231530 � ��` � y ORI�GINAL TO CITY CLERK � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ���S;�Q ?,ICENSE COP�II�LCTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - : - OUNCIL SO UTIO —GENERA� FORM � PRESENTED BY January 12, �6? � 1 COMMISSIONE DAT r� �I RESOLVID; That Application J�13689 for the transfer of On Sa1e I,i. 9� quor License No. 699 '�, iri Janu � � �P � �'Y 31, 196? from John G, and Barbaxa Zorence at 2511 IIn�vers3.ty � �venue, be and the same is hereby transferred to The Cromwell., Inc. a t the � '� - ' �i same address. d ± _ � t _ - ON SAI�E LI QUOft E�5TABLISI�TT TRANSFER (From partnership to corporation� i Informally �proved by �ouncil _ � January 10� 1967 - � i . �� �AN 121967 COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council � 19—;3 . Yeas Nays ' � Carlson °��� 1 219�1�' , : Dalglish Approved 19_ � Holland � ��' ' Meredith � Favor , . Peterson U � Mayor Tedesco A gainst . Mr. President, Byrne �UBLIS{i�fD ��N �� 1 �� . 1� � �I ��. ,,, - ' � �,,`,� s s ss ��:�.31-�3� . r , ' CI`TY O� SY. PAUL � � � t APPLICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE 1 � , Application No ..._.._._.� ,i Name of Applican�....�._.S�9.I'��.L.,_.._.�N.G..._._�..�._. ..._................_...�........,._._w._._...__....._.. Age.._._..._._...__._ _....�._ � ftesidenceAddress.._..._._..._..._..................___..._.:._........_.....__......._._..................._......--.--......___.... Telephone No............_..._...._........._.._..._.... M{ } Are you a citizen of the United States?_...�. ._....__.._._....�.__...__.__._._....._..._........._.._._..._.__....__._....-.---_........_!! . .�8...._.__....... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar natur��? , �►ea__460-466_No. _Lexin�t�n an�__.2513 Unive��it�r A�e.__._St._Pau1,�Minn. _______. Whenand where� ......... ......_.._ _......_._.._...___...._..._. __.. ......... _...__.._ .....__.__..._...._...._.._..._...._.._ �� , If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.._.Restaurant ani On Sale Li4uer�_._ N�` ' --._.___..._._ .___.��..___.�._....__._.___._......__..__._.._� __...._.__....__.—._._____.. N� When incorporated?._. December 28 1966 �� � ._...�. � .___..._...__.....�__....._.._....._...�.._..._......._.___......__..........__..�_..._.._..._... I If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.........__.__..._.._._ _._...._.. �f� Ho«� many members?.�_..,.__._.__.._ _..._._.._.._..._._...._._...._ � ` Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and na,me and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . � _�Tobz�.._L'a......�►x.��&.�_..._...Rxe.�.�,��a1.�.._...._...__..._..._....._.._---___.�_ �� � _...._..._... _._....---_._..___._..___.._..._...._..._..._...._�� � Barbara Loreace - Secty-Treasure ......,�rr_��.�_�.M_.:_t �.L�..______._._-_----._.__.___..._...__._..____.__ � 'J�firi�.A:..'.Tsrerice_..=�Vice-�resi?en`�-�'°._...�.�...�'"�:. II` , ., t.j� �.� [- Y:L . { . , ........_................... ......_...._......................._..•-••-_._�...._....._.,..___....._._._ ./�........�__.....�_........._....�...... ._.... - ..._•— ...... . .......r.._ _:..__.._...._....-M.__.._�._. _..._ . ..•:1 t-�1JVn�,.�1ni ir... I , ........_..........._......................._...........___.�.�...._.._ � - - - --�_.._ .. w..._.....�...__.._._...•••._.............................. ti � .........._.........._...._.__.........__..._._....._._. _.�...._.._._ ...._... .....__.....__................_..............:��.................... � c.e}l ; Names and addresses of Stockliolders: � . ..Jc�hn...G.....�aren�s......_..___ _...... __..._..__.__..._._.. ..:.................._..._..._....__._._._..._._......_..._.._......_..__._..._.....---_....._.....__._� � Barbara Lorence , �� ; . ....................._._._.........._._..._.--�--........_..........---..__�._..._..__.__� ........._...._....____..........._._._...._..._.__...._..._..._.__....._..._.__............_.....__ Robert A. Lorence �I . _.__.._...._........______.._..____._._... .__.— .._............_.--.--_..._...____�.._...._......._._........._..__..�........____.............__.....__._. � Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known.._._....._..__Mar.�lagd_..CAS.,._Co,_.__....._.__._._.........._._��` - �t• � Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets � Ward� ��; r;�.� - "'4�, . . . ,r� u t :f'i�F I�3t� ��� =4 2513 : University : North ' Eustia Pe'lham How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...._............_.�..mile,,.__.___________ ; How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?................._��..:�..._s.�.�_��-S.Q.Q..�.�..__._._...__...._�___._._.�I� How many,feet from closest public or parochial grade or high sc�tia�ermea,sured along streets) ?...._..3 .blks �N� ' Nameof closest school.._._.._._...__._.--.--_..._........._....___..........._...__..._.........._...._..._.__........._..........._.........._...._..._...._.._..._..._.....___...� M) ' � . , . , �Lw �rn nramice_csl�aaifiasi_undar.'nnina_(]Tri;++e�+�a9 �!w�+++*�nrL�ia `s � I� � ' �f i � ' .- , �! � � � Ik i ;'�i�c�z:� V f:C�t.,f t., � . � ��4,� s�»�� '.�r-_,-rJ� ,,f• ��;�j . , i . . n I{ . C • �� • �� � _ -2 3/S3 �� `� � . . � T � k CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' ; Capital of Minneeota � �e a�ti�e�t o c�blic c�a et ' . � � �, T POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTFI ' �� � FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE A ARM•� � ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner N,j DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepector I January 10� 1967 � � � � ' rz� 'i , � Honorable Mayor and City �ouncil � � Saint �'aul, Minnesota � t3entlemen: - _� �urrently John G. and B�bara Lorence as a artnership : are holders of On Sale T,iquor Li.cense No. 699�, and �staurant� • ` tki and Off Sa1e MaZt �everage�-Cigarette and Cigarette Venchng Machine �perator's Licenses No. 9562, al-1 expiring January 31� F 1967, at 2511 University Avenue. ,� Having recently incorporated� application is made for the transfer of these licenses from them as a pa.rtnership to the Cromwell� Inc. at the same a.�dress. �;� . � The of�cers of' t;he corpora-�ion are John G. Lorence� � President; John A. Zorence� Yioe-president; and Barbara R. Lorenee, �' 1 Secretary and Treasurer. f John G. Lorence is the sole-stockholder. � ,� , The inforn�al application of John �. I,orence� the new �� officer connected ��ith this business is herewith attached. =' .; " I�� He has been employed at this place of business fcr � the p ast 1;en years. `i - � Very truly yours� �° � . ��..,,�P� � � _ t ��,�° License Inspector � f , � ' � �r .; ` � C� �i b :; �� �� 4i � � V�i� � , ���} �} �' 1 f ` • ` � . . � - CITY�OF •sAINT'PAUI, ' I . DEPARTMENT OF P[TBLIC SAFETY ' ; • " , LICENSE DIPISIC�J j " , Date January 5 lg 67 I . � � 1. ,�pplicati.on f ar. .Tra_n_sfer of liquor Liaenae , -- � 2. �iame of appzicant_The'Cromwell, Inc, by John A. Lorence, Vice-President � 3. Busine�s addxe�.sa2511 Univeraity Ave. Reaidenoe794 County Road "g" � � 4. Trade xiame� if any The Cromwell ' � 5. Retail Beer Federal_Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stam.p wi11 be used. 6. Qn what floor looated main • Number of rooms uaed main bar & ad�oining .00m , 7. Between what csrosa street��prner Cromwell 1Nhich side of atreet North = I . _ . _ . . , .. - - •• �- - � 8. Are premises now ocoupied yeBY�t business ��°e How� long 14 years � � - - � � . 9. Are premises ria� un.oacupied�Hoar 1ong,vacant Previous use . .. -- . . . __ .. .. . _ _ ,� . .. .. ..__ ; 10. Are you� a new avvnsrno Have you been in a similar buai.ne$s beforeno ' � . . . _ , . ._.,. � , � �1lhere ` � Wlien ' I 11. Are you going to operate this busineas personally no ; � ; � If not,. who will operate it The Cromwell Inc. (g Yf ,8�.� G'��a2, �_ +'I ; ' _ ' . 1--^ ,.'T'1 � i+� • 1 ' 12. Are yuu�3n any other businesa at the present time no � � � 13. Eave there been any complain.ts againat �rour operation of thia type of plaoe no . I _ ,� ...,_. : �Phan Where � - - - -_. _ _ . . . - - - _ , - - --_ . ._, _ ' I 14. Have you ever had any licsenae revol�sd no What.rea��n•and d'ate � ' , I - _ . ,.i�+.�tr.r, , I 15. ,Are you a oitizen of tha IInited St�tea Ye� Native � Naturalized �,��_':. . r. . i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ""' � -._ . ..���� .... �v �iy � i 16. YPhere w�s"re you born St. Paul Date of birth �y 25, 192G,%:`� ����•��-_ '' =�' ._. � _ _- - � � - • ----.� . _._ .. . . �.._ ... , -- n, ; - : ; � � '-� * 17. I am, married, �y �rife t ) (�us�nel�s) name and addre ss is Jeanrie-�� �.� '� ;' ' � � . ' , �� ;�� " i'•- ; r... , +e. I�orence, 795 County Road "B" • � � � ,-� .s��i � � *' - -�-- -. . . -- . .. . - - - - > '' ; •,•-.,. .,. ' , � � � �.8. (zf married fema]:s) m,p maiden name is '��4 .,•� � ` 19. Ho�sv lon. have� ou. lived in St. Paul �0 years � ' � , . . g . . . �'.��._ ._ . . _ - - ._ _. -- _. ._ - -- � i 20, �Eave �rou ever been arreated no Violation of �rhat ariminal law or ordinanbe - � - , - - -- - . . .. �`` . __.--- -- . . . -- -. -- -- . _ ,.- - i �-�� " Village of ' 1 21. Are pou a registered voter in the City of St. Paul (_Ye�Roseville �No � _ . . � ----- --- _ ..._-- -•--- �-- -, . a .__ .. _. __ ...__ , ... ._ . . _ . .. _ � . . _ ._ _._ 3 (Anse�rer Pu1.lq�aiid 'completely.�' ��hese�a"licati,ons are thorou h1. cheal�d and an � falsifioation will be aauae for denial,- � � _ . , 1 ' • � I . a i ' ' ' . ° � � AFF IDAV IT-BY°AP�'L IGANT � ' FOR • � RETAIL BEER OR LIf�UOR LICEN$E j , � Re= On Sa le �Liquor Liaense � � __ __ � ..,..,.. _ . �� N�m� of applioant •, The Cromwell, Inc. by John A. Lorence, Vice-President Bu�iama� eddr�se 2511 University Avenue,� St, Paul, Mir.neaota ��� � ' e e o t i us es f ot 3 i� r re i � � �p� you the �01 o�m r f h � b ine 4-.��-o I n o a � � �ne h P7 �� i . �� t , I �o�°���'�f9n"��. _gorgoration , other? °' ���e in�e�e�ti� � buair�ees, inolude those by loan aP mot��y, pr��p�r�y or otherrrise��, ° � - -. � � � Pre�i�c�e��i�,& sole stocls-i Na�e John G. Lorence �d�re�+�s.. . . . . . , . . , . . FIn�r .; . , - - - -- - -�-- -- ._ . - - - — � ' �Sarbara R. Lorence �_ Officer _ _ ��� ;� I Robert A. Lorence Director �� : � , ; ? _.,,, - - - - ��: ' . �� � IP a mr�rporation, give i�s name The Cromwell, Inc� , _ - - . _ � �re you intere�ted i,n eta�r �rrap in anq o�her ftsta il Bedr or �,iquoz� b�zs ines e 4 not i �I � I Ae �ole vwner? Partner? Stookhmlder? ( - � - -- - - w - -�i - -�- - O�her�r3.se7 �Throug}i loan of money, etcp Explain) ��_ .� � � �� ' , - ' � bddi^esa of auah buainesa and nature of interest in s�sme �� � i � _ : , � - _ - _ _ _ r _ - _ _ � I �, _a.rQ�•— � S g re o a pp o�n � 3ta�be of Minneaarta ' - es � County of Rr�meey , _ � ! - - - - - - r ; John A. LorenCe being firat duly eworn, deposes and says upon _ � oa a s aa rea orego ng affidavit bearing his aignature and laaows the - a�ntenta thereofj that the sams is true of his own l�owledgm, �xcept as to thoae � � mattaera therain stated�upon information and belief and as to thos� m�ttera he be� � � iiev�� �Yte�: to b� trueo _ - i l�- . � � . ; . S ure o a pp caa � t_ ;= = . G Y � � -'gu�earibed��nd aworn t� before me ' ; • �hi��day uf 19�� � _ i _ _ � � o ary o, 1�S�ey oun y, eo � - j _ , ..' � • t � aomn3ssioa eapir,ma 19�� i ,, ALBERT A� WOODWARQi i Notar� Public, Ramsey Countyi,M1n1ta , ` � - My Commission Expires Aprll 25, 1973' � � . : i . i .� � • .1; i L � I I 4 � � ' 1 STATF (�' MIlVNESOT� : � SS ' CCANTY OF HAMSEY - a ; � � i ,� � . � 1 � • i � John A. Lorence being firat duly s�rorn, doth depoae � � and say that he makes this affidavit in connection with applicstion. for f �I — on behalf of The Cromwell, Inc. 1 "�Sale" liquor lioenae ("�,S�le" malt beverage liaenae)�in the City of ` �� $aint p�ul, Minneaota; that your affiant is a reaident of the City of Saint paul � and has reside.d therein for 40 yeare, 7 months, and is ; � now and has b�en for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said City _ � . � and thst he now resides at N0. '�95 County Road "S" , Village of Roseville Saint paul, Minnesota. �� s ' t t . ; „ k ., � i . r _ � i � i G , , , . . . . '`; � �1 t . � • ' 3 e E . € 4 i F � Subsoribed a�nd sworn to before ' i _`me" this �7�day of 19� � � i ;�:L�' � ,- � E - `�. � - - o ary� o msey Coun y, Dd nneso a - � �r aommisaion expires _ y . � � : i f ' ALBERT A� WOODWARp s . Notary Puhl(c, Ramsey Gouni}7, NfMft. + • MY Gb�lmisslon Expires April 25. 1973' � d . . � P . ; � _ _ � . , � ' • ' ; � _ ' _ ' ` . - - r Z . . �a / � O . � . ° a � rs �' � .. � �- � � x , � � ► � � , 1/jJ7�j .f Z..J y',.�ia�iir�1-' ����1 /JJ�.i1JT-.7 11h I��.�l�rj3J 1!J J��a�• ,l�/F�r�• �i�2 °'Ub'LIC uT4,rJi� t � G''..F,;;:I';C', ;�:r'V_..�:��. �:�'i':L01AL . . . T4i.�', D.'::; r:;� UL'.� L�.'! �.�.� xJ •• •4, A.3UVE IS � � TS "�.'Xj:.�3 :��:��::YTI� T:,,, :1X��PT. . . � . . • � ` • • _ , • � ' F 1 � � � i � " ` � • 1 _ 1 . , J�,n.� �d, �,967. ; ; � , , � . � , , • � � � � i , Hon. Wiyl3am E. C���n, � ' � Cwnsr. of �ibl�.� ��f'e�ty.� � � �- Tr�nth a�nd I�in�tl�t� Std.f • i � ' �t. paul; M�.�tn�. , � . ' A�ttn= Mr. Dar�.e�, P. Lu.t��].Yn, i D�si' 31r: � _ `; - � � , _ _, ! _ i ', . The �ity Coun�il toda�r infb�ina�.],}r apgrt�rred t - ��3cyw�.ng � � r � � ��licat#,4n� tOr ].icC�ns��t ' ° � John G. anc�.. Barbax� �re " 8 t r�hip, ho�.�ler� � � � , of On Sa�.� Liqn�r I3ce3 � o. 6�gg R�Ataur�nt; _ j Qn � O�f' S�Ze Mal.t Be � , C �tt� �n�. Cig�r�tte. � i vend�ng Mactiine Ope�c�tar'�a _ a Na, 956�, a11 � .f ! , �i r 3 n g J�tn. �1, , at 2 nive��it y A'v+�nue; !ar ' ` � � th� txan�f�r af �a� � m t�m as a ps�r��r�h�.p � s � ti� the Cra�nwe �, xia. at k �i�n � dre��. The ot`$ice�+� . r � i�� �h� �or�ib� bn ar+� Jo �, . I,orence j Pr��tident f Ja�n A. i � . - -- - �wr�ri�rls. Vi,�� E �+�ident; Barba�a R. Laren��� ��crs�ary - -- _ - " � �snd Tr�sure�rj�`� ohn (�: �.or e bei�g thQ eo�:e-�to�kholder., � � t � �� — — — _ .: '� . . � }— — - - � --- - - � ' � - - - �? . - , � r , _ . . , , .> � , - � - ) . - � � � . . ; � � < � . � . . � _ � . . . ' ! . � - , . � i _ ' � I . r , � I . � . _ _ - � „ � ___ ._ _ -` � — _ ,:� ;