast s of Section 23, Town 29, Range 22 Unplatted Total $4750 --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby. submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. J Dated January 15 19 46it- / Commissioner of Finance. Berm B. B. 12 �/ . St. Paul, Minn. 194 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 14 _—r �j^r►H z°�rmiN✓J o e�liJ�i�! Sr 6J"� � v '�Y� u i �� fir,. from St. Ave. to ---- �' Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �i -fiF �a----.Sec.--7•,�_�?q f� �� � � • ------ P.� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 11 ..__ _.. 1915 ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 134890_,,..,.. approved..._......Decembeg 4 ____...........194...5., relative to the construction of a sewer on Cottage Avenue from terminus of existing sewer 658 feet east of Ruth Street to winthrop Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ................necessary and (or) desirable. 3,265 00 Cost per front foot $2.89 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._ .... .._._. .....,and the total cost thereof is $..___.._.......__._ ._._......, Brontage 1,131 feet and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... .............. .....:..............__....___..._........._......_..__._..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more ners of proper . subject to assessment for said improvement. — i 0/ 500—&44�'r Commissioner of Public Works. � l aYREAD aF CKRO a RVAIR W. 8. COCKROFT, Blsf. OF EHCIR O.. H. HERROLD &1REN1 M MYNID— EWIPMmf ARTHOR H. KOCH CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROREN. MMMIREIOMR D RMCE J. VOKOUN, OVVtY CRMMIRRIMDI GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CR=P QgINOA December 11, 1945 Commissioner of Public Works Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: W.— ar U-1— FRED DRIVER. SI- - W ERIDDO M. E. GRYTMK. ENwxm -R— - DonREcnaNR MY J. KARTAK. 6YFF• I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from terminus of existing sewer 658 feet east of Ruth Street to Winthrop Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134890 approved December 4, 1945 - Estimated Cost $ 3.265.00 Frontage 1,131 ft. Cost Der front foot $ 2.39 Yours truly, R E . SUPARD hief neer Approved or trap a on to th��Toi, e f Finance SIN Commissioner of Public Works 1 COUNCIL FILE N0.-. ______ By-- ---- - --- ---...---- C n th e Mattette — k thr of curbing Woodbridge{ Street, from -'Hatch Avenue to Lawes Avenue, under: Prelimtnary 0 -der -.1348'' r proved X& ambe 4C. � � 1 1 -►54'73 In the Matter of-_ curb ingwoodbridge Street from Hatch_ Avenue to laws on_ Avenue,_--__-- ------ ------t-- ---------- - ---- ------------- -- - --------- ----------------- under Preliminary Order -_-13487A ------------------------- approved ____-__November 30,__1945_____ --__-_____--- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that n pro t to be made by the said City is_curb__B[o9dbri�ge_— SQm-Hai h-�sQn-Q-------------- _Iav¢aon_Asenue. - - - — - - - -- - - - - — - -- -- - - -- ------------ ------- ------ ______________-_____-_________-.A1Tof&F in the nF� - r ,;,n ;r herrb.'� �nacell6dt eahuha�, -------------------------8��_teacindoo_ld_aiLrlu ._ :� - and ncil hereby orders said impr ement to be made. RESOLVED Eft, That the Com Toner of Public Works be and is here instructed and directed to prepare plans an cifications fors ' 'mprovement, and submit same to t ouneil for approval; that upon said approval, tl roper city offiei a hereby authorized and directe pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there ' Adopted by the Counelf B 20--1i M---------------- -------, 192.-------- FED 2n to Approved--- ---- ------ ------ - - _ , 192 yy� File 9862------------�------ vw' --- - - - ACflnp Mayor. Councilman C1ENPMx--v" I3artuse Councilman F PhTd atr Councilman 1. Pisrrnnto Councilman r-=;= Peterson n� Councilman S .t t "I" Ro-en Councilman - v Mayor Hots (; _. XcwDbnongh Form P. S. A. 8-7 /; rY . / - ✓� JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier February 15, 1946 P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner �3-' X13 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the petition of remonstrance attached hereto filed in the matter of curbing Woodbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to Lawson Avenue and find that same is insufficient. Yours very trulyp I�YL j John S. Findlan Commissioner of Finance St. Paul, Minn. 194 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen �y We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to ops the followinAimprov ent to be made: % St. Ave. t St, Ave. to �< /I ��(J 3:�✓�_ NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITIIO�N F I, Chas. C. Hartsten, do hereb soled swear that I obtained the above signs ures dEring th month of February 1946 from the signers t reof aid do alio hereby swear that they are authentic. Subscribed and sworen to before me, a n tart' Public, this 12th day of February 194 5 _ ETER,T r —OUCK, Lt F.emse Co-tv,Mimi. Mlatt ldy Gom fission E.nes fab. s7. t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of curbing Woodbridge St. from Hatch Ave. to Lawson Ave. under Preliminary Order approved November 30, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - q. 976.43 f ont $ 1.68 The estimated cost per cot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION land Bldg. Lots 1 and 2 1 Barney, Norton and YinPsley's $875 $1950 First Addition to St. Paul 500 2200 3 1 do 4 1 do 500 2250 5 1 do 500 2550 6 1 do 500 1900 7 1 do — 500 2600 8 1 do 350 9 41 Auerbach do Hand's Addition 275 10 41 do 500 750 11 41 do 500 3400 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • • REPORT OF COMMISOONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 41 Auerbach and Hand's Addition 13 41 do 14 41 do 15 41 do 16 41 do S ASSESSED LanYALUATIOI`L ldg $5000 $111250. 500 2300., 500 2100, 500 1600. 375 600 Total $7375 $25,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. /1 Tanuary 15 19 46 \/� ✓ 4�i " s--- Dated Commissioner of Finance. C� --� - St. Paul, Minn. O 194 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followi g i provemenc - be ma ---St. Ave. from t/ 7 c1'/( /I /I� St. Ave. to � —St. Ave. NAME/ LOT I BLOCK ADDITION 1� �n 5-3M 41 Gansl & � , � � � { . ;_ i 1 i __ � a. �, � . .- � . _..._ C Y w 4 n 2 0 N 1— —1 i i - � � ' � Y'- RU'in ��i ST I � a 0 yI��I CI �I j FA2e/NGTo.✓ ST it � k � j � � I I rrct MAT/L DA ST o� .'� f`rrt � � �j y _� i � ?�' � GAUL T/E.2. S T I �� �_ � w -_ � -� .NA2_/oN. --- _.-- -�, �� � �a a 1, � {�j�000 d.['� �E `T T . � � � �, ALQELMAti L E. T. I I i I� �� � �-� � � � �, 1 —,eiCE. - _ ST. _ .. � , - � � �� y'.. � I r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner`of Finance December 11 1945..._.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 1 .8 0 November. 30 „_,__ _._.._194_`x.._, relative to Council, known as Council File No.._...1.4....7..._..approved--...._.----------- _............_......_........_..........._........_....._..._ ........_.._ b oodbrid.e Street from Batch Avenue to Lawson Avenue _..............._cur.._i.>�....._......................._...._............_........_.........._....._....._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- .............._........necessary and (or) desirable. cost per front foot $1.68 976.43..__._. and the total cost thereof is $ ......................................... 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._........., _..... . Engineering $80.00 Inspection .$17.58 Frontage 581 feet and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.......__........__......_.._......_..___..._._.............._................_....._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .. 5. Said improvement is._ _.....asked for upon petition ?f three or more ow erg of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 500-b 4 GFS:�� ;r; EGRP & DP Doer. s RSMR W. a mcKwoPY, wPr. O. O G. .HDR®1 H. HEttROLD 11- w MIMICRSLL EgURY01f .11 N. KOCH CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DEAREhI= J. VOKONN. VE— DOMMIMIlOv01 GEORGE M. EHE -RD. C w pglle>sl .010® December 11, 1945 Commissioner Milton nosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: EI rRED DRIVERoP V .6 T PRE . BWfs R M. 8. GRYTBAKR rm M. pelt®1 aE— - -- I RAY J. KARTAV. EMT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Woodbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to Lawson Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134870 approved November 30, 1945• Estimated Cost v 976.43 Cost per front foot 1.68 Engineering 80.00 Inspection 17.58 Frontage 581 ft. Yours truly, 4 EORG M.�PARD Approved r transm ion Chi Engineer to the C mmissione f Finance00 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Mr. President McDonough �,ce Presidznt (Truax) Original to City Clark C3. No. 135474—Ominame No. 8718—By A �ldllton Roseninane+— "D�t7� D ee ordinance aoJ.,, Limit the om. t� .ince of a permit tr et L. resile Can- , , luny, Inc.. to constrhM a trestle afY.ss Snelling AVenue for the urpoee J&4e;errylag a ipe W Pmnp auPxplue sand N O. / its plant on the west slde .bt amng Avenue -to the stock p11e ov PRESENTE , -_I, st side n.. Sn ding Avenue NO. An ordinance authorising the issuance of a permit to J. L. Shiely Company, Inc. to construct a trestle across Snelling Avenue for the purpose of carrying a pipe to pump surplus sand from its plant on the rest side of Snelling Avenue to the stock pile on the sast'sids of Snelling Avenue. T$N COUNCIL ©F TU CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOCS ORDAIN: Section 1. That upon compliance with the eonditione herels- after set out, the Com issioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to J. L. Shloly Company, Inc. to eonutruet a trestle across Snelling Avenue, approximately 2" feet southerly from the center line of Wynne Avenue, for the purpose of carrying a pipe to pump surplus sand from its plant on the west side of Snelling Ave- nue to the stock pile on the sent side of Snelling Avenue. The conditions are as follows: 1. Permittee shall furnish a bond of $10,000 to the City of Salat Paul, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, Judgments, snits, costs, charges, damage or expense accruing to person or property, arising out of the eon- struction, maintenance, use, presence, or removal of said trestle. Said bond shall be satisfactory to the COsmissian*r:of Finance me to surety, to the derporation Counsel as to form and execution, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. 8. Permittee shall file plans and specifications for said trestle with the Commissioner of Pnb- Ito Works, which shall be satisfactory to his, and said trestle shall be constructed as he shall direct. Permittee shall pay the cost of Inspection, it any. a. This permit may be revoked by the Council at any time, and thereupon permittee shall remove sold trestle. 4. Permittee shall pay the cost of the publication i of this ordinance. Permittee shall, within ten days after the publi- action of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerka, Section 8. We ordinance shall take effect and be in fora* thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays / Barfuss r Findlan Parranto f 1 Peterson �J Rosen 13trIIdt a' ugh) Attest: Mr. Vice President (Truax! City Clerk 500 9-42 oANOL 6 CO. FEB 28 1 Passed by the Council — 0 In Favor s Against r - Approved: A kctiny Mayor ,Ly/� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Mr. Bruce T. Broady Corporation Counsel Roam 316, city Heu Dear Sir: 1.75474 SURuu e• TION FRED DRIVER,.—R. SYPT, .U. -U OF RRI00¢8 M. S. GRYTRAK. EN¢INEm RUROF CORRa.- RAAYY J. KARTAK. aUPT. Will you kindly prepare an ordinance granting permission to the T. L. Shie7y'Company, Inc., 1101 Snelling Avenue, to construct a trestle across Snelling Avenue for the purpose of carrying a pipe to pump surplus send from their plant on the west side of Snelling Avenue to the stook pile on the east side of Snelling Avenue. This trestle will cross Snelling Avenue approaimetely 244 .feet southerly the center line of 113nnne Avenue. kLCEIVED FEB 6 1946 CORPORATION COUNSEL Yours very truly, 2 ftgSHSpARD ees Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS --U O. CONST. s RVMR MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER W. S. COCKROFT. Suv ' CLARENCE J. VOKOUN, DEPUTY COMMI6¢IONp! OFRCE ENGIREER GEORGE M. SHEFARD, CHIEF EHOINEER G. H. HERROLD - aUReAU OF MIMICIPAI FpUtFMWI ARTHUR H. KOCH y [�,L February 6, 1946 Mr. Bruce T. Broady Corporation Counsel Roam 316, city Heu Dear Sir: 1.75474 SURuu e• TION FRED DRIVER,.—R. SYPT, .U. -U OF RRI00¢8 M. S. GRYTRAK. EN¢INEm RUROF CORRa.- RAAYY J. KARTAK. aUPT. Will you kindly prepare an ordinance granting permission to the T. L. Shie7y'Company, Inc., 1101 Snelling Avenue, to construct a trestle across Snelling Avenue for the purpose of carrying a pipe to pump surplus send from their plant on the west side of Snelling Avenue to the stook pile on the east side of Snelling Avenue. This trestle will cross Snelling Avenue approaimetely 244 .feet southerly the center line of 113nnne Avenue. kLCEIVED FEB 6 1946 CORPORATION COUNSEL Yours very truly, 2 ftgSHSpARD ees E. W. ALM. TREASUR[R J. L. SHIELY, -D- • H. J. FARRELL. SECRETARY A. R. SHIELY, Vlc[ PRESIn[Hr Inc- CRV6HED ROCK WASH 5..0 SAND I WASHED GI'� AGRICULTURAL LIME RAVEL _ OLE C.n UNIF 013M �--CGAYE'i , 1101 SNELLING AVENUEI'• .SIT. PAUL i, MINN. February 1, 1946 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, 234 Court House, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota. �. Dear Mr. Rosen: We are expecting a tremendous volume of building in Saint Paul during the next year, and in striving for means to increase our production we believe that we can accomplish that by pumping our surplus sand from our plant on the west side of Snelling Avenue to our property on the east side of Snelling Avenue, which property is considerably below grade. Tn order to do this it is necessary for us to run a pipe line acrossSnelling Avenue. We have submitted a plan of the trestle to your Chief Engineer for his approvwith the street arailway company and the No l. We have also taken thematter States t tesPower Company, and it will not interfere with their operations. We respectfully request permission to erect this trestle according to the plan submitted. Yours very truly, J. LSS�HIELY COMPANY. By" Vice Pre . ARS:Z fi. W. wW. TRFABuaER - J. L. SHIELY. PagIOOR • j H. J. FARRELL. 5[e1[YAaY A. R. SHIELY. VICE Fa 11— I VOW H6.D SAND I�J CR U6HED RDCK WA6HHR GRAVEL f AGRICULTURAL LIME C' EAN ii lit FOPM AI;GPEGA4E9 1101 NELLING AVENUE�^'"`� ^"' "" Sr. Pnac 4, MINN. Sar r:r eo <,vcr+ert Cu March 5 19 46 City of St.Paulk Office of City 6lerk, Courthouse S�.raul, ^.4innesota. Gentlemen: In accordance with your letter of March 4th, we hand you herewith our signed accgptance of C.)uncil File if135474 (Ordance No. 8718) together with check in amount $3.85, covering publication of said ordnance. Yours truly, J. C OtEANY HJF* By Original to City Clerk, �4 ! •"1 .CITY OF ST. PAUL %nc'� NO..-_..__---- 0 - t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, weekly compen- sation of $24.00 be paid Clarence A. Wagner while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 8, 1946, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and $96.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 7, 1946 is now payable. C.F. No. 135478—By Milton Rosen— Reached, That out the Workmen's; Compensation Account at the General; Fund, weekly compensation of $24.80 1. paid Clarence A. Wagner whlle he >e totally disabled by reason of injurles� he received on January8, 1848, while I employed by the Department f Pub- 7ic Works, and E9800 in partial set- tlement, to and including February 7, 1896, is now payable. Adopted by the Council Feb. 13, 1646. Approved Feb. 13: 1948. (February 18, 1946.) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�ci...L.._x.........194------ Yeas Nays y Barfuss m an/ Approved .......................... ..........----194. Parranto Peterson ...........In Favor ...........!P.._^ - - --- - ------- ------ ---------- Rosen Mayor Truax .......... rest ent, c onou 3M 9-46 -OW0 Original tq City Clark COUNCIL �115476 , CITY OF Si. PAUL - - FILE No.....--------.-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMM ISS IONER ._. RgSOLVED, that a perrit be granted to Charles J. Isms" for, -the erection of a public garage on Lots 18, 19 and 23, Block 4, Merrill's Subdivision of Rio* Street Ville, being the aorthOasL' corner of Wheelock Parkway and Rice Street. COUNCILMEN ye. / Nays Barfuss �' ranto ,/Veterson Lvor .a./,)..Against 3m ass app 00 CF. of d. That a llrtrtnit 'bee ...'t . Resolved. of . gubne J garage eo tI.otaulg. i9eand 20. Stock 4. Merrills S e� no�R e Rice Street vnlna be. Street of Wheelock Parkway and thcouncil o1nncil Fe.b. 13. Is. Adopted by b.13, 1948)Ad 1buary16,F FEB 12 1�9 Adopted by the Council.. ---------- ..................... 194— FER Approved------------------------------ 194 _L- ---- . a, . . Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota .OFFICE OF CITY CLERK V BUREAU OF RECORDS _QP -O Feb. g, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sire The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Chas. J. Youness for permission to erect a public garage on Lots 18, 19, and 20, Block 41 Merrill's Subdivision of Rice Street Villas, being the northeast corner of Wheelock Pky. and Rice St. Very truly yours, i City Clerk. AOTICE OF APPTICATION FOR PERcIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC sARA:E. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sectinn 674, Ordinance No. 5560, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnescta,�� application will to made on n c to the City Council of the City of Saint Pat].l, Min�.esota, for by permission t rec public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramse" County, iinresota, to wit: Lot/ �� Y d Block ' Add.itio Side of Sn.irt P^ , ,innesota. On the St. Av , betwegn St. Ave. anditiC.G•�s�,� _St.Ave. St. Ave. Nlu-ber Dated at Sair_t Paul, Minnesota, 'JI STATE OF MINNESOTA, es. County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication ..... Helen M. Kiefner................................ being duly sworn, on oath says: thatshe now is, and during all the time herein stated hes been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facie hereinafter stated That for more than one year Inumemately prior to the publication therein of the printed NRtice.of Application for Permit to Erect Public Garage .................. ..�t8t. Jl..Yo8Q4 ............................. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul In the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 460 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been Issued from Its known office as above stated established In said place of pubb- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five percent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment andmiscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mall matter In the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and Is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qusllh tions as a newspaper for pub- lleation of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language. for..RiX.x. MQA............. ; that it was first so published on.FV49Y............. the ....... ?5t ......... day of 78nua X............ 19.46, and thereafter on January 26 & 28 Y to and Including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication o1 said notice, to -wit: abcde f 9 h I J k I m n�yo/ype rne, t uv w z v: Subscribed and sworn to before me this.?8th.day o ....... ... .FY... .... ... , 19.46 .................. ........ ......... o Public, Ramse unty, Minnesota J. L Public. Ramsey County, M,..,. My on exp ir Ab'Camdam Hdfltd4 U8t: 1'6; 1450. 19... Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MLYNESOTA, tie County of Ramsey, a b c do f a h l i k lm noD q r a to vwxrz ...........:.. .. . .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this s�.. Z! . day n • • • • . • • • • •� • • • • • • • • •. 19 96 f � .......... Public, Ramsey County, esota L. Me000L f4Mwv Pubila Ramsey: ounty, 19... My commis on exp •Mf'GotdnAttlbh' Bdoltis Dat:: 16: 19 }' b!t..!uft-qr................................ being duly sworn, on oath ......@A. says: tbabhe now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., Publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year Immediately Prior to the publication therein of the printed .4�QQ..4.tADP��4at�P4.4R. pP1..�Q.'fS�. �k�l.ia.d� .Qbl1Aw.Ii•..YA18UA� .............................. hereto attached, said newspaper and In the English language from its known office of Publication was printed published in the city of St, Paul In the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It .purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: narks AP G OtTPOR Pan• has been issued from its known office as above stated, established In Said place of pubii- usz�t�tcpASAe�nai « Lms I! Yno. cation,. equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and tVe1 m Section 1s•. OrElnava Ne: er me cea or aemm Pam, xmne.eea. printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted ueaunn ,.ea zee en PeD. sea i6%, to the cu.ai—ru or tae atr et aioi afteime e'mbe'remina to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work o1 which hes contained general news, com- Sasso vie' uc ry me fnunwmt nmmneee e.esie, aivaeea m aam.n counts. hes been done In its said known office of -publication; ta„anw„ has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been meat and y: P WI Mletnew4 to wit: rau rS•19.1q, Idg. '4. sartON Sub•e: f ate• Se glans �, entirely made up of Patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in an ddeunn, ealnt.n.l. Minnesota. on me s..ed• or Rett at., between whaefort near its. said place of publication. o the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered a d Celt ...i. are. �YtM at Stmt P.W. bonnemte, San. to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry es second class mail matter in the 7°iPtS .' a M.9. aan: le. ie a lee local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, MRIZESXXML for- SIX. Ate/ ............. ; that it was first so published on�4AY............. the ...... ?5Ak.......... day of •JPri;WRY,,,,,,,•,..., 1liY6., and thereafter oaT�`!Y.!•6•... to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c do f a h l i k lm noD q r a to vwxrz ...........:.. .. . .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this s�.. Z! . day n • • • • . • • • • •� • • • • • • • • •. 19 96 f � .......... Public, Ramsey County, esota L. Me000L f4Mwv Pubila Ramsey: ounty, 19... My commis on exp •Mf'GotdnAttlbh' Bdoltis Dat:: 16: 19 }' Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rr.nwvu PrcniiiTioN—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the City and County 12:5477 i COUNCIL NO- -------- vn.E ------------- Employes Credit Union be paid 481.08, expense of making deductions for Victory Bonds for City and County employes for February 1946; charge 14iscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Fi- ndfan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr r ,lo,,. nrt,.nnnoueh 3M 045 �Q C.F. No. 135477—By W. Piamrito— Resolved, That the -City andCounty Employes Credit Union be paid .$61.08, expense of making deductions fon Vic- tory . Bonds for City and County am- pioyes for February, 1648; charge Mis- cellllaaneous and Uploreseen Account pf General Fund. Adopted by the- Council Feb. 13, 1996: Approved Feb. 13, 1948. G (February 16; 1948.) Adopted by the Council ...............}... -..-.-.-----.--194....-- ?1�t9 Approved------------------------------------------ 194 .............. n Favor -----�--�1'C=�---•�----- Mayor .---✓ ...Against Original to City Cleric I, 1-354'78 CITY OF ST. PAUL O�.°en`lL NO ....... _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M ISSI ONE! .eDATF = RESOLVED, that Bruce J. Broady, Corporation Counsel, is authorized to attend the hearings before the Federal Power Commission at Chicago, Illinois, commencing February 19, 1946, and that he be re-' imbursed for his expenses from Corporation Counsel's Fund 3 A 2. C.F. No. 135478—By W. Parrento- Resolved. That Bruce J Broady, Cor-! porattan Counsel, 1-b authcrlUd to at tend the hearings ef6re the Federal Power Commission at - Chicago,- Illinois "In"' February 19, 11. and the{ he be reimbursed for hfs expenses from Corporation Counsel's Fund .3A2. Adopted by the Council Feb. 13, 1949. Approved Feb. 13, 1999. (February 19, 1945.) YeasCOUNCI EN Adopted by the �okno�.- ..................194...... Nays FEE r.^ Barfuas / Approved .................................... ' ----194----• ��arran$t-o I �� ,1'eterson-------�.1...In Favor ---------------------•----------------%-/--�-------�.. "�� -- - - ....-- �osen At 0 -Against ant 9-45 �p original to 1,54179 CITY OF ST. PAUL rimConNCL No.. ---- ------ "'•------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATP February 13 1946 RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A38317, On Sale Malt, Application 138318, Off Sale Malt, Application A38319, and Cigarette, Application A39320, applied for by Michael G. Thomas and Thomas J. Gibbons at 959 Gaultier Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council February 5, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss/ ^Ftadfirrlfan---.- Parranto Favor eterson...n�...In Peterson........ Rosen �./ Truax ..............Against en , c onoug 3M 9-45 �Q CF. No. 3 3 5 47 9-13, Bartn%s—'Faranto Resolved. That licenses M Restaurant, A-yPncatlon A36311' On Sale It, AAPpp: pltc�atton A36319, antl ClgatetMte:It•AFP"� cation 136339• applied for by ,C el G Thomas and Thomas J. on' t 959 Gaultier Se mt be and the same are hereby 6r Adoptetl b the Council Feb. 13. 1996. APProVedFebruar, 161946.1 Adopted by the CZA._ ..3 -.bid ............. 194 Approved...... .........- ...... 194-__ . .... . -- _May1--or----------- Clerk Adopted by the Rill 10 Yeas Nays 194 CITY OF ST, PAUL F Nc" NO•.._.-_--� l.. g� 0CPR...'NT%.Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^ f� Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M , 3M 9-0b �Q DATE Febn1m 13, 19�__ 1NER.-____ RESOLPED2 That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granteds Irving Serlin 1124 Payne Restaur"t App. 37359 New Old.Loc. Cigarette 9 37359 " " If C. M. Strandy 1949 St.Anthony Restaurant " 37360 " " N Hans 0. Schroetter 1167 Rice Off Sale Malt " 37363 " " " Transit Supply Go. 1560 University Orig. Cont. " 37393 " " " Elmer R. Bemke 491 Bidwell Barber " 37999 " " " Elmer Bakke & Son 253 University Gas Sta. " 38019 " " " Shell Oil Co. Inc. 778 Otto Oil Burner Inst." 38270 " " " Charles Reinsberg 41g-24 N.Exch4. 9Re 2nd Rd Auto Mr." 38366 " " " Young Motor Car Co. 880 Grand Gas Sta. 3-P " 38404 " " " Cora Colbert & Irene Litshein 985 Selby Cigarette if 37515 " " If t ResoNO. d13T13jjcen etp—LParronto— the persons named on t aj,Wd for by to this resolution be and the seam .h d hereby granted, and the,Cte Clerk 1s blslructed to issue such licenses the Payment Into the City treasury�f the required fees. Adopted by.tbe Councll Feb. I3, 1946. Approved eb. 13, ,.% (February 19, 1948:) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Rill 10 Yeas Nays 194 Barfuss — / 1 REy i L „ �9MP Approved----------- ----_---_----- - 194 Parranto Peterson _...."...-In Favor - �! Rosen ^ Mayor Truax --'---✓---.Against M , 3M 9-0b �Q t cu".j Hartuae—Parranto— Origl 1 to y Cleric rteealv80. d, 13That ]tcemee appned for 1.i ` ,481 a �. by pereo the nn named on the lint at tacked to thin reeol4tlon be and the', COUNCIL same are hereby granted, and the Cltyy_________ Clerk Is instructed to inane such n- 0Flppq . upon the payment in the City COUNCI dam of the re0.uitiM Seen. a _ Adopted Dy the Counen Feb. 13, 1848. RESOLVED: That license" applied for by the following persona at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby grentedt Arthur Dorr 882 Woodbridge Butcher App. 796 Renewal a N N a Grocery " 852 " Off Sale Malt " 853 " n n N N Cigarette " 851} a Arthur E. Snyder 1580 University Confectionery " 35438 " N 19 a Restaurant " 35439 a N n a N Cigarette " 35440 " M. B. Moy 413 Robert Restaurant N 35578 N N N N a Cigarette If 35579 " Matt N. Weber 20 E. 7th Restaurant " 35714 " N N a N On Sale Malt " 35715 " Off Sale Malt " 35716 " Cigarette " 35717 " Jacob A. Klug 1127 N. Chatsworth Grocery N 35925 " Butcher " 35826 " N a n N Off Sale Malt " 35827 N Cigarette " 35828 " Beatrice John 330 Robert Restaurant " 35941 N a ■ " N On Sale Malt " 35942" N N a N Off Sale Malt " 3594 a a a a n Cigarette p 359 " Jack Price 363 Earl Barber " 36299 " Andrew E. Anderson 512 Rice Restaurant " 36331 " On Sale Malt " 36332 " Off Sale Malt " 363333 " N Cigarette " 3633+ " The Golden Rale 95 E. 7th Barber " 36632 N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .__--_..-------------------------- 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss 1-finthEr Approved------------ - 194_ Parranto Peterson - -In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax ..............Against Mr. -President, 3M e -4s O M54181 orig[nd to city clerk couwca NO... --.----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL .ice OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1; lalt6 PRESENTED BY DATE. rob COMMISSIONER Page No. 2 1726 University Restaurent APP•.36639 Renewal John Flemming N a On Sale'Malt N 36639 " N 6�w N Off Sale Malt N 36 Cigarette N 36641 " N A Al ea B. Keenan 1172 E. 7th Barber N 36912 " Mabel Short 154 E. 6th N Confectionery " Cigarette " 36969 36970 p N Peter J. Brodale 777 E. 7th Barber " 36971 " F. J. OlDonnell 106 lot Natl Bk Bldg Berber " 37279 " Gust Johnson Lumber Co. 3101 Como S.E..Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 37431 a forge Brookehaw Ge 938 White Bear Barber " 37774 " Chas. B. Wagner 736 Oakdale Grocery " Butcher 1. 37776 37779 " p N n N N N N Off Sale Malt " 37760 N n n p n Cigarette " 37791 N n Kristal Bros. 176 N. Concord Butcher " 37606 " John Erwin 559 St -Anthony Butcher " 37614 " Mrs. Anna Drucker 316 condo Grocery " Botcher " 37674 37675 " N p N n p a Off Sale Malt " 37976 " p p Cigarette " 37977 " N N " George T. youmpas 149 W. 7th Barber " 37922 " Weston Lewis 465 N. Snelling Barber " 37924 " Sam Berg 247 S. Snelling Barber If 37927 " Adopted by the Council..................................194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar[uss Approved---- -------------------------------------194-----• indlan Parranto Peterson --- ---------- In Favor .......... ............... ................. ...................Mayor Rosen Truax .............. Against 500 444 _Aw�Q OriQInal t. City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL w�uNca No. -- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- DATE Febrsary 1',. 1946 Page No. 3 John Janesek 614 Como Barber App. 37929 Renewal Mrs. Lottie Chase 98 Eaten Junk Dealer " 37937 " H.Henderson & Al Hagan 495 Selby Barber " 37941 " General Outdoor Adv.0o. W1691 let Hatl Bk B1dg.Bill Poster " 37942 " Cornelius Larson 977 Arcade Barber " 37951 " Vern Franer Union Depot Barber " 37964 " Am.Hoist & Derrick Co. Emp. Club 63 S. Robert Vend. Mach. " 37972 " J. E. Watkins 234J W. 7th Barber " 37992 " Hassett oil Co. 460 H. Cleveland Fuel Dir " 38009 e W. S. Garrett 323 Rondo Fuel Dlr " 38012 " General Truck & Equip Co. 2535 University 2nd Ed Auto D1r." 38037 " Mrs. Grace M. Bergstrom 995 VanSlyke Butcher " 3g040 " Sarah Gerr & John B. Sokol 654 Hall Grocery " 38046 " N N N N N N Off Sale Malt " 38047 N Cigarette " 3g048 " Abram Kuria 266 E. Morton Grocery " 38102 " N N p n Off Sale Malt " 38103 " Cigarette " 38101} " Robert A. Norman 917 Heaney Grocery " 38108 " N N N N Cigarette " 38109 " Fred W. Wyse 933 E. 7th Bakery " 3g116 N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ------------------ ----------------194-.---- Yeas Nays Barfuss ifdtmT----- Approved------ ------- ........... ---------194 Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor ------------------- ... --- ............-- .. --............................. Mayor Rouen Truax ..............Against ' 500 4-44 -Owj-Q 175481 A . 4h,w� to cis ©ak • CITY OF ST. PAUL 'wca No ---- --- ------------ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSEDBY DATE February 13 1g46 PAGE No. 4 Paul Steinmetz 226 W. Kellogg Barber App. 38117 Renewal Daytona Bluff Coml Club 770 E. 7th Off Sale Malt " 38116 " Alfred Mayer 341 Pt Douglas Rd. Gas Sta 3-P " 39135 " a a n " a OPig. Cont, " 38136 " a a a n a Cigarette " 39137 " Louis E. Beaty 864 Randolph Barber " 38153 " Riverview Coml Club 426 S. Wabasha On Sale Malt " 38177 " W a a a a Cigarette " 38178 " Nathan Johnson 395 Rice Grocery " 39198 " a a fl n Butcher " 39199 " a a a n Off Sale Malt " 36200 et a a a n Cigarette " 38201 e Mrs R. L. Snyder 46A N. Snelling Restaurant " 38219 " a a n a n Cigarette " 36220 a W. J. Zopfi& Albert Rediske 1112 Rice Grocery " 36237 " n a n n n n Butcher " 36236 " n a a n a a Off Sale Malt " 362 a a n a a a a Cigarette " 36239 a R. S. Westlund 597 N. Snelling Butcher " 38241 " C. p. Bartlett 1614 University Gas Ste, 3=P " 36257 " Sam Riback 474 Marshall Peh Peddler " 36290 " Nu Foodstuff " 36291 x Mary & Edward Wazlawik 320 Front Gas Sta 3-P " 38292 s Kennedy Bros Arms Co. 79 E. 5th 2nd Rd 11r " 38310 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... Yeas . Nays Barfuss IF4nd4atn Approved. - ----- ---------194------ Parranto Peterson --- .......In Favor ............. ............... - - .......... --...... Mayor Rosen Truax -----.....Against Mr 12resi4lent McDonough 500 4-44 Q -. 1.35481 Original to City Clark ' CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUttca rns OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Februar9 1, li 1446 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE' - Page No. 5 1 Petroleum Service Co. 317 Como Fnel Dir App. 39311 Renewal Jess Newlin 258 E. 13th Taxi Driver " 39316 " Adolph Michaelski 543 Ashland Motor Veh Dr " 39323 " George Beimert 556 S. Robert Motor Veh Dr " 39324 " James Bartlett 4901 S. Hemline Restaurant N a '38325 " " N N a a a N a n On Sale Malt Confectionery " 39326 39327 " a n Bowling Alley-9 ", 38328 a Robert L. Farrington 498 Selby Gas Ste, 2–P " 39339 " Fred Voss 159 Rondo Taxi Driver " 39339 " Orla Lassen 189 W. 7th Taxi Driver " 39340 " Charles J. Lee 126 E. 9th Taxi Driver " 38341 " George W. Ehrman 475 Carroll Taxi Driver " 39355 " Leonard Long 5977 Mississippi Motor Veh Dr " 39362 " Edward W. Fabeck 182 E. 8th Gas Sta 3–P " 39370 " F. J. Robinson 167 E. 7th Pawnbroker " 39374 " Fred S. Hoppe 551 W 7th Gas Sta 3–P " 39376 " Edward P. Taylor 246 W, xellogg Motor Veh Dr " 39397 " Clarence N. xaup 369 Daly Taxi Driver " 38389 " Edward Reps 1541 St.Clair Taxi Driver " 39392 " Edward LaValley 651 St.Peter Taxi Driver " 39397 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................. ....------------ 194..-__ Yeas Nays Barfuss �--- Approved------------------------------------------ 194 Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Mayo- r Rosen Truax ..............Against IGl . 500 4-44 _QP.® OnQ1nW ro Cab Clerk V1,115481 ou CITY OF ST. PAUL n,"c' NO ---- --_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER u DATE February 13. 1946 Page No. 6 Xaver B. St1rz6l 931 Tuscarora Foot Peddler App. 38406 Renewal G. L. Howe Jr 536 St.Peter Motor Veh Dr ^ 38407 ^ L. Wenaglia & Margaret Mudgett 16-18 E. 6th Cigarette a 38412 ^ John Houston 555 Robert Gas Sta 3-P ^ 3g416 ^ Emil Isakson 284 Cathedral P1 Taxi Driver ^ 39420 ^ Henry He111ge 53 W. Summit Motor Veh Dr ^ 39421 0 Edward Drews 633 Oakdale Motor Veh Dr ^ 38422 ^ Sam Banger. 25 W..Baker Motor Veh Dr ^ 39423 0 _. Leonard E. Edstrom 99 N. Kent f Motor Veh Dr ^ 39430 ^ Mendel Gordon 210 E. Indiana Taxi Driver ^ 39431 ^ John L. Moore 472 Dayton Taxi Driver ^ 39432 ^ Lucas Troendle 2042 Manitou Motor Veh Dr a ^ 39433 ^ FEB is COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -- .............._....... 194_..... Yeas Nays Bartuss _. Parranto Approved------------------------ 194 Peterson -------------- In Favor PL.._. __._..✓..._ Fi_�..... Rosen /// Mayor Truax --------------Against M . c onoug 500 444 "1�•� orlQlnsl to Cay Cleric RESOLVED 13 482 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO•------------------ VILE -----' O 1 E OF THE CITY CLERK - _COUN ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 DATE "Unary CF. No: 19 By Nitron Rosen— Reeolv,0d. That the 1Northern States PoweY Company be aivan DeTmissf°n to. install 1.40 foot Dpoole on the south side of Seminary, behveen Hemline and Syndicate, with necessary Hays. anchors and wires Pole and wfrea W be re- moved when reVuested to,do so by the Common Council and cost of said I removal to beborne Dy She Northern states Power Company Adopted b the Council Feb. 13. 1998. Approved bee181 ry990.) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot, pole on the south -side of Seminarys between Namline and Syndicate, with necessary gays. anchors and wires. Pole and vires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / In an / Parranto Peterson ..",....In Favor Rosen Truax .............. Against 3M 045 W® FEB 13 190 Adopted,by the CouneiL--------------------- -........... 194.. ---- Approved ............... -----------------------194.... F----------------- Y Ma or .4� CF. No. 196•"' ' the ci; •treTahaantrycbee483 �&1 be drawn on .. r NOTICE CITY o, n�Mred 957 m,9g;�� erina� g �. L. NO. 35 TO COUNCIL sPeh: cch c�o�ro�66vaoue:. jn thiencroxsee or PRINTER Adopted I the Coohcll Feb. 19, 1818, A'.._v. d Feb: 19, 3848. (February 18, 1918) - 9 -_194- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 39 297 57,. 4 6 49 : COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__39 5 _ � _INCLUSIVE, AS PERCHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.' �E ,e ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII ,''� 194— 'APPROVED-- - 94_APPROVED — ". w® - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL AM DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER _-.- ROLL CALL BARFUSS IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Februart_.9-..__IB4_�_- PA�RRAAN PETERSON 1 ROSEN lJ ` RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DR E AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE A UNT OF S Y TREASURY COVERING TRU CHECKS NUMBERED PER CHECKS ON FIE TO INCLUSIVE. IN THE FICE F THE ITY 6A AS OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--- �� OMP ROLLER APPROVED -..R Gy- �YfSJlI REDATE TURNED i-�� TOTAL CHECK NUMBER _ IN FAVOR OF TCHECKSR DIS CHECKSUR5MENT BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD Ax n93 97 43965 Peter Lynoh 48 oo !i 47 43966 John S. Findlan, C. of Financia 19 994 69 43,967 Elizabeth Halgren 51 15 718 97 43968 County Welfare Board 43969 John S. Findlan, C. of Finande 3 080 i96 43970 Lawrence A. Soler :I 9 66 43971 City Produce Company I� 840:23 43972 Cutler, Magner Company 43973 Economics Laboratory ii 93;55 43974 R. 0. Haugen _43975 00 Mr. A. Hawkinson I13 43976 Lily—Tulip Cup Corporation 28 42 43977 H.K. Stahl Company 748 67 43978 43979 Henry G. Rueth John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance a 00 200 0 43980• John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 700 00 43981 43982 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. I John S. Findlan, C. of Finano� 5 22 0 !I 1 477 6o 4399 John Hpppertz 1 077 00 4398 Mrs. Evelyn H. Holm 96 00 43985 L.A. Anderson 13 00 43986 Capitol Supply Company 485 00 43987 Cudahy Packing Company 25 71 43988 41.B. Fuller Company I 5 03 43989 Glovo Products Company 42 08 43990 Oraybar Electric Company j7 76 43991 Mpls. St.Paul h Sault Ste.Mar$e Ry.Co. 241 10 43992 N.W. Hanna Fuel Company 736 10 43993 Safway Steel Scaffold Company' ! 60 86 670 4399+ John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 3 80 43995 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano ! 558 00 43996 Alice Lebeok 96 oo �. I� I i II SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD i �r 22OI 66.86 5 1305 3 I I li I 1 f- 135484 COUNCIL TILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Asbury Street from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue ' ai a 'MARY ORDERS oz .i labut t 0- ad�Eaa hru, rL • . t ail , :,9^ - _ . ::Sri under Preliminary Order 135009 approved DeOember 1$ 1945 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon "the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '-�2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Asbury Street from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1371.93. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 1 tW at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of. hear. ing, the nature of the improverrmCent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 193— FEB �T Approved 193— City. Clerk . �/ File Mayor Bartuea D t Councilman M PUBLISHE _ _ Councilman Councilman P Parrant / Councilman R Peteraoa Councilman T=. Posen Councilman Wenzel Trate l ^ Mayor Iola Form B. S. A. 8.6 a' ;W" MIS In the Metter of , th. Iain6 and tak- _�� n eexment Ut the ,Iand nececeary; f!�j elope9, onta add Sone m fhe Sradla8 - 114vhlr,; Street 'imn.7^l •.ar, A enne ... 40 - COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking pn easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Asbury Street from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue under Preliminary Order 135152 approved January 8, 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of 'Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Asbury Street from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` Adopted by the Coun k3 &—, 193— Approved 193— City Clerk File 9879 �'�'] / Mayor Councilman l3srfuea 1� " Councilman 40 . h'UBI LSHED Councilman F'errentc Councilman } = Peterson – O Councilman *rdff1–=tS!'M Rosen Councilman Trnaz Mayor Mdiww#fa onon¢ Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO — fl _{ 135486 tie •_, X � �lpd�6r.,. A1 111 t INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 5, Highview Addition, from the west line of lot 17 in said Block 5, to Howell Street under Preliminary Order 135148 approved—January 8, 1946. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the alley in Block 5, Highview Addition, from the west line of lot 17 in said Block 5 to Howell Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2355.59. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of march, 1946 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commis$ioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc+tli R ' 193— r 1 4 Ole Approved 193— City Clerk File 9882 Mayor Councilman MOona= F3artuea 'lI?LISHFD�Q_ `t Councilman M3WIFp parranto Councilman Pearce ,,:.•;,.�,...::.3 Peterson Councilman Rosen - � �.,.a:.._te Hoeen Councilman T Wim•.. _- - Truax Councilman e�"z• Qtr_._,__ Mayor Male Form B. S. A. 8.6 F. No. 1364— : In the Matter of condemning and., :,king an easement in the:lend neces %din8 afor nd �surtacfa¢ ,ttland e�a)TO min el .lock 6, N.eb�few tAAtignn •Fri '.Ae �est ,,�1to. - �a COUNCIL FILE NO 135487 i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley,in Block 5, Highview Addition, from the west line of lot 17 in said Block 5 to Howell Street, under Preliminary Order 135149 approved January 8_ 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 5, Highview Addition, from the west line of lot 17 in said Block 5 to Howell Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 FJ9.:x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CYYoggu°°nfIB '� t 193�� Approved 193— JCity Clerk Il'i t !;LMayor\ File 9881 AWW /f // Councilman tiarfues p17 I.TS11Ely,�=.1SO —L! 6 Councilman '-Ptudran Councilman PONKOMWOOM Parranto Councilman ROKW=== Peterson Councilman A0Nammm Rosen 1 15 Councilman V@RKqEWM= Trust[ Mayor Mei Form B. S. A. 8-6 lC14, - m she afateer �sraaing en7 eurrse-� 1 u�ng the. elieq 1n oek 0 Ictus �. North Dale Park rnia Weet ult,-Aveuue to _ West � Canforda -Avenue' order' Pre - ,.m Order.50,- apyroved Ja�u 1548 twe The. Couneu of the C1tY ot..8t `"^. �edvM the re of thy: �•ence u� U . COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY O INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 5, laneIsNorth Dale Park, from West Iowa Avenue to West California Avenue, a under Preliminary Order 13b150 approved January 8. 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council. recommends is grade and surface the alley in Block 5, Ianets North Dale Park, from West Iowa Avenue to West California Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1890.98. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 193—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncifET 193— . i s d� __ ase Approved 193— �dD- � . '� • City Clerk File 9884 Mayor Councilman Me@RwxtdnawM Barfusa Councilman an PiiRL7yFFc�_(Q J.L��o Councilman P - —= Parranto Councilman Peterson^ Councilman IT'S Rosen Councilman T— Mayor MakaneW-& 14S Form B.,S. A. 8<6 vC•F No. 195489 Iii the Matter of condemning and. taking an easement 1n the, land • neces- eery faurfe or ;elopes. cats and 1111s 1n.:the �� greding• and cing of the alley in 1 ft, r Cock 6• Iane'e. North Dele Park. 4om ��� t(Y/ N 7nwa Avr ; W%'s d 'orni , _ COUNCIL FILE NO zcisno; c ^r t E /• It By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 5, Laneeis North Dale Park, from West Iowa Avenue to West California Avenue, under Preliminary Order 12GtSl approved January S. 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an . easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 5, lanes North Dale Park, from West Iowa Avenue to West California Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 xEfYlr , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councif FR 1, 4®� 193- 1 rE Approves 193— City Clerk— File 9883 Mayor t Councilman' Mc ald 13srfuse FIJBLIS+4�.."T� CouncilmanAwava—mm—Wom „ Councilman, pare Councilman s Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor Mahone / . Form B. S. A. 8-6 L�//� �er .rNo. 135490 in .the Matter of conetructict a sew- oaAcker street froom 'Park Street o -a -Point 50 ,feet east of Sfe11aR PlacotnderPretlmkaary order 135.0,82 aPProv- d December 28,, ]945. The Connclt of the Clty of St Pap iirl rrr.;a a._ -.gin of the �nY COUNCIL FILE NO 1,354;0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Acker Street from Park Street to a point 50 feet east of Stellar Place under Preliminary Order 135082 approved December 28, ly The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Acker Street from Park Street to a point 50 feet east of Stellar Place with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1460.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of March, 1946 aQq_ at the hour of 10 &clock A. M., in the CouncilChamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncJ�_ , 193— c{4.�hx: Approved 193— �j ^ — Ci 7 Clerk, File 9876 n, li�—� Mayor Councilman I, ONNININ Batfase Councilmana — Councilman PVRlll = Parraoto Councilman R'M Peterson Councilman Tom" Rosen Councilman TL°" Mayor MaiFf>. ey > 5 Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO ,,7{r. the afatier of -construcang new. ihmoathio emomte old ew en bot,- laiden` of North Avow 9ir46f taBe Avenue .to West i dv{°e'r� eer r �ina,q prdes, i�'ot a �i mcil:'nf tt Ctf^' P` - i �Y 'r { INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing new monolithic concrete sidewalks on both sides of North Avon Street from Cottage Avenue to West Ivy Avenue, under Preliminary Order 135301 approved January 23 1946. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct new mono- lithic concrete sidewalks on both sides of North Avon Street from Cottage Avenue to West Ivy Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.40 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of _Mw rnh 1Qd.R �- 191--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciLFEB z 193_ Approved 193_ City Clerk File 34919 _ Barfnsa Mayor Councilman Mc .. Councilman Ma PL%'LISI3EIi Councilman Pearce Petersen r— Councilman Rosen — Petefsoa �L _ Councilman T"°$oma O Councilman enze Trrmx Mayor Mah o °DO Form B. S. A. 8.6 1 / / 1 3(5492 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. _ By__.._...._..._ . ................ -................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the East and hest alley in Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, from Ruth Street to the east North and South alley; also grading and surfacing the east North and South alley from Fremont Avenue to East Third Street, under Preliminary Order -.....126368 .............................. Intermediary Order .............. 127151.......... ._._____..___..______ Final Order -127305---__--------------------- approved_... September 22------------------- 19..42. ,The assessment of..___benefits,,_costs and ez-penses _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....._ 13t}t................ day of March ........................... 19 i6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings; as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB Adopted by -the Council._..........- Approved...-- . ----- .................................19._....... File 9558 Councilman Councilman Barfnsa Councilman Councilman ,. Horranto Councilman Peterson Councilman RosenMayor H i`sass Form B. B. 17 ........................19........ -------- ----- City Clerk. _ .-_�L...... 4'�[/:,.: ' ?Y Mayor. *.rr;I.IST;EL`�d 0 COUNCIL FILE NO .......... ................... ..... _ By.... __..................... _----.................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the south side of Hopkins St. from Payne Ave. to Brunson St. ABs-.,.,���: �I icxeta :-irr 4d' :;yam.. under Preliminary Order ........... .ldl>............................ Intermediary Order ------.13396-1................... -------------------- Final Order.........._133725-_amended..ant1 approved ..........June 19 ............._..__________________._., The assessment of........... .............. _............... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .............. 13th. --.,-,--day of March ................ 19..46, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Councug 1-3 ................--.......................---- , 19 ..... FEB"' y? yx 1x11..1..6...=?�r�/..........., City Clerk. I "� , �a,. Approved. .......................... ............19......... File 9751 Mayor. CouncilmanM@ffijNy3z0222 Bare Councilman Councilman aERF00' Farranb°_- CouncilmanWAWR72C2"' P tenon Councilman-ena�aer`mer " Tom v Councilman Mayor F.- B. B. 17 - 135194 COUNCIL FILE NO.»» -----------------..»...------- By_..» ._..»-............... —.................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on 7foodbridge Street from Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue Nu, u r 131666 , Intermedia 133482 under Preliminary Order... --------- Intermediary Order.... - - -- - Final Order..... 133709--------- ---..... - approved ------June._19----------------------------------- I 19 4.�.. The assessment of. ........... bane£itc....cAsxS...and ..exten&aa..............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 13th_............ day of March :-.-_- 19_46.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Coun'98..1-L -'N'--- ..................... .....-- -------...------..,19 ..... ............City Clerk. Approved_.................. --------- ----------19.... File 9752%_--- �.------------ Mayor. Ear(`- / Councilman Councilman Parranro L Councilman Peterson - I�asou Councilman r " Councilman Trues Mayor H Dict„uuuir3 Form B. B. 17 135495 COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ............._----------.---.--- By--.._....- ---.-._ ---- _----- -.......................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Arlington Ave. from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St., also on the south side of Arlington Ave. from 3reenbrier St. to Walsh St., -T under Preliminary Order............127182 >IntermediarY Order ......-..129607------.....--......----------•-- ........... -------- Final Order------------ 12.97.5Q ......................... approved-----------Qctnher- 2.6a -------------------------------------- 19.43. The assessment of....._benefits, costs and expenses ...............................for and in connection with - -- - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .....13th ..................day of March 19..4.6- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or -lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB I Adopted by the Council...........................:.. i Approred............................... ......_.....-..19 - File 9602 Councilman Barfv88 Councilman s8W"--- -44"41112— Councilman "'*"-"_aCouncilman - 4 Parrn't° Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen CouncilmanTruax Mayor may"� Form B. E. 17 -- ........- ................19.-- 4W............. City Cleric. :.�1...-..- .Y....---- - Mayor. 13-5496 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter Of_ condemning and taking-an-easement_in the -land- necessary for slopes, -- cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 1, St. Bernard's Villas, and Block 12, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue, y.. under Preliminary Order— -_ 134358----------- approved-_--September-18, -1945 -- Intermediary Order __---___- ------------- approved ----- October 30, 1945 Final Order -----------------134826 ------------- approved____ November -27,-1945 -- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. er},x411��dthexx�es�me�t4�aC�c�cas>heseis�xdabestnl8��14iF��18 ucax�ocxasaaa�gamkxin�ailsaent$��8udsxpamcakBR�tai�x3*gtaBLiixx. x FEB 19% Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- 19,-_-� .--------�---- -.---------- Ghty Clerk. Approved------------------------' 19 ---- File 9817 -- __h _l_;;---------- ,w-A tit,rtuee Mayor. Councilman 1n an Councilman y}oaia CouncilmanPeterson Parranto j t - ____ Cooununcilman xosen Councilman Troa: Councilman Mayor c owa 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFT" In the matter of_ _condemning and taking an easement in the -land -necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 1, St. Bernard's Villas, and Block 12, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue, under Preliminary Order--- 134358---- approved--September-18 -1945 ------------------------ 3463 8 approved--October_30, Intermediary Order -------- 1------ -- 1945 -------------------------____-- 134826 . approved--November-27,--1945 Final Order ----------------------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i Commissioner of Finance. C/ • SCF.No. Ea Ne' matte of opetdne wldening c - ad extding ICeRStard Street to a - itlta oreo ` thseue CteoateI ] 2 5497 h9: Condemn+...•—_ RESOLUTION RATIFYIi° G^A" CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__openin�� widen in�_and_ext�egding 1Cepga�d_$ree_�o_e_yrdt_Q_§0 meet from Maryland Avenue to a point 1019.30 feet South of the center line of Maryland Avenue by condemning and taking the East 30 feet in the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 and the West 30 feet in the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West. Also opening, widening and extending Rose Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Breen 'Street to the proposed opening of Kennard Street by condemning and taking that part of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of said Section 27 lying within a strip of land 60 feet in width, the center line of which is the southerly line of Rose Avenue as platted and dedicated in the plat of Ames Park Plat 2 and said line extended west to said proposed Kennard Street; under Preliminary Order134219_____----___ approved ... Aup�ast 28, 1945 134695 -----_------ approved___ November 7, 1945_- Intermediary Order --------------- --------------� Final Order----------------UA512------------ approved____ December 4,__194-5-------------_-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be iter Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in______ equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council FEB1 4_1946___________________, 19, ---- City Clerk. Approved------------------------,19---- File 9805 -------- --�-------- u rt+,�� Councilman Councilman 'n>Tanto / / �, Councilman terson Councilman o JQ ... & - Councilman Councilman_ Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of___openin��_widenin$_and_extendinKennard_Street ta_a_widt} og____ 60 feet from Maryland Avenue to a point 1019.30 feet south of the center line of Maryland Avenue by condemning and taking the East 30 feet in the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 and the West 30 feet in the Northeast 4 of the Northeast a of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 22 West. Also opening, widening and extending Rose Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Breen Street to the proposed opening of Kennard Street by condemning and taking that part of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of said Section 27 lying within a strip of land 60 feet in width, the center line of which is the southerly line of Rose Avenue as platted and dedicated in the plat of Ames Park Plat 2 and said line extended west to said proposed Kennard Street; 134217 August 28, 1945 under Preliminary Order---------------, approved---------------------------------------------- Intermediary Order -------- 134695 -----------. approved---------------November----------7,----1945 ----------------- Final Order ---------------!A121? December- 4, 1945 -------� approved--------------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------�-.%sem ��-----�--'---- - Commissioner of Finance. C.F.. No. 195498--By Sarfuse—Parranto- V5498 ��Resolved. That Ilcenses appliedior by Orlanal t ty Clerk the...persoml .named oa the, Brt; attach- . ed-to this rWOlntlOa be andthGsame C011NCR NO._ ere herebyy 9raated, and. I&CRY Clerk sae 1s lmdrueted:to Issue-such,llcgases upon OFFICI payment In ,the, City treasury of the re4�ired -uses. COUNCIL R Adopted by the. Councll Feb. 34, 1919. Approved Feb. ". 1948. � (February 36, 1948.) ,,e PpE�E TED BY DA.�February 14. 1946 4 MISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted: Andrew S. Lentsch 191 N. Western Restaurant App. 35018 Renewal N N a N On Sale Melt " 35019 " N a N a Off Sale Malt " 35020 " Cigarette " 35021 " Max Dibis State Office Bldg N N N N a George Wilke & E. J. Gass 320-22 Wabasha a N a a N N fl N a N N N N N N N H n Frank Dades & V. P. Tsiamardas 171 W. 7th N fl a a N n N N n N N N Alfred Braverman N N a " N N Mayer Manovitz N n n N A. A. Williams N fl a N a q COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss _+indtalr Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax A1r. en , 500 4-44 679 Selby fl N n " n A 208 State N n N n 1096 Grand N N " n n N ..............In Favor ... ....... ....Against Restaurant. " 35160 N Cigarette a 35161 N Restaurant " 35962 N On Sale Malt " 35863 N Tavern " 35864 Public Deuce Hall " 35565 " Cigarette " 35866 " Restaurant " 3607 " on Sale Malt " 3607 " Off Sale Malt " 36075 " Cigarette " 36076 " Restaurant a 36906 " On Sale Malt " 36807 N Off Sale Malt " 36909 N Cigarette N 36909 " Grocery " 37507 " Off Sale Malt n 37509 " Cigarette- a 37509 " Restaurant " 37591 " On Sale Malt " 37592 N Off Sale Malt " 3759 N Cigarette " 3759 " Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Approved_......_ Mayor g 135498 orate co cur crar CITY OF ST. PAUL COLE"C'i. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESE _ EE COMMIJ5(ONER DATE Pebruary 14. 1946 Page No. 2 Mrs. Ida Binder 158 W. 7th Confectionery App. 37636 Renewal n n a a n Off Sale Malt " 37637 " a n a a a Cigarette " 37638 a Patrick J. Poy Lobby Guardian Bldg Confectionery " 37771 a X a n n n Cigarette " 37772 a E. C. Jerabek & Son 61 W. Winifred Bakery " 37782 a James Jordan 60g S. Smith Confectionery " 37790 " N a a a off Sale Malt " 37791 " N If a " Cigarette " 37792 a Herman Moren 567-69 Stryker Restaurant " 37820 a On Sale Malt " 37921 a n a n n Off Sale Malt " 37922 a Cigarette " 37923 " DeLoop Parking Garage Inc. 157 E. 6th Gas Sta 4-P " 37953 " St.Psul Terminal Whse Co. 425 E. 8th Vend Mach " 37960 " American Linen Supply Co. 219 W- 5th Vend Mach a 37862 " Mrs. Michael Corazzo 915 St. Clair Confectionery " 37966 " a n a n a Off Sale Malt " 37967 " n n a n n Cigarette " 37g68 " Parity Baking Co. 97 E. 12th Vend Mach " 37990 " Elk Laundry Co. 487 Minnesota Orig Cont a 37991 a 0. L. Moe 1065 Grand Restaurant a 37938 n ":chloff a " Cigarette It 37939 a Harry 143 E. 8th Orig Cont " 37971 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 Yeas Nays Barfuas -piicdfan— / Approved---------------- ......................... 194 ...... Parranto '11/ Peterson .-...--------In Favor -............. .. .............- ------I.. ---................. -------- Rosen Mayor Truax Against M . real ent, M D—onoug 300 4-44 '® T o„�1�t.C14� X5498 CITY OF ST. PAULr+ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M ISS19NER DATE February 'I 14. 1946 Page No. 3 Webb Publishing Co. 55 E. 10th Vend Mach App. 37981 Renewal Martin Auto Livery 453 Main Orig Cont " 38000 " " ° " " " Cigargtte " 38001 " Owen Motor Sales Inc. 709 University Orig Cont " 38036 " H. W. Schaffner 740 N. Snelling Confectionery " 38038 " Wayne Wilbur 1503 N. Hemline Grocery " 38059 " Cigarette " 38060 " Pare Oil Co. 1089 University Vend Mach " 38205 9 V. E. Conzett 1576 Portland Grocery " 38307 " Off Sale Malt " 38308 1 " " Cigarette " 39309 9 Be:" n Hurwitz 1541 University Confectionery " 38314 " Walter H. Anderson 1011 Grand Grocery " 38398 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf uss Fifrdi8rr-- Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen Truax ...- O...Against M . , c 500 4-44 FEB 14 190 Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 -____- FEB 14 Approved -------------- --------- 194 v Mayor X35499 on.l to C Cleric - CO— R. CITY OF ST. PAUL - F.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ED BY PR TDATE- Fabrn Zr 14. i 3p Lth COMMISSIONE 11i9MIJASi George J. Erutina desires to withdrep application A36424 for On Sale Liquors Restaurant, application A36425, On Sale Malt, application A36426, Off Sale Malt, application A36427,1 and Cigarette, application A36428, at 208 East - Seventh Street, and requests the return of the license fees deposited thereon, therefore be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to ,refund to George J. $rutins, the fee of $1,077.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / m an Parranto Peterson _ ---.In Favor 0 Rosen Truax --------------Against 500 4-44 aeap-® CF. No. 13549878Y �Hu Whereas: Ceor J. IG Sale withdrew Ltquor.aD ,loation e ,,A30425, On Sale Malt A30428, Off Sale Mal. jig4n. and Cigarette, ez.4sn. at 200 East 6even Feb. 14, 1940. Adopted by the CoRk._..- 4 .---._..__.194_.__._ 6 R.F.N y 4 Approved............. I ............................ 194 Mayor ordinal to Ci ark - • - �u~e2 N0.1X500 CITY OF 5T. PAUL rites ---'•'"-"" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK aCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEFtAL FORMPRTED BY DATCOSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Floyd B. Peterson 497 Selby Restaurant App. 38274 New Old Loc. X p - p p I cigarette " 39275 John A. Stumpf 679 Lafond Grocery " 39277 Off Sale Malt " 38278 " " p p a a Cigarette " 39279 Myron A. Iverson 543 W. 7th Grocery " 39356 " p OffSaleBalt p. .39357 cigarette " 39359 Walter W. Hlossner 414 Broadway Barber " 38405 " " E. J. Adam d1 W. D. Renee 453 Main 2nd Rd Auto Mr " 39409 " " CF. No. 1355;'', BaHuss-Farrauto-' Resolved, That licenses agpplled for named on the Lst attach-i. by the persona ed to this resolution be and the me._ are hereby Brasted, and the City Clerk Is mstrucfed tp issue such ncenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the requrd fees. Feb. 14, 1948. b a APPFoyedb F 14�p1949. (February 19, 1999.) .4 P--'-•'-'- COUNCILMEN €EB 194 Adopted by the Councl "....................- FEB 14 .V'OV� Yeas Nays Barfuss ndian Approved --------------------------------- --------194 Parranto In Favor - i '^ ----------- ------- Peterson ..".. Ma or y Rosen Rosen Truax ".Against r reel en , 500 4-44 jqW® 135501 Or 100 Qerk couNcm CITY OF ST. PAUL Fns NO._.-___--.•—.--- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t OM SENT ONER. DATE.— Febnrg�FJ`�•^" Si Hay L. Anderson desires to withdraw application A37752 for Restaurant. at 404 Rice Street. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon. therefore be it RESOLVED= that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ray L. Anderson the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss —Ftmthm- Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax res- en , c 500 4-44 n48 -......-.-In Favor ... :-'-.--Against C.F. N0.0355IIE—By Barfuas—Parranto— Whereas: Rayy L. Anderson deefrea to withdraw appncation A37752 for Bea- , taurant, at 404 Rice Street. and requestsk the return of the licence fee deposited,: thereon, therefore be it Resolved: That the groper city offic ere be and they are h reby authorized to refund to Ray L. Anderson the fees of $10.00 and to cancel said appucatlon for licence. Adopted by the Council Feb. 14, 1946.1 Approved Feb. 14, 1998. (February 30, 1998.) - Adopted by the CouncF.F®.. g..� -......194...,-. F FB 14 Approved---------------------- ------------- 194 � - ------- �' Mayor oagi;sl t. Citi Clerk 135502 CITY OF ST. PAUL CF OENGIL NO. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE 'TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED - DATE' February Tl„ 19/x6 COMMISSIONER— �f���fff//�44tI1����1111 In the matter of grading and surfacing the .Alley in Block 2, Garfield Park Addition, from Howell Street to Prior Avenue, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 23, Block 2, Garfield Park Addition, from Tames Street to the Alley in said Block 2, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 125079 approved January 16, 1942, 'and Final Order 0. F. 125666 approved March 24„ 1942. 7. RESOLVED. That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. CF. No. 135592—BY M lton Rosen— In the matter of grading and surfac- ing the Alley in Block 2, Garfleld Park Addition. from Howell ggStreet to e ricin Avenue, tlee easement cto�be cobtalned on the westeri$ 4 feet of the easterly g feet of lot 23. Block 2, Garfield Park Addition, from James Street to the Ai- ley- in id Block 2. under Preliminary Order- C.F. 125079, approved January 18. 11. and Final Order C.F. 125559, ap- proved' March 24. 1942. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the 'same are hereby cancelled, annulled and re -Inde and all proceedings In such matter discon- tinued. Adopted by the Conal Feb. 14, 1&15. Approved Feb. 14, 1945. (February 15, 1945.) FEB 14194 Adopted by the Council 194. 14 Approvefl 194 _ 4. Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss Man arranto 11,6ereonIn Favor ,4osen 1) jt�uax Against Mr. , SM 544 -4910-8 CF. No. 135592—BY M lton Rosen— In the matter of grading and surfac- ing the Alley in Block 2, Garfleld Park Addition. from Howell ggStreet to e ricin Avenue, tlee easement cto�be cobtalned on the westeri$ 4 feet of the easterly g feet of lot 23. Block 2, Garfield Park Addition, from James Street to the Ai- ley- in id Block 2. under Preliminary Order- C.F. 125079, approved January 18. 11. and Final Order C.F. 125559, ap- proved' March 24. 1942. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the 'same are hereby cancelled, annulled and re -Inde and all proceedings In such matter discon- tinued. Adopted by the Conal Feb. 14, 1&15. Approved Feb. 14, 1945. (February 15, 1945.) FEB 14194 Adopted by the Council 194. 14 Approvefl 194 _ 4. Mayor original to City ©e 3,5 2 r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. t LYtl5Oty F.- NO.. OFFICE OF THE. CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY % COMMISSIONER— DATE MCLT=, that pursuant to Latta 1937, Chapter 147, and upon the advice Of the Corporation Counsel, pyrient of the sum Of 07.00 to Herbert K. Slegrist:iO.'herebf authorized, said payment to be in settlement of claim filed bysald Siegrist for damages to his automobile by reason of s collision ttith a City vehicle on December 19, 1946. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfusa-- Pa /arrant n n 1Truaxx 3M 9-45 C.F. No. 135$03—BY Cha peResolved,17. andThat P u on t to Laws 1937, the Corporation. Counse), a advice of the sum of •x{7.88 to. HerbertMatglef tolstafain ersestbtY� authorized, said ;payment said Slegrlst fo=eRaamagalya ityy� ab tomoblle by reason of colo his with' a City vehicle . on December 18, 1995. Adopted by the C uncll Feb. 19, 1998,'.,- Approved Feb, 19, 1895. (February 15, 1998.) FEB 14 15* Adopted by the Council ---------- ..............194 M3 14 �A.Lp�p+rroved....................... ----------------194 - In Favor - '/ Mayor Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1,?5S(I3 IRA KARON MARSHALL F. HURLEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT JAMES F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. DAUGHERTY BRUCE J. BROADY JOHN J. MCNEIL ASSISTANTS CORPORATION COUNSEL Feb. 13, 1946 Mr. G. H. Barfuas, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir! I hand you herewith form of resolution for payment of claim of one H. M. Siegrist, 1045 So. Smith st. On Dec. 19, 1945, Detective Karl Salabe was driving Cruiser car # 311, going east on Minnehaha, between Dale and Kent streets. The miscellaneous report on file shows that an oncoming vehicle was being driven in such careless manner that the officer to avoid a head—on 9ollision was forced to swerve suddenly, and in so doing came into contact with vehicles parked by the curb. We have had two claims filed in this matter, one for the sum of $9.00 which has not been pressed to date, and the one referred to herein in the amount of $37.00 for damages to struck vehicles. We deem payment of these claims proper pursuant to state statute authorizing the city to pay such claims. / dhagO. y, ' Is Hurley Assistant Corporation C uns41. in Original to City Clerk 135-504 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ------ __- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL EZESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, an emergency has arisen where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City, due to the depletion of the Water Department's stock ;of,brass fittings, and unforeseen delays in deliveries by suppliers will create a shortage thereof, and WHEREAS, said fittings may be obtained from the Mueller Company, RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent is author- ized to purchase all such brass fittings immediately needed by the -wYater Department from the Mueller Company, without advertisement or competitive bids. C.F. No. 135504—By Parranto— Whereas, an emergency has arisen where failure to aM promptly will work an injury to .the City, due to the depletion of the Water Depart- ment's stock of brass fittings, and un- foreseen delays in deliveries byy sup- - �ars will create a shortage thereol, Whereas, said fittings may, be ob. (_ tofrom the Mueller Company, Resolved, That the Purchas)n Agent Is authorlud to pp tchase all such braes fittings immediately needed by the Water Department from the 1Muel- ler pCeomt�pen. y, wimout advertisemenS or coAdoDteo nYithe Council Feb. 14, 1998. Approved Feb. 14, 1998. (February 18, 1948.) ttR1�g� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the aul _,Lg*................. 194 Yeas Nays "Jfarfuss FEE 14 ; 91JO�b APproved.................... ...... - 194... a�P�rronto ,Vet son - In Favor �q- %! / ayor �R ruax ' - .............. Against NIF 3M 9-45.4§11.@ c Original to City a CITY OF ST. PAUL courvaL , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y " COMMISSION R.. DATE February '1 . 1946 E&SOLPED1 That 0onfectionery License 3920 expiring December 12, 19469 issued to Fleetwood Smith at 554 Rondo Avenue, be and the'same are hereby revoked upon recommendation by the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Oecil.Bobinson to permitting consumption of liquor on premises'- no on sale liquor license. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arf uss m n nto � eson ZRo .----./`'�---In Favor J .............Against 311 945 �Q ' C.F. No. 13LS B Re..Wed: Ttrat Co nrfuss—Parranto— �Ye exPiringg Decemb�i c12 � lry Lfoen.e e Fleetwood Smith at 654 R90 d is Aed anus, be and the ..me 1. hereby revoked upon recommeud.tien by' the ttoBureau of Police becau.e of_the .ar- and gguullty'Plea of Cecil Rob Permltting....gumptin C liquor inson Prenll.ea—no on .ale 1lquor Rort Adopted by the Council Feb. 14, 1996. APproved Feb. 14, 1946 (February 36, 1946.) - Adopted by the CounF. B.- 14 ^11` --- ....194 Approved ........ ............. - --------------- Mayor Original to City ©vk 9 1.• C0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � f $t�V V6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV COMMISSIONER.___ - DATE RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Hassett 011 Company for the erection of six now all storage tanks, of 100,000 -gallon capacity, in connection with other improvements and changes at its place of business at 460 North Cleveland Avenue, the installation of said tanks to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas ss Nays arfuss e�Franto �Petterson In Favor ruax .-� _....Against M1 P1119t&'t 3M 945 �O _ eo CF. No. 13588g-_gy Bart,== -t R%Ived, Tbat a permit be granted erection o8t�cjx Ole. olms�a eor the of 100,888-gbllen capaelty, Inc rnnnet°bntlon attth other 1m to an and oba. no at 1ta Place otu business at 480'.No9" Cleveland Avenue, the WtallatlOn of saI d tanks to be made under the dl- mtlon- and to the eatiafa L of the Commlesloner ut Publtc Adopted' by the Council Feb. 14, 1890. APProved Feb. 14, 1898. (February 18, 1990.) FEB =` 194 Adopted by the Council... ....................... 194 CE•t I Approved ---------------------- -......------....194 - ----------------------- --- Mayor 01191 al to Ott Clerk 130507 P0507 CITY OF ST. PAUL �`,�,�a"L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Saint Paul Minter Carnival Association on February 82nd and the afternoon of February 93rd, for the Coronation and &read Parade, at the cost of opening and operating; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the free use of the Arena the evening of February 93rd and the afternoon of February Roth, and of Stem Ball on February 181h, 19th, 9Oth and 91st, for the service men's dances, be given to said Association; the cost of opening and operating on these latter occasions to be not up in the budget In Auditorium Band 1091. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /rranto �I'eterson I/ V _In Favor ose n /✓ ax .Against M onoug cc 07—BY Fred M. hat the use of Pe given to .on on, a— of on and opening on these latter erasions to In the budget In Auditorium by the Counen Feb. 14, 1946. 1 Feb. 19, 1948. (February 16, 1948.) FEB 14 1946 Adopted by the Council ................................. 194 Approved ........... _...................... 194._... Mayor a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS GD O Feb. 13, 1946• Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of the Auditoriva Arena and Stem Hall to the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Assdoiation an the dates indicated in the attached letter of W. A. Farms Auditorium Managers all as more fully set out in said letter. Very truly yours$ , City Clerk. • - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. Cnwrtie.i _ ` CARL E. SPEAKER. Drip,, EDWARD A. PURNI. Nuuaaw TalaFhona GArBald 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -17,000 Square Feet Seating 16,000 Ica Rink 100X221 EXHIBITION HALL 61.000Square Feet Eve,, Service AUDITORIUM THEATRE Seating 2.000 Com... Stene AB New STEM HALL Ballroom Comalete Swaa Seat. 1,260 RAMSEY HALL Seats 660 I HALLS Seaena 160 11 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Current 110-220 Volta Single sad 8 -phos° D -C Curren 110-220 Volta Telephone_Telearnph F. A. let— Induced Draft Flues for Combuaean Mnchloe,, Hat and Cold Water Cane. at-eCH°°' Comareeaed Air MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM •'IN THE HEART OF THE SHo-INO AND HOTEL DISTRICT - 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA -om- 4 —.1 —- February 8, 1946 Mr. Fred 14. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Per decision of the Auditorium Committee on request of the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Association, recommend with your approval that resolution be introduced granting the use of the Auditorium Arens Friday, February 22nd, and Saturday afternoon, February 23rd, for the Coronation and Grand Parade at the cost of opening and operating, The free use is to be granted the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Association in the Arena the evening of February 23rd and the afternoon of the 24th, in Stem Hall February 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st for the service men's dances. You will note that they have increased use Of Stem Hall by one more dance than was originally asked for. This is because the Carnival Board decided to have the Fire King's Ball after the Torchlight Parade with no admission charge. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT P ORI EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager l 1. i Orlgi.q I. 135508 City Clens a( CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ��d� pA -- COMMISSIONER.— ��� RESOLVED, that the use of Stem Hall of the Saint Paul Auditorium is given to the International Institute on the evening of April 27, 1946, upon payment of the cost of opening and operating said Hall on said date. CLX l3 Fi6p8—Btyh Fred M. Truax— Of the Saint IPaul Auditorium to the International Itutltute oa 'the evening of Aprll 27 1998, upon pay ment of tha cost ai o and op - ."a' said Hell on an d da Adopted by the Counen Feb. 14, 1848. APPnoved FeD. 14.1948. 4 (FeDrpery Ig, 1998.) I FEB 14 1946 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ................................ J94 Yeas / Nays $ir Yan Approved ------•--•-•----------- .................194----• /P�ar�nto /Peterson In Favor oxen n Ma or ruax Against `Mr. President,c ons �`-bug"li aa9 0-45 app '.? c CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O Feb. 13, 1946. Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the use of Stem Hall to the International Institute for the evening of April 27, 1946, at the cost of opening and operating, as recommended in the attached letter of S. A. Furnt, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Z-"-- EDWARD A. FURNI. MNuaa Telephone GAr6eh1 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA -11.000 So.ere Feet Seating 16.000 lea Rl.k 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 64.000 Sauare Feet Every S-1- AUDITORIUM THEATRE Seating 8.000 Complete State AH New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stege Heat. 1.260 RAMSEY HALL Senh 660 2 HALLS Saetln¢ 180 Il COMMITTEE BOONS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Cnrre.t 110-220 V.II. Single and 8 -phos, D-0 Current 110.220 Velte Telephone -Telegraph P. A. "Yet— Induced Duft Flues for Combuetlon Mechl.ery Hot and Cald W.ter Dod. Connection. Gm. Steam Cempreveed Air DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. C.reD�esipaa CARL E. SPEAKES. DVIRr MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ••IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT - 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ^�' � c.yirA� or Miw.uvr. February 7, 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request from Miss Eloise M. Tanner, Executive Secretary of the International Institute, for the use of Stem Hall the evening of April 27, 1946, at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the cost of opening and operating. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PA AUDI EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager Cy. xo. 235509 By W. rarrb=,= �w- 1115509 Resolved, That the Councll hereby aP- Oriainal to City Cleric Proves the award and herebYy awe de Committee therefor. the conV� t for furnishing the WaSerJOUHca. CITY C .��,.,..BOU trr oe standa�dEaE NO.--____----------------- DePar,.-- OFFICE OF Orai • .... COUNCIL RES LU he.�;,1;;,—,GN�,RAL FORM R7 COMSM SSE10-20...�.� 'OLf DATE February 7, 1946 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing the ,;later Department with 600 tons of Standard Grade Aluminum Sulphat b' the GENERAL CHEKICAL C0h!P:.;:Y, in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached. and �h� Formai Bi.. No. 1026 of said Gcnerai Chemical Company for t;ife cont,_ -act price of approximately X16,260,00, in bulk, carload lot::, freight ailoreed ;,u St. Pau_, and contract form attached to bid, s'1ch bid beinc ,.i.e lonest bid and said Geel'ral Chemical Company bein6 the lowest reliable and reasonrule bidder, anh the Corpor-tion Counsel be and hareby is directed to dray up the proper forte of contract tiert:_or and the groper City Qf icials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf o_ tue Cite of St. Pa -11- Contract based on present tariff rate of freight "nd subject to a corresconding increase or decrease in ireigiat rate, and cunuract to be made on bidder's cOnLvact form submitted ^,itis bid. F.D. #1026 96 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the �o ci ---- .................. 194 Yom Nays arfuss � Approved .......... ............................. 194------ nto �� q�, e,pon In Favor -- _-_- - ` ....--•----- os n Mayor ruax ..............Against PUBI.YSfI1 D1, rest ent, c onoug - att 045 �p Original to City Clerk - COUNCIL 1115510 NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK §"�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY 13fP 4 COMMISSI ONEa� Pesrsat0 Bred M. Taroaxg QL RObert Ba DATE Bab-�946 RESOLVED, that the daily newspapers within which the City Clerk shall publish the full text of the "PROPOSED ORDINUCE — Council file No. 134804" which will be submitted to the electors of said City for ratification or rejection at the City Primary Election, Tuesday, March 12th, 1946, shall be St. Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Dispatch, and St. Paul Legal Ledger, the cost of the publication payable out of Official Publication Accoutt, General Bund, 4 A3. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuas J e�zB� In Favor uax Against 3M 544 8 CF. No. 135510—ay Wm. A. Parraato- 8lection Commit Fred Truax—Robert F. Peterson, tee-- ewgpa l within whichththe C1ty Clerk ngaell pm Ilsh the full text of the PROPOS>�. ORDINANCE--Counca Pyle No. 134SZ which w)a be-. gubmltted to the electgts of mid city for rattacatttn or relection get ha C1tr P� Ekctlon, T".I= y, lYt6 ghgR be Sf. Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Dbpatch. and St. Paul Legal hedger, the coat o1 the publlcatati payable out of OI- ficial Pubncatlon. Account, General Fund 4A3. Adopted by the Cauacll. Feb. 14, INN. ApprovedF baba 14, IefB. rusty 18, IgfB.) FEB 14 195 Adopted by the Council 194— /�nn ,,Approved 194— Mayor oriffinal t, City' IN'Th CITY OF SAINT PAUL coUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU CII,, RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY red M. Truax d.�'� J`� . COMMISSIONER_ DATE' February. 12,1946 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which xrendered necessary the employment of certain `employes of his department' for, more than their usual hours of employment,•" therefor,' be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; NA4dE TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Herman E. Benke Rein Engr (s-e) 39 Hours $ .89 fir. $ 34.71 Nicholas D. Bleyker Stage Carpenter 81 " .1.34 ° .108.54 Ernest Ebinger Janitor 12� " 1.10 " 13.7j Alfred R. Hansen Aset Supt of Aud 110 " 1.231 n 1 6.7Z' T,ouie Herman Janitor 55 " 1.10. " 61:05 Gilbert 'L. Johnson Janitor 59 " 1.10 ° 64.90 Alexander LePage Refn Engr (s-e) 68 " .89 )' 60,52 Pomeroy Loague Janitor 69j " 1.10 " .76.45 Maurice F. MoElligott Chief Refn & Op En 113 " 1234, ° 139.84 Albert 0. Meinke Local Ref. Mgr. 186 )' .75• " 139.50 John T. Mitchell Ind Rink Care. 110 " -97 " 96.-14 Albert J. Stoneman Janitor 71 " 1.10 " 78.65 Helen M. Utecht Jr 01k-Typist 19 " .63 " 11.97 Katherine H. Warne Jr Clk-Steno. 227Z it 16.50 Bert R. Wheeler Stage Electrician .89 '! 1.3 " 119.26 TOTAL 01,158.52 CF. No. 1'rMt Fred ffi Truax Resolved, That the proper city �fflc-� ers are hereby authorized to pay cer- (afn employes 1n the Department ..1 Sd cation, Bureau of Auditor um f s. extra employment as set out on tne' )let attacned to. this resolution. Adopted by the Councll Feb. 14, 1948. Approved Feb. 14, 1996. (February 18, 1998.) FEB 14 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays BarfussJ 1• `�dw. Approved 194— Po �� OC L Peterson 1 Tn Favor � AV , Rosen Mayor Truax Against 814 1.41 FORM No. 7 194 February 2 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Auditorium Bureau of ZMkomiz, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Oleaning buildin Chan in wgrkd� in how This time is f* i hrn„er FPr �*a This emergency arose by reason of the.following facts and circumstances : Necessary to keep regular help on duty as we would not. Agour p� extra hPI -n naneaa ry to Thia-time ingjudgs aVj4ayR and holiday This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Orli-. Ity Cluk IY/11-� '►',, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL _ .OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY\---/ DATE Feb. 14, 1946- COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of the Water Department for more then eight hours per day, said employment being more then usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, thatI6 the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth.- NAME orth: NAME Elizabeth C. Bonella Shirley S. Clarren Henrietta L. Rice Doris L. Getsug Elvera E. Boege TITLE Billing Machine Operator do do do Jr.Billing Machine Opr. Omitted in Jan. 1546 OVERTIME RATE AMOUNT PAID g hrs.->748 Ce correct; 4 bra. .84.-1/e 3.., 8 hrs, .7%-Z/4 61 10 hra. .. 9-1/2 $.8$ 4-1/2 bra. 45-3/4 245 Total X28+8 CF. No. 135612—BY w• Parranto- Resolved. That the proper city oftic- Ce correct; era ere hereby authorized to pay car-:, taln empployea 1n the Department o}. Yor extra loyment' Public Ut!]ttles em ee net out on the Ilst attached to thin resolution. Adopted by the Counefl Feb.. 14, 1546. onard N. Thompson Approved Feb. 14, 1946. (February 16. 1946.) General Manager FEB 1! 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............... ................... 194..... - Yeas Nays Barfuss / —£ dlaiadlan / Approved... ............... -------194 Parranto Peterson .In Favor ----- �------ � - = = - $,� Mayor Rosen /� '.!.%._Against - Truax real en , h 3M 9-45 .0610® • °��4. 194! -An smsrgamoy has ar ,qen in !he W -MM RAA M "ring neoessary the amploiraant of Bart mployees of 'that department for ears thus eight hours per day in tbR doing of the following works Billint This smorgency arose by reason of the following facts and oironsetanaosa work fail behind, account of breakdown of billing machines. BOARD OF WAM COMMMIOMW 8rasideat ed Corset. Leonard . Thompson 71 General Me— or Original to t [y °�erx t35,513 CITY OF ST. PAUL counts NO.-.-___.-.-_._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /1UNNCIIL�,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��/it/!��'V� OATP COMM ISS I ONER.__ RESOLVED, that Edwin F. Jones, Utilities Engineer, is authorized to attend the hearings before the Federal Power Commission at Chicago, Illinois, commencing February 19, 1946, and that he be reimbursed for his expenses from Public Utilities Fund 21-C-2. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rfuas 1etetan rsonrson In Favor �anto "Rosen 11ilax / Against 3M 046 �® CF. No. 1355101—Bp lvW. FParranto— es Reaoed. That Edwin . Jon,:Utin_ the heagringer'before uthe Federal Power Commiselon at Chicago Unnots, com- mencing February 18, 1895, and that ha be reimbursed .for his expenses from Pub le Utilities Fund 21-C-2. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1948. Appf ved Feb. 14. 1848. (February 18, 1898.) ' F% 14 1 Adopted by the Councl .................... .............. 194..--.. Approved................-........... 194 -- ------------ ---------------......• Mayor NOTICE !1 TO - Resolved, That eheeb be deg4 k y � f�f the Clty treae t cY eo the PRINTER C.OV Homo bexed. 9999a977�to 347UIp >neilpe,, �.�Ppeberr NCIL FILE NO._,__,� 99 m We in the of ee ot. tb. "Cltq Co- at. tdl, oten b me Covneu Feb.. 31: 1999: February 13 Adpof V Q Feb. 19, 1998. (February id 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 97,182.11 43997. 44o49 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED.___ ' TO----INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. COUNCI ADOPTED BY THE FEB1p, APPROVED IV I 194_ k jo e DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - ROLL Cp�k P RRAN� ARANTO � IN FAVOR PETERSON ROSEN L' AGAINST TRUAX MP r I -- ADOPTED BY TWC'QUNCJL_ CHECK NUMBER J_ 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ------- AUDITED CLAIMS February 13___1946 501 o i 68 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DR N O H ITY TREASURY 86 i1 I 00 TO THE AGGREGATE AM UNT OF 5 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 43997 TO INCLUSIVE, AS � ON FI IN TH FFICE F THE CITY MP OLLER. PER CHECKS --- 194_ RUMB.R /J __TTROL. Anderson 478 TOTAL DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 374 CHECKS CHECKS i 43997 BROUGHT FORWARD 22 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan?e 501 o i 68 366 756 525 86 i1 I 00 43998 First Rational Bank withheldlazes Machine 'fool Company 66�'i �i 999 N000 Anderson 478 20 Brown and Day, Inc* 374 7352 44001 Firestone Auto Supply & S.StOTes 855 II 44002 Fisher Rut & Chocolate Company 167 02�! 44003 Graybar Eleotrio Company Cooper & company 277 90 " 44004 Griggs, I 362 02 44005 Hall Electric Company 176 77 44006 44007 Hauser & Sone halting Company Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 6 3 75 146 50 44008 Lubra.-Trol Company (} 44009 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company p2 9 01 �1 44010 N.14. Pub. Inc. 340 52 44011 N.R. Bell Tel. Company i Battery Company 1 247 24 II 44012 Quick Service 3 349 00 44013 44014 M.H. Sime Deo. Company Solvay Sales Corp. ! 871 20 44015 A. Swanson and son 94 o0 44016 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 0011 70 56 44017 John 9. Fihdlan, 0. of Fin. 7500 44018 Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 375 00 44019 Aome Sawdust & Shavings Company 13 2 75 ?5 ! 44020 Roy AndeTaft ''F. 62 44022 44021 H. Barber Company 50 Case—ShepperdwMann Pub. Corp.i i' 4402] Chicago, Nil. St.Paul & Pao.R1RCo. 1 1 92 44024 City of Minneapolis, Minn. 25 460 22 44025 Gus De Lisi Clary Specialty 44026 Department of Public Printing 2 00 64 44027 rlvgren Paint Supply Company 53 46 54 1 44028 Farwell, Osmun. Kirk & Comp 44029 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & GompW6 51 2147 58 44030 General Electric Supply Corp.! 44031 B.F. Goodrich Company 91 44o32 Fred W. Hanks Company 238 571 4403 jonolulu star Bulletin, Ltd. 2 50 I, 4403 House of the Good Shepherd 2 66 ,f 44035 Joe ting & Schilling company I33� 44036 Cliff Johnson's l 24g 480 7 (� 44037 John Leslie Paper Company 44038 Meter Specialty Company 17 412 57 II. 44039 National Biscuit Company ', 440 0 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 101 96 84 96 44041 N.Q. Bell Tel. Company - _ _ia ao_.. 4 44043 44044 Sze �eeesEe Roe -James Olean Company 4t.Fau1 Book & stationery Company 2 55 O1 49 44045 Standard Milling Company 145 21 44046 State of Minnesota 225 44047 11.H. Swaney and Company l 69 I �I 44048 Swift and Company 41 6407 44049 U.S. Supt. of Documents I 50 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ®® 7 522 50 ,385048 97 fir.. N Peterson - Resolved, That theoproperi Pty roffic- +� �� Origin al to Clt!L Jerk e= are hereby authorized to pay cel-,' L lain employes In the Department of CI, Parks, Playgrounds and Pubalsc act Butolu= couNCIL NO. r. ` fogs pin employment FIS ----------------•----- on the list attached to this resolution OFFICE Adopted by the Council Feb. 19. 1949. A roved Feb. 19, 1946 COUNCIL RES pp (February 23, 1946.) PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. DAT., WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the council, in accordance with Sec. 53 of the city charter, the existence of an. emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee attherate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS -T- RATE TOTAL Arthur-Gisselquist Careta ek-r - 7W �� John M. Amon Truck Driver 6 87$ 5.27 Melvin G. Baker Tree Trimmer 6 .92 5.55 Joseph Furey Truck Driver 6 87- 5.27 Leopold Huebl Tree Trimmer 2 .94 1.85 Leonard Jalmar Tree Laborer 6 .95 7.60 Leonard Jalmar Tree Laborer 8 1.01 8.081 William Lego Tree Laborer 8 .95 7.60 William Lego Tree Laborer 8 1.01 8.08 Herbert D. Lies Tree Trimmer 1 .92 .93 Leo R. MurphyTruck Driver 4 .804 3.23 Frank Pilarski Tree Laborer 8 .95 7.60 Frank Pilarski Tree Laborer 8 1.01 8.08 Joseph Romocky Tree Trimmer 16 .92 14.80 George J. Dixson Utilityman--Playgrounds 8 .86 6'.90 Aloys L. Drassal 8 .8 6`.90 Riley B. Dutcher " " 8 .8 6.90 Lawrence Lewandowski Caretaker 16 .60 12.80 Fred A. Petschauer UtilityaIan--Playgrounds 8 .861 6.90 Ray J. Schmidt Truck Driver 16 .874 14.04 John J. Sullivan Utilityman--Haygrounds 16 .95 15.20 Michael Weinhandl Caretaker 1 .82j .83 Walter C. Bock Carpenter 20 1.50 30.00 Arthur J. Botnen Carpenter 16 1.50 24.00 N. Ed. Nelson Carpenter 16 1.50 24.00 Louis M. Weber Carpenter 20 1.50 3040 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ --_1-9_r9.. Yeas Nays Barfuss ..� Ttsfdtffi" Approved .............. •--------------- ........... 194------ Parranto Peterson - --In Favor �j�j�jI4- -Rosen Qa --- - ^ayor Against �yl 3M�s�8 6'IT 3M QYI.T. :,0gMF@�sidew (Tru - �. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON R. G. ZELZER Supt, of Perks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner February 19, 1946 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours a day, maintaining department facilities. The emergency involves cindering of park roads, firing greenhouse boilers, and carpentry in connection with erectionof huts. Yours truly, j Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. M16 oriuli'd to City Clerk COUNCR t CITY OF ST. PAUL -No ------ --------•-------- f' OFFICE O HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER._ ----+- RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department CC Public Works for extra employment from February 1 to 15, 1946, as set out on the list on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen - TrUos._- ..............Against dent;-lvilaDfi iMgIt am o_Mr• )gW&rcsidc,,t CTruax, C.F. No. 135516-13Y Milton Ron— ot eoveheproper city ic_ ersedreby authorize to paay ceri Pubha Workss ent 0 for in the %tn ,,,,atoymentt from February toe 16. 1848. as se out on the list1 on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Comp- troller. pted byFeb he Council Feb. 19, ,1946. App (February 23, 1846.) Adopted by the Coun9EB,..j.a--j .....---194.-.... jj—..ry 55 Approved--- ---------- ... /j/ ptllig Mayor t35516 orIgjr I to City Clerk CITY OF ST. co" • No.-- --- PAUL couNca� ------------ - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER.. DATE' - LABOR BOLL - FEBRUARY 1 to 15, 1946 NAME TITLE NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Andert, Anthony W. Garb.Coll. 4 1.50 6.00 Cederquist3 August Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Clinton, John M. Kettle Fire. 16 .95 15.20 Copley, Arthur B. Staty.Fire. 16 6 .95 3/4 15.20 5.27 Diegnau' Chester Truck Dr. 18 .87 17.91 Einck, Walter T. Dispatcher 8 .99-z 1.50 12.00 Fuenffinger, Rudolph Garb.Coll. 8 7.60 Goossen, James A. Sew.IJtc.Lab. 4 .95 1.50 6.00 Hansen, Frank Garb.Coll. 8 7.60 Hayek, Joseph E. Huberty, Frank T. Unsk.Lab. Truck Dr.-PT 6 .95 1.00 2.00 Johnson, Gustaf A. Unsk.Lab. 3 .95 85 Kramer, Joseph J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Krueger, Henry Unsk.Lab. 8 4 .95 1.50 7.60 6.00 Kuehn, Lawrence Garb.Coll. 4 1.50 6.00 Leitner, Fred Garb.Coll. 3 1.50 4.50 Leitner, Otto Garb.Coll. Unsk.Lab. 3 .95 2.85 Lynch, henry McGee, Frank D. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 O'Toole, Fergus Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Pastuch, John Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Perrazzino, Guiseppe Sew.1tc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Proulx, Harvey J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. brew 2 16 .95 1.90 15.72 Putnam, Fred A. Leader-PW .989 Remore, David Unsk.Lab. 8 1.01 8.08 Robinson, William Unsk.Lab. 3 .95 2.85 Sc'nrenkler, Ernest Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 10 .95 9.50 Schude, Ben G. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 8 .95 7.60 Strobel, Ferdinand Garb.Coll. 4 1.50 6.00 Tester, Clyde A. Truck Dr.-PT 2 1.00 2.00 Tuccitto, Nunzio Sew.Mtc.Lab. 2 .95 1.90 Twisk, Floris Garb.Coll. 4 1.50 6.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .............................. ....194...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Inan Approved ......................... --- ............194------ Parranto Peterson.............. ------------ Favor ----{ `1^ / ------------ --- Mayor Rosen Praax-- .......... ....Against ''► #lisesident, MaDonugh 3M MI. orlgj. l to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE --------- comMISSIONER.-- 1=16 cou"Cli. FlNo -- � --------------------- LABOR ROLL – FzBRijkRy 1 to 15, 1946 NO.Hrs. Rate Amount NIM Title Road Mach.Opr. 9 .981. 8.84 Wadell, Leo R 4 1- 4.00 Wadell, Leo R: Truck Dr.–PT 00 — Total 216.27 FEB 19 191% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the . Council -------- ............ Yeas Nays Barfuss _-Pindisn Approved-------------- ................... -------194 Parranto ---------- In Favor Peterson . . .......... v ayo Ct n r Rosen Against LAU,– r fe �gd b n cV(i g h 3m 9_MMWQrt:sidcnt Jruax) M16 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Tending fires and watching equipment and material, repairing streets and sewers, cindering and snow removal. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumptances: Necessity for maintaining fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays and holidays, answering calls for emergency repairs to streets and sewers on Sundays and after regular hours, cindering and snow removal necessary after rece storms. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS original to City ©ell[ COUNCIL NO._- TT P � CITY OF ST. PAUL ILa '� t • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8�//y<� DATIE Feb. 19 f 194W COMMISSION - WHUaws the commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, MOLVED, that the peoper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE OVERTIME BATE TOTAL PAID Marvin T. McGrath Ditch Digger 8 hre 1.01 8.08 Chauncey T. Berett Water Shed Laborer 12 hrs .81 2 72 Edward 7. Sordell Caulker 3 bra 1.01/4 3-i9 Leonard S. Munson Foreman W.D. 3 bra 1.06-1/4 3.19 Roy A. Munson Foreman W. D. 3 hra .86-1/4 2.59 San Ranelli Caulker 3 hs .86-1/4 2.59 Girolema Saporito Caulker 3 -3/4 2.63 Clifford R. Rasmussen Truck Driver 3 hrs-8 Total $34.58 CO�1;fo_narrd ed Correct: N. Thompson reral Manager COUNCILMEN Yea Nays ariuss arranto __In �Favor Posen .....- gainst �,,{�'pe73ei4otigh 3M 9-45'r• (�resi Cllt (Truax CF. No. 135517—By W. Parranto— Resolved. That the proper city offic- ers are herebyuthorized to pay cer- tain employes in the•.'Departmont of Public Utilities for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this) resolution. Adopted by the ,Council Feb. 19. 1946. Approved Feb. 19, 1946. (February 23, 1946.) Adopted by the Cou�n$t1._I_9.. .9 ............ 194 Approved....— ---------------------------------- -•------•---------- ,doting Mayor eoUNCILDOW I rk Fl F NO.--. oeama, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SATE-- gebraar� 1 1 ---- L,14,e P NS EoD By -_. _ C e vlied for by Mike O1Dowd at 391 Robert g S0j,Vjj), That license for Tavern, P_ street, be and the same are hereby granted. No. 135518BY Barfuss—Parranto— C.F. —rn, Resolved: That He-- for Taveapp- at 391 Rob- Plied for by Mike O'Dowd ert street, be and the same are hereby _Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1898. Approved Feb. 6 (February 23.1898.) FEB 19 1946_ 194 Adopted by the Coly �-19 1946 F Eu COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays Barfuss 194 -----------------------194 ---------. - - - Approved ------------------------------------------ anto acL�Aoting - �Mayor /pet reon ose /J /-/..-.Against �J�e Prasfaenr rua � u 301 9-4t 19 •01191.0 to city 0-k `i �UNC2 - lat CITY OF ST. PAUL �� NO..._-___..-----__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED/BY DA Febrttsr9 19 19116 COMMISS NER RESOLVEDr That Restaurant Li6ense $6293, On Sale Malt License #91493, Off Sale halt License #51410, and Cigarette License $711669 all expiring December 214, 1946, issued to Theodore Randall at 1214 State Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and gailty plea of Louise Randell,selling beer to a minor. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss �m an / arranto /Kterson Fi osen gh 500 4l/:'• �Fcsident (Truax) CR No. 135519—By Bar£uss—Parranto— soOtedSaleaMaalt LicenseLlNo. g4a3, Otf Sale Malt License No. 5910, and Cigarette License No. 7466, all xp;ring December 24, 1946, issued to Theodore Randall at 124 State Street be and the mendatlon hereby t'es Ura. ofp Poltcee he - se f the arrest and guilty plea of Louise Randall, selling beer to a minor. Adapted by the Connell Feb. 19, 1996. Approved Feb. 39, 1948. (February 23. 1946.) FEB 19 1946 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194...... FEB 191946 / Approved roved ----------------------------------------194------ In Favor.............----- !" Yv"w-Mayor --�-�?eting .--------..Against OHpm.1 to Ciq Clerk C.F. No. 135529—By Barfuss— Resolved, That licenses applied far by the.. persona named on the list it. (}�� ;���%1 ■ 1 ed to this resolution be and the same herebyy they City "` NO..----_ FIV are granted, and Clerk C. Islnstrueted to Issue such licenses up- F10"U OFFIC�: the rpeatedgrer t Into the .City treasury COUNCIL R1 ApDpovednb by the B�a18I] Feb. 19, 1946. iFebruary .. I., PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-_ DA, P'ebruary 1� 1948 1, �r - — RMOLPEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedt Walter B. Baines 1094 Kent Phel Mr App. 35496 Renewal Mike Rembish 42 W- 4th Barber s 36457 s P. J. Heck 1603 Past Natl Bk Bldg Barber M 36617 Charles Kurelle 15o E. 4th Barber s 36619 „ The Emporium 121-39 E- 7th Barber s 36630 Reynard S. Erickson 350 University Gas Sta 3—P a 36637 s A. N. Muller 29 We 7th Barber s 36777 p Wm. H. Predette Pioneer Bldg Barber ■ 36949 0 M. Be Jul son Commerce Bldg Barber 0 36g51 s Anthony Ross 112 Endicott Arcade Barber N 36266 M Paul Zoschke 36 S. Fairview Gas Sta 4—P a 36867 N Anton Daniel 226 Hamm Bldg Barber 8 36969 M William Artes 427 N. Exchange Gas Sta 2—P s 36957 e Henry We Hanft 120 Bremer Arcade Barber ^ 36959 Mary Kielaa 1994 Stillwater Cigarette a 36970 s Perry S. Nichols 495 St.Peter Barber s 36962 e St. Paul Hotel Co. 363 St.Peter Barber s 36990 s - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .......... ........................ 1,94...... Yeas Nays Barfuss i� ndlan / Approved... ................. ............ ... 194-- Parran to F, Peterson-` :._In Favor................................................................. Mayor Rosen --------------Against gh 500 �'r. idem {Truax) MY crab tt2a1 520 orinro•1 to s CITY OF ST. PAUL couNen. Fig NO.____-___ ---^--- _._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 15 1946 Page No. 2 Minnesota Club 317 N. Washington Barber App. 37006 Renews, 1 Ray Pomorski 261 E. 4th Barber n 37047 " John Regolo 5361St.Pster Barber " 37139 " Mike Lyons 10 W. 6th Barber " 37179 " Charles M. Reber 30 Leach Barber " 37291 " George J. Boehm 24 W. 9th Barber " 37292 " Ryan Hotel Co. 402 Robert Barber " 37299 " Frank Pollock 205 Lowry Med Arts Bldg Barber " 37439 " D. Flanagan & B. Stewart 289 E. 7th Barber " 37951 If S. E. Hall 12 W. 5th Barber " 38302 " Nick Nicholas 192 E. 7th Barber " 35386 " Richard D. Laska 2190 Marshall Restaurant " 39139 " " n n n Off Sale Malt " 38139 " 11 fl - " " Cigarette fl 38119 fl C. M. Strandy 2070 Ford Pky Bakery " 39293 " Lloyd Kolby 631 University Bakery " 39391 " Gustation & Bruner Oil Co. 308 N. Concord, So. St.-Paul Fuel Dlr " 38395 " George W. Coe 1775 E. 7th Cas Sta 2-P fl 38396 " D. E. Erickson 857 Selby Gas Ste, 2-P " 38424 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .......... ........................ 194.-_.__ Yeas Nays Barfuss -- Approved ..................... '............ ------- 194----• Parranto Peterson--------------In Favor -....................................... .................................. Mayor Rosen ..............Against 500 4-Mr.4jjp&(@resident (Truax) ortaro.i to city ©ort C](� r CITY OF ST. PAUL m�raca. NO._=. 2Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -46 February 15. 19 COMMISSIONER Adopted by the Council DATE Yeas Nays Page Ho. 3- Barfuss r Findlay Z. N. Belland 1753 Selby Gas ata 3-P App. 38426 Renewal Harold W. Pittelkow 250 Louie Taxi Driver A 3g443 a Robert W. Lewis 222 Rondo Taxi Driver s 39444 s Edw. J..Ehrich 31 Iglehart Motor Veh Dr M 39449 M Roy Carroll 246 w. Kellogg Motor Veh Dr 0 39451 s Melvin Goulet 265 E. 15th Taxi Driver " 38455 " George Rafferty 931 Tasearora Motor Veh Dr " 38465 s Russell C. Carpenter 477 Superior Taxi Driver o 38466 R Howard Houle 600 Reaney Taxi Driver s 384g2 s Emil Benson 106 H. Smith Taxi Driver a 39493 If Russell Bloomer 1079 E. Cook Taxi Driver n 38484 s 'COUNCILMEN FEB 191946 Adopted by the Council .................................. 194 Yeas Nays 9 Alpe f`►v Barfuss r Findlay Approved .............................. ........... 194..._.. ParrantoIAII(X Peterson In Favor .----... --- ✓ _ T Rosen v : Aoting Mayor Truax ...__.......Against gh 500 41dr.. esident (Truax) O riginalClerk ■ 21 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fc.-mcm No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a ----COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y ER DATE reb== i5 1,946 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedi Prank Powers 439 Jackson Barber App. 37171 Nen Old Loc. Helen T. Oda 190 W. 4th Restaurant N 39029 N ^ N N n N N Cigarette ^ 39091 N N N Rodney W. Button 1401 Asbury Oil Burner Installer App. 39272 a n fl Floyd J. Pitch 2022 Sherwood Motor Veh Dr fl 3844g ^ Thomas W. Wagner 300 Dayton Motor Veh Dr ^ 38509 a Marvin Harles 261 Selby Hatcher a 37869 ^ Old Loc. Mrs Anna Mae Lemire 490 E.Cartice Grocery ^ 390 ^ ^ ^ n a a n n n Off Sale Malt ^ 380 84 ^ a n N fl N n N N Cigarette n 39095 n n N C.F. No. 135521—By Barfuss— Resolved, That licenses pplied for by the persons named on the list attach- ed to this resolution be and the same are herebyy etanted, and the City Clerk Is las tructed to issue such ncenses up- the p- -. o tlt a payment f so the City treasury Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946. Approved Feb. 19, 1949. (February 29, 1948.) FEB 19 1945 �C�OUNCILEN Adopted by the Council ...................._..-_.._.....194-.-..- YeaNays FEB 19 F' an Approved .........-.... 194----- Pa anto -Yteon In 0 ell ... �.-.-.Favor _ ... r' lGc".tn;Mayr Against 500 414:. V,Piesident (Truax] qWT ©art CITY OF ST. PAUL cFO�nca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D BY ER DATE February 15, 191F6 RESOLVED: That license for Hotel 60—E, Application A39352. Restaurant, Application A39353. and Cigarette, Application A38354 applied for by Harry Johnson at 545 N. Snelling, be and the same are hereby Aanted. New Informally approved by Council January 29, 1946 Old Location Cy. No: 135522—By Barfuss— Resolved: That license for Hotel GO -R. Appncatlon A36.352, 8estaurant, Appplica- :Lon A38353, and Cigarette, Appbcatlon �,A38354. applied for by Harry Johnson at S N. Snelling, be and the same are .barely granted. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1948. Approved Feb. 19, 1948. (February 23, 1948.), FEB 19 1945 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194_ YeasNays fEB 19 ln�. arfuss in n Approved.... - 194_..... a. ' et Prson In Favor----------------- - ^ � /�Mayor •....... /j Posen ............ ..Against �h 500 4_A1r. (#resident (Truax) lyoal to .�WV� CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,C 6 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE' February 15, 1914 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, Application A39232, On Sale Malt, Application A39233. Off Sale Malt, Application A392314, and Cigarette, Application A39235, applied for by Bernard & Alfred Tschample at 600-02 Wabasha Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council January A. 19146 Old Location Q COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss an Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen (2- ------------ ..Against 2 -----------..Against 500 4�[• Q%;1SE 1�esident (Truax) h C.F. No. 133523—By Barfusa— Aglicatl n: A3923211 Ons Saler Malt aAppli- tion A38233, Off Salt Malt. Application A39234, and Cigarette, Application � Tac ampleIed at atby 00 02 nard Wabash. Street, be ❑hand the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946. Approved Feb. 19, 1946. (February 23, 1946.) FEB 19 1946 Adopted by the 194...... Approved ....... .............. ...194:-.... goting Mayor ro % 1=24 CITY OF ST. PAUL W�NCR OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY DATE Februa= 15. 19461 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS- Daniel Delmont dba as Yellow Cab has made application 38142 for license to operate one (1) taxi cab on the streets of the City of Saint Paul, one taxi cab described as follows - Cab No. 14 -41 Plymouth 4-11 Delux Motor No. P1210319, Serial No. 11127145, Insured by St. Paul Mercury Ind. Co., Policy No. 721601, expiring lo -12-46. WHF.BFsS- Said applicant has filed copies of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Council, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a taxi cab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same.are hereby granted to Daniel Delmont. Renewal - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rfuss T., a�r nto P�et�erson liosen 1,,i1•h 500 4 - hr. V�{•,e gresi ant (Truax) .....In Favor .--0- :Against C.F. No. 135524—By Barfuss— Whereas: Daniel Delmont db. s Yel low Cab has made app cation 38142 for license to operate (1) taxicab o t1�treats f the City of Saint Paul. Oneestaxicab the as follows: Cab No. 14; '41 Plymouth 4-D De - lux; Motor No. P1230319; Serial No. Mer- curyInsured 11127145: Ind. Co.. Policy No. 721801. pirmg 10-12-48. Whereas: Sold applicant has filed ea lea oP lnsurnnce poltcy with the City of St. Paul and sal d p1oncy has 'been approved as to form dxecu, lion by the Corporation Counsel, there. tore, be it tome, That licepse to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the —a is hereby granted to Daniel Del- "ont. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1948. ApprovedF ebruary 23, 1948. FER Adopted by the Co 8 il....... 19 ........... ...........194...... Iy4r` Approved ............. ---------------194 Ct111J Mayor Ori6loat to Chy © - 4L�V CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCFILAIL NO._----------__..___. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / PRESENTED SENTD BY DATE Pebrllary 15 -1946 commiss10NER_ RESOLVED: That license for Hotel 17 Rooms, Application A393639 applied for by Dave Lutterman at 4101 Jahkson Street, be and the same is hereby granted. C.F. No. 135525—By Barfua or Resolved: That license' for Rotel 17 Romps, AppDlication A38383, applied for by Dave LutterrW at 410% Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby grantees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1948. Approved Feb. 19, 1948. (February 23. 1948.) New Informally approved by Council February 7, 1946 Old location FEB 19 M. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................194...... Yeas Nays �C 1946 artuss 1 an Approved ........................ ........-----..194----- payr8nto �7 rP/e son . _In Favor - - ---�-=--...V..-- -- ---• - -------------- Apting Mayor osen .....Against h Ill. Viceres: ent (Truax) 500 4-44 '�'�u qIPREMSE Clerk IOtt CITY OF ST. PAUL our+cn.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM1,c BY COISSIONER DATE February 1,5. 1ti1L6 WHEREASL Ed Hummel desires to withdraw application A38521 for Motor Vehicle Driver License 268, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon. therefore, be it RESOLVEDII That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ed Hummel, 911 E. Jessamine Avenue, the fee of $1.00, and to cancel said application for license. C.F. No. 135526—By Barfuss— drahereaal)pps: Ed Hummel desires to with- draw Drrivler tLlcenion se85289,fOand °°rrequests therreturn on• therefore, license fee deposited Resolved Thet �� a proper ityy ffic- rs be d they %re hereby auth rued to refund to Ed Hummel, 911 E. Jessa- mine Avenue, the fee of ;61.00, and to cancel said application. for license., Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946.. Approved Feb. 19, 1946. (February 23, 1946.) FEB 19 1946, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194...-.. Yeas / Nays arfuss FEB 19 1 an Approved-----• - ....... -•...................... 194 Parr nto Peterson ...... Posen Acting Mayor ®nsx— 6 ..............Against soo 4_or..groai ent (Truax)h Original to City Clerk 13552'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCILNO..----__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6 COMMISSIONS DAT WHEREAS, For sometime past, the City has rented from the Soeieta Italia, the gymnasium and other part of the buildings necessary to operate the gymnasium located in that certain building owned by said Societe Italia, at the northwest corner of Bradley and Partridge streets in the City of Saint Paul, for recreation purposes, and WHEREAS, The Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings needs to use the building for the same purpose this year, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a lease for the said premises for the year 1946, at a rental of $60.00 a month, payable out.of Playground Fund 19-A-3, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to prepare the proper lease therefor. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays arfuss 71— rranto eterson ........... -In Favor --------------Against cnt es tua�h d 311 945 Qjjj�;O No. 135527—By Robert F. Peter san— ereas, For, some time past, the City re.ted from the Societe Stella, the ,..,um and other part of th% Ings necessary to operate the gym- im located In that ..certain building :d by said Society Italia, at the w st corner f Bradley and Part - streets in the City of Saint Paul, recreation purposes, and isreas, The Department of Parks, so ds the buildingand blic for Buildings samsenpur- this year, se solved That the proper city offic- be and they are hereby authorized .ter Into a lease for the said prem- afor the year 1946, at rental of 1, a month P.yabte out f Play- nd Fund 19-A-3. and the Corpora - Counsel is directed to prepare the er lease therefor. - opted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946. Adopted by the Coun iP-i_9._l96....._194...... FEB 3 ^ t Approved.. ------------------ --- 194------ .... AOtiny " Original to City Clark X35528 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,? * NO.-----_-------.__. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL,PESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. -- i DATE' February 14,m 1946 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards oo ntract for furnishing and ie- liveri>;g.to the Bureau of Water 56,000 lin.ft. Seamless Copper Tubing. to the AMMICAN R&DIATOR & STANDARD SANITARY CORPORATION in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No.1031 of said American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation, at a total contract price of $9,945.40, such bid being the lowest bid and said American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, • and the (brporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to ditw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to emeoute said contract on behalf of the. City of Saint Paul. F. B, #1031, and bid reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directetl- to draw up the proper� form of c tract therefor and the pTbper City if, "c" hereby are uthoti-d to xecute s Id contract behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F. H. No. 1031. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946. �� ` Approved Feb. 19. 1946. COUNCILMEN (February 23. 1946.) -tido to P a y cne 19 ouncil - - 194 Yeas B/ Nays 9�+ Approved. ------------ A94-_.... a�P�r uto . y'3on ,In favor osen Ma or laatIng Y ...... ........Against ough 3MMAIVie®r®ident (Truax) Crlalnal to City Clerk 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL cout+c0.Fig NO ------ _----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt RESOLVED, that pursuant to Award of the Industrial Commission in the Matter of Thomas Patrick Fahey vs. Board of Water Commissioners, the sum of 01098.00 be paid said Thomas Patrick Fahey and the sum of $150.00 be paid Joseph Masek, his attorney, out of the Water Department Fund. C.F. No. 135527—By W. Parranto— Resolved, That pursuant to Award of the Industrial Commission In the matteBoard f Water Commmas issioners, ick athe sum f $1,098.00 be paid said Thomas Patrick Fahey an d the um f $150.00 be paid W. eph bep t his attorney, Out of the Water Department Fund. Atlopted yet he Counefl Feb. 19, 1946. Approved Fb. 19, 1946. 1February 23, 1946.) FEB .1-9..M 19 M COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................. . . ..............194_..... Yeae Nays FEB 1 ¶ arfuss Y an Approved ................. ----•--•-----........... -194-----• Panto �Pe aon favor ,t�y�'��:. / ---------- / -- /Ros n c,' Ming Mayor rush' _._.Against � )' � � gh am fl -Mr. &rCsi4 CRC (Truax o v> 135MO CITY OF ST. PAUL cou c, rice NO ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTED BY OMMISSIONER DATE February 1=) _.1946__ RESOLVED: That licensee for Restaurant, Application A39495,.On Sale Malt Beverage. Application A38486, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38487, and Cigarette, Application A38488, applied for by Martin A. Companion at 1175 West Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. C.F.. No. 135538—By Barfuss—parranto— Appbcatl n That licenses for Restaurant, ge. App kation A38486saoff Sale Malt Beverage, Ap plication A38487, ndClg- Aew arette, Appllcatlon A3648a, applled for iby Martin A. Companion at 1175 West y Informally approved by Council seventh street, be and the same are February 14, 1946 herebgranted. 9 App%vedby t e19,ouncil Feb. 19, 1946. Old Location February z394 . 1946.) FEB 1'9 COUNCILMEN l� Adopted by the Council .--194.----. YeasNays arfuas FN 1 q an / Approved. = -194.----- a Tanto /Peterson _ �.......In Favor v' LOL Z ossa � l;lRg Mayor ax -•.----.Against Mr. Vire ® esi&nt (Truax) h 3Dt 9-45 q� Orin el to Cl 1V�VVi CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE 0 ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1. ZY COM SSIONER DATE Bebrnary 1(1 4 ABEREAS1 Emil Barbeau has made application A39315 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets Of the City of St. Paul, one (1) 19141 Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P12-147979, Serial No. 111149993, Cab No. 113, and application A39532 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets` of the City of St. Paul, one (1) 1941 Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P12-6948, Serial No. 11129991, Cab No. 114, both covered by Casualty Reciprocal Exchange, insurance policy No. DC6139, expiring January 12. 1947, and WHEREAS: said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Emil Barbean. C.F. re 335531—By Barfuss—Parranto— Whereas: Emil Barba— nos New Informally approved by Council August 23, 1945 COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss 1 M1111 "P�Qnto onson `ithoAettiNfgh 3�3 g4Mr. 'ce Presi''ent (Truax) c whereas, said applicant has tiled a Cily off Saint insurance and policy with the been approved as to'foro, andll execus :tion by the Corporation Counsel, there -1 j fore, be it )1[ Resolved: That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul b and the ed eAdoptedhbryebhegC CouncilFeb,tFeb 19, 996.F!�B-_-9-.1946----.---_. Approved Feb. 19. 1946. 194 -....- (February 23, 1946.) T�Q1 Approved......... ..........--------- . ------194 ..............In Favor -- - Aatiny Mayor -..Against original City Clerk 135532 a CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNca. NO.....--.----........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 79__ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Virgil Meinke 404 Rice Restaurant App. 36409 New Old Loc. Robert Browning & Bruce Jappinier 522-24. 16bert 2nd Hd Auto lar " 37970 " n n George J. Broz 365 Sherman Motor Veh Dr " 39517 n Noma. Inc. 300 E. 4th Cigarette " 39534 New Old Loc. Henning G. Holland . 691 Jackson Motor Veh Dr " 39549 " Joseph Zoccoli 307 Mackubin Motor Veh Dr " 39550 " Edith & Clifford Olson 1569 Como Restaurant " 39452 New Old Loc. Coops Inc. 999 Payne Butcher " 3s473, n n n William H. Farrell 1077 Dayton Motor Veh Dr " 39562 " C.F. No. 135532—By Barfuss— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attach- ed to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Instructed to issue licenses up- on the payment ' to the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 19, 1946. Approved Feb. 19, 1946. (February 23, 1946.) FEB 1.4 1%6COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................. ...-_194 Yeas Nays y g�e Barfuss Iryr ? Y pC7 m an Approved.--------------- - - ---- ------ - - _ 194----.. Parranto Z Peterson ..-.......In Favor _ !LR A .- . Rosen f9Ct/AJ, Mayor Against �gh ani 9,tVAr• Y4j1§esident (Truax) C.F. No. , That Hes applied f nto y Orlyfu9l to Ci Clerk Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named o the ]lot attach-. ed to this resolution d and the same CIS are hereby granted, and the City Clerk couHca is Instructed to true such the, up- raa NO------------------------- - n OFFICE on me payment o the City treasury - �y of the a by t fees. COUNCIL RES ApprrovedbFeb.e19. 944611 Feb. 19, 1948. (February 23. 1948.) PRESENT _— COMMISSIONER DATE EebrllaSY--la,-1946 ...__ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: St.Paul Liquor House Inc. 200 E. 7th Confectionery App. '57107 Renewal a a a p Off Sale Malt " 37109 " Cigarette " 37109 n James Manos 241 E. 7th Restaurant " 37308 a a a n n On Sale Malt a 37309 M Off Sale Malt a 37310 " a " Cigarette " 37311 " Margaret Behnke 567 Rice Cigarette a 37335 " Harriet DeRoma 1355 University Restaurant " 37396 " a a Cigarette " 37397 n Oscar E. Weinstein 449 W. 7th Grocery " 37968 n Butcher " 37969. " Cigarette " 37970 a Melvin E. Nelsen 295 W. George Grocery a g n a " Butcher " 3792 " Louis Klein 1092 Arcade Grocery " 39105 a n n Cigarette a 39106 " Samael Glassman 1092 Arcade Butcher " 39107 " Prank J. Lee 1190 Payne Barber " 39187 n Chas. Cook 110 S. Wabasha Barber n 38P�5 a Will. W. Cassino 954 Selby Barber " 39216 " Minn. Mining & Mfg Co. 909 Panquier Cigarette " 39217 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..................................194...-.- Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved------------------------------------------ 194. - -- Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen lio Mayor - Against gh 3m 9Mr. j4Wj#csidcnt (Truax) 135533 Orlainel m City Clink CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCIL NO.. ................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA'I'S FebrDA40� PAGE NO. 2 Carl R. Schulz 1005 Arcade Grocery App. 35218 Renewal Oscar Applebaum 1936 St.Cla.ir Butcher " 35249 " Grocery " 35250 " Cigarette "- 39251 " n fl a fl Off Sale Malt " 35252 " Ben Serl 4761 Babasha Barber " 39260 " Alexandriu E. Fedoreal 560 Como Butcher " 35334 r fl n fl " Grocery " 35335 " Off Sale Malt " 35336 " " fl n fl Cigarette " 35337 " Peter Miller 1057 Grand Barber " 35371 " East Side Motor Sales 653 E. 7th Vend Mach " 35375 " Lloyd Bolby 690 N. Snelling Bakery " 35375 " Norman Catcher 2336 University Barber " 3g417 " Lois Lundquist 2095 Como, R. Confectionery " 39418 " N fl n n cigarette " 39419 " Eugene Marien 1272 Pt.Douglas Rd.Gas Sta 3—P " 38466 " R. D. Goldberg 193 E. 7th 2nd Hd Mr Clothing " 38499 " Joseph Rhode 93 S. Robert Gas Sta 4--P " 38516 " Charles 0. Falwiler 627 St.Anthony Motor Veh Dr " 39530 " Robert Franson 596 Cedar Motor Veh Dr " 39533 " Paul A. Morrison 226 E. 12th Motor Veh Dr " 38535 " FEB 1 190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................................194...... Yeas Nays ' . l `^i Barfues ,, —1nn itaa'--- Approved---- ------------------------------194 Parranto Peterson — .............In Favor p Rosen CflFl9 Mayor —'T'ruax.-.._.Against - 111 MEN - h 3M s Mrr.. jresi enc (Truax C.F. No. 135534—BY Barfu8 Parrantr— Resolved. That licenses applied for by / CIN .the persons named on-the eie ttach- Orl�rnl to Cty Clerk ed to thisrsolution bel. rehereby grantd. and thucted to issuech censesp-onhe paymentntoeCytreasuryFFICE OF ofthequired tees.Adpted by the CoFb. 19, 1946. Q !( COti CI OL: ApprovedFebruary 23.61949.) - COMMISSIIONER - DATE a�b��'4 19.�u6 - RESOLVEDi That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedi Ina 131orsman 386 Minnesota Restaurant App. 35527 Renewal ^ a N " Cigarette " 35528 " Schunemans Inc. 2405 Wabasha Bakery ^ 36249 ^ Confectionery ^ 36250 ^ Grocery N 36251 ^ fl a N N Restaurant a 36252 ^ it n n n BarberN 3625] N a a a R Cigarette N 36254 a Angelina & Dante Rossini 309 Sibley Restaurant " 36623 " a n a n a On Sale Malt N 36624 N N a a a a Off Sale Malt N 36625 ^ M N a N N (cigarette N 36626 a Hollis G. Bowers 1191 University Restaurant N 36898 N =" a N a Cigarette " 36899 " Theodore Nikas 3147 Robert Restaurant " 37088 N N a N n On Sale Malt " 37089 " n x n n Off Sale Malt ^ 37090 ^ ^ a a a Cigarette ^ 37091 " Edward J. Pederson 870 Payne Restaurant a 37111 ^ N N- N N On Sale Malt N 37112 N N N N N Off Sale Malt a 37113 a Grant P. Severson 365 Jackson Restaurant a 37527 ^ N N a On Sale Malt " 37528 ^ N N N N Off Sale Malt ^ 37529 " Cigarette " 37530 ^ Sam Mogol, Geo. Rinkey. & Shaindel Binder 2162 University Cigarette N 37538 N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- 194 ----.- Yeas Nays Barfuss "'Fln-dTan Approved .......................................... 194.---.. Parranto Peterson---- -----In Favor ------------ ---------- -----------........._....... ----...._...------ - -- Rosen Mayor _ghvax- ...... Against 4, l ldet�t M D'onough 3nI '9-�$' V�"� `1 nt (� ruax) oNglpm . City Clerk 1315W CITY OF ST. PAUL COONCIL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE February 19, 1946 PAGE NO. 2 Hamline University 1536 Hewitt Restaurant App, 37651 Renewal Dan & Bradstreet 391 Minnesota Vend Mach a 37672 n W m. P. Andres 46 E. 4th Confectionery a 37680 a Cigarette a 37651 a E. J. Wall " 794 Grand Grocery an 37699 " a A a n p a Butcher " 37700 a Off Sale Malt " 37701 a Cigarette " 37702 a .Seeger Refrigerator Co. 550 arcade Restaurant a 37753 " n n Cigarette a 37754 a Edward S. Williams 1569 University Restaurant a 37756 a Cigarette a 37757 n B. W. Harris Mfg Co. 201 E. 6th Vend Mach a 37923 n Gordon & Ferguson Cafeteria, Inc. 230 E. 5th Orig cont " 37967 a N. Y. Tea Co. Inc. 69 E. 5th Grocery a 37950 a Marguerite Lane Junterman " 453 N. Lexington Confectionery a 3s402 n n a Roller Rink It 38403 a Capital Meat Co. 515 Wabasha Hatcher a 35435 n Bert Nonan 1337 Randolph Grocery a 3& n off Sale Malt a 3547 a p n Cigarette a 3+75 " FEB 19 im COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.............._-------.-.._...194._.-- Yeas Nays F°9 7, g 7 . Barfuss''-' 1P ndla71 Parranto Peterson ........ In Favor Approved ----------------------------------------- _ iii/ 194.--. Rosen _ �) Acting - - ...-. Mayor r1 uax _.-.....Against P{Ir: Presiieiit, McDonough 3M 945I i ..� Original to Cl erk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \//�]�'/) COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE COMM[V'rgD BY 1. COMMI ONER DATE Febraary 1 4 THOMAS, Arthur Dietrich has made application A36159 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) 1935 Plymouth Sedan, Motor No. 1613, Serial No. 10933595, Cab No. 135, insured with the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. , policy No. P. U. B. A70064, expiring November 23, 1946. WmaMASt said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City Of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it HESOLVEDI that license to operate said automobile at a taxicab upop the streets Of the City of St. Paul be and the same Is hereby granted to Arthur Dietrich. Informally approved by City Council November 28. 1945 as a City of St aPaulPoone �.(1) 1935 Plymouth Sedan, Motor No. 1613, S"" No. 19933595. Cab No. 135, Insured lth the Hartford Accident and Indemity Co., November P. 1 46.U. 8 A76669, expiring Whereas: said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and - said policy has been approved as to form and execu- tion by the Corporation Counsel, there - Sore, be it Resolved:, That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets same is hetrthe ebyf grant dao Arthurdplet- rich. Adopted byy the Council Feb. 19, 1946. Approved F b. 19. 1946. (February 23. 146,) 1 COUNCILMEN FEB 19 Adopted by the CounciL................................. 194-..--- Yetls� Nays ''arfues ""F1 an Approved...- / ( 194. Parrr to iPete on _.----..savor osen / �ptjpq Mayor •-------•---Against " residefibl oBei+eugh 3M 9�dvir e„f resid Trnar CF. No. 135538—By Fred M. Truex— operationiof the 11946 SaintoPaul Win Ir���� Ortaloni to Ciry Cleric ter Camivd1, during which the yy19pe 135a N N ■ CITY IF s.nte,, in the theroSaint ai tuc o on tAuditorium, cn- NO ------- _--.-----..v---V the said Ice-Capedes productlon be OFFICE OFT sponsored jointlybyy the St. Paul W1h+ ter Camive] AssocfeUon and the City COUNCIL RFSOLUTI1 of saint pau4 and turther mat the net pr-f1t nrl 'rq eonr r err 1t, to PRESENTED l/�COMMISSIONER_ �. DATE P RESOLVED, that in connection with the operation of the 1946 Saint Paul Winter Carnival, during which the 1946 Ice-Capades production is to be presented in the Saint Paul Auditorium, the said Ice-Capades production be sponsored jointly by the St. Paul Winter Carnival Association and the City of Saint Paul, and further, that the net profit, not including concession profit, be divided equally between the City of Saint Paul - Bureau oP Auditorium - and the St. Paul Winter Carnival Association, said net profit to be the actual amount of profit after deduction of total costs, including opening and operating of ' said Auditorium, from that share of gross profits accruing to said sponsors out of the total gross receipts from the production of the said Ice-Capades, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an agreement to this effect, with the St. Paul Winter Carnival Association. I'l i 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................... ---...194...... Yeas Nays FCR 19 a/ts Muss C eter. APProved.........--------- ---.194------ ----------------- nto /Yon -------------In Favor .,... 1 ,(�j �------•- iAo n Mayor / uaxTgr •------- -.Against 3rd 9-45 r' • •w gresi ent (Trtlaa) h 537 Council File No .13........5......... PROPOSAL PORI PRELIMINARY ORDERS. C.F. No. 135537—ay Milton Rosen— _ adwhereas, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, PRELIMINAi nue` r ab 'r nr lil j fy The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Changing the grade of Wabash Avenue from Vandalia Street to Hampden Avenue; in accordance with the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown thereon by a blue lime; also grade and pave that portion of Wabash Avenue between the aforesaid limits lying south of the tracks of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, in accordance with the said red line when established; also reconstruction of the watermains, sewers, and other structures on the aforesaid street to conform to the necessities of the said grade when established; also constructing sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary and any other work included to carrying out,the above improvement. Changing the grade of Wabash Avenue frasTandalla Street to Hempdan Avenue, in accordance with the red ]gine on the profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown thereon by a blue line; also grade and pave that portion of Wabash Avemas between the aforesaid limits lying south of the tracks of the Minnesota Transfer Railway CompmV, in accordance with the said red line when established; also reconstruction of the watermains, sewers, and other struottirbs on the aforeeald street to conform to the necessities of the said grade vhem established; also oonstracting sewer, water and gas oonneotions from the street mains tothe property lines where necessary and any other work included to carrying out the above improvement. !-'?$Adopted by the Council. .........FIB..1.g..IW ................. P YEAS NAYS FEB 1$ J Councilman BARFUSS Approved: .................................................. PARRANTO ROSEN N U PETERSO 'AQ. Mayor. Mr. V07?C'si ant (Truax) :zAcr �,fii CfFGy I70LF: Tn CTE9rci, SC csO.'.iapiC OII.F .ppG upOAG Tarb7.OJ Gl.rGA; QT.' usesc�?cue ;zour f9e e.E`zeG,' m6Tue go FBG P•zobexa TTuea asFeze AGcce2F']A Tq Fzags h.gGA seTsPTTaFGq: 6J -Co coua;zlrG;TuB escez' e:6�ez avc suq o�Foz e�zac�rrzGa ou TFe 6�OLGn6Tq s.pzeGp Fo ceAbozm �o Pyre uscsee;�Tsa zsq TTAe 1.sisA oataA7TeFGq: eTao zscoue;zrrc.FTou oy �Fe �s�sxs¢6TAa' asxsza' Sapseg cL '376 vaeuns p6 Szsue�ss ifu?T�r?. ComBsr'�' TA sccczquuce ldTTF RFs 29T9 egoldu '`gGLGOA P2' GPT Ggs 6bozsasTq TTn•'T�a TaTu�i aorr4F of ;Fe ;ZecireT n P Pins T7AO. T'erTGt6ge ulrq bgAG ;FEr; boz.PTOA off, :OLscg3S uurr mugs C00 iJerso�' sire bzGaeup sa;6PTTegsq CLuge pajwQ h bq al LAnG' TA GccoX9VITGG G+T.FF ..RFs zG4 TI'Ae ou ,[•ge bzoZ?Te ]rszGpo �Fe r1'X.sqs oL jg6poaa yacune rr�m ....................................................................................................................... Datedthis...............day of....................................... ... 4... .............................................. ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: Changing the Fade of Wabash Avenue frortMandalia Street to Hampden Ave=e, is aoaordanoe with the red kine on the profile hereto attaohad and made a part hereof, the present eatablished grade being 4hown thereon by a blue line] also grade and pate that portion of Isbash Awe between the dtoressid limits lying south of the traoke of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Compagp, in aoeordanoe with the said red line when established) also reconstrnotion of the wetenmains, sewers, and other struotllrell on the aforesaid street to eanfosm to the neoessities of the said grade when establishedl also oonatraoting sewer, rester and gas 00nn40tione from the street mains to, the property linea where neoessery and am other work inoluded to oarrying out the above improvement. Cri» 3Adopted by the Council...........�B..1.9.................. PP YEAS NAYS FEB 19 igg Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... '.FINDLAP .._. PARRANTO PETERSON ` ROSEN .. lel . �... ........ Ag 'Mayor. Mr. Vice Presi ent (Truax) 1hI 7.41 ' KJSL liL._a rata Iiia o;pGL leo Lf:-VcTngsg Po cG7.L1T1rC OITP TFC spor.s TvlhLo�sLrsAP• coulrecP;oua sPp our e zPLseP m3;Ae Po ;FG bi.obsL-A TTnss L:FsLs AdccaaFra oL {piy e 2VT9 oge x.FsA oaPtrpT;apeq: C -l" cousPL G;TUC asJcos' esPeL sirq GAq orper. a;=cCp- Gs OU Ppe STOLOnM ePLesP Po COII7 UT3R PO PF6 AGCBa^r.;P76e Lcq TVIG a:pGA o24PGPTT21Toq! uTao LOcoAaP=b,PToLT OZ PFs L:ffPGLII37IJE' ts. sya oL _310 rTIMGGOPG y[sAeZGL 15CTTm-A Combt'z.i1.Iu UccoygsAGG ILTPF ;136 as;g y,3psep `.sutra po;-ueer Ppe syoLse3Tg TTT�TP2 TA?A� aoJrPF 01. PFe PLecra 2]ioh!A 1'pei.9O1Y pi, 5 pTITG TTUC! ET20 ELUQ, Aq b^>de Pp3P bOLPTOA OL :a-j:�6GjJ®CJ jrq L7c',le e bcn.P 13er.e0:1' P?TG %LGa6AP ea P'SCTT2peq .L. r'qe PGTIJ . g:n^1JgeA VAcrno' TIF FJct:oLR£IIGG UT'PI7 PFe ]:6R Tlne OIJ Ppe bLo.T"TTO p6L6Po CF£'uCTL" PFe PI-HIG oy- a on a uns - _. .. ...... ............... .......... . ... 4�N Dated this. day of. Councilman. o[, 1JrG UUTq U- !T ..o _,k]Ier7 0�,.�1J TaFGW n7nO con7a .rrcprr; T000Ov::tap:�;-O c.�u.;,o av c�I.�os.4'ClioJe JvFcc' ro. ae6.�m_.I.s �t-'Iao' � oPForU4'rnePnse3 PFeaFT.coP � PLncPIorJ OS PFO .d3Po. 'V[Ua Teq TiUc sF6U 6aPsIPTTaT' TJ cocozc£ace saIPF r}rG Oy PFG 7tiTU60o4. *&LGT1V:[,GX, BITTMa ow qAG-pTDT4T lzs vpoap v� .O no pePliacm .Fro vi,¢s.GBGT9 TAT -i+3 7T..7'u aorrgF oZ PFoaFoaoi:.a agoJ,uy Ppcs.Gozr p2. xr pine T7ast sTae 3Lag6. Gvp "'PU PF 1j g RLg z e.�Pa¢gecl' -;:a4 w:cgO to � P..jroreoy' arra }Sneeu-4F Oa, trP]'X aR6g Esags PD7ait ............................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................. ................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: recta : 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement n > $4$'c -report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. CyY►$Adopted by the Council F l............E8• •1.9.3404n�................. // YEAS NAYS FEB 1 (9 IAS . . ............................. councilman BARFUSS Approved ...................... PAR"FI�o__ RANTO PETERSON >" /i Mayor. ROSEN ) p� . • • Mr. Vice Presi ent (Truax) / . tnr �.at // iPtJSLLSIil;ll or,stna,toMYCI�rk 135538 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTION—GENERAL FORM C C D BY COMM SSEIONER. =_0 DATE FebQary 14, 1946 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the NORTHWESTERN REFINING COMPANY, at a price of $ .0717 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price, to be delivered on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on in- formal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to aot promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss P ranto son Rosen g V- ent (Truax) h a Adopted by the CFR ouncil _1-9 -g .............. 194..... - Approved ----------------- ------_-_---------.194------ .-In Favor - .... ' -- J� �]�!l R9 Mayor Against •. C.F. No. 41— —C.F. No. 195340-tCY, No. 135541— lJV �� !1 Sg. X40 NOTICE �tesolved, That checks be dravm on TO �cou of treasury, to the. gregate t!t $180,775.04. cOvering checks numberId 44050 to 94207 lnclttaive, ae ION COUNCIL 'FILE�'NO.________Jt� MM PRINTER .. . per checks file in the office of the Clty Comptroller. Feb. 19, 1948. Adopted by Fill). Approved Feb. 19, 1948. e� �8�.11'11$i� ZC 1946_ '(February 23, 1948.) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE QITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 144207 i COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO—_ --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON'FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB ` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL~ 1.7�� 194 —.. FEB s APPROVED 194— BYE{ Sp0 IS -N NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO V1554 V �/V ���� PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO._ _ rebruer 16 194-6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 18,500.07 44105 44158 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_____TO__.___INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. QTRR�a ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB 19 N* 194_ C COMPTROLLER �E� ', �� APPROVED 194— BY eoo tz-N �® NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL • ,iLAIVW� A COUNCIL RESOLUTION cour4clL FILE NO. - Feb -16132" 194_6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s- 64, R'1 74 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__440rn _TO-441.04_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _..FFR �_1.Z_—_ 194_ 4 V / - rQA1PTRO.. w Q APPROVED FEB !� 194_ BY _ '_y.✓V • 44050 Saint Paul Legal Ledger CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK 'OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER,.--_—. ROLL CALL BARFUSS CLAIMS February 15 PA�O - IN FAVOR AUDITED 18A PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D/lRW bj T ITY TREASURY A ROSEN AGAINST _ Cil TO THE AGGREGATE A Q,UrI F S COVERING -,Z4V.Ax MR. PRES. MODONOUdH CHECKS NUMBERED ly(� TO INCLUSIVE, AS C S'LCD:(!CR L118Y �,y ¢/ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE P THE CITY 00M� OLLER. O ADOPTED BYFOIAN.CII.t �Q 44055 j�J � cOm PiROILER APPROVED 1.4_ / ' �1!'-U- — N. W. Bell Tel. Company R _� TOTAL DATE ✓ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS Voo. School Petty Cash Fund BROUGHT FORWARD • 44050 Saint Paul Legal Ledger 1464 90 So 00 44051 George J. Andert 44052 John Hiber 7o 40 0053 Mise Mabel Kittleson 46 00 4 Clarence A. Wagner 96 00 44055 0. J. Hagerty 40 44056 N. W. Bell Tel. Company 236 82 24 44057 N.N. Bell Tel. Company 282 4 7 44058 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 197 20 44o59 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 74 61 44060 44061 �lra. Ella Woodward John Fitzgerald, Abstract Cleirk '.� 37 10 35 44062 Edwin F. Jones 178 84 44063 Hies Perris Jones, Librarian 31 09 44064 Commissioner of Taxation 1 695 76 44065 Commissioner of Taxation j6 00 44066 Thomas P. Maloney 48 00 44067 George J. %rutins 1 1 077 00 44068 9t.Faul High School Athletic committee 499 89 44069 American Linen 9ui)ply Company! 138 22 44070 American Linen Supply Company 159 10 44071 Armour and Company 424 90 44072 Bosshardt-Nelson Agency 137 70 44073 Brings and Company !1 526 25 44074 Commonwealth Electric Company'� 174 53 44075 Electric Blue Print Company J 137 55 44076 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company j 54 84 44077 Joyce Insurance Company, Inc. 337 12 44078 N.W. Bell Tel. Company j 117 32 44079 N.ro. Refining Company 600 07 44080 lillis_Moore Insurance 302 47 44081 Trump Transfer Company 15 00 44082 Mr 9. Maisel Murphy N 49 56 44083 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance '117 805 37 44084 44085 John S. Findlan, C. of Financi S. Findlan, Finance 247 99 John C. of ,112 582 80 44086 ' John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 291 07 44087 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 9 5l44088 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance50 44089 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4139 4 31 44090 Goodyear Service Stores, Inc.' 54 37 • 44091 Joyce Insurance Company, Inc. l 34 66 44092 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company 187 50 44093 M.J. Michaud 44094 Northern States Power Company !4 556 05 44095 Otis )Elevator Company 654 50 44096 17m. A. Ritt Agency 15 45 44097 Stickler Diet. Company 80 00 44098 Thoele Printing Company 65 55 44099 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 2 20 44100 Victory Printing Company 5 44101 The laterous Company 18 00 44102 44103 17.11. Aelch Mfg. Company Westinghouse Electric Supply 00. 44 21 77 44104 Whistle Bottling Company 113 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 7 522 5011449 960 71 • CJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS r �y ' COUNCIL =Wwo FILE NUM AUDITED CLAIMS L PETER NTO IN FAVOR February 1 6 1.4 PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS COBE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREA?URY AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING Mr. "��' PRFF�S.•MIDGe�ya Y {/�/�1//���{. CHECKS NUMBERED— TO LUSIVE• AS i2C E -IM T2S "tllf rll9%) ��� �JX"�! PER CHECKS ON FIL I�J ICE F ROLLER. ADOPTED BY TM UN CIL APPROVE , T 1Bq nu e /. �,�7 / CO NPiRO LLER �t//j MBER— TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BV BANK NUMBER CHECKSHCKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 rz79 C^LcCiE4f% T, 44105 ! f 77 00 I-' John 9, Findlan, 0. of Finance I 531 16 44107 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance • CJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS r �y ' COUNCIL =Wwo FILE NUM AUDITED CLAIMS L PETER NTO IN FAVOR February 1 6 1.4 PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS COBE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREA?URY AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING Mr. "��' PRFF�S.•MIDGe�ya Y {/�/�1//���{. CHECKS NUMBERED— TO LUSIVE• AS i2C E -IM T2S "tllf rll9%) ��� �JX"�! PER CHECKS ON FIL I�J ICE F ROLLER. ADOPTED BY TM UN CIL APPROVE , T 1Bq nu e /. �,�7 / CO NPiRO LLER �t//j MBER— TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BV BANK NUMBER CHECKSHCKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 rz79 C^LcCiE4f% T, 44105 George S. Carlson 77 00 44106 John 9, Findlan, 0. of Finance I 531 16 44107 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 2 966 Ol 44108 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 6 252 17 44109 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanoe 5 011 19 44110 Ray L. Anderson ! 10 00 44111 George Sadek 10 60 44112 Minnesota Envelope Company 86 22 44113 Northern Staten Eavelope Comp"y j 54 00 44114 N.W. Bell Tel. Company 89 44 44115 1t.Paul Hotel 11 25 44116 Thompson0s Restaurant 67 50 44117 Sta-vie oil Company4 6 51 44118 Stegmeir Tire Company 421 72 44119 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Corp. j 51 07 44120 Air Reduction Sales Company 16 02 44121 44122 American Academy of Pol. & S.P. American Assn. State Highw Official9 I 15 00 2 00 44123 of y American LaFranee & Foamite Oprp. 8 45 44124 44125 Apothecary Shop Blomberg's Grocery 1 21 12 9 75 44126 Alan Boxell and Company 45 65 44127 S. Brand Coal & 011 Company I 183 39 44128 L. Brotsky & Company 18 88 44129 Brown and Bigelow Candy Counter 36 00 44130 Bureau of Pub. 280 44131 Capitol Laundry 14 34 44132 Central Soap Company 152 52 44133 Chemical Sales & Safety Co. 2 50 44134 Dun's Fairway Market 44 80 44135 L. Eisenmenger and Company 40 10 44136 F.ik Laundry Company I 8 00 44137 Empire National Bank & Trust Company 2 40 44138Film Daily 3 50 44149 Frejlach Grocery 2 62 441 0 Fuller Brush Company 6 20 44141 The Gamewell Company 367 550 44142 M.A. Gedney Company 16 45 44143 44144 general Electric Supply Corp. j 28 37 Griggs, Cooper and Company 218 14 4434 4414T3 Haider's Cash Grocery Theo. 5 58 Hamm Brewing Company 1 123 20 44147 William J. Henneman 7 50 44148 Hatfield -Parry, Inc. 30 31 44149 Hilliard Chemical Company 39 00 44150 Hotel Lowry 10 50 44151 N,oward Chemical & Mfg. Co. Inc. 4 80 44152 George N. Hyatt 10 00 44153 Industrial Supply Company 12 67 44154 western Section 4 On 44155 44156 :International Harvester Company 110 99 44157 lent & Carroll Grocery Risoh's Food 8 90 44%58 Market 20 13 d(losterman and Son 24 45 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD / 7 522 50 1468 360 I 1{ 77 F � i i I AI I� � a} 1't it t —tom. •. � "r. �.- - CITY WT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THEE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL x.35541 FILE NUMBER..___._. ROL L CALL T SARFUSS\ FebruRry 18 FtRDLA>P PARRANTO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D Fj N (; fj. E TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGnl'!� �J tf•bNG TRUAXMR. PRES. MCDONOUGH CHECKS NUIASpe�PER CHECKSHECITY CM OLLER. ADOPTED BY T OUNCIL lil111am-COMPTROLLER APPROVED 154- ffER iii 4:'11n_I NCtS -�--- -- TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER 1, DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 5.22 50 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 68 360 78 11 60 00 75 00 20 00 1 354 75 34 118 71 32 14532 36 5 465 83 i! 150 00 II 4o 6o 46 74 1 892 70 1 1 294 29 96 13 I' 5300 1 95 10 8o 22 09 3 45 i 12 57 7 50 46 oo 22 75 1 2 00 I 10 00 10 00 543 10 22 92 1 153 26 162 00 36 oo 210 00 �I 44 16 ' 18 00 1 00 5 96 22 5o 1 54 If' 60 33 27 84 3 75 12 97 1 8154 77 317 93 I 44159 Henry G. Rueth Anderson & Leah L-A. 44160 Salby L. 44161 Eben 0. Pollock 44162 John S. Findlan, C. of Finange 44163 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 44104 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 44165 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 44166 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 44167 Bruce J. Broady 44168 City of St.Paul 14 977 69! 44169 4ome Linen Company 44170 Capitol Supply Company 44171 Cutler, Magner Company 44172 General Chemical Company 44173 Graybar Electric Company. Inc. 44174 Hersey Mfg. Company 44175 Hoeft T:Ileotrio Company 44176 Leo tasinak 44177 Lampland Lumber Company 44178 Larry�s Radio Service 44179 Carl L. Larsen Company 44180 The Lawyers Coop. Pub. Company 44181 The Abraham Lincoln Association 44182 Linde Air Products Company 4418] Martens Market 44184 Michaud -Friedmann 44185 Milk Plant Monthly 44186 Miniature PrBnt Society 44187 Mple.-Honeywell Regulator Co. 44188 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Marje Ry.Co. 44189 Minnesota Chemical Company 44190 Minnesota News Company 44191 Minnesota Salt Company 44192 E.A. Moeller Company 44193 Moody'a Investor Service 44194 National Cylinder Gas Corporation 44195 National Expert window Cleaning Company 44196 National Parent Teacher 44197 M.E. Nelson, 285 44198 N.+P. Sanitary Company 44199 Otis elevator Company 44200 Polanie • 44201 Prentice -Hall, Inc. 44202 Psychological Corporation 44203 D.J. Riley Company 44204 Royal Typewriter Company 44205 Russian American Book Agency 44206 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 44207 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 68 360 78 11 60 00 75 00 20 00 1 354 75 34 118 71 32 14532 36 5 465 83 i! 150 00 II 4o 6o 46 74 1 892 70 1 1 294 29 96 13 I' 5300 1 95 10 8o 22 09 3 45 i 12 57 7 50 46 oo 22 75 1 2 00 I 10 00 10 00 543 10 22 92 1 153 26 162 00 36 oo 210 00 �I 44 16 ' 18 00 1 00 5 96 22 5o 1 54 If' 60 33 27 84 3 75 12 97 1 8154 77 317 93 I 135542 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_condemningand taking an _easement in_the land nece-sar--£or-slopes,-_ -------------- cuts and fills in the grading and paving of the east and west alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Rosedale Park and Auditor's Subdivision No. 68 from the north and south alley to Finn Street, y 134563 --------------, approved-_ October 18,_1945 - --------_- under Preliminary Order_________ PP 134853 November 28, 1945 Intermediary Order----------------------------� approved------------------------------------> 135044 December 26, 1945 FinalOrder-----------------------------------� approved ------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. }�ye�;ai�aeshg�xi��tlaa�Isytx�BE�ttf#tB'l���e iia i®ud+c�aaosai#k;�x Adopted by the Council FEB- V 1924n ------------ 19,---- . ------- 1!--Cit---y- -Clerk-. . Approved ------------------------,19---- -------- ---------------------- File 9838 ,,.e ---- �C$irt9 Mayor. aww-- --. Councilmany' a CouncilmanWo oa Councilman o' !li .. �.etereon Councilman Councilman Councilman Sudhvime Mayor - Mt Vicc 1 nt (Truax) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ARSEISSMENT OF BFNFFTTf; In the matter of__condemning_and takine an easement in--the-land- necessary --for- slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of the east and west alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Rosedale Park and Auditor's Subdivision No. 68 from the north and south alley to Finn Street, under Preliminary Order_-_ 134563- . approved__-_ October 18, 1945 ----------------------------- intermediary Order -------- 13 5-3- - approved____ November -282-1945 -------------------------------- 135044 December 26, 1945 Final Order ------------------------- approved---------------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------ _ Commissioner of Finance. A 135543 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__9onrlemnipgand taking an easement in _the_land necesser� for_sloQesL_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 78, St. Anthony ?ark, from Cromrell Avenue to Eustis Street, under Preliminary Order ---- 134805-------------- approved__-_ -________-____, Intermediary Order ---------134738-------------, approved____ November --14,--1945 ............. FinalOrder ----------------------- 134949 -_.-_-_-----_- approved____ December 11, 1945 --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards ofdamages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �a�dtx�kkeucm�iF��said;rassassnseulx�rxE7adxitx#gri�1�7��tbxlSis3�'aiil� �x� *xa �co�lxc°k3�ea�bads�� Adopted by the Council FFB_2Q 4W ------------------, FEB 2 -----------.---------- City Clerk. Approved--------------�----- -- 19 ---- File 9829_ ilC.mng- Mayor. Councilman`"''` Councilman at} ZQ Councilman Df "—'= h ecereon Councilman - 11#own Councilman er 1* -- Councilman u ermer Mayor. v°°ea Mr. ' i c ' --- ..�:a ;Truax) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A.NJx ,� ,,,NE:gl'i,)I ;NT OF 131sNFFITF, In the matter of__ condemning and -taking- - - an easement in the land necessary -for ------------------------------------------------------ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 78, St. Anthony Park, from Cromwell Avenue to Eustis Street, under Preliminary Order_ 134605 -------- approved___ October 25, 1945 ------------------------------ Intermediary Order ______134736 -------- approved--_ N9gember_14�_1945 _______________________ Final Order ------------- 134949 -------- approved___ December 11,_1945 ________________-__--__ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 0 V=44 Council File No ................................... By........................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. li Contract 46-M-3, 1945 Assesse.bles F.O. 133252 Western Ave., both sides, from Carroll Ave. to Rondo F.O. 153471 E. Indiana Ave., southerly side, from a point 26 ft. went of Eva St. thence went 64 feet F.O. 133246 West California Ave., north side, from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap Street P.O. 13$261 Simpson Street, east side, from Englewood Ave. to Hubbard Av@4 F.O. 133250 Simpson Street, both sides, from Blair Ave. to Van Buren Ave. F.0133394 Pelham Boulevard, eastsides fppm Beverly R0 ad.tp Do"s Ave. Non-Assegsables F.O. 133252 Western Ave., both sides, from Carroll Ave. to Rondo Ave. j3 'yeo that Q ka erqby jr of P.4b,lic W r be and he 0 h Rqso I t authorised and directed to oauie the necseeary sidewalk extensions and alley oroasinge to' botoonstrueted attho;4o*a:tfaif* listid'*btl6sht Intersection N.W. comer Dale.St. and puller Ave. Alley crossing on -the south -gide of Sidney St. between Gorman Avenue k.Q. 13$2 8 ,1F,: CalSfgrnla Ave.... north ,sit � .;from Irxtn;�kaVa : lcway %;Aala re P Street F.0 13$261 Simpson 4treet, 'east side, from Englewood Ave. to Hubbaro Ave F.O. 133394 Pelham Boulevard, east side, from Beverly Road to Doane Ave. - ---------------- Adopted by the Council ------ - --- - - --- - - - _ - ------ FEB 2) ...... City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------- 19 F- B. B. 18 ......... 1WIR Mayor. -------------- &.. r f c,cul ! S fcc; c 7 u. A0 L All f c 7 .,tceo<lou e k FPd Icr L. -r. ur ff f. i,•a,f 1.` ,jt 'I a Tc,.. e:.o r}Clio ;C Pe c°L ! ue aecoEBSLT r.}co-.c 1: ` r E of an;}roLT">aq eu4 flTLacPs9 G°oue>.p LPImTIc ,'ax,fE Pk: vli,; i ° 73 542 bseoTao4 FPvf ;}o GO LUT021OUS �IMLoTT VAG' to rou ;o VA" Go p,'0' 122S25 stv tlne•' F PI Von-Vv,c.ov*I-PTOFo;qs ;+ao• on sautq'.ode� Tqa' Clow 9anezT9.,goeq ;o i. Tsvbeov 2FLEs;' Po&N <^Tgoe' LLOw TL tas• ;° iov `inL�v l; nE• bs7Naw D T * eoel Btgo' t'ODY runt q F ° n uLq \A';• stroo a3 F rI Pr' 2 •r rti �� L-0- T22S80 becLJ 2Ftss; as lot;N lqs ILo x7n ;c31 bra r T3^SQT , e r,•!: 7^',Sd@ �._oE; ,y3jRoioT 8 ,, w, yr .,,.,, a"- •-'G.='.3t.i.des - -_.. . r. �... .f.nm�: ,. .. ..:.��au •,_-......., e .a.�G3�.rt.t3�'9" �'"� �JYR7fx�aa�a++qua!-^+"a0��cuy`"`RCIOOY7CRJGXX]C7GJCXXX70�JAib0:7.x--------- _.._......- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable im..................... --.:--equal installments. Adopted by the Council-_C.LB..` 0--I Ply...... -_..__--._.....................--19....----• FEB 2:.1 iwe Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 Form B. B. 18 O �. ...... City Clerk. "F -••••• - - &.: -� ......... Cf%III Mayor. Y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO,AJMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 4puary.-22-----_.- 19.-46. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Shac constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contract 45-M-3, 1945 Assessable: F.C. 133252 Western Ave., both sides, from Carroll Ave, to Rondo F.O. 133471 E. Indiana Ave., southerly side, from a point 26 ft. west of Eva St. thence west 54 feet F.O. 133246 West California Ave., north side, from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap Street F.O. 133251 Simpson Street, east side, from Englewood Ave. to Hubbard Ave. F.Oc 133250 <Simpson Street, both sides, from Blair Ave. to Van Buren Ave. F.O. 133394 Pelham Boulevard, east side, from Beverly Road to Doane Ave. Non -Assessable: F.O. 133252 Western Ave., both sides, from Carroll Ave. to Rondo Ave. CbF. ,133256 Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions and alley crossings to be constructed at the locations listed below: Intersection N.W. corner Dale St. and Fuller Ave. Alley crossing on the south side of Sidney St. between Gorman Avenue and -Humboldt Ave. F.O. 133246 W. California Ave., north side, from Lexington Parkway to Dunlap Street F.O. 133251 Simpson Street, east side, from Englewood Ave. to Hubbard Ave. F.O. 133250 Simpson Street, both sides, from Blair Ave. to Van Buren Ave. F.O. 133394 Pelham Boulevard, east side, from Beverly Road to Doane Ave. - - - rnspecuon rets X96 . . . ., W--7 ---................. Amount of court costs for confirmation 6.45 .......... Assessable . . G�3 Non -Assessable . . 302.82 Total expenditures - +mss �-•-------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ................ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the.Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .icy -o F^ 13 a 17 % Commissioner of Finance. Y .. .�.. Tn�$2� 27LL Cil �+L ... i•.5.,• C' I<?S27 2I1e`=Pon gPLssP' s 7rl,OLuTO' VAs VTJG3 CLO? , -,*LT 01.E F. .. .... !)of,Z r• 1� r: � r NLg £r I1 Ei, GLOC211;E2 rc0 P6 J J'L,'1C�6C NP {JE LGQ 0-,7 CjLGGPGS ,C, 3Geo AGg n6C022FL t'E 07 LJ7i:',7??S2S A.62�GLu Vn Porl 2jgG'2' LLo.:: CeL,,JT VAG +n _,unQ rAG• -YR 2622HJ., 78 . i.• '2," Et ?,O If-b'U j0,}76 d6 Lq' G ff V 2:CP I ',L` -LF -r, ::6 Le i. I{OPy {:C IiONCG y1. C; •201. 7?S20 ?jIll `i'L6sF' Lc:a . TNJL %'AG tG u 0uAG• .c' , '?1,L'11' Il, n, -TGuooq nn6• V c,•i I^?S4f? h462F rajj:oL;J ;AC nPP9Lq VAG• UOL 7.. f•' L j'•6XJUC 011 'yAG- LG6} PP LOm { fonu7N ?{Lse j. 76i1GS A6 207 PSL 7�, I2jg6:J T -• 133 v �. . `•.0 . ..,6..' -O`FALL. - - 9AC } „UL cjG uYlllmxpxwiuEi a)EXOX&D XXX=XEXXXXZXXSXXXXXIC mx........................................................ Amirlemckmsxx= xXx:xxxaxXxXXXXXxXappEW¢ydX.XxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXxx.x=xxxxxxaxX ilxxx To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction (1ahor and Materials)- Cost of publishing notice . $............ Cost of postal cards $------------ 1.29-.......... Inspection fees and Engineering , . $------ 130.47 Amount of court costs for confirmation 6.45 __ _____ Assessable . . . . . . . . . . `z, `''q Non—Assessable . . '302.82 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . (.3.7h= --------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the dotal amount as above ascertained, > to -wit: the sum of $ 3� 056.91 . -. -.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F- B. B. nCommis .of .Ftnsnce. s Ori¢iaal to City Clark �tA: //� /CITY O ST. PAUL COENciL NO. JV�J�V J ll OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Peterson. Election Committee X.D Wm. A.- Parranto, Fred M. Truax and Robert F. COMMISSIONER � DATE February 90- 1946 Whereas. The City Clerk has duly certified to the City Council as required by the.City Cbarter, a true and correct list of all persons who have filed an •Affidavit of Candidacy for City Cffice• in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, for nomination for office at the City Primary Election to be held Tuesday, March 12, 1946, now therefore, be.it Resolved. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause said certified list of candidates for Domination and the offices to be filled to be published twice in the official paper of said City, together with a Proolamation calling the City Primary Election for the nomination of ouch officers to be held Tuesday, March 12, 1846. COUNCILMEN Yea:,,,,_--"' Nays arfuea Z711.1.1: J iPete�non In Favor �rnax– Against am s-Wr, 8Pr. idm1E ruaxr A. Parrantc- F. Peterson, an Of - the day, .March 12, 1946. now therefore. `be it Resolved, That the City Clerk be iand he is hereby ordered and directed to -'cause - said' certified- list SoS` candt= dates for nominationand the ofticm to be fined to be .published twice in the offlctel paper of said City. together with a 'Proclamation calling the City Primary FlecD tion for th nomination of March 1 icef asto be. aid Tueadey. 46. Adopted by ,the Council Feb. 20, 1946. Approved Feb: 20, 1946. (February 23, 1940:) FEB 20 1946 Adopted by the Council 191_ TEB 20 $ Approved %194— Acting Mayor %A ' PROCIAMATION jrA CAILIM PRIMARY ELECTION FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1946. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the City Charter, that on Tuesday, March 12, 1946, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, a City Primary Election for the nomination of candidates for the offices to be voted for and elected at the General City Eleotion, to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 1946, will be held in the manner provided by law. At such Primary Election, candidates will be nominated for the follow- ing offices, to -wits One Judge of the Municipal Court for the full term of four years. One Conciliation Judge for the Municipal Court for the -full term of four years. One Mayor for the full term of two years. one City Comptroller for the full term of two years. Six Councilmen, each for the full term of two years. Two Justices of the Peace at Larges each for the full term of two years. Two Constables at Large, each for the full term of two years. One Justice of the Peace of the Sixth Ward, to be nominated by the Electors of the Sixth Ward, only, for the full term of two years. One Constable of the Sixth Ward, to be nominated by the Electors of the Sixth Ward, only, for the full term of two years. One Justice of the Peace for the Tenth and Eleventh Wards, to be nominated by the Electors of the Tenth and Eleventh Wards, only, for the full term of two years. The number of candidates to be nominated at such Primary Election for each of said officea, respectively, will be as follows] Two for Judge of the Municipal Court. Two for Conciliation Judge for the Municipal Court. Two for Mayor. Two for City Comptroller. Twelve for Councilmen♦ Four for Justice of the Peace at Large. Four for Constable at Large. Two for Justice of the Peace for the Sixth Ward, only. Two for Constable for the Sixth Ward, only. Two for Justice of the Peace for the Tenth and Eleventh Wards, only. The polls of said City Primary Election will remain open from 7:00 A. H. to 8:00 P. M. r J=ICE OF THE PEACE AT LARGE (No contest, name will not be on primary ballot.) W. 16 Barnacle R. F. Ferguaom Waiter Mallory John S. McGrath CON9PABLE AT LARGE (No contest, name will not be on primary ballot.) Benedict G. Fischer E. W. Henft. Emet I. Keefe IOSPICE OF no PEACE, 6th WARD (No contest, name will not be on primary ballot.) Wm. To. BoIlAn Frederick M. Raasch, Ira GONSTAm, 6th WARD "(no contest, name will not be on primary ballot.) Harry Croaky. R. I. George 7DSPICE OF THE PWEr 10th AND 11th WARDS (No contest, name will not be ow primary ballot*) Thomas I. Nash Z Harry T. O'Connell' City Clerk Dated at St..paul. Minnesota, February 20. 1946. The following is the list of Candidates who have filed in the offi e1of the City Clerk their OAffidavits of Candidacy for City Office* in accordsas with Sections 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the City Charter, as certified to that" Council by the City Clark for the respective offices for which nominations are to be made at such Primary Election: I -t Q4�10ItSil1'td1t J IBJ O 7 i302$IL•0�'•' - a �fp��;itis IM�lii ��X ,�aoi � aat"p�iserf.b�i%�:? s' ti t rh � T t S 7 S '� 431 �lip, Je jo, 131 i - itTie - � x J t Y'iYWAE: 1 I , 1 S 4'k .s x.sz 1 AMOWAM y t Y s - 3 iL e°o Ais, naeaeDd oil p;im}'rl�aitatl.� s„ xd a _., .. - . Wk y a F CEaTIFIED DIST CERTIFIED LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION AT CITY PRjaRY ELECTION, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1946. To the Honorable Mayor and City Councils ., In accordance with Section 1.9 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, I here certify that the following is a true and correct list of the personrwho have filed in the office of the City Clerk an •Affidavit of% Candidacy for City Offices in accordance with Sections 12, 13. 14, and 15 of the City Charter, as candidates for nomination for the respective offices hereinafter indicated to be voted for at the City Primary.Election to be held Tuesday, March 12, 1946, and that such list comprises the names of all persona who have so filed their affidavit of candidacy for city office and paid the required fee. HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk (SEAL) City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Dated, St. Paul, Minnesota, February 209 1946. JUDO OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT (No contest, name will not be on primary ballot. John: W. Finehout CONCILIATION JUDGE FOR THE MUNICIPAL COURT (No contest, name will not be on primary ballot.) John L. Rounds MAYOR Edward K. Delaney Gerald Martin Fine Andrew A. Glenn Frank E. Haas Herman Be Heldt Carl F. Hirte John J. McDonough ylctor H. Roehrich Paul E. Villaume CITY COMPPROLLER Wolfram Hill Joe McIntyre Joseph J. (Joe) Mitchell COUNCILMAN Stanley R. Amidon Juts. J. Anderson G. H. (Gus) Barfusa Clarence (Cas) Gasper Joseph F. Driscoll Walter Sngren John S. Findlan Harvey E. Hamnergren Emil F. Jandrie 04 D• Johnston Joseph pe, Kennedy LIloyd M. Kepler RajRh R. Kolstad Malcolm E. Lein Martin Linfelser John H. Mauer Fred Be Meyer Severin A. Mortinson Mason Murch Jams& L. Nevin Robert Be (Bch') Nyberg, Timaie O'Cbnnor Wm. A.. Parranto Irving C. Pearce Robert F. (Bob) Peterson R. C. (Dick) RadmAn, Jr. Gordon A. Robertson Milton gosen Alfred J. Rubbelke Jobs P: Ryberg David (Wes) Searles: Fr4nc1A:M. Smith Walter J. Smith Walter A. Swanson Ian Thole Thomas. L. Tierney Fred. Mr Truax Frank Be Vansk Original to City Clerk- CITY OF ST. PAUL. COU sca_ -• FIS NO ---- ---------------.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLU�TIIO�N—rtGENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _-/✓"chi. /a..' DATE _ COMMISSIONER._.. RESOLVED, that the City enter into a lease with the St. Paul Veterans Housing Association for twenty-one Jamesway huts erected or to be erected upon the Belvidere Playgrounds, for the term of four years from March 1, 1946, at a monthly rental of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00), said premises to be sublet only to Veterans of World War II at rentals of not to.exceed $25.00 per month for larger units and $20.00 per month for smaller units; said base to be can- celable by either party upon 30 days written notice; said payments to be credited to Special Fund No. 1085, Emergency Rousing Project. I C.F. No. 135546—By Robert F. Peterson— d That the City enter into a COUNCILMEN YeasNays Barfuss an anton ;rs. Zn In Favor ............ Against 3M 9-islr..Jj*Jresidcnt (Truax Resolve lease with the St. Paul Veterans' Hous - way Ahuts�terected to ion for tr ey be erected upon the Belvidere Playgrounds, Eor the term of four years from March 1, 1946, at a monthly rental of Four Hun- dred Dollars ($400.00). said premises to� be sublet only to Veterans of World i War 1I at rentals of not to exceed , $25.00 per month for merger until ., and tt $20.00 per month for s eller untts; s 1d 7 lease to be cancelable by either party`; upon 30 days written notice s id:.0 ytl men to be credited to Special No. lOB5, Emergency oust Project. Ad pted by the Council Feb. 20. 1990. j Approved Feb. 20. 1946. 1 (February 23, 1946.) i FEB 20 1N Adopted by the Council..................................194...... FEB 20 190 Approved .......... . ............•. 194 t>� Ae� ij�g Mayor Original to cety © WUNCIL13554'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl- NO--------------------_--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B DATE $Ahruerr-2O�_19h6_._.__ COMMISSIONER WEEM--St Lester E. Green desires to withdraw Agplicaiion A37294 for Off Sale Malt Beverage License at 1437 North Cleveland Avenue, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVEDtthat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Lester E. Green the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said application. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -Piadlan Parranto Peterson Rosen T.,eMM . reaicjcncCl rua-1 rua� 3M 9-W, (� --.-......-..In Favor /........Against C.F. No. 135547-13Y Barfuss—Parrento— Whereas: Lester E. Green desires to withdraw Application A37294 for Off Sale Malt Beverage License at 1437 North Cleveland Avenue, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore. be it Resolved, That the ropebr citthoffic - tos refund are b�and toh Lester E.tere" the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said pplicatian. Adopted- by the Council Feb. 20, 194fi. Approved Feb. 20. 1996. (February 2a. 1946.) FEB. 20 i94B 194... Adopted by the CounelL............... FEB 20 1,.j4F Approved------ ----------------------------------- 194 ----------- /C DL yin,. -A Ring Actrng b4ayor petition i JUW8 6-355 Council File No.. i ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Grade Prior Avenue from Eleanor Avenue to Bayard Avenue ........................................................................................................................ .r.� ............................................................................................................... .1,....... ................................... / ...................... Dated this...............day of .............. February .....................4 ............. ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the freaking of the following improvement, viz: Grade Prior Avenue from, Eleanor Avenue to Be`yard Avemie... ...•.....•..•...•......•....•..•..••.•..•.•.,.. ....I C.F. ere 13A writ Milton oral fo I Whereas, t written proposal for the .................................. making of the following improvement, v" Grade Prior Avenue from Elean- ....................................................................................... or Avenue to Bayard Avenue having been presentetlto the Council _ .•... .• ...•.`• .............Y ....,..,,.................. of the City of Saint Paul, therefore, b i Resolved, That the Commissioner o1 Public Works be and is hereby ordered havingbeen presented to the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul............ area directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, m desirability of, the making of said im- therefore, be it p[vement. 2 Ts inved cos the nature, prove. id int RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby m ret estimatthe ed totai eostof �thereof.rove• 3. To furnish a plan. profile orsketcl 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of sa� of ata improvement. 4. To tate whether or not said ha 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improv pravera t a asked for on the petitioe of three or more owners. Sp 5. To report upon all of the torede 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. i g bitters to he Commissioner of i 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe nApp° vedted bFeb.eCouncil946Feb. 28, 194fi I (February 23, 1948.) 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner tlr ---Jeb 20 1946 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS FEB 20 19 CouncilmanBA l5 -S ( } Approved ................................................... FINDLA PARRANTO J / PETERSONROSEN / Actrilg Mayor. Mr. Mr. Vice President (Tru") pUBL1SILL ll J IM 7AI ��5549. Coun,i File t ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes,the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Condemning and ......... taking sa easement, in the,,1,at}d,�QoQB�q.�OT..alo�a9...onte eRd.Rl §.�A.tbe .gredlug.o�.Prior.Avenue..from. Eleanor -Avenue•'to 'Bayard•fLTenue•: .................................................................................................... . ...................... Feb ...... Dated this..19.'....... day of ..................... ....?uai9.......... , 1944.....E ................ .......... ................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: Cond—ing and taking an•eassmeat„in,the.�etA4..mQG�Q6.9TX.�Or.ainges.,-Outs .......... and fills in_the•grading,of„off, Av�µ�•x�p1p.87ewnor.Avanne..tn.B�ard• ��ue.• ................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upai4 all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. gAdopted by the Council .................. F�.......20 ..194.....6 ............. YEAS NAYS FEB 20 15 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FIFIDLA PARRANTO PETERSON — Aoting'' rrMayor. INSM:z ui 7,41 Mr. Vice President'�� (Truax) f"LySIO-D 14 135550 R19SOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ®®llB {IfMON AND FIXING TIME Oi HPARING ON THE AWARD OF DAI M' i In the matter of condemnir),_and_takinp an_easement_in_the land_necesssrp_for_slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Montana Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Park- way, also in the grading of Mary Lane from Montana Avenue to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order -___134740 --_----___-_ approved--_ November 14z_1945 ______________ Intermediary Order --------- 135047 -____---___ approved ---- December -28,_ 1945 -------------- I Final Order ---------------- ------ 135295 ------- _---_-, approved____ January 22,- 1946 --------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---------- day he-______----_--day of ------ March----------------, 19 46_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council-- FFR ------�0-194 ------------------ 19__ -- FEB21n " ^.' k ------ ---------it-y--Cle---rk.---- C Approved---------------------------- 19---- File 9852 -------------------�--- `-- at ------. Berfoss bCl'1 Mayor. Councilman -V{TCrg—m Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman l Councilman IIBAO(F^� Ho's8 Councilmanr Mayor _ .nom' F V i.:e :'resident (Truax) COUNCIL FILE NO..----------- --------------------- _.. By 135551 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 5, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from Cretin Ave. to Finn St.; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 202 feet west of Finn St. to the center line of Finn St., thence in Finn St. from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in Eleanor Ave., under Preliminary Order...............122422........................ Intermediary Order_ ....-122834............. -.-.--------_- Final Order ......123164................................... approved ................ ......---.......................... The assessment of ................. expenses..... _................ -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public bearing be had on said assessment on the..........?Oth_............ day of ._. ................ 19-Aq., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 20 Adoptedby the Council ---- ..........................--.................................-------- -, 19......-. FEB��pp��nn' 2.;ft �P�r....... City Clerk. Approved....... --- .......................------..19......... 9283 `.. File �(� Mayor. Couneilma 13- rfrao CouncilmanNFVFM&if1 7 n I o l Councilman iW"k— T Councilman 1 �� Councilman ,Wetemltz _ Councilmani" �2s'°'3 fr. Vice President (Truax) Fo+m B. H. 17 A 135552 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _................................ _.. By.._._ .... _.......................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradin o and surfacing the alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, 123327 124381 under Preliminary Order.......... .......... ................................. Intermediary Order ...................................... ..... ------ Final Order ................... 124573.. .............. approved-------•-•--...........November...��r..................... ---•-------- - __ The assessment of benefits, costs and expn eses .................................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....-...20th.............. day of N.arch ________________ I 19_.46 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 20 196 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------- FEB `? ? } Approved. .. ...........................................19 File 9370 Councilman Councilman son Councilman AWR@i'f' Councilman P•tr, . r. _.. Ruhr❑ Councilman SMOkeY- Councilman Mayor H F.— B. B. 17 Mr. Vice President (Trusx) .............................. . 19........ .'- City Clerk. Abtw Mayor. 'L------...., COUNCIL FILE By..--- .... -......... CITY OF ST. PAUL LA Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 2, St. Catherine Park from Finn St. to Cretin Ave., 123501 .......................... Intermediary under .Preliminary Order....-......-------.----- � y Order-------• - .4. - •--------------------------------, Final Order ...--1.2 237.----- .........----........ approved ........... 5ebruary--3----------------------------------------- 199 The assessment of..-...benefitat costs --and ................................... for and in connection with the above improvement, having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.... 20th..............day of Y.arch 1946 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. F F.. 2 0 Adopted by the Council........ ....................... f?'t1 Approved ------------ ------------------------.....--19 File 9406 Councilman Mf'"-' Rnrfl+aa Councilman' -t' -MUM C itman iohAWl = P: rranto ........................ 19. ,-------------I City Clerk. h t r10Elng ... Mayor. ounc Councilman -M=.RuR--- " Petf,rson Councilman "eiigt'� I:osen CouncilmanMb�ieY`Y'� ' Mayor ddr Furor B. E. 17 ;lir. Vice ..:11` 1liUax� COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. ..-•- 3MM By...-------- ------------------------- -------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Chute Brothers' Division No. 1 from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, in 132263 Intermediar 132914 underPreliminary Order......................63.......- y Order ...... .......I...................... ------....------ Final Order ...73 .P.82...................................approved.- .....................Apta.l..10........................ 19..45-. The assessment of.....- benefits, costs and expenses...............for and in connection with ........................................----.................. ............ - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... Nth ..............day of .......................................19._46-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 20 Adopted by the Council..------------------------------------......-......--- ...----------....., 19.. City Clerk. Approved........... ..................................... 19 ...... %�/7 File 9720 ..•1,L ... ...... , """--� mayor. Councilma Barfase / Councilman 'rj Councilman = - I nto Idi Councilman�ffe-n-r'=`'" Councilman$hetmei'_ -- i:uaa Counetlman; 17 Mayor Ibdgsenz.-iflncevr Form B. B. 17 Mr. V z. Ortaia.l to Oitr Clek COUNCIL NOt35 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Peterson. Election Committee PRESENTED BY — r entme tired M- T"IklaZ. sHl DAT COMMISSIONE RgSCLVED. That the persons named on the list on file in the 'Members of the Election Board• binder in the office of the Commissioner of Regis- tration are Qualified voters in their respective precincts and they are hereby appointed Judges of Election in their precincts in compliance with Chapter 205.46 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota to t serve at.the City primary Election and the City Special Election to be held in the City of st. Paul- County of Ramsey. State of Minnesota. Tuesday. March 12. x946• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss en—dart Parranto Peterson Rosen -rFuax -Ikz.Pt dile h M gh ax aP�1r. .14W6'resident (TruaxI 555—BY p+, A. Parrant . ete on ruax—Robt. FPrson. t ile SO ns named at the per d ibb, Sr me theersfflcethe; f ;losner f Registration are theyinare a r res herebYeCtive 3Pr otnted Election in their precincts e With Chapter 205. 6 of c Laws of the State of serve t 9peciaal E1e Storborn I the City f St. Paul• 1n the City Ramsey. State of Mtnnesota, arch 12. 1946. 'y the Council Feb. 21, 1946. >>6. *eb. 21. 19x1946.) ' ary 23. FEB 21 190 Adopted by the Council -194— Approved 194— ZInavor tiding Mayor .12 Against origami to City Pork \ C U T I N AL, i PRESENTED BY •� �" ✓� .DIF '4C- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled GAn ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, .prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regalation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter created or.altered; and regulating and deter- idning the minimus also of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,77 approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publio psaoe, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July.7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park Addition, also des- cribed as 498 Harrison Avenue, in a Light Industry District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanow rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays s Findlaindlan Parranto Peterson Rosen aidt, augh) Mr. Vice i',c;ident (Truax) Attest: J� Cit Clerk 600 12-4q MAR 8 196 Passed by the Council -------------------------------------- --------. -------------- - - In Favor ------------ )•-------------Against Approvd:----------------^ --- -- - ----------------- -- //y- 2�- - - -PURL - D ------..... ----- -- -- - - a f Mayor � /� _ �� 2nd. 1st. Laid over to 3rd.and app. Adopted Nays Yeas Nays Yeas �Barluss Findlan Q �Filan Parranto o r n (i Peterson - t n(iRosen an Truax /uax Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough origami to City Pork \ C U T I N AL, i PRESENTED BY •� �" ✓� .DIF '4C- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled GAn ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, .prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regalation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter created or.altered; and regulating and deter- idning the minimus also of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,77 approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publio psaoe, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July.7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park Addition, also des- cribed as 498 Harrison Avenue, in a Light Industry District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanow rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays s Findlaindlan Parranto Peterson Rosen aidt, augh) Mr. Vice i',c;ident (Truax) Attest: J� Cit Clerk 600 12-4q MAR 8 196 Passed by the Council -------------------------------------- --------. -------------- - - In Favor ------------ )•-------------Against Approvd:----------------^ --- -- - ----------------- -- //y- 2�- - - -PURL - D ------..... ----- -- -- - - a f Mayor � /� _ �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1��6 BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 20, 1946. Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel city Hall Dear Birt The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance providing for the rezoning of Lot 41 Block 11, Terrace Park Addition, known as 495 Harrison Ave., from "B" Residence to Light Industry District. Very truly yours,�(%/� n'/,� City Clerk. 6Z The petitioner asks to change this 'B" Residence to Light*lndustry in order to make use of the building for a sausage factory. All loading and unloading will be done inside of the building. The applicant states that he will spend $5000.00 on remodelling. At the present time the windows are all broken and boarded up, and the place has been a neigbborhood nuisance for some time. While the Board of Zoning are averse to rezoning one lot in a residence district for industkial.purposes as this rezoning attaches to the lot forever, but as this petition is more than sufficient, it having been signed by the property owners on each side of the garage. -building and across the street, they recommend that the rezoning be approved. Yours very truly, T9 THE BOARD OF ZONING 4' Fk ry Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 13;„m� b SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE �h J� f EGIN E. WAHMAN Pv[sIo nc OFFICEN BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. METHVEN JOSEPH F. REIMBOLD February 18th, 1946• EPH A- TYLER CHARLES A. BASSFORD GEORGE H. HERROLD Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of rezoning Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park Addition, known as 495 Harrison Avenue, which is just four dooxefrm Western Ave. This is now 'B" Residence zoning. There is a garage building 60 ft. wide and something over 120 ft. in depth, 18 ft, high, on this lot. It was built in 1917. It backs up against Pleasant Avenue and the roof of the building is somewhat lower than Pleasant Avenue. The petitioner asks to change this 'B" Residence to Light*lndustry in order to make use of the building for a sausage factory. All loading and unloading will be done inside of the building. The applicant states that he will spend $5000.00 on remodelling. At the present time the windows are all broken and boarded up, and the place has been a neigbborhood nuisance for some time. While the Board of Zoning are averse to rezoning one lot in a residence district for industkial.purposes as this rezoning attaches to the lot forever, but as this petition is more than sufficient, it having been signed by the property owners on each side of the garage. -building and across the street, they recommend that the rezoning be approved. Yours very truly, GEORGE H: HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. {! n �h J� f JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier -060® February 4, 1946 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park Addition, at 495 Harrison Ave. from "B" Residence to Light Industry District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, / ✓i�'rC��/n-' ?j,ohn S. Findlan a®iseioner of Finance 1128 Portland Ave. St. Paul 5,i•; Z5"January,.19:46 N To the Honorable, The City Coounccil, St. Paul,Mirm Gentlemen: Terrace Park (495 Harri- The rezoning of Lot 4) Block 11, establish underiged my son Ave.) is requested in order ortsahat the usage plantsattnthatalocation' and operate a meat processing The building at 495 Harrison Ave - at the present time is being used as a garage and warehouse. It is generally run down and e in very poor repair• All the windows have been broken and are e boarded up -the exterior If the rezoning requested above is authorized, ut in good of the building at 495 Harrison Ave• will immediately be p brickedor new glass will remodeled, including repair. All the windows will either be will becompletely refrigerated coolers. be installed. The interior dressingcroomstean an office, sausage kitchen, plant will be installed• The building New plumbing and a new heating P 000.00 and will be heated with ant•onlrepairstandted additionsetween 5, $6,000.00 will be P The contemplated plant when completed will be �n taken to a modern up- at or exceed to -date establishment, with every precauticvis ons of the tSt- Paul requirements and ordinance P rendering or other all sanitary req conducted on the premises. The meat to be Health Department. There will be no slaugh er , disagreeable processing dressed. processed is purchased already Business will be conducted in such a way as to prevent any with the normal activities or present possibility Of its interfering loaded conditions of the neighborhood. Al 1 trucks will be parka , and unloaded inside the building• There will be no traffic congest on on the street. one hundred percent of the property owners within 100 feet Of Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park, with the exception a the State of Minnesota of the above which owns one lot and was not contacted, have signed the accompanying. Petition and have agreed to the rezoning mentioned property. I have had twelve years experience 1n the meat industry - s when I had worked for Arm1942&andCO- havesonlyabeanoreleasedsevenywithin thelpast entered the Army me month.. will notify I shall appreciate'it if the Board of Zoning so that I can as to the date of its meeting to consider this matter, be present and answer all questions in detail - be pec l C/ Morton S• Matz V�' 1128 Portland Ave. St. Paul 5, Minn. 25 January 1946 To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: The rezoning of Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace Park (495 Harri- son Ave.) is requested in order that the undersigned may establish and operate a meat processing or sausage plant at that location. The building at 495 Harrison Ave. at the present time is being used as a garage and warehouse. It is generally run down and is in very poor repair. All the windows have been broken and are boarded up. If the rezoning requested above is authorized, the exterior of the building at 495 Harrison Ave. will immediately be put in good repair. All the windows will either be bricked up or new glass will be installed. The interior will be completely remodeled, including an office, sausage kitchen, dressing rooms, and refrigerated coolers. New plumbing and a new heatingplant will be installed. The building will be heated with oil. It.is estimated that between $5,000.00 and $6,000.00 will be spent on repairs and additions. The contemplated plant when completed will be a modern up- to-date establishment, with every precaution taken to meet or exceed all sanitary requirements and ordinance provisions of the St. Paul Health Department. There will be no slaughtering, rendering or other disagreeable processing conducted on the premises. The meat to be processed is purchased already dressed. Business will be conducted in such a way as to prevent any possibility of its interfering with.the normal activities or present conditions of the neighborhood. All trucks will be parked, loaded and unloaded inside the building. There will be no traffic congestion on the street. One hundred percent of the property owners within 100 feet of Lot 4, Block 11, Terrace'Park, with the exception of the State of Minnesota which owns one lot and was not contacted, have signed the accompanying petition and have agreed to the rezoning of.the above mentioned property. I have had twelve years experience in the meat industry. I had worked for Armour & Co. in St. Paul for seven years when I cc, entered the Army in 1942 and have only been released within the past month. rr I shall appreciate it if the Board of Zoning will notify me as to the date of its meeting to consider this matter, so that I can be present and answer all questions in detail. kJV Respectfully, ^ ,dl �'— Hoxton S. Katz St. Paul, Minnesota F 18 January 1946 To the Honorable, The CityCouncil' St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen RE`UNIN--•G _ of the re^1 estate affected, have. we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several dehave ons po or more of the frontage to be re - of real estate Oftuated within 100 ft. e the following described acnuiesced herein, and wc, own, e Body to chang classified, petition your Lion°table property _ uar ddit on y District.. District to a i_ht tr��-- from a BB reitOrdinance No. 5840• This Petition is made Pursuant to See' 23> —Block Addition Lot _ V �rA Record gyp' L i) gtate o MinnesoEe S sand seys County f kamsey first duly sworn, depose. being ages, rculated the within Petition consisting °fes lace: s ectively of the lots P +.,hat he is the per on w orespective cd by anoh °f rain each n,jmt- that this petition wes sign' that the parties described above arc the owners r'' stares an o Sof ai immodiatelY following + ,jnd thet the sign e;•.ners in the presence of this afffan•, _ so descriLed. tele and correct si€ ,+.tures oi' each :nd all of the t'ubscribed ad Sworn t before mein / this day of IQ lic, am ey C m y, Miin- Notr ry Pu fres— y.y Commission exp• GEORGE SADEK, Notary Public, V- y Cowdy Inn. MY Commbrlon Eypkv Oct. 24Y_Q� 185557 CoUNCIL0...._.__.-------------- orlona to Cur ©erk ` `' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R�E�SO,LLUTIO(I—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y DATE _ COMMISSIONER A88pLV$D, that the tree uee of the Auditorium Arena be on gay 12th, 1946; the given for the "111181 Victory gueio !tally in the budget in coat of opening and operating to be not up Auditorium P'uucid 1021. IC.F. No. 135557-BLhe rtreeMuse ru FX the Resolved. Arena be given for• e puditorfum Music Raloly nd annual the the cost of in p the budget 12th, ting to be set up ine Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted by the Coung46Fob .. 21. 1946. ApprovedFebruery 23• 1946.) SEE 194 - Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfyss Approved---------------------------------- - 194 a Par ntoGFi %1/l �. r --- -------------- - - ........... In Favor -- AGL[13�. Mayor �on os� .. ..:.........Agamet },,4 gh art 9-ACr'Y&&rcsi ent (Truax) 00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 2o, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the free use of the Auditorium Arena on Ye4V 12th for the anneal Victory Music Bally, as recommended in the attached letter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 2 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX, --- CARL. E. SPIIAK S. 0— EDWARD A.FURNI. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Ya apq --IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT"Telephone eArAeld n6i 143 WEST FOURTH STREET * SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA • � par,yw �• ,.np�.aara The Convention Ensemble ARENA -47.000 k— Feet Seaane 16,000 Ice Rink 100.221 EBHIBVTION HALL 64,000 Be... Feet Every Berries AUDrrORNM THEATRE Seating 8.000 COMDIcte Stage AR New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stage Sesta 1.250 RAMSEY HALL Seat. 660 2 HALLS Seating 160 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAILABLE A -C Cprrent 110-220 Volta Single and 2 -Phone D -C Cartant 110-220 Volta Telephone-Telegrenh P. A. System Induced Draft Floe. for Combtation Maehinery $at and Cold Water DMIn Conn tions Oaa. Steam Comprea.ed Air February 16, 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: Per letter received from Mr. Marshall on the request of Misa Heck for the free use of the Auditorium Arena for the annual Victory Music Rally May 12th, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this free use. Thanking you, I.am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL MIDI _ RIUM EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager OrlgLn,l to City Clerk - W5�7)A( CITY OF ST. PAUL Foenc L n,0,-'-----"-- [[JJVIJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�OUNCI E$0 UTION—GENERAL FORM PREENTED ByCOMSM SSIIONER___ �'�f/ K:c--� DATE RESOLUD, that upon appeal of Qlaytoa Y. Gaussian and Judith B. Gaussian from the decision of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable reoon- meadation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5M, as amended, to remodel the duplex at 862 Simpson Street into a four -apartment building. C Resolved.35 That upon p n appeal P pealofe Clay- ton W. Gausman and Judith B. Gaus- man from the decision of the Com- Publfer 'of Par en Buildings. and recommendation ulponrothe sfavo r able recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant 10 Ordinance No. 5848, as ended, to remodel the duplex at 882 Simpson Street into a four -apartment bung. Adopted by the Counefl Feb. 21, 1948. Approved Feb. 21, 1848. I (February 23, 1848.) FEB V COUNCILMEN Yeae /194 Nays Adopted by the Council .................................. arfues , an APProved...---- - ----------- ---... ----194-- -- "Peterson /Rosen .._._In Favor - - 7'.'._'.'......_.. - ypf 4'� .:-, ,. .. , Mayor f `'r? �. o u g h 1.......Against 3nfN04s�i:&igidnnr (Truax) 00 CITY OF, SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK l�t8 BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 20, 1946. 0 Iir. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Clayton A. and Judith B. Gausman for permission to remodel a large duplex at 362 Simpson St. into a four -apartment building. Very truly yours , City Clark. n �'SY OF Fav° sq THE BOARD OF ZONING r2 Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 O.i iiiiiiiim� �e SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE N• EGIN E. WAHMAN February 18th, 1946• PRcslolNe OVFi[eR BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. METHVEN JOSEPH F. REIMBOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. EASSFORD TY AR—T— GEoRIGE H. HERR LD Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of Clayton A. Gausman for permission to remodel a duplex at 862 Simpson Street into a four -apartment. building. This shouse was built in 1881. It has a foundation area of 1284 sq.ft. The lot is 50 ft. x 150 ft. The zoning is "B" Residence. There are six rooms and bath on each floor. There are two triplexes in this block at the present time and the new Hemline Dormitory is to be built immediately opposite this location. This house stands on Lot 11, Block 9, College Place East Division, about the middle of the block between Hewitt and Taylor and was moved there last Fall from the adjoining block on Simpson between Englewood and Hewitt after Hamlin University purchased the ground and sold the house. The Board of Zoning recommend that the appeal be granted under the ememdmemt to the Zoning Ordinance dated April 1942 for remodeling the interior of a house. Yours very truly, GEORGE Z. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. • , � �Axs� �ilkrsxs#zin • - .ATTORNEY AT LAW 1014 PIONEER BUILDING • SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. February 4, 1946 City Council of the Cit; of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We hereby appeal under Section 20 of the Building Zoning Ordinance for permission to remodel a large duplex at 862 Simpson Street, St. Paul, into a four -apartment building. This building possesses a gross ground area in excess of 1,000 square feet and Was erected prior to 1922. The building is now unoccupied. Respectfully, Clayton W. Gausman and Judith R. GAusman FS:tp TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or ST. PAUL GENTLFME N: The undersigned property owners in the immediate vicinity of 862 Simpson Street do hereby petition and request the Council to permit Clayton W. Gausman and Judith B. Gausman to remodel the dunles at that address so that the same shall contain separate accomodations for not more than four families. it i, "a - t& -'rk �!I. o 135559 IQinal ty k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P SENTEO By pp-rp February 27,E t'�46._..._._ COMMISSIONER R.ESOI,VED: That license for Removal Sale, Application A395949 applied for by Edward and B Irving Disney, at 39 East 7th Street, be and the same is hereby granted. COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuss ar nto / on ..-J....._.In Favor -- __Against MINE rual6h 3M 945 -OWP® CF.ale'No. 135559 --By Barfuss—Parranto— Resoived: That If— for Removal for b Ed_rdpplication and Irvin HuA38594sn y. atd 39 East 7th Street,be and the same is hereby granted. Adopted by the Council Feb. 21, 1946. Approved Feb. 21, 1946. (February 23. 1946.) FEB 2a 10 Adopted by the Council..................................194...... Approved. ...... .. ------------------------------- 194 --- ... -------------- ------ 65' ' . Mayor 9ttabud to City Clerk 135560 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL PILE NO----------------------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COESENTED BY MM SSIIONER DATE FBbrna'ry --J9-46_—_.--__ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Walt S. Germain 2121 University Gas Sta 3—P App. 39435 New Old Loc. Frank P. Skipon & Edward Sypienwaki 514 Rice Restaurant " 39510 a a a n a a a Cigarette " 39511 Karl F. Kinderman 526 S. Smith Motor Veh Dr " . 39564 New Willard Vinitsky 25 E. 7th Pitchman Peddler " 39592 " Sam Romer 421 Wabasha Pitchman Peddler " 39593 a Willard Vinitslty 310 Kentucky Foot Peddler " 39594 " C Resolved, That B licenses ppIle& for by the person9 named on the list t- tached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City enses erk tuponst the a paymentinthe City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 21. 1946. Approved Februa y Feb. 21.23. 1646.) FEB 21 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL................................. 194-----. Yeas Nays Barfuss 1�I1C a / Approved ................................ -...--....194------ Parranto Peterson -..........In Favor ---------- .-- L------------------- Rosen y�C'Mayor ,Tse— ---- ..--Against def: ent-3 " M oilgh em ent r. Vide pr(Truax! aH 945M �C� Orlabtal to City Clerk C.F. No. 161—By Barf applied at Resolved, That ncensea applied for by the ppersona named on the Itst at. - 135561 - [ached to this Yeaolutlon be and the CIT' Fo�r.cll. NO Same are h;reby granted. and the City OFFICE I Clerk is instructed to Issue Such II - -----------------_--_-- nee, upon the payment into the City COUNCIL F2ES(Adopted the by Council Feb. 21, 1948. Approved Feb. 21, 1948. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER (February 23, 1948.) F8brMary 21 1 46 DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: W.J.Bergman 1064 Hudson Rd Barber App. 36781 Renewal Nick Rallis 952 Arcade Barber " 36797 " George Vander Wuker 954 Payne Barber " 36858 " H. F. Jew 1051 Hudson Rd Barber s 36949 " B. W. & Lowell Churchill 879 Payne Barber " 36963 s Arthur A. Horrisberger 790 Margaret Barber " 37064 n Louis Stone 1135 Payne Barber " 37262 " J. E. Bellaire 1083 Arcade Barber " 37264 " J. E. Darmody 683 E. 3rd Barber " 37281 It Fred %icherer 211 Bates Barber ■ 37292 " Thomas L. Moore 1715 E. 7th Barber " 37285 " C. L. Law & 0. N. Edhlund 1176 N. Dale Gas Sta 2–P It 38508 " Raymond Trossen 494 Virginia Motor Veh Dr It 38557 " Israel Carrier 768 Selby Motor Veh Dr a 39567 " David Vadnais 33 Douglas Motor Veh Dr " 38596 " Henry W. Lundt 292 W. University Motor Veh Dr " 39596 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194 -.---- Yeas Nays Barfuss i Fifid6 — / Approved.-------- -------------- --- ---------194.. Parranto Peterson ^.....In Favor .--...... ............- - - -.... .... Rosen /1 - Mayor --------------Against ��e��d�iti$;' Mc77otiaugh 3M s40r. eiresidrnt (Trunx) nrljlmt ro city a -k t�556� CITY OF ST. PAUL wuuca s FILE O• -'-"--'-'--'-'----'--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE ]1'ebruar721y 1946 PAGE M. 2 Cornelius Woulfe 75 Summit Motor Veh Dr App, 39597 Renewal Robert Godfrey 909 Goodrich Motor Veh Dr " 39601 " Leo R. Boutell 469 N. smelling Tavern n 36134 " Cigarette " 36135 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss (FtTtd3an Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen _....-..Against 3M s.� �t y 'resident (Truax, FEB 21 l Adopted by the Council.......... .............194...-.. Approved_... ------------------------.194 - ........... Mayor- ..-. Orlglaal to Ctty Clerk V• 135562 CITY OF ST. PAUL couaca. OFFICE OF THE CIF'is 'CLERK NO.--_.•.-_._--� COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE >• eb ,x r�r i i a RES(LVED That Motor Vehicle Driver Lioense #216, expiring February 1, 1947, issued to James F. Gould, be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Polioe beoause of his seoond arrest and oonviotion on charges of speeding within a 12 -month period. CF. No. 138892—Hy Baause—parranto- L1ccenseVeNo. T216, Motor a 'eel bru adv 1, 1647, iasued to James F. Gould, be and the same ie hereby revoked upon rec- mmendetlon "the Bureau oP ponce because of his second arrest and on- vlcuon on charges of speeding within a 32 -month period. Adopted by the Council Feb. 21, 1998. Approved Feb. 21, 1946. (February 23, 1946.) COUNCILMEN FEB 2z yeaB Adopted by the Council 194 In an arranto Approved. -.....194 etetyrson / In Favor cell -Q-....�c------�etin� g�-May or------ --✓ -.---Against S0° ''fir- W&-4rcsidcnt (Truax) No. 135583—sv Frea M. Truax -, Whereas, by Counc""""0133' l Flle No. _• t35 63 Original to City Clerk he uae of the tbeate" section of the; ll.. iffnrium was the r, n M i ril fa Feir . Em- Vea CITY OF .,. NO ------ --......:........ OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTIOP. - GENEr ''-i FORM PRESENTED BY V'/ A DATE_ COMMISSIONER.-_ WHEREAS, by Council File No. 135221, the use of the theater section of the Auditorium was given to the Minne- 30ta Council for Permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission for a mass meeting on February 13, 1946 at the cost of opening and operating, and WHEREAS, said use by said Commission was strictly for public purpose for the benefit of all of the people of Saint Paul and no admission fee was charged, RESOLVED, that said council File No. 135221 be re- pealed; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the fres use of said theater section be given the Minnesota Council.For Permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission and that there be set up in Auditorium Fund No. 1021 said cost of opening and oper- ating. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�..-' .........:.............194.-. Yeas/ Nays K[t P_ Approved ....................... ---•----- 194 - anto Peterson In Favor � fo - Mayor yx .---.........Against }�,A� gh 3M 9-Wr'Yj&&Tesident (Truax) p[TI3 1 checks +thearoIt,, t..835 8 Sto Bering hect' _ t35564 X35WA awn on NOTICE I : the Ctty treasury, to the og%gete k. TO -Pet b-dk--S-4ott93 file 144276' inclusiVot the � � 1 �+ COU1'Mt FILE NO. PRINTER CC City Comptroller. Adopted by the Co—ell Feb. 21, 7946. Approved Feb. 21, 1946. (February 23. 1949.) February 20 194_6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 135161.55 44 / S� COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECIXS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , 717P 21 \ u .. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI-�—��_ 194_ APPROVED__.___ 194_ BY,_=�'i.��.AL[f—�'L/\ i soo Izw NOTICE 'CITY OF SAINT PAUL�Fitt , f TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO-1A.It .J PRINTER February. l9 1946 R iOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �flj.i3 S 94'51+4.2 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 44209 _TO'r INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL"�s'1'_Gd� 194- _ rrY COMrtRo11ER APPROVED—ft-"-JW----194- - PPROVED Ut"i--- —194- - Iz-u O!W® CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1.35564 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK f OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER____ ROLL CA�.L BARFUSB �(1 drlacrnN J IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 94 PARRANTO Feb. tm: PETER... (� RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ITY TREASURY TOB ExN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S� COVERING MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS _ A PER CHECKS ON F IN THE •F.ICE OF THE CITY�O�lFtOLLER. ADOPTED BY IS COUNI COMPTRR .CIA ---- IBS .1/ COOLLER APPROVE NUMBER / n 29 TOTAL REDATE TURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TCHECKSR I DISCHECKSENT BY BANK NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 92 500 19 44208 Ralston Wheeler 40 00 80 00 44209 Richard Carter II 13 811 36 44210 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 4a 44211 Mary E. Krey I 32 00 3 362 61 44212 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 55 7s4 22 44213 County welfare Board I 44214 `�illiam Marlow 280 80 44215 State of Minnesota I493 3 00 6 44216 Anderson Machine Tool Compan 44217 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Comp y 117 77 44218 The Grinnell Company 116 23 44214 gelley4ftwATbomson Company i 4o 96 44220 Lincoln Transfer Company ! 213 13 44221 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co. 315 90 44222 McFadden -'Lambert Company 1 3L77 76 44223 Robert Metzger Bldg. Materials ! 19 44224 Minnesota Chemical Company 289 10 44225 National Lead Company 28 18 44226 Nelson Truck Service i 54 25 44227 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 93 33 44228 Price Rleotrio Company 1 236 78 44229 H.K. Stahl Company 405 44230 Van Paper Supply Company 143 44231. ''Taber & Troseth Company 20.38 44232 R.B. Whitacre and Company 21 64 44233 Elizabeth LalgrenI 34 46 44N234 Thomas Maloney 8 00 235 Thomas PtIflok Fahey 1 098 00 44236 Joseph Mek 150 00 44237 Amexioan Linen Supply Company] 138-43 44238 44239 Burroughs Adding Machine Comp"y Company 66 25 15 6 Crane of Minnesota ! I 24 44240 Davidson & Gardner, Agents i 32 44241 Geneshl Eleotric Supply Corp,] 74 61 44242 McGowan Radio & RefrigerationlCo. i 46 44243 Miller Supply Company ' 1 70 24 44244 44245 National Geographic Society New York State Department of iduo. j 3 40 4 1 50 0 44246 Northern States Power Company' 103 qg0 44247 Northern States Power Company) 13 580 jF�S 44248 N.T. Pub.Ino. • 44249 M.T. Patterson Dental Supply 40. i 2 50 44250 Price Electric Company 1 10 30 44251 Radio Servioe Labs.Ino. j 44252 Rothe* Publishing Company 13 50 44253 St.Paul stamp works 422 74 44254 Safety Vulcanizer Company. Inc. 217 50 44255 knftew Schoch Grocery Company 10 gg0 44256 Soulz Food Market I �I 28 44 44257 Sobuneman's, Inc, 13 98 44258 Science Research Associates 206 00 44259 Frank Shepard Company 40 00 442 yinolaix Ref. Company . + 16 43 44261 ---431n ger SewingMachine Company 3 2d ii - ;, SHEETTOTAL—FORWARD , 22--501€1_I = 65239f3==74 1 JL i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD` 2.2 600 `119 ! 007 87 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 135565 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK �-OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER—. -- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINOLATD1—I N FAVORAUDITED CLAIMS {�$� EQ ,a4 PARKA PETERSON - RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DN HE ITY TREASURY ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST �jV J� TO THE AGGREGATE A CUNT OF S COVERING AS MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH p CHECKS NUMBERED TO rIN�CLUSIVE, .{� 2! ��`��^��,qqq PER CHECKS ON F IN THE F ICE OF THE C '7 OLLER. M1U.b/ L " ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED_ ` 134 % Y NUMBER C \ C—T—LIR 30 TOTAL DATE ✓ RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 22 00 1 1390 74 44262 44263 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 9. Findlan, 0. of Finanob, ! 18 201 42 I12 137 01 John 44264 Td. Hummel 1 00 44265 John -S. Findlan, 0. 0f Finano 5 235 35 44266 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finana 19 15 44267 George N. Burt Company 3 778 81 136 44268 capitol Stationery Mfg. Oompa�y 51 R.O. Danoan Company 44269 44270 Hersey Mfg. Company 168-17 44271 Minnesota Envelope Company 76 61 44272 Newhouse Paper Company ! 20 65 44273 Pioneer Eleotrio Company ! 33 05 44274 Sharp and Dohme, Ino. 7 35 44275 Viotory Printing Company 748 00 'Crump Transfer Company 30 44276 i i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD` 2.2 600 `119 ! 007 87 3. NS. 135566 1° the Matterf grading Wvnne {� r y ru from Snr g A enue to 1 135566 reet under Pr 1 ,nary ( E.i V ..r Droved P •emb, [. )g}5, t !ahes' n:' :e• COUNCIL FILEN0.- -„y. 1 t By------- ----------------------------------------------------- FINAL ------------------------------FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_._ _grading-WynneAvenue from Snelling Avenue to Plinaton Street--- - =--------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------- ----------------- ------- -------- ----- ------ --------------- ---- ------------ -------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------- - under Preliminary Order____135007------------------- __.approved __. December _18�--- 1945-- ---------- - ---- ---- --- Intermediary Order __-----approved. -- --- --------- Apublic Bear ad�P „t�! . ---r k , na?I{ once, and th'o-Council -having heard all persons;. Coons and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered �. the same; therefore, be it x RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____gr'ade IWynne_(�genue_from Sne1liAvenue_ to___—__ .Winston Street---------------------------- - ----------------- ---------------- ---- — — ---- --- -�— — ---- --------------------- ---- ----------------------- - --- — — — ------------------------- - -- - — --- 1 - - — ----- — -- ----- -- ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed `with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __FR-2-6--ft --- ---------- 192 --------- FEB 2e y -----------. �Cy Clerk Approved---------------- - , 192 File 9875 IV,------------------ rffnq Mayor. Councilman Cl c ^u Councilman F dlan Councilman M a I'efTantn $JBLISHI D =c =z Councilman M /P eraOti Councilman S n Councilma enze - Mayor Ho mr, vi-e President ruax) Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - I0e'4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "fin In the matter of grading Wynne Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Winston St. under Preliminary Order approved December 18, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessPnent for the above improvement is $ 1949.73 The estimated cost perjt`oot for the above improvement is - $ 1.62 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Len Bldg.. (Except Snelling Ave.; except the North 58 ft.of the E. 199 ft., and except ) the S. 33 ft. for Wynne Ave.) the S. 150 ft. of the E. 290 ft. of the N. s ( $1425 $2450. of the NE y of Section 28, Township 29, Range 23 ) 14 1 . Wynne's Addition 250 150 15 1 do 250 16 1 do 250 500 .. 17 1 do 250 1200 ., 16 1 do 250 1050 ., 19 1 do 250 800 .. 20 and 21 1 do 550 5050 (Exc. Snelling Ave.) That part E. of the Joint R/W of the G.N. & N.P. rail- ) roads of the S. 2 of the N. 2 of the NEZ of Sec. 28, Township 29, Range 23 .)40,000 Total $43,475 $11,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 29 19 46 L Commissioner of Finance. F— H. S. A. E-5 D G 3 $47 F •Tnl 9F 19�i— • St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gradin- on mJpnne 9c Ave. from Snell in 'Sr. Ave. to Ave. 0 _ - 84. 7 29 �G • w? 3. _ SCAtE 300' TO — collo- Av6.----«,. « /Oa I V h h I - Q AVIE- OF �� BaEo A I 2 I _s1_v v nc P e. a. I .FdR s//e F. cSTw�vO. AT%AJ. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 7a�..14 194_..6 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 35......_ ..approved_...... _.December 18 _...___ .. _...._194 5_, relative to Council, known as Council File No. 1 00 _. actinVnAe Ayemue_PrSaeling._Avenue to Winston Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said. improvement is.. ..............._ .necessary and (or) desirable. cost per front foot $1.62 1 949rT3..., and the total cost thereof is $......._......_......_......_....., 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._.....z... Engineering $120.00_ inspection $35.00 Frontage 1,203.76 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .:......................._....... ......_.._.__._............._._...._ _....__.._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ._............ ...... ._........ 5. Said improvement is_..._ .... .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comy1C}ne of Public Works. 500-544 JAN �W, S COC��F'f. SVPt.R OTC" ENDIN"u G. H. HE LO DIIARTN' tI IKOGH�III.NWT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. :OMM.SSIOHM CLAREN-E J. VOKOON..-- CONMIe"IONa GEORGE M. SHEPARO. C.— ENOIMOiR Tannery 9; 1946 commissioner MiltonRosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul FA D.R." FRED DRIVER.VM' inN DBYPf. m. DVaP D O M. e. G0.VTDAK.AK. ENaRR:a DUR"MI M COR RAV !- KARTAK.AK. Dear Sir: I trATI tit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street, under preliminary Order C. F. 135007 approved December 18, 1945• Estimated Cost 1,949.73 Coat per front foot 1.62 Engineering 120.00 35.00 Inspection 1,203.76 Frontage Yours very truly, ;GZWRG 1M. Sf['ARD /ef gineer Approved for trap ssion t h� _sai r of Finance MTO ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works FINAL ORDERS IN CONDEMNATION COUNCIL FILE I PROCEEDINGS 13556'7 In135587—sy Rosen. _,, BY In the matter 1 condemning and king an easement to athe land neces,,; ry for slopes, cuts and fills In tHe FINAL ORDER IN C O N D E ading of Wynne Avenue from sneliZ: E D I N G S o Winston s , d^r P- . In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street under Preliminary Order 135008 December 18, 1945 Intermediary Order 195963 , approved __ January �_L_1946 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED- FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynee Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making -of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SEE 26 to 19` � FEB 2hy Clerk. Approved 19_ Acting Mayor. Councilmen Barfuss 1cUlsl is„ill `--aL Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen M5mvi s President (Truax) CITY OF ST. PAUL ,, # -�VJ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D). ' In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wynne Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Winston St. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is ueni2x $ 25.00 The total estimated ant¢ �tca&a�*� F°m°= The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDtanYALUATIO'Bldg• (iszospt Snelling Ave.t except the North 68 ft.of the E. 199 ft., and exoe ) Q the S. 33 ft. for Wynne Ave.) the S. 160 ft. of the E. 290 ft, of the N. ; =1426 $2460 of the NE } of Section 28, Township 29, Range 23 14 1 wynne's Addition 250 150 16 1 do 260 16 1 do 250 500 17 1 do 250 1200 18 1 do 260 1060 19 1 do 250 S00 20 and 21 1 do 660 6050 (Exo. Snelling Ave.) That part E- of the Joint RfW of the 0-N. 4 N.P.. rail- ) roads of the S. j of the N. j of the RE} of Seo. 28, Township 29, Range 23 )40,000 Total $43,475 $11,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the re/port made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. January 29 19 46�—_ Dated -- Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. S. A. 8 -!LD IU * I�ji,.., c..t. A& — ln.;,�,t- Fal. T,pial Netat;on ze Fig.,— ab.— line show Cot or Fill at property line. F I-- brow line sk.- divt— to -hick ji., eA—J b.yond property line. Loc Book No11432 X.S«. Bk. NeZ43?. WY N N E ST. SNELLING AVE. W INSTON 5T. WYN NES 14 15 16 I? 1% 1C) 20 1 21 40 l 40' 4BA& 7 to 1 i ? L t F' FR. CAN. _ �+ o filth - s__.. .._ _ Z. tom' v o O Old O O in O V SIO CJ -nI N COflC?r G oQ c, tA o d13 _ O N M SIS .� rnito NlN` C, 'r= N ., rJ 0 0 Oo y— O+i0 o ci O O O— O O O�'7 ply ��P WYMME ST. SMELUMC AVB TO W NISTON ST. SLOPE DR.Z halk4 SI _ice 1 I I oo' W Q 4 IOMBARp'(S J J LJ cn I t SKIELY Con(. Co l i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan.... 14 194...6... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No... _135.00$. approved. DeOgMher 113 ......._...__..._194.5... , relative to an eaQ�tent is the lend necessary for elopes, condemning .and taking _...... cute end fills, in the grading of Wynne Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Winston Street. .................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . _ .__ _._ ___..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...._....._ _ ......., and the total cost thereof is - and the nature and extent of saidimprovement is as follows: .._....._ _ .. . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...._........... 5. Said improvement is. ... .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro subject to assessment for said improvement. 00 V�\�\�—`-�'•�. - 500-5-44 J, ;/ ......... . Com e fP Iic Work COUNCIL FILE NO.. ----- ----- --- By - -- ----- - ---------- ---- -- FINAL OR ERS F. No. 135588- 1n the Matter f grading and surfac- e the. lley parallel to St. Anthony enue to Block 4. Merriam Park 5th iditlon, 4om Paisbuty Street to Ray- • i Avenue; also r - inch-•+ a sewer ._.. . ;Rey south. .... of ....i .� t If FINAL ORDER 135568 s fac a the elle rallel to St Anthon Avenue In the Matter of_-grad-ing.�n�.--_ur-__-_1n--__..-_---- ym n d -- - ; ------ -- - in_Block41_llerriam Park _5th -Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue; - - --------- --------- also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of - ------------- - - - ---------- - - I;ayigond_Ayenue_to_-the, sewer __in_Raymond_P_yen_ue_,_ _ - - -. - ----------------- ------------------------ ---------- - - -- --- ---------------------------------------- - December_ 18,. 1945 --- ----- -- . ---------- un- er Prehkmiil8ry Qrder-•-- 35.---apPr°°e - _--- . _ Intermedial rder ------ approved ------------ - - -- ---- _ A' public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- a�e_apd_ surface_the_alley__parallel__to _St.__Anthony Avenae__in__�_1Q_c]s 4,_-Me_rrkam-_l'flrk_5th_�dditionillsbury__Street--to-_Ra_ymond Avenue; also construct a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of Raymond- ---- ---------------- - -- - - Avenue_to__the_sewer_in_Raympnd_Avepue�----- -------------------------- ---------------- --------------- — - --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. D Adopted by the Council ---- - 192.------- _Fi_�_l._ti_�__.._____ _ City Clerk. Approved __. File 9873 Councilman C Councilman F Councilman Councilman 1Vi sm7m Councilman SudimimanwAo Councilman VANURWONIMMw Mayor 192_ --- ------------ /;✓Ctif,,�r Mayor. ss / /1 _ "77""YY�� Mr. Vice President Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - l DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE IIEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading and surfacing the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury St. to Raymond Ave.; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of Raymond Avenue to the sewer in Raymond Avenue under Preliminary Order approved December 18, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is $ 1605.98 The estimated cost perVoot for the above improvement is $ 2.46 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION IHndBldg. 1 4 Merriam Park Fifth Addition $475 $1950 2 4 do 425 1600 3 4 do 425 2700 4 4 do 425 900 5 4 do 425 2900 „ 6 4 do 425 1300 7 4 do 425 8 4 do 425 3650 9 4 do 425 4200 10 4 do TOTAL, 425 2700 Form B. B, 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART MEN= OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandALUAT10Bldg.. 11 4 I/erriam Park Fifth Addition $425 12 4 do 375 14 4 do 450 $2800 15 4 do 400 3150 20 4 do 125 21 and 22 4 do 125 Total $6200 $27,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and .hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 29 19.6_. Commissioner of Finance. IF— B. B. u l • �C To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. 194_ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface with Bituminous 8urfaoing the alley in Block 4, lierriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury St. to Raymond Avenue. St. Ave. from St. Ave. to Ave. �i 'ADDITION OF �.� 27 • ri , �, . A� s: / S I , 5-3M 41 G -g1 ffi i AU .' N. E:. % 5F -c.32. T 29. 2.,Z3. Jon la ae e• -re �•. P� yew 51. hl S Al S o� fzoo} �� ,c• ; � - ...i a 0 � Piccseuay P r�� � ar p U _ • ..- - - Avg - - - _ _ _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Januar.Y. 14.1946 194...._..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._1.35004....approved._ ..............Dacsmber..18.........._.............194....5_, relative to grading_.and... uxfacing...0f_..tha.,.A] ] eY...pnr&Ue3_...to St.....Anthoa.. Avenue....int_._..........._.................. ........... 4,.MerrismPerk 5t4 Additloa� from Pillsbnrg Street to R�mond Avenue. Also....C.nnstxau7.tiuB._a.....as.Wer...im....tke._sUeY..%?i.a..pgn..26.._Yeet...eouthesater.l..y ...o....r._ ._..... Reymond Avenue to the sewer in Raymond Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............................necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 2.46 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......1,,.6.05....98......, and the total cost thereof is ............................._..........., Engineering $100.00 Inspection X29.53 Frontage 650 feet and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... . .. _._........................ ._......_....__._....._........................ ............_....._.._............_........_ ......................_ _..._._........._........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...................................................... . ..... .............. c.... _............._.........._........_..... ... .......... ............... ...._..........._._................ ._..............._........._........ 5. Said improvement is ............. _..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. v ..............._...... _................ soo—sa, iti% �^ ✓� Co n of P blit Works. uAN 10 1946 DEPT. CE CITY Of SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS BEA.Au W Q—. a RE -IR MILTON ROSEN,. COMMISSIONER W. % COCKRO-, SVR. CLARENCE J. VOKOUN. DE— COMMI..IOeR[R 0— - ENOINttR GEORGE M. SHE -RD. CMV EMOIN801 G. H. HERROI.N auAW MVKEglu•YRR x—ary 10, 1946 AftrRTHU{t H.. KOCOCH Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: ft— W - --FRED DRIVER, Su— BURLAP W R.— M. S. G—BAK. FSIu —X Bu—u W CORRLCT RAY J. KARTAK. SYR, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 76 feet southeasterly of Raymond Avenue to the sewer in Raymond Avenue; under Preliminary Order C. F. 135004, approved December 18, 1945• Estimated Cost 1,605.98 Cost per front foot 2.46 Engineering 100.00 Inspection 29.53 Prontage 650 ft. Yours truly, RA. EEHLPARD gineer Approved for ssion he C _ s ner of Finance lROSEN Commissioner of Public Works f ';. F. No. 195569—By Rosen— iV V [,, In the matter of condemning _and tak- a� ` COUNCIL FILE Nr" pg an easement in the land necessary .or slopes, cuts •and tu,, '1n the grad- ng and surfacing oY- the alley paral;el o I St. -'Anthony Avenue" in Black 4 BY Aerrl m Park 5th Addltioa from Pllls- FINAL ORDER IN �C0NDE,Street to Ra Y�* {nueh an EDINGS ra Brat t. n an re i In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue under Preliminary Order 135005 , approved December 18, 1945 Intermediary Order 135365 , approved _January 29, 1946 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the -grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to Raymond Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: -1 For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, Pram Pillsbury Street to Reymohd Avenue, to the extent shovm on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adoptedby the CounciFBS 26 ] 19 City Clerk. Approved 19_ , , _ _ , — C f►fJ Mayor. Councilmen 2 � � ( Barfuss iJBLISHi:D_ . ,--.---7 Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen it:. )AYeelbesident (Truax) CITY OF ST. PAULA - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF C0Nf7ff310NER OF'FINANCE vC/y (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER $tX•A�ra�1^ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills'in the grading and surfacing of the alley parallel to St. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury St. to Raymond A.c. under Preliminary Order approved December 18, 1945 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated/a�ot®tcs5ccdlaegE fgpt�npvyyx _ $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - L&nVALUATIONH1d 1 4 Merriam Ark Fifth Addition $476 $1960 .2 4 do 426 1600 S 4 do 426 2700 4 4 do 426 900 6 4 do 426 2900 6 4 do 425 1800 7., 4 do 426 6 4 do 425 8660 9 4 do 425 4200 10 4 do TOTAL. 426 2700 B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - -= •,,� .. - _ _ A y DDITION _ ASSESSED - dALUATION 11 4 Merriam Park Fifth Addition 0426, 12 4 do 376 14 . 4 dO 460 02800: 18 4 do 20 4 do 400 3160; 21 and 22 4 126 do 126 Total $6200 i27,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 29 19 Form B. B. Is Commissioner of Finance. r_' 0+ Indicates Cut. ® — Indicates Pill, Typical Notation ♦:_zo o Figu.es a6— Cne sko.o Cut — Fill at p—pe.iy line. F,g..e. 6e10— Gua s6o... distance to .kick slopes —t—d "".d property line_ Loc Boak No.2630X•Se Bk. Pi ee seuar Sr. RAY110/YO A ve "9872 A Ay 5r Alyr,41O&Y A VE. P A ,P S- rH A 0 0 /0 9 8 7 6 a h 4o' sru 1�171 ��] CAF 0 „> "AR FR lq,v .�, 4i !� ,. 1 --AR fR GAR 0 �Ih FIO tlIC ria .. 00 R - ( 010 O ?IZ oe Nla w Nl WwcI � 7210 39. l49 sZ�5 20 2/ �( S A00. �o. ACCEY BLK /YIA /AM PA,Ya S'AOO "'ImfauRr JY. TO ,fAYPIONO Ji" JIAT 9f2 AA 145 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tgt1'Y...71s........_................ 194..b._... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.....135QQ5...... approved. ................... D.acmmber..18... .................. ...1945....., relative to oandl li ...and,...tekJJ g.._ap 194%mament.._ n.._the.. land._neeesaarY._for.._elopes,..._cuts................. and...fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley parallel to St.. Anthony Avenue in Block 4, Merriam Park 5th Addition, from Pillsbury Street to ................_.............................._..._.............._......................_...................._....._...._........-........ ... ......_.._....._.......... ................. _._................ Raymond Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.._._.. _......................... and the total cost thereof is $_ .............. ._.........._........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is... . .... .. . ....... ....... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l? 1_LJ lir��dil! •� a� �1LV 1 s':J..... 500-644 Co iof Public Works. 00 i_ Uae rOF6 'T - T r. E Laid over to �,11 Adopted vd , 3rd. and app• Nays Nays Yeas Yeas e ss ss Fi an a nto / n to, Pete 'n t/C!// ✓ i Pa ate V/ /!Z osen uex :-President Mc Mr. President McDonough to City ©irk - No. Y2517a—O the==m No 8721— / * W. Ferrante—� - An ordloance approving the pprolect� •nf acuulrtag the" eetate.descrtbed as' O D' c-Z,ofa d, ,3 end 16, -,Lamprey's Suhd[vlsion ,15570 3 got garb of Elock+il,a:Roberta and •Ren- r. ytana, eddttioa to Saint ,Paul, for: that 9epertment. of �Publle• Utilities. erect . ,E is an emergency ordinance rendered ry :for the prey.• ati{on� of the /-PRESENTED BY_iA .ecce health r' NO. .l Au ordinanoo approving the projeet of acquiring the real estate described as Lots 4, S and 16, Lamprey's Subdivision of part of Block 11, Roberts and Randall's addition to Saint Paul, for -the Department of Public IIsilitios. This is an emergency ordinance rendered s' necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. TIM COUNCIL OF. TAZs CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Session 1. The Commissioner of Public Btilities having reported to the Coenoil.that the real estaxe described as trots 4, 5 and 16 Lamprey's Subdivision of part of Block 11, Roberts and Randall's addition to.8aint Paul, &seer" to the plat there- of on,file sad of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Kinneseta,.is required for the Municipal Light- ing Bilreau, the Nunioipal Testing Laboratories, and other de- partments eP'�%he City; .that, the estimated cost of the acquisition of grid real estates -,le $100,000.00, and that the estimased market value thereof is �at the sum of $100,000.00; that the Toeh sisal Comsittoe, duly appointed by the City; Council, his,unmiil- soaely approved of the acquisition of said real estate for said purposes; and the Comptroller hue certified to the Council the saner in which the funds may, be made available;• that the. Council hereby approves -the prejeot for the aegnisltien of shit resp estate for the mferesaid parpeses, and directs that the same be acquired for such purpoaee-py the Committee. onn-L ads, if the van* can be acquired at a reasonable price and My Shall so report to the Council; provided, however, that in case the Committee cannot secure said -Jana at a reasonable price, then they shall so report to the Council, and In`that,event the Connell hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the City Charter to so- oure said real estate. 8action 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the -preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilman Nays Barfuss in Findladlan Parranto Q P tersoa Rosen 9l"bs-5U, e47bkip oigh) Mr. Vice Presid, t (Trusix) Attest: ll`G-------- City Cheri 500 124A MAR 1.3 196 Passed by the Council ----------._._...... _----- _------ -- /.......... b ... .... .......... ............ In Favor - - -------------Against Approved: ---_----_ -----_---------- ---•------------•-----•-••-•---------- ----•------ ---_--•- �CL►Y19 Mayor 'LJPI.ISIiFD_ .3-4-- v,0 f ', t� Ik P � ,I OFFICE OF Tk ��'COMPTROLLER 0o SAINT PAUL (4) h s E fid it ` MINNESOTA JOSEPH J. MITCHELL &7emx s OTY COMPTROLLER February 23, 1946 To the Council Gentlemen: U JAY P. O'CONNOR DEPLM OTY COMPTROLLER In accordance with the provisions of Section 302 of the Charter, which requires that when any real estate is to be purchased for city use, the Comptroller shall certify that the funds are available for such Purpose, or the manner in which such sums may be provided, I hereby certify that the sum of $100,000 needed for the purchase of the property now owned by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, and proposed to be used by the Department of Public Utilities, will be provided as follows: (a) $32,000 will be obtained from the Testing Laboratories Revolving Fund. (b) It is estimated that at least $25,000 will be realized from the sale of the Municipal Lighting Bureau Garage, and that the sum realized from such sale shall be used to apply upon the purchase price of the property, (c) The balance may be obtained, as has been recommended by the Committee appointed to investigate the advisability and manner of purchase of said building, by emergency borrowing. Yours very truly, Cit�'Croller. N BUREAU OF WATER LEONARD N. THOMPSON. Ge7iln U, SUPERINTENDENT 6 ENGINEER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING LABORATORIES VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, DIRECTOR BUREAU OF LIGHTING H. C. STRETCH, SUPERINTENDENT To the Council Gentlemen: MY OF SAINT PAUL% Cepltel of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House W. A. PARRANTO, Commissioner WM. E. BRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION EDWIN F. JONES. UTILITIES ENGINEER SAINT PAUL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT— HOLMAN FIELD FRANCIS J. DENG. AIRPoRT DIRECTOR BUREAU OF MARKETS A. L. HOGAN, MARKEr DIRECTOR February 21, 3.948 In accordance with the provisions of Seot.tg�n 302 of the Charter, I hereby advise the Council that the Department of Public Utilities requires the pur- chase of the real estate described as Lots 4, 6 and 16, Lamprey's Subdivision of part of Block 11, Roberts and Randall's addition to Saint Paul, according to the reoorded plat thereof on file and of record in the offioe of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. This property is required by the De artment of Public UtiliTe ties for use by the Municipal sting Laboratories, Municipal Lighting Bureau, and other departments of the City of Saint Paul, which are now Inadequately housed in separate buildings. It can be acquired for the sum of $loo ,000.00. I request that the Council approve such pro- Ject, and by ordinance order said land to be purchased In accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Yours very truly, Nm. A. Parranto Commissioner of Public Utilities mp (E P® Gateway to the Grcnt Northwest O t. .tk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cook' No 411VfJ�' PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER.. DATE A WHEREAS, the following named persons, to -wit: I ,' Jos. G. Bukfham Lester Pepin ' Virgil E. Clark - Francis C. Balles Clayton Moore & Graydon Newman Ross: L. Soepp Wayne P. Davis Lloyd Bason Leslie J. Gagneliae Norman E. Davis Harold J. Cable Andrew I. Allan Edward Taylor al. D. Weller Willie Le es Hardy & Lug W. Day Boleh J. Perkins James H. Shankej Stanley C. Hicks Glendon B. Lindberg t Horace H. Cherry A. G. -Dietrich have made application for licenses to operate taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, and. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that public convenience and necessity do not require the proposed public vehicle service for which such applications for license are made, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said applications and each of them be and the same are hereby denied. COUNCILMEN FEB 26 Adopted by the Council ---------------------•------...... 194...... Yeas Nays FEBT2 6 t Q a gs -10 6 8II L Approved ..................... - - 194.----- anl(o/ ose onto In Favor---------------- t.- .+tCtttt(�V Mayor •-.-_�Againat 1PjigLISI-fir_ �_�-: - ��ri gas4gaJ2:. NMaugh 3M ids. \1;4&V#sident (Truax) -�'i��/ a �� �. �� -� w�- ������ o CjXJXT0X PA S eaxoaRaY wx xew MINNESOTA BUILDING- . S.snce Pwm:,Marxseors February 25, 1946 City Council of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul 2, Minn. Gentlemen: In the matter c'the DeLuxe Taxicab Association application for taxicab licenses, I wish to bring to date any information submitted on Wednesday, February 20, 1946, in the open meeting of the Council. The question was raised as to whether or not auto- mobiles were available for the applicants and whether meters would be available. I wish to advise that I have in my hands an order for six meters which can be delivered immediately upon the_grahting of a license. Two of the group already have li- censes and meters and are operating, two other meters are on hand, and two more promised by the company from whom the six have been ordered, making a total of twelve. I am advised that the two men represented by Mr. Gottlieb also have their meters. There are two DeLuxe cabs operating, and I have on hand orders for four cars and a letter from one of the local dealers to the effect that three more cars can be furnished. As I have indicated above, two of the men have their cabs and are operating, and the other men have advised me that they have cars on order or already delivered. We are, therefore, in po- sition to furnish cars suitable for use as taxicabs and meters can be made available at once. At the hearing on Wednesday, the question was raised as to how many men were employed. I believe this was raised by the operator of the Brown and White Cabs. The evening following the hearing on February 20th, five of these men who were driving for the Yellow Cab were laid off with the instructions that they would be on the hold list until the question of these licenses had been determined. The Council may be interested in knowing the type -2 - City Council of Saint Paul February 25, 1946 of cars which the men will have. There are four Packards in the group, a Hudson, an Oldsmobile, and the rest are Dodges, DeSotos and Plymouths. If it should be desired that any further informs - tion be submitted or any already submitted cleared with fur- 'ther explanation, I should be glad to furnish whatever I have. May I say for the group that we appreciate very much the fine consideration that has been given jus thus far. CP:S CLIFON PARKS a 1857. Sea. E No public vehicle license shall hereafter be issued unless the City Council, after a hearing. -shall by resolution declare that public convenience and nea`essity require the proposed public vehicle service forwhichapplication for a license is made. 1899 1/2. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of such taxicabs for which application my be made, the City Council shall take Into consideration whether the demands of public convenience and necessity require such proposed or such additional 'public vehicles within the!City of $t. Paul, the ;; financial responsibility of the applicant, the number, kind, type of equipment, the schedule of maximum rates proposed to be, charged,a4d the color scheme proposed to be used by the applicant, the increased traffic congestion and demand for. the safe use of the streets by the public,. both vehicular and pedestrian,will be preserved by the 'granting of such additional license, and such other relevant facts as the City Council may diem advisable or necessary. To the Council Gentlemen: You have requested that you be advised as to the proeedure to be followed in granting taxicab licenses, especially new applications, and as to whether it is necessary to have an ordinance or resolution adopted if the Council wishes to establish a maximum number of cabs to be licensed, as, for instea ce, 125. Section 127 of the Charter lodges in the City Council the power, by ordinance, to license, regulate and restrain cab men, vehicles of all kindd, and the use of the streets, public thorofares, highways and places by such vehicles; also the carrying and hauling of persons and property for hire. Pursuant to this Charter power, the Council, by Ordinance No. 7321, has provided that no person shall use or operate for hire any public vehicle without first obtaining a license so to do, and bey defini- tion has included within the term "public "vehicle' taxicabs, livery cars and auto cars. The ordinance provides that no public vehicle license, except certain renewals, shall be issued unless the City Council, 1after a hearing, shall by resolution declare that public convenience and necessity require the proposed public service for which the application for a license is made. As the law now stands, whenever a new application Is made for a public vehicle license, the Council should hold a hearing thereon. From the showing made at this hear- ing, and such other information as the Council may secure, the Council must determine whether public convenience and necessity require the issuance of the license, and unless the Council finds that it does, the application must be denied. It would be legal, in my opinion, for the Council to adopt an ordinance, or amend the existing one, limiting the number of taxicab licenses to any definite number which the Council determines public convenience and necessity require. But, as indicated in the report of your Taxicab Committee, the taxicab situation.at present is not CITY OF SAINT PAUL IRA KARON MARSHALLP. HURLEY LEGAL DEPARTMENT JAMES 1!. BULLIVAN PRANKH.DAUGHERTY JOHN J. McNEIL BRUCE. J. BROADY AMWA14TII CORPORATION COUNSEL February 4, 1946 To the Council Gentlemen: You have requested that you be advised as to the proeedure to be followed in granting taxicab licenses, especially new applications, and as to whether it is necessary to have an ordinance or resolution adopted if the Council wishes to establish a maximum number of cabs to be licensed, as, for instea ce, 125. Section 127 of the Charter lodges in the City Council the power, by ordinance, to license, regulate and restrain cab men, vehicles of all kindd, and the use of the streets, public thorofares, highways and places by such vehicles; also the carrying and hauling of persons and property for hire. Pursuant to this Charter power, the Council, by Ordinance No. 7321, has provided that no person shall use or operate for hire any public vehicle without first obtaining a license so to do, and bey defini- tion has included within the term "public "vehicle' taxicabs, livery cars and auto cars. The ordinance provides that no public vehicle license, except certain renewals, shall be issued unless the City Council, 1after a hearing, shall by resolution declare that public convenience and necessity require the proposed public service for which the application for a license is made. As the law now stands, whenever a new application Is made for a public vehicle license, the Council should hold a hearing thereon. From the showing made at this hear- ing, and such other information as the Council may secure, the Council must determine whether public convenience and necessity require the issuance of the license, and unless the Council finds that it does, the application must be denied. It would be legal, in my opinion, for the Council to adopt an ordinance, or amend the existing one, limiting the number of taxicab licenses to any definite number which the Council determines public convenience and necessity require. But, as indicated in the report of your Taxicab Committee, the taxicab situation.at present is not Council Page 2 February 4, 1946 what normally may be expected later on. It may be desirable to keep the present flexibility in the licens- ing of taxicabs rather than to set a fixed number in the rigid form of an ordinance. However, this is a matter resting wholly in the discretion of the Council. Yours very truly, Bruce J. Broady BJB-S Corporation Counsel HARHEAU SYSTEM �/�� � ��� �� ��• E. HARHEAU, Pr... r SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT • LOWEST RATES OFFICE: 171 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. SAINT PAUL 3. MINNESOTA Noom. C& 7373 January 30, 1946 Mr. Gust Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Barfuss, This will have reference to your letter of January 25th. You stated at a recent license committee meeting that the cab com- pany operFtors do not answer all incoming calls. I will have to admit that it is the cab company's fault and not the opera- tors'. Luring certain hours of the day and night and in inclement weather, especially zero weather, we are flooded with incoming calls. It is a physical impossiblity, and it has been for years in the taxicab business in sudden changes of weather, for the operator to answer incoming calls immediately. I will try to explain this to you. We have four incom'ng lines that are continuously kept busy on incoming calls. The operator takes these calls in-ratetion as they come in. He also dispatches calls to the drivers in out- lying stations which causes a delay in answering incoming calls. In the lest few years there has been an inc-ease in business and an increase in taxicabs causing a single operator to be over -burdened. We have tried to get more equipment and to install extra stations for the drivers to check in on in dif- ferent sections of the city but in the last few years the tele- phone company has lacked the necessary equipment. Next week, however, we were promised a modern Pnd improved switch -board giving us two operators. One operator will receive incoming calls and one will dispatch calls to the drivers at certain busy hours of the day and during stormy weather. I have noticed in the lent few days with the temperature in the thirties one operator handles incoming calls very satisfactory. I am quite positive and all in.ications show that with sunshiny weather receipts have dropped from three to five hundred dollars ALL NEW CABS • PASSENGERS FULLY INSURED AT ALL TIMES SSRSESU SYSTEM /3no� E. SARHEltU. P.... e a� SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT i LOWEST RATES OFFICE: 171 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA Aww: Gee. 7373 2. per day and from now on the taxicab business will find its level. I hope that I have given you a satisfactory explanation. Very truly yours, EB :1W - ALL NEW CABS • PASSENGERS FULLY JNSURED AT ALL TIMES CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -OWO HonG. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sirt Jan- 31, 19h6. The City Council referred to the License Committee the enclosed letter of Robert A. Godfrey, a Taxicab Driver, objecting to the issuance of any additional Taxicab licenses and alleging that there is no need for any additional ones. Very traly yours, City Clerk. -ze"ll of OFFICE OF CITY FILED CLERK P46 FF4 8 PEA 3 25 SAINT ?A— ,;ESOTA R.T. h'C ;f�NFLL CITY CLERK • i3 r7 �� C��. /Yo O /ice /�e r'or� So Fe Or%very /1914/ St. -'aul .,jinnescta, Feby . 7t n i, 43 • City Cierk, Court douse, St. Paul , jinneso -. Deer Sir: - I nereby make Application to the City o- St.Paul for a License as an Ino -e- n,- rrie at Cab Operator. yours truly, A D , ;,eller, _Q �pl_U 2di i. Lenart St . caul , . i Lin. F t. January 31, 1946 Honorable Mayor McDonough and the City Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I, Louis Schlichting, the undersigned do opereateba make singleptaxiacabninor a license the City of St Paul-, to - I am a disabled World War II veteran and I have been driving a taxi cab for the Yellow Cab and the Brown and White companies for the past eighteen (18) months. At the present time I am employed as a taxi driver by the Brown and White Cab Company. Very respectfully yours, 40491s'Sc 1 c ing 513 Web Street St. Paul 1, Minnesga _-Vj v�VI ( I To the Honorable City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minnesota Feb. 7, 1946. I hereby make application for a license to operate four taxicabs in the City of Saint Paul. I have driven a cab for many years in this city and have also been engaged in the restaurant and tavern business here. I have a clean record and am a property owner. If granted a license, I intend to join the DeLuxe Cab Co. It is my belief that more taxicabs are needed here, and I.will appreciate favorable action hereon. Very truly yours, 370 Goodrich Ave. OFFICE. Ft►.ED 3F CIT GL.ERK S4911 .2 4 Minnsota� February 4, 194616CI•A Sim NH.I 4'i, 0ELL CIiY Ci -L4, rlr�b"'r Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs This letter is to inform you that we, Willie Lee Hardy, and Lue W. Day, both of 732 Hondo Avenue St. Paul, wish to make application for a license to operate thre� (3) taxicabs in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. We are not making request for a "Wild Cat" license, but expect to have a regular cab stand, listed in the directory. We are submitting to you the names of three (3) character references, namely: 1. Mr. P. A. F. Smith, 1415 Edgecomb Road 2. Mr. W. S. Butler, Heal Estate 251 Rondo Avenue 3. Mr. Lafayette Fields, Druggist Dale and Rondo Avenue I, Willie Lee Hardy, am a veteran, just discharged from the Armed Forces, and Mr. Day is a property owner in the City of St. Paul. Thanking you for your cooperation, we remain VI truly youra� Lue W. Day Willie Lee Hardy WLH/mw CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O Jan. 31, 1946. HonG. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sir. The Council referred to the License Committee the enclosed letter of Virgil E. Clark for a Taxicab license. Very truly ,yours, City Clerk. IfQ. a E. jc��� a�.-� �'7-rte✓ � !� . � 5, C�,.,� a ct a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -qwO Hon. G. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sir: Jan. 31, 1946. The City Council referred to the License Committee the enclosed application of Francis C. Ballis, 597 Western Ave. No., for a Taxicab license. Very truly yours, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O .Tan. 29, 1946. HonG. H. Barfuss Chairmen, License Committee City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the ,License Committee for recommendation the attached application of Clayton Moore and Graydon Newman for permission to operate a taxicab business in St. Paul and the license for two cabs. Very truly yours, i City Clerk. p APPLICATION FOR TAXI CAB LICENSE To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: we, Clayton Moore and Graydon Newman, de- siring to operate a taxi cab business in the City of St. Paul, as co-partners, do hereby respectfully sub- mit our application as a partnership, for a license to operate two taxi cabs. we propose to have our head- quarters in the Hill District of the City of St. Paul at Grand and Chatsworth Avenues, where we propose to have telephone connections, enabling as to b9 reached at all times; and we, propose to accommodate the people of that area. Aach of as have recently been discharged from the service and desire to go into the taxi cab business as partners as -tbove set forth. Graydon Newman, twenty-five (25) years old, enlisted"in the Merchant Marine in January, 1941, and then in the Army in November, 1942; landed with the First Air- borne Division in Europe on D -Day as a paratrooper; was w ounded in Normandy and is a wearer of the Pur- ple Heart; having fought in the invasion of Norman- dy and through Holland and France. Clayton Moore, twenty --three (23) years old. enlisted in the Merchant Marine in 1941 and saw con- stant convoy service all through the war in the areas of the Atlantic and the Pacific. We can, if required, give all character re- ferences necessary showing us to be fit persons for the award of a license. N Hoping that our application for permission to enter the cab business as above set forth will re- ceive favorable consideration; and that your honorable body will see fit to grant as a license. Respectfully submitted, 986 Borman Ave. St. Paul 7, Minn. Feb. 19, ]:946 To the Honorable Mayor & Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I hereby make application for an additional Taxicab license. I have been granted one license at present. I now have two licensed cabs in Nest St. Paul and request the additional license to serve the public to a better advantage. Very truly yours, Arthur G. Dietrich /g 1 TU PIHCM IT Tu AY CCNOTFRST I have driven v taxi in St'PAUL for twenty years off Lnd on r-nd ,ould arrreciFte y.ur ccnsidcrfti-n of-c._vrI f_r c,r,li^ ti -,n fof a. Ii3C-a-0 t Jp_ „ ,. Yi �.'.i ,I _e De LXKP -roup. Aa !nar-ried 9 -z ve a family dependent o n me. Sincerely, 9 ' -1,ward T.gvl!bWf 246 'tell oe 'Blvd. St, caul, '?inn, Brown & White rood service rest of day. Clayton L. Moore Feb. 14th Results 7:20 P.M. Busy signal --called 7 times in ten minutes. 8:00 P. M. No Answer. Rang seven times. „ 8:40 P.M. " " „ it n 9:20 P.M. • ^ „ It IT n 10:00 P.M. ° „ IT 10:40 P.M. IT It 11:20 P.M. „ it ” nine within 1/2 hour. 12:00 Feb15 2:40 A. Ill. No promise No answer. Rang 8 times. n :20 A.id- „ :00 A.M. No answer. - 8 rings. {7:30 A. 12T. No answer. - 7 rings. {810 .I;4. No answer.-- 7 rings. 5:50 A. M. 10 or 15 minute promise. i Cab came in 5 minutes. rood service rest of day. Clayton L. Moore Feb. 14th Brown & White mood service rest of day• Olayton L. Moore Feb. 14th Results Basy signal --called 7 tines in ten minutes. 7:20 P.M. 8.00 P. M. No Answer. Rang seven times. n n n 9:20 P.M. " 10:00 P.M. 10:40 P.M. " , „ nine " „ 11:20 P.M. within 1/2 hour - 12:00 2:40 A.M. No promise No answer. Rang 8 times. 11 20 A.M. :00 A.id. 11 No answer. - 8 rings. 30 A.i:'. E0 answer. - 7 rings. 18:10 -M- No answer.-- 7 rings. x:50 A. M. oct7t promise - Cab minutes. came in mood service rest of day• Olayton L. Moore Feb. 14th Brown & White Feb. 15th 7:00 P.M. No cabs for 1/2 hour 8:40 P.M. No answer 7 rings 8:20 P.M. No answer 7 rings 9:00 P.M. No answer 9 rings 9:40 P.M. No answer 9 rings 10:00 P.M. Promised a cab in 15 minutes, it arrived in 10 minutes. 11:00 P.IvS. No answer 8 rings 11:20 P.M. No answer 5 rings 12:00 No answer 7 rings — 162:40 A. IJ. Busy signal 1:20 A. M. No answer 7 rings 7:00 A. M'. No answer 7 rings 7:40 A. 11. Busy s ianal 8:20 A. M. Promised cab in 15 minutes Good service the rest of morning. Clayton L. Moore s, Feb. 15th 7:30 A.M. No answer 8:00 A.M. No answer 8:20 A.M. No cabs for 15 minutes cabs on five to ten minute call the rest of the morning Graydon K. Newman Yellow Cab Co. Feb. 14th 7:00 P.M. - No cabs available for 45 minutes. 7:40 P.M. - None available. 8:20 P.M. - Tone available 9:00 P.m. - None available- 30 to 40 calls ahead. 9:40 P.M. - None available for an hour and 15 minutes 10:20 P.M. - No cabs - Reason - 30 to 40 calls still. 11:00 P.M. - No cubs available at all 11:40 P.M. to cabs available at all --12:20 A.M. No cabs available at all Feb. 15 1;00 A.M. No cabs available at all. 1:40 A.M. No cabs at all Feb. 15th 7:30 A.M. No answer 8:00 A.M. No answer 8:20 A.M. No cabs for 15 minutes cabs on five to ten minute call the rest of the morning Graydon K. Newman Yellow Cab. Feb. 15th 7: 20P,1,T-No answer - 7 rings 8:00 P.M. No answer - 7 rings 8:40 P.m. io cabs available for 30 to 45 minutes. 9:20 P.P:1. No answer 7 rings. 10:00 P.M. No cabs available at present. Didn't know how long before obtaining one. 10:40 P.M. No answer 8 rings 11:00 P.m. Promised cab in 15 minutes. arrived in that time 11:40 2..M :cone available. 12:00 i1. i�one available for 30 minutes. Feb.16 1:00 n'.M. 6as,y signal 1:40 A.M. No answer 5 rings 7:20 n. PS. 3usy signal 8:00 -A.M. No promise within 20 minites. Graydon :. Newman Yellow Cab Date Time Results 2/8/46 - GN 725 No answer 2/8/46 10:30 A.M, Do answer 2/846 Gid 7:10 P.M. Do promise earliest 15 mins. 2/8/ 6 2/10/46 GN 10:00 3:30 P.M. Pill. Do answer Answered call in 8 mins. 2/11/46 GN 6:45 P.M. Answered call in 15 mins. 2/12/46 6:40 P.M. Answered call in 20 mins. 2/14/46 2:20 A.M. No promise within 20 mins. Cabs earl be crocnred "etween 1 P.— cabs between 8 P.M. and 1 A.M. and 7P... Cau't get Toa3iest time in A -Li. is 6 to 9. Called by Clayton :.:ogre Bro..o & White 2/846 10:35 A.M. No answer 2/8/46 7:05 P.M. No answer 2/8/46 10:00 P.M. Jo answer 2/12/46 2/14/46 6:40 2:15 P.I41. A.M. No answer Plot less than 30 mins. (50) (cabs) GENERAL OFFICES z.. HOTEL Lowm,7 SAINT PAIZ February 16, 1940 'r. ' ilea-'ubbard IV. Yellow Cab Assn. 190 1'• Smith Ave. St. Paul 2, '.:inn. Dear Mr. Hubbard: In ansc:cr to your inquiry we are pleased to advise that we have used the facilities of the Yellow Cab Association for many years and have al.4ays found your service satis- factory. ;'(e appreciate the difficulties of operation during the wartime period and despite tkese conditions I- ave always found your Association most cooperative in furnishing responsible and satisfactory service to our ruests. Very truly yours, /(HOOTTELL L�CURYZjo JoYui L. Bary dEL' ;RH .,anager MID -CUNT ES, INC. 6501 34TH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS 6, MINNESOTA February 15, 1946 "r. "iles Hubbard "anager St. Paul 'fellow Cab Co. 190 Smith avenue St. ?will, "`innesota Dear Sir: This is to certify that " D-C0`fT1'T:'?T AIRLDTES has always enioyed the fi^ost possible service from yo -:r oreanization and look forl7ard to the same satis- ficd service in the future. Yo Wry truly, jjS. R. Caspe Jr. Chief Reservation Agent s'errio, Mid-JRe1ic41 HUM SHIRT PHUL 4.: EXECUTIVE OFFICE Saint Paul, Minnesota February 18,.1946 Mr. Miles Hubbard Manager Yellow Cab Company 190 Horth Smith Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hubbard: This letter will advise you that our relations with the Yellow Cab Company during the pa.at years have been very good and the service rendered to the Hotel Saint Paul has been of the best. We particularly feel that you have done a competent and excel- lent job during war conditions, and with the resumption of 6, peace supply of equipment, we feel that you can amply take care of all of our needs. Sincerely yourss Roland R. Sheadle Managing Director _ OTHER BLACKHAWK HOTELS Hotel Jefferson, Peoria, Illinois Hotel Spaulding, Michigan City, Indiana Hotel Blackhawk, Hotel Davenport, Hotel Mississippi, Davenport, Iowa Hotel Hanford, Mason CRY, Iowa REPORT 'OF TAXICAB LICI!ftISE C018UTTEE 'r Z) At the direction of the City Council the undersigned committee made a study of the taxicab situation in St. Paul in the fall of 1945 and submitted a report to your body fixing the number of 125 as the maximum number of taxi- cabs necessary to meet the normal requirements of St. Paul. Consideration was given the fact that previous to the war there were approximately 70 cabs in operation in St. Paul and that war conditions had created abnormal requirements of taxicab service which in our opinion will be materially reduced with the resumption of private car manufacture and return to more normal conditions. The taxicab business is seasonal, andit was recognized that the total number above established would probably be deficient during the winter of 1945-1946. Past experience in St. Paul has indicated that the operation of an unnecessarily high number of taxicabs leads to a serious amount of taxicab cruising which adversely affects traffic and to strife and friction between cab drivers inimical to public welfare. Since the previous report of this committee there have been certain licenses granted on previous authorizations which have raised the present number of taxicab licenses in St. Paul to 132 at present. The actual number of cabs in every -day service is somewhat less. than this amount due to abnormal outages for repairs, a condition which should improve with the availability of new cars for replacement. A number of applications for additional taxicab licenses have recently been submitted to the Council, and this committee has conducted a hearing with the applicants for these licenses and has made additional investi6ations of present winter taxicab conditions. - �/ Your committee is agreed that the present number of authorized taxicab licenses is sufficient to meet normal requirements for taxicab service in St. Paul but that the present winter conditions, together with the inability to purchase private cars, have increased taxicab demands to the point where dif- ficulty is now being experiencedin securing reasonably satisfactory call service during evening hours when taxicab activity is at its peak. During this period there is a very rapid turnover at the cab stands where reasonably prompt service is afforded, but re,5ponse to telephone calls for cabs is slow and uncertain. The Union Jepot management has informed the committee that taxicab service to incom- ing trains is now satisfactory. Several complaints indicate that the rush period switchboard service of the taxicab companies is inadequate or out of service. There is a natural tendency for a concentration of taxicab service during rush hours in the loop (istrict where the turnover is greatest and revenues are co/n- 0 �c`v 1 ' -2 - sequently higher. Your committee feels that it is a primary responsibility of taxicab operators to furnish adequate facilities for service on train calls, hospital calls and other emergencies and to adequately service all incoming train# patronage. It is to the best interests of the taxicab owners and drivers that good service be rendered to the citizens at this time in order to retain the increased patronage which has developed during the war period. In view of the above m nditions your committee recommends that any in- crease in the present number of taxicab licenses be considered on a temporary basis to meet present abnormal demands and that arrangements be made to permit the reduction of this number on an equitable basis when and if this abnormal demand recedes. Most of the present applications for additional licenses are from pro- posed individual owner operators but a majority of applicants have signified their intention of joining with the DeLuxe cabs and operating in conjunction with them. The granting of a number of this type of license would add to taxi- cab cruising with its traffic interference, service from these cabs vo uld be limited to cab stands and casual pick-ups and would not be available for re- sidents of the city through telephone calls for making train connections, emergency calls, etc. Your committee would therefore recommend that any ad- dition to the present taxicab service in St. Paul be confined to an organized group maintaining adequate telephone switchboard service. The granting of any substantial number of taxicab licenses .in St. Paul will require the provision of additional cab stands to accommodate the surplus during off-peak periods in order to minimize unnecessary cruising. The aa.plications for license referred to the committee are attached hereto. Also a Police Department Report on the existing taxicab situation is attached. Respectfully submitted January, 1946. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jan. 11, 1946. Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Taxicab Committee City Hall Dear Sirs The Council referred to your committee for recommendation the attached application of Hose Louis %oepp for Taxicab lioFas 41111 and also the attached letters of Forrest R. Jackson and Roy Morgan endorsing his application. Very truly yours, Q City Clerk. 2 January 10, 1946 City Council c/o City Clerk 386 Court House St. Paul, :.innesota Gentlemen: Ross Louis Koepp 443 Dayton Avenue St. Paul 2, :dinnesota I, Ross Louis Koepp, residing at 443 Dayton Avenue in the City of St. Paul, ao hereby request a permit to operate one or more taxi cabs in our city in order to extent more service to the citizens of our community and to alleviate St. Paul's overburdened transportation facilities. With this in mind, it is my intention to operate five taxi cabs upon receipt of your approval, and if in your opinion the operation of five taxis is not justified in view of existing; conditions, a permit for fewer cabs would be sat— isfactory. For the past fourteen years I have been a resident of St. Paul and have observed with civic pride the progress and growth of our fine city. Upon graduating from Central High School, I attended the University of !.!innesota majoring in business administration, and while there I received the Deeree of Associate of Liberal Arts. November 2, 1942 I enlisted in the United States naval Reserve and was called to active duty July 1, 1943, at v:i-_ich time I commenced my service of twenty—seven months in the armed forces of our country on behalf of our democratic way of life, of which I am a firm believer. On or about February 27, 1944 I accepted a Commission as Ensign in the United States Naval Reserve and served in this capacity both in the Atlantic and the Pacific up until the time of my separation from the Navy on October 8th., 1945. Sea duty which I last performed was on board the ill—fated U.S.S. Southern Seas, flag ship of the Pacific Connmander of Foreward Areas. Organizations to which I now belcng include the American Lc.�ion and Delta Sigma Pi, a n,tional professional business fraternity. r/ -2 - By my many friends and fellow citizens, I, am known to be a, person of excellent character, and pl-ase-find enclosed herewith a list of personal references. Also en- closed are lei. ere of recom:aendation from the Am=ricnn Le6ion and a ohotostatic copy of my honorable discrarde from the United States Navy. As business reference I wish to inform you ,entle- men that I do business with the AmericLn National manic of St. Paul and the MiGland National i.nk and Trust Company of 14inneapolis, through both of which I fulfill my financial obli'ations. If ny request merits your approval, you have !ny assurance I will faithfully abide by all ordinances and reEulations L�overninL, ti -e owninLc and ooeratinE of taxi carps in the City of St. Paul and all other rules pertinent to the ooeretion of motor vehiclee. `lay I add that I em available at your convenience to annear before you for oersonal interview or any other action necessitated 'o« this annlicFtion. Sincerely, RLK/etk Ross L. Koeno Encl. REF -ERE 'CES t::r. F. C. De Pierre Railroad & ',Jarehouse Commission 19:`4 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota :Sr. B. R. Kaplan Commodore Hotel 'Manufacturer St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. A. E. Bundy Postal Employee 1696 Jefferson Avenue St. Paul, Mi,.nesota D". S I. Derauf Physician & Surgeon 1746 Pinehurst Avenue S Paul, Minnesota NOTICE OF SEPARATION FROM THE V. S. NAVAL SERVICE RAom-n. Ian. T•ul I. Rut 1 4.I .1 1.1;w ra wo ru-! J ._ [. un t[ntOE w Map, Rose _ Louis Ltieign, u 941056 ___ ra or .-WIN 1934Pinehurst NPinehu3/10/23 RAve., t Paul SLRamsey Co., Minnesota. I Wal M ■. u.Rnr IND. NNICN ....A..0 nu Aaaa Ro.a (il —.—I hob ham.1 o_Y.,. crtnaR No SANE RECORD Or NAVAL {ERVICE atLtCT'.a _ 10 i c' Tt011. 11— A*-" 11 ""1 OI L.... INTO t...... I1,, IOCAI -AND NO.. OYNTT AND ST0.TE T? cn_- Minn. DATA - I A M 1 J 7 .. .._. __ 1A. nice OF ENTET I TD AC1.19 ta."C9 O. DAT 11. gim %polis, l nnesota. I + %/ 1/43 is. C.AGCTI. OI OItCRARAa HONORABLE Roy �crlr No. D.r IN. It. rLAaa Or SIFAAAT10. I e I1.rICa USYH Bethesda 7!i tE1 arvlancl _10 B • EA D ICF I rGta OxTxt DA.. IS LENGTH OI IOGN AND/OR S O RARIIREIR _ _— 0 11 0 REIT To TNL LAST RAI... xAL. NTxt n, wT Gnw Rau RON— 19. .a.Vlta ACWVoU ATTEND.. LOY.sEs n.sun E s.. USPPnC, Miami, F1aN �i10�C Navigation,CoTwun Lusiness ydministration. _— a.. rourwNu o. IMAD. COR ... a (lndiovt.—nntur. and'ODDth of coun.•1— Gunnery, Naval A t N 0 N E A. ■a••• '= READIUSTMFbT ALLOWANCE Asiatic Pacific to" LAN � WIRETHROM ..... 'e'.,f. ENNWLOTNEIIT AMD NON-aENVIC 'LUoma. mUCAT10NAL DATA d DAre Lert Student -- la. ..YAL mnUA. OCCUTAI.R - .t. JOa rlalp r.EI..FN<L Student Finance L.... r....RENc. (dh Dw.ralarm) G fo — — !'i nnesota. it. _A IN. Roue M ♦ s Co- Rmuu•`,wK ...� �.DD� L.xllx tE oL I LLI.a Lusiness ydministration. _— a.. rourwNu o. IMAD. COR ... a (lndiovt.—nntur. and'ODDth of coun.•1— N 0 N E A. ■a••• '= READIUSTMFbT ALLOWANCE Asiatic Pacific to" LAN � WIRETHROM American Theater. srAx_ ___M1NNESOTA_____ 1 e.rtlfr rho, dl +nlormodon On thr[ I.— p.rminina Ito h. d- Nwd Sery w of th. abo.. nomad to,110dual iN .—,d- ' , rlrh rhe ord..1 rho Nwy D.Z..nt and that ° SOn' uro Edi cllarOivO o�icv�� mDr of thin form 6m b..n d.iirarod to hi. N p.nm. J Gln -iootJ-- to_ ffi Coro F. PhTFRS. 1��R7+�_ o�tl�ieiactTary 2'eraOQLI11n� ` INSURANCE NOTICE plppRTAM ISRR�alou�or m u.�e . I rY. - Nol. IDpRrur.l:;�ro��w i i,°N•xnrDnl. ruw N ,1rnrlRwv .rtriwrwrif+eOxna Mun rhl �„n, rN o- ""'r"nr'N<w[orN rooSxu n xre n onwuAII.I. x n.n. rr. .... I ON, u 1 uWI . .— Ah., JI) -Sapt.1945 ° IAll,00t.1945 OFFICERS FOR 1946 REPRESENTATIVES TO THE For...t J..k.ov. Comm.vd.r CENTRAL COMMITTEE Roy M-g.v. S.v;or V;..-Comm.vd.r J. N. M.Ivt M6B.a.tt. J..;,. V;w-C.mm.va.. A. W. P.rl yn J.6 M. Cotr... Trw-- Clifford E. Arad.. C6pl.iv A -h;. R. Viv;t.ky: Hist -6. Rob..t F. Fl.".ry. S-g...t.t Am, ST. PAUL POST NO. 8 ' L..ry B.rth.. Aat. S..&—t .t Arm. PAST POST COMMANDERS THE AMERICAN LEGION F -a: i kD.M. thy St.&l a M.g POST EIGHTERS Thom., F. Ry.. veliest Post *Erg... M. O'N.;II PAST STATE I I Dr. N. G. MoK.. COMMANDERS 'L Q _(1 I. E. Gotd;.b H.rr;av F.tl.r "e lJ�$� Joh. J. D..phy Dr. A. A. V.vDyk, G... W. P.— St.6ord K;.g G. V. C.ovo. *CI.;r. I. W.;k— PAST DISTRICT H...,.. C. B.l.r.. COMMANDERS Office of fte Adjutant E. J. C., J Anh-J. M.Q.;ll.v Dr. N. G. Mort..... ALLARD COUSE Roy E. Joh..to. F..a C. N.l...123 West Sixch Sc. F -A C. D.P;.— H.rm.. C. B.lrt.r A. L. J J. J C6-... J. V.6— St. . Voko.v .St. peu{ 2, Minn. Joh„ B. Worth J..ry L. Cov..11y Ch..l.. J. M.Q.;II.. Clift.. T. P-1, J..ry L. co ... 11y January 9th, 1946. P.. y J Ro h. t. m Wym.. F- N. P..1 N. M.I.tyr. A. W. The City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:— I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Ross Louis Koepp, who is applying for a permit to operate a taxicab service in this City. The undersigned deems Mr. Knepp to be a man of honesty and responsibility and that if he is granted the permit he seeks he will fulfill all of the obligations incumbent upon him. Respectfully yours, FRJ J Forrest R. ckson, Commands Meetings on Ise and 3rd Monday Nice of Each Month—Veterans Halla, Auditorium "{PEAR A LEGION BUTTON" "CARRY YOUR LEGION CARD" l!-�E �l1ttEXiti%1T �E�iQxt ITourt4 District Dept. of jMiauesata 1409 Court Pause Ot1ARLES DELISLE. COwMANORR quint Paul HAROLD E. CHARD. C—RM.N..•IN.NCe COM-TTEE L. O. PRATT. MEMBERR , coM Mlrree dlll C. W. FREDERICKSON.—AIRw.N..eR—e BOARD HOWARD J. NORUM, wcr—T—eoM MlrTee0 ROBERT G. FLYNN, cN.IRM.N, LeD.L C—ITTEE WM. L'. F. ERICKSON. P ARTHUR F. KEIPER, TReARUReR HENRY W. PETERSON, —IC L..Ieon caw wiTTEE ROY F. MORGAN. ADS 1 NT January 8, 1946 The City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - This letter is written on behalf of Mr. Ross Louis Koepp, who is applying for a permit to operate a taxicab service in this city. The undersigned deems Mr. Koepp to be a man of hon- esty and responsibility and that if he is granted the permit he seeks he will fulfill all of the obligations incumbent upon him. Yours respectfully, Ro F. Morg I _ -A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �erattmeftl o1 pamc POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 9. 1946 d Taxicab License Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: '-Mr. M. W. &ewett Dear Sir: Attached hereto is the application of Bolch J. Perkins, 225 Rondo Avenue, St. Paul, for a license .to operate additional cabs on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Mr. Perkins is operating one taxicab at the present time, Cab #132. very truly yours, /License Inspector VETERAN TAXI COMPANY 225 RONDO AVENUE NNESOTA SAINT PAUL j, To the License Department: In regards s for more rcab licenses am operating a Cab company for the I am asking for six additional cabs. Roping you will find it necessary to grant them. I will appear in person any time. Yours truly VETERAN TAXI COMPANY Boloh J. Perkins V 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -QM0-® Jan. 10, 1946. Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Taxicab Committee City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Taxicab Committee for recommendation the attached application of James H. Shankey for one Taxicab license (new). Very truly yours,, City Clerk. 6z N U M B-E R F 0 U R S E L B Y C 0 U R T 2 .r S A I N T P A U L, `M I N N. J A N U A R Y 8 T H 1 9.4 6 CITY COUNCIL OF SAINT PAUL SAINT.PAUL,MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN: I AM WRITING THIS FEW LINES TO YOU TO GAIN YOUR PERMISSION TO OPERATE A TAXI-CAB WITHIN THE BOUNDRIES OF THIS CITY SO THAT I MAY CREATE A JOB FOR MYSELF TO MAKE IT MY SUPRORT I AM IN POSITION TO GET THE PROPER INBURANCE TO COVER PASSENGERS THAT WOULD BE CARRIED WITHIN THE ABOVE OPERATION. I HOLD A STATE LICENSE OF CFIAUFFEUR FOR.A NUMBER OF YEARS AND AM IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION TO OPERATE A TAXICAB. I WILL.APPRECIATE YOUR HEARING MY APPLICATION SO THAT I MAY KNOW WHETHER OR NOT THAT I CAN GAIN THE ABOVE PERMISSION I THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR FUTURE COURTESY IN THIS MATTER. k0.4-SELBY ESPEC UL . H KE COURT 2,SA T PAUL,MINN. o t i Ilj / 9 U December 26, 1945 Taxicab License Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. M. 'If. Hewett Dear Sir: Attached is application of Wayne P. Davis, 1397 Palace Avenue, for license to operate one taxicab on the streets of Saint Paul. Very truly,'You License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// • POLICE FIRE // c. �e�artfiI.ent of panic csajelc - Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH POLICE and FIRE ALARM - G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner December 26, 1945 Taxicab License Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. M. 'If. Hewett Dear Sir: Attached is application of Wayne P. Davis, 1397 Palace Avenue, for license to operate one taxicab on the streets of Saint Paul. Very truly,'You License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS •06p.® Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Taxiciib Committee City Hall Dear Sir: Januarg S, 1946. The City Council referred to the Taxicab Committee for recommendation the attached application of Lloyd Eason, 672 Greenbrier, for one Taxicab license (new). . Very truly yoara, City Clerk. Mayor McDonough City Council Gentlemen: - I am making an application for one Taxi- cab license, at this time - I was formerly an Owner and Operator with the Blue d white Cab Association. I am a Driver for the same company at present. I am interested in the taxi cab transportation of St Paul. Yours truly, r en r er e,dQz 4433 THE CAB CALL OF ST. PAUL LOW (YLL C n YE AB E oar av—�IL� YL CAB ASSN 190 NORTH SMITH AVENUE Sint �auf 2, e�innesota 100% ST. PAUL ASSOCIATION ° Jan -21-1946 Mayor McDonough City Council uentlemen:- After appearing before the license committee a week ago, I have given my application a lot of thought. I will join the group of men that want to join the De Luxe Taxi association: '.;e are goin,7 to have telephone service �t cM need core t -;xi c,_bs, also an iT•, rovecient iii t�lenhone cab c+_11 eervi-ce. imirovement in s rvi.ce on t`:e ':ast :-ide, of to';^n, -Iso the '!Jost i de, a --nt cny _ .r'-: ii: '.ri ,t, '311 r.::_ t,._ in -encerul mould like be.� ervice. e cannot 'orlet the fact that 2n the 1 hcs been a successful :;ervic,e i- ::t _aul_ and otter cities. e e _n:.ot c erlco?: the f ,ct flat ourI ion, ?ocal 120, h�.s had a great beari_n_> in helvinn uor1 ing conditi<_,s, which in turn a helped the cab service. I have '_-tad many y, -ars, exrer;,nc,z as �. taxi -drive., I hope my urrlication .gill b,� ,iven your care,'nl _0, f__Vora':_Ie con idrr- at Ll ^yi Da:;on, 672 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Taxicab Committee City Hall Dear Sirs Dec. 13, 1945. The City Council referred to your committee for recommendation the attached application of Stanley C. Hicks, 599 FAmund Ave., for a Taxicab license (new). Very truly yours, i City Clerk. (` i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // c �efati e d o1 Public da�etc� POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner January 19. 1946 TaxicPb License Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. M. W. Hewett Dear Sir: Attached hereto is the application of Leslie J. Gagnelius, 1977 East Nevada Street, St. Paul, for a license to operate one cab on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Mr. Gagnelius has had twenty years experience as a cab driver. Very truly ours. J. License Inspector �� �,� � �� ���o��� �� Deoember 26, 1945 Taxioab Lioense Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. V. ?f. Hewett Dear Sir: Attaohed is applioation of Norman E. Davis, 50 Suvait Avenue, for a lioense to operate one t�xioab on the streets of mint Paul. ft •490-4 Very�trulr yours, Lioense Inspeotor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 11 / 1 �eYJa'GGmed o7� Alhc Sal eliPOLICE U Q FIRE UU lUl Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Deoember 26, 1945 Taxioab Lioense Committee Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. V. ?f. Hewett Dear Sir: Attaohed is applioation of Norman E. Davis, 50 Suvait Avenue, for a lioense to operate one t�xioab on the streets of mint Paul. ft •490-4 Very�trulr yours, Lioense Inspeotor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Jaa. 4, 1946. Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Taxicab Committee City Hall Dear Sir: _ The City Council referred to the Taxicab Committee for recommendation the attached applications of Harold J. Cable and Glendon M. Lindberg for ane Taxicab license each (new). Very truly yoara, City Clerk. January 3, 1946. St. Paul, Minnesota V2 To the Honorable City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlement (` I waj1d like to apply for a license to operate one oar as a taxicab in,,the City of Saint Paul., I have driven a cab Q in this city for 20 years, am an honorably discharged veteran of World War II, am familiar with the business, and have a clsaa record. I believe that more taxicabs are needed in the city to handle the increased volume of business, and will greatly appreciate favorable action on my application. Very t=taly Yours, lo L t'' J9 r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota POLICE // // e �eratlmeptt og Allic Safety FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY. Deputy Commissioner December 26, 1945 Tw:icab License Co nittee Saint Paul, }`innesote. Attention: 1:'r. 1'. ':'r. Hewett Dear Sir: Attached is application of Andrew I. Allan, 49 Valley Street, for license to operate one taxicab on the streets of the City of Saint Paul. Very truly Yo/urs, ��Ce�ai7 License Inspector l r= 49 Valley bt. bt. Paul -1- Minn., Dec. 46 1945 TO THE %,YOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF oU• PAUL. airs I Andrew Allan of 49 Valley bt.City of St. Paul request that I be granted a TAXI CAB OPERATORa license, to permit me to haul passengers in the city of Qt- Paul - 1 was driving taxi in at. Paul when I left that job to enlist in the U.s.NAVY.Jan. L. 1944• After. One year eleven months and seventeen days,of which one year was overseas service. I was discharged on Dec. 9. 1945. I would like to continue in that line of business with my own taxi. The following information may be of some use or may help you 3n making a decsion. I have been driiing taxi in Qt. Paul sines 1969. Have been a voter since 1931, am marriea,have two children, have been a home owner. At present I am renting. I have never been arrested and have never had a complaint from any passenger as to honesty or driving ability. I have never been on relier,, wpA, or have I ever collected unemployment insurance. I understand all city laws govering taxi cabs. Have been a licensed chauffeur continua sly since 19L9. Have also held city drivers license since that time. I can get recommendations from reputable business men,doctore and reliable citizens. I believe, as do thouaanda of other ot. Paul people, that it.Paul needs more cabs,as well as more drivera,that realize that they are making their living off of the public . I am finaoialy able ie' (at the present)to go into the taxi business and obtain "aurance. Hoping that you will give' my application soma consideration and enable me to get in business for myeelf,I remain Reept. yours r w .Allan W S THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ~- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION - i January 21,1946. Mr. Neal C. McMahon, Asst. Chief of Police. Dear Sir% I made a check in regard to cab service at the following places: Covered Wagon. Jerry Long, 7`anager, at night. States very poor service at 'n g� Rt, but day service is OK. Lowry Hotel. Kenneth Ailkinson. Not any trouble getting cabs. Cab stand at �T-wry. St. Paul Hotel. Yr. Harrington, -Chief Room Clerk- at desk at night. He states rev have no trouble vetting cabs for their patrons. There is a cab stand at the Hotel 6t. Paula St. Francis Hotel. lar. lieMerrett, :""anager, states they have no trouble getting cabs. Ryan Hotel. Sir. iiorowitz, Manager. No trouble with cabs - cab stand at the Ryan. Park Nita Club. Wm. Emhke,, Manager. At times hard to get cabs, but service has een getting better the last few months. Cabstand at Selby and Snelling. Club Criteron. Mr. Harry Turgeon, Manager. Has had trouble, but service has een getting better. Most trouble is at closing hours. No cab stand near the Criteron. Jerry's Nite Club. Mr. Jerry Brennan, Manager. Has had trouble getting cabs. Most of trouble not being able to get calls through to cab companies. Prom Dance Hall. Mr. Ed Harding, M'gr. Service during evening OK, but has ale at closing hours. No cab stand near the Prom. Red "rather Nite Club. M,r. Wm. Picha, Manager. Has had trouble, but service gettfing etter. Union Depot. Mr. Christopher, '.`gr. Day service OK. Night service better lately. He states it is OK. He has understanding with cab company when heavy loaded trains are arriving they send extra cabs to depot. / +e COPY Taxicab Licenses as of Natl Assn. of Taxicab Owners. Julv 1. 1944 -- city Population 1940 Census No. of Licenses Rate Portland, Ore. 305,394 163 30¢ 1st 1/4 mile 10¢ each add. 1/2 mile 10� each 3 min. wtg. time Atlanta, 0a. 302,288 144 40,d 1st 2 miles 10¢ each add. 2/5 mile 10/ each 3 min. wtg. time Oakland, Cal. 304163 178 2031 1st 1/4 mile 531 each add. 1/5 mile Jersey City, N.J. 301,173 53 2531 1st mile 53e each add. 1/4 mile Dallas, Texas 294,734 White 303 3531 1st 2 miles Negro 63 531 each add. 1/2 mile 41.50 per hr. wtg. time Memphis. Tenn 292,942 White 202 35¢ 1st 2 miles Negro 42 1036 each add. 1/2 mile 10¢ each 4 min. wtg. time St. Paul, "dinn. 287,736 74 35X 1st 1/2 mile 5/ each add 1/4 mile First 22 min. wtg. time free 1O¢ each add 22 min. wtg. time Toledo, Ohio 292,349 160 35/ 1st 2 miles 10¢ each add. 4/5 mile 5irminPham, Ala. 267,583 150 3531 1st 1/2 mile 5$e each add 1/4 mile 5/ each 2 min. wtg. time San Antonio, Texas 253,854 195 3531 1st 2 miles 531 each add 1/2 mile �3JT71 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS -4GPPO Jan. 29, 1946. Hon. C. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sirs The Council referred to your committee the attached letter of the Taxicab Committee, together with the applications for Taxicab licenses attached thereto, and requested that you hear these applicants and make a recommendation to the Council. very truly yours, City Clerk. l February 7, 1946. Mr. Clifton Parks Attorney 902 Minnesota Bldg. St. Paul 1. Minnesota Dear Sir$ 'Phe City Council will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chamber at 10 A.M. am February 20th with reference to the various application for new Taxicab licenses. We ars informed that you represent some of the applicants. Very truly yours. City Clerk. Feb. 5, 1946. Mr. Emil Barbeau c/o Brown & White Cab Co. 171 'W. University Ave. St. Paul 3, Minnesota Dear Sirs The Council will hold a public hearing on Feb. 20th at 10 A.M. in the matter of various applications for new Taxicab licenses to determine whether public o5o"nience and necessity require more cabs. Very truly yours, City Clerk Yellow Cab Association 190 Bo. Smith Ave. St. Paul 2,Minnesota Rentlemew Feb. 5, 1946. The City Council will hold a public hearing on Feb. 20th at 10 A.M. is the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court HmIs a in the matter of various applications for new Taxicab licensee to determine whether public convenience and necessity require more cabs. Very truly yours City Clerk. Feb. 5, 1946. Mr. Maurice W. Hewett Chairman, Taxicab Committee City Hall Dear Sire Die City Council will hold a hearing at 10 A.H. on Feb. 20th with reference to various applications for new Taxicab licensee. The purpose of the hearing is to detemine whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of new cabs, and the Council would like to have your committee present. Will you kindly lAify themt Very truly yours* City Clerk. Feb. 5, 1946. Mr. Hobert A. Godfrey 806 Goodrich Ave. St, Paul 5, Minnesota Dear Sirs The City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Charber in the City Hell and Court House on February 20th at 10 A.M. vdth reference to various applications for new Taxicab licenses. The purpose of the hearing will be determine vniether public convenience and necessity require licensing more cabs. You may be heard on this question at that tine if you wish. Very tiu1F yours, Oity Clerk. February 19, 1946. Mr. Edward P. Taylor 246 Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 2, Minn. Dear Sire A hearing will be held before the City Council M February 20th at 10 A.M. in the City Council Chamber with reference to various applications for Taxicab licenses including your application. Very truly yours City Clerk. Feb. 13. 1946. Yr. Joe. G. BUM - 1397 Palace Ove. St. Paul 5s Munesota Dear Sirt A hearing mill be held before the City Cooncil on February 20th at 10 w.m. in the City Council Chamber with reference to various applications for Taxicab licensee, including your application. very truly yours, City Clerk. Andrew I. Allan 9 valley Glendon E. Lindberg 471 Marshall Harold J. Cable lo6 H. Smith Apt. 650 Borman E. Davie 50 Summit Leslie J. 0agnelius 1977 E. Nevada Stanley C. Hicks 589 Edmund Lloyd Bason 672 Greenbrier Messrs. Willie Los Hardy i Lue W. Day T32 Rondo at. Paul 40 Minnesota Osntlawnt February 5th, 1946 Wayne P. Davis 1397 Palace James H. Shankey & Selby Court Folch J. Perkins 225 Rondo Roes L. Seopp 443 Dayton Frances C.Bellis 587 H. Western Virgil E. Clark 849 E. Rose Louie Schlichting 51371 Wabasha fte Ottty Council will hold a public bearing in the City Council Cbanber in the City Hall and Court Rouse at lOsOO o'clock A.U. on Bebraary 20th, with reference to various applications for taxicab licenses includIm your application. Very truly yours, City Clerk February S, 19+6. Mr. Lester Pepin 370 Goodrich eve. St. Pszl 2, Mi,-.':esota Dear Sirs The Gity Council erill hold a public hearing in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House at 10sOO ogelocic j•.M. -a February 20th, with reference to various applications for taxicab licenses, including your application Very tr%ily yours,. City Clor'-• Feb. g, 1946. . Mr•A. D. Weller 251 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House at 10200 01clock A.M. on February 2(th, with reference to various applications for taxicab licensees including your application. Very truly ymirs, City Clerk. 1st. y y 2nd. Laid over to y 3rd. and app. Adopted / Yeas Nays YeasNays as sass Barf F� i en a lam art To iPerofson / Fere n �ruax •/ Mr. President McDonough Mr, President McDonough FILE ORDINANCE NO. 13M72 An ordinance autheriain d`provi i for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the lity Of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in an amount not to exceed. the sum of.lro Million Dollars (#8,000,- 000.00) par value, for the purpose of paying the share of the City of Saint Paul of the oust of the Capitol Appreaeh Improve - sent, as provided ander the teras of Chapter 316, Session_Iysxs of Minnesota for -1046. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the'publi0 peace, health and safety. NHSRW, under Chapter 315, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1948, a State Veterans Service Building Commission has been ore atea for the purposes provided in, said lax, and said Commission has adopted aplan for the enlargeaent of said Capitol gronnd5; and the Council of the City of Saint Paul has adopted a plan for coordinating the streets of the sity with the onlargod.Ospi- tel 8reunds,`'and said plan of said City has been approved by Bait -Commission; and VHVMsit is necessary that the City of Saint Paul ob- tain funds fir the purpose of defraying the expense of its por- tion of said improvement; therefore THS COHNCIL OF THS CITY Of SAINT PAUL DO$S ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell the negotiable bonds of said City in an amount got to ex0eod the sun of Two Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) par value, for the pgrpose of paying the share of the City of Saint Paul of the cost of the Capitol Approach Improvement, as"provided under the terms of WRaptsr 310, Session Laxs.of Minnesota for 1946. Section 8. Said bonds shall be in the form of aerial bonds, a portion of which -shall be -payable each year after issue, but none of said bends shall ran -for a longer period than thirty (30) years. Said beads shall bear interest at & rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually; and the Council shall fix the denomination of said bonds, the tern, the date and dat.oe of aaturity thereof. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fisoal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of Now York, State of Now York. The coupons attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the en- graved signatures of the Mayor and Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and inter - eat of said bends, and the proceeds of said bonds ara hereby appropriated and shall be used solely. for the purpose described in Section 1 hereof. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen r. r h) t s Attest: ' ice F cesiden (Truax) ........ . -- { l;r City Clerk l a Oi 500 17.44 E Passed by the Council -----------_-------.-..-..-.- Approved ------------------------------In Favor --------•- ------------------- Against Mayor Orw"i to city ©ck.. oe���N�►NCE t3 ,1= COUNCIL FILE NO. n/) . 'y/ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. F `� 7 � " (2) Booties 3. the Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from tine to tine In such amounts as it may see fit, upon such notice and in such manner as is proscribed by lar, at not lose than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders, and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums thereon, shall be oredited to and placed In a fund to be known as the City of Saint Paul Capitol Approach Improvement Fund, for the purpose described Sn.Sectiem l hereof. Section 4.• the proper city officers are hereby authorised, ordered and required to not aside annually from the revenues of the City of Saint Paul a sufficient mount to pay the intereaV on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year, and are hereby directed to make a tax levy to provide for the payment thereof in "cordons* with.Subdivision 7 of Section 9 of said Chapter 315, Session Laws of Rinnosota for 1945. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the tall faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul for the payment of said bonds, and not in lieu thereof. Section 5. !lone of the bonds herein authorized shall be Issued when the total.net'Indebtedness of said City of Suint Paul ezeeeds ten per . oeut (100 of the u17, as finally equalized, of all taxable property in said City, computed in accordance with the terms of Chapter 549, Session.baxb of ![Sane- sota for 1945. Section G. this ordinance is hereby deolered to be an morgency ordinance "adored necessary for the.preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section T. this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Couneumen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr PYeadgia7�&8%,}' gh) Attest: ''` '` ice Presiden[, (Truax) City Clerk 500 1244 Passed by the Council_WR �3- - ........ In Favor 6. Against MAR 14 i'g Approved pj-------------- ----------------- ------------ ---- ------------------ ayor j$LjS,,D�,_-// To the council Gentlemen: The attached proposed ordinance is the first step to be taken for the issue of bonds to defray the city's share of the cost of its•portion of the capitol Approach Im- provement. ruture resolutions and ordinances will be presented -- to issue and sell.the bonds as the funds are required. We are advised that funds will be needed in the near future to defray costs of engineering services and acquisition of properties so are submitting the preliminary, ordinance at this time. Yours v y t , Di t ✓ 5�1�?� w, CITY O T PAUL �M�" e JOH CDONOUGH R. F. PeTER60}i MAYM Joa(. mmcmRARCH • COUNCIL INVESTIG/�T �l.I� WrN:c:ca BUREAU RESEM LWN ROS G. H. BA--- O Mu.:w+n:. �// HILAR �f CTGR 4 � f FRm M. TRUAX OpMM1eHYNCI JOHN S. FINMAN Mo� - .•.� �.. — - 1. Feb. 21, 1946. To the council Gentlemen: The attached proposed ordinance is the first step to be taken for the issue of bonds to defray the city's share of the cost of its•portion of the capitol Approach Im- provement. ruture resolutions and ordinances will be presented -- to issue and sell.the bonds as the funds are required. We are advised that funds will be needed in the near future to defray costs of engineering services and acquisition of properties so are submitting the preliminary, ordinance at this time. Yours v y t , Di t Oriplaal to Clty Clcrk CITY OF ST. PAUL n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " r.nUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1355'73 vas couwcn_ No.-- - - - - -------------- - R$SOLVID, that pursuant to section 1963-67, Xason's 1936 Supplement, and upon delivery to the Corporatien.Coupsel of a release approved by him, Julian Robert Peterson be paid the Bust of #24.80 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full settle- sent of his claim for damages to his ear rhea it vas hit by a squad ear driven bF.R. W. Woedlag while in the performance of hie official duties. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a s in n s auto / eesefSon /_2 In Favor -.Against momm g h ww aM.Mr. V�Fjeaident (Truax) ee C. F. No. 135573 -BY Barfuss— RESOLVED. that Po, z' l� 1963-67. Masons 793a SurpPP selon fdenveleesto pProved byyabhimCJui- g24?Aeout of then7 of udgment anile Com promisFud in fun e n settlement of., his en it, C1 httobyda squad cow is byhE. W it while In th perform- ce of tiJs_afflclat'duties:- � -.'- 'I Mop by the Colun948 Feb 26 1946- . Approved Feb. 28 i (March 2, .3946'3 r— FEB 26 10 Adopted by the Council ----------- ----------------------- 194...... FEB 26 Approved.------- ------------------------------------------ --- . 'a ^�- ------------- :-.... ----------- - r�atmg Mayer IRA KARON MARSHALL F. HURLEY JAMES F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. OAUG HERT JOHN J. McNE1L ASSISTANTS CITY OF SAINT PAUL J LEGAL DEPARTMENT '457 , BRUCE J. BROADY CORPORATION ��,C��OUNSEL Feb. 21, 1946. Mr. G% H. Aarfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: We transmit herewith form of resolution for payment of claim which we deem proper for settlement. Property damage to automobile of claimant was caused by reason of the following facts. On Dec. 26, 1945, Officer Thill was driving Squad car No. 304 north on Snelling ave. At the intersection of Ashland ave., he attempted to get the front wheels of the car out of the ruth of the streetcar track. Claimant at that moment was in the act of passing the police vehicle. As the officer swung the car out of the ruts, it,oame into collision with the claimant's car causing damage. Yours t ✓ 4 /( arlshallCHurle Y Assistant Corporation Co eel. ! to ci Clerk f COMMI�SSEIONER 135574 couNca NO ------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL a"6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Commissioner of public Safety has reported in accordance with iHEAS, The ch Section 53 of the City Charter,the certaineemployeeeeofehie Department ror more necessary, the hours per day and on Sunday, from February 1st to for more than eight hours p being more than usual February 15th, 1946, inclusive, said employment hours of employment; therefore, be it gESCI,YID: That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment, the employee named in the list attached hereto, for the extra time therein set forth. ._ G. H. Bartuss—.'.of, �. F. No. 13557�tY the proper city V3 SOLVED, authorized Department f 1 facers are herebie the ° ertain employ for xtra mployment s peublic Safety t out on the list attached fo this r19B5 �I lution. the Councn Feb. 28,. Adopted by b. 26. 14th. '.ppproved Feb. 2._1946) '- FEB. 261946 -194.--.-- Adopted by the CounclL............_....---.- COUNCILMEN n�� YeasNaye FEB 26 ?''SSS ase Approved ------------------------------------------194------ in an �parranto/ -------- c- �- _..._In Favor �' /" Ma or a/tgsaon - a�t,n� Y �R,()BCII Against h net 9�r• �,�resident lTruax) 35574 x Days Pate Amount 6 $ 7.12 $ 42.72 r 135,574 An ,emergency has arisen in the DjPI►AT9WT OF pU.BLIC SAFETY, rendering necessary the employment of certain. employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work;, Police Ambulance Surgeons This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and cirenmstencess No regular ambulance surgeons available from Civil Service register. Origim,toO«CJvk X;W CITY OF ST. PAUL FUNCIL NO...._l" ________._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - / "" ✓ \ DATE COMM ISS IONER_- I e Yea 3M RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested by Eugene A. Honick, County Anditer, on behalf of the County of Ramsey, in the attached application No. 65894; asking for the cancellation of a sprinkling assessmenimin the enm of =4.47, Including penalty, levied against Lot 11, Anditor's Subdivision No. 10, and a grass cutting assessment in the sum of #1.32 in- cluding penalty, levied against the most 60 feet of the south 200 feet of Warrick Avenue vacated between Wlooks 9 and 10, Summit Avenue Addition, beoanse said land is the property of the Wniversity of Minnesota and therefore exempt. COUNCILMEN FFg 26 ] - Adopted by the Council ..................................194....:. FEB 266 Approved. ........................... ....194------ ..............In Favor - ----- - _. Acting Mayor -(- ....Against Or)pmal to Oty Clerk - = 1.35576 C - NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ciLE� NO ------ --------------- - OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK r ,T COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY_ COMMISSIONER. fit' - .DATE. RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of saint Paul recommends that the Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested by.1*geae A. Ronick, County auditor in tits attached application r• No. 65695, asking for the cancellation of,apriniliag assessment in the sum of 16.38 and4plenalty, levied against the north 80 feet of Lots S and 9, Oak Pari, because it vas assessed through error. C- F- No. MiWB-. if--, CttyEof g f. W, they Cooncfj � of th6 Tax Com Pllel.iecommedds: that the missfoner' grant the guested by Eugeae:,A MoI j.f:1 ty; AA95�r hi decd BPPneaHon No: sPrfNc)f Pagslrfn8 for:$e pancenetion' of 55.95 and.: ane meat In thet...slitn of beceuace feet oflAd ir�•ots.8 a J 9a1Aat tAe 1t was laseeasedOsk Park, APPMV"ed bFeti d Cou LPhorbou , e78rro95. . i (Mar 1248 1146) FEB 26 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------------- -................ 194------ Yeae Nays FEB 261 I3arfusa �1 Findlan Approved ............................... 194----.. Parranto Peterson --------In Favor-.Ll--/j�_-•-�/ki�.2---------------------- Rosen / AetUW9-Mayor g'mex .-\....!.n ---Against gh ant 9.h1r. .)jjW&iresident (Truax' Original to City clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENT 'vnm made e omens inquen' 135577 couNCn.------------ - FRX ndlan-.___ ..__I. WHEREAS, Marie Stern Wellings, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commission for relief relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit' Lots 5 and 6, Martin D. Clark's Rearrangement of Lots 11 and 12, Block 50, Dayton and Irvine's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $541.46, and the to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of applicant offers $473.50; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $137.41 8 be first deducted from the total payment of $473.50 and that said sum of $137.41 shall be paid to the City of -St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $541.46. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson. Rosen man- gh sn: g.or. V&&'residenc (Truax) FEB 2610 Adopted by the Council ------------------•....... ----- 194------ FEB 20 i1w Approved..--•--•----•------••-----•----•-•----•---194 -- --- ----------In Favor •------•- - . -/ NCL►►t9 Mayor u --•--Against 7?1T-RLISFIET' 3' ;J � OrIQI1 to City Clerk - 1355781 na CITY OF ST. PAUL FUU cm No.'----..7 ----------- OFFICE o. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fa, t3v5�s BY:F+ndidn— AS Sam Raport has made ap= to the 'Minnesota Tari Com- 0 r nef relntiv to dellnquent PRESENTED BY �jy.�. l�V� �il/✓1 DAT' easments on the followingf COMMISSIONER.rrtv.' tq wltc r--� t a3 and;an Ad9'tion; and :t: totgsth� `sum '5 WHEREAS, Sam Raport has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commission for relief relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Easterly 2 ft. of Lot 23 and all of Lot 24, Block 2, Ely's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $58.02, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $52.33; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $1.06 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $52.33, and that said sum of $1.06 shall be,paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $58.02. FEB 26 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------- ----------------------- 194...... Yeas Nays VEB 261r �/t} Barfuss Findlan / Approved------ -----------*-------------------194 Parranto Peterson Favor f'' "-.%kl..t f "lll ..................... " AL't yMayor Rosen fAgainst- r R'T7T3I,IsI�.}?:; gh am 9Avir. 14WIlAgesident (Tntax) ( PETITION) . U5579 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IM ROVEMENT and PRELIMIN Y ORDER. f The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Construct New Monolithic Con' ,te,•Sidewalk on the, north side of A. .................... ............................ VENUE /.Y?4m..AlbeRt..$.tr.. .tis P gnSl.. i3ufficient„s idewa,lke.... a..exist.......................................................:.. Datedthis ............... day of.................. .............................. 19................. ............................. r. ............... Councilman. lPRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: SOH F.kFR.A itU .. fiotil.ki�,??�JCtr..StX'e@.t..GP..]N PAX,• :.....�cod..HFid..Bti?R G18Nt..�i�ewe�k5..now,�xist ............ ............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................:.................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thai the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or snore owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .. FEB 26190 Adoptedby the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS FEB 26 - Councilman BARFUSS Approved ..:::.... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON1n ROSEN..........� •••••••• .................... — AOtb►g Mayor. 1 k l , pres dent (Truax'PLJBLJSHED - 1.35580 1Qinalt'CI CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL --------------- OFFICE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE CO M M ISS I ONER..—_.—._ RESOLVED, that it is the present finding of the Council that the issuance of any new intoxicating liquor or non -intoxicating malt beverage licenses, efther oD,•„sale or off sale, in the North Sts..: -Anthony Park district bounded on the south by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the,Fair Grounds, and on the west and north by the City limits, would be detrimental to the general welfare of the City, and in accordance therewith and until the Council shall otherwise determine, applications for licenses therefor in said district will be denied. C F. RESOLVED.�R it Gs itheR present , findlog of the Councll that the issuance f anynew intoxicating liquor or non- n' malt beveragn licenses, fdistrlef as fbo Stth nd do on Anthonyan lePark or t Northern Rail- - the south by the Great ay tracks,o n the the east nd theFair th by Grounds, and the City limits, would be detrimental welfare.f the City d to the general in accordance. therewith and until the shall otherwise determine, Councll plications for licenses therefor in sal@ district will be denied. 1l Feb. 28, 1995. Adopted by the Coun Feb. 28, 19411. -ap- Approved (March 2, 19961 it FFR 2 R COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................ ..._---..----.-..194-.--.. Yeas Nays ( •i�^ `lv a ss n /Pa anto ;Lrson Approved -------------- ----------------194--- ....In Favor �D ...e..,...../SMe.�aor 2.../.....-Against . g snf 9bAr. 'a4i&4esid, ra (Truax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 21, 1946- mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall 1(14580 Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you draw a resolution putting the City Council on record to the effect that they will not grant any new Intoxicating Liquor or Non -intoxicating Malt Beverage licensees either On Sale or Off Sale, in the North St. Anthony Park District; the boundaries they mentioned are north of the Great Northern Railway tracks and west of the Fair grounds to the westerly and northerly city limits. Very truly yours, .X7 �� City Clerk. iz FEB 21 1,46 CORPORATION COU;t SI L Dear Sir: THE WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE ST. ANTHONY PARK METHODIST CHURCH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA February 19, 1946 We, the members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the St. Anthony Park Methodist Qhurch, wish to protest the renewal of the off -sale beer license, application of which has been made by the proprietor of the store on the corner of Raymond end Como Avenues, formerly known as the Anderson Grocery. The decision to protest the renewal of this license was made at a recent meeting of our Society. Yours very truly, t9ruly, z2 21, Corresponding Secretary Woman's Society of Christian. Service THE WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN• SERVICE ST. ANTHONY PARK METHODIST CHURCH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA February 19, 1946 Dear Sir: We, the members of the Woman's Society of Christian, Service of St. Anthony Park Methodist Church, wish to protest the renewal of the off -sale beer license application of which has, been made by the proprietor of the store on the corner of Raymond and Como Ave- nues, formerly known as the Anderson Grocery. The decision to protest the renewal of this license was made at a recent meeting of our Society. Yours very truly, Corresponding Secretary Woman's Society of Christian Service I �ti Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Walter R. Anderson wishes to make application for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 2093 Como Avenue. Mr. Anderson has operated a grocery of the ast here n w926 with dec ased,hOperatediangrocery,Dcigarettewwhen l and Off sale Hallmanan, ' malt business at this location. Mr. Anderson took over the grocery business at this location on January 2, 1946, he also has a cigarette license. Very truly yours, License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Capital of Minnesota )er acfiNeKE o� //JccbCic �a�efc� POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner February 14, 1946 400.-A Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Walter R. Anderson wishes to make application for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 2093 Como Avenue. Mr. Anderson has operated a grocery of the ast here n w926 with dec ased,hOperatediangrocery,Dcigarettewwhen l and Off sale Hallmanan, ' malt business at this location. Mr. Anderson took over the grocery business at this location on January 2, 1946, he also has a cigarette license. Very truly yours, License Inspector leb. 14, 1946. Ron. C. H. Barfuss Comer. of Public Safety Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sire Attentioae Mr. A. R. Anderson The City Council laid over to Febrcary 21st the application of Walter R. Anderson for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 2093 Como Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk. CiU"ll c;ilf�lall liaPf"SS; llear sir.; - I have always had L7"Ch adridrutiun for yo"r work UIl the CU"HC 11 all(L I £lil 4rrltlrlg yo't with tile hope that yu" tiaill "Se yu"r illfl`,ence, at;ailiSt the gra 11 ti lig of any beer licenses in .6t. +nthciny Park. As I have been ill for several munths, I Will not he able to attend the -hearing on this `IVIrsday morning. tyiany merltibers of my rh"rch will be present and some will speak. The members of nor c1r'rch for the r:ibst part are strongly against any beer. being 301(1 in 0•'r Park. ?hey have come U"t here to lige beCWISP, the 00rilf-l"Hity has been free -of that infl"ence..I ho?)e that yo" Will •ase yo,•r in.fl•'ence to keep St Antjloily Park the tune Of. Fl glace that it has been in the past . Ver -,%r sincerely Arth"r. H. Gilmore *t. Ant4onV Vark (gongzegational (94uxc4 COMMONWEALTH AND CHELMSFORD ST. PAUL B. MINNESOTA MISS MARION HAGEN ARTHUR H. GILMORE MINISTER rv[sTOR tel. r MISS FRANCES MYERS I,3, I9, 6 "...TOR ov REIIC,.US ervIory F ebr'lary CiU"ll c;ilf�lall liaPf"SS; llear sir.; - I have always had L7"Ch adridrutiun for yo"r work UIl the CU"HC 11 all(L I £lil 4rrltlrlg yo't with tile hope that yu" tiaill "Se yu"r illfl`,ence, at;ailiSt the gra 11 ti lig of any beer licenses in .6t. +nthciny Park. As I have been ill for several munths, I Will not he able to attend the -hearing on this `IVIrsday morning. tyiany merltibers of my rh"rch will be present and some will speak. The members of nor c1r'rch for the r:ibst part are strongly against any beer. being 301(1 in 0•'r Park. ?hey have come U"t here to lige beCWISP, the 00rilf-l"Hity has been free -of that infl"ence..I ho?)e that yo" Will •ase yo,•r in.fl•'ence to keep St Antjloily Park the tune Of. Fl glace that it has been in the past . Ver -,%r sincerely Arth"r. H. Gilmore February 20, 1598 $' The Reverend Arthur fi. lilmore St. Antho=,r Part[ Congregational Church 2111 Off=. m7oalth Avorms St. "aul, 'Annesota Dear Mr. r-ilmores I am in receipt of your letter of February 18 In which you protest the issuance of a beer license in the St. Anthony ?ark District. Your letter will be read at the public hearing to be held in this na?ter tomorrow. and thus your mashes will be made knom to the City Council. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ' DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE UNIVE T FARM, ST. PAUL 8 ,BOOL OF AG -,.,,RR , February 1S 1946 Mr. Gus H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety City Hall St. Paul Minnesota Dear Commissioner Barfuss I have your note in regard to the hearing on two beer licenses for this immediate community neighboring the School of Agriculture. I understand that there will be residents from this community who will appear on Thursday morning in opposition to the granting of this license. I sincerely hope the license will not be granted, since we do not want places selling beer in the neighborhood of this school. I feel that the city of St. Paul has a certain obligation to provide a community free of such activity in the interests of this School of Agriculture. The people of the state expect that having this school here bringing in several hundred young people and their parents at various times through the year is of definite value to the city as well as to the young people. I sincerely hope that both those licenses may be denied. Very sincerely yours J. 0. Chrietiaa�e a Superintendent, School of Agriculture r U February 19, 1946 Dr. J. 0. Christianson, Superintendent School a' Agriculture University Farm St. Paul 8, tannosota Dear Dr. Christianson: 1 hE:e your lotter of ;'ebruary 18 in regard to the bearing on tao beer licenses in the immediate vicinity of the School of Agr`oulture. 1 do not imoe If you intend to be there; however* if you am not present t will see that your letter is read at the Council hearing. Very truly yours. Commissioner of Public safety A4 -- 'S -f U --s+. ' 4 �. 1'7 boy V —v ty . February 20, 1846 Flys. Wm. T. Cox, Corresponding Secretary American Citizenship Club of St. Anthony Park 2186 DowtvIl Avenue St. Paul, '{innosota Dear tars. Cori This will aeksowledge your letter of February 19 in which you inform ma t1rit ::he moiabership of the American Citizenship Club of St. Anthony Park is opposed to the issuance of beer licenses in the St. Anthony Park District. For your Information, application for license at Cleveland Aven.:e across from the Agricultural College Campus has been withdrawn. Fowever, the other applica- tion will come before the Council at 10 o1ol6ok tomorrow. In the event -any members of your organization wish to be heard, they may appear at this meeting which will be held in the Council Chambere, third floor, Court House, as stated above. In any event, I will see that your letter is read at the Council hearing. I am Thanking you for your interest in the matter, Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety ........ ...... ............ v ... .. ... . .... ......... ..... ................... ..... ................ ............. d..............................'............................. .... ....... .... .... ....... ........ ... .............. ...... . .................... ...... .... . . 76 ................ . .......... .......... .... .......... .................. .... . .... .. ..... ............. ... . ... ... ...... .... ......... .. ..... ...... .. ... ......... . ..... .. .... . ..... ................... .. ... . .... ........................ ............... ... .. ... ............. A-, ..... . ........ I ....... . ......... .. .. ... .. ........... ....... ..... ...... . .... .................. ..... IF ...... .... .. ............ ............ PETITION TO THE ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THTE GRANTING OR =VU OF LICENSES FOR T112 SAM OF 15—VER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. W ,e, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby re,-,Ister our enphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing tlie sale of beer or liquor in our comimnity. N ADDRESS . ...... .... ........ ................. ... I-- ............. .. ... .... ... . ........ ..... . ... . .... (2 .0 . .. ......... ............ 9. .1 . .. .... ..... . ....... ... ... .. . ... ......... .......... . .. ........ .............. . . . ..... .... ..... . . ......... . ........ ...... ............ v ... .. ... . .... ......... ..... ................... ..... ................ ............. d..............................'............................. .... ....... .... .... ....... ........ ... .............. ...... . .................... ...... .... . . 76 ................ . .......... .......... .... .......... .................. .... . .... .. ..... ............. ... . ... ... ...... .... ......... .. ..... ...... .. ... ......... . ..... .. .... . ..... ................... .. ... . .... ........................ ............... ... .. ... ............. A-, ..... . ........ I ....... . ......... .. .. ... .. ........... ....... ..... ...... . .... .................. ..... IF ...... .... .. ............ ............ . ............... ... ........... .... . ....... .. .. . ... .... ........ ... . ......... ...... . ... ........ ..... . ............ .... . ............ ..... . ..... z .... . ........ . .. ...... . ... .. ..... . z4f ..... . ....... ..................... ........ . ........ ................. ...... . .... ... PETITION TO THE.ST.P.AUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRA*TTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR THE SAID OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby ro;^ister our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our conminity. m oL(a i x�........._.rs...:....................................................... p _!..d...4.._...C4 Rim. . ........................ ...... ................ ................ ........... . > y.". .. ..... ............. ................................. _.......... �,,�:._ ......• :...°�`,.................. ..... ................. .......... ° .....G . ...... PETITION TO TRE ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING TIL GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICEMSES FOR M SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthonp Park, hereby re inter our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our comr.runity. NVE — ADDRESS � � f �MfZ ! i.: � �.. _ ;... r. � K �i. y i %!1 1:1zZ L. '11. ... ...... _ ... _ KLo. ...../...: ..:... ........_ _ aUC�1��. ..j ((......�............... ..� -� ...... ....................... ..............._......L_3....__3._............... ........ . ......... _... _.... .........._............... ......... .. ................... .) .. . ..... . .... ....1..._..,,..,„ ... ..it_..'_4..:..L .....L L.I,.. .. ........:Q.LG..:�..z.14...�,s.. v.. �„-.F ¢.-o--Ti,.r..........5.�........... �.�.... ..... ... l _ ...... :.l? .:.� ... ..:.... L...0 f. 1.....� *.°. �.:c. � � �. . . C nA i ..... ...� .1 :..._ I i ..... .... .:cs :.� z...1�� ....,....................._...... PETITION TO THE ST.RaUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENETTAL OF LICENSES FOR TILT SALE OF SEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby register our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our community. .......... ......... ..NWE ............... .............................. ......................... ................................ .... ,......_ ..................... ADDRES..,.............................................................. r ........ y:b__.5.._':._:P......'...........:'i..::....:......_...._.......................... ..... �.................. --,,..............:..................... PETITION TO TIM ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING TFL GRANTING OR RETLFJAL OF LI=SES FOR TFL SALE OF BEER OR L?gIIOR IN NO.ST,ANVOMy RUM. ,Te, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby register our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our community. 2141ME .... .... ........ ........ ...... ..... .... ........... .... ............... ............ ............._._... ... ..... .............. ADDRESS ................................. ...._................................... ...... _............... _............. ............ ................................ .�_ F ,.}1 f� 1 n { } l Oct _.......... _............... _............. .............. ........ _ .................... . �: ...'... `....!...'..........'.-':........ ........ ........... .. ............................................ _ . 5 . ✓�`i`"^..�j................... ............ .._.._��c............... ................_. .•.._ . .._...............__...............................................,!............ ............_......._._.............._................ ... f..: �......:. :. It......_ _ - .........t.�. 'Sr ............ ........:.....a - .L:.9 r!:: r't�. G.r'i..".t.............................. ....... ....... ....... ........ /fon 9 PETITION TO THE ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING TFL- GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR M SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTRONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby register our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our community. ...........'. A..:R.^.................... ..6.:....'..-.(..'.....""c!.............. ........... ...... ................. -.... _........ L.........-Y`.,�t�`.�.': !.:...........-'.:.,..,...................................................... %a_,._...G...........r�,1,e.._....................................._.....:................................ 7..._�D...._.................._`....................:................... � �� m.,v./ ....F—,,. L ....... ..... ......... _.... PETITION TO TIM ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENE17AL OF LICENSES FOR Tfi SALT, OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby rorister our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our comnunity. N2ME ...... ....... _.... . .._......._ ADDRESS _.._ W...._.............. ......... ..... ........................ _............... er Z !✓ ZL ......__.. .......... _...� .... _ ... .... . ! C... �.... ra. . ...... ..... ..... .. ..... ...... .. nf........................-1...a.... .o ........................'- .-..-..-.....-.........._ ............ ..... ._...... ......... PETITION TO TIS ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR TH✓ SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. PETITION TO THE ST.FAUL CITY COUNCIL OP?OSING THE GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR TH-- SAM- OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST..4-NTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthon7' Park, hereby rej-,ister our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our community. INVE . ...... ADDRESS lk .............. . ....... . ...... ..... ..... . .. .. ............ . ............ ... ......... ... ...... ........ . ... . ..... . ... . .. ................. . . ... . . ............ .. ... . .... ........... . ... p. 11 ........... K .... . .... ....... ................... .... . . ... ... . . ........ . ..... ....... .......... . ........... . ............ .... ....... .......................................... . ................. .......... . 6-2 '7 .......... ....... .. ... ...... .. . ... ........ . ...... ..... .......... ............. ......... . .. ............ ............. .......... ........... PETITION TO TM ST.RkUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING M- GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR TH-3 SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST..*TT1TONY PARK. 7o, the undersigned of North St. Anthon7 Park, hereby register our e-.Tphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our cor=ity. .WLME ADDRESS .. ...... .... .. ...... . ........... ...... .. .. ..... ..... . . ....... . ... .. .......... .......... S, 41-e )XII. -J.( 2.3 ............ ... ... LZ u . ..... -d . . .................. ... ........... .......... ... ......... ......... ..°'.Y,..... .......... ................ ..................... ....................... .......... ......... .. . LL 2 ......... rL(.L.. .. . . . .. . . PETITION TO TIM ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE ^GRANTING OR RENE17AL OF LICENSES FOR TIS SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY PARK. We, the undersigne3.of North St.".Anthony Park, hereby rF,,ister our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our connunity. RILKE ADDII✓SS �l d!'........_i............ ..... . -i C� -15& ............................................................ ............... �p .............. ....................... PETITION TO THE ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENVErAL OF LICENSES FOR TH-- SALE OF BEER OR LIqUOR IN NO.ST,.*TTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St, Anthony Park, hereby rer-,ister our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our community. NAIL ADDRESS ........ . . ........... . .. . ...... ..... . ............ . .... .... ... ........ .... ............. . .... ...... ............. . ...... .. .... e' .. ...... .. ........ .. .. .... .... . ... .. .. ...... ........ .. . ........ ..... ........ ....... .................... ................ . . ........ .. ......... ................... . J/d .............. ..... .. .............. ........ .... .. . . . ........... ...............3. ............. ...... ........... ... .... . ........... lir 14 rp, .. . ........ ........... T4.x ....... ...... .11"... ............... ........... .. .. ..... ... .... .......... ...... .. . .......... I . ..... .......... .......... . .......... .. ...... .... . ......... ................. ... ... .. . ... ....... .... ovw.................... ........... ..... .... ........... ......... . .. ................Rn-................... ;a -S . ....... ... ......... PETITION TO THE ST.RkTJL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES rOR TFL SAM OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST..tNTHONY PARK. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby register our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our comminitY. DRESS NAKE ..... . . ........ . .... AD. I ................. . . . . ........................... . .. ... ... .. ....... . ........ .. ..... .... . .... . .... ..... ... ................ .............. ..... ..... .......... ......... .......... ......... .... .. .......... -31 ..... ... ....... ....... ..... .. ... ... . . ... . ........ ........... .... ... . . ....... . .....................:_..1.'x.........8'... ............... .... ... ... .. . . .... �.* L ... . ........ . .. ...... . .... .... ............ PETITION TO TIM ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING GG VCr IOTP17 01' LICENSES FOR T.H3 SALE THE RANTI- OR — AL OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO-ST.ANTHONy PARK. the undersigned of North L"Phatic protest St. Anthony Park, hereby ro,- -a against ister our authorizing the . ainst the granting or renewal of any licenses ale of beer or liquor in our comrmnity. ......................... .. ........... . . ......... ........ I —ADDRESS ........ ... I ......................... ........ ........ ...... ...... .... .................. ... . ............ c: 2 W. W.- 641. .... ...... ......... . ...... ... .. . . .... ........... . .. .... .... - ................... . ............... I ........... Z't . ......... ... ........ ....... . ... .... .. ...... ... I ............... ... PETITION TO THE ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THE GRANTING OR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR M, SALE OF BEER OR LIQUOR IN NO.ST.ANTHONY P.M. We, the undersigned of North St. Anthony Park, hereby register our emphatic protest against the granting or renewal of any licenses authorizing the sale of beer or liquor in our commmity. NWE .. . ...... ........... ......... ADDRESS .... ........ ... ....... .. ...... ........ .. ...... ........................ . ......... . . . r. ........... . ...... ..... ....... . ........ ....... . .... . .......... . . ......... ........ ........ .. .... .......... ... .. . ........... ......... tit ................................. . .. -L(:1._......'... .............. ....... . ................ . . ........ 2�z ............ . ........ . . ..... ........ t.n . ..... . .. ................. ... ............................. . ................. . ..... ......... .............. . . . ............ ..... ...... ........... ..... ........... �` .................. .... .. ..... ..... .... . ..................... . ................... ............... ... ..................... ................... .............. ............ ................. a. ......... ............... . I ..... ............. ................ ............ ... . 135551 p orionol to k COUNCR ©e NO ------ __---- ..---- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - pp COUNCIL RESOLUTI(NN—GENERAL FORM vbi. t ,w 26 1946 RESNTED �� DAi PE— PREComj tS R —� RESOLVED: That Restaurant License No. 5893+ On Sale Malt Beverage License No. 9271, Off Sale Malt Beverage License No. 4922, and Cigarette License No. 66869 all expiring May 28, 1946, issued to Frank Annunziata at 1412 Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation by the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Frank Annunziata to the charges of permitting the consumption of liquor on the premises. FF"g COUNCIIM;N Adopted by the Council . .. -------194...... _ - Yeas � Nays 2 mak a% ri 194 Approved...----•------------- a ranto P rson In FavorIF Mayon /Rosen eax----- Against / r rh soo 4 4Mr,WWresidult :Truax) Ortainal to City Clerk 135582 CITY OF ST. PAUL `Ft°tE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENE Bl -� COMMIS 1 ER1t _'%- '�•^ DATF' February_.— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are'hereby grantedi Daniel J. & Peter W. Ehlenz Vend Mach App, 38377 New Old Loc 75 N. Snelling David E. Swanson 246 S. Hemline Cigarette x 38472 x n a Merton J. Doody 730-4 N. Snelling Butcher n 33121 a n n Nicholas Wirtz & George Kelly Grocery a 38155 n n n n ° a 321 Thomas Off Sale Malt x 38156 a a a a x a s a Cigarette n 3.57 a n a W. E. Lorenz 1339 N. Pascal Grocery a 38512 a a x n n If n Butcher n 38513 x a a a n e a Off Sale Malt x 38511} a n a e a x a cigarette a 38515 a a Ray L. Anderson 1D3 W. 7th Restaurant x 38531 Mrs. Mary Herne 1035 Charles Confectionery x 38589 a x x U a n a a Off Sale Malt x 38590 a s a C. F. No. 1355S2—By G. H. Barfusa, John S. Findlan, W. A. Parranto— RESOLVED, That licenses pplled for by the persons named on the listat- ulched :hie resoluu— be and the sameare hereby granted, and the Cay Clerk s inch ucted to issue r licens,s upon the pa merit lata the City tri: ry o fthe required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1045. Approved Feb. 26, 1946. (Match 2, 1946) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou cL�...`...s.....................194.--... Yeas Nays Barfuss 1; Findlan / Approved_- -------------------------------------- 194. Parranto J/%n Peterson ..............In Favor - a ......- Rosen /1 / doting Mayor 'Fl t2 W, ✓ Against &gh au n%r. V 5esident (Truax) a original to City Clem 135583 CITY OF ST. PAUL - CUNCIt. NO.. ----- __--_-----_._-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __..__._11:v+'L--:.�. DATE February 26,_11_q4__6_ RESOLVED: That'licenses for Restaurant, application A39572, On We Malt Beverage, Application A39573, Off Sale halt Beverage, Application A39574s and Cigarette, Application A38575, applied for by Dominic Alfonso at 315 West Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 135581—By G. B. Barfuss. W. A. Parranto. John S. Findlan— RESOLVED, That licenses for Rest- -ant. -Application A38572, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38573, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38574, and Cigarette, Ap pticatlon A36575. appliedfor by Dominlc Alfonso t 315 W2st Seventh Street. -be and the same are + hereby granted. Adopted by the Counen Feb. 26, 1945. Appfoved Feb. 26, 1948. (March 2, 1946) New Informally approved by City Council February 19, 1946 Old Location FEB 26 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couk'nucciil�..................................194...-.- Yeas Nays rEB ar ss indlan - Approved.. •------ ..............................194---- ,��� rranto XA ' ' erson In Favor �� . LY �.. / y� yybr .sen --- -------- ...Against ugh 3M M45 Vi®it4*ldrnr (Truax) 135584 Orlptual to City CI - COUNCIL NO - CITY OF ST. PAUL V.LE ------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - i, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLPEDt That licenses for Restenra.nt, Application A384999 On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A3g490, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39491, and Cigarette, Application A39492, applied for by Telford A. Berke, at 266 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by City Council February 14, 1946 Old location COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays Bi Blas I-6 n Atfkr arranto `Peterson In Favor osen ---.......... Against ppffljjK"ftr1M�-T 3M 9 -Mr, -IdW(fresid CrIc (Truax) C. F. No. 135584 By G. H. Barfuss, W. A. Parranw. John S. Findlan— RESOLVED. That licenses far Rest-� rant, Application A38489, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38n ale Sale Malt Beverage. ApplicatOff ion A38491,' d Cigarette. Application A3849A ap- plied for by Telford A. Berke, .at 26G nlversity Avetniue be and the s are hereby granted. ame Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1946. Approved Feb. 26, 194G. (March 2, 1946) Adopted by the Council -------------------- Sw 194 FEB 26, Approved----------- ------------ ------------_-..194_.-.. ------- - � J Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen -Truax - Against y:' Legh 3M '9 -Mr. 400rAresident :.Truax) C.F. No. 135585—By Barfuss-Findlan— Par anto— Resolved, That licenses pplied for by the persons na d on the ]ist attach- ed to' this resolution be and the same 1s eil1struicree edg to tIsue nd such heCity ense. lup the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1946.1 Approved Feb. 26, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) Adopted by the Council. B...2------- -- -------194...-_. 94...Approved ......--..... ......... 194- ............. .....:, :)afirq blsyor 135585 erlit I to City Cl rk CITY OF ST. PAUL `ouNCIL NO.__..________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - COM N BY 51 TJER"-.:.-� _...__.___--- DATE FebIR1A1'TT A- 1 946_ RESOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Wm. Rabine 1022 Rice Grocery App. 39099 New Old Loc. ^ " " ^ Off Sale Malt " 39099 " " " " n n n Cigarette " 39100 " " " Nicholas Ianovich 996 Woodbridge Grocery " 39291 " " " Off Sale Matt n 38292 " " n n n n n Cigarette " 39293 " Raymond J. Donis 962 Burr Grocery " 39393 " " " n tt fl n Off Sale Matt ^ 39394 n n n Cigarette ^ 39395 " " " H. W. Hannay 779 Otto 011 Burner ^ 38464 " " " George & James Mirras 449 Selby Confectionery " 39595 " If " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen -Truax - Against y:' Legh 3M '9 -Mr. 400rAresident :.Truax) C.F. No. 135585—By Barfuss-Findlan— Par anto— Resolved, That licenses pplied for by the persons na d on the ]ist attach- ed to' this resolution be and the same 1s eil1struicree edg to tIsue nd such heCity ense. lup the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1946.1 Approved Feb. 26, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) Adopted by the Council. B...2------- -- -------194...-_. 94...Approved ......--..... ......... 194- ............. .....:, :)afirq blsyor •. C.F. No. 135586—Py Barfuss—Flndlan— I Parranto— for + p• ■ 255-1 86 Orjdtnsl to City Clcrk Resolved. That licenses applied named on the ltst at- couNa iUVVVCI by the persons CITY tacked to titin resolution be and the `ILe hereby granted, and the City NO._._..__....... -._. ( same are OFFICE OF Clerk is instructed to issue such ti- the pay-ent'1n}' the Clty , .=,,,n COUNCIL Cannes yuppn uIre RESOLJ Adopted"by�the rCounen' Feb- 2.. ..... " iI Approved Feb. 26, 1946. (March 2, 1846) PRESENTED BY COM M ISSIONER......._._ -DA-rF rebruary 26. i 946 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Frank C. Krause 535 H. Dale Restaurant App. 3560 Renewal n n x a On Sale Malt " 35604 " n N e e Off Sale Malt " 35605 " q a d n Cigarette If 35606 " Joseph Dotty 207 E. 4th Restaurant N35650 a q " N III, On Sale Malt If 35651 N n N n n off Sale Malt " 35652 " a n n n Cigarette " 35653 " Fred J. King 501-3 University Restauranta 35946 " " e q e On Sale Malt ". 359+7 " q q q If Off Sale Malt " 35949 " n a a e Tavern " 35949 " a n n n Dance Hall " 35950 " n n o n Cigarette " 35951 " St. Francis Hotel, Inc. 7-9 W. 7th Confectionery a 36354 N q N1. N N On Sale Malt " 36355 " a a x n Off Sale Malt q 36356 " R N R N Barber " 36357 " e n a a Cigarette s 36359 n q n a x Hotel 191—R " 36359 " Arthur F. Slater 1557 University Restaurant " 36959 " Joseph H. Carter 292 Rice Restaurant a 37007 e a q a n On Sale Malt " 37005 e n a n q Off Sale Malt a 37009 a N If a a Cigarette a 37010 a George Esterby 139 W- Kellogg Restaurant ° 37012 e n a q n Cigarette a 37013 a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen gfym --------------Against h anf 9-,iMr.40pgresdent (Truax) Adopted' by the Council..................................194...... Approved---- ................ ..............194----.. Mayor nr]atn., ] City Cjk 135586 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIS No.- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY OMMISSIONER.._._._..,__-______ COMMISSIONER,..---.—.------------ DATE_ ili9bru ry 26, 19 r, Page No. 2 _ — Frances Schloff N q 486 Jackson App. 37053 Renewal n q " " OnSaleMalt " 1} o Off Sale Malt n 3705 q Cigarette ^ 37056 n Mrs. Catherine Welsch 1199 Rice Restaurant ^ 37102 ° On Sale Malt n 3710 " " ^ Off Sale Malt a 3710 n Cigarette ^ 37105 n Michael J. Foley 252 Rice Confectionery If 37347 " Rudolph Tsnhida 1208 Rice q q Restaurant " 3735 ^ On Sale Malt " 373N n Off Sale Malt " 37355 " Cigarette n 37356 " Peter LaNasa q 553 Jackson Restaurant n 37406 n n q q n n On Sale Malt n 37407 q If " q ^ " Off Sale Malt If 37408 " " Cigarette " 37409 n Herbert E. Houcke 326 Ceder Restaurant if 37553 " Y. W. C. A. q 123 W- 5th Restaurant " 37556 " Cigarette nn 37857 Roy Bakewell 171 W. Central Butcher " 37564 " Willard & Ann Vinit"aky 1060 Hudson Rd Bakery n q q q ^ Restaurant q 35253 jS25 q " " q It " ^Cigarette ^ n 35255 " Off Sale Malt n1135256 National Tea Co. n If 1201 Payne Grocery q 38329 " q Butcher " 35330 " cigarette n jSjj1 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- -------------- ------------------- 194...... Yeas Nays BarFuss Findlan Approved--------------------------------- -- --..194----- Parranto Peterson --------------In Favor Rosen Mayor 01ruax� --------------Against e ]_ h 3M s-gwr.44t®resident (Truax) 135586 orlpmot to city clerk coitus` CITY OF ST. PAUL F" -E NO..-. --- ---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT. gebrnary 26 1946 ------ PRESENTED BY COMM ISS I ONER._.._....-------'-- Page No. 3*' App. 38332 Renewal National Tea Co. 2282 Como n Grocery Butcher " 38333 " n n n F. W. Woolworth Co. 957 Payne Confectionery " Florist " 38347 ^ 38348 ^ n Archie & Manch Argetsinger gfl E. lith Grocery n 38349 " n n n Off Sale Malt " ^ 39350 a 39351 Cigarette Harry Swenson 39"9 Case Confectionery ^ cigarette " 39367 ^ 39369 " n n Ray H. Reiners 1838 E. 7th Grocery ^ Cigarette ^ 38410 ^ 38411 n p n Vasil Lemenowaky 1022 Earl ^ Butcher 11 38413 " 38414 n a n n n a n Grocery Off Sale Malt " 39415 " ^ pra& J. Johnson 289 Restaurant " On Sale Malt ^ 39439 ItMaria 4W n 39 n " n ^ n p n Off sale Malt " " n 39441 n 39W n n n P Cigarette August T. Marelius 1058 E. Maryland ff Confectionery p35 Cigarette 944" n p Eugene Marian 1272 Pt.Douglas Rd. Vend Mach " 3g467 " Wallace Johnson & Ralph Barnes 599 N. Snelling " Grocery " 39497 a 4 99 n n ^ p p n cigarette Alfred V. Larson 710 N. Snelling Confectionery ^ ^ 39555 Adopted by the Council _-.-...-......................... 194.... -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss - Approved --------------------------------------- --.194---- Findlan Parranto- -- - -----In Favor ............ -------- ----........................................ ----.'--.-.- -- --.-- --.- ----- .- -Mayor Peterson Rosen .. - - --Against .T.rawn� 3M 9-40L e9 LCBtdt[1[ (Truax) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson - Rosen 'TI Item h Im °-Mr Vresidcnt (Truax) Adopted by the Council _............ .........194...... Approvve'd...-----.---- ..............----.---..---194..-_. In Favor--d!�--L[ L. L- y ....... / JZ'�i':5 Ma or _ // Against 0,1aW.,t.Cily0-r 135586 NO...'-----...---.----- ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEraca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ..._.....__._____—.—.__-.-------- DATE.. Febru.pr_y Z6 1946 -- page No. 4 Young Motor Car Co. 850 Grand Gas Sts, 1-P App. 38593 Renewal Joseph P. Vyera 511 S. Smith Gas Ste, 3-P " 39598 " Walter Kolddge 345 W. 6th Motor Veh Dr " 38651 " Sidney Olson 1422 Arcade Motor Veh Dr " 3g652 " Darrell Wilber 261 W. Kellogg Motor Veh Dr " 39653 " Wm. J. Skok 449 Marshall Motor Veh Dr " 3g66,3 " W. G. Brennan 319 X. Chatsworth Motor Veh Dr " 3g6gg " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson - Rosen 'TI Item h Im °-Mr Vresidcnt (Truax) Adopted by the Council _............ .........194...... Approvve'd...-----.---- ..............----.---..---194..-_. In Favor--d!�--L[ L. L- y ....... / JZ'�i':5 Ma or _ // Against Origlaal to City Clerk COUNCIL 1.35587 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ------- ........._..----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE February 2_,_1.946 ..... –_ Barfuss Eindlan Approved........ .................. ...- -. ----194.._.. Parranto /� t Peterson - ....In Favor ----------- . i�oting � Mayor Rosen ,VF4,.x 0 -...Against 3m 9 -Mr. °®'lJ't.:i.-. -i,t (Tru") -USMVEDt That litres applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Wm. J. Larson 432 S. Robert Music Machine (1) App. 38321 New Walter Williams 79 N. Smith Music Machine (1) n 38361 0 Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter Music Machine (1) n 384o9 a Natl Automatic Machine Co. Inc. 293 Como Music Machine (1) 0 38463 u Louis H. Nordeen 1524 Portland Music Machine (1) s 39457 9 Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter Mach. Device (2) W 37799 Jack garter 777 University Mech. Device (3) s 38162 e Chester L. Margesonl171 Charles Mach. Device (1) ^ 39322 e V. L. A. Burton 975 E. Minnehabn Mach. Device (1) n 3834p- 8342Louis LouisX. Nordeen 1524 Portland Mach. Device (4) s 39359 s Walter Williams 79 N—Smith Mach. Device (1) 3836o s Jack garter 777 University Mech. Device (4) a 39456 5 Louie Nordeen 1524 Portland Mech. Device (1) a 39459 n ICY*No. 135567—BY Barfuss—Fmdian—� ' Parranto— Resolved. That Music Maehine . ad Amusement Dev%ancenses appned for on'. the list at- by the persons.. named-. sathe medto am hereby grantreNoluteed and the City ll-I Clerk is instructed. tq-'issue =c" ceases upon the.'PaYmeot -into the City treasury of 'ythe retNi?'ed fees. 26, 1946. Feb. 28, 1646. APprovedbFeb. (March 2. 1946.). - f Adopted by CounoSL----- s+-6- 194 COUNCILMEN the ....... Nays i .. `� 6 Barfuss Eindlan Approved........ .................. ...- -. ----194.._.. Parranto /� t Peterson - ....In Favor ----------- . i�oting � Mayor Rosen ,VF4,.x 0 -...Against 3m 9 -Mr. °®'lJ't.:i.-. -i,t (Tru") CF: No. 13558s—Sy Barfuss—Flndlan— CIT t 'p°era named ohe9the plist alied ttacg ed to this resolutfon�'be.' tiA, the same OFFICE ' are h.reby `granted„and..Iho-City Clerk is 1 tructed to issuesucli licenses up - COUNCIL RES( on the paymefat into the "a.itY treasury of the required fees. Adopted by She Counell Feb. 26, 1948. Approved Feb.28, 1948: (Match 2, 1948) coUNCIL 135588 RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted; Simon Libman 665 Broadway McKay Mfg Co. 473 N. Cleveland John Tracy 1345 Marshall Grain King Mfg Co. 2324 university Witte Trsfr Co. 2334 university St.Paul Welding Co. 292 Walnut N.W.Hanna Fuel Co. 1530 Marshall Erickson Oil Co. 173 S. Robert Ralph Edelman 130 E. Delos Ben Katz 262 E. Robie Maurice R. St.George Jr. Foot Peddler. 237 Marshall Frank King 702 Cedar James Manning 391 Carroll Gotfried 0. Ekman 644 St. Peter Peter & Catherin Georgantones Motor Veh Dr 277 Iglehart a a a a n Harold J. Cable 106 N. Smith COUNCILMEN " 38619 Yeas Nays Vehicle Peddler Barfuss " Findlan " 39634 Parranto / Peterson /� YO. -In Favor Rosen �) Tram- ✓.-.-..Against 1'x,1'.''-"@�ttYit} JSLY�AJLW� 3M 945M40jj§;%!1r"idrnt (Truax: Auctioneer App. 38294 Renewal Vend. Mach.._ ” 39369 a Vend. Mach. " 39372 " Vend. Mach. " 39392 a Vend. Mach. " 38393 " Vend. Mach. " 39384 " Orig. Cont. " 38469 a Gas Sta 3-P " 39503 " Foot Peddler " 3g611 " Foot Peddler. " 38612 " Motor Veh Dr " 39613 " Motor Veh Dr " 39615 " Motor Veh Dr " 38616 " Motor Veh Dr n 38617 " Foodstuff " 38619 " Vehicle Peddler " 3g619 " Motor Veh Dr " 39634 a Adopted by the CouneiL --------------------------------- 194...... Approved----. -----...194- ----------- ----- ---------------- -- ............. ------------ Mayor 1.35588 Original to City CWk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ras NO ------- ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM V PRESENTED BY DATF----February 26, 196 --- - V Page No. 2. Louis aransberg 330 Rentuoky Motor Veh Dr ApP. 39647 Renewal Burton Allen 658 Conway Motor Veh Dr " 3g65o " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss J Findlan t/ Parranto Peterson ....In Favor Rosen "Frum.....--Against 11ir President, Mciionoligh Adopted by the Cou{ncilfg._'_..._ - .194.----- IfLYT v `� A,,'P Approved---- ------------------------------------ 194....-. --- -- ----� �ICflli(J Mayor r 135589 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 11 IV MW TMON AND FIXING TI,1gE OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF ®AMI 5 In the matter of__ �IleSllpg_widepjpga}ld extending Cohansey_Street_to_a width_of 60 _ft. from Cottage Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, and opening, widening and extending Mackubin Street to a width of 66 ft. from CottaEe Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, by condemning and taking the East 30 ft. and the West 33 ft. of Lot 16, Cottame Homes (Except Wheelock Parkway), under Preliminary Order ------ ______ ------------ ------------ ---------------- Intermediary Order -----------135153 ------------ approved---- January 8, 1946 Final Order _________________ ------------ approved__-_ February 5, 1946 -------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-- - 27th_ --__----_day of ----------- !larch------------ 19-46 , at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --------- f---------------------- 19____ 1= -�----------- City Clerk. Approved ----------------------------->19---- ___ File 9858 Barfu�--------- ------------------- Councilman Findlay �ICtlA9 Mayor. Councilman W('arrant0 / PUBLISHED ' Councilman AhWknnkb=a Peter— Councilman Roseu Councilman9P MW Councilmanu ei ..ZQ Mayor'- ,' M- \ ire : ccs•.lcnt jruaz; 135590 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 3'.k-REON AND FIXING Tt 1E JF REARING ON THE AWARD OF DAlYiA�iES In the matter of- _condemningand taking an easement in_the_land necessarfor_slo�es, cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Avenge from 'Jest Seventh Street to Race Street under Preliminary Order_____ 134761 ------------ approved__ November l6t_1945________________ Intermediary Order ---------- 135050--__-_,____ approved__ December 26t_1945 ---------------- Final Order _________________ 135296------____ approved ___January 22, 1946---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - MhL __________day of --- 11&1 -ch-------------------- 19_46, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_ u— 6-1-00 __________________, 19 ---- 9----Approved----- 9-- - Approved ---------------------------->19---- File File 9854 �/l t �4nc ------------------ �qs --------� ----------------- Mayor. CouncilmanagwarePUMM Findlan CouncilmandiecgurAamBw Councilma Peteraoa Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilor J Fugi,lSIiED Councilman -TR- Mayor 6WWA-16-j g'..- Aw north NOTICE C.F. No. 135591--0— Y Pip— 135592- ` t �� TO the eSCI ed�. teasu checks be drawn on 333 ����-- amountTyof 338,909,72 tocov ring checks �`7J PRINTER umbered 49277 to 49381 lncluslve, as ON COUNCIL FILE NO._ per checks n= file 1n the office of the City Co.",.roller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1946. February 25 6 Approved Feb. 28, 1948. 194_ (March 2. 1946.1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE G12� TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 36,9.72 444 i---_. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-_TO__481 __INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_GI'1 �_--194_. • a�kT%C../ cin OM"R—s APPROVED________ ______194 B wo Iz-u ®'C 9 CITY OF SAINT'PAIJL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - fit OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER TOTAL. DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I � I BROUGHT FORWARD • 44277 ROLL CALL 907 05 88 BARFUSS FINDLAN 44278 AUDITED CLAIMS February PARRANTO IN FAVOR 1114- PETERSON 55 88 1 092 22 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRA N ON HE ITY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 8 COVERING TRUAX MR. PRES. MC DONOUGH r CHECKS NUMBERED TO �.-INCLUSIVE. AS 32 25 60 o0 _t,L �� ` � yY.�'y�; PER CHECKS;ONF IN TH F�OF CIT PTROLLER. 4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - i APPROVED COMRTRO-ER 1114_ - 44284 Bireleyms, Inc. 339 00 TOTAL. DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I � I BROUGHT FORWARD • 44277 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance �118 'I 907 05 88 44278 tits. Daisy Solmmale i 55 44279 44280 HTB. Katherine Seery John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 55 88 1 092 22 44281 Bernie LaBeau and Company 537 64 44282 Armour and Company 32 25 60 o0 44283 Bireley'a, Inc* 44284 Bireleyms, Inc. 339 00 44285 The City Dairy 198 93 44286 44287 City Produce Company Commerotal Ref. Company 51 00 ; 10 60 44288 44289 Consumers Milk Company369 54 �I 11 Crescent Creamery company's 746 44290 (Sus De Lisi Celery Specialty ( 122 23 44291 Griggs, Cooper and Company i' 110 33 �! 44292 S. Knowlan 15 00 44293 MoFadden—Lambert Company 371 52 44294 Minnesota Milk Company 742 16 44295 Monroe Cal. Machine Co. Inc. 100 49 44296 Rational Biscuit Company 102 71 44297 New York Tea Company �+ 469 6o 44298 St.Paul Milk Company j 44299 H. Torland, Manager 00 44300 Vander Bies, Ino, i 2948 25 44301 American Rad. &Stand. San. corp. 11 72 44302 Clarin Chair. Company a 27 50 443030, o. B. Dolge Company ji 55 50 44304 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Company 1 1 21 44305 Elvin First Aid Supply company 36 70 44306 First Rational Bank of St.Paul 25 80 44307 Grand View College Book Store' 2 30 44308 F.IT. flanks Company h 100 93 44309 Hellige Company, Ina. f 4 7 44310 Little Loomhouea 1 50 44311 Al. J. Louis 14 70 44312 Michigan Dept. of State 1 1 50 j 44313 Northern States Power Company, 275 86 1 44314 Northern States Power Company 3S2 15' 44315 R.R. Bell Tel. Company 175 07 '1 44316 Parke, Davis & Oompany i� 3 12 44317 Peter Pirsch and Sons Company' 17 70 44318 Pittsburgh Plate Blase Compani 57 50 44319 Standard Duplioato8s 1 3 40 44320 Standatd. Spring company 20 91 '44321 Ste—via oil Company 29 14 44322 3telohen Food Market 32 62 l 4432'] Surface Combbstion Corp. ;1 00 44324 Switzer Brothers 82 50 44325 Transit Supply Company 1 920 00 44326 U.S. Naval Institute 3 00 �I 44327 'lager OfficeEquipment Company 7 50 i! SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 22 500 19 �20 3.63 33.I i , j It L..{t ■ R BC R1=_ ff it CITY OF SAINT 'PARI- COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__ _-- ROLL CALL BARFUSB AUDITED CLAIMS 6 Februa rY 25 1B4_ FINOLAN 1-I. PARRANTO PETERSON FAVOR RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS SE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COV RING THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH TO CHECKS NUMBERED PER CHECKS ON FIL I T T INCLUSIVE. AS OF I / OF CITY CO PLER. E ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- COMPTROLLER APPROVED 194-- ER ft' TOTAL DATE ✓ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER OISBURSEMENT i BY BANK I CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 22 500 19j 20 163 38 44328 • John S. Findlan, C. of Finance machine Tool Company: 3 673 20 i!� 79 83 l 61 I� 44329 44330 Anderson Farwell, ozmun, Birk & company 57 68 94 44331 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & OompaAY 6 0 9 7 44332 Farwell, o=un, Kirk & Company' 44 44333 4 GTace—iee company T Inc,4433 G aybas Electric company. ;! 16 980 44335 The Hilex company 350 00 i 44336 Hoge 'yell company i 29 01 44337 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 276 75 � 44338 Northwest Publications, Ino.!; 111 112 16 4439 JL. SbielY AcmPsny 48 oo 44 0 Miss Mabel Kittleson 24 75 4 Elof G. Allen Company i 83 81 342 Anchor Paper 1 00 44343 Americanewiah World 27 30t' 4u344 44345 Al. Bron w15 Calhoun Paint & Wallpaper co*panY I 45 9 42 44346 Cedar Rapids Epg. Company I 163 20 44347 coca Cola Bottling Company Ino. 26o 37 44348 Corning—Donohue, 1799 0 44349 Crescent Creamery Company 70 44350 44351 A.B. Dick Company E.I. Dupont De Nemoure and CoPant I 4 o4 280 00 44352 Fisher Nut & Ch000late compenly i3 20 44353 gopher stamp & Did Company Company 1 1542 00 I 44354 Hamm Brewing 9 50 44355 Grossmann Instrument Works j f 10 44356 nimenhegen I Market 179 I I 44357 MoGill—garner and company 44358 minnesota Union Advocate 1 !i 86 10 44359 Northern Christmas Tree Oompa�ny 196 94 44360 Northern States Power company, 171 44361 Northern States Power company Plumbing Supply Comp!sny 33 44362 Robinson 19 96 II 44363 Row, Peterson and company 00 80 00 44364 9t.Pau1 Bottling company 1 6 !j 44365 The St.Paul Shopper 1 39 44366 Scott Outdoor Signe machine company' 22 44367 Singer Sewing 44368 Stubiman Hardware Company 62 60 44369 Thoele Printing Company 27 95 44370 • The Underwood corporation 0 I 44371 Variety Club o4 the Twin Cities 9 100 it 44372 The Wilson Company 117 46 !� 4437 zinamaster Baking Company 103 47'I 4437 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund 75 25 iI 44375 Voo. School Petty cash Fund 72 95 �! 44376 voc. School Petty Cash Fund I 10 44377 Ballard Motors and Ramp j 49 44378 old Timers' Hot Stove League ! ;I 8 44379 George H. Liljedabl 2 75 44380 Mre. E. Lipka � 37 00 44381 Herbert M. Siegrist 1! I. r II ! SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD22 500 19!1 729 916, 59II ! Council File No.... .. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment UR -5593 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under IPreliminary Order.—IZIAIIB........... Intermediary Order.....1..i.7.45... Final Order......�21966_�-, approved March.. `�.a................. 19 -4-1 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................. .........equal installments. lrrR 27 Adoptedby the Council. .....................---------------._._....- ... - ..... .....19......... FEB ...., City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 Form B. B. 18 File 9183 �lL ...ActinO Mayor. .............. ...JJ pITBLi51T-D �" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January -Z9 ............. 19...46 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thm grading and surfacing the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order...._621448.............................. Intermediary Order ......121745 Final Order-.... 121966 ................................ approved....._March._`........-__-......---_-....--------_--------. 19.41. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction (.Labor ard, Vaterials) $... 1r 258.85 Cost of publishing notice . $ ----------- Cost of postal cards $._............1.90....._.. ____ Inspection fees ............. .................-- Engineering . . . . . . . 80.14 Amount of court costs for confirmation $..-•_••---- 4.50 Total expenditures$ --_1,348.89 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..._1x348. 89............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fal B. B. 17 / Commissioner of Finance. a Council File No .. ......................... 135594 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 4, Mattock Park from Watson Avenue to Niles Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Macalester Street, C.F. No. 135594— in the matter. of theassessment of nefha, costs and expenses for grad- nd suri_trg -the alleys in Block �- 'ock Park from Watson Avenue Avenue, and from the North th alley to Macalester Street. 'lmin m' -'dcr 121901- under Preliminary Order. --_121607 Intermediary Order...._122003 ,,.,,-- Final Order......�z��.5.-._., approved..__... Apr i 1 _-22--_.....-•------..19.41.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...............................equal installments. FEB 21 10 Adoptedby the Council. ........................................... __...... - .............. ....... 19.. i City Clerk. ..---= .........acting Mayor. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 Form B. B. Is File 9203 ` i City Clerk. ..---= .........acting Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report 'of. Completion of Assessment _January -Z9............ 19.46. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for±kx grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 4, Mattock Park, from Watson Avenue to Niles Avenue and from the North and South alley to idacalester Street, under Preliminary Order 121607 Y.............................................................122003 ............................. Intermediar Order Final Order --122259 .................................... approved_.... Aril 2.2 .............................................. 19 4-1. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction (t`-aterials and Labor). $.-.1_802.78--...--.-. Cost of publishing notice . $.......... Cost of postal cards $. Inspection fees"-- Engineering . . . . . . . . . . 173.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation 4.20 Total expenditures $ 1,985.00 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...1.c985 ..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and ' which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...................... . .�_�`�.� ..------.... Fm B. B. n Commissioner of Finance. Council File No... ...... By the assessment of r:penses for grad- heNgrtsneys 1n Stock f -:-1ph Avenue ta. 1355\95 e 10 and .:fit., - oi ' A CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 7, Elmwood, from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Davern Street; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 88 feet east of Davern Street to the center line of Davern Street, thence in Davern Street from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in James Avenue, under Preliminary Order.... 121446..------ Intermediary Order....... 19-10.8.5._..... Final Order...1218.82. approved —march 18._ ...................... 19..41.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.--,. .............._._.------.equal installments. rFB( Adopted by the Council- .__•----.......--- ....................__......_- .... 19 .... yss----.., City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------------------•----------19--' Form B. H. Is File 9179 Acting Mayor. --/.a---�- -ate 31 '111_44 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January--�9--...... 19.46. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Jkx grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 7, Elmwood, from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Davern Street; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 88 feet east of Davern Street to the center line of Davern Street, thence in Davern Street from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in James Avenue, under Preliminary Order..... -..121446 ........... :.............. Intermediary Order ----------------------------- Final Order ............ 121892pp March._18................... -----.........-, .......... ........ ...... a roved.---...........---.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: (Materials and Labor) 1,606.14 Cost of construction (.Materials. $------- • - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice . $. 4.35 Cost of postal cards $-------------- 0.87 Inspection fees .. . $ 145.48 Engin4ering . . . Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $--.•1,761.19_._.___ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $._l, 761.19 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. ................. ............... Fa B. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.... ........................ 1355W By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing California Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order..._133510.......... Intermediary Order..... 1357.18........., Final Order.._133921_---__, approved -Ju ........................ 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment hiving been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects fatified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............ ---5 ......... equal installments. Adopted by the CounciLt F R...-= �................ ....... ................ ..... 19 ..... FED ". rt`.---------., City Clerk. 4.�.:!... ..... ._ ..... Approved------------ ----------------- ------------------------ 19..... o� P / .......... I------ ...., Mayor. Form B. B. Is I File 9772 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMilISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January --29-............. 19_46_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 3imc curbing California Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order ........... 133510 ..................... Intermediary Order .......1337.18.......... ............... FinalOrder. 32.....................................approved.............. Ju ly...17.............................................. 1946 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ThCommissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures eeessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1135 00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $----------------'---•--- - Cost of publishing notice . $ ..............4.20 -----_.- Cost of postal cards 84 -_.-.---- Engineering . . . . . . . . . . .: 22.31 Inspection fees $-------------------------------- Testing ---------_22.70------: _ Testing Laboratory . . . . . . . . $ 3.30 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ................20.......... Total expenditures . . $......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, 1254 55 .................0 Y P to -wit: the. sum of $.-..........'..... upon each and ever lot, art or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ro— B. B. v C Commissioner of Finance. OrWml to Cin Clerk CLUES i � �% 355.7 rr 2 PRESENTED BY r w rl' � • ,/ An ordinance amending Ordinance NO. 7210 entitled "An Ordinance prodding for all matters con - earnings regulating, or affecting the construction, alteration, reep�l1atlen, repair, re use and inspection of aaRae, tall buildings, walls or eao�al, •aintstrpo- ures erected or to bo-Orected within the limits of the City of 8t. Paul for the protection of property against lire, and for the purpose of scouring helth- ful, safe and sanitary environments ter the gheahealth of buildings used for human habitation Or etoccupanta : to compel the owners of such buildings, walls structures to alter, or reconstruct of modify the saps, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful nee or occupancy of all buliQiags, wails or structurss; establishing fire limits, and proscribingthe 'the Commissioner of Pubic Midis s I duties of with the Charter provisions idi in conformity for the violation thereof, ajindrre eali a penalty ordi— manes inoensistent herewith. This ishan emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation o! the pfiblio peace, health and safety, approved iay 22, 1930, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ?� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT POUF, EONS ORDAIN 8sotion 1. That Ordininoo No. 7210 as amended, be and the came is hereby furtheerrpamendadb inserting in Sebtion 30-1 thereof, immediately after Paragraph (t;, the following Paragraph: by Chef) P vidod that if the materials required available and Iful thehas Anods HE rating as- signed under PR -33, -issued by the. Civilian Produc- tion Administration and provided -that ;in the Opinion of the 8t, Aml Dollalag Deparfi�li�tt the electric work is holding u the;oonstramtion upon apprev Of the Hui then, fps oifia proJost, Lha toy papartsent for k uin will -716 In lovetoLo ,be nsed.�evidea #haunt e�are.lastalleg- in aeoordanoe,with tha Nstionsl-Nl-i i_16 a -and in the fallowing order Of pretOrono*: 1. Flexible conduit. 2. Cone* ed knob and tube w.ork.$ 8eoti0R 2- This ordinance is hereby declared to be an Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen h) Attest: Mr' Vice President (Truax) City, Clerk moo 12-" Passed by the Council---- ---- - - - Approved ---------------------In Favor ----- - Against Mayor.............. .......... Y 1 t City Lick ,°` ° t3t%97 COUNCIL FILET NO. y PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO (2) emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe,.health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall tame effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen _ Mr -Nice President (Truax) Attest: City Clerk 500 12-44 MAR 21 gg Passed by the Counci ------------------------------------- —•------ ----- ...........In Favor ........... (D -------------- Against Approved-----.- - - - ------------------------ ....._ - ------...-- /tr g ayor - -- PLIi3I3Simj), 135598 Original to City Cleric - councn. NO ------- -------------- --- • - CITY OF ST. PAUL rl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �A DATE PRESENTED BV ]iebrllarY 27 1946 COMM ISS I ONER__._---- - RESOLVEDi That the Gas Station License 7705 (three pump) expiring October 1, 1946, issaed to Robert Wittmer at 912 West Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Roger F. Boerboon at the same address. C.F. No. 135596—By Bar""s , Resolved. That the Cas StatlonOcto- tense 170.5 (three pump) expiring ger West65eventh ued tSt Street, be ert Witmer and ro 11 the� earn¢ is hereby transferred to Boger F, Beoerboen at the same, dde� 1948. e Adopted by the Coin -eel Feb 27, Approved Few h. 2 1946.) I� FSB 2110806 Adopted by the Council. --------------- --------------- ---194...... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,Bar s Approved ---- -------------------------------------194-----. nd n arranto e In Favor ]hL-•- - �e son / Ring Mayor osep /. 2..Against Y e w1&gh anf 6i/1r: ��l3�esidenr (Truax' 135599 OrlQiaal to City Cierk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL PS_ NO.--.•---- ------ ---------• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y---(,,//IJ� / 'J �./!./��/G�'I'� DATlr-_—._ COMMISSIONER__- —t R&SOLYHD, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in said city, at ten o'olook A. M. on March 22, 1946, upon the advisability and necessity of the_repidr, replacement, remodeling, or wreaking and removal ei'-the two-story frame dwelling on the following described property, to --wit; $z- oept Mt. Airy Street, Lot 1, Block 18, Ashton & Sherburne's Addi- tion, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as 80. 569 L'Orient Street, because said structure is reported to be dangerous and unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B 89 7in an / unto Z PLeyer'son os ..............In Favor ---..-. _-.•--Against _@t°L g .* au q,qr, idtnt (Truax) FEB 27 Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------- 194 Rb 2? .j , Approved --------------- ---------------------...194 -- A' CEIII/f Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 14% Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 26, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir$ The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the two-story frame dwelling at 569 L10rient St., described as Except Mt. Airy St., Lot 1, Block 15, Ashton & Sherburne$e Addition. Very truly � kyours, ,( )" � City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita! of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner . •�F, w rs February 21, 1946 R. G. ZELZER - City Architect Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department is receiving complaints relative to the two story frame dwelling at 569 LtOrient Street, describ- ed as Except Mt. Airy Street, Lot 1, Block 18, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition. This dwelling is in very bad repair, out of level, win- dows broken, paper nailed over windows, porches falling off, unfit for human habitation, dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. It should be wrecked and remov- ed. The last known record owner is Jos. Mangan, at al, 569 LtOrient Street, St. Paul 1. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yours truly, C LAR..0 it / A �ict _ W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON R. G. ZELZER Suet, of Puk, Supt, of Piaygtound. City Amhn-d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissionet .wo, (u3 May 24, 1946 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Under date of March 29, 1946, a printed copy of Council File No. 135847 was mailed to Jos. Mangan, at al, 569 L'Orient Street, St. Paul 1, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the two story frame dwelling described as Except Mt. Airy Street, Lot 1, Block 18, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition, also known as 569 L'Ori- ant Street, as published in the official paper. Please be advised that no appeal has been filed with this office by the owner for a rehearing of the oondemnation proceedings, the building is now vacant, and has not yet been wrecked and removed. Yours truly, AR ITECT LAR..0 Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCIL NO - ` -00 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM *14 1C ' DATI Febrw= 27, 1946 RESOLVED: That the Gas Station License 7645 (four pump), expiring September 1, 1946, issued to C. Hartman and P. Vaughn at 1042 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Raymond M. Winkel and Glen F. Campbell at the same address. C.F. No. 135666—By Barfusa—Parranto— Findlen— Resolved. That the Gas Station Li- cense 7645 (fourpump), expiring Sep- tember 1. 1946, Issued to C. Bart—. and P. Vaughn at 1042 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Raymond M. Winkel and Glen F. Campbell t the a address. Adopted by the Council Feb 27, 1946. Approved Feb. 27, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) FFR 27 196 COUNCI N Adopted by the Council -----------------------------_..-194 Yeas• Nays Ba -IFindlan % Approved---------- ------------------ ---194 ... 7anto (6 rson----------In Favor ----�---� =- ACayor ---Q--Against trtgd gh 3M 9-Mr.)dMy(Or",denr. !Truax' Orlgiul to City Clerk r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILX C UNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��.I� OAT. I' COMMISSIONER__ RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is authorized to enter upon Lot 9, Cullen Place, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Ninueseta, also described as No. 392} Colborne Street, in Saint Paul, and wreak and remove the frame dwelling thereon, and to do any and all things therein neces- sary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. F. reek and remove the Frame dwell- ing thereon, and to do any and all things therein necessary for the pro- tection of life, limb and adjoining prop- erty. Adopted by theConnell Feb 27, 1996. Approved Feb. 27..946. 1 (March 2.. 1946.) FEB 27 10 COUNCILMEN Yeae Nays Adopted by the Council .................. ................ 194. i a s in an 1 Approved _194 arranto /Pet on C//^ In Favor. ----------- C Mayor os roux ......Against _ h sM '-Mr. gW(President (Truax, 00 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O C/ Feb. 26, 1946. Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 3) authorizing and directing, the Comer. of Parke, P. & P. B. to wreck and remove the frame dwelling on Lot 9, Cullen Place, also known as 392* Colborne St. Very truly yours, e City Clerk. A ERNEST W. JOHNSON R. G. ZELZER W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect Supt. of Perks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minndsota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner . ..Afp_ February 21, 1946 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: under date of July 16, 1945, a printed copy of Council File No. 133853 was mailed to a1• A. Patterson, nwhich 0/0 res - James Tracy, 202 Globe Buildingnd removal of the frame. olution directed the wrecking a dwelling on Lot 9, Cullen Place, also known as 39ef. Colborne Street, as published in the official paper. Action on this matter has beenimld in abeyance as Mr. Tracy advisedrthat enotappeal has been he dfiledrwith dthis lease e office for a hnooeoremoved.dings and the buildinghas tbeenwrecked and Yours truly, tC ch act V u Orielaal to City Clerk _ ,858 " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.1.33 • ` OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION—GE RAL FORM PRESENTEDa . COMM ISSIONER BY COMMISSIONER F RESOLVED, that the frame dwelling on Lot 9, Cullen Place, according to the$plat thereof recorded in the ftfice of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described - as No. 392* Colborne Street, was and is, by reason of its structural condition, unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said structure is incapable of reason- able repair, replacement, or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land; and it is ordered that said structure be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the separate cost and ex- pense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. _ C. F. No. 133853—By Milton Rosen— by. request— Resolved, that the frame dwelling onLot 9, Cullen Place, according to .the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described a No. 392;3 Colborne Street, was and is, ' by reason of its structural condition, unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said struc-' 'ture IB incapable of reasonable repair, make henssme reasoremon bly meas to should be wrecked and removed from said land; and it is ordered that said structure be forthwith wrecked and • . removed from said land by and at the wn- .separate cast and expense of the own- er, occupant, or other person 1n con - er trolthereof. Adopted by the Council July 9, 1945. Approved July 8, 1945. (July 14, 1945) i a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounedIll gin 194_ Yea��_Nay4 IJUL 6 Findlan Approvefl 194_ Parranto /y^�� In Favor � , �f /1M-r�/� Rosen Mayor n /� Truax oAgainst Tar. , t' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS July 5, 1945• Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Couneel City gall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 2) confirming the ccndemnetion of the frame dwelling at 3921 Colborne St. on Lot 99 Cullen Place. Very truly yours , `J✓ Ke", f City Clerk. CZ W to COUNCIL 135.602 .SLE CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.----._----------- ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE rebrmaryq, i946, RESOLVED: That Application A39656 by Walter L. Anderson for OffSale Malt License at 2033 Como Avenue is hereby denied and that the proper city officers are authorized to refund the fee of $5.00 and cancel said application. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arf and n o n.. �.`Fr: ------..In Favor resident;_; _' ' gh 3u 9 -Mr. (* Csidenr (Truax) ..-a--Against CF. No, 135602—By Barfuss—Parranto— Findlan— Walterl�L. Anderson d, That ppfor tion A366 off Sales Malt License at 2093 Como Avenue is here - be denied and that the proper city of- licers re authorized to refund the fee of 0.00 and cancel Said application. Adopted by the Council r�eb 27, 1940. Approved Feb. 27, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) FEB 2719 Adopted by the Council. ............ A94 ...... i u yr Approved-......... --------- ---------- i .... 194...... ------------ r }"'s ....... t!!1g Mayor 135603 original to city ct CITY OF ST. PAUL couauL NO...-__------•------ PILE _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � IJ COI�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9Y --�--- DATE_ �b 27 19IS6 COMM ISS I ONER.._...__---------------- RESOLVED: That Off Sale Liquor License $931, expiring January 31, 1947, and Off Sale Malt Beverage License #5370, Confectionery License #3836, and Cigarette License $7495, expiring November 9, 1946, issued to R. Laska Drags, Inc. at 380 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to R. Laska Drugs, Inc. at 173 Western Avenue, North. Tref. Inf. apnroved by Council September 6, 1945 New Location C.F. No. 135003—By Barfpss—Parranto-- Findlan— Resolved: That Off Sale Liquor Li - 40. 1947 e a d Off 1Sale xpMal� Beverage Li - NO. No. 5370, Confectlonery License No. 3836, and Cigarette License No. 7495, expiring November. 9, 1946, issued to R. La Drugs. Inc., at 300 Selby transferrevenue d to nR. Laska Drag sd the -11 e Inc a at 173 Western Avenue, North. Adopta by the Council Feb 27, 1946. Approved Feb. 27, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) FEB__"' 7196 194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coune.__... Yeas Nays ar ss Approve d-•------------- ------------ -----------194 n tan unto /Peterson _...... .In Favor............ -offing Mayor ....... ...:..Against 3M 9-451�r®President lX APplicanun o aPPli—ion and sw n a mem .q.i,ld by the uol Comm sh S f M um) . (Thu form muse be fill, s ' add' on t ..................... Name of Applic ................. Residence Address................................. ............ .....................Telephone N .... Are you a citizen of the United States?...... r or :business of Simi n r Have you a eenOeZin o rats a saloon, cafe soft dx k..When and here?...- ( /��• • /• • •�........ ............................. .. �. If corporation, give date when incorporated.. ame dad es f manager of pretp�' es up i Name and address of president ec'eta of cor at ��� which liquor is to be sold.. .. ... ..................f .• .... Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Ward Number Street Side Between What Cro s Streets 4 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured alonere/s)?... .. n How many feet from church (measured along streets)?.... sured g streets. How many feet from closest publico)paroc ial high or ade school ... ............ i/�C Name of closest school ............................................. How are premises classified er Zoning Ordinan .......... . t............. On what floor located?...:. If leased, give name of owner.. • • .. .............. 1s application for drugstore, general food store of exclusive liquor store?.. How long have you operated present business at pre site? ... Do you now have an "On Sale" nonaintoxicating liquor license? ....... .. -. signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer (This application must be he corporation.) (Note: The State application form anry or ion u veri ' •) Issuance of license is not recommended. `� Dated............................ . . .....193... ... ... APPLICANT. License Inspector. "' '•�''s ' CITY OFOINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No..... ....... (This form most be fined not in addition to she application form and awe,, statement oegoitedby she Liquor Control Com ei-li er of the state of Minnesota) Name of Applicant ......... 1R.14a.F.IFA.PMA.Q4W.P4nY.............:................................ Age..:.................. Residence Address...... 38.0. Selby. .....................Telephone No.Dale.OL.8....... Are you a citizen of the United States? ..... 7.t0................................................................................ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ............................... Na................................................................................ When and where?............ NOTIe................-....................................... If corporation, give date when incorporated ....... T14lY.1a1Q41 .............................. Name and address 'of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon whichliquor is to be sold .............................'..................................................................... .............................Richard.D.S,a&ka�Fi.Q6ldent.&,Manager�..2162.Berkeley Ave.St.Pavl�Minn. n n n n n n Agates...La9kQ ..... 9e.GT.0843................................................................... Name of surety company which will write, bond, if known ... National.Burety..QorpQrAt,19A.of.,NgiF. York Number*ee Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 380 So Western & Arundel 7th How many eey, co ege or rsity (measured along streets)?... TkQe,b�oeks How many feet from church (measu s , ets)?.......T!? C?. blocks How many feet from closest public or parochia i or rade school (measured along streets)?... Tbree.bJ.o.GkQ.... Name of closest school ..... $tW9PQPbP.AC.WQ47 ..................................................:......................... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ....... CQ=err,1el................................................... On what floor located?...... f round..Floar.................................................................................... If leased, give name of ownerBlapeh #A Ing.,,Qo........................................................: Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? ... Drug.S.turn................................ How long have you operated present business at present site? .... �eVen„years Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor license?.. No; (This application must be , signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an., officer of the corporation. (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. R.LASSA DRUGS COMPANY Dated....................................193... .............................................................. BY..k pi-�.- .............. License Inspector. President APPLICANT. i o, „a-ae"yped+/1/46 - STATE:OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER - APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpo- ration one officer shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partner- ship one of the "APPLICANTS" shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. Every question mast be answered. 1. I, Loband n Laska an Preatdent (Individual owner, officer, or partner) for and in behalf of Br Laska Drugs ompw hereby apply for an Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located Addreaa and/or Lor and Block Number) Municipality of St. Paul County of BMW State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1941, Chapter 340, as amended, commencing:. ftbr ma19 s 194A" i and PnelinSe a>r Last. 184 2. Date of ]6 : AyrU (Day) (Month) +�) 3. My Yeaidence-at present and for the past five years is as follows: 21,62llu*mla Afire Ste peatlr riiMs 4. Is thempplieant a citizen of the United States? =es If naturalized -state date. If.-aco100iti* or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers and/or partners. al" si8ent iottens E. Laskar Ties Fretsidest A=xes Laskae SeeretW (All of the above are oitisens of the VuLted States 6. Give wife's or husband's full name and address Mrs. Aped Last 216 Swk4aAB AVG,e Set Paul Went, 6. Whit occupations have you followed for the past ten years? Dr0Z0 at 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership Bot a Dat'tner"y if a corporation, -date of incorporation 7 1-41 , state in which incorporated_Yllmesota 40•� amount of + .26,000 amount of authorized capitalization paid in Capital if subsidiary of any other corporation, so state lot a #i>bsidiary give purpose of corporation to operate Drug Store name and address of all officers and directors Richard D. La", Preaidest -2162 8erkeler Aye,pst,Panl,Binn. Bowen& #. Laaka, Viae Preedt., 2111 St. Clair 8t.e6t4Paul,B4pn- d Anes Laskai 8eettita7e 2162 Berkeley AmPstop auloftmo If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State?' -. Number of certificate of authority. If this application is for a new Porporatiom4sclude a certiffid copy of Articles of incorporationasd . r By-laws. If this application is for a RENEWAL of license state whether any changes have been made in a the Articles of Incorporation and By -Laws since the last issue of License #0 change 8. On what floor is the establishment located, or to be located? Grand flow 9. If operating under a zoning" ordinance, how is the location of the building classified? C =Qraiel zn Is the building located within the prescribed area for such license? -- Jr'' 10. Is the establishment located near an academy, college, university, church, grade. .or high school? #o -----State the approximate distance of the establishment from such school or church Two blocks frost a church – throe blocks from an acadeW 11. State name and address of owner of has owner of building any connection, directly or induec y, with applicant? #0 12. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent 13. State whether applicant, and/or any of his associates, have ever had an application for a Liquor License rejected,by any municipality or State authority, if. so, give date and details #o 14. Has the applicant, and/or any of his associates, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control t Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and detail. #O 15. State whether applicant, and/or any of his associates, were ever convicted of any crime in this state, or. any other state, or under Federal Laws, and if so give date and details #o 16. Is applicant, and/or any of his associates, a member of the governing body of the municipality in which this license is to be issued?—#e If so, in what capacity? #�,. a State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, &tures, or equipment in the premises for which license is, applied for, and if so, give natue and details so � 18. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in .any other liquor establishment in the State of llfinhesota? Give name and address of such establishment �- a 19. Furnish the name and 'address of at least three business references, including one bank reference_ ,;.. Y#rM 1141=81-2aato q, Paul., Minn.r.to - 49tthpoatatlr Drag Go-, ■ol9a._!Lffi, iitaisoon St. Panlr St. Perm. Minn. S•. 20. Do ,you possesa:a retail Sealer's identification card issued by thevL�quor Control Commissioner which will expire'December 31st of this year? Give number of same 21. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer?moo 22. State whether applicant intends to possess, operate of permit the possession or operation of, on the c licensed premises or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice, gambling device and apparatus, or permit any gambling thereSnlu V. 23. Under what Classification is the license applied for: EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?__ung BEere 24. Are the premises now occupied, or to be occupied, by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from any other bnsiaess:establishment? res 25. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation i2 years 26. State trade name to be used R- L.ir. DrngLQa. 27. State name'of'pereon that will operate store 28. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off -sale Liquor -License and for the same premises °o 29. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On -sale Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage License in conjunction with this Off -We Liquor License, and for the same premises Sp V/30. Give Federal!Retail Liquor Dealer's Tax Stamp Number yl$R 31. Do you possess a Federal Wholesale Liquor Dealer's Tax Stamp? so 32. Do you intend to. deliver liquor by vehicle? Ire If so, state the number of the Vehicle Permit issued for the current year by the Liquor Control Commissioner ■en. 33. If this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale License,give name of foangr licens.e/,%� a whether any consideration, money or property has been paid, or will be paid, given or exchanged by any one, ' and by whom and to whom for th purch§de or transfer of the license; also state the amount of consideration I hereby verify the above statement_____t"_ (Signature of former licensee)' 34. Will applicant ;and/or his associates strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota govern- ing the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Con- s trol and Commissioner; aall ordinances of your municipality? _ Commissioner; ' _... panty? X68 . I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing -questions and that the answers to said questions are - p true of my own knowledge. - 8. LANA.MUCIS .OD11PAN Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Stgnatarr of appfirnnt). Poe"iaf4 •o Jamfm� —t .18—� - t ..(Notary Public) My commission expires. Ask. 25; 19L6 REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS $Y .POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant, and/or his associates, named,herein have not been convicted within the w past five years._for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, or Municipal Ordinances relating to IntoxtX. cating Liquor,:Axq*_ ae.hereinafter stated �J POLICE DEPARTMENT - (Arum of `city, uillagb w borough) - APPROVED BY: . ._ TITLE (If you have no police department, either the Marshal or the Constable shall execute this report on the applicant) REPORT ON PREMISES BY FIRE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the premises herein described have been inspected and. that all Laws of the State of Minnesota and municipal ordinances relating to Fire Protection have been complied with. FIRE DEPARTMENT (Name- of city,village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE ' (If you have no Fire Department, an authorized member of -the Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of 24707 the applicant's premises). 135604. petition Council File Nt% ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ......... .. .......P....E..L..IM. IN A R Y.. .O..R. DER . Theundersignedherebyproposesthe king ofthefollowingPublci mprovement by th Cl f aint OaFul"v .t.z.* , .......................070 Street Ourbing south side oY ....................... ........ . t............. ...... ............... .............. ......... .. ........... ......... .... .................................... .......... ........... ............. ................................. ........... .... ................... ...................... ............... Februhry 1 4A Dated this ..... F?�4 .... day of ............ .................. ............ &uncilmsm. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making Of the following improvement, viz: .11, to.ffio- i";�.... M"? ...... r ............... .. ................— ....... �ef- the ... amen........................................................... ......... —4e ...................................... ................................... ............................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................... I .......... therefore, be it missioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Com I"g of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. e petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on th 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB Adopted by the Council ............... VIM .............. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ............... ROSEN Ming Mayor. Mr. Vice President (Truax) INI 7.41 C.F. No. o 135695 -CF No. 135696-- �y `� NOTICE Resohetl That checks be ;drawn on=S�F1��� the City treasury, to the aggregate COUNCIL FILE NO.--_VCJ6 TO `. mount of $26X6.37 vering checks; number d 44382 to 44489 Inclusive. a, 6 PRINTER I- Checks on Elle In the - oiYlce of February 26 the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Councii Feb 27, 1948. gq_ Approved Feb. h . 1 (March 2, 1848.) RE5 OLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN'ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 26,216.37 44450 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 443g2�T0___—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE C TY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII _—_ 194 CR OMPTROLlER APPROVED 194— BY 000 12.4 @w O NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No.— PRINTER February 25 194 6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1 •Dbb9'S6 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 44362--T07--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS t 7�6 Z 4.3 7 // '� ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILS a,� clrr COMPTROtlER APPROVED 194_ BY �•' _ ✓ 300 12- 011p-® CHECK NUMBER • 443932 44394 44385 44396 44387 44389 44399 44390 44391 443932 44394 44395 44396 ,44397 9 44401 44402 44403 44404 444 6 4440 44408 44409 44410 44411 44132 44414 44415 44416 44417 44418 44419 44420 44421 444232 44424 444 44426 44427 44428 44429 (/ TOTAL11 DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT [I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Ilj� - BROUGHT FORWARD 22 500 19;I Greene Posting Service CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 135605 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__.— ROLL CALL .1 604 6s ISARFU.. 291 521 Board of water Gommissionere; 336 15j AUDITED CLAIMS _ +BA— P.RRAN PARRANTO IN FAVOR �1�y���.��p '(� TREAS&Y PETERSON `-� RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE�111M'M�EY 125ITY ROSEN V AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ -,g COVERING { F MR. PRES, MCDONOUGH y CHECKS NUMBERED INCLUSIVE. AS 350 06; 351 :L?j�g��� PER CHECKS ON FI IN THE FILE OF THE CI �O OLLE R. ADOPTED BY THE CO_UN_CI +`'N - - -- r 1 983 15 Ea APPROVED Milton Rosen, C.P.works '7NUMI0 ER L -- 839 661 V; - CHECK NUMBER • 443932 44394 44385 44396 44387 44389 44399 44390 44391 443932 44394 44395 44396 ,44397 9 44401 44402 44403 44404 444 6 4440 44408 44409 44410 44411 44132 44414 44415 44416 44417 44418 44419 44420 44421 444232 44424 444 44426 44427 44428 44429 (/ TOTAL11 DATE RETURNED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT [I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Ilj� - BROUGHT FORWARD 22 500 19;I Greene Posting Service 696 all Boa^d of Mater Commissioners', Board of Water Commissionerej 2 51� Board of water Commissioners!, .1 604 6s Board of water Commissioners] 291 521 Board of water Gommissionere; 336 15j Board of dater Commissionersi 2 315 6o�i. Board of Water CommiesionerSl 121 95' City of St.Paule B. of Aud. 300 00'. W. A. Parranto, C..P.Util. 54 41, Robert F. Peterson, C.Parke,', 899 73; Milton Rosen, C.P.works 1 185 11 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 350 06; 351 Milton Rosen, C. P. Works 32' Stilton Rosen, O.P.Works 1 983 15 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 3 999 031 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 434 89' Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 839 661 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 609 28 Fred M. Truax, 0. of Educ. 605 90 Dr. R.G. Allison Anoker Hospital Dr. J.L. Benepe Dr. C.C. Chatterton 0herokee Drug Company Dr. C. Kenneth Cook Dr. A. w. Dow j Earl Clinic Dr. G. SCdlund Emerson Clinic Dr. E.V. Goltz Dr. Laurence D. Hilger Dr. C.E. Johnson Dr. George F. Kelley Dr. J.A. Lepak Dr. John B. McAdams Midway Hospital Mounds Park Hospital John H. Page, Jr. Dr. A.H. Pedersen Bt.John's Hospital St.Joseph'e Hospital St.Luke's Hospital Drs. Schons, Medelman, Petereon & Raa# Dr. f. H. von der Weyer Dr. Chas. w. Waas Physio -Therapy Center Dr. J. B. winniok �I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 16 59 77 00 65 0 93 00 18 00 233 12 4 00 00 12 00 22 00 59 00 3 00 10 00 21 00 27 00 70 20 50 46 0o 23 00 115 62 X36 oo 5 00 27:ffi 75 3 00 2 50 22 00 39 311 01 730 155 35666 CITY OF SAINT PA L' COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OPFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --.----- ROLL CALL BARFUSS (/ FINDLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS February 26 1.4__ PARRANTO PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAf.'NfegH�fjITY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE Aj;� V' OF 5 C/ vv VV { 11�" COVERING TO V Iry C LUSIVE. AS MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED // PER CHECKS ON F IN THE hrFICE O )HE C TY COM OLLER. ADOPTED B COUNCIL CR -- APPROVEI94-- rvuMP� TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECKIN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 311 of II 0 155 6 • 44430 Mrs. Charlotte I. Kellerman20 44431 Clarence A. 11agner 8 00 44432 Acme Linen Servide Company 34 60 44433 Addressograpb Sales Agency " 36 87 44434 American Linen Supply Company 82 02 X35 American Public Works Aseoo.l 30 00 44436 J.C. Bernhard, Reg. of Deeds 1 475 44437 Blue Print Service Company 1 32 8 jI 44438 George A. Breon and Company 3g 56 44439 Central Scientific Company 44440 Doubleday. Doran and OompanyiIno. 151 65 44441 Electric Blue Print Company 101 81 44442 H.N. Fisher Photo Supply Company 88 07 f 44443 J.J. Fitzgerald, C. of D.Cte 11 25 44444 General Electric Supply Corp.' 16 44445 B.F. Goodrich Company 23 20 44446 Kennedy Brothers Arms Oompan} 139 42 80 44447 Lineer Broom Mfg. Company 36 18 44448 Locto Company 124 46 44449 McClain & Hedman Company 44450 McKesson and Robbins Oo.Ino. j 11 54 !' 44451 Gus D. Messing 23 90 j 44452 Miller-Bryant-Pieroe Company i 82 77 !i j 444533 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 19 55 i 44454 Montgomery 'Ward and Company 45 09 44455 Nelson 011 Company 10 206 �I 44456 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company j 44457 Northern States Power Company' 4 240 13 44458 Northarn States Power Company! i- 467 87 44459 Northern States Power Company! 246 56 44460 N.W. Bell Telephone Company 46 80 44461 N.W. Bell Telephone Company 99 15 44462 N.P. Bell Telephone Company ;i 38 93 j 44463 Railway Express Agency, Inc. j 23 99 44464 Roe—James Glass Company 23 35 44465 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Com)any 101 21 II 4444666 4t.Paul Book & stationery Com any 586 63 �t.Paui alders Material Com any 59 22 44466 9t.Paul �o. school 5 75 44469 C.F. Sculley Equipment Company 360 o0 II 44470 Leslie Sohuldt Company 33 52 44471. Silver Arrow Distilled Rater o. 5 00 44472 Superior Refining Company 93 70 44473 Standard 011 Company 50 00 44474 Len Thole Radio & Electric CoIno. 98 45 I� 44475 University of Minaeaota 16 00 44476 van PaoeY 1Jupply Company -- b-9� 44477 Victory Blind "roduots 15 48 44478 H.L. Wedelstaedt Company 117 60 j 44479 9.11. Welch Mfg. Company 49 30 44480 western Union Telg. Company 29 14 j �� II iY+� - SHEET TOTAL-FORVIRo I 39 311 Ci;; 738322 14 ? • I CJ' • 1 ORIOINAI To CITY r,-axelwtT raenl w�Na� No. rU56v' O14 dI K CF. Nos. 135687, 155898. 135808, 155810, - )RM APPROPRIATION TR 136811, 135812, 136813, 135819, 136635. PER C 135818, 135817—By Barfuss. Findlan. Parranto, Rosen, Truax, Mayor Me- 'On" c- - Donough— Res0lVed, That transfers of funds as more fully act out in the resolution PRESENTED BY be made on the hooka of the Comp - COMMISSIONER— John S. �� troller as by -so doing an unavoidable 194— deficiency in certain items may be met .;by said transfers wlthout hampering the work provided by the money in the items Srom. which the transfers are made. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWI Adopted,by the Council Feb 27, 1946. JE BOOKS OF THE Approved Feb. 27, 1948. ; (March 2, 1948) COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOiDABLE-DEFICIENCIY IN ceRTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM DR TRANSFERRED CR. — 3 A 4 IN FAVOR corp, counsel –Auto Allowance 125.25 AGAINST 3 A 5 n " Office Expense 179.92 3 A R 11 „ Receipts 956.81 3 0 1 N n Salaries 1,261.13 3 A 3 to „ Law Books .85 25 s 1 O. H. &. C. H. – Salaries 535.35 �5 A 3 N d vet's Quarters 177.35 �5 A 4 s • Telephones 196.53 �5 A 7 u it Sidewalk Repairs 66.61 25 A 10 ° to Building Repairs 960.43 �5 W s " P. 0. Reserves 39.86 �5 A 2 s ^ Heat, Light & Power 59.66 25 A 6 " " Supplies 1.427.86 �5 A 9 N s Extra Help S(� OUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS YEV'—e' IN FAVOR AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT see r-.1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNia--2T IYCiw}--194— ���VeY APPROVED 194— - d- A W MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY � cin coMFrROLLaR ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL F�e `IL PIOMM-- CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR a PER CHARTER SECTION 209 PRESENTED BY John S. Elndlan DATE 194 - COMMISSION"' R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY. THE. MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE.. AMOUNTTRANSFERRED CODErAPIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO 30 . 1 alaries 779.90 30AR eceipts 136.97 30 A 2xpense 916.87 30 B R Receipts 29.00 30 BAnnual Report 29.00 31 A 2 Printing 190.51 a 31 A 3 9 a I Expense 27.35 31 A R " If Receipts 24.84 31 A 1 I/ of Salaries 549.34 31 B 2 Mun. Court - Jury Expense 157.15 31 B R " If Receipts 6.39 31 B 1 x If Salaries 176.13 31 B 3 R „ Expense 83.29 {a� 31 C 4 Armory - Repairs 29.17 VI i C u Sn lies 2 •1 YES (if) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS - FEBCLL} 27194 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- 194- Barf as s 1, Yindlea APPROVED 194-- ParrantG IN FAVOR Peterson b o2i,i Q 1�9 MAYOR Rosa AGAINST Truax COUNTERSIGNED Bs �R O ao ER MRI PRESIDENT MCDOnough soo T -.I ORIGINAL YDFOUNcIL t3560V cm —K CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ILE NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 708 PRESENTED BY John S. FiIIdlan COMMISSIONER DATE--194- R ATE 194- YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS FED 2 1 1446 8188 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII t f'RF 194_ lindlaa i41 �I Parrantu IN FAVOR Peterson j 1 BOran a AGAINST Truax MR. PRESIDENT MQDOIIough 600 0-4I 9 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY CAMPTROU�HR R E S O L V E D. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO OR. CR. 31 D S Election - Insurance 555.50 31 D 9 It Storage 240.00 31 D R " Receipts 366.62 31 D W " P. 0. Reserves 5.50 31 D 2 It Salaries 474.29 31 D 7 It Supplies 695.33 31 G 1 B Worl®enols Compensation - Doctors 70.60 31 G 1 C " " Hoop. & Nur as 725.64 31 G 1 I " " Miscellaneo a 477.99 31 G 1 A " " Compenaatio 2,049.44 31 G 4 Miscellaneous & Unforeseen 3,608.37 31 G 6 Surety Bonds 500.00 31 G s A Memorial Day Observance 120.00 31 G 15 Weed Eradication 304.00 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS FED 2 1 1446 8188 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII t f'RF 194_ lindlaa i41 �I Parrantu IN FAVOR Peterson j 1 BOran a AGAINST Truax MR. PRESIDENT MQDOIIough 600 0-4I 9 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY CAMPTROU�HR ORI CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL"INII� No. t35610 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER John S. Findlan DATE 193 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. a • CODE AM APPORTIONED ITEM OUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 31 G 17 International Institute 9o�.00 31 J 2 Council Investigation - Expense 54,00 31 G 2 Debt Service 661.22 31 G 3 Financial Forms 777.69 31 G 4 A Civilian Defense 1,020.26 31 G 9 Water - Wilder Bathe lgg.00 31,C 14 Fire Hydrant Installation - 1945 1,263.39 31 J 1 Council Investigation - Salaries 404.08 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS Barfuse Find'" P TE SON / Parrant0 R N IN FAVOR Peterson Rosen TR x Truax �/ AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT MoDmoUgh ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI F'"`� „�,I `'�� 193_ II R APPROVED �'�� _193- AU&Ifly MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ORIGINAL TO x.35611 CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��"c" NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION ZW PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSION Era G. H• Barfuss DATEer Decemb— 794 • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING, THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED I T E M AMOUNT DR. RFE TAN5RRED CR. FROM TO_ ADMINISTRATION 789 ® 1 Administration, Salaries 1227.32 789 A 2 Administration,Office Expense 789 B 1 Building Maintenance, Salaries 50493 903.29 789 B 2 Bldg Mntace,Services & Supplies . 789 ,R Receipts 929.25 789 W Reserve for Purchase Orders 78.09 22,20 POLICE 13R, 17932-.-51F 720,76 7 A 1 7 A 2 Administration, Salaries Administration, Office Sumplies 7 B 1 7 A 4 Administration, Office Expense License Inspection, ice- 21.72 1001,49 7 C 1 C Salaries Uniformed Police, Salaries 751 65 227". 7 2 7 C 4 Uniformed Police, Supplies Uniformed Police, Traffic Signal 121.922 7 D 1 Maintenance Detective DivisionSala 1112 80 7 D 2 7 D 3 Detective , Division, Crime Investigatio 7510.25 118.41 7 E 1 Detective Division, Supplies 346,03 7 E 2 Radio Division, Salaries Radio Division, Rent &Supplies 1264.45 7 F 1 Police Station, Salaries3500.00 3008,13 7 F 2 7 P 3 Police Station, Supplies Police Station, Board of Prisoners 963.25 7 O 1 7 O 2 Record Division, Salaries 1919,45 1046,40 Record Division Office Expense Receipts 292.22 ee Were 9 16544 81 T YES (✓) .COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS 315 .55 315 0 55 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 19,4__ IN FAVOR 194__ AGAINST MAYOR T 1 COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT crtY coMPrwoLL R YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS • IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 194— APPROVED 194— AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY _ CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT 135611 ORIGINAL To • CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY G. H. Barfuss - COMMISSIONER DATE December 31 5 194— • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. CR. FIRE A 1 Administration, Salaries 4563.12 8 A 2 Administration, Supplies 232.61 8 B 1 Fire Prevention, Salaries 6274.94 8 B 2 Fire Prevention, Office Expense 18.96 8 B 3 Fire Preventlon,Auto Allowance 37,00 8 0 1 Fire Fighting, Salaries 1535.59 8 0 2 Fire Fighting; Gas,011s & Greases 51.22 8 0 3 Fire FSghting;Tires, Tubes & Repairs 1960.71 8 c 11 Fire Fighting, New Hose 3292.46 8 0 5 Fire Fighting, Equipment Repairs 3000,95 8 0 6 Fire Fighting, Other Supplies 1327.40 8 0 7 Fire Fighting, Miscellaneous 17,50 8 D 1 Station Maintenance, Salaries 2796,96 8 D 2 Station Maintenance, Telephones 18,09 8 D 3 Station Maintenance; Light, Power & Water 300,00 8 D 4 Station Maintenance, Fuel 2186,18 8 D 5 Station Maintenance, Supplies 1031.77 8 D 6 Station Maintenence,Repairs & Renewal 905.57 8 D 7 Station Maintenance, Miscellaneous 10.50 8 R Receipts 4433,29 8 W Reserve for Purchase Orders 165.78 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS • IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 194— APPROVED 194— AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY _ CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT ORIGINAL To CITY OF SAINT PAUL 135611 0 1 CLERK COUNCIL'�O. FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION -208 PRESENTED BY G. H. Rarfnee . COMMISSIOryEw December 31 5 DATE 194_ R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE • COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM - DR. GR. POLICE & BIHE ALARM 76 A 2 Truck Maintenance 700,00 78 Aj Supplies � .00 78 A 4 Telephone Lines 52.62 78 A 5 Equipment Repairs 471,60 76 A 6 Office Expense 46.64 78 R Receipts 127.96 76 W Reserve for Purchase Orders 1a_nb YES (*') COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 194__ IN FAVOR APPROVED 194_ AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT ctn coMFrwoueR - eao >-•t J35611 a ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE ` NO. • GITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ' PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY O. H..Barfuss December 31 194 COMMISSIONER DATE 5 R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK P,ROVIQED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE p pPvE TTDIONED ITEM ffiiiWY1_WWiiII� AMOUNT - TRANSFERRED FROM TO OR. CR. 9 A 1 Administration, Salaries 2149.75 9 A 3 administration, Office Expense 1252.95 9 B 1 vital Statistics, Salaries 2274.2o 9 B 2 vital Statistics, Expense 316.30 9 0 1 Promotion of Health-Schools,Salari s 5T1.95 9 0 3 Promotion of Health-Schools,Suppli"s 544.99 9 D 3 Food Regulation, office Expense 36.10 9 H 1 Quarantine, Salaries Allowance 795.59 357.26 9 E 2 Quarantine, Automobile 9 F 1 Tuberculosis, Salaries 1760.44 43.62 9 F 3 Tuberculosis, Supplies 9 6 2 Workhouse Hospital, Board of Prisoners 405.75 9 H 1 Health Laboratory, Salaries 1906.50 981.69 9 R 1 Dog License Enforcement,Salaries 9 K 3 Dog License Enforcement,Suppliss 135.97 9 R Receipts 1345.59 9 W Reserve for Purchase Orders -1-5-19 YESS( COUNCILMEN (i) NAYS FF8 -1.t ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- U1 1" ""' 194- • Gaga'',_. ;2.yi.J I -L �= �_; in�. 9 j� APPROVED -194- ���" �'�� IN FAVOR ' JV) AGAINST V SII: L„/'1i•9��/MATOR COUNTERSIGNED BY O OITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT 900 ]-R IGIuART CITY OF SAINT PAUL COIL N0135612 - 0 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 j PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �( DATE 194 R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE OUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO OR. CR. 10-R Commissioner of Public Works 9,126#21 10-A1 291.53 10-A2 181.40 10-B1 4,446.41 10-B2 285.15 10-83 2,434.60 lo -B4 1,52-•33 10-01 51.07 10-02 175.54 10-03 318.14 10-04 4,631.05 10-05 79.82 10-C6 787.82 10-07 1,548.91 10-D1 363.84 10-D2 131.65 10-D3 2,909.66 10-W 145.11 11-R St. Construction and Repair 1,582.60 11-A1 8,980.11 11-A2 7,792.03 11-A3 315.13 11-A4 2,755.04 11-A5 299.49 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 194- • .APPROVED 194_ IN FAVOR AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT crtY coMPrRou • • CITY INcieRTi° CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOUNCIL No. 135612 PILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 1O8 PRESENTED BY T`.1�� � ��'� —' COMMISSIONER VimDATE _194— R E S O L V E D. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. Co.. APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. R. 12-R Sewer Construction and Repair 781.714 12-.0 2,056.94 12-p2 494.50 1243 373.99 12-A4 1,307.86 12-A5 662.32 13-R Street and sewer Cleaning 10,895.23 13-A1 1.40 13-A3 50.26 13-B1 1,344.80 13-82 3,250.56 13-B3 754.24 13-84 648.66 13-B5 1,294.50 13-C1 4,604.48 . 13-04 � 219.52 13-05 608.13 13-D1 100.45 13-D2 2,207-50 13-D3 48.38 13-n 9.94 13-E2 194.50 13-F,333.64 13-E4 W9.00 YES (J) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194_ APPROVED 194_ IN FAVOR AGAINST 1 COUNTERSIGNED BY CT' MR. PRESIDENT l MAYOR COMPTROLLER • • Q 'R1O1NAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO ENQL N�,�)561 2 ORIGIN - T APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY `'T,/ COMMISSIONER \'R ?a--- DATE 194- R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 13-G1 102.17 13-G2 210.85 13-111 1,338.46 13—R2 630.11 13-x3 82.67 13-J1 215.84 13-J2 61.92 73-J3 163.63 14-A1 Bridge Building and Repair 2,275.97 14-A2 118.12 14-A3 1,845.16 14-A4 384.01 14-R 71.32 J) NAYS _LIN FAVOR 0 AGAINST ,F -B 2.7 190 ADOPTED BY THE 194- 1 94 � MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED COUNTERSIGNED BY Cm COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT �.'-�•.'' ¢� - -� N0.1-3561-3 CR CLL K CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILENOL C- NAL T APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER FRED M. TRUAX DATE JANUARY-2sa, 1946-- — • R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. .7 CODE APPORTIONED I T E M AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 15-4-10 Aooum. Sick Leave 2 406 76 15-G-1 Instruction Salaries 4 2 406 76 15-H-5 Oper. of Plant - Fuel 19 518 04 16-W 1944 Reserves Reapprop. 1 143 77 15-G-1 Instruotion Salaries 5 970 72 15-B-1 Eduoat. Admin. - Salaries 5 308 62 15-C-1 Attend. Div. - Salaries 1 157 06 15-H-3 Operation of Plant -'Telephone• 18 86 15-H-4 " 11 11 - Light h Power 6 704 34 16-H-6 ° It " - Supplies 1 502 21 15-R Miscellaneous Receipts C 141 186 08 15-G-2 Instruction - Car Fare k Taxi 268 54 G-4 " - Laundry 45 79 G-6 " - Athletic Salaries 1 075 28 G-7 " - Athletic Supplies 338 42 15-G-5 Instruction - Supplies 32 326 27 G-3 " - Trarisp. Crip. Child. 2 181 64 G-8 Special Claes - Beta 10 965 84 G-9 Vocational Evening School 4 494 58 H-1 Oper. of Plant - Salaries 28 799 93 H-6 It " " - Supplies 920 67 J-1 Mtnoe. of Plant - Salaries 15 533 61 J-6 " " It - Rep*. k Renes 4 525 38 J-8 " " " - Major Repairs 43 166 29 15-R Miscellaneous Receipts C 4 877 09 15-D-1 Oper. g Mtnoe. Div. - Salaries 126 28 D-3 " " " It - Office Expense 13 35 D-4 " It " " - Insurance 300 33 YES_(✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-194— OUNCI} 194_APPROVED APPROVED194— IN FAVOR MAYOR AGAINST o' ✓✓✓��{,,,((( // !/ COUNTERSIGNED BY ✓ ✓CZG >5 ER CGO—ROLLR—E MR. PRESIDENT wo �-sl ORIGINAL. TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FL ENCLL NA35613 CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY DATE JANUARY 23, 1946 COMMISSIONERFLIED M TRUA% -- • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY • IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. MR. PRESIDENT coo �-at AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED RY/ CITY COMPI'RO ELL R I CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. — CR. 15-E-4 Supply Storehouse - Office Expense 26 93 F-2 Prom. of Health - Supplies 151 62 J-2 Mtnoe. of Plant - Carfare 100 00 J-3 " " " - Auto Allow. 163 30 15-A-1 Business Admin. - Salaries 1 008 57 A-2 " It - Office Expense 388 80 B-2 Eduoat. Admin. - Auto Allow. 57 50 B-3 " " - Office Expense 362 58 C-2 Attendance Div. - Carfare 1 437 50 C-3 " " - Office Expense 385 95 D-2 Oper. do Mtnce. Admin. - Exp. do Frt. 60 04 E-1 Supply Storehouse - Salaries 964 35 E-2 " " -_Light k Power 27 74 E-3 " " - Truck Mtnoe. 65 88 F-1 Prom. of Health - Salaries 396 28 F-3 " " of - Office Expense 350 22 J-4 Mtnoe. of Plant - Truck Mtnoe. 264 49 171 742 68 TOTAL - 171 742 58 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194— APPROVED 194 -- IN FAVOR MR. PRESIDENT coo �-at AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED RY/ CITY COMPI'RO ELL R I C1e K 135613 TY R CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION„208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 193 • I RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. '`° }v 1 . CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT RANSFERRED o,) NAYS FROM TO D CR. 16-R Cash Reoeipts 50,019.26 APPROVED _193 O RS LAFc G TR x 16-A1 Library Servioe - Salaries 45,180.20 ec I g A.oa 16_A2 ^ ” - Trzek Maint. AGAINST 87.30 EL 16-A4 " " —Postage l� 5.00 Y 16 -AB " " - New Books 77.22 16-A8 ^ " . New Equipment 311.14 16-B1 Building Maint. - Salaries 3,306.08 16-B2 " " Light & Power 407.89 16-64 " ^ - Rater 67.68 16-B7 ^ " - Repairs & Renewals 576.85 FTP 7 YES01) COUNCILMEN o,) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE C�OUiNCH 193- EAR E �'CCE e,�Z� SON APPROVED _193 O RS LAFc G TR x IN FAVOR /j1� �f ✓/Leder %Ll., d ec I g A.oa WA REN AGAINST EL COUNTERSIGNED BY eoMrrn u c,Tr l� I` (t r P ESIDENT eoo ,o. i Y ORIGINAL To CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N01356i4 cIn cLeRK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 2W PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—_T" '�'(' ^_=_ °T_ DATE 194— • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 4=6. • CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT— -- TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 141.06 Publio Utilities Fund 21-A1 22-R 54.67 21-B3 22-W 27.6o 21-B4 415.44 21-C2 29.77 418.81 21-W 19,20 .30 21-A2 22-B2 7.25 21-B1 22-B4 694.27 21-C1 22-B5 215.30 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN IV) NAYS Barfuss n lindlan 4 Parrento IN FAVOR Peterson 0 Rosen AGAINST Truax MR. PRESIDENT McDmm& 114111 7-41 FEB 94 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL p f 194- SI4 APPROVED 194— �it-eA. e )ng MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY % CATV COMPTROLLER Lighting Fund 22-A3 141.06 22-B3 1,432.02 22-R 3,484.22 22-W 120.28 22-A1 29.77 22-A2 19,20 22-B1 394.23 22-B2 4,394.10 22-B4 140.82 22-B5 199.46 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN IV) NAYS Barfuss n lindlan 4 Parrento IN FAVOR Peterson 0 Rosen AGAINST Truax MR. PRESIDENT McDmm& 114111 7-41 FEB 94 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL p f 194- SI4 APPROVED 194— �it-eA. e )ng MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY % CATV COMPTROLLER _ il CGUNCIL No. tM ORIGINRL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL TILE CITY CLERK .APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR //� `PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED_t� `--'�/ DATE -'94_ COMMISSION • R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. / gMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE I gppO RTI ONE- ITEM I I DR. FROM TO 21-D1 $ 1,057.40 651.70 21-D2 22,254.11 22 -DR 593.67 21-D3 23,369.54 21-F Pursuant to Ordinance 8692, C.F. 134970, approved Deo. 27, 1945• ADOPTED BY THE COaE1t l� 194--, APPROVED 194-- �i��L c rng MPYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLER YES (✓)- COUNCILMEN (r') NAYS ]jBr�19e • Bindlan 1 Parrento IN FAVOR Peterson Bo sen AGAINST Truez y MR. PRESIDENT �Q110IID WO 7-41 ADOPTED BY THE COaE1t l� 194--, APPROVED 194-- �i��L c rng MPYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLER ORIGINAL TO .. • coum— 12vL16 ' e1TT eLmR CITY OF SAINT PAULPn, NO ......... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER:SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ...ROt)ert.. F1 Peterson. DATE ......................... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE, ON TOE BOOKS'OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. I ►+�' CODE APPORTIONED ITEM -WAWMNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 18-A-2 Auto Mtce. 31.50 18-A-3 Office Expense 105.58 18-B-1 Salaries 13.47 18-B-2 Auto Mtce. 12.60 B-3 Office Expense 1.79 C-1 Salaries 343.01 C-2. Equipt. idtce. 279.13 18-0-3 Supplies 2,613,06 C-4 Repairs & Renewals 2,575.37 C-5 Miscl. 3.13 D-1 Salaries 1,014.92 D-2 Motorcycle Allow. 40.00 E.1 Salaries 414.06 E-2. Light, heat, power 1,628,17 E-3Supplies 824,09 E-4 Repairs & Renewals 105.56 f3-1 Salaries 539.17 G-2 Supplies 470.19 18-R Receipts 3,688.96 18-W Reserves 58.62 OAK * 1 , 1;1 19-A-1 Salaries 82`.24 2 Autto Allow. 318.78 3 Rent 97.00 19-A�4 Office Expense 16.21 B-1 Salaries 6,285.64 B-2 Supplies 854.44 YES COU ILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ............... - � - CLA CY fi USON APPROVED ...... ........ ......... .18........... ........ GSON ..................... IN FAVOR - MC ONALD ........................................................ ................... MAYOR _ SU IMER ....................AGAINST W N L COUNTERSIGNED BY� M - PR SIDENT mrr OOMPTROLL.R POR. D.. 1 0 11•. CODE, - APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED, FROM TO DR. - CR. _ 19-C-1 Salaries 7,771.68 19-C"2 Truck Mtce,. 947.94 C-3 Supplies 1,012..39 C-4 Repairs & Renewals 1,298.13 19-R Receipts " 51,.85 19-pT. Reserves 399,36 20-A-1 Salaries 465 20-A-2 Auto Allowance 120,70 3 Office Expense 10.61 20-B-1 Salaries 20,81 2. Auto Allowance 154-.87 . 3 TrucksMtce. 54,64; 4 `Miscl. " 41.51 Salaries 3.52 .,20-0-1 C-2 Office Expense 32014 20:-R Receipts 104,51 _2171!H:�j 271.48 YES( CUNC LmEN NAYS 1 C NC) FE UC) ON < • ' HOD S N ................IN FAVOR McD /ILD a SUDHE IER tiC...........AGAINST Z WENZE `. TO COUNCIL 13561'7 ORIGINAL ORI T CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Qi7fdLntgpmm T>L Mayer John J. McDonough DATF Jeauary 23 194 --AL ® R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS,OF THE °COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 161 . I.1r el-1� CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED Rertl�se ainalan mom TO DR. CR. 2 A 3 feterem Mayor's Office llxpense $24.53 Rosen Trwx U AGAINST 2 A 2 Mayor's Contingent Fund $ 24.53 c/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194_ APPROVED 194- , oting MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY)921.a4� YES (J) COUNCILMEN (✓). NAYS • Rertl�se ainalan Parranto IN FAVOR feterem i Rosen Trwx U AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT W ]-41 MCDOnongh ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194_ APPROVED 194- , oting MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY)921.a4� or coral to t 35618 CITY OF ST. PAUL wuec9 NO--------------------_-- n n� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t/I" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR NTED BY PATE co ISSIONER RESOLVED: That Hotel License #1606, expiring May 1, 1946, issued to Agnes Burns at 24 West Exchange Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and forfeiture of bail on a drunk charge by Agnes Burns. CF. No. 335616—By Barfuss—Parranto— Flndlan— Resolved: That Hotel Licenge No. 1686, expiring a May 1, 1946, issued to Agnes. Burns t 24 West Exchange Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendatbn of the Bureau f Po- lice because of the arrest and forfeiture of ball on a drunk charge by Agnes Burns. I Adopted by the Council Feb. 28, 1946. Approved Feb. 28. 1946. (March 2, 1946.) f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL ................._-------.......194...... Yeas j Nays Ba as F��indlan Approved -------- -------- ----------------------194...... /Parrantoj% t il.bn ----In Favor U.,t(C� �IsL !1 n!< ....... / Aetz Mayor .— /0, .............. Against cleii:blAttsh 3M 9 -Mr. ('resident (Truax) 135619 Original to City Cleric COUNCIL NO.r.--.--_-.-..--.--.._. CITY OF ST. PAUL vi1-e 1 O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'CO L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT February 27, 1946 COMMNSSIION Y —' nt be, and he is hereby authorized Resolved, That the Purchasing Age to purchases with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one « w leaded gasoline, 72-74 octanes tank cars approximately 8000 gallons Q C.F.R. motor methods from the NORTMMTFRN REFINING COMPANY, at a price of # .0717 per gallons less 1% ten days on refinery prices to be delivered on Municipal Equipment ent Bureau spur at Dale Streets on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the.Cityo Charge Municipal Equipment- 1003.134 be, REFINING COMPANY, at a price of y .0717 per gallon, less 1 per cent ten days on refinery price. to be delivered n Municipal Enuiprtent Burepu spur at Osie Street, informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Munl- c IpalEquipment-1003-134. Adopted by the Council Feb. 28, 1996. .. Approved Feb. 2s. 1946 1946• i (March 2, 1.) i Adopted by the Council.... ---- --- ----------194.....- COUNCIL EN Nays Yeas 2 ' + Ba ss Approved ---------------------------------------19 ----• in larl nto 'y T T ACtIActing ` 6 In Favor Mayor etefson Against 31A 3b1 94bir-. 6-4casidctlt orizin.l to Cit,. Clerk COUNCIL No 135620 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�L B�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Famed r.ilg DAT COMMISSIONER- RMOLVED, that Alfred E. Trudeau, Director of School Cafeterias, be and he is hereby authorized and.directed to go to Chicago, Illinois, to attend the annual meeting of the National Restaurant Men's Association on March 26, 27, and 28, 1946; also to visit and inspect.Chicago Public School cafeterias on March 29, and 30, 1946; the expense of said trip to be paid from Cafeteria Fund 1020. C.F. Nc. 135620—By Fred M. Trunx— ':Resolved, That Alfred E. Trudeau, Director of School Cafeterias, be and he ,a hereby authorized and directed to , go to Chicago. Illinois, to attend, the annual meeting of the National Res - aura - tnt Men's Association on March 26, 27, and 28, 1946; also to visit and in- spect Chicaggo Public School cafeterias on March 29, and 30, 1946; the expense of sold trip to be paid from Cafeteria Fund 1020. Adopted' by the Council Feb. 28. 1946. Approved Feb. 28, 1946. (March 2, 1946.) FEB 28 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas / Nays `. =s n Approved 194 o n In Favor Acting Mayor os /^) Pre'I$en#�Against g ere6/tlent ast d`'iF' Original to City a, ' u 135621 F11. CITY OF ST. PAUL coea� NO ,-_.._ --------------- _. OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN D ,tµ COMMISSDATE.. February 28, 1946 — 10SOLVBD: That licenses for Restaurant, Application A39569, On Sale Malt Beverage Application A38569, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38570, and Cigarette, Application 138571, applied for by Marion I. Noonan at 540 Rice Street, be and the same are bereby granted. New Informally approved by Council February 19, 1946 Old Location C.F. No. 135621—BY Barfuss—Parranto— Findlan— Resolved: That licenses for- Restaur- nt. APP A3a568. On Sale Malt .. Beverage Application A38569, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38570, edd fora byteMaronll1 t1Noonaon n 57 t� 599p Rice Street, be and the same are hereby granted. Aantedd ed Feb. . 28un194a Feb. 28. 1996. Appr.(March 2, 1946.) FFB 28 ifiM COUNCIL EN Adopted by the CiVuncil............ ......................194 -....- Yeas Nays a9 ind n Approved .................... ------------ - .194 arr nto et on In Favor --- y oxen qC/ t1 PM Ma or Against SM anf 9-t6 Mr -'-=�- .� . ice, (Truax) rRyaerk V- 5622 CITY OF ST. PAUL raUwca. NO.- ----------- OFFICE -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE P.WSMV.D ThatX.tor Vehicle Driver's license No. 146, expiring February 1, 1947, issued to Virgil George Debban be cancelled because of his inability to obtain the required State chauffeur's license, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Virgil George Debban the fee of $1.00. C.F. No. 136622—By Barfuss—Parranto— Findlan— Resolved. That Motor Vehicle Driv- er's License No. 146. expiring February 1, 1047, issued to Virgil George Debban be cancelled because of his inability to obtain the required State chauffeur's license, and that the proper city of- izedstoorefund to thVlrgrc lleGeorgeuthar Deb - ban the fee of $1.00. Adopted by the Council Feb. 28, 1916: Approved. Feb. 28, 1946.) . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............ ..........:---------- A94...... d_ arf a - i �%•,.. n In .S ar nto Peterson _.-.( �In Favor Approved............................... --.........194 �f -(i-��--1L1 _...rl/..��q F�CL'!/iQ Mayor ..............Against •:'I1'r`y��ut rig' iigh 3M u4Ar. (Truuxl 1.35623 Original to City Citric ` CITY OF ST. PAUL o'_"c". NO ___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.___----_—_—.— DATE RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Hassett Oil Company for the erection of a public garage on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 18 and 19, Block 1, Merriam ?ark Fourth Addi- tion, also described as No. 453 North Cleveland Avedne. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen .Tacos– _ R�re9iefrt MoPoah ..-.--'.-.....Against r ICGresli tilt (Ttus% an_4000@d 9 -as � 00 CF. No. 135673 --BY Barfuse ResolvedH, That permit be granted to the assett Oil Company for the Bre 7� 9 18 anpublic 19, Block 1,n Merriam Park Fourth Addition. also described -- No. 453 North Cleveland Avenue. Adopted d Approved 6 ncillFeb. 26. 1946. eFeb.Fe (March 2. 1946.) Adopted by the Council. -.......-.. ......................194...... Approved.......................................... 194...... ,�-u --.. .:. a �t .,-....... ACt191� Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O Feb. 27, 1946. Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Hassett Oil 00 - for permission to erect a public garage on Lots 5, 6, 7, g, 18, and 19, Block 1, Merriam Park Fourth Addition, also described as 453 No. Cleveland Ave. Very truly yours,' 'QD -Gr City Clerk. m NOTICE, OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,_ application will be made on 0/4* %7 19 /, to the Cit Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by��lL� d for permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot a �� —%' i Block / , �/ Addition, Saint aul, Minnesota. On the side of St. Ave., between St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number _ ��_ _ t. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota,/�_x Affidavit of -Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey) ss. That the ........................ NOTICE ........................ herald attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in days the English language, aMOESWOUMC for ... AlWOR ................... Successty ve 7 I that it was first so published on T)1t1X9aaY.......... the 14th ....... day of . February.. _ _ , , . , , , . 19.46, and thereafter on Friday, . & Sat urday to and including the ........................ day of ......................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the sive and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, t/o-gpyyAvit: a b t d e�[ ■ h t f it t in n o D a r e t o v n: y a I. . .. . .. Saubscribed and mom to before me this..l.9t.hday of- k).. ...T ...../.. ,/..., 19..46 ............. /. ll:d_yi.Y.'.........::-..a .. .. • tary Public, Ramsey County, Nish ta 1. IVohN PuWk, Ramsey �ofi nN. Minn My commissio ezpi ... f�0entttlEalon 6mires 4Sec, 16, 195(11 9.... ......H818I1 M.,A9P!5r................................. being duly swom, on oath says: thatBhe now is, and. during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- weat Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St Paul Dispatch, ZC and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Notice.of..A,�plioation„Yor.Permit_to.Erect,Pub11�,.Garage ii8999tt 0A 1. Ceo1nR8Asy .. Hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in -the English language from its known office of publication -.1..-- b11T TO M9; A PUBLIC GARAGE in the city of St Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it NDUte fa htl1by given that Duteuant to Sectlan r5•I3. OedNmce No. 4410, et rd purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form the Ctt) 0t aetnt hflonnatn, ay %itw°cu" ty cou`ucii me Fee. T"of 11ni equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; o°i YaW, Mlnaeaota. b) xueeit on Co., has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- fo[ adasion to erecta Elle garafa 1. ins foaowlnr de el,, rent atnte. cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and atualed 1ft,' Aemaey County, Dflnnea0ta, Ir. b, s. 4, e. rs. lin a�, printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of neve columns devoted P. 4'. a°Q1ote 01Oi I as . ate ° i�tC� e= °Anthons to local news of interest to said communityit purports to serve, the P rP press work of which rand between St. ave, GpEeit Z. Number 453 N. Cava- has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com. lanAnd a ave. Dated at saint Paw, aume,,ta, Feb. meet end miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been 13.DLPetCh 6 P. P., Feb. 14. 1548 entirely made up of patents, plate matter 'and advertisements; has been circulated in and _ near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying Subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said plane of publication; that them has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ........................ herald attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in days the English language, aMOESWOUMC for ... AlWOR ................... Successty ve 7 I that it was first so published on T)1t1X9aaY.......... the 14th ....... day of . February.. _ _ , , . , , , . 19.46, and thereafter on Friday, . & Sat urday to and including the ........................ day of ......................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the sive and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, t/o-gpyyAvit: a b t d e�[ ■ h t f it t in n o D a r e t o v n: y a I. . .. . .. Saubscribed and mom to before me this..l.9t.hday of- k).. ...T ...../.. ,/..., 19..46 ............. /. ll:d_yi.Y.'.........::-..a .. .. • tary Public, Ramsey County, Nish ta 1. IVohN PuWk, Ramsey �ofi nN. Minn My commissio ezpi ... f�0entttlEalon 6mires 4Sec, 16, 195(11 9.... - ..t - : Af f idavit of • Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County o j Ramsey, That the ........................ NOTICE ........................ hereto attached wait cut from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, 4DUUM01309a for .....0 M...................successivemax that it wm first so published on L.. %44VV4W ......... the ......... A41h....... day of . pQ, ........... 19.4..6, and thereafter on b fttgrd"_ to and including the ........................ day of ......................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the aim and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to•wit: e e c a e t e h t J It t m a o F g r. t u Subscribed and sworn to before me this..A".Oday lfl .� ....., •19. .Y" otary Public,�r-as smut J. Lfiott ty Public.County. Minn My commissio p' My Con mission Dec. 16. 1950 ................................... 19.... ...... J141M.Vq. .U*ft♦T................................. being duly mom, on oath says: thatShe now is, and during all thetime herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publication& Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has frill knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That formore than year to the publication therein therein the ♦.one aimmediately Oprior toff 7 Y..i Si�.1Q.P.`P'%� printed .1•.�SP�¢M�.Qf1•�.n,.Y,lit,'.t�Mfi�.��i.l.Yt..►7[..�MAQ ...8.!..7.1 r!r .......................... Hereto attached, said newspaper _ EIIT TO ERECT A PUIONBLIC GARAGE- - wait printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication ,t N.U. rbe.b,reain:nte It+ 'Moi f in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it the cur of sent Paw, tlmak o- wm he mea. on Feb.. n, ins purports m be issued daily, y P�+P y, at lens[ itis days of each week in column end sheet form Vpeeuon to the City coumit of the CRY of ac.t P.M. atfine.o.. .watt on cit., 4ui space, to at least 450 tennis inches of single column two inches wide; equivalent in ac g g ror vermwion tt t a Duan. pn. etre the asionjr 'erectriba reai .tate, has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said lace of uhli- P P -.fusee m Rem.ey cognv, nttnnemta, to we: Lot s: -s. s. is, ta, ete,ry nsernem Part µh' .mon. s.mt t. cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and p+ p g has eftnnnots, on th w. ate orct�v. tens ee:ween�t. eAnehev v • sea Giitwit N tw as3 N. eteve• printing the same; had in its makeu twen five g p twenty-five per cant of news columns devoted to local news of interest m said community it press work of which ty purports u serve, the land ev°. Dated et samt Paul, tneoeeofe. Fee: has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained p general news, com- e no. nt.oetrn tr P. P., Fee., lt, "_16y; ment and miscellany; duplicated y has not du ceted whop , any other publication; hes not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said. place of publication to the extents of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail [natter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications m a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ........................ hereto attached wait cut from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, 4DUUM01309a for .....0 M...................successivemax that it wm first so published on L.. %44VV4W ......... the ......... A41h....... day of . pQ, ........... 19.4..6, and thereafter on b fttgrd"_ to and including the ........................ day of ......................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the aim and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to•wit: e e c a e t e h t J It t m a o F g r. t u Subscribed and sworn to before me this..A".Oday lfl .� ....., •19. .Y" otary Public,�r-as smut J. Lfiott ty Public.County. Minn My commissio p' My Con mission Dec. 16. 1950 ................................... 19.... .. CF.. No. 135624— Resolved, That cheeks be drawn on the City treasury, tq the aggregate NOTICE o cn amount f $98.16157: covering cheeks IL FILE NO.-- as TO COUNC gr checks4 on file to g4534 in theofficeof the C)ty Comptroller. - PRINTER - Ad.pted by the Council Feb. 28, 1946. t Approved Feb. 28, 1946. j'i�Z'L91'V 2 .___194 6 - (March 2, 1996.) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 9o, 161-57 .-, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �4gl--TOS=-4-5-3--INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS - il ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.(,, , --194— � ITS COMPrROL.LER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI --194-- - 94- - -- -49p0C 7 i L I I I tI .f CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_.-_-. ROLL CALL FNDL N AUDITED CLAIMS February 27 B46 IN FAVOR PARRANTO RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE D aN fg TH�. (�TY TREASURY PETERSON u to 'J� COVERING ROSEN -AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE MO NT OF S INCLUSIVE, AS TRUAK CHECKS NUMBERED TO MR. PRES. MCDONOUGH PER CHECKS ON FI N THE FICE F THE CITY�O ROLLER. A41 _ -no -CER }L ADOPTED BY TRI$, fOUN41L T APPROVE NtYA DATE ---- ---- t TOTAL RETU 0.N ED IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBV RSEM ENT BY BANK CHECK CHECKS i CHECKS NUMBER i 22 4 BROUGHT FORWARD ; I • 44481 Brown and White Oab Company I ;! 5 6 84 + 44482 Cudahy Packing Company I156 80 44483 Fisher Nut '& Chocolate Company X54 g4 44484 Melady Paper Company I25 87 44485 National Lead Company ; 98 DD 44486 A.N. Palmer Company 20 178 86 44487 John S. Findlan, C. of Finen7 80 00 44488 Mrs. Alice Hunt i80 00 I, 44489 Mrs. GertrudeMInogue 37 10 44490 Mrs. Ella Woodward 30 0o I. 44491 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.H. . 30 00 44492 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.9• 200 00 44493 Society for the Prev- of Orue ty 44494 city of 9t.Paul Bur. of Aud. 19 172 55 44495 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 142 500 00 155 07 44496 Acme Linen Service Company 10 00 44497 Booth Cold storage 'I 146 88 44498 C'andymasters Inc. 47 21 44499 M.A. Gedney 6ompany I 187 01 44500 Griggs, Cooper & Company I 6704 44501 Mays Inc. Ice Cream ;I 1 20 44502 MoFadden-Lambert Company b Lo 4450'] Old Home Oreameriee,Ino. 408 24 44504 st-Paul Milk Company 44505 sanitary 'Farm Dairies ':I 1 159 22, 44506 Sohluke—Biers 1 492 12 44507 Sohluke—Biers 129 10 44508 swift and Company 415 15 44509 Vander Bies, Ino- 3o3 69 fel 303 44510 Zinsmaster Baking Company 00 44511 Morris H. Lax 225 44512' MTs. Aline E. Lebeok 00 4451 Thomas P. Maloney 100 00 4451 First National Bank of Bt.Pau 17 50 44515 Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 20 00 44516 Selmer Anderson 44517 Booth Fisheries Corp. 19 00 44518 Chicago, Mil. St -Paul & PaO.R .Oo. 22 60 44519 oolgate—Palmolive—Peet Oompan 25 20 44520 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Oomp y I 183 92 44521 Louis S. Lange 20 00 ® 44522 Librarian, Library of Congres 46 Y1 44523 Imacalester Book Store II 15 00 44524 Minnesota Chemical Company 12 55 44525 Minn. Council for Perm. F.E<mpioyment 200 00 Ir -inn. b9 00 I 44527 Mothr319 87 es Fliena, Inc. Laundry 27 00 iill 44528 N.V. Hardware Company 44529 Price Electric Company 26 81 i 12 24 �I 44530 Joe. A. Rogers Company 44531 Paul A. Schmitt Music Company, 6 3g 44532 speedometer service & AGO -00- 13 26 44533 star Photo 4 00 I� 44534 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 57 75 it _.. 1 SHEETTOTAL_'ORw 1 100993 56.. 766 811 16: orilitoal to City CIcr4 - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 135625 COUNCIL No--------------- _--.-.. r ILE ..- WHERF". the Cemmissioner of Public Utilities has reported ch rendered accordance withthe em employment of the City Charter, ethe of nee Of fDan so ajnt�fo moire than eight hours day,psaid of certain emp y ortherefore, be it, employment being more than usual hours of employment, RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Adopted by the Council .----..------- --- __-------- 194----- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay, a ursApproved--- ------...-----194...... -- � -- _.... .. indlan /rarranto .... .:.. - / 'Peterson r -In favor �GptC - �gyy 'Por 4osen Il v ..............Against P esiaen_UcDonnugI1 3\I 9-bA: ''.J". O RATE TOTAL PAID NAME TITLE MTIME Samuel L. Inman Ditch Digger 8 hrs. 8 la s. 1.01 8.08 1.01 8.08 Marvin T. McGrath Ditch Digger 16 la s� 1.01 16.16 Peter Meyers Chancey J. Harett Ditch Digger Water Shed Laborer 10 hrs. .8l 8.10 1.06-1+ Leonard S..Munsoa Foreman W.D. 3 hrs. 3 hra. .86-1/4 2,59 Sam Ranelli Caulker Total $46.20 :C.F. No. 135625—'3 W. Parranto— ........' Resolved. That the proper city offic- r, ploycs 'n the Department err a e hereby authorized to pay c e fain ortment of PublicUtilities for extra ployment as t out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1946. Approved March 1. 1946. Certifi correctit // // lMarch 9, 1946.) sonar peon oral Manager Adopted by the Council .----..------- --- __-------- 194----- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay, a ursApproved--- ------...-----194...... -- � -- _.... .. indlan /rarranto .... .:.. - / 'Peterson r -In favor �GptC - �gyy 'Por 4osen Il v ..............Against P esiaen_UcDonnugI1 3\I 9-bA: ''.J". origlud to City Cleric • - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 135625 COu,c No ------ ----------- _.. raa DATE March 1. 1" on 3 of 11}DMW. the commissioner of Pablic Utilities has reportedwhich rendered necessary the iemployment the City Charter, the existence of an emergency said of certain employees of the Yater Departaent r more thereforehbe ours per day, employment being more than usual hours of empfoymmote th, RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: n�_ Celctifi corrects Bonar peon oral Manager BCP. No. 135875—By W.Parranto— ..-� Resolved, That thc proper city offic- er, are hereby authorized to pay cer tato emp ]oyes In the Department of. Public UtLLltles for extra emyloyment as set cut on .the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1948. Approved March 1. 1948. (March 9, .1948.) At, P,e 190 Adopted by the Council_— .......................... _194 COUNCILMEN ouncil................................-194COUNCILMEN u, 'i n t Yeas Nay9 ) n :i; Approved------------------------------------------ 194 lan Zanto -_ -- rson In Favor gtjng Mayor' J Z'7 /--- .Agninet �@it�'eFl�Rfino%gh 3M o -Mr. #,.$ident (Tru -1 TITLE oym'r iB RATE . — TOTAL PAID WE Samuel L. Inman Ditch Digger 8 hrs. 8 bre. 1.01 1.01 8.08 8.0816.]6 Mervin T. McGrath Ditch Digger � bre. 1.01 peter Meyers Chancey J. Barett Ditoh Digger Water Shed Laborer 10 hrs. bra. .81 1.06�1�► 8.10 3.19 Leonard S. Munson Foreman W.D. 3 3 firs. .86-" 2.59 Sam Ranelli Gaultier Total $146.20 n�_ Celctifi corrects Bonar peon oral Manager BCP. No. 135875—By W.Parranto— ..-� Resolved, That thc proper city offic- er, are hereby authorized to pay cer tato emp ]oyes In the Department of. Public UtLLltles for extra emyloyment as set cut on .the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1948. Approved March 1. 1948. (March 9, .1948.) At, P,e 190 Adopted by the Council_— .......................... _194 COUNCILMEN ouncil................................-194COUNCILMEN u, 'i n t Yeas Nay9 ) n :i; Approved------------------------------------------ 194 lan Zanto -_ -- rson In Favor gtjng Mayor' J Z'7 /--- .Agninet �@it�'eFl�Rfino%gh 3M o -Mr. #,.$ident (Tru -1 :E 135625 Ygroh 1. 1946 An mergenay has arisen in the WATIR DSPARTUNT rendering necessary the mploymeat of certain mployees of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doiag.of the following works derating Filtration Plant. * Leak in main on Reaney Street +* ,'Airing and servicing truck. This eaergemy arose by reason of the following Pacts and oiroumatxazcros *Sundays. Tekiag country orex.to and from work. -i*Leak'In main. BOARD OF AAIB$ COWSSIONBRB President Corti 7 corrects Leonard N. Thasupsoa General Manager nr4w1 to Gtty C,.<k 135626 CITY OF ST. PAUL F ""1N0._----__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !�`` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �n: =��vJ yvv COM -M ISSIONER.._.__. ✓ Da`TF RSe©LTED, that the use of the theater section of the Anditoriu, be given to the Golden Rule on Friday evening, March 15th, for a Sister Kenny Institute benefit, at the east of opening and operating. COUNCILMEN Yells Nays ��arJusa /F.indlan �r�arranto iP�eterson A oossen h 3M 64Mr. residcnt (Truax) so ^C.F. No. 135636— y Fred M. Truax— tere8 ection of That theuAudlto I of be gthe iven to the Golden Rulor e on Friday evening, M`orchbeneflt, f at uelster Kenny Instl- and operating, cost of opening Adopted by the Council March 1. 1946. Approved March 1, 1946. (March 9. 1946.) i k MAR Adopted by the Council --------- .............. ...........194__.._. / Approved.-- • ............................... ...194 In Favor --/�,��,/�<. --- Otlllg Mayor .............. Against i Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel city Hail Dear Sir: CITY OF SAINT PAUL 15626 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O Feb. 28, 1946. The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the request of The Golden Rule for the use of the Theatre section of the Auditorium on Friday evening, March 15th, for a Sister Benny Institute benefit, at the cost of opening and operating, as recommended in the attached letter of E. A. Furni, Auditorium Manager. Very truly yours,, i City Clerk. 2 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FRED M. TRUAX. Cow n CARL E. SPEAK . Donn EDWARD A. FURNI, MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Mwruau -. -'IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT— Telephone GArDeld 7361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET '* SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA or rpmcsvrw The Convention Ensemble ARENA -67,000 Samre Feet SwtI.F 16,000 I- Rik 100.221 EXHIBITION HALL 64.000 Saoare Feet E,e Serrlee AUDITORIUM THEATRE Seatlng 3,000 Complete Stage AB New STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stage SeaW 1,360 RAMSEY HALL Seats 660 2 RALLS Swung 160 16 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVAH.ABLE A -C Current 110-320 VoIW Single and 3-pha D-0 Current 110.220 Vo1W Telephop Telegravh P. A Sntem Indpeed Draft Fl— far Combaatlon Maehlaerr Hot and Cold Water DWn Cone__ Oas. Steam Campy d At, February 27, 1946 Mr. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner Department of Education 615 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Truax: We have had a request from the Golden Rule for the use of the Theatre section Friday evening, March 15th, for a Sister Kenny Institute benefit at the cost of opening and operating. Accordingly, with your approval, recommend that resolution be introduced granting this use at the cost of opening and operating. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM 1 1 EAF:?{W Edward A. Furni, Manager �l a Orton[ to City Cle*,. t _ CITY FST. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK if/COUNCIL RE UTION—GENERAL FORM 13562'7 FILE L�O FILE DATF March 1 1946 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cottage Avenue from terminus of existing sewer 658 feet east of Ruth Street to Winthrop Street*- under Preliminary Order C. F. 131.890 approved December 49 1945, and Final Order C. F. 135472 approved February 13; 1946 - Contract 81.:139. RFSOI,VTD, That theplans and specifications for the improve- ment as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works,_ be and the same are hereby approved', end be it PURIM RESOLVKD, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this'improvelaent. 4"10UNCILMEN Yeas / Nays � In an ananto _ rson op n "XSfl14 67M— Y R gh 6m ar. ft President (Truax) 11n Favor Against CF. No. 135627—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of constructing a on Cottage . Avenue from terminus sewer existing newer 658 feet ca f Ruth Street to Winthrop Street, under Pre-' _Ibninary Order CF. 134890. yproved December 4, 1945, and Final Order C.F. ]35472, approved February 13, 1996 qI Public Worr. be and the aama are ltemby approved, lid be it iL er Resolved, That the Purchas- sected gtot advertisefor banhe ide rony this San provement. Adopted by the Councf] March 3, 1948. Approved March 1, 1946.. (March 9, 1946.) Adopted by the Council 194— iitili�t Approved —194 Acting Mayor t305M Orl.hua 1. City Clerk- COUNCIL NO. CIT OF ST. PAUL FILE ,r 1I OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM " w__ it a DATE Karrh l l9j/2---- In the matter.of constructing a sewer on Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 134848 approved November 28, 19451 and Final Order C. F. 135471approved February 13, 1946 - Contract S -138 - RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the improvement as submitted herewith by the approved, of be it Public Works, be and the same are hereby pp / e yCHUM RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. v' COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays 7aouss ndlan , anto son sel 3M 5.=•�=efiident (T1l1au) C.F. No. 13568—By Milton Rosen— In the matter of constructing a sew- er on Nevada Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Street, under Prclim- ,.-baro 8,r 1945, and Final O der C Ni 135471, approved February 13, 1946 f:ontract 5-136. Resolved, That the .plans and specifi- alions for the improvement as sub- mitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the Purehas- Ug to Agent advertises for ebids hen thisir im p'o'em ntr Adopted by the Council Mareh 1, 19/6,' Approved March 1. 194G. (March 9. 1946.) L MAR Adopted by the Cour.I'�r---19L- 3lii:, Approved___— 194 �In Favor V Acting May - 9 gust ayorgainst prls t. City 'k135629 CITY OF ST. PAUL couluca v.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE MarCh 1. 1946 CO M M I SSI ONER .--_—_.._--_--.--.------ BESMVED2 That licenses for Restaurpnt, Application A39624, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39625, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39626, and Oigarette, Application A38627, applied for by Margaret Barrington at 381 University Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. Now Informally approved by Council rebrnary 21, 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yea:,Nays ��arltlss /F��indlan /Yarranto /Peterson /Rosen ?fiS. ntZ �"o3a gh g �... 3M 9lAr. 1�'tlCBidCnt (TrU") C.F. No. 135629—By Barfuss— Resolved. That licensor for Restaur- ant, Application A38624. On Sale Malt Beverage. Application A38625. Off Sale Malt Beverage. Application A38626, and Cigarette, Application A38627, applied 2or by Margaret Barrington at 381 Uni= veralty Avenue, be and the sa are bereby granted. Adopted by the Council March 1, 1946. Approved March 1, 1946. (March 9, 1946.) rye,, r 1 1 Adopted by the Council..................................194...... NA f Approved.._. ...... -........................... 194 -- ___ ......--In Favor - 1 ,1 ------ dOtlllg Mayor ... ..Against 135.6_ _30 Original t0 Ity CIFt COUNCIL No ._-.-_... -- CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. -----' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - _ DATE March 1 1946 — COM M ISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. George J. & Mabel A. Miller 18 668 E. Central Pk. P1.Grocery App. 379 New Old Loc. R R R R n n It Off Sale Malt ^ 37919 Geo. J. Miller 470 S. Osceola Mr & Mrs John Woolley 202 A. Central fl 11 R n 11 R R n R n Arnold Madsen 1278 University Robinsons, Inc. 35 E. 7th Arr_old Eugene Olsen 58 W. Fairfield Barber ^ 39434 fl n ^ Confectionery ^ 38445 ^ ^ ^ Off Sale Meat a 3&446 a n e Cigarette ^ 38447 oil Burner Inst. ^ 38588 R ^ R Quitting Business Sale ^ 38683 R R R Motor Veh Dr ^ 38720 R Cy. No. 135636—By - Sarfuss— Resolved. That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attach- ed to this resolution be and the same �— are hereby granted, and the City Clerk its instructed to issue such licenses up- - the payment into the City treasury pf the req iced fees. Adopted by the Council March 1• 1946. Approved March 1, 1646. (March 9• 1$46.) 111M� y COUNCIL*EN Adopted by the Council ....... ................... ........194.-.--- r^ Yeas Nays Approved... 1.. )�. It! IIS. '15 aT 55 ------------------.194 - i�ndlan PP �arranto �eterson..............In Favor ..... Mayor :R(lsen ax .....--..Against ani a-ab1T•'resident (Truax) ' CR No. ve 135931—By Harfuss— Orlpinal.[o Cl Clerk Resolved, That ncensee applied for by 135631 -. ,the pel§one named on the Ilst attach C11ed to this resolution be and the same: couluclL No._...._ are hereby granted, and the City Clerk OFFICE ds instructed to issue such licenses up- on the payment into the Clty treasury r . ................. COUNCIL RES Adopted by jheeCouncil March 1, 1949. Approved .March 1, 1949. PRESENTED BY (March 9. 1949.) _ COMMISSIONER.--—_____ DATE-�'Gh RESOL9ED1 That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted= Alverdes Restaurant, Inc. 379 St. Peter Tavern App. 35650 Renewal " " " " Dance Hall " 35691 9 John B. Mauer 141-5 W. 6th Restaurant " 355339 " W n On Sale Malt " 35949 fl Off Sale Malt " 35941 " a " " Cigarette If 359112 9 " Bowling Alley-4 " 35943 " Thos G. Skweres 4775 AanashaRestaurant " 35960 " a n On Sale Malt " 35961 " " w a " Off Sale Malt " 35962 " Cigarette " 35963 " 0. Spence & G."Lekas 495 Jackson Restaurant 1136272 " " Cigarette " 36273 " Liaggett Drug Co. Inc. 120 E. 7th Restaurant " 364733 n Confectionery " 3647+ , fl Cigarette � " 36475 " Liggett Drug Co. Inc. 120 E. 4th Restaurant " 36476 " " It " " " Confectionery If 364 " Cigarette " 361479 n Geo. Gehas & Michael Sarantos 460 St. Peter Restaurant If 36520 n On Sale Malt " 36521 9 n fl a fl " Off Sale Malt " 36522 " Tavern " 36523 " Dance Hall " 36524 " " Cigarette " 36525 a Harold Gulden 1202 Payne Confectionery " 36529 n If a n Cigarette " 36529 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................................. 194-.... Yeas Nays . Barfuss Findlan Approved.......... ---------- ----- ------ -194 Parranto Peterson ...... . _..In Favor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosen ....._.Against Mayor ' '1<esiY ent,. M 6' ti�h ant 94r•�'residrnr (Truax) 135631 ortrsn.t t. city Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. -- ------ - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM March 1, 1946 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._-__.-------- - DAT '--- - page No. 2 Bannona Mere Co. 7 �+ E. 7th Restaurant APP• a 36531 Renewal 36532 p N N n Confectionery a 36533NflMik a Cigarette gotsoaros 559-61 :t.Peter n Restaurant a on Sale Malt 36545 fl 3651;6 N p " p a If a Off Sale Malt a p 36547 n " a " n N Cigarette 36515 ostrowski & Peter 337 St. Peter Restaurant " a 36941 n 36912 N p p If It Cigarette Alvin R. & Dorothy RHaller i441 N. Cleveland Restaurant " 36952 " p n a N fl Cigarette a 36953 " American Can Co. 77 4 N. Prior Restaurant If 36951 N Gerald Brennan 449 N. Snelling p a Restaurant a On Sale Malt a 37224 37225 " p p p p n p off Sale Malt a 37226 p a aq n N Tavern " 37227" p n a n Dance Hall If 37225 p p N N Cigarette a 37229 " Victor G. Ta j3 W. 6th Restaurant N p • 37 54g 3751}9 p If p fl fl a Oa Sale Malt " a If " " Mat Off Sale Mt a 37550 a n fl it Tavern " 37551 " " d n N p Cigarette a 37552 A. A. Froehliradorf j61+ Main Restaurant a ° 37653" 37651} " p p fl fl Cigarette George A. Conroy 571-3 Jackson N it Restaurant a On Sale Malt a 37727 fl 37725 p p p a a a Off Sale Malt If N 37729 p p N a Cigarette a Adopted by the Council -------- 37730 " ---------- -------- --------194 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' Barfuss Approved......................... ..----- ---- --194-- -• Findlan Parranto _ Peterson --------•- -.In savor --•------------- --------------------------- ------ ----------------- -- Mayor Rosen $Nw"F__ _----_--_- Against 81h t"fflfiW ._w., ant e-$14r.�C_residcnt (Truax) ortatnut to city cl,rk 1 1; 5631 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL coueca �: - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SYDATE_ March 1, 1946 '— Page No, 3 Field—Schlick Inc. 14 W. 5th - Confectionery App. 38242 Renewal n " a If Cigarette " 38243 n Hickey Bros. 363 St. Peter Confectionery " 38259 " Morris & David Gerr 154 State Butcher " 38379 " Fred W. Keiser 595 N. Hemline Berber " 38425 " James M. Cooley 163 E. 7th Barber ° 39427 " Green Gate Grill 364 St. Peter On Sale Malt " 38476 " n n n n n Restaurant " 38477 " Apothecary Shop Inc.364 St. Peter Confectionery " 39479 " n n n n Off Sale Malt " 39479 " n s n s Cigarette " 39490 " Elmo 0. Solem 366 s. Snelling Barber " 38496 " Milton E. Wagner 650 Grand Orig Cont " 39507 " Josephine McCormick 372 Robert Restaurant " 35512 Walter C. Griffin 52 W. 7th Barber " 39526 " Howard Jerentosky 612 W. 7th Grocery " 39527 " n n n n Off Sale Malt " 38529 " n 11 n n Cigarette " 39529 n W. R. Houghton 1097 W. 7th Grocery " 39536 " n n n n Cigarett4 " 39537 " Catherine Huot 1764 University Restaurant " 38542 " n n n n On Sale Malt n 3851 n n n n n n off Sale Malt " 39 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen .XXAWA- •-`- 1 resident,: 336MW gh ant n-tafr. ),jWg`cbidcnE lTruax) In Favor .............. Against Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... Approved. ........... ..................... 194 ------ Mayor o.Ia,o., t, any (3I"k 1c"5631 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...__._.....-.._--. BILE -.__• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE March 1, 1946 COM M I SS I ONER.._._-.-____-_�. age No. Shigori Ferris 777 Selby Restaurant App. 38551 Renewal a n n a On Sale Malt a 38552 " Off Sale Malt " 38553 " a n n n Cigarette " 3855+ " James Vlahakis 14 w. 9th Barber " 38556 " George Moe 1323 Payne Barber " 38579 " Arthur H. road 1658 E. 7th Grocery II 38580 a a " " s Off Sale Malt n 38581 a "" a II Cigarette II 38582 " H. L. Pierce 45 S. Avon Barber ° 38599 " Kenneth & Helen I. Johnson 795 Grand Bakery a 38603 " E. W. Li>.brsen, 2361 Hampden 1 add Pump Gas Sta " 38602 n x8 Minn. Trfr. By. Co. 2071 University Vend. Mach. " 38607 a Qaal. Park Env. Co. 450 N. Syndicate Vend.Mach. " 38608 a Erwin Rademacher 919 Reaney Barber " 3g629 a Ray Ludwig 791 E. 7th Restaurant " 38630 a x n n n On Sale Malt a 38631 " Off Sale Malt " 38632 u n n n a Cigarette " 38633 " Alex M. Kneff 391 Sibley Gas Sta 2–P if 38635 u Alex M. Knaff 391 Sibley Parking Lot If 38636 it Alf Hansen 726 E. 7th Grocery it 38337 a u n a n Oft' Sale Malt " 38638 a COUNCILMEN " p alwaM the Council._... 3--639_.-...._fl ----- 194___-_. Yeas Nays ' Barfuss Findlan Approved - - - .194------ Parranto Peterson......... _In Favor ................................ ----'------- . .......... ------.......--------- Mayor Rosen wregr�— ..............Against ataz oaMr..gIve(yhcsi.lcnt 1Tnlex) OMQtnel t. City Cleric - 1.35631- CITY OF ST. PAUL ooEnca NO.-_-.-..---_-_.-----. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYMgrch 1, 1946 COMMISSIONER. .._._......__.—____, DATE. Page No. 5 Milton J. Melius 603 S. Smith Charles Anderson 903 Payne Jerome H. Pingrey 392 Selby Audrey Gordon 2121 Randolph a n fl a n fl II II Joseph Dotty 201 E. 4th Walter A. Gundy 900 E. 7th B II 11 fl n a a n a n a n n n a n Edw. 0. Neafus 597 C harles Lester L. Malmquist 307 Mackubin Sam Hart. 94 E. Indiana Gas Ste, 3—P App. 39642 Renewal Barber a 3s6143 " Confectionery " 38666 a Grocery " 39673 n Off Sale Malt If 39674 " Cigarette fl 39675 " Cigarette a 3g6s0 a Restaurant " 38699 a On Sale Malt " 38690 " Off Sale MaltII 39691 " Pool Tables (9) a 38692 " Cigarette If 3g693 " Motor Veh Dr a 38696 " Motor Veh Dr a 39700 a Junk Gatherer If 39705 a _ Kenneth A. Nickles 995 Matilda Motor Veh Dr " 39726 " Glen Lindberg 471 Marshall Motor Veh Dr 11 39748 " William Poster 1998 Walnut, Como Sta $5 Foot Peddler a 38769 " Elmer Rasmussen 1591 Etna Motor Veh Dr. a 39770 " Roy Kunzelman 195 N. Lexington Motor Veh Dr. " 39792 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounvW-----;x.-.1-9(*._-_,.194...... Yeas Nays [j Barluss Findlan Approved ......................... ...............194 Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor ....................- Rosen � NalRy Mayor zraux .i-.1... ..... Against h and qir. a(,y�'resl:ien[ (TruaK' 135632 Ofiplm j to City Cierl- CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL No... _------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fix9m BBSOLM, that a permit be granted to the Hassett 011 Company for the erection of six new oil storage tanks of 100,000-9821on capacity on Lot 19, Block 1, Merriam Park Fourth Addition, the installation of said tanks to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety= be it FMM M IMSOLYHD, that Council File Ho. 1355o6, adopted Feb. 111, 1946, is hereby repealed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen W-�. AY Against yy+�`E�ile4t,_�.S,�Q314�i8b ., 3aI 9 -Mr. ,Rresidenr (Truax) C.F. No. 135632r8Y Harfuss— Resolved. That permit be granted to -the os,e t Oil Co spa torsos t nkfor the sree; 100.000 -gallon Recave it? sn Lot 19, Block, 1. MerrlaJn ParFourth Addition. the Instllatidn f s id tanks to be made under the direction and to the 11 tis- laetion f the Commissioner of Public Safety; be it Further 1i�doptil That Council 14un1948.File No. 135506, is LAdopteepea he Council March 1. 1946, Approved Mar h 9. 1946.) I'll, Z f Adopted by the Council ............__ ............._..19I:..... Approved.._. ---------------------------------- 194 /� 7„t . ----------------' �'°r -..... � .....- AoiiRq Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 7 Feb. 13, 1946. Yr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution grunting the attached application of the Hassett Oil Co. for Permission to erect new oil storage tanks in connection with certain other imp rove - Cleveland Ove., menta end changes at their plaof bniiness at 460 Ho. ne as more fully set out in the said app Very truly yours, City Clark. Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �e�artr�erzt 01 POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. II. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and ]FIRE ALARM JOIiN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner February 11, 1946 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Nul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Referring to annlication of the Hassett Oil Company for permit to erect new oil storage tanks in conneotion with certain other improvements and changes at their place of business at 460 North Cleveland Avenue. These premises were inspected by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Mr. Carney's report is attached. Very truly yours, Commissioner A Publio Safety 49 -4 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 8, 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfhss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir.- Relative ir; Relative to the application of the Hassett Oil Company to erect new oil storage tanks in con- nection with certain other improvements and changes proposed to make at. their present location, 460 No. Cleveland Avenue. We have inspected the premises and report that these changes would be an improvement which would lessen the hazard of their present storage, and applicant has advised that the company will erect proper dikes and will conform with all local regular - tions governing oil storage plants. Re full yours, 6da4lll Chia Bureau of F e Prevention RWC/t • •CITY OF SAINT PAUL 135633 NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COL CF. No• 79587 -" d l g �. Resolved, That cheek. the PRINTER the City Treasury' covering ellecks 7Q1 19 -6 amolmt of yy9 it1 93. numbered 44875 to 44572 offic elYe, ae psi checks n Sile m the oltice of the City. Comptroller. Adopted by the Cauneff Marsh f• 1946.6. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAT Approved (Msrch18191948.) L_[�3[�__TO_�:} INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS j� .11� �l.?-3COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—"— ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CONPrnousk ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ v OUNCI --- / 194_ By -- APPROVED_ -- !00 12-k 2() CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL j�I4�J5633 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER, _- FILE NUMBER ROLL CLL BARFUSS FINDLAN AUDITED CLAIMS ce F1iary 28 IBa-6- PARRANTO IN FAVOR PETERSON l� RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE O (y�/N O'N/�THE I'TjY TREASURY ROSEN V gGAINST 7p THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTOF S "' {-i2w.j• COVERING ilt�•-^-ut7 INCLUSIVE. AS MR. PRES. MCDONOUGFf CHECKS NUMBERED TO PER CHECKS ON FI IN THE O FILE OF THE CITY COMaPTR LER. ADOPTED BY THE.COUNCIL_ +' hl -y coNr O LEa APPROVED DATE TOTAL_ _ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF I, TRA NSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 100983 6.I 66 811 16 • 411535 city of St.Paul, S.F.C. ! 1 605 00 90 00 44536 city of St.Paul, S.F.O. ii 29 28 44537 VOID. School Petty Cash Funds! 60 82 44538 41,539 Voo. School Petty Cash Fund Northern States Power Company j 4 197 97 44540 44541 N.'q. Bell Tel. Company i John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 217 68 69 192 55 44542 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 1 216 86 6 024 88 i 44543 Northern States Power Compan Power Compan 262 73 44544 Northern States 44545 ]Carl Olinio 3 00 44$46 br. N. Logan Leven 8 00 44547 Dr. Harry Oerting 8 00 44548 Drs. Ryan and Ryan 13 00 44549 3t.Lukeis Hospital 88 go 44550 Drs. Sohons, Medelman, Peterson eto. 5 00 44551 Wallace J. Murray 8o 00 00 44552 Mpls.-St.Paul Met. Airports Commission ,,27 002 151 4 44553 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finan Findlan, Finance 1 55 18 261 16 John S. 0. of 12 488 08 I, 44555 44556 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan John S. Findlan, 0. of Financ e 18 90750 49 44557 44558 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finano! 9. Findlan, 0. Finan 9 578 j!it 291 08 John of Finano�e 1 638 31 1 ! 44559 John S. Findlan, 0. of �, 44560 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance;', 3 768 18 44561 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanop 4 437 99 44562 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 6 136 41 1 44563 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finai 6 801 Oo 44564 John 1. Findlan, C. of Finanop 5 483 97 44565 44566 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finanopp John s. Findlan, C. of Finanob 22 68 75 21 573 75 ,I 44567 Ca$itol stationery Mfg. Comp a y 39 25 44568 Minnesota Bearing company 70 58 06 ! 44569 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Ooj. 44570 3t.Joseph+s Hospital 95 65 44571 44572 Victory Printing Company city 6 county Employees Credit Union 127 70 81 08 i� i I II 'i II SHEET roTa��I 100983 501209523 49 1� --if IM634 Original to City Clerk. - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fol"U NO ------ __ --- °---------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM '- PRESENTED BY DATE - COM M ISSI ONER.- ..............In Favor ( I ....V..... --.. Against Eerder[t'.M eponliagh WHEREAS, The Commissioner pf''Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council in acc-ordance with Section 55 of the city charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE TOTAL 16 1.01 16.16 Leonard Jalmer Tree Laborer16 1.01 16.16 William Lego Tree Laborer 16 1.01 16 16 Frank Pilarski Tree Laborer rounds B .95 John J. Sullivan IItilityman--Playgrounds J7.60 g COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bass /Fi an arranto OB/ pp ..............In Favor ( I ....V..... --.. Against Eerder[t'.M eponliagh 3M 9 -IM,. J41o!-(Rresid Ctit iTrUR%i C.F. No. 135634—By Robert F. Resolved, That That the proper city otfle- re are hereby authorized to pay car ,lain employes in the Department f Parks.a Playgrounds and Pubitc Build- logs for extra employment es set out o uAdoplisted tby the Council March 25, n1996. Approved March 5, 1946. (March 9. 1946.) lOEN9Ct '5 I. Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194...... Approved------ --------------- -------------------194._.-. ...._...Al Ot1llj Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON R. G. ZELZER • Supt. of Perks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT ,PAUL 135634 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner '-Wp- @ March 1, 1946 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, ren- dering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours a day, maintaining department facilities. The emergency involves cindering of park roads, firing greenhouse boilers. Yours truly, 9, 4, // f (�?" � � Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldgs. Od bV to City clerk. 1 56v5 •' CITY OF ST. PAUL o�i.e"a� NOUN? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' '00PRESENTE BY 17t)March 4tb1, 1946. COMM 1551 ONER._ DATE_ Resolved, that the plat of "Clapp-Thamesen ens as reeommenrted by the Plat Cormission and approved by the. C—issioner of Public Yorks, be and the same is hereby accepted. 4 40 C.F. No. 13593 By M[]ton Rosen— Resolvetl, Thet the plat ih 'CThomhalen" comndd the CissofP-I,-orksbea optedylMaes, 1998. ADDrovetl March 5. 1948. x (March II. 1998) r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Codes ........_ .._.-......194_._.. YeasNays e9 BAR 5 194F Zink � Approved..........................................194------ o 11. Favor' �Cfi �j ayor... oeiEi, e ,.Against ,p h 3M 9-iN�s•Ce�iCYldtaC (TtuVt) Plat (9ammissian of lamsen Ountg. FAinneanta OFFICE OF THE BEC.. - 234 CITY HALL March 4th, 1946. wa To the Honorable, the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We submit herewith the plat known as I "Clapp-Thomssen Phalen" for your consideration. The plat has been approved by the Plat Commission. The owner has petitioned to have Hyacinth Avenue graded and to have sewers constructed in the street. The surrounding streets are now severed and graded. Yours very truly, � RERT S. WEST, Secretary of the Plat Commission. hsw-rh enols. 135635 oriaibrl to C1ty Clerk 135636 CITY OF ST. PAUL co�Hca NO.__...__---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK #Ile\ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►v PR ED BY Parch 5th, 1946 COMMISSIONER.. DATE Resolved that the plat of *19teenbergils Comoe as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Cammissioner of Public forks, be and the same is hereby accepted. 1966a6— e.%t�-Eda'da`byl oshatoSeen's .Comothe plot Commlgslon and approved by the Commissloner of Public Workg, be and the same i. hereby ecceyted. Adopted by thel Councn March S, 1996. Approved March 9, 1996.) 11 MAR 5l COUNCI EN Adopted by the Council... ................ ............. J94... Yeas Nays f f r- ,-`Q B ss )�� - l , . FanApproved--•-••....................................194----- Parranto . ["I.......Favor-` / `'--- - -•---- at1B9 Mayor j 1..............Against "aaid€rift; h am e-Xr., (Jresideilt (Truax) �dl�t t�ommissiQtt 5636 of �mseg ( ountg.lRinnesatu OFFICE OF THE .....y-, 234 CITY HALL March 5th, 1946. To the Honorable, the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We submit herewith the plat known as "Steenbergls Como" for your consideration. The plat has been approved by the Plat Commission. Hoyt Avenue and Grotto Street are improved and the owners have submitted petitions for the improvement of the balance of the streets involved. Yours vary truly, W ETIM T S. WEST, Secretary. haw-rh encl. Original to City Clerk CouNCIL 135637 CITY OF ST. PAUL rac No------__--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Parks, aygrounds & Public Buildings of Edmund Healy, in place o� Ray Cardinal, as a member of the Steamfitters Examining oard, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas �Inss antp 2arrant Nays 1 ............_In Favor :...Against aaf 9 -Mr. JdIpe(gresident (Truax) C.F. Resolved, That theert PP-iMccent� Y The Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings of Ed- mund Healy, in place of Ray Cbrdinal, as a member of the Steamfitters' Ex - hereby concurred be and the is Adopted by the council •March 6, 1998. Approved (M8 h 9 5. 1949 ) MAR 5 10 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...... }Approved--------------- -----------------------194. .. moi ... Gii �W .... �.....--•---•-- -- -- - ---------------- Original ra cur Clerk CITY OF ST, PAUL ` FOUNca- NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- t pIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE --February 27, 1946 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the #urchasaag Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing the Water Department with 50 tons Sodium Aluminate, to THE FLgX COMPAW, INC. , in accordance with Water Department specifications therefor hereto,_attached and the Formal Bid No. 1032 of said Flox Company, at a total contract price of $6,250.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Flox Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dtaw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul* F.B. No, 1032., Cr. No.135839—By W. Parrant� I .M.v .- That ^the Cauncll hereby bid and • said -Flo.D1companY beleggo the lowest aeliable and reasonable Mddez, and the Corporation Counsel be aril hereby.is illrected to draw up the yrop- er iotm: of contract therefor, and the proper it1ttf0111, hereby are au- t eexue1ce t said contract o behelfe � F.H. No. 3032. City of Saint Paul. Adopted by the Council'March S. 1995. Approved March - S, 1945. (March 9, 1945.) COUNCILMEN MAR 5 JW Yeas Adopted by the Council • Nays .............. ...... - --------•---194------ a ss indl,a¢to Zn / VAV p (4 ? Approved------------- arr In Favor .......... .......... ----194 Ro Lf-)1.•4-'•�� A �L - - - -- XOtRdg -Mayor - i.... - tdili L:- h --------.Against �,{{ 3M 9 -Mr' (grc ldent (Truax) Ort9mal to City Cleric CITY OF ST. PAUL 135639 I.La Nca. NO._---....-----_....._' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM ESSOLVED, that the reinstatement by the Commissioner of Public Utilities mss. of Bernard T. Holland as Deputy Commissioner of Public Utilities, effective March let, 1946, is hereby concurred in and approved. IF CF. No. 195899-13Y W. Parrant_ ,Xooved. That of Publlctatern nt y Wof ord T. Holland as Depputy Commis aloner of Public Utinties, effective March 1st, 1946, )e hereby concurred in and approved. Adopted •. by tha Covncll ,March 5, 1998. :.Mercfi 5, 1948. Approved (MercS 8. 1898) ". 5 J'W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194...... Yeas /� Nays 41AR Ba 88 � /Fin lan /� Approved.--- -------------------------------------- 194 - arranto I t..In FavorlLci" '7Z17_ ---------_-- Against I<Iden�: gh ant 4141§. l�sident ("T-ruaxl original to City Cleric -235640 CITY OF ST. PAUL coueicn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL A RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / A > - 1 / ��i COMMISSIONER ..... DAA RE80LVED, that the following named employes of the Department of Education: Narguerits L. Maloney, Dorothy A. [arta and Edith L. NoNaughtan, are hereby granted a leave of absence, with pay, for the 71h, 8th and 9th of March, 1946, to attend the International Council for Exceptional Ohildren, at its annual convention in Detroit, Michigan; N►id emplolee to pay all their expenses in connection with attendance at said convention. UNCIJ,MI•;N YeaNays ;B.M es r'ii an /Parranto Lvor e IR /..---.-.-Against ••deft' 'D5" h 3M 119M r• (Nresidcnt (Truax) Pay. for the 7th. 6th and 9tt1 oyer 1&16, to attend the International es ay c11 Sor .Exceptional Children, at i1 nual e--ention in Detroit, t it Sdco nectlon with attendance eaI c Adopted by the Councn March 5, Approved March 5. 1996. (March 9, 1946.) MAR a 1 Adopted by the Council ..................................194...--. MAR 5, Approved .......................... ........................ 194...... ---------�/`'� Ctllt9 Mayor odgIL.V to City Cicrk , • 135641 CITY OF ST. PAUL MU"ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n,w _ COMMISSIONER._ ���` DATE _ a RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Northwestern Bell Tele- phone Company from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, per- mission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to enlarg' the telephone exchange building at the northeast corner of Beech and Mendota, subject to the condition that the front wall of the present building on Beech Street must be the front wall of the addition in order to maintain the building line on said street. C.F. No. 135641—By Findlan— Resolved, That upon appealofNorth the western edecissionl oftheCommtoner Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- •i.gs, and upon the favorable recom- mendation f the Board of Zoning, per-' mission is hereby granted, pursuant toy Ordinance No. 5690, as mended, to enlarge the telephone exchange. build- ing at the northeast comer of Beech and Mendota. subject to the condition that the front wall of the DDresent building on Beech Street must be the front wall of the addition in order to maintain the building line on said .treat. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1946. Approved March 5, 1946. (March 9, 1946.) ' IQIC11! aD 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................194...--. Yeas Nays MAR a ss 'S in n / Approved..-... - ....... - 194 arranto on ----.v....In Favor ................ R CC I�yor ..Against 3M 9-40dr. resident (Truax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL t�cSfj'4. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �O December 27, 19145- Q, Yr. Bruce J. Broady corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir$ The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of the gorthweetern Bell Telephone Co. to enlarge their telephone exchange building at the northeast corner of Beech and Mendotat subject to the condition Met out in the last paragraph of Mr. Harrold's letter hereto attached. N 1. Very truly yours //'t/j V City Clerk. I- tv ED DEC 271945 CtJRf(I�A�RO` cot9�5iL EGIN E. WAHMnN 011— ARBERND J GMCGLYNN CLYDE L. M ETH V EN JOSEPH F. REIMDOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. BASS, RD 1 GEORGE H CHERROLD THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 S\IINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE December 26th, 1945• Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the appeal of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to enlarge their Telephone Exchange Building at the northeast corner of Beech and Mendota. This is a "B" Residence District. The present telephone exchange building occupies only one-half of the property owned by the Telephone company, and this ownership has existed since the exchange building was constructed. The present building sets back from Beech Street in line with the houses on that street. It is a non -conforming building but can be extended under paragraph ^bp Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, which permits the extension of a non- conforming use or building upon a plot occupied by such use or building at the time of passage of this ordinance. The Board of Zoning recommend that the appeal be granted. The front wall of the present building on Beech Street must, however, be the front wall of the addition in order to maintain the building line on this street. Yours very tru�y, GEO Eag ear Secretary. gh-rh enol. ` NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM St. Paul, Minnesota, December 7, 1945. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. The Northwestern Bell Telephone Company owns the property at the corner of Beech and Mendota, known as Lots 16 and 17, Block 111, Stinson Subdivision, and at present have a telephone exchange building on Lot 16. We now wish to extend our telephone exchange building to include Lot 17, and referring to Paragraph B. Section 20, of the Zoning Ordinance, we desire a permit to make this extension. Yours very truly, D s riat age Original to City Cierk 1356442 CITY OF ST. PAUL %Nc'L NO ------ __----- .- OFFICE THE CITY CiERK COUNCIL ;�GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER.— —.._ DATE RESOLVED, that out of -the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $24.00 be paid Amos Kelly while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on February 7, 1946s while employed by the Department of Public Works, and $48.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 28, 1946, is now payable. COUNCILMEN �c i ,g,,w) Yeas Nays ......... 194-.... Barflies n /1 Prra arranto a 9 Ma or ii.rn_ on .............Sn Favor Rosen --WetW - ....Against enh aM 64Mr.-qW&*rc5idcnc (Truax) Cy. No. 135642—By Milton Rmen— Resolved, That out of the Workmen's Compenantion Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of §23.66 be Paid Amos Kelly while he 18 totally disabled by reason of injuries he re- ceived on February 7, 1696, while em - 0oyed by the Department of Public Works. and $46.60 in partialettlemeat, to and including February 28, 1696, is now' payable. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1946. Approved March 5, 1996. (March 9. 1946.) MAR 1946 Adopted by the Council.......-.... .............194.....- �y "l: / �c i ,g,,w) Approved-----•------ ......... 194-.... 4AJ /1 9 Ma or 135643 original to city ClarkCOUNCIL No ------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL' FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w e PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install.opnroximately 150 lineal feet of gas main on Hampden between Raymond end alley east of Raymond under provisions of Douncil File No. 12300;1 Ordinance No. 5271, dated July 19, 1941. 135693—a Mliton Rosen— Resolved, 'That the Northern States) Power Company be given permission, to Install apporoximatelY 156 lineal feet of -gas in n Hampdden between RaY- mor pro i ions94, 19 rdinance and olfc Council f File No. under 123661. O Adopted by the7C unci) Marchl5. 1996.' Approved March 5, 46 March 9, 1996.) Adopted by the CouneiL--------------------------------- 194...-.. COUNCILMEN Nays ,.. Yea [QAC: �} . �F.I,Ento Approved ------------------------------------------194 �P�..�-t-- --------------In Favor ---------- --T---- --- ' OtIB9 Mayor TBOII �� a Rase t 3M 9-I5Mr�i ®PresidCDt (Truax) nrtgtn.t t. City ©.r>< 135644 • . ' CITY OF ST. P 1 n COUNCIL NO._--_._----_,_--•---- • CF. No. 1956gq-gt Milton Rosen- /� OFF E OF, THE CI Resolvetl, That the it; orrte _ COUNC ESOLUTI -( tam aemPior esy ]�ntho izeaeio p,y eer, �� Publico Works for the DeAnTtment ot� RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Public Works for extra employment from February 16 to 28, 194 *,aa set out on the list on file in the office Of the City Clerk and the City Comptroller. LABOR ROLL - FEBRUARY 16 to 28, NAME TITLE 1946 NO.HRS. RATE AMOUNT Bannick, John DeMartena, Frank Road Mach.Opr. Asph.Lab. 5 •98 4.91 Diegnau, Cheater Einck, Walter T. Truck Dr. Dispatcher 4 212 1.01 8 204.,24 5 Goossen, James A. Sew.Mto.Lab. 24 .99 1.01 23.80 6.06 Harper, Charles E. Huberty, Frank T. Road Machoopr. 8 .98 7.86 Klemenhagen, Albert W. Truck Dr. -B2'-: IItilityman-PW 7 17 1.00 .8 7,00 Kuhns, John D. Loeffler, Fred F. IItilityman-PW Road Maoh.Opr. 2 •$ 15.22 5. 9 Losinski, Edward L. Maidl, Road Maoh.Opr. 2.87 Joseph Proulx, Harvey J. Road Mach.Opr. Sew.Mte.Lab. 3 :95 $ 2. Putnam, Fred A. Rasmussen, Robert Crew Leader -PW 10 16 1.01 •9 10.10 15.72 Robinson, William Bridge Fore. Uhek.Lab. 1 8 1.0 1.01 Sehrenkler, Louis w. Stoffel, Jacob C. Sew.Mtc.Lab. Caretaker 10 1.01 1.01 8.08 10.10 Strand, Ivar E. Taube, Albert Unsk.Lab. 3 8 .701 1.01 2011 8.08 Teeter, Clyde A. Sweeper Opr. Truck Dr. -PT 8 1.09* $.76 Wadell, Leo R. Truck Dr. -PT 2 4 1.00 2.00 Wadell, Leo R. Zusan, Frank Road Mach.Opr. 6 1.00 4.00 Road Mach.Opr. .98 5.90 Yeas TO TACT,• _ yy 189.97 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couuncil-1.-....194"' Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto 4'Mmon Rosen T. Har en ,1GiniJh IM 9-JMr-4 s*residcnt (Trwtx) MAR APProved. 194------ " In Favor ,le, Flo ►n --------•-•--• %� Mayor .... Against 135644 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Works rendering necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Snow removal and ci ering, watching equipment and material, tending f e� at Plant, making repairs to streets and sewers, \ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity for snow removal and cindering following recent storms, maintaining fires and watching equipment and material at Plant on Sundays and holidays, answering emergency calls for street and sewer maintenances on Sundays and after regular hours. CO=ISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS oriptnal to CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 135645 c ... OIL F.LE NO.------------------ ----- RESOLVED: That licenses for Restanrant, Application A38749, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39750, Off Sale Malt Beverage, ApplicatfOt'•A39753,,.,, and Cigarette, Application A38752, applied for by Ernest Larrrenz at`T' 508 South Smith Avemte. be and the same are hereby granted. s. low Informally approved by City Council Febraary 28. 1946 Old Location le C.F. No. 135845—HY Hariuss—Pe�ranto— Finalan— Resolved, ati.oat licenses n RestS I nt, Appel Apple A38749. On $Of Malt I Beverage, Application A38750. Off Sale " Malt Beverage, Appifcation A38751, and Cigarette, Application A38752.' applied t O8 pth Sndby th Avenuet be erneft Wand Ze nne oae hereby granted. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1848. Approved March 5-1898, (March 8. 1848.) MAR 5 IV Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 19------- COUNCILMEN MAR Yeas Nays Barfuss / 194..---. Approved ------------------------------------------ Findlan Parranto/ - T �f --------- Teter -son ------ .....in Favor ACtlII� Mayor Rosen }` ruax== ------Against -, 3M I1 -,,Mr % resldcnt (Trtukx) city -. 135646 L CITY OF ST. PAUL tO�Na1L NO ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM V ED BY �I'I/�/1 �, /I IONE �1 \/ /Jl RE4OLVED1 That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted= Richard & Charlotte Barnes 1569 Grand Restaurant App, R 74 New Old Loc. Ray Schoemig 74g Tatum Cigarette " 36099 N N n Diamong Engineering Co. 181 E. 6th Oil Burner Inst. " 39191 a a a Gerald & Louie Krummel 666 Arcade Gas Sta 2-P r 3g64g " " N Martin Olson 1090 Grand Bakery a 39654 N a a Walter Melby 16 w. 9th Restaurant " 39655 " " " R. A. Hubbard 1312 Forest Grocery " 39T1 n N N N N N N Off Sale Malt " 397], N N a N " " " Cigarette a 39715 " " " Vernon A. Stromberg 966 -Charles Motor Veh Dr " 39795 " Francis V. Vien 562 N. Lexington Motor Vsh Ih• II 38931 i C.O.C. Mens Club 2505 University Cigarette " 38842 " Old Loc. . CF. No. 135646—By Barfuss, Findlan, Parranto= Resolved. That licenses applied far by the persons named on the list attaeh- ' etl to this resolution be and the same at hereby granted, and the City Clerk 1s instructed to issue en such licenses up - the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. • Adopted by the Council March 5, 1998. Approved March 5, 1996. (March 9, 1999) - INAR 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---------------------- ----------- 194. -..-- Yeas Nays (� Barfuss Findlan j Approved ......................... 194 Parranto -------------- --Petal B8w-- --, In Favor ----------- Rosen. ' ^ 1 :9 idle Q Mayor .,,,, �— ....._ �.-..Agalnet "nT�TS, .Ph 3M . —Mrs Presidait (Truax) 135647 Orlgiaal to Ciq CITY OF ST. PAUL v%nca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �_•'+ �-.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Marcie rj, 1946___-_T That licenses for Restaurant, application A38706, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A36707, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A38708, and Cigarette, Application A39709, applied for by Mrs. Margaret Friedrichs at 22 West Sixth Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New Informally approved by Council February 26,.1946 Old Location COUNCI MEN Ye ar Nays B es • In an arranto oxeon sn am 94Mr. Xjpp(fresidcnt (Truax) S/ ..............In Favor J .............. Against CF. No. 135847—By Barfuss—Parranto— Find an— Resolved. That licenses for Restaur- ant, Application A38708, On Sale Malt Beverage. Application A-38707• Off Sale Malt Beverage. ApPPllcatlon A38708, and Cigarette, Applic gars[ Friedrichs sa applied for by Mrs. Mar 22 West Sixth Street, be and the same . are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council March 5. 1948. Approved March 5,1948. , (March 9 . 1949.) MAR 5 190 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194 MAR 5lah3' Approved__ ...................------------ ... 194- jl-cac - - /itil19 Mayor OrIjLml to City 135648 CITY OF ST. P UL COUNCIL NO._______ ILe OFFICE OF THE CIT CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM COMPREN4 BY COMM NER__ —_ DATE_ MF)TCh ,r1,s 1x46 That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted= Leq,J. Bearth 95 E. Wheelock Pky Music Mach (1) App. 35566 Now D. S. Carter & Co. 25 W. 7th Massie Mach (1) " 35604 " Genevieve Smith 255 E. 7th Music Mach (1) " 35614 " Leo J. Bearth 95 E. Wheelock Pky Mech Dev (1) " 352002 n Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter P1 Mech Dev (1) 11 35563 " Leo J. Bearth 95 E. Wheelock Pky Mech Dev (1) " '35565 " Jay J. Cook 46 Dexter P1 Music Mach (2) " 35710 " Arnold Tessmer 1376 St. Clair Mech Dev (1) " 35699 " Chester L. Margeson 1171 Charles Mech Dev (2) a 35704 " j C.F. No. 135999—By Ba�Uss Fjntllan—� Parranto- -tg MechanJ l Amu etIth menteo )eDevjce t) cen est and7111st Cita h tl to Phlso res luttoen be the Cte s me areshereby granted, and uoh 1 na s r upon 'eructed to )ssue; the City treesi Payment into Adopted by the Counetl ei che5, 1996,; Approvetl March b, 1999. - Imsreh COUNCILMEN Adopted by the .......... –,194-._.._ Yeas Nays MAR Barfuss Findlan Approved ......................... ..............194------ Parranto eterson ...:.._In Favor Rosen Vin/ / - Qtill�t Mayor '11 RAR' !.....-----Against A pi$entF1&.cb,'AbY 9 am 9-O�%Irw &rr• esidenr (Truax) CF. No. 135849—BY Barfuss--Vindlan— ������ Parranto— Orrjinal Ity pe 3iesolyed. That licenses aDPlled far by r'.' the persona Haloed on the lint attach- wants. ed to this resoldtion be and the ea me FILE NO------------------------- C are hereby granted. and the City-Cllrk OFFICE is instructed to issue such ncenses uD-: on the payment into the City trees- ury of the required fees. Approved-',.Md1946. rch 9, 1948. R TED BYOtt OUNCIL E to e. 1998.1 March 5. ls6 �SIONER _..._- DATE V VAI L01 licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Walgreen Co. 333 Wabasha Restaurant App. 36467 Renewal a B a a Cigarette ^ 3646s a a aa a Confectionery ^ 36469 Arlene Oldfield 63 S. Robert ^ Restaurant 11 ^ 36943 ^ a ^ ^ Cigarette 369 e St.Paul Lodge ;40 L.O.O. Moose 171 W. 4th On Sale Malt 0 38056 a a n ^ a a Confectionery ^ 38057 a N a a a a Dance Hall n 38059 6 Arthur Kranz 7491 Grand Restaurant ^ 3811 d Cigarette a 3811 M Florian P. Ritschel 720 H. Snelling Confectionery ^ 38151 a ^ n a a Cigarette a 38152 n Rose C. Eaboldt 479 W. 7th Cigarette " 38389 " a s aa Grocery ^ 39390 a a s 9 n Off Sale Malt ^ 39391 a Wm. W. Houll 1929 Peronia Grocery n 366411 11 a a a a Off Sale Malt a 38645 a a u ^ Cigarette ^ 38646 ^ Andrew Urban 566 IJ. Robert Grocery a 39664 a ^ ^ ^ ^ Butcher ^ 38665 a A.S. 6 A.9. Johnson 655 S. Snelling Grocery ^ 39667 a a a a ^ Butcher ^ 3s66s a Cigarette ^ 38669 e Clifford C. Brockway944 White Bear Bakery ^ 39672 a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Awa---. Rosen ,w4ww-^ 1 'j resident, ReNi o gh 351 sae.,-�'rc;cnr (Tr sx) Adopted by the CounciL .................. ............... 194.. ---- Approved........................................ --194------ ------ -------In Favor ........... -...... -------- ----------............----------- --------- --------- Mayor --------------Against A' . ft,9L-W W City ©.1k 135649 CITY OF ST. PAUL —c' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' .a� NO -'----- ---...-_.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED B COMMISSIONER DATE -March 5 'lq46__. PAGE N0. 2 Richard J. & Alphild Neville s • n u p 4 s Steele Bros. C. M. uselman George E. garrison Henry Pyberg Morris Rosenblatt 219 Bates a a u 1105 Payne 7s4 Grand 156 N. Chatsworth 793 Aurora 3110 E. Winifred Restaurant On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Cigarette Confectionery Butcher Bakery Motor Veh Dr Motor Veh Dr Boot Puddler AP -10- n a n a n n n s 38721 Renewal 22 N 397 n 3872 i 397�5 a 33727 N 38730 n 3$793 0 39794 ^ .38796 w MAR 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL.-- ..................... Yeas194-...-. Nays Barfuss MAR Findlan / Parranto S Approved..............-- 194. TeiZlvea-- • .............In Favor - ------------ Rosen - ---- �-- d0tlA9 Dlayor iraa`�c-- ... ---........ Against :_rgsid'eni� 11�aI5'gh 3M 9-4Mr. g'residefir (Truax) i Original to City Clerk 31-5650 UNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO•-......... Wo CO PE OF THE CITY CLERK ?coni uTir1N--GENERAL FORM DATE March 5. 194E .-...--- RESOLVED: That lice.1arfor Restaurant, Application A39620, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A396210 Off Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39622, and Cigarette, Application A39623, applied for by George Rick at 2302 West Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. - New -Informally ao roved by Council February 21, 194 Old Old Location 1 w CF. No. 135550—By Barfuss—Parranto—' Findlan— Resolved, That licenses for Restaur- ant, Application A38620, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39621. Off Sale Malt Beverage, ApFF]Scatfon 22, and Cigarette. ApplicationA38623• applied ! for by George Rick at 230-2 Weat Sev enth Street, be and the same are here- by granted. Adopted by the Council March 5, 1946.! Approved March 5, 1945. (March 9, 1998.) - 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couff.---.51M......... ..194 YeasNays / OAR Bars A innto an roved - - - 194. arra oPP In Favor- Ctlrtg Mayor (.....Against es.ent,�4l': h 3M 04Mr.oWjWgresident (Tru") ------------ nMRMEOLIRY ORDERS COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 26, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from Griggs Street to Ashland Avenue; also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 11, Block 28, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from the alley to the sewer in Ashland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 135%3.% approved January 24 1946. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and :the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the alley in Block 28, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from Griggs Street to Ashland Avenue. Also construct a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot"ll, Block 26, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from the alley to the sewer in Ashland Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2733.05. n Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of April. 1946 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and `City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvowt a5i otal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 193— MAR 5 ,H Approved 193— /.J{' City Clerk File 9891 ACV49 Mayor Councilman p Barfass Councilman Findlan Councilman Parranto Councilman Councilman TWxnx:a o Rosen Councilman ' Mayor Ma Form B. S. A. 8.6 Mr• Vice President (Truax) CF.'. No. 135652 Inthe Matter of c9ndemning and taking an easement !n the: laud neoes- Bary for slope., cute and fills in the ggrrading and surfacing of. -the alley 1n Hlook 29, Enlargement of Anna E.- 11 it'y.'s Additlan fmm C*Iggs Street Ashland Avenues. _. !F11iminary (� ;'er 1369,95 t tPi6 IM652 1 un, COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 28, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Additioh, from Griggs Street to Ashland Avenue, 135335' , raved January 24, 1946 under Preliminary Order PP —, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received.the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L . That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes,. cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 28, Enlargement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from Griggs Street to Ashland Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing 46 fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Aoril. 1946 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciOR 5 193— gp Approved 193— City Clerk c�.L,_ File 9890 T AWN Mayor Councilman WL _ i2%n `--Q Bu fu" Councilman !�' �� Findlay Councilman fret•+''• 6 i'arranto Councilman ]ft 12oaea (� Councilman > Councilman rtUGi- h Mayor M ti � Me Vice President (Truss) � Form B. S. A. 8.6 RMISHED' / !v� COUNCIL FILE NO _ w C,X% No. 135653— In the Matter of condemning and. tak- ing an' easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaf+d,ig a Public sewer on, under and across the weM- -.arly, 4 'feet of the easterly 6 feet 'of, .Lot 11, Block 28, Anne E. Rameey'a Ad 3 dlfioh; Enlargement. of, from Asblood :•.venae to the 1n the rear of eafd. .,egf,.,,...,Ka""•y;.,td,�'. i taking a . Fnnstruc'��•'. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 11, Block 28, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, Enlargement of, from Ashland Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 feet in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 11, and the westerly 6 feet of,, Lot 10 in said Block 28, from Ashland Avenue to the alley in said Block 28, Anna E. Rpmsey's Addition, Enlargement of, under Preliminary Order 135334 approved January 24, 1946 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement for the purpose of constructing and.maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 11, Block 28, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, Enlargement of, from Ashland Avenue to the alley in the.rear of said lot. Also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 feet in width on the west -side of the above easement and the easterly 2 feet of Lot 11, and the westerly 6 feet of Lot 10 in said Block 28, from Ashland Avenue to the alley in said Block 28, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, Enlargement of, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 213d day of gp�1, 94F —,*W_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couni pc�lidir,ltm�❑❑ 193— Approved 193— City Clerk File 9889,q� Mayor Councilman 13atfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman t- a7=- Parranto Councilman -Fkeie4eaa-- Councilman ff==a> �•` Posen rj L 1j3fiI) Councilman Mayor M#h2jj9y__ nlfottgl�.� = '" Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice P.es:delle Truax) COUNCIL FILE NO.. -_......_-------..._---------------- By__...._....__------------------------------------------------- ABSOLUTION .I OF COUNCIL :APPROVING, A9aBPBMENT. CF. In the matter ofthe geaeegmeai/'ot and ata, costa had Mays In for Wading 135654 � � end surfacing the alleys se Hiock.. a, ng Caih'ertne Par4, from Crr Ih Avenue to .ad- A.�m lir CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 3, St. Catherine Park from Cretin Avenue to the North and South alley and from Highland Parkway to Pinehurst Avenue, 130936 131269 under Preliminary Order.------------�-------------------------------.., Intermediary Order.-------•-•------------------.....--------...-....---------� Final Order 131495........_ ................ ...... approved ... ......... g...... July...25............................19...44 benefits, costs and expenses ........................ for and in connection with Theassessment of ............... ................................. ..••-•----.....-----• the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it d RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 3rd ______________day of April 19_46 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating ip said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or, lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council- ...................-`..-- ........................... 119 St :. 1, 'F l�ir-i T ................ City Clerk. '-' i^},f ............. ..... Apgrosed.......................................-• ----.19... File 9663^ Councilman B.^: rfnaa ry t Findlau Councilman F on Psrranto Councilman nadr Councilman j'c r7 rsrm Councilman S - ei-e_=`4. Coancilm enze _ - Mayor Hon' ` Mr. Vic,: P �sident (TrujW F.- B. B. 17 Mayor. � r __ v COUNCILFILE NO .... ...... .......................... .. By RESOLnTIONOF COUNCIL, APPROVING ABSESSMENT C.P. Ntheo. 195855 matter; Ea '. of the rise .t of benefits, costaand expfor aad 6ur!e�lnB ttie alle, �t� art' ..'ht117.:SiJtr CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing the alley in Lots 15, 16 and 17, Suburban Acre Lots, Bertha's Rearrangement, Picha's Subdivision, and Plock 2, Kingsford Park, from a point 66 ft. east of the west line of Lot 15, Suburban Acre Lots to the North ands South alley in Block 2, Kingsford Park, under Preliminary Order......_121940 ............................. Intermediary Order........122304______. Final Order. 12 616...-- ..............-- approved .........._------......-----.MeLy--2-7................................. 19 q The assessment of ............ benefitsa.-_costs,_and,_expenses,........... _................ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 3rd ............. day of _jt,pri}......................... 19___46 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directd.WR 5 4 Adopted by the Councciill..--------------------------------------- Approved....................................... - ..19:- .. File 9228 Councilman dNxWMaW=M Bnrfuss Councilman A -MU Findlan Councilman ^ Pa:-:-anto Councilman &ahftn&,Z---:z Councilman l�zdB�Imer= "i Councilman QWkeE�te Mayor Hodp n, F.- B. R. 17 Mr. Vice f:',aent Jrusx) .............- ....-., 19.-- c ..........I City Clerk. �% ? !n QTel . y Mayor. v3LISiiR Original to City Clerk NO.... 35656 CITY OF ST. PAUL tbuwea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i 7 -- DA E MOi4BD, that eater mains. be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Pawl, Minnesota: Upper St. Dennis Road - from Davern Ave. to Sdgoumbe Road Lower St. Dennis Road - from Upper St. Dennis Road to a Point sPPrDwimatol, 470 ft. West of Birehman Lane Davern Avenue - from Hdgounbp Head to a Point approximately 990 ft. South of B4goumbe Road So. Snelling Ave. - from Higeuabe Road to Upper St. Dennis Road Birebman Lane - from Upper St. Dennis Hbad to Lower St. Dennis Road Case Avenue - from Manitou Ave. to Mohawk Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ar _fuss m n r ar onto etyrson .In Favor o ..............Against ct;�' �41¢IToYio�gh Soo I -Mr. (Jresident (Truax) C.F. No. 135858 -By W. esolv' Parranto- Red, That water mains be )aid in the following streets In the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Upper St. Denis Road -from Da- veAve. to Edgcumbe Road Lower St. Dennis Road -from Up - r St: Dennis Road to a .pont apy- N!Y 970 ft. West of Bu to ch - Lane Davern Avenue -from Edgcumbe Road to a point appproximately 950. ft. South of Edgcumbe Road So. Snelling Ave. -from EdgC—be Road to Upper -St. Dennis Road Birchman Ione -from Upper St. Dennis Road. to Lower St. Dennls Road Case Avenue -from Mention Ave. to Mohawk Ave. Adopted1'y the Council Mar. 9, 1940. Approved Mer. a' 1949. (March 9, 1948:) MAR 6190 Adopted by the Council .....:.............. .... .......... 194....-. MAR Approved ------------------- ...................... 194---.. > -- ---•--••---1111-...-- -- - ..----•-• ,4ating Mayor �� , 1st. �-` 2nd. //3 Laid over to , 3rd. and app. ! Adopted 3 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays ss Pindn Fiilan �to '� /Parr nro �Pefers ete on `J e sn osen Truax -.X Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough Cp. T. 795857; Ordinance xo: - -L n E9 J. Ffnd]an=�Maton ..,.Rosea=F....M.' 1 Truax—R. Peterson— ; Original to City Clerk ;� M ordinance amending Ordinance lvo. 8818, entitled:.A� "An administrative ordinance Lx- a=3S ]ng the compensation for ion, th- S eai ki the Ungraded nevlsand the Serol -shined Labor Service. end the Unskilled Labor 2ion € ti�proved June 22,. 5 j� ds Is an emerges .1 PRESENTED BY An ordinance.amending Ordinance No. 8616, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation for employment in the Ungraded Division, the Semi -skilled Labor Service, and the -Unskilled Labor Division" approved Jane 22, 1945, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8616, approved Jane 22, 1945, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by.striking out of Section 2 thereof, where they appear therein under the heading "Semi -skilled Labor Service", the lines: "Asphalt Shoveler . . . . . . $.95 per hour Dog Catcher, . . . . . . . . 0.95 per hour Kettle Fireman . . . . . . . . . $.95•per hour Street Sweeper . . . . . . . . . $.95 per hour" and by inserting in lieu thereof the lines: "Asphalt Shoveler . . . . . . . . $1.01 per hour Dog Catcher . . . . . . . . $1.01 per hour Kettle Fireman . . . . . . . . . $1.01 per hour Street Sweeper . . . . . . . . . $1.0l.per hour". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation -of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss u ._ Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen _Traax- Preside nt(M ) Attest: Mr. Vi' e - city Cie 500 12-44 LIAR 21 !99 Passed by the Council--_-------_-------.._---..._---._._.. _ - --- --...nn�-----------.In Favor ----5.1...............Against ft 21 JW -- Approved: .__............. ...-•-............ ----------- ----................ AptlA9 Ma r RAW Y March 5, 1946 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works 234 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: We note in Ordinance 8712 increasing wages to $1.01 per hour in the Semiskilled Labor Service we neglected to include the titles of Asphalt Shoveler, Dog Catcher, Kettle Fireman, and Street Sweeper in this increase. Inasmuch as this was in error, will you be kind enough to introduce an ordinance placing these four titles in the $1.01 per hour group and oblige? Ys trul , ROD CARRIER ND LABORERS UNION NO.132 135558, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE No–. ............ OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 6_ RESOLVED: That licenses avplied for by the following persona at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Lyle VanCleve 579 S. Smith Motor Veh Dr App, 38961 Renewal Robert J. Techida 2101 Jefferson Motor.Veh Dr " 38962 " Thomas Conway 11222 Case Motor Veh Dr " 39995 " Yea! 3M i COUNCILMEN CF. No, 135658—By Barfuss—Findlan Parranta— Resolved, That licenses applied for by ed toeU4Is rns esollutioed n be andn the the same are herebyy granted, and the City Clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses up., on the payment into the City treasury I4 of the required fees. Adopted by the Councll March 6, 3946. F Approved March 6, 1946. I, IMarch 91 1946.) MAR 6 1 Adopted by the Couneit.......: ..........................194..._.. AR Approved----------- ---------------'-------._.194....._ 4—In Favor - - `........ Ctl ,ii. ! Q�L_ Ma-yor r - Against I Original to City tY6 k i C.FB. No. 13565'—By Do—Milt--� 135659 oxen— eoupen NO. - CITY'. Whereas. The Commisstoner f Pub I FILE ----^-- Safety and Commisstoner is -Pub: OFFICE Oj Works, iter investigating 'he tratr . -. and parking p� iblems of the Ctty (; CIS. RESOI St. Pain, reeonnd the use of p�+ ing mi tl• purpos. t hic1A I PRESENTED BY traf t ' 1 'IJ March 6, �%6 COMMISSIONER. WBEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety and Commissioner of Public Works; after investigating the -traffic and parking problems of the City of St. Paul, recommend the use of parking _meters for the purpose of controlling and regulating the parking of vehicles on certain streets in the central business district of the City of St. Paul, and WHEREASi it is contemplated to purchase and install approxi- mately 600 parking meters along the curb lines of such streets within the central business district at the points designated by the Commissioner of Public Works, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council that parking meters be so purchased and installed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the attached specifications for the purchase and installation of parking meters of the TMN AUTOMATIC TYPE are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor. ✓__-!I- MAR 619445 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............ --.---.....194...... YeasNays MAP arI y if, Approved. .................... .......... ......... 194 ...... io V({ �son .... .........In Favor ) 9Ct1Bg Mayor o n (. /....Against1tfLljtil it neg P-mmmmgh sM aMr. ,(gWp,@resident (Truax) . I C Rosen o. 1WHa—By Barfus M1] 135660 - ' Original to CIty Q—k Whereas, the Commissigner f P. Safety and- Commissl ner of Pu` Works, after . inVestlgat nqr the tra' eouNca 'problerps the c+� NO ...... ............... ITY • and.,._ king of CIty St. - recpmmend the -• of p, OF E OF 1n8 lheten'for the •. of - COON RESOL tr ]ling and ret<�"s' 'kln• vehicle¢. on re-+.,�: '.b! FORM .March 6, 1946 a IRIME+cc+n�NER._ OAT _ SAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety and Commissioner of Public Works; after investigating the traffic and parking problems of the City of St. Paul' recommend the use of parking meters for the purpose of controlling and regulating the parking of vehicles on certain streets in the central business district of the City of St. Paul$' and VOMR39AS9 it is contemplated e mately 1070 parking along thcpurchase sa curb lines of streets within the central business district at the points designated by the Comnissioner of Public Works$' and MMM MS, it is the opinion of the City Council that parking, meters be so purchased and installed; therefore, be it , RESOLVED, That the attached specifications for the purchase and installation of parking meters of the MWAL TYPE are hereoy approved and the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor. F COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson ....In Favor Rosen _Tsuaai - .............. Against f+ren�r ti3li2atT�n'ilgh ,M (Truax) `BAR 6l Adopted by the Council ............._- -----.....-......194...... MAR 6 4191'16 Approved ----------------------------------------194 -il/ oting� ni8yor - PIJBLISHED� �� Original to City Clerk 135661 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENQL NO. ir }OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUCJ,L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONERee"d('_Trnaz;/ DATE Resolved, that the following named employes of the Department of Education are hereby granted leave of absence with pay and that they be reimb=sed for expenses incurred by them in connection with their attendance at the conventions set out herein: ' 'Lettisha Henderson, Supervisor of Special Classes to attend International Council for Exceptional Children at Detroit Michigan, March 7 through March 9, Elizabeth Y. Newton, Supervisor of Kindergartens, to attend National Convention of the Association for Childhood Education at Cincinnati, Ohio, April 8 through April 10. A. W. Kilbourne, Supervisor of pi4sioal Education to attend National. Physical Education Convention at St. Louis, Mo., April 9 to April 134 - COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays a ss l�an iI' r;asAo �I e� son oxen - awvaa��gh am iffir.4jyesPresident (Truax) In Favor Against absence imbursed in Gonne the con, Met the folloM.wingTrunFred ax— Chat amed the Department of Edu- hereban grunted leave " of ..uv d that thev be re - MAR 6IS% Adopted by the Council 194_ Approved �j 194— -AffIng Mayor �: to Cl Clerk 135662 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO.............'.----_-._-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �IY•I�CY/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 6, 1946 RESOLVED= That licenses for Restaurant, Application A59775, On Sale Malt Beverage, Application A39776, Off Sale Malt Beverage, APPlication A38777, and Cigarette, Application A39779, applied for by Paul A. Wille at 775 Front Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted, �CM'slt .135"2—BY Bariuss—PaTr'anto—!Findlan— hat 1;tenses for Bestaur- Resolved. 445. On Sale Malt t, Application A35 O[f Sale Beverage. ApPlicatiotica i3g77 on Ayg44a,. nd BeveraAPPI cetlon i A3977g. PPl1ed Cigarett Paul A. Will. at 715�ero hereby for by be and the same ue. 1948. granted. the Council March 9. Adopted by Approved (,IIIar, h 59 1 946 ) New Informally approved by Council February 28, 1916 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays a g9 /Find Ian �arranto iPet�rson ..-.In Favor ...----------Against "demt i�.r, h 3M oa r.,4&(#residenr (Truax) MAR 61 Adopted by the CounciL---------------- ............... 194..-.-. " 6,11r Approved.." .. ....................'-- ....194 ' .......... -. �'A------- 4�jRg Mayor Original to COUNCIL 135663 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iX NO ---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE March 6 Lr19l RESOLPEDi That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. James A. Wukaaitz 1047 Arcade Restaurant APP. 38797 New Old Loc Gerald Zopf 1031 Watson Mach Dev (1) d 37955 u Millard Bruder 1518 E. 7th Mach Dev (1) 3965$ n u s s Mach Dev (1) u 38701 A CF. No. 135883—BY B.a. —Firma — Parranto— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attach- ed to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such lleenses-up- on the payment into the City treasury of the required Sees - Adopted by the Council Merch 8: 1998. Approved March 8, 3998. (March 8, 1998.) MAR 190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL.................. ..------------ 194..... - Yeas Nays MAR 6 Barfuss 961Bv Findlan Approved -.....................---194 Parranto Peterson In Favor��- Rosen iAQ Mayor �'1Ttlrlr— — Against .si, eiit; tic � gh 3M 9 -Mr, -)OW®resident (Truax) �. 'Oripmal.t. City Clerk - cour4eq.ins CI OF ST. PAUL nitE NO..--..-.- -- OFFI F THE CITY CLERK COUNCI LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE ^ February 19, 1 k� 6___ _ __ COMMISSIONERER CF. No. 335664—EY MlIhm Rosen— Resolved. That the ggNorthern States ��y9ED Power Install lAOn £oobePoleVe n pthemWO north side of Edmund, between Fry and Snel- Ung, with necessary guYs, nchors and wires. Poles d wires, to be removed when requested to d","' by the Com- mon Council and cost of Id removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Adopted by the Council March 6, 1946. Approved March 6, 1946. (March 9, 1946.) That the Northern states Power Company be given permission to install I -W foot pole on the north side of Edmund, between Fry and Snelling. with necessary guys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common 00na011 and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern states Power Company. COUNCILMEN YeasNays �des "dlan auto /P/ eterson In Favor Zn :.. ---•--Against 3M ..,Mrresident (Truax) Adopted by the CounMA ..--.6----190 -----194------ [WAR 6 Approved ----------------------------------------.194 ------- - --- - - Aofrny q Ma or NOTICE - the,,,I,, , Thai he to the dag Tis 11 135665TO COU amount of $173,865.04, covering decks UNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER numbered 44573 to 44625 inclusive. as peri checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council March 8, 1996.1 March Igg6 Approved March 6. 1996. ,(March 9, 1896.) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 173.s65.o4 44573 44625 S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED---_TO—�_//}—_—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / ! i 6 1 q# 6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ,FFFy4fffI A"n MAR( 194_ 4 V C ,:; if+ �7 PT COMROER LL G APPROVED 194— BY ' 5 12-44 tl I, s I .�I r im Of T CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 13166 ) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK `" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER .. ---- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN TO AUDITED CLAIMS 4__ ernh_�+_ 846-- PA.RAFINDL- IN FAVOR PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE OR ON T C TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST COVERING �r --- TO THE AGGREGATE A CUNT OF S X CHECKS NUMBERED7?nn E. AS � MR. FRES..:MADOHGS(.W�e;;:t AR � ,'f•}17A Zvi f. ICL k'd CIIIfPSai G!3laY) R .�la+P PER CHECKSJONJLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- -f R h RAPPROVED f94_ RUk. ,DATE TOTAL__ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER �� DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER - CHECKS I CHECKS C • 44 44574 44575 44576 44601 446032 4460 604 44606 44607 44608 44609 44610 44611 44612 44613 44614 44615 44616 44617- 44618 44619 4462o 44621 44622 44623 44624 44625 BROUGHT FORWARD I' +• Ii St.Paul Fire Dept. Relief As� i! 15 000 00 Yellow Cab Association 1 715 10 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan a Finan ii 5001'26 3849 John S. Findlan, C. of 42 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan j 2 1 435 John S. ?Indian, C. of Finan 5 00 Mrs. Marie Hegge 55 48 Industrial Supply Company 123 Cliff Johnson►s 27 20 Pittsburgh Coal Company 4 266 85 Transport Clearing of Twin Cities 252 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan j 1 475 1 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 34 502 22 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 6 527 45 643 60 John S. Findlan, 0.' of Finan John S. Findland, 0. of Finn -ma 725 85 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan ( 61 6 S. Findlan, C. of Finan 3 John John 3. Findlan, 0. of Finan 101 80 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan '14 028 Beulah A. Greene '' 8 4 46 02 county Welfare Board 90 017 County Welfare Board ;115 12 34 65 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finan j 53 John S. Findlan, O. of Finano 9005 Vrthur Boelter 60 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finanob 149 30 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finano� ! 2 472 31 Ralston Wheeler 40 00 Henry G. Rueth 48 00 Mrs. W.J. Corbett64 John S. Findlan. C. of Finano�! ;�11 75 064 02 MTs. Sophie Lawrence 61 96 American Hoist A Derrick Company 7 35 Ballard Motors and Ramp, Ino.; 42 16 14m. Bros Boiler 8 Mfg. Company 7 40 1 Oo-De Company 74 Bo Downtown Ford Company 114 18 j Titens Piston Ring Sales Equipment Qom 141 23 8o 63 General Truok 8 any Ken S. Gold Company 164 o0 Retffeld»Parry, Inc. 67 20 Int. Harvester Company j 10 87 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 15 45 Klauer Mfg. Company- 173 41 11 xraMer Spring . _ -- _ M & L MotoT Sunvly Company Mack Int. Motor Truck Coop. 23 03 30 30 The Oliver Corporation 40 o0 !i Owens Motor Sales, Ino. 27 39 J.R. Ralph Equipment Company 22 08 The 9ta-via oil Company 02 II ?.H. Straube 21g5 SHEET TOTAL- OR, D 173 965 o4 � qVa C1111, CI OF ST. PAUL OFFICEF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII:. OLUTION—GENERAL FORM FRX 1n.lV5666 art,: No.------•------•-------- March 6, 1946 VMmAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety end Commissioner of Public Works; after investigating the traffic and parking problems of the.City of St- Paul, recc®aend+the use of parking meters for the purpose of controlling and regulating the parking of vehicles on certain streets in the central business district of the City of St.,Paul, end VMMEAS, it is contemplated to purchase and install approxi- mately 1070 parking meters along the curb lines of such streets within the central business district at the points designated by the Commissioner of Public Works, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council that perking meters be so purchased and installed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the attached specifications for the purchase and installation of parking meters of the AUTOMATIC TM are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor. C.F. No. 135666—BY 13arfuas—Mllloni t Where... The Commissioner f Pub lie Safetyand Commissioner f, Public Works, after investig ating the traf '• and parking problems of the City +t Paul recommend tt, us Se of meters for the "Po - 'roning and re- �- he tn; r hides _ n . f . 1, fire , 9 1.. , I ✓ LIAR 61 Adopted by the Council ------------- _--- .------------- COUNCILMEN. -194...._- Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved - 194 Findlan '(v� Parranto --- ----._.. In Favor --._- -f� --.� LI :-_.kt --•----- Peterson ...._, d�!i'Iriq Mayor Rosen .—C/ ----...Against —TMA— EffBh PUB? ISIIrD y 3M ._Or. kF-idem (Truax) February 28, 1946 13.(4 3fb p 6 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Under date of November 21,' 1945, the matter of study of the various types of parking meters and the preparation of specifications was referred to th� parking meter committee comprised of representatives of the Public Works4iPublic Utilities, Finance Department, and of the City Comptroller's and Corporation Counsel's office. The committee has had numerous meetings at which representatives Brom the various parking meter companies have appeared and have demonstrated models of their respective parking meter. Specifications for parking meters have been completed and are submitted herewith. There are two distinct types of parking meter; the "manual" type in which the operation of the meter is initiated by the user after the deposit of each coin„ by the turning of a handle or similar device; and the "automatic" type in which the operation is completely automatic after the coin has been inserted and requires no further action on the part of the motorist. There is a third type manufactured by one company which is a modification of the "automatic type" in which each individual meter head includes mechanism for the regulation of parking in the two adjacent spaces; to the front and to the rear of the meter. Three separate specifications have"been prepared covering the foregoing types. It is the recommendation of the committee that bids be received separately on the basis of the three specifications. In this wayy,efterbids are received the selection may be made from any one of the different types. Your attention is called to the fact that the specifications require the furnishing by each bidder of two sample meters, one having the multiple coin operation or combined penny and nickel mechanism, and the other a straight nickel mechanism. It is t proposed that uniform tests covering all types of meter be given as soon as� ` /_ _2 - bids are received and that the final selection await the result of such tests. The attached specifications cover the detailed specifications for the meter itself. The complete specifications will, of course, embody the general provisions and other sections which accompany all city construction contracts. Upon approval of these detailed specifications, the contract specifications will be submitted without delay for your formal approval in advance of advertising. Respectfully submitted, r Comptroller )oration Counsel ante Department Lities Department Wettergren Public Safety Department - John aricy Comptroller's Office Maurice W. H t Traffic Engineer, Secretary org . SheChairman CITY OF SAINT PALL, EUTMIMOTA SPiCIFIC:''iiOidS FOR P[ui"ING 4,i:sT RS AUTOMATIC TYPi. 1. G�nerd.R�quir.:::�nts. This specification is designed to eovor t;-:: purchuso snd install,,tion o: parking motors eo::ple to in all rospocts ready for norcal c•nd propar operation, in th,: quantity civan on the Formal Guotatien Blank. Parkin,-.; :i-Acrs Will be d;sigr.ed. to regulat: r)Lrking in n. ono i•our zona. TP;a number of nlot;;rs to b,:: purchas•sci and instc.11::d may b:; dacraasad or incr.:as :d not mor:, than fift:+.,n parcant(15%) at the, option of the City, and in cas: of snc:i incra:_se or d:cr:usa in th,: nunb.,r of meters, tiro total contract price shall bo incr:iasad or decr..,as:d at the unit price per met:r quoted and incorporated in the contract. All rl_targ shall be install•od at the direction Gf and unc, ,r ti-. supervision of the Coreaissionor of Public Works, th:-, purchas.j pric, to be ::z:id for und,:r th., tams provid d hur•:i.naft;:r. A parking z.acr s.'_all b.; a davic, wiAch shall indicate thereon the 1.mCth of tiiaic duriur ; eihicli a vehicle may par'_: in a particular plac::. The parking _',Mors will b:i spacod alon;; thr. curb !in,,- so that ono parking ;nstor will regulate the; parking of a singl vahiela. It si all carry a printed legard or a suitabl signed clearly shu..;ing tlw:t the parking at a particular tim. is either °legal pFrking" or "ill:gal ;)raking", such signal or dc:vico to be clac:rly visibl, for a distance of fifty f.:,t and to bo plainly visibl, from bot: tho front and back of the motor. Such parking :;:etor shall ba suitabl, for multiply coin operation (combir:;d nick.rl and pinny) for a sity r;inut. p.:riod. A single p nny shall provide r?rin; for a twri, lva rrinut_ period; tuo n..nni..s for a twenty-four rainut•: p.:riod, etc. Tho rsot:rr shall be readily convortibla to straight nickel operation. Straight nickel optarction shall ba for sixty minut.: period. Wh.:n s:t for strait ht nickol operation it shall not b, cp:rabl.: by coins of other d_,nomination. PF.rking m:tors under this sp cifi- cation shall b: of tin:: Hilly " automatic" tvpL', ill which the op,r;:.tion is complat:ay automatic after the coin has bean ins<:rtad and roeuiraa no further action on the pa; -t of th, motorist. Trra coin deposit3d to actu:a.: tin:. raatar shall, in its passago through th,: mater, b, positiv:ly held so as to b:: cloarly exposed to view through a window provid,:d for that purnose pref.:rably on tla sidowalk side of tho m.ter. Th., coin shall b: retoind thus c;_posed to vi ,w, during the .:ntira operating psriod, ;_md shall not be displaced until the coin is dupositod for the noxt succa�dtig opar,:.tion of the sratsr. Thn meter shall be constructed of corrosion-rosisting mrt:.rials. It shall ba of sriost:a-rtial and rugE:d construction to withstcnd rough usag.. and assur: long lif, with a rriniraum •mount of s:rvicing,. Th:: worlonanship shall b:i of first-class character throughout. Satisfactory vid.erco shall b. submitt.�d by the bidd:r that th., rou,:l of the parking r,ot.:r offer.:d is in production. Bidd;rs shall furnish :rith th air bid. a cyrtifi.:d list showing cities with numbor of meterr' of the modal •cid . upon actually install„, and in op2rctaon, tcgati..;r with a list showing cities .rich number of m,tors eontrr cted for but not instcllad. • page --2-- ( Autol:rr t i c ) 2. Dat-ilud Requirements: beep ranter shall be compl::tO in all r-sp0cts and sl:amlchanism with consist of gthe ntetur head containing a coin operated timing and signalling Porting Pipe proper coin raceiving device, this hac.d to ba mounted upon a sup, standard securely fasten.;d in place. 1. i4:t •r 11ead : The ra°ter m:chanislc shall y o 1.1ato d in a suuivaitntl yr ;at rproof u:•=t— 1 ons'--construet:d of clmlinual alloy or le,'1rie of 9 str ngth ani•. corrosion -resistant qualities. This cas shall b0 so arrcng.d rs t° prev.nt acc.as ':o the, int.:rior icapt through the oponinas providac1u°sYAall s.rvicing th.: I_ ::.nd for t A' °nineetzonid d forssorvicinl tcoin r3CM t r, and the not b:: acc::ssibl,� throu"ll th:; cp inU and th:: loci: protoctir_g th:, op:ninrg for lock ,rot.:ctinc>, the s rvicing op � g coin collectior. shall not b� operabl.: by th se k y. 111 locks shr_ll pr•:f r- :.blY b.: provicl.::1 with dust ccnvth •silhwalkrsiciagfdthr int r.jTh°was lshall.ub: door small pr.:f ,rably op: n att aching tho 1:1 :�- :r arran(,:d for 1io+rating on thl, top of a stemdcrd yAD) Of c.t least two incus •d.: for sccur;ly insi.du diwlat :r :.nd provisions sP.c.11 b.; _- cus;, to tli: pip= standard by ra,cl:cnic;:l !,I ',;'Ls' T"-.' arrngc>leilt sk_r_ll b.; an b.: r ,,v. ;C, fr0n th,, ,, that th-, 1�tsr cas-' i:ust b•: o):.n.:d b:ior. tip,: p_ip- standard. B. Instrurticr:s to ISotoristb] ciar:ct rsci;l. Sirlctior_srfordtd '.:pr pe. .l L,t:: b +ring in daily 1•:g' op ;r;+tion Of th t ;r, ti;. pa l:ir.�, tilaa li :itation n.,. t r t•:r numbor. r. . 1"1 •sc: a.tal plats shall -, of :.:at•..ric_1 and finasY. w:ich Pili crat' st.^nd continu. pools to atrlosph--- conditions. 'i^,; coir. ::acaop rslot tionof tho instruction Dlatl b.: can the sid•nr.:'k side of thJ ^::ter cess ca_d i S,c.11 Baso be 011 the side+r<+lk sidd. C. Clock L10chanism : The ra'.t.,r clock ci:anisLn shell indiczt:: cOrr-ct title ;tet all t,::".P" tarots batt er.:linus Mfr° .,nd plus 130°F.,. with an error not to o.:c,vd two :ainut s i>::r ;:our, and s'aall b, so r gelded that for any int.:rval of escoedin, two hours th, inuic'At',, d tiL�,shall b-, inUsuch ,,cruel Aapsed til.,::. (That is, Mn.y dir:ctior. t�:a,t ti: :i tE],ock is s1o:a). Til: clock re„caanisra VSc I- s�_ '11 of ::f c grad:: ass, anship ,aith g rs ar:d Pinions fr.: cf burrs. Gears s::cll b, of clock buss, st:al, or oth:r suitabl:: met.11, ..nd shall net b-, 1.;ss th::n 0.025 inc.Ws ir_ thickness. ?reit. 1,1;1t0s shall 'u: of .lock brass o-nd not l.,ss than o.0f4t inch-,s c -,slit whicl-n;ss. pr,urs and shafts shall b� drill -rod st ::1. to r.1; .G t'r.•; t_; t11 of ti esc �p„m:ant wiic:.;l si:c;i.l b:: of 1..011.;1 natal or st')"l. Til r.,nin sprint shall b : .mclos.d in c barr:;l or othorcris., so constrain,d as to r; a. ,nt dFu•mr to oth::r parts 0f th.; r.wc_:anism in case1of spring benau]uri not operation shall b:: by a l.:v::r .scapcmant end bees^.ace vr_. ,1 0r by P :or t'_Aan ttse (3) inches in l:sngth. ilio nn:v::r.:,,nt snnll L: protoctod against coric,s :. oy l+iccu.:ring, ci;rcm r.jun pl ting, or otll.:r suitable; r:eans. r ::cl:anisr.: sit>'.11 b.. wound b?r a sp :c -u_ erinding $0Y• Th:, clock iod o at least SLAY shall bo ca-),bl.: of running continuously for a Y.;r hours tiaawn windings. '121.; clock sl.nll t ep ret; continuously but shall col -11, t0 r st aft,r v ci, op.,rating cyclo 01 tlra r:.,t. r has b011 con,platd. page--3- (Aut Orx;t is ) Thi ontir� meter og3rating maehanism (including th^ clock mechanism) shrill pref;rably ba constructed as a eo:ipletely ass :abl::d singl, unit so that it may readily ba r•:r::ov.;d c;nd replaced as a whole vrithout ru ioving or disasser:bl- ing the nat:.r cas;:. In addition to the visible signal ✓✓tach indicc:tes whati:er th•) space is "in us", or "available" there shall b•; providaa a graduated scall, the srallast gradu..tion rut to axcocd fivo minutes. This fscale islttodindicrts,either ttotal 1.ngth of tir:e still romaininE; bafor! th pinking :' elapsed tine from the beginning of tiia harking p:riod. The eacter�signals shall. Ue plainly visibl, from both riodf s ia11c U wUit000rt`groiaTl, tLndTl uvgr dl �c1"sorb indicating th �r_ use p� gn.' :'viol:.tion" si&•nal shall bo rad. Tl'O1opindicGtionll dichari,iblr at the si is sh:.11 prai,.rably b such Ll:at only T). Coir Rocootacla cc: I -,,-,t :r si,:al b:: provid d rriti: trro r,"Ovabl3 ovision ccir_ r,c;ptacl i'ur r.ec,rtiing and ret wining tai, coins d posited. Th r_c ptacl., s1Lc11 be of substantial cMst tcorin. dfrcor,ollOf coinotfror..i'thcrr,copttrrcl- by sl.nll : read:, aha -at providing rc:ans for locking or soaiiug taw op nine prcviduC for tl:u r:a..cby of coins, .red by a d vie: cc pr -,v --"t r.,;aoval o?' t;.; coinr t:c:rouGh th slot by othah th.;y rscry t::r th recnttf.'er th racl•ptior.shall hn ltc�: cunvc�t'_�mc z ofJth Js:_Scoiii ntoother mec]lanical ::quipn coin r;c ;tacls. Ti.: roc,' tacl, Shu l fit c:ccuri'toly un�skl� y to shallu ret rin ot of t.! !�.-'t '.P *13ci:.'II118T-A so ._,at call coins t:*.eL nr.y tor 1.'. T_ Grin Uo.:. It shell not b�: possible to ; splr.c, tl::. coin bot?r that coil's cuine, of do nut .ants it. Tl:: coin slot s::r:.11. of such dinaisinuenc. coir.•s. lar&::r or stt.all -:r diar.,,t :r or thickn'ss t..ai: t' -'t of T.o parking s:c.t,rs s:cil be nu;ab. _.d cons.acutiv.ay :rith 'c g;inrinE rrit_= Sdo.l. Auto�caaic Ccunt :r Bidd rs in submitting prupos`ls shall ,uotz c-trn cost ui ;quipping each ret.:r writ:. an r,utor c;tic for shall to register t'i : accumulated d: posits in the tautor.'Tho auturwtic count-r�ndc`so usscoblei in th positively-actuL:tjd, nonr:voraibl: uisconnactbd iru `th, oparcting mechrnism ;,oclxmism that it ca;:ruc•t 'uc r::udily or rc: dily taT.m.,r.!d with. F. a ,,,,,.+.,, Stcndard Tl: supporting st:nd.sd s',all be of standard ,✓,,i+;'i.t steel pipe ret lu"vet 2" to dits..;t r. 7;:, length shall b_ such that good top of th, lector head eaill be apprexir,'at ay 55" abov, sidawnik l..:val. In g sido-srlks tl;, stmadards shall b.: 1: eld in rel., co by bolts sot in e concr eta bcs : u -tending to ., dept:: of lo" to 12" jlorr ti.:: sia ewll'c surfacdo tl. cf 11Tubrick or poor cond.itior. sld PF:1Ls, tL.: ccncr o bnsa lis'i to 14" ovabas«a:::nts or otit,r tuid�r(;round sr, inss::ll ubstr+;cti ns, tl .: stat:durcl shall b.: nro idi,fxs`'uf four(4)J't 3• 1cgf Uolor cs uxc11'our ti stand^rd to !.h (anal] sl::b by (L) nalLablo iron. .:.ivision rrchors. ZRx succ.,ssful bidder ba'or, U:gi, aint:. ncrY, stall sub :it a d:otail sk.;tch to t' Chi.SiiSin,::r of th, D-�art-..ont ui R,blic Mrks shoe✓inC; the proposed concr:to bas:: or fast _ ing. Page--4-- (Autorwtic ) All standards shall be galvaniz_d, traated for r::3lcing painL adhere, and painted with ono coat of'hfgh grade aluminum paint. A djeorative base fleng: shill be provided to maka a n, -,at and phasing appearing joint at the point whore tho standard joins the sidewalk, flange to ba paintod t,vo coats of aluminum paint. The dscorativ.: baso flartco shall be provided with a socket head sat screw for securing th;; flanLe to tha post. Pabruarg 21, 1946. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT A. Time of Completion: The installation of meters shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the date a,copy of the contract is delivered to the contractor in accordance with charter provisions, provided however, that if the contractors prevented from making installation within said ninety -day period by reason of strike or other cause beyond his control, the Coun- cil, by resolution, may extend said ninety -day period. B. Trial Period: The City shall have six months of meter operation a ter all meters are installed and in operation to determine the satisfactory performance of the meter installed; and in the event the City is restrained by court action from operating meters during this six-month period or a part thereof, the Council, by resolution, may extend said six -months period at its option, so as to insure a full six -months operation of said meters9 said six months or any extension thereof to be known in these specifications as the "trial period.' In the event that the meters installed under this contract do not satisfactorily perform their function at any time during the trial period, the City Council may, by resolution, cancel the contract and reject the meters. In the event of such re- jection, the City Clerk small notify the contractor by mailing to said contractor a certified copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, rejecting said meters and ordering their removal from the streets of the City of St. Paul. In case said meters are thus rejected, the same are to be removed entirely from the streets or other public ways where placed, and the streets or sidewalks restored to their normal condition within thirty (30) days after the said notice is received by the contractor, without any cost or expense to the City. C. Service During Trial Period: The contractor shall provide an expert service man locally, to make all repairs, re- piacements,and adjustments necessary for the proper operation of the parking meters during the trial period. This service representative must be available within the City of St. Paul at all times during this trial period. The contractor shall pay this service man at the current City rate for this type of serv- ice and during this period all parts, replacements, and adjust- ments required for the efficient and proper operation of said meters rovidedehowever, thattdamageshe rtotsaid or tparking no tto e supplied by meters from City, p causes beyond the control of the contractor will be paid by ,t e City. At the end of the trial period the parking meters e are to be turned over to the City in proper and satisfactory op ng condition including all installed and all spare units. D. Schedule of Payments: Payments under this contract shall be made to the contractor as follows: At the end of each thirty days during the six -months trial period a sum shall be due and payable to the contractor equal in amount to sixty (60o) per cent of the 0)receipts period, the butpnotiin anymeters caseduring excessple- Of ceding thirty (30) day the total contract price. After the expiration of the six - months trial period, a sum shall be due and payable to the con- tractor, equal in amount to sixty (60�) per cent of the receipts from the parking meters during each thirty -day period until the full amount of the contract price is paid. No obligation of any kind or nature whatsoevshall ac- crue against the City to either accept such meters or pay for the same or any part thereof except to pay sixty (60p) per cent of the receipts during the "trial period" or any extension thereof, and if the meters are accepted, sixty (60%) per cent of the receipts after the "trial period," until the full amount of the contract price has been paid. In the event the City shall be prevented from installing and/or operating such meters by final court judgment or decree then the City may reject the same without liability or obliga- tion except as provided above. E. Guarantee: The manufacturJa or seller of meters shall be required to guarantee his meters be free from defects of any kind in workmanship and parts fo period of not less than one (1) year from date of installation and shall exchange any part of any meter in which such defects appear, free of charge. This guarantee will not be required to cover damage due to ac- cidents from outside sources. A surety bond will be required to indemnify the City against loss from failure to carry out the provisions of the guarantee, in an amount equal to the total contract price. F. Financial Statement: The bidder shall submit a finan- cial statement showing current condition of concern, which statement shall accompany bid, together with a list of the of- ficers of the company, if incorporated, and if not, the names and addresses of the individual owners or partners, and a state- ment of the principal business engaged in and the period of time which it has been engaged in business. G. Certified Check: All bids are to be accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the bid. h. Reservation: The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. I. Sample deters: Each bidder shall submit with his bid two sample meters of the model bid upon for testing purposes. These sample meters shall be complete in every respect and shall be equipped with a short mounting post and portable base to facilitate testing. Une meter shall be designed for multiple coin operation (combined nickel and penny) and the other for straight nickel operation. The sample meters shall be accom- panied by specific instructions for operation of the meter. Such sample meters shall be retained for testing purposes for such time as the City Council shall determine, but not after the award of contract. _3_ J. Patents: If the parking meter furnished requiresthe use of any design, device, material or process covered by,` let- ters, patent, or copyright, the contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of this agreement shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the con- tractor and the surety shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, material, or process, or any trade mark or copyright in connection with the work agreed to be performed under the contract, and shall indemnify the City for any costs, expenses, and damages which it may be obligated to pay, by reason of any such infringement, at any time during the prosecution or after the completion of the work. K. Rules and Ordinances: The bidder is assumed to have made himself familiar with all State Laws and City Ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or em- ployed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or in any way affect the conduct of the work and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on ac- count of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of the Charter of the City Of St. Paul and of the ordinances of said City ap- plicable thereto are deemed to be a part of these specifications and the contractor will be bound by the previsions thereof. Special attention is directed to the terms of City Ordi- nance No. 69037 approved December 231 19277 being an ordinance providing that the employes on the work shall be residents of the City of St. Paul; also City Ordinance No. 5120, approved July 15, 1919, being an ordinance providing that eight (�) hours theOSt shall constitute a day's work on any work done by No. 7612, app ppr vedyMarch Paul; and also appended wage ordinance. 28, 1935, as amended. Attention is also calledto bond required nct covering blasting and permit therefor. The ftOIOOOor abond r in the to be posted under City Ordinance No. 7385 public streets is in addition to the ordinary contract bond. If the bidder or contractor shall discover any provision in the plans, specifications, or contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such law, ordinance, or regulation, he shall forthwith report it to the engineer in writing. L. Execution of Contract: The successful bidder will lbe required to enter into a written contract with the City, ac- cordance with these specifications and with the bid and award of contract, and shall execute such contract, together with a statutory form of bond, within ten days after being notified by the Corporation Council that such contract and bond are ready for execution. The contract shall not be considered as executed until it has been signed by the Comptroller and a copy of the contract delivered to the contractor. Such bond shall be in the form provided by statute to protect the City and shall be in an amount equal to the contract price. Such bond shall extend to cover the guarantee against defects in such meters, such guarantee is to be V, the contract - 4 - required by these specifications,aand considered as part of the p erforand bond. required y .. Rena___ ?T Parts: Bidders shall submit with bid e com- art which plete schedule of all parts -contained in an assembled meter) eriod of two years from the date of in - together with price and discount of each and every price shall be for a p stallation. In addition to furnishing the required number of parking ch bidder shall include in hic ea meters for installation, and delivery to the City, 3 parking bid the cost of furnishing meters complete exel,live Of tosbeofor nuselionintmainte-r each 100 meters pch nance replacements. rice of Where special cast iron post is required, theprice schedule such post shall be included as an item in the foregoing of prices. February 21, 1946 CITY OF SAn1T Pim, I.MW SOTA SPLCIFICATIONS FOR PA KING i.L:Pi+,RS 1XTUAL TYPE 1. General Requirements. This specification is dcsigpd to cover the pure:raso and installation of b:u•king notars, eomplot, in all resp3cts re.:dy for normal and proper Operation, in th., quantity giv.,i on the Formal Quotation Blank. Perking maters ,,till b, dosig,w.d to r•a ulatie ;lancing in a one hour zone. Thi number of meters 1,o ba purchased nd install:.d may be. deereasad or increased not mor:: than fifteen p=rcont(155•) at tho option of the City, Lmd in rasa of such increase or docra,s,u in th:: numb:r of tiat.:rs, the total contract price; shrill ba increas;d or d,,cr:-s;,d cit the unit price r)er meter quot,ea and incorporatod Ln the ccntrect. All raters shill b:; installed ct tho direction of and under tl:•: sup-r'vision of the Cormaission.;r of Public Works, the purchase price to be ;raid for under th,i torms pruviciva herainaftor. ;•. parking :::.it r shL11 b•� n (1c;vic: wi:i.ch shrill indic�-.ta th.�.a::on tho l ;n,_t). of Lim, aurin;; which a V.;',icl . ;any *.ark in n particular .,lace. '11-- perlcfng it.!t:rs will be srSced •.,long the cure Iin, se t1.et oil,) p.:rking rrat,r rugulate the pr,rltiLg of it singl., vahicl3. It s ;all a:rry a print. d or a suitebl- signal claorly s::< .ring thrt t;,.; parking it c particular ti,m3 is ..it,i,r °1.:g:.l parking;' or nil!-I;cl pr.rkin.i aur,. 0 -nal or u:;vice to b.: clzarly visibl.. for aistanca of fifty f ---,t, rnd pr,f->rably visibl from bot;, t!:.: front rd b,,.ck of the .n ;tar. Such parkin; .._.ear s:ial.l b:, suit - ab) - for multipl , coin op-rc.ti;:n(combinad nicl:al and E,,azny) I'or si-ty :Anut:: parind. A single penny shall provido perking for a t:-r.1v.: minut.� "-:rioa; two ponni-�s for a tvr:mty-four minute period, .,to. The waotar shall ba r_:,.dily convurtibl,: to straight rwicl:,l op:,r,-tinn. Straight ni.cka oper::tion shall b•.; far si-xty minut: p:�riod. Uaon s for straight nick, op:ration it shrill not b, up�rabla by coins of oth :r d nominr tion. Pru•king m,tars under this spocifica.tion shill bo of tho so-calL:d '4aarual" or nwanuclly oporatod typ,,, in .liich t1::• op::ration of th, m --tor is initiatod by the user &.:tar the deposit of rich Coin by tiro turning of a h;uidL or sinilar dovic-,. ixi:: coin dapoaitad to actuat:: th- met ,r si:a.11, in its dassaCa through th.e :a.'t;r, b.: positiv.,ly hold so as to b,: c1.-. rly a:.posoa to viae through a window providA for that 1urposa pr far.bly ca t!.o sidow lk side of th.: r..otar. The coin shLll b: ratoin;d thus ^.:posed to viaw, curing th:, antiro ci—rating p-,riod, and sh>.11 not b:: displ-.oad until thj coin is deposit:gid for t.h- n—A succ ,din;; up.n•ation of th:: ri.Aar. Th., n.,t.,r s:.all b; constructed of corrosion-r:sisting matari-ls. It shall b:; of substcuniL,l raid ru6j,,d construction to withstand rough usago :.n assure long l ii' : with a vininw.: cu..ount of a rvicing. Tl,a ,aorlcaanship shall be of first-class chc,r.,ct.:r th"Gughout. S:.tisfuctory :vid.:nc.; shall b- sub:::ittad b7 th.; biddor t!.zt th., model of th.: ,warkin;; s,,t:r off -rad is in production. Bidd.,rs shall furnish with tl::fr bid a c,rtifiad list showier_. citi.,s vrith nw ab:r c,i• m t,,rs of the model bid upon actually Inst. -ll -,d and in op. -ration, tog.:'th:r pith a list shooing citias :vith mLaber of mutars contr::c6.1d for but not instal.lad. P. page--2-- ,(Llanual ) 2. DAail-,d Requir,mants 3ach raotar shall b) complet:, in all respacts and shall consist of a mator lc.,ad containing.a coin oporat�d timing and signalling mechanism :with the prop ;r coin roceiving davica, t .is l ad to b:: rmount d upon a supportin+ pip:: standard s,curely fastau,d in t lac A. 1.:A -r Head : The .uet.,r m.:chanism s:,all b: ,nclos,d in a subst,_nti,•l ra,atharproof n3tal case constructA of aluminum alloy or riatarial of aquiva- lant str=gth and corrosion resistant qu:;liti s. This c _sa shall b . so a.• arranged as to prevent access tc tn-i irt,rior e)_copt through tha openincs provided for sarviciut; tLo mater and for ti— collection of coins. TI-.- recaptaela sluall not be-ccassibl, t_rrough the opening provided for sarvicinc; the mater, and tha lock prot::ctinG the servicing opanir.(; and the lock are- tactin(; tL'c opaninh for coin collection' shall not be oporcble by tna sure k,y. All locks shall prafarable bu provided with dust covars. Tha s,.rvicin;3 door and the coin collection door shall preferably op,n on the sidowa-:lk side cf the matar. Th% case shall be arranged for mounting cu the top of a standc.rd pipa of at least two inch :s inside dic:matar :and provisions sha11 ba ia,1: foi�l securely attac-in; t'.: r.u,ter cas•, to tipn pip, stand<rd by mac-anical :i,ans. This arrarg.,n-,r.t shall ba suc'. that th,, rr,;tar ccs must ba op.,nA b,fcra the mctar can b, r moved from tha pip, standard. B. Instructions to 1otorist: Thu za-ter cast: shall ba provided with e. neral plata b.,aring in ;,asily logibla characters the dir.actions for the prop::r op;,ration of th.: :.iotor, th, parkir 6 tinta limitation, cmc; tl:a ;star Lulab :r. These m,tal plates shall ba of a riat:,rial and finish wc•_ieL• will withstEmd- continu,d axposur.; to atnosph•.ric conditions. Tl,, coin antranco slot of the nat:,r shall b„ on th, sidewalk sido of tha imater case and the oporction instruction plata slull also b.: on tha sidewalk side. C. Clock_ bl::chanisrr : Tt,a mat -,r clock iaschanis^_ shall indicat, cermet tire, at all trip-,ratur,s b:twaon minus 300 and plus 1300 F., :rith an error not to o._caed trio minut.:s p:.r hour, ails shall'b-, so ratgulated ths.t for any tiraa int::rval nct ai.caadin(,; two hours the indicated tire.: s_,all not axcudd the actual alaps-,d tiria. (That is, any error in the indieat<:d tine stall ba in such a dir.)ction t at tha clock is slow.) Th-, clock mechanism thro41out shall ba of :iigl. grad-, workaranship with g.,ars and pinions fr:a of burrs. Gears shall be of clock brass, staal, or oth, r suitabl.: Ya -,td, end shall not bu 1 -:ss tiirur 0.025 inches in thiclmass. Train plats shall b.: o£ clock brass tins not Lass t:..,n 0.04 inch.;s in thick- nass. Arbors and shafts shall b,., drill -rod steal. Th- portion of the pallet vrhicli :n;�Ev, ti:,: t-, t1: of tl:: .acc.p.,:lant 1111�31 s:Lall 'OU of monol n;t:.l or st;;al. Th ruin spring s_,all b., anclos,d in e Barr l or oth„rwisa so con- strained as to pr::v,ntda-ua*j to otli r p;arts of tlir, iaaciianism in caso of spring broakaga. The clock ._ovali.nt sa�11 be spring actuet,d, to :;, vrouaid at ac;ch coin ins-,rticn acid turning of t:. i handl.! by tl,.: us -,r, :aid shall ^,v; surl,lus power cv.,r and -bov., that r.,quir.,d to o^.,ra: ti_-, T ,t -r for th., spacifi,d period. T'i, , �ntir: i,:at-r op,ratiiiG :._ich pis:. (includinG the clock rr,cl,i-nisn) shallpr ;f.ra�'_y b:: constructed as a cospl,t:ly ass_:i:iblad sin(;1, unit so teat i Pag„--3-- (lianual ) it nay raadily,b ; r ^'`%v'd ad r_,plac::d as a whole "'ithout r eacving or dis- ass.:t:aline; t11-1- m;;tur case. In adcition to the visibl•, signal wlaeh indieotns crh _r th space n "availabl+' ti_ar,: shall b� i+rovided a graduated scala, the is "in us,e er c•, d fiv.: minutes. T%is scala is tc indicate s: allst gra,ducti.on. net to riod a.+pires, r the L;rLt? of time still rs.3ini.ng b.fofathY?; rkin gp,riod. Th: or tL.: tctol ':laps.:d tri-; from tl_ Uu6inninl sir is sLc11 pr.=f :r oly Uo piz:inly visibly from both t'..; front nd beck of t : • t.:r. 'li:� Graduat:,� seal.: indicating th "in use” period shall b. r"It'a or gr n, nd t:,= "i1L a1" cr °viol-aior.° sii�aal shall be I. -Id. Th oparction d cl:aract r of th; siuls shall pr --f- ar b suci. tl:ct only ono indication is visibl.: at a tiL: i,iith o r�-olx-lble I}, rn;n Roc ntaclo : '.ach +.::ear shall "tl. rccinsadwpositfeC,. T1w rocoptacl_: coin r.c_.tacl-s for r_,cAvisg and r;tainin„ rat tial. Provision shall bs o£ substantial construction of corrosion r istin 3',_011 J ::ted a 0inst th; unaut'_wriL d r_ r•:wal of coins from th. roc.:ptacl by rovidin r.!eans fcr`lookigvic ntoorrsv ntnr iovalpoflt coinsathrough thfor the r slotby of coins, and by'� ;rl.ich th.:y ant:;r tl;o racaptacl,,. Th, ixs`-L11 contwin tile r..:cassasy slot ,nd oth,:r V.-'e:ar_ieLl a,ui?:=nt for the tacl tshz:llnfitllaccur,tYlycur_dfr or su coins to th- coin roc.ptucla. 1.: r.:cnp 1'cr p-s.rking into the coir. slot £ tYLo :.ator r.:.;cl:anis c so t: at ell coins that, pay vita s: all :nt r the coin bo::. It s?:all not be possibly to r.:ispl: c; ti':a coin ooi, s rt,L:etccoinsaofnot 2nrJurls*:all.:t. lrh�r diam toin �r oratL•icLmussll b-stcanat::ctsofn3 is g nuino coins - The ,.skin+3 r.,etnrs shall b, nunbar d consecutively with llurd :rs 'a•ninning with A?c,l. E Auto,aatic Caint:r o__ Biturraitn an autt-,atic counter to `roCisttr the :�_tre. cost cf a ,uia, L acc'slulat,d d'Posits in t;:a ..jeter• Z°^ -'= -.,.,.tic counterasa-so nssclfblhd in ,�ositiv.:ly-actuat�Q, .Onr.,v rsibl , no disctr lctt� fro•: the operating th„ rauchanisn that it cannut b.: r.:c:dily chmisr:: or r; e.G.ly t ::pared with. F. 4,r•• orting standard : `Pl' ' su, Curtin;; st,.neard shall 'o. of stand rd u at lust 2" in dia:a t r, 1;:: L;n th shall Ur sucl: that tl:e vr1ight st.:a %i 4 v 0buv:: sid,malk Laval. In good top of tl, : rot r b red will uc api pro-:imat 1.Y �5 bolts s.,t in n concret,: he3c sidewalks the standcrds s;:all Uc hcld.in _alacu Uy u,_t,:nding to a d_ptit of 10" to 12" bol.ovr tit<: sidowalk surfao-:;• In dirt, brick or poor condition sidewalks, the concret-, bas: ss 011 hav a d pth of from 18" to 21,". N'h -,r -co.t:,rs are install.,d ov.,r bas.na:nts or oth;;r underground 1LM obstructions, the standard 311011. b, ,)Mvidad ;with a olt`flan agfor mo atin ts stwida d to the sidowalk slaU Uy r:eans of four(4) ii four (l) r:a11,nU1.- iter. ?,zmsior.. ancL•ora. Thr- successful bidder before b :�;irsiing work ahz11 sul'.�,it a detail sko tch to the: c vi f Agin r of the I):nart: n'c of Public dVorlcs showing th : pro;ros:d concr:rta Unso or fnst.:ning. r pa6,: -3-- (Llanual ) it may readily b:; rxr, :v d ad roplaced as a whole without roTacving or dis- a58,`10'ling th.; 11etcr case. In addition to thu visibl,: signal w;_ieh indico.tas vrh:;tl::r the space is 1iin us,," or "availabl " tl_ar,, shall ba provided. a graduated scala, the s:all.,st greduction not to ..,:c• :d fiv: minutos. T%is scal.: is to indicate ;ith:r thu lur.Ctiof tirao still rz:3ining bofora tl:_; narking period e:,pirus, or tl:., total :laps.:d tin, fruLi th,� babinninG of the ;,arkint; period. Th; 1.vADr si--nals sliall pr;:f,rai;ly be plainly visible from both t1:., frunt ;:nd back_ of th.! r. .,t r. Th-- graduat:.d seal: indi.catin{ tho "in use" period shall b.: vrLita nci t:... "ill gal" or "viol tion" signal shall ba rod. Th operation ^r.d cLcract,r of the sisals shall pr.:farably bo such tint only on-, indication is visibly at a tuns. D. Coin R,,coptacle : oath L.:aur st:all'L: •rcvi(_:d with two r,...ovable coin r;c.:ptacl,s .for racoiving and r>tainin„ th.: coins d:;positud. The receptacle shall `•a of substantial construction of corrosion resisting natoriul. Provision Lall ' i.mado aLninst the unauthorized reLA.Val of coins from th.� racoptaclo by providir.� means for locking or su;;l.in, ti13 opening providad for th o ra;.: val of coins, and by a d .Vic.: 'to pr.:v�nt rouoval of thj coins throu6h th, slot by wl.ich th,:y anter tho r;:ceptaclu. *nl,: r,t;:t:,r shall contain the nucossnry slot a_d other Lti„char_ical aV,uipn:nt for the r,c,ption and the conv.;yanco of th-'se coins to th- coin rec:ptucla. 1^.. r.:c ptacl.: sinal fit accurat ly ur_dor or into tine coin slot of the r.:atar n.,chanisn so that all coins t,tc;t ray for perking tii.i� s all ,mt„r the coin bo::. It shall not be possible to 1.;isplLc: tl,o coin box so t_u:.t coins do not _ntar it. 7Tr3 coin slot shall b; of such di_.:onsions ss to r:j:ct coins of larg.x or smallsr dia_nat.:r or tLicknsss than that of G-muino coins. Tho ;x,.rkinG L„t�-rs shall b nuzbar-,d consecutively with numb irs b,,ginning with NTTo.l. E. Auto;aa.,tic Counts : Bidd,rs in suIL ttin(; proposals sh-11 quote :Xtra cost of equipping each. L:at r with an autc:aatic count :r to rogist,)r the acewaulat:d u,posits in ti:a ,:iator. Thos outork.tic counter shall bo of the ,,usitiv.,ly-actuated, nonr,vsrsibl..;, nonr.s.,ttabla typ.,, and so ass.r.:blud in the n:;chanisn that it cannot ba r.:udily disccnnact..d fry,: th,• operating ::wcir.-nisra or r•xno.ly t<naparad with. F. Sug orting Standard : Th.: supcortin;; standard shall b: of standard w,ight st.;cl 1,i?u at lsast 2" in diaia,-A -r. TIu l.:n;;tii shall bo such that thu top of th-: r::,tar b :ad will be apl+ru_cimat„ly 55" abov:, sidawalk Laysl. In good sidewalks th,: standards shall bu h.;•ld_ in _.,lac,) by bolts s.jt in a conereto baso t,:ndin,: to a d_,pth of 10" to 121, balow tie_: sidewalk_ surfac,. In dirt, brick or poor condition sidewalks, the concrut: bas: si;all have• a do'pth of from 18" to 24;;- Wh:r, set;.rr aro install. ;d ov.;r bas.,M-Ints or other underground obstructions, Wo standard shall bo arovid---d -with n bolt flan&: for mounting th.; standa d to the sidowEdk slab by r:eans of four(4) k 3r lag bolts and four (4) nall, nbl.: iron o. punsior.. anckors. Th,: succ:,ssful biddor befora bop -inning work shall, sub:,it a dot Al sketch to th, Chief-,nginoer of tho D.:nart:...nt of Public Works showing the propos.:d concrata base or fastening. page--4-- (::Emual ) s -4F All standards shall bd galvmniz,d, treated for raking paint adhere, and paintod with on.: coat of hii;h grads aluminum paint. A doeorativo basa flange shall b.: providA to m,_1-: n n ;at and plausing appearing; joint at th.. point wL---,r•: t;..: standard joins th;: sid3waik, flemgs to bo p.intsd tWo coats of alumina: paint. Tho d�)corativ;; base flange shall be providad with a socket head set scr :vr for securing tho flc ge to the post. February 21, 1946. or SPBOIFIC PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT 4 A. Time of Completion: The installation of meters shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the date a copy of the contract is delivered to the contractor in accordance with charter provisions, provided however, that if the contractor is prevented from making installation within said ninety -day period by reason of strike or other cause beyond his control, the Coun- cil, by resolution, may extend said ninety -day period. B. Trial Period: The City shall have six months of meter operation after all meters are installed and in operation to determine the satisfactory performance of the meter installed; and in the event the City is restrained by court action from operating meters during this six-month period or a part thereof, the Council, by resolution, may extend said six -months period at its option, so as to insure a full six -months operation of said meters, said six months or any extension thereof to be known in these specifications as the "trial period." In the event that the meters installed under this contract do not satisfactorily perform their function at any time during the trial period, the City Council may, by resolution, cancel the contract and reject the meters. In the event of such re- jection, the City Clerk shall notify the contractor by mailing to said contractor a certified copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, rejecting said meters and ordering their removal from the streets of the City of St. Paul. In case said meters are thus rejected, the same are to be removed entirely from the streets or other public ways where placed, and the streets or sidewalks restored to their normal condition within thirty (30) days after the said notice is received by the contractor, without any cost or expense to the City. C. Service During Trial Period: The contractor shall provide an expert service man locally, to make all repairs,,re- placements,and adjustments necessary for the proper operation of the parking meters during the trial period. This service representative must be available within the City of St. Paul at all times during this trial period. The contractor shall pay this service man at the current City rate for this type of serv- ice and during this period all parts, replacements, and adjust- ments required for the efficient and proper operation of said meters shall be supplied by the contractor at no cost to the City, provided however, that damages to said parking meters from causes beyond the control of the contractor will be paid by the City. At the end of the trial period the parking meters are to be turned over to the City in proper and satisfactory operating condition including all installed and all spare units. D. Schedule of Payments: Payments under this contract shall be made to the contractor as follows: At the end of each thirty days during the six -months trial period a sum shall be due and payable to the contractor equal in amount to sixty (600), per cent of the receipts from the parking meters during the pre- ceding thirty (30)'day period, but not in any case in excess of - 2 - the total contract price. After the expiration of the six - months trial period, a sum shall be due and payable to the con- tractor, equal in amount to sixty (60j0 per cent eriodhuntilethes of from the parking meters during each thirty -day p full amount of the contract price is paid. No obligation of any kind or nature whatsoever shall ac- crue against the City to either accept such meters or pay aef or the same or any part thereof except to pay sixty (60p) per cent of the receipts during the "trial period" or any extension thereof, and if the meters are accepted, sixty (60%) p er cent of the receipts after the "trial period," until the full amount of the contract price has been paid. In the event the City shall be prevented from installing and/or operating such meters by finalcourt judgment or decree then the City may reject the same without liability or obliga- tion except as provided above. E. Guarantee: The manufacturer or seller of meters shall be required to guarantee his meters to be free from defects of any kind in workmanship and parts for a period of not less than one (1) year from date of installation and shall exchange any part of any meter in which such defects appear, free of charge. This guarantee will not be required to cover damage due to ac- cidents from outside sources. A surety bond will be required to indemnify the City against loss from failure to carry out the provisions of the guarantee, in an amount equal to the total contract price. F. Financial Statement: The bidder shall submit a finan- cial statement showing current condition of concern, which statement shall accompany bid, together with a list of the of- ficers of the company, if incorporated, and if not, the names and addresses of the individual owners or partners, and a state - went of the principal business engaged in and the period of time which it has been engaged in business. G. Certified Check: All bids are to be accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the bid. H. Reservation: The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. I. Sample Meters: Each bidder shall submit with his bid two sample meters of the model bid upon for testing purposes. These sample meters shall be complete in every respect and shall be equipped with a short mounting post and portable base to facilitate testing. Une meter shall be designed for multiple coin operation (combined nickel and penny) and the other for straight nickel operation. The sample meters shall be accom- panied by specific instructions for operation of the meter. Such for such timelasmtherCityall be Councileshallddetermine,nbutunotses r after the award of contract. 9 3 - J'. Patents: If the parking meter furnished requires the use of any design, device, material, or process covered by let- ters, patent, or copyright, the contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of this agreement shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the con- tractor and the surety shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any.and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, material, or process, or any trade mark or copyright in connection with the work agreed to be performed under the contract, and shall indemnify the City for any costs, expenses, and damages which it may be obligated to pay, by reason of any such infringement, at any time during the prosecution or after the completion of the work. K. Rules and Ordinances: The bidder.is assumed to have made himself familiar with all State Laws and City Ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or em- ployed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or in any way affect the conduct of the worn and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on ac- count of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of the Charter of the City of St. Paul and of the ordinances of said City ap- plicable thereto are deemed to be a part of these specifications and the contractor will be bound by the provisions thereof. Special attention is directed to the terms of City Ordi- nance No. 6903, approved December 239 1927, being an ordinance providing that the employes on the work shall be residents of the City of St. Paul; also City Ordinance No. 5120, approved July 15, 1919, being an ordinance providing that eight (i.) hours shall constitute a day's work on any work done by the City of St Paul; and also appended gage ordinance No. 7612, approved March to CitLrdinanCE 28, 1935, as amended. Attention is also calledbobond required covering blasting and permit therefor. The "P5,000 excavation in the to be posted under City Ordinance No. 7385 fo public streets is in addition to the ordinary contract bond. If the bidder or contractor shall discover any provision in the plans, specifications, or contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such law, ordinance, or regulation, he shall forthwith report it to the Lngineer in writing. L. Execution of Contract: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract with the City, in ac- cordance with these specifications and with the bid and award of contract, and shall execute such contract, together with a statutory form of bond, within ten days after being notified by the Corporation Council that such contract and bond are ready for execution. The contract shall not be considered as executed until it has been signed by the Comptroller and a copy of the contract delivered to the contractor. Such bond shall be in the form provided by statute to price. Such Cbond ity ashall nd aextend ll be itoacover uthe nt eguarantee qual to hagaiact against 4 - defects in such meters, required by these specifications, and such guarantee is to be considered as part of the performance required by the contract and bond. Ni. Repair Partsa Bidders shall submit with bid a com- plete schedule of all parts contained in an assembled meter, toether each and frometheydatetowhich fin- stallation. In addition to furnishing the required number of parking meters for installation, each bidder small include in hisbasic bid the cost of furnishing and delivery to the City, 3 parking metes cmplete with post ion, for eachr100ometers purchased,esuch smeters toive of sbeofor nuse lintmainte- nance replacements. Where special cast iron post is required, the price of such post shall be included as an item in the foregoing schedule of prices. February 21, 1946 0. CITX OF SAINT PAUL, LINNLSUTA ----- SPLCIFICATIUNS FOR PARKING khTLRS TWIN (UR :PLURAL SPACE) AUTULuATIC TYPE 1. GENERAL RhS,.UIR LT NTS This specification is designed to cover the purchase and installation of parking meters, complete in all respects ready for normal and proper operation, in the quantity given on the Formal quotation blank. Parking meters will be designed to regulate parking in a one hour zone. The number of meters to be purchased and installed may be decreased or increased not more than fifteen per cent (100 at the option of the City; and in case of such increase or decrease in the number of meters, the total contract price shall be increased or decreased at the unit price per meter quoted and incorporated in the contract. All meters shall be installed at the direction of and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, the purchase price to be paid for under the terms provided hereinafter. A parking meter shall be a device which shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may park in a particular place. The parking meters will be spaced along the curb line so that one parking meter will regulate the parking of two vehicles. It shall carry a printed legend or a suitable sig- nal clearly showing that the parking at a particular time is either "legal parking" or "illegal parking," such signal or de- vice to be clearly visible for a distance of fifty feet and to be plainly visible from both the front and back of the meter. Such parking meter shall be suitable for multiple coin operation (combined nickel and penny) for a sixty -minute period. A single penny shall provide parking for a twelve -minute period; two pennies for a twenty-four minute period; etc. The meter shall be readily convertible to straight nickel operation. Straight nickel operation shall be for a sixty -minute period. When set for straight nickel operation it shall not be operable by coins of other denomination. Parking meters under this specification shall be of the fully "automatic" type, in which the operation is completely automatic after the coin has been inserted and re- quires no further action on the part of the motorist. The coin deposited to actuate the meter shall, in its passage through the meter, be positively held so as to be clear- ly exposed to view through a window provided for that purpose preferably on the.sidewalk side of the meter. The coin shall be retained thus exposed to view, during the entire operating period, and shall not be displaced until the coin is deposited for the next succeeding operation of the meter. The meter shall be constructed of corrosion -resisting materials. It shall be of substantial and rugged construction to withstand rough usage and assure long life with a minimum amount of servicing. The workmanship shall be of first-class character throughout. -2- (Twin) 2-(Twin) Satisfactory evidence shall be submitted by the bidder that the --model of the parking meter offered is in production. Bidders shall furnish with their bid a certified list showing cities with number of meters of the model bid upon actually in- stlled and in operation, together with a list showing cities with number of meters contracted for but not installed. 2. DETAILED Rt UIRU ENTS Each meter shall be complete in all respects and shall consist of a meter head containing a coin-operated timing and signaling mechanism with the proper coin -receiving device, this head to be mounted upon a supporting pipe standard securely fastened in place. A. MA er Head: The meter mechanise, shall be enclosed in a substantial weather-proof metal case constructed of aluminum alloy or material of equivalent strength and corrosion -resistant qualities. This case shall be so arranged as to prevent access to the interior except through the openings provided for servic- ing the meter and for the collection of coins. The coin recep- tacle shall not be accessible through the opening provided for servicing the meter, and the lock protecting the servicing open- ing and the lock protecting the opening for coin collection shall not be operable by the same key. All locks shall prefer- ably be provided with dust covers. The servicing door and the coin collection door shall preferably open on the sidewalk side of the meter. The case shall be arranged for mounting on the top of a' standard pipe of at least two inches inside diameter, and provisions shall be made for securely attaching the meter case to the pipe standard by mechanical means. This arrangement shall be such that the meter case must be opened before the meter can be removed from the pipe standard. B. Instructions to motorist: The meter case shall be provided with a metal plate bearing in easily legible characters the directions for the proper operation of the meter, the park- ing time limitation, and the meter number. These metal plates shall be of a material and finish which will withstand continued exposure to atmospheric conditions. The coin entrance slot of the meter shall be on the sidewalk side of the meter case and the pperation instruction plate shall also be on the sidewalk side. C. Clock mechanism: The meter clock mechanism shall indicate correct time at all temperatures between minus 30 and Plus 1300F., with an error not to exceed two minutes per hour, and shall be so regulated that for any time interval not exceed- ing two hours the indicated time shall not exceed the actual elapsed time. (That is, any error in the indicated time shall be in such a direction that the clock is slow.) The clock mechanism throughout shall be of high-grade workmanship with gears and pinions free of burrs. Gears shall be of clock brass, steel, or other suitable metal, and shall not be less than 0.025 inches in thickness. Train plates shall -3- (Twin) be of clock brass and not less than 0.04 inches in thickness. Arbors and shafts shall be drill -rod steel. The portion of the pallet which engages the teeth of the escapement wheel shall be of monel metal or steel. The main spring shall be enclosed in a barrel or otherwise so constrained as to prevent damage to other parts of the mechanism in case of spring breakage. Opera- tion shall be by a lever escapement and balance wheel or by a pendulum not more than three (3) inches in length. The movement shall be protected against corrosion by lacquering, chromium plating, or other suitable means. The mechanism shall be wound by a special winding key. The clock shall be capable of running continuously for a period of at least sixty hours between windings. The clock shall not operate continuously but shall come to rest after each operating cycle of the meter has been completed. The entire meter -operating mechanism (including the clock mechanism) shall preferably be constructed as a completely as- sembled single unit so that it may readily be removed and re- placed as a whole without removing or disassembling the meter case. 1 In addition to the visible signal which indicates whether the space is "in use" or "available" there shall be provided a graduated scale, the smallest graduation not to exceed five minutes. This scale is to indicate either the length of time still remaining before the parking period expires, or the total elapsed time from the beginning of the parking period. The meter signals shall be plainly visible from both the front and back of the meter. The graduated scale indicating the "in use" period shall be white or green, and the "illegal" or "violation" signal shall be red. The operation and character of the signals shall preferably be such that only one indication is visible at a time. D. Coin Receptacle: Each meter shall be provided with two removable coin receptacles for receiving and retaining the coins deposited. The receptacle shall be of substantial con- struction of corrosion -resisting material. Provision shall be made against the unauthorized removal of coins from the recep- tacle by providing means for locking or sealing the opening provided for the removal of coins, and by a device to prevent removal of the coins through the slot by which they"enter the receptacle. The meter shall contain the necessary slot and other mechanical equipment for the reception and the conveyance of these coins to the coin receptacle. The receptacle shall fit accurately under or into the coin slot of the meter mechan- ism so that all coins that Nay for parking time shall enter the coin box. It shall not be possible to misplace the coin box so that -coins do not enter it. The coin slot shall be of such dimensions as to reject coins of larger or smaller diameter or thickness than that of genuine coins. The parking meters shall be numbered consecutively with numbers beginning with No, 1. -4 - (Twin) L. Automatic Counter: Bidders in submitting proposals shall quote extra cost of equipping each meter with an automatic counter to register the accumulated deposits in the meter. The automatic counter shall be of the positively -actuated, nonrevers- ible, nonresettable type, and so assembled in the mechanism that it cannot be readily disconnected from the operating mechanism or readily tampered with. F. Supporting Standard: The supporting standard shall be of standard weight steel.pipe at least 2-11 in diameter or of ornamental cast iron design equivalent in strength to a 2z" diameter steel pipe. The length shall be such that the top of the meter head will be approximately 55" above sidewalk level. In good sidewalks the standards shall be held in place by bolts set in a concrete base extending to a depth of 10" to 12" below the sidewalk surface. In dirt, brick, or poor condition side- walks, the concrete base shall have a depth of from 18" to 24". ovhere meters are installed over basements c,r other under- ground obstructions, the standard shall be provided with a bolt flange for mounting the standard to the sidewalk slab by means of four (4) * x A lag bolts and four (4) malleable iron expan- sion anchors. The successful bidder before beginning work shall submit a detail sketch to the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works showing the proposed concrete base or fastening. All standar& shall be galvanized, treated for making paint adhere, and painted with one coat of high-grade aluminum paint. A decorative base flange shall be provided to make a neat and pleasing appearing joint at the point where the standard joins the sidewalk, flange to be painted two coats of aluminum paint. The decorative base flange shall be provided with a socket head set screw for securing the flange to the post. February 21, 1946 SPECIFIC PRUVISIONS QF,CUNTRACT A. Time of Completion: The installation of meters shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the date a copy of the contract is delivered to the contractor in accordance with charter provisions, provided however, that if the contractor is prevented from making installatiDn within said ninety -day period by reason of strike or other cause beyond his control, the Coun- cil, by resolution, may extend said ninety -day period. B. Trial Period: The City shall have six months of meter operation after all meters are installed and in operation to determine the satisfactory performance of the meter installed; and in the event the City is restrained by court action from operating meters during this six-month period or a part thereof, the Council, by resolution, may extend said six -months period at its option, so as to insure a full six -months operation of said meters, said six months or any extension thereon to be known in these specifications as the "trial period." In the event that the meters installed under this contract do not satisfactorily perform their function at any time during the trial period, the City Council may, by resolution, cancel the contract and reject the meters. In the event of such re- jection, the City Clerk shall notify the contractor by mailing to said contractor a certified copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, rejecting said meters and ordering their removal from the streets of the City of St. Paul. In case said meters are thus rejected, the same are to be removed entirely from the streets or other public ways where placed, and the streets or sidewalks restored to their normal condition within thirty (30) days after the said notice is received by the contractor, without any cost or expense to the City. C. Service During Trial Period: The contractor shall provide an expert service man locally, to make all repairs, re- placements,and adjustments necessary for the proper operation of the parking meters during the trial period. This service representative must be available within the City of St. Paul at all times during this trial period. The contractor shall pay this service man at the current City rate for this type of serv- ice and during this period all parts, replacements, and adjust- ments required for the efficient and proper operation of said meters shall be supplied by the contractor at no cost to the City, provided however, that damages to said parking meters from causes beyond the control of the contractor will be paid by the City. At the end of the trial period the parking meters are to be turned over to the City in proper and satisfactory operating condition including all installed and all spare units. D. Schedule of Payments: Payments under this contract shall be made to the contractor as follows: At the end of each thirty days during the six -months trial period a sum shall be due and payable to the contractor equal in amount to sixty (60.) per cent of the receipts from the parking meters during the pre- ceding thirty .(30) day period, but not in any case in excess of - 2 - the total contract price. After the expiration of the six months trial period, a sum shall be due and payable to the con- tractor, equal in amount to sixty (60W per cent of the receipts from the parking meters during each thirty -day period until the full amount of the contract price is paid. No obligation of any kind or nature whatsoever shall ac- crue against the City to either accept such meters or pay for the same or any part thereof except to pay sixty (6W per cent of the receipts during the "tial period" or any extension thereof, and if the meters are accepted, sixty (60%) per cent of the receipts after the "trial period," until the full amount of the contract price has been paid. In the event the City shall be prevented from installing and/or operating such meters by final court judgment or decree then the City may reject the same without liability or obliga- tion except as provided,above. E. Guarantee: The manufacturer or seller of meters shall be required to guarantee his meters to be free from defects of any kind in workmanship and parts for a period of not less than one (1) year frow date of installation and shall exchange any part of any meter in which such, defects appear, free of charge. This guarantee will not be required to cover damage due to ac- cidents from outside sources. A surety bond will be required to indemnify the City against loss from failure to carry out the provisions of the guarantee, in an amount equal to the total contract price. F. Financial Statement: The bidder shall submit a finan- cial statement showing current condition of concern, which statement shall accompany bid, together with a list of the of- ficers of the company, if incorporated, and if not, the names and addresses of the individual owners or partners, and a state- ment of the principal business engaged in and the period of time which it has been engaged in business. G. Certified Check: All bids are to be accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the bid. H. Reservation: The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. I. Sample Meters: Each bidder shall submit with his bid two sample meters of the model bid upon for testing purposes. These sample meters shall be complete in every respect and shall be equipped with a short mounting post and portable base to facilitate testing. Une meter shall be designed for multiple coin operation (combined nickel and penny) and the other for straight nickel operation. The sample meters shall be accom- panied by specific instructions for operation of the meter. Such sample meters shall be retained for testing purposes for such time as the City Council shall determine, but not after the award of contract. -3- J. Patents: If the parking meter furnished requires the use of any design, device, material, or process covered by let- ters, patent, or copyright, the contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a_copy of this agreement shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the con- tractor and the surety shall indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, material, or process, or any trade mark or copyright in connection with the work agreed to be performed under.the contract, and shall indemnify the City for any costs, expenses, and damages which it may be obligated to pay, by reason of any such infringement, at any time during the prosecution or after the completion of the work. K. Rules and Ordinances: the bidder is assumed to have made himself familiar with all State Laws and City Ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect triose engaged or em- ployed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or in any way affect the conduct of the work and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on ac- count of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of the Charter of the City of St. Paul and of the ordinances of said City ap- plipable thereto are deemed to be a part of these specifications and the contractor will be bound by the provisions thereof. Special attention is directed to'the terms of City Ordi- nance No. 6903, approved December 23, 1927, being an ordinance providing that the employes on the work shall be residents of the City of St. Paul; also City Ordinance No. 5120, approved July 15, 1919, being an ordinance providing that eight (t.) hours shall constitute a day's work on any work done by the City of St. Paul; and also appended wage ordinance No. 7612, approved March 28, 1935, as.amended. Attention is also called to City GTdinanCE covering blasting and permit therefor. The X5,000 bond required to be posted under City Ordinance No. 7385 for excavation in the public streets is in addition to the ordinary contract bond. If the bidder or contractor shall discover any provision in the plans, specifications, or contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such law, ordinance, or regulation, he shall forthwith report it to the ngineer in writing. L. Execution of Contract: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract with the City, in ac- cordance with these specifications and with the bid and award of contract, and shall execute such contract, together with a statutory form of bond, within ten days after being notified by the Corporation Council that such contract and bond are ready for execution. The contract shall not be considered as executed until it has been signed by the Comptroller and a copy of the contract delivered to the contractor. Such bond shall be in the form provided by statute to protect the City and shall be in an amount equal to the contract price. Such bond shall extend to cover the guarantee against - 4 _ defects in such meters, required by these specifications, and such guarantee is to be considered as part of the performance required by the contract and bond. M. Repair Parts: Bidders shall submit with bid a com- plete schedule of all parts contained in an assembled meter, together with price and discount of each and every part, which price shall be for a period of two years from the date of in- stallation. In addition to furnishing the required number of parking meters for installation, each bidder shall include in his basic bid the cost of furnishing and delivery to the City, 3 parking meters complete with post exclusive of cost of installation, for each 100 meters purchased, such meters to be for use in mainte- nance replacements. Where special cast iron post is required, the price of such post shall be included as an item in the foregoing schedule of prices. AP February 21, 1946 I Original to Cit, Clerk C.F. Nn. ""O—BY button Rosen— dohesrea vith c tonLePs 14rs,-t1Qnatic on- thn—falst , NCiL •1O... CITI thaws, n d treeze-u dura., ,Y two months it was - mpin r OFFICE C a sut[ictent number otcT cks. -I e9u pmcnt o um •.._. . e. '.�� UNCIL RISC move sn v, t�,.J��.._ „,�OFZLp PRESENTED BY F COMM 1551 ONER. DATE WHEREAS, due to adverse climaticit conditions with intermittent snowfalls, thaws, and freeze-upa during the past two months it was necessary to employ a sufficient number of man, tracks, and equipment operators to -plow and remove snow, to cinder icy streets in order to make them safe for the operation of motor vehicles and for the use of the pedestrians, and to open up frozen connections to the sewer.catchbasins to prevent water during the recent thaws to flood the basements which wou3d cause a serious health menace and heavy property damage, and WHEREAS, funds appropriated for the above services so essential for the protection of health and safety of the inhabitants in the City of St. Paul were all expended to cover the cost of these services, and WHEREAS, an emergency has arisen due to the lack cf sufficient funds to Properly perform functions above stated, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow such acme as may be necessary therefor, not exceeding & .total of $58,000.00, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan or loans promissory note or notes, payable to such party w parties, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 2% par annum, said note or notes to be payable one year frost the date of execution thereof; be it FORTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13—K, all of said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removal of snow and ice from the streets of the City COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ....l -------------•-194.....- RIM Fa ..-.....--. Ye aeNays Elttifi Barfuss 4iodlan Ailproved ---------------------- .194 .. /Yarranto /in /Iseterson Favor- '- �Roaen A IIIA Mayor ------- /Truax ........... Against _,,Mr. President, McDonough I'UBLiSH2;D� 3M 9-95 .�Q Or10.1oa1 to City Clerk C.F. No. 135667—By Milton nose,— 1��V�� . Whereas, due to adverse climatic con- [[11 6 CITI ihuomes with intcrmntcAq snowfalls COUNCIL and freeze -ups dur'..,q the past vtt.e NO ------ _----------------- o the it - emplo OFFICE C a sufficient num ber tofo�-c- 'rks, Ur RESC e.—anent opn�a' e j e snow, PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. _ DATE _- SAS, due to adverse elimatictl conditions with intermittent snowfalls, theme, and freeze -ups during the past two months it was necessary to employ a sufficient number of men, trucks, and equipment operators to plow and remove snow, to cinder icy streets in order to make them safe for the operation of motor vehicles and for the use of the pedestrians, and to open up frozen connections to the sewer catchbasins to prevent water during the recent thaws to flood the basements which wou3d cause a serious health menace and heavy property damage, and WHEREAS, funds appropriated for the above services so essential for.the protection of health and safety of the inhabitants in the City of St. Paul were all expanded to cover the cost of these services, and WHEREAS, an emergency hes arisen due to the lack of sufficient funds to properly perforce flections above stated, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised to borrow such sums as may be necessary therefor, not exceeding a .total of $58,000.00, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan or loans promissory note or notes, payable to such party w parties, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 2% per annum, said note or notes to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FUTEffit RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 33-K, all of said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removal of mow and ice from the streets of the City COUNCILMEN Yeas/Nays Barfuss ,4indlan ilfarranto /Peterson /In Favor 'Rosen , fruax Against _,kr. President, McDonough 3M 9-45 ,QWQ kW 21 196 Adopted by the Council ............................. ..... 194 Approved---- ----------------.........--.------.--194------ -A 111� Mayor I'UBLSSI•iBDy� �. t original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL C LENCH. ,;FICE OF /Ty�{E CITY CLERK i COUbelL RESOLI7➢ION—GENERAL FORM Yeas RESOLVED, That the Specifications and the estimated quantities for the construction of Monolithic Concrete and Dement Tile Sidewalks in the City of St. Paul during the ,year 1946, as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it MRT-TER RI9SOTXED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for these improvements. C.F. No. 135668—ny Milton Rosary %- Resolvep. That the specifications land the estimated quantities for the`.: COD C menta Tile Siidewall. in thethiu Concrete City of mthe : Paittedu herewith by the Codurin ear mmissloher f Public works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it Further Resolved. That the Purchas- ing A eat be and he to hereby directed to advertise for bids for these im- provements. oucil Ma App%vedb MthearchC 8, n1848rch g. 7948.! . .(March 9, .1946.)_ _..... __� a4a4FH 4,:lS�v_u 3M e.4&W. „ residmt (Truax) MAR Iq-46 Adopted by the Council ..g_�.y...._....._._....____..._194_.. ... Nays MAR 6 Approved.. ..... 194.-.-. kIn Favor ..-..Against 6$ 77 Mayor a4a4FH 4,:lS�v_u 3M e.4&W. „ residmt (Truax) I ruax I Mr. President McDonough Mr. President McDonough - C.F. No. 135869 -Ordinance No .$'. By Hobert F.. Petgrson— An ortltriance.- amending 0 rdh Original to City Clerk No. 5840,entitled: . O R D ' An ordinance for the general I'm, bllc h 135669 order, canvenienc� genecal welfare the lasslflcatim• 6 / r;•+; - If iii\taL ILL %•<J. v PRESENTED BY _. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erect- ed or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said ,purposes, N approved Jule 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an eaergeaoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6840, approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further emended so as to rezone Lots $AN and NB" and Lots 6 and 7, except the easterly 16 feet, together with the vacated alley, in D. W. Moore's Addition (being bounded by Thomas Avenue, Oxford Street and Lafoad Avenue) to Light Industry District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Beatles 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss a Prra t arranto U Peterson Rosen aident Max) Attest: City Clerk 500 12-" MAR 26 JW Passed by the Counciil..-...:-.------------•--_--......_._._-- - ------ ----...In Favor ......---................. Against Approved: ................. no CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS .�� 't�'5669 March 6, 1946. A,_ Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinanceding for the rezoning of Lots "AR and aBe and Lots b and 7, except the easterly 16 feet, together with the vacated alley, in D. W. Moorels Addition, this property being bounded by Thomas, Oxford, and Lafond, to Light Industry Distric#. Very truly yours, , City Clerk. �- ��TY Op THE BOARD OF ZONING 0 s9 ar y Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 p SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE F�• March 5th, 1946• EG IN E. WAHMAN BERNARD I- -'GLNN ' CLYDE L. M -YEN JOSEPH F. REIMBOLD EPH A. TYLER -.L. A. BASSFORD GEORIGE HCM ERROLO Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In thip matter of the petition of the Sanitge Far�gterly to ft. Dairies to rezone Lots aA^ and -B„and Lots 6 and ., g pwj the vacated alley in D. W. Moorels Addition. This property is bounded on the south by Thomas, on the west by Oxford and on the north by Lafond, and has a frontage on Thomas Street of about 180 feet. The office building of the Sanitary Farm Dairies faces Thomas Street and is in a oommnercial zone. The barns and storage yards are in the rear of the office building extending this property. Then dapSpltriecaent pplicant the endsat huse theeb ildingsdforres a bottling works and will add to the office building a plant for bottling certain commodities. It is, therefore, necessary to change the zoning where the office building stands to Light Industry and extending this Light Industry to the reay walls of the stables along Lafond Street. The Commissioner of Finance reports the petition as sufficient. This property h,a been used for various purposes for a number of years, and as the applicant intends to remodel the stables end other out buildings and build anewiaddition the olto Office building for the bottling Plant proper, up e bad situation. The Board of Zoning recommend that the rezoning be approved. Yours vary truly, /A GEORGE H.'HERROLD, / Engineer-Secretexy. ghprh. enol. JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier February 20, 1946 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen. I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots "A",."B", and 6, 7 (Except alley) together with vacated alley, D. W. Moore's Add, located on Thomas Ave., Oxford St. and Lafond Ave. from Commercial and "B" Residence District to Light Industry District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very �truly, /"bn S,/ Findlan Commissioner of Finance 1� -)RO OF 't ~ CpUN7Y CO%JliYIiSSIONERS s e{ COUINIY COI/1141 For the State of Minnesota, owner of: Lots 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9, D. W. MooreIs Addition. Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, and Lot 16, Block 1, John A. Coke's Addition. I, Eugene A. Monick,,County Auditor, Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hereby join in the attached petition to rezone the property described as Lots A and B, and all of Lots 6 and 7 "except the easterly sixteen (16) feet, together with vacated alley south of said Lot 6 and A, D. W. Moore 18 Addition, pursuant to action taken by the Board of County Commissioners on February 18, 1946. it -w4 Datedi Co• Auditor. !•J APP D00 FEB 18 1946 BY BOARD OF COUNTY Ct}r,t 15S'ONERS �A CrIgbttiil to City ©-It Cy. No. 135070 --BY F"0.,.'7Zt1, Lot. ',NO.___-__________________ 135670 CITY OF ST Resolved, In connection Adili' Block IM, 1�.Irlll OFFICE OF THE I d I sl- P-1- 1, fe Inadvertence to nt. and k,, said to— �A, ..'! COUNCIL RESOLUTION- of Is rt Tlaul It- It,, 94 PRESENTED BY. 90te r .4 i:he f 'COMMISSIONER.. It RESOLVED, in connection with Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 183, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, that thra inadvertence and mistake a transfer of said property was made by the City of Saint Paul to the Port ALuthority of the City of Saint Paul In dead dated April 4, 1934, whereas, in fact, all right, title and interest which the City had In said property had formerly been transferred as follows: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 183 of Bald Addition to Van Bayne -Moran Fixture Company, by deed dated. August 19, 1931, recorded in 901 of Deeds, 274, and Lots 1 and 2, Block -183 of said Addition, to Frank Van Bayne, by deed dated January 19, 1904, recorded in Book 473 of Deeds, 434, and the Council now being informed that the Villaume Box & Lumber Company Is nowAhe owner of all right, title and Interest In said property heretofore hold by Van Duyne- Moran Fixture Company -end Frank Van Duyne, the proper officials of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to quitclaim all right, title and Interest in the property hereinabove described, to the Villaume Box & Lumber Company, for the purpose of clearing title to said property from any errors appearing therein, caused by mistake and inadvertence her6inbefore referred to , CqUNCI N Y.I= Nays �an to /Peterson en Favor Against 3M 94b4r-.g&jrcsidcnt (Traax) t Adopted by the (Mmeill ............. 194 Approved.............................. ........... 194--... ;Wifiij )1a:;;r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS O March 5, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: -Attention: Mr. Marshall P. Hurley The Council laid over to March 6th the attached resolution and requested that you check to see whether taxes have been paid on the property described therein. Very truly yours, City Clerk. i fie, S V k4 135620 W Original to City Cleric CITY FST. PAUL OFFICE 'T CLERK COUNCILR LUTION—GENERAL FORM A w -ay MUN N . -135671 DATE 3tarch 7.1946 In the matter of curbing the south side of W. Orange Street from Osage Street to North Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 135604 approved February 27, 1946. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the sane are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C.F, No. 135671— By Milt.. Rosen— Lt the matter f curbing the south side of W. Orange Street from Osage Street to North Victoria Street. under Preliminary Order C.F. 135604, approved February 27, 1946. Resolved. That all orders in the above matter be and the same a hereby j cancelled, annulled and rescinded and, all proceedings in such matter discon- tinued. Adopted by the Council9fi. March 7. 1946. Approved March 7, 19 (March 9. 1946.) M1AR 7 r--s COUNCI MEN Adopted by the CouneiL-----------------------------...194...... Yeas Nays Approved "I. Ba ss �lan /--------------•-.......... - 194------ a nto /Pe son . ............In Favor ,-............... ..--- -- �CitlO�k Mayor ...-.-Against 'h am o-4Mr. est#resident (Truax) 1356'72 COUNCIL NO. FILE oaslnv to car CI -k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f� - 4 Q ���.,( /1�,��/.� DAT PRESENTED BY E red El Tr ti t COMMISSIONER Superintendent of Schools, be and he is arshall, is, to attend the RESOLVED, That James E. M hereby authorized and c to Chicago. Illino directed to g annual meeting of the American Association of Sinclusivchool vr e; his to be held in said city March 11, to 14. 1946• to be paid from Education Administration Fund 15 B 3• COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �a uss �lan anto • c �rson Own IMs`ROMIh am a -it AAr,,,W®e President (Truax) In Favor _,against IC.F. No. 135672-13Y Fred M. Truax— Resolved. That James E. Marshall, hereby t authorized Sand direateddtoe'o to Chicago, nhnflsieo Amertan 'Ass-- n al meeting o letlon of School Administrators to be' held In exAdoI1pen6es to bemddppaid Sm3 Ed."ti ed b_ the Council MarIi0- un Adopted 9461 Approved Mar h 79. 1946.) _— Adopted by the CliUd 1f 194 Approve p !ng Mayor C.F. No. 135673—'3 Fred M. Truax— 135673 3 Ori,in.l t. City Cl.h Reaolved�, That the proper city o¢er- ui �¢ hereby authorized to pay pUNCIL CITY OF )ores to the Department of iLe NO. A�.Bur-so of Public Libraries. OFFICE OF THE C!"���eee dyioeii leas eso utloo` on COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE) .y c Ca netl March 7. 1996. rch 7. 1946. ^- r h 9. 1948.) PRESENTED BY wa 16 Tr.-wz DATE �0.rph COMMISSIONER_�- WHEREAS. the Commissioner. of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53. of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department. for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor. be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized otherwisepay fixedfollowing extranamed employmsntemployes, .for extrathe time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Building Service, Main Ives R. Davies Janitor -Engineer 2 hrs. $1.10 $ 2.20 William C. Guy Janitor 2 " 1.10 2.20 Walter C. Schilling Janitor -engineer 2 " 1.10 2.20 Arlington Hills Branch Library lfilliam Green Janitor -Engineer is " 1.10 16.50 Hemline Branch Library George L. Davenport n n 81 w 1.10 25.10 Merriam Park Branch Library August T. Schwarts n a 28 " 1.10 24.10 Riverview Branch Library William A. Barrett n w 11 n 1.10 12.10 St. Anthony Park Branch Library Rudolph J. Polauka 11 " 1.10 12.10 Total $ 94.50 (Overtime for month of February) MAR COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays MA p -lip > i Barfuss Approved 194 Findlan — Parranto Peterson In Favor ohng Mayor Rosen v TfTa—x Against aaz o -r Presidcnt (Truax) J-35673 0 Form No ------------ An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: _go_keep_9rlington �ills�_Hamline�_Marriam park�_�SyerviQw _ i _and_$t._Anthony_Park__B_ranoh_Libraries_open_and_to_alean------ buildinga.__Alsoj to -wax and clean floors_in_MA n_Library____ Building---__ ------------------------------------------------------ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances :_It_was_neoessaity_tQ_kegp_1?FauPh_LibrarY---- buildings_open on_account_af_apeciel_aotiyitiee_and_tg wu�____ floors -.in_Main.Library_Building._-___-____-_-_____- --- This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Librarian PJ-hb 204_6,41_100 � o*ddil to city c11,10 COUNCIL NO. t356'�4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fire OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,ed M Tt�ttaz _ DATIE 16sreh 4- 1244 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS,, the @ommissioner.of Education has retorted to the Council in accordance with 'Section 53. of the City Charter the existence of on esergencY which rendered necessary the embloysent of certain employes of his department, for sore than their usual hours of 00090y- ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED. that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the-lfollowing nased esployes, at the rate otherwisefixed for extra smployment for extra time' hereinoftor set forth: NAME TITLE .TIME RATE TOTAL Bui.lding Service, Main Carl A. Malgren Stat. -Engineer 7j hre. .90 6.75 (Fab. 28) is " .92.1 16.65 (Msr.1,2,3) Total $23.40 C . No. 135674—By Fred M. Truax—That the proper city offic- er s are hereby authorized to pay cer- tain employes in the Department of Education, Bureau f Public Libraries, for extra employment as set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council March 7, 1646. 1 Approved Martth 7. 1946. (March 9. 1946.) NIAh HAS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays MAP Barfusa - Findlan l� Approved 194— Parranto� Peterson In Favor Actinq Mayor Rosen x Against e8id4ht� 1 h aM 6-44 ,e Mr Presidenf (Tnox) Fors No. 135674 a 1Kroh 4, 1946 M emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Work of Stationnrv��neAr This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: illness of 1�. Fr nk ACarr This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter, PJ—hb Librarian 1/"-100 V5675 Original to city Clark COUNCIL NO...-__----------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL K.I... OF THE CITY CLERK ,OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE CoMMISSI0NER------- RZSOLVED, tkat a permit be granted to the Skafga"d Distributing Company for the Installation Of & 1000-g2,11" underground gasoline storage tank at Til Selby Avenue,ald Installation to be made under the direction and to the :atis- faction Of the Commissioner of Public Safety- C.F. No. 135(17�t-]BY P—rllulb. granted to R' -"'d the M.Ib.tia C--P-- tuan Iu� -go at 71 --=-.t1i1na star - for the d inag, tank der, Un to b g Selby Avenue, said Hation he made under the directi=, and to t -e satisfaction of the COMM oner of Pub lic Safety. "" y Adopted by the Council March 7, 1946. Approved March 7. 19946. (March 9. 1946.) MAR 7 COUNCILMEN 'Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------194...... Yeae Nays Yeas NAP, 7 "IJa ar Approved------------------------------------------194 arranto X 2vk, ............. .. IIIII.,terson sen In Favor 0-Against ,/� Joking Mayor h 3M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK , BUREAU OF RECORDS erg® March 6, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hell Deer Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare s resolution granting the application of the Skafgaard Distributing Co. for permission to install a 1000 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank at T11 Selby Ave. Very truly yol/rfs�s/'J City Clerk. (L/ March 4, 1946 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Min rota Dear Sir: This is in reference to the application of the Skafgaard Distributing Company for permission to install a 1000 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank at 711 Selby Avenue. An inspection was made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Mr. Carney's report is attached. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety U CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota �eattcaed 01 Pull;c Salell t� POLICE 0 FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner March 4, 1946 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Min rota Dear Sir: This is in reference to the application of the Skafgaard Distributing Company for permission to install a 1000 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank at 711 Selby Avenue. An inspection was made by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Mr. Carney's report is attached. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety U THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION )larch 49 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfhss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs In regard to the application of the Skafgaard Distributing Company for permission to install a 1000 gallon gasoline underground storage tank at 711 Selby Avenue. This department has investigated this applicar tion and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that building or the immediate vicinity if this permission were granted. Reepec yours, (N Chief,�eqa Fire Prevent RWC/t Wholesale Food Distributors February 26, 1946 City Council 3t6 Court fiouse City Glerk's Office St. Faul, Vinnesota Gentlemen: EMerson 4770 2221 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota This is a. request for a permit to install a one thousand (1,000) �,allon gasoline tank, underground, in the building at 711 Selby _rye. I have leased t) -.e building 4er forty-two months with an option of an additional eighteen months. This is a private -arage fcr our business use. Since the contr_ctor is planning on putting in the cement floor this week I will greatly appreciate an answer to this request in the next day or two. -rank you. Yours ver;; truly, F' RD LLS-RIBU-I C CCC. Chas. C. SkafEaard. CCS:mg 4; Original to City Clerk 1356'76 FILE _ CITY OF ST. PAUL L W4 • FILE ______________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM 1551 ONER..._.__ DATE RESCILM, that the application of the AndePson Trucking Company for permission to replace its present 660 -gallon under- ground gasoline storage tank at 1879 Robyn Avenue, with a new ' 1,000 -gallon underground storage tank, is hereby granted; said Installation to be made under the.direotion and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C.F. No. 135676—By Hartu55na—�t{{ Andee,slond•Trdcking eComplalfyoforf the per- mission to replace its ga ;ion underground present 550-ga - nk t 1679 Aablyn gasoline with thew ].000 -gallon underground storage tank, is hereby granted maid instailatlon to be made der the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council March 7, 1996. Approved March 7, 1946. (March 0, 1946.) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoXCSIS-......7..1 b.......-...-194..._- Yeas Nays �PP1I MAR I? Barfuss Findlan / Approved--------- ------•-- ----------------.194 - Peterso o Peterson Favor 0.� -- *- ..--..In ------------- --- ----------------- -•--- ----- - - - - -------------------•---- Acting Mayor Rosen. T. Against 3M 04¢,gr..Jolpegresident (Truax) 3M CITY OF SAINT PAUL CapiOFFICE OF Minnesotal of 1 OF CITYCLERK1,005676 BUREAU OF RECORDS -0113P-0 lurch 6, 1946• Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you preparea resolution granting the attached application of the Anderson Trucking Co. for orireplace their present underground gasoline storage tank at 1879 Ave- has becomedewith a new 1,000 -gallon underground storage tank. Very truly yours, City Clerk. (L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota -2)erattmeal 01 Pull;c Sa jetty POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner March 4, 1946 Iter. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Anderson Trucking Company for permission to replace a defective underground storage tank for gasoline with a new one. The premises were inspected -by Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Publio Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 4. 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfass Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirt In regard to the application of the Anderson Tracking Company, 1895 Roblyn, for permission to replace their present 550 gallon underground gasoline storage tank which has become defective with a nes 1000 gallon underground storage tank. This department has investigated throP� �1� tion and report that there would be impr were granted the conditions of this garage f permission for them to make the desired change. Respectfully yours. Chief, eau of 111r. Prey tion RWC/t ANDERSON TRUCKING CO. wa"4s MIDWAY 7333 1895 PORYN AVS. February 21, 1946 Honorable Members of City Council St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 5T. PAUL, MINN. Gentlemen: we,the undersigned, respectively request permission to remove 1 - 55o gallon underground gasoline storage ga1lotank that ais in storage bad order and replace same with 1 - 1, 00n tank located at our garage at 1679 Roblyn avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 'Ne use this tank and pump to supply our trucks with gasoline. The work will be done in compliance with your ordinances affect- ing this type of installation and we would appreciate prompt action by your honorable body. yours truly, FrS/ja Or o"_1 ° c ty clerk ro�Ne,� 1356'77 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,� NO ... .------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES TED BY DATE – — COMM SSIONER__---_.- RESOLVED, that C, X. Milkss be permitted to operate :trictions parking lot at 369-373 Jackson Street, subject to re - as to running oars back and forth across the street, and that any oar backing out of the lot must have an attendant with it to prevent backing into moving vehicles; and also subject to compliance with all the provisions of the ordinance pertaining.to parking lots. COUNCILMEN Yearids Nays uss lan a ranto y�terson 8�aa� eitTe X6Deekh 3M 9-44,4r 'C:: rl J"'J , i rl"'X) 6 -.0 --In Favor ..............Against C.F. No. 135617—By Barfuss— Resolved, ghat C. a Milker blOtPcat kino g mltted to per LStTeet. Pcble it back and 389-373 32ae o u n1n8 trlctlo BSToss the street, o dmustt have forth out of: the an 1 eve�lbasu'- I car bac$SUB d also b' an attendant witnehfCles: °r t k `n+B into inovinB all taininB Vto lett to cotheliaor per alcor 11. cots ° . Iparkln6e--Council March 7. 1946. j Adopted by 1948. {! Approved March 78 1998.) M 3 '90 Adopted by the Council ............ ..........._----....194...... Approved _-------------------------194 - - Aeting Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 185677 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Uarch 6, 1946. Ur. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City xall Dear Siri The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of C. 'B• UJlaaekson Stper- mission to operate a parking lot at 369-373 subject to the conditions outl�ads subject to complianin the letter of ce Zoning Board hereto attached, -pertaining to with all the provisions of the ordinance parking lots. Very truly yours r� City Clerk. POST .CARD NOTICE _OFFICE OF'THE-COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE St. Paul, MirA 19..46 r You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application by C. W. Milkes to operate a parking lot at 369-373 Jackson St., and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on March 6 19 46, in the City. of John S. Findlan, St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Commissioner of Finance. File 9898 THE BOARD OF ZONING s Fk� 9i� Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 rw SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o 279 COURT HOUSE s� February 18th, 1946• EGINPRE. WAHMA o nc OFFICER pERNARD J. MGGLYNN CLYDE L. M-VEN JOSEPH F. REIMRGLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. SASSFORD GEORGE HCHERROLD Y Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of aPPeal of C• W Milkes for permission to install and operate a Parking lot at 369--373 Str7sokson Street. This is on the west side of the buildingseare being between Fifth and S1�cth Streets. Two hick torn now operates torn down on two 25 ft. lots for a parkingThe the parking lot on the ea -t side of Jackso Street. driveway ewathe of the new perking lot will be exactly oBP osie theparking lot which he is now operating. The Board of Zoning recommend that sthis penait and be granted subject to restrictions as to running car of the lot back forthiprose the street, and that any car bacj-i%t must have an attendant with it to prevent backing into moving vehicles. gh-rh plan attached. Yours very truly, GEORGE 11. HERROiD, g3gineer Secretary. EAST FIFTH STREET SCALE, / INCH = ZO FEET :a /J 769 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota :2)erattwe'd 01 Ptjj;c Sajet y POLICE FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH G. H. SARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commiseioner February 16, 1946 Mr. Harty T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir s This is in reference to application made by C. W. Milkes for permit to operate a parkin? lot at 369-71 Jackson Street. These premises were inspected by Ralph 17. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. You will note from their reports, hereto attached, that there is no objection to the granting Pe very truly yours, L ssioner of/kublio Safety • -THIS IOTO B D. (- CITY OF ST. PAUL TR11LICATE AND FILED IN THE DUPLICATE CLERK -5 OFFICE. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 1 DATE .. __________79 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ---, -_ . --- oA IrvDIYIDNAL, - -- NANE i /--- - ----- ------ ----- -- -- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A.------`-pq�vE IN'• OR 'INSIDE cARACE/ .. -__.__ BLOCK____ __ ____ _______ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ----- -- - --- --- - ----- //) L - . _.___..ALSO DESCRIBED- --- --- --' ---- - ISTREET:ArvD Nu HDER) - - - -----(ADDITION) ------------- NO. OF PUMPS --------- __.NO. OF GAS TANKS _..-- -- -----CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ---------------- ----- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK GATE. --_ --- _------------ ______ __________ DATE -------------------------- _----------------- CITY _____________CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY. - - ---------- ----------- ---__ _____________________ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 15, 1946 Mr, C. J. Tierney Chief of Police Dear Sirs This is in reference to the application of C. W. Mil ea for permission to operate a parking lot at 369-71 Jackson Street- for the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this will materially interfere with I have m traffic, therefore, from a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to granting the permit. Yours truly, ,1,, C try N-. Wet ergren HNW/dm Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 8, 1946 Honorable G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir= In regard to the application of C. W. Hilkes for permission to operate a parking lot at 369-71 Jackson Street. We have investigated this location and report a parking lot at the above address would not create any serious fire hazard in that vicinity. Reep;2ellely y / W Chi of Fire Proven RWC/t original to Cfty, Clerk CITY - OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�Nca NO.---- -- 356 8 RZ80LyED, that John F. Bloagren an& Beyer Lands be peraittea to operate a Used car lot at 490 University Ave- nue. COUNCILMEN YeasNays a ss / indIan //r) Xr nto In Favor et rson osen ..�' •--,= _-.-----Against -mac- d h .�<l�rer}id ant na1/r, 'rceidcnr (TruLx) C.F. No. 135678 --By Bari Resolved, That John F. Blomgren-and - Meyer Lande be permitted to operate a used car lot at 499 University A- enue. Adopted by the Council March 7, 1948., Approved March 7, 1948. , (March 9, 1948.) Mail a 10 Adopted by the Council---------------------------------- 194 m�"7 s('i Approved -----------------------------------------194------ or--------------- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS CJJ �256r)O ® II (8 march 6, 1946. Mr. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir., The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of John F. Blomgren and Mayer Land* for permission to install and operate a used car lot at 490 University Ave. Very truly yours, , City Clerk. POST CARD ,.NOTICE . OFFICE OF THE COMMISS&NER OF FINANCE St. Paul, February 23, 19 46 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of John F. Blomgren and Meyer lands to install and operate a used car lot at 488 -to 494 University Ave. -1,1i-; and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on March 6 , 19 46, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Finance. File 9896 4 THE BOARD OF ZONING s Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 u. A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE 63f _ ^C EGI Pn .. � of"�==R - March 5th, 1946- BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CLYDE L. M HVEN JOSEPH F. RE -BOLD EPH A. TYLER CHARLES A. BRSSFORD GEORG F. HC HERR... Mr. Harry T. O'Connell; City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear sir In the matter of application of John F. Blomgren and Meyer Lando for permission Maclubinall and & Mershalltste aAddition sed Car Sales Lot on Lot 13, This is 490 University Avenue and is the third lot east of Mackubin. There is a driveway at one side of this lot measuring 11-1/2 ft. on the property line which the applicant intfpds to use in taking cars in and off the lot. Only about two-thirds the of the lot is available as the alley is very high above lot, has never been graded and the slope from the alley runs down into the lot. granted. gh-rh The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be Yours very truly, - ,( GEORGA H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. �ma TELEPHONE TOWER 0640 PLAT OF SURVEY OF PROPERTY OF / p, I- OESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS f-411[ �� 0/OG/(; �, l(/�G.��J6in4/0/1 SCALE: 1 INCH 2� FEET T. J. WELCH, REGISTERED SURVEYOR-- 730 SURREY AVENUE. ST. PAUL. MINN. O //Y/icq��s Iron. - G on c ra/c Garb Cd16_a .. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 1 hereby certify that 1 surveyed the property described above and that the above plat is Is correct representation of said survey. i ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO SE MADE I TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK's OFFICE. Application For License DATE________________.J--_'__�_..._._._ 19 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA A LICATION Is Hereby Made BY------- -- ------------- O__-----------��_-v-{_ _�-- -- ---- ---- �----------------------- - ..--- INA OF FIRM OR INDIVIO UAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A.--_---^j,^C-__��--------------------------------------- ----_-__.._-_. ('DRIVE IN' OR " N61DE GARAGE') ' TO BE LOCATED ON LOT -BLOCK.__.. �_ _..____ r• ` A I I _AL.O DESCRIBEDAS... __ _- .__._ ___ ___ _______ _______ __________ ----- (STREET AND NUMBER) C� — K ---------------- y'—J EI FILED ,� ^�' RE OF APPLI CANT. BY..-_.. __ _.------- _--------- _------------- _---------- -- ___ ____ Ne - -- --------------- -- -------------- A - - NEss D Ress.T?1 o�aq�S?- -`-f�-y0 RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE_ _______----- -------------------- ------------- 19 -------- DATE -__-_______-___ �___�-__—__.______. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY---BY_....._.V�___._..---------- _------------------------------------ BY..—_—==._%_1L 4__-_ __—____-.._--________ - -------- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota POLICE Tad e'd 01 PWIL cSajel� FIRE Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 HEALTH Cr H. BARFUSS, Commissioner POLICE and FIRE ALARM JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner M%roh 1, 1946 Mr, Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirr Referring to the application of John F. Blomgren and Meyer lands for permission to operate a used oar lot at 488-94 University Avenue. These premises were inspected by Barry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and Ralph W. Carney, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. You will note from their reports, hereto attached, that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very c� Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 8 INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 28, 1946 Mr. C. J. Tierney _Chief of Police Dear Sirt This is in reference to the application of John F. Blomgren and Meyer Lando for permission to operate a used oar lot at 488-494 University Avenue. originally the applicants did not submit a plan with their application. Inasmuch as there were buildings on this property, I asked George Harrold, our Planning Engineer, to require them to submit a blue print of what they intended to do. In checking with the City Clerk's office, I find they have changed their application to be permitted to use one lot only, namely, Lot 13, Block 2, Mackubin and Marshall Addition, at 492 University Avenue. I have inspected the premises and also the blue prints and do not find that this will materially interfere with traffic, there— fore, from a traffic standpoint.there would be no objection to granting a permit for Lot 13. Yours truly. Harry N. Wettergren MM/dm Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 18, 3.946 Honorable G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of John F. Blomgren and Mayer Lends for permission to operate a used car lot at 488_494 University Aven:fe. ghis department has investigated the above location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard in the immediate vicinity if permit for this used car lot was granted. Resp ti�lly yo ss, / W Chief, of Fire Prevention RNC/t Im TRIPLIGATS CITY OF ST. PAULT' I I TO .. A.E IN T:P' AN.FILED "Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RERN'S OFFICE. 1. T.. n� j ��,c� Application For License -I U d/. --------------------------- - -- --- 1. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA "PLICATION Is Hereby Made BY ----------- - ------- �2L ------------------- - ---------------- ----- - ---- -------- (NAME OF FIRM OR FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A ------ - -- - (RiV� OR ---------------------- - ----- — -----______________-__-__________________- FILED -- - ----- - - ----- ------- FILED 81DNATUgE OF APPLICANT. BY------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- - ---------------------- - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE--------------- ----------------------- - - - -- _19 ........ DATE -- - ----------- . ...... . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY-------------------------------------- - -- - Wntr==t*NG..STAT4014 TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ------ -- - ------------------ --- BLOCK____.___- --------------- - -__- ------- --- ALSO ... CRIS. AS)]-" ------------- NOr7"PORIPS _ ------------- -- ------- NODr--C.A�TANKS -------- ------------------ K ---------------------- - ----- — -----______________-__-__________________- FILED -- - ----- - - ----- ------- FILED 81DNATUgE OF APPLICANT. BY------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- - ---------------------- - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE--------------- ----------------------- - - - -- _19 ........ DATE -- - ----------- . ...... . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY-------------------------------------- - -- - Petit&on 135679 _ (--fl File No................ PRELIMINARY ORDER PROPOSAL FOR C.y. Isss7s— — Whereas, A written proposal for the' 8�making of the following Improvement,] .a 1'v' �P�both sides of Seminary Av- '—,ngton Park- PRELIMINARY G.u�� Ctreet. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ...... Curb both sides of Seminary Avenue moan North I.eaington:Par. ............ to,North,DuplaP...tre....................... ..................................................... ............................................................................................................................. Dated this....7th....... day of..:............Maroh.................. ....... 46.... jam/ ........ ... ... ......... ......... ... ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Curb both sides of Seminary Avenue from North Lexington :E Fc.j v .................. ................ to .North,DunlaR Street........:.................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Y' Adopted by the Council............... ..MAR......... 7... R7`!............ YEAS NAYS ..' ,''`'Al Councilman BARFUSS Approved ........................ MA��... 7 FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON �7 ROSEN {�� .A c . ... ... Y / /f .... '( liCti'A9 Ma y or. _r. Vice i Mr. Vice President (Truax) mi 7,41 7 �O Petition 13"0 . _.. it File No ................ �PRELIMINARY ORDER PROPOSAL I c.F. lass0 along o. t written proposal for the I making f the following improvement, ! viz: i Curb east side of GrlgSt from Unf e i •, to .Sh er- PRELIMIurne„v ri1 1 e o :gi] The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followm public improvotenrby the City of Saint Paul, viz: Curb•B88t 81de•0Y GriMR Street from IInivereity Ayentre•,••••„................... tP..erbtirne Ageaue............................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. 7..........Y ................................................ . Dated this...... th..... da of................liiaroh .... . . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for, the making' of the following improvement, viz: .Curb seat side of Griggs Street Prom University Avenue ..................•........ to Sherburne Avenue..................................... ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................:_........................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters toy the Commissioner of Finance. 'opted by the Council..................����pp . .. 1�� YEAS NAYS Alk sr . Councilman 6ARFUSS Approved ........:.......................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON /f ROSEN � .a- ......... 'TR070r'�” Acting Mayor. mi 741 Mr. Vice President (Trwut) PUBLISHED Petition. Council File No..1356.81 PROPOSAL FOR IMPRI .... ME—,k D andR Whereaswrttt n i+ n L ( 4 �sssa , U the 0• k PRELIMINARY ORDER. N 4* � *: The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ............. Cttrbin� both aides oP West Oren Avenue„Prom Osage Street to North 4iotorie Street ............................................................................ .................................................................................................... Dated this ...... M .... day of...................March......... ... .. I�Q46. ........... . .............................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ...............Q�ng,, both}, eidge, oY .WW_ Orange, Avenue,Ptwm Osage, Street .............to. NQrth.V10.t9X1A.gtXP.Q.,....................................... ................................... ........................................................................................................... _..................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................:. ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' -Adopted by the Council .......:......... ......................... YEAS NAYS MAF I Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................... FINDLAN �....'.................. PARRANTO PETERSON _ ROSEN ....... -TRHhIF-- Um .. .. r1LYd ig Mayor. me 7.41 Mr. Vice President (Trumt) A448HED 4 Laid over to 3rd. and app. �'� Adopted Yeas / Nays Yeas Nays s Fan /a / Fi n Parr nto /Peterson - eteerrson Rosen Posen Truax Mr. President McDonough zjfiiax Mr. President McDonough otioon i to city Qttk - ,.. CrUINANCE 135682" COUNCIL FILE I /•i' 'jam LC7-�/ � PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: Vo. 1355z -cram o. 87" l 2obert F. Pete>Rn i nce 3' "An ordinance.for the purpose of , promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restrie- '— tion of the location of trades and in- dustries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk,of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, by striking therefrom cer- tain sections and providing in lieu thereof new provisions relative to billboards and signs. This is an emergency ordi nanee rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom subsection (h) of Section 8 thereof in its entirety, and by providing in lieuihereof the ollowing new provisions: "(h) No billboards or signs shall be erpeted in "A", "B" or "C" residence districts but shall be erected only -in Commercial, Light and Heavy Industry Districts, and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code; provided, however, that no person, firm or corporation shall at any time, place or keep any sign or projection of any nature or material whatsoever, with the exception of awnings and appurtenances necessary thereto, on the front wall of any building iodated on Seventh Street between Vabasha Street and Sibley Street, and.on Wabasha Street between Ninth Street and Kellogg Boulevard, and on Sixth Street between St. Peter Street and Sibley Street, now zoned "Commercial" and "Light Industry", in the `City of Saint Paul, which sign or projection shall extend in excess of 12 inches over the public Passed by the Council .......... ------------------------------------ ........------- ------ -----..In Favor ------_-------- Aga. Ott Approved:---------------------- -----------4-- ------ -- -- MnYor is ptlQintl to city Clerk t35682 ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED .BX,i . ANCE NO. sidewalks from the building line of any building located on the above described street. The above prohibition shall apply not only to billboards, as defined'in the building Codes but also to signs attached to the roofs or walls of buildings". II Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be An emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. 0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen It p igh) Mr. Vice I residenl iT.) Attest: G� • - --•----••-.....................` - -(_ --/`..t--.. ` /!`-------....-•--- City Clerk 500 12-44 MAR 2 F 10F Passed by the Council------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------In Favor - -------------Against grgjq C) Approved:-- ----------------------- -/ ------------------------ LAZ a. � W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON R, G. ZELZER Suot. of Parks - Supt, of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 4 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 ?? ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner v _ s March 4, 1946 Hon. Bruce J. Broady Corporation Counsel Department of Law 316 City Hall Dear Sir; The City Coua.cil has referred to this Department petitions signed by property owners abutting Wabasha Street between Ninth Stree and Kellogg Boulevard and on Sixth Street be- tween St. }? er and Sibley Streets. These petitions ask for the elimination of all signs which project more than twelve inches over the public sidewalks from the building line of any building on the above mentioned streets, exclu- sive, however, of canopies. In this connection, may I refer you to Ordinande No. 8549, C. F. 131483 (August 17, 1944), amending Section 8, sub- section (h) of the Zoning Ordinance No. 5840 and ask your cooperation in drawing up a resolution which will further amend this subsection so as to comply with the request of these petitioners? Thanking you for your cooperation, I remain ,Yours truly, I� CH ECT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Miim¢sote r °4 OFFICE -OF CITY CLERK BUREAU-OF-RgWRDS' ;i Feb. 26, 1946. Hon. Robert F. Peterson Comer. of Parke, P. & P. B. City Hall Dear Birt The Council referred to you for cm sideration and recommendation the attached petition for elimination of signs on Sixth St. between St. Peter and Sibley Ste. Petitions for installation of parking metere, elimination of poles and other obstructions, and for repairing paving, installation of new curbing and new sidewalks on Sixth St. between St. Peter and Sibley Ste. have been referred to the Parking Meter Committee, the Public Utilities Dept., and the Public Works Dept. respectively, for consideration and recommendation. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 2 4 PETITION TO CITY 00DJ IL - CITY OF SAINT :AUL-, UliliiQ; OTA ,BE; F.b.7mDUTION OF �IGNb ON SIBTii STREET The undersigned retail stores, doing business on Sixth Street, res,octfully request tae City Council to inaugurate :roper ord3ra ::ieb . will have the following effect: a. Ell minate all lighted and unlighted street -signs which .,ro- 'oct more than 121' from the buildinb line. b. A strict limitation on advertising signs to a s)ace of not more than 12" from tiie building line. Tae program outlined above, to aptly to both sides of Sixth btrset between, �j ae� intersection with St. Peter Street and the inter- section wit.i�J Street. This request to the City Council has been made after due study and consideration, and with tie belief that the particular points out- lined in this )etition, are an essential, part of a general Man which is being aiiaed at the rehabilitation of downtown Sixth Street. It is t:ie viav,,oint of retailers on this ,)art of Sixt. Street, t`at it 15 vitally necessary to affect a comprehensive imL)rovement of t.:e looe ,ortion of Sixth Street and the various facilities of tiie street. There are two ieneral objectives in view in consummating tris im,)rovement project. First, it is necessary that one of the main retail streets of ;Saint Paul be sufficiently attractive in design to attract an increasing `volume of business. L,econd, it is obvious that adequate rents cannot be maintained, oa this part of Sixth Street, nor can hioil taxes be )aid unless there is a sufficient volume of business to maintain this condition. Com;lation of this Sixt.i Street ,iroject is, therefore, not only nj,.ly important to retail merchants, but is e;ually imaortsnt from the viewpoint of the jr-yment of taxes. We, therefore, request the City Council to establish ;iroper orders in connection with the various phases of tiffs r�lan as outlined above. he recommend it be done at tae earliest possiblo date. Oc, A 53-, elw BSUf�l .'!„ '' ''f ii ., r"•e:s:f:8 .0 , /S6 —.E. 6 � Vit, AAA o n 0 Ar . '121ATURE rnw,,;= - - FEET / De � d O 4-14--r k4j H. kI. OLSON PECUTY U. - Cor, 6th a imio. PAuL 1, MINN � / ` CITY -OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS Feb. 19, 1946• Hon. Robert F. Peterson Comer. of Parke, P. & P. B. City Hall Dear Sirs The Council referred to you for recommendation the attached petition of •abashes Street merchants for alisawtion of signs on Webasha St. Petitions have also been received for elimination of poles and other obstruc- tions on the sidewalks, abolishing of parking on parts of Qabasha St., and for new paving, curbing, and sidewalks on that street. Very truly yours, r City Clerk. (� Y' - � it PETITION �;-....-- TO CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA RE: ELIMINATION OF SIGNS ON WABASHA STREET The undersigned retail stores, doing business on Wabasha Street, re- spectfully request the City Council to inaugurate proper orders which will have the following effect: v a. Eliminate all lighted and unlighted street signs which pro- ject more than 12" from the building line. b. A strict limitation on advertising signs to a space of not more than 1211 from the building line. The program outlined above, to apply to both sides of Pabasha Street between the intersection with Kellogg Boulevard and the intersection with Ninth Street. This request to the City Council has been made after due study and con- sideration, and with Abe belief that the particular points outlined in this petition, are an essential part of a general plan which is being aimed at the rehabilitation of downtown 4+'abasha Street. It is the viewpoint of retailers on this part of Wabasha Street, that it is vitally necessary to affect a comprehensive improvement of the loop portion of Wabasha Street and the various facilities of the street. There are two general objectives in view in consummating this improve- ment project. First, it is necessary that one of the main retail streets of Saint Paul be sufficiently attractive in design to attract an increasing volume of business. Second, it is obvious that high rents cannot be'maintained, on this part of Wabasha Street, nor can high taxes be paid unless there is a sufficient volume of business to maintain this condition. Completion of this Wabasha Street project is, therefore, not only high- ly important to retail merchants, but is equally important from the viewpoint of the payment of taxes. We, therefore, request the City Council to establish proper orders in connection with the various phases of this plan as outlined above. We recommend it be done at the earliest possible date. ' Y ' �' Z4 - UP -TOWN SANITARY SNO1 Corner Ritt6 Q Wab,,h, 71 W trJr"Y AA: -I j .� M V. mm7l _ FRONT&GE IN FEET iso 20 �-J 01 ADADvIAT STORE #104 OMMWWMTII LOAri COX 0,4"ae et 9) 7/ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1.35683 =UNC a No.. .. FILE .---.-.- -... DATE 2 RESOLVED. That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Ssmh�: Cohan 515 Wabasha Grocer y App. 38429 New Old Loc. Mrs Mary Herne 1035 Charles Cigarette " 39591 n 11 s Sidney Feldman 476 Wabasha _ Bakery ° 39737 s n n Clarence J. Sn111van593 N. Robert Gas Sta 4–P n 39933 n n n Leo Libson 1120 Morgan Ave.,N. Foot Peddler n 39959 New Mpls.,Minn. Clarence D. Matthey 469 Brainerd. Motor Veh Dr n 39997 New Herman Winnick 411 N. Robert Cigarette n 38994 New Old Loc. Geo. Engelmann 566 S. Robert Motor Veh Dr ° 39909 New COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mjpi Presidesl4lbUb6h44Bh 3Tf 9,Mr. 'yyy�XC-idea, (T—) V'.._.In Favor _...Against C.F :,3 —:,3—ny narfuss—Findlan—I Fesdved. Tharnelicenses applied for by !hc persons na o then list attach- ed m this resolution ibe d the same are hereby granted, a d the City Clurk is instructed to issue h licenses P - n the pament Into the City tress -I ury of the required fees. Adopted by trche Council Mar. 8, 1948.i' Approved Mar. h 6. 1, 19"1' 99q.) lMa16 MAR S 190 Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------- 194....-- Approved. --------------- ------------------- 194 ?-"n ---�- - -...._..---- l7a�rng Mayor �l C.F. Ko. 135884—BY Harfuss—Flndlan ft=1Patronto— ' 135684. Z That licenses app]led for' by the Is name, on the ]tat attach-juNcn. CITY OF ed to tills resolution be and the same., NO.•. aro hereby ----------------- ---- fa lnstruetedto�tlssue nsuch theCity iaes Clerk OF l on the payment Into the Clt easury at the egnired fees. COUNCIL RESOLII',. Aaopted by the council;^lays• ApproVetl hfar..s. 1&18: (Marc] >e. 1948.) HaTch 8. 194E ust �e4' ___.._.._ RESOLVED: ' That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Harold M. Francis 405 N. Washington Hotel 56-R App. 36264 Renewal Walgreen Co. 425 Wabasha Restaurant " 36470 " n " " If Confectionery n 36471 a " " n " Cigarette 11 36472 n '. Farm Credit Assn Club 340 Jackson Cigarette " 38265 " , n n n a , Orig Cont " 38266 " Harry E. Ellison 420 Wabasha Confectionery If 38428 " The Sterling Club Inc. 315 N. Dale On Sale Malt " 38450 " Kenneth Windolff 122`Endicott Bldg Confectionery " 38538 " If n " n if Cigarette " 38539 " tire Lucille Santee 70 Endicott Bldg„ Restaurant " 38578 " Huot Mfg Co. 128 E. 10th Vend Mach " 38605 n Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Confectionery If 38676 " It If n n If Florist If 38677 n Peter P. Voeller 1657 E. Minnehaha Butcher If 38684 If n If n , Grocery " 38685 " If Off Sale Malt " 38686 " Cigarette If 38687 " Joseph Stern 627 S. Smith Motion Picture " 38728 If 11 11 11 11 Confectionery " 38729 It Mrs H. J. C. Coleman 39 S. Cleveland Confectionery " 38780 n If n If It Off Sale Malt " 38781 If If 1f. " n Cigarette " 38782 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------- 194...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved ------------------------------------------ 194. Parranto Peterson..... 2..In Favor ..........-- --- ------------------------------ -----------------....._. Rosen :_...Against Mayor 3M 9-M r. (Wtsidc, t I-ruaz) - COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen 0 -T. atex .............. Against h 3M 94Mr *9 ? 140 Adopted by the CouneiL -------------------------------- 194... Approved.. --------------------------------- 194 ------ ----- ------- ayor OrIalml W MY t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILN0.-13-5684. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By CoMM ISSIONER- 4A PAGE NO. 2 Mary James 900 S. 7th Restanrant APP- 39799 Renewal -Cigarette ^ 397901 Gertrude C.1r"190 N. West.. Grocery ^ 39903 0 0 0 11 Off Sale Malt n 3g804 Cigarette II 39905 Henry Bott 600 St. Peter Grocery ^ 39g24 11 11 ^ Off Sale Malt 39925 0 0 ^ Cigarette ^ 38826 Edith & Clifford Olson 1569 Como Cigarette ^ 38g60 Robert Chell 195 N. Western Motor Veh Dr ^ *76 Norman J. Cairl 229 E. 12th Motor Veh Dr a 39909 John Mohn 143 S. Cleveland Motor Veh Dr n 39915 COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson ..............In Favor Rosen 0 -T. atex .............. Against h 3M 94Mr *9 ? 140 Adopted by the CouneiL -------------------------------- 194... Approved.. --------------------------------- 194 ------ ----- ------- ayor to City CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL Not35685 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J DATE March S. 19+6 RESOLVED: That Off Sale Liquor License $925. expiring January 31. 1947, issued to Mrs. M. M. Rapp.& H. Wittman at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and the same sae hereby transferred to Henry J. Wittman at the same address. C.F. No. 135685—By Barfuss—Parrant_ Trfr Inf. approved by rindlan— Couneil February 26. 1946 1 Resolved: That Off Sale Liquor Lt. lssu .d Nto 9Miyexpliiring January al pp and1947 Old Location the at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and the same 1s hereby transferred to Ben- ry J Wittman t the same atldress: `doptcd by the Councn Mar. 6, 1946. Approve tl Mar. 8, 1946. (March 16, 1946.) MAR 8 196 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .....---------------------------- 194 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan / Approved .......................................... 194 e Parranto Peterson .....In Favor ----- - >' '_ -- -- --- fIC MYflQV Mayor Rosen .... .-.....Against Mr_'Pies1. &gh 3M 945 'q�,i�'81 C12T15 �.'T7UB.X� to City ark WUNC13568 © CITY OF ST. PAUL " rrrE NO..-----•--------_..--- V F THE CITY CLERK OFFICE O COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7 DATE March S. 191+6 ---.- RESOLVED: That Off Sale Liquor License #925. expiring JanuarY 31. 194T9 issued to Mrs. M. M. Rapp & H• Wittman at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and the same IS :hereby transferred to Henry J. lgittman at the same address. CF. No. 135685—By Barfuss—Parranto— ResoFindlan— Trfr Inf. approved by l, Resolved: That Off Sale Liquor Li - 26 1 Y6 cense No. 111, expiringg January 31, 3947, Council Bebrtlary . 9 Issued to Mn. M. M. Bapp and H. Wittman at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and Old Location the is hereby transferred to Hen- ry J aWlttman at the same 'add as. Adopted b3the Council Mar. 8, 1998. Approved Mar. 8, 1946. (March 16, 3946.) Q MAR 81 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194...-.. COUNCILMEN iii WK. Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved.---- ------------------------------------ 194.----- Pindlan / �f Parranto /�.Caii Gln c(/ t------------....... Peterson -�-----In Favor --------- -...--•------------- '--'- •- ... 'AC fPRQ' Mayor Rosen ......Against Mr. -rest.. 1 Igh am 9-45 •^ow�'sid b:r ,Trua>G� original tgAlty Clerk 135686 COUNCIL NO ...... .... ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL clLa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY DATEMarch 9,4%6— COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That Grocery License #4025, Butcher License $8365, Off Sale Malt Beverage License #5541, and Cigarette License $7644. all expiring January 31. 1947. issaed to Mrs. M. M. Rapp & H. Wittman at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Henry J. Wittman at the same address. Trfr. Infprmally Approved by City Council rebruary 26. 1946 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan v Parranto Peterson Rosen Tr 3M 9.jdr. &eSident (Truax) In Favor .Against ,10 C.F.' No. 135686—By BarfvaaL Resolved: That Grocery License O, 4025. Butcher License Ne. 8365, Oft Sale Malt Beverage License No. 5541, nd January 31. 1947 N iest d4 ten Mre irinNlg. M, gapp and H. Wittman at 919 St. Clair Avenue be and the same re 'ran thetransferred to add,,,' J. Witt- ji Adopted by the Councn R1ar. 8, 1946. Approved Mar. 8, 1846. (March 16, 1946.) jol 3 194F, Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 194....__ fit? :'int; Approved-_-_ ---------------------------------194------ ---- ----- -Mayor SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT C��y Qlerk ROLL IDENTIFICATIOV SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If L mite LIMITED RETENTION DATE 14ICROFILMED /� r CONTENTS \_"est v� c �re c ex i 14 o C NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED .,ZOo„� Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY 14ICROFILM BY Supervisor T, I � e ' 1tltlH0 1531 NOI101053tl Ad0]Otl�111 S021VONVIS j0 nvaiOB 1VNOIIVN .9.i � ill sz.Tlllil i ����� _ . i • i VIII zzlllll s,.a 8£Iu s Zlllll Z�I�I� o.i VIII