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Theundereignedhereby propoaesthemakingofthefollowingpublicim�rovement bythe City_of_Saint Paulr viz.:
z�---- - -- .. - -n_ ` - - -- - _ _- � � ;.� "-" � r ;
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....--t.�°..-�.�°�:..'~Conc�emn�:ng'and�4taking•'a p�rma:�eri�'ea'se�i�i��"��0°"f��-E°�:��w�.dth"f"o"r""�Tie":#°---... f
; purpose of constructing and maintaining a•public�,sewer�,on,..,under,,,,Y,across,f';,.______
...................-� --.�.:. ..,-__w.,..._:,.�.....„,..._.._...._._..__...._........t--�w- -_... . .�_ . �
� and through a strip of land 20. feet in width, the centerli�ne of said� •'`
Lf " _ __ . .1•Ira^`�` ,
Township 29, Ra�ge 22 �frorri�the nox�th line of Maryland Avenue to the '
------.„..-south'liri�'�o�'"Orarige'`A�r�iiit�"`�-o"T�e 6pe'rie�';'"a`1:so"'coii�emn°ari�"=Ea�ke"a"""�'.."`"_..... .__. i
����e�mparary�const��tion easement 10 feet„in width on,reach�side�of the �
above described permanentpeasem.ent. This easement is ��equired for the �
HAZELWOOD-MARYI,AND SEWER SYSTEM. ....�....�....�-�.»$:!�`W�����::����u.r -- �-..--
' _ _ — -- - - —Councilman.� '
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak ng of the foIlowing improvement, vis.:
....._l:�._'y,� ....-•Gofiele�riniri"g"'���ak��aT rmane.� _'.z,..: ._......_.... ...�_.:.�-.,.J�.....:..,------..�..._.,�...s,.:�;�'' ._._..
.... . ..-. . �� .. . ,.
�, . _ n8 pe _ nt easement�20 feet in,"width ��'or- the �
_ _<< �ose of construct�xig,..and..main�tain3:ri�..a.�pu n���un x�.,,.-ac�` ' -----
�-�:. ....,. ,.,.� blic°-sewer�o , . d� , ross�'a"
� !- _ and -t�i'rough��a strip of.land�.20 feet in width, the cen=�erline of sai,d '�-�� '
------�•-�:�eaSement�•�exn���he...east,;.lin��of'�i�""�est°�i...o�`tYie��5�`����of��Sec °.1.....22�..................._
Townshi " - � ;� tion. ,
p 29, Range 22 from- the:_nor�h line" o���,ryl.and.Avenue...ta..the-•-----.---.-.-----•- _
......�__- ...._.....................------,..._�._ ......--------_._,
""�'�'south'�Iine bfy�dra e Avenue to be o �
� pened; also condemn and take a
havin�tem.pqr,ar�Ct;cons�ruct3.•orit e'a's`etne�it�i10?"feet'»i��i�widthK-on•-�each••s��de'tif"�the""'°"'"""".""�" T
therefoM ne�e�d��escribed permanent easement. This easement is required for �
p� Rk�4L�E�,J.3 Tha�the�r�amsD sict�neEr ox ruo.��ar;cs�e and ia here�y o�lnrrcid anr�direcf,�d; ;
/ )�i / .��.� T a a,.aL... •s.. e d • h'1's F �T.o ��l�in�r nf gAj.�itnsfT+�VPTt1qII�, .
�� �� --v li,:'c6ul�r,a,uc-o�ac�ucccciaiuy aGi� vi couuvi.ivJ-v.� -.p� �
�" ' 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. `
J . � ;
3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. •
5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commieaioner of FSnance. f
�AIV 11196� '
Adoptedby the Council----------------------•------•-------------.....-------...-------•-•----•-•- '
Y�es � ���
Councilman Dalglish ��N i 1 1967 ;� '
HollandApproved----------------••----....---------..:..-----._.......__..._.._..._...___ � -'
I� Carlson � �. '
Meredith .
• �X Tedesco --------•------ --- --- - - - - '-.... .. _._ __..-.�_ ; } -
M$. PBEBIDIDNT � Byrne Mayor.
s000 7-s4 j
� � � PUBLISHED JAI� �4 i96' �
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