123987-124556_09-16-1941_11-25-1941�- ieveo s3i eoumas3e sao�ouoin `, �' SCIUVONV1S do nnHne 1VNOIIVM - - s��a�i�I gZilllll ,�. .. zZlllll e��i,.11l.:,a 0 i VIII . SZIIV 11,24 - - -- ---- ------------ �a Lo'ao\yar �/� �� r �5y�o �O A lcl 0 NSN SERIAL NO. OF ROLL' DEPARTMENT v 1 ' ROLL IDENTIFIC-ATION SLIP PERMANENT RETERT.IOI'l DATE TO BE DESTROYED If�Lim ted LIMITED RF.TENTIOid DATE MICROFILt�D F¢ j ZY14T1,7 CONTENTS f g NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOC UMLNT OF REGULAR CONTENTS �t �z--22 S �� A NUIIBERNAi,iF OF LAST DOCUVJIT MICROFILMED SICJFD Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor NOTICE • • `w CITY OF SAINT PAUL -COUNCIL FILE. NO. —��— TO C. F. Nd1 PRINTER R; en__So�ptamber-15--194 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT lxftft 87024 OF S, , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-St,911A O INCLUSIVE; AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 16 �1 f 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUCIL ' APPROVED ��if'10[ip 194 � PUBLISMD ' ! i1 CITYO SAINTA+06-" DUPI:ICATETOCETYCLERK _ OFFICE OFT E CpMPTROLLER' % COUNCILFIpE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINOLAN _SIN FAVOP. U I /'1r *,{�`1 Sept embex� 114i PARRANTO . A IJUl 't/J:JAINiA� • 78X PETERSON RO$!N �' AGAINBI \ RESOLVED: THAT CH ECKS..BEORAWN ON THCCITY TREASURY TRUA% - j Q O THE AGGREGATE ADIOUNT OF f COVERING MR. PRIES. MC1:::U NOSH 16 FEC KB NUMBERSD O INCL1US1[.-ASADOPTED BY THE COU" 1 R CHECKS ON F E FIC TH CO/II I:LlR? AP VE IS4_— NUM.[R - ea.rteetiu. I 17TO" AL DATE 0 Y �-op RETURNED CHICK IN AV'OR OF BYBANK NUMBER / TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FOR RD 217 810 62 - • 8697 j Reuben L,'Anderson,'15 In t. 4X02 8691 Peop1 @s�;8leotriDnp 869 5 J.S. 'weitzer & Son, I 1 365 00 �' 00 8696 �U•S. Rooting & Siding p,anyi 1 345 86917 S. ,Bergldnd Lumber Comp y 13Z 20418 II JLew BonCompany 8h 48869 Clark gontroller aompan 13 2 � 86920 Crane �i apany Lrq 869''0,1 'Cutlav-i : tagner Company ( y 446 86922 SivgrenaPaint Supply C p"y' �2 8692 Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & ompan i 340 564 86924 Hersey Mfg. Company 86905 Robert-Mfg.° Company 3_23 21 Al i 86926 11 Liquid 0arbonio Corpora ion v83 97 1' 56927 1i Natioual'fit02 ' Company 2 399 65 86988 .I NovtUsTn States Power C pany [}6 q8 86929 ! Jos. 1poLvilaek 22' 50 I, 869 0 f' Jos. Paviloek 14 11 869 1 ( Joe. 'Pavileek ! 37 68 969 2 �� Josr .Pavlioek '869 3 �'' Jos...Paallaek 67 3 869 (StPaul White Lead & 01 Comp Y,' 18 27 The Sherwin-Williams 0 ' any 869 b li Tri4 tate Tel. & Tul'g. ompan j X66 '06 869.7 ii Tri-Stats Tel. & Telg• ompan' ! 118 8 869 8 Villaume Box`i Lumber C pang 8 92 869 9 ut'"s. Eatberine Seery i 64 64 i 869 Atlaa Gas & oil Company. i 953 39 1� 869 1 Magnus Cheelpal Company � 6 21 869 .2 Robinson, Cary & Sande ompan' 9 99 The;Geo• T. Ryan Compan j 875 00, - g 4' Oscar H. Bakke 8 h5 T'lea Il[. Obat'V Treasurer 416 6 . 8 46 1 Hametliine Twin dity Real state j0o. 9 32 869 7 1� Hankee Heating Company , 103 16 , ' 8698 I� Jos. F. Yeiseler 91,0016 , 869 9 Northern States Power C mpan 1 86950 ! .F00 ay SwhroeTer �; 00 86991 F. G. � 22 43. 0 1 86952 Coll tor Internal Reve ue i 8969; S.'Brand Coal Copaay • . I 72.00 869 Cutler, Magner Caa►pany 62 8696 The PPlox Company 1. it Robert E. Goranson ?93100 86957 li Conrad Haglund 290100 86958 it AXgl A. Jo*neon Deo; Company 3Z6100 i 86959. Lesd8 & Northrup Compan . V of 86960 C.B. 'Lyon & Brother, Inc. 13 66 10 66 86961 .� Minnesota Plating Works, � 86962 11 N..U. ;Reti=14 `Company - 2�-07 8696�3 a' Albert V. Runzel _ _ °7 8698► ,�� Shaw Lumber Company 6 963 86965 j Tr14itate Tel. & Telg, omp 86f �� 9 6 Peter Zawistoweld JI 00 869E¢T j1 Mrs. ',Hannah Peterson 92 �t SHEET TOTAL—FO F WARD 249 963; 2711- PLICATE TO ITY SjLEPK. K ' �'1"",C4Y.QAINTFPAQL I.. �" rK,i a i Klss'>-'' J ROLL QµL OFFICE OFT E COMPTROLLER - COUNCIL GER - r77 1a.BARFU88 ' 'FINOLAN ITI IN.'FAVOR - FARRANTD AUDIT CLAIMS September 15 1 PETERSON RO EN Ak AGAINBR RESOLVED:. THAT CHECKS RE DRAWN ON THIS CITY TREASURY r ! TRUA% TO THEAGGRE@ATE AMOUNT OF.i�, COVBRINO: 'MR. Fp FB. MCDONO.6. Q QQ h !i : i� SEP 16 10 CHECKS NUMBER O = INCLUSIVE, AB: ADOPTED BY TOR PER CHECKS O E e O .HE -CI OMPTROLLER. _ APPEO D 1G4_ �t - G, UMBER a n e r�r ou[li ' "I eoo • BY T10 AL DATZ j - --- CHECK, -II --- — IN FAVOR OF - -- — ---11 ReruRNED 1 ,! NUMBER Ij j TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK J ' CHECKS CHECKS I' 9ROUGHT FORWARD 249', 9163.27 II 869661 --ll Roy F. Morgan 1i6 0, Ia6§691St. Paul' Council of P.T.A. 49 2 � 8 9701 I Art -Sign &'FaYnt Sapp CosD y 5 8 97X Fitahugh & Robert A. no 233 0 �I 8E( 70.1 � � "doyce; insurance, Inc. F 103 8 1 86 I� Jurgens Ocapany s 1 1 869 it Lawyers Co-0pe Pub. 0 f �y � ; 3 6 90-75i I Librarian 126 7 I S6970 I 8eeg�in . Fesm Equipment o®paa j 11 8697171 $emny Boiler & urge C p84y ! 11 1 3 I 86978' I kouroe, Caloglatine-N ne 0 ` p_u►y 777 ` i a6 75� Northern 3 �-tea-foes« Depen l 1a �i o 86SQ �«roar. A.; Rggdre Company aj I II 86 SIJ � 9t.Faui -Hui] djers Vete al 0 any 63 5 r (86982' Hra. Louis Fay 2 86'98 �I' M-rs., Anna % Foley 63i 8 8698 jI John 3, Fin3lan, C. o, Fin F 2 .869g� f Joh: S. Findlan, C o Finan ' 9 I1 86!86 + John S, Finc�lsn, 0, o Finan I 10 ' 0 86981 Jahn S. Findlan, C o Finan � 3 6 ,8 14 96-8 : John S; Findlian, 00 o 'Finan 3 1 8 II869$ John S: Finc�lan, C: o Finan j 0 86996 it John S. Findlan, 00 o Finan5 5 i 8699 II John S. Findlan, 0. o Fin' _ iS' f 5 8699 John S Fiudlan, C. o Fin 7 36 8 j! �I 86999 John Be Findlan, C. o Finan - 2 98 1 8699 John S. Findlan,, 0. o Finan 193 5 ( � 86"9L John Sy Findli n, C, o Finan 1 310 9 11 County Welfare Hoard 50 19 7 t !, a 96697.1 JOhti 9. Find;lan, C. o Finsn a 30 80 9 869 Patriak,J; S.gerty i 4 86 Carl parotid• 4 ; R 87. John S. Findian, C. o inan y� 'I 14 1 8 " 87 I John S. Findian, C, o lineae ( 4 9619 John $: Findian,:,.o Finan e 4 2 4 g l)87 Jobe s, indlsi, Tie * P,P, d 11 87 1 St.Paul Reacb"era!`R. Asad , i 12 Ij 8700; I John , S; . Findlan, 'b. "o 'Ft nen p S7 43 9 < 87� 1l.Mti. Baku' 'Pru►titad 187001' I1 Commercial' Goe 'Copp_an �t � 87 Pure 011" company, � I j ;10 7 87 �' II 8nap.•Cti ' Tools' Corpora ' :on I 5 �I87 10 I Aome,Linen S ,,vice any 1 5 8 �T�1 li Air � Reduotlo 'Sales 0 Deny I ! 9 87012 I Generator Spepislty Q pany i 8701.1 Ir Fred RA Ha aie Comp 19 _'2 8701, II Hersey Mfg, Company ' 19 8'Jml #I:, H. Hoover Company. Inc. 20 j 8pml lenmody Brothers Arms -, ompan 6 - 87 Laopiland Lumber Oompazy 87,1 ,i Librarlio, Library of ongre N 7 870191 P Mason Publishing Come y � �: 7 8qID20 Northern Staten Envel a Com any 3 7 979 (' Omega Maohine Company 9 87'02R`i Otia Elevator Company.. 61 0 87 Peimutit Company 1 4- a 702 Pittsburgh Equitable X ter ps.Ry 631 i 35 — -- I! - SHEET TOTAL -F RWARD o al n - I Q C F No. 123891—Hy M11tonRDee=- L origin* to City Clerk R solved, that Perm faction n be and Is hereby granted t the Tri-State T le ITY'0 SA hone 8 Telegr Dh Ci. t make neces- NO ry xca •attar 1 n.f Ound c n- 0 CE OF TH It Td cable f a r .y= COON OLUTIOI°'e� t uRlrt k , � f COMMISSIONER DATE-Sept.10 1fiLl .W Resolvedt o - � That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri–State Telephone & Telegraph Co. to make necessary excavations, lay underground conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets andlalleys, to set poles and anchors end place the necessary equipment on the following named street4:and ,alleys[ 1. Alley east of Mississippi River Blvd.from Davern St. to Emerald St. 2. Dayton Ave. from Ifellogg Blvd. to Mississippi River Blvd. 3. Pascal St. -from Highland'Pkwy. to Larpenteur Ave. 4. Alley East of Hall Ave, from Wabasha St, to Annapolis St. ; 5- Hall Ave. from Wabasha St. to Annapolis St. 6.,411ey east of Grantham St. from Ddswel;l Ave. To DuAby Ave. 7.'Eendon AVe. from Cleveland Ave, To Emerald St. 8. Alley east of Griffith St. from third St. to Burns Ave. 9. Alley south of Pinehurst Ave. from Edgecumbe Road to Mt..Curve Blvd. 10,kylley east of Otis Ave, from Exeter place to Emerald St. 11.Alley South of Iowa Ave. from East Ave. to Snelling Ave. 12.Montcalm place from Highland Pkwy to Juno 3t. 13.Alley east of Montrose Place from Hartford Ave. to Marshall Ave. 1.4.Territorial Road from Vandalia St. to Emerald St. 15.Clark St, from E. Minnthahh to Larpenteur 16.Texas St. from State St. to Lowell St. Poles and aerial ,construction to be removed when requestedrby the City Council. TPork to be done under the direction o£ the "Commissioner of Public Works", the talanhone oomoanv to vav the costA f publication incident hereto Approved:. - 6upt.oILL1gn/Ling nurnmu Approvedr � �.o 4 Sup/,t�Jlo Police Alarm & glegraph Approved: `Ll �✓, i . Cc is oner of Parks aygrounds Approved: CoTmiSsioner of Public Works f: count my Tlays Bacfuss Findlan Parrantd Peterson Truax IIIc. ,President, McDonough sm .•46 CS ..... 1^ Date. Date Date Date SEP 16 Adopted by the Council_-_._ 6 o5t Approved_ ___In Favor _� tjgainst $(JSt.ISFIFD � � j C. F. N� ice Irl o City O Fz D I N A N - COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED By An ordinaRoe "ending oe No,, Semir, entitled , s1a aetiuisiatrativs ordinanoe re ting to the Civil Sersle Dursaa:of the City of Swint Paul, approving and adopting rales -and;rep�siatiene t11 herefor,' spp ed angnet SQ, 1914, Of aeended. �. Thlit is an onergencr ordinance adored necessary for the prefer sstlen of the public peace, hes th and safety. COi1A0IE. ®T THS CITT 0 SAINT-P"L DOZS'ORDIS�it Section 1. net ordiaa - No. 3001, s"Poved 4681,20,1 191A, as "ended, be and the 1a hereby further 111011911496, by., at*lilgg aut where it appears i subdivision (5)of sub-ssotilsMC' (h)! b! section 45 of said ordi no*, the phrases "lay-off or? s' apai t by;sti3king cut 'of the same dut ivision the Rord`°consecutive^. Deetios 8. This is an On rgency ordinaaoe rendered ' necessary for, the preservation f the public pcs�ee, health anti Sectionli.e This ovdinano shall tats oit+.et and tie in f foroe;fren abd alter its paaaag and publication. i hereby recommend for pa sage by the Council the above- men fond aimpsadment to the Civ 1 Service Rules , Cid i ervice Commissiomer OCT 2 � Passed by the Counci------------- -- - - -- Teas Councilmen Nays F In Favor �- Farranito -- _ gosen ­------------- Against_ $eteroon 1 �e 2Truax: DICT Mr. $resident (McDonough) p v - - Atte�t: ^'� - ---- "�`� ---•-- � - Mayo -City 600 343 •I.lS1z.'"- �� / I E. lat. 2nd. Laid over to _ 3rd. & app. �$� _. Adopted Nay J✓—rK Nays B us s ti B , so n Findlan �� / p Ilan 2Parr to 9- ? adto tr on 'Pet11erson ^� /tto n lll(((fff rua8 a ruaa Mr. President Fallon ______ . _ r President Fa1lAa� RR'50LUT10R'TLTIIrtyINO A D CON- ON ON- - AG- �w, p,,lp111'►DA,ID�[M(IOTATIO - y sabsta .VTagP"tTHH$gB � ND AND - �- 23993 r - .1g. wide' ing and o e In Gl RESOLUTION RATIFYIN 1111. a o h CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARD Ol+ DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THI REFOR i I In the matter of__©P_enin�g, widening and extending a# alley -in the block bounded by --------Q -------------------------------- ----- 1,Jefferson, Cleveland, Juliet and Finn, by taking aid condemning the south 9 ft. of i the north of the VE'4 of the SE4 of the NE -4, Section 8, Township 28, 'Range 23, lying between the east line of Block 1, Ada Palk, ¢nd tae east line o' the north and south alley extended in Lane Park, Block 1, is biv2sion; also a triangule.r piece of land off the northeastern corner of Lot 4f Block 1, Lane Park,lst Division measured 4 ft, on each alley line, under Preliminary'Order 12278841 ---- ------------------_ p _ Intermediary Order _____12304 __ approved__ , July -ll 1941 --- ----- .............. ------ ---- approv d ---- Final Order _______________ 123527 July 29, 1941 ��kk ---------- A public hearing having beef had upon the taking an condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of dam1ges therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, aped the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be i Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lapds described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by 'the signature of the Commissioner of F' ance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further,; that the said assessment of benefits, The and the same Ls hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted tc� the District Court for confirmation. ,� ' txbhetxx���asasssmemhdiex dx3�eaal�e�aaGg�1� •ixxxa>iod�s��wsx#a�vtr�pmra�xa&:de�lls�khat�e4�a7t � SEP 17 1941 Adopted by the Council --L----------------------- --- 19,--_y r ��1 Approved__ -____ ___________, 19---- File 9290 Barfuse -- —I-`- ------ - yor. CouncilmanFindlen s Councilman Perranto f' 11 Councilman Councilman FReosc�oR PUBLISHED Councilman rixes l Councilman Mayor soma= "Ljd lonon¢b 'f REPORT OF COMMISSIO3NER OF FINANCE , ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__ opening,-widenin, and -extein-rz an -ellev in the block -bounded - by ---------n -----"------------------------ Jefferson, Cleveland, Juliet and Finr, by takin and condemning the south 9 ft. of I the northof the AES of the SE4 of the NE4,. Siction 8, Township 28, Range 23, lying between the east line of. Block 1, Ada Pari:, and the east line of the north 8 and south alley extended in.Lane Park, Block 1,11st Division; also a trianPular piece of land off the northeastern corner of Lott 4, Block 1, Lane Park 1st Division, measured 4 ft. or each alley line, 1. under Preliminary Order --- 1.2788 ------- approved --j-11 l _219,- 1U1--------------- Intermediary Order ....... 1:3204 ------------ approved---Jly-ly_ 1541----------------- - ------------- Final Order --------------123527 ----- approved--- jjlly­2-9­1941--------__ j TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: I i The Commiissianer of Finance h(6by .reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land lands or easements therein taken -and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of *e awards of damages therefor to the owners a thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are pay4le; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of s d improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitle as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding Qn said matters. i i i - /7 -R---/---------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. I a RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONMNATION AND A*,ARDS OF DAMAGES. AND ASSESSAENT° THEREFOR In the matterof__condemnin > and _taking an-egsement in -the -land necessar for sloPesz cuts and fills in the gradinn and surfacinj of the alleys in Block 1, Hayden Heights Plat 2, from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, and from the North and'Sgutlr alley to , Curve Street, - RS;60LUTION ATTFyING -:1N FIRRMING CONDJDMVAT&,y D CONI AWAMBRDR F DA3I'AGR9 AND AA1 sg 3889 T8RIIRFOR.- .. ;t - mning and takY` '�e land necee�. oleYe. under Preliminary Order ------ 122701 -_---__--- !approved -1 a.Y-23L 1941 - -- ` Intermediary Order ------------ approved___July 1, 1941 -_, Final Order ------------------ 123515 $pproved___fuly 29, 1941. A public hearing having been had upon the tak4 g'and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards pf damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly cot+sidered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of jthe lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatiure of the Commissioner, of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for 'said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all res ects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of bepefits, be and the same is hereby -in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Black 6dl�cx s'x&#xfit inpLxxg7[xxxxx�me�irtiny��x xhac >radx�&3a�dcdaa�}zas},tk�emei�xx 194 Adopted by the Council SEP -1------ ' 19 - KP 17 IN �,F7�7 Approved -----------------------> 9 ---- City Cl k.. File 9295 - - -- - ----- ----------- - �*1® fiartuae - --- Councilman F odtan --- Mayo Councilman harraotn % Councilman v COUIIC11maII Peterson / Councilman 11151101d Rosen i'fIRLISI�D �a �J/ Councilman Truax / Mayor McDonough l; I . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATIOIl OF LANDS - ; EFITS !T I In the matter of—cor.demn:ing and takin_-an ease�ent_in-the land. ne-:Ze6sary for slopes, cuts and fills in the -rai n.r and sur_`acin;T of t�,e alleys 'n Block 1, Haycen Heights Plat 2, from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, aid from the North and South alley to Curve Street, under Preliminary Order ---122 70 ------ approved------ *L-2 ,--1941----- Intermediary Order ------- 12 ------ approved ------ +ly-L_J341-------------------------- Final Order -------------- 1236535----- approved----__ ---------_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL:. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: , That he has fixed and determined the value of the land lads or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; hat he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from t]3e'ivakin9 of said 4provement, not exceedhPg the cost there- of, and that hereto; attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, contaiming the mndersigned's finding on sad matters. ---------------- Commissioner ----Commissioner of Finance. i 9- IN Orl[indtu city Clerk O '. COUNCIL CITY OF SAWN PAUI, OU NO: -- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE pU L ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM DAT S sial a i "943 gg Vft1V V E -' COMMIESSE0t Ei 1aa Resoivea,t the Purchasing Agent be. and he is hereby authorized to' • or and the Comptroller, 15#5$8 pounds purchase, with the :consent of the. May of galvanized iron sheets for the Vocational School, at an app=roximate Bost of X994.35, from PAPER, CALMENSON-& CO.,, withrntt advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to actpromptly would work a. hardship to flte' best, interests .of the City. Charge Public Schoolsee.Xnstruction .. Supplies -15-V5 tF. C Re oiveda3that he Purohad of-AggP_ :.be, d he wt1.th htheb by, slot r otd the " Putchaee. o olt 18,888 Ma"r ¢ad the' : Pem¢te, he Voouttonnl School, l�at¢nnt aPDroar 1hrl, ate ost f S99O 8. ithoutPAd err- c o w• a i... p1.MIDN80N & omer6o o eslet.I.M. , as an 9 failure to to tthe b Bt tlntereete th City. Charge P5 bClxl 6 Schools— . ..... .. Adopted by t 0 APDroved (3 pt. 20, 1941 19 1) ' • Adopd by the Council 194— � COUNCILMFN YeasNaYs P 17 194 Barfus,s Approve' —194— Findlan • Parranto -- ------- in Favor �) ayor Rosen _Again Truax "Mr. President, McDonough _- �.0 F No 123997—ny Axel F PIteraon— p Original 'nf Cifr clerk \ Rea dH d, that the t cu hake. i -� �..�� .> appr S the action f the Puact. In ((("�% C0.,ltjR�ip�9j CITY & Committee In awarding contragca aqr furnishing and .deliveringg Ice Cream, - NO, Chserlcs, Dixlea, Fudglolea or• othor -- - OFFICE OF''? 6 bare pC ice cream ,to loos school OU ES LU caf S nr the Won e. adhvgl ati G u_'_sa enatry z9az ' PRE9ENTED BY } :, ,DATE.�•@�it Uor, 10, - -1941 4 iOMMISSIQNE Resolved, That the Council hereby.aPProdes 'the action'of the: purchasing Committee in awarding contracts,for furnishing enfl delivering Ice Cream, Cheerios, Diaries, Fudgicles or other 5g bars of ice creem_to various ' school cafeterias for .the balance of the school seasoa.Of 1941-42 ending June 15, 1948, as follows,: Crescent Creamery Company- ApproxiMtely 4450 bricks Ice Cream, and 19,700 dozen Miscellaneous Specialties at a total contract price. of approximately 0219#63 ander Bies, Inc.- Approximately 950 bricks Ice Cream and:'8400 dozen Miscellaneous Specialties at a total contract price of,approximately $3729.87 M Ahey being the lowest responsible bidders,fully complying -with MW specifications, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to m ea �.nr,uT fDr� g contracts therefor, in accordance with their bids, awards of contracts and letters hereto attached, redgein.9 priee foa-ice-cream.for certatn_schools, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized,:t�.oeaecute.said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint °Paul. F.B.` As 551.7. r SEP COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1.94— Yeas Nays 17 *41 Barfuss Findlan Approved 194_ Parranto Peterson Favor y --- Rosen Truax s 'Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 OFid al�^o City, CI k I :(C. No. 123999—BY F d M. f CITY OF. SAINT PAPWa the C m Parks s ound.,= Puhltc Butn, OFFICE OF THE CITY: lose nae reported to the C uncll that th dwelling o Lo; 1� Block 7, -_ .. WYrt e9.A 111 i. )1(•90r1•ed fit. COU RESOt?UTION=G€o to ._.; COMMISSION FE the, �ismissiener of Parks, P140ten ads Siad Pall is >7uildinge hws reported ='to the do-unci3 that thee� lung out ld, Block 1, Yf ane l e Add! f tea, also: deser be as ''Ito. 1027 11�p�i a Street, is is mach a dilapidated and;daa$erou co1111!lit'on sr to - warrant its belag condemned and torn dawn; therefore, be i4 1t 80LtSD, that a #*olio hoaxing be had upon the advisability iuld necessity of lips okdng eajL& bnilang, on aw 10th day of Odtober, 1941,^at ten *Iolook-A'.- !t: is tie 'doaae l El mber of the- Qenrt House and City Ball; in the city,of saint paui, anneseta; be it _ Pi)a'!H>iB',BBSOb:&D, that not less than ten days prior to the -. tine tined l�or std beariag, the Commissioner of Paris, Playgronade' and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known -record orner of said property, or to the agent or occupant thereof, a notiee �r. eta*#isg the time, place and purpose of said hearing, and he shall also owse oA► no%lee of such hearing to be giyon by one publication . in the effieial ne�rspapeaf eaid4 Qity trot vltsa than tine . days - prior to the date o= eiid�healLlg• (9 SEP 17 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays r+ Barfuss Yindlan Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough CITY 'OF SAINT PAUL, \ Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration tow v Sept. 1 l' 19,41. — Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Oounsel City Hall Deer Sirs -- -- -- - - - -The coanaii Prep�a. > eea�utie�a �#e - 11 setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the &welling at 1627 Wynne St. on Lot 16, Block 1,-Wynners Addition. 5 Very truly yours, r City 01940. RECEIVED S>Ps, CORPORATION COUNSEL . LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt ofParks Supt. of Playgrounds ' qty Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS,. PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Cotnmissloner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner ,S'ept,erri ,igr 15, 1.941. A v Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen; 1�--ac3rarsls#rt-ts• sbsttt- the-��� r�,3�--w--- at 1627 Wynne Street on Lot 16, Block 1, Wynne's Addition under the ownership of Antonio Lascala, same address. Our inspector has ascertained that the dwelling is in very poor condition, a fire menace, badly run down, and is not provided.with a brick chimney. It is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice has been posted. Tkefore, kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section I- of they building coda. ours truly City Architect LAR..0 pV - CITY OF SAINT PAULA ®° Capital of Minnesotp QFFICE OV ICITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL- City Clerk end Commissioner of Registration v Sept. 16, 1941. Mr: Barry W- Oehler Corporation - Counsel City Sall Deer Sir: The conwil requested that yonu prepare a resolution (Ho. 1 getting a date for hearing in the matter of the oondemnatiam of the two frame shade at 426 and 430 Mt. I8a St., on Lots 4 and 5, Jno. Swaia- son's Division of Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Wm. A. Fan Slykess Re. of Lots 19, 20, 21, and 22, 21ock 9, Warren & iffineldws s Addition to St. Psnl. Very truly yours, City clerk. ED StP 6I i ri ! %+Ra i7l�y coU,'I,C CHAS. A. BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON Tg City Archltcd VV, LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of ploy®rou^& Supt of.Paris CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF � PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS,1 � AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SpEAKES, DaputV Comminiontr September 129 1941 Hon. Council city of St. Paul ' Gentlemen: _roliti .a to two ------- - This Department has rete ve Uompl Street, si e t, on Lots 4 & 4 frame sheds at 426 -and 430 M • 20 21, and 22, Block and 5, Jno. SwainsoRe Do�vls o of Lots 1, 2, 3, , Wm. A. -Van Slykes r Lots 19, , 9, Warren & Winslow s Addition to St. Paul* actor reports that the two sheds are located at Our res are rotted, a fire MEUlaclife, limb, and and the rear of the: lots, dangerous to life, � past any reasonable repair, adjoining Property. ®wners are Henry J. and Id® M. Schnobrich,, The last known er Notice has been posted` 896 East Fourth Street. A Dang 14 of Kindly get a hearing in accordance with Section i- the building code. Yours truly,.- ity Architect LAR ..0 ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL' Capital of Minnesota 1-(:)MCE OF CITY CLERK "HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration sept, 16, 191a. Ur. Harry 1. oehle r Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Birt a resolution granting the attached applicatian oY Purnell & Webb for permie�s ca public garage on the sontla side of Charles, between Rgrsond and Carlton, as more fully set out on the attached applicatim. Very truly youre, City Cletk. RECEIVED SEP 16 1941 CORPORATION EE YOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 72101 of the C3 of Saint Paul, Minne-�s/�ota, application will be m de o_19Y-�to the City Council the City o Saint P ul, Minneso a by for permission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate,% situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, o�� �it Block , nt Paul, Minnesota.' /6 the�� side of V r` Number Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, / ✓ 19/ '1 a STATE OF MINNESOTA, es Goonty of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication 9!P� ...... ..... ......... being � duly sworn, on oath .1. 'V/tb.��L now Is, and during all the time herein stated has cienen clerk of the North- ce west�Pub cations, Inc., publisher of thkRewspaper known as the •, St, Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts herelnafter stated That for more than one Year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed. ..... �7Y ... 4 ......... ch .. 74�-J­ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English la6guage from its knowfi office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has, been Issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped width skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; bas had in Its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and Miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near I Its said Place Of PublICRUCin to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second r1agg mail matter In the local postoffi6e of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the county in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub,; lication of legal notices. That the ............... : ........ NOTICE ............. ........... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein In A, We English language, oQQ"*&Q6-WeC for 80 P ............... day of that ;� was first Published on.. ..the.....'3. .. . ��. —fql 19.&#//and thereafter onA.. .... . .......................................... and that the following is a printed copy of the lower ease alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition 'Und publication of said notice, to -wit: abedefghij k I m no p q r t u v wxy z . ......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this.`!.d. of ... ... ........ My 3� L MoODOL, N9rM Nb)lc,-RazyCaw^ Ujna. 19... My (DO— EaW. D. 15, 1943. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF\MINNESOTA, se County oi/• Rafnsey, -.......... .. being duly Sworn, on oath says thatAe now is, and during all the time herein stated bas been clerk of the North- west �blications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch,• Paaea.?raas, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than_ one /-=year Immediately prior .two the publication Dtheerjrein of the - prluted ...H•!'!#.........:....... ..... hereto attachttd, said newspaper was printed and published in the English tan a from Its known office of publication _ in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to tie issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of pubu- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup-twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the Press work of which Chas been done In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, cum- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered soar tp paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mall matter in the of its said pJaC. of pitlancAtio- that there has been and is an filn in th. fP o[ office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper nr proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pult- emm e[: lication of legal notices. on m � 30'. ee a, r. Buatn ste a o� - cpanawq: ep a�vm _*nd Nd. ...... NOTICE ................. 9.,..... hereto attache Dgt ..ae aint—paur Inneaot.. env That the .................. tamper 7. 1 1 - .. nvo•. seat. 3.14-5). was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in .. ,. the English language. _0nee-eMU_a--k, for...� that t was first. so published on.. . ... ....... ... .the.....: �....., ........ day of ..: ..... .. .... ' 19 � !, and thegeafter on ................ . v U ..............3)aY=11� that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, %th'inclusfve, .. and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of -type used In the composition _.. and publication of said notice, to-wit: abed e f gh(I S kk Imno Da a at uvwiyi \ ` 1 cS/_ 11// - Subscribed and sworn to before me this..`..... day of _. ...... .. „ 19.-7V ............... . ............•.......... ...,.... Public, Ramsey Coun Llinnesota /� / �L My commi� on ea}�tt as ...... a?SY x44;. Cbenfv. Mi.(,19... / My CommiSaion F..lpimr Dec. jt!, 1943. 14 r n FILE Nom:. -e - — _ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTIOIN-GENERAL FORiN cow Esso EY Sbetenbsr 17th�1961 d , 8esolvedq that the plat Or -M lots 0G%M2 0=d• as remmended by the net Commission and_approv4ed by th• 046�a+sioner of, Public Works, be and the seaet is hereby saaoVteQ. m . C. F No 124002-8they Milton' Rosen— .,. C7. olan dodast recommended by the lPlat�- Commisaton nd approved by the Com•. _ - _ no t;. ote. (88Dt, 27,0, 1941) APProved Set 1 1991. Adopted by the_C ... Sept. 17, 1941. 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc$R 17 ' 194_ Yeas Nays sarfuss OR 17 196 _Findlam _ Agpmve4l -varranto Peterson Favor ayor Rouen Truax _ Mr. President, McDonough _ wet Cammissian - - ~ II ams¢ (tauntig, filinnesuta OFFICt OF - t*CRSTA.Y 294 CTT-HA LL September'17th, 1941. To the Honorable, the City Council, e City of St. Paul. Gentlemen The plat Cosmissioa submit herewith the _-__.- _fit a gtaelee-®spcica8ei-a--enbditta#oa-aerth-�sf` 8amo-- The streets are all graded, and there is a Preliminary order in for a sewer on Hoyt and Victoria. All assessment instal)Aents due are paid. B3=RRT x&4T, Secretary® Plat Conmission. SIP-rh CI b2,o 124 is P INSI$RME111AS4 onDErts c COUNCIL FILE NO.— C. en I? By 1r! INTERMEDIARY0 DER 9 8 f Irthe4tterof condpmniag and taking an easement inhe hand necessory or slopes4 en. outs d fills in the grading of the Airport Road and app roaches from the i rseotions of Stith Bt. and Fil'lmoro &e. to the Chicago, Rook Is k Pacific Rai]�ay(e* Bayfid�d: St., lots 1, 4 and IOi, Block 11; lots 1 to 6, inolusi Brook 15A lots 7; 11 cad Blook'�S; and lot 6 in BliDek,8, of 1lrocklynd. Also lots cad 6e Block, b�'art+i lots 3 and{i44, Block 26, lwmwesl', & Spenoeir's Addition to Brooked. Also lot -0, Block 1, anri''` lot 8 Plock 2, Walton' siSunnydale. Also on the Chicago„ Rook Island'&- fteifin Eai*w right=of�eley -at Beyfield, St., under!eeliminary Order 123629 approv Aamrat 27, *1 a Council of the City of Peul having received the report of a Commissioner pe. Finuncm upon the ab improvement, and havjng considered said report, hereby reos . I 11; That the said report and: the same A hereby approved and ad� ted, .and the said improvement is hereby ardered to be proceeded with. eaff4That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 4ondemn and tame an t in the 'land necessary ;for slopes, outs and fills in the grading�of t�is4irpord Road sd approaches from the Auterseotion of State St. an Fdllmora'Ave. #o the ,Ch ca Rook' 3siaad' vific Rails iy at Bayfield St., on lots 1, 4. and 10, 'Bloc -,11p lots 1 tto 6;'inc¢uaiTo" Block 13t lots 7, 11 and 12, Block ,9; and lot 6 in Block 8,� ofjBrooklyh4. Also Uts5 and 6, Block:bt and lots 3 and 4, Block 26, llA Spence_rihs ddition tsC. Brook*d. Also lot 9, Block 1„ and lot 8. Block 2, Walt nIa Sunnydals. Al'0 oxo the'',, _ Chios y Rock Island k Facific Railway-right-of-My at Be ield St.,, in Acco 0e with the b� e'print hereto attached and made a part hereof, th hatched portions hosing; Data stud shaded portions showing the fills, l j with t�6 .alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 Riesolved Further, That a ipublic hearing be had. on said improvement on the 1�fi5tTday of I` betobe�,r 1941 bOdte at--the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., inthe Council Chamber of the Court ' V House3 and' City Hail Building, irr ithe City of St. Paul. That the Com o 'toner ;of Finance give noti f V said mi¢eting to the persons and ih'the manner provided by the Charter, ' rating the time and, place of hear- ing, tho nature of the improvement and the, total cost thereof as estimat ,( A3opeed by the Council���'��0� , 193_ t pproved —193 Cit, Clerk CFile 93', 80 May r Cuncilma.1Al [iMarfnas YU Coe 0 l Obuncdma 'Csbuncilma� Ouncilma l �+ J uncilmaq� Coihncilmat �, Mayor 1 Form 0.'S. A. 8-6 ` I: COUNCIL FILE NO, B�, I i INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inn the�fatter'of rdomotrnotimg, relaying and repai�ing the eideealk on the South o endo' of Iglehart Avenue from Prior Avenue to Moore Sheet, C. E No 124009— ' .. Inithematter or recoastructh�g`rela'y� : . tp8 .and replaGrige the efdawaik dh She eouCh etde of r04-vt-Avenue 1022 Pr in A • Street - I ander :.g •' qp 9 .. "� . 371 V'. ', under Preliminary Order 228'818appro ed An 2a, rig141 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received'the report of the Com4issioner of'I Firfance up'nn tlge ;above improvement, and having considered said report, herebf olves: i 1. That the said report: and the same is hereby approved an adopted, and the said iraprovemeni,'is hereby ordered to be pro¢e id with. 2. That the natureiof the improvement which the Council r mmends`isreoaryetlNiet, rslayf'; andi>•ppair the sidewalk ;Sri the suath aide off Iglehart nue from Prior Avenue Yoc#e: Street; except .where good4pd. 'sufficient sidewa now exist, ' r square foot with no, alternatives, andahat the estimated cost thereof'is $ 0.08 rola old tile;' j0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That is pulilic hLaring be had on said impro' ement on the 14th' dag,o£ 01atober, 124 lam. at'the hour of 10 o'clock A. ., in the Council Chartdlaes`of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That theiCom missioner of Finan& give notice, of said meeting to the persons wind in themanner provided by_the C tter, stating the time and place of hear- i'tg, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es,,''mated. Adopted by the Coun4l SEP 17.641 193 1,7SO Arav pp 193 /,? City Clerk , Fite S4637 May r/ Councilma Harfuse Councilman lrindim 1� _ p— t Councilman parpanto .-- Councilman Petioles e Councilman B`010001Councilman 'ht / Mayor j. McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 b � a RH80LU ON OF COUNOIL Q{fr IN0 A$5ES9XHNT. COUNCIL FILE N0 .......... 124, CITY. OF $T: PA Resolution of Council App owing Assessment In the matter of the ssseasment of benefits, coats d expenses for constructing, re onstrneting and. -relaying sidewal:is, Estimate No. 5,.,Contraot 40-M-3. 1940 Assessable; {` Q4 F.O. 120951—Bustis Street, westerly aide, from Onto Ave. to the north City limits F.O. 11982600pineburst Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to thq east -line of Prfor Ave• vacated andon the south aide from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St. F.O. 120400 Avon Street, east aide, from no ity Avenue -thence south to alley F.O. 120403 Marion Street, west side, from University Avenue thence north 143 ft.; farther nor ing 20 its th, th oe-north to Sherburne Ave-, and. on begiits the east side of Marion Street from University Avenue to Sherborne Avenue F:O `"Z20623 Louisdi8treet.west -.eidaf"fzom•a po t 71 ft. south of Pallor Avenue, thence south 72 feet - F.Ox::.dZ0430, East Lrl1figton Ave.; south aide, White Bear pve. to Flan +, St., F.0.'120467 East Hawthorne Avenue, both sides, om Arcade Street to Meadota Street F.& 120474• Fillmerei �Rve.1, north'side, from S.. bort. St., theme. a"t 13Q $;'t ,and from Eaton St. thence east to Eva 8 ., and from Eva St. to'Roberitson St., and from a point 100 -ft -'east of Ro%ertson St. thence east to State St., and on the south side oP Fillmore A*.. from S. Robert Sit. th0ea0a0, 00st �18rfeet, and: from Eaton St. t1jenee ant 150 ft.;` begging ` farther east thence east to Erle Stret, and from Eva St.o Robertson St4', sad from-Robertaon St. ti a po 150 fty east F.O. 1204,06_. Selby Ave., north side, from Farri ton St. thence east 46 ft.; beginning 94 ft:. fifirther east thence east 1?61 ft.; beginning 142 ft. farthor east thenop east MO ft., and reset curb• and on the south aide of Selby Ave. fraikli► point 255 ft. east of Nina A thence east 92 it. including ooa'ttq}• ,a_pron iat the southeast corn of Nina S�„ and Selby Ave. - .Non-Assersables � � $` F.O. 120951^E0tiis Street, westerly side, from omo Ave. to the north City limits F.O. 119826 Pinehurst Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prlom Ave. vacated, and on the sou. side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell 8t,- ° F.O. 120405 Meaiou Street, both sides, from Un'versity Avy, to Sherburne Ave. C.F. 120031 ReisdivI ed. 4hait the Commissioner of Public.W6 be,and:,h)6 is hereby. authorized and directed to cause this necessary sideway extensions to be construoted-at the locations listed below; Intersection'S.R. corner Blair Ave. -and oirginie at. Intenlseetion;N.Wo corner Lafond Ave.and Virginia St. F.O. 120474 Filllygors.Ava., north side, from S. Robert St. thence east 130 ft-, and frost-jEaton St. thence east to Eva t•, and from Eva 3t. to Robertson St., adt*M-0. paint 100 fto east of Robertson Street thence east to State St.-,, fond- on the south side of Fillmore Ave. from S. Robert St, thence eaist:j199 ft.. [and from Eaton St. thence east 1150 ft.; beginning 100 ft. fsjrtq{er east,, thence east to Eva and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and.from Robertson St. to a point50 ft. east i F.O. 120406 Selby Ave., north side, from Farr gton St. thence east -46 ft.; beginning 94'ft• farther east, thence east 1 6 ft.; beginning 342 ft. farther east thence east 210 ft. and reset ourb; and on the south side of Selby Ave. from s point 255 ft. east of Nina vs. thence east 92 ft-, including odrnor apron at the southeast corn r of Nina St. and Selby Ave. F.O. 120430 East.Arlington Ave., south aide, f om White Bear Ave. to Flandrau St. 11; FIR E111. pit Z p,'G' 75Gd?0 `sef_'941,TudfoU VA.s•2011-}7 elge' ;Lom UJTfs Rest Enc *n-sugLsx g�• oOLuea sbLau sf fF9 aon{gfegel•`. T.usL o'er p�T2fH 2f ffag Ssjpw dA®• Licca r Etm7vF S22 f' ata f of ?g VAe ' fltEacs ssv� 8S 7f 7ucjnyru� ' fpieueo ®eef S70 ;;e �4 Leeelr4�i7.P1 su� ov fps aonfp e>qs oL 2o7P7 Vim' sacs ' POPTun}Tug Tey Lf' LsLfpieri esz¢ 8+i Lf« LazppeL esef' fl✓ ems£ 7.16 [.,�' • sl uu AC „IsR,O' 7SOv02 Es7FajV '' UOL4F a7ge'^TLO ^rug^otin Q aLsi%s ssaf 6 Lf•i P 1 i .::r bs.�oi. gion- moa t.oy 1•`;'0. 7788SC hTvslMLzf VAsuno' uoLfp 2Tgs' Lxoia Oj olvuq VAe° ;04Mes2f j7us u E'G' 7508E7-�F15zfre '.;Los;, uszfei7? a;qe' LLow Go yae' ro &ps'VOLfv OT r1+ 7?�u'rfz ,you-gzeszza'P7s° coLASL,sbiov s{ fN= aonfpeffzf coLASL �:Krns 2f' �Q e7^1 Vis' Liam is ip'oTuf 522 Lf' sszf oL y7uff VAG� fpsncs afz+ 3o T,4, c7n47A� Fpeage. ez2p 510 Lf" ev9 ises,f snip: uq OUI ;ps zanfp erns OL 267P7 VAG' ad 7.�0' ZWLfPer: dee" fpsuce, effaf 7,E L PsPT=Talk 7tS Lr- LtrLfpei: evaf R'0- 750406 2sSP� V, q jus•,' :JOLf} a7 J s' LLow LuLLTAE'f u 2;"2;"firsucs saes Q2 Lf'i pe�l'An7r& . 8f`• sit! LLOw BgpeLfaOu gf• f0 s bow 7@0 Lf' se'ef ffi 6L Guef 4peOUCe eaaf f0 EAs' 2;.fLse ' auq LLOiC EAs 2 fc gopsLfeoA L' fp Lssf"duq LLuw,Esfou snce es'f 7R0 Lf•i PstTuArv�: 700 LF• �8 , 2F' fp auq OA' Ue eonfp e:qe OT,g.r77wois yAs LLom 2' LjoPsif c r sacs Gore; LLoa s bOTv4 100 t_F' ssaf OL Fops fzou 2 •+peace see fo 24:sfs e -I Liow wsfcA Ef• fpsucs sear Fc E� 2f'y '-;Low Ess 2+' -e EopsifzroA 2 •, is'0' 75034- E777w�® V G" VOL -Py eTge' L. 2• g0 cif 2f• 'rp9ucs sea+ no ul:l —q o,Lus VAeufis' opp a7gs2' LL VLcsgs 2;Leep fo jargofff SpLsef F'G' 750365 Esaf Hs fp P + 7.f s R esL VAs' ,*c hTewgLffn ?f' E'C' 7S03i0 Effef yLliiU:.fOU 'ins•' 20D,'Y xTge' grow Ip fpsxioe,00nf}J'SS T ls'o• men ron7® 2PLOeF' a+szf 8796' LL u s noLuf AJ Lf' so" OL F1 j7ei yAsuns' fps ssx1F ergs o L7ov 2PLser LLOw II TASL2T4XJrAOArys po 2pwLPnius 'yAeuns sG GIT2h IO Le eL AOL-'' fpeAc uob�p fo 2psLp=XG. jjAG" UU9 ov The assessment of..___....._.__...........1+..._....__...._.._........_.._.....---._.<'.._ ...._......__....._....._..jOr and in connection lith benefits' oosts sad a nse6 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, add the Council having considered same and ,found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby inall respects approved. � 1 ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on sai Y assessment on the — ­115th ... _..__day of i/ :Obtober„ 1941 __............ __:__ _....._.... � .... at the hour of 10 o'clock A.1M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the (City of St. Paul ; that the commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Chaster, stating in said notice tliie time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assess�d against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. i �P 17'641 Adopted by the CoumciL ..._.__�_..,_.._..._.......__......._.7____..._........192.7_. P 117 1941v _............... , City Clerk. (Approved -....__..........__................._:._--.._....___192__..._. Mayor. Councilman Clsy •.vn 1_'c:fuc % Fe 6 Fivd! n H amu' Parranto Mcamid&6MI= Peterson ill SudhOWIMSM Rosen LUBLISHEID_� Truax Mayor :IcDonough rmrm H. B. k6 t - _ 6 ` Council File Novfpo PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and o PRE - -MARY ORDER. 1 The undersigned hereby pr po maks ,goft efollowingpublicim rov entbytheCit £S intPaul,viz: £lon�xuatra.aenites a e:AY wa..#� ..?�. , rest, to.1 t?to ,Street; Sa la Avenue frcpn C S set t Victoria street; o .Hoyt Ave a Chats- on-.;q Ftbxeo$ tri Ash Ffb e%{ •ea, Os#ieiHt �emee• -from ieetr•eaat•Ot• atw h•_.:.. fi .Street t07 street on Milt n. Stre from Nebraska Avenue to Aven e; on _ Via oris' £ �et t3 a; ;t***' ' Ti' •or. motraeka 11:iYe l"--W' I:ef�}iUAt'd'tii" 1iA: rt i ` ..... ....... Dated this c .16rth.. .day o to ... 9� ✓ Councilman. r PRELiMiNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Stireet.; on lowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street; on Hoyt ltveaua f1•lym•Efhetewoxbh•S6reet-to•Avon •Street;••en•Monteas•Aveaue•SioM•70•t'eet•..... . east of Chatsworth Street to Milton Street; on Milton St et i'rom Nebraska "'APeniie 'to' pyt' Avenue 'dti Vibtbi-ra' Street 1Y8tt' .80' YBdt' df'NAbY'BAl g Y presented to they. $Q6Aa6:............ .. ................. Abair wnmenc. Navin been Council of the City of Saint Paul,...,. whereas; a rte a. ren ai for the Avaaue..tR.I49m elllc ,rcrtr i ming. of akIP., therefore be it _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: yTo investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 'l. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. =3: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - ci -_ $. To state vrltctheF or tttst said lt}1pr�ry 7:ticiit is asked ffir cin the pecicii7n of-tliccc or in M ti svueta: - I To-report upon all of the foregoing m••��atters,to the Commissioner of Financt a7iG' A- - Adopted by the Council................. RAM......•••••. YEAS NAYS MP 17 in Councilman BARFUSS ✓ Approved ............ ® FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON - _ '- ROSEN ' ........... TRUAX Mayo. MR PRESIDENT / KUBLlSHED q-tU- N1 IM 7.41 ,. BY G. H Bart3da—I C. F No 1240'81 OWd� �li� C�Ir , ll •' .. ... :..• . 1tn8 Flnfllan - .f��' aeolSj loptUat-ifoenabn appDlCefl C1 theF -_..�• Ttltle - _- -00 •I - {w�� tachefl to .toenl tion bee aTd are heroey Granted, and the Clfy \Q ame C1 UNCIL RESCIL seargDonhLhe cDaymont t.d toelhtont eiclty tieaeur t the re441red fees. 1841. AdoD ed by the eon 8410Dt_18, - r 1$ 1941 t' PR "pr se,, 18, 1841) n (9$Dt. 20, . . COMMISSION llowing Pe rs sae at the addresses stated RES¢VEDt' .That lioens_ea 6830 applied for by the a hereby gran es be and the are APP- A0581 Renewal Oroosry 1194 N. Dale St. Ottq ]t: Jobnsoa a A0704 n ,. $utoher Stsdtfela+a lfarkste+Fno.1068 Grand Ave'. , a a Grocery 421 &.'Dale St. A0762 John R. J. Sevoik John � Val, 6gb.?.Hall Are, Butcher _ ..A0764.. a . Butcher a. R. S. A.B. J. Nlllos 7$9 Selby Ave. ___, R- a 86. N. Snelling Ave. Bowling Alleys pasrk Recreation, Alloys Juc. " A0795 " 1074 Hudson Road Butcher Frank H. AOPPs n A0808 M Cbiis. A.:par�ley 1952 St. Clair Ava. Barber a A0816 r. ._St6 �a Butcher' w_ :. W..lter,"J Butcher a a08be hangman & SiegeY 24$ E. 14th St. a A0876 w 64b Par]olay Drive Barber E. (tiller Restaurant, p 110581 a Lloyd B. Miller 2382 University Ave. n A0891 Gas Station 2064 1Pord. Parkway Srwm Stephdas a " A0899 Julius J. moria. Barber. 1051 Selby Ave. a " 40903 Charles S. NO&i 8utsher-. 1786 E. Seventh St. ,. . a. n Confectio-wry 940 E. Seventh St. - A0906 Lee- M. Foley 10906 - Jayid Vethourll�s- _.a Off Sala Malt AO912 - ° .. ° Rocco (;arboae 37$ B. Seventh St. gest e s A0934 R. A. Clain 8 684 N. Snelling Ave. anrant Restaurant" Adopted by the Couneil_------ 94— A: M. Nelsoa _ e6OjVMLMEN Yeas Nays -----_ 94._ Barfuss - .. :.. - _ _ Approve^ - = _In Favor Mayor Rosen !/ Against Troax @At McDai iygh 3M 141 ryIT, tvrti ° ,.'.- Jz oNd�i •lo city ciao CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FIL.F o N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM, page Be it 18 194T 1 --= ' COMMMS10NA_ oa�rF ` 1435 IInivereity Ave. 2nd hand dealer App. Ao943 Renews W. E. Mowrey Co. 01d Gold Gas. Station " A0963 " &&ward A. Boelter 1560 $ms Ave. " 279 B. Seventh St. 2nd hand dealer-gen• " A0964 Hansa Goodman Fuel Dealer " A0968 " Martin J. Joyce 1010 Hudson Road " Gas Statim .. " AO977 Hioholas A. Tempel 378 Como Ave. o a " ` e o 1 391 Sibley St • � Gas Station . #9978 � �.4, .: Sibley Oil C9. ',.. " A0979 Henioy Zshradl� _. X22 university Ave. Gas Station « 800'Ra nd Ave. YmO Gas Station " A0986 John F. Stradinger " " A0991John Ores 571 Earl Sts Gas Station SCEP Ifi 01 ` Adopted by the Council —y —= 04_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nate 111 Barfuss pptove' —19 ' Findlan arranto/j__In � t Favor M' Yor �..PetEl9S�� . ftoeen �. Truax _—Against ealdent,, McDonough is 11.41M[. Vice Ft lc :. (pCtetsur+> -- s p ptridll a City Clak CITY 00 SAINT IL AUL i FILE 7 FIDE= OF THE Ci GLERK t 1 1 �-- - C �':. �CoUr4CiL .RES�LCITt W-"IGEMERRL TORM . " Sept. 18, 1941 9WRES ENTED "1� ' - - `DATE- MIS5.ION _ tf&BREAgr Maripxe:-Sts Smvctr-desires,to-w,tl42-m-M., r S inn 1039, for Hesl;eutraa0,. a spplicatiog 10110 for Oa Sale Malt Beverag0. read appllcatioa.:1041, for Off gale malt Beverage license at 287 Bice St and request the return of the lieei►se -fee, therefore. 'be it R&SOLvED,tbat the proper city officers ase heratsy ffitiborized to refund to Margaret gti, eauser the license fees O:rL 6r©O.-axLd to - cancel . said epplicat#a&'- _ - licenses.;~r - 115 12400 Ba toes Flndffin- [pWnthdre ppltoatlon 3039 of r Roee t� ant, pPltcatton 1040 Lor On 9a10 Ld ur rugs. and npPltoation. 1041, _ 0�5a10 pialt Bevere6e llcenee at j aY?thei license tee. theretoreh be ytturn Resolved, thuthorl edP to cltefu ateee r are her by n license .A1.--..841tn�satd---gppilaa- - - - of 586.00 and to 1941. tion for licenses. Adopted by the Cou 1941IS-Pt. 19, f - Approved SePt. la, 1941) (Beet, 20, n /J SEP 18 641 COUNCILMEN ' • . Adopted by the Council ,94— 'Yeas Nays n SQ 9941 Barfnss 19 ' — APPLroved Flndlan f - r kiron b - i P ayo Rosen 'huax ' esld nG,. Meth - W. Vice Pr4o,ba-itdPoceaeon) 3M 1-41 ONtio to City Clark ' CNTY' OE SAJNT-PAUE- FFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE .�/`.�OPNCIC RESOLUTION-6ENERA4 FORM _ PR��S5EN'TED ggY, :.1'(- DATA - pt-,Is. 194!L . COMMISSIONER -- SAS, Angalo A. Policano desires to withdraw application 1017., for Restaurant . e � < application 1016 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and application 1028, for Off Sate [alb Te1E ale-Ouse `at -546 WWW ATG. sad i*04-st 0111 E'ftarl1 of ibb license fee, therefore be it - cMSOyp=.-.that the. proper -fAty bffleers are herety-mthorised to refz►ndi. to Angelo A. Policano the license fees of 65.00 ea(lato 'cannel said application for licenses. C. F. No: 134009-13Y O. If. Barfues—j _W Flndlen .-Pplteaasu-'dueMee� 'taurant, application 1018 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and appllcaflon 3018, for O8 Sale Matt Beveragfo e license at the .646 Payne Ave. and equeat the turn _ dflleeolvednthatetbeh Proper bttY taftl-' _ cera are .hereby suthgrized to efund'� to Angelo A. Pollcano the 7icen a fees' " of $6�00 and tc cancel said applic ' Et for lice naee: -- - _ Ad Ptud by the Cou cll Sept. 18, 1941. Approved BePt_ 18, 1941.- ' .(SEDC._20 3II41j: -- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Count P 181941 194— Yeas NgYs81 Barfuss - roved- 194_ Parra n o `\ PetpranR y� _in Favor _ M8YOr Rosen TruaX li ag A t � entt'l�ivIlh �- - am 1-41 Mc. Vice Ptc id. lt:(Pecereoaa Original to* City Clark _ o �. • .. 1$S S.�-� a' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK = Pfce NO. GOIIMCIL [3ES©L4lTIOW*ENPAL FQRM i PRESENTED° By - - - - ppm -- COMMISSION,_ D r •-r: to the ■ 1rad.8erres T sada app�ioatios ` Eionnoil for permission'to construct and maintain an Soe statism on Lot 1, Block 9, 8onecroft, also described as ito. 8697 Ifest _ � ,. �_- 716:emtti �tgi3►f -Se$ s-,. WHOW, Proper notice "Itii been given pui-suMt to 8e6tion ' b of OrdlLomoe.Ito= 6"01 therefore$ b+e it ffi60j6VXq, that a permit for the construction of said II station be issued to said iron Herriges for said lee station; the busidi to be constructed in aocordsaoe Bode. paid per sit may be resoled at any time b7 a majority rote of the @aaSeli-. ..... I -.. .. -. IC F No. 124010—By Fred M. Truax— . #... Whereas.:... FredIfertigee-- hast--deJ-. application to the Council Tor permia-� _ e1 n to construct and lntafn an tc to Sion on Lot 1,, Block 7, llomec oft, _ LL _ a18 described No. 2007 West Sev. enth Street; and Whe se proper notice has bra yyureuant to Section a oe _O di e No. M# therefb3', lie ltesolved, that a permli for the on- atructl0n of sold station be issued to said Fred Herriges for .said ice eta- _ -" tion:'the-bUfldlllg-to ba-conatrUotad In - "` eccptdance With" th6 Building Code. 9ald permit may b, revoked at anY ___J d. mala i£ vsSQ t:.€ha-Gminnll. m Anptea_a3-iliaai�„airBaPtr.tll.-ie44-i„ __. sept. 10, 1941. SEP 181841 COUNCILMEN - Adopted.bYthe Coun0 _...,_` ■ X94_ Yeas Nays$ Baduss Findlan r1 prove4l 19� aF= o n Favor n M&Yo Rosen Truax _ v —Aga:- ax 141 ke-Pcuidkmt iii�on/..: CITY, OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk end Commissioner of Registration Sept. 17, 1941- A Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt 'She City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Fred Herriges for permission to construct and,meintain an ice station at 2607 W. Seventh St- on Trot 1, Block 7, Homecroft. very truly yours; City clerk. SEP 171941 cf�K;�uk rio,v c;ju,'SR P0,8'r eAIRHNOTIeE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y St. Paul. Minn ..... _..._S.eptember_6---------- --193__ :. ..-_. -Pursuant. to Paragraph. F, Section 3, as ,amended, o Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, You. ,are hereby r1.0tifi�S1 t4a.t fhe application oE......Fred _Herr ges__........____.:._.-----__----------------4--------------------- for permission to erect or continue retail ice station at 2607 W. 7th St., on Lot 1. Block 7, Honjecroft will come up for consideration before the Council in the CouriciI Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the .___._______—_—__—___ 17th -........day of........ tl eQtemher. 19'*1-6, at 10'ciii+i Se H Page ._....- .._File. 9349 - ..-- �O mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i Iding., Dear Sir In the matter of application of Fred Herriges, 2607 W. Seventh Street, to construct and __- 1, Block 7, Homecroft, at the northigoet corner of W. Seventh and Ihmater. The zoning is commercial. The plot is occupied by a Standard oil Filling Station. The ice house will be constructed to Conform to the design of the filling station and will be set back is 11 line with the building facing Seventh St. The Board of Zoning recoTmmend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly. a----tea..-----�-r� GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BaARD OF ZONING C,4Y0 9f Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 F.rk' .SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �Q a 479 COURT HOUSE September 16th, 1941• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGL7NN EGIN WAHT+MAN CHARLES BASSFORD• City Arch,,.Il . GEORGE H. HE ir ERO�LD,ar Se crelary mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i Iding., Dear Sir In the matter of application of Fred Herriges, 2607 W. Seventh Street, to construct and __- 1, Block 7, Homecroft, at the northigoet corner of W. Seventh and Ihmater. The zoning is commercial. The plot is occupied by a Standard oil Filling Station. The ice house will be constructed to Conform to the design of the filling station and will be set back is 11 line with the building facing Seventh St. The Board of Zoning recoTmmend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly. a----tea..-----�-r� GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh NUMBER STR ET/ .3,10/E BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD LOT BLOCK �DDITIIIONRACT . HID LENGTH iN IN— HEIGHT IN ­r6TORIES N Iu CITY OF SAINT PAUL -Laa/eaT PmNr w• S,aN PRnM Owev,� tN Par MATERIAL OP CONSTRUCTION-- t DEPARTMENT OF', PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS ►AONTon1NIDTH IN PEST T�orAL Pee eotLemcD DIVISION OF BUILDING IN9PkCi'ION - DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUAT ORDINANCE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT VIOLATION. - TO: BUILD MARK SQUARES 0 INSTALLADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE WRECK ..� �' ®,� HANG ATE Gtl - BY, v A <... ` ERECT REPAIR NEW SI N OLD SIGN ILLUM- INATED 1' NON- ;LLUM- NATED Roof -PRO- I JECTING HQRI- 20NTAL VERT. ICAL COMBINATION HORIZOWr AND VE11'I'ICI,I. C STRUCTU E USED AS .. II II NUMBER STR ET/ .3,10/E BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD LOT BLOCK �DDITIIIONRACT . HID LENGTH iN IN— HEIGHT IN ­r6TORIES N Iu PRwar,oN eeroNo aNLDINQ 4N FWr I uIY 4,R .N Ft -Laa/eaT PmNr w• S,aN PRnM Owev,� tN Par MATERIAL OP CONSTRUCTION-- tusmunuwL ARtA aA aION _— aaTIMATED VALUAEtOl1.„; ►AONTon1NIDTH IN PEST _,^.., - SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE SPECIFICATIONSTOR PRIVATE GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO. BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST B FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED -'--------GARAGEDOORS --.MUST-NOT OPEN ANTO-ALLEY .._ N0 PEFilvffl fSSUED UNdER -THIS -APPLICATION wlL; ' ' COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING. 9_ a.,® -Am f+f! 'y DETAILS OR gEEMlAR _ 'A&R,- The undersigned hereby .makes application tot a permit to do Building Work as herein ep.If,%, a$reetng [o do sll work in strict accordance with etl ordinances of the City of Saint Paul,. Minnesota. i SIGNED BY ? CLINTON A. HACHBRT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. u WK. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of/Minnesota // �e�azf�ueHf o� �ublic c�a}(-etc� Tenth and Minnesota Streets U G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 2, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application of Fred Herregea for permit to install and operate an ioe station to be located at,. 607 W. Seventh Street. According to report of the health inspector there is''no objection to the granting of thin permit. Attaohed is report by Doctor Schoch, Chief Health Officer, covering the inspection. 9e r9 tpttlyC��yn�;1�s, Commissioner of Public Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY \ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION - August •30, 1941 Hon. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner Department of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota. My dear Commissioner: Regarding the attached application dor permit to install and operate an iceestation at 2607 W. Seventh St" our Inspector reports as follows: ,. T�ie_appllcant, Fred gerreges, will handle artificial ice -- - - _._ ce which he will obtain from tTEl..aii�n� -----and 74=1 good order. Company have installed this ice station ion being operated within Hage noted tbatto two isles es of thlsice tlocations therefore, it one and a half would appear that a station at this location is a necessity. Very truly yours' jBSLh--h,cYD.lthoffices'itSJ$-s OWN NUMBER STR r SIDE - BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' c - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUIL.OINMS WARD DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION BLOCK DOUBLE FEE 'COLLECTED APPLICATION FR PERMIT ACCOUNT ORDINANCE - C� ,i— o# VIOLATION. _ ':IRONTM WIDTH D TO: HEIGHT aecrt aN aeraw r va lawaa .r w BUILD INSTALL' ADD. 'ALTER, REPAIR MOVE . WRECK ,HANG .� y DATE �� t/ '� ® 1!L • MARK SQUARES . ..I...t}ATTn.UC 4 ' l.tNc In Par Gearm BY x ❑ ❑ ® It�ll - NON- COMBINATION L ERECT REPAIR - NEW SIGN OLD SIGN ILLUMA INATED ILLU M- INATED Roof PRO- I JECrIN. HgRI- Z.- I VERT- ICAL I NORII:ONTwL wND VERTICAL —�= STRUCTURE USED AS - OWN NUMBER STR r SIDE - BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD LOT BLOCK kDOITION Oft TRACT ,i— _ ':IRONTM WIDTH 81DR lM LENGTH HEIGHT aecrt aN aeraw r va lawaa .r w Euanuu. __....-�� ..I...t}ATTn.UC { gOR1E9 l.tNc In Par Gearm In rQr OP CONSTRUCTION epiuwe Feat � � SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE {j 6ET AILS aR kRMAR _ SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE_GARAGES __ -c�... a-..�: r j-7-1> _ _--- ---' IO "� ��x"�'�'4 - �• 1' TO BE AT LEAST FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS 1 TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE /( TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The undersigned hereby makea application for a . permit to do CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as her. a;pecifled, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance with all ordiaanCes of the City Df 3alnt Paull Minnesota. , f NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR SIGNED -' -� F FURNACE WORK OR STEAM FITTING. �rerl� (a sm 9 -Js - W. MONT KAUFMAN . ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A.' BASSFORD SopL of Perla SvL of Plq rounds CIN Architect v. � II CITY OF SAINT PAUL --1? Capital of Minnesota ` DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall . FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner o , September 12, 1941 Hon.QSred M. Truax Commissioner' Dear Sir 1 amreturning to you herewith the application of F`rad - Herriges, 2607 West Seventh Street, for installation of a cash and carry ice house at the above location. This is to be in connection with the filling station now on the premises. Mr. Cooper has made the investi- gation and reports the property is zoned for commercial purposes and there are no objections. Yours truly, city Architect T,AA..TL._ w�" CITY OF' SAINT PAUL c - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS,. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1I TarwLrEccou.ccTEo DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED 'ACCOUNT ORDINANCE APPIAICAjIOA FOR PERMIT ` ISI ' VIOLATION. - TO: R,N, O IN— I �00_ AI TER REPAIR MOVE WRECK HANG .st %� * MARK SQUARES ,: ' ^ 9 El BYX El _ NON- ERECT REPAIR ILLUM- ILLU _ ROOF PRo- '. NEW SIGN OLD SIGN II. INATEO INATED JECTINO rAMBINATION — HORI- VERT- HORRONru. STRUCTU EE Usco As II TONTAL ICAL AND VERTIOAL e - 07 OWNER-- — DDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS WARD LOT - , SLOCK - '� DDITION OR TRACT •EST ,IRONrowwIOTH ' IN FlDIT SORLENGTHT H IDE IN FELT HEIG IN FEET No. or STORIES, ROIe j- BLY0.Vu BDILO,NO aR PRor- UMS,N F— Ldwear PANT w SIGN PRDAS--S1-IMA a— ,N FRT MATERIAL OR CONSTRUCTION Su—C,w AS --SI Sp FSxr VALUATION TED ; _ - - I YF SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE D AILS OR'SEMAR SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES % --TOIWAT.LEAST IIO FEEY' FRUM-AMMELL{NGAsh-SAME LOT - - -TO-BF AT -.LEAST 2Q..EI—-ROM.DWF-LL-1NG 9N ADJOINING LOTS TO BEAT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE - - The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit - to do ! TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTGT,�,ON-ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building -Work as herein epecifled, agreeing to do all work in strict GAR E COQRS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance with ail OidlnanCee of the Cityof Saint Pauly., �'finIIeSOta. //" NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELE71CAL. PLASTERING, WARM AIR} FURNACE WORK OR STEA FI- SIGNED �'�'�'/ ,s--f�-H-•'c ") // r la Or�na4 t vGb Geek- 'CIF SAINT PAUL Counca OF,PICE OF THE CITY; CLERK FILE - No —; C UN IL. QN-GENERAL FOR14- _ :PR� ENTED Com ISSIO�IER _ A1CasOLyn,` that ent of the ttorlcnen s pogpenn�toi►° w A000unt of the.QIneral PnnQ, weekly dospensailan of X19.18 be -OWL to Jobs NOX11igett, an employe of the `Departaeat of g9.�►tiotl, vhii* he i -e -totally, a"bied by=reosen of iO3 10e, Ixe r*oe3.To4 sit Aggaet partial settle - Seat # to Sag 9eptepber 12, 1941, 1-0, now parables be it PORTiIIBR pgSpLYgtl, 'ti�at .Sfoanail rile` No 18Z"5, s"roweAL >lteplenber 1tis ��s""`ii baby ie`opbl�tet C. F. No. 124011—BY Axel F. Peterson— ' ' Resolved tbut out of the Wo km n'e 1 ;. :Compensnton Account at Qenera] Fund, week) omp�enation of $16.13 be paid to yJ kn tOEIII or an am- be of the Department of Education, mobile he le totally dleabled by reason 'dI 1941nJu aisE3228e nl Partt8lelement, to and Inclluding September 12, 1941, Is now payable: be' It Further Resolved, that Council File No. ..123@96, approved September 14, r41, be and the. same Is 'hoteby re- @ealet Adopted by the 6ouno1l-SaF�18. }@44,- App—mi Seyt. 18, 1@41. (Sept. 20, 1941) SEP is to ss� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> — Yeas _- Nays muss 8 is41 Findlan , "P>�ta>ete-tom.. Fayoi . Rosen n .A Truax \ j inet b d a _ __ },'Ypaidenttt •%sTtof�oUgh 'Mr. VICCt•Cald1'�C (P%ten0n)' olilv9.l Is C,ti _ - • , ``Av4�CITY,OP_ IN �PA1JL - 't courses--�.. Vii• FILE No. OFFJCE OF CITY CLERK , Q!U IL ESOL N=GENEWAL FORM PRESENTEb BY r MIL -\ DA7p September 1841 _ "COMMISSLONE _ - RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Public Works be and,he.is authorized ana directed to cause, the necessary sidewalk repairs to be made on the North side of MARGARET STREET from Earl Street to Frank Street, which walk abuts the sites of the .Margaret Playground and the Sibley School, by PEDERSON BROS. COMPANY, under their annual sidewalk contract known a`s.Coniptroller"s Contract L-4229, at a cost"- not to exceed $675.00, based on the unit prices bid, for 4t1 Monolithic Concrete Sidewalks for the current year, which cost is to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND 'PAiC EXEMPT PROPERTIES t C. F. No. 124612—By Milt.. Rosen— R solved, that theCommissioner, of ... ..mss: .. #ll,_Works be and he i, cut g 1.41d } as cTdt8ipair. su-s–"ClPade oeeC t9 .. .. orth ai repair. e of to be made on the _ ;North -side of to STREET ... from - ] $rl Street to Frank Street, '- which walk abhtc the sites of the Mar- j ph—t. Playground and the .Sibley - 3 ool, bPEDERSON BROS. COM- PANY.under their a1 sidewalk optr t-knowgn ae Comptro118C8 Con- -Itt L 4229 at_ a c t t to-exceed rac o y7� $675.00, ba,ed on the lint Drioes bid /iJf, I for 4a Monolithic Concrete Sidewalks V for the current year, hick cost to - _. T charged agafPR the P. L R.'FUND- TAX EXEMPT PROPIcRTI Sept.Adopted by the, Council pt. 18, 194 Approved Sept 18, 194941. 1) (Sept. 20, 1941) i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council " 18 1' 41 194— Yeas Nays.� 1941 Barfusa __ _.- -- -._-: 9 Fndlan APP 1 J Tn Favo M or on - Rosen Q Truax/ Asa . dent, Me DII l ax 141- Ma Vice Presidau (Pcxexse4li Sibley School Parept Teacher Association < ` Meets 2nd Wednesday of Month`t°� SIBUY SCHOOL ST. PAUL, MINN., Sent 7th --Igo— B. N. Truam, oo missionev of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Hilton Bosell, Oommissioner of V — -- Public works: Honorabls Sire: 8 ` This letter -to in reference tothe sidewalk along the north side of Margaret street, between Frank and Earl streets - This walk, as you know. Le Along the south side of itargaret playgronmdi but whether the upksop is the duty of the Dertmeat of ep Parks, Playgrounds and yublio'uildings, or the Department of Public Works, is not known to the writer. therefore, this letter IN addressed jointly to you gentlemen, as heads of those departments. Investigation will disclose that at a point near the , weetward'frdm''rank street, is below the grado, both Of the de�alining grade Playground and the boulevard. This condition results in the walk nean'ih0 4 middle of the block being at all times covered with earth, and in wet weather, With s think layer of mud. It in the request of the Sibley 9ahoolfParenL-Teacher Association that this matter be given early attention by the responsible de- psrtmamt, and that the condition complained of bs_promptly and efficiently corrected. Early advice of the action that will be taken, to gather with an app" -_tion of the tine thereof, will be greatly appreciated by the Association. SIBLRYY SGROOL P- Ta ANWIATIOH _ Evelyn Blab", IPresident. Addreesz 11Hko Boss Avenue, S{: Paul, Kinneeota. ]MANN I W. LA MONT KA6TMAN Supt of Parb _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL" Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Ball FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEARFS, Deputy Commhdoner September 11, 1941 ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Playgrounds CHAS. A BASSFORD City Architect Hon. Milton Rosen Cgmmissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Commissioner: The attached letter from Evelyn Eiahen, President of the Sibley School P. T. A., with reference to condition of sidewalk on Margaret Street, between Frank and Earl Streets, adjacent b the Margaret Playground, of which copy was sent to you by Miss Eishen, is self-explanatory. As yiu know this department is not equipped to do sidewalk work nor" are funds available to have it done. It Is therefore respectfully r9quested that your Department endeavor to do this work charging the coat to the Exempt Property Fund, with approval of the Comptroller and required resolution in the Council, which I shall be pleased to introduce if you so desire. Please include in such request sufficient funds r to take care of necessary repairs to the sidewalk along Fourth Street in the block adjoining Rice Park. I know we will have your co-operation. /�Y�-oaurs very truly, Commissioner rte: oflghw to at, a irk CITY OF SAj oew OFFICE OF THE , c. F. x lzaola ny rry — No. o Resolved th1t 7&P'rbpar city officers COUNCIL. RESOLUTION Are heT by anthor[xed to pay ce rtafn ' �emplcyes•i the•.Depa}•tment L Parka PR�SEPA"ED 'gY. r.0dslist itoi areaoe{ -, - COMM155LONE -.lutien.. outYon th attached this _ Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1841. Approved BeDt: i8 1941 , _ -.- - -• _..:. .._ .. ..(934 26, 194i -_.. AREAS, The Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to. the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of a emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his department for more than 8 hours per day,_ said am- ployment being more than their usual hoUrs.of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized a to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise d fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE p HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME Melvin G. Baker Tree Trimmer 7- X76* Sam Casalenda Tree Laborer 8 .55 Frank S. Garskl Caretaker 3.51-3/4- Henry Horwath 'Tree Laborer 10 .55 ° Jensen peen Tree_4Trip�uue:r. � : _: ._ 2 - _q� , -: ,­ �otil neis.. Tree Tkin ter 6 �7 Frank A Ben dle , Caretaker 3 .51-3/4 Herbert D..Lies Tree Trimmer 6761 Leo R. Murphy Caretaker 6 Jos. H. Miller. .5. Tree Laborer 7 .55 Wn. Masterson - Tree Trimmer 5 .74 - Martin McDonough Garden Laborer 6 .55 Fred A. Petschauer Utilityman--Playground 15 .6 Robert Ryckman Tree Trimmer 6 .6g Joseph Romoeky. --Tree Trimmer 6 .7 Frank Ridler, Jr Tree Trimmer 25 �6 Ray J.' Schmidt Tree Trimmer 11 .71 Archie. Stacy Tree Trimmer 1 .71 R. B. Soder Tree Trimmer 4 .71 Fred J. Tetslaff � Caretaker- 6 Byron L. Woodward .6 Tree' Trimmer 2 _::. -Geo ...Ji --Dixon- Dixon ____ . _ ____$tili Juan==Playgrounds 2 Theo Theo. M. Edwall Caretaker 6 1➢alter C. Stahl Mict,ela, Dewey G. Caretaker 8 ,5�,_ ii °1W Stationary Fireman 8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councifilm tg.}_ , Yeas Nays Barfuss� ,rn! t.•�_'.l„i Findlan_.-Approlra�t� - gam, ■ a1 Sn Favor Rosen O May r Truax Against a ... h an 14i Mr. Vlca Prwidmt (Potu*on)_> , _ W. LA MONT KAUPh—"N ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of Parisi Supt of Playgrounds - CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND' PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner j CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner t n September 15, 1941 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, ren- dering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day brought about by necessity of taking care of storm damaged trees along ` the public streets and alleys brought about by recent wind storm. -- -- -The-energen" arose by reason of-necessity- of rendering service for the protection of Aw the general public. -Yours- truly, Co>isr"issioribr .1 1 C.F. No. 12401%1—BY ESllton R aen / 1 -•Uridad t. City -,.p 1te,o1 ed that the prober ity officers 2 are 'he eby autpogt ed to phy - erts. CITY OFA IN mploye -In the Departaleat of Ppblle O _ Work, for; xtra acha oat 6s„eet UNC1 O1fF,FtI�OE O out on she- ]let attaoneia thle reeo- 'lY ]JUAdopted'by the Caunc11�9eDt- 18, 1841, „Approved. Sept. _ 18,. 1841. oma: (Sept. 20; '1841) r PRESEN.7kED1� 1 41 ��6Y---.�.•r-,- :-..... _. y COM EN p�EREAB, the Commissioner of public Works has reperted'in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain`emplsyyesaid of his Department ent being more _ (thamore usual hourseight of employment; therefore, Sunday, ait _. RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authxtra a to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra mploy- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.-HR&te of Pay Victor E. Truck Dr. 1 ,62 Arbore, Kettle Fire. 16 Clinton, John M Brid a Lab. 1 60 r,.,.: -Edward. ,...,._ .62� `D eani ` Ked -e ., a 6 Edatrom, Oscar L. Franchi, Joseph L. Bridge Lab 1 IInsk.Lab. .50 Glancy, Glen L. Truck Dr.}} Rel"ler,.Walter A. Truck:Dr. 2 .b6$ Kivus, Peter J. IItilityman-PW1 7 Kuhn , John,D. util.Fore.-PW .$2 Liman, Thomas Sew.Mte.Lab. 1 .55 Y ,lws, Frank D.. Utilityman-PW 1 .73 f�l Newstrom, William Crew header -PW 11 .73 Putnam, Fred A. 1 .73 IItilit an-P1P e Ra3tmussert� menton---___ _ � _ �_ IItilitymano-PW p Rasmussen, Robert Stety.Fire. 16 .6g* Sas�n, Patrick Pow.Shov.Opr. . 4 1.50 ' 6 Simmer 1�ay Caretaker 1 ° Ste1ubsr$ —Mex_:_ - PW 1 . J3 S _- IIti-lity�an= --- _ �. wanson Carl A. —_ Taube, llbert Sweeper Opr. 1 6 Winkel, Fred L.° Truck Dr. - COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the CouneaSSP lg 1941 194-- _..:_ yeas - NRY9 Sarfuss ._Approve-,o?� 194_ Findlan resiv�' in F r ` f May Rosen ' Ag Inst Truax asident;, MaD98B�h ala 1-41 ° Mr. Vice Ftc_kieut (Pennon) 1 If 'i An emergency has arisen in the DEPART14ENT CI' PUB11C WORKS, -- rendering necessary the employment of certain e�pnployee.s of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of thb following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment and material on aSundays at Asphalt Plant, making emergency repairs to streets and a Heys following heavy rainstorm. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and oirciAmstances: Opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls, necessity for kgeping fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and watching equipment and material, repairing streets and leys damaged by storm. COMESSI MYM OF PULIC Wo, t - CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOtENCIL or-r-4OF THE CITY .CLERK w• COUNCIL I�UTION—GENERAL FORM PRES@NTED BY DA -... GOMMISSIONE that the Cammiseianer 01 rnblia Works be and he to hereby,authoriz#d ens SS:t= dirsated�to oil the fall-oedg etreSts and sllsyren A17,�ook-ye,snolis-(#reenbrier-Welsh °' . Lover Aftee, Pt. Douglas to City Limits Van Dyke, minnobehe Alle� ting to Reansy N o e-gherwoad-rlandrau--White Bear -T- All yA W*rwooi-Arlington-.lP—drau-W h1t6 Bear plleyAtillamter-York-Kennard-1679 Sti-118t0 Alley*Wont-Hatch-Park-Sylsen jAlley errill-8ermood-Hoyt-Idaho _ AllepHi1 j=*-pavern-M&celester -T- Ailey rant-Hatoh-Glne-L-1-A1L ° To A11,,4d..baha-Znglovood_Lexington-Oxford for the follotInks Milton Rosen— end private property ` - Dept. of Public Works, P&viak Plaut C. F. No. 124016—BY Resolved, that the Commissioner. t' P tlliorizedo�td directed t eotl the rtolY i win at eye: I Donald Taylor$ 599 $ [reefs end AlleY — Cook -Magnolia -Green - J W, Kotodu'r, f 619 Seminole '- brier -Walsh. PL Douglas to Lower Afton, Arvid Yong, 1446 Schaffer city Llm"e' U. Van Dyke Mi Cohtge SheRrwood- T" Al{@Y— Flandrau-' ✓;h a Hear. --.."R"'-Aflx3—rberwOOd�ALUPgtDR'." Flandrav-White Bear. Alley — Stillwater -York -Ken - a -1679 Stillwater tch-PaYl- — Front -Hark -VleY n o Alley —Merrill-Ferwood-HYt- Mob" ll A11eY — Niles-luno-Davern-Ma- caleater. [-Hatch -Colne-.- T.. Alley—Fron Louth. Minnehahs-Engle- •' TAl7eY— w ood-Lexington-Oxford. and Dor rP bllc Works,[P""gg eptt of Plant. Donald 699 S. Warwick. 619 •moor, Ar d Vong. 1446 SchefferSemin,ole. Adopted by the Council Sepl. 18. 1941. Approved Sept. 18, 1941. )911) t3 SEP 1� Adopted by the Council --� .194— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays6 BmIuss Approved _194— 5"' Findlanl%- P'ffirallito 7n Favo ........_... yol. Rosen —0—Against Truax e g] e & E_nWh ti - ' an 1.0 Vico (Petecsvn) . _ _ O u6id t. city cw.r g n: ?`h 4 'TY, QF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO, T ' � - - CF .4F THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRES9�NryTEED 'BY":. - ., COM I S}atONE DATA" '. 8eotembel. 1S. 1941 t the Northern States Fever Company be given permission to --- . - retain 2 existing areavai r fipaices ander the a devaik for ase as cable taalts at 375-377 Jackson Street. Cost of forms and reinforcing of new sidewalk over areaway Spaces will lik paid P for by Northern Stites Power Company. See attached eke$eh. ° C. F. No. the Milton $oxen. Resolved,, that the Northern States Power Company be given Dermlealon to retain 2 existing areaway 118110—M; 10 un- der the sidewalk for use ae cable vaults at 376-377 Jackson Street Cott of forms and reinforcing of new aid" walk over areaway eDacea (ll be paid o [or by. Northern State. PO We Com - pony. See attached sketch. �41d.Dted by th,Councll Sept. 11941. o `�DDroved Sept. 18, 1941. CY' (Sept- 29, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun REP W941 94— Yeas Nays Buluss KP 181941 Findlan " APProv�� Feremn or Roden. AL Pr r Truax —Against ' eeu�eL�.-��gh am 141 ' 1cc PrWdact !Paterson) t `o i t..f t. tier Ct.h 124'47°- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COEr4ca NO. CDUN Lb 1 F THE CITY CLERK 6 � r - LUTION-GENERAL FORM 8eptieaber 18th. 19,41. PR65EENNTESBY DATE— ? COMM 9SIONE -- 0a Sieol�ed,r�het thee. Ccma1118sionAr of Public ]forks be and he in hereby authorize' to prepare an Annual Report in the usual farm and with the usual maps: for the years 1940 and 1941. and the Pa"basing ® Agent is hereby enthortzed sad direoted to eause to be printed three hundred sad tXfiEy;coies(330i of said easy n Report. ombs p idd out of F1iad 83he expeswe of much g 32 22eA6erss*w' C. F. No. 124017—By Milton Rosen Resolveu d, that the Commissioner f Public Work, beand he Is hereby au- thortzed to prepare .an Annual Report In the usual form and wtth the usual - . maps for the years1940and 2941; and the Purchastn66 Agent to hereby au- thorized and alrected to cause to be _ prtuted three npgndred and fifty copies .. (2,601. Uf Paid-,.D Inu�i RdAuRL �A4 :f n Pena¢ f eu t o d pUb 1 e.t �\ to be D id out of Fund S0 333-182E gl- -(�?/ no Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1041. o - 1� Approved Sept. j 18, 1841. (50pt. 20, 184b ; SEP COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN 181941 Adopted by the Council " Yeas Nays 118 1941 -- Barfuss Findlan 1. Favor — May ' Rosen _ %� Against 1 Truax c.._._ aM 1-41 )Y�I. V Fttstdont (I——) EFT, mom ! DUPLICATE TO CITY,CLE r CITY CO Cfu OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER RO L BARFUSW FINPLAN PARRANTO AUDITED CUM PETERSON V., P RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE 01)YN ZAGURY RQSENf _JK&VTY TRL TRUAX TO THVAQGREGAT9 AMOUNT OF COVERING MRF PRES. McDONOUGH V CHECKS,NUMBER TC SI 1-A 6 ADOPTEO-BY THE COON PER CHECK. ON HE 0 (E'OiF K.CITY OMPTROLLRR. A NUMBER TO' rIAL DATE CHECK [IN FAIR OF RETURNED NUMBER13YBANKC TRtECKSNSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 1i1 J SRodr.HT FORWARD �,5 450 83511 97025 I'Sarl1aner+Libbey Rooling Comte a �y 69 00 87026 Soully Steel,Producto Company! 566 44 1 87027 Taylor. 1hafrument Company 6 901 28 Trl—StatO Tel. & Telg. Comoan� i e 667 24 $7029, it ffoid! -wokow 1 050M 47030 rovers *bolesalo Meats 367'09 I Fieldingii& Sbepley a 985 78 7032 i:Samuel NNemer 00 97033jobn S. hidlan C. f Finazzo 60, $7034 Aftti Ret lnlng 8ompanY j 97 7 $7035 American! Nolte. Products Coup a 2Z 87036 Astomot1*61,jervice, GcwpaAy�; 3 Brings &I Company, L78 25 0 Uttlor, Magner Company $70381 608 50 039 1:161tiolt $taker Company 246 60 Company 0 IS 00 1 Electrial,Blue Print Company 29 57 87042 Tile Orrizoell Company, Inc. i 60 39 $70=4 R1,f. Hul*e Company 12 as ASj, gopp Company 169 94 05 87045 Il tt.if..Zoepke 31 87046 Miller ftpply Company 20 40 87047 sit Company 29 it 9.7 S G1 ib*H, To* e, jCompany Compy 31 96 1;g 211 87049 R,,FS !4 Company. I no' 1114cre ; 50-� , - . w 87050- 0113. � AQ i naller 1.1-1,4 - - 0. of Miller as 4, 01) 87M A"alsiaocal d. O -F 00 Assn. for social Seo city 67052 �Awsrrtoa 62 2 62 .0705 ftertallontbok. Cox pany 07-5 Am oaq Int, of P0.11'Exill 10 00 07055 a Ame 1 rioll 1�4e of St,001 0onjift I= .25 87056 Allkerloe:111111 1nS(di"b6 nay 14G 4b 97057 Amil taros ?0 smite Por a 26 a; n 47 Pi 84 Anerican Library A81 as'ocol 11 7 50 8705 Public Health A -9 S7066.II Applianoe service Co'spany 3 50 87061 II Aroi*"Bodk Pub, Company 87062 Assoolaiian,Trees 22 17 D63 *a Publiabing Company 971 gepurs I _. , ! 870664 J. , Inc. 12 J. Augustin, 11 20 8706-5- Auto, Zngirie-Worke ,97066 Bartiitt Mfg..Company 9 28 87067 Jobnl:;Belasel Company 12 75 87706 Pubs, Company Ino", 6 57 .8 �i Bellman 61 1 8700 11 Guy -T. Bisbee Oom�aiY 3 44 Deoker Mfg. Company 8155 a IBlue Print Service i II 7 27 Ij 87 2li I Albert nnier Ptib., 'Raise 1 97 ji 87 a Boot ohqp e. 50 8 99 877 Booth Fisheries 1 03 9707 R.R. Boiiker Company 7 63 ii Brookings Institution 1 8707 206 87077 Bruoe P0. company II 87078 Callaghan & ComPanT 22 50 $7079 111 CaPSial ',,Auto Parts Company 2 00 87, OL 090 jr capital !Pub.,. Institute 2 J, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 0- A -. •..1 'i ..... �-_� r.. � Com. 14 .._ NOTICE - , urY OF SAINT PAUL1 0� COUNCIL PILE NO TO CC C. i No 124038= - Ree 1 ed the*. checks be drawn on' PRINTER - the city �rreeeury to the aggregate' amount or $14 oaa.ae cevgilfig..%..kal —140pt }ice• 17 194-1-- h it ;c"a$98b lnolue ve, -aa Der check'd n flte in the' o®ce or, the City Comptroller. �_ .. _._ . _ t '�ldODtba'by f6e CoenCll Sept. 18, 1941. RESOLVEU,'F�iAT�IECKSB€�[tA1 ApprDYed Sept 1E. 1sf1. THE �GGREGATE �v10Ui�IT �14,032.29 SBeDt. ao, 19411) 7 F S , �VERING C�I CKS tWMBtKrLl _ CLUSIVE, )�'S ,PER �,HECKS 6 14*E 1 THE 6F.FICE qF TE!E CITY COMPTROLLER. /jam ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL up 28 641 194— �� CITY COMPTROLLER SEP.81 194 APPROVED 194—sit- / joo e-4o _ . 4(49 brlsind t. LY4 Clark '..r i -V _ ITY OF SAINT PAUL courlell O E OF THE CITY CLERK foes NO =�r ` O.UNCIL R.;. 06 G���RAt- FORM v' PRESErir.��pp s l ev. i ; �Aa Se tlember`-,18. 1941 COMMIS - Resolved,, That the Purchasing agent be 0 k he is hereby authorized to 1 purchase, with the consent of the Mayor ati the Comptroller,-�iae! tants 71 oar, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R.' motor method, ,from the ATLAS GAS &OIL CO. `at a price�of � .12100 per gallon, less 1g distottt-it fromjr`efinery price, including state tax and st-ate-inspeetlon, to be spotted on Municipal Equlpm8nt Bureau spur at Dale. St. ,-on informal bids, asan emer�ency;n sts where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City'. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment4,1003-134 C. y Vo. 124019—By John 9. Flndlan, Resolved, that the purchasing Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorized to Dur- ohaee with the .Sent of the. Mayor and t1je Comptroller, one tank car; ap- proximately 8000 'gallons Q leaded g'""", asoll 72-74 octane, C.F.A. otos meth d from the ATI.AB U. & OIL Co at aoprlce of $.12300 Per gallon, leas 1� dt ..... ftom rednety pr/ce, In-. hiding State tax and elate, Inapeetlon, to be aP.tted n Municipal Ejulpment Bareau aP!r at Dale B11,n , o nttor.al ---- -- bldg as an emergency exlate-where fella to to act promptly would work a hard to the beat In[ereatc of the • City. Charge General P`und—ffiunlclpal Equip, en t— o"0 IS4. Adopled by the C0 n711 9eDt 19..1941 a 1941. (Sept. 27, 19411 9EP IK— Yeas 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couneii Yeas Nays Barfuss • Findlan In or Ma* fbpse+n 'Alden": bonough W Vice Jh"Idcu[ (P.c4usonl C. B. H0. 121020 RESOLVED, that the Clifford Reokow Orchestra bo paid J$20-00 for one leader and $10.00 for each mmsician for each of eighteen performances at the Ioe Capadee Adopted by the Comoil-Sept.19,1941 Approved-Sept.19,1941 CITY OF 'SAINT PAUL29 Capital of Minnesota DEPAR�(MENT OF EDUCATION AXddL r. PWMRSOW�COMMIBBIONER J. C. FELDMI NN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS - ® a - MISS PERRIE_JONES. LIBRARIAN' PAUL S. AMIDON, SUPERINTENDENT BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS - �' EDWARD A. FURNI. SUPERINTENDENT A. E. TRUDEAU, DIRECTOR Sept. 18th, 1941. Mr. Harry IN. Oehlor Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Court house Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I.would like to have your offime draw up a Council Resolution authorizing the payments to the C1iff'ord Reckow Orchestra for the services of musicians at a rate of $10.00 per performance and 1 leader at $20.00 per performance o£ t5e Ice Capades for a period of approximately 18 days at the St. Paul Auditorium. The above in accordance with the terms of the contract agreed upon. Very truly yours, EiH-J C01g.1198-101IER OF 0ANa SEp 18 1941 __.._..__.._....... PP 0081.0 ite :cit, Cl-k _ I . CITY OF SAINT PAUL COunca ce" OFFICE OF-THY- E CITCLERK FILE No.t 241 �21 COUNCIL'R LUT ON= ENERAL' FORM 'PRESENTED COMMISSIONER ,A7fearson-D' ATF- September 78;. 1Q41 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education -has retorted to the Council in accordance with Section_ gq, of.th'e City ' Charter th'e existence of an emergency which rendered ' necessary the emiloyment of°certain emiloyes of his department for more than their usual hours of emlbloy- meat; therefor, be it RESOLVED, Ehat the firoter city officers. are hereby au_. thoriz'ed to lay the following, named emiloye.s.,- at- the______ _ rate otherwise fixed for extra em.¢loyment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITkE TIME RATE TOTAL Hamlin Brangh LibrArjr Williai Wing Ja4tor-Engineer 4 bra. .63 2.52 (From Blain Library. Mr. Schwartz substituted for o Mr. 'KadiAg during his vaoation) Rudolph J. PolanIm. Janitor-Engineer 26 " .63 16.88 I.C. F. ''To,. 124021—By Axel F. Pe arson— Who the Commissioner:: of Edu- cation has reprted to the Council. In - _ accordance with Section •§3 of'the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which endp[ed nec searyo the in (Overtime for month of August) mens f certain employe. t htsldepart- o more than their usual hour. I meet for -iof employment; Ehere4n r-zr-be-lt-_ Resolved, that the proper city nicer. are hero authorized to pay the fol- 1 Ing named pt'Yes, at the rate otherwise dz ed for extra employment for extra tlme hereinafter at forth: Hma1i D .nch I tbrnry - WTlliam RaaIng, ]sole r ltghmer --4 hra: a4.:':'...I - - AUgUat T. Sonwartz ]ernttur n - eIc. nept-12 hrS. at 63....... 7.66 P7ffimn--ttbrat'Tar-__-. Schwaartzrtz fa substituted for Mr.. _ Kading during his' acatlon.) Rudolph J. Poianka,' ]anitor- engineer-26 hrs. at 630........ 16.36 (Overtime for month of August)' Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1941. ,Approved Sept. 19, 1941. (Sept. 27, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted he Counc�__ __194— Yeas Nays Barfuss OEP 19 1941 _ - e e Favor 1 Mayur Truax _ Ag"C-. , eAtv.- gh , ' 3T8 1-41 Mr. V CS l'. �,` ... _ - Pre;,Sdexlt {paerxgszio)' ,. Form No Sept_epber 18_1941______ -- An emergency has arisen in the Department ofEducation Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the'employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: �o keeg$amline awl Ri_v_er_v_iew Branoh Libraries_open and_to _ - Olean buildings__---__..._,.---- ------ --------- J----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Neoessary to keep these buildings_ open ___ r, --- on account of speoial aotivities at buildings.---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. 0 ---�-- ---- - -- 4 Librarian PJ -HB 204-6/41-100 Orl,idl to CI4 Ct.rt ° - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RILE N+O. OFFICE OFTHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEN,"' -"` ` ` . C F No 240 2 By Fr d M T- //jj Whe sae• th Commm1 lou of F ' Playg u da d Publ/c Bulldln• eP ted 16 In ( � n Il thBalt t'i ,�------ CONE M1^•eS r ..-- .: wIIMM, -the Coaaiseloner of parks, PlsygroUnds and Public Buildings has reported" to the Council thatr the .**f,- "p, frame shed an Lot 1, Block 8, rilsonts Aearrangetent of part of Nor_ #0411's gnbdirisios of Block 27, ataoknlbia Ac i[ar6haih s .: ddit3oa, also- ds�eriAed as .1I0. 804 Rondo Stroet , is in 9e[eb a d) lapidatea _. _ __. - - oQindea d an Sad dangerous condition as to_warrant itsJ13 gtorn down;=thWo ors, be it AZSOILVp,thata public hearing be hoet the advisability an& no" osslltf of rrsoking said building,e 14th day of Oetobsr, lSnl, at ten o'clock A. K. "in the Council Chas►b0r of ihi "Bv-nrts Sones and City Ball, In the City of St. paul,.ltimesota; be it 1'i wmm H1;8016VH, . that net 1069 than': ten days Prior to the. ,. tiss_tia d_ter said hearing, the 96mi4sioner of Parks, playground' and M114 Buildings"sbali mud, to the last heonn record owner of the tise, said property, 0r to the stfWt the of a--not. �a.--at�►t_ _ ____ place End Purpose of Said hsariag, and he shall also oanse a - 0". Pa in the - >aetioe of such hearing to be 6� 3 ___: official newspaper of gold City not less thawi�e--- the date of said hearing. �\ 1 SEP 19 IN 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays ` APPidvFtt Findlan eterson n Favor 1 t M of S SITED G +1' 1 Truax A Sa�nst atl I-41 W V" Pceaident (Peterson) CITY OF SAINT PAUL- Capital AIDLCapital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLF -RK HARRY T. O-CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Resistratiosrs n LS, 1941. Mr. Barry N. Oehler Corporation Counsel 01 ty hal l ear Sir: The Council requested that you prepay" s a'3t t#orx iBs. 1} setting a date for hearing is the matter of the of the one story frame shed at %4 Rondo Ave. , on Tat 1 s. —sem ock 2, Wilson's Rs. a part of Marshall's Sub. of Block 27, MaolsabIrs, jEgj'isllIs Addition. Very truly, Y^�� 3—$ _.. City Cle>ic. F -v SEP IS 1941 CORPORATION COUNSEL W. LA MOM KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supe of Parim Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital 'of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL" E. SPEAKES, Deputy CommBdoner September 16, 1941 Hon. Council city of St. Yaul Gentlemen: — This is to advise you that we are receiving complaints rel ative to the condition of the one story frame shed at 504 Rondo Street, described as Lot 1, Block 2, Wilson's Re. a part of Marshall's Sub of Block 27, M ackubin & Marshall's Addition of St. Paul. This building is open, a fire hazard, a hangout for chil- dren, and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice was posted. The last known record owner is Jennie Dorfaman, 1200 Payne Avenue. 4. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with SectioA 1-14 of the building code. Yours ttrrruuly, Qffity Architect LA -F. . U 1 6- v F n CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CO NCIL -124023 FILE NUM ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINOLAN PARRANTO IN -FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Septanber IT, PETERS N R AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 0 kCITY TREASURY TROUSAXN MR. PRES- I TO THE I AGGREGATEAMOUNT 11`693wgr COV'ERING WP 191941 CHUCKS NUMBER-EDAM921-710 INCLUSIVE. I AS PE CHECKS ON F E 0 ADOPTED BY THE COON-ILV ADOPTED BY E COOLLER, D -:X/ AP 0 UMBER BY eorrtcotcc 1. TO -AL CUA CHECK NNUMBERTRANSFER IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT MSET �NED YDANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 464 867 4o $1 it Lewis L. Anderson Dr. Edmund V, Miller 500 00 50 870,82 do 97083 Ault & Viborg Company 1000 97084 Ballard Motors & Ramp 37 80 97P85 !I Capital City Lime & P.Ooe 1 so J.&TO96 Capitol Elating Works 48 73 87087 Central 00'COmPany 1500 87089 87089 Chase & Dosen Chicago Hardware Foundry comply 26 64 87090 ClevelaAd,Publio Library. Common Council for A, thiltly 2 0 5on 87091 709 $7092 $709 0,H,. Congdon CcbpMT CoAstTuotiongethods & Equipm 45 2 96 00 1 53 11 Carol Cos Book.Company int 095 Crowley Fence O0mPhnY 52 65 8 606 Undaby Packing Company 36 25 97097 Curtis iOOq,, Ind. 12 00 97699 $7099 titate Diebold''g'S9.fs,. &, Look Company 26 50 871:0 0 gowney c. e pany 15 1\4 CI Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Record Shop 102 Lrkhojuss 4 0 ii S7103. 87104 The Emporium EsslingAr & Company 3 3. 97105 Farwell, Ozmunp Kirk & Compax� 73-35 1 5 87106 rashian Digest 10 0 87107 1 Feist Small Animal Hospital 6 5 97108 Fuller Brush Company 38 97109 Gangl and Company 20 87110 Garrison Company 20 $7111 The Geiger Company 45-2 $7112 Gel4ten Supply Company Graybar neotTio GomPAn7# Inc 19q 5 8711 Cooper & Company 220 2 971N ii 8711r, j Griggs, Grossmann instrument Works,. 3 7 $71:16 W -.J. Haas Mfg- Company 5 87117 Hannaford, O'Brien. Inc. 87118 Hauenstain & Burmeister, Inc- 311 3, 67119 Heaiey-Ruff Company 3 7( M20 Heger Products Company N 5C $7121 %W. Hickey & CompanY,,Inc- 2( 87122- ST14 Hilex Company Holm & Olson 5 7( 8712W Houghton, Mifflin Company 0( 97125 87126 'the Induitital Press A. I.ogvolstad Ukber Company 3 0 0 ii suainess Machines Corp. 0 16 o 7 7 9 $411ow Johnson IS n, Inc, 8 lj� 97130 Jun or Literary Guild 0 0131 Lax Electric Company 1 0 7 1' -2 Lindig'silig. company t i 2 V 8713 mine Material :Company 2 0( $713 Love & Campbell Company 2 2! a 3 71.5 Lyon & Healy SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 10 46 �0 - 11 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - CIL FILE NO. 124( 0 TO COILING C: F. No. 124023— ReeolYed, [hat checks be drawn n PRINTER the olty treasury, to the Aggregate V numbered f370 , 11.1to 9147136, efncluefve cae amount 194 1 City the ptr j]erle /n .the o[dce of the Apptpved Sept Council Sept. 19, 1941' AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OP (Sept. 27, 1941) OF S 2,311.69 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-��_TC) 97135 -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFSFIICP 0 JVy41 CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194— crry comPrao��rx 11941 APPROVED —194-- ' 900 S40 .. Q 124024 01 Icla�"te Gb Clvt COUNCIL - .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCI4 RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM a_. L is 1941 PR EN BY DATE COMMI5510NE - - RBSOLVEED, That Restaurant W-Osnses epplioation A 0029s on Sale Malt '•' Beverage i ioense, applioation A 0930, and -Off Sale wilt Beverage lioa eses appliantion A 0931, applied for by Jnliud Rosen at 224 ifs Seventh Streets be and the 1870' are hereby granted. C. F. No. 124024 -BY G. H. Barfuss— John S. FSndlan— Resolved, that Restaurant License, stage License,,OappSw ttI .B .e 'sA 9M.a. .,. Ort Sale Malt BeY;,saBe license, appil- -__. --. _. _..__..._... cation A 0931 applied for -bY Tullus Rosen at 224 VI'. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. New. Informally approved by Coun- cil, September 18, 1941. Old location. Adopted by [he Councll Sept. 18, 1941. '➢proved Sept 19, 1841. t9ept. 27.y 1891) dew approved by Informally appy Coimoil0 September 16s 1941 0141 `loeation 191W 194_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coln^+' Yeas Nays 18 Bariussoveij —194._ Findlan erten o n Favor M.Y. RnaPn C \ ."'Against Truax R i *,"McDonough JOYSM 1-41 _44 14,25 '. Ori.lar to Cil "k,. _ COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAU4 OUFILE NO _ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION= pENERAL FORM PRESEN ED BY 'bAT� Sept. 1S, 1941 7 E 4' COMMISSION RE6pL4ED': That On gale Liquor License #1706, expiring January 31, 1942, issued 'to Sidney Leestamper at 224 K. Seventlat.Street, 118 and the same is hereby transferred to Jullus,Rosen at the sam6 address. C. F. No. 124026—By Q. H. Bartuea John S. Findlan— - - - Resolved, that ggOn Sale Liquor License uedt6. SidneynL esta.perSlatl a42, 17anal' :. Seventh Street, 'bo and the same Se hotelulius .Rosen at the a., transferred to Jme address. ° Tranater lnLormnlly ."proved: by Council, September 16, 1941: Old lo- cation. Adopted by the C.Sept 19, 1991. ova ADDrd Sept. 19911991. (Sept.Se2'i, 1941941) Transfer informally approved by Counoil, September 16, 1941 Old looatiOn SEP 19 W, 194— COUNCILMEN Adopted b9 the Council g (� �s� Yeas i SEP Nays 1 ET 1i, Barfuss v Approved —194., Findlan r Favor �M-r 'i�LePserr—'�' -- Truax8a»3st idem:?h ' aid 1-41, ML Vice Pcerldast (Pstec.m) CITY OF ST. PAUL / '; �o 2 - APPLICATION FOR ".ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE - - - - ...... .......... -\pplication No ---- ---- --- --- ---- lAke -------- -- Name of .-\pplica relepholle No Residence Address -- ----- ------------ ---------- ------------- -- Are you I citizen of the United States? -ratilig a saloon, cafe, ,oft drink parloror business of similar nature? ila" )"It ever been"-ensgp, 1 In opc ........ ......... .. ... ......... .. ........... \\'lien and where? of c0rp()nItion . ............ ............... .............. If corp,�ration, give name and general purpose............ .......... ................ ........................ Ilen incorporated? If 11 owl, - ed o - r lease - (I quarters for club members?.__---.- . ..... . .. ... - ---- club, how long has corporatio ............ .................. ... - - ----- ---- . ..... - Ilow man), members? and name and address of general manager Name., and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, ..................... .................... . ............... .. ....... . ......... . . . ......... - ------ - (;iN,e Ilaille of surety company which will write bond, if known ---------- -- ----------- ----- \V and Street Side Between What Cross Streets Number cl< .... ......... ... ... . ... I low many feet : et from all academy, college or University (measured -49 )? ................... . ...... along streets) Ilow many fc( t from a church (measuredhigh school (measured along streets) ? ..... ...... ... r plirochial grade or It Zloty many feet from CIO�st lnlblic� , , /- , , , � / , "/ I I - .. ................. ................................ ................ Name of closest school .......... �. under on di nce .� . . .. ........... How are premises clas�ified , ea s e iv e name o f I On what floor 10c -,w'.', Are premises owned by you or lqsed? .................. . .......................... If a restaurant, give seating capacity?. . '41 ........... . ........... ............ room. ....... ... ' m of on 4� sed ? ty, acity of main dining I in which liquor sale intended: If hotel, doral roam -s Give b,l-"-tl,,-, ca self or number, of'other description of each addi iona to, ............... .......... ....................... . . .... .... /V ...... .. .. .... ..... . ............................ I ............... ................................................... ........... .......... ............................................. . ... ....... ........... - .......... . . ..... ................. . .................... ... ....... ... .. .. ........ ... . ..................... .. ...... ... ----------- ------- --- - -------------------------------- ............. ....... ... .......... .................. ... ...... ---------------------------------------- ............... ........... .................. ...... ........... ........................... I I — I . ... .. .......... .. ............. .... .......... .............. -- f ........... I .......... ................ .. ....................... ... ................. ........... ...... ............................... ....................... (The iai--6-1 ailllll 1111"t h, given for hotels all% restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales) .......... ........ ....... ................................ I low many guest rooms in hotel?... ------------- a .......... Name of resident' proprietor or manage, -"(restaurant or hotel , . .. . .. ......... .. Give names and addresses d r .. es of th, e busfiaeA...r....f.e..r_. T res: 1.... I . . .. . ...... ........... ------ -- ------- --- - ----- - — . (- ............. . ............. ............................. ........... 1.f I -- * 2 ........... - I �'f .................. 7-- ............... ........... I< ............... .......... J. -f ............................... 3 ................. i.—f VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT,'AND IF CORPORATION, BY THIS Nf"PLIC�IHON FUST BE DULY AUTHORIZED TO -MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND AN OFFIQtR OFT 19E CORPORATION THE SEN'L OF THE,00 PORATION Bk ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Dated-------- -- -------.------------------..........194......:. Application checked by ............................. .......................... I ................ License Inspecto'r. SEE OTHER SIDE e srATE O1, INNESO"1'A, COUNTY Fi AMSEY,/�' _ ._....._ ..............being first duly sworn. depose498 says that he has read the follo ving application and knows the conte thereof, and that the same is true ,fo y6e best of his knowledge, information and belief. n (} l l.' \�f , s of , t ,' tom' .v.4� J ----------- scribed and swoo bpfo Ih4i=:..,... ...... of..::.= rp c : r .,,:...... 194..... Notary Public, Rams County, Minn. \ly commission expire,c:.,� �:"(-/../-z -/ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY - _.......... . -_ ...........................................being first duly sworn, deposesand says that..._...............t4e.........._...._..........__.................__.-.......-_._....----- ....---- ----- .--------------- -.------------- i .......... a corporation; that........................................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of..._ .....------------- ,.----------------------- knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said'fapplication and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........................day of.......................................... 194.. - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. � My commission expires.............................------------------------ 06 Orlilri.l is Citt Clak `.CopNCIL V J- ^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO: UI'v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . I, CQUNCIL. RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED - DATr SevE 16 1941 ' GONFMISSIOt� ea a lied for by the following persona at the addressee MSCLvED, That li PP tads stated a the same are hereby gran 280 Rios St. Barber App. A0184 Now Old Loostion James D. 617= a a a Alm M. Dories ' 1094 Iglehart Ave. Restaurant " A0 N l g & Jackson Dealer-IDxplosivee " A0748 Fhrwell, Ozmin, Kirk & Co. Ke n n n A0844 Certified foe & Fuel Co. Farrington & Fuller Ice Station " " n a 2004 Ford Parkway Dae Station A0890 " Ernan Stephens a a german F. Nelson 286 Ribs St. Gas Station " A0897 " & Paul We�oh 913 Ave.Gas Station A0 Herbert H. Strandgnist 699 S. Snelling a 945 NOW ui Co. 519 Guardian Bldg. Poss• Explosives " 40a C. F. Sculley EqP , Mrs. Marie Sicilia 621 Tfabaeha St. Restaurant " A0969 " Old " Conrad W. Brasoh 705 E. Seventh St. Gas Station " 10970 Stephen M. Farkas 663 Wabasha St. Gas Station " 10980 563 yfabaeha St. Parking IA " A0981 Stephen M. Farlas " n n " a a Leonard '& Ray Danek 378 W. Maryland St. " 11007 Gas Station _ C. r. No. 124026—sy G. H. Barium— John S. Flndlsn Resolved, that licenses apVlied for by the person. named on the IPst attached to this resolution be and the same or. - hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment ipto the city treasury of the epulred tees Approved the 19u19d1 Sept. 19; 1941. (Sept. 27, 1941) SEP 191941 ` Adopted by the Council 19`I-- COiiNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas � APProved 194— Findlan Favor r arson C Truax Again@t h ML Via Preskimc (Pm"'n) ....erltda.l .to city clerk", i24 2'7 .. �, CITY OF SAINT PAULcoul4ca 14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. CO N U CtL RESOLUTION -GENERAL _ P ..ORMk � PRESENTED B� - b _ V COMMISSIONS DAT—_1112t- iii,. 11)41 " WHEREAS, Irene E. Henegsr "desires to withdraw application A_ 1048'for Taxicab' " drier Iioenes and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, 1Y8 -it RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Irene E. Henegar the fee of #1.00 and to o anal said applies - tion for license. o C. F. No. 124024—By. G. H. Barf..e— Sohn S. Flndlan— 0 _ Where... Irene I Hehegar desires to withdraw ppltcat1.. A 1046 for Taxicab driver license and request. -the return of the.11eense fee deposited thereon, therefore, h.it Resolved^ that the proper city of- flcer.t be d they are. hereby author- . .� Ised tarefund to Irene E. HeneBar the fee f 11.0 , d to cancel laid applica- ilonofor .,cense. Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1941. Approved Sept. 19 1 41. (Sept. 2f, 141) w COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfusa Findlan arranto Peterson seo�ienn Truax icl t .lylc GRough ax 1-41 M& V1101 ptCikL= (F ttnon): Adopted by the Council lg' .194— ap 19 IN Approval 194_ n Favo�Z M or A gainst o „.a t. Cite 0erk y. C. F. N 124028-8Y G. H. Bartuss— l� CITY OF 4 124028. �• John S. Flndla R 1 ed Ybe.t 11 sea aDVVlled for by OFFICE OF T�th D r Ons ra d on the•llet attached t this res 1 tf n b and the same are NO.—, COUNCIL RESOLUTI h eby gra t d d the Clty Clerk ie upon !' - i t uct d t 1s u thepayueh licensee unto th e:cfty treasury ofs - - PRESENTED COMMISSION - ithe ..me required fee, -Adopted by theCouncll Sept. 19,. 1941. Approved- Sept. 1,7 191Y4 • 1941 ..(So PI- �t 11 S=VEDt That licensee •. _.— __ - .. ... _. -... _ applied for by the following peraone at the addresses .stated be and. the same are hereby granteda James Tacos 1785 B. Seventh St. Grocery App. ^ 49410 Renewal 49411 ^ n n n n Off Sale Malt C. A. Bethke 871 E. vinnehaha St. Confectionery ° 49916 ^ Piaui M. Rade— C& .. 461 iinipersity Ave. Restaurant " " A0615 " " e Cn Sale Melt A0616 ^ ^ n a Off Sale Malt " A0617 u n Theodore Bies 349-53 University Ave. Tavern .1 " " &0658 ^ A0654 " p n n n w Dance Ba11 Louie Vad 179 LVa St. Grocery Is _A0685 " Goldie Geller 238 E. Fairfield Ave. Grocery 6 " A076T' Is E. T. Burke 321 Thomas Ave. o Grocery " &0765 " Yrs. Frank Bradsbaw 193 N. lfeatern Awe. Restaurant " A0766 " , Laura' 8. Bolen 380 Como Ave. tavern " A0864 ^ A0865 " - Wm. Dietrich 1580 Randolph 6t. Butcher ^ A0876- " Fred Ssalay 956 Rice St. Grocery ^ A0923 " F. A. woolworth Co. 957 Payne Awe• Confectionery- " A0932 ° 0. Applebaum 2036 Marahall Ave. Grocery Malt A0937 ^ A0936 Off Sale St. Paul #33 F.O.Eaglee 3451 University Ave. Restaurant " " A0941 A0"2' " n M p a a w 0n Sale Malt Harriet F. DeRoma" 1355 University Ave. Restaurant " A095p " Harold Taing COUNCILMEN 379 University Ave. Adopted ba Restaurant Council " '0958194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss Approved 194— Findlan e arson Favor ^ Mayor sen � v 1 Truax Against M 'dent>;11�c])o�f,�igl_i � Mr. We Prwiduslt (Pxtereou) nen 1-41.. It COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays Sarfuss Mdlan Peterson VON Wen Truax esid8nt. ;PQeD. ,onou¢h aa+ i.ei Mr. Vice Ptr ldcat (Peterson) SEP 19i Adopted 194—Av. by the CouaciL to pproved 194— i i� in Favbr May r� I Againelt 1 ' 1+4028 e¢I�ind to Cly G7ark CITY OF SAINT PAUL COE"`IL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK age' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. PRESENTED BY. ` -DATE_ a.!Sept. 18, 1941 Co MISStiONE_. Goo. A. Robb 1084 Arkoright St. Grocery „Pp.A0961 Renewal A0962 ^ e ^ Off Sale Malt _ Lyceum Theatre Co. 479 Wabasha St. Motion Pioture Theatre " A0988 • A Motor Porter Equip. Go. 734 Grand Ave. 2nd hated dealer autos " A0967 " Habnon's Mer*. Co.,Iuo. �S 80 E• Seventh St - " A0 Andrew J. Wiltgen 624 V7abasha St. ^ e Eeetaurant Restaurant 0n dale Malt ^ " A0982 ^ A0985 ^ ^ e" ^ e " Off.dale Malt ^ A0984 " t. Jeanette lutohinson 891 E. Seventh St, Restaurant ^ e A0997 Thomas Mo$ulty h Gue Sohle"ifer 268 University Ave. Tavern Dance Hall " ^ A0998 " A0999 " ^ ^ Publio Hart .Chase 361 W. Seventh St. arooery " A1000 ^ It COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays Sarfuss Mdlan Peterson VON Wen Truax esid8nt. ;PQeD. ,onou¢h aa+ i.ei Mr. Vice Ptr ldcat (Peterson) SEP 19i Adopted 194—Av. by the CouaciL to pproved 194— i i� in Favbr May r� I Againelt original to City ai k - ORDIXARCR o R o i N AN �, F A o 7290".- y: `dinan 124029 F .... io3oC+:,(�IG�7L �i�rEti�NO. 1 1 PRESENTED BY ��^ ' " �^ ORDINANCE NO. a )Aa srdiniivar o Granting to Weyerhaeuser Tiaber Company per- mission to in;sad asintala a coaerete lumber nnioadinngg,plst- fora, approximately 90 feet long and 16 feet ride, along the' -west side of Berry Avenue immediately north of and adjoining Franklin Avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission Is hereby granted to Weyer- haeuser Timber Company to install and maintain a concrete lumber unloading platform, approximately 90 feet long and 16 feet wide,; - along the vest side of Berry Avenue immediately north of and adjoining Franklin Avenue. section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to issue a permit to said Company for said platform, upon said Company's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said permittee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or epeoifica- tion of said platform which shall be subject to the approval of said 6onnissioner. (2) Said platform shall be &rooted under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the permittee shall pay tho'bost of inspection, if any. /(3) said pormittoe shall furnish a bond to ,;hl City,of Saint Paul in the sus of $5,000.00, eomditioned to sale the City•haralees..fros any and all liability, judgments, ousts "bharges, damages or expense .that W acerae to,persoms or property on account of or arising out of the in- stallation, mainte`pance, use, prssonor>ea removal Of said platform. said bond shall be in such fors as may be approved the Corporation Counsel,, shall have such surety assishall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance, and..shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said platform shall be removed whenever the Council shall so order. (6) Said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written aooeptanoo hereof with the City Clerk, in such form as say be approved by the Corporation Counsel - section 3. This opdinance shall take effect and be in force Dirty days after its passage and publication.' OGT s " Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ........................................ Barfuss Findlan -�` Parranto �eb9obon . �raas Attest: Mr, Vice Pr *bum) `' P 7�1y City Clerk 500 341 ............... _-L In Favor 4 ...Against np�oOCi 8 1841 __ C "Ut3LISHT,73 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration kFa ® 4 Sept. 18, 1941. ti Mr. Harry O. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hell Dear Sirs The Council referred to you for preparation of an ordinance the attached implication of Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. to install a concrete lumber unloading platform on the west side of Berry Ave. north of Franklin Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk. RECEIVE® SEP IS 1943 CORPORAIJON COU',>FL WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY 2563 FRANKLIN AVENUE TWIN 11 CITY ,B RA ICN SAINT PAUL, MINNESbTA yF'aHA0 e1/ I � oR QST PRS September 17, 1941 0 k The City Council City of Saint Pa14 Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention:•CitY Clerk Gentlemen: Pursuant to the suggestion of Mr. Sheppard the City Engineer, we Iare writing to inform You that it is our desire to install a concrete lumber unloading platform, approximately 90 .feet long -and 16 feet wide, along the west side of Barry Avenue, immediately north of and adjoining Franklin Avenue, in the City of Saint Paul. While we term the proposed undertaking as a platform, actually, the project would be a strip of pavement at street level. We will appreciate your consideration of this request at your earliest convenience; also notice of hearing date so that I can arrange to be present. Yours very truly, `NEYERYP.EUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tw�n/City Branch 01:11ce ager TPBohnen L C � Its s CLINTON A. HACHERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WAL J. SUDEITH Chief of Police Health Oliicer Fire Chief - B CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �e�a�ttrilec�t o� �ubGic �a�etl�. Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULIekNEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: G. I- BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm September 25, 1941 Referring to the application of the Weyer- haeuser Timber Company for permit to install a concrete lumber unloading platform along the west side of Berry Avenue, inanediately north of and adjoining Franklin Avenue. ¢p An inspection of these premises was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. From his report, hereto attached, you will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner of lic Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY., V OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION d' September 24 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sirs ' This is in reference to sppli.oation made by the WeyerhaeuserQ Timber Company for permission to install a concrete lumber mloadiaa platform, approximately 90 feet long and 16 feet wide, along the west side of $eery Avenues I diately north of and adjoining Franklin Avenue. For your informations there will be nobler theitted and with this spplioation,but I have inspected promises do not fieri that this concrete slab will in anyway interfere with traffic. Therefore, from a traf fiotstandeo�i> :there will be no objection to the granting P Yours very truly, Harry M. We ergron Superintendent of Traffic b—/f a C 0 P Y WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY September 17, 1541 The City Council City of Saint Pail Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: City Clerk Gentlemen: Pursuant to the suggestion of Mr. Shepard, the City Engineer, we are writing to inform youi that it in our desire to install a concrete limber unloading platform, approximately 90 feet long and 16 feet wide, along the west side of Berry Ave., ma iedie&ely north of and adjoining Branklin Avenue, in the City of Saint Peal. While we term the proposed undertaking as a platform, actually, the project would be a strip of pavement at street level. We will appreciate your consideration of this :Request at your earliest Convenience= also notice of hearing date so that I can arrange to be present. Yours very truly, WEYPRBAZUSER TIMBER CCMFANY Twin City Branch (Signed) T. -P. Bohnen Office Manager TPBohnen L 94030' ti CITY OP SAINT PAUL , COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CERK , FILE NO. UNCIL L ON -GENERAL FORIvIt co. viFiss�$ri d DAT Ge9t+ember 20, 1941 Resolved , -That the Purchasing agent be, and he is .hereby authorized to parchase,'with the consent of th6 Mayor and the Comptroller, one` tank car, approximately 8000 gallons nQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74`C.F.R. motor method, from Hi. K. STAM & CO. at a price of $ .12352 per gallon, less Ig ten days from date of shipment, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as-anuemergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the,best interests" of the City. Charge Water Department Fund. C. r.-xo. izaoao—sr w. w. Pnrranto— '" I Resolved, that the Purchneing Agent be, and he I. herebon authorized to pur- chn.e, Itlt the .eat or the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank c r,p- e .—Irnatelr 8000 gallon. "Q'.' leaded) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays sariuss Findlan Parranto RU.—en Truax WnlcD_ h ax vu Mr. vic. Pre id;;..t- (Pere=con) SEP 221941 Adopted by the Council 194-- 22 1941 Approvers 194_ Favor i Yor -a-18ainst y = 12403 -odginsl City Clml, •.. a-. _ CITYOF SAIMT PAUL cOIANCI�' it.NO.� OFFICE OF THE;CITY CLERK. F, C U CIL O UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'DAT_ - CONFMISSIONE,: 'be A eOL t council Tile. No. 48446, as amended, , u►d th4 ease ie j:ereby further smendea by stribing out where q i It .appesre therein the lines "Plumber . . . . . . . 1.26 per hours end by inserting in lieu thereof the line: "Plumber 1•s °per hour." - b1'ifR mm PSOOLVED, that said resolution be amended .by Inserting therein the following finest �. "Alasier - to September 30, 1941 01.15 per hoar October to December .l . , At-ter,Tanaary�1., 1948 . . . hour l.Et! per51,`1941 1.26 per hour" 124031—By Axel F. Peterson.— Fred M. Truax—John S. Flndlan— _ - _.. aa, - Milton Rdd,osenl Res ended ttiat On-- File No. e s 4 1. he - (further amended by triking out,. where: a - peare there the line: 'Plumber....... ..1.26 per hour" and by lnserting in lieu•-thereof the ' line: Plumb r .. 1.37Der our Furthe R ivied, that aid reeolu- flop be amended by Ineerting 'therein the following lines: - - ' "(llaaleo t u T19 mber 30, . 43.16 per hour ' Octoober 1 to Ile- tu ber 31, 1941 .. 1.20 per hour Atter1942 January 1, 3.26 per hour" y Sethept. 28 1941, Sept. 22, 1341; - - Adopted (Sept. 27, 1941y P SEP 22 1941 Adopted by the Council 194—. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays SEP 221941 Barfuss Approved_ 194— Findlan � Parranto -- in Favor M or Rosen Z4tlalc._ Against ��T.eesident;•3%,i�OaoDgh ,'' Me. Vic--- (Petmon) eta 141 Local Union No. United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters JOHN COEFIELD, General. President. ,I Of the United States anj Canada I THOMAS E. BURKLE, General Secy-Treas., GEORGE MAS�'1'ER' bN, Assistant President. FRANK J. KENNEDY, Assistant Secretary. Composed of Journeymen Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, Sprinkler Fitters, Railroad Fitters, Marine Plumhers, Marine Fitters; General Pilm-Fitters, and their Helpers and Apprentices, who have Jurisdiction aver every branch of the Pipe Fitting Industry. Ataaated tvnh Amerte— Fadentloa of Labor. Raddmr d Comtm,Uoo TDe nutmmt. Meta( Trade. ep de. Dartment. Rall -4 Department, Mad,lon Thea adea and Labor Coracles. of Canada. Teleph— National 84W Printed In U. a. A. GENERAL ORGANIZERS JOHN W. BRUCE. RICHARD P. WALSH EDWARD D. BARRY WM. C. O'NEILL CHARLES A. DICKSON E. B. FITZGERALD MICHAEL F. GARRETT THOS. E. CUNNINGHAM EDWARD W. LEONARD A. A. GILLIS GEORGE W. STROM ARTHUR D. FERGUSON GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD LOUIS GUERVice-P—at Vice-PEDWARD J. HILLOCK. 3rd ViCc-Pres. HARRY J. AMES, 60k VA.e-Pres. 8699 Chrhlopba Cobanbo. at, iimlroal, Go.. 020 Gre.an Ate., Wea snare. N. 1. 2029 60th Ate. B. W.. 9..tn , W. - PETER T. SCHOEMANN.2ad Vice -Free. JOSEPH LAHEY.4th Vlce-Pre,. LEO. A. GREEN, 6th Vice -Pres. 2710 N. Grant RI'd, 11llmu6:e., Wt, 101 I rtter. — 42 —11l at., Phhborrh, P, GENERAL OFFICES—Machinists' Building, Ninth and Mount Vernon, WASHINGTON, D. C. 0 September 8, 1941. Commissioner Truax, Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs., Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; This is to inform you that the Journeymen Plumbers have negotiated a new wage agreement with our employers to take effect on September 1, 1911. We would like to have the cooperation of the departments in which our members are employed. The scale of ws es for plumbers is now $1.37 per hour. Trusting you will t'ive this your ii mediate attention, I remain Very truly yours, P1JjJ4B L9G0L IIT�ION #34 17 John Demppsseyy�,_BK�Ren. JD/hm qj 24032 LpE%MTE ity Dark' CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNCIL �— FILE NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (�F041GCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM NE Albert M0ray cissires to wilhdrad,appllcatio�I 0852 Yor 8eataurant license at y9»AS: � a 319 gondo Ave: and requests the return of the license Yee deposited thereon, therefore, be it BESOLVED, that the proper city officers be an8 they are hereby, arotihorisbd to refund to Albert M¢OraY the fee of $10.00 and to cancel ..said application for lioensaa � a C. F. No. 124032—BY G. 'H. Ba f es—! _ W. A. Parr Albert Tohn a Findlhn— Whereas, Albert on 085 desfree to! - withdraw application 0862 for Rea't taurant license at. 319 Rondo Ave. and requests the return of the�l,canee. fees deppoatted thereon, therefore, be It 7c2esolved, that the'propar . _. ty'a earn be and they'are hereby authartaed oto efund to Albert Cray the fee of 11,0,00 and to cancel said application tor- license. ' Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1941. ° - Approved Sept. 29,'1141. (Sept. 37, sEP 23 01 ,94_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council® q enA♦ Yeas . Nays SEP 23 i94� BarYusa pprove' —194— Findlan Parranto Favor_'-- ayor Peterson Rosen F°Aga_ (. _ in Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3Y 141 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL SARFUSS FINOLAN INFAVOR PARRANTO PftzkSON AL ROSEN- N-AGAINST -TRUAX CHECK NUMBER MR. PRIES. MCDONOUGH ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI RETURNED BYBANX CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER TED CLAIMS AdvifMber 20 ILI 94 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 014 THE CITY TREASURY THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 0 COVERING ECKS NUMBERS 0 1 NECKS ON 0.1- 0 OF T yC ' NCLUBIV - AS CL T T ER IMNOWNEINK"WERE M�11 TO AL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAV R OF ISSURS RETURNED BYBANX 9 KS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 87136 George-Sudelth I 29 iY 265 00 5o 8 137 M, Charlebole Company 6 7o 871 97139 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finanoi k7� 81 $7140 87141 1 0 Fiudlan, ci. of Financt John Si Findlaniv 0. of Finanof 12 79' 30 87142 7 8711E 7 Angelo A. Polion1W o Mcnliptt John .32 00 26 I 87 14 s,145 7 Cott Welfare Board Mjjla;—Jarraa "00 12 $10 102,22 09 87141 John S. rtudl;n' of Finance; 9 mo 15 6o 00 87247 871.48 I sarl Kayser 40bindon, Carj� & Sands Comodu White & 013. Camp 118 51 49 45 97-149 St,&Paul Laid y IPA 97150 Spool Cotton Company a7151 Z,j. Stilwell Paper Company 475' 00 152 9 ?!Pin City Brick Company 2 2 go - SM Mrs, Carlotta Trainor 25 56 $7154 1 8,71515 Mrs* I*gnes Weiss Mrs; Ells Woodward 37 10 $1156 $7157 1margsret S%Sauver 1=0 1 !;John S. Fifidlan, 0. of Finan 65 2 120 00 96 ST158 15 9 John S. nudlanIiI Ci of Finano Finan John S. Findlan, C. of FivaA0 I .16 013 4 952 24 ZI 87160 Ino. Air'Assoolites, Inc Comp 216 1 -3 78 87161 gaiter Materials & y 34 79 87162 $716 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, Ino paper, Cilmenson & Company 1 54 28 00 MR Standard Brands, Inc, 350 qq 165 John S. Findla4 0- 01 Finan o 12 239 62 ..66 jobn Set Fludlaij C. of ITInanol 33 00 167 Iq' Cr, Carl At Ingereen $11168 ulf's, obales 32 0 06 -b'n 97169 JoMotlliptt 32 2 $7170 CapitolStationery Mfg. Comp ra� 66 87 26 49 $7171 87172 Corning Donobue. Inc. Farwell. ossun, Kirk & Compan" 123 87 48 $717 8-7174 J,�B. Ford Sales Company Chas, Friend & Son 35 32 $717 $7172 jurgens.CompIany Ij Th Midway Itews 53 131 60 07 117177 #-L vipers & company I 932 59 a $7178 j.i.., Shiely Company, Inc. .1391 18 2 87179 97,180 G. Sommsri & Company V-111aume Box & Lumber company 13824 $7181 IR.B. *WhItacre & 1i company 79 62 40 87183, Q—,] �1_ I fNrd Reokow 1X50 100 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD -T _544J4 6 IMNOWNEINK"WERE M�11 G NOTICE cry OF SAINT PAUL _ «24�Ic� TO COUNCIL Rl:gQI_UT•�o=_ OUNCIL FILE NO. 1 PRINTER ic. F, azcoaz— nber 20 1 thea ed, that. ctiecka be drawn on 194 aumbeteOf 81,77.562:54 7133v In '��a`$aGGREGATE AMOUNT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH cit°r: ompt yne �e " the amLe at the 77 56 4 AFOrovedbgey a 2a; ie, eep� 21, "91• �NCLUSIVE AS PER OF 3___.�s'e_�i_, COVERING CHECKS NUM csapt, z,, ,a,,, , CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICEIN OF THE CITY COMPTROLR. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— SEP 23 194 �w�"� KL COMPTROLLER APPROVED 23 — so 194-- 8 soG -0i C a�riftal to city a 124034 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUENCIL 11 �a OFFICE OF. TME-CITY CLERKFJL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRE9ENTED", 6 COMMISSIONER DATA Seotember 23 1 1 BSSOL9ED; That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, appllcaatioa 0850, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, applloatloa 0851, applied for by Joseph 8ogoweki at 151 g. Nabeaha St. be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of polios beaepee of the arrest and guilty plea of Joseph.Bpgowski to the charge of Possession of intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises, no liquor license, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Joseph Rogoweki the fee of $45.83 and $4.58 and to cancel said applications for licenses (the amounts of $4.17 and 420 having be deducted because the applicant operated for a period Of one month on said applicatio'as)k i9 COUNCILMEN SEP 28Adopted by the Council 194- Yeas Nays Barfuss d NP 98 1941 Findlan APProvwl X94_ Parranto �- Peterson n Favor Rosen yor Truax _ Agstinet Mr. President, McDonough µ 1245 Oditla.1 'w City cluk P COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e.. FILE NO. 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION -,GENERAL FORM ^' � PR�5 ENTEDP'B. •., COMMISSIONS BESOLmi ?I -t estsaren t license *155. pining October 20.9 1941. isgned to Joseph 8 Pogowski at 151 S. gabaeha Street be and the same is hereby revoked spQn recommendation of the Moreau of Police because of the arrelat @248 Canty plea of intoxicating liquor for of Joseph Rogowski to the charge. of possession consumption on the premises, no li(;aor license. C. F. N 121036—BY G. H. Barfuea—i W, p. Parranto—John 9. Flndlan— Resolved. that Restaurant license No. e 12166, xPiringg wekt at 167 94'd'aliasheJ to Jo9epe and °the .came 1e hereby of Street bb recommendation of thel ' Bureau o on lice because of [he erre t and guilty Plea pf J sesph Rogowsk4 t i the cgharge of p e esumPcrt tlnin the eating Ii lQuor to ° FV prem e o 119 licena -t'" Adopted by th Counc119sPt. 23, 1941. APProved 8 Pt 23 1941 Pt Adopted by the Council SE�2� VAI COUNM MBN ap 231941 Yeas Nays 194..—` ; Bat-fuss_,,,Approve p Findlan 1\ Parranto Favor Peterson GRosen p Truax Mr. President, McDonough Orialnal to City Clerk- COUNCI CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOU p• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' DATE 84tember 22, 1.941 ?' PRESE -COMM - _ " Resolved, That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby suthorizedoto purchase„ with the consent of the Comptroller, two Barber -Coleman Electric Garage Door openators with one control switch for each unit, at a total cost not to ,exceed *850.009 without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-144 r Y � 4a' C. F. N.. 124036—B, Mllton Rooen— Resolved, that the Purchaefng Agent be, and he le hereby au thorized to par=� thale, with the consent of the Comp-' roller, two Baber-Cole man Electrlc Garage Door Operatecs with one con- trol switch for each. Unit. at a: to cost not to exceed 11860.00 without A! ertise.nent ororapetit�ve bids, ae these are patented articles and no ad- Id 'could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund — MunlclDal Equipment -1003-144. Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1941. rr Approved Sept. 23. 1941. (Sept. 27, 1941) ® c SEP 23 +19�l1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council y94— Nays Yeas C.re7 Barfuss Approved —194— . Findlan ^ /6 parranto Favor Peterson yor Rosen 0_�►Sainet n Truax �. Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 _ c ¢Milto� i 71�1 77 '. .` � �1p +41tTo1 eY 940dditlonTd e an d auctions' 124037, i Nhe ns eesenrY in �..n. whi h fmlght pr[ de§c Ibed the curb- Odde.l�•ilTM OF SA th 1mProvem from I.exlA to a . ci g. t Pnl ce Av R a ,,o 'Pte o��er e . NO._�— 1 E dF THE s G OLUTIOIAGENERAL' E RMa D 21 1941 - ..PRESENTED'BY O b'i r 'WHEiAS a additions anfi deductions whicho. Jl QfhpCeeApe u®f omsLae7tl ngt provement described, as, the ourbing r 4 5�rd= Stone pj+r. to Econtr a Roan hav$pbeeiilpr'a°idedtfortiri,` h� spee3f..ications at Cobtpany, reed prices,'. and aanit prices tipulated.therein, or for,ag additions and yEtEA3, ithaa been found necessary to make, the`folldnring deductiOTS .(Changes found necessary to provide drivewton Pa k ADDITION: Platn7) ce :to Lot 1, Lexington $ Mp lin. ft. of radius curb 5.85 D ww CT�N—= 0.70 5.00 lin. ft. of straight curb. $ 2.35 and WET ADDITION y�gFAS, they net addifore, be it tion is $2.351 now, there h its City Council approv(� the R$�OLq� that the Qity of ;St. Paul throng €orego ng addition wee i11' m► oabbeecada d to theplumpisum cons derat on ilx® sw° of $2.3.� ' , for the naged.in.the contract kncwn•as Comptroller s Contract L-4274," Mpg of the above improvement. k is the correct amount to be added T19" o, of Public Worka`has agreed with the contractor, Standard Ston Company, that the sum of $2.35 to the above contract. STA 51`QHE .ODMPANY COt By. - - COMPTROLLER --- 0 N E R SEP 2a 4941 94_ Adopted by the COUNCILMEN 3 1041 Yeas Nays T* Barfuss APPTov 194— Findlan Parranton Favor May Peterson ;�..--�--6/ Rosen RUOLISR � a' Truax Mr. President, McDonough' e>41•a3 . , f e FINAL OROIDRe ` C.:F. No. lE4dE8— - w 124038 IA the matter of constr..tfppg mono=' FIth' deool Here aya dine e f -the Albet1.' - COUNCIL FILE NO .-_------ ;'. to Ham! FTNAT, ORDER under Preliminary Order -_------ 1236 ------------------approved ----- August --- 7- 1941----------------- -------- Intermediary ---- Intermediary Order --__--- ------------ __---approved ------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council.,: F having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be' it s RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thathe precise nature, dxtent and. kind of"im- i. provement to be made by the said City is cons concrete sideAlk on the____ ------_--- north side of Bayard Avenue from Albert St. to Hemline Ave., except` where,.goodand and the Council hereby orders said improvement, to be made 4 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby eructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the,Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized ant} dieeEed to`pro- teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith) S P 231941 Adopted by the Council � ___ ___ __ ___—_ _____, 192___—. as 1941-G� City'Clerk. C 1 . Atproded----------------------------------------------- 192 File S45 ' . u«•v, tis rf utts � y �ry r'� sF Councilman Y, F;t,dia F! Councilman �ucTs�o�.� � 1'orrento i Councilman "we.z. 'Peterson 1' S- ' i CouncilmanRosen Q �,ouncilmanTr=. 6ouncilman Mayor Hdt}'gson-=� '1•1cUohottg Form B. S. A. 8-7 - ' 1 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER concrete sidewalk on the north side of Bayard Ave. from \ In thematter.of constructin'r monolithic Albert St. to Hemline Aver., except w4ore gQQO and s,u,Vgg ,q�}ent sidevaall:s' now exist, a under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: " The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is "' onolithic; E drive " drive $0.25, 6mono. sgyyare $0,17,_4" m _ The estimated cost peyfoot for the above improvement is of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 6 1 Settler's Addition $650 18 1 do 375 19 1 do „ 300 20 1 do 300 Lot 21 and ;;est i of 22' 1 do 450 Lot 23 and East ;"s of 22 1 do 450 Lot 24 and West 10 ft. of 25 1 do 375 East 30 ft. of 25 and W. 20 ft, of 26 1 do 375 East -'> of Lot 26, all of 27 and 28 1 do 725 Total $4000 "- of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated A at 7 1941 Commissionet of Finapce. Form B. S. A. " D • St. Paul, Minn._july 7,1941._. _.......19 ..%. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. �a5 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: CONSTRUCT NEW MONOLIT`4IC - ............ .._....__......._._........_...._............_......_............ ..... 0 on tY e . North Side oP___,.. __..._ ✓� .... Ave. from Albert __ St. Ave. to... _......._.Hcamline._Ave... _.._... ...................... .......... St. Ave. NAME LOOT/ BLOCK �• ADDITION Lk A 00- ' C-� it 2W 1- ►►tso T-_-_ 01/ 0 SM -7-37 =MINN 'i Office .of the Commissioner of Public Works. 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of mance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the W Council, known as Council File No_ 12361x2 ,pp-ved August .7 1941 , relative to constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of Bayard Avenue from Albert Street to Hemline Avenue, except where good sad sufficient sidewalks now exist. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 0 1. Said improvement is *ecessary and (or) desirable. Set- Coat- //,„ Monolithic concrete sidewalk $-157 pe� sq, ft, 2. The estimates d cost thereof is $ n dr19�s and the to& cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is naked for upon petiti7 of three or more owns f prope subject to assessment for said improvement. / l f \� Commissioner of Public Wor to CO 124039 c. r,. xo. Iaeeas— • COUNCIL FILE NO. --.._._ --______ In the matter of ---.[rutting 'n 0w OnfoCllftln Street Prom Palace Av nne to 7ollor on Avenue axeeHt -1-re By ------- —______________--_._____ OOd and-BafMClent;elriewaU: Not �'fof'Iminari FINAL, ORDER ti In the Matter of__constructing anew monolithic sidewalk on the east side 'of Clifton - ----------------------------------------------- Stxeet_om Pace_Avy1Qs—Le-'person Auenue�except whereood and sufficient side - under Preliminary Order____ 123643 c- ----- approved _____ August -71. 1941_______________--_-_-- ' d________________-________ Intermediary Order ----------------------------------approved - --- ---------- --- - ----------I------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- 9t1st]C7d9$__a_nevr mot;olithic sidevmlk on the east _ side of__Clifton Street from Paleoe Avenue toso _Jeffern Avenue, exceQt vrhere 000d and suffiaiant sidewalks -now am ------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for o approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- SEp._2,3_----------, 19n- —. --- AP °28 1941 City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------------, 192 i File 54530 - - -� -- - -- — k. ayor. CounciImaly_ barivae� Councilmal}gKpigt amr-s Riodla4_ Councilma¢8 Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilmalr�,Rosen Councilma=aMWMt1�= Tr / Mayor etimn n McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF STl PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE lop �fZEPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER }a In the matter of constructin4 a new monolithic sidewalk'on the east side of Clifton -tet. from Palace Ave, to Jefferson Ave. under Preliminary Order approved August 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is sqare The estimated cost pe Oct for the above improvement is $0,,17,_ 4" monolithic; _ _ $ 0.25, 6" mo o ithic Y The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ,-ADDITION ASSESSED Lan VALUATION 131-g. 34 (Ramsey's Sub, of Elk. 21, $200 35 )Stinson, 9ro-an :c gamsev's 150 $200 36 (Add. 200 2100 37 do200 400 38 do 150 39 do 150 40 do 200 2800 41 do 150 42 do 200 1750 43 do 200 1750 44 do 350 2150 Total $2150 $11150 The Commissioner of Frnance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to -him in, reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated August 27 19 41 eo.m B. S. A. s -s u Commissioner of Finance. t9 St.Paul, Minn._....- ........ .... To - The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gent liemen:Drs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause We, the undersigned property Own /V��W - -C) 4. ,A the following improvement to be made: C "'VS .......... .......... .. ........... -St. -AAFe, tom ........ ... from 1pa fit 'A BU -7-37 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of ' Finance August 18 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No--1-2-3-64-3--approved Aug. 7 1g4 , relative to constructing a new monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Clifton Street from Palace Avenue to Tafferacn Avenue. g and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Eat. Coat — !.w Monolithic concrete sidewalk at $ 1 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated AA thereof is $ • dr}VM the total cost reo?is $w w and the nature and extent of saiA improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 Vat 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owx%ra of property suNect to assessment for said improvement. C 11 2 Commissioner of Public Works. -y9 N x SVG 04 �ti AGE w 9 '4 g r d 124040 I' a COUNCIL FILE NO ------- ------ ____BBy-------- - --------- - ---- - - - - ---------------------------- FINAL y-----------------------------------------=_------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_____constructin monolithic__concrete sldev.,alk on the south side -of Hawthorne Ave. from Forest_St, to Mendota St_ except wherrre _S_ood and sufficient �C. F No 124040-- sna ezict.,__---__ __________ — = Ia the matter of constructinmoment, - --- lithlc oncrete std aikon south aide of Hs ve. from Forest 9[ t fifer ("'TIJ r • where good , under Preliminary Order._._123fA4--------------------------- approved Aust -71 -_1941 ---------_--------------- Intermediary Order ---------------------------=-----approved ----- ----- -- --- — -- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be?t Am RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- construct-monol ithic _concrete _sidewalk on the south `a _s-idQ of _I hsrxi� hse` r4m Forest o. a4 a._S except wh9re good and sufficient _sidewalks now ex ist1___;_.__________-_--__ a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_..Sy�`�_ ----192 ' l SEP 1941 -- --- ----- --- - 1 yClerk. Approved------------------------ ------------------- 192 ---- File 54531 ------- -------------- — - ,,,% Bartuaa Ma o Councilman "ENg�' gindlan Councilman Parranto `f61aI3FB` 21l o Councilman f Done Peen Councilman .Ic"" 994A Rosen /� Q Councilman Sll�helme Truax 1 / Councilman 4 enzeT- >Icllouough - Mayor HSdgson- a Form B. S. A. 8-7 • CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT 0 .FINANCE ..® REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN� V ON PRELIMINARY ORDER the south side of Hawthorne Ave. In the matter of constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on 7 from•Forest St. to Mendota St. n under Preliminary Order approved Aum. 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is c square $0,17,_ 4" lnonojit; ic; _ 0.2 mriveways. The estimated cost pev'fodt for the above improvement is valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and t parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lan dVALUATIOVldg. 1 2 Lane's East Side Addition $450 2 2 do 300 ' 3 2 do '250 4 2 do 150 5 2 do 100 8 2 CIO 50 7 2 do 25 g 2 do 25 9 2 do 25 10 2 do 25 p TOTAL. .0 Potm B. B. 10 .e a. CITY OP ST. PAUL 1� DEPARTMENT 'OP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC,E.,, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED' VALUATION Laud Bldg,.. 11 2 Lane's East Side Addition 50 . 1 1 4 Wilder's Addition 75 w -_e Total $1525 --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works/. Dated August 27 19 41 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 / 4a i St. Paul, Minn......,I-UlY..._d1B......................19&1 To The Honorable, The Council; City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 0 That_..a... aidew.al.k....b.e....1.e.t..._b.etween....th.e....e.tre.a.xs.....nf,...F.nrent........and ..................... Mend.oaa_ 09._.Hawthorne.,_._the.,South_._aide.....Q..f the..._s_tree.t............._..._...._St. Ave. from._....: Forest_ ....._......_ ....._ .., _ .............__St. Aor .........Mend.o.t.a......._5....._._................_.°.......... an Haw _...__ ._.._.._....__...___WAve. W SM -7-37 0),' 14 cn w r ' Office of the Commissioner -ofPublic Woks Report ,to Coramissioner of Finance August 18 19 41 A o � To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 296E a rove' AA 7 191x1—, relative to Council, known as Council FSIs No, PP constructing monolithic coaorete sidewalk on the south side of Hawthorne A4enue from Forest Street to Mendota Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. cost — to Monoelithio concretesidewalkat per ag. ft. 2. The estimated ccos� thereof is $-- — and the total co ereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is°as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 6. Said improvement iR Asked for upon petition of three or more owns of property,& subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. ' g 30 oral in Clay �ar. ' 124041 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL r.F1LeNOIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. i COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRE�SE:NTED BY 9 - DpTF Septembes� 23, 1941 RZSOE;VZD: That liaense for Restaurant, applioation 0993,. On Sate Malt Beverage, application 0994, and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 0995. applieh for by Ohas. H. Rommel at '22 W. Sixth St. be and the same are hereby granted. c1_110',;::3 y O, H. Barf-- -- C. F. No. 11404-BYhn S Flndlan— W. A Parranto--.)o Aeeolved, that Itcense 1. It Be i" r application 099%,0,-,. end OR gale Melt age, appIlcatlon, Ited or BaveruBe, applicatldn 0986, eDD h., -n- Ch.tiP m ethereby glraated. e. Informally approved by Coun- cil, 9eyt. 16, 1841. Old locati1941. _ Adopted by the Conn011 S..".23, 9 1 t. Approved (.Pt.tSep 11711941) t New, informally approved by 001-11. Sept. 16. 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough SEP 23 IN Adopted by the Council -194—, SEP 231941 Approved 194— Favor -- l/ or Against --. Oridol M CS �I• - F No i99d92 By G. H ""L7 a P rranto—Sohn 9 FS dla — 1 „ttbt. licensed Difed toi• by CITY OF S�,}�+lvt at tie a�h 813be9 JS.Fd'g it. ` NO. OFFICE OF ThiHn COUNCIL RESOLUTION Air, f. RF1I PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE DATE 3entemb �� er �3—3.9h a� stated applied for by the following Persons az ane 9a..�=aov -a— -- ,QED= , Tlsat licenses x the are hereby granted' be and Same ar t 1557 University Ave. geatavrant ,�ip•05?8 Renewal G. Q. Cannon James Hosek 551 E. 7th St.' Barber ■ 09011 " Crystal A: Mathes 6 W. 6th St. Barber ' ° 1*4 ° aBarber Dale 8. Whitehead. � 51+0 E. 7th St. _ ° 0955 " PhilllpoJ. Schneider 1671 B• Grotto . Barber " 0973 " Andrew James 260 E. 7th St. Barber ° ,1012 r Albert M. Tanner 502 University Barber " -1021 r Julius Hensler 771 W. ?nth St. .r 1035 Joseph Stransky Jr. 1209 W. 7th St. Bawling Illeys r 103T ° gunk C. Graves 205 E. 7th St. Restaurant` on Sale Malt " 1042^ r. ■ 10143 ° e N " Off. SW yet lA 1 r r 0414 N " Barney Grossberg 26 W. 10th St. Restaurant ° 1056 e t; 1057 r On Sale Mal° s N n N Off Sale Melt r.:. 1058 s " 1o66"' r . We&ter J. KuJawg 9�Areade St. Grocery W. C. Rohde 2599 W. 7th St. Gae Station .^ 1071 r e P 28 101 194-- Adopted by the Counc COUNCH MEN Yeas Naysg 1i Barfuss Approved �t Findlan Parranto't"~ Peterson Favor �" Mayo RosenCLI Against 1 JBLi�SZ Truax Mr. President, McDonough ya9 '144 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N9 `1031 CO CIL RESOLUTION FILE No. POR AUTHORI T ,N OF LOCALIM PROVEMENT PROJECTS 'M r-- PRESEN�rEfqpBYHON. ----_ _ DATE -"et•' ' 9 l tSA_ Rgsolved, That\the Council.hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for the construction of a sewer on Fremont Ave. from4hite Bear Ave. to a point 490 Feet West of White Bear Ave.,4for the reason that even though the low bid is below the Engineer's Estimate the work was originally passed by the Council as iia WPA job at an estimated cost of $1086.00. The City is obligated to i pay one-half of the cost on account of the school property occupying one-half of the frontage making the City vitally concerned in any in- creased cost over the original estimate. C. b•. No. 124043—By Mllton Roaen— ➢roveu ithe inthat Uontof h Che Contract Com- mittee and rel Eta bids recoiled for the P AnatrucLlM et a sewer on Fremont ve. from White Bear a1ve. to poin 490 feet West of White Bear Ave. for the a on that even though the low bid Is abelow the EnB8,thou s Estimate. , the work "wae origins, Iy "passed by the COou ncli',".,16WPA lob at an estimated t°aPay e -alt of the coati on nlccount - f the a hoot property OccuPing one - he f of [he frontage making the Clty vitally concerned In ny in. le -.d coat v r the tglnal estimate. o Ad Opted biyd the Council Sept. 23, 1941. 572 APP roved Sept. 23, 194E FORMAL BID NO. 1 iBep 27, 1941) NOTE, TO Bt C[RTIFIED A. To FUN.. A—LA.IE BT COM FTROLLER .1111E FRE.ENTING TO c....Il POR A-1— PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AB FOLLOWS: I, R -10111—D FROM ctITY I..H LAR[ OP LocAL IMPROVEMENT!- a. APPROPRIAT[D FROM LOCALIMIRIVEMENTa- I� TEMPT PROPERTY- 4. APPROPRIAT[D FROM .OND ......COD[ f e, COUNTY AID - . - . - s S U."T11 1911A111T IM .M.NT REVOLVING FUND IN T11 A.OVI AMOUNTS. COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS _ _IN FLAVOR - s LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT.° _.__-- SEP 23 1941 AOOFTED BT THE COUNCIL ;�Fp 2a _ waA1NBi APPROV [O�_�_. _I EBB �•Ao cP EM.P � _ _ COPIES TO: CITY CLERK COMPTROLLER PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING U."T11 1911A111T IM .M.NT REVOLVING FUND IN T11 A.OVI AMOUNTS. COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS _ _IN FLAVOR - s LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT.° _.__-- SEP 23 1941 AOOFTED BT THE COUNCIL ;�Fp 2a _ waA1NBi APPROV [O�_�_. _I EBB �•Ao cP EM.P � _ _ @ b n U September 18, 1941 0 TO " F HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE C OUNCI L OF T4VE CITY OF SAINT PAUL." Gentlemen: The Contract Committee has re eeted bids received.'on the following jobs: F.B, X1565: Sewer on the northerly side of St. Lawrence St. from Minnetonka St. to a point 125 feet wester�cly of Minnetonka St. and on the southerly side of St. Lawrence St. from Minnetonka St. to Fenton St. and on Minnetonka St. from St. Lawrence St. to Texas St. For the reason that the bids are in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. F.B. x!571: Sewer on Kansas Ave. from 80 feet north of Page St,. to Concord ot. and on Morton St. from Andrew St. to Prescott St. and on Prescott St. from Morton St. to Kansas Ave. For the reason that even thouLh the bid is only slightlyg above the engineer's Estimate, the project was originally passed by the Council as a TPA joie at an estimated cost of $1683.00 F.B. #572: Sewer on Fremont Ave. from White Bear Ave. to a point 490 feet west of White Bear Ave. For the reason that even thouLh the. bid is below the Fngigeer's Estimate the work was originally passed by the Council as a WPA job at an estimated cost of 01086.00. The City isobligad to pay one-half of the cost on account of the schoo property occupying one-half I of the frontage making the icy vitally concerned in any 4nereased cost over the original estimate. V. Respectfully submitted, THE CO _ RACT COMMIS ha rman 7 'ONdn.l t. City Clmw 1 .-GUl4t4Cit. 24� CITY OF SAINT PA l=Il a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU : IL AESOLU\TION-GENERAL FORM 1 PRESEf11TED DA CO14 SION �ERRF�A5,,in the operation of the Auditorium 'for the period of eighteen days he dur$ng'which the Ice-Capadea":eras presented, it -Vasfound netile y to ity, l have` the, following ' services performed in tr3ltZlaeat 9>F Inc. ® $ ebli�atisa under the eppli®able centrist with Ise.Cal3aCes, �g a sets of reserved seat tickets from McGill Warner Co y Requisition #3906, in the am6unt of $453.85 Rental of Searchlight and Searchlight tender for 18. per- formances Req. #3918 in the amount of $642.84-, Ice-Oapades 642.84- Ice-Capades Inc. Rental of Stage Set Req 395L} in the amount of $100.00 and Ice-Capades Inc. Adve:tisin in local and ➢dine apolis papers & other adveo iissiing agencies XO Requstion 3918 in the apProximate amount of $33 THEREFORE BE Tr RESOLVED, That the above amounts -ft _r items detailed above be authorized for'payment.to respective concerns rendering necessary services above. C. F: -No. 129044-))y Axel F. Pet o —, _ Wherene, Itl the operation f [he, rl. of dayatOa°inn°r thl hiehp8the Ice Captdes� ` was Presented, It was found fisc 9,ary - to have the following eeivfces perform- - ° d in fulfillment Of the Clty', bllga-' tion under the applicable contract with I ice CaPadee, Inc.: 18 a to t reserved eat ticket - from McGill Warner Co., r qui $- tion No. 3908, In the amount of $"Rental of aearchllght find search- ' - — light tender for 18 Performances, -' requisition No. 3918, in the amount - o of $842.84, Ice-Capades, Inc. Rental of m 88 eat, r quleltlgn No. 8954, In the mount of $10000, Ice-Capades, Inc., and Advertising In local and Min apolf paper, and other adver-. Q J -e tieing agencies, requleltfen 3918 1n i { „n R'-i,`"/•f n+" the approximate amount of 33300 00 Therefore, , r Resolved, that the e above mounts for Items n detailed above ti .=ad for payment a reserv- ^/ tiveconcerne rendering neeeasary eerv- Y Ices aboJe. %% Adopt a by the Council Sept. 23, 1941. ! y Approved Sept. 23, 1991. �P(Sept. 27, 1947) SEP 231941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounSi 194--- c� Yeas Nays 891941 Barfuss Approves -194— Findlan Par ranto — Favor ayo Peterson ,f Rosen Q Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough ax' Idl ` H. W AUSTIN, Purchasing Agent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 253 City Hall and Court House September 22, 1941 GEORGE J. FISHER, Assistant Purchasing Agent Hon. Axel Ve Peterson, Commissioner of Education, City of Saint Paul. , Dear sir: The Comptroller informs me that it will be necessary for you to present a resolution to the City„Council authorizing the payment of 39 sets of reserved seat tickets ordered from McGill -Warner Company, your Requisition No. 3906, .$453.85; rental of searchlights and searchlight truck for 18 performances of the "Ice Capades,Inc.” your Requisition No. 3918, $642.84, and rental of stage set for "Ice Capades", Requisition No. 3954, $100.00. Mr. Furni just phoned me that he would like to have the resolution passed by the Council Tuesday, September 23rd, as the treasurer of the Ice Capades Company will have to remain in the City until remittance is received. A further resolution will be required covering the other items for advertising on RequisitiNo. 3918, as soon as the bills are received, the total of which will approximate $3300.00. Yours truly, HWA/B PURCHASING AGENT 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL f`+ eRIDINAL— 1030 OUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No. TT GLEBE N° s FOR yjJT ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATSep.t. 18-.1941,G.— PRESENTED 1941194_PRESENTED BY —____--------- • Resolved, that the Council hereby approve8 the action of the C014tract Comeittee and rejects bids received for the .construction of a sewer Ion Kansas Ave. from 80 feet north of Page St. to Concord St. and on to Prescott St. and on Prescott St. from Morton St. from Andrew St. I1 orton St. to Kansas Ave., for the reason0that even though the 16d tl above the Engineer's Estimate the project was bid is only slightly originally passed by the Council as a YiPA Sob at an estimated cost of $1683.00. C. F. No. 124046—BY Milton Ro.es— Resolved, that the Council hereby aD- mrovee the action t the Contract Cam- fttee and rejects bide received for the n rg"o'tl.n Of ewer on KS. to Ave. trom 80 feet north of page St. to Con - rd St. nd n Morton SL from An- drew St. to PrEecott SL and o Pree- tt St. from orton SL to Kansa. Ave. for the reason that even though the IoW bid is my llthtly above the Dn@Ineer's Dettmate the ptD)ect WaS WPA ally DeLee nb e t mated nc..t a of ... 1 S83.00. co • Format 'id No. 671. 0 Adopted by the Council Sept 23, 1941, Appr DOed Sept. &3. 1941. (Sept. 27, 1941) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 4 FORMAL SID NO. 571 ION. ED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT s9 FOLLOWS: D 0 COUNCIL FOR ADOPT N_: To HC ccwilple. we To PUNoe R wv wILA.LE BT coMPT oLLeR .[Pow[ Pw E.ENT N PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BERE1MBURS I. A....... ADAIN.T e[N[PITTe. PROPERTY - - _ - coo. [ APPwO pwIATE. paOM C, ­ OAR! OP LocwL IMPROV[ RO ERTY— - coo[ IMS e APPRO ROM L Pwov[MHNT.—E%eMPT p SONO I..O [—Goof $ q, APPROPPIwT[. FROM - . . _ _ _ _ H. COUNTY AID - - - IMCRE.Y cERTIPY TNwT TN[RHN,AN u r0 COPIES TO:wv AlLwal_e rH[ ABOVE CITY CLERK CM .TAT[. w.PRopwlwTlow. Lo2wL IMPwov EM eNT No. -- ---'—" "'— "- T IN— eNT REvoLVINc PUNO R COMPTROLLER N THE w.OVE 'MOUNTS' PUBLIC WORKS__ _ I DwTC FINwL ORDER ADOPTED ---- _—— PURCHASING COMPTROLLER :- - - _ -- - SEP 23 COUNCILMEN woopre. BY THE couMclL --- NAYS_--'-- YEAS vow - -- �--wDw �.T �t _--- d APP D MAYOR MR. PRESIDENT % I RIa1Nwl� ° CITY OF SANT PAUL q d1TY.A- N° 1029 c�rurvclL CLERKOWN RESOLUTION FILE \ FOR AUTHO ON OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - M OSS ti __ DATE Sept. 18• 194118,_ nPRESENTED BY Resolved, That the Council hereby approves tYze action of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for the coxae truction of a sewer • on the northerly side of St. Lawrence St. i7rom 'Wff-fnnetonka St. to a point 125 feet westerly of Minnetonka St. and ora the southerly side of St. Lawrence St. from Minnetonka .St. to Fexat oa Stj and on Minnetonka St. from St. Lawrence St. to Texas St. Por the reason that the bids received are in excess of the Engineer's Estimates. C_M.24-- 124046—By Milton RoeeD- olva. t2aat the Counell hereby ap= proves tl a `- oT the Contract Ceia ittee arab .i ccta bide received for northerly sides of SL Lawrence Stn from Minaetoralia St to a pin ot 125 feet wee t¢riy of �Si nnetonka St. and on the ou>Ch¢riy sae 1 9t. Lawrence St. from Minn etoalca .Si- to Fenton 8t. andan Minneto-.-A SY_ Troty 8L Lawrence h to T¢xas SL_ Sor the reason that tho bids r--5-2 a I. excess of the F.n- • Esti rrwate. _ _. Fornaa2 8X.M No. 685. Adopt¢d by the CounDll Sept. 23, 1941: Agip r ov ed SA9.pt. 23, 1941. -- CS¢.p t. 22. 1911) 565 SE -4-11 N EER'9 ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID NO. NOT., Toe LLER 091— PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST GF TK c5 .MIRROVEMENT AB FOLLOW.: e. IwOIc - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 9 2. AIPROIRIAT[D Iwo. CITY sI I ARc .1 LOCAL NIRov[M.NTS- A. IIROPRIAT.DLout IMI.O—II.T.-e[..IT Iwol.w AeoND Issue-eoac I s v. CDUNTr s TOTAL COPIES TO: I N[REST C.RTIVY THAT T.... 1. AN .....UMB-t- MAL - CITY CLERK A.CH .-LA"L, IN THE A.... ...TIED Alp ..RlATION. ro V RHIMeu we[ TN. ........ T IMIR.V....T R.,.LV,.. FU 110 —­ I. vwov FM.NT NO. -.. ----- ----- '0 PTR LLE 11 THc ADOV[ AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS • PU RCH ABING '. OIA.TE ]FINAL ORDER A001T.D L- I COUNCILMEN YEAS S 6 MR. PRESIDENT NAYS A.....T 0 ADO�r�Cr H9 v T.. CDpNDII SEP 20-1941__-- P 2 9, 1941 CITY OF SA1f4T PAUL x leil RIDICL[ ` G -- NI! 1028 COUNCIL__�r.- Clry "" COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE N FOR 4AUTHORIZATION OF•LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATESePtembe 13 '34A1 B TED BY NON. __ - _--- --- — • Resolved, That the Council herqkby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and, hereby awards the contract for curbing • I,I the -north side of East third street from Pedersen street to west line Lot 46, Block'3, Wild Rose Addition, also north side enue from Pedersen street to west line Lot 36, Fremont Wild Rose Addition, and. on south side Fremont avenue avnue I Wild Rse from Ruth street to west line Lot 30, Blinkaccordanceowith Addition,,,to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION CO. plans and specifications thereto hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 573 of said Feyen bonsid beingictitheon CloRest bid and tru contract price of $1786.00, bu. said Feyen Construction Co. being the lowest reliable and responsible bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract onbehalfof the City of Saint Paul. it C. F. No. 124047-13y Milton Rosen— Resolved, that the Council hereby ay- mrove. thea and of the Contragt Com -i - ittee therefor,aad hereby awards the, Eontract for curbing the rth aide of ast Third street from Pedersen street to west It.. Lot 46, Block 3, Wlld Rose Adl ditlon, leo north aide FT v._ Pedersen street to west line Lot 36u Bldcic 2, Wild Rose Addition, ands on o th ide Fremont avenue from) Ruth street to west line Lot 30, Block 3, • Wild Rose Addition to the FETEN! CONSTRUCTION CO. �n acoordance with plane and specification. therefor hereto aside F yen d ConstFructi nBCON for 73the Iontract price f $1766.00 such bid be - ng the lowest bid ana said Feyen Construction Co. being the lowest liable and r Donalble bidder, and the e 5,73. directed toad aw upl the proper form of FORMAL BID NO. contract therefor,, and the ordoper Cl ty Officials hereby a authorized t0 e- eA NOT[, TO e[ x[wnFIED Ae To ruaDE AVAILAeL[ ar COMPTROLLER .[.ORE PRe..Nn cute salfl contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ----__---- -- F. B. No. 573. Eng. Eet. 53735.00. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR CO Adopted, y the 23� 1941. Sept. 23, 1941. I. wea.s..D wcwlNer EwvI_ PROPER,, - - - - - - - - (Sept. 27, 1941) E APPROPRIATED PROM CIT, a .HARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.– - s. APPROPRIATED. F;IbM LOcwL IM.ROV[MENTS–.E.MPT Pwo.ewrr– - Ooo. BOB. I....–coo. A. APPROPRIATED FROM s - _ _ - - - S ., coaNTr � - - - s _ FyTwL - - - - - - _ t: 1786.00-- _.._ Me E.r cERTI.r TN Ar T...e AN .........BE. COPIER TO: I. wPPwo.wlAnoas ro ANC[ AvwlLwe LE IN TNi A.OV[ aTwTED CITY CLERK REIM.a 1. TME PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT ReVOLVINO .uND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. -------- --------- COMPTROLLER N TN. we MOUNTS. PUBLIC WORK8 I I ov – __– PURCHASING _ DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED—_____. COMPTROL YEA. COUNCILMEN (� ,(� �p1, - NAYS ADOPTED By THE ..... SEP �E.�--./•3�'+��—–._.-----.— __ _IN FAYDR SO , 3 1941 - -- -- /� APPROVED ----- _—_1_l,—AGAINST --------- MwvOw MR. PRESIDENT S e —41:7.- Pxaber 13, 1941 TO THE HOJ.ORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen. The Contract Committee has aw8rc1ac3 a following contracts F.A. #5731 For curbing north side of East T13L3St. from Pedersen St. to west line Lot 6 1W Block 3, Wild Rose addition, also rNN Lh side Fremont ave. from Pedersen S t T o west line Lot 36, Block 8, W11cl R o Addition, and on south side" Fremo3=x—ft.— ewe. from Ruth St. to west lie Lot 3D s Block 3, Wild Rose Addit on TO FEYEN CONSTRUCTION CO. For the sum of $1786.00 Engineer's Estimate 41735.00 Fa n o Respectfully, bmf tted, THE COIV AC's -41 �3_JiBrIITT a rman 4 / n e 124048 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING. CONDEMNATI011ND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__condemningand_tekin-an easement_in_the_land necessary — for -cuts and fills in the trading and surfacing; of the Bliley in Forestview, Creenman's Addition, Miscellaneous tract, and Seaburg Addition, from Cretin Avenut to Finn Street, ESOLCTTON RATIFYING AND CON- FIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND,f�- SE88MENT THEREFOR.. S s:+ under Preliminary Order ---- 1_2790_____, approved -------ay 194T Intermediary Order ---------12328-7_ ------------- approved___ July_S, 1941 Final Order ---------------- .2.355B-------------- approved ---- A pproved___ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and•condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by%e signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council SEP 2141941___ ________, _ F NP 24 190 '� - --- --- - - - - City.Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19 ---- File 9306- --- -------------------------------- --- CouncilmanC,1 Findlan Councilman F Parrento / Councilmanpetr� Councilman P Councilman R�� Rosen Councilman S Truax Mayor — ,—c'llonongbt;, Mr. Vic. l:.cide : (PeteTwon) J,76 yJ cL S/ � N�< 1 M^7 Nd�/cE o �jGQk/N� �N' (�tNpEMNA�D�V cE%d/�'� f dA� QUe � Pko N 02,Z-,F "� � y � ! �.DR /= s i� V/EW � /'l/Se_g-lJQNrous �RQ�x, aNd �l C�'REENMpNS Gl�dl�/aN �p S acyl of 6 V j g o M C N �1 �E ,S�abu�q / tp A/E G N EN m a f' d o NO� l�'is/� / )c OR / , CO/YW '" ° 1°N w Sys /' 15 VVI Z 4 aIV RD��R )(y OWNS 8,5NE f;.� �/7r_- f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS LMD AISSESSMENT OF j;F.NPMS In the matter _the land necessar _for_sloEes, cuts and fills in the ^radinh and s:rfacin., of tre Alley in Forestview, Greenman's Addition, Miscellaneous tract, and Seabur7 Addition, from Cretin. Ave. to Finn St., under Preliminary Order---------------, 122790 approved !JK, 28, -1941 ------------------------- --------------- Intermediary Order ...... 123287 ------- approved ---------Ja4L-5. 1241------------------`------ 123588 ---_-_- Final Order -----------=------�_ approved ----_---August 12, 1941 --------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: m That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. vim/ �— Commissioner of Finance. _......................... ..w...w i• RiCaOLIITIO �.� C.B @nnneil File No ........ . ----.-------------------1241 X4_9 rnti ' ._.. _,,n CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Hartford Avenue from Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street under Preliminary Order.....119302 ---- Intermediary Order.. --....119933 Final Order......120257 approved..... S eptemb .............. 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. $ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .............. .- ........ equal installments. Adopted by the Council -3.P..24 ............. 19 SEP 24 1941 �� � ......... City Clerk. 1 aYY. - - - - Mayor. Form B. B. IB / File 9054 c S AV CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment S _Au�vst 27.---......... 19.41 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses gfor;dm curbing Hartford Avenue from Fairvi Avenue to South Wheeler Street under Preliminary Order .............. 11-9-3 02...................., Intermediary Order ----....1...1. ------- 3-------- ...- -- -- ...... Final Order ............... 1.20257 September 18 40 .................. .... approved .............. . . ..... --- -- -.. ..._....... ......... . 19..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expeu- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $ Cost of publishing notice . . . . $...-.-....1.95 Cost of postal cards $ .............t39............. Inspection fees . (y . $..--_ Amount of court costs for confirmation. 1.95 Engf; ineerin.- 94.89 Total expenditures $.....7.93..60-.-..1..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of 79.60 -1 933 ..6 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by $..-- the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eon:. ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the sa' Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is here submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fo.m B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. - AID80LU iiQN AATIN'Y1N0 MIONT.; J' ,(n the matter of the aseeeemeat fot 124050 Council File No ............. ...................... pgneate,, aoate aad gxDgnaea for o n- attu�ttag standard gouvrete qurbtag.. 9:pouth aide of-8elby Ave. Ffromy r.r•Y7 .A`e. to Fhe werirr,_ F ., 1V: g'.,, By........................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing standard concrete curbing on theE'�'aouth side of Selby Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to the west line of Finn Street vacated, and on the east side of Cretin Ave. from Selby Ave, to the terminus of existing curb, approximately 550 ft. north of the north line of Summit Ave., g under Preliminary Order.. -119652,:.-.-___, Intermediary Order ........... Final Order.....726......., approved......Mt-Y ?7 ...........................19.41.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been coi9dered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITFUIjTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in- .................equal installments. SEP 24 9941 Adoptedby the Council. ................. -........ -................ ..... - ........................ 19 ..... SEP 24 691!-.y...r.�tc_......_, City Clerk. Approvea------------------------------------------------------ - . Mayor. Form B. B. IB File 9241 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Aupust-27' ........., 19_41 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for3kic constructing standard concrete curbing on the south side of Selby Ave, from Cleveland Ave. to the west line of Finn Street vacated, and on the east side of Cretin Ave. from Selby Ave. to the terminus of existing curb, approximately 5b0 ft. north of the north v line of Summit Ave., r - under Preliminary Order. .......... 19652 ..... ........ ......._ Intermediary Order ---------------- Final Order....e...122726..................................... approved. ....... 27i..1Q41..................................... 48..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: - Cost of construction . . . $ Cost of publishing notice . $-. ------------ Cost ..............Cost of postal cards $----------------- 06-__--__.. Inspection fees $........... Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $.-.--..._........39 ........ Engineering . . . . . $ 77.12 1 3©0.00 Total expenditures $......1....-._ ................ y, , Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, !� to -wit: the sum of $-.._l, 380.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and Miieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such ,ction thereon as may be considered proper. .. -----... e..m B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Rp Cltr Cl.rk C. F: No. 124051 BY G. H. Bariuea— 124.051. et{ Resolved, that the `prober eftj. o�cexa - tl 1 - L�itTY aro' hereby- au horizad. to pay .certain O tt Soply f In the ooyDeParme ntt o[ Pt out UNCIL a et for extra an flfl oymen as a out a NO., �Q �'� O a Hat attach t l Sept. 24, 941.. "led by the Counclt St. 24; 1893. S _ Dprovad3ept. 24 3991. n 1 (Sept. 2f, 1941) I, PRESENTEED BY- - _ _OEL SS ON; DATE` -' WHM MS. the C0mn3,8si0n4B3r 6T Public Safety has reported- in accordance with,,Section 53 of the City Clws rter, the- existence, of an emergency which rendered necessary. the employment of certain to es_of his _ y' Department _ for -more than eight hourls per dsty end on Sunday and Holiday, said employment being more than usual' hours bF employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- msnt for the extra time hereinafter` set forth. — Ash - TSTLX 80 HRS RATTY OP POY Anderson, Elmer G. Junior C3.emk-Stenographer 24 :4 Anfang, Bernard J. Senior 03.a3rk-Typist i6 Ptanckowiak,.Landis P. Jnn or Clerk -Typist lu .50. Haksla, Wayne N. Junior 03ev-k-Stenographer. 29 Hall, Fred J. Senior Cl *3 Typist' 13 .64 Hoffman, Clarence R. Junior 03-vwk-Typist' �7 .5D James; -P: Senior'Clerk=Stenpgrapher 20 .6q Kessler, Clemens O: Senior Cler$-Typist h 61 McDonald, Paul J. 4 S�a1or C2 eek-Typiet 12 6 McLaughlin, M. J. Jnaior- actcountsut 4* .g OtHeron, Frank R.I. Senior C1ax-k 12 .6 Sager, Frank E. Junior C3.ewk-Stenographer 9 Sewald,' Aloysius W. Junior CX. awkStenographer 32 Sewald, Frank R. Junior. Clark -Stenographer 24 Sinks, Walter'., - Senior .CZarh-+Typist 20 .6 Soler, Luke J Junlor Cleric -Stenographer 17 Stockton, Joseph A. L`Jl(e Glerg & Blusprinter 12 Thrall, Pred E. Junior C2erlc-Stenographer 21 Van Orden, Lester W. Jr. Junior C3.erk-Typist �5 Weinberger, George R. Junior- Clerlc-Stenographer 37 SEP 94 W1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council , p y9� Yea$ Nays SEP` 241941 �$arfuss. dlanpproved '--\ 194_ ' ':t- Z anto on In Favor r^� yor e PrresidentMcDonough - 7 0 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTMENT 01' PUBLIC SAFETY, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following pork: Clerical and stenographic work in the Records Division of the Bureau of Police. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstancest The necessity of keeping the Records Division open to the members of the Bureau of Police and -the general public at all times; also to complete necessary records for use in court procedure, I COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCILMEN Yea Nays B�uas ' F' an unto Oer son n �bfr, president, McDonough 311 141 m C. P. Np. 124052—BY Fred tYFred M granted to overelze PH vate8 rageeon Loten6 and I26. Btoek 2a McClung and Van Mater'e - - Additlon.i lso described as No. 469 9elbY Avenue. Counall Sept. 24, 1941. Adopted by tpe - Approved Sept. 24. 194- (sept. 27, tl 43, fl a 24 10 Adopted by the Coune'L 4 $41 194— --)Approved Zavory.---� - Ma r Ag. l_ _ O CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City'Clerk and Commissioner of Registration o ® ® `a Sept. 23, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehlerrp corporation Counsel city Hal l Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of James W. Hawley for permission to erect an oversize private garage on Lots 5 and 26, Block 2, McClung and Vanmeter'e Addition, also described as 459 Selby Ave. Very truly yoAlre, City Clerk. NLCE[VEB SEP 23 1941 CORPnR;3 i ti?V i 1,1 `AFL M NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will 1g , to the City Council be made on K:n� ;Lwr ated ° AL sof the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota by �� iNaie*on the following gdr permission to erect g Pg described real estate, situated in,Ramsey County, Minnesota, t o wit: Lot Sand 26. Kook 2 , Block__________, SeClins and low a dltlon to y Persil Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the folih side of dal^- j�an\ta , between a frwwseuhiw 8t:rat and Number ��9 Oalbar ��senta Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, �taa��� oth 19 a STA Ti OF MINNESOTA, ss County of Ramsey, b P.W. nttnneeota. 6.p - sent. la. 11. 13.) Affidavit of Publication ......... .. .. .. being duly sworn,*on oath saysrthat.,i4e now Is,t�nd during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- „ west�Pufilications, Inc., publisher of thenewspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, $k e , and bas full knowled — ^ge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .. � �,- VI.;Y. Y^r,LW! .r✓?;e,:?:. a:..�: `'.::�`: �r4. �1 �'!"'�""' _���' (/ .� ... � .. ...... • ('• : �.. hereto attached. said newspaper W as printed end ed fn the Eaglish language from Its known office of publicattd� Sn the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, 61ste of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent Sn space, to at least 460 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of Dubll- cation, equipped with sk111gd workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in Its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columna devoted to local news of Interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of p$blication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other "publication; has not been entirely trade up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail, matter in the local postoHice of its said place of publication; that thete has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- ' hcation of legal .notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper,, and �was � printed ,,,and �,published therein in the English language, ftekk,,I, for.. /..!'t ..`....`.... �.�"YK/.. -weeks; thatt it was first so- publishedd ons.. � 1.�O / ... the ........ (.� . �....�./. day of . :�!/7F�J 1_.., 19.VI andAhereafter on ?�l�"! to and including the .................... _ ... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b C d e f g h t i It l m no p q r at uvwire ..... , .. . ........... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. �. �".z of !..Y...`.' .....� .... .... . otary Pubhc, Ramsey uaty, Mhmesota / 1.L My coymissiortfres . Nofa� P"b '... Qota�, Mlon. 19 \l\ MY Cotnmimic+n F.�Icm iii 15.'2943: ' ... STATE OF MCNNBSOTA, County of Ramsey, > N HI3'1G TO &RECT ALir OVERe1ZE PARI- VAGARAGE. Notice lah. '�"•� [ blue D(ntty ee[ to om cat Hutton wt Ce�maP"o197I. to Ne CI ;I RzWIGY 'Paul. Yd _ pp ltl4 1 nn dr%crlbM1 i Tdlnnd 411�t�'W Tf 1py p/bW�lt9 � up��gt�� ` Aaetu p to eat44ni I3 North- to ray ibY °w 1 - boentwren '] ArunM1et A Mac4uDln at t xamea: 7 69 8*1 Ava U. Hatedt amt Pam, dfmoeaola. ae9- lemM1er 9th. t971. (P. plrae•DtaD.. eons. ]0. 11, 1Z.) Affidavit. of Publication ..... ............. I............. being duly swum, on oath b. during all ng al sa ��fi. tha a now is, aadthe -time herein stated has been clerk of the North - ti Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the t8h. Feel-�Yltetah, st. Paul Pi r press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated Tba for more than one year immediately Prior to the publication therein of the printed . ...... ... !}M /!!. .. �.. /.�::. hereto attached, said newspaper wase' lashed in the English a8e from its known office of Publication in the city of at. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equ(,valent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publt- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has bad in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general l news, cora- s not been ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly. any other entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near ts said place Of iying subscribers; publication to the extent of tas t 240 copies has had, and now has entrysecond ond class mail matterin livered to pain the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of 68,10 newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, ewes for.. / ........ / .'"",•""�/ .. eness"W&-weeks; ...th1. that it was Brat so Published on._2ba............... day of.. ...... , 19. ( and thereafter on to and including the .............. day of ...................... 1 19....; and o that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b o d e f g h 1 f a l m n o p g r a t q v w z >l a subscribed and sworn to before me this. �.3 of ... ..........., 19./ r' ....... ............. Public, Ramsey Cc , Minnesota r IL My co ® on ares ...Notary.Pubiic,.Ronste}Cowlpr Mie. 19... My Commission Exph es Dec. 13..1943. 1 r• _ OrI si—I to Citi Obit C[T — "Otf SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �F R OFF)tCE -OF THE CITY CLERK F!LE NO. COUNCIL ReSO1L_t3T1ON-+GENERAL FORM L D E PRESENTg �- COMMISSDATE - RZsOLVW, lhaa-ft or., gs rsiit bt granteQ to Klatoxn Motor sales ter the •reatiom esf as-pnblla gatagW -on the easterly 15 feet of Lot 24, ma2_3L 4st -Zaets Be, 86 and 27, Block 39, syndicate No. b A&& 1b:2 -4m. -mm : - teeing on the north side of Uni- versity Avenue. betwawm- EMr3ggs and Syndloate. :D C. F. No. 124063—By Fred M. Truax— w M dtowlneMet., tort isles f.rb[hgeran(ction f a public garage n these eterty 16 feet of Lot 24, 11 of Lots 26 26 and 27, BIock 32, syndicate No. 5 Aditlon, tie- ' Ing cn the north side of University Avenue betwppeen Grigg. and Syndicate. Approved y the Council Sept. 24, 1941. (Sept. 27, 1941) d `1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cour 194— Yeas Nays KP 24:941 /B s 1xidlan rr Approves194— anto ereoaerson �p 6n President, McDonough z_e*_Wxm r Favor A Ssli�t- r CITY ®F SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota{ O IF IF"i CE 'OF CITY CLERK _A F--9 ARRY T. O'CONNELL City Ca¢r%c and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 23, 1941. lir. Harry N. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council eci that you, prepare a resolution granting the application of Uldtoem 3iWme===- mor Sales for permission to erect a public Garage on the easterly 15 :IE'-&-- of Lot 24, all of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Block 32, syndicate Ho. ! s ag mag on the north aide of Univ er8ity Ave. between Griggs and Syndicat e Very truly yours, City Clerk. SEP 23 1941 CUR + I•iOTICE OF' APPLICATIOid _E ' RS11T TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby g v e that pursuant t& Ordinance No. 7210, of th#Ciy f SaiTzt Paul, Mirinesota, application will be made on 3to the City Council of the Cityt Pau3 Mdnneaota by £or permission to erect a public gsrage on the following s �zated described r:Loe in Ramsey County, Minnesota, sat/e'er —% }� to w LoJe d Z%l Z , Block , ain Paul, Minnesota �s� the og dIde of - and between Number Dated at Saint Paul, 14:5- ota, 19 �� _ 1001 100, <D STATE O.F' MINNESOTA,l ss. of Ramsey, j `h7 i, N�O�TICffi OF QAC aCLrC GCP PER I NORM fe�he y�psnttat ■Detp*,�eb. p^ Couapa N�'•' 1T80:fD=ila4[e1 mits.rbY- al� • 1A_ .ei v,retir. e smte Jp+} 5-I1fe0 •Sept. 9-10-11) ,idavit of � Publication S -k or I _ _ _ _ ... NO'rlCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... hereto attached It was cut from Ll�e col' -s of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the TSngi j 3 zEa guage. � j� ............ day of . jff r�r so Published ca,,/- - - - - _ . _ . _ .the .. 7... ....... that It was �n} lz ... and thereafter on .. . . . .. . ....... �j�� ef-eeei_weelr that t , foZ2oving vis a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is 1'2"'I9 acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and of said notice, to -wit. a b c d e f g h 1 3 fr im o D a r e t u o w z y z a Subsrr+XmPqEm4=! asci, sworn to before me this- 19.7E ... i�'C ]3feEary Public. wa-+naey cgd/nty, Minnesota j. I_ MCC)QOi, My co fission es Notary-Pabil� 4Zaar.9r9 E'Amt1y: Mtnn: • 19.. . 15, 1943. My Comenlssion ExL fires Dx• -Z..._--............. being duly sworn, on oath ' . . . . . . ....UA - ......._..'- - - - --- .' I.S.and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the N - - says: tva a_o�v Pub 2ric., publisher of the newspaper imown as the St. Paul Dispatch, AL West � and has full knowledge- of the facts hereinafter stated ,That Yo= mares than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed �� Q� .. f_ U • . . ..... ....... .... ........ hereto attached. said newspaper was prkatec3 ��-•L published is the Eng language from its known office of publication State of Minnesota, from which it in the city oY ��- Paul in the County of Ramsey, least six days of each week in column and sheet form purports t > 1 a s -'ed, daily at to at least 450 rnnn'ng inches of single column two inches wide; equivalent >Lac ce, has been. fznm its mown office as above stated, established in said place of publi- for preparing and cation. equip s with skilled workmenand the necessary asterisk has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted printing t"t�a s^ ��e; interest to said community it PUr-Ports to serve, the press work of which to local neves of has been d�+�-•a is its said known office of Publication; has contained General news, com- Publication; has not been ment and-^�3_1sny; has not duplicated wholly, any other- matter and advertisements: has been circulated in and entirely mae3e near its said up of patents, plate M_wa ce of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered class mail'matter in the to Paying 't+a*s; has had, and. now Inns entry as second its Place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the local posto 3 of said was made. r Auditor office of ts-+o facts, of is qualifications as a�. newspapeY foion Couuty Pubs 'rTu wtordgef yhthCounty proof bN1 cT� a wing llcation o,Y 1 notices. S -k or I _ _ _ _ ... NO'rlCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... hereto attached It was cut from Ll�e col' -s of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the TSngi j 3 zEa guage. � j� ............ day of . jff r�r so Published ca,,/- - - - - _ . _ . _ .the .. 7... ....... that It was �n} lz ... and thereafter on .. . . . .. . ....... �j�� ef-eeei_weelr that t , foZ2oving vis a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is 1'2"'I9 acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and of said notice, to -wit. a b c d e f g h 1 3 fr im o D a r e t u o w z y z a Subsrr+XmPqEm4=! asci, sworn to before me this- 19.7E ... i�'C ]3feEary Public. wa-+naey cgd/nty, Minnesota j. I_ MCC)QOi, My co fission es Notary-Pabil� 4Zaar.9r9 E'Amt1y: Mtnn: • 19.. . 15, 1943. My Comenlssion ExL fires Dx• Affidavitof 1'ublic.�etti+on STATE Op MINNESOTA, _ Coisnty of Ramsey, a / [1(��J/Y�-C���+ f^�..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ being duly sworn. on oath ;�'" r!^�u/ s. that be novel Ss, and during all the time herein -stated been cleric of the North. _ of the c Psul Pioneerti)?ress, and has full knowledge off then facts 3aereiasfter state- . That for more,, than one year iinuc dia�telj"y prior to t'e Publication therein of the � printed �.1.D ..^�. .... • "—'--�/•-•• ""�" I�1t . A� I �^.-.. /.�:C r• •-; •,• . .. •..... •.. _ hereto attached, said newspaper waspri.... and published in. the PSlgllSh language from its known office of publication esota, from which It in the city of St. Paul in the County y of Ramsey' of S week in ccolumn and sheet form equipurports to be issued, daily equivalent in space. to at least 450 running inches of si.lcngle column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established is said Pie of publi- A"d cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessar9 material for preparing and twenty-five ed printing the samedevot; has had in its makeup rts do serve, of news the Prete wocolu rig Y which to local news of interest to said community it PurPo news, has been done in its su4d known office of publication; > onptalned gen r assss, been ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any ' entirely.made up of Patents, Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and to the enfant oY at least li erld 240 copies regularly de near its said place of Publication the to paying subscribers; has had, and now hes entry as -second class mall matter in the _+o of wpPr tawTrol+ roR PER -'j local postoffice of its said Pie of Publication; fast there has been. and is made,on was file pr the 2����T+ TO HRECr A PIIOZIc GARAGE. `�$r o'tfea fs cL ..h tbnt ou,.umt office of the County Auditor of the County oY q SRl�tions arpublicatia newspaper for pub - to �aiin .N 9' 'ue non°ani °ne proof by one having knowledge of the facts, •. to CItY i. I. MI¢- hcatloa of legal notices. W. d t.m J a hereto attached .> xx ;. to wit:. 1nNOTICE _ _ _ _ _ ............ ere 2mock .. - - - - - - �_ I.T. ut¢ne- That the v¢werattr� cut from the columns of said newspaper, and w2 --s Printed and published therein is �Sth. fn[.,, p9eaot¢. eept<m- a7S8 _ _' ee�pley�(tfb.V. Sept.9-10-11) �kg . _ for of . the EnglLsh language. oa�'°k' of that 12 was first *p published on- • • , lire ... _ e ... 7. .. 19. Y. and thereafter on . . . . . . . .........l�,,J�. /a-� e......................... _ _ _ _ . _ ..................�i9-_" _ that the following is s Printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive. and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and l�ael oY type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: A. ab¢ de f gbii klmno D Q r a t u v w z 9 4 ,� � ........... o Subscribed and sworn to before.me thisss oY ...•. ............... /........... . ........ . ........... otary Public, Ramsey Co . Minnesota � L on ires - -j.Zboe�_ i], Rablic,FEte749iY.�M1'�3'•1fltL, >� - m�T C.ommis�f.,r. F.��:•..r f�... I S, 1943. 124054 i� orle..l t. ctt.'cw►Folu�oa CITY OF SAINT PAUL NQS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ UNCIL RESOLUTi N -GENERAL FIRM r / "COM ISS10NEY r - ~ be laid, In the following eOrests in HWSOLVOI that water mains the City of Saint Pauli i Walsh St. from Wheelock Parkway to a point 36 ft. north a north line of Wheelock ParkEaY Of the Carleton St, from University Ave. to Charles Ave. Charles Ave. from Carleton St. to approx. 250 ft. —at of Carleton St Montana Ave. from Victoria St, to Milton %t from Sunnis+ St. to a point 19 feet west of SLeanor Ave, west line of Howell St C. F. No. 124669—By W. A. Pattabe la Resolved, that water aIt e laid C inthe following at,_t. in the City of _ Saint Paul: Walsh SL from Wheelock Parkway to a pointhee36 ft north of the north line - -- of Wlock Parkwny. - Carleton St. from Udiversity Ave. to - o Charles Ave. Carletonom .a [osh 266 ft. e�rstOf CurletonSt- to p - Montana Ave. from Victoria St. to _ - - Milton SL t t Elea.- o a t line fHo- point, 9p e feet es[ f we. from st well St. ,�9p Adopted b4.the Council Sept 24, 1941. ADProvt, - (SeDt22711941) a u 4 24: 16 Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCILMEN Yeas j' B uss Nays ove' —194— _ an unto In Favor ay n en � _SL—�gaiilst r. President, McDonough am 141 .. - INTERMEDIARY OItnIDRb .1.240515 1 C. " �'o. 1"OPT JJJ In tt matter of. o ... t,uoting mono- . .. 11010 sidewalk on 0e east slde:Ogf Hazel street .we^r vada Av I �nr and "•'e,. y and"'Ort' COUNCIL FILE NO— B O B / INTERMEDIARY ORDER In`the Matter of ' constructing monolithic sidewalk on the east; side of Hazel Street between Nevada Avenue and Nebraska Avenue, and on the Porth side of East Nevada Avenue between Hazel Street and Curve Street, under Preliminary Order 123918 approved l September 8, 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i 2. That the nature of,the improvement which the Council recommends is construct monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Hazel Street between Nevada Avenue and Nebraska Avenue, (N and on the north side of East Nevada Avenue between Haw Street and Curve Street, !except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist,, m per square -foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost the $ 0.19, 4" monolithic; #0.28, 6" monolithic driveways. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-� day. of October, 1941 4*5_x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- 24 1941, 193— P 04 1941,% Approved193 City Clerk—/ File 84538 ('/ 6/ Councilman 4ftmjd� It 0 Councilman NbNMMWW� ragdho Councilman INNMq� Parvenfo Councilman R pebstaer Councilman Iftwoomm Roses Councilman Trigs , Mayor M� 1�#cutrlr ` O Form B. S. A. 8-6 EUBLISHElq a 7 - u/ COUNCIL FILE N0. 6 MTERMEDIARY ORDER :1.24056 In the Matter of oonstrtioting monolithio oonorete sidewalk on both -sides of North Victoria St. from Rest Ivy Ave. to Cottage Ave., C F. No. 124666— . ' In, the matter of constructing mono.I _ lithlc to$crete sidewalk on both sides of North Victoria St., from West Ivy Ave. to Cottagge Ave., trader Pre- Ilm[nary Order 1E3817, approved Sep- ' ter her 9, 1941. - i -.nneit or the "It�,f se.r , 123917 approved September 9. under Preliminary Order PP 1943 � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received'the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 4 6 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of North Victoria.8t. from hest Ivy Ave. to Cottage Ave., exoept where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per� square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoPis $ 0.19 4" aonolithiof $0.28, 6" monolithic driveways e Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 218t day of s October, 1941 Ax_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City. of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner providid by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the, nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilSFP 94 S# , 193— Approved— NP 84 S41193— City Clerk 'Y` 'File 84539 �— ayor CouncilmarA1.001011001 ffwfa Councilmal iY Councilmat D Couccilmarl-01—El. petealee Councilmai MX= CouncilmaARPNIPOW Trim& Mayor snoop McDonemb Form B. S. A. 8.6 C. R No:12406r— (A�,pA I In the matter of oDening widening and' ��LY 7_'1.6 este --t- cntana-..Avenue Se a width. JiiCt.D7 Y of 60 feet thro gg-'t oka 18 and -20, C.M. rrom Nihon t O"xtord 8t. by �c"opdemning and much; - COUNCIL FILE NO. Bq INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending Hontaaa.Amenae to a width of 50 feet through Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Hilton St. to:Oxford St. by condemning and taking so much thereof as lies within a strip of land 50 feet in width, the center line of whioh extends fran the intersection of the center lines of Milton 9 St. and Montana Ave. westerly to a point on the hest line of said Block 20, distant 303.8 feet North, from the Southwest corner thereof, under Preliminary Order lgma?m approved September 3y 1941. _ The Council of the City of St.-Pa-ul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and' the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend Montana Avenue to .a width of 50 feet through Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton St. to Oxford St. by oondemaing and taking so much thereof as lies within a strip of land 50 feet in width, the center line of which extends from the intersection of the center lines of Milton St. and Montana Ave—westerly to a point on the West line of said Block 20, distant 303.8 feet North from the Southwest corner thereof, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21st day of October, 1941 *W__, at the hour of 10 dclock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mannerprovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. f Adopted by the CounciSEP 241941 , 193— 1 24 1941 ` Approved 193 City Clerk File 9352 Ma r� Councilman j,IS;IED� 7- I� -Councilman binKnomaM Vwdl� Councilman INOUNNNno Parrento Councilman WHION 40010 Peterson Councilman INSININNIM $ossa Councilman VIWJXNAM� Ttnaz Mayor MqjkjffMKW McDonough .J Form B. S. A. 8-6 M Orlsiud le,CI Clerk � \ C V. No 1240B6—BY Joha & �tndlaa--I . �r �. CITY OF, $ Reeo``rea th r[pr the ame parD the. re [oval oG. a�n McUn clou_ I� 1' OFFICEUF'7 record respecting he'•+tt- �a NO. t estate actuate GOUN4IL"R LUTI zear oar 1 nLeC `- `COM 1 E10NEY 1. ��"� DATF'• Lyn, that for the sole "Purpose ''or the renovsl`of an existing cloud of record respecting the title to the real estate situate in Ramsey County,, Kinveso a,. Aoscrlb94 as, the, northerly . 1. 5 feet of Lot 10 Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 8, 9 and 10, ,Block 5, Rogers & Hendricks$ gore Lots to Saint Paul, wherein the City of Saint Pant condemned a temporary Gas. an which has expired, and which real estate was covered by that -dead from Ernest M. Swanson at ux as grantors, to said City aq gran:os, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County kn 1081 of Deeds, page 115, whereby it was intended to convey such temporary segment and no further interest in said premises, that the City execute and deliver its quithlaim deed covering said premises to and in favor of its said grantorsy that the execution and delives9 of said quitclaim deed: by the City is hereby authorized, there being no consideration to be imposed, therefor. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �i/4 94— Nays A . Yeas APProve' 8 —194._ r^tudlan Pa auto e Favor ' May n Against - r. President, McDonough 1M 1.43 • n SM4 I Armour and Company � � 39 o0 87185 Conrad Haglund I I 312 12 $7186 Hall Hardware Company 9 S71d'1 Hapook"Heleon Herd, Company ; I 416 60 �7 �8 I H840001.,0101804 hero, 0048AY I 307 61 III d9 �, Hap 100 001PSAY X00 7 90 1010111;004 a pay rb D X7191oxtWA JOWpg P"Coll 2192 I Pillebuxy flout It 18 p 74 60 $719 Pillsbury Piour tulle OonpanY ' 12 60 8719 standard Brandep Inoi 12 60 $7195 standard Brands Ino. 234 9 8-7196 I st,paul Book & btationery C� $3 p 87197 IStTPaul Book & Stationery Coe 87198 �Bt,peul overall Laundry 95 0 57199 ISt;Paul Sausage gompany 97200 st;Paul Saw a Knife Coupany $7203 ( A. J. S*bnko 6 0 57202 lio6b $ebmidt Brewing CompanyI 3 10 87203 obnelders�Art Shop46204 .►y� 9Aulley ComlRany I 14 $ 47 45 80001ty WIN" Qompany 41 A $7206 Te, Al Etta i 7 gOxo�� Oo�p�y �� 96 6 'r ` SAINT PAUL Nit 9 CITY OF "1 CgUtICIL i ,< t. t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICn4 BATHE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL 382 9 47210 BARFUSS- FINDLAN - IN FAVOR AUDITL' L CLAIMS PARRANTO PETERSON - - RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE ORA N: E CITY TREASURY,.. -'COVERING ROSEN AGAINST - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S TRUAX, MR.PRES. MCDONOUGH - INCLUS , A8 - �A 1' CHECKS NUMBERSJP PER CHECKS ON FILE OFF - F TH ITY COM DLLER. �l_�� A.. . I ADOPTED BY THE •�•-Aq� CorR..u[. [� . APPRO E 194— NUMB[R r BY — _ o[.[o e[ --- -- — -- - -- - -- - -- - --- TO AL DATE 2 RETURNED BY BANK CHECK II IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER OISCHECKS - NUMBER I CHECKS CHECKS•--- ,I .. _ ._---_--•- —� --...— i BROUGHT FORWARD 44 741 63 • n SM4 I Armour and Company � � 39 o0 87185 Conrad Haglund I I 312 12 $7186 Hall Hardware Company 9 S71d'1 Hapook"Heleon Herd, Company ; I 416 60 �7 �8 I H840001.,0101804 hero, 0048AY I 307 61 III d9 �, Hap 100 001PSAY X00 7 90 1010111;004 a pay rb D X7191oxtWA JOWpg P"Coll 2192 I Pillebuxy flout It 18 p 74 60 $719 Pillsbury Piour tulle OonpanY ' 12 60 8719 standard Brandep Inoi 12 60 $7195 standard Brands Ino. 234 9 8-7196 I st,paul Book & btationery C� $3 p 87197 IStTPaul Book & Stationery Coe 87198 �Bt,peul overall Laundry 95 0 57199 ISt;Paul Sausage gompany 97200 st;Paul Saw a Knife Coupany $7203 ( A. J. S*bnko 6 0 57202 lio6b $ebmidt Brewing CompanyI 3 10 87203 obnelders�Art Shop46204 .►y� 9Aulley ComlRany I 14 $ 47 45 80001ty WIN" Qompany 41 A $7206 Te, Al Etta i 7 gOxo�� Oo�p�y �� 96 6 (mace T„ Wall at company I 9 0 George darner Oaao►paby I IU.L, Weber 382 9 47210 �pn0 cotton '001pey i .me Welab mfg.Company_ _.....___., 1115 3 J�estern Badge & Novelty Comp X7211 404d Oil 06080 Minton meatern ttateriala Company I ' � 7 iwestern Union Telg. Company 21 4 $7212 A F;, 000p my d )axY dtil%iea� Ino i 2 Q 8721�j 87214 87215 n C.N. �techert #..Comp y I Stott Hrii�uet. Coupany Company I 1E 26.. 8 5 81216 87217 Superior Refining iswilt & Company 1 7 $7218ITongg..Pub� $72'19 Company ITreae. of the US* Fe P. Comm sida r 1 220 3 87220 1 97227, ITri-State Tel. & Telg. Compsn ITri-state Tel d Tel$. Co]tpan 39 87222 Truck Paztse In .; IU. Se UYPs� Cm any I 87223 $7224 87225 Un1"Veieity of Minnesota .Van P er Supply Company I 7 o 1 0 9 0 A709k vioto rintin company 0 3 0 (mace T„ Wall at company I 9 0 George darner Oaao►paby I IU.L, Weber 382 9 ; , .;: wedeletaedt COmPaRY i .me Welab mfg.Company_ _.....___., 20 QO J�estern Badge & Novelty Comp 10 4 meatern ttateriala Company I 35 1 iwestern Union Telg. Company 21 4 WestlunA's Market Wheeler Publishing Company 9 O 37532 'Billie Insurance Agency j i Baking CoepElny 0 ILinemaeter i', 125 P6 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD I 5503 121 1M i 59 NOTICE TO 0C)lu"1 C_ F_ Xvo_ X24059— "CIL FILE NO. �2-eso lv ed. chat h¢cica be drawn PRINTER cb.e - ciiy oY $ r $5.5.nr471_ � 2.. Cov¢ring Ch¢Clcs ih¢ aggr¢gata September 22 1 amount a�.hered 87184 to 87239 inClusiv ¢aS 194- per hecics o ale in th.¢ ofHc¢ oP th¢ City Coznpir oll¢r. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAVS/N Ci ADvnrov � pz 24, 27, 1941.5¢pt 24, 194X_ E AGGREGATE AMOUNT (Sept 1941) OF S `5� x+71.72 , COVERING CHECKS "UMBERED E>f J-15"} TO n 239 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OFCITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED- SEP 24 SM -- 1 94 194— A .� QTY COMPfRO 'R B Y— Z' ?CITY'OFSAINT PAUL CFILE OUNCIL NIA_ OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK FORM COUNCIL" 'RESOLUTIE!i-GENERAL - DATE—Beotember' 2 pFxE iE-e- GO'Mi�/1-ISSZ e3�r _ and applicatios}'1063,/ Off Sale Malt: VpIS That license Yor On Sale Melt Beverage, _.b t Meverage application (1064, applied for by Leo Gol�berg'at 31+3 Ro er St. _ be and the same are hereby granted. - - C. F. No. 124060—By G. H. Barfuse- John S. ".dl.n— _ u - - Resdlved, that license for On S le Oft Sale Malt' Beverageatioagyl0y esti ` - _ ten 1064, applied for by Leo Goldbrg at 343 Robert St. be and the same are hereby. granted. ` - New. q.Informatly approved by Coun-- c11, Sep[. 13, 1991. Old location. - •t--^ -" -. - Adopted by the Council Sspl 25, 1941. - - Approved Sept- 25 1941, - (SeDt.'2'5, 1941) '. lEew. ZnYormallY approved Oaimcl, `_, Sept. 1S.. 19'1. I,b'cation. SSP --25 . Adopted by the Council 94- Y a� Nays SEP Approved. T 9d AL to Tn Favor Mayor Aga 8 Mom- 7 CITY 0>F --csAiNT P^UL FILENO.— CITY CLERK a Q p• OFFICE'QF`--*-Jr-- _ '2­-W4C=::W1%i—GENERAL FORMCOUNCIL RESOLIJ ..! y e PRESENT EL3 S ...A-- COMMISSlK7NE DATE - C *a.nl.e ��7 t• - -jm_<;pT.YLDr TbkLt license for Restmuraat_ � spp33cation 1029. On Sale, Malt Beverage, 7.1 application 1030, and Off - msw a 31,aX1 b Mverage, application 1031. applied Yor by Llberst C. Mattain3 a -W- 370 3S3nneslota St. be and the Bane are hereby granted. - - C. F. No: 124061—gy G. fL garIuss— -. John S. FindIll - - Roaolved, that llcenae forRestaurant, - aplillcatton 1029, On Sala Malt Beverage, - appllcat--- 1030, and 02 Spall Malt Bev- IPP"nttain . - Albert at33fO �Inne..ta St - I,_ New LInfaormnlly ap-proved by Coun- ' - cll, Sept. 18, 1941. Old location Ado Dted by the Council Sept'. 26, 3941. - - - -- Approved Sept. l5, 1941. (S -Pt. 25, 1941) Now, Informally approved by Conned, Sept. 18, 1941, Old Location. l a 1 SEP 25 VA COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Counci 194— Yeas . Nays SEP 25 9941 su Twit - Approved 194— _ Fsvor aY es' rdent,MtT�BB�h 3w 1_4x - \ `- r 1P ., a oriaina t. ,ciss ctaet ,. `. Nil ,� 1'4444162 f OFFICE P THE A91V7 } �C F No. 124062—BY Fred M. '1'Yu �- ,Wb.ereas by Counctl Ftle No_ 1 S_ ', C ayD owed AUGu9t 19 1941, t1— �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION=� aet�r=n'nea that th two-stoT b` 3a� f Lot 13 Bldch 34 Ri e deacriD d d da ous - 1 PRESENTED BY T Z777777, S, by Council File RIO . 1?�'T4lF f spprO�etL 1941, the Connoil deterained that the tw*-storT bvL!L ----41M;vn L.ot 13, Hlook 54, Rioe a Irvis�e Addition, also gdeor No. 199 � Hi11Street, is unsafe -��%dsngsrone to lifer lido O— joining properly and should wrecked rind redovhd; and WMMM, due t oehas beeg- as requi r"049L $codon 1•-16 of Ordinan f No. 721(3, and no appeal has beau �:�� s� by the oKner or his out, and said bmildi;sg, ha►e not been _tea►rte iio►; therefore a it SobVED, that the Commission6r of Parks, P3�a— sands and lic Buildings be and he is herebP al"oted to est- apoa said tear down and redove said unsafe anti�a.ircme premises and structure, and to do any and all %hinge whish in lsi >ML� ��sinlon may be neoeseary for the protection of 11fe, limb and aa��� �s� inn property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays sa Findlan $ en e "dent MuDpannnsh G.: YT'C::i4ti[I �c CCC:fO[i. Favor 4 Against 4 SEP 2 5 19A1 Adopted by the Cos== — 194-- 251941 APprov194.— Mayo] vrisu7 T �['- a5- UL v " 1 24 f',:, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MinnesotR, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 24,, 1941. s Yr. Harry A. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution kNoo 3) authorizing aaddirecting the Comer. of .Parke, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two—story building on Lot 13, Block 34, Rice & Irvine's Addition, also described as 9o. 199 Hill St. Very traly yours, a f My Clerk* (� a RECEIVED SEP 2 4194.1 CORPORATION COUNSEL r; 9 o " CA F. No 124063—By F d hL Truax— iw Whe eas, by C unctl File N- 12888 Oddsd t.' Cks CI.Tk - \ apDroY d August 28 1941 the C6=. determin d that th n story tram a ^I CITY OF bunging and d 1 oca 3 4, and 6 tic hj0. Block 1.9 a -'• Addltlon/ OFFICE OF locate a �C V COUNCIL RESOLUie.�ENERA� `RM r PRESENTED BY -.,Truax .COMMISSIONER WHERM, by Councli rile No. 12383'x', 'wppr+e ed Au�ute16 `28, 19*:L, the ;Council determined that the one-story trade building 4 and,. sheds-. on Lot_s__3, 4, and 5, Block, 19', Bacilli A .Robert � s Addition, located at the northwest corner of South Robert Street and Plato Avenue, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; and _ a WRCMS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the pwner or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it =SOLVED, that the•bommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorfzsd and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and 1b do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. SEP 251s4a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Y Nays ag 1941 Findlan Approved 194— '.7 Fa— --M or �J A$81 T� 17- eldest.-Mc'I)flto�ligh Y V n1.+J""'" 3M 1-41 Mr. Vice Pr=iAcat (Pete"on) I ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4�c Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 0 Sept. 214, 19141. 0 f o . Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorising and directing the Comer. of Patko, P. & P. B. to enter upon the promisee and tear down and remove the one-story frame building and sheds on Lots 3, 14, and 51 Block 190 Bazille & Robert's Addition, also described as the northwest corner of So. Robert St. and Plato Ave. Vezy truly yours, / 7 City Cleit. 6<'. RECEIVED SEP 2 4 1941 CORPORATION COUNSEL original to Cay Clak CITY; OF SAW PAUL collycn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 'AR ENTED BY DATE COMMNEf I5310 LVED, that Earl Newell be permitted to Install and operate a parking lot on the gest: side of 8t. Peter Street from 85 feet to 188 feet south of College Avenue, located on the south 100 fest of the north 185 feet of Lots I'and 8, Block 3'; Bazills b Guerin's Addition, under the provisions of Section 5 of Ordinance Me. 5840. COUNCILMEN yeu Nays ifussm idlandlan ose�L�i n , �ruax yet 1-41 Vice Flica&W (Peterson) C. F. No. 124064—By G. H. Ba fuae— to ed lto do tall andoYYN.Lt —II he Parking I ,lot on the we t aide oI.9t Peter Streetfr.25 11 ' lege Avenue located il out [het ouch el e ! .fet of the north 126,feet of Lot, 1 and 2, Block 3, Bazille@ Guerin'. Addition I oder the provision. of Section 6 of j Ordinance 'o - Ad, 5640. pted by the Conncll Sept 26, 1941.1 Approved ""Pt. 26 1941. (SePt. 2'6, 1941) 4 �P 251941 Adopted by the Counc' 94— 251941 Approved 194_r iB Favor ,\ (�J May CITY OF SAINT PAUL eo Cap- 1 of Miric�¢sota - A-9 OFFOE C��Y CLERK HARRY T_ O'GOBViVEILI. City Clerk and CommiissGo*ae: o4 i t4— iSS;*3ratiion p Sept. 24, 1941. Yr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council regnestad tts t yon pr,qEbgwEATa 4maL rseol-ation granting the attached application of E r1 Wa w8Z1 mor �scrmis sion to operate a parking lot on the west aids or St . Pam Br St from 25 Yt. to 125 ft. south of College Ave. , cn the sov.t23L 100 of t3nmv-- north 125 ft. of Lots 1 and 29 Block 3, B -11l® & Q%x*3ix"3—T± • s � 'pay t �� 1y your s s G ity Cleric. _ SEP 2 41941 G��� ©RAZ��� COU'tiSE1. P O S T CARD NOTICE OFFICE= OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. .September_13,.. _...19.41_ You are hereby that, theCouncil of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of amLppi kation of Earl Newell for parking lot on west j3 :5- 0#' St. Peter St. from 25 ft. to 125 ft. S. of College vas on S. 100 ft. of N. 125 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Bloc 3& 3, 338zille do Guerin's Add. and that a public has � ir,g will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall S = --x I d i ncg on September 24 19 41 , in fhe City of St. Paul, at 10:00 0' c 1 c c k ,s John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. File 9354 Op. T B O ARDOF ZONING Ei� stabltsed by Ordinance No. 5840 Julyl 7th, 1944 ,a 5^iNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE September 16th, 1941- A RTHUR 91.1•ARTHUR S. MiLINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HQfi ENSTEIN EDWIN H. L14NDIE �a BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN YJAH MAN LiI Architect CHARLES BASSFORD: y GEORGE H. HEREOLDer Secretary _ Yr., Harry T• O as ra `r O7%T1®11 . City Clerk, B u 1 l d i a Dear sir — s Ia3tia naBL9r tt.of application of Parl Newell _ft,operate a parking lot on the west side of for pelmissioa Tenth and College. This property opety has St. Peter St— frontage o:r �Btw@as3 ICO ft.�n St. Peter St. beginning a _JLppro4r_jmn•+tely 50 ft. eoutbLAW � y oS College. It is vacant property zoned for commercia-K purposes. driveway, into this Property at the is a than the standard width — approxi- present tial4D mately 18 ft— less __3 he applicant will use the existing driveway so that no cut 1 s neoessary. He will comply with the #8031 approved August requirements a -JE- the parking ordinance 3rd, 1939. as _ to the exnolosnre. that the. permit T3><_mEEmm_ Bo and oY Zoning recommend be granted - Yours very rainy, GEORG19 H. HERROLD. Zngineer Secretary. cuiNTON A_ BACHERT Chief of, Police r ----so ROBERT 8 3_ �CHOCH. M_ -D_ WM. -J. SUDEIT'H G_ >` BR.ISSDIAN Health OJf3ffuc-Pr Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mignesota// - - Tenth and MinneAota Streets O _ 73_ BARFUSS, Commissioner JOKi� P_ mur r.ANSY, Deputy Commissioner September 23, 1942- r ----s_ 941 Mr. Harry- 2 O •Conuall City Clerl� Saint au--dianasots D r Sir ea - This is in refm reference to applioation ade by Earl N®rye�11 for er pmn9t to install and operate a parking 10 on tiie -vrast side of St. Peter Street between College Avenue and Tazith Street. the necessary inspections were made by Harry N. YWe ttargren Superintendent of Traffic, and William C _ Arron, �1iie f Fire Inspector. They re»ort that there � a no objection to the granting of this permit . Veryrejly yo s, Co-issioner of Rib is Safety DRY V E SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY TI-It� =�ARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY v '• OF THE CITY OF SAINT ^ PAUL" t E R-OIF= Fri CE COMMUNICATION , � Septmlber �. I6 1941 Yr. C. A. Heckert Cbief of P0110 e161 Dear Sir= This is in refereass Q to app7•S•oatioa aade by Bart sevwoll or rcr tqg install sled oparstp 48 West College a parking -lot on t7as� � peradssioa 1lrast aide of St»--Povmr Street bestm "m &ICollege Avsnue smd ��st;h Street. For your information �M made the usual inspeotios of the pre�is+es. with this stipplio atiosa. tbire being no bllsas: wrist a submitted Inasmuch as the 1a already installed said thez'o svuld be _ and tble lot taosss '==St- Peter no offer outs mades tlmm ourbing i s ad jape Lt to the property Moo ated at Street and the dries --MEWWM&r �e'asa ALtraPfio 457 St. Peter Stray— �0 g steadpoint to the mer a ofthin permit.Jsotion Yosnrs very tw 2 -Wo Harry N. 1►etttss'gz"aom Snperintendeeat of Traffio hmr/f a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY- Ot= TiiE 4 v •. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. INTER-OFFtGE COMMUNiGAT10N ,,. September 201-- :3L941. Hon. G. H. BargYmse , Commissioner oY Psablic St9S4&ty_ Dear Sir s "145� In wagger& to t]ze applicatiozx nu c'ta Tsy Burl Hewell for permission to install wad operate a 1P49t3t2-a4@-- Sot to be located y on St. Peter Streat betweea College IAveaase eL a `Meath Street. We hsva mala ovr iuLsruLeLL iaspeictioa. oAr the foregoing location and report that thews wonalcl ba no seoric3sZs increase in the fire hazard of that vacuity if a pazic't T+a 10$ Is permitted at this location_ SBspBctPully your s (Brie£-Biro Zaspector. WCB/z rr TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST_�F'AUL 'iql FL wLICATION 9 AND `O H THE CIN ITY 3IQ FFICE OF THE CITY GLERK CLERK -9 OFFICE. EO we Application 'or "4evnse- y AOL UTOM OBILE DATE T""E: HONORABLE_ THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST_ PAUL_ MINNESOTA APDL- ZCATION Is fIereb Made BY (wlA,wt OF' Eliz oR •H OIYIOuwI. f FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANO OPERATE .•"y" - ( 190 mom%= III TO BE ON 4, ` t` � f - fi. �-�^ -�g50 F4 9&IEE AMf RUMOi 1r ;<,./I../4`{;>._r.( r!,..F% -1 ___--- _ ' '�•' �^"' -"'-c Fes --- 47, cM►�eE1Arwlrrc t'r.. ibj�'`,-.'^' i-+"'"W�-.-, `z,��+ �' �... �:£-.- � J"� .'A•�s ,,f�'.` t.. L. .'i.=" �.'- Ydr"q :/ r:"✓2•G � �'�-�....�3�� ��"'i.l��r"Y.A..hsa.`��lal„�/ F 1 LED wFFL RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 19 DATE IS - DEPARTMENT s OF PUBLIC SAFETY GITV PLANNING BOARD t BY BY In the matter of oonstrwtiUg a sanitary suer OWL Idaho Avemie fyrom, C}}atsworth`Street to Victoria Street; on Iowa Avenue. =rasa Chatroy-th Street to Victoria Street; on 8cyt Aveaue n'o® feet east or ghateororth Street to Atoa Street; oa �onMiltoAvow" Street f.== 1Qebraska Aveme ahatsrmorth Street to Milton street's prenne; on Victoria Street from 180 feetorth Of 2iebre4eYe Avenue to BVt Order c. -r. 121.006 a _ ppri a SePtaa to'yeapenteor Avenues vndOr Pr ber 17s 1941• T=O,.V=)q That all orders in the above matter be andhe 138 are hereby emweiled, at;n';t13ed and resaiaded.sad all Imo such matter discontinued.- ' C. F. No. 124065—BY ffiflton RoseD— '. In the matter n Idaho uAvenue frolm tart sew _. Chatsworth Street to Victoria .wort , n Iowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street. on Hoyt AvonueSt Street; CnatMont... LAvenue' from 70 feet o.. t of Chatsworth Street to Milton Street: on ffiiItoh Street from Neb—,ka Avenue to HOYt` Avenue: n Victoria Street from 1880 _ feet north f NebrasKa Avenue to�' "Ponteur Avenue, nder appPrelrove nary Order C. F. 124000, aDroved September 17, 1941. Resolved$ that all orders In the above mattar be n nded and re cindedeand bY a 11 c ellcd, a ga . a h matter discon- ttinued. Adopted by the. Council Sept 26, 1941. l. Approved (Sept �'L611941) SEP 25 191 Adopted by the Council __ a–_-- —194— Y COUNCILMEN �s 1 Yeas Nay$ / approved 194— .Finaian _ �p v Tn Favor Mayo Ao8een A¢81I3e / residePt, lfiD9Ch ' as 141 Mr. Vko Yr"idrat lPeterson) 1 r 124066 ! Council File No..............�. _ PRCPC�IAL !AR IMPROVEME PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 ''V and- PRELIMINARY nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Contract a sanitary/ eewer on Idaho Avenue from Chatsworth Street to . . . .... .. . .. V1litorie'8$ree�;'on Iowa Avenue dram'L'hatsworth'$t'reet"to.Yihioria $tiee;"" ' an.Ho&t. Arenna.mom.�hstew[orth.atxeat.to._&Voa.atzeat:.aaMoataaa.AMMMOL.......... from 70 feet east of Chatsworth Street to $5 Peet West onf�viui aStreatti ........ -on 'Mi!.�ton"om''Street•Prabraska'A'venue'to' •Hoyt'*veuue:' v from 180 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Tlarpenteur. Avenue. . .......... ..... ................................... ...�.......... q........................... .. Dated this .... 2A4 1 day of.................. ......... S teunber............... .... 1941. .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makiatg of the folldwiIng improvement, viz: ...............moi.. ..... .................ri Construct a aanit sewer on Idaho Avenue from Obatsworth Stree o ,,,,•......... ................ � victoria Street; oa Iowa Avenue from •Ciis'tswort�u. Street to Yictorie Stree an Hpy:t.ATAMM.P.com.Chatsw r.th.Str.eat.to. Oxon.Street;..an.Moatana.Avamua........... from'70 feet east of Chatsworth, Street to 85 feet west of viotoria Street; ......... ff `=Iton':3treet'Yromi' Ndbraskg'Aveulgo'to' $oyt -Avmm- 'an' Vintnris .Meet......... from 180'Yeet north of Aebraska Avenue to Lerpenteur E►venue:; ,,,,,,,•,,.,........q.... e< having 14brr`presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................. therefore, be it 4 _RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1.o nv tigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement s-asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoiing�jrnattert:ro the Commissioner of Finance. SO f/ ri -Adopted by the Council.............. SEP. n� • •'•""' YEA"s, NAYS SES' 2 v15 I B 4 - PP Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINNAN i 0 r"PHOIw'_ ` o ROSEN.r............................. ........... UUA� Mayor. Mr Vice Pte�iucnt (P�A_ gUBIdSHED 1M 7,41 N / Original to City Clerk i (� - : 124067 OF SAINT PAUL ® COUNCIL NO. S ° E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTiON-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV COMMISSIONER — - _—. DATE 8113 LrMs That all orders 1n the "matter of constructing a t sewer on Marion St. from Cottage AVO. to a point 3TO feet north of Cottage Ave., under Preliminary Order Counail Bile No. 121649, approved Bebruary 14th, 19141,, and ?anal Order Coanail Bile No. 1222681 adopted April 22nd, 1941, be and the same are hereby cancelled and discontinued. M C011i1CILMEi1 1]easr Tlays Bar mdlan � o� x lent, Mc ttculascu ( atemn) aiR-.o CS lanae C. F. No. 124067—By Milton Roeen— ReBolved, that all orders in the mat- ter f co tructtog a Bewer on Markin St. from Cotta a Ave, to a point 370 teat north f. Cottage Ave., under Pre- ]]minary Order Council Flle No. 121649, approved February 14th, 1941, and Final Order Council F1e No. 122268, adopted April 22nd, 1941, be and the . a are hereby ancelled and discontinued. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1941. Approved Sept. 261941. (Sept. h, 1941) SEP 25 641 Adopted by the Council _ _- ___- v proved _--- 794--- - _ In Favor - /' iRayor __� _Against /` orl,ln.1 W Cib 124068 CITY OFSAINT RALIL- OFFICE Oft -THE CITY .CL. " �� LE �. COUN RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-eaRher 25, 19k1 COMMISSIONE y In the matter of ourbing BrimhAl l street Palace Avenue to Randolph Avenue, under PrAlimi r.F+�.-� 0rc3— i C. F. 122791 approved Meal 2$, 1941, and F110s1 03rdsr C. F. 123730 approved August 19. 1941. RWSOLVW, That the plans end speoiYioation.s :rcr 'tb.e above named improvement, as submitted by the Caemcai ssioaer of Public Works, be and the same ere hereW eLPPd Drw - C_ F_ IVo- 224068—By Milton Rosen— Ira the atter of curb ng Brimhall Street rroza'a Palade Avenue to Ran- . dolpYa avenue, wade[ Prellmfnary Or der C_ F_ 1 d 22791 a proved bIsy 28. 2$41. __ d V'1-1 Or Ir C. F. 123730, eAugust 39, 1941. cat4 oras ifl- Ynr' ,hat bove !named Impppr ve- ut- submitted Dy [he Commlaeion- or Public Worlca, ba -and tho sa Yiereby D 1, owed. me arAaopted by theConnell Sept 26, 1041. Approved Sept. 26, 1 141 2b, 194) COUNCILMEN Adopted b9 the Coxxme" 194— Yeas Nays uss Approve / 5 1941 � 194— iF'indlan �.. in Favor Mayor sen I!j Againe3't-� ruax MoTeRiaient, Bc19 h 3M 141 Mt- Vic` Pr"Iduat lPmee-) - _. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan --24t— Rosen Truax esident, Mc1h 3W 1- 1 bur. Vlct Prcid.:;lt lFvteceon) Adopted by the CounciSEP 25 641,194— SEs' 12IN Approved —194— in Favor. Mayo --------------- 4 $81II P O 124.x; CITY OF SAINT PAUL P" Nc'� NO. O>F >F10E O E CITY CURK ZOUNC-11w- IONMVENERAL FORM y , PRESENTED Y Sept. 25, 1941 COMMISSIONE pp -fp f In the matter o=Iff- $uglew od Avenue from Griggs St. to Syadi� �et�eet, under Preliminary Order C. F. 122362 approv— r 29. 1941. and Final order C. F. 123733 rode u,Q+ 19, 1941. s RESOLVED, 'Chat 3>3-sas end specifications for the above named 1mpr04 , 88 salblu tted by the Commissioner of public Works, tab same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 124069-11y Milton R en o --. - In the matter f rbing Englewood 1 Avenue from ofSt. to Syndicate. Order C. F. - Street, under PreliminarYY 122362 approved April 29 1941, and . Final Order C. F. 123735 approved - A"""'19, 1941. Resolved, that the plane and p�ecffl- �` 'cation, for the above med-imC ov- nnt, as submitted by the Commfsslone- reof Pu ile Works, be and theea me " r hereby approved. .. - s Adopted by theC.—II Sept. 26, 1941. Approved Sept. 26, 194 _ (9eDt. 2b, 1941 ) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan --24t— Rosen Truax esident, Mc1h 3W 1- 1 bur. Vlct Prcid.:;lt lFvteceon) Adopted by the CounciSEP 25 641,194— SEs' 12IN Approved —194— in Favor. Mayo --------------- 4 $81II C. F. 122746 appro-----X_ 27, 191.1, and Final Order C. F. 123558 s Serjp saaber 2, 1941. b .11 RESO�,YI�D, � 1-33oa pi ens and specifications as subulitted by the oS-Fublic Works for the above named improve L be anal the; amme are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Ppm Rosen Truax am 1-41 Mr. Vice NtcAdnuc kr tenua) C. F. No. 124070—By Malty Rosen— 'In the matter f curbing Front Avenue; from Rice Street to Sylvan - Street, under Preliminary Order C. F..122746 approved May 27; 1941, and Final Or- der C. F. 122858 approved Septe 4l 2 1a941. Fie ' "a that the plans and syeci8- c tlon.a a.S submitted . the Commis- aloner' of_ Public Worbe for the above named imyrovemeat, be and the same are hereby approved_ Adopted by the Council Sept 26, 1941. Approved 9eDt. 25; 1941_ (Sept. 26; 1941) Adopted by the Council SEP 25 A941 194— SEP 25 --- APProveii ;9 Tn Favor M8 A )TRt p, A p CITY OF SAINT,EAUL r��i`. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK 124 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL sARFuss FINOLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS PARRANTO PETERSON ROBEN AGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS efi W T CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU T OF;" COVERING MR. PROS, Mc00N000H '11941 CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OERED I THE CE O HE CITY OMPTROLER. Y ADOPTED. BY THE COUNCIL I APPRO — t84__ MBtR COM"ROWR BY . _ TO AL. RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT iR CHECKS CHECKS W �„ li I BROUGHT FORWARD 55 21) 35 i I 27 91 640 f 9tiefel Produots Company, Ina'' 151°51 • 57241 Atlas Gas .& Oil Company sq 06 X7242 Corning -Donohue, Ino. Ino, 6'290 41 $724�.' A, 4ang� 30 r 24 Robinson$ Cary & sailOompan �1 Bir ok 0 ea 19 81 Tein '� Qm1R y s 10:1 1' 8 841 i 0IOonor- I :auto Repair & Bra 9. 1 21 9 7 Stainle'ee & Steel Prod" 0 pang 364 00 X2 J n i`it atriok 249 Dr. 9,1. lberte 60 'w 87250 Dr Adolph H, A�ucena 2 50 .87251 Anoker Hospital f97252 11Hi.ss Ida Bemis j 6 50 87253 Dr. 'John r. Briggs aT254 �I Dr. James 8. j I to 5a 87255 ; Babert . �n gg 21100 i1 87256 Ds, Gustaf lCdland` 14100 87257 Emerson 01inic 87258 Dr.-E.J. rogelberg I 4 CIO $7259 I Sar• D.D. Hilger00 87260. Drp G. Mendell Hopkins 12 00 00� 87Y61 Dr, Irvine Xi 14701124 00 $7262 Dr, Paul Hia ly �. �9 00 26 04 we 4a� p��oiler a Nair 12 00 IterOn 6 Yaughq�00 �• � �1�x, �xtl�ux �M �d�er�o� , �i q hol. Ohio � X681 co; ''fib► i5 726 i 0`'r' 411 tal ill �Q �d $7270 0x. able. W, has 00 2 00 72713jrr 1r, I►. Webber 8 2 2 , �Artu 'F �111iame 4 40 2 prs, � illieroie arau & Nilliam 9 00 $727 I Mrs, aeon a 1:6011 53 .8275 18e11 d, rry. . • $90,97276 Moe 05padoesloot ��7 Board,of , atdr72 8 aity,oi 39 ; 87279 City oft.praul 17 7�� 87200 di`fy of Btihol 10100 87281 Albert � 00941 1 57282 Joseph gg�tii��►►aki 5° 1 • 28 �aeerStsan.,Eber. & Rkeoking 0 pang 22 50 X284 American Rad, dim sm. orp. 358 o0 572 5 8e*tlstt Hfg. Company i i6 92 8j886 I �#:oi'ushat � Au►bensteia 52 �9 W67 Adam Decker Hardware Company 97' 7 87288 1 General Equipment Company 5 187289 11ennedy Brothers Arms Oompan 72 gl � 87290 �; A.J. Koch Company 554168 j 87291 ;Rational Meter Company 112120 l 87292 ;;Robinson, Oar? & Sands Compan 8729 G. Sommers & Company 29173 87 Roodt?roduots Industries I 32 08 II ii i i I i r rSHEET TOTAL-FORWARD•'� 129 52 2 01 I _ � A 1 ,0 1 110, 5i 4; clTv oP SAINT rAtt_ - COUNCIL FILE NO. — NOTICE COUNCIL TO C: 11. No. 124072— that checKs be drawn on PRINTER the city treasnry, to the aggregate ember 23--190 1 mount f $31.921.72• vering hecke ii$FFnbered 87240 to 1'' th, `i nclualye, taae per hecKpps o tele in. _Lhe po¢ of the GREGATE AMOUNT CSAdopLed by lthe Cell Sept. 25. 1941. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAW" ON T Approved Sept. 25, 1941- (Sept. 25, 1941) NCLUSIVE, AS PER OF S 3 ozi -Tp , COVERING CHECKS NU > —�-- - — CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / 194- ADOPTED 94 R ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED— — — BY--� soo s4o W NOTICE_ ury oP sAINr P•A -yfti COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCI PRINTER C. Resolved,l that3 checks be drawn the city treasury, to the aggr¢gat¢ amount or $6,b04.58 covering checks: _i94_J__ -rtumb¢red 87295 to e, inclusivae M becks on ,11e in the tHce v the RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON M CifS� iREA5URY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_6,5e4.�� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—_TO 7349 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 25 194 � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 194 ,=�!� �^'{�'y cC­coMPrrso— cR JL.I� APPROVED — —194 eoo s-ao � 1\ J (9 jUBI-ISHED 7- �// a QUpLIC��'� r0 CI1Y C6�RK saRFuas FIN04AN IN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN A TRUAX r CI1V QF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OFiHE �0'0PT�61LLIR FILA NUMa�ta.. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE D AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AOOREOATB AMOUNT OF COVdflING MR. PRES. McDONOUGH 5 IM CHECKS NUAF 0 I CLUB[ AS ow ADOPTED BY THE CO CI PER CHECKS0 E OF I CITY MPTROLLER, AP R ED 4—____. MBIR / D com" omniB By Ao0 A14D CB To,,.AL BATE K IN FAVOR OF Ep ; '""TRANSFER DIBBUASEMlNT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS r BROUGHT FORWARD 20 129 3 61 01 � � d1�95 �� �xdne �« �e�ag� 610 - ,. 6 $7 7 �� Atlas 04g� Oil aoapa y � 5 65 vexed v n 8 ao age 2 X54 j dT 1layor Jan Ji 1io�b�o�gb 2" 81.300 11T a. Any DI. >9 rdeall jlLee F. Zimmerman I 7 5Q �50 I 57301 67302 Hz�itieh:War RelieY Society � �: ,: 12 8625 173N Alexandria Food Market 87304 I%Toe�de Halt Company I 9 30 40 87305 Better Brandei-Inca. 87306 Coos cola Bottiing°Company j 10 166 13 22 5 � 87307 The Dupont `De .:lfemoure & Comp 87308 ;Sleatric Blue Print Company � . So 87 68 87309 fleatrSo.Bluo Print Company 57310 II Elk Laundry Company # �,; , 14 38`' i II 57311 H,. $amen Sponge Company j �,, 19 46 11 i 573 12 . I Film Reoord C.omipal►y $7313 Pieher- t Company � 3 32 75 87314 i Freeborg PieeA Ino. $7315 -�I aaodw1l`L Induotriee 17 97- 4 49 50. 8731 0ioer,4otttrt6d 87317 Theo. Helms Brewingg.companp i 87318 Jpels Live.Bait $tore i ; i I 32i 35 87 87319 i6eeting A Schilling Company 1 (Charles Lyle � 5 70,00 87320 Frederic 87321 U614 I.na., Ioe Cress. 1 603 44 559 44 87322 II McFadden•Lelmbert Company 8732 luogeseon,Robbins Company 15 $732 IICbEia� Yickeleen i 63 21 42 50 , �.3- i Hub It�lle�t al� Mple.`:St.>�aui3 &.sedt Steaar llinneeota Ioe Company p a Ry.Co. 6 8 $ 1 3 0 8733 $73 6 90401 Laundry 452 029 R,A"�ereCompan H73 •. 1X50 67330 Utiond Geograpbio Sooiety 27331 041111, "Em& Hregg Company States Poser Company i i 4 943 87332Northern 57333 -northern States Power Company i 1709 01 88 8733 k6j%hetg s%4tee Power Company 57335 a.w.. xaxawee ooepany: j j 53 ,5 132195 I 87336 Pepsi»dols dtt11ng Oompany i 50 03 ® 87337 Purity 6dki`2g. Comipany $733.Q Hoo�C &Stationery Com any , 1 060 35 35 I9t.Pau1 873 9 I St. -Paul look"A Stationery Cone any 79 79% 9 10N1 31i1 o0�py 8 Is, aui o»peny >Jnaoli 9ah>bi_dt.:-Bxuwing Company 18734 1i soupy steel Produots Company i 251 82 37`190 18760 34 jlTeacher s College 87345 i) Twin City Briok Company Villaume Boa 6 Lumber Company. 108105 77166 87346 i; 87347 11 Vocational School Petty Cash i d 9111 2 87348 11,Rallaoe & Tiernan Co. Inc. �j 87349 11 seatlund 's Market House 71 152 --- SHEET TOTAL FORWARD � 20 129 2 68 520 3 51 t Orlilinal to City Clerk 0RDIN�..�_ 9 ORDINANCE FILE AWL w :� : • l Mo 124ora n 1 �1r7 MNANCE NO. PRESENTED BY �n�!.'''.-? ,•.gas An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An 4 administrative ordinanos relating to the oppointmegt by pity officials of officers and employee in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, sod establishing organisation oharts for the carious departaents of the pity government. This is an ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation ?f the public peace, health and.safety,N approved September 30, 1937. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL 01 THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: -- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the ease is hereby further amended by striking out where it appears in Seetiot 3 thereof, in the employment ohart for the Office of the City Clerk, Bureau of permanent Registration, the phrase: "for eleotion years only$$ Notion 2. phis ordinenos is hereby deolared to be an emergenoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. V - 7 2 11941 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ................ ....................................:... Barfuss mea Parranto............. .................. In Favor Rosen Peterson ......- .....................Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) ov `%3�ra- Attest: Irl qr - - 500 3-71 kOLISH ;D o - A r -q i y Original to City Ckrk n �, G CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL eJll OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO -COUNCIL RESOLUT t - GEENER/AL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION ER_.�—_ RESOLVED, that Council File No. 42446, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting therein the., line: "Kettle tender - Rooter . . . . . $.90 per hour." COUnCILMETI Teas % nays ss Findlan �s�elersGL_ U-4, — ),T,tC�W. d nt, mcfionol m 3111 3.4o-•kl MS. -C. F. No. 124076—By Anel Petereon— John S. Findlan—Milton Resolved that Council File No. 42448, e =end. , be and the ear�ppe Is hereby further amended by ineertIm, therein the Ilne: :'Kettle tender-Roo[er..$.90 Per hour. i Adopted byy the Council Sept. 26, 1941. Approved 3ep L 26, 1941. (OcL 4, 1941) a SO 2 6 1941 Adopted by the Council, te4 !' 6 194; pproped— --------194___.. Favor ; � ___ -_Against ori.l..) b c,4 cl-k - 1241)7 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ll FILE ! ., NO. .. �- OFFIC&OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL :RESO TIOWGENERAL FORM •PRESENTED By " DA "COMMI5810 E RE9Uyd$ ^ the Council of the City of Saint Pahl ,that the misnied oontraot between the (city of Saint Psnl and its ;Board of taster Cossipeioaere end the State of Minnesota thropgh i'iis Calsaiss$�gner of f the right relating to the great by said City and jsaid Board unto said. State of the right to reserve 116il fpr State b ghaay ilaprOvement.purt*see from that oerEain.traat or parcel of erosl estate situate in the Coun#er of Beasey;_state of yinuesota, described as H.W. ],/4 of H.B. 1/4 of Section 29j, T. SO H., R. 82 W., owned by odd City and nmdear tb* �ntrol of said Board Upon thess Varese e=pressed,'be.and the sale I<ereby ie 3a all things approved same be executed and delivered on Deh&,i of said City and; said Board, form thereof having been approved'loy the Corporation.Cmmsel.' COUNCILMEN y, � Nays B ndlan Findlan sen moygh ax Mr.C Prejirie.nt 1Pa'cr*OPI E -. 124,; ozisi�u to city. r CMek .; - C1TfOF SAINT PAUL - ' couHcit OFFICEOF T HE 6TY CLERK. O RESdumbN-GENEiLAL FORM t %. COUNCIL + $eo E 26 1119 1 _ . PRESENT 6Y r OATS Station license #57 66, eaPiriag Ja>m1s8 2. 397+2. issaad to �y %bat: (las be sad tliS ssmg -is hereby, Harold 9anplatiaa _ at 2600 University gve. to- -Millard Stea+A,Y at the same address. o A transferred - G. H.. Bariuer John S Fiadla-i+= Gas etnHon llcenae - - -Resolved, that No. 5766, DirinB January 2, 1842; le+ ued to - Harold VauAlatlne at 2800" "name' le - -.a ` Universit9 - Ave_ _ be a.nd th0 hereby traasierred to Millard 6[eady. ` at the same address- Oid locauoa_ Adopted by the Council 3eyt.' 26, 1941. � APDrov¢d S�g t2,1,. 1941) ^ Old Location 28, Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCu MEN Nays } } 194— Yea�� /�'indlan Approves Tn Favor Mayor oxen Against ' a.:rsr"Iwo ics Pieekleno (Rttettoti�) erldau City 124078 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' COUNca. FILE NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a RESOLUTIOWGENERAL FORM COUNGL -."RESENTED BY� _ .^.cpomml5510NE _ ©ATF'' Seotemb er"'�6 RESMVED: That license for Restaurant., application 0769, On Sale Malt Beverage, applioation 0770,`" and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 0771, applied for by Shigori Berrie at 777 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. e. F. No. 124078—BY O. If. Bnrfusa— John S. Findlan— Resolved, that license for Restaurant, application 0769, On Sale Melt Bever- ge, application 0710, and OE 991e Malt ,. Beverage. pplicatlon 0771, a" ad for by 9hIBor1 Ferrla at 777 Selby Ave. be _ and the a e a hereb u granted. New. Informally 3 ved by Coun- , cil, Sept. 9, 1941. -1d location. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1941. t. 26, 1941. - Approved .p (oet. 4: 19411 _----- New, .0 Informally approved by Council, Sept. 9, 1941, Old Loeation. n SEP 261941 COU CILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yea NBYs s 66 SEP 26 1941 lndlan Approved 194— Tn Favor Mayor A ¢sinat sa 14t; A1[ 1Firr Fret (Peterson) ' 124079 Orlsial b.. Cib Ciwi WLgl4C.�L.'. ia.o. _clrr of svllr�i- PAUL OFFICE` OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FbRM PRESENTED BY - DA '•....- COM t5510NE ., .. ., .., < _ <. HESOLVEDf ,.That lieenaea applied for by the Yolloet3n person at the addrosaes tested be and the. same are'hereb�y gaanteds H. SFhroeder Jr. 1059 E. 4th 3t. Foodstuff App.`0139 AW*1 Loca. , " a n a . xobt. SGroaerg 0641..Cassiday j00 Rice St. , Ogg Boykin Stone 125 W. Central " Berber 9 Mrs. Demes Bertlusci I07,=W. 10th St. Restaurant a 1039 " Nes Loca. nold B: Stilwell 2067 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 1014S " Old Loca. �_' v Grocer " 1061 " Old Loca. J. W. T. Bagnall j14 N. Dale St. Off sale Malt a 1662 a q. Willard H. Falk 372 Jason St- W. t. Paring. Lot 0 1072 " Nev Loca. n s. W Grant 9514 University Ave. Peel Dlr. " 1103 Old Loca. p ' w sone at etha& h,.T�B�by C. F. No. 124079—BY G H Btl(+o3t.— john S. NYndlan— 4 Resolved, that license a pliedfor by the rollowla n Per 'stated be and the 'granted: Jr. 1069 E. K H. Schroeder, 072 w Id location. FoodetaR, ApD- Robt. R. C-,,,dew Sid lolcatloa�ro- ` eery. App. nly� W. Central—Bar- Boykin Stone, ld locataon. be, Ap� 0889, new, Restaurant, APP. 3038,07 w, new lest- cation. - Arnold B. Sf11�ve1104867 ewes olAve— At,, loca- Gas Station, APP• n tion. w J. W. T. Bagnell, 34 N. Uaolcen9o.--Gro- cerY. AP 10661, n ; 0 J. W. Bagnall, 34 N. Dale SC —GR v- Sale Malt, App. 1062, new old 1 nation jt[.1 a Willard N. Falk, 372 Jaeckeon St _f Parking Lot, ADP. 1072, n w, new 10 cation. S• W. Grant, 864 University Ave n. F Adopted bYC he�Couraell `Sep .126, 1841. Approved 9 yt. 26, 1991. (Got. 4, 1943) SEP 26 1941 Co g1M.EN Adopted by the Couneit 94— Yeas Nays pproved p 1� 194: 1Findlsn t?err i+avor/ may oxen IPraax`— � MMW ent'Mq. ax i•; ' Mr. VIc Pry C. F. ,No 12}080—By G. H. Aarfu John S. Findlan— Resolved, that llc nese apDlted fw ��; by the persona- nam d Dn the list a j! ricin"d to CI4 Clerk _ - [,,had to this resolution ba e d the CITY OF SAINT :PA betas a e he eby granted e.nd.lhe City CI'erk 7s instructed to iaeue such ll- ` " OFFICE OF THE CITY C OBnaa. upon the phe ay ment into the clev tr Adopted bof t ( e,Counecilf8ept. 20, 1941. COUNCIL' 'RESOLUTION-GE . Approved rapt. ze, 1941 ._(Oct. 4, 1941) 1941 PRESENT BY COM MISSIOONE_ INSCZVEDt That. licensee applied for by the following persons„at the addresses stated be and the some are hereby grant": OoDrad E. Moberg 164 Igleharto Grocery App., 0263 'Reneea� Off Sale Malt a 02 ® e 124 State St. Restaurant " 0882 a Anna Stool a p n On Sale'lt " 0883 " a. Maa Off Sale Malt � 0494 Ida Strain 560 Van Buren Grocery " 0901 " n, Gordon F. Dorse 748 Tatum Ave. Grocery " 096o " Boge Auto suppik Co. 116 W. 7th St. . Gas Station a 0976 " •%' Emil Baohtle 181 N. Western Bakery " 0989 " Whaley Fuel & Ice Oo- 776 N. Concord Awl Dlr. " 1002 a Clifford N. Peterson 1435 N. Cleveland Barber a 1008 " J; p, Gordon 822 Reymond Ave- Off Sale Malt a 1010 a Stanley Huiras 924 Rice St. Restaurant a 1014 11 On Sale Malt n 1015 " n p a p Off Sale Malt a 1016 Arlene Oldfield 355 Jackson St. Restaurant a 1022 a yahrboak Fuel & Ice Co. 967 Bradford Pool, Dlr. a 1033 ° Agnee Kraus 561 Charles St. Grocery a 1036 " Sam Silver 111 W. 6th St. Restaurant a 1076 „ p p n a On Sale Malt a 1077 n p n a Off Sale Malta 1078 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Tn Favor Rosen against aident �'o,�ggh - sa 1-41 Mr. Vlao Pre :;cent (Petecaon) Approved 194— Mayor ONdad a Cab awk - - - '. pC CITY OF SAINT PAUL C01JNcp. NO.— O.RESOLUTION-GENERAL �+ �� 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK _ . eae. RESOLUTION GENERALFORM PRESENTED RESECOMMNT BY ,1, DATE Sept. 26. 1941 . -2- - v Joseph Lombardi 670 Payne Ave. Restaurant App.-1080 Renews a a a a On Sale Malt a 1081 a a a n a Off Sale Malt 'a 1082 a Mark OtDonn p a 937 E. Third St. a a Restaurant n On Sal a Malt a los3 1084 . p _ s a n a a Off Sale Malt a lOBj a_ Rihm.Motor 00, 1641 University Ave. 2nd Hand Autos a 1088 a James D. 11ghtfoot 2028 St. Clair Drocexy a 1051 a Tom Mike 528 N. Prior Off Sale ?Salt a 1100 a Louise Clarkson 1169 Rice St. Confectionery n 1109 n Peter Rerenberg 185 E. 5th St. Parking Lot a 1115 n Henry P. Conrad& w. Conrad 666 Univ. Restaurant a 1116 a a p a " n On Sale Malt a 1117 a H. J. Slawik Inc. 1850 University 2nd Hand Autos.$' 1118 n May. Rivers 1276 Edmund Grocery a 1119 n n p a a Off Sale Malt a 1120 a R. Richardson 1191 Randolph Gas Station a 1121 a W. H. Schm1A 900 De Sota Grocery a 1134 a Hubert J. Renchin 621 University Ave. Confectionery a 1137 a Hyman D. Kaplan 109 Sherburne Ave. Foot Peddler a 1144 a COUNCILMEN Adopted b the Council SEP 2 6 10 194__ p y � Yeas Nays /uas a SEP 2 6. /1udlan Approved 194— `ir toran e eraon a Tn Favor Mayo .,..gym. ... wTiliYll�I� Aga t �jt'.esiddiYF,,M�; q�ou„�h • aM iai Mr. Viae+ PrcAd= 1P""604) C F No ,124081— + Resolved, that awn on the city,. t aur CITY OF GAIN yy ' gi'egaCe NOTICE amount of $5.499, A qp ohecka NO. �� TO num ed 87360 (qy 94051;- valve, as COUNCIL RE.per checks on fllg in the,or c9 of the City Comptrolle . .r Adopted b the Cou It Sept. 28, 1841. ber 25PRINTER Approved 9e t. as, tau 1 (Oct ,4r_1841) 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 5,499.64 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 87350 TO 87402 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL P 26 1941_194- ' 941 194 - COMPTROLLER I� 1.941 / -- APPROVED_ 194/ r BY 900 540 S I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TOCITY CLERK OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER - 'ROLL.CALL 'PARFUSS 'FINDLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS SOPtember 25 PARRAN 70_ PETERSON ROSEN ' TRUAX �i_AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRA N ON T E -CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S coil � q4% COVERING MR, PRES. McDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED TO I CLUSIVX, AS jffW ADOPTESY THE COU R C ON L -150— 0 E OF a CITY MPTROLLER. ROVED NU..' BY CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO AL TRANSFER— DISBURSEMENT DATE RETURNED SYBANK N/ CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD t20 129 $2 568 520133 • + 97350 97351 Hamilton Kenny80 ii Bose Auto' apply Company 227 00 44 $7352 Hobart Broelp Sales Company 44i 1 059 00 35 97353 Standard stbne Company 5 22 87354 John Borgesoji- 0 2 67 55 Charles S. Emerson 03 56 $7357 Andrew T.,,' Johnson Bacon &`'kemP8. Agents 1505 15 00 49 87358 J@Lt connolly, 9 00 97359 II g,K, Publicatlons, InoR 31 0 87360 4 Pennig Company 84 553 673fr2 I r; Stahl CompanY Air Reduction Sales Company, �no* 59 I - (6 31N American Linen supply company' Stand, San. G I jrp. 63 Z3 7 it American Had. & Be a c6rp6ratlon I 16 92 87366 Chicago, mlj! StIpaul & Pac.Rj.Co* Company 1 31 92 16 ��,87367 cram 24 a 7368 9, Geiger Company 429 $T 82 036 Goodyear service 40 58 97370 TI 1 H arley.Davidson Company Ino. 1arry Ino Hetfi6" 14 66 87372 Inland Coal & tock U4 53 $M Z Kremer Spring Company 'Ant 28 32 68 80 $737 LarTY08 0-- Glass 0 OmPsAY I 31 50 97375 8 A -7AI 6 737 Latuff Brother,,@ t supply oom Link Bel Company f 2 38 87377 I Hack Int, Notar Truck Corp,80 -25110 17 $7379 17379 Midway Chevrolet Company motor Power wrilpment Company 6303 $7380 National Bushing,IS Parts Coup y 48 246 50 32 97381 ntion.ai mower Company 60 77 871, 302 Dean & Gregg, Company Nicolas (}regg Company Nloolsp Dean & 9 Power*Company 4 81 2 so Northern states Company 65 65 97355 87386 I.Northern States Power il Northern States Power company, 117 66 387 Owens motor sales company 2 17 Z1 87388 Isles Company 04649 -Motor Sales 1 87389 Owego Miitff 3 Cooptay 79 80 87390 Pack Machine Oompany 78 4 74 15 J.P. ptabok & Son a 00 II $739' 92 7393 6;. Mfi"'O.P., T*W. 0195 U6169 I company 97-394 St sal F60 WT Company 4214 Star -as' Vll -Company 245iN $7398 universal, Sip­`Icompany, Ino., !1 Iffilensky Aut 10arts i 5100 7100 :87399 $7400 James: c. Wulson Company i 2v6o 87401 Wolteirs Auto Supply company I 29 115(41 1 09 $7402 i. Wes. H. Ziegler Company h SHEET TOTAL FORWARD !'20 128J322 574 010 5� '7 " 4 OrlYlael to City Clerk "�J9 CITY OF COUNCIL SAINT PAUL 11-21M -. ray NO.--_._ _ ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK h COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I 1. RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Gallery and School of Art be permitted to erect a bulletin type, glass enclosed marker of the approximate size of 3 by 4 feet, in front of 476 Summit Avenue; said marker to stand approximately 3 feet above ground and set back not less than 20 feet from the front property lips. o�v vAd.-'S..;hat fie Bal. Pau 6ellery oot� LArt be Dermiits to erect ea?F. e, 61aes enclosed marker EO or itnate size of 8 by 1 feet $?~Summit van a; alb 4av roxI ately 3 feet '�rp1d, bock set not Is.. ee 't e fropt DroDerty H 11-11 SeDL 26, 1911.. � )}7' 1991) 94 a counciLmEn Adopted by the Council . i]eas/ IIays /1aa ss Sof' 61941 Indian Approved—__,_____ -_-______1B4__ t on In Favor eR mato os it os x - , -Aga _ r. President, McDonough elll -0 CS 23333 01 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' ,QC) Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 25, 1941. Mr. Harry B. Oehler o Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution grenting the attached application of the St. Paul Gallery & School of ATt for ation marker on the 1W in front oY permission to erect as identiYic their gallery at 476 Smit Ave. Very truly yours, / City Clerk.L-� '# 4. SEP W CORPORA TION COUNSR , s r� "- ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN C- Arcnitocl CHARLES BASSFORD, Y GEORGE H. HEREOLD•. Secrelery THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA" 479 COURT HOUSE 9 September 22nd, 1941- Yr. Harry T. ClConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n 9- 0 Pear Sir In the matter of application of the St. Paul Gallery & School of Art to erect an identification marker on the lawn in front of their gallery at 476 Summit Avenue. The proposed marker would be of a bulletin type enclosed in glass nppmo#imately 3 ft. a 4 ft. in size and would ground in order to be visible Bver stand 3 ft- above the the hedge. The Board of Zoning believe that the St. Paul Gallery & School of Art should be identified in this manner. They recommend that the board set badk half way between the property line and the gallery, and 1n any Dare, not lees tiTe agreed tothis location' The Board of Zoning recommendctDmmend s feet.than 20 that the permit be granted. yours very truly, GEORGE H. HEMLD, Engineer Secretary- gh-rh enol. 0 ,&76 SUMMIT A V E N U E in A 1 ra T PAUL. M I N N E •OTA D A L Q .% 16 September 9, 1941 City Council, City of St. Paul Court House, St u1, Minn. Gentlemen: We wish to appea--1 -o the Council for a permit to place an identificaCion mar -mer on the lawn in front of our. galleries at 475 Summit �,v8 �3-ue . iVe understand that an ordinance of the Department o :E- planning now prohibits signs in this district, but we =Iff- Z tizat the identification marker we propose should rices n any way be construed as a .sign. It would be on the B z-Z1etin Board type, glass enclosed, and would be in keep with the dignity of our institution. Inasmuch as we - ar- @ a public institution and feel that we are offering the peoa31 e or- St. Psul many advantages as a cultural center we are c7e s — rous of placing this identification marker so that it miglaT- e seen by those passing b$1, and they might avail themselve s of our many privileges. Our galleries are &pen to the pub7----- C daily without admission charge. The proposed iaer-- ification marker world be a bulletin type, glass enclosed 'z> Q +^tl, approximately 3!x 41 in size. It would be mounted on 3 • egs so as to be visible over our hedge. We sincerely tru mEEm- t that the Council will grant us permission to so identify institution. Respectfully yours, Lowell Bobleter, Executive Director. LB/jc . tltl,\J{l '�3 C. F% No. 124083 B� Fred M. Trull - - w�+--' v uncal File No. 1238391 OA,la.l to City Ckr4 \ aDD _ Pa.3 {} + 7, 194 9the Coun i .(jj � the tory fr -- CITY C)F S^1"'K.YAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�v COMMISSIONER— TS _ �_— -DATE_.--------------- . � .. WHEREAS, by Counoil F'i1e .bio . 123639, approved August 7, 1941, the Council determined that the one-story frame dwelling on Lot 11, Block 1, Wynne s s Addition, also described as No. 1628 Breda Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoin - Ing property and should be wrecged and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210 , and no appeal has been taken by the owner of said property or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore be It RESOLVED, that the Cammiseloner of Parks, Playgrounds andPub is Buildings be and he 18 hereby directed to enter upon said p smisse, and tear, dn ad ownremove said struoture, and to do sat y and all things which in hiss opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. I SER 26 S41 COunctLmEn Adopted big the Council -_ __.-----.._194_ Ijeas nags 33 26 1941 /Findlan PProned-------- —7G4— eterson In Favor r ma' ^ yor uax Again pIII3LI5Li1 I5-��- 1 �- 41 President, McDonough .in —o cs asses CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY 7. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Bim® Sept. 24, 1941- I W Mr. Harry B. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Deer Sirs The Council requested that you pTepare a resolution (Bo. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the promisee ani tear down and remove the one-story frame dwelling on Lot 11, Block 1, Wynne's Addition, also described as Ho. 1628 Breda St. Very tmly yo'as, / City Clerk. 11 LZI— DECEIVED SEP 24 CORPORm ioN. coUNSEL , KAUFMAN ERNEST W. ,1pHt 4S W. LA MONT OtV Supt. (?fKAU Supt. of PtayBroaassds Paria CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of lAinn40:Z4040 DEPARTMEAiT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, ANl> PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City "4511 FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, E>ftPm y GommGssion Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen, CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Amhitat e Septezrioer 22, 1941 Under date of September a printed copy of Council File , oras mailed to Mrs. J. Ernstes', No. 123639 230 F. Lucy Street, which resolu�3 on directed the wellirjL wrecking and removal,Of n0 9 s Addition., alsoed scribed on Lot 11, Block 1, yn as 1628 Breda Steet, as publistsad in the official paper. In accordance with the lm -'3t:; paragraph of the above named resolution, please be adv - sad t�iat no appeal has bean filed with this office for a raizearing of the condemna- tion proceedings and the builc3irng has not been removed. y s truly, CIO- t.6ct LAR'. X i iF ;No 125084—BY Fled hL Troaa-� -- �'7hereae by Council 'Ftt 2Q C12371 ^ P _ - - � n••ari AnirLT t 1^ � ..rL OUPI t r ©:r g:as11 co Clty C4rtcA COUiS8iL M 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - FILE NO..— - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION `x' -GENERAL FORM {{ Pit ES'ElVTEO BY �'rues�i� %1n� {,G ,riV _... CATrtj---_—.-- f COMMISSIONER Tom_ - -------- WHEREAS, by Connell File No_ 123748, approved August 1$, 1941 , the Council'determined that the two frame dwellings on Lot 1, Thomas E. Simes' Subdivision of Lot 1, Block B, Ho>decroft, alno described as No. 2536 hest Seventh Street,, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wz-ealced and removed; and wHFjWAS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 !of Ordinance No. ?210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said bulldings have not been torn down; therefore, be it" RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and rTablic Buildings be and he is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said structures, and to do e,ny and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. GOl1IIG11-MEn Teas nays /uss / Findlan rson //osen /"irllax a.r President, McDonough sm no c5 ��9ae 141 Adopted by the Council_6 (/ Approved In Favor _ --- - ----- - -- -- -- _ Mayo VLJBLISHFD Again s I7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICt OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. Q'CONNELL ` City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 24w 1541. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Co=il requested that you prepare, a resoX- tioai (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer, of Pants, P• & p• B. to enter upon the premises and tear dour and remove the two Prima dwellings on Lot 1, Thomas H. Simeer Subdivision of Lot 1, Block S a BomecroYt, also desoribed as No. 2536 W. Seventh St. Very truly yomx3rep /Y 01 t Clark. R tic E I V E D SEP 24 1941 CORPORATION COU, SEL W. L 1 MONT KAUFMAN ERNFST W. JOHNSON CHAS A. �prASSFOPD Supt of Part .. Supt:', of Playgrounds CIN Architect v M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPA'tTMENT OF 4 PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commiuioner CAkL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commisdoner nn 10A1 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Under date of September 11, 1943; a printed copy of Council File No. 123748 was mailed to Hon. John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner, State of Minnpsota, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the two frame dwellings on Lot 1, Thomas E. Simest Subdi- vision of Lot 1, Block 8, Homecroft also described as 2536 West Seventh Street, as published in the official paper. in accordance with the last paragraph of the above named resolution, please be advised that no appeal has been filed with this office for a rehearing of the con- demnation proceedings and the buildings in question have not been removed. 1, urs Ci Architect LAR..0 �C. F J'iY F d M Truax i. W u2 a a<, rnr. i. fIt 85 pridn.l to City Clrrt 12 , - a •. 4 1 ..•;t; 1 FdayYVlyYxq...QJJS1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK Flee COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENEIIAL FORM PRESENTED gY `DATE + COMMISS77 IONER Truce y 1- 4DBREAS, by Council File No. 123747, s'prov�d Angu l9, 1941, the Council determined that the t*o-story sight-ro6m,'h0use, . y' several ( rams `sheds and a fence, all in Block 59, Lyman Dayton's Addition, loosted at Plum Street and Mounds Boulevard, are unsafe and dangerous 'to lite, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and rsaoved; and WHEREAS, due nottoe has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7810, and no -appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said buildings have not beenttorn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commisel<lnIr-of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to, enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the pro- tection of life, limb and adjoining property. - rt GOTTIJGILMEN yeas/Nays B ss mdlan ;t -w on /Rge¢n a . 7r XPresident, McDonough oM 1•Q Adopted by the Council R� '194— Approved SEP 2660 194— n Favo9r�q; t— Ma r Against /u� 4- ul 1"', .ISI_.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL V Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration moo® Sept. 24,'1941. Mr. Harry A. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Bo: - j) authorising and directi>g the Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. to Bitter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two-story eight -room house, several frame sheds and a fence all in Block 59, Lyman Daytona Addition, located at Ply St. and Mounds Blvd. Very truly yours, City Clerk. _ C� G RECEIVED SEP 2 4 1941 CORPORATION CO U,.NSEL W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON SUPL of Perla Supt of PlsYerounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell - FRED WJRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy;ommbdoner CHAS. A. B FORD OH Architect : September 22, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Tinder date of September 11, 1941, a printed copy of Council File No. 123747, was mailed to the State of Minnesota, c/o Hon. John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the two story house, several frame sheds and a fence in Block 59, Lyman Dayton's Addition, located at Plum Street and Mounds Boulevard, as published in the offi- cial paper. of aion,pi6asewith be advisedlast thatparagraph app althe hasabove been res- olution, with p filed with this office for a rehearing of the condemna- tion proceedings and the buildings and fence are not removed. rs truly, Architect LAR..0 CITY OF SAINT `PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK w HARRY T_ O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Resistration � Y v sept - 24, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Birt The Council recgaested that yaaa pw4a9P0-re a reso lutlon (Ho. 3) authorizing the Camra.'. of Parks, P- & P. B. to eater upon the premises and tear down and remove the two sad ane-1xRL stony fram® dwd ling end attached sheds and the garage locstmd on the north 110 tt. of Lots 16 and 17, Block 11, jantterfield syndicate No_ 1, also described an Bo -376 No. St. Albans St. vers truly �>,, � i City Clerk. RECEIVED SEP 241941 CORPORATION COUNSEL W. LA MONT KALfFMAN ° Supe. of Park$ p CITY OF SAINT PAUL CspGta! of Mitrusasota iDEP/�RTMEldT OP PARKS, PLAYGROU"I>S. AND PUBLIC BUI1_01IN4GS 445 Oily Hall 41' FRED M_ Commissioner CARL E_ SPEAKES_ E>ms" ty Commissioner ERlVEST W_ JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Ss:pe, of P1ay9round5 CIW Architect C September 22, 1941 1 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Under date of September Z 1 , 1941, a pr int ed copy of Council File No. 123872 was mailed to State of Minne- sota, c/o Hon. John S - F ixxcilan, Land Comm _L s s loner, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the two and one -calf' story frame dwe113rng and attached sheds and the garage ari North 40 faet af' Loth 16 and 17, Block 11, Butterf'ie1c3 Syridicate No- Z, also describ- ed as 376 N. St. Albsns Straet, a s publistieci in the of- ficial paper. In accordance wl th t}!xe Za s t paragraph of the above nam- ed resolution, please be advised that xacm appeal has been filed with this off ice mor a ralaearirig of the condei na- tion proceedings arnci t-l-ia buildings haves riot been removed. i s -LI 3- -c13__L t cE LAR..0 W C F "9087—BY'Fr•' *t. Trull -Le 'L`om- ,r df ya FtsB. Original to City Cork 1240S-7 1 24 S-4 ` �1TY O F SAINT P^UL cocouNcl� 11 FkYL6,l r PIL._--_-- 0>F•iF3C� OF THE*CITY CLERK * ° COUNCIL RF/j���LUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY lilrtt �//j[/,�� %?/\/ Q/ DATE COMMISSIONER - "—�— -- WHERE", the 'Conum:2- s sinner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported Ls amiss Council that the one-story frame a double house on, Lot 5, SM_=mw aalz 19, 14aekubia 'do Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 39=-96 Carro3.3 Avenue, 1q� in such a dilapi- dated and dangerous oosc51 L ion ae to warrant its being condemned and'storn down; thevetore tae it RESOLVED, that a psz3lc hearing be had upon the ,advisability and necessity of wre0k1Lz3k-4E= said bui3Lding, on the 21st day of October, 1941, at ten o'clock A- MAX _ in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, iss -*_-3k=Le Cit' of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FEiRTHER RESOLVED not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings sk3ABL_�1 mail to the last known record owner of said property, or to Z;33 -e agent or, occupant thereof, a notice stat- ing the time, place suss 3Mas ax1pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice oY sa ch hearing to be given by one publication In the official newepaqpwer oS saki City_ not less than five days prior to the date o= sa3c�3_ hearing. A SEP COUIlCTLMETl Adopted by the Council _ t94-- y�s Znags � S. �ztt1 awl lan-- ` Approved________ / t'tnd� IFavor ' - - r ':::="0- Z__ - - - - -- - - -- _ _ma oxen --—----_--_- - --- Yl7BLISFII:T➢ I�- ` h Itilr�President, McDonoug nm a -a c5 �naee CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minn¢sc ca OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. CYCONNELL City Clerk and Cammission¢r of E2csis atiorA � f i.�o S®pt 2Z1 a 1SpLv1 M r. Harry i1. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Ooumil raq¢ast b4 that ycmOL PW'apa a a (Ho. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter o:r' t}mB corademna-t ion of the double house at 394-396 Oarroll APB- oa. 2�ot rj a B1oc1� 19 a v�"�'+'t+in & Marehallte ,daitiCn. perry t3mX-1-V' sours a6 UD �SEP M41941 C©RIPURATION COUNSEL 'ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD w. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of PIey9rounds CIH Archited Supt. of Per6 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hal FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner I " v Septersber 20, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Yoiir at attention Avenue,ltocateddto on Lote5, Block 19,e 396 Pdackubin Marshall's Addition. This is a one story frame double house, and our inspector reports that the sills are badly rotted, the roof is in poor condition, the front porches are loose and dangerous, glass is out of the windows, doors are open and the chim- , net's are in bad shape. The building is a hangout or children and vagrants, a serious fire hazard and placarded by the Health Department as unfit for human habitation. it is dangerous to life, limb, an.�i '. ad joing property. The last known owner is the State—of Minne iota. A Danger Notice has been posted by this offlca. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in cordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. .Y tru� —Ci Airchitect LAR --U o ;�, No. 'i SS--Byey Fred M: Tru _ Co�Imie t Ver of Par�cn.I »� MOSS A Origia&Pto City ObrkCOUNCIL Q-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY.CLERK /[Op/UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE GOM MISSIEONER�— qHERTAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported -.to the Council that the one-story frame dwelling on the rear of Lot 5, Block 1, Kollar's Addition, also described as No. 956 Otto Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon :the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 21st day of October, 1941, at ten ololook A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City gall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; We it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, or to the agent or 000upant thereof, a notice stat- ing the time, place and purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City not lose than five days prior to the date of said hearing. t� n STEP 2R& I 194_ 6 j Adopted by the Council___---- — C011TICILtilEn Teas nags Barf uss Findlan 4kawmm" Peterson Rosen Truax mr. President, McDonough 3rn 3-40 C323333 Approved--'- In pproved—s„In Favor /, 1 ---- ___ mayor D— Against ' CITY 'OF SAINT PAUL24`_ Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 24, 1941. Mr. Harry R. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the oondemnsA ion of the dwelling aid sheds at 956 Otto Ave., on Lot 5, Block 1, Moller's Zdation. I Very truly yours, City Clerk. "\/MED SEP 2 41941 CORPORATION COUNSEL W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON ° CHAS. & BASSFORD Supt of Parks ` Supt of Playgrounds CIH Arrhitw CITY OF SAINT PAUL / Capital of Minnesota ® �1 DEPARTMENT OF ' PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlabnar September 20, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: The dwelling and sheds at 956 Otto Avenue, described as Lot 5, Block 1, Moller's Addition, are referred to you for condemnation. Our inspector reports that the dwelling is one story frame, situated on the rear of the lot, in terrible shape. It is full of rubbish, siding is off, the foundation is rotted, it is posted by the Health Department, outside toilet, no water facilities, a fire menace. The sheds are falling apart. These structures are past repair, and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The last known record owner is the State of Minnesota. A Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Y,terss tr�ully, Cit Architect LAR..0 :'VARY ORDERS 1240x9 �m '& File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: ............. Q2)WtRP4.4.Ala9A9A.'AUQ.k43001t-PAA9-R............•....... .............P..g$@A4A#h.S Oflt................................. ................. :................. ... ............................................................................ ...... .. _Dated this .... �1'4..... day of............ ....... Septaahez........ 9 ............... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Conatsuot• , a •Ridewelk, oa , the • Routh AAq • pY• vq.. .;�F.@At?9 .Yk4PM1• • • • • • • • • • • ............ri'. q.t .............................................. I .................... .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... IR e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓SEP•26 -1641 Adopted by the Council ......................... YEAS NAYS. SEP 26 1941 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PETERSON U ROSEN i ..... , TRUAX MR PRESIDENT L IM 7.41 MBI.ISHED 0 U - - '- C. F. N.. 124090— Abp,frac[ `'Council File A ........... PROPOSAL FOR. IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint'Paulviz: 9??4�stT!qRt..a.piqewa.1k..on..th.e.we'st..si.do.of..N....Gro.tt.o..St.re.et..between .............. .... .. . .. .. .. .......... .............. .................... ............................................ ........... I .................................................................... .......................... .............. ............................................................................ .................... .... .............. Dated this.... 26th..... day of ............. §OKtWlkqK .... .. . ..... - 194.1 . . ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makingif.the following improvement, viz: .............. P.9Mjk:NQA.4. Pit( 'Uw t .%imq...49.. WqAt. .4 1.4 Q.. 9S. K'.. qrqtit P.. fitre AtA Atwe on .............. I ..............%Y9• AtreAt—aA. %P10.4* -:R4ZVKV7 ................................................................ ....................... .................................................................. ................................... .......... .........s................................................................................... ..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, *ie it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessityI for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............ O "•........................ YEAS NAYS SEP 26 IN Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN +AtRAM PETERSON ROSEN..... ... ..... . ...............May...... ...... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT VULU�---D INI 741 * dated Catober 5 1934 SEAS, by lease Oamiptroller ,e No. 21,50 . , and renewed Jima 14, 1939, the city, is rentiag,from the ^Investment Compmuy the following described real property,` -flit the *eat half of the northwest quarter sf`Sectioa,0ae WA 'the northeast quarter of Section Taro; Township Twenty-Ei6t; Range Twenty dko, com- prising in all two hundred and thirty-nine'`aorea,mDre or less according to the Government Survey theweoi; and W AS, said lease will expire on March 15, 1942, unless the City eaerciees-(its option in such lease to extend the leash for the period of one year; namely; to March 15; 1943, and 1ilWAS, the Commissioner .of Public Morks has recommended that such lease be extended for such period of one year; nimte4 to March 15, 1943, at the stipulated rental of #,150,00 permoath; therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the City exeroiees'its option to extend such lease for the period of March 15, 1943, at;a rental of $].50.00 per month, and the,oity Clerk is hereby euthorized and directed to notify immediately the said Inland Investment Company of this action of the Council and to forward to sad Inland •Inve"stment. kmtpany a certified, copy of this resolution. .3 a SEP 26 Adopted by the Council 194— s' 2 4 Approved 794-- Tn Favor ay 3RED_& or r against /�l BY G H Baifuea-- 0092— Hon able Deweyll0 n ba- LLL� ` J odda.l ti'^civ ih CITY-OF SAINT PAUL: COUNCIL FB.e N¢-----1. FICE OF TME CITY CLERK - COUNILESOLUTION GENERAL FORM: 4A COMMII55 ONLY r the Honorable Dewe? Johnson, of lei tlnsapolir,' ha: beep called b� 1laight7 God from this 'serial scone; and S, during hilifetse the'dsoeased was sn oatatsadWECREA- bg oitiaen of this State, serving it in an able and outetandiae canner in the•Hationts Congress, and for sen! years in poste of high responeibility in State gooerjjRen%;, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, that we, the members Of the COUR41 o! the Citi of Saint Paul, eztend to the members Of his grisf-atrtoken tamilT enr deepest syapatby In this sorrowful hour; be it HER Spy4g,D, that in tokela of sur sympathy-this reso- lution be spread on the minutes of the 00uneil of the City of Saint:Pan], and that a oopy,ihareof be sent to the bereaved family of the deoeased. p 1 n EP 29 t91 194— Adopted by the Con e' S COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays ",gartics APProv aP 194..— ,ATdIan arr to Favor M r to son oxen gainst eUBLISHED IUB! NPresident, McDonough 'M 141 / r e tE( Oriiipd to City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILFILE N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK *,�'/J[��j I�RESOL�UTIOR GEN RAL FORM CROMMI9910 EY _,_.J_. -_ _ p DATE September 27, 19t}1 WHEREAS. the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported ineDoordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency whioh rendered necessary the employment of oertain employees of the Bureau of Lighting for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than the usual hours of employment, therefor% be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Sunday overtime -- NAME TITLE OVERTIME RATE i Erickson, Harold A. Street Lamp WoPker 8 hours .r Fritz, Donald P. . Street Lamp Worker 8 hours .50 . Gustafson, Carl H. Street Lamp Worker 8 hours, .50 Sunday overtime ErIckeon, Harold A., street lamp worker -8 hra. at 50d Fritz, Donald P., street lamp worker —8 hra. at 600. Gustafson Carl H., street lamp work - r-8 hra, al 50c. Certified correct a Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1941. APDroved Sept 29, 1941. (Oct. 4, 1941) H. C. Streioh f1 tfp a Lighting " Superintendent SEP `29'91 COUTICILITIEIl Adopted bgthe Council tea____ yeas IIag9 SEP 9 1941 Bar{ass Findlan^ Approved_—__ Parranto — Peterson _ __.__In Favor Rosen n � Mago Truax --Against v Against Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3-40 CS 23338 ANY, C F N- is 086 Ygj.— 1 �[iihereae xceyyQj et) Lota 1n / 117 BToC1C�i slGktl Addition 'n'! r'-- tty -of - St P ul,'''CCou ty. of R R m I ae been fr -f Or18fo.1 to CItY Clerk - CITY OF SAINT PAULNO.--?--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CI RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE PRESEND BY - -- ---__ .COMMISSIONTEER„ ----- _ WMMUS, (except street) Lots 16 and 171 Block 8, Clarkets Addition to the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, has been forfeited for non-payment of taxes, and said land is vacant property situated in a district surrounded by residential and commercial properties; and WAERSAS, it is proposed, 1i the land is acquired, to use the same for a branch public library; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter bll, Laws 1941, the application for conveyance of said real estate be made to the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota; and that this resolution, together with the application be presented to the County Board of Ramsey County with the request that said Board approve said application. t• COUTI iLMEA Deas hays ;ss 1 an ar nto eterson �osen IT4ax ' R/r. President, mcUonough em o Cs ass's I Adopted by the Council _ 1Y- --194-- Approved_-- ' 28 1949 C _ In Favor— C- mayor O Against YUBLISFIED / o - 4 N( 7 the Englewood Arsenal at Baltimore, Training Sohool.at 5 to 18 inclusive, and that $150.00 71aIyland, from October a- be paid for his expenses from Fire Fund ,8 C 6,, arlY unexpended balance to be returned to said Fund. _. C. F, No 124090—BYg <1 IL')*3arfCd>} Reeolveaq that William MM,6 4 au- Ingrfechookattethethe 'EnEgie}�ood A venal 4 at Haltlmo e; Matyand .that nfi60. 0 be .. to 18 inciuelve, on,F eaId C 6�ahye unexpendedr b618nore aFun be , returned to Bald Fund Adoptedd , phL a9 1991,Sep[. 29, 1941. a _ Approve (°ct. 4, 1941) Ir. i _o COUNCILMEN Yea. Nays ss to P terson u eaident, McDonough ax 1-91 $a►' ry19L— Adopted by the Counc' J prove 194— Favor °r Against prlpinal to city Clerk J� A ORDI AWCE t COUNCIL FILE ED BY I J PRESENT ORDINAN An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250*, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of ,the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and,,, regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OADAINs� Section 1. That Ordinanos No. 3250*, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 7 thereof, under the subdivition entitled 005-0" the line: "Kettle tender - roofer." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservatn of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. C. y Axel. F. Fetemon.—a 8. $300— n—Fred M. Truax= ilten Rosen— An ordinance ameeding - ordinance No. 3250%' entitled An Administrative But... f the Cityrelatingt o[ Saint he P 9e�vt ce Proving and adopting rill^ atiena:.t>,pr fr lou. as_r R 31 a iI 19 I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above- mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. 07vii Service Commissioner Yeas Councilmen Nays. Barfuss Findlan Parranto Flooefr Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: PO------ ----- City Clerk 600 3-41 OCT 30 in Passed by the Council.......... -- --------------------------------- .--- ----- ....... -------In Favor { ........... ...._... ---Against 11941 Anoras6d:--------------........ ----------- -- I ........................... Ma3mr 6 PUBLisHED /i -4F= y or100o.1 to Clt� Clerk CITY OF ¢ 1 AUL ;t Cout4CIL 1, FILE NOp, OFFICE OF E C CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU GENERAL FORM CCRRES1NTED BYY.. _ .i OMMISSIONER DATE._-_._�__.— RESOLVED, that Fut of the Workmen's Compensation Acoount of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $16.00 be paid to Joseph T. Benton while he is totally disabled by reason of_injuries he received on September %, 1941, while employed by the Department of Public Works ''wand $312.00 in partial settlement, to and including September. 30th, 1941, is now payable. C. F. No: 5241199—By M(lton Rosen Resolved that out of the Workmen's 'Com eneatlon Accopurtt. of the General, 1. Von .Sensation k308epb TB Beaton whof iles he i' le tofRlly disabled byy reaeoa .04 fn- :]oris. he fece3yed.bn 3eDtember;9. 1941 while emp%oyed .b the. DEDErtent qf- Publio: Works fin ,,$32.00 9n partial eet� m dement; to and including September 30th 1941 le now ppa 1 ., A�opte� by the Co sell 9oDt. 30. 1943. Approved Se t. 80, 194L (Oct 4, 1941) SEP 3 0 19 C011111CILMEn Adopted by the Council 194 teasj � nays /Fin Ian APProved 194_ ntoT.,onist do Favor. _�. —-------- may n �_ % r. President, McDonough I 's am o.bo cs .s— - -Original to •cit, Clark OF SAINT PAUL _ c01111111 IL - NO. F Zr OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED er `t•�gildJytt/ PATE -September 30,1941 C014AS1014E �s "R Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent` be, and he is hereby autYiori�z to purchase, with the conse>ht of the Comptroller, 3-6ff x le Hersey Detector Check Meters, at a total cost not to exceed $708.75 f.o.b.St..Paul, less 2% tenjiays, without advertisement as these are patented artielee and 10 advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department fund. e No - Q 0 - C' Fja.lved 4that the Forchesl.B-ABent is grid he is hereby authorized to pur- chnee" with. the consent of the Comb- - tt troller, 3-8^xl%" Here. Detector p Check Mors at a total coat not to ex- _ ed E7 Ifh6uto rt eementas hese i aaye, w re Datented art+to ane no advantage Quid be Gained thereby. ChnrBe Wa- ter De_DnrtmYYeni Fund. Ad. o 11 Se ht 30, 1941,9eDt. 30, 1941, c8et. a, 19411 COU CILMEN Yeas Nays i ss • Ian anto I Zen Tru . President, McDonough SEP 30 10 Adopted by the Council– 194— P 30 *Approved,794— in FFavor. M r �g� ONdnd m�44Clak A o - r CITY OF SAINT PAUL courlaL OFFICE OF T� 1E CITY'CLERK' FILE NO UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ?COMMISSIONE -'DATE30.11 BESMVEDI that "On Sales Liquor license x:592, heretdfore issaed,�to Sam Mogol at 2360 Univerlity Ave. be and the acme is hereby transferred to Sam Mogol and Eve Lynn' Mogol at2162 univereity,Avemu that.the bond filed by the -transferees in hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to transfer said license,' and the Corporation Counsel is authorized to notify the surety on the batt$ of Sam Mogol that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. ! the date this tranc becomes eT • - �after sective. Transfer infortnaliy approved by Council Aug. 26, 1947. New location. Adop{ed by the Council Sept.130, 1941. Transfer informally approved Approved Nt. 30, 1941. 18ct. 4, 1941) by Coaacil. Ang. 26, 1941. _ New Location. sari Adopted by the Council - —194- 30 IN 1 'Approved m 194" Tn /Favor .�Aghinat or CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LI SE pplica on No ------ ... . .... . . ..... Name of -\pp ic I -al pp Residence Address Are you a citizen of-Ithe United States?... ........ .. --- - ------------- -- ---- ... Havc you ever bcell,/ gaged in 0 rating saloon, cafe, of-, drip k parlor, or business of similar nature? ---------- When and where? C. If corporation, give name and gener a 1urpose of corporation .............. ............ .. .............. \\ben incorporated? ...... . . ..... ................. .... ... . ------ --- If club, how ]on., has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?. - ---- -- --- - - ---- flow many members?, � w - - I.. � � I ............. Names Rrid addresses of president and of corporation, and name and address of general manager ........... ..... .......... --- -------- . ................... . ................. ..... .... Give name of surety company Nvilicli will write bond, if kno(,n Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets W rd academy, college or univer How many feet rum an acadei sity (measured ong st�yts) ? Ile%%, many feet from a church (meas d along streets)? U' 1' 7' ---- -- ........... How many feet from close- P ic 0 parochial grade or h school �a d along streets) ?... jr Name of closest school - - - -- ------------- .. .. ... ---- ................. ....................... How are premises cla d-arfd Zoiiin�- Ordi ...... . ----------------- -ss' "7 On what floor locat d ? - ---- -------- name of own Are premises owned by you or le leased give n . . . ............ If a restaurant, give seating capacity? 11-5 —0 - -- ---------------------------------- . ............... . If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?........... . ..... .. ..... ......... - .................................................... w .............. G�ie-below the name, or her, or othzdescri . of each additional room in w ich liquor sales are intended: , /pt, "I ... ... . ........ ----- I ............ e�, ----------- ...... ..... .......... ... ....................................... ..... ...... . - ------- ............. I -------------------------- ..... ..... ...... ............. ........................ .......... ........................................... ..... .......... . ..... ....... ... ------------------------------------------ ----- ---------- -- .......................................................... ............. ............... . ............ ............ ............................. ........................................................... ... ............... .... . .............. . ..... ........................... — ......................................... .............. ............................... 1. . .. .... ...... ..... I ....................................... .................. ............................................ .......... ....................... ... .. ........ ...... I ................ ; ......................... ....... ................ ... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel? ........................................................................................ ...... ..... --- ----- ... ----- ...... ....... ... ... Name of resi t P Pr . t or manager (restaurant or hotel) ...... -- --- - --- ---- _ le t 0 or in 1) i r kr­ ----------------------- G iv 11, nel z d e ree bus ne ref ces ..... .. ... ..... . .... . . . . ....... . . .. - ----- ------ 3. --- �---F -T, PLIC�6 ON ^T'� CER 0 �j rjo� i DULY Al AN lu CER OF THE CORPORATIO1 DULY Al HORIZEb TO MAKE THIS APPLICATIO2 THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is n6l recommended Application checked by Dated -------------------------------------------194......_ ..................... - ................................. ...................................... ................................. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE n:= STATE OF `fINNESOTA, s. COUNTY F RAMSE �.....�...�° �i first duly sworn, j--..... de ses and says that he has re d [h following application and k vs ,e contents there d that the game is true to the best of his knowiedge, information and belief 19 /Si}l,s , ed and swo to befog' me --)-2- -di -t/ this./....�..�da} of..-.. ... -... � Notary Public, Rainse o n y mn.%h/� My commission expires...... f STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY as. ._......................._........................ ...._................................_.._..... ....... _ ..........._.._................being first duly sworn, deposesand says that .........................the........ -------- .....------- ...------------- --------- ------------------- --- of--------------------------------------- ......----- ...._.---- -------- ...---------------- .--------- ................_.........-------- .....- - ----------- , a corporation; that ........................................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same true to the best of ................................................ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... ...........----day of .......................... --.............. 194-- ... ........... _.................. ........... ............ ............ -......................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission 0 kg --r- 394 , i. ued• to Dore. -'Hilda risteneeo and Nerve. Evanson at 142 W. 7th et. be and theame are hereby - transferred to .Mrs. Hilda Christensen only at the earn. address. ulnformalty approved. by Council. Sept. 4, 1941. Old location. Adopted by the Council. Sept. 30 1941. Approved Sept. 30, 1941. N (Oct. 4, 1941) Informally approved by. ,c council, sept. 4. 1941 Old Location. SEH' 30 194f CO EN Adopted by .the Council Yea Nays sEp 30 1941 -Beus, 194— }lidlan Approved/Paa anto /re son n Favor i or Co en WK St r1 President. McDonough sat 1.41 oridsatc City Clerk CITY OF SANT PAULCOUNCIL NO. <. OF ICE OF jHR CITY CLARK CC)bi RESC)LUTI 1 ! .O1�M ;.PRES` TEDBY- nmmispionr+r' �� t �OM�SIONER, C ��AJ/��L anti VIR7�'1�1gTw - .: RE90LVED, That .the free,use of Stem Rall be and it is hereby given.to the Twin City Wholesale Grocerg Association on January 261"!Z7, and 28, 19L12, for its annual iiieeting, Said association to-pay only cost of opening and operating=Stem Hall on said dates for the above".occasion. p - m ' C. F. No. 124106—Hy Axel F. Peterson— - Resolved, that the free use of Stem ' e Halt be and it ie hereby given to the Turin City Wholesale orocera Aexcels- - tion on Jansky 26, 27 and 28, 1942,. for its annual meeting, said aasoclatian to, p pay only t°he coat of opp ntng d=oy- Stem Halt on saki dates forA abatingc ove ccaslo%, Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, -1941. Approved Seyt. 30, 1941. (Qct. 4, 1941) 6 SEP 30 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' D 194— Yeas Nays " e 41 SEP 3019i Approved /P auan _. to /fe ison _ in Favor ,, yor �IYuax Against .President, McDonough o:4.w1.m city a.& CITY OF SA1Nf PA Uk: courica OFFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK NO.-', coUNCk j ESOLUTI0WG NER ORM a `"COPAI S5 ION Fq inner — REOOLVED,`That the free use of the theater section of the St. Paul Auditor- H ium be and it hereby given to the jjutheran Brotherhoods for a meeting oa the evening of Sunday, November 22,.194; said Association to pay only the cost of opening; and operating said theater section oa said date For the above occasion. C. F. No. 124108—BY Axel F. Peterson—! Resolved. that the tree use of the 1 n theater section t the SL Paul Audl- torium be and ll hereby le given to the Lutheran Brotherhoods for November on the evening o[ Sunday, "'l, 1941; said Association tof opening and opero Day only the coat ating said theater section on sold date .tor the aboveAppccasion. Adopoved Y9ePht 80 u1841,9eDt. 20, 1941. (Oet. 4.1941) a SEP 301841 CO CILMEN Adopted by the COane?I 194___ Y�� Nays SEP 301849 B uss Approved 194— n o ta to , on^ Favor Mayor �z , u gainst President, McDonough _' � ' t ,• 724107 SY .1d. nodu. _ 124!d O7 nd did.. ,. OdElnd �d. atl 7 t D6d sec ,o 7r t. 14 Cwk a CI F SAINT PAUL i e7 coiih it �� i a OFFI F THE;CITY CLERK" FILF No. —. C UNCIL LUTION GENERAL FORM BY `• .' - �.rDATE .September . O 1 ;COMMISstowE WHEREAS', additions, and deductions which might po�ie tci =`be necessary, in the improvement described as the Magnolia Avenue Curbing from Duluth Street to Burnqulst.Street-, Comptroller's Contract L-4275, Feyen Construction,Co., Contractors, have been prow vied for in the specifications at unit.prices,stipulated therein,, or for agreed prices, and -WHEREAS, it has beep- fdund necessary to make, the`Pollowing deductions: DEDUCTIONS: For driveway entrance omitted in the"'installatkon of the curbing to ,Lot ll, 13lock:,'3.. Lane=Hospes Add. Quantities 4.0 lin.wftj of straight curb c $0.65 $2.60 9.42 n n n radius " 0.70 6.59. TOTAL DEDUCTION $9.19 and w WHEREAS, the net deduction is $9.19; now, therefore, be it' RESdiiD:'.That the City>of St, Paul through its City Council approve the foregoing ,d eduction made in accordance with the specifics- tions therefore in the sum of $9.19, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract,,,known as'Comptroller's Contract L-4275, for the making„of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor Feyen Construction Company, that the sum of $9.19 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CdUNTERSIG D: y Secretary-Treas er ' A comptrol er Commissioner SEP 301941 COUNCILME13Adopted by the Council : 194— Xeas Nays Barfuss SEP so 4 ' Findlan Approved 9 L. Parranto Peterson Favor 6r Rosen %J Truax P[TBLISiiED� t Mr. President, McDonough aia ia> oifffuw lu City Curr CI LUTI4-4649AL T PAUI, , couNciL,. 1 a OFF ITY CLERK Fire NO COUNCIL FORM' .� ;PRESENTED;gY .F _h'r -, D 'S 2Dt8IDbE3P �.FXrs 194i. :.COMMISSIONS ,A :, ... ,:. • '1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays BjIffuss lFindlan nto son /sen Truax . President, McDonough eM 14 • .,�C F ` No 12f108—Hy M11to"Ren— \ matter �t g "dingand {{ clog Subur- !e tete 16 16 and 17 _ SfP j/EN! % P-t+h_"�" Rearrange ",I uE�cy�ft, and Blo y OFFICE W� CITY CERK v TOM t 1,. RES. ION , ., .1. , ! In the matter of grading andsurfacing the alley in'Schn or Gaarden Second Addition and the vacated port iOn'oY priA4eaue from the meat line of Block 4. Lenexa Highland Park to $eimetli Avemie, under Preliminary order 0. F. 121819 approved March 16, 19419 and Final order 0- IN 122620 approved Msy 20, 1941, Contract No. 41'G-1 7., gFOLVSD, That the plane and epeoifications as submitted by the ocunise:i of Public Works for the above named improvement; be and the same are hereby aWro'ved and; the dommi.ssioner of Publio Works'be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the _above nem<ed improvep4ent, in accordance with the tame of ordinance 7708; O.,.F;.104S 9 approved Septemtber: 12, 19361-, the estimated cost ofmaterials, " OTAp Mt . s.ngin®ering and supervision 'being $101.47.11, end Wit FORM= TWoyygp, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein to p=ohas8,the necessary Materials. authorized and directedt' V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ss dlan �arranto 45eterson 3 n President, McDonough as a-�1 SEP 301941 Adopted by the Council --194-- SEP 3 01941 Approved —194.—. / Tn Fav or y a st l�Usl-LSHE]31SJ_-.% h i 1112 tBY Milton Ro a E1 , tB6rading and eu fa in(!".':� g� - 11 66 gt C tLerin Iflon fr tai rretl ' e orlswo t. city clab �ntru` .• , \ OF,SAINT FaE QNO. -. `O OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTIOhI GENERAL 6,1 • onT �[epteaotber�26, 19,41 (COMMEISSIEONE Y In the matter of grading and s rfacing the Alley in Block 5, St. Catherine Park tad Addition from Cretin Avesme to. Finn street; also eons 'a ewer is the Alley from a polip D2,feet West of rim street to the Deafer line of Finn;street, thenoe;in Fina. St from the center line of the Alley produced to the ewer is Eleanor Avenue; ;under PrelIM1U-7 Order 6. F. 122472 approved May 6, 19411 and Final order C. F. 12316A approved July 1, 1941• contract No. .A -G-183. rMCL'VEp, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Comntiissioner of Public Works for the above nested improve- mant, be and the same are hereby approved; and the Commissioner of public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed aith the. construction of the above named Improvement, in accordance With the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 19''C the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and super- vision being 1$1,386..3, be it FMj=R HESOLVSD, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. - / SEA X01941 { ✓ g'"� Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCILMEN YeasNays 30 IN ues Approved_ 194— n sato � In Fav y r }. eterson l Ag8;nst resident, McDonough ax 1st CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DICE OF.THE CITY CLERK. FILE NO. COU - RESOLUTION -GENERAL' FORM. PRESENTED BY C `^ DA,� September 30th, 1911• COMMIS,SIONE . - 'k- - - Resolved, thattheplat of "Stevens" as reoommendbd by the Plat Commiesion and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. R C. Fi;140:com124113—Bed y Milton Roeett Resolved that thYye plat of .'Stay s" ;"me nd aDeDro'vedbbY tree Commis. er '!.of Ppbllc Work., be and the -same !e Ar accepted. Appioved Vp"T 30 1943, Sept. 30, 1941. 0 (Oct. 4, 1941) � O SEP 30114 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the'Couac�t 194— Yeas / NaysSEP 30 1941 pto C APProve�l �'t 794— -�a Fa /PetQraon yor b gainet ;r. President, McDonough 3M.1.41 flat (tannut9statt of Ramsey, (bounty, Miunrsoto J OI Twl • wY + F'294,CITY HALLw September 90th, 1941. To the HoTorable, the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We sutmit herewith the plat of aStevenle• which has been approved by the Plat Commission. The surrounding streets are graded and there is a sewer in Wyoming St. and Winona St. W -rh 0 I W, ery truly Yours v"" ' l I HERBERT S. WEST, Secretary - Plat Commission. W ORIOIN ALS CITY OF SAINT PAULj'a �r CLERK N° 1033 COUNCIL No.: COUNCIL R OLUTION . F ALI ORIZATION OF LOC MPROVEMENT PROJECTS����rT�Y}} Oq PRESENTED BY HON. ` '• DATE 5sPt. 9 IS4_ Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the 4 Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing the south side of Hartford avenue from Albert street to Pascal street, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with "plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 584 of said Standard Stone Company, for the contract price of $559.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Standard Stone I Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 4114_•.Y MI"on Roseh— It..n13n1M '11 h—Aby FORMAL—No. 584 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE s 536.00 NO— TO It PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. AE.E.E[D ADAIN.T .EN[FITT[D PRDP[RTY - - - - - - - - - - - $ 559.00 [. APPROPRIAYED FROM DITY..NAR[ OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.- - - coD[ $ 1. I—OPRF—O FROM B q APPwOPRIAr[o FROM LOCAL IMPROVEM[NTE—E[EMPT PROPS. Y— I..ua—coot f S 1. .. COUNTY AID . . . . . . . . . _ Q s --- TOTAL COPIES To: I NSR[.. c...TIF' TNAT .".— 1. AN Un-NC�u M.[Rao SAL - CITY CLERK A. Avw — L. IN TNa A.ov[ .rAr[D APPROPRIATION. TO REIM.UR.[THE PERMANENT IMFROV[MENT R[VOLV LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. [ COMPTROLLER IN THE A.Oy NT$. �! , PUBLIC WORKS P URCHABING COMPTRO •<^•r'r�—.__— I OA� FINAL OwOaw AooPT[o ® I c 1 COUNCILMEN ` VP 941 YEAH NAYS woo Pico BY THE COUNCIL _ FAVOR, J 0 190 MR. PRESIDENT / hh/ MAYOR ,,, q-.. C.,,1.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL(.r F71 N° 1032 COUNci RESO!J6l 10N FIL! No. FOR _ AUTHORIZATION O ,CAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS /y t DATESept. 25, 12_QB<_ PRESENTED BY HON. __---- --' • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the dlaward of the, Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract • for (irbing the south side of East'Third street from Ruth street II to Pedersen street, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 583 of said Feyen Construction Company, for the contract price of $542.009 such bid being the lowest bid and said Feyen Construction Company being the lowest reliable and and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. — • 9 • 40 IN 1­RSEP 30 144 coliNCILM eN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED By THE CCU' -"E A——-- ----N - - — APPEOV[D MR. PRESIDENT ( - 1datliL '. F 124115—By Milton Rosen— that th•• , eun�dl hereby aD- -act Com- ..__... _r. rd. thr 1. 0 It _ :ars cr .... nj '. ie p 553 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID NO. NOTES To O L FOR ADOPTION IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVlMlNT S FOC; 2.00 PERMANENT J''LL ' I. w[ IMPROVEMENT.– - - CODE S 2. 01.11T[D FROM cITT'. [HARE OF LOCAL ! 9 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCALIMRRO M[NT[–E[[MPT PROPERTY– - COD[ c S' FROM .OND ...u[–con[ A. APPROPRIATED . . . . . . . . . . . E. COUNTY AID - - - - . . . COUNT . S . . . . . . . . . ' _ 542.00--- -- COPIES TO: I I H...IT CERTIFY THAT TN[.. THE w.OV6 A.C.-­U AV.. [N tM.[R[ 1. AN uN c APPROPRIATIONSur STATEDO LOCAL IMPROVLMEN T CITY CLERK COMPTROLLER THE[ . ElMeueE THE PERMANENT IN THE A.oV[ AMOUNT.. IMFRov[i.I[Nr a[voLVINc NO 011MC PUBLIC WORKS I '' • T PURCHASING – IN 1­RSEP 30 144 coliNCILM eN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED By THE CCU' -"E A——-- ----N - - — APPEOV[D MR. PRESIDENT ( - 1datliL ,k. a September 25, 1942 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF SAINT PAUL. " Gentlemen: The Contract Committee has awarded the following contracts: 0 F.B. #583: Curbing the south side of East Third street from Ruth street to Pederson street TO FvYtN !'ONSTRUCTl ON COMPANY For the sum of $542.00 Engineer's Estimate $499.00 F.B. #584: Curbing the south side of Hartford avenue from Albert street to Pascal street TO STANDARD STONE COMPANY For the sum of 559.00 Engineer's Estimate $536.00 n R:.spcctfully submitted, THr�777-f�kMM C _ COUNCIL FILE NO. e 4. By -f FY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing sanitary and storm water, sowers "on the song. aideRsk 4. Eighth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 130 feet eaateK of MitweWota Street, and from Robert Street to a point 255 feet sasterly of Robt s Street;.on SeAenth Street from the easterly terminus of the sewers 'nox;lieing .00niirnoted under Final Order C. F. 120471, approved October 22, 1940, to.arpolnt G;Aft easterly<of JAkson Sheet, thence northwesterly across Seventh Street to the northerlq..side of Seventh " Street; on Fourth Street from the easterly taraiaus of the reirers 42.6'feet east" -of Minnesota Street as now b4ing constructed under"tle'sbove menttoned'final order to a point ]g72 feet easterly of Minnesota Street,= under Preliminary Order 123243 Approved Ju_y S. 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received. the report, of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered"said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same'is hereby approved and adopted,' and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. -S.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council,recometids is consti dat sanitary and storm: water sewers on the sonth mside of Eighth jtreet from Minnesota Street to a point 130 feet easterly of Minnesota Street,,.* and from Robert"Street td a point 255 feet 'easterly `of Robert Street; on Seventh Street fromake easterly terminus of the sewers now being constructed under Final Order°C. F.`120471, approved October 22, 1940, to, point 6 feet easterly of Jackson Street, thence ;northwesterly across Seventh Street to the northerly side of Seventh Street; on Fourth'Street from the eaeterly'tarnt nus of the ae�tera 41.5 feet east of Minnesota Street as now being .00nstruotedunder tate above mentioned final order to a point 172 feet easterly of MSnnesota;Street, ° with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 16.950.00. '(W.P.A. labor) Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 28th day of October, 1941 g93t , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court e House and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear nd the total cost thereof as estimated. ing, the nature of the improvement a Adopted by the Council i p 30 LN _193 t Approv —193 'City Clerk File 9385 ayor Councilman WINNOW larfass Councilman Findlan PUBI.I3HEl) Q Councilman 0199POROM Parranto Councilman WIFFM020= Peterson Councilman qRW3� Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor MWWW-M k1cDonou¢h Form B. S. A. 8.6 x ' O'"INu. 124117 .;. . ` Gthe matter of planting and protect-- Ing shade; trees on PfnehVr�t Avenue m Kennetfi ClBveln�;. o 'I, E� 124117 COUNCIL FILE NO. By m INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of planting and protecting shade trees on Pinehurst Avenue from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 123828 approved August 27, 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and hawing considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is plant and protect shade trees on Pinehurst Avenue from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $160.48. Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the 28th day of October, 1941:11'—at.the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improveinent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ 193— / KP 30 INI _ 5 / Approved 193 City Clerk File 9368 Councilma Councilms Cou$cilmaam 1'serapAe Councilmai6summodWel Pbteewn Councilman Room Councilman Truax Mayor Wakofift,NCDN� Form B. S. A. 8-6 I eUBLISHEDd ' — Z// z -D .A®BOLUTT�IOON'OrCOIIFCIL ,"Wov-I ING .tegg9¢D�NT �'aT ry•NO_ 1241-18 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMEM A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING iEWN AND FIXING TIME DF i1EARING ON TUE AWARD Of In the matter of__ opening, widening and extending_a 20 -foot alleyr in Blook 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 60, by taking and condemning the south 10 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the north 10 feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 60 under Preliminary Order__ 1-23200 -------------, approved___ Intermediary Order _____________ July_1�_ 1941__ 123605 -------------, approved_-_ August 5� 1941 123867 September 2, 1941 'w Final Order ---------------------------------- approved----- ----------------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the-___ 29th -----------day of ---- Q tgber----------------- 19_ Al, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 30 FA Adopted by the Council---------------------------------, 19---- ----------- C--------- City Clerk. Approved-----------------------------,19--- File9313 ---- - -- ------ ------- --------------- Mayor. Councilman Barfe/ : , Councilman F Findlan PUBLISHED 1 a Councilman Perranto Councilman POM0500mm Peterasel �1 Councilman $ ( ' /i Councilman Tran � MclJnno� COUNCIL FILE NO By...... .... APFR&m 1241199. bITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving -Assessment lrk,the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for mate No. 7. COntimet constructing, �OOOAstructing and relaying cement sidewalks. FOti 40-M-3. 1940 Assessables F.O. 120407 St. Clair Avenue, north side, from Prior Avenue thence east 345 �.440t; 2 h,j�,,;jAt"thance east to Howell Street, and on - beginning 40 TiWkart Clair Avenue from a point 87.32 feet east of the south bids of!St,- Cla AOt. to Howell Street Prior Avenue thence e from,PIO&S ant Avenue thence east 340 feet F south aide, East Ann* 120476 Ramsey Str_est-i emant�sidewalk from Hervwrd SVqAti ",eastAdIP-1, 'A-fGOt - o Street toAA Winona 'tretpPrOximatuly' Flo, East Seventh Street, southerly side, from Beech Street 30 fast meet' 9 Dint 94 feet east of Fairview Avotue north side,, from OL POi . �oe e6it'93 F.O. 120597 Selby Avenue, th6t ,#hsnoj East 360 f6ist,11 begintint 40' f'ebt farther east, foot, and on the south sidb"Of Selby Avenue frim alp oint 64 foot east setj begitug eta irview Avenue thencd,ed6ft 80 fl A of re, t and on the west side of Whe'Sler Avbnue,,,fr, a -thence east 24,0 feet, thence north . 56 fostj beginning point 92 feet north ojr,Selby Avenue d,dn the':�O&St 0! 13 feet %rther north,� thence north 67 foot, an ­. ftck'�! I, , 1 0 or, Selb voiht` 30 rest, -Whsolar Avenue ex n, Par Avqtub�'Wdwt, south aide, from Hoyt once. F.O. 120468 r St as Ir kvohuo-�, north'. fro I te e ' hone Flo. 115870, Full' 0 wept 16.fee ginning: feert, f thence west 76 fol ISI 'a *set 3 9 test- 66119tMOT MoUval 0, nue from Dth,ajd0,ck,�Faller Ave 106 teat 1hence went t110=8 west 36 fee� S f qen 15 feet farther watt, thence 0 — "Im, a litfijo Vjlkj begi . , _': 120412, ru oint 47 feet north of Central Avenus# at ot alloy crossing at aide, from sad aide of Ravoux Street from RWT and on the east 'tw"to thence Fuller Avenue, ., L Fuller Avenue 0, 0 of Milford central t point 138-25 feet north west sides from a Street,f9pt farther noith thence Flo. o Marion -feet; beginning 7-5 Street,north 12f) east side of Marion StrS6t fr`Oms, PO42t 138 the I 150 'foot no fact;. and,on t) begi=ing 50 3e north MOO fee nor of Milford Street thew feet farther north thence 25 feetl beginning 25 farther nor once north from Avon Street thetoe East 115 Ts6tl�.­! north 40 foot F.O. 120433 north side, -`W feet farther east thence east poa festj beginning 40 foot the south aide of Vat Buren beginning` farther i J' k_+ -h 0 '6"t,:160 feetis and on t sm , thence east 19$.b febt;� begimAng; 160 feet Street. Avenue farther 4"t-"tfiftee -east -241.orfeet -A;.... to Commonwealth Avenue, from Carter F.O. 120558 01 nOwest side, evelemd AvOU, onl,Carter Avenue from Cleveland Avenue thence �, the south side Of and west 160 feet from Cretin Avenue to & point 24 foot west Of Selby Avenue, south sides aide: of Claveland, Avenue from a.- Point Nfl lhn�A4 I on the wept umit Avenue, the east sidP:Of Cleveland Avenue anon to S feet south of S91by Lvditus Cretin Avenue from�SelbY Avenue to Summit Avenue shall Avenue. and on C n Avenue�t Mar aide, from Dayton 0 L 04 M a Street, west 0 loore -3treet from a point 76 feet n0r_th.."_Dwyton t Ide of I ear*oj.�northpthence 75 feett beginning.20'feet'' Avenue, thence north firth the at b #Aill 4 'ij F_7� �,51C WLIA�gi IS ""', Af A G.r. 120031 N111=11 M . 7- 4 from Carter AveR** tozomc awe 0iz : ter Avollue-ft;-OliBvelgmd,.Kfoxkue thalyoa der of public '%qrIcs be and he is hirdbjr,, - . 01 so- this rico idary '13 idibalk" estfinis ions'. ions 'listed U010*1 sr Raymond and Ccin ftonwbalth r,om, Cretin- W"Aus to Ik Point i't 24 f r'� 1 Avenue 0AIL ..a 4� b T; we 4 pos• �Y 3 o s F} c x sc; srl gs�y, s7 !pn f :0_ r,Zul >e( ar0 ,tcoC ol'c oe S 80", laapt 9P ow c bo 33; t"! u .,wA {v ,,goSla �l �lls�-oF lr�j op o� 'r' e ojp F.; r3-•. .sna o� /• of ou +iT° cos;rr_r,€tlsv3'.s�;..� j'''offo.F woTll � 1 �,• :::� 3v a�:F X- s yuop crr.{'STos'3?•,¢i9a }' yup to { �L� o of:` wnouFrt f ,. r1o31 -FT ce wools e,'~To..s'SF as zF rroF ,.3 s foo{ q• T50( 5� o ar£k xzgk V �cursn}sasaco r r • 7S0 as.sAws.gFYFzagF". Gil 9r u74a' yosIL LTGbo .F _,av3{' OL v31 }Scn,ssic,: 'LFs.eo.G' irsvc6 ofrRf Fo k vr..t7I•.cF cr bo1'%sF Sa�3S. Fw suri,t o e 'i, .:�..T50eaC Y, y�vh© a -i G7� •ynavna L7• gumF� 7ToaTo,7'7', y,oF'fi�a i "„z.{`3 :: 4o c ,?'F aC` ,¢iTcP'q�•^' ��V.- �uno.fil�oa nnoF;.,�: - - The assessment of._.. beaeP ta,_ ooets_,_ap.fi._.@bpea,l-ea............... ..........._ .... ......... _.... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered sanO and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the___. �9�k __......__.day; of October, 1941 Z90[_.- ..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the gourf . .................. u � House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature`rY` of the improvement, Ilic total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. nn,,'' SEP 3 0 10 Adopted by the Council........ ........... 192--.. 'r> P 3 0 IN nFCity Clerk. pproved............ ... _.... ...... _.... _._..192... ....... ' Councilman ClENOPSMSEMIM Bars Fe Fiu sa- H Parranto (i " Mc Peterson p17SLI5fYi li / — ;y Sn .m � Rosen �q T— Mayor abboaW McDonough /r Form B. H. 10 NOTICE 4 cITY OF SAINT PAUL 124129 "' -9 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. , PRINTER c. F. o . d, that September 26 e "' ad, thattryrychecks he drawn on 1941- the 9,� am°oanttyott $280,204 o, cto tvecinggcheck RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DR)p mmycheckpsio*n3Hle m the Inclusivef'th.(TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ' �,pd pled bYl the Counoll Sept. 30, 1091. OF S 260.294.01 , COVERING C 11pprova°"si8i,8i; i'siii TO 97453_JNCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE—MY COMPTROLLER. i SEP 301941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- 194 SEP 30 1941 CRV COMPTROLLER APPROVED--- C�ia�&+e3S/ V -J( (�($ 194--- 9Y See 6-40 p DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK / CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1241_29 COUNCIL OFFICE OFT COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER -) R F ROLL CALL BARFU66 FINDLAN iN FAVORPARRANTO AUDITED CLAIMS September e- 6 PETERSON RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DN Ef�TY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST • CCOVERIN0 TRUA% !} TO THE A00REOATH AMO NT OFf MR.PRES, Me00N000H CHECKS NUMBERED— O1 LUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BYgly �jClP 30199 PER CHECKS ON F E OF OF T CITY MPTROLLER �Vi6600 - AT 184__ NUMS[k corn.a[ J B _--- -- ---- ----._ ---- ---- ----- TOTAL DATE CHICK - RETURNED IN FAVOR OF BYBANK NUMBER jl TRANBF'ER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS I' BROUGHTFORWARD 120 129132 74: 039 97 I 8740 Clifford Reohow 600 00 8740 IMrs. J.Me Ayd, Guardian4o 00 87405 I Greene Posting Servioe I 36 00 87406 American titian Supply. Company 96 04 87407 (Bauman & Cgipan 35 16 II 87408 Capitol Station y Mfg. Comp 1218 02' 87409 barning Donohnes Inc. ! j 46� 87410 B're,Thoe. E. Dahill 87411 A. S,ngvaldstad Lumber Company � 1 490 B5 obest Metzger Buil 87412 C.B. Lyon & Brothers, Ina. 87413 �Rding hater ale 4 50 87414 Motor Power Equipment Company j 559 00 ( 87415 y.�. Printing &,Binding Comp g7 35 87416 N.vr, Stamp Works ! 45 05 87417 Prise Eleotrio Company 176 64 87418 Price, Eleotrio Company 72 67 87419 J.L. ShielyT company 125 5611 87420 Tri»State Tel. .& Telg. Comp are, 3 87421 Tri•State Tel. At Tei$.' Compare `�7 53 87422 Amherst E. Wilder Charities` 100 tt 8742 Mrs. BYntle LaBiesgniex- 53' 87 2 Ann' !�, Campion. 191dow:pf D•H., 30,00 87425 II 'Helen Sullivan; t'idI of M. So 2� 00 87426 3oc. for the 1. of 01 Ity I 24 92 8 00 7427 Mrs. annsh Peterson 87428. John ,.Findian C. of Finano� 21 266 69 87429 Joha!S. Findlan, C, of Fin 608 67 87430 John 8. Findiaa, C, of Finano 99 818 4 87431 `John s, F'lneian0 0. of Finan 12 816 ,4 87432 -Am' loan yinen-Supply Company 66 8o 8743 Golumbi8 ?oat Steel company 648 68 g743Z butler,li'gone company 582 g8 87435 D3r-errry .& gone Company Et7436 Farwell,. o>emnn, Kiri &- ,Compare 300 73 87437 I J.J Mtsgeraid. 81erk of DsCt ' 116 25 87438 f7eneral Eleotrio Supply Corp,j 67 82 ffi7439 J.J. Gillen. Seg. of Deeds` i 15 00: 874. Jousting & 9ohilling Company i 52 72 87441 i Maendles Brs><sb Mfg, Company 62 005 87442•_ Milk Plant Montbly 6 304 40 3 ltorth�ra `$taken Powar Compaa 444 Northern .States' Power Company 1. 2 i 87445. lt.X'Biaugas Company i t 36.. I' 87446 O.mOonnoros Auto Repair & B.S.I 5i OO �. 87447 Alvin Olafson 00 1� 31 II 87448 Pioneer Rim & 'Whee1 Company 87449 Sindelax Athletic Equipment 0 . 4 6 48 „ 87450. Stexe!s. 1 ';,Rad- Shop ------ - �7 . 87+51 Sunderland, Candy & Tob., Comp Y 87452 yillaume Box & Lumber Compare I 161 70 87453 eaehiagtoa Foundr�f Company I 71 25 j i C\ i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 20 129 3 834313 99 - ■fli NOTICE 91r CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. y PRINTER C F. *Z. 124121— Resolved, that checks be drawn on SeptembeP 26 1941 -- the city treasury, to thgel' agg agate numbered 8745'toto4.385490� 1hiCluelve,ce RESOLVE, THAT CHECKS BED Der ehecks on dle in the odiee of the RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOI/JNT City Comptroller, e 50,554-37 •37 Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 1941. —TO o7eo INCLUSIVE PER OF S —, COVERING 4 Approved Sept. 3,, 1941. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CoOOMPTROLLER. i EP 30 194114 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194-� cm COMPTROLLER � 16 APPROVED—-- 194—._ soo sao Y - — -- ---- — --__ .: - r E •`=C '--_— IN FAVO _ OF -_—-- • - Y w• CITOF SAINT'PAUL �L � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK 88UR86MENT CHECKS _.��— r83 CONCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILEUNUMBER ROLL CALL 2 4 313 96' BARFUSS 87454 ".87455 I FINOLAN PARRANTO INFAYDR AUDITED CLAIMS September 26 194�� PETERSON- ROSEN AGAINST .. RESOLVED: `THA{CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX MR. PREB. Me DONOUGH: 3� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF. COVERING - CHECKS NUMBERED TO 1 LUSIVI.AS b 6 - PER CHECKS ON F E S O E OF CITU MP,7'ROLL6R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI > Board of Rater Commissi ers AQP VED I..U77��.77TATTTTJ� 194-- NUMBER coYrteouu 160 87458 --__ .: - CHICK I NUMBER '--_— IN FAVO _ OF -_—-- TO AL nATe RETURNED BYBANK TRANSFER CHECKS 88UR86MENT CHECKS _.��— r83 _____._ LIGHT FOR ARD 2O 129 2 4 313 96' 87454 ".87455 I Board of ommLesion, a,, Board of ate Coffiission rs 659 ( 1 251 0 77 87456 Soard of Mate Commiesto ra 974 95 b 6 E 87.457 Board of Rater Commissi ers 87458 Board of Rater Commis ers 1 34558 6 87459 Board of Water 0 onere 1 766 0 8"/460 Board of Water Commissioners 1 542 { ! 8761 462Board Hoard of Water Commissioners of Water Commiasionere 3 3� 30 g%4 674 City of St.Paul, B. of And. John Findlan, G.PR.F, S, 0 4 0 87465 w,A,. Parranto, G.P.Utllb 0 87466 1 Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Eduo. q 67467 Milton Rosen. C.P.Works I 1 386 6 87466 Milto. C.P.Works Rosen 935 r 87469_ In Milton Rosen, Q.P.Works 667 665 0 67470 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works Rosen, C,Pworks 13 451 9 87471 Milton Rosen, 565 9 87472 Milton C:P.Works 87473, ]Calton Rosen, C,P.Works 1 2 lb4 131 1 O i 8747. 814. Milton Rosen, C,P,Works Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 372 3 j 87476 Milton Rosen, G.P.Worke {, 1 067 2, l 87477 'Milton Rosen, S.PaWorks 813 365 3 6 87478 Milton Rosen. C.P.Works 87479 87480 Milton Rosen,lo.P.works Milton Rosen, C.P.warke i -153 { 560 4 i $7481 87482 Milton�Rosen. C.P.Works I' Milton Roam. C,P.Works 765 { 1 6 2 P 8748 _ 8748 1 Milton Rosen. C.P.Works ' Milton' -Rosen, O.P.Works I 5Z6 1 87485 Milton Rosen. C.P.Works ! 394 6 67:466 • 87467 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works Milton Rosen, C, 6 528 '2 6P:Works 22- 1 1 87468 ! Milton Rosen, C.P.Works j 2 115 0 87489 Dred M_ Traaa, C. Parka j 327 6 87490 �� Fred Y. Truax, C.. Parke � 109 5 1 h i , � SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 70 683;69 QUI 834 3�3 99 _ _ 1� CITY OF SAINT PAUL L. TO COUNCIL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. ' „ PRIWER e C. FNo. 124122— September 29 T 1841 Resolved, sthatthe city tycheeks be drawn on RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE D amount medyt8T491egate 6to's364,, inciue ve aeRY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 193 594.3 e I "Y cheeks Gtfunc le IneSeffic 38, 19 1. X75 2 OF S ' COVERING ADPDoYed 9ep t. 30:1941. _TO INCLUSIVE AS PER (out. -4, 1941 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE O rHe EK. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL — SEP 30 1941 194— / C Y COMPTROLLER APPROVED sJg 194 xs ­0 ' I 124y J .4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �L 2 COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL - PARIRANTOAN .. - PAR, IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS v f04,s - PETERSON- . ROSlN AGAINST ,RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN_ON HE TY TREASURY TRUAK MR. PRE. McDONOUGH TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i COVERING EP 30 CHECKS NUMBERED TO 1 CLUSIVE. AS " ADOPTED BYTH 0y_N1 .. PER CHECKS ON TH ICE OF HE CITY MPTROLLER. A P VED �l! ISg— UMBER TO AL DATE CHECK M13E NUMBlR IN FAVOR OF ^_ TRANSFER CHECKS — DISBURSEMENT CHECKS _UR RlTURNlD BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 67491 .. Giazier L."J 26 29 00 60 97492 Mre.. Louis Fay Company I 13 00 874.C,, Duncan P474 874 $arl Q Es►yser Rational Cylinder. Gas Company I i 169 22 15 87?t96 Northern States Power Company Compan 11 568 5 999 91 97497 obineon"Carry-#_ Sands I � 191 58 9749 Andrew 8ahooh-Grocery Company singer Sewing M bine Agency s 4 52 $749, ` I iron oundry Cem<P� 97500 87501 ..� Universal Q. Rema Coal Company ; 3 110. 69 87502 8750 V The Midway News Jahn S. Findlan C, 04 Finana Arown end Day,, nc� 79 391 12 47 00 87504 Coos, Cola Bottling Company 875055 817506 'C lvgren Paint- Supply Company j I 72 56 97 77 g75o7 �gpodriah.[Silvertown Stores j 67508 87509 industrial Supply:OomPany Juaob Schmidt.,Brea ng Company) ' I 381 0o 67510 ges'!,11erouds 5 45 57511?- St,Paul aorxa J 97512xIRo { 87513:, org F. Morgan- G, . Anderson & Son 0 12 2.10 50 67511} Coµnty Welfare Board4,68 97515 8apford & Company I 5.00 87516 517 Dr; R.;ti..Allison nri F. G..Langenderfer i I 11100 1 8751x`�'r Oatergran & Youngren 33 5 00 00 875 19 87520 Dr. Arthur H, Pedersen Drt Stewart W, $ieonei 10 00 00 87 521 T Benjamin J,; singer ' I 50 66 00 87rj22 Dr:. Geo*:` !►.nyder 0064 8752 G.P. Wenzel,Z 6 8752 Addressograph Sales Agency �I87525 I Automotive Bervoe Company 51 1F 87526 I The Le* Bonn ,Compepy 87527 Borchert 1ngersollo; Inc. I 210 87528-i , uitiael Ice Comjieny 15025 97529 I Fuel Roonomy-Sngineer iag Coma ul 120 00. 67530 R.L. °could A. Cm?auy ? 55 56 87531 I Mogeason`& Robtiina,.Ino. Northern St3Ges Power Company 501 , 95 87 532 87.533 I Northern States Power Company! Ino. 3 26 192 15 87534 N.M,1 Publications, 167 lAa 975 Paper, Calemenson & Company 6 38 Ij Albert Boblel� Mig. company 7 16 i) 87539 Ii Leelie Schmidt Company �I Wholesale GroceryC any i 154 oo I.. li 87540 87541 security , Security Wholasalec Grooery G any 1240 3 00 h. 87542 !! Societe Ita11a m.09 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 693 69 02790$2 _„^� _ oripnsl to City Cierk � CITY OF SAINT PAUL P ��NG1L N(�- 41 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �y- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- 6ENERAL FORM SUMVED, That the Comptrollerts 1942 budget estimates are hereby amended by striking therefrom the following item of Departmental Receipts, where the same appears in said eetimatest "Public Utilities ... $10,000.000, and by inserting in lieu thereoft "Public Utilities $6,000.000, and further amended by striking out the following item of Miscellaneous Receipts where the same appears therein "Business Licenses . . . $36o,000.o0" and by inserting in lieu thereof: "Bneiness License" . . • • $364,000.00". C ReaalVedztb'At, A. the Cor'iptrotiiersul2 bpdgst sLSma'LCp are hereby amended 1{Y striking^,Mth"ere[roma the ^collo *ingi COUTICILMEIt ossa nays ba , Fin tan ,(a'r/'auto t'CierSOn a A sen Truax _fl1j. President, McDonough 311 3-40 C323336 U i Ifeu $6 090the.E ..:e 000.00'0 In d of y Ansesus neoue I same ayppeapr. there- ° nslleu th3ered3� Ot . 1389,000.00 ouncil 9apt, 30, 1991. I A Q SEP 3019U Adopted bil the Counail______:—_-194___ SEP 30 1941 Approved____ t94_ i In Favor — %- _ TTW (! ___Against - - Oryip.l t. i'cia cl.�k , CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOUN61L NO. 412 ILE OFFICE OF, THE CITY ,CLERK CQI NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,Ai1A,(� ..d. enz'l DATE commis510NER r—• RF.30LVED, that the C6mptroller's 1942 budget estimates are hereby .amended by striking therefrom the following item of Departmental Receipts, in each instance where the same appears in said estimates: "Finance Commissioner, $5000.00", and that - the following item Iof Miscellaneous Receipts, in eech instance where the same appears therein, "Gross Egivnings Tax, $475,000.00'" is amended so as to read "Gross Earnings Tax" $480,000.00". to IC. F. No. 124194—By john 8 Flndlan— Reaolved that [he Compt oller'a 1942 budget estimates -are hereby amended by striking therefrom the fol wing Item of Departmental Receipt.. in each Instance here the Same ppeara In dy said ..timate.; "FAn&nce Comamissioner, 06,000.0(••, and that the following it.. t D4lecellaneou. accelDts, `in. each In- tance where the 'same apDeare thare- in, Gross Earnings '1$s, $446.000.00" is amended eo 88 to read "Groes_Earn- InAdoD ed$by the Council Sept. 90, 1941. Approved Se t.' 3A. 1941. (Oct. 4'' 1941) _. b KP 301941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council194— YeaNays � s0� .!11B uss an - - �Approve(�L__19 an to et on Favor ayor se ///1 " �Aax gainat 1�Y President, McDonough ax 1.41 / councli.men Adopted by the Co___194-- Maas n194_ilea. hays vas S 30 1941 JZ/dl.- Approvedant. B n In Fa ' -- n ruax_.__ ___Against r. President. McDonough ant5N0 C3"4333. C. F. No. 12412$—By Mliton Rosen— ® Resolved, that Item 10C3 In [he 1942lleHudget as submitted by the ComV- - tror to the City ' Council, be d the same is y/h e.. by Inere...d =2,000.00 an asAdopts by the Connell Sept. 30, 1941. Approved Sept. 80, 1841. (Oct. 4, 1941) o ° a councli.men Adopted by the Co___194-- Maas n194_ilea. hays vas S 30 1941 JZ/dl.- Approvedant. B n In Fa ' -- n ruax_.__ ___Against r. President. McDonough ant5N0 C3"4333. oan f1 a 12 CITY OF SAINT PAUL eouwalt , FILE�d OF OF' THE CITY CLER COUNCIL 5 UT1aN---GENERAL FORM\ PRESENTED 6Y `', - DATE COMMISSIONER_. —---�-= — gMUM, That Item �Y in the 1942 Budget as -submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council, be end the same is hereby increased �, o� so as to be c 3 _ _ C. I; No. 121130-13yI Milton Rosen— th Resolved, that "I" tied by theiCompe c [rulll8uder o the aCity, Council, be d the game is hereby Increased $1,896.00 J us to be ds16,898.00. Adopeved Behe C 19 Pt. 30, 1941. c8et. 4, 1941) ---- C011TICiLmEn yeas Tlags fnaa �in�llan ,4/.' rant. n len 7x 1. r-idant, McDonough Jm 5A0 CS hJJJ! SW 301941 Adopted bg the Council__-- 194-- 301941 Approved _194__ In Favor.-- ftla r �_'___Againat 1 � 1 i octal■.I l-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ebuNetL`�� fT was NO. OF OF THE CITY -nM q COUNCIL LUTION»-GEW&R kL FORM PREgELATED BY✓ •COMMISSIONER- _✓_ _, DATR BESCLvw, That I -tem 13 G in the 1942 Budget .88 submitted by the X Comptroller to the City Council, be and the same is dldttcit.eCOIL- hereby Saes+esls - ' 000 °=' so as to box 000 tl COUTICILMEn t]eaa / Tlays Ian "4'Paffrranto �P n �Rgsen rx r ident, McDonough SM 0140 C3 23336 8 c - 1. C. F. No. 124132—By Mllton Rosen— ' Reaolyed, [hat I[em 13C1 In thn 1942 Budget as .ubmlt[ed by the Comp- - troller to the CI[y Council, be and the e la hereby decrenaed 311,000.00 bo ae to be $900.00. —Adopted [he Cou 11 Sept. 30, 1841. I Approved SeOt. 30, 1941. (ct. 4, 1941) _ O s Adopted bq the CouJER 3 ® [= 194__ 3®1941 Approved 194_c In Favor Mayor J2—Against R t, clerk f rldn,l to cl CITY OF SAINT PAUL NCIL t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK., FI NO. COUNCIL RESrO?LD', X10 - AL FORM (P]nMMEFN.S1n�IFR AXi31 F_ Peterscln 1,�J�Lf/ v i�4Va"Vo/arF Rw»t..3n 1941 Resolved; n That Item S O I in the 1942 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the- same is hereby increased d— eased' SSI, 1/2,00 so as to be b C. F.�No. 134135—By Azel F. Pe[ereon— p Aegaolved, that I[em 1661 In the 1942 1.'1ld by the nComptr llerhbeityd h', Ae to ibe f2, 87,082.00. eed 5261,112.00 8o Adopted by the Council Sept. 90, 1941. Approved 9e1841. KP 30 1941 COU ILMEN Adopted by the Council 794— Yeas U'111Nays GP 30 441 n lan Approved 19 anto et'rson 7n Fav or ou u ainst President, McDonoug_ h` I 3M 1.41 -\ Original to City Clerk-424136CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 couNcil OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N.O. 1 COUNCAL RESOL`UT N EN�tM PR ED BY COMMISSIONER l' F. Peterson y Resolved; That Item S lh S yin the 1942 Budget as submitted to the City CouncIft by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased deepefteed10. 000 a 00 so as to be__ '70, U00. 00 C"Regg4oiv¢d,4that II"15G6 Ine [hen 1992 B11dbY the aCamtDtrolierh be ltnnd otbe fl e to hereby increased 310,000.00 90 as to be :s70,000.00. �• Adopted by the Council sept. 00, 1841. Approved Bept 90. 1841. i V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP ®'194— Yeas/ Nays UP 30 t74F S f+ Bart uss indlan Approv d 19 unto e///t Tn Favo �rson ,- yor /ogen �iY uax gainst r. President, McDonough 3N 1-41 . ioriginall to City Clerk 12413t w CITY OF SAINT PAUL F ""'L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLVTIQN GE RM 1P s Resolved= (� That Item (SiV►�/ in the 1942 Budget as submitted to the Cit4 Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased -dee east* a 7 000.0() so as to be '7.000.00 9 _ C �that ante -A 1669 in,xel F. Peterson— Resolved, 1'911 I oilSti() by the a Comtp�trollerto th be ltando the e is hereby Increaeed $7,000.00 e as to be 17.000.00. e s Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 3913. Approved g(8t. ot.74, 1941. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays B es indlan ,Parranto Peterson eft/osen ,. %truax Mr, President, McDorugh :tM 1-41 0 § Adopted by the Coundgw So 1941 194- 89301941 /j Approved -19t --L Vo in Favor - M� or _AgainAt– Ori.luil to City Cluk 124138 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FouE ca , NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N FORM „ �.9. A Resolve That Item I's in the 1942 Budget as submitted to the City,.C%ouncil by the Comptroller ° be and -the same is hereby increased 46ereaaerl x ,000.00 so as to be Sy, 000• DU. A 4 8 . C. F. No. 124138—'ay Axel F. Feterson— ReB 1—d, that Item 15H4 in the 1942 wild by the submitted be City o the I'll fa hereby �noreas.d $7,000.00 eo a �''Adoptedfi by the Council Sept. 30, 1941. '. Approved Seyyt. 30, 1941. (Oct. ,4, 1941) -- . 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun __301941 794— Yeas / Nays WHO 1044 �a ues tC �indlan Approved 19 } �rranto eteraon n F or M � r 1-1 �R men uax g nst �bfr. President, McDo 3M 141 - ". Oritinsl to City CI -A,,. FLONCIL �o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CPUNCIL RESOL TIONI-GEWIALJAMM g -el F `COM 1ESSIo Resolved; I That Item b� b in the 1942 Budget as, submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the sante is hereby increased decrezrset' l0 UOO.UV so as to be �j0,000.Od' C. F. No. 124139—n➢ Axel F. Petereon— Reggsolved. [hat Item 16H6 fn the 1842 oil y then ComDVollerh b s--dotha e is hereby increased $10,000.00 so as to be $110,000.00. Approved Sept. 80 n1841.�pt. 90, 1941. (Oct. 4, 1841) I COUNCILMEN 3p 1841 Adopted hY the Council 194-- Yeas Nays 194' usa Approved -"4_ \ in -Ian arranto � LInFa or �P"etereon 'Ti'ogen mst Zn �rPr. President, McDonough g 1M 1-{7 anginal to -City CWk CITY OF SAINT PAUL" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESCILUTION-.6ENSAU �1 ISE Cli NO. 124 1 se-�t, so, .iso Resolved: That Item b in the 1942 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased d&eioe*setr S-0 0. 0 () so as to be IS Uioaoo .. Q C. F. No. 134140—By Axel F. Peterson— B aeBa 1, ad, tbmi[ted t, .11 ltt e Cy Coun .11 by thea Comntrgner be and the e Is here16,000.00.creDy In aeto be ased 52,600.00 e 5 ° Adopted by the Couneit Sept. 30, 1941. Approved seyt. 30, 1991. o TO$L 4� 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays flndlauss n ,Pirranto ,,Peterson 4:7." en ax ,X . President, McDonough ;M 141 Adopted by the CouncilSEp 30 41 794— Ap�roved NP 3o 119 In F or _ or _Against f ` ur�Op4� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Coui+e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „ t COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM h J 1 DATE -_-._- .PRESENTED BY _ -- -- _�— –_ --- — COMMISSIONER gF$CyVRD9 That item/9 in the' 1942 Budget as submitted by the . _.,. 1w Comptroller to -the City 90nnci19 be and the same is a3 v hereby increased so as to be �LJ 8 8 v C" Re"I"d,41thatB Item d 1801 r in% the 1942 Budget a ubmitted by the Comp- " troller to the 9CyltT, Counetl, be nd [he a e be hereby nereaeed $1,103.00 60 a Adopted by the Council So,t. 30, 1941. ' Approved 90Pct. t 1941. s4, 1941) b i 30 1941 Adopted by – the Council____--_-- COl1IlCtLRIEIl------1�— - Ileas nags 30 1941 'Bar e � � t - ind)an ar uto in Favor _ _— -- -- �� p/�rso :Tla r n Against rua - r. President, rItcDonough SM 3.40 CS 23338 C. F. No. 124143—By Fred M. Truax—"" Item 18-1 Is the 1942 Eudget ae eubmltted by [he C4mD- troller to the City Council, be anG the e le hereby tncreaeed j4,635.00 so .='I. to be 118,636.00. Adopte by the Councll Sept. 30, 1941. Approved Sevvt. 30, 1941. d (t)ct 4, 1941) COl1IlCiLMEil Adopted bq the Couna�—_3#" yeas / nags B/ar{.uss Lk33�t n Approved— 194_. a nto in Favor' , ' M � n �frgaxAgainst /T6r. President, McDonough 3M 5.40 C323338 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,L.eNca NO gFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUT ON ---G R FORM qw' /ZOZ2 1 PRE46�ED. BY prv, 'ISrSRl1=-- D� - --- - COM4,MISSIONER 8E90LYlID,' That item Jiff in the ,194E Budget SM submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council, be and the same is Pe hereby Ibereaeed JPO O D ao as to be 0 I, C. F. No. 124144—By John S. Findlan— G. H. Barfusa—Axel F. Peterson= Mayor J. J. McDonough—Fred M. Truax, by requept—Milton 'Roeen— B Rea Iv drr that Item 18H In the 1942 Budget as eubmittcd by the Comp- Itroller to the CRR, Council, be and the i sa a le hereby decreased $5,000.00 ae to be Il. Adopted by the CuCil Sept. 30, 1941. Approved Bepj1t. 30,1941. (Or 4, 1941) 304941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Counci --.__ _ __- _., __ I]eas nays s0 ar s lndl n r ---- - r auto In Favor �, ----_.----- - -- el/eryon l _ mayor .Kogan•__Aga;nsl F �Prosident, iilcDo, ough 3M 3-4D 05 23333 Otlppd .. COUNCIL �)� CRY OF SAINT PAUL t N c NO'.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -, COUNCIL RE$f�LUT10N---GENERAL FORM " ESENTED DATE----- �- COMMI3910NER gEgCLVED2 That Item in the 192 Budget as sabmittad by the Comptroller to the City Council, be and the Same is oo' 3� SO© °o hereby increased �® O so ae to be. i — o I C. RF. esolved.91thatB Item x1981 r in the 1942 Budget ae aubmttted by tna Comyy- y 1,11 r to the CIt� Ce ea'i8600.00t so same le hereby c e as to be 191,600.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 3941. ppprov ed 9ep I. 30, 1991. (Oct. 4, 19,41) !I a n Adopted by the Council .._3a -%41 --tea_:_.._ councILMETl Ileas Tlays R7 U o mson ' - - A.. Ppr. oued�_.,._ -- 104_.=n l _ In Favor _ _7 Rlatp _ __Against 'C a president, McDonough CC 3M prop C9 23338 Orliio4lI \COUNCIL CITY of sA1NT PAUL FILE OFFICE .OF THE.'CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM, - 'PRESENTED BY��� SESOLVED, That Item Iq / in the 1942 B+tdge't as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Oouaoil, be -and the same is o--- o_ �p - so as to be / O hereby increased ---L COUTICILTRE" Deas Tlays r ss` i��ndlan iParranlo I� Peterson os n rc. president, mcDonough am 5-40 C323534 0 a a C Reaolved241thaLb BSaemed 19x1 r IC the [roll Bud" the aCYYltY C. ounolbYbe a dmthe sa [o be 510,050.00ncresee1060.00 so - o as A'doptedd Be h[. 30: 1941.aeyt. 30, 1941. ADDr_e eget 9 1941) I � Adopted by the Council---- 194 Sig 3Q 1941 Approved----.-- In pproved----- ln Favor .. ayor _ .1 _Aqa ` 1 Or1�ia�1 n 1 1 . 0 CITY OF`SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM -P'. ,, —r. DATE gRgOLVI:D, 'TheV item is the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Councils be and the some is a o do e v2 Sa hereby increased JPO O so as to be COUTICILIAETI I]eas s Tlays arjus '=4 zstetson It x Taresident. McDonough ani q -aa cs 252138 a C._it..Nov ed, that Itemed 9C24uax— I. the 1942 Budget as submitted by the µComl1ppl1- Irollerleothe iherebyt Increa gid $iieW 0 iso as to be $2 600.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 1941. Approved 1941. (Oct. 4, 1941) E Adopted by the Connol`P 30- ' PProved__. o 41 In Favor ll�_ // i � _ _�_Againsi�/ odalo.l I .. ..L. ��1t.J9_, 3 -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCI'IL E NO._._-._. OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ( /•/�y�J/, /yV V C_`_��________ DATE BE$0LVID, Thati Item 3 in the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council, be and the Sams is e o hereby increased p D d o so as to be Q C. F. No. 124148—By Fred MT,,.,, — Resolved, that Item 19C3 Ithe 1942 Budget as suybmitted by the Com trollsameris ��herebytlnCeasea' S6,0oo.00t o as to be S12,500.00.cre r 0 I Adopted by the Co it Sept 30, 1941. Approved Sep t. 30, 1941. (Oct . 4, 1941) 1 1\ p gp 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the CoUn _.__.__._.-_.-._._ ___t94.-_.- lleas/ Tlays So 1241. Is Indian idlan - ,P-.ranto � In Favor Peterson - ----------------- r .Konst os�sen Aga �.. - _-�-- I �?rua ,� . president, McDonough am 3-40 r32335B a courlct� 1241-49 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF 114E CITY CLERV- COUNCIL RES�OLUTION—=GENERAL FORM PRESENTED' PRESENTEBy (/ DATE ON COMMISSIER)4-1,-- --- BESOLPED, That IyeM 1 in the 1942 Budget submitted by, the �trolier to the City,Council, be and the 88me is hereby &w.reased ff,5 2 = so as to be COURCiLMEI 1]eas 11ags /tiar nss inIan _ /Pacfanlo Zeson n . J[McDonough 3M 3.40- C3 23338 C. F. No. 124149—By Fred M. Truaz— Besolved, that Item 19C4 In the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Coin eoiler to the Cl4yyCouncil, be d the ._ to le hereby 4ecresaed $8,872.00 e0 to be :e 4281 l es Adopted bp theCouncil Sept. 30, 1941. Approved Se pt. 30, 1941. (Ock 4, 1941) Adopted bli the Council ap 30 1941 Approved_ ----.-----194-_... /I J in Fa _Against 9riain.$ to City Cl rk _ FILE `f CITY OF SAINT PAUL counts OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. - OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM F­ PRF-SE14TED Y COMMISSIO E DATE Bbsolved, That the following items in the 1942 Budget as subpitted a by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same are hereby in- orsas6ds q Item 22,x1 #1,400.00 so as to be $16,m.00 Item 21-C-1 $1,130.00 so as to be $11,463.00 Item 22.8.2 $24270.00 to as to be$146,270.00 � ea C. F. No. 124160—By W_ . A. Parranto— thee1942eBudget tbs olbmitt dltby�the .Comptroller to the City Council be and [he same are hereby Increased: _ Item 2181-�i1.400.00 eo as to be iib 186.00. I�em 21C1—$1,130.00 so ae to be $11 463.00. h..2'2-B2—$2I.270.00 so an to be . $146,270.00. Adopted by the Council SOL 30, 1941. Approved Sept. 30, 1941. (Oct 4, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays /B_fusa �I dla=aannto �Pe son n UaX President, McDonough 3M 1-41 30 01 T94— Adopted by the County UP 30,1941 Approve 19 Fa 10 or _ Against odtmyITY,OP SAINT PAUL Cou CIL /rd�_ OFFlCE'OP THE`CITY. CLERK' pus NO. --.-----t COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Esy R-_____ COmszw ONER ^��SSSGGGIII .__ ,GATE USOLTO * That item, .2 in - the 1944.. -Budget as. submitted by the Comptroller to the City Councilp be and the same ie / hereby increased _ so as to be C. F. No. 124161—R Joh S. Find%; i R..olved, that In tem 25A1 to the 1942 Budget as submitted by the.Comp- troller to the Cur, Council, be d the 'a same is hereby Increased j1,428.00 so I f ae to be,j33,184.00. Adopted byy the C ell Sept. 30, 1941. Approved S pt. 30, 1941. i __-- (Oct. 4, 1941) —_ COUTICILMET1 Adopted by the Council_ 194__.-- geas / nays Ba;ju53 30 ' f 111�{an Approved ------------t94_. �Paar nto �P Berson Fn Fa r ae n ------------- RIa , _Agains 1. President, McDonough AM 3.40 CS 23336 CITY OF SAINT PAUL couwell OFFICE OF THE CITY CI:Ek ` Fn.0 NO. COUNCIL RESOLUVOI--GENERAL FORM '_PRESENTED BY NH _ - COMMISSIONER—i!SR✓_ - " ___ DATE RMLYED, That Item in the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council, be and the same to hereby increased to O 0 so as to be v C. F. No. 12416E—B John S. Find)an 119 2 R.Budget ash submitted by t eiComhDe' sametrollIs herebytYlncr�s Ia $600.00 tso Iesto be 4 Adopted%the Council Sept. 30. 1941. Approved Se Ot. 30, 1941. (ct 4, }941) - f ...I CO11nC1LmEn Adopted by the Councilyaae nag3 ., tg.1 te4 __ P 30 841 316L dlan Approved 194 ato 3on In Favor IRatlot lC_Against rc. Plmident, McDonough 3n1 o- O CS 2333. CITY OF SAINT PAW P° Eeol� NO. - OFFICE .OF THE CITY .CLERK ro a COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM --PRE6RMTF,6 B o DATE COMMl8S10N6R RBSOLVBD, That Item -3o , in the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the city Comooil, be and the,, 9=6 to hereby decreseed �0 so as to be 33 % 00 -, G F. No. 124164=!j John S. Findldv= R ti Hartuee—Axel F. Peterao¢— Pali'ti`antRo _Mayor J. MJ. M Donou6hA. Resolved that Item 30A3 In the c1942 Budget as sulttnitted'by the Cothp- c troller to the Clty C....11.be and the .y same is hereby da creased $4,600.00 so 4ls to be 138,071.00. Adopted b;the Council Sept. 30„1941. Approved 9et. 80, 1891: (Oct. 4, 1941: 0 KP SU 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted bit the Council------. I]eas / Timis Barjuss SEP 30 190 �indlan Approved__._ _104__ - /Par nto /Peterson In Favor /------_____-- — f "� /tc/osen ,> Against Pident, McDonough 3m 3. 0 rescs 23330 - 55 orWu i l"CouNCIL &Y OF SAINT PAUL NO I u offla OF TFIE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMe DATE - `PRESENTE By COMMISSIONER BESOLVED, Thal Item 30 B is the 1942 Budget a. submitted by tha Cotnptr4ler to°the City Council, be and. the same A, R, hereby decreased 3 /0 so as to be e COUncamBn leas nays Zarr to it on ��y'CIS r. President, McDonough 3M 3.40 Ca 23338 f �1C. F. Na. 124166—By John 9. Flndlan- 6. H. Bfuae—AxeI , F ar. Petereon— Fred ".J. / A. Parra Mi It.. Rosen—Mayor J. J. MoDon-, ough- 1942eBudget as submitted at Item by the Compp0114 is - troller to the CItxY Council, be and the came la hereby deoreaaed 31,310.00 eo as to be (1,2'00.00. 1941. t. AAd dODoved Sept. 30, 1953. sept 30, (Oct 4, 1941) Adopted by the Council 194 I �p 3Q--ry-AA-- pproned---SEP 30 -------104.._`.' (/ in FauorIIta Against 11 dim OF SAINT PAUL I FoaNei� NO_._ -- OFFICE qF THE"CITY CLERK FOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL y nyJW PRESRM&C —_ A' /k,�_�' `__� _f\�_. DATE— "' a V B83CLVO, T9AT item in the 1942 Budget as submitted by the S�" d Comptroller to the City Coupcil, be and the°same is hereby deoreaesd Pf /010 00 so as to be D 4 counaLmEn yeas �Tlags - u Ili an P�a gnto /Peterson osen �ruax President, McDonough ,3(. 3-4p C3 23338 C. F. No. 124100—By Job. S. Flndlati— p. H. Barfuee-1xe1 F. P.M.— Mllto. Roe..—Fred M• Tr.C3— . A. ParraYynto—Mayor J. J. McDonou6h— '192eBudget a6beub 1L ed by thelComyye trollerle hereby ld creaeedl"j10 000 00 .0 as to be (360yy,000.00. pppioved Septa 30 1941. Septi -30, 1941. (Oct. 4, 1945 y QCD 301941 Adopted bq the Council__.___...__.. 30 1941 Approved -------___--194 In Favor T(tagor Against w - &Y OF'SAINT�P-A& FoEN4 iL NO. -- OF-ACE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -,-GENERAL FORM COMM NTED ER- IMSOLVIi9, That Item 3 in the 1942 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller to a City Council, be and the same ie hereby 9 0 0 o eq as to be C. F. No. 124167—By Tohn S. Flndlnh- 6. H. Bartuee—Axel F. Peterson— ', Frefl M. Trvax—Milton Roaen—W. q; I Resolved, that rItem(3)lonln gthe ,,4""l 942 Budget as submitted by the Comp- tt7 troller to the CItY Council, be and the aame Is hereby dVecreaeefl =6,000.00 so as to be SE6�000.00. Adoptedd byy the Council Sept. 30, Is41. App[dVed 9e pt. 30, 1841. C011IlCILIIIEIl Adopted by the ConnCiNP IleasIlays (n► ®� BdT 9mp tndlan Approved—_.-._.---_---- rr nto 7 { n_ I In Favor ------------. at�on - — ma os n — rvax Against j_p6resident, McDonough aln a•ao ca aaabe _ 1 rCoto"t CITY OF SAINT. PAUL FILE ., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL MOW t ` iPREBENTED BYpsi ER BMOiPW, That Item 3 in the 194'` Padget as snbmited by the Comptroller to,theity Coumil, be and the came is 2 000 so as to be n n �.• hereby decreased I C. F. No. 124168—By John S. Findlan—' 0. H. Barfuae—Azet F. Peterson , Milton Roeen—Fred M. Truax—W. A. Parranto—Mayor J. J. McDonough Retolyed, that Item 3107 In the' 19412 Budget as submitted by the ComP- troller to the CI[y Council, be nd the': tame is hereby decreased ,2,000.00 eo ae to. be =8 000.00. Adapted {�yy the Council sept. 30, 1941. ADProved 3 pt. 30, 1941. tOct. 4, 1941) I ... ?.. 0 o 'r SEP 301941 counjctLmen Adopted bn t4 Council___ ____ __ _-__te4.-- 1leas��/ .nays (� yl"ss Approved 3'—W--"4-- in --"4-- _ Fin I arr to In In Favor -—_---------------- 'R n .. - ua Against rna president, McDonough am a.ao- is aaaae oridad to City clerk \1241-59 .,CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ coul4ca • OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK FILE NO• , COUNCIL RESOLUTI N-13FORM .. f ATE Re�nt`J�`_' y1 PRESENTEDNERBY A°+rel F 'P -J` y 4 -s,' COMMISSIO_ Resolvedt That Ite¢t 3 ' �f/in the 1942 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased e�` UJso as to be 'C. F. No. 124109—By Axel F. Peterson— Resolved, that Item 31611 in the 1942 B�"d,,t sUbmltted to the City Cpun cll y the Comptroller he they e le hereby Increased 312,388.00 soy! se to be517,681.00. AdoRte by theCo no11 Sept. 30, 1941.. Approved Sept. 30, 1841. (Oct. 4, 1941) _ -- so '�4i` ,94_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays R a ss Approve' SEP 1V an' 20"anto Favor eterson yor 11�pen /f Against ,'h,. President, McDonough :M 1-41 .. Original to City, Clete y i : 1 CITY Of SAINT PAUL P �iNca NO. OFFICE Of THE CRY CLERK C USC RES�O� UTION---GE RAL f RM p PRESENTED eY COMMISSIONER 1ZSOL9U That the various amounts of expecMures in dollars that may be merle by the several departments, blaeaas or activities of the City Government of the Citi of Saint Paul, during thr fiscal year beginning January 1, 1942, shall be in the sum set forth opposite the various named fundo es shown upon the schedule hereto attached. CO11T1C1LME11 yea, hags 33 In an �PaLnto �Pet� n 7.en ;911 president, McDon-qh am a-ao Ca aaaae Adopted big the Coun __;0 19W_ i."__ S€P 30fi Approved_ t94 -- i In Favor _ qor --Againat PU$LIS1iED� 37.000.00 1O.60D.00 33.760.00 35.179.00 6677.3k5.00 761.0 776.573-00 840.841.00 59.T31► -00 21%555.00 163.947-00 75.'90? -00 00 174.274.00 17.001.00 3.x.903.00 =5:941x.00 �g2.250.OD 162.005.00 77. 00 53.997.00 234.010.00 467a.000.00 .0.00 i733.199.00 1.065.731.01 20D.000.00 1.254.438.00 5.000.00 58.349.01 738.035.00 11.80i.yB.OD 1' I R � 15112 1i' ro CLarter 19baQd. 1 -*° Oity 0tficese� 8alarlee 2ee Office 3 �srstion Cannes, 1+ City C1adt contingent Amd ,hence Ca®issionsr 7.8 9 Publie Safety Admbnietratien 7 Pollee Fund g Sire Tand 7-9 Felice and Tire alemn 9 Health fund 10 Cosm<lasioner of Public Sorts 11 Street Oomtroetion and Repair 12 Sewer COnetruction and Repair 1g Street and Sever' Cleaning 14 Bsidgo Banding and Repair 15 m_sCb *)A-,—___ 16 ptmdc Newsy 17 dmsltortm 1g Publia'Parts 19 P1ayxrmmde 20 Public 8aildings 21 Public Dtllities 22 Public L14131ting 23 tater Department 914 Hoard of 8nblie welfare 25. City lied and Court House 26 merest 27 Stating bund 29 Redemption of Bance 29 Jndgmemt and ComProe$se 30 Comptroller- Civil service 31 O�-j rand 37.000.00 1O.60D.00 33.760.00 35.179.00 6677.3k5.00 761.0 776.573-00 840.841.00 59.T31► -00 21%555.00 163.947-00 75.'90? -00 00 174.274.00 17.001.00 3.x.903.00 =5:941x.00 �g2.250.OD 162.005.00 77. 00 53.997.00 234.010.00 467a.000.00 .0.00 i733.199.00 1.065.731.01 20D.000.00 1.254.438.00 5.000.00 58.349.01 738.035.00 11.80i.yB.OD 1' I 37.000.00 1O.60D.00 33.760.00 35.179.00 6677.3k5.00 761.0 776.573-00 840.841.00 59.T31► -00 21%555.00 163.947-00 75.'90? -00 00 174.274.00 17.001.00 3.x.903.00 =5:941x.00 �g2.250.OD 162.005.00 77. 00 53.997.00 234.010.00 467a.000.00 .0.00 i733.199.00 1.065.731.01 20D.000.00 1.254.438.00 5.000.00 58.349.01 738.035.00 11.80i.yB.OD 1' * 1942 Departmental Receipts Finance Commissioner 5,66660 Participating Certificates 8,352.00 Public Safety 6,000.00 Public Works 80,000.00 Education and Auditorium 182,250.00 Parke, Playgrounds & Public Buildings 2,500.00 Public Utilities �,000.o0 1'00 Lighting 2,500.00 Water Department 950,000.00 ,0 3, 9W00 Lees: Shrinkage in Tax Collections 500,000.00 3,563,627.00 Estimated Tax Levy for 1941 0 Year Assessed Valuations City Tax Rates 1942 132,602,206.00, Y./3 One -Mill School Tax 1 99 x.00 L3.15 ESTIMATED TAX 13VY 1942 Pu%goees l fo /, /✓9, o a GROSS BUDGET Financed as Follows; Miscellaneous Receipts Apportionment State Income Tax 480,000.00 State & Federal Aid for Schools 325,000.00 Bank Excise Tax 50,000.00 �v Business Licenses 3 ,00.0056GTGQQQO Cigarette Licensee 20,000.00 County One -Mill Tax 130,000.00 Delinquent Tax Collections 435,000.00 Departmental Permits 25,000.00 Dog Licenses 4,000.00 Feeg, Fines and Bail Forfeits 100,000.00 Groes Earnings Tax 18o,00a.oeJ ggq,Qp Highway Privileges 625.00 Monies and Credits Tax 350,000.00 Mortgage Registry Tax 10,000.00 Municipal Court 2,400.00 Rents, Interest and Sundry Earnings 5,000.00 Tax Penalties Trade and Occupational Licenses 28,000.00 17,000,00 ->IhIC. 0YS o0 a,. , Departmental Receipts Finance Commissioner 5,66660 Participating Certificates 8,352.00 Public Safety 6,000.00 Public Works 80,000.00 Education and Auditorium 182,250.00 Parke, Playgrounds & Public Buildings 2,500.00 Public Utilities �,000.o0 1'00 Lighting 2,500.00 Water Department 950,000.00 ,0 3, 9W00 Lees: Shrinkage in Tax Collections 500,000.00 3,563,627.00 Estimated Tax Levy for 1941 0 Year Assessed Valuations City Tax Rates 1942 132,602,206.00, Y./3 One -Mill School Tax 1 99 x.00 L3.15 PER CAPITA LIMITATIONS 1940 Official Census 287,736 ` Allowable Increase 1 613 1 1942 Population - per Charter 289,349 $30.00 Per Capita Limitation $8,680,470.00 GROSS BUDGET Exemptions from $30.00 per capita'limitations Financed Outside of Tax Levy Sundry Offices Finance Commissioner Participating Certificates Recoverable Expenditures Public Safety Bureau of Police 3,500.00 Fire 2,000.00 Fire Alarm 100.00 Health 400.00 Public Works Bureau of Engineers 22,200.00 Workhouse 3,000.00 Street Construction & Repair 6,500.00 Sewer Construction & Repair 282000.00 Street & Sewer Cleaning 202000.00 Bridge Building and Repair 300.00 w, c nn , novo - Education Bureau of Schools 15,000.00 Library 75,000.00 Auditorium 92,250.00 182,250.00 Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings Bureau of Parke 2,500.00 Public Utilities ` poo.00 Holman Municipal Airport Public Lighting 2,500.00 Water Department 950,000.00 Y73 e Total Financed utside of Tax Levy ',P4 ,�E)O Financed by Tax Levy Debt Service Bond and N Interest 1,065,731.00 Bond and N,te Redemptions 1,254,438.00 213,000.00 - S/ o0 o,o.oa Sinking Fuhd Requirements 2,533 199 00 Pensions Police Relief Association 130,000.00 2,663,169.00 Expenditures within $30.00 per capita limitation po � 00 c� 1942 COMPTROLLER'S BUDGET ESTIMATES Code Charter Fund Estimates 1 City Officers' Salaries 2 Mayor's Office 3 Corporation Counsel 4 City Clerk 5 Contingent Fund 6 Finance Commissioner 7-8-9 Public Safety Administration 7 Police Fund 8 Fire Fund 7-8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health 10 Commissioner of Public Works 11 Street Construction and Repair 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 14 Bridge Building and Repair 15. Public Schoole 16 Public Library 17._ Auditorium 18 ; Public Parks 19 Playgrounds 20 Public Buildings 21 Public Utilities 22 Public Lighting 23 Water Department 24 Board of Public Welfare 25 City Hall and Court House 26 Interest 27 Sinking Fund 20„ Redemption of Bonds 29 Judgment and Compromise 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 31 General Fund TOTAL 0 i Comptroller's Estimates 37,000.00 lo,600.00 33,76o.00 35,178.00 67,345.00 83,573.00 776,761. '0 TJ9To71T�ov / S./'. 59,734.00 115,535.00 69,eee-eo �s. 9� 16q, o7 -o 00 7 y7,1. o o 17,000.00 -3,215,897. E)0 J3.K 285,944.00 92,250.00 e 161x367.e70,789. /6rooroa 0 530 5gr34:9.9g ry 8 Fq. 00 212r749-.-00 yid o� 0.00 950,000.00 467,o84.00 7, r ,' i9.90 73/gp0o i,o65,731J00 21733906090 �oo,00c.ne 1,254,438.00 5,000.00 738,03r,00 d 0 k Code Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT"OF PUBLIC WORKS 10 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS lok Administration 10A1 Salaries 10A2 Office Expense 10B Engineers (Includes City Planning) 1OB1 Salaries 10,B2 Automobile Allowance 1OB3 Office Expense lOC Workhouse lOCl Salaries lOC2 Truck Maintenance 1OC3 Light, Fuel, Gas and Water 1OC4 Supplies 1005 Automobile Allowance and Postage loc6 Repairs and Renewals 1007 Miecellaneous Total Fund No. 10 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11A Repairs - Streets and Walks 11A1 Salaries and Wages 11A2 Truck Hire _ 11A3 Automobile Allowance 11A4 Truck Maintenance IIA5 Materials and Supplies Total Fund No. 11 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wages 12A2 Automobile Allowance 12A3 Truck Maintenance 12A4 Materials and Supplies 12A5 Miscellaneous 12B Interceptor Sewer Maintenance I2B1 Salaries and Wages 12B2 Services lies 12B3 Materials and Supp Total Fund No. 12 Amount Sub -Tot* Aotals I 14,052.00 1,200.00 15,252.00 98,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 103,500.00 .3/, lyo.00 "_q r'24•�^2 375.00 3,000.60 9,000.00 500.00 / 1,000.00 200.00 ,// 900 15,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 14,000.00 /6 114- 660-00 14- 660.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 300.00 15,000.00 8,000.00 4,000-00 -- /'fp0 °o 27,000-00 44960 X Cbde Charter Funds and Items t Amount Sub -Totals Totals * .7. CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES 37,0 0.00 1A1 Salaries � o 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 0 5,600.00 2A1 Salaries 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 4,000.00 10,600.00 2A3 Office Expense 1,000.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 30,660.00 3A1 Salaries 200.00 1,$00.00 3A2 Legal Fees 4 3A3 Law Library 300.00 3A4 Automobile Allowance 800.00 33,760.00 3A5 office Expense 4 CITY CLERK 4A Records 14,800.00 4A1 Salaries 1,000.00 4A2 Office Expense 7,500.00 23,300.00 4A3 official Publications 4B Registration, 11,078.00 4B1 Salaries 800.00 11,878.00 4B2 Office Expense 35,178.00 Total Fund No. 4 5 CONTINGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 FINANCE COMMISSIONER 6A Receipts and Disbursements 55,393.00 6A1 Salaries 600.00 6A2 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 58,993.00 6A3 Office Expense ,j 6B Participating Certificates* 6,752.00 6B1 Salaries 1,600.00 8,352.00 6B2 Office Expense 67,345.00 Total Fund No. 6 *Financed from Receipts 1 \ ' Code Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT ,OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7-8-9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 8-9A Administration 7-8-9A1 Salaries 7-8-9A2 Office Expense 7-8-9B Building Maintenance 7-8-9B1 Salaries 7-8-9B2 Services and Supplies 7-8-9C Additional Compensation Total Fund No. 7-8-9 7 POLICE FUND 7A Administration 7A1 Salaries 7A2 office Supplies 7A3 Equipment Maintenance 7A4 Office Expense 7B License Inspection 7B1 Salaries 7B2 Office Expense 7C Uniformed Police 7C1 Salaries 7C2 Supplies 703 Auto: Maintenance & Allowance 7C4 Traffic Signal Maintenance 7D Detective Division 7D1 Salaries 7D2 Crime Investigation 7D3 Supplies 7E Radio Division 7E1 Salaries 7E2 Rent and Supplies 7F Police Station 7F1 Salaries 7F2 Supplies 7F3 Board of Prisoners 70, Record Division 7G1 Salaries 7G2 Office Expense Total Fund No. 7 ,W Amount Sub -Totals Totals 8,373.00 0.00 8,973.00 16,loo.0o 8,500.00 24,600.00 50,000.00 83,573.00 10,264.00 1,400.00 200.00 2,535.00 14,399.00 12,990.00 150.00 13,140.00 458,632.00 3,200.00 43,900.00 12,000.00 516,832.00 165,o88.00 800.00 2,000.00 167,888.00 14,19o.00 1,500.00 15,69o.00 14,712.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 20,712.00 26,5oo.00 1,600.00 28,100.00 776,761.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8 FIRE. QA Admi 1 tration I Sub -Totals Totals n s 8A1 salaries 45,594.00 8A2 Supplies 500.00 100.00 46,194.00 8A3 Office Expense 8B Fire Prevention 8B1 Salaries 100.00 16-77j'-- s77.T-- 8B2 Office Expense 300.00 "�E 8B3 Automobile Allowance 8B3 8C Fire Fighting 707 o,do.00 8C1 Salaries 8C2 Gas, Oils and Greases 3,500.00 8C3 Tires, Tubes and Repairs 1,800.00 8C4 New Hose 2,500.00 8C5 Equipment Repairs 2,000.00 8C6 Other Supplies 8,000.00 15, 000.00 8C7 New Equipment 8C8 Miscellaneous 200.00 7_0711163 oo 8D Station Maintenance 'x ,47/• p O 8D1 Salaries 9C)4`G 8D2 Telephones 500.00 8D3 Light, Power and Water 3,000.00 8D4 Fuel 8,000.00 q 8D5 Supplies 8D6 Repairs and Renewals 500.00 500.00 8D7 Miscellaneous 50.00 � oo Total Fund No. 8 7-8 POLICEANDFIRE ALARM 7-8A1 Salaries 48,867.00 7-8A2 Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 7-8A3 Supplies 1,000.00 7-8A4 Telephone Lines 7,267.00 7-8A5 Equipment Repairs 1,500.00 7-8A6 Office Expense,; 100.00 Total Fund No. 7-8 59,734.00 *Expense applicable to Police and Fire Funds 9 HEALTH 9A Administration 9A1 Salaries 8,259.00 9A2 Automobile Maintenance 100.00 500.00 8,859.00 9A3 office Expense 5 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals TTootals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 9 HEALTH - ontinued 1 Q 9B vital Statistics 9B1 Salaries 6,434.00 9B2 Office Expense 1,000.00 7,434.00 9C Promotion of Health - Schools 9C1 Salaries 18,865.00 902 Transportation - Crippled Children 1,350.00 9C3 Supplies. 1,500.00 9C4 Office Expense g 550.00 22,265.00 9D Food Regulation 9D1 Salaries 13,129.00 9D2 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 9D3 Office Expense 100.00 15,029.00 9E Quarantine 9El Salaries 19,710.00 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 9E3 Supplies 300.00 9E4 Office Expense 100.00 23,110.00 9F Tuberculosis 9F1 Salaries 14,927.00 9F2 Rent 600.00 9F3 Supplies 525.00 9F4 Offioe Expense 50.00 16,102.00 90, Workhouse Hospital 9G1 Salaries 8,941.00 9G2 Board of Prisoners 1,000.00 90,3 Supplies 50.00 9G4 Miscellaneous 50.00 lo,o41.00 9H Health Laboratory 9H1 Salaries 7,682.00 9H2 Supplies Aoo.00 9H3 Office Expense n 100.00 1. 8,182.00 9K Dog License Enforcement 9K1 Salaries 4,213.00 9K2 Automobile and Truck Maintenance 200.00 9x3 Supplies 100.00 4,513.o0 Total Fund No. 9 115,535.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount SUMMARY Department of Public Safety 7-8-9 Administration 7 Police 8 Fire 7-8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health Total 4P Sub -Totals Totals 83,573.00 776,761.00 98- 59,734.00 115,535.00 4�e8— Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING 13A Administration 13A1 Salaries and Wages 9,350.00 13A2 Automobile Allowance 750.00 13A3 Office Expense 300.00 10,400.00 13B Cleaning Streets and Walks W3 yo�.00 13B1 Salaries and Wages =3 13B2 Truck Hire 12,000.00 13B3 Equipment Maintenance 1,500.00 13B4 Supplies 250.00 j jSGoo 13B5 Auto Allowance and Miscellaneous 1,000.0090,1750.0 13C Snow and Ice Removal - Cindering 13C1 Salaries and Wages 13C2 Truck Hire 7,000.00 13C3 Equi ment Maintenance 3,000.00 1304' pp ies 1,000.00 21j 000.00 1305 uto Allowance and Miscellaneous 1,000.00 p"Goe-0e 13D Weed Cutting 13D1 Salaries and Wages 2,500.00 13D2 Team and Truck Hire 150.00 13D3 Supplies and Materials 350.00 3,000.00 13E Garbage Disposal 13E1 Salaries and Wages 8,720.00 13E2 Team and True); Hire 3,pp0.00 39TOGG, 490 13E3 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 -1Z gyo.00 13E4 Supplies 200.000O - 13F Removal of Dead Animals q 13F1 Truck Hire 3,900.00 13G City Dumps, 1301 Salaries and Wages 7,700.00 1302 Miscellaneous 500.00 8,200.00 13H Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels i7,0oo.00 13H1 Salaries and Wages 1A98rgo 13H2 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 13H3 Supplies 100.00 If 13H4 Miscellaneous 350.00 16y105e.ee 13J Sewer Pumping Station 13J1 Salaries and Wages 4,000.00 13J2 Light and Power 400.00 13J3 Fuel and Supplies 50.00 4,450.00 17,1,/ Y74 o Total Fund No. 13 169i97G.00 U Code Charter Funds and Items Amount DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOW i 14 BRIDG� BUILDING AND REPAIR - 14A1 Salaries and Wages 15,000.00 14A2 Equipment Maintenance 500.00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 1,000.00 14A4 Maintenance of Fences & Stairways 500.00 Total Fund No. 14 W SUMMARY Department of Public Works 10 Commissioner of Public Works 11 Street Construction and Repair 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 14 Bridge Building and Repair a Total i Sub -Totals Totals 1 17,000.00 /G.3, 147.0. ' 61,9117,9 73 Tao 00 69, eoo.o X17P.(/.00 tt11y,v9.'�be.aog /7W, y/yG `t.0o 4 Amount Sub-Totals Totals Code Charter Funds and Items WpARTMENT OF EDUCATION , 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS o 15A Business Administration 23,127.00 15A1 Salaries 800.00 23,927 15A2 office Ex1316nee 15B Education Administration 19 ?71.00 & 15B1 Salaries 960.00 15B2 Automobile Allowance 2y50o.00 23,231.00 15B3' Office Expense 15C Attendance Division 16,203.00 15C1 Salaries 1,500.00 1502 Carfare 375.00 18,078.00 15C3 office Expense 15D Operation and Maintenance 16,022.00 15D1 Salaries and Wages 100.00 15D2 Express and Freight 200.00 15D3 Office Expense 7,985.0 24,307,00 15D4 Building Insurance 15E Supply Storeroom 10,150.00 15E1, Salaries 40.00 15E2 Light 200.00 15E3 Truck Maintenance 100.00 1o,49o.00 15E4 Office Expense 15F Promotion of Health 51,547.00 W 15F1 Salaries 750.00 15F2 Supplies 1,200.00 53,497.00 15F3 office Expense ss yo ° 15G Instruction 15G1 Salaries 12 388.00 15G2 Carfare - Taxi Service Transportation_ Crippled Children 8,14265o.00 15G3 15G4 Laundry 691096 0e 15G5 Supplies 15G6 Athletic Salaries �o,000.o0 13,907.00 15G7 Athletic Supplies 2,500.00 7,500.00 ����G�rd,�9� �i�9.° CT+�r, J7 e6 15G8 Special Classes 9 o°°.00 15H operation of Plant 319,000.00 15H1 Salaries and Wages 50.00 15H2 Rents 3,750.00 15H3 Telephone 990. 15H4 Light, Power and Water gpoo.00 �'J/ 00 15H5 Fuel 710/000.°0 48571@T8g 15H6 Supplies �S�.000O° 4 Total Fund No. 16 285,944,00 17 AUDITORIUM - Financed from Receipts 92,250.00 SUMMARY s Department of Education � i nn 15 Public Schools 4,219,997 � o 16 Public Library 285,944.00 17 Auditorium 92,250.00 Total Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals 0 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued 15J Maintenance of Plant 15J1 Salaries and Wages 78,780.00 15J2 Carfare 1,000.00 15J3 Automobile Maintenance 850.00 15J4 Truck Maintenance 900.00 15J5 Repairs and Renewals 45,000.00 15J6 Grading and Oiling Grounds 2,500.00 15J7 Athletic Fields Ia4�� 0�90p.0p0p cTa T ri T�....L.a...rt-a- X1-�55,�,0p00p00�.00�00� 12,eee.ee 11 �, ftL-+19 al Total Fund No. 15 o r� 15K School Cafeterias -Financed from Receipts 78,000.00 16 PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Service 16A1 Salaries 163,414.00 16A2 Truck Maintenance 400.00 16A3 Supplies 4,000.00 16A4 Postage 400.00 16A5 New Books and Periodicals 30,000.00 16A6 Binding Books 2,500.00 16A7 Rent and Insurance 840.00 16A8 New Equipment 1,000.00 16A9 Miscellaneous 1,200.00 203,754.00 16B Building Maintenance 16B1 Salaries and Wages 30,290.00 16B2 Light and Power 6,000.00 16B3 Heat 7,500.00 16B4 Water 11000.00. 16B5 Telephone \900.00 16B6 Supplies 1,-5QO.00 16B7 Repairs and Renewale 5,000-00 16B8 Taxes 30,000.00 82,190.00 Total Fund No. 16 285,944,00 17 AUDITORIUM - Financed from Receipts 92,250.00 SUMMARY s Department of Education � i nn 15 Public Schools 4,219,997 � o 16 Public Library 285,944.00 17 Auditorium 92,250.00 Total r 1 u Amount Sub-Totale Totals Coile Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1 18 PARKS 18A Administration 11,813,00 18A1 Salaries 200.00 18A2 office Expense 660.00 12,673.00 18A3 Automobile Allowance 18B Park Administration g62.00 5,962.00 18B1 Superintendent and Clerk 660.00 d 18B2 Automobile Allowance 50.00 6,672.00 18B3 Office Expense 18C Park Maintenance ✓ > °� 1801 Salaries and Wages 7,500.000 18C2 Equipment Maintenance 9,000.00 1803 Supplies 1804 Repairs and Renewals 5,500.00 �0 -3)4 .�= 500.00 18C5 Miscellaneous 18D Police and Watchmen 7,900.00 181)1 Salaries and Wages 1,000.00 8,900.00 18D2 Motorcycle Allowance 18E Greenhouse and Nursery /6 18E1 Salaries and Wages - 4,500.00 18E2 Light, Heat and Power 2,500.00 �%7�✓00 18E3 Supplies 750.00 ' ^-�r'r n 0 18E4 Repairs and Renewals 18F Upkeep of Lake Como 2,000.00 , 18F1 Purchase of Water and Fill 18G Zoo Gardens 5,456.00 18G1 Salaries and Wages 5,000. 10,456.00 18G2 Supplies - �— ,BH D ��.De£isit- 18J City's 1/2 Share of Tree Trimming - 1940 16,61.00 oo.�, 00 Total Fund No. 18 18H Park Refectories - Financed from Receipts 67,750.00 19 PLAYGROUNDS 19A Playgrounds Administration g j18.00' 19A1 Salaries 2,000.00 19A2 Automobile Allowance 720.00 19A3 Rents 750.00 12;788.00 19A4 Office Expense Code Charter Funds and Items Amount DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUIYDINGS 19 PLAYGROUNDS - Continued 19B Athletics and Sports 19B1 Salaries and Wages 17500.00 19B2 Supplies 19C Maintenance 1901 Salaries and Wages / 1902 Truck Maintenance 1903 Supplies Repairs and Renewals j, </, 8 0 ° )09r90 1904 Total Fund No. 19 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A Administration 9,500 00 20A1 Salaries 6000 20A2 Automobile Allowance 300.00 20A3 Office Expense 20B Building Inspection 27,471.00 20B1 Salaries 6,000.00 20B2 Automobile Allowance 300.00 2OB3 Truck Maintenance 1,200.00 20B4 Miscellaneous 200 Drafting 8,316.00 2001 Salaries 300.00 2002 Office Expense Total Fund No. 20 Sub -Totals Totals .1 3�1° f,o° r ;r 777e�88-:ee" 10,400.00 34,971.00 8,616.00 53,987.00 a SUMMARY = Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings 18 Parka 77 19 Playgrounds Q9��90 20 Public Buildings �3_ °o Total y93 rb. ° 0 90 C6de Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT or, PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A Administration 7,661.00 21A1 Salaries 330.00 7,991.00 2182 Office Expense 21B Testing Laboratories 21B1 Salaries 21B2Rent f21B3 Supplies 1,200.00 75.00 rp, 21B4 Expense 9/60.00 21C Investigation //,43,°, /y'/3P' 2101 Salaries 975:00�g pO 2102 Office Expense 21D Saint Paul Municipal Airport 21D1 „Salaries and Wages 10,000.00 21D2 Services 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,000.00 21D3 Supplies Total Fund No. 21' 91 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 22A Administration 5,560.00 22A1 Salaries 480.00 22A2 Automobile Allowance 200.00 6,240.00 22A3 Office Expense 22B Maintenance 40,000.00 22B1 Salaries and Wages 22B2 Electric Current 22B3 Bulbs and Globes 30,000.00 22B4 Services 6,500.00 a •• 22B5 Supplies 5,000.00 Total Fund No. 22 SUMMARY Department of Public Utilities 21 Public Utilities ,,, �,,, � 22 Public Lighting 0'.' 00 `1`T"0"„P Total Code Charter Funds and Items 23 WATER DEPARTMENT I 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE Amount Sub -Totals Totals °950,000.00 25 CITY HALL AND COURTHOUSE 38�6�. 00 25A1 Salaries and Wages 7�6 QG- 25A2 Heat, Light and Power 20,000.00 25A3 Veterans' Quarters 2,620.00 25A4 Telephones 1,750.00 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 3,672.00 25A6 Services and Supplies 7,392.00 25A7 Special Repairs 600,00 �r899 99— Total Fund No. 25 26 INTEREST 26A1 Bond Interest 26A2 Note Interest Total Fund No. 26 27 SINKING FUND 27A1 Sinking Fund Installment 28 REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND NOTES 28A1 Bond Maturities 28A2 Note Maturities Total Fund No. 28 n 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgments and Claims 1,063,231.00 2,500.00 1,130,000.00 124,438.00 467,o84.00 1,065,731.00 yoo,oaa.00 1,254,438-00 2100-0-00 5,000.00 5 Collo Charter Funds and Items 30COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE Comptroller 30A1 Salaries 30A2 office Expense 30B Civil Service 30B1 Salaries 30B2 Special Examiners 30B3 Annual Report 30B4 Office Expense Total Fund No. 30 Amount Sub -Total Totals 31 GENERAL FUND 1,0 0 2,150.00 31A Purchasing Agent 21,453.00 t 325.00 150.00 9i /./OO.oa / fi��,jy9oo 31 GENERAL FUND 31A Purchasing Agent 22,187.00' 31A1 Salaries 31A2 Printing and Postage 500.00 500.00 23,187.00 31A3 Office Expen a�� 31B Municipal Court 42,526.00 31131 Salaries 600.00 45,126.00 31B2 Jury Expense 2,000.00 31133 Office Expense 14 310 Armory 31C1 Salaries and Wages 7,620.00 1,000.00 3102 Light and Power 1,000.00 3103 Heat and Gas 1,000.00 31C4 Repairs and Renewals 1' p0 00 10,720.00 3105 Miscellaneous 31D Election 18,104.00 31D1 Salaries - Judges Help 7,500.00 31D2 Labor - Temporary 2,600.00 31D3 Placing Booths 4,000.00 31D4 Rent of Booths 6,000.00 31D5 Truck Hire 2,500.00 31D6 Printing and Postage 600.00 31D7 supplies 2,213.00 43,517.00 31DB Fire Insurance 31E Locc.l Improvement Aid 3'_zl City's Share 31E2 Exempt Property - Sprinkling 9,149.00 / oo Forestry and 31E3 Grass Cutting 1,115.00 �— u -T 0 7i0 /.00 31H Local Assessments - Forfeited Property 31H1 Forestry 664.00 31H2 Grass Cutting 920.00 31H3 Sprinkling 13,421.00 15,005.00 Total Fund No. 312 (6480 Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub,;otals Totals GNNFRGT FUND 31F Pensions 31F1 Police Relief Association 130,000.00 31F2 Firemen's Relief Association 97,500.00 31F3 Teachers' Retirement Fund 124,435.00 31.F4 Health Employees' Relief 6,500.00 31F5 Widows' Pensions 720.00 359,155.00 0 31G Miscellaneous / 7S000.00 31G1 Workmen's Compensation 38,�A6 68 31G2 Debt Service 2,500.00 31G3 Financial Forme 5,000.00 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen 2,000.00 31G5 Public Examiner's Fee 3,500.00 31G6 Surety Bond Premiums 3,500.00 31G7 St. Paul Institute �000,,o X999-98 31G8 Holiday Observance 1,600.00 31G9 Water Wilder Bathe 2,000.00 31G10 Humane Society 2,400.00 31Gll Auditorium Rentals 31G12 Fire Hydrant Rental 7i0 /.00 31H Local Assessments - Forfeited Property 31H1 Forestry 664.00 31H2 Grass Cutting 920.00 31H3 Sprinkling 13,421.00 15,005.00 Total Fund No. 312 (6480 Q�ourt douse sit Q�itg gall Xnmaz� @Imndg _ , *t. pan[ �I6Tnesatn SCOTT L. SIPPLE CUSTOOIAN .. �4 e Hon john Z. Me. Donough YAyor Hon ft. A. Parran4b Councilman ( City members of C.H. &.,C.H. Compb Hon T.S.3findlan • Hon Axel F. Peterson Gentlemen: - Inasmuch as the Court House and City Hall Commission asked the employees to forego their request for an increase in wages pending the reciepyt of governmental cost of living reports and since these reports have now been recieved showing that a 4 1/2 percent increase is justified I am at this time asking that our budget insofar as the salaries fund is concerned be increasedain the amount of $ 1428.12 This together with an amount for $600.00 which has already been requested will bring our requested increases up to $ 2028.12 which is less than the specified 3 % our Salary fund as submitted by the Comptroller is $ 31736.00 our total budget as submitted by him is $ 71170.00 Respect unto Q 7t9'� vim B wjo&wa >K +rr 1911 � 19 90.00 4Bo.000•ao 6taa 808008 s, poaoo.00`,at6.ao.35 '�b„ Aq�S 35�,00c.ao 6i0dfIF .ra os+.nta : °' loom*" 6 ia000.00 awe~ UgLow A • fthw i_�30Dr000.�o w �33.Dtia 0 t .993.75 13� 000• 6ssas ` _ 0�i.666.00 .A0 iAOD.tN) 46S,66i.61 t75.000.0a Bals.ga�at QouE. - prleac T.rsn s�aols �O,coc-o� a� sl.00 ITO? %oswo" 933.95 •07 435,000.00 lwasitiss • sas Os1l"tum 36.006.0° A,161wA6 ,5" Wo00040 13.705.18 26.o00.00 Book an&" tax 20 000.00 " 80.180. s<lss . 375.000.00 9590%7.0 360425.13 36aoo0-W 24x,036.00 360,000.00 Alp:Mts ii wrss 18,000.00 v, OO u, u• 19.036.60 200000.00 is 20,AN-M 3+0466.00 9614349 8�.000.08 1 ,2 25 '210000 .00 sm weft"* 1,910.00 t %I-w 5, i.AeoAa 3.302.25iow:oo I"*& via" Bsrtdts 100,A66•A0 37,�•n0 1368 3100 o6a 61.694.63 3006000.00 �► Tai ria0a 606.0© 639.35 x•35 625-40639.35 629.00 mu"pa1 owns ' 0090040 8436.50 mahm Q 1.3356.50 2,L00.00 Boots, 3 lw"4 w B "m Z,A06•tx► .AD 14,153.79 3rO06.A0 i,t96• 5.006.06 MR AaomoAlm use""' w 8w , 90 214• .00 ftaft ma 80x8.1 AU tae SdMW s %96.000.00 135,>m w 35%*U6wA1 t75,600wAO 105,3TT•94 325,000.06 seal s Imswi saw 8436,¢51.00 8.041478x60 7,69x.196.00 In" ST&dcw iaoat xeqauoa to ,,x.o26.9D a'i�* .A0 •. • T, •196 00 sMw Bwow - •s1 6002+~ 80.366,913.06 9, 3,309.89 ul.37S,i�•at sA.34S.753.00' .o6A,30,.6P to.211,223.00 sfrMa Boa3swi 1�t0 �atha"l�ae. T«�r �� - "im =sOt.-ftrst 1911 191. i lbr 1942 4a ir.a.. :its.. ipo.000►00 2�►7A16.a0t32D1SkxIt000ra: 3m,31160e 3501 119 3+7. w 26 Ri ,7+�•99�2 $6x,000.00 0,000.00 aaata sma are"is ts•6o B 721 3OtaO.00 - 10.0o0f0o 1999"000 70,x00 l0 10,093.65 '%.000.00 owes* as* aui � - 8d ools aha Bnataep ` 130A00.00 X25,000.00 tFS 37►Oo. F 133.o00.a0 �t4l00 v�.993.73 R66T.61 30,000.00 '�l ,000.00 soilagaat coil+. - prier Taro Imola,; 3oaoq�.6A aD3S•00 ,2P•M7 wp.00tr 267000.90 233,951.07 4357000.00 ? posattla - lat. 061144% two 307000.00 1 .4EY1.00 ,570.65 13,705.16 :28s00E?.00 cot Bos1a yrs..00 1• .000.90 1 riaCaeRr 1,926 1 xO.+aO ia956��� Deal"" Suess" 350000.00 2S9 Z.tw 3&t.U25.13 360,000.00 241,036.00 360,000.00 @tlphtte mo•asM perdte 13,0M0�01+OQ 20.000.00 lfr t0,963�.xo lit 96 79 13• 99400.0 i_�,00P39.60C 14#232.25 #232.25 2.�0e 000.00 •25,000.00 1�.1 �•90 51 3, Dog moomm"tSoo.ax most f " & lartdte 100 S7. � I" u0 � 6i 694.83 2WOOO5.0000 � stsoo.00 1. as 2,532.50 600.00 :.:� 2,400.00 B•ats7 mtoreo# s t ad" sunup St0oo.00 •ob %,"3-19 S+ •a0 i+96.735,000.00 "SAO a"ceeer�10a Suess" .00plmg.2% &UM651 • •m 36A.. 11,000400 X34,025.00 37078 eaa i a e i AU for WWI* 456.000.00 135,271.00 35%,6t6.0t s t►?S,60o.00 105,377.94 325,000.00 tbsa s Bat & 2+•roeaal propotf swo 6,96,315-00 M stogi,t73.00 7,694,191.00 Loco l rlut a► - 1an=t na4lsoa to piraieo BoyN % ,5 ,. .M2.9�6-}AD .'3�-96 •17s•00 T, ,196.00 %Ud Bereave - /►11 3e4VtiM 10.530.9moo SM3,9f1ms 10.37=.70 .& : it#.59SorwooAim lo,,211R223.00 July , 1941. Hon.Axel F. Peterson Commissioner of Eduoat ion Court House Saint Paul, L4innesota. Dear Sirs Budget estimates for the year 1942 for the following Bureaus of the Department of Education are herewith submittede Bureau of Public Schools 3,881,879,31 ° " School Cafeterias 108,892,36 Public Libraries 283,830.72 Auditorium 92,286.65 Total Department Request dor 1942 , 66; 9. The actual amount of money to be raised by taxation for City purposes for the above named requests is, as follows= Bureau of Public Schools Request_ 3,881,879.31 Less �stim.` £awe e�iL%i~ 3500000.00 Estim. Depart.Roceipts 15,000.00 " Schools Share of Money & Credits Tax 175,000.00 Estim. Schools Share of Mortgage Registry Tax 11,000.00 Estim. Schools Share of County One Mill Tax 136,000.00 Total Estim. Sch. Reven. 687,000*00 (Not Inal.State Income Tax) Net Request by City Millage Tax; 3,194,879.31 Bureau of School Cafeterias 108,892.36 Ms Ga-Taas Rooa p s _- 108,8923_6 �.. Net Request from Taxes N i 1 Bureau of Public Libraries 283,830.72 Less USIS. (isor= 000ip£s 15,000.00 Rent-St.Francis Prop. 60,000.00 75,000.00 Not Request from Taxes 208,830.72 Bureau of Auditorium 92,286.65 Tess a ma o 000fpts 92,286.65 Net Request from Taxes N i 1 Total Not Request by City Millage Tax 3,403,710.03 F1 p--rxGLf 2 DEPARTIMET OF EDUCATION 001.1PARATIVE STATIM -NT OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST AND THE 1941 BUDGET ALLOWANCE 1942 1941 INCREASE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS REQUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET 15A 13USMSS AMIN. 1 Salaries 22 300 00 22 300 00 — 2 Office Expense 800 00 800 00 ^_ TOTAL 23 100 00 23 100 00 - 15B EDUCATIONAL ADMIN. 1 Salarios 20 796 60 20 300 00 496 60 2 Auto Allowance 1 200 00 9600 240 00 3 Office Expense 2 500 00 2 500 O0 —� TOTAL 24 496 60 23 760 00 736 60 15C ATTENWNCE DIVISION 1 Salaries 16 113 56 15 700 00 413 56 2 Car Faro & Bus Fare 2 773 50 1 500 00 1 273 50 3 Office Expense 500 00 375 00-- 125 00 TOTAL 19 387 06 17 575 00 1 812 06 15D OPER. & MTNCE. ADMIN 1 Salaries 15 571 00 15 571 00 — 2 Express.Frt. & Cartage 200 00 200 00 — 3 Office Expense 330 00 200 00 130 00 4 Insur. on Sch. Bldgs. T 985 50 ____._6 500 00 i 485 56 ^ TOTAL 24 086 50 22 471 00 1 615 50 15E SUPPLY STOREHOUSE 1 Salaries 9 700 00 9 700 00 — 2 Light 55 00 40 00 15 00 3 Truck Mtnoe. 250 00 200 00 50 00 4 Office Expense 275 00 275 00 --- TOTAL 10 280 00 10 215 00 65 00 15F PROMOTION OF HEALTH 1 Salaries 51 043 50 46 541 00 4 502 50 2 Supplies 1 000 00 750 00 250 00 3 Office Expense 2 000 00 1 200 00 800 00 TOTAL 54 043 50 48 491 00 5 552 50 F1 fl U s PAGE 3 DEPARTIMT OF EDUCT T ION COMPARATIVE STATMIMT OF 1942 BUDGE� REQUEST AND THE 1941 BUDGET ALLOWi.NCE 1942 1941 INCREASE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS CONT* REQUEST BUDGET 194:1 BUDGL'T 15G 1a INSTRUCTION ries 2 733 423 50 2 537 790 00 195 633 50 2 Car Fare -Taxi Service 14 599 50 12 388 00 2 211 50 3 Transp.Crip.Children 8 920 80 8 142 00 778 80 4 Laundry 650 00 650 00 - 5 Supplies 70 000 00 70 000 00 6 jaiscollaneous 375 00 375 00 - 7 L:thlotil (Salaries 13 907 00 13 907 00 - 8 Athletic Supplies 2 500 00 2 500 00 - 9i: Special C1 -Beta Sal. 4 794 75) 9B it " Bota Taxi 2 705 25) 7 500 00 - 10 Vocational Night Sch. 10 000 00 6 000 00 T 4 000 00 TOTAL 2 861 875 60 2 659 252 00 202 623 80 15H OPERATION OF PLANT I& Sa res Reg.Day Sal. 315 955 05 304 000 00 11 955 05 1B Salarios-Even.Activ. 3 500 00 - 3 500 00 2 Rents 50 00 50 00 - 3 Telephone 4 130 00 3 750 00 380 00 4 Light.Power & Water 57 000 00 50 000 00° 7 000 00 5 Fuel 110 000 00 100 000 00 10 000 00 6 Supplies per` 15 000 00 12 500 00 2 500 00 TOTAL, 505 635 05 470 300 00 35 335 05 15J P:fI.INTENi NCE OF PLANT 1 a arks & ZPages -' 80 134 80 78 300 00 1 834 80 2 Carfare 1 200tiQ - 1 000 00 200 00 3 Automobile Allmvanoe 1 440 00 850 00 590 00 4 Truck Maintcnanoe 1 200 00 900 00 300 00 5 _ Repairs & Ronewals 45 000 00 45 000 00 w 6 `New Buildings 150 000 00 150 000 00 7 Grading & Oiling Grounds 5 000 00 2 500 00 2 500 00 8 Athletic Fields 15 000 00 15 000 00 - 9 Major Repairs 45 000 00 45 000 00 - 10 Land-lddn.to Washington 12 000 00 12 000 00 11 Ian d- " to Shop Site 3 000 00 3 000 00 TOT -L 358 974 80 338 550 00 20 424 80 TOTAL 15 BURrLU OF SCHOOLS 3 881 879 31 3 613 714 00 268 165 31 fl U 16B BUILDING 11INTENANCE 1 1 S a Taries & 'ages e PAGE 4 - 2 8 6 000 00 6 000 00 - 3 DEPARTIMT OF EDUCATION 7 500 00 - 4 COMPAR1a IVP STATMWT OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST 1 000 00 1 000 00 i1Nb.1941 BUDGET ALLO PUCE 5 Telephone 900 00 900 00 1942 1941 INCRElSE OVER 16 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBLMY REQUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET 16A LIBRARY SERVICE - 8 Real Estate Taxes 1 a arios' 157 418 72 154 370 00 3 048 72 2 Truck Llaintenance 400 00 400 00 - 3 Supplies 4 000 00 4 000 00 - 4, Postage 400 00 400 00 - 5 Books & Periodicals 30 000 00 30 000 00 - 6 BLnding Books 2 500 00 2 500 00 - 7 Ont & Insurance 840 00 840 00 - 8 Nev Equipment 1 000 00 1 000 00 - 9 Transp.& Petty Cash 1 200 00 1 200 00 __ { 600 00 TOTAL 161, 197 758 72 194 710 00 3 048 72 16B BUILDING 11INTENANCE 1 S a Taries & 'ages 29 172 00 29 172.00 - 2 Light & Power 6 000 00 6 000 00 - 3 Heat 7 500 00 7 500 00 - 4 Water 1 000 00 1 000 00 - 5 Telephone 900 00 900 00 - 6 Supplies 1 500 00 1 500 00 7 Repairs & Renewals 5 000 00 5 000 00 - 8 Real Estate Taxes 30 000 00 30 000 00 9 Library Station W.7th St. 5 000 00 5 007.00 TOTAL 16B 86 072 00 81 072 00 5 000 00 TOTI,L 16 BM1—r1U OF LISR',RY 283 830 72 275 782 00 8 048 72 1020 BUREAU OF C.LFETERILS (Financed from Receipts) A aar os 44 3,112 36 46 000 00 -1 657 64 Doo.; B Iforchandiso 55 250 00 60 350 00 -5 100 00 Doo. C Telephones 200 00 2* 00 - D Supplies & Service 2 000 00 1 500 00 500 00 Inc. E Auto Allowanco 600 00 600 00 - F RepLir4 & Renewals 6 500 00 3 700 00 2 800 00 Inc. TOTi,L 1020 CAFETERIAS 108 892 36 112 350 00 -3 457 64 Doc. 1021 BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) A ,Salariss && 11a -g os�-"- 42 186 65 41 129 00 1 057 65 Ino. B LightpPowor.Hoat�Wator & Tol. 28 450 00 28 450 00 C Organ Maintenance 250 00 300 00 -50 00 Doc. D Supplies 1 800 00 1 800 00 - E Repairs & Ronowals 1 500 00 1 500 00 F Now Equipment 500 00 1 000 00 -500 00 Doo. G Rentals 200 00 200 00 - H Salaries-Concossions 4 000 00 4 000 00 - I Morchandiso-Concossions 9 O(w 00 9 000 00 - J IHiscollanoous 4 400 00 4 400 00 V+ _ _ TOTI,L 1021--1,UDITORIUIH 92 286 65 91 779 00 507 65 Ino. • c� PAGE 5 ANALYSIS OF INCRM'-SrS IM942 BUDGET REQUEST OVER T C ,AS PDR FOREGOING STATMMiT 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS p 15-B-1 Educational Administration - Salarios $496.60 Increase duo to necessary roquost for Salaries of four employes at Standard Rate affected by 3% Reduction under Emorgonoy Ordinando in the amount of - $323.-A and salary incroasos for two employees undor Teachers Salary Ordinance in the amount of - $173.20 15-B-2 Educational Ildministration - Auto tllowanoo $240.00 Duo to additional 1.uto Allowanco of $20.00 per month for Deputy Commissionor• 15-C-1 lttondanco Division - Salarios $413.56 This incroaso is duo to the necessary roquost for Salaries at the Standard Rate. 15-C-2 Attendance Division - Car Farc & Bus Faro $1273.50 ^r The prosont allOvanco of $1500000 is not and novor has boon sufficient to provide for transportation of studonts from cortain isolatod districts to schools able to absorb thorn at an actual saving and elimination of prossuro for additional small school buildings. 15-0-3 kttondanco Division - Offico Exponso $125.00 This roquost is urgont in this division as the fixed tolophono cxponso alone is $135000 and tho postage and mailing oxponso of $200,00 loavos the prosont margin of;only 40.00 to covor all othor oxponsos for purchase of poxmanont record cardsaforms and tho nocossary 70y000 Consus cards that aro roquirod by tho Rovisod Census IA71- 15-D-3 Oporation & 1,laintonanco i.dministration - Offico Expense $130.00 Tho roquost for $330.00 is very consorvativo as it must provide for the fixed tolcphono cost of $130.00 and all the postago and stationory to mail out somi-monthly chocks to ,all custodians thus saving oar tokons and timo that other dopartmonts talo caro of by porsonal distribution. It also must provide for the printing of all work ordors, matorial and timo slips, and other roports necessary. 15-D-4 Oporation & Ilai.ntonanoo Administration - Insuranco on School Bldgs. & Inventories $1485.50 This incroaso is necessary if the city wishos to pay the second installmont of $7797.82 on the throe year polioy for insuring tho School Buildings under the prosont plan. The non-allowanco of the incroaso roqucstod for in the 1941 Budget made it difficult to mako a satisfactory arrangomont on tho prosont contract and it would be impractical to jeopardize the insuraneo protection now in force by denying this roquost, u PAGE 6 15-E-2 Supply Storehouse — Light $15000 Small increase necessary to provide for light and power at Storehouse for running elevator otos 15-E-3 Supply Storehouse — Truck Maintenance 00-00 The request of $'250.00 is very conservative for upkeep of 4 year old 1/2 Ton Truok which is -required to deliver to every school in the city, once each wock and to perform other duties relative to handling supplies and equipment. 15—F-1 Promotion of Health — Salaries 4502.50 This increase is based on the following conditions: 1. At a recent conference between the Dental Committee of the Welfare Councils of which 11r.Rarig is the Chairman and the City Comptrollortilr.Goodrich,agrood tentatively to place sufficient funds in the Division of Hygiene budget for the employment. of 2 additional Oral Hygienists at a salary of - $2335,00, 2. Increased need for Medical Examiners and automatic salary increases for nurses - $918.50. 3. Ono additional nurse, at loasts to take care of need at the Hammond Occupational and other schools for more nursing service — $1167.50. 15—F-2 Promotion of Health — iodical & Dental Supplies 250.00 The $1,4000.00 requested for is the least amount that is absolutely noeoss,,r to provide for the dental and medical supplies required to carry on the health work in the schools. Prices on those supplies have boon subject to an increase and additional increases aro expected. It has always boon found necessary to curtail salaries to provide for necessary ovoroxpondituros for this itome 15—F-3 Promotion of Hoalth - Office Expense $800,00 This itom must provide for the Fixed Telephone Expense $160,00 IQundry for Dental Clinics 512.00 Carfare for home visits & transfer from school to school 675,00 Printing of reports and forms 275.00 Leaving only a margin of 378,00 for all other expense or in Total 2000,00 P'M 7 l5 -C,••1 Instruction Salaries - Incroaso Cv195,6, -50 Tho ajor items causing thq increased ro%iost arcs 1. Return to 100% Standard salary Schod-aik $80000.00 '2. Girls Vocational School 10,$00.00 3, Expansion Boys WOOational 10,800.00 4. Cumulative Sick Loavo Allacranco2 1000,00 5. Insufficient allowance in 1941 Budget of�,000.00 part of which was mot by carrying ovor a saving from 1940 of $30,189.24. 15-G-2 Instruction - Car Fare & Taxi Service $2,211,50 This itom includes the following State :Lid Expenditures: Carfare for Special Classes 81840.00 Taxi Faro n it It $,'496.89 Total Spoo- Cls- Stato ;.id 13,336.89 which is refunded in part to the City thru State Idd, therefore tho amount does not Como entirely out of Taxos. :,lso included in this itom is the Taxi Faro - ].Jill District to Jefferson - 627.97 which is a definite saving to the city in olir.inating several thousand dollars for oporating the Mill School and Carfaro for Itinorant Teachers 600.00 or a Total Request of 14,599.50 15-G-3 Instruction - Transportation of Crippled Childron 778.80 0 This increase is duo to the increase in enrollment of Crippled Children at the i?oehanie Arts High School and consists of children crho have finished the Lindsey School. 15-G-10 lbstruction - Vocational Night School 4000000 This itom was decreased ti1500.00 in the 1941 Budget but if any satisfactory progran is to be carried out it will be necessary to have the {10,000.00 requested for. 15-H-1 A. Operation of Plant - Rog. DW Salaries X11,955005 B. Operation of Plant - Evoning :.ctivitios 3,500.00 15,455.OQ This increase is duo to the nuad for additional custodians to take caro of the neer buildings and additions to buildings oroctod during the last few years. i,lso to be considered is the cost of the recently enacted provision for cumulative sick leave which has addod 0250G.00 to expenditures for the first six nonths of this year. The 15-H-1 B Salary iton requested for Evening Aotivitios as a separate item would oliminato a,groat deal of controversy and complaints in regard to the use of school buildings for evening activitios from the public as woll as the custodial staff especially for 1942 whon the buildings will be used for cloctionse • PM 8 7�5..g..3 Operation of Plante Telephones $380000 The above increase Would be for 1 additional phone for each of the four recently established high schools inasmuch as they have only ono phone for oas ch building which is sufficient for tole phone demands. 16—H-4: Operation bf Plant — Light,Povrc�,�a,Watcr & Sovrago Disposal / x7000.00 This increase is mainly due to the inWroasodoconsumption of Iight,Powor and Gas because of the additional buildings and the power consuming equipment added in the past Favi years, also to the increased activities in manual training, home economies oto- The Girls Vocational School Will increase the consumption by at least ` $1200.00. 15—H-5 Operation of Plant — Fuel $10,0tr- 90,00 Tho 10/ increase in the price per Ton Which Will be in effect this fall will cost this department at loWst x10,000.00 more for coal consumed, as the actual fuel consumption for 1940 was $102,606.19. 15—H-6 Operation of Plant — Supplies $2,500,00' This item was reduced $2,500.00 in the 1941 Budget by the City Comptroller's Office for some roason or other, but it is imperative, regardless of higher prices that at least the $15,000-00 requested be allowed. Increased building space and increased consumption of paper tovrels and toilot paper duo to sanitary conditions have added to the expense for supplies. 15—J-1. Maintenance of Plant - Salaries & Wagos $1,834.80 This request is shown in dotail in the 1942 Budget Roqucst and certainly is the absolute minimum staff of maintenance mon that must be kept on to carry on the task of current emergency repair only that occur in a school plant of 00 largo buildings and equipment subject to heavy usage by school children. 15—J_-2 Liaintcnanco of Plant — Gar Faro $200.00 ^+ The mechanics and laborers must have transportation from the Repair Shop to Sohools, and going from one school to another, somotimos aovoral Milos apart* This dopartmont has remarkably fow employees receiving auto allavfano3S in comparison to other city departments, and this department has an extremely lovr expenditure for this typo of travels 15—J-3 Iiaintonanco of Plant — Auto 1i11rnvanco $590.00 This increase is duo to the present allowance of $850-00 being insufficient to provide for the following four mon drawing such an allovranac for their Work in supervising the work in the various school buildings. Supt. of Buildings $40.00 per Loo. $480.00 1L"t.n n n 35.00 ° ° 420.00 Supv.of Sup.& Equip. 25,00 n n 300eOO �� �� Custodial Staff 25-00 ° �� 300000 0 PAGE 9 15-1-4 maintonanoo of Plant - Truck I3aintonanoo "$600.00 This request includes an amount of only $25.00 per month for 4 largo trucks used in this division for ahargos mado by Bureau of LZunioipal Equipment for gas, tiros and repairs. 15—J-7 Maintenance of Plant — Grading & Oiling Grounds u2500.00 The present allov+anoo will barely cover the necessary tiling of grounds without allowing anything for sponsor's contribution for W.P.L. project to improve the school grounds* 15—J-10 Land - Addition to Washington High School Site $12,000.00 15—J-11 Land - Addition to School Repair Shop $3,000.00 BUPYJLU OF CAFETERILS REQ $108,892,36 The Bureau of Cafetarias is a self-custaining Bureau, therefore an analysis of the Budget is not nocossary. BUIMU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1942 Budget Request $283,830.72 1941 Budget Allmvanoo 275,762A00 Increase in Request 8.048.72 BUREAU OF AUDITORIUIR 1942 Budget quest 92,286,65 1941 Budget Allowance 91.779.00 Increase in Request 507.65 Tho Auditorium is a solf—sustaining Bureau, all of its expense being paid out of receipts, therefore, an analysis of the request is not necessary* Wo have, hawover, included with the Summary of the Auditorium Request a list of Reimbursements to be made from the Contingent Fund of 1942 for the use of the Auditorium for public purposes as authorized by the City Council. Conclusion — The Budget Requests of the several Bureaus of the Department of Education were drawn up after a careful study of the needs of the Bureaus by the various Bureau Heads, and the increases asked for aro eonsorvativo estimates of additional allowanoos necessary, Q z PI -GE 10 Tgopt of the oxplanations of increases were kept as brief as posstblo, as a too lengthy description would involve a mass of dotailod statements and explanations which can be submitted if dcsiredto support those furnished. In addition to the facts stated horein, ffir. Paul S. Ani don,Suporintondent of Schools# and Miss Porrie Jones, Librarian, have written you in dotail on the #teras por$nining to Educational needs and the Public Library. Respectfully submitted# H. 14. HI,CKNER Ht IIi—liJ hC COUNT# DTT. Q V Thi. . SERVICE WESTERNtrol This is a full -rate DL-D.rt.v.rl`gm orCable gg Icss Rs dc- M-o..mi�l„r.l.a..ra farted h rae sm UNION -dicated bywa it ble Lc-D..r dGbi. sy bol b or pre- NLT-table Nyh, f<aer —eea ¢-tne aaareaa. ,TE e � Th. (ding time ."a— iv the dam line ov tclegramv and day lettvn in STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Ti— f rCceipt is STANDARD TIME at point of daaunntI. LDB6 39=STPAUL MINN SEPT 30 1941 911A „9 MAYOR JOHN J hACDONOUGH= 041 SEF ;0 CARE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET SESSION CITY HALL STP AUL M 1 NN= RESTORATION OF SIXTH AUTOMATIC INCREASE FOR POLICE AND ,F I RElMiEN 4i ILL!' NOT BENEFIT 150 l'JOT;KERS. VIE LOOK TO YOU FOR LEADERSHIP IN OUR FIGHT FOR WAGE ADJUST"ENTS FOR POLICEMEN. FIREMEN AND TEACHERS. UNLESS REASONABLE SOLUTION ACHIEVED OUR DISAPPOINT'fIENT WILL BE SEVERE= JOINT, COMP:1 I TTEE OF POL I CEP.IEN P FIREMEN AND TEACHERS. TIIF, r'OifPA Ny ti'II.1. APPRF,r'IATF. CII(:riESTION9 FR())f TTc PATRONS (•D\"fF,it\'I\'D IT9 NF. RI'rCE CLASS , SERVICE WESTE 'D N17,1,,Thin is DL D, L.a. Tealeg um or I, d,- r q Ifss ib ae- M-Ovemiah, T.lear. farted h aasr is in- LC-D.(erredGble dh, a b o frable a alUNION rhe aa�� pr` A 1 MT -table Nyh, L ee ss _ Shlp R.diaan — __ «nor*«e vASvice N. Thv hltng t,me .how¢ iu thn dace 1— ov telegra avd dvy Innen ,v STANDARD TIME at 1 oivt of u igin. Time of rvcvipt i STANDARD TIME 'I n put of dent cion LDB7 72/67=STPAUL ".IINN SEPT 30 1941 911A 1941 SEP ,U �q 9 21 MAYOR JOHN µJ MCDONOUGH= CARE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET SESSION CITY HALL STP AUL M I NN= CONFIDENTIAL. DOUBLING OF $50.000 APPROPRIATION FOR 1° ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION" IN PUBLIC SAFETY I';ILL MAKE POSSIBLE TWO -RATE STEP-UP FOR FIRST FIVE POLICE AND FIRE GRADES, INVOLVING 556 E":PLOYES; ONE RATE STEP-UP FA,yEXT TWO GRADES, INVOLVING 148 EMPLOYES; NO STEP-UP FOR 117 EMPLOYES NOV2 RECEIVING $19.7.45 MONTH OR :11ORE. HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THIS COMPROMISE IF OFFERD BY COUNCIL MOULD SOLVE PROBLEM AND RELIEVE MOUNTING TENSION= FRED H. STRONG. 'I IMFIS FRDN ITS PATRONS CDNr'ERNINri TTS SERVTE Tho tlling time eho.. in the date line on talegrnms and daY lottere ix STAN DAltL'L'1mY: ac pomc at orreru. .••••• •-- ---- -- - - LDB5 24=STPAUL MINN SEPT 30 1941 911A bili SIP 30 9 15 COMMISSIONER AXEL F PETERSON= CARE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET SESSIONCITY HALL STPAUL MILAN= OUR APPRECIATION TO YOU FOR YOUR BATTLE FOR TEACHERS' SALARY RESTORATION. WE URGE YOUR EQUALLY STRONG SUPPORT FOR BETTEMwIlEtT OF POLICE AND FIRE WAGES= )11 JOINT Ml,':1•ITTEE OF POL ICE�:IEN. FIREMEN AND TEACHERS. THE -- —Y S FROM ITS PATRONS COICERIINO ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE WESTERN Irof SYMBo1-s DL-Dvy L<rrer This i ea full -rate NT �O.rmivhr Tclevrvm T legramor Cable. gg Icss i d C- LDeferred Gble fared h r ere is Inc dieatepd byoa s tabs NLT-(;vble N4ht Leiter eymb l b ovrt- Shin R.dtovnm crding th nddr _ „s. � Paaa oars UNION_,,_—,F-i o The titin6 [Iron nhoMi in the dace line¢ vo telegrem nd day lettere WSTANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time u[ receipt m STAN DAIiD TIME at point of ticstinxtiva LDB2 27=STPAUL MINN 30 911A 1%1 SEP so w 9 14 Cot�nMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN= CARE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET SESSION CITY HALL SA INTP AUL MI NN= WE MAKE FINAL APPEAL TO YOU TO SUPPORT BUDGET FUND TRANSFERS WHICH WILL RESTORE TEACHERS' SALARIES AND ENABLE REASONABLE START ON NEEDED ADJUSTMENT POLICE AND FIRE VAGES.= JOINT COMMITTEE OF POLICEMEN. FIREMEN AND TEACHERS. THE —-ANT WILL APPRECIATE. SDOOESTTONS FROM ITS PATRONS CON('F.RNI\'O ITS SERVT' July 31st, 1941• Hon -Axel F. Peterson Commissioner of Education Crnzrt House Saint Paul, Idnnesota. Dear Sir: Budget estimates for ar 1942 for the following Bureaus ofAthe Department of Education are herewi submitted: Bureau of Public Schools 3,881,879.31 " School Cafeterias 108,892.36 Public Libraries 283,830.72 If It Auditorium 92,286.65 fi,•04 Total Department Request for 1942 The actual amount of money to be raised by taxation for City purposes for the above named requests is, as £ollmvs: Bureau of Public Schools Request 3,881,879.31 Less Es m.. �a�e Fecr.' cT— 350,000.00 -" Estim• Depart.Receipts 15,000.00 11 Schools Share of Honey & Credits Tax 175,000.00 w Estim. Schools Share of I.iortgage Registry Tax 11,000.00 Estim. Schools Share of County One Mill Tax 136,000.00 Total Estim. Soh. Reven. 687,000•_0_0_ (Not Inol.State Income Tax) Net Request ity Millage Tax 3,194,879.31 Bureau of School Cafeterias 108,892,36 7esa airRooe" 108,892.36 Net Ibquost from Taxes _ V N i 1 Bureau of Public Libraries 283,830.72 Less im. li�oT. Rocoip�s 15,000600 Rent-St.Fraiaois Prop. 60,000.00 ._J 75,000.00 Not Request from Taxes 208,830.72 Bureau of Auditorium 92,286.65 s sssTwa-to� toc©ipts 92,286.65 Net Request from Taxes N i 1 Total Not Request by City J.dllage Tax 3,403,710.03 f PAGE 2 ON DEPARTI?ENT OF EDUCATION COh'IPARATIVE STATEMENT OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST AND THE 1941 BUDGET ALLOWANCE 1942 1941 INCREASE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS REQUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET ISA BUSINESS AIRTIN. e 1 Salaries 22 300 00 22 300 00 — 2 Office Expense 800 00 SOO 00 TOTAL 23 100 00 23 100 00 - :,5B ,EDUCATIONAL ADMIN. I Salaries 20 796 60 20 300 00 496 60 2 AutR Allowance 1 200 00 960 00 240 00 3 Office Expense 2 500 00 2 500 00--- —— v TOTAL 24 496 60 23 760 00 736 60 15C ATTENDPNCE DIVISION 1 Salaries l6 113 56 15 700 00 413 56 2 Car Faro & Bus Faro 2 773 50 1 500 00 1 273 50 3 Office Expense ---E-0-0—O— 375 00 , 126 00 TOTAL 19 387 06 17 575 00 1 812 06 15D OPER. & MTNCE. ADMIN. 1 Salaries 15 571 00 15 571 00 — 2 Expross,Frt. & Cartage 200 00 200 00 - 3 Office Expense 330 00 200 00 130 00 4 Insur. on Soh. Bldgs. 7 985 50 6 500 00 1 485 50 ^ TOTAL 24 086 50 22 471 00 1 615 50 15E SUPPLY STOREHOUSE 1 Salaries 9 700 00 9 700 00 — 2 Light 55 00 40 00 15 00 3 Truck IQtnoe. 250 00 200 00 50 00 4 Office Expense 275 00 275 00 TOTAL 10 280 00 10 215 00 65 00 15F PROMOTION OF HEALTH 1 Salaries 51 043 50 46 541 00 4 502 50 2 Supplies 1 000 00 750 00 250 00 3 Office Expense 2 000 00 1 200 00 800 00 TOTAL 54 043 50 48 491 00 5 552 50 t e, � PAGE 3 DEPARTLENT OF EDUCiTION IFi COMPARATIVE ST!'TEP-MT OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST c AND THE 1941 BUDGET ALLOW,,NCE 1942 1�1 INCP•ELSE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOIS CONT* 0QUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET 15G 1 INSTRUCTION SrmTa�i :e 2 733 423 50 2 537 790 00 195 633. 50 2 Car Fare -Taxi Service 14 599 50 12 388 00 2 211 50 3 Transp.Crip.Children 8 920 80 8 142 00 778 80 4 Laundry 650 00 650 00 5 Supplies 70 000 00 70 000 00 6 Mi.scollaneous 375 00 375 00 7 Athletic Salaries 13 907 00 13 907 00 8 Athletic Supplies 2 500 00 2 500 00 �-- 9A Special C1 -Beta Sal. 4 794 75) 9B c c Beta Taxi 2 705 25) 7 500 00 - 10 Vocational Night Soh. 10 000 00 6 000 00 --4 000 00 J TOTAL 2 861 875 80 2 659 252 00 702 623 80 15H I& OPEPI:TION OF PLILNT Sa ar es-Rog.Day Sal. 315 955 05 304 000 00 11 955 05 1B Salaries-Even.Activ. 3 500 00 - 3 500 00 2 Rents So 00 50 00 3 Telephone 4 130 00 7 3 750 00 380 00 4 LightsPower & Water 57 000 00 50 000 00 7 000 00 5 Fuel 110 000 00 100 000 00 10 000 00 6 Supplies w�.15 000 00 - 12 500 00 2 500 00 T TOTAL 505 635 05 470 300 00 35 335 05 15J 1 Lr;IP1TEW,14CE OF PLANT %a - c -ries & �a'ges 80 134 80 78 300 00 1 834 80 2 Carfaro 1 200 00 1 000 00 200 00 3 L.utomobile Allowance 1 440 00 650 00 590 00 4 Truck Ilaintonanoe 1 200 00 900 00 300 00 5 Repairs & Renewals >45 000 00 45 000 00 6 New Buildings 150000 00 150 000 00 7 Grading & Oiling Grounds 5 000 00 2 500 00 2 500 00 8 Lthletio Fields 15 000 00 15 000 00 9 Major Repairs 45 000 00 45 000 00 - 10 Land .,Addn.to Washington 12 000 00 12 000 00 11 Ian d- ° to Shop Site 3 000 00 -_ 3 000 00 TOT:.L 358 974 80 338 550 00 20 424 80 TOT:,L 15 BURL:,U OF SCHOOLS 3 881 879 31 3 613 714 00 268 165 31 16B BUILDING ML INTENdNCE 1 Salaries & `ages 29 172 00 PAGE 4a 2 DEPARTL'fENTTIT OF EDUCATION 6 000 00 — COL4P4RlaIVE ST.iTEfti h1T OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST Heat 7 500 00 :M 1941 BUDGE ;,LLGf'JTCE - 4 Water 1 000 00 1942 1941 INCRLI'M OW 16 El.0 BUROF PUBLIC LIBRARY REQUEST BUDGET 1941 B 164 LIBRARY SERVICE 1 500 00 - 7 1 a a os 157 418 72 154 370 00 3 048 72 2 Truck Maintenance 400 00 400 00 — 3 Supplies 4 000 00 4 000 00 — 4 Postage 400 00 400 00 — 5 Books & Periodicals 30 000 00 30 000 00 — 6 Binding Books 2 500 00 2 500-00 — 7 Rent & Insurance 840 00 840 00 — G: Now Equipment 1 000 00 1 000 00 - 9 Transp.& Petty Cash 1 200 00 1 2_00 00 — 2 000 00 TOTP',L 16A 197 758 72 194 710 00 3 048 72 16B BUILDING ML INTENdNCE 1 Salaries & `ages 29 172 00 29 172 00 2 Light & Power 6 000 00 6 000 00 — 3 Heat 7 500 00 7 500 00 - 4 Water 1 000 00 1 000 00 5 Telephone 900 00 900 00 — 6 Supplies 1 500 00 1 500 00 - 7 Repairs & Renewals 5 000 00 5 000 00 — 8 Real Estate Taxes 30 000 00 30 000 00 - 9 Library Stakion W.7th St. 5 000 00 5 000_00 _ TOTAL 16B 86 072 00 81 072 00 5 000 00 TOTAL 16 BUT&W OF LIBRARY 283 830 72 275 782 00 8 048 72 1020 BUREI,U OF C;.FETM1LS (Financed from Rocoipts) 4 Sa ar os 44 342 36 46 000 00 —1 657 64 Doo. B Merchandise 55 250 00 60 350 00 —5 100 00 Dec. C Tolephonos 200 00 200 00 — D Supplies & Service 2 000 00 1 500 00 500 00 Inc. E Auto ;:llowanco 600 00 600 00 - F Ro.1%Arq & Ronowals 6 500 00 3 700 00 2 80_0 00 Inc. TOTAL 1020 CAFETERILS 108 892 36 112 350 00 —3 457 64 Doo. 1021 BURM'X OF 4UDITORIT:4 (Financed from Roccipts) .� 4 Sa arioa & 1"logo's 42 186 65 41 129 00 1 057 65 Ino. B I3ght,Powcr,Hoat,Watcr & Tol. 28 450 00 28 450 Ob - C Organ Maintenance 250 00 300 00 —50 00 Dec. D Supplies 1 800 00 1 800 00 — E Repairs & Renewals 1 500 00 1 500 00 - F ��Z.r Equipmont 500 00 1 000 00 —500 00 Doc. G Tontals 200 00 200 00 - H Salarios—Concossions 4 000 00 4 000 00 - I Idorchandiso—Concossions 9 000 00 9 000 00 - J Mscollancous 4 400 00 4 400 00_ y TOT -.L 1021—AUDITORIUM 92 286 65 91 779 00 ^T 507 65 Inc. PAGE 5 ;,24ALYSIS OF MCR.'SES IN 1942 BUDGET REQUEST OVER T BUDGET -11MMEaLS PM1 FOREGO G STAT=iT 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS. 15-B-1 Educational Administration - Salaries $496.60 Increase duo to necessary request fV Salaries of four employes at Standard Rate affected by 3% Reduction' undor`Emorgoncy Ordinance in the amount of - $323.40 and salary increases for two employees under Teachers Salary Ordinance in the amount of - $173.20 3 15-B-2 Educational Administration - A,uto"Allo&noo $240.00 Duo to additional Auto Allowance of $20.00 per month Pot Deputy Commissionore 15-C-1 Attendance Division - Salaries $413.56 This increase is duo to the necessary request for Salaries at the Standard Rate. 1/1 15-C-2 Attondanco Division - Car Faro & Bus Faro $1273.50 The prosoi* allmmnco of $1500.00 is not and never has been sufficient to provide for transportation of students from certain isolated districts to schools able to absorb them at an actual saving and elimination of pressure for additional small school buildings. 15-C-3 Attendance Division - Office Expense $125.00 This request is urgent in this division as the fixed telephone cxponso alone is $135.00 and the postage and mailing expense of $200.00 leaves the present margin of only 40.00 to cover all other expenses for purchase of permanent record oards.forms and the necessary 70,000 Census cards that aro rcquirod by the Revised Census Law, 15-D-3 Operation & ;laintonanco i,dministration - Office Expense 4$`130.00 The request for $330.00 is very conservative as itt,must provide for the fixed telephone cost of $130.00 and all the postago and stationory to mail out somi-+monthly chocks to all custodians thus saving car tokens and time that other departments tale oaro of by personal distribution. It also must provide for the printing of all work orders& material and time slips, and other reports necessary. 15-D-4 Operation & L4aintonanee Administration - Insurance on School Bldgs. & Inventories $1485.50 This increase is noeossary if the city erishos to pay the second installment of $7797.82 on the three year policy for insuring the School Buildings under the present plan. The non-allowanco of the increase requested for in the 19,111 Budget mado it difficult to mako a satisfactory arrangement on the present contract and it would be impraotioal to jeopardize the insurance protection now in force by denAng this request. F PIXE 6 15—E--2 Supply St or aso — Light, $15.00 Small intro. . necessary to provide for light and povrcr at Storehouse for running olovator oto. 15-E-3 Supply Storehouse — Truck Maintenance $50600 The request of $250000 is wry conservative for upkeep of 4 year old 1/2 Ton Truck which is required to deliver to every school in the city once each week and to perform other duties relative to handling supplies and equipment. 15—F-1 Promotion of Health . Salaries 4502.50 This increase is based on the follcvdrg conditions; 1. At a racont conference between the Dental Committee of the Welfare Council, of which Mr.Rarig is the Chairman and the City Comptrollor,lir.Geodrich,agrood tentatively to place sufficient funds in the Division of Hygiene budget for the employment of 2 additional Oral Wgionists at a salary of - $2335.000 2. Increased need for Medical Examiners miners and automatic salary increases for nurses - $918.50. 3. Ono additional nurse, at least, to take caro of need at the Hammond Occupational and other schools for more nursing service — $1167.50, 15—F-2 Promotion of Health — itcdioal & Dental Supplies $250000 The $1,000.00 requested for is the least amount that is absolutely necessary to provide for the dental and medical -supplies required to carry on the health work in the schools. Prices on those supplies have boon subject to an increase and additional increases aro expected. It has always boon found necessary to curtail salaries to provide for necessary overoxpondituros for this itom. 15—F-3 Promotion of Health - Office Expense $800000 This itom must provide for the Fixed Telephone Expense Laundry for Dental Clinics Carfaro for home visits & transfer from school to school Printing of reports and forms Leaving only a margin of for all other expense or in Total $160.00 512.00 675.00 275.00 378.00 2000.00 ° P'.GE 7 1 15-G-1 Instruction Salarics - Incroaso .195,633.O The ajor items causing the incroased request are: 1. Return to 100°%, Standard Salary Schodul0 $80*000.00 2. Girls Vooationah Schoof 10,800.00 3. Expansion Boys Vocational 10,600.00 4. Cumulativo sick Inavo AllaVanco 25,000,00 5. Insufficient mllommnoo in 1941 Budget of 70.000.00 part of crhich was mot by carrying over a saving from 1940 of $30,189.24. 15-G-2 Instruction - Car Fare & Taxi Service 2,211.0 This atom includes the following State ;;id Ekponditures; Carfare for Special Classes 81840.00 Taxi Faro it it ° e496.89 Total Spoo. Cls. State :.id 13,336.69 which is the amount dons not refunded in part to the City thru State I.id, therefore conn entirely out of Taxes. I,lso included in this item is the 624.97 which is a Taxi Faro - iIill District to Jefferson definite saving to the city in olir.inating scvoral thousand dollars for operating the 11ill School and Carfare for Itinerant Teachers 600.00 A or a Total Request of 14,599.50 15-G-3 Instruction - Transportation of Crippled Children 778.80 This inoreasc is duo to the incroaso in enrollment of Crippled Children at the iJoehanie Arts High School and consists of children who have finished the Lindsey School. 15-G-10 Instruction - Vocational Night School 4000.00 This iton was decreased x1500.00 in the 1941 Budget but if any satisfactory progran is to be carriod out it i:'ill be necessary to have the x10,000.00 requested for. 15-H-1 L.. Operation of Plant - Reg. Day Salaries 011,955-05 B. Operation Of Plant - Evening "otivitios 3,500.00 15,455-0$ This increase is due to the need for additional custodians to take ,are of the now buildings and 4dditions to buildings erected during the last fcm ears. ost of the recently for cumulativelsick loavo which so to be rhas ed idddod s the Coptcd rovision 2 00.,00 to expenditures first six nonths of this your. The 15-H-1 B Salary itom requested for Evening Aotivitios as a separate item tireuld oliminato a groat deal of controversy and complaints in regard to the use of school buildings for evening activities from the public as moll as the custodial staff especially for 1942 whon the buildings will be used for elections.. PAGE 8 15—H4 Operation of Plant - T-Plophonos $380000 The above increase would be for 1 additionano for each of the four recon ly established high 'schools inasmuch as the haw only one '4 phone for each budding vrhioh is not sufficient for telephone domandse 15—H-4 Operation of Plant — Light.Pcwor,Gas,FJatcr & Sormgo Disposal $7000,00 Thiq_increase is mainly duo to the increased consumption of Ii.ght,Powor and Gas because of the additional buildings and the poorer consuming equipment added in the past four years, also to the increased activities in manual training, home economics oto. The Girls Vocational School will increase the oonsumption by at loast $1200.00. 15—H-5 Operation of Plant — Fuel $10,000.00 F The 10I increase in the price per Ton which will be in effect this fall vrfll cost this department at least $10,000.00 more for coal consumed, as the actual fuel consumption for 1940 was $102,606.19. 15—H-6 Operation of Plant — Supplies $2,500.00 This iton was reduced 1?2,500000 in the 1941 Budget by the City Comptrollorls Office for some roason or other, but it is imperatives regardless of higher prices that at least the $15,000.00 requested be allavrede Increased building space and increased consumption of paper towels and toilet paper duo to sanitary conditions have added to the expense for supplies. 15—J-1 Maintonanco of Plant - Salaries & wagos $1,834.80 This request is shovm in detail in the 1942 Budget Roqucst and certainly is the absolute minimum staff of maintonance mon that must be kept on to carryon the task of current omorgoncy repair only that occur in a school plant of 80 largo liuildings and equipment subject to heavy usage by school children. a 15—J-2 Maintenance of Plant — Car Fare x200.00 The mechanics and laborers must have transportation from the Repair Shop to Schools, and going from one school to another, somotinos movoral miles apart. This department has ronarkably few employees receiving auto allowance in comparison to other city dopartmonts, and this dopartnont has an oxtromoly lour expenditure for this typo of travel. 15—J-3 Maintenance of Plant - Auto Allowance $590000 This increase is duo to the present allovranco of U850.00 being insufficient to provide for the following four non drawing such an allowance for their vrork in suporvising the work in the various school buildings. Supt. of Buildings x'40.00 per Mo. w480.00 Lsst." it If 35.00 " If 420.00 Supv.of Sup.& Equip. 25.00 " " 300.00 If " Custodial Staff 25.00 11 If 300.00 PAGE 9 15—J»1 I:Lyintonanoo of Plant Truck llaintonanooa=` $300,00 This request includes an anount of only $25600 per month ,for 4 largo trucks U� od in this division for charges nado by Bureau of Municipal Equipment ,for gas, tiros and ropairse 15—J»7 Maintonanco of Plant — Grading & Oiling Grounds $2500000 e The prosont allowance will barely cover the necessary ciling of grounds without allowing anything for sponsor's contribution for W0P.A@ project to inprove the school grounds. d 15—J-10 Land - Addition to Washington High School Site $12,000.00 15—J-11 Land — Addition to School Repair Shop $3,000.00 BUREAU OF CAFETERLIS REQUEST $108,892,36 p The Bureau of Cafeterias is a solf—oustaining Bureau, therefore an anailysis of the Budget is not necessary. BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1942 Budget Request $283,830.72 1941 Budget Allowanco 275,782.00 Increase in Request 8f048,72 BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM 1942 Budget Request 92,286.65 1941 Budget Allowance 91,779,00 Increase in Request 507,65 The Auditorium is a self—sustaining Bureau, all of its expense being paid out of receipts, therefore, an analysis of the roquost is not nocossarye Tido have, howevor, included with the Sum.ary of the Auditorium Request a list of Roinbursoments to be made from the Contingent Fund of 1942 for the use of the Auditorium for public purposes as authorized by the City Council, Conclusion - The Budget Requests of the several Bureaus of the Department of Education were drawn up after a careful study of the needs of the Bureaus by the various Bureau Heads, and the increases asked for aro conservative ostim, tes of additional allowancos necessary, PAGE 10 d Most of tho explanations of increases woro kopt'as brief as possible, as a too lengthy description would involve a mass of detailed statements and explanations which can be submittod if, dosirodto support those furnished* Irkaddition to the facts stated' horn#,, Mr. Paul S..i,midon,Superintcndontt of Schools, and Idise Porrie Jonos,Vllbrarian, have writton you in detail on the itens pertaining to Educational needs and the Public Librarye Respectfully subnittod, H. Ile ELCSNER i�UI-Aj ACCOUNTi,P1T* t a �r a t' July 31st, 1941. Hon.Axel F. Peterson Commissioner of Education Court House d Saint Paul, I.4innesota. Dear Sir: Budget estimates for the year 1942 for the following Bureaus of the Department of Education are herewith submitted: Bureau of Public Schools 3,881,879.31 " School Cafeterias 108,892,36 " Public Libraries 283,830.72 " Auditorium 92,286.65 Total Department Request for 1942 _T;966,MT.04"_ The actual amount of money to be raised by taxation for City purposes for the above named requests is, as follows; Bureau of Public Schools Request 3,881,879.31 Less m.`3�£a 0 Fed. 350,000.00 T' Estim. Depart.Receipts 15,000.00 It Schools Share of Money &Credits Tax 175,000.00 Estim. Schools Share of Eortgage Registry Tax 11,000.00 Estim. Schools Share of County One Mill Tax 136,000.00 To'��.1 Estim. Soh. Reven. 687,000.0.0_ (Ngt-Inol.State Income Tax) Net Request by City Ifillage Tax 3,194,879.31 Bureau of School Cafeterias 108,892.36 iris GYaTio�or�as Ice 13=3 " 108,892.36 Not Request from Taxes N i 1 Bureau of Public Libraries 283,830.72 ss Estim. liSisoT. Rocoips 15,000.00 Ront—St.Franois Prop. 60,000.00 75,000.00 Not Request from Taxes 208,630.72 Bureau of Auditorium 92,286.65 ss Es ma o 00'0ipts 92,286.65 Net Request from Taxes N i I Total Not Request by City Millage Tax 3,403,710.03 PAGE 2 DEPARTIMI?T OF EDUCATION C04M&RATIVE STATNIEN'T OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST A AND THE', 1941 BUDGET ALLOVIAIIGE \` 1942 1941 INCR:ASE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS REQL�ST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET 15A BUSINESS AMIN. 1 Salaries 22 3bo 00 22 300 00 - 2 Office Expense 800 00_— 800 00 TOTAL" 23 100 00 23 100 00 - :5B EDUCATIONAL ADP.4IN, 1 Salaries 20 796 60 20 300 00 496 60 2 Auto Allowance 1 200 00 960 00 240 00 3 Office Expense 2 500 00 2 500 00 - TOTAL ft 24 496 60 23 760 00 736 60 15C ATTEITWXCE DIVISION Ao u" 1 Salaries- 16 113 56 15 700 00 413 56 2 Car Faro & Bus Fare 2 773 50 1 500 00 1 273 50 3 Office Expense 500 00 375 00 125 00 TOTAL 19 387 06 17 575 00 1 612 06 15D OPER. & ITTNCD. AMIN. _ 1 Salaries 15 571 00 15 571 00 - 2 Express,Frt. & Cartage 200 00 200 00 200 00 ^ 130 00 3 Office Expense 4 Insur. on Soh. Bldgs, 330 00 7 985 50 6 500 00 ` 1 485 50 TOTAL 24 086 50 22 471 00 1 615 50 15E SUPPLY STOREHOUSE V _ 1 Salaries 9 700 00 9 700 00 40 00 + 15 00 2 Light 55 00 250 00 200 00 50 00 3 Truck Iftnoe. 275 00 275 00 4 Office Expense TOTAL 10 280 00 10 215 00 65 00 15F PROMOTION OF HEALTH 1 Salaries 51 043 50 46 541 00 4 502 50 2 Supplies 1 000 00 750 00 250 00 3 Office Expense 2 000 00 1 200 00 800 00 N TOTAL °� 54 043 50 48 491 00 5 552 50 15J K'JNTENtaMD OF PLIANT PAGE 3 1 DEPARTIMT OF EDUC::i ION 78 300 00 1 834 80 2 COMPARATIVE STAT MB N'T OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST 1 200 00 1 000 00 AND THE 1941 BUDGET ALLOW&CE 3 Automobile Allowance 1 440 00 850 00 1942 1941 INCREIsSE OVER 15 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS CONT, !REQUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET 15G 1 INSTRUCTION a ar es 2 733 423 50 2 537 790 00 195 633 50 2 Car Far6agaxi Service 14 599 50 12 388 00 2 211 50 3 Transp.Grip.Children 8 920 80 8 142 00 778 80 4 laundry 650 00 650 00 70 006 00 Major Repairs 5 Supplies 70 000 00 10 Land lddn.to Washington 6 Miscellaneous 375 00 375 00 Lan d 11 to Shop Site 7 ;athletic Salaries 13 907 06 13 907 00 — 8 Athletic Supplies 2 500 00 2 500 00 — 9!: Special CI—Beta Sal. 4 794 75) 268 165 31 9B " ° Beta Taxi 2 705 25) 7 500 00 10 Vocational Night Soh. 10 000 00 6 000 00 4 000 00_ _ TOTY,L 2 861 875 80 2 659 252 00 202 623 80 15H OPERATION OF PL&XT,. JA a aries Reg.Day'Sal. 315 955 05 3 00 11 955 05 1B Salaries-Even.Activ. 3 500 00 - 3 500 00 2 Rents 50 00 50 00,,,������{{{{{{ - 3 Telephone 4 130 00 3 750 00 380 00 4 Light.Power & Wator 57 000 00 50 000 00 7 000 00 5 Fuel 110 000 00 100 000 00 10 000 00 6 Supplies 15 000 00 12 500 00 2 500 00 TOTAL 505 635 05 470 300 00 35 335 05 15J K'JNTENtaMD OF PLIANT 1 aar3.es & Wa'ges 80 134 80 78 300 00 1 834 80 2 Carfare 1 200 00 1 000 00 200 00 3 Automobile Allowance 1 440 00 850 00 590 00 4 Truck Maintonanoe 1 200 00 900 00 300 00 5 Repairs & Renewals 45 000 00 45 000 00 6 -New Buildings 150 000 00 150 000 00 7 Grading & Oiling Grounds 5 000 00 2 500 00 2 500 00 8 ,.thlotio Molds 15 000 00 15 000 00 9 Major Repairs 45 000 00' 45 000 00 �- 10 Land lddn.to Washington 12 000 00 12 000 00 11 Lan d 11 to Shop Site 3 000 O0______ 3 000 00 TOTAL 358 974 60 338 550 00 v 20 424 80 TOT -L 15 BURELU OF SCHOOLS 3 881 879 31 3 613 714 00 268 165 31 DEPARTMENT OF EDt1CAT`ION COMPAR6TIVE STATEI2IT OF 1942 BUDGET REQUEST AND 1941 BUDGET i.LLCN'JTCE ;1942 1941 MCRElM OVER 16 BUREI:U OF PUBLIC LIBRARY REQUEST BUDGET 1941 BUDGET_ 166 1 LIBRARY SERVICE a a cs 157 418 72 154 370 00 3 048 72 2 Truck I.iaintcnancs 400 00 400 00 - 3 Supplies 4 000 00 4 000 00 - 4 Postage 400 00 400 00 - 5 Books & Periodicals 30 000 00 30 000 00 - 6 BLnding Books 2 500 00 2 500 00 - 7 Rent & Insurance a. 840 00 840 00 - 8 New Equipment 1 000 00 1 000 00 - 9,9*Transp.& Potty Cash 1 200 00 _ 1 200 00_^ _ -__ TOPAL 1&1 197 758 72 194 710 00 3 048 72 16B BUILDING M INTP,NANCE 1 a ar os & ages 29 172 00 29 172 00 - 2 Light & Power 6 000 00 6 000 00 - 3 Heat 7 500 00 7 500 00 - 4 Water 1 000 00 1 000 00 5 Telephone 900 00 900 00 - 6 Supplies 1 500 00 1 500 00 7 Repairs & Renocmis 5 000 00 5 000 00 - Real Estate Taxes 30 000 00 30 000 00 9 Library Station W.7th St. 5 000 00 5 000 00 _ TOTAL 16B 86 072 00 81 072 00 5 000 00 TOTiiL 16 BU1-1U OF LIBRARY'° 283 830 72 275 782 00 8 048 72 1020 BUREAU OF CIZET ILS (Financed from Receipts)�y A a Mar __. Z-- 342 36 46 000 00 -1 657 64 Doo. B Morohandiso 55 250 00 60 350 00 -5 100 00 Doo. C Telephones 200 00 200 00 - D Supplies & Service 2 000 00 1 500 00 500 00 Inc. E Auto Allavmnoo 600 00 600 00 F Ro.pc:Jrq &Renewals 6 500 00 3 700 00 _ 2 80_0 OO Inc. TOTLL 1020 CAFETERI&S 108 892 36 112 350 00 -3 457 64 Doo. 1021 BUREAU OF AUDITORIMI (Financed from Receipts) A Sa-arie`s & lilagos 42 186 65 41 129 00 1 057 65 Inc. B Light,Pwror$HoatiWator & Tol. 28 450 00 28 450 00 - C organ Maintenance 250 00 300 00 -50 00 Doo, D Supplies 1 800 00 1 800 00 - E Repairs & Ronowals 1 500 00 1 500 00 �+ F Now Equipment 500 00 1 000 00 -500 00 Doc. G Rentals 200 00 200 00 - H Salarios-Concossions 4 000 00 4 000 00 - I LQorchandisc-Concossions 9 000 00 9 000 00 - J Miscellaneous 4 400 00 4 400 00 ^ _ __ _ TOTLL 1021-AUDITORIUM 92 286 65 91 779 00 507 65 Inc. PAGE 5 iSILLLYSIS OF INCREL8ES IPI 1942 BUDGET REQUEST OVER T B T :SIC M F 7 M —GM VGT 3TATM,M,II 15 BUM- M OF SCHOOLS 15-B-1 Educational Administration - Salaries\\ $466.60 Increase due to necessary request for Salaries oT four employes ^ at Standard Rate affected by 3% Reduction under Emergency Ordinanco in the amount of - ,$323040 and salary increases for two employees under Teachers Salary Ordinance in the amount of - $173.20 15-B-2 Educational Administration - luto ILllovranoo $240.00 Duo to additional Auto Allcvranoo of $20.00 per month for Deputy Commissioner. 15-C-1 Ittondanco Division - Salaries $413.56 _ This increase is duo to the necessary request for Salaries at Standard Rato. 015-C-2 lttondanoo Division - Car Fare & Bus Faro $1273.50 The present allowanoo of $1500.00 is not and never has boon sufficient to provide for transportation of students from certain isolated districts to schools able to absorb them at an actual saving and elimination of pressure for additional small school buildings. 15-C-3 Attendance Division - Office Expense $125.00 This request is urgent in this division as the fixed telephone expense alono is $135.00 and the postago and mailing expense of $200.00 leaves the present margin of only 40.00 to cover all other expenses for purchase of pormanont record oards,forms and the necessary 70.000 Census cards that arc required by the Revised Census Law, 15-D-3 Operation & Iiaintonanco Administration office Expense $130.00 The request for $330000 is vory conservative as it must provide for the fixed telephone cost of $130.00 and all the postage and stationory to mail out somirmonthly chocks to all custodians thus saving car tolcons and time that other dopartmonts tako adro of 1y personal distribution. It also must provide for the printing of all work orders$ material and time slips and other reports necessary. 15-D-4 Operation & Ilaintonanoo Aministration - Insurance on School Bldgs. & Inventories $1485.50 This increase is nocossary if the city wi.shos to pay the second installment of $7797982 on the throe year policy for insuring the School Buildings undoho proscnt plan. The non-allowaneo of the increase requested for in the 194 Budget made it difficult to make a satisfactory arrangement on the present ontract and it would be impractical to joopardizo the insurance protection now in force by denying this request. • PAGE 6 f; F 15—B-2 supply Storchouso — light $15-00 Small increase nocossary to provide for light and power at Storehouse for running elevator oto, 15—E-3 Supply Storehouse — Truck Maintenance $50000 The request of $250.00 is very conservative for upkeep of 4 year old 1/2 Ton TrucV which is required to deliver to every school in the city once each week and to perform other duties relative to handling supplies and equipmont• 15—F-1 Promotion of Health — Salarios 4502,50 This increase is based on the following conditions: l..,t recent oonforonoe botwoon the Dental CoM ittoo of rho Wolfaro Council, of which I3r.Rarig is the Chairman and the City Conptrollor,flr.Goodrich,agrood tontativoly to place sufficiont funds in the Division of Hygiene budget for the omploymont of 2 additional Oral Hygienists at a salary of - 11$2335.00. 2. Increased need for Iffodical Examiners and automatic salary incroasos for nurses - $9180506 3. Ong additional nurse, at least, to take care of need at the Hammond Occupational and other schools for more nursing service - $1167.50. 15-F-2 Promotion of Health — ISedical & Dcntal Supplies $250.00 The $1,000.00 requested for is the least amount that is absolutely ncoossary to provide for the dental and medical supplies r6quirod to carry on the health work in the schools- Priors on those supplies have boon subject to an inereaso and additional increases are expected. It has alvmys boon found necessary to curtail salarios to provide for necessary ovoroxpondituros for this item. 15—F-3 Promotion of Health - Office Expense $800.00 This itom must provide for the Fixed Telephone Expense $160000 Laundry for Dental Clinics 512.00 Carfare for home visits & transfer from school to school 675.00 Printing of r ports and forms 275.00 I,oaving o a margin of 31b.00 ll for aher expense or in otal 2000.00 kt ,k)GE 7 15-G-1 Instruction Salaries - Incroaso.195,633.50 Tho ajor items causing the increased request aro: -- 1. Return to 100% Standard Salary Schodulo 00,000.00 2. Girls Vocational School 10,800.00 3. Expansion' -Boys Vocational 10,800000 4. Cumulative Sick Loavo Allovranoo 25,000.00 5. Insufficient allowance in 1941 Budget of 70,000.00 part of crhich was mot by carrying over a saving from 1940 of $30,189.24. 15-G-2 Instruction - Car Faro & Taxi Sorvico -.2,211.50 This item includes the following State ;Lid b:ponditures: Carfare for Special Classes 8,8-=0.00 Taxi Faro " " " $496.89 Total Spoo. Cls. State :Ad 13,336.89 which is refunded in part to the City thru State :.id, therefore the anount does not cone entirely out of Taxes. i4lso included in this item is tho 627.97 t;hich is a Taxi Fare - 11±11,,District to Jefferson definite saving to tho city In olir.inating several thousand dollars for operating the I.iill School and Carfare for Itinerant Teachers 600.00 or a Total Request of 14,599.50 15-G-3 Instruction - Transportation of Crippled Children 778.80 This incrcaso is duo to the increase in enrollment of Crippled Children at the I10ohanie lrts High School and consists of children who have finished the Lindsey School. 15-G-10 Instruction - Vocational Night School 4000.00 This itom was decreased '1500.00 in the 1941 Budget but if any satisfactory progran is to be carried out it will be necessary to have the x10,000.00 requested for. 15-H-1 1,.. Operation of Plant - Rog. Day Salaries $11,955.05 B. Operation of Plant - Evening-ativitios 3,500.00 15,=55.0 This increase is due to the need for additional custodians to take caro of the norr buildings and, additions to buildings erected during the last is the cost of the recently r years. 1�lso to be cumulative sick loavoowhichrhas1tc tod added v2500.00to expendituresforprovisionion he for first six nonths of this year. The 15-H-1 B Salary iton requested for Evening Activities as a separate itom mould clininato a groat deal of controversy and oonplaints in regard to the use of school buildings for evening activities from the Public as well as the custodial staff especially for 1942 when the buildings will be used for elections. El t PAGE 8 15-H-3 Operation of Plant - �olophonos x7380.00400— - The above increase we 0 or 1 additional phone for. each of the four recently established�hig s inasmuch as they have oly ono phone for each building vrhio not aiorrt for telephone demands. 15 -Ii -,1 Operation of Plant Light,Pcvrcr,G ,F4ator Sowago Disposal x7000.00 This incroaso s mainly due to no increased consumption of Llght,Pavror and Gas be use of the additional buildings and the pmror consuming equipment a in the past fmr years, also to the increased activities in ma training, home economics oto. The Girls Vocational Schoch will i roaso the consumption by at least 011200.00. 15-H-5 Operation of Plant - Fuel $10,000.00 The 10% increase in the price per Ton which will be in effect this fall will cost this department at least 0110,000.00 more for coal consumed, as the actual fuel consumption for 19,10 was $1102,606.19. 1-6 Operation of Plant - Supplies $2,500.00 This iton tivas reduced p20500900 in the 19,11. Budget by the City Com rollorts Office for some reason or other, but it is imperative, regardlovs of higher prices that at least the x15,000.00 requested be allovrod. Increased building space and increased consumption of paper towols and toilet paper duo to sanitary conditions have added to the expense for supplies. 15-1-1 Maintonanco of Plant - Salaries & Wages x1,834.80 This request is shovm in dotail in the 1942 Budget Rcqucst and certainly is the absolute minimum staff of maintenance mon that must be kept on to carry on the task of current omorgeney repair only that occur in a school plant of 80 largo buildings and equipment subject to heavy usage by school children. 15-J-2 Liaintenanco of Plant - Car Fare 01200.00 The mechanics and laborers must have transportation from the Repair Shop to Schools, and going from one school to another, somoti acwral miles apart. This department has ronarkably fo:v employees receiving auto allowanco in comparison to other city departnonts, and this department has an extronoly lour expenditure for this typo of travel• 15-J-3 IAaintonanco of Plant - Auto Allcaunco x590.00 This increase is duo to the present allovraneo of x850.00 being insufficient to provide for the following four men drawing such an allovranoc for their vrork in supervising the vrork in the various school buildings. Supt. of Buildings $140.00 per 2.40. $,180.00 l'sst." n " 35.00 " it 420.00 supv.of Sup.& Equip• 25.00 " it 300.00 " " " Custodial Staff 25.00 " it 300000 ti PAGE 9 15—J -h Maintenanoo of Plant — Truck Ifaintonan00 x300-00 This request includes an anount of only $25-00 per north for 4 large trucks used in this division for ohargos nadc by Bureau of PIIunicipal Equipment for gas, tiros and ropairse 15=J-7 Maintenance of Plant — Grading & Oiling Grounds X2500-00 The present allowance will barely cover the necessary ciling of grounds without allowing anything for sponsorts contribution for W.P.L. project to inprovo the school grounds- 15—J-10 Land - Addition to Washington High School Site X12,000.00 15—J-11 Land —Addition to School Repair Shop 13,000.00 I BUMX OF CAFETERIAS REQUEST $108-892,36 The Bureau of Cafeterias is a solf—curtaining Bureau, therefore an analysis of the Budget is not necessary. BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1942 Budget Request $283,830-72 w 1941 Budget Allowanoo 275,782.00 Inoroaso in Request 8,048,72 BUREAU OF_AUDITORIUPQ 1942 Budget Request 92,286,65 1941 Budget Allowanoo 91,779.00 Increase in Request 507-65 The Auditorium is a s01f-sustaining Bureau, all of its expense being paid out of receipts, therefore, an analysis of the request is not necessary. We have, hovovors included with the Summary of the Auditorium Request a list of Roinbursonents to be made fronthe Continent authorized by the 1942 for the use of the-uditorium for public purposes City Council. Conclusion The Budget Requests of the several Bureaus of the Department of Education were drawn up after a careful study of the needs of the Bureaus by the various Bureau Hoads, and the increases asked for arc conservative ostinatos of additional allowances nocossary- Q " PAGE l'0 Host of tho 567.planations of incrcasos woro kopt as briof as possiblo, as a too longthy doscription would involvo a mass of dotailod statomonts anA oxpanations which can bo submitted if desircdto support thoso furnishod, In addition to tho facts statod horoin. I3r. Paul S. Ami don jSuporinton dont or Schools. and Uiss Porrio Jonos, Librarian, havo srritton you in dotail on tho itons portai)dng to Educational noods and tho Public Library. Rospoct£ully subnittods He me IVICKam rII^sI liJ ACCOUNTiM o In PAGE -1 - ANALYSIS OF COMPTROLLER 1942 $UDGET ESTIMATE AND OUTLII,IE OF BUREAU" OF 'SCHOOLS MAJOR NEEDS FOR 1942 ANALYSIS OF ITEMS INCREASED BY COMPTROLLER ( Column 3 of Statement) 15-A-1 The $827.00 Increase in Business Administration Salaries alloyed by Comptroller for the 1942 Cost of Living Increase is sufficient for the necessary increases. 15-C-1 The $503.00 Increase in Attendance Division Salaries oonsistod of the necessary Cost of Living Increases for 2 Civil Service Employeos of - $88080 and an amount of - $414.20 to provide enough to pay n000ssary salaries of othor omployocs. 15-D�l Tho $451.00 Inoroaso in Oporation do Mtnoo.Administration will bo sufficient to pay nocossary incroasos undor Cost 'of Living Ordinanco in this division. 15-D-4 Tho $1485.00 inoroaso allowod for Insuranco on School Bldgso will provide for tho 2nd paymont of promium schodulod undor tho oxisting contract. 15-E-1 Tho $450.00 Inoroaso in tho Storohouso Salarios will be suff•iciont to pay n000ssary incroasos undor tho Cost of Living Ordinanco. 15-F-1 Tho $5006.00 Inoroaso in tho Promotion of Hoalth Salaries is duo to an itom of - 2687.40 for salary inoroasos undor tho Cost of Living Ordinanco and also provision for employing two additional Oral Hygionists at a salary of 2318.60 as roquostod for by tho Wolfarc Committoo. 15-H-1 Tho $15.000.00 Inoroaso in tho Oporation of Plant Salaries is not suffieiont to provide for tho salary inoroasos n000ssary under the Cost of Living Ordinanco which tho Comptrollor oomputod at $16.183.20, but only allowod a $15.000.00 inoroaso in allowanoo. 15-J-1 Tho $480.00 Inoroaso in tho Oporation of Plant Salarios will be suffi- oiont to provido for Cost of Living Inoroaso but will not allow for tho inoroasos in hourly wagos and hours for tho mcohanios anT gill oauso a lay-off of oithor scvoral mon or ourtailing working schedule for all tho prosont fordo. 15-J-10 Tho y12,000.00 inoroaso or allowanoo is for a noir itom to acquiro an addition to tho Washington High School Sitce Sopt. 12-1941 iSWG- b ' 'tho'$88000.00 decrease or non-.'a1ToT-noo of funds for Vocational Night School will moan that this activity will have to be discontinued entiroly. Sept. 12-19410 Pago ANALYSIS OF ITEMS DECREASED OR ELIMINATED Column 3 of Statement 15.B-1 The $529.00 decrease in the Educational Administratitn is in fact an actual decrease of - $743.40 duo to the fact* that the Comptroller estimated that was to bw'allowod for Cost of Living Increases for '3 employees under Civil Service and in'tho event that w 100' of Salaries are allowod, it Trill be necessary that an amount of $323.40 be added to this Fund. Therefore it will be necessary to have at least $1,066.80 added to this appropriation itom to pay full salaries. 15-D-2 The $100.00 decrease in Express. Freight & Cartago will not cause any pprtioular damage except that probably j50.00 or $75.00 will be needed in addition to the amount available to take caro of the resumption of transferring books from one eohool to another by the Public Library. 15-E-4 The $175.00 decrease in Storehouse Expense is not serious and will merely result in approximately that amount being transferred from Instruction Supplies. 15-G-1 The decrease in Instruction Salaries from the 1941 Budget n is by comparison $221,840.00 but inasmuch as the Comptroller estimated the amount of increase necessary under the Cost of Living Salary Incrcaso to be 2,025.70 the actual effective decrease is.� and that is on the basis of the 1941 provision for only 97/0 Salaries. Payment of 100' of Salaries under the Salary Ordinance would cost approximately 76,500.00 in addition to above or approximately in total. 15-G-5 The $100000.00 Decrease in Instruction Supplies Trill mean a drastic reduction in the supplies, books, and sorvicos necessary to properly instruct students as the purchase price of all items have and will continuo to increase. It is impractical to pay approximately the two and one half million dollars in teaching salaries and then not got the full benefit of teaching by not allowing for sufficient materials for them to use in teaching. 15-G-6 The $375.00 decrease in this itom brill moan the olimination of the payment of approximately $40.00 per month to the Police Dept., for the auto allowance of Captain Hotznookor, Suporvisor of School Police* iSWG- b ' 'tho'$88000.00 decrease or non-.'a1ToT-noo of funds for Vocational Night School will moan that this activity will have to be discontinued entiroly. Sept. 12-19410 va Page —3•r ANALYSIS OF ITE1eS DEGREASED OR EL]IMTATED Colurm 3 o£ Statoncnt 15—J-6 Tho olinination of $ 150,000.00 for How Buildings Brill causo tho discontinuanoo of tho prosont plan of taking oaro of no"; school buildings on tho cash basis instoad of by noro costly bond rplan• 15—J-9 Tho olinination of ;,45,000000 for Major.Ropairs Will moan that tho prosont onlargod school plant will again continuo to fall into a stato of neglect Un-, Insuffieicnt allarances for naintonanoo as had boon tho practico in the past• ANALYSIS OF REQUESTSFOR riTCRL AS1:S NOT ALLMD BY COT:IPTROLI R Co utw o a Oman I5 H-4 LIGPS,PWPER, GAS. '+WiTZR & SEI"TAGE DISPOSAL Tho non-allowanoo of tho roquostod amount of x57,000.00 e for crhioh only tho 1941 Appropriation of — 50,000.00 vras alloyod for,loaving an unproAdod for amount of7,=.00- This is moro or loss a fixod itom and unloss tho pa'ror said light donands arc sovoroly curtailod it will dofinitcly ascan an ovoroxpcndituro of that anount or noro. 700000 Tho oa,per.dituros for 194 5, . 1 arc estinatod at 57,000.00 54904 tho 1940 Expondituro eras 49,812.56 and the 1939 it" tho inoroaso ovor tho past throe yoars boing principally bocauso of tho additional buildings and tho powor consuring oquipnont addod in manual training,honc cconomios,otc• 15—H-5 F1ML — 110,000000 Amount rcquostod AMount alloyed by Comptrollor 1942 3stin.& 1941 Budgot 100,000.00 Roquostod Incrcaso Not i.11a'rcd+ Tho 10/ or mora of an inoroaso in tho price par Ton in tho 1941-42 Contract Will cost tho Dopartmont approximatoly 0?13,000.00 noro on tho basis of tho 1940 Actual Consumption of °102,606.19, and still noan that all woathor conditions boing oquavWill 115,600.00 cost tho Doparlwont about for tho 1942 Actual Coal Consirption. Tho follcVring comparison indioatos tho inaroasod costs par ton and ostinato of incrcaso for year. C01LPi RISOIT OF COIL COITTR.i.CTS D7CRS.^CT* EIS4• IlTCRS. COST FOR ST KIND OF CWL C01TSTJT. 1940-4I 1941-42 Phi T01T 1942 Yough•Stovo 5500 Ton 8 22 9 10 ` 88 4 8.1-0 00 8 27 1 08 4 590 00 Splint ss Sorgs. 4125 6 92 7 70 78 3 217 50 Splint Sorgs. 4125 Coko 125 " 10 93 11 50 57 71 25 1940 Consuriptionl4 000 TOIT TOTAL DTCR7, SE 12 718 75 OVER 19-0 Sopt. 12, 1941. v Pago -4r 1XIALYS•IS OF REQUBSTS FOR INCR--4SUO PTOT ALLOTTED BY COMPTROLLER Column 5 of Statanont) 15-H.6 OPEWi TION OF PUNT - J1ITITOR SUPPLIES The non-.allovranoo of the requested for '.q`2500,00 inoroaso in this find will seriously handicap providing for the necessary brushos, floor oils, towels, toilet paper, light bulbs, oto., that have already advanced in price and trill continuo to. This Department noroly requested for the return of the anount originally alloviod - v15,000000 t 'm- which the Comptroller out to $12,500.00 in / in the 1941 Budget and has again hold to that amount. SLS ULRY OF MAJOR NF,DDS 15-G-1 Instruction Salarios - 97% 223,500.00 Restitution of 3/ to Standard Rate 76,500.00 Total 15-G-1 - 100% 3008000.00 15-G-5 Instruction Supplios 10,000.00 G-6 Vocational Night Sohool 7,000.00 H-4 ' Light.Powor, Water oto. 7,000.00 H-5 Fuel acct. 10% Inoroc.so 10,000.00 H-6 Janitor Supplies 2,500.00 Total Major :?nods 0 Sept. 12-1941, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF COMPTROLLER'S 191P2 BUDGET ESTIMATE WITH THE 1941 BUDGET ALLO: NCE AIM THE 1942 BUDGET REWEST COST OF LIVING 1942 BUDGET 1941 BUDGET CHANGE Ak� IN 1942 DECREASE IPICRE.ISES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 15-7 Salaries ESTIMATE ALLO1,WTCE ALLOVIANCE BUDGET REQUEST FROM QUEST ALL 91ED BY COMPTR. 15A2 Offioe Expense 23 127 00 800 00 22 300 00 800 00 827 00 Ino 22 300 00 827 00 Ino. 826 80 EDUCATIONAL ADPnIN. 23 927 00 23 100 00 - 827 00� 800 00 23 100 00 827 00 15B1 B2 Salaries Carfare '19 771 oo 20 300 00 -529 00- 20 796 6o -1 025 60- 224 40 B3 Offioe Expense 96o oo 2 500 oo 96o oo 2 500 00 - - 1 200 oo 2 500 Oo 24o oo- _ 23 231 oo 23 76o oo -529 00- 24; 496 6o -1 265 60- ATTENDANCE DIVISION 15C1 C2 Salaries Car Fare & Bus Fare 16 203 00 1 Soo oo 1.5 700 00 503 00 Ino. 16 113 56 89 44 Ino. S8 80 G3 Offioe Expense . 375 00 1 500 00 375 oo - 2 773 5o -1 273 50- - 500 00 125 00- OPER. & MTNCE ADMIN 18 078 oo 17 575 00 _ 503 00 19 387 o6 -1 309 06 - 15DD21 salaries Express.Frt. & Cartage 16 o22 oo l0Q 00 15 571 00 200 00 451 00 Ino. 15 571 00 407 00 Ino. 450 60 D3 OMoo Expense Sop 200 00 200 00 -100 00- 200 00 -j 0o 00 - D4 Ins.on soh.Blags, 7 985 oo 6 5oo oo 1 485 oo 330 00 7 985 50 -13o oo- - 50- 24 307 00 22 471 00 1 836 o0 24 086 5o 220 50 .SUPPLY-STOREH OUSE 15E1 E2 Salaries Light 10 760 00 9 700 00 450 00 Ino. 9 700 00 450 00 Ino. 450 00 3 Truok Mtnoe• 40 00 200 ao 40 00 200 00 _ 55 oo -15 00-. E4 Offioe Expense 100 00 2 75 00 - -175 00- 250 00 275 00 -50 00- -x.75 00- P ROM OF HEALTH , 10 490 00 10 215 00 275 00 10 280 00 210 00 IM. F2 Salaries, supplies, 51 547 oo 46 541 00 5 006 oo Ino. 51 043 50 503 50 Ino. 2 68 7 40 F3 . Offioe Expense P 750 00 1°200 00 750 00 1 200 00 - 1 000 00 -7,50 00- - 2 000 00 -800 00- 53 497 oo 45 491 00 5 ooh oo 54 o43 5o -546 50- 485 300 00 470 300 00 15 000 00 505 635 05 -20 335 05- MAI44. OF PLANT 15H1 Sal. & Wages 78 78o oo J2 Carfare 1 000 00 J3 Automobile Allow. 850 00 J4 Truok Mtnos. 900 00 J5 Repro. & Renewls. 45 Coo 0o J6 New Bldgs. - J7 Grading & Oi1.Grds. 2 500 00 J8 Athletio Fields 15 000 00 J9 Major Repro* - J10 Land-Addn.to Wash.12 000 00 JIM Land. . to Shop Site - Tot Hun of Sohs 156 030 00 Cost of iv.Inpr.l�Ilwd. 215 897 00 AoHaal Doors. 78 300 00 480 00 Ino. DEPART11TE1,IT OF EDUCATION 80 - 1 354 -2- 1 000 00 C6IAP;aATIVE ST:ITELL"NT OF COMPTROLLER'S 1942 BUDGET ESTIMATE 200 00- 850 00 !I,TH THE 1941 BUDGET ALLO A:!CE l.ND THE 1942 BUDGET REQUEST 590 00 - COST OF LIVING goo 1942 - 1941 CH:.NGE 1942 DEC'tE.',SE INCREASES 45 BUDGET. 00 BUDGET IN BUDGET FROM - ALLOYED INSTRUCTION ESTIMATE 000 ALLOWATCE ALLOWANCE RE VEST REQUEST BY COMPTR. 15G1 Solari a 2 315 950 oo 2 37 790 00 -221 840 00- 2 733 423 50 -417 473 50- 2 025 70 G2 CarFa 12 388 00 12 388 00 - 14 599 50 _ 2 211 50- G3 Transp- hldrn 8 142 o0 8 142 00 - 8 920 80 - 778 80- G4 Laundry 650 0o 650 00 - 650 00 - G5 Supplies 60 Doo 00 70 000 00 _10 000 00- 70 000 00 - 10 000 00- G6 Misoellaneous - 375 00 375 00- 375 00 - 375 00- G7 Athletio Salaries 13 907 00 13 907 00 - 13 907 00 - G8 Athletio, Supplies 2 500 o0 2 500 00 - 2 500 00 - G9 Spoo.Cls-Beta 7 500 00 7 500 00 - 7 500 00 - G10 Vooational Nt.Soh. 6 000 00 - 6 000 oo- 10 000 00 -10 000 00- 2 421 037 00 2 659 252 oo -238 215 00- 2 861 875 80 -440 838 80 - OPERATION OF PLANT 151rl (A) Sd1.Reg.Day 319 000 00 304 000 00 15 000 00 Ino. 315 955 05 -455 05- 16 183 20 1 (B) " Evn.Aoty. 3 500 00 H2 Rents 50 00 50 00 f - 5o oo 15 Telephone 3 750 00 3 750 00 - 4 130 00 -380 00- H4 Lt.Poty-& Ivat. 50 000 00 50 00o o0 - 57 000 00 -7 000 00- H5 Fuel 100 000 00 100 000 00 - 110 000 00 -].0 000 00- H6 Supplies 12 500 00 12 500 00 15 000 00 2 500 00 485 300 00 470 300 00 15 000 00 505 635 05 -20 335 05- MAI44. OF PLANT 15H1 Sal. & Wages 78 78o oo J2 Carfare 1 000 00 J3 Automobile Allow. 850 00 J4 Truok Mtnos. 900 00 J5 Repro. & Renewls. 45 Coo 0o J6 New Bldgs. - J7 Grading & Oi1.Grds. 2 500 00 J8 Athletio Fields 15 000 00 J9 Major Repro* - J10 Land-Addn.to Wash.12 000 00 JIM Land. . to Shop Site - Tot Hun of Sohs 156 030 00 Cost of iv.Inpr.l�Ilwd. 215 897 00 AoHaal Doors. 78 300 00 480 00 Ino. 80 134 80 - 1 354 80- 480-40 1 000 00 - 1 200 00 200 00- 850 00 - 1 440 00 - 590 00 - goo 00 - 1 200 00 - 300 00- 45 000 00 - 45 000 00 - 15o 000 oo -1.50 000 00- 150 000 00 _150 000 00- 2 500 00 - 5 000 00 - 2 500 00- 15 000 00 - 15 000 00 45 000 00 -.45 000 00- 45 000 00 - 45 000 oo_. 12 000 00 Ino. 12 000 00 00 -162 520 00- 00 -397 81700- 3 qn T- 234 30 8o --202 944 80- 31 _665 982 31- 23 417 30 P DEPARMETIT OF EDUCATION SCHEDULE OF DECREASES AND I;?CR7,=S 191a 1942 DECREASE DECREASES BUDGET BUDGET IN . Other Salaries- ALLO."IAPICE ESTL%UTE ALLO11WCE 15 D2 F4resajrt. & Cartge. 00000 100 00 -100 00- E4 Storehouse-Off. Expense 275 00 100 00 -175 00- Q.5 Instruot.-�uppli;es 70 000 00 6o 000 00 -10 000 00- G6 "—Misol. 375 00 — —375 oa-. J6 Novi Bldgs. 150 OGO 00 .. e, -150 000 00-, Deorease in Aotivity J9 Major Repairs 45 000 00 - -45 COO 00- " " " Total Deoreases Other Than Selariea -205 650 00- COST OF LIV. ACTUAL INCREASES DECRi LSE B. Salary Deoreases ALLO11MD MADE 15 Bl Eduo. Admin.-Sal. 20 300 00 19 771 o0 -529 00- 224 40 -753 40- G1 Instruot. Sal. ' 2 537 790 00 2 315 950 00 -221 840 00-, 2 025 70 223 865 70- G10 Voo. Night Soh. 6 000 00 - -6 00o 0o-, - -6 000 00- Total Sal. Deoreases -228 369 oo- 2 250 10 0`230 619 10- Total Deoreases on Above Items -1134 019 00- 2 250 10 -436 269 l0- INCREASES 1941 1942 !;?CREASE COST OF LIV.INC. ACTUAL INC. 15A1 Bus. Admin.-Salaries: 22 300 00 23 127 00 827 00 827 o0 - C1 Attend. Div.- . 15 700 00 16 203 00 503 00 88 8o 414 20 D1 Op. & Mtnoe. Admin." 15 571 00 16 o22 oo 451 00 451 00 - E1 Strhse.-Sal. 9 700 00 10 150 00 450 00 450 00 F1 Prom.of Hlth. . 46 541 oo 51 547 00 5 oo6 oo 2 687 40 2 318 60 H1 Oper.of Plant " 304 000 00 319 000 00 15 000,00 16 183 20 -1 183 20-Deo. J1 Mtnoe. of R78 78 300 00 78 760 00 480`00 480 00 - D4 Insur.on Soh. Bldgs. 6 500 00 7 985 00 1 485 00 - 1 485 00 J10 Land-Addn. to Mash. - 12 000 00 12 000 00 12 000 00 Total Inoreases 36 202 00 21 167 40 15 034 60 NET DECREASE On Total Budget -397 817 00- Total Inorease lillovre& for Cost of Liv.Sal.Ino. 23 417 50 Aotual Deorease in Budget Allovranoo -1121 234 50- I i 1 1 ! c ' 1' l � l STATE, COUNTS AND MUNICIPAL WORKERS OF AMERICA `iL OCAL#265 = C.I.O. 1269 Randolph Ave. St. Paul Minn. August IA, 1941 Mayor John J. McDonough Chairman City Councilmen of the 6ity of St. Paul County Commissioners of the County of Ramsey Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter sent to both County s Commissioners and City Councilmen. We, Local#265 urge you to see that we are properly informed as to when this meeting will be held. Thank you. Yours truly, oh�7C he , Pr ident Xfll Anker Hospital Workers Local#265 S.CY.W.A.(CIO) e l f m STkTE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL WORKEM OF AMERICA 1269 Randolph Ave. St. Paul Minn. August 1v, 1941 Mr•Harry O'Connell., Secretary City Councilmen of the City of St. Paul Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs; 4` May we be extended a hearing before the Joint Session of the f County Commissioners and City Councilmen when the budget for Ancker Hospital comes before you, for approvall What we would appreciate is a notice as much in advance as possible of the meeting in order that we may have proper representation. Yours truly �Y�Ch� Pr sident ' �illian Preiner� Secretary Aneker Hospital Workers Local#265 SCDQ.W.A. (CIO) { R E S 0 L U T I 0 J ------------------- WHEREAS the St.Paul Federation of Women Teachers, the St.Paul Police Mutual Benefit Association, Uniformed Firefighters Local No. 21 and the St.Paul Federration of Mn Teachers have joined together in a Joint Committee for the purpose of seeking from the municipal government action designed to advance the living standards of policemen, firemen and teachers to levels commensurate with their duties, -risks and responsibilities, through improvement Of sal- aries and wages, and t r WHEREAS on June 13th, 1941, and again on'July 9th, 1941„ this Joint Committee petitio the City Counoil and the City Comptroller for restoration of teachers' sal- aries from the present 97 percent to 100 percent of the scale legally estab- lished by City Ordinance, and further petitioned the City Council and the City Comptroller for advancement of the salary scale of employes within the Police and Fire Services by four Standard Rates in the case of patrolmen and firefighters and by equivalent money amounts in the case of employes in other grades within these Services, and WHEREAS these requests were accompanied by a financing proposal designed to accomplish these adjustments in living standards without the necessity of any undue increase in real estate taxation, and I WHEREAS it appears that a substantial portion of the suggested finaNing program either has been adopted or is in the process of being adopted, so that the monetary benefits will be available for use by the City in the year 1942, but that these benefits have not thus far been extended to the polieemen, firemen and to aohers, and WHEREAS examination of the 1942 budget proposal submitted to the City Council by` the City Comptroller reveals that there is a sufficiency of funds available to make the requested salary adjustments effective, end WHEREAS the power to grant or to deny the afiresaid requests lies wi£he legis- lative and administrative authority of the City Council and departmental Commissioners, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that this mass meeting instruct the Joint Committee once again to petition the responsible officers of the City Government for positive notion at its current budget sessions looking toward accomplishment of the aforesaid progran of salary and wage corrections; once again to petition the Commissioner of Public Safety to introduce ordinances advancing the grades of employes in the Police and Fire Services; and to petition the Commissioner of Education to malce positive his assurance that he will not act to reduce the salaries of school teachers in 1942 below the 100 percent level provided by ordinance; and be it further RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be addressed to the members of the City Council. (The foregoing resolution was adopted Sept. 19, 1941, at a mass meeting at Junior Pioneer Hall, attended by members of the groups composing the Joint Committee.) Chairman Secretary JOHN D•DONNELL, MROENT-AT-1111° olow„ N September S, 1941 BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARRY J. DIETBCH EHARLES NAGEL ART ROBINSON JOS. JUNGBAUER TONY MILLER ivir. Harry O'Connell, City Clerk Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed please find resolution in regards to Eveninc Vocational Schools, which was unanimously adopted a.t our meeting, idednesday night, September 3, 1941. 1�e will appreciate it if you read this resolu— tion at the Council Session Wednesday morning, SeptemberlO, 1941. Thanking you for your kind attention to this matter, I am, Respectfully yours, CRIGINAL BOOSTERS CLUB Byyhairman ALBERT S. FISCHBECK. 111111ENT MATH GEi ET YICE°^°.11E1T ORIGINAL BOOSTERS CLUB PAUL PADDOCK, vINARC1wL SECRETwaY CLUB ROOMS - DIETSCH•5 HALL GUS ANORES, IR -11"I" BARNEY COHEN. CORRE9POaD1HO °Ec•Y THONjJ�S — WESTERN JOHN M. BAUER. RECORD-9ECRETwRY TEL.: DALE 9956 JOHN D•DONNELL, MROENT-AT-1111° olow„ N September S, 1941 BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARRY J. DIETBCH EHARLES NAGEL ART ROBINSON JOS. JUNGBAUER TONY MILLER ivir. Harry O'Connell, City Clerk Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed please find resolution in regards to Eveninc Vocational Schools, which was unanimously adopted a.t our meeting, idednesday night, September 3, 1941. 1�e will appreciate it if you read this resolu— tion at the Council Session Wednesday morning, SeptemberlO, 1941. Thanking you for your kind attention to this matter, I am, Respectfully yours, CRIGINAL BOOSTERS CLUB Byyhairman ALBERT E. FISCHBECK. FRcSIO �,tATH GERET. vIC6 PRulocN/ PAUL PADDOCK, "=:.L sECP_ART GUS ANDRES, TREASURER BARNEY CO EN. OORRECFONOIRG Rcc'T JOHNM. BAUER. REOORo�HO aEOReiART ON N O'DONNELL. SARGENT -AT-AR.. ORIGINAL BOOSTERS CLUB CLUB ROOMS - DIETSCH'S HALL THOMAS ARO WESTERN TEL.: DALE 9956 N RE SC LUT ION Havin= to do with Eveninb Vocational School BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES NAGEL ART ROBINSON JOS.JUNGBAUER TONY MILLER i:'hereas, it has code to the attention of the Original 3oosters Club, that the City Cc:,ptroller, ter. Harold uoodrich, has allotted no coney for tf,e continuance of the Evening Vocational, Sc-rool, and ",hereas, upon is vestigation, we find that the EveniaL Vocational School is a Great help to many citizens of St. Paul and especia— lly those underprivileged anc unable to pay for the edduca.tion of their children, and Whereas, it has also been shown to us that many graduates of the above mentioned school are now gainfully employed at trades and occupations learned at this school, and 'hereas, the discontinuan(e of the Evening Vocational School in St. Paul will work a hardship on many citizens, therefore, be it Resolved, that the original Boosters Club, in meeting assembled this third day of September, 1941, go on record urgenty request— ing the City Comptroller, as well as our City Councilmen, to allot enough money so that the Evgning Voca.tional School may be dontinued for the good of all citizens who wish to avail themselves of its opportunities. Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Hr. Harry O'Connell, City Clerk, for reading at the regular Council session in regards to budget allotments. Signed, Committee on Education Panted on ��Non Med. Parc, Telephone Cedar 1930 'M... S—rid and Founh Fdd.n of WB lh ow® St. Paul Trades and Lp6or Assem6ly E. D. McKINNON, Secretary Office of Secretary ... LABOR TEMPLE, 416 Auditorium Street SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 May 2, 1941 M Honorable John J. McDonough Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor McDonough: The attached resolution was adopted by the St. Paul Trades and LAbor Assembly at their regular session on Friday, April 25. Same is referred to you for consider- ation. Very truly yours, ST. PAUL TRADES AND LABOR ASSEMBLY, P EE. D. McK nnon,Secretary EDM;km / '�;i R E S O L U T I O N AHEEREAS, the basic salary schedule for teach'ers'has been cut at least three per cent -every year since 1932, and WHEREAS, it is manifestly unfair since teachers pay all taxes imposed on citizens that, through a out in salary they shall pay in addition a special "income tax" which is not demanded of other citizens, including school patrons, and WHEREAS, persons in prdvate employment have enjoyed increased earnings and improved conditions since 1932 in contrast to lower salaries and heavier teaching loads for teachers, and WHEREAS, living expenses are increasing rapidly and will continue to increase throughout the year 1942, and WHEREAS, the members of the City Council and the Comptroller, as public officials, are under obligation to give consideration to the welfare of city employees, and WHEREAS, the salary schedule for teachers will be determined by the budget proposed.by the Comptroller and adopted by the City Council for the year 1942, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Trades and Labor Assembly expresses its disapproval of any action on the part of the Mayor, the Comptroller and the Commiheioners, which will impose upon the Department of Education the necessity of continuing the present three per cent out in the basic salary schedule for teachers, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Trades and Labor Assembly request the Mayor, the Comptroller and the Commiteioners to provide for the year 1942 budget appropriations sufficient to restore in full the basic salary schedule for teachers. ..C; JENS CH RISTENSEN, Eusipese Ma%sger PAUL SCHLESINOER, President F. M. SLECK, Treasurer TWIN CITY GARAGE ASSOCIATION MIDWAY CLUB BUILDING NESTOR 2741 1931 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL Alderman John S. Findlan, Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: We have received calls from several of the members of -our Garage Association informing us that the allowance for the Vocational Night School Training has not been included in the budget for 1942. 11 I understand you are going to have a hearing next Saturday morning regarding this matter. I am sorry I cannot attend this hearing, but I am speaking in behalf of the members of the Twin City Garage Association who feel that this training has been a great asset to them and to their men, and that with all the work that has been done by employers associations towards setting up apprentice training in the different schools it would seem that of all times, this is one time when we should be doing more of this kind of work than ever before, Our Association is very anxious that you do everything in your power to reinstate this training in your 1942 budget. We thank you very much. Very truly yours, TWIN CITY GARAGE ASSOCIATION Secretary JC:c Sept. 17 1 9 4 1 o� �, isG io �- ���� -�' �� �_ �. BLOCK, Treasurer M. JENS CHRISTENSEN, Business M ... 9- PAUL SCHLES1411ER, Pre Id -t F. = TWIN CITY GARAGE ASSOCIATION MIDWAY CLUB BUILDING NESTOR 2741 1931 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL The Honorable John J. McDonough, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, 347 Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: We have received calls from several of the members of our Garage Association informing UB that the allowance for the Vocational Night School Training has not been included in the budget for 1942. I understand you are going to have a hearing neat Saturday morning regarding thismatter. I am sorry I cannot attend this hearing, but I am speaking in behalf of the members of the Twin City Garage Association who feel that this training has been a great asset to them and their men, and that with all the work that has been done by employers associations towards setting up apprentice training in the different schools, it would seem that of all times, this is one time when we should be doing more of this kind of work than ever before. Our Association is ve UB that you do everythi in your power toareins this training in your 1942 b et. We tb u very mu Very truly yours, JC:c Sept. 17 1 9 4 1 TWIN CITY GARAGE ASSOCIATICT Secretary V U i 0 1406 Van Buren St. Paul, Minnesota September 19, 1941 His Honer, John McDonough Mayor of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: As a citizen and National Defense instructor at the St. Paul Vocational School, I do hereby enter a most emphatic protest against the elimination of Item 15G1O in the Department of Education Budget. Due to the present conditions that confront this country, 1t seems that it is of utmost impor- tance to keep on training men needed in the National Defense work. The amount of $10,000.00 requested by Mr. Peterson to carry on this training seems very ,nominal and should be granted. Yours very truly, B. N. B fork �/y1� G11 / 4 / 71 7 u / St. Paul Men Teac�e'r ' Fede ration Local Number 43 off-- Saint Paul, Minnesota con'm'ttoos FRANK P. BERGUP, Prealdent JEROME AGA, Proleesi,nal SAMUEL S. TINGLE, Viee-Presidenl ® y'�r WILLIAM W. PENNELL, Membership COURT E. SANDERS, Secretary LYLE KOCH, Welfare JOHN L. RYAN, Treasurer '� THOS. CHRISTOFFEL. Group Insurance LEONARD E. FORST, Member -al -Large September 12, 1941 HERBERT E. SITZER, Legislative To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Saint Paul E Dear Sirs: The Men Teachers' Federation, local #43, registers its vigorous protest to your Honorable Body, against the un- timely, unpatriotic, and inconsiderate elimination of the item in the 1942 budget, providing for Extension Trade Classes at the St. Paul Vocational School. With the cost of living going higher constantly, a full restoration of teachers' salaries is fully expected. how dare you allow increases for certain groups of City em- ployees and totally ignore the teachers? Talk of patriotism, Coimnunity needs, support of Defense bond buying, Community Chest, become hollow words in the face of the provisions made in the 1942 budget for the Department of Education. These items provide a serious problem that must be met and some provision made. Respectfully submitted, 2. Frank dergup, Presilr n / C Court Sanders, Secretary. Local # 43 9 t September 11, 1941 812 E. Hyacinth St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Mayor McDonough: I am a stuaent at the St. Paul Vocational School, -..r where I am taking an evening class in Biue Print Reading. my continuing with this course is necessary in my work. I am emFloyea at a firm handling aefense orders. I understand that the Council turned down a bill providing funds for such training. Please take this bill out of cold storage and present, it to the council for reconsideration and approval. After all, the total sum out of the city budget isn't much in comparison to what it really costs to maintain these classes Yours truly, OEPARTMENTOP EDUCATION CITY OF ST. PAUL The St. Pa 1 Vocational School F. H. THHOO ;�P , ' JP IJTH 3 JACK- STREEr9 ST. PAUL. MINN. (copy) September 9, 1841 Kia Mr. John J. McDonough Mayor of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota in Dear Sir: I wish to voice my protest for the disallowance of Item 15010 in the Department of Sduoation Budget, namely the Vocational Night school. I earnestly ask your consideration in doi4g whatever is necessary to make this item allowable in 194E for the following reasons: 1. Monies spent for,this service are reimbursable from State and Federal funds to the amount of about 95%. 2. Lack of support by a local community on an item line this will seriously jeopardize the allowance from State and Federal funds for other vocational funds. 3. The personnel of these classes is made up of adults, men who are desirous of improving their standing in the ocmmunity by increasing their skill and knowledge in spending their time in this manner. In time like the present, skilled tradesmen play an important part in our national defense. Oase histories of hundreds of men in St. Paul would show that attendance in these classes has aided them to become more proficient workers. Many of them are now employers. Attendance in these classes during the last year some weeks went well over 1200 in a week. "It Has Always Paid to Learn a Trade" V ta)� John J . McDonough 1% 4. The Federal government through the U.S. office of zduoation approved the purohass of equipment for the city and the,,vooational Sohool in the amount of $76,938.65. Is is not bad faith on the part of a local community not to continue all phases of extension training that has been in operation many yearal 5. A well planned apprenticeship training pjrogram has been put into operation in the Sheet Metal, Plumbing. Electrician and Steamfitter crafts in St. Paul. The apprentices reo&Lve their required related tiaining under this plan in the evening classes at the vocational School. Failure on the part of the city to provide funds for this service will bring vigorous protests, no doubt, from the Looal Joint, Apprenticeship committees as well as the apprentices themselves. It is very unfair not only to the apprentices but to the members of these committees who are made up of both employer, and employee groups. They have given of their time, many long hours, in working out this 000pera- tive apprentice training program. In view of these facts, I sincerely urge your support in making this item allowable for 1942. Copies toy or City Council Coo dinator Comptroller Goocrioh at. Paul C. onal P. S. a-aldon school A. N. Peterson 40 Q. 604 Portland AvOrfe at. Paul, Minnesota 1941 August 28, Mr. John McDonough Mayor of St. Paul city Hall M St. Paul. Minnesota Dear Sir: A letter expressing y mappreciation of the at, Paul Vocational School as a graduate from the Machine Shop* the know - I have had the opportunity *1n., ledge acquired to practical experience in Tool and Die making and Machine Shop. The school has channel source of directing my life work in a def Instead of short period of time. I have in a considerably being a jack oY all trades, stumbling around, oawhich means every - followed one and attained a g out in life. thing to a young Person starting It) I fully endorse any training that would l offer ry a complete course to a c course offering a mea day student or a sn already on the job a chance to s would not only refer to machine Thi better himself-' Thi vocation that a man may course but any othered in 1942, and being I understand that all previous trade extene on and nigher oYsgte.Paul,will bI object and am 1n favor of a taxp Y having funds sufficient to continue as we have been. I remain a booster for St. Paul Vocational School. Sincer Y. A V 1 u_ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CITY OF ST. PAUL The St. Paul Vocational School \�• F. H. THOMAS, PRINCIPAL 14TH & JACKSON STRUTS ST. PAUL, MINN. a Mr. John J. McDonough Mayor of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: September 9, 1941 I wish to voice my protest for the disallowance of Item 15G10 in the Department of Education Budget, namely the Vocational Night School. I earnestly ask your consideration in doing whatever is necessary to make this item allowable in 1942 for the following reasons: 1. Monies spent for this service are reimbursable from State and Federal funds to the amount of about 75%. 2. Lack of support by a local community on an item like this will seriously jeopardize the allowance from State and Federal funds for other vocational funds. 3. The personnel of these classes is made up of adults, men whoaare desirous of improving their standing in the community by increasing their skill and knowledge in spending their time in this manner. In times like the present, skilled tradesmen play an important part in our national defense. Case histories of hundreds of men in St. Paul would show that attendance in these classes has aided them to become proficient workers. Many of them are now employers. Attendancelln these classes during the last year some weeks went well over 1200 in a week. "It Has Always Paid to Learn a Trade" (2) Mr. John J. McDonough. through the 4. eFederal Educationgapprovtapproved purchase U.S. hase of ofequipment for the city and the Vocational School in the amount of $76,936.65. Is it not bad faith,,on the part of a local community not to continue all phases of extension training that has been in operation many years? 5. A well planned apprenticeship training program has been put into operation in the Sheet Metal, Plumbing, Electrician and Steamfitter crafts in St. Paul. The apprentices receive their required` related training lander this plan in the evening classes at the Vocational Sohool. Failure on the part of the city to provide funds for this service will he Localbring Jointvigorous ApprenticeshiptCommittees tasfrom t well as the apprentides themselves. It is very unfair not only to the apprentices but to the members of these committees who are made up of both employer and employee groups. They have given of their time, many long hours, in working out this coopera- tive apprentice training program. In view of these facts ,`°i sincerely urge your support in making this item allowable for 1942. Copies to - City Council Comptroller Goodrich P. S. Amidon A. F. Peterson C, A. C.ovTaytor Coordinator St. Paul Vocational School 1478 Blair Ave. SPaul, Minn. Sot. 1, 1941. His Honor the Mayor City Hall St. Paul, -Minn. Dear Sirs: It has been brought to my attention that Item 15 G 10, of the Department of Education Budget for 1942, has been entirely. cut out by the Comptroller. This item is for the Vocational night school and will completely stop all apprentice train- ing as well as put an end to any extension training for skill- ed trades outside of National Defense classes. I do hereby lodge pretest for this slash The Vocational School is the only place where these classes could and should be held. 'khat other place have we in St. Paul that could provide facilities for apprenticeship training sim- ilar to what we now have ? The answer is, none. Much time and effort by a great l tExiy ince-ivi6luals has created an apprenticeship training program that has a sound foundation and is producing results. Scores of apprentices have been in- dentured under the Federal Voluntary Apprenticeship Law. What will be the result when these men have no place to get their instruction ? They will not become the type of citizens we want our future generation to be. It will be of no credit to St. Paul for these men and others to have to say that their training was stopped because Item 15 G 10 was slashed from the budget. Other cities are only lbw setting up such programs as we have in operation here, anddare asking us for advice. Does d „ not this add to the prestige f St. Paul ? Commissioner Peterson has asked $10,000.00 for 1942 which is a just amount and should be allowed. Very truly yours, Lawrence Houska PAGE - 1 - ANALYSIS OF COMPTROLLER 1942 BUDGET ESTIMATE AND OUTLINE OF BUREAU¢ OF SCHOOLS MAJOR NEEDS FOR 1942 ANALYSIS OF ITEMS INCREASED BY COMPTROLLER ( Column 3 of Statement) 15-A-1 The $827.00 Increase in Business Administration Salaries allowed by Comptroller for the 1942 Cost of Living Increase is sufficient for the necessary increases. 15-C-1 The $503.00 Increase in Attendance Division Salaries consisted of the necessary Cost of Living Increases for 2 Civil Service Employees of - $414.20 and an amount of - to provide enough to pay necessary salaries of other employees. 15-D-1 The $451.00 Increase in Operation & Mtnoo.Administ`raA on will be sufficient to pay necessary increases under Cost of Living Ordinance in this division. 15-D-4 The $1485.00 increase allowed for Insurance on School Bldgs. will provide for the 2nd payment of premium scheduled under the existing o mitract. 16-E-1 The $450.00 Increase in the Storehouse Salaries will be sufficient to pay necessary increases under the Cost of Living Ordinancoe fo 15-F-1 The $5006oOO Increase in the Promotion of Health Salarins 2887.40 is duo to an itom of for salary increases under the Cost of Living Ordinance and also provision for employing two additional Oral Hygienists 2318.60 at a salary of as requested for by the Welfare Committee. 15-H-1 The $15,000.00 Ineroase in the Operation of Plant Salaries is not sufficient to provide for the salary increases necessary under the Cost of Living Ordinance which the Comptrollor computed at $16.183.208 but only alloviod a $15,000.00 increase in allovmnco. 15-J-1 The 0480.00 Increase in the Operation of Plant Salaries will be suffi- eiont to provide for Cost of Living Increase but will not allow for the increases in hourly vmgos and hours for the mochanic` s anir will cause a lay-off of either several mon or curtailing working sohedulo for all the present fordo. 15-J►10 The $12,000.00 increase or allowance is for a nocr itom to acquire an a dition to t as ington School Site* Sept. 12-1941 �5=G-10 i•ho' ;16,000.00 doorcasc or non-alloiranco of funds for Vocational Tight School will moan that this activity will have to be discontinued entirely.. Sept. 12-1941. Pago -2- ANALYSIS OF ITEMS DECREASED OR ELIMINATED Column 3 of Statomcnt -. 15-B-1 a The $529.00 dooroado in the Educational Administration is in fact an actual decrease of - $743.40 duo to the fact, that the Comptroller estimated that was to be allowed for Cost of Living Increases for '3 employees under Civil Service and in the event that 100% of Salaries aro allowed, it will be necessary that an amount of $323.40 be added to this Fund. Therefore it will be necessary to have at least $1,066,&0 added to this appropriation itom to Oxy full salaries. 11 E 15-D-2 The $1100.00 decrease in Express, Freight & Cartago will not cause any pprbioulardamage except that probably ?50.00 or $7500 will be noodod in addition to the amount availablo to take caro of the resumption of transferring books fron one school to another by the Public Library. 15-B-4 $'ho $175.00 decrease in Storchoudo Expense is not serious and will merely result in approximatoly that amount !eY being transferred from Instruction Supplies. 15-G-1 0 The doeroasc in Instruction Salaries from the 1941 Budget is by comparison $221,840.00 but inasmuch as the Comptroller estimated the amount of increase neeossary under the Cost of Living Salary Increase to be 2,025.70 the actual effective decrease is�g,�^ and that is on the basis of the 1941 provision for only 9V, Salaries. Payment of 100°%, of Salaries under the q Salary Ordinance would cost approximately _ 76,500.00 in addition to above or approximately00,00 _ .00 in total. 15-G-5 The $10,000.00 Decrease in Instruction Supplies will moan a drastic reduction in the supplios, books, and services necessary to properly instruct students as the purohaso prico of all items have and will continuo to incroaso. It is impractical to pay approximately the two and one half million dollars in teaching salaries and than g not got the full bonofit of teaching by not allowing for sufficient materials for thori to use in teaching, 15-G-6 The 1?375.00 decrease in this iton will mean the elimination of the payment of approximately $40.00 par month to %he Polies Dept., for the auto allowance of Captain gotznookor, Supervisor of School Police. �5=G-10 i•ho' ;16,000.00 doorcasc or non-alloiranco of funds for Vocational Tight School will moan that this activity will have to be discontinued entirely.. Sept. 12-1941. Page -3.. i AITALYSIS OF ITEI'S DECREASED OR ELTITIITATED' Column 3 of Statonont 15-J-6 The olinination of $150,000.00 for Ho;v Buildings will cause the discontinuanco of the present plan of taking caro of novr .` school buildings on the cash basis instead 6-9 by norc costly bond plan* 15-J-9 The olinination of $45,000900 for Major Repairs will moan that the present onlargod school plant will again continuo to fall into a state of iseg')I.eol; 1111ru Insufficient allovranocs for naintonanoc as had boon tho practice in the paste ANALYSIS OF REQUESTS FOR LTCREASES ITOT ALLOWED BY COI;PTROLI R Co ww o a omen 15-H-4 LIGHT,POWER, GAS& W TER & SITUAGE DISPOSAL The non-allovmnoo of the requested anount of .167,000.00 for which only the 1941 Appropriation of - 50,000.00 eras allovrod for,loaving an unprovided for anount of r,7M.0- This is noro or lass a fixed iton and unless the power and light donands aro sovercly curtailed it will definitely noun an ovorcxponditurc of that anount or noro. Tho expenditures for 1941 arc estinatod at 57,000.00 the 1940 Expenditure vras 55,549.04 and the 1939 It it 49,812.56 the increase over the past throe yours being prineipully because of the additional buildings and the povror consuming cquipnont added in nanual training.honc coononics,otc. 15-H-5 FUEL - Anount requested 110,000.00 Amount allowed by Conptrollor 1942 --stir.,.& 1941 Budget 100,000.00 Requested Ineroaso Not Allcnved "Tbs�6b�(i The 10% or norc of an inorcaso in the price per Ten in the 1941-42 Contract will cost the Department approxinatcly x'0''13,000.00 norc on the basis of the 1940 Actual Consiu:ption of "102,606.190 and vri lJ. roan that all weather conditions being equal that it will cost the Dopartnont about 1115,600.00 for the 1942 ilatual Coal Consumption. The following coriparison indicatos the incrcasod costs per ton and cstiriato of inorcaso for year. COMP.'.RISOIT OF COLL CONTRACTS IlTCRS .T OT • ESTII.4. LIC.?S• COST POR KIYD OF COAL COITSTI.IP. 1940-41 1941-42 PER TON 1942 Yough.Stovc' 5500 Ton 8 22 9 10 R 88 4 85:0 00 Smokeless Scrgs. 1.250 " 7 19 8 27 1 08 4 590 00 Splint Scrgs. 4125 " 6 92 7 70 78 3 217 50 Color 125 1' 10 93 11 50 57 71 25 1940 Consw.1ption14 000 TOIN TOT -L I1TCR:,--,SE 12 71_8 75 OVER 19SA Sept. 12, 1.941. y Pago -4.. ~ isl.'�LYSIS OF REQUESTS FOR INCIMLSES .TOT i,LLU, LDS By COIviPTROILER Colunn5 of Statonont) .». 15-Hw6 OPERi,TION OF PIl,IlT Jl1lITOR SUPPLIES Tho non-aillovmnoo Of tho roqucstod for "^2500000 inorcaso in this fund will soriously handicap providing for the nocossary brushoss floor oils towelso toilot papors light bulbs, otc.# that have already advanood in prieo and Trill continuo to. This Dopartnont noroly roquostod for tho return of thoTI* WO originally allowod -- ?12.500.00 which tho Coriptrollor out to V in tho 1941 Budgot and has again hold to that anounteV 0 sept. 12+1941. 0 SUM�RY OF MLJOR HEEDS 15.G•1 Instruction Salarios �- 07j -223.500.00 Rostitution of 3% to Standard Rata 6 500.00 � 76, Total 15-G-1 - 100%300.000.00 15-G+5 Instruotion Supplics 10.000.00 7'000.00 G46 Vooational Flight Sohool 7,000.00 H-.4 Light.Powor. Jgator oto. 10.000.00 H-5 Fuol acot. 10/ Inorcaso 2.500000 H-6 Janitor Supplies Total ldajor hoods -- 0 sept. 12+1941. 0 Ramsey County Welfare Board - 179 Court House St. Paul, hinnesota 00 �N �A July 31, 1941 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, as employees of the Division of Old Age Assistance, Ramsey County Welfare Board, wish at this time to express our dissatisfaction with the existing salary schedule. Certain conditions, most of which have eexisted over a long period of time, and which have recently been accentuated by have prompted us to sincerely believe that an equitable adjustment should uld no longer ri- be delayed. To present our position, we are submitting a summary cant elements which necessarily lead to the conclusion that to map governmtain ent personnel standards and competent staff, all units of our local g problem. immediately recognize their responsibility to the communityyy„•In meeting this p It is unquestionably recognized that fromthraine'odpersonnpoint f requirements, expected capabilities, and the necessity of having a the Obviously the shortsighted schedule of remuneration is definitely inadequate. policy of securing individuals who meet these reouirements, training them to the point where they become an integral and valuable next hebCounty Welfare Board, merely and then allowing them, in many instances, to resign ' Y ficient wages is a situation which must be remedied. It is a frequent occurrence for an employee who is vitally interested in social work and. anxious to serve in that field to find it impossible, in justue ice remuneration to himself d his famdlelsewheretinCurrent when a position of only alightly employment opportunities in all fields present a serious threat to maintai ng a� stable organization. A further point deserving consideration is erisonfact withae Ramsey County ce Welfare Board employees are grossly underpaid in comp units of our own local government and comparable welfare agencies in other com- munities, notably Hennepin County where the initial salary for Old Age Assistance visitors is $1j6.00 per month plus mileage with regular increases to $165.00 per month plus ieag�exist •c1The examination of 8tatisticse same diffenceslthroughoutative to hthelnation revealsand no - graphic groups. a similar disparity. " Such a policy as pursued in Ramsey County has resulted in actual hardship in many instances, and in view of the rising cost of living, the and maintaining hardships is increasing. Certain requisites, such as purchasing a impossibility under an automo a and presenting a decent appearance are becoming the pr nt wage scale. Further, the present schedule of salaries permits a standard of liv ng scarcely better than that of public assistance recipients, which is actually a very discouraging situation. We feel that o'ar expression as nor indicated is timely and deserving Of immediate action. Copies sent to: John J. IcDonoudli, Mayor Board of County Commissioners City Council Harold E. Goodrich, City Comp roller Eugene A. :Soni ck, County Au tOr Ruta L. Bovnoan, Acting Executive Secretary Respect rally submi t�eL/ ` Iq �� 3" c, "o ol - C -D 1-0 44- 4— 0\� 4 J' 02 1�w 1-7 3 ci q 27 7- -7 7 r s p , DO74 _ - , iol ` 4 1j Q�ourt gouse and Ctg gall �tamgr; canes - - St. VH"I �ffiinnesuta SCOTT L. GIPPLE o CCBTCOIAN Yir. Harry T. O'Connell Sept 17th 1941 City Clerk B u 1 1 d 1 n g Dear Mr. 0'Connell:- In the making up of the budget the City Comptroller omitted an item of 600.00 which we had requested as the city's one half of an amount necessary to insulate windows. The County Board has tentetively.,restored this amount in their half of our budget. In corder that we may go ahead with this work next year it will be necessary for us to get a similar amount restored in the city's budget for our department. I wish to aupear before the City Council during the budget hearings for the purpose of stating our position is the ;,atter. dull you kindly advise me as to what date would be convenient. Veryresp r v s dian J L Ii S73ft.-,S, COiJi71Y AND tMNICTrAL WOWM OF AURRICA LCCAL#265 1269 Randolph Ave. St. Paul, Minn. August 15, 1941 + Harry O' onnell Secretary �® City Councilmei of the City of St. Paul urt House St. Paull Minn. Dear sirs: May we be extended a hearing before the Joint Session of the County CemQsissioners and City Councilmen when the budget for Anker Hospital comes before you, for appra"M :hat we would appreciate is a notice as much in advance as possible of the meeting in order that we may have proper representation. Yours truly Ct Zoh Chegwy� reF eident iilian Preiner, Secretary Anker Kospital workers Local#265 SCV.W.A. (CIO) q' August 13, 1941 To the Honorable, The Members of the City Council, Court House and City Hall, Gentlemen: _Y/ The following resolution was adopted by the County welfare Board at its meeting on Tuesday, August 12, 1941: WHEREAS, the salary rates paid the employees of the 00-ty Welfare Board have always been substantially below the salary- rates paid the employees of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey for comparable work, and WHEREAS, the County Welfare Board is required by law to submit its hbudget to the County Auditor and the City Comptroller by not later than July of preceding the effective date of the budget, and AREAS, after carefully considering the fiscal problems ofthento City and County governments and the needs of its employees and without taking consid– eration the availability of any new sources of income to the City and, govern– ments to be used for salary increases, the County which budget was m of $60,000.00 for salary increases in its budget for the year 1942,, submitted to the City Comptroller and the County Auditor prior to July 1, 19479 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED That it is the opinion of the members of the County Welfare Board that if additional Hinds are made available for general salary increases to the employees of the City and County governments, whether from new sources of revenue or otherwise, the employees of the County Welfare Board should receive their proportionate share of ary funds madeavailablefor Ducchh general salary increases in addition to the sum of E60,000.00, digin ancien lly requested to further equalize to a slight degree the already' Welfare existing Board and the salaries between the salaries paid the employees of the County paid the employees of the City and County governments, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That copies of this resolution be sent to the Honorable John J. McDonough, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, ll . Harold memb oldrs of�eich, City Comptroller, Mr. Eugene Monick, County , and City Council and the Board of County Commissioners. Yours very truly, (Miss) Ruth L. Bowman, Acting Executive Secretary. rlb/mh t" � � I Welfare 30oarb �. DIRECTORS ountp Fw+K. PAIV ' Cl '- GF THE Dm. Puvu�Apslrt�xce MILioN P. Pumtura. Vlvc"u Fn . H• De,wna CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY um ev,vlu vmw a an �c we'nw,.ce F. M. R 0. Js. 1579 COURT HOUSE rvm� � Flo m ovvmmrt exiaanm C. F. M.N--, M. Rum L. eowr.x SAINT PAUL, MINN. Acnes �urlrs ecan�'n q' August 13, 1941 To the Honorable, The Members of the City Council, Court House and City Hall, Gentlemen: _Y/ The following resolution was adopted by the County welfare Board at its meeting on Tuesday, August 12, 1941: WHEREAS, the salary rates paid the employees of the 00-ty Welfare Board have always been substantially below the salary- rates paid the employees of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey for comparable work, and WHEREAS, the County Welfare Board is required by law to submit its hbudget to the County Auditor and the City Comptroller by not later than July of preceding the effective date of the budget, and AREAS, after carefully considering the fiscal problems ofthento City and County governments and the needs of its employees and without taking consid– eration the availability of any new sources of income to the City and, govern– ments to be used for salary increases, the County which budget was m of $60,000.00 for salary increases in its budget for the year 1942,, submitted to the City Comptroller and the County Auditor prior to July 1, 19479 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED That it is the opinion of the members of the County Welfare Board that if additional Hinds are made available for general salary increases to the employees of the City and County governments, whether from new sources of revenue or otherwise, the employees of the County Welfare Board should receive their proportionate share of ary funds madeavailablefor Ducchh general salary increases in addition to the sum of E60,000.00, digin ancien lly requested to further equalize to a slight degree the already' Welfare existing Board and the salaries between the salaries paid the employees of the County paid the employees of the City and County governments, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That copies of this resolution be sent to the Honorable John J. McDonough, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, ll . Harold memb oldrs of�eich, City Comptroller, Mr. Eugene Monick, County , and City Council and the Board of County Commissioners. Yours very truly, (Miss) Ruth L. Bowman, Acting Executive Secretary. rlb/mh t" � � I 124 Oddn.1 b Clb CIerY .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE ro. ll.e OFFI F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UnOWGENERAL FORM RESENTED DATA PSeptember 30rY941 CS%F,SSIONE BY o Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of_tthe Comptroller, one used 33 -passenger Wills bus in first-class mechanical condition for use of the Wori*ouse, from the Northland Greyhound Lines, Minneapolis, at a cost of $800.009 and one set of eight used tires to be selected, at an approximate cost of $200.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as it is im- possible to secure cdmpetitive bids. Carge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'n an _.. anto et rson oxen u - l-�l President, McDonough If OCT 1- So 194— Adopted by the Council j Approved OCT 1— 1941 _194___ Tn Favor ayo , Against '` -'i �.--: .� � - .r - 1 f ' ,: y r i _--�.�,fic rif 114183—By Sohn 9 Ffbdlah— Reeolv�d that thanes b and I. he by Or,indto City Clem ,B". t 2, €�a� CITY OF SAINT PAtir.".i '`"' Fo iNefi NO. OFFI�E OF THE CITY CLERK " �` � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / /y ��t COMMISSIONER—w r __--_ _ _ __— DATE _ —_— Resolved, Thattherebe and is hereby levied for the support of the various departments o� the City of Saint Paul government, and of the Special School District of said City, upon all the property taxable therefor in the City of Saint Paul, for each Charter Bund, a tax for the year 1941, collectible in the year 1942, in an amount squaSl to the annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as herein recited and set forth, after deducting therefrom the amount of the Departmental Receipts, Delinquent Taxes and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows: 11 Code Charter Bund Amount 1 City Officer's Salaries $ 37,000.00 2 Mayor's Office 10,600.00 3 Corporation Counsel 33,760.00 1F City 010* 35,179.00 5 Contingent Bund 6 Finance Commissioner 67,345.00 7-9-9 Public Safety Administration93,573.00 7 Police Fund 776,7 1.00 9 Fir Fund 940,941.00 7-9 Polio & Fire Alarm 59,734.00 9 Health Pmtd 115,535.00 10 Commissioner of Public Works 163,947.00 11 Street Construction & Repair 75,900.00 12 Sewer Construction & Repair 47,956.00 13 Street & Sewer Cleaning 174,274.00 1 Bridge Building & Repair17,000.00 15 Public Schools 3,491,509.00 16 Public Library 295,944.00 17 Auditoriva92,250.00 18 Public Pa*s 162,005.00 19 Public Playgmuzde 77,566.00 20 Public Buildings 53,987.00 21 Public Utilities, 52,849.00 22 Public Lighting 234,010.00 23 24 Water Department Board of Public Welfare 950,000.00 1167,094.00 25 City Ball & Court House 73,199.00 26 Interest 1,065,731.00 27 Sinking Hind 200,000.00 28 Redemption of Bonds & Notes 1,254,436.00 C011TICILTIIETI Adopted bil the Council fleas Ilays barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough Jul 5-40 CJ 23338 Approved_ _tea___ ___In Favor Ma PUSLISHGD D CITY F SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FIL[ NO. OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- - — _— —__ _— .._ . _— _ DA 29 Judgment & 02romise 5,000•00 30 Comptroller& Civil Service 59,349.00 31 'General Blind 735,035.00 TOTAL $n,801,559-00 Plus Shri#mge in Ourreit Tax Collections 500,000.00 Ilf $12,301,559• Less Departmental Receipts $1,237,602.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 2,826,025.00 4,o63,627.00 TAX LRVY $ 8,2371932.00 Be It Further Resolved, That the City Clerk be directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1941, collectible in the year 19112, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. V Received certified copy of the foregoing resolution this 3rd day of October, 1941. DfiYOTi OUNTY OUITOY counciLmEn Adopted bq the Council_ 1]eas nays Approved --..—.:._P_ 194--- Pa nto �//_> � e nto -- ln Favor M'or �oaen Against . President, McDonough Din D -YO CD 23336 � c Oriffin.l to City Clam ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL F,°� N"` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / A/S/\ Q �Y _ I�G�JZ!1s%i� DAT CIOtiObe2' 211941 COMMiSS10NE _ RHPiIW , David F. Brown desires withdraw application 1280 for Taid Driver license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it Resolved.- that the proper. city offl cars be and they are hereby authorized to refund to David F. Brown the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /uiidla nnt o terson 11�2 President, McDonough 3m 1.41 C. F. No. 124164—BY John S. Findlen— W. A, FarrantotP — Whereas, David F. Brown dealree Wherw applicatlon 12a.80 for T8Y1 of the license afee rdepositedr thereon, therefore, be it Resolved. that the proper city otilcera be to to) -d thorlied to Fare BrBrownl soon for 51.00 and to cancel saidtte Con app 1941. license. yy ppppovedrOcth 2, 1941,ct1 Oct. (Oct. 4, 1941) OCT 2 IN Adopted by the Counci) 194— Ij-- 194— Approveti n .�In Favo or /�/l al Original to City Clan_ Cpl1NCIL 24.1 D CITY OF, SAINT PAUL FILEWNO. I -,-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U CIL RESOLUTIOWGENE FORM DATE Oct... 1v i of+i J/�Ly ..COM MES EY MfUnS,'sari Pratt has made application 5247 for 1lcenaW to operate as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Pon"one (1) Chrysler sut(Imobile. Motor No. C28-25mSerial No. 7669940. Car No. 1, covered by Pennej',kvanla Casualty Co. policy No. 22-341-05709, Expiring September 25. 1942. and WHERUs, said applicant has filed a oopy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore. be it , RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets Of the City of St. Paul be and the same 1s hereby Wanted to Earl Pratt and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i Wan Jsrranto �e rson en Trax r. President, McDonough ab 1.41 C: F. No PerYanto—y Sohn S. Flodlan Nhereas, Earl. Pratt has made aP- pllcatlon 1247 for license to operate as of Saint Paul, to sail) tChryeler City o Motor No. C28-266108, Serinl to 7, bile, Cnr No. I, c ed by No. 7869940, o olc 22-S41Y06508a C 'unity September 26, 194°, and said applicant has Bled n Vheoreas. {[h the t:ity c py f Insurance Polley of St. Paul ndf said r. aPell" has tion ten a e Cord rato tion Couneel; therefore. be he Corporation it Resolved, that license to operates Id n t ob�le. B auto livery Pon the stregati [ the City f St. Paul be And _ the Is hereby granted to Earl Prat and, thlicenseitlClerk II Psy-einstructn to issue acity treasury of the euulred fnto the fee. APP ovedbbe[h 2. 1941.Courcit (Oct. 4, 1941) I` Adopted by the CouncilOCT 2 641194— n Approved— OR --194..— _in Favpr M or sinat C F.kNo 124166-RY John S. Ft dl an— to Cit, Q-k R. P canto— s applied for R Ived s thatnglc 3 on the lfat ,1 by th D t thte res lniea 1�� `' oesto.l CITY OF, SAIN� tppKe end''hdClty ipe are hereby gr such 1f- �0.--- lnatructed to t .idL �— tot cenees uP , tt1 ere4uired teeso ttie city ,. OFFICE 6F THE CI Clerk fe oct. x. 1941. CC)UNI L RESOLUTIC)N t asovi a by the ca nail APPYoved O t. 2, 1941. _ l-0 " (Oct. 4, 1941) PRESENTED BRY COMMISSIONE., - -- the addresses IM stated " RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following Per. Song at be and the same are hereby granted% 4 House Shops Inc. 5th and St. Peter Parking Lot Apps0713 Renewal Blue .Sandwich 20 E. 7th St. Restaurant ^ 0886 ^ a Matt N. Weber n n On Sale Malt a 09157 a n e a Off Sale M. 0888 a n Julius W. Smith Confectionery 12 3 S.Wabasba a 1032 a 1392 Payne Ave. Grocery ^ 3 lOS9... Mrs. John Olson 341 W. 7th St. Gas Station a 1090 n James Josephs 619 Grand Ave. Confectionery" ,1091 n James F. Logar S.Brand Coal & pi1Co. Inc. 484 Rice St. Fael lar. 11 1122 a 846 White Bear Ave. Restaurant a 1123 a Jos..rP. Pewters a n On Sale Malt a 1124 a n ^ n n off Sale Malta 1125 a ^ a 1415 Univ. Ave. Restaurant a 1126 n a Tip Top Tap Inc. a a On Sale Malt a i]27 ^ a a n Off Sale Melt a 1128 a a a John R. comotook 967 Bradford Fuel Dir. a 1131 274 Maple St. Grocery a 1133 " v si.gurd Sonnee / 258 Maria Ave. Confectionery ^ a 1135 Sarah Rossi 631 S. Snelling G40off a ' a Raymond Maher sale Maltna 1139 a n Lexington Tire & Battery Co. 1197 Univ. Ave-Gas Station a 1146 a Robert Herold7th St 1179-81 E. . Restaurant a 1147 " \ Ir ^ ii49 Wm. W. Rosenthal- 788 Grand Ave. Confeotid M--194-- Adopted by the Counc"l COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays OCT 2 1N n / Approved_ -194— auto a auto rson / jLn Fav o Mayor 10 Agains aF"resident, 5,en McDonough 3M 1-41 M Petition. 2� 9 0 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IPPROVEMENT 12x18gA�D . . and NI .I rrtr$eprnDosrtl f r .0 PRELIMINARY ORDER. v',1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: open, widen and extend 20 ft. alleys in Blocks 3,4,5 and 6, Northern Pacific ..... .. Ad'di'ti�oa; --6vtaking end 'ooridemning a strip o!' -iead'ld -ft : . wide 'froia -tiie' rear of Lot s..l..to.26.,.both.inoluaLve.,.Bloek..3;..Lots:l.to..26,..bnth.inclusive,. Blo.ck.4;.......... Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 5, and Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 6. ............................................................... ................... .......................................... ....................................................................................................................... Dated this..... 2nd..... day of ........ oetober................... .. .......... 1934].. �w — .. ................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open, widen and extend 20 ft. alleys in Blocks 3,4,5 and 6, Northern Pacific 6dditioa; "by taking 'and 'condemning a strip o4 'land 1'b" ft: i:ide from tfie 'Fear of Lot a. 1. Lo..26, ..bath . inclusive...Blo ok..3; .Lots. l..ta . 26... both. inoluaiye... Black .4; ...... Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 5, and Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 6. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...........OC &..................................... YEAS NAYS 12 u Councilman 4A FtMS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN n PARRANTO PETERSON \ ROSEN TRUAX Mayor. f IM 12.38 MR. PRESIDENT — McDonough. 0111jad 1. City Clerk V F ..4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN6IL RE90LUTION-GENERAL FORM coUNCIL VILE NO. COMMf55tt�rvnrc.-7 -- ✓ - B to RESOLVED, That Fred M. TruaxCanmissioner of Parks, Play- :S Super- RESOLVED, and Public Buildingsand W. La Mont Iiacted , P intendent of Parks, be and they are hereby directed to attend the annual convention of the American be held nstitute of Park Executives in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1941, and that the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized e®totFredaM• Truax a warrant in the awn of $ 3S0'= expense pof travel and and A. Lamont Kaufman to defrayo _ be drawn said wrr other expenses in said and expendedabalancereturned. against the. Park Fund, us ­ CR. No. 12that F13,L M.FredTruaxrCim- u publicReBuildingas,ksandlaygro�dsld-no Kaufman. Superintendent VV✓✓f Park.. tie and they re hereby directed to attend the n ual onvention of the American Institute f' Park Executives in New Orleans, l.ouislana, to d be hsthh Optobb.r '6 7, 8 d 9, 1941¢ r city officials be and they a hereby authorized to draw a arrant In the m of 1360.09, payable to Fred M. Truax and W. I- Mont Xaufman to de- fray g�enee of gravel and other ex- saBid% matter; id arrant no guns bended ybalancehrei ru d . 2, and pyprovedbOc[h 2, 1941.c11 Oct. 2, 1.941. (Oct. 4, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays uo Pe rson 2 Pruu esident, McDonough 8M 1-41 ..3 Vag so Adopted by th% Council 194— 0�!v 4Approve&_=94— fin Favo Mayor Agaf Oripind to City Clerk- FILE NO CITY OF SAINT PAUL' - OFF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIg � LUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` —_ _ _- ATE _-- - ---- COMMISSIONER - ---- _ - RESOLVED, that United Properties, Inc. be given permission to install a new driveway to the property at 1007 Aroade Street, ander the direction and to the satisfaction o of the Commissioner of public Works, said permit being subject to revocation at any time by the Council. -4w C. F. No. 124169—By M11 ton Rosen— Resoived, that United Properties, Inc., be given permission to install a new driveway to the property at 1007 Arcade Street, der the directl,m and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of ublic Works, aid permit being sub- ject to revocetlon at any time by the Council. y ApyrovedbOcth2, Council Oct. 2, 1941. (Oc41. t. 4, 1941) Adopted by the Council_4-- _-�`1--t�— COUTIC111MEIl Ileas Ilays r pproued A1v_'--------T94_ inndlan Parranto In Favor --- - ---- peterson \ [Tlayor _Agains �ax r. President, McDonough ,ins o Cs �sssa CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration %•;@ October 1, 1941 n Mr. Harry A. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of United Properties, Inc., for permission to install a new driveway to property at 1007 Arcade Street. Very truly ypo�u�rs, /V '-1 City Clerk. Q OCT �`� t 'r , ., i.1 0 PLI�A. CITY OF ST. PAUL LICA AND FILED IN TR Y TRIPLICATE CLERK'I OFFICE • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • u 1 Application For License 193_= .,.DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION_ Is HereMade e-, BY _ -_ - I AMS oe-hjRxl ow -1 IouA E..,' — FOR PERMIT TO -IN STALL �ANO'O RYCTC•RA' �` ARwO J �G- BLOCKI— MOB,I__ FQ.,gTAgiON-TO BE LOCATED ON LOT I.. LSO DESCRIBED AS ISTREE4 ANOwU... l � ,' IAVOIiIVN) , Opp�{Ty-OF-EACHYRNih_--------- ,m,0F�DMTJ------NO.OP"GA4f'1'A107r'�.� — 6. FILED BY � r uslpEa oowess. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 8 DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY " POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. ._ , September 20 19. 41. Y-od are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of application of United Properties, Inc., for permission to install driveway to 1007 Arcade St., on the S. 100 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, Arlington Hills Addition — and that a Public hearing will be held In the Council Chambers of Court House and City Hall Building on October 1 19 41, in t ly of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlgy,...— ...`a.- Commissioner of Finance. File 9356 CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Of9cer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ec �erazfrraeal al PitIlL e�ajet Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULI.ANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 17, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir% This is in reference to application made by United Properties, Inc., for permit to install a new driveway at 1007 Arcade Street. The customary inspection was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. His report is attached and you will note here is no ob- jeotion to the granting of this permit. Very truly you�s` Commissioner of Public Safety DRIVE SAFELY, .ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE.DEPARTMENT OF PUQLIC SAFtTY I a OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAI. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION " September is 1941 Mr. C. A. Haokert Chief of Polioe Dear Sir It This r is refo* fon to epe1� toninstallde ya new driveway his United Properties, Ino. for p zm'.} at 1007 Aroade Street. For your information,i made the usual inspeotion of the promisee and blue prints and do not find that the proposed driveway to this used oar lot will materially interfere with traffio• From a traffic standpoint there will be no objeotibn to the granting of this permit- Yours ermit.Youra very truly. Superintendent ooffTraffio huw/f 0 FIV a ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOH ENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE a ERNARD J. MCGLYNN ,GIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City A,ch,—t GEORGE H. HERROLD. E,,,�nee,_e.retary THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE September 22nd, 1941. Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the United Properties, Inc. to install a new driveway for a proposed parking lot at 1007 Arcade Street. This lies between Lawson and Jenks. It is vacant property with a frontage of 54 ft. on Arcade St., the corners being occupied by buildings. The appl cant has submitted a plan enclosed herewith but agrees to reducing the driveway width on the sidewalk to 29 ft. in order to have sufficient apace between the drive- way and the walls to park oars parallel to the street. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, a, George H. Harrold, Jhgineer Secretary. gh-rh m erlill-0 to City Clerk r CITY�0F SAINT PAUL c�e N0. 3 _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C COMMISSIONER_- __-.____.__..._.... ___.__ _.. - DATE_—..— RESOLVED, That the Shell 011 Company be permitted to remodel its drive-in filling station at the southwest cor- ner of Seventh and Arcade Streets, in accordance with the submitted plan; the remodeling to be in accordance with the directions of the Commissioner of the proper supervisory department. Whenever the Council determines that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard; -this permit may be revoked. COnnCILMETI 1]eas nays w Findlan /oarrdnto Terson �iosen /Tru�x .Rlr. President, McDonough sin -0 Cs ]3338 C. F. No. 124170—Ry John S. Flndlan— Resolved, that [he shall Oil Company be permitted to remodel its drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Seventhd Meade Streets in ac- ordanee with the epbmitted pan: the ce m odeling to be In accordance with the directions of the Commissioner of the t Proper supervisory department When - star the Council determines that Bald tion constitute. a trafilc, fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. Adopted by the Council Oat. 2, 1941. Approved Oot. 2, 1941. - t (Oct. 4, 1941) (IGI 2 1941 Adopted by the Council_.__ _ ___.....- _ _- _194 r'F �l Approved— ------194__._ In Fatior Mayo 12 'Against CLINTON A. ACKERT ROBERT HB.,J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM, J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY 0� SAINT PAUL < L e Capital of Minnesota �e�arfcrf.er�t o� �u ec a�etr� Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner ^ September 27, 1941 i` Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to applies.+tion of the Shell oil Company for permit to remodel their drive-in automobile filling station located on the southwest corner of Seventh and Arcade Streets. Attached are reports covering inspections made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. You will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Co �/�OseJioner of lic Safety o-4 DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY i THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE �-aC CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION d September 25 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sir This is in reference to application made by the Shell Oil Company for permission to remodel their drive-in automobile filling station located on the southwest corner of Seventh and Arcade Streets. For your information,l made the usual inspection of the premises nd *dlllue be aniimpro improvement of the onts and find that olld ones. change i n the driveways Therefore, d from a traffic standpoint there adil be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry N. its ergren Superintendent of Traffic hmP/f o - THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 26th. 1941 Hon. G. H. Wfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Deer Sir; Regarding the application made by the Shell 011 Company for permission to remodel their drive-in automobile filling station located on the southwest corner of Seventh and Arcade Streets. We made an inspection of -the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard to adjacent properties if this work is permitted. WCB/z to Respectfully yours. Chief Fire Inspector. i ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIS APPLI O T YPLICA Leo IN TN[ Y ATE A CIT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CL91K eFlc Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING_fiTATION DATE _ e --5C o—"— . 3 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Lh If -'21-1 (3.(NAME 11 111M on . o FOR PERMIT TO AVCex4 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 4!" e. _ ZY-�lol -4 ALSO DESCRIBED A6 �/V � �ea I I IETRE[T ANO N MB[KI NO. OF PUMPS __ NO OF GAS TANK FILED RECEIVED COPY FRO. CITY CLERK DATE / Ig / DEPARTMENT OPPUSLIC SAFETY BY .CAPACITY OF EACH TANK- FILED ANK_ 6r �199 �1 s,ii c s"e;; &`o NT By �C, RECEIVED COPY FFRROOO. CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOAR. BY �LS�.AI✓" /C ��� OF I THE BOARD OF ZONING CITY S Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 .4 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE N o September 26th, 1941. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, C�e'irmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H.LUNDIE BERNARD !. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Ci11 Ar,1,1 1 p GEORGE H. HERROLD, Elle r Se crer�ry Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i ng. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell Oil Company for permission to remodel their station at the southwest corner of Arcade and Bast Seventh Streets. This is CcIamercial Zoning. The Shell Company desire to move their East Seventh St. driveway to the west and make it standard - 22 ft. on the sidewalk. On Arcade St. they will reduce the width of the driveway from 28 ft. to 25 ft., moving the curb returns so that it will be 6 ft. measured from the property line to the point of curb. The Hoard of Zoning recommend that this permit -.be granted. Proposed plans are submitted herewith. No notice to property owners is necessary as it is a remodelling and betterment of the old station. gh-rh enol. le Yours very truly, George H:, Harrold, Secretary Engineer. i `ep _" __' ...: .. ._� tom. �... _ s .. � - - • .__ .. fr / _ i \I E Al ak �r •I C � � '.• %'( N _... is .. }_ � �l _ - J ? X/��,t F�V1.1. 'L 1. /y�N1f �e.K s. V1 ee..' l•...��I ' A - .� �'. .. � T �t ual, /,unua.F• ,. - �I•e.. �, `0 lrq. !op k \\` vim' o !-,._-/. - AC H-. cF i_ .,j .5:. .tL f..y Gl.,. .- y4� Q.n,r God E/ F_ n it, 1.2 Z.f% 1 U.c�. �{.:v<.-_M ��'�,:5.1.3 /..�-l••"�.p., f�E 7D� :.�aP�� y TE_.,t J W - 1 Y.c"� m000 W \ .��r'' SSS' - s T r r sl.�e 'tea ' f ti- rr LY/STINy '/ rae -rLa P 'CX -1 e AXS etcd Ala.s�- /t _�,.• !` _ 6 k,'n.rc 4� T n 4.6 ia- a I O I ..TTor 4 ....... - - _.. _. .. : r I >:nfQ _ -- f[ j E,vT/cnNCE- l/ t / �= !r> _. r- - - .. _ - _ DEQ,! _. � _ .. ../•�i8:4)7. v "-� , - .... ..rte - ..... _ Ori,i..i to City Cleek ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCI'�O a LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCW�'AL'A gTION-GENERAL FORM . Af�o� i7K) _ DATE October 2. 1941 RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of•the General Fund, Weekly compensation of $20.00 be paid Thomas F. Ws)ters while he is.totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on Sepbember 118 1941, while employed by the Department of Education, and $26.67 in final payment, to and including September 91, 1941, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'iDAan $Par 7nto eterson o en /hoax 1-4r. President, McDonough AM 1-41 C•Reeolved 4that B LAte[he F. Workmen.I ComFensation Accod-t t the f9eneral Fund aekly comV tin of $20.00 be pall Thomas F. Waters While he to to- talley disabled by re eon t Walle h- ec Ived on septe mber 11, 1941, rmDtoyed by the Department of Edu-� cation, and $28.97 in Oral pF y 194 1. and Including September 27, 1941, le payable. ncIwd"I d O t 2, 1941. cit Oct. 2, 1941. c (Oot. 4, 1941) Adopted by the Council $ i%' 194— I/ 94— �/APProve' 194— In Favor, Mayo Mayo /✓ Against— _ I 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU .. CLERK_NO 1.03 FILE NCIL COUNCIL SOLUTION OR ORIZATI N OF L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS A,. PRESENTED BY NON. r l DATED®m Ll�r 29, 184L • • 0 0, e Resolved, at the Council hereby approves the award of the Conttact Committee theref8r, and hereby awards the contract for curbing �I Farrington street from Jessamine avenue to Geranium avenue, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 577 of said Standard Stone Company, for the contract price of $805.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Standard Stone Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and herety is i directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Safn"t Paul. �r FORMAL BID NO. 577 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 740.00 NOi Ei TowAl TO A-11-1 11 COMITIILLER PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: s 805.00 E. APFROPRIATED FROM CITY'. ...R. OP LOCAL IM.wOYeMEnT.- - _ C .. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPR.—ERT.....MPT PROPERTY- CODE s 4. APPROPRIATED PROM .... I..U.-COO. s ...—TY AID - - - - S s 5.00 80 - --- TOTAL _ COPIES TO: we I. •w unanc nrt�wTlo CITY CLERK Anc. AYAILA.L T LYINOD/lino LOCAL IMPR—II—T No. __- COMPTROLLER In T.. AS_ AMO. PUBLIC WORKS y PURCHA51NG RelMwu w.e me oM // 1 DAT. F.— ORDER ADOPT[D COMPTROLLE r//JrU'0.'S' _Q�i}_i(,C_/AA-/---- COUNCILMEN BY J� �--------- tiC/a� V a YEAS NAYS ADOPreD BY TI, COL.CIL _-___----- - __ In FAYOw I B MR. PRESIDENT .> z Original to City Cluk. CITY 4 SAINT PAUL CounclL 7 l✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. v/�/�1-" COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMESSIONEIYz ' U L.� n DATE' l wREREAS, The Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME John M. Amon Truck Driver 15 @ .63 Thoml�s A. Brodie Park Foreman 10 @.751 Riley B. Dutcher Utilityman--Playgrounds 10 @ .64 Jos. Furey Truck Driver 30 @ .63 Frank S. Garski Caretaker 8 @ .51-3/4 Thor. J. Jackson Truck Driver 1# @ .63 Ray W. Kotilinek Tree Trimmer 2 @•76* Frank A. Kendle Caretaker 8 @ .51-3/4 Dewey G. Michel Stan Fireman 16 @ .69-1 John Petro Unskilled Laborer 16 @.50 Robt. W. Ryckman Tree Trimer 12 @ :68 Frank Ridler, Jr. Tree Trimmer 12 @ 6 Alfred F. Sterk Forestry Foreman 8 @ .7 'F. No, 124173—By FfeJM. Truaz— .:arNholved, that the proper city ollicere a hereby authorized to pay ertain employee In the De artment of"Parke, JPlaygrounds & Pultlie Buildings for I tis mployment as net t oa the I list it, to this resolution. iAdopted by the Council Oct. 2, I911. Approved Oct. 2, 1941. (Oct 4, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' .194— Yeas Nays ui an it JPe rson Z. uax JiPresident, McDonough 3xi 1-u / Approved ' 194—.. In Favor - a Ma r /) Aga W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERN -1 W. JOHNSON Supt. of Park Supt. of Playgrounds _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, 445 City Fitt ,FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner October 1, 1941 ii p 0 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen ;in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, ren- dering necessary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day brought about by necessity of removing dangerous trees and branches broken during recent storms, in parks, along public streets and alleys. The emergency arose by reason of the fact that the service was necessary for the pro- tection of the general public. Yours truly, Ccanmi ssi oner �1 v CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect ql �, ' orl.iaal to CW Ctnk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE, _. %d• ,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM "" October 2 1941 DATE COMMISSIONE - o In the matter of onrbing DeSoto Street from Magnolia Avenue to Cook Avenue, under PreliminarYrder C. F. 122991 approved June 12, 1941. and Final Order C. F. 123860 approved September 2. 1941• RESOLVED, That the plans and speoifioatioas as submitted by the Commissionere of Pub"18 hereby approved.orks r tile C. named improvement, ss ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays indlan �arranto e eon 7president, McDonough 334 1-41 C. F. No. 124174—BY Mllton R..en—'� In the atter f Curbing DeSoto Street „2rom Magnolia Avenary Cook C. F. •,' 22 under Preliminary Order 94 C. F. one, approved lune 12 app and Final Omer C. F. 12286b approved aeytember 2, 1841. Reeolved, that the plans and epeclfl- catlone as submitted by the Commle- "toner 1 Publlo Works for the above named Improvement be And the same are herebyypyroVe�. Adopt. dbOcthe t. 2, 1841,011 Oct. 2, 1941. (Oct. 4, 1943) OCT 2 1941 Adopted by the Council --194— Approved j 1194— 22:gav� Fa, ayor - 1� '''n RU r •■ e<! '!E1 �.�.. Baa ... ,+a. wr ,ra e... .. �. •.. w .. — -•— C.124175—By Milton Rosen. Whereas, additions which IDlght� .love. [o be n rtaaary to tnn lIDDroV. -- ..,_ original to City Clerk men de•+^• er ",o -• - { CITY OF SAIN AUL+ . ax — Fo E"cis NO.; OFFICE OF TH CLERK _� s UNCIL RESOLUTI _GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER in he impicoWeme t? de9erilred REAS, additions which might prove to be necessary t ' of for the, year 1941 under the avi1 a�xdswali as the ConetruotonSidewalks oontfacom,, f ` contract':'httovn as Comptiroller•s Contract L:4229, Pederson Bros'; Co,, for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated'"therein :have by video or Yoi ed prices, and 4 . vmREAS,yit has been,foumd necessary to make th foll6viiig additional' ADDITIONS" (Removing tree roots preliminary to relaying the walks) r U0* iOL_SE LAS from Hartford to Randolph Avenues < Lots& 1, 26 to 32 incl, 34 to 39 incl:, , -; - kx 43 44, Block 1, !Ryan Place- 4b Lotst 1 to 11 incl. 19 & 20, Blk. 2 Ryan Place PASCAr=ST from Goodrich to Grand Aves. Lots& 1 & 24, Block 5, Summit View Addition " 16, Block 6, Wane` Addition " 22, " 4, Summit View Addition 1�U "15, & 16, Block 5, Tenets Additionfro m ietc is to View Ste. t-! i" 1, 5, 7°, l5:& 1 , BAk• 3• Clarkes' Addition_ " 22,24,28,31,35836 & 39, Blk 2, elarkes " 18.0 unvm-'App, from Holton to Pascal Aves. Lott 30, Block 59 Hoyt's Re-ar 3.0 DAYTON ave from Aldine to Wheeler Sts. Lotes 1,2,3,5 & 6, Blk 4, Kuhl's Addition " 7 to 12 incl., " 4 Oakland Pk Add " 19295, & 6, Blk 4, Skidmore & Cassidy's Pk " 7,8, 10 & 12 " 1, " " " " 40.0 AUDITORIUM ST between Kellogg Blvd & 4th St. Removing old granite ourbt Lot 9, Block 169 Rice & Irvines' Addition 10.0 akgde ST between/Joao and Lawson Aves. Removing existing curbs Lot 1, Block 11, Arlington Hills Addition 8.0 N&BRASKA AVE. from Hemline to Snelling Aves. Lot 1, Block 9, Frankson•s Como Park Addition ) 11ot 15, Block 1, Hoyt 'a Rear---- ) 20.0 Truck Hire# 3.0 hra. ® 1.50 $ 4.50 �HOR18ElAST COR. OF PARNELL & COLORADO.STS. IS 1! drain tile under walk# Lot 91 Block 15, We Ste Paul Proper Addition 5.0 lin.ft. of 6" draitF the in place 0 0.50 2.50 OTAL HOURS 0 0.85 x 158.0,. 134.30 Soo. Sec., Unemployment Ise., Ove head & etc., 0 22% of $134.30 29.55 TOTAL ADDITIONS $170.85 IHEREAS, the net addition is $170.85: now, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the foregoing addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $170.859. said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known aw— oo'mrolTsr's Contract L.42299 for the making of the above improvements. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, Pederson Bros. Company, that the sum of $170.85 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Countersigned: Comptroller ✓ 0 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays an arranto Marson �spn Truax W.. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 PED ERSON BROS. COMPANY By C Commissioner Adopted by the Counci 94— � f *pproved� nit' t� 194— Tn Favor Ma y A Inst NOTICE TO PRINTER aCITY OF BAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. September 30 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREAIURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 219,605.30 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED97543 TO- _97594—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. XT 2 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL �f.� t94— /_ coMPrnouP.x APPROVED——'"rev---194— I/1 BY--r—�fl�— L JC 50D 15-40 v 0 CHECKIN FAVOR OF A' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ;� FILE NUMBER— _— ROLLCALL 100 00 100 00 NUMBER BARFUSS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS Joe Coria Eddie Landeen FINDLAN IN FAVOR CLAIMS September 30. ` 1 PARRANTO AUDITED 87546 PETERSON, 239 ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f COVERING MR PRES. McDONOUGH .{ CHECKS NUMBERED A703_- p IN CLV SIV. AS �� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _- PER QiiECKS ON FIC SHE OFF OF THE ITY CO. ROLLER. 4 '� _'v`_-.. APPROV 104 NUMBER 54 87549 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance10 841E 98 87550 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 187 58 87551 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 250 13 87552 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 984 13 87553 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 4 725 56 87554 Milton Rosen, C,P.works 2 260 24 F f 87555 Bishop Towing Service 1 00 87556 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & ComDanj 210 15 87557 Feist Small Animal Hospital v 0 CHECKIN FAVOR OF A' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ;� FILE NUMBER— _— ROLLCALL 100 00 100 00 NUMBER BARFUSS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS Joe Coria Eddie Landeen FINDLAN IN FAVOR CLAIMS September 30. ` 1 PARRANTO AUDITED 87546 PETERSON, 239 ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f COVERING MR PRES. McDONOUGH .{ CHECKS NUMBERED A703_- p IN CLV SIV. AS �� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _- PER QiiECKS ON FIC SHE OFF OF THE ITY CO. ROLLER. 4 '� _'v`_-.. APPROV 104 NUMBER 54 v 0 CHECKIN FAVOR OF TO A L DATE RBYBANKD 100 00 100 00 NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS Joe Coria Eddie Landeen BROUGHT FORWARD 0-683 1027908 00 48 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 72 943 93I�1245453 39 87543 Winton Christianson 100 00 100 00 • 875.44 97545 Joe Coria Eddie Landeen 100 00 48 87546 John S, Findlan. C. of finance 239 87547 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 663 48 87548 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 223 54 87549 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance10 841E 98 87550 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 187 58 87551 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 250 13 87552 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 984 13 87553 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 4 725 56 87554 Milton Rosen, C,P.works 2 260 24 87555 Bishop Towing Service 1 00 87556 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & ComDanj 210 15 87557 Feist Small Animal Hospital 1 50 87558 Johnson Service Company 26 34 87559 Melady Paper Company 18 20 87560 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Compaify II 6 490 00 05 87561 Minnesota Chemical Comoany 87562 Minnesota Milk Company 67 50 87563 Sharp and Dohme, Inc. 7 35 87564 Standard oil Company 111 90 97565 Tri-State Tel. & Tel Compan 29 87566 Villaume Boz & Lumbe ompany I� 1 .775 1t4 44 87567 Frank P. White Company 10 39 87568 John S. Findlan, C. of nanc 14 176 97 97569 John S. Findlen, C. of F1 nc 27 487 27 87570 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin c 1 1 938 357 55 66 E 87571 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 87572 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan 4 Z57 63 87573 El. Siebenaler 11 13 87574 John Maurus 38 3 97575 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Comp y 15 0 87576 Miller Supply Company 31 19 97577 Perkins -Tracy Printing Compan 97 00 87578 Pioneer Electric Company 21 33 97579 Postal Telegraph Company 12 39 87580 Railway Express Agency 4 39 87581 Red wing Potteries. Ino. 92 29 97592 Waterbury Button Company 130 04 8759'3 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance186 976 150 50 00 9758+ William Mauer • 97595 r,. Reiss coal Company 3 674 42 87596 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance) 1 30 772 52 87587 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan.eejj Finan. 112 776 75 0 87588 87599 John S. Findlan, C. of John S, Findlan, C, of FinancQU11 Pi`s . V12 97590 97591 John S, Find1 n John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance '.9� 32 43 00' 97592 Samuel N. Newer 391 07 i 9759 ?rovers Wholesale Mesta ° 32 001 8759 Joseph T. Benton SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I 72 943 93I�1245453 39 Ori.in� m City Clnk �.. :,. , 124177 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo EN CIL NO `t, „OFFICE OF THE CITY C IC . -j- C.4 RESOLUTION -GENE AL FORM ; CID ISSION.Y DAT" October 2 1941 mmmo, the commissioner of Public Utilities ban reported in accordance withSection53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which -rendered necessary the employment of -certain employee of the Water Department for mom thann-eight hours per day, said emplayment being more than usual hoursof empieymeent, therefore, be it HiMMVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time . hereinafter set fortht HARE William A. Bohlen Peter Meyers Ray*oud A. Hoover Frank D. Strong Frank Dean Mike Alfonso Chas. DeVinney Harvey Donahue Peter Fabio Thomas Fahey Peter T. Murphy Prank B. Traeo Tohn Anzevino Joseph A. Cascalenda Toeeph Ciarla Salvatore Colosimo Henry T. Conrad d Joe DiHartino Martin V. ging Nicholas Hioolei Melvin W. Keldener Tina m, Water -shed lab. Ditch digger Water -shed lab. Emerg.repairmen Ditch digger Ditch digger Hzer.Repairzan Utilitynaa�.D. Ditch digger Yeah. helper Ezer.Repairmen Fmer.Repsismen Ditch digger do do do plumber*a helper Ditch digger do do do Certified correct: RATJC g hrs. .52-1/2 g .6o L nard N. Thompson —.65-3/4 General Superintendent COUNCILMEN 6 ■ Yeas Nays • 8B Pint 4 •4 an Par1°anto Peterson in Favor Rosen 4 ■ Truax A�sindt" Mr. President, McDonough'; Sri 1-41 OVIRI'DIS RATJC g hrs. .52-1/2 g .6o —.65-3/4 6 • 634 6 ■ .60 • 4 •4 .69-3/4 4 ■ -6 4 ■ .62-1/4 w 6 0-3/4 3 .6 3 .60 3 .60 .60 3 ' • .62-1/4 3 • .60 3 • 6o 3 « .60 3 • .6o C. F. No. 124177—By W. A. Parranfo— Reao1v that the proper clty oRlcera ee hereby mpployee In authorlxed to pay certain the Department o[ Public tilltles [orext out on the list ra ployment as et attached to this resolu- tion. Adopted by the Council GfFt. 2, 1941. A➢➢roved Oct. 2, 1941. (Oct. 4, 1941) i OCT 8 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— ST2 IN, ,?p�oved7--111914— Mayo b_ } October 2, 1941 An emergency has arisen In the WATER MWARTMENT rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per in the doing of the following work: Replacing _._ ... __ ------- -a .... -- ve441 a...n..4 * Changing 3" meter a$ 748 Vandalia: changing 2" meter at 3904 Wabasha.ff This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Account of shutting off water, work had to be done outside of business hours ftork had to be done outside or business hours. BOARD OF WATER ODNIUSSIONERS w President Certified correct Leo and N. Thompson General Superintendent 7Lt'066' qak -. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNci��: 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OU NO. COUNCIL RESOLD O ` , ENE FORM _ r PR69ENTEDev Oommiseioner'Peter Z TF Octbbe�3 19�1� COt�M15SlONEIY - ' RiSMM D,.That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants in the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars each in favor of Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Education, and Herbert M. Haalmer. Departmental Accountant, to cover their expenses *n connection with attending the national meeting of public 3ah001=BIP613000 Officials and Accounting officers at Atlantic City. N.T. Pram October 13. 1941, to October 16, 1941, inclusive, said sums to be payable from Fund 15 A 2 Business Administration Office Expense. Q , 3 1941 Adopted by the Council 194___ Fi �.. �- Pproved 00T 3 W 194_ Parranto Tn FSVO PetersenMa Rosen . Truax Aga e,,d? `AICDb?Wh JM. t-.; .bit: Vic Fir .., .. p, 'r• - 3 1 Original to City Ckerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL couwca RILE �O•--- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV DATE __. October --P-- 1941 COMMISSIONER —"- ---- ----- - ----- - RESOLVED, That J. B. Probst, Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the CiCy of St. Paul, be and he is hereby directed to attend the annul meeting of the CIVIL SERVICE ASSII0LY in Jacksonville, Florida, to be held October 27 to 30, inclusive; and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse the said J. B. Probst for traveling expenses incurred by him to attend the said annual meeting of the CIVIL SERVICE ASSEOLY from the Civil Service Fund, Code 30-8, upon presentation of itemized statement of traveling costs. C.F.eNo. d12'[hut BY JohB. S. Examiner of the C'vil ServicProb, COUTICILMETt Ileas Tlays 38 Findlan Parranto Ros?.towee- en Truax AM iderl; (ricTlpmh; am a-ao1�b i/rrs YecSdene (Peteflon held Octobers 27 to 30, tlncluslve;I'loridasnd be It further flc neer be Resolved, on d hLbey or.at the he cit thor- 'zed ad directed to relmburse the a Id 'J. B. Probst for traveling expenses In- curred by him to attend the sal, annual SEbUngg f the CIVIL SERVICE AS- IBLY from the Clvil- Service Fund, Code 30-B, upon presentation f item- IZAdopted byntthe tCounl.•ilgOct. :o.t3. 1941.! Appro v¢d Oct. 3, 1891 (Oct. 11, 1941) OT3T � Adopted by the Council a / Approved ----------------194___. In Favor Rtayor _,.. ._Against 0nam.1 to City Clerk _ R D I N A N C E` � 1241-��� �' :r COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED By ORDINANCE NO. exp., �.. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul approving a nd adopting rules and regulations therefor. e THE COUNCIL OF THE UL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 32502, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section6 thereof, in Grade 7 oft he Professional and Scientific Service, the title: "Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer". Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where it appears in Section 6 thereof in the subdivision entitled "Grade 4 of the Examiner" andsional insertingvinelieuetitle thereof11theior title: Service "Statistical Clerk - Civil Service", and by inserting in Grade 7 of said Subprofessional Service, the title: "Junior Civil Service Examiner". Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ''.IF 7 . N. a.d 19 0rdina.e. No. 8295— lan— . Ar ordinance a d AUK`n.tOrdlnar20, YP' JO n IIIA if 4 .1ric0 bm.. er It I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. —Ulvil service omm ss oner Passed b the Council---.-.-i/611--29-S41 Yeas Councilmen Nays ¢3 Barfuss Findlan In Favor Parranto--------- Rosen_ ---------- 2...... ......Against Feieraon 5 !>.. 1941 Mt. Vtte ent tP^�.-inn � � ed:------ - ---- ------------------------------ ------------------ Attest, _7 ----- - -1--- --- ------------ - ----------------------- ------ - -0 - CitYoi y Clerk i tI 500 3-41 � kBLISHE x L.AN 1' P. E. M�DERMOTT JOHN S. FIND , DavutY Commissioner Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL n 1 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT Of'6NANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer / HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier October 16, 1941. To The nonorable Liayor and City council. Gentlemen, Your honorable body has under consideration ah w,,enument to the civil service ordinance which, among other things, proposes to establish a position in the Lepartment of Finance with the title of Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer in Grade 7 of the Professional and beientific Service. The creation of this uosition is necessary anu desirable for the reason that my present duties as Valuation aha assessment Engineer require my ausence from the office for a large portion of the time and special assignments which I have assumed from time to time are taking up most of the baiance of availaoie time anu 1, therefore;, nave nag, to rely on an assistant to supervise the execution of all detaiL work anu to assume auoeu responsibiiities in my absence. A working arrangei.,ent like tc:is !ids peen in effect for some time and it nas worked out very well except for the one oojection that the highest position now available in the valuation and assesbhii nt enu of the work is treat of Senior Engineering liraftsman or Senior Architectural Lraftaman in Gracie 5 of tide Professional anu Scientific Service, whereas the duties anu responsibilities of an employee in the proposed position are greater than should be expected of an employee in eitii-r of the present positions and, in my opinion, are on a par with those required of other positions in Grace 7 of the Professional and Scientific Service or positions of equal rank in the other branches of the service. For the above reasons, i recocm�ena aril; respectfu-iy request that the proposed position of Assistant Vaivation and assessment Engineer be estabiisnea. Very truly yours, vejuLtion anu Assessment Engineer. LCS : c j : p F JN. 124181inOrd- 'V 8228— By John 9 Findlnn AnSn1 nd-nb li D 1 N .� N C E+ • , 78877, approved ed. Febr dry 13 1725, 124tS_- / led: in -din no. dividing the ne�„ ee of the City or COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, entitled: "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul into eight specialized services, a skilled labor service, and an unskilled labor service, and defining and fixing the titles, duties, and qualifications for the various positions within each service". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section II thereof, in the subdivision entitled "Professional and Scientific Service", the following: "Title of class: ASSISTANT VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, with complete responsibility for necessary investigations and considerable latitude for independent judgment and action, to perform or be responsible for the work connected with levying of assessments for local improvements and awarding of damages for the acquisition of property; to be responsible for laying out details of office procedure and to supervise the work of subordinates; and to perform related work a s assigned. Examples of work performed: To lay out assessment districts and do the work of spreading assessments for local improvements, such as paving, sewers, street and alley grading, street widening or opening, etc., and be responsible for the work of others in connection therewith. To explain and defend assessment projects as to method and the aquity of individual assessments. To make investigations and prepare plans and estimates, or supervise such work, and assist in determining awards of damages in condemnation proceedings. To gather statistical information on matters pertaining to valuations. To investigate the desirability of vacating streets and alleys and to estimate the compensation to be paid to the city for such vacations. To have charge of the Bureau of Assessments in the absence of the Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Minimum qualifications: College graduation in civil or architectural engineering and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council --------------------------------------- ........_..... Barfuss Findlan Parranto ---------------- ---------------In Favor Rosea Wtereen--------------- --------.....Against � Attest: 4treemr- 1h' VicePresidentApproved:------------- --- ................................................--- _. --------------- --...... - - ----------------------------......----- Cit y Clerk - --- Mayor 500 341 s A. five years' experience in valuation and assessment work in a supervisory or highly responsible capacity, or eight years'. experience in a supervisory or highly responsible capacity in civil engineering, arch- itecture, or `in real 'e state work involving ssessing and valuation of property. Must be a regi Bred architect or,engineer in the State of Minne ota." Section 2. Than said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by i ierting in Section II thereof in the subdivision entitled "Subprofessional Service", the following: e "Title of class: 4UNI@R CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform responsible duties incident to preparing, conducting, rating, and analyzing civil f: service examinationp;to perform important clerical work; and to perform other related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist in preparing;'aating, and conducting civil' service examinations. To act as monitor at•examinations. To supervise in part the wore of the statistical clerk and of other clerks. To assist in work at the public counter. To collect, eompile,,:.and analyze'sta`tistical data in connection with civil service examination$. To assist with the checking of records and reports and to perform other related duties as assigned., - Minimum qualifications: College education with completed courses in personnel, statistics, accounting or engineering, nd two years' experience as, Statistical Clerk, JuniExaminer or equivalent." Section 3. That said ordinance be and th_e same is hereby further amended b y.stxiking out where they appear in Section II thereof in)t he 'subdivision entitled "Subprofessional Service?% the title and specifications for the position "Junior.Civil Service Examiner", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Title of class: STATISTICAL CLERK -CIVIL SERVICE Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision,to perform responsible statistical and assigned duties incident to preparing, conducting, rating, and analyzing civil service examinations; and to perform clerical and other related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist the Junior Examiner.in collecting, compiling and analysing statistical data in connection with civil service examinations. -2- o,iginul to. City. ClericORDINANCE- ... CIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. o -7 9� �d To assist in minor duties in connection with examinations. To assist with record keeping and other r elated work. To assist at the public counter. To act as monitor at examinations. To perform other duties as assigned. Minimum qualifications: Two years of college, with courses in personnel, statistics, accounting, or engineering." Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage -and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto gz"" Eeberaon" �h) Mr. Vice President (Petmm) Attest: City Clerk 500 3-41 001291941 Passed by the Council.-.. -- ------ -------In Favor ------------- ----------- d, -- ------ ------------- --------- - ....................... Mayor , / PUBLISHED 1 I I / — `�' origi.n.1 w CRY Cl.rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL v� NO. OFFICA OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION-GENERAL FORM October 3, 19/41 PRESENTEDtVaY DAT COMMISSIONE RWOLVm, That Milton Rosen, 00—iasiOnar of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, is hereby authorized to attend the annual meeting of the American Public Works Association at New Orleans, Louisan, from October 26th to October 29th, 191,1, inclusive, and that upon filing a detailed statement of expenditures with the City Comptroller, he be reimbursedfor expenses incurred upon return from the above meeting, said expenses to be paid out of the Public Works General Administra- tion Fund, Code 10-A2. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Barre" Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax Truax an 1t' W We hcdd,=t (Pet"0111i) C. F. No. 124192—BY Milton 11—en— Besolved, that Milton aoaen, con- .oflS'oPaul,er fPublio le herebyvtut orized toof at: tend the nnunl a ting of the Ameri-', ran Publlo Work. Asaocintlon at New Orleans, Louisiana, from October 20th to October 29th, 1991, inclusla'e, an :that upon fllitlg a detailed statement !of We' dl with the C11Y Comp- troller, he be relmbarsed Par xptensoes Incurred upon return from the hve ..et in Id Xpensea to be paid out o[ the Public Works General Adminis- tration Fund, Code 10-A2. Adopted Octhe ,,u,,clI Oct. 3. 1941. (Oct. 11, 1941) YJ \\ 'Adopted by,the Council Approved- 194— i in Favor (/�) M or "/ Agan Original is City Clnk%'@ '' SA \ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo ENCII NO.� 24il OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE$e k J v That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole in the alley north of Sherburne, east of Cedar, with necessary guys, anchors, and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $35793. C. F. olvNo. d, that the Milton Rosen— Resolved, that the Northern Stxle"s on to Install Company1 -36 ooDolbe e lin [ven he alley in orth of Sherburne, east of Cedarw Ith e ary guys, anchors, d Tres. Pole a d Tres to be removed when qq eet- ed to do so by the Common Cou ncll d osI of anld r I to be horn. by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate No. 33.119 93. Adopted b the Council Oct. 3, 1941. i ♦ Approved Oct.. 1. 19 1. (Oct. 11, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas ,Nays Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 Adopted by the Coun,JGGT 3 —W 194— pproved 0013 An 194— Favor M8Y V Agar_ \ C. WhereaF. No1p1 .241It84—B CMllton Hoaen- 1 to ne a ryp [o h parte cae d [arm IianA t thee t. a . Ori,in.l CIV Cl.h l.nwn Farm the .. niton Rond,'.�., rated by thi' `� e Bu�j�GoulfG;ir'. CITY OF SAINT PAIyL'P nrpn-1c, b[L FILE O• QEF OF THE CITY CLERK ' ' COUNCIL OLIUTIOWGENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October 3rd 19Lit - COMMISSIONE Yeas II HE t eoessary to have an experienced farm hand at the O n the Tipper Afton Roadp operated by the Bureau of Correction of the Department of Public Works, and . YM2=S, such experience requires (1) Ability to perform general farm work without immediate supervision, such as cultivation of the land, planting and care of various crops and r6lsing and earing of livestock and poultry. (2) Ability to make minor repairs to farm machinery and buildings. (3) Continuous residence on the farm for twenty-four(24) hours each day and performance of all general farm duties, and such other duties assigned to his by his immediate superiors, and W83a, S, Steve Hanel possesses the required training and experience and is willing to enter into a contract with the City of St. Paul to act as a farm hand at Oak Lawn Farm for the period from October 1. 1941 to September 30. 1942, on the basis of a consideration of Six Hundred Dollars($600.00) for such period, payable in twelve Installments on the last day of each month during the period of this contract, in addition to furnishing him with room and board, and WHSR&AS, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has recommended that a contract be entered into with the said Steve Hanzal upon the aforesaid basis, excepting only that the said contract may be cancelled by the Commissioner of Public Works at any time upon ten days' written notice to the said Steve Hanzal of"ths fact that he so oancels the contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the commissioner of Public Works and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw the proper contract therefor,and when drawn, the proper city officers are authorized to execute the same on behalf COUNCILMEN of the City. Adopted by the CounciLQ 194— Nays _3 -Ra4nss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough PProved 194— n Favor Mayor QAgdinst_- b. orisin.t to cur Club s C. F No. 1^.4186—By llllton Roeen— p `p �-� ReOoFy ed, that the proper city ot8cer0 —'1} y—fd CITY OF S T P. are h, lb utnodaea to vao .. tam BmDtoyee in the Department LcP ubllc OFFICE OF T CITY. R ka Lt.or ztra ptayment as eet RESOLU N -G t�pdoDted byetthet CounciB OcL 381941. ADPioved (Oct 1194941 1-41 Public Works has reported in accordae WHEREAS, -the Commiss4oner of of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which for with Section.53 rendered necessary the employment of c rtain than eight hour "per day and on Su at, said employmentsof his Department than more be usual hours of emplq�ent; therefore, RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay fixed for extra employment the following named employes at the rate otherwise for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Name Aussant, Joseph A. Asph.Lab. Road Mach.Opf. 8 .55 74 Bannick, John Bounce, William R. Road Mach.Opr. ,4 2 .55 Church, Henry. Clinton, John M. Asph.Lab. Kettle Fire. 8 .62j 3 Curran, Patrick Unsk.Lab. 2 .69f Diegnau, Chester Truck Dr. Bridge Lab. 2 .60 Donovan, Edward Edstrom, Oscar L. Kettle Fire. 16 62'j • 3.50 Feehan, John John Bridge Lab. Unsk.Lab. Feehan, Felberg, Frank 0. Staty.Fire. 8 .56 0 Ferraro, Antonio Unsk.Lab. 2 0 Flynn, John T. Unsk.Lab. Lab. .60 4 Franchi, Joseph L. Unsk.LBridge b. Girtz, Matt Glancy, Glen L. BridgeaL Bridge Lab. .50 1 .55 Guye Lloyd W. Coad Ma Lab. Road 6 .60 Harper, George Hayek' John a Lab. Bridge Lab. 3 ,61 �' Hayek, Joseph E. Hedeen, Lawrence C. Truck Dr. Truck Dr. '66 6 Heller, Walter A. Truck Dr. '76 Jags Truck Dr. 4 6z , Johnson, Matt J. Unsk.Lab. Truck Dr. 61 � 6* Kiwus, Peter y Truck Dr. .61 Kranz, John D. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_. yeas Nays Bee AppApproved194 — Pindlan Parranto Peterson n Favor Mayor Rosen gainst Truax Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 B od ..3 W cit, 0-1, 124V5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Sheet 2 PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen DATE Octohar 2 1911 COMMISS,DNE Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of ftY Kuhns, John D. Utilityman-PVP 2 1 �ts2 Linnan, Thomas Lund George H. Util.Fore.-PW Util.Fore.-PW 6 ,80 Ma1di, Francis Truck Dr, 4 .76 Marzitelli, Domenico St.Sweeper 4 .50 Marz1te111, Mike St.Sweeper Unsk.Lab. 4 .50 0 Milani, Luigt Neihart John Bridge Fore. 1 ,69 Neuschwander, Joseph F. Truck Dr. Utilityman-PW 71 Newstrom, William Oberg, Forrest E. Truck Dr. 2 Rasmussen, Anton Utilityman-FVJ 3 .73 Rasmussen, Robert IItilityman-PVP 6 .69* Rice, William Richardson, Lawrence W. Truck Dr. IItilityman-PW :691 Roan Patrick Staty.Fire. 16 O Roberto, Tony IInsk,Lab. Truck Dr, 6* Rueth, Henry G. Schreiner, Alfred P. Road Mach,Opr. ` 22 :69 50 Simmer, Ray Guy Pow.Shov.Opr. IIti�ityman-PW 1..50 Stoddard, Swanson, Carl A. Road Mach.Opr. 13 7 7 Taube, Albert Sweeper Opr: 3 6 West, John A. White, Charles H. Truck Dr. Asph,Lab, 1 •55 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays $erfvss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M i -a Adopted by the Council •�l 194— pproved 194.— (o in Favor, May O Again j An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTV=, T OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Oiling and maintaining streets, opening and maintaining sewers, tending fires and watching equipment. This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances: Maintaining oiling schedule, answering emergency ca s for sewer maintenance after working hours, tending fires nd watching equipment on Sunday. COPAIISSIOISFR OE PLTPLIC �FTORKS 94aa COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 9 Truax Mr. President, McDonough low Adopted by the Council `�� 194— Approve' d o� 194- 1 -In Favor May Again l 1"47 Al '•Anrt an original in city ClinkPJ*- CITY OF SAINT PAI'' F� ENO7 �pV� 'Co OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION -GENERAL NO. FORM 'COUNCIL. 'PRESENTED Y COMMISSIONE ATE_ October a,..192 RESOLVED= Thi licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby gr01eds ® George A. Wner 1192 Arcade St, But nip• 4 448 Renewal 49599 ^ yl. F. Smith 1813 Selby Ave. cher n 0629 " -Carl A. Borgstrom 964 Payne Ave. Confectioner ^ y 0707 " g Hyman Horwitz 641 Canada St. Butcher " 0926 " Gordon F. Dorse 74 S. Tattum Ave. Butcher " 0959 " Edw. A. %alley 10112 Selby Ave. Butcher " 1005 " Emily Be3ggett 262 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 1047 ^ Joseph Damiani 587 E. 7th St. Butcher " 1055 " Chester Modzynaki 1060 Virginia Ave. Butcher ^ " 1104 " 1105 " ^ n n Grocery Off Sale Malt ^ 1106 " n Edw. S. Marnane 1152 Rice St. Gas Station n 1150 ^ Mrs. Herbert Guenther . 34 E. 13th St. n Grocery1151^ Off Sale Malt n 1152 n n it n George Schneider 621 Lafayette Gas Station 0 1156 r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 9 Truax Mr. President, McDonough low Adopted by the Council `�� 194— Approve' d o� 194- 1 -In Favor May Again Orion.] t. CI4 k PRESENTED COMMISSIONE 0 RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are •" C.jr. No. 124188—Byye 6. H B Lusa— John S. Findlan—W. A. P e to— Besolved, that licenses applied for by [he persons n ed on thellist attached •thea t CITY OF SAINT to this resolution be and ape are hereby granted, sad the City ClerK' le OFFICE OF THE CIT� instructed to issue -such licenses upon 5, the payment into the city treasury of IL RESOLUTION. V `he opted bfee.. Adopted b6sots Council Oct. 3, I941. Ot.. 1. Butcher App.0811 New Approved (1. 19 Oct. 11, 1841) John Marson 626J Selby Ave. Restaurant 1941 —�I,�--------- " ^ RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted: Robert A. Cassiday 300 Rice St. Butcher App.0811 New Old Loea. John Marson 626J Selby Ave. Restaurant " 0829 " " ^ Henry J. Timm 1051 Forest St. Butcher " 0975 n " e Otto Crossfield 421 N. Cleveland Ice Station " 1050 " ^ ^ Eugene J. Auger 381 Edmund Ave. Grocery q 1073 n a n n Butcher ^ 1071} ^ n n s n n n Off Sale Malt ^ 1075 Fred S. McCammack 544 Rice St. Barber "-"1079 It " n Adolph Gatti 112-18 E- 5th St. Restaurant " 1113 " New Loca. n n " " Confectionery " 1111} n " " Sidney R. Harris 1200 N. Snelling Gas Station ii 1141 " New Loca. Richard J. Exley 419 S.Cleveland Grocery ^ 1155 it Old Loca. Butcher " 1154 n n Al Cohen -. 257 Arundel Butcher " 1158 ^ Old Loca. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am 5-41 Adopted by a a 194-- ®"I; Approved 194— �n Fav � -- A¢ or V s [. V 12J .F 4{rUf�µ -air OACJ..l b CIH Clok l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL7¢1z ,COUNCIL. 7d jPAfSmm OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �11L.E NO.COUNCIL"RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ESSIONEY .DATE October 3 1941 RESOLVED: that non Sale" Liquor license #1641. heretofore issued to Eugene Monti and George Mattaini at 90 S. Robert St. be and the same is hereby transferred Ao Joseph Monti at the same address; that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved0 and the City Clerk is directed to transfer said license. and the Corporation Counsel is authorized sx to notiify the surety on the bond of Eugene Monti and George Mattaini that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becom$s effective. Transfer informally approved by Council, Sept. 16, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN a Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 1Yuax Mr. President, McDonough SM L -u Adopted by the Council OCT 3 IN 194— Approved 194._ Favor Mayq,A,n ga t PUBLISIiEO- 1-/ CITY OF ST. PAUL �,Z t /% APPLIC.�TION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ........ ------ ...p ------._p._...-. Nani . �if� Applicant.....""" .. _ .. . ' _ ._ v .. _ Telephone No .. ..� 6 ....._-. Residence Address - - _ ............... Are you a citizen of the United States?.�_. _._._ _- .._......... _. Hatt you ever been utgagednu opa ating a -saloon, c c t driu!< parlor or business of similar nature? po\\'hen and where? _._._ _.._. ..._..... If Col -1) ration, give u;unc lird gcncnl purpose of Cotporauon _._..___.___..__._........_....._............... ........... bell \\hen incorporated? .. _ ..._...._.-- _----..._---.... .._.-...._... If club, hots long has corporation owned or leased quarter for club ntembersr____-_.. _...__. _........__....___.._._...._. .. I low many members? - ...-"-- - -_--. _.. - - Nanu- :md .rddr�—es <,f pr-ilrnt and u-t.iry ,f and name and address of general manager Gice name of surety company which will write bond, if known ..._. -............... Number Street Side Bettceen NN hat Cross Streets to aro So. d'" 6 9 O How man' feet from an acaderny, college oalontacstreetrsity �)�easured /lot streets)�'��� > l lo i How many fcrt from a church (measured a . ............................. .... }Iow in any feet from closest I pub' or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?....AI. r.00. Name of closest school_ 16 - . "---- _.... .._._.- ..-- ---. ..... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance /7 On what floor located?_......" , o --..._.............. ... .--' ---- ----- Are premises owned by you or leased?..If leased gice name of owner. .......................... ------------------- If a restaurant, give seating capacity?_6.6 .. .....-- -------- —------ .------.._.._----- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room ?..._.......... __-........_..._..__...._--- ------- --..................................................... Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: . ............. .. .. .. ............ . ............. ..._ ......................... _.....---..-_._.-_......._......--'-................ _.---..___. _....._.._ _- ..._...._..........------..__ - ...._... ._....._.... - -. ........ ..._-. -- ------ ' -................ ............ ...._............................... ..._.._....-.............__........_...._........_.. .._.........._ ........... _.__._.....__...._.. --........ ..... _-- __.__ ........ ..._ ._..__ ..__..........._._....---- .......... Guor (The in[ormation above mint be given Cor hotels and rcata::rantx which use nmre than one room for li sales . How many guest ronnrs in hotel? ..._._.....__I. __.__......_..... ...... ..............-...--------------------......---_. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ..-_...__...__.._........ _......................... ............__....... Give nan and addresses of three business rofene,:.. n..- .... .. _. r��7.� �0 ' G.... .... 2.". .--......! �....Ii...�.`.'T"-. ..Cdiy'. y.Q'i•�I G. S.A.�Fiw.�%�a....' "'!✓W�� _...... __....._......._... .................................................................. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT. AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFrICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKETHIS APPLICATION; AND e THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACIIED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application clteckpd by Dated .............. ..__----------------------------- 194---..... ........................ ........_.................................... - ..... ......License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE SATE OF �11NNI urA, 5�. �()U.NTY OF RAXISEY. } _... _..................--.... .. _.._...-..being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read tlfe following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscrit ed and sworn to before me this.. ._.. ...daof.-.�......... 194 J.� ................. .. Notary Public, amsey County, Minn. My commission expires-ak .' Y1....7...�.�--I--� Lf7 STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY 8e' __-_---....._._..- ..... ..._being first duly sworn, deposesand says that .. ....................the..... _..._.._............_.. _......__.._....................... ..---.........._._..........._......... of.._......._...__..------------- .._.__.................._..-..._-..._........ ......._.._.._:........................ .............. ._--- -_._., a corporation that ................... .................................... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ................................................ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of lid corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........................ day of.... --......... ...................194..... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission e 1:. F: No. 129190—BY O. 11. BIIrfue6— W. A. Parranto—Jahn 9, Flntllan— Orl.in.l t. city Clam' Resolved, that license I." Restaurant, aDelicatlon 1023, On 9818 Mnl[ Bever- M' 8➢Pllcatlan 1"'aand a applied MaIt �H CITY OF SAINT ZleverIIge, a➢vuc¢u➢n 1o¢s applied for OFFICE OF THE CI1 n� JoaeDh Monti t 90 S. 1tobert St, b 11 OUNCIL RESOLUTION -I yo N i a�. YI cyyo nre hereby granted oii" sr yrt lis°r o9 iY o,a ? PRESENTED B ADPAdopravedb0 th3, 1941. c11 Oct. 3, 1991. COMMISSIONE (Oct. 11, 1991) RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant. application 1023. On Sale Malt BevIF age, application 1024. and .Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1025, appiied for by Joseph Monti at 90 S. Robert St. be and the same are hereby granted. New, 7 Liquor transfer informally approved by Council, Sept. 16, 1941. Old Location. P COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 1Yuax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 141 Adopted by the Council®C$ 9 W194— Approved 194_ FaI yo —.Against 1 C C N 124191 BY G H H f 1 - W A P i nto�l h 9. Flndt �` „ 1� Orids.l t. Gb Clvk W. A. d, that it e t Reatn a t, k➢��/i, C appli atlon 0698 On -SaleiMale Be -r. CITY OF SAINT PA i age' avpit °anon 0694, and Off Sete Malt Beverage, application,t 0696, applied for OF THE CITY a by A. 60 Jacks LndSt. Fi IC Jsmes Trunzo g O F E be nd th same are hppere y grnn COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE cIt Aug. 28 bI94Ll Old locatlO by 1941. i Adopted by the Council Oet. 3, 1941. Approved Oct. "194h , 1941. PRESENTED (Oct. 11, 1s41)� OOMMISSIONE BBSOLYED: Thatlicensefor Restaurant, application 06931, On'3ale Malt Beverage., application 0694. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 0695 i6pplled for by James A. Trunao at 602 Jackson St. be and the same are hereby granted. y New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 29, 1941 Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Fifidlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved Q.t4 6 3 194— n Favor - M r aina� a Orizin.l b City C F N 1E4192HY6 H Hn p W A Pnrr io-7ohn 8 T'1 dl — 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO• RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM pA Oct. 2. 1941 WHEREAS, Thos. J. Lesch desires to withdraw application; 0757 for Restaurant license, application 0758 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, application 0759 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, and,¢pplication 0760 for Pool Table licenser at 118 S. Wabasha St- and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLP&D, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Thos. J. Leach`Ithe fees of $9.17. $45.83. $4.58, and $32.08. and to cancel said applications for licenses (the amours a of 83¢, $4.17, 42¢, and $2.92 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 1 month on said applications) Q0 3 1241 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— yeas Nays 9 Barfuss 4 pproved 2 194— Findlan Parranto Peterson Favor ` r Rosen Truax Against rLTfft I3 -_-:U'.. Mr. President, McDonough — 3M 1•�l • F. No. 124193- ,Ehe matter of r onstructln,l rel YY ^ d n Irin, theNe1de ho 2,4q 13 COUNCIL FILE NO..__-- -- --- By- --------------------------- -- -- ----- -------------- ge5o /u -�ioh In the Matterof__reeonstruoti.-_relaying_and__repairinj&_the_- sidewalk _on_the -east _aid®_of _Fairgley[ Avenue from Grand Avenue -to Lino In Avenuet_ezoeQt where good and- �- ---------------------- -auffioient_sidewalks-ncx-aziat,—---------------------------------------------------------------- — 123715 Au st 14, 1941 7 under Preliminary Order---- -1- 3 15 -------- ------------approved ----- g --- 1 -- — Intermediary Order--------r-------------------approved------------ O A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ----- - -- c::^ac. c animlipdA. apd res�jn, and a Council hereby ders said improvement to be made. c RE LVED FURTIIE ai the Commis of Public Works b nd is hereby ins truc d and directed to repare plans ands ifications for said i rovement, and sub it same to the Coun 1 for approval;th upon said approval, a proper city officia are hereby authoriz@d and directed too- ceed with the aking of said improve entt in accordance t ewith. Adopted by the Council ----- 192 _ / - -.. - - -`---- ------- ------ �p,{1T City Clerk. i,�n . Approved ------ 31-------------':r --------- ---- -- --, 192 - File S4534— - -= - --- - - -- - — or. Councilman13eriuea ' Councilman Yerru56tEF'°''0'V Fiudlan Councilman MreIa4l MWe-4 Parranto N IS1 Ely �' Councilman McG'rldg$ 1'Qt°f°OA Councilman 1"en J Councilman Wenzel`' \ {i Mayor Hodgson rr ouoaght Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mr. Vice tic:_::a411t 1Patenow KARL- DELidLPH: M. O. \ 20Z LMER—$ANK BUILDING <.. cow, eeu w peMINNE50TA y SAINTPAUL Octo'oer �, 1941. J hr. S. Findlan, „ ir,ance 7 ,,omt< i s s ione i nnf ;t. rain, Daar "r. ?indlan: from ocording to a corrected :otice sent out Jour office on :;ept. 9, 1941, in regia -a to preliminary ton approved gugust 1a, 1941 proposes o rola and repair nhe siciawalk on the east prder ^to. 1 reconstruct, y e.r' of the side - side sf r'airvlew Ave- from -.rand venue o incoin Ave. T wish to inform you that the southerly p' n -x.11 'woken tile replaced �oy new X110'' oalk from the alley to Lincoln_ ivenue has peen y new wherever neeessar.11 Where ::ecessary. and all open cracks cemented ese facts, 1 do not think it oth In view f the �rhole sidewalk again just after theup pworkyhas peen completed, and further I ask to have that part 01" the order which wife property be omitted and canceled. ,fours truly, / ;/�Iarl e 0 , D• I „ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , *� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' -3J eying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Fairview In the matter of reoonstrueting, rel Ave, from Grand Ave. to Lincoln Ave. AF under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of'the assessment for the above improvement is 0.14, new tile. The estimated cost per7oo for the above improvement ire =0.08,_ relaying old tile; _ g s The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATI OPV DESCRIPTION band Sldg. 9 10 11 Lot 12 and North 10 ft. Of 13 S. 40 ft. of W. 100 ft. of Lot 13 and West 100 ft. of 14 3 Su=nit View $6000 $7200 3 do 1800 3 do 1250 2800 3 d6 1500 3700 3 % do - 4000 2000 Total $14,550 $15,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report there�f t to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor P" 1 DatedS. BEtember 101911-- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. B -S D - Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works-° Report to Commissioner of Finance August 23 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 123715 move Aust 14 19A1_ relative to Council, known as Council File No. PP reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side Of Fairview Avenue from Grand Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. " and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. elav old tile al $• per sa. fl - Est. Cost - IIew the ag __,•and the total cost thereof is $ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. V 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property4 subject to assessment for said improvement. 01 9 1Of Commissioner of Public5� COUNCIL FILE NO.- -- -.___------ .__ By-------------------------------- F1NAL ORDERS Vn. 1241-J d, FINAL-ORDER In the Matter of__-_th_Q------------ - northerly side of IIpper Levee from_a point_SSb_feet_westerly of Chestnut Straet� _ thenoe westerly 3b2 feet] exoept where good_and suffioient sidewalks not exists under Preliminary Order ---- _ 125771 -------------------------- approved __.._Augast_20,__1941 _-______:__ Intermediary Order----------------------------------------approved------------------------ - - - - --------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and--recommbndations reiativethmto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ,the precise nature, extent and kind of im piovemPntto be made by the said City is-_r_____n_truct_re�sy_e.nd_re.pair_ the__aidewalk_on the nortlerly side of -Upper Levee from a point 355 feet westerly of Chestnut Street_ --- -- ----------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificati¢ns for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the Aper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by,the Council - -------UG1 7 192_ 9 f � , _- ___ ----- City Clerk. Approved- 7 --------------------- 192 File S4536 -- ----- ------ — ------ -- Berfuss May Councilman Councilman Findian ( p � 4 , Councilman I' s Councilman Councilmanwwwwwax ROOeII Councilman Wiest Mayor H' I Mr. Vice PrcLi*t (Paterwn) Form B. S. A. 8-7 �' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof' reoonstrueting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk onbhe northerly side of Upper Levee from a point 355 feet westerly of Chestnut St., thence westerly 352 feet under Preliminary Order approved August 20, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is sare $0.08, relaying old tiles X0.14, new tile The estimated cost pe for the above improvement is and -,the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK I ADDITION Beginning at a point on produced line between Lots 11 and 12, Block 49, Rice & Irvine's Add. 12 ft. from the S'ly line of said Block, thence N'ly 12 ft.; thence Elly to SW'ly corner of Lot 7, Blk. 48; thence N'ly 81.4 ft.; thence E'ly parallel with S'ly track of Farmers Union Terminal Assn. 221.60 ft. to a point on the S. line of Lot 10, 203.30 ft. from '61e S.W. corner of Lot 7; thence Elly along Water St. to the E'ly line of Walnut St., thence W'ly par. with N'ly line of Water St. to a point on produced line between lots 8 and 9, thence N'ly 2 ft., thence W'ly to beginning; also Sherman St. vac, adj. Lot 12 and all of Lots 11 and lEice k Irvine's Addition Block 49 Lots 7 to 11 47 do (and other property) ASSESSED Lang LUATIONBldg. A $27,500 $225,000 32,950 Total $60,450 $225,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r- 41 l �� Dated September 10 19_ / Commissioner of Finance. Porro 9. S. A. 8-8 D '`� Office of the Cominissioner of Public Works R4t►rt to Commissioner of Finance 0 August 27 19AI To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: b The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No—!?Me-approved August 20 19.4, relative to reconstructing relaying and renairina the sidewalk on the northerly aide of Upper Levee from a point 355 feet westerly°of Chestnut Street, thence westerly 352 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. cost - Relay tile sidewalk at #.08 per sq. ft. La$tw title sidewalk ^ "total "cost "thereof is $ 2. The estimated c s ered is , an a and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. CD 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more o ere of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J. _ Commissioner of Public Works. -1 \ti,Ci�ItU w AUG 28 1941 l DEPT. OF ^' l� F11ILL4ANCE No. 129196— 4� t, r•tof rec nstructing, re- •Ing the sidewalk n c /�; s- - e Avenue fr ¢ p ann-.h 72 ). .tiI COUNCIL FILE NO. - By -- O._ By-- ------ -------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___reconstruoting,--repairing and relsy_in�_the_sidewalk on the west _§16e __qt PL_A Avenue from Wells Streets thence south 72 feet, except where good and sufficient_ -------- -- -- - - -- --- - under Preliminary Order ______123TTZ_------------------------ pproved __August_ 20,__1941---------------- Intermediary ________--_- Intermediary Order ----------------------------------------approved ----------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__reo_onstruct_2 _rePeir_and relay the sidewalk on the y�at_�ide_o�-syn-e Ape le_fFom_Wells_St�eet�__thenoe__eouth 72 feet,—exceMtwhere_good and-suffinient si,dasalks nar_aziat.------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ___.�__7------ --- ----------- 192__- ----------------- ------------ --------------------- City Clerk. Approved ------- ��a''�- ----------------- --- - - 19 --- File 54535SI\ MIA" ass tt M or. Councilman ndyan Counci]man1, canto PUBL�D� Councilman Councihnan reoa m - Councilman �udlielixTer" osenssstrr��e���sss. Councilman Wenzel eI /_:„Hough Mayor H6dgaon / Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEI`1T OF FINANCE l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ': r In the matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west Bide of Payne n Ave. from Wells St. thence south 72 ft. 61, under Preliminary Order approved August 20, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sqty re =0.08. relay 41d tile; g 0.14, new tile. The estimated cost per/logfor the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION Land Bldg. 1 Stinson's Sub. of Blk. 36 of Arlington Hills Addition $4700 $14,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 6ept. 10 _19 41. �u✓C --�'�r �4 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-8 D `-- Office of the Commissi�nefi of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 27 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No--123772—approved Aug 20 1941—, relative to reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the west side of Payne Avenue from Wells Street thence south 72 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Sid improvement is necessary and (or de irable. Es Coat - Relay tile sidewalk at .08 per sq. ft. ey,� ttn n � 2. The estimated coal tVereof isag $ -, and the totaln costa theqreof is $ ; n and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ® 4. — b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or mor ers of property, to TV subject to assessment for said improvement. (� 9 A Commissioner of Public Works. co cc IVED AUG 28 19A DEPT. (JF fv CA FINANCE f I. the ..tter of g the id tingg�'re etaY - ^ Ingaand regal ink the idewalk on the 4 � r t elde f Dales;. r 5lmoo it, ��, '61 th e COUNCIL FILE NO.- -_ - _-_____ __By------------------ ---------- --------------------- FINAL ORDER 047 In the Matter ofthe aidewalk on_the west_: side.__nfSftle__cLt.__frcm3imon�v��. -theme Bauth--to al] ey--�7cs@p g17@x� $o�SLs�d ------ suJftIciepyt aidewellsnow Abt�__ under Preh inary Order _- ---- _------- 123716 ----------------- approved _____August 14,__1941 Interme falg d------------------- - -- n__tj------approved ----- ---------------- —---------------------- —------ - A publi having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having h ar all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-__reoonstruat�- relay_and__repair the_ sideglk_on the teat aide of pale St.__from limon Ave.�_ther�ce_eouth_to elle�exceQt_where _good and sufficient-Kid.,.altia nae--ezist,-----_----------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be *nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ________ OCT 7 190 192 � -- -- --�- - City Clerk. 7Approved -- -- OCT ---- - -- ----- - •- ----------- 19)__ File S4533 - -- �-- ---------------- ---------------CouncilmaiSIMNYMMMrftlee//Mayor. Councilmar FJ dlao PUBLISHED_/ __�Lly ��t� CouncilmaifMILMATO ranto CouncilmaenfO° n Councilma ReD.-ongb CouncilmarfMayor Form B, S. A. 8-7 d CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)�� In the mtterof reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Dale St. from Simon Ave. tilenoe south to alley rr' a under Preliminary Order approved August 14, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -- The estimated cost per of for the above improvement re is =0.081 relay old the t $ 0.14, new tile. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows,,, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanrLUATION Bldg. � o 2 3 Rare do Hoopes Addition $500 10 Ware and Hoopes Rearrange- 700 $2300 meat "A" sa Total $1200 $2300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated September 10 19 41��yr�� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D p Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 23 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 123716 approved Aug 14 19 41 , relative to reconstructing relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from Simon Avenue, thence south to alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost — Relay old tile at $.08 per sq. ft. 2. The eatimat�c&MWA is $ e iid the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ V 9 1 Commissioner of Public �� F. No. 12419,LBY F6d M—T.QaY. " Resolved, that Oa°ar Sternqulst. 91'3+,,,•4 I F.%'er Street, be,pald 1I5.00 ne refund Orilla—I to City Clerk - for amount paid by him for Journey- CITY OF SAINT PA m, n Plumber Examinatlon fee (Re- ipt No. 185), the Board having -found OFFICE OF THE CITY thn by tthe atimt Coupcll Octa 7, 1941, COUNCIL REs6LUTION---GE npv`ove0 °Or(.. it,'19a1) I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER---1'rUaZ_ y N RESOLVED, that Oscar Sternquist, 933 Ever Street, be paid #5.00 as a refund for amount paid by him for Journeyman Plumber Examination fee (Receipt No. 185), the Board having found the second examination unnecessary. C011nCILMEn Adopted by the CouncilOC� leas nays larfuss ---CG i z ' /rmdlan PP 0 7d--- —t94 C (� �� i arranto f� In Favor eletson - ---- - - - -- -- R/ ha \ oxen (( 11 Again President, McDonough sin s -as Cs CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN E&EST W. JOHNSON _%4 City Architect '14 Supt. of Playgrounds $upC of Perks 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminicner October 3, 1941 Hon. Harry 41. Oehler Corporation Co,xnsel Department of Law 316 City Hall Dear Sir; Please prepare a resolution providing a refund for $5.00 t-) Oscar Sternquist, 933 Ever Street, which is the amount paid by him for Journeyman Plumber Examination Bee, Re- ceipt No. 185, dated April 24, 1941. The Examining Board have fouYid that the second examination is not necessary in his case. yours truly, Architect LATI..TT r,- D OCT 7 —1941 CORPORATION COUNSEL _.__ M C F No.129198 By G H Harfue Jdl n 3 FI d{ Wa A P �eln[ ONdnJ -te CIV - - - _ i'„ISH C.i. t” JLC COUNCIL_... CIVY OF SAINT PAUL jFILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRES N ED COMM SSION� ,•y,p�TF c_�Ctober ,%, "1941 RESOLVEDt that lion Sales Liquor license 44.723, 'heretofore, issued to Ralph L. t 18nn and M. J. Culligan at 620 W. Seventh St. 'be and the same is hereby transferred to Ralph L. Glynn only at the same address; that the bond „ filed by the transferee is hereby approved, and the City Cleric is directed to transfer said license, and the. Corporation Counsel is exthorized to notify the surety on the bond of Ralph L. Glynn and M. J. Culligan that it is released from liability arising after the date this o transfer becomes effective. Transfer informally approved by Council, July 29, 1941. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. / s l Fi Can p _ 8rl'$IltO OII osen r. President, McDonough 8n 1.91 Oddad t. Cit? Clerk COUNCIL 124199 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA' FORW •owT� Ootober 7._3�►� ySSMVED: That On Sale Malt Beverage license #7020. expiring May g. 1942+ Off Sale Malt Beverage license ¢601. expiring May g. 1942+ and Restaurant license $2605. expiring May g, 1942, issued to Ralph Glynn and M. 1e Culligan at 620. We 7th St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Ralph Glynn only at the same address. Bartusx— N0. ]241fl9—By O. H. Tohn S. N'indlan—W A. Perranto— Resolved, that On Sale Malt Mn3e Y Fe Ii;n I' No. 70:.0, expiring 1945, OR Sale Malt ge1942,ge Id BeatN •" g94 a Piring May Mny 8, t Ilcense. N0. 2005, pirin., 194'L Issued C aVlphth ISt. nbe na Ralph the-, Cumllgar at are hereby transferred to Glynn o ly at the earn. adad Proved by ' r an e[er Informally p Council, July 29, 1941. Old ]o t. , 1941. � Adopted by the Council Oc[. 7, i41. Approved OOCL 11,91941) Transfer informally approved By council. July 29e 1941. Old Location— I COUNCILMEN Yom./ Nays. a sa indIan rarranto ,Verson sen r. President, McDonough LM 1-41 s OCT 7 1941 Adopted by the Council__----= 194— Approved-- --- — 19 n Favor M or " in oHirinal to City CI it �s. 242; CITY OF SAINT PAUL F1L COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO7 `'ICOM EIS ED - 'DAT October 7. 1941 WHEREAS, on Council File No. 123254, adopted July 3, 1941, the City Council granted a -Merry Go Round license to the Mutual Aid Auxiliary in connection with a festival which was to be held on the grounds at the Northwest corner of College and Wabasha for tip -period from July 5 to July 11. 1941, and WMMVAS, said festivhl was never held by the Mutual Aid Aixiliary, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to ref* to the Mutual Aid A*xiliary the fee of $25.00 and to make the proper changes in the city's records. �'.Tehn FNo. 124200-Byet5. Flndlan— A.'Parranto— Whereaa, on Councll Flle No. Council o Annted duly 3, 1941, the .11X ve COUNCILMEN yss / Nays s n to 2" son en 11;r. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 Ibe 1t Ity alcers Resolved, hot t the ttb.rI-d per lto he and they yy stand $2 the Mutual To Auxilinry ter tee of 5Int and to make the Proper changes In the city's rep 11 Adpted by the Connell Oct_ 7, _1941. Ap"ec-d Oct. 7, 1141. 41) 11, 1941) Adopted by the Council OCT 7 *41_194_ 19 Approve' OCT 7 ON Favor r yor I A ro0 . y ri[,Qp O,ln0 b City 01.11, 12VIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUENCIL NO. l� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U CIL , O UTIO� -GENERAL FORM COM ISTER NEFt , DAA -- T— RESOLVED, that out of the -Workman's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly �comppensation of $14988 be paid Frank Markswhilehe is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on September "ly 1941, while employed by the -Department of Education, and $12.40: in final settlement, to and 1noluding September 13, 19419 is now, payable C. ie'.�. . 124201-13Y Axel F. peter...— Coo. neat�on Accounout tt of ethe.a ..ral Fund, weekly compensation r - j14.88 be paid Frank MBerke while he 1. totally dl.abl0d by reason t InJurle. be re- ce}ved on 9ept.mbet i, 1941 while em- ployed by the Deportment of Education aappetd j12.40 in final settlement,. to and Yncluding September 13, 1941, to now payable. Adopted by the C ncil Oct. 7, 1941. Approved Oct. 7, 1941. F �- (Oct. 11, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays B.s F' d1an � itnto 2et on sen r. President, McDonough 3m, 141 ' Adopted by the Couneif)CI 7 .01 194. Orlilnd to City Clerk 'r p CITY OF SAINT eAUL COUNCIFILEL NO.12421A.2 J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � RESOLVED, That the Minnpebta League of Credit Unions be and it is hereby given the free use of the arenag the theater section and Stem Hall of the St. Paul Auditorium on November 8, 1941, for its annual meeting; said association to pay only the cost of opening and operating said . portions of the Auditorium on.the above occesiOIU C. F. No. 124202that—By Axel F. Peterson— ✓. ofRred It diJ"Ions be theMad eit is hereby the heater section and Sturn Hallthe of the I St. Paul Auditorium on November 8, 1941, for lts gnnual oting; a Id As- iociatlon to pay onlya the coat of open- n6 ad operating a id `Portions of tho Auditorium on [he above o salon. App Adopovedted bOcth 7. 1941c11 Oct . 7, 1991. —(O fit. t1, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays uss indlan nto .son oaen, . Mr. President, McDonough :I kl 1-41 WT Adopted by the Council 71 194_ 941 Approved ( 19 In Favo yor _ A ain o�ln.l to cit, Clark In49,1 �9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO` NCIL NO. QFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEt��L_FORM n REsDLVED, Thaty the free use of the areae section of the St. Paul ,Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the S r•aPaul Dispatch-pioneer Preid ss on lthhe evening of December ss 1941 the sum of $400•c0 toward the cost of opening Dispatch -pioneer Press to pay and operating the arena section on that occasion; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That any cost incurred in excess of said sum of $400.00 shall be set up in the budget for 1943 in Auditorium rand No. 102 COU ILMEN Yeas Nays B uss Fi Ian anto 11Pexerson Zoxen r. President, McDonough :IM 1-41 n N .124203 By A1e1 P. Pete:' 1-%; soaecd, [hent the (ree a tion f the St. Paul ,.,H ri- mnbe nd I[ la hereby given to the Sto it Pnul Disuateb-Pioneer Press of evenIng f December 22'S 1941, for n Cohrlatmas Pageant, IIld St. Paul -Dis- pp tch-Ploneer Press to pay the a m f ! a9 oo.0o toward the cost cf opening and ! operating the arena section n that be IC t in- Furdtherin elteaolved, Id tumy�[ $400.00 shall be Ret cups In the budget for 1943 in Auditorium Fund No. 1020. 1941. Adopted by the Council Oct 7, Approved Oti.t7,11 41. ) Adopted by the Counci XT7 M41 194— Approved 194_ In Favor yor i g inst 0A.I..l to City Clerk iY t� \ CITY OF SAINT PAUL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA COUENCIL' w0. �+-1E11C2 I .. FORM RBSOLVED, That the free use of the arena aeration of the St. Paul Auditcr ium be and it is hereyy given to the Q -H Clubs for the annual Junior Livestpck Banquat to be held on the evening of Wednesday, October 29, 1941; be it BORTHER RISOLVED, That anamount equal to the cost of opening and operating said portion of thefor um on the above occasion be set up in the budget for 1913 n A:d ri F1 No. 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeaa / Nays � 86 1 an nto et 1on oxsenen r�. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 C. F. No. 124204—Ry Axel F. Peterson - 4 Re Mel that the tree use 1 the arena ae tion of tb St. Paul Auditor(- be and Is her�y given to the 4-H Clubs foh r theannual Junior Livestock Banquet to be held on the evening of Wednesday, October 29, 1941; be - It Further Resolved, that a amount eque flal to cost of penins and op - e ting id portion o[ the Auditorium n the abov¢ n ,,on be et up in [he budget for 1943 in Audi tor. um Fund No. 1021. Adopted by the Council Oct. " 1941. j Approved Oct. 1, 1941. -(Oct. 11, 1941) -' Adopted by the Counci CT 7 194 Approve� j 7 1s4 j d T. Fa ayor _ sin Original to cit' Irrk j - t 41 CITY OF SAINT PAUL cout4ca �f {/\�\�\ �/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ P11E NO._.____. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B 1 R4 COM M ISSION ER__.—_ 'DATE —_._.__-______ RESOLVED, That a permit be granted to The Teaas Company for the installation of a gasoline storage tang of between 25,000 and 30,000 gallons capacity, at its plant at 662 Crom- well Avenue, said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COunCILMEn gess / nays Ba ss Fin an to on .I.rson /R'osen r. President, McDonough JIII a-ao cs ]a9- C. F. h'o, 124206—By G. H.Bartues� Tb. Tetaa Comt a permit be grantetl [o tion of gaaolinen [o rar the installa- Cwaen 36,000 and 30400 O$e tank of be- lt, at !ta plant t C2 gnllona pa_ aid 1,,tallatlon to beomu e1luAve- the direction and to the antlefuetlondo[ the Commiealoner [public Safety. i Adoptetl by the Councll Oct. 7, 1941. Approved Oct. 7, 1941. (Oct. 11,.1941) Adopted by the Council OCT I ----_. JWJ--194-- w J Approved'��'� _._ 184_, In Favor // ---------- ago _Acj nst PROBERT B: J. SCHOCH, M. D. WAL J. SUDHITH Chief of Po ce CLINTON A. otee T Health Officer FXr: Chief . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// Am / e �e�aztrice� t o� c d agety Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULI_ANEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota G. I— BRI99MAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm September 22, 1941 Dear Sirs Referring to the application of The Texas Company for permit to increase the storage of gasoline at their plant at 662 Cromwell Avenue. Attached is report covering inspection made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, from which you will note there is no objection to the granting of the permit in question. Very j:ruly yours, Commissioner of blit Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY j OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 22nd, 1941 Hon. G. H. Barfuas. Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sire" In regard to the application made by The Teles Ccmpauy for pa aioa to incre�e ethe storage of gasoline at their Plaut et 662 Cromwell They desire to 1Of 3a,� gallons in heir izontal present capacity between 25.000 and thick concrete Peet thigh' yard; this yard has a entire group of tanks and is appr We have ,Wade our usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that here would be o serious inc° age is rease in the fire hazard of that vacinity lt permitted. Respectfully yours, Chime 81re Inspector. WCB/z r� THE TEXAS COMPANY TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 662 Cromwell Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota September 11, 1941 City Clerk Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: We are contemplating increasVg our storage of gasoline at this plant in the very near future- and wish to make ap- plication to you for this additional storage. It is our desire to install one horizontal tank of a capacity between 25,000 and 30,000 gallons in our present tank yard. This tank yard has a thick concrete wall going around the entire group of tanks, approximately ll14feet high. This wall is capable of taking care Of any additional storage that we desire to make at this time. Very truly yours, N J. MATHIEU ENT NTM:RC AMS:CC IN c�TY nF s o� � iii iiiiim+ A ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chail— AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUN DIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City A,h,l t GEORGE H. HERE OLD. Secre+ar gine.r y THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , 279 COURT HOUSE4W September 22nd, 1941. Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u. i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Texas Company for permission to install additional tank storage of some 30,000 gallons in their present tank yard at 662 Cromwell Avenue. The Texas Company have 300 ft. on Cromwell Ave. extending through the block to Pelham St. with the exception of one lot. The plant is enclosed with a high wire fence with office buildings on Wabash; and their existing tank yard is surrounded by a concrete wall 11 ft. high. There is no objection to this additional storage. The zoning is Heavy Industry. Yours very 'ruly,' GEORGE . HE RO D, Eng1 r Secretary. gh-rh C O P Y Im C`T Y Op. Ak � a n ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI. Che' — AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H.LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, &!y Arch,lect GEORGE H. HEREROLD. Secretor E.'—' er y N THE BOARD OF ZONING Estabhshed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 / 1/ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HDUSE Mr. Hang T. OtConnell, City Clerk, Bui IdIug. -- Dear Sir : September 22nd, 1941• In the matter of application of the Texas Company for permission to install additional tank storage of some 30,000 gallons in their present tank yard at 662 Cromwell Avenue. The TLaha n�suCom`h 9 have 900 ft. on Cromwell Ave. extending Bh block to Pelham St. with the exception of one lot. The plant is enclosed with a high wire fence with office buildings on Wabash, and their existing tank yard is surrounded by a concrete wall 11 ft. high. There is no objection to this additional storage. The zoning is Heavy Industry. n Yours very truly, GBDRGE H. iMROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh :x df s:y, !3 V19 A// 63`c �.r"�•% jai :x df s:y, - C. r No. ]24206 13y -,–doh S. Findlan— W6creaa, Judson D. Milt gent nae 'man applicationa r�ll ft tha }Nin-[/� Original t. City Clnk ,,at T- Co 1 Ion ee relativeto de_ Ilnquent taxes d assessments o the CITY OF SAINT PA eollowing described property, to -wit: East 45.51 feet f Lot 7, Walnut OFFICE OF THE CITY1 whey eaRae head einquenoS dtotals the T- ---COUNCIL RESOLUTION- um of $319.22, and the appltcant Rera to pay in lull ttlement thereof the sum f $101,27; therefore, be It • Resolved, Iahat the Council of the PRESENTED BY C r of st. P ul hereby pproveu ata COMMISSION$ f a,Itlemenl;. provided, howg r, t thea of $7.07 shall be first de- ducted from the total payment oe ' be01. paib tof ndtt, C,tyhot dif St. Paulo nshall set- tlement of delinquent a eate- cluded In the total dellnd Uency of $319.22. Adoptedby the Council Oct. 7, 1941. fl Approved Oct. 7, 1941. A (0, 11, ILL) .iw WHEREAS, Judson D. Hilton, agent, has made application for relief to the Minnesota. Tax Commission relative to delinquent ta�es and assessments on the following described property, to wits East 45.51 feet of Lot 7, Walnut Grove Re -arrangement; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $319.22, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $201.27; therefore, be it _. jRESCLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $7.07 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $201.27, and that said sum of $7.07 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $319.22. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneMCT 7 1"1 194— Nays ss'� 1 7 194— � n Approve' Ito jFayvgr- et sonyorzot:,�Tn Mr. President, McDonoilgh 3M 1-41 Resolved, That Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer of the City of St. Paul, be and he is hereby directed to attend the Eighth National Conference of the National Association of Assessing Officers to be held inthe City bl oftacksonville, Florida, and i from October 19 to 22, 1941, , Further Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Leonard C. Seamer for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said conference. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6—A3. COUNCILMEN Yom/Nays B uss n arrsnto �ete son osen r, President, McDonough 9M 1-41 1� Adopted by the Council y� ° 7 194— .— ou i d law 194 Approve � n Favor or --Against _ ap C. F. No. 184207—BY Sohn 9. Flndlan— Rexolved, that Leonard,�C., Seamer, d Aseeesmeat Engineer t ' 7� (Iri{1nJ to City Clerk Y' Valuation the CI v of SL Paul, be and he is hereby Ae oclation 'held SAINT PAQco„i Nnti ente of the nlRl [ Asbeasing Ofticers to be hgh CITY OF Int OFFICE OF THE CITY C -ur et 7acksonville, Florida. 'r. - OFFICE 19 to 22, 1941, tnclualve; and O ber CIL RESOLUTION—GEI!heti�rther Resolved, that the Per 'Co J City el9cers be and they are her' eKu n- i directed re b ee ".d PRESENTED BY therized sto a�\ Nyt H�' Leonard I Srred for uch trtending- v�' 77 s incurred by him In a De- -- -CRES ISSIONER n.pde,, nferenee. Finance Funaa Code 6-A, CooCharge partment Adnpl� I1 Oct. 7, 1941. 7 dbOct 394E ADPro (Oct. 11, 1941) Resolved, That Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer of the City of St. Paul, be and he is hereby directed to attend the Eighth National Conference of the National Association of Assessing Officers to be held inthe City bl oftacksonville, Florida, and i from October 19 to 22, 1941, , Further Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Leonard C. Seamer for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said conference. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6—A3. COUNCILMEN Yom/Nays B uss n arrsnto �ete son osen r, President, McDonough 9M 1-41 1� Adopted by the Council y� ° 7 194— .— ou i d law 194 Approve � n Favor or --Against C. F No 124208 By A-1 - N P t-- I " Nhe g th f 1-J er nP Ed. , cat lon h r� 7..r' 124? [� [} Oriiin.l v Cib Cl.ek ,• 'Ch' cat �t w'tg t atit 'tv g24?f �q CITY OF SAINT P k1 h r e* a t qq ,�1,•u� �3 FdC J ment ni eema�e e a+w► NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY ofeemn0 aen; COUNCIMRO TI — are ereb ,� -o A +. ]owing ' . PRESENTED BY therw� COMMISSIONER _ ior�- DATE O,+,tier 4 7961 IIINEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has rePort ed to 't.he Council in accordance with Sectionogq, of the_Cityy Chanter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more' than their usual hours, of employ— ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the Proper city officers are hereby au— thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Merriam Park Branch Library George L. Davenport Janitor—Engineer 3 bra. Riverview Branch Library Rudolph J. Polanka " " 8 " (Overtime 'for month of September) v .63 hr. $ 1.89" .63 " 6.04 6" OCT 7 941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays /ss !0 7 l'ndlan Approved 194_ v ,arranto in Favor / eraori M or ,,,Wien President, McDonough 8M 1.41 J00 Z 9 Form No I An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employesvof that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: SQ_k�LggMerdam_Park_aniBieezeis�t L=brariea_ ops aad -to _UeSA ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances:_Heoessarg____ _on _account _of_s�eoiel sctiv_itiea st buildings.-- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Librarian PJ -HA 204-6/41-100 0 _ c. r. vo. Izazos—Rr ase —of� Resolved, that lh. orl.,In.I to City ClntIng street. Y OF S ' COUNCIL CITt1eY• FILE Nom' OFFICE OF T ITY Gt OUNCIL_RESOL N IGENERAL FORM ���'_ rks be and he is hereby autho> RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Pu?lic No sed anVdirected to oil the foiclowing streets and 811e708 fey-Geranium-ROse-Payne-Greenbrier K.Map Nort Third, to 10th Third,manx� , Commercialo Hoff Alley-Charlton-Waseca-Morton- akar Alley -Van Buren"Vinnehaha-Dale-Hent Alley-Englewood-Seminary-Grigge-Dunlap Iilley-st_ Albans -Maywood -S 1. Coleman's Sub -Wheelock p and private property for the followings Reserve Supply Co., 2694 University Avenue - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays S to rson' President, McDonough 3M I•I1 QCT 7 1941 Adopted by the Coun6L-- ---194-- ' Al 194___ Approve _ _ In Favor or _[/�) Against o'ISfll O0ifa0 to G clary COUNCIL C. F. No. 124210—BY Af Ilton Aw - - Wher , dd111911 hlch .1ghl P-- r [ be th° Improvement dt\ rib r., CITY PF SAINT Ing "Sherwood Aye. f COUNCIL OFF CE OF THE CI `° r°°`° F° std' con VVV FILE NO.— CI 287. [87, Fn, hnve ,il OLUTION— ha aP°�Tfl ton, AM 3 Iniad the ln. °1 9 7,Whw_. DATE' t41 1 October 7, 9 WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the curbing of SherwoodAve. Coes ructioom n Company,ade St. tcon- Foregt St., Comptroller's Contract Ir` -4287, tractors, have been provided for in the specifications at unit piices stipulated therein, or 6for agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and ductions: ADD TIONS: Due to changes in driveway entrance to Lot 17, Block 29 and Lot 12, Block 3, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition: 1� 4.64 lin, ft. of radius curb @ $ 0.70 $ 3.25 DEDUCTIONS: 12.00 lin. ft. of straight curb 0 65 7a80 TOTAL NET DEDUCTION $ 4.55, and WHEREAS, the net deduction is $4,55; now, therefore, be it RESOIVED, That thtcity ofjSt. Paul through its City Council approve the foregoing deduction-made$455,aidsumstocberdance d ductedtfrometheelumpeations therefor sum considerations the sum of $4.55, , for the making named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-4287, of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public the sums ofa$4.55eed is thehthe correctsamountrto thesdeducted- Con- struction Company, that from the above contract. UCTION COMPANY C0 IGIv'E By• C0 STROLLER COUNCILMEN FEYEN CONSTR By*• By:R C OMMIS , Adopted by the CounciL 4017 ► 194—. u yea Nays -4i'? i sa Approve' 194— �rr'm�a:an terson —sn Favor M or �a President, McDonough 3M 141 C. N N 1242111'RyMilton Rosin, -- R 7 dth rch 1 6, A�eTt OrI91-1 to Cllr Clvk b,. . 'I. the CITY OF SAINTN ��1o"n I _< COUNCIL" 12421-? OFFIC F THE CITY QlfiK FRH u NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED e� f�L!Y Cis--. 14 d�..�is October ,7 1941 COMMISSIONER DATE- 3 Resolved,,That the Purchasing Agent be, and he iR hereby authorized to xi purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller; one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the ATLAS GAS & OIL CO. at a price of $ .12217 per gallon, less 1% discount from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 /- COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ��uss l "Fan 7auto rson ,R6aen ;7tident, McDonough JM I -dl OCl7 SM Adopted by the Council 794_ Approved s 194- -In FaV z r ayor Ag ' at Origind to MY clerk CITY r6F S NT PAUL COUNCIL rue NO.—._-_. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n IL RESO T N ---GENERAL FORA DATE RESOLVED, that Range -011 Supply Company be given permission to install a driveway for its own trucks to enter the property described as No. 305 East Eighth Street, in accordance with plan submitted, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of 'the Commissioner of Public Works; said permit being subject to revocation at any time by the Council. C011IlCILTTIETI ljeas /" Tlags 8arjuss indlan ,,P3cranto 'Paterson ,4�osen r. President, McDonough sm a-ao cs neaae C. r. No. 124312—Ry hiu ton Roaen— Resolved, that Range -Oil Su I, odrivvewaany 9 for own trucks to en yon its acn to t ater Lb e property described as No. 305 East 1.1 gh th Street, in accordance with plan au bmlLted, and under the direction and to the salisfaetlon of the Com miaslo .or of public Works, said permit being hl let to revocation at any Council. time by the Adopted by the Council Oct. 7, 1941. ADD roved OCL 7, 1941. (Oct. 11, 1941) Adopted by the Council 7-AW' ___194_ _ / Approved—CCT 7 191 -_T___--.-----194_.. (xvj In Favor- t agor Agar ORIGINAL I _ ,y CITY OF 6T. PAUI. PLICATIo[a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O IN Application For Licens AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION _ DATE September 13, 1.9 341 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CA COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY 1111 IF 1111 OR IIIWIIUALI FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL 4Kffi.liS.lfmR7fOEXe9[ Driveway for OWTItrLiD$6_�Q_ enter _D2�'ODer tjF 1'11119 IN OR Insl o[ GARAO["1 y- y� icnrse/ie>aR(u�7({Jm[aNi7741[f[L9Y TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 5 & 5 BLOCK 14 Kitt BORIS ALSO DE.CRIBED A6 305 - E. 8th Street NO. OF PUMPS — NO OF OAS TANK6 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK----- RANGE-OIL SUPPLY C ANY FILED RIC NATaRc of APPucANT r / BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY CLINTON A. RACHERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH . d.. E. BRISSMAN 449 Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief-- Supt. of Police and Fire ''Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // c �ei�athnenl al Public Salel y 0 Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 4, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Range - Oil 'Company for permit to install a driveway for their (� own trucks at 305 E. Eighth Street. Attached is report covering inspection made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, from which you will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly your*, Commissioner of Public Safety DRIVE SAFELY, .ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY h THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFTME a CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Ootober 3 1941 Mr. C. A. Haokert o Chief of Polioe Dear Sir: z. This is in referenoe to applioation made by the Range -Oil Supply Company for permission to install a driveway for their own truoks to enter their property at 305 East Eighth Street. For your information, I made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints for this driveway and find that the addition of this extra driveway will not materially interfere with the traffio. From a traffio.standpoint there will be no objeotion to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry N. �Wett.en Superintendent of Traffio hnw/f 0 TRIPLICATE I CITY OF 5T. PAUL cL[Rrc 9'yt �M CE�I�tu iry inc Clir OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE __. $"tfiMh2r-1:�t---__._— 19A2 -- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION 1s Hereby Made DF4i!"Ree,. own .truck& tO enter proPSM FOR PERMIT TO IN ST ALLI. .-_"-,-,-1E" O BE i01.TED ON LOT _SQQ qyyL.JiI�_---"-- - DESCRIBED A5—,�iu [v.i nrvo rvi,v ecAl NO. OF PUMPS ----- - -- NO OF GA5 TANKS. — CAPACITY OF EACR TANK - -- .. - --- - gpHI„iE-OYL SUPPL�00UAMI FILED BY R ECFIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 9 DATE -- CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY BY �dT. Harry T. OlOonnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g• Dear Sir of the In the matter of application Range Oil supply Company for a driveway for their own trucks. This Property is Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, %ittson,s Addition or 305 F• Fight" St. The Council recently granted these people the right to erect storage tanks on this property* The zoning is Heavy Industry. The Board of Zoning recodrivd eway that a driveway 22 ft - be permitted. It will be a standard drivPPlan wide on the property end 35 ft- at the curb. n ,,closed. No notice to Property owners la necessary• Yours very truly, George AH• Rerrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. OF Zorn NG ` THTE BOARD July 7th, 19114 C`qY op S Establlsh¢d by Ordinance No. 5840 PAUL, MINNESOTA a SAINT 279 COURT HOUSE October 1st, 1941• ARTHUR 5. MILINOWSKI, C�e'irmen HOHENSTEIN AUGUST EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN ¢„cn.tect OHA'LES BASSEORD, C•r GEORGE H. HERE OLD.er Secrerary �dT. Harry T. OlOonnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g• Dear Sir of the In the matter of application Range Oil supply Company for a driveway for their own trucks. This Property is Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, %ittson,s Addition or 305 F• Fight" St. The Council recently granted these people the right to erect storage tanks on this property* The zoning is Heavy Industry. The Board of Zoning recodrivd eway that a driveway 22 ft - be permitted. It will be a standard drivPPlan wide on the property end 35 ft- at the curb. n ,,closed. No notice to Property owners la necessary• Yours very truly, George AH• Rerrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. C%'TY Op J r:� 9fy O � � iii i�Rn a v'f ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Cherman AUGUST H2 NSTEIN EDWIN H. NDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES RASSEORD, City Arcn.I acf GEORGE H. 111R11-1,Se cre!ary g'incer M d THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordmdnce No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Q Mr. Harry T. O+Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir October let, 1941. 0 In the matter of application of the Range 011 Supply Company for a driveway for their own trucks. This property is Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Kittson's Addition or 305 E. Eighth St. The Council *scantly granted these people the right to erect storagb tanks on this property. The zoning is Heavy Industry. The Board of Zoning recommend that a driveway be permitted. It will be a standard driveway 22 ft. wide on the property and 35 ft. at the curb. Plan enclosed. No notice to property owners is necessary. gh-rh encl. .4 Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. 61 (RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT. COUNCIL FILE NO. __..__._........ _....... ......... •, a rl T,..o,. :nom.. ._ __..... �2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from 120 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and mad@ a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., under Preliminary Order.._ _.._ll_8502_......__.._____..._.._.._......_, Intermediary Oider...._.._.1.19...22..___........_..._......._......._.__......._._, Final Order........ 119.606 __..... __........___, approved July 23, 1940 �c..-.- y The assessment of._. bensfits,,.._,dame$es.,.-._goats_._and__.e..xpen...ses....................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__._5th-_-___..................day of November, 1941 xp jg.x,....._. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court r House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statindin said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed- 7 Adopted by the Council. ......__......U.___..._........_..... __._............. .... .........192..-----. �i I dr Form B. B. 16 City Clerk. Mayor. , �D KMLISHED / o — //—If/ v Approved...__. .......... — File 8985 Councilman Clan Buse " Fer Find " Hod Parranto " McD@WM9M=MUNz3 Peterson " Sud'nenaer�= Rosen " Wend t Mayor 149LUMUM 1`Icllocough Form B. B. 16 City Clerk. Mayor. , �D KMLISHED / o — //—If/ COUNCIL FILE NO ..... _...... ........ _..... ............ _......._ By I_; MSOLn770N OF M1 CIL APPROV- ,p� [y ,(j (� �( etS:�yG A99EeaRa`:C. PG 'CP[J,CC.i .,. d /w_t%_1_ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue; also constructing sewer on the westerly four feet of the easterly six feet of Lot 25, in said Block 5, from the alley to the sewer in Bayard Avenue, 6 b under Preliminary Order ............11914.4 ......... ... _.._........ ............. Intermediary Order...__..1.1...9.5..0......._.___..__....... ................._..., Final Order.......... . 119821 _____ _._..... approved ..___August _13, 1940 The assessment of..____benef ts,__opetsand„ e.Icpenaes.____.._.._ ____............._.Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -5th day of November, 1941 398X.._... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court _ ..... ......... ......__........ __.. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the, amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT ? Adopted by the Council.._ _._.._...._.___._........_...__.__..........._ .... ...... of .Z 9tiJ7t _ ._...._ City Clerk. Approved .................. File 9038. . _...... __....._.--- ....................... Mayor. Councilman C Barfue,r FeEen.ze] Ti1rdYAn „ HParranto MPeterson SRosen //__ Ma cr W x M 4h b U IMMWHED v Y Form n. E. 16 AAOSI LUTIOOF COUNCIL APPRO V- CjJUNGIL FILE NO_....._.......:.._.._........_........----......._ INc wsalcesarAxm. By ......_._.._............. .......... ............................. ...__....._...._.. C. F. No. 124215— a of In the matter of the assessment benefits, costs and expenses for con -'I trued,, a sewer on Marshall Place CITY OF S from the terminus of the (sting ewer 367.2 feet a of Fn existing Resolution of Council Fgta� Pol' ; ar_ ment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the exipting�sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington St. to a poin30 feet east of Farrington St., under Preliminary Order 118.960 ..... ...... _... Intermediary Order 119.527 _......... .... Final Order ............ .___ _o_ approved August 14, 1940 yp@gR__ The assessment of.._._........._b6z3ef.It.e,..._R.4.Q.te..._and_oxpe.nsesr and __..... ..............._foin connection with f�e above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having on "dered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects appr RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.—._._bth_..__ .__.„.. of ........... P®&S__...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot of the particular owner to whom the not , WIT ice is directed.. IT � �ef IN - . Adopted by the Council_._...._ ............... __...... _......192........... src. _, City Clerk. Approved._...................... ..._... _........ ._.... ........ __.192_..._. File 9020 Mayor.Councilman CIS--�M” Ba oe Fi dl Parranto Peterson S Rosen $ l� / , , Serae4r� Mayo3 McDonough _ O Form B. H. 18 � I. COUNCIL FILE NO. .................__.....__....._...._..._._. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING UTIONASSESSMENT. By_.._........__..._.__.._... -_._. ......_......._...- CITY OF ST. c. r. No. 1z4816— l�be eflte, coats �aendt ex Dener. tructingg a on SeF from .tl hart Street to R' under Preliminary Orj, • • termed) ary Order' 119' Resolution of Council A' Theas assessment o/ �nl, Assessment expenses for and bS - the b, Impr n�t nload [n rsZ for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, eosts'es constructing a sewer on Scheffer Street from Albert Street to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order ........... __-._.._........__. Intermediary Order._.__119088.....__,,,,._._........_......._....._......._.._..., Final Order_..__119362 ....._.. ____ _..__.., approved__._..._July_ 9,.._1940 ......... _. ....... 700[. ----- _ The assessment of........beuefits.,._..co.sts._.and_expens.es......_ _..... _.. _._._......_.._._ior and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.—..5th ............ day of .... _..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_..........__ ... ...................___._......._.__... ___.__.I92.----• Approved ._..._��'.. _._ ........_..... ...... ... ..... ..... __.192_..._. File 8975 l Counc`lm�an Cl Fe Ho - " Me " MRosen " So%4"02_ Mayor f;srfnas Findlan Parranto Peterann Plt llonongh Form R. B. 16 -- 0 PUSLISAED � 1 �1" �'/ erk. �yor. COUNCIL FILE` NO.. .......... ------ __............ .......__...."' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING J I' _ i', ING ASSESSMENT. .-JJ t By ..........__............ ...... .... .. --.__... _...... __.......... ._.._..._ C. F. No. 124217— 1. the matter of theassessment t; CITY OF S qeneats, "and expenses for curb- idg Wootlbridge Street from Wayzata I Street to Front Street, under Prelims • • nary Order 116929, Intermedtaryy Or- der 11°°68, ether Order 116907, aP-ssment The assessment of peneats, costs and expenses forS �^ connaeH.a 1ththe . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, submitted et6d expense es `"=Pe for oil h(vieq. jh, w curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Stre"t to Front Street under Preliminary Order.....115929_,_.,,.__ Intermediary Order..._ 11,X668,..._....... _......... ......._........._..__._...., Final Order _116907 _._......._,approved. ..._ Nov.. ember 14, 1939 __. The assessment of.....bene£its, _oo@'ts.._and...ezpenses __ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assesshent be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the___s_..._.._..._......day of ._......... _.._.. Mc......,.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Cour House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; at the Commissioner of Finance give no of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in sal notice the time and place of hearing, the nature 4 of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 7 IN Adopted by the Council._...... ....... --._._.._ .......... .._.... _........_... ...... �_tr 1 C* Clerk. Approved .......... ...... .................... __192._..._. � File 8806 Mayor. Councilman Ck Barfuee 11 FONIMOSIMMOM FindltFin 11 EMqj@gffimsMM Parraift S40fim;RR20�M Peterson Rosen Mayo>gNS1aon_:i Mclk>nougb Form B. B. 16 , G- � RV190 UTIO'L%:(-r(HYNCIL APPROV- COUNCIL FILENO .................. I urs seep [•�® � c, By .... ...... _....... ................._...... .........._...... .._...._...._..._ _ aeaement o[ ;Jea [or con/ CITY OF ST. PAUL a.iin` ' X40. Resolution of Counc' pprovin ssessment In the matter of the assessment of_ benefice, eoste'and expenses for _ i sed constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 8, Contract 40-M-3, 1940 Assessables ¢ y F.O. 119908 West Fourth St., north side, from a point approximately 99 ft. west of St. Peter St., thence west 46 feet; beginning 18 feet farther west thence West 13 feet F.O. 120399 York Ave., north side, from a point 200 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 86 ft.; beginning 48 ft. farther west, thence west 12 ft.; thence r=> in area to Jackson St. relaying area 6 ft. by'6 ft., and 4 ft. by 6 ft., and on the south aide of York Ave. from a point 150 ft. west of Agate St. thenceswest approximately 30 ft. relaying walk and constructing wall; beginning 108 ft. farther west thence west 12 ft.; beginning 50 ft. farther west thence west to Jackson St., and on the east side of Jackson St. from York Ave. thence north 80 ft., and from York Ave. thence south F.'i20432 Pleasant Ave., north side-, from Chestnut St. thence westerl`r 128 ft. F.0.J320402 Garfield St., east side, from Pleasant Ave. thenoe. south to alley F.O. 120398 Snelling Ave., west side, frena Shields Ave. thence south 170 ft. F.O. 1104-fSVells St., north side, from Payne Ave, thenoe east 30 ft., and on south side of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east thence east 25 ft. F.O. 120408 E. Seventh St., south side, from a point 27 £t. west of Sibley St., v'thenoe west 64 ft.; beginning 60 ft. farther west thence west 24 ft.; beginning 21 ft. farther west thence west 14 ft., including radius curb at southwest corner East Seventh St. and Sibley St. Aon-Assessdblet F.O. 120398 Snelling Ave.,peat side, from Shields Ave. thence south '170 ft. F.O. 120.473 Wells St.,.,,_mortit aide, from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft., and on south aide of Wells St. from Pope Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east, thence east 25 ft. Approved.._ _.......... OCT ... ?.....---192—_._.. r/ ........... . ................. _._......., Mayor. Councilman Clajopossemum Bs nae Fe4PNNMMW3= Fin Is HoMPRM681MEM Parranto " Peterson Su Rosen J------�—_. W Mayor ibbsum McDonough Form B. S. 16 4J f U f. j ,I, b i ) dL .J .z n1 cj+.'Z.• .:A .i T;c I IS TSQ Sc,' J J d17L W ..,•f,•. fji%'v SJ 1 Lf' v • ••_,— Trl[sZrzzx'c]az�Oflf3O-._........._.._......._...........__..._.__......__..... x $]®®�.,'�•`rmrxxx_xr---rrxxrrzxxxxzzaa>•lazarP�nLr�zrc ���x�x ? The assessment of._...--_be..ge.f.i,tss__ooats.__&xt ..6aGPe.AesB.... -.-. ._... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be <th RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and ein a ects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_.__6tit ...... ....... -...-.day of Novemberj.-__1941 AESa....._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and glace of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount. assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directs 7 W Adopted by the Council ...._..._......._._._.......... _.... ____............ _. _.... ..... 192..-_-.... (�1.;�!C�, City Clerk. Approved .........._.....3��i�..._7...._.._ .......... __192 ..._. ....... ...... ......, Mayor. Councilman ClaSOMMUMIK Ba ea FexGNNU=3WM= Fin Is HodpNEEMNO Parranto McDade Peterson Sn Rosen Mayor &ANUM McDonough Form B. B. IG /, • IC. F. N . 124219— 6�[� F� Resolved . that checks be drawn on fid_ L.,i..%_•. NOTICE r - clry oP SAINT PAUL the etty Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $92,238.22, v ring hacks TO COUNCIL RESOLIger c sed Bon a 87948. Incluafve, r heeka 7 file I8 the in .1 oL the t[y ComD troller. PRINTER Adopted by the Council Oct. i, 1941. Approved Oct. 7, 1941. (Oct. 11, 1941) 1 1941 I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 92,239.22 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7595 TO 87648 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT 7 S41 J� l 7 -- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - -- ----194 f�- CITV COMPTROLLER APPROVED----- � BY-- --- - ------;lVsl soo 5-40 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 11 92238 22 1 f_� it t' ' I ! TO CLERK CILY OF SAINT PAUL, .7 DUPLICATE CITY -- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER— UUMBERROLL ROLLCALL BARFUSS FINDLAN �—IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October_ PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DR WN ON TJE CITY TREASURY TRU TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF$ COVERING MR PRES. McDONOUGM ■■��11�� q} CHECKS NUMBERED _—T INCL SIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ G -f -_ -4—*!._... PER CHECKS ON F)L E, OFFI F TH CITY CONTROLLER. A RO EDl. _IB4. courrnacccn NUMBER BY i TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - NUMBER BRETURNED YBANK N/ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 148 02 20 322 65' ® 87595 3tiefel Products, Inc. 87596 Thornton Brothers 87597 T.D. Thierry lll'T 87598 Stlas Gas & oil Company 1 947 '�61 87599 Quick Service Battery 145 71 87600 Charles F. Bruess 70 00 87601 iq.J. Dyer & Brother 59 27 87602 Farnell, Ozmun, Kirk & Companj 97 32� 87603 Jurgens Company Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 88 20 35 28 _ 87604 87605 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Good Co. 109 02 87606 Melady Paper Company 91 j5 174 '+7 87607 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Compan 87608 Tri—state Tel. & Tel g. Compan j 11 25� 87609 Re�yen Construction Company 578 81 87610 County Welfare Board 87611 County Welfare Board j 13 756 64 17 219 36I 87612 Mrs. Ella Woodward 37 10 8761} W. LaMont Kaufman Supt. of Ps ke 175 00 87614 Fred M. Truax, O.Parks, etc. 175 OO 87615 Arthur E. McCarthy & C. McCar by 40 00 87616 John S. Findlan, 0. of Financi 56 25 87617 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ4 295 80 87618 John S. Findlan, C. of Financi Findlan, Financ 3 123 65 807 20i 87619 John S. C, of 87620 Thomas F. Waters 87620 26 67' 87621 American Rad. & Stand. San. C rp.59 14 87622 S. Berglund Lumber Company 85 54 87623 Mrs. T. Brady 5 67 87624 Capital Envelope Company 33 47 87625 Lampland Lumber Company 1 25 48 87626 National Lead Company 35 38 87627 Petroleum Register li 10 00 j 87628 Pratt & Whitney 2 85 2811 1 87629 The quarrie.Corporation 531 87630 H.V. Smith & Company 72 70 470 18 87631 Lawrence A. soler, C.W.Dept. 34 7Z 87632 Turso Products Company 87633 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund j 32 8 j 87634 County Welfare Board 12 751 6811 87635 John S, Findlan, C. of Financ 1 594 11 87636 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ j 160 00 87637 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance • 12 883 81 87638 Como Temple #128, I.B.O.E.W.22 8 87639 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 90 87640 Mrs. Agnes Weise 87641 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 25 56 442 0 87642 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ j 1 700 10' 87643 Atlas Mfg. Company 31 48 87644 Hilex Company 9 80 i 87645 Axel A. Johnson 72 00 87646 metropolitan Bus Lines I 100 00 87647 st.yaul civic Opera Assoc. j 597 08 87648 ,t.Paul Musicians As oc. 597 0811 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 11 92238 22 f C Reao 1:ea24ipe chocks be drown on 6„ NOTICE ctTY'OF SAINT PAUL thou. eny tree-eurw to the aggro / 5 amount $32680 •54, overmg heck,' COUNCIL RESOL nerncheck,'8 ono§ale I- the o�cea of than e TO g�c�tvncom�crouer. - PRINTER ¢; ,'dome bygthe Co. oct. 7, is4i. j AnnroYea Ls41. 'IJ tocc it, is4t)1941 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 532,909.54 -, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 87649 T087701 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 7 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--?- 194-- ---- ITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED%- ,'ao s-so / CHECKRETURNED IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TO AL DATE BV BANK I DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 92 238 22 • 87649 A.G. Ettel & Company Company I 2 000 00 1 258 67 � 87650 United Sound Supply 9615 87651 John s. Finilan. C. of Finance 9 095 15. 8$652 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance 394 00 87653 Irene Gaylord 125 35 87654 John S. ;indlan, C, of Financ 87655 John s. indlan, C. of Financ o 1 3 722 75 E.G. Allen 87657 Capitol stationery Mfg. Comp y 87656 58 751 87658 Collector Internal Revenue 4 926 68 196 LU IL L, � s' 26 2 87660 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company p 0 87661 Northern Coal & Dock Company • 869 82 C �` ,�ry� 87662 N.W. Publications, Inc. DUPLICATE TO CITU CLERK PTY - OF SAINT PAUL _. . _.. 87663 Price Electric company 5 00 00 OFFICE OF CUNCIL O THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER— 11403 93 ROLL CALL 87665 St.Paul White Lead & Cil Comp ny 67 BARFUSS 26 27 87667 Western Alloyed Steel Casting FINDLAPARRANTO IN FAVOR 41 10 CLAIMS 87668 Joseph Grappalie AUDITED 87669 Alric Anderson, Attorney for 272 00 PETERSON 87670 Francis Nahurski, Attorney for 828 00 49 56 ROSEN I AGAINST 87671 Mrs. Mabel Murphy RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWMNQ1 TH�gu CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S� COVERING 87673 Frances Boardman MR PRES MCDONOUGH 260 OO CHECKS NUMBERED TO_ INCLU SI Vfi. AS 8767 Biede, Inc. 87675 Crescent Creamery Company ( �yryany` �:4X! PER CHECKS ON FILE T FIDE THE C COe1 PT LLER. 87676 Drewry & Sona Company Company 54 00 19 54 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL — . _ _.__ 87677 L. Eisenmenger Meat BER 87678 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Company 87679 Fillmore & Bradbury / CHECKRETURNED IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TO AL DATE BV BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 92 238 22 • 87649 A.G. Ettel & Company Company 2 000 00 1 258 67 87650 United Sound Supply 9615 87651 John s. Finilan. C. of Finance 9 095 15. 8$652 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance 394 00 87653 Irene Gaylord 125 35 87654 John S. ;indlan, C, of Financ 87655 John s. indlan, C. of Financ o 1 3 722 75 E.G. Allen 87657 Capitol stationery Mfg. Comp y 87656 58 751 87658 Collector Internal Revenue 4 926 68 196 87659 Master Materials & Fuels, Inc 26 2 87660 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company p 0 87661 Northern Coal & Dock Company 869 82 87662 N.W. Publications, Inc. 68 60 87663 Price Electric company 5 00 00 87664 st.Paul Institute 11403 93 87665 St.Paul White Lead & Cil Comp ny 67 87666 Van Paper supply Company 26 27 87667 Western Alloyed Steel Casting Company 41 10 87668 Joseph Grappalie 87669 Alric Anderson, Attorney for 272 00 87670 Francis Nahurski, Attorney for 828 00 49 56 87671 Mrs. Mabel Murphy 876$2 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 28 20 87673 Frances Boardman 260 OO 8767 Biede, Inc. 87675 Crescent Creamery Company 104 85 87676 Drewry & Sona Company Company 54 00 19 54 87677 L. Eisenmenger Meat 87678 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Company 87679 Fillmore & Bradbury 175 00 87680 Fisher Nut & Chocolate CompanyI 49 50 87681 General Chemical Company 1 025 82 80 24 87682 Griggs, Cooper & Company 87683 Griggs, Cooper & Company 148 30 87684 Hotel Saint Paul 240 87685 Howe Soale company 76 ool 87686 Minneapolis Board of Educatioi 1 001 10 62 87687 Upis. St.Paul & sault Ste. M ie Ry.Co. 87688 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Com. any 3 50 87699 National Theatre Supply Comp Company Y. Inc. 11 55 137 SOI 87690 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 30 001 97691 North C.Assoo. of C. & S. Sch • Company ole 97692 Northern States Power Northern States Power Company 1 774 451 87693 87694 Pepsi—Cola Bottling Cpmpany 97695 Peters Meat Products Company 116 44 j 87696 Robinson. Cary & Sands Company 18 50 4 87697 `st.Paul Bottling company 1 2 50 14 87 87698 Vnstinghouse Electric 9upplq ompany 97699 Westlund0s Market 15 37 97700 `whistle Bottling Corporation 9725 22 87701 Yoerg-Brewing Company I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 125 o46 76 I i otidml to city an 124221CITY OF SAINT PAUL: COUNCIL 5:V�OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ! Foe NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTER"` DATF -'October S, 1741 COMMISSIONER_ - $ WE, MRAS, Roscoe n. Carlson desires t0 withdraw application 1367 for Taxi Driver license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Roscoe G. Carlson the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. _ k3 COUNCILMEN Yea s Nays /Bar s! n nto dieser - iYt.XQ h 3M 1-41 I WI PrutdLi lPotaeoi=�. . C. F. No. 124231—By G. H. Barfuss— \1'. A. Parranto—John 8. 6'lndlan— Whi as. Roscoe G. Carlson desires to Withdraw ¢pplicati.. 1367 for Taxl Driver ]Icense ¢ d r questa the return o of the license fee depoBited thereon; therefore, be It Resolved, that the proper city Ricers be ¢nd they are hereby authorizeR to 61fund to Roe,gqee G. Carlson the fee of .00 ana to cal ct sold nnplication for lie... e. !! Appy. .db Oct• 8,�1941ci1 Oct. 8, 1941. 10ct. 11. 1141) Orizin.l to City Clan n 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL /tom OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. :OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM DATE October S, 1941 RESOLVED: mi,At Gine Station license #5757, expiring Jan. 15, 1942, issued to Otto W. Olson at 1200 Rice St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Noble N. Jones at the same address. d ~ i old location r COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays �B�tifusa rF' dlan %Pa sato � �eeBg h :iM 1-41 Mr. Vt4;a;'Primideut (Palermo) C. F. No. 124222—By G. 11. Barfuaa— W. A. Parrot.--J.h. S. Flndlan— Resolved, that Gas Station 11-- No. 5767, e�Piring Janat . 15, 1942, Issued to Ott.be and thelisame Isshershy ltran,fer,edRic,t to Noble N. Jones at the same addreaa. Old location. Adopted by the Council Oct. R, 1941. APProved Oct. 8, 1941: (Oct. 11, 1941) Adopted by the Codncl'Sd'g8 194— pproved 8 194_ in Favor _ Against a 0,lizrl. clal clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL coUNca OFFICB'00 THE CITY CLERK F1Le NO._-- COUNCIL RESOLUTIQDI—GENERAL FORM GONFME STED ODATENEY 4 Octobers BES,VED: 'That Gas Station license #5974, expiring March 26, 1942# issued to E. J. Mallon at 1333 University Ave. be, and the same is h%eby transferred to Ken's Incorporated at the same address. 0 Old Location. COUN LMEN Yeas Nays puss Fi n uanto oxen �raex– 3M 1-41 Mr. Vica Prcetdent (Peteno4) t i 4J - l"µ, A. Pnrrnn2to—BJ 1oh2 9`iFlndlnn P9 6874',' plring aMarch 29 e1942111seued l ' J. Mnllon a[ 1333 University Ave. be d the e e is hereby transferred to Ken's Incorporated at the same address. Old location. 1941. 1� AdPtvdd Oath S, Is"- 1 Oc[. 8, (Oct. 11, 1941) A A.s OCT 8 1841 Adopted by the Council 194- 1 194 — Approve' N min Fa / yor Against 0 origin'] to Cit, Clark 111Ll�IeG,y- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ir "` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4. OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 5ENTWBAtV4DATE Oct miss IONE Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 10 miles (approx. 2661 lbs.) No. 10 AWG High Strength, 409 Conductivity Solid Triple Braid Weatherproof Copperweld wire in coils from the COPYERWELD STEEL COMPANY, at,.a total cost not to exceed $572.91, f.o.b. St. Paul, less 1/2 of lgg ten days, on informal bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Police & Fire Alarm- Telegraph - Supplies - 7-BA3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �/ss/�riuss F' auto Xaen Tru8s " d'gpi,113cDd act 1-41 ML Vice Pusidcnt iP~f"r, In Favor - ()G1 8 1$4i. ls4— Adopted by the Council R 1 8 Approved 194_--. Original Glerk 1 1. ! .• }�•� ORDINAN COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 124225—Ordinance No. 829 :' H PRESENT Y By G. H. Barfuee—W. A. P .rr- ORDINANCE NO. Sohn S. Findlan= .Jl9i An ordinance :fci V�ni'?t Yf ins [ho sale u2i cigarettes, wrapp, ii the v An ordinance{ T�ulating and licensing the sale or offering 5 ,for'sale of cigaretttiOee, cigarette paper, or cigarette wrappers, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The following words and phrases, as used in this ordinance, shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, have the mean- ings respectively ascribeto them in this section, except in those w oases where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: "Person" - Every natural person, firm, partnership, associ- ation or corporation. "Cigarette" - Any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco, the wrap or cover of which is made of paper or any other substance or material ex8ept tobacco, irrespective of the size or shape, and whether or not such tobacco is flavored, adulterated, or mixed with any other ingredient. "Oigarette paper" and"cigarette wrapper" - Any paper or other substance or material, except tobacco, used as a wrapper or cover for a cigarette, as herein defined. "Sale" - Any transfer, conditional or otherwise, of title or possession. "Sale at retail" - All sales except those where the mer- ohandise is sold for the purpose of resale by a person principally engaged in selling merchandise for resale. Section 2. No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within the City of Saint Paul any cigarettes, cigarette paper or cigarette wrappers, or in any manner represent or hold himself out as oils who sells or offers for sale at retail any cigarettes, oigar- ette pdj�er, or cigarette wrappers, without having first obtained a license so to do from the City Council of said City. Seption 3. The annual `license tee shall be $12.00 and the 1lcensif"shall expire one year after Its issuance. Section 4. Every person desiring to obtain such a license for the sale at retail of cigarettes, cigarette paper or cigarette wrappers shall pay to the City Clerk the annual license fee, and the City Clerk shall issue a receipt therefor. The applicant shall thereupon file said receipt, with an application in writing, with the License Inspector of said City, which application must state ;F the true name of the applicant, the name under which he shall con- duct his business, whether such business.is that of an individual, sole trader, firm, partnership, or corporation, and the address where such business is to be conducted. The License Inspector shall Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -------------------------------- Barfuss -F'isdau. Parranto -------------- --- ---- -----.-In Favor Rosen .�atesaoa --------------------------Against Attest: Mr. Vic. Presidmt (Prrr,nr Approved:__-------_--- ------------- ---_----------- --- ............................ <............... --- --• -------------------- ------------- -- --- '-----------................................. -----------.I ------ -- City Clerk Mayor 500 3-41 Orlglual Clerk ORDINANCE 24225 COUNCIL FILE NO. I PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 3;93 (2) present such application, together with his report thereon, to the Council, ,which body shall grant or deny the application. In the event of the granting of the application, the License Inspect- or shall issue a license in the form approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety. Section 5. A license shall permit the licensee to sell cigarettes, cigarette paper or cigarette wrappers at retail at the one location specified in said license, and a separate license shall be required for each location. Section 6. The license shall be displayed by the licensee In a prominent and conspicuous place at the location so licensed. Section 7. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thefeof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1, 1942. Yeas Councilmen Nays -� Barfuss Rosen Retffsea Truax ML Vl Preslduf (Peterson) Attest: 500 3-41 - -------- -- - City Clerk OCT 24 $41 Passed by the Council------------ --------------------------- ----------- .-.-In Favor ---- --------------------Against fm OCT 24 ------ Mayor pUBLISFWn !L----��'�� 1P Information' Service of Municipal Reference Bureau and League of Minnesota Municipalities Room 15 University of Minnesota Library, Minneapolis, Minn. Municipal Licensing of Cigarette Sales LAWS OF 1941, Chapter 1,05, engwoerc mu licilutlities to license amt regulate tit, - stile at retail of cigarettes, commencing January 1, 1944. On that date, the retreat of the nal, providing for the licensing of retail sales of cigarettes by the stall, will become effective. Under the existing Into, it fee of $112.00 per ,year has been charged fora state license to sell cigarettes, and 90 per cent of the proreeds has been returned to the municipalityof origin.' Under the new law, nuuieipalilics may fix a license fee of not to exceed $141111 per year.-' The passage of all ordinance will be necessary More it municipality nary take advnotage of the new state enabling authority:' since cigar- ette -les may be- made without it license note's such a requirement is hillio d by the city or village. The suggested ordinance which follows has been prepared to take advantage of the new law. It includes a few regulations in Section 5. Other reasonable regulation., all)- he added if found desirable. State licenses will .stilt be required for the sale of cigarettes in railroad cars' and railroads may not be required to obtain other than 'tate licenses- for such sales. Since the state In, governs on this point, it has been felt un- necessary to inclu(le it specific provision in the ordinance exenlpting-•such sales front the local licensing requirements. IM...W. Minnesota Stntutex of 192", 1940 Supplement Section. 3243, 3248. -Eiuht day. before the -Z- of I.uwx of 1941, Chapter '411fi, the Governor in. hi. aure natuG+ Lowe of 1941. Chapter 242. The litter Ixw i identicnl a apt that the m fee i axed nt $1,200 year. e eou obvi typphic.l n the H._ Journal shown thnt theraHome n end,.lthe bill, which nt th.t time conanined n maxima , w an nude the $12. no maxi- m fee. The Attor—Y Generol hw ... held that the and of the two hewn p veal.. Op. A.G.. July 3t, 1841, exA few cities r to•huve required locoI licew¢x i additlon to the .tate Inw : but thin practice hon not been .l. Ne•Lawx of 194E Ch- ptdm Section fin `If the ordinance in adoptedtW after thin dote, Lhe phrnxe "after December 31. 194L" any be om...st 'Th, ord "pol.dn hm b,en c nIf ill licenxinu oidia m W nclude urpornnons.n if it 111. fl- ' be ex Vlicit , rt' I i t, the ❑here "Velton, arm rntiu' Y ire vubntit Ido. (or thew d r �oSin the In law uvidex fur nWten liccoxinu rot .ellin rattan, aha• folluwinu I.... a ue mnYlnl+e added afnkr thecrwurJ n' if rr urdi ranee Vruvixion xpeciac.IlY mption ufn uch buxi. fen toast lice cora xiJeml des eble� apt tic m,Hu try the xt.te under Lnwx ufn 1941, Cho, , r406 The suggested ordinan". follutt,, A \.� 'noo, (c 1,I('11CSI Nf: nt:nrl.ATINr Tur: ItrTAll, sAL4: (1h' ('I'All—I'M AND I IGARcT'r. 11 -RA PPE111 The oily (village) council of ...___.. _... _. do ordain as follows- S,,,Iioa 1. Lice -e Required.—After Decem- ber :31, 1911,' no lwrsonr' shall directly or in- directly or I cleans of any device keep for retail sae, sell at retail, or otherwise dispose of any cigarette or cigarette wrapper at any place in the city (village) of _._..._.____.....__.... unless at license therefor shall first have Imen obtained as provided in this ordinance. Section _'. Applienti-, and I.v...... ^—:Ap- plication for such license 'hall be nude to the city (village) clerk ml it form supplied by the eity (village). Such application shall stale the full name and address of the applicant, the location of the building and the part intended to he used by the applicant under such license, the kind if buainesc condneted at .such location, and such other information as Shull be required by the application form. Upon the fining of such application with the clerk, it shall Iw presented to the city (village) council for its consideration, and if grunted by the council. it license shall be issued by the city (village) clerk ulam payment of the required fee!' 'Thu that x.lr be m.Je thou h uut.mntia In Hance. .chine If Che distension of rettatr nthn+uuh ending achinm u b• VrohibitcA. the phrnxe "by m xa y of da- y be milted here and the c hxnuexuuue.ted by tout note 17 ah..ld be mode in Section 6. `Thin .esti xhauld be modias,l ir4•f ud.pnun in nxlityo ,hi,h h. effect —di can c,• u nrlic cedur ro11Y. charter prowuionx nlxu r p chin n n fav chic.. m"In I.r _ m pnliti+v it any be fount 1 refernbla• to Vrvrvide fur th esti uxnc of li ennnex by n nixteriul uaicer like the clerk. an if this ix the ce e a nen a like the folluwinu m y be xabxti luted torr xlhe Inxt1Ceentence of Sretion '2: "If the i of the liceme will not iolxle n r xio of nthi. c• r other . h1.Me ordi- n+fYtheu,�itrnlvilinue).othe clerk .hell Iicn c t. the .Irlrlicant upon Payment of the resumed fn• i. In xuehr it i+ d- rxble to yen w little din —inn xible the clerk. This rayl delet of the areferenee Lu u,oJ m rxl churue4•rrin lSectio, 1ki I. the xdditiun of n =i,' arruv'xi rax r• n Jinu . kin,lx of Lux inexxex which •wou1J nut bo, IieemeA. Stand.rdu should ba• made a xb—iae use Vox.ible where n dmi.iit-tiv passerthe licensee.: but c ..id ... ble di.cretio, n 1b,- h -ft 1. the council where the council u the aDDruv- not eaency. Section .f. Ic• F, The fQQQQQQe for every I license shall be 31$.110 r munlm.1" Every .ouch license shall expire on )ecember :31 next after its issuance" Fur nay, teens, issued alter Januatry :31 int'rily yeaq"- llle fee skull be computed al the rate of $1.00 fur each month or fractional part of it month covered by the license." Licelfses shall not be transferable front one person to another.'' Seetiun k. Li...... Shull Bc Uirploly,d. F,very such lieeiis shall be kept conspicuously pxlsted about the place for tchich the license I, issued and shall be exhibited to ally person nlxm request. Scr•tinn f,. Rextrictions.—No license shall be issned except to it persuu of good moralchar- acter. No license shall he issued to nn appli- caul fur sale of cigI,r(-tt,, al any place other thaw his established place of business." No licen.u' shall he issued for the ,ale of cigarettes at a aa� a oa .able place of business:"' r shall any lirenstbe issued for the sale of cigarettes at "This is the .-i- pet permitted under the hew. A x Ills, (re maY tes auhxtiwtN if da•. fired. "If the c seal wishes w { vide fur the lic.nxirru of .sale, ter n brief p rind, tforr a mole. at a Inir , I.cnllI red roll the follow —. be .ddavl I t.ii lh�ao.II ..short tt, tic, ase be urd fur shear nil sole at, renes at a locution and m y the Inde t d i. n caked the license but not Inter aha nrr, then fulluwinK Decem- ber 31st." �ratonx If xuh—pnlitY hi effect a polity of t urdin.ti.0 lit x{wllh the fiscal v the app royrixte rlatenhou Id be i xerted here i mdrof December :Il. Ther x It, yest that licenses p the icemst xuer rid .f thre calendar ; but chin ho. bee ili, n dote of xoo, lindthol e d I.— xa'Ifus hort term licenses n vided for . ug,asted the phrovt� , fo.tnotr 11, for any short term litens,' ahauld be nddal to, this point. '`Since u hr rue port of the of i untion rmd isof [he licenser is therm nrJlexx ru( the odx orf nth, license. thea cit muYtwrish to .mit n provi.i.n fur a rots feel,, to Ilx re. the of estiuntion oleo t p ixsuh'. n unite, ,hate .bort .the ter v.f the lirt,nxe. The -r I hex doer them .f pie for ,hurter terms thnurrn rev, sf­usite.,. than the, nnnuni lie a (n• `'Since mater ,site licenxe., have likewise been n trxnnfernbl, thin v p sixtinu olies 1'robvbly the Atwrney C,tn.ral w�u�ld c pside, i ,slid n authorizing tranxfer. See Or. A.C. 1994. N..vr612. 'This i •ndrA to I,.... , ,p t the licen,inu J the ..f ra•tte •nding.chi sax fur x plac wher not be ndaqunt e. 111 short �tenn licens,ne pelr�eridedm (,�rSec,.. 3. the tdlnw inn phr... xh.uld be .,Ided heron' epi that n short-term licenxe m y be Isxu,M tl .11 applicant fur the sole of c ,site, xt his tem p.rnry store ..f Irusines,." "'Thin iu rid. rl t t the li—fill, the a retie soles, 1" xml miltr vehi,l rue'Thi, xistentu with p reenl practice under the mates lie •osis, law. ''If the u aril wixhen t c•. riot svlex of c reties scho.l., n the tx.biect MI yertasl her Tw nite natives he ted—.naris - hihilinK x11 .ales r nch—I buihlinux. It, .then {rohibitinur rush sales Ill I( . .ding ac hinrs. Thr full.wing pr.v inion may I. - i ted if th�n r grit las follow the f.r ,.lir "N,, shall sill rut r .ii. k�s•p f.r ,sinal .rde, r uth—i- dent i ,slier [within ---- fa.l of n aylrelemrr'Irrry or hwh xchuuI b.ildinu." more than one place of business."'- No person shall sell or give away any cigarette, cigarette paper or ciga rctte wrapper to any person be- low the age of 18 years.'" No person shall keep for sale, sell, or �ispxxse of any cigarette con- taining upiunl, morphine, 3imson need, bells donna, strychnia, cocaine, marijuana, or any other deleterious or pxlisouous drug except nicotine."' Section fl. Rc rucatiou.`—Everysueh license play be revoked by the council for It viOlation of any provision of this ordinance if the licensee las been given a[n reasonable notice and a oppwrtuuity to he heard. Section Peaulty.—Any person 'ho shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guiltyx of at misdemca nor and upon Conviction thereof shall be punished by it fine of not to exceed 311111 or byinaprisonnent for not to ex- , cert 90 days. S,, ii n'. Repeal.—Ordinanec No. adopted ___........... 19_...., and entitled "An Ordinance ......_ etc." is hereby re - Passed this ............... day' of __..._........., 19 \favor (President of Council) 1tle't Clerk If the cu rril feel. it is to limit xWes -It schools ally whenm¢d,,, thnmgh ¢ -.din, ,..chine, the fullow- ty ba• included in Section 5: "No lite... A.11 hails hei uM for the retail .vole of , .s through xuwmatic ndinu .chine withfi, — feet of v 0 --Wry , r high schrwl building." nIt t felt that .ala•. th... ,h -t—ti, rette .c hin•do xdel - check ri. Rnsat vale. I. ni.m . the .., ,f these machines m y b habit+Ixltugether. fi,,arras t. Cit,, of .Soo,ol, 119191. 151 Wxnh. 665, 21 Pec. X86; KI -tri, Civet-olx Semite , . x. Cita .f Chicago IC.C.A., 19371. 8!r Fel. Yd 610. Therohi baba,.e , of c rctte ndio, —hi— may be m plishoA by n on like the f.11—hu,, which should x Sti+Vno , 5: 'Nnhnll .ell ti.— et— IW th,Nen oecf "Y a ulomatc...di,g .chine o other mechnnicnl 1 -ire r neta .wll ¢ uch .chi. with intent t .ell c w rettr by .nth—1hod." '-The• astrittinu x.lex to m suhst.ntixllf 1927, a ,ti., t 24 elate. Mnsun's Mi.mreow Ste[uMn o[ 1927. se.u.. sz4o. "'M.xmr'x Minms.te SI.— .f 1927, 1946 S.pplr- ent. Secli.nn 10455-4 w 10455-29 11,— of 1037, Che.p- 741, ntIi,tlY o.tr.l tht• ,.1, rid, moof n th, dr.— -d Secti.nx 10279.2. to 10278-2.prohibit the rnrliuriminnte .ole .rid rof —ii—to .rid iced­.— Cnr luently, thus —ii—to —di—- prwi.i.n N,biddin sole .f c ,,tier mntainin,n vatic dr.Ks, like that n role mim seful only ill making that act n tocol wall .stns,.sen The entente , &r based o mo lnrprsivisiotn of the Chiol cent. of 1939. Sttti.n 17+8µ17. -'Thin pr.vi.m. ,h. kl conform kr ch.rt,r nvluin� tv fur tires., . ion. In e.x where license. yoked brvy thumayor, the l.nuu.ur ahauldhe ran,�hA r ,rdi.ulY. The . sal. k,,uhlhle rix it is vill.u+-r and in xny rr rte. "chi. iv lbs r , lame lb' for r dsdeme...r. The ordinance m �+xn,z 11 I,•xxcr --u—- if the sou seal leu -'This�necti.n alar he „ rihed if there ¢rr no error .rdinnn«•x Ire ,I,airt .eithn ml, ..e. r - l Original to-C4py.0-it r - _ _ a e�y) •^■Ap -C. F. No. 124226 --Ordinance No. 8301-1 R D \ By Muton Rosen— RR--IFbv.SI An -ordinance granting permission� COUNCIL FILE NO. .ad authority to Paper, Calmenson &. Company, n corporal 0o , to construct maintain and perat, electric power ORDINANCE NO._ and u ht wires ov croaz l,,,t a 3event�i c r t buil ' S An ordinance granting permission and authority to Paper, Calmenson & Company, a corporation, to construct, maintain and operate electric power and light wires over and across East Seventh Street from a building described as 1025 East Seventh Street to a building described as 1024 East Seventh Street. This is•an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Paper, Calmenson & Company, a corporation, to construct, main- v tain and operate electric power and light wires over and across East Seventh Street from the premises described as 1025 East Seventh Street to the premises described as 1024 East Seventh Street, both of which said premises belong to and are owned by Paper, Calmenson & Company. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to issue a permit to said Company for said electric power and light wires upon its compliance with the following con- ditions: (a) That said wires shall be constructed., under the supervision and direction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works, and the cost of such super- vision and inspection, if any, shall be paid by said permittee. (b) That said permittee shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, claims, costs, judgments and expenses which may in any way arise out of the construction, main- tenance or use of said wires, and shall file. with the City Comptroller a surety bond in the eum of $5,000, approved as to form and execu- tion by the Corporation Counsel, and as to sure- ty by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned to so indemnify the City. , (o) That said electric power and light wires shall be removed whenever the Council of said City shall so order. (d) That said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance there- of, containing its agreement to abidl,, by all the terms, conditions and limitations hereof, which acceptance shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ------------------- ....._... Barfuss Findlan Parragto------- In Favor Rosen Peterson ---------.-- --------.....Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved:----------------- ------------------------ --- Attest: �- -------------- ........--------------_--------------------- ------ ------ ------------------- Cit-- --- Clerk Mayor 500 3-41 OrWnel m Cl:f•Cbt • , ORDINANCE, COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. 5'301 g (e) That the employment of all such wires shall be limited to the conduct of electric our - rent for consumption solely by said permittee; and nothing herein shall be deemed an authoriza- tion to said permittee for the sale of any such electric current. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen R Nays Barfuss dla Findlainn Parranto ZW@W Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest - -- ---------------- City Clerk 500 341 a Passed by the Council ........-_�91Q 1 -------------:6-- ........... In Favor ..-.......jr%...-.... _-.._ Against ----- ---- --�----------------- --- --------`- ------ -------- ------ --- .... Mayor _ ' CITY OF talSAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL r... flail, and Commissioner of Resistretion � '® M Oct. 2, 1941• Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City gall Dear Sirs an Ordinance granting The City Council requested that you prepare the attached application o£,Paper, Calmenaon & Co. for permission nt run power and light wires from their present garage building at 1025 E. Seventh St. to newly acquired property at 1024 E. Seventh St. Very truly y01'rs, City Clerk - , VE V) 43 19 � CORPORATION CUU`SEL ?1 PAPEP,CALMENSON & GSJMPANY STEEL WAREHOUSE BARS STRi/CTUFiAL SHAPES T' � RC/NOR C/NQ STCEL RA/L PcATES •SHEETS r TRACK SUPPL/ES 875 EAST SE ENTH STREET SAINT PAUL' TA TELEPHONE TO ER 42 H�Hrieeioa°ese �e October 1, 1941 Mr. Milt. Rosen Commissioner of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota „a Dear Sir. Confirming telephone conversation this morning, we hereby wish to make application for permission to run power and light wires from our present garage building at 1025 East 7th Street to newly acquited property at 1024 East 7th Street, which we intend to use as a garage for our trucks. U I have taken the matter ug with the Northern States Power Company and Mr. Mayer informs us that there is sufficient clearance be- tween the trolley wires and the Northern States Power Company's wires to do this. However, the Commonwealth Electric Company, who we plan on running this service over for us, insist on permission or an ordinance to cover it. As we are in a great hurry to get the service in the building, we would appreciate anything you can do to have this application approved. Waiting your further advice, we are, Very truly yours, PAPER CALMENSON & COMPANY BY FLAB DELIVERY FROM WAREHOUSE STOCK Saint Paul, Minnesota November 3, 1941 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 124226, being Ordinance No. 8301, adopted by the Council on October 30, 1941. PAPER, CALMOSON & COMPANY By P CITY OP'9 6 $ I F FINAL— �T V F. No. 124 27—BY. Mlit�n &- — -a• >�'� ti-- Y cL[RR �'.N . j03 Cou NCe,'(IL ResD,v ed�th� FI\ reLY- o. --- ,0 F co°tnrmiue. it- �Etr I AUTHORIZATION OF LOCA the contra c!MENTPROJECTi r of Glean,' II nide [o r Plnr^ DATE October 41 19�},,_ PRESENTED BY IN _ _ • ResOlved, That the Cauncil hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing the ® south side of Eleanor Avenue from Fairview avenue to Sumner avenue, and the 'horth side of Eleanor avenue from Josephine Place to Sue Place, to PEDERSON BROS., in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 578 of said Pederson Brop., for �I � the contract price of $1424.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said i Pederson Bros. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and II! the Corporation Co1Asel be and hereby ij directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. I2 /� FORMAL BID NO. C 578 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 1425.00 No— T. AVAILABLE ly 11111..LLIR - -- PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS F.L.L.- 1. .1118010 OLLOWS:1..,.[..[D A,AIN.r e[N[.I TED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1424.00 E. AIIROPRIATED INCH CITY" .111E oI LOCAL IHIRCYEHENT.- - - OCOE s PT PRCP[RrY- CODE $ L. COD o YRAI,.D .NCH LOCAL IHPRDT[MENT.-EE[H BOND .......... , . TOTAL - - - - - - - - s 1424.00 COPIES TO: I IM[Iee cr ERT rY THAI THERE I. AN UN.NOUM.ERCD IAL ANce AvuLAeLE w THE Aeove .rATCD wIIROIRunorvs ro C ITT CLERK REI...... T" PXRMANt T IH IRovelAervr R.V.Lv,.. IUND LOCAL IHPROV.HENr I COMPTROLLER IN THE Aeove AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING _ DATE FINAL ORD.R ADOIT[D COMPTROLL4F'_i_� • _„ COUNCILMEN�II' _ts 99INI YEAS NAYS; ADOPT...1 THE _ --_- AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT r / / Ay I MAYOR October 4, 1941 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee has awarded the following contract: F.E.J/578: For curbing the south side of Fleanor avenue from Fairview avenue to Sumner avenue, and the north side of Eleanor avenue from Josephine Place to Sue Place TO PEDERSON BRUS. For the sum of $1424.00 Engineer's Estimate $1423.00 Yours truly, THE C NTRACT COMMX Chairman Oritia 1 to City Ck rk W n k • J• J. M°Donou6h— �' • ,r C. F. No. 124222—BY p, H. Barfuna—Axel.. F..; t Bohn 8: Ftadlnn- parranto- xosp •cT wJ : " }� ( 3 Miltnon ;ins' wn reav, t { poet 2, CITY OF SAINT P °xatth.r. • Jrn FogFicu. NO.-- % _.. - _ ` ! an (�pFFICE OF THE CI Mph°' �, vcnl urinN___ sads.RAL FORM WHEREAS, the Drum and Bugle Corps of Post 8, American Legion, won the National Forty -and -Eight championship for the best drum and bugle corps in the National Forty -and -Eight parade at the American Legion Convention held in the City of Milwaukee in 1941, and also did win the highest award for the best marching unit in said parade, said award having been donated by the City of Milwaukee; and WHEREAS, such success and triumph of the Drum and Bugle Corps of Post 8 has brought great fame to the City of Saint Paul; therefore, be it p RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, In recognition of such outstanding success and of the civic and patriotic service rendered by said Drum and Bugle Corps in winning suoii outstanding distinction, does hereby extend to the members of said Drum and Bugle Corps its most sincere congratulations and best wishes for future triumph; b FiJRTRER RESOLVED, that in token of our appreciation and sincerity this resolution bs ead sent tthe tminutes rum of the Council , and that a copy thereof Bugls Corps of Post 8 of the American Legion of the City of Saint Paul. COUTICILTRETI 1jeas , Tlays s. Fin len `ar� anto /Paterson XOsen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3111 a-ao cs edea. 1 8 Adopted by the Council __- __.__-----194— Approved_..---- In Favor may 'J _Against PUBLISHED / o - f l — H( F C. Fnio. 124229 yBy i- eDonough G.. H. Bstr —� h 5. Find' W. A. P [1 --Milt Rte'. SW h OYi,lad m CIIY C�. 'tOU NCIL NO.— CITY.-_- �,` dF SAINT '7, tOM PILE OFFICE OF THE -C !K`LtEItK771 ' • ,' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE—.._..___—_----____._____.— ^�,WFEREAS, the Auxiliary Glee Club of East Side tnal ship for the�beat Amerglee club at the Americaican Leion won the no n Legiohnam0onon- vention held in the City of Milwaukee in 1941; and WHEREAS such success and triumph of the said Auxiliary Glee 6lub has brought great fame to the City of Saint Paul; 'therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in recognition of such outstanding success and of the civic and patriotic service rendered by said Auxiliary Glee Club in winning such outstanding distinctionClub hereby extend to the members of the Auxiliary ee Clu ions of East Side Post No. 358 its most sincere congr and best wishes for future triumph; be It FURTHER riump , RTRER RESOLVED, that in token of our appreciation miutes of and sincerity this resolutionthereefebe sent toe then Auxiliary / the Council, and that a copy Glee Club of East Side Post 358 of the American Legion of the City of Saint Paul. OCT 8 1941 Adopted by the Council_-_- _ . --1G4__ C011IlCILm$Il yeas s Tiays7'x„ Muss APProved—__--__—_..---194_ F�i//ndlan ,Rarranto In Favor -- %Peterson may X0sen (/ _Against ' TruaxyX Mr. President. McDonough 3M 5-40 C3 23333 CITY OF .SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration; -® Sept. 30, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you draw resolutions congratulating and commending the Drum Corps of Poet S of the American Legion, the East Side Glee Club of the Legion, and such other Legion units as may have won distinction dt the national convention of the Legion recently held in Milwaukee. Very truly yours, Q� 3 City Clark. SEP 3 31941 G1R''1R.1 I ji 21 ----- ----- 'Ile Lv 0/ -4 pa,4,.,j /�- ko� m T- Orisin.l te,. Cit, Clerk CITY SAINT Fo rNcli NO. OFFIC THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October g, 1941 COMMISSIONER DATE • 4 RESOLVED, That the sum of $150.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Engineers Tend, Code 10-B3-125, to defray the expenses of George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, to be present at the hear before the Civil Aeronautics Board at Washington. D. C.? ,01iaWni.ng use of the St. Paul Municipal Airport. C. F. No. 124230—By Milton noeen— Resolved, that the sum of $150.00, o as much thereof a tay be n esary, is hereby npropriated u[ f the. l;ngl s Ford, Code 10 -B3 -12F to defray' Chief En gineer,es f too be gpresent8 at the hearing before the Civil Aeronautics, Board at W..hington, D. C., Oct. 13, 1941, concerning use of the St. Paul MunicipalAlrpo rt. Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, 1941. Approved Oc[. R.1941. (Oct. 11, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 8 194— Yeas Nays Bgrfuas Q }moi n Approved 194— �9Tn Fav Ma r osen -q*ueiG am 1-41 all[. Vice Pt{.f` jdcot ( C F. N 124253 -BY G. H. Bartusa,by quest�Fred ➢1. Truax— +. I Mer as- a p Sided by Council ^ale q edit d to City Clerk No 123280 app oved July 8. CO ea On upon 6, 194' Ft) ENCIL NO -- E O - - - — CITY OF SAINT P u hearing upon the ecaaslty of - N"j"_;Z✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY egn & ECa ug- b COUNCIL RESOLUTION- -G as xa. s�2.la+RM 4 due nod 1 soon' M� PRESENTED BY Truax i C'' DATE— -- ---- - — - COMMISSIONER ---- - - --- - e WHEREAS, as provided by Council°File No. 123280, approved July 8, 1941, the Council, on August 5, 1941, held a public a v hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the one-story frame garage building on Lot -5, Dougan & Curry's Addition, also described as No. 972 McLean Avenue, following flue notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 19aO, and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoin- ing property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice, no appeal has been taken, said Commis- sioner shall report said fact to the Council. CORTICILMER ueas Rays / � barf.ii /Findtan Flo /u' /tfosen y RIF�.ci�r®sSdent, RlciJaRR . 3M 1.40 2 INS4 1,xcaidrat (Peterson) QCd 8 it / Adopted by the Council Approved----- 194.-- In Favor _____ _Against ICU N 0L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration I 0 October 7, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution (2) confirm- ing the condemnation of garage building at 972 McLean Avenue, as more fully described in the attached resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. qGT 7 —19&' CUR�'DRA110`dill:°,SEL a �� G 1. original to city ckr � ,.. re;":., -� CITY OF SAINT PAULcouac PILE NO.—_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VICOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYT'- COMMISSIONER�1-- "---- --- - - RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to Wood River oil & Refining Company for the erection of a public garage on Lots 2, 3, 4, 16, 17 and 18, Block 41, West End Addition, o located on the south side of Stewart Avenue between Montreal Avenue and Vista Street vacated. COUT1CILME11 I]eas Tlays ba Ss. lan Zanto oxen 4TaaIC 3m a-ao"'CS;t(!S$ F..4d., (Peterson) C. F. No. 124232-13y G. 11. Barfuss, by Resolved, that permit be granted to Wood River 011a& Refining Company for the ection of a publle garage Lots2, 3, 4. 16, 17 a d 18, Block 41, West End ,ddi[lon, nlocated on the etw Montreal eMe— of Waand Viet- trt Aven.;teet eon enA pted by the Council Oct. 8, 1741. Ado Approved OOct 81191741) OCT 8 1941 > �- Adopted by the Council___ - — _ Approved—__ In Favor-- /'� or _Against" 4 CITY OF SAINT PALL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner 6f Registration OCT7-194] Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: October 7, 1941 ;. 2`1 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Wood River 011 & Refining Company for per- mission to erect a public garage on the property described in the applica- tion. Very truly yours, City Clerk. A(OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant-to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will 1 , to the City Council be rude on pOtober i � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota by Wood River Elil Ret for permission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, S Block, to wit: Lot W at Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the SOuth side of 3tewa7 and between 2iAQ�tZ'eetl Vista vacated Number 700 - Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, September 25s19-4 11 STATE OF.MEVNESOTA, county of Ramsey, I N M T 1'O E51'1 I.iCp C MiGE - i Notlee "N"'" t is veTt�tpt+at xeu6nt U tpu Dil 18ae111nPtoo the �Itv Coann Ueot 0.31 II (w(ule�lluel bY t. anryp :',nueuaµ arty, ad`i1 RaIDwlY6 iPoon°ty'"Df�nneaota. fto wp9Qt: I.ot 2.1 M47.18. ei0tl eet E _ g�N Lon. Sam Pnal; IEe f atewa tween Moetr�ee{{�r� M aid.N��r 1gWt701 Stewart ave. Dated t Saint Paul.Minoevotn, Sept. �23, 1941.D .28 -1T-. ) (P. P. . q Affidavit of Publication .... :. being duly sworn, on oath North - says: that he now is, and during an a time hereji- --OPXMM" has been`lerk of the No SL.west Publications,Inc., publisher of the newspaperas the " Paul Pioneer Press, and hes lull knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately Prior to the Pub,Z9�11on therein of the Printed .. ..... ..... t i .. . hereto attached, said newspaper a ....................... .. was Printed an Published in the English e from its known office of publication esota, from It . in the city of St. Paul in county seeach week 1State of n(nblumn and sheet Which Purports to be issued: daily at y six days inches of single column,two equivalent in space, inches wide; to at least running has been issued from its known office as above stated, established 1a said Place of Dubli- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for Preparing and printing the same; has bad in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; hes contained general news, cOmen ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other Publication; has entirely made up of Patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated 1n and t 240 neer its said Place P a e d now has to the tof entryt i con class mail maregularltter in the y delivered to paying subscribers, liesas hadd,, local Postoffice of its said Place of Publication; that there has been and fa on file 1n the County in which said publication was made, proper office of the County Auditor of the proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a_newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. NOTICE ..............—*'...... hereto attached That the ........ ................... �e in of said newspaper, and was printed and Published therein was cut from the columns ... ks; Is English language, 1t was first so Published on.' .... ... .... .the ...........:. • . • .... day of Q- ,.._... a.. -eek first ..... .................. 19. �. and thereafter o ........ day of ....................... 19.... and to an c u that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and 1s hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and Publication of said notice, to -wit: e.OnQef Bhllkmu DQTs vwxre u ............�...... �.. `.'..�T. ..... ... . Subscribed and sworn to be! My asota 19... STATE O.F MINNESOTA, ee County of Ramsey, o � Affidavit of Publication ....................... being duly sworn, an oath says: that he now Is, and during all the time herein statoR has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, W IPWA-Rionee"u-S, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication ein of the meted . ........: (/.1h.._,1C1 ....... ..........,. ...... .::.-.:.. ;....•••/•••'hereto attached. said newspaper was printed and Pub ed !n the En language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the Countof Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running incheseof single column two inches wide; has been Issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for Pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the jEaglish language, ....sueeesahe••weeks; thatfirst so published on..' . ............... .. the.......... ... day of .. 19.�! and thereafter o ...:. ... .. ....... of eanr-week m- r -the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: b.11 hIikl oD4�tavwxra !a Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... T. d o1 . .. .. Y/ .... . .. ................... .......... ary Public, Ramsey County esota My compassion e#-- ... Noeacp P bllc.Remw7 �• �' 19.. . ��/ My G.mmlaainn ExH_ Dx. 15, 1943. W�\COIUNCIL ,qOripioN to City Ckrk µ 49,CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL � FILE NO.—OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COM MISSIONER.�_ __ ___.__-_-__- ____... - DATE-__..__-__-____.,_____.__..-_.-_-_.-_ . RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the St. Paul Bible Institute for, the etAction of a pub Pic garage at No. 136,E Englewood Avenue. 10 C. F. No. 12423.3—By O. 11, Bonus., by R11 eaf— esolved, that a permit be gran led to the St. Ye-edaul Bible Inefltute Por tha Englewood Ayen ulec garage at No. 1881 Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, 1941. rove Appd Oct. 8, 1941. (Oct. 11, 1941) T 8 1941 COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council-----, 1]ea3 Tlays rjuss t}`.i 5 IS4f Fittdlan / / ApprOVed___-_ 194___ /Parranto � / In Faa6r sen /j — qor - ��x... Against y ent, TrrcD; ' ,in ..ao c� i)9 Prui.it.t iPeaeeoaj _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL f43r Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration +O October 7, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Siri The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of the St. Paul Bible Institute for permission to erect a public garage on the property described in the application. Very truly yours, Q (. �AL� p City Clerk. ` ` , I OCT 7 --1941 CO "iia.+.: - I N t;OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No- t-�- 210, o{f, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will 19` to the City Council �e made on of the City of Saint Pa?Minnesota by for rmission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey Countyiknnesota, -- , Block C(�%__—, to wit: Lot Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the side of and between Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, tary Public, Ramsey Covklty, Minnesota J. L Md0001.,' My co on fres NauY ILh1tc,Rnmgaq Oofn!ry. Minn..., 19... ___ MY Cammtedon t6,c is, 143. 'Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, se County of Ramsey, .. `. 144 1p.. ......... being duly Sworn, on oath ., says: =now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- the newspaper ]mown as the St. Paul Dispatch, AW V west Pilbllcatfons, Inc., publisher of ^'eaeerP4em, and has full knowledge -of the facts hereinafter stated A That for more than one year immediately prior 'to the publication therein of the ./LR.. .:a-..... printed...........................�...../y.�..�....J...�//�..._��}'�- a -e= - `�`^^ .SJ:'�" .'S. V.^'.""" .hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least,450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work o1 which �+ has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general hews, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the Np CE mr APPLICATION POR PER• PVRLIC GA local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the )6IT TO ERECT A Nonce i. herebyy hr n that yy t t. Clty t 8alnt office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper Ordinance Na. T11q. 01 t, Pau+. x+nneeete. ep urot+pn wlll be made proof by one having knowledge Of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- oet ren. 1941. a the a c.=1 ee inn°e cdy f saint Pay1, itlnne.etn. ny Bible tpr in= iication of legal notices. _ 8t. Paul In.11tule, be ! to eroet a pupae Aran en the follewlnx dncrtbad nal e.GS�. situated In Rameyy Caua M1pna.pta a wit: Rleek Id, Cpl- leae p0 ii bet n weren, saint Pam: 1Dn- newts. tfumb� ' A En■I��w�eod. Paul, Beet. _ .................'.... . • .. • ....... . That the , , . NOTICE ...... ...... hereto attached ]hted at Balm ia, 19f1. 20. 2 Sept. 10. TS. was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in IfPlopeer Pro.e-Dlep., W. ze) AA the English language, —__ _ e AA. -k, for..... .. aaeeaaeive-weeks; -7 to I—,-', that it was first so published on ............. .... .... the ......... e!. D.. .... day of .. 19,�e and thereafter on �.... AAAA.. .... a3ef-.e.oh M/al1 , to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b c d e f g b i f k l,iq n o p g r a t u v w x rs - ........... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. tary Public, Ramsey Covklty, Minnesota J. L Md0001.,' My co on fres NauY ILh1tc,Rnmgaq Oofn!ry. Minn..., 19... ___ MY Cammtedon t6,c is, 143. J STATE OIFXEVIVESOTA, ee County of Ramsey, OT C6 of LICATI_ FOA MIT To E OTA PUBLIC OA OE N¢nee a bene, even tb.t • t to pp�d1¢.¢ce Ne. T]30. t Ne cq . fie.¢. 0 uOctMlTt¢Le�i9�16Ft ll IN ¢Olt�'..0 -4114 Itu Citr et e61pp[ Peul, DS ¢¢yy gt. Paul 81b1e`In.nlute. fet,�¢Iplan �1t1tiydt bile¢ U. I tllii/e ff '- Ce V.eM E .kat* to 16. 7 01! eilwtala Number 131 Ebtla¢ta, Sept. nyttppd� It 8e1¢t PIUI. MI 1p•(Tle¢Mr Pre—Mo.. BeFt. 20, 22, 23) 1 ' Affidavit ofTublication ..........,...............F•.4��?KCL/..:':"'-`_........ being duly Torn, on oath says: t JIe ow 1s, and during all tha time herein stated has been clerk To the North- west P lofts, Inc., publisher of thenewspaper known as the abp~ Riap-,Ich, st Paul Pioneer Press; and has frill knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one Year immediately prior immediiatelyprior to the publication the'reiinnn of Jthe printed ,1..� Y.:.�n'/' .:: !�l•'�LQ..`:���^"�, __..//_..".."�.'.. a:.! :. ✓^ :: Wit.' :%—�✓' • •""•`:"�• • "�"` • •'� •r eto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, from which It purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of pubh- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had In its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community 1t purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany: has not duplicated whplly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now hen entry as second class mall matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there hes been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- Uratfon of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, ot+se-Oft6iT aek, for..... /. .................... 4 that It was first so published on . ............. ......the.......... ....... day of 19. M/ and thereafter on .. /............ / 9 to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive. and, Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and Pod of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: I b e d e f g al] k lm¢oparet Uv 111 �......... 'subscribed and sworn to before me this.. t . jday 1 ............. ... 19. ............ .... ..... .. ......... .......... ry Public, Ramsey Coun Minnesota J. L McCOOL, My CO one ce . .... Not¢ry.Public..Be w•p Oounty. AA044D... _ My f1...,.,.l..l.,n E> picas Da. 15, 1943. 1^ C. F.- No. 124234 -By Milton Rosen- Whe""' addlttons and deductions hlch ight prove to be nsoeseer, Orligfnd to city Clerk lne imp vement described as the paw- of rJa,keon Street from Fourth ITY OF SAINT se8ee ,. - , street known Cnmp- 'Str ^.:.jt f..42G 9, Thornton ICE OF THE CITY CLERK h COUNC I ESOLUTION-GENERAL FO'i f t COM MEISSIONER DATF_ 9EREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the paving of Jackson Street from Fourth Street to Tenth Strestp known as Comptroller's Contract L.42699 Thornton Bros. Co.p contractors, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, or for agreed prices, and 1HEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions: ADDITIONSt 2194.0 lin.ft. of 3" fibre conduit ® $0.36 789.84 1 --8.0' manhole without frame and cover ® 53.00 53.00 2 --side inlets 0 2.50 5.00 3.0 lin.ft. of 12" V.C. pipe ® 1.00 3.00 216.0 lin.ft. of 3" x 10" woodheader ® .18 38.88 8.3 lin-ft. of radius curb @ .65 5.40 4.3 lin.ft. of straight curb 8 •55 2.36 25.6 lin.ft. of curb reset ® .30 7.68 2.0 sq.yde. of 3" brick paving ® 2.35 5.20 61.9 sq.yds. of 2J-" _�_ TOTAL ADDITIONS $1055.82 DEDUCTIONSs 189.0 lin.ft. of 2-? gals. conduit ® 0.32 80.48 28.0 lin.ft. of 6" V.C. pipe house cohn. ® 1.20 33.60 1 --manhole frame and cover ® 11.20 11.20 51.0 sq.yds. asph. pavement not removed ® .40 20.40 6.3 tons of asph. binder course ® 6.40 40..32 112.0 pounds of rein.steel ® .04 4.48 13.32 tone class "D" Asph. Concrete ® 7.40 95-90 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 266.38 TOTAL NET ADDITION $789.44 9MREAS, the net addition is $789.44; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the foregoing addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $789.44P _._._.said-_sual.to-be_added_to the lump -sum, consideration named_in_the Pgntract, known as Comptroller's Contract L.4269, for the making of the above improvements. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, Thornton Bros. Co., that the sm of $789.44 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Countersigned; Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yea Nays $�fuas Fjndlan �P�anto son nosen r. President, McDonough 3M 141 THORNTON BROS. COMPANY By 4', Commissioner of Public Works A4opted by the Council OCT 8 041 •194- / Approved 061 8 W 194 - In Zav�®r.-Ma} FINAL ORDER,PAO(lEEDING9. IN CONDEMNATION :�I� - - 999 COUNCIL FILE NO._:��,)`�e C. F. Na. 124." '•� /,a BY ` kIn the may a^ ly'; ning and taN Ing an � the land nes 1 FINAL' ORDER �rfldln�ONDt�_911e,"t ION PROCEEDINGS proach iStet E• Ih In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Airport Road and approaches from the intersection of State Street and Fillmore,Avenue to the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway at Bayfield Street, on lots 1, 4 and 10, Block 11; lots 1 to 6', inclusive, Block 13; lots 7, ll and 12, Block 9; and lot 6 in Block. 8, of Broklynd. Also lots 5 and 6, Block 5, and lots 3 and 4, Block 26, Dunwell•& Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also lot 9, Block 1, and lot 8,, Block 2, Walton's Sunnydale. Also on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway right-of-way at Bayfield Street under Preliminary Order 123 approved t 27, 1941 -' Intermediary Order 124003 approvedSeptember 17, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement'upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Airport Road and approaches from the intersection of State Street and Fillmore Avenue to the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway at Bayfield Street, on lots 1, 4 and 10, Block 11; lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Block 13; lots 7, 11 and 12, Block 9; and lot 6 in Block 8, of Brooklynd. Also lots 5 and 6, Block 5, and lots 3 and 4, Block 26, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also lot 9, Block 1, and lot 8, Block 2, Walton's Sunnydale. Also on the Chicago, Ronk Island & Pacific Railway and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. right of way at Bayfield Street RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the Airport Road and approaches fromV the intersection of State Street and Fillmore Avenue to the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway at Bayfield Street, on lots 1, 4 and 10, Block 11; lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Block 13; lots 7, 1-1 and 12, Block 9; and lot 6 in Block 8, of Brooklynd. Also lots 5 and 6, Block 5, and lots 3 and 4, Block 26, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also lot 9, Block 1, end lot 8, Block 2, Walton's Sunnydale. Also on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway right of way at Bayfield Street, to the extent showEALV�I� FUR9l IER fl I ai , thheCofPioa of t4eeg� siko�e�r �� WBsrt acted and di. VE FU ER at t e ommtsetoner o tc or a t rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OCT 14 S41 19_ Approved OCT 14 IN 19 City Clerk. ayor. Co men y Barfus�ndlesr -+ PUBLISHED --Parranto 'Peterson 'Races --Mr. President j 500 149 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ✓_ (A).91 4,935 In the matter of ,condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for sloped, cuts and fills in the grading of the Airport Road and approaches from the intersection of State St. and Fillmore Ave. to the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway at Bayfield St., on Lots 1, 4 and 10, Blk. 11, Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Blk. 13, Lots 7, 11 and 12, Blk. 9, and Lot 6 in Blk. 8 of Brooklynd. Also Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 5, and Lots 3 and 4. Walt nss SunnydalejSalsoern'sthedChicago,,oRoodIsland andtPadifio•Ry. right-of8waylat 2, Bayfield St. R under Preliminary Order approved August 27, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is $ 25.00 The total estimated aaB]rmY The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 11 Town of Brooklynd 4 11 do (Except Airport Road) 10 11 do 1 13 do 2 13 do 3 13 do 4 13 do 5 13 do 6 13 do 6 8 do TOTAL, Por- B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATIONBldg. Land $900 $1200 2400 5950 eludes other prope 600 350 425 2500 350 700 350 450 350 800 350 1050 375 1750 425 CITY, OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • R€PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF' INANCE- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) DRtESCPT10N LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASS9SSED d g L.1eLUATIO Dl� % 7 9 Town of Brooklynd 450 $1650 ,. North 80 ft. of 11 and 12 9 do 500 2800 5 5 Dunwell and Spencer's Add. 300 600 r to Brooklynd 6 5 do 325 Th�t part of Lots 3 and - - - - 4 26 do West of a line parallel with and 177.15 ft. W. of the E. line of ( 650 (including Govt. Lot 5, Seo. 5, T. 28, R. 22 ) other property) That part of Lots 3 and - - - - 4 26 do ) E. of a line Parallel with and 177.15 ft. W. of the E. line of ( 325 Govt. Lot 5, Soo. 5, T. 28, R. 22 ) 9 1 Walton's Sunnydale, an Addi- 50 tion to St. Paul, Minn. 8 2 do 50 (Ex. St. Lawrence St. and Bayfield St.) Beginning at a point on the NE'ly )4750 line of Htchcook's Add. 50 ft. W. from the center line of the railway as ) located; thence SE'ly along said NS'ly line to a point 50 ft. E. from said .) center line; thence N. and parallel with center line, and said center lin ) produced to a point 711.28 ft. N. from sh intersection with the S. line ) of Getlt Lot 5 produced East; thence W. 119 ft. to a point 50 ft. E. from ) center line of Main Track; thence NW'.ly par.,with said center line to Elly ) line of Dunwell and Spenoer's Add.; thenoe S'ly along said Elly line to ) SE'lq corner of said addition; thence S,( 14 degrees 15 minutes East 318.25 ) ft.; thence S. 0 degrees 06 minutes East 501.35 ft.; thence SE'ly 28.63 ft. ) to point of intersection with a line 96.02 ft. E. of W. line of Govt. Lot 4,) said line being also 50 ft. W'ly from arld parallel with the center line of ) Railway; thence South on said line of beginning; being part of Govt. Lots ) 4, 5, 12 and 13, in Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 ) Total $13,925 $190800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ) / Dated September 17 19 41 /I -tom Commissioner of Finance. P.rm B. B. 13 ' L 0 Im hdimksCit<y �roPcr>ty ©- Indicates Fill. Typicol Ilotofion tjo Fi3ure3 obove line slww Guf or Fill at prope4y. ine. Fiyuras below line s6— di31,0rxe io which slopes ecfend beyond propch line Books 1328-1329-13404100 757,- 578 F pori Approach mood f f. A/RPORT APPROACH oeOAO F,om the %n /e1..SC c 110/2 o f Sfo /e Ave. /a o o / Y xo ��� w Z, / 00 IPK ✓� o Z 0 \ 0 Z \9 / ,o �\ ti o. to, � o Ax Vd �0-111. 0 41 10!0 Lb � � 0 P Office of the" Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 4th 19 4�' To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 123829 approved August 27th 19 41 , relative to Condesming and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, -cut and fills in the grading of the Airport Road and approaches from the intersection of State St, and 4 Fil and Lot 6 is B and 10, Blk 11, Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Blk 13, Lots 7,11 gtnd 12, Blk 9, Blk a_lk 8 to Brooklynd..Also Lot 9, Blk 1, and Lot B, Blk 2,lgaltonga Stlattydale. Also on the Chicago, Roc - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ---- —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petiti of three or more o ra of property subject to assessment for said improvement. l Commissioner of PubWorks. COUNCIL FILE N0 ---------- By - _.-.___. By_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__-_X845lA&tasting,__�laXiBdd_;repaixing_the__eidewalk_on the south _side ofehart_Axenue fromPrior 1}venue to Moore_ Streetr_ except where good end T Bufficie" idewalks-_nvx_exist,_--- --------- ------------------------------------------- d under Preliminary Order ----- 12381§ ------------------- _------ approved _._ Auguat__25_t__1941________ ---- IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------approved ----------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ressnetzsiat.__rs1aX--Axid--biz--the sidewalk on the south aide of_Ilr_lehest Aveneufrom Prior Avenue to_Moore__StreatL exceQt_where good and sufficient sidewalks_now exist _______ _ 4 FINAL ORDER C. F. No. 124236— Inthe matter of - rructingg, relny- -- Ing and repair! :� dewalk ethe th Ids r n Prior' Aver where R and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be m&il RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;that%pon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directe^ pro- ceed with the making of said inWeIttl6 fecordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ------ -------------- --�--N— , 192 --- --- --.�`� - City Clerk. OCT 14 W41 Approved------------------------------------------, 192 ------ File S4537 Councilman Bari Councilman srranbu Councilman �FUMMM/fie Councilman Councilman C �' Councilman ! Mayor HNOWN c1)oac Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP ST. PAUL • , c DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER R (D)Jl­3 s4 6 In the, matterof reoonstructing, relaying e repairing the sidewalk on the south side of i Iglehart Ave. from Prior Ave. to Moore St. under Preliminary Order approved August 26, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sgpare $0.08,_ relaying old tiles_ $0.14, new tile. The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION Lot 1 and East 2 of ,W. 2 of 2 and E. 2 of R. of 3 and E. 7 ft. of W. 31 ft. of E. 38fft. of W. 12 ft. of 4 and East 19 ft. of W. 31 ft. of Total $4525 600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated September 17 19 41 O"� Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. S. A. 8-5 D Land Bldg. 2 27 Merriam's Rearrangement of =1300 $4750 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Merriam Park 3 27 do 700 150 4 27 do 450 1800 4 27 do 425 1850 5 27 do 425 1600 5 27 do 425 1600 6 27 do 800 1850 Total $4525 600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated September 17 19 41 O"� Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. S. A. 8-5 D - V f a \ 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissione�� of Finance September 5th, 1941 19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 123813 approved August 26th, 1941 19—, relative to iteconstructing, ;relaying and repairing the sidewalk on'the.south side of Iglehart Avenue from Prior Ave. to Moore St- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. xelay old tile ® 8V per sq.ft. Ley new t11e - 14¢ Per Sq— ft-2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: Reconstructing,rnleying repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Iglehart Avenue from Prior Ave. to Moore St. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. CD s �Saiproveme�i.asked for upon petition of three or more o rs of prppert�& subject to assessment for said improvement. c 10 Commissioner of Public Works. PI FEE I SEP 8 1941 r L �DEPT-. OF n j �NANcH orwow to C4 Mork 41 P i�: f \ 0. V. No. 124287—Ordinance No. 8297— �� By a- H. Bartuss, by request— COUNCIL FILE NO ordinance granting Permission to q PRESENTED HV (Winston and Newell C"Pany, a Dela- ORDINANCE NO. �aLi .warecorporation, to c netruct and aitaln a loading Pl.a.rm at the 6tarket Garxgn t the est c1 nor i ta. An ordinanceId 'Winston and Newell .o Company, a Delawareorporation, to construct and maintain a loading platform at the Market Garage at the southwest corner of Grove and Temperance Streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Winston and Newell Company, a Delaware corporation, to obnetruct and maintain a loading platform along the westerly side of the Market Garage building at the southwest corner of Grove and Temperance Streets, covering a space 7 feet, 7 inches between the wall of the building and the curb of the Market driveway, said platform measuring 70 feet on Grove Street and 125 feet on Temper- ance Street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Company for the construction of said platform, upon said permittee's compliance with the follow- ing conditions: (a)• Said licensee shall file with the Com- missioner of Pub.Ua Works a plan or specification of said platform, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (b) Said platform shall be rected under the supervision and direction oaid Commission- er, and said permittee shall payyyyy the cost of in- spection, if any. (c) Said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of #5,000, conditioned to save the City harmless from any d and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or re- moval of said platform. Said bond shall be in Ouch form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and shall be filed with the Comptroller. (d) Said platform shall be removed by said permittee whenever the Council shall so order. (e) Said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City OCT 2 9 1941 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council------------------------------------- Barfuss................................... ------- Findlan Parranto In Favor Rosen------------- -------- Peterson Truax --------------Against � Mr. President (McDonough)86TSD ,,1941 Attest: Approved: ......... - -------------_-------------- --------- ------------- ------------ -`-----`----- City Clerk .............. ----------- Mayor ----------------- -- 500 341 nrlglnel to City Clerk �.-ORDINA NCE � y3 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. (2) Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 7 Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rln¢ Peterson Attest: W Vice mt) - �-- ----" - - - City Clerk 500 3-.l t OCT 291941 Passed by the Council --------------- ------------------- ------ ------- ------- In ---- -------------.In Favor ---Z;-- ----- ---5-------Against pr-- --------------- -v�--�7 �1"---------------------------- -------' - - ---------------------- .... -- ------yyor Saint Paul, Minnesota To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by,all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 124237, being Ordinance No. 8297, adopted on October 29, 1941, by the Council. a WINSTON & NEWELL COMPANY BY: 4y V� r M w sy Fr x c a a ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AH�iGit 411 EDWIN H. LUNDIE. 8 ERNARD J. MckLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES SASSEORD, Cary Arch-,tec1 GEORGE H. HERROLD, E�gme. S— —, THE BOARD OF ZONING Btebkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE October 18th, 1941• Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 I d i n g. Dear Sir : -9 In the matter of application of Winston & Newell to erect a loading platform as per plan submitted on the westerly side of the old potato storage warehouse. This is at the southwest corner of Grove and Temperance Streets. When the market aree,was paved, a curbing was put in 7 ft.7 inches from the building supposedly for sidewalk space. It is over this space that the applicants wish to erect their loading dock. There is a driveway along and parallel with this curbing put in by the city which connects 12th St. with Grove St. The exact description of this property is given in the application. It Is also known as 178 Grove Street. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. (You have the plan in your files). Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh Sperry & Company, Inc. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA September 30, 1941 Mr. Villiam A. Parranto Commissioner of Public Utilities St. Paul, Minnesota %Dear Commissioners I have a prospective tenant for the property known as the Market Garage, more particularly described as follows: All that part of Lots twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) of Prince and Desnoyer's Rearrangement of part of Block three (3), Joel Whitney's Addition; and also the southerly twenty- five and one-half (25J) feet of the easterly half of Lot seven (7), and the northerly twelve and one-half (12J) feet of the easterly half of Lot eight (B), of Block three (3) of Joel Whitneyle Addition, described as follows; Commencing at the southwesterly corner of Grove and Temperance Streets; thence running south- westerly along the southerly line of Grove Street seventy (70) feet; thence running southeasterly parallel to the westerly line of Temperance Street one hundred twenty- five (125) feet; thence running northeasterly parallel to the southerly line of Grove Street seventy (70) feet to the westerly line of Temperance Street; thence running northwesterly along the westerly line of Temperance Street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to the place of be- ginning, or the property otherwise known as the Market Garage in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, subject to any changes caused by the opening, widening, or narrowing of any street or alleys. The tenant in question is Winston & Newell Company, wholesale grocers, and they are desirous of taking a long time lease on said above described property. However, they would desire, if they did so, to gestpyt permission to build an elevated sidewalk or loading platform, t e sam4^t t are in front of the co*mission rows facing Eleventh Street on t1le westerly side of the above described property in the apace that has been left,there- fore, by the city and curbed. Said space begins at Grove Street and runs along the westerly line of said property to the southerly end thereof. yJ `' r Sperry & Company, Inc. .,.L EST.,.. —T. -TI - ST?PAUL.WNNESOTA df" September 30, 1941 -2- Mr. Parranto I have been requested to place this matter before you so you might give us a decision on the matter or take it up with the proper officiaB of the city and get the necessary action to secure permission and allow said loading platform to be erected where specified. Plan of same will be sub- mitted, if desired. I would consider it a favor if you would let me know if it is within your power to grant us that permission, or if not, who -are the proper city officials to get the permission desired from. Awaiting a reply and thanking you for the courtesy to be extended, we remain, Courteously yours, sPEREY18�-ANY, INC. �., y JPS:am SP r X CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of police GE. BRISSMAN �yM, J. Chief*SUDWtf p. H s Sup. oolice and Fi Alarq. ROBERT B. J. �9CHOCH, M. D. Fire Chief* ' Health officer ***#* CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �era�c me'01 AM, Salet y Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN p. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner 1 October 8, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir% Referring to the applioation of the Winston and Newell Company for ,rmit to install a gasser pa�Y ing platform at 178 Gro Streeto known as the Market Gdrage• An inspection of these premises was made by Harry N. wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. From the attached report you will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner f Public Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY V w t e, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION October 7, 1941. Mr. C. A. Hackert, Chief of Police. Dear Sir: cZ This in reference to application made by Winston and Newell Company for permit to install a raised loading platform at 178 Grove Street, which is the property known as Market Garage. For your information,I made the usual inspection Of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this platform will materially interfere with traffic and from a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of the permit. Yours very truly, , Harry N. Set gran hma-fjh _ Superintendent of Traffic 0 r 9 CITY OF BT. PAUL'r Leo IR 0 Be iR[ etTv ORIGINAL CLERK le[. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License I u � LOADING PLATFORM I Oct.2 DATE To THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Win ton and 119X011-0-0— By 1ov,wl -0 oBY Awe CF I,— oR I Raised Loadin Platform Per plane herewith FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A x ..��.r✓y, / "fix + ..+ F l to 2�e9n �� 94 DF Prinrw pA 06R�UMM TO BE LOCATED ON LOT and Desmoyer s Rearrangement of Part of Block 3 of 7oel `anitney's Addition; also the S'ly 25 and 1/2 feet of the Elly 1/2 of lot 3 and the N'ly 12 and 1/2 feet of lot 8 of block 3 of Whitney ESDNI6Eo•AB 178 Grove St.ALSO oRu a[R Property known a Market Garage, Grove St and Temperance St. St.Paul,hlinn. R�{.80000.1ARK4U, aaxxxxx3�c:Lxxxxxxx�Rxxx�imt�c RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY--- Oin=+ n nna Hewell Co. BY 300 Sixth Ave. No. Minnea olie, Minn•[e RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK B_- 19-- GATE —Y PLANNING BOARD BY v, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Relistration October 7, 1941 Air, Harry W. Oehler © Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council requested that You draw an ordinance ermiseioning the attached application of Winston an Nowell Company property fodescribed to construct and maintain a loading platform in the application. Very truly Yours, 14 i b City Clerk. n Ccs CoRr"i, �\ ^ 'F BT. PAUL DUPLICATE THIB APPLICATION CITY OTO L8 MAO[ IN TPIPLI<wTi ANO FILeD�iN TX[ CITY Cc LRK'L OFIIC[. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' ¢ k Application For License ---V a , 3,oauza� PtP►�roa11 `. I DATE Qet.i lag-- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made a BY (NAMI OP PIRM OR INOI VIDUAL) pua� _ai " oir4forit For Plano harevith FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A -- jj TO BE LOCATED ON LOT w �,eww"r•r 8aersanp� ar Past ar Bleok i�ar io h ,wsskn y. ,de!►tieaf �. s oo tho S,iy 25 a�An�d�,, �SLO. r att or uo i•,ly;7,of, ice -*ad Vw 11,1132 and I+- reat of lok 8 at WAA 3 Of and BOER"B A6 �a arOw stA . .TP�[yLT AN�OyNUMLLR) �g��� two ITIOR/ ft- ✓JLILPanI'lamw Property kw= a uwkat GO*PP Gr'"! Sk and �asperarpr LI nwiUR[ OP APPLICANT. FILED r- By 47 fEiC1 8t1h lq. 110. 11innaDelio. U INtB RECEIViD COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 19 19__ DATE DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY BY .. t . ,. _ - � - original in City Clam Srt q' � " r�7 1313 CITY OF SAINT PAUL-,F�ouenclC �O M i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �L COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAIt� ORM ^,1 PRESENTED B DATE Oct 14, 1941 COMMISSIONE RESOLVMXZ That license for Restaurant, application 1425, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1426, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1427, applied` for•IbF Virginia Saniti at 919 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted. C. 11. No 1242387By G. H. Bnrfusa—� µ., A. Per— Fir 12eaoly ed, that IIOn 9alerM¢I[t Bever- , aPPilcation 1426, d OITa" le Mal[ aGe. ¢ppllcatlon 14'L6, an -. Beverage, apPllcatlon 1427, PPI [or Ana tlhe'n1. aretlhere b Yat $ Granted. St be New. Informally' pproved by Coun- cil, Ocl. ]3, 1941. Old locatlon. 1841. - AdoPted by the C 1941i1 Oct. 14, i APptov ed OOct 4 18, 1841) New, -- Informally approved by council, Oct. 13, 1941, Old Location. COLWLMEN' Yeas Nays BaFus ao �ctEtSbtl uax President, McDonough 8M 1-41 Origins[ to City Civk ORDINANCE 124239 COUNCIL FILE NO. i „/ 4PRESENTED BY a 9 N ORDINANCE NO. 1 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erect- ed or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size,..of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of, dis- tricts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended (so as to re- zone Lot 12, Block 1, College Place West Division, also described as No. 1631 Hubbard Avenue, in a "C" Residence District. Section 2. This.ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect andbe in force from and after its passage and publication. C. F. G H✓Barfue by request- 8308— An ordlna a amending Ordinance 1o. 6840; entitle n 'An ord1 ce [b Ic hhealth ore P OCting th pnience. p' I• der, con e $hn tare a(:.J� erclaesi t' ctlon o in 0' Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto 44"M Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: Ger-� El ---------- - ---- ----- - City Clerk 500 3-41 OCT 30 1941 Passed by the Council -- //��, - ------.In Favor -- - `• ...............Against w. Q Approve- _ ------------ ------------------------ 1---------- ---"-------/c----------- ------------ J Mayor '�irsrr�ra.,L./ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs October S, 1941 The Council requested that you draw an ordinance rezoning property at 1631 Hubbard Avenue, as more fully described in the attached petition. a OT F 1941 CORP Very truly yours, City Clark. Q CCi 'q,;, Cflitluita;l3;; �f L j r.y"s s ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGM WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C,ty A,ch,t,,t GEORGE H. HERROLD, Ei,,inee. Secrc_y 1 f, THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7lh, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE To the Honorable Mayor and City Councils October 8, 1941 In the matter of rezoning the property at 1631 Hubbard Avenue, which matter comes before you this mornings yyyy We have.conferred with Mr. Archie Gingold, attorney for the petitioners. _Tate wish to advise that the Board of Zoning are opposed to rezoning this one lot. As stated in our report of September 22, if the owner so desires, he could tear this house down or move it away and build a large apartment building here in its place if it is rezoned to C residence or it may become a site for a rest home or hospital. The City Architect, Mr. Bassford, and myself with the recommendation of the Board of Zoning wish to re -submit to you as a solution of this problem an ordinance formerly before your honorable body which amends the zoning ordinance and which would permit the remodeling or reconstruction of the interior of a house in an A or B residence district, erected prior to the effective date of this ordinance, and possessing a groes ground area delineated by its foundation walls of at least 1,000 square feet, so that the same shall contain separate accommodations for not in excess of four families, provided that any substantial alteration of the exterior of such house shall not be authorized, and provided further that the Council shall expressly find that such relief would be consistent with the public health and general welfare. This will make it unnecessary to rezone the property but still makes it possible for the owner to remodel it into a triplex or a 'forplex which is all the district should stand. Yours truly, 15E � Engineer -Secretary City Architect � L ZO .77 y s(y ry Mi.1f3cTii� fi#, ZO .77 y s(y ry Mi.1f3cTii� fi#, ary � �. � t �• i. a F P r i ok -L .b, C k s y ti �? k r � k TRE BOARS O ZONING Fsobllshed by Ordinance N.. 5640 July 701, 1942 SAINT Milt; MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE September 22nd, 1941• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Ch -1-1 AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN 'GIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C-11 Arce,t— GEORGE H. HERROLD. Engineer S— —, Mr. Harry T. OtConnall, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of rezoning a lot at 1631 Hubbard Avenue from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. This property is the second lot east of Fry on the north side of Hubbard. There are seven houses between this property and Snelling Ave. The property is occupied by a fairly large house. The Hancock School grounds are immediately across the street on the south. The lot at the corner of Fry and Hubbard is vacant. The property stands in the name of the Minnesota State Savings k Loan Association. The Board of Zoning feels that this is a case of spot zoning, pure and simple, as it gives a right to the owner that is withheld from all others in the block. In fact, it is a question if this is not illegal zoning. While the applicant states that the intention is to make a fourplex of the building, the property can at any time be made into a large' apartment building or barracks. The Board of Zoning recommend that the rezoning be denied. The Board of Zoning wish to call attention to the amendment to the zoning ordinance which they have proposed, which would permit houses built prior to the passage of the zoning ordinance and paving 1000 sq.ft. of foundation area, after a public hearing and if the circumstances warrant, to be remodeled into a triplex or fourplex. No greater use of the property under these conditions could ever be brought about. Yours very truly, GEORGE $. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh JOHN S. FINDLAN P. E. MCDERMOTT Commissioner d Deputy Commissioner a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier September 2, 1941. To the Council, n` Y City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I 1 1 have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the I matter of rezoning Lot 12, Blk., 1, College Place West Division --1631 Hubbard Ave. from Class "B" Residence to Class "C" Residence District and find that same is sufficient. c Yours very truly, John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, MinnesotL To the Honorable, The City Council, . St. Paul, Idinn. Gentlemen : e P.E70NI NG 4 We, the undersigned owners of tvo-thirds of the several descriptions of reel estate situated within 100 ft. of the rial estate affected, have aceuiesced herein, and •,e, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Honorable Boo to rknn ,, the follcnring dese-ribed property e / %► 3 / ,0 —QCs t from a _District to a C District. This petition is made aursuant, to Section 23, ordinance No.5840• Record Owner Lot Block Addition � �1636-3t yy —8�6 •►� ✓ -f - 4 . �, f jr �' , / l t5 Ste OY �IinneaoY,a ) SS ' V County of Ramsey being first duly sworn, deposes and says that is the Person who cir ulatF:d the within petition consisting of.&age +� aoo..,.j hA,3 +, a num nrs respectively of the lots plr:ced A o H� t, ,,. -a4 eesch��sats�s:•tleat petYtTo7t"Y1aS`SY n3�Ty-•aaclii'of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subsc bqX and sworvio before �® this ay of �® Notary R blit, Ramsey County, Minn. / My Commission expires C. S. DELLMORE Netery Public, Ramsey Minn. County, n. My Commlenlon Explren M—h 20, 1948VPh L+t . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AX EL F. PETERSON, COMMISSIONER J. C. FELDMANN• DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON. SUPERINTENDENT MISS PERRIE JONES. LIBRARIAN BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. DIRECTOR EDWARD A. FURNI, SUPERINTENDENT June 24, 1941 Hemline Tarin City heal Estate Co 1603 University Avenue Saint Paul, L,innesota Gentle -en: On -;ay 24th you wrote with reference to the n Property at 1631 Hubbard Street, I have viewed this property and as far as the Depart- ment of Education is concerned, we have no objection to the rezoning or remodeling of the buildin_-. However, from a casual view of the building. I would say that it was a rather Snell building for four ap_rtments. However, this is a matter for you to decide. Very truly yours -�� 4' VVV v V Commissioner of Education AFP -R ger R r �J August Vnd, 1941. Hon. John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. Attention i Mr. Ceurge Clink. Dear Air i Herewith yatitlon in the matter of rezoning Lot 12, Block 1, College place Vest Division,(1631 Hubbard Ave.) from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. The area enclosed by the red line on the sketch attened is the property petitioned to be reclassified. Owaers of 50.. of the frontage enclosed by the red line and owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate within the yallow line should have signed the petition. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota j 0 IC OF CITY CLERK H RY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk nd Commissioner of Registration C";jc Aug. 19, 1941. Mr. George H. Harrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Planning Board the attached petition for the rezoning of 1631 Hubbard Ave. from IT" Residence to "Cs Residence District, and requested that you prepare the customary plat and transmit the petition to the Commissioner of Finance for check as to sufficiency. Very traly y City Clerk. L • l oriwnal to city Cleric 17 N A E �v' u C. F. No. 124240—r' No. 8299— By 1, ed X. Tr-" COUNCIL FILE NO. An ordinance'- 'f dl..... N", .6840 .titled ! n: G PRESENTED BY pn ordic _ ORDINANCE NO ­ PRESENTED prom [y, ordnrd- --"-� and R„ r nr and t.s An ordinance amending Ordin oe No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the p ose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open sp ces, and establish- ,Jng the boundaries of district said purposes," approved July 7, 1922. This is an eno,y ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of thea blit peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the zoning of Lots 13 and 14 and the north one-half of Lot 15, Lemke's Addition, located at the southeast corner of Hague and Snelling Avenues, from a "C" Residence District to a Commercial District. SeotXon 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency 'ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take,�-effeot and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council-.--_------------- Barfuss Findlan Parranto ...--......_�..D--.--In Faver, 4ace& Peterson .-U-.-----.-...Against Truax b Mr. President (McDonough) Approved ............... ---•--..�_-�..-1.1�'---1.9`t.1----------------- ---- City Clerk *eMayor l 500 3-41 �s�o-T.�tl i�� � � — / �w CITY OF SAINT" PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK'=t`" j HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 9, 1941 u Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw an ordinance rezoning property at southeast corner of Hague and Snelling, as more fully described in the attached () from eCs Residence District to Com- mercial District. Pe-Kl-t"od ©Cif.$ -»41 COR. ; SRA I VIN Very truly yours, 517. City Clerk. C TY op THE BOARD OF ZONING F¢4' T9f E,tabkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 p, a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE 6� ysn �C f M ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chelrmen October 8, 1941 AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M<GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Clty Arch,-' GEORGE H. HERE OLrD.or Bacrc la ry To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: In the matter of the petition for rezoning the southeast corner of Hague and Snelling. We are advised that this petition is sufficient. It covers lots 13, 14, and the north one-half of from Lemke's Addition. Both sides of Snelling Hague to Selby are zoned for commercial purposes. Both sides of Snelling from Hague to Laurel are zoned as 11V residence, and the property facing Laurel is so used. The property at the southeast corner and the southwest corner of Hague and Snelling is vacant. Any property on Snelling Avenue near Selby is good business property. The Board of Zoning recommend that this rezoning n be approved. .11 Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD GHH:MB Engineer Secretary N JOHN S. FINDLAN Comminioner V n CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of lAnnestrta DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier September 19, 1941. P. E. `MCD ERMOTT Deputy Commissioner To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 13, 14 and N.z of 15, Lemke's Addition, at S.F. corner of Snelling and fugue Aves. from Class "C" Residence to Commercial District and find that some is sufficient. Yours very truly, J — �J �ii!v2.GC�fJ John S. Findlan, �7 Commissioner of Finance. st. Paul, Minnesota MecT. .26th.1-941 OFFICE To the Honorable, OF CITY FILED The city Council, CLERK St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen o�p 12 Am 10 32 R E_Z__ 0 N I NG SA" .-SOTA We, the undersigned owners of t,,%o-thirds of the * sever4r'dVle' .. I . r#pt_1_s of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affectM-_,hq'vie accuiesced herein, and we, owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Honorable Body to chanpr, the following doscrib,:d property : Lots 13 14 and.north 1 2 of Lot 15 Lemke Addition to the the N th-,east corner City of Pa . fLooated on tF of Snelling and Hague Avenuee). - 1 1; L�� j . - from a 0 District to a COmmerol I - -District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, ordinance No -5840 - Record Owner Lot ip—L—k Aaaiiion Lemke Add. 1-t j10 & 11 P_ 20 Lemke Add. 20 Lemke Add. 19 Lemke Add, A- 19 1-mmke Me . (C( #-a-t 16 & Part of 15-16-17 Lemke Add. 17-18-20- Blk D of LF & 1) Blvd. Add. _4L9 Blk i) of R & D Blvd. Add. 0z State of Minnesota SS County of Ramsey P7-.qnlr Aha Jr. being, first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of__yage that the parties described above are the ovmers respectively of the lots plp-ced immediately following each name; thnt this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. . 0 Subscribe day -sworn o b fore me ca thi a /I of Alp j�� A� otary Pu a� Pu tic, unty, inn. My Commission ion cx e3WLMM=_MaMWW, Notary PubhqRamsey Com Minn. My 00mmbdm Ephu Mm. L 1947. d Sept. 24, 1941. Sim . John S. Findley Gomer. of Buenos / City Hall Dear Sire le Conaoil wM hold a hearing on Oato'beor 8th in the matter of the petition for the resoning of Lots 13s 14 and the north one-half of 158 Leakets MaMms ung looaW at the southeast Cosner of snelliM and Sagas dimes fr m Class OV 8esideme to Coffisroial District. bill you limy sand notices to proprty a+mars as rs(Fdred IW the Boning Ordluma T Vary tsaly YOUMO City 0-10k. diI v Orl01na1 to City Clerk , ORDINANCE 24241 - COUNCIL FILE NO. �/ PRESENTED BY "�v'� ORDINANCE NO. d a 9 An ordinance amending 0r"noe No. 7607, entitled "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of,Saint Paul into a Graded Division, an Ungraded Division, and an Un- skilled Labor Division, and defining and fixing the titles, duties, and qualifications for the various positions within each Division," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF TETE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended/by striking out of Section II, where they appear therein, the mini- . e mum qualifications for the position of Oral Hylenist, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "High school graduation, and completion of a course for oral hygienists in a reoog- nised college of dentistry. Applicants must be licensed by the Minnesota State Board of Dental Examiners, and must be under thirty-five years of age." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No. 184241—Ordinance No. 5294—I' By Axel F. Peterson— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7007, entitled: "An ordinance dividing the Classified Servicef the City of saint Baal Into Graded Division, an Ungraded Divi sl on, and an Un- .. skilled Labor Division, d defln Ing and fixing the titles, duties, and quaUftations for the various posi- tions within each Divlelon" , approved February 13, 199` amended. A The Council of the Cit .does ordain: - Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Posen Petersen T10831Attest: Mr.VPnwept (Pet;mm) W----------- 500 341 0City Clerk OCT 2 9 1941 Passed by the Council -------------------_---- --------------- ------------------_------------------ ` - In Favor ---------------�-------- ---Against JCT 2 9 1941 4 M�IIEDr AD Nays in Favor Against McDonough CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE OFFICA OF THE CITY CLERK NA. ��Uwl�u nrn... siTl�a r_ewleo4L FORM PRESENTED Y - C. F. N, 12424'L—By G. In. BareueA— Jphn S. Findlan—NarrIInto— n Besolvea, thar,�� "r�.d for ny a Oct. 6 14. 1941 '" COMMISSION R. 'the pnr�� �' .��� ., i--- DATE t¢••'..SJ:It.: mac. 0. RESOLVED; That licenses applied for"by the'following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grant.ed: J. R. Ryan 169 N. Dale St. Restaurant App. 0236 Renewal n n n n On Sale Malt ^ 0237 ^ n a n n Off Sale Malt ^ 0238 ^ Joseph Moses 118 Eaton Ave. Off Sale Malt ^ 0587 ^ n " n a Butcher ^ 0588 ^ n n n a Grocery " 4559 ^ Marie Steffen 614 Selby Ave. Bakery ^ 0662 ^ Arthur S. & Robt. E. Bruckner 509 Univ. Ave. Butcher a 0696 ^ Maier Bernat 1041 Front St. Groedry ^ OSO ^ n 9 a n Off Sale Malt a ON ^ Agnes Kraus 561 Charles St. Butcher a 0812 ^ Rose Edelstein 301 E. 13th St. Grocery ^ 0819 a ^ a ^ a Offsale Malt ^ 0920 u John Greco 185 Grove St. Grocery a 0538 ^ Baruch D. Levin 712 N. Snelling Grocery ^ o916 ^ n n a a Off Sale Malt a 0917 ^ Anna Stevens 250 Thomas Bytgher ^ 0925 a Strobel Bros. 2119 Grand Ave. Grocery ^ 0951 ^ q n n n Butcher ^ 0952 ^ nn n a Off Sale Malt ^ 0953 " Edw. S. Williams 224 W. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant ^ 0965 ^ Gast A. Edberg &.Carl Lorentson 1187 Arcade Butcher ^ 0972 a Ben Chase 361 W. 7th St. Butcher ^ 1001 a Michaud Bros. Inc. 1059 Grand Ave. Butcher a 1049 p Nays in Favor Against McDonough original if C14� Clerk .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORAM PRESENTED BY DAy`E COMMISSI NE COUNCIL 124212 FILE NO. —2— Joe Adelman 117 W. Central Ave. .� Grocery App. ^ 1068 1069 Renewal " a n 4 n a Butcher n n n n Off Sale Malt " 1070 ^ Those M., Clarkin 878 Stryker Ave. Grocery x 1112 ^ ^ s n a Butcher ^ 1111 ^ Theo. Kriz 710 S. Smith Ave. Bakery ^ 1130 " William Poulos 414 Broadway Barber " 1175 ^ Mathias•H. Diebel 601 N. Dale St. Confectionery " 1189 x Roy E. Fausch 498 Lafond St. Grocery ^ 1195 ^ Fred C. Duerr. 432 Toronto Restaurant " 1197 ^ On Sale.Malt " 1198 ^ a a a n Off Sale Malt ' " 1199 " Edw. J. Berthiaume 659 N. Dale Ste Grocery " 1221 " n a a n Butcher ^ 1222 ^ Dickhuel.t & Thoele 1192 Ne Dal St. Restaurant " 1223 ^ n n R n On Sale Malt ^ 122 " u a n Off Sale Malt " 1225 a John Staany 1053 N. Western Ave. Ice Station x 1226 a C. Christensen 1567 Univ. Ave. Restaurant " 1228 ^ K n n k Confectionery a 1229 a Mrs. Lillian S. Olson 370 Selby Ave. Restaurant a 1239 a Midway Y. R. C. A. 1963 Utiversitj Bowling Alleys a 3.242 a Polar Ice & Puel Co. 170 N. Pascal Fuel Dealer n 1251 a Walker Pence Co. 79 N. Western Ave. Hotel " 1258 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranta Peterson in Favor Rosen Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough Approve' 194.— a Mayor o.gt..I 1_ Cis, Clete9 `+i24 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL wee NO' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM Oct. 13, 1941 {RESENTED BY COMM ISSIONE DATE 3� G.N. Emp.Cafeteria Assn. 175 E. 14th St. Restaurant App. 1261 Renewal Eugene Rambo 1386 Furness Grocery " 1262 " " 1263 n „ n n n Butcher Nick Torok 834 Como Blvd. Grocery " 1269 " " Butcher " 1270 Geo. A. Mitchell 202 Concord Restaurant " 1291 n On Sale Malt " 1282 " Off Sale Malt " 1283 " Hamilton T. Ford 364 E. 6th St. --Res Station " 1269 " Harry Schloff 8th and Jackson Parking Lot " 1296 " Asreil Eisenberg 643 Selby Ave. Grocery a 1301 " Rath Collins 1570 Edmund Ave. Confectionery n 1304 " Alrick & Mathison 520 N. Snelling i Bakery " 1317 " Clarence Ivey 759 Capitol Hgts. Butcher n 1331 " Ben Svien 1613 University Ave. Barber " 1332 " Harry J. Speeter 1437 N. Cleveland Grocery " 1337 " "n n n Butcher n 1336 " Geo. C. Kolar 506 S. Smith Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. " 1339 " Max A. Gerenz 420 S. Snelling Grocery " 1343 " " n n n Butcher " 1344 Cameo Beauty Depts. Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Barber n 1352 " Bert F. Shannon 237 W. 7th St. 2nd Rand Dir. " 1357 " ®C� 4 191 194— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc' yeas Nays 14 1941 Barfuss Approve 19 Parranto �–// In Favor,,- ayor iieseel Against Truax =w8IED / 6 X j Mr. President, McDonough AM I-41 oNgvdI4- CI. F CITY OF SAINT PAUL coUN""' ` 24 4u� Ai 6L OF THE CITY CLERK A•FILE NO.� COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE ERALI , ,A- October 10, 1941 DATE - RESOLVED, That the allotment of Legislative 4d isory Collmittee funds from the State of Minnesota in the amount of $5;000.00 to the Branch Library Project for the Department of Education, be transferred to Project No. 9112, being a school playground W.P.A. project, also in the Department of Education, inasmuch as the District Director of W.P.A. has advised the City of St. Paul that the necessary skilled labor is not now available from W.P.A. for the Library Project. d C. F. No. 124243-13y Fred M. Truax, by quesl— Reeolved, that the allotment of Leg- e the [state dof Minn hc,as 0ethe . front., [ 56,000.00 to the Branch LlbrarY' Project beortri nsferredrttoent Of P—JectE {N o. ll1Lion, school playground V.P. A. 12, being u p-Ject,alga l naemin h the Dep D etrlct Dl ac - nation, th ter f W.P.A. hae ndvlaed th killed I— Of bor Plsun th nonhe"'I bler from W.P.A. for the Library ProJet•t. Adopted by the Council Ocl. 14, 1941. Approved Oet. 14, 1941. (Oct. 18, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Barfuss arranto -i�eiEr66Il 3L-ident, McDonough 4 Adopted by the CouncilQ9114 01 194— Approved W14?1' 194— TnFav ayor Ag z ev ortala.l,to CItY Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE ® NO.---- - - ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL"RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM -- L�1�t-- PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSION ER -" ---- ---- _ RESOLVED, That the assessment for sprinkling streets in the City Of Saint Fault Minnesota, ordered sprinkled by the Council during the year of 1941, as submitted by the Comptroller with his audit under date of October 13, 1941, be and is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Finance ie hereby directed to certify same to the Auditor of Ramsey County, accompanied by a certified copy of this resolution. C. F. No. 12!244— Trua[. bYl l that e t for He olv ed. otI to Ins the citYtt f !r. "I prink It dered Prinkled Mlnnesotn.11 bbr tae Year f µ9Itjj he )Council dbY the Co of 13, eubmItted or date o October a d hie audit ud is hereby aP rove ereby d 1941, be �u oaf Flnnnci Audltoa', direste tune!ra ume tto Vttio Y ceRama.Y uCountY.Ie ereo lotion. Adoo P41. ed by thet Council OcL 14, 1941.�I APV roved tCt 0c4 1811941) j b 9 ov"T 1.4 C011T1ClL„lEn Adopted by the Council ,leas nays B�sApprove � d_ arranto In Favoraqor _ - --- Eei4apflen Agains rl�ax /(lr. President, McDonough othl to City Clerk b,✓� (/fit r "r _ —• CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL M� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "'LE NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 124246—BY Fred H. Truax, by reque et— a 'ED BY .1�-4- Resolved, that the rd of ontract TION ER._ �"""`.� _ '.3 �7� c T�— _____._ _ _ ___ DATE. `eln [ur Ishln tre.� tion for cer- ach t. �il�-� - their homes t .She LI... ng School,— V'"r, Fch•Cro.I.Y _. - • 1, MITI RESOLVED, that the award of contract for,furnishing trans- 9f^R"P portation for certain school children from their homes to the Lindsay School, Irving School Hill School, Jefferson School, Crowley School, Mechanic Arts High School. Mill to Jefferson School, and the Diocesan Teachers College and/or other schools as found necessary, and back again, during the school year of 1941-42, beginning September 2, 1941, to the Blue and White Cab, in accordance with the list and specifications therefor and Formal Bid No. 557, for the contract price of approximately -$16,869.60, adopted by the Council August 22, 1941, C. F. 123796, 1s hereby rescinded; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that contracts for such transportation be awarded as follows: To the Blue and White Cab, Group "C" and Group "D" for the contract price of approximately $13,719.60, and to the Brown & White Cab, Group "A" and Group "B" for the contract price of approximately $3,150.00, all in accordance with the list and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 557 of said Blue and White Cab and Brown & White Cab, together with their supplemental letter of September 22, 1941. WT 14 S41 COl1TLCiLmETI Adopted by the Council._._ Teas ��' flays rl3arf uss ar.FutG17a>L PeIe.r_ ruax /TLS President, McDonough 5M e -do CS arise Approved_194__ In Favor ma Agains IMdSIIIED Oriylnal log, city Cink' coUNO1L f: CITY OF`SAINT PAUL 'ILKOU NO.� { OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �/„ � October 11, 1941• -- COMMISSIONE 6 6 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported inner ordancewency t Seotimn 53 of the City Charter, the existence of aneea of the Bureau rendered necessary the employment of certain employ of Lghtig ht hours moreithannttheor more than usual hours ofgemployment, day. said therefore, be it being RESOLVED. that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forths s' Sunday overtime -- Name Overtime NaRejta Street Lamp Worker 8 hours 50 Driver, Frederick Erickson, Harold A. Street Lamp Worker 8 hours •50 Street Lamp Worker 8 hours •50 Fritz, Donald P. Street Lemp Worker 8 hours •50 Gustafson, Carl H. C Resollved,t that the prop r sty omcers are hereby authorized to pay c tall s'oplpyes In the Dept. of Public U[111 - the list attached toies oro this re olution.as set un Adopted by the Council OCL 14, 1911. Approved (et. 1811941) 1. Certified correct H. C. Streieh Lighting Superintendent OCY 14 1948 194__-- COUTICl En Adopted by the Counoit_-- f9 TJeas nags '� ,. 5arfuss Approved_ Parra°to in Fauo --- --------- _— _ - atpr Rawson /—_ Aga' ruax /Mr. President, IDcDonough ,in '.s. Cs 931le Odllo.l t. CIty�NrtCOUNCIL CITY ,Un CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r•. No- i2+2.v—ttr May" McDon- gh they ih � .1. 1 hereby h COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERALRe'"H j,,ed, �,- ncurs In therdlnB purcha . 6 -� 1,ke and enntrnet. (..ober 8, PREBENTEC BV .-.- briquets t' - ----- -�--'- the CItY ' - - -._ _.- 6pMIMpBFO/t6R_----- 6REA'^- Resolved, chat Counoil hereby con urs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Co>rmlittee in awarding contracts for f Saint shingPaul yascfollows: briquets to the various departments of the City GREAT LAKES COAL & DOCK CO.- Approximately 150 tons Youghiogheny and 650 tons Elkhorn coal at a total-c_Y_ Z 5,715.50 of approximately - - - - - - For delivery up to and including i April 30, 1942. - Approximately 4829 tons Pocahontas THE INTERNATIONAL FUEL CO. 769.13 I coal at a total costoof April approximately 41, For delivery prior NORTHERN COAL & DOCK CO.- Approximately 5100 tons Pocahontas and Mid9Volatile coal at a total cost 35,317.50 of approximately - - April 30,- - - For shipments prior to S. BRAND COAL & OIL CO. - Approximately 123 tons Anthracite, 871.5 tons Splint, 216 tons Coke and 80 tolbs Briquets at-,-4--total-cost of- 78,199.15 approximately - - - - For delivery up to September 15,1942. FOBES & BROWN COAL & OIL CO.- Approximately 2200 tons Illinois coal at a total cost of approximately 14 520.00 all in accordance with city specifications anto ormaluBid N o. 560, forms and the Corporation Counsel is hereby of contracts therefor. F.B. #560.. The Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co., International Fuel Co. and Northern Coal 1957cand inQgeasedtcostddueUtoelabor conditions to Labor Set transportation nt Bituminous ochargesal Act �fetc. OCT 14 W41 Adopted by the Council _ - — --- L94--- counciLmEn peas nags / t i.'. _ z_Tea f � Approved_ arranto � � In Favo — — ' M7 � Y _Against D -- Truax ,lr. President, McDonough siR s• Cs ass.. origi—I b City Ckrt CITYkb� SAINT PAUL ' ; Fou NC IL CIL[ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESO TION --GENERAL FORM PRESENT D BY �1` ? �.� . ____ DATE October 13, 1941 COMMISSI NE''�'- _:-_� ..._.—_ -._. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of ; .12207 per gallon, less 1% discount ten days from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on MunicipalEquipmentBureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to he best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal aqui 1003-134 couTICILmEn t.]eas Ttays ariuss arranto 'PBTClSSn /T lr. President, McDonough 3M 5.40 CS 23358 1941 QCT X4 Adopted by Council ounoil _. _. 194_ _ t : 1 194 Approved_ t In favor(\\' _ -/� Aqai � odea to city clerk QOY OF SAINT PAUL uNciu �1 ie N O. OFj4gfE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION-GENERAL FORM gg DAT�8 tember 26 lcAl GOMMINSI R44 r That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1_40,foot pole on the south side of MinnsI1031 between Kent and Xackubin; with necessary g e, anchors and wires. pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Polier Company Municipal Estimate 35189• ilton IFOscu�Qtes C. F. No.ea 4349 ti BM Nntheom°lltl' side t ((}/ Power sung chors %'.�- /l�Y. in.er l�n P{O bet enrY Ken[ Mnc- .if/. (w J tn�nne ba. cs BUYsto be Teo r t M wlih olqe� oft d wo do ° a d end t alwhen T e¢ n.ndd cost .ts..,thern J% /% '' r rn mm°n C u borne by i^G�L' ,. m u4 P?e Cflm4[e 36789. t. 14, 1941.-' '.-• r 4t'uu4c4Pub the C 1941�t O` (,/f,t ;s) �r ) r ,PPTo d Oc4 /!,tl � '�/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss arranto Petersen /'1Yuax ,Ar. President, McDonough e 3M 141 Adopted by the Council=1 4 M 194— 1 1 194_ (�j pprove' I (� in Favor or `/ Against ti original wMitr Gat CITY 91 SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICW THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL R UTION-GENERAL FOR?t October 2, 191►1 PRESENTED DATE COMMISSIONE That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole in the alley east of Lexington, north of Blair, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested toedo so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $35775• Y Mlltoo Rosen— C. F. Np. 124250—E9 Resolved, that the N rihern States 1, Company be gtvan siloyto Install 1-35 tont Pole in the with neeast of Lexington, north of Blalr, o y guys, anchors, wires, an Tele- phone Company .1rea. Pole and yvirea to be removed hen renaeeted io do sOf by the Common Council nd s id removal to be borne by the I thcrn States Power Company. or Estimate No. 35776. Ad, III OCL 14, 19q L1 Oct. 14, 1941. ---- (Oct. 18, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findl Po peisscon Resell' Truax Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 J Adopted by the CouncilW11 14 --194 L Approve' �� b 14 194-- In Fav ayor Against Orl[inW 4 0-k CITY OF SAINT PAUL FCOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ®Y;- U' DATE' October 11; 1941. COMMISSIONER R�SOLPEDi That Off Saie Liquor lioease7. expiring January 31, 1942, issued to Oscar Swoboda, Inc. at 619 U. city Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Oscar Swoboda, Ind, at 678 University Avenue. Transfer informally approved by council, Sept. 25, 1941, New Location COU LMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss P/ananto F+eberses- , /iTu�7C �_"- President, McDonough SM 1-41 Adopted by the CouncipCT 14 10 194_ 1941 VApproved 194__ 1n 76jr ay Against IN '''" CITY OF SAINT PAUL - - . APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUC LICENSE , Application No ................... (This form mun be filled au ddan ,, hc+ n ,d .r��e of required by +he L.q.- Con<.oI Cam ...once of h S,a of Nii......Name of Applicant. ,,•:�,.:.. — F� ? ...l�,.f .......................... ....... Age'f'✓ Residence Address;.,::'..... `�f,„,, � �/....(�, xt1 1. �...................Telephone Nc .. Are you a citizen of. the U*itedStates?............... . =' Have you even been enin operating a aloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .................+.................................................................................... When and where? ....................... " ',If corporation, give date when incorporated........ !?� ......... ti'T.......................................... ri. Name and 6dress of res ; p idett retar f� ti a pa nd ddress of ma�er of pre ' es u on which liquor is to be sold... .. , p .......... / •, ..................... ' ' '` .�:...... , . i.......... Name of surety company which will write bond, if known....`%�.....4�4.......................... Number Street Side B twe'en NX Cross S Ward Lsir `�+''"Y--��u,•, �f,,L.. tom- ,, s .° How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? ........................................... How many feet from church (measured along streets)?........... ...... • • • .. _ . • .......... How many feet from closest public or parochial high or gradefisfc4000l (measured 1 g str eettts)1�.. rr G!',...,,. ,, Name of closest school ................... ,...., .c.�._........!d.'"'�fiS :. .`..ry.l.�i t e r•••..�.' �... ? How are premises classified under Zoning�Ordinancet .. �.., i e* J On what floor located? ,t,: 4� t i- ) If leased, give name o£'oanei ....... Is application for drugstore, general food_ store or exclusive liquor store?.t ...... . 'How long have you operated preS614[ business at present site?....... .:.r..<.. ...' Do you now have an "On S tenon-intoX.cating liquor license?.... ,i ....,... ............. ..... t (This application Vsr11, $igned '_,by 'th,e applicant, and if a corporatiq�J�r/)"by an d tie of the corporation.) t j (Note. Thettate application form and information in be verified.) Issuance of license .is not recommended. - Dated...: ..193 ........... i License Inspecter. ir*-' "�`tCA T. f Form S y r d, > 4irPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF SALE LICENSE /P State of Minnesota4D County. of To the Council of F' ✓_ County of To J. Norman Peterson Liquor Control Comiyieeioner M St. Paul, Minnesota r / % p✓' r� The undersign f i of the municipality f county of 'L 3e ` a aced to State of Minnesota, be, y b makes/A hcation for a Retaile9 Off Sale IntoxiFating Liquor'Llcensff a at_ _-in accordance with provisions M7 of the Law lieu f, for a period of —commencing k 19 and ending' / 19 The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state Is nd with all the rules and regulations i', prescribed by and tb be prescribed by the Liquor Con`ttrr 1 Commissioner./� Dated this_ ---day of I PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINOTA County of r/ being _r.,. first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that as read said application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge. �r (Signature of Applicant) Soiteribed and sworn to before me ' l , CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. County of On the day bf 19—, before me, a notary public, duly commissioned in and for said county, came the of the company, who, by me being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is th that he knows the seal of—_. pid company, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said company and that ire signed his name thereto of the company, a4nd, cknowledges the execution thereof to be of his own free act and deed and free act of said company. Subscribed and sworn to before me By this- (SLAC) I 1i Oridv*A, to 1i.�� (.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNT NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE j COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM a gg - October 10, 1941. CpMtv1,ss,, ER .DAT RESOLVED: That Gas Station license $5746, expiring January 2, 1942, issued to F. A. Walstrom at 79 E. ninth. Street be and the same is hereby transferred to ,,. - v. E.J. Mallon at the same address. C. F. No. 124252-13 G. H. Barfuse— Revolved, tit' t GtanunrySt.tt2194E iae No. 5746, e p r ng ued to F. A. Walstr at 79 E. Ninth. 3[reel be d the me las herebsYaIreaans- forred to E. J. Mallon t the d-, Old Location '0 d" locntlon. Adopted by the Council Oct. 14, 1941. Approved &1. [. 14, —I — 41. (Oct. 18,, 194 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arFuss unto LL ^17uax Xr. President, McDonough am 14 'MI Adopted by the Counc 94— Approved W14.S41 194-- An Favo ' yor gain 1 priiin�l to Cit, Clark � CITY OF SAINT PAUL I CO f4CI` No. OFFICE OF THE CATY CLERK \ RR COUNCIL RESOLUTION' -GENERAL FORM COMMESSIONEY DATE hr+nh r 4f1 19".1 RESOLVED: That Grocery license #7973,_ expiring June 22, 1942,& off Sale Malt Beverage license #969, expiring June 22, 1942, issued to Al Cohen at 228 E. Indiana Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Al Cohen at 257 Arundel Street. r Old Locatyon C. I,. No. 1't4253—BY G. " Bnrfuss— R,; oI—d. that Grocer 1942, sd a 978, aPlrink; June 22. x Snle 1 nIt 13-erng° license No. 888 ohen plrinS June 21, 194'2, Iessue II Io AI u 328 E. Indfans Av' he d the n a[e hereby transte*red to At Cuhen ntl -57 Arundel .tree[. fl Oct. 14. 1941. i»optedtby the Cou41 Approved Oct. 14, 11941) (Oct . d 0 1 COUNCILMEN Yea s Nays arfuss n jParranto �eberson /nu$X President, McDonough 3M 141 Adopted by the Council WT 14 W 194_ J Approve' dl -"' 19 TJ n Favor ^ Ma, dr n r gainat k OrlQand to MY CIer4� X1242-0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO OFFICE PF THECITYCLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CTATF October 10. 1941 COMMISSIONE BMSOLVEDs That license for Bowling Alleys, application 1321, applied for by Theodore Mann at 999-1001 Selby Ave, be and the same is hereby granted. New, New Location Informally approved by Council, May 1, 1941. 0 I COUNCILMEN Yea Nays arfuss arrant. Peterean ilivax President, McDonough 311 1.41 1?4264—By G. 11. 13arfuss— Ilesolved, that Ilcense for Bowling Alle Ys, apl>lleatloo 1321 PPlled for by Theodore Mann t 999 X1001 Selby Ave. be and the same Is hereby granted. Nrov. New location. Informally approved byy Counell, May 1, 1941. Adopted by the Counell Oct. 14, 1941.1 Approved Oct. 14. 1941. (ort. 18, 1941) i OCT 14 1 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 19 in Fa — M or Aga I 'Ioriftgal to CI Clark i 1 i CITY OF SAINT PAUL _I( Foua^ctl NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM DATE October 10 194 COM&IINSIONEY RE30LVhDs That license for Restaurant, application 11611, Oa Sale Malt Beverage, application 1165, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 11661 aTiplied p for by Daniel L••Tate at 157 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby grantid. SBR, Informally approved by council, Sept. j0, 19111, Old Location. CO OILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss arranto uax President, McDonough aM 1-41 C. 1" Yo. 124?5,—Byy G. H. Barfuss— nLsnappliCathon 1esa­1164, Ono Sale eetltau- Malt Beverage, appB eaten 1165,. and Off Sale Plied fare by Danlelp Lc Tae it 6161 V. gra.7th St. bs and the same are hereby granted. New. .Informally pproved by Coun- Cii,' .pt' 39, 19q 1. Old location. Adopted by the C."'OCL 14, 19g1. Approved Oct. 14, 1941. 11 (Oct. 1,, 1941) OCT -14' Adopted by the Council ----=19`3__ 141941 % Approve' —194--- In Fav ayor Against d orl \S, e. cla,cl.rk .. la\ CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2`,�T�e`7'-j � O NCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FENo. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDfel' dam. 9 DATE October 10, 1941 COMMISSIONE4� RESOLVED. That license for Bowling Alleys. application 0992, applied for,by the Erwin Bowling Association at 1190 University Ave. be and the same is hereby granted. Infoamally approved by council, Sept. 16, 1941, New Location. COUNCILMEN y,:% Nays arfuss arrant. Peterson u r. President, McDonough am 1-41 '� UY G. t;• Bo TtB t rl g0�. C' Ree lV pllc wlin6 A9 d P he nsa,ne is ', p1leYErN1n Bove. be nn by Connell. 1 Univ erelginnted. DD Vest{on q, 1941. heln[olB 11841. he Cpoc 111 Oct. 1 1 Se Adopted d YO t. 1418 °i9411 f 1 nnv°p°e poet. Adopted by the Council 9 i4 ill 194— i.,; tii*I n ..1 Approved194— / //1 Tn FaWt '�� M or i Against Ori'in.i to Cib Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAULA E""11- NO.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-r;ENERAL FORM BY DAT October•10.`1941 PRESENTED COMMISSIONE la,'SOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 1290, On Sale Malt Beverage. application 1291, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1292, applied for by Mrs. Laura Stephenson at 741 Selby Ave. be and the"same are hereby granted. New. Informally approved by Council. Oct. 2, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays /Barfuas �Parranto !zr. President, McDonough aM 141 No. 124267-13y GH. BarCusa— BReeolved. that Ilcena.e Lor Reatnu- ve erase llcation 1290, On Sale Malt Sale Matt Be-.. on PI Ilcntiond12Of ' aPPlled for by Mta. --dra Stepheaeon 1 11 14 b.. Selby Selby Aye. be and the Be— are! New gln totemall cil, Oct. 2, 1941. Oldnlocn tion. by Coun-. Adopted b the Council Oct. 14, 1941. APVroved O L 14, 1941. (Oct. 18, 1941) OCT 14 Adopted by the Council 194— n Approved f' -4 90'19 in Favor Ma r Again "`' .rl'i a to c�a cl.r► �CAIN. OF SAINT PAUL. F°�E t " OfFIGE OF"tHE'CI'IY C ERK FORM NO. ------ COUNCIL RESOLUTIOWNIERAL vctrober DATE 9 19iF1 '6 'y COMMENTED EY the B14uoa000 stated for by the following Persona at 4 SOI,p�; That `lioenses applied are hereby grantedi be and the seme parking Lot APP•1170 New New Loca. Earl NSt. peter St. Newell 551 14 11714 n Old " Neffola 790 W. 7th St. Gas Station Bobt. J. 494 N. Snelling Florist n 1193 " Old " Lawrence L. Fr kl and *M6Fr., " e Fuel Dealer a 1322 " New a Wm. White 320 Rice St. It 1390 n 222 chestnut St. Foot peddler Ralph Meccia Restaurant " 0005 it Old Loca. Mell Kadrie 329 W. 7th St.It 11 ° 0 Wilson Ave. Heasley & Holasek 7"7 Grocery Butcher " 0735 I n 0736 n n a It n 41 x+06—S•-Minnesota St. Bowling Alleys " 0947 11 n " Bilbow Amusement Co. " 1200 " Old Loca• Miller.& Holmen Inc. 177 S. Exchange Gas Station " 390 E- Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant 0 1256 n n Adam Oberle 9 n n n a 1294 6 WabasSt• Stephen Farkas 5 3 ha IceStation If It " Ernest Whitmore 2276 HigLland Pkwy' Grocery Off Sale Malt " 1297 a 1295 " ° " n n n a 559 N• Dale St. Confectionery " 1 3 91 John M. Dickey C. U'. No. 124268—EY G. H. Barfos _W, . Parranto— dohn 8. r' 14j�n1 jiceneee apPifed for by, Resolved, the Ifq attachaed', - named on the Dere QBOlutlon be d the earn' to t,Ie re.and the City Clerk Is'. I ed to Issue uch 1jeenses rY of Instructed the city V e 641 OCT �� tno he required fees. Adoptedd 6cth el4, 194111 °c[. 14, 1991.1 , Adopted by the CounciL�----194_- APP1111 torn isau COUNCILMEN - i Yeas Nays GOT 14 1941 19 arfuss Approve arrant. n F Petersen yor gainst President, McDonough aa9 I -4i -. �. ti sr'E" 11 CITY,OF SAINT PAUL CIL NO. F LEN OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM October 9. 1941 PRESENTED We GOMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses„stated be and the same -ere hereby granted: Ted Bies 1141 Forest St. Off Sale Malt App.49594 Renewal Grocery a 0652 x 0. G. Armatead 605 University Ave. Restaurant ” Og43 " Gabriel Bransil 170 E. Fairfield Grocery If 1045 x Isadore Brazen 527 Anita St. Grocery If 1107 " n n n n Off Sale Malt If 1109 " John J. Bohn 469 Wabasha Restaurant " 1132 " W. T. Grant Co. 41_43 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 1160 " R. Fauchald 459 E. 9th St. Fuel Dealer a 1177 Leo A. Diel 419 X. Cleveland Restaurant a 1179 " p n n n On Sale Malt " 1179 " Off Sale Malt ^ 1190 ^ e n u a Grocery x 1191 " H. L. Green Co. 67 E. 7th St. Grocery " 1195 ^ Brown &Bigelow 1310 University Ave. Restaurant ^ 1199 " Albert Alzant 630 University Ave. Barber " 1194 ^ Oscar Gruber 90 E. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dealer " 1196 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 Univ. Ave. Gas Station " 1204 ^ 0 a n n a Gas Station If 1205 ^ Estate of R.J.Davinl 347 Minnesota (§bnfectionery " 1231. " Estate of Jacob Ginsberg 410 Cedar Pawnbroker ^ 1240 x German House Inc. 444 Rice St. Bowling Alleys " 1249 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays gs Barfuss Approved _194— Findlan Parranto g Peterson In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough .IM t•u . Ort*in.1 't to city cl.rk V ` • 1242559 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICENO: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�NERAL FORM fT COMMISSIONER— ` DATIE —2_ u Polar Ice & Fuel Co. 170 N. Pascal Ice Delivery App, 1252 Renewal, Tanners Lake Ice Co. 896 Duchess Ice Delivery a X1253 n Upper River Iron & Steel Co. Childs Rd. "Junk Dealer• a 1257 • Theo. A. Vick 1680 N. Hemline Gas Station n 1265 n A. T. Sinkler 1110 N. Snelling Gas Station n 1271 n Fanny Farmer Candy Shop 426 wabasha Confectionery n 1272 n Louis M. Kaufman 628 Jackson St. Grocery n 1284 n n n a n Off Sale Malt a 1285 n John Hirsch 558 Rice St. Bakery 11 1288 n Stock & Frerek 477 S. Snelling Gas Station n 1300 n Fred C. Spude 420 Sibley St. Restaurant a 1313 n Kruzewski & Marchekk 4S2 Mississippi Restaurant n 1314 u n n n n On Sale Malt n 1315 a J. P. quigley 2057 Marshall Cas Station n ''1333 n C. F. No. 1.425'9—BY G. H. Barfusa— n John 9. Flndlan—W. A. Portent - it. 1, Reeoed, that IFapplied for by [he D r n edon nhe Il, attached thla aeeolution be d the name ,hereby re kranted, and the Clty Olerkor. I. Instructed to Issue uch Ilcenaea upon the payment Into the city treaaury of required fees. Ithe Adopted by the Council Oct. 14, 3941. Approved Oct. 14, 1941. (Oct. 18, 1941) OCT 14 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas � Nays /�arfuss 14 �g4! Approved 19 arranto P*6erson in Favor Rann 14uax gainst M or Mr. President, McDonough 8M 1-41 Or, t. Citr Clerk , E'f� ' CITY OF SAINT FAUL JOIENCIL NO. � t.�-k OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKa COUNCIL RESOLUTION — EN� RAL. FOR14 P1366ENTED_BV n_.._—___ 0 BMOLVED. That the St. Paul Sound Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews be and it hereby given the free use of Stem Hall of the St.' Paul Auditorium for a msetiqg on October 19 1941; said Association to pay only the cost of opening aperating Stem Hall on said date for the above conference. // C . ass i�� i aii uc stns �srl.. Pa iCeiionna ChrNtie-thud dews be nd It I. here[ by 61ven the tree u of Stem m eI1nC / the ae Paul Auditoria for on Octobe ly 19e1941;t of p d to pacing Stem Hall o sflld nd et. for op th above conference. Adopted by the Council Oct. 14. 19'11. Approved OOCt11811941) COUNCILMEN Yeas. Nays PParranto Petersen FrPresident, McDonough eM 1.41 I Adopted by the Council CCT 14 S41 194—_ Approved Q GT 14 19 �In Favor j Ma or — Against o- 64 Odsinol to Clic Clerk q= CITY'OF SAINT PAUL cppuuN"Le NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -: vilT_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -6E L 1ORM PRESENTED -BY COMMISS ONER Cec�issioII�Peterscz �DATF RESOLVED, that the free use of the arena of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it -Es hereby given to the Building Insitttte of St. Paul from April b 40 13, 1941 inclusive for it f at annual home show; said Association to 1w only the coat of opening anperating the arena on said dates Y he above ociasion. m 2 �nrtteao 11d. [h t g). APeteo 1 �• the t'A ee nae P ntl t iy here St.S Pau] Auditorium the In atitute of StbY Ivan to the Nu 1991, Incl naive for it.AprilAril 61to 113 sohow•to� Id .lsaoclatlnon to annual home et oPening n seld dntea Por tLernting the eaAd. above o APPPoved [he Connell t, Oct. 19, 1991: Oal9 1041 (Oct. I8, 1991) COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays iBarfuss arran�to �etos� —:,,-In Against rn President, McDonough aM 141 OCT 141941 Adopted by the Council 194- --x'2 Approved 194— 1 oite..l t. till Gert ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R �N� C U CIL RES UTIO�-G TJO'� COUNCIL EIK NO. RESOLVED, that the bill of Mar a M. Booth, shorthand reporter, in the sum of $96.50,f or services rendered in reporting- proceedings in the matter of charges made by John E. Burke in re petition for re- zoning 241 W..George Street, be and the same hereby is ordered paid vut of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Fund, G. F. 31-G-4. C. F. No. 1"_4282—BWp.Parranto— n— Barfune— bill of Mhelee M. G. H. chat the nr `er, Re eolvhorthand `Ce'n dermd In rot Booth, x for sery the ttcr a •+ 98.08. E gu r porting rondeeey John 24.1 W. Geo oK,e_ har� foa nln Kane hereb. Ie petit t, ale ndut Mlacellan eoue Street. ne thotat G. F. 31 -G-4. and Un o en Fund, CIl Oc[. -4"1941. A dopted by the C. "Proved Oct. 14, 1941. (Oct. 18, 19. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays BarPusa arranto �ele�eetr u eaident, McDonough sM 1•u F Adopted by the Councit 1��t94— ,!u, % _19 Approve' In Favo yor _L_ -Against 1. .. y St. Paul. Minn..= -'---.Sept. - 22, -193LI S-0ux1cilT -0Ity-Qt__S�z__P_.aul�_____-- c/o Commissioner Axel Peterson,,,,Chairman, Court House, St. Paul. 0 In Amount �itlf Marie M. Booth �'eNel�y-'-� Shorthand Reporter ax amxxmxt 1001 Commerce Bldg. Tmv 6137 Saint Paul - Minnesota Sept 19 Reporting proceedings 7.50 89 pages of record, original and nine oopieie 89.00 n the Matter of letter of I . John E. Burke in is: eIltion for rezoning of 41 W. George St., St. Paul. � �/1WWi t /11,• St. Paul, Minn.._ �Rj►tc/i $2, ig�t City of R o% ommieepner lbc-efete-'..n, Court Houee Chairman, Marie M. Booth Shorthand Reporter rr cer 6437 xxx*xf0 e11001 Commerce Bldg. Saint Paul - ]Minnesota septJ 19 Reporting p="oceedinga I 89 Pegee Of records OJ t'Inal and nide cool 'he Patter of letter of John Sir Burke In ret tion for roxOning of W- George 8t,,, 8t. pa'a. a 7.50 89 0 $90 80 i CITY OF SAINT PAUL.�/,�/'b qe ORI.,NwLT• . COUNCIL CITY CLERK - N9' 1036 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE_ FOR AUFHO A ION OF LOCAL IMPROVEM NT PROJECTS DATE October 9m1941,8, „ L�l.LaV ill ,._ PRESENTED BY NON. __ - ----' -- -- Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the j Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for ® �I curbing Bayard avenue from Finn avenue to Cretin avenue, to the - STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 586 of said Standard Stone Company, for the contract price of $1235.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Standard Stone Company being the lowers reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, land the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on pehalf of the City of Saint Paul. �C. F. -N.. 124263—By Axel F. Peterson, byre" -e-'— ...1yed, but the Coo-eil hereby approve, the award of the Contlo�tt Committee therefore bid hereby awar the ontract for c or ng Bayard nve- u from Finn avenue to Cretin avenue, tP e STANDARD STONE COMPANY, In ethdeco dance - i[h pin nb a declflen- tion¢ therefor hereto att ehed and the Formal Bid N0. s6 f said standard 1104.00 Stone Company, for the Ontract price ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S FORMAL BID NO. 586 f $123"0, h bid being the 1.wE—y p auc T -O dna gala Standard Stone om A being the lowest reliable reason- NC TO ...... PCR woo Prlo N. 1119 A. TO I NO t weeuecprwawlNeT eENeFNo able bidder, ro the Corpora [ion Coun- ----- —_ __ To 11 abl be and hereby Is directed to draw A. To P the per form f C frac[ there- T OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REV (pr, ¢nd [Ile proper Clty OBICi81a Iltlreby 1235.00 'h or to xecute s Id ¢tract f ne behalf f the t:ItY f Saint Pnul. a Form¢I Bld No. 686. oEnglneer's Cat f- S CITY n to 51104.00. 1441 I Adopted by the Council Oc(. 14, y s. wPPRoI•wwTco FROM LoewL j Approved Oct. 14, 1041. roet. 1e, 1041) s � .. wPPROPRIwTeR .ROM - _ e. ....IT wm - - TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - s 1235.00--- 11 235.00 ---_..-- NERE.T cERTIPr TMAT TNERE I. wN N.NanMa.R. DeR COPIES TO: c ul TMc — .-._— CITY CLERK 11"IA-1 I ....T REVOLVING PUNo LOCAL IMPROV CMENT No . - COMPTROLLER IN TMc A_. w....T. [N .i PUBLIC WORKS I / _-- _- PURCHASING Dwile FINwL OR Apo.TCO • GOMPTROLLE- - BY -- _ {{tjCp 9p COUNCILMEN /'-' - 14 IN -- YEAR NAY. Aoo PTco OT TNe COUNCIL _ • - ---IN PwYpR X11(,(, p. Ian T MR. PRESIDENT 1 ¢�( CITY OF SAINT PAUL !'r gel! N° 103'7 FILECOU IVO._—�-. "F_ ,�i COUNCIL RESOLUTION � ��@@..�� FOR ALITHORI I NNOF� LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PRCtJECT5 PRESENTED BY HON. I --"-` 1 OATEOctober 9,1941 ,..— Res ved, That the.Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee.therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing Magnolia avenue from Arcade street to Mendota street, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in accordance with plans and speci- fications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 587 of said Feyen Construction Company, for the contract price of $1056.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Feyen Construction Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is, directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. C. F. No. 124244—Ry Axel F. Peterson. by",'11—d quea that theCouncil hereby RP - esu and 1 the Contract Com- • v s the of hereby awards the -tra th for curbing n9nuli e —tract for D from Aragtstreet tvTRr1CTION endota s0Obl I lg t plow 928.00 ffjj be tr lowest bid d said Feren FORMAL BID NO. 5`.'7 C, 'trU cti.n Company being the le— + ENGIN EER'9 ESTIMATE S est liable and ensonabh, bidder. a Nor¢. To D Rn.I[o wa ro . the Corporation draw up l be and hereby— v le directed to drnw up the proper form ¢ ce — uNo¢_ a contract lherecor.nre and uthoriprop,acou Nc L FORCZL ity officials hejalLy PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVI uta said tract on behalf OOL the THIS IMPROVEMENT AE FOLLOWS: ciir of ntnt Panl. 1056.00 1 A.S...Eo ADAIN.T .[N¢nrr[D Normal Bid No. 687. Engineer's Gatl- . . - . f Inst. to 4928.00. 1941. S x. A..Ro.RUT[D FROM ercv..N Adopted by the Councll Oct. 14. Approved Oct. 14 1941. S .. A..Ro.R1AT[ FROM LOCAL IN. roet. t8. 1941) 1 ,. w...D.RIwTED .... __ s e. COUNTr AID - � - - - - - - - - - . s TOTAL - �'056.00 _ COPIES TO:I N[RE.r cE RA.LTI.r THATs.T TNER[ Ie AN UN...UM.[RED awI. l. . CITY CLERK RDV[MENT R¢vOlvinc .UND LOCAL IM.ROV¢MENT No. COMPTROLLER m ITN¢ R11 T E[.[RMwNENT IM. PUBLIC WORKS � % COMPTROLL PURCHASING ?, , 1. __- DAT[ FINAL ORDER ADDITED • --- —__-_— COUNCILOCT MEN14-1 7 YEAS NAYS f A10-0 BY THE COUNCIL ___ ---------------- • N .AYDR1 5,1, MR. PRESIDENT R N^_ CITY OP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL !Pt �Ttil_ N9 1038 U4 FILE N0. s ITY DLE^�' s� ',. COUNCIL RESOLUTION rFOR A O RAT�,,CALmpROVEMENT PROJECTSDATEtober 9.1941PRESENTED BY HONroves the action of the Contract O Resolved, That the Council hereby,lapp Cpmmittee and rejects bids received for the construction of a sewer • I on Marion street from Cottage avenue to a point 370 fleet north of ICottageavenueinasmuch as the Council discontinued the order subse- quant to an informal hearing on doing the work by contract rather i' Ithan by W. P. A. labor. F.B. #564 IS i i iI � I i � /tli 1 C. F. No. 124285-16y AK 1 F petej, by_ re ' OVOS thea that the Council hereby a Ptoves the actIOn t toe Contract CO.- mittee and refect. bldg recely ed [or the nstrgetlon of a sewer on Manton I zioeieeirn ru°ttnt;e tams. to It much he Coun Cil tel econ[Inued the rear "'u-be'equent to an informal I 'he Ing on doing the - rk . by o tract they ar- [hnn by 'A' t. A jhbOr. F. B. No. • 684. Adopted by the CPu41. Oc[. 14, 1941. App roved Oct. 14, 1941. (Ocf. 18, 1941) t 564 '1) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE II FORMAL BID NO. NOT[, TO e – --------- REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IM PflOV EM ENT REVOL VING FUND TO BE I. ........ ADAIN.T acN[IITTco P.OPERTr - -iT[- IMFpOv [M[vT.– cooc +' $ 2, AFPROPRIATED FROM CITY c SNARE OF LOCAL - cooc S S, APPROPRIATED FROM LOCwL IMP FOVEM­,–,KEM11 eOND l..u[–Coos $ A, APPROPRIATED FROM E. COUNTY AID - . . . .. - - - - - - • _ _ ___._ .---- COPIES T.NEREer D[Rn.Y TN AT TH[R. AV AILA ELE IN . A.OV[ CITY CLERK T I. AN U..NEUM.[ 01 :AL .TAI[° •PPROPRIATIo"s rO--- IMPRoveM eN� VVI= F� LOcwL IM PROV.MENT No. _---- - - ou NT.. COMPTROLLER NINE AeoveAMOUNT. II PUBLIC WORKS � ADOPTED — -- --_— PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER — YEAR COUNCILMEN MR. PRESIDENT OCT 14 1944 NAYS ---� A°ovT[O BY THE COUNCIL FAVDR Y --_ AOUN• APP ---- -- -- 1 . >_ October 9, 1941 TO Tl-'.E HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THr CITY OF S;U NT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby refects bids received for the construction of a sewer on Marion street from Cottage .venue to a point 370 feet north of Cottage avenue, inasmuch�as the �Iouncil discontinued the order subsequent to an informal "earin6 on doing; the work by contract rajther than by W.F.A. labor. F.B. #564. Respectfully submitted, THE CONTRACT CUMMITTEE A orlsl..l I. Cita oia+1A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �= I,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R FILE NO. COUNCIL RES L I N— AL /FORM PRESENTED . BY - . ivAl T. Paterson V E' October 9 1941. FMOLVIM, That the proper city officers be sad they are hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant in the ,mount of "$50 in favor of Paul S. Amidon• Superintendent of Schools, to cover his e3zenses in connection with attending the mnnnel conference of superintendent$ of school$ in cities over 2009000 population in Chicago. October 16 and 19. 1941. said sum to be payable from m Fuad 15-E-3. NohI , 124266—g Peterson—I R volved, tempt the pro au city ofli gate b ntry ted to draw Ob tho rued nd amount of $60 in favor �v a t in the _ don, $upertntendent of 9ch ooNIto cover lnlg the .sea In ec nnecUgn with nttend Lendenta of act [ere�nce of a'Derin-� ' Oho POP uIa[i On Iola In if.. a 200 d 19 1941, ° ehlcago, October 16 from Fund 16-$n3d um to be pnyable Adopted by [he Council Oct. 14, 1941. � ADProved Oct. 14, - _ (Oct 1R, 1941) 6 COUNCILMEN YeasNays arfuas arranto flebeelmen ;Ze.ident, McDonough 6m I -u If, Q41 Adopted by the CouncilOCT 194— f ,r pprovefl?r 19 n Fav M yor Ij Against a n T 1 erhil-I i. City c6rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFftE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COONCIL RESU I - AL_FORM PRESENT7ED By ll °S OMMISSIONE =L F. PEFERSON �tpTF � COUNCIL 124211,C`1 FILE NO. OCT 8TH -1941 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council i1r accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the 'existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his department for more than their usual hours, of employment= thereforil be its RESOLVE% That the proper city officers are hereby aur thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forths .JANITORS & ENGINEERS - MRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TIT TZ TIME RATE TOM GEORGE; BARRETT JAN. ENG. 3 HRS. .80¢ 2.40 CHRISTIAN BAUM DO. 4 " .80 3.20 JOHN BLDMBERG DO.. 2 " .80 1.60 HAROLD A. BOECHMANN JAN. 3 " .80 2:40 RALPH BOGUE , JAN. ENG. 10 ° .80 8.00 GEORGE CAIMRON DO. 11 it .80 1.20 ORESTE CIAMPI DO. 4 " .80 3.20 CARL Be DAHLBY DO. 2 " .80 1.60 DAVID DONOVAN DO. 2 " .80 1.60 CHARLES ENGELHRETSON DO. 4 " .80 3.20 ALBERT He FULLER DO. 2 " .80 1.60 OSCAR HALGREN DO. 4 " .80 3.20 CHARLES E. HAMMAR 1M DO. 6 " .80 4.80 GEORGE HAVES DO. 4 ° .80 3.20 WEMW HESSE DO. 9 " .80 7.20 MARTIN LINDBERG DO. 2 ° .80. 1.60 GIUSEPPI LUCIA DO. 4 " .80 3.20 THOMAS LUNZER DO. 4 " .80 3.20 JAMES Re LYNN DO. 3 " .80 2.40 WILLIAM MC NEELY DO. 2 " .80 1.60 JOHN NELSON DO. 4 ° .80 3.20 WILLIAM J. PAUISON DO. 2 ° .80 1.60 FRANK RITCHET DO. 4 " .80 3.20 WILLIAM J. SAGISSOR DO., 6 ° .80 4.80 HAROLD STARE Me 4 " .80 3.20 CHARLES STARZ =.ENG• '* ° .80 2.80 ARTHUR- STORY DO. 5 ° .80 4.00 CHRISTOPHECOMMDO. 3. n .80 33g..�20 U W� ---- a Adopted by the gg�� CoOunciWGT 194_ C. F. No. 129207 -By Axel F, Peters Yeas Nay Resolved, that the proper city ofl] SrFnBB are hereby authorized to Day certain employes In the Dept. of Education for f extra employment, as net out oa the11fl[hTiP net attached to this resolution. Q �f6�I Adopted by the Council Oct. 14, 1941.Approved 194_ Approved Oct. 19, 1991. Srrantc (Oct. 18, 1041) I I P +.Tann Tn Fav yor .. again President, 311 1-41 McDonough �!1 e• 0 d04. li � +� MSO. r .......... WMAL r , now q V FORM N0. 1 Oct_ 9, 1941 G EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTVE An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Cleaning schools and firing. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances Keeping school buildings open for extra curricular activities. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of.the Charter. Ocidn.l to LYry Clete CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE T RAL FORM OCT • 8TH -1941• AXEL F PETERSON DATE - COMMENTE NEY Ss Education has reported to VMIW-AS, The Commissioner of Section 63, of the the Council inaactoordanoe with Of an emergency which City Charter the existence the employment of certain rendered necessary his department 'for more than their usual employee of therefor, be it, hours of employments RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- at the thorized to pay the following named employee, fixed for extra employment for extra rate otherwise hereinafter set time & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME TITIE TIME RATE TOTAL NAME 8 hrs. •80¢ tiBOEiI}8 BARRETT JAtd. ENG. 3 It .80 6.40 2.40 HAROLD A. BMKMM JAN. 32 a .80 JAN. ENG. 25.60 RALPH BOGUE a 19 .80 15.20 FRED BURSINGER DO. II 080 8 6.40 S CDAXIM, DO. n .80 COPIEY STAT.FIR11W 20 a 16.00 19.20 ARTHUR B. .80 CHARLES ENGELBRETSON JAN. ENG. 24 4 n .80 3.20 CARL G. FRAiTSEN DO. 88 it .gp 30.40 JOHN W. GIPPIE DO. 2 It .80 1.60 OSCAR HAIGREN D0• 6 It .80 4.80 BARRY c. HA44MERSTEN DO. 25 11 .80 20.00 GEORGE HAYES DO. 14 a .80 11.20 EINER HAQTZ m• 11a .80 -a 1.20 EMIL G. SELLER m• a .80 LAUPNER STAT.FIPMIN 4 u 3220 3.20 GEORGE .80 THIMOTHY RODDY JAN. ENG. a a .g0 18 14.40 ALBERT SCHOENER STAT.FIREPU1 a 80 2 1.60 JAIJ. ENG. WILBUR SIMONS 19 It .80 15.20 ROBERT 8. STAMM DO. 2 It .80 1.60 CHARLES STARZ m• 19 it .80 15.20 CHRISTOPHER TAME DO. a .80 5.60 EDNARD THOTdAS DO. 19 a .80 15.20 JAMES WATSON DO. 34 a .80 27.20 MAIC WERIIER DO • 11 It .80 8.80 JOHN WIIWERT' Jam! - " 274.110=14 _ERT TOTAL C• F, No. 12426 By Axel F. Peter -1 C.ty oOtcers Adopted by the Council -194- Resolved, that the Pro Per len lot hereb))n author ized to pay certnor arem,,.Y.a 1 the UePL of Ila[ set out oont the Yeas '�, a Cra Vg-Ployment, aalutlon. Oc[. 19, 1941. nt[ncfr d [o thla reaotE C -h Adopted by the 1!41,1 I �19 Bar Approved OCt. 11�8, 1941) pproved Parranto or yPebe,wonReeea (�:avo inst Truax Mr. President, McDonough Ild 1.41 _ FORM N0. 1 o a Oat Regular Overtime An emergency has arisen in the DepdTtment of Education,. Bureau of Schools, rendering necensary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following wmk: Cleanina schools and firing. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances illness of regular emnlovees. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. \ CITY OF. SAINT PAUL COUNCIL IVO. `I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �g COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL RM COMMESTED BYt_ /�d.l,� �� DATE �. e RESOLVED, That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Suildlidga for the trimming, removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public highways, during the year ending August 1, 1941, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk Is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and grass plots,bordering public highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. p tt,d'W.ed, tb9_t helrre BeM. Tr _ +nl [ted b that art a P1aYgruundahe Comtnlaelonern]pn t b- flnUtofmBrnB9retnovnbllnd8nfrefn t'or j h..t wnYs, durl ',t. he borderelnaint tr ua I Sq�uat 1, 1991 Yenr Public i dit'eeteB 'tond the C/[he Jerk le hereby tion It t ertlty trees nB the asso9ameCou ot➢ f e coo [clef eflhlBhw h durin Plota�bor�e�n Pu bllc ' hleh bee ^ 4 the Year u ppoo nal 1 aPPgovede gg alth ' ' a AauP[edthla reeolu[ o blNcafLeCwuth - G� APprr,vedbOc[h 19C1Dg1 ff Oct. 19. 1991. (Oct. f8. UCT COUNCILMEN„ Adopted by the Council 194— Y Nays ' Barfuas d APProvea 194 P/ arranto r f In Favor —� Agamst r. President, McDonough 31d 141 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... _......._.__................__._.._ r 7' By._..__.._....._.._...._..._......._.._.._..._._._....__..._......_....___._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the -matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the Alleys in Block 1„ Pavilion P%rk, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View, from the East and West Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilioaa Park, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View, from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also constructing a sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East andWestAlley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue, under Preliminary Order...........118873...... _....._......., Intermediary Order....___........_ J.9.69.9_._ ........ .............. ........... _....... Final Order..... 119983 approved___.._._August.27, 1940 ............. The assessment of benefits, _damagesx costs and .expenses _._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted t ing considered same and RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV-i ING ASSESSMENT. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore,' C. F. No. 124270' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be a' lnheneate, tier es„ veb)° 1t ' .±nt of �ts approved. g° e for changingg the In Blnek 1, Pavi;t °"�% 12th RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing -be b;i..'' 99 d assessment on the._...._.....—......._.._._....day of November, 1941._..._,. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings,, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 1419 Adoptedby the Council._.. ..... .__._.._._ _..........._....____..._.__....__ _..._......192._.___ _, ty Clerk. 4101 _.............:......__.........................._...._.... Approved- Approved...... _...._.........._^....__....... _............. ...:....... - File 9042 Mayor, Councilman Classv� -• " "' 1i�Fiil :, g c, Fed F'i,;dt cc H IDVSuIQIIC1mCh[ti "- n Rosen - W Truax Mayort McDonough Form B. B. 16 , COUNCIL FILE NO ............... _.._..... ......... ..._......_ 123 271 H � By -... ...... -......... ....... ......... .... .:...-.._....__....._.. _....... ........... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for grading and oiling the Alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale from Lexington Parkway North to Dunlap Street. Also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of lot 8, Block 4, Clifton Dale, a under Preliminary Order.. 11§747 .... .... ............. Intermediary Order...._..119321._.__,....._..__......._........_.......,.._....... Final Order ............. ____._..._._, approved........._..._July_30 .__Mg- -...___._..........._.... _..... . benefits, costs sad expenses _.for and in connection with Theassessment of..._.....__......._...............__._._.....-----..._..___........__._..._.. the above improvement having been submitted to the.Counr;l and the Cnnneil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, b AINGLASSa;SHMa7NT.UNCiL APPAOV- RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an c. F. No. 124271 a approved. ,a tee molter oe me aaeeaemenc of eleaeaa, -,its an, - mesa for gra a - no n a. 12 — ...-.........._day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearingciifior-._ii ,; _es�fl@.gr . _ Lhe--th nay 486 . ......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 0 House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assesged against the lot or lots of the particular I owner to whom the notice is directed.. 1, Adoptedby the Council..... .... ___.._____.._.............. _- ................ _ _::._ _......_.192.----.. i3- ........... ...... _ _........_._........_._..............__....__.......__._....._, 'ty Clerk. Approved_...._ ........ ................................................ 192- .._. File 8999 --- r.....__.._._._....._. ... __.__.......__..._......., Mayor. Councilman ClazOPMEN109001M Barfn ,. Fer#19WP9922W= Findl C HodlIONNIN02M Parranto Me Peterson p� „ Su R Rosen WAYMMMSM T— Mayor 180MMI McDonough Form B. B. 16 F7 , *— I COUNCIL FILE NO --- _.._..._.._.__......... ......_._......_ 12127"'J By__... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses curbing Hyacinth Street from Hazel Avenue to Ruth Avenue; also curbing east side of Hazel Avenue from Prospect Avenue to the south line (extended) of Lot 13, Block 15, Hayden Hei hts, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV g I INO ASSESSMENT. Ctn. F.he mNo. '''atter,3"— [ rh= as90ee sr bx�n A A t under Preliminary Order- .......__11b568......_ ...... _ _............ ...., Intermediary Order ........... 116560 October 10, 1939 TW--- Final W __ approved. __... _. Final Order_............ _ - - and in connection with The assessment of..... benefits, costa, and_expenaes for the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the—..12th..._._......._... day of I5_.._... . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OUT 14 W Adopted by the Council.....__.....__.._. 192 ... _...... _........... City Jerk. _.......___192_.._.... Approved_....... �" File 8796 �.; ayor. RarEuss --- - _ Councilman CI F„ldI' n " Fe Parra , Ho a pctr_reon l �� Mc - UoBen EUBLL SuTruaz 11nz WeeWWa pgcllncou¢h Mayor Form B. B. 16 0 COUNCIL FILE By M273 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Jessie Street from Jessamine Street to Cook Street ® I RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV-' 1NG ASSESSMENT. C. F. No. 124273— • In the matter of benefits, coats ^ - Ing Jessle sses Street. IIrtjO , 'i � under Preliminary Order... ............ __..__..___, Intermediary Order.__ _116054 .............._...._..._ ...... .... I...._...._._.... 116353 September 26, 1939 __ FinalOrder..__...._....__.._......._....._._.._.....___._....._......� approved..........---- ....._........ _._..._..._........_._., The assessment of ...... ..... bene£its.,._oosta, ead__expenees_,._ __...__.._.____ ................_.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._ 12th..._............_.day of Aovember� _1941......... ___..... 197........_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council........ _....__._OCT '' ... __.....192_..._... MM... _..._ ... ............ . _. __ ...._, City Clerk. Approved_....- ............................. ....._.........._...... ....... _._192—..._. File 8771 Mayor. Councilman Cle Bsrf Fe Findlan Ho Parranto Me Peterson Rosen 11MMEBED0_�� Suan ir---' wy/ WffffMM==Tn." Mayor -2 McDonough Form B. 8.36 COUNCIL FILE NO ..................-.......__........_...-... _ By......... _-... ...............__.........._.._......_._...._- _.._._._....._.__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT.' C. F. No. 124274— c In the malts, of the assessment of benefits• costs and —pe—for Cur; ,as Cook S t'tn[y Ord( 116128 _._, Intermediary Order... .__ under Preliminary Order ............ 1139 ___ .... ...... .............._.._.., 116692 ...._._ ....................._..y approved............_.._ October 24, 193.9........_......._. - - FinalOrder ................__...._._.._....--- _ ._......--..... The assessment of......__benefitsl_ aosts.._and, expenses ...................... __for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_ 12th.. -_.._._......day of M,pc....... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed 14 W Adoptedby the Council ....._.... _.... _.._ ................ _—_....- .____...........i92.._._..... Yi-�'� _..._.__..._ ...................._..._...._.._.......__. ___._.._......... . ity Clerk. Approved......... ............ .. ......................_.....,.......-192__.._. File8802 ............ _......... .... _..--....._... ......._... _... ..... Mayor. Councilman Cly rfu" FeI g Parranto D o -/F " M Peteraca erzoin Sugfifflrall Rosen W Truax MayorlKBlson .2 McDocough Form B. B. 16 r75NOTIC p CITY OF SAINT PAUL h TO C. F. No. 12 tbut_ Cb.ek. be deate - theyDl[Y pte19 t86.02ipcohe Ig ­hep a. COUNCIL FILE NO. -- -h"" COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER amOaD: g7s9. to 87781, mam.ioLthe Ru.be[0d file In - the oet. 1941.. October 10 1 DiT CCpmDtc0110t. City ted by t� 14 194111 Oet. 14, gy 94_ ADpppved Oc. RE `O`� 1!_1_4, Tst u AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, T THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 1 , 266.02 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 67756 TO 67761 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLERG OCT 14 W41 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL——--�.-- 194_ 4 I I 1 _ .}l CIT COMPTROLLER COMPTROLLER APPROVED -----_—_194_—_ ///,Q .po sac BY—_. �_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATETO CITY CLERK COUNCIL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__..___ — ROLL CALL BARFUS6 L -=y-NFAVOR PARRANTO —_ AUDITED CLAIMS October 10__ e� WSiiiMON AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE Dj�N2QN6T: f��ITV TREASURY (�� ((ff TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFF S L COVERING MR PRES M<DONOUGH JT CHECKS NUMBERED _L�59 TO—&7—INC SIV E. AS PER CHECKS ON 'LEME OF OF TH CITY CO ROLLER. ADOPTED BY [ THE COUNCIL---- . f cownrno ��[n APPROVED a 194 BY_`<v�— �7Q—fly/ TO AL DATE CHECK IN FA O QF\ NUMBER RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 212 755 85 12 056 30 87758 John S. Findlan, C. of Financi ® 87759 Price Electric Company 2 439 08 87760 Robinson, Cary & Sends Compare 261 28 87761 Albert Schleh Mfg. Company 26 00 87762 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 52 73 87763 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compan 111 49 87764 Geo. Shetka & Bons 49 00 87765 Mrs. Katherine Seery 11118 87766 George Sudeith 28 00 87767 Oscar Sternquist 5 00 87768 George M. 'Shepard, C.Engineer 150 00 87769 Roscoe G. Carlson 1 00 87770 Feyen Construction Company 1 521 50 87771 Ramaley Printing Company 180 50 87772 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 8777] Capital Envelope Company 29 89 87774 Hawkensen Printing Company 75 05 87775 Miss Perris Jones, Librarian 19 08 87776 Miller Supply Company 28 65 87777 Pioneer Electric Company 28 78 87778 Ramsey County Boiler Inspecto j 48 00 87779 Raymer Hardware Company 2 84 87780 G. Seestedt Company 63 70 87781 erupt. of Documents 7 35 j G I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I I 230021 97 NOTICE crtr or anlnr rout C. F. No. 124278— COUNCIL FILE NO.— z that checka ae drawn n COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO the eMY treasury, to the aggregate amount t 434,123.04, v Ing becks 4 PRINTER nmm�erea 97838 to s7aei, eiaolnaiYe, a °iiy`co:n�aon �t" In the n-ne of thaa _ October 13 AdoDte by the Council Oct. 14, 1941. t9� ADDroved Oct. 14, 194 4 R co`t_ 1e' 1941> AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 311,123-01 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 971436 TO_97.gg7 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—. CITY COMPLftOLLEq APPROVEDnYr--(tt";--------194___ U (_! OF SAINT PAUL TOTAL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY CO NCIL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ----------------- ROLL CALL CHECKS 7— BARFUSS BROUGHT FORWARD 14 -IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS PARRANTO 4-� Q AGAINST octo RESOLVED: THAT D A WN, TREASURY iu TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE COVERING MR. PRES. ONOUGH T 14 1941 CHECKS NUMBERED 14 og 1 2 4 17Z 9 PER CHECKS S7S 9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL­ 11 00190 AF/PMp NUMBER CHECK IN F OR OF NUMBERS TOTAL DATE RETURNED Br BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT EK. CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 33 174 2 87836 1jUrs.. Louie Fay 'UT Foley 28 so 63 80 $71937 Anna R. 9- YCompany 97838 'Pederson Brothers 1IReuben L. AndeTsOno Inc, 14 og 1 2 4 17Z 9 S7S 9 11 00190 $720 J.S. sw�jtzer & Son, Ino, I 33!42 9701 ;i Carl Maronde 87842 �,S, Berglund Lumber Company . 87&4 company 1 21180 9214o jarane s784 zlvgren Faint supply Company 1R.S. Company 76 - 96 16 87945 Hulme � !A. & company 29,62 87846 Ingvoldstad $7947 !!4.k. MacArthur Company 170 97949 (Mrth Star Varnish company Company 7 5141 313 97849 14rioe Electric 0 1 sindelar Athletic Equipment R4 6785 - 09 166 j26 11 87951j,;ooaex Polish Company %B. Whitacre & company, Inc. I 66 a52 878521 .1 8785 Joe Corte, Associates 50 f �00115 3o 179 ji 6785Z Air 11 $71955 Consolidated Lrieotrio company' 4Z 19001 11 97956 1. RIC. Dungan Company �30 87857 !1 ft. Harris woolen Company ;,I E.F. Houghto $7959 ti & Company 5169 550 978r,9 Huoi Mfg- company 1�90 97960 Jurgen& Company 1:11 87961 Miller supply company 1 ; go 3, 78156 Ij 87862 IpapeT. caimenson & Company ;Royal TZO 8786 Typewriter company Com 3145 $78 64 �i� St.paul Book & stationery any 1175 I 87865 ;st&paul Glass company 87s66 Farwell, ozM`nn: Kirk & Companf 1 141'12 4 87867 Farwell & 02mun Kirk & Companf 33 80 87 Edward A. rurni. Sapt. 86a i '6o'44 69 General Electric supply Corp- 2116o $7870 J.I.T. Hulme Company 6 6o ji 97971 1 johnis shoe Hospital 1 jj$72 1 Axel A. Johnson Decorating Ca 8 pany 4 15:00 17 64 87873 I1A.J. Koch Company 27:10 i 111! $7874 !10. E. Laititen ! 87872 ;j Lakegide Pub. Company 3.00 5�50 797 Lowry Garage 8787T I MoFaddeu4ambert Company • 87878 mine safety Appliance Company � 907 89 Z 32 87979 ;:I National Biscuit company 32 �07 6 37 87880 'Northern states Power company, 2 00 i� g78gl N.w.'rrusto & Vejj*tbles 37 55 87882 George Robertson1w 14 55 9782 Roe -Jam- bompany 878 St.Paul Builders Material Com:!IanY 127 01 209 67 97 1 Tti4tate Tel.. & Teig. Companr 892 20 00 87 as Jake Van.Heel $7897 i The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 396 00 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD - 267_ r ' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL j OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCILFILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS PARR NI L! IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ,.< PARRANTO perFR3QR � —�' �--- R99[,P' AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BED AW yjjON TrY C/I�T1yY., TREASURY TRUAX 4 / TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f_--3•�MMMMMj III�G �I�-�-+ COVERING MR PRES M DONOUGH f ( (, CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLU VE. AB ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____.1 _ ' PER CHECKS ON FILA OF OF THE ITY COM OLLER. ...- _ ��J APS NUMBER I 2 al — — ------ - CHECK IN F OR OF NUMBER TO AL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 233 174 52 • 57836 '`Mrs. Louie Fay 28 80 63 80 87537 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 57835 Pederson Brothers Company 14 097 92 878 9 Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. 4 774 5 11 600 50 5790 J.s, sw$ltzer & Bon, Inc. 33 42 87941 Carl Maronde i 121 80 97942 s. Berglund Lumber Company company 8?. 40 97543 Crane 97844 Elv nen Paint Supply Company it 96 97945 R.E. Hulme Company 76 16 29 97547 87846 A. Ingvoldstad & Company 17 S2 i.A. MacArthur Company 75 41 87849 North Star Varnish Company 95 346 97949 Price Electric Company7 57850 Sindelar Athletic Equipment R C. 6I 466 87851 R.9. Whitacre & Company, Inc. 15 87852 voodex Polish Company 50 00 9785 Joe Coria 30 79 9785 Air Associates 87855 Consolidated Electric Company 5 00 4 4 91'1 97956 R.C. Duncan Company `69 97857 7vm. Harris woolen Company5 97959 F.F. Houghton & Company 5 50 97,159 Huot Mfg. Company 1 50 87860 Jurgens & Company 13 90 87861 Miller supply Company 75 56 97862 Paper, Calmenson & Company 97863 Royal. Typewriter Company 4 3 5 87964 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company I 1 75 97865 st.Paul Glass Company 141 12 87866 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compare 114 23 87867 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compare 33 80 87869 Edward A. Furni. Supt. 60 44 57969 General Electric supply Corp. 21 60 87970 J.n. Hulme Company 6 60 97871 Johns Shoe Hospital 87872 Axel A. Johnson Decorating Co parry 15 00 64 64 97973 A.J. Koch Company 17 ?7 10, . Ltinen 97874 C. Eai 3 00 97875 Lakeside Pub. Company 50 87976 Lorry Garage 87877 McFadden -Lambert Company 907 S8 5 3� 97878 Mine Safety Appliance Company ® j 07 97879 National Biscuit Company 32 67 87990 Northern states Power Company 2 00 87981 N.1% Fruits & Vegeatbles 37 55 87882 George Robertson 14 55 97883 Roe -James Glass Company 12 01 97994 St.Paul Buillers Material Com any 20$ 67 87885 Tri-State Tel. & Tel g. Compare 20 20 00 97986 Jake Van Heel 00 97887 The Van Hoven Company, Inc, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1267 297 5, 5 NOTICE �•. �:.°. �sn�s�— on clrr or sAiRr r�uL it,..ol.ed. in�a �a,.•�k, n� m„�.” COUNCIL FILE NO..._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO „nt ��� 5T'i.iU11.11J. � tni lu.vlvi, • �n�lreri�,l \�il�_ t,i Ji�i� PRINTER cny a�nn,voilc�. 1941. — -October 9 ---1941— AI�i,�u,',•,1 til', t'l119, llb'lll RE vit-ycv, inni %_nrcTo o, .:AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 8�TQ3_09_—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --&T702- -TC) _97757 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. j w ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- -" 5 - � -`-111i - --194.—.-_. ,.� OMPTROLLER /[f/j/ clTv C APPROVED -- -'--4=-- - ----194 -.- -_ DY CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO ! L DATE RETURNED. BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 046 76 I ® 87792 Linde Air Products Company 6 00 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO ! L DATE RETURNED. BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 046 76 ® 87792 Linde Air Products Company 6 00 87703 gyred Tischler 97701} John S. Findlan, 6. of Finance 10 00 1]7 8 97705 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance12 64 97706 John McElligott - 3 9 1 697 3 97707 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 675 85 97708 John S. Findlan C. of Finance Stone 51mpany C.,.,a 1 112 00 ` a{: 32 00 87710 Mrs. Mary E. Krey 87711 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 438 50 a. 97712 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance Y'I CI lit i€ a • 97713 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 90 00 55 00 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLENK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.__- _ ROLL CALL 23 739 22 BARFUSS 87716 Fielding & Shepley 00 � �1 IN FAVOR CLAIMS 15 00 PARRANTO PARKA 87718 Joseph T. Benton 87719 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Eduo. AUDITED ---- — P6TlRSON r\ 200 00 1 731 00 ROBM 97721 Gopher Stamp & Die Company RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S� COVERING MR PRES McDONOUGM yr/1v�•V/ �! } ;.rp� CHECKS NUM BERED TO INC LUSIVE. AS •.. N fll PER CHECKS ON FAL— F O TMPTR OILER. ADOPTED BY TRF. COUNCIL ~ -- ou rtnoi�cn /A PP 159 13 62 87726 C.A. Haekert, C. of Police CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO ! L DATE RETURNED. BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 046 76 ® 87792 Linde Air Products Company 6 00 87703 gyred Tischler 97701} John S. Findlan, 6. of Finance 10 00 1]7 8 97705 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance12 64 97706 John McElligott - 3 9 1 697 3 97707 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 675 85 97708 John S. Findlan C. of Finance Stone 51mpany 1 112 00 97709 Standard 32 00 87710 Mrs. Mary E. Krey 87711 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 438 50 97712 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 97 60 97713 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 90 00 55 00 9771$ John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 15 667 04 87715 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 23 739 22 87716 Fielding & Shepley 00 87717 Mayor John J. McDonough 15 00 87718 Joseph T. Benton 87719 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Eduo. 200 00 97720 B.M. Haokner 200 00 1 731 00 97721 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 979 77 97722 H.S. Stahl Company 5 50 87723 Joe Valento 2 07 87724 P.A. Lendway 87725 C.A. Haokert, C. of Police 159 13 62 87726 C.A. Haekert, C. of Police 90 91 66 97727 Thosas J. Leach 4 296 89 87729 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 10 192 95 97729 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company 1 00 97730 David F. Brown 12 40 87731 Frank Marks 700 00 97732 E.H. Johnson, Sec. 250 00 87733 J.H. Probst, C. Examiner 61 31 87T Brown and Day, Inc. 46 30 87735 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 33 81 9773% Central Soap Company 210 15 87737 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 87738 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 169 66 87739 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 132 83 79 60 87740 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 173 72 j 87741 General Electrio Supnly Corp- I 258 82 87742 Hall Electric Company 99 ® 87743 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Ma ie Ry. 393 03 87744 Pittsburgh Glass Company 28 51 97745 Price Eleotric Company 97746 G. Sommers & Company 276 94' 194 O1 87747 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 981 87748 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 62 40 87749 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Compan 87750 Twin City Brick Company 25 09 609 38 87751 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 30 94 87752 R.E. whitaere & Company 16 00 87753 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 25 0000 97754 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 6 87755 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance835 Finance 00 87756 John 3. Findlan, C. of 2 652 40 87757 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 212 755 85 a NOTICE-------'—�- ClYl oP SIINY PAUL ,•. i•. so. 1.42;8— COUNCIL FILE NO.—__.._ --_-- To �. ,:, ..,,..k, [,,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION „. �:e PRINTER ; �' R� :r ia,�a:.n5, u :, h— a-, s;aas, F�,•r, r'�Ck, "R IiIC Ill:C �C' h, cny ro:on«,�I ie�. ��r um -----06 t,0b6F- 11--1941-- 0�It� h" „�I� 0.� RAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT VpprucCd OCL 11, 11141. OF s___3_1_52_65____, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--87792—TO -8783.5-_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .LI ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - — - —194 .¢:Tr COMPTROLLER APPROVED —194 —194 � 4n CITY OXAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK • CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ! OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__. ROLL CALL DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BARFLIES 230 021 87 �INFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ootober ll PARµ�RANTO ® 87782 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 97783 Acme Sawdust & Shavings Compazy 941 PL rrRS't$F! RO.eQ- AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAK 50, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR PRES M DONOUGH R u( t( I S, INCLU SIV E. AS 5 CHECKS NUMBERED-�, �" PER CHECKS ON,PIIILE �J FF�E/O (TY COA'I.PTROLLER. ADOPTED By THE COUNCI L._Y A VED (NUMBER /' � ;7 BY_z �/, L co•v1 no�L[n .i 1 00 87787 American `Rater Forks Associat on 5 19 1 87788 American Wire Form Company 21 00 87789 B Line Service 10 56 87790 Guy B. Barham Company 33 4LI 87791 Harold Bealka 8 00 � 4n CITY OXAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK • CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ! OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__. ROLL CALL DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BARFLIES 230 021 87 �INFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ootober ll PARµ�RANTO ® 87782 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 97783 Acme Sawdust & Shavings Compazy 941 PL rrRS't$F! RO.eQ- AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAK 50, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR PRES M DONOUGH R u( t( I S, INCLU SIV E. AS 5 CHECKS NUMBERED-�, �" PER CHECKS ON,PIIILE �J FF�E/O (TY COA'I.PTROLLER. ADOPTED By THE COUNCI L._Y A VED (NUMBER /' � ;7 BY_z �/, L co•v1 no�L[n .i TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY BANKO TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 230 021 87 5 80 12 40 ® 87782 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 97783 Acme Sawdust & Shavings Compazy 87784 Ablberg Bearing Company 50, 87785 Americana Corporation 99 50 87786 American Medical Association 1 00 87787 American `Rater Forks Associat on 5 19 87788 American Wire Form Company 21 00 87789 B Line Service 10 56 87790 Guy B. Barham Company 33 4LI 87791 Harold Bealka 8 00 87792 J.H. Bonbright Company 10 00 87793 Booth Fisheries 15 18 87794 R.R. Bowker Company 1 05 87795 Brentano' s 4 50 87796 F.J. Brings & Company 84 87797 Buffalo Forge Company pp 87798 Burbott Liver Products Company 50 40 87799 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 4 40 87800 Cadmus Books 6 96 87801 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Compan# 50 87802 Caxton Printers, Ltd. 56 7777 87803 Arthur H. Clark Company 87804 College Book Company 2 46 87805 Conditioned Air Equipment Com any 3 65 87806 Congressional Digest 60 87807 Crane Company 218 87808 Cutler, Magner Company 987 2 87809 Deep Rock 011 Corporation 2 59 87810 Dept. of E. School Principals 2 00 87811 R. Devrish 1 00 - 87812 Diebold Safe & Lock Company I 52 80 87813 Frank L. Doherty Company 5 00 �� 5 40 87814 E.I. Dupont De Nemours & 87815 Eagle Printing Company 17 75 8786 O.R. Eckhardt Company 18 20 87817 Electric Machinery Mfg. Comp y 19 35 87618 Yield, Schliek, Inc. 7 95 87819 T.C. Field & Company 2000 62 00 87820 Firestone Auto Supply Company 87821 J.J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of D.C.t 30 00 87822 Follett Book Company 3 50 87823 Leonard Frank Company 5 80 87824 French Book -Selsotion Club, Inc. 3 00 87825 H.B. Fuller & Company 3 00 87826 Fur Education Society 3 155 87827 The Gamewell Company 81 24 87828 R.L. Gould & Company 107 28 87829 R.L. Gould & Company 88 27 87830 Greek lareRelief Assoc. Inc. 1 20 87831 Hamilton Beach Company Company 7 30 210 25 87832 Hancock—Nelson Mere. 87833 Hannaford, O'Brien, Inc. 75 00 87834 Harcourt, Brace & Company 16j4 87835 Hauenstein & Burmeister 21 �O SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD II 33 174 52 Council File No .-.--- By -T. RESOLUT ON RATIFYING, A89R98- ,LENT. C.. F. No. 124279 In the matter , benefit", coc•' trusting. •• `J Ing Ids t•get CITY OF ST. PAUL ' Resolution Ratifying Assessment In,the matter of the assessment of benefit@, coats and_4.xpenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying eidsealka, Estimate No. 6. Contract 40-)-3, 1940 Assessable; F.O. 120951 Eustis street, westerly aids, from Come Ave. to the north City limit" F.O. 119826 Pinehurst Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prior Ave. vacated and on the south aide from Cleveland Ave. to Howell Ste F.O. 120400 Avon Street, east side, from University Avenue thence south to alley F.O. 120405 Marion .treat, west side, from University Avenue thence north 143 ft.; beginning 20 ft. farther north, thence north to Sherburne Ave., and on :the-rast,sids of Marion Street from. University Avenue to Sherburne.Axonue F.O. 120623 Louis Street, most side, from a point 71 fte south of Fuller Avenue.. thanes south 72 feet F.O. 120430 East Arlington Ave ,south Bids, from Whitefrom Bear Ave. to Mendotau St. F.O. 120467 East Hawthorne A s, both sides, from Arcads Street to Mendota Street, F.0. 1204T4 Fillmore Ave., north side, from S. Robert Sts, thanes east 130, ft., and from.;$#,.4too St. thenos east to Eva Ste,. and from Eva Ste to Robertson St., and from a point lbd ft. east of Robertson St. thence east to State Ste, and on the south side of Fillmore Ave. from S. Robert St. thence east go, .feet, and,fxom Eaton St. then** east, 150 ft.; beginning 100 ft. r#�yakd roatthanesSas#' to Eva Street, and fromEva Ste to Robertson rWn St. to a'pQi� 150 ft. dist F.O>k_1204% ve., north side, from 86rrington St. the seat 46 ft.; beginning 94 ft. farther east thence east 176 ft.; beginning 142 ft. farther east thence east 210 ft., and react curb; and on the south side of Selby Ave. from a point 255 fte east of Nina Ave. thence east 92 ft. including corner apron at the southeast corner of 11ina St. and Selby Ave. Non Assessable, F.O. 120951 Eustis Street, westerly side. from Como Ave- to the north City limits F.O. 119826 Pinehurst vacated, Avenue, an onthe south side from dfrom Prior Cleveland Ave. to Howell Ste F.O. 120403 Marion Street, both sides, from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave. C.F. 120031 Resolved, That the Camaissioner of Public works be and he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necessary siderlalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belowt Intorseotion S.Yt. corner Blair Ave. and Virginia St. Intersection N.W. earner Lafand Ave. and Virginia'st. F.O. 120474 Fillmore Ave., north side, from Be Robert St. thence east 130 ft.,"end from Eaton St. thence east to F:va Ste, and from -F%v& Ste to Fobertson Ste, and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson Street thanes east to State St., and oa.,4;tti4 south aide of Fillmore Ave. from S. Robert St. thence east 99 tt., and from Eaton Ste thence east 160 ft.; beginning 100 ft. farther so t, thence east to S" bt., and from Eva St.ptc Robertson Ste, / and from Robertson St. to a point 150 ft.'east F.O. 120406 Selby Ave., north aide, from Farrington St. thence east 46 ft.; beginning ._.. _ •A0 wa_ .%...&he, .fiat_. R Y ♦ 3'FTf 5"sL 1 f.�`17` ', _ . r.::i t- v r 0 ; 4 o L 7 .. ,.. 2Y'- �... �,�,� �,� #,t'�i .wi.°1"3.E {}•�,. :iT1.+7� 7-::`'1` 5-; ?S: C,; _.��E;C vc ,.:.. jr. Lf.j i; �. ;)L' ,_j:'r, .7Flfy Lrmp ,; C,4h�.. G.7r,� 9:3 Fi= ::?U�'.{•'i -[ v 'ajj+� ?fQC�• '-sow'j t�Ei� 9s1'�+'ii }x'f3x i .: Ji _., ?la ec- ' 7'3 ' k i ., i.R; .. ... .,�...VY-)IT., 6.. 21 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for conrmation. fi BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................ .....equal installments. OCT 15 1941 Adoptedby the Council ............. -- ---------------------••-------•-----------------------19 ,�'- ,• _ - - , - City Clerk. Approved............ ----------- ------------------ 19 - - Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ISHED, /6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COIDIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Sept&ber_ 17, 19.41 . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t9xx constructing, reconstructing and relaying sidewalks, Estimate No. 5. Contract 40-M-3, 1940 Assessablei F.O. 120951 Eustis Street, westerly side, from Como Ave. to the north City limits F.O. 119826 Pinehurst Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prior Ave. vacated,and on the south side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St. F.O. 120400 Avon Street, east side, from University Avenue thence south to alley F.O. 120403 Marion Street, west side, from University Avenue thenoe,north 143 ft.; beginning 20 ft. farther north, thence north to Sherburne Ave., and on - the east side of Mesion Street from University Avenue to Sherburne Avenue F.O. 120623 Louis Streets west side, from a point 71 ft. south of Fuller Avenue, thence south 72 feet F.O. 120430 East Arlington Ave., south side, 'from White Bear Ave. to Flandrau St. F.O. 120467 East Hawthorne Avenue, both sides, from Arcade Street to Mendota Street F.O. 120474 Fillmore Ave.. north side, from S. Robert St., thence east 130 ft., and from Eaton St. thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson St. thence east to State St., and on the south aide of Fillmore Ave. from S. Robert St. thence east 99 feet, and from Eaton St. thence east 150 ft.; beginning 100 ft. farther east thence eastStreet, and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from Robertson S to t 150 ft. east F.O. 120406 Selby Ave., north side, from Farrington St. thence east 46 ft.; beginning 94 ft. farther east thence east, 176 ft.; beginning 142 ft. farther east thence east 210 ft., and reset curb; and on the south side of Selby Ave. from a point 255 ft. east of Nina Ave. thence east 92 ft. including corner apron at the southeast corner of Nina St, and Selby Ave. Non-Assessables F.O. 120951 F.O. 119826 F.O. 120403 C.F. 120031 F.O. 120474 F.O. 120406 F10. Eustie-Street, westerly side, from Como Ave. to the north City limits Pinehurst Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Ave. -to the east line of Prior Ave, vacated, and on the south side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St. Marion Street, both sides, from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belowr Intersection S.W. corner Blair Ave. and Virginia St. Intersection N.W. corner Lafond Ave. and Virginia St. Fillmore Ave., north aide, from S. Robert St. thenco east 130 ft., and from Eaton St. thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson Street thence east to State St., and on the south side of Fillmore Ave. from S. Robert St. thence east 99 ft., and from Eaton St. thence east 150 ft.1 beginning 100 ft. farther east, thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from Robertson St. to a point 150 ft. east Selby Ave., north side, from Farrington St. thence east 46 ft.j beginning 7,011 eW T!7(_' T C, tt T L ). ::ISL fE-els"l. '�,• .?E.p �- f: - - ir iJc. C•.J, 7t J:: V. ,. E 7 as s s T 0 t,{ sD, L 01 ,nI'S L{ a ro yeNce c el qx-.• i''" :CC'1Q9 f).,a .Yfi 4f^ X;� 3$`-r'f''e+•s+yr k' ff 37 f'Ji - ;) i_ za, CJs`..iJ/` ^2"Mz.i74.sC'93.::..iMope% cr I : r• . , :C3 ._; C�7 t3-.. L- E7- _ .. _. • Ty .0 ,. Y ...,T 7C�C To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above Aprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 7,560.03 Cost of publishing notice $ 25.65 Cost of postal cards Inspection fees 756 00 Amount of court costs for confirmation 5.65 Asaeasable Tjjj ------.---.- Mon—Aasea s aLe 8 , 32.46 Total expenditures • • 'S 3 0.29 .69 M. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, ti to -wit: the sum of $..._8 -..892.E§_ ---._...".upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such sction thereon as may /[j7{beS considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. 0ri,laal to city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM COUNCIL FILE Na. "�- WHEREAS, Anne McCauley, an employe of the Department of Education, was injured while in the course of her employ- , wkLeh Injury hastresultedaid in apfive®nt peron, c ntplosseOf use ofOher left arm, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Law provides for payment of compensation for 200 weeks for total loss of use of an arm, f or five ped cent loss of use thereof said employe being entitled to 10 Meeks compensa �onspndt he ek, compensation rate of said Anne McCauley being therefore be it RESOLVED, that oub of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $200.00 be paid said Anne McCauley for the 5 per cent loss .of use of the left arm, in f ull and final a ettlement of all claclaims against the City of Saint Paul arising out of the injury sustained by her on September 13, 1940. C. Ger 13A 1-940,awhich injury has reptlted In a t�ve per cent loss of use of her left arm, aad R'he Leas, the Workmen'. Compensa- tion l.aw provld ee [or payment of compensation osspor useio f am 200 rose fivepercent .lose P e thereof Bald employe being .'thtitled to 10 eeka Compensation, and e co,npenen[lon to f s Id Anne McCauley heing j20.00 per w ct,;[here- fore, be it Resolved that out f the Workmen's compeneatlon Account of [he General Fund, the sum f -f 200.00 be psitl at Anne McCauley for the o Vol cent loss of use of the left arm, ]n full ntl anal settlement o[ ll claims against the City f Saint Paul arising out of [he Injury Sustained by cher n September 13, 1940. Adopted by the Council Oct. 15, 1941. Approved Oct. 15' 1941. IOct. 18, 1941) COUNCILMEN N s 61 OCT 15 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— Yea aY OCT Barfuss 191 ls4— Approved arranto In Favor oY —see'— u esident, McDonough Oriyl—I to City Clem CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour+CIL FILE NO.—___ - ---_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r't COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FO M C Y". v ,24281—BY"ld d MeY tunvn191 PRESENTED BY %q- WI, t,.` t. k d S. 911 - COMMISSIONER T_ _�Y�- -- -- -- - 1 41 h _ O t I _T .- -___.__ t_ Wit. -i Fn• WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 124022, approved„ September 19, 1941, the Council, on October 14, 1941, held a public �• hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the one- story frame shed on Lot 1, Block 2, Wilson's Rearrangement of part of Marshall's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 504 Rondo Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, and it is the opinion of the Council that said building Is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice, no appeal has been taken, said Commis- sioner shall report said fact to the Council. OCT 1.5 1941 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council---_ Deas naip rr1� rJus Approved—__ __ .-------- /' arranlo In Favor Resell lilayo _Against ,Mr. President, McDonough .in I... cs—I.. � 9/1,9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 14, 1941 RECEIVED OCT 141w CORPORA710 CO1NI SR Mr. Harry Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-story frame shed on Lot 1, Block 2, Wilson's Rearrangement of part of Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 504 Rondo Street. Very truly yours, City Clerk. (( 1 0 original to city clerk PRESS COMM AUL r llX2,429, CITY OF SAINT PAUL eoRelL _.-, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEkERAL FORM;d aev, ed aeptetnber 16, 1991, }/ O t beg he el10, 1991, hd a DATE_ -fin nP n tadvleabllttY �J lYl '^ecking tdhe two- ;: j... 1 locateon Lot ...C�Marnhatl'w N% 900 ti WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 123979, approved d°` September 16, 1941, the Council, on October 10, 1941, held a public' hearing upon the advisability ano4eisity of vreokixig the *two-story dwelling and shed located on Lot 6, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 400 Carroll, Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant -to Ordinance No. 7210, and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoin Ing property and should be wrecked and :removed; therefore., be t RESOLVED, that said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution be maned by the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof; be 1t FURTRLR RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice, no appeal has been taken, said Commis- sioner shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas /� Nays arfuas arrant. /lru�x President, McDonough .,m 1•u OCT 15 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— r r Approved _194— In Favor - - Mayo /� a trainst �'�/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CI Y CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 14, 1941 RECEIVED Mr. Harry Oehler OCT 141941 Corporation Counsel CORPORATION COUNSEL City Hall n Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two-story dwelling and shed located on Lot 6, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 400 Carroll Avenue. Yours very truly, City Clerk Orldi"I l -City Clerk I CITY OF SAINT PAUL^ w 1covnca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By yVt� COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that a permit be granted to the Midwest Motor Express, Inc. for the erection of a public garage at 780 North Prior Avenue., U C. F. No. 124283—By Fred b . g Tted to 11eao)ved, that a Perm the Mid—t Motor L;Xpreea, Inc., for the erection of a PUbllc garage at 780 'North Prior Avenue,___.._. Adopted by t 1C -19q lll.Oct. 16, 1941.1 --M 18`-1941)— ` I COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council__. _ _ 194_ Yeas / nays Barf uss r r' Approved__ � - --r—}•fix—.--- arranto In Favor ? /� V }� _ _ _Against _411r. President, McDonough am 5- 0 as same :.CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL n City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 14, 1941 OCT 14VM k Mr. awry W. Oehlea' CORPORATION COUNSEL Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requegted that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Midwest Motor Express, Inc. for per— mission to erect a public garage on property described in the applica— tion. Very truly yours, i City Clerk NOTICE' -0F APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice �is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,, application will be made on tiOtObOr 10• 1g to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota by 1adwe ingtot' P"-9 �• for permission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Irl nffi t $ Oi in Block i8 , WA" He is ' Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the $ side of 120 _, between W1A3C0A and Pennock Numb e r �iBQ $• P1'10�' A•w�su� Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, L4, n 8! ►� _194'1 I STATE OF MEVNESOTA, es County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication :..:.:.....%.4........ being duly swum, on oath say that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North - publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the J az.-DJBP&.--* St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year Immediately/ prior too tthe,, pub/lication ere/ino�f' the printed ,........ *tom ; , !!"�!�;', :: • : hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published intife English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Mimmesota, from which it purports to be issued; daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single colt .nn two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, egtalpped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing;and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; hes contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; bas not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents) plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and - near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers;' has had, and now has entry as second class mail matted in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on Ills in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................ NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and ),rwas s printed (/and published therein in the English language, enaa,eseh-week, for..—. �Y.".—"�- '... •.. •". ��i .. the.......I.L. ...... that L was first so published .11................ day of r j2�iLryrt Gtv I j6,/9�// .�-...- 184Z and thereafter on 1 ..............:!i. �1. .4�.. Y,e-and'iadadfa5'khe ....................... rdST_nf—..................., that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: iDnoek. igg0 N. Prior Avenue. abode f ghil a.lm no D''rretuvwxre 9t. Paul, J[l9neeola, sept. 95. _ Peeee.mtep.. Sept. 27-]940.) N" ...i'.. .. .......... �... f Subscribed and sworn to before me thts.3.�..day of /... , .. .,.t• '� • 18. � .......... Ramsey Count , Minnesota 1. My com` miss�n exPn Not9ry FuFll RMmasry L 4, Mb's' 19... Ivly Gomn:lssion ixpius Drc. I3; 19#3;' w STATE OF MENNESOTA, ss Coflaty_of Ramsey, e Af f idavit of Publication ° ........., .............,. ............... being duly sworn, on oath North - says: t now is, and during all the three herein stated has been clerk of the North- west P cations, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch,4k- .t and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior -;6 the publication therein of the printed .(..l P...:'.rr-. fI'f:. . ^:...4?':. a-�•Y2YZ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the Eilglish language from its known office Of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which 1L purports to be Issued, .dally at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established -1n said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; hes had in its makeup twenty-five par cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least•240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry m second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and �ison file in the p office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication Vts made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........... ....... NOTICE ......................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, was printed and published therein in 4nnd � for... /. f.:.'.�Ys--;`:"'- 1.. the English language, ---a---ek, �.. ..... of that It was first so published ... .. ..... .... ...the........ /on "d/ay �1 Q O 9y . ., 19.%.41and thereafter on �l✓•/ ./e4-each�veek^ NO�'ICg OF APPLICATIO MI PER D NT 1T9 to �be[!DY pvbOARAOant 1 °ee ................ ... .. ..-..•-„,•-„,,,,,...�}$;;-;'�-ffif)—� the following 1s a Printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, to Ordfnap No. 711c".1% a C1LY at. Pauo, Mmnaofa. u n I de Ootbber 10. rd' u;: cffr that and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition Cokvdl of tree C1tY [ 0 Paul. Mlnne- e0ta, by anewe a for ve �oia To 06tIDltaloP tq pp the fo11ow1nL eta. and publication of said notice, to -wit: Ituate6 Iv Remeey OptY 1 lD wit Lot 17 �ghd SAutb o -.le 81 k 1H. DnewaY H of BPifO D t_. 2tin ech �. ybede f gbf i klmpoDaret vvw ire U Ov the Hut of de ton end Pann90 k. nu N. Pitot� Avee. /1 ii��umber T Datee at Bt. Psul, 9tfineeota, He. '. 1” �/...... : ........... ......1.0, (�lonee[ P[ese-DInD.. 9eDt. 27-29-3h ......�4. .. this.. o1 .. • • • . • • .. • ~ t" • ... Subscribed and sworn to before me • y • . . '.. . . ....................... ........ .. Public, Ramsey Cc= esota, - �+` Nomry Publlc, ), Won. 19... My co n asIvf� CnirimisEion E'i' rni Uec--'LS; 1'K3.' ori4dna to cin r � 4(%�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO ENCIL NO.12429-1- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM FRES R MENTED Y DATE October 19, 1941 OWWi MMSt Irving Yaffee desires to withdraw application 1255 for Pawnbroker license at 516 Bremer Arcade and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon,Qtherefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Irving Yaffee the fee of $125.00 and to cancel said application for license. c. F. . 12421.8vmBBY lat[ eBdeelres tol !'withdraw aPPlicatton 1266 for Pawn' 0 andkergaleets license rotor. .1 he license tee deposited thereon: therefore, be it , Resolved, that the ProPea Ity fticeto be and t1feY are hexa 'ee the rlis. t[ re n 51026.80 and Ito lcancel said application lWertsc. 1941. Adopted by the Council Oct. 16, Approved OcOc[11811941) COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Barfuss P=nto 4aQtM rPresident, McDonough SM 141 CT 15 1941 Adopted by the Counci 94— OCT $ 1941 pproved19— 4 Tn Favor M or l Against Oridnal to qb 1 k ,; CITY OF SAINT PAUL CFO UE NO. -41 , OFFICE O*fHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT1= October 15, 1941 COMMISSIONS WEEREAS,%Raymond Charboneau deairsA to withdraw application 1468 for Restaurant license, application 1469, for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and. application 14709 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, at 505 Como Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund'to Raymond Charboneau the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. C. P. No. 124285—By G.H. Barfusa— W'herens Reymond Charboneau de- Irea [o withdraw ¢p nllcatlon 1468 for Reatau rIInt Ile ..c, p'Ilcstlon 1469 [1r On Sale Malt Beverage license, 6 ar-ge atlon 1470. fur l9111 Malt Bev- er ge license, [ 506 Como Ave., d eyuesta the return f [he Ilcense fee dap sited thereon'. therefore, bo I[ Rasa Iv ed, t at tit, proper Ity fdcers. beyond tolyRaymondl byy authorized to fees of $ 0.00, E50.00, and j600 ands to cancel id 1 d Adopted bypthe Ctcunellf OOL 116, 11941. Approved Oct. 15, 1941. (Oct. 18, 1941) COUNCILMEN YEA / Nays arfuss arranto 7u President, McDonough 4�M 1.41 A OCT 15 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— aes ApprovOCT .•?'- 5 1941 _194_ In Favor n or �l A+gainst Orlpn.l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION: -GENERAL FORM a COMMISSIONER DATE October 15. 1911,1 - ,. RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Cedar Lake Ice & Fuel Co. 1628 Harmon P1. IMel Dealer App.0636 Renewal Minneapolis Walter J. Gaertner 391 Robert St. Restaurant N 0914 N H IN n a On Sale Malt' N 0915 ^ Hilding Sandberg 1780 E. 7th St. Grocery n 1162 N n n n n Butcher a 1163 ^ G. R. Lee 393 St. Peter St. Restaurant n 1167 ^ Adeline LaPointe 1312 Forest Grocery 11 1168 ^ C. C. Davison 1191 Earl St. Bdlkery q 1186 N Geo. Pyhrie 1007 Payne Ave. Bowling Alleys^ 1187 n Kemper Chev. Co. Inc. 801-5 E. 7th St. Gas Station it 1190 11 q N n q n 2nd Hand Autos ^ 1191 ^ Thos. J. Harkins 28 W. 7th St. Bowl. Alleys ^ 1206 n McGlynn Oil Co. 179 Irving'Ave. Fixe1 Dealer ^ 1227 ^ " Minneapolis Charles Tahnk _ 49 W. Exchange Gas Statibn ^ 1 1232 ^ — " Harry R. Strenglis 460 St. Peter Tavern ^ 12 11 a n n n 1 Dance Hall ^ 123+4 ^ Jerry Skarda 1656 Grand AV& Barber ^ 1238 ^ St.Psul Rea. Co. Inc. Billiards & Pool 28 W. 7th St. ^ 1243 ^ Bing G. Hum 936 Rice St. Restaurant ^ 1244 0 ^ Marg E. Brown 739 Thomas St. Grocery N 1245 ^ ^ ^ ^ Off Sale Malt n 1246 ^ CO NCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 94_ Yeas Nays Barf se Fin an Approve 194— P anto P .rson/In Favor Mayor oxen uax gainat Mr. President, McDonough i JM I-41 W Orkin.] t. city C1.*9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILNO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM . ,. COM EIN,SIONER __ DATF' _2- W. F. Miller 578 Rice St. Butcher App.1254 Renewal Israel Hackaaasmer 1080 Earl St. Butcher x 1268 " Fred W. Hill 1150 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 1273 " Wawin Coal Co. 4557 Hia"vlatha Fuel Dealer n 1293 n Minneapolis Harry Schlof£ 143-7 E. 8th St. Parking Lot " 1295 n R. Johnson 856 Edmund Off Sale Malt " 1299 " Baynard Erickson 151 E. 9th St. Parking Lot " 1335 " Leo R.�Boattell 469 N. Snelling Restaurant " 1345 n n x n n On Sale Malt " 1346 n Off Sale Malt " 1347 " James E. Conway 693 Mississippi Restaurant "13N n On Sale Malt " 1354 " K x " " Off Sale Malt x 1355 Harvey & Norman Lieberman 484 S. unelling Grocery x 1361 " Sam Ward 176 W. 7th St. Butdher " 1368 " Allen Brown 176 W. 7th St. Grocery 1369 " Sidney S. Pilot 408 View St. Grocery " 1370 " x " n Off Sale Malt " 1371 " Arneson Coal & 011 Co. 1110 N.ODncord South St. Paul Fuel Dealer " 1378 " Hotel St.Paul Ramp Garage 73 W. 4th St. a Gas Station " 1379 n Julia Caron 1561 Sherburne Ave. Restaurant " 1387 " OCT 15 1941 C. F. No. 144'81:—ay G. x. Bdrfuee— COUNCILMEN deb. s. Fln I !,,. A. rnrrante- Adopted by the Council 194_ at llcens appllend for by Resoreons that iea" N th pe amed on the Itet L[nched a the same or - a . to thle r solo tI.. b'e e hereby grunted. d the City Clerk Is $:fuss Instructed to Issue uch a te,' usury of `, UT 15 `1941 yl the p.y.cnt Int. tna stir the required. Yees. Adopted by the Council Oct. 1611, 1941. A roveyl pP 194— 14 Approved Oct , t11'811911) arranto — - 1n -Favor _ "Ifyuax Against { President, McDonough am 1.41 / . Petition " G-205 L_ 1242S7 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nn dersignedhereby ro osesthemakingofthefolhwingpublicimprovementb the City of SaintPaul,viz: Changing the grade o� tPie Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 14 from a point 30 feet.west..of.Avlan ;;traet.to..a .palnt.l.2o..Yaet..west.nr..Axo.Stxeat...iio..aonfArm..to....... the red line oh the profile hereto attached and made a t hereof, the present sat ablished..gaade. being..ahown..by.. the. blue. lira . thereon.... ,Also . grade. and. surface....... the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 14 from Avon Street to Victoria Street to ............................................................................................................................. the proposed red line when established. ............................................................................................................................. Dated this ....... 81b ...day of ................. Act6her........... ...../..,, 19.4.1./. oilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: [;�1eAgjng,the,grgde,of, the,AlleJj, Chute, Bros., Diglsion,No., 14. from,e,point.3Q „•..... feet west of Avon Street to a point 420 feet west of Avon Street, to conform to -the- -red. .line • on• -the. •pnotile• hereto • attaohed. and . made. • e. -part • btpeog,• • the •puesent• • . established grade being shown by the blue line'thereon. Also grade and surface ............................... i......................................................... ................. the Alley in'Chuts Biros. Division No. 14 from Avon Street to Victoria Street to .the.. proposed. red. line. when.estahli.shed........................ ..................... — • 11C. F. Igo. 124287— havin been resented to the Council of the Cit of Saint Pau1.........I mn Abstract g p Y whereas, vriii— proposal for the kins of tY � •' Ilnwing Improvement, therefore, be it Iyt:„ ,r^ of the Alley in I . 14 from a point RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and div streettto tope n` if Prefl a h�^ L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. •. , 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS O CT -Li 5 120 Councilman-tA-RFUSS - Approved ................................................... ARiP RANTO J PEFER56N- 0 �� .............................. ......... �RUj M or. �h_40k. PRESIDENT // R[11WHED O— S �/ INI 7.,1 Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME14T and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Condemnin sad, talo an,.eeaement•in_the.land neoesaery, Yor, sloReat, cute,•••,•„ ...,and,Yilla in• the,•grading, and.,aurfacing oY•the.Alley..in.Chute Broe...I7lgieion..., �jo. �/j,.from Agon_3treet„to•Yiatoria Street . .................................................. ............................................................................... Dated this ..... 8tb .....day of.................... O.otQb.eT........... .......... , 194...... ............:(.. / • ........ C. F. No. 129288— an. A'- PSR i .. the Whereas. eking of the - Conaetnnim in the lana of tnai wit- i ° e. 14, t• PRELIMINARY ORDER. Street, ' Conn.' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Condng,.and,takin$,an,•eaea�ent•in•the land,necea��ry,for slope�r cuts,•,•,,• and Yills,in, the. ,grading, and• s}trYacin�• oY..the Alley in, Chute ,Brps.,,D�vieion„., 9r..ir..Yrom;Avon,Street, to_ 4latoria Street................................................... ............................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCl 15 1911 Adopted by the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS CMT 15 SO Councilma rs�ARFUSS Approved................................................... ARRANTO 'PES �RUAX or., /FAR. PRESIDENT n SISHED 1M 741 0.7 Petition G -217I q n�() Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Grade and surface the.Alley in Block 5,• Capitol Addition Prom Finn .............................................. ...... Stx$at..tp..Gratin. t?Q$At�Q....A�a4:.couatzvvt..a. �owex. Xr.M.the..A)~L�s..ti? . St..,Anxhonp ........ A4a•..1A.At}..$$$ARB$t.t4..A.e..p1?t$it}e$..4A.tZ4e..lQe$teF.aY..A.R$.e.1.o R..Rt..�� . pi. A7 4p7s..5a . S4�Bt47 . Addy t 1pA............................................................ 1941.... Dated this .... 8th ....... day of.....................0 ...ct...ob.er ......... ........... C. F. No. .................... •�aR....... µaact Whereas, lb�ttr Ien DropO I for the I making of the "' ]m DroVemer,' i Grade and--.. 6. Capitol ;to Cretln,r�iir^ - .il - fr; °eQ''" PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Grade and surface the Alley in Block 51 Calitol Additions from Finn..,_•••,••,•,•... ................................ . . Street to Cretin Avenue. Also construct a sewer from the Alley to St. Anthony ............................................................................ feat of lot 2fj of Blook j,, Capitol• addition............................................................ ................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said. improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OC -f 15 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS OCT 15 19.z;; Councilma BARFUSS Approved ................................................... ARRANTO ...... ... �RUAX ayor. _4R. PRESIDENT 1M11 7.41 KM1S1MD L —/Y — '4�' Council File No.........:.:. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ODDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: r, - Condemnin� and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopeax.............. �....,..... cuts and Pills in the gradin&.end„surYaois>g.of ,the, Alley iA.AIRglS,S,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Capitol Addition Prom Finn Street to Cretin Ay%Rlpj%...................................... ............................................................................................................................. Dated this ... 8th,,,,,.,day of................ Ootober ....... 1941...... ...................... C. F. No. 124290— .............. ......... Abstract Whereas, Itten Proposal for the C1 n. makfn6 of she foilowin4 Improvement. t 'p - fa¢IP6 of "naito ue. loe I PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,II WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: .......... Cond�ninE,and taking. an,easement, in the land neaessaxy for slobles................ 4Rte„apd,;lls,in, the„grading„apci„eurfaein$,of, tie,Qlle�*..�A.$�o434.5.............. ...........OPM391. Ad4i tk4A.%xpA}. kxun .Str.4at. t4..Cxetin . A7A4UQ........................................ ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City ol'"Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the (fryoiinjgen tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council................................................ YEAS NAYS OCI yg'5 1�4 CouncilmalfAlIUSS Approved................................................... ARRANTO -�PtiRR591�'— RUAX Y /IAP. PRESIDENT 1M 7AI PUBLISHED—Ls.— / — / -- - — petition 0-212 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT + , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: ........Oil, . the. All 9Y. �n. >�7 op�..iS...sya�i�ate. xQ., .3. M.0 txo>�, . xr>zm.�naaiPxke. Stxaet ...... to Hemline Agenue. Also construct a storm sewer,ir,,the,Alley,from,a„poipt,,,,, „•,,,,,�QQ„Peet,�yest„of, ndicate„$trefit„to,t}}e_egR efi„�jpe„off, �j9ByQ.Stx9at,,,,,,.... thence in Syndicate .Street to the newer ..in .Thomas .Avenue. .....F",....................................................................................................... Datedthis...............day of..................................... 194..... ........... C. R. ftoi 124291— •. •. •••• �...... Whereas, 'iii net iltnan. propoanl for the aking of the following improvement, Oi1 the Alley in PI,,k Addi tion. fr ..+ 16, Syndlcn[e .]lost. Street PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: 011 the Alley in Block 15.,.�dicate No. 5 Addition, from S�adicate Street,,,,,, ,,,,,,, to,Asmline,Apenue.,,,Al,so,construgt,a,storm,ag}vel;,tA,t�Q,�.�Qy,,�Tp10..9.�0irit....... 190 feet west of Syndicate Street to the center line of dicate Street ......... thence,in„Syniiate,Street„tfl„the,sewer„in,�hom�s„{1v,QNpef,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:- 1. irected:1. To ittvestigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........OCT ........ 5 .... 1945 ............................ YEAS NAYS Councilmal ARFUSS AiP RRANTO - _ ,-TRUAX _-MR. PRESIDENT 1N1 7,41 Approved................................................... ................. ...................... ... ... Mayor. NOTICE ' ®] 9 i�l CITY OF aAIM PAUL _ /7 TO c. r•. No. lz4^_9z— COUNCIL FILE NO. , j xeao, ed, that °heeka'he drawn COUNCIL RESOLUTION Doty tr s4 163 to the ggrt ecka PRI nmou t by g4,lfiaL vertnl3; numbered 84895 to $7941. Incluai. e; ae checks o file in theolHCe ofthe October l� City Comptroller. 1941 ppppoved Ochthe 16. 1941l'Oek $6 1941. R 18, 1941' RAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S4. I 3ii5g COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 97888 TO 67941 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_<194 CRY COMPTROLLER APPROVED�,r�� �✓ �._ 194E /'�, %/�/ r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. . COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER___ ROLL CALL SARF FINDLA 6 October 14 1 PARRANTON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ARRA PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF fj})COVERING MR PRE6 McDONOUGH TIT;gr_T'? O INC LUSIVE. AS i 5� CHECKS NUMBERED T 10,41PER CHECKS ON L E OF Y CO ROLLER. ADOPTED BY TH6 COU NGIL_�— -- -- ---- APPROVE3 — _1B4 __. NUMBER q no�Lcn "o a 4 CS_ TO AL — DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED' BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT F.NT CHECKS i BROUGHT FORWARD 267 297 56 ® 87888 Leonard C. Selmer S. Findlan, C. of Financ4 175 00 385 95 87889 John 121 05 87890 Strong & Himle 87891 roc. School Petty Cash Fund 60 8 144 00 87892 Feyen Construction Company Company 43 5� 87893 Air Reduction Sales 7 3 87994 Apolebaum's Market 546 87896 87895 Ballard Storage & Transfer ColipanY 64 The City Dairy 6 75 87897 Drake Marble `Company 36 95 97898 re.J. Dyer Company 00 97899 A.G. Ettel & Company 110 42 15 87900 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 15 08 87901 P,n. Faxon Company 40 00 87902 Fillmore & Bradbury ;`°127 17 97903 Fisher Nut Company 429 06 97904 General Electric Supply Corp. 4 77 87905 Ginn and Company 277 90 87906 Globe Poster Corporation 332 87,907 Gopher Chemical Company, Inc. 40 5 97908 Heger Products Company 40 0 00 87909 Holm & Olson, Inc. 2 50 97910 the Horn Book 6 10 97911 Hunts Alignment Service 177 87912 H.R. Huntting Company }49 87913 Jacks Mfg. Company 22 +�0 87914 The Judy Company 1 59 87915 Keegan Farm Equipment Company 37 56 97916 Kee Lox Mfg. Company 000 10 87917 the Kenney Company, Inc. = 87918 Koolaire Rei. Company 45 90 97919 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Company 87920 Librarian Library of Congress 34 27 4 00 87921 The Maas-feefe Company 50 87922 Macaiester Park Pub, Company 99 87923 Mayfair Bookshop, Inc. 97924 Rafsond McCoy 295 5g 87925 McFadden -Lambert Company 3 20 53 533 87926 McGill -warner Company 87927 Gus D. Messing 48 87928 Midwest Heating Equipment Com any 97 00 87929 Roy E. 1 0� Booklham 87930 Militaryy Book Company • 100 1 9g. g31 Minnesota News Oomnany Friend Laundry 35 27 97932 Mothers 1 0 87933 Nat. B. of Economic Researoh, Ina. 3 00 8793 National Safety'Gouncil 9 00 97935 National Theatre Supply COMP86Y 97 00 97936 New Method BookBindery, Inc,, 75 87937 Newsweek 87938 North American polish Corporeltion 2 5 87939 Northern States Power Company) 313 41 879 Northern States Power Compare 22 5 87941 N,11. Supply Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 271 461 1 to Cl Or ' - C. F No,: 724E8S-9rdln¢ a No 8304--I iginal ty Clete By W A. RarranYo—'f-C .� 1 An ordinance amr '�-�� Ih O R `D` 1 N No 7886 or. tho- CICS 1 or,3�;..� 124293 ("8 t{ � {) yroved February 8. /L� '4 , "A'n ordi.. - a1 d v rates, dlatributr COUNCIL FILE NO. and eStablieh- the City`" reyeall. PRESENTED Booveyi ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7606 of the City of Saint Paul, approved February 8, 1935s entitled: "An ordinance regulating the rates, distrib- ution and use of water and establishing rules therefor in the City of St. Paul, ( Minnesota, and repealing ordinance No. 6489, j approved April 23, 1925, ordinance No. 6460, approved February 18, 1925, and ordinance No. 7488, approved Jane 20, 1933," Al in certain par`£ in relation.ta the prescription of water onsumption rates within and -without the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:, Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7606 of the City of Saint Paul, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking from Section 1 thereof the following paragraph: "In addition to the f ixe4? or demand charge, there shall be a consumption rate for all water supplied a through each meter or through combined or parallel meters fed -from a single independent service from a water main in accordance with the sliding schedule of rates, as follows: "For the first 10,000 cubic feet in one month, nine (9) cents per 100 cubic feet. "For the excess over 10,000 cubic feet in one month and up to and inclusive of 509000 cubic feet in one month, six (6) cents per 100 cubic feet. "For the excess over 50,000 cubic feet, and up to and inclusive of 5003;00 cubic o t in one month, four and one-half (42 cents pe /1 ubic feet. "For the e xeess^over 500,000 cubic feet in one _month, three (3) cents par 100cubic feet. " and by inserting therein 1n place and instead of said stricken paragraph the following p4ragraph: Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: ................ -------------------------------------- City Clerk so 3.41 l,D Passed by the Council ................".--_ ........... I ............. .-------------.In Favor ........................ Against Approved: ................ ------------------ -------- ---- 6 ...... ........... ... .................... ..... ...... ---------- ---- Mayor T Original to Ty Clerk I It 0R-WNANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 830 a "In addition to the fixed or demand charge, there shall be a consumption rate for all water sup- plied through each meter or through combined or parallel meters fed from a single independent service from a water main in accordance with the following sliding schedule of rates respectively _ having application within and without the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pail, viz: "In the City of Saint Paul - 10� per 100 cu. ft. for the first 10,000 cu, ft. per month 7¢ n n n u 11 r1 next 40,000 " It " " 5¢ " f' " " " Itnext 450,000 " ft It it 3¢ ^ it it ft" all over 500,000 " n n n "Outside the City of Saint Paul - 15¢ per 100 cu. ft. for the first 10,000 cu. ft. per month 7¢ n n n n 11 " next 40,000 cu. ftt. per month 5¢ n n n n n '1 next 450,000 = .ft. per month 3¢ " " " " " all over 500,000 cu. ft. per month Section a„ This ordinance shall take effect and be in (f orce passage and publication. H rRT� yA s AcTeR STs Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan ✓ Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax ✓ Mr. President (McDonough) AttestyG3�� ! � -- - --"-----� -- - -•--- - - ------------------ City Clerk 500 341 M®y 12 1941 Passed by the ....... ..... ------.In Favor -----------­ ---------------Against Appoved----------------- - ----------------------- -- ---- -/ Mayor Adopted by the Council---------- ---194__ Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) C. Adopted by the Council --_____._194__ Yeas Nays J BARFUSS _� FINDLAN / U PARRANTO / VPETERSON ROSEN TRUAX V MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) Zo � 1st. 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & 3PP ' `l —4-9—Adopted-----� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays s BarEuss Fin Findlan pearce Pearce n Peterson �S � tt etelson P Truax Truax Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan M Adopted by the Council---------- ---194__ Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) C. Adopted by the Council --_____._194__ Yeas Nays J BARFUSS _� FINDLAN / U PARRANTO / VPETERSON ROSEN TRUAX V MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) Adopted by the Council — — ---.-----194 .___ Yeas Nays BARFUSS / FI LAN PARRANTO �PETE�SON N// ROUEN RUAX /MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) i�✓ s �l CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUISP.SHEAHAN HARRY W. OEHLER HILARY J. FLYNN IRA KARON CORPORATION COUNSEL MARSHALL P. HURLEY COURT HOUSE' JAMES. F. SULLIVAN FRANK '.0U"ERTY SAINT PAUL -.- MINNESOTA FRANCIS M. SMITH ASMI—WII ,d�+® a November 5, 1941 To the Council Gentlemen: In order to enact Council Fileo. 124293 as n a regular instead of an emergency ordinan ,, the folly Ig motion must be made: A motion to amend Council File No. 124293 by striking from the title the last sentence thereof, to -wit: "This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety;"by striking out Section 2 thereof; and by striking out Section 3 thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "See - tion 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication." In order to enact Council File No. 124354 as a regular instead of an emergency ordinance, the following motion must be made: A motion to amend Council File No. 124354 by striking from the title the last sentence thereof, to -wit: "This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; by striking out Section 2 thereof; and by striking out Section 3 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yours truly, _�X- Owlt,& Harry Oehler Corporation Counsel d Address all correspondence to Corporation Counsel. v 10 JOHN W. XoC0NNEL0IIG LswYmB 14 ®r. revs„ �xr�aeoxe October 28, 1941 The Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, and Members of the Board of Water Comii.ssioners of the City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: There are pending before the City Council two ordinances and a resolution, which we feel require a little comment. Ordinance under Council File #124293 provides for an increase in water rates; Ordinance under Council File #124354 provides for a decrease in the present and established hydrant rental that the City of Saint Paul is supposed to ^ pay to the Board .of Water Commissioners, and in addition thereto there is pending a resolution which is presumably designed for the purpose of settling the past due obligation covering the same subject. When the first,announoement was made of your intention to increase water rates, an action was started in the District Court of Ramsey County on behalf of Robert F. Koch, and against the City of Saint Paul, wherein judgment was asked in favor of the Board of Water Commis- sioners aria against the City of Saint Paul for that portion of the hydrant rental that had not been permitted to be outlawed. That action is still pending. A demurrer has been interposed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul as well as on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners who were joined as parties defendants. The demurrer merely raises the question JOHN W. MoOONNELOUO z Arms Pmxav Hvanaa _. - Bl. P�IIL ffiNNE60T� The Honorable Mayor -2- October 28, 1941 of the right of a water user to bring that sort df an action. This action was instituted for the reason that in our opinion an increase in water rates is not justified. Because the Comptroller and the City Council failed either totally or partially to appropriate funds for the payment of hydrant rental since the year 1933, a deficit has been created in the funds of the Water Department. Of course this Ir- defioit would not have oocured if the officials of the City of Saint Paul had asserted their authority at the time the first over -expenditure was attempted, instead of waiting all of these years and then selecting an expenditure for the purpose of continuing water softening as the item which would be refused to the department. The deficit is considerably leas than the amount due the Water Department from the City of Saint Paul, which proves that the present rates are sufficient to more than provide adequate financing of the Water Department. The present hydrant rental of $14.00 was fixed in the year 1914, after a careful and detailed study was made by experts in that field. two The cost of furnishing i7ter in 1914 was considerably less than at the present time, and it is hard to justify a substitution of a $5.00 hydrant rental at this time for the $14.00 rate which was considered reasonable in 1914. Especially is this true in view of the fact that the report of the Water Departmentfbr the year 1940 carries the following statement: 'Average maintenance cost per hydrant for year $3.322. Much publicity has been given to the so-called 10% water rate increase. Council File #124293 provides for better than 11% increase on JOHN W. MaCONNET OUG zawYma no..v soao,>e 6T. PAiYI.. ffiHNE90TA The Honorable Mayor -3- October 28, 1941 the first step rate, 16-2/3rds inorease'on the second step, llf on the third step and no increase whatever on the last step. Such publicity releases have also carried as a part of the story that there was also to be a decrease in sewage rental charges, which reduction would largely offset the increase in the water rates. It has been known that unless the sews.a disposal plant was operated on a basis of its maximmun efficiency, s reduction of the sewage rental charges would be in order. iginal rates for this purpose were fixed on the basis of full operation. but this will not be necessary until other communities to the north and west of the City commence the operation of similar plants. The users are entitled to the sewage ren aduotion as a matter of right, and such reduction has nothing to d Lthepro- I posed water rate increase. The Water Department has oarefu the blame for sewage renigal as will appear from the follows n on the water bills issued by that department: °According to Sewer Rental must be collected with the Water Bill. The Waterent does not fix Sewer Rental Charges and monies so collected are in behalf of and revert to the Sanitary District.' Under the circumstances, the water rate increase must be justified in and by itself. The resolution which is designed to settle the present obliga- tion of the City to the Water Department is very unique. It is predicated on the basis that the Water Department is indebted to the City in addition to the existing debt of the City to the Water Department. The present City indebtedness is fixed at the sum of $487,668.00.. The JOHN W. OUG r.�wrma BT. QUI. MZSPStIDBOTA The Honorable Mayor -4- October 28, 1941 resolution then provides that a $5.00 per year hydrant rental was reason- able between the year 1933 and 1941 inclusive. The amount of the indebtedness on'that basis is then computed at $219,000.00. This figure is apparently obtained by multiplying the number of hydrants by $5.00. It is apparent that the City is not given credit for the payments made during those years approximating $80,000,.00• The resolution also provides that the reasonable charge for hydrant rental in the future shall be $5.00 per hydrant, in addition to the cost of installation of new hydrants, which cost is to be paid by the City. If that is the reasonable rate in the future, how could a straight $5.00 charge be reasonable between the year,,1933 and 1941 inclu- sive? Could it be that the"coat of installation of hydrants in the past was overlooked in the negotiations? After arriving at the adjusted amount of $219,000.00 as the balance due the Water Department from the City, the resolution then fails to adequately provide for its payment. It provides that such amount shall be paid by addition to the budget'a sum to be determined annually. A mere token payment of $1.00 annually may satisfy the terms of this resolution. The resolution then provides that in the event of the failure of th6' City to annually make this payment, the original amount of $487,568.00 shall immediately become due and payable. By the failure of the City to pay thoz�hydrant rental which by the resolution is fixed at the reasonable amount of $5.00, by that failure alone, becomes unreason- able and the original hydrant rental of $14.00 is reinstated. a 'JOHN W. MCOONNET OUG - s^. ram.. auaaaaeoxe 4 The Honorable Mayor -5- October 26, 1941 By settling the present indebtedness of the City in the manner outlined, $268,568.00 of such indebtedness is being shifted from the taxpayers to the water users, and $47,000.00 per year of the reasonable cost of this portion of fire protection in the future is also being shifted from the taxpapra to the water users. By this action you will be relieving all of the owners of buildings who have private wells from paying their fair share of this burden. The 1940 report of the Board of Water Commissioners discloses that the average daily supply of water from private wells was 14,878,000 gallons and that the average daily dbn- sumption of water furnished by the Water Department was but 23,200,000 gallons. Private wells, therefore, are producing better than 30, of the water consumed in the City. You will also be granting similar relief to other holders of large amounts of property, which is taxed on an ad valorem base and who use little water. Owners of unimproved property whose grass fires cause a great number of fire calls, will be relieved. This relief is granted at the expense of the water user, thereby not permitting a single home owner to escape. The Charter adopted by the voters of this municipality provides that Rill fire protection, including the cost of water used for this purpose, shall be paid by the taxpayers through an annual appropriation by the City Council. The ordinances and resolution now presented to the City Council, if adopted, will create a charter amendment without the vote of the people affected. The Minnesota Supreme Court has held that the funds of the B JOHN W. MCCONNEEOIIO rswrma Aim e�uo sr. ®m., ffixxxaome The Honorable Mayor -8- Ootober_28, 1941 Plater Department are trust Hinds. There is considerable doubt whether the Board of Plater Commissioners as Trustees of such Rind has the right to compromise and settle in the manner which is now proposed, a valid and subsisting claim which is collectable. Yours very truly, a- erltla d 440uy Cilerh ` CITY OFSAINT P/�o.'s. No. 124zs4 sy W.vt. Parranto— OEFlCE OF THE CITY Ha3omtlon p7r%ng the budget of CBUNCIL RESOLUTION G tk0 Mlor rnnethe tale Paul ar d 4y and 'tact for the .cateadar Year 1942 and nt a nt otgrentalbasis se t the .C1 Ya t St. PRESENTED BY real for thelinder 1942, 0 3: Paul for e u der Chapter 341, Laws ,. COMMISSIONER ----- 1933, the D�Inne Dolls' St. Paul Sanitary Dlatrlct has been created, and - Whererta, �f%v-t�pr ids among other thin a '-e -body of thee, - e Resolution approving the budget of the Minneapolia-St. Paul Sanitary Din- trict for the' calendar year 1942 and determining, the basis for and amocnt of sewer rentals of the City of St. Paul for the year 1942, Whereas, bider Chapter 341. Laws 1933. the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District has 1n created, sad Nhdreas. Be id Ant provides ammg other tbinga, that the governing body of the City of St. Paul may levy sewer reniale to pay the current operation H„ < and maintenance charges and the principal and 'interest on any bonds issued for the ocnetruetion of the`86wage Disposal System, in such amount as the governing body may determine,®and Whereas, the 'adoption of the budget for 1942 and the tax levy made pursuant thereto the Council has decided to pay the principal and interest on binds for ocastruction by means of apt" T@vy, and 0, Whereas, * Said Chapter 341, Laws 1933 and.0rdiname No. 7958 approved October 25, 1935 provide that the ecancil shall by resolution` determine the amount and basis of rentals to be charged for the year 1940 and subsequent years and transmit such resolution to the Board of Water Cadmissioners which is required to collect such charges set forth inresolution, and Whereas, �te City of St. Paul's share of th Aeration and msiatena�e . cost of .the Sewage Disposal System toipther witY the estimated billing and collection expenses for the year 1942 as set forth in the budget of the Mihnespolia-St. Paul Sanitary District heretofore certified to tha.c(Uneil is .$173,079.24 for operation and maintenance, and $23,280,00 for cost of on by the Water Department totaling $196,279.24. and Whereas, tq�e City's coat of maintaining its own intercepting sewers `and pumping statiol�a set forth in the city budget is $27,000. tbs total expense to be providA by sawage rental is $22$,279.24• Whereas. �le amount of principal and interest on bonder: issued to pay construction costs to be paid in the year 1942 is alproximarly the amount to be paid for operation and maintenance for that year, thdrefore Be It Resolved that the budget of the minneapolie-St. Paul Sanitary District for the ca�endar year 1942 heretofore certified to the council showing $173.071.24 operation and maintenance coat and $23,200.00 cost of colledtion by the Water Department be and the same is hereby spproved,and Whereas, by reason of, the existence of unexpended balances as of December 31, 1941 there will exist in the (ands of tbs. City of St. Paul available to defray the City of St. Pauls portion of the mail6tenance and operation expenses of said Sanitary District an accumulated atrplusa approximating the sum of $200,000.00 that the basis for the cimputation of sewer rental charges COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Cound1___..__.__ 194__ !jeer Rags Barfuss Findian Approved -- 194-. _ Parranto Peterson --In Favor IIlaryor Rosen Truax -_---Against, Mr. President, Mct)onough Jin 3-40 CS 23338 - oNaSu ear cur Clerk U CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDI BY COMMISSIONER_______.— . -2- to be made and levied against property served by said Sanitary District and lying within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul in the year 1942 shall be in accoxdanos with the following schedule, to wits Meter Size Sewer Rental 5/81 $ 1.56 3/4° 1.60 1° 2.40 - 1-1/4° 3.60 1-1/2 ° 0-40_ ` 20 24.00 3° 75.00 4° 180.00 6° 36o.00 8° 630.00 low 900.00 121 1,350.00 Be It further Resolved that the property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul and Irved by its Sewage Disposal System shall bear a portion of the coaatruotion costs of said Sanitary District Sewage Disposal System in addition to a portion of the maintenance and operation. costs of said system,am therefore the Sewage rental charges to be made and levied against such property outside said corporate limits in the year 1942 shall be conputed upon the basis set forth in tpe following schedule, to wits Meter Size Sewer Rental 5/8• $ 4.80 3/4° 6.00 1° 10.00 1-1/4° 18.00 1-1/20 30.00 2° 6o.00 3° 150.00 4° 36o.00 counciLmEII Adopted by the Council_, 'l]eas Tlags barjuss Findlan Approvedv__ Parranto Peterson --In Favor Mayor Rosen Truax _ Against Mr. President, McDonough Sm 3•40 CS 25350 Od2rosl to Cny. cjKk i CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIet OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ _.----.--------__--- DATI -3- COUNCIL FILa NO. 6• $ 720.00 8! 1,260.00 10l 1,800.00 12' 3.700.00 Be It Further Resolved that the provisions of Ordinance No.7958, approved October 25, 1938, shall go;�rn the collection of said rental charges and the use of the moneys obtained and such chargee shall be collected from the property liable therefor as determined by said Ordinance; be it Further Resolved. �t the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward forthwith a cert fied copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul and a certified copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -St. -Paul Sanitary District. lil COUTICILMEIl Ileas nags ar,uss ' arranto Foisreon Zl- �r President, McDonough 3M 3.40 CS 23556 Adopted bq the Council___. ____.)541 —___-194__ Approved____ an Favor Against orlitne 'to ass clerk 1 r„ G� � a �. ® CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUENCIL NO• m F"`iN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COM EISSIONER 4+ f!' 1" - DATA t WHEREAS, Orville C. Bristow has made application for permission.to operate a dismantling yard and junk business at 2065 Hasota Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning has recommended the granting of said permit; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the payment of any license fees.re- e _ quired by law, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is authorized to issue a permit to said applicant for the maintenance.of said dismantling yard and junk,"business; said' f permit to remain in effect until revoked by the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays BarfuBs aTTRntO 441tlTtl6'n / u President, McDonough 1td��1-tf G F. No. ,1.111 BY Fred M. Truax—! gyp° Whe as, Orv—ille C. Bristow has made; 0.DDllcation for perm1991on to operate •l dlemantltng yard and dunk bualnese at� 2066 gasota Avenue: and Whereas the Board of Zoning has commended the granting o,aid permtt' therefore, be it Ian Resolved, that upon the payment of y license fee. required h�� law, the Commlasloner of Parka, PlaygSounde ad Public Bullj�ffj� . to authorized to i.suo a permit $.o said applicant •for Oct. 17, 1941.1 ` OCT I? so Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194— in FSVOI Mr gains ' r a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minoesot OFFICE OF CITY CLERK'.`_m� f HARRY T. O'COKNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 15, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel city Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Orville C. Bristow for permission to operate a dismantling yard and junk business at 2065 Kasota Avenue, subject to the payment of any license fees required by law. Very truly yours, .City Clerk RECEIVED OCT 15 1941 CORPORATION COUNSEL ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Cheirm-n AUGUST HOHENSTEIkI EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GL7NN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Arch,tect GEORGE H. HERE O LD'er Se crerary THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance N.. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE October 15th, 1941. ffir. Harry T. OtConnell, City Cleric, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Orville C. Bristow for permission to operate a dismantling yard and Junk business at 2065 %asota Ave. This land is is Heavy Industrial Zoning. It lies between the N. P. and G. A. Railway and opposite land owned by the C. B. & q. Ry. Co. It lies at the intersection of Gibbs and Sasota, Gibbs Avenue having been vacated to the south and Sasota having been vacated to the east to the railway companies occupying these lands. It lies about 100 it. southerly of the timber trestle of the Northern Pacific over Gibbs Ave. The lands owned by the Burlington to the east and to the south are used for dumps. The applicant states that he will fence his two lots with a well constructed woven wire fence and conduct the business in a workmanlike way if granted a license. This is undeveloped territory and there is no objection to locating a dismantling and storage yard at this point- The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. As this is a Heavy Industrial District no notice or hearing is required. +ours very truly, George 1 Harrold, Engineer Secretary. d gh-rh ? V W i D 1941 OCA R Orlpn.l t. Chfj_ , 124 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -d+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM yPRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER' ���'DATF' i WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered nec- essary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME Sam Casalenda Tree Laborer 8 @ .55 Dewey G. Michels Stationary Firman 16 @ .69$ Patrick Roan do 16 @ .691 (Utilityman-- Harry H. Schossow (Playgrounds 25 @ .63 C04NCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto' Pebeaeen ': esident, McDonough 8M 1.41 C. e. rue— olvedl that the Doper 24 296—BY Fred cltyTotHcers e hereby authorized to Day certain or, in the Dept- [ Parke, Play - pounds and Public BulIdl age for entre mGloyment as set t on the list at- tached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, 1941. Approved O t. 17, 1941. (Oc. 26, 1941) Adopted by the Council OCT 17 1941 194_ Approves 194._ 1-_ f Tn Favo s�&- 2 C /) Ma r j/ Agai W. LA MONT K,AUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON J CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt o� Pada Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL,` Capital of Minnesota�t,� DEPARTMENT OF `a PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND` PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner October 17, 1941 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public B,_iildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employee`s of that department for more than eight hours per day, fireing greenhouse boilers and preparing football fields. The emergency arose in the case of fireing the boilers because of inability to secure a relief fireman, and in the case of football fields it was necessary to work overtime in preparing Phalen fields for games. Yours truly, Commissioner Otlpn.l to city Cl-, At CITY OF SAINT PAUL F=CIL NO. rd FJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL D F PRESENTE-BYA� � (/ /V`/�J�li /� Ar���t^'� - DATE I RESOLVED, that, so as to correot-an inadvertent error and effect the intention of the Council in the premises, Aesolu- tion C. F. No. 124057, approved September 24, 1941, Intermediary Order, in the matter of the opening, widening and extending of Montana Avenue to a width of 50 feet through Blooks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton Street to Oxford Street, is amended by striking therefrom, in eaobAnstance wherenthe same appear therein, the figuresandword "303.8 feet,' and by inserting therein, in each instance, in lieu thereof, the figures and word 0306.3 feet.° 1 C. F. No. 124297—BY Fred M. Tluax, by quest . that, so as e o correct a Resolved, and effect rthe I Inadvertent r ten[lon [theCouncil 2 the IIre r—d Reeolutlon C. F. No. 124067, pproved September 24, 1941, Infermedlar�Y Order, in the matter of the pening, ldenln e' and extending of Montana Avenhe to I Idth of 60 feet through Blocks 19 and _ 20 Como, from Millon Street to Ox- ferd Street, nded byv strlkinB s therefrom, In each Instance here the appear therein, La ebfgire. and sword "303.9 deet;' an - therein, In each Instance, In 11eu there -i 306 3feet.1941. ,f,Athe dusoodoplebyythe 0 ct17 - Approved Oct, 17.19194t) a rs COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun19� cil Yeas Nays arfuss OCT Tv r Approved .94 Parranto n /////�In Favo Ma ( Again r. President, McDonough :ILS .141 3 2 I I G IQI�� 18 MONTANA AVE. 0 U II Q � 2 O HOYT N 4� AVE NEBRASKA AVE. w t 6 MONTANA AVE Milton SF -Ox Po rd St OPENING Bureou of £ng,neers Aug 30-1941 Sco/e /"-/00 2 3 Q MONTANA AVE. 18 I I 12 13 I4 J �G \ S 8 7 i MONTANA AVE Milton Sf -Ox ford Sl. OPENING pR3 , - 398 HOYT N 4� AVE NEBRASKA AVE. w t 6 MONTANA AVE Milton SF -Ox Po rd St OPENING Bureou of £ng,neers Aug 30-1941 Sco/e /"-/00 2 3 Q MONTANA AVE. 18 I I 12 13 I4 J �G \ S 8 7 orit{nal t. Cit, Clerk . • . �? �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICENO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 COM %JONEY DATF RESOLVED, that Go E. Michaelson be permitted to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station and operate a parking lot on the old Borg property at Eighth, Ninth and Cedar Streets, In accordance with the plan submitted; subject, however, to payment by said Q. E. Michaelson of any license fees required by law, and subject further to the provision that he will con- struot curbing to block off the old driveways to said property which are .not to be used; said filling station and parking lot to be installed under the;direetions of the Commissioner of the proper supervisory department, and shall be removed and the permit revoked whenever the Council shall determine that said station and parking lot constitute a traffic or fire hazard. C Resolved'-[hnt G.yGG Mlc haelson sbe permitted to tett and alntaln a gasoline llllinne tation d operate a parking lot the Id and Property at El 11,11 and 1. ds -re lth the plant mbruitted: subject. however, to payment by aid G. E. Michaelson [ yy license fees required by law, and oble t Truesttheto the provision that he "I 11 con tract curbing to block K olddrlvewaus to said Property which n not to be used; said filling station and .Park ing lot to he Installed under the directions of the Co mml..l.ncr of the proper super- ,l-ry department, and shall kedbehre- ved and the permit o yer the Council shall determine that said station and parking lot constitute n traffic or fiyyr, hazard. Adopted b0 to 17C 194111 Oct. 17, 1941. Ao (Oct. 26, 1941) OGT �,7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas / Nays arfuas OCT 7 01 Approved 194— Peters" 94— arranto P _fin ?Fa ,Roses C / Mayor �I f President, McDonough ait 1.41 �+ 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL\, Capital of Minnesota 6FFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 15, 1941 C1 6n'9 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of G. E. Michaelson for a gasoline filling station and parking lot on the property described in the application, subject to the payment of any license fees required by law, and sub- ject further to the provision that the applicant will construct curb- ing to block off the old driveways to this property which are not to be used. very truly yours, i City Clerk I� � yCIVSD OCT 151941 l ... ORATIC\ �,J I POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,__Ootober 4 1941 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July -ith, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of G. E. Michaelson to erect and install a filling station,bMIT" rand parking lot. on Block hounded by 8th 9th. & Cedar Ste. on Lots 1 to 4 Block 12, Bazille & Guerin's Addition urill come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House•buildinq on the 15th day of otober , 19 41 , at to o'clock A. M. - JOHIl S. FIIlDLAn. Commissioner of Finance. Page File 9359 Chi Y GF s afi� 9�2 �a a � s AR HUR S. MILINOWSKI, Cne'-- AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAH MAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C,y Arch,recl GEORGE H. HERE OLD, Se creler 3 neer y THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance N.. 5640 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE Octoberl3th, 1941. �l Nr. Harry T. O'Connell, !! City Clerk, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of G. E. Michaelson for a parking lot and filling station on the old Borg property at Eighth, Ninth and Cedar. The Borg Furniture Building has been torn down and the grounds are to be leveled off and supported by a retaining wall along Eighth St. and elong Cedar St. The applicant requests two driveways, one on Eighth St., the nearest part of said driveway being 40 ft. from the intersection of Eighth end Ninth Streets, and the driveway on Ninth St. will be bl ft. from the intersection of Eighth and Ninth Sts., both measured along the property line. The driveways are to be standard 22 ft. drives at the property line flaring to 35 ft. at the curb. The length of the drive from Eighth St. to Ninth St. will be something over 40 ft. The applicant desires to use the existing pump island and two pumps to serve his customers. The plan has been well worked out and will cater to Westbound traffic on Eighth St. with the exit on the Ninth St. side of the lot. % The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit for the CC�� parking lot and the filling station be approved. No change is to be`,? made in the location of the tanks which were installed by a previous owner. Yours very truly, w0. George H. Herrold, gh-rh Engineer Secretary. enol. l� C FIE ORIGINAL' „ CITY OF 6T. PAUL TH SLAPPL�ICATION ILeo in int CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERKg OFFICE Application For License 1 y Z q AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 93 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made 9Y INAnf OF nINOIVIDUeL — FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANO OPERATE AI OR— I IN81 Da"1 / AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT / r _ J _ BLOCN� 1 �2 �/(.f �1 N �I ��1/9} .�i ALSO DESCRIBED A6 IgTRE[ nvmgfPl I I wv�ol.Tl/ON) NOOF PUMPS _ NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK—_­1_ ANK_ — —`1 _ . RECEIVED COPY FROM �ITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT (IF PUBLIC dAFE TY BY I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE q CITY PLANNING BOARD BY __ e CLINTON A. HACKEAT ROBER"P B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WK. J. SUDEITH G. I- BR[SSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // ec . eCrada eal al Public e�a�etr� 0 Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner A, JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 15, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Siri Referring to the application made by G. E Michaelsen for permit to install and operate a drive-in garage and a parking lot to be located on Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, bock 12, of Bazille and Guerin's Addition, Which is also described as the Old Borg Block. The oustomary inspeotion Was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and his -report covering the inspection is attached. You Will note the recommendation made by him, which should be complied *ith, before permit is granted. n �jVery truly yours, Commissioner Public Safety u. &). DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY 0 CU I THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D .INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 13 1941 Mr. C. A. Haakert Chief of Police 'mss Dear Sir= This is in reference to application made,by G. E. Michaelson for permission to install and operate a drive-in garage and a parking lot to be looated on Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 12, of Bazille and Guerin's Addition, which is also described as the Old Borg Block. For your information, I made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and have also talked to Mr. G. E. Michaelson, relative to the driveway and have recommended to him that the slush on the driveway on Eighth Street should be changed from the West side of the driveway, to the East side of the driveway. This, he has agreed to do. If this is dote there would be no objection from a traffic standpoint to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, . i"W" �fff_ Harry N. Wettergren hnw/f Superintendent of Traffic 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 14th, 1941 Hon. G. H. Barfuse, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by G, E. Michaelson for pefti.asion to install and operate a drive-in garage and a parking lot to be located on the Old Borg Block. We have made our usual inspection of the fore- going location and report that there would be no serious in- crease in the fire hazard of that vacinity if this garage and parking lot is installed. Respectfully yours, ,MOMC, Chief Fire In ector. RWO/z DUPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAULIF APPLICATION TO B MHO[ IN LIGATE A LED IN T [-CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLEBK•S OFFICE. FILED Application For License Ao-UTOMOBI LE FILLING STION u DATE ��l •��-^ 193 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY, (NAM[ OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL' - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE Ay, AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT /w j _ BLOCK Jy j5 ~ ,Yo /�Lf II1L�I/Y+AL60 DESCRIBED A6 } 1 R[R Aq NUMee I NO, OF PUMPS F NO OF OAS TANKS .ay CAPACITY OF EACH TANK FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY IN[B. ADDRE[B. Oticitul to Cit, Clete - CITY OF SAINT PAU IL ®i 999 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL FILE NO. ��rr COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENE AL RM .; PRESENTED 9MM 5 IONER DAT RESOLVED, that Nelson Oil Company be permitted to erect and operate a gasoline filling station at 491 West Minnehaha Avenue, in accordance with the plan submitted; said station to be erected in accordance with theldi-r8otions of the Commissioner of the proper supervisory department. Whenever the Council detePmines that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard,(this permit may be revoked. t� C. F. No. 124299—BY G. N. Bur[ues— beRlved.permitted that Nelst n OII Pesten. gasoline itlling atat1ere,1 and 491 West tile ptanhe Avenue.submltted:lnaidcetatton todir-- erected in cordance with the roper Lions of the Commissioner o[ the proper pervtsory department. Whenever the Council determines that Bald sta- tion constitutes a traffic or dre hazard. [his permit yy ay be revoked. Adopted Approved(.t17.l7. 1941 �I Oc[. 17. 1941. (Oct. 26. 1941) I? t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194—. Yea!,,,_-,- Nays �sarfuss s- l g9 � Approved 194— Parranto p�gpn Tn Favor = Re�ea Mayor /fir. ax Against /Mr. President, McDonough 9M 1-41 POST CARD NOTICE . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.— October 4L ie 41 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July '7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Nelson Oil Company to erect and install a filling station located at 191 W Minnehaha Ave. , on Great Northern Railway Property unll come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 15th day of October—, 1941 , at io oclock A. M. JOHn S. FInDLAiI, Commissioner of Finance. Page File 9360 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk aAd Commissioner of Registration October 15, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Nelson Oil Company for permission to erect and operate a gasoline filling station at 491 West Minnehaha Avenue. Very truly yours, o City Clerk KECEIVED OCT 151941 CORPORATION COU"SH r. '`'SyOf THE BOARD OF ZONING �. ♦x E,t,I91,,hed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 19�2 a li si;m, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE d October 13th, 1941. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOH ENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EG IN WAHMAN CHARLES BASS FORD, City A,cn,t,,t GEORGE H. HERROLD, E.g�neer S__"" 114 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, a B u i L d i n g, r Dear Sir In the matter of application of the Nelson Cil Company for a drive-in filling station at 491 N. Minnehahe St. This is on the land of the Great Northern Shops, these lands extending from Dale to Arundel. It lies immediately to the east of the Pennig Coal Company. The applicant asks for three pumps and three storage tanks of 1000 gallons each. The zoning is Light and Heavy Industry, the filling station proper being in the Light Industrial zoning. This street is not curbed but the applicant agrees to curb a sufficient part of the street to define his drive- ways with a 30 ft. island between, measured along the curb line on Minnehahs Street. He agrees to move his west driveway 6 ft. further west in order to give a better curve for cars leaving the pump island and going to the street. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, George H. H6rrold, Engineer Seerary. G' gh- rh fir' i ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL LEo IN TKE CITY K OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1—K-1 OFFICE. Application For License `� y o AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATIO Is Hereby Made �� J BY FIpM Op Irvol FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A—_ - I pIVJI INslo[ oA AUTOMOBILE FILLIj(NNG7 STATION TO E LOCATED ONJT •BL�C, -__ALSO DESCRIBED A6 ISTpeET ANo rv�Ne¢p� I A oolTlOry 1 NO, OF PUMPS NO OF OAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK' O O ® Y FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE ---IB DEPARTMENT O� PUBLIC SAF Y BY oy i I IT^I BY , RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK q DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD _ BY U` ' ... 6 . 25. _ r - i i t f r �. � - _ ♦ � .. - ... - ;.J .E'. .'?/c SP.�iL: •=. /fiN,GS - - ... � 7c f,Ss 7n AC ovt f/N. G.Bn o6 _ I _.. - I(J � A � �J✓ll \a F o _ t �w 3 '.,��- Nom.✓ fdN�a' •. -- -. i = _ - - .. - f/?f''. /e,': .'_: ,:: /yet•,.. v. /.": ..r.. A.Cd :' = - _ - _ - 41 l v' ��\ � - .3• %vrso /y A[.%ANFJ ate. - .._ - - - _ 4. Z5, - - x ;5'4'/1"GI/ �� C 4 � 'l�! �S S.cr. DTFics B•x I' f�✓'/J.�' .'^�'.�.5 ° � ��;' n J��c...S/%`'-:.:. F 71f3.� �riA00vL frN. Gk�o.•• i f rC .r A�A.G'_ .� k; _- '. � o- -�•, t,. i.�'" tea'- .� %fi _^.Y6 - ^'y � r- U THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 15, 1941 Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application made by the Nelson Oil Company for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station at 491 W. Minnshaha- We have made our usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity if this station is permitted' WCB/z Yours very truly, Chief Fire Inspector: 0 ti. DUPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION THII APPTION TO IIATA E AND FILED BN THE CITY CLERK'. •DFOICa. P.t,DATE I TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION. Is Hereby Made BY (NAMH of Fl and IR INoI r FOR PERMIT TO IN ND OPERATE A I..DaIVE I 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON L -- �j(1J BLUK ALSO ESCR - DIBED A I NUNeERI (ADDITION 1 3) c a 9 If NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK FILED I �. BY i, aDaINEa. ADDR> aa. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY 19__ A.�5Vj RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK /I/�/.q , •-,$(— 1 DATE lS CITY PLANNING BOARD (I y li BY Imll I /I I I t Illll� 1. 111 1 I I I . i I I I T4"6EPARtMEN1f6F PUBLIC SAFM OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 13 1941 Mr. C. A. Hacks rt Chief of Police Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by the Nelson Oil Company for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be lo0ated on the stthe r at f property between the Pennig Coal Company Northern Railway Shops, also described as 491 west Minnehaha Avenue. For your information,I made the usual inspection of the promises and blue prints and do not find that this station and driveways will materially interfere with trafficen of this permit. standpoint there will be no objection to the g g Yours very truly, Harry N. wettergren Superintendent of Traffic hnw/f 0 ,\ I 1 a 1 Orkin.) ta Cid 0.rk v b CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -124-314 COUNCIL FILE NO. FORM +DATE' October 17, 1941 "e TUBAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more then eight hours per day, said employment being more then usual hours of employment,.therefore, be it RXSDL4SD, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the°rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth; NAME TITLR ovMIME RATS Falter Scott Ditch digger 8 hrs. .60 Leo Boyle do 12 • 60 Toe Bruno as 12 • .6o Ed gordell Caulker 12 • .62-1/4 Tommaso Mazzola Ditch digger 12 • .60 Leonard Munson Utilityman-W.D. 12 • .73 Roy Munson do 12 • .73 Sem Ranaili Caulker 12 • .62-1/4 Tamen Tighe Amer.Repairman 12 • .65-3/4 7oaeph A. Casoalenda Ditch digger 1-1/2 6o Henry T. Conrad Plumbers Helper 6 zre. .62-1/4 Joe DIMartino Ditch digger 6 • .6o COUNCILMEN YeasNays use '3truax W. President, McDonough ax tat 17 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— 1 Y / ---4,Approved 194— f in Favo Mayor Againat 0 -mC. F. No. 124301—By w. A. PBrrant4 -A Reeoly ed, th t th proper city oHicere reby' authorized to paY c tAln a�aplpyIn the Debt. of Public Utll3• '. e9' Ilea ror erlra emPloymen[ as a t ut thla reaolutfon.) � eled correct:VI en the lint trached to I Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, 1941.'. OOck ¢ Approved 261918111 ' 0 I _y L nerd N. Thompn General Superintensodent COUNCILMEN YeasNays use '3truax W. President, McDonough ax tat 17 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— 1 Y / ---4,Approved 194— f in Favo Mayor Againat 0 October 17, 19!41 An emergency has arisen in the WATER DEPARTMENT rendering 0;1�cessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Repairing water main, Arlington and Milton .# Repairing servioe connection 512 Drake St. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #LLeak in main and service connections. BOARD OF WATER COBM[ISSIONERS President Crt Sed correct: m y� Leo and N. Thompson General Superintendent -Orlpp4d I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL cOUNGIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ICOUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOR DATE October 17, 1941 $SSOLVO: That license for Restaurant, application 0787., On Sale Malt Beverage,, application 0788. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 07891, applied for by Oscar Kelson at 590 IT. Snelling Ave, be and the same are hereby granted. Z XON ' 'informally approved by Council ept. 9, 1941A-� r6ld Y�ocat ion. C.W. A. Parranto—By G. H'. Barfuss— Resolved, that license for Res taurant,l ` a DPNcn[lon 0787, On Sale Malt sever - age. pplication 0788, and OK Sale Mal[ Beverage, applfc.tlrm 0789• aD- olled for by Oscar Kelson at 890 N. Snelling Ave. be and the same 'are hereby granted. New. Informally approved by Coun- cll, Sept. 9, 1941. Old location. -S p[ed by the Council Oct. 17. 1941. Approved Oct. 17. 1941. (Oct. 28, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adapted by the Council UGI 941 194_ Yeas Nays a Approved 194_ �o /a Tn Favo e Mayo Truax A dr. President, McDonough aM 1-41 t. Orlsln.l 4, City Cl.rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Floe NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COM 115510N Y DATE October 27. 1941 RESMVE � *at license for Restaurant, application 1449, .On Sale Malt Beverage, / application 1450, and Off -Sale Malt Beverage, application 1451, applied for by Casimir S. Tocko at 1079 Forest St. be and the same are hereby granted. iaTel9l® Informally approved by Council, Oct. 14, 1941. Old kocation. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' / Nays arfusa arranto r r- esident, McDonough Pr AM 1.41 C.1V. A. Pnrranto—By G. IL Barfpss— Reselved, that license for Restaurant, .� appllcatlsn 1449. On Sale Malt Bever - Re, appllentlon 1460, and off Sale Malt Beverages, aPPllcatlon 1461, applied for by Caeftnlr S. Tocko t 1079 Forest St. be and New. t Informally approhe same are ve by bytCoOn- rf1. o,, .14, 1941. Old location. ]9d 1. Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, Approvrd Oct. 17, 1941. (Oct. 26, 19411— —1 1 OCT Adopted by the Council194— ;ti Approved 194_ z2 In Favoy -� </ May Against Orl`Inal to Cit, Clnk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. NO r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM J COM MIISSIONE DATE October 17, 1941 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 0959, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 0959, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 0960, applied for,�y Leo -peter Smith at 23 W. Fairfield ,Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 124304—By G. H. Bnrfusa— W. A. Parranto— Resolved, that license Por Reataurnn [, application 0868. On Sale Malt Bever-- P9 ee,pplientinn 0869, nd OR Sale Malt Bevero.g p llcati on 0860, yy Plied for by Le Pete Smith at W. Fairfield Ave. be and the a hereby garnted. raved by Coun- New. 1'nformxll. PPT c 11. Sept. 9, 1541. Old locatton. Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, 1941. Approved Oct. 11, 1941. (Oct. 26, 1941) NOW, Informally approved By Council, Sept. 9, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss �gtadtY[}I' ranto P�ebereea '1iu d President, McDonough 3M 1-41 go 1 ji�4� Adopted by the Council 194— APProve�l Tn Favyr� " May 01191..1 1. CI Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL F0 E"`}� NO. -124305d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER4L FORM PRESENTED eOctober 17, 1941 COMMISSIONER — DATE RESOLVERS That license,for Pool Hall, application 1305, applied for by Ellery Berry at 781 University Ave, be and the same is hereby granted. New, Informally approved by Council, Oct- 7, 1941, New Location. COUNCILMEN YeasNays ,is unto 13�— Truax Mr. President, McDonough :{M 1.41 C. ti A. ,, 124 nt o—By O' H. Rnrfunv— Reeolved, that Iloenae for Pool Hall, pp1, t1on 1306,applied for by MIIerY (cher Perry 78i University &runt dAve. be and New, Informally approved by Coun- r , Oct. 7. 1941. New location. Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, 1941. Approved Oet. 17. 1941. (Oct. 26, 1941) Adopted by the Council 7 1441 194— i N41 ' r Approved194— 0Tn Favor Mayo �----�8ai c Oriclnal to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Flu; NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 'COMMIISSION Y DAT:— Ootober 17, 1941• RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 1325, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1326, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1327, applied for by Pasquale rarinella at 546 Payne Ave, be and the same are hereby granted, A 015 New, Informally approved by Council, Oct, 7, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN N, Years / Nays ariU68 arranto 41okweefr uax 5President, McDonough 3M 1-41 Ic .j C. F. Nq 124306—By G. H. Sarin— W. r W. A. Paanto— Resolved, rthat license for Restau- nnt, application 1326. On Sale Malt �f3everng¢, aDP]ra. c, 1326, and OR Snle Malt Beverage, nVppllcnti.+t 1327, '0 6461Pa for by Paequale .orinella at hereb yne Avs. be and the same are New Informrante ally approved by Coun- cil, OCL 7, 1941. Old location. Adopted by the Council Oct. 17, 194E i� Approved Oct. 17, 1941. --- (Oct. 26, 1941) 3 Adopted by the Council act 7 194_ Approved 19 �In Favor - Ma r _ 6 orlain.l to City Clerk (n Clty,01F SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. NO. FILF — COUNCIL USOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED6� I DATE Oc�ober 17, 1941 COMMISSIONE /— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by tbb following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted; Harvey & Norman Lieberman 496 S. Snelling. Butcher App.0995 New Old Loca. Alan Holland 1184 E. 7th St. v Butdher " 1203 11 ® Christiansen & VonBerg 799 Lafond Grocery " 1323 " u n n n 0£f Sale " 1321 " Will. White 939 Randolph St. Fuel Dlr. " 134g " New Loca. Nettiie Lettengarver 726 E. 7th. St. Grocery " 1349 " bold " Nettie Lettengarver W " Off Sale M. " 1350 �1�6 Mike DeMarais Ashland Grocery " 1409 " Old Loca. a n n n Off Sale "n 1410 n n a Helen Wilson 2009 Grand Ave. Groggry " 1419 " Old Loca. n n n a Off ale M. " 1420 n n n Henry W. Murrqr 1400 St. Clair Gas Station " 11140 n " 11 Stanley Federowski Jr. 943 E• Maryland Gas Station " 1459 " New Loca. Stanley Zimmerman 925 E. 7th St. Gas Station 11 1496 " Old Loca. James Gonzales a75 E. 13th St. Junk Gatherer " 1497 " Ellery Perry 791 University Ave. Confectionery 1503 " New Loca. " C. F. No. 124307—By G. H. Bhrfues—� John S. Fln dlan—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, that licensee applied for by the persons named on the Ilei at- tached to this resolution be'and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk Is instructed to Issue such paymentinto the city licenses upon the required fees. treasury f [her t7 c V Adopt Council Approved 17 1941 �1 OcL 17, 1941. • (Oct.. 26, 1941) M _ .rt T 17 194f194— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays ' 190 4_ n � )OApprmoved-, avo 1 � - Mayo '7Yuax Agam � - N�President, McDonough 3M 1.41 / a F. No. 124908-13 G. Fi. Bartuss— d Ori�loto City - Sohn S. Flndlan—W. A. Parrnnta— Resolved, that licenses applied for by�]� _ CITY OF SAINT the persons named n the list attached v OFFICE OF THE CI ne eeY grxni a °Ona the City ..me k fe instructed to laevo each licenses upon COUNCIL RESOLUTION— the e4ulr a :ass. the city treasury or,, Adopted b ,the Council Oct. 11. 1941. �5 Approved+�et. 17 194E COMMISSIONE s(Oct. 1941) P n {G� ( () ' r 1941 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: Peter Rosenberger 130 W, Winifred Grocery Jpp. 0507 Renewal If If If n Butcher n 0509 it Certified Ice & Fuel Co. Dale & Blair Ice Station u 0845 If G. A. Dickman 751 W. 7th St. Restaurant n 0900 If &¢ Joseph Pillis 1102 Rice St. Grocery u 100 W u 11 n Off Sale Malt n 100 n Howard P. Lynch 103QQ2 W. Summit Ave. n 1065 n .Butcher Geo. H. Dahl lq' No Snelling Bakery u 1087 u Riverview Herman Hall Assn. 454 Onega Dance Hall s 1129 u Joseph Dotty 201 E. 4th St. Restaurant n 1148 n' Harold E. Brissman 219 Bates Ave. Restaurant n 1214 n n n n If On Sale Malt if 1215 u n u n n Confectionery n 1216 ++ n n n If --.Qff Sale Malt n 1217 n Phillip Cournoyer 1398 Edmund Ave. Grocery n 1220 n Ben Rubbelke 918 Selby Ave. Restaurant u 1275 u n n a On Sale Melt n 1276 u n n n s Off Sale Malt u 1277 n Arthur E. Boyd 556 Rondo Ave. Restaurant u 1310 n It u u n On Sale Malt u 1311 n ,1 u it n Off Sale Malt +1 1312 If Michael Hryhoryszyn 436 Wabasha Dance Hall n 1358 It Mrs. Martha Berthold 1657 E. 7th St. Grocery n 1372 If n n n n- n Off Sale Malt It 1373 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 194— Parranto Peterson 1n Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough nc N Ori .1 I. Cit> clerk g®(� ,Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL F1LeNCIL NO. A. � d!�`. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED OMMIISS ONEY DATE- -2 0 National Tea Co. 641E S. Smith Butcher' App.1374 Renewal p Guy P. McGrail 819 Selby Ave. . Cas Station " 1377 " Robt. W. Kemper 371 Earl St. Restaurant " 1383 n n n it 11 On Sale Malt " 13814} n " n it " It Off Sale Malt " 1385 " Edw. Stieger 881 Rice St. Restaurant " 1388 " " n n It n on Sale Malt " 1389 " If It it Off Sale Malt If 1390 It James & Isabel Hafiz 412 S. Wabasha 2nd Hand Autos " 1393 " Edw. J. Hofechulte 607 S. Smith Barber " 1395 " Whitcomb Bros. & Ryan 591 W. 7th St. 2nd Hand Autos " 1396 " n n n n n Gas Station " 1397 n Reaco Corp. Greenman Motor Co. 225 University Ave. Pod Hand Autos " 1400 " John Psaros 535 Wabasha St. Barber " 1403 " Hyman Lachman 863 E. 7th St. Off Sale Malt it 1411 IT J. Edw. O'Brien r, 55 W. 10th St. Parking Lot " 1412 " Je ssiV Tatar sky 626 Canada Grocery " 1423 " n n " 11 Off Sale Malt " 14N n Jay J. Cook 3781 Jackson St. Hotel " 1429 n White Fuel & Ice Co. 915 W. 7th St. Gas Station n 1430 It White Fue? & Ice Co. 915 W. 7th St. Ice Delivery " 1431 " AAthony Kamish Inver Grove Peel Dlr. 1433 " Adopted by the Counea OCT 1, 7 194— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r arfusa / f ApprovedY 194_ arranto .8aAereon Tn Favor Ma =__�lgainet u President, McDonough am i•u _ 1 124T..9 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT •,m -j •tk. and an , 0.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemente City of Saint Paul viz: on CdemnluB,and,AM4%4&.pa4.easement in the,land,neaos....X sad Pills in the pradirt� sad stmPsain� of the Alleys-1?n.B�oak /it Como Heights,,, .......�F9Pi. RT0.?'th, V�etoria, Street . to„a„PE# At..k9.4. feQt„yveat „a{, ,Igglt$. YI,4 t4T.13� . Stx9�t..... flua..�9P?.YIf3St..1?Y. ......................................... Dated this.... 15th..... day of ................... Q.00-qT...................... 1 194b..... ...................'.` . ..0 m. ...... f PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIJEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: ,,,y,,,,,Coademnin�;,and. tekin&.an,.easmnen`t,i�fthe,land necessary, for, slopea,,,,c,yta,,,,,,, and, fills in, the grading,and,atmfeoln o£,the,lllleys,in,loc14,{�,,Cglgq„1�@j9ps,,,, $rom North 4lotoria Street to e point 1tj0 feet wbs...of .North 4 atoria, Stir@g „.„ sad, Prom ,gPe st..l?i�'. Apenue„ to, the. 4n4..19eQt . A17 @Y�......................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.' .................................................. a ) ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . ovl `1 M1 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS .. ..._ ,.. Hsi Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... efillDbt}C PARRANTO PEKqraGN il99M TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT / IM 7-411 PUBLISHED Petition 0-183 I V4319 Council File No ............... ; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT IL F. No. 124310— -4�t Wher— M .*opo_, and ft, ,,nt nr PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of Saint Paul,viz: ................... Victoria 3treeTt44.4a 9p.- i -.t4190 .t. 190 feet west of North Victoria treet, a oenstrwI7 .& o= ........... r.rm. West. 3:.Vy.AVeUe..tc.. tbLe.Bsiet- end - Weet at West of North sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 185.f ................................... ............ i ....... .. ........ iatonia �ii�et .. t . o .. the "sewer "in'Osage Stree ............. I ......... ................................................................ .................................... Dated this ..... 15 ....... day of .... Q.09W 1 1947..... ................. II n ;- ...... I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Ig ............ GZA(lxig. AO— VwxAQ.. nt 190 feet westf N oorth Victoria Streetand , VictoiriaPstreet to U a poi-constract- -a- -atom ...... .'b&.the..EaS,b _ *Md.Weet. �U.jey ... �41.80, ............ lvez' W"t..Ivy. Avenue . feet west West Alley from a point 185 .... a ...... 8 ... o.f..No.rt.h ............ sewer in the East and ........................ ............. r .......................... .. Victoria street to tl;� s'��e­r­jn­'O­sage street. ..................... ................ ...................................................................................... ................ having been presented to, the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of thing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 17 W41 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS , r3 70, V7 ,"'A Councilman BARFUSS Approyed ............................ PARRANTO C.) ...... ..... ....... ..................... .. R651,q -M r. TRUAX MR, PRESIDENT PUBLISHED. INI 741 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -- r. n and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: C9A6tiTJlOti1RA .O.R.R17S.�4Rt..GAG.&Sl@W.@}t..4A.6Rk4.R�A9k.R�.�Stn.11e........... Stx9>3t..ix0F1.IOyi@. 6o9A11@. t4..G�1� �RTA1�.AY9AU9................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................y............................................................... October ••.......•, 1941.... Datedthis ... .7.th....... day of.......................................1. ••........... n � man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: c •Construction of a s1x foot oeiuent sidewalk on both aides- of St. Albans............ Street from Iowa Avenue to California Avenue. ..................................... ...................................... .............................................................................I......... .................. having bf@n presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................ ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordes$d and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To igvestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3 3. To furnish a plan, profileor sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing [natters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCI 17 1941 'Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS l"ri iy Councilman BARFUSS Approved ..............:." .......... • ••••••••••••••••••• PARRANTO R®SE!4 ...... .... ............ ........................ TRUAX %r J Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT BjJBLISYlED__LD�5�'� 1M 741 Council File No....:...,,..::.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT F. N.. t2"' - 27) 1 and u PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of construoting_and maintaining ...... a .publba• sewer. on, .under. and. sososs .the• •weeteatl} • �. feet• 03' •the• •easterly• 6 • Yeet• of lot 25. Block 5,°Capitol Addition', from St. Anthony Ave. to the Alley in the """relit ro lot � . •.Alga-0rdffdt=-1fig--dUd-tokilig"A ion purposes on a. MRip . oY lend 7 •Peet in width• on • the wester3-X- A g• •99. AV!4 - AW.".... s ent and the easterly 2 feet of lot 25, and the westerl$r 5 feet of lot 26 in t�9A... ......... ......... ............................................. Dated this ...... $14h....day of...............0.ey oher .......................... 11941 .... a@ ..................4 •�`%...... PRELIMINARY ORDER. IIt WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvempht,,viz: j -Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of eonstrlicting and maintaining .... a..P?il1�i4.BelYQ?:.Rn,,.>?�AeF.§�f�.�47SQ�e..th6.wP,5�eTJ.Y..G..iAet.RY..the..eashcrly..b.fsat... of lot 25, Block 5, Capitol Addition, from St. Anthony Ave. to the Alley in the """reas'of••sai3•Yo�: Also"condemning and faking a temporary easement for construction easement and the easter y 2 feet of lot 25, and the westerly 5 feet of lot 26 in said Blook_,_QAp;Ltpl, Addition., __._ having been presented to the Council of fhe City of Saint PaulY................................................. therefore, be it J RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed- 1. irected1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �+. OGT 7 A/ dopted'by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............. ................... diNDbiN PARRANTO PEiER573fJ ROSEtay C�......................................... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT UBLISHED t �( INI 741 ?l N�.-124SIS— I j ' Resolved, that chlecka be drawn on the city treasury, to .the s@'BreBnte- CITY OF SAINT PAU SITI.. OS 581 192.88 covering heoke NOTICE numbered 87941L to 87887 Inclusive, ae ' ^ COUNCIL RESO Per checks On flle In [he ofltce of the TO city comptroller. Adopted 6Y Lh 17Ci84i11 o,t. 17, 1841. Approved [coot , 1841) PRINTER _ RESOLVED,�HAT ItHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TAGGREGATE AMOUNT 97942 97997 INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF S 91,192.88 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. -TO CHECKS ON FILE IN TpOFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ®�1 i 1941 194- CITY COMPfROLLQt ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED 194-i��_ soo s -ss CITY OF SAINT PAUL -. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_— ROLL CALL - - BARFUSS RANIN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October 14 1 PARRANTO _ _ AG mte" ,wow O AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE [)jj(IW�f�I{ TIMITY TREASURY `�'jj TRUAX �Zjj�JJ,• [[• COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S J MR PRES McDONOUGH f+� -, w. CHECKS NUMBER`E�D TO 57997 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ " PER CHECKS ON �% OF OF T C"TY MPTROLLER. ._ —.. -- x APPRQVEO_ —194_ _. _ COMnTPOIL[n NUMBER / BY TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAFIR OF NUMBER ETURNED RBYBANK 1 TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 271 461 14 • 87942 Samuel Nemer 32 00 126 00 87943 Jack Belland 87944 Jennie Smith 111 93 i It: 87946 Elsa M. Obst, Treasurer 87947 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 45 14, 87948 Capital Envelope Company 64 05 687 18 87949 Cutler, Magner Company 87950 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 218 52 87951 General Outdoor Ad. Company 1 008 03 87952 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company ` 8795 Kenny Boiler'& Mfg. Company 59 61 1 198 42 8795 —Lowe & Campbell Company 9 36 451 67 87955 Mpls. star Jogrnal & T. Co. 87956 Parkside Ice Cmeam Company 100 70 87957 St.Paul Dispatch Pioneer Press i 87958 St.Pat31 White Lead & Oil Company 28 71 87959 J.L. Shiely Company 17771 24 87960 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund 45 6650 87961 atlas Gas & Oil Company 87962 M*a. Amy Birdsall 5 00 87963 Mrs. Monica K. Doyle 7 50 87964 County Welfare Board 5 60 87965 Caldsn R,, Williams CITY OF SAINT PAUL -. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_— ROLL CALL - - BARFUSS RANIN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October 14 1 PARRANTO _ _ AG mte" ,wow O AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE [)jj(IW�f�I{ TIMITY TREASURY `�'jj TRUAX �Zjj�JJ,• [[• COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S J MR PRES McDONOUGH f+� -, w. CHECKS NUMBER`E�D TO 57997 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ " PER CHECKS ON �% OF OF T C"TY MPTROLLER. ._ —.. -- x APPRQVEO_ —194_ _. _ COMnTPOIL[n NUMBER / BY TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAFIR OF NUMBER ETURNED RBYBANK N/ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 271 461 14 • 87942 Samuel Nemer 32 00 126 00 87943 Jack Belland 87944 Jennie Smith 111 93 97945 Else M. Obst, Treasurer 2 50 10 57 87946 Elsa M. Obst, Treasurer 87947 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 45 14, 87948 Capital Envelope Company 64 05 687 18 87949 Cutler, Magner Company 87950 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 218 52 87951 General Outdoor Ad. Company 1 008 03 87952 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company ` 8795 Kenny Boiler'& Mfg. Company 59 61 1 198 42 8795 —Lowe & Campbell Company 9 36 451 67 87955 Mpls. star Jogrnal & T. Co. 87956 Parkside Ice Cmeam Company 100 70 87957 St.Paul Dispatch Pioneer Press 82 55 87958 St.Pat31 White Lead & Oil Company 28 71 87959 J.L. Shiely Company 17771 24 87960 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund 45 6650 87961 atlas Gas & Oil Company 87962 M*a. Amy Birdsall 5 00 87963 Mrs. Monica K. Doyle 7 50 87964 County Welfare Board 5 60 87965 Caldsn R,, Williams 87966 John S. Findlan, Trees. of P. .Fd. 11 000 00 87967 St.Palil Teachers' R.Fund Asso . 12 000 00 87968 North Star Bakery 132 00 87969 Basil J. Berry 58 68 87970 Drs. Arnquist & Cook 7 00 62 25 87971 Bethesda Hospital 26 8o 87972 Dr. C.C. Chatterton 6 0O 87973 or. A. J. Chlad 87974 Dr. A. Christiansen 10 00 48 oo 87975 Dr. Louis Hiniker 87976 August F, --Kroll 25 00 4 00 87967 Dr. F.V.%Langenderfer 87978 Midway Hospital 72 50 87979 St.Joseph's Hospital 11 00 87980 Drs. Schons & Medelman 15 00 87981 Dr. E.A. Smisek 8 00 $7982 Dr. H.J. Wallinga 10 50 87983 Dr. it. Veisberg Dr. M.C. Welch 16 50 87984 "° Allen Wilson 16 00 87985 Dr. J. 87986 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 14 084 15 87987 John S,�Findlan, C. of Finano 239 48 87988 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano Financ 663 48 25 87989 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 941 3 664 60 87990 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano. 10 641 59 87991 John G. Findlan, C. of 87992 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano Finano 187 57 7 154 15 87993 John S. Findlan. C. of j 87994 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 354 79 87995 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 2 96 .01 87996 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 4 728 89 87997 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 5 o06 951 I) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 1 II352 654 4314— CITY O %14— o i PAU C1 esolv'ea.2 u,ut check, be drawn n NOTICE INT the cur urease rr. 10 we :,s6res: k,. --- COUNCIL RESOL ` :fic4'189 PeV ", eheck, ,n�erea x�sse 4o x805,4 inel�l,�.• :� ,, TO Vet. check`r olne file In the oiilce [ th• PRINTjjR ri,domed hs rhe 1..o jl ori. 17. 1841. --- annroed o:a. 17. 1941. —1941 ro:1. ^s, 4941) L - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 66,4331.89 87998 89054 OF S- -- -, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED- .___ _.TO_- __ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _194 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- J--�= CITY eomrrwouen APPROVED -- - - -- r" - - -194.---_. ' BY-G'L-Qi?��9Y11- CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - TOTAL DATE RETURNKD BY BA TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BRCf%GHTFORWARD 52 654 o2 . 97999 John S. Finn an, C. of Finance C, Finance 30 887 2 3 195 97999 John S. Findlan, of 7 3 88000 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 700 00 88001 Abraham B. Goldberg 88002 John S. Finrilan, C. of Finance �7 67 98003 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 98004 Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 00 300 00 88005 13tiefel Products, Inc. 191 24 88006 Mutual Aid Auxiliary 25AD0 8900 Pergande Pub. Company 8 05 2639 88009 8900 Price Electric Company, 00 Procter & Gamble Dist. Co. 98010 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 1 20 198 6o 89011 Ruarrie Corporation 36 53 88012 C. Reiss Coal Company 88013 Remington -Rand, Inc. 1 05 36 a 8801 Review Publishing Company 60 88015 Rice Street Produce Company 88016 Myron R. Ricketts 7 20 88017 Rochester Germicide Company DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK C,1 F SAINT PAUL' - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_- 9$019 Fred J. Saam Company ROLL CALL 88020 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 24 BARFLIES any 73 88022 St.Paul Eleotro Plating 'corks 57 916 PAyTD IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 88023 St.Paul flash Motors B X34 00 880211 The St.Paul Shopper 4N84!•1lQON 12 39 _�� be �— 98025 13t.Paul 'welding & Mfg. Companj V 4 o0 RG+niw �'� AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 88027 A.J. Schaake Company TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ( « lI T1 QA . COVERING 89029 Schaffer & Rogsum Company 39 91 MR PRIES MCDON OUGH W�T�1f� CLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED TON 5 00 l0 35 COUNCILPER CHECKS ON FI E ADOPTED BY THE - F E OF ITY MPTROLLER. 38032 Socony-Vacuum 011 Company AP O_ 88033 South St.Paul Daily Reporter 7 00 88034 Speedometer Service & Acc.Co. 191 BY 50 17 16 65 CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - TOTAL DATE RETURNKD BY BA TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BRCf%GHTFORWARD 52 654 o2 . 97999 John S. Finn an, C. of Finance C, Finance 30 887 2 3 195 97999 John S. Findlan, of 7 3 88000 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 700 00 88001 Abraham B. Goldberg 88002 John S. Finrilan, C. of Finance �7 67 98003 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 98004 Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 00 300 00 88005 13tiefel Products, Inc. 191 24 88006 Mutual Aid Auxiliary 25AD0 8900 Pergande Pub. Company 8 05 2639 88009 8900 Price Electric Company, 00 Procter & Gamble Dist. Co. 98010 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 1 20 198 6o 89011 Ruarrie Corporation 36 53 88012 C. Reiss Coal Company 88013 Remington -Rand, Inc. 1 05 36 8801 Review Publishing Company 60 88015 Rice Street Produce Company 88016 Myron R. Ricketts 7 20 88017 Rochester Germicide Company 20 00 88018 Ronald Press Company 8 i3 67 9$019 Fred J. Saam Company 38 00 88020 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 24 88021 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 73 88022 St.Paul Eleotro Plating 'corks 57 916 88023 St.Paul flash Motors X34 00 880211 The St.Paul Shopper 12 39 98025 13t.Paul 'welding & Mfg. Companj V 4 o0 88026 The Saturday Review of Liters re 88027 A.J. Schaake Company 50 89029 Schaffer & Rogsum Company 39 91 88029 The Seagrave Corporation 5 00 l0 35 98030 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 88031 Singer Sewing Machine Company 38032 Socony-Vacuum 011 Company 187 53 88033 South St.Paul Daily Reporter 7 00 88034 Speedometer Service & Acc.Co. 50 17 16 65 88035 Standard Spring Company 88036 State Agricultural Soc.-, of Mi nesota 82 88037 Stegmeir Tire Company 24 88038 Stilwell Paper Company 131 30 88039 T.J. Strasser Refining Company 7 00 20 80 88040 Superior ® 22 On 88041 The Telautograph Corp. 6 6 49 88042 Toro Mfg. Company 893 Torseth Sign Company 75 Company 67 4 10 804 44 Transit Supply 74,00 88045 Twin Citj Bag Company 88046 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher Company 0 United Chemical Company 19 88047 88048 Universal Carloading & Dist. o. 8 09 4 19 88049 Wagner Paint & Varnish Company55 88050 Geo. T. Walker & Company 25 1 75 88051 Robert Sparks Talker 90 86 88052 W.M. Welch Mfg. Company 24 00 88053 vest End Ice & Fuel Company 18 50 88054 H.T. Wilson Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 419 o85 9 f ' I F. No. L^4315— .4 ,�.s ro the matte[ ' . ha[ructingn m +�n I 315 Md..tht. walk '— iflen Wr^ _ COUNCIL FILE NO._____ By --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ----- sidea__of--- N-orth Victoria Street from Aest Ivy_ Ave. to, Cottage Ave., except where good and eu>'P2i ant_ s ideSa_�$$ r�o�_e3Si eta -------------- — - -- — - ------------ -- — under Preliminary Order______ 123917 ----------------------- approved ___September 9, 1941 Intermediary Order ------------------------ - - - —approved --------------------------- -- ----------- ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be/made by the said City is ... onstruot monolithic conorete sidewalk on both -ides of North Victoria Street from_West Igy_Avenue toCottn�e_Avenuel_exce where good—skid_ sltf i a7�eA#s_iawalke si4w ez4i�§#w--------------- ----- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prep and specifications for said improvement, and.submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___- - OCT 21 $41 ......... 192- ---- _,_. -- ------------------ 'ty Clerk. ,j;r.x Approved----- ------------------------------- - _119� File 84539 g/s May r. Councilman G. Councilmanlayrant6 10 Councilma PUBLISHED Councilman raon 1,1 Councilman J 7 \ Councilman 1 Mayor 6l300 11*4 1 h ?" Mt. Vlc: i;c,..:. Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REVORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: � _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of North Victoria St. from W. Ivy Ave. to Cottage Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 9, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sq are $0.19, 4" monolithic walk; 80.28, 6" monolithic The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement ie - - - ---driveasy The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bermfits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as lit reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Lots 2 to 5 1 "Regenold's" Lots 1 to 12 2 do ADDITION ASSESSED LandALUATIOBldg. (Just platted — no ( valuations avail— able) 1 1 Pavilion Park 1 2 do 0 $750 $3250 725 3850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publip Works. Dated Sept. 24 19 41, Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-S D !' a St. Paul, Minn...... l_...... .... ...._ ___.........._ 195 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. from __ St. Ave _._ _. ........._ ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION za 5M-7-37 DI f J,�, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 11, 14 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: P The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.123917 approved September 9, 1941, relative to ilnngtynint monol thdc concrete aidewalk on both sides of North Victoria St. from W. Ivy Ave. to Cottage Ave. and hdving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Monolithic Cone. walk ® $.17 per sq. ft. 1onolithie Cona. v�sta� %.?`� s -$ft. 2. The estimated coat thereo tl is —, an o c s her�reof i and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more ow era of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. v✓ v Commissioner of Public Works. i c C. F. No. 124716— o 1 In the matter f c n tructing mo' ` ✓, II[hlo sidewalk - n the,e¢et .side Hazel Street bet•• COUNCIL FILE NO. By------------------------------------------ ------------------ J, 1 ! FINAL ORDER I In the Matter of___conatruoting monolithic _sidenalk-on_the_-east__side of Hazel Steet - - - - - -- between Nevada Avenue and Nebraska Avenue, and on the north side oP East Nevada under Preliminary Order ------123919------------- ---------- approved ------ September_ -9 1941--------------------------- Intermediary Order -------------------------------------------approved ----------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement gpon duelfotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully. considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_construot monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Hazel Strse_t _batgaa�Hearia-6ssnua__and_Bab=sake`Av>3nue.-_ands�n_th�n2rth_�ida--�--- FQst__Nevaia__Averlue_betrreer;_Hazel_Street-d_Lm_rve__9treet�__exoept where good and suffioient sidewalks now exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed, to pro- ceed with the making of said imp6de en; in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - 21 -- 192 ------ -WT 21 f City Clerk. m Approved --------------------------- - ---- - - 192_---4' _ 4'File S4538 _Q1, - - - —------------ -- --- — ----- Mayor Councilman&Vjwmmv� arfttsa Councilman �,p�ZUBLLSHED .ZL--I t/% Councilman/1? nto Councilmandk0spom raon C Councilman /Rqs6n +� j Councilman X— Mayor H Form B. S. A. 8-7 �x Vice?; ,ident!'Prerson)�� a Q CITY OF UL i° DEPARTMENT W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 4 In the mattercf oonstruoting monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Hazel St. between Nevada Ave. and Nebraska Ave., and on the north side of E. Nevada Ave. between Hazel St. 0 and Curve St. c' under Preliminary Order approved September 9, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedamo t of the assessment for the above improvement is $ square $0.19 4" mot>911tJtio ,Ball[) 80.28 6" monolithic The estimated cost ptyfoot for the above improvement is - , rlveways. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: sa Form B. B. 10 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 23 1 Hayden Heights Plat 2 24 1 do 25 1 do 26 1 do 27 1 do 28 1 do 29 1 do 150 150 30 1 do 31 1 do 32 1 do ASSESSED Lan dVALUATION Bldg. g` $200 175 175 175 175 $300 200 1000 125 150 150 150 TOTAL. CITY OFS JL DEPARTMENT FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. r . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 33 1 Hayden Heights Plat 2 34 1 do 35 1 do 36 1 do 37 1 do 38 1 do 39 1 do 40 1 do 41 1 do 42 1 do 43 1 do 44 1 do 45 1 do 46 1 do 47 1 do 48 1 do 49 1 do ASSESSED Lan XALUATIMg. $1500 Hl _ 150 150 150 150 150 1°50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Total $4225 $1300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated—Sept. 24 19 41 Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 13 i SM -7-37 • St. Paul, Minn......__�et.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. � Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sf. " If.- . Sidert°alk East aide of Hazel between_Nevadaland_.Nebraskanagd,..NOr.th....S.1de--Qf...Fast.... ....... . Nevada between HazelandCurve..S _.__.......St. Ave. ......._.. from _ .. St. Ave. to _ ....... . ....... _ .......... _.... _.St, Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance d a., 11.19--41-- To 1 , 191_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 123918 -approved September 9 1941, relative to Cnn�st�ict monoli+.hin ai Aswan, on the east Bids of Hazel st_ between Nevada Ave. and Nebraska Ave. and on the north side of E. Nevada Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. e monolithic; con. walk ® $.17 per sq. ft 2. The Atim �lCibb>;hUeo�is �rivea ®�r.25 �n� t�i�'toptaT cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 0)4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or/mo of property i subject to assessment for said improvement. `/" \ Commissioner of Public Works. V�CO OD or+.la.l t. City a -k - .12431 CITY OF SART PAUL courrca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that J. P. Payzant, 645 West Central Park, be paid $5.00 as'a refund for ekamination fee (Receipt No. 222), said Payzant having decided not to go into the business of a concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor. 14 a to COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss 3et:ot erson os u ler. President, McDonough 3M 1-,t MV C. F. No. 124317—FY Fred M. Trua<— Resolved, that T. P. PnYzan[, 645 Wea[ Central Pork, be paid E5.00 a e fund [or Inatlon fee (Recelpt ssdx PnYzant'havino decided I not to go it. the businet a rete masonry 'and finish cement or c tractor 'Adopt. . the Council Oct. 21. 1941. d by Approved �Oc[21251941 1941) Adopted by the Council W211" 194— #Approved Sl1"194— Approved �1 194— Favo /^J yor Agains �(. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD' SupE. of Parti Supt. of PIN&ounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL T '`R'' ' Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, L Y UNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 5 City Hall FR TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner October 17, 1941 L` OCT 2 0 1941 Hon. Harry Oehler Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir; Please prepare a resolJtion authorizing a refund of w5.00 to J. P. Payzant, 645 West Central Park, which is the amount paid by him on Examination Pee Receipt No. 222, dated Yay 15, 1941. Nr. Payzant has decided not to ,o into the business as a concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor on account of his health. Yours truly, I City Architect LAR. .0 P Or1,I61 1, city clerk • 'f . �. r. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �• . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fa -e NC O CI RESOL ION -GENERAL FORM f COMMISSI ONEY DATE- RESOLVED, auponthe recommendation of Hon. Robert V. Rensch, Judge OfMunicipal Court, that the' proper city officers draw a warrant in the sum of $50.00, payable out of the proper fund, in favor of, Wanda M. Decker, wife of Fay B. Decker, as refund of fine paid by s aid. Fay B. Decker in 'Municipal Court on May 14, 1941 when he pleaded'guilty to the charge of reckless driving, said Fay B. Decker having been suffering from a mental illness at the time and having been adjudged incompetent and committed on June 18, 1941. C'11. No. 1;'4318—By r-, cid. Barfntion a—� Resolved, Pon the dua [ Hon. Robo ert V. Renech, Judge [' Municipal Court, that the proper city officers draw a warr t In the so - wife paVie out [ the y per fund in favor ('+Wanda Mi Da car -fin. fpald Fgay 1 . Decker, a r o s Id Far B. Decker In Municipal Court Mny 14, 1941 Then kle sl delva guilty on the charge r been Id Fay B. Decker havtn a I. from mental Illness t the time and hnving beer. adjudged incom- petent dna committed on June 18, 1941. Adopted by the Council Oct. 21, 1941. .. Approved Oct. 21. 41. 11941) 21 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194—. Yeas � � Nays �B641 arfuss� Approved 194_ aanto /P``exerson in Favor , Mr A� s.n �ruax -_ Agal __'W -President, President, McDonough M 1-41 I STATE OF MINNESOTA IN MUNICIPAL COURT COUNTY OF_RAMSEY V„ A.�� In the Matter of 0 R D F R FAY B. DECKER - - - - - -tr - - - - - - - - - Upon reading and filing the attached affidavit -Mierein Tianda �I, Decker, wife and legal guardian of Fay B. Decker, prays for an order of this Court vacating the judgment here- tofore made on the 14th day of May, 1941, wherein Fay Pit Decker pled guilty to the charge of reckless driving and was fined the sum of Fifty and no,'100 ($50.00) Dollars, said affidavit alleging that the said Fay E. Decker at the time IF hi* and place of his arrest was suffering from the mental illness and was incompetent to understand and appreciate the nature of his actions at the time of his arrest, IT IS HDREB'ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the judgment in this Court heretofore entered on the 14th day of Mai, 1941, wherein Fay B. Decker was found guilty of three charge of reckless driving upon the plea of guilty an fifty and no/100 050.00) Dollars, is hereby vacated and set aside. a% IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That said matter be reinstated on the calendar of this Court to await the further order of this Court. ROBERT V. R114SCH Judge of STATE OF NIIINNESOTA B�TVM. ITCIPPL COURT COUNTY OF R.AMSEY - - - - - - In the Matter of A F F I D= V I T FAY B. DECKER Tanda M. Decker, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says that she is a resident of the City of St. Paul, residing at 180 Lafond Street; that she is the wife, of Fay B. Deckeof the same residence; that she has been duly appoir?d and is now the qualified and acting guard- ian of the said Fay B. Decker. That on May 13, 1941, the said Fay B. Decker was arrested by two St. Paul police officers charged wit'_h reckless driving; that the arrest took place late in the afternoon, and that he was taken to the city jail, and on the morning of May 14, 1941, he was arraigned in Police Court and pled guilty being fined the sum of Fifty and no/100 (050.00) Dollars, rich fine was paid. That on "ay 22, 1941, slid Fay F. Dec}:er was admitted to t;:e Ancker Hospital for observation of a mental condition; that the examination made at the Ancker Hospital disclosed the said Fay D. Decker to be suffer- ing from a mental illness which necessitated his commitment to hospital for treatment; that on June 18, 1941 affiant pet'_tioned the Probate Court of this County to commit the said Fay B. Decker to the Veterans Hospital at St. Cloud, Minnesota, for treatment, and that on said day, said Fay B. Decker was duly examined by the Judge of Probate Court and two doctors appointed by said Court for the purpose of determining said Fa,' F. Decker's mental condition; that said Court, upon the findings of said doctors, duly committed Fey R. Decker to the Vetera.s Hospital. at St. Cloud, Minnesota, beca:ise of a mental illness. y' -1- That for some time prior to P.kay 131 1941, affiant believes that her 'husband, said Fay E. Decker, was suffering from mental illness for the reason that he evidence,k various symptoms of the same mental illness for which he was subsequently committed; that he would have spells of depression and fits of crying; that he would be entirely irrational; that he was under the care of his private physician, but �£fiant not beenthat her hisbend should not to crive an automobile; that affiant believes that at the time her hus- band was arrested, he was suffering from mental illness ::nd was not responsible for his conduct; that affiant did not know the nature or extent of his illness at the time and consequently did not object to his pleading guilty to the charge of reckless driving. Affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose of having, the judgment heretofore entered in said case vacated and set aside and to clear the record of any charge of reckless driving against her husband on the ground that he was mentally ill an incompetent to understand or appreciate the nature of the charge against him; that because of iris men tel illness he was not uilty of reckless driving at the time he was arrested. Further affiant saith not. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24thdayof September, 1911. Notary PuW' H' FAI I ON, My Comm�saion bi,:y s0, 1944. 4 STATE O gR'(NESOTA pgpBATE COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY Warrant of Commitment Re and Superintendent's Receipt Insane. To the Sheriff of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and the Superintendent of TheAtatal Hospital, St. Merr, s Minnesota. 'r i The above named patient having been found to be insane ---- ---------- ---------- —_—_-------the said sheriff is commanded to convey and deliver such patient forthwith to the said superintendent and the said superintendent is commanded to receive and detain such patient in the said hospital according to law. Dated - ins '- _ - --- --. 194 1 - Probate Judge. (Court Seal) Receipt of the above named patient, a duplicate of this warrant and of the report of examination are hereby acknowledged. _ Dated- " 194 Superintendent. .: 0. F1 LED ✓ A-t_/9__19SL/ By --- H. P. CURRER, Clerk. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Probate Court of said County, at St. Paul, in said County, this ------------ 1 ' th......... day of---- ---------- - ---' r..t.o.i ,.:......... ..........A. D. 194..1... C erk of Probate Court, Ramsey County, Minn. H F y +a O F 4 d fry o q z z� - w rn a A STATE OF M1<NESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY - PROBATE COURT I, H. P. CURRER, Clerk of Probate Court of said County, do hereby certify that I have com- dared the annexed cop: of V with the original records and files preserved in said Probate Court, and that the same is a true and 7� correct transcript therefrom, and the whole of said original records and files. i IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Probate Court of said County, at St. Paul, in said County, this.........._ trl.._...--- day of .................. ..... rS.;xh .......................... A. D. 194-1... w 1G..-----._.... ._ �...... _. ... ... .................................... Clerk of Probate Court, Ramsey County, Minn. 9 M orldn.l to, aa cl.rt , 12431- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIL. NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL ,FORM PRENTED `-- CO MISSIONE DATE ctober _On. 1941 RESOLVED% That licenses applied for by the.folloning persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: a Tony Matzinski & O.J.Orooker 309 Rice St. Butcher App. 1009 New Old Loca. John M. Olson 771E Arcade St. Dance Hall ^ 1435 " Old Loca. Marvin Iverson 991 Jefferson Pttel Dir. ^ 1471E s New Loca. Samuel Fogoler 219 Maria Ave. Bakery ^ 1506 11 Old Loca.' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss � P7 —anto Xeterson i /Rosen ,Truax "W. President, McDonough, 3M 1-41 C. F. So. 124319—B G. H. Barfttss—I John S. Flndlan— A. Parranto— Resolved, that licensee applied for by� the person. named on the list attached to thisresolution be d the same are, hereby granted, an a City Cle uk is instructed to issue auc h licensee pon the payment Into the cy treasury of it the squired Leee. Adopted by the Council Oct. 21, 1941.1 Approved Oct. 21, 1941. (Oct. 26, 1941) OCT 2 1.1941 Adopted by the Council 194_ Approve4lam 21. t 194— (((��� 1n Fa r /�/ Ma o „ L_C_ Against or1g.1� Clark A° cler w C. r a Izulian c li. Ba ,• ., 1.�' • y CITY OF $HINT mUL Pot eN L NO. d_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DAT 9CtOber yl -32W COMMISSION E BESOLAEAt That licenses applied for by the _ following persons at the addresses stated be Sd the same are hereby granted: James George 50 SPT. Fairfield F. W. Ramaley & Co. 1332 Grand Ave. Bingham & Norton Inc. 857 Grand Ave. Paul Knechtges 108 Pierce St. n n u n Nathan Liefschulta 130 Eva St. Wm. Mayberg 981 Iglehart Ave. n n n n n. n n n: Jerome Crane 1278 Grand Ave.al r n n a F. J. Campbell 2050'Marshl Ave. First Parking Garage 348 Minnesota St. The Golden Rule 95 E. 7th St. n n n n n n n n n Otto Geiger 979 Randolph Ave. n n n n Wm. F. picha 665-67 Univ. Ave. Otto Crossfield 800 Raymond n n 11 n Arvin, & Alfred Erickson 629 -Rice St. James A. Cooper 830 S. Robert St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r. Barfuss Parranto Peterson in Favor Rosen Truax s -----Against Mr. President, McDonough aM 1-41 Grocery tad App. 1155 Renewal , Bakery a 1207 ^ Hand Antos ^ 1250 ^ Grocery ^ 1302 ^ 0£f Sale Malt ^ 1303 ^ Junk Dealer ^ 1404 ^ Grocery ^ 1405 ^ Butcher ^ 1406 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 1.407 ^ Grocery ^ 1416 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 1417 ^ Butcher fln 1422 " Gas Station ^ 1434 n Bakery ^ 1436 ^ Grocery ^ 1437 ^ Restaurant ^143g ^ Butcher ^ 1439 " Gros ery if 1443 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 1444 ^ Dance Hall ^ 1446 ^ Grocery ^ 1447 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ 144s ^ Gas Station ^ 1452 ^ Gas Station ^ Adopted by the Council 1453i94 " Approves 194— Mayor W.I.., to city Ct.h CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ca@ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM u � COMM SSIONEr�+ °t DATIE -!_ Miller & Holmes 393 N- Dale St. Gas Station App. 1457 Renewal V. DelFiacco 664 Burr St. Pool Hall ^ 1459 " If ^ ^ ^ Confectionery ^ 1460 - ^ Arthur Dorr 882 Woodbridge Grocery ^ 1463 ^ S. Paul Johnson 1058 Hudson Rd. Grocery ^ 1466 ^ Raymond F. Walsh 205 Concord Gas Station n 1.467 ^ Blue & White Cab Assn. 190 N. Smith Ave. Gas Station ^ 1471 ^ James Josephy 341 W- 7th St. Fuel Dealer a 1472 ^ Rudolph Tschesche 1518 Selby Ave. Sound Truck ^ 1473 n M. J. McNeely 940 Rice St. Gas Station ^ 1476 ^ C. J. Lucchesi 1066 E. 7th St. Bowl. Alleys ^ 1478 ^ 1Y.Thomas Stores Sales System 524 N. Snelling Grocery ^ 1479 ^ John B. Heimkes 1938 Univ. Ave. Restaurant ^ 1480 ^ Mrs. Anna Fiedler 100 Earl St. Hotel ^ 1489 n J. H. Niemann 496 St. Peter St. Grocery ^ 1487 ^ John Fleszar 1043 Hudson Rd. p Restaurant ^ 1490 ^ n n n ntI On Sale Malt ^ 1491 ^ n n n Off Sale Malt n 1492 ^ Max J. Couillard 187 E. 7th St. Restaurant ^ 1493 n H. E. Schwarze 739 University Restaurant ^ 1494 " Nathan A. Johnson 395 Rice St. Butcher ^ 1500 ^ f n ^ ^ Grocery ^ 1501 ^ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -- 94_ �A Yeas Nays 941 Barfuss AM- 21 S41 ��. d 194— Parranto iYpproved Peterson Tn Favor M or Rosen Truax - Against o Mr. President, McDonough Oddnd t. CIO cl. h,� C. F No. 121331 By M11 ton 11 — R 1 d, th t theCo 1 f t1e. �. :�i P hh WV rk b qd h 1 h� ' .'' a 1 ,• ' - 1, CITY OF SAINT PAUL u " th rCo E ""t NO. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK pp-p,[pR {{,���qq,,(�-y` �t7gg7 �)43'21 A(d 3'2 6 COON ESOLUTION-GENERAL, FORM PRESENTED BY o DATE' October 17, 1941 RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the following sidewalk extensions and alley crossing to be constructed at the locations listed below by the PE-'DERSON BROS. COMPANY, under its' annual sidewalk contract L-4229, at a cost not to exceed $175.00, based on the unit prices bid for monolithic concrete sidewalks for the current year, v,hich cost is to be charged against the P.I.R. FM - TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES: -North Side of HIGHLAND PARKWAY on the center -line of HOWELL STREET. *Northwest and Southwest Corners of SHERBURNE AVE. and Grotto Street. ::Northeast and Southeast Corners of SHERBURNE AVE and AVON STREET. -Southwesterly Corner of COMO AVE. & EUSTIS ?AVE. -Southeast Corner of IDAHO AVE. and HAMLINE?AVE. -Southwest Corner of Intersection Island at Jefferson and Pleasant Avenues. -Alley Crossing - Westerly Side of MONTCALM PLACE between JUNO and WATSON AVENUES. p�d COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s - P/ aauto iP.eterson .an �uax . President, McDonough 3m 1-u Adopted by the Council OCT 21 IN 194— 21 !' pproved 194_ In Favor' May �' Against P Original to City Clerk*' j CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO`NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL I{ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM a PRESENTED BY ` - _ _ DATE— October 20- 1941 J COMMISSIONER_ -- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 80'O0-'p_allons,,"Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R., motor method, from the H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of $ .12207 per gallon, less if, ten days discount from refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted 612 Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on inform bids as an emergency exists where f$ilure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 -- --- t'.. F. No. 124322-13v Mill, n nesen— Resolved, that the Parch sine aEentlt be, nod he is herebY9 lit Lfiet�ayor? enaee with the ^ pe lank c aP'i a d t{te Comptroller, je'sded, "_Imetely 8000 gallon C.F R., motor asoline. 72-74 o Lane, method. from the H. K. STAHL CO. t• n price of (.12207 Per gclelon, leis ice, I nd [en dnya discount from flnerY Rr Inclpdinge-tat- ' aMunlclpelih'plP- tiop to sp^ o t Bureau spur at Dale St.. ^exisls'I formal bids es uld nn emergency v wheke atalllTdehlp tnctthe beptl interests of the City. Charge General Fund—Municipal ' 0`Adyt 0the lCounci l Oct. 21, 1941. oted b .aP 5 c"11 O t. 21: 1941. I (Oct. 26. 19411 COnnCILmEn Adopted bq the Council ljeas/ nags r� aarr{uss 1/i � 1--� Z Approved 194 Z1-7 arrant. �/In Favor - - —-_."---- meq - -Peterson -- ---. - loosen 2a -flualj -- -Against President, McDonough 124829—BY'Kilton Roaen- R0 olved. that th Drnper city oencero r_ a hereby thorl2ed to pay taro ' oriaip i to City Clark amployYea in the Dep[. of Public Work, �I� �e q^ CI F SAINT P inr . tra employment as aet eort, on �S^ C tM1e llat attachedto this resolution. OFFI F THE CITY Appro�Qa o G zl°° oeL 21' is+l' COUNCIL R LOTION—GE <Det. 2E• 19"'� COMMESSIONEY DATE' October 21, 1941 k WHEREAS, the Cbmmissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance wt1h Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment beU* more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named enployes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of P Brown, Edwin J. Byron, George Chevrette Armand L. Clinton, John M. DeMartina, Frank Diegnau, Chester Donovan, Edward Edstrom, Oscar L. Elliott, Edward M. Felberg Frank 0. Flynn, John T. F,ranchi, Joseph L. .Fuller, Sidney H. Gang1, Robert B. Gondreau, Joseph Hayek, John Hayek, Josej)h E. Hedeen, Lawrence C. Hilger, Carl J. Jagger, Russell Kiwus, Peter J. Kranz, John D. Kuhns, John D. Linnan, Thomas Loeffler, Fred F. McGee, Frank D. Neuschwander, Joseph Pow.Shov.Opr... 6* 1.50 Truck Dr. Barfuss Truck Dr. 1 16 anto ///���ete���"`rson Kettle Fire. .62 .25 Sewer Lab. 2 94 Truck Dr. 8M 141 Bridge Lab. 16 .6 Kettle Fire. Util.Fore.-PW Staty.Fire. 2 ,�0 Unsk.Lab. 1 60 Bridge Lab. 99}� Truck Dr. 2 . 61� Truck Dr. 2 Unsk.Lab. Lb BridTrack 6.61 .60 Drae 6 Truck Dr. 3 .61 •7 Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 6 Truck Dr. 6 Truck Dr. Utilityman-PW, 1 .61 3 Util.Fore.-PW 3 g .57 Road xaieh.Opr. Sew.Mte.Lab. F. Truck Dr. 4 .7 COU CILMEN Yea;Nays Barfuss anto ///���ete���"`rson In Favor gainst r. President, McDonough 8M 141 Adopted by the Council 194— 94—. Approved 194— Approved194— Mayor Mayor o.icl.a a ca> a..t 124321 CIL NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL °O EN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SHEET 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYMI- October 21, 1941 DATE COMSSIONE Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay s Newstrom, William Utilityman-PW 1 16 73 53* O'Brien, Jossph Putnam, Fred A. Staty.Fire. Crew Leader -PW .73 Rasmussen, Anton Utilityman-PW Utilityman-PW 1 .73 •Z Rasmussen Robert Rice, William Trudk Dr. 6 9� Richardson, Lawrence W. Utilityman-PW X63 Rueth, Henry G. Ryan, Michael H. Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 1 1 .7 St. Germain, Frank A. Schreiner, Alfred P. Truck Dr. Road Mach.Opr. 6 .5 Schrettkier, Louis W. •SeW.Mtc.Lab. 6 .55 Schude, Ben G. Sew.Mtc.Lab. Pow.Shov.Opr. 2 .55 1.50 Simmer, Ray Smith, Harvey Conc.&C.Lab. Utilityman-PW 1 .55 3 Stoddard, Guy Swanson, Carl A. Road Mach.Opr. 13 4 :74 ? Taube, Albert Toreen, John E. Sweeper Opr. Road Mach.Opr. 13 64 �73 Treon, Ora Conc.&C.Lab. 6 67 .55 West, John A. Truck Dr. Winkel, Fred L. Truck'Dr. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sM 1•u Adopted-, th0T 21 1941e Council 194. 21 S41 pproved 194— ?6 In Favor Ma Agninst( 4,4 0 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTTWT OF P'iJlLIC FJORDS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, completing resurfacing and oiling of streets and alleys. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls, necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and watching equipment and material, completing resurfacing an oiling of streets and alleys before freeze-up. COMAISSIONFJR OF PLTL'ZIC V7 w 0 NOTICE I c. r 1.. 124324— E a ♦ � CN'Y OF SAINT PAUL To COUNCIL RESOLVOON "touNar PRINTER .Le . C)otnher 194_�— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--- 991,D5--TO--S9147-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---194 _/-,y�� ' APPROVED��Ii 194___ J COMfTgOLLER DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR PRES M<DDNOUGH ,e ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL V� – -�—` APPROVED__—_—�t_�---1BA_.— l♦ CITY OF SAINT PAULA - OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_— AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY BROUGHT FORWARD TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING 1 C HECKS NUMBERED CLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FIL OF•MPT ��,�O LLER. NUMBER ��� 200 F BY✓�. �e 4 Mrs. Carlotta Trilnor jTO AL E GATE RETURNED 88107 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 37 10 { 88108 Mrs. Ella Woodward DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR PRES M<DDNOUGH ,e ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL V� – -�—` APPROVED__—_—�t_�---1BA_.— l♦ CITY OF SAINT PAULA - OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_— AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY BROUGHT FORWARD TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING 1 C HECKS NUMBERED CLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FIL OF•MPT ��,�O LLER. NUMBER ��� 200 193 BY✓�. �e 88106 Mrs. Carlotta Trilnor jTO AL 22 25 GATE RETURNED 88107 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 37 10 88108 Mrs. Ella Woodward 88109 Paper, Calmenson & Company, I,o. 98 1 88110 Hamilton Kenny & H. G. Company 3 8o 131 00 00 88111 U.S. Roofing & Siding 88112 John S. Findlan, Co of Finance 1 5916 52 88113 Marie M. Booth 8811 Blue Print Service Company 28 61 89 88115 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 13 88116 J.q, Hulme Company 15 29 88117 Master Materials & Fuels, Ino' 54 97 88118 Robert Metzger Bldg. Materialm 459 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRUAX MR PRES M<DDNOUGH ,e ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL V� – -�—` APPROVED__—_—�t_�---1BA_.— l♦ CITY OF SAINT PAULA - OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_— AUDITED CLAIMS CHECK IN FAVOR OF oBr BANK NUMBER TRANSFER F.I.B.R BEENT2CHECKS HECKS 66 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY BROUGHT FORWARD TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING 1 C HECKS NUMBERED CLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FIL OF•MPT ��,�O LLER. NUMBER ��� 200 193 BY✓�. �e 88106 Mrs. Carlotta Trilnor jTO AL 22 25 GATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF oBr BANK NUMBER TRANSFER F.I.B.R BEENT2CHECKS HECKS 66 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 1535 916 3 BROUGHT FORWARD 36 1 3 88105 Anne McCauley 200 00 88106 Mrs. Carlotta Trilnor 22 25 90 56 88107 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 37 10 88108 Mrs. Ella Woodward 88109 Paper, Calmenson & Company, I,o. 98 00 88110 Hamilton Kenny & H. G. Company 3 8o 131 00 00 88111 U.S. Roofing & Siding 88112 John S. Findlan, Co of Finance 1 5916 52 88113 Marie M. Booth 8811 Blue Print Service Company 28 61 89 88115 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 13 88116 J.q, Hulme Company 15 29 88117 Master Materials & Fuels, Ino' 54 97 88118 Robert Metzger Bldg. Materialm 459 50 88119 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 52 51 88120 Nuzon Northern Company 11 184 25 16 88121 Paper, Calmenson & Company 65 88123 88122 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 23 76 Aboysius Schiltgen 8812!1 R.B. Whitacre & Company 21 13 88125 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 11 770 7 88126 County velfare Board 12 885 748 99 67 88127 88128 County Welfare Board Mrs. Charles Tuchner 51 32 00 Finance8 439 82 88129 John S. Findlan, Co of 88130 Griggs, Cooper & Company 21}3 146 75 97 88131 Griggs, Cooper & Company 88132 Koolaire Refrigeration CompanY 170 120 00 69 88133 John Leslie Paper Company 40 86 88134 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 88135 The Schneider Company 150 00 96 88136 Sindelar Athletic Equipment C'mpany 50 88137 Joseph Benton 32 00 88138 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 80 00 88139 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanob 6 615 4b 44 88140 Thornton Brothers 4a 88141 Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 25 7 88142 A.L. &ttman 8pange Company 796 88143 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company 65 88144 H.R. Peterson Company 38 76 88145 Pyle National Company 57 74 e 88146 88147 ata -vie 011 Company Weston Electrical Inst. Corp. 8 90 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 1535 916 3 NOTICE .. •. r-. no TO Crrr op SwINT pwUth Res rived, [hnt che;'ks he dr:; v Q'S " cit. ire;isurv, e to th PRINTER COUNCIL RESO "n'ouue a sn,oso.4t, „"'a�1esnir� mbrred p^p66 lgKln4 ring• hreky uer tnrrr ks f1le In i^ the rnrl u.e, eu, ntr„ er. �mee r u. .\d„nte;t n> the •nuneu ort. -t. tial f annrocrd Oc[. ?I,19i a. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 17, 080.41 -----, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 88055 TO 88104 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF1�yTHE CITY C,MPTROLLER. INCLUSIVE, AS PER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-._-_-(,., r ^' sa"EI APPROVED c,Tr comrreo��ers --- - ---194_ _.__-194--.-_'__ ., DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ♦ CITY OF SAINT PAUL 9 , OFFICE OFTHE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER— ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN I /_ IN FAVOR INDLA PARRANTO ,AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON ROSEN t'/ AGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS B Al�lf+QN-Iff CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF v�jV 41 COVERING MR PRES McDONOUGH T CHECKS NUMBERED 99055 TO INCLUSIVE. 5 x1 2 i 1991 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_ _ _.-___ PER CHECKS ON Fy1 E,yry E FFIC F THE CI COMPTRO R. AO��Vf�LjjT``���jj�.`=`-���•,NUMBER —` / `� — /'J /�' cow♦rwo Li [n L_- L/ CHECKIN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL 125 00 DATE R'TURNE YEIA TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 65 00 CHECKS CHECKS 88057 Drovers Wholesale Meats BROUGHTFORWARD i 419 085 91 88058 Supt. Paul S. Amidon 8805 Irving Yaffee 125 00 ® 66 Raymond Carboneau 65 00 88057 Drovers Wholesale Meats 297 06 88058 Supt. Paul S. Amidon 50 00 88059 Bacon & Kempe, Agents 150 00 88060 Frank Mudra 125 00 88061 Leonard N. Thompson 42 00 88062 Canitol stationery Mfg. Compazy 90 20 88063 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 286 43 88064 Cutler, Magner Company 355 31 88065 Electric B&ue Print Company 22 4 88066 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 54 49 88067 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compan' 139 65 88068 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Companj 26 89 88069 Griggs, Cooper & Company 88070 W.H. Grohs & Company 6�+ 2105 64 88071 A. Ingvoldstad Lumber Company 3433 17 88072 Inland Coal & Dock Company 1 13 14 8807 Kennedy Bros. Arms Company 353 61 88074 Lampert Lumber Company 82 56 88075 Lohgmans, Green & Company 77 6 88076 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 79 38 88077 Master Materials & Fuels, Inc' 23 94 88078 Merrill, Greer, Chapman Compas y 16 16 88079 J.A. Milner 32 25 88080 National, Lumber Company 289 10 88081 Northern states Power Company' 4�j7 37 88082 Northern states Power Company 1 0 05 88083 Pioneer Electric Company 123 20 U094 Hoe—James Glass Company 25 34 88085 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Mar a Ry.Co. 171 51 88086 Ohio oil Company 2 773 68 88087 Stdpaul Book & Stationery Com any 75 88088 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 3449 88089 St.Paul Builders Material Com any 1 011 90 88090 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 142 o3 88091 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 295 84 88092 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compan 202 80 8809 Tri= Late Tel. & Telg. Compan' 83 19 88094 ?win City Brick Company 42 28 89095 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 707 69 88096 W.H.. Ziegler Company, Inc. 49 00 88097 Crescent Creamery Company ® 525 68 a 88098 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company Mere. 631 X10 96 44 88099 Hanooek-Nelson Company 88100 McFadden -Lambert Company 201 97 88101 Model Launderers & Cleaners 72 65 88102 Trap Rock Company 963 45 88103 Vander Bies, Inc. 518 98 88104 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 372 00 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 436166 32 INTERMEDIARY ORDERS 12 3*26 f is-- COUNCIL s- COUNCIL FILE NO.-- INTERMEDIARY O. — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Otter of changing the grade of DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, under Preliminary Order 123323 approv-i July 9 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner, of Finance on the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improve tis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, to conform to' the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grade DeSoto St. from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3 225.88. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November, 1941 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear., ing, the nature of the improvetnet t qdt h�e t19tal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council96 !! 4�— 193_ Approved— "�� r � i 193_- City C�, k — File 9362 ayor i Councilman AfoftmWj� Bartu Councilman A gj 1dla Councilman P,trrttnl Councilman 110IMMMMummPeteteam Councilman Wee" Councilman IFIWEi� Trust Mayor MWU .h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By C. F. No. 124327— In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an a ment In the ]and �ecea- for slope. ^,•t and n she INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mattekof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for k slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of DeSoto St. from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue under Preliminary Order 123324 approved Tully 9 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $96.90 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November. 1941 005L_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improveme t and the total cost thereof as estimated. IOCT 2 11941 Adopted by the u�nciL_---, 193 Approved —193 -- File 9361 Councilmand Councilman Hanu s CouncilmanSiwe Pa rran to Councilman Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor M nnev Truax ;:cL,n:narr!r Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C F No 124328— In the matter of grading Iowa Avenue from North �'+ Rtreet " L'hate- �orth 9' nary INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order— 123388 approved July 15 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street ' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.440.50. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November, 1941 , 1*3r—_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT 211941—, 193_ File 9384 Councilman Barfvas'�— Councilman P.iwdiee_ Councilman Parranto Councilman Vmxmm=z==z= Peterson Councilman —M Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor _kuough Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. Nom tier of S 1243 � ��� In the atter t condemntn and [ak- inS an easement In the leannd Hetes- eary for eloppes, cuts and ftila in the grading of In�••a Avenfrom North F, rth Street INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from No Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, \.- under Preliminary Order 123389 _ K __approved July 15 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement, on the --I 8'W_ day of November, 1941 — at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the yCouncilT 21 — .1941_._., 193_— Approved— 193_ City Clerk File 9363 Mayor Councilman tfartu a % CouncilmanT' Councilman —� Parranto Councilman lis "F`— Peterson Councilman 'tWx""–= n "oeen Councilman tael "Y–. Trtvtz Mayor MglkVbiaey uaon�ti Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 124330— In the matter of grading and a fac- N Ing Alley in Block 1, Jeaee, Klein, ��a? Messer Addition from North Milton 21 Street Cha<]worth Street, , r r -2,1302, o INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order 123392 approved July 15, 1941. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1:242.20. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November. 1941 XU at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT 21 1941 193_ Off Approved_— 193— City Clerk File 9366 May Councilman 4995PRIMM Bari.. / Councilman .� F+o '" ` -,11a S ' / Councilman Parranto Councilmant� Peterson Councilman Rnsrn Councilman WF2192FTruaz Mayor 1'"% Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. o. 12433— � ��� In thea matter o[ condemning and tak Ing an ease In tka land ne-1 .ary Lor elope., cute and fills In g.ding and surfacing ' lock KV., INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, ss under Preliminary Order 123393 approved July lb. 1941. --- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November, 1941 , 1*X_X at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— QCT 21IN 193—_ l Approved u's4`. 193- City Cler File 9365 Ma Councilman M Barings L'IPt7•_.' ._..i' /& Councilman M 4 Councilman P e Parranto Councilman P teraon .Z.,I, o Councilman Tia, �,x.=_--, Councilma�enzeT� Truax Mayor Ma Il oney Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. a matter — n 243,12 In the atter of grading and sumac- �1 > Ine Ali%yy.In 1 11 c1 2, Jesse, XWo \�id'r,n N.i^Ih :W INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein_ Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order 123390 _—approved July 15 1941 —. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1182.60. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th _day of November. 1941 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- in9� a nature of the imptovement R t}�e�oiUfst thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_— 1--''��/p `�4}��—.-, 193.— Approved_ 193--- City Clerk File 9368 May Councilman NkftmajAMM Barfuss Councilman hlnjWmwm� �y YUIiLiJIiRv LSl-- Councilman RMNGROMMmm Partanto Councilman RRMEEMNam Peterson Councilman ' Rosen Councilman WIMIdzazzza Truax Mayor Mdwruy:ar Form B. S. A. 8-6 Eli COUNCIL FILE NO._ C. J? Na. Iter o— �� � In the matter of ondamning and tak- 3f . ing n easement In the land neoe.- eary for elopes• cuts and fill. in the -• ,dlnv and an facing of ail INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton St, to Chatsworth St., under Preliminary Order 123391 approved July lb 1941. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the sin is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improv ment which the -Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton St. to Chatsworth St., in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November, 1941 W_, at the hour of lo'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pau . That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provi ed by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cosi thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT 211941---- ___, 193 CCT 21 11 1 File 9367 Councilman crit Is-6— Councilman W-adirw Councilman EtRUMOZEEM Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman I?'_ Rosen Councilman Truax 11ayor Mgbaw, . ::cllonoagh Form B. S. A. 8-6 YUBL1SkMD. _ 41 Clerk e COUNCIL FILE NO._.. ........... ..__------ .._....... .._....... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING A4RMSSa1r'TT. By........-- --------- ____ ............_...........__...._._. _._..._.._......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on West'Ivy Avenue from Como Boulevard to a point 20 feet west of Osage Street as laid out on the north side of west Ivy Avenue under Preliminary Order _..._....__1.1.86.92_.. ..... __..... ..... ....... ...... Intermediary Order.._..........$9...._...._--- _ .............__._....._......., Final Order.. _119363 __..._ approved ........... July 9 1940._.._ The assessment of__..._..benefits.. coats and expenses ,.,__for and in connection with _-..l the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public heering be had on said assessment on the.._19th ._..__.___..___..day of Aioyember,___.1941.......... _..._-_... M__...,..,_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice, jr, directed. g8Y 2 Adopted by the Council. --............... __.......... .._.... _.. ..........192.... .........._ . ...... City Clerk. A roved.. 192__..._.. File 8986 • ... ...... ........... .... ... ... __........... -- ....... _._............., Mayor. Councilman Clap Barfus - Fe PfiMU " Ho j I Parrento Mc§WffAWA2=M= Peterson PUBLISHLI) SURosen " WdW@1 Tram Mayor dftftMWM MCL?Oaotgh Farm B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO.... ................. _..... ...... ...._..._------ _- ' (RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV. ING ASSESSMENT. By._.._..._..._._...__...._... _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hazel Street from Fifth Street to a point 100 feet south of Fourth Street under Preliminary Order._......._11895..9._._ _ __..__.......... .... Intermediary Order.119.59.@.___..._..........__............_.__......_.........., 119864 August 14 1940 IM Final Order.....__._ _..._._ approved.._...... The assessment of_._. bAne.fhts,_ C.os.tG_..and _exp.ense&._..._. _.__ .... ..........._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._._.. 19th.._. -_.,,_,_._._day of November, 1941 xy@0s_... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 21 $41 Adopted by the Council..... --- ._........ .... ... _._......... ...... . ....... .....192 ..... _.... Wi181 1.24 _... ...... ......C�-pqr.._......__, City Clerk. Approved-.... .............. .........._...192........ File 9021 _._.........._....___.......... Mayor'. Councilman C Barfnas F � << Parranto yy�� Peterson 2UBLISHED_ jl „ S ' Rosen „ Th-uax Mayo oa..:+ McllonouLh Form H. n. 16 *V RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT. COUNCIL FILE NO....... ............... . ...... .. ..�. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on North Milton Street from Arlington Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, and on Nebraska Avenue from North Milton Street to North Fisk Street (now Como Place) under Preliminary Order......_ll_9395............____ _.._..._.___.....I Intermediary Ordera_..__.....____...12.OQ19......._.._..._.............._...__, Final Order .......... .120312 approved......... October The assessment of...._.benefits costs and expenses and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on day of 497embar,,.._1941 ...... -.._..... An___... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court house and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul;"that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 21 IN Adoptedby the Council....._ _.. ...... .... ................ _..._.......... _ ._....__192 ..... ...... '........... _......... rsir_, City Clerk. Approved........_ .............._...... 192— - ,File 9061 ----......................_................, Mayor. Councilman Clss� Bel f" Fe g Pa �� > M Peterson pUBLISHED—,L--.. Sn Rosen WTraaz Mayor Z� McDonough Form E. B. 16 . COUNCILFILE NO.._........ ....... __......... .....----- ----- _... B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council- Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for a constructing a sewer on Arlington Avenue from Quincy Place to 0 feet west of North Victoria Street under Preliminary Order.......119.94.5_.......... _.._..._..._........_. Intermediary Order.._12010..4_......._..__..................._...._...___......, Final Order... 120A2.6. ..... _ __.._._, approved _____ October 2,....1940 ._ pppc...... benefits The assessment ofcosts and expenses ..for and in connection with ..._..._ _......._..__. __ - .......... _ ......... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. -12th ...... _..day of November, 1941 .._..___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 21 M41 Adoptedby the Council....____.......__ _ ................. -_................. _. ....... ......192...-_._.. City Clerk. Approved.._..._.............._..._.__.................................__192._....... �� File9087-......._......_ ..................__ ..... ........... _.........._.. `., Mayor. Councilman Cl Barfuss FORM H Zt Parrant \ Petersen \ M Rosen WZe_ �z �t Truax Mayor s"i McDonough Form n. D. 16 COUNCIL FILE By C RE80LCTION OF COUNCIL "PRO`,, INO A98ESSME". r 6T '1 6� /�� 944 A2 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL e Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hoyt Avenue from a point 76 feet east of Lexington Avenue to the terminus of existing sewer 220 feet west of North Oxford Street 5 119946 Intermediary 120117_.__.__....__ ............... .._............... under Preliminary Order_ ....................____....__....___....---_.._..._., y Order...._....._......__... Final Order.. 120429. 2, 1940 A�Ex_ ___.. ___...... ...., approved ............. _......_. _.....__ _ .__.........._., The assessment of._._benefital_costs and _expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That alublic hearing be had on said assessment on the... --..-.19th day of Novembers _1941, . __._. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. WT 21 W1 Adopted by the Council. . .................... _.__..... ..._....... ..........192 ...... ...... INI ,F i, 1 Approved..... _..._........._ ... .............._........................_.192_....._. c File 9090 Councilman CbwAPNNB� Barin " F HNIPMEMOMM Parranto M Peterson Posen Trnax Mayo r�ison:a Dlcllououab Form B. B. 16 . City Clerk. 7/16 ._......._..._......_....-�...., Mayor. -�s-�l y1"No. 12433__) pscl F. 7'elersun—i n�lv eA. int the Coon, II red" 0091..1 w City' clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUFIL,NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TIO ---GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED ER . ___._— ___ DATE October 1 5 1941 BY 'COMMISSION ER--_. -_ -.. - - - - - - - - Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing Machine Tools to the Vocational National Defense, to the ROBINSON, CARY & SANDS COMPANY, in accordance with list and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 579 and supplementary letter dated October 15, 1941, of said Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, for the contract price of $20,156.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Robinson, Cary & Sands Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is diz'19tted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. -.B. #579. Contract made subject to priority rulings and prior sale, prices subject to change without notice, equipment to be billed at prices prevailing at date of shipment, amount to be paid to be increased by amount of any tax Seller shall be required to plug by law, etc. 0C.1 11 %41 counCILmEn Adopted by the Council _ __ _ _194 yeas / nails 19 41x Approved_ _.._._ _ On In Favor �Ro n / ^n Against PT BLISI3EDl�j_.'� �% t lr. President, McDonough ,in n -.o CS -11. ' t C. F. No. 124340—By Anel F. Peterson— Resolved—By that the Council hereby' "� • . epmrov ' thn .Won of the P -1—i. S•� (��"•I OH91001 t. 'City Clerk ^o Ish ne In ;r tr ^I- _ �t CITY OF $AINT Pi.. FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Q�IL LTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER- _...______._____ _ L_._- -__-. DATE October 15, 1941 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awardinL the contract for furnishing Lathes and equipment to the Vocational School, National Defense, to the ROBINSON, CARY & SANDS COMPANY, in accordance with list and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Forma4 Bid No. 575 and supplementary letter dated October 15, 1941 of said Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, -for the contract price of $16,617.65, such bid being the lowest bid and said Robinson, Cary & Sands Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F. B. #575. Contract made subject to priority rulings and prior sale, prices subject to change without notice, equipment to be billed at prices prevailing at date of shipment, amount to be paid to be increased by amount of any tax Seller shall; be required to pay by law, etc. COUT1CILITIEit Ijeas / Uays Har{uss ' PTOW to _ -'Peterson �tisen � 1, l---ident, McDonough 3m $-40 C3 2$338 6T ?I S41 Adopted by the Council _ _. ____194_ _ . E 01 f941 -- pproved _- _.... --- 194Laijo- - - In Favor /_ _ Aqainst YUBLISIJED_L6=� l FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS -,I 4 "94 COUNCIL, 0 FILE NO. --. - ,-Cd) BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of opening widening And ar+enAing Montano AvAnne +n n with+t r 50 ft, through Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton St. to Oxford St., by condemning and taking so much thereof as lies within a strip of land 50 ft, in width, the center line of which extends from the intersection of the center lines of Milton St. and Montana Ave. westerly to a point on the west lime of said Block 20, distant 306.3 feet north from the southwest corner thereof, under Preliminary Order 123873 approved September 3rd, 1971 .Intermediary Order 124057 approved _ September_241h, 1941._ , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is opening, widening and extending Montana Avenue to a width of 50 ft. through Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton St. to Oxford St. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: A strip of land 50 ft. in width, the centerline of which extends from the intersection of the center lines of Milton St: end Montane Ave. westerly to a point on the west line of said Block 20, distant 306.3 ft. north from the southwest corner thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ()GT 211941 19 Z/ _T —� — - Ci T Approved M Councilmen Barfuss PUM,TSHE13_ imftn Pao / ) Peterson f Rosen Truax Mr. President- McDonough 600 1-80 CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _tea r' In the matter of opening, widening and extending Montana Ave. to a width of 50 ft. through the center of Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton St. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order approved September 3, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of he above ij roveigent As M=X XX $ 25.00 The total estimated t t�ctdte�tabDacnmmpa�¢ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION.. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $700 600 250 $4500 300 400 1425 4050 Total $2675 $8550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated Sept. 24 19 41 . _ fJl% ✓ Ma r Commissioner of Finance. corm a. s. w. s -s n 3 19 Como 4 19 do 3 20 do (Except E. 156.05 ft. of N. 78.82 ft.1 4 20 do East 106.05 ft. of S. 71.77 ft. of — 1) and East 106.05 ft. of 4) 20 do West 50 ft. of E. 156.07 ft. of — — 1) and West 50 ft, of E. 156.055 ft. of N. 78.82 ft, of ( 4) 20 do ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $700 600 250 $4500 300 400 1425 4050 Total $2675 $8550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated Sept. 24 19 41 . _ fJl% ✓ Ma r Commissioner of Finance. corm a. s. w. s -s n St. Paul, Minn ............. AU.--'.wA Ath ....... . ..... 19a To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I I We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .0.panin&,. and ddidLeating . .... a f1fty-faat street.. on Montana. ... .. ..... St. Ave. from............ Milton .. . ..._..St. Ave. --oxfoT6 .. .. .... .................... ............ .................... ..St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK ADDITION 2Q Como (EX0t iart E. 156.055 ft. of the N. 7891 UoMo rt, of trm W. 149.94 f of 5 N. of the S. 150. N, 2.80 ft, of-tha-W-. ft. of said S. 130. -E5o0--*- that ae of -)T-11- �aso E. 105,76 here of tba -of-U "o�o lk-2cro-cum 5M-7-37 12 ft. ;2 ft io ft. ftb IG�V11 I ]a MONTANA, AVE. 4"/ 3 2 1 o.. 0 12 Li- 11 X [-,o 40YT 3 2 4 O MONT14A AVE "�_ 0, f OPEN/NG DR -3 398 9 AVE NEBRASKA AVE. I I F - MONTANA AVE, MjlfonS/•-Oxl'ordSt Bureou o/ EnginCOr5 Aug 30-/94/ Scole /"-/00 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 5th 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had underconsideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 123$%3 approved September 3rd, 194, relative to Opening, widening and extending Montana Ave. to a width of 50 ft. through the center of Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton to Oxford St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxx —, and the total cost thereof is $, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: �Nt Opening, widening and extending Monter Ave. to a width of 50 ft. through the center of Blocks 19 and 20, Como, from Milton to Oxford St. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners o propev l subject to assessment for said imp _ ��i�� n 1Commissioner of Public Works b (/ ri DF 794, 6 OrUlnel to City Clerk ORDIN PRESENTED BY ^' ORDINANCE I Y COUNCIL FILE NO. �ORDINANCE NO. 92 O -Z An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 742, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organ- ization charts for the various departments of the oity government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the subdivision entitled "Civil Service" in Sec- tion 7 of said ordinance, the title 01 Junior Clerk Stenographer" and by substituting in lieu thereof the line: 01 Senior Clerk Stenographer" And by adding t o the subdivision entitled "Examinations" in said subdivision "Civil Service" the line: "l Statistical Clerk." Section 2. This ordinance shall -take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: ; a r m, ------ -City Clerk 500 3-41 Passed by the Council_-. ----------------- -------�7-----.-__--- -------- ... �7 .............rIn Favor ........... >... - - _...Against Approved Mayor "PU13�ISII73I7� l�� orlcinal to City Clark C. F. No. 124343—By Fred Al. Trua<- 1 whe..... pr—ided by Col„ Flle No. 12I ., approved Sept—, 1991, the Cru n�-'7 �`' CITY OF SAINT PAUL C UNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 124087,,approved September 26, 1941, the Council, on October 21, 1941, held a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the one- story frame double house on Lot 5, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 394-396 Carroll Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property, at' his last known address, or to the agent or ocbppant thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice, no appeal has been taken, said Commis - sinner shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Barfuss arr to 3n 1.41 . Mr. Vlea i.idmt(Y n� OCA 2'� Adopted by the Council 194_ Approved OCT 22.01 194— , � >n Favor 7—r orasst 0:.' 1 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL q City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration v 0 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt October 21, 1941 The Council requested that you draw a resolution (2) con- firming condemnation of a one-story frame double house on Lot 5, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 3914--396 Carroll Avenue. Very truly you/rs, City Clerk �L C. N. No. 124944—By Fred M./Truax— ��'herenn, pr�� � Council I Oridn.l Ie Cal Clete .. •,• �. � t, ,, �. .�••:,. 124-311. CITY OF SAINT'i°!EYlCV' FOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM l WHEREAS, as provided by Counoil File No. 124088, approved September 26, 1941, the Council, on October 21, 1941, held a public hearing upon the advisability and.necessity of wreaking the one-story frame dwelling on the rear of Lot 5, Block 1, Moller's Addition, also described as No. 956 Otto Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should,be wreaked em ved; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said- lying be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the!Iast known reoord owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant thereof; be it 1 FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice, no appeal has been taken, said Commis- sioner shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays /'B/a�rfu�sa /parr o o en /aTuax AS�Lxaam Adopted by the Council 194L / A roved 22 1941 194.— Favor Mayo Aga, pt�I,1S13I:1� -al P CITY OF SAINT PAUL qq Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Conamissioneh of Registration O W October 21, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you draw a resolution (2) con— firming condemnation of the one—story frame dwelling on the rear of Lot 5, Block 1, Moller's Addition, also described as No. 956 Otto Avenue. Very truly yours, rzlz��, City Clerk C� I COUNCILMEN Y7Nays Barfuas arr nto o n sM 141 W •= pcmw t (Pate><e 1 - C John S. Flndlan—RW. A. Yarrantfo—en Resolved, that licenseepplled for by the persona "none on the IIs[ t- tached to this resolution be d the e hereby granted, and the City Clerk ale Instructed to I.... h licensee upon the payment Into the cl ty treasury of the Xyq' i -d fers.t9�l Adopted by Approved Oot. 22, 1941. IOpt. 26. 1941) Adopted by the Council 22 t� 194— roved—t#4 —194— c///l 1 v_In Favor.- Mayo 1Against I CIWk V � 4 Ori.loal to City n CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ULA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILENO ;- 9991 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October 22 141 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the £ollowi.ne persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted; L. E. Peters 3691 Robert St. Fuel Dealer App. 1507 New Old Loca. John H. biitchell 2521 Univ. Ave. Oil Burner 11 1519 11 New " Irving Ya££ee 216 New York Bldg. Pawnbroker " 1560 " Old 11' V.ts. Dolly neteher 20 N. 10th St. Restaurant " 1561 11 Old " COUNCILMEN Y7Nays Barfuas arr nto o n sM 141 W •= pcmw t (Pate><e 1 - C John S. Flndlan—RW. A. Yarrantfo—en Resolved, that licenseepplled for by the persona "none on the IIs[ t- tached to this resolution be d the e hereby granted, and the City Clerk ale Instructed to I.... h licensee upon the payment Into the cl ty treasury of the Xyq' i -d fers.t9�l Adopted by Approved Oot. 22, 1941. IOpt. 26. 1941) Adopted by the Council 22 t� 194— roved—t#4 —194— c///l 1 v_In Favor.- Mayo 1Against I orialnd to efts Clark (� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NILE O 1�( t�3 tit'q d� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1C� COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ev� - DATE October 22 191F1 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, Cbris J. Leka desires to withdraw application 1596 for Taxi Driver license and requests the return of the license fee depoe5ted thereon, therAore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Chris J. Leka the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN yea Nays Barfuss n. �;Fso ru. h etmidmtroTwewa) 3m 1;41 G' C. F. .N'o. 124346—BY G. H. Bxrtuee— wherexe,rranto—J. Chr�cx[lon L3696 df it to wltbdraw apP and revues to the Driver Iicenae de [are there a ilc-ttoe ice posited thele - onRexolved, that the 11 -Per eltyHI- n be and theY hereby thorized. for fund to Chrle J. Lekathef[ore o $1.00 and to cancel —id application license. )941, Ado,ted LY the 2. 1941. Oct. 22, .4 PProved Oct. 32. 1941. (Oct. 26. 1 B 41) Adopted by the Council OST 22 W1194— / prove' 194_ 4 In Favor May r i .-E�-Againa Ituaen- � ae ntldl [lone ntl tleductlOna horn• t.o beereeeary In Orirlod to City Crlerk CIiY OF SAINT PAUL � FILE NO. OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .C/l.t'+,. DATE commi-SIONEr+ CJS, additions and deductions mhioh might prove to be necessary in the movement described as the paving of Jackson Street from Tenth Street to University Avenue, knows as Comptroller's Contract L.4276, fielding d Shepley Ina., contractors have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, or for agreed prices, and Vffla8J8, it has been found necessary to make the follodag additions and deductions 1 catchbasin rebutt to depth of 1. 0 ft. O $6.00 $6.00 1 *atchbasin rebuilt to depth of 3.0 ft. O 10.00 10.00 1 Manhole rebuilt to depth of 3.0 ft. O 10.00 10.00 1 • reset to lower grade O 6.00 6.00 3.0 lin-ft- of 9" x 18" str.ocnarete curb O 11 .55 1.65 1 side inlet O 2.50 5.5 tons of Class "D" Asph. Concrete O 9.00 49.50 76.0 sq.yds. of seal *oat O .09 6.84 24.0 e " " 2}" brick paving O 2.35 56.40 1449.0 pounds of roin.steel O •05 72.45 - TOTAL ADDITIONS 4221.34 DEDUCTIONS& 11 bbl&. of cement O 2.26 24.86 35.0 ft. of woodbeader a .144 5.04 420.0 lin.ft. of 2j" Only. piye O .32 134.40 29.0 lin. ft. of 6" v.c.P. Sewer Conn. O 1.20 34.80 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 10 TOTAL N6T ADDITION $22.24, and UMA , the net addition is $22.24{ now, therefore, be it e FMWLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the foregoing addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the am of $22.24, yid arum io_bs_added_to_4he lqV an consideration named in the-ooatraet-_knoVs._ as Comptroller's Contract L.4276, for the making of the shove improvements. Hee Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, Fielding & Shepley Inc., that the sum of ;22.24 in the correct amount to be added to the above contract. CountersipedsM1.,_ > Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yea Nays 8rfas/Pt / a ru8X 3M 1-41 Mr- Vi- Pceddent (Peftmn) FIELDING & SHonzy INC. Byy Commiesioner of Public Works 4 Adopted by the CounciL��W F'Vz-w ^ Approved r 2Q 194_ Favor ` /M Ar $81nat ,r � W, t • C. F, ;No. . that n R, ived, that ohebka be drawn CITY OF sAIHT PA ohne city treaxury, to the aggregete 9 NOTICE amount t $22,oas.se, covering heeke TO , COUNCIL RESO,,Itr eheC 8 le fllee In t1 9he loflieeelof the } ; PRINTER r. Adopted by ibe ennneu oet. zz. 1941.: - Approved Oct. 22. 1911. (Oct. 26, ) 941) RESOLVEb, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 23,o96.69 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 88149 TO 98197 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �__-_�_ OCT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- ---- ciTY COMPTROLLER APPROVED- BY 5W - -- 5W s 0 / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL SARF USS —Mrxq / IN FAVOR PARRANTO PG.e1e'S'6tf / 1 ROSEN _ V AGAINST '.`-PRFs. McOONO V,t3H+ lrt f. � I r f t � 1 T + wrv� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I � � j j s 174 78I 88149 John S. of 88150 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 355 4z1 a 1 f 1r � Ir b 88152 Allyn & Bacon Company i 444 ill i 8815] American Dist. Tel. Company 7 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL SARF USS —Mrxq / IN FAVOR PARRANTO PG.e1e'S'6tf / 1 ROSEN _ V AGAINST '.`-PRFs. McOONO V,t3H+ lrt f. � I r f t � 1 T + wrv� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I � � j j s 174 78I 88149 John S. of 88150 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 355 4z1 a COUNCIL _ FILE NUMBER_ AUDITED CLAIMSOctober 21 1 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D��R]j'A((W N^8!(��TH(E�QCITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i_�,!}YI--YlY�__. COVERING C HECKS NUMBERED .?9140-- O ._.INC SIVE. AS Maq i - ACLalQc (FoAro ) t (vr(^iCI PER CHECKS ON OFF OF TM CITY CO TROLLER. DOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- - --. L- _ APPROVED-�� ---194. r+� .. -� cow vTnoLcn NUMBER r BY_� T I�wi I O I"�L ---_ATE CHECK IN AVOR OF RETURN BYBA KD V` NUMBER TRANSFER D15BURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 535 916 36 - -- --g8148 John S. Findian, C. of Finance- Findlan, C. Finance 174 78I 88149 John S. of 88150 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 355 4z1 88151 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance12 224 62 88152 Allyn & Bacon Company 444 ill 8815] American Dist. Tel. Company 88154 American Linen Supply Company 208 37 88155 American Public Works Assoc. 10 001 137 64 88156 Armour and Company 13 9Oi 88157 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 23 94 88155 Ault & Wiborg Carbon Company 88159 Automatic Fleotric Mfg. Comp y 500 88160 Ballard Motors & Ramp Garage j' 10 88161 Y.J. Brings & Company 107 80 88162 Brown and Day, Ino. gl 661 88163 Builders Eng. Company 88164 Dr. I.O. Burington 11 251 88165 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 1 305 S8' 152 441 88166 Cemstone Products Company Soap Company �5 38 88167 Central 88168 Chicago Apparatus Company 20 20 88169 Clear Type Pub. Committee 05 88170 Co -Op. Laundry Company 54 86171 Copy Papers, Inc. 00 252 00 88172 A.B. Dick Company 19 501 8817} DoMore Posture Chair Service 3311 8817+ Electric Blue Print Company o6% 99175 Electric Blue Print Company 1 1 25 88176 Emporium Department Store 88177 H.T. Fisher Company 10 31 88178 Flor-8ani Mfg. Company 32 0 208 0 88179 Fuel Economy F,ngineering Company 1 551 i 88180 Gardner Machine Company 39 2% 88181 General Electric Supply Corp. 16 0 88182 Goodrich-Silvertowns Inc. " 51 5 88183 Gopher Chemical Company 73 88184 R.L. Gould & Company 7 5 88185 H.H. Elmquist 172 0 88186 Gray Millin; Company 53 7 88187 Great Northern Railway Comp 112 88188 Grigga, Cooper & Company 80 7 88189 Hawkensen Printing Company 88190 Theo. Hells Company ® 12 29 88191 Int. Business,Machines Corp. 20 0 h 88192 Johnson Printing Company 85 8819 Judy Publishing Company ! 8 2 22 5 8819 Lawyers Co -0p. Pub. Company II 46 88195 Linde Air Products Company 88196 Logan Bindery 3 2 ' 88197 Harry Louis SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 559 013 01 a Orliloal to City Clerk a i'2'41 il' �V� 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL i�4 -349 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. - NNTT COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL; FORM COMMIIMIONER October 10, 1941 DATE RESOLVED: That Confectionery license #7492, expiring March 22, 1942, and Off She Malt Beverage license + 203, expiring April 7, 1942, issued to Evan H. Edwards at 1949 St, Anthony Ave, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and conviction of Paul Murray on the charge of possession of gambling devices at 1949 Ste Anthony Avenue. F. No. 121349—ggy G. H. BarPus.—. ` 'R,olVed, that Co fectlonery lirense 9 2. r olrin4 March 22. 1942, /Q AOR gale It Beverage Ilrenae No. 203d 'pi ring April 7, 1942, I.eu ed to Evan H. Edward. at 1949 ILL Anthunyv Ave. he and the .ams re hereby oked upon ecummendatlon f the rBureau of Pollee because of the arrest and churictiof of Paul MurrayI.I.the ge o poeaesalon of gnmbtnin vi es at 1949 at. Anthony Avenue. Adopted by the Council OCL 2E, 1991. Approved Oct. 22, 1941. (Oct. 29, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council WOR Mal 194_ Yeas Nays arfusa Approv%ed ff) 2 ' 194_ an o% / Reason Tn FavorC_J Ay Ma r I —gainst - -t d vw, I } SAINT PAUL LODGE No. 490 Brotherhood Ra17wayo Carmen of America AFFWATED V/rM U Amman Fed—don of Lebo., Radwey Employ. Department A. F. of L. and The T.ada aad Lab.. CmW— of Canada at. Paul, Linnesot-. October Q, I;AI 8 „or.rii:.�ion=r a:' F_Iblic aafet„ IOI - IO -trust, Wit. Paul, Laron. Dear ...r, rfuss:- Our atten-tAon hart been caller'. to the fact that r_earinL. will be field Friday, October IOth, or: reval-in various licenses granted to L*r. L. H. E,17ards, located at 29t.;- St;�,nthony A•renuc, St. Paul. It is not our int ration to instruct your depart - m: nt es to 'r:ov; it s.`,ould operate or co:-du(,.t its affairs. Put we are a,.)nealin to - ou, : d tl.e members of our Citi; Council, to w;. iLh the char_es that !_ays been placed a.LJnst thase parties. Lr. E. H. Edv4ards _.as operated a store at this locution for'about fount,, ears, and has been a ta.x payer of 3t. Pial ,he past thirt'-five ears. when a man.of his character can operate e. place of business for the past fourt; years in the same- location, we believe he deserves a lot of consideration, when we !,no,,: in the surrounding, territor, in our City, there are rl c o` brsiness that _re act'_zally disreLardin, the law. ' l-:ese iinor c ares tP__�.t have been placed auai:ist :au s b�ines \ a,�.q the part1.es in chard , are mere triflin. . It "joule', be "a eliur.�e to .�.ake &-n exa:rple of thic party anr', 'r_is T usiness, that others may not rrake ti_ sa�­mistal. ie dao not 1--e11.;-ve this; ,arty 1,a._ viol --.tc�.i th- law Yno:'!i Lel`-, a•ltl1� '_.]_' 0' . ."inL, "isnor�ance of tine la:^ ie no xcuse", but let _ake ran -xar.ple of theee places t at =c- viol_ :._nC tl­_ 1'' "; 1',cw- �,� 1. ,;ill YOU _'eLti;e ^orci ._ A aNnet:a.th:-It _r. 'Ow ;rd s <:y c-nt inue ^.;:d n- =rate l- ,tim::at _ trill,, / a cc. Mayor Mcwnough :. _,; or lin r. Fuller Ave., it. Paul, l.Ann. V. W , F. NC 124360—Bryn Milton 11111.11w . - ) heretao n, thtYhe erCeom` � ,.a.•iRoosreen D it{.'0 original to City ClarkP24 CITY OF SAINT PAYE z­Cour+C_a. •�`yl,: :r? O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F1Le NO. COUNCIL RESOION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, there was heretofore presented to the Council the petition of the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company and others, being a majority of the owners of property along the line of the street hereinafter described, praying for the vacation of that portion of Mendota Strelo lying north of Fauquier Avenue and south of the south ht of way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, as shown in yellow on the blue -print attached to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and WHEREAS, the Council deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk, and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said City in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and ithe subject matter thereof would be heard by the Council on October 22, 1941, which said notice was duly published and given; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the above described portion of street, as shown upon said blue -print, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations, viz: (1) All the conditions, reservations and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, approved March 16, 1915. (2) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioners, is hereby, fixed at the sum of $1,000.00. p (a) Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul the sum of $600.00, together with the costs " of this vacation procee"n . OCT 2 3 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_. Yeas NayB ' 1941 '-' , Approved 194— to q/1n Favor % Cyor I iBalABt-- " YIITi�.TS�'.D iMuT4., eaident, MCDO Yrr.klent (Preraon} 3M t41 Original to City CI -1, -q 9/g ITY OF SAINT PAUL coulvwt. :1! FIL! NV. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN&i ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM M PRESENTED COMMISSIONB I' Sf_1941 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St.,Paul P Workhouse, 100 pigs at a total cost of $1387.04, from the UZORGE N. BURT COMPANY, without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm- 1016-131 C. P. No. 124351—By Milton Rosen— that the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Comp_ . troller. for the St. Paul Workhouse. 100 pi gs t a totals[ f $1,387.04, from the GEORGE N. BURT COMPANY, without advert{sem ent, as this is the only way n purchase of livestock c be made on the South St. Paul Mar: ket. Chhre Workhouse Farm -1016- g 131. 1S Adopt,d dby t e23,o19411 Oct. 23, 1941. I (Oct. 25, 1941) I C011IlCILiTIEIl Adopted by the Council OCT 23 1941tea_ _ geas naffs yy� Darfuss Approved _lf i � dDY� _._In Favor yor ax - . Agai s am PI esidem (Pe'e , , . oee a4 m city 6-k 124352, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fire CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOL TION -GENERAL FORM a. ' PRESENTED BeY /J /yj _ PATE October 14, 1941 .ccs t the Northern States power Company be given v permission to excavate for and build manhole in street on the West side of Eire Street at alley g North of College. C. F. No. 124352—ay W. A. Farranto— Resolved, that the Northern States ,paver Company be given permission -&etimate 30349, m excavate for and bulla Whole et street v Pte Wes[ b. of Rice Street jet alley North of College. Estimate 30349 i Adopted by theCounelI Oct. 23, 1941. Approved Act. 23, 1941. (Oct- 25, 1941) COUNCILMEN N11 Adopted by the Council 3 %4 194— Yeas Nays yy� y vl1 -$�'SIIgE!- �1Hf9�i �eD Iaw� Approved 194- 27 LL / inFavor Ma r "r-- Again as l al UL Ylat Pt=kleat (Pa wwo') NOTICE -- - /- No. 124368— ��fl! f TO /. CITY OF BAI— PA tohe eclty d. [hal' checks be ndra,vn on h�'r � mount r1', to the 6 PRINTER COUNCIL RESO numbered[ 881989 to38826 °artngg pecks •—_______`_ Derchecke n file In the onclusloe, Olt comptroller, like t the lI`` Adopted APProved by thetCouncil Oct. 23, 1941. (AOcet 22611941) qx— OF RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE $24-956-04---, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED AMOUNT CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER TO -INCLUSIVE, AS PE� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--P—CT y — a 194.--__ APPROVED_____ irr COMPTROLLER I TOTAL 279 06 I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITYOF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------ TRANSFER CHECKS ROLL CALL 88200 R.C. Duncan & Company BROUGHTFORWARD swRwss G'. 88201 General Electric Supply Corp. . 92 42 Fi11BtAF IN FAVOR 88202 4. Ingvoldstad Company CLAIMS 22 204 85 PARRANTO 88203 C.B. Lyon & Brother, Inc. AUDITED ,- -_-October_ — ,B PETERSON ROSEN �� AGAINST 88204 N.11. Blaugas Company CITY TREASURY RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE�,JJ A��l(�I[�•� TRUAX �[{Jl{j� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SyLt-<" _. COVERING roOtl6M 'I 3- 1J41 CHECKS NUMBERED _TO_ HE OFF F THE INCLUSIVE. AS TY COM�OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI —1 PER CHECKS ON�)LY NUMBER C < �% A cou vl noLLEn — — — ---- --- o 88208 Air Reduction Sales Company, Inc. 39 46 1 88209 Beier Brothers 19 05 88210 Bland Coal & Oil Company 154 35 88211 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company 90 7 88212 Conditioned Air Equipment Com any 12 78 88213 Crescent Creamery Company 423 96 88214 1he Davidson Company 7 �5 88215 Griggs, Cooper & Company 185 0 88216 Griggs, Cooper & Company 232 34 88217 Grigge, Cooper & Company 113 19 . 88218 Hersey Mfg. Company 15 75 88219 Illuminating Engineering Society i 7 50. 88220 Mason Pub. Company 60 00 88221 the McAdam Agency 25 On 88222 Minnesota Ice Company 35 76 88223 Molin Sand & Gravel Company 7 50 8822 Monroe Calculating Machine Co any 68 00 88225 National Lead Company X84 99 88226 National Recreation Assoeiati 2 00 88227 Thos. Nelson & Sons 6on I/ V CHECK (V �FAVOR OF TOTAL 279 06 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITYOF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------ TRANSFER CHECKS ROLL CALL 88200 R.C. Duncan & Company BROUGHTFORWARD swRwss G'. 88201 General Electric Supply Corp. . 92 42 Fi11BtAF IN FAVOR 88202 4. Ingvoldstad Company CLAIMS 22 204 85 PARRANTO 88203 C.B. Lyon & Brother, Inc. AUDITED ,- -_-October_ — ,B PETERSON ROSEN �� AGAINST 88204 N.11. Blaugas Company CITY TREASURY RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE�,JJ A��l(�I[�•� TRUAX �[{Jl{j� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SyLt-<" _. COVERING roOtl6M 'I 3- 1J41 CHECKS NUMBERED _TO_ HE OFF F THE INCLUSIVE. AS TY COM�OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI —1 PER CHECKS ON�)LY NUMBER C < �% A cou vl noLLEn — — — ---- --- o I/ V CHECK (V �FAVOR OF TOTAL 279 06 DATE RETURNED BY BANK �� NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT E 88200 R.C. Duncan & Company BROUGHTFORWARD 159C.E. 04 88201 General Electric Supply Corp. 88198 Stiefel Products, Inc. 279 06 88199 Belmont Corporation 89 22 88200 R.C. Duncan & Company 37 61 88201 General Electric Supply Corp. 92 42 88202 4. Ingvoldstad Company 204 85 88203 C.B. Lyon & Brother, Inc. 7 92 88204 N.11. Blaugas Company 34 02 88205 H.B. Stahl Company l0 I' 88206 Vocational School Petty Cash Fund 5 88207 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance 15 05 6 88208 Air Reduction Sales Company, Inc. 39 46 1 88209 Beier Brothers 19 05 88210 Bland Coal & Oil Company 154 35 88211 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company 90 7 88212 Conditioned Air Equipment Com any 12 78 88213 Crescent Creamery Company 423 96 88214 1he Davidson Company 7 �5 88215 Griggs, Cooper & Company 185 0 88216 Griggs, Cooper & Company 232 34 88217 Grigge, Cooper & Company 113 19 . 88218 Hersey Mfg. Company 15 75 88219 Illuminating Engineering Society i 7 50. 88220 Mason Pub. Company 60 00 88221 the McAdam Agency 25 On 88222 Minnesota Ice Company 35 76 88223 Molin Sand & Gravel Company 7 50 8822 Monroe Calculating Machine Co any 68 00 88225 National Lead Company X84 99 88226 National Recreation Assoeiati 2 00 88227 Thos. Nelson & Sons 6on 88228 New York Tea gompany 42 75 88229 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 43 09 86230 Northern States Power Company 2 331 63 88231 Northern States Power Company 555 01 88232 Northern States Power Company 87 07 40 88233 H.N. Hardware Company, Inc. I 17 88234 N.N. Sanitary ®upply Company 22 50 88235 N.T. Publications, Inc. 22 84 88236 A.J. Nystrom & Company 70 60 88237 Hi Olson Paint Company 69 25 88238 Otis :levator Company 612 On 88239 Outlet Stores 88240 Pioneer Typewriter Company 15 00 3 00 88241 Postal Telegraph Company 11 85 88242 Printing Corporation 60 88241 Public Utilities Reports, Incl ! 15 00 bbl �I 88241 Purity Baking Comnany 95 II 88245 Purity Baking Company I 50 83 1 88246 Hiee Street Produce Company jl, 8 4n 88247 Royal Typewriter Company I 7 15 88248 9 & 0 Produce Company " 7 50 88249 3t.Paul Marketing Company 105 00 j 88250 ?t.PaT$kOverall Laundry 5 74 88251 "t.Paul Saw & Knife Company 25 25 1� 99752 St.Paul Stamp "forks66 I f j 85 I I it SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 580 969 Adopted by the Council-------. —194 Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN N PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) 2nd. /0 % Laid over to ; 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yea Nays Barfuss Il ..� Barfuss F* than Findlan Parr...1/ Parranto Peterson 1� Peterson Rosen Rosen Truaa/noAaneTruax �..�'h Mr. President FmHW Mr. President Fallon Adopted by the Council_ 194 Yeas Nays BARFUSS / FINDLAN IPARRANTO I t PETERSON ROSEN Y TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOU1G1l)" --, i Adopted by the Council l _ — -- --- Yeas Nays ARFUSS /DLAN /PARRANTO XERS N _ROSEN ,-TRUAX /MK PRESIDENT (MCDONOUGH) ��i e C. F. No. 124364 -Ordinance No. 8303— to CIW'ICI.r(t ,By W. A. Parranto— O R D I A° rdinance amending na�ce No..7606, approved Febraar•� 1243"54 -titled: x" "••'� •� -^i: 3UNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B R ORDINANCE N 9303 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the rates, distribu- tion and use of water and establishing rules therefor in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and repealing Ordinance No. 6489, approved April 23, 1925, Ordinance No. 6460, approved February 18, 1925, and Ordinance No. 7488, approved June 20, 1933." -----ea p .88, health sad safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7606, approved February 8, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 8 in said ordinance, the following paragraph: "Use of Hydrants for Fires. The use of fire hydrants for public fire protec- tion shall be paid for annually by Council appro- priation at the rate of $14.00 per hydrant per year, which charge shall include the cost of all water used for public fire protection and the cost of installing and maintaining the hydrants" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Use of Hydrants for Fires. The use of fire hydrants for public fire protec- tion shall be paid for annually by Council appro- priation at the rate of $5.00 per hydrant per year, which charge shall include the cost of all water used for public fire protection and the cost of maintaining the hydrants." Section ;2. This ordinance shall take effect a nd be in force 7 ,f ye6 its passage and publication. Y Yeas Councilmen Nays, Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson v/ Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: - City ----- - - - -- - ---................. Clerk 500 3-41 11 u v 1, 2. Passed by the Council ---- --------------- ----------- - -----_..------ ' -------------- _ ---..In Favor --------------I---------- _.Against A ved ---- -- -- -------- ------- --- PU HED—1 CITY OFA UL CIT'YILFPK COUNCIL _yam —'__--_._ ._ NO 1042 COUNCIL RESOLUTION PILE No.AOR L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AU ORIZATIONb OF L DATE October 22, 1941_ PRESENTED BY HON. –_-------- - • _ Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing I A. DeSoto street from Magnolia avenue to Cook avenue, to PEDERSON BROS, CO., En accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 601 of said Pederson Bros. Co., for the contract price of $536.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Pederson Bros. Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contrast on behalf' of the City of Saint Paul/ FORMAL BID NO. 601ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE a 523.00 j i MITE: TO B. CERTIFI[O we TO •uN01 wv AiLAe LE IT 1011TROLL11 OR""PR.BENT— XO COUNCIL row .—T.... PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOW.: 11.,..10 AGAINIT 1[N[1ITr11 11011-1 - - - - - - - a 536.00 .. APPROPRIwT.O FROM CITY. —.. OF L-- I... 0-11.1— R. IIIAOPRIIT[O FROM LO—LIMPR0Y1M1NT1-1.EMPT PROPIR a •. APPROP11-0 FROM .oNO ...... a .I. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . - a e. coONrr a . . . a 536.00 COPIES TO: I I N[Rler caRTIFv TT.wT TH.R. I. AN .....U...... BALD wNce AVwllwal[ IN TH. w.OV[ CITY CLERK erwT[o. wPPROPRIwrIONs r RIIMBU..[ THI P[RMAN.NT IMPROVEMINT R910-111 FUND LOCAL N.IP1Ov.M1Nr NO. COMPTROLLER IN rH[ A .V[ wMOU NT PUBLIC WORKS • PURCHASING DAY. FINAL ORO.. AOOPT.D _ .—_._._-__._ COMPTRO _ � _ -_ Br —_—. -- — — _ COUNCILMEN4 M,' Br THI Cou NCIL ----- ® YEA. NAYS AOOPT11 ---—SSSddd-- IAVOR wcwlN.Y APPROv10 MAY MR. PRESIDENT October 22, 1941 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL 0$ THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee has awarded the following contracts: F.B. #596: Curbin�r Brimhall street from Pala avenue to Randolph avenue TO STANDARD STONE COMPANY $1,121.00 For the sum of Engineer's Estimate $1,008.00 F.B. #597: Curbing Englewood avenue from Griggs street to Syndicate street TO STANDARD STONE COMPAP:Y 1,025.00 For the sum of Engineer's Estimate $892.00 F.B. #598: Curbing Front avenue from Rice street to Sylvan street TO FEYF,N CONSTRUCTION COMFANY, 1,846.00 For the sum of ?bgineer's Estimate $1,716.00 F.B. #601: abesostreet avenue from ' at;nolia venueto TO PEDERSON BROS. CO. 536.00 For the sum of Engineer's Estimate $523.00 Respectfully submitte 0 THE eONTRACT CO EE ha rman _ I I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NY 1041 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE I FOR Z�7 ON F OCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS — e I DATE of.j'nhpr rig • PRESENTED BY MON------- "-- --J --_ Resolve4 T)�t theouncil hereby approves the award of the Contract i Committee therefor,!!, and hereby awards the contract for curbing t�IFront avenue from Rice street to Sylvan streets to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION ICOMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 598 of said Feyen Construction Company, 'Ifor the contract price of $1,846.00, such bid being the lowest bid and the lowest reliable and reason g bein- 'Isaid Feyen Construction Company � iable jidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is, directed to (draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City Iofficials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 356—By Mut FtDw D en— . that the COuneu nerebyl ^. a of the COntre .v. nd hereby al,- ' :,g g Fro et al , 1 - rO11'?I ; In tr IIENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 1,16.00/ II -FORMAL Ow wDOPTIOH. - - Nor[. _BID NO. 598 io cD1,M 1,846.00 . II PERM. ENT IMPROV N¢T NT R.T eoV1-- FUND TO pOVHMl6 N9. RBfiD FOR COO D- OFT - s IMPROVEMENT s FOLLOWS! E �I z. wFFwoPwlwr[o FwoM nrr ..NwR¢ or LocwL [.EMPT Fwow[wrr— - coo[ 3 ,. w� OP ATXD FROM Lo L IMPROv ENTs— Sono I —cool s .eu. ,. wFFaoFwlwrlo rwoM - 8 TDTwL . . s 1,846.00 I -� -- — nN.... ...D .AL -- -- COPIES TO T IMFR v.M[NT ReVOLVING FUND LOCwL IMPROv.M.NT NO. --- - - I New[ IN THC wlOVl eT.T.D wPPR wN0[ w R.1 IH- O - COM CLERK I IN Mau R.E TN. COMPTROLLER IN THE w.ov. wuouNTs. PUBLIC WORKS DwT. FINAL ORO.w AooPT[D _-------' PURCHASING I —- - COMPTR '- By _ -- �1Jg i _COUNT CILMEN --__—__.___ __.. AOOPiID By TH¢ CODncIL -- -- ---'-" NAYS YEAS ' In rwvow / AFP__.__---- ". wcw -T _—_ MA OR MR. PRESIDENT 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO 1034 COUNCI ES�OLUTION PILE COUNCIL 9.4, No._.- FOR THORIZATION OF L CAL IMPROVEMENT ECTS PRESENTED BY HON._ DATE t P 22 .1941 4_ (Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract, :a ® (Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing Brimhall 11atreet from Palace avenue to Randolph avenue, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto i attached and the Formal Bid No. 596 of said Standard Stone Company, (for the contract price of $1,121.00, such bid being the lowest bid jand said Standard Stone Company being the lowest reliable and reason- able bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract thereforg and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. r. xO. v+aes—Rr MIR— ROROR— nesotved, that the Cou nDil her the n Rrd [ the ('ontrt� V etee therefor. In,dd hereb ncT f • I m Fr 1.J - ,I� I -lli 11 i �a FORMALBIDHO. 596 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 1,008[00 NOTE: TO B[ CERTIPIeD we TO ruNDe wv Al Lwe L[ eY•I'bo MPTROLIeR .¢FOR¢ FREecwilNe TO COUNCIL POR 101-1— PERMANENT DOPTION.PERMAEN ®EEO ROw ..TE. RT E VIN OLG FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT A8 FOLLOW.: .O PROFERTY - - - - --- - - - S 1,121.00 .. ,.F.oPRlwr[D FRON DITT ¢ DRAB[ o. LOC,L IHPROY¢HENT.– - - coOE IS ,PPROPRIwT[O PROM LO ROYEN[NT.–E¢EHPT PROP¢RTY–A. coD¢ s APPR—I–ED .RO.I BOND 111,,¢–COD¢ s COUNTY III . . . _ . . . . . . s ¢ s TOTAL --i ------ —. s._ 1,121.00 OOPIEB TO: 1 HCRE ceRTIFY THwT THERE 1. w 11111.[ CITY CLERK ANce ,v AILwe L[ IN TN[ N IN11111—R.. e,L wclN.uw.[ THE • A—. .T rc- w R"'AT10Ne TO COMPTROLLER cwwwncnTREVOLVING vuND LOCAL INPROV EN¢NT No. _. PUBLIC COMPTROLLER IN THE AeoT 111. - --- WORK PURCHASING / / ® i COMPTRO U// DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPT¢D COUNCILMEN VEA. NAYS ADO -11 BY THE COUNCIL OCT `^' (/y;1 gfi{q .w.'�", • ___--.—__. m __-_- -.._-.. ...IN PwvOR - + wD,IN.T MR. PRESIDENT/ �- .—//._>. oalOniwL— CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK N° 1.040 COUNCIL FILE No.___/z( COUNC RESOhUTION FOR ALITHO..".'TION O OCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATE October 22,-1,943 PRESENTED BY NON. - ----- • _ - ----- --- �— _ --_ Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract • 1j Committee therefor, and here -Ly awards the contract for curbing Englewood avenue from Griggs street to Syndicate street, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 597 of said Standard III Stone Company, for the contract price of $1,025.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Standard Stone Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and lhereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. I • i I �D. 12!358—Ry MtltoD 'ed. that that. the Council hereby ,he a -rd t the Contract he end hereby wards n7; for K E 'l. dla .r 1; 892.00 FORMAL BIO NO. 597 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE E II NOT" To e[ cMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND [RTIFIEo we To FUNDe wv wiLw.l.[ aY CON FTROLLER .611gE PERMANENT ITO BE BEIM BUREED FR[e[NTINO ouN L FOR wOOFTION. ---0 FOR COST OF TN IE IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: , w.....ED AOAIN.T E[N[.I ,[D .ROP[RTY - - - - - '. - - E 1025.00 .. AFFROFRIATED FRO. LODALe.FRO sM[NT.LEE[NFT FROF[RTY- CODE s .. wFFROFRI—D FROM .... I..U[-CODE E .. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : TO,wL . . . . . . . . _- - - 51,025.00 -- — COPIES TO: CITY CLERK ITIE COMPTROLLER ---------- T IMPR T a[V TH6 ABOVE wMOUNTE. NDOV[ ICOMPTROLLE ro O •uH0 LOCAL INFROV[MENT NO -__.-._—_ -..------- PURCHASING ®NG B /'IG// DATE FINAL ORDER Aoo FTEO I COUNCILMEN OCT 24 1941 A-- By THE COVNCIL ---.------- • YEAS NAYS FAVOR --- MR. PRESIDENT / MAYO OAaln.i to City Clerk* Q �yJ �'43'— CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL f2 CSL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK *ILE ' NO. ' 'COU ` ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM i PRESENSgIb BY �'��/�.� COMMISSIONEFL `�� ""' b DATE HW+ VAD, 'Fhat the free use of Stem Hall of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to Robert Ii. Nutt, on November 17 and 18, 1941, for lectures'to employee of various retail stor s, banks and other firms; said itobert h. Nutt to pay only the cost of ops ng and operating Stem Hall on said date for the above occasions. C. F. No. 124359—By Axel F. Peterson— , Resolved, that the free use of Stem Hall o[ the S[. Paul Audi[orlum ba and it Is hereby given to Robert H. Nutt, a November 17 and 18, 1941, for lac- turea [o emDloyea of verlone retall tore s; banks and other (1rme; said Robert H. Nutt to pay only the t of openingSte on s date for the a ove ionee'll aAdopt ed by theCouncll Oct. 24, 1941. Approved Oct. 24, 1941. (Nov. 1, 1941) OCT 24 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays � �arfuss ��^��P4n 194_ PProve4l —ParraDto in Favor - . n ayor Against Jh�uax 2m , 41 MF- vice President (Powma) - • oarie ala cl.rt Q � ! CITY OF SAII4fPAULcouacl� � `� 369 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' r ae - No. CIL RESOLD ON -GENERAL FORM �� RESOLVED that rater mains be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Pauls �T"Burnquist Street from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue �' Lexington Parkway'Al. Hoyt- Av4nue to Montana Avenue Montana Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford Street P CO MEN Yeas Nays arfuss n to /I�oa UAA _ h 3a i -a IAL Vice PrfWent (Peteram) C. F. No. 124380—By W. A. Parrnnto— inBtheltollowhng atreeta In athe City of Saint Paul: Burnqulat Street from Maryland Ave- nue to Je96amine Avenue. Lexington Parkway from Hoyt Ave - Pu not MoantaAve ue nnfrom Lexington P¢rkway to Oxford Street. Adopted by the Council Oct. 24, 1941. Approved Oct. 24, 1941. (Nor. 1, 1941) \.P Adopted by the Council OCT 194— p pproved 194— Tn Favor ay Againai\ b F, orisin.l t. Cit, taut. , • ... {{g��((�'��` {-�( ,p CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO B 20" E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3L (d Si ? 61;t' "9U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'� PR ESE D ev G. H Barfusa ._.October 24 1941 COME ONE OA I WHEREAS, the Police Bureau of the Department of Public Safety has rented a target range for the use of said Bureau, from John Ledo on his premises on Carver Avenue near Point Douglas Road; and MIEREAS, the annual rental for said premises for saidruse in 1941 is the 0 sum of Twenty—five Dollars ($25.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to said John Ledo the sum of $25.00 for said rental, said sum to be charged to the Public Safety bund, 7 D S. a. C. Whe e¢s,'thelPoliee 0. H. Barofe.— rented e teeat aen[ f Public n6a2ety f hna said Buretarget om a for the f Prem lees n Carver AVenue�ne¢r Paint llouglas Road; and Prenmlaesa poshc ...nal ental for said f . b enty-Ave id sDoLlnrs 4 ($1. the therefore, be It beResolved, that the proper city officers and they are berth, aUthorl,d to $2600 po`ald said rental, the sum f ch ar 3. to ath er Publics saidsum Fu d, 7 D 3. Adopted- by the Council Oct. 24, 1(941, Approved Oct. 24, 1941. I� (Nov. 1, 1841) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuas Truax AGEREMMOOMS SM 1•41 ML Vice President (Peterson) Adopted by the Council oCj 24 *41 194— OCT WM l/ �ippmvefl 194— v 1n Favor ayor --.Againet� Ojigind t. Cit) Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL'T3`-"IL�' J RILE NO. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the two one-story frame dwellings and garage at 408 and 410 Louis Street, on Lot 10, Block 4, Drake & Dewey's Addition, are in such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and neoeseity of wrecking said buildings, on the 18th day of November, 1941, at ten o'clock Ae M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it gURTHER REpLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, or to the agent or occupant thereof, a notice stat- ing the time, place and purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City not less than five days prior C. F. No. 134302—By t3. t0 the date Of said hearing. Wher-, the Comml..I.ner f Parke, Ptnygrounds d PubP: HuttdIng. hnn re Ported to the Co+t. chat the two m,c:ntory tcame d• �� and savage .,t ')8 and 410 I Lot 30, 1 �r o Addltlon, ... ttla 4,-n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii WT 24 IN 194— Yeas Nays Barfuas {{{ PP 001 2 rove�1 4*41 19 ahto In Favor or ax Agains ' t / j �� ��� -ax PiJEti.ISf�_11--1-••+",. :IhI 1-41 Mr- Vice President (Peterson) 1 1\ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O-CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .QW@ October 23) 1941 Mr. Harry W.,Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare resolutions (No. 1) setting dates for hearing in the matter of the condem- nation of the two one-story frame dwellings and garage building at 408 and 410 Louis Street, on Lot 10, Block 4, Drake & Dewey's Addition. Very truly yours, " C `-'0 I V F, ® City Clerk OCT 2 31941 __, W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt of Parlor SUPL of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner y CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner October 20, 1341 Hon. Council City of St. caul Gentlemen; This Department has made an inspection of t?ie two one- story frame dwellings and garage buildin; at 408 and 410 Louis Street, on Lot 10, Hock 4, Drake Yc Dewey's Addition. No. 410 Louis Street is a dwelling on the front of the lot, out of plumb and level, in very poor condition. The north wall is bulged, sills are rotted, and the base- ment is filled with rubbish. c No. 408 Louis Street is located at the rear of TIo. 410 and is connected b passes .ie. It is very much out of plumb and level, chimne is bad, floors are uneven, porch is bad, and e house is open. The garage at the rear is leaning a very dilapidated. These structures are a fire menace, dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. Danger Notices have been posted. The last known record owner is the State of klinre- sets, c/o John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner, 286 City Hall. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section.1-14 of the building code. Yours truly, 4-4$ LAR. .1j itect o odstnd e. city a CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL`�4_�� a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM c COMMISSIONER DATE October 24 1941 RESOLVED: That &s Station license #5792, expiring January 2, 1942, issued to or John Michaud at 1010 {4. 7th St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Harold 0. Drury at the same address. Old Location. COU LMEN Yeas Nays Ba'rrfusssss'' It TItO 10 . /Truax gh am 141 Mr. Vice President Ports„n) W. Reaoly ed, [h' ; Ga.l an" rynllic1942. No. F792, 'P r nK I..nbe to doh a Maa, hereby wan. [erre, to Hnrold C. Drury at the as add cs mo OId location. Adopted by the Councli Oct. 24, 1941. Approved Oct tov . 194]) Adopted by the Council 06T24 1941_194- 941194— f = � 99 Approved . -.-1 Tn F or Rayor gainst eririn.l w C Clark ' C �43z_�j�% CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT _ _OMMISSIONEDE I DAT, October 24-1942- That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated RESOLVED: be and the same are hereby granted: Harry M. Schwan 556 Cedar St. Grocery App. 1309 Renewal Julius Klein 388 Wabasha Grocery It 1351 n Minn. Amusement Co. 450 Wabasha Motion Picture-- It 1399 " Minn. Amusement Co. 438 +gabasha Motion Picture " 1399 " Minn. Amusement Co. 1595 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 1401 " " n Minnesota Amusement It 11 Co. 1560 St. Clair Confectionery " 1402 " Bohland & Elia 858 Selby Ave. ,. Confectionery " 1445 It Kohn Deltas 498 St. Peter Restaurant It it 14511 a 1455 II it - n n On Sale Malt " 1456 n " It n 11 Off Sale Malt Erick F. Klett 921 Rondo St. Grocery " 1481 " M. L. Berg ' 1320 Payne Ave. Butcher It 1502 " D. J. McGinley142 3 W. 7th St. Gas Station ° 1509 " Marvin Manfield 258 Pleasant n1 oceaie Malt " 1510 " " n It off Ernest Biedermann 1570 Randolph Barber It 1514 n lira. Lillian Oleson 1040 University Tavern It 1515 It Olga Moser 169 Marshall Bakery " 1516 " H. K. Salmen 1658 E. 7th St. Grocery " 1520 " " " n r " Off Sale Malt " 1521 Arthur 0. Williamson 1061 Hudson Rd. Gas Station it 1529 It Adopted by the Council 1 94-- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas AI Approve�l 194— Parranto n Favor 4'eteigan Mayor Rosen b Against T:'U8X AMMEMOZENEW Ms. Vox President (Peterson ax ra> 0 Oeisin.l la ut, Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT P�iU�. FILH NO. � _ g - OFFICE OF THE CIT( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT _ commi5510NEY — -2- 9 1222 Randolph Gas Station App. 1532 Renewal Nile YldtBaker A. Johnson &Sone 1739 Grand Ave. 91 orist ^ 1536 " Alverdes Rest.Inc. 379 Ste Peter Restaurant " ` 1539 n " 1540 " Roy H. Glewwe 194 Concord Grocery Erwin Stoas 1229 N. Snelling Gas Station " 1542 ^ C. it. Strands 2272 Como Ave. Bakery ^ 1543 " J. A. Brozek 999 Hudson Ri• Butcher " 1544 ^ Benjamin Gottfried 1041 Thomas Butcher " 1545 ^ Thornton Motor Co. 571 N. Snelling 2nd Hand Autos " 1553 Leach 744 E. Third St. Gas Station 2 1556 11Gerald Thos. Bacigalupo 359 Jackson St. Restaurant ° N 1562 " 1568 ^ James J. Harvey 1552 St- Clair Grocers, Off Sale Malt ^ 1569 ^ s s it ^ St.Paul Nash Mtre. 184 W. College 2nd Hand Autos " 1570 " M. A. Techida Sr- 319 Robert St. Tavern " 1572 ^ Regina Tim &]!rank Elliott 133 W- University Oonf. ^ 1577 " 'Paul Pranks 569 N. bale St. Bakery s 1578 ^ Midway YMCA 1563 Univ- Ave. Conf. ^ 1579 " Sam Rosenblum 686 Selby Ave. Butcher ^ ^ 1 587 10 00*124 Purrnento— PPlled ter Adopted94..— I C dohnNa. Ftndlan BW G. COUNciJAEN $eaolved, that gmceaso� by the persOl, rhe net ao the nd [ached to hthlsbyre�arante do the Clth. YCas Nays ms are """Lacy to inapt s Clerk he payment Into the city T•., 6 � C +e fjde licenaeu """tit Adopted by the Council Oct. 24, 1941. lBarfuss 1r 11'ry et ythe COUsd tees. 9pprovea —194_ dlan Approved (N 24, 1941. (Nov. 1, 1941) � / Pa nto Favor or son R. / Against ML. Vice President (Petetson) see 14t V CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILZ a � S. PILE NO: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEWES DAT October 24, 1941' COMMISSIO RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated ED be and the ewe are hereby granted: James B. Keogh 317 Guardian Bldg. pawnbroker App. 1518 New New 11 160 " New Loca. Loca. Howard D. Allworth 918 University Ave. Bakery 3 George Labra 638 Jackson St. Barber " 1571 11 Old Loca. Mrs.Flizabeth E. Edwards 3_1949 St. Anthony Ave. Confectionery 11 1604 11 Old Loca. n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 1605 C_ F. No. 124365—% G. fT lr3"' ss . w. FappN1-' for Reeolved,l thlot ollcensoen the Ina[ t' [ached Dor this re ted, be the G� yoh ume a hereby Kren to ajseue euc elty Clerk its Inetructedment into the 11ceneea Pon the a ay tees. treasury t the l... d Adopted b) the24o1g411 Oct, 24. 1911. APProved Oot- (,.,. ; 841) COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays � against I •C? z"°� r L� } Adopted by the Council OCT 24 9941 194_ OF 4 '11 roved _194___ V—,49-\P)P r crry oP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE�— NOTICE that checks be gra °u n RESOLUTION C. F. p7p, 121388— to the ggrhecke OUNCIL RESO Recltye j,ea.um vertu6 TO amount t 3 919'2x•8502 incei�t the—..nS+^~ r 9� 194�- PRINTER umbered 8826801e " the o 0 eitydo9 eAtbYlthe Counefl Out. 21, 191. Apyyroved av 1. 1941) RES _�--^L -- —^' WN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT AS PER 24,919.28 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--992-5-3—TO_--8g3�-� OF 5----, CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCTp 4, W___-�94�� � ITY COMPTROLLER tltlNN r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- I- OUNCIL J i Ci -19a-- APPROVED--- _-- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK �� ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ROLL CALL FILE NUMBER-_ - BARFUSB PA RRANTO �FINDLANIN FAVOR d AUDITED CLAIMS `a �.� z IB PETERSON %1 Oc`vuy -2l- --- ROSEN (J AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY '�H' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-� 1" A . COVERING 6. Ma00N ',j f'� CHECKS NUMBERED TTo- # 7—LINCLUSIVE. AS MZ ICC ,!bIU:IIC (Pierson) PER CHECKS ON F OFFIC COMPT LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL __ _ _ APP ED._ `` IB4_ NUMBER BY is • CHECK NUMBER 8825 8825 88255 88256 88257 88258 88259 8826o 88261 88262 88263 88264 88265 88266 88267 88268 88269 88270 88271 88272 8823 88274 88275 88276 88277 88278 88279 88280 88281 88282 88283 888 88285 88286 88287 88288 88289 88290 88291 88292 88293 98294 88295 88296 88297 88298 88299 88300 88301 88302 IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL DATE --� RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS The Midway News Joseph Greppli James Berkey L. Berg & Company Mrs. Sophie Lawrence Mayor John J. McDonough American Linen Supnly Company ,Nm. Bros Boiler & Mfg. Compare Community Rural Telephone Company Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill Decker Hardware Company Economics Laboratories Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & Compare McKesson & Robbins, Inc. Minnesota Chemical Company National Bushing & Parts Company Northern States Power Company Northern States Power Company Northern States Power Company Tractor Parts & Bearing Company western Alloyed Steel CastingCom] Amherst H. Wilder Charities C.J. Leko Feyen Construction Company Fielding & Shepley Pederson Brothers Elea M. Obst. Treas. Mrs. Emile LaBissoniere Elsa M. Obst, C. TreaB. Patrick J. Vinoelli Hjalmer Carlson Fast Side Realty Company Christina KopDy Montgomery ward Retail Store Rose Brothers Lumber Company Dr. Albert E. Ahrens Dr. J. F. Bicek Dr. Knox Caldwell Dr. C.C. Chatterton Dr. Joseph N. Gehlen Dr. H.w. Grant or. 'v.w. Hartfiel J.P. Jelinek M19way Hospital Dr. A. H. Pedersen Dr. H.J. Prendergast St.Joseph's Hospital Dr. Stewart w. S,shimonek Dr. o. 1. Sohlberg Drs. Williams, Grau & Williams SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 80 969 38 152 90 40 00 10 00 426 50 61 96 1 50 00 60 91 927 00 229 60 1 5o 64 160 38 97 70 38 24 31 90 33 72 55 58 103 12 288 25 61 O8 49 55 50 00 249 00 ,I 5 453 24 1500; 15 022 10 53 96_ 416 67 9 00 41 o0 4 23 8 55 20 00 9 30 00 1 00 7 00 1200 284 o(f 9 00 li 33 00 2 85 4540! 1999 Do 400 t 10 00 2 0n 450 888 66 M COUNCIL FILE NO.__ -- By • I C. F. Na 1:4367 - -salt r_1 In'tpe matter o[ ...rot tting the storm water sewers on }]t1e"o4 Eighth Street from ISlnnes• t tree, to a point t30fee,m test -ttnneeota street. 5aro feet rtierttS'rr �.,�. -G 'o. ^L FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ----- of Eighth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 130 feet easterly of Minnesota Street, and--f-on-8oba: -Street to -a pointe 256on_SAYAnth_-__ Street from the easterly terminus of the sewers now being constructed under Sinal --Order C- F._12047 ,Ontabsr 99,_1840,.tc_a__point _6 Sas _assts=ly_�f Jackson Street, thence nort eterly across Seventh Street to the northerly side of east of Minnesota Street as now being constructed under the %bove mentioned final -2rdar�s a_�2�n�-1"L? _�e_�t���te�ly of Mi�eeota street ---------_--------------------_--- under Preliminary Order ------ 123243- ------------------------ approved ------- July 3,__ 1941 ----------------___ ----------- Intermediary Order --------- --------- ---- --------- -- -approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__the south side of Eighth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 130 feet easterly of Minnesn+,+ ctreat., ana _frnm_Hohert Street tca_goint`2fzfz_feQ Baste 1 of_$obert Street; on Seventh Street from the easterly terminus of the sewers now being oanatrnc+.ta nnagLFinal_-Qrder_4'.�__129471,_�gpr9s4d9sf9k�22_� 19401 to a Point — 6 feet easterly of Jackson Street, thence northwesterly across Seventh Street to _the nort}.Xgr17 __gidg Q Seventh Street:.on1 Fourth Street from the easterly terminus of the sewers 47.6 feet east of Minnesota Street as now being constructed under the gbove meatinnad final_ of esl�o_f Min_ eso a Street. __ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ OC28.1941______ _ _---- 192 -_____. ---------- City Clerk. -Approved ------- _ _ -------------- 192r k. File4556 t.-- --- -- --- ----------------------------------- Ma r. Councilman Councilman =e11A�^ -• - ISHED Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor Ho" Form B. S. A. 8-7 S � . ➢ CITY OF ST. PAUL .. ,. DEPARVt FN T 9F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In ti'ie matter of Conatrnot sanitary and storm water seaere oa the aonth aide of Tcighth Street pros rimaesota Street to a point 130 feet easterly of 11111=080ts Street and from Robert Street to a point 2$S feet easterly of Robert Street; on affmth Stat from the easterly terminus of the sewers now beinpc eonotracted under Piaa1 order C. F. 120471 approved October 22, 1940, to a point 6 feet seater'ly of Tackson street, thence northwesterly asroati Seventh Straat to the northerly aide of ,Seventh StrestIlon Fourth Street fram the 4asterly termimue of the eovers`�47.5 feet oast of DdinneaOtea Street as nv.v being conatraated under the above mentioned final order to a point 172 feet easterly of Minneaots :treat under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 16 950.00 (W -PA labor) front g 15.00 , The estimated cost pe9'toot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION Land ALUATIOI�ld fH� g• Lot 4 and East i of 5 19 Roberts and Randall's Add.( $1,426,000 $ 525,000 Lots 6, 7 and West i of 5 19 do ) (includes also other property) (Except part for alley lying E'ly of a line from a point on Tilly line 4.45 ft. from the NE corner to a point on the S'ly line of Lot 2 produced W'ly 4.89 ft. from the E. line of Lot 3) Lot 3, also (Except W'ly 6.26 ft. more or lose of Northerly 30.18 ft.) - 4 18 do 61,000 112,000 The W'ly 6.26 ft. more or less of the N'ly 30.18 ft. of Lot 41 (Ex- cept the W. 91 ft.) Lot 5. and (Ex. the S. 24 ft.) that part Elly of the W'ly 91 ft. of 6 18 do 19,000 23,000 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF "FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L�dVALUATiO Bldg. - . g� North 30 ft. of West 91 ft. of 5 18 Robert's and Randall's Add. $64,500 $ 15,000 Beginning at the Or cor. of Lot 1; thence N1 ly on Wily line of said lot 94.71 ft.; thence NE'ly 65 ft. to a point 25.76 ft, from the N'ly line .of Lot 2; thence NB'ly 15.76 ft.; thence NE'ly par. with NW1ly line of Lot 2, 31.79 ft.; thence SE'ly to a point on SE'ly line of Lot 2, 96.04 ft. from the point of beginning; thence to beginning, being part of Lots 1 and 2 (Except Jackson St.) the N'ly 2/3 of Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, City of St. Paul, also the N'ly 2/3 of Mayall's Sub. of Block 1 of $55,000 Whitney & Smith's Addition and of Block 17 of Robert and Randall's Addition 10 8 Whitney and Smith's Add. "A"" First National Plat 14,550 54,200 20,000 597,000 3,075,000 Total $2,275,700 $3,784,550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated September 30 19 41 2_ + 'j C Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. I7 / , a t � t ia i I I' C House sewer connection Org 609 of , l NI \ 47.5' 127 n Iu 1� �` 3'x 5 Sewer - Dr,3 1052 'rExlsting 12"Sewer LI 7-Branch+Spur - DrgNR Iosz - FOURTH ST. vJiI 0 I tnl I I z I I SEWER PLAN ` z FOU RTH ST. iE 4-75'ito172' E.OF MINNES _cale 1- -50' St. pnuj', Minn. 1941 Dept.of PubIIC Works A P 3EW ER EN (NEER D `/ ��✓'� ��JJ /�� CY�EF NGi FLS+ co— fJE vu r+LtC wlJR KS 9E W.�R.3 N° II�9 7br—ch+Sp— Org.10512, EIGHTH ST eWel 26 1.3' Hauea sewer conn e,:i'— a OrS.G09 1f4' coau, 21, SEWER FLAN EIGHTH ST. ROBERT ST +c 255' EAS S—le, I" SO* 3f. Pou I, Minn. 1941 Dapf.ofpublir- Works Ao P /� SEW ER ENGINEERp R 0 v ROBERT to 2—E D CONM'0..OF PUBLIC WORKS SEW.DP.3 i -Y' l IIII I �,I EIGHTH ST. II T- 19—nch +• SPu 0r3.1052 1� - _112'° 1 � I II I - -- - -I-{ouse sewer ronneciion Org.609 �+ Q I,, 130' - - SEWER PLAN wEIGHTHI ST �✓ l Z I„ ; „ , MINNESOTA i o 130 EAS Z Scale+- 1'• =50. f F St. Pau 1, Minn. 1041 Dep+. of Public works A-/� sP.re-4 P SEWER ENGINEER ih c/�i 0 STS . MI NN. to 130'STE. V E D COM H'R OF OUSLI WtJRKS CITY Of, SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTONROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CoNe A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. O—ZE END, NEER G. H. HERROLD September 12, 1941 CHIEI ENDR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commisgoner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota A 0 BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GR YTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU GF CORRECTI... RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing Minne- sota and storm water sewer on the south Miner of Eighth Street and from Hobert Street to a point 130 feet easterly f Street to a point 255 Peet easterly of Robert Street; oond eeventhunderFStreet l Order rmt the easterly teinus of the sewers nowboeiingco C.F. 120471 approved October 22, 1940. point6 Peet easterly of Jacksonside of Street, thence northwesterly across Seventh Street to the northerly Seventh Street; on Fourth Street from the eas&erly terminus of the sewers 47.5 feet east of Minnesota Street as now being constructed under the above mentioned final order to a point 172 Peet easterly of Minnesota Street under Preliminary order C. F. 123243, spProved Tuly !3,, 9 The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plans, engineering, 16,950.00 supervision, etc. is Frontage - - -- -- -- - -- - - - -- - 467 feet Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - - - - $15.00 On the basis of a maximum assessment of 615.00 per foot for the bene- fitted property, reducing the assessment on Eighth Street slightly on account of the spread from Minnesota Street, we find that approximatelyo be appropria- ted raised by assessment. This leaves a balance of $10,150-00 for the opr ted from the local Paving and Sewer Aid Fund, Code 31E1. im- provement set forth in the aforesaid Preliminary Order are attached hereto. I will greatly appreciate the setting of a hearing for this order CD at the earliest possible date. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of i ce MILT01f ROSEN Commissioner of Public Vgorks very truly m. ARD ti' C) /I Ch of Engineer 1941\` 7FPT' OF P,'CF V0 TY OF S T St. 7alter H. k Lydia Deubener St. Paul, Minn. V t a The Council of the City of S Paul has under consideration Preliminary der 123248, approved July 3, 19410 which propose toy Construct sanitary �d storm water sewers on a south aide of Eighth St. from Minnesota St. td'a point 130 . easterly of Minnesota St., and from Robert St. to a point 265 ft. easterly i of Robert St.j on Seventh St. from the elate y terminus of the sewers noir being constructed under Final 0 er C. F. 120471, j approved Oct6ber 22, 1940, to a point 6 fe t easterly of Jackson St., thence northwesterl Seventh t. to the northerly side of Seventh St.; the sterly terminus of the sewers St as now being constructed- _ d to a point 172 feeteasterly P A U L �Ootober Paul, Minneso , 17, 4 '. b.thereof $16,960.00, or $15.00 per front foot (based . ' abor). ftV.—r. hereb t a public hearing will be held on the advisa- bility o ro a Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ha 1 d e 28th day of October, 1941, at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN S. FINDLAN, Commissioner of Finance File 9865, Page 2 A k12 C r9(; COUNCIL FILE NO.- --... - .- __ ----- By— -- .__By-- ----- -------- --------------------- �G S o /,t t/'o i%LORDER In the Matter ofplanting_andproteoting _ehadetrees on Pinehurst Avenue from - ------------------------------------------------ geml@ill-_A4e11lle–Q__i[I_@�ZBSld�4eill�—__ ______ No. 124368— 1 n; the matter Of Planting 0111 or, tree, on Plnehn, ____ .gym Kenneth �ve1n• – ___%__________–__--------- ----------------------- under _____ – under Preliminary Order-* ---- M828 --- - approved __ August__27,_ 1941 Intermediary Order ------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the __,,..;..e mattwe, e3Etent and kind ei .i ;^- e t and Droteot shad. trees on Piw5burst Avenue -------------------kft-rrder�-t-"-� W=- ----------,------,---•-_ - c4nc ----- --- and rosainr? .,. ....n„ i ellI an n¢II ad, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. S Adopted by the Council ______-_Gl�_.__-_____, 192 ------ r �-�-- - y--- ----- ------------ City Clerk. Approved - -- -- 941 --- -- --- ----- , 192 )File 9558 Councilman linrtuew --- - Mayor. Councilman Pam P�L.7D 1 Councilman Councilman OMPRINORM2 Persson Councilman d§MRRFYii2 TReee / % Councilman , Mayor H plcponongh I / Form B. S. A. 8-7 S g CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of planting and protecting shade trees on Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth Ave. to Cleveland Avenue a e under Preliminary Order approved August 27, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 250.48 frynt g 0,21J The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION !t LandvALunn�dg. 16 2 Otto's Addition to St. Paul) $2000 17 2 do ) 18 2 do 400 19 2 do 400 20 2 do 400 $3600 21 2 do 400 3150 22 2 do 400 23 2 do 400 4100 24 2 do 400 3850 25 2 do 400 3100 TOTAL. Por- B. B. 10 \ CITY OF ST. PAUL dtFARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI611SSiONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITI 9 26 2 OttoIs Addition to St. Paul 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 2 do 1 King's Lincoln Park 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 6 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do .o ASSESSED ALUATIO Lan ldg. �4p0 $3400 400 4400 400 400 425 475 1500 400 3800 400 4000 400 1 400 300 400 1000 400 300 400 5100 400 4750 400 4750 400 4750 3400 Total $15,100 $55,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ✓f -f �-- Dated Se tember 30 19 41 -- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 1 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL� Capital of Minnesota r p. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK }' HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration L Aug. 21, 1941. Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr. of Pulg is Works City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached petition of property owners for the planting of White Ash and -American Elm trees on the boulevard on Pinehurst Ave. between Kenneth and Cleveland. Very truly your/ss,, City Clerk. 11 0 TI F-urth F1 oor Court house As 'ic' 0' Tro-3dn, I kr- rOf'Crrjr:- for 7!F-ntIn* ,,jevRr,j t:--� T Avon -,c, fro-': Kenneth to Cleveland Avenv'e-- yours, 2029 plreh,rLt st. paj I Plnnest,-, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works a Report to Commissioner of Finance September 16th _19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 123828 a PP roved August 27th, 1941 19_, relative to planting end protecting shade trees.on Pinehurst Avenue from Kenneth Ave. to Cleveland Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: n 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. _, and the total 25 48 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ l cost thereof is 4Z� (Cost per front foot 21#d Engineering $17.48 roventage 1165 ft.) and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ^ %.�_<' Commissioner of Public Works. Sc? 23 1941 DEPT. OF i. FINANCE00 n �i.. .� BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR W. 5. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENS.INEER G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENO R. CLH RK MARK W. WOODRUFF L CITY OF 4AINT ,PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNIHF ENGIN- 9 a ® September 16th, 1941• Commissioner Milton Rosen, Dept. of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUR -OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU Or CORREC41111 RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of planting and protecting shade trees on Pinehurst Avenue from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 123828 approved August 27th, 1941 Estimated Cost ---------$250.48 Cost per front foot " 0.21j Engineering ------------ 17.48 Frontage -------------- 1165 ft. yo ry truly, OR M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer. Approve for transmission to C issioner of Fin e. MILTON ROSIN Commissioner of Public Works. Orhlinal to City Clerk - CITY OF SAINT PA13L ,t courlca .+ FILE NO.. -- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIILRESO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE — COMMISSIONER_-__ _. ---- - - .-..—._ RESOLVED, that on the report of Axel F. Peterson, Commis- sioner of Education, that it is for the best interests of the City to dispose of the real property herein described, said report describing the property and giving the reasons for the disposition thereof, the Council approves said project for the sale of said property and directs that the receipts from said sale be credited to the School Real Estate Fund No. 1009; the description of the property to be disposed of being as follows: Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 5, Woodland Park Addition; Lot 13, Block 2, Searle's Addition; Lot 1, Block 6, Clark's Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 37, Lyman Dayton's Addition; Lots 172 18 and 19, Block 31, Lane's Highland Park Addition; Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, Block 31, West End Addition, Ward 5; West 100 feet of south half of Lot 4, Block 41, Brown & Jackson's Addition. C. F. No. 1343�'I—By Axel F. Peterson— nesolved, that on [he report of Axel F. Peterson, Commissionerof Eduen- tlon, that 1t Is for the best Interests of the , ty to dispose f the real property herein Ieseribed, said report describing Hie property and giving the reaeone for the disposition thereof, the Coun cilsn 'proves said project for the sale If property and directs that the r 1pts from said sale be credlled to the 9ehool Rest I•:s tate Fund Na. 1009; the aeserlp- tlon of the Property to be disposed of OCT2 SD O o �g4,� being as follows; V e Lots 30, 31 and 22. Bleek S. woodland ! Adopted blj the Council___ Park Addition; - - Lot 13, Blo i.ck 3, Searle's Addition; 11 I.ot 1, Block fi, Clflrk's Addltlon; r yedS lots 1 d $Work 37, Lyman Day- �i ton's Addltlon; Lots 17, 18 and 19, lilock 11. Lane s Highland Park Addit inn; Lola 1 to 16 inclusive. Black 31, Nl'eml *! --Approved _ End Addition, We 5', {R _. west loo feet of soth halt of T.ol 4 Black 41 II n .Y[ J¢eks on A Idlti Ad pi d 1 the Councll o t_8, 8 1941 App tl D l 28, 1941 ++ In Favor (Nov. 1. 1941) YI �? --�� –----_._.. -—_.-___ - __.. May or — Tru x _.Aq lnst President, McDonough ca..... 1 CITY OF SAINT P^UL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AXEL F. PETERSON, COMMISSIONER J. C. FELDMANN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRAR1b BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ® MISS PERRIE JONES, LIBRARIAN PAUL S. AMIDON. SUPERINTENDENT BUREAU OP AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS EDWARD A. FURNI. SUPERINTENDENT A. E. TRUDEAU, DIRECTOR October 24th, 1941. TO: THE CITY EOUNCILs ST. PAUL„,MlNNESOTA FROM: ABEL F. PETERSCN, COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION SITES SUBJECT: REPORT ON DISPOSAL OF OLD AND OTHER PROPERTY 07DTED BY SCHOOL THELDEPARTMENT. 1 - Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 50 Woodland Park Addition, 160.59 x 172.31, laurel Avenue and Mackubin Street formerly used as a site for Old Webster School,now wreaked. Not needed or desirable for School Site - 2 - Lot 13, Block 2, Searle's Addn.. 40 x 151.3, located on corner of Edgerton and Ivy Sts., purchased in 1890 with 3 other lots which were sold in 1924. Not needed or desirable for School Site - 3 - Lot 1, Block 6, Clark's Addn. 36 x 120, on Corner of View and Armstrong Ave., formerly part of Old Adams School Site , other lots sold in 1927. Not needed or desirable for School Site - 4 - Lots 1 and 2. Block 37, Lyman & Dayton's Addn., corner of Maple and Conway Streets 76 x 123.25 formerly used as Fire Station #19 and received in exchange for old Madison School Site from the Public Safety Department. Not needed or desirable for School Site - 5 .. Lots 17, 18 and 19 of Block 31, Jane's Highland Park Addition 132.x 115.26 located on Montreal Ave.,between Snelling and Hawthorne. Formerly used as Old Quinoy School* Not needed or desirable for School Site. 6 - Lots 1 to 16 inclusive, Block 31, West End Addn., Hard 50 bounded by Adrian, Albion, Montreal and Elway Streets. Formerly used as old Riverside Site. Not needed or located properly for School Site. 7 - West 100 feet of south half of Lot 4, Block 41, Brown and Jackson's Addn., 100 x 133, located on Woodbury & Page Sts., formerly used for a school garden plot. Not needed or desirable for School Site. Other members of the Council have indicated that they do not desire any of the above property foruse in their respective departments. Receipts from sale of this property are to be credited to the School Real Estate Fund No. 1009. Very truly yours C016MIS IONER OF EDUCATION. HKH-AJ OrIJnJ m Cit, Cl.rk t • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 42 FOUNCIL PIL`w NO. o RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Mayor of prank L. Madden, as Secretary to the Mayor, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss O Peterson I 7r.resident, McDonough ' C. F. No, 128379—gv ,1. �, McDonough, Re olved, ,the Mayor what the appolntment by seecretarY to the Me I" and nen, In,.' 1. hereby rto'et) In x d the Proved. o xnd ap_ Adn Ptrd by the 0... cll O Appreced Oct. 28, 1941. et- 28. 1981, (Nov. 1, 1941) the Council ocT 8'841 Adopted-, 194_ 194— �pprovecL y In Favor May -1 -Age Original to City Clink PRESENTED COMMISSION � b OF SAINT PAUL Fi NC NO. �'711 i" OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC UTION-GENER FORM 1 `► DA'f`F a RESOLVED, that the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Frank L. Madden, dated October 28, 1941, in the sum of $5,000, covering his position as Secretary to the Mayor, approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file said bond with the City Comptroller. % C. F. No. 124371—BY d. .1. McDorough, i Meynr— Reeolveda that the bond given [o the City [ Saint Pnul by Frank L. Mad- ' den. dated Octoher 28, 1941, In the um of 36,000, covering hie position ea Sec- retary to the Mayor, pproved as to urety the Comm I..lono, f Fina and the to form and cutlon by Corporation Counsel, bee d theClerk Is hereby approved, e d the C Is di resteto file so ld bond ith the v' �City 'Comptroller. --- — pCuncil Oct. 28, 1941. Adopted by the o Approved t(Nu X8111941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Panto eterson -Began u President, McDonough Adopted by the CounciPr-T 281941 194— e /-1 Approved 001 28 S46 -194— In Favor D or Against- { nriAlusl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOHMCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __ _y'jQ,.DATE October 27, 1941 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 47 pigs for the St. Paul Workhouse, at a total cost of $588.61 from BANGS & TERRY CO. without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm - 1016 -131 COUTICILMEn yeas / nays gar{ass P� arr BIC,eterson �ruax 1-111r. President, McDonough 3M —0 CS 23338 I C. F. No. ]34373—Ry W. A. Parranto— Reaolved. thnI the Purchasing ggent he, and he le hereby authorized to par- chnve. with the c en[ of the Comp- troller, 47 pigs for the SL Paul Work- BANG V ork- nouse, at totnl toEsag.clR Prom Use— & TEIi ItY CO. Without dV,er- 1 [Ise man t,y w y u Pur- , ha. f livestock thn br ¢ao the South St. Paul Mnrkot. Charge Work- house Farm -101 a-131, Adopted by the Council Oct 38, 1981. ' APprovod Oct. 3R, 1941. 1941) OV i 8 9941 Adopted bil the Council _ _ -- —194_ / pproved194_..-- --In Favor �' _ Against - Orlglaal to Citi CIRi ri CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILsN- FILE T O• FORM DAT'' October 28, 1941 Whereas, the City of West St. Paul has made application for extending its Sewer system, as provided in Section 13 of Ordinar& 7995, approved February 25, 19399 and has submitted plans and specifications for said work, and Whereas, the aforesaid plans and specifications are approved by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it RE -SOLVED, That the City Council of the City of St. Paul approve the plans and specifications as submitted for the extension of sewer on - Forman Ave. from 406.4 ft. south of Arion to Butler Emma Ave. from Bprnard to 150 ft. north of Arion Kruse St. from 400 ft. north of Arion to 150 ft. north of Arion Bidwell St. from Bernard to Arion Charlton St. from Logan to Thompson and that the City of West St. Paul be and it is herein authorized to proceed with the construction of said sewers in accordance with said plans and specifications. F. No. 124373-13y W. A. Fararnto N— hereas, the MY of t aL Paul cation fo' Feetendi.9 Its /l� li Li ea 7995 vt tt, 1 d kePsectlor ,..�d has:: •.'ted • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ntco �Peteraon WJ�f�ruax r• President, McDonough am 141 Adopted by the Councllom 28 S1 194— APProved-OCT 21 10A1 194— in Favor,,- May Again 6 orisiaal to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO.---- d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCI RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONER I0LggD that the Co»issionor of hle� ark alleys' he ie hereby authorised . and dirsated to oil the Yollodng Alley-"rsnivm-Rose-Payne-Greenbrier Sennerd, York to 100' North Water, lfsbasha to Starkey Starkey, }'illaore to Water a11ey-0hariton-Wase6a-1t0rton-Baker Alley -Fan Bures-Minuehsha-Dale-Sent VS"atine, ID,tstis to Brompton ante A11sy'Blair-Yan Buren -Raine -Syne Alloy-Ashland-Laurel-ItLUOr-MOore Nevada, metowrth to Hilton Alley -Ste Albsns-Haysood-S 1, Colemsn's Sub-IW+eelook and private property for the follows Reserve Supply Co, 2694 University % COUNCILMEN Yea Nays arfuss /Parr to eterson C.F. No. I'.4 X74—By R'. A. Parranto— Resolved, that the Com ml as Ion er of Pu bllo Works be and he Is hereby a [horiaad and directed to oil the folio v- Ingstreets and alleys: Alley—Geranl um - Rose - Payne - Greenbrier Kennn rd, York to 100, North Rater, 0Pabashn to Starkey Starkey Fillmore to Water Atley—Charlton -Waseca -Mor- ton - Baker Alley—Van Buren - Mlnnehaha - Dale- Kent Valentine, Eustis to Brompton Alley—Blair - Van Buren - Ham - Ii Syndicate AIIMlooreshland - Lanrel - Wild-er NcYada, Chatsworth to Mllton Al hey St. Albans - Maywood S 1 Coleman's Sun . R'heelock and ,irate props rtY [or th^ [ollo�vl gl Reserve Supply Co, ..694 Unl Adopted ny the ouncil 0,-t. ^_6 3941. Q Apt roy ed Oct 2RC]94] -� _ (ftnv. 1, 1041) 194— Adopted by the Council President, McDonough pprove194— d----- in Favor' May �g8mis OrlsinN 1, City Clark �/i �ty% CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL dsL ;� c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE DLO. ,p _. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` IN SM", the Commissioner of Public Safety has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the emplgyment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it BBSOLVJD, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following -named ampl/yes let the rate otbsrwise fixed for extra employment for the sztra time hereinafter set forth. Npy� TITLI NO.NBS BOTS 01 Pa! Anderson, ffimer G. Junior Clerk -Stenographer 12 :42} per hr Anfang, Bernard J. Senior Mark -Typist 7� VOWFranckawiak, Landis P. Junior Clerk -Typist 27 .54} Bakal&, Wayne N. Junior Clerk=Stenographer Nall, Fred J. Senior Clerk -Typist 27 .64 Hoffman, Clarence R. Junior Clerk -Typist 12 •50 Irish. James Y. Senior Clerk -Stenographer 27 OeHeron. hank R. Senior Clerk 12 Smar. Frank g. Junior Clerk -Stenographer 2 Sswald, Aloysius A. " " " 4 Seweld. !rank R. " " 20 a a ■sk,s 36 Sinks, Walter Senior Clerk, -Typist 24 .64 Solea'. Lake J. Junior Clerk -Stenographer 16} .42 Stockton. Joseph A. Bile Clark & Blusprinter 10 Thrall, Fred Z. Junior Clerk -Stenographer Weinberger, George R. " a " 22 C. I- N-. '12432l—Ry G. H. IInrPus,— n�,olebj,1ed that [he propor city officer, eb,fl h,reby Pthori-d to forPloltrn es in the lle t of Pith llc Safety the "St ett-111d He1 ut on Adopted by the Council tock D2lon. All* ed Oct. 28, 1941. 8. 1941. I (Nov. ], 1941 ) OCT 28 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councj- 194— Yeas Nays arfuss =to et�erson R - u�c r Preaident, McDonough 3M 1-41 1___1 Approved OCT 28 941 194_ / In Favor M or �lgain An esQergsney has arisen in the, UPAROM OI FMIO Sknffs rendering necessary the employ mt of certain smploysse, of that Departaaant for more than *i&t home per day. in the doing of the following wOIkI Olericsl dad stOnOgraphis work in the Records Divisieal Of the DWOM of Polio*. 'Zhis emergency in arose by reason of the following fasts and oiroamstanossr The necessity of keeping the Records Division open to the members of the hvem of Police, and the gone;el poblio at all times, also to complete necessary records for we, in *sort procedure. N GO�dIS9I0M or MMIO Orizinal to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNeiL Z 214 7S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM DATE October 29, 1941 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 1522, On Sale Pdalt Beverage, application 1523, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1521+, applied for by Thomas Khoury at 312 Rice Ste be and the same are hereby granted. C.µ, 4 Yarrnn7to—BY G. H. Barfues— ltesolved, th of III.... for Restaurant, applfcatllicatlun2,103 Sad Offsit Sale Malt Be, -PP Beverage, npp llcatton 1524, ppplled for by Thomas ICh ou ry at 312 Rlee St, be a d the same are hereby granted. " Nev, v,e .1o1 U4111 Old (roved by Coun- aPPPovedbOcth 28, 104111 Oct. 28, 1941. 1941) New, Informally approved by Council, Oct. 14, 1941, Old Locations COUNCILMEN OCT 28 X49 Adopted by the Counei) 794— YeaNays arfuas _ pprove4l 194_ P to �� eteraon Tn Favo M ay t, McDonough Original to City Clerk b CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 24377 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RILE NO.,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e DATE nctober ?_g, 1941 WHEREAS, John Keeley desires to withdraw application 1653 for Taxi Driver license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John Keeley the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 124377—By O. H. Barfuas— Whereax,rr John Keeley deo fres to Ithdraw appllcatlon 16fi3 for Taxi 1 of (the (license icense ofee a rd positeussts dh thereon: therefore, be It IHcere resolved, that the proper city o re and efund to SohKeeleY the afee rot eb1.00 and to cancel sold application for 11- ceAdoDted by the Coun cll Oct. 28, 1941. Approved Oct. 28, 1941. I (Nov. 1, 1941) y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council R�1 194— Yeas / Nays Approved WT 194— P� arranto eterson in Favor May _Against r. President McDonough Oricinal to City Clvk r ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUCILNO. g OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE DATE October 29,�-giLl CPHOELS, John Beeley desires to withdraw application 1653 for Taxi Driver license ind requests the return of the license fee deposited thexrenn, therefore, be it HESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to c John Beeley the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. Ic. r. No. 1.43 7—ay c. x• anrta¢9— W. ,. Parranto— Whereas, Sohn Keeley deslY, to Ithdr¢w application 1653 Por, t". Driver I ""' "' r eneete the return of the Ile ..o fee depoelted [hereon: therefore. be It M"rs Resolved, that tl" p petuthorI..d to bee end they gJ•e y n r fund to John Keeley the fee o[ 51.00 V to cencel sIIld np pll cation Por ]i- ceAdopted by the Coun 111 Oct. 28, 1941. Approved Oct. 28, 1941. INov. 1, 1941) III R 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ` 194— Yeas Nays arfuss j W Approved 194— p�c ara�to eteraon /In Favor May gainst rPresident, McDonough r , oriiln.l to Cita Copt -r CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO ENCIL NO. F' 7 j OFFICE, OF TK CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PR�c,ENTED Y` OOfiOb6T 29.'1941 COMMISSION r+ DATE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: A. A. Froehlingsdorf 364 Main Ave. n 11 It of it n 11 It W. Otto & J.S. Jensen 361 Earl St. Joseph Inserra 42 W. 4th St. Wm. J. xnowlan 693 Selby Ave. Victor Tschida 33,17- Sixth St. s of it n Mickeys Sandwich Shops Inc. 395 Wabasha E. F. Swanson 1199 White Bear Abe Levenson 312 University II of n n H. W. Plinks 293 Selby 'Ave. A. W. Janssen 924 Selby Ave. Certified Ice & Fuel Co. 939 Randolph Certified Ice & Fuel Co. 7th & Goodrich Certified Ice & Niel Co. Duke & Grace C. M. Smith 194 Concord St. L. N. Houston 902 E. 7th St. Stedtfelds Markets Inc. 902 E. 7th St. Anthony Plumbb 562 Wabasha If 0 of of n a 11 If COUNCILMEN 1t Yeas Nays it Barfuss n �iadiASi' Parranto of ., Peterson 1n Favor o Truax _ Against Mr. President, McDonough 11 3M 1-u 11 Restaurant App. 46776 Renewal On Sale Malt of 46777 11 Off Sale Malt of 46779 If Confectionery 1' 47337 n Grocery it 47646 11 Butcher of 492Sg n Restaurant 11 48414 n on Sale Malt n 49415 n Restaurant n 49756 If Off Sale Malt n 49995 of Grocery ° 49223 n off Sale Malt n 49224 1t Grocery it 49449 n Butcher of 49603 of Ice Station 11 49616 11 Ice Station 11 4962 6 of Ise Station n 49627 n Butcher 11 0215 11 Grocery n 0677 of Butcher n 0679 n Restaurant of 1306 11 On Sale Malt 11 1307 1r Off Sale Malt n 1309 n Adopted by the Council 194_ Approved 194_ Mayor • O Anal to city cink ate{,. j 2(7i CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �-3 FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Oct. 28� 1941 -2- David Crimmins 2348 University Ave. Restaurant A,pp.1334 Renewal H. - W. Prechtel• 1821 St. Clair Grocery n 1340 n @ n n n (Butcher n 1341 " Off Sale Malt n 1342 n Superior Packing Co. 2103 Wabash Slaughter House n 1356 n E. F. Swanson 1199 White Bear Grocery n 1392 n Mrs.Evelyn M. Stepnitz 1959 St. Anthony Grocery " 1441 " 11 " n It It Off Sale Malt 11 1442 n John J. Colbert 586 Rice St. Bmowling Alleys " 1509 " Irwin J. King 242 S. Cleveland Confectionery n 1534 n Chester A. Kelley & Mabel A. McGraw r. 14g E. 4th St. Thtel n 1538 n Arthur Rossini 159 E. Kellogg Restaurant ,., It 1573 n " II " n On Sale Malt n 1574 n 11 " Off Sale Malt n 1575 n Earl Carpenter 232 E. 8th St. Restaurant " 1576 " Dave L. Gottesman 499 Rondo St. Grocery n 1584 n n n n 11 Butcher It 1595 " Shaller & Spicer Y 1344 Thomas Butchar " 1591 " Albert A. Schaffhausen 633 S. Cleveland Confectionery n 1594 n Henry & Will. Conrad 666 University Bowl. Alleys n 1600 n Lloyd Kolby 151 N. Snelling Bakery " 1603 n Erickson Bros. Oil Co. 415 E. 7th St. Gas Station ° 1607 " G. 11. Barfuse— OCT �' 8 1941 COUNC C.w a .124379-13y - Adopted by the Council 194_ Resolved, that 11...... applied for - Ye8s named on the ``let t - by the persons d the [ached to this- resolution and ` ame are hereby granted, d the City arfn88 Clerk fe Inst acted to le'us h 11• upon the payment Into the City C p �;7 8 1941 d ASR lT (`.iY! treasury of the reeufrsd 11— Adopted by the Couhcll Oct. 28, 1941. pp Ved j9 E APP roved Oct. 28, 1941. P rranto (Nov. 1, 194b /Peterson _ -,�. �n,pavo ' 114 gX Agai May r. President, McDonough :121 1.41 Oriel—I to city CITY OP SAINT PAULOL NCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October�941 COMMISSIONE SEAS: Louis T. Streasick desires to withdraw application 1634 for On Sale Malt Beverage license, H pplication 1633 for Restaurant license, and application 1635 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 151 S. Wabasha St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Louis J. Streasick the fee.of $50.00, $10.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said M applications for licensee. � C. F. No. 124379—Hy G. H. Bflrfuea— n'. A. Perranto— �t'herene. Louie J. St reae'ck d.e'... to MaltBeveragei llcenee,l a34 ortlon 1893 for Restaurant llcense, Band application 1636 for Off Sale MaltSt. Beverage license ll�fatS.Sof theehilcenee n fee 7aeete the thereon; therefore be it posited benand theYt arehat thereby eCulhorized eto fund to Louis J. Streaelek the tee to E60.00, j10.00, of ntld j6.00 and to cancel eald opted by th Po ]ice.. es. Adopted by the colic II Oct_ 28, 1941. Approved Oct. 28, 1941. (Nov. I, 1941) 1;. 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays arfuss arr nto eterson uax , President, McDonough am 1-u OCT28 M1 Adopted by the Council 194— 'g rG; � 1941_194— Approve' In Fav Ma /^/ �Againa 9 ' C. F. No. 124380—Ordinance No. 8305—I d origlnto city Clerk By Axel F. Peterson— OR D I N A A°a "a NovemberOtrdlnance N 12�Q (Z 99 'COUNCIL FILE NO. `/ tC59 jY PRESENTED BY /RL ° ORDINANCE NO. D 3 0.5 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 81690 approved November 14, 1940, entitled: "An administrative ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7034, approved January 2, 1929, as amended, entitled 'An administrative ordinance fixing and authorizing the payment of compensation for certain city employes in the Unclassified Service connected with the public schools of the Cityl. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessaq for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary f or the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8169, approved November 14, 1940, be and the same is hereby repealed, such repeal taking force and effect at the close of business on December 270 1941. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosch Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 500 3-4/ �w NOV I ft M41 Passed by the Council -------------- --------------..-...-..-._....- __ _.....In Favor .. _... _. _... _....-----_ _.. against JA 9A 14 COUNCIL FILE NO._ --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER ,.In the Matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, St, Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue o: 1 4881— of grndlnbnd s .'i. e he Alley 1 Blo... t St. Cath . erine 'j, k from deco Prelinift. nn>1eVo>d.r ,exp proved JuIY 9, 1941. t 1.,'• n Il [ the City ivel the re : �Y the • he + D under Preliminary Order 123327 approved illy 9, 1941 The 6buncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 10184.69. , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th __day of November, 1941 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT?8 1941 Adopted by the Council__--- 193— A n—n—A 93—Armco—A __ 193— File 93 File 9370 Councilman ."uea v Councilman parranto Councilman ,"rTT,ISV Councilman Peterson Councilman Renew Councilman qpp9ppowwoTruax Mayor 2Iclluoon�b Form B. S. A. 8-6 C t e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills 'in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, under- -Preliminary Order— 123328 approved July 9. 1941 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfading of the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and s4ded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th day of November, 1941 3FW , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT � 3941 _ Adopted by the Council — 193 Approved 193 City Clerk File 9369 / ^ Mayor i Councilman lvi� Barfues j J Councilman I„� — PUBLISIIED_11— l— Councilman P Parranto Councilman R C. F. leo. 124382—eco Councilman T �eer,e themolter mtn[ Ine[het landnd tnk_ Tru= /J Mayor Maim myn[or 'lope', ut' and lil is intthe grndtng nd 'u Lacing Of the Alley In Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Form B. S. A. 8-6 - Finn Street to Clevel'- -Avenue, un- der Preliminary 123328, ap-, J�.,.. The . St. P COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills 'in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, under- -Preliminary Order— 123328 approved July 9. 1941 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfading of the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park from Finn Street to Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and s4ded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th day of November, 1941 3FW , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT � 3941 _ Adopted by the Council — 193 Approved 193 City Clerk File 9369 / ^ Mayor i Councilman lvi� Barfues j J Councilman I„� — PUBLISIIED_11— l— Councilman P Parranto Councilman R Peterson Councilman T �eer,e Councilman Tru= /J Mayor Maim 111cllonough /III Form B. S. A. 8-6 �C. WF. No. 124583°— R- In the matter T constructing a Ide- �t�r watk on [he wee[ aide oT North l}rot-�heelock Parkway lvundere Prelimia --iary Cider 124090, approved aeptem- 26, C°th ' 11-1-41 oT he.'' t'd ne of FI—P iO send COUNCIL FILE NO._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sidewalk on the west side of North Grotto Street between Ivy Avenue and Wheelock Parkway under Preliminary Order 124090 approved September 26- 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon .the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a aidewalk on the west side of North Grotto Street between Ivy Avenue and Wheelock Parkway, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, pJr square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-0 .19. 4" monolithic; $0.28, 6" monolithic. L Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the —25th—day of November,, 124 Yj)s—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City- of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance g'a notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the cost thereof as estimated. OGT "- I Adopted by the Council--__--- 193—__ i Approved - 193.x__ - ty Clerk % File S4540 / - _ _ ------------- - J r Berm { Councilman�L15i1Ell Ma Councilman Parranto Councilman mm"Peterson Councilman se Ream - Councilman Truax Councilman enze Mcllocough Mayor Mal Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Norfolk Avenue from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Street, Ic. v. No. 114384— matier o4outhst Md, g Nor tlo oathe from Prior Ave— to uStreet, under Preliminar 124089, approved Septem1, Council .-he C11 under Preliminary Order 124089 9 approved - September 2R 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sidewalk on the south side of Norfolk Avenue from Prior Avenue to Kenneth Street, exoept where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, s per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $0.19 4" monolithic; $0.28, 6" monolithic. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th day of Y November, 1941 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement andthe total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 2 8 1941 Adopted by the Council__—, 193— eel 1, T Approved 193 ity Clerk .,Y. _ M r File 54541 n Councilman 11--'��"" J Councilman Barfose n1�ni_�SF-f��., £•i++eMatt " Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Councilman `vr- a Truax - Mayorep .� McDonough . Form B. S. A. 8-6 NOTICE O• F. No, 129386— •tPrr OP sutrr PwuL -M1. '' ,T, the eciiyo tieaa i cheoka be drawn oh COUNCIL FILE NO. J 9 TO amount pf $2929U19tn the aggragatp OUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER pe mbhrea 8ft36� to eB930�jnc1uelveeckRe Olt- cComp" n1.r,e n the of . of the Y Adopted by the Council Oct. 2B, October 2j-- 1941_ Approved Oct, gB, 1941 1941. RE�.,— . 1) !AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 22.290.16 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 8935 TO 86410 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 19A1 1. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ CfTY C MPrgOLLER APPROVED-11' t CLERK , 'CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'l! DUPLICATE TO CITY O Ft"ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I• COUNCIL FILE NUMBER— l• ROLL CALL RSYSANK° BARFUSS / TRANSFER CHECKS HRRANTO -� IN FAVORCLAIMS BROUGHT FORWARD PAS AUDITED 616 774 28 PETERSON ,/� I,y AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE C TY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGN -. CHECKS NUMBERED INCLUSIVE. AS –99396 rr(n] ER. IJ41 PER CHECKS ON F FFIC THE CIT COM ADOPTED SV THE COUNCIL— '_ -- ^oR(3p •- APP ED TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RSYSANK° N/ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 20 954 20 616 774 28 88356 George F. Dix, Clerk of M.Ct. 50 00 88357 Blue & 'Shite Cab Company 1 591 73 88358 Anton Dvorak Cent. Committee 29 91 88359 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 77 97 88360 Columbia Tool steel Company 27 63 88361 Oontinental Machines, Inc, 3 53 88362 Crane Company of Minnesota 25 19 88363 R.C. Duncan Company 9 72 438 60 8$364 Electric Blue Print Company 88365 H.L. Ettaan Sponge Company 344 71 88366 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 111 16 88367 A. Ingvoldstad j5 28 88368 tt.W. Koepke 7 45 88369 John Leslie Paper Company 102 90 88370 F.A. Marko Sign Company 13 50 88371 Minneapolis Visitor 20 00 88372 Monroe Studio 50 00 88373 Northern States Power Company 11 902 42 88374 North Star Varnish Company 99 84 88375 Paper, calmenson & Company, I'c. 22 10 88376 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 286 39 88377 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 231 32 88378 St.Paul Builders Material Company 106 81 88379 St.Paul Corrugating Company 353 95 88380 G. Sommers & Company 219 28 58381 The Trane Company 47 04 88382 Van Paper Supply company 102 90 00 88383 Joseph Benton 88384 George Sudeith 28 00 88385 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 00 88386 Feyen Construction Company 1 870 00 58387 Orloff Leather Company, Inc. 90 86 88388 Thorman R. Rosholt Company 326 93 88389 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 1 582 70 88390 Mrs. Louis Tay 28 80 11 4o 88391 Ballard Motors & Ramp 88392 Saint Paul Buick 2 90 9 88393 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company246 �2 88394 Farwell, Ozmun,-Kirk & Compare 58395 L.J. Glazier 80 00 88396 St.Paul Book & Stationefy Company 99 26 88397 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 88398 J.L. Shiely & Company 116 62 152 �7 88399 Carl Maronde 3 2 88400 Commonwealth Electric Company 92 88401 Culliggan, Weinha en Company 11 60 20 00 88402 John E. Palmer, Seo. & Treas. 94 88403 St.Paul Sausage Company 06 X8404 Schunemans, Inc. 88405 Mrs. Arletta-Shipman 41 00 88406 Superior Refining Company 93 6o 55407 Thornton Brothers Company 138 60 88408 Trap Rock Company 319 44 ' 88409 Valley Iron Works 77 78 ' 55410 W.M. Welch Mfg. 263 66 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 70 954 20 39 064 1�1{ i NOTICE CITY or SAINT PAUL `'. >:. 1, 134386— COUNCIL FILE �e'ity , to neckR he ,�,,N�Y� to, �prlL RESOLUTION TO the cttr tcerrvu�r, rio me Usscersate mI nt IP $31,889.8_, civ erinti •he,ke mhere1 8A308 to 8N3i5, Inclusive, PRINTER cit mocks o ❑1e m the Umce Ur me _ p'Itpb@Tr. 2�--___-194L— cnr`cUmvtboiter. 0 Ally— l by the Couvr❑ O.'t. '_8, 1941. A PPrnceJ (N . 1 1941. (NnT. 1, 7941) RESOLD S4 ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S3� 839 8a- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 99303 -TO -99355 AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. i ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILCITY coMPTaocU�, APPROVED..-._. _.. --- --- --194_.__- BY eoo o-ao (� (/ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER PAUL - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT , J COUNCIL DISBURSEMENT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLE f3 FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL ' 18 BARFUSS 6O5 888 66 A..A R PARRANTO 1 �IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October p4_ IBI -- PETERSON 1 208 80 GGeor AGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH CITV TREASURY TRUAX 1 929 29 349 87 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f],.,839.2 COVERING MR PRES. McDDNOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS ON I ' FFIC Hk CIT COMPTRO R. ADOPTED BY TI F,_ COUNCIL .__. __ PER CHECKS FILE Y 1 APPROVED —184 NUMBER / co. rtno�«n 88312 i!Owens Motor Sales, Inc. `\ A BY (� (/ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TO AL DATE RETURN Ell BV BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS ' 18 BROUGHT FORWARD 6O5 888 66 88306 City of St.Paul 119 51 S 88303 William F. Podewils & F.K.P. water Commissioners 2 266 25 10 00 88304 Board of 359 64 88305 City of St.Paul 18 88306 City of St.Paul 119 51 88307 City of St.Paul 208 80 88308 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 1 929 29 349 87 88309 Cutler, Magner Company 23 55 88310 The Golden Rule 138 65 88311 Hobart Bros. Sales & S.Co. 594 6o 88312 i!Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 88313 3harp and Dohme, Inc. 29 70 61 88314 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 58 88315 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compant 15 88316 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compare 1553 88317 John Fitzpatrick 6 00 88318 J.P. Payzant 5 00 88319 Booth Cold Storage Company 29 88320 F.J. Brings & Company 32 134 35 88321 The Carnation Company 1 00 88322 Certified Ice & Fuel Company L1 35 88323 Commercial Refrigeration Comp y 39 79 336 88324 Crescent Creamery Company 90 88325 Croixdale Farms 8 10 88326 R.L. Gould & Company 93 53 68327 lloFadden-Lambert & Company 353 70 88328 Midwest Equipment S.Company 15 50 68329 Mother's Friend Laundry, Inc. 19 52 88330 New York Public Library 50 88331 Northern States Powe4 company 221 21 639 27 88332 Northern states Powe Company Northern States Power dompany 222 42 88333 8833+ Perkins -Tracy Printing Compan r 101 00 88335 Phillipe Petroleum Company 3 52 30 60 88336 Polaris Concrete Company 15 00 88337 Public Utilities Reports, Inc 88338 Red Star Yeast Company 4 0 269 70 883 9 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 98340 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 252 70 88341 3t.Paul Stove & Furnace Repair Works 19 Benj. H. Sanborn Company 15 88342 74 00 68343 Geo. Shetka & Sons 00 88344 L.'$. Singer Company 14 25 88345 C.A. Skafgaard Company ® j 1 50 88346 O.'e. Smith 88347 Standard 011 Company 3 215 17 88348 Telautograph Corporation 22 00 96 84 88349 Uareo Register Company 88350 Uhl Company51 00 7 04 88351 Vanier Bies, Inc. Ice Cream 88352 Victory Printing Company 128 95 923 21 88353 Villawke Box & Lumber Company 22 85 98354 Ivallaoe & Tiernan Company 124 50 98355 "Vest Publishing Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2O 954 20 11616774 29 12 1�'7 a �� RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ oQening._a►idening_and extending a 20 -foot alley_in Block_2-_________- Auditor's Subdivision No. 60, by taking and condemning the south 10 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the north 10 feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 60 —. No. mtter .tt-- de under Preliminary Order ..... 123200 _________ approved___ July lj 1941_-_-_-_______ Intermediary Order __________123605 _____-_____ approved___ August 5, 1941 Final Order ----------------- 123867_------------ approved____ September 2,_ 1941 -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. OCT 29 1941 Adopted by the Council_________________________._-_.!__---�_, 19,`__ r ty Clerk. Approved__ &---lZt1-- --- 19---- File 9313 g use _—"----/----------------- - ---lan Councilman >�a�==' Councilman�/► aye°LD PUBLISIIED1-L— CouncilmanM,2_ �fsece eeb /, Councilman,geeea— Councilman�— -� Councilman Mayor 0x Mr. vie Preddmc (P—) s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS,, S N�p OF 13L.�EFI�1'� In the matter of_ opening„_ widening and extending _a 20 -foot alley in Bleck_ 2�_______ Auditor's Subdivision No. 60, by taking and condemning the south 10 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3, and the north 10 feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 60 under Preliminary Order ----- approved____ _________________ Intermediary Order -------- approved___ August 5_1941 --------------------------- Final _____________Final Order_______________123667 approved ---- September_2,_1941____________________-__ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 7 Commissioner of Inance. ori8lnal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY C. F.No. 124388—Ordinance No. 8307—.� By W. A. Parranto, by request— An n Ir •..+, , ORDIN: �r�i�.I arae 0.muw.. 124398 rCOUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. -y3'9 / V I J An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organ- ization charts for the various departments of the city govern- ment. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by Inserting in the organization chart of the Department of Public Works, in Section 13 of said ordinance, under the subdivision en -titled "Administration," the line: 01 Senior clerk stenographer" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be ir? force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto ReeoR Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 500 3-41 NOV 131941 Passed by the Council /_--------------------------------------.......--- - ....�?_....._ .In Favor - --------- ----------- ---Against Approve -- NO..V 13 11..._... • ..... ...--------------------------- ------- j Mayor LUT) 1.5=�1 Original to City Clerk PRESENTEC{ BY/ C. F.No. 124389—Ordinance No. 8306—I By W. A. Parranto, by request- -'nance granting to 5 "ar O RID I N A `1v ;r,niasl ..,: 1243`9 COUNCIL FILE NO. v � � A!` 1'�*,u4rJ l ORDINANCE NO.Y-3 0'-4 F An ordinance granting to Miller & Holmes, Inc. permission to maintain a ramp leading to its loading platform at its place of business at 501 Lafayette Road. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission is hereby granted to Miller & Holmes, Inc. to maintain a ramp leading to its loading platform at its place of business at 501 Lafayette Road, being the corner of Lafayette Road and Grove Street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Miller & Holmes, Inc. for said ramp, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: 1. Said licensee shall file with the Com- missioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said ramp, which shall be subject to the ap- proval of said Commissioner. 2. Said ramp shall -be satisfactory in con- struction to the said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. 3. Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $5,000, con- ditio'led to save the City harmless from any and all liability, Judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the maintenance, use, presence or removal of said ramp. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and shall be filed with the City Comp- troller. 4. Said ramp shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. 5. Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Resew Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 500 3-41 I 1OWUV 13 1941 Passed by the Council ------------------------------ ------ ............. ---....-----.In Favor ..............-----------.Aggaiinst 1 r!�iFJ `a ., t 1943 pro: -- ..----------- ---- ----------- -- - i _. '.....-------..........------ --------------------------- ----- Mayor PTJM,TST-�'_FF9__� I .NII - S CREAMERY i GASOLINE ST. PAUL. MINN. October 25, 141 Mr. E. W. Kartak Bureau of Corrections Department of Pulblic Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Kartak: In accordance with our telephone conversation I am enclosing the $5,000 bond suggested and also a letter addressed to the City Council requestin.- permission to maintain said ramp. Thanking you for courtesy extended in this connection, I am, CCH:mes Enc. 1:' Yours very truly, MILLER & HULMES, Inc. C. C. Holmes Presiuent I1 11.1.7:1? 110 I..NI M H CREAMERY ., .J. .. i. GASOLINE St r i . _ rF RIA ST. PAUL. MINN. October 35, iz)41 City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, yinn. Gentlemen: We are advised by the bureau of Corrections that the ramp leading to our loading platform at our building at 501 Lafayette Roaa is on city property. Until this was called to our attention we had no idea that we were not complying with requirements and on a the suggesti)n of the Bureau of Corrections we respec- tfully request permission to maintain said ramp. We have provided a 45,000 surety bond protecting the city as requested cy the Bureau of Corrections. We will appreciate your favorable consideration of this matter. 'ours very truly, MILD miLMES, Inc. C.C. h4IM Presicent CCh:mes Saint Paul, Minnesota November 17, 19+1 11 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 124399, being Ordinance No. 8306, adopted by the Council on November 13, 1941- I MILLER & HOLMES, INCORPORATED r R ; ,4t CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK W.- UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMEIS DATE October 29. 1 44 1 _.— RESOLVED: That Grocery license *7561, expiring April 4, 1942, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license $329, expiring April 4, 1942, issued to Rubin Sirott at 217;State Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Sarah Sirott on the charge of sale of 3.2 beer before noon on Sunday. gartue� '. gTT4aa0.�pro r 1942.° g29, e n C.¢enol Da\aS TA6g 42Ap {elan be a ac i. t Mm_ 1149tata voXea of Yo lea °t p\T\as t 2 abY r°area shill t gale °t Sm tet\g �< a t�re8a Sas oaaYy9 t941 a h°s\rott ° ao C uae. �38 bo rtnbYe�b 2919i9411 _ _ role OCT 2919x1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas / Nays p OCT 291941 w Approved 194_ �l in Favoy --. a _ M or dieeee� /v^J � TrUM I' aa. 3.41 iL Vift Pe i i e OPlsln i to cit, 4.1.,k Y OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL��[�. FILE FORM 1 RESOLVED, that Midway Chevrolet Company be given plrmission a to move an existing driveway to serve its new building at. 1395 University Avenue, in accordance with plan submitted, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. \ \ 124991-8Y W. A' Purranto, Ch¢vrolet hyto eryv¢d,t ihnt ¢rmleefo move sol iv en P erve its ew un slstln6e j986eU my eraltYbmitt d ¢ nd cldin6 st plan u utisfnc- huo donee rg d o then pu �c der ul ethe t I Commlesioner 1 -it. 1941 1 tion the Council Oct. 29' Iw APP�oved Oft 29'1 1941i i--------------- COUNCILMEN — COUNCILMEN YeasNays a 98 in an arranto i3esea Tl'QA7C akl 141 K4 pA% WT 29 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— OCT 29 1941 pproved _194— In 94_In Favor 'n/ May r —LAgainst ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen A�UGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C.ty A,,h—t GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE BOARD OF ZONING Fstebllshed by Ordinance No. 5840, July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear S it : October 15th, 1941• In the matter of application of the Midway Chevrolet Company, 1385 University Avenue, for permission to move an existing driveway. The Midway Chevrolet Company are erecting a new building at 1385 University Avenue and their present driveway would abut this new building. They desire to move it 12 ft. to the east to clear the building. There is no objection to moving this driveway. It will be 13 ft. 6 inches in width at the sidewalk line. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. The zoning is Light Industry. As this is simply the moving of an existing driveway of about 12 ft., no notices or hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gb-rh r- ti 1 f`j .J 11 K, e.lc o; : � 1 CLINTON A. RACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alsrm r..._....-............- ri. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CC�� Capital of MinnesotaccUerad"fed of Px;c = ajetcv Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 15, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell fly Clerk int Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Midway Chevrolet Company for permit to install a driveway to their car storage lot located at 1385 Uni- versity Avenue. The customary inspeotion was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. His report covering the inspection is attached. �jvery truly yours, — Commissioner � Public Safety u. 0i a, DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 2 October 15 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sir t This is in reference to application made by the Midway Chevrolet Company for permission to install a driveway to their car storage lot located at 1385 University Avenue. For your information�I made the usual inspection of the premises and blue .prints and find that they are putting up a building where the old driveway is and are to install a new driveway East of the new building. This will not materially interfere with traffic and from a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry N. Wet rgren Superintendent of Traffic haw/f 0 ORIGINAL CITY OF BT. PAUL TR PLIITE IND ILEO IN Tve c 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLeR FI Application For License / )-- `�3 DATE OG /77 I) TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY IVAwe P FIRM OR IVOIVIOuwL Wei FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A 1 ORIVe Iv OR ly IU[ oA RwO[ I -� I BLOOK �.�/15 3,RTRe.`r�R. ALSO DESCRIBED A6 iI+DOITIONI �P5 _ _,._.,_.....-.- �PLc FILEDo RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY 1*ERK / / 9 DATE II DATE CITY PLANNING I)OARD DEPARTMENT OF PU�LIC .APE - BY _ BY 1 0 Original to Cit, clerk 1243 Q' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILNO. �SiC�✓w" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE y COUN�CIIL} RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM GOM LESS ONER 9N' ""` � DATE f e RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in re application for yeduction of assessed valuation of real estate, Ramsey County Auditorts No. 60006, pertaining to the real estate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: except southerly 5 feet taken for alley, Lots 1, 2 and 3, and except southerly 5 feet taken for alley, the,easterly one-half of Lot 4, in Block 5, City of St. Paul.. that the recommendation by the Board of Abatement or County Board in the matter of said application that the assessed value of said premises for taxation purposes be reduced $2000000 being 6.25 per cent of the assessed value thereof for the year 1940,a nd for the reduction of taxes for said year by the sum of $1,999.60 making the taxes against said premises for said year 129,994.000 is hereby in all things approved, and that the aetion of the Commissioner of Taxation oft he State of Minnesota, reducing said assessed value and said taxes for the year 1940 against said premises, in accordance with said recommendation, be and the same is hereby approved. dean I e c¢y �irrie i No. Cabbed er1Y 5 and 3. [or Lnot t. iat the Abate- tter of d alae ur Donei for ethe [ tares 1.909.60. rem v Y In -111 ctli nthe ♦eld he- theYeadr r - be and Yeas Barfuss Findlan Parranto �Petereen .F_ Adopted by the Council WT 29 194i 194— Orl,tn.l to CRY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -_ _ _� wA A (�/tI" DAT COMMISSIONER Weas RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in re application for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate, Ramsey County Auditor's No. 60144, pertain- ing to the real estate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Lot 5, Auditor's Sub- 7division No. 560 that the recommendation by the Board of Abatement or County Board in the matter of said application that the assessed value of said premises for taxation purposes be reduced $1306000 being 7.024 per cent of the assessed value thereof for the year 1940, and for the reduction of taxes for said year by the sum of $1,,359.73, making the taxes against said premises for said year $17,996.40, is hereby in all things approved, and that the action of the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota, reducing said assessed value and said taxes for the year 1940 against said premises, in accordance with said recommendation, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILME Nays C. F, No. 129393—By John S: ne aesolved, hY the Barfuss Findlan Parranto Patereea o� e 1 �q btu° Vlce Pceaidmt (Peaereoa) U3 OF s9 641 by the Council 194—. off Approved 194— _ Tn Favor Ma < � Against Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION GE L FORM Rr50LVtsL, That the free use of the theater section of the St. Fatal Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Optimist Club on the aftatncgonfand evening of November 28, 1941, for illustrated lectures by Father iiubbard; said Optimist Club to pay only the cost of opening and operating said theater section on said date for the above occasions. O Sten lOy c4 h le b t f ypY Vre 00 er lumbmist qlr vembo Fayh eplatho titer OV in6 a lectn lUb t 4e above e.e' 1 Pid O4t14rtet d 4or{ort a .1941. of o4nn trtinn eald date it Oct.ct* 29. '11 nAP4Toe ed OlNnv9 1919411 ca COUNCILMEAdopted by the Council 29 1941 ts4— Yeas/ Nays B uss QfAT ®g 641 indlan provedW it 194— �P/arrto Tn Favj4p t_ tea.. M or ITU e- gainil j Orl,la.l to City Clerk r CITY OF SAINT PAULFIWC1L NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --t-- C U CIL O U�TI/ONN-�GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT'" COMMISSIONER r RESOLVED, that out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $4.74 per week be paid Harold Field while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on September 20th, 1941, while employed by the Department of Education, and $22.12 in final settlement to and including October 23, 19410 is now payable. C. F. No. 124396—By Axel F. Peterson— Resolved that out t the Workmen's Comps n s at�on Account f the General Fund, eekly com Penentlon of E4.R4 per ek b. paid Harold Field while he Is !totally disabled by es n f inlurles he • shed o Septem bar 20th, 1941 hlle employed b the Department of liducn[lon, d Ex2.12 'A dnnl settle- ent to ¢nd¢I nclud ing Oc[ober N. 1941, is Adop tdyabbyl the Council Oct. 29, 1941. APprored Oct. 29, 1941. (Nov. 1, 1941) Origin.] I. Clb Clerk "r CITY OF SAINT P/.UL . COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOWGEN�RAL FORM WHEREAS, Harry C. Lightner has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 11, Block 29, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blocks 249 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Merriam Parkj and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $121.84, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $107.87; therefore, be it RESCLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement] provided, however, that the sum of $2.83 shall be .first deducted from the total payment of $107.87, and that said eum of $2.83 shall be paid to the City of a1 Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in y� the total ,delinquency of $121.84. OCT 29 t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss o J Approve' 194— Findlan Parranto Peterson Tn Favor yor -RasE+r' //////�� � r msx �-Tgaihat { Or1g10.1 I. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT. PAUL COU NCIL NO. l�itJs OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM } PRESENTED OM 9 SSIONER " !� ' DATE s WHEREAS, Josephine Muller has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 33 and 34, Block 18, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Blocks 18 and 31, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $765.73, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in Hill settlement thereof the sum of $550.261 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement) provided, however, that the sum of $26.60 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $660.25, and that said sum of $26.60 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $765.73. 124397-13 l Jos n f COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rf4WOOR Aeseir fPe'4>e� In - 0729S41 Adopted by the Council 194— �?. Approved OR � W41 194— _In Favor-, ayor --O--Against pU13LISIi11�/ Ori,in.l to Cit, Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER � ./�.yVC--O1/'V" DATE 11 WHEREAS, Carl J. Fox has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Midway Industrial Divisions and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,501.22, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $972.28; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer.of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $346.32 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $972.28, and that said sum of $346.32 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,501.22. 4396—By John S. F naian— Carl J. Fox haw ads relief to the Minnear ,,onr ut " to .decdQi, f7 erl COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto 12etersew Rose" 3M 1-41 11L t (Peterson) Adopted by the Council O" 29 194;94_ Approved OF E9 *41 194_ i n Favor ; Ma, or __Againstu.L_,L®I Or1,in.i la City Clerk 124391 24 i 9 H 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILLv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FIORM CRESENOMMISTED BY _ DATE October 29 - 1941 V RESMVZDs That license for Restaurant, application 1645, On sale Malt Beverage, application 1646, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1647, zmi Tavern, application 16149, and Dance Hall. application 1649. applied for by Otto A. Heomann at 127 W. Central Ave. be and the some are hereby granted. New, Informel3y approved, I,- Council. ]las Oct. 29, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays s Findla`indlan /Yarranto en 2M 1.41 '.C. F. No. 124399—By G. H. Barfuss�— W. A. Parrnnto— Resolved,thatIOn S for Restaurant, age, aPlon 1646. 16 Sale Malt Bever- '. ge, apDllcatl1, 1648, Off gate Malt 'Beverage, pp I'..d' on 97, Tav stn, ap- tllona11649,1648, d Dame Hall, appllca- applied for by Otto A. Neu - at 127 W. Central ..Adv vebe and thN .__ arre lg'teyby In ted. cll, Oet. 23, 1941. Old 1 cation. by Coun- Adopted by the Council Oct. 29, 1941. A ppro,,ed Oct. 29, 1941. (Noy. 1, 3941) Adopted by the Council®n�T� 194— L1- Approved" l In Fav ayor Against orwad to city Cork'1 ,,+ ® CITY OF;SAINT PAUL coul4ca FILE NO._�- "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED, that Keene C. 1koCammonii,patrolman in the Department of Public Safety, upon the recommendation o of the Commissioner of said Department, be granted a leave of absence for disability, with full pay, from October 8th to 19th, 1941, both dates inclusive. C. R sNO.ea2 4001 Keene C. McOammon, yatrolman In the Department f Publlo +3afot)• py n thea ecommendatLonen� the Comm lsaloner o a id Depar granted leave n beence for tlis- 'abllitY. With full p Y, t,, i clust er 8th 'to 19th, 1991, both dates inclusl1. 941. AdoDteed Octh 29. 194111 Oot. 28, _ I Approv (Nov. 1, 1941) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n � � to Tn Favor Ramm- T.rnnv a� 31 3d 1.41 Mr..16 w P 0) Adopted by the Counci)P 2'9 1941 194— OCT $S 041 .�. C. F. No 12440 thRee I0ej that h NOTI olty' treasury, toksthe Brawn ^ i� numb et Y =99 270.16, verin hecke TO Viper check`= 114flje lne th¢ u ces o�'the City comSV PRINT] APProve.7bOC[h 29Couneil Oct. 29, 1941, A (Nov.'1 19911 991' CITY OF 9AIRT PAUL w ,O_b COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Z+ 06tabs- 29 1941_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS et DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 44,270-15 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ss463 TO 86494 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. i4� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 2 9 ._ _194_ L'oCRY COMPTROLLER APPROVED --194-.- _2-��i -- f _ _j I AJ Now DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FICOUNCIL LE NUMBER_ __._ ROLL CALL BARFUSSFINDLAN / P RRANTO �' —IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS AiSiYGOfe RO.BN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY �y t TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �� 1_—. COVERING W. VV P� {f t? . 1 CHECKS NUMBERED` TOINCLUSIVE. AS Vice TB YIItHE COU NCrt n-- - - - PER CHECKS On,, L O� O T CITY C TROIIEW ADOPTAPP V � 186 /_' — y ///���/// __ ou vino LLcn - NUMBER !' 200 _—_--_r I O AL DAETU RTE CHECK orf FAVOR OF RBYBANKD NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 233 954 20 642 742 93 ' • 8466463 Board of 'nater Commissioters ''Fater 674 81 7C2 33 4 Board of Commissioners 88465 Board of Water Commissioners 579 90 '8466 Board of 'later Commissiopers 593 90 gg467 Board of Water Commissioners 1 388 11 88468 Board of Water Commissioners 1 963 21 gg469 City of St.Paul, B. of Aud. 300 00 88470 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 1 178 44 88474 W.A. Parranto, C.P.Util. 515 22 88472 Axel F. Peterson, C.Tduo. 17 97 88473 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 5 480 3 �1 88474 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 126 g8475 Milton Rosen, C.P.'r7orks 108 51 g8476 Milton Rosen, C,P.Works 1 720 62 88477 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 13 662 35 SS478 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 948 66 88479 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 256 O1 88480 Milton Rosen, C.P.17orks 2 362 93 88481 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 302 3 58482 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 884 58 g8483 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 243 12 s8494 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 965 46 g8485 Milton xosen, C.P.Works 1 093 96 88496 Milton Rosen, C.P.11orks 396 05 88487 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 534 20 88488 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 164 94 98489 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 511 55 88490 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 538 85 630 05 88491 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 88492 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 361 31 1 99493 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 601 79 g8494 Fred M. Tzmxx, C.Parks, etc. 411 55 i I I I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD it 279.224 35 I 642 942 9 II II i 0 ��- N''- 1=110=— CITY OF SAINT L NOTICE i:,=a,�a. u,:.c ,�i,<��:.. o,• al:,.�I, �I, ° �Ao COUNCIL FILE NO.___--.__-- To'y IUNCIL RESOLUTION I'IIIIII I, i�r,•d Y�'lli t„ �N {li'_'` In,ivul �'i•, F PRINTER�"�� ,'n�•<k.. nl, Io in,- Mwh"« „c t �u - , , nolroll�• Ad,q,l,Ips re.. I „,In rn1. a�. Inas. '-^ �i.ia!I. -.�r 27 8 e „29. nhIII,,-�a I [s�a. I oa n WN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESOLvtu, I H/\ I t_htuwbr un,, 216,878.49 88411 OF i_ -- -- _ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ __TO 88462 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - -194-- - - �� ✓ `"�`'-`T�j1L ITvOMPra0— -194. _ __ PROVED - - - zoo 5-40 APBY _ --- — -- � TO - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAI T PAUL 04-'-1 NE R8YBANKD OFFICE OFTI­4j�'C OMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER—- ROLL CALL BROUGHTFORWARD .20 954 20 BARFU SS FINDLAN October 27 1 INFAVOR PARRANTO 30 00 AUDITEDCLAIMS _ _ - —194_ PSitR86N RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE pggNg dH TY TREASURY _AGAINST !P216,879.49 TO THE AGGREGATE AMpppppp T F S—C_•L_o, O COVERING �11� n to 194CHE_. (19p, �'A i `POULl NUMBERED PER CHECKS ON E TOINCLUSIVE•AS FFI F THE ITY COMP LLE R. T r J -,—/� cou vTwo��cn APPROVE_ D—_ '9--7� --196 - NUMBER l�l/l/ _ --- — -- � TO AL DATE CHECKETU IN FAVOR OF NUMBER NE R8YBANKD TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD .20 954 20 639 o64 44 ® 99411 Ann F. Campion, '711ow of D.F.Co 30 00 j 88412 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S. 30 0 88413 Soo. for the Prev. of Cruelty 200 g8414 Millar-Tarras, Inc. 74 98415 The Crane Company 6 88416 R.C. Duncan & 1,ompany 13 06 88417 Electric Blue Print Company g8418 Tlk Linen Supply Company 5 l9 106 88419 Farwell, O wun, Kirk & Compan 68 98420 H.B. Fuller Company 296 88421 General Electric Supply ComPaMy 75 88422 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 47 88 88423 Inter -City Paper Company 2 72 88424 Joesting & Schilling Company 45 74 88425 John Leslie Paper Company Company 10 29 88426 Maendler Brush Mfg. 1 884.27 Manitoba Dept. of Mines etc. ! 1 00 32 961 88428 Miller Supply Company 93 96 88429 Pap -r, Calmenson & Company 88430 Postal Tel -Gable Company 308 O1 88431 Roe -James Glass Company 612 51 99432 St.Paul Builders Material Company 96 52 9943 4t.Paul White Lead & oil Company 88434 ,T.R. Shaw Lumber Company 5 22 47 26 99435 Sherwin-Williams Company 91 r 88436 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company15 39 99437 R.B. Whitacre & Company 88439 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin. 113 000 00 2 86j 88439 American Book Company 8 621 g8440 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 6 j2 7 5 88441 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company gg442 Central Scientific Company 92 61� 88443 Chicago,St.Paul, Mpls. & O.Ry Co, j O 4 gg444 The Downey Company 7astern `Toolen Company j � 5) 60 98445 99446 educational Test Bureau 24 16 Supply Company 88447 Elvgren Paint 96 941 g8448 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Comp"y 88449 r?.F. Houghton & Company 7 60 8g450 Int. Business Machines Co. l 19 00 88451 C.I. Johnson Mfg. Company I 20 99 1 34 90 g8452 Johnson Printing Company 51 29 g,9453 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company ® 's Shop 1 50 g,8454 Kline 50 Oq -Key rllCompany 09 984T6_McClain &HedmanCompany38 89457 Mpl•s. 9t.Paul & Sault 4te.Mar e Ry.80. 130 78 88458 Minnesota Chemical Company, I c. 139 111 24 451 88459 Multigraph Sales Agency 88460 Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. In(. 961 g8461 Remingt•n-Rand, Inc. 152 81j g8462 M. L. Rothschild & Company ij 88 80,, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 233 954 20 642 942 93 i i f 0 Original pleal city Cort Fo `4.403 [ NO. COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' y COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��,(�j� lL4 V "' )�S,eY-- DATE October 29, 1941 V COMMISSIONER__T --- - — -' Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tanlF car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C.F.R. motor method, from the ATLAS GEIS & 03L GO, at a price of S .12202 per gallon, less 1� discount from refinery price, including stateto and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Bkle St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 t C. F. No. 124403—By Fred M. Truax, C.J. request— Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent 'method, from the ATLAS GAS & OIL SCO. at a price Of $,12202 per gallon, leas I�discount from every price, ]n - ding pplate tax and tate inspection, to be spL tied n unicipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on Informal bids as an mpetrogmney estate ldwhererf it hardshipto sct to the ti at inter.. is of the City, Charge General Fund—Municipal Equipment -1003-134. Adopted by the Councn Oct. 80, 1941, ADD raved Oct. 30, 1941, (Nov. 1, 1941) C011iICILIREn Adopted by the Council OCT 3 0.1941_ >, teas Ilays Barjuss )1__tea PUP tip► J A proved__ Findlan Parranto - In Favor �-- Peterson ^ i " Rosas l/.J,' Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough ,in —a Cs Hasse orlgind t. Cit, Cl.rk : - J2.4fft 1 e CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUyL I ENNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM commiss IONEFYt + -ATE RESOLVED, That the free use of Stem Ball of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hreby given to J. B. Calmenson on the evening of Sunday, November 2* 1941, for a public meeting; said J. B. Calmenson to pay only the coat of opening and operating Stem Hall on said dat-2 for the above occasion. 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Truax 'Mr. President, McDonough OM 1-41 FA C. fteaoly d 124404—By that e (r.o Pet t aetetn 'Hall M the St_ipool[o edito F,uC Imeneoa nithe evening f sandaY, Wg ber 'L. 1941, for n public eting: said J. B. Calmenson to Pay on1Y the t of opse'a I'd operating aces 1 Hall on a dote for the above 8941. Adopted by the C 1941. Oct. 30. Approved Oct. 80, ,. (Nov. 1. 1941) ' Adopted by the Council WT 3 U 19 41 194— Approved OCT.3 0 1941 194.— . ^ y�� n Favor Mayors I _.O Against Original I. city Clot 112.4405 .CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILCOUNCILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION-GENERAL'FORM ' COMMISSION. Tru DATE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the one and 'one-half story tar paper shack on the rear of Lot 5, Block 3, Michel & Robertson's Addition, also described as No. 1148 Pleasant Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 25th day of November, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrouhds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of '4f. said property, or to the agent or occupant thereof, a notice stating the time, place and purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City noI A-ess than, five days prior C. F. No, 11,111—By Fred M. T-11— her.. the the Commlae loner [ Parks, to the date of said hearing. Ple'Eropnda and Public Building. hes reported to the Council that the one d one-half toryy66 tar papet hack ^ the rear A,idltioo tale. descrilbed na No. 1148 Pleasant Avenue, is In ucht„� dilapiq ted,eTnd _�er�G?rcy5 ronditisorytiµ ,. to ^` OCT 30 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss OCT 30 Findlan _\ Approved 194— Parranto Peterson nFavor ` i M yor :23�tsMD is -�- �I Truax Ag '-- Mr. President, McDonough :M 1-41 X% CITY OF SAINT PAUL 12-44,;) Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration V, October 29, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir, The Council requested that you prepare a resolution, (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemna— ory tar paper check on the rear of tion of the one and one—half st the lot at 1148 Pleasant Avenue, also described as Lot 5, Block, j, Michel & Robertson's Addition. Very truly yours, (a City Clerk 11 OCT 291941 CORPORATION COUISEL W. LA MONT KAUFMAN t;RNEST" W. JOHNSON' CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy COnlminloner ' October '19, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. haul sentlemen : V,, This Department has been receiving complaints relative to the condition of the one and one-half story tar paper shack on the rear of the lot at 1148 Pleasant; Avqnue, described as Lot 51 ?lock 3, Dliehel £c Robertson's Addi- tion. r'kar inspector reports it is dilapidnted beyond repair, is a fire hazard, - danrous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Dan,rer Card has bepn posted and the Finance Department records show ', Vogelgesang, 887 '.tatson Avenue, as the owner. Kindly set a heririn, in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. oilr:3tru �1J� i y Architect LA]i ..TT oIdxh d to Cit, Cluk �-- CITY OF,SAINT PAUL, FotE ca No 124406 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY T i DIgTF COMMISSIONE WHER!�C' by Council File No. 123836, approved August 28, 1941, the Council determined that that certain one-story frame dwelling on the east 61.67 feet of Lot 9, Mehsikomer Barden Lots, also described as No. 2041 Sherwood Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notic- has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7110, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the pro- tection of life, limb and adjoining property._ C Wh ereaa', 4by6Counc IFred File Not.u123836 approved .August determined that thn8[ 1e9r1nltnhe nCoutncriyl frame dwelling n the east 61.67 feet de crlhef Let d n"hslkom 041 8herwo�ods Ave..o is n fe and dnngerone to lif 1 lit b 1' 'a n"" on proepeny and should be ecked and reg v d; and Whereas, do, notice by Sectionas 1-16"en of given - s re No. 7310, and n nppeal has been taken by the � caner o ahie gent, aad Id building has not been torn down: therefore, be It Resolved, that the Commissioner 1 Parke, Playgrounds and Pa blit Belld- Ings be and he Is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear down COUNCILMEN P Y any re p • is at costars, na to ae Ado ted b am aaa aii using" hick m his npinion y be toc sa far the protection of Y lit., limb and adjoining property- Ade Na 8 Adopted by the Council Oct. 30, 1941. Approved Oct. 30, 1941. Barfuss G (Nov. 1, 1941) Findlan Approved 194 - Parranto Peterson n Favor M or Ree"r Truax —0 ---Against Mr. Pre$idefit, McDonough am 1 -Il a. - .Ori124406 to CIV Clah - ' " CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTE EY T Lt�l7 DATE AREAS, by Council File No. 123836, approved August 28, w 1941, the Council determined that that certain one-story frame dwelling on the east 61.67 feet of Lot 9, Mehsikomer Garden Lots, also described as No. 2041 Sherwood Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; E therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the pro- tection of life, limb and adjoining property. jn„ 21106—OY Fred M. Truax—' -Aird 3, by Cuunell File N.. 12' f G1nL August 29, 194161 the f -i' 'od ia[ th aNL 6 1 n.w n ei 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson 4Reeetr Truax Mr. President, McDonough SM 1.41 Adopted by the Council OCT 3 Q 19-411-194— Approved fiCl 0' '14 -41194.- -In 1 194.— ./. in Favor ' IIIFFF////� M or (2 -Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL�� E - Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 9® October 29, 1941 P" 5 . .R Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir;, The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the one story frame dwelling on the east 61.67 feet of Lot 9, Mehsikomer Garden Lots, also described as 2041 Sherwood Avenue. Very truly yours, City Clerk `2 Y � t SGT �" i9�1 C.1�Kt�0,�ll`1� 1.. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parlor Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect If r r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 0ctobe • 28, 1441 Hon. Council City of St. 2aul gentlemen: Under date of September 11, 1941, a printed copy of Council r31e i?o. 123836 was mailed to State of 1:4innesota, c/o Hon. John S. L'indlan, Land Commissioner, 2P6 City Hall, which -resolution direcied the wreckinc anti reroval of the one story frame dw�llin; on the east 61.67 feet of Lit 9, P:ehsikomer Garden Lots, also described as 2041 Sherwood Avenue, as published in the official paper. In accordance with the last paragraph of the above named resolution, please be advised that no appeal has been filed with this office for a rehearing of the condemna- tion proceedin:;s and the b,.ildin,; in question has not been removed. Y rs truly, City chi to 3 odd -1 to City cl-k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo ENCI� NC 6.1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESpLUTION-GENERAL FORM s That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot service pole for lights on Now Reserve Street Bridge near TPish Hatchery, with necessary guys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #359141- C. F. No. 124407—By XV. A. Par rartn— Resolvor ed, that the Northern States Power Company be gl van permisslon to install 1-35 foot se Ice pole for Ii6hte Now Reserve Street Bridge t Fish }latehery, with y r;�ywr arch ora and Iree. Pot¢--dBwires to be r oved when r quested to do so by the Common Connelland ro.t of e.1d 1 to be borne b siatveeaPntver comy the Northern pany. Meal Clpai _ttmnle No. 35941. Adopted by the Council Oct. 30, 1941. Approved oet.:30, D41. (Nov. 1, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncAM) ' 1 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss roved OCT 80; 1 194— Findlan Parranto Peterson rn Favor May Rose" Truax __Against Mr. Presiden McDonough 3M 141 I N 00.1n1 v city ala. 124���� U CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM � DATE October 26, 1941 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-45 foot pole in the alley east of Johnson Parkway, south of Nilson Avenue, with neceseary'guys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by"t1Ye Northern States Power Company. Estimate 35416. C. 1. No. Ilii Ob'—py \�'. A. F'urran[u— Resolved, that the Northern Power CoTPnny be blren Install 7_45 font States Job ... ap rhn�ule In the all pyx"Ion at uP avenui Vewit Polet a9ndsouth Nf nNilstit''tll rtd hors CInoved ommon hen re to en ed wires In be ta—al Cou%I d ets do hY re- stExtt Power O1nnanyyo the f Norahern AiPPDmnte 3,i C- ovedb6the Council Oct. 30, 104] I t. 30, 1941. (Nov, 1, 1941) II COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss `�F'ittdlan Parranto Peterson Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 141 Adopted by the Council WT .9 0 1941 194— 'w 30, IN pproved 194— �n Favor j� ayor C/ A gain P D — D OASitul b Cit, cl-k ,( ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL FNO. CI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL AEPLUTION-GENERAL FORM s COMMISS10 PRESENTE BY pgrp Optebldr 28. 191F1 E '( tee, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1—lW foot pole on the west side of Lane Place at alley south of Maryland, with necessary gays, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common 0 Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 35562• C. F. No. 124409-8 eipnstates Resolved, that the Power Compnn: be S1voe�n permvlualons to Install 1-40 (onto pools the eat ids ueY southoeeraasaa.. tnrY ^ (La wlthl nee BnYs, moved to be lwlres. P ole a d wires to a the a Cov when quested �o nl Council d the Hurt bean States mon [o beborne by Power Company. 2. 1941.' Estimate 3066 Oct. 30. Adopted ,bY ,h 30 10411 Approve (Nov. ], 1941) --'- 30 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss 30 Findlan Approved 194—. Parranto e Peterson (2 Tn Favor ayo Boom m O Agai Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 141 NOTICE • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ---'—' COUNCIL FILE NO. TO c b' NO, 124410— n COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRIN' &s,l ea• that check. be drawn the ells ttse66,ry to overinggrhgeka 312.36 mmbered 88496file In$ the Inclusive. of tnn October 29 1941 per Checks on ° CI App peps OcL 30, 194111 Oct. 30, 1941. (Nov. 1, 41. DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 35 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED —88495__TO_99547 NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL – --WL lUr?-T�-194—-- Y COMPTROLLER APPROVED��– 194__ BY eao s -no AL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF EIROUGHT FORWARD — TRANSFER CHECKS 278 224 • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL gg496 G.O. Eggert OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__...— ROLL CALL 88497 Irene M. Hudson F 88498 ND AN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS PARRANTO PETERSON Eleotric Blue Print Company qV _tVbez--CA-._— LYWA AGAINST 88500 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 51-6-6 - }�}� 7i�. COVERING MR PRES Mc DONOUGH �1 t(�p1 6�}i --- _fO_ "� �+jN USIVE AS CHECKS NUMBERED {]� PER CHECKS ON FI{�IIE% iCE OY ITVC PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - A PPRO ED_ Linear Broom Mfg. Company NUMBER Dl RY /��/lain 83504 Northern Coal & Dock Company 88505 N.W. Bell Telephone Company 88506 Price Fleotric Company 88507 wick Service Battery Company 88508 Railway Express Agency 88509 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 88510 St.Paul Real Estate Board, Inc* 88511 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company 88512 Snapeon Tool Corporation 88513 Sta—vis Oil Company s9514 Twin City Brick Company 88515 `lillaume Box & Lumber Company 88516 Western Union Telg. Company 98517 Larry's Auto Glass Company 89519 Silk Screen Studios 89519 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 88520 Samuel N. Nemer t 88521 Acme Linen Ser6ice Company 88522 The Addressograph Sales Agenc 89523 Air Reduction Sales Company, Inc. 8952 Automotive Service Company 88525 S.F. Bowser & Company, Inc. 88526 R.I. DuPont De Neiours & Company 89527 Goodyear Service IL Gruber Auto Electric Company 88529 Hydraulic HoBst Company 88530 Hreemer Spring Company 99531 Latuff Brothers AL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF EIROUGHT FORWARD — TRANSFER CHECKS 278 224 • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL gg496 G.O. Eggert OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__...— ROLL CALL 88497 Irene M. Hudson F 88498 ND AN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS PARRANTO PETERSON Eleotric Blue Print Company qV _tVbez--CA-._— LYWA AGAINST 88500 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 51-6-6 - }�}� 7i�. COVERING MR PRES Mc DONOUGH �1 t(�p1 6�}i --- _fO_ "� �+jN USIVE AS CHECKS NUMBERED {]� PER CHECKS ON FI{�IIE% iCE OY ITVC PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - A PPRO ED_ Linear Broom Mfg. Company NUMBER Dl RY /��/lain AL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF EIROUGHT FORWARD — TRANSFER CHECKS 278 224 • g8495 Louis J. StrPasick gg496 G.O. Eggert 88497 Irene M. Hudson 88498 S. Berglund Lumber Company 8g499 Eleotric Blue Print Company 88500 J.J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of D.0 . 88501 Hersey Mfg. Company 88502 The Jurgens Company 88503 Linear Broom Mfg. Company 83504 Northern Coal & Dock Company 88505 N.W. Bell Telephone Company 88506 Price Fleotric Company 88507 wick Service Battery Company 88508 Railway Express Agency 88509 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 88510 St.Paul Real Estate Board, Inc* 88511 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company 88512 Snapeon Tool Corporation 88513 Sta—vis Oil Company s9514 Twin City Brick Company 88515 `lillaume Box & Lumber Company 88516 Western Union Telg. Company 98517 Larry's Auto Glass Company 89519 Silk Screen Studios 89519 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 88520 Samuel N. Nemer 88521 Acme Linen Ser6ice Company 88522 The Addressograph Sales Agenc 89523 Air Reduction Sales Company, Inc. 8952 Automotive Service Company 88525 S.F. Bowser & Company, Inc. 88526 R.I. DuPont De Neiours & Company 89527 Goodyear Service 88528 Gruber Auto Electric Company 88529 Hydraulic HoBst Company 88530 Hreemer Spring Company 99531 Latuff Brothers 89532 Mpla. St.Paul & Saulte Ste.M..y.Co. 8853} National Meter Company 89534 Nelson Cil Company 89535 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 86536 Park each*nP Comnnny • 88537 R.L. Polk'`& Company 89538 R.L. Polk & Company 89539 Republic Flow Meters Company 88540 St.Paul Book & StationAry Company 88541 St.raul Book & Stationery Company 88542 13t.Paul Book & Stationery Company M43 "t.Paul Foundry Company 89544 St.Paul Glass Company 88545 Selby Grocery 88546 3out4 Park Foundry Comp,ny g8547 Speedometer Service & Ace.Co. AL DATE11 RETUNED BYe ANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS i42 942 93 65 00 279 13 61 4o P9 i 27 591 10 70 196 45 I 3 46 1 2 21 1 2 842 93 17 90 9 96 228 6o 9 94 1 29 25 40 050 ! 17 84 100 25 563 70 04 26 1 001 97 021 60 321 46 32 00 9 10 26 35 4599 95 43 39 2_ 0 24? 0449 11 2 10 29 93 25 50 69 o9 ! 61 50 165 94 i 78 61 36 96r 196 001, 162 00 o 16 o0 j 107 23 51 4o 397 65 1 115 201 38 45 1 25 40 00 114 6o SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 279 2' } 301 909 255 petition GL215 124411 Council File No ................ IMPROVEMENT' --A PROPOSAL FOR 11 r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: -change the grade of the Alley in Block'16. St. Anthony Park North, from qedm.t. 180.,f.tj - -nbTth* of- -Bufora -ftVer. -,' -t%YnonfMz* to, ........ 1Buf0rd-ALVG Le r line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the p resent,,"""9Bttibli�bd"'tidy"Bei"rig'elibvrii 'by 't�se blue dine thereon. Also grade ,,,,,,,,, ........... and Hendon Avenue to the red line when established. .... 194,1 .... Dated this... 3Q:Ak ...... day of... October .................. Councll� ........................... Irtrnet. tten prapoeal for the '11.w .9 N rth, PRELIMINARY ORDEPL, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the,making of the following improvement, viz: Change the grade of the Alley in Block 16, St. Anthony Park North, . from ... ....... re line on the profile hereto attached and ............ """"establisjie3 grade being shown by the blue made,.line .. thereon. Also grade and at La. Block..16, - St.- - Anthony - -from -Buford- Avenue'tV ..... Hendon Avenue to the red line when established. ........................................... ................................ I ........................... .................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it ' Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said imprpvgment is asked for on the petition of three or More owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 41 OCT 30 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS W- fps 41 , Councilman BARFUSS Approved ..................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON .. ..... ... ......... 11- .................. ii Mayor. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 741 PUBLISHED LL --1 --L-L J 1244i;' t. Council File No ................ J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT anal ., PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz-. Condemnitlg,end takinq,an ease�en ,in the land necessary for slo�esf............ cpis„az}d,fills„in,the,�rading,axu?„epr?acing,of the Alley in, Block 16,,,,,,,,,, t Antho, , Park NgTt% rom Buford �venue,to,Hendon Avenue.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•...... ............................................................................................................... Dated this...... 30th... day of..................October......................, 1941.... C. C. No. 124412AbetraCt Coun��t� Whereat'the fallowing Impr- far the ovement making o viz.: ease Cent inthe land nn •ceaaarYg and kt for an slope. to and fills In the .grading d facing Parkf the Alley m Bleck lc:"st. Ant PRELIMINARY ORDER. North from Bator d Avenue to Hendon Avt:n• ^• wtn,2 a.•.- yea, j°.iiEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: .............❑ondamning.and .talctt�.an.vaeement.iu..the..lewd.nevesaars..YAr..szoRas............. I cute,and„fills„in,the,grading,and etyrfacing,of,the,Alley in,Bjopll,,l(?.......... ................ ........... St,..AnthmY.Eaxk.BTnrih..from.Bufozd.Arenue-to.Henden.AQenue......................... ................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 09 30 Adoptedby the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSONj(Q NOW... ..!.... .. yo TRUAx \ MR. PRESIDENT ml 741 P.UBUSUED L. Petition 124413 Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and a PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Conatruot pq*Mn ,onMinnehaha.Avem}e„Prom,Bradlfry„Street,to...................... Ed erton Street......................... ................6. J •....................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... Dated this .... 39'.kV ....day of................... A9.t4Aeg...................... ............�/Ye Wit" "...c. .. .. .. C. F. xn, lzaala— Councilm Abstract or he whereas, written proposal cement, making of the ollowing Improv VIZ.: Co rso,ct curbing on Mlnnebah r[on .c tn.•.. ti: Street ha, 1. ,� connot.� I ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ute, ..t of .r - WHEREAS, A vidi�ten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ............. g4Aetryct„ ourbng , on. hIiFIP @b 4u a. AF.QfiRQ..#F.ol4. �� �1i7 @Y .StF.69.t..ii4....................... .............Edgerton. Stcast.......................................................................................... ...................................................................... ........................................................................ having en presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefor be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: el. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................... ........... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ........... r�,k�;!�....................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON fRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 1&1 7.11 e Y - I • �' �.....- Petition 124414 7[7r Counci f'File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: Construct a sewer on Montana Avenue from Lexington Parkway to a ..............P.................................... .......... ..............�oint.30.feet.�vast .o�.Axfoxd .Str a .... .. ..................................................... ...................................................... Dated this .... 3011 ..... day of ................ OCtoheT................. 194L.... C., F. No. 12941Abet-It "' . . . . . . , . Councilttffid�/ ' ,kingofthe f� e� oo Vrovn ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: �974Ai etc.4.AONox.030.M4Atantti.4lQanuR:fxom LaalAi�ton.PaxkicaY.to..e..............a. .............. Po3 ut . 30..faet . rtest..o£ . Aa£oxd..s:tiraet........................................................... .............................................................................. ........................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: YD 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 30 *41 Adopted by the Council....o........................................... 1 YEAS NAYS 4;t Councilman BARFUSS Approved................`.c................................. FINDLAN PARRANTO / PETERSON �tA6Eld�.... ... ...... ........... .. ............. May r. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT KUkTL1SLil!:!.r�f= _ iM 741 1 . Petition 12441 175 Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Curbing Bedford Street Prom Minnehaha Avenue to Beaumont Street,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Dated this .... 2 t4..... day of................. October...................,..., 1941..... j C'. P. No. 124416— ! ..;.. .................... Abet—t COUt1C Whereae, t Itten propoen` f—�1 .� mnkln6 of the follows ng Im'U. •—.fr' AvonuotooP dfld 9. '"T ry '-1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WVEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Curbing,Bedford,Street„iYom,Minnehaha Avenue, to, Beaumont,IS rget........•........ r............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ..ops............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the f in matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �➢ W1 Adopted by the Council................................................ © YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON 1 Ices— I.... ... . ` ................ ............. v..... . TRUAX _May MR PRESIDENT ihl 741 /---r .4. oe,rind e. cls ctat CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J FK 16 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMESSIONEBF ^^ �J{tL'1 DATE OQt• 31. 1941 _ B8SOLMM: That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted; Winton Lindquist Dayton Bluff Sta. Ice Delivery /;)p.1202 New New Loca. Orville 0. Bristow 2065 Saeota Junk Dealer ■ 1528 ■ ■ ■ Sam Danns 1293 Bice St. Grocery ■ 1563 ■ Old Loo&. Essie Telfer 1569 Grand Ave. Grocery ■ 1586 ■ Old Loca. Gerald J. Fenlon 1339 Hewitt Ave. Grocery ■ 1640 ■ Old Loca. Sarlie D. Gibbons 1154 E. 7th St. Bakery ■ 1651 ■ Old Loce. Lasrence S. Moore 923 University Ave. Gas Station ■ 1666 N Old Lova. RESOLU''nON9 'C JoIin S. Findlan—, . A. Parrrot tH. no—e Resolved, that licenses aDDpiled for by on the list attached - the Dersopa nnmed to this resolution `be d th@ same e .hereby granted, and the City Clerk la Instructed to Issue uch licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the equlred fees Adopted by the Council Oct. 31, 1941. Approved ONov.1 (N. g, 19411041 pp -).._ t I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL WT Sim 194— Yeas Nays Esrf,:ee OCT 311 $41 Findlan Approved 194— Rwe■ents Peterson Favor ^ ayor , �iesaw ' Truax __against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1.41 01191n.1 t. cl4s - CITY OF SAINT PAUL coUNca 124417 A - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM gg � //n Oct. 31, 1941- COMMM ONgR ✓�'f.�- (�.0 /A/l� DATE RESOLVED= That On Sale Liquor license #1663, expiring January 31, 1942, issued to Roy J. ft1loh at 353 Robert St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Roy J. BalThn at 359 Robert St. and 106 E. rifth St. a Now Location Transfer informally approved by Connoil, Sept. 25. 1941. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays radian is e/P terson uax -Idr. Phesident, McDonough 3E1' 1-41 , Resolvedo. 24that O JSale Sll e1n e]allo. 1663, expiring January 31, 1942, Issued - to RoJ. Fallon at 363 Robert St: be and the same 1s hereby transferred lto Roy J. Fallon at 369 Robert St. and 196 E: Fifth St. New Jocntlon. Transfer informally approved by 9:ouncll, Sent. 26, 1941. Adopted by the Councl7 Oot. 31, 1941, Approved Oct. 31, 1991. (Nov. 8, 1941) Adopted by the Council OCT ,Q1 194— T 31 1941 Approved 19d_ Tn Favor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL APP ,ATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No _.- Name of .Applicault ./ 2 � --- - � .. � - ll// 'Celephone \o...l.�.� - R—idence AddressAre you a citizen of the United �tltcs?-- - - - - 1 saloon, cafe, w„ druts parlor, or business of stmdar nature? dace tuu ecce m t ut aged w oteraim t /. J� Rhen and ttht e _. _.. If corporation, gttc name and general purpose of c„rporatton l - ....._. ....._.. hen incorporated? incorporated? If club, hot% long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club numbers.- Ilotc man% numbers?....... - ....---.._ _- Name• and addresses of president and -ecretary of corporation. and name and address of general manager .............. _.... .... _. . Give name of surety company- which will write bond, if known -.. _. _.. _....._. _..... _....`--_--------------- Street Side Between \\ hat Lross tr _is Number et r r- Mottmail)' feet from an academy, college or university (measu -along street I ~�_.. How many felt from a church (measured along streets)? llutc many feet from closest pub r p rachial gra or high school (measured along streets)2.-.r.''�.'..�" ---- t Name of closest school �Q v _ �r ....... - How are premises clas.thed%u�/der Zonutg Ordmance7 --- - - On what floor located. / d� � �- _ _.._ ! �% ` t}a-47 If leased give name of o .. ... .. Are premises owned by you or lease . - If a restaurant, give seating capacity?... ... (!::�2 -- ---- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? .... ........ __ .__...._.... ---------------- -- Give -be w the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: -- - - ...._.._........ ............ ....._._........-.. _.........._..._....-...... _........ _....... ........._-------------------- _.............. -. -------------- ...._..._..._.. .... . ---------- (The information above "lust be given for hotels and restacrants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Hutt many guest rooms in hotel.___..._ __._ . _... .... ____._ --------------------------------------- Name of re,,,*,,, proprietor or manage" (re�taur Tit or hotel) _ .- - ..........- Give name l addrsef three bu tiles, re ccs .. - /!.�/ Cr (mac- .. .. _ . _. 2 WW — C`- C�� ..... ._�.-.... ..:.:......3.y-- ADPLMUST BE V&.R FIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY N SEALR OF CORPORATION OBE ATTACHED: TO MAKE THIS .-APPLICATION ; AND Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated ... . ...................................... 194.. .......--.........--............. ....... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE N STATE OF MINNESOTA, •� }ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. 11 _..__.._ _... __.._............. ......... -__.being first duly sworn. deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belirf. _. -... _....---_..... _......--_. _.. _..... ......._..---............._....._................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this_ ........._.day of ....._.........__....__............. 194..... _..-- ..... _ .................................----------- ..................... Notary Public, Ramsey County,' Minn. \fy commission expires....._........._..._........._ ................_.... STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. .. .. _...- --____....---__...._...___.being first duly sworn, deposesand says that ---._......._.....-----the -----.._...... .......------_...._......------.__._.._..._..._......__.—"--------- ...--- ----- -...------- ....------ --- of--- ---------- ------------------------ ...._.........._---.._.---_.._....------- .....--- ._...._.._....__.........._..........----------------------------------- a corporation; that..._._ --------------------- ---------- ............... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ................................................ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof y> is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. j Subscribed and sworn to before me this........................ day of.......................................... 194.. .. Notary- Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ............. ...........-------------------------- original to City Clerk 13 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL �FO ENGIL NO. 44i 21- }i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (yam COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / �� ���C� DATE Oct 3-1m 11941 COMMISSIONER RSSCLVnj That license for Restaurant, application 151;1, and On Sale Malt Beverage. application 1582, applied for by Bay J. Fallon at 359 Hobert St. and 106 F. 5th St. be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 1'24418—BY John S. Findlan— Resolved, that li cense for Restaurant, application 1581, and On Sale Malt Bev- era&e, apDPllcatlon 1582, applied ,or by Roy J F lion t 359 Robert 9(. and 108 E. 5th 9[. be and the same are hereby 6L1_uor tray, InYo[mai lY -P- ' y ovedbyted Council, Sept. 25, 7941. New ]_cation. pppproved OCL e31,o194111 Oct. 31, 1941. (Nov. S, 1941) NOW. Liquor tref. informally approved By Council, Sept. 25. 1941. 2X9 Few Locatio% 1 - OCT 3 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194.— Yeain i Nays A roveti In Favor eteraon / MgY " Against � u President, McDonough r, 3m 1-41 orle-1 14_� Clerk AA CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNcll. 124`.$�9 . OFFICEOFTHE;CITY CLERK ilLe NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PREES�ENTED BYGLv'� DATE October 31- 1011 _ COMM15510NER NH HESML ZD: That Butcher license #6652. aspiring AprIX 25. 1942, issued to Rwlo Bros. at 1201 Edgerton St. be and the same Is hereby transferred to Regolo Bros. at 1278 Selby eve. ssti. C Rea 1,.eld+4 that BSut her S11 en.elallo. Reg2olex Broag to tD13915�Ed6,cton. Sts be Rad rhe ame 1s hereby transf4rred to j'" 1, Bros. at 1278 Seiby Ave. New location. 1941. A,.,tedd Oct e31 01941] Oct. 31, 1941) Y i 1 1 Now Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays IiF ndlan Peterson %Yfu r, President, McDonough am 1.41 Adopted by the Council ° �194— proved 0ti F 194— n Favor , ,,Mayor M Against Ski 1.41 -- d C.-F. No 124420—B O. H. Barfu88— John S. Flndlan—W. A. Pnrranto— Resolved, that It, ense apPlled for by list ntteched D� ^���w� ofly[ia.l to City Clark j the persons n mid on the OF SAINT Yo thld resolution be and the snme e , CITY he eby grunted, and the City. Clerk 78 upon OFFICE ' OF THE CIT ihet 9men[ inieethe city y treasury COUNCIL RESOLUTION-( thAdoptedebyf the Council Oct.. 21, 1941. T I n Approved OCL. 31, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) l ^ ^ PR MMENTIONER •� X.NY I - —_ licenses applied for by.tbe following persona at the addresses stated ]RESOLVED: That be and the same are hereby granted: e Mre. Elizabeth Venditti 250-2 W. Kellogg Blvd. Restanrant App.50115 a Renewal a « « "N N On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt n 59116 50117 Hobt. J. Reis &Phil Gallivan 22 E. 4th St. Restaurant p n On Sale Malt " « 0920« 0921 a « a na a N Off Sale Malt N 0922 " a 445 Wabasba St. Butcher " 1034 " Tittle Bros. Joseph C. Smith 1828 Petunia Grocery « 1182 « In. 0. Hennfeldt & A1f.F. Ftellner 606 H. Hemline Gas Station " 1318 " Clarence C. Gerber 962 Arcade St. Confectionery ". 1376 " Dades & V. Telamardas 171 11. 7th St. Restaurant « 1477 a Wm. Glaser 203 W. 7th St. Bakery « 1495 « Clarence A. Lee 220 Robbins Fuel Dlr. a 5 1548 ".. MWiner eyer 317 Carroll &To. Grocery " « Hatcher " 1557 1-559 " a « a \ a a off Sale Malt« 1559 " « « Oliver E. Lee 1 6 Western Ave. H. Grocery N M. 1566 a « 1567 " a « « Off Sale John J. Patton 396 Wabasha St. Grocery a 1592 " Roth Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter St. Tavern a Dance Hall i3 " 1601 " 1602 " a N « Geo. W. DuBois 969 Selby Ave. Fuel Dir. s 1609 « Geo. C. Rostron 46 S. Lexington Gas Station a 1611 N Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays Barfuss Approve' 194.— Findlan Parranto Peterson in Favor Mayor Rosen Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough Ski 1.41 ti Ori.inol to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL %41j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMIISSIONER DATE Oct. 37.. 1941 -2- ➢ E. S. Tibbling 1088 Grand Ave. Grocery App.1613 Renewal :Orueirs N 1614N7 ug Co. Inr■NNBotcher Dr. 175 W. 7th St. Conxfectioneiy N 1615 N Rudolph W. Hruby 300 Bates, -Ave. Botoher N 1620 N Marshek & Schunke 97b W. 7th St. Florist ■ 1Es21 ■ August W. Srahn 1535 E• Minnehaha� Gas Station N 1625 ■ Capitol Drag Co. Inc. 487. Rice St. Restaurant N 1626 N Sam B. Benson 517 Rice St. Restaurant ■ 1627 N German House Inc. 444 Rice St. Confectionm N 1628 ■ N ■ N N Off Sale Malt N 1629 N 037de C. Prescott 402 Robert St. Confectionery N 1636 N Mand Borup 20 W. 5th St. Confectionery N 1638 N Ted Ries 1141 Forest St. Botcher N 1639 N Dominick rerrazzo 883 Payne Ave. Restaurant N 1641 ■ ■ ° N N N ■ On Sale Malt ■ 1642 ■ N ■ Off Sale Malt H 1643 N Leslie B. Wiggins 131 W.. Univ !Ave. Restaurant ■ 1644 N John C. Paul 449 E. 7th St. Restaurant N 1656 • A. T. McMenomy 487 W. 7th St. Buel Dir. N 1672 N Block 6t Bamberg 210 Ramsey Grocery N 1677 ■ ■ N N Off Sale Malt ■ 1678 N Emily W. Christenson 145 S- Chatsworth Grocery N 1680 N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MT�1 AN 194— Yeas Nays ON06"s OCT 21 !I Findlan 194_ PwNowwbo Peterson n Favor 4pv� Truax _l///1 Against Mr. President, McDonough aM i-ai orighw w cloy Cwk . aGOUNPP O�RC OrBttce �� � CIL FILE NO. � -1 PRESENT ' g�J� ORDINANCE NO. 8.30 8' An ordinance granting to Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. permission to install a ramp driveway at 415 Grove Street. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission is hereby granted to Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. to install a ramp driveway at 415 Grove Street. Section 2. The Commissioner'of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. for said ramp driveway, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: 1. Said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or speci- fication of said driveway, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. 2. Said driveway shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, 1f any. 3. Said license4 shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $5,000, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, installation, mainte- nance, use, presence or removal of said driveway. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and shall b e_filed with the City Comptroller. 4. Said ramp driveway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. 5. Said licensee shall; within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage and publication. A Yeas Councilmen Nays $ef€ase- Findlan Parranto Rosen lac ) AttestMr. Vire Pres t (Peterson) : City Clerk NOV 1D 1941 Passed by the Council --------- .-----.-----_-------------- i - In Favor -------------­- ­----_------- Agairist 'y Ap ed:------ .. o'lainal [o City (:luk -ORDINANC,E /t COUNCIL FILE NO. 124421 PRESENTED BY 'L fAAAAyJ I '�j ''L�(, T_�.a ORDINANCE NO. An ortiaanes granting to Paul Steenberg Construction Company permission to install a ray driveway at 415 Grove Street. TSS COUNCIL Of THE CITT OP SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Booties 1. That permiss berg Construction Company to tatall a ramp Eireray at 415 Grove Street. B@otion 8. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to Leone a poral% to said Paul Steenber¢ Construction ✓ Company for said rasp driveway, upon said lioensee s compliance with the following conditions: 1. Said license* shall file with the 0omaissioner of Public Worts a plan or spool fi¢ation of gala driveway, which shall be sojoct to the approval of said Commissioner. 8. Said driveway shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commission- er, and said licensee shall pay the cost of in- spection, if any. S. Said lioensee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $5,000, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, snits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may acorns to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, installation, maintenances use, presence or removal of said driveway. Said bond shall be in such fors as maybe approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as say be approved by the Commissioner of Pin- anos, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. 4. Bald ramp driveway shall be resoved by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. 5. Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Seotion S. Thin ordinance shall take effect and be in fore@ from and after thirty days after its passage and publication. 0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ----------------------------------- Barfuss Findlan Parranto ......In Favor Rosen Peterson ........... ....._--...--.Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved:.-- ...............--------------------------- ----- Attest: City - ------- - --C -----------..C---l-erkk................................-- -----------------------------Maa -- yo \ . City r 500 a -a --- Fd Saint Paul, Minnesota A November 24, 1941 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: e We, the undersigned, do -6reby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Coun- oil File No. 124421, being Ordinance No. 9309, adopted by the Council on November 19, 1941. L SANITARY FARM DAIRIES, INC. ��^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration -,two tZ142 ,- October 30, 19141 Mr. Harry Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached application of the Paul Steenberg Construction Company for permit to install a driveway to their place of business at 415 Grove Street, and re- quested that you draw the proper ordinance granting this request. Very t y yours, City Clerk / r CLINTON A. HACKBI}'T ROBERT B. J, SCHOCH, M. D. ' WM. J. SUDFIft' G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief sdpt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// lic �et�a'timent al PubSa jelV o Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 30, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk SaintoPaul, Minnesota Dear Sir; Referring to application of the Paul Steen- berg Construction Company for permit to install a driveway to their place of business at 415 Grove Street. These premises were inspected by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. You will note from his report, hereto attached, that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Verytruly yours, Coffiaie.i.ner Public Safety DRIVE SAFELY. ARRIVE SAFELY. RETURN SAFELY TH`E BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE October 29th, 1941• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, CI -1 - EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Archi"t GEORGE H. HEREOLD, Secrerer 3ineer y Yr. Harry T. OtConn City Clerk, B n i l d i u g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Paul Steenberg Construction Company for the Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. to put in a driveway to their old building on Grove St. On September 16th the Board of Zoning reported to the Council that the plane had not been definitely worked out and we asked for a postponement. Re now submit the plan of October 28th which has been approved by the Board of Zoning. This is a ramp driveway leading up to the rear of the Sanitary Pam Dairies Building. There is a similar driveway to the north leading to the Killer & Holmes Building. This plan provides for joining this ramp driveway with the Killer k Holmes driveway in a satisfactory manner. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted, subject, however, to an ordinance and the filing of a bond for this concrete structure which extends into Grove i et. Thie ie Heavy Industrial Zoning, no notices or hearing are required. Yours /ve9ry truly, Z'"st,— GEORGE H. HMOLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh r r XI U s TWE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 29 d O 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by the Paul Steenberg Construction Company for permission to install a driveway at their plaoe of business at 415 Grove Street. For your information] made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints. These blue prints are a revision of the original blue prints which were rejected. According to these new blue prints there would be no objection from a traffic standpoint to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Harry N. Wet ren Superintendent of Traffic G TRIPLICATE CITY OF 6T. PAUL ucwT[ow NloFI — IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CL91— OFFw[. Application For' License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE'.. J TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made f' BY I INAyjfu/�.[ o �N Oo,P INOIVIOUAL! / FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL �118MlIIIRL A:y41. -.-eel �e ALSO 4D ESCRIBED AS / wo DITION) IBT—T ANO NUNB[R! NO. OF PUMPS NO OF OAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK w FILED A. RECEIVED [Ua RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY IB_ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Charman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDI6 BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Coy Architect GEORGE H. 'HERROLD,Secretary g,n er THE -BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE t Yr. Harry OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : September 16th, 1941• In the matter of application of Paul Steenberg Construction Company for a driveway on Lot 19, Schurmeierts Sub. This is the northeast corner of John and Grove Streets. It is in connection with the reconstruction of the old Cobb Building for the Sanitary Dairies. The zoning is Heavy Industry. The driveway in question is at the east end of the building and was built jointly with a similar driveway for Miller & Holmes. It is a concrete ramp up to an elevation, some 4 ft.above the street. Any change in this concrete ramp without a corresponding change in the Miller & Holmes ramp will cause a serious obstruction in the street. The Sanitary Dairies advise us that the plan has not yet been worked out for the construction of this ramp. We, therefore �,2ecommend that the matter be postponed for one week. The permit for the sidewalk on Grove St. has already been granted. Yours very truly, X George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. t9l / 4 "(- ti gh-rh �1 / , 1ly _ i i � , • POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. September 6, 1941 You are hereby notified ihat the Counc of the City of St. Paul will con- s'der the matter of application of Faul Steenberg Construction Co. for driveway at 415 Grove St., to Lot 9, Schurmeier's Subdivision of rot 1, Bass Add. of Outlots and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and Ci'ry Hall Building on September 17 1441-, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S.`Ftntilan, ,..=a. Commisvoner of Finance. File 9351 CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIPLICATE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License -;UTC-W0-B-jL-E-'FrLLjNG STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made BY I INAMfi IF F111 OR A FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE BLOCK AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOIA7ED ON LOT _A!-�O DESCRIBED ASI IAooIrloNl No. OF Fu.Fs- NO OF GAS TAN RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY DATE DEPART LTC SAI BY OF EACH TANK� 7. By "z ESI AI. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING Ulf u By 0HWM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN CLINTON A. ACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Fire Chief Supt. of police and Fire Alarm Chief.of Police Health Officer `y LY . ..._ _ ` YYYYYYYYYit�(i� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota e artme"t al. pwi' ,qetr1 Tenth and Minnesota Streets 4;. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MUI.LANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 17, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Siri Referring to the application of Paul Steen- berg Construction businessfat or JeohniandoGro eaStreetsiveway at theireir place Attached is report covering inspection Traffima de by Harry N. wettergren, Supe o be withheld until You will note that he recommends that permit satisfaotory plans for this driveway are furnished. Very truly yours,) Commissioner of Publie SaYety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFTHE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 16 1941 Mr. C. A. Haokert Chief of Palios Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by the Paul Steenberg Construction Company for permission to install a driveway at ° their place of business at John and Grove Streets. For your informationj made the usual inspection of the promises and blue prints. A portion of their driveway connects with a driveway serving the loading dock of the Miller and Holmes coaoeras By permitting the Steenberg Construction Company to lower their driveway it would be very undesirable in that there would be s drop-off from the Miller and Holmes driveway. Such a drop-off would be a hazard to pedestrians using the sidewalk. I would recommend that this application be with -held until then furnish satisfactory plans for this driveway. Yours very truly, Harry�greas. LlJ Superintendent of Traffic hnw/f o �"' ORIGINAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL PAT. N Ileo BN iN[ elTv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cL[wK a orrice Application For License ATION I / DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made - BY�_-L���/�-------- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A— --- I RIV[ IN ON Inaioe 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING 6TATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT�� BLOCK DESCRIBED A6 IaTR[ei A [R I ADDITION) No NUMB I NO. OF PUMP6 — NO OF GAS TANK6 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK----- FILED ANK— —FILED _./IIIIITIII IF r'PILI ^ITT. \�- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RKCEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK R_ DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL IN FAVOR OF TO DMtRTlS° � DISBURSEMENT CHECKS FINDLAN (�. _IN FAVOR 28 ✓i.Ann�1..ls PETERSON Oak :,rove Dairy----- 568 .Q� TRUAX 88549 AGAINST MR PRE. I DNOUGH 88550 Dr. R.G. Allison ��''' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILI�- 88551 APPROVED_ CITY OF SA 1. F. No. 124422— Ile..��lc�.�l. that ih"k, drawn OFFICE OF THEIIh� I "ISI" Ihr �,ur.euc�•R___ ,fr E. illi. rylu a h_I k. �<Tlvi��.. I ❑��r I�h ��ck� � lite in the �,Ifli�• of the it3- t In pt roller. AUDITEDIl. a4� F � lJ�J TH(�% CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f�_y.1/ • 2" COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-6654STO—INCLUSIVE.AS PER CHECKS ON FILF�N THE OFFI OF TH CITY CO ROLLER ('Dm CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO AL TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 278 224 35 809`255 28 88548 Oak :,rove Dairy----- 568 64 88549 Oak Grove Darty 607 15 88550 Dr. R.G. Allison 5 00 88551 Dr. R.A. Bock 7 50 88552 Drs. Bouma & Wenzel 1 17 00 88553 nr. A. Christiansen 12 00 $8554 Drs. Cole & Williamson 15 00 88555 Dr. Gustaf Edlund 13 00 88556 Emerson Clinic 8 00 88557 Ruth Ram 15 00 88558 Dr. Leo Hilger 3 00 88559 Dr. J. L. Martineau 100 00 88560 Dr. T.C. Rutherford 7 00 88561 St.Joseph's Hospital 84 25 88562 Dr. F.L. Webber 2 00 88563 Basil J. Berry 58 68 88564 Harold Field 22 12 88565 Winton Christianson 100 00 88566 Tddie Landeen 100 00 88567 Standard Stone Company j 15'00 88568 Charles F. Bruess 70 00 88569 Capi-tol Stationery idf,,. Compat y 79 15 88570 Minnesota Ice Company 55 63 88571 Mitsch & Reck Company 15 20 88572 National Mower company 7 90 8857 Northern States Power Company 116 62 8857 Northern States Power Company 479 94 88575 Northern States Power Company 5 622 16 88576 N.YT. Printing & Binding Compary 56 65 88577 Pederson Brothers 108 70 88578 Ramsey County Boiler Insp. 18 00 88579 Ribm Motor Company 60 88580 G.T. Ryan Company 6 90 88581 C.F.Sculley Equipment Company 23 00 88582 Security wholesale Grocery Company j 14 80 40 88583 Shell 011 Company 94 88584 Socony—vacuum 011 Company 82 78 88585 Sperry Office Furniture Company 93 87 88586 H.R. Stahl Company 17 37 88587 Standard Brands, Inc. 5 60 88588 Toro Mfg. Company 22 2 88589 Transit Supply Company ! 957 00 o ,$8590._. „ T7rugk„ Parts Company, Inc. I 5 04 8'8591 11nr3PrP-o8,f-Elliott-FiebPr Comp 1y 3 95 85592 van Paper Supply Company j 26 60 88591 Geo. Ivalker & Company j 108 16 88594 lectern Machine Company 78 00 88595 "VestlundIs Market 34 68 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 278 224 35-., 919 2551 DATE RETURNED BY BLANK 11 V Orlfflnw to Cttr Malt t H 24. 23 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE-, Novtanhnr ty.194� COMMISSIONER V— WIMMS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of._-certblu employes of the Water Department for mote thlbu eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it rMOLVSD, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth: NAME TITLE OVERTIME RATE Peter Meyers Ditch digger 8 hrs. .6o Henry Meinke Oiler 8 ° Ed gordell Caulker 9 " 6 " Leonard Munson Utilityman-W.D. 9 .73 " Roy Munson do 9 .73 " 6 Sem Ranelli Caulker 9 6 " Raymond A. Hoover Water -shed lab. .6 " Frank D.'Strong Emerg Repairman 6 .6 46 Mike Alfonso Ditch digger 4 " 6o " Chas. DeVinney Emerg.Repairmen 4 .65-3/4 " Harvey Donahue Utilityman W.D. 4 •73 " Peter Fabio Ditch digger 4 .60 " Thomas Fahey Caulker 4 .62-1/4 " Peter T. Murphy Emerg.Repairman 4 .65-3/4 " Frank. B. Traso -. do 4 8 •65-3/4 " .50 Tohn Asea Filter plant lab. ' sit ed QOTT6et: a C. P. No. 1'24403—BY Al. A. Parranto— ItY ofntaln Resolved, that the proper P.m. ar a hereby n [harleed Of P oliUtlil- UBpL t u ployes In the s t ut Wiles for eY,Va employment ase the Ilnf attached to thin r s lute/l. Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, Approved Nov- 4.8191941 ) Iti Ota Leo N. Thompson General Superintendent NOV A 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays / NUOV Barfuss ---`-Approved 194_ Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Zayor 4g Truax - ,�1l41 gd�iH2iAn M 1-41 Mr. Vice President (Petersoni November b, 1941 X9.4423 a 0 An emergency has arisen in the WATER MARTJMT - rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Night -watch ng.* This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances= Account of Halloweven. BOARD 07 WATER C0MMI68IONER& eaident art ed corrects Leo rd N. Thompson General Superintendent Ori.tn.l to City .CIM CITY OF SAINT PAUL ER II COUNCIL -124424 OFFICE OF THE CITYCLERK NO. COUNCIL R OLUTN ENERAL FOR SSggA7e1F PetplCOCOMIIION DATE 1Jos4�h4tr � 7947 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section qq, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of hts department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers.are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Hamlin Branch Library George L. Davenport Janitor-Engineer _21 hre. .63 $ 13.23 Merriam Park Branch Library August T. Schwartz• e • 7 p .63 4.41 Riverview Branch Library Rudolph J. PoLM ka ° p 10 a .63 6.30 C. F`. Nn. 124424-13y Ax,1 F. Peterean— ne„erenyy th [holrizeU opor city oiflcern I11 (Overtime for month of October) henpinyee In the Dep[, of Edu a an ion xtra emplo let Uachedy[oe2Tt Lv r solution, rn the Adopted b)• the° Copncil Nov. 4, 1941. Approved Nov. 4, 1941. , (Nov. 8, 1891) c COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 4 _194— Yeas Nays Barfuss NOV 4 rA Findlan Approved 194_ Parranto in Favor Resew yor Truax —a—Against It Form No __- AMember 31 1941 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for ai, than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keel Hamline� Merriam Park and Riverview Branch -------------------------- -- - Librariea open and to clean buildings. - -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep these buildings open --------- ------ - ------- -on aocount_ of special aotivitiea_a_t-buildings.___ - -------------------------------------------------------------- This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Y.I-V�� -- -- -- -fir-- PJ -HB Librarian 804-5/41-100 Fred v tIt solved-4tih at tM1e proDeMI[Yu IHcers '« Orltind 1. Cllr Clerk are hereby —thorized to pay c taln �"p /� gr'o ulnde andthe YDblta oBulldln' Plefor _t24-42-5 24- 2.5 CITY OF SAINT Xtra a nvinr sent set nt on the $(3L1 f�/ OFFICE OF THE C1 'h't ttarhed m wla area 1aHDn. 0. Adopted by the Council Nov. 4. 1941. j//� COUNCIL RESOLUTION, "°°rn NNi; 911941) PRESF_NTPn RY. / / , . 4, -l- _ ' / . - _ Whereas, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgro',�Xnds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Sec. 53 of the city charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per flay, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME Dewey G. Michels Stationary Fireman 16 @ .691 Patrick Roan Stati)nary Fireman 16 6 .69-2 Fred J. Tetzlaff Caretaker 8 .68-, Ernest Boerner Golf Ranger 12 @ .52i e Walter C. Stahl. Caretaker 8 D @ .59-3/4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councils®i 4 1 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss 4 Findlanpprove4l 194_ Panto Peterson-ePeterson-Tn Favor Rusos- _ or livax __'✓ -Against,- 3M t-41 W WICKt . • _. W. LA m6NT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Perks Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall - FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner U November 4, 1941 To the Honorable, The Tvlayor and Trembers of the City Council Gentlemen: Q,r An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering nec- essary the em:,loyment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day, firing greenhouse boilers an,t repairing bridge. In the case of firing the emergency arose because of inability to secure a relief fireman, and in the case of bridge repairs it was necessary to make such repairs to the wattle Greek bridge to protect the public. Yours very trul;, 91A� 4, , ;",., Commissioner CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect v t A n Origin.] to Citi rd.rk - CITY OF SAINT PAUL FNO. CIL .�-04421 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY k� COMMISSIONER ��< < DATE' FIES016YED, flat Sanitary Vara Dairies be given per- mission to install a driveway into its now building on John Street between Grove and Thirteenth Streets, in accordance with the plan submitted, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works; said permit being subject to revocation at any tine by the Council. "COUNCILMEN Y.as Nays ass �lan PPanto lPe�t�rson ��Truax � ax r. President, McDonough'' JM 1-41 11 - C. F. No. 124426—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, th¢t S a n I t n r y Farm Dai rle, be given nermis,ion to install driveway Into Its v building o John Street between Grove and Thir- teenth Street,, In accordance Ith the plan submitted, and der the dlree- tion and to the atistactio tion o[ the Cbmmissioner of Public Works; said Permit being bje t to revocation at In' by the Councl7. anydopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1941. AAApproved Nov. 4,1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) Adopted by the Council 4 IWI 194__ MW 4 1 Approved 194_ \`> In Favor, n or A gainat CLINTON A. HACKERT - ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. •WM. J. 9UDEITH G. E BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health OfHee°r Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Aire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // c �erac wed al Public Smelt Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner S Mr. Harry T. OtConnell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir z October,31. 1941 This is in referenoe to the application of the Sanitary Farm Dairies for permit to install a driveway to their garage located on John Street be- tween Grove and Thirteenth Streets. These premises were inspected by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, who reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Mr. Wettergrents report is attached. Very truly yours, commissioner ofi%public Safety 4. uj DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY 'THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL P INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 30 1941 Lir. C. A. Hack ert Chief of Police Dear Sir: a This is in reference to application made by the Sanitary Farm Dairies for permission to install a driveway to their garage located on John Street between Grove and 13th Streets. For your information,I have inspected the premises and the blue prints for this installation and do not find that the Plans as submitted will materially interfere with traffic and from a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the grantisi€ of this permission. hnw/f c 511 Yours very truly, Harry N. 4Yett gran r� Superintendent of Traffic ARTHUR S. KIILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN I) EDWIN H. LUNDIE D BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Coy Arch—ct GEORGE H. HERROLD, Mr. Wettergren THE BOARD OF ZO�U G Ev,jbhshed by Ordinance No. 5840 J,Iy 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE 0 I bctober 27th, 1941. 1*0 This is e Henvy Industrial District, - no hearing required. The Council has to approve plan based on our report. As the door width between lintels is 2414" there is no nged of driveway over 24 ft. wide at the proparty line spread to 35 ft. at the gutter line. This is what I am going to recomnend. There must be some clearance between the driveway and the wells of the entranceway to the building to keep the hub caps from scraping the building. v C<fY GF 4� S9r � 2 O iii�ii+s � ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, —1-- EDWIN Hai — EDWIN H. LUNDIE a ERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES IIASSFORD, City Arc^.lett GEORGE H. HEREROLD, Sec rel ary e. THE BOARD OF ZONING Estabhshed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE October 29th, 1941. Yr. Harry T. 09Connell. City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of application of th or the Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. to cdnetruct a driveway into their nes building on John St. The plans ask for a driveway 27 ft. wide at the property line. There are two 12 ft. doors with a 1 ft. ,post between. We, therefore, recoamend that the driveway at the property line b e 25 rt. and that the apron be built with 5 ft• radius returns so that the width of the ramp at the getter line will be 95 ft. The contractor will put in a curb between this 25 ft. driveway and the wall of the building in the corridor to prevent cars tram scraping the wall. This plan is satis- factory to the contractor. The Board of 'Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. it is a Heavy Industrihl District, no notices or hearing are required. Yours very truly, A��✓.�..nc . GEORGE H. HBRROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. D Original to tier clerk 2 .t CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y FO ENCIL NO. 12442'47 1 4.1. FORM a E2301VEDI That the application of Louis $4ass and Sherman Sutchick, doing business as the Pioneer Geroge, for permission to install and operate a Gasoline Filling Station in the building known as the Pioneer Garage at 241 East Fifth Street, be and same is hereby granted subject to, the payment of any license fee required by law, and subject further to the provision that the said Gasoline Filling Station and the gasoline pumps shall be so placed in the garage that care being serviced at said station willcnot stand on the sidewalk or obstruct the doorway to said garage. CRx lveo. d QthntLhe H. 8arf nee— 'M. Klass and ahermnnll Ra[cltlek� ng business :ls the Pioneer Gore,.: Cur pertnlssiun to Install and operute n sol now's Ie e`illing Mallon 1n the building kn the Pie—anr Garage at 411 East Fifth street, be d [he a hereby granted subJ t to the pp�ymen[ a k 11Yy Iicense fee t tired by lu and t the, sa idt Gasolinee FtilinD6r Station tatnd the gasoline Dumps shall be Be placed Ia the garage that s being s rutted nt said station twill not stand on the sidewalk u obstruct the doorway to suid garage. '> v Adopted by the Council Nov. 9. 19% Approved Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1991) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 4 M1 194— Yeas / Nays NOV 4 IN Approved /194_ ilto .F"et son in Favor M 0, ay osI Against President, McDonough 2M 1.41 "Ty op d� u A4 ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, CnI--- AUGUiT HOHENSTEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGINWAH MAN CHARLES BASSFORD. C , Arc'^ tact GEORGE H. HERROLD,a Sec'_" THE AP(ARD OF ZONING Estal luh by Ordinance N.. SB40 July 7t1, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \ _�:�1142 6' 479 COURT HOUSE R October 90th, 1941• yrs 4rry T. Ononnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. ,pear Sir fit,Ia the matter of application of Louis $lase and Sherman Ru for permission to install and operate aB station at the Pioneer Garage, 241 E. Fifth St. This is the garage which the Council approved lioante 00 as to a Fifth St. drivewayaa few weeks ago. o. The their wish to install two pump customers, tanks will have a capacity of 550 gallons he north sidech. These will be outside of the building l be oon ttside of the building toward Sixth St. The Pump yr at the north side neat to the foundation wall and directly opposite the entranceway on Fifth St. some 200 ft. away- opposite whole purpose of this installation is to service cars with gasoline while they are stored there. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, / George H.'Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rb TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL CLERK a orA AND 11"D In — CITY OFFICE OF TH,E CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION a I J V DATE— TO ATE TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAULP MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is ereby Made /'} /.ti. BY ( wM[OP TIP PINDIVIDUwL) b FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A 1, Yg lry OB ngq OAgwD 1 f! U AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO Be LOCATED ON LOT BLOCK +' ALSO DESCRIBED AS (gTBeaT AND NDMD6n1 (ADDITION) - CAPACITY OF EACH TANK -2 NO. OF PUMPS NO OF 6A5 TAN KB FILED r BY � RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 41 DATE 6 ' IB_— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BA FETY� BY RECEIVED DOPY FROM C�IrT�1Y C��L/"ER2K /' DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD Y BY __ THE DEPARTMENT 'OF PUBLIC SAFETY d OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sovember 3rd, 1941. Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir= In regard to the application made by the Pioneer Garage (Louis Klass and Sherman Rutchick) for permission to in- stall and operate an inside garage to be located at 241 E. Fifth Street. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity if this garage is installed. Respectfully yours, W Asst. Chief Fire I actor. RWC/z _ o CITY OF ST. PAUL Is APPLIWTIO DUPLICATE IvucwT[ NC I CITY • CLiRK'i "OPfICi. OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK !i ® Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is reby Made ,. _ . „ _ f / � _ � n .✓ ...,... ,. �,f lino T i� ;►tr r,31�a,.� By _ Ri OP PIRM�QR Innry .,r/y FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL, AND OPERATE A—_. 1••o Rlv[ IN•• OB ••INeI ARAOi•'1 AU'rj&BILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOWTED ON LOT ,e BLoc 1 �• " ALSO DESCRIBED AS— B IRTRi[i ANC NUMeiRI IwoomoN> �. �� NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK NO. FILED - BY � 9ueIN[ii wODR[ee. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY R[CEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION November 3, 1941 Commissioner G. H. Barfuse Department of Public Safety Dear Sir: Attached is report from the Traffic Division re- garding application of the Pioneer Garage (Louis glass and Sherman Rutchick), which you requested in your letter of October 29. very truly yours, Chief of Police THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY •OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION November 3 [d 1941 a Mr. C. A. Haokert Chief of Police Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Pioneer Garage (Louis Klass and Sherman Rutohiok) for permission to install and operate an inside garage to be located at 241 East Fifth Street. For your information,I made the usual inspection of this application and find that the application for operating a public garage was approved by the Traffio Division on September 2, 1941y but in talking to Mr. Louis Klass, I find that they now are asking for permission to install two 550 gallons gasoline tanks on a piece of vaoaftt property located on the West side of the Finch Van Slyke Building where the garage is located. These tanks will be on the outside of the building, with the pumps inside the garage. There are to be no changes in the present driveway or any new driveways added. Therefore, from a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, -yl.L,(f Harry�W.tten " Superintendent of Traffic hmv/f c I/riple.l I, city Clete 1y CITY OF SAINT PAUL cILK � NO. 1214 214 it OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RES TI /--- /GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-/(/C'��'�% _ DATENOVember 1, 1941 COMMISSIONER--- --- -- - -- --- --`f----- Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing Machine Tools to the 11 Vocational National Defense, to the NORTHERN MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO., in accordance with list and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 608-A and supplementary letter dated October 28, 1941 of said Northern Machinery & Supply 6.., for the contract price of $11,796.00, such bid beim the lowest bid and said Northern Machinery & Supply Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #608-A. COnnCILMEn nays uss FI an P;Z to MWruax ,In '- IiA .y* President (Peterson) .��pp"" Adopted by the Council_ NOV 4 _ ___ 1941 _—l1__ _ / NOV ¢ mm --- - /J',,APProved_ _.. __. _ lea In Favor— may (� _ Against OrIsinal to. Cit, Clerk '4 r CITY OF SAINT PAULO UNCI` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1,1 DATE a� a 10244 YMMVSD, that the resolution of this Council, C.F.#124294, approving the budget of the Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year 1942 and determining the basis for the amount of sewer rentals in the City of St. Paul for the year 1942, adopted and approved October 17, 1941, is hereby amended �f in the following partioular, to wits That the sewer rental charge thereby fixed and prescribed for application to premises lying outside of the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul "meter size 12" sewer rental $3700.00" be and the same hereby is amended so as to read "meter size 12" sewer rental $2700.00", such amendment being necessary to correct an inadvertent typographical error. C. F. No. 124429—ny W. A. Parranto— Itesolved, that the resolution of this Council, C. F. No. 124294, approving he budget of the Minneapol in -St. Paul Sam tart' District for thcalendar lendar year 1942 and determin Ing thre basis for the unl of s rentals in the City of .- St. Paul for the year 1942, adopted and .approved October 17, 1941, Is hereby ended in the following p¢rticular, loThat the sewer rental charge there- - by dzed ¢ad prescribed for application to premises lying outside of the car- r r¢te limits f the Clty oY SL Paul peter Ize 12" we r alai m!3 00.00 Paul he and then a M1ereby Is a ".1 s s to read "meter size 12" a ental .42700.00", such endmentebeing rnec- a y to orrect an Inadvertent typo- �f igrnphlcal ,rror. Ado D[ed b33• the Council Nov. 4, 1941. Art—, ed N 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) COU LMEN Yeas Nays uss FAan /Payfanto on �en u President, McDonough NOV 4 W Adopted by the Council 794_ Approv W 4 R? 194__ 94 — fIn Favor Ma r -I e M 6 OdODa to City Cl.* �• '' C ! I- CITY CIF SAINT PAUL FOui� �,O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By � r.�+-� COMMISSIONER __. __-______ ____. .. -. _.— _-_ DATE November �• 1941 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorilpd to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one ank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, C,.F.R. motor method, from the H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of 8 .12187 per gallon, less 1% discount on refinery price if paid within ten days from date of shipment, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equip- ment- 1003-134 C. F, No, 1'L4480—By Allton Bosen— Hesowed, that the Per hori ing' Dunt e be, asci; he I. hereon ent of the Ma Y.r chase, ;''with the , r d the Comptroller, a tank c D- I ute1 8000 gall—C leaded tine, -�4 crane. C. h'. R. etor Ns"hin hod, from the H. K. 3TAHL COB price of E.1218i per cellon, I [ennt on re dnYs fromn dateP �cehlPmenld Including state tax n d .tate Inepee- tlon, IV to Do spotted Mu MclPal Ifor ment Bureau spur at Dale in[pr- i blds as n emer.sre, szlat wwheren' fssilure to act promptly oold k hardship to the best Interests f the City. Charge General Puna—blunlcl-� pal ):9ul0men t -100,1,r ` 1 Adoptedd N the4 C1941.11 Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941)— 4 COnnCiLMEn Adopted by the Council__ ... leo_ _ - yeas nays Muss NOV 4 /Findlan �_ Approved___-._ -_-- - 194. _ Aarranto ,J"eterson -. An Favor \ - - - - \ ,Rosen / Mayo Truax . Against esident, McDonough .m �. s v..s. • NAL TO CIT1Y (CLERK CITY 0 SAINT PAUL FOENCIL NO 12446"1 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Mayor John -J. MCD ough COMMISSIONER DATE October 6 194 1 YES (v) COUNCILMEN (r) NAYS MR. PRESIDENT W >-41 041 We t441 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -194— ­11PPROVE 1941 194_ IN FAVOR AGAINST / R COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLR R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. R. 2A1 Mayor's Office Salaries $150.00 2AR " ° Receipts 69.65 2A3 ° ° Expense $219.65 C. F. No 124431—By Mayor Sohn J. McDonough— Resolved, that the Pollowha trans- be n.AV o •the books of the (fers Comptroller by doing on un voidable �e Rciency eln c rtaln items may be met by said traneters without hamporing the ork provided by the. In the Item. from the traney which nafera are ade. Transferred from cod 1A1, Mayor's Office 9 $160.00; code 2AR, Mayor'. Oiflce Receipts, 69.661 to ode yor'. 2A3, Mayor's 011tee Exp ee j1d19.fi6 / J. Apepted byy the Coup 1 t 4, 1941. I Approved IQov. 4, 194 (Nov. 6, 19 1) YES (v) COUNCILMEN (r) NAYS MR. PRESIDENT W >-41 041 We t441 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -194— ­11PPROVE 1941 194_ IN FAVOR AGAINST / R COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLR Irl`�ERKCITY OF SAINT PAUL `�e""`No. 1,4�42 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Oct-2a—_ice,.___ • RESQ,LVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM I TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -_-_ DR. CR. Corp. ounsell l'und A R 1192.38 Law Books 3A3 ° X192.38 C. F. No. 124432—$yy Axel F. Peteraotl— Resolved, that Ih following trana- [era be made o thec books of th Co ptroller, by doing an u avoidable deficiency In c rtnlD 1 may be met by Wald transfers w ut \\W� hone YYering t Be ork provided the f trnna[e (pare mide. Prom wh • the rferred frEoEm ode 3AR Corp. U>✓ /�'� ' I I,a1w s$ood ke 119' 1192.38; to code 3A3, Adopte{�•yyN� the Council Nov. 4, 1941. IADProved (NOV9 8 11 1 41. 1941) d OV YES (V) COUNCILMEN W) NAYS ADOPTED BY THECOUNCI 4 193_ • 4a r - n .— PE7ERSON P VED A'�11�r 4 f Pdrra ni-0 193_ ROSEN __ _IN FAVOR TRUAX N — v—AGAINST NAY WLIMLZI' COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT CITY COM"RoLtsR 1r 11 J ORIGINIL TO .ITT CE s CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONCILNO.1oC�44� APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CCHH/iARR/-T}EERR SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY / 6 o////J///, ����� ( 9' // ^ ^ ) COMMISSIONER!/i,►��J 1 `� J/yp/I�"lC�/TrTY1 DATE— too RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEF161ENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED STEM AMOUNT DR. TRANSFERRED ---— CR. FROM TO 16-R Library Service - Cath Receipts 28,400.00 •A 16-A1 Library Service - Salaries 28,200.00 16-0 IN " - Supplies 200.00 C. F. No. 124433 —By Axel F. Peteraon— on fersesblaved,adthat to thebookslathe Comptroller by o doing an un. voidable t""'lency In c rtaln Meme may be met by Im tranefere without bamopyering the Work provided by the from which re made. he runel'erla the Its_. 9ervic se tCaeh RecelDte,code $2840000 rn to $29,cod200, 00;1 to Coder Library Library l Serv- Ice—Su pplles,^ $200.00. Adopted byy the Co...I] Nov. 4, 1941. Approved N . 4, 1941. (Nov. S, 1941) f YES (y) COUNCILMEN (0 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 494 I—' 193___ PEARCE O(�p 1`1 IiiJ4' vlElr. PETERSON APPROVED__ —193 ROSEN __IN FAVOR / TRUAX WARREN AGAINS WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT circ oc MPrso�ucn • C. F. \o. 124434—Hy Jnhn $. F'1ndIa ,! �. ick xeaolrem, that the muowms tram, co.Nui NO. 111 .n carr ctaRK CIT)eera be ade o [he book. Of 11' - °% ptrel)er oy a doing an b.{ 101' ORM APPROPRIATION TR laame deeoienoy „ .stem ur PER dY"y _' t by anld tra nares PRESENTED BY COtdIgISS10N9R s John S. Finds an n.v� oWJwl DATE October 30, 1gg_41_ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY TME MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE PETERSON� APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT DR. TRANSFERRED CR. TRUAX FROM Tp 6 A -R WARREN WARREN AGAINST Finance Department (Receipts) 21+8,33 COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT 110 1114L CITY vr.oLLea 5tilll I I-S-Ic(yl 6 A3 Finance Department (Expense) 246.33 25 A7 City Rall & Court Rouse (Repairs) 1,000.00 25 w City Hall & Court Rouse (P.O. Reserve) 71,16 25 A6 City Hall & Court House (Supplies) 1,071.16 30 Al Comptroller (Salaries) 1110.00 30 A2 Comptroller (Expense) 140.00 30 B1 Civil Service (Salaries) 1,266,00 30 B3 Civil Service (Report) 13.50 30 B4 Civil Service (Expense) 1,272.50 31 01 Armory (Salaries) 500.00 31 C-R Armory (Receipts) 410.97 31 04 Armory (Repairs) 910.97 J) YES 1✓) COUNCILMEN 1✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI09VL=4 10 _193_ PEARCE 4 1941 PETERSON� –APPROVED193_ ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX - MAYIR WARREN WARREN AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT 110 1114L CITY vr.oLLea 5tilll I I-S-Ic(yl 9CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ooRo�� NO. aRK CITY C-- APPROPRIATI TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ?ER CHHA T SECTION 208 � PRESENTED Y �LOber 29, _197.,-41.1-.-- COMMISSIONER A. Parranto — Publio Utilities DATE • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEYIN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE _ TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT DR. TRANSFERRED CR. _ FROM dortunissioner of Public Utilities Fund $ 50.00 21 C1 5;1}00,00 V 21 R $ 513.00 21 p2 400.00 21 Dl 4,000.00 21 D2 1,000.00 21 D3 Publio Lighting Fund 22.35 22 A2 4,000.00 22 B3 — 958.68 22 R r �IC. F. No. 124435—By W. A. Pnrranto—I Reaolved, that the [olio Wing trnns- 93.57 22 W fora be ads o the books aone Comptroller. by dome sin p 22.35 22 A3 r v tdable deficiency tnlIn", t 5.052.25 ++ 22 B5 be met by said trnnafera 1'Ithout hampering work provided by the In the Rema from which the ininstrere ae. r m Com- 1 Transferred Prom code 21C1, isaloner of Public Ut111Uea Fund.' $50.00: from code 21 R, $6,400.00; 4 code 560.00: to de 21U1.o $900.00: _IA2, to de 21132, 54,000.00; to c de 21133, $1,000.00. Transferred from ode 22A2, Public 22 fighting Fund. $22.35: fro 968 B: from $4,000.00; from ode 2 oR, E 2,an de 'L\V, $93.57: to de 22A3, $2 de 22B6, $6,062.25. to �' th e4C 1941oii Nov. 4, 1991, AI nrovedby (Nov. 8, 1941) 140V 4 1941193-- YES (✓) COUNCILMEN b0 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PE t0f�0�e +�IU)W PETERSTERS ON PROVE, /-��� d 1 193— ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX , "t AT / (\_ WARREN AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY— WENZEL CITY coMPTRo��aR MR. PRESIDENT 01111-1 10 C. -IL 24431) — CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL _NO. APPROPRIATION TRAN$F-ERS—RESOLUTION FORM ` PER CHARTER SECTION 208 Ar PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— G. H. Barfuss DATE October 24 191 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTF3OLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 7 A 1 Police Adm. Salaries 62.76 7 A 2 " " Office Supplies 400.00 7 B 1 License Div. Salaries 1,364.16 7 C 1 Uniformed Div. Salaries 4,838.46 7 C 2 " Supplies 1,200.00 7 C 3 " Auto Maintenance 3,500.00 7 C 4 " Traffic Signal Maint. 3,200.00 7 D 1 Detective Div. Salaries 2,278.56 7 D 3 " Supplies 500.00 7 E 1 Radio Div. Salaries 683.38 % 7 E 2 " Light, Heat, Power 320.00 7 E 3 " Supplies 320.00 7 G 1 Records Div. Salaries 2,600.00 7 R Receipts 1,539.45 11,903.38 1 11,903.38 N®V 4 IMYES (✓) COUNCILMEN <✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII. 193_ • PEARCE 4 PETERSON PROVED_ 193_ ROSEN IN FAVOR l TRUAX MAYOR WARREN AGAINST MMUSMD WENZEL - COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT c�Tv coMPrno��cR C. F. No. 114137—B 121437 21 3 f y G. H., 13—f. — �g 7 Resolvod, tf• the following trans- ici� crtr c�c.a CITY Og �'om I` the books of the NO. APPROPRIATION TRA!, t a" FORM` PER CHARTf T PRESENTED BY �„ COMMISSIONER G. H. Barfuss DATE Qota 219§1 b RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE . COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT AMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH T ANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO AMOUNT TRANSFERRED OR. R. 8 A 1 Fire Administration Salaries 5,800.00 8 A 2 " " Supplies 350.00 8 A 3 " " Offioe Expense 75.00 8 B 1 " Prevention Salaries 11100.00. 8 B 2 " " Offioe Expense 75.00 8 C 1 " Fighting Salaries 6,800.00 8 C 6 " " Supplies 2,500.00 8 C 8 " " Misoellaneous 3.40 8 D 1 Station Maintenance Salaries 650.00 8 D 2 " " Telephones 50.00 8 D 3 " " Light, Power, Wdtte 600.00 8 D 4 " " Fuel 530.47 8 D 6 " " Repairs -Renewals 1,000.00 8 R oeipts 783.87 10,158.87 10,158.87 YES (0 COUNCILMEN (/') NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN —1—AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL NOV 4'193 ROVE VY 4 193 - COUNTERSIGNED BY--- / 0�0' C. F. No. 124438—By, G. EI. Bnrf uas— I �� /� n Resolved, that the following [rent/-MciL `��j =LEnK CITY O tern be made o the boolta of t,, No. APPROPRIATION TRA Com"trI.e' ° ny a° d°'"g !'. V FORM voidable d ^clan v I" , !. tW "1 , PER CHARj,fi • )S PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— - G. H. Barfuss DATE Oct. 24 19*1 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. COgE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT 5FERRED FROM To DR. :1 CR. 7-8 A 1 lioe & Fire Alarm Salaries 500.00 �TR 7-8 A 3 " " " Supplies 400.00 7-8 A 4 " " " Telephone Lines 55.00 7-8 A 6 " " " Office Expense 45.00 500.00 500.00 9 A 2 Health, Administration Auto Expense 50.00 9 A 3 " " Office Expense 150.00 9 C 1 " Prom. of Health Salaries 621.06 ~ 9-�D 'z " Food Regulation Auto Expense 700.00 9 E 1 " Quarantine Salaries 1,100.00 9 F 3 " Tuberculosis Supplies 200.00 n 9 G 1 " 4/orkhouse Hosp. Salaries a 151.08 9 G 2 " " Board of Priaom rs 560.00 9 G 3` " " Supplies 60.00 9 K 1 " Dog License Enf., Wages 300.00 9 K 2 " " " Truck Maintenance 150.00 2,021.06 2,021.06 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON `7 ROSEN _ IN FAVOR TRUAX /) WARREN `' AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT W 4 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUN�CgII 193_ 4%V 4 A ov 193_ COUNTERSIGNED BY onl,l..l t. CIH Clark 1244 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Arc". F THE CITY CLERK # COUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM It COMMISWONEY DAT^ 6 RESOLVED, that Dan J. Maloney be paid the sum of $240.00 out of the Workmen I s Compensation Account of the Genaral Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of March 22, 1941, while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, whereby he sufffered temporary y total disability until June 2, 19419 plus 6J additional days in June and July 1941, and 25% permanent partial loss of use of his right 'thudb. iC. F. No. 184438- Dy Miln Rosan— Reaolved, that Dan .I.toMaloney be ppaid the suof 5240.00 t of the `Porkmen's Co "ansa U.. Account of', the general Fund in full ttlem ant o[ , hls al¢Im nBa Inst the City of SMot Pnul for compen satton re ltlns from I hls In]ury of March 82, 1941, while in [he emplcY °f herebDepaertm Rered teem-• Ilc 14 orke, h au porary total dlsabiltty tll June 2, 1841, Plus 8 ddltional da)'s fn June p¢rtlulalosa [1, - f his%Ight tbumb. Atl opted byy t it Nov. 4. 1941. Approved N 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 19411 .b4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas � Nays �I{ !� �Sarfuas -- 194— ��`ffidlan Approved /Yarranto // to Favor /P terson Ma or sen Truax +-�--Agalne X. President, McDonough eM 1-43 C. F. Ne. 134440—By G. H. Bartuse lved, that the c -tract between; OM[d-d t, City Clerk 'eCl ^ el hon a -t Paul !.n -z ph on CITY OF SAliafxhun� a eovruclt Lr OFFICE, OF THLMITY CLERK 71.1 NO. nCOUN?L RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM O /'' pp-ry RESOLVED, that the contract between the City of Saint Paul and The Tri-State Telephone and Teltgraph`Company, providing for the furnishing and maintenance by sfcid'Company during the year 1942 of,oertain facilities, tie lines aggregating not more than 2117.08 wire miles, ducts, tunnel vault and riser space, essential to the operation,of the Police and Fire Alarm Signal System, in consideration of the payment to said Company by the City of -Alfie aggregate sum of $6,862.20 in eq al -monthly installments, be made- and executed in Itecordanee with the form herewith submitted, approv- ed by the Corporation Counsel; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City, and all payments by the City thereunder shall be made from Police and Fire Alarm Signal I Service Fund, Code 7-8 A 4;, 1942. 4 11 COUNCILMEN: YeasaY�s- ss /an lP�xf anto Posen - aen x President, McDonough 3M 1-41 NOV 4 � Adopted by the Council 194— Approved M 4 194_ / TnF�� Ma r LI$HED� I it r 2nd..L Laid over -,o- 'rd' & app,_ Adopted Yeasj Nays Yeas / Nays B fuss /Bar[uas /Fu}�ia t /Futdlan ar to /Par nto on etefson (/ -.,-�- /- oaen Truaa / /Erose l r. Resident Fallon/Mr. President Fallon C. I:'. No. 124441—ordlnnn—No. BY hniton Rosen— Orlaivel to City Civic linnnce se t[ling the < 1i 124441- .`COUNCIL FILE NO. U PRESENTED BY '— - ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance settling the claim of Albert Salchow against the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Everett L. Peterson, as attorney for said Albert Salchow,the sum of One Hundred T,aenty-four and 75/100 Dollars (0124.75) in fulfsettle- ment of his claim against the City and Clarence A. Paden, arising from damages to his automobile by reason of a trailer attached to a truck operated by said Paden, colliding with and striking said automobile, on March 2, 1940. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City and Clarence A. Paden, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be -in force thirty days after its passage and publication. d Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council...._AOV 21_ --------------_---- �%es , �i>adles r Parranto I. Favor., R Peterson .............. ---------------Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) NQV 211941 Approve - -- -- -- --- - - - -- -- - Attest: / - ( -. -. .. ......... ._. ........ . "" l5lerk Mayor t� soo a-41.— PUBLISIiED _- eri,in.r to Cit, clerk S •~ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RMLVW, that !rant J. Lnelseel, of the Department of Public Safety, upon the recommendation of the Commiseioner of said Department, be granted s leave of absence for disability, with full pay, from October 10th until October 30th, 1"I, both dates inclusive. CO OILMEN Yeas Nays B uss irydlan ,7anto 7raoa os uax M�! President, McDonough 3m 1-41 - / C. F. No. 124442—By O. H. 8'rfua.— i Re.olved, that Frank S. 1, ele.el, of the Depg ttlym�ent o[ Pnbllc Safety, upon tloriere of ton of the Commla- a said Department, be granted leave of absence for dl.abiIlly' ith fullp y, from October 10th u til Octo- ber 30th, 1941, both date. Inclualve. Adopted byy the Council Nov. 4, 1941. A pProved Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. " ""I Adopted by the CouncW 4 194— roved ! 194_ n Favor_ . n - May J � i Against That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on Grotto, between Ivy and Cottage, and 1-40 foot pole in the alley east of Grotto, between Ivy and Cottage, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Tele- phone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when re- quested to do so by the Common Council and cost of,said re - novel to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal 1etimate-#35859• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays WV BmIuss 4VAI Findlan - proved— 19 Parranto PetersonF �n avor Rosen // or Truax ( Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1,41 odirl..) t, City Cl.h •. .. . e 24443 CITY OF SAINT PAUL c�9lENclL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Tt NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B�".. ..._.., 1941 DATE October 1941 COMMISSION , r— C Resolved, that he No thernr States) Power COmVany be given permission to inatall 1-40 foot pole i on Grotto, be• ' nd 1-40 foot tween Ivy and Cotey etege, pggole 1 Ivy nthend11Cottage, st of with n.eea,ary Come. anchors, Ire,, an dwTelepbone s dto ido o d when requested a by the Common Co..e11 and toss of osaid rern-v to be borne by the Northern Stales Power Company. Municipal Estimate No. 30809. Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1941. Approved }Iov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on Grotto, between Ivy and Cottage, and 1-40 foot pole in the alley east of Grotto, between Ivy and Cottage, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Tele- phone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when re- quested to do so by the Common Council and cost of,said re - novel to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal 1etimate-#35859• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays WV BmIuss 4VAI Findlan - proved— 19 Parranto PetersonF �n avor Rosen // or Truax ( Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1,41 orlldnd m city c1"b CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 124441. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C�.Oy�UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1, T !//� rte% DATE ^ t 1\s r 91 19M1 C. F. No. 11411171 w. A. el." S1ta— Resolved, that the Norlt1ehtemn Statex power Company be given isxipn to Install 4-40 foot Poles o the south Ids [ alley oath of. RxndolPh, writ of Finn, with ne ary gu"s, nneborx and sl when r quested a o do so tobe ethe Coma [o Connell d last N or[ her nreFtntes be borne by Power Company. Estimate y t 35169. 1941 Adopted by the, Couneil Nov. 4, A PProved IN 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 4-40 foot poles on the south side of alley south of Randolph, west of Finn, with necessary guys. anchors and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. zotimate $35769. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough $n 141 WV 4 04'1 Adopted by the Council 194— Appro ed c' 194— 7 In Favor M or 0 Against orldn.t to cuF clet //��/�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUENCIL 11 NO. --1(92/1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Op1TF—Data bar 10, 1141 COMMISSIONER C, F. No. 1114146—Ey W. A. Parrvmtd— xeaolved,.chat the Northern 9[ntea Power C..Pany be given permlealon to Install 1-40 foot Pole o Italelgh, bap [ween Como and Brewster. Ith. e - asany guys, nchore And vireo. Pole and wires to be r owed when rectae -t- ed to do by the Common Council nd ,at of id m vol to be borne) by the Northern States Power Com - Pony. 36667 :Nu ni"Pal atimate. No. . F. Adopted bz• the Council Nov. 4, 1941. E Approved (N. 4.8lg4l. ) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1x140 foot pole on Raleigh, between Como and Brewster, with neceseary guys, anchors and wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the � o OCoaaon Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #35557• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss AMY 4 Findlan Approved 194_ Parranto -� Peterson — 7 n Favor, - - or Rosen D 11•uax Against Mr. President, McDonough SM 1.41 Orlrled to CI4 Cpe1 ' � ^p��l�E� f Fy CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNcIL f-- 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F No. p IES U,NCIL RPO UTION—GENERAL FORM COM ISSIQ HY DATE WHEREAS, Olaf Palmquist, Utilityman in the Water Department of the Aty of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 4th day of November 1941, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Olaf Palmquist be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning November 4, 1941, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph Z, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper, city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to Olaf Palmquist for thirty (30) days beginning November 4, 1941 with full pay. C. P. No. 124146-14y N. A, Parranto Whereas, Olaf Palmquta[, i)til(tyman j in the Rater Department of the City' of Saint Paul, w(ll be in capacitated _ 1 and t nabls to perform his duties for k6 perlod of at least thirty (30t) days from and utter the 4th day of November, 1941, find R'herens, the Commigsloner f PubR It Utilities has em., mended that Olaf Palmquist be granted dlsabth(rty day leave of absence for lltty with I i, Pe y beginning Novpmber liance4. ilhlParas graph L, Section 41 of the Civil Ser 1 Ice Pules; therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper city a thorities be and are hereby authorized Palmquist afore lhi rtY (of 30) dame beglnf _ n(ng November 4, 1941, with full "', Adop led by the CounelI Nov. 4, 1941.. Approved Nov. 4,1941, (Nov. 8, 1941) I �QV 4 i9¢t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council194— Yeas / Nays an pproved 194— , anto /Peterson /�/ In Favor .iiio an Ma qr ax !! Against President, McDonough slu 1-43 Original to C14 Clark n CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4$coUNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO �Q (f26UNC1,L RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENT' IINEY ,�(� fN_ DAT November 2 1 1. WHEREAS. •Ralph R. Tnrnblom desires to withdraw application 1782 for Pinball machine license at 1404 Raymond Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited,thereona therefore, be it RESMVEDa that the proper"`city dfficera be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ralph R. Turnblom the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. 1'. No. 124447—By G. H. Barfuse Ralph«'. .4. Parranto—Toho 3. Flndlan— to� It hdr�w Of 1 atlonr 1782 for Pi.- bn111m hine licensts se at 1404 Raymond ens •tee deposited hthereon; therefore, be t[ heRand �theythat thereby er [h ria deco r P$25 to Ralph R. Turn blom the fee Pf S 6.00 and to cx nc el said xppllcn tlon or Ilcense, a 1 I Adopted by the Council NOV. 4, 1941. APprov ed Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8.19 , 1941) WV 4 SIR COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�_ Yeas � Nays � � 1ta�€uss ' �1 dlan Approved 194_ ar�anto � inax raon Favor: n ayor Agains 1 r.President, McDonough aN 1-u 0,1 01-1 to City Clark >\ COUNCIL 1� -4���y �In CITY OF SAINT PAUL rl, E NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL 'FORM DATF November 4 1941 PRESENTED COMMISSION expiring February 1, 1942. and Butcher RESOLVED: That Grocery license X70.. license #491. expiring February 1. 191�2, iseued to Melvin Nelsen at 525 Ohio St. be and the sane are hereby transferred to Melvin Nelsen at 295 W. George St. No. Pnrrnn to—��hn 5�{Find] nt-e No. Revolved tb February y1,1i 19,42, d 410, rDiring No. 6491. a PI1111 B Butcher license Issued to Melvin Nel- February 1, 1942• e t 526 Ohio 8t.. be and the e ht 285 W. (}eorBeeSt to MelvinsNel- vteOid location.the Council Nov. 4, 1941. .on Adopted by Approved Nov.4.1941. 831941) Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas. / Nays rss an anto �erson �ggen sen . President, McDonough IM 1-41 - VD I Adopted by the Councl Y 1 194- 4 1 19 Approved Of in Fav ayor _ f Against 0rl.in.4 to Cl Clmk a ( c CITY OFt *INT PAUL COVNCIL 1Fd4444 li 'n% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AJILe' NO. (��v OUNCIL- RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B Y' DATA Bovember 4. 1941 ' COMMISSIONE BgSOLVED; That license for Restaurant. application 1665. On Sale Malt Beverage. application 1666, and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 166j. applied for by Mrs. Mary Moleeki at 950 Itorest St. be and the same are'hereby granted. -. News Informally approved by council, Oct. 29, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Nays ss indlan Ka anto /Peterson 1/.sen /uax l'v President, McDonough JM 1-41 I"\\`: A oe ��a4n io—Johu'sHI'inainn- Resolved that license tar Restau- t, appll cation 1665, On sale Malt tleverage, pplication 1666, and Ott l Sale Malt Reveruge, pplice.tloa 1667, ypllcd for by Mrs. Mary Moleaki at 850 l� ores[ St. be and the same ar hereby granted. e New. Informally approved by JCoun- t cll, Oct. 28, y11941. Old location. 1941. Approved N the9 Council Nov. 4, (1941. Nov. 8, 1941) a Adopted by the Council 194 NOW 4 19 -APRroved In Favor Ma or _!-,gainst- orl.na t.clelll� 0��4. I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL _ OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOA COM ISSIONE DATE Noiamber 4. 1941 RESOLV3D: That license for Restaurant, application 1661. On Sale Malt Beverage. application 1662, and Off Sale !malt Beverage; application 1663, applied for by Raymond T. Stewart at 925 Selby. Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. NOW. Informally approved by Oouncil, Oct. 29, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea�uss jan" Nays Ba d mdlan ,Yarranto Aeterson iltgaen / 1LT ax r.. President, McDonough C. F. No. 1^_4450—By G. H. Barfuss— W, A. ['arranto—John S. Flndlnn— Resolved, that license for Resta.-' ant, application 1661, On Sale Malt IBeverage, application 1662, and Oms Sppll dafar by R.Yniond TC StIe Wart6at 925 Selby Ave. be and the s._me are hereby granted. New. Informally approved by Coun- cil, Oct. 28, 1941. Oldlocation, Adopted by the Councll Nov. 4. 1941. Approved Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) t Adopted by the Council V 4 +941 194_ Approved 4 194— n Fa Against Original to citr.Cl.h (/p, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUWIL NO X445.1 OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM November 4, 1941 PRESENTED BY DA COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and install gasmainson the following streets: On Water Street from the South City Limits to a point approximately 320 feet northeast of the Chicago, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad bridge. On and across t e Upper Levee from the Mississippi River to Tames Avenue proximately 60 feet West of Western Ave. On the Upper ee from Western Avenue northeasterly approximately 1000 feet. On James Avenue from Western Avenue to Duke Street on Dake Street from James Avenue to Michigan Street On Michigan Street from Duke Street to St. Albans Street On St. Albans Street from Michigan Street to St. Anthony Avenue C. F No. 124461—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, that th Northern States Power i oP PanYar and 1 shall Baavan mle Ins to the following streets: On Rater Street front the South City Limps to 11 DOInt Pproximately an0 _ neu`Polisr ul�d OmaltatRall one b�idK �n Un and a the Upper Levee from the MilmnteI GO lteet`o Tt�[ Westeras n anPro. wea o Ave. AvOen uehe U"booster'y f PProx _tely loon feet. no Aon 1-me. o Duko `Street. from Western tr0, Mlch lgnn stets Lfrom Sam es Avenue Stonre, M"h to Albana`Streat from Dulte StrOn to St. AnthonySt. Albers Avenue MIchl6an tl Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1041. APP roved Nov. 4, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1041) 'moi a 194 i EN Adopted by the Council 194— COUNCILM YeasNays uss f�pftn arranto rson Ifosen l�l��ruax fir• President, McDonough w am 1.41 t l'1W 194— \ 1 1n Favor Ma r against ' IC. F. No. 124462— \ - 'In the matter of constructing a sanl- tory .sewer on Idaho Avenue from ,y Ch Street to Victoria Stre.:tl g ,�/p ��r i�wa Avenue from Chats .ji 7I. Victoria street; ,.. : t,w.. rtb COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sanitary sewer on Idaho 'Avenue from.Chatsworth 'Street to Victoria Street; on Iowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street; on Hoyt Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Avon Street; on Montana Avenue from 70 feet east of Chatsworth Street to 85 feet west of Victoria Street; on Milton Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenues on Victoria Street from 180 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order 124066 _ approved September 25, 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same° is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sanitary sewer on Idaho Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street; o� Iowa Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Victoria Street y y� Hoyt Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Avon Street; on Montana Avenue from 70 feet east of Chatsworth Street to 85 -feet west of Victoria Street; on Milton Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue; on Victoria Street from 180 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Larpentedr Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 39 742.00, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 2nd —day of December, 1941 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. NOW Adopted by the Council 4 193 Annroved City Clerk Pile 9372 M�yr Councilmatl Barfntle Councilman Findlan :USLIS J J—�� -1 Counciltn Pa 1r 0 Councilman Petereoa _ - Councilrnan Rosea .y Councilman Truss MayorMihm=^icllonou{tfi ° Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 124458— In the inatter of opening, -widening nd, at-t di 6 and B.20 ION «, in: ! ,.• ition, by tak' - - f 53 •U�1 1,�� ...3i+R INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending 20 foot alleys in Blocks 3, 5 and 6, Northern Pacific Addition, by taking and condemning a strip of land 10 feet wide from the rear of Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 3; Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 5; and Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 6, under Preliminary Order_ 124,U/ approved nctnhar 9 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon f the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improt%ment is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend 20 foot alleys in Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6, Northern Pacific Addition, by taking and condemning a strip of land 10 feet wide from the rear of Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 3; Lots ) to 26, both inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1 to 26, both inclusive, Block 5; and Lots d to 26, both inclusive, Block 6, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had -on said improvement on the 2nd day of December. 1941 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilNOY 4 ' i .1 193— Approved '"M 93 Approved—`f A filg 193 City Clerk File -9371 Mayo Councilman Barivas Councilman Fiudlau •� Councilman jgWasnommon Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen ✓� ` Councilman Truax Mayor Ma ?ict:)... -ugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 �� RESOLUTION -OF OOL'NOIL. APPROV- ING. ASS&SMENT.. AND FIXING COUNCIL FILE NO—- ................. . ........ ........ ----- TIME OF REARING' THEREON AND : 5,'p_ mIXING TIME OF HEARING ON r . WART ^F TAM.♦CW 4. .. ::fa .t.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada Street to 245 feet westerly of Ada Street ¢ o under Preliminary Order._........_118770 _ ________....__.._. Intermediary Order..__......._119526_...__._......_..._..........._......_.., 119860 August 19.4.0 _ -30W--- 1.11 Final Order........._.approved_1.4_.___ The assessment of....._...___F__benefits.,._co_sta,._a.>3d._._e.zperAses,.,,,...___...... .,,,,._Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considet'ed same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the____ 3rd day of December, 1941,Xjgj at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.MOW : 4 IN Adopted by the Council..... __.__ _.-__..........__.....__..._....__......_ ._ .......192......._.... 9 AIFr��City Clerk. Approved.._. __......... _.... _. _ ____.__ _.......... __...._._......._192.._._.. File 9019 Mayor. Councilman Cl8M@0WRWVjM Barfd'- Feingskmosam Fin Is " H ParrantoI.iSHED—LL-_ - y1 Mcg Peterson " Sudhmbiurz=rn Rosen w,.- - Truax Mayor Mcllonongb Form B. B. 16 � 11 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITU OF SAINT PAUL ', •, COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' FILE NUMBER__ ---.-Y _— ROLLCALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS IBA-- PARRANTO _ "(���'—�3�� `c "o1w —� — — PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE RAWN ON THE ITY TREASURY TRUAX ,.TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF,�. COVERING MR PRES M<DONOUGH NUM RED= INCLU SIV E, AS CHECKS � J��" PER CHECKS ON LF/ryvFF F THE Y CQMPT LER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__._ - -_. __.. _ L APPROVED.! ,- /''(-^ _.-194 _T _2," — NUMBER co,.rno� en TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RBYBANKD NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS'. CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 8s596 Milton Rosen, C. P.Works 22 41 88597 Elk Laundry Company 9 48 88598 General Electric Supply Corp. 41 16 88599 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company !48600 Mastery Book Company 25 00 88601 Northern States Power Company 86 11 88602 Price Electric Company � 44 56 88603 Stlefel Products Company 206 60 8824 H.I.P. Wedelstaedt Company 43 5 88605 Perkins -Tracy Printing Compaq 239 48 88606 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance663 48 88607 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 4 21 24 88608 John S. Findlan, C, of Finan 7 88609 John S. Findlan, Ce of Financ to 5 6 5g 88610 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 160 39 88611 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 7 88612 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 1 378 60 88613 John S. Findlan, Co of Financ I 2 984 25 88614 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 116 116 75 88615 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 14 215 08 88616 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 1 112 75' 88617 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 2 313 00 88618 John 5, Findlan, C. of Financ 24 396 20 5 56 88619 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 88620 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 99 933 61 88621 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 125 465 93 88622 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 37 13 88623 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 494 70 88624 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 941 30 88625 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 4 6 9 90 88626 John S, Finnan, C. of Financ 4 946 70 88627 Northern States Power Company 1414 89 88628 State of Minnesota }l 96 88629 Mrs. Mabel Murphy 49 56 68630 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90 88631 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 32 00 88632 Mrs. Agnes 'Reiss �5 56 88633 Mrs. Ella Woodward 37 10 886 0. Reiss Coal Company 484 8o 88 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 30 906 78 886 John S. Findlan, C. of Finane 3 207 54 88637 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ �7 2 1 00 88638 John Seeley 1L4lt 50 88639 Blue 8 White Cab Company I II I .�liK. pit liii tt. tfi . f the ill ri,l 1. i'. \.I •�iail \,, 1. III. 2 117 48 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1290 341 93 4305S85 71 d RESOLUTION RATIFYING 'ASSES, )TENT. Council File No.-- --------------------- ----- !C F. No. I_44rr- 'V By----------------------------- ---------- -- ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Scheffer Street from Albert Street to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order... -...118468 --__ Intermediary Order ........... Final Order.._...�19 8&.._.., approved... July --9......- ............... 19....40 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUN Ell RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -------------------- ......... equal installments.NOV 5 W Adopted by the MY F� 11g Approved..------------------------------------ F-m,�H. B. 18 File 8975 / �g/6—.moi City Clerk. i - -- ................--- -------- .., Mayor. 1li;3;.LSHE7y�...L..1�---=—"LI r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment LI the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for XkK constructing a sewer on Schaffer Street from Albert Street to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order 118468 Intermediary Order 119.08$ ___....__.__, Final order .._._ 119362____. approved _ July 91 1940 _... _,311M...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Conncil the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the makitig of the above improve - A maul, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engineering ,- 'C _,ny eLiTttti � •and•super. i.;•cn $ 1_,.989.12....._. .. Cost of publishing notice. 4.50 $ .................. ...... ___.... _...... Cost of postal cards .90 $_. __..._.......... _.___._._... Inspection fees $_...... ............ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4.50 $ 1,999.02 Total expenditures r Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been 4�ompleted, and that hereto attached,iden- tifled by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 - a RESOLrT.ION RATIFYING ASSESS- " ;•FENT.�"9 ' Council File No ...................----....- 121, - YJC By---------------------------- --------------------------- . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue; also oonstructing sewer on the westerly four feet of the easterly six feet of Lot 25, in said Block 5, from the alley to the sewer in Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order. --....119144---.._. Intermediary Order .....1195D9--..---. Final Order. -....119821 approved ...._August_13.-------------------- 19 40• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR�EIER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................. --[/........equal installments. NOV ASMI 5 W Adopted by the Council ............... -------- ......---------- . ------- .......19.. y� y� _e_e(_.. ........, City Clerk. Approved.............................................. ...19..... r ----- ------------------ ------ -------- ....-- -- ..., Mayor. Form B. H. IS File 9036 • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE W THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment October -7.,_ 19 k.1 _ ...._, X=_.— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for *kW grading alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue; also constructing sewer on the westerly four feet of the easterly six feet of Lot 25, in said Block 5, from the alley to the sewer in Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order. 119144 _ Intermediary Order 119509 Final order_._ 119821approved ._ August 13,_ 1940 ........... .___. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - meat, v12: Cost of ,materials, equipment, eagir.^criog _1 247.42 ' "icP�DA��C� and cuper�'ieicu; $_...... 1....._r_.__ ...... ..... Cost of publishing notice 4120 Cost of postal cards._............_...._�84----...._ Inspection fees . $...._...._......._..--....... Amount of court costs for confirmation $_._ 4.20 Total exp itures Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.1.0256.66___ .. .... . . ..... .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tined by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper............. .... __....__---- 1 Commissioner of Finance. Form H. S. 17 P RESOL['TION RATIFYING ASSESS- Council'�le Ko .................. aExm. ri1 .8 By---------------------------- ......... ..--- ...---------- Ak, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, oosts and expenses for changing the grade of the alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Add§tion from 120 feet west of Cleveland Ave, to Finn Ave., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof,the present established grade being shown by ei blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second"Addition from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., under Preliminary Order .....118502.-----..- Intermediary order ......IN= .......... Final Order......119GQ6....... approved.....Ju19..23- - - .-....-19.40... g A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 0 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT_FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in------------_ ........... equal installments. Nov 5 W Adoptedby the Council ---------- `-------------------- ------ •-- ........ .......... .. ...19. .... :��t �0 -r/y y .., City Clerk. Approved.----- ..................19..----- - it r e 4- - - -, Mayor. Form B. B. IA File 8985 �LIBL1SIili;� e CITY OF ST. PAUL TWICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment° ® Ootober...71 x941_.,,...._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, coats and expenses for ti�x changing the grade of the alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from 120 feet west of Cleveland Ave to Finn Ave., to conform to the red line on the de a part hereof, the present established grade being profile hereto attached and ma shown by a blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alley in Block11, St. Catherine Park Second Addition, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., under Preliminary Order, 118502 _ .__, Intermediary Ord�r 11.9222 Final order _...__ __....._.__..._, 119606 approved.... July__23 194Q_ _._.___.._..._,- --- ...... ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- d in connection with the making of the above improve- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for an ment, viz: Cost of tneterials, equipment, engineering ?9 pnd .<upe r'$._.._........._4.05---...._ Cost of publishing notice . Cost of postal cards . • Inspection fees 0 $ 4.05 Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures (Balance to City). $__1104.44 Said Commissioner further reports that he hM assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ...1104.44 _______._ __..._.. _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in the case the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached', iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said $ssessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for su, h action thereon ason mconsidered ,proper. � ,� � �..._..-.._..—..-_-.-...----._...._-- _-. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 1 • nE9EONLTT ION nATIFYING Council File No ............._......._------..... A99F', ... 1214 xE By........................................_..........._. I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for oonstructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the existing sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington St. to a point 130 feet east of Farrington St., 's under Preliminary Order..... -@x.6.9........., Intermediary OrderFinal Order...il.9@Bl......... . approved. -August 14.....................1940.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..................equal installments. 5 Adopted by the Council ---------------- 1.11 -- -- --................................ 19......... vnrf. City Clerk. Approved-------------------------- .---- ..--- ---------------- -19.,..... . 1 Mayor. Form B. B. 18 File 9020 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO:d.11ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment pctober--7- ..........., 19.41 . i� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for liz constructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the existing sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington St. to a point 130 feet east of Farrington St., under Preliminary Order....._116960..__ __ __ __ ____.. Intermediary Order -------------119527 Final Order 119861.. .......- - -- ......, approved_.-..August._14e..1940 ...............-- 19...._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- Costofmaterials, equipment, enpinemtj, ment, viz: . onstau�fion� . and supers",at-:] . $ 622 70 ..........!_._................ Cost of publishing notice . $....--1.05 Cost of postal cards $--------21-------_-_-- d Inspection fees $------- ---------....._---- Amount of court costs for confirmation r Total expenditures $.625-!Ol Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the totall amount as abpve ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_-_625.01 upon cneh and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attnehed, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such i�ction thereon as may be considered proper. F.— nm a. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 11E90LUT[ON RAT' "'NO A91E99- MENT. No. we CITY OF 8T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constru,ting, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, estinate No. 7, Contract 40-M-3, 1940 Assessable) F.O. 120477 St. Clair Avenue, north side, from Prior Avenue thence east 345 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east, thence east to Howell Street, and on the south side of :t. Clair Avenue from a point 87.32 feet east of Prior Avenue thence east to Howell Street F.O. 12047E Ramsey Street, south side, from Pleasant Avenue thence east 340 feet F.G. 120431 Harvard Street, east side, 4 -foot cement sidewalk from East Annapolis Street to East 74inona Street F.O. 120624 East Seventh Street, southerly side, from Beeoh Street approximately 30 feet west F.O. 120397 Selby Avenue, north side, from a point 94 feet east of Fairview Avenue thence East 360 feetj beginning 40 feet farther east, thence east 93 feet; and on the south side of Selby Avenue from a point 54 feet east of Fairview Avenue thence east 80 feet] beginning 160 feet farther east, thence east 240 feet, and on the west side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 92 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence no eetj beginning 13 feet farther north, thence north 67 feet, and on the east side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 30 feet north of Selby, thence north 79.16 feet F.O. 120468 Hoyt Avenue West, south side, from Lexington Parkway to Chelsea Street F.O. 115870 Fuller Avenue, north side, from Oxford Street thence west 42 feet; be- ginning 262 feet farther west, thence west 16 feet relay tile] thence west 20 feet constrict drivewayj thence west 76 feet construct monolithic walk] thence west 43 feet relay tile; beginning 68 feet farther west thence west 32 feet construct monolithic walk; thence 8 feet relay tile; and on the south side of Fuller Avenue from a point 266 feet west of Oxford thenee- Beet 46 foeir••relsp bileT-bkenee- W"t 1.00 feet construct monolithic walk; boginnin1; 15 feet farther west, thence west 6 feet con- struot alley crossing F.O. 120472 Ravoux Street, west side, from a point 47 feet north of Central Avenue, thence north to Fuller Avenue, and on the east side of Ravoux Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue F.O. 120470 Marion Street, west side, from a point 138.25 feet north of Milford - Street, thence north 125 feet; beginning 75 feet farther north thence north 50 feet; and on the east side of Marton Street from a point 138 feet north of Milford Street thence north 25 feet] beginning 50 feet farther north thence north 25 feet; beginning 25 feet farther north thence north 40 feet F.O. 120433 Van Buren Avenue, north side, from Avon Street thence Fast 115 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east thence east 200 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east thence east 160 feet; and on the south side of Van Buren Avenue from Avon Street thence east 193.5 feet; beginning 160 feet farther east thence east 240 feet F.O. 120558 Cleveland Avenue, west side, from Carter Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue, and on the south side oma£ tsrter Avenue from floveland Avenue thence west 150 feet F.O•. 120888 elb�r dvsxjtlQr Bou# eider Srom.Gratin Avenue to a point 24 feet west of ,. _ . '� a.�� az. t..�.::�.-- _iLy �:.r.s.:;i��t,Ya. nf' .t91'w�re4and Aaanu� _frtee Y►:_.nd9at - ;:., .:_; . . - Ct -r. Wk I. .c shat; Ba "A 3a c s , w to 4a F4� ,ppjt,aaca Yaa4 -sob 01 a i �t A 3 1✓9 ^ i 4xt ,:r.r vSi'Y4� %s.e r r �'.s'T�a '�.9=t�v'I$ '�f4"'' ,�^ i'If' a e., a£`ai , �44Y, k �. � P' .�, 'i ! 9 i ' 0. (+!s +•LTA S� ki��-'-i� "�.i'£` &Si ,; Va�� Li ,a€"i�jsla ,4 �7€Y�l p.'`H.�p�'^:3:}.G�"F.3Y�.tix�✓t�, `- < +a xk':3v_t>r S?.:tt..2TT,"'fF•'`��? o .. .. U A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FjIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......................:........equal installments. NOV 5 1941 Adopted by the Council ............... ..- .. . ----- ......-----........-'----... - 19......... E` City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19-- Y ""......... a -------- ................................... -----. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 1'UBLISHED��=?� 1 �'� Eoia+ilksaspble t FSC. �f$77 $t �Sidl�t Avpne.ynorth,eida, !'cora Print Avenete thenee nae }�tirdst , '"`"" �•'sr .ddit#t�ic itslitS�la�>,p►c, }o�tda aid 9f .Ffl11er bvenua'`4soai a point _ :$ leob zalaY h32�i} aaa: aha �ouh . 26B Peet grant ok Oxford thenee west 36- feet relay tile thenop--went , SOo jCae aobstriiot sa?riifl3iia iia` ilt h+piuniag" moi" 7aet 3�tror �re6 ,-sa.....,.�...:.r+•rt.�%w.�-hrinit�f'r�':al�l9aF"elAi:�tY4' ...c'. ..r � �� �.,_ ' ,.. -. .:: Hon-Assessables J F.O. 120477, St. Clair Avenua, north side, from Prior Avenue thence east 845 feet$ beginning 40 feet farther east thence east to Howell Street, and on the south side of St. Clair Avenue from a point 87.82 feet east of Prior Avenue thence east to Howell Street F.O. 320451 Harvard Street, east aide, 4 -foot cement_ sidewalk from khat Annapolis Street to East Winona Street F.O. 120397 Selby Avenue, north side, from a point 94 feet east of ihirview Avenue thence east 360 fasts beginning 40 feet farther east, thence east 93 feet, and on the south side of Selby Avenue from a point 54 feet east of Fairview Avenue, thence east SO feats beginning 160 feet farther east, thence east 240 feet.' and on the w4et side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 92 feet north of Selby Avenue thence north 56 feats beginning 13 feet farther north. thbnoe north 67 feet, and on the east side of Wheeler Avenue from a point SO feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 79.16 feet F.O. 120468 Hoyt Avenue West, south side, from Lexington Parkway to Chelsea Street F.O. 115870 Fuller Avenue, north side, from Oxford Street thence west 42 feats' beginning 262 feet farther west, thence west 16 feet relay tiles thence wrest 20 feet construct driveways thence west 76 feet construct monolithic walks thence west 4S feet relay tile= beginning 68 feet farther west thence west 32 feet construct monolithic walk, thence 8 feet relay tiles and on the south sidg of Fuller Avenue from a point 288 feet west of Oxford thence west 38 feet relay tiles thence west 100 feet construct menoli0ild- via lki beg"innin'g—M-fe6t farther `west thence west 6 feet construct alley crossing F.O. 120472 Ravoux Street, west side, froms. point 47 feet north of Central Avenue, thence north to Fuller Avenue, and on the east side of Ravoux Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue F.O. 120470 Marion Street, west side, from a point 138.25 feet north of Milford Street. thence north 125 feats beginning 75 feet farther north thence north 50 feet, and on the cast side of Marion Street from a point 138 feet north of Milford Street thence north 25 feats beginning 50. feet farther north thence north 26 feats beginning 25 feet farther north thence north 40 feet F.O. 120568 C1o,"land Avenue, west side, from Carter Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue, and on the south side of Carter Avenue from Cleveland Avenue thence west 150 feet C.F. 120031 Resolved,. That the Commiasio*r of. Public Iforks be and he is hereby authorised, and directed to esuso the necessary sidewih extensions to b"�.�uostru4tsd at the locations listed belows y., nterseotion SoutEwest corner Raymond and Commonwealth Avenues F.Q. .1203411":e iby Avenue, south side ,from Cretin Avenue to a point 24 feet went 0P Cleveland Avend`o= oh the west side "of Cleveland Avenue from a point 24 feet south of Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue, and on the east side of Cretin Avenue from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue F.O. 12-0404 Moore, Streets west side, from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue, and on the east side of Moore Street from a point 75 feet north of Dayt= Avenue thence north 75 feats beginning 20 feet farther north, thence north 25 feats beginning 94 feet farther north thence north 8 feet AW ;st�7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO.IDIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment September ......... I 18.41 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forxda constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 7, Contract 40-M-3, 1940 Assessable: B F.O. 120477 St. Clair Avenue, north side, from Prior Avenue thence east 345 Peet; beginning 40 feet farther east, thence east to Howell Street, and on the south side of St. Clair Avenue from a point 87.32 feet east of Prior Avenue thence east to Howell Street F.O. 120476 Ramsey Street, south side, from Pleasant Avenue thence east 340 feet F.O. 120431 Harvard Street, east side, 4 -foot cement sidewalk from East Annapolis Street to East Winona Street F.O. 120624 East Seventh Street, southerly side, from Beech Street approximately 30 feet west F.O. 120397 Selby Avenue, north side, from a point 94 feet east of Fairview Avenue thence East 360 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east, thence east 93 feet; and on the south side of Selby Avenue from a point 54 feet east of Fairview Avenue thence east 80 feet; beginning 160 feet farther east, thence east 240 feet, and on the west side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 92 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 56 feet; beginning 13 feet farther north, thence north 67 feet, and on the east side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 30 feet north of Selby, thence north 79.16 feet F.O. 120468 Hoyt Avenue.West, south side, from Lexington Parkway to Chelsea Street F.O. 115870 Fuller Avenue, north side, from Oxford Street thence west 42 feet; be- ginning 252 feet farther west, thence west 16 feet relay tile; thence west 20 feet construct driveway; thence west 76 feet construct monolithic walk; thence west 43 feet relay tile; beginning 68 feet farther west thence west 32 feet construct monolithic walk; thence 8 feet relay tile; and on the south side of Fuller Avenue from a point 266 feet west of Oxford thence wee't-3i& f relay tiler -thence- wew6 100-feet-aanstr"et....- monolithic walk;"beginning 15 feet farther west, thence west 6 feet con- struct alley crossing F.O. 120472 Ravoux hen a north tto Fuller dAvenue, end e, from a oont47 feet north fCentral Avenue, the east side ofRavouStreetfrom Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue F.O. 120470reet,Sthence northBids 125rfeet; beginningm a point 3752feet farfeetther northnorth of lthence north 50 feet; and on the east side of Marion Street fzom a point 138 feet north of Milford Street thence north 25 feet; beginning 50 feet farther north thence north 25 feet; beginning 25 feet farther north thence north 40 feet F.O. 120433 Van Buren Avenue, north„side, from Avon Street thence East 115 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east thence east 200 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east thence east 160 feet; and on the south side of Van Buren Avenue from Avom Street thence east 19Z.5 feet; beginning 160 feet farther east thence east 240 feet F.O. 120558 Cleveland Avenue, west side, from oarter Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue, and on the south side of'Carter Avenue from Cleveland Avenue thence west 150 feet F.O. 120396 Selby Avenue, south aide, from Cretin Avenue to a point 24 feet west of Cleveland Avenue; on the west aide of Cleveland Avenue from a point 24 feet? etzuth. o f 87by hves►n for Summit: Avenue,, and on the oast side of, AoWp S2 TGGP! PGeT1Yj1Y1W 21 LaeC LeL.epeL AOLrp Fp6Uce AOL;y R Leer 1 VACIIne' FpGAce IYDI.Fp d2 L6sF'.: P et zv ,c S as eL L u1)Y O L � L �pE +.' ru6ucs '' e rpe sa2F 2Tge OL IjOOLe 2;LGsp LLon a DO70F Se LGsr 7SO?01 }'IOOLG 2pLesp' ws 2+ 2Tge' LLOW;DO4n7W VAsuns Fo 7raLepa77 V-L(_.nd' TLg ON i CLG;TU VAevne LLOUJ 2s7P?: VASAris P02'I'MTF VAR 177 Sq Les; eonpp oL 2e7pX VAeAne -4o 2im=T{ VAsnns' lruq olr Fre sa2F eig6 'q;, C7sAsJsAq VAeune! oA pi.s iae2, 2Tge OL C7ec6Jgllq VASAne LLOUJ a bOTI'p a'C' 7S082e 2sJp2, VAenrre' 2onFp 2Tgs' LLOU) CLsP71J VAsun6 po a boTuf Sd LGO; MG2F P.L i AGO2' 720 LGGF -i 0'AQ Oil .F}70 2011.Fp PT, OL CBL{:8L VAGMIG LLOla CJ6Ae Je'Aq JAG OG .FPGIJGG V0' JsbM 07eAOTuuq VAOZRe &G2.r 2 qe' {LOW CUL}6L VABAne .FO GO'=Ona9ErJ4CfI VAGUISO c�,t0Cv6pr.�y�'"�{`tbJi} id-BiJ�:k,'O`1�L6•�i%3";"Q`:rv`�i?I'},6&'tQ•£r ll RA y' Iji s a'ps7AAtrr40 Lse!'. . L'C' 7SOv23 Aoll 21ILGU VAGLYn6' UOL-p 2Tge' LLOLJ VAOU 2FL66..' }"y C; ::^.G Fif(!{ T; .',88,:: UOI..Fp FO L66F LeLppsi uoLFp 41) Guoe IJCL F;7 SF' TGE [ T.GG-f uOI.Fv OL W,-JLOLq ?FLE ,F +i:c.cE L, ice uoLg} ^0 TGG_ euq 7.qE 24ILGC{:' {',U t;LCG U^ F}' ICSt.,P { (h LT 'J, 2 7SOd10 NIBL OY) 2,MGGr' M..6 Tl'6' '�LO,t E .^-peJ_c6 LTCJ-c; .... .-r.T-.L ave OJS7, CU_ =FI'C* 1ll0,. , 7 J 7 C 637i� l t6 r1.6F11c6 1\S2%j Lsf + o :7G' pE 01J. WH faa7{: rp,vcs Gr 2.O F-pTc t,:IOOc 6AC0 {,N,U .�M,6T2i SO (:O U24 -3x C;FL6 a: FIT6: ' Tg �G P.iLrolFa L6L }-6UCG UU1U1 tGGF O; f LOG.F Fl. GC R,42} • `7c4:1G zTge' I,Lot7 (aLoLq S77GL VAE7-Rof 0' {i l- E 8' LLDIa I`eX7 L'-42011 I�ff Ll,Ala!' �o 0pGjZGa �n �.l'. 7SO'dCc i! O -.F ,fA6i�Re iai62 F'' 20nFp Tq 6 UOL.F }J 6 bo LOL Uri r„(J1E EI6L ';':.61116 LI• SUC6 AOLrp QS L6 EF` b'Y:� O” FIJ6 6a2r 27gG QL FU• 73 L66 cOI.+}7E I. UOLF j!' tT:-Gufs' FJ16U08 UOLFp ?2 6t{: rE':. L'll:t of F LGGt 1o4ss 2.10, 1-e2F eTge Or ips67si ;,(AGLnc I7G6'6e'2� SAO 'TI:C OV FpyG f pGETUIJI1: 'h Teo LEt,F LaL�p,.; I. ' r}-~ G6 f6'f?f ii0 LGGF: OL �a 7Y..1 Gd:-`LGUf16 }t.1' G-Ol •,12.PUit6 LLOaf 6 bGTnF N LEG: 0a2t LE'Gf: ef11 C, (: %' F}i E. 20n.F' 21gG OL 21 • r 61JCG 662L^. a 30 LGc:F 'si+,:a>, eseF` V 6�: psBluu OOjr, ?cI LGG,' ewer O:, :.a: Lf.T 6M S7AEURG rp6L'C8 7224' 3QO LG i1\ L011 ff •-.8'�A yasun<, Uc, •; 27G6' '4. . i rl' 0 L86f 2+ 2 n6 Lo cp FLGGr bbLoxruaFG ' ?iGtiStY a2F X61.6 , 2{.La j' 2ORF�-8L7: .- cc 6z �ll.ous "- Lest 4' .. { 61,,,g ,•-6:nb; r. LOLL r62F T�a4A C TS.J`:?TG..' ^+Rtl' 2i_6 LLC'!.: bIGC'2 BIlr 'j 1.G i:17 _. F}I6I7GE GE L,i .. ?� .. rac- J F F -L. -C, ' r v rE ,C'.aa�".c'tb5 r'tn'ii To the Council of the City of St. Paul' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . $._6,489,.37 Cost of publishing notice . $.......-.24.30.........-. Cost of postal cards $...........4.66 Inspection fees $....... 48-.94-----_---- Amount of court costs for confirmation24.x300 Assessable 7 191.77 - - Non-pgsessablB. . . . i2?2�93 Total expenditures $.- ., U14.112 ----------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..6014.70 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herelcith submitted to the Council for such cetion thereon as may be considered proper. F°'"' ° °'" Commissioner of Finance. l' Non-Assessable: F.C. 1.20477 St.. Clair Avenue, north side, from Prior Avenue thence'.east $45 feet; beginning 40 feet farther east thence'east'to Howell Street, and- on the south side of St. Clair Avenue from a point 87.32 feet east of Prior Avenus`thenoe east to Howell Street F.O. 120431 Harvard Street, east side. 4-foot oement.,sidewalk.from BLat Annapolis Street to East Winona Street F.O. 120397 Selby Avenue, north side, from a.point 94 feet east of Fairview Avenue thence east 360'feet; beginning;40.feot..farther east, thence east 93 feet, and on the south side of ;Selby, Avemie_from s po nt64 .feet east of Fairview Avenue, thence eaet" 80 feet; beginning 160 feet farther east, thence east 240 feet, and on the Mast side of Wheeler Avenue from a point 92 feet north of ISelby Avenue thence nortri.,56'feet; beginning" 1S feet farther' ncrtl},'._theno6. north .6�1.'fee°t ;and oa-the;: east side, of"' Wheeler Avenue from a point 36 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 79.16 feet F.O. 120468 Hoyt Avenue West, south side, from Lexington Parkway to Chelsea Street F.O. 115870 Fuller Avenue, north side, from Oxford Street thence west 42 feats beginning 252 feet farther west, thence west 16 feet relay tiles thence west 20 feet construct driveway; thence west 76 feet construct monolithic walk) thence west 43 feet, relay tile; beginning 68 feet farther west thence west 32 feet construct mdgolithio walk, thence 8 feet relay tile; and on the south side of Fuller Avenue from a point 266 feet.west`of Oxford thence west 36 feet relay the;,thence'Wait 100, feet conetruot monolithic walk= beginning.l6,faet further,wost. thence weat'r'B'feet oonetruot alley orossing F.O. 120472 Ravoux Street, west side, from a point 47 feet north of Cent;al Avenue, thence north to Fuller Avenue, and on the east side of Ha. Street from Central Avenue to. Fuller Avenue F.O. 120470 Marina Street, west side, from a point 138.25 feet north of liilford Street,, thence north ,125-feet; beginning 76 feet fsrt�iat h6kt,h thence north .60 feet, and. on the east side of -Marion Street 'from a,'`pcint, 136'feetnorth of Milford Street thence north '25 feet) beginning 50 feet farther north thence north 25 feet; beginning 25 feet farther., north thence north40 feet, F.O. 120558 Cldveland Avenue, west side, from Carter Avenue to Conmonwealth.Avenue, and on the south side of Carter Avenue from Cleveland Avenue thence "west 150. fust/e� C.F. 120031 Resolved, That the'Cosmnissioner of Public Works be and he is hsiiebq authorised-anddirected to Cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructediat'tke locations listed:belowt intersection Southwest corner Raymond and Commonwealth Avenues F.O. 120396 Selby Avenue, south side, from Cretin Avenue to a'point 24 feet west of Cleveland Avenuej on the west side of Cleveland Avenue from a point ,4 feet. "nth of Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue, and on the east side Of Cretin Avenue from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue F.O. 120404 Moore Street.,.West side, from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue, and on the east side of Moore Street from a point 75 feett north of Dayt(M Avenue thence north 76 feet; beginning 20 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning 44 feet farther north thenoe nor th:8 feet oHslmd ,t.- C1tt. c h � t CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou 4ca ��- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Z October, RESOLVED; That' license for Restaurant, application 0949, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 0q�4_q, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 0950, applied B for by Louis Mastroddi at 201 W. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Rareau of Police because of the numerous polio calla made at this place,of business during the past four years, and the proper city officers be stnA,tyey6 are hereby authorized to refundto r 6 yyi 6 i,ouis Mastroddl the fees of $9;3{T $ and $ (the amounts of IV,, $ and JW having been deducted because applicant operated for a period Of �4,jmouthson said application. C. F. No. 124461—By G. H. Bareaaa—w.' A. Parr—to—John S. rindlan— Resolved, that license for Restaurant, application 0948, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 0949, and Ott Sale Malt Beverage, pplitation 0960.#.P1ted Lor by Louis mtroddl at E01 9av¢nth St. be and the e a hereby dented Police b,, -,u,, oft r t nuon oi mherous sol lee r Ycity ofticers be and they a adlth.Ill,d to fund to Louis the fee. of 58.34. 541.86, and (the a oun is of =1.16, 18.14, and at been deaaetea because p- t operates for a period o! 2 a nppueat; na>. 'r rtvedby the8C 19u41ci1 Nov. 5, 1941.1 S (Nov. 8, 1941) ��� NdV 5 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— YeasNays �r�USs _ NOV 5 $41 /F _dla°n 11 ppro�fl 194- to iP e�ereon in Favor ' ` ayo �[ sen /1 r.aR4_Against Mr. President, McDonough as 1-41 Ori,ind t. City Clark � �' 'rt :� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. �°4.02 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. gR COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM - M MENTE D E�i DATE 6+ RESOLVED, that Ernest W. Johnson, Superintendent of Playgrounds of Saint Paul, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the Amateur Athletic Union annual convention, to be held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 15, 16 and 17, 1941, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in the sum of $125.00 payable to Ernest W. Johnson on account of his expense of travel, and other expenses in said matter, said warrant to be drawn against the Bureau of Playground blued; unexpended balance to be returned to said fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s an �arranto /Peterson Zuas X 11dr. President, McDonough 3M I -al u WV 5 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved MV 5 ,I' 194.— n F 7t'avo May Aga WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported- in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on -Sunday, said employment being .more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title - J Rate of Pay_ C: F. No. 124483-8.v Milton Rosen— ' i Road Mach.Opr. a _ Ori[Ind to .city Al.rk - - Re d that the proper city oftf elate hereby- th 11.1d to pay cer tato knmDloyes In . the„Dept. [ Pu 611 wor t ext a ae et ep� [,qQ� e� 11 ��,t1.7 4 9} CITY OF SAIN OFFICE OF TH " to t , out the ]let ttached[o this resolu tf Adopted by the Council Nov. 5, 1941. {i' CIL RESOLUTI _G APDroved NNov. 2 4-j .60 .76} DiegnauChester 811941) PREELENTE Q BY, -. DATE November 5} "1941 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported- in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on -Sunday, said employment being .more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title NO.Hrs. Rate of Pay_ Bohrer, William Road Mach.Opr. 5.73 Bowers, Clarence Asph.Raker Kettle Fire. 4 9} .655 Clinton, John M. DeMartina, Frank Tamper Truck Dr. 2 4-j .60 .76} DiegnauChester Donovan, Edward Bridge Lab. Kettle 1 1-i .60 Edstrom, Oscar L. Fire. .62 Elliott, Edward M. Pay.Fore. 4 1.0 Felberg, Frank 0. Staty.Fire. 24 Fitzgibbon, Joseph J. Storekeeper -AP 4 Franehi, Joseph L. Bridge Lab. 1 .60 6 Gallas., Max J. , Truck Dr. 13 Hagerty, Stephen Truck Dr. 2 8.73 .6 Harper, Chfarles E. Road Mach.Opr. Hayek, John Bridge Lab. Truck 1 6 .60 Hilger,'Carl J. Dr. Jagger, Russell Truck Dr. 5 ;76 7 Kuhns, John D. Utilityman-PW •73 McGee, Frank D. Sew.Mto,.Lab. 8 2 McKenna, Patrick J. Truck Dr. -76j- McKenny, Frank Pow.pv.ShOpr. ' 7 1 1.50 Neuschwander, Joseph F. Truck r. .69•x• Newstrom, William IItilityman-PW 1 .73 O'Brien, Joseph Staty.Fire. 24 6 5 Olsen, Thomas Staty.Eng. .76 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW 12 .73 Rasmussen, Robert IItilityman-PW 1 .73 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Approved 19Ak 4-- Parranto Peterson n Favor Mayor Rosen. Truax gainst Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 ' 0 {00 e 124 udd°d W cit, cl..r CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO.------ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SHEET 2 CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM r1) DATFyovember 5 1941 coµn+ENTENER alt Rosen Richardson, Lawrence W.. IItilityman-pw Truck Dr. .b9} 6 Rueth, Henry G. Ryan, Michael H. Truck Dr. Sew.Mte-Lab. 1,62 Schrenkler, Louis W. pow.Shon.Opr. 11} 1 Simmer, Ray Steinberg, Caretaker Utilityman-PW 2� ,73 10 Guy Stoddard, Guy Sullivan, pPatrick J. A15e1Tt pao.Fore. Sweeper Opr. 11 9 . 3 Taube, R. Road Mach.Opr. 7 .6 Wadell, Leo Truck Dr. 6 West, John Winkel, Fredd L. Truck Dr. Road Mach.Opr. 1 .73 1.07 Zusan, Frank Thomas .Fore Pav. 2 Linnan, Asph.Lab. 4 65 Schriefer, John Asph.Raker 2 . Stewart, Wren COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Tin- Favor Peterson Rosen Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough aM 1 -al Adopted by the Council -------194— Approved194 — Mayor Orlffin.l w cia clot C OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1-21463 ' O CE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. .COUNCIL ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Mi],tQn ROSen DATE' November 5, 1941_ COMMISSIONER_ Name Title V_ TT". Rate of Pay Mewborn, Elijah Asph.Raker 6 .55 DeMartina, Frank Sewer Lab. Brown, Edwin J. Pow.Shov.Opr. 10 1.50 m NOV 5 IN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— yeas Nays BarfussV 5 X41 ' 194— Approveli Findlan Parranto Peterson -�-1n Favor May Rosen Truax v Against Mr. President, McDonough SM 1-41 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, making repairs to streets and surfacing of alleys graded by W.P.A. This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances: Opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency Wls, necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Plant ou Sunday d watching equipment and material, rushin repairs to s r ets and alleys before cold weather begins. /��i COMMISTI—W,R OFPUBLIC WORDS C. 1�, No, 124,484—BV G. H. Barfuse— I1.{� Rohn 9. Plndlan—W. A. Parranto-- Oriilnel to;!: b Clerk Resolved, that IT., sea aDP�lled [or by + the Persons named 9n the Iist attached to .b,' resolution be d he e are f. CITY OF SAI hereby grunted, ane ine City Clerk f. Instr.etea to .Issue uoh ]fcenaes upon NO. OFFICE OF THE the gavmeot lntq the elty treasury of ��NCIL RESOLUTION the reed, tees. Adopted by the Council Nov. 5, 1941. -'tDnroved N . 6, 1941. � ov (NoV. H, 1941) RESOLVED: That lioenees applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted: > Lorene d Harris Goldberg 190 Concord Ste Butcher App, 1319 Renewal n e N e N Grocery 11 1320 N 0. Applebaum 427-9 St. Peter Butcher N 1366 N A. G. Carlson 466 Brainard Gnlcery N 1464 N it " " " Off Sale Malt N 1465 N *.'..ph Rothstein 436 Sherburne Ave. Grocery N 1494 N n N N n Butcher e 1465 e Roy Be Pausch 496 Lafond Off Sale Malt N 195 N P. L. Steichen 560 Thomas Off Sale Malt N 1547 N Andrew Eiohoff 693 N. Dale St. Barber " 1599 " Everard Schindler 1945 Ivy St. Barber N 1606 a Florence G. Cooper 477 Collins Grocery N 162 N Off Sale Malt N 162 n John We Anderson & Co.Inc. 139 E. 7th St. Butcher N 1654 N Schunemans Inc. 405 Babasba Barber a 1655 N gamb & Lind V 1503 N. Hemline Grocery N 1656 N Bymie gatkov 913 Bice St. Grocery N 1664 e Joe. S. Taffel 623 University Ave. Grocery N 1669 n 1 N N N Butcher N 1670 N ^ Me L. Berg 1320 Paine Ave. Grocery N 1671 N A. T. MoMenomy 1170 Arcade St. Peel fps, a 1673 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Finian Parranto Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Truax ---Against Mr. President, McDonough aa/ 1-41 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194— Mayor Odsiv.l m ..14 cl-A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N©. , COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE November 5. 1941 COMMISSIONE COUNCILMEN Yea Nays B uss i�lan a!farranto erson �t Rosen /Truax jSir. President, McDonough :;M 1-41 / Arthur Derr 882 Woodbridge Chas. B. Hahn 579 N• Dale St. Yale Weinstein 532-34 Wabasha S. S. Kresge Co. 57 E. 7th St. Arthur Sjoberg 1021 Arcade St. p p N a p p N N Sam$egal 204 W. 4th St. Butcher ■ 1700 " J. An Miesen° 153 E. 5th St. Mont. Ward & Co. 1400 Univ. Ave. Colemans Park. & Greas. Sta. 136 E. 4th St Rory A. Ruthner 654 Rice St. Midway Stove CO. 572 N. Snelling A. 0. Konker 511-3 Rice St. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays B uss i�lan a!farranto erson �t Rosen /Truax jSir. President, McDonough :;M 1-41 / NOV 5 in 19� Adopted by the Council ApprovedOW 194-- In�Fayef' Ma � , _L_L__ gamst Butcher APP -1 5 Renewal Barber a 1.676 " 2nd hand Mr. " 1688 " Pet Shop ■ 1693 " Restsor ant " 1695 " On Sale Malt N 1696 a Off Sale Malt ■ 1697 a Grocery " 1699 " Butcher ■ 1700 " Restaurant " 1704 N Pet Shop N 1709 a Parking Lot " 1714 ■ 2nd Hand Auto Pts.N 1745 a oil Burner InstallA 1749 n gas Station " 1755 " NOV 5 in 19� Adopted by the Council ApprovedOW 194-- In�Fayef' Ma � , _L_L__ gamst Rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Counea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIUE No. �YNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM t COMMISSION OATF BtSOLVED. That son Sales Liquor license # 1T22. heretofore issued to Pay B. Decker and prank (aombitza at ,615 University Avenue be and the same Is hereby transferred to pay B. Decker and William Maple at the same address; that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved. and the City Clerk is directed to transfer said license, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized to notify the surety on the bond of pay B. Decker and Frank Mombitza that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. Transfer informally approved by Council. Oct. 22, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan �Parranto /jf/eterson Rosen "Truax . President, McDonough aq 1-u Nov 5 in Adopted by the Council 194— Approved --194— n Favor , / , ayor CITY OF ST. PAUL �AP,PLICATION 'FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LI E E r .. Application No........._.__ ................---.. Name of Applicant.__Will1Amm_M...Nagle Residence Addre.;s_...$1L..winnipeg.-S.treeL,...S.t.--Palll,Ainnesots. _ Telephone \o...�• 163� Are you a citizen of the United States?..._Yes_._._-_____. _. .... ......_._._.. __-.._. ..___...._.. . .................... Ilave vuu ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe. wL dr.Wsailor. ur business of similar nature? Yea \� hen and �chcre? ,�/� 1, sixth ,Avenue-blOath,_.St._Cloud, _Minnesota.. ZbU 0 _ . .......... (-live name of surety company which trill write bond, if knuwn _londan&_l+AAChag.ld'.e- Number Street Sid, lietween \\ hat Cross Streets Ward 615 University Ave: North Rent and Dal9 Streets Eighth Il..w many feet f7 an aced--, cul!ege or univcrsi,v tmvauu ,d along nLreet,)? Two miles lloty many felt from a church (uuasured along streets)? _____ ___.___.___ 10A0_4e8t._.. Ilow mane feet from close>t public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?.__2000 feet Name of closest school.._ .._..__St.. Agnes _ _...---_ _ ..........._ ..._ _ ---_.. _....-. --- Hots arc premises classified under Lonitrg Ordinance?__. Commercial _ _ ......... On what floor located?..... ....Ground .... ____....__..._ _ Are premises owned by you or leased?__.]A"ed_____Ifleased give name of owner.Schmidt_Breising..Compsny It a restaurant, give seating capacity?.....'_ 250. ..... ... _.._ Give below the name, or number, or other description of each addinonal room in tehich liquor sales are intended: ___Bar...room-- consists _ of onelerge..rnom .vith- bootha,... tables _aad_cbalro....... .........._...................._....... .......... __._ .................. _ ...... ...__.. _... _.... .._._..... .._.._ _...._.- _............_.... ....... _... _............................ ............................. _................_......_........_.......................... ... ..... ..... .. ........._. ..... - -- _ ..._ _ - ...._.. ... ..----------- _..... _._. ........_. ..._....._ .._ .. .._.... _._ __........... ..... ......... _ . _.. - ._ _.. .. _.............. _............................_.._......._. ........... -.._.._..._............. _....................... .................. - ........ __... ......... .....__..._. .. .................... _.........._.. .......___........._......... _. _ _- ... _...._.._......................................... (The information above ni—t be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sale;). Name of resident proprietor or manager ) Willi;am M.__Nagle- Give names and addresses of three business references:.._........__..... __...................... .............._.......... 1...Lflrrea4s..BaJ 1,-. at#ArReY,....--C] oua,._lDinnesota_..__. 2...Harry...Solomon.,..Credi.t.k(..=uex,.,Fd..Phillips_& Sons._Tholesale Liquor Dealers ... ....................... _.... _.. 3...Lea --Cook..T George.Benz_A-Sons,At...B.aul..Jdi.nztenota...................... .........................................._.. THIS APPLICATION `LUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT. AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated ......__......_..._........................... 194........ V, .. ................._............_....._............................. -- License Inspector. ,:, SEE-QZMER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ._....._._...._............. .PVT.).SAW_M.....Noz1a............. __._.................... __.....__._.__._....._.._.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and kno s the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belit f. �J Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 0.....�..�..daayy off....DC#Abex..................... 194.1.. . Notary Public, Ramsey County, .Wn. My commission expires .�-N°q c-CZ1311 N.,T,- y- - o STATE OF MINNESOTA,i COUN'T'Y OF RAMSEY ....... .- . ..._.being first duly sworn, deposesand 'says that ............. ..... ......... the ....... ...___ _.... ._....... _.................. ... ._._........ .......................... of..................................... ...................... ..._._................ .----------....__......._._......_............ ............. -----... a corporation; that._ ................................ ..................... has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ................................................ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........................day of....... ....................... 194....._. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ...................................... Original to Cit, clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL��C�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM coM 4� sslo a M— „ 0 November 5, 1941 RESOLVED= That license for Restaurant„ application 1769. On Sete Malt Beverage. application 1770,, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1771, applied for by Fay B. Decker and William Nagle at 615 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. R New, Liquor transfer informally approved by Council, Oct. 22, 1941. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Bindlas ndlan -arrant. t rson .ICoa n President, McDonough �11 1-41 l'. F. No. 124466—Ry O. H. Barfuss—J,bn� Resolved, i'ha, license , Par—, rant, � application 1769, On Sale Malt Bever- ea Bevea8pllcatlon 1779, d Off Sale Malt, Te. npe ketion d7W iniamli NaBlel b>' raY B. D an a[ 616 University Ave. be and the same nr hereby granted. New, Liquor transfer informally p_! Proved by Council, Oct. _?, 1941. Old' ocation. Adopted by the Council NOV. 6, 1941, Approved Nov. 6, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) Adopted by the Council N —5064- -1 064— e Approved 194_ Tn Favor . AL , , - y- r 1 alnet C. F. N.. 12446. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK that 1 l' hi• Ut u."n the lt' trruvur t tic ItKKI�R4[e OUNCIL �Y OFFIC uIt ,1 $77,410 inl; ch_k.,[LE NUMBER_ —T T(--.j-s- ROLL CALL nlherwi ,1640 ssuvs etaauslve BARFUSS I�rlr eheek�' "� I lily In the �"tt1 r �• o[ the n,�[rnlle.r. 1 FINDLAN 7 IN FAVOR �T\"I��IiI "'il li h.• I'�uni'il :���t'.. Ir 4 PARRANTO A -\I,I�e�t�•U PETERSON---�-- ROSEN AGAINST E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX` VERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S1}}g>95 CO —� MR PRES McDONOUGH � al P�d� CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUB))V E. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ -_-_. ___ .____ PER CHECKS O I E F € OF TH COMP ELLER. jam BY—._Z.L: CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHTFORWARD I ® 88640 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88641 John S. F1ndjan. C, of Financ 88642 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88643 George N. Burt Company m 88644 Capital Envelope Company 88645 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 88646 Dobbins Mfg. Company 88647 Fuller Brush Company 88648 treat Lakes Coal & Dock Compay 88649 Edward J. Heckeroth ss65o H.E. Hulme Awning & Shade Com ai 88651 Robert Metzger Bldg. Material 88652 Northwest Publications, Inc. 886 3 Vocational School Petty Cash lui 4 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 88655 County Welfare Board 88656 County Welfare Board 88657 J.S. Sweitzer & Son, Inc. 88658 Collector Internal Revenue 88659 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier 88660 George Anderson 88661 Board of Public Welfare 99662 Cla-p—Thomesen Company $886663 Thomas J. Gibbons 64 Arthur F. Heuer 88665 Maybelle Moen 88666 Stiefel Produpts, Inc. 88667 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88668 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88669 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 98670 Joseph Grapoalie 88671 Valley Iron 'forks. Inc. 88672 Steve Hanzal 98673 Frank Mudra x8674 Jack Sacks 88675 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88676 John S. Findlap. C. of Financ 98677 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 89679 Mary E. Krey 98679 County nelfare Board 98690 John S. Findlan, Ce of Financ ® 89691 John 3. Findlan, C. of Financ 98682 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 88693 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 98684 American Rad. & Stand. San. C rl 88685 Haag$—Terry Company 98686 Lew Bonn Company 88697 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compare 98689 General Electric Sup,)ly Corp.' 98689 Fdward J. Heckeroth 98690 Tarl Kayser 98691 G.A. MacArthur Company 8869? Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 99693 George E. Robertson i 88694 H.K. Stahl Company gs"""Brick Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT SY BANK CHECKS CHECKS Q 370 00 776 6o 3 667 65 1 387 0 23 03 442 78 12 37 87 22 2 211 74 350 00 66 47 459 50 3 50 0 21 00 7 756 35 20 772 57 3 697 08 93 463 65 30 00 0 4 57 350 99 54 4o 8914 8o 840 25 25 00 50 00 125 00 51 00 343 15 1 2 33 120 00 32 00 12 855 95 75 00 1 66o 15 92 35 11 1 9o'I 40 18 514 64 f5 1 637 251 195 69 6 00! 44 31 1 21' 20 97 03 17 97 77 4io 95 1 - - -t G8—nYn[h¢I 'Clty } - It n Iv d by the Coin Y 1t `tithe Ori,laal to City. Clerk - 'y r -' CITY OF SAINT.P,410L COUNCIL U CIL NO. ERAL OFFICE OF THE CITY C FORM UNCIL RESOLU 1 a '� PRESENTED Y .DAT M ... COMISSIO RE9pLVSD by the Council of the City of Saint Paul thatthe following agreement an set forth in a�e solution of the Board of Water Commissioners , adopted Oitgteeh23,Wa erls itd'$he mnttdr of the respeotlYs'Claims of the City of Saint City off Saint Paul, and Department,and the Board of Winter Oommiheioaers againsted and accepted, to wit: tris agreed. to by the City Comptroller, in writings be hereby approv (1) That the present am of $487,566.00 appearing as Be account receivable on the books of the Water Department against the City of Saint Paul be compromised and settled in the following Winer: (n) The sum of $5 per hydrant per year sines 19331 or the lest year -in which full hydrant rental has been paid to the Winter Department by.the Cit shall be considered. a reasonable sum to be paid per byGrant per year for water furnished and service rendered for fire protection - On otee um ion. On this basis, there would be due and,owing h Department from the City the nof and including the year1941• Since no apPropriation was made in the budget for the year 1942 for hydrant rental, there shall be added to the,$219;000.00 due the Water Department thg sum of $26,160.00 for hydrant lmntal for -_ the year 1942• The total at these two rmounts, oom- priaing the sum of $2+45si6o•00as a bill receivable due books of the Water Department said Department from the City of Saint Paul, and said MM will be treated and regarded by the Comptroller as a legitimate bill receivable due the a eWater Department not infrom the City of Saint Pauly end the balance of the Water Department account with the City of Saint Paul. (b) This am of t245,i6o•oo afiell be liquidated byaadding to the budget appropriation for hydrant rental each year a sum to be determined annually, which amshall be applied against said bill receivable until the same shall be bo*Aetely liquidated; 'there bail* no mlanner in whiah a "transfer of actual cash in such amount can be accomplished,. There Shall, however, be no interesV`cherge added to said ., items Adopted by the Council ---194-- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �. r Barfusa Approved -194— Findlan Parranto Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen .against Truax Mr. President, McDonough Orl>Clno1 to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER (o) The Board, in further agreement with the terms of the settlement, shall provide for an increase in water rates in an mount of substantially 10% and for the reduction in the hydrant, rental from $14.per year to $5 per year for each hydrant in'servioe within the City of Saint Paul, plus the cost of installation of all new hydrants within the city; all as set forth in resolutions now adopte d by said Board. 124.463 Be it further PJMMVED, that all these terms and conditions subscribed to and accepted by the Camptroller are hereby accepted by the Board and shell continue In force so long as the proper mounts are annually included in the Comptroller's budget and approved by the Council for the liquidation of the said $245,,160,0011 plus the installation of all new hydrants and for the maintenance of said hydrants within the city at the rate of $5 per hydrant; and be it further RESDWED, that failure at any time to provide for and make such payments, while the agreed sum of $245,160.00 is being liquidated, shall make this agrement mall -and void, and the amount of the account as it now stands on the Water Department's books remaining unpaid shall be fudged immediately due; and, be it further RESDLVED, that upon liquidation of the am of $245,160.00, it is the intent of this agreement and the reoommendation of this Board that the unpaid balance between the am of $219,000.00 as paid and the sum of $487,568.00 as shown on the Water Department's books as of December 31, 1941, be cancelled. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays arfuss / Fitxil&n P lento ZwsenRosen ax An President, McDonough oM 1-41 @,dopted by the Council"Ov 5 194— pliroved ®� 5� 194— Tn Favor l. yor _ Agains PUBLISHED l I 16- 11 �• RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSUSS-I RRNT. Council File No. .................................. By. ...........----------------------------- ---------- CITY ....----- _--------......---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street under Preliminary Order ._115929 , Intermediary Order Final Final Order.......... 116907 approved -----November _ 14.......... ---... 19.._39 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT3FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -.._.......Z ............. equal installments. ROV 6 1941 Adoptedby the Council----------- .................. --......---- ....................------19-........ City Clerk. Approved ............................. -.------------ .......... 19..- 1 Mayor. Farm B. B. 18 File 8806 � 4y �A?W) ?M� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Vompletion of Assessment October ....., 19.41- ' . ............................ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fortis curbing Woodbridge Street from Wayzata Street to Front Street 115929 under Preliminary Order._..........- ...............----..._......... -, Intermediary Order....... -- 1-.16668-.-----.---........_.--.__.---.---------., Final Order -------a --------------- ................. approved.._.....November 14---............. , 1939_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen-, ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - Cost of materials, equipment, engineering went, viz: �_, _ 446.11 �VX. � tw and sopavision. $...----........... Cost of publishing notice . . $ -------------------------------- 3.75 .75 Cost of postal cards $---------------- ---------.--- Inspection fees $ -------- of court costs for confirmation $_ 3.75 Total expenditures $......454.36 ................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..454.36 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed befiefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the -Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �7 ......----------- ----------- ----'----...ission _.._....._.....nee..... r.,m r. a. i; Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION HENT. RATIFYING A9BE99-I+r 114170— Council ?A1i0— Council File No ----------------------------------- By- --- --- ------- ------ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks. Sstimate No. 8, Contract 40-M-3. 1940 Aseessablel F.O. 119908 Nest Fourth St., north side, from a point approximately 99 ft- west of St. Peter St., thence west 46 feet] beginning 18 feet farther west thence west 13 feet F.O. 120399 York Ave., north side, from a point 200 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 86 ft.j beginning 48 ft. farther west, thence west 12 ft.j thence in area to Jackson St. relaying area 6 ft. by 6 ft., and 4 ft. by 6 ft., z- "d'on the south side of"York Abe. from a point 160 ft. west of Agate St. thence west approximately 30'ft. relaying walk and constructing wall] beginning 108 ft. farther west thenoe west 12 ft.j beginning 50 ft. farther west then ee west to Jackson St., and on the east side of Jackson St. from York Ave. thence north 80 ft., and from York Ave. thence south i 12 F.O. 120,482 Pleasant Ave., north side, from, Chestnut 5t, thence westerly 128 ft. F.O. 120402 Garfield St., east side, from Pleasant Ave. thence south to alley F.O. 120398 Snelling Avee, west side, from Shields Ave. thence south 170 ft. F.O. 2 n Wells St.# north side, from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft-, and on south side of wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east thence east 25 ft. F.OI, 120408 'E.Setvbnth St., south side, from a point 2Y ft. west of Sibley St.. thence west 64 ft.; beginning 60 ft. farther west thence west 24 ft.j beginning 21 ft. farther west thence west 14 ft., including radius curb at southwest corner East Seventh St. and Sibley St. c Hon-Assessablet F.O. 120398 Snelling Ave., wrest side, from Shields Ave. thence south 170 ft. F.O. 120473 delle St., north side, from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft,, and on south aide of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east, thence east25ft. , T Form B. B IS .. ...rte.-.. A PUBLISHED � 1- I� RJB__ _ _—_______iu���1��.lJwiowvYYZXZYYSYYYY�ILCI]C�QIELE......................... ngspb=—x—XXXXJLxxxxxikxxxx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT \F THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................ ?/------......equal installments. 'Aw 6 19� Adopted by the Council....-------------- ......--------- ---- . ------.19 - .. ... ..... City Clerk. r' v - i ....... .. .......................... Form B. B. IS -.Mayor. PUBLISHED i I e z CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment October `--------- 19.41 _ Tn the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 1irx constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 8, Contract 40-M-3, 1940 Assessable: F.O. 119908 West Fourth St., north side, from a point approximately 99 ft. west of St. Peter St., thence west 46 feet; beginning 18 feet farther west thence west 13 feet F.O. 120399 York Ave., north side, from a point 200 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 86 ft.; beginning 48 ft. farther west, thence west 12 ft.; thence in area to Jackson St, relaying area 6 ft. by 6 ft., and 4 ft. by 6 ft., and on the south side of York Ave; from a point 150 ft. west of Agate St. thence west approximately 30 ft. relaying walk and constructing wall; beginning 108 ft. farther west thence west 12 ft.; beginning 50 ft. farther west thence west to Jackson St., and on the east side of Jackson St. from York Ave. thence north 80 ft., and from York Ave. thence south 12 ft. F.O. 120432 Pleasant Ave., north side, from Chestnut St. thence westerly 128 ft. F.O. 120402 Garfield St., east side, from Pleasant Ave. thence south to alley F.O. 120398 Snelling Ave., west side, from Shields Ave. thence south 170 ft. F.O. 120473 Wells St., north --side, from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft., and on south side of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east thence east 25 ft. F.O. 120408 E. Seventh St., south side, from a point 27 ft. west of Sibley St., thence west 64 ft.; beginning 60 ft. farther west thence west 24 ft.; beginning 21 ft. farther west thence west 14 ft., including radius curb at southwest corner East Seventh St. and Sibley St. Non -Assessable: F.O. 120398 Snelling Ave., west side, from Shields Ave. thence south 170 ft. F.O. 120473 Wells St., north side, from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft., and on south side of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114 ft.; beginning 10 ft. farther east, tiMnee east 25 ft. r ..------ -_ SPP to -wit: the sum of $..----1�51Q.04.......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by ` the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part bereof, is the)aid assessment as completed by him, and w1ih 1is hcrceith submitted to the Council for such oction thereon ay be considered proper. ---_.-----2 ^�..�:�/.... ................... ........ Fo a. B. n / Commissioner of Finance. i = ' �c►A ewi - I o' 7: s ., C - ✓_' .�, Inc- - � .•. a C TO Lf 14 Lu F e'- c FNe ce s:leP ., 2014'p 0 j 7"',-Fo r r J 0 e 41 :,):r_u T:. ILi � {iiCL U . ,- r,L•' £r ;1.: ,t. .lA�';51._6 ,.,T�i; .cera t T!: Lf IFe. Ovj j+,i-• Sri; : r.ox a4'c7 s cn:re RAU on ' jr s':... fpc eonTu e7vo a+ ol.r: lrae• Loom ar horu o�. e u �'t.sr, -0t:rcj� rl. P - P",7 :`�' Tf ^ . 9 (.• - R(' P5 11. .- ...7. xxftDuLtxkxkmmDpcbndxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxExxxxxlx)==d)=3txoydmicx ........................ }�mdxocxxxaxmcxsxax!ocx xX]CJLXXX7C7CR7CXEXJSX%1C74.T,7C7CJf ��Cx... To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the followi s a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...-1..$.A$.•.�......... Cost of publishing notice . $............. t Cost of postai cards . . . . . . . $ ................•.99 -------- Inspection fees gAmount op1 court costs for confirmation 4.95 Non --Assessable- .. Total expenditures $.. Said Commissioner further reports that 11e has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.-.-. 4510.04 ...... ....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been colupleted, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- j- the saI ommissioner, and made a, part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is h(r7 l ith submitted to the Couneil for such ,ction thereon as may be considered proper. _.....--- ....... --------------------------- ------------------- F-a. B. 17 j / Commissioner of Finance. Original t- Cit, Clark CITY.OF SAIN"AUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED $09- 6, 1941 COMMISSIO DATE RESOLVZDt That Restaurant license #2790, expiring July 8. 1942, On Sale Malt Beverage license #7154, expiring July S, 1942. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license #536, expiring July S. 1942, leaned to Jacob Stegbaner at 171 Front Avenue be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police beoanas of the arrest and guilty plea of Borrie Bodin on the charge of possession of ligaor for sale, no on sale liquor a license, at 171 Front Ave- , ✓ � r COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays a U88 p an /Parranto �e erson sen " �resident, McDonough JM 1-41 C. F. No. 124471—BYY G. M Bar use—; Job' 5. FindlanA.Perranto— Resolved, that neataurant license Na. 2790, expiring July 8, 1942, Oa Bale Malt Beverage llcenee No. 7164 pining- July 8, 1942, and Off Sale 11'[alt Bever- age llcenee No. 888, expiring July 8,' 1942, Issued to Jacob tegbauer at 173 Front Avenue be and the eam are hereby evoked pon 1'ecomm"endatlon of the Bureau of Police because t the arrest and guilty pita of Morrie Grodin 1 n the charge P poaeee9lon of liquor din [or ale, on sale liquor 11 of at 171 Front Ave. Adopted by the Council Nov. 6, 1941. j Approved Nov. 6, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) NOV 6 $41 Adopted by the Council y 94— proved 6 194— n Favor. .yon Against 9 Orlglmi to City Clerk"re�nance No. 8311- ' ORDINANCE - CO UNCIL•,VLE NO. 12411 PRESENTED BY ��`"L'� J, - .. ORDINANCE NO. S3)1 An prdinanoe amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of tradde and-,ndustries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter ereot- ed or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of dis- tracts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. I THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further_ amended -so as to re- zone the property on both sides of Ford Parkway, from Nowoll Ave- nue to Prior Avenue, in a Claes "C" Residence District, instead of a Commercial District as at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. o Section a. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: .......... City Clerk .. 500 341 e 8--------------- Passed by the Council --2-5-.� �� %--..-..Nov --- - ------ -..--.-In Favor -----------L--------------. Against Y Approve. .-------N -1 451 i.. ------- ------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------- - - - o ---- - --- ----i Mayor PUBLISMD�_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration, O November 5, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance providing for the rezoning of property on both sides of Ford Parkway from Howell to Prior to Class 11011 Residence, as more ful- ly described in the attached petition. Very truly yours, City Clerk 1 r, `,v 51941 01, Y Mr. Harry T. 09Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of petition for rezoning Ford Parkway from Howell to Prior. This petition asks that the zoning on both aides of the Parkway be changed from Commeroial to "C" Residence. The Commissioner of Finance advises that the petition is sufficient, excepting that the petition of the frontage sought to be rezoned is .6 of 1% short. This is a step up from Commercial to "C" Residence. The Board of Zoning recommend that this rezoning be approved. Yours every truly, Oeorge'H. Herrold, / Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enol. THE BOARD OF ZONING �•`Y`'"s Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July �[n, 1944 n.- ' A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA G vii iiiiinne .a a GAJ` 979 COURT HOUSE , .e. nC October 30th, 1941. ARTHUR S. MICINOWSKI. Cheii— AUGUST HOHENSTEIN- - - EDWIN H. LUNDIE 8 ERNARD J. McGLYNN p EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, C.ty Arch -,t GEORGE H. HEEROLD, Secrc�ar sir— y Y Mr. Harry T. 09Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of petition for rezoning Ford Parkway from Howell to Prior. This petition asks that the zoning on both aides of the Parkway be changed from Commeroial to "C" Residence. The Commissioner of Finance advises that the petition is sufficient, excepting that the petition of the frontage sought to be rezoned is .6 of 1% short. This is a step up from Commercial to "C" Residence. The Board of Zoning recommend that this rezoning be approved. Yours every truly, Oeorge'H. Herrold, / Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enol. JOHN S. FINDLAN Comminioner, P. E. McD5$MOTT Deputy Comminioner CITY OF SAINTPAUL v Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation' and Amassment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk " CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier October 24, 1941, To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 9 to 16, Blk. 5, and Lots 1 to 6, Blk, 12, Lane's Highland Park Addition being both sides of Ford Parkway between Howell and Prior Ave. from Commercial District to "C" Residence District and find that 49.94% of the frontage sought to be rezoned is signed for, leaving it .06 of 1% short of the 50% required. Said petition, however, is signed by the owners of more than 2/3 of the several descriptions within 100f the premises affected. PP - Yours ver,{yp truly, GZ,7tiJtl�� John S, Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner 1 ' CITY`` OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer V HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier ^ ® October 14, 1941. M /�-/`''o P. E. McD ERMOTT Deputy Commissioner To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 9 to 16, Blk. 5 and Lots 1 to 6, Blk. 12, Lane's Highland Park Addition being both sides of Ford Parkway between Howell and Prior Ave. from Commercial District to "C" Residence District and find that same is insufficient as to 50% of the frontage of premises sought to be rezoned. Said petition, however, is signed by the owners of more than 2/3 of the 'several descriptions within 100% of the premises affected. Yours very truly, P1/G1� John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. w St. Paul, Minnesota OFFICE CLERK To the Honorable, 19`441 OCT 14 PM 2 32 The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. i30T A Gentlemen REZONING CITY Are, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Hon*rrbL= Body to ch;ngc the following described property : Rezone Lots 9 to 16 Block 5 d Addition, being hoth sides of Fors p_"., h + a T StNd p a'.:sa�—�' �4 a -- Ave T.� from a Commercial District to a Clnca or ,)o R ;ae +; A , _District. This netition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No.5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition . f4� C4 J� i Stnte of Minnesota ) County o�Nfgpy Ramsey ) Ss first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person whl, circulated the within petition consisting that the parties described above are the owners resp-.ctively of the lets placed immediately following ouch name; that this petitions=es cigned by rack, of cid owners in the presence of this i fiant, end that the =ignetr ehcv are the true ^ed correct signature: ,f eersh ^nc aLI cf the i scrib Subscribe pnd sworn to before me GZ �xj this /9 ' day Not 'Public, Ramsey County, 'dinn. i,iy Cc:Tueissicn expires 6�/ S. A, VAN GUILDER, Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. .a7 My Commission Expires biay b, 1944. 7 St. Paul, Minnesota To the .11 '101" tl P, The City Council, P.—A, Minn. Ccntlramen R E �,Vj N I N G te, the undersigned nrners of two -third:: of the several duscrin^i)"s ofreal estate situated within 100 ft. -f the reel estate Pffct,,d, have ne I iiies c (td 1wr in, m(I ov-rs f 5CY, or more re o f the frontHFC to ha -n —,j- ly following (I cl ssifi.,d, i +i,,n -,ir 7�( pr, t—i,ty i_—District. to Dis'•,i,,t. ais is, nui_l- ""'Irs,zimt to :'-!cti n Prdin�inco No. 5,14"). 1 o'c'm Omer Lot B 10 c1c d i t I �_on 69 All 11 12 Zv- A'Ite of :4inneonta County oC >e� e being first dully sworn, de,,,,cs and t,4nt ,c: i.: th-1 :,(--r-,on ,ho c i pou at (,d the within p _titi on consis' ing of c 'i e - : thc- .,),,rties d,,,Ecrit1,j "rbc',— nr, the --mers !- -DoOtiVei" r of the lo+c PUI—Cll.i foLlowing eech n;ii.,,,,; that this petition wes 'ignId by each f ­-I-rL3 in the pres,nc+-- of this !nd th-,,, th, siFnttur— m, . ml correct e f 1 rti: c T. 1: rri to L, fov,1 expires Nour4 bh�,17 1947- T, the n,"I" Lle, y Council, Paul, 1 nn t!�e of Coun tv C. g fj�st duly sworn, n :h. :jr('Uj,j+"j the .,rthin p-tition con-sis' !rW of ly fol, cwinh; r—ch pttitinn wf s by in tj;4 pi,:,, n:-, �)f this �nd l.n,' til.,, :Atm-tur riic nd of rrpc* irri tuns :1 n, ub-(ril a nd 3rn to b, for ;I �M WA -A -- r— ey County, 1 r, s C,Oq I PE-,f)NING �'.e, the undersjt,ned r,,-npre of two-thirds , the (,J, ro�ll :inlqt�,! ,ithin - m�nC ,- r).,. I - in, IWE r.-. -n rs f 50`1 -f' tl'O -Vlc� d, h"r" or more of th frorta,-, t r j_ n ly Dr. +o t i n n --e No. ',P4,3. 1 3 ()",.T" c Loty 1 0 45 t!�e of Coun tv C. g fj�st duly sworn, n :h. :jr('Uj,j+"j the .,rthin p-tition con-sis' !rW of ly fol, cwinh; r—ch pttitinn wf s by in tj;4 pi,:,, n:-, �)f this �nd l.n,' til.,, :Atm-tur riic nd of rrpc* irri tuns :1 n, ub-(ril a nd 3rn to b, for ;I �M WA -A -- r— ey County, 1 r, s C,Oq I ,t'lte Cl ✓4ln1'.P3otn Cou t,•. of na"�er being first duly sworn, dapns,: and .. 'hat 1, i h-- circulnted the r✓itnin p--tition consis'ing of ,3Fz_ ,n rtic'c d�sscrib- :'l,cvr ur- th, nuners r�`oectively of the lot pl;x i°vn -,die' _1 Yollowing er=ch n,,m ! h•it. thi petitinn wr s siP,n,c by o, c,h -f -ti:'. odn�rs in the ares:-ncr of this �1 .+.'i-mt ,,.nd trl,t t?l., aign'-tun's ahcva c:,rrec- si,-n.-::tures _ . ,'11 ...n,. .l i f t i i ti- _,,. _ c- .. rib;rd rnd sv:orn Li Y , r_ F-11 r; Pp l - -C R'mse.y Cnunty, y1nn. .fV 1. CCL":i OP, oxpir`.:s LINN NMary Putl;c C-. m-,; �.c nt"L11914, � Commission txP"u w71. 1), 61' 0� 1 St. Paul, Minnesote ,I, •etc Ll,� _ f To tar, Lle, _.,o U!ly council, Ynul, "Ain:':. C, ntl�men RL 7 i )NING 1'.e, the undersigned n:.,•ners of two-thirds ,f the ,everrl descrip+icna of real est:.te situated vithin 1.00 ft, of the re -1 sstr�te, ^ffecSA, havr acquiesced h.�r.:in, �,na w., own,rs of 50? or more of t.ha frnnta,>- to Y. z: r-- cl .iii ,;i .titin❑ r.,u-.. �atil ,..,.�.,,,�,t^:._fcl:.c:inr ''r.,.. --- - ,�_I'io,"ic+ Lo —__ - ---�— —L,is -•i .. ais cet:'.ion is �.�..• :rl�s,;�.n` to _cti�.n _-, ordin nco No. ;Q40. �,ew,rd Ov:ncr Lot _ Rlock _ ',dr_ticn Ca- Ittl 1, 01 ,t'lte Cl ✓4ln1'.P3otn Cou t,•. of na"�er being first duly sworn, dapns,: and .. 'hat 1, i h-- circulnted the r✓itnin p--tition consis'ing of ,3Fz_ ,n rtic'c d�sscrib- :'l,cvr ur- th, nuners r�`oectively of the lot pl;x i°vn -,die' _1 Yollowing er=ch n,,m ! h•it. thi petitinn wr s siP,n,c by o, c,h -f -ti:'. odn�rs in the ares:-ncr of this �1 .+.'i-mt ,,.nd trl,t t?l., aign'-tun's ahcva c:,rrec- si,-n.-::tures _ . ,'11 ...n,. .l i f t i i ti- _,,. _ c- .. rib;rd rnd sv:orn Li Y , r_ F-11 r; Pp l - -C R'mse.y Cnunty, y1nn. .fV 1. CCL":i OP, oxpir`.:s LINN NMary Putl;c C-. m-,; �.c nt"L11914, � Commission txP"u w71. 1), 61' 0� Tu thu .iu• Cil;✓ council, `tette• cf irli.^.r :,dot. - i5i RE'DONING We, the undersigncd n,mnrs of two_thirdc .' the r:everel d,scrinri^n= of real tete itunt(d iithin 100 ft ^f thu r_I t,te a£ C�.A h-vc e c uios� .d 11 --,in, •md w, of SO'A or more of th. front. - Lo 1.3 r -� petition w,s -ign-d by e�.,h :,f -..i_i - .:tic,.: ••nd ih.,'. the pr _'v 'A hizt _,a to Tail or -ti tior is -.a:i- oars,i ntoi.r, "', crdir. Inca No. 14J. 0'•n�_ Lot Plock edci` ion fi Y�y�yc�o cx4ttcs �, pu M4 6 P / Fad `tette• cf irli.^.r :,dot. - i5i ('ounty of tee, �� _ hoing first duly svnrn, denns�, and vs er n the ;vithin petition ccnsistinp of '.h. r'ic•� dacril-d ,it,ov, -oectijel;✓ o_`• the 1 tc irc;aai:rteL,y f'oL'_uwinp e;,clz nom.,; t,ti•:t this petition w,s -ign-d by e�.,h :,f -..i_i - -: .rrn5.-_•,.. of this ... ••nd ih.,'. the -'msey Cnurty, Minn. 141 E' �eeY �Vfl�11 �ypT7K ��ne fi Y�y�yc�o cx4ttcs �, pu M4 6 P To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minnesota, \ October 13, 1941. REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Honorable Body to change the fol- lowing described property: Rezone Lots 9 to 16, Block 5, and Lots 1 to 6, Block 12, Lane's Highland Park Addition, being both sides of Ford Parkway between Howell St. and Prior Ave. from a commercial District to a Class "C" residential District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 2a-; Or- dinance Pio. 5840 Record Owwnetr� Lot Block Addition R Paulod,� 9 to 13, incl. 5 Lanets Highland Park D E. e, 14 & 15 5 Lane's Highland Park F !'� att Madeen, 16 5 Lane's Highland Park_ State of Minnesota County of.Ramsey as: R. Paul Sharood, being first duly sworn, on oath de- poses and says:. That he is the person who circulated the within pe- titign, consisting of this page; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately fol- lowing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners, in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa- tures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October, 1941. y�lv�l�l� otary Public, Ramsey County, My commission expires,,/� / ` 6 oriflaal b. cit, c1-Nt �[�/ /ef t-1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL J COUNCIL NO N,. � $ 7 31 OFFICE THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RES TION -GENERAL FORM K PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONER MsMvED that the Comi-ssioner of Public Works be and be in hereby authorized and directed to oil the follov3.ng street and allesa Third, Commmeraial to Hoffmann A11ey-Englewood-sominary-Griggs-Dunlap 4 Q C. F No. 124473—sy Milton R_en= Pub RenolvCon ommissier of thorlizedy¢d, that the nnda ble 1.edhtol hereby y_ lowing ¢treet and alley: Il the fol- ARey — Englewolod-Semi nary_, rl ++ Dunlap. bgs- Adopted by the Council Nov. 6, 1941. ADProv¢d Nov. 6, 1941. (Nov. 8, 1941) NOV 6 IN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas � Nays /=/{las ✓��%%J 4�` t� /Fin an / Approved 194— anto / son In F vor yor en uax .i Against I-mr. President, McDonough 3M 1.41 ooilua to Cat, ct-k CqY OI�SAINT PAUL OFXJE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTIOWGENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_- COMMISSIONE �ryt � i COUNCILfes1eA FILE NO. 9 At November b, 1941 VMMMS, the cost of pairing the intersection return of the alley in Lots 5 and b, Block S, Como Addition, from Lexington parkway North to Niagara Street, L 4168, in the amount of 0130.00, is not assessable against the adjoining property and represehts a proper charge to the City's Share of Vocal Improvements; therefore, be it RFMLV$D, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to charge the amount of $130.00 to the City paving Aid Fund, Code 31-E1. V �-'- COUNCILMEN YeasNays Zea /an R/�g� to Reierson =.74O U68 r. President, McDonough aaa t-tt 6.. C. PNo. 124474—By Milton Ro'en— Ivhereae, the cost of Paving the in- tersection return of the alley in Lot' 6 and 6, Block 8,'Como Addition, from Lexington Parkway North to Niagara Street, L 4168, In [he ,,an t of $130.00, is nota '. ble agnine[ the sd,loining pr?pecharge yto and t a CltYes Share no[PLcoal I ,Pmor rove menta; therefe. be It Reaol red, thatthe P"Per city officials be and they a e hereby authorized and directed to charge the nat of $130.00 to [he city PavinggAld Fund, Code 3 -EI. Adopted b the Council Nov. 6, 1941. AP Pr oved Nov. 6,1941. I Nov. 8, 1941) ®Q0�9 V Adopted by the Council'i" A ove' 194— Max n Tn Favor _ Against Original to City Clark '�� - C. F. No. 124476—By Fred M. Truax -.� ,'.�'♦ V✓n erene by Council Flle No. 124343, 1 1 CITY OF $ aaptE rminea :ehai that 13atninne co io'r : OFFICE OF T frame double house eLot 6. Block 13, NO. Mflekubin & Marshnll's-Addltlon, Iso �UNCIL RESOLUIIC.�=b::;:..4�.��.r�l.Ve. ��55 ti. co IISSIONER i'r k7k DATE YNMRZA9, by Council !Pile No. 124U3, appr6vea dc!tober V2, 1941, the Council determinea that that of rtaia ase -story trans double house on Lot 6, Block 19, Xaelabin 4e Kirsh all* Addition, also described as NO. 394-396 Qarroll Avenue, is =apf4 $64. den- gercus to lite, limb and AdJoial8g property and should be Wreaked and removedi and WMUMU, dale notice has been given, as regaired by 900%108 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and 80 appeal has been tak n by the, owner or his `agent, and said building has not beta torn ,down;, therefore, be it RMLVED, that the Commissioner or Pants, ;OjAy*iytnds aid' Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to entor Van said premises and tear down and remove said stricture, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the pro- tection of life, limb and adjoining property. CQUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Nov. iE3iE3dj_194—. Yea a ' Nays B NOV6 low indlan roved 194— -,,#arrranto .Peterson in Favor sen Mf- -` a 8ivax Agmina IrUBLISfMDII- $- HI President, McDonough 3M 1.41 w CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration November 4, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the one story frame double house on Lot 5, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshallrs Addition, also known as 3917-396 Carroll Avenue. Very truly yours, 1V'�v City Clerk NOV � 1941 CORPORATION CJCSI:L W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CIH Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaioner o fa Plovemb,,,r 3, 1941 Hon. Council '.ity of St. Paul .entle.-en: ?:nder date of October 27, 1941, a printed cony of Council 'rile ido. 124343 was mailed to the State of ;.:i­nesota, c/o Hon. John S. i'indlan, Land Commission- e.r,,286 City Hall, St. Paul, which resolution direct- ed the wr-ckin, and remo-al of the one story frame double house on Lot 5, Block 19, Mackubin ti larshall ' s addition, also known as 394-396 Carroll avenue, as published in the official paper. In accordance with the last para,;raph of the above named resolution, please be advised that no appeal has be :n filed with this office for a reh=.aring of this condemnation proceedira_ and the building has not been renoved.11 truly, Cit Architect v C. F.No. 124476—Hy Fred M. Truax—I N' by C, li ZII Flt, No. 1?4344 h 1h . cat, C1vk r - y•fr. ,?Y r W 1, ;v,SdT .J' .'i n^n't,• CITY OF SAINT, PAUL ' "'Po eNCIL NO. p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM R DA NHSRRAS, by Council Pile No. 1243",iWroved October Ir2, 1941, the Council determined that that certain ons -story frame dwelling an the rear of_Lot 6, Block 1, Moller's Addition, also described as No. 986 Otto Avenue, to unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked add re- moved; and WHEMS, due notice hsps been given, as required by Section 1+16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; thbrefore, be it REBOUND, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and I Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and removersaid structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the pro- tection„of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays X tarranto T fuss an raon Zen �7ivax /'Mr. President, McDonough 6M 1 -at Adopted by the Council V 6 1.941194— Approved 1g4t 194— in Favor. ay., �gainst D CITY OF SAINT PAL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration O ovember 4, 941 \. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No, j) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the one story frame dwelling on the rear of Lot 5, Block 1, Moller's Addition, also known as 956 Otto Avenue. Very truly yours, City Clerk kLC,EIV NOV 4 9941 CORPORATION COUNSEL W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Pars Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Y+ November 3, '_'.)41 Hon. Coit cil ^.it;; of St. Paul Gentlemen ; \ Under date of Octoher 2'7, 1941, a printed copy of Coun- cil rile No. 124344 was mailed to the State of P4innesot.a, c/o Non. John S. rindlan, Land Commissioner,2f6 City Hall, St. Paul, which resolution directed the wrecking end removal of the one story frame dwelling on the rear of Lot 5, Block 1, 3',o'lerts A,:dition, also known as 956 Otto. Avenue, as published in the official paper. No appeal has been -filed for a—hearin,, of the condem- natior- proceedings and the building has not been wreck- ed and removed. 3 tr ly ity Architect L11ii..l, 9 . C. F. •No. 114477-133, Fred M. Trona Illi anprovea tMob"°I5, 1941, tle he council Or1.1nJ to Cin Clerk �, trrrl• ger rhe twr,-..spry dwel• 11 CITY OF SAKI,,' }Atilt ' i� ,n,Y;., ....... '<°_tiiatiL 1244"? &� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fite NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM f PRESENTED PRY , COMMISSIONE �1N DATE WEEWAS; by Council file No. 124288, approved October 115, 1941, the Council determined that the two-story dwelling and shed on Lot S, Block 19, Nackubin d Narshallis Addition, also described an No. 400 Carroll Avenue, are unsafi and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreaked and removed; and WHKPZAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 9210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to enter upon said premises and tear 'down and remove said unsafe structures, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays arfuss ,­111'ndlan arranto IF-Iterson /Ifosen /Truax Mr. President, McDonough AAS 1.41 / Adopted by the Council NOV sft- 194_ pproved 194— nFavor May Again t � t UBLISHED 1 y 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 1 November 4, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. j) authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the two story dwelling and shed on Lot 6, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also known as 400 Carroll Avenue. Very truly yours, City Clerk . CORPORA iY�N colu' SES W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of Parks ARNEST W. JOHNSON i CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt of Playgrounds City Architect taY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 4� October 30, 1941_ N Hon. Council City of St. i'aul 3ent1enen: Under date of October 18, 1941, a printed copy of Council File ivo. 124282 was mailed to State of 16inn-�sota, c o Hon. John S.r'indlan, -and Commissioner, 286 City "all, which resolution directed the wrecking, and removal of the two story dwelling and shed on Lot 6, ;?lick 19, ,:ackubin °c 1,1arshall's Addition, also known as 400 Ccrroll :?venue, as published in the official paper. In accordance i,:ith the last oara;;raph of the above resolu- tion, you are hereby advised that no appeal has beep filed with this office for a rehenrinj of the condemnation pro- ceedings and the building in question has not been removed. Yours truly, ��i�CCEti4 City Archi ect ].4416-131 Fred M. Truax tt'lieree.v. [he Drexence of a doODr, deemed ..... In r n ction' Orlp.d to Cit, Clvk with tMunlelOat oAmateur Football A: - I I es. PI > i t HaShl i.. [.... CITY W .{ �Kv♦ COUNCIL -1 OFFICE OF 7}iB,Ci#v CLEItiC { FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM � PRTBY - DA's• WHEFYAS, the presence of a doctor was deemed necessary in connection with Municipal Amateur Football Association games played at Highland Park October 5 to November :9, 1941, and WHEREAS, Dr. Norman Carlson served in such capacity October 5, 19, and Dr. Verne Schulberg served October 12th and November 7th, a nd Dr. J. L. McDonnell served October 19th and November 2nd, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants in the following amounts: Dr. Norman Carlson, $5.00 Dr. Verne Schulberg, 10.00 Dr. J. L. McDonnell, 410.00, the same to be payable out of Park Fund #1022. B COUNCILMEN r Adopted by the Counci UV6 641194. Yeas Nays ar&sa{° m n 7 Approved 194— �in nto iPet son In Favor ` Ma rR�oen ,Truax --!2-,Against, "Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD ,Supt of Perla Supt of Playgrounds City Architect o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL c5a Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS; PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City -Hall Fc i FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 4, 1941 Mr. Hilary Flynn Asst. Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: Please draw a resolution for presentation in the Council authorizing payment for professional services rendered in connection with tiunicipzl Amateur Football Association games played at Highland Park, October 5 to Nov. 9, 1941, at $5.00 the game, payable out of Park Fund rd'1022, to the following: -Dr. Norman Carlson, St. Joseph's Hospital, on October 5, 1941 �5. )0 Dr. Verne Schulberg, St. Josenhts Eospital, on Oct. 12 and Nov. 9, 1941 (2 games) 10.00 Dr. J. L. McDonnell, St. Joseph's Hospital, on Oct. lJ and Nov. 2, 1941 (2 games) 10.00 The presence of a doctor at these games was deemed necessary in case of injuries to players. Yours truly, Commissioner 7 onwlN,L m % CITY. OJF r�,f',SI ..711 ._ Clio C—K i c+.. NO .........19. 47 .r9 APPR PRIATION TRA�SNSFER:s u+' :s J FORM PER CIiARTkR SECTION 2bS ' 1' _ • • COMMISSIONER ......... DATE....... PRESENT By .QO Ai...13. R ...�,�.k.. ...... .....- - RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE' COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANS ERS ARE MADE. r CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT DR. TRANSFEPREO_ CR. FROM TO 1 18•C-1; , Salaries ,:& Wages 4,200100 Mtce. Supplies 1,500100 {8-C•a 4 Repro. & Renewals 735.11 D-1 Saltries & Wages 446.00 18.•D -E Motorcycle Allowance 80.00 8-1 Salaries &Wages 2,500.00 X. F-1,- Purchase of Plater. 599.I�F i------ G�sl' Salaries 150,00 18dR Receipts 1647.28. 19pC-1 Salaries 1000',00 u_ 9-GR4 Repairs & Renewals 1 000.00 0-A+�1 �laiaries 1 s0. B-4 Inspection 4001000 r-" 0-c? Drafting Office Earp. r 100.00 $O••R' °• ' Reaei pts' 515.00 - r _ �dl•�'j a - NOV 8 YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ...................... ...... 19. ...., - CLANCY.. NOb FERGUSON APPROVED ............................... ..'.:._ ........19 ......., HODGSON .....................IN FAVOR ,. MCDONALD- ..... (�/� .......................................... on fin. ..�.. SUDHEIMER...................... GAINST ,.r ty. .� ,... -WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................. CIiY COMPTROLLCR MR. -PRESIDENT ++-a, roan oas +000 CHECK )N FAVOR OF NUMBER TO rs A 1 DATE "TURNED BY BA NKD elTv O that ch eckn hr tl rn n'n un DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OFT the clt�' [renvur�', [o the nKKre.Kate ) xw nt of S1Y,iSU tx, co�erinK checks Rumhered N8"' to N87JY Inclusive, : ROLL CALL 88696 Daniel J. Maloney I- che,k., o Ille In the ofH re of the BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVOR A t'it �' eOtTRlrullet, Adopted h}' the C u II No T,. V)It. ed Approved PARRANTO UDIT 11v ll . 194 (fur. ti, 14x1) Fes__ _184 {' PETERSON /� J ROSEN AGAINST 88699 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAXMR TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S �i i%. COVERING PRIESMcDONOUGN 9 ill CHECKS NUMBERED ._6�_—TO I I INCLU 51 E. A6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ _-. •ii - PER CHECKS ON�FI THE OFF OF TME; TY COMP ER, APPROVED__ _ _ _-186_ NUMBER ." co• T.oLLen 88 --- 38704 Harry Louis CHECK )N FAVOR OF NUMBER TO AL 1 DATE "TURNED BY BA NKD TCHEGKS CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 8ROUGHTFORWARD 410 I� 88696 Daniel J. Maloney 240 OO 88697 Sindelar Athletic Equipment R Co. 116 90 88698 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanof 8 476 09 88699 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 588 48 88700 John S. Findlan, 0. of Financ 442 05 88701 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company Company 8 00 24 711, 88702 R.C. Duncan 88703 E.F. Houghton & Company 88 38704 Harry Louis 11095 88705 Miller Supply Company 88706 National Bushing & Parts Company III 3A 691 168 50 58707 National Cylinder Gas Company 480 99j 88708 National Cylinder Gas Company 231 85j 88709 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 16 80j 3 88710 Paper, Calmenson & Company. I c. 3 73 25 001 88711 Fred Recknitz 58712 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 69 `>01 88713 St.Paul Stamp Works 3 25 88714 G. Sommers & Company 11 28 88715 F.J. Stilwell Paper Company 2 76 88716 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 20 9 9841 88717 Van Dusen Aircraft Supnly Company 2 88718 American Linen Supply Company 43 881 7 00 88719 Ballard Storage & Transfer Company 88720 Harold Bealka 2 001 88721 Lew Bonn Company 32 89 88722 F.J. Brings & Company 75 25( 8872] Capitol Laundry C any 9 9491 88724 Certified Ice & Fu Company 252 2 60 00 88725 Coo& Cola Bottling ompany �, 88726 Crescent Creamery mpany John Doeren Cigar In(. 70 15 1 11 40j 88727 parry, 41, 88728 L. Tisenmenger Me Company 128 861 88729 Griggs, Cooper & mpany �! 226 15 88730 Theo. Hamm Brew52 i Company 88731 Hanson -Bennett agazine Agen 50 Highland Spring Water Company I 7 00 .88732 88733 McFadden -Lambert Company 326 1021 85734 Nutting Truck Company I. 16221, 85 501 88735 Parkside Ice Cream Company 88736 Peters Meat Produdts, Inc. 1 57 88737 Purity Baking Company 1� 7 321 88738 �3t.Paul Bottling Company Brewing Company ;1 57 50i 180 10i 88739 Jacob Schmidt 887440 Clyde L. Scott j 27 00 88741 Whistle Bottling Company 1 85 4 10!. 88742 Yoerg Brewing Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - II 90 191 al II F. C By Milton 4Rose— nn nce No- 8210 9 OrW_l to City Clerk COUNCIL. FILE NO. 416 $_ p PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. D 3/0 An ordinance authorizing E. G. Staude Manufacturing Company, 2675 University Avenue, a corporation, to construct and maintain a steam pipe across Charles Avenue approximately 100 feet west of Berry Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to E. G. Stands Manufacturing Company to construct and maintain a steam pipe across Charles Avenue approximately 100 feet west of Berry Street. SECTION 2 The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said steam pipe across Charles Avenue approximately 100 feet west of Berry Street, upon said licensee's compliance with the following express conditions, viz.: (1) The said licensee shall construct said steam pipe entirely at its own expense to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commis- sioner of Public Works. 0 (2) The said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in the avenue, both b day and by night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to per; shall properly fill and tamp said avenue to avoid settli and shall restore said avenue to its original condi- tion. (3) The said licensee, after the inception of the work, shall prosecute same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner. (4) The said licensee shall give a surety company bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (.$5,000.00), conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to in- demnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from any and all -liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, main- tenance, operation, use, presence, or removal of said steam pipe. The bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Oommissioner of Finance, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (5) The said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and shall, within ten days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance, thereof with the City Clerk, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ............ ____ --------------- --- Barfuss Findlan Parranto --------------- . ...........In Favor Rosen Peterson - ..............__-----------Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved: ......... - - ------- .............. .. ....... Attest: ------.... -----..................................... ---............... ........ ................................. -------------- ---------------------- City Clerk Mayor 500 3-41 1 orw"l to C1ty Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.��F �' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.3/ /0 (6) Said steam pipe shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. SECTION 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. o� Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 500 3-41 NOV 251941 Passed by the Council -------------------------------------- --------------- a ----------.In Favor ----------- 0..... Against �± 2.5 INN ,--Approved:.- -------------- --- ------------------------ - - - ---.......... ------------- Mayor PUBL m q- 91 Saint Paul, Minnesota December 1, 1941 a To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota. u Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the" rms and conditions of Coun- cil File No. 124481, bel ng 0 dinance No. 8310, adopted the Council on November 25, 1941. E. G.STAU/DE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 151/ By �. .zo «o,o«s.«.s .oAo«,00«. o•a�szf :�4� coP�N"•o�n V.�n«,•.. ear.oc,ncoa°s;'«C111—oo:...1.DN«..«o PATENTED PAPER PACKAGE MAKING MACHINERY f � 2 6 7'S u N Imo/ m S I —r TFIEODOR ELVON`TH l�lv �,. 5rn N•c".R • e ... ', ! wcsr N vnlon coot r— -A— —1— _ SAINT. PAUL, MINN. s. ""E POLiS October 30, 1941. Commissioner Hilton Rosen Dept. of Public Works `^ Saint Paul, Minnesota M•CX1N6B Dear Commissioner Rosen: " In 1916, we vacated a portion of our property for street "�"•`"'"" purooses, same being the dead end of Charles Street, in oN order to obtain trackage facilities to our factory. This vacated ground is a continuation of Charles Street where M•`""�� it joins Berry -venue. On the property opposite that of our plant, we built a warehouse. In recent months, we improved the warehouse and we are now anxious to have it heated, which we can do�,very well from the surplus heating capacity in our main plant. M Cry1N6ep o� However, we require permission to run an 8 or 10 inch P,Na M•...... corrugated iron culvert about three feet below the surface across Charles Street from our Engine Room to the warehouse. M•CN1N6e In order to make our re _uest more clear, I am enclosing a small photostat of a map on which I am showing the proposed heat conduit in red lines. We shall be very happy to receive permission from the pro- ....... o per authorities to make this improvement. cerely, """'"" rrl"a L President E.G. STAUDE MkNUFACTURING CO. " EGStaude:g enc. (map ) "STAUOE EOUIPMENT 15 STANDARD IN EVERY CIVILIZED COUNTRY." II X01 _ J ��s J 8Ia r +� TOTAL GROUND ARCA � LOM 7-8-9-I0 \P ^R"^ "WTN Or CNAQLm 5TQUT 249350. W M� 80UTN � �. 4176650.8 i"i •••r• � TmAI 04E39 60.rt TOTAL 8000 AQCA- MAIN DUi�pNc �✓ tr� V IJtuNGR 78% 50.FT .. \' q�.. 1^ rLDOQ IDeoo qt C`ROoQIj800 . \.. —59-4%-- TOTAL ? WAQCHOUX 11074 - 4 TOTAL so Vo - g O I—I yx�TION y4Q PLAT 9HOWINB PROPERTY OF /A^.' - z EG. STAUDE MANUFAGTURINB GQ n oe.la.l t, cur et.rr 'F CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1244 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENT B rw 1PoTember?th 1961: Comm HE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they herein are authorized .and instructed to enter Into contract with the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota for the constructing of an approach northerly from Btittle W Creek Park between Trunk Highway vol., 61 and the Old Point Douglpa Road, and BE IT IlU ,RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works bi'`aa he herein Isf authorized and instructed to proceed immediaiely,upon execution of. the agreement bj"-.T-r- the City and the Cosmttssianer of $igbaaA. with the efore"Id construction work, such work to be carried out in accordance with the lens and specifications l p p prepared by the Department'l of Highways and on file in the office of the Commissioner of Publio Works. C. F. No. 124482—B Milton 11.... 13. It Resolved, that the proper city officials be and they herein a auth- orizea and Instructed to en[er into on tract with the C. one of Highways of the State of Minnesota for d / t„Iv constructing ttlYye Creek ark opPe fromBabetween Trunk DougghwaR d, and No. 61 and the Old Be II Further Resolved, that the COm- Issloner of Public Works be and he herein Is authorized and instructed to theca ed greementlaby)yth"Pon oCltye.e and nof the C mmissloner of Hlghwaye, with the a +aforesald`constructhm work, such w n;1.9: q rrled out In accordance ith �slp. the plane andspectflc.tfone prepared by the Department � [of Hlh gways and o file T the office Y the Commissioner of Public Work.. Adopted by the Co unell Nov. 7. 1941. Approved Nov. 7, 1941. (Nov. 15, 1941) V / COU OILMEN Adopted by the Counei V ?641 194- Yeas y _ Nays NOV Baffuss n pproved 7 '6 194— eunto on n Favor- ayor Z,PFuse _/�2_Against President, McDonough ax 1-u orietn.l m Cit, 0-k 13 CITY OF SAINT. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICENO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM November 7, 1941 RESOLVED: that -"licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the seme are hereby granted: Wm. O'Reilly 2288 University Fumigator App. 0527 New Old Location Gr. Northern Ry. 175 E. 4th St. Pose. Exp&bstTes " 0987 " New " n Erwin Bowling Assn. 1190 Unid. Ave. Restmrant " 1391 " New " Nile Ylvisaker 1222 Randolph St. Ice Station " 1533 " 13M Old " Joseph Soul 576 Cbarles Ave. Bskery " 1535 " Old " White Castle System Inc. 695 Auditorium Restaurant " 1741 " New " Mathew Garafalo 397 W. 7th St. Gas Station " 1830 " Old " Chas. Sutcliff 441 N. Snelling Ave. Gas Station " 1833 " Old " John Georgantones 517 Ries St. Restaurant " 1953 " Old " C. F. 1FIndlanB WG,L Parranto— ® Resolved. that )loan aos applied for by the persona n d on the lis[at- inchq)1 to this renolutfon be d the e hereby granted, and the City k are I.... u h Ch, Instructed to c1ty treasury ynof tt a required feex.a the Adopted byy the Council N.,.,7, 1941. Approved N 7. 1941. ('V4.%5, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 7 1941 194_ Yeas Nays /s uss �4' 7 indlan / Approv 94— �aTranto � eterson In Fav, ayo tax //1 �tax —4—I Ag Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 / Orl`in.l tot '^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL D%^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Flee NO.__ -fey OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMM 11 DATE November 7, 1941 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 1725, On Sate Malt Beverage, 6Pplication 1726. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1727, applied for by Dorothy J. Johnson at 470 Minnesota St, be and the same .are hereby granted. ° New, Informally approved by Oouncil, Nov. 4, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays ZB"Uss in lan uernto son 41 enx 1� President, McDonough 2M 1-41 / 1C. F. No. 124484—By G. H. earines— John S. Flndlan—W. A. Perrnnto—li Rano/v¢d, that license for Restaurant,E applicntfon 125, On Sale Malt Sever - Be,;. i aPollcation 1726, d Off Sale Malt rsge, appllcation 1727, pplfed for by Dorothy J. Johnson at 470 Mlnne- sots St. be and the name are hereby grunted. Ne W. Informally PProved I Coun- cil, Nov. 4, 1941. Old,loc [ion. Adopted byy the Coiill ll Nor. 7, 1941, A PProved N v. 7, 1941C (Nov. 16, 1941) NOV 7 $1 Adopted by the Council 194_. AWN 7 M1 proved 194_ In Favor " /n/ May Lgainat Oritin.t to CIH L7erk ' O CITY OF SAINT PAUL v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CFfLEOU14CIL NO fo�f�[ � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B - . COMMISSIO DATE November 7, 1941 RESOLVED: That license for Hotel, epplioation 1954, applied for by William J. Seymour at 337 Jackson St. be and the same is hereby granted. New, Inforrmalip approved by Council, Nov. 6, 194,. Old%ocation. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays uU" ZF* Ian arranto �i•aon peen /Truax �Ir. President, McDonough JM 1-41 C. 1'•. No. 124485—By G. H. Barfuee John S. P'indlan—W, q, parrnnto—� Resolved, [hat license Por Hotel, ap- Pllcatlon 1854, aPPlletl for by William J.I Seymour at 3e ata ted. St. be and the me ssmew.s hereby le ranted. P e.tl.n by Coun-I cil, Nov. G, orm Old location. Ado Pted byy the C 1l Nov 7, 1941. A PP roved N v. 7, 1941C (NOV. 15, 1941) 1w Adopted by the Council to 7 15,4; 194— proved __194_ n Favor M or ---Against i orlrinH t. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 191436 " OFFICE OF" ME CIAO CLERK Flu: NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM r', COMMIIS51ON DATE Novelzber 7. 1941 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 1717, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1718. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1719, applied for by Charles Rnrish at 327 Thomas Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. H COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays u i B ss tan �rr bto etorson �en ua" Ar. President, McDonough J!4 1-43 NOV 7 1941 Adopted by the Council • 194_ V 7 ),-A! I Approved 194— n Favor t Mayor _Again t - _ I C. P. No. 124486—Byy G. li'. Barfuss—; Bohn 5. L`Indlnn—R'. A. Parranto—, Resolved, thn[ license 4or Restaurant,! a p plleatton 1717, On Sale Mait Bever- ge, npplicatlon 1718, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, appplication 1719, applied for Hurlsh at 327 Thomas Ave. - by Cbarlea be and the same are hereby granted. New. Informally pproved by Coun- ell, Nov. 4, 1941. Old locatl on. Adopted by the C Il Nov. 7, 1941. Approved Nov. 7, 5, (Nov. 16, I94I) I Nese, Informally approved by Council, Nov. 4, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays u i B ss tan �rr bto etorson �en ua" Ar. President, McDonough J!4 1-43 NOV 7 1941 Adopted by the Council • 194_ V 7 ),-A! I Approved 194— n Favor t Mayor _Again t - `4•y C.JF. No. 124367—BY G. H. Barf. Sohn S. 1'14' lan—W. A. Parrnnto— ori.ln.l to City clnk Resolved. that llcenaes p'l'ed ror 1214.3-41 .,;a �y � , � by Thepersona nn d on the ]fat t- .EyL Fdd CITY OF SA taeheeto this resblutlolt be nd the V a y�llr►^ OFFICE OF TH e a hereby Kranted,'aIs the city NO. (i Clerk Instructed to Issue a h licenses upon the payment• Into the city ` COUNCIL. RESOLUTI t`aaov� d4 bth`heeCufredl Plot. 7, 1941. 6 Approved Nov. 7, 1941. (Nov. 15, 1941y a COMMIISS.IONE RESMVW: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addrdlssse Stated and the same are hereby granted: Certified Ice & Phel Co. 282 W. Water St. Ice Delivery App. 49614 Renewal Wm. A. Broecker 1126 Rice St. Bakery N 1157 N Joseph Rothstein 436 Sherburne Ave. Off Sale Malt n 1486 " R. J. Baunhofer 1039 Selby Ave. Confectionery N 1564 N fl N N N off Sale Volt N 1565 N Sherman X. Gordan Peter R. Grigeen S.D.Macent & A.J.Praaca p N n N John Ammer n n n n John Geller Walter Galvin 0. E. Sauter Clarence A. Iserman R n n N Kirch & Gillis p n Joe. McCormick u 1 p n Henry Tschida COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am 1-41 528 Rice St. Butcher N 1657 N 144 W. Fourth St. Gas Station N 1712 N 2513 University Tavern n 1736 N n N Dance Hall N 1737 N 440 James Ave. Restaurant p 1742 N n n on Sale Malt N 1743 N n N Off Sale Malt N 17 a 347 Jackson St. Gas Station N 1756 1525 Sherburne Ice Delivery p 1758 u 720 H. Hemline Grocery ° 1759 N 1900 Stillwater Ave. Restaurant N 1785 N n n On Sale Malt N 1$86 N p n Off Sale Malt ■ 1787 N 1601 Univ. Ave. Dance Hall N 3804 N N a Tavern a 1905 N 923 E. 7t1i St. Restaurant N 1911 N N N on Sale Malt N 1912 n N n Off Sale Malt N 1913 N 1116 Rice St. Bakery N 1918 N Adopted by the Council 194— In Favor Against Appro7e& 194— Mayor origin'] to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j COMMISSIONER DATE -2- Harriet DeRoma a a Gerald J.Ikmmnm a a COUfTCILMEN Yeas Nays uss Findl8n Yarranto ,Yeterson /Rosen /Truax jkr.' President, McDonough 3m 1-41 / 1355 University Dance Hall App. 1820 Renewal a a Tavern a 1821 a X49 H. Snelling Tavern a 1-931 a a a Dance Hall a 1832 It Adopted by the Council NOV 7a, 194— /J Approved � 194— n Favor �-7 May _�G__Againat Original t. Clp Clerk " Na. 72/1rfl—By Arai. Ptite re ,., !1—Ilan—Milton Ftoaen—�„ CITY OF SAINTr PAULR° E No: 1124433 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOR RESOLVED, that resolution, C. F. 42446, a a amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by increasing the hourly rates of the following title a, to -wit: Asphalt laborer55� to 60¢ Asphalt raker (RepAiis)� . . . . . . . 65� t� 70¢ Bridge laborer 60V to 65¢ Building laborer / . .. . . . . 60X to 65� Concrete and curb laborer . . . . . . 55X to 60� Ditch digger . . 6OX to 65X Dogaacatcher . . 55� to 60¢ Oarpen laborer . . 55 to 60¢ Kettle Fireman 62¢ to 671 Paver 62 to 672 Sewer laborer 55yf to 60¢ Sewer Maintenance laborer . . . . . 55¢ to 60¢ Stone block paver . . . . . . . . . . 70V to 75X Street sweeper 50¢ to 60X, Tamper (Repairs) 60¢ to 65� Tree laborer55¢ to 60¢ Unskilled laborer 50V to 60¢ _ BE IT FnTHER RESOLVED, that said increases shall become effective January 1, 1942. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays 7inuss Ian titerrr nto eteraon /�/en /huax I. President, McDonough Adopted by the Council NOV 7 1941194_ Approved NOV 7 IN 19 n Fa r JKL— Agar FUBUsBED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AXEL F. PETERSON. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OFPUBLIC SCHOOLS J. C. FELDMANN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER PAUL S. AMIDON, SUPERINTENDENT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU. DIRECTOR November 4, 1941 4 ..rr. H-lLry Flynn Assistant Corporati.n Counsel Saint Paul, :.iinnesota Dear :;r. Flynn: S BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS PERRIE JONES. LIBRARIAN BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, SUPERINTENDENT Please draw the necessary ordinance to proviie for an in- cc•ease in the hourly wage in the follol,Ving classifications: Asphalt laborer. . . .55 Asphalt raker (Repairs) . to.60- " . . . .65 Bridge laborer . . . . . . . . . .60 .70.- Buildin.; laborer . . . . . . .60 .65. " Concrete and curb laborer .55 .65. .60, Ditch digger . . . . . . . . . . .60 " .65. Dog catcher . . . . . . . . .55 Garden laborer " .60 - . . . . . . . . . .55 X<ttls Fi s.�i . . . . . . . . .6o- • ..621 Paver .67j. " Sewer laborer . . . . . . . . . •55 " .60 - Sewer Idaintenance laborer . . , .55 " .60 - Stone block paver . . . . . . . .70 " .75 - Street sweeper . . . . . . . . . .50 " .6o -- Tamper (Repairs) . . . . . .60 " 6 Tree laborer . . . . . . . . . . .55 " .6o � Unskilled laborer . . . . . . . .50 " .60 These wage increases have been approved by the Wage Comnitte, consisting of Commissioners Findlan, Truax, Rosen and Peterson. It is proposed that this ordinance shall become effective as of January 1, 1942. AFF -R Very truly yours Comn:i ilsionar of Education :7 0 CHECK IN FXVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 8874] George Sudeith 88744 E.T9. Johnson, Supt. of Playgr 88745 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 88746 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 88747 John 9. Findlan, C. of Financ 88748 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 88749 The Crane Company 88750 Detroit Michigan Stove Compan 88751 John Ledo 88752 Minneapolis Daily Times 88753 Geo.�T. Ryan & Company 88754 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 88755 Standard Oil Company 88756 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 88757 too. School Petty Cash Fund 88758 American Law Book Company 88759 American Wildlife Institute 88760 American '.lire Form Company 88761 B Line Service Garage 88762 BlombergOs Grocery 886 8763 Bodine Piano Company 4 J.H. Bonbright & Company 88765 Booth Fisheries Corp. 88766 Brozek's Food Market 88767 Chicago Apparatus Company 88768 Clear Type Pub. Company 88769 Columbia -University Press 88770 Dunn's Fairway Market 88771 Eagle Printing Company 88772 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 8877] M.F. Falk Paper Company 887744 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 88775 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 88776 Leonard Frank Company 88777 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 88775 J.H. Hamilton, Sales Agent' 88779 Hamline Cash Grocery 88780 Hazel Park Grocery 88781 Walter E. Killian 88782 Kisch's Food Market 88783 H.C. Kftaterman 88784 Linwood Food Store 88785 )IcFadden-Lambert Company 88786 Martens Maft*t 88787 Michaud -Friedmann 88788 New York Tea Company 88769 NoTthern States Power Company 88790 N.'T. Publications, Inc..' 88791 Rohland's Grocery 88792 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 88793 Singer Sewing Machine Company 88794 Steve's Auto Had. Shop 88795 A. Swanson & Sons 88796 Swift & Company 88797 H. Torland, Manager 88798 Wondra Grocery J SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TO AL DATE II RETURNED J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 28 00 s 1, 1525 00 96 12 949 57 181 89 7599 4 67 240 57 25 00 �j 773 33 46 92 20 071 119 1063 91 40 00' 183 575 k 40 7 30 1 5 05 18 29 1 19 65 19 42 96 10 81 134 255 25� 16 50 39 11 117 53 36 03 294 93 li 8 13 4 Oil P, 15 001 j� 5 381 3 sod 1 216 00 2 OK' I! 24 22 10 51 94 90 2 051 1 54 755 33 24 195 40 10 00 10 65 '113 515 0311 it 0 CITY CLERK C. F. No. 124489— that .1-k, he UrIt H'n un A(��1!,l��Jl ,. DUPLICATETO OFFI the city tre¢eur y, to the 111119Rte COUNCIL J Inl nP f9.'.,:t!:5.90, . ering chr kH FILE NUMBER— ROLL CALL inhered N974:t t �:�A in rluxl�'e, P.1r 'check, - I'll III the nffltt u[ the BARFUSS clty nim pr. FINDLAN IN FAVOR Ad, tedtr bycele the Cn...11 1-, ;, 1941. AU A1111r.-Id tiny. i 1941. PARRANTO lig. 1941) PETERSON(\n,'. / ROSEN �—AGAINST ­ c..+. ­._nc JBE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAK TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $��7���— COVERING MR PRES N DNOUGH y��lF (�f� {Y ( �iY ^* ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - __.11SNUMBERrTno L30213-90 CLURIVE AS PER Gk1 EC K5 ON LEMPTROLLER. CHECKS NUMBERED_._W=�e 206 :7 0 CHECK IN FXVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 8874] George Sudeith 88744 E.T9. Johnson, Supt. of Playgr 88745 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 88746 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 88747 John 9. Findlan, C. of Financ 88748 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 88749 The Crane Company 88750 Detroit Michigan Stove Compan 88751 John Ledo 88752 Minneapolis Daily Times 88753 Geo.�T. Ryan & Company 88754 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 88755 Standard Oil Company 88756 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 88757 too. School Petty Cash Fund 88758 American Law Book Company 88759 American Wildlife Institute 88760 American '.lire Form Company 88761 B Line Service Garage 88762 BlombergOs Grocery 886 8763 Bodine Piano Company 4 J.H. Bonbright & Company 88765 Booth Fisheries Corp. 88766 Brozek's Food Market 88767 Chicago Apparatus Company 88768 Clear Type Pub. Company 88769 Columbia -University Press 88770 Dunn's Fairway Market 88771 Eagle Printing Company 88772 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 8877] M.F. Falk Paper Company 887744 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 88775 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 88776 Leonard Frank Company 88777 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 88775 J.H. Hamilton, Sales Agent' 88779 Hamline Cash Grocery 88780 Hazel Park Grocery 88781 Walter E. Killian 88782 Kisch's Food Market 88783 H.C. Kftaterman 88784 Linwood Food Store 88785 )IcFadden-Lambert Company 88786 Martens Maft*t 88787 Michaud -Friedmann 88788 New York Tea Company 88769 NoTthern States Power Company 88790 N.'T. Publications, Inc..' 88791 Rohland's Grocery 88792 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 88793 Singer Sewing Machine Company 88794 Steve's Auto Had. Shop 88795 A. Swanson & Sons 88796 Swift & Company 88797 H. Torland, Manager 88798 Wondra Grocery J SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TO AL DATE II RETURNED J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 28 00 s 1, 1525 00 96 12 949 57 181 89 7599 4 67 240 57 25 00 �j 773 33 46 92 20 071 119 1063 91 40 00' 183 575 k 40 7 30 1 5 05 18 29 1 19 65 19 42 96 10 81 134 255 25� 16 50 39 11 117 53 36 03 294 93 li 8 13 4 Oil P, 15 001 j� 5 381 3 sod 1 216 00 2 OK' I! 24 22 10 51 94 90 2 051 1 54 755 33 24 195 40 10 00 10 65 '113 515 0311 it 0 "TNG ABBLi'B9- Council File No ------- ..------------------ .... By--......-'-- ....................---'------ ---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution ,Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from the East and West Alley t Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria.) St. to the North and South Alley, to co rm to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the pr nt established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading and surfacin a Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Party and Block 2; Stabbing's Como View from Par ew Avenue to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria) St, to the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also constructine sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and outlet' to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from th East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue, 1 .________, Intermedia ..._119689_____..... Final Order. -.._119983.____-s under Prelimina !MA Order....----.._....-. rt' Order approved--.. A ?at -27 --------------- .--....19._x.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ............ equal installments. -NIIOV 12 111 Adoptedby the Council ................................. -------------------............---------...19 ...... �� ,` ' aw Approved.'------------------------------------------19-- Form B. B. 18 File 9042 _v1 ..... - ' City Clerk. --........ - -...../:......., Mayor. ,_UBLISiiEi3 )I — I S { I `° 7 1?, -',0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment October_.14 ____. __..... 19-.. 41 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for Akm changing the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park, and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View, from the East and West Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the prdPile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park, and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View, from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley to the proposed red line when established. Also constructing a sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue, under Preliminary Order......_118673__.....____-._ ..__., Intermediary Order. ..._119689 ....... __....... __..__ Final Order ....119983 ---------------- ................ approved ........Aum-st-_V----- --.--- .... ...... ..................... 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - Cost of materials, equipment, engineering went, viz: and supervision, $ 2_'O0_9....1.3 Cost of publishing notice . s... Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $............... •-99.....-- Inspection fees $----------- I --- ---- -.--------- Amount of court costs for confirmation $. 4.95 Total expenditures (Balance to City) , $_-2,020.02 ....... Said Commissioner further repos that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..z,.020.02 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the .laid assessment bas been completed, and that liereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is here«6th submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...................... .......- - Fo a. B. n _. Commissioner of Finance. H' Council File No ----------------------------------- By RE'OLUT[ON 'IENT. RATIFYING A99E98-I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses 1-11.4. e" --. for grading and oiling the Alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale from Lexington Parkway North to Dunlap Street. Also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of lot 8, Block 4, Clifton Dale, under Preliminary Order -.....1 8747---...._ Intermediary Order....119321-.......... Final Order.....119666_.____., approved..._JBI.y._34...- ..................... 19 1W A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in allrespects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -------------- ---------- equal installments. JWV 12 $41 Adoptedby the Council ......................... .............. ......................... ---------19.... --------------- City Clerk. Approved_ ----------- ----------------------------19 n ........................... \...._, Mayor. V Form B. H. IS � -- File 8999 ' n6l,tsfllsD - -)S-- c� 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C031JIISSIONER OF FINANCE v Report of Completion of Assessment October. -14--------------- 19-._41 for 5da In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading end oiling the Alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale, from Lexington Parkway North er in the easement to be obtained on the to Dunlap Street. Also constructing a sew easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of lot 8, Block 4, Clifton Dale 119321 118747 , Intermediary Order.._.-._._.--..-.....----_..._.___...... tinder Preliminary Order-_........._.....__....__..... Jul 30 1940 �-- - Final Order....._._.119866. _......... ... approved ._._...------ y...-...... - ..............__..... _..., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: the Council the following as a statement of the expen- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engineering $ er598.44----------- iit18T•rltb?Qg� . and Rupvision - NEMA 3.90 Cost of publishing notice $-------- 78 -- Cost of postal Cards ' Inspection fees . - - Amount of court coats for confirmation $---3_-90 --3.90 607.02 Total expenditures ' Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, eemed benefited by to -wit: the sum of $..-_g�7-RAZ- - ----- ---- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land d the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel o1' -land in accordance with the benefits identified by tite sig ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the saidassessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. --- .... / Commissioner of Finanee. F- B. B. 17 /� __ i RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- MENT. Council File No... -- ......... _.....--- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Hyacinth Street from Hazel Avenue to Ruth Avenue; also curbing east side of Hazel Avenue from Prospect Avenue to the south line (extended) of Lot 13, Block lb, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order ---115AU.......... Intermediary Order .......... Final Order...._116580____--. approved -October-10--------------19..39..'` A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........... ..............equal installments. Nov 12 W Adoptedby the Council ..... .. ......-........-......-------- ................. -------....19 .... i! City Clerk. " 1 Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 ----- -- Mayor. Form B. B. IS File 8796 At �„L15IIED_� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0\111ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Octobe 1.4 .............. 19-41. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for S)mt curbing Hyacinth Street from Hazel Avenue to Ry+,h Avenue; also curbing east side of Hazel Avenue from Prospect Avenue to the south line (extended) of Lot 13, Block 15, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order....115568.-- Intermediary Order.... 116228 --- _, Final Order 1. 6.6-6Q..---.-...._. .............. approved ......October. lqx . ..._........ 19...39 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engi6eering �`,A"t nf..astinetEuciwil� . and au $. Cost of publishing notice . $.-.-------- .9.00 Cost of postal cards $__..-...-_.-1.80.___..._... Inspection fees .............-- ............. - Amount of court costs for confirmation $-- 9.00 Total expenditures $..-.-1198.22 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.119$e-22 .................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig. nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is hereN%ith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - - �-------... ................................... FFo s. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. I RESOLUTION RATIFYING A89E88-I MENT. 124493— Council File No.----------_-------------- .,f r•, . By---------------------------- .--------- ..... ......... .. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cosh and expenses curbing Jessie Street from Jessamine Street to Cook Street under Preliminary Order... 115088 Intermediary Order.... 116A54_______._ Final Order.....116353 approved -----September e for A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........... --?�............ equal installments. Adopted by the Council ------------------ .-------------------------- _.... ........... City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------------- -------------- 19. - - - -- ---�...-----'---------------- --�.., Mayor. Furor B. B. I9 File 8771 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C05I111ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 11b088._...._._ -- Intermediary 116054 under Preliminary Order__.._......-.-._ ............... y Order....-------.......------.............__....... ------.-., 116353 ' September 26, 1939 FinalOrder ............................_...._...........- approved...._..................._..... ........._ --- ...... .. , )€19.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engineering Vis. _ ^ ' 'Rid supervision . . . . $-.... 58 s. Z 2 ............. Cost of publishing notice . $--....-..4.05------------- Cost of postal cards $............ r.81............. Inspection fees $..------- --- " Amount of court costs for confirmation $_,-...,..4.05 Total expenditures --------------------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...595.13 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such oction thereon as may be considered proper. � ��-�h� F,` a. a. " /" Commissioner of Finance. October_ 14.__.__._.,,, 19 41 - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for khm curbing Jessie Street from Jessamine Street to Cook Street 11b088._...._._ -- Intermediary 116054 under Preliminary Order__.._......-.-._ ............... y Order....-------.......------.............__....... ------.-., 116353 ' September 26, 1939 FinalOrder ............................_...._...........- approved...._..................._..... ........._ --- ...... .. , )€19.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engineering Vis. _ ^ ' 'Rid supervision . . . . $-.... 58 s. Z 2 ............. Cost of publishing notice . $--....-..4.05------------- Cost of postal cards $............ r.81............. Inspection fees $..------- --- " Amount of court costs for confirmation $_,-...,..4.05 Total expenditures --------------------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...595.13 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such oction thereon as may be considered proper. � ��-�h� F,` a. a. " /" Commissioner of Finance. . IRESOIIUTION AATIFYINII A9aF 11IENT. ,r C F. N 4— . 1 :' 4 ^' Council File No ------------- - ---------- ..------ „ ae f By........................................................ 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street under Preliminary Order -...118128 ., Intermediary Order..._116379 Final Order...._1�6692•--•---• Ootober 24,............... 39 approved...---------------------•-- .. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be' and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In..............�.......-...equal installments. NOV 12 1341 Adoptedby the Council...........................'----......----......--...... ---------.19. - City Clerk. `, `I �I IN Approved................ .............. --- ----- .........19- - -` ...... .................. ........... Mayor. Farm H. B. IS / File 8802 , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO.MlISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment m October 14 13 41 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for M curbing Cook Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street under Preliminary Order. -_.1.16126116379 Intermediary Order....... Final Order ---------- 116692 a -ed October 24 39 �........ pl -- . - 19.— - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of materials, equipment, engineering IFS-.. „x_, ,-• _a 539.66 and supervision . $._........................ Cost of publishing notice . $...-..--4.05 _- v Cost of postal cards $-_.-.--.....81 Inspection fees $-------- "" -------_...-...- Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4.05 Total expenditures $ 548.57 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...548.57 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred th(reon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ,ction thereon as may be considered proper. Fo a R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 01110.1 to :244 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILV l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �1Le NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENT�D BY DAT COMMISS ONE RESOLVED, that upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a satisfaction of judgment obtained in the Conciliation Court of St. Paul, Herbert A6 Neudahl be paid $21.00 in full payment of damagas' sustained in an accident with Nick Turi, a fireman, while in the per- formance of his official duties. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parraikto .petersefr Rosen Truax a)ti 1-41 W, Vj. %. do[rat (Peterson: C. F. No. 124496—Hy G. H. ]3arfuee—I Resolved that upon delivery to the. Corp ration Cuuneel of a atiefaction i f Judgment btalned In the Conellla- tlon Court f 8t. Paul, Herbert A. Neu- . dahl be paid 521.00 In full pnyment f� damaKea eust8lned In c Iden. with Nlek 'Tr8arIan fireman, while in the per- formande f I, ®c181 dutles. Adopted by the Council Nov. 12, 1941.'! APProved Nov. 2,941. No (Nov. i6, 1941) Adopted by the Council iiOV 1 2 0119 1 4__- . WV 1 w,, lam pproved 194_ Favor yor Against -oriilnel to f)•tr clerk 1 ` /� L'i i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -g" H313 ` ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. 484 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED, that Percy E. Miller be paid the sum of $100.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the c General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation resulting from his injury of May 5, 1941, while in the employ of the Department of Public Safety, whereby he suffered a temporary total disability until August 5, 1941, and 25 per cent permanent partial dis- ability to his left ring finger. C. F. No. 124498—By G. H. Barfuss— Re.olved, that Percy E. Miller -be paid .the a of 5100.00 out of the Work- men'su Compensation Aee.unt of the General Fund in full settlement of hi n claim against the City f Saint Paul or compensation eeulting from his Inlllrp of May 6, 1941, while In [he p�loy o[ the Department of P u b l i c Safety, whereby he suffered tempor. ary total disability until August 5, 1941, and 26 per cent permanent par- tial disability to his left ring finger. Adopted by the Council Nov. 12, 1911. Approved Nov. 12, 1941. (Nov..l6, 1941) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 12194- Yeas Nays^ Barfuss Findlan Approved MY IS 1 194— Parranto Ratl=s.> -- Favor Rosen May 1Yuax =Against ::M 1.43, KL Mata President (Peterson) Orijind to city CITY OF SAINT PAUL V" cour4cll.'�rF. cA' i •,..,-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Pae NO., COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE D RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized and directed to notify the President of the First National Bank of Saint Paul that the City renews its lease of the space on the 31st floor of the First National Bank Building, for use as a police radio station for a period of one year beginning January 1, 1942, at an annual rental of $60.00, pursuant to the terms of the existing lease between the City and said First National Bank dated December 8, 1938. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Baduss Findlan Parranto 'Peterean– Rosen Truax � h 3M 1-41 Mr• Via¢ President (P7.7. No. 124497—By G. H. Barfuse— Public Sa[ety be and he le herebynauth �' den.rIat of the First [. n tItal the BartPro,,:f Sal nt Paul that the City renews Ice lease f the pace the 31st floor of the Flrs[ National Bank Building, for use as a p*"""d" llen r dlo station Yor a per- iod of one year beglnnlnog Sanuary 1, 1942, at an annual rental r {69.00, pur- between [t h, Cithe y of dhe id eFirstl N. - tions. l Bankdated December 8, 1938. Adopted by the Council Nov. 12, 1941. Approved Nov. 12, 1941. t Nov. 16, 1941) NOV 12 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 94— Approved 19 n Favor i Yr Against ' orisma to cla clertl -1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILEo COUNCIL .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK--� COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� I1d;1,4,&A JJ %. COMMISSIONERz,t .1.�A 1�l �'t DATE RESOLVED, that Blanche Nuebener, 926 Dayton Avenue, be paid $1.00 as +a refund for Permit No. 90193 for concrete masonry and cement finish work at 1872 Montana Avenue, as permit No. 92188 covers the same work. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax h ]M 1-41 Mc. Vice President (Peterson) 4 C Reealved,24 that BBl riche Fred MHuebe e 928 Dayton Avenue, be p Id 51.00 ne refund for Permit No. 9019? for con - rete masonry a d cement finish w . at 1872 Montana Avenue, n Permit No. 92188 o ve the came ]t. Adopted by the Council Nov. 12, 1941. i Approved NNov. 161 1941) Adopted by the Council NQY 2 2 1941 194_ Approved_ Nov 644 194— n Favor, / dayor GAgainst W. LA MOM KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Paria - Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY 6F SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaioner 1]overber 7, 1941 Hon. Harry oel-aer Deoartment of Law 316 city Nall De tr Sir: Please prepare a resolution providin, a refund of k1.00 to Blanch Huei:ener, 926 Dayton Averrie, Wh.Ch is �£e ar.:ount paid by her for 1,-?rmit 90193 for concrete rasonry and cement finish work in connection with the drelling at 1872 ldontana Avenue. P rmit 92188 covers this same ,job. Y000uu7rs- truly, n City Architect E- I NOV 101941 0 tv oririnr to cit, CWk d CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESO U�ENWAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1111- On DATE COMMISSIONER FOUeNCIL NO. 9/14.yJ .-3 a t WHEREAS, the Department of Education has incurred expenses Win presenting the Department's pageant at the recent M. E. A. meeting; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby. authorized and directed to pay the following individuals and firms the respective amounts set opposite their names, said sums to be payable from School Supplies Fund, Q-5: Martin alesen $149.88 International Institute 25.00 )Fillmore & Bradbury 4.00 Lendriok and Leslie Wilson 15.00 J. A. Hall 7.60 International Alliance Theatri- cal Stage Employes 47.00 C. F. No. 124499—By Axel F. Whereas, the Department Verus Ohlberg tion has Incurred expenses 4 . 10 Ing the Department's page 'recent M. E. A. meeting; the: Resolved, that the proper 65 Robert McCauley 2 boa d they are hereby mut 4.dtracica to pay the follows vale and firms the respect) et opposite their names, ai be Post, a from School Sul G-5: Martin Glesen, $149.36; It Institute $26.00; Fillmore 6 $4.00; K ndrlck and Leel $15.00: T. A. 111. $7.0u; i Alliance Theatrical Stage $47.00; Verne Ohlb erg, $4 McCauley, $2.66. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto x4tft*avfl Rosen Truax ala 1--41 W vim his poxfoa) amounts sums to esFund, Adopted by the Connell Nov. 12, 1941 Approved Nov. 12, 1941. (Nov. 16, 1941) NOV 12 IN- Adopted by the Council 194— proved �- 194— r �In Favor // M r Or1.in.i I. City Ci.rk n CITY OF SAINT PAULCOUNCIL ��♦♦ `"� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.11 OU,aNCtij/�j�RESOL/JUT�IyON-GENERAL FORM ': / , / �Ivt/f DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Water Department Fund weekly compensation of $19.92 be paid Nick Vincelli while he is totally disabl11941, by reason of injuries he received on September 30th, while employed by the Wate* Department, and $13.28 in final settlement, to and including October 11, 1941, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto LBeteraon Rosen 1ivax h Mr. Viet President (Petnstn 311! 142 C, F. No. 124600—By John S. FIndia,, by r ....t— ""melnt dF'undt out k'ythe p-satDlon [ E79.92 be paid Nick Vincelli 'hile he Is totally disabled by r .o of In- ''. Juries he received n September 30th, 1941, while employes by the Water De- partment, and EI3,28 In final settlement, to and in cluding October 11, 1941, Is noAd. leW Payable. d by the Council Nov. 12, 1941. Approved Nov. 12, 1941. (Nov. 16, 19411 Adopte$ by the Cougeil N6 I Z T41 194— , Approved W 121 Wn 194— 1n Favor G ay or _ Againdt Orlde.l to Cib'Gm �. Cc�] '1, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�OUeNCiL NO. �se, rjaP, OFFICE OF THE CITY,CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 1 PR MENTE NAY DATE November 12.-.1941 WHEREAS, Mrs. William 1ft vauy deeires to withdraw application 49416 for Confectionery license at 569 N. Me St.and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RWSOMVBD, that the proper city officers be and they are bereby authorised to refund to Mrs. William Mulvany the fee of $7.50 and to cancel said application for license (the amount of $2.50 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of j months on said application.) f C John S. Findlan W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Mrs. William Mulvanyd - Iree to 1thdraw application 49 16 for Confectionery license at 689 N. Dale St. and requests the turn of the license fee deposited thereon, there- . tore, b e it - J Resolved, that the proper city .1111 - cars be to Mrs.aWflI ambM alvanylthe feeof17.60 and to ancel said aPPlica- tion for license ttheDunt of- $2.60 having been deducted becausethe ap- pllcant operated for Derlod of 3 months aid apPllection ). - Adopted by the Council Nov. 12, 1941. Approved Ng ov1 161 941) 41 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council IY()V 2IN 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan proved s" 194._ Parranto Pebetseiv. n FavorX r . Rosen M r ]Trruaax�Prat eat P4xsfwn Truax Aga' t am 1.41 INr lv! ��� C. F. N 12 51 s nn ..-1 j f cityCleck ta„i •, a +[",p� 1 121 i OSI[ind' to A^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. COUNCIL OFFICE OF RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM / B IjV Dq,T November 1`Z. 1.941 PRESENT gowns ONE -_ the following Persona at the addresses stated RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by be and the same are hereby granted: James Mpntemarano 254 W. Kellogg Blvd. Butcher App.492o1 Off Sale Melt a 45242 Renewal a a a n R. A. Nelson 996 Pam Ave. Confectionery a 1006 a Erickson 011 Co. 214 3. Wabaahs Gas Station a 1161 e Jos. Weber 890 E. 7th St.` Bakery a 1359 " Louie Goldie 4151 Ceder St. Gas Station a. 1415 a James Moatemarano 251+ W. Kellogg Grocery a 1504 a John F. groeten 112 S. Wabasha tad Hand Dlr. a 1697 a Max Simon 177 State St. Grocery a 1779 n Walter Most 1026 Front St. Butcher a Off Sale Melt a 1792 1793 e a a a s mer Mowers 9771 Arcade Restaurant a 1909 a Standard 011 Co, Kellogg & Commrcial Fuel Dealer a 1826 n Joseph Faiad 767 W. 7th St. Grocery a 1g34 a Henry Moeller 526 Faller Ave. lftel Dealer a 1836 a Musicians Union Inc. 436 Wabasba_St. Restaurant a 1838 a Michael Sanyo 226 Ryan Bu§cher a 1841 a ja& Goldfarb 679 E. Third St. Confectionery a 1846 a Russell Desch 1220 Selby Ave. Gas` Station a 1858 a Marvin F. Spindler 198 Bates Ave. Gas Station a 1861 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— 'Yeas Nays Barfuss Approve' 194_ Findlan Parranto Peterson i---� Favor Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-41 Original to City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' v y . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER -2- Great Lakes 004 & Dock Co. 2102 Univ. Ave. Leo Carle 685 E. 'Third St. Thos. O'Toole 173 W 6th St. Annie Schneider 241 Earl St. n n a n n n n Chas. Ellitt 1111 Payne Ave. A. M. Ledegar 1362 w. 7th St. Ernest F. Lowe 189 W. 7th St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen ML JM 1-41 :L Yaam dl�t /ee.ft_ Gas Station App. 1571 Renewal peel Dealer " 1572 " Restaurant " 1873 " Restaurant " 1874 " On Sale Malt " 1875 " Off Sale Malt " 1576 " GasStation " 1881 " Fuel Dealer " 1853 n Hotel " 1599 " moy 4. Adopted by the Council 394— Approved NOV xJ i, W 194— In Favor yor OAgain _ PUBL1Si�D ^^�I Orltln.l t. City Clerk r-:, CITY OF SAINTMA A council .� 244")13 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ' NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMIS IONEY ( DAT, Nov. 10th-1941 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hour's of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- " thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: JANITORS & ENGINEERS - E%TRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Edward 0. Anderson Jan. 4 hrs. ffi0 3 20 George Barrett Jan. Eng. 12 " ffio 9 60 Christian Bauer Do. 4 " 0 3 20 Henry d Bauer Do. 10 " 9 00 Erik Bergstrom Jan. Y' 2 " ffi0 1 60 John Blomberg Jan. Eng. 2 " 90 1 60 Harold A. Boeckmann Jan. 3 " 90 2 40 Ralph Bogue Jana Eng. 12 " 90 9 60 John Buhl Do. 4 " ffi0 3 20 Fred Bursinger Do. 4 " ffio 3 20 Oreste Ciampi Do. 4 " " ffi0 ffi0 3 20 2 90 Carl E. Dahlby Do. 4 David Donovan Do. 4 " ffi0 3 20 Joseph Elmquist Do. 11 " Do. 4 " ffi0 ffio a 90 3 60 Charles Engelbretson Joseph Fedlmeir Jan. Eng. 9 " ffio 7 20 Earl Foster Do. 10 " so 1900 Albert H. Fuller Do. 19 " " ffi0 ffio 15 20 1 20 Gabriel Gagliardi Do. 1} John T. Gipple Do. 11 " ad 6 ffi0 Oscar Halgren Do. 4 " ffio 3 20 Charles Hammarlund Do. 9 " ffi0 7 20 Anthony M. Haider Do. 2 " 90�, 1 60 Frank Hayek Do. 4 " ffi0 3 20 George Hayes Do. 16 " 80 12 90 Frank Hedlund Do. 2 " ffio 1 6o Werner Hesse Do. 2 " ffio 1 60 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilN0V 12 W 194— Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan ApprovedNOV 12 194— Parranto Peterson �—In Favor Mayor Rosen Against- Truax PUBLISHED Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1--41 -2.- Nov. 10th -1941 JANITORS & ENGINEERS - EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME 11 hr. RATE TOTAL Elmer Hintz Jan. Eng• Jan. n so 3-W .0 Robert Jabs 2 80 1 Emil d. Keller Andrew A•gomstad Jan. Eng. Do. 2 a $0 1 60 Lyman G. Larson Jan. ?+ " u 80 60 2 00 4 00 Martin Lindberg Gus Lilde Do• Do. ° 60 Thomas Lunzer Doo. 1190 00 JamesR. Lynn D 3# " 2 " g0 SO 2 90 1 60 James MO-Dermott Jan. 2 " 80 1 60 William Mc -Neely Jan. Eng. 8 ° 80 6 g0 Edward L. Manska Do. " 80 4 00 Andrew Margl Do. " 80 3 20 Robert E. Metzger Do. 4 Carl Miller Thomas R. Mulcahy Do. St.Firmn u 4 a g0 g0 3 20 3 20 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng- " 2a 80 1 60 Leonard H.Oberg Do. 80 3 60 Karl V. Oster Do. g u 80 6 40 William J.Paulsen D. 12 " 80 9 6o William J.Sagissor Do. " 90 1 60 Francis Salmon Jan. 2 u g0 1 60 Benjaming.8aaauelson Do. 2 80 1 60 Joseph Sander Do. 8 " 80 6 40 Lloyd Spetzman Do. 4 a 90 3 20 Robert A. Stahnke Do. 2 a 80 1 60 Harold Stake Charles Starz Jan. Jan. Eng. 10 n a 8p 80 8 00 2 40 Arthur STORY Do. 3a 90 2 40 Joseph Strommer Jan. a 80 3 20 Christopher Tarte Jan. Eng. 4 �� 90 3 20 Edward Thomas Do. 2 " 80 1 60 Albert Thompson Do. 2 n 80 1 60 Isaac W. Thompson Do. 4 " 60 3 20 James Watson Do. 2 00 ftomas F. Waters Ed. Jan• 10 e g0 8 00 Max Werner Jan. Eng. TOTAL - 271 20 FORM NO • l Tpemher 12 '1941 i Extra Curricular Overtime - Jan. Engs. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, In doing the following work; Cleaning schools and firing This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances z I:eeping school buildings open fmr extra curricular activities. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. C. F. Nn 'Spe�-F <el n. Poteraon 11y ONr1u1 to City Clnk .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONERXEL 1P, PETERSON �� DATE NOV. 10 1941 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: Peterson n Favor. JANITORS & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME NAME ayor TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Edward 0 Anderson Jan. 3 Hre. EO 2 40 ,Christian Bauer Jan Eng. 71 " 80 6 00 Henry Bauer Do., " 80 4 00 Erik Bergstrom Jan. " 80 1 60 Harold A. Boeckmann Jan. 9 " 80 7 20 Ralph Bogue Jan. Eng. 19 " 80 15 20 John Buhl Do. 2 " F 80 1 6o Charles F. Burlingame Do. 4 " 80 3 20 Fred Bursinger Do. 24 " 80 19 20 Oreste Ciampi Do. 4 " 80 3 20 Arthur B. Copley Stat. Fireman 37 " 80 29 60 John Dippel Jan. Eng. 15 " 80 12 00 David Donovan Do. 3 " 80 2 40 Joseph Elmquist Do. 16 " 80 12 80 Charles En elbietson Do. 2" " 80 480 23 20 Joseph Fedlmeir Do. Earl Foster Do. 8 " 80 40 0 Carl G. Fransen Do. 3 " 80 2 40 Albert H. Fuller Do. 7 " 2 " 80 80 5 60 1 60 Gabr#el John W. Gagliardi Gipple Do. Do.5 " 80 4 00 George Gunther Do. " 80 3 20 Oscar Halgren Do. 10i " 22 " 80 8 40 17 60 George Carl Hayes Hedlund Do. Do: 2 " 901 60 John A. Heinz Do. 22 " 21 " 80 80 7 60 bso Elmer Hintz Do. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council N1W 3 2 194— Yeas Nays s Approved NOVI 194— Findla indlan Parranto Peterson n Favor. Rosen � C. ayor Truax gainat PL7BLISI �— Mr. President, McDonough JM 1-t1 '-o NOV.lOth-1941. JANITORS & ENGINEERS - REGULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME 2 Hre. RATE .g � TOTALA,�ppouglas Hostrawser Jen. 2 " 1 60 'Gunn Johnson Jan• Eng. 4 " 80 3 20 George_ Lautner st.Fireman u 80 2 0 Giuseppi Lucia Jan. Eng. u g0 2 2 0 Thomas Lunzer Do. 12 ° 80 9 60 9 George E. Mc -Kinnon Do. 2 " 80 1 60 William Mc -Neely Do. n 90 11 20 Edward L. Manske. DO• Do. 4 " g0 3 20 Robert E. Metzger. Do. 4 " 80 3 20 Hugo Thomas R. Mordh Mulohy Jan. St.Firmn 2 " 11 80 80 1 60 8 00 Leonard H. Oberg Jan. Eng. 10 4 1180 3 20 William J. Paulsen Do. 6180 !} 00 William J. Sa r Do . 5 b 11 80 4 90 BENJAMIN H. Clinton C. Sam eon Sandercock Jan. Jan. Eng. 4 u 2# " 80 80 20 00 Otto Schneppmueller Do, 21 u g0 16 80 Albert Sohoener St.Frmn Jan g• 24 11 80 19 20 Wilbur Simons o� ,1 80 g 1}0 Lloyd Spetzman 34-1" 80 27 60 , Robert A. Starz Do. „ 90 6 40 Charles Starz Do.8 Do. 311 " 80 25 20 Christopher Tarte 4 n 80 3 20 Rudolph J. Thalhuber D . 4 " g0 3 20 George R. Turnquist Do. 25 „ ® 60 20 00 James Watson 7 �� 80 5 60 MaxWerner John Wilwert Jan. 24 „ gp b80 l3 20 Louis Zamansky Jan. TOTAL - 455 20 '-o FORM Regular overtime - Janitors & Engineers An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, In doing the following work: Cleaning schools and firin Tbia, emergency arose Dy.regson of the following facts and oircim►atanoee i Illness of regular eUloyees-__- This report is in accordance with Section 53 of.ths Charter. C 11Plc 124606 ByJoh S Flndlan— Whereas, Hym a Im h e rpnade np- Or14dn.1 to C14 Clark pllcatl o n Ih Mlnneeota T8 Co ;qla 1 ;elft 4 axe1lSNCIL CITY OF 1^ 7 CLEKii= " FILE NO. OFFICE OF T COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY �.Mi�('�X (a/1i� DAT COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Hymen Simes has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits (Except Southerly 6 ft.) Lot S; Westerly 70 ft. of Lots 9 and 10; Easterly 49 ft. of Lots 9 and 10, all in Block 10, Bazil and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $10626.17, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $900.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby x approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $110.90 shall be„f.irst_deducted from the total payment of $900.00, and that said sum of $110.90 shall be paid tqi&he City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessmen a included in the total delinquency of $1,626.17. NOV 12 Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 194_ Yeas Nays Barfuss , WRY Findlan Approve Parranto Peterson In Favor M r Rosen &— Truax=ASains Mr. President, McDonough PUgLISHED1 :M 1.41 I Q n'C. P, N,...Juhn S. F•'indinn= Orl.in.l to City Clark ""hereon, (}err' v Liv'• ,, et al •. �3t:, �•ta the CITY OF SAINVPAW J' D t ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f „t COUNCI RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _�A�n ' DATE 34 1-u WHEREAS.' Gerald M. Livingston, et al have made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 7 and (except Southerly 20 ft.) Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 32; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $7,972.19, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2,780.003 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That"the"Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $119.69 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2,750.00, and that said sum of $119.69 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $7,972.193 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 4 Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough Adopted by the Council NOV 12 IN .194— .1 NO 94— NOV 1 "j Approved 194_ In Favor /�yor vAgains y / lll/// PUBLISHED i1-1 • oRIaINAL ro CIT11\rN. Ne. ].160I'Bhe .fet H� Pe��rxon-�I COUNCILNO. CITY C1e ]`Fa-� � ,,,, Sl JAS APPROPRIATION TRON FORM �— PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY ////��//yj4(/p���' COMMISSIONER- GYRI. F Pio PFAQIni( �/ & // N[14_ 7TR 1041 roe YES (11) COUNCILMEN (v) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN _ IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN �J AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI OV 12641 193__ j,� 8941 OVE 193_ r OR COUNTERSIGNED BY__ vitt RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOINTT DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERNG THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM W ARE MADE. APPORAMOUNT TODR. TRANSFERRED FROM CR. 15R Miscellaneous R12 219 51 15-G-5 Instructional Supplies 12 219 bl 15-A-1 Business Administration - Salaries 400 00 15-A-2 " to -Off. Expense 400 00- 15-D-1 Oper. & Mtnoe. Admin. - Sal. 194 65.. 15-D-3 " n n 15-D-4 It " n -Off. Exp. 150 OOv - Insurance 44 65. 1-5-E-1 Storehouse -'Salaries It -Ught / s True Mtnoe. bo` - Office Expense 60 00 50 00 - 1b P-1 Prom. of Health - Salaries 500 00 15-F-3 n t1 to - Office Expense 500 00 15-J-1 Mtnoe. of Plant - Salaries & Wages 400 00 15-J-3 " 11 " - Auto Allowance 400 00 15-J-5 Mtnoe-@of Plant - Repairs & Renewals 4 000 00 . 15-J-7 " " 11 Grading & Oiling 4 000 00 YES (11) COUNCILMEN (v) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN _ IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN �J AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI OV 12641 193__ j,� 8941 OVE 193_ r OR COUNTERSIGNED BY__ vitt Y C. FI 2J o. 121508—By Milton R... b— _ • ' CITY omndea[ ththeolbooka6 [ra[hell.e"'NO. _--% '"`•. iI,J carr c�twTO a tetw,abe comptroller, by ao t'i' g a APPROPRIATION TRAn 1dable 1010,.. Iw rtnin"a ma�N FORM •- y be m by Wald trana[era without PER-Cfl.til: °O,' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER On ROSEA — — DATE November 93— —193-- RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON T OKS OF THE RESOLVED, o® COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRAN5FERRED DR. CR. FROM q TO 10-R Commissioner Public Works Fund 16,-250.15 10—A1 356.07 10—A2 550,& 10-B1 9,269' 10-B2 1,400: 10-B3 1,000.00 10-03 125.00 10-104 2,800.00 10—C7 750.00 11-R Street Const. & Repair q 1,319.60 11-A1 2,000.00 11-A2 2,059.48 - 11-A3 150.00 11-A4 400.00 11-A5 2,554.12 11-A6 900.00 11-A7 156.00 <. 12-R Sewer Const. & Repair 211.56 12—A1 `1,589.49 12—A2 401.05 12-A3 700.00 12-A5 700.00 13-R Street and Sewer Cleaning 5,338.66 13_A1 r 1,608.70 13-A2 13—Al I 254.75 l'.,.0, 1 W193 YES (y) COUNCILMEN (y) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL'OV ® PEARCE q PETERSON APPROVED ROSEN —. IN FAVOR TRUAX Mwro WARREN AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY__. c-q-1 wou MR. PRESIDENT ti 115— '�' "'• PUBIASM,D_s------ • a'?�4 TT = EaK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO1HCIL NO. _`^' 1 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 � !t .PRESENTED BY, COMMISSIONER Milton Rosea DATE November 193 • 1i L� 6 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM OR. CR. 13-B1 1'000.00/ 13-B2 2,201.48 13-B3 1,200.00 13-B4 200.00 13-x5 400.00 13-C1 1,288.56 13-02 1,000.00 13-03 200.00 13-04 375.00 13-05 890.00"- 13 -DI 356.71.1 13-D2 532.83 13-D3 394.05 13-M4, 000.0 - 5,000-00- 13-E3 1,500.00,1 �3-E4 50.00 13-E5 5,000.0 i 13-G1 800.00 13 -xi 13-G2 � 75.00 13-H2 500.00 1,050.00 1'050.00 14-R Bridge Building & Repair 17.75 / 14-81 1,000.00 / 14 -*4 217.15 YES (V) COUNCILMEN (r) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN __AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT NOV 12 LW -- -- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 APPROVED N0 V u+>�n' 193_ c Y, Mwxoa COUNTERSIGNED BY_.. _ e:A CITY COMPTRILLIR DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL i I IN FAVOR OF TO BARFLISS 9 DATE RETUR BY BANKD TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS FINDLAN P RRANTO I.. lA t NA. lq ti �e� j 1{41 r nl DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO BARFLISS 7 DATE RETUR BY BANKD TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS FINDLAN P RRANTO IN FAVOR BROUGHT FORWARD - AUDITED CLAIMS November_8 PETERSON 1 0 ® ---- ROSEN ) " AGAINST 1 RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THECATV TREASURY TRUAX I 88800 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 34 049 16 . COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGH _ t { TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER -ECL . -b ICE 4F THE Y COMPTROLLER. CHECKS NUMBERED,, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - --.. 88801 General Electric Supply Corp. NUMBER - -��—_ coK vinoL�cn 177 20 22 ?Oj 88802 Price Electric Company V, CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO AL DATE RETUR BY BANKD TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD - 1 0 ® ---- -- 89799 Corning—Donohue, Inc. 1 59 04 8 7o 35 I 88800 Cutler, Mauer Company 88801 General Electric Supply Corp. 177 20 22 88802 Price Electric Company 34 88803 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund 10 51 88804 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 55 00 88805 Mrs. Katherine Seery 55 88 I 88806 Ralph R. Turnblom 25 00 le 88807 John S. Findlan C, of Finance 17 602 68 J. 88808 Norman Carlson 00 88809 James L. McDonnell �5 00 88810 Verne Schulberg 10 6j 00 88811 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 80 88812 American Bulb Company 240 8881 lqm. Bros Boiler & Mfg. Compare 35 0 58814 Detroit Stoker Company 12 50 88815 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 32 67 88816 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 112 08 88817 Glovo Produdts Company 23 52 88818 Inter City Paper Company 65 07 88819 Mays Ice Cream Company 142 459 91 50 88820 Robert Metzger Bldg. Materials 88821 E.A. Moeller Company 8 25 88822 N.T. Pub. Inc. 89 �! 88823 Pioneer Electric Company r 151 47 ! 88824 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 117 176 81 67 88825 Price Electric Company 46 88826 The Toledo Plate Glass Company 152 88827 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 176 396 37 02 88828 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 98829. The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 325 23 00 45 88830 Too. School Petty Cash Rind 88631 Capitaol Stationery M-fg. Company 39 23 88832 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 80 88833 Drovers bfholesale Meats 371 93 99834 John S, Findlan, C, of Finance 16 00 ,98835 John S. Findlanrj C. of Finance 133 455 25 16 88836 John 3. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 88837 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanom 90 00 88838 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 084 00 89839 John q. Findlan, C. of Financl 3 399 20 1 88840 Ca)ital Fnvelope Company i 11 66 66 88841 Arthur Ingvoldstad Lumber Somoany 94 17 88842 Lamplind Lumber Company 33 9C" 88843 National Meter Company I 2 018 72 88844 St.Paul Institute 500 00 88845 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc, 39 55 i ggg46 H.V. Smith & Company 98 01 88847 Supt. of Documents ;� 4 75 88848 Universal Carloadin & Dist.0 99 89949 Villaume Boz & Lumber Company s9s 06 PUBLISHED � � -,'T q1. I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD, 147 555 19 V, s t - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD rrFr F- Su. 1'_'J51u— ❑m(e.ul�'ed, [hxl ilieitk,. lie dru ���n ul1 ��17 .'it}' lrellnn rv. tip lh�� at,�RreKale of iFl1:'1" 1l erinf �'heck� nl li d "850t �.v!1'.9 � I�rr �li ��cl:v � Illc In thr uiHi��of t11e $rl �r�mpl roller. _ 1 h 1.\dun ted ily, the I' Icll \��-. 194 1, \fil�r�i� ed 1'. 1!1A1. ( \`., 15. 19 111 I ii II 11148 358 88111 CITY OF SAINT PAUL F DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL UMBER- FILE NUMBER---- - _ROLL ROLLCALL BARFUSSFINOL N IN FAVOR PARRANTO AUDITED CLAIMS iIMS NQv embB i 10 1 184_ PETERSON f j - ROSEN ./ AGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S(bA2._159 � MR PRES Mc D DNOUGH �V� v/ jj'',_UV CHECKS NUMBERED _—LO � INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— PER CHECKS ON F FF ryry-O AffY C PTROLLER. APP �_ _ - -IB4-_ NUMBER 208 TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS RST BANK URNED ANKD BROUGHT FORWARD 147 555 194711 }(� ® 88850 Mayor John J.'McDonough 88851 Carl Maronde I 10 0011 33 42I 88852 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Financ 11 221 9011 88853 A.J. Crocker 5 00 88854 P►. H. Gilbert 17 00 88855 Miss Huth E. Ham Printing Compy 20 00' 268 231 88856 Johnson 88857 Zeiss Perrie Jones 10 47 88858 Schubert Club 32 7} 88859 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compan 184 9b6; II III ; s t - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD rrFr F- Su. 1'_'J51u— ❑m(e.ul�'ed, [hxl ilieitk,. lie dru ���n ul1 ��17 .'it}' lrellnn rv. tip lh�� at,�RreKale of iFl1:'1" 1l erinf �'heck� nl li d "850t �.v!1'.9 � I�rr �li ��cl:v � Illc In thr uiHi��of t11e $rl �r�mpl roller. _ 1 h 1.\dun ted ily, the I' Icll \��-. 194 1, \fil�r�i� ed 1'. 1!1A1. ( \`., 15. 19 111 I ii II 11148 358 88111 OrlWnel to aty d,,.k �, C. F. N 124511'rdlnance No. 8312-I f . By W !p ant _ ORD IN A-4 COUNCIL FILE ,1#O. o: J, PRESENTED BORDINANCE NO. 2v,42� An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled 'An administrative or- dinance relating to the appointment by City Officials of officers and employee in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various de- partments of city government. This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for public;peace, health and safety, approved September 30. 1937.' This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does SECTION 1. .„i That said ordinance be and the same is hereby amendedAy atriscing out of Section 12 under the subdivision 'Lighting', where it appears therein, the line 115 Street Lamp Workers" and byoinserting in lieu thereof the line 025 Street Lamp Workers'. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. f, NOV 28 1941 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council........................................................ Barfuss Findlan Parranto ------ .......In Favor Rosen Q Rele"Mr------------.....--.--Against Vice resld t t Perc on ) ', P rove . _.. NAVI 2, 61 }` 941 Attest: City Clerk ��p� 500 3�� Mayor �. -41 - PIT 4-1 Original to City Clem u - s• CITY OF SAINT PAUL ..__ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �(N ,� t.,`,q� �S� _ _._ , —__ DATE nt Oj/Em �.Er 12- l 9 COMMISSIONER—�- -- -- �;-- - 41 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby uathorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 t_allons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 72-74 octane, CFR - motor method, from the ATLAS GAS & OIL COMPANY at a price of $ .12182 per gallon, less 1% discount from refinery price, includSng state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Yunicipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists r,here failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 U iC. F. No, 124512—By Fred M. Truax, by Resolved. that the Purchasing Agent be, and hl[hsthe.. y uth. I..d Mnyor! ghneo, w d the Comptroller, ne tank p- "- vvoximatelx 800Q gallons Q•' leaded gasoline. 2-79 o [ane. CFR for method, trom the ATLAS GAS & OIL COMPANY at a price of $.121 a2 per gal- lon, lsc ess 1% dio..[ froe".- Drlce, including state raxm dna state Ineu action, to be spotted o Municipal . E f�ment Bureau npur at Dale St., where atalure to acts promptly would) ork a hardehlp to the beat interests' of the ""' Charge General Fund — Municipal Epufpment-1003-134. Adopted byy�1 the Council Nov. 13, 1941. Approved 941. (Nov�153. 11941.) COUTICILMEII I]eas nails Barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson ReaeTrlr uax lllr. President, McDonough .in Cs ]Daae Adopted by the CouncilNOV 13 IN 1 Approved NOV In Favor .Against Ma A original to CityClark` j.. I `, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. X. ` \IzJ" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM f COF_SFNT ONEp /fit .i. i?n. �/1.4.�.rt.�G n'(''MZt�"�� DATE , RZsoLVZD, that Midtown Motor Sales be given permission to install a drivoway for its garage at 1239 University Ave- nue, in accordance with the plan submitted, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of public Yorks; said permit being subJect to revocation at any time by the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson 4403m,. Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1.41 r C. R No. 124513—By Fred M. Truax, by "uent— Re.olved, that Midtown Motor Sale.- be given permission to Install drive aY for fn nccorde at ence 1239IthUthe er.. Au ,nue, and der the directlonpaed -b it to the satisfaction of the Commla-I stoner of P.1,11. Work.; said permit'. being subject to revocation at any time - by the Council. Adopted by the Council Nov. 13, 1941.1 Approved Nov. 13. 1941. (N.,, 1941.) A ed by the Counc W_13-342-194— MY 13 IN 43421 194_ Y13IN �Q pproved _ 194_ 7 In Favor — or aAgar st CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE, OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration O November 12, 1941 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation CAunsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached application of t;'e Midtown Motor Sales for permit to install a driveway for°' public garage at 1239 University Avenue, with the request that you draw the proper resoll ion granting this request. Y £r Very truly yours, City Clerk I October 24, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application of the Midtown Motor Sales for permit to install a driveway for public garage at 1239 University Avenue. These premises were inspected by Harry N. Wettdrgren, Superintendent of Traffic. You will note from his report, hereto attached, that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Veryu��rs, Commissioner of lic Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY CLINTON A. HACHF.RT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // �ITadmed al P.11;, SJ ly Tenth and Minnesota Streets i G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 24, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application of the Midtown Motor Sales for permit to install a driveway for public garage at 1239 University Avenue. These premises were inspected by Harry N. Wettdrgren, Superintendent of Traffic. You will note from his report, hereto attached, that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Veryu��rs, Commissioner of lic Safety DRIVE SAFELY, ARRIVE SAFELY, RETURN SAFELY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFTHE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 23 1941 Mr. C. A. Hackert Chief of Police Dear Sir This is in reference to application made by the Midtown Sales for permission to install a driveway for public garage at 1239 University Avenue. For your information,l made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that these driveways will materially interfer"- th traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, !.r,y �NW grnrgren Superintend ant of Traffic hnw/f a A ORIGINAL BY CITY OF 6T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made I NAN[ of 1—"I-1... L' 193._ FOR PERMIT TOD INSTALL AND OPERATE A \ �`' X-� ti `�"-1_ y"OPiv OR IN91O aA ["1 �/ 7, AlTOMO IFE FILLING STATION TO 8E LOCATED ON LOT /p�s,..;CBLOCK� / P —ALSO DESCRIBED A6 i L—.N �o NMa[P....I �°""L`v''"�•••KKK--- Iwool,loKl I NO -moi Ptl11 P6 NO O TANKS FILED j' ^[ or wPPLIcwNr. BY BUSFWWS* ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK n 19_ DATE 19_ CI,Y PLANNING BOARD BY � 6 POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. November 1, _ _1941___ You are hereby notified that the Counc'1.I of the City of St. Paul will con-' s:der the matter of application of Midtown Motor Sales for at permission to install two driveways to publicgarage ft. of all Of nd Lots 25,1239 v26sity Ave-, on E5o4 and 27, Block32,SyndicateNo.5aAddition, and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambersof the n the C ty rt House and City Hall Building on November 12 St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlen, ...r.-,..�+ ;:'Commissioner of Finance. File 9375 Ok ry d ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Arch,lecf GEORGE H. HERROLD. E�,;— r s'— y THE BOARD OF ZONING, Estabkhed by Ordinance N.. 5840 July 71h, 1942 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir L October 30th, 1941. In the matter of application of the Midtown Motor Sales for permission to install and operate driveways for their public garage at 1239 University Avenue. This is Light Industrial zoning. The applicants ask for a driveway at each and of their property which has a frontage of 135 ft. on University Ave, - plan enclosed. The driveways are standard 22 ft. on the sidewalk and 35 ft. at the curb line. Their garage building setsback 28 to 38 ft. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Edginear Secretary. gh- anal l.. nn I c. v w) t �• r.. � t it i'- .-. jj € tin r�:il•no.,. - - - .5yvo,.•v>e ,59'W�,{ - .. - - - { _S!`�� : r �r'•lzs� - �i CI'A GC (pt 6• ` '-_�—_��.y:►�►�•—.—� drS.'�+_ �._s.eiaenrra—eaa: -�mr,q ;y�e.- s�yr.�"ry"Y^"�'r'_'W` Dr, VIL \L\1 f iC \•�\ GCNrI:\ �� r ` ..l ',CC Nt eAt:N� ' _L� 3 �.tUNit�f�'�t!I�' ft'��• . �Ll�'.•��C r.N✓KSI__ _ _ e._1AV t Z�Id�1r�a.?L�E Sfi[�slN ST °s:�� Mt.N j % C H 129514--tlydl Orwnsl t, City Geek ' n ORDINA i ;. COUNCIL FILE NO.� PRESENTED BY /LVl �"' ORDINANCE NO. 931-3 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating=to the appointment by City officials.of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended(by inserting in Section 9 thereof in the organization chart of the Commissioner of Finance, immediately following the title "Valuation and Assessment Engineer", the following line: " 1 Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer% Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. s Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan , Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: i City Clerk 500 3-91 Passed by the Council...... W 15 -------------------- ------------------ ---In Favor ------------- D---------- --.Against ApprAved:-_.....--....... � Mayor PUi3LISHED �•�- V_ .,. C. 11 No. 124616—By N. A. Parrnnto-- r Whereas, additloae nd dedactlona Or1�ia.1 to LYtr Cl.rk } hlch might prove to be nec anry 1n th lm rovem ant d^aacrlb�d a• the ^ trb-i - Y CITY OF SAINT ,R ..31. 1, Il• NO. �� `t ) OFFICE OF THE CIT, -)COUNCIL RESOL TION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDDATA COMMISSI0 AREAS, additions and deductions Vhioh might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the curbing of Josephine Place from Bayard Avenue t Eleanor Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L.42651 Pederson Bros. Co, contractors, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, or for agreed prices, and WH6SBAMI it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductioner ADDITIONS 6.0 lin.ft. of standard radius. curb ® $0.65 3.90 DEDUCTIONS• 19.5 lin.ft. of straight curb ® .60 10-50 TOTAL NET DEDUCTION 6.60, and a IRREASO the net deduction ie $6.60; now, therefore, be it .RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its 9ity Council approve the fora going deduction made in accordance with the spe ifications therefor in the sum of $6.60, said sum to be deducted from the lump am consideration named in the contract, knowh as Comptroller's Contract L.42650 for the making of the above improvement. •The,Commieeioner of Public Works has agreed with the contra tor, Pederson Bros. Co., that the sum of $6.60 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. Couuy9>�ignedr _ _ o. Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays, PEDERSON Adopted bye the Council NOV 194__ s NOV 1, 3 1941 Fi ndla ISndlan Ln � Approved 194_ Parranto Peterson Favor yor ROMP (� :: y Truax Aga j— I y Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISHED am 1.41 y L. b'. No. 1'1!SIR._By W. A. Pnrrnnto— Whera + and 0,".In original b City Clarkhicl- ,..: .S/ili the BVI. ` FILENCIL NO. �4 OFFICE�OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LOTION -GENERAL FORM 1 COMMISSION Y DATE Wff,11BAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the curbing of Hoyt Avenus from Chatsworth Strest' to Oxford ,Street, known as Comptroller's Contract L.4289, Pederson Bros. Co., contractors, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein,'or for agreed prices, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions and deductions% ADDITIONSt 9.2 lin.ft. of radius concrete curb ® #0.70 6.44 DEDUCTIONS& 4.9 lin.ft. of straight cone. curb ® .65 1.19 NET ADDITION 3.25 Removing tree from roadway area on the Northeast oorner of Oxford St. A Hoyt.,J�venus- (lump sum) 10.00 TOTAL ADDITION $13.25, and WHEREAS, the net addition is $13.253 now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the fore- going addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $13.25, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the X ..,'kcontrjaot known as Comptroller's Contract L-4289, for the making of the above improvements. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, Pederson Bros. Co., that the sum of $13.25 is the correct amount 4o be added 1 to the above contract. Counters gne" PEDERSON S. CO. _ By m'r.Pub.W COUNCILMEN op y the Council 194— Yeas Nays y Barfues NOV 13 M1 Findlan poroved 194— �arranto , Fa In vor�'�" Peterson ayo / 1 Resoa- ( Truax AgalII9 , i_ �i- 11 / Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISHED Orlyln.l to City Cleh CITY OF SAINT PAWL COUNCIL .. 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILC NO. - - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION. --GENERAL FORM CorE.$nilssONEa____-___ -_ .__ _. november 8, 1941 DATE_ Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards the contract for 11 Standard 1942 Model Ford Tudor Sedans required for the Bureau of Police, to the OW7,!S MOTOR SaLFS, I::C., in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 605-A of said Owens Motor Sales, Inc. at a price of $10,219.66, 1-ess an allowance of $3,850.00 for 11 Chevrolet 1939 Tudors to be taken in trade, making total amount of contract $6,369.66, such bid being the lowest bid and said Owens Motor Sales, Inc. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and ti:e CorT:-oration Counsel be and hereby is directed eo draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereLy are authorized to execute said contract on behalf oP the City of Saint Paul. 'F. B. #605-A C. F. Ni. 124517—By (3. H. Barium — C0UTICILMEn yeas Tlays turf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson R'" . Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm n -m cs mns. al----, ry m rdanoe with avroiticatico ns therefor hereto at- tached and the Formal Bid No. 605-A of slid Owen, Motor Sale., Inc., at a price of $10,219.66, less' an allowance of $3,850.00 for 11 Chevrolet 1939 Tudors to betaken in trade, king total unI of contract $6,369.66, much bldg being the lowest bid and said Owen. Motor Sales, Inc. being the lowest r IlabIs n d r nand' bidder, old the directed lto draw t�crsel be and hereby la form f contract therefor, t andthetheerproper City otHclal, hereby ¢ e an the rized to execute ,aid contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F. B. No. 605-A. Adopted byy the Council Nov. 13, 1941. --. t Ap p raved N v. 13, 1941. L (Nov. 15, 1941.) Adopted by the Counmov 11 1" 194_ - Approved_ 194 _Ip Favor ' - -- -'- -.- _.-_----may .Against' I C. F. N.. 124618— Petition G-219 Ab ..... Wh ......mnking of . —hu the fol,.— w,h 4% and urfa­ the' -11-y- Council File No ................ '­ '-,Igh I & 2 'PR0P0.1,,Lz--aT1= llama W�IiROVEMEHT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ............ of Block 12, Ma-eaterPark from Wheeler street to Fairview Avenue, and from .... Sargent -Aveaue..to - tke -Eaet-,and- -West -Allers ...Alan • construct - -a- sewer- in- tITe;A1lUr'fr0m a point 137 feet east of Fairview Avenue to the sewer in Fairview Aven.u.e. ............. ................................................................... I ........................................ ................................................................................................................... Dated this........day of ........... N97mtbe5, ............ P ......... 194.1... ....................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Grade and surface the �4.6 ............. of Block 12, Macaleater park•from Wheeler Street to Fairview Avenue, and from Sargent. ,LVenue..to..the..Zai�t. aud-West- -.4110Y.- -- Also -0eRetewt. -a. -se"2- -in -the -Alley from a point 137 feet east of Fairview Avenue to the sewer -in Fairvi.ew..Ayenue n .... .. .. ....... ........................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ryecessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoiNOVng matters941 to the Commissioner of Finance. "dp,ed by the Council ...................1..3 1 - t.'........................... YEAS NAYS RM, 11, 3 111W Councilman BARFUSS Approved...........[............i FINDLAN PARRANTO 1,0 PETERSON C) r__ .......... .. .... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 7.41 Petition • Council File No. ..if2l`.. ?' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A , I (1. R. No. 124619— j „ and r �A1..ai ..� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: ...........4wcbi ng .Melgcali a 9vemla . Yram AyDxesa. Stxeat.. to . ] oxeat. Sts.. ........................ ........................................................................................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... .................................................................................................................... Novemb er ��1194 Dated this... 12th day of ....................................... ........... ._....... �.......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: 7 Curbi M olio Avenue from resa Street, t..Foreat Street,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..................n.............................R....Q. ...........:.................................................................................I................... .............................................................p........................... ...................... ....... ..... . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate th4necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To �Port upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ NOV 131941 - " Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS OVA 3 111 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... `T { FINDLAN Ifi(,J` PARRANTO PETERSON (CJS zzmy . . . ...... ...... - TRUAX M or. MR. PRESIDENT 1M 7.41 PUBLISHED I /— / Petition y I �,r w Council File No.. 124,"')... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 124520— . and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Conetrllet, a, sewer, on, Pascal, $treat from E] eanor Agenue to Bayard Avenue,,,, ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Dated this ... l2th..... day of .............. NovTber......1941..... �................... Y/r/ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: G4A@.t?4Rt.a..§ePe�.QR.P.Be.Q.rSt.��et,from_�leaA4r.!�Qer}Ll@.t9. gze-r.4. .........................................................................' ............... ................................................. .e.............. ................... ... ........ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint ....:.......:.........:.........may.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wor ,be an e y ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated ost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im ovement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is ed for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to a Commissionergof Finance. NOV 131841 Adopted by the Council ....................................'........... YEAS NAYS 1 , 1+: Councilman BARFUSS Approved .................... . ......................... FINDLAN n PARRANTO ' PETERSON O ...........,i'' .......................... TRUAX Ma r. MR. PRESIDENT W 741 0 9 J PUBLISMD 9 C Council File ,.124'521 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - C. F. No. 124621— J Abstract 8AV Yang of the followingopopIIt, P�. "'1 vis.: r PRELIMINARY ORDER In th d nn�ng and of t' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improve wi by the City of Saint Paul, viz: ................Ronaemming, and, taking,an, eae4mtent,.in, t}1e.1�t14..i>avQQ�s. �PT..,7Qres:,..cute.. and,fillq in,the �radiag,,and,,stirfacing,of,the.e?�QSa..A.$ Wright ..&.... Williams, Rea7rran�ement„of, Block, l2,,, ,Macaleater, dal k , oX. ydl}99 g�, �tF.Q> it........ ........... t9.. airyi ew, Avenue ,apd..�F4m. $ 3e�t .lIYe�RQ..tR at e .F.§dti.=431PSt.......... Dated this...............day of............................. 194....�<ou—n* cilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ..................................................................................... and fills in the grading and atlrfacinp of the a1143ye in, Block, 1,,,V7r�ght,�y,,,,, VdiJliavl9.B13e=gMent..of.Faack.l2,.AecAl.ester Pax1r.Xz m. Wheeler..Streat........ a tR. a TF<Sri.AYe.4q9..qA?..`kQA.olvzmt.Axonw.to.. the. .Eaet.UW—R.eat.Alley ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓” Adopted by the Council.......... �O .� '� ................... YEAS NAYS r. %e gm Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... N PARKA ARRANTO Qi PETERSON {f43yEIr.................................... ..... TRUAX Ma r. MR. PRESIDENT Ini 7.41 L PUBLISEL-D /-/ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL 88861 Dr. Orville R. Milstein ewarees 44 00 FINDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO .P...I.J@I[ 8886 Alex Roach AGAINST 8 00 �p �R�OSSEEN�j(��p� PTO ED BYME CION jI L':4V. ^ A PPgOVEd - _ _ __184. , • i C. F. No. 121522— drn �� n liesoly ed, that ,' at'[ COUNCIL OFFICthe cllY I �y'� - I FILE NUMBER— AUDITED UMBER AUDITED CLAIMS November 1_ RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAW�N(jf�A��jNj T(H�E(y� CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f—L} COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED CINCLUSIV E.AS PER CHECKS ON L OF y�E CITY fpCLUS11 LER_ _!�tT.O _�C///Iti—fil c%�nrnoLL[n U 1 TO A L DATE 11 CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURN BY BANKED N/ NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD X148 358 88 88860 Loui s Mastoddi //5 16 88861 Dr. Orville R. Milstein 44 00 88862 T. Frank McGuirk 50 00 8886 Alex Roach 8 00 8886 Samuel Nemer 32 00 88865 Percy R. Miller 100 00 24 54 88866 McKesson Robbins Company 88867 Melady Paper Company 3 25 88868 "hrist Meckelsen 87 73 88869 Minnesota Book Store 7 09 88870 Minnesota Historical Society 3 00 23 76 18871 Minnesota Ice Company 88872 Model Laundry Company 17 28 88873 National Parent-Teacher Magazine 1 00I 88874 IQev Method Book Bindery, Inc. 182. 95 88875lAortjhern States Power Company �� 341 29 28 88876 Iorthern States Ppwer Company I 121 88877 N.R.'Fuel Company 96 88878 N.W. Pub. Inc. 10 50, 88879 Pacific N.W. Library Assoc. 1 00 47 56' 88880 M.F. Patterson Dental Supply 88881 Philharmonic Symphony Soc. of ompany N.Y. it 5 00 88882 Progressilw*: Edue. Assoc. 8 00 43 88883 Purity Baking Company 78 88884 Steel Reiser 5 50 88885 N.H. Roberts 3 7 88886 Rochester Germicide Company 58 03 88887 Walter Romig & Company 1080 99333 88888 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 98 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 88890 St.Paul Milk Company 28 17 9g891 St.Paul Saw & Knife Company 9 21 88R99 2 St.Paul Stamp Works 13 30 8889 St.Paul Structural Steel Comp y l9 75 � 88894 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 88895 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 95 2 98896 School Products Bureau 1 17 88897 Schulz Food Market 5 19 01� 88898 L.W. Singer Company Standard Company 55 11 65 98899 011 88900 0.14 Steehertand Company 9 07 88901 Twin City Bag Mfg. Company 97 50 98902 T'vin City Textile Mills 5 00 89903 University of N.C. Library 50 88904 Valley Iron Works 59 801 1j6 251 88905 Victory Printing Company 88906 Washington Foundry Company 40 001 4 88907 Harold B. !febb 00 88909 Westlundfs Market 1 3 88 98909 H.W. Wilson Company �i 60 77 i ll� :SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ,150 522 94I 01I W C. F. No. 12'"2—A G. H. P, e -� . John S. F'n �. A. Pn• .ou1 Origi..i to, city Omit CITY OF SAItJit PAtI�. COUNCIL 1L(d �1 jFJI� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. — CIL CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV / ..�/ November 14 19419 COMMISSION R DATE REGOL9ED: That licenses applied f4i'by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted: lag " H. T. Edlund 1200 Forest St. Confectionery App.0499 Renewal Albert Linek 691 Selby Ave. Restaurant$ i± 0536 Cres Bros. 304-6 Rice St. Grocery n 1059 " Abe Bernick 197 E. Indiana Grocery N 1210 N n n fl n Off Sale Malt N 1211 " Jack Batush N N Phillip Mael N N N u J. J. Gleason 0 James B. IAMOnt N a Sam Carbone Eugene J. Goyette 0. J. Crocker Felice Bacigalupo C. B. St. John Hugo Schuh Nick Ballas N N N n James M. Cooley COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax Mice Pre=i rrr R-t—s-0 JM I-41 256 E.Pairfield n N 255 E. 7th St. N R N N 13k E. 6th St. 1215 Arcade St. N N 369 E. 7th St. 1400 White Bear 30B Rice St. 423 Fry St. 190 E. Kellogg Blvd.' 254 S. Cleveland 195 E. 7th St. p fl N N ' 1042 E. 7th St. �In Favor —__Against Confectioneay N lag " Pool Tables " 1219 " Restaurant n 1363 n On Sale Malt 1304 Off Sale Malt N 1365 " Grocery N 1432 " Grocery " 1525 n Off Sale Malt N 1526 " Grocery N 1527 N Batcher r If 1910 N Grocery " 1814 N Grocery " 1935 N Restaurant " ig40 n Bakery, " 1959 " Restaurant N 1g64 N On Sale Malt N 1965 " Off Sale Malt " 1966 " Barber N lgg9 N Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194_ Mayor oritin.l •t. Cltr Clvk CITY OF SAINT PAUL couenu� NO. r �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER, DATE e ..3 —2— Oriental Cafe Inc. 419 Wabasba St. n a n n Herbert W. Pearson 1169 N. Snelling Jos. N. Barthel 649 Selby Ave. Lacy E. Tambornino X306 Rice St. Harry N. Strenglis 460 St. Peter COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen . Truax i b �1 Mr. Vice President (Peterson) 6 Tn Favor —� Against Tavern App. 1891 Renewal Dance Hall_ " 1592 a Gas Statim " 1593 n Foodstuff(MMStore) n 1903 n Barber " 1910 n Restaurant n 1912 n On Sale Melt " 191 " Off tale Malt " 191 n c:1 Adopted by the Council NOV 14 $41 194— A 1. 4 1941 Approved 194— PUBLISHED i —P- "' All erlomd toeCltrk 9 r• 2CITY OF SAINT PAUL F°EN"`NO. 7L jFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTION -GENERAL FbRM DATE NovMbQ 111 1gkL RESOLVED; 'fit license for,Restearant,application 1750, on Sale Malt Beverage, application _1751, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1752, applie$ for by Ernest Lawrenz a at 506 s. Smith Ave. be and the same are hereby granted. New, . Informally approved by Council, Nov. 4, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN _ Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto p4tepson— Rosen Truax Me Vice President (Peterson) AM 1-41 C. F. No. 124524—By G. H.- Tlarfuss— dobn S. Findlan—W. A. Palmate— Resolved, that license for Restaurant. uDplie.ti.n 1750, On Sale Malt Bever- ge, application 1751, n d OK Sale Malt; Beverage, ppllcatlon 1752, Pl led by for e Esame are ly r.rt d. rnest wrenz at 506 Ave. band the ,,,.b New. Informally approvedbl ('oun- el1. Nov. 4. 1941. Ollocation. on. ted by oved Nov.the 1421941t1 Nov. 14, 1941. (Nov. 22, 1941) Adopted by the Council RQ 1 jq4 t 94— i �pproved NOV 9`° p1 194— Tn Favor,,; _ May r OAgainst C. F. No. 12e526—Ey W. A. Porranto—% Resolved, that the Counell hereby ep- prover the wad of the Purohoeing OrlplseltoCity Clerk Comee mitttherefor, and hereby J- arde - the con tract for furnlehing the Nater CITY Depatment Ith soo mna r .LIaX COHNC'L NO. J: Ae. Sul hate to the N- , OFFICE bF THE CWY CL&, �fl MYnxv, , COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED !IX -- DATE November 8,_1_941 COMMISSIONER— -�-- - -- ------_----' esolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, acid hereby awards the contract for furnishing the Water Department with 800 tons of Ajax grade Alumipum Sulphate to the GENERAL CHEEICAL CCMPANY, in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 609 of said General Chemical Company, for the contract price of approximately $20,480.00, in bulk, carload lots, freight allowed to St. Paul, under their alternate bid and contract form attached thereto, such bid beinC the lowest bid and said General Chemical Company beint the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.L. 111609 Contract based on present tariff rate of frejght_and subject to a corresponding- increase or decrease in freight rate; price also subject to change on 30 days' written notice, and contract to be made on bidder's contract form submitted with bid. COnnCILMEn Adopted brI the Council --NOV A 4_1941194 Ileas nails 5arf uss 1.... i94 Findlan Approved 1�Y� l __�'_'T'_. Parranto�ji In FavorI%,__-__ – a9 or — Rosen Truax Against .11 ae `m .in a-ao WA.— Fresidenr (Pat4rn , Yll$L1SIiL� gyA. Pnrirn nrnn� Oridn.l t. CI cI.k ,:.59 a . L 4 � CITY Oi,,4INT PAUL ""'C'OUNCIL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BNovember 14, 1941 COMMISSIONE DATE, v RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses Stated F � be and the same are hereby granted: Virginia Saniti 918 E. 7th St. (1) Music Machine App.1428 New Harry Robertson 1784 E. whaba (1), " ^ It 1698 " Carl Fink 597 Broadway (1) ^ ° ^ " 1713 " Frank J. Hanzal Jr. 725 W. 7th St. (1) " n n 1716 n Anthony Plnmbo 562 Wabasha St. (1) " ° ^ 1723 ^ Agnes Loberg 1240 Margaret (1) ^, " ^ 1728 ° Ernest J. Altman 741 Cherokee (1) " ^ ^ 1765 " Hazel Sbnbert 1167 W. 7th St. (1) ^ ° ^ 1766 ° Peter LaNasa 553 Ja son St. (1) ^ n 1772 ^ Walter Nelson 1180 E. St. (1) ^ ° ^ 1773 " Kirch & Gillis 1601 IIniver (1) " " ° 1807 ^ Ella L. Lewis 573 W. 7th t (1) " ° . " 1952 ^ Thos. E. Dahill _ 571-3 Ja s n St. (1) " n " 1880 " Millard Bruder 1518 E St. (4) ^ ° " 1703 n Paul Atkinson 614 m Milton (7') ^ ^ " 1819 ^ Fred C. Oohs 969 Delaware (10) ° ° " 1739 " Frederic J. Eichinger 1943 Bayard Ave. (17) " " ^ 1850 N COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas Findlan P }} Peterson n Rosen \ Truax "'L Mr. President, McDonough AM t -U NOV 14 1941 Adopted by the Council 194— Approved 194— . n Favor II P May r CjAgainst PUBLISHED 1 i Oriflnal to CI .. Clok - " r.�� . CITY -OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 � , ° November 14, 1941. COMMESSIONE � DATE RESOLVEnt That 1 eases applied for by the 'following persona at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby gr 1624 Rice St. Gies Station App.1475 New Old Loca. Erwin Rossow _ Oscar Swoboda Inc. 678 University Ave. AWtionery ^ 1563 ^ New ^ Mrs. Marguerite Reinsberg 933 Cash St. po datuff milk Store) ^ 1610 ^ New ^ Court Drug Store 39 W Fourth St. Confectionery ^ 1855 ^ Old ^ Gerald R. Ceror 56 E. 4th St. Cas Station ^ 1g57 a Old ^ Carl Johnson 2327 Charles St. Restaurant ■ lg63 ^ Old ^ Clarence E. Wolfe 604 Jackson St. Barber ^ 1900 ^ Old ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen 14uax Mr. President, McDonough 1M 1-41 C. 'F. No. 124627—ggyy G. H. Barfuas— ]ohn S. Findlan—W. A. Parranto— R.D..Iveda that licenaea applied for by to¢th lar ¢solutloned dbeAAnde inet sAtme¢ 4r¢ hereby granted, and the City Clerk is thetrpue Ito laeue .th Ilcensee upon th¢ squired fInto the city trenaury of Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1941. Approved Nov. 14, 1941. (Nov. 22, 194 1) NOV 141941 Adopted by the Council 114_ ApprovedmQV 4 '194— n 94—n Favor Ma r —0 --Against L.. I p erlffin.i to City Clnk w FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE Aevember 11i 7Ghl COMM ISSIONE — licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated BESCLVED: That be and the same are hereby granted= V.L.A. Bmrton 875 E. Mfhaba (1) Pinball Machine App.16BU New Edmund E. Sharpe 1558 St. Clair (1) a " a 1701 a Anthony Plumbo 62 abashes St. 5 W (1) a a a 1722 a Paul Atkinson 614 H. Milton (7) a a a 1817 " Wm.J. 81 Jas. E. OlGrady 241 E. Kellogg (1) a a a 1816 " Margaret Hanson 2145 University (2) " " " X659 " Kirch & Gillis 1601 University 0) a a " lso6 a Millard Bruder 1518 E. 7th St. (6) " " " 1702 a0 Fred C. Grohs 969"Delaware (13) 178 " Fred C. Grohs " " (l) n n 17110 a Ella A. Lewis 573 W. 7th St. (1) n n n 1851 a 1. . Frederick J. Eichinger 1943 Bayard Ave. (35) - C. F. No. 124628—Ry G. H. Rarfuss John S. Findlan—W. A. Portento— Resolved, that Remo,— Rpppllcd for b)• the I1M persons named on the attached to this r aolutian be aritl the same Instruct datoelssueds uc}i Bien Clerks In the payment into the city treasury o[' the r tiulredyyfee.. Adopted Nthe 4p11194l Nov. 14, 1941. INov. 21, 1941) 5 1) d COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan (1� j Parranto /Peterson Rosen Trnax I 1 � 1L. President, McDonough .1M 1-41, % - Adopted by the Council NOV 14'041 194— Approved NOV 194— nFavor ayor I C. F. No. 124529— l.. s In. the.Matter of chxnSing the Srade ,P. ` of De9oto-Street from Bray -d Avenue19 to tfie north line of Ivyn.,. a�ito em • form he red line on t : , �- `Fd xnd 0 COUNCIL FILE N0._ ------ ...___-____ By------------------- ------------------------- e .5 O In the Matter of_____DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the _north line of_Iyy Avex�ge,_to._oonfor�_to the red _line_on_the-_profile_.hereto attaoed h .__and_ in, ds._a—Par-t_here-of,—the_.present--- aBtabliahed__grada__being__$hQsu by_a_blue_lins____ _the__reoa. _Aleo_grading_ _ oto Street from_Brainerd A_v_enue_to__the_northline-_of- Ivy-; under Preliminary Order____123323------------------------- approved Intermediary Order ------------------------------------------approved ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommeuHations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the , extent and I same are and th " Council h0reb orders said improver}nent to be Tilade. SOLVE "FU ER, That -the Commissioner o;1 Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to p are p ans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for app oval; at upon laid approval, the�rope city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed the making of -said im rovement i accordance therewith. 1V�OV 18 19W Adopted by the Council ----------------------------- ------ -------- - 192 -------- NOV 18 1941 File 9362 Councilma JJJJ11J 110 Bermes Councilmal ndlan Councilmarft&&n Parranto CouncilmaTWUgGimmam Peterson CouncilmarWfiudhaimmm Rosen Councilmaragimmdomm Truax Mayor WORDMcDonough Form B. S. A. 8-7 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) a In the matter of changing the grade of DeSoto St, from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of IIvy Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading DeSoto St. from°,Brainerd Ave. to the north line of Ivy Ave, under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1941 To the Council of the -City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tgtal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 3.225.88 / front Th estimated cost perXoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Bldg. That tract bounded on the E. by DeSoto St.; on the S. by Brainerd Ave.; on the N. and W. ,by Lots 7 and 14, J. W.Bass Acre Lots, being shown as "School" on plat of J. W. Bass Acre Lots $950 $650 Commencing at the NE corner of Lot 14; thence S. on East line of Lot 14, 72 ft. more or less to North line of that piece known as School Lot, described in 94 of Deeds, page 229; thence West 92 £t. more or lass to NW corner of said School Lot; thence N. 72 ft. to N. line of Lot 14; thence E. 92 ft. more or less to beginning; part of 14 J. W. Bass Acre Lots 350 23 and 22 do 1500 1500 S. 125 ft. of 30 do 950 6000 (Except South 125 ft.) 30, and all 31 do xz>roreox 1300 4600 Form B. B. 10 Ql - CITY OF'%T. PAUL , DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRJPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan1/ALUATIONBIdaB. 1 1 Jaggard's Addition 5440 2 1 do 50 3 1 do 60 4 1 do 100 20 3 Stone h Morton's 2nd Add. 400 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 300 $1200 23 3 do 350 1600 24 3 do 350 25 3 do 350 1700 86 3 do 350 1150 27 3 do 360 950 28 3 do r 360 29 3 do 350 1900. 30 3 do 350 31 3 do 360 S8 3 do 350 1650 33 3 do 350 34 3 do 350 35 3 do 350 300 3 60 200 36 3 do 17 2 do 350 350 Total $11,350 $23,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has instigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. c i Dated October 21 19 41 �y ,`_� Finance. Commissioner of Form B. B. 12 �St. Paul, Minn............ 193. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen': q r= We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Z 7,— ......St. Ave. From St. Ave. to . ...... — ............ St. Ave— • NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -00, 2 Jkdk "Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 0 Report to, Commissioner of Finands October 4, 1941 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -12332_1 ---approved Xuly 9, 191.1, relative to changing the grade and grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line -of Ivy Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3.225.8 oat p r !M4et foot $2.01 $ and the tota�cos t ereof is $ Inspection $59.48 Engineering $192.48 Frontage 1,604. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Am Aml�P -3 Commissioner of Public Works. 0, rDF.pT AWN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBHC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER D ONALD'F. VOIGT. 0.1-1 COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. . REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER BUREAU OF SANITATION W.". COCKROFT. SUPT. .FRED DRIVER, SUPT. O"... BUREAU OF BRIOGE. G. H. HERROLD September 30, 1941 M. S. GRYTBAK. ENOINeER CNiEF ENGR. CLERK BUREAUOF CORReOTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. ® Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: In the mater of changing the grade and grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 123323 approved July 9, 1941. Estimated Cost $ 3,225.88 Cost per front foot 2.01 Inspection 59.48 Engineering 192.4.2 Frontage 1,604 ft- W 4 Y7Chie truly, . SHEPARD ngineer Appro4ed for transmiss n to: a Commissioner o Finance L MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works r� • Ic - COUNCI FILE NO.Sj�6 . BY DEIN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS d Fr In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue under Preliminary Order 123324 approved July 9, 1941 Intermediary Order 124327 approved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul _ha --oh,— 6 i G7.a.nd ing andel taking an eas*ent in the I -and necessary for / slopes, fi11A in the grading of DeSoto trset from Bramd Avenue i to thenorthline of Ivy Ave`tue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands of easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and ndemned fort urpose of making said improvements, viz.: For pes, cuts fills in the pt ding of DeSoto Styeet from i BrainerdZhe e the north a of Ivy Avenue; to the extent sboft on the plan on file office of a Commi.ssioOej Sf Public Works / g C RESOLV FUR That th om'ml ioner o ublic orks b n ereby i str pled nd di. rected to prepare lane nd sp ificati s for said i ro me t, and t e p per city o als re he author - and directed t oceed wit the aking of said provementin a rdance therewt Adopted by the Council -k NOV 18 1941, 19_ Approved A 9 1946— 19_ Mayo Councilmen - Barfuss a°a Findlan PUBLISHED 1f�__ Parranto Peterson All orders in the above " r ba nrd fin Ramo are hereby cancelled, annulled, Rosen and rescinded and ell prc_e�ciooa is s_iJ r,_itcr ba diacontmued. Truax Mr. President 500 149 ,$ CITY OF ST. PAUL L+� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Aj �• In the matter ofcondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of DeSoto St. from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Ivy Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissionerof Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is, g ?5 00 The total estimated >®snclm f°� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as,last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK That tract bounded on the E. by DeSoto St.1 on the S. by Brainerd Ave.; on the N. and W. by Lots 7 and 19, J. `".Base Acre Lots, being shown as "School" on plat of J. W. oBass Acre Lots Commencing at the NE corner of Lot 140 thence S. on Eaut line of Lot 14, 72 ft.. more or lees to North line of that pieces known as School Lot, described in 94 of Deeds, page 229; thence 7+est 92 ft. more or less to NW corner of said School Lot; thence N. 72 ft. to N. line of Lot 14; thence E. 92 ft. more or lees to ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. beginning; part of 14 J. 71. Bass Acre Lots 23 and 22 do S. 125 ft. of 30 do (Except South 125 ft.) 30, and all 31 do Form B. B. 10 ° 0950 $650 350 1500 1500 950 6000 1300 4600 • CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ,ADDITION yyASSESSED L.nQ ALUATIONBld g.u 1 1 Jaggard's Addition $ 50 2 1 do 50 3 1 do 50 4 1 do 100 20 3 Stone & Morton's 2nd Add. 400 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 300 $1200 23 3 do 350 1600 24 3 do 350 25 3 do 350 1700, 26 3 do 350 1150 27 3 do 350 950 28 3 do 350 29 3 do 350 1900 30 3 do 350 31 3 do 350 32 3 do 350 1650 ' l 33 3 do 350 34 3 do 350 35 3 do 350 300 36 3 do 350 200 Total $11,000 $23,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Oetober 21 19 41 e, L;t c%CJ S Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. a t. hil Desoto st �iioinertaif've f I y S�. Giod o z �f!°2B2 ©+ Ind,cates Cut. Indicates Fill. 9picnl Notation +2 Fiyur.n a6ore line al+ow Cut or Fill at property line. II F g- below 1— show distance to which slopes I. extend beyond property line. Loc. Book No.aa?_ X -Sec. Bk No 17!9..1 x DE 50To 5T. C3ratnard Ave. Ivy 5t. Z _Sc,a ly I"- IGO STONE 8� M0R`F0N'5 2^Lc' ADD. 19 I, l8 17 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 27 28 Z7 26 25 24 23 22 6 66 11 19 i r !F no Fr fr no fsx z� �i r Fe. - H 20 41 r ry N `v C, r P St. N.., I Lot 3B' 39' 3! 30 23 2Z / 'I2 3 4 14 ---7_ _ TA GGA RDS J. W. 13 A 55,. J. W. D A 5 5 A C R E LOTS ADD. ACRE LOTS -Office'd the Commissioner of Public, Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 4. 1941 _19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -1233 -24 ---approved Tule 9. 19 41 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts and 'fills in the grading of De Soto Street from Brainerd Avenue to the north line of Iw gtremih. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. j' 2 Ili R Commissioner of Public Works. s 71941 Of ,� . • fj rI j u�� Orisinal to Ci tr Clark - CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE CIL NO 12 .5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED PATE Nov. 18, 1945. COMMISSIONE IMSOh s That license for On sale Malt Beverage, application 1986, and Restaurant, application 19ST- applied for :.y Oast Johnson at 818 rauquier Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. W. No. 1225 1 —1Tohn SI1l i33dlanys Resolved, that Ileene@ Por On S ad Malt Reveruge, ""iteation 1986, t Restaurant, ' pplleation 198 i, nDplied I— by Gust Johnson nt 818Fauquler Avenue, be and the Na., are hereby ,,N,-. lnlormally approved b}' Cono- l, Nov. 13, 1941. Oloun glltNo '. 18, Adopted by the 0 1941. ��. Apprn led Nov. 18, 1941. (Nov. 22, 1941) — NOV 18 1941 Cou OILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas / Nays u88 a NOV 81941 �F`irldian pprove 194—. tet' rant n Favor iPeterson or 1Zn A gainat President, McDonough 3M 1.41 New, Informally approved by Council, Nov. X13, 1941, Old Location. a — NOV 18 1941 Cou OILMEN Adopted by the Council 194— Yeas / Nays u88 a NOV 81941 �F`irldian pprove 194—. tet' rant n Favor iPeterson or 1Zn A gainat President, McDonough 3M 1.41 1 � CITY.OF SAINT PAULCGL Le 1NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED Y � �'v� November 18. 1941• COMMISSION _ DAA HHSmvnt That license for Restaurant, application 1978. On Sale Malt Beverage. application 1979+ and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 1980. applied for by Joseph P. Gagliardi at 455 Collins St. be and the same are heretr ra granted. I _ ('. 1'. No. 124632—ny G. H. Hnr[Use— W Parrnnto—Sohn i. s. Findlan— license for Restaurant, apPltcul[Ioln 197tha8, ge, appllcntlon 19070, Sad O7C St le Malt 13everage, pplicatlon lUNO, o..�)led Por be Joseph P. Gagliardi t, 466 Collins St- he ind the t. - same re hereby grunted. No— New. Informally Pent o by Goun- c' cil, Nov. 13, 1941. Old location. Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1941. Approved Nov. 18, 1941. (Nov. 22, 1941) d — _ New. Informally approved by Council. Nov. 13, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a�s ,:inan arn nto Peterson .,taxen a 1Yux ,Mr. President, McDonough ..^,M 1.41 Adopted by the Counc#0V 18'"4 194— roved V g 194 194_ In Fav 4 Againa May 61, Oricinal t. C Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. Q a1NCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM FJ� coM l sS o e DATE $�veaber 16. 1941- RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant. application 1935. On Ssle Malt Beverage, b application 1939. and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 1940, applied for by Gilbert L. Becker at 261 W. University Ave. be and the same are i hereby granted. (, W. A Pa-anto—Jon n'S. Findian-y - - ' Resolved, that Ileenee for Restaurant, `npplie.atlon 1938, On Sale Mnit Bever - Be, application 1939, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, pPlloatlon 1949, applied for by Gilbert L Becker nt 261 W. Unlver- slty Ave. be and the s,me are hereb granted. New. informally approved by Coun- 6, - ellAcopled Eby the ClounoiltN.V. 18, 1941. - Approved Nov. 18, ' 94i (Nov. 22, 1941) .-./ New, v Informally #pproved by Council. Nov. 13. 19419 Old Location. NOV 18j COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council i94— Yeas Nays Barfuss U .Y "Andlan pproved 194— Parranto Peterson )r Rosen Truax 1ruax gainst Mr. President, McDonough Origllml t, CI ark CITY OF SAINT PAUL FgUENCIL NO r C9' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �— COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y - DATE 71 Nov, lg. 1941 _ COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That license for Restenrant, application 1953, On Sale Malt Beverage, applioation 1934. and Off Sale Melt Beverage, application 1935, applied for by Mrs. Joseph A. Piquette at the Armory, 399 Exchange §t., be and the same are hereby granted, Nes. Informally approved by council. Nov. 13, 1941, Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yeas �' Nays /Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 31 1-41 I('. F. No. 129684—HS' O. H. Harfuss— Parranto— Reaolved, [hat license °or R taurant, applicatlon 1933, On Sale Malt B --r- .133, On application 1934, and OH Sale dMfor He verage, applicatlon 1936, app mu Mrs. Joseph gePinuyetand the entnre .1.hereby granted. St' New. Informally pgroved by Coun- cil, Nov13, 1941. Old location. ApppiedNthe e Council Nov. 13, 1941. IN -22, 1991) Adopted by the Council NOV 18 194194_ Approves NOV 18 IN 194— n Fav - - � ayor =against orlAt—I t9 city Clerk ,. D CITY,OF SAINT PAUL COEH°��, NO, - o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE_ f oyember 18. 1941 COMMISSIONER-.-- - _-"_-- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is he authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Ylayor and the -Comptroller, apYroximately 989 pounds Tool Steel required for Vocational National Defense, from the COLUMBIA TOOL STEEL CO. on informal bids, without advertisement, at a cost of apr'roximately $675.01, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Public Schools- National Defense Program- 1000 C. F. No. 124635—BY Axel"IM ece on Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- Ichase, with the consent oY the Mnyor and the Comptroller, ape roximately 989 e paoundson0.l of Tool 6teel 4ulred for Vo- tiall onal Defense. from the COLUMBIA TOOL STEEL CO. on in- [orMfl1blds, Ithout dvertiaement, at. a cont of approx lma Lely 5876.01, eI,cy exists where failure to a t promptly 'ould w rk a bards hip to �.. { the be interests f the C1tyy. Charge Public Schools—National De[ense Pro-' ( gram -1000. 1941.? h Adopted by the Council Nov.. 18, ,Approved N v. 18, 1941.— — (Nov. 2-. 1941) .i NOV 18 1941 counciLmEn Adopted by the Council__ _ __-_-__ 194_ Deas Ilays 13 rjussi!` Approved -15arranto In Favor Rlay r et�c n �Cruax / Against e r. President, McDonough 3m .to C5 23539 oriilnd CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OUN`I` NO. 5,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 11 est/' --- Nova 16, 1941. BESOLTEDt ' That license for Restaurant. application 1684. On Sale Melt Beverage, application 1865, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1866, applipd -for by Louis Livers at 649 Jackson St. be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 124636—BY 4:. H. Barf. R'. A. Pnrrantgoto—John S. Findlan— u aPPo. licatlon: 1884,1 -On Sa1e[Maltt Bever- nge, ap Plication 1886, and Off Sole Malt b YYLoule Llv e[in att 648ion 8 Jaek 86, atnd St.fbe and the ams a ayyherebY 9r olbed.Coun- New. Int r 1101d1ocoved by clI; Nov. 13, the Council at Nov. 18, 1941. Adopted by Approved (Nov.V. 12j, 119411) m , 6 New, Informally approved by council. Nov. 13, 1941. Old Location. COUNCILMEN Yea-z-_' eas Nays arfu Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 314 1-41 Adopted by the CouncilNOV 18 1941 —194-- 4pproved—NOV 18 1941 194- 1 In Favo�"' ayor 1 --P--Against Orl41p.1 to City Clerk _ - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ C UNa41. OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUT N- 1ALjfORM PRESENTED RY r COMMISSIONER AXP F. Peterson _ �rdT/'�gT November 10• 1941 RESOLVED, That the free use of Stem Ball of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Farmers Union Central Exchange Inc. on Dece�er 11, 1911.1, for a public meeting; said association to pay only the cost of ening and operating Stem Hall.on said date for the above occasion. 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Ba as indlan arranto 'Pt Xaen r dx ` President, McDonough 3M 1-41 C. -NWo. 4 that BtheAlr 1 V. Pe[ [ 9ta, Hall f the a;. Pato [he Farmer. Union Lt 1. hereby K Zn 1941 for aXpubllcemeetlag:.uld mb..... tleu to ppay only l;ealeost -tabid ante [o tlpierebove ca ion. on .a o Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1941. Approved Noo .18. 114 . 5 rd Adopted by the Council NOV 18 1941_194— Alp oved NOV 18 t 194— n Favor M yor gainat 1 i F h 12463R By R — - Wh n j orlswe is Cur Cksk '• f .! t r 1 ... . '� ♦9 l )�l _ CITY OF .1/�I I� PM �. ^ -COC L� OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK F!`E NO. COUNCIL R LUTION-GENERAL FORM COM IENT O .1 o WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement describe# as the curbing of south side of Eleanor Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Sumner Avenue and north side of Eleanor Avenue from Josephine Place to Sue Place, Comptroller's Contract L.42911 Pederson Brothers Co., contractors, have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, or for agreed prices, and 1. .. WHEREAS, it hasobeen found necessary to make the following additions and deduotions• DEDUCTION 17.1 lin ft, of standard straight curb ® 0.65 $11.12 ADDITION 9.4 lin.ft. of, Standard radius curb ® 0.70 6.58 NET DEDUCTION $4.54, and WHEREAS, the net deduction is $4.54; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED that the City of Stl Paul through its City Council approve the fore- going deduction made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the sum of $4.54, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration, named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L.42911 for the making of the above•improvement. The Commissioner of,,Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Pederson Bros. Co., that the sum of $4.54 is the comsat amount to be deducted from the above contract. PEDERSON BROS. CO. Countersignedt • BYv- - Bye, Comptroller Commissioner of Public Works - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 18 IN 194_ Yeas / Nays s � n R. 3son ZPresident, . President, McDonough 311 141 proved �NOV 18 1 194— Favor % d l � yor Against YUIIASJILD �'vZ•a� oddwlK• city .0.k C. Ir. Na. 12{G79�BY Milton Rosen— - \.'h+ •ops nddltiona anddeductfane �lopt - ••ems, be necepeary fn CITY OF +SAINT OMX• • , " 'L 190 NCI` No. )FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION` -GENERAL FORM L--- DAT JHMEAS, additions an& deductions which might prove to'be necessary in the improvement described as the ourbing of,(N.S.) E. Third -Bt, $rom.>Pedsrsortt {5t,,t4 WL'. Lot:461@ Mk. 43, W Rose Addi (N: S.).Fremont Avenue from Pederson St. to W.L. Lot 36, Blk 2, W.Rose Add, (5.8:) Fremont Avenue from Ruth St. to W.L. Lot 30,,B1k 3, W. Rose Add., Comptrollerv's Contract L.4294, Feyen Construction Co., contractors, have been provided for in the, specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, or for agreed prices, and WHEREAS,it has been found necessary �o make the following additions and deductionst ADDITIONS 9.4 lin.ft. of stand. radius curb 0 $0.70 $6.58 DEDUCTIONS - 15.4 lin.ft. of stand. str. curb ® .65 10.01 TOTAL NET DEDUCTION - $3.43, and. MIEREAS, the net deduction is $3.43; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approve the fore- going deduction made in accordance with the specifications therefor in the am of $3.43, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum condidere ma named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L.4294, for the making of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Felten Construction Co., that the sum of $3.43 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. o FEYEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Countersigneds BY Comptroller Commissioner ks of Publia Wor COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council N OV T 8 194 194— Yea� Nays Bas€uss oved—"p 19 i n /Panto% �Petersor, Favor J 67— yor o I Against �r President,: McDonough sef 1-,1 / .. pU13LIS'I�D A origin.] m City Cterk CITY OF SA IMT pA6l COUNCILFILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL ORM PRESENTE YT-ATF. November 18 1941 the Comaissioner of Public Utilities has reported in aeeordanoa with Section 53 thof e city charter, the existence of an elmergncy-whi,oh rendered necessary the employment e of certain employee of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more then neral hours of eaploydbut' therefore, be It TJWLMW1 that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to forayt extra collo In hereinnamed employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra empla9a after set forth% ILUM Trw OVERTDIE EM Walter Scott Ditch digger. 6 bra. .6o Serb Buechner Holet.Bsgr. 1/,-1/2 hrs. 1'40 Reinhold T. Guthrie Ditch digger 14-1 2 ! .6o C.I'. No. 1Y4540— lieaolVed, [hu[ the proper city olh- e 9 ure hereby authorized to PoYp oar- ir mployes x tra the i� eYment Public yUtlllotit. Cor e n e e out the flet att.elled to t1, iip reolu- tlon. AdoDte'd by the CouncilNov. 18, 1941. 'I Approved Noo .18' 1041) Id cc rectiN. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN yes Nays rfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough Adopted by the Councii NOV =- 194_ WAC*roved-NAM 2 9 19 C ay or Favor Za or F -'—a—,—Against November 18, 1941 a 4 V An emergency bee arisen in the HATER DEPARTMENT reads T!79 necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following works Repairing trenching machine This emergency erose by reason of the following facts and oircumstjancess Had to have machine for next days work. art ed correct; Leo and N. Thompson General Superintendent BOARD OF (PATER COMISSIONERS idem ✓may-._. -,_ L .. OAdnai to City Oink- ... - . CITY OF SAINT ?AUL COUN IL . 191 P�� 3 QFFICE•OF THE CITY CLERK FILE,NO. CO NCIL RESOLUTION- NERAL FORM DATE _ RESOLVU, that Corporation Counsel Harry W. Oehler Is authorised to attend the annual meeting of National Institute of Municipal Law Officers at Washington, D. C. on December 4th to 6th, 1941, inclusive, and while on :ffjoe, aid trip to attend,to other matters pertaining to his and that he be reimbursed for traveling expenses so incurred. Charge Corporation Counsel's Fund 3 A 2. . P C. Rssolved,,4 that By D ratio �c tone i Harry W. Oehler is meet ut orifeNaUonal tend the a e o 6 Institute of MunlelPal D�cemb®cera4th at Washtngton, ll. C., on n to 6th, 1941. Inoluslve and �V`hll. o n Id trip to attend to ot{ier matters pertain- ing to his office; d that he be relm- carred. [Charge , orpbur 5or ornUonssCOunsel's Fund 'A 2. the Cou Adopted Uy n 41 Nov. 18, 1941. Approved Nov. 18 1941. _ (Nov. LCL, 1941) NOV I8 1941 ,9a . cou LMEN Adopted by the Council Yea. / Nays o B uss p n -Approved °ak@f h sr �nAt —194— nto �. 7 et rson rn Favor/ e=ryor n /f /+' -- Against /Mr. President, McDonough 3M 1-n orf timid .4. clti CW -k CITY OF SAINT PAUL. / r ,V) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. -� t COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ,c VMREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which renderedndeessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED* That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the'following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE A HOURS RATE OF OVERTIME Dewey G. Michels Stationary Fireman 16 @ .69j Joseph Romocky Tree Trimmer 8 @ .761 Frank Ridler, Jr. Tree Trimmer 8 @ .66 Patrick Roan Stationary Fireman 16 @ .691, C. F. No, 124542= '- 12esolved, that the proper city Bfj_ tos are horeby a uthorized to pay _ , in employes In the Bept. r Yucrk. Playgrounds and Public Buildings for xtre, mpioyment as set out on the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1941. i Approved''Nov, ltl, 3941. (Nov. 22, 1941) B COUNCILMEN Yea e�a Nays ,'Vi u ri /F,Ipolan Tanto .terson zuen uax I -11r. President, McDonough am 1.41 IN t, Adopted by the Council NOV 18 1941,s4— pproveri 194_ Favor y (( May r ----_.gains - W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A.BASSFORD Supt of Parlor Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota y' DEPARTMENT OF q 6 -All C-,, PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 18, 1941 a To .the Honorable, The Mayor and Member of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering nec- essary the employment of certain employees of that department for more than eight hours per day, firing greenhouse boilers and repairs to ski slide. The firing emergency arose because of inability to secure a relief fireman, and in the case of ski slide repairs they were immediately necessary to protect the public. Yours truly, Commissioner a ilk rr S FI dla 1,I , J R'l the btat [ Il t¢ hag qj orn•l to 'City Clerk .. l i yaahl I t {d^am f. �' xd1" Y. .flliy l • ` '� 15 �t R CITY OP` t. thu C��V�.. COUNCIL .� OFFICE OF 7HtE"5ITY CLERK vae NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FOltivl PRESENTEDBy COMMISSIONEr� '�N✓� ou DATE VMC MdS,.the State of Minnesota has 16'sued its state Warrant No. 923858, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the City of Saint -Pahl and the Treasurer o! the United States, in the amount of `=10,000.00, allotted by the Legislative Emer- gency Committee of the State of Minnesota to assist in sponeor- ing proposed wcrkr,projscts; and WIIJ$ UM, the rales of the Minnesota Department of Social Security, Division of Social -Welfare, requiree-,�that the 0111 of Saint Paul endorse said warrant and return the same to the State Department for endorsement by the Treasurer of the United States; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby author iced to endorse said draft as Treasurer of the City of Saint Paul, and forward the game to the Minnesota Department of Social Seourity, Division of Social Welfers. COUNCILMEN Yea. Nays �sa /Pii n /P to eta son 3"n" resident, McDonough Adopted by the Council NO 18 $41 194— NOV 18 Approved 194— 57 Tn Favor, Mayo PUBLISHED -LL --a STATE OF MINNESOTA dam DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY DIVISION OF SOCIAL WELFARE GLOBE $U[LDIN4! FOURTH AT CUDAA WALTER W. FI—E SAINT PAUL o.wec.on Honorable John J. McDonough Mayor City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor McDonough$ November 13, 19111 2 WILLIAM N. CROWCE. CMIv Rei Work Projects numbers 89B6, Ramsey County Roads; 9112, City Pude School Impr ovement a; 7358, Water Department; 6274, Park Department There is attached hereto state warrant number 732532 in the amount of '410,000 made payable jointly to the treasurer of the City of Saint Paul and the treasurer of the United States. That money was granted by the Legislative Advisory Committee to assist Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul in sponsoring the above identified projects. ,mill you kindly obtain the endorsement of the city treasurer and return the warrant to this office as soon as possible, attaohe4 to the enclosed DMV form 1;7PD number 2 after same has been completed. very Qtruly yours, �} William H. Crowe, Chief public Assistance Unit Ja mmk Enclosures '1� o C. F. No. 12a , , I Petition qqgg i] pj�. making Council File No. o+ i Con. PlivraiSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impro'veVient by the City of Saint Paul,viz: Qq t, tlgtl, a, se"3e . oa Montana Agenue Prom. a, �o1nt �0 Yeet east oY". .......... 9..4A4tsworM. Street............................................................... ............................................. .......................................................................... ..................................Y...................................................................... .... Dated this.... 14111 ....da of .................. XQV=biW......... ... ... 1947..... ................................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz: Coubtruct a sewer on Montana Avenue from a point 30 feet east of il7Ce0.S ET.@91i . tiq..Ch0.t 9YiP7Ct13. SRQ.@t.a.............................................................. ......................................................................................................................... P ....................."....................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of'ilfr&-of'more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to, the Commissioner of Finance. a Adopted11 by the Council.......... .... 1... f�..........`............ YEAS. NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ...........' ..................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN........................................... ....... TRUAX % yor. MR. PRESIDENT INA 7.41 PUBLISHED /J' Petition 12,'� Council File No..... ra......... PROPdSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and w C. F. No. 121545_ bat^sot PRELIMINARY ORDER: moVher I en.:J The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improveynt by the City of Saint Paul, viz: Construct a„sewer on Howell, Street . #rom. a, P9.?Rtr.�.. @9ti . ARF.t?4. off .................... ......... Eleanor Apenue to Bayard Ayenue..................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ...............................................................................................:............................ Dated this... l/M..... day of ............... November //..,,,,, 1941,..... ............. .. ...... .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ......... Coastruat, a sewer, on Aqy e94, Street„ from. A. P.(? ,0..0h. XP.0..AQA1X.oS.................... Eleanor Avenae to Burd Avenue ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. NOV 18 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS IF NAYS O� Councilman BARFUSS Approved.............................19.................:.... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN . ................. TRUAX Ma MR. PRESIDENT - 1M 7.41 J li. PUBLISI-M, D COUNCIL FILE 140. By . ......... CITY' OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Appro'Ving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ourbing Magnolia Street from Edgerton Street to Burr Street RMSOLUTION OF COUNCIL,' ING ANSHS4MEKT, IV under Preliminary Order. Intermediary Order. ......... . . .... ..... Final Order.. 116483 approved October. 3.t_-1939____.__.. . ...... An The assessment of benefits. costs and e.xpenses..._ and in connection with ............... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having consider d same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it o RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is�ereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__17tk.....................day of December, _1941. 1pgk. ...... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 192 ............. City Clerk. Approved...-_.....-.. 192 ........ ........ .. File 8770 Mayor. Councilman Clanc mal iinrf Findt-1 son Parrento on Peterson S Truax % Mayor e sones >IcL)onoueb F- B. B. 16 LISHED 11 PUB COUNCIL FILE NO. _.__....__.__ ....... ......_.............. .._ ,/ t By._ _.... _:.._ .... ._ _._...... _.._. CITY OF ST. PAUL Ripsolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for . gra curbing Magnolia Avenue from Frank Street to Duluth Street RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT. Ill 4. under Preliminary Order .118645 Lltermediary Order 119417 , Final Order . .119741. __ __ ._ ......., approved The assessment of.____benefi.ts.,__a..o.s.ts._and empenaes._ _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having conside ame and round the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _...._ 17t4 ........... day of December] _1941 .____..._._. ......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. il'OV 18 1941• Adoptedby the Council.._. ___......_._ _ _._.._.._....._._......_...._..__ _ ............192...__..._ l q ....___....._, City Clerk. ..�p Approved__........ _.�. ............. 192 \ _ File 9013 - ......, Mayor. _.................._........ ...... Councilman Cl n- iia' 'file F Findl " Hi2=:81 Pnrrantn 11 M-_„-r_v Peterson Su jT-=%--,-,1 Etoaen Mayor I= i`IcDouough pUBLISIIED Form H. H. 18 _ � J a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CIT1 ,. I; � ., C? R �.. COUNCIL ROLL CALL OFFICE Of,"""" �F,R.. FILE NUMBER__ BARFUSS FIN DLAN PARRANTO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS IB4 PETERSON I _ ____ -� vem Ve— i BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN / TRUAX AGAINST I RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS TO THE AGGREGATE A S QI'/ COVERING MR PRES McDONOUGHTO ADOPTED BY 7jf{��{ qj�l tj�G ED O IryC LUSIVE. AS 1 5("�A1 CHECKS NUMBERED _ ^ -V NOVY- -.l.' 7A..}-- PER CHECKS ON LE�fA�0�" OF TH ITY CO ROLLERAP f - 4 184. orTnoiL[n NUMBER / ---- _ 212_. —BVJ .. TO IAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF NS TRAFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK i RETURNED J BROUGHT FORWARD CHECKS CHECKS 1111 406 89017 John S, Finrilan, C. of Financ Charges Tuchner 128 11 27 026 341 051', 89018 Uri. 1 0�+7 89019 89020 Pederson Bros. Company John S. Finan, C. of Financ n 649 48 48' 89021 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 8 45 00 89022 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 666 l0 89023 Board of 'Rater commissioners 141 96 L 89024 City of St.Paul 249 60 89025 City of St.Paul 141 39 89026 City of St.Paul i19 SO oo'' 89027 Hamilton Kenny & H.G. 1 608 45 89028 Blue & "bite Cab Company 15 26 89029 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. & Kemne, Agents 150 001 89030 Bacon 18 811 89031 Corning,+Donobue, Inc. il'1 66 00 89032 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 11 761 89033 General Equipment Company 13 27' 89034 R.A. Myers & Company Company 108 541 89035 Paper, Calmenson & 871 20 89036 St.Paul Builders Material Company 27 6o' 89037 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company �; 89038 H.K. Stahl Company 980 59 6o 981, 89039 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. ComDany 102 95 89040 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. ComnanV 67 371 89041 Turco Products, Inc. 20 581 1 89042 The Uhl Comvany 79 041 89043 Universal Iron Foundry Compan 38 40i 89044 Joseph Grappalie 76 07' 89045 Air Reduction Sales Company 194 OOj 99046 AmericanCAst Iron Pipe Compare 26 201 89047 American Linen Supply Company 73 18 89048 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. 79 89049 Badger Meter Mfg. Company 471 89050 Bridgeport Sa.f4qty Emery Wheel Company 89051 The Bristol Company I 11 2�601 89052 Buffalo Meter Company 11 04 89053 Burroughs Adding Machine Comp ny 1 062 5 89054 Cutler, Magner Company Company 13 3 89055 E.I. Dupont De Nemours and 35! 89056 Elvin First Aid Supply Compare 41 0 o 89057 I Gang1 and Company 987 2 1 89059 General Chemical Company 351 3 89059 Fred W. Hanks Company 23 89060 Linde Air Products Company OC 0 89061 Liquid Carbolic Company 89062 Merco Nordstrom Valve Company 6 89063 Mueller Mfg. Company 8 1 P 8906 National Meter Division12 III 125 0 j 99065 Park Machine Company 89066 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Company 727 7 99067 7vool Products Company Comp 2.0 8 159 4 89068 Worthington—Garcon Meter y 1 1 89069 Wm. H. Ziegler Company, Inc. 18 0 ' 1 PUBIASII1';D SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 21 199 0511/320 926-991; � a Nanulcv,l I�� dl;l.11l DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CIT _ �K urel; ule I OFFICE O ! "r. :&MPT2QLLLR1 � � "'h%QLE NUMBER_ - ROLL CALL BARFUSS 7 N IN FAVORPARRANTO AUDITED CLAIMS �T PETERSON � VQQL 1 ROSEN gGAINST RESOLVED; THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH CITV TREASURY TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT .1 Sjj,.��C.-( i---. COVERING MR PRIES MCDONOUGH }NI CHECKS NUMBERED ' _ TO INCL SIV E. AS ADOPTED 8 E COUNCIL -__ l_ --__ PER CHECKS ON E OF OF TH CITY CROLLER. TH J� f/ AP VED— - 94 NUMBER ca Tnoiccw J CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TO A L DATE RETURNBYBANKD DISBURSEMENT CHECKS TRANSFER CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD X50 522 94 ® 88910 Nick Vincelli 13 28 86911 Guy T. Bisbee Company 2 887 50 549 00 88912 Standard Stone Company 25 66 8891Drovers Wholesale Meats 89914 John S. Fin1l an, C. of Finan. Company 46 79 1 88915 corning-Donnhue 69 0311 88916 The Crane Company 506 40l 88917 Crescent Creamery Company 865 50 68918 Curtis 1000, Inc. 215 60 88919 R.C. Duncan & Company 60 68 88920 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company91 14, 88921 Fuller Brush Company 1 5 89922 Funk & RagnallB Company v 88923 Im. Harris Woolen Company 6 j 2 1 88924 Hart Motor Express Company ! 246 88925 Arthur Ingvoldstad Lumber Company 9 Inter City Paper Company 47 88926 61.1 88927 Jacks Mfg. Company ii5 1 88928 S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 250 8 88929 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 1 835 1 88930 Noirthetn States Power Compan 2 775 B 88931 Northern States Power Company 88932 Dr. Pomeroy's Small Animal Ti Company spital 9302 9 8893 Price Electric 122 9 8893 Sindelar Athletic Equipment R.Coo u. Company 8 9 88935 Sommers & 48 0 88936 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 426 4 88937 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. CompaMy 88 0 88938 Tri-State Tel. & Teig. Compaily 7 889 9 Twin City Shippers Assoc. 155 0 88930 North Star Bakery " 200 0 88941 Uommonwealth Electric Compan gg942 Feyen Construction Company 11 107 0 gg943 American Insurance Agency g8944 American Linen Supply Compan l40 o 88945 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 3 7 27 0 88946 Axel Berg gg947 John A. Downey Company 56 3 g8948 J.J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of D. t. 88949 H.B. Fuller Company 103 18 0 89950 Edward A. Furni, Supt. 21 7 86951 J -J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 162 ® 98952 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Comp y 2 4 0 89953 Griffin -Campbell -Hayes -Walsh Co.Inc. 8895 Hoyt Landscape Nurseries 111 7 406 6 88955 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 13 5 88956 Master MaterialR & Fuels, In 584 1 8895 McFadden -Lambert Company 69 9 98959 Minnesota Chem�cal Company,Inc. 5 9. 89959 Jos. A. Rogers Company 117 1 86960 ,t.Paul Book & stationery Company 88961 Val. Stauder Ins. Agency a !!38 8 88962 B.C. Swenson Agency i9 0 85 0 69963 Western Machine Mfg. Company I, SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD JI 1 166 273 70 _--- --- - -- 67 9011'1 88964 Godfrey Rudolph ® 88965 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 �5 90 56 88966 urs. Agnes Weiss 99967 Mr®. Ella Woodward 37 10 .i 88968 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance rinance 11 1 153 040 90 82 88969 John So Finglan, C. of 1114 1 941 25 88970 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 11 3 667.10 , 88971 John S. Findlan C. of Finance Finance " ;10 5,77 58 III, 88972 John S, Fin -Ilan, C, of 88973 John S. Findlln, C. of Finance I' 187 57 I. 17 88974 John S. Findlan, Co of Finance 1 360 98975 John S. FinIlan, C, of Finance 7 254 2 51 j 01 88976 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance Finance 99 l 4456 54 i 88977 John S. Findlan, C. of 4 38979 John S. Findlan,'C. of Finance 95033 194 67 � 98979 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance II 3 2. John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 37.12 88991 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 30 855 3 26 43 II 88982 Ad Sign Company Ij 979 TO CITY CLERK I�- 8898} Atlas Gas & 011 Company 10 OFFIj FTHE+. r7ROLLE.-reKate FILE NUIMBER SON Ballard Motors & Romp ROLL CALLOFINDLAN 88985 98986 Brown and Day. Inc. Cppitol Stationery Mfg. CompaY 78 210 72 34 IN FA VORAUDITED CLAIMS Mr-,. Thos. E. Dahill Company __Noember,,}N 88998 7DU�LII,CATETE AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CIY TREASURY I' �+6 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 53�11 COVERING Lampland Lumber Company S Mc DONOUGMCHECKS NUMBEREO—_9--TO INGLUBIVE AS 88990 !- ON FLE T/E OFFI F THE TY COM ROLLERr BY THE COUNCIL —_._._ PER CHECKS The Midway News D__. _-.. _I94 NUMBER `BY_,l 88992 Nicole, Dean & Wegg Company 75 162 11 3 too—TO 88993 Northern States Power Company 1 i 239 65 I Northern States Power Company AL DATE 89995 Ohio Oil Company i9 01 RETURNED Park Laundry Company 369 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT DISBURSEMENT BANK 88998 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. CHECKS CHECKS i 02' 45 •. 88999 Socony-Vacuum oil Company BROUGHT FORWARD 66 273 70 89000 99001 H.H. Stahl Companyi' Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compare _--- --- - -- 67 9011'1 88964 Godfrey Rudolph ® 88965 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 �5 90 56 88966 urs. Agnes Weiss 99967 Mr®. Ella Woodward 37 10 .i 88968 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance rinance 11 1 153 040 90 82 88969 John So Finglan, C. of 1114 1 941 25 88970 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance 11 3 667.10 , 88971 John S. Findlan C. of Finance Finance " ;10 5,77 58 III, 88972 John S, Fin -Ilan, C, of 88973 John S. Findlln, C. of Finance I' 187 57 I. 17 88974 John S. Findlan, Co of Finance 1 360 98975 John S. FinIlan, C, of Finance 7 254 2 51 j 01 88976 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance Finance 99 l 4456 54 i 88977 John S. Findlan, C. of 4 38979 John S. Findlan,'C. of Finance 95033 194 67 � 98979 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance II 3 88980 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 37.12 88991 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 30 855 3 26 43 II 88982 Ad Sign Company Ij 979 23�j 8898} Atlas Gas & 011 Company 10 65 SON Ballard Motors & Romp 88985 98986 Brown and Day. Inc. Cppitol Stationery Mfg. CompaY 78 210 72 34 88987 Mr-,. Thos. E. Dahill Company `5�65 88998 Hawkensen Printing I I' �+6 98989 Lampland Lumber Company Il 173 45 50 88990 Hobert Metzger Bldg. Material 58991 The Midway News 1 10 35 88992 Nicole, Dean & Wegg Company 75 162 11 3 88993 Northern States Power Company 1 i 239 65 88994 Northern States Power Company 472 •1 081, 89995 Ohio Oil Company i9 01 89996 Park Laundry Company 369 it 8; 99997 Republic Ado.Co. Assignee 88998 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. ill 35 1 132 02' 45 •. 88999 Socony-Vacuum oil Company 89000 99001 H.H. Stahl Companyi' Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compare 6769 35 99002 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 113 99003 Mr. Jesse Calmenson 32 02j 89004 Federation of L. Brotherhoods)I 70 000 9911 00 ® 89005 89006 John S. Findlan: Tress. P,P.. 3t.PaulTEachers R,Fund Assoc. d I 11 12 000 OO Bank St.Paul !1 100 00 ,I 990()7 First National of 416 671 89008 Flea M. Obit, C. Treasurer 2 OOP, 89009 George Baeieh 99010 Mrs. Einer Johnson 5 61 91 I; 34I' 89011 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier Benepe 40 00l 89012 8901 } Dr. James L. Dr. Carl H. Mattson 20 00;1 9901'+ Dr. John A. Moga 3 110 00 I' 41 99015 St.Johnle Hospital 34 00 89016 Dr, A.M. Stolpestad p 1 PUBLls:ED I I'1 '� -- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I IIt " 293 ho6 '` 4 G COUNCIL FILE NO ------ .----___ -_-__ By-- ------------------------------------------ -- 124551 F. No. 1_9651— tn the mnl•o- . ° ' A • "Ifncln.q . 7 FINAL ODER In the Matter of----grading_and�urpao n_�y�_jn_HlQrdc_l+--dsesa�-%7�ia,--Msa�sr_Addi- _tion—fYom 1Porth_Miltog_Street__to_Chateworth Street______________ under Preliminary Order ---- _ 1=92 ------------------------- ___ _ 491-V15-1941 ________ a ------------------ a Intermediary Order --------- _--------------- - ---- --__------_-approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dug notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, anti having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- o)L provement to be made by the said City is --- K'ade-and-a_ _Alley -in_Block_ lt_ Jesse,_ Klein. and the Council hereby orders Bahl -improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------- NOV-2-5_ 1941 --------- - ----- - 192. ------- ----- City Clerk. Approved-��,----------- 18 File 9366 ---------- ---- - -- Councilmaor. Barfuse CouncilmagfF, i dl nCouncilma rranto 'I Councilma^ V^QhNN— - Peterson 1 Councilman8%jjdbqjMgr.Z Roaon Councilmans08LUMbam Truax pl j Mayor McDonough t 1 i Farm B. S. A. 8-7 � v" _ ) 'j.'�'• � PUB/{ -_ ✓ - CITY OF ST. PAUL ` �rwt♦ ? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i _.I i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE W ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e� In the matter of grading and surfacing alley in' Block 1, JeseA, Klein, Messer Addition from North Milton St, to Chatsworth St. ss � under y Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1941 To the Council of the.City of St. Paul: �A .v The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: v' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1242.20 front The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is $ 1.21 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS€SSED LaIIdVAL TI OfQ ldg. 1 1 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $100 2 1 do 100 3 1 do 100 4 1 do 100 5 1 do 100 B 1 do 100 7 1 do 100 8 1 do 125 9 1 do 125 10 1 do 176 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION -LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LUATIOlbldg., 4 li 1 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $175 12 1 do 100 13 1 do 100 14 1 do 75 15 1 do 75, 16, 1 do 75 17 1 do 75 18 1 do 75 s 19 1 do 75 20 1 do 75 Total $2025 --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report tthherreon� Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CommidJ er of Public Works. Dated Ootobe> 21 19_L_ Commissioner Form B. B. 13 of Finance. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 2 Pq St. Paul, Minn ...............__.....................193....... Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: P- /'q C e MjT Z9 //e7 1 Ch-7�4,4 A St. Ave. from St. Ave. to...... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK 10 ADDITION t 4 Cf Vz 1Z 6. zzc-'�j 2111, ZY 5Mi-37 Ak !I M%L TON D A ) (11 O pq A Z r � A _ a --Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance October 6, 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: v The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 123392 Approved Ju -1Y 15,41 19_, relative to , grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable.. Cost per front foot $1.21 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1.242.20 , and the total cost thereof is $--_y Inspection $22.35 Engineering $102.1.9 Frontage 1,024.92 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f 2 3 / �\ Commissioner of Public Works. RN i � OF �� ,�V � W. S. COCJ�KROFT. O G �H. HEkROLD L EOVirrn Enr ARTHUR H. IKOCH CITY 'bF SAINT PAUL Capital of Min esota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DOHAID F. VOIGT. D MM GEORGE M. --ARD...— E—EEn .<WT t, October 2, 1941 \� J Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works a St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 123392 approved July 15, 1941• Estimated Cost $1,242.20 Cost per front foot 1.21 Inspection 22.35 Engineering 102•!+9 Front at;e 1,024.92 uFREO DRIVER^Sur.. ov RRIIX'F$ M. 5. GRY—AK. EN61N[En [TIDSc RAYV 1. ARTA.. Surt. Your truly, % ---- -- OR I S�fARD [_ hief sneer Approved for transmission to t �er �inance �3ON ROSEN I Commissioner of Publi l6 Yorks 6 9 COUNCIL FIN`INAL ORDER 1N CONDE31NATION p NO. - PROOP.EDINOs- � 9BY r - fl24f )2 FINAL ORDER IN C "hMNATI(}l PROCFEDING5 In the matter .of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from N. Milton St. to Chatsworth St.. under'Preliminary Order_ 123393 approved JuIS 15, 1941 Intermediary Order 1213,31 approved _____44t� 21T19L1 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condettming and taking an easement in the land necessary for NG slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and fomhoWmg-of Alley in Block 1, Tease, Klein, Messer Addition, from N. Milton St. to Chatsworth St. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Sesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from N. Milton St. to Chatsworth St., to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected t2prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OOV 25 1QAt 19_ City Clerk. Approved ayo Councilmen Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson i Rosen f" Truax Mr. President t - P,V, 800 1.30 PU2L f BLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �O :.J In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in to land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North.Milton St. to 8hatsworth St. a under Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as fAws: The total estimated smmemicofxthioaxma&kjex - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may, be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED LandvALUATIorbld6 1 1 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $100 2 1 do 100 3 1 do 100 4 1 do 100 5 1 do 100 6 1 do 100 7 1 do 100' 8 1 do 125 9 1 do 125 10 1 do 175 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON-PhELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION O BLOCK ADDITIO ASSESSED I'=rLUAT1O%d r. 12 1 Jesse, Elein, Messer Addition $175 12 1 do 100 13 1 do 100 14 1 do 75 z 15 1 do 75 16 1 do 75 17 1 do 75 18 1 do 75 19 1 do 75 20 1 do 75 r Total $2025 The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 21 19 41 Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 lie s r Total $2025 The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 21 19 41 Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 lie I ®� Indicates Cu+. ®- Indicotes Fill. Typical Notation 'JR Nguresabove line show ' Cut or Fill of property rine. Figures below line show - dsoe whicsb ex ch s tend bey line, L.oc.Book No.z58A X-Sc<Bk Ne.z584 e AGLEY'BLK /JE.fSE,1<'LE//Y,M,6:X ER ADD. N /Y. M/Yf612 St Chofs►rorfh St A 40' YDAND AVE. 0 E/ /Y Al S S E Q A �• + 3890 35 .SS so y1111i MPS N fim oI� Nld _ o �_ _-- o�m - p ollV izO C4 M qN N N.IN �1— — --__ _O• i e 4 SS 55 50 436" 20 V ,gyp! ,So 4E AZA �. Z /QYYA A VE. q U/eyBlk./,Jesse' � "� ,� C/eir,.lfesser Office of,the Commissioner of Pu 'c Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October. b, 1941 19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1M93 approved July 15 1941, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Block 1, Jesse Klein, Messer Addition from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated post thereof is $ r:. rr c and the total cost thereof is $ and the, nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owne f prope subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works� x',y" =, A s C. F. No. lni nqe Ali<<�. COUNCIL FILE NO ------ __------- __-- ;. By -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- gracling_sad-_surSaning_Allev_-islllonk2._dssse,_-]dein.--Messer---------- Additionl_ from_ North Milton Street to Chatb-worth_Street-_-__-_____-__-_______-__---_---_--------_-_----_-- under inary Order - ----- 1233-34----------------- ._approved ------ July -_l@.- 1841 ------------------------------------ Intelis Order ------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------------ A c hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havin d all persons, objections and recommendatior�telative thereto, and having fully considered the e; therefare, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ` he precise nature, extent and kind of im- OI provement to be made by the said City is de_-and_a __Alley__ a @14_g1S_2�_Jsss ii7aiu. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and. directed to pr pare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; tha upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the akin, of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _--_NOV 2_ --------- 192__- ---- ------ ---- - ;eo!----------------- �pppp���� City Clerk. Approved _----- Rnln' +74t--------- 191! --- File9368 -------- ---------------------------------------- -- Mayo Councilman likWommvom fess Councilman 1ao Councilman i['yrEento Councilman eson Councilman Councilman wourAmpxomm r/uaz Mayor iii 3lcDonouah Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED f I L—YJ CITY OF ST. PAUL ,yam Pf_PARTMENT OF FINANCE ~1`41 ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i? ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !� In the matter of grading end surfacing Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton $t. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: .y The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for`` a above improvement is - _ $1182.60 front The estimated cost pe Oct for the above improvement is $ 1.16 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION �A[SSESSED _ Ie andALUATIOBldg. 1 2 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $ 75 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 5 2 do 75 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do TOTAL, 175 Fmm B. R. 10 /j CITY OF ST. PAUL \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I4EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON`' PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION yASSESSED ALUAT:Cr1 ldgo Lana 11 . 2 Jesse, Klein, Messer Ad4tion $350 ) $727000 .. 12 2 do 200 ) 13 2 do 175 14 2 do 125 300 15 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 300 17 2 do 125 18 2 do 125 19 2 do 125 20 2 do 125 v , Total $2500 $2600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated October 21 19 -Al- IV Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 /' 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 6, 1941 19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 123390 approved 7uly 15 1941, relative to grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2 Jesse Klein Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1 182.60 Cost per front foot $1.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $21.36 Engineering $102.41. Frontage 1,024.1 f -t. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: �. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is flaked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. VA .y 3 `ll St� Commissioner of Public Works OD�l X CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota JJDEPARTMENTSOF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON NOSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF CONST. S REP11n DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMNleeiGo NER BUREAU OF 8-1-111N M. . NGINEER EORGE MSHEPARDCHIEF E W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. FRED DRIVl R. SUPT. OFFICE £NGINE.. /' EUN.Au OF a..DGEE G. H. HERR.L. 1 October 2, 1941 M. S. GRYTHAK. ENGINEER CHIEF ENGR. CLERK A BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. 0 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 123390 approved July 15, 19!1. Estimated Cost 1,162.60 Cost per front foot 1.16 Inspection ..21.36 Engineering 102.41 Frontage 1,,024.1 ft. Yours v r ly, R(E AP,D ief ineer Approved:for transmission to the Commiss on�r�f Financ� R �,e1a�**)'—tort Commissioner of Public Wo-'ks" COUNCIL y NO B1 FINAL ORDER IN oONDE31NATION PROCEEDING a. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.I In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton St. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order 123391 approved ,Tiny 15, 1941 Intermediary Order 124333 approved ... Oct. 21, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- y p vement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for 01 L.1 N6- _ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and AmMOmofing of the Alley in Block 2, ,Tease, Klein', Messer Addition, from North Milton St. to Chatsworth St. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: 01 t ING For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and a!/wiM of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street 0 to Chatsworth St., to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works `TtP_S fAftftTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. p Adopted by`,the Council NOV 2.5 194.1 19 Approved ` ',i City Clerk. A PP _ i 19 _, M�yr. Councilmen Barfuss Findlan yZI Parranto Peterson J Rosen Truax � Mr. President am 1- PUBLI 1IMD CITY OF ST. PAUL - k 'd DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ca In the matter of oo=Idemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton St. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easrept ig 25.00 The total estimated amBsxxnicbmcssC ozRk¢niam�MC,=R0MWWtxxz The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - g The lots or parcels of land that may be assesse3 benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LaZIKALUAT"k dg • 1 2 Jesse, Klein$ Messer Addition 0 75 ISS 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 5 2 do 75 6 2 do 76 7 2 do 755, 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do 176 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM)$.STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESC < ASSESSED` nVALUATIONB1d94 11. 2 Jesse. Klein, Messer Ad ,ition . $360 ( $20W 12 2 do 200 ) 13 2 do 175 14 2 do 125 300 16 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 300 17 2 do 125 18 2 do 125 19 2 do 125 20 2 do 125 Ls M 4 C;�� Total $2600 $2800 The Commissio' of Finance further reports that he has investigated alT of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the fo going as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to,him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Qotober 21 19 41 C' ' z « - "— rz _= ommissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ® + lndkafeeCut A& - Indkolesnll. Typical Notation �Lp Figures obwe. 15ne.9liow Cufor nil of properiyime. Figures below lint show distanceto which5lopes e.xfend beyondprope-riy line. Locbk Na. 2584 X Sec Bk No,Z584 Ao i ALLEYBL/K 2_zc55z-,/CLE//Y,MESSERADD. • N. Mi /fon Sf Cho �s.vo�/h St AA a a}.IR1. of o of o o'�o of o QI "O Cia Fr. Ga Ga✓ � 0 In 58,53 So. /—S 43,So l 2 /3 /4 /S /6 /7 /8 19 20 1J` i J S S /< L E/ /y, M E S S E' A /yOYT AVE. f n AA(ey, 9/k. 2 ✓masse, - /K/eiri 4&55erAdJ. S/aae D1-2 No. 66 _ /0YY,4 AVE. J e S E, K L E/ %11, M E S s E A D. h h � .5 oao a /O 9. 8 r� S Q 3 s a3s� 0 sBSB S3 S3 $o' So• A _. a}.IR1. of o of o o'�o of o QI "O Cia Fr. Ga Ga✓ � 0 In 58,53 So. /—S 43,So l 2 /3 /4 /S /6 /7 /8 19 20 1J` i J S S /< L E/ /y, M E S S E' A /yOYT AVE. f n AA(ey, 9/k. 2 ✓masse, - /K/eiri 4&55erAdJ. S/aae D1-2 No. 66 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 6 1q41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order o the 123391 a rove July 15 19�, relativ to Council, known as Council File No. PP condemning end taking an easement is the land necessary for slopes. cuts and Yills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition, from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street and havigg investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2, The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx -, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 6. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 7 lg 1UA HCl OF pIFPT• m FINANCE � 9 a C. F. No. 124565— . of grading Iowa Ave- Innu¢e ¢North from Milton Street to��,1,; -- Chatsworth Street, under Prellml- ' 1Orlier 123388, approved July ]5, 94 f _ •-,•_.ttavin6:..� '_had COUNCIL FILE NO._ --- ------ -- - ------------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---- ----- grading_Imoa__�yequ®__from_North_Milton_-Street_to_ Chatsarorth_Street, ------- -------- _ ---- - Preliminary Order ---------- 23388_______ -________approved Intermediary Order ---------------------------------------- ----'ayy--- ---------------------------------- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_$rading__Iowa_Avenue from_Aorth_Milton_Street_ to Chatagorth_Si<r eet-- --------- ------ -- -------------------------- - ------------- - -- - -- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. QV2 al_ 641 ------------ 192 ------• a Adopted by the Council_________ = et(�+r��— — ------------ City Clerk. 'i �- Approved- ---�� � -- . �------ - , 192_t' File 9364 ------------- - -- Mayo . Councilma W an founcilma it Councihna a reon Councilma �� iq yl Councilma 1cBonongh-- ' `/I Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT DF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISCONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Iowa Ave. from North Milton St, to Chatsworth St. I a ;.n under Preliminary Order approved July 1E, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ??? The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement Is - $ 1,440.50 frgqnt The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 1.41 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imjovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 11 1 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $175 12 1 do 100 13 1 do s� 100 14 1 do 75 15 1 do 75 16 1 do 75 17 1 do 75 18 1 done 75 19 1 do' 75 20 1 do 75 { TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 OF ST. PAUL DEPTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lend VALUATIQNd 9. 1 2 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition ; 75 2 2 do 75 3 2 "do P 75 4 2 do 75 5 2 do 75 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 75' 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do 175 Total $1800 The Commissioner of Finance further r that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and heAby submits the foregoing as his report the n to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner o ublic Works. Dated October 21 Ig 41 %.Z Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 fr CT_Z20 St. Paul, Minn..../... _ .......1.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: {y E;E- Ave. ti from __ lY _ .._ St. Ave. to __ St. pec NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5M.7-37 O t ti rt 'Office of the" Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 6, 1941 19 - To the Commissioner of Finance of theCityof Saint Paui The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Nile No 123368 approved Tuls 15 19 4 , relative to grading Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Y 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.1.1 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1 - 440 50 and the totaF cost thereof is $ Inspection $26.24 Engineering $102.45 Frontage 1,024.51 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement la Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. vli3 ,7 \ Commissioner of Public Works. I .' �i CITY OF SAINT PAUL + Capital of Minnesota • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER VOIGT, O FRED O1. RI- ce �w.....w _ GEORGE M. SHEFARO, Cn 11 Ewa NlEeww uu ov Bwloc O G. H. HERROLO M. S. GRYTBAK, ASr. „h Buw[Au ov Muwi .' EpulvwenT `lz- w 1 ARTHUR H. KOCH RAYJ. KARTAK, October 2, 1941 —T. 0 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Iowa Avenuee from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 123388 approved duly 15, 1941• Estimated Cost 1,440.50 Cost per front foot 1.41 Inspection 26.24 Engineering 102.1+5 Frontage 1,024-51 ft. 'Tours y, S�ARD ?ChiWegineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance / fILTO A -D ir C loner of Public Works ji FINAL ORDER IN CONDEIINA"( COUNCLTL •F LE NO. rnocEEDtncs. FF . ` `L BY 124556 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the --land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills in the grading of Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order 123389 approved TulY 15, 1941 Intermediary Order 124329 approved _ _. Oct._ _21, 1941 A public -hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessgry for slopes, o�tlouncil lls in the grading of Iowa Avenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth St ahereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the satne are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said & prottements, viz.: For slopes, cuts end fills in the grading of Iorvenue from North Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, to the extent shown on"t;4•e p �fileA in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and d rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the propdr,city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the makdpg,pfIg govement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council �111Ueeii ���tjj 19� ;'5 City Clerk. Approved 19_. M ayoy Councilmen a Barfuss Findlan Po Peterson Rosen Truax = Mr. President 500 1.36 PUBLT.SHED ' CITY CtQ` IT. PAUL DEPARTMENY OF FINANCE REPORT OF CBOAMISSIONER OF FINAMCE ✓% (A> ON PRELIMINARYsORDER condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts h fills in In the matter of/ gkding Iowa Ave. from North Milton St. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order approved July 15, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is, 25.00 The total. estimated xznmmmxmixl;axz=xmmmc=dExXk The estimated cost per foot for the aboveu provement s The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bene is for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ,{ LaneALUATIOrblYd L 11 1 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition $175 y 12 1 do 100 13 1 do 100 14 1 s, do 75 15' 1 do 75 16 1 do 75 17 1 do 75 18 1 do 75 t 19 1 do 75 20 1 do 75 1� TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 41 M Total $1800 -- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and J hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated Ootober 21 1941 Foam B. B. a Commissioner of Finance. f OITY OF ST.PA L D�gQRTMENT OF FI ANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONS OF FINANCE" ON PRELIMINARY O DEft" (C) 0 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ,,p,DDITION ASSESSED IALUATIffd Land g. 1 2 Jesse, Klein, Messer Addition S 75 2 2 do 75 5 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 5 2 do 75 6 2 do 7 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do b 175 41 M Total $1800 -- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and J hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated Ootober 21 1941 Foam B. B. a Commissioner of Finance. f ry 4 A ✓E. �i /wlsn'orfh _� _n IOWA A✓-""' n ®+ WicctesCA m► - jndlcateaF4L /Y Mi/fon Sf. Cfwfsrro�/h Sf Typical Novo; a- `1f Figures above lipc.SF+ow Cut or F71t et pbpedy Iiue, a Figu"sbe3arr Tine,511.vv dl sF which dopes M be extnd ebeyond prropcPiy<Ime., Loc.Boek Na.258�XSec.Bk.No.25g4 < L E/ N, M US S E 2 A o h N /d, /5 /6 /7 /8. /9' 20 el55 O o se �s -55 • c /3, 1 30 Jro - J I Nl NIm NIS —IN �+1 + I 9 , IVY , � � aio N M o .... � 4 3 So 43,53 / s�o 9 8 7 6 5 ry 4 A ✓E. �i /wlsn'orfh _� _n 4 d'3PO - � • V i � � C G Office of the Cornmissionef of Public Works Report to Commissioner -of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,ing had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 123389 'approved Tull 15 19_ 1 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land neoes=/Stt"tos cuts and fills in the aradina of Iowa Avenue from North Milt hatsworth and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx—, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 2 3 ` � Commissioner of Public Works. 03 r lc� La SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTPENT cl,� /. ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP e ✓ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED xe It Limited) LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILr-lED CONTENTS C1 r. t�roc end U�.8 0 NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS C,t \z3g4�� S�o�ev,.�lia-ate lc��g�41 ti NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT ITICROFILI.IED aF SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY 14ICROFILM BY Supervisor 502fVONV1S 40 11V3LIf18 1VN011VN - I fl 9•1llll 1 � 15Z ilIlll _ 9' 8•TIIII I v -; i • i illll z-z����� sZlllll ` 8 zi�ii' O.i VIII K+ ■ F1