231525 e
Counoil File xo....................._.
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Theunderai edhereb ro oaesthemakin ofthefollowin ublicim rovement by the Cit o�8aint Paul _vi�.: �
- B'a YP P, _ ._� 8 8P P Y ' . 4
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� ....��. ...-..����... .��..��ir� .�.......�-t.r�wr�K.�.w��. Ma.��.. �.���t�F�.��u�.Ni.+e.u..w�.�-r�.y.r.� .
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� ~Construct public sewer in f�,ZELW00D STREET from Orange Avenue to be � •
' ------��•�f-�•opened�•�to-•Ivy•Avenue;��also��°i�x--ORANGE`AVEIV�7E'tb`b��openecl'"from�Hazelwoocl�";="��'�" f
Street-�to the East l�ne o�'•the west � of the SE '1 of�e tion .22�� Townshi �
` - r.;•� ._.................... .......:..�......._. ..�,. _.,,._>.: ,..?�� -� � - -. . �.�....__...._...P.,.....---
.'"'�...°`."'.29;"�anige'2�; `aY'so {in..an.'Eas.ement to be obtained the centerline 'of said F
e�sement be��g„the,.E�,str.line,.,of,,.the..west.=�_of.,.the.=SE�..,-��•.•of�Secti-on••�22,-••••�-��-•-�•--- �
Township 29, Range 22 from Orange Avenue to be opened to Maryland Avenue; �
Dst�,`szo��`eons�-Grue���p�,�'ng-•eonr�ections�to"a;but�=i�rig"'�iY�o�ert�, a11"'bf whieh is ! 1
to be known as the H�LWOOD-MARYLAIVD SEWEfi�SYSTEM�a� _ �.,�.��_� ` i
..............�. ._....._.....r._.. ..�.....__ ..........._..� ....�.... ..__..d.... .
�outnciiffi�n. ,
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
- - - -- --- -- . _— - , _ -- ,-- , - - �.-�.-.._ � .#
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. ._ -�Construct public se�er Yin HAZELWOOD S'1'RFFT ~
� ned_to_ from Orange Avenue„to.b.e `
o�e .Iar.y,.Avenue-�.°a�so�-i�n°ORATIGE"AVENUE"�'o"be o�.y �+.~� ' {
. ~ �Street�to the East � 1 Pened from Hazelwood ! °
� line of the we t -
� -----.... '-�29�..�.-Ra��'22,^.'-8�:so""'in an"easement$to= of.,�?ie.,SE..,uthe+.�ection�_22,...c�.'ownshi�p�;�...
_:..: -
O . ....._4j`.�, easement b � " _ -be obtained" `cerite`rline of sai
ei,ng,,the East,�line...of..the:west• 1 of the-•SE°•1�of'"Sec�iori"'�2`"a��"�"'��� I
i � . �-fiownship�29, Rarige 22 from Or � '� ' �
. • ., • � � ri ,.;t s t.�,p C� t�e,QAvenue to be opened to Marylancl,.,(�v�n�se•....,w.. � i
hav�h�l.saecons�r.fzc��pa"�ing�'connec�ionsRto a�iu£�ing+property,���a11 of which 3�s �
thexeffor�tP_,e�� �nown as the AAZELWOOD-MA.RYLqND SEWER SYSTEM. �
_RE,SQLV�;D, 'I'!��th�Gorurrsisaioner of Pubtio T�or'�s ha and dg hereby ardercd sud dit�ect�d: :
_ - - ;
1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. �
2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. �
3:. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. +
4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. �
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commisaioner of flnance. ' , ;
��� 1 1 1��`� �
. . .
Adoptedby the CounciL....................................................•--------...-----•----- ,
YEes i '
Councilman Dalglish �AN 1 11967
Ao11 and Approveci-----------------------•--•---•----•---...--•----------•--•--•--.........._ '
�� Carlson i
� Tedesco � - ' �
......---- •- --_ ....----- - •- -.:._...._ .... < <
, __.. -- -. ..
M$. PREBiDIDNT � Byrne Mayor. �
� ��s � J� 14 '� � .
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