121692-122057_07-17-1941_04-01-1941so .: ba0y u ars 10 a 67 a m , day °Od or ay . .9\ ^CA`\ N a. p 69 O\� l ' tivtl0 1531 Noilnt053tl ♦d000tl]in . r so .: ba0y u ars 10 a 67 a m , day °Od or ay . .9\ ^CA`\ N a. p 69 O\� l A�n as C,00%> Q V ' t,...ti,-... ' tivtl0 1531 Noilnt053tl ♦d000tl]in ' SoBVONVIS jo nv36rie 1VNOIIVN i . 9-I III �•L •SZ•TIIIII s``ZIIIi; tl:Z! s 0.1 A�n as C,00%> Q V ' t,...ti,-... ._ v SERIAL N0, OF ROLL 2 SiA. DEPARTFENT ��—�• L��i� ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP T� PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED ' If Lim ted LIMITED• RETENTIION DATE MICROFILt•'D `1 Ilu. v DZA0 CONTENTS Qoa i1c I Jfron ee�/ / NUMBER OR NAME OF' FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAt4E OF LAST DOCUMENT tdICROFII,t1ED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM i/ BY Supery Sor i NrvxEsora Mucazo s. ;�Ls�rar•bcTLrsxxc� GoarnexY PA.L TT PAL32• s 1�T��%60TA A.O. BULB nwe.eew� •" April 16, 1941 St. Paul City Council, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:. As an affected citizez,I,_ I take ` this opportunity to add my protest to those of countless other residents of St . Paul against the . permitting of heavy trucking on Cretin and Cleveland Avenues. In my opinion, the proposed ordi- nance restricting heavy truck -s to certain streets is an excellent one, provided, however, that the streets stipulated are strictly commercial thorough- fares and not avenues on which some of our finest residences are located. =t seems manifestly unfair and inconsistent to prohibit by ordinance the estab- lishment of local businasses on resider—lal . streets and then permit heavy trucks , which indubitably are important parts of other businesses, to use these rbsidential streets for commercial purposes. T realize the problem which confronts you, and I recognize the fact— that trucks for trans- porting merchandise are a definite asset to our commun- ity, particularly now when all of us are vitally inter- ested in obtaining for our city as much business as possible from the National Defense Program. However, I submit that all this trucking pan be retained for St. Paul even though the established practice of con- fining business to business thoroughfares is followed in the case of the trucking industry as well as in other enterprises. It was with considerable interest that I read the statement of —t—he, attorney for the truck interes°ts, as published in Tuesday evening's Dispatch. He was quoted as . saying in of Pepct , that it would cost the trucking interests J10 , 000 .00 annually if the city routes the east and west bound truck traffic over Snelling Avenue, a recognized commercial street, instead �IxxvLeoTA ?tsvrnio s, NLAN 'ACTUR 10 Go Wrn dAIN1' PAUL�NCII`L.TP.dOTA 5142 of permitting the trucks to proceed across;residen- tial Cretin and'Cleveland Avenues. This amount, I submit, is inconsequential when compared with the amounts by which splendid residential properties on Cretin and Cleveland Avenues will be depreciated if trucking is permitted to continue on these streets. In addition, the nuisance created.by the trucks is immeasurable and must be given consideration in weigh- ing.. thisproblem. All of us engaged.in business must make certain sacrifices in an effort to be good neigh- bors to the residents of the community in which we transact our affairs, and I do not believe the addi- tional costs which the trucking concerns would have to bear by confining their activities to commercial streets, expressly zoned for such purposes, is too much to ask of them. I trust your honorable body will amend this proposed ordinance to condlude this matter in the. best interests of the residents of Cretin and Cleveland Avenues by eliminating the heavy truck traffic therefrom. Sincerely yours, A. G. Bush, --- . 2215 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. _ G[ OF TH[ 9[Op[TAFY OF STwTC ' St tE of Att moota .[MIKE HOLM April 14, 1941. Honorable G. H. Barfuss Member of City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota My dear Mr. Barfusst I have seen some publicity in the press to the effect that -the City Council is planning on zoning Cleveland Avenue so as to make it a truck thoroughfare. In Augusts 1921:1 purchased a home on the corner of Cleve— land and Palace whers'I have resided ever since. I Cto haul dirt to level the boulevard and have maintainedas well .as paid for the curbing and the paving of my part of the street. I have four large elm trees on -the Cleveland boulevard which I prize very highly end which'are of great value to the property.: •I. do not believe that it is fair to those of as who have paid taxes for years to have to pay not only for the so— called improvement but., -to take a loss running into thouaands of dollars on the value of the property in the event tihat the proposed zoning ordinance should be passed by your Council in order that the trucking industry which has sprung up the last,few years might be permitted t'o travel at brekk— neck speed and disturb the peace•of"those of us who would 'Like and are entitled to rest"at:night. If you should be awakened in the morning anywheres from 2iC0 o'clock and on by heavy laden trucks going by; backfiring as many..of them dog making it impossible..for one to sleepy I believe you would feel as I do with regard to this proposed zoning. There is no valid reason why ,the trucks should be allowed to pick out their•most convenient route. I believe that the —z— taxpayers. should be considered first. So far as I have been able to learn, railroads have been forced to bay, build and maintain their roads. Why then should this -new trucking in- dustry be permitted to destroy residents' property . -without due compensation for the property loss that owners would have to take? I therefore earnestly request that you and the other members of the City Council vote against the proposed zoning of Cleve- land Avenue for heavy.traffia. If you should pass this proposed ordinance and if it is the intention of the city -to take a part or all of the boulevard along, Cleveland Avenue for road purposes, I shall have to take such legal steps as are necessary in order to protect my property. Yours very truly, ys HCLM April lu, 1941 Mr, Mike Holm Secretary of Sta:.e St. Paul, Minnesota Dear T'r. Ho?ms " .l T have your letter of April 14 with reference to the mattor of dasignatinr Cleveland Avenue 'as one of. several truck routes in the City of St. Taul. . The matter of routinc, truck traffic has been before us for -many years. The. Planning ,-card after oonsiderdble study has submitted to the CoMoil the orexApanoe now before us for u our consideration. There is no proposal in this plan to take all or azFy *.s rt of the boulevard alon, Cleveland Avenue for road purposes. rDesignating Cleveland Avenue as a truck routo }e being considered because"this street ;offers the shorteA route bet7egn the hiehs+sys entering and leaving St. Paul on the south and the truck terminale located in the Mdway District. In the proposed ordinanop Snelling Avenue is also designated as a truck route which, in mj opinion, could be used in place of Cleveland Avenue provided there was a convenient outlet from Snelling Avenue to the south. The matter is set for nublio hearing Friday afternoon at 1130.,in the theatre section of the Auditorium, Land your oom- miaioation will be brought to''the at�ention of th, Council at that time. IIowever. should you wis: to appear you may do so. Very truly yours, Commissioner to ..Public Safety " e r, � 2023 ASHLAND AVE: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Vr .. .;r..-m ,.;-i.aanr of - - l'llith ,.t. } n.• , , nn. ,. for L wil 11th rn wi:^t'"Ir not ,trvrinr.d A`r�..le 1 b, .�: . ..n�-vv frFir�ht trwk" r Jj,ct to tmir rP. r'.:., ;L .f.:T ' of t.r-chs or ,-Rv-1^re Avpn"e an tr,n ,_job. tr-ff i.c h nrl', r..^ ac. ally ,r.�. ,... ^1"r.^ ;',v',-ntla •,.'ul. '_.. -cCr ^ . � r'l'S`'. nn .. l 4r. l.pr'1 1,, 1'.41 ':.7r , J. :.:sag 2023 Ashland Avenue St. Fagl, Erim!esota Pear T. I have your letter of April 15 inPoonnection with the deei,-natioc; of 7levelan' ':-.enue as a truc'- route. There has been oonsidera',le misunderstandinc about this matter. I lmrnv of no plane at the pr000nt time which call for the vridenin, of Clovsland Avenue with a oon- Sequent additional burden to taxpayers. Your sugFvstion of usinr,, Snelling ;,venue in nlaoe of Cleveland Avenue has been proposed and is being considered. The one objection to this route at the present tim3 Is that there is no convenient outlet for such traffic to Fort Snell - Ing and the highways to the south. This matter has been sot for a public hearing 'which will be held at 1130 P. m- on Friday. April 18, in the theatre section of the Auditorium.. Your communication, will be brought to the attention of the Council at that time - Very truly yours. Commissioner of Public Safety { A Cleveland Avenue Methodist Church -- Cleveland and Sargent Fred M. Smith, Minister Seim[ Pain, Minnesota'March 25. 1941 " To the City Council of St. Paul, b".inresetai Z , By unanimous vote of twenty men, members of and assembled at the Cleveland Avenue yethodist Church, located on the corner of Cleveland and Sargent =venues, the following rosolution was this da;y adopt -oda ' ."Be It resolved, that we hereby protest to the City Council and request 't ,,t it rafrain frum enacting the proposed ordinance which would allow Clevelan:l Avenue to be ltsed for 'oat of toren" heavy t:.;ck freight traffic. The church. which is located directly across from the Groveland grnd-3 school is ysod for :eek 'lay :lasses in religious instruction under intierdenoa:inational auspices for :aoetings of hod scouts and'vtrl' scouts and for th,3 Tootin,,s Of the socioties and orgenizatiops of the church. On Sunday morning and ovening it us used by children. yeune people end adults for i✓ttn,la, -cool, yours„ people's meoting, and the worship services of the churaii. The use of Cleveland Avenue for trucking constitutes a real ncknaee to the l:rutiram end to thoso psrticipnting in it." The Cleveland Avenue die'thodist Church was'huilt fifteen ;pars ago with the asettmption that it was to sorve u re^tdrnco distrto't,tctl- eally the entire cturah constituency lives althin walking distance of the oln_rah. The future of the rhurch is dependant upon ti:e uei;;itlior- hood eontlnuini. to be a rnsidenae sdatlon and with Cleveland :.vmuf, a residence and not a commercial street. se respeetfull;r usl; the City Council to find come other suluticn to the problae of rrovldine a tnickin6 route, Nezpootfully submitted, Chaimart, Board of Tiustees Pastor o e Church I . al, April 9, 1941 Tlie Reverend Fred ''. SmAth• -actor Clevelan: Avenue *Aethodist Church 225 S. Cleveland Avenue St. aul, T!innesota . .bar T7. 9miths I have the resolution adopted by the Liembers of the Cleveland Avenue Pethodiat Church relative to the designation of Cleveland Avenue as a truok route. Your letter will be,brouF,ht• to the attention of thn Counoil at.the time this natter is to be disposed of: Thantt„o you for exproseing the feelings of your organization in this ratter, I am Very truly yours, Commissioner of Pablio Safety 4 M I. :Imrvrjy I Central A-,—ue paul. ,)ear. 'la—OYI Referring furth,r to ;,,a I.qat.:or of rep.-.u- latinj: truck traff"0- This Iles been got for public hourinr. at 10 Ex. ca., 'rhur�day, 27. I ELm'encl Osin,.,. a copyllof t:jv T?roposed ordinance. Very truly ;ours, Commissioner of Fublio.!3afGtY . . Q.s.o--C2.�-��-�-r..ii � ��-�L>-r.G��� '.-t. G.f�_ �C�G LCJ�-EJ �.uL��Gll�c.�-C� � ! � � � a.. ...: <,.-G •s-.�/ . ���: r� o.� .: / c-1" t_.c_i 1.Lr�c..c-'�.� ...1 .t�c-� _.��G-�G'._��%2�/ . /(jjPL•t [.C�` _.. _LL.�' _Gc. �+LE:<-<. `C_.'� G^.'-C7y.L.<;Lo-. � i .� •r. / l � cL•�c .: <�.. L` . / 1 _, � . � � �� � 7: �� . ' � �1-.mac- _�� �� ;� _ �� �� ��- � .., __fes- �� ;h <-1 � GG� �� �.� �� � �n�� -t� �� . �.: ..:� e - fr A r .. April 17, 1941 Mrs. E. Ives 1867 laurel Avenue St. 11-nul, Vin:-ipota Dear Mrs. Ivest This is to ad"Im(nvledre your. let';er outlining your objection to the proposal of designating Cleveland Avenue as a truck routo. The prol;lem of truck routing in the City of fit. Paul has :)ecn before the Council for several yoar:. A comAttee of the '.'lanr in;; loard has submitted t-; tho Council a proposed or,;ir::noe rdtieh vwild cles7.;,nate truck routes throughout the -ntirn city. Cleveland A•.,enue iron 7or1 Roa] to ilnivo-sity Avenue is designated in this proposed ordinance as a truck highway for the roason that this in the shortest route be- twoon the state highways entering and leaving the city on the south an -i the truck terminale in the Ididway District. The ::atter has been set for public hearing at 1130 p. m., Friday, April 18. This hearing will be held in the theatre section of the Auditorium. I, of course, have no way of knowing has the matter will be disposed of at this time. Your letter will be brought to the attention of the Council at the hearing and I am sure the residents and property owners on Cleveland Avenue will be given every con- sideration. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety c v - r delreciat6 the vi AD. .13 �j 'X17 -0 7.7 ac. �e«.ec l2t� -CIVIC. ASSOCIATION ... A PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION FOR A FAST GROWING COMMUNITY AT THE TOP OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PLEASE -ADDRESS REPLY. TO THIS LETTER -TO...' SAINT PAUL EMPLOYERS OF TRUCK DRIVERS Central Employment Relati6ns Committee 113 West University Avenue AR. SHIEL7, Ch .l­- Five Garfield 2666 C.-Pll.nce C.—R... Ch D.. SHIRLEY, Vil ce. Cn.I.n rn„n ST. PAUL, MINN. ' A..R. SHIEL7. Ch.innan ,A, J. BRAND. T.... urer A. O. WILLIAMS W. J. FEDDERS. S--c A. P. HUNTER T. BALDWIN Februa 17 1941 0. SKELLET C.T. SCHUNEMAN A. LAMPLAND W. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public forks Court Rouse'. Saint Paul, =nn.. ° Dear Commissioner: This Organization -is very much interested in any trucking legislation which-may be placed before the City Council. At the present time, there are several proposed ordinances before the Council prohibiting the use of a number of streets to certain size trucks, This Organization requests that it be placed, on the proper mailing list when notices are sent advising time and date of hearings. Please acknowledge receipt. Yours very truly, '7,7u:R0 SAIST PAUL EMPLOYERS OF T.RJCK DRIVERS Secretary a a f TO 10 CITY COUACIL 01' TEE CITY OF SAINT PAUL We, the undersigned, property owners and residents of the City of saint Paul affected by the proposed ordinance entitled y "An ordinance for the protection of property, the preservation of peace and order, the Benefit of "'Made and commerce, the preservation of health and pubs c safety, and to promote the general welfare, c. rt. and well-balug of the' City and kite inhabitants by defining, regulating and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles and ,the use of the streets, public thorou hi'ares, highways and places by suet 00 021121941- Thia is an emergency ordinance rendered AO(iii{84►iy taF the preservation of the public " yaaole,`•he��,�h anal eafe.4y," do hereby protest -against that portion of they proposed ordinance appearing in syb.paragraph (c) of eeotioU 3+, establishing as a route upon which commercial vehicle"¢•may be operated, designatbd as route number 3, being a proposed route on Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St..Antbony Avennei thenen on St. Anthony. Avenue.to Rondo street, thence to Mice Street, and thence to central business district, insofar as said route to proposed to Xe established ' Oki at.,Anth, Avenue from .:.Cleveland Avenue to Pelham boule- vard, for the reasons following$. 1. That the portion of at. Anthony Avenue last referred to is and for many yearn has been used and occupied•. as an exclusively residential street, and to open it to unllmi.ted truck traffic will interfere with the peace, comfort and enjoyment of property by the residents along said street, as well as of persons residing on -adjacent at "eta. -and will diminish the value of a}1:property in this vicinity of that aection of Sts Anthony Avenue.. . 'E.. That great•.,I�effic. haaaros will .be. orsatsd _. 'ant! nR $tgQ,,ssas W. r Ah •,.. to0i+1 .; that, $sAAplE ,01% Of St r ATYOh by AvetiuiR, to ffie2Uip.'ted. t qek 4raft;jo. will .endanger the -.lives and limbs `\ of ohildrsn I# p* oommu.Ai.ty who are compelled to use that 3 1 . D street in going to and from school. 4. That St. Anthony Is a na rrow street unpaved and Is not.adapted to heavy tr.:ok traffic. That if it is tobe used as a truck route it will be necessary to widen and pave it, with the result that the property of residents along said street and in the vicinity will be confiscated for the benefit of a few e.ommeroisl institutions who have comd into the community long after it was established as a quiet and peaceful residential community. 8. in view of the fact that in the past there has been very little truck traffic on St. Anthony Avenue, particularly west of Vandalia Street, it is apparent that there can be no purpose in establishing that portion of St. Anthony as a truck route except to benefit a concern known as HI -Jay Freight Terminal Inc., whioh over the protest of property owners of the community bas established a truck terminal adjacent to at. Anthony Avenue between Pillsbury avenue and Hampden Avenue, which hue only been in operation since November 1, 1%0, the abatement of which as a public and private nuisance is now being sought in the courts. That there were numerous tracts of propertyinthe industrial section of the City of Saint Paul available to said concern and those interested in it, on which the terminal'in question might have been established, and that It is unfair, unjust and oppressive to -the persons who during the past twenty years have invested their savings in homes on St. Anthony avenge and adjacent streets that they should be deprived of the use of their property as homes and lose their Investments in.order to benefit one institution. 6. That Pelham Boulevard south and west of the intersection of a aid Boulevard and St. Anthony Avenue is a boulevard upon which no heavy traffic is permitted and which In used by a large number of persons going from the south and -2- west to University Avenue and return. That permitting trucks to enter Pelham Boulevard from ot. Anthony Avenue will create a tremendous traffic hazard because of the nature of the inter- section, and will result in an obstruction of legitimate passenger,traffio of sitizens of saint Pauli and moreover, the bridge over the Milwaukee tracks on Pelham Boulevard is unsafe for heavy traffic, and unless reconstructed at great expense, the lives of persons using said bridge in ordinary legimate passenger traffic will be endangered by , the weakening of said bridge by the use of heavy trucks and tractor and trailer combinations carrying fourteen tons and more 4 merchandise. 7. That to permit the use of St. Anthony Avenue in an exclusively residential district. .'by large trucks and tractor and trailer combinations will fosult in the emission of fumes, particularly from Diesel motore, which will render living conditions intolerable. 8. That in view of the pr oximiity, of University to St. .nthony Avenue and the access to north and south by-..' way of Cleveland Avenue and 8nelling:Avenue, no necessity can be shown for the designation of St*,'Anthony as a truck route. 9. 1t being -provided in the proposed ordinance that all streets upon which street oars are operated may be used as truck router no necessity f can be shown for the use of such a street as A, Anthony Avenue, particularly the sections thereof designated herein,as a truck route. 10. That it has been demonstrated since november 1, 1940, that the operation of one group of trucks over St, Anthony Avenue has resulted in constant traffic hazards, obstruction of ordinary passenger traffic, innumerable violations of the traffic leas of the State and ordinances of the Ci r damage to property by reason'of constant vibration, disturbance of the P 49 And Comfort of oitfeena of the com- munity by noisy operations at -All hou,ro of the nights and A -general leeseAing of the value of property in vbioh people of moderate ciroumetances have their lived Wing$ invested, end that to arbitrarily attempt to legalize such a nuisance and such damage and add to them by diverting heavy traffic to a street unsuited for the same, will amount to a violation of the constitutional rights of the citizens of the community a .affected as guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United states and the Constitution of the State of Yinnsseta, and that such deprivation of their constitutional rights will be for the benefit of a small group of business concerns interested only in profit and having no regard for the rights Of the oitiseas of the com unity whose small savings have been larerted in house• is further protest against section 4 (a) of said proposed ordinance unless it be made clear by the language of said paragraph that deliveries and pickups thereby permitted shall not include deliveries to or loading; from true/terminals or B 41pots. `/�.�t� % ✓vim. ' �t! �; - ReaiBeaoe owner or Tenant 44 Ar L A W OFFICES ' 8MI'TH & WHITACRE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA DONALD B. SMITH CHARLES T. WHITACRE ,. I. E. KRA- CEDAR BBB3 March 6, 1941 Mayor John J. McDonough Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: As you know, a trial in the case of Munson st al vs. Donaldson at al has just recently been completed before Judge Carlton McNally. This case has been submitted to him for decision subject to the Interposing of briefs and argument before him. In this trial, which lasted over a number of days, 'a great deal of testimony was taken. In the trial a number of exhibits were introduced. Some of these exhibits will be of considerable interest to you as they relate to the use of St. Anthony Avenue. We are, therefore, herewith submitting to you copies of the original exhibits now in evidence in the above entitled case. Traffic counts were taken on February 8, 19419 from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and on February 10, 1941 from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. The graphs in the exhibits show the relationship of various types of traffic using St. Anthory Avenue as compared with traffic originating from or destined to the Hi -Pay Freight Terminal Inc.. Prof. James J. Ryan of the Mechanical Engineeping Department of the engineering school of the University of Minnesota was employed to make certain sound tests. The results of the test made by Prof. Ryan and his report were introduced in evidence in the case. This report is self- explanatory and a copy of the report as submitted is herewith enclosed. You may also be interested to kn w that there was some complaint on the part of some of t neighbors with respect to the lights originating fro the Hi -Pay Freight I To ................................ Mayor JohnJ.' McDonoughowrE.....................March... 6...1941 .................... sxceT No..._2.................................... ti % Terminal Inc. Mr. Kuehne, who is qualified as an electrical expert, made light meter tests in the neighborhood. Standing on the south side of St. AnthorW Avenue and with the lights emanating from the Terminal did not make any registration on -the light meter. This was also true when the lights of trucks at the loading dock were turned on. His testimory was to the effect that the minimum for reading was twenty candle power and for comfortable reading the candle power of the light should be thirty—five. This meter will record as low as one candle power. Therefore, it was his conclusion that the lights from the Terminal were less than one candlepower when they reached the south side of St. "nthony Avenue in front of the loading docks. It was his expert opinion that these lights were no greater than the lights emanating from street lights situated on the various corners of the intersections in the vicinity. Very truly yours, SMITH & W TACRE B X DBS: ea Enc. NH 749 69Y 6-86 REPORT OF SOUND LSVNL TNSTS at the Trusking Terminal on Pillsbury Aveane wad Ste"Anthony Avenues Tests were made of the sound levels in the vioinity of the Trunking Terminal -at Pillabury and St. Anthony Avenues fres 1930 to 3830 ?*Us on February 86, 1811 and on February 998 1941 from 8830 to 1080$ A*Ve The weather +in the afteraeen had a temperature of 80 Fe with a very light snow falling; and in the following morning, the temperature was se Fe below naso with a light snowfall on the grounds A General Electric Company standard Sound -Level motor $488011601 was need for these tests with a horn Calibrations The m Instrument establishes a high degree of accuracy for relative sound levels• Its operation is in acoordence with the American Standards Asseoiation specifications* - The sound pick-up consists of a high-quality plaso- electric mic746phone which qenefarms sound energy into electrical energy: Tide electrical Moir is amplified aan�d measura4 means of a Sive stage vacuum tube amplifier fitted"foith an indica ifg instrment and a calibrated dial adjustment. The amplifier is equipped with an oai+welghino network which provides an overall frequency response closei sppramlotattng that of the human ear at a loudness level of 40 deal mix* This netw rk was used in those tests. The logarithmic stale is used to define Decibel Cnantities* The Decibel reading is the ratio 101` 0 Sound Intensity Lepel "ase ane y with the base sound intensity W16 watts Der sq* om* In general, a one -Decibel inarease`in sound intensity is about the minimum a human our oan distinguish-&* a change in sound level. A chart of typio&1`sonad levels follows* quiet bedrooms cdeiet living rooms Offices conversation in small roams Factory Mope Subways Elazons -Riveting hammore l� 80 - 30 Decibels 30-40 40-80 so- 60 60- 90 90- 93 93 - loo - 120 TXST DATA 1 Rea IAKa in Decibel= Station 1. - 80 Pest south of loading dock) Truck motor Idling. Tisa 36 41 Average sound level 1130 P*S. 48 81 Truck sanouvering close to aiorophone 8.88.41 40 4Jt} Heaney TraftIs on St. Adthony Ave. .45 • 48 Train in vicinity 61 Average for dropping steel gangway '-'- tstiEnTt asme location as above Ttse 38 - 40 Average sound level 8130 A.M. 48'• 80 Thain in vicinity V0470,6148 Maximum- Terminal Sounds Statism 81 Across St., Anthony Ave. In ulth Pillsbury Ave. Time '11m 33 Average Minimus Levei- 8108 P*M. 48 - as Passing automobiles on 5t. Anthony Ave. 8-id6-41 81 - 61 Passing trucks on St. Anthony Avenue 81 - 88 Loaded truck leaving termi alg entering Ste Anthony Ave. from standstill. 31 Intersection 9t. Anthony and Beverly Road T�Station /c Average xinisum Level 2MP8M* 44 - 80 Passing autosobi.les on Ste Anthony 8.86-41 47 -688 Passing trucks 49 - 86 Leaded track entering 8t. Anthony Ave* from Vandalia Ave* starting from staxAstille On Pillsbury 10 s a on Ave* fte south from at. Anthony Ave* Time k Average sinUmvs level 8188 peg. 39 - 40 Tricks manouvering at terminale 2-80-41 40 - 80 Passing automobiles on St. Anthony 46 - 61 Passing trucks 40 • 41 Neighborhood. noises station 48 Some location as above (such lighter volume traffic) Time 33 Average mInInum level 1140 A.M. 87 - 48 Passing automobiles on St. Anthony 2-27-41 48 - 47 Passing trucks 38 - 37 Trucks manouvering at terainal* 30- 40 gypping of Steel gangway Station 81 818 Ra7mond Ave. (sear Pills bury) South of house. Tim* 38i Average sinews level 8148 A.M. 33 • 34 Passing automobilie on Ste Anthony 8-27-41" a9 Truck level from Ste Anthony 48 - 88 Passenger train on tracks behind terminal 'Station as Vaean lot an Beverly Road opposite golf course Time 30 verage mintaeza level 9100 A.S. 38 Passing automobiles on et. Anthony 9-27-141 33 - 34 Trucks an Ste Anthony 48 -.48 Passing automobiles on Beverly Road 38 - 48 Trains In vicinity Motion 8318 Beverly Road - bale: yard 60 ft* from house. 38 Average minismis level 84 • 37 Passenger cars on St. Anthony 89 - " Trucks on St. Anthony 34 - 38 Truetcs in and out of terminal N,ote1 see Map on sheet following for Station locations. o -Page s- PW •S. '.Oa4Tion9. c� r'do►�E. measwycmcnTs in T{,a viciniTy o f T.rk n Tcvm�na t x A a`YEYiY �R� ReSaalts Of tensa! le The average sound level beside the Traok Terminal witb no trucks nano "ring is about 40 Decibels, ranging from 36 to 42e S• Fiaavy`t­afflo along St. Anthony Avenue eon be heard` above the ordlaory-level of the Terminal at the Terminal• !Se Trains in the vicinity increase the sound level considerably above Terminal sounds at the Terminale 4e' Dropping gangways (steel) have a sound level of 61 Db. 50 test from the dock and soros 1st. Anthony Avgo the level is between 39 and 40 Decibels* S. Stations g 8, and 4 aerose Ste Anthony Ave. have mlialu s Sound levels of I3 • 34 with no traffic. Passing automobiles an Ste ,Anthany have mound levels between 37 and 50 Decibels$ panel" trudb between 47 and 61 Dealbela. So Due to the intensity of traffic at these points, train noises were not discerned• 7e Trucks manouvering at the terminal produced intensities of U040 Deoibele at these etationse Se Loaded trucks entering Ste Anthony Avs.'Prom,the Terminal and from Vandalia Mee, starting from standstill produced the some Intensity of Sound, 40 to 86 Decibels. S. At stations S, 3 and 4 the sound of passing traffic along Ste Anthony Ana, ebsoured mounds ssaeuuUMB from the truck Terminal, ocmpare 8 and To 10• Approalmstely one block from St. Anthony Ave., stations 6,6, end 7 had averages levels of NJ decibels, with passing traffic an Ste Anthany Avenue being barely_ diseerbable, although trains in the vicinityproduced appreolabe soundese 11• 6o sounds at these stations S, as and 7 could be Identif led with Track Terminal operation* �gN�LIIS7O)Jt RIV s area south of St• Anthony Asenue, all sounds originating at the Truak Terminal are obscured by th.passing of traffic. S. When no truck* are manouver Ing at the Terminal, the neighborhood level In unohanged by Terminal operations -page 4- \ ° o ° � DATE � ° ° � BILLING STATION � ' p YEAR o � PAGE NCP. .DATE BILLING STATION ! � • .t . Icmter Alex- Delle Hel -Iderel Beresford Hinck Blunt nri •lark jI Box due Canton Central Chamber- C of Cunter `Dead- J Elk C ton- cru FY. Fnii!Jnl.• purr II Ibren fli hmorA , Emery Ft M J > v o olnbiN Iiot nuron 'J¢Rerwnl Kndokn ,8ennebcc' Kimbnll L¢ad ,Midlnnd Miller Mltchell'Mltchcll' Ml. Skurao No.voll : NewNlnlnnJ Under- Norn N• CeIIbt- I at¢r' Alx_ n..ue Il, :aa anarin F::urc!:.: r �B sla e e. eeford ck Blunt. Box Hawk Brid e- Cn r .. r i n Cent rnl Cl:nmber- Clark Colton- Curler Dend- Elk Emery Pt. Mendu Pl. I mdrla IFourehc. Hawk EIJer venter City I.I. wood wood Draper Point S'icrm Sprin!;x T,r, Vernon Elder ..aster City Inln word wood Dmper Point Pierre e ' 3 4 5 6 ! 1; 9 10 j i 12 14 p 16 16 17 19 j 20 22 23 u 24 25 ... 26 i ',- 27 . • 1 111 •2829 1 ' 30 ' a v" LING STATION YEATI PAGE NO. C':r mer Devd- Elk wool Dr.:nor Point Emery h;..11 -do Ft. Fntitdalc Th, -rold II.vYe:: Il:r.`•:u^r�•1!c•I..i !( ; Jetfervm- Kndukn Kimball bend :Mldlnnd Miller Mllchell hlitrhell Mt. Murdn Ne:•ell Neay. Nialnnri Norn jo I'ie rrv. .... _Kennebec Transfer Vernon Unr- DATE BILLING STATION YEAR PAGE \0. . 1 •eter l I berj Clvrk Cotfnn- . Cu,t , Dead- w Elk Iivrrold Ha ea IIi •hmore Ilolabird: IIot Huron IJe!fereon: Kndoka 1$ennebeci IClmball L—d 'M< X,: k..::e.: )'.r:`.eSl )I: )ta: A, � ''-•'I Emery I•Y. Mendd Ft. Fruitdnle Y F Alen- andrta Belle IIelviderel8erea[ord` H. k � Hawk n IIlunt Hox lt::l ,e- C:nn;on Centrnl Ch wood ? Dry Elder GItY lain wood � odr Point Plern. Sprinae 'Fourche i �` k jo DATE BILLING STATION YEAR PAGE \0. . 1 •eter l I berj Clvrk Cotfnn- . Cu,t , Dead- w Elk Iivrrold Ha ea IIi •hmore Ilolabird: IIot Huron IJe!fereon: Kndoka 1$ennebeci IClmball L—d 'M< X,: k..::e.: )'.r:`.eSl )I: )ta: A, � ''-•'I Emery I•Y. Mendd Ft. Fruitdnle Y F Alen- andrta Belle IIelviderel8erea[ord` H. k � Hawk n IIlunt Hox lt::l ,e- C:nn;on Centrnl Ch wood ? Dry Elder GItY lain wood � odr Point Plern. Sprinae 'Fourche i .:star t' , t R i i I I 1 i +� i _ 1 ..i } � 9 PAGE N0. .a d,dland , Miller 'Mitchell Mitchell 'Mt. Murdn 141-14lNe..' Nidnn•1 Nor, N:? Transfer Vernon U..nder- C.s _ vood DATE BIS PAGE 1\0. %[,n s0 I f Blnnt .., . ,v �:d itor DATE BI :I\G STATION ,,,.:,. drl ,rehn lv,dere Breart —1, Elder venter YEAR � Tit. %. •..... ,, ,..,: � -� N.:raV M1terAlrz- Bello BeBlack Bos Bridue- II r. Trnnsfer'• ter • Fochell1[•.Ile 11eI.Idere Beresford IIlnck Blont Box IIrldue- Cnnton Centnvl Chnmber- Cinrk Cnt,•r. ea,Elk Em Pt. Mend$ Ft. PruBdnle linrmld. }}nyex fiiul,more F}oloLlydSV'o,HuronK¢dokn $ennLcc KlmbrtllLend Mldlnnd MIIIer Mllch,ll Mrt n\y Ho.rk Elder cantor Clty Inln —i .,ad Ilrnnrr Palnt Pierre o Irnw•_v V . T't i 1 . i i % 1 BILLING STATION YEAR DATE i C.:.:. rnl Ckvml.c;_ Clark Gollon- CVnter Dead- k EmeY ..>I : IIu }Inve HiF mo r SVr ne _ EI In F. �itJ:,l�• mld h ra Holnbid It{t i:�tY h•in �'vud wood Drnper Polnt NOtw4 ter Alex- Belle Bel,idere Reree!urd II.f.'k Ftlnn[ Ceabr _drin Poorchc .t..,:,. 1 t A b BILLING STATION DATE i ` I Elk ..., r i':. ?fe:�Jr F`.. F::::L.¢ Frt II —di ood DrnVer Puint f'ie:: •. .Ilnron i7eRe IIcllo 'Belvid... pereatordi Black Blunt Be., `Bridge- Cnnlan CeCit, !Chlul berg Clark Cntlon- Custer Dead- x Fourche : Hawk Eldewater w . PAGE NO. YEAR PAGE NO. DATE BILLING STATION YEAR i i I ! I ° r► � .,: n I ! I ! i Sew Nid:n::i I I Hrtyox Iilghmore:Holabird; Iiot Huron JeRerr.•n KeJokn 8enncinc Kimball Lend MiAI:.:.•i Miller fMltehull kMitcheelc VM11On MurJoUnd•:'- I —dr— F. 7lerrold• ane ` tZ. Meade F. Fruitdale Harrold; Haym Highmory'HolabiN: Iior .1e:',� -:• Kndokn Kennel+r Kimball Lend Midland Miller Mitchell rMitchell: Mt. MurJo New^II New fNixlnnd Norn Nm'Mq sari Alen- ➢ello •Delvidere ➢xnxfnrd lilnrk Itlnm P•.r it: idee- 4'xr :..:: f:..!rn! Chnmber- Glnrk Cotlon- Cuxter Devd- : Elk Emery Ft Mendv Ft. Fruitdrtle Surings Pierre S."In.. Tr...for Vernon r Under- CmiR rt - r ru wood Drnvcr rolnt Plerre e , nndrin 'P'vurche ILruk I.. ler ..e loin wool ood r � r r r r r � r , r • PACE NO. N it,heil Nlh1!fll - -11 t : Kndokn X....1, Kim,,11 1—d Midland miller " c, . . ...... .... 0 0 o cr Co 0 PAGE NO. j err , 0- IS 1- DATE BILLING STATION YEAR 0 F 111-k Bilet C-111,1, Ccc!­1 Ch.eb.,Cl.,k Celle- Custer Dead- Elk E- lk. Mce,6 Ft'F,,td.lc: 11—ld H,y,. ifighm,,,! H,l,bl,d' 11-t ICd,k. Ke—bec Kl,b,ll I,ed Mid1­1 Miller MitchellM, M,,d. Neell N1.1-1 D All, 1,1c B.l,jd... 11-0-1 H k Cy W. Pic, S,rh— T-10.1 Vernon Und- • Center C) 0 Fourche d dDr-er Feint .—d I va. m -1 rq m 2. zi 0 `1 3.� a 0 6.0 W ct CD -L to 7 , _3 8 0 10. 11 O (D 13 CD 0 (D 15 (D o (D i -j 16 17 cT T w '3 o 0 20; ct r C) ::S 21 (D 72.9 C' 44 Z� m CD .23 24 � lD (D 11 .0 -1 w w Cr 25 i =5 r;" 0 , Cy, (D 'I 26. -4 m 3 27 28 .29: oo to 5.; (b 51) 31 32 't ct 'D 33 .1cl CD 1-1 Y 0 .34 35 IJ m m A (XI Is A FACM00 A CD Cd Graph showing total number of vehicles going past terminal on St. Anthony as compared with total number of cars turning into terminal plus total number of cars going out of terminal. (Period.February 10; 1941 from 6100 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. ) 1� total vehicles Total cars into and 1 inch equals 500 past terminal out of terminal 2948 131 &,:aph showing total number of - :.r: cocl7ared with total number .onminal plus number going out from 7:00 A. H. to 7:00 P.M. vehicles going past terminal on St. Anthony of truc'_cs and tractor—trailers turning into from terminal. (Period February 8$ 1941 1 inch equal 500 To-tal vehicles 2916 8 Total Terminal Trucks & Tractor— Tvailere 68 Z-1 Graph showingtotal number of trucks and tractor—trailers going past terminal on St.'Anthony as compared with total number of trucks and tractor -trailers turning into terminal plus number goirig out from Terminal. (Period FebruarAj 8, 1941 from 7:00 A. M- to 7:00 P. M- 1 inch equal 100 Past on St- Anthoxxy 638 into and out of terminal 68 Graph showing total number of trucks and tractor—trailers going past terminal on St. Anthony as compared with total number of trucks and tractor—trailers turning into terminal plus nusber going out from terminal. (Period February 10, 1941 from 6:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. -H.) 1 inch equal 100 Past on St. Anthony 563 into and out of terminal 104 C-7 Graph showinz total number of vehicles goig past terminal on 9t. Anthony as compared with total number of tnrucks, tractor—trailers, and cars turning into terminal plus total number of trucks, tractor - trailers and cars going out from tarmin.al. (Period February 8, 1941 from 7:00 A. M. to 7000 P. M,) ' 1:1 1 inch equals 500 Total vehicles' past Total trucks, tractor - terminal 2918 trailers and cars into Terminal plus those out of Terminal 148 Graph showing total: number of vehicles going past terminal on St. Anthony as compared with total number of trucks, tractor—trailers, and cars turn- ing into terminal plus total number of and cars going ou6 from Terminal. -(Period F'0bru.ary 10� 1941 dram 6:00 A. M, to 6 : 00 P. M. ) E] 1 inch equal 500 total Vehicles past Total trucks, tractors- terminnl 2948 trailers and cars into Terminal plus those out of Terminal 235 Graph showing total number of vehicles going past terminal on St. Anthony as compared with total number of cars turning into terminal plus total number going out from Terminal. (Period February 8, 1941 from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M.) 1 inch equals 500 total vehicles past Total cars into and u terminal 2918 out of Terminal 80 Graph shoving total number of tractor -trailers goinS past terminal on St. Ainthony': in 12 hour period on February g, 1941 as comported with double -the number of tracto'h trailerq sent from Twin Cities on February 8, 1941 in 2 4 hour period. 1 inch equals 20 Total tractor -trailers past Terminal on St. z',nthony other than Vose turning into Terminal 133 Total Terminal tractor - trailers from -- 8 si-lowr, as double or 16 Graph showing total number of tractor—trailers going past terminal on St. 9nthony in 12 hour period 'on February 10, 1941 as compared with double the number of tractor trailers s end from Twin Cities an February 10th in 24 hour period. v -{ s i Total Tractor' Trailers past Total Terminal 1 inch equals 20 1 terminal on St. �':nthony tractor -=Trailers t other Urian those turning into from -- S shown Terminal. 49 as double or 16 / . . •Y s ! �� Gid '. �'1\ --------- Al, Feb. 27, l')"I, Lir, Frederick Dedolph plannin, Bo -:rd city FL -11 Dear Sir: The Council laid oven' to Batch 13th a rercdait back ncs establishing truck routes L.az'ourt �a the city, and re to the City Planning Board for Pur �7w- consideration, together ..Ath pro?^osed endm'nre resen :meg ori a2zatiot noak. o Council to tho trucnersrnd Lir. Lou Rosking, P o;)er•� t ors . Yery truly you= city Clerk. TO THR CITY COUNCIL OF TO CITY.OF SAINT PAM We, Jhe andereigned, proporty 611era and 1e10141 Of the City of Saint pawl affected by the proposed ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the protection of property, too preservation of peace and order, the benefit of trade and oazierce; .the preeervation of heal.Wand publ:io oafety, and -.to promote the ger'J+.xal y� lfars:, comfort and well.being` of the City and Winhabitants by defining, regulating and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles and the use of the streets, public thoroughfares-, highways and places by such commerciai.vehiclOA. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neceseary'for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," do hereby protest against that portion of the proposed ordinance appearing to sub -paragraph (o) of section S, astAblishing as a route upon which commercial vehicles may be operated, designated as route number g, being 8 proposed routs on Pelham 1041erard from Udyerotty Avow to 9i, ebony A1101e1 Wool on $if Anthony A11001 to Rondo Street, thenoe to Me street, and thence to o ntra1 Whole dietriot, ineofar ao laid route ie propoeed- to be established on St, Anthony Avenue from %C11"18nd Avenue to Pelham BOu1e- yard, for the reasons foilovingt 1, That the portion of St, Anthony Avenue last referred to is and for many years has been used and.vooupied as an exclusively residentialstreet,, and to open it to unlimited truck traffic will interfere With the peace, comfort and.enjoyment of property by the residents along said street, as well as of persons residing on adjacent streets, and will diminish the value of all property in the vicinity of that sec.tion•of St. Anthony:AVlnue. 2. That'great traffic. hazards will be created and normal pasettiges trW, c greatly interfered.with. ...ter.,:.... .. ...._.. .. _. to open that portion of Pt. Anthony Avenue to unlimited truck traffic will endanger the lives and limbo of children in the community who are compelled to use that 0 s e etreet in going to and from Achool. 9, That at. Anthony ie a mrrow etreet unpaved and ie not adapted to heavy truck traffic. That if it is to be aged as a truck route it will be'neceseazy te:Rid*# and pave ~: it.i,,with the result that the property of .residents along said ety`e.+pt and. !n the' vicinity will be. gcnft�cated'. for the benefit commercial inet-itutione- who have come. into the -'Oo Mmunity long after it wag established as a quiet and peaceful r_014ent.1al .community.. view of the fact that in the past there ham. 'Finan very -little truck traffic on St, Anthony A*epus, particularly -;.`weat.-of Vandalia Street, it is apparent that there can be no purpose in estab]iehtug that portion of M. Ant)*AYln.e a truck :xndtq. Qxofpt to benefit a' concern known t 4. 1.04; 1401.0 phi@h, oyff the Protlet of of the e�taulshod a thole to rsiAl adi, at. to no l u� Avaoud and r iso Av�uao a ��enuo t�eau y hap oily loll it ap111001 111011410 Wt g. Ipftt of whieb al pablia and privet# nuieanrf ie now Vj'.Ing sought in the courts. That there were numerous tracts of propestp•-in the industrial section of the City of Saint Paul available to said concern and those interested in it, an which the terminal In quegtion might have been established, and that i't;U. unfair, unjust and oppressive to the persons who during .'t ie pagt twenty yearn have invented their- savings in homes on Anthony Avenue and adjacent etreet@ that they should be '-d eprived.'of the use of their property an homes and lose their 1.1ve8tmentg in order to benefit one institution. 6. That Pelham Boulevard south and west of the .; nterneotion of a aid Boulevard, and St. Anthony Avenue is a boulevard upon which no heavy traffic is permitted and which Is used by a large number of persons going fa'om'the south and -2- a Welt to Univt►rsity Avenue and return. That permitting trucks to enter Pelham Boulevard from St, Anthony Avenue will create a tremendous traffic hazard because of the nature of the inter- 8e0tion, and will result in an obstruction Of legitimate passenger traffio of gitiaens of Saint. Paull and morecvert the bridge over the .Bilwaukee tracks on pelham Boulevard is unsafe for heavy traffic, and unless reconstructed at great expense, the lives of persons using said bridge in ordinary legimate passenger traffic Will be endangered by the weakening of said bridge by the use of heavy trucks and tractor and trailer combinations carrying fourteen tone and more of merchandise. 7, That to permit the use of St, Anthony Avenue in an allusively residential diOtriet by large trunks and tractor and trailer combinations will result in the emission of fumes, particularly from Diesel motors, which will render living conditions intolerable. 8, That in view of the g oximity of University to St, Anthony Avenue and the access to north and south by way of Cleveland Avenue and Snelling Avenue, no necessity 11 can be shown for the designation of Ste Anthony as a track route, 94 It being provided in the proposed ordinance that all etreete upas+ Which street '0410 are operated 1y to used as truck xoutee, no necessity o4+ be -shown for the Ulf of Ouch a street as $to Anthony AMUI.P partioula4y the sections thereof designated hereinpas. a truck routef 10. That it has been demonetrated-einoe WNW lo 1940,,that the operation of one group of trucks over Ste Anthony Avenue baa resulted in constant traffic hazards, obstruction of ordinary passenger traffic, innumerable violations of the t raffto laws of the State and ordinances of the City, damage to property by reason of constant vibration, -3- disturbance of the peace and oomf ort of citizens' of the com- munity by noisy operations at all hours of the night, and a general -lessening of the valpe of property in which people of moderate circumetanoes have their lives savings invested, and that to arbitrarily attempt to legalise such a nuisance and such damage and add to them by diverting heavy traffic to a street unsuited for the same, will amount to a violation of the constitutional rights of`the citizens of the community affected as guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Mince sots, and that such deprivation of their constitutional rights will be for the benefit of a small group of business concerns interested only in profit and having no regard for the rights of the citizens of the community whose small savings have been invested in homes* we further protest against section 4 (a) of said proposed ordinance unless it be made clear by the language of said paragraph ft t -deliveries and pickups thereby permitted shall not include deliveries to or loading from truck terminals or d ®pots: Nene `ResidenoR` Owner or Tenant 0 d,, ......... ....... -4- T, FELHABER AND ELMQUIST- /ZjY ATTORNEYS AT LAW February 22, 1941 E-1407 FIRST NATIONAL BARK El-.... Hwwo ­L—ER $T. PAU L, MINNESOTA CAR- E-QU I ST Hon. John J. McDonough, Mayor 347 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. McDonough: The undersigned represents the Superior Packing Company and desires to present the following facts fully by way of memorandum in connection with your present consideration of truck traffic in this city. Superior Packing Company operates a packing plant in the City of St. Paul located at the corner of Wabash and Montgomery in the Minnesota Transfer District. This concern employs approximately 240 people in and out of its St. Paul plant, and the total value of its r' finished products amounts to over $8,000,000 annually. Outside of a small amount of cattle bought in Montana and Omaha and shipped to the Minnesota Transfer, all of the cattle killed are bought in South St. Paul and trans -shipped by truck from there to the plant. The company has four trucks which are kept busy all day on a time schedule hauling this cattle. The plant capacity and maximum kill is 500 head per day. The average kill exceeds 45 per hour. This means a total kill each year of over 85,000 cattle. The trucks have undoubtedly been noticed on the streets of this town by all members of the City Council and have a long body. They would constitute a traffic menace if required to turn on narrow streets or go through heavy built-up traffic with many stop signs. However, this business has been built and is successfully oper- ated to the economic benefit of this community in part upon the success- ful operation of its present transportation facilities and their con- tinued use as in the past,is essential. Even routes which would take more time due to traffic congestion would hamper this restriction because of its scheduled nature quite apart from the further traffic situation created by the trucks themselves being forced to use high- ways not as expedient nor as easy of operation as the route now used. At vresent, these trucks leave South St. Paul and come via Concord to Kellogg Boulevard and thence to Pleasant, and over Pleasant to the Oakland Hill and thence out Grand Avenue to Cleveland, and then right on Cleveland to the plant. Trucks returning to South St. Paul go by Cleveland to Marshall and then to the loop via Marshall and Dayton. It is the desire of this company to cooperate with any required traffic regulations. The company believes that the easiest means of access between its plant and'South St. Paul also forms the safest and best from a traffic viewpoint. This operation is one more example of the increasing reliance which has been placed upon truck Page Two Hon. John J. McDonough February 22, 1941 transportation by industry and this company is certain that the City Council will do nothing not in the best interests of the prosperity of this city and the proper regulation of its affairs. The company. and the underai ed, will appreciate further inquiry from you so that their problem all £acts in connection with it can be fully understood preliminary to your final consideration. Yours very truly, ELMQIIIST, yK•uaRER AND ELMQUIST RSF:o By �4� ELMQUIST,FELHABER AND ATTORNEYS AT L -^M February 22, 1941 Hon. Gustave H. Barfuss City Councilman 101.East Tenth St. Paul, Minnesota ELM <:> Li IST E-1407 FIRST NATI ALBAN BUILDING ST- PAU L, MINNESOTA Dear Mr. Barfusst The undersigned represents the Superior Packing Company and um desires to present resentfollowing facts considerationlof truck trafficrind this connection with yourr pp city. Superior Packing Company operates a pacicirSg plant in the City of St. Paul located at the corner of Wabash sad Montgomery in the ?i'_nnesota Transfer District. This concern employe approximately 240 people in and out of its St. Paul plant, and the total value of its finished products amounts to over $8,000,000 annually_ Outside of a small amount of cattle bought in 14ontana and. OmELI z nd shipped to the Minnesota Transfer, all of the cattle killed are bought in South St. Paul and trans -shipped by truck from there to the plant _ This company has four trucks which are kept busy all day on a time schedule hauling this cattle. The plant capacity and mnxJ-n 3-m 11ci11 is 500 head per day. The average kill exceeds 45 per hour. Tia1s means a total kill each year of over 85,000 cattle. The trucks have undoubtedly leen noticed on the streets of this town by all members of the Q:L ty C outic i1 and have a long body. They would constitute a traffic menace if required to turn on narrow streets or go through heavy .built-up traffic with many stop signs. However, this business has been built and is successfully operated to the economic benefit of this community in part upon the successful oper- ation of its present transportation facilities and their continued.use, as in the past, is essential. Even routes w%zich would take more time due to traffic congestion would hamper this restriction because of its scheduled nature quite apart from the iL3-rther traffic situation created by the trucks themselves being forced to use highways not as exp edient ndr as easy.'of operation as the route now used_ At pre sent , these trucks leave South St. Paul and come via Concord to gellogg Boulevard and thence to Pleasant, and over Pleasant to the Oatslancl Hill and thence out Grand Avenue to Cleveland, and then right on Cleveland to the plant. 'racks returning to South St.Paul go by Cleveland to jjaL=ehall and then to the loop via Marshall and Dayton_ It is the desire of this co rano to cooperate with any required traffic regulations. The company believes that the easiest means of access between its plant and South St. Paul also forms the safest and best from a traffic viewpoint. This operation is ons more example of the increasing reliance which has been placed upon • txtilCic transportation by U page Two Hon. Gustave H. Barfuss February 22, 1941 industry and this company is certain that the City Council will do nothing not in the best interest of the prosperity of this city and the prover regulation of its'a£fairs. The company, and the undersigned, will appreciate further inquiry from you so that their problem and ato yol facursin final connection it can be fully understood preliminary tion. Yours ver, truly, FU.IgUISTFELHABER AND.�FI-MgUIST '� RSFBy :p p. H. ROBINSON. Prnide..e W_ J_ FEDi�E RS_ -r--- E. L MURPHY, Vice P--dery TRANSFER MEN'S ASSOCIATION OF SAINT PAUI� 113 L7aiversity Avenue Room 5 Garfield 7.686 , ShA�NT PAUL. MINNESOTA October 15, 1940 L City Council City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, 2,innesota Gentlemen: 9e understan$ that a ruamber of petitions have been placed before you to pro2-ii3it tl;e use of the following streets to commercial trucking Saint Anthoz�Yr Avenue between prior and 11elham Cleveland Avenue Dayton lvenlie Central Avenue Also a number of property owners h ve sent letters protesting against trucles operating on Cretin and Fairview Ivenues. The Transfer 111feri• s Association of_Saint Paul comprising about thirty Transfer in the City hereby wish to go on record opposing arm char e s �liich would prohibit eomr.:ercial trucking from the use of the above aezzt ioaed streets and would greatly appreciate if this organization be not i deet when these petitions come up f'or a hearing before your bocce Yours very truly. WJF:RO 2-RQ�SFSR S1II1•S hSSOCIATION OF SAMP6IIL i� Secretary JOHN S. FINDLAN P. E. MCDERMOTT Commissioner Deputy Commissioner C 1 T Y OF '�SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota U->1FPARTMEN'f OF FINANCE LEONARIJ C_ SEAWIER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A" JOHNSON, Chief ClaA CLiFFORO M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier February 18 , 194Z . Mr. Harry O * Cll City Cle rk St. Paul, M{rr Deer Sir: I ems attaciiiag letter from W. J. Fedders, Seoretary of the St. Paul Ftp 1 oyers o£ Truck Drivers, reque st tag that their organi=st i on be placed on the mailing list Por copies of proposed or d3asaces pertaining to trucking legislation. I have xrittga to Mr. Fedders informing him I have referred his letter to yoti For attention. Yours very trul� 4JS. Findlan, issioner of Finance. SAINT PAUL EMI�LOYERS OF TRUCK DRIVERS Central Employmer:t Relatior><s Committee .113 West L7XML zv ---x- I Avenue Room Five - Garfield 2686 A- Y.L. SHIELY, Ch.i-- ComvlWnce Camminee n. SHIRLEY. Vice Ch.t—. STS- P<<�U i—� MIT�2�- A. R. SHIELY, Ch.i—. A. ). BRAND. Trmurcr ��� A. O. WILLIAkIS W 7. FEDDERS. Sc 1 A. P. HUNTER T. BALDWIN February 17 , 1941 O. SKELLEP C. T. SCHUNEMAN A. LAMPLAND Mr. John Findlan Commissioner of Finance Court House Saint Paul, Lunn. Dear Commissioner; This Organization is in any trucking legislation which may be p1 aced ba amore tize City Council. At the present time , the ra are several proposed ordinances before the Council prohibitirig the use oY a number of streets to certain size trucks. This Organization reque st s that it be placed on the proper mailing list when not ices are s @Z1t sd vis A-ing time and date of hearings. Please acknowledge receipt _ Yours very truly, '7JF:RO SAgFT CYiRS OEC TRUCK DRIVERS Secretary CITY <Z> T P A U L Capital o JNoki"nasota OFFICE 0CITY CLERK HARRY T _ O'COhINELL City Clerk acid Coen:s—::issioner of Registration b,.r. eor�e is Harrold Flcainin_: Bo,trti Hall Dr:::r Sir: r, -,e Council refF-rr�� t c� if tt•r, ad�r>.ssed to Com- _SS i � �=— 1-40 z�� plar_ninLI, 3c�c t?'e attached. fro::: Lars . 3. Lawrence, y ]cis or_ 'fleet Central ,ve. V CYLI r s V E. Ti t r'•.] 1 , G/ City Clerk. Y CITY Co P S A I NT PAUL Capital of P%�+"riasota OFFICE C> F= C{TY CLERK HARRY T_ O'CONNELL City Clerk and Comrrsa--��ioner of Registration Sept. j" 1940 Mr. Ceorte H. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to yon for consideration :and recoemendat'_on the attached petition signed by a_-t3c>ut �Ol+ residents and prouerty manors on v vs. asking that said from Victoria St. to the Cathedral be esiated a boulevard and .1 t- � rscks be eliminated from the use of said street. The petition was submi st t ed 1,y Louia F. Kiesowetter of the County ttornel s Office. Yo1Lrs very tz-Lily, City Clerk. C� d '� n 1 i>if �k w i4 '� 'M1' rr s i •:. '�ril�� '�'.'•:h4 1J^f ,t. .a '�'4i +�Q+',��}A Y .c is ". ... F j{, t"k'rl �: � � Aix � t �' ' r a fit. a i � •�'. o +' + iY a. s-1fi� .�'. . 's: ;'t�.4. {� ,,? ry : of .%� .. :ra � • r � , rE'�: .iM,,*ill/ � f +,4 •1 .}ti;s .s�5r�"..'3�'�'�°� x.�� s., � ,j�ay�ur�,1"� t .. ::+4 a i h�i1.i%,�E��r �rL�A+++�ig0�i�. •„•Y.• :i�� `.�,r[, n t' x tv v` d d ro ,.r 5� 3 ' . 'RY•1 y v 4{ I ^; sT,tr fj kH S+7r -.. iaj�tts � "� ! s. + ^' ' 4 u: r • F7" � i5 t t r`r^ Fyn?- r� �. y` i : ,1�t {�f+w ���^_ pp�$' r ,,yy��•• v t z 7 + 1 r u '}R d y�s �. K, r'y'tl t pa zvkit St, y G4A/� y, ' r OAA q4-q� iAl. ;.A s /,�� �} 5 F s F`s� '^ ) `t{�C�:��,,.k,'�t `I. ���,. •�.' {� .}�..5r ,.I�i'1 71TI� �1� IAs." '�.et�' �Idl � � I B tG �j S � ,� C+tl r,�l' 1 )��� ^r � � r.�Gr 1, }3� vl �4 ��, rtVrr�h I � S �4+�I.y4Y�, l' ��t•NNi ,,+<ueriwrnAr9 SL7CY 8k4 C1@±1 `"s l .Yi t'1 hQpn L�'qul µp�;�x � .,`�' -t -r - c yv. r x i:'" 1 `505 'e " -�41 m,t All- 141� E x �S ` W T'i4•F '.: Y.�"i'!5� '� }t � s, W e,xy �' {A- t`T�i•€' ; Xf ,.} §9 r �,.'�jj}ts 't+s�". x ' S ".� JtsF,{ 44" N.. TIM �%.� 3 ,�..."tiY A F r9f 1},AG�A��� S t ei ,�p � • } i t.-'Y�:fi•'e...1,4�^i����h1f�:1,-t��:+i�,'�iI . __.�s�_:�`r.,tr"%a' ... ,.., :�,.r. �:. .. .. •�'�' °,w�'.,�.. n.. '.K a :. x, �!.• _ n •�'� fi� = a,t vf,.e�F.5,5Tf x t p>q '� ',. ��N�A�. t 3. Oph Qy,qr w Ant A Ev, Woo 6 Ph. Ism IMANNIN I p"UNNAWW. " y Mv toy 11xM._ AA&W Ali" ..... . . . . . . . yg stile 14 Mot QW5 .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . �xv.,u ;.Pl "to ig. yj A I 00 . vr bi 110 �­l Ins 411M �.A - MOR tit .11? -P . '4 .............. ............. .1 4`0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . W—.— vs`5i,, ff'. w '9t'vbw i �.3 n �.+ 8,S MT o w 7 k t r J,i •:t 1�i r yv 9130 "mw QI- %r M1. . ..ty r. .. r.. vr.. .. .. - .. '•Y 3 qU 40 OUNOTc °r`'i n" des K'ti3gi r v 'e, WIN .�� Y n< �. 2PY *.i�3. a f,�;� '. ,,• �y - fir`" •X,,., S ��: � 1�fy�� XINW11 I @ �4� a ta F F' S }I f � r� 5����i�` �) n tk � .: •f .4 a`�L 4� `+ � � �> -if •h, +,+„ � i s t ,r,-�, d �'3? R f .y, -. +*Y.-, 1. Z#✓a; �,. ����✓�'�tf3hj`h° 0 a b:. off f M1f.fi "RT .r Nil w :viafrE //�f� 4.%u ItPfte �Fs � � F�•�ty:' � of X Yv},� r 'x' s � ! }.+ q- r} :.S' � /ja� f. �? � t _ ,� "? b< . tng Wr •. ' t '� '(a' '.yt,'' �' ` 1 K I ����� ! t�- � r • r.. 3 s, - y 7i � �0 s �.�'r� �- (.:: 44Lr�r M lipr. yyfk{ Iv Y -f r SL � �.e',Y.. ._ .. ...$��..i.�.. .. r �•1 ]'A. JSa:2 YY�. 3T.F.• 'rt',. '1' i INN 1A to 10 �- R M 4 W .AWL WWI INV 9_ V-- M %�-p R, 3 tv- �,<P 71 -S!'t 1 -17 Mr., I " Al If J'T, ze v; ;YF . 92 V., , LF Z:t .... . ........ � + + � } � �' >^A+i4"4,,4 T1.a . i 1 r a� ��� A�i � v' ( } �( ��t'.,i Yk "r , ., �, o�e vit FN t tj IV - 'PAI 3 :•{ M Y i � .:= 7 1 I� •'N' ,r :t"y i+ t,'�� �}� �%'� N y�,Fl y.. 4 V .7 0� I J Wnt 1410,; IL --------------------------------------`-------- ----'-------------------- tk A 14 W, Mvt pm 11 Ll.............. . . . . . . . . SWIPfixr 1- W-11.111 MTV 1 ".n 'iw mop a too' AN Y AIt ANY; MV ........... ........... W'7 IM Tom&!" r ta,j 11 lima" d v �My T'Ll f�l I 3 W -v 10 1 s w aW ........... no Is. AA, W .V . A W, ANT, WO TIM non AT W.- ?,ay. ............ ........... -pr — DOW. �1TK 411 SEE lot. m T In A, Iz J�; Ilk WWII Flat WIT I P V, fps to; j "Ov 161; a loop TVJ4 y,y Iva& WX TOM h,"M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, M Ud .1h Now M, 00 RMN ---,VZXaZhRR ^3 W ROW NA" AT. .......... m CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Cleric and Commissioner of Registration July 30, IL,40 Mr. George I{. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Plannin,, Board the attached letter of W. F. Liedloff, 1822 Ashland Ave. , objecting to heavy trucks on Fairview Ave. Yours verf traly, City Clerk. #1822 Ashland Ave. Corner of Fairview and Ashland AVeB. St.Paul, Minn., July 27th.,1940. The Hon. City Council, City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: The writer wishes to file a complaint against the exceed- ingly large and heavy trucks that are run over Fairview Avenue. Fairview Avenue is an oiled dirt street and will not for long stand this very heavy truck traffic without going to pieces and also all the houses along the street are shaken so violently that in some cases, the cement mortar between the foundation blocks is becoming loosened and falling out. Now please understand that 1 am not finding fault with the ordinary sized delivery trucks but what I refer to, is these large, trueka the size almost of a freight car. In particular, I refer to The Oak Grove Dairy, whose distributing depot is at the Corner of Selby and Wheeler Aves. and they have a very large truck, almost the size of a freight car, and which truck comes in from the country twice daily, loaded heavily so that the truck can hardly make the grade on Fairview Ave, from Summit to Selby Ave. on low speed. Also, some trucks loaded with steam shovels pass over this route but that is only occas- ional. It would seem that common sense by the owners of these extra._. heavy trucks, would dictate their picking a route over a hard paved street that would stand such traffic. 1 As a home owner and tax payer for the past twenty years, I make this. protest for myself and my neighbors, residents of Fairview Ave. between Summit Ave. and Selby Ave. and I trust your Honorable Body will see that immediate action is taken to remidy this situation. 11.9 ,111tY04 �aa— w. CW. F. Liedloff J Honorable John J. McDonough Mayor of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor: 14 , 1941 I hove completed a new i-ioma at 2Z 25 Highland Parkway and as yet have not moved in. I sas that tris Pioneer Trailer Corporation and Wylie Corporation use t2zi s Pax--lrway Prom Mt. Curve to Cleveland Avenue. It seems that both trai1ar corporations should confine their operations to tlza ForcZ Road, which is a commercial road, same as University or Central Avarrues. It is not necessary to ta11 your that the use of High- land Parkway by these large truclks aril traZZ ars ciapreciate my property considerably. My understariciirx�E_- vvas that highland Park- way was a Parkway and restricted as to and trailers. Your advice as to the status off' f3igka1ancl Parkway regarding large trucks and trailers vvi11 lie appreciated. Should I have the rebt of Highland Parkway sigh a petition regarding this matter, or dispose of my propex-ty tlza bast T can even to some colored person if necessary, and mov8t o Minneapolis where the streets are restricted, or bu-T as acre in time country and build a house far enough away so c --aa wet clz tha Fords go by at a greater distance than I have to at the px•asent time. Your advice as to this matter will bo appreciated. Yos ver tru7.L—�---- Bartley T _ Tait 1703 Lasix-eZ Avariva St _ Ps'.x3- a soca CITY O F SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFI C 27--- OF CITY CLERK HA FLRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk air-ac3 commissioner of Registration Aug. 22, 1940 Mr. Ge ACe II. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council r=fern- �a to the Planning Board the attached petition requesting the samo vat of heavy trucks and Interstate Truck Lines from Cleveland lave . Yo,=s very tnaly, City Clerk. C W, CITY O F S A I N T PAU L Capital of Mir�r�esota OFFICE OF "CITY CLERK HARRY T_ O'CO""ELL City Clerk and of Registration H October 22nd, 19110 Mr. Geo. H. Harrold Secy. of the Zoning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council refe<rrec3 to -t- ]=L45 Planning Board for their a consideration in connect ion v -5 -It -Mm. tlma routin g of trucks through the City, the attached letter of t2Za Sixth Period Social Science Class of Mechanic Arts HAgl-i S cho 01 _ Very truly yours, City Clark (� Ma c�" �! �3 �1 1 4 o►e hoo� ' c•cc%c / F �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL i Capital of Mir%nesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Cleric and Commissioner of Registration .moo Gct. 2, 1,j4o id_r. George H. 4errold Flanning Bca,rd C�tv Hull Sir. The Cr'ancil re=erred to Z7C,, or investigation and recoc;:,.endeati^n the attached pet it:i or- sided b: abo-at 2C7 rec»estint „ut beau, tr',tcl: traffic be barr,c3 From St.. Ant> on,T Ave. betweer. pelha-m Blvd. rix, Prior Ave. :laid trat only pleasure vehicles and coru�ercial vehicles of no greater cPpa-cit ti an two tons be permitted t ereon. Yours ver., mit Cleric- - /i--Gb iii-;�/ ✓� C� /_1 522 Raymond Aire. , St. Paul, Minn. To The City Council of 3t. Paul Minnesota , 3t. Paul, Minn. f-entlemen.- Inclosed is a Petition carrying some 287 signatures regarding heavy Truck Traffic on St. Anthony Blvd. between Pelham Blvd. and Prior Avenues. Will you please acknowledge receipt or this petition and advise me at the above address of your actions, as I am Chairman of a Group of Property OwnLers vitally interested in this matter. Thanking you for past considerations, I am, Yours truly, .'1 r -PETITIONS TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA We the undersigned, residents and property owners of the city of Saint Paul in or near the vicinity of Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue, DO HEREBY ALLEGE: 1. That Saint -Anthony Avenue fron Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended or constructed for use other than by pleasure or light consercial vehicles, 2. That said avenue has become a thoroughfare for commercial trucks of four, six and eight ton capacity, 3. That the use of said avenue in such manner creates a nuisance and endangers the lives of the citi- zens and their children residing in this vicinity. WHEREFORE VTE PRAY 1. For the enactment of an ordinance restricting the use of Saint Anthony Avenue, in the limits above stated, to pleasure vehicles and commercial vehicles of no greater capacity than two tons, signed NAE yds Q � �2 U- ._ - y �� 2 aZ ) 6 C- ''' //% 1 0 r F7 LA PB'iITION .'3 THE COUNCIL (}F 1Hi" C1 !'Y OF S,,INT PAUL, k:IN' SS:�TA We the undersigned, residents and property owners of the pity of saint Paul In or near '-he vicinity of Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue, ll..� llrR :;iY .1LLHGM 1. That Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended or c:,nstructed for use other than by pleasure or light oomseroial vehicles, 8. That said avenue has 'Jecome a thoroughfare for con•aercial trucks of four, six and eight ton capacity. 5. Tnat the use of said avenue in a•joh manner c=,eater a nuisance and endangers the lives of the citi- zens and their children residing in this vicinity. ,sHEREr'OrE WE PRAY 1. For the enaetwent of m ordinance restricting the use of Saint Anthony Avenue, in the limits a'rovs stated, to pleasure vehicles and coamcroial vehicles of no greater oapaoity than two tons. Signed NAME ADDRESS awe S r i1�t I1'p ��.'ru!�w. 331 �a�CcnA • PETITION + 10 T11E COUNCIL OF THF, CI TY OF SAINT PAULl MINuESOTA, We the under�aiwtd�aulresidents near property epviainity owners of the oil of of Saint Anthony Avenue frog Pelhae Boulevard to Prior Avenue, Do HER'HY iiLLHORI 1. That Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended or constructed for use other than by pleasure or light commercial vehiales, 2. That said avenue has become a thoroughfare for commercial trucks of four, six and eight ton capacity. 3. That the use of said avenue in s:ioh manner creates a nuisance and endangers the lives of the citi- zens and their children residing in this vicinity. 'HEREFORE IKE RAY 1I For the MiltilAt of I ordinance restriatiq the a of Wit 140110611111A $11101 gym$ stated, to pleasure vehicles and amaroial vehicles of no treater oapaoity than two tons. Signed NAME ADDRESS UV 53 a S(9 r 6 0 a. -PETITION- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA We the undersigned, residents and property owners of the city of Sa:.nt Paul in or near the ricinity of Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue, DO HEREBY ALLEGE: 1. That saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended -or constructed for use other than by pleasure or light commercial vehicles 2. That said avenue has become a thoroughfare for " commercial trucks of four,' six and eight ton capacity, 3. That the -use of said avenue in such manner creates a nuisance and endangers the lives of the citi- zens and their children residing in this vicinity. VIEREFORE 'NE PRAY 1s For the enactment of an ordinance restricting, t � # stated, to pleasure vehicles ark dommercial Vehicles of no greater capacity than two tons. Signed 9 NAME r ADDRESS M 0 0 •A&TLT- IQ14 61 ;vHEREORE TO THE COUNCIL OF THE Q TSE OF SAINT PAUL$ MINNESOTA We the undersigned$ residents and property owners of the city of Saint Paid in or near the vicinity of Saint Anthony. Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue] Do HEREBY ALLEdE: 1. That Saint Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Prior Avenue is an oiled dLrt avenue Act intended or constructed for use other than by pleasure or light commercial vehicles, 2.. That said. avenue has he.come_._a_•,thoroughf_sr* for commercial trucks of fbur,, sU and eight ton capacity, 3. That the use of said avenue in such manner creates a nuisance and endangers the lives of -the citi- zens and their children residing 'in this vicinity. WE PRAY 1. For the enactment' 91 an ordinance restricting the use of Saint Antliony Avenue, in -the limits above stated, to -pleasure vehicles and commercial vehicles of no greater capacity ttian two tons. Signed NAME ADDRESS. Lt • A- - P r T I 'i I U H &'J THE cousclL ot" THF (II TY OF SAXIT PAUL, -VI;4U'-"0TA -'e the underaii,ned, residents and property owners of the. city of Saint Paul in or ,wear the vicinity uC ;Isaint Antauny Avenue from Polham Boulevard to Prior Avenue, W T1iS3?RVi ALLWXi 1. That Saint Anthony Avenins from Pelham boulevard to Prion Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended or constructed for use other than by pleasure or light commercial vohioles, E. Th -1t said avenue has b000me n thoroughfare For commeroial truoke of four, six and eight ton capacity, 3. That the use of said avenue in ouch manner creates a nuisfA-,ce acid endangers the lives of the citi- zens and thair children roaiding in this vieinity. 'NEREF011 r, ' ; PRAY 1. For the ea,actm,ent of an ordinanoe restricting the use it Saint A•ithony Avenue, in the limits above stated, to pleasure vehicles and ooam9roial vehicles of no greater capacity rhun tato tons. Signed ` in:plC r;i2 l 0 J i r 71 Lr i , , Ij l/ 10 4 i�,,1 �.' , , \ ,, ... / �� !�� 1 0 0 ,pR T 11-10 1 ,)r T9 0,1* 4i ` SAINT PAUL, 11018RA we to ugdooslgned, residents And property ormers of the city of Ba at Paul in or Roar the vicinity of Saint Anthony Avenue frog Pehtao Wlevard to Prior Avenue, Do REPIDY ALUM 1s That saint Anthony Avenue frog Pelhad Boulevard to prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intended or constructed for use other Brun by pleusure or light commercial vehicles, 8.. That said avenue has become a $►oroughfare for coo raid trucks of foiur, six and eight ton oapaoity, S. That the use of said avenue in such scanner creates a nuisance and endangers the lives of the citi- zens and their children resifting in this vioinity. WHIORPQRE 79 PRAY 1. For the enactment of an ordinance restricting the use of Saint!Ant. ony Avenue, Ili the limits a"XM stated, to pleasure vehicles and 9CAWrotal vehicles of no greater capacity than two tong. Signed NAVE t;1)DRF.S$ L G any � C,. 7,,�7`, J yz� 6 7a W4 QA AIIA 0 z14 ,)-Z�G _0 till N E - P k T I T I 0 R - To :r WUtiulL )P TW, CITY OF nAINT PAUL, MIHJW':SJTA und We ttse fisagntdPauleIneorsproperty n ar tile vicinity owners of the cityy of of frog Pelha>a Boulevard to P for of Saint Anthony Avenue Avenues li 0 Hi•:t? RAY A iLEGIS s 1. That Suint Anthony Avenue fry Pelbaa moulevard Prior Avenue is an oiled dirt avenue not intonded or to Pr tone for Ad for uee other than by vleaaure or light commercial vehiolea, $. That said avenue has beoocae a tioroughfare for oom 5aroisl truoks of fours aim and emit ton oapaolty, 3. That the use of said avenue in such manner y tirestow a nuieance and endangers tile lives fthooiti- aens and their ouildren rsaiding In thisvicinity. ;9HRESP•QRS WE PRAY 1. Yor alms "t. ony AAvenue, in the "alto ordinance aiwve� the uee of suint Ai1L oriy stated, to pleAeare vabioles and ooaaeroial vehicles of Ro heater oaomclt7 tlian two tons. Signed SS ;-4 • 0 I 0 To TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUM We, t#e undersigped► property owners and residents of the City of saint pawl affected by the proposed ordinance entitled "An crdinanoe-for the protection of property, the preservation of peace and order, the benefit of trade and od®meroe, the preservation of health and pub3ic, safety, & A to promotes the -and it welfare, domfort and well bung of thei City an8 its.. inhabitants by defining, regulating,'and restraining the movement of commercial vehiolea. and the use, of the streets• public thoroughtsres• highways and plaoea 'bordinance ccmmerolal vehiglee. This is an emergency 'for t rendered necessary and ysafetyh® preservation of the public alth do hereby protest against that portion of the proposed ordinance appearing in sub -pars ra h 8 p (o) of section 3,a establishing as a route upon which commercial vehicles may be operated, designated as route number 39 being a proposed route on Pelham Boulevard from.university Avenue to at, Anthony Avenue; thence on St. Anthony Avenue to hondo Street, thence to Rice Street, and thence to Central business ed to be established district, insofar as said route is propos on at. Anthony Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Pelham Boule- vard, for the reasons followings 1. That the portion of St. Anthony Avenue last referred to is and for many yeare has been used and occupied as an exclusively residential street, and to open it to unlimited truck traffic will interfere with the peace, comfort the residents along said etleet, and enjoyment of property by as well as of persons residing on adjacent streets, and will aiminish the value of all property in the vicinity of that aection.of st. Anthony Avenue. 2. That great traffic hazards will be_created and normal passenger,-Lragf`ic grea.tlY,�--i-nterfereA with. 3. That to open that portion of St. :,ntbony Avenue to unlimited truck traffic will endanger the lives and limbs of children in the community who are compelled to use that street in going to and from nohool. 4. That St. Anthony is a to rrow street unpaved and is not adapted to heavy tr.,ok traffic. That if it is to be used as a truck route it will be necessary to widen and pave it, with the result that the property of residents along said street and in the vicinity will be confiscated for the benefit of a few commercial institutions who have come into the community long after it was established as a quiet and peaceful residential community. 8. In view of the fact that in,the past there has been very little truck traffic on St. Anthony Avenue, particularly west of Vandalia Street, it to apparent that there can be no purpose in establishing that portion of St. Anthony as a truck route except to benefit a concern known as FIS -flay Freight Terminal Inc., which over the protest of property owners of the community has established a truck terminal adjacent to St. Anthony Avenue between Pillsbury Avenue and Hampden Avenue, which has only been in operation since November 1, 1940, the abatement of which as a public and private nuisance is now being sought in the courts. That there were numerous tracts of property in the industrial section of the City of ;taint Paul available to said concern and those interested in it, on which the terminal in question might have been established, and that it is unfair, unjust and oppressive to the .persona who during the past twenty years have invested their savings in homes on St. Anthony 'venue and adjacent streets that they should be deprived of the use of their property as homes and lose their investments in order to benefit one institution. 6. That Pelham Boulevard south and west of the intersection of a aid Boulevard and St. Anthony Avenue is a boulevard upon which no heavy traffic in permitted :-.nd which is used by a large number of persons going from the eouth and -2- west to university Avenue and return. That permitting trucks y Avenue will greats to enter'Pelham Boulevard from St. Antbon a tremendous traffic hazard because of the nature of the inter- section, and will result in an obstruction of legitimate passenger traffic of citizens of ;taint Paul; and moreover, the bridge over the iiilwaukee tracks on Pelham Boulevard is unsafe for heavy traffic, and unless reconstructed at great expense, the lives of persona using said bridge in traffic will be endangered by ordinary legimate passenger the weakening of said bridge by the use of heavy truck's and tractor and trailer combinations carrying fourteen tons and more of merchandise. q. That to permit the use of St. Anthony Avenue in an exclusively residential district by large trucks and tractor and trailer combinations will result in the emission of fumes, partfoularly from Diesel motors, which will render living conditions intolerable. e. That in view of the proximity of University to at. .nthony Avenue and the -access to north and south by way of Cleveland Avenue and Snelling Avenue, no necessity can be shown for the designation of St. Anthony as a truck route. g. It being provided in the proposed ordinance that &11'istreets upon which street cars are operated may be used as truck routes, no necessity can be shown for the use of such a street as St. Anthony Avenue, particularly the sections thereof designated berein,as a truck. route. lo. That it has been demonstrated since november 1• 194o, that the operation of one group of trucks over St. Anthony Avenue has resulted in constant traffic hazards, obstruction of ordinary passenger traffic, innumerable State and ordinances of viol+*tione of the traffic laws of the the City, damage to property by reason of constant vibration, -3- Ll LLL l_Lj LE west to university Avenue and return. That permitting trucks y Avenue will greats to enter'Pelham Boulevard from St. Antbon a tremendous traffic hazard because of the nature of the inter- section, and will result in an obstruction of legitimate passenger traffic of citizens of ;taint Paul; and moreover, the bridge over the iiilwaukee tracks on Pelham Boulevard is unsafe for heavy traffic, and unless reconstructed at great expense, the lives of persona using said bridge in traffic will be endangered by ordinary legimate passenger the weakening of said bridge by the use of heavy truck's and tractor and trailer combinations carrying fourteen tons and more of merchandise. q. That to permit the use of St. Anthony Avenue in an exclusively residential district by large trucks and tractor and trailer combinations will result in the emission of fumes, partfoularly from Diesel motors, which will render living conditions intolerable. e. That in view of the proximity of University to at. .nthony Avenue and the -access to north and south by way of Cleveland Avenue and Snelling Avenue, no necessity can be shown for the designation of St. Anthony as a truck route. g. It being provided in the proposed ordinance that &11'istreets upon which street cars are operated may be used as truck routes, no necessity can be shown for the use of such a street as St. Anthony Avenue, particularly the sections thereof designated berein,as a truck. route. lo. That it has been demonstrated since november 1• 194o, that the operation of one group of trucks over St. Anthony Avenue has resulted in constant traffic hazards, obstruction of ordinary passenger traffic, innumerable State and ordinances of viol+*tione of the traffic laws of the the City, damage to property by reason of constant vibration, -3- disturbance of the peace and comfort of citizens of the com- munity by noisy operations at all hours of the night, and a general lessening of the value of property in which people of moderate circumstances have their lives eavings invested, and that to .arbitrarily attempt to legalize such a nuisance and such damage and add to them by diverting heavy traffic to a street unsuited for the same, will amount to a violation of the constitutional rights of the citizens of the community affected as guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the tate of gime rota, and that such deprivation of their constitutional rights will be for the benefit of a small group of business concerns interested only in profit and having no regard for the rights of the citizens of the community chose small savings have been invested in homes. ;Ie further protest against section 4 (a) of said proposed ordinance unless it be made clear by the language of said paragraph that deliveries and pickups thereby permitted shall not incldde deliveries to or loading from truck terminals or depots. Name i<esidence owner or Tenant Ira cz_i� -4- Name Residence owner or TOnaUt !z Y �Zz7J � VI'l Y, ;2 313 Name . evidence Owwr or TenanO ` v l `�, �+- f� , '.1.'� ✓; , �:' � � � Q Q,x-�u-v✓v � ''�� ` SCJ �-�'t,fi✓ . 1zu� %•�ti�7r%��1� " ct � 3 �� �%�'��� G� � 1, v U rams Reoidence owner or Tenant TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL: We, the undersigned, pro-•erty owners and residents of the City of Saint Paul affected by the proposed ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the protection of property, the preservation of peace and order, the benefit of trade and commerce, the preservation of health and public safety, and to promote the general welfare, comfort and well-being of the City and its inhabitants by defining, regulatin and restrainin- the movement of conu:,ercial vehicles and the use of the streets, public thoroughfares, highways and places by such commercial vehicles. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," do hereby protest against that portion of the proposed ordinance appearing in sub -paragraph (c) of section 3, establishing as a route upon which commercial vehicles may be operated, aesignated as route number 3, being a proposed route on Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St. Anthony avenue; thence on St. Anthony Avenue to rondo Street; thence to Rice Street, and thence to Central business district, insofar as said route is proposed to be established on St. Anthony Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Felham Boule- vard, for the reasons following: 1. Thr.t the portion of St. Anthony- Avenue last referred to is and for many years has been used and occupied as an exclusively residential street, and,to over it to unlimited truck traffic will interfere with the peace, comfort and enjoyment of property by the residents along said street, as well"as of persons residing on adjacent streets, and will ::iminish the value of all property in the vicinity of that section of St. Anthony Avenue. 2. That great traffic hazards will be created and normal passenger traffic greatly interfered with. 3: That to openthat portion of St. Anthony Avenue to unl,.,, Pri'c "ill endanger the lives and limbs 1 of children in the community .who are compelled to use that street in going to and from school. 4. That St. Anthony is a ra rrow street unpaved and is not adapted to heavy truck traffic. That if it is to be used as a truck route it will be neclssary to widen and pave it, with the.result that the property of residents along said street and in the vicinity will be .confiscated for the benefit of a few commercial institutions who have come into the community long after it was established as a quiet and peaceful residential community. 5. Inview of the fact that in the past there has been very little truck traffic on St. Anthony Avenue, particularly west of Vandalia Street, it is apparent, that there can be no purpose in establishing that portion of St. Anthony as a truck route except to benefit a concern known as Hi -Way. Freight Terminal Inc., which over the protest of property owners of the community has established a truck terminal adjacent to St. Anthony Avenue between -Pillsbury Avenue and Hampden Avenue, which has only been in operation since November'l, 1940, the abatement of which as a public and private n.uisar.ce is now being sought in the courts. That there were numerous tracts of property in the industrial section of the city of Saint Paul available to said concern and those interested in it, on which the terminal in question might have been.established, and that it is unfair, unjust and oppressive to the persons who during the past twenty years have invested their savings in homes on St. Anthony Avenue and adjacent streets that they.should be deprived of the use of their property as homes and lose their investments in order •to benefit one institution. 6. That Pelham Boulevard south and west of the intersection of said Boulevard and St. Anthony Avenue is a boulevard upon which no heavy traffic is permitted a<nd which ,.. is used by a large number of persons going from the south and ;2- west to University Avenue and return. That -permitting trucks to enter Pelham Boulevard from St. Anthony Avenue will -create a tremendous traffic hazard because of the nature of the inter- section, and will result.in an obstruction of legitimate passenger traffic of citizens of Saint Paul; and moreover, the bridge over the Milwaukee tracks on Pelham Boulevard - is unsafe for heavy traffic, and unless,reconstructed at great expense, the lives of persons using said bridge in ordinary legimate passenger traffic will.be endangered by the weakening of said bridge by the use of heavy trucks and tractor and trailer combinations carrying fourteen tons and more of merchandise. 7. That to permit the use of St. -Anthony Avenue in an exclusively residential district by large trucks and tractor and trailer combinations will result in the emission of fumes, particularly from Diesel motors, which will render living conditions intolerable. 8. That in view of the pt oximity of University to St. Anthony Avenue and the access to north and south by way of Cleveland Avenue and Snelling Avenue, no necessity can be shown for the designation of St. Anthony as a truck route. 9-. It being provided in the proposed ordinance that all streets upon which street cars are operated may be used as truck routes, no necessity can be shown for the use of such a street as St. Anthony Avenue; particularly the sections thereof designated herein,as a truck route. . 10. That it has been demonstrated since November 1, 1940, that'the operation of one group of trucks over St. Anthony Avenue has resulted in constant traffic hazards, obstruction of ordinary passenger traffic, innumerable violations of the traffic laws of the State and ordinances of the city, damage to property by reason of constant,vibration, - 3- disturbance of the peace and comfort of citizens of the com- munity by noisy operations at all hours of the night, and a general lessening of the value of property in which people of moderate circumstances have their lives savings invested, and that to arbitrarily attempt to"legalize such a nuisance and such damage, and add to them by diverting heavy traffic to a street unsuited for the same, will amount to a violation of the constitutional rights of the citizens of the community affected as guaranteed to them by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that such deprivation of their constitutional rights will be for the benefit of a small group. of business concerns interested only in profit and having no regard for the rights of the citizens of the community whose small savings have been invested in homes. We further protest against section A (a) of said . proposed ordinance unless it be made clear by the language of said paragraph -that deliveries and pickups thereby permitted shall not include deliveries to or loading from truck terminals or depots. �Naam,e�'/ Residence owner or Tenant V �L►'Lcw�- �.c�y�t� � 3 S �% �1�:�C � �"�� � Z�ouA,ce .. 30=� G� ',I-V �. -4- Name Residence Owner or Tenant Name Residence Owner or Tenant j Name Rewidence Oo+r�r or Tenant 7Y, --1 /. L/ -3 rl e .2/2 z &f 10 I.. l bcl/moi -�- owmr. or. Team f, 6141 - elf '- X19 An OL Y•. T° .. a . Name Reaidence Owner or Tenant ' qp o- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration April 24, 194o Mr. George H. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Si r: The City Council referred to the City Planning Board for their study and recommendation the attached petition signed by about 159 property owners and residents on Cleveland Ave. and vicinity, requesting that inter -state truck lines and other heavy trailer trucks be barred from the use of Cleveland Ave. The Council suggested that your board might hear a com- mittee representing these petitioners at one of your meetings. Ave. M The petition was filed by Herman C. Behling, 2058 Jefferson Yours very truly, City Clerk. I V- St. Paul, Minn ......................................... ................... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body toxam3e tak,, t,,, necessary stens to provide for the .r h.a.ay e.K truckF3 i.nt.orstate truok .1' . .. ........ .................... .................. . ........... ..... or any ..o..thL _V t.XAj.j from C.Lex ai.m;d ................................................ . ............ ........ ..................... ... . .... ................................................. ZMXANIL and that the underci•-n�j b� ;riven an onrurtunity to b� heard by your Honorable body. *OM ..... . ................. ........................ .. ........ .. ... ... ..... ...............:Mt 2 xts x ... .. .... .. . ....... . . ....... .. . . .. .................... ................................... C No, - ..................St. Ave. 5M -7-37 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownsrs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to db=e omodagfgxpraa Ltaba�da3det take t:,., neo ,^s ry st:�ns to nrovide for the N� Rem :!. of t:.-= ints:rstat tru.;k in•�s or any oth'r nP vy trail tr•l_ks ........ ............................................................ ............................................................... from 412u.ala_nd...Av..snu::.c...... ............ .............................. ....... ..... .................................................................................................BILA. nd that ti:e :.;nd�rsi�ned be ,ivan an onrortunity to b heard by your r.a�l.e oody............. ........................................................St. Ave. 5M-7-37 �a d� N 1 i i i 5M-7-37 �a d� N St. Paul, Minn ............. . .................. ..... ................... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to zausa improvement lac bg mxdm t2ke the necessary ,3ter,.,, to nrovida for the th.Q !.nt.�rcta.t.e tr u C.'-( or ..any Qlh.�.)z h.o.4XY r u C k 6 .... ... ....... .... . . .......... . . .... .......... . .. ... .... .. .... ..... . from Ae.... . ............. ...... .... ..... ................... .............. ............................................ .... :MXam . ... . .v-�nu....... ........ .............. ............. . ... and teat Llie underci=n.,d :jij-zn �,jj onnortunity to oe heard by y,5,,,,r 0 norable body/ im .............. ; .... . . .. ...... ..... . .. . . ... .... .... .............................. ....... . ... ..... ......... ..... .. ...... ........... ............. . .................. tm' .. 3 -'.' :� . . .... ............. .... . ............................ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION If -7 f 7,3 3-19 6 3 SM -7-37 I St. Paul, Minn ................ ................. .................. ....... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to zwwa pmveaxent-Ag bg xmdec ta,,:e ti,, necessary stens to provl--;e for the qf t.t., n t.-, r.s t' Tr c! n �.s or. �LIjy 0 t ller trjckr, .............. .... ... . .... ........... ....... ............... ... . ...... . .. ....... ... ... ...... from ............... Q� :�y:-jnnd Avan'le .......... 6 ............. % . . ............ . .......... ............................ ... .......... �--i ...... .... ... ................. ; d' by Your . .................................. d given �ip. onper.-ani y Lo oe ne--ur and thnt­'ti­l j)ndersir�ne " . Ugnorab-Le bodv. x........... ... .. . .. ....... ............................ .. ........... ....................... MKAiW%aX ........... ........ . ..... .......... .. . .. .................. ............. ..................... ................................ ... ................. ................ . .................................... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'oe 7' 1AJ 5M-1-37 OZ St. Paul, Minn .................................. ...... .................. 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to czxam the foilowbigdrnprovenwnbft-,be)madnX talca tii� nec�Rsqr-" sten . tn(nrwtide for the 1-of-Aba- Intar.S.tflt.e -�'X:IQX. Iine.s or a ny c.t.jL:,X jj.e.jj.yy trucks ............ Re=.v.-. from Av?nus .... ...... ... n.d ............. .... .... .... ; . ...... . . . ...... ...... .. . ii ........ ..... . ..... .......... . ............... -'ur - - I e�.rd by Y, and 00dv. ea O,,� -I n an on-ortun! Y 0 Honorab from% ................. .. . .. . . ... ....... . ... . .. . .. ...... . ...... X10n tv............. .... .. ..... . ....... ...... .......................................................... .. ............ ... ..... St. Ave. NAME fbT BLOCK ADDITION X, St. Paul, Minn...........................:...............................193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: hereby petition We, the undersigned property owners, your Honorable Body toICAtIb'R to provide for the kke:bavtiaEunPameut:deDgmPA�g take t"Ia n�cess:ry stens .g or.anX......t. .!?E7tO.Y..i3.1.....0......tali..._..I1..t.,..i:.T_ nogtrucks a.r..._r..�aYY...._trailer..._ from .)OV ASS r.....tunit....to...b v...h..u... v c' =v ;1-.i}:i Av.;?nue........................................................ and - Y ur G..., ............... a n o ^ o - -,. ,v..n and that t-:),� ander^i. •-n=4 Hornorabl -�? oc"y'jSt.XA")t8.a.......................................................................................... �................................................. St. Ave. ................................................................................................... NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -= ---------- -- ------------ ti � b / SM -4 -SP St. Paul, Minn ................................ . ........ ................. 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen- We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to mxm take t,,,>, 1�c3ssarl- suns to y)ro,rid� for the ...................R.er .......... ....t-r.q any otic r heaV.y !r S& Ave. f1: . ......... .. . .................. iv.-n -n n600r t U i to eard r qndoth� und -rs' d *'Xx".Wft on ra '�et�8dy .&RAaqexS3Lk1x'U xeatta�'k ka . . ........ q�?l .... . ........... .... ....... ....... ... .... ............. ... ...................... hmxv . ..................................... ................ ... .... .. .. ....... .... Mali xhtimixX2011m 51Vk ice xam k"k1aalIMLIZI xx0( 7 Rhau ze xamm ............................................................................ ............ ... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION aye SAL a a IF r 70 J4 2 r 5M-7- 7 St. Paul, Minn ............................................................. 193 To The Hon6rable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ly7ti We, the undersigned property ownars, ti hereby peon your Honorable Body to Matz[ xtbocBDHmvingtrApriDyement-talle(mxdm ta'��-3 tna n.,c=,,isa.y to r�rovide for the as o t..:, a r an y. x51 O.t .a.r :t.rucks from -01. ev 2 La n.d. .. Am --. nu.e .... .... . .......... .. . . .......... ........ . ............. ...... . . ................. .... ...... a that tng,�ndarli[:ned oe iv-�n an onncrtunity. Rdonorf'l ,,. 3 Y- ftmyy. . ............ .... ....... . ... .............. ...... .. .... .... ... : ....... .......... �txkwu ....... ........... ..... i ......................................... ........... to be heard �:'y your .... . ........ ... ............. ............................................... .................................................. .......... St. Ave. NAME .,01 BLOCK ADDITION X050 . rW Af V SM -7-37 St. Paul, Minn ................ ........................ ................... 193 To The Honorable, The Council_ City Of St. Paul, �irTLXXXX- Gentlemen: We, the undersij?- Ea.a property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to mmme: 1tvftHOvMng frnpr6v4tMM1 W bdE*-- .13L� take r:ja ri-3cz3rsary =tens to provide for tl�e --t 17 3.n -.c- or any.9 . .... .. ....... :!F-- zz--t - r�t ty.,i.c.k 11 th.er h.. e. ;�vy -411er trucks ... ........... . ... ..... .... .. . ... . . ..... .... ........... . ..... ...... from- 01�,val.and nue ............... ......... . . ... ..... ..A....; ......... . .......... . . ... . ............... .... ......... ............................. .... ..................... 7161-1'grm and that t;i�� undersi.:'-r-- -1 tD %-jv:;,jj an or)nortunAty to oe. he,. -rd by your Honorable body. .................. ............. ................. . . .. ........ .......... ... ............................... .............................. . . . ........... ... .. .......... ....... . . . NAME LOT . BLOCK ADDITION .3 01 46% -'-'/ -R—. 5M-7-37 r 9 e 1 1. St. Paul, Minn .. .......... ........................... ...... ............ 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, 14-M --w-xxx Gentlemen: We, the undersig-rx-Emnm--x=-1pro rty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to Wawa taco i,ie necess.,,ry Ste' --)e to nrovide for the i r. t e r, --t-- r::j -r- tx*---I:.:'-, iiries or a.Tjy ................ ........ h vy K .3 ea r trucks from Q-1 -i-anA .Ay, nue ....... . .. .... . ..... .. ..... :-.. . . ............... ..................... F` by your and that ti: f unders-,�'nt-�:�=� iv an Or)oortunit y to bzD "Ie, Higgabl -3 body. .................... ............. .......... .... ...... . . ... ...... . .... ...... ... ...... ..... ... .. ..... ... ... .. .................................................. ..St. Ave. NAME 1.07` BLOCK ADDITION - 7 I< I VIL �1/ A St. Paul, Minn ................................. . ...... ................... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to "-Us'e- tbMcOD*ffldjw jg y%zmj%aW=Kdgtx tR�'e tiq.L nec--ss:ry stens to nrovide for the .......... ..................... ........... int-3rst-.:te truck lines or any ��ther heavy trailer . ....................... . ..................... .... ...... ...................... ............... . ..... ................... . ............ trucks from Cl.em.Mand AV..anua ...... . ............. .......... ... . . . ......... ...................... ..... .... �in. oonort,,i.n 5 and that tn---- und-,�rsiF-ned ity t V Y 0 1) r A-- Honorable body XW ................ ... .. . .... .. ... ................. .......... .... ....... ..... .............. ... ar . ................................. ..... ..... .... ......................................................... xvwt xWxtx-IxQ(f' ................................ .......................... ....................... St. Ave. J'/ r 64.,Ok_ L'71 St. Paul, Minn.........................................................193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: e We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to}'dAUAX olio3vu iunpa4 mvesbr t��ra L take t ;-i e n e c a := s r.I r %r Ste -)s t o r, for -'the xtbx ist r^t +te truck lines or any...otn.; r..._h.eavy trailer trucl-. ..... from :...av'iu ...:ra...rd Your ......................................... and that true under.-i,•ned b_. :-iv.=r. +n o rortunity to Ionorael. oouy. .................. .................X.it?: 6iV 0.?CL"19:C................... ....'.........:.:.. ....................................................................... .............. ......St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn ...................................................... ......193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn_ Gentlemen: petition your Honorable Body ZcY(KX We, the undersigned property own ars, hereby P p r o v i d e f o r iagcinxproo�arriarix t�bd'xlh -t a d z t h e n e c es s:I ry st er., s t c it » ca to ,s....... tcc i,es . or n2vY trailer ... ........ r.,e ...t_ ......... .. ... ' t.l'.L' :.�5 .f..r O.4t. Ccl T Q�'�..J.t.RcI.JUT.�I i'10 C'•T;.I:.F.'a.. :IZ..c�.�.�.4.Sr....�.�F%�e• b a -' Y . ..........._ -iv en ar o �r r •rtunitY t: c- SZLx.Lvex bx.................................................................................................. x NAME I"OT BLOCK ADDITION -�-� v ` • l0 1 _ St. Paul, Minn ............. .................... ...... ................... 193 To The Honbrable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to]CjWErx tU the n>cesstry ster's to provide for .........t....;.)................. ............of ....t...n..:1 .....i...n....t.....-....r...s....t....-..i..t. ..: r,.i-k lints or ,inv c th -r :,envy trailer ......................................................................................................... . .... ...... b e U .... ... . .... ..... r: i v t=, n P. r on P,) r t un i t y to Ij:3 n a a r d oc ^r r o n o ra b] 'o --i y XFX= x ................ .......... ... . . ......... . . .. .................................. Itx ;0=x wi ... ....... .. ...... ....... ......... . .... .............. ...... ........ .......................... . ..... ................ .... ...... . ... ......... ... ....... .................................... ' OUM St. Paul, Minn.........._......_.........................................193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to)Mnam t-ke th,.� nceesz-�ry stcne to nrovide for tne .of f::.e int,r-t,!te tr--,,,k 14r�o heavy ................................. ...... ........................................................................ . . !.... i .... ........ Av..zm�i.e . . .... and.Ah.at.. t --.e u -,. d. ar. a I b.a 80ANNY, i ?iv !I r:,i c--ort:,.nity to b� 1,.3ard by lic-nornble body. brwx.............. . ... . . . . .. .......... . ... . ......... .. .... . .. ... .. .. .... a&4 ]Mv.Xt()X ....... ..... ... .. ... ... .......... ..... ........ .................................................. ............ ......................... .......................... . ..... . ......... ........................ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK 3 ADDITION oz z 660! 1?' Kc V U or U YL 5M-7-37 FA I I ?, 0 St. Paul, Minn..................:........................................193......... To The -Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property os, hereby petition your Honorable Body tatmmm 1 f IgvcIDa3mpnoa�+emtrtabat�de: tr. o s, r.�Cess::ry Stens to provide for' the re:aove? of tn:: ii.terstate t.rn:.k liner, or any otuer beay.y trailer ........................................................................................................... ........ ..... ... ....... trur'F?..from lav eland AY...'nuv....._s°:n3...t;i3_r..._t !...:.:.un�..�r�i... n. c.._.... ...9t ......... ....................................... :-iv�n an o•'no:t•Jnity to bC ::e.+rd 'bv your Honcraolo bo:iy. 919= ................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...St. Ave. i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE` OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration hep Ati• 'I, 1%40 o plannir.;_ Board Cit 3r.11 Dear Sir; The C(,.ylcil referred to t.':e plannint: Board for , lsr..en trailers t;:e. ' tactied i:etltion usku p;ac steditt' rt l.'.r.lFred Bof av;7ilson,S2O a IraEle�i fro : Cleveland -ve. , rmd red ..ve. , be.notif ied v'.; the plar,:irZ Board is to t ue this r:.r.tter u,. Yc'.n's var; traly, v City Clcrk. U 0 To The Honorable, The Courxc 1 zoon— . City of St. Paul � =fWL— 1=—jL3+— Gentlemen- Ne, the unders igrz @ -]E==- —x—operty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to take the zz e B s sary steps to provide for the removal of the Interstate Truck Lizae o r— any other heavy trailer trucks from Cleveland Ave. and that tYse Brsigned be given an opportunity to be heard by your Honorabl a So a==-1LS NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 7 2- . St. Pam_ To The Honorable, The ouraci.l, .. City of St_ Peu1 , - Minn. Gentlemen:. We, the undB-� igned property owners, hereby petition y Honorable Body to take the f e rnecessary steps to provide for tale our te r our Of the Interstate True moval Lines or any other heavy trailer trucks from Cleveland Ave. and tYia = ttia undersigned be given an opportunity to be heard by your Hono r � b 1 e Body. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION J 4 St. Plaul', Minn... ...1931d To The Honorable, The C7-c=�— inc-ii, City of St. Pzzsft_ —nia--mi, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the uncle =mmr-mignecl property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to aa®eclhatOcf2 to take the necessar, y steps to, provide for the removal or the TriteirState Truck Lines or any other heavy trailer trucks from Cleveland and that the ....... be __"d"b"""'""''""­'""". . .......... hearyyour Honorable �<iy. -------------------------------------- - - ............... .............................. . - --------- - ......................... ...... 14 L NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION . ........ . -2 5t, 77 i7 0 S7 77 St. Paul 1940 TO THE MNORABLE, TRS o C40�-7a3C =1;, CI'rj OF ST. PAUL. 3W� Gentlemen: We, the ,aT,x-=W -qffiwErsigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable B64y to tie -*-]he neo essary steps to provide for the remov- al of the Interst8t m� Tx-ucsg Lines or OxV other heavy trailer truoks i'rom Cleveland Ave. — - c- -t�13at the undersigned be given an opportunity to be heard by your :I=Tcw 3 bo rabl a Body. �s p NA M R Z 0 T B L L, C KI.- ASD D I OWN - 2. aq °d • y ,r t�J,� / ✓- r � T 57 7 f /7CYLi7tivi�N � �% cz- o 1940 TO THB HoDDRABx.— - 3`23ic COUID IL, 011w Olp ST. 1'---llh--V--V3rmw 3UMnN* We, *JhL� 'Ca2aidLemr8Igned property owx:Lewwllw laawal3y yeUtjon..Vour Honorable .304ar S: ss TC0 the n60 688"JrY 13S OPS VO JPW4a'Vl8* :WX the remov- al Of the Z=Z'Wow TX-Uak LIMUM or aw otlamar 3hLamemy tml2qr. trucks ftom Clare2ALnel -P-,wAmw-.dnpaw AB6=xt that the, --'SVa'6R=Sd IW40 #&'&'won an opportunity to be hear& bzr --sa-vam mr Memorable Body. IIB JENNIE m LO T 3 LO 0 3C A ])])IT JOHN. N —3,T. i To The Honorable, The Couric i1 City of St. Paul, M:Lrx--z- Gentlemen: We, the undersigriec3 property owners. hereby pebition your Honorable Body to tal=e -tYie necessary steps to provide for the removal of the Interstate Tr-ucic Lines or any other heavy trailer trucks from Cleveland Aw@- and that the undersigned be given an apportunity to be heard by your Honorable Body. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ir i - - '� LI_{4, 9t. Paul a 1840 To THS HDBDHABLB, TSB 00UNOIL, 011W 08 8T. PAUL, MIUT- 6ent1e44Iss hereby petition.yoar We, the undersigned property owners, _ Hga0*able Body to tate the necessary steps to h�de tor trallerhtrna trucks io 0f the Interstate Treat Lines or any other heavy m (7leoeland Ave. and that the undersigned be given an opportunity be heard by your Honorable Body. IAMB LOT BL00K ADDITIO�i. Ir CA- Gs JI t J / M1' r J l' r 11 n i St. Paul, 1940 To The Honorable, The Ciunncil City of -St. Paul, Gentlemen. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition, your for remoT— the ry s to rov Honorable Body totate eTrucicnLines aor any pother pheavy etrailer etrucka rs from Cleveland Ave. and that the undersigned be given an opportunity to be heard by your Honorable Body. Name L'ot Block Addition, p y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS '^ .. MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY CO.— aIO..R BUREAU OF CoRsT, a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CRICI ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. O LICE ENaIN EER HERROLD February 16, 1941 SNI . ENG R. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Hon. Gus H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAU or 5ANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU oI B—— M. M. 5. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OI CORREOTIo­ RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Please note the attached communication from Mr. A. I. Harvey, 1004 W. Central Avenue, pgrtaining to the condition of Central Avenue with reference to traffic. I have tried to make these people understand that there is an ordinance being considered, but they just feel as though these things can be taken care of in one session. I am merely forwarding this letter to you so that you may see the temper of these folks. There have been so many misstatements made relative to Central Avenue that I guess the best thing to do is to wait until the ordinance is presented and then set a date for a hearing. When you have finisher with the attached communication, will you return it to me, and oblige Yours very truly, /MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Enc 1. V � _�./ _tea/ �-�^-� �� J�� � ?�a� ��/ �A��� �� �71�•-� ���-�-�—<—�'�/ �`.rG.`2� ✓� P c� LPA` y.b-ia.� _�L'f r--eJ —E' 7G/ � Com/ i/ o(�,�- a� � � _�1 _�t�-� l ��� ,- . Q/��2 - ^ �- a � ,� ,�, �� r � L<, � � �.:__�___ l �..... ��� "_ -� �- i ''� ���/- _ ,.'---y�------�--�f -- j �_sz�- /moi ��= , le CITY OF SAINT .PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration fie.. Oct.. 14, 1940 Kr. George H. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sirs We return herewith a petition signed by about 2559 residents on Central Ave. requesting that said avenue be designated a boulevard or parkway on which truck traffic shall be prohibited. We borrowed this petition from you several 'days ago. Tours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 21, 1940 Mr. George H. Herrold Planning Board City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to -the City Planning Board for consideration the attached petition signed by about 253 residents on Central Ave. requesting that said avenue be designated a boulevard and parkway on which truck traffic shall be prohibited. The Council also urged that the Planning Board make a report on the matter of routing trucks at their earliest convenience. Yours very truly, City Clerk. /� TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'ST. PAUL: The undersigned residents of Central Avenue do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body and state: That they are residents living on Central Avenue; that said avenue is a residential street occupied almost entirely by dwelling houses; that there is a great volume of truck travel on said avenue, both day and night, with attending noises and vibrations to homes; that the street has a peat bottom and is not constructed for heavy traffic, and that continuation of such traffic will ruin the pavement which is now in a very bad condi- tion; that said trucks are also a great danger to -the many children residing on said avenue; that University Avenue is a commercial highway, capable of handling all truck traffic in said vicinity and is located within an approximate distance of four hundred feet from said Central Avenue, and that it is the belief of the undersigned residents of Central Avenue that all trucks on said avenue can be routed to University Avenue, by declaring through the passage of a proper ordinance that said Central Avenue is a boulevard and parkway on which truck traffic shall be prohibited, in keeping with the powers of your Honorable Body. �� Lam"' �.�����3��������.� eJ-��� }..: ��,�J �%LgE9 u Blow wR ��nw� Wa O02T eirr plraNi M sup • MintAaoal! lilanaeota i<oamler 220dv-,i94di. We So Fosomble MWo.r sal Off, Oonaail! , -city of 3t. Pod. a:.`l7ala raffia rgpsrt !blah use submit"to VM J IT '�. 1940,. oaf oipAie a; on Nara 1213i, 1940. we aro sow snbmittin; W s- ropelt .te- , ,�,� VOISIV W101 ss rmoad"xt.and•an ordinssos whia3 rotaid:pat We'otteat-tbo;•yioa -at tom. ropert.: `ia o'edar Wbxt -it is446 aadarst6ed talattraoifis aro not bay d from b4aitrialU aoaod -stvasts!'.e bawe. issindsd. Li th•:.ordlioaim• 'a'freleromao. , tb. o tamiaR 1D.^---'.. iis�liaawr Yui..�64(� eAPrer!d` ipk•`39gR did as.. oosigedi Aiti, is seromas te,all oese•iraiall' sear"t �trs•es.. to the Ooatral asci,- :fou A strYot •astarl'. and. Ao�Worl' of Sa iatonOetiea of.2msq Ylasaaat >isavi.' sor.04 is tv"0*44 iinint :the. rsiation at lu iadastri. = u> a17� eoaod`-cisco of.,tbr eityr to QwIviresleine sante! -laiit Wit:..' " fit llso s teles s aRp, df:Almo dosuplt3►,o its tadil tlos for. treoMna. tate # 40t of ehe owof �{t. �attl. ip+ thr au of gulf* Ira. 36 std iQO�.,' xo. 364'staste dat�>rttillsaWr! rap NWr� aaxOa/ 7olbtattOa:' ° .. sad Ysce t:osat' abp13 :1 -4/4 -Stu$ aqrW of. Us 'ltaito! :�►�ozLnY. �odax' Aw , ; is iilube l;ls,aad aost. soft or oa••OiWt-* s.4 -to its ii t"rosseioncwiti 3rahla Ili >rb: >ri lCe�. gg rme,,aortAoastesly inW =ot+O,9no114as aea:Di:d�R iidsq A. _ Al tsisgb- ; est aaalee is ! ttyi asrtia! e+s1i or Sieh" oaw fab :nsi 'bf: obese espmir li' psttlti W or Eros .tiiR M tia� t'i'ns soliteS AIMa the 41e� . cad oepeaia7 th! trnaTeinRis tla•: tbo .i11dRT Aistrles. ' blsosiila ttoa,-of. trsatslor� the pnrpose,ot"ordlnaoio iiasYie•U.:. , ir►da . W ' iaola4i►lai !deli s apwtaotdisirh reins of .9"r. iso toes .er ea': o' ioa6 ,at oyer tib lefts and .�s31• ta+eeit trsators or road trspter L1iailaS erailr� ,or seal-trlRilerp : bleu ilireiaatltyi e1�eb wohieir ae aloe" n'mdo! wooer' sspali�: sato. � a Iw latoewbilo .hamallietu*m-association ':•port that .tor the years 1932- .. 1939 i>iollnet a 9t-1 j2 of all : traoiAt sales' *we 2 nes or, Lia Ya aap�stp►. !!he OrQiiiaaao, prosie ter -.ioeiplr� tris r> eirnoiis Orit at our Ceatnz iaass;9istru, a ur.'s, ood *b Us: teh Ids L` obi"'tod to e: opera4uss of 3aer ;anise at: !a'a iyasoaaDie ploiioioa. .firori ot:.om iaehta ase .4p .tt. !a width aid. traobi of 4si it: 'aastwa` i�asta ip aatnrortoY sato .. as siieyaaaeplofelT 'bloeyaa'all' lriittlaSii botb:dirso4lNi:oaf�estrieiis. tl is fit '� . . as opens` bOwtoor-shish the trimle osnere tb "14ej. shsutid bitty'j!.}oki a `': li►tul to s: tsiaistsr. ave rh•i1 aha. be. folioed .oa' .W :t>reasf•r. trao.:sat 8iirt :�ti: - ' ' la snd` oat O'onr latisio�a aiLi'e sithsnt oreatial� at�attia hasssds: - .: . {. the, -')acrd bu. d :aa"J idsrafloa.'.t3- ir<li' eiimsass is tAis ,. ss►tt•ri ebo tYithish.laar• bsea'prssenWd for aad.splpat �aofiaa a*rWa; tf .: �a M.4 elle toators 'Drat. ent' bl. letter" or ;eeaterosoi sdt>t is ioliesb. s 'ms.Rftielma 0f "EST pagpis. tlattrooiq .be leapt off 0f tt..•Utha bsiteaoa ?oei.8lvd. b}id !+rias sit:` it aera; ted ooald haw Vim -effect of"'rstaslltW IILbrlei: the deiblopbsat` of "O.Miit - 1dY..,grapsthia.: lltli'::with tD�. desire o4ea. n+esidsate ..ot alonlond :►s•. ' -, ., . - -a ' W lviep .e.ott:oi .ihi. moron�fa+ Int. b.lior•"."Shot aleia►ta�i oi•.ass;1N:-> cps' hili lieaoi a widened oosrsivtal strut and 01 frill ba" to beop" W ome4ri<• J a Oral' aMl• - . '' . .. V biro sign carom oopsidontioa:.to,tbo:request of th•:Res+ail►tiawtoi• graasD?rOstioa wiiooietion is i•gr►rd to rislaa paved se4wt ear set+ett les aitditlioal. 4 oii4., Lo` the majority of Mai so. streets ami r•stdeaatial 14,40raaWr! Trsrin•se b�liap loped; only at certain oorwre! N. aasmt: iaorla: "eo ebie olospoirit! not dna. *s.sssos?rritb ,thief that 40 .ft: ; tvadift .lionlI IN pornitWd to 0137 Qsatrsl.ifaslfoteso"'. ' wiser pf�shiss'we°hese sari" strnts,tlpd te:,:al►}!rot'.enerpa<frgs W s lf.W$, .'lbto ' �iibblbitisn >ignld bog7M" tfoetsr r*Va s me&*$ of ter pasnip.: to the Roncrable'.i6gor and MY 00=611 Pap 2. Aa ordinance to submitted herewith @*"rim the Toccoomensatt"s at report end this awaiwent. We boUSTO that It to &'fair and vOlftbls i2glassoi sea UPS '*at Is *112 find favor With Your lourable .36dr. .UdWr the ordlasnoo th#.'foUoslM petitions &M. tied: rAq."qmst of Vesbaoic Art* 010 fthool Students that tn*o 4relty &Gun. St. and not Robert It. so Petition. of am, 0outral Avou= resideals that triaAcs be tok@4 iff Central AMMUM. Ohs.aet at V. T. Medleff, 1122 AsMsad AvOsaft. that trooYcs -be off of Ashland AVG=*- jjj;potjtUz'oro* residents an Dorton AvdMiS between 116torla aid' 'C&Vk- .edftl .that traft be leapt oft if Sortoa Avenue. "More so, roquat-of No Superior Facklim CasyM 6knoo the 'tvi "t Vutqulgt pausek A Slaquist that $rocks be aug"d an Olvielaut Avoiloo., iia Po$j%lon of.'atts 'AVftUe MOM t residents -.that tromis be kept oft of cretta i's ; tkfti. US Ord 6 -the following petitions or qnsts Wtu not b. aegis-. fleas So. Votj%joz. of WT people Ust. trooks be.kept off of St. A*". . Aqs :between Falhaa XvC and Prior A". Vw.ptitten of 199. mideats on 01mvelind-ArOrai *As. *1.3- ars and olkiiiiistr.irallir trucks be ImPt oft of-clevolintAile.". so sposzd•"tluos st"Ouvoland Avenue . 'resibits: ".4lift #VAft- be UPA..' of - Upper 01"�#&4'AvftW& marked 2116tity:F. DL lNuaSio-am Is lure �isrmomti aw letter. -of ths,swellats# Notor 126asporialloa A4simistion, O'lf* isiaso lartusirullintive ftereftWo. MU:R00&iMo lifO OSM i 6AVAj�dkV 100 aimed li M' an street So& gtroets As" 3wMA as additiona rputoi - and'. that thy. "golatiou':-er larp trooks . entering Slurs in fto'downtowis diatkaCbi6nditealfrout t" 6 we ars returaing holowAth the various petiti=*. - (oftod) Carl W. Combine J CARL W. Omni, WHO P. &BMW* Oialroan of the Surd., N COPT .' " '151 fili'>! PL►11RiA0 !D� .. .. , r .t !hist pari!• ` miasasou ` Snerbsr 28x1. 1940 ' .!o the 8oaorabls Moor and tatlp► Qampetl, ' • Bip of ft. rani. . Gaza",* Us trick tr ffb roport a�bloh .vee admitted to .Y" Jaaaar�r 4W; i9U�, p[i, ritadrita as Mii& 12134 =19M0: goars .so. sabirita . this"P;t: •to- �Datbar yi1b. an :aot�sist tad as ord#a m sbion scald pot tato atfow 6w plan of 1a or+sir afiat ",my y raekt. OO Met trot falaiasiltly aaAA[: shoats► Ae b•!ro iaaladad xs tbo ordicrmi si ratesaao0: ' ..::: ... �i=tatias aa� ••::� :Ardtaaaoa �[i•: 3240approved � ib:..i922 wad sa.: ' , ' ,�...., asalso ii,RAlwtaea to all itsitara}al�j►.ssned sttrots• fa tha Oaatral;frui- ~. sass Dispsiet ?a+t awMr11►amd'm•�tpsr:1:ef th. lsNallotipa...at.Nr st. "aid: rledsaat Imemo...A:tasr rap la aabmitilr0'iho• log tis rtlattam of.tba, iaftstri- sly 00uai!10"s of tM ala►, to abs'troolslait.l.!r"s laid out. Ya a" Pus, ,iulriittai s rtp .of Bswtr �tfp' aLew3af faotlitlOs .dor... s isto sad.oat`'Oir Wa Cis► bs !t.' �► aae ai: ftle 'task F .. ::aFo. g6 aaY 100. ia. ;36;. starts at btiilssiir• !nW �oaMri)r raMo-adtahia�,stp, airdllsroy` V' ant Wit�'`1biM• i>atr. , QadarAw. 'ia Yiaieayolu'as1 ceaiiaa>4ta� ioatbery a�i;tlslar'Yiri:.. b its. lmotimbe Lai vii r: -a .>rto:•: �, : `.�!l+ti�sai loo.: ;g rum a�rtoi isio rao lil"Usi sad !>raalk>4i iapr >fb. '10b yha x6buta #tip s O b'9t. Fan1.. t1> boil. r . ora a6a1p a !Y'Oa iu`gf t** X 6 RR .fah. 8a4 MMIb: V44at tDaM 1lge�, h1 q is bd 61.04014! 7lssipti+ imt. ai id9t6; *Itb�ta abr Otivr'o! !t: Pani + Wl'i►i +af�1lJ! .o>cloit t Aimoo: Wee Mi4 y►`A1atket. aussift' "Stwof P,"si of ibis 0rdisms.1sas bias ! rade t@ i"1046 -tra u drib a.*Aggatacionr• a rstiod of over two toms_ or ; a load a!oysltt ts tie aa'sad all. trackt omatora or tread_ traefozi btxs sus trailtr{I . or, srht-ttistori•. bat siii4aat!!� suo>a rAisiolei atw auk s�A• tttoo� yioiir` oto. . : , -; '. ba:.aetaaol�lJa..ltrtisiaeia>naij.`liaawlatiap. frAport` abet tos:ati ram `19m: taelaiN'9 1/B�:Ot'tYli iiaole'aal�r saro:$? i'as-lose A1A:4&p"ttp:: a 41r ordiaaaoa+'Drartfiai fay >aw•ptat:tiLe lex araatq�;aat,o .oar Oseltata►l � ;��'. b�fa+Ai Dtatgl al3apor a4pd: *bola this to gb�aatad to 1q' obi apt0ro of` tba > : troeba• it xa s reassess 4 1W." sioa. !ba a�aiotrtar. or tar dowitrlra psriw- , aaaba ears tt.` ta; rldi�► tryt :a: symo r Ot .40' ft. traadnea laasth In auil WOriad: lata as i1iOt'.doejloMy..11oaaa A31. ttrflla:3a bati►;:dOrtlosa �i.ibr OtrOpla.A li iY► o rat#sW.Mittoy ibfa *a :desalt oasis tb astiltaasbanld. Oars b0!°!i?a�',abair ; 11W to •ti trandow dank shirt At aaa.-Da.1oie�d .Oq.: is .att aar�ir .trno4: thio opd`�1 b sad ant at.0otttstaen AU itlAint:e*41 <tsarda. !l+a' ioatd baa d11alt aa�i(.rai}«p :t0 all elpoAalta it ibis : `' sai1KE 1 pprr1 bbM iAt bad. Mldt D"0". tprk i4A.1 t:R !`WiiW ' . Olt�iti +utd i�baa 'tliolorr gaa�� :oft",_1� 10�lMir.°or .1� :tanoi aid trgabr�:.: � `.' ''. . .. • jj /fir+, b0*60 POabiat %1*. 0- t Prior A". It CMtsd WOU bi":79 ii Ot6 i! d-je t d6cti . .1'80 dhOlOpt�atbl:bR MidiiR,T D�O�ri41: ' . : • . ..N'tba :doors of !ha raatioalt..of- Olivelwtd 8va.:. . to keep. Make, off: Of Ibae' otroo�tssr W'brii�lrt ab01 n11leatiiy 016401tal `Ait- no will basaar,a wifismd oomis>t 4l strait aid It An 14961-49 be .,.opsa; to. aammar• ' offal moa. : we baja ,dlna aarafa ooaaidsrattoa to abs request of tbs. %Mated looter ' Tip"Oortatioa A4400tattei is : ra�aW4: to- "inpard siswt .air aiteist. Si .idditlasr: al routfo. , as tbs mtloriy Of tbna striets are 'rasadcattil. In oboraoter• . aitaoso wbi.dinntloptd'�aay it-cortaia comers• ay *ascot acooda• to this vioapotat• mor on. we. a " 1►itb..tbam that 40 Of trucks should bs .ponittad is our Oiatirl *aisswa Dtatriat• •]wiv: ao,btti aart!oir itraato...asd veiw OUT" oatn—me gs .to allsirs. 6" probibitlod -aid baaaaa -atteitt*a : thm. o. aontba attar patoip. At tite.RomorAble Yger amd Ottr"Q0114n BB�o i An sraia.poe is sn>!01lt.t*d n.re.ifh eo..rbg 011isootana.11e or the pgr r.t and .Wf .SMSOsaat. is• believe that it is a fair a" workable Ordiaaaes, mak baps *lit - it will fiva tabor vita roar. Hosaftble DW. .. Mads Ow ordia01aew tkse followlai petitions and rogassts'will be atts- float as *" set of.Msobulo.Arts 916 $**of stwdants. out stroob wing V110- eroly.Mmus tufa lits AMOIAost .St. 41A ,aqt 8obrtt4 St. nq potitloa'ot 2258 Oputtal Atem issiddAts that "troops. be.. talsa oft of Osatrwl ►wntls. be wlq will of V. F. L11141 ft, IM'Ashl ad Arsaw, that trait be. kept off of Ashli"'Atvlste. !be potiilea if -I& iwsidsals on 8ytoa AMM betwom Yletorta ad! O&*h ' sdral QuNt troops be kept Of of AWtsa A"aws. .:rrqustit of Updsporlor PawW tokift Qo MV& fbsir. aite��e - Dligoisti khlhimer 6-Blagaist► that UMM be allowd on, Oleralaad A,neaas. "aha ystitloa of Orstta Aisaae DLtrfst ss ldesSi that trwol4 bs'bapt oft at Oratia'►nwmns. 8adar.:the ordinasos the :tol'lowinr petitionw..or ads I* sibs- tiedt ffis patltlasa of, 847. people that trwokts b• kept oft. of $t. AathdW AV"" batwesa Po1}ke Dl/d..and P96V Aa. .i ps.fitloa-pt 199 swsidplfs sa.:Qiml d ,►..ans. than .Hilar dtaa ti�R 2-.:' ''`; jars 01116' atlnr hesrrp t Mlsr' drisolw Ds ispt oft of �ltkrslend lnwi "..the do W votsuft,: of ,Olsajaland' a+twbVA. rs414"111 th*IJ6. tNab:ls:itDi' eta of s'*we- Qlswlead, Aessi►r sia!lsd. hto!!!y .!. a. glligsr: EQla I arwaiias.. ' !ho lgtar of 'thr. ftplatod MOO 2MUpsr"oa Asseoistxea.01tis11eAoto tsweloa ..1�:�t>sir �ossuti�a D:o,re�;.'laltilotadas; sstpstrtip8 t>trt As aliened! tt),}aa .•.a as strwet ea= rlrNts: llDsrt► petted' as idatuss l i"O'. hasp t:melctr etsisslo� .rllprd fa UP aowaatewd df atildt be aaittsd from is -are refusaiag herewith go. "rim pollit as. Toms h>t tsoltr►'. " (tip?tsdj Qar14. Question tl11011tl0137. mX13 7, Otisirama olbhs Dowd. ' -T UrI111nN to City Cler CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �Jf � PRESENT1" DATE COMMISSIO E COUNCIL 121700 FILE IVO._ ... RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47098, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47099, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47100, applied for. by Frank J. Johnson at 299 Maria Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrusted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 17, 1941, Old Location. COIIIlCILmETI yeasTlays Iiar// juss Ff�lndlan �Parranto Rosen lfruax ,.IDr. Presidpnt,_I�lcDonogcjlr am-rc�iSSnF'rtsi�cntlPctcrs�\cr: a. I:enulc::a. Ih:u lireu=a fire Ila�nl:ut- nl: rl nlrlrllr:rll0�r lrli,ullr{;n!r:, vlyd t)rt iu lr• Null Iterrra Kr•, ulrlrlicutllrn I�lirrr, 'r l�I�li��l fr�r lid I'r:l lr l: .1..1 �rll rr �rru \I;:r ��a :IUJ Ilr�• ��il>' :a l�rl< I+ fn.lrur�lea rrr.. �Irl`Il rrl�� llr�; ��11 �' Ir:•u.11ry ��f Ilrel ir,•�\� \\'. Irr f��r ur:rll�' ulr l�r�.\'�.a li\' I ��rr r�- . r�il. I'i•1�, 1:{. 041 Isla :\al�l�i �:a I��'=tri r_—rl•II Irsl i. _.. 1!r II.I .\I�I�r��\'I-rl I�!•I�. _ ��rll :rl 1. FEB 2Q 1941' Adopted by the Council__. Approved__.._...... _._... _...._._—.....---194... In Favor lriGi::' [IIayor Against Ori{in•I to CIrY Ckrk ' oUCIL '!'i 6193 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE"' ae NO._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �'. PRESENTED EBY R / ",•t.. .� ... _. ... .. ._...-_.. .. %'.. V V COMMISSIONER—... _T:I t-'?-. _._.. ..._._. RESOLVED, That W. L. Kaufman, Superintendent of Parks, John Connolly, Superintendent of Equipment, Folmer Lauritzen, :lead Gardener, John Hol:4es, Zoo Keeper, and Alfred Steric, Park Foreman, be and they are hereby directed to attend a Park Conference in St. Louis, tlissouri, from February 24 to 1;. -arch 1, 1941, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby auti-lorized to draw a warrant in t!:e sum of '•225.00, payable to a. L. Kaufman to defray expense of travel and other expenses in said matter; said warrant to be drawn against the Park Fund. . I'. N, II M. Tram'—. \ I:r•.��Ir.•d, 1'.. i .,. . Ir- n( I•:uulVmenl. Ihrint �•r ` Lnurl K-11 Id enol qn Air—I, .(nhn Ilolinak 'Lnu I:er•per. and Alfred S1erk. I'ark I�ur:•mnn, hr• nd lhi-)' hervhY ili n•. lnd t.. :t ttenA 1'n rknference In Yt. I-nuin. Mi.+n��u rl. fn­nt�IehruarY I. 'f il: 1:141. and th:�l Ih.. I:rn...r illrc ry In• til thr•)' li �•rr•hy iuih�iriz��d t dra tr � tint In thr• r�f'i__5.nu, lia)�nl�lr•rt i�r\\'. 1.. Knu(- dr•fr:rY i n r..`�irl n i ��f ti:r �'r•I anil :rt t:•r; d nt t�� hr �Irn �t'n:i ti.iin.t tli �• 1•rrrrk by Ih.. I it I ,h.1941 1 r COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council_... IleasRays Bacjuss � / � c• 1941 Approved_.. ,-I�arranto J // 1 ��f.�l/ tb In Favor Li .. ... _..-- on Maijo � � � �� � Rlayor Aosen /Truax .:Against W, President. McDonough ,in )-a�"IEs�iSiel'tt:i�.:....: ',t eut::..•t. Orlllin.l t. City Ckrk ' ' COUNCIL CITY SAINT PAUL FILE NO._ .. �: OFFIC THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORM DATE_February PREBEISSIONER__- NTED BY COMM Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for constructing in place Monolithic Concrete or Cement Tile Sidewalks and other work incidental thereto in the City of St. Paul during the year 1941, to PEDERSON BROS. CO., in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 463 of said Pederson Bros. JO., for the contract price of approximately $26,002.00, such bid -being the lowest bid and said Pederson Bros. Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and her is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper Uity officials her are authorized to execute said of Saint kaul. r. B. #463. contract on behalf' of the City _ V. Na, 191491—I1p Mull'," I:e�"1er•bl, th"S Il, is l'"u"eil hereby "ynr',Ilt e.erltlren`f"r.�l;oW herehyl:u"tr"IN ihot4 r��r � r.=I rtt,•un� 1,'�t�ni��e �Itl Sld" iib `t bei:• ce",e"r •rue e trnl kn nn,it if vt. ". I'a"I Inl Ith�•ret" In tl�r t'ilr i'wring lli.� t 1911, t � I'r•aer.+��" Itrrix. 1'�r„ ���ttiibi�� ...I IId hetet" —ill ,I the Irrrr . ih�l \��. 14:1 "f u"Id 1'aler- 'I < Iirl�x, f',r the t intruc; helm ..�r"uPprm b"o�ieb• t • d h ma" a �ht•inF' thv 1',a�•.a Lld xnid i•.•air- n��ii Ilni". helm; the lu w.;.l rrlitl�le "�I ren_"nhle li ltlder, ""•I the t�:,ti��" t'„"".el he irl herr hM' i� c...... I', In,tc "Ir the "ront•r f"rm ��f :et Iherer',r, and the ur"ner t:,11 ',Illti�hu� her... nr�• tuth',rizebl t.. � v hitt.•till e"I r"r1 " heltnlf "f the I ..f "I 1•:.1. Ir. It. \,i /4.^ h -fir'•',ht�•d lir tl". I "'II Iry h, .U. 1911. b"1911. 1 (Ireli. 11_. 19V1) . FEB ?0 1941 Adopted by the Council_._.. COUTICILTTIEn l nays eas e , Beat uss Approved_. _ -. _...._.. -.. .._..._....-194-.. /Findlan -?arra ayor to C / J .. In Favor ago fiGi �"7 Rl �osen A/' Aqainsl c uax 1� President, T114D4Dcgyh, . 0Ajio.l to Clty Ckrk PRESENTED COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL couwca FILE NO. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU _ IL ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM DATE_ ... .. ... _. ...._ .. ...��. ... .,. fiESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for alterations,and addition to tnc Hayden Heights Sciiool, as submitted herewith, prepared, by the City architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings,.be and the same are hereby approved, the same beinr-satisfactory to the Coumiissioner of Education, and the purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in tae Manner provided in and by the charter. F. 5., IPIfYv—Ity Aael F. Pelcraon— Rr..ulceJ, th:,t the VII -1 nna �peciH- .��:u,:n, o,r an,•:au,.nu n a , aaluen t., ti,�• n,u�aon u�1k1,t� sri,:.ni. :,.. , b- .nul�•,1 I;:•r�•..•nl:. nrrhnrc•d I,r w� ciq• \rrhn,.rr na rr th,• li rcrllon of lnr Ils. 1'11 )'1; run nJ. t l, ILII. ��•Linll,linK.�. h�' , na tho u I: �. r.•li :Oru1'u•:1, tl; rt ran c 1:�ImK �,t icf::,•t ury t.. t1,1 f'nn:mi:+xlun,•r of ' I•::I: i:•;,I i�•:;, :,n i tl;.• I'nrcl,nuinK i \F;,•nr e hurz�.:l to ndr.•pr.l iat•,l f,d I: i;l.� tlt,•rcun In th,• n ne;' rn\' I l; nil 1��� th.• ,'h:, rtcr nt I.\':I.�01�•d I�r tl,.• t it ITeh. _"0. 1:111. :\nl'r�ir�•�1 1'�I �. _ .11::11. (1:•1:, -_, 1911) ` q 1941 COUTICILRIET1 Adopted by the Council.- geas nags Zouss Fi an arranto In Favor Approved_ .... ___T94. - G ^ /w't1Y.,7 mayor n ruax 7/` .Against �. P[esldept,__ticDonoii�h nm ,�re3'4ee�'lesid.:r.c (Ytxcrsoni Oritio.l to CItY Ck•rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour4clt. 11L. NO._ ,_,...p. .. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE_--February ___ .1.9.,..19.41 COMMISSIONER.. ... .. "�' '""' - """� - Whereas, due to excessive snowfall it was necessary to hire a Bulldozer and truck from 'the Farrell Contracting Co. on January 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,'10, ll.and 13, as city -owned snow removal equipment was found to be inadequate to clear the streets without delay, thereby creating an emergency, thereforg Be It Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to pay the said Farrell Contracting Co. $333.50, same to be charged to Emergency Snow Removal 13-K ,alsse—I+.•Itoee++— n �cnerene, d++. t„tr�"hir��lre. liulldoo ,� ntlt tru+�k �tronr rthc I+arrr,IlAContrtct- Ing Cu. un .lan uarY 3, ti. i �• 10'vltl • inIIi' 1', m eityt..nd t ocne.owl.mo a[ tIur Ihe - . be efthg nnmergenY. there Itu li Ite.+��lrr•�I. that the I''u rr.huelnK Agent Ire, and he fe hereby autond t d, rrltl+ the .u+ nl of the bfaYnr a a the nrPtroll er, Vio P.y the Wald Fu1`%e +��ntrnnting Co. $331 so. he hnrged In I•:mergenc)• Snot++lt Iten�urull 111 K�Pled "1 the Cou nrll At,rot•ed i•'eh. !e, II141. Ireh, ^3 19411 C011TICILIriETI Adopted by the Council_. !_T: ''�'..... ._ie4....-... leas / days ars Approved-, md�an _. _ In Favor. / [Mayor •'Kose❑ � Tu uax Against .P es'"-'di ent; iilcC1gp0iigh _ ,,m e- ¢r.C4'Q�p��resitier.t IYrtc.>on• OrlQloal to f'.1{Y Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Co Ett"L NO._ . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM' A PRESENTED BY ATE 1941 19, 1941 COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one pair of impellers to replace worn impellers in Roots-Connersville Gas Pamp at a cost not to exceed $409,00 f.o.b. Connersville, Indiana, from the Roots- Connerville Blower Corporation, without asking f•or competitive bids, as it is impossible to rurchase these rel:airs from any other source. Charge Plater Department Fund. 1 Ite..nl rc J, 11 ut tb¢ ['u re hnxl•n be. m.. he is herehr nu[I+o t). to I:nr- •hns+�. +r 111+ Il:u a :nl o[ thr• ....... y- Iroller, un �nlr i f �i a+0cllera t�� repin+'u n IIOV�•I�ers In Ifoota-Gonne rarlllr wor I'u: V a i•nat nn[ t�: ­­d y{II::.Oil f. i. Ali.+l'nnnerarllle, InJlnna.' fr: n Ill ii�ol:i�ir11`liin:l:n+•..I<Inl.'e inr.l ���'�.:'. tn:•I ilia. I�i�l". iI :+t" n+lrrh;:�+� thy...+• :`i'la:ira`rr��n: :n)' :�1ln.r j .\il..l•1 ��J I.y tin• I � n�•il 1'+�I �. 1:11.' . 1941 COUTICILITIE11 Adopted by the Council _- 11"41-.194-. .- geas hays B�ss Approved_. ........... .. .........-194.. Parr to son w In Favor kli?77 Mayor uuax Against tuW-. P.residenth-IAcLadn$Et{lh) ,m ,W.Nji; 'resideuc (Pocertl0 orlain.I to Cu: Ckr4 ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour+clL RILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Cie— PRESENTED BYDATE �2bll.aT.y...4.Y.,.. 194.0 COMMISSIONER___... _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, Aith the consent of the Comptroller, from the American Develop- ment Company, without advertisement or competitive bids, Silvray processing on electric lamp bulbs to be furnished'by the City, required during the year 1941 for street lighting purposes, as such process for such purpose is patented and no advantage could be gained by advertisement or com- petitive bids. Approximate annual cost for Silvray processing lamps 518,000.00. a COUnCILnlEn 1]eas nays 8 fuss /Findlan Parranto Xosen Truax r est ent, T[iclJiiTw ti 3M e- aMr-iVdcxePresidcnc 1I'citca, In Favor / 7 r Against Ihrrr:urtu— I:esolreA, thvt the Ihl rt•La slot; .\g'•nl Ise. nd Ire he retry uilruriz¢d to ,:I: rt•li u..n. �r{In ine :-rr •r enl of tn,� nr Pt r��llert fr:: n: the Atneri'':rn IJr•_ e el::nnrent t minrny. �vlthnnt ndvt•rtlsu- .nt nrnetiti�'e Fids. SII�'rn>' 1`:"•' nr 'r ' el,�� 1 In t:n Irull�s Ire Ise fr: rii l."li,�d l�I.y t1:4.: Ic'ily'.I le�lnlred •lurinti Il:e � I:'{1 f•:r slt'eel 111:ntinn lilir- 1:�•.•....::f..nidi In: rliir" :rod : �� nilyn ..nt::ti •�1 I rvn•Ir'er'lixenr::nnlrlnr-' I�i�l.�. r\I�nr'r�i:n:ltr:n Il I l,-1 Ir III- r nn:ee=si:�t; Iv nrtrs i ls,nmr,nn. 1941, �.\�I�•I'l erl Icy tln• t' lett Ivi'. .�. 1:11. E B 90 1941 Adopted by the Council—.... _ 194... .... Approved__.....__ _....... _.. _194... 'Itlayor Orlpin.l b Cityrt Ckrk .:.i h�.'_�, �,. 4 N✓� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO._... COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -d 9 _ COMMISSIONER__ __. .. ._ .. ._ DATE _February... ..._ 1.....>t _ 19%1_..... Resolved, That the rurchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two 2" Model CT Hersey Compound Meters and one 6" Hersey Detector Check at a total cost not to exceed $542.90 f.o.b. St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. charge '+water Department Fund. I:ednl„ d. U�:1f u„. r11 r,I1;1.,1:1� na;:.11l b,. h1l".1". 'I n........a i ���ui ni n�ii,.,. `'�u1 U,p "„�f1.. I I ii.• :�'��. .�. t'1:1•:1 E:; 1_.:111 I'. �� I. tit. 1':1111. 11rf t11-� 1..I1 f1i>c' f1�r � n111�IIli\'�• Ii111..�. 1:14 I. COUTICILMETl Adopted by the CounciFFB 2 Q ,1941 geas [lays /findlan Approved_„ _ 194, • r: /0arranto rJ In Favor _ Rosen Mayor /Truax ' Against V,Aasi2 ni. d1cDonough am ,-abicslVics,Presidu,r (I'rxcchool . Orliloal to CHY Cler 121700 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL FILE " NO.- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN ATE__ytbK9a:�y..20. 1,941 C OMM, S, S41I.E RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47098, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47099, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47100, applied for by Frank J. Johnson at 299 Maria Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the - payment into the city treasury of the required fees. I A. d 17 rr Mall I.y Fra"k .1. .,.I ia A"'.. I., :-d 0- 'a"', :vnn'. I .-Ity Ir -11111y �'f It,, F. -l'. 1.3, N-41. I'I'l 1""7;" I.y 11 DII. Mew, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 1,, 1941, Old. Location. FEB 2 0 1941' COUTLCILMETI Adopted by the Council-... 194 ijeas Tlaqs Approved-- ­ 194 'Findlan o f�a�rrartto In Favor -iEa—­' qor; Against f /ruax . __s.. Or1/te.l to Clty ok-rt _ A I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL21701 �1/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1.1.9 NO._ O COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM vru. • i PRESENTED COMMlssroN ___._. February 20, 1 41 .. ._ DATE_...___.__... RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47091, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47092, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47093, Tavern, application 47094, and Dance Hall, application 47095, applied for by Domenic Stinziani at S W. Channel St, be and the same are hereby granted"' and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paymtt` into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 13, 1941, Old Location. COUTICILTTIETI ljeas Tlays o Findlan �rranto .on -Truax jx-7, eyT, • .. clnpilgTt, sm—WrC3U/sx IVz"idCz1E (201 :son) In Favor Against 191:111—n>V. A. T. 1•:,rrnnln—.lobo Itc-1-0. Ihn, Iiceoar, fur Iteauu,- R,nt. apnllratiun {71141. 01, Sate'Nult e•'erage. xm,ncxunn {i099. OR sale ]inn Me crx ge. uPp l l ca ton 4,093. Txrern,' nppllcn tl„n {�li•i 1. na I-c-ce. 11x11. xppllcntien 6, , I,p 11 e,1 f,•r h.• I')en,enic Stlnzlnni :tt A \\. 1 l 51. I.- ,na the a hereby ct,d , :Utas the elt,rx�clt•r�k • Ia IIII rll-Y,: In Iva ,ch Ilrr upu, the pn3',n end Inin\the city- irvn:,u ry otr the rwlui red e, .'�.:te. Inr,irm:tll)' 11ea by (.:o,ln- i ,-H. Peb rtt:, r.' 1::. IJ{1. 1, Old Lncxtien. :\anpl,:a I, �• the 1'nuncil ICb, zn. ]9{7. R 1941. !7 (I�t•h. _:, 19{7) Adopted by the Counciff f9 1941 t� • E. Approved_FE __—______,_,_,__t94� ACuv Mayor '2 4. 0,1jinal to City Ck-,k pC.0 C11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM it Orr: 'PRESENTED By 1:J1 -------COMMISSIONER RESOLVED- That license for Tavern, application 47096. and Dance Hall, application 47097, applied for by The Flame, Inc. at 15 E. Fifth St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue Such licenses upon the payment Into the city- treasury of the required fees. No. 1-J 11. it—fu— lit 47096. 47,097. :11'!Is ' ' 'l,"Ifth St! e nus j" •nenl14 u, Hutlh,, .11. l r -u N—•1-foYiby C 1.1, 1.,4 A�,.,gl.,d 1,Y A W,I.. 20. 1!14 1! New, . Informally approved by Council, Feb. 13, 1941, 01d Location. �,EB !G41 couricil-METI Adopted by the Council_ nanaysj. lfa,l: us' Approved— ;V,dl.n anto In Favor 7761 Ac4iag Maqor sen Against ,,m kPoter.on) ori`ind to City ,l .�� COUNCIL .. .,. r CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM February 20, 1941 PRESENTED COMMISSIONER—_—._—.____--- RESOLVED, That license for Restaurant, application 46929, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 46929, and Off Sale Malt Beverage,, application 46930, applied for by Frank J. Young at 243 S. Snelling Ave, be and the same are hereby \ granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. V. L!rrrUl;x— Itexol�'ed, thnl llcrnxe For Rextnu- tnl, uVPlicn lion 411U28, C)n Sale Mnll Ile�'ern Kc. PPll�nllon 469.9. nn 1 Ort �nle Afalt ee�'ern Ke, npnllcntinn is 24% ;IOxlied fur I;y Irrnnk J. Y unnLL : • �. SnellinK A�'e. he nu : ' the le n h}• Krnnled nd Ilc a Ieteen ewe ru on it 'e +lrui'ted In ! xae ',h O 1 xl renn�lry ,e ym.•nl inlo Incl tr li pima i ny Cmm- ���..�. in��, ur . n�r:,rel - II, I�eh. 4, 1941, qld I.oinllon. All �����a•a >r• i�`. iI-' I1,el...r. 1911. 19417 New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 4, 1941, Old Location. FEB 2 Q 1941 Adopted by the Council_-- CoUrICILMETI Ileas netts 1-bla;'Juss 1/ Approved—.____ ,"findlan ,- tarranto 1 i In Favor son itosen ..... - tl§CilCy^. Ma, or ' �uax Against I 1 piesidCn MCT)OnOugh em e,A4r,_3N"oPresidcuL kPI-1W" 0r1Ain I to City Ck,k U CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL p FILE NO._."�.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �t PRESENTED _ .. DATE___FEbTuelry COMMISSION _-___.__._.... _. ._ .. .... RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 46993, On Sale Malt Beverege, application 46994, and Off Sale I.Ialt Beverage, application 46995, applied •for by Julia C. Caron at 678 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. r. r•. s... lsr9l—Iay r,. It. unrr u„„—I ll'. .+. i�nrrnntn—anhn s. rl 91 n I;E.vulred. thnl Ilcrnse of i[eslnu- urt. aDhlicn I)II 19098, On sale ]toll Iliee era Re• nplicnllon 16991, and ort `ii`Inlrnrtill,}e niiiin'tnnl I` iI n 1G f78 Selby .\ve. ne nd the amen hureny >;rnnl,d and the rily clerk - ciu, I.v�ln p ed to issue nllch lice nrc¢ strPn)'- nl Isla the ty lrensnr�,"uf hhe re- nuired fees. r(.a LI,Iunr Ilcen x.: lrnnsfer In - 1941 ally lyiprnv ed by f:nunc•i 1, Peb. 9, adnnl�•n I�r u.,. r nen rely. 7o. alit. APprocrd RrL. yf1 X111911. r Idew, Liquor license transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 6, 1941. r t 91 " r3 1941 COnnCILITIETI Adopted by the Council— _-, .... ... .. ._ ie4_...._ ijnays V s Barjuss / indlan parranlo^ 7 In Favor GIF C Acting `;Rosen mayor `Rosen / t ,,4ruax 1 Aqainsl ,in (Patrson) .2170 Orlpinsl to CRY Cork ti CITY -OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK { ....... COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 20 Febraary Ell, 19k1 - PRESE ... .. _._... ... WHEREAS, heretofore IIOn Sale It Liquor license #1775 was issued to Julia C. Caron and Edgar R. Johnson at 678 Selby.Ave. and' WHEREAS, Julia C. Caron and Edgar R. Johnson have requested that said license be transferred to Julia C. Caron only at the same address, and WHEREAS, the said Julia C. Caron has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Liquor licgense #1775, heretofore issued to Julia C. Caron and Edgar R. Johnson at 678 Selby Ave, be and the same is hereby transferred to Julia C. Caron only at the same address, and the bond of Julia C. Carom is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Julia C. Caron and Edgar R. Johnson from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. Transfer ifformally approved by Council, Feb. 6, 1941, Old Location. COUTICILTTIETI Ijeas nays �ss Figdlan "'Parranlo . /irvax dztdept;-MeDonough JI\.'I L. VIB t"resident tPCtetson; J IC. 11. \o, 1_1705-13)' G. It. Ilarfuxn— A'. A. 1'nr ran Io—John S. Findlnn— \t'hereua, heretofore - "On Sale" LI- • "aor Ilcen xr No. 1,75 ) a Ixsued to .lulhh l:. t ,nd E".ar 'L Johnson at 67% Selby Ave, and Ivhe o• , Jolla t l•nroa nl 1•:dgur IC .lohnxon hn veequrxl ed., that xald li.' �• br ten nx[ened to Julln ('. Caron in lrh'�al the ho, : ajlola . a \i'In•rrxx, lhrh�Ihe JuI f Caron hxx iIllrcl a bond In the x, n u[ $3. 00 a.0U :. by t,c:•nt) rye ,btld bnp,vd a.-lofor. i;^11xi:th'e-mre,yhethne`oMrntion ,. lved, that On ; S!,11-l.hluor; . H­­xo. 1775. herelnfore Iexoud to !.I ulln C. Caro, and Edgar It. Jnbn.vnn ��' :hl li TS Selby \ve, he. and tl,e . ,. In. hrrehY lrnnx(erind [o Julln C.Cnron1 nlr :,I the x pad rexx. lhr bn1111 1 of Julhh t'•, tiC!er Ix bel b)• to dl-' 'id the 1_, t ,, t In 11- of to ar- oxll the xai hr o the nice f the CILY nlrnnrra ' nd lna c r-1.11 n rel—rl ix olhorlrna , e a"'l If e rel the v Car h , the ban 1 of tar x,ta�i�dl„ c: c,trnn ,�:,a 1:ag r rt. Jonn- t 1ronh v for ther 11a1111tY ori xing after the Aute thla reaolutlon is p�lb- I Ixhea. loTT u\rdnnnonnnlnr,x�(, �[nrrdrr d bby.Int[hu )O¢ ontov . by he G, J!, 41. d In. o1n4tFeb. .n, 1447. 41. (71eh. ?_, ]941) FEB 2q 1941 Adopted by the Council__,.,..,... l94_. .. r�r 1 Approved__ -'------ '-- )--'--194_ .. In Favor jC'1f17� Mayor Aqainst CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE \pplication No ...... .................................. Aplflic:n�v . .... ..... .... ........ .... ... IC ... .. .. ....................... ................ IT�'lji[Cll SULIV� L op'-valilli'. a Mature' lla\v . . . ...... ... . .......... When and wh,rc` 6_7cf, ... ...... .. ... ...... . ...... .. .... ............ If p, Ira I i;), li IalliI- tirncral ;,It f .. .. .......... . .. ..... . . ... incorporated' .. . .. .... . . ...... ... . .. I f :110'. ho.", 1. Ing ha 'ovilod I;- qllaricr: f.,;' c1111) 111L 1111)(1` . .... .. . ... ............... . mane nn lll�IL'rs ..... . .. ..... i, Ill. :Io,j I j;j 1) 1 e and address of general 111:111a.,er andC"rl ...... .... ..... ............ . ..... .. ...... ............ .... ..... .... . .. . ...... .... .. ..... . . ...... ... . . .... . .... . . . ..... .... . ... ......... .... . ................ (;:,I. lla!m. 411rvly c-nill'any o-Ilicil will write howl. if .... . ... ..... . .. . ......... . ............ ... ............ . .. ..t tit her St reel sidv 11 et wv(-ji What (.'ro4_ Streetsnt, mane Ward le v" I '!-'C or university(ljle:l1llrL-d ZII1)lli_' streets)?...... isilred akm­ tree, ......... . .................. ............................ limliv fv, t t;. !,,I "it c I.-. mail . v feet front (:�o. ti 111 - payocllml 'g,!- lig�iy�.�h­d (mcasurcd along, .�treetS) ... .......... . ... .................... . . ...... .............. .. .... ... Nallic If closest schIj Loc are prein ist- C11 RLIW-orrng d.✓GPC ... . .... . . .. .................................... .. r On N,. hat floor I 1 :11 it e I f I I vv 1 6, . C' g pr, Illj%ZC4 "o-TIM It a re4tallralit, give 4caiing capacity" ... ...... ..... .... ........... ........................ ........... ... .. . If Ilotel. seating C;11)ZI Cit\. of niton dillillg cv­ ­0 . . . . . .. .. .. ............................................................. . .'tell 'Ili I. I r tit ill which liquor Sales are intended: (sive I ie. or number. or other descriptio If I' . ......... V ..wiol........ . ........ 77�-, � .. .... .. ................. o; ..... ..... ....... ........ / ........... . . . . .. . ......................................... ... ....... : ............. ....... .......... . ........... ............ ............................................ ......... . ......................................... . . ... ......... .............. ,... ....... . ....... ............. 1 .1 1 1 ....1, .. .. ... ............................................ . ... . ........... ........... . .. . . .... . ... ................................... . . ..... ......................... 4x: ......................................... .. . . .. . .......... ............ ........ .......... ... ........................................... .......... ..................... . ......... ............. ............ ................. ... ............................ .......... ....... .... . ........................ .... .. ................. ................ .1 . .................... ..... ................ ............................................................................................................. ................................................. ........ ........................................................................ .. .......... .......................... . ................ ........................................................... ....... .......... . ... ......... .............. : .......... ........................................................... . . . ....... .. .................... .................................................... ............ . ...... ...... . ......... ... ................................................................................ ... .............. .................................................................... information above IIILIA be given for hotel., and rem;:milts %, Ilicil Ilse more it,:,:, one ronin for liquor sal Howjually "llem room, in hotel ................... ... ...................... ... .. ... ....................... .......................................... .................. of - - I-6,ident proprietor dr milla.q restaurant or Ilotel) .... . ..... . .. .... ....... . .............................. ..................... ............. ...... ............. .. ..... ............ ........... Give 11111319� alid ?tfdrc,,:ici; of threebu,.i ................ ................ ...................... ... ...... ....... / y ...... .. ......................................................... ......................... .. ................ ....... 11PLICA-FION AIU............ 4.01.1,� . ....... ........... ..................................................... I ....................... IhI 1.6-. AlIPLA ICN-f. AD NIF CORPORATION, BY ' BE V0Z I I- I E D' B Y 1'0 MAKE 'FIIIS APPLICA'MON; AND AN OFFICER OF 'I'llE DULY AUTHORIZEK J'FIE SEAT, 01.' 'I'I-IE CORPORA'HON BE AT'FACHED: ls6tiarice of license is not recommended Application checked I)v Dated ..................................................194........ ................................................................. ............. .................................................................... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MI\\ESt)'I'A,1ss. y COUNTY OF RAM SEY �Y .- .. ..........being hest duly sworn. deposes and says that/c has.rcad the bdlowin;v application and klwws the Contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of It s Ia aledge, information and beli, f. 1;4* -ib( ane}-s _.. rte } heture.we / `-'........day of.....=::....:::..;'..................19-I...... Notary Public, Ramsey'I!ount), \litut. \Iv commission cxpnrcX....... ............................. ................... STATE OF MINNESOTA,i COUNTY OP 12:19ISEY )j ss. being first duly sworn, deposesand says that ............................the.................................. .......... ................. ................................................................ of.................................................... :................. ............................ ... ... ............... .................. ................. ............. a corporation: that ........................................................has read the foregoing application and knots the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to -the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation: that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation be authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before tile this........................day of.......................................... 194........ ............................... .............................................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires....................................................... OrlRioalb City Clerk J + C. I^. \n. 11170G—ISy I narf�•,- �.%._ 16 • /•<:': d..hn S. ITIn dls n--„ r NCIL Wher CITY OF 5 , L�,u: i �h NO. OFFICE OF lol`.�;'°: �h„r.: . COUNCIL RESOLUTIt". ".'..,. •:..;,vuJFORM p_6t ar �w • //////II , n,.. PRESENTED ER ' Na, DATE COMMISSIONER_. V �,,.VV._.. ... ...__._. _. .----_— ....__..__._ WHEREAS, Louie M. Klass has petitioned the Council for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station and parking lot at the southwest corner of Minnesota and Fourth Streets, on Lots 1 and 2, Block 94, St. Paul Proper; and WHEREAS, said Louie M. Klass has submitted a blue- print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section :5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Louis M. Klass to install and maintain said station and parking lot in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the -Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall be determine that the maintenance of said station and parking lot constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. CORRCILRIEn Adopted by the Council 1]easRays ss / I .. .. `......... --- .;. I /indlan � Approved_,__...,_ _._..—__..—leo /f5`aga_n�to� �J'i"/�IlCii� In Favor �LLt.,osen / TRayor truax V ..... ..Against residenL :15Z=403Ui3LLi1'iI:D �� nm e_a�L`s�1�iSe1'tesident (P<.ir.:,l:ll) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARR) +,J—O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 19, 1941. Mr. Barry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Ball Dear,Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Louis M. Klass for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station and a parking lot on Lots 1 and 2, Block 24, St, Paul proper, being the southwest corner of Minnesota and Fourth Ste. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 1 ;94j 1 /y," �'j� /,� �, �z� _� tt.� ��.. . ��� POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE CQMMISSIONEP OF FINANCE _ Sl. Paul,IIlinn.,_February 8, ,__Y._.19 41 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of tj e City of St. Paul, July 'tth, 1922, you are hereby notified that the applicati� of Louis Klass to erect'and install a Bil' station t and varkiia lot at southwest corner�o. ylinnesota and ?oPatl Sts, on Lots 1 and `L ock 24Cit 01 S Will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 19 41 , at 10 o'clock A. M. 19th _day of _ February' ___ JOHll S. FIIIQLAlt, Commissioner of Finance. Page--.— File 9184 —te- 517,ee*'for o-e:-Ete e . DT..F,. A t: tl.e ctr-- :.1^.P 'n r o u rt'.'.'. ,thp `I W'� k C + P. p S h P i n ! r r s - PnO thp. 'oc.,t47.n ,-f driTe-,-, w --p d—m-d voted th" Art'n., Pref CLINTON A. RACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M: D. WAL J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota e �era�t med al AIL SaletiTenth and Minnsota Streets G. H: BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner February 17, 1941 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by Louis M. Klass for permit to install and operate a filling station and parking lot to be located on the southwest corner of Minnesota end Fourth Stree:s. The customary inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. You will note from their reports that there is no objection to the g anting of this permit. Very truly yours, Conmtismioner of ublio Safety PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH.CARE — COMMON SENSE — COURTESY T14E DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION February 13th, 1941. Honorable G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application, made by Louis M. Klass for permission to install and operate a filling sta— tion and parking lot to be located on the southwest corner of Minnesota and Fourth Streets. We made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and were advised that the present building at this address, the St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press Building, will be removed and the basement filled in. We believe that there will be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vaciaity if the proposed filling station and parking lot is permitted. Respectfully yours. Al.,-e".✓/z7.�f'. Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z TRIPLICATE c CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License A)dfOMM/jOBILE FILLING STATION TEI eP M 1-1— olFICK. -�L--F— DATE ,9 - TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 4 A PLICATION Is Hereby Made BY -_ (NwM6 OF Fln Doll FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A_. I..p N oN INSIo¢6w Rwol I -- — — — —.. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOcwTED ON LOT BLOCK � h -______ALSO DESCRIBED A.—Igine [T wNo NON¢cnl Iwoow � U 0 u NO. OF PUMPS -- NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK— FILED f RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 8_ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY • i ✓' f NT /Nfi1.�� F .Po�ICA RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK -TE C­PLANNINGPLANNING BOARD BY 6 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION Fbrute it 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sir: This is in reference to your letter of February 7., 19410 with a letter attached from Mr. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety, relative to application made by Louis M. Klass, for permission to install and operate a filling station and parking lot to be located on the southwest corner of Minnesota and Fourth Streets. For your information, I made the usual investigatio'ii of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this filling station and parking lot will materially interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. h—/f 0 Yours very truly, `i? Harry N. We gree Superintendent of Traffic 1 I,, f I -4z j 1 p uS p _ _ � .. j I .. - .. � � - � a�R ¢d9a � T"¢ "f oona♦oo /e.n� .n o%r in/• ' . ; i � O - .. - I _ I ,/��/� .. • L.; d -- — -- __ _—'---. q —_ ....._—_._ .f; �-._��[' �,.—_ — ��/"C.: �.'. r GL.'i'fj /J`!/a/' �1 j' i Io/+s �\ (/� ' i "�o �iY ��*��_ ,_=.- - - - - - - — ---- � • _ �F T_ h4 _ fY� f / � /i:��z nd...• ou�c� ¢.->!yu- � - . iR .�•c I f G �. �� — _��! _—�— J ��+ 4'f�" 9lLft Csf c ,�c/a�i f li b ��. �� Wic��i.•i�roiCci•ny�r�_ ./=� - -/ - - - -. -- -- - _.�-� :. y •�, . J�Dy%<wo/%rvif% crvs.7 cola .foal i�a..;i G✓rc�t conc.�ir. p� �o_s s-o✓a/ - I dI�C��/ CIb/ SS o✓¢/s dV •. '— dS OrCu.Jn• � i J� i - - - ! ! � - � � /7 //JY Sr fJ c'n10¢o I:fn M72✓ I "l � G v I I I i i - , CICQ�IfOY die J?�'/ ` -ands/ f n J� groti 2 I ------ -- - f - ✓icrroN'�� / � - \ -' '' � I - � US O>1 WI1Q.fR�h ii � - G'I� l0� 3vs<,4 cru// _ �� ,- r'onG.CuI%j - � .� � `--�,10� n�'�---c�.;�,.S�:c - 1 -� -_ - •p � - __ � _. _. � �-. . -. IR "JI ` 1 �. I i � _ ...r a •'Lr/ of /S`i`•t 6a�ou� � I � - b' - .. I �� � � I ��' r 0 ` � I � .•tea :r I of 11 C \olj e NOTICE W TC) .1 COUNCIL FILE NO.' 1217 PRINTER . 4A Offle, F01. 21-. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY Y, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 112J-103-25 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERE67__L�_ To 802o4 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—_.___�E.Q_20_jMl CO—ROLI:ER APPROVED—__....'- ­ moo s_ao BY_ TUDLiSHED DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' COUNCIL J1. N CCC L OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__.. ROLL CALL SARFUSS FINDLA PARRAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS FebruA.r�r 19,,,,1 PAR RANTO I .. PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_j]—ja—R—l. COVERING MR PRIES McDONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERE TOS—G_�1 CLUSIV E. AS PER CHECK! 0:1 ICE �© ITY COYPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.___''{,,,../...._._._.._ `ri . j.. APPROVED .. r •� Y .L7�P6.. ... ./.i co noLLcn �' NUMBER BY TO AL IIDATE RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 1105 20 302 733 55j 80154 Carl Maronde 33 4 1 26 839 4 1 80155 John S. Findian, C. of Finance 80156 John S, Findlan, C. of Finance r 29 981 7 80157 Quaker Rubber Corporation 1 141 70I 200 001 80158 Susie E. Kline, Guardian stationery 1� 85 38i 80159 Canitdol Mfg.Co. I 80160 Geo. J. Grant 0ons. Co. 1 782.201 80161 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company it 52 83 � 80162 J.L. Shiely Company 77 561; 80163 R.V. Smith & Company 32 18; 214}1 80164 G. Sommers & Company 36 80165 Mayor John J. McDonough 150001 1' 80166 Jobn.S. Findjan, Treas. p. P. I vnd 11 000 12 000 001: 80167 St.Paul Teachers$ R.Fund Ass o. ; 80168 C. Beecroft 1 001: : 80169 John S. Fin,11an, Co of Fin. 7 500 00"I, 416 6 7 80170 Pisa M. Obst, C.Treas. 80171 Acme Fast Freight, Inc. 1 99 '36 75 80172 Beier Brothers 8017 Capital Envelope Company The Colson Company ,. 17 441 '; 2 301 80174 146 561 80175 Commander Elevator Company " 14 60; 80176 Devoe & Raynolds Paint Company 80177 R.C. &unoan Company -80178 Electric Company y 34 94 424 99 Graybar Company I 137 601 80179 Hersey Meter 80180 Ingvoldstad Lumber Company 1: 30 01 80181 Milk Plant Monthly. 2 00; 16 34 �I 8019P Sanitary Food Mfg. Company :I 68 05 �( 80183 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 80184 Mrs. Arletta Shipman II 90 50 80185 Van Paper supply Company 43 461 it 41 49 80186 Vocational School Pettyash Fund 80187 John S. Findlan, C. ofF nan a 1- 45 00 I II ' 1 251 04 80188 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance : II 6Z7 42 80189 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance s 9 80190 William Gund 0 001. 80191 Paul S. Amidon Finance 200 00:: I� 7 717 63 80192 John S. Findlan, C. of 8019 Ge6rge F. Dix, Clerk of M.Ct. 18 001 8019 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds H 1 00 43 76! 80195 Clacp-Thomseen Company ® ao196 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp D1 y $ 2F ''r 54 45 80197 J.J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of t.Ct. 21 00 ji 80198 Frederic Hotel 80199 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds f �9 50; 80200 Healy Plumbing & Heating Com any t 8 001 8o201 Johnstone Is Garage 1 0011. goa02 Lampland.Lumber Company 140 35 80203 Standard Spring Company 64 80i. 841; 80204 Vocational School Petty Cash Fund 79 (i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , 9605 20 X07 336 80 �' �� O,iain.1 to City Curk ORDINANCE 121708 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY --- ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3993, approved December 21, 1917, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the size and weight of loaves of bread sold, exposed or offered for sale, and requiring the same to be labeled with the weight thereof and the name of the maker." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3993, approved December 21,.1917, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effectaid be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays B—fm Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Is I. Truax Mr. President (McDonough) 2.d.— Laid over to City Clerk 3 _A rd. & alp.—. Adopted — — — Nays Yeas *� Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan I 7 -o" Parranto "Petersonl3PIranto — �n ('Pstersan Rosen 9 --Truax /,Mr. President Fallon Truax Xm'. President Fallon O,iain.1 to City Curk ORDINANCE 121708 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY --- ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3993, approved December 21, 1917, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the size and weight of loaves of bread sold, exposed or offered for sale, and requiring the same to be labeled with the weight thereof and the name of the maker." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3993, approved December 21,.1917, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effectaid be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays B—fm Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: % — 1907-40 is City Clerk C. P. N, 121709—O Iran.' N" S223- 3: NN�. A. Parranto— An ord -a- =llb1KO�!.dlnanee No. a1,1!d e - - titled: approved 1, ;'A,n ordlnlncreKulRtlnK the size and " ght of ,, loves of bread said, —posed or offered f— sale. and — uirial,' "s earn" (tend l, 11111, d -11h _l,b, her.:" I and 'he Vthe tanker." ,.The Council of the City of Saint Paul; ordain: SECTION 1. Tha�, Ordinance No. 399�', app—ed Decern — , 1917. be and the same is repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be nfl, veethirty day,, all— its pass. approval and Publication. Passed by the Council M- 17. 1941. Yeas—Councilmen lindi... Parretti.. Rose., Peterson T, (MeDono h)— ii runs, Mr. President Nays—None. ' Approved Mar, 11, 1941. 'JOHN J. MeDONOUGH, Attest: Mayor. H. T. O'CONNELI, C" Clark. (March Ily 1941) W Passed by the Council MM 11194 In Favor —Against A ea MAR 11 194 V.I. 4,0 0,1gi..1 to City Ckrk COU NCL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO (CALL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ! DATE._... .... .. ... --'- . COMMISSIONER—....—._...--.-_— 4-�� -- WHEREAS, the SinkinE, Fund Comnittee has received. the following offer: NAM✓ Or^ FIRM KIND OF BOND _ RATE _MATURITY _ AMOTNT BASIS Harold E. Wood & Co. St.Paul General Improv__ . 5% Jan. 1, lQ 10,000 2.25 anA. recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Com:A ttee in the nurchase.of these bonds for the Participating Certificate Fund, and '"7,iEF:AS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, " RESOLt7~✓D, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance, and the Comotroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consumate the transaction. -E-"-` t"' Ir' Vo. l,the 911nkingh b -undo CnInuinit-' \\'he renmi ived lite Colluw00y f(er: tee hum Harold E. Co.: \nme [ F'Inn, prat'.: ral 1 p Kind u( Bond St. Peal CJan al Irtt 1y01; Rnte, 5 % : i\9uturitY. 't Y9; Am o'nt, 1U,000: Bnnla, _ and ncthe etaon lhlttl e`Cummltteeotin car the tpu re me C theme bonds Cor the P id iheTeas�thceC IauCdthendPln- Woluncll lon thnl the bove u([er should be ace c PDted, therefore be It• the Com- ed, [hat the MnYdr•the ' Renoly Com"- mI..eonpre ofd Fahey Cere I,tereb author- ' Ized and directed to conmum ate the' bran aectlon. Adopted by the Council Feb. "_1. 1991. Fiae` APProv ed h•11941. 1941) bit the Council FEB 21. 1941 C011ACILiTlEl1 Adopted ijeas Rays Ed i Bdrfuss b da 194_.. Approued Findlan , ,1'5arranto (/ In Favor .... t ... �,_..,.....----...---- [Tla9or sen ���� X5'uax r „Against 't(W. President, McDonough ,m e-1d:c%ifla,Ccesi.;•._.:.,'tcels�n) ' Original to City Clerk a , . , rJ £ R TY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL d a D /6f/ICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO._ . COONESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,,. COMMISSIONER__..._._.......-_:— .._..fit...-....-. ... ...- DATE—February..21., 1941..-. ... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, two tank cars, approximately 16,000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from H. K. STAHL COMPANY at a price of $ .098 per gallon, less 1� discount from refinery price if paid within ten days, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emerEency exists where failure to act' promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City.- One car is to be used by the Department of Public Works and one by the Water De- partment. Charge General Pind- Municipal Equipment 1003-134 and Water Department Fund. C. F. No. 121710—By Milton Rosen— R'esolved, that the Purchasing Agent dt a price (if $0.098 per tspaanI rrom nnery w ,thin ten days, Includ- and slat- Inspection, o ts an crgency exists o acle prompt ly would Ii. to the best Intsrnata 1r.1 ent.ECharge' P.1pqul pinent lepurtment I-und. o11 1-`,e . 21, 1941. 41. 1941) FEB 21.1941 counciLmEn Adopted by the Council— 1]eas / nays .. , B/ay�uss i_ 'Filuitan // , r I Approved_.- —194—. arranto ^ �l�t�IsOt�-� In Favor Rosen mayor... "611ax , Aqainst fiT�c.-Presidepl,.Illc'i'�p ' sm-�resliSase' ii`rtcl ouu; . C. F. No. 121711-11Y Mllton Rol en— ;NCIL original b City Clerk Whereas, the Comm laaloner of Po` t1 CITY OF No Work. has enortea trt a ,ran: NO. with Section 1.3 1r ,art OFFICE OF he. anal^n• ;"1'• f CO IL RESOLUTIC !j _+E+tr t�I�itWi' PRESENTED BY __ ilton ,... OS en COMMISSIONER— `NHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees seof his eDepartment for more than eight hours -per day and on Sunday, said more than usual hours of employment;'therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time -hereinafter set forth. _ Title No. Hrs. Rate of Pay Name Bannie, Henry Unsk.Lab. 2 2 .50 ' Flanagan, William Unsk.Lab. Unsk.Lab. 2 ' 50 Gondreau, Joseph Unsk.Lab. 0 Hagerty, C.'J. Unsk.Lab. 16 .50 Maynard, George Unsk.Lab. 2 .50 Schaefer, John Unsk.Lab. 10 .50 Schott, George Unsk.Lab. 2 .50 Schow, Albert COnnCILmEn I.]eas nays iBaf#nss /findlan Xar ento �san Truax ,in _Mtt sVArA.Ptesidcnr (Paeraon) FEB 21. 1941 794 Adopted by the Council_ _. % Approved- ' t , : i_._,_ . ` 194. . L. In Favor lid mayor J Against 3' / ' :PtEluLtsttl•:D An emergency has arisen in the DEPART -M -NT nF PJPLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Snow plowing and cindering icy streets and hills. This emergency arose l -y reason of the following facts and circumstances: Snow plowing and.cindering icy streets and hills Lafte recent snowstorm. Co+PdISSiOilFR Or PLTLIC V70Ri{S Original to city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou "CIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G FORM PRESENTED EBY R Axel F..Pet-,rson COMMISSIONER—.. .. _.... RESOLVED, That the Northern Division of the General Electric Company be and it is hereby given the free use of Stamm Hall of the St. Pail Auditorium on March 31, 1941, for lighting exhibit; said firm to pay only the cost of opening and operating said Stem Hall on said date for the above oe::asion. COnnCILMEn geas nays F' I/ �indlan Rarranto f✓) e�rson in Favor Against @resf8erit:Maw ,in ,?rr yjr.%,Vrmidenr (Pexerson) 1:. Nu. I: ehul v'.0. 0.:i( Ili,• N..rt barn Iii, ,.;nn� ,.f te , �.n�.ral li lrvel rig; .. een, Ila11nr I rntl 1, :1Illy ....... i Sn ..I' nu.R(. I':,,il :, urlil� r'i•u„ I 11:i r'•1, ::I. 1:��11, f��r n�i l,it: .�ai�l liras Ire I�;ly „iii} Ili r• �� �,.�t � f' i.I FE13 21 1941 Adopted by the Coqpcil _.. ...,. -..-. _. tea. Approved -..FEB 21 1941 ---194 fid Tnayor orlala.l 1. cur Wk 1211 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fou3 .Ncl� NO.— a7 . t. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED hY VFebruar 21 1 41 COM MISSIONS _. __.._.._____.. ... ... ... DATE —_....._._._....__.}`.._ _..!_.. 9...._. _.... _ P,ESOLVED: That license for P.emovel Sale, application 47203, applied for by J. M. Silberstein at 398 Wabasha St. be and the sane is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. I. V' 1'o. .1:;1713—C3,r (.. 11. llarCuss— t W. A. I'a—anto—J�ihnI�indlxn— ltesolt•ed, that liien­ fur Itrnloy;;l Sale,n❑Plication 47203, ❑❑Iled for by J. M.Sl lberateln at 378 Wnb, ha St. be an I the .'a a la hereby granted and I the cl[y clerk[ le Instructed [o Issue such Ilcenso upon [he payment Into the vlq lr'".ry of the enutred fee. 'en'. for the ❑erlod from March j In June 1, 174 1. Adnpled by t" cnnneu Ge b. J1. 1941. A u p'0"'1 Feb. C. 1941. (DI:" 1, I. New, for the period from k!arch 1, to Jute 1, 1941. FEB z 1941 councILmEn Adopted by the Council_. ....- ... ,_ . _..tea_, _.. leas Rays f rz . /Ftndlan i APProued_ ------194 In iPar In Faoor rii�t mayor -4osen 'Truax J ._Against �Etesident. � ough sm 'Peteklu"i Ori{in.l Io City Cort��//� , ..,, 4 1'y",y CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO.-�� ���"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER _...___.._... _._. ... .._ ... .._.._ DATE __.February 21., 1941......___ RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk.is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Federal Bake Shops, Inc. 384 Wabasha St. Bakery 'Ao-o.46821 Renewal It 11 11 11 11 11 Restaurant n 46822 tt James F. Jordan 608 S. Smith Confectionery1l 46341 11 Herbert Ei Houske 372 Robert St. Restaurant 11 46956 1t Clarence W.Williams 1 Norman Clutcher Lloyd Kolby co"ct}.men 1]eas / nays ,ti//arjuss insiIan ,' arranto' �Rose-_""1 �uax WNW nm-oAdl�s�iMnPrt'sicicnt (P4xerson) e }dalt 71 1 690 IT. Snelling Bakery yy11 1F7148 I J\G. uh nSI'indllan 14µ '. A. IP—tInto- 12edolr. ed. that Iicenneu applied for he the per.ons n ned on the Il.t at- ta�hed to till. r wolu tion he and the ehereby granted and the City I 111 iu In+true'ted to I—e such 11- - igeapon th., payment Into the ertr n.=nry r we Ired ft ­..Alb ptea In. the �annnu ren. 21. 1941. i Approved reh. 21. 1941. IM—.1i 1, 1941) FEB 21 1941 Adopted by the Council—„ _... , Approoed_. _ .Y.-21-19AL__ 194_. .. In Favor 1. ,� ..Against 2336 University Barber 11 47086 Capitol. Cooperative Inc. State Capitol Bldg. Restaurant 47122 Wm. Suoornick 1340 Grand Ave. Grocery 47125 it Paul Steinmetz 226 W. Kellogg Blvd. Barber 11 47127 Clement J. miller 289 Como Ave. Restaurant It 47139 11 11 it 11 On Sale !salt it 471 0 it 11 i1 it off, S�1 it 4 4 Lloyd Kolby co"ct}.men 1]eas / nays ,ti//arjuss insiIan ,' arranto' �Rose-_""1 �uax WNW nm-oAdl�s�iMnPrt'sicicnt (P4xerson) e }dalt 71 1 690 IT. Snelling Bakery yy11 1F7148 I J\G. uh nSI'indllan 14µ '. A. IP—tInto- 12edolr. ed. that Iicenneu applied for he the per.ons n ned on the Il.t at- ta�hed to till. r wolu tion he and the ehereby granted and the City I 111 iu In+true'ted to I—e such 11- - igeapon th., payment Into the ertr n.=nry r we Ired ft ­..Alb ptea In. the �annnu ren. 21. 1941. i Approved reh. 21. 1941. IM—.1i 1, 1941) FEB 21 1941 Adopted by the Council—„ _... , Approoed_. _ .Y.-21-19AL__ 194_. .. In Favor 1. ,� ..Against 0 Oriti-I t ch, C CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU NCO L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED vCOMMISSIONER___-.-______.._. o MMISSIONER----. - -------- DATE- .-Febru.-ar.y. 21., 1941 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the -following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are herdby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses unon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Lloyd Martin 1854-E. Maryland lee Delivery App.46939 New New Loca, Ben Neff State Capitol Restaurant I 47143 " Old 11 . COUTICILI4ET1 1jeas 1, 1 days ,baduss arranlo r 7 ,on I Fa .,. -/T sM —MrsVist.Pruident (POttt$oL') No. 121715—By G.Sli. B.,full— R A,- P111111-to—JOhn . FIdJan— 'd by the 17,0,11ow-In v—sonoi t the ad- dresses n 1—te J,, n the ..., k,re,,ierebY gr It t —11 t olty �t­tld to 1 ,-1, 11'e.-. 11— t 0- 'I, Y to the oty treft., of "I Or f-.: It 11, 1 54 Otryland, 1- e e App. 4 38. N-1, N- L—t - on. urn A111). 4-1143. N,,. 1 C-OPIt.l. Reston ante rant ' d ­. Ad � pt d J, tj�.01,,jo,' '11�b. 21, l Y41 , ro At) 1, , ed Feb. 21, 194 'Mar h 1. MI) FEB 21 1941 Adopted by the Council_­ Approved_­­.­_­ NOTICE _._.. TO CC c r. No. 121716—e.• COUNCIL FILE NO._ itenolYetl. tha1 check„ rn ne tl�ru PRINTER n� o cftr trennurr. to one nKKre Kole ,nnernl ( 1109,300III.9 �, r •rinK heck„ ea N0206 to s6za7 inelu„1°•e. FebY'118.Y'y ?0 1 ner check„ o ,., Io the office of the 194_ c'wtlwted°I; tile. councu reh..1. 16n. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAY ”°"""etl 1>eh. 21. 1941. CO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 1)farch 1. 1991) OF S i n4 :joo 47 _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED205 : TO. 80237 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SER 21 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_. ___.._ .' ✓ CITY CamrrRoueR APPROVED-...--.--_—' S DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK-�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER -_.-.-- _ ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLA TO N PARRA I ,IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --- - PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE Gji91�N E��y7rY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i- -j . /_. COVERING MR PRES M DONOUGH .I .` � C HECKS NUMBERED_ 0205 f0_ _INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ 4 - PER CHECKS ONf[I�E'Iff�T E OFFIGWOF . TH CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_. ..- .r! NUMBER TOTAL 'I DATE I' RETURNED i ECHECK UMBER IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER CHECKS II BY BANK DISBURSEMENT : I CHECKS I, BROUGHT FORWARD g 605 20!'407 II 336 go i:—.-it . -r---- ---- __-.----1---- - ; ; 90205 County welfare Board 12 453 01 I' i` 56 756 19 g0206 Count welfare Board 2o6 20 90207 Walter D. Bowers, Treas. I 25 001 j1 80208 Miss S.C. Ringwald 118 899 61 80209 city of St.Paul 80210 city Sf St.Paul I307 I 90211 80212 City. of St.Paul ! Cutler -Magner Company 2 20 819 98 �i 80213 Scully Steel Products Compan� 1} 6 33; !j 80214 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compa�Iy Comp 1799 85;, '•� 64 68 80215 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. 33 65 80216 Florence Johnson Parkel I 225oo: 80217 W.L. Kaufman, 3upt. of 9Z 11 80218 Millar-Tarras, Inc. 1 2 501. 90219 Brown and Day, Inc. Capital City Lime & Cement Company I� 32 661II 80220 90221 Corning'=Donohue, Inc. 17 10 g0222 The Crane Company 331 97: 90223 'leotric Blue Print Company 188 1 90221E Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compaxly 189 74 is 6 68, 80225 H.B. Fuller Company 46 06; I� 80226 Goodrich-Silvertown, Inc. ( 37 04! j 80227 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 80228 Leslie Paper Company i 17 83 i. 42 79i 80229 Miller Supply CompAny 1 91 92;; I 80230 Price Electric Company 1 2 226 101. 80231, The C. Reiss Boal Companyj 90232 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Com any I 90233 G. Sommers & Company 16 51! ! 35 081. go234 Tractor Parts & searing comp' Tel. & Telg. Comp y 87 60 I� 90235 Tri-State Compan j, II 402 6611 80236 Villaume Box & Lumber 11 90237 . John S. Findlan, C. of Finan a i i 10 120 80;. I; li ,I .I i .I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 27 992 39 492 366 os i COUNCIL FILE NO By..... .. . . FINAL ORDE89 �tnr- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. Zrading and-surfgc in _the. Alley. in_.Ooloman! s,.Subdi vi siorL. o.f. Lots ... 8-,9_.and10,. Blick 5, Ro ers drick's,f,cre,_Lots,.from.Wheel.ock Parkway the.s.oath line of Cole:nan's.Subdiyision.;.also constru.ctinga...sewer.from..the.Alley. __. to the sewer in, St. ,Albans St... i8 an.egSement. to be. 0tained..on.the r rthher.]y.-A Xe -0t; of..,tae--southerly, 6. feet. of. Lit -,.11, -,.Coleman's Subdivision, ..... .................. .... ...... ........ .... ....... ... .............. ........... ........ .. ..... - under Preliminary Order..... 120984 - ----------------------approved .. Recelaber .4,. 1940 . ... .................. IntermediaryOrder --- ------------------------------------------------approved .-----------------------------------------------------------...----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the.Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .... grade-_and-.-surfece-. the._P_lley--ir.- ColeD.... ._Subdivision 4t_LQtr:..fl,._�_.arm..10.,..Blo_ck.�,-.gagers_�_Iiendrick'-s--Acne_Lots__£=om_YI[haelnnlL.Pazk ---------- ---tQ the south,-line.,of.„ColenarL:s_-Subdivision,-.._41�o-construct_a sayrer_.from__the Alley--________ to-.the-.sewer,-in--St.�_-Albans-_St_.__-jri-ar1_easenent_to_be.obtazned-_on the__no�-therly__4__feet ofthe southezix._6------------------------------------------------ ------- --------------------->-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........ 192 ._74_19--- --------- FEB 251941 City clerk. 192 1 Approved ... ...... . ........... File9160 ............ ....... l - - --------------- h--........ � Mayor. Councilman r,0 1:amkf Councilman Fi—i!an Councilman add -: P::rrnuto Councilman ata.Eynvu,r =-- Councilman Councilman Mayor H*P_X” " Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' In the matter of eradinrro and surfacing the Aliey in Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers k Hendrick's Acre Lots from Wheelock Parkway to the south lane of Col=man's � Subdivision; also constructing•• a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in St.. Albans St. in an easement to be obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of lot 11, Coleman's Subdivision under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1940 To the Council of, the City of St. Paul: �.. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 848.20 front 1_35 The estimated cost per (oot for the above improvement is $___.-• _....—___ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot v: parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Ex. Wheelock Pkwy.) 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg,,. (Coleman's Sub. of Lots 8, $1300 $15850 )9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers and (Hendrick's Acre Lots do 175 do 175 do 175 do 325 3850 do 325 2650 do 325 2950 do 0 325 2150 do 325 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Wheelock Parkway) (Except Coleman St.) 4 15 (Coleman's Sub. of Lots 8, 9 )and 10, Block 5, Rogers and (Hendrick's Acre Lots 16 do 17 do 7 5 Rogers and Hendrick's Acre A Lots ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $325 $1750 350 500 1400 2200 Total $6025 $21,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 2II — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 ?- 9 ' v ' L, St. Paul, Minn.. % .. .... ...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .Grading .of alley between. St. UbAne. and.C.oleman --south. About ... t/.2..hlock--as--Sar-..as .a11ey..Ln..oPen. ....... ....... St. Ave. from............................................ ....St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ... IN" r I LAXC LrON��_— Collo AYE. a � o�dam 0 a OLANO ST. p FOLSOM AYE I . al?O7 ST. LANG' Y AYE. rnFi C o�. ST. AL BANS QiF T. C 14AYWOOD ST, (� F7i Eg Off ice of the Commissioner of Public WRQ, , 1> . A- Report to Commissioner of Finance ;.,LPT- Ot i r, aAr;CE. .�. Tan. 7 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 120984 Dec. 4, lg 40 ,relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved grading and surfacing the Alley in Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 ana 1, oc 1 ogers en r c s ere o s rom Be oc ar By to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision. Also construct a Be er rest in EM eesemeni; obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of lot 11, —1 ' S.ubrlivi a - - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.35 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 848.20 , and the total cost thereof is $; qqq Engineering $63.00 Inspection $15.40 Frontage 629.28 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wor 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER A DONLD F. VOIGT. DEPUTT COM—M—R BUREAU"Or SANITATION BUREAU OF CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER FRED DRIVER. SUPT. W. �;. COCKROFT. SUPT. BUREAU or BRIDGE' oP 9 ENGINEER January 6, 1941 M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD BUREAU Or CORRECTIONS C NIeP ENGR. CLERK RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from SVheelock Parkway to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision. Also construct a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in St. Albans St. in an easement to be obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of lot 11, approved Coleman's Subdivision, under Preliminary Order December 4, 1940• Estimated Cost $848.20 Cost per front foot 1.35 Engineering 63.00 Inspection 15.40 Frontage 629.28 Yours ruly, IL IL -i GEO M ARD Chi Engineer Appro ed for transmlas n WOP to a Co QaiaNnegrpg0 Finance Commission of Pub13c Works /\ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEXNATION . PROCEEDINGS COUNCIL F ENO. - BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 121'718 Iq:the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from Wheelock Parkway to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision under Preliminary Order 120985 , approved December 4, 1940 Intermediary Order 121500 , approved__...._„_...28,,_]9111____, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 89 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from Wheelock Parkway to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from Wheelock Parkway to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author. ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 25 1941 19 t 1r�1 PPig Councilmen Barfuss Findlan Parranto 'Peterm"r— Rosen Adra-lice President Lpewsoa) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM. NT CIF FINANCE ^ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof condemninF and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, Block '5; Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from Wheelock Parkway to the south line of Coleman's Subdivision under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: lS- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the a'::ove easement is The total estimated axxm= dx�dmseastrmmviDrxhara�o�aart{eavajxtc �X $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - ---- ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Ex. Wheelock Pkwy.) 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Burro B. R. 10 ADDITION �(AgSSESSED t1 g• Lang LUATIOAtld (Coleman's Sub. of Lots 8, $1300 $5850 )9 and 10, Block 5, Ro,,ers and (Hendrick'a Acre Lots do 175 do 175 do 175 do 325 3850 do 325 2650 do 325 2950 do 325 2150 do TOTAL. 325 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 15 (Coleman's Sub. of Lots 8, 9 $325 $1750 )and 10, Blook 5, Rogers and (Hgndrlok's Aore Lots 16 do 350 (Exoapt Pfheelook Parkway) 17 do 600 6 Total $4625 $19,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 28 19 41 j7 ,.,,. ' •: _ �/ B.- B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. Cut. Indicates Fill. Typical Nolo+ion Fqure5 Cb'OYC line show CA., Fill M proper4 line. Figures 6e4ow line Show distance lawhicVi Slopes 'Xien,4 beyond pmpe4y line. Loc. Book N..2565 X -5e .Bk.Na 7555 '41 -5,6. Or. 2 Na 620 ALLEY CO -1 0 7--5,9, 9 6. ,e o G,67e:5 LOT., YY126--a1acl,- A'A-wy 41' c /O// 39.33 0 L E Af /Z ST. ALBANS -5-r A 1Y 5 I /3 /4 /5 I /6 i /73. 99.3 p x C/O/& �j 39,33• -39..3-3 IK -9 5 Z ki o c '0 L M A /Y 5 -5 U N IWAYYYOOD 577 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works... :: / ... 4'•„_ Report to Commissioner of Finance i January % 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 120985 approved Dec. 4, 1940 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Coleman' Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 5, Rogers & Hendrick's Acre Lots from wneelocK Fa and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 7xx —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public X-0—F=c _ ,121'71y COUNCIL FILEN PROCEEDINGS BY CONDEMNATION FINAL ORDER IN __ FI\AI. QRDER CIIFDEl1\ATIQ\ I'aoCEED11V4s In the matter ofin�, Dth 1 approved under Preliminary Order 3.209 gebruar let' 1941.,...___..._ 121499 approved ..... Order rovement upon due notice, and the Council having Intermediary fully considered the same. A public hearing having been had upon the above imp and having Y heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, therefore, be it recise nature extent and kind of im- RESOLVED, BY the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the P an easement for the purpose provement to be made by the said City is condetiniug and taking of constructing and Maintaining a public sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. the land, lands or easements therein said mprovementsmvle. are hereby RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following of making ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose constructing An easement for the purpose of instructed and di- rovement, and the proper city officials are hereby author -SOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby RESOLVED improvement In accordance therewith. retied to prepare plansand specifications for sof said imp proceed with the making 0 , t 19- ized and directed top FEB 25 1 J Adopted by the Councfl-------� Approved -- Councilmen Barfuss Findlan Parra Rosen j ig ysopw----Krw a: Ycesidczcc lF�:=zson; E9 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER bs. (D) In the matter of condemni ,T and takins, an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of lot 11, Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10 of Hlock 5, ft;!..ers and Hendrick's Acre Lots from St, Al:ans St, to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also condemnin:, and takin!; a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 feet in 'width on the north side of the above easement and on the southerly 2 feet o__"' lot 11 and the northerly 5 feet of lot 10 in said Coleman's Subdivision from . Albans Street to the: Alley in said Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, korers anC uendrick's Acre Lets under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: y� The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: post of the above easement is The total estimatedimxoma�m�.Ott.'hc¢exa5st¢t=RAk4�>Rk§efit9;+�.ciiFtidRXRAki:�c The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ' 1,he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 10 11 ADDITION Coleman's Subdivision of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Mock 5, Rorers k Hendrick's Acre Lots do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $325 $3850 325 2"050 Total $650 $6500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work s. _ .. JanuaLy 28 19 41 Dated ___ Commissioner of Finance. Fury, B. S. A. A-5 D porE "S & f4EMDRICK5 ACRE LOTS 51 Albans 51 - Alley ", R—, SEWER EASE/ ENT Dec IZ - 1940 ".40 MAYWOOD ST 9'al 4 9 I co t -7 a 9 41 ALLE,e co 7 CD -F CD C— T. I 10 �CD, 19T Cd ST. Y. STICcO co C, ST ALBANS ST EA­MENT Book 2555 % Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec 17 1940 19 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the C unc know s uncil File No 120886 proved Dec. 4 194 relative to oon8emnhg an rig an easement 3or th� purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the N'ly 4 ft. of the S'ly 6 ft. of lot 11, Coleman's Su .In Of+ Albans St. to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a ttion rn,rnnses on A Atrtp of land 7 ft in width On the north side of the above easement and on the southerly 2 ft. of lot 11 and the N'ly 5 ft. of lot 10 in said Coleman's Subdivision from St Albans St to the Alley in said Coleman's Subdivision of lots 8, 9 and 10, Rogers and Hendrick's Acre Lots. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxa -, and the total cost thereof is $ . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is dD IN Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ` Commissioner of Public Works. -- DEC 2 DEPT. OF FINANCE :J: '1-i3 �, ,,- C. F. N..1"17"-0— Inhe atter of grading and a rfaci: I. Alley In P1,ck i Chelsea il'¢lg ,r 'n W�'ttlnl•r e� 121'20 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. grading, and. -the Alley in..B.1.9ek..7,.Che.1sea..He.ights. from_ loyt,9ve.nue,to. Idaho Avenue, , ... . ............................ .... . . ....... .......... ... under Preliminary Order.... ...... ...................... approved December 4, 1940 IntermediaryOrder .................................................... ----------- ----------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ;i: RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of provement to be made by the said Cityis..grade--and. surface.-the_Alley-- oc in_ -u..... 7�-_Chels,ea Heights from Hoyt.Avenue..to-.Idaho.Asenue,................................................. ........................_--. .............'---------.......................---'--............. ........................................ .... — ---------- -- ..............."-------' ---'----'------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB ...... ...... . 192 .-.---- i �'r, ;; I City Clerk. Approved .. 192^ File 9158 ---- -------'/ / ... Councilman I.58 Mayor. Councilman golf - F, I' n Councilman Councilman 913'�ir ' Councilman f8{i3tieimer Councilman Mayor Hodgson V 'Mr. Vice President IPacraon) Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMr''IT OF .FINANCE REPORT OF COMASSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER v� In the matter of F�radin� and surfacing the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea heights from Hoyt Avenue Idaho!Avenue under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports -as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 864.13 front The estimated cost per/toot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 7 Chelsea Heights 2 7 do 3 7 do 4 7 do 5 7 do 6 7 do 7 7 do 8 7 do 9 7 do 10 7 do TOTAL. Form a. D. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION Land B1dP. $400 $950 350 3750 350 3500 350 3300 350 3100 350 2750 350 2750 350 350 350 800 �C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Ir LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIONH Land ld g' 11 7 Chelsea Heights $350 $3200 12 7 do 350 13 7 do 350 14 7 do 350 3500 15 7 do_ 400 3500 16 7 do 400 1800 17 7 do 350 13 7 do 350 1000 19 7 do 350 20 7 do 350 1100 21 7 do 350 250 22 7 do 350 23 7 do 350 3500 24 7 do 350 2100 25 7 do 350 26 7 do 350 3600 27 7 do 350 4400 28 7 do 350 2750 29 7 do 350 3C 7 do 400 200 Total $10,700 $51,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated January 28 —_19 .41.. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. Il St. Paul, Minn.....dUlViC 19X To The Honorable, The Council, i, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: GRADE 9 D Im P'R.OVAE: YBE TWE4�.H from A/0 y T .. ............ M Ave. to Z.Dw /Y. 0 ................ffi. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION -- 2f 47 . . ....... .. -AA v j .. ........... . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 6 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121003 approved Dec. 4 1940 , relative to grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports.- 1. eports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 864.13 Cost per front foot $.87 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $, Engineering $100.00 Inspection $14.78 Frontage 1001 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petiti6n of three or more ownersAproperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 l � Commissioner of Public Works. 00 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. a BUREAu o. SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUIT. BUREAUof BRIOGEs M. 5. G, YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU oI CORRECT -- RAY J. KARTAK. SUIT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under. Preliminary Order C. F. 121003 ap_roved December 4, 1940. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for tr lesion /to he.. s er of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Forks $864.13 0.67 100.00 14.98 1001 ft. Your y, ), ,oI�j . SBEP g ?Chi Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, Co mm=ON ER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEluir Corn lnisslo HER BUREAU, or C.N.T. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ErvGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUIT. oFFIEE ENGIrvEER 7anuary 2, 1941 G. H. HERROLD CNIEIErvGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. a BUREAu o. SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUIT. BUREAUof BRIOGEs M. 5. G, YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU oI CORRECT -- RAY J. KARTAK. SUIT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under. Preliminary Order C. F. 121003 ap_roved December 4, 1940. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Inspection Frontage Approved for tr lesion /to he.. s er of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Forks $864.13 0.67 100.00 14.98 1001 ft. Your y, ), ,oI�j . SBEP g ?Chi Engineer .COUNCIL FILE h4. PRO EEDIN S N.I TIO\ BY H. N,. 121',21- FINAL ORDER IN CONDI 121'721 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in. Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue under Preliminary Order 121004 approved December 41 1940 Intermediary Order 121502 approved ___ January 213-1941.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ` condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counc FEB Approved Coun 'lmen Muss ' 'rii3lan ranto /� osen T — acmna vice President lPmerson) CITM OF.ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � yy In the (A) rof condemn' nm and takin., an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts an�l�lls V. in the eradins and surfacine of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue' under Preliminary Order approved December 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is 25.00 The total estimated xwoDDu2�fRbtaassemmoa>4dtia tkexilnxa�pi�ax The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -------------" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg, 1 7 Chelsea Heights $400 $950 2 7 do 350 3750 3 7 do 350 3500 4 7 do 350 3300 5 7 do 350 3100 8 7 do 350 2750 7 7 do 350 2750 8 7 do 350 9 7 do 350 10 7 do TOTAL. 350 800 Form B. B. 10 (C) a CITY q ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ,yg Land ALUATIO"Bld . 11 7 Chelsea Heights $350 $3200 12 7 do 350 13 7 do 350 14 7 do 350 3500 15 7 do 400 3500 16 7 do 400 1800 17 7 do 350 18 7 do 350 1000 19 7 do 350 20 7 do 360 1100 21 7 do 350 250 22 7 do 350 23 7 do 350 3500 24 7 do 350 2100 25 7 do 350 26 7 do 350 3600 27 7 do 350 4400 28 7 do 350 2750 29 7 do 350 3C 7 do 400 200 Total $10,700 $51,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 28 19 41 ; •/t'r.c.. ` �.+ ic. (. a.sv' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 '717 * Indo—f,, C„J. AIL – 1-3—tes Fill. TypicolNototion *" - 30 Figures above line show Cut or Fill 04 property Figures below shoN ai5tance. to whi-zll 6kDpe extend beyond property line. L— 5—k No 256 -IX -5e, % SoT%4 ,411D,A 7c/"-/ V/".1 AL LE F C. 7 CNEGSEA HE/67//7: //,Yf 4,G. 1"laho Av'r. mm G 17 zo "o Oar. DZ Z, 114( 13 40 ST. A Z, /71 ?Z I 403. 247 40, z G -30 �0, 10 10 6D Z� 71 4-' -9FE,eNYY000 40.5 :t ..ST. V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. b 1 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Ale No.---1-21-00-4--approved Dec. 4 1940 , relative to condea ing and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 7, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ Baa , and the total cost thereof is $, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. — 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners ofroperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. � 1 Commissioner of Public Works. to C. F. No. I.17::_ 121722 In the matter of grading end surfacing tM1e Alley in SunP,a��. Harvey's Addltlon Rnd P'• ta:i�, Str yens and Ftrne• — COUNCIL FILE NO. By.. ... ... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. gradinP and surfacing the Alley in Sullwold Place, Harvey's Addit.i.on.and F,1Qck 15, Nelson, Stevers.,.and Kirt,�'.s, Addition. from Morton Street to .. .. Baker..Street, . ................. . . . ........... under Preliminary Order.. .. 121258 .....................approved December 51, 1940. Intermediary Order . ........................... ---------------------approved ............. ....................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the,same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..grade_and-.. Wig. the -Alley in Sullwold Place,___ Earyey'.s,-^dd tion- Qrd,-Slock_l5,_icelso 1 Stevens. -and -King' -s _Sddition from Morton Street - - - - ------------------------------------- . - -------------- -- -----, .............. - -- h;; -------------------------------------------------- . .. ................................. ------------------------------------------------................................'--------------............-----'.............-------------------------------------------------------------- ---........-'............... ----------------------------------------------- ------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....HEI -25--1941 ...... , 192 ....... L- --Cit'- -------c- rk---.---- ' y Cl FEB 25 1941 Approved 192 File 9166 -- -- ----'-- - --- - ' - .... ::. Mayo . Councilman �,,,���arfnnn Councilman f ud1*m SHED Councilman 14l'�ib�EM arranto (/ Councilman JVr �'' dtersou ✓ �i Councilman §�hpTTlier .- a /£ seu /+ Councilman mel Mayor Hsi McDonougl, u Form B. S. A. 8-7 ll . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) v� In the matter of p*radin�: and suri'acinR t:he .411ey in Sullwold Flece, Harvey's Addition and Block 15, Nelson, Stevens A. KinF..'s Addition from h'orton St, to Buke.r St. under Preliminary Order approved Dec, 31, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ - R04,0C front The estimated cost pey$oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $.. 1• Vis•-...--.----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bld-. 1 Sullwold Flace $400 $4000 2 do 375 3600 3 do 375 3750 4 do 375 32bO 5 do 375 3500 6 do 375 315f 7 do 375 3650 4 Harvey's Ad�ition 400 13 15 Nelson, Stevens and King's 5.150 2600 Ar!6ition to West St. Paul Total $3600 $27,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. IJatcd-- ....January 28 .. ..... 19 41 Commissioner of Finance. t•o,m B. S. A. s -s u i � St. Paul, Minn ......................... 2 ..... ............19 i To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ventlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..� .; / ..............St. Ave. from..................i.!.. �l <.c�. St. Ave. to. ... E. .................................. ............................................... ......... ...... ..St. Ave. NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION o -- -� 6- a - i 5M.7 -37 1' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance San. 13 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121258 approved Dec. 31 —19-42—, relative to grading and surfacing the Alley in Sullwold Place, Harvey's Addition and Block 15, Nelson, Steven's and King's Addition from Morton Street to Baker and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.26 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 604'06 _, and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $10.86 Engineering $50.00 Frontage 479.71 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is— Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL i Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREwu oK CONST. A REP— DONALD F. VOIGT. D.—T, COMMIss.ON ER GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CHIEF ENGINTEN W. S. COCKROFT. SuvT. OKFICC ENGINEER G. 4. HERROLD January 8, 1941 C1NEEENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREwu of Sw NITATION FRED DRIVER. SGPT. BUREwu or BRIDGES GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU oP CORPECTIONs RAY J. KARTAK SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Sullwold Place, Harvey's Additicn c-nd Block 15, Nelson, Steven's and King's Addition from Morton Street to Baker Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121258 approved December 31, 1940• Estimated Cost $604.n6 Cost per front foot 1.26 Inspection 10.86 Engineering 50.00 Frontege 479.71 ft. Approved for transmission to the Comr. of mca tet. �- �.. MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public 'Rorke FINAL ORDER IN CONDENNA7111' ' PROCEEDINGS pt `- COUNCIL•FIL r NO. .1 1, W 23 _ ` r me BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEED.ING� In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley.in Sullwold Place, Harvey's Addition and Block 15, Nelson, Stevens & King's Addition, from Morton St. to Baker St. under Preliminary Order 121259 approved December 31, 1940 Intermediary Order 121504 approved -, ...Tanuary.-,25, .1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of itn- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and V8M=Xq! of -the ley in oiling Sullwold Place, Harvey's Addition and Block 15, Nelson, Stevens & King's,Addition, from Morton St. to Baker bt. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the sante are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Infiil For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and wi�ft�eg of the Alley in Sullwold Place, Harvey's Addition and Block 15, Nelson, Stevens & King's Addition, from Morton St. to Baker St., to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 25 1941 19_ City d Clerk.( ..... / ( ayor. \ Coun e'n rf ss clan qtr nto / /P erson I .,Rosen Ar. President 500 1-89 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) In the matter of condemning and takin, a, easement in the lard necessar- for slopes, cuts and fills it. the rradinr anti surfacinf,, of the Alley in Sullwold Place, P-arve;;'s Add'i.ion and Illock 1-6, 1lelson, bt, vens & Kfnr's A:Mition from tdorton ;.t. to rnker St. under Preliminary Order approved Dece;,ibcr 'S1, 1`180 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost ot' the above er. is. The total estimated �monn>Lrok-thaasaxss�mcotrevR�aaS@xart7aPen?;[rscx>,t�X - - $....`�...4.'C.._— .._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 Sullwold Place $400 $4000 2 do 375 3600 3 do 375 3750 4 do 375 3250 5 do 375 3500 6 do 375 3150 7 do 375 3650 4 Harvey's Addition 400 13 15 Nelson, Stevens and King's 550 2600 Addition to 'teat St. Paul Total $3600 $27,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated--......Janua.ry 26 .. 1941 Commissioner of Finance. Fore, B. 5. A. 8-5 D + Indicates Cut. S —Indicates Fill. Typical Notation ' a°p Figures above Ime show Cut or Fill of Properly line. Figure9 below line show distance to whi&A-p— e�tend beyond Property L-13—, N..2567 X -=%e c.Bk No.:51(,7 AL Z - E y.SUL L /YOGO PLACE, h',4,PYE YSADD. BLA-/5 NELSONSTE✓ENS K/NGS A00. IWOr1017 St Ba/cer .Sf A//¢y3'41//mood P/. o Mor fon - Bek er- S/op. L GHAT I—TO/Y ST. HARVeK-S A00.. 11YEL.501Y STEVEN. " o o K /NGS ,qNo A D D. N Fr Hn SIO o. Zile. Gr, Z O IIII��� 41 7 43�� .. .. .F •J?55, v dl S U L L YY O L 40 G L A C E kYA,3EC-A Sr A//¢y3'41//mood P/. o Mor fon - Bek er- S/op. L Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan 19 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121259 approved Dec. 311 1940 , relative to condemnin and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts ad'nd snrfa `'� ' 7 i ev in Scl�wol d P7 ace. and Pi l l e in the —.Llg� Harvey`s Addition and block 15, Nelson Stevens & Kim's Addition from Morton Street to Baker Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. xxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— � _, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owner) of property, As Amok 7-0 IN subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CR). Laid over to . 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas/Nays Yeas Nays B ss B�rfuss Fi an elan �apranto Peterson ��a[ranto '' "Petyrson jv . y ? �R/osen 'f4ruax �en ' Truax ,1 4. President Fallon X1r. President Fallon 1� Clnk C. F. No. 121726—Ordinance No. 4224 �rt.1-1i By Mnton Rosen—Aa ordinance granting i --nix- tl it / "/.7 . and 'n. arlauthorityM_f to Minneson, .12 i 2 PRESENTED BY """' u^f2DINANCi="YVO. An ordinance granting permission and authority to Minnesota Mining and Manufac- turing Company, a Delaware corporation, to construct, maintain and operate steam, water, gas and electricity pipes, conduits, and appurtenances, and tunnels, on Mendota Street from a point approximately 185 feet north of the north line of Fauquier Avenue southerly to the north line of Reaney Avenue, and on Fauquier Avenue from Mendota Street to Arcade Street, in the City of Saint Paul.' This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby granted to Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, a Delaware corporation, to construct, maintain and operate steam, water, gas and electricity pipes, conduits and appurtenances, and tunnels on Mendota Street from a point approximately 185 feet north of the north line of Fauquier Avenue southerly to the north line of Reaney Avenue, and on Fauquier Avenue from Mendota Street to Arcade Street, all within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul; subject to the terms, provisions and conditions of this ordinance. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to issue a permit for the con- struction, maintenance and operation of said pipes, conduits, tunnels and appurtenances unto said permittee -corporation, subject to the following conditions: (a) That said permittee -corporation shall prosecute no part of said work until it has submitted to the Commissioner of Public Works plans and specifications of that part of the work to be performed at said time, and the plans and specifi- cations have been approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. - (b) That said permittee -corporation shall, upon approval of said plans and specifications, commence the prose- cution of that part of said work, the plans and specifications of which have been submitted to the Commissioner of Public Works, and approved, and continue the same without unnecessary interruption or suspension. (c) That said permittee -corporation shall, at its separate cost and expense, diligently perform all said work, according to such approved plans and specifications, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ^R � Findlan In Favor Parranto Rosen Against Peterson Truax I Mr. President (McDonough) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor Y 2W Mo y :� �11,, O'W.' l t. Mw cl-k t ORDINANCE�` 725 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- (d) O. (d) That said permittee -corporation shall, at its separate cost and expense, upon the completion of said work, or any portion thereof, restorethe surfaces of said sections of public streets, at the site of said work, to their present condition of availability for general public street uses and purposes, such to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. (e) Thatsaid permittee -corporation, shall hold said permit, at all times, subject to revocation by and at the will of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and shall, at its separate cost and expense, remove all work and installa- tions constructed and made under said permit and restore, by back filling and otherwise, said sections of public streets to their present condition, upon the order of said Council, such restoration to be made seasonably and under the super- vision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. (f) That said permittee -corporation shall, upon demand, reimburse the City of Saint Paul to the extent of all expense reasonably and necessarily incurred by the City on account of engineering, technical, and inspection services performed by the City, in the examination of such plans and specifications, in the supervision of -the work under said permit, and in the supervision of such restoration of said sections of public streets upon the completion of the said work and/or upon the removal thereof. (g) That said permittee -corporation shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, claims, costs, judgments and expenses whatsoever, in any way arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation, or removal of said pipes, conduits, tunnels, and appurtenances or any of the same, and shall file a surety bond, in the penal sum of $..10,000, with the City Comptroller, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned to so indemnify the City of Saint Paul, and for the performance by said permittee -corporation of its obligations hereunder. — '(h) That said permittee -corporation shall, within ten days next succeeding the effective date of this ordinance, file its written acceptance hereof, with the City Clerk, containing its agreement to abide by all the terms, conditions, and limitations hereof, such acceptance and agreement to be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel,and co -incident therewith said permittee -corporation shall pay to said City Clerk a sum equivalent to the expense incurred by the City on account of the publication of this ordinance. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 8216, approved February Yeas Councilmen days Bin fuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 250 7-a Passed by the Council Approved:. In Favor Against j a O'W.' l t. Mw cl-k t ORDINANCE�` 725 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- (d) O. (d) That said permittee -corporation shall, at its separate cost and expense, upon the completion of said work, or any portion thereof, restorethe surfaces of said sections of public streets, at the site of said work, to their present condition of availability for general public street uses and purposes, such to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. (e) Thatsaid permittee -corporation, shall hold said permit, at all times, subject to revocation by and at the will of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and shall, at its separate cost and expense, remove all work and installa- tions constructed and made under said permit and restore, by back filling and otherwise, said sections of public streets to their present condition, upon the order of said Council, such restoration to be made seasonably and under the super- vision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. (f) That said permittee -corporation shall, upon demand, reimburse the City of Saint Paul to the extent of all expense reasonably and necessarily incurred by the City on account of engineering, technical, and inspection services performed by the City, in the examination of such plans and specifications, in the supervision of -the work under said permit, and in the supervision of such restoration of said sections of public streets upon the completion of the said work and/or upon the removal thereof. (g) That said permittee -corporation shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, claims, costs, judgments and expenses whatsoever, in any way arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation, or removal of said pipes, conduits, tunnels, and appurtenances or any of the same, and shall file a surety bond, in the penal sum of $..10,000, with the City Comptroller, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned to so indemnify the City of Saint Paul, and for the performance by said permittee -corporation of its obligations hereunder. — '(h) That said permittee -corporation shall, within ten days next succeeding the effective date of this ordinance, file its written acceptance hereof, with the City Clerk, containing its agreement to abide by all the terms, conditions, and limitations hereof, such acceptance and agreement to be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel,and co -incident therewith said permittee -corporation shall pay to said City Clerk a sum equivalent to the expense incurred by the City on account of the publication of this ordinance. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 8216, approved February Yeas Councilmen days Bin fuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 250 7-a Passed by the Council Approved:. In Favor Against o'iQLM t. city cl.r4 • ORDINANCE 1401725 COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6, 1941, be and the same hereby is repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Flndlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: � City Clerk AIaR 13 tai Passed by the Council 6' -In Favor 0 Against ppr Ved W 181941 Mayor iY3�3i1,1St�3-�r��� \lln. ton 1_1-18b—Ord lnnuce \o. 8219— Ity Slftuxen— :\u urdirance gnlntiag P-1,11 - nl , u[hu tilt in Nlnnexu[n \IlntlnK :, td Sinal: [ucl atilt t- ' nun)'. a Itrintvura• ylona'1 �trr txtrurt, mol ata htrd and oVernlr• Kn, ard r•irrl rl rily nil's 'n luitc, nd :lppurlrnan- "d lu nolo. n fdnnduln �.rl ttfrnm uVninl onpruximnte- ul 7., ru.•t tot lh .f the II 'rth Ilnr• of I'a oil Mier A -- lb ..,Il hrrlr In • Inrlh Ilse ,f Itrumv Aernur;, tel ton Fnu,t,d rr Acen ar• from ,hr• 1. of Saint Pn,11. Titin )' nr li nn nr,• r••ndr•r- ' ;.Into r t.1r;nnr s:•r- (nr t11r nrr.,.r. nlir•n f ,hr.r"�olhll.. n,•:r rr•. hr.n l!i. .rayl TIIr• f-nrmril of the f•Ity of Cnlnl Paul dors urin ln: SECTION 1. That pernt l.blun ad Yyauthority be dna theta same ining are h denSiit ufaoturing to litany, . Oelawa a a.lp oration, [o act, tnal.t.in and to Hisao,, unytn r gab and electricity Pipes. con- u d upperinnuncen, ... tunnela d r Siend.t. Street from n point ap- {ri'nsimatety 15o feet north of the n r h .f Fuuquler Avenue sea thsrly to In, north Iine f Jtenueanoy Avenue, an uugLLler Ave from Mendota, Street to Arcade Street, all within the urpurnl DJli Ito the t termat)Vrovl.lons ,i dt v-dltion. of 'Ill. ordlau nue. SECTION 2. Tnat the Comntl..lon er of Pottle \\'ur.n be and In hereby uuthurixed t. matte a prrmlt fur the con x tr u c tion. allclLenee and operulunn u[ Hold „,yell, _ dultb, tuntie Is d eppurts- Ir unto Id pe rmlttee-corporutton, u uta ,!,onto the fell owing condlt lona: tn'Thut nald perm)itee-.or Poralloll within the period [ ten d¢)'a ordieeding the eftecti% date of nance, at it. own coat and ax B ,,,.at features, the proposed location f .,I such pipes, eondui to, tunnel. and 1-. and - contain Ingto tl depth ineal ...told teller - 1 tlme requl red for the auntVleti,nt . tthe said work roll')hut aaaid perndltee-cur'rurution mune. ate t u part of Be U n „I said plans orad epecincatlu nn nhult horn bee. nu prem red and submitted .Italia ltareont P,nstud er nd the latter lcl Tnatubuld a permitlee-eorpurulluo r:hnl 1. within tea duYn text a •eUII,g ucn uppr.I.J of Haid pinna .adaapeci- enu'"';k'. e ate proaecu ].,I of ..IU naady In tsrru tae alms wltlt- But u urr Inlerrupllon o uapelr- antd ce ,n Mete the xame t. rthin so, Ir _niditoted utlme. •rnat .d,d permittee-.oru.rll andll, at Ila xe Hants sunt and _u'l, . trigeltt l)' Vert arra all nuid t InK to aueh uVVruved nl I; as od .Veclueutiona. tau .0 Ve ry in, ur, and to'the aathf-11 a of ,old mla.loner. (e) at It said genu,,I Ba•oruar:rtiml mall, h Its .e lell.e aunt dad e.t Venae. the a 11,V leliurr a did t the n of I". o ecllot�f.l ut uuhe IF rert.0 I to the site of anis t Lo their Dt'usuat rpu lic ll ,ullu- and for gone rut Vo be ntt'eetlt rod pu e—i Bad to he dune inlay the islonau td 1. tha• antln (+�ctiun of Hulse Cotmninsloner. xdt..... a cotton .y tad ua 11 of the 4o un ell u[ t us l;ll}' of S.II: Poul. .ltd shalt, at It. nepxrne and expo one, r all t ork andaltt� • .tnllatlons cot et uctud n I Iul u, k - dur .old per tit and rent ore, by lad � ,1111 g and otherwise, .ulal Beet:... f p.VUDIIt' .tree In to their pra•.el1l ndI- Ilu, rest, all,,, to b of ,id r ,til, ,cls n or lien tto be ,rude . nolle and under the aupervixluu dodo to the xnttafucllon of said Cuntln isa loner. mlltee-c. rlruntlimt lg) Thnt Hold pert .hull. oven demand, elle borne thu I:ItY of Suint I'u.1 to the xtent of 11 a prnr ee reasonably and a x trig d i;y, ins city' a f 'a - gllirr ring• technieul ' u alluu lnapec t i un s perfu ted by the city, h, the ,t tmlentiml o[ Hoch Dluny U alrecill' utliunx, In the bel>er vl.lun ulnthe t'urt r Mer . Id V rnllt, nd la 'he ,Ixlun of . 'inton,tiva of x Itll - IIuI of Publictntree4 Von the aon- etlur of the aid t ork .tnJ: ur anuli: �IIr. ul thereof` ll I That. Id 11111TH t t r.-curpur:rtiul: +hull au tha• u( Saint 1'rrul hurnllexst afrunl nl lttihnouge., rlrrirn.. rxln. Judital" to Bud r 1. i1u•nxr+ whlrt.+ - Iniru, 1 tnii,te'n,I title up,-ralr clloni.Il u t Sul of .ald NIV„x, . nduit.. , tvl+uu 'ad a : N ru I't,•,r:t�er.. , :, rift ills tn�t+tll ilio .ur�rtru Luml. i th,11C pelldl oluSul 'jl a,o.tl, trill) the ,riot utrloller, ,rVV roe ed ,+ to [`rir�n art t nll h)' tin. �rnuu Bi lv'u II ux to e y ire r �.fu1 of FI. I 'adlbf_nl,r:l t ml,-, ally tha• t rrf titiat Paul. : nd for the Nurfurmnu�e br rirl N.'rmilt u'n� ntlun of Il.. ulrliantina> hr.,.,.. Itd..ir lir That :rid I tr ,r.rloittr.r..,.urnrrl':,t i��Ir .hull. i hln• 'Iny,Ic•.r.rl- up Ihrttu tf ect Mr �'I:I n• of tthistm Imallre. lib.IIs ., teI 'e pt:r u. - I-rr�uf, Ihr I. tl,lr-.k, .. ',I - rrl l•� :,birl r, hyo .i tl �l int hr.e ditirm= and lio:i L'rlinu hrrr�.f�rn ich':r , hr- i rel, I ��I'rI, s .shall I..loony: o I u :,.I :nrrl ..�.- nr•i.I r-nt tlr.hnll 'i, Ir ill rrlr��rrrl l,tr...-r•.rn��r:rlinn .s ll:rll I•:rr •r::r- , Ir.I I'he •a`rr.I:s I rr��rl by'itln� n( tII,� all bli�:rt inn rel' r Ilii. urdian ar:e lr iSI•:r"1-11I\ '1'hnl IIIi> ..i .lnnn:r• s nerr•br 'dr - �.In red dr Le ': n ver,¢v ur,v nrd :_roto �+ar)'I for Uu• nrrs,.rt n- uf the Id•lir Vents. hr:rll it r Irl S1':r "I'Ifr\ I i That 11”,tli nrdinn or.• .Ir:Ili t:rkr •IT,• I r rd Im lorry Irnw and :r l',rr its Vnn.- i I'nss..d by Ila. + :cit Fel•. r. 1:111. rr.n.,�—rnnm�nr.e��'oi;arn�=.. rorrll:rll. III'v rrnutu, I:onou. '1'run a. yl r. \'ivy I•rr..=.� d �.nl u'rtrrxrnll—r,. u,r.—anus. ,. .\nl'rucrrl I�r.l, Intl. J. .1. SI,I'tr\til'r ill. Mayor. I1. '1'. 0'1a1SS1{I.I-. City t'Irrk. (Feb. S. 1!r 11) To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minnesota March 17th, 1941. We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 121725, being ordinance No. 92241 adopted by the Council on March 13th, 1941. MIMSOTA'MINING & MANUFACTURING CO. BY 1,j MIAITr't"Iso miNING &,ALvaTFXCTi`RING COMP'"'Y Abrasive Paper and Clothi� S—Wx Callulose Tape "........ r". so . Originalort+ of Patented8 MaxkinIt Tape end other Pelentod pmsnurn w+nxilive Wetordry Waterproof Sandpaper °r. fibre adhesive tapos for industrial usae ^• SA NT IVLAINNESOTI . ,.. February 21, 1941 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan, Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Saint Paul, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Louis: Our Chief Engineer, Mr. E. M. Johnson, has returned to the city, and I have discussed with him the matter of an ordinance permitting our company to put pipe lines and tunnels in Reaney Street and Fauquier Avenue. Mr. Johnson felt the most satisfactory method would be for us to fail to accept the other ordinance and ask that another ordinance be introduced which would con- tain substantially the provisions of Section 2 as attached hereto. The reason for this is that the plans are some- what indefinite as to just when this work will be done, and whether or not the work will all be done at the same time. This is due to our building program, which has not definitely been decided. If there are any questions relative to this, you might call me. Yours very truly, MINNESOTA MINING & MANUFACTURING COMPANY /n � tr-..�-tiJ^✓rte F/John L. Connolly JLC: CAC /: Secretary Enc. = =0 SECTION 2. That the Commissioner of Public 'Works be and is hereby authorized to issue a permit for the construction, maintenance, and operation of said pipes, conduits, tunnels and appurtenances unto said permittee -corporation, subject to the following conditions: (a) That said permittee -corporation shall. prosecute no part of said work until it has submitted to the Comussioner of Public forks plans and specifications of that part of the work to be performed at said time and the plans and specifications have been approved by the Commissioner of Public ''Norks. (b) That said permittee -corporation upon approval of said plans and specifications, commence the prosecution of that part of said wo w t ha �een ubmittedto .the Commissioner of Public 'Works and approved and continue the same without unnecessary interruption or suspension. (c) That said permittee -corporation shall, at its separate cost and expense, diligently perform all said work, according to such approved plans and specifications, under the supervision and to the 9 satisfaction of said Commissioner. (d) That said permittee -corporation shall, at its separate cost and expense, upon the completion of said work, or any portion thereof, restore the surfaces of said sections of public streets, at the site of said 'work, to their present condition of availability for general public street uses and purposes, such to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. (e) That said permittee -corporation, shall hold said permit, at all times, subject to revocation by and at the will of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and shall, at its separate cost and expense, remove all work and installations constructed and made under said permit and restore, by back filling and otherwise, said sections of public streets to their present condition, upon the order of said Council, such restoration to be made seasonably and under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said Counissioner. (f) That said permittee -corporation shall, upon demand, reimburse the City of Saint Paul to the extent of all expense reasonably and necessarily incurred by the City on account of engineering, technical, and inspection services performed by the City, in the examination of such plans anu specifications, in the supervision of the work under said permit, and in the supervision of such restoration of saidisections of public streets upon the completion of the said work and/or upon the removal thereof. (g) That said permittee -corporation shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, claims, costs, judgments, and expenses whatsoever, in any way arising out of the construction, main- tenance, operation, or removal of said pipes, conduits, tunnels, and appurtenances or any of the same and shall file a surety bond, in the penal sum of $10,000, with the City Comptroller, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Com- missioner of Finance, conditioned to so indemnify the City of Saint Paul, and for the performance by said permittee -corporation of its obligations hereunder. (h) That said permittee -corporation shall, within ten days next succeeding the effective date of this ordinance, file its written acceptance hereof, with the City Clerk, containing its agreement to abide by all the terms, conditions, and limitations hereof, such ac- ceptance and agreement to be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel and co -incident therewith said permittee -corporation shall Day to said City Clerk a sum equivalent to the expense incurred by the City on account of the publication of this ordinance. original to city Clark ORDINANCE )), COUNCIL FILE NO. 121726 PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325021, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor", approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 325021, approved August 20th, 191.4, as amended, be and the sane is ::_•raby _fo.^t.:er amended by stri:;ino out the last paragraph of Subdivision (e) of Section 34. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 1141910rovie I/ A� ¢ v� Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: Jk 1 r City Clerk aso 7-40 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved:. �i�lllbiigkl,4al�! 2nd. Laid over to--------- b� 3( 3rd. & app.— Adopted Yeas lays Yeas Nays Bar -fuss / Barfuss Findlan / Findlan Parranto Parranto Peterson Peterson RosenJ Rosen Truax 1 / v Truax Mr. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon original to city Clark ORDINANCE )), COUNCIL FILE NO. 121726 PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325021, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor", approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 325021, approved August 20th, 191.4, as amended, be and the sane is ::_•raby _fo.^t.:er amended by stri:;ino out the last paragraph of Subdivision (e) of Section 34. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 1141910rovie I/ A� ¢ v� Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: Jk 1 r City Clerk aso 7-40 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved:. �i�lllbiigkl,4al�! 1:, r. so. 1x17.27—ay xutnn Rouen— "-1Zean. nddltlons and deductions Il007,1 WCity Clerk , might o e to I,e necensnry In I hicn CITY OF SAI ti,e Imnrmem t�.,�_�-�ned ,.n the i�in,IF Hatchery W. Nnunds Pn k, i NO. from ntrolln= .!fid, Mi•f,' FFICE OF THE i ��• � COUNC ESOLUTION---GEIvLR�.L FORM r� PRESENTED e7. __ Februery 1.9th, 19L.1. ..r - \, ... DATE COMMISSIONER_... . _....... _. 'nTFREAF, additions end de&ictic•ns wn,ich might prove to he necessary in the improvement described es the Fish Hatchery Well in Indian Mounds Park, Comptrollerfs Contr­et G—gZ6o, McCarthy Well Compeny, Contractors, have been nrovided for in the speci.ficPtions et unit nrices-stipulated th"rein, or for eereed nrices, and v01`171%FAF , it bae been found necessPry to mike the follourincr additions end deductions . Additions : 6.0 hn,,jrs of ndditionrl rntrpi.nr for testing well nD 16.00 DC(,uctirms 11.0 feet of erased hale ^ 01.00 '?11.00 70.0 ^ ^uncased hole W .SO 35.00 TotPl Net Deduction-------- WHFF.EAS , the riot deduction is P10.00; now, therefore, be it §36.00 ?46.00 410.00 P.FIOT.1'FI); That the City of St. Peul thro,i,zh its Cit; Council annrove the foregoing ieductinn made in acrcrdPnce with the st.ocificot.ions therefore in the sum of $10.00, said slml to he deducted from the Dunn sum consiZeration nam=d in the contract, knorn As Comptrollerts Contract G—sI26o, for the mekin6. of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works hes agreed with the Contractor, the McCerthv Well Company, that the sum of 510.00 is the correct ammrrt to be dadUCted from the Phove contract. COUNTFPSI (INED A/_� Comptroller COUTICILMETI ljeas �/r nags / Dd�f9ss F�indlan A6arranto ,-Peterson Rosen ¢ President, McDonough am -40 Cs 23335 MCCA.71�_� C0�^TY, 13y -- CAQU J, I Council'T F. F. ............ 194 .51941 / Approved_ .. ... ...... 194 .. i .,-tn Favor gor f/�. Against NWT*., 1 .1B 44 C. F. No. 111728— I J By h]Ilto, Rosen— / Rexon'ed, n,,tt' the conn�n or the cuy of Suint Poul, upon due onsldcrxtl.�'//�r, 6riRlor'to City `Clerk r the Dertlnent 'DDl""tlon of L b .� ('o ur,o,,,, of that .jUNCIL CITY O nxr.'el or ' `�I U_ . , NO. OFFICEL.�,.,��, COUNCIL. RES L TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.... .. .. DATE_._—_..__....— .. ..... .. _. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the pertinent application of L. C. Cournoyer, as owner of that certain.parcel of real estate situate on the east side of North Hemline Avenue, without and adjacent to the corporate linits of the City of Saint Paul, described as Lot 3, 9lock 8, Cable's Hemline Heights, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, that a permit be and the same hereby is granted unto said applicant for the installa- tion, maintenance and operation of a sanitary sewer drain con- nectinE said premises, housing: a brick store building, now proposed, the basement dimensions of which shall be approx- imate)y 49 x 70 feet, with the public sewer of the city of Saint Paul on said North Hemline Avenue immediately opposite the same, for the purpose of the drainage of/Sewage and waste materials from said premises and the disposition thereof thru the sewer system of the City of Laint Paul and the facilities of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, subject to the following conditions: 1. That said applicant shall forthwith pay into the Treasury of the City of Saint Paul the sum of N168.00 in lieu of special assessment, such being the equivalent of X3.75 per frontage foot of said premises, the same having a frontage of 44.8 feet on said North Hemline Avenue. 2. Thnt said applicant shall pay the additional sum of 8;;,6.00 annually into the treasury of the City of paint Paul as lonr.• as said sewer connection shall be maintained, as the proportionate share of said property of the annual cost of the maintenance of the sewer system of the City of taint Paul, or such other annual sum for such purpose as the Council may from time to time prescribe. 3. That said applicant shall, to addition to the foregoing charges, pay all sewer rental charges levied against said premises for the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District. CounCILmEn Adopted by the Council. I]eas nays Barjuss Ftndlan Approved-. Parranlo Peterson ..In Fauor TRayor Rosen Tr� Against Mr. President, McDonough �m a -.o Cs .» ovigi—I W City*Clerk .I �`� -I�. N CITY OF SAINT PAUL F06NCIL NO. OFFICE OFT CITY CLERK ti ORM PRESENTED BY ERDATECOMMISSIONER_.A,7707_ 4. That all connections made under said permit shall be m,�de by a sewer contractor licensed by the City of Saint Paul, and in accordance with the ordinances and regulations of the City of Laint Paul pertaining to such sewer connections. That additional to the above, the applicant shall forthwith pay into the said City Treasury the regular sewer connection permit fee. 5. That said permit shall be subject to revocation by the City of Saint Paul in the event of default by the permittee or his successor or successors in interest in relation to said premises in any of the foregoin.^ conditions. And be it ?TTRT!'LR !AESOLPyh, that the Commissioner of Public 1."orks be and he hereby is authorized, upon due application therefor, to issue a permit to said applicant for such connection, subject, expressly to all of the foregoing terms and conditions. Adopted by the Council Y ' u 941 t04 C011IICtLinER - lJeas / Ttays BarYuss Fin ddnAPPioved104 .... .. _""_.... ..__ /a�(nto /Pete n .In Favor In or oxen / Against r. President, McDonough ,in a . Cs z» CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL gg City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Q� Feb. 14, 1ct+1 kr. Har r: W. Oehle r Cornoration Counsel City Hall Lo.u- Sir: The Cit-. Council requested that you draw the necessary ordinance oi• resolutior. &renting the attached application of L. C. Cournoyer for permission to connect the sever servini, itis property on Harsine hve. just ncrth of the city limits to tae city sewer system, with the provision, however, that the assessment specified in the ordinance covering this scatter be paid. in advance. Very trc�� yours, City Clerk. 6z z b T' CEIV FEB 1" 119411 ON UIR"''t^aiJ i , s., 7 1.:., .. February 7, 1941 To the Honorable, the Co,,ncil City of 5t. Paul, Mlinnesota Gentlemen: I am the owner of Lot three (.'.) in Black eight (6), Cable's Ha.nline Heights, which is the third lot north of Hoyt Avenue facing on Hamline, and I hereby ;)etition your Honorable Body to connect t'he sewer to my property. I am ready to pay in c,sh the usual charge for such service. I intend to build a brick store 40x7, feat and will operate e: variety and hardware store. Yours very truly, L. 0 C. Cournoyer �j 6910 No. Uakley Ave. f j Chicago, 11. ! f ( �1 l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Feb. 11, 1941 Hon. Milton Rosen Consr. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you for recommendation the attached Tette, of L. C. Cournoyer, theChicago) thhi d)lotlinois, oyner of Lot 3, north of Hoyt Ave. facig Block g� Cable's Hamline Heigh Hemline Ava., requesting a sewer connection his property, upon which he intends to build a brick store building. Very truly yours, �Qc City Clerk. G� Oripl¢¢I to City CI OF SAINT PAUL Fo U[N CIL NO ' T CITY CLERK L TION -•-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ty//1 COMMISSIONER... DATE—..–.--.— --- --- ------ w RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint -Paul, that the Ramsey County Senators and Representatives to the Minnesota'Legislature be urged to support an j amendment to Chapter 1?0, Laws 1933, so as to extend the /y provisions thereof in order that they will be in force and effect until April 1, 1943. C011ACIt_= IJea� Tlags �uss / F"�1:n �P rranto /Znon /Rosen fiTr. President: McDonough am o Cs ¢a»e I,. ' \o. 1'liG9—Ry Jilllon Itoaen— i J 11. R hill —Axel IF. Peteraon- 1"hn S. FIn JI¢n—W. A. Purr¢nto— Resolvea. t the City Council of the !Pity of S¢inl Paul, that [he Ranlxe. county 1 n¢tora 'nd Repreaen Gttivcv the 111nne�nta Iw>Klnhllur:• he tl r,rea onannn"rt .n rnenament t" Chanter I.a— 19:1:1. r x e t" .—Md the nr"- �•I.Ion.� [here"( In torJer lh:tt Ihrr will hr In L_,o :uuf :•rcert until APril 1, 9J:: VJopt:d by theI• ncil heh. CJ. 1941. AnproleJ Fuh. ''h ,11941. I M��h :i r 1.. 19111 _! ' Adopted by the Council..f, � %3p_..�_ i..._ In Fatar .. ..._ . .... ... -TTlay ... Against ' 121730 OrIpInJ to L•ItY Ckrkcour+cIL �f . u,CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO OFFICE ICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 VS10 I COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMPRESENDATE—__..Feb_!.? LrYCOMM19_�—__... _._ . ._...... .. .-........ RESOhPED; That license for Hestaiirant, an -plication 46935v On Sale Malt Beverage, aonlicatien 46936, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, anulication 46937+ applied for by Gordon A. Cummins at 1905 Stillwater Rd, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required. fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 4, 1941, Old Location. COUTICILTRETI I]eas / nays B/ay�j�G� ss �F`indlan /E'arranto _*elerson Posen i T"'an /Lir. president. McDonough IM s no Cs ..— L'��ai dyed, iiIa41.935, fur Itea Mall :,,I1li, Ia tt��n r,;I 3fi, Iln Snl�• \lo: :nnan:,Ir,�n aar. .d Im.. le �xlo rilnl4 by rage. ,nPPllrntloul ��n1�1Ie�I 11 Icy find. ,l, A. `I ill�,';,ter Ind. Ise : it:l11 III, �; li•.el��' riled ild ilia I I'I�.rk I.v in�trllc[ed ttn ie1111I 1I:ns � IIIA. I�:,ylll�•lil li III�� il)' rea­ i� ,I ',•I f III �• r�.,l Hired ,I'i•e.,. 1 I .•I.. i. I9�1I. pld I�ir:iF lli .\di�l�led lid' Ili,, ,' �I-il 'i��. "_.�. ]:i41. Adopted by the Council f � ... 1141. .-194---- . E'..;3 w w ... •t l _ Approved—.._.. _.. 194..._.. In Favor f` v mayor .. . Against'/ -' Oritioul to City Clerk A 3 g CITY OF SAINT PAUL couaca V: p r� FILE n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEk—._.—._._..-..-_ .... .... DATE --Febr =Y-.25,..1°41.. ....- - RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, ftDplication 47067, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47068, and Off Sale !':alt Beverage, application 47069, applied for by Catherine Davis at 961 Rice St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment iabo the city treasury of the required fees. J. S. 7inJlvil— I:.�:'..1r'r•.1. tb:rl I.1+•+•�t..r• 1�I n�. t'tu :t 1. i�li� .�t i.+i. 4 711ri i. ()li N:.I.• \ni 11 I�p �c rra F�'. :�Ppliratiun 4:Ofx. ua ftrc )I:rir It. r'.: r:r ti.. r�lrirli r• ca,is� a � P.;1 !'I1•.I I'.r 1'r:r r' :tl .;I I... ,.IIb.• Ir.•r.1by •�i[ i + the .•Ity ti..t.�t ..r tlt.• rv- I��\.. w, li.�f..r ilio 11 a n Vpr pa I.r rrun - ��il 1'r•n. I1. IMI. f1111 Inrnllnn. Al V.,,t.i ..by .tb.+ C-31101 Irr, ".. M. \r 1 1'.I 1941. 1. 19417 New, Informally a:-p_aved by Council, Feb. 11, 1941, Old Location, f"!" . r. 1941 C011nCILmEn Adopted bt the Council— ' Qeas Tlays /ss indlan Approved_...... ... .... .......--.--194_. 4arranlo 1 "t ' r .-Peterson in Favor ' qor ,.Rosen �seesr— (� ,Against - /pr. President, McDonough am -.6 cs �3— 0091n0 to CI Ckrk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'ou NO._ . (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (,Jjj-JII/. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B�" - .... DATE_ F�ry ?5+_ 1943-..... COMMISSIONER _.......__..—__..... .. ..__. .. _.. . RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated -be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instctedt (issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasuryrequired Kristal. Bros. 178 Concord St. Butcher App.45613 New Old Loca. Esther ;F.oran 1599 Selby Ave. Restaurant u 46412 EAarie R. Johnson 919 Armstrong Ave. Off Sale 1.41t ° 47011 n KKXYJ Ethel Prawer 1090 Earl St. n It v It Gertrude Natch 985 Payne Ave. C011nC1LMEi1 Leasnays � r(uss Findlan /Parranto /Peterson Aosen r. President. McDonough 31r, —o cs 13338 Grocery ° 47039 v Off Sale Malt. It 47040 n Foot Peddler It 47214 11 f C. F. Nu. I217:{2—LSr U, [f. nar[uss— John 8. Flmllea—W. A. Pnrranto— aeeolved, that Itcenaee pnuea f I,the Dere... named on the net [r trached ver... reeelutlnn be and the e hereby Kntnted and the Clty=9 l'lerk nie 1tlenon the. Ie Yme.t Into theb cl[Y 11 cry f the re4-Ile fee.. tr Ad opted by the I:uunclt Feh. 26, 1941. A ppr ured Feb..i. 1911. (\lurch 1, 19411 m u u u m FEB 2.5 /SRU Adopted by the Council—,.... . . . . -194-. - Approved_ ._....!i.l"--''----' In Favor ..... .... . . — 1 . _ .,Against Original to City Ckrk 121733 33 CITY OF'C.�vhereu,, Cus{t I,"— John S. Fimdleu nP NCIL NO.— W' O.— .. . OFFICE OP '.�!Icaco't�miyvlo�ueflaiire` to a 11-i"" "` re uent COUNCIL RESOLUTI I'.°.`ea and acne -men`. °° he f°II°"' Ing described property, t—',i 1: Lot - 3, Block 1, Glendale Addl- Wh, and the delinquency total, the PRESENTED BYMQV4� \V he rea,, ttnd the npplleunt niter, COM MI S910NER___.____..._—__ .. ..._ ... ... ..sum of 346i.34. _.. .... ._........ ... .... ... Y.. .. to pa)' In full settlement there°[ the __.. ....--:sum of 1264.96; therefore, be It liesolvod, it,., the Council c. the City of - If So Int Paul hereby nPPdn nld ` reg of 6vtlle anent: provided. ha Wever. tlntt the sum of 37.7 , shall b2 tint de-' . darted from the t°ba Payment of . 1264.96, and that sola f s�.7' elm II be•pnld to the City of"Saint Paul In ,ettlement of del inqu ant enL Included In the totnl delIn',' ut•ncy of 1465.34. AdoFeb. 26, 1941. Approved Feb. 25. 7941. (March I. 1941) - yJli'LREAS, Gust Forslin has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assess- ments on the followin- described property:, to Witt Lot 3, Block 1, Glendale Addition; and }KffisREAS, the delincuency totals the sum of $465.34, and the applicant offers to.pay'ir, full settlement thereof the sum of $264.96; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Cit.: of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $7.7'7 shall be first deducted .from the total payment of $264.96, and that said sum of $7.77 shall be paid to the Cite of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $465.34. F 5 counCILMEil �V,8 Adopted by the Counci _._.. . i]eas 11ays B rim arips tndlan6 } Approved—, In Favor / ... it°eterson / [payor X.sen ._ Against --inr. President, McDonough �m a 4o Cs -- w! 'ALAS, Arnes Louise Blachford has made arplication for relief to the !,Hnnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followint; described property, to wit - Lot 17, Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Add.; and tiiG REAS, the delinquencytotals the sum of $746.83, and the applicant offers to ray in full settlement thereof the sum of $605.67; therefore, be it RESOL'dED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said ofi'er of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $137.45 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $605.67, and that said sum of $157.45 shall be paid to the City of.Saint Paul in settlement of delintinent assessments included in the total delinquency of $746.53• COUTICILMETt yeas nags barf uss Findtan Parranto Peterson Rosen __TTnwr_ Mr. President, McDonough ,in >- Cs -1. 1. Adopted bq the Counci -- f'. 1 �, Approved_,. .----....__....._•-..... ___. -194.. v In Favor —' 49- ..mayO v Against i Aohn s. Flgahtn—' ` 1217f34 c. r•. na. 111;84—Rc N'hereax. ABnex I.oulxe Riachfurd hxa Orlpinal to l'IU' Clerk made appllcatlon for relief [o the kiln - 'rax to ae- NO._. CITY OF SA OFFICE OF TH 11ee,uw camnd�xhm rein went taxex a a •ata on the rnllawi aexvribed 1,ropert>'. ta-e'lt:; ag ''at Itlook '' son i>arn x Mid- 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ".,. dd dna liAad.: \Ptierean, the &H.,l umcy totalx the as 11 3;46.38, and the aPPlluunt , tie of Pnp In full xel darn enl [he Pati[ the - PRESENTED BY , WY` ./Vti n xum of 3606.61: therefore. he It - Itexolved. that the Council of the ._.._ COMMISSIONER—..__.-- ----------- .. .._. C-Ity of Suint Pnul hereby aPDrnv ex _--, Providedt xnid er, t of , .1om f :111'46" however, Ihnl the x f 118 iifi ahull of he mrat deducted frum total Pny- nt of 36115,0 i, and [hnt 'a I'I xum of iib ;.45 xhull be Pald to the C'Ity of Saint FaulIn x•llleme t f delinquent me Included to lite total de- Iltnluenc>' o[ 1146.61. .adopted by the l:ounell Feb. 15. 1941. Approved Feh. 15. 1941. (�Inrrh w! 'ALAS, Arnes Louise Blachford has made arplication for relief to the !,Hnnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followint; described property, to wit - Lot 17, Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Add.; and tiiG REAS, the delinquencytotals the sum of $746.83, and the applicant offers to ray in full settlement thereof the sum of $605.67; therefore, be it RESOL'dED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said ofi'er of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $137.45 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $605.67, and that said sum of $157.45 shall be paid to the City of.Saint Paul in settlement of delintinent assessments included in the total delinquency of $746.53• COUTICILMETt yeas nags barf uss Findtan Parranto Peterson Rosen __TTnwr_ Mr. President, McDonough ,in >- Cs -1. 1. Adopted bq the Counci -- f'. 1 �, Approved_,. .----....__....._•-..... ___. -194.. v In Favor —' 49- ..mayO v Against 12.E73 0d41ns1 to City CI ­k CITY OF SHIN NO._ C. N'.121i2.`�—Ry Sohn S. l�indlx n�t OFFICE OF THE whereas. Ruth R. Rorberg has ma application for relief to the Nllnoesoln Tax Commission relative to del ln, ueat' COUNCIL RESOLUTION faxen and assessments on t e fnila - — Ing described proper tY. to -wit: Ak lots Place; and ls, Bloc k 2, BerrY- ` hill Place; and PRESENTED ER Whereas. 11.171. 1., the delinquency limit the COMMISSIONER_._. _..._.—.____------ --^ - .num o[ i1.8 iY.0Y, and the applisettlement an[ of-..._.. fors to Po( In full settlement [hereof' --..__.—.._ ... be It the sum o S1.i52.:i4; therefore. —_--_ Resolved, that the Council of Iho Cl It o Re alnlf P ettlement: provided . hoverer, that ths. sum f $46.80 shrtll ' be drat dedurted from the total t o[ f1,i5G.24. rt 1 that Id of. i48n80 shrt11 be Onid to the CItY o[ Suint Pau 'Ito s,ttnclude.delnt th ed to taltt ds lingo enc,n <=f 3t. e72. Go'�L. 1941. Adopted by lh C 11 Feb. 40. A pprored 1larch 191941) 7rFFRrAS, Ruth R. KozberR has made anplicttion for relief to the 'Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followin described property, to wi.t: Lots 18 and 191 1:10ck 21 Rerryhill ?lace; and WHEEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,972.52, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,752.34; therefore, be it RLSOLUE'D, That the Council of the City of Saint Faul hereby approves said offer o;' settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $46.80 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1,752.34, and thet said sum of $46.80 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,972.62. COIITICTLmETI leas Tlays Barluss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President, McDonough xm -40 Cs 2x338 F 3 : 1941 Adopted by the Council—. Approved_.. ..._._.. .... .... ... .� -'--- yj �^ In Favor mayor `—� . Against .. .. a ,D CITY Or AINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.--- NO710E nITION TO c. 1 Nes. th.t 1.ek. b n Resolved. amu checks be drawn the ,'Ry [tensor)', to the aggregate ,,k PRINTER nt [ $ 35.398.13, v rinK heckE '�,,, 194_L— Haro.m bared 80338 to 80313; elnclualve, ns _. {,.E.yy-L1t :y_n---- per Qomp Vu 'lle In the Xfl o u[ the Adopted " the en 941. Feb. 25. Ie41' �tEASURY, 70 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT AI,Proved Feb. 45, 1941. RESOLVED, THAT CHEC c5lereh 1. ,9411 80343 OF StawaiLtax COVERING CHECKS NUMtstKtu402.3.gTO- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB 25 1941 .._...---194_...._ J� COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- ---- - -""' '�+ C ... .. _.__194_..____ � .`:-�• APPROVED—.. -----'----�--�'- BY -•'...::,:_r' ..... .._�'_✓_ wo -0 CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL A DUPLICATE TO CITY COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__ ROLL CALL TCHECKER I DISBURSEMENT BARFUSS CHECKS FINDLAN PARRA PARKANTO IN FAVOR - ..y-6yya4r'.G�-�— AUDITED CLAIMS I943.- PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRr--N ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX j'12 28 00 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ., --12,263 —. COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGH _ INF LU SIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED_ge/C��JV1_ TO •tl COMPTROLLER. 80240 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_— .... E PER CHECKS OIG�F.fC�F,.THE OP�ICE OF CITY _ _.. _ .i APPfdOVE _.. ._�i1..- � �4{. __I94 . ,...'� .' NUMBER UµMy McClain & Hedman Company By 1 560 50 80242 McFadden -Lambert Company ! 513 60 80243 McGill -Warner Company '; 6 30 I� 80244 Gus D. Messing 80245 Midway Creamery Company 1 27 15 80246 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Company Company;; 49 60'' 80247 Minneapolis -Honeywell Regulator 146 26�; 80248 Minnesota Milk Company 52 65` 80249 Multigraph Sales Agency Comp8my Company it 4 50�+ 80250 National Golf 4 CO..t i Herman Nelson ! 60 001! 80252 No Pee Trading Company Compare i 5 165 051: 80253 Northern States Power 718 3011 8025! Northern States Power Compare 28 501 80255 Nutria Peat Moes Company CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL A DUPLICATE TO CITY COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__ ROLL CALL TCHECKER I DISBURSEMENT BARFUSS CHECKS FINDLAN PARRA PARKANTO IN FAVOR - ..y-6yya4r'.G�-�— AUDITED CLAIMS I943.- PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRr--N ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX j'12 28 00 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ., --12,263 —. COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGH _ INF LU SIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED_ge/C��JV1_ TO •tl COMPTROLLER. 80240 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_— .... E PER CHECKS OIG�F.fC�F,.THE OP�ICE OF CITY _ _.. _ .i APPfdOVE _.. ._�i1..- � �4{. __I94 . ,...'� .' NUMBER UµMy McClain & Hedman Company By CHECK V IN FAVOR OF TO AL I DATE RETURNED BYBANK J TCHECKER I DISBURSEMENT NUMBER UMBER CHECKS i1 CHECKS 11492 360 08.r,___ BROUGHT FORWARD 27 882 39 80238 MacMillan company j'12 28 00 80239 The Marin Foundrjrjt Inc. �6 �7 80240 Master Materials & Fuels, In 24 34 80241 McClain & Hedman Company 1 560 50 80242 McFadden -Lambert Company ! 513 60 80243 McGill -Warner Company '; 6 30 I� 80244 Gus D. Messing 80245 Midway Creamery Company 1 27 15 80246 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Company Company;; 49 60'' 80247 Minneapolis -Honeywell Regulator 146 26�; 80248 Minnesota Milk Company 52 65` 80249 Multigraph Sales Agency Comp8my Company it 4 50�+ 80250 National Golf 4 CO..t 80251 Herman Nelson ! 60 001! 80252 No Pee Trading Company Compare i 5 165 051: 80253 Northern States Power 718 3011 8025! Northern States Power Compare 28 501 80255 Nutria Peat Moes Company 39 00 80256 Oklahoma Rig & Supply Compan 80257 Otis Elevator Company 612 00 1 80258 The Outlet Stores 1 98 ; 80259 Pi:rk Machine Company 1 10 ' 11 80260 Phoenix Meter Corporation i 73 83!. 8 781': 80261 Pillsbury Flour Mille Company 258 49 ' 80262 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Company 80263 Polaris Concrete Products Company 232 00 80264 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. i 10 33 r' 47 821. 80265 wick Service Battery Company 80266 Ramaley Printing Company 33 70 I' 3 401; 80267 Red Star Teast Company 391 60 80268 Remington -Rand, Inc. ; 1 80269 Republic Flow Meters Company, j8 10� 80270 D.J. Riley Company 44 70 5 04 ; 80271 noehester Germicide Company 252 80272 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Company �11 8027} 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Company 509 80274 >t.Paui Corrugating Company ' iI 198 11i 80275 1.3t.Paul Milk Company 6 16 80276 St.Paul Shoppers Guide jl 80277 13 t. Paul Stamp Works 1 25 201 I 80278 St.Paul stamp Works 1 7 65 52 1700( 80279 Albert Schleh Mfg. Company 120 80280 • Silver Burdett & Company i 124 68 80281 Sperry Office Furniture Compy 617 86 80282 Standard Oil Company7 44 00 80283 Telautograph Corporation EE° Company 17 59 I1 80284 Triple Products 8 03? 80285 T -in City Sales & Supply Company 80286 Union Advocate I 1 2 00 80287 U. s. Supt. of Documents ; 3 00 ' II 112 75: 80288 Victory Printing Company 82 20 80289 'eashington.Foundry Company 298 11 ; 80290 H.T. Iiedelstaedt Company i7 4o 1, 80291 Western Materials Company �inamaster Company 133 181 30292 Baking �l i� SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 �7 882 39i'504 623 63, 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • - /� I,'`•'. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_—_ ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN FAVORP�RAUDITED CLAIMS y 1D43_ PETERSON ROSEN I TRUAX ! AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_2.2_} CIOVERING J MR PR ES McDONOUGH f- C HECK5 NUMBERED. TO IN, �SI��V//E, AS !' r� •�'� PER CHECKS Opl)FIL OFFI E Y COM PTROL�LER. -- '• I• - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....__'- — -- APPROVED . .-� �v-{ 19G NUMBER 35 .j CHECK NUMBER TOTAL IN FAVOR OF ! TRANSFER CHECKS DATE H RETURNED BY BANK ! !� DISBURSEMENT 11 CHECKS j ,I !! BROUGHT FORWARD 127 882 39 :504._623 63 '! ----80293 ® Mrs. babel Murphy !I 49 56 !` 22 901: !j 80294 M�3. Carlotta Trainor 80295 Mr=. Charles Tuchner j 32 00 80296 Mrs. Agnes peies ! 25 5611 4 0 00'! 80297 Mrs. Ella Woodward 80298 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan e 2 959 44� 80299 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan �a '13 353 9s: 1I 80300 John 9. Findlan. C. of Finan a is 100 20! 824 001: 80301 Review Publishing Company 0. Finan a 1 2 548 26;; 80302 John S. Findlan, of 124 44 803N 80304 American Linen Supply Compan7� John D. Anderson 69 691: 80305 Architectural Record Company 3 00 „ II 102 281: 80306 Armour and 031 1I 80307 Armour and Company56 1 80308 Badger Meter Mfg. Company i 46 90309 A.S. Barnes & Company 1 ! 80310 Belmont Corporation ! z`► 03 ;! i 80311 Bill of Rights Review ! 1 OO I 80312 The Book Shop ! 3 50; 80313 Borool Laboratories, Ino. America ! 73 OOi j 55 80311E 80315 Boy Scouts of F.J. Brings & Company 115 80316 Wm. R. Burkhard i 4 140 i !1 80317 80318 F.F. Campbell ! Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company' 1 501: it 543 051! 80319 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 34 91!. 80320 Arthur H. Clark Company i -Press 2 50; 2 76!: �1 80321 80322 Columbia University commercial Ref. Inc. 12 50� Ii 80323 Commonwealth Fund 2 251 1 29� 80324 Co—Op. Test Service I 86325 Copy Papers, Inc. I 1 751. 80326 J.M. Dalglish & Company 1 50 ; 80327 Diebold Safe & Look Company 1 3 00 80328 Elvgren Paint supply company I 99 63 !' 80329 Field Museum of Natural History 621. ! 80330 H.N. Fisher Photo Supply Company 61 621: 80331 M.A. Gedney Company 3 00. 56 30; 80332 General Electric Supply Corp. 80333 Gopher Grain Company Gould Company I 19 78 li 45 63 80334 R.L. & 1. 80335 • R.L. Gould & Company 33 30. I: 80336 The Grinnell Company ! 28 02! 80337 Gruber Auto Electric Company!' 26 60 1j 803.39_ Hamline Cash Grocery I Chemical Company 1 3 60 1 ,j 9 I! 90339 Hawkins I. SS 8 40 80341 Hilez Company Holm & Olson, Inc. g5 50 90342 R.E. Hulme Awning & shade Company 17 52 80343 H.R. Huntting Company i i 390 52 !I ' SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 27 882 fl 1` 39„527 758 21j1 i! I 01 121738 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ condemri_r._, and_taking_an_easenent_in_the_1@rd_necessar_;;_for slopes__ cuts and fills in the gradin:, and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Wilder's Addition from Mendota St. t0 Arcade St., RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON FIRMING rO Nt'^•'+ D1N A* AWARDS O. • VD SESSMFNT I � under Preliminary Order_____ 12027C'............ approved .... Septerlber_18,__1_940________-_-_ Intermediary Order ----------- ------------ approved____ October 30,_1940 Final Order _________________129&8_a___________, approved ---- h`ov_ember_26 1940______________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �exxsdx�thah>�exs�ixbcausQaaateafExha�andc��dxxheael�csle>�u�Chx�bac�aya�liec ia�txxxxxx�nsz'xagudxxxsxba�rhxpxixe�xrfxlau�fixdascsibsdxeauc Adopted by the Council ------- FEB 26_1941___________, FEB 26 1941 - ---r te--- --- City - Clerk. - City Approved------------------------,19---- File 9118 ----_'I ------- ---- ... �, fjp Mayor.-- Councilman Conroy y Councilman Ferguson 1' "'` VUUL%HED_�� Councilman McDonald-':- Councilman Ilea= Councilman$$��hl�nd Councilman Sudheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .. _.,.,.. ,• 11111 V.. In the matter of__condemrii„_e_r.�_tkir_g_an__easement_in tne_lan?_necessary_for_slones, cuts and fills in the.gradin,F and surfacinP of the Alley in Block 2, Pilder's Addition from Mendota St. to Arcade St., 120270 September 1B, 1940 under Preliminary Order---_`_-----____-, approved--------=------------------------------------- Intermediary Order ------ 12C�M______ approved___-__ Oc=of er_30 1940 ---------------------- Final Order ------------- J2-Q8aQ----- approved------- �latemb-or-_a _1240__----__ ----- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. a_ ------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. C. I'.No. 121 i89—ny F. M. Truax—John Ilriyi nni Iv City Clerk S. Flndlan— Ae F iA W herean, as Dru ided by Council Fllo e CITY C \o. 12161:, Dpro'vud January 2,. 1..'OUNCIL the eun<II nlr the 2•tl� day n� Fe„-`ILE %io. OFFICE Ni ?OUN RESOLt,tICiN---GENERAL FOtdM-.." PRESENTED BY Truax COMMISSIONER ..... Imo+^ ... .. . ._.. DATE ..___..._. WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 1?1512, approved January 29, 1941, the Council did, on the 95th day of February, 1941, at ten o'clock A: M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wre.ckipg that certain two- story and basement, tile and brick building on Lot ?0, Block 10, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 603 West Central Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7?10, approved May ?2, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to.said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. FEB 26 1941. Couuci u Adopted by the Council, if eas Uays barfuss �'Findlan / Approved _ . ... ...... `... _...... _..._iB4.. .. P#rranto "Pl erson —in Favor_—.....— Aosen l dSb'%IYI� Mayor T-•.••,„,_ Against 1_1�'r. President, McDonough ;if 7_1S3i1iD .m . ao Cs.,- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL FEB 2;.- ;941 City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration COliorUl. Feb. 25, 1941. Mr. Barry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Ball Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two-story and basement, tile and brick building on Lot 20, Block 10, Mackubir_ & Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 603 W. Central Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk. `'� or+a+n.l to City CMrk i 1217110 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ .. - \Q y A/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. Yr�D COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY i,�•/' February 26,_2'11 COMMISSIONER—_ _____._...._.__.... _. _. .. .. ..._ DATE—__.__......_.__.. RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47190, On Sete Malt Beverage, application 47191, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47192, applied for by Frank J. Glombitza at 539 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted F..nd the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. I. Na. 1 2 1 7 4 0-11y G. it Barra— W. arra —I t R'. A. Parranto—Jahn S. Findbtn—t Rexoleed, that IlcenaeOn Sn eetll ,I-lt ': RIt. 1, application 47180. ... rage, nPP1len Hon 17181, and Off' Sale rose Beverege. PPlte.tiun 47184., Pplled for by Frank J. Glumbltza at : 5.1Rlce St. be and the xaJne a e Isere- ' by granted and the City Clerk I.v In to Ixaue x ch 1l cen ,e upon the payment Into the rity it I., ry of the retlul red fees. New', informally pproved by Coun- cil• Feb. 20, 1941. Old lot•fltl an. Adapted b7y' the Cour" iI Fe h. 26. 1941.; Approved 1941. (M.rch 1, 1941) New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 20, 1941 Old Location. C011itCILiRETI Adopted lzy the Council FEB 26 1945_194_....... leas nags ( t Ft lap Approo7vede`d_,__.; P.rers n ! j In Favor 'Peterson - -- -.. listrn,� tilayor Rb's Against _A'�r. President, McDonough nm .-.o cs �naae Oriti—I 1, City 43e 1141.11.' 41 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO._... .. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— _. .___.___...___._... . . . ._. _ DATE ____..Febru. ary_26y., lg4i._.._._ WHEREAS, heretofore "On Sale" Liquor license #.653 was issued to Ernest A. Jackson Sr, at 408 Wabasha Street, and WHEREAS, Ernest A. Jackson Sr. and the officers of Ernest A. Jackson, Inc. have requ&Bted that said license'be transferred to Ernest A. Jackson, Inc, at 408 Wabasha St. and WHEREAS, the said Ernest A. Jackson, Inc. has filed a bond. in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Liquor license #1653, heretofore issued to Ernest A. Jackson Sr. at 408 Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Ernest A. Jackson Inc. at the same address, and the bond of Ernest A. Jackson Inc. is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Ernest A. Jackson Sr. from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. C. F. No. 1:1741-143' G. H. aarfuas— W. A. Parranto—John S. Fladlan— Wht•roas, heretofore "On Sole" Liquor license No. 1663 w Issued to Ernest A. Jackson Sr. t 408,' Wabash,' S[roe I. and Whereas, Ernest A. Jackson Sr. and of Inc..b rthat A IJaeks nx ae•eo�equses ted h"' trs-II,rr¢d to Erneet An Jackson, Inc..' ,owhe18 res.. the ma and. nest A. Jackson. inc,, nas filed bond In the m of $ n.000.011 v squired by CII)' Ordinance bona a eald has been pvrog.d a to 'f`orn, a a :ee tion by the Cornar'tion Counsel: thereto... be I[ ttesalvea. that "On Snle" I.Iq uor li- e No. 1653, heretofore Isaued to F, r neat A. Jackson Sr. at 408 Wabnsha Sl reel. be and the same Is hereby trans- thered to addr.sa, A aJ the Jackson, of, Eat tits ,..Jackson, Inc.. Is hereby np- pmrea and lite C'Ity l:lrrk is dl rected ' Transfer informallyai roved b P Y ^ aepolt the aa,n. in lite om¢e of the I city �onmo-ouar. Council, Feb. 18, 1941, naa u,q t'arvorauon :connaella:ptnorl:ea:,,aair.teato s old Location. rel na q„ �rt•ty o u,. bond of h, aid 'Ernbst' \. Jnrkvon sr. rron \nr further Ila bllily nrlalnK aft.. the dole Int,. r s lutlon Is pub1h r 1. Trans Transfer Info.,noll>' approved by Feb, V. 1341. Old Iocolinn. Ad^pled Icy ibr I' iuncil 1'ch. _6, 1941.1 A pprovea I , 1911. (\tor.h i, 19411 SEB 26 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_ leas Tlags Fes + �nss Y y.IJ {e •�} i., i i Findlan Approved 4ayranto i Peterson � In Favor c tic/ V l/ .Rosen - ii&t11I9 Magor Aqainst ,iPCr. President, McDonough am -0 Cs 23331 CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ......................................... Ernest A. Jackson, Inc. Ae.. . . ..... ... . .. TI -1 L-111 11 'n" \.'­-GA.'..691�0. .. .. . . . .. ........ . .... Ar,. -11 �j citizen of ill,: Unit,d Stiil,A? - Yes . .. ............ . .. . . ... ...... ........... % . ................. parlor. iw 'imilar Ilatim.., This applicant corporation is to s teed to the...qafe and b.ar...bu.s.1n.eqs nbW­cofftd'1','ft'�id by Ernest 'i t A 'Jacksoiztr an iiial, 1 dual \\ hen :111,1 At -the present.. t-i-.te at- 408 a:b-a:Sha --Stv -St'." -Paul . .. .......... ...... It I I i I g eI I e r:l I I, il of colporali"ll Ernest A.. Jackson-,--Inc-� ........ ..... .. authorized tooperate a restaurant .taurt and retail liquor _,usinleas.; to. -s-el I distilled spirits, ' malt beverages' and their by -prod -acts J derivatives.,.e.t.c.... .......... .. .. ... ...... ..... .......... .... .... . February— 13"" '1'941'."......... ......... ... If club, 11'", loil;,- ha, cori-mli,,11 o,..II(:.j . . . .. ..... ...... ..... ...... ... ;mit adtin—c- of prc,idcill and President, Ernest A. Jack.sp3q....1.9.23. sujit ANe..., Paul ..... ...... ... . ............. �5'ecretii��y, 'William K. do, nter, . . . ........ . . . ......................... ...... ... ... ....... .. .. . ...... ..... .Gen. Mgr. .... ..... U ....... ... . ...... if lii-vo Western.. Sur.-ety Go .. ..... .. . .... ..... .. .. . .. I t v I.,:, t (.'r, S t ree t s err Number �Ireet 408 Wabasha East 6th and 7th Sts. .4. m.,j .500..ft .............................. lkriv Illany feet froill ;111 Ncadiqll.v. C o 1: e or 11111VI-l' . 11500 ...... .. .......... ......... Ilo-w Illam, f"'t ironl :I C11111 -ch Illwa,llred aloll.", strcut,j? - ll -,mann fect from public or parochial ,rade :kssum. tion..;�chool . ......... .... .. .. ....... .. ............. ..... Name of cl-I-St 4ch""I .. ..D ..... ...... I low :Ire pj-Qlllisv4 cla_iii,cl under Zoning, ( )rdiriancc ? commercial ...................... ...... ..... .. . Onwlim floor located?..... .... ......... .... Kr q,�44 .. .......... . .. ....................... ............ .............................. \r, Im mi4v4 (oviled be \'()tl (" lease,l?.. . . ..leased 50 If of ...... .... ............................................. to a n-4taurant. dice4eatill,'� ­pac;t\'?- . ... .. . ..... If hotel, 4,- ill . . ................................................................... . ,till,, c�jp;,cii% of main dining I ? ... .. ... .. lice i)L:10\v the name. or number. or other dt-;crii)ti-jll of (':Ici, wl,litioiml room in k\.Il;cii liquor sales are intended ..... ........................... . ... ... ..... .. ... ... .. ........ .. ......... . .... ..... . .. ......... .............................. ... ........... ... ...... ... ......... . . ....... ...... . . .. ....... ........... .. ............... .. . ... ... .... . .. .. ... . .... .... .. . .. ..................... .... . ... ...................... .... .... .. ............ ............................................. .. .. . ....... .... ..... ......... .. .... ................................... ... .. ........ .......... .. .. . . . .. ..... .. ....................................... ...... ........ .. . . ..... . ........................................... . . ......... . .... ..... ... ..... . .... . ... ............. ........... ................ ... .. . ....... .. .. . ....... ...... ............................................ . ..... .......................... . ............. .... ........................................ ..... . ... ........ .. ...... ...... . ........... ................................................ . ....... ........ .... ..... ...... ................... .......................................................... ............ ....................... .......................................................... .......................................................................... .. .......... .......................... ............................... .. ..... ..... ......... .......... ............. ............................................... . .... . .. .. ...... ....... ......... ..................................... .. ......... ...... .. .. ... .. .... .......... .................................................................... .... . .. . .......... ................................................................................. ... cn,, ini.-Imiu,l ahnee -i- be I"k-cn f;,, !I,td, :w (I more dl:", ll,)w Inally guest room; in ]),)let? ................... .................... N:imc of resident proprietor or maniger (restaurant or hotel William.K_ Coater ........................................ (;iv, rmine., and addre,,se, of three reference., :.... - .... ............................................................... ............. .. I EdWard Bremmer.,...Commanclal. State Bank.,-.-St....Paul ......... ............................................... 2 Minn. Milk Co....... .... ...... WmD.H�:riffi Brewing Co................ . . ..... ... ... 3 . ..... .......................... ) ....... ..................................................... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... ................................................................................. Tms, APPLICATION mtis'r 13E VERIFIrl) BY Till' APPIKANT. AND IF 0)[WORATION, BY \N 'I'llF CORPORATION DL..I_Y AUTIMItlzl:l) TO mAm: 11111S APPLICATION:.AND ()I.- TllF (.:()RI'()RATi0N BF ATTACHED: iA non recommended .\pplication checked by I )ated ... ............. . .......................... 194 ...................................................... L ............. ............................................. ........ icense Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE x S'(I'ATE OF MINNESOTA) 55. )UNTY OF RAMSEY. ......... ...................................... .. ..... ....... ............... ..... .......... . ....... .. . . ... .......... ........................ being first duly sworn. 11C.110sCs :111d .Says that he ha, read the1,111"wing application and kll-vs the cojltellts thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his kilim-le,114", i"I'll"'I'Mion and lit-fil f. ..... ........................................................................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. . ..... .......... day of................... ..................... 194 ...... . .. ............... ........... ................................................. ................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. 'NI.v C0111111ISS1011 expire; .................................. ........... .. ..... STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY SS. ................................. ........................... Ernest A Jackson Sr.. ... ........ . ............ ........... heillg first duly sworn, deposes and sa\s that he !S ...... .. the ..... ..... pr.e.sident ....... . ... : ................................................................................. "f ...............................B.m.e.s.t. A JaCkSon,...In . .. ... ........ ...... . ..................... ............. .... ......... . a corporation: he that ........ .... ....... ..................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ................. U.9 ....................... knowledge. information and belief: that the sea] affixed to the foregoing in;trumcnt is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application %\-;is signed, sealed 4nd executed on behalf (if said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the vuluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subs r�j)edl and sworn to before tile this.......... . . . ....... y .......... 19 . ;.t_ f... . Fjebr earl ...... ..... ......... ... . ....... ........... Pub c, a msey �cnlljt�-, Dec. 14, 1947. My commission expires ....................................................... 19 Orlllln\I to MY Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � (� OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t �y RESENTED aY ��` . DATE__reUruary 26. 1941._"_..._.- DM MI5910NER_ J-_-- -. _. .. .. .... �.. .,.. ._.... ... .._ .._. _.-.. RESOLVED: That Restaurant license f1755, expiring May 19, 1941, On Sale Malt Beverage license $0413, expiring May 19, 1941, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license X19497, expiring May 19, 1941, issued to Ernest Jac}:son Sr, at 408 Nabasha St be and the same are hereby transferred to Ernest A. Jackson, Inc, at 408 Wabasha Caen St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. F.n;1rnl�s— W. A. Pa rr:ultn—.Inhn J. Fhullan- 14t"I1.1-d. thatItesbuu :uLL lle. ensu No. 1:3 ,. e.<pi rinK %lay 19. 1941, On S:Ja Mill, liv vrr:uce lirenve Nn. 6411. n. Dlr- InK 1Y41. nn11 Oft time Malt Bev- raKu 11,'e.nrp, Nn. 9491. e.'I,irinK \lay 1'J, 1941. Isnue,l 0, Grn,•xt `lael:.�nn ar, It 4111 \\'nhn slta SL h,� :,nil lilt• c heruliy 11'n n:'ferrnll I 1•:rnest A111.1auk1- ni J'it \\'n 1.:lshn nil the 11 r: �I'rr ,�ity .,errs nr,• � nr r,l [u n1 k:� Ihr nr�•n,•r : ha n�....111n11111:, city's i', 'I1r:l nsfrr infnrmall 1' :1 nl: r,,,'�,1 by n1•II, l�rh. IY, 1:111. OI�1 In,�ati�in. 11.\:In„1,•,I hr the 1' 11 �'il I.•h, .F. 1541. t�olreh I. 191n Transfer informally approved by Council, February 88, 1941, Old Location. FEB '36 1941 COUTICILMER Adopted by the Council_ _ .. .. 194-- - 1)eas/Tijuss iTlays ',:' i::.: �ar. � 1 Approved_ t""-- 4indlan �''yi �Parranto -PetersoIn Favor T �' 4 n Fi4tilI� Magor _Against R11r. President, MCDonough am �•.o Cs .» . 121743 OrlQin&) to City Ckrk COUNCIL _ t1• r,/' CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._ 0, W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM p DATE ____. F=b'-26,.-1g4�.'___.. .._.._ _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.—.---_._..._...._ ... ....._ .._ ._.__�-._. aurant license WHFMAS, Charles O'Neal desires to withdraw application 47259 for Rest at 379 Carroll Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Charles O'Neal the fee of $10.00 and to cancel sI' -id application for license. councILMETI yeas nays /Bar'fuss 1-findlan /Parranto ,Klerson /iosen X___ . President. McDonough oM n -n Cs�e.ee \\'hrrrn=, t:hurlry IV �r:�l a'exlrcy lnI •jlh.t r:. �t' nl'Pliratl��n1Ai_F9 fo. Rrxllnu_I i �' to thr rtu rn�of the lire nse fec Inr� nillcers Ite=oea p,.int tl,ere��n; ll��. r.ror r, hityt lcr�l, 'hal tli1erlr�b ��eruthortzea [�I hr nn,l lh"Cl nrlev f,'$�rn�l the ree irfun.l no to c ,rel .:tld :tPPllratlon I laon a t nt rr uren�t'' c„nn<,n ria,. ^c. it 41. :va„hn.tl 1,>� the Arprnred Feb. 26. )sot. (March 1. lYt1) Adopted by Council ouncil F r �.6 194i 1�4...._ Approved--- '-----...__104 F - In Favor , ..__ _..._ � Mayor / ..Against C. F. No. 121744—Bi- G. H Barfusa— 121744 Oilpin.l to City Cork 11 john B. Findlan—yy Reaulr ed, that Itce eea ap��IPi ed foroby �I lite pe reona n mad nn tit¢ Ilxt IIt[nched' COUNCIL n` to thin r¢NOIU[lon be IInd the game fl FILE NO._ 1-� OFF hereby grunted and the Clty Clerk Ia Inatructe,I to Iseue each Ilcen9ee upon COUNCIL RE Ii,¢ payment late the city [reaavrr pf theaYmerequired fInto Adopt b)• the Cou poll Feb. "_G, 1941. " �t At) d I°r b. °C unci PRESENTED B t�/ (March 1, 1941) February 26t 1p41 COMMISSIONER iL' _....__......_.__._..__.._.1. .......... .... RESOLVED: ThRt licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury, of the required fees: Gust Johnson Lbr. Co. 2274 Como Ave. W. Fuel Dealer APP-45929 Renewal Frank J. Pilney 1032 W. 7th St. Butcher of 46121 " of Grocery It 46122 Frances Mayer 988 N. Dale St. Grocery It 46193 to Hags Bros. 740 Blair Ave. Butcher " 46422 S. J. Culver & Co. 1219 Randolph Ave Grocery " 46465 John D. Anderson 983 Pnyne Ave. Butcher " 46480 John F. Bialozynski 1080 Forest St. Grocery " 46485 Albert M. Minea 1690 Randolph St. Grocery 'I 46491 it 11 11 it off Sale Malt " 46492 Fred W. Behnemann 1087 Arcade St. Grocery " 46606 Anton Johnson & Son 962 Forest St. Grocery " 46641 it C. Monsour & Co. 127 State St. Butcher it 46647 11 Stedtfeld Market Inc. 249 S. Snelling Ave. Bumoher [ 46688 Mrs. Sol Cohen 115 S. Wabashe Grocery " 46830 L. F. & L.A. & B.J. Novotny 877 Oakdale Grocery n 46918 II 11 11 11 II it 11 Biltcher I' 46919 it 0. Applebaum 1936 St. Clair St. Butcher " 46940 of West End Ice & Fuel Co. 510 Randolph St. Fuel Dealer ° 46955 Rapp & Wittman 919 St. Clair Butcher ' 46959 COnnCILMEn Adopted bq the Council_ l94_..... leas nays Barjuss Findlan Approved__ ..,........ .......... _.._...._L94,. Parranlo Peterson In Favor mayor Rosen ____TYTaT_� .. . ..._ Against Mr. President, nlcOonough sm 3-4e Cs 23338 121'4.4 O.1"i6J to City Ci,,k ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - RILE NO._. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RtSOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.._ -'- Ralph Nett 690 Wheeler Butcher App.46969 Renewal Bernie Gottlieb 542 Ohio St, Butcher " 46999 " Ray Ludwig 791 E. 7th St.- Aestaurant " 47000 " " 11 -.111 ' On Sale Melt " 47001 11 " 11 it 11 't Off Sale Malt t " 47002 " Joseph Rybak 47th St. J W. 93 Butcher ' 47012 " Sam Schribman 654 Hall Ave. Grocery " 47015 " Fdw. J. Wall 794-6 Grand Ave, Butcher " 47016 " Howard Jerentosky 612 W. 7th St. Grocery " 47017 Jacob Rothstein 941 Burr St. Butcher It47022 " Ben P. stassen 741 Cherokee, Ave. Pet Shop " 47035 " Chas. Cook 110 s. Wabasha Barber ` ° 47039 " Julius Salita 179 N. Western Ave. Hut cher " 47060 Frank Winnick 34 E. Fillmore Junk Dealer " 47095 " Lloyd A. Fisher 574 Wabaslia Dance Hall 11 47101 " " 47102 " n u u n Dance Hall Mayme Flynn & Otto N. Paths 921-3 Univ.Ave. Restaurant " 47106 " " 47107 " it 11 11 It 11 " " " 11 n 11 T On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 47109 " {palter R. Anderson 2093 Como Ave. Grocery " 47112 " Willard. IT. Falk 385 Jackson St. Gas Station " 47113 Richard D. Laska 2190 Marshall Ave. Restaurant' 1t 1t Confectionery 11$ " " 47119 " 1i i1 COUTICILMETI Adopted bq the Council _Ff13 q 6...1W �i leas Rags !B fuss Approved PP -' 4/ndlan - Parranto In Favor _.._...-_._..-- /Peterson ., Ju'8' lilagor /Rosen �� _Against ,I(lr. President, McDonough ,in -0 Cs -3a COUNCIL FILE NO. 0 In [he mutter t grading n dica[e No. .LIG the :\I1.•y In Vl. A 4, Yn wri1745 ts ist tt. ... IernPr St—,trplc: lurla Street. t < 1 Snn„e.ry 2?. Tler 1. 's upprot•e� . he Cunnou of,'h. '1 Hnving INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Fradin,P and surfacing the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Awn Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order 121448 __approved January 22, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the s2me is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 886.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_—?Sth____._....day of Ifareh, 1941 4W—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— _FEB?' 6 1941 -, 193..-. _ r FES 26 li941 _Wi Approved_. 193---% City Clerk File 9133 Acting Mayor Councilman B­ffiFiae / Councilman Findldlan C/ CouncilmansPW ParrantD :^ M� r'eteraon Councilman-rso�oe�rr-- CouncilmanRrr6ax'--' HI„an / Councilman--Wiritel;� / Mayor Mxhoney. •. 'Ic.UonouRh Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. Iv746— In the matter of condemning nd .e. Ing nn ease mens In the land neces- sary [or slopes. rot1 agnd fills in th• he 1. 131-1 +. Syndicale Not St Ad +A1�• fr+ Slrer•r to Vlc[o oir 12.746 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the ,grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order 121449 - -_approved J@-, ary 22, 1941. ___ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land 'necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing, of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had 'on said improvement on the- --day of March, 1941 —, bqa at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by -the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL---EFR 96 1941 i FEB 26 1941 Ofool Cit Clerk Approved 193-- �n��{� Y File 9182 AClJfig Mayor CouncilmamMcEbraid`^.e Iisrfnss CouncilmalYNfty:: •' ".:i Findlan CouncilmatsWft-Zu­:,�=3 Psrraatn CouncilmatRRMfi--.71 ['. tereon -• , _ �� Counciln.ati=r-ii 6k-';ZL-=-'- Rosen 1 CouncilmatOMW,wt Mayor »Y_. Ncllouough -� Form B. S. A. 8.6 J C. FN. 1?7i47— In the matter'of grading and surfacing the Alley In Block P Sattler's Addl- tlon tl Klock I. '14vin Clty Vlea•. from Albert Street to Pascal Street punder Prel roved Januarya2y 094.1 1214 91, aD 121747 The C. 11 of t88 he 9t havl. t : -d the r: miseln .... ..,..i. COUNCIL FILE NO. — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of eradine and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Settler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, under Preliminary Order 121491 approved is r s2may 1041 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Prade and surface the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 958.07 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 25th _,.---._—_-day of March, 1941 , —, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ FEB 26 1941 --, 193- 1'�:-.fid '. Approved 193 -- File 9187 COuncilman0*D0nal&­`,C riarfnse Councilman ':LF:7"ra Find ha CouncilmaraDeAIfa:^`-i': N;; r:antO Councilman is=-= ' 1'eteryor• Councilmarlt titiic::=_= Il sen Councilmant-SVetiaek ==— Mayor ney_:'. `,clloupogb Form B. S. A. 8-6 ii�11; �Iis iMayor COUNCIL FILE NO. By C. F. Yo. 1zlSis- 1n the mutter u[ ing n en[ condemning and tak- In [he land neoes- ary for slope,, c to and aIle In the grading and surl,ctng or the Alley In Block 2. Senn-' .'.'flon and Block I.Twin cl, to 1,4c 1 ert 9trsett ary "' u - INTERMEDIARY ORDER Ar. ' 48 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, under Preliminary Order 121492_ approved Jamzary 28 1941___-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Settler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing, the cuts and shaded portions shoving the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is—.— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__? th _.___.....day of blareh 1941 ate, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of'hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL—.__ FE' 26 1941 193. J RR l.� 2 194' — - Approved— 193---.- O City Clerk File 9186 Mayor w Councilman&Aq.Q,eaa , ya f,,,,,, Councilman gindlau Councilmang*g{ce„ -=. f'armnto Couneilmanjdkqiiftg -+ -.f7,3 p,.,ersuo Councilmarex,-_=_;,+ Iindcn Mayor h k :; ?liiic�::cn�h Form B. S. A. 8-6 ' 121749 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING ism u OF VAWG ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES conden-iin� and ta1_in- ar. ease not in t_te lane? necessary_for s_ 22e j__ Inthe matter of------------------------- --------- --------------------- - and tills in the-radin,- and surrac;n­. t -ie Ailey in aoc.: 5, !!i—.view A:'.dition, fro=n iruiew Avenue to the .vest line or lot 17, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL —PROV- INGA88E88RENT AND FIZINC TINE OF HEARING THEREON ANT FIXING TIME OF HEARING n THE AN :1RD OF DARAOES. under Preliminary Order- _1--JG93---------------- approved-__QCtober_2 ,_1��0---------------- Intermediary Order ------- -268 ______________, approved___�ece ber_ 1,_1940__---__-_-----, Final Order --------------12145Z --------------- approved---SImuau_Z3_1241---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of. Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_--- 26th ---------- day of-__-____-___-_' "ch ----------- 19-41-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- _ missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. C B 2 6 1941 r Adopted by the Council---------------------------------, 19____ FES 26 1941 -- Approved -----------------------------,19---- = - j - ----------------- ,.. City Clerk. le 9140 i F; -- - --= S- --- ----------- Mayor. Councilman CoYil'°,1!i; _. Councilman Ferguson'—>=� / Councilman tibl�f Councilman P Couneilman R .�.... Councilman S elmer Mayor .ice - 1217, 50 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Mk ti fREM AND FIXING TIME OF 1IEAR!Vj Wt H „WART? Of BAMS GLI coade:;yi.ne anu takin[^ an. ease^eat ir. the iandnecessara 2'or slopes__ In the matter of ------ --------no to ---- -n. eas ----- - ------land --- ----.-------- cuts ane _ills in the ::zrudine ana oilin- oi' Alleys in mock 4, Settler's Addition from Scneffer Avenue to 3a::,�rd Aven:;o and fro:, tit,: ..rte: an. :,o:th Al, le:: io Alcert 'i—rout, It 19!WLl"1'10\ OF GoCYC'L \1'PROt'- 1\G ASYR.tiHR1T !:Roy. T131.0' 'A '11, 1 P'\ under Preliminary Order---- 1`0^00 =-----------------� approved---------____-- �ctace;r t�_1'0--------------. Intermediary Order -_-_____ L�1- 70-------------' approved ----- e_0=tc-:_yj__13'4------------- , Final Order ---------------- UUT1-------------- approved ----- daniiar;c2�',-19AL-------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---------- day he____-__----_--day of_ --__"arch________________, 19__4J_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- ------------ 19___- i � FEB 26 1� l� City Clerk. Approved------------------------------ 19---- ............ File ------------- ----------,19---- File 9134 ----- ---------------- --- + ' ------ M. q Mayor. Councilman Conroy,•..:.,; Councilman FPA, Councilman McI�g—n^ald�° Councilman Peard> = ` Councilman RofilBnd`''''"'� PUBLISHED��� Councilman Sddheimer i Mayor NOTICE "Ty 01, . . OF SAINT PAUL TO Cot'-.:F. X, '1177 COUNCIL FILE NO. February 941 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S. 6,297-92 —, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 90344 TO__80399 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-­ _4 ClTyX'#OM"ROLLtR APPROVED-­.......-... fbU L I S H IM DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - . - 12 1 7" A COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_ ROLL CALL BAR Fuss F INDLAN IN FAVOR PARRANTO AUDITED CLAIMS PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING .R PR ES MIOONOUGH CHECKS NUM' —TO INC INCLUSIVE. A. ii pt 'TY �pL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. .11t, PER CHECK! FILE PTR OLLER. APPROVEDNUMBER A & 36 71- _ _...�& En TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BYSANK C. NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 27 8g2FE3 80344 M. Bynum Ice & Fuel Company 6 ro. 90345 American Development Company: Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & COMDa#y 570 196 841! 90346 80347 Inter City Paper Comnany P 37 11;1 80348 Nicola. Dean & Gregg Company! 108 4211 e0349 H.K. Stahl Company 788 14. 90350 Turco Products, Inc. 68 06!: 80351 Tyre Shop 47 57! 80352 Brown and White Cab Company 194 CC;; 90353 Chemical Sales & Safety ComDoy a 00 90354 John S. nn1lan. C. of Finanoe 911 2111 80355 John Lennon 40 001: 80356 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 24 001' 90357 Dr. R.G. Allison 7 501 90358 Drs. Arnquist & Cook 3 00 80359 Dr. L.C. & Donald K Bacon 15 00 80360 E. J. Bailey & Uo0pany 6 5o 80361 Bethesda Hospital 5 00' 80362 W.E. Fabel j 15 00 1: 80363 Dr. Wallace L. Fritz 78 00j 90364 Dr. V.P. Hauser 00: 90365 Dr. Leo A. Hilger 00 1: 80366 Dr. C.F. Johnson 2 00 80367 DT. E. K. Jones % 35 00 90369 Dr. George F. Kelley a 00 80369 Drs. Lundholm &LOUN 16 oo 90370 Dr. J. J. McCarthy is 00 20 00 80371 Dr. John R. Meade 90372 Charles T. Miller Hospital 52 70 i. 8037 Drs. Schons & Medelman 5 0011 8037� Drs. E.G. & O.W. Sterner 15 00 80375 Dr. R. L. Warren 5 00 80376 Dr. Leo Zadyman 9 00 i 80377 Dr. A. Christiansen 21 00 80379 a. P. Jelinet 1 00 80379 rvr. V.N. Peterson 5 00 80380 T)r. Harold J. Rothschild1 1 00 80381 Dr. Phil C. Roy 15 oo it. 80382 St.John's Hospital 1 10 00 8038 or. C.R. Tifft 9 00 1: 8032 Axel F. Peterson il .13 6o 90385 O.W. Loeber, Insp. 10 00 90386 Ann F. Campion, Widow of 30 00 80387 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M. S.1 30 00 90388 Soo. for the Prev. of Cruelty! 200 00 80389 Capitol stationery Mfg. Compa#y 95 89 80390 Irgry Register Company 310 00 it 80391 General Electric Supply Corp.; 41 40 1: 80392 Goodyear Tire Company 55 75 803 Northern States Power Company! 365 68 803N Northern States Power Company! 265 61 80395 Paper, Caftenson & Company 322 08 1 43 80396 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 1 35 90397 Tri—State Tel. & T41g. Company 191 66 80398 U.13. Governm-nt Printing Office 3 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 127 982 39 ;;534 056 13; Orl/lnnl to CI,{,)' Ck•rk . (tY C. i�. tin. t?1 i6ri—a.' G. H, nnrf""— ., �j1J3 `\713 1J� Inhn S. Fl na lrt n—\i'. A. Pnrrnntp— OUNC1l / ! CITY tl enoroea. the, uoenven pppuea ror ,, L. NO._. . p rno'e nn ea on the lint Ptlerk I, OFFICE I' this I—.)uIton be end the ntne n COUNCIL RESOL hereby ed to `1 - the lCRYice clerk n nn[ruclea to Ito Ueh Ilcenaee upon /l PVy' the pnrment Into It,,. Ntr treasury of ( we ote,, a tees. �,/� Aanntea hr u,e c•,nneu Feb. 27, 1971. February.- PRESENTED B /Y' t, Anp roves Feb..2 i. 1911. COMMISSIONER—._.._...___--..------ --^ - -" (Nnrch 1, 19x1) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persona-a�'trie addresses indicated RESOLVED: such be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed licenses upon the payment into the city tteaszry of the required fees: T. Syve$taen 972 4T. Dile St. Grocery Arp• 46624 Renewal N- n Levi Garrett 365 A. Western Ave. Pool Tables I1 47043 Walter R. Anderson 1011 Front St. Grocery 11 47111 11 pdn. Supornick 1340 Grand Ave. Butcher If 47126 " National Tea Co. 2262 Como Ave. W. Grocery It 47149 '1 11 11 n It Butcher 1' 47150 n Mike Lyons 10 W. Sixth St. Barber ° 47164 " Catherine Huot 1764 Univ. Ave. Restaurant " 47167 n ti It it 11 On Sale tdalt 11 47166 " u tI n n Off Sale Malt ° 47169 " Carl Duerr 635 University Barber 471.71 " Fred W. Wyss 933 E. 7th St. Balcery " 47172 " Florian P. Ritschel 720 N. Snelling Confectionery " 47175 " Raymond P. Traynor 733 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 47177 It 11 s It On Sale Malt ° 47176 " it n n u Off Sale Malt It 47179 1' Carl J. Schmalzbauer 672 Arcade St. Gas Station " 47183 '1 Chas. J. Hoover 545 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant " li7188 " n 11 11 if On Sale Malt 47189 n It gy n u 11 Off Sale Malt II 47190 John Mayer 332 Rosebel Confectionery 'I 47196 " Milton J. Melius 603 S. Smith Gas Station tt 47215 '1 FEB 27 COUnCILNIET1 Adopted bq the Council FEB . i]easnails BfarJuss / Approved_ ........ .._.. .... _ __ __-194_... Findlan - /4arranto In Favor--......� Peterson Iilagor ,Rosen Against(' t ,Truax @r. President, McDonough 11 ,in a-ao Cs as»n Wall., to City CMrk Col1NCIL 121754 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fac NO.— .. ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �J a/V'—COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED , _. .. DATE.EQbru23'Y. COMMIS91ON ..-.._. .._ ... .... _.. — RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same -are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses uoon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Tena Westberg 1783 E. Minnehaha Bakery App.46510 New Old Locatic Wallace Johnson & Ralnh Barnes 599 17. Snelling Grocery " 47081 Edw. S. Pritzker 967 W. 7th St. Confectionery " 47195 It n n 11 Off Sale Malt tl 47196 John Michaud 1010 W. 7th St. Gas Station ' it 47197 " " it COUTICILMETI l eas- Tlays �uss Findlan '!�arranto .Peterson Posen -'Cruax /fRr. President, McDonough 3111 3-•0 CS 23338 N, \o. 12175/—ny G. H. narfuxx— t1•, A. Parranlod, that —John S. F iTtl I! — then fnlla vlub Personae t lh ell eddy- ehel y Indleated be d the emr r hereby; granted and the. City Clerk Is Instruct- ed tt IPloe he hl tY Iteet ""lull flh he re eulred fees: a 63 B. Mlnne- Mrx. Tena WV tberir, 17�etv Old ne- hahn—Bakery. APP. 46510, cnllon. \'n llncc Johnand 1In7Ph Iin 50:1 \. Snelling —Grnrery. APP, t7081. 70b1, \ew, Old Location. 967 \V. 'th St.— F.Aw, s. Prltzknr, t; on fect l nne ry. APP, 17195, .�'ex', Old Lorallon' 967 N. 7th St.— rdx-. 9. Prilzlt er, OR Sale Mnit. APP. 77196, \ex-, Old Lo- i ea llnn. .Inhn Michaud, 1010 fit'. "th SL—Gnx Sia[Ion. APP. 97197. :Ven, Old I, 7. 1941:1 AdnP lett b, the Cou ncll Feb. 2i, 1911. All Proyad Ne ' 27, rrh 1,919111 fTB � 7 19&1 Adopted by the Council_-- PProl/ed__„_____....__...... _184 In Favor ... .. yam) -[Mayor ..Against C orla.•I,o cur cbr► • - C. P. Ne. 1'21765a -r c. I+. linrrnxF- ep rJf !� \V. A. Parranto—John ti. Flnaln n— IOUNCIL N— CITY C Whlcenae N—tolore "Off u ale' I ILE CVV.7"' OFFICE C°tier I. Cr„roy n' r 'W"'COUNCIL RESOLL.-I y � � February 27, 194ID PRESENTED a . ....._ DATE___.... _... ..... ...- r. ... ....-. COMMISSIONER__ "' "' - WHEREAS, heretofore "Cff Salell Lieuor license #618 was issued to Anthony J. Conroy at 967 W. Seventh St, and WHEREAS, Anthony J. Conray and Edward S. Pritzker have requested that said license be transferred to Edward S. Pritzker at the same address, and Y;EPPJ AS, the said Edward S. Pritzker has filed a bond in the sum o£ $1,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that IIOff Sale" Liquor license #618, heretofore issued to Anthony J. Conroy p itzker at 967 W, Seventy: St. be and the same is herebytransferred to Edward S. at the same address, subject to the approval of the State Lin- as to and execution Commissioner, and his bond, in the sum of $1,000.00, pp rovedby 'the. Corporation Counsel, is hereby a;;proved and the City Cleric is directed to deposit the said. bond in the office of the City Comptroller and th notify the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota of this action of the City rs are hereby directed to make the necessary Council, and the proper city office changes in the cityts records, and be it FURTTE2R R7 -SOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to notify the surety on the bond of the said Anthony J. Conroy tnt it is released from any further liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. Transfer informally a^proved by Council, Feb. 20, 19111, Old Location. COUTICILMETI 1]eas Tlatis rf uss 1Eindlan ,1z1arranlo 4elerson Rosen %Truax An President, McDonough nm -no cs .—It FE13 27 1941 Adopted by the Council-. . . VEE 27 1941 - Approued_ .......__ .. .. _. _194_.. In Favor ( Ina or \ AdAtrtst �LIbLI�[il�l3! February 19, 1941 City Council Uity of bt. Poul St. Aul, bine=uta Uenti'mon; pleySe A .nv':sad to t I hove Eold *y lj.,uor hw in"s U ?67 , est Seventh Street, 6t. Pcul, �_innesu-i to Ednerd PAMVh r. Kindly 6pprove trz nsf-�r of the license to h' . 'tours fespectfu lv, 4 O1 "'" -CITY OF SAINT PAUL J APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ................... (This form mvn b. filled our in addirion ra he .ppb-;_ farm -d swam srascmms rcgnircd by she Liquor C--1 of rhe Sra of Mi---) S. Name of Applicant .......... 3dward/P.rStsker...............................:..................... Age... 21............... Residence Address ........ 1394 Goodrich Aveane, St. Patil,Miaaesota ...Telephone No ...................... Are you a citizen of the United Statdg9.Q......................................................................................... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .......................................... ho. Whenand where?.................................................................................................................. If corporation, give date when incorporated.................................................................................... Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon whichliquor is to be sold................................................................................................... Name of surety company which will write bond, if knoa Number Street Side What Cross Streets ...................... r ...................... Ward 967 W. 7thi Street: Daly & Randolph How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? ........................................... How many feet from church (measured along streets)? ............. 9httreh.Bi'.OW4d..C.eTp9k............................. How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets)? ......................... Nameof closest school............................................................................................................ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ..... Ga=erBial...................................................... Onwhat floor located?...................fir at ................................................................................. If leased, give name of owner. ..Sr, Smisak..................................................................................... Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? ...... sxoltlsive liquor store ....................................... How long have you operated present business at present site? ...... Jaen„et.0-lring...................................... Do you now have an "On Sale” non -intoxicating liquor license?..%Lo........................................................ (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated.......... February..l$9........ 19441 License Inspector. APPLICANT. Form S APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota County of Ramsey To the Council of Cityaf—_Si. Paa1 County of ENR To J. Norman Peterson Liquor Control Commissioner St. Paul, Minnesota S. The undersigned Edward/Pritzker of the municipality of City of S P t+l county of State of Minnesota, hereby makes application for a Retailer's Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License o be located at— 967 W, 7th Street _ -.— municipality of— City of St_ Paul in accordance with provisions of the Laws of 1933-34, Chapter 46, for a period of_--.___..— -- —commencing _2ohruery 19,__ 1941, and ending -- January n , I9__Az The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated this--- 19th day of Yehr_uarg—,—.� 19 PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA t ss. County of Hamogy b. 1 Edward ,/Frit akar _ , being I first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Bye„a ars of avoGraaU Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7�q�"}��� f 0 day o/I � ,K-, 19-y�. 4dai of w (Signature of .btaq) CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA County of_ I On the day of _--_._____._.__.—__.....__, 19—, before me, a notary public, duly commissioned in and for said county, came the of the company, who, by me being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the that 'se knows the seal of said company, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said company and that he signed his name thereto of the company, and acknowledges the execution thereof to be of his own free act and deed and free act of said company. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi —day of o! Notary) 19-. (SE::V.) STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED.BY APPLICANT FOR OFF -SALE LICENSE This Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT" refers to an individual, to all members of a partnership, or in case of a corporation, to all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. Every question must be answered. 1. I_ Edxsr .itzker _.._- individual (as individual owner, officer. partner. or managing officer) for and in behalf of-_. -.---.----- - --- - ...------ -- — hereby execute the followinf-q tionnai 2. My residence at present and for the past five years is as follows:..... —, 1394 Goodrich.Avenue, St._Paul, 3. I was born Augns t st 1919 at• i]Y.„! naaota -- month day - year situ. villaue, or horough state or country 4. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United States- Yes . If naturalized, state date 5. If married, give wife's or husband's full name and address 6. If a corporation, date of incorporation—._.__ ... state in which incorporated---.._—__, amount of authorized capitalization , amount of paid in capital if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state-_-...__.-._..___ r give purpose of corporation_ - ..... - - ----�-��- name and address of all officers and directors-...— If irectors_... If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? Number of certificate of authority — Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have al- ready been filed and no changes have been made, so state ... . _. ___ _ 7. Address of location for which license is being applied for _ 967 `' • 7th Street, St. `aul description of premises— liquor store 8. On what floor is the establishment located - 9. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how are premises classified? _— commercial ..—. Are the premises located within the prescribed area for Such licenses? _. yes _-....... lo. If the establishment is located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school, state approximately the distance the store is from the school or church �� v ----- 11. State name of owner f bus�iemis Dr. Smisek residence —_---- -- --- - - --length of — — - ownershQ�% — — - -- — --- has owner any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant' .._.._. .- ------ - -- �------� —�-- March1. 1941 ' 12. Specify the date of deed or loase for promises as the case nuts be-. . - --- 13. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent?- 14. elinquent? 14. State present and proposed nature of your business at said premises.....__.. _- 10. If this application is for a renewal of 'our Off -sale lice .e, give date that you first began to operate ZO 16. Have you ever been engaged in the production of sale of intoxicating liquor any time prior to Janu- ary, 1934, if so, state nature and extent of such business? ___no..—. ....- 17. State whether applicant has ever had an appli,:e tion for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or Federal authority; if so, give date and details _ 1 } Ig. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violal on of any law of the United States, or the State of Minnesota, or of any local ordinance with regard to the nianufact ure, sale, distribution or possession for sale or distribution. of intoxicating li(;um-: if so, give date and detail:: If a corporation, have any of the principal officers and dircctnrs been indicted, arrested, or convicted? -- 1:). lits int applicant ever hada license under the Minnesota i.inuor Control Act revoked for any viola- tim of ani suer' hays or local ordinances; if so, give date and details. __ _.__.. - ..—_._._.no _—_-- -.— - - --- — 20. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 19, in this state, or any other state, or under the Federal l.aw, and if so, give date and details._.. _..._._._ —.-- _ .. np _ . ---_— 21. State r.an:e 01' individu:d hired 6: ;m:nagc lic(m.r stoi%,- it' :. c:it is the case..044 --.. 22. State whether any person other than applicant has an;; right, title or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or enuiltment in the premises !:a- v:hich license is applied for, and if so, give name and details 23. State whether applicant has an.; al,�reenent or l :r;, or intention to have any agreement, or understanding with any parson, p:u i[ or. hip, r.r cnr,o-:u'n n. to ,!,i::in for any other, or transfer to any other Pei -soil, this ]icens�, or to obtain ii fur:;n} o:he r I::.tt the srci;f:c uo-:e of the applicant; if so, give name and details _. _ __ _. no 24. IIas applicant any interest whatsoew;:r, or ind;redly. in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota; if so, give name and address of cstcblishnle;lt no 25. R'hat occupation have you followed for the past -- ---- and then eamlo ed by .oher_t Street 26, burnish the name and address of at least three bu :mess references, including one hank reference, and hriefly state the nature and extent of business relation :.. American National Bank of St. Paul, Minn. -- — Griggs..0ooper_.& Go.. , St.. Paul - -—..--.-- 27• lln you possess a retail dealer's identification ca: ! y 'h i:iuor Co rol Commissioner which rpt will expire December 31st of thi.: >'c::r'? If so, give nu::iter QS ���!v='-------- — -- — 2S. State .whether or not applicant intends to handl cerin :::­,.Ausive brands of intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contr Act or tirrangement with person from whom purchased or to be purchased..__. -- no 2State •.whether aPplic:rnt is enga�*ed in ;:ny other Costar < or intends to engage in any business other than the sale of intoxicating liquor; if so, give type of business ... _.iia_..____.____.__ _.. .. —__ location --..—.—_...------ name of employer_. -- 30. If the Off -sale application to an e.;clu %:N -v liquor store is made by ,, hotel proprietor or an em- ploye and is to lie located on the prvn:i<r , of the hot:I. ;11 :I : t::blishmcn(. he an entirely separate business, and situated so that it is in no way connected with the Oita': ll' not, state the arrangement_ no__.._..... ._ _.._.. ._ ._... 31. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to othor than the consumer?. -no 32. State Whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping, possession, or operation of, on the licensed premise:, or in any room c ° l•c hecnscd premises, any slot. machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any ;::n ihlinptherein . no. If a renewal, state whether applicant has ever permiitaa Sawn:!:;:., devices nn Premises where liquor was no sold -- — --....--- 33. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?_—.- Zxjusiae -liquor store 34. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation. 35. If the Off -sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be used 36. State whether applicant will be granted an On -sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises _ no 37. Give number of Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Special Tax Stamp 2 38. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment 39. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to be, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration no I hereby verify the above statement (Signature of fo mer i ensee) —"- 40. State whether applicant will comply. strictly with all the laws governing the sale iquor, and the rules and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the m nicipal ordinances. I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and swers and that t ers to a d questions are true of my own knowledge. _ (Si.gnarure of apptira --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this -day//JJ of /// F 19 -Al 2 -C 0 Y (SEAL) REPORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that (Name of _---_,__-_police Department has caused an investigation of the above namedappli att_ applicant for Off Sale Liquor License His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: APPROVES THIS DEPARTMENT (OR) THE ISSUANCE OF THE ABOVE LICENSE. DISAPPROVES --.-----.—POLICE DEPARTMENT - --.—. _TITLE. (If you have no police department, either the Marshall or Form 14 -14W@ ssss the Constable must execute this report On the applicant) 3 It e 33. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?_—.- Zxjusiae -liquor store 34. If a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation. 35. If the Off -sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be used 36. State whether applicant will be granted an On -sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises _ no 37. Give number of Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Special Tax Stamp 2 38. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment 39. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to be, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration no I hereby verify the above statement (Signature of fo mer i ensee) —"- 40. State whether applicant will comply. strictly with all the laws governing the sale iquor, and the rules and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the m nicipal ordinances. I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and swers and that t ers to a d questions are true of my own knowledge. _ (Si.gnarure of apptira --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this -day//JJ of /// F 19 -Al 2 -C 0 Y (SEAL) REPORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that (Name of _---_,__-_police Department has caused an investigation of the above namedappli att_ applicant for Off Sale Liquor License His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: APPROVES THIS DEPARTMENT (OR) THE ISSUANCE OF THE ABOVE LICENSE. DISAPPROVES --.-----.—POLICE DEPARTMENT - --.—. _TITLE. (If you have no police department, either the Marshall or Form 14 -14W@ ssss the Constable must execute this report On the applicant) 'KHEREAS, Jenn.in,.s D. McLellan has made annlic,_t.ion for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followinm described pronerty, to wit: Lot 28, Block 1, Hazel Park Division 2; and AlIERL.4S, the delinquency totals the sum of $238.78, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $182.60; tnerefore, be it RLSOL,rED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said .offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $92.44 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $182.60, and that said sum of $92.44 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $238.78. COl1TICILn1En Ueas �., nays - f3�drjttss /Fi Olan 115arranto 'Peterson ,Rosen -truax ,Ir. President, McDonough sm ]-40 Cf 23339 Adopted by the Counciff B.27 { 194__. _ FEB 27 1941 AR rroued_ In Favor mayor \ -Against 121756 Original to City Ckrk _- — u CITY C�.. I_17f,f-1?) John ti. Irindlnn—{p{p,.ILE NO.—... \\'bares,, .Irn pings I,. Jlc Lrllan has rl . .OFFICE C:nade An„- nl,nw•:,rlott for relief to h, OUNCIL RESOLI"e,,,te:t-,.' co:n,nl„I :„ r'Inu,:''n,: ae- m the Ilnq unt Ince, ami .v,se„meat, ♦ r.dlowl„t; ae„rmed prop •n y. .en: r PRESENTED BY! Lnt _�. mock 1. unzel Pnrl: ni- COMMISSIONER ��_ .__ _ ..... ... _._...... � \\'berm,, tl,e delhulusncy totals the ._..... _.__...... ... ..... ..... ... ... . I,u nt �,[ f-88.7.0. nnil the aVPlit•:: nt of- —"—__.. ......_. .. ..... . . rrrs to pay it, full settlement thereof Ih, eu„ of $182,60: Il otlihereroro ti nr,nleetl, that the t: ou ncil u[ the l'il)' of e4 Paul hereby approve. said oRer of settlement provded, however, that' the sum of j92.44 hall be first deducted; from the total pay fit f j183.99, and, be to that said eum of (92.44 shall pnld the Clty f et. Paul Ia .settlement [ delinquent assessments Included In the total delinquency [ j238.78. Adopted by the Co unci Feb. P7, 1941.1 ' AP roved Feb. 27, 1941. (hinrclt 1. 17411 'KHEREAS, Jenn.in,.s D. McLellan has made annlic,_t.ion for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followinm described pronerty, to wit: Lot 28, Block 1, Hazel Park Division 2; and AlIERL.4S, the delinquency totals the sum of $238.78, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $182.60; tnerefore, be it RLSOL,rED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said .offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $92.44 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $182.60, and that said sum of $92.44 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $238.78. COl1TICILn1En Ueas �., nays - f3�drjttss /Fi Olan 115arranto 'Peterson ,Rosen -truax ,Ir. President, McDonough sm ]-40 Cf 23339 Adopted by the Counciff B.27 { 194__. _ FEB 27 1941 AR rroued_ In Favor mayor \ -Against Laid over to 3rd. & app.- Adopted 1„, J Yeas Nays n;rr(ri'%'"-*i Mays Bar 6sfuas� rydlan a to r Y et rson Cento sen rose. L7�✓! Truax Mr. President Fallon rr� Laid over to 3rd. & app.- Adopted 1„, J Yeas Nays Yeas / Mays Bar 6sfuas� rydlan a to Zdalan Y et rson Cento sen rose. L7�✓! Truax Mr. President Fallon iiruax / ,fblr./ President Fallon C. F. t R -en s,_._ 12175'7 nripinel to ('it>l'Irr4 HJ'.11il. 1 Rosen— At, ordlnance granting to O R I N. c,.t" nag g Pacer steak ,,..,. pn nJ:e r.urporatlon, pertnlaelnn t, main ,tepa —d r mp PRESENTED'B/ ORDINANCE NO.. .. . An ordinance granting to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, permission to maintain steps and ramp on the West side of Custer St, between Chicago Ave. and Plato Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain : Section 1. Authority and permission are hereby granted to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, to maintain steps and ramp on the West side of Custer St. letween Chicago Ave. and Plato Ave. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, upon said Ccmmpanyls compliance with the following conditions : (1) Said licensee shall furnish a surety company bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5000.00, conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, loss, suits, judgments, costs, charges or damages that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the maintenance, presence or removal of said steps and ramp, and said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel and have such surety as may be satisfactory -to the Commissioner of Finance. (2) The steps and ramp shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. (3) Said licensee shell pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and shall within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance' file a written aodeptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shell take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Na}'s Passed by the Council APR rr 1941 Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Mr. President ._. " r ed:_. APB McDonough F: City Clerk jn , :um lass cc e1724 ( {E {■p■■■p' II .0 � r 4 C. F. t R -en s,_._ 12175'7 nripinel to ('it>l'Irr4 HJ'.11il. 1 Rosen— At, ordlnance granting to O R I N. c,.t" nag g Pacer steak ,,..,. pn nJ:e r.urporatlon, pertnlaelnn t, main ,tepa —d r mp PRESENTED'B/ ORDINANCE NO.. .. . An ordinance granting to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, permission to maintain steps and ramp on the West side of Custer St, between Chicago Ave. and Plato Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain : Section 1. Authority and permission are hereby granted to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, to maintain steps and ramp on the West side of Custer St. letween Chicago Ave. and Plato Ave. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Company, a Corporation, upon said Ccmmpanyls compliance with the following conditions : (1) Said licensee shall furnish a surety company bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5000.00, conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, loss, suits, judgments, costs, charges or damages that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the maintenance, presence or removal of said steps and ramp, and said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel and have such surety as may be satisfactory -to the Commissioner of Finance. (2) The steps and ramp shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. (3) Said licensee shell pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and shall within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance' file a written aodeptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shell take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Na}'s Passed by the Council APR rr 1941 Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen Mr. President ._. " r ed:_. APB McDonough F: City Clerk jn , :um lass cc e1724 ( {E {■p■■■p' II .0 � r CITY OF SAINT PAUL J Capital of Minnesota 121 p e y f OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration •R Beb. 25, 1941. Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached letter of Minnesota Rag & Paper Stock Cofilpany. Inc. requesting permission to maintain an entrance platform and ramp to the garage at their warehouse at Chicago and Custer, which platform and ramp are now in place and have been for some years. Very truly yours, City Clerk. u` Phone: Riverview 2224 . Minnesota Rag &, Paper Stock Co., Inc. Graders Sanitary Wiping Rags e Paper Mill Supplies 310330 So. Wabasha St. Office: 243 Starkey St. Saint Paul, Minnesota y t: n J, Tmck.ge: C. G. W. R. R. WE OPERATE OUR OWN LAUNDRY AND STERILIZING PLANT St. Paul, Yinnesota April 7, 1°41. To the Honcrable, the City Council ventlec,on: Saint Paul, Minnesota. We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 121757, being Ordinance No. 9222, adopted by the Council on April 2nd, 1941. MIN::ESO & P "P STOCK CO/ BY Original City Cirri,1 `2175`] CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIEN`I` NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-'--C'E R�M PRESENTED er + ATE_, Februar 2�_1,i41._...__._._ COMMISSIONER_._.�1, F.. _ysterson .. ... - -.-' `- RESOLVED, That the T:mple Baptist Church be and it is h.,reby Given the free use of the theater . .ction of the St. Paul Auditorium on Friday evening, February 28, 1941, for a session Of the BGinnesota Fundamental Bible Conference; said association to pay only the cost of opening and operating the theatar section on said date for the above oceasi.:n. COIITLCILmEIl leasTtays tiarfuss .•Findlan /Parranto /'0/ejerson -Posen itruax Mr. President, McDonough sm -.o cs v»a. C. F. \n. 12 17 thnt 11ihe xTelmple t aaptlint. I:exulved, t'hurch Le n d It Ix hereb)' RiSt.ven the; free Paul of the then ter x • lion of the F, 1'nul Auditor )1. on j %.,I,y Ivo1 ith Feb runr)' ?A. 194], [or'n x e Kmn,•xntn Fnndan,ental Bible cnnrer- xnld n oclnunn to nnr n Ir the) o4iof oneni IS 'n d nnernunR rater .xertlon qp x.d date for the neve It+.t' ('o orae)) Fch. "-7, 1941. ` o� Adapted b: the Ann roved Feb. trh 191941 941) "r - R 2 7 194 Adopted by the Council.. pproved-.....__ In Favor d C . .. Tn Against 121760 original W City Cleh CITY OF SAINT PAULF06NCIL NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM "-- COMMISSIONER RrSOLITED, that the lease, herewith submitted, made and and executed by and between City of Saint Paul, a s lessor, Northwest Airlines, Inc., as lessee, dated the 2nd day of January 1941, whereby said lessor dernised and let unto said lessee, 1200 square feet situated on the second floor of the Administration Building at the Saint Paul [+untcipal Airport, consisting of Rooms 214-216 inclusive, in said building, to be used by the lessee as Fetheal5office space,of forary he term of five years, beginning y 941, in consideration of the payment'by the lossee to the lessor of rent in the sum of w1800.00 per annum, subject to renewal at the option of acid lessee for the period of five years next sncceedinF, the expiration date of said lease, be and the same hereby is in allthings approved, ratified and con- firmed, and that the modification thereof so as to provide for the commencement of the leasehold period February 1, 1941 in lieu of January 15, 1941, be and :he same hereby is in all thin["s approved, ratified and confirmed, such renewal bei.nsr expressly subject to rental terms mutually acceptable, in the event of such renewal, to said lessor anti said lessee. C. r•. so. 121711—sy W A. rarranto— Resolved, that the tepee. he r—lth s, bmitteo made and -e c,t,d by d between •• r Snlnt `a and n FEB 9'7 1941 CounciLmEn Adopted'by the Council i]eas � nays T �• proved _ .. .... ._._ ...... -. -. Tea Findlan /Parranto �" In Favor �Peterson ayo Rosen -'Cruax Against Inr. President, McDonough sm -0 cs a»>e .C. F. No. 141762—By Milton noses- Ori(Ival tv City Clerk That permisxlsn be d Ix 1 _ rated to in. T,I.Stste xT, COUNCIL CITY 'elelsrx•n ..omrnx to mx FLLF NO. — C' OFFICE unit ;;�Ilt�.�E:il,.... �.e�•' ' NCIL RESOLUfI0N --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / ._._— 2-2 111 _ DATE_--��-- COMMISSIONER _ ...... That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone an Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavations, lay underground conduit and cable with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes con- necting the intersecting streets and alleys; to set poles and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleys: Victoria Street from Highland Pkwy. to Larpenteur Avenue. Quincy Place from Arlington Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. Nevada Avenue from East Avenue to Rice Street. Alley East of Milton Street from Highland Pkwy. to Larpenteur Avenue. Chatsworth Street from W. Seventh Street to Larpenteur Avenue. Wheelock Pkwy., from Chatsworth Street to Arcade Street. Alley East of Como Blvd. from Victoria Street to Lexington Avenue orange Street from East Avenue to Como Boulevard. Alley East of Victoria from Highland Pkwy. to Larpenteur Avenue. Avon Street from St.Clair Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue. Perry Street from l;.yrtle Avenue to N.P.R.R.Tracks. Alley East of Griggs Street from Hyland Pk'rry.to Larpenteur Avenue. Larpenteur Avenue from East Avenue to Emerald Avenue. Alley East of Avon Street from St.Clair Street to Larpenteur Avenue. Alley East of Cedar Street from Kellogg. Blvd. to G.N.P..R. tracks. Alley East of Louth Street. from Front Street to Como Avenue. Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commissioner of Public Works", the telephone company to pay the cost of publiodtion incident hereto. Approved: Supt. of Lighting Bureau Approved: V Supt. of Police Alarm & Telegraph i Approved: W' 't'� Cisssioner of F. r s & Playgrounds Approved: Commissioner of Public Y10—B Adopted by the Council _ . nB.27_ 1941184... counciLmEn qeay .. clays arf uss ,-Vindlan itsarranto 'ffeterson 4 sen Truax ,Mr. President, McDonough 3M -0 CS 2333. Date 24� / Date ;/y /14// Date Date FEB 27 -,Approved-.. In Favor .. ..... __.__. (/ all .,Against :�TLICiiED / Oripinel to CITY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO ENCILFILNO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDY COMMISSIO E RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Cometrbller and the CoriLmissioner of Finance to accept from Leo J. O'Regan the sum of ;144.75 as a compromise of the claim of said City against Leo J. O'Regan for over- payment of wages to Richard Ryan while the latter was employed as Assistant I'darket Director, under the supervision of the said Leo J. O'Regan. CounCILmen 1jeas nays - arf,uss ,,K1 than i' "arranto -Peterson Rosen Truax jn'r. President. McDonough 3M -40 Cs aaoae C. F. \o. 121763—RY W. A. Parran= Resolved, that the t.ouncll of the tY of Snlnt I'a ul herehY atttho rize.x the (:nm p[rnller and the Commlxnlnner• of Irinunce to st ce•Pt Prnm Len J. O'Re- Knn cf $111.g a mpronil.- cl:'im of xald C:I [ysngni�nx[ Leo J. Cl'Hegnn for n erpa)'ment 'o( wngex to it -hard ItYan .While the latter em pinYed nx Aux ixtnnl \lark,[ I11 rrc•tn�r, n ler lh,, xup,rvh inn of the nail Leo Ad nl�t,d h)'. the t:ounelt F,h, ^_7, 1911. Approved Fl,b. 27, 1911. (\Inreh I, 1911) U FEB 27 1941 Adopted by the Council... _ 194. Approved_ .. _ .........__ ...._._194. In Favor J f. Against' r . 0!W-1 b MY Clerk r,;. P. N,,. 7°_17GI—lty F H. Truax— 7 CITY OF SA �,,. 111 ii I, ,u,I,-„cod _ t� NO. — OFFICE OF THI r�i,r �r�l '•;i:, COUNCIL RESOLUTIC • 'EYA... ° 'ORM 1 PRESENTED BY { ,( /f , ,(�! COMMISSIONER_Tru -.._ . ..._ .... ... DATE--__. ..—_.....—. .._. _....._� WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 1?.,1511, approved January 29, 1941, the Council did, on the 25th day of February, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain barn located on Lot 14, Rearrangement of south half of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1, also described as No. 717 West Central Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 79.10, approved May 2.2, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and. dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to.the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent of said property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner or his agent, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUTIC[LmEn fleas/' F Tlays barf uss 4indlan i Parranlo 'Peterson Rosen .Truax 'Mr. President. McDonough IM ­. Cs aaaae FEB 27 1941 Adopted by the Council- _ . ... .._ ___.—Tg4._.. . �- Approved _... ..... ....._ __._194 .[n Fauor C ailor Against J� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: .._: G , FEB 2& ;941 CO W'rl RATION COUN�rt. Feb. 25, 1941. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (Ho. 2) confirming the condemnation of the barn located on Lot 14, Rearrangement of south half of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1, also described as No. 717 W. Central Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Oddinel to City Clerk 121765 E CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE50 UTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_... ... ..... ._.... _. .. .. DATE - k, RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Education be 01�1 and he is hereby authorized to execute and file a petition on behalf of the City of Saint Paul for the vacation of North Avon Street between the north line of Maryland Avenue and the south line of Wheelock Parkway. counciLmEn leas nags -I�arf uss Findlan % Parranto Peterson :'Rosen r Truax Mr. President, McDonough elil-ao Cs aa�ae C. F. No. 1°1766—t3)) Axel F. Pete-on— , that the Co I,,lonv.r of F.ducptlon b' and he Is hereby author- ized to , cute and file a'petlllon o behalf 11 1lie 1. 'y of Salnt Puul for the v ontlon of North Avon Street be- I--, the north Ilne of Mnrylnnd Ave - and the n ut i IIne of Wheeloek Perkwny. Adopted by the Cuuncll Feb. _i. 1441, Approved Feb. _i. 1941. (Murch 1. 19411 FEB a1 1941 Adopted by the Council -- . . . „.... _ 194_ .. FEB 27 19411 Approved_.._. rd....In Favor ,( ... 70, Against 121767 1217(,; NOTICE i '� --�� TON,- !=1 7 6 7-1 117 0 5— COUNCIL FILE NO. .___ P,enuly eJ. that vhcckn I,,: drn nr, UTION 1h�• ,Ity Ir,nynr)'. t,: thr x!;hrii;ntc PRINTER (:Itn ni" . 1..•r..�l 50:19P n 5Ud U4��inrl n.slv,•. P L rh�.rkw III, n the "mc,• [/• _._�_20..�-1941— cln n,n,r,u�ii� r. A Anpt oil by the Council Fnb.���: RESOLVED, THAT CHE( 01::17,11 17.'.!'1941) ITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AM�iUNT OF $ 63, 12.05 _ COVERING CHECKS NUM BEREDgo3 9 TO_4G499—_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. rFEB 27 1941 f ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.__....___ .......... Mn C / 1�'Y COMPTROLLER 7 C FEB 1541 �: .� APPROVED--____--__ �_._—_—_..._—_194___ ;� /� i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ROLL CALL BARI FIND= PARRANNTO ARRA IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS .. February.25 PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA% TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S— COVERING MR PRES M,DONOUGH }:ti '_'t,ij _ 1 .H ELKS nUMBERE D���Ip��J[(!�l ___ TO ;�. _INC LU!AVE. AS CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.._ .. _... . PER CHECKS ON X F�/iN )THe OFFIG. APPRDKLE D__ -/ N MBER sJl� OF THE .' courrnoii rx BY •. .' C. r+ _"L' :%lid_ TOTAL I DATE CHECK�j NUMBER IN FAVOR OF --- i TRANSFERz CHECK. RETURNED BYBANK I�J DISBURSEMENT I. CHECKS It BROUGHT FORWARD - • __.- '--80399 Joe Grappalie 96 00 8 00 Mary E. grey 2 00 ;. 80401 Henry Rebeck 64 64' ;i 80402 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Juardian 80 00j q 8040 Board of Water Commissioners ` 614 92 d 8040 Board of Water Commissioners; 165 08 i 80405 Board of Water Commissioners 236 42 80406 Board of water Commissione,s l 478 65 ' If 80407 Board of water Commissioners 403 90 .. 80408 Board of water Commissioners; 257 58 80409 Board of 'Water Commissioners: 192 94 i{ 80410 City of St.Pau10B. of Aud. 300 00 80411 W.A. Parranto, C.P.Ut811tiesl 122 00 80412 Axel F. Peterson, C.of Eud. 35 80413 66 Axel F. Peterson, C.of Edue. 91 j. 80414 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Works 1 934 80415 Milton Rosen, G.P.Works :1 117 86 80416 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 909 94 80417 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 5 605 44 j 80418 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Works 128 20 i 80419 Milton Rosen, C.P.'eorke 107 41 �! 80420 Milton Rosen, C.P.'sorks 248 83 80421 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 815 31 ; 80422 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 832 05 80423 Milton Rosen, C.E.Korks :1 501 29 I 80424 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 5 71 80425 Milton Rosen, C. P.'Vorka 521 58 80426 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 859 07 80427 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 108 96 80428 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Yorks 420 14 80429 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 673 24 80430 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 6414 455 '64 i 80431 Fred M. Truax, C.Parke, etc. 1 077 it 80432 Fred M. Truax C.Parke etc. j0 000 00 j 80433 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 13 770 00 80431} Fred M. Truax, C.Parks. etc. 889 06 ; 80435 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Company ' 69 8j 80436 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 78 24 t! 80437 Goodin Company 166 60 80438 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Good] Company 19 85 80439 Newhouse Paper Company 25 92: ;. 1 429 63 80440 Northern States Power Company; O g'0441 Northern States -Power Company) 450 83 80442 N.W. Stamp 'works 1o6 27 8044] F.J. Stilwell Paper Company 187 90i 5 9 67: 80444 The Tyre Shop SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 80 308 86536 853 51, mom CITY OF SAINT PAUL _Mt ,�_%t,, y, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER__._ ROLL CALL BARFUSS PARIR AN FINOLTO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ..br�.. PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX i N THE CITY TREASURY AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN �ON��- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_`�. _. COVERING �''''))l ��v'��`��v 2 MR PRES Mc DONOUGH CHECKS NUMBEREJJTO_ INCLUSIVE. AS COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CCIL PER CHECKS OW*,I I,.TT O ^'..: E FFICE/OF TO.E4 TY APPROVED_._... �— .... 94. MBER39 By D- L Y j TOTAL j DATE !I CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF 7 TRANSFER CHECKS 1 RETURNED BYBANK I DISBURSEMENT !1 BROUGHT FORWARD 80 tog 96 j 36 853 5111 !i • 80445 Lysle M. Robbins 350 001! �! 58 59 go446 Joseph Pavliok j 80447 Joseph Pavliok 3292j 80448 Joseph Pavliok i 19 61! !� 80449 9chluke4Bier 1a 96. 75 90450 R.H. Reinhold Display Service 150 001 80451 Len Thole Radio & Electric Cap pang 11 35 j! i 80452 Alexandria Food Market 92 53!; j 80453 American Linen supply Company,' 152 15 80454 Booth Cold Storage Company ( 13 71(. j 80455 Capitol Stationery Mfg, Company ;, 190 5gg !I 80456 Franklin Glue Company ! - 26 94 is 80457 The Grinnell Company, Inc. i 80458 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 68 24 �I ': 59 61 I! 80459 Model Laundry Company . 80460 C. Reiss Coal Company 1 270 85 ' 90461 J.L. Shiely, Inc. 39 11 I! 107 341! Ii so462 R.B. Whitacre & Company 8o4jh Booth Fisheries Corp. 28 j 904 Brown and Dgy, Inc. 46 22!, 46 80465 ! D.T. I.O. Burington (; 10 75 316 So I! 90466 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company ; 80467 Christofk Electric Company 100 91 80468 Coca Cola Bottling Company ! 42 15�; i 90469 Consumers Milk Company !j 8o 84 80470 Crescent Creamery Company 603 38i 80471 Electrid Blue Print Company 4o6 21 80472 Elk Laundry Company 15 93 i !j 49 6o 8^•473 Leonard Frank Company 80474 R.L. Gould Company 150 Ol ;. 85 66'. Ij 80475 Griggs, Cooper & Company 80476 Hancock -Nelson Mer. Company 27 73 186 58 80477 Hersohler Sales 90478 iremer Auto spring Company 1523!' Ii 80479 Larry0s Auto Glass Company 37 621 80480 Lyon & Healy 11 85 ' 80491 Moradden-Lambert Company 393 29;; 63 21 " !! 80492 Chris Mickelsen 90493 Rational Biscuit Company 48 ��!, ;. '80484 90485 Rational Theatre Supply Company Northern States Power Company; 633 49 �. j ® 80496 Nortbern States Power Compan3l Fixture Com;_y 371 91 !! 12 80. 80487 L. Paulee-Midway 9 66 80498 Postal Telegraph Cable Company 265 091 Ii 8o4g9 price Electric Company 90490 Ray Rahr 152 90. 80491 Royal Typewriter Company 6 95 li 80492 Sanitary Farm D,,iries 76 88 .. 71 75 (I 30493 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 123 22�' 8049 ThP Sta-vis 011 Company 642 00! I! 80495 90496 Transit supply Company Tri-state Tel. & Telg. CompanlY 61 35 80497 Vanier Bies, Inc. 550 20 80498 'loolburn and Brandl 102 31 ;. 68 34' 90499 Zinsmaster Baking Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 90309 pp 1',545 541 71 1 •; a Origi—I to City rk .P.��eJ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE IVO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY „,,,,_ DATE COMMISSIONER_......._--.. ......_..._,.... .... ......... .. ._ .._—. . . WHEREAS, heretofore tion Saletl Liquor license +1667 'was issued to John R. Wolf at 55 E. Fifth St, and WHEREAS, John R. Wolf and John J. Schmitt have requested that said license be transferred to John J. Schmitt at 85 E. Fifth St„ and WHEREAS, the said John J. Schmitt has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale"Liquor license #1667, heretofore issued to Johr. R. Wolf at 85 E. Fifth St, be and the same is hereby transferred to John J. Schmitt at the same address, and the bond of John J. Schmitt is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deoosit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, --rd the Cornoration Counsel is authorized and directed to rel,. -ase the. surety on the bond of the said John R. Wolf from any further liability Prising after the date t,A s resolution is published. n Transfer informally ar,.oroved by Council, Feb. 25, 191+1, Old Location. C011nCILn1En leas nays �i'.dlan ranto ,,Peterson /�Losen Xr. President, McDonough ,in a -aa CS -1 - In Favor Against C. F. No. 121769—e3, O. H. Barfnae— Whereax, heretofore "On Sale" Liquor lice use No. 1667 was Issued to John R. Wulf at 85 E. Fifth St. and Whereas, John R- Wol[ r ,d John J. Schmitt hnve requea ted that said Il- ne ba transferred to John J. Schmitt at 86 E. Fifth SL, and Whersas, the said John J. Schmitt bas III led bond In the sunt of =2,000.00 an required by City Ordinance, and said bond hes been approved as to form and esecution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be II Resolved, lltnt ..On Sale" Liquor 11 cense No. 1667'; herelof0re Issued to John R, Wolf at 86 E. Fifth St. be nd the a Is hereby transferred to J0M1a J. Schmitt at the n ddrees, ad the bond f John J. 9c hmitt Is hereby approved a d the City Clerk le directed to deposit the a In the Cface of the Clue Comptroller, and the orporation Counsel la authorized a d directed to re lease the urety on the bond of the sold John R. Wol[ from any further liability arisingafter the date this es lutlon le oubile hed. Transfer In[ormwlly pProved by Council, Feb. 25, 194f, Old location. Adopted by t6 Councll Feb. 28, 1941. Approved Feb. 26, 1941% (March 8, 1941) FEB `? $ 1941 Adopted by the Council—_ .. . .. . .... -194--.-- FEB 194_-.__ FEB 'Z 8 1941 lilayo \11 L r `3• t �#�+,- p•t��� $4 s ���.• S,t 'F� ; . TE.,,,r !fit •t �'4 �,' � ,X- { .�_�,ks,�d rr) , -+0-r1w` l� at rz:4Qp+ilF Es JIM OnQJA.O_tilO Afi(I i _Qf:1�tY _iT'f`? IV lvnf t 3 J! ]�Ynlegoift1 VOAII 'J? r �j $�* ` s $ `=B$�r At s. .y, ..G':sem•:' _ 010: 5y. :'T: M' .i„ •fif n : .r c N. . '''� `-37`, a * :-h1 �i ryF�p.w T � y , •• t t�w„�f, 'v r �•;r r r f ae F. di5 ' �>.`i, r � >:». .:.,��.. �V'!w'v!!F?,'_'* � itv'Y+4 E�Itr�i�iGk . : �C����7��v�� '�`�� �+'• �c r n<, a* ' :. •.;ice': .,.:.,':�,.` � ';._.:> :f;,�'�"`.', � .M" :'.; .l� � � �- . . . c -� •'rSr y "' -r £�. (` if y; � i .,� d ,, a'yd 'ark r ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON ­ 55ALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ......................... Name of Applicant.... John J«.Schmitt......................................... ................ Age..... 43................ Residence Address ....... 419..Iglehart ................................................Telephone No..x..................... ,Are you a citizen of the United gates? ...... Y..es................................................................................ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .... Yes.............................................................................................................................. Whenand where? ......... 486.daokaon.St.................................................................................... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation....,x......................................................... .............................. Whenincorporated? ... x.......................................................................................................... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quar,ers for dub members? ..... x ..................................... Flowmany members?.... x......................................................................................................... :.amen and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ............x......................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................Ai.:2:$ U , C.i;e name Of surety company whic:, „'ill write bond, if known... .: .... .`............... .umber street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 85 E. 5th St. North Mirmesota & Robert Sts. 4 I low many feet from :,n academy, college or university measured along streets!? .... over..6.blocre................... Itow many feet from a churl,measured along streets)? .... oFer..6.blQP.kP........................ ....................... I low many fee. from doses: public or parochial grade or high school �n,easured along streets!? ...... over. 6. hlacks. Name of closest school...... As.sumptri.Qn...................................................................................... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..... Commercial ........................... .......................... Onwhat floor located?......... main -floor ................................................................................... Are premises owned by you or leased! ..... leased .... ...If leased give name of owner.. Commarcial..Investme.nt..Co. If a restaurant, give seating capacity? ..... 5.0..................................................................................... If 1-.o.el, seating capacity of main linin, room?... x............................................................................ C.J,ve below the name, or numbeq or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............ none..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. :The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales,. Ilt— many guest moms in hotel!.... x........................................................................................... ?.ame of resident proprietor or manager ,restaurant or hotel) ...X .. ....................................................... Give names and addresses of three business references:. ..... . ...... ...................... ................................................................................. Herbert Benz St. . . .. Paul. .. ........................................................................................................................ 3. ..... Y.eoxg!& I3Xe.W6.rY... St•..1'P.14.................................................................................. THh APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICE.t OF THE CORPORATIO>: DULY AUTHORIZED 'FO MAKE- THIS APPLICATION; AND THF FAI- OF THh t:uRPURATION MUST RE ATTAC::h1ED: Issuance of license is not recommended i 1'+piicart0n che:ke i by Dated .............................1. q 3...... ............................................. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE • r STATE OF MINNESOTA,, . ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. 1 f ........................ John.J...S.ohmitt............................................................ being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows. the contents thereof, and. that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information a4d belief. i Subscribed and sworn to before me this...?.4th........... day pf.f.4..x6eTy.:.J....19 .9 ^ Notary Public, R IA� County, Minn. My commission expires._... ......: . U STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ss. being first duly sworn, deposesand says that.....................the...................................................................................... o................................. ............:...:.:.,.................................................................... , a corporanon,; that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of................................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said -application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of ..................... 193 ............................................................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires .................................... .x17179 OriElnal to rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cLE" L ... FILE NO._ City OU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ►• PRESENTED 13Y DATE_ _ February 28, 1941 _" '" _ COMMISSIONER—._..___._—._.. _.............. .. - ...._ _ _...... RESOLTv'D,. That license for Restaurant, application 47265, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47266, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47267, applied for by John J. Schmitt at 95 E. Fifth St. be and the same are hereby granted and- the ndthe city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Lio_uor transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 25, 1941. Old Location. COUIICILNIETI .I]eas Tlays bar(uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr. President, McDonough z,m a <o Cs .n... C. F. No. 321770—BY G. H. Bartpen— F..11* ed, that By I for Restaurant. pplicatlon 47266, On -Sale Malt Bever- g eppllentlon 47286, and oR Sale MALE Bavernge.. application 47267, ap- pil di 9t. be Jodnthe 8chmitt athere6 grantedand to dhe Issue uclyi liceneesisupon the payment Into the city treasury of the required tees. New. Liquor transfer Informally ap- proved by Council. Feb. 26, 1941. old location. Adopted by the Council Feb. 28, 1941. 41. Approved Feb ch 8919477 FEB 28 1941 Adopted by the Council _ . / roped_ _.._....... /�G -- In Fapor ITlayor �,,,Agains�( Original to City Ckrt %� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILENCII NO...... A , . 7 \`(�—^1_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.._----_____. ...... .. _.. .._ DATE__FebTll�ry RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47160, On Sale Melt Beverage, application 47161, and Off Sale l.Ialt Beverage, application 47162, applied for by hirs. Minnie Kollath at 4.82 University Ave, be andt the same are hereby granted and the city cleric is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. flew, Informally approved by Council, Feb.`18, 1941. Old Location. COUTICILMETI I]eas Ttays �uss FigdIan P�arranto �Pelerson /Rrosen ruax Ar. President, McDonough IM 1— Cs assns J In Favor .Against C. F. No. 121771—By O. H. Barfuss— Resolved, that license for Restaurant, application 47160, On Sale Malt Bever- age, application 47161, and Ort Sale Malt Beverage, application 47162, applied for MMrs. Minnle Kollath at 482 Univer- sity Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- r t[ructed to Issue such licenses upon he Payment Into the city treasury of j the repnlred fees. New. Informallyapproved by Coun- cil, Feb. 18, 1941. Old location. 28, 1941. 11 Adopted by the Council Feb. Approved Feb. 28, 1941. (March 8. 1941) FEB 28 1941 Adopted by the Council _...... -' Approved_%......---..-....... - r v Rlaydr 0 Original to City Cort .1.2-1772 CITY Of SAINT RAUL COUNCIL - rtt.e NO._ ` OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE___FSbruar.y_.2t3,_l94l_....... - RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, anlicatiion 47153, On Sale Malt B everage, application 47154, and'Off Sale halt Beverage, applic=tion 47155, applied for by Theodore Shoholm at 1412 Arcade St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, New, Informally approved by Council, Feb. 19, 1941, Old Location. COunCILMEII Leasnays r f uss Figdlan Parranto -'Peterson Rosen �i7Q27C'�� -Tar. President, McDonough 3111 e-ao cs acne C. F. No. ]_1712—By O. H. Barrusa— Resolved, that license (or i; es ...rant anntication 47153, On Sale Malt Bever- , R9C BeIt rerugeleanll ention 47155. Pled , INtroy by Theodore Shoholm :t 1413 Arcade St. be an 1 the__ r hereby grunted and the Clt)) Clerk ix instructed to is - ch licenses anon the pa )•m en[ Into the city lrcusu rY of the re<lulred tees. New. 1n Lmmnll }' PProved h)'Coup-E c11,'Fcb. 18, 1941. Old location. Arlon ted by lhr 1'ou nen 1".b.9S. 1941. A nnrcre1 I"rb. _v, 1911. (Nnn111, 1941) Adopted bll the Council__�r_]te4_ ._ I .Approved--- In Favor r // . Against / ' 121773 erlllinal to Clty Ck k G,L CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._ .. .... \ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM y PRESENTED February 25, 1 41 COMMISSIONER _ ... _.._...:_ ..... ....___.. .. .. ..._ ..._...._ DATE_______.__._.__._.. ...___9 ......._..... _—___ . RESOLVED, That license for Fire Sale, application 47326, applied for by the J. H. tfc%enna Co. at 790 S. Cleveland Ave. be and the same arrm is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. Ku. 111;;1-11>• 1,. If. Bnr[usv- 1%. A. ed' to—John S. Findh-I — Itesolvd, Ilutt Iirenae for Piro Sul,. nnP11-0on {711fi. non Ilea for by the J. If. WK --Ln. at -90 S. t:levebtnd Ave. by and thna e In here - ­t, -(j ted nd the f'Itc �'Irrk tia ivatrut•ted In In - the ¢nit Ii+•rnxe noon [he n:+Ymrnl into ily trc:t.tiu ry of the ��lulred fee. New. aur S. nrrlud inm ae b. 13, 19{1. 1oc-db 18, 19{1. Adnnted by tho t'uunaeb. 'A, 7947. Altnl'n v+;d Pell. 13, 19411.. New, For the period from 2-25-41 to 5-25-41 $ 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Councilf �� .. ... .. ....194-,,..__ yeas � nays Fi tan �/ --Approved_.. ' Parranto f �eterson In Favor �osen _ TTlayor ax Against Mr. President, McDonough �m n-oo Cs venae orialn 1 to city 01111, 121774 CITY C)F SAINT PAUL COU 'CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION -AGE AL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER—....... ._Axel .�!'. Peterson.. 6 RESOLVED, That �he Catiplic Youth Center be and It is ha:'eby given without 'charg,i the pfse of Stam Hall of the St. Paul Auditorium on theev�ning of Ap'r'il 14, 1941, for an informi dance; said association to pay on_y the cost of openinZ andoperating 3teia Ha,l on s&id date for the above occasion. ConnciLmEn lfeas nays �arfuss i Findlan /Parranto .Peterson In Favor ax Against Mr. President, McDonough Din n-ao Cs —1. C:. P. So. 1!1774—Iry A-1 I'. Pet,7,o — Itesolv.11, IhaL the Catholic Youtl, Qenter be , nd it is herchy gh'en e•Ilh- out rhargr �Ihe a of Stam hall nl U�,• v4 Ynlll Auditorium � r the a nK oP Aaia 'll 14, 1:41, for unr nfor malrldxoa:; aa ,alnuaa 177, nav �or�lr uu: oaa ..r o Deningt a u1 uperAtinh' Siem I. ll an salt date (or the above Adopted by the C; 1111141 Peb.cb. 2 "3, 1941. A nproved � farrch'8 941) 1 FEB '28 1941 Adopted by the Council_, ., ... ...._._..._...194.. . P" r L! -- Approved_. - ma or C. F. No. 121775 By W. A. Parranto.. f1rlRlnsl 1.2-1.775 to City CIn4 Resolved, that the propoxed leaxe, CITY OF SAIF 11eret°Ith x hmntea, to ne-- I."- ecu ted by Ine city i saint Pa1111-11, , aiexxo:. and NO. _ OFFICE OF THE state or nima�xota, : x I wo I[ Is pr uvlded e.I ,n let ane COUNCIL RESOLUTI N Inµ PRESENTED BV COMMISSIO R ✓ .v RkSULVI,:ll, that the proposed lease, herewith submitted, to be executed by the City of Saint Paul, as lessor, qnd State of 'Minnesota, as lessee, whereby it is provided that the lessor shall lease, let and demise unto the leseea the right to the use of the aviation runways, taxi -ways, field li,c'htina facilities ana other public aviation facilities, exclusive of buildings upon and within the aaint caul :;!uaicipal .irport, situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of :iamsey, ::tate of :iinne:>ota, in comrnon with the City of Saint Paul as lessor, and others permitted the use of the same by or in privity with said lessor, f orthe period from _'ebruary 10, 1'd41 to June 30, 1z)41, inclusive,'the rent for which period is tnereby acknowledfed to have been paid by the lessee to the lessor, and for the period of one year cearns nciny July 1, 1941, subject to renewal at the option of the lessee for four additional and successive yearly periods, and requiring the payment b- the lessee to the lessor, as rcnt, the sum of x:2500.00 annually, be and the same hereby is in all things approved, and that the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the sante on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; be it T!R 'i'.i.R R 'SOLVED, that all revenue derived on account oC the rent from said lease shall be credited to the .'airport FurrE, 21 D - R. FEB 29 1941 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council.- .194 leas nays Buss `� ', ` •' 4indlan i gpproved_.... _..._..........._t94 _ eterson //,� .In Favor /Isla or .. �. oxen i ,Il`ruax Against A �--- _,Mr. President, McDonough ?U-bLlbl-lGD zm >-ao Cs ave. —_-'' Original to city Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU "CIL FILR NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL � F�OR,M, � COMMISSIONER__.._. _Axel ..F.. P.atarsnn RESOLVED, That 'Irs. riaiiry A. Holmberg be and•she is hereby given the free use of the th ater section of the St. Paul Auditorium on tho evening of Ldalch 19, 1941, for a sacred concerti said Ldrs. Henry A. Holmberg to pay on y the cost of opening and operating the theater section on said dat-- for the above occasion. C011nCiLmEn geas ! nays "Esawf uss ,Findlan "IF"arranto Peterson sen yFuax Mr: President, McDonough ata —off CS name C. F. No. 1'21776—By Axel F. Peterxon— bertgabe a dl h.he I.' It eretbyy glveno the free u of the theater xec[lon of the IL Paul Audltorlum on tha evening of; Mi -h 19, 1941, for ed c ert;: xald \Ira. Henry A. Holmberg to�paj I llni ythe. ter I'll ection on aMdn ate for the above n nxlon. A doptted by the Cell Feb. 28, 1941. AUProvcd Feb. 28. 1941. (March 8. 1941) FEB 928 1941 Adopted by the Council— ._ ....._. . _ 194. FEB 28 1941 /Approved_ lfi Favor------ - Against C. D`. No. 131x77—B, F. At. Trun.—G. H. I r r snrcuan—br vueat— QH Whereus, the Commissloner f Parl'v J 2, �. • Pluygroundn and Public Bu11dInR' 0041111 b CITY Clerk reporont` to " e Council the' CITY OF SAINT tsarack , r • OFFICE OF THE CI .rine' „ CO CIL RES VTION--- 1 � : AL FORM _ 1 .. DATE—­­­­ P- ATEN ....._... — MMINT,,NER =."!a --'+X- _"_ .. ...._._ ..— SS WHEREAS, the Commissio 6r of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one- story frame shack on Lot 25, Block 2, Hazelview Addition; also described ae No. 2087 Fremont Street, is in such a dilapidated p... and dangerous condition ae t�..vtarrant its being condemned an torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisabil- \ 1ty and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 28th day i 4 of Marsh, 1941, at ten o'olook A- M- in the Council Chamber of 1 the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; -be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for -said hearing, the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publica- tion in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not leesthan Adopted by the Councilfive days prior to the date of said hearing. FEB `� tea. . coullciLmEIl'." i]eas Rays F �A oved_ FEB IS41 Harfuss ,I r ..... 194 / Findlan 4arranto - In Favor --'- .. .._... _ .. ... may ipeterson ,Rbsen ,Against �ruax 1131 -ISI -IED President, McDonough 77f 3m -o Cs z»>e CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: Feb. 27, 1.941. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No.l) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of a one- story frame shack at 2057 Fremont St., on property described as Lot 25, Block 2, Hazelviex Addition. Very truly yours, City Clerk. c` �E-C FEB 27 19dt Cok 1. - ,l CHAS. A. BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playground, Supt. of Pada CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner February 26, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: There is a one story frame shack at 2057 Fremont Street, on property described as Lot 25, Block 2, Addi- tion. This building is vacant, open, illegally situated on the rear of the lot without a foixhdation or basement,, no sewer or water facilities, unsanitary, and posted as unhealthy. It s unfit fr human andidangerousoto lli e,hlimbatandsadjoiningabitiontpropered beyond repair, property, The property is under the ownership of the State of er Notice, c/o Hon. John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner. A Dang has been posted. ation proceedings in accordance with Kindly institute condemn Section 1-14 of the building code. yo,�s truly, City -chit ect LAR --U 1 13R"AS, upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, reciting that special circumstances exist, renderinv'it necessary to employ special counsel to pass upon the validity of the issue of ",,265,0(D Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of paint Paul, authorized by Couldl File No. 121752, approved February 27, 1941, ti_erefore be it Sp RESUL,VEED, that the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby authorized to employ Thomson, ;rood & Hoffman, of New York City, New York, and James T. Denery, attorney, of Saint Paul, 1,4innee;ota, to pass upon he validity of the above issue of bonds, at a compensation not to exceed ?198.75, payable out of the Debt Service 7,xpense Account. FEB 28 1941 COunCILMEn Adopted by the Council _ . _ 104_ . gear nays ar d,g %1941 ¢dlan l Approved_... ifeterson ..In Favor r Mayor �osen �BLlast tED L Truax ! Againsti' .,Ar. President, McDonough em ­. CS _] 12177S Or191na1 to City Clerk C. F. No. 121778—By A- F. Peterson— CITY OF SAINT PA whereas, upon the - [ the Corporation C nnendation �I, r olttng OFFICE OF THE CITY that special' oi,c .te derinae it necessary te.,, xis[, r n- v pyeelal COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE theisaus ofpns• upo Idl In� % __ C PRESENTED BY 1 debtedneae authortz.•% nppi �r�: - Paul, "rL2, re. COM MISSIONER_._....�%�r. DATE ._ __....._.___.___..._..-......_....._;__......__.._.. ..... .._...r ..1. ._..__.. _..._ 1 13R"AS, upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, reciting that special circumstances exist, renderinv'it necessary to employ special counsel to pass upon the validity of the issue of ",,265,0(D Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of paint Paul, authorized by Couldl File No. 121752, approved February 27, 1941, ti_erefore be it Sp RESUL,VEED, that the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby authorized to employ Thomson, ;rood & Hoffman, of New York City, New York, and James T. Denery, attorney, of Saint Paul, 1,4innee;ota, to pass upon he validity of the above issue of bonds, at a compensation not to exceed ?198.75, payable out of the Debt Service 7,xpense Account. FEB 28 1941 COunCILMEn Adopted by the Council _ . _ 104_ . gear nays ar d,g %1941 ¢dlan l Approved_... ifeterson ..In Favor r Mayor �osen �BLlast tED L Truax ! Againsti' .,Ar. President, McDonough em ­. CS _] COUTICILITIETI I]eas j Tlays �B/a ss l!indlan 'Parranto Peterson 'iosen jfruax IP". President, McOonough 3m -40 C9 13338 C. F. No, 111711-11Y G. IL R-lu3s- John S. Findlan—W. A. Parranlo— Iteselyed, that licenses applied for by the persona n mad on the Ilat ntta,h.d to this r sol utlon be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerkis �nstruetad to Issue such ucenaes upon thepaymed[ Into the elty treasury of th« en aired flee. Adopted by the Cuunell Feb. 98, 1911. App roved Feb. 28, 1911. (March 8, 1911) FEB L� t94i Adopted by the Council_ I94_.. ... $11 .. Approved_.. ------ ..__..-_.._-l9_ l In Favor � v -�-� /// ✓✓✓ Rlayor. '� Against 12.1779 orlitinul to City Clark r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL counclL. TILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER______.._.__.—.-- That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated RESOLVED: the are hereby granted end the city clerk is instructed to issue be and same such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John Swanson 612-18 University Ave. Gas Station App. 47255 New Old Loca. Ben Blizinsky 279 E. Kelloc:g Blvd. Gas Station " 117280 " " it Burns 3 ';all Cil Co. 1634 Univ. Ave. Gas Station " 47292 " t' 0 Grocer 11 E. W. Kingsbury 807 hip St. Y 11 47236 1+7237 if u n n it if Off Sale lhtalt L.D`..Bamsburg x S.J.P-idin=_s 2087 ,q.Como Ave. Gas Strition it 47193 11 n " Carl Lennartson 560 P. Como Ave. Butcher Il 46876 it 11 11 Mollie Alpert 931 University Ave. Grocery " 47211 11 11 11 It u n if 11 11 Butcher I1 11 47212 n it It n Off Sale Iialt 11 47213 11 11 COUTICILITIETI I]eas j Tlays �B/a ss l!indlan 'Parranto Peterson 'iosen jfruax IP". President, McOonough 3m -40 C9 13338 C. F. No, 111711-11Y G. IL R-lu3s- John S. Findlan—W. A. Parranlo— Iteselyed, that licenses applied for by the persona n mad on the Ilat ntta,h.d to this r sol utlon be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerkis �nstruetad to Issue such ucenaes upon thepaymed[ Into the elty treasury of th« en aired flee. Adopted by the Cuunell Feb. 98, 1911. App roved Feb. 28, 1911. (March 8, 1911) FEB L� t94i Adopted by the Council_ I94_.. ... $11 .. Approved_.. ------ ..__..-_.._-l9_ l In Favor � v -�-� /// ✓✓✓ Rlayor. '� Against Original to City Ckrk C.-ohn Fina8an BW, G. H. Rartuss— 1217,8�� CITY OF SAI S. Resolved, that IlcensesaDplied for by the persona names on the }let attaches NO._ OFFICE OF THE h robin reeolutlon be rad the.nnme are Y scanted and the City Clerk la COUNCIL RESOLUTIO Instructed to lanae uch licensee upon the Payment Irate the oltY trennury et PRESENTED BY the repulrea t.1 Adop[ea by the CounoI Feb. 28, 1941. APProved Feb. 28, 1941. COMMISSIONER_._.... _._.__..____._.__.._._ -- (March 8, 1941) .y RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Alexander Fedoreal 560 Como Ave. Grocery App.46864 Rerewal Harry J. '.'ugley 381-5 Robert St. Bowling Alleys If 46978 11 11 11 t1 it Confectionery 11 46979 11 Ella C. McGill 315 Selby Ave. Restaurant 47015 " The Sterling Club Inc. 315 N. Dale St. Or, Sale Yalt " 47037 " Gene Grossman 2190 Como Ave. W. Grocery 11 47077 " Ella L. Lewis 573 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 47135 " II 11 11 II On Sale i.:alt 11 47136 II u It 11 11 Off Sale Malt if 47137 u Sam Abress 359 Minnesota St. Barber 11 47201 Joe F. Fisher 437 University Ave. Barber 47216 A. E. Kallsen & H.W. Yeske 321 Robert St. Hotel 11 47218 Jeane E. Golather 233 N. Snelling Restaur --rt " 47219 u Everett J. Tomlinson 129 E. 5th St. On Sale Malt ' 47221 11 11 11 1t 11 Off Sale 'Malt it 47222 II I1 It it 11 Restaurant it 47223 11 Grays Cut Rate Drug Store 618 Selby Ave. Confectionery 11 47231 Deep Roak Oil Co. 2709 28th Ave.S. mrls. Fuel Dealer " 47239 It Pau'_ Schnaith 874 E. 7th St. Gas Station 1 47256 if J. V. Hobelsberger 923 Univ. Ave. Gas Station 1' 47270 it Fred R. Coates 617 Como Ave. Gas Station 47272 " FEB 28 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council Deas�hays rjuss p_'s2 t fiY !'Findlan Approved_ Pearson /Peterson } / In Favor A�Psen �`•. Rlayor Truax _ . Aqainst /d1r. President, mcr)onough IM a-ao cs 1—a oriiinsl to CITY Clerk 12.1781- CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO1ILUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUj RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM -L_,•_. PRESENTED By _ilton n _ _. DATE—_.E COMMISSIONER—._ _ "" WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public 'dorks has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth, 1781—BY Milton Rosen— the Commissioner 11 Public r ported In C�1acrtern C.the 7th It the 'City ex- meregency. whieho roen- aary the mDloyman[ t r - .e.. ., hl,. nohartmenc [or the proper CRY eriied to pay I ,00tovees at ti i1, Un.klltea Iaoornr — James, unskilled taborer Ad, unskilled laborer -8 rho Caunell Feb. 28, 1941. FE1328 1941 counc1LMEtl Adopted by the Council_ ljeas j - days Barfg 1941 uss `� Approved ....._-_—...----194 �Findlan /Parranto ' ' y. n ,ln Favor �— ,-Peterson T[layor /R/osen /iruax Against ,,Mr. President, McDonough I 3M 40 CS 23338 . Title No•Hrs. Hate of Pay-- Name ---_-- Cluckey, Paul Unsk.Lab. � •50 0 McDonough, James Unslc.Lab. 8 Taylor, Harold Unsk.Lab. .50 1781—BY Milton Rosen— the Commissioner 11 Public r ported In C�1acrtern C.the 7th It the 'City ex- meregency. whieho roen- aary the mDloyman[ t r - .e.. ., hl,. nohartmenc [or the proper CRY eriied to pay I ,00tovees at ti i1, Un.klltea Iaoornr — James, unskilled taborer Ad, unskilled laborer -8 rho Caunell Feb. 28, 1941. FE1328 1941 counc1LMEtl Adopted by the Council_ ljeas j - days Barfg 1941 uss `� Approved ....._-_—...----194 �Findlan /Parranto ' ' y. n ,ln Favor �— ,-Peterson T[layor /R/osen /iruax Against ,,Mr. President, McDonough I 3M 40 CS 23338 . -121 X81 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTIANT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Cindering icy streets and hills caused by recent light snow. This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity for cinderino icy streets and hills after e ent light snow in answer to emergent; calli' s. COIffiaISSICIM OFPUBLIC WORKS OriRlnwl to Cftr Clerk C. F. No. 121482—By W. A. Parranto— •' Whereas, the Commissloner of Public Uwtil hies ha. reported in 121782 acordenoe Ith Section 63 of the 'Ity Charter, thalL en CITY OF SA xistence of an . oy wnlen ren- NO. dered necees»r; 'yment of cer- OFFICE. OF Tl t.ln . ,,A, .. Department '` COUNCIL RESOLUTIOF r:mOPe `b I �L FORM �`galayl "lid 1 '• 'e, f COMNTED MISSION R .__ _. be It I the ._. .._. DATE4) 1941 —_ �.` ., nt I WHERFJIS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency Which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employtas at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth:, Overtime NAME TITLE Sunday Regular Rate Vidgo T. Anderson Lake Patrolman-W.D. 16 hre. .64 John E. Gardner Ditch digger 8 • .60 Julian T. Duren Filter Plant lab. 8 ° .65-3/4 Walter Scott Ditch digger 8 c .60 Leonard Munson Utilityman-W.D. 3 bra. .73 Frank D. Strong Emergency repairman 6 ° .65-3/4 Raymond A. Hoover Water -shed laborer 6.65-3/4 Harvey Donahue Utilityman-W.D. 6 "� .73 Thomas Fahey Mech. Helper 6 " .62-1/4 Chas. DeVinney Emerg.Repairman 6 " .65-3/4 Peter T. Murphy do 6 • .65-3/4 Frank B. Trnso do 6 " .65-3/4 Mike Alfonso Ditch digger 6 .60 Peter Pablo do 6 is .60 Toseph M. Tungwirth Water -shed lab. 2 " .65-3/4 Cert1led correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent CODUCILMEn ljeas nags earf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough .nl I— CS .331. Adopted bit the Council MAR„„.4.1941_104_ Approved_MAR 4 1941 \ .__. ..........------194_ �.. ,, ....._.ln Favor � O Ma or .. ....-Again nJUI-161-i-ED l / March b, 19AD An emergency boa arisen in the WATER DWARTBiW ' rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more then eight bourn per deny in the doing of the following work: Patrolling 7rYdnais and Sucker Lokes.s Repairing main=_st nth and Minnesota Streets.l� This emergency erose by reason of the following foots and circ=stsnoes: *To prevent treeueesing (Leak in :vain BOARD OF WATFF CO:N:AIMONERS Prosldent Certified correct: -29 Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent Original 1, City Cirri, PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_...__ - P1783 C. I�. \o. 1 4 1 7 8 1-11y P. M, T-, 'f \\'henna, the I'omml�xinner r Park.. CITY Of SAINT PAII rlvayr;rno nnda nd Pnhuc IRdldings r:•. ..... . . rereed to Iris C-Ilncu, ill �rann- OFFICE OF THE CITY <� �1tb �e1''�°" fifl `1;� '•il''' " r. 1' �eivlenc� nr nn � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENL...;:: �...� r/.. ... _ .. .. .. ' _ _ DATE—_.._.... .. ._......_.... ._..__...__..__._. - WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to t::e Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the city charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary tide e:rployment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hour::: per day, said e-.:ployment being :pore than their usual hours of employment, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereb.. authorized to ray the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra e:noloyment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE HOURS RA' --E JI OVERTIME R.,lan,l J. Hinshaw Caretaker of Zoo 16 .762 William Lego Tree Laborer 4 .55 Leo R. Yurphy Trc.e Laborer 7 .55 :artin ,dcDonough Garden Laborer 7 .55 John A. )lsen Tree Trimmer 8 .74 Jo -'n J. Sullivan Utilityman--Playgrounds 8 .692 Fred J. Tetzlaff Caretaker 7 •624 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council 411.pU 4 1941 .t94...._ 1]eas nays Barjuss MAR 41941 Findtan Ap roved_, Parranto Peterson In Favor m or Rosen - Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough sm s <o cs aayse ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. off PParark$ W. Li°. MONN Supt of Playgrounds City Architect ks ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �y� Capital of Minnesota d3 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner March 3, 1941 / To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the ..City Council. Gentlemen: An emergency h!r.s arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, renciering nec- essary the er,:ployment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day in performing emergency snow removal and cinderin_ of park roads. This emergency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the general public. Respectfully submitted, $L,A- yl,,.. � "" Commissioner Orl4laal to city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM tv ..._ .. ...... DATE— ...... Y�tT 12,178-1 COUNCIL FILE NO._. .. _ .. _. RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47228, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47229., and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47230, applied for by James F. O'Gara at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. be and the same. are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Liquor transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 25, 1941, old Location. COUTICILMEn 1]eas Tlays Barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 31111 3- 0 CS 23338 C. F. No. 121784—Ry G. li. Surfs— W. A. Ynrrstntn—John S. Flndlan— Rs solved. that license for Rextnu- anl, applb:atlon 472'L8, On Sale Mal[ BevernKe, applleatlon 17229, 81dMa" Sale Malt (leverage, applleatlon 47230, applied for by James F. O'Gara at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. be and the same hereby granted and the City Clerks le' l ns trucled to Ixxus each licenses upon the payment Into the city tress. ry of the required fees. New. Liquor transfer Informally ap- proved by Cou neil, I•'eb. 21. 1911. Old location. Adopted by the Councll Mar. 4, 1941. Approved Mar.1, 1911. (March 8, 41 941) MAR 4 1941 Adopted by the Council_ ---., MARS. In Favor _ _... ... ...... - - ayor -...... C Against oripind to City C k je��, CITY OF SAINT PAUL counut.FILE NO._ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE__-MaT.Ch, ',, _-91a ..............COMMISSIONER .- .. - ....... .._._. _ WHEREAS, heretofore 'Ion Sale" Liquor license 01721 was issued to Theodore P. Nikas at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. and WHEREAS, Theodore P. Nikas and James F. O'Gara have requested that said licenseybe transferred to James F. O'Gara at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. and WIEREAS, the said James F. O'Gara has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required � by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "On Sale" Lieuor license $1721, heretofore issued to Theodore P. Nikas at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave, be and the same is hereby transferred to James F.OlGara at the same address, and the bond of James F. O'Gara is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Theodore P. Nikas from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. Transfer informally approved by Council, Feb. 25, 1941, Old Location. COURCILMETI gess nags barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm ­.. Cs �aaaa C. F. No, 121785—By G. H'. W. A. Parranto—John S. Flndlan— Whereas, heretofore "On So"" Llau Ilcen o, No. 1721 was Issued to Theodore a P. Nikas at 164-6 N. Snelling Ave. and l\'herons. Theodore P. Nikas tad I James 1'. G. ru have requested that .maid license he transferred to James F. 'O'Gara at 111-1 NSnelling Ave. and Whereas. the said James F. O'Gara has filed a band In the sum of $3,000.00 48 r qulred by City Ordinance, and Bald I band has been approved its to form and e. c tion by the Corporation Counsel; 1 'I,elefore, be It Resolved, that "On Sale" I.Iquor If - re No. 1721, heretofore Issued to Theodor. P. Milan at 164-6 N. Snelling i fetrredl Jrtmea F. tO'Garater`by etra.e ddresa, d the bond ( Jamexn F. O'Gara Ix hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the me In the face of tile om e City Cptroller. and the corporation Counsel Is autharied and directed to release the surety o the bond of the sold Theodore P. Nikas f from any further liability arisingafterfte.r C Transfer e date tis infor'ma'lly le pprdvel.dd b)• ouncl 1, Feb. 26 1941. 0 I location. Adopted byy the Council Mar. 4, 1941. Approved Mar. 4. 1941. (March 9, 19417 MAR 41941 Adopted by the Council_ ._ . _. .............._194___ - MAR 41941 ' ) Approved_- In Favor -- Mattor C„Against St. Paul, Minn., February 20, 1941. Hon. Mayor and City COUnoil, of the City Of St. Paul, St."Paul, Minn. Sirs: This is to advise you that I have on this date sold my business, 164-166 N. Snelling Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., co7mnonly known as "Rendezvous Cafe and Rendezvous Cocktail Lounge to James F. Ogara of St. Paul, Minn., including all a{y rights to the liquor license, 3.2 license and all other licenses necessarily connected with the operation of my said business, and I now respectfully request your Hon. Body to transfer my liquor and 3.2 licenses to said James F. Ogara. Respectfully yours, �•���� 1����/l Vii`/ Th'EODOF,E P. NIKAS Ron. Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Sirs: This is to advise you that on this date I have purchased from Theodore P. Nikas of St. Paul, Minn. his business at 164-166 N. Snelling Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., commonly known as "Rendezvous Cafe and Rendez- vous Cocktail Lounge",including his rights to the liquor license, 3.2 license and all other licenses necessarily connected frith the operation of i said business and respectfully request that the liquor license and 3.2 licenses be transferred from Theodore P. Nikas to myself (James F. Ogara). Respectfully yours, JAI:,S F. OGARA CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application ,\'t ......... ............................. \:title .,f Applic:11it J.a.n.e.s Age. . M .. . ... ..... .. .. 'r,.IvpIio;w No...11m. .9028. A'I.Ilw4 ZQ)j0..St,...c.jaj..r St ...... ...... ..... .. .... AI�e Voll Z1. (:4iz,.ii of the Uiiite(l Yes ... . ....... . . . ............ ... .. ...... ....................... ............ ... Ib\, . or . . .... .. . ... . ............ . .. . . . ... ....... . . ... ..... ..... . ... .. .. .. . If value aro! purpose of . . ....... .... ... !I, -]I incorporated? .............. If chth, hov low, ht, ottnc.lor lc:l;e,j .......... ................ I!ow lot'lli.cl." .. . . .. . ..... ..... . . ...... .. 1 nam'. and address of generalIllailat,'er :,I!,l ;I,kIr­.4eA of pr . ........... ... .. ........... .. .............................. . .. ......... .. ........ .. .... ....... .... . . . ... ........ .... .. ..... ........ . . ..... .... . . . ......... ...... ... ...... t etc . . ..... .... .... . . w1:11c of surety coIlII,:jIl\. %\.Ilicli will write bowl, if k-oVil . . ..... . ........ . . .. ....... ....... ... .. . ........ . ... .. NiniflIer arc,.t Sill,- Ilt-tweell What ('ro<; Street: War(l 11 6 A�l TV) I I, ov 111all v fc, i fl, -ill :irl aca(It-Ill c, ;I !c.gc ur It; J v" :.,i I v in eZjsLlrk-il 11,' >t rCCts ? =r.e tban.. 3.000.. feet more tihan..3®OO..Eeet I low Ilialiv I,-, I. froill a church (Ille:1,11rctl along �trcct.�)? �,.rcct,) Lmor.a..than ... Z.000 ft How many feet from cl;-&:c�t 1111biii: or�ygp cIli;jI grade or highcii.-I [nwa>itrc(l along N:ll)IL' of CII)St'st nchool. ... ..Gordoa ........ . ............... ...... .... .. ... 1 low arc premises c Ia s4ific(l under Zoiiiog ()Mhialice'-- --9013ppyq.ia1.. Dist.ri.q.t I think ...... ................ ...................... Un what floor locate'l . . . ... ...... Ground . . ..... ..... ................................................ .................. . . ............. ........ .............. : Are pr, lllise4 owned by you or icasc(l? Leased If If owtier. JYank..bha ........................ . .. 11 a 1,(­tatlumi. give 4catilig, capacity' ................... 10.0 ... ..... . ... ................................................................. If Ilotel• e,-jt;ljg capacity of main dining ruoril? ...... ...... ..... .. ... .................................................................. (;i\.(. I)elt)\v the narvic• or numher. or other description of t-;tcl I :j(j-iiuojI;jI I -c -Ill it, which li(junr saps are iotco(le(l: ........................ Rooin..&t..164. JI....Sjm11h:Lg..Ava.-- and. room. -to. -the.-resx. Of -At . ....................... ...................... ........... ............. ................. ... ........ ..... .............. ......... .............. . . ........ ............. . .. ............. . ..................... ................. .. .. . ... ............................... ............. ............................................... . . ..... .. ........... .... ............ ... ........................................ . .... ..................... .. .. ... ... .... ... ........................................... .. ... ......... ........ . . . . . ..... . .......... ........................................ . .. .... ................. ...... .. . ..... ...... .. .. . ....................................... . ......... ................... ......... ... ............................................ ............................................ ....... ..... ... .................................. .......... .. . ........ .................... .......... ..... ......... ............................. . ... . ...................... .................................................................................................... ........ ........................................................................ ....................................................................... .. ..................................... ....................... ........................................................................ . .. ..... ........ .... ................................................................................. . . . ...... . . . ............................................................................... .... . .. ............................................... I ........................................ .......................................................................................................... ... The in;­nttldoo aho,e nit,t be given for IlUtCIS Mid resit:o:rallj.a vilicil tl,e more titall one room for liquor sales). o%e many .west rooms in hotel? .................... ... ................... . .. ........ ..................................................................................... Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or Ilotel)Jaws ... F.--Oga M. ........................................................ ljalljes and a(1(Irc6-:es of three husmess iefercoces : ..... . .............. .................................................................... ................ 1. y... 225.7 Faizoicant..Ave...St. Taul,.-Minn . ............................................................... ............... 2. ...... Zt...Faul,--Minn................................................................. : 3. C. A4e.-,..St- . Taul., ..Minn . .................................................................................. TIII,; APPLICATION MUST BF VEIM:11,1) 1,.N' THE APPLICANT. AND IF (:01WORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE DULY Ai. HI()kIZE.1) Ti)MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE' SEAL 01� THE- CORPORATION B1," ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended \ppli-li-i checked by I)ate(.1 ............................................ .. . 194 .. . ............................ ........................... ...................................................... . .... ..... 17 -,cell.". Inspector. SMOTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, ('()U-N'I'Y OF RAMSEY. .................... ........................................... .......... ..................................being first duly sworn. depose; and says that he has read the following application and k -mm- the contcnt� thereof, and that ' the same is true to the best of his knowledge. information and helit f. ... . .... ....... Subscribed and sworn to before tile this.... 21stday of -Fa-.b-r--uary.,.. 194 11 1 PETER E... K.A.W.C. . .. ........................... ....................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My —pireSay...2.7_19-47 . ...................... STATE OF NIINNFSOTA, BB. COUNTY OF RANISEY ........................................................................................................... ...... ... ... ..................................... being first duty sworn, deposesand says that ............................ the ............................ . ... ... ......................... : ......................................................................... of................................................................... .................. ........... ....... ... ............................................ .... ............ a corporation: that ........................................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the :arae is true to the best of ................................................knowledge, informativil-and belief; that the seat affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate sea] of said corporat'ion': that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........................day of.......................................... 194 .................... ........................................................... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires .................... 01191-110 city C CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour+cit.l 21_{ 6 IILE NO._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSION / - DATE—__—MCh 4L1941_-.- RESOLVED, That license for Restaurant, application 47277, On SP1e }Salt Beverage, , application 472789 and 0£f Sale :Ialt Beverage, application 47279, applied for by Frances L. Protextor at 849 E. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feed. C. r. No. 121786—By C. H. Barfuss— N, p, Parranto—John S.Flndian— Resolved,. that llcenae for Reatau- ant, apblloatlon 47277, On Bale Ma``t Beverage, ppllcalion 47278, and Ok Bale Malt Beverage, app It ' tion 47219, p Red for by Frances L Protextor at 849 E. 7th Bt. be and the abme are hereby. gran ted and th'e Cary Clerk. le fnatructed to lasue itch Ilcensee upon' tha.payment to to the elty treasury of epulied fee.. New. Informally appraved by Coun- cil, Feb. 27, 1941. Old locat Ion. Adopted by the Coo ncll Mar. 4, 1941. A pp rob ed Mar. 4, 1941. (March 8, 19411 Informally approved by Council, Feb. 27, 1941 Old Location. MAR: 4 1941 COURCILMET1 Adopted by the Council_, .,_. ..................._194__.._ L]eas nays barjuss4 194} PProl7edOR _-"----"—__--'-194_ Findlan. . Parranto Peterson In Favor ' .. .. .. ... ..__ yor -- Rosen Truax �j Against , Mr. President, McDonough am 1-4o Cs —1. 12178 C. F_No. 121787—By tl. H. Barf — A. 1'arranto—. Orlyis•1 to CIIY Ckrk John S. Flndlan— Resolved, thatIlcen sea pDlled Lot It. CITY OF S. by the Dereone named on the list at- NO._ tse,ed to th le resolution be and the OFFICE OF TI me are hereby granted and he CITY ' COUNCIL Clerk Is. Instructed to Issue uch 11- RESOLUTIC eanaeQ upon the Dnymefit Into the city lees. n treasury of the required ` Adopted byy the Counc 11 Mar. 4. 1941. MMarch 'it"1.4, X941 PRESENTED BY R Approved _,._----. COMMISSIO That licenses applied ..__-1_ ........... for by the followixg persona at the addresses clerk is instructed RESOLUD: indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city into the city treasury of the required fet to issue such licenses upon the payment 725 N. Snelling Butcher ADD.45954 Renewal Will Bass & CO. Wabasha Butcher n 46186 " Yale Johnson 379 g„T.Culver & Co. 1219 Randolph Ave, Butcher' 11 46464 It John F. Bialozynski 1080 Forest St. Butcher ” 46486 " Fred W. Bahnemann 1087 Arcade St. Butcher n 46605 n M. Ifanovitz 208 State St. Grocery It 46826 " Oscar Brink 999 Payne Ave. Grocery it 47014 n Edith Cohan & Hyman Goldberg 500 Selby Grocery " 11 n I1 11 Off Sale Malt It n 7059 n 47059 11 n Raymond S. Miller n n 595 St. Peter St. Grocery " u it Off Sale Malt it47075 4707n 11 Ply ne Ave. Grocery It 47076 " G. E. Nelson 911 H,jallllar S. Westland 597 N. Snelling Butcher " 47084 " er John Grafter " 1091 Rice St. On Sale Malt " 47057 11 4 OSS n. 7 n n n n n n Off Sale Malt n 47089 n n n Victor J. Haakensen 919 Woodbridge Grocery It 47090 " Frank J. Muzak 905 Payne Ave. Grocery " 47115 " prank P. Butorac 60 S. Cleveland Gas Station " 47120 " Mrs. James More11L 535 Collins St. Butchers n 4 7 121` " Adopted bq the Council _,..—...._......._ ... _194_...._.. COUTICILME11 I eas hays barjuss Approved_.—.�_..--_------194_ . Findlan Parranlo In Favor Peterson . .. .. Magor Rosen . Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough IM -0 Cs 11— orloi..i to city cr.► 121787 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ccouwcll_ NO. .. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—__..___.--._._..._._....... .. ....._.... ._....._ DATE____-_.-_..__..-.._... ._-_....-_.. ... -2- Peter J. Memmer 1045 Hudson Rd. Grocery App.47124 Renewal Harris Robinovitz 272 Florida Junk Dealer If 47138 a John J. Lane 453 N. Lexington Roller Rink of 47192 It Paramount Fuel Co. 590 N. Fairview Fuel Dealer to 47202 n Andrew Stachowiak 935 E. Maryland Restaurant of 47224 of n n u n On Sale Malt to 47225 11 a a u n Off Sale Malt of 47226 11 0. E. Sauter 720 N. Hanline Butcher If 47232 to Carl A. Blomquist 1023 Payne Ave. Gas Station of 47238 to E.J.Gass & Geo.G. Wilke 316-22 Wabasha St. Tavern n 47246 ^ u a If to n n Dance Hall of 47247 n ^ of a a of it Restaurant n 47248 it if n of a of of On Sale Malt ^ 47249 it Great A. & P. Tea Ce. 791 Grand Ave. Grocery it 47253 1t Charles Anderson 903 Payne.Ave. Barber ^ 47255 of Vernon Williamson 988 Arcade St. Gas Station of 47262 of Steele Bros. 1105 Payne Ave. Butcher of 47268 ^ Eldon E. Coates 244 E. 8th St. Gas Station 11 47273 n Leo Pritzker 4550 Robert St. Grocery of 47276 it Mrs Loren Peterson 1346 Arcade St. Gas Station it 47291 of Superior Ice Cream Co. 633 W. 7th St. Confectionery of 47283 ^ Chas. E. Keenan 394 Main Ave. Gas Station of 47284 It COURCILMETI Adopted by the Council_"..._.4 941794-_ ljeas Tlays 13arf uss Findlan Approved_ -..-..._7 _ .. Parranto v /� Peterson In Favor / A.. .... ... -- - ' M or Rosen / Truax _Agai�st_ t'J Mr. President, McDonough Ln1 a .. cs Haan. ori,l.d to City Clerk ^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--_ . COUNCIL 12.x'788 rIL[ NO. WHEREAS, E. M. Skipton, Deputy City Comptroller, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commission for abatement of an assesament, plus penalty, totalling $4.81, heretofore levied against Lots 5 and 6, Block 16, Dawsonrs Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, said application being based upon the fact that the City had acquired the property, and the a esessment was bvied in error, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Tax Commissioner of the State of Minnesota grant the relief requested. C. F. No. 121788—ny .John s. rindlnn— C mptroll e,r,L has S adeeon.pl)li,.ti.a Ito the Minnesota Toa Conmisslon for abatement of an nasessmeat. aloe Pen COUTICILMEn )leas Tlays Bar{uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sill D-40 Cs 23336 P➢nen[ion u g[... d upontNoact that the City had oqulred the, Property, and the na ese eat levied In error; o therefore, be it nesoleed .that the couneu of the City i : f Snlnt Paul reeatnmends that the To i ('omm last on o[ the State of Minnesota! grant the lief requested. Adopted rby the Count•11 %far. 4, 1941. A Pprov ed Mar. 4, 1941. (17n rrh 8, 1941) MICR 41941 Adopted by the Council proved .... .. ..... . ......-- ---194. In Favor - ....... ffia _r IV ' ' --- '(DAgainst Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL rnE COUNCIL No------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—Sa� FORM Ad COMMISTED By SIONER--��"�`------ RESOLVED, That the Agricultural Adjustment Administration be and it is hereby given without charge the use Of the theater section Of the for a farm St. Paul Auditorium on the afternoon of march 14, 1941 conference; :e it FVRTHa, RESOLVED, That am amount equal to the cost oi' opening and operating the above portion of the Auditorium on said date for the abov: occasion be set up in file budget for 1942 in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ? Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. Presidentr{Fa1 _ �� IM 10.39 . ig %/`L C. F. No. 121 i89—By Axel F. Peterson— t' the Agricultural Ad- Jus[ment Adm In tra[ion be and It Is hereby given without charge the u of the t enter .action of the St. Paul A11- torlum on the afternoon of March 14, IT'"' 1,for n farm con[eren ce; be It Further Resolved, that amount, equal to thecost of opening and 00 ting the a hove portion ,f the Aua1'- torlum n ea ld date for the flbove c- �n Ion. be net UD in the budget for 1942 in Auditorium F nd No. 1021. Adopted b the Council Mar. 4, 1941. Approved Mar. 4. 1941. (March 9. 1941) R 4 1941 Adopted by the Council..............................19....... Approved.......................................19........ 1 ......................... .............In Favor ...................... //�� ..... Alayor: i,_1.....Against Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCH. Fila No...... -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That tna Women's Institute be andit is hereby given without charge the use of the theatar section of the St. Paul Auditorium on the evening of march 20, 1941, for its national broadcast; be it FU,,Tr1LR RESOLVED, That an amount equal to tge cost of opening; andoperating said theater section on said date for the above occasion be sat up in the budget for 1942 in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. C. F. No. 121790—By Axel F. Peterson— Resolved , that. the R, omen's Institute be and It le hereby given jthout charge the use f the theater section or the St. Paul Auditorium on the ev aing or March 20, 1941, for Its national hroadcast: be It Further Resolved, that an amount equal to the oost f opening and op: rating said theater section on aid date for the above o anion be set up In the budget for 1942 In Auditorium Fund No. 1021. Adopted It)� [he Council Mar. 4, 1941. Approved b1xr. 4, 1943. (March 8, 1991) VAR 4 int COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.............................19....... Yeas Nays Barfuss 41941 Findlan % \ _ Approved .... ...........1 .-..... Parranto PetersonIn Favor . t......... e ................................................... Rosen M or Truax...Agal Mr. President (12411e$/)1— Ibl 10-39 -j, orlphmal to Cies Cl.rk 1,217�i x CITY OF SAINT PA' �""—cIL "'^ C. F. No. 121791—H Axel I•'. pelerson—� OFFICE OF THE CITY Resolved, that t`he vro,.=r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE cors "' and they ars hor• auillorizmed [o enter Into an a r a comahlel, orovldg v1lYmen� PRESENTED BV Pt ! 1 _ _............._ to o .. c. DA7�, ..— ` nt COMMISSIONER_......... "'_""-"-- ». RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with August Kehler, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week daring such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 8th day of February 1941; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that 'in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said August Kahler the sum of $20.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including February 22, 1941. Adopted by the Council AMR 4C011nCILmEn t941.... T94. geas nays ���p ,! �(]A� Harfuss Approved_ ..... n '--*—t3yi-194 .- Findlan �• — Parranto \ Peterson ... ....ln Favor ;or Rosen Truax ..'_� .. Again Mr. President, McDonough ,in —. CS -.1- Origia.l to City Clrrk 1 ; 7(P) ITY OF SAINT PAUL FO ENCIL NO._. CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER PRESENTED BY ....�/V'�— _ DATE—Mar C�'1. 4 159:1.._ .,. _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is heret-y authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the ATLAS GAS & OIL CO., at a price of $ .0977 per geaon, less 19 discount on refinery price, including; state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment - 1003 -134 ' C. F. No. 121792—By M1.1ton Rosen— Resolved, that the Purchasing ,Rent hr, end Ile Ix hereby by nu Purchasing to nur- �h: with the 'on en[ of the bhrynr ndstlte I'r nlnirollel a ne tank r nrn\Ilnatel�y 5000 Kell fra "Qe Ietlded GAS ine. 1, CO..ctn ne, from the ,T L.\S GAS .G 011: (:ntPrlor $.0977 nr'r Rn lion, less 17, dicc x<•ount rennery nrlce. Incl t, 11 state tn� and stale In- iFgai an.rue to be sant ted n Tlunlci net' R9ulin forund bids, spur atDaleStreet, p—rup cy e nds where fn Ilan nxtoa u•t Ph—t liy nuld nark n hCil, lln to the hex[ General 11analx u the Glly. Chnrl;e Go neral l Fund—Munlcinal F.Iluinln �•nt-1003-13l. Adopted by the .141 ll Mnr. 4. 19T ].I :\nnrov ed lllar, T, 1 1 . 1. COUTICILMETI Ijeas nays Barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm -.o Cs a. s.. Adopted by the Council_.MR,,..4 -194194_ _,_ 1R 4 1941 Approved_,._,..,____.__._,_. In Favor ma �-!% _ Against eripind W Cllr clerk 121.7193 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU -CILFILE N() OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE BY DATE— COMMISSI NE _ _... _....,.. .. _.. .. ....._.._.--____—._.._...— RESOLVED, that rater mains be laid in the following streets in the City of Ste Paul, Minn.: Burgess Street from a point 300 ft. east of the east line of Maakubin Street, to a point approx. 300 ft. west of the rest line of Western Avenue. Hoyt Avenue from Parkway Drive to Greenbrier Street C011nCILRIEn yeas nays barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough .m n -aa CS 2333. C. r. No. 1217.513—it, R'. A. Pnn'mtto— Ile,olve,l. than n•alcr n - be hdd In the rollowing .treet, in the Ciq• or 4t. Pain. Minn.: pp iaet`r[al he enat eline of 1lf ackobin fttre�l, ^ : nint epprn.. 300 rt. \ cat oe - i i itn of n• return .we. •ri,n•t nvenne rt.rnn, Parkway nrive I. rrecpnriNr stree AJnpind h>' the Canna'❑ \lar. 4. 1941. .\pp rri�'eil Tl:tr. 4. 1:141. (\larch S. 1941) MAk 4 1941 Adopted by the Council _ .. .-.._._......__ 194.. 4 1941 APprov .........In Favor / maq r . Agains�/ erlain•I to City Ckrk @a J �I CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2-^' " �?'` counoL � FILE IN (7._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_...... .__..._..>L✓-=-.`.... .._., .. .. _ DATE__._._..._.... L_...._....... ... ._....; _._ WHEREAS, Lewis Lyle Sanford has made a-plicb!-, for rcl ic'f to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, Lo wi t: Lot 25, Block 1, Sylvan Park Addition to St. Paul; and Wiif RIAS, the delinquency Lotals the stun of j270.37, and ti -.e applicant offers to oa,e in full settlement thereof the sum of $209.15; therefore, be it RESOLVED, '1'hst the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of x10.,10 shall be first deducted from the total ea.--ment of $209.18, and tilat %.aid sum of $'10.10 Shall be paid 'to the City oC St. Pttnl in settlement of delinquent assessments i.ncluoed in the _ total delinquency of $270.37. 1' r. No. li1.94—RY dol,n s. "I whereas. 7.ewis f.y:c Rn aford has ,ale apllcatlon for relief to the Slilmesota Tax Commisslon relative to aelln Iuent tax 1 ssessments , I thr follow lag desnbcd props rty, to- x•It: 1 I.nt:, Block 1. Sylvan Park Addition 'lo Sl. Paul: and m fr$2y'0.87e 1111 the sPPBcant tells re to pay in full e,It,,m,nI thereof the ' s of $209.18: there fare, be It ; uResolved. that the Coun cll of the CItY of St. Paul hereby Pproves said Rer of settlement; Drov lded, however, [h¢t the sum of $10.10 hall b. first deducted from the total pa n rtt f $209.18, d that said f 10.10 shall be Pala. Lo the City of St. of In acltlement n[ de- nngaeat ,issessmenls Ineluded In the¢ Itotal dell -l" of $x70.27. All Pted b,• the Cou null Slur. 4. 1941. APp1'eled Mer. 4, 1941. (Starch 8, 1941) 44AR 41941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_. geas Tlays bartuss MAR 41949 Findlan - roved_ lB4_ A Parranto Peterson In Favor _ [Tl yor Rosen Truax O ..Agains(� Mr. President, McDonough Sm e-ao cs »33e WIHE,I;SAS, H. ,. `IcCall has made application for relief to the Vinnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the foilowi'n-. described property, to wi Lot 3 and East 18.50 ft. of Lot 4, Hlock 'L, 7roodbur;✓ and Case's Addition; and 10LREA,, the delinquency totals the stun of $597.51, and it has Leen stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $385.94; therefore, be it; RESOLrrED, That the Counci.l of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $12.79 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $385.84, and that said sum of $12.79 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the tonal delinquency of $597.51. COUTICILMETI 1jeas nays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, TRcnonough am s-ao cs asasa NIRF, 41941 Adopted by the Council_ _.. -194—.... s , s 5ts,t: pprove....__.._194^... In Favor , C• Again . 36HF� 121A9.5 1 Original to Clly C1rrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- UNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FOR C. F. No. 121795-13y J. �Yherana, H. G. , I!, ppl Wh... [or . : t, Tn� C• -• �!. 1 ti'. S. F9ndI; — �e dsno- nae Minnesota - d/o 'nq nt _Ing PRESENTED BY ........ DA COMMISSIONER� o• t .. -- t `!•_'i ' .• _—___. WIHE,I;SAS, H. ,. `IcCall has made application for relief to the Vinnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the foilowi'n-. described property, to wi Lot 3 and East 18.50 ft. of Lot 4, Hlock 'L, 7roodbur;✓ and Case's Addition; and 10LREA,, the delinquency totals the stun of $597.51, and it has Leen stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $385.94; therefore, be it; RESOLrrED, That the Counci.l of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $12.79 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $385.84, and that said sum of $12.79 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the tonal delinquency of $597.51. COUTICILMETI 1jeas nays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, TRcnonough am s-ao cs asasa NIRF, 41941 Adopted by the Council_ _.. -194—.... s , s 5ts,t: pprove....__.._194^... In Favor , C• Again . 36HF� oriYin.l to city clerk 1217496 96 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL H c. F, r e. l....s—ar aahn s Flndian— Where.. Mary F. Van Slyke has r madempplicAtion r- r 'ef to the Min- PRESENTED BY nenkta To, 0—ml �1— � ^lathe to Ile- �/Y1 iintive• rots on the COMMISSIONER_..._.. __-- _... [alto,. to YrHEAEAS, li! ry F. Van Slyke has made application for relief to the 'Jinnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followin; described property, to wit: (Except 7'th St. and except North 8 ft. for alley) the Easterly 1/3 of Lots 4 and 5, Whitney and Smith's Addi- tion; and WREii3AS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,439.69, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $800.00; therefore, be it RESOLVr,'D, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlemifnt; provided, however, that the sum of $'12.02 shall be first deducted from Lhe total pa;,,nent of $800.00, and that said sum of $12.02 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,439.68. MAR 4 5941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council geas nays barjuss ' Findlan �' _.... � roved_ _.._......_... _ .......----719a- Parranto I !� 1' Peterson ' ! In Favor .. _ �__..... ayor-.1 Rosen Against Truax. Mr. President, MC0onough sm '-.o cs »». G. Odpi—I to city Clerk I C Wherene?1 Se ..tion 1963-67. maaon a `A CITY OF SAINT I less Su element, nnutorizes lues to Indemnity employee of the police nd OFFICE OF THE CIToTeeXPpartmentn `her. , nu let f�uen COUNCIL RESOLUTION---(_ r.`,,` LC'1�10w., ue ,r PRESENTED BV DATE_—------ cOmml 10NER— WHERUS, Section 1963-67, Mason's 1938 Supplement, authorizes cities to indemnify employee of the police and fire departments thereof against .loss or expense arising or resulting from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage, made upon any such employe by reason of his operation of a motor vehicle while in the performance of his duties, and authorizes such cities to defend such employee and to compromise claims or pay judgments rendered against them; and WHEREAS, police officers A. Carlson and J. McDonnell, while performing their duties and operating a motor vehicle owned by the Public Safety Department, were involved in an accident and a claim has been made against them by Hymie H. Levy for the sum of $71.98; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant payable to said Hymie H. Levy in the sum of $71.98, upon his execution and delivery of a release, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation CouTi. C011RCIL[iIEIl Adopted by the Council -MAR leas nays [ftii Barf uss proved_ ......... Findlan .... .--...... —1e Parranto Peterson _. _ln Favor ....._ qor Rosen Truax (J Against Mr. President, McDonough '..isitFl sm a-ao cs aeooe 0,1jio 1 to City Clerk ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL coo Nett. FILE NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 7RESTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY —�"ti-- DATE._MBr Ch .4,,,1, ,41..__, ..... COMMISSIONER Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby aathorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, Lumber for the Department of Public Works, at a total cost of approximately $1200.00, on informal competitive bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge P.I.R. 3001- Minn. -7th St. Sewer L-4226 i C' F. No. 121798-13Y Milton R.se -; Revolved, that the Purchasing A.Fort be, and he Is hereby authorized to1�1 1-- fth or ,hese. with the ne LIt - acorn the d the Comptroller. Department o! Public ,,um s[ a total oat l npmrozlmntely '1200.00, on In- formal co petlllve bide withoutz ad Linemen" rt ergency e where fat lure vton" promptly would ork . hardship to the ben[ interests of the City. Chrtrge P.I.lt. 300 —Minn. - 7th 'l. Sewer). ].-422 a' 1941. Adopted bblar.e4 Cl�'�41�.11 Mar. 4, APprored (M—A S. 1941) MAR (941 1CourICILTRETI Adopted bit the Council __ _ 1134 geas Rays Barjuss Findlan , _ _Approved_,-_, _--._ __...,.._ _.._ _..._ i Parranto Peterson In Favor' ... ... ... - ❑Tallor Rosen 0 - l./ .. Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough 31n 3.4o cs 23335 p CIer4 Silo' P. No. 121799—B- N. A. Parran Ori Idol io CiIT Resolved, by the Council o[ the :••'INCIL N(). CITY OF or saint Pam, uvnn I -e m dni � •r the Com,Isn' ',- ,,bllc UU111 t OFFICE OF Th_ .t th, "r. ""'vl COUNCIL RESOLUTION .,:b:(ALV CSRM1:.. . PRESENTED_-'-_ COMMISSION _.. ,. .. DATE -- RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Utilitie,e, that the proposal of the Saint Paul City Railway Company to substitute a public carrier passenger bus line as an extension of and as part- and parcel of its system Of street railway in the City of Saint Paul and governed by the same rategbff fare at transfer privileges, over the following route,- Dale Street and Maryland Avenue;thence northerly on Dale street to Iowa Avenue; thence westerly on Iowa Avenue to Grotto Street; thence south on Grotto Street to Hoyt Avenue; thence west on Hoyt Avenue to Ha*line Avenue; and return via the same route to the point of beginning, upon a thirty minute service schedule, operating on week days, exclusive of Sundayat (noservice to be afforded on Sundays) in lieu of the existing public er bus line now operated in conjunction withrsaid eet from em.ofMaryls trAvenue eet railway by or for said company on to Nebraska Avenue and return, such substitution to be effective for the period of thirty days, and in the event the revenues therefrom are sufficient to pay the cost of operation thereof for said period the same shall be continued for a second and next succeeding y day period, and in the event the revenues therefrom are sufficient to pay the cost of operation thereof for said second period, the operation thereof shall be eontinued without limitation, and in the event the revenues therefrom are not sufficient to meet such cost of operation for either of said thirty day periods said proposed line shall be discontinued and the line for which the same shall have been substituted shall again be operated as an extension of said street railway systemibe and the same hereby is in all things accepted and approved, and that such substitution be made subject to all of the f oregoing conditions, effective forthwith, or as soon as -the requisite approval of the Railroad and warehouse Commission of - the State of Minnesota shall have been granted for the same, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul d and warehouse Commission hereby assents to the orderof the Railroa granting said Company or its privy, Twin City Motor Bus Company, a permit or license of public convenience and necessity or t e operation of said now proposed line of moor passenger bijpes, his resolution be conditions aforesaid, and that certified copy of delivered to said Commission and said Street Railway Company. oiany 1941 C011T1CiLIItEIl Adopted by the Council _ . _ ......-. t94.. i leas Rays `iF' W . ;} ...: •+' barjuss Approved_. Findlan Parranto • _ In Favor' -- Peterson yor Rosen 4 .Against Truax Mr. President, McTDonough IM i-ao CS m11e1.jTSLiGHL' D February 27, 1941 Mr.'W. A. Parranto Commissioner o Public Utilities, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; This is to confirm th_ understanding r_ached at the conferei:,::; in your office yesterday afternoon relative to the proposed extension of bus service into the district north and northeast of Como Park. Those present at the conference were: Representing the City of St.Paul, Commissioner W. A. Parranto. Representing th-: distri;;t to be served; Nr. Walter "7estlund, of 1045 Hoyt Avenue Mr. 0. A. Kunze, of B75 'Nest Nebraska Avenue; Mr. E. L. Masser, of 1061 Hoyt Avenue; Mr. George H. Grawert, Building Contractor, of 235 Fast Morton St., Mr. C. A. Dreves, of 853 West Nebraska Avenue; Mx . C. A. Ernst, of 1494 Nort:. Chatsworth St; and Mr. Joseph Veilleux, of 1031 'Nest Nebraska Avenue The St. Paul City Railway Company was represented by Mr. Harry Ralph and the writer. It was understood and agreed by ali present that, subject to the approval of the St. Paul City Council and the Railroad a:.d Warehouse commis- sion of the State of N:innesota, the pr.se::t Dal:.: Street feeder bus line as now operated is to be discontinu:d, and in lieu thereof, the bus operating on"Vie present Dale Street line will be operated over the following route; Coumencin, at Dale Street and Maryland Avenue; thence northerly on Dale Street to Iose Avenue; thence westerly on Iowa Avenue to Grotto Street; thence south on Grotto Street to Hoyt Avenue; thence west on Hoyt Avenue to Hemline Avenue; returning via the same route to the point of be- ginning. It is understood that theCit;/ of St. Paull will maintain the roadway on this route in proper condition for bas operati.�n. The service to be operated over this route to be 30 -minute service, the bus makin two round trips per hour. This service will be op�rat:d on week -days and Saturdaye from 6:30 A. M. toP. M. There will be no service operated on th- route on Sun.:ays. Mr. W. A. Parranto #2 The schedule of operation to be so arran6ed as t.; :aak-� as clos�- connections as possib_e with street cars at Maryland Avenue and Dale Street and at Hoyt Avenue an.: Hemline: Avenue. It was further understood and a„reed by those pr -sent that the r:b_�ve-descr.bed change in routin,; and sched.le would be rade effective for a trial period of thirty days, and that if the revenu s from the line are sufficient to pay the cost of o:eratio:. dirin..: the :'irst thirty days, the trial will be continued for a second thirty -day period, and if the rev:nues are sufficient d.rin, the second thirty -day trial period to pay the cost of operation, the op•�ration will be continued. if it is found that the revenu=s are not sufficient to meet the cost of operation daring either the first or second thirty-aay trial period, the line as extended will be discontinued. our S:,,hedule Department will make a survey in the district to be served and will mab:e up the nece:=.nary operatin.-� schedules, and we will have printe-. schedules available for the people in the aictrict in advance of the time when the service is scn duled to commence. It will be necessary for the City Council to pass a resolution approviiig the r•_-routin{ and extension of the service as covered in this letter. After that resolution has b,:en passed by theCity Council, we will file a petitio:, witr. the Railroad and Warehouse Commission requ•.-sting authority to commence the trial operation. Trusting thrt the understandin>, as outlined in this litter is in line with v)ur understanding and the understandinL of the members of the Committee from th_ district, I am Yours very truly , (Signed) H. G. Noah Vice Yresisent TWIN CITY RAPID TRA'.SIT CC. 0091-1 to City Clerk A,��(, Ji 9@ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ .. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY ^M a- � COMMISSIONER --._.—__._.mac.=. .+.. _ .!`:.Y../ .. DATE_ . . ... .. ..... ... ... .. ... ... lir: SAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the ft:,1107ing offer: NA0- OF FIRM _ KIND OF CIID__ _RA_TE WOU_RIT_Y_ AMOUNT_ BASIS_ "he First Nat. Bank City o`. Saint Paul Feb. 1, 1958 x+,000 2,25 and recommends that the council concur in the action of th., Committee in the ourchF_se of these bonds for the Particinatinr. Cert{.ficate Fund, and ,,HEi.dAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer shruld. be accepted, therefore be it, RE�OLFED, that the Mayor, the Com.fission%-r nf Fin'nncW, raid the Comptrcller be and they are heray_authoriced. and directed. to consumate the transaction. I'. F. Nn. 1'-'7800—air .1nhn s. Finrllnn— R'hrreax. the RIn ICInF Fund Commit - lea hnx ret•ei cad the [alto w'7nR offer: Nnme of 11rm. The Fl -t Nat. ItanI kind of bond, tatty aP 4nint P:58; rnte. ..fib' rnmm unl. 1litt i; r"" ,3E; ,da rc a lln that !hc Cou nrll co Ithe IPuroh:La atlnn [ Ihr Com mlttee In of III— bondx far the. : fart It pati ng C—tlttcnte Fund,and hataathetlah 1la-11 h, f .a, It eltteso•Ived r that" the I\lnynr, the Cnm- Irallernbe and lttlte• nn I�eren}•e�Cthaar- lard and dire ,j [a .....vummnte the t ranxnruan. . Adapted by the C„nunn r. 4, 1941. (Ma A ppt'aced 4. 1 1 . Sl (\larch S. 1991) LIAR 4 1941 COUTICILTTIETI Adopted by the Council_ fleas Tlays jg�; Barjuss Findlan Approv/ed� Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen _— ayor /.1 (., Truax .Against Mr. President, McDonough sm 1-4a Cs ­ ' �✓ 2nd. t 1 Laid over to — {�ted ' 3rd. & app.--- Adop Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Ba s Ba uss .n �.to indlan anto e[ oon K osen /R/osen Truax Truax 1<4r. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon f;. t t i c Er [ City Club C. F. No. 121901—Ordinance o. 92 N25— ByG, H. Bar(un'v— o R 1..an anmdinanve r,.dlnanr•a 12181 :, at,nr, ,•r i e.... .' ,i tsar, l .•uied: COW rx. FILE NO. f ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, entitled: "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of City of Saint Paul into eight Specialized Services, a Skilled Labor Service, and an Unskilled Labor Service, and defining and fixing the duties and gaalifications for the various positions within each service." The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the mtntmuln qualifications for the position of "policewoman", the following line: "Provided, however, that such age limit''' shall not apply to promotion candidatel:" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage; approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Findl- Balf5— an Parranto Rosen -I – _WgieitEisqu3� ti > Attest: / Mr. Vice President (Peterson) Ctty Ulem "�- 290 7.40 MAR 191941 Passed by the Council In Favor ® Against MAR 19 1941 Approved o-tdN! Aac__o PUBLISI-IE�+� D q 1 I i S i I k S f 2 2nd. r Laid over to 3rd. &app•�A�dopted�4—� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Ba s F* Ian l"y ar to �parranto / C.� etc n Peterson osen Rosen —T� Truax vie/noir. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon Or>ipini}t. city tx.rY - C. F. \o. 1zix01—Urafna are \o. $"_1G— O F $Y W .A. Parranto— --. An rdlnanco ndlny Ordinance 218112 \o. 607. aDGroved�t�Fcbruu rY 17, 19:16. enuu.a: w ;IL FILE NO. PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO.��" An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935;'entitled: "An ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul into eight Specialized Services, a Skilled Labor Service, and an Unskilled Labor Servics, and defining and fixing the duties and qual ificatisns fort he various positions within. each service." The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same. is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II thereof, where the) appear therein, the minimum qualifications for the positions of Assistant Market Director" and "Market Director", and by aibstituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: "Common school education, and three years experience _as a caretaker invpubl:Lo or municipal market or four years experience in a private produce or food market." and "Common school education, and three years experience -as assistant market director in a public or municipal market or four years experience as pro- prietor or manager.of,a private produce or food market." Section E. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by strikin out of Section II, where they appear thereia,_tha ae ecifieaticna for the positious of " t Director" and "Airport. Attendant", and by substi- tuting lieu thereof, -respectively, the'follewing: "Duties and Rdsponsibilitiess Management and supervision of the St.Paul Municipal Airport, Holman Field, of all activities of every nature at the St.Paul blunicipal Airport and enforcement of local and federal regulations upon all airerafts operated from airport within the City of St. Paul. Examples of work performeds To enforce regulations and rules adopted by City, State, and Federal Government. To promulgate.local field rules and regulations as required for safety of flight operations and the general public. To make recommendations from time to time for L C .' I Yeas Councilmen 'Nays Passed by t e oune� p d&W Findlan In Favor Parranto Rosen Against etI _jN[C�IJP aBh) Approved' ' -\ Attest: Mr. vice President (Peterson) (� 1 _ City Clerk - 4 Mayor PUBLISIILD - 2 - Y/ ormu..1 t. cl., ck-k ORDINANCE 121802COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. the development of the airport, its field, lighting equipment, hangars and other build— ings, and oral a nd radio traffic control facilities. To enforce contracts with Commercial Airline Companies and collect revenues. To advise with the Commissioner of Public Utilities in dealing with the Bureau of Air Commerce and its various 'subdivisions. To inspect all buildings located on airport to Insure that same are adequately supplied with fire fighting equipment, and t hat such equipment is kept in operating condition. To supervise the employes of the City assigned for duty at the Municipal Airport. Minimum qualifications: High School education, and two years experience as Assistant Airport Director (or equivalent) or as Junior Tower Operator, or five years as a Utility -man (Airport)." and "Duties and Responsibilities:. Under immediate supervision, to perform simple routine work incident to the operation of an airport; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To f ill rate and depressions on the f ield. To out grass and shovel snow. To observe and report infractions of field and air traffic rules. To do janitor work in buildings. Minimum qualifications: Common school education". Section S. That this ordinance shall take effect and b e In force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays u- Fin Parranto Rosen xPJs%---- dent (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk 2507-40 Passed by the Council OR 201941 LL In Favor Against Approved:20 1941 Mayo NOTICE TO PRINTER C. F. N.A. 121808-121804-1218oc- I COUNCIL FILE NO. -- IResolved, "I'll be d the cllY trenxur• 1 •��,:; �n• fC^ • � Ate( 4 . ... 7• --glebr tE4r 29 194 _ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S � '=—,-COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ TO 80625 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. testi iiI ,{�1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_. ._ 4R - _..— 4 .'i -194-_------r'-'- "--'- --- °� CON -0— t APPROVED------.�,---._.._._._1941 _...---194---- oo NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. -1 2181 "I4 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER February 29 1 —'---- --'- ---194-- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 85,09715—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 90557TO_80614 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE QF CITY COMPTROLLER. Arlt 4 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__.__.._... _ —'-' "' " "-"' '-' -'-'— (. • CITY COMPTROLLER 1941' APPROVED--'- ------ _------=----- � • d C� ¢ 6 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 f�L8a j3 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Februa.U—N-194 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 461.496. 12 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED Anson TO A0556 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 41944 7�� r.� v-✓ ADOPTED 8Y THE COUNCIL- CIyY COMPTROLLER APPROVED.._.. -.... ..,1..... /....._..-194_.-.- BY- d,5.<`. .. ✓-�i' -: .1.�: _t/ Q1 }n{n CITY OF SAINT PAUL 9 F� �. I I iP d DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_-.—_.._. ROLL CALL BARFUSS INDLAO . P—RAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ,. PETERSON —F8 ROSEN AGAINSTII RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE R WN�O�N�T ES C�]ITY TREASURY TRUAK TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1 -49 _1 - COVERING MR PRES MC DONOUGH — !�; h. Y� ` CHECKS NUMBERED .....�QYI/05",,_ _TO—.. INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._..._ •{ ih _. tL PER CHECKS ON L¢ ILJ� OFFgFj O/FT HH'EI TY COMPTROLLER. %vi•' A P O ..•'" :. .: _194_. I NUMBER ...... . -.—� _/i •rrn ��[v 39 BYE_ Q-7 C7 - ---------._... i ._..----TOTAL _ DATE CHECK NUMBER RETURNED IN FAVOR OF BY BANK ! TRANSFER jj DIS`HECKSENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ' 90 30� '! 8611545_541 i 711:__�_ ------ 80500 --------.---------� James Perry j 00: 80501 Boss Auto Supply Company 74 64 3 6 80502 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 27 941 80503 04 The Gamewell Company i Northern States Power Compact 3 765 35: 80505 A.G. Ettel & Company 3 600 001 I 80506 80507 Mrs. Hannah Peterson John S. Find&an, C. of Finan4e i' 14 24 108 92! 96�i 1i 80508 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanle 272 607 5011 10I 80509 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 4 194 ; 60;: 80510 e John S. Findlan, C. of FinanIs 1i 80511 John S. Findlan, C. of Fina 11 123 50: j 80512 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin 7 390 511 80513 John S. Fin�ilan, C. of Finance 187 581 j 03'; 8051$ John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 324 80515 John S. Findlan. C, of Finance 2 919 59�; 80516 Department of Education American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 57 10 931; ;j 421. 80517 272 68!: 80518 Cutler, Magner Company 61331; 80519 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 765 i 00!; 80520 Feyen Construction Company 285'661; 60521 Inland Coal& Dock Company 80522 John Leslie Paper Company 207 9711 I� 80523 Bernard J. McGlynn ':. Express Agency, Inc.; 30 2 001 861 80524 Railway 26 81! li 80525 Raymer Hardware Company 80526 Review Publishing Company ; 112 501' 641. 80527 3t.Paul Builders Material Co4pany 23 282 25 80528 St.Paul Stamp works 30 00' 80529 80530 A. Shetka Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company ]72 46 W. 571 80531 Western Union Telg. Company 685 25:: 80532 Board of water Commissioners; 1 905334 Mpls.-St.Paul San. District 17 200 00: 8053 John S. Finilan, C. of Finanie 2 007 301 80535 John S. Findian, C. of Finance `102 259 29.1, 80536 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance ;125 4 124 069 76 II i± 80537 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 980 701- 77! 80 538 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 805j9 Ballard Motors & Ramp 10 00 80540 80541 F.F. Dornfeld S. Brand Coal & oil Company `: 80 134 00;. 171• ? 80542 ® McKesson h Robbins. Inc. 61 51 801 90 80543 McKesson & Robbins, Inc. 9 181 90544 90545 McKesson & Robbins, Inc. Midwest Heating & Equipment Company 143 491; 90546 Miller Supply Company 33 651° 80547 Mother's Friend 30 00 80548 Nelson 011 Company 2*6 g0! ;1 80549 Northern States Power Companih 324 1 371 80550 Northern States Power Company i 80551 N.W. Petroleum Company 119 5011 80552 Socony-Vacuum oil Company 202 291 80553 Sperry office Furniture Com p>y 287 591; j 80554 80555 Star Photo Company Westinghouse Electric Supplyl'Company 4 516 00i 57j. 1 90556 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 149. 938 941.i� SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 191 994 11 1005352 i I ('{) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.—. ...._.. .._-- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAPERRAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS {ter.,, eeq� l PA RRANTO i Fehn�azq.. PETERSON ROBE I AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_95 1.5--. COVERING MR PRES.MCDONOUGH �y (fir" .�/� CHECKS NUMBERED �. T 4 INCLUS}VE. AS ADOPTED BY THE �0�1NCIL ._._1�L: _._ _.I' "1_ PER CHECKS 01Y 51� '(T1�THE O Fj OF TH t/ CITV COMPTROLLER. APPRgvEo ...._. Z' _IBA. cRe.T4°LLc^ — NUMBER , t i - ._�_ ....0 ..__...._._-r_ .... _._— BY—_G l:c t0 c4 — '-- _' 1 TOTAL GATE RETURNED IN AVOR OF I; BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEM CHECK ENT I, CHECKS CHECKS I � !! BROUGHT FORWARD--- 8�-1 994 11 111005352 5 1 • 80558 Hannaford -O'Brien, Inc. 137 00 ; 80559 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agenc* 1 565 55 80560 W..4. Lang, Inc. ! ! 1 797 75 80561 John W. Mitchell 197 37 80562 9ohubert Club 42 OS 80563 q. 1. Stahl Company 787 78 I 8056!} Harold F. Goodrich, C.Compr. 250 00 80565 Downey Company :1 1 00 1 it 80566 Field. Sonlick Company i 7 25 90567 A.W. Boepke 5 45 i 80568 Erochle Bookstores, Inc. li 10 00 80569 ThomaA Nelson & Sons' 62 00 00 80570 Perkins -Tracy Printing Comraa �! 80571 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 344 30 Ii 80572 St.Paul Book & Stationery Comm any 128 29 II 80573 St.Paul Office Equipment Comp y 5 00 1} St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Compan 13 11 ; 80575 Sun Rayed Products Company23 00 II 80576 Swift & Company 27 02 j 80577 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano !!26 502 01 ;1 80578 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ ll 863 00 80579 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 1 228 42 ;! 80580 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works i 404 21 80581 Pilton Rosen, C.P.Works i 261 �2 80582 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke ; 590 9 !i 80583 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 200 53 I: 80584 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 1 354 12 i �1 loo 00 1 ! 80585 McCarthy Well Company 1 635 00 ,. 80586 First National Bank 80587 Belmont corporation 13 00 II 80588 Charles F. Bruess { 70 00 ! 80589 Graybar Eleotrie Company 11 66 I, 80590 Inland Coal & Dock Company I 269 68 j: ! 80591 Joesting & Schilling Company 2 38 •` 80592 Johnson Printing Company 1 ; 282 2 80593 Lampland Lumber Company 64 1 80592 Northern States Power Company! 396 72 I; 80595 Northern States Power Company! 211 81 80596 Paper,, Calmenson & Company i 23 57 1 80597 Pioneer Electric company I 1 10 90598 Rioe street Produce Company i 1! • 80599 St.Paul Book & Stationery Comany 771 14 80600 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Com;any 485 83 i ! 80601 St.Paul Glass Company 19 07 I. 80602 St.Paul Shopper 22 85 80603 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company5 Ol '; !I g06 UnderwoodUlliott-Fisher Comp ny 1 35 I ;I 80605 John S. Findlan. C. of Finanot 740 82 80606 John S. Findlan, C. of Financo 112 75 i; 80607 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 2 553 09 I. 80608 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 106 00 90609 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ j58 73 90610 John S. Findlan, Co of Financ 9 22 90611 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano P 5 941 62 80612 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1;15 062 28 80613 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano °! 30 92 ;. so61 John S. Findlan, C. of Financo 305.55 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 95283 0011 1087160 �I a i : I � � 1 � � I 1 i j III • ('{) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER.—. ...._.. .._-- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAPERRAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS {ter.,, eeq� l PA RRANTO i Fehn�azq.. PETERSON ROBE I AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_95 1.5--. COVERING MR PRES.MCDONOUGH �y (fir" .�/� CHECKS NUMBERED �. T 4 INCLUS}VE. AS ADOPTED BY THE �0�1NCIL ._._1�L: _._ _.I' "1_ PER CHECKS 01Y 51� '(T1�THE O Fj OF TH t/ CITV COMPTROLLER. APPRgvEo ...._. Z' _IBA. cRe.T4°LLc^ — NUMBER , t i - ._�_ ....0 ..__...._._-r_ .... _._— BY—_G l:c t0 c4 — '-- _' 1 TOTAL GATE RETURNED IN AVOR OF I; BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEM CHECK ENT I, CHECKS CHECKS I � !! BROUGHT FORWARD--- 8�-1 994 11 111005352 5 1 • 80558 Hannaford -O'Brien, Inc. 137 00 ; 80559 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agenc* 1 565 55 80560 W..4. Lang, Inc. ! ! 1 797 75 80561 John W. Mitchell 197 37 80562 9ohubert Club 42 OS 80563 q. 1. Stahl Company 787 78 I 8056!} Harold F. Goodrich, C.Compr. 250 00 80565 Downey Company :1 1 00 1 it 80566 Field. Sonlick Company i 7 25 90567 A.W. Boepke 5 45 i 80568 Erochle Bookstores, Inc. li 10 00 80569 ThomaA Nelson & Sons' 62 00 00 80570 Perkins -Tracy Printing Comraa �! 80571 St.Paul Book & Stationery Com any 344 30 Ii 80572 St.Paul Book & Stationery Comm any 128 29 II 80573 St.Paul Office Equipment Comp y 5 00 1} St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Compan 13 11 ; 80575 Sun Rayed Products Company23 00 II 80576 Swift & Company 27 02 j 80577 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano !!26 502 01 ;1 80578 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ ll 863 00 80579 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 1 228 42 ;! 80580 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works i 404 21 80581 Pilton Rosen, C.P.Works i 261 �2 80582 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke ; 590 9 !i 80583 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 200 53 I: 80584 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 1 354 12 i �1 loo 00 1 ! 80585 McCarthy Well Company 1 635 00 ,. 80586 First National Bank 80587 Belmont corporation 13 00 II 80588 Charles F. Bruess { 70 00 ! 80589 Graybar Eleotrie Company 11 66 I, 80590 Inland Coal & Dock Company I 269 68 j: ! 80591 Joesting & Schilling Company 2 38 •` 80592 Johnson Printing Company 1 ; 282 2 80593 Lampland Lumber Company 64 1 80592 Northern States Power Company! 396 72 I; 80595 Northern States Power Company! 211 81 80596 Paper,, Calmenson & Company i 23 57 1 80597 Pioneer Electric company I 1 10 90598 Rioe street Produce Company i 1! • 80599 St.Paul Book & Stationery Comany 771 14 80600 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Com;any 485 83 i ! 80601 St.Paul Glass Company 19 07 I. 80602 St.Paul Shopper 22 85 80603 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company5 Ol '; !I g06 UnderwoodUlliott-Fisher Comp ny 1 35 I ;I 80605 John S. Findlan. C. of Finanot 740 82 80606 John S. Findlan, C. of Financo 112 75 i; 80607 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 2 553 09 I. 80608 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1 106 00 90609 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ j58 73 90610 John S. Findlan, Co of Financ 9 22 90611 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano P 5 941 62 80612 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 1;15 062 28 80613 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano °! 30 92 ;. so61 John S. Findlan, C. of Financo 305.55 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 95283 0011 1087160 �I a 0 0 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Febrqp.�,�p 28 1 `�.i[_ CHECKS BE D$��hW_ THp ITY TREASURY R OSEN TRUAX I MR PRES M<DONOUGH AGAINST _ RESOLVED: THAT TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SJ—l_ o COVERING CHECKS NUMBERE0,..p0y5_TO_ppQ _.INCLUSIVE. AS A I�ri ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- '" PER CHECKS ON 5J� E,?F.jHE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. . __ ... ...... .. [ ' coKv.noLL a NUMBER j r . BY /q it _ TOTAL DATE --- RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BV BANK TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT ' !I ' ' CHECKS i; CHECKS ,.41' 85 293 QO' 1087160 9 BROUGHTFORWARD 90615 Adolph Peglow & Emil R. Peglow 225 00:: 80616 John S. Finilan, C. of Finan e 29 78 93 80617 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan�e 43b 00 j SHEET TOTAL—FORWARL' 91 412 76° 1117902 77 u n CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_...._._. __ ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Febrqp.�,�p 28 1 `�.i[_ CHECKS BE D$��hW_ THp ITY TREASURY R OSEN TRUAX I MR PRES M<DONOUGH AGAINST _ RESOLVED: THAT TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SJ—l_ o COVERING CHECKS NUMBERE0,..p0y5_TO_ppQ _.INCLUSIVE. AS A I�ri ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- '" PER CHECKS ON 5J� E,?F.jHE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. . __ ... ...... .. [ ' coKv.noLL a NUMBER j r . BY /q it _ TOTAL DATE --- RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BV BANK TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT ' !I ' ' CHECKS i; CHECKS ,.41' 85 293 QO' 1087160 9 BROUGHTFORWARD 90615 Adolph Peglow & Emil R. Peglow 225 00:: 80616 John S. Finilan, C. of Finan e 29 78 93 80617 John S. Findlan, C. of Finan�e 43b 00 j 80618 Hilton Rosen, C.P.works 1 6 129 76 g0619 Chemical Sales & safety Comps�ny 15 421. ; 80620 The Alemite Company 33 80621 G.J. Brioschi, Sec. 1 00: Ii 80622 A. E. Eggert, Sec. 1 00 it 80623 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 21 34 i 8062 Northern Coal & Dock Company; 168 07:: 80625 Universal Iron Foundry 85 84 I' j I! II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARL' 91 412 76° 1117902 77 u n r 6 I F f 9 , Original b City Clerk 2.18�.'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO eNCIL NO, — O CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ... ... ._.. DATE__ COMMISSIONER_ ... RESOLVED, That all orders in the matte!' of constructing a sewer on Bradford Street from Long Avenue to a point 115 feet north of Long Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 120992 approved December 4, 1940, be and the same are hereby discontinued. IC, F. So. 1?1806—lir,mtuton Itneen— Resolved. that all orders In the ro" .ter of const-nrllnb'rad- I'.o nice Avenue on to s. ford CIreet from � point 116 [eet north of Long Avenue. I under Preliminary. Order C. F. 120992 approved December 4,.1940, be and the sn a are.hereby die-Ont, nued. Adopted by lho Council Mar. 5. 1941. .tppreved Man5, ti941911) /�y� MAR 51941 ,y� • COuncii, riEn Adoptad by the Council .-..... _......._ tea_... qed9nays n� r dss(� 1941 Ap oved __- - ----........—.--------tea dlan ,Parranto ��� In Favor � ioeterson .- ...._ .. ... _ ... _..-. - Tn yor Rosen ,�ruax . Against /R11. President, McDonough sm e-ao Cs 23339 C. F. \ 9n; �•�• ; ndtloel cit, Clzrk �sea� - 12 �.8 "7 CITY OF :.-F UIL I'a �:''• qo +cis NO. OFFICE OF '...c CfTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY lton ROS et;.•r .. _... - DATE_ M——" arch 5�1g41 COMMISSIONER_._ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public 'Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Departmenn.gmo.re for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, eptY than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RES' 0 LV FD. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. TitleNo.Hrs. `===Rate of -Pay - Name -_—_ _____'__'—___ Truck Dr. __- Bates, Carl D. 8 .�0 Bounce, William R. Road P�Iach,Opr. 8 Bourquin, Harold K. Truck Dr. 3,66� Byron, George Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 11 Carroll, E. J. 8 .69 Claussen, Edward C. Truck Dr, h 1- ,62 Clinton, John M. Kettle Fire, 10 •50 Cutrone, Tony Unsk.Lab. Truck Dr. 10 .761 Diegnau, Chester Einck, Walter T. Dispatcher 18 •50 Ferraro, Antonio Un=Y.Lab. 8 .761 Gallas, Max J. Truck Dr. 2 ,50 Glancy, Glen L. Unsk.Lab. 2 2 50 Halek, John Unsk.Lab. Road 11ach.0pr. Harper, George Heller, Walter A. Truck Dr. 8 10 •50 7 Hilger, Carl J. Truck Dr. .779 Hoen, Carl 0. Truck.Dr. Truck Dr. 10 76 Jagger, Russell Johnson, N. Alfred Staty.Fire. 4 6 '6 Kabitz, 1-aul L. Unsk.Lab.vy.Truck Dr. 0 Kelly, Amos Unsk.Lab. 8 .761 Kennealy, Joseph Truck Dr. 16 50 Knowles, Lorin J. Staty.Fire. 2 78 Locke, Clinton S. Unsk.Lab. Util.Fore.-PW 8 0 Lund, George H. Adopted by the Council.. C011nClLMEn gens nags barfuss Approved_.. .. ... Zgq ...--'--...__...— . Findlan Parranto ln Favor _ ....... —.------ Peterson -- _ Mayor Rosen Truax .. .Against Mr. President. McDonough IM a -au Cs..". 0,41-11. Cit, (11-k gy (I CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOU -CIL ILX NO vr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Sheet 2 PRESENTED BY ER Milton Rosen March COMMISSIONER—.... .. ... _.. .... DATE_.__, �• Name Title No,Hrs Rate of Pay; Maidl, Francis Truck Dr, 8 .761 Eiaurizio, Angelo Unsk,Lab, 10'.50 McKenna, Patrick J. Truck Dr, 55f McKillop, 41ex Sew.Mtc,Lab, . Michaud, William Unsk,Lab,8 .50 Oberg, Forrest E. Truck Dr. 11 .76j Proulx, Harvey J. Sew.Mtc,Lab, 2 .55 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW 10 .73 Richardson, Lawrence W. Utilityman-Fkr 9 .73 Robinson, William Unsk.Lab. 3 .50 Rose, Frank J. Sew.111tc,Lab, 14.55 Rueth, Henry G. Truck Dr, 8 .691 Schrenkler, Louis W. Sewj1tc.Lab, 8 .55 Shea, Tom Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Smith, Harvey Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Staffa, Carl Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Sterns, Leland A, Road Mtach.Opr, 8 .73 7Jest, John A. Truck Dr. 4 .691 Yerke, Max Unsk.Lab. 8 .50 Zusan, Frank Road Mach.Opr, f .73 COUTICILMEII gear i nays U55 Firydlan /IParranto !'f eterson gsen /Truax /Tflr. President, McDonough nm ! ao Cs ]a»e MAR 5 194 Adopted by the Council„ ..._ ...-.194., . MAR 5 1941 j ..�\ .Approved_ ._..... ._..._-194. _ :.....In Favor — — -- - ._.... r ✓ . Against " n Q ILL YUIILISliED 1- () An emergency has arisen in the DhPARTIONT OF PUBLIC ,WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following }Work: Cindering icy streets and hills, snow removal, answering emergency complaints. on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant. This emergency arose ty reason of the following facts and circumstances; Necessity for cindering and snow removal following recent snowstorm, opening sewers after hours in answer to emergenc calls, necessity for tending fires and watch ng equipment material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant. /4- Com.AISSIaTFR OF PITELIC WOMB Original to City Clerk 1218,08 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y 11 COMMISSIONER_.. _...... _..... .. ... _.. ._ DATE—___M>?iCh RESOLVED; That Gas Station license $5566, expiring July 21, 1941, issued to Orvil Klee at 1624 Rice St, be add the same is hereby transferred to Orvil Klee at 665 W. 7th St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Old Location. COUTICILMETl leas [lays /i5�ayf(1ss /Findlan 4arranto 4eterson -Rosen �Truax mfr, President. McDonough am ]•aa CS 23338 C. F. No. 1.21801—Hy G H'. anrtuae— N'. A. Purrxnlo—John S. Flndlnn— Resolved, that as. Stut 1.n license No. 5566. expiring July 21, 1941, Issued to Orvil Klec at 1624 Rice St. be and the sa e 1.9 hereby transferred to 011 Kiect 665 W. 7th 9[. a d the proper cit)' ontcers ggu a Instructed to make the n,.pdrL h.ncal on. in the city's records. Adopted by the Council Dine. 5. 1941. AP p roved Mar. 5, 1941. (march 1, 1941) MAR 5 1941 Adopted by the Council_. ,._., ... ,.,, _ 194__.. MAR 51941 In Favor(--.: /� ,. Isla r ._.. Against 1218 . �9 OriYlnal to It Clem cou CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO.- r+clL F,Lfi OFFICE OF THE CITY:CLERK j�♦ / &-,COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ENT.- B „ . ._ DATE___MaLCh_ 5.,._L94L.__...__..._... _.. WEEREAS, Thos. Otte desires to withdraw application 39470 for an Auto Livery license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Thos. Otte the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. C, l:. No. 12190 Bartnss—! N4 A paThast Otte deasrea to WI—r—, pato draw aPPl lcatlon ,iP170 et, ter hr etarnl �Ivery ',cense and re goes thereon. [ the l,ce es ;l tee devoslted �cere therefore, that the Proper It)' nanlV Eey a hereby thorized to be[und to Thos. Otte the fee f 110.00 and to cancel said application or • Ilcens e. ted h the Cncl Mar. 5, 1941. APopoved M94 (arch 819It) COURCILITIETI yeas Tlays fuss 'Findtan 'farranlo In Favor ,F(eterson Aosen � -1 ruax Aq.6inst /_ . President, McDonough ala e•ao cs 2333! BAR 51941 Adopted by the Council_ __- ..._194_..._._ Approved— -. " -' Mayor 01191 N to CI Cler CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION R _ ._.... . _....... .. .. ... ... .. ..... _ DATE—____.. RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: John J. Lane 453 N. Lexington Confectionery App. 47217 New Old Loca. Twin City Theatre Corp. 1543 Univ. Ave. Confectionery II 47254 it New Loca. Elmo 0. Solem 366 S. Snelling Ave. Barber " 47257 " Old Loca. Arthur F. Slater 1557 University Ave. Restaurant it 47269 " Old Loca. William D. Fritz 485 Robert St. Gas Station 11 47319 " Old Loca. Fi.di .— . A. narfu.e— .Iuhn $. I Indian—?V. ��. ppiied --t— that p d, that Iicenaea the led for Y the persona r med on the Ilst t- tnched to thg... g.o ted he •tnd the Clerk 1. to eructed rto issue ny eh IIceny up," the payment Into the citY 'tee-eavury [the required fee.. Adopted by the C... rll Mar. 6, 1941. Approved Mar. I, 1941. (March N, 1941) MAR 199 C011TICILmETI Adopted bq the Council_.,.... . -.. _ . t94_...... Leas i Aays C 194t VM 1 t�a fuss U''� 07 Ian ! .. �' - roved--'—%—'-_.." --------194.. In Favor '' f . m zx -Against /Tflr. President, McDonough ,in t— Cs aaaa. C. F. No. 121'+11 -B1 P -ruse— John S. Fin — ntn- 1M1 Orlyinol to City Ckrk4'-"'nt0UNClL v,._•, .S.h;'CITY OF �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM V ` e March 5, 1941• DATE_.._ ..._.._..._.._.—: PRESENTED RESY COMMISSIONER ......._. __._._.......... RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Cornelius Larson 977 Arcade St. Barber App. 47285 Renewal Ernest Robinson 322 Rondo St Barber " a 47294 It Howard White 429 University Ave. 2nd Hand Dlr. to 47297 11 E. H. Nelson 1200 Forest St. Barber " 47299 " Lucile Santee 350 Robert St. Restaurant " 47299 " Frank P. Conney 413 Robert St. Restaurant ^ 47302 11 Sale " 47303 11 " 11 it n It It It On Malt Off Sale Malt' " 47 301} to Bror A. Nelson 1171 N. Snelling Fuel Dealer to 47308 11 C. M. Uselmari 784 Grand Ave. Bakery 11 47316 to Victor J. & Sm Dunn 426 S. Robert St. Grocdry 11 47321 " D. E. Erickson 857 Selby Ave. Gas Station ^ 47342 " Geo. Landserk 31 E. Tenth St. Foot Peddler ^ 47344 " Harry Nemer 231 E. 14th St. Vehicle Peddler ^ 47347 " 47349 of n of n n Foodstuff Win. Zishka 19 E. College Foot Peddler ^ 47363 " Walter Stritzel 193 Charles Ave. Foot Peddler ^ 47365 COIlTICILITIETI geas Ttays 5 uss Findlan 4arranto ,7.0son R//osen Truax Mr. President, McDonough i am ado cs .aaae MAR 51941 Adopted by the Council_... 5 1941 In Favor Maxtor / _Against i PUBLIS' IED � y V r C. t•'.,)9. . 121812—Ry John 3. Findlan— A OriQin�l to City Ckrt Whereas, the Council did by Resolu- [lon No. 1?76'L:i ,r yed February 1, CIL CITY OF S/!9t1, th ana nate NO._ . • :276,0 NO.— ire Bor Is ar. OFFICE OF Tir—,_ I' k*K �" ha . It, COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- iyaNERAL FvdM PRESENTED BYDATE..—... ._.. ... _. .., .•) _ ... .. .._ .._ . COMMISSIONER___...__._.. 1,160100, WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 121523, approved February 1, 1941, authorize the issuance and sale of $275,000 Public Welfare Bonds and as the pro:Ier city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale the said advertisement required bids to be submitted on' March 5, 1941, and =,s bids were submitted and opened., examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of Kalman & Company, Stranahan, Harris & Company, Inc. and Bond & Judge was `ound to be the most advantageous bid, RESOLV31), that the joint bid of Kalman & Company, Strenahan, Harris & Company, Inc. and Bond & Judge be accepted and said bonds awarded to Kalman & Comoany, Stranahan, Harris & Comrany; Inc. and Bond & Judge at a price, namel:✓, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 1 b and a premium of $1,064.25 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds A.— C011nCILITIEn gear nays arjyss Ind n /ar} 0 iPeterson i ,Rosen �uax 'A�r. President, McDonough em 3-4e CS 23335 BAR 5 1941 Adopted by the Council_ : J41 Approved_ ._ . ....._.._. .... _ .. _ lB4_ In Favor - — - _Rayor / li Aq nst l ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bonds to be issued in coupon form, but may be exchanged for Registered Bonds, both as to principal and interest, at a cost of $1.00 per Registered Bond, plus Postage. Bonds are payable in lawful money of the united States of America, at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, or the Fiscal Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. Bonds are exempt from taxation. The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1854. POPULATION 19-10 Government Census (latest available figure)...... 288,209 The Permanent Improvement llmrolving Fund Bonds are issued against deferred installments of Local Improvement A—ssments find are a first lien upon the collection from said assessments. Phe general credit of the city is pledged to pay all deficiencies in case lite collections are insufficient to pay the bonds in full. Provisions are made annually through the budget for all debt service charges and a direct tax levied which insures ample appropriations to retire all obligations at maturity. The Nater Department has no tax limitation which would prevent the redamp- tion of bonds at maturity. This department operates under a budgetary control system. The interest and bond redemptions are fully provided for by its earnings. The value of the Witter Works which includes real estate, plant and equipment is conservatively estimated by engineers to be $17,000,000.00. The amount of the capital assets m stated in the balance sheet is based on an appraisal made in 1912, with improvements at cost added since that date. The City of St. Paul has never defaulted on any of its obligations, and the prin- cipal and interest on its bonds previously issued have always been paid promptly at maturity. 3 D Z o City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $275,000 PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS Not Exceeding 6% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. March 5, 1941 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF BOND SALE Comptroller's Office, 109 Court House, February 15, 1941. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to 10:00 A. h7., March 5, 1941, and the Council will at said time meet to open and consider bids for the sale of all or ..,to of the following bunds: $275,000 Par Calve. Coupon Public R'elfae Btmds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Chapter 120, Lows Of 1933, m amended by Chapter 48, Session Laws of 1935, Chapter 105, Session Laws of 1937, and as further amended by Chapter 108, Sc cion Laws of Mini!-ta for 1939, and Council File No. 121.523, approved February 1, 1941. These bonds are to be issued under data of DBtrch 1, 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, and are serial maturing as follows: Dnto of Bond Amount Dnte of Bond 10uturity Nuao— hiatnrity Numhern Amount M.,mh 1, 1942 Nl;,ml, 5281.5-5_ $_501 , 207G-5()03 $:8,00 1, 1043 52870-s28!1 20,1)0 I,1047 .11:11 o`i-!31131 2.4,11111) -\Ion:h I, 1014 211.000 Nl--h 1, 104:1 5:413-2-5301M 2J 0110 Murch 1, I!WS 27.0111) Nla-h 1. 1950 53on1-58189 2u,noD \I u�cll i, 1!140 52J4!)-a21J75 27.000 \Inrcir 1, 1951 5:3.00-53110 :10,1100 $275,0011 The approving opinion of Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, Attorneys, New York City, New York, and Jantes T. Dencry, Attorney, Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be fur- nished with these bonds at time of side and all bids must be uueonditimutl. Under and by the terms of the Resolution, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest at maturity on the above bonds. Rids may be submitted in multiples of 1/10% or 1/4%. Bonds must bear one rate of interest. Each bidder must accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit, for two per cent (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken, sod paid for when ready for delivery. Make checks I yahle to the City of Saint Paul. No bids will he considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest, and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery shall be at pur- chaser's expense. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Comptroller. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at January 31, 1941 GENERAL REVENUE BONDS: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Purpose of Issue: Airport Bonds ................................ BALANCF SHEET 922,000.00 495,000.00 GENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS " mom " As at September 30, 1940 150,000.00 ASSETS: 232,500.00 d6E96E Current Assets: Cash Balances. ............................... E 729,5 28.79 180,000.00 Petty Cash Balances .......................... 5,075.00 .................................. Paving Bonds ................................ Remivnbles—Miscellaneous Revenue......... Inventory—Materials and Supplies ............. .. 1,289,110.44 240,409.36 7.5,000.00 124,000.90 Budget Requirements ......................... 61,513.28 .moi5+ .. Work in Progmtis.............................368,339.13 School Bonds ................................. Sewer Bonds ................................. 4,021,090.00 xpense.............................. Prepaid Expense. ............................. 1,073.59 r� Total Curren[ Assets ........ ...... .. .. ................ S 2,695,049.59 Percent O.On— Investments: General Sinking Fund .......... .............. S 4,8(16,772.25 ,.: aqaM Local Improvement Funds.... ...... .......... 205.000.00 -In= Total Investments ...................................... 5,071,772.25 .0515 . Deferred Assets: Taxes Recrivable... . $ 3 83,725.37 .0429 .0478 Delinquent Taxes ReceNtible................... 2,110,199.6 5 Ann A.x: ,menu Receivable ........................ 412,415.53 Delinquent Assessmmtts Receivable ............. 716,833.78 .mli�a 'Fatal Deferred Assets ....................... .. .. .. ...... 13,523,171.33 dam ' Fixed Asset;: Land .10,011,300.27 ........................................ Buildings and Structures ....................... 26,653,394.08 3,350,095.74 I6quipment................................... Total Fixed Assets ...................................... 40,044,790.09 Other Asscls: Assessments ReLi gble—Tax Exempt........... S 9,8.13.67 Ubjeetiona—Ln Litigation .... ........ .. .. ... 1,418.40 Total Other Assets ........................ ............ 99,273.97 Total Assets.. . ............. .................... .. .... 554,434,060.23 -----_ LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities: Voucher; Payable ............................ $ 106,4 59.58 Nate, Payable. . - - - - ........................ 61.:513.28 -. Contracts Payable .............. ............ 80,839_,,0 t Awards Puynblt—:\squired Property............ 1,145.51 2.145.0(] Interest Coupons Due ......................... 3,0(1$.649.01 Appropriations . ....................... Paving Aid—County Aid ...................... 20,342.W Total Current LiabiR[ies.............................. $ 3,341,211.48 Deferred Liabilities: Advance Sewer Payments ...................... $ 18,094.72 . i=:.. Official Publications ........................... 451.70 : r Total Deferred Liabilities .............................. 18,576.42 .,:4 Fixed Liabilities: General Bonds Outstanding .................... $29,100,000.00 L,cnl Improvement Bonds ..................... 6,000,000.00 a :. Total Fixed Liabilities ................................ 35,106,000.00 38,465,787.00 Total Liabilities .................. .. .. ........ ......... RESERV F.S AND SURPLUS: Rrserves: General Funds ............... $ 2,685,493.47 General Sinking Fund......... 5,047,466.92 Total Reserves ........................... $ 7,732,960.39 Surplus: .�sasi! General Fund.. $ 831,721.00 Capital Accts... 11,005,256.93 $11,837,00793 Less: Local Improvem't Fund Deficit. 3,601,695.99 --Mom""Total Surplus ........................... 8,23.5,311.91 ,- Total Reserves and Surplus ............... 33 .....-1=,968,27 — 1- Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surplus ................. $54,434,069.23 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at January 31, 1941 GENERAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Airport Bonds ................................ $ 834,000.00 Auditorium Bonds. . .......................... 922,000.00 495,000.00 Itridgc Bonds ................................. Bridge Approach Bands ....................... 50,000.90 1,775,000.00 Court Ilimsc and City hall Bonds .............. 150,000.00 Fire Del rt n alt Bonds ........... ........... General Obligation (Cush Basis) Bonds.......... 232,500.00 llospital Rands ............................... 133,000.00 600,000.09 Library Bonds ................................ Market Bonds 180,000.00 Munioipal ...................... Park Bonds 935,000.00 .................................. Paving Bonds ................................ 390,000.90 Playground Bonds ............... 7.5,000.00 124,000.90 Public Works Storehouse Bonds ................ ]liver Terminal Bonds ......... ... ......... 75,(11)0.00 Surety Building and Fire Alarm Bonds.. , ....... 638,000.00 9,277,000.00 School Bonds ................................. Sewer Bonds ................................. 4,021,090.00 Welfare Bonds ............................... 2,863,0(14).09 192,000.00 $23,969„500.00 Wharves and Level, Bonds ..................... Year Amount Amount Percent EXEMPT—Special Statute -10% Limitation 5'28,000.00 Intrr-City Bridge Bunds ............. .. ..... S St. Paul-1linnc:q,ulis Sanitary District Bonds.... 4,10(1,000.(10 4,694,000.00 Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding ................ $28,663,500.00 SPE,C'IAL REVENUE BONDS: Purport of Issue: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds. $ 6,00,000.00 Water Departm-t Bonds ..................... (,,•150,000_00 Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding......'........... 12,450,000.00 Total Gross Bonded Debt ................................ 541,113,500.00 DEDUCTIONS: General Sinking Fund ((.'ash and Soeurit its)...... S 5,07 5,8(;`3.99 1941 Serial Bund Retirennont Appropriation...... l,O8.i"500.110 Inter -Cit)' Bridge.Bonds. ...................... 50x,00 uw St. Paul-Minnuupoli., Sanitary District ]toads.... 4,056,000.00' Pennuuent lan)aruv,on-at Itevolving Fuad Debt.. 6,000,000.00 \Vater Dcpt. Nct L'oadcd Dcbt.... .. S-1,801,168.44Witter Dept. Sinking Fund (C:o;h and Securities)............ 1,648,:531.56 6,450,000.00 3,170,30899 Total Net Bonded Dcbl.......... $17,943,131.01 Margin for future Baud Lssacs ............................... 14_941,1122.79 Statutory Bonded Debt Limit (10% of Assessed Valuation)...... 832,88.1,1:53.80 'Included in 1941 Serial Bald Retiromnnt Appropriation: S 25,1100 Inter -City Bridge B,lods due is 10-1L 1101,099 St. Paul -M in ucupul i, Sanitary District Bonds due in 1941. 'Phe percentage of the Net General Bonded Debt of the Assessed Valuation is. .. .. .. ... .068838'• The percentage of the Net General Bonded Debt of the True Value is......................................................... .039.115., "Bunds exempt by special statute included in this computation. Im STATEMENT OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE REAL. ESTATE VALUATION (1940) ...........................$314,336,42800 I'I?IiSONAI, PROPERTY VALUATION (1940) Chea No. 2 subject to 25% of full value......... $16,232,520.00 Clan+ No. 3 subject to 33;j% of full value....... 51,099,090.00 Class No. 3A subject to 100 of full value ........3400.00 Class No. 4 subject to 40%u of full value......... 12,281,G45.00 79,616,655.00 MONE:'S AND CREDITS-100%of Full Value .... .. ......... 179,925,4.40.00 $573,878,523.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION 1940 Rent F tate Taxable Valuation ................ $108,781,305.00 Plus, Asses<ed Valuation due to Bomesteud Law . (Chapter 359, Innes of 1033) ............... 16,853,935.00 $125,635,240.00 1940 Personal Property Taxable 19dtulinn................... 23,280,858.00 1940 Moneys and Gredits 'Taxable V:dmuiun....................... 179,925,440.00 •325,841,535.00 Ka,3P, VALUATION ......................................$148,916,098.00 1940 Tax hate—City Purposes...........................$61.27 1949 'Pax Raate—one mill School ........................ 1.00 1040 Tux lime—County Purposes- ........................ 28.013 '1940 Tax hate—Stale 1'urposcs........................... 9.65- S99.98 'State Rate Applicable to homesteads ..................... 3 1.24 .'vow._. -_........,.z.. TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT=�'� UNCOLLECTED TAXES As at find of Asat , TAS 1,1•;V]' Tax ]'car December 31, 1940 Year Amount Amount Percent Amount Percent O.On— 934-193a S81Sn1;,9000 51,3811,(195 .1559 S509902 .0576 i..�. 935-1936 8,01:5,846 55:1,515 .1105 364,783 .04aa o I03ti-1937 7,(120,4118 1188,150 .0903 635,291 392,110 356.20,0 .0515 . 1937-1938 8,296,253 .0760 1933-1939 8,179,477 576,401 .0705 391,026 .0429 .0478 19'39-1940 8,236,315 714,332 .0867 714,332 .0867 1940-1941 8,091,178' ' Tax I. ,y includes real nod persmml property. Per.'onal property taxes become dcliugwun. bLveh 1st—First Ibnlf of real property saxes becomes delinquent June lst— Serund IIair becunus dclinqucut November 1st. LIST OF BID• AND DIMMS Fm m 1273,000 PMIG MPARB 30 SOLD ON MEA -501 Btlaoahaa. Hemi• �► Cba9PW� Ino.) 1� Bond A oudo) weer, Stuart A Co. Inc. ) Blair A Co. Toa. The nrot flat. Bank of Chicago The Northern Treat Co. 9 C d"V 1}¢ Blyth A OD. ) Stern Brothers A Co. ) 1 Phelps, Pean A Go. Pails-!Ilmice� Go. 1 N..DeA�• A e•. " Nat. BstO< A Tre•t Go. 1 parlg.•ehaoihmesoy A of. Barrla.sa Ripley A go. Ino. Nsroaotlle-ComeaYoe Bak A !bust Oorgs,str, 1.6% J'a" 1, Noody A Rita dslomob Brom. -a lbttsler, New York) Harold M. Mood A C6.9 $!.Paul 31rst Mat. Bank of St.psal ) tire! Bxt. Beak A %met Oo.Mpl.s. J. b. sato A Co. i Bsnkera 'Prue% 00. j Tho'first Boston Corporitiom ) first of Mish!®ea Corp. C. �. Ashman 00. 1 Shields 6 Company ) D. J. VAR Ingen A Co. Ino Lasard treres A Go.. ) A1lison.Mlll401s CoopaoW e %weewa tl Bidder i.,ogt.2p 317.00 417.00 302.50 179.75 - 1 122.10 1.069.79. .623.00 191.50 715.0ra 211.7+] 1.152.25 - 1.2181.3 PRELIMINARY ORDER, No................ PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, t•iz.: Reconstructing. wi.th..m.on.ol.it.hi.c..co.ncxe.te.,..th ...sidewalk..on. the. south, aide..of........ Colorado.. Street. from . Soytil . R9bert..Sti set• , tq „Z i v jpg$y-on . Avanue,.. and . on..th e.......... north side.of•Colorado•Street.,frglq_Squth.Robert..$tfie.Et.,..thenca.wes.t..150..fee,;.... ........... thence west 150 feet rels the existing walk. ................................. ...................... ... Dated this ..... 4,th..... day of.................March........... .41... ... .................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing with.monolithic..concrete,. the..si.dewalk.on..the..south„side.of......... Colorado. •6treet . frost-,South..R.ob.ert. Stxe.et..tA. Lixing ,tnn..Avenue,..ana .on..the.......... ...... north ... s.ide, of_Coloraao. St•rept.,f.�P.b.ert.5tree.t,..tbance..wast.150.feat;.... thence west 150 feet relay the existing walk. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,* . OR 5 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS ?R 5 1941 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON R05EN .. ... :. .......... G `... —:'....... ................. TRUAX �:.. Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 PUBLISHED ,3 - q1 121814 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: �{econstructing,, re] ayng.and..repairing.the..eidewalk. on..the..west, aide..of.......... ..... P.aseal..Avenue.from Breda..Streat. to..Coma. Avenue_ where. nee ea nary. ..................... ................................................................................... Dated this ...... S�h.... day of .................... N[e..Irpli............... .. ............................... Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �teconetructing,.relayi,ng,and..repairing the sidewalk on the west aide of ......... . P.escal.Avenue. frAm .Brada.S.treat..to..C.oIIlo. Av()1X40 . wher.Q..me.Ge.48.aTYP............."""" C. F. 1o. 121811— A b"T't ........................................ Wh.1-' . \ w 't r p-poanl for the ....................................... maklr - �R )lnprnvem¢n[. ............. 5555... ........ 5555.. .. , having been presented to -the Council of the City of Saint Paul........... '..................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V �_'�..�' MAR 5 1941 Adopted by the Council ............... AR....5..19.4................. YEAS NAYS MAR 51941 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... N PARKAARRANTO PETERSON ' ROSEN..... .:.i^ . ...................................... ... TRUAX Mayor MR. PRESIDENT �� C ]M 12.38 PU131.1SH1:13�.1--- 121815 C. F. No. 1 Y 1818— Abatrnct \Whereas, A wrllten proposal for the meld"" of the r,.., .,,R Improvement. _d File No ............... 'Iv.: PROPOSAL-, ­.' YEMEN"'° ra nloi Ue and „N PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making oft h efollowing public improvement by the City of Saint PILI I, Wiz.: ...... Reconstructing, . relaying. and.. the.. east. Bide. o.f......... Hemline Avenue from Grand Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, and on the west side of--Hamline••Avenue•from•'a: point -3q ft: -south jf--Grand Avonue;••thence south . 21 feet farther; bmginning 21 feet farther south, thence south 3 feet, ......... ......................... en ............................. .end�on the �liort)zsid�e�of Lirlcoln�Avenue from Hemline Avenue, thence east feet. Dated this.......Ath... day of ..................... U4rjgb................ .. lU .. ................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi_.: Reconstructing, relaying..and..repairing..the..ei.dewalk.�n. .h. ...rt.s de..Oz......... Hemline Avenue from Grand Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, and on the west side ..........of Haml,ine Avenue from a point. 39ft.: eouth of Grand Avenue; thence south . 21 feet farther; beginning 2.1 feet ferther south, thence south 3 feet, ""...... 'bn"th'A"i1ir't'h"�id'e'of"L'i'ncoln Averiue from'i lYine Av nue, thence east . 48 feet. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council ............. ... ° 1941 ............................... YEAS NAYS 94 AW Councilman BARFUSS Approved............'t ............................. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ....`.�'�` TRUAX / Mayor MR. PRESIDENT ^/ I\1 12.38 q PUBLISHED Vii— 0 — 11l 121616 'C. F. No. 121816- bst PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT making ot.Ihrw b.Itract n' t P ... I f., t . iV11 n and n- , .sr t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and -taking for an addition to the St. Paul Municipal Airport the land described as followst Lots 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 11 Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 12 Lots 5 and 6,.in Block 14 Lot 7 in,Block 10 Lots 8 and 10, in Block 9 Lots 7 to 12, inclusive,in Block 8 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 7, all in Town of Brooklynd Lots 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 9 and 10, in Block 3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, in Block 4 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, in Block 5, and that part west of a line parallel to and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 59 Townbhip 28, Range 22 of lots 8 and 9,in Block 5 Lots 19 2, 3, 4, and lots 6 to 12, inclusive, in Block 6 Lots 3, 5 and 6, in Block 15 Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in Block 24 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 25 Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, in Block 26, and that part east of a line parallel with and 177.15 feet west of the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 26 That part west of a line parallel with and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 11 and 12 in Block 28 Lot 1 in Block 29, that part lying southerly of a line 50 feet southerly from and parallel to the ceafer line of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway and west of a line parallel to and 649.75 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 2 and 3, in Block 29, all in Danwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13, in Block 2, and lots 1 to 6, inclusive, 1n Block 1,Walton's Sunnydals, an addition to Sts Paul Also a miscellaneous tract in Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22, bounded by St. Lawrence Street, the west line of Block 2, Walton's Sunny Slope, an addition to St. Paul, and by the northerly line of a strip of land heretofore added to the St. Paul Municipal Airport and known as Bayfield Street Also lot 12, Block 10, and lots 9 and 10, Block 12, in F. Amble Addition to West St. Paul Loti 1 1n nloos,�t, roar part vying aonLner.Ly os, a 1-ine 5v Leer soutnerly from and parallel to the center line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway and west of a line parallel to and 649.75 feet west from the east lige of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 2 and 3, in Block 29, all in Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13, in Block 2, and lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 1,Walton's Sunnydale, an addition to St. Paul Also a miscellaneous tract in Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22, bounded.by- St. - Lawrence Street, the west line of Block .2, Walton's Sunmy Slope;'an addition to St. Paul, and by the northerly line of a strip of eland heretofore added to the St. Paul Municipal'Airport and known as Bayfield Street. ATbC lot;l�n.B30A$,j0 :and 'lots 9 and',10; 'Blook 12,._in_F,: -Amb s Addition to west S'`£.- ............................................................................ .. . ........... ...... ..................... ......................................... .. Dated this .... 4.th...... day of ................ ...Mareb,.............. .....�.., 1 �_ G/..." �'..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking for an addition to the St. Paul Municipal Airport the land described as follows: Lots 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 11 Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 12 Lots 5 and 6, in Block 14 Lot 7 in,Block 10 Lots 8 and 10, in Block 9 Lots 7 to 12, inclusive, in Block 8 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 7, all in Town of Brooklynd Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10, in Block 3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, in Block 4 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, in Block 5, and that part west of a line parallel to and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Goverment Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 8 and 9,in Block 5 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and lots 6 to 12, inclusive, in Block 6 r Lots 3, 5 and 6, in Block 15 Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in Block 24 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 25 Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, in Block 26, and that part east of a line parallel with and 177.15 feet west of the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 26 That part west of a line parallel with and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 11 and 12 in Block 28 Lot 1 in Block 29, that part lying southerly of a line 50 feet southerly from and varallel to the center line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway and west of a line parallel to and 649.75 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 2 and 3, in Block 29, all in Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13, in Block 2, and lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 1,Walton's Sunnydale, an addition to St. Paul Also a miscellaneous tract in Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22, bounded by. St. Lawrence Street, the west line of Block -2, Walton*s SU]PW Slope; an addition to St. Paul', and by the northerly line.of a strip of .lad heretofore added to the St. Paul Municipal 'Airport and'kiown as 'B fiild Street _ekel_03:and 1ots-9 and'10, Block 12, i. Addition 9>Ab!s Addition i. _ to waet�Pa - 17x.i ............................................................................ .. . ........... ...... ..................... ......................................... .. Dated this .... 4.th...... day of ................ ...Mareb,.............. .....�.., 1 �_ G/..." �'..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking for an addition to the St. Paul Municipal Airport the land described as follows: Lots 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 11 Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 12 Lots 5 and 6, in Block 14 Lot 7 in,Block 10 Lots 8 and 10, in Block 9 Lots 7 to 12, inclusive, in Block 8 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 7, all in Town of Brooklynd Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10, in Block 3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, in Block 4 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, in Block 5, and that part west of a line parallel to and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Goverment Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 8 and 9,in Block 5 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and lots 6 to 12, inclusive, in Block 6 r Lots 3, 5 and 6, in Block 15 Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in Block 24 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 25 Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, in Block 26, and that part east of a line parallel with and 177.15 feet west of the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 26 That part west of a line parallel with and 674.33 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 11 and 12 in Block 28 Lot 1 in Block 29, that part lying southerly of a line 50 feet southerly from and varallel to the center line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway and west of a line parallel to and 649.75 feet west from the east line of Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 of lots 2 and 3, in Block 29, all in Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13, in Block 2, and lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in Block 1,Walton's Sunnydale, an addition to St. Paul Also a miscellaneous tract in Government Lot 5, Section 5, Township 28, Range 22, bounded by. St. Lawrence Street, the west line of Block -2, Walton*s SU]PW Slope; an addition to St. Paul', and by the northerly line.of a strip of .lad heretofore added to the St. Paul Municipal 'Airport and'kiown as 'B fiild Street _ekel_03:and 1ots-9 and'10, Block 12, i. Addition 9>Ab!s Addition i. _ to waet�Pa - L.ii036,i.;IAJ!a2L •`1'rl ^ :: r; �., .i t'a: rp ?Ig7x •f .I G! fi--° -- =xfrrV0, ;T`36' 4.'.T-:.O.V5.^°:h.c«t �^ ..-u' . J.f ' .. , .. .. .. T ............. ................. .. .... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..................1R ......5.19..41.. ................. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved.................MAR ..........5...1.941 ................... FINDLAN PARRANTO _. PETERSON r� p A ROSEN TRUAX or. MR. PRESIDENT / R int 12.38 / PUBLISHED v COUNCIL FILE NO. 1kT$RMEI)I.l}ty 01Wtiit8 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Frading and' surfacinv the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cott.aPe Avenue, and the East and Rest Alley from the west North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley, in Block 9, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order 121444 approvedJanuary 22, 1941 The Council of.the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cotta --e Avenue, and the East and nest Alley from the :rest North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley, in Block 9, Hayden Heights, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1,525.71. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 1st __--day of April, 1941 , Ma_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and -place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—MAR 5 1941 , MAR S 1941 _ Approved 193 Cit ll kayj File 9193 or CouncilmanAblRanddm Barfnas Councilman Findlan Councilruanximmrza3m Parranto Councilman H : Peiereon Councilmantffsu=7,�---n I:osen Councilmanal * ekEi' Truax Mayor °.Rey .a 1 llr;vovTh PCIBLISHED Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. C. V. No. 1.1518— In the matter n[ Conde th- la and tnke ������ Inns , the lana s- nrYnfn- a n1�^ fn 1^e grrd' N (ilia•:: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradinP and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the west North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order 121445 approved January 22. 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the eradin and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cotta=e Avenue, and the East and Yieat Allev from the west North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and -made a part hereof, the hatched portions showin. the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-., 50.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— 1st --.day of April, 1941 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR 51941 Adopted by the Council_ MAR 51941 _c�C - File 9192 C/ Councilman 161dV6n84d'-'-'• Councilman Wfrr'i—­- Councilman Councilman � Peterson Councilman rraa n I:osrn Councilman Tru as Mayor MdMzNj1W PICIlvunugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 -D PUBLISHED - - i1 City lerke ayor C' 1'. "' 1-1819— . 1-91819 In the tier o[ changing the grade: .f the All, 1 "Iche",R..,,.age- � tent '•� COUNCIL FILE NO: _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of changing the grade of the Alley in B. Michel's Rearrangement of the South 1 of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 & 8, Stinson's Division, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established erade being shown by the blue line thereon;, also grading an surfacing said Alley from Arundel St. to Mackubin St. to the rad line when estab ed, and constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 260 ft, west of Arundel St., thlence in Arundel St. from the center line of the Alley produced to the sewer in °lair St., under Preliminary Order 121495 approved January 28_2.94_l The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of the Alley in B. Michel's Rearrangement of the South 12 of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 & 8, Stinson's Division, to, conform to the red line or, the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established erade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade and surface said Alley from Arundel St. to Macicubin St. to the red line when established, and construct a sewer in the Alley from'a point 260 ft. west of Arundel St., thence in Arundel St. from the center line of the Alley produced to the sewer in Blair St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,517.40. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --Is t _.._.day of April. 1941 A_ x, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the �eCouncil —MAR 5 1941 Approved M 193—= AR 51949 City Clerk File 9195 May Councilman tv4 iMd - Ifttriutyg ` + Councilman F.udlan Councilman Tref' ^ PUBL1SHlD U /l/J Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Hosea Councilman Truax Mayor Ma Mcli000n¢h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. MaS C. F. No. ease — ����� In the. matter t ondemning and tak- Inag an eaeement Ln the land necee- y [or xlory •y and fills in the gradlnR a of •hr. X11 In H. \• ter . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of cordemninr, and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradinP and surfacin? of the Alley in B. Michel's Rearran_ement of the South of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks -2, 6, 7 and 8, Stinson's Divi- sion, from Arundel St. to Mackubin St., under Preliminary Order 121496 approved January 28,1941 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condefnn and take an ease- ment in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the Pradinc and surfacing of the Alley in B. Michel's Rearran,>,ement of the Sostth .... of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 and 8, Stinson's Division, from Arundel St. to Mackubin St., in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing t1e fYlls,' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______l.st__-,_-...day of April, 1941 m—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement nand the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council "1'�t 51941 W 51941 — Approved 193-- ) City Clerk File 9194 ( May Councilman -d ftarfnse CouncilmarAW=�"� Findlan Councilmat ri== Z ['arrant,, CouneilmanWse1F`--= 1 Petergor. Councilman�a�^�==� iin=cn � � CouncilmanuW—rnR =� Truax /'? PUBLISI LD- Mayor t�-d0; i Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of planting and protecting shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Grie;s Street to Syndicate Street under Preliminary Order 120995 approved—December The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is plant and protect shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 105.65. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of Anil, 1941 , A93x , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvemotd teitml cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the File 9196 Councilman NNOW00M I t m tier o_ In the 1218 of Dlanting and Drotect- 121821 ing'eNrde ger' tree99 on Avenae the north elde of '. (irigga Street Councilman AWRWOC23mm to 'e 9tr� n ander Prelim- Councilman ^, 128' .oved Dece—..�, Form B. S. A. 8-6 r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of planting and protecting shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Grie;s Street to Syndicate Street under Preliminary Order 120995 approved—December The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is plant and protect shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 105.65. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of Anil, 1941 , A93x , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvemotd teitml cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the File 9196 Councilman NNOW00M BarPnae Councilman Findlan Councilman PFNFW-7� Pnrrnnto Councilman AWRWOC23mm Peteroon Councilman �" Rosen Councilman Trua: Mayor Ma? :1 1116),wough Form B. S. A. 8-6 r bPUBLISHLD 3 (fit Cl rk a or SEB GLU 9�8ID39R$N JNCILtAPPROV- 1Y FI LING TIME OF i/ — ...- 4! N ARD 121822 ^ * [)�1(� THING "t II% .�` !NG •fJJl]]ll''�`��FNII! TRF. %W 1 "' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FWNG TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___ongnin a_yi e_r.'t_r.: arc< extendin . the_ irtte.r Filli;ore Ave. Lv -akin-, and cocderlain:, a trian ular riece o`_' lard in the crth- easterly: corner o: Lot 6, 'r'loci, i',:e.rshall Addition, bounded by a lire described as follov,s: iie<-innir:;- or. ti:e nn.rtnwesterl;; line o!, laic lot, 7 feet fro:n the northeast. cornt:r tr.t-reof, thence to slid rcrthee,st comer, tt:::ncc so:,+.i'.ensterl,: aloe:.: t:1:: nort'rceaast"rl;; li:.e o.' sai% let, 7 'e ea, Y: r;ce ncrt!:vr s,c.r1Y .n coint cf be� i,nr.ic:, under Preliminary Order____11 --------------- approved____uul _1° _194D__________________ - Intermediary Order --------- 1LQ_9'L_S------------- approved____Suaz _24,-13A --------------- I Final Order ________________1 C21°_--__-______- approved____ ___________-_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the-___ - 2nd ----------- day of ------ Anri1----------------- 19_41_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --------- MAR__ 941--------- 19_-__ mw 5 1941 -.---------- 1 _ City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- File 9060 _------------------ - MONNINtzmm 80,112" yor. Councilman QN1090hoom Vt,Ddlan Councilman I,arrwtw Councilman PU13LISHE Councilman F-t`rme /­1 Councilman AUMM — n Councilman 1�n= ✓ Mayor boy XCAIDnoup RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING. ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND arm ;y 86- 3 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND 1=6 UK Of HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matterof__co_r_der_ni}__e_r. tekin_ ar eese__e'nt_for the purr_ose_gf_constructinr and mairaainin= a ;�u:;lic sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 fee:. of Lct L7, !'lcck 7, Synlicate No. 5 Addition =ron: -L`lair Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot; also conde:anin�- and taking a Cemporar;r easeM.Fmt for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 feet in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 feet of Let 27 and the v:csterly 5 feet of Lot 28 in said Block 7, fro'. aair Ave. to t'r:e allec in °lock 7, Syndicate .o. 5 Addition,. under Preliminary Order______ 1SCi'i9 __________- approved- __d2eaeyber_ . 4G________________ Intermediary Order ___________121y7 ----------, approved___,Lanuer;_J1,._1:41---------------- Final Order ------------------ 121.588 ---------_, approved ----- r-11, 1941______________ ------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House -in the City of St. Paul on the____ --2nd ----------- day of_____anri i___________________. 19_ al, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. BEAR 51941 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------- 19---- 5 1541 9____51941 - r - - - -.---- - -- - .. City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- 1 -----. File C-150vrc�_-.- ` Mayos Councilman Councilman � Councilman � Q -oEI Councilman �O Councilmanma D Councilmant Mayor 33rtw__q* 121824 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF H�EAIRIN THEREON AND F1TM = 4F4F MARNG ON THE AWARD OF D.A:1iAGES condecnin: and takir= an euserent in the lard neeesser`; f'c:r slopes, Inthe matter of-----------------=------------------------------------------- --------------- cuts and fills in the ;radix::* anr: surfacin- of t•:e .11.E in loc 7, SYnui.r.e.te No. 5 AcC-tion• :ron: SncJcate itreet to "anl'ne A%*enue REBOLGTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HE NG TVEREON ANp. FIXING. T- �!EARING ON THE 1GES. und^teliminary Order___ 12QQ9i--------------- approved___ __________-----, Intermediary Order ---------12137G------------- approved-- danuary-1=_y_ 1941__________----_, 21597 }'rue r : _1 l,_ 1911 --------------- The ___ __ ________ Final Order --------------- =------------------� approved --- Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ _3.nd----------- day of___A.ril-------------------- 1941,_ at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAR 5 1941 Adopted by the Council_______________________ __, 19____ MR 5 1941 -i City Clerk.-- Approved ------------------------------19---- r rile 9145 Councilman MOIN110,80 PbWbo Councilmant Councilman p Councilman sumJ PUBLISHED Councilman / Councilman Mayor . .". Y N.') RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING i$ IIIMON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARTNC 0', THE AWARD Ji: DAMAGER In the matter of__condel���;w_a_r. i_akbr�_a� eesezr,t_ il_ tr e_Igndeee =sgr;_ for _sloges�__ cuts and fills ir: ti:e re::'.im: anu surracin l or t::e alle in Flock 3, `iezel 714ew rror-, Guth S'.:rcet ;. c: ::ederser: Street, HEBOL'EMON OF-CONCIL APPROV-: TO NG ABHESAMENT ANO FIZING1 TIME 'OF HE n1"^ •HREON AN FIZING TIJ.:A RIN' TRE AI\'ARl• under Preliminary Order_-_ 11:_64______________, approved--_-Jlil_ 24,_1°40_________________, Intermediary Order ---------1212 fi4_____________- approved____ Pecerber_31 _1S40__________-__, Final Order --------------- 12i473 .............. approved ----- Eehruart_-4'-1'41 --- ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-- _ 2rnd________---day of ----- Apri-L------------------ 19_-1, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAR 5,1941 Adopted by the Council_________________________________, 19 ---- MAR 51941 _6A y- C----lerk--- City . Approved ------------------------------ 19---=: rile 913E ----- -- ----- -------------------------- - �� May . Councilman � Councilman � Councilman ),_0 pUgLISHIEDCouncilman �naaa�m Councilman now= Councilman Trues Mayor o VA*=. Mct)n� �10rlaln•1 to City Clrrk courvci� NO._ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' ripe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO���UNCI RESOLUTION )--- GENERAL FORMr PRESENTED BY ` ?'� Yk/ .... DAT.—-...: .-';:�..._ __._.;_.........:..._,- COMMISSIONER_ - ... _.... .. ._. _.._-.--.- EIDSMVSD, That the snm of Seven H}mdred Pifty Dollars ($750.00) be and it is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Holiday Observance Tdi d, 31 G -S, for the purpose of defraying the cost of a Memorial Day celebration in 1941, and said sum is hereby allocated for.said purpose to the Memorial Day Association, provided that said sum shall be disbursed by the City in payment of supplies ordered from the City Purchasing Agent - courICILMETI Ileas days 7�Idlan Parranto ZPelerson l.F,.c,sea r. President, McDonough ,m -•o O] diads C. F. No. 121826—By AXI F. Peteraon— B'xolved. that the of Seven Hundred Fifty Do] lsted7anddlet aalnde It Is hereby epPp Dr n an n [ f the Ho11daY Observance Fund, 81 G-B,tfo� the Durpoxe f de elebrng' the rex [nna NLLrinµnuny e In tion In 1941, Id m In hereby nllocn led [or ea�ld beatpurpoxe to the Me- i jj m Iul DuYs Asaorllon. provld ed y that hnll dlebursed bthe City InmpnY ment of suDII ordered p� from thePurchnsing ABen p�oved Mthe6C9'1 j 11 Mnr. 6. 1941. (March 811 19411 1 Adopted by the Council_ _._ .... _...... ._ ... __194_.._. MAR 619t�1 Approved_-..._._._.. In Favor -- i Against nrla01191"'1 e city Clerk V4827 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU "'CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED,6, i COM MISSI /qlam� .(� L.�'f'fG,s.vl / _. ._.._ DATE.....__._— ...___..._— RESOLVED, that the application of the Wood River 011 Company for permission to install and operate a plant bulk storage/on Government Lot 2, Section 14, Township 28, Range 23, consisting of three tanks of 80,000 barrels. each, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. e ' COnnCiLmEn 1]eas nags ipdian ,• �Parranto v, P ' In Favor eterson Against President, McDonough 3111 3-4e CS 23335 C. F. No. 121827—RY W. A. Parranto— Rr quee[— Re aolved, that the nDDllcullon er the! ml a, River 1 Company b lit t.r- .nlon to install Id operate hulk tor- �tli,n1114nTowneliD¢28mRanh 123, a8ec_ Cintlnls of three tanks f 80,000 bar nt_ ch, b and the same la hereby grant- ed, aid lankx to be Installed In ac- rdunce with the doral de clhe dlrecc ' City of St. Paul,an Moan and to the natlafactlon of the Com- ' \ `loner of Public Safety. 1941 ``�1 Dted dbY flthu r.1l' Safety. et Mar. 6, 5 prove ((March 8, 1941) re _ MAR 6 194t Adopted bq the Council_ . .. ..... _- ._ 194 MAR 6 1941 Approved CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 7 March 5, 19111. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Wood River Oil Co. of Minnesota for permission to install and operate a bulk storage on Government Lot 21 Section 14, Township 257 Range 23, for three tanks of 50,000 barrels each. Very truly yours, �C/� City Clerk. Z MAY 5 L� 11 Mr. Harry T. OfConnell, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Wood River Oil Company -of Minnesota for permission to install and operate a bulk storage on Government Lot 2, Section 14„ Township 28, Range 23, for three tanks of 80,000 barrels each. This is in a Heavy Industrial District. This application is for Storage to the west of the Socony Vacuum storage plant in Shielyls Query. The Board of Zoning recommend that the application be granted. D-rh Yours very truly,��L� �FREDERICK DEDO LPH, Acting Engineer Secretary. THE BOARD OF ZONIN-G Fkb r2 Establkhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1944 c a TAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �Q s ?79 COURT HOUSE ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI Chapman March 5th, 1941. AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BAS'_FORD, C;'y A,ch—If GEORGE H. HERROLD, F.q;n S--,, ' Mr. Harry T. OfConnell, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Wood River Oil Company -of Minnesota for permission to install and operate a bulk storage on Government Lot 2, Section 14„ Township 28, Range 23, for three tanks of 80,000 barrels each. This is in a Heavy Industrial District. This application is for Storage to the west of the Socony Vacuum storage plant in Shielyls Query. The Board of Zoning recommend that the application be granted. D-rh Yours very truly,��L� �FREDERICK DEDO LPH, Acting Engineer Secretary. CITY OF ST. PAUL % TRIPLICATE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA Ap I) LI CATION is Hereby Made FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOC.TED ON ....ALSO DESCRIBED A.- A. TA-.. TANK -- NO OF PUMPS NO OF CAPACITY OF EACH T FILED .Y RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY EI -ER RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DATE G A -Y PLANN-A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Res. Phone SIJ Office Phone 595 • C. J. MATTLIN BUILDER OF HOMES COMPLETE WASHED SAND, GRAVEL, CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK ..d GENERAL CONTRACTING White Bear Lake, Minn. C-itv cr-af-cil, er:' <-. S I. I Vic, herety request --f the City �0- the erection -f hrp-e ei,'Inty t ! �. -tnn,,�e for thous-nd -,_rola ca L' -- Te:-.ne&sae, rr. int Oil 0(lil-c'ny pl.,_s .,,-ve cee,. j-,-,rcved cY -'-r- C-Aef I :-`ct'r, Fire e !-w r t If, t T,< -,r',, tc' st:�,rte,� ir!.- 't a.edi�Ltely i ernA i.-3 ver, truly, _2 I C r - 'NA N, r1 i0\0 0- 41 \� Ist— L —_ 2nd. t Laid over to 1 3rd. & app. ' Adopted Yeas Nays , Yeas Na BB�rluas i a¢uas Findlan /Parranto . indlan -,<arranto n^ /Peterson �e�ter�on /Rosen .Rouen ,Truax / Truax Mr. President Fallon /Mr. President Fall orlylo.l to City Cl.rk C. F. No. I31s2y—ordinancr No. N"-"-7— r, O R D 1 P ceamend nce By Frrd.,t. ' -121828 An ordinannmending OrdinaNo.: ' 5810, ntl tied •an ordtnanee n - tee ournoae INO. of prom tln^ •h• ubll�?alth, �(. 1,t•�C aat.t.,. n d o .G pert: LC,t . .. �I: � � .., GJJI� tiy�`E.t'.kNCEr N0. PRESENTED BY / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction .of 'the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and deter- mining the minimum also of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the bound - arses of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINi Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as mended be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone iota 7 to'12, Block 6, and Lots 1 to 6, Block 7, Elfelt, Bernheimer d Arnold'i Addltion,`tbeing both sides of Fuller Avenue from Western Avenue to Virginia. Avenue, in a "G" Residence District, instead of "B" Residence, as at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health.and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: �f _�G, I/, City Clerk aso r•1a APR 2 1941 Passed by the Council LIn Favor Against ved: APR 21941 Mayor 9 6 PUBIISH)✓D �Y,-- 23-4L� 1 r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota t OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration -qpore) March 5, 1941- Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition for the rezoning of Lots 7 to 12, Block 6, and Lots 1 to 61 Block 7, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition, being both sides of Buller Ave. from Western to Virginia, from "B" to "Cu Residence District. Very truly yours, City Clerk. !� MAR 5 - 1941 CORNRA CSL' SEI Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u'i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of petition of Frank Plonty, 353 Fuller Avenue, et al to rezone Lots 7 to 12, Block 6, and Lots 1 to 6, Block 7, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnoldts Addition, being both sides of Fuller Ave. from Western to Virginia, from "B" to "C" Residence : There being a number of large old houses now used for more than one family and as the district embraced adjoins a "C" Residence District, the Board of Zoning recommend that this petition for rezoning be granted. D-rh Yours very truly, FREDERICK DEDOLPH, / Acting Engineer Secretary. s THE BOARD OF ZONING y2 Fk Estibhwhed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 779 COURT HOUSE f ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Charman March 4th; 1941• AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN ' EGIN WAHMAN CHARL&S BASSFORD, C;ry A,:h;e 1 GEORGE H. HERROLD. En g.necr Secre�e:y Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u'i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of petition of Frank Plonty, 353 Fuller Avenue, et al to rezone Lots 7 to 12, Block 6, and Lots 1 to 6, Block 7, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnoldts Addition, being both sides of Fuller Ave. from Western to Virginia, from "B" to "C" Residence : There being a number of large old houses now used for more than one family and as the district embraced adjoins a "C" Residence District, the Board of Zoning recommend that this petition for rezoning be granted. D-rh Yours very truly, FREDERICK DEDOLPH, / Acting Engineer Secretary. JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneso DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier February 14, 1941. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 7 to 12, Block 6 and Lots 1 to 6, Block 7, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Add. being Fuller Ave. from Western to Virginia from "B" Residence to "C" Residence District and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, ?jc hnS. Fi>amissioner of Finance. Feb. 25th, 1941. To tho Council ri' tile Cit: 0` St. Pn!11: :in= o-.%ncir af So,:th of' Lots L9 an,: 30 (exCE-Ft. thU �.f"Ith A fleet), 4r, :O—cck '17, :.'ackublin .- :'ars'nalll's A:!r-tioll to w'ki!irl 100 feet pror- rt:., sou -ht to b,, re-zc-n,id t,� Class C. ?,e�:;:ci-ce ,*P. ,4z: iot- s��' of Fullor A-:enue betvicer Aw . enc: 'V4r-r�.nia W To the lionora'ue, The Cit? Council, st. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen t, PIMI, Minne::ot.i:. P. E ?• G N I N G We, the undersigned owners of V%O-thirds of the sevorel descriptions of reel estc.te situated Within 100 ft. of the real est:,+e ai'i'ected, have vs#. ownr+rc.-of 569 nr-mnro of etre .�`••.•••+.,..., +.. ��-r^_ pi �Eiesced h1 MMonnyyour Honorable Body to change the fol lo•xing desc: it b -d property 13- N rl fro- e (���gtistrict to a ���`'C� istrict. This petition is maur:: ade ua.': to Section 23, ordinance No. 5840• ulitl: Lot Block Addition 'MCC, :: /;• ; � � ,'„ ? /�/.�( _ �'"' :i y Stafe of Ma ) ::S / O County of Ramey ) _being First duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person w, circulat•;d the vdthin petition consisting of page that the parties described abovf ar: the owners respectively of the lots pl.ced a �nl.Iowin,each nemay th.nt this petitlon'wns signed by ee.ch.of said ;rend yhav the- StFrU Urex... 3 Bove' nra the .' r true end correct signatures of ec+ch rind all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me t1lis_/6 day of o ((//40 AMC Nay Public, Ramsey Count , inn ?Ay Commission •t". ires F Noia . Yub'iic, Rwn qr xtmty, Aim. �I ' • Corot-:: ;•:io,• rni; •� Pat 25. 1942 _. f ilk I I- Rio '� St. FaW >c ' Say. & Edon Awn., G+;�e-C. Q ..r X5°9- y-s'I Jacob c �owing CompmT, G} .11C0. lin— -Br0v,'lIl., COapanh 4v L72 see. ihco, IIarla rro ink C0�2 ny, D "' UNITEDINCORPDASTEDRr 4!v By..., 6A 3 7� 27� C R F. No. d,ZbyS t6 eCo nctl Tff the aCitY 1 n ¢ "14 orlRm>I to City Clerk 'CITY OF S of 9aInt Paul, uc •� •tne r anderatnoer :a NO._�— oof the . P"I of • w �t OFFICE OFT f the ae geotioa tA. 7RM IL R SOLUTI0 recoli to - — -- - -- - _— PRESENTED BY ...- V�'VN•j ..' DA —....—...--._ ....—_ TE COMMIS`510NER—.__. ... .. .. —.__-: Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon RESOLVED, by the due consideration of the pp appeal of C. G. Aderman, owner of the real estate affected, to Section 20 of Ordinance pursuant No. 5640, n a amended, f or leave to rggladel a-nd reconsv&11d a non-oonforming building aontainin$.conercial use, at its inception, So as -to provide separates accommodations an o s for two families within the second story Which additional garage stall at the rear of sed d building, addition is located upon the real estate described ae Lot 11, buildingBlock 2, Cloverdale Addition, cononly knO�andaupongduescion- Maryland Street in the City of Saint Paul, in sideration of the favorable rep totthe latisfacti n of the Board of the the premiies, and it appearing be varied Council that -the provisions in said ordisanae bay In harmony with their general intent and purpose the relief con- sistently with the public welfare so as to gr sought by said appellant and that in order to avoid unnecessary hardship and to promote substantial justice such should be done, therefore be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the relief sought by said sdonappellant be and the sawerand Publlented and Blzildingahat the be and he hereby ie of parks, playgrounds authorized, upon due application therefor, to issue a building permit to said appellant for the aforesaid now proposed re- construction andremodelling of said building. MAR 61941 794 Adopted by the Council- CounCILmETI Ileas nays MAR 61941 Approved_.......... � iI ", nto . In Fauor �Pe son -,.Against, "�Erna% l PUBLISHED /"r. President, McDonough ,in ".o CS naaae CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �\ Capital of Minnesota A OFFICE OF CITY CLERK l+ % HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 5, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Cotmoil requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of C. G. Aderman for permission to remodel his store building at 1076 B. Maryland St., as more fully set out in the attached file. Very trufy yours, / City Clerk. MAR 5 - 1941 CORPORA HON COUNSEL Mr. Harry T. O+Connell, City Clerk, Bu l Iding. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of C. G. Aderman for permission to remodel his store building with a flat above at 1076 E. Maryland St. so as to provide for two apartments above and an additional garage stall in the rear. (Lot 11,#lock 2, Cloverdale Addition). A petition has been filed by interested property owners agreeing to the granting of a permit to let the building stand in its present position and to remodel the upper floor into two apartments in conformity with the plane submitted and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. The Board of Zoning reports favorably and recommend that the appeal be granted under par."b" and/or par."i" of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, FREDERICK DEDOLPH, Acting Engineer Secretary. D-rh encls. l THE BOARD OF ZONING 'r.subhshed by Ord-- No. 5840 July 7th, 19122 p '� ;AIN1PALL, MINNESOTA �e a 279 COURT HOUSE „ ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI. Chelan- March 4th, 1941• AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES SASSFORD, Coy Arch.—I GEORGE H. HERROLD. Mr. Harry T. O+Connell, City Clerk, Bu l Iding. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of C. G. Aderman for permission to remodel his store building with a flat above at 1076 E. Maryland St. so as to provide for two apartments above and an additional garage stall in the rear. (Lot 11,#lock 2, Cloverdale Addition). A petition has been filed by interested property owners agreeing to the granting of a permit to let the building stand in its present position and to remodel the upper floor into two apartments in conformity with the plane submitted and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. The Board of Zoning reports favorably and recommend that the appeal be granted under par."b" and/or par."i" of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, FREDERICK DEDOLPH, Acting Engineer Secretary. D-rh encls. l City War Wr =Omw to a y 2r. Kot am i cQlad on vou in r, -%r i to r, sonwS lot on E. Earyl �n 1 m. ., to 0 in t:.o :'-. vz,a womwYcl-I Wildin: vitK A& - -ove; Vm 0,.OItim to Vt o r,..a! .1 ith ouL -�"oni. ;, livi in S"Co %1 7100- W10 t -o xl,�ntq �Aw. Ls 00 " hu'. 1 LuAQm%In Lhis " little, 0. 13 YNo 00 .n i'.. "I r 2:r im, h.r n Om i. th- 1,01C of It ch,A "mal of "posonts. �o on., 1. '01 70, rcil VA., con%LY- dion o"Y hu -Ym.f A ' 1. THE BOARD OF ZONING Eztablithed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 71h, 1944 SAINT' PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT, HOUSE February 26th, 1941• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, C161— AUGUST HOH ENSTEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD. C;fy Arch;fecf GEORGE H. HE Egincer ecROLD. Sret ury Mr. Harry T. O*Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of C. G. Aderman for permission to remodel his store building with a flat above at 1076 E. Maryland Street so as to provide for two apartments on the second floor, we request that this matter be laid over for one week, namely March 5th. Yours very truly, Frederick Dedolph' Acting Engineer Secretary. D-rh To the Honorable City Council Gentlemen: City of St. Paul, Minn. I hereby appeal to your Honorable Body, under Paragraph (b) and/or Paragraph (i), Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, for permission to remodel my store building with flat above on Lot 11, Block 2, Clover— dale Addition, also described as 1076 E. Maryland St., so as to provide for two apartments on the second floor. The outside of the building will not be changed except that I desire to construct an outside enclosed stairway on the west side of the building. 'i'�:'�310 A110 b.lQc !TH " I.NIVS bt ZI Wd 01 8331761 N83 1) 03113 ;110 3u 301330 Very truly yours, P E T I T I 0 WHEREAS, we, the undersigned, residing in th"immediate vicinity of a building located on Lot 11, Block 2, Cloverdale tion to City of St. Paul, also described as $1076 East "aryland Avenue, which -is a non -conforming building in a residential district, did oppose the granting of a permit to remodel the building into an apart- ment building unless the owner agreed to move the building back to the established building line and did also oppose the rezoning of this property; NOW THEREFORE, we do now agree to the granting of a permit to the owner of the building to let the building to stand in it's present position and to remodel the upper floor thereof,. which is one large apartmento into two apartments in accordance with plane submitted to the undersigned and which are attached hereto. /� R To the honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Centlm. en St. Paul, Minnesota :firG . 16 1940. N being first duly sworn, deposes an-- seys that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of�aRL'_ ; that the ?attics described aUov«: arc the owners respectively of the .1`0ts p1.rie irmadiately following each name; that this petition wns signed by each oi'"osid ovners in tilt: press.:nce of this afa'i„nt, ;,nd ti,^' til, sign1 turF::; above are t.`.e true •md correct si�tetures of each rand all ra' the pP,rties so e scriY,=r1, ,�ubscribed.Fed sworn to b[:fore me this dny of Plote:ry Public, Remsey County, Minn. :V!y t;o"u.^.ission expir::s Ry,'DNING Vie, the undersigned situated within nwners of two-thirds of the several descriptions 100 ft. of the re^.1 estate affected, have of real estc:te acmiiasc,.d herein, ind w(-., own,,rs of 50%or more of the frontage to ba ro- ?ionorable Body to change the following des;crib:,'. el^ssifind, petitiun ,your property St. Paul hUnn. Lot 11 B1 , owned by Chas G. fvm 11A"Residenddstrict, to a (QMMB12ri aJ District. --- This petition is made Dursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840• Record Owner Lot Block Addition Q 11 2 Cloverdale Z/ State of Minnesota ) Sc* State County of Ra:asey being first duly sworn, deposes an-- seys that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of�aRL'_ ; that the ?attics described aUov«: arc the owners respectively of the .1`0ts p1.rie irmadiately following each name; that this petition wns signed by each oi'"osid ovners in tilt: press.:nce of this afa'i„nt, ;,nd ti,^' til, sign1 turF::; above are t.`.e true •md correct si�tetures of each rand all ra' the pP,rties so e scriY,=r1, ,�ubscribed.Fed sworn to b[:fore me this dny of Plote:ry Public, Remsey County, Minn. :V!y t;o"u.^.ission expir::s is l j�{� (j #(j 1 St. Paul, Minnesota rlus. 16 1940. To tho honorable, The City Council, st. Paul, Minn. Cantlemen : REWNING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated waithin 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced hr.roin, nd wr<., own-.srs of 50%, or more of th•i fronta : to ba r;:- cl^ssificd, petition ,your Honorable Body to chonge the following doscrib�:d Prop+'-•ty : Lot 11 3lock 2 Clov .r. .;le it ion �. - inr.• of . from 't a"R side_c istrict to a Co ,-Aal District. This petition is made ours+cant to section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. F,erord Owner Lot ` Block Addition /1—,.. - Cloverdale - state of Minnesota ) s❑ County of Ramsey ) being first duly eviorn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of_paec._ thst the'^arties described above arc the owners respectively of the lots p?.ac it -mediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said otime.rs in the, presence of this affiant, and thAt. the signatures above are t'e true •.end correct signatures of each ,nd Al of the parties so GescriLai. Subscribed rand sworn to before me this dqy of Not.,,ry Public, Rsmsey County, Minn. ply Commission expiras f St. Paul Linn. au. 16 1940. the undersigned, and -nei,—,-*hbors of the immediate vicinity, owners of t'. -.e real estate dr --scribed folio-ainS each name, have acquiesced herein,and request that this petition be granted: Name Lot Block Addition Address 2 - LR 6-41 p4 Drug � Grocery ' Store Store EARL St. 66 ft Aide 1s 17 16 15 14 Filling 187 Station Church Mary E. p � � & roro Bens & m w Frarrage H Alley 20 ft ^ride H L7 ett C.1. i��1 19 Tax Del. ro r-� 191 G o e,,,- Tax „- Tax Del• e ri r man 1J. C1�orl 10 my 2 _ 4 IQ l o c m D.Youngman 9 d o 2 arro y1- cn 21 �_�— I.J 22 ” '2 .a �+ F • ' ride r,,. °� 23f W4t4, (�[ 23 r� WiTr 7 o Srn�q UNeRMRiY 6 Pµ. 24 ecFR � �x �5 NElSoN 5 25 2 civ Fff N NC4se,y 4 26 27 °tet 1...-1 �R+s` 3 �7 'fes 2 28t- 2p f- oe p S �91:�, =1 RAMSEY COUNTY OFFICE OF LAND COMMISSIONER JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER LEONARD C. SEAMFR. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER. 286 COURT HOUSE TELEPHONE GARFIELD 4612-350 �s RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA September -.1, 1940. Njr. G. G. Aderviann) 1076 E. I..Iarylan6 Stri,et, St. Paul, htjnnesota- Debr Sir: From aexi�miin6tioll Of tl:e ��etjtj()rj "or re�,Onilig Lot 11t ' ' - , t� the writer it few ai'O, Block 2$ Cloverdale, w"icli :101, ;jreBe:jte(, JL — vi`+!1y it ar,iear-.. nerr z,ra 11� lots 'L)6 feet w:11cl; 4'r e F, ioners, ovmed' qojic,,j would ,%ean trat, before the bo&--(. of County Gol;::Ii , vionla join in on the -)ptition, you Woulu be requir®O to F7et Ll- parcels signed for. From note, taken fro!:. your Petition, it ep,3ears tn-t '.O� ' s .-r Lot q, block 2, Cloverdale, s-�pneG for by �-!F.rne6, for. Howew. Frank 11 �Iov; the . Fred P. Berndt while the records �3 -11 ;,,.e to be - cwne�i b� -oil to I,110 Dn::-.a p. iowntiend. It will� therefore, be recess_--ry for Bernat obtain one ::,ore t�ir�njture anci iso submit. evioence that Frea au -n tne -etit.ion before the. 1,Aitte'- c�'n c.c. Flibulit.t.ed hau thority to bii, - i to tyle bot.rd of County C_oni,iEEionerb- v,ry truly :,,O-', Mmu Lam (:ojrj.,,jss4_or,erI6 Office. EAf. c J Oripinar W City Clerk C. F. Nn. '121830—Ry Fred M. Truax— 1 ,,, E Nherene, the C..-i.sioner f Parka, V n CITY OF SAINT Ptaygr... d3 nd Puhun Building. na3 reDerted to the Conncl'.,. that the Karn OFFICE OF THE C F".1 l.r" a ° '- Bn hlI .. ' O•- K... .� - w COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- ©ate. cRAL FORM N PRESENTED BV Iilruex:^f... 1 i�. ,( COMMISSIONER_.—. �R. LY1! .......,_ _. .. DATE _._—___ - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the barn on Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Bohland's Edgeumbe Hills, bn Yolants near Howell, is In such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisabil- ity and necessity of wrecking said barn, on the lot day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place, and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. (..L MAR 61941 COUTICILmEn Adopted by the Counoil_-. _194._ - ljeas nays Ta dan A oved-._. ..--' ------'-----194.ranto ' Peterson .....In Favor lKLosen / Mayor �l r x...Agains4 ..... -- �ZP".ident, McDonough PUBLISHED 3 3M ­0 CS 2333. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration '4w°@ March 4,1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that You prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation Of the barn on Lots 6 and �, Block 4, Bohlandrs Edgc=be Hills, on Yolante near Howell. Very truly Yours, City Clerk. J MAR 4 - 4,94; co ',j' CHAS. A. BASSFORD ERNEST W. JOHNSON City Architect W. LA mQNT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, DePu1Y CommMion" March 3, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. haul Centlemen: This is to call your attention to the dilapidated condition of the barn on Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Bohlandts Edgcumbe Hills, on Yolante near Howell. This is a large two story frame horse ban,dilapidated, dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The reco-d owner is State of Minnesota, c/o John s•=''ind- lan, Land Commissioner. A Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly ye Set a hefor the hearing condembuildination action in accordance i LAR. IJ Yours truly, Architect 181,31 C. F. No. 121881—By Fred M. Trur> Nhcrona, the C...1 al onor r Parka. I 0,1p1­1 to City Clerk PI... .0. :., Puhlir Bulldinga Itna reported to tl••; r.•�nrll that thr n CITY OF SAINT rad nue-parr n in th,.LO. OFFICE OF THE Ins ao +n A.T-''�d9 sireet r \Yllle•rr COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1 doted a 9\P I CORM PRESENTED BY Truax _ / .�� 1 f ... DATE CQMMISSIONER_. J/�'''`''�`hr Y +,t A'- 1JEU:IEA8, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the one and one-half story frame barn in the rear of No. 221 Richmond Street, on the south 33 feet of Lot 6, Block 4, Wills's Addition, is in ouch a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisabil- ity and necessity of wrecking said barn, on the lot day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also oause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publi- cation in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. MAR & 1941 C011TICILITIER / + Adopted bg the Counoil.,_. v leas nags 61941 8—fasS_ proved' 194, Findlan Parranlo In Favor Peterson ' ' _ -' "" -"' Mdgor Rosen Truax .Against/ pUBLISi-ICD Mr. President"McDonough .in D-ao Cs ]JDJe CITY OF SAINT PAUL�.�ta Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Ca ' Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: March 4, 1941. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the vacant horse barn at the rear of 221 Richmond St., described as the south 33 ft. of Lot 6, Block 4, Willers Addition. Very truly yours, / T City Clerk. 1: ECEI FU MAR 4 - 1941 C11R` ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of Playgrounds City Architect • Supt. of Perks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner March 1, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: cois ooffetheivacantihorsecbarnaatttheerearvofthe 221 Richmond Street; described as the Oouth 33 feet of Lot 6, Block 4, Wills's Addition. our inspector states that this is a one and one-half story frame barn, twelve by fourteen feet. It is out of plumb, rotted through, afire ton ce, and di lapidnd ted be- yond repair. It is dangerous adjoin- ing property and a Danger Notice has been posted. The property is under the ownership of Santo and Marie Dalmonto, 221 Richmond Street. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code covering condemnations. LAR..0 J i y913r s truly, City Architect I1rI,hIe1 to City Clerk C. °' No. 121832—fay Fred M. Tr uux—I WheCggaaee tae Commfealoner of Parke, CITY OF Playt T. 18 a ed Public Bulldingn han ctt. evertea to 'h r: ueou that the la NO. OFFICE OF blacknmlta ew•, rear et elz 1 South WAbe COUNCIL RESOLUTI Faire-ld 54,r R.!."4• �y PRESENTED BY tli COMM ISSIONER__rwax ._.. /p`'.`�. [{L•.,/ 1VJ Vtti.Q.yy ---.. --.- - .— ..._..:—__..... ....-._ __-_—}-.-- .-__.,_. ... •.. ._.:--r - .._—.....__ _____. __ _ __. _. _. _._..—.. _..___.....____ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the old blacksmith shop in the rear of 212 South Wabasha Street, facing West Fair- field Avenue, on Lot 1, Block 180, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore., be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisabil- ity and necessity of wrecking said building, on the lot day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known ✓j record owner of said...property, at his last known address, or to J� the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lase than five days prior to the date of said hearing. counciLmEn Adopted -by the Council_ , MAK.......6-N19k... 1 eas nays --ate-- � 194 Findlan I/ Proved_., Parranto Peterson ._._In Favor Tnayor Rosen C Truax .. .. _ Against PUBLISH) D Mr. President, McDonough .in n... CS -31. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �to HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration fir@ March 4, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the old blacksmith shop in the rear of 212 So. Wabasha St., facing West Fairfield Ave., on Lot 1, Block 190, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Very truly yours, City Clerk. MAR 4 ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA•MONT KAUFMAN Shpt. of Playgrounds CityArchltect i Supt. of PaM 1 CITY�OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commts lonsr March 3, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. ?aul Gentlemen: The Fire Prevention Bureau hRs recommended for condemna- tion the old blacksmith shop in the rear of 212. South Wabasha Street, facing West Fairfield Avenue, on Lot 1, Block 180, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Our inspector reports that the shop is vacant, in very bad repair, open, out of plumb, falling apart in the rear, and in general in very poor shape. It is beyond repair and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining proper- ty. The property is under the ownership of Annie Monsour, 322 Alabama Street. A Danger Yotice has been posted. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building, code. ours truly ��t y Architec LAR..?T C. F. No. 121833—By A el F. Peter-- Wherena, the Comm lsaloner of Edu- 7 _.� Oripl fl 't.'City Clerk cntoetlalne wlpnr•ed 'ol tht of he ICity I • CITY OF S charter u, ergency ?LNO._ w elch • ,,.... mP• OFFICE OF T at of �. .". .• COUNCIL RESOLUTI .;R AL FORM PRESENTED erAXe1,F. Peterson.. tMarch 5, 1941 COMMISSIONER_._... .� .:WU.1t/DATE_ — WHEREAS, the Commiss.sonee of Education has r.eborted to the Council in accordance with Section 5qr of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his. department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor. be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes., at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for.extra time hereinafter set forth: RATE TOTAL NAME TITLE TIME Arlington Hills Branch Library Janitor -En ineer 12 hrs. William Green g .63 $ 7.56 Hamlin Branch Library. tt „ .23 " .63 14.49 William Kading Merriam Park Branch Library n tt 10 " George L. Davenport .6'u 6.30 Riverview Branch Library n " 32 " Rudolph J. Polanka .63 20.16 St Anthony Park Branch Library tt n 6 " .63 3.78. Patrick F. Hickey It n 4 Is .63 2.52 Au Pu et T. Schwartz (From Main Library. Mr. Schwartz substituted for Mr. Kading during his illness on Feb. 16 and 23) (Overtime for month of February) MAR G 1941 counciLITIEIl Adopted by the Council _............. .-..-_._._ t94._.... yeas hays vAk G 1941 --iie�rf ess / Approved ---- /rarrantD In Favor /Eeterson Magor',! Agaipst YIJBLISI.IED _Ar. President, IIlcDonough 3M a-eo CS 2333. I FORM N_0. 1 March 5, 1941 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necosaary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: keep Arlington Hills, Hemline Merriam Park, Riverview and St. Anthony To Branch Libraries open and to clean buildings:' This emergency arose by reason,of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keep these buildings open on account of special act ties at bui din s. This.roport is in accordance with section 53 of the Charter. Librarian PJ-P.B C. B'. No. 121834—By Axel 11 Petoreon— Wherena, the Commlealoner of�' nrl,(n.l to City Cork entton hne reported to the Council In accordance �'I[h S• ;tion 53, of the City34 CITY OF SAI charter .he merw ney OFFICE OF THE C. i "' ;K� .xua'•+ ' ''--' SER_COUNCIL RES PRESENTED _- . .R ._L --FOfjKI onre---MABi�€#h,_-1941_--,- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has repbrted,.t% the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual. hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au— thorised $o'pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employmont for extra time hereinafter set forth; NATIONAL DEFENSE WORK NAME T I 111E RATE TOTAL During the periods of November 25,1940 to January 24,1941 Inclusive, it was found necessary in co-operation with the National Defense Work to have certain instructors work overtime at the St. Paul Vocational School. All of the salaries are reimbursed by the National Defense. The following named employees worked for the period From Dec. 23,1940 to Jan.3,1941 Incl, H. W. Teiohroew - one-half A4o. at $247.35 123.67 Evening Instruction for Period from Dec.23rd,to 28th,1940 Arthur Hao - even ngs . 12.00 Leonard Johnson - 3 ° " 4.00 " 12.00 John Hartqui-st - 3 " " 4.00 " 12.00 Russell Waldo - 3 " " 4.00 11 12.00 Andreas Kvorning 4.00 11 6.00 Eugene Heuer l " " 4.00 " 6.00 Warren Blossom - 3%24 " ° 4.00 " 3,00 Louis Wendt - 3 11 ° 4.00 11 12.00 Total Even. Instruction �Op Evening Instruction for Period from Nov.2b to Dgc.20th, 1940 Andreas Kvorning - Even ngs .0 Ea. 28.00 Eugene Heuer - 8 It @ 4.00 " 32.00 Total Salaries Allowed in Excess: which has already been paid. of 20 Evenings for Payroll Period 60.00 Evening Instruction for Period from Dec* 30th, to Jan.24th,1941 ? Andreas Kvcrning Evening . Ea. .00 Eugene Heuer 1 1t @ 4.00 " 6.00 Total - -'jsO COUTICILIIIEII Adopted bit the Council—tlfPSTF ljeas n,8` mal—�--- / Approved fi 1941_ Tgq ,Petterson In Favor osen n Maq Against President, McDonough PUBLISHED- 3171 UBLIS HED31n 5-4o CS 33398 NOTICE CITY of SAINT PAUL _ —uNCIL FILE NO. 211 TO COUNIC. F. N.. 121936— Renolvel. that 1' i PRINTER the ... w.... .., ^' March 4 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 93 407.49COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 86626 TO X0680 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. f /j ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------- 9YIH —B 1941 --194.-- / /, CITn COMPtROLLER MAR 61941 —.__. ...----194— APPROVED Bim. ��._✓.�i[�!�-i/__���N� soa s-ao PUBLISHED r, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ROLL CALL BARFUSS DATE FINDLAN PARRANTO IN FAVORI PETERSON BROUGHTFORWARD I ROSEN _-_ AGAINSTi TRUA% MR PRES MCDONOUGH _ St.Paul Fire Dept. R. Assoc.: ADOPTED BY THE;ja :F. APPROIEED__,_..... ..184 I._,.... ' g c� i ca'➢��. CITY OF SAINT PAU4 ' COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER__._...__ ­ AUDITED CLAIMS . __Marah_4...___. RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY d j TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFE-9�-49-- COVERING r. iC{Q} CHECKS NUMBEREEG o 6 _TO INCLUSIV�.,AS PER CHECKS ON-rrrlp v- {v .OF/F�I �'i�E F THE 0Y COMPTROLLER. NUMBER!% ,42 BY R TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER RETURNED IN FAVOR OF ' BYBANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I. II CHECKS 'f CHECKS 1i jf BROUGHTFORWARD I '' 8o626 _ St.Paul Fire Dept. R. Assoc.: 12 000 54 00;, 00, I' 80617 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 80628 MTs. Louie Fay Toleq 28 63 80' li 80; it 80629 80630 Mrs. Anna R. Capital City Lime & Cement Company 374 871, 8o631 Adam Decker Hardware Company' 72 32-1. �! 80632 Herzog iron works 316 23 50;. 52: 80633 Robinson, Cary & sands Comp"y 67 62 So634. st.paul White Lead & Oil Company 101 87! j 80635 H.V. Smith Company 133 14: 80636 Voc. School Petty Cash Fund 33 42! 80637 Carl Maronde 7 00'• 80638 John Basoo �5 On 80639 L.J. Belly 1 851 I 651- 5 j 806 1� Oppenheim Realty Co. Inc. 20 �: 351 80641 80641 A.J. Ries, County Abstract C]erk 2 774 ODi; 80642 ODDenheim Realty Co. Inc. 80643 Lamprey Products Company 7 50; 80644 Frank Mudra 52 4�+6 501 571: 80645 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier W.;Dept. 80646 John 9. Finnan.8. of Finan9e 50 00i I 80647 John S. Findlan C. of Finance 325 648 80 ji 95 80648 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 12 456 j: 71 j. 80649 County Welfare Board °' 10 61'47 ' li 80650 County Welfare Board 38 688 7 i! 80651 County Welfare Board 62 69 80652 Brady Conveyjgrs Corporation, Cutler -Magner Company 796 81 02 j 54;; 44 go653 Lampland Lumber Company 441 95:' II 80655 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 394 50 80656 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 80657 Clarence MoGeary 20 170 00; 4- 941- 80658 Franz Jevne 6 j j0;. 80659 8 A.J. Ries, R.C.A.Clerk 50 86 80660 Elea M. Obst, Tress. R.Co. 103 83: 80661 Sehluke-Biers 80662 American Linen Supply 30 270 02;: 00', li 80663 Bodine Piano Company 117 88;. 80664 80665 Brown and Day, Inc. Capital City Lime & Cement Company 381 50: 80666 Collector Internal Revenue 4 883 23. `I 80667 ® Ylvin First Aid Supply Company 4 252 70: 28 80668 Farwell, Ozmun. Birk & Company 57 94 80669 Graybar Electric Company 50 00;: 80670 Hoge Well Company 20! 80671 Inertol Company, Inc. 6 80672 Lampert Lumber Company 2S 44. 80673 80674 Lineer Broom Mfg. Company N.'v. Printing & Biidding Company 284 30j 80675 Raymer Hardware Company 37 1 461 11 i 58 so'76 The C. Reiss Coal Company 95 60. 80677 St.Paul Builders Material Company 80678 F.J. & W.J. Spriggs 55 00- 0:80679 90679 A.H. Stahl Company 800 142 88 36i- 6;:SHEET 80680 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Companly SHEETTOTAL—FORWARD 93 407 l 49: j I I. R Odand to Cit, Cl -k V. �,,. lxlsa;--uraiau nce No. S7a7— l:y aunon aosen— O' granting W thty Grent 9 �1'nrtl,ern ltal"Vay':'.y n)' Purtfilaslon P�Q ton iUealn tw o ptnformx utthe h. NO.—Jr V .n nn,l rine Stsout.t r:a(% .2£11-1: :,.ia 7 PRESENTED BY l cd ,:i; Ghki^irrYNCFr NO. An ordinance granting to the Great Northern Railway. Company permission to maintain two platforms at the southdest oorner of Ninth and Pine Streets; and repealing Ordinance No. 8048,approved October 3, 1939. W& COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDA7t Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Great Northern Railway Company to maintain two platforms at the southwest corner of Ninth and Pine Streets. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Yorks is hereby. authorised to issue a permit to said licensee for said plat- forms, upon said licensee's compliance with the following apnditionsi (1) That said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages sad expense that may aoorue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said platforms. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved'by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have a surety satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance, and shall.be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Said platforms shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order, (3) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in a form to be'approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 8048, approved October 3, 1939, granting permission to the Dakota and Great Northern Townsits Company to Great and maintain said platforms, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays _*W+tMr_ Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Mrs. President (McDonough) Attest: - City Clerk sac r -4q OR 251941 Passed by the Council SJ In Favor C' Against PP_ 1�11e� 25 t�41 PUBLISHED .3'•� �`• ' St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 31, 191+1. To the Honorable, the City Council Gentlemen: Saint Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 121837, being Ordinance No. 8227, adopted by the Council on March 25th, 1941. GREAT NO RAWAY CO. EY Vice resident. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LAW DEPAFtTMENT JAMES T. MAHER W. L. SCHOE WM. H. HECK JOHN CARING, SEATTLE, WASH. JAMES T. MITCHELL. GUSTA GNYBECK. .. T — war n iA.. evi St. Pant, Minnesota G„ GREAT FALLS aMONT. ee A. PAUL. MINN. April 4, 1941 File 935-S Mr. H. T. O'Connell City Clerk, City of St.Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to yours of h4aroh 31st: We now attach hereto acceptance by.the Great Northern Railway Company of all the tends and conditions of Council File No. 121837, being ordinance No. 8227, adopted by the Council on March 25, 1941 - We are also sending you herewith a draft for 70�, cover- ing publication fees in connection with said Ordinance. We understand from a letter written by Mark W. Woodruff, Chief Engineering Clerk, to Commissioner Milton Rosen under date of February 20th, that notification will be given to the Continental Casualty Company, who wrote the bonds for the Dakota and Great Nor- thern Townsite Company, with reference to the cancellation of these bonds. Arrangements are now being made for new bonds by the Great Northern Railway Company, the present owner of the adjoining proper- ty at this point. Yours very truly, WH-bm r �i/✓yl/!�O Encs. lat. 2nd. ?/ Laid over to- 3rd. & app. I' Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barf B�f6ss n 1. 1i�an / /Parr to 'Par to eto en etoaen TruaaTruax Mr. President Fallon. r. President Fallon CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �rC' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 6, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached request of the Great Northern Railway Co. for permission to maintain loading platforms on city property at the southwest corner of Ninth St. and Pine St. Very truly yours, City Clerk. k E C E I V E D MAR 6 - 1941 CO R!'0R . ON C11Li` :AFI GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LAW DEPARTMENT JAMES T. MAHER 1oR awwv. Lwto a rwx CaMwl6eoa W. L SCHOETTLE Great Northern Townsite Company to the Great Northern Railway Com- as of'October 1, 1940• In view of this, we have assumed that M,es�wa._ pany a petition by the Great Northern Railway Company covering the mainten- have to be filed with the city council. FRED W[RINGR/ WM. Hw HECK. wwr wawi SEATTLE. WASH. tty.r of JOHN GA RaNerGir St. Paul, Minnesota, JAM11-1 �ITC� ELL: w GREAT FALLS. MONT. GUSTA` NYBECK. March 4, 1941 and if, ordinance has been passed, a arrange for said railway company tt he se ST. PAUL, MINN. right Company in accordance ranging for bond by the Greate the regulations of the city. This bond. wiLl be sent to you as File 935-S with soon as the ordinance has been passed and the city is ready to issu permit. 1 Mr. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of rublic Works, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of October 18th regarding Ordinance No. 8046, authorizing issuance of a permit to the Dakota and Great Northloading rlatformstonCcity propertany yatthe thecontinued southwestmcorner ten - ante of loading p of Ninth Street and Pine Street, St. Pauls All of this property was conveyed by the Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company to the Great Northern Railway Com- as of'October 1, 1940• In view of this, we have assumed that pany a petition by the Great Northern Railway Company covering the mainten- have to be filed with the city council. ance of the platforms will You will find attached hereto, form of application by the Great Northern Railway Company covering these two platforms; one the other on rine Street. Will you please on Ninth Street East, and submit this petition for action by the city council and as soon as, in favor of and if, ordinance has been passed, a arrange for said railway company tt he Great Northern Railway Company, granting s as now constructed. We are_ to maintain two lNorthernaRailway right Company in accordance ranging for bond by the Greate the regulations of the city. This bond. wiLl be sent to you as with soon as the ordinance has been passed and the city is ready to issu permit. 1 Yours truly, enolH-t r � encl. j G�� Z'�ij/f ✓ il�G PETITION BY GREAT NORTHERN RAIIWAY COMPANY TO MAINTAIN PI.ATFOMIS ON EAST 9TH STREET AND PINE STREET, IN ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: gx Your petitioner, Great Northern Railway Company, a Min- f ri nesota corporation, having its principal place of business at 175 East n Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, respectfully shows. r'. 1. That your petitioner owns a certain building known as j r its "Kedney firehouse Building", located on lots one (1) and two (2), t block fourteen (14), Kittson's Addition to St. Paul (the southwest t I corner of Pine and East Ninth Streets). 2. That your petitioner, or its predecessor the Dakota'''' i and Great Northern Tow site Company, has heretofore constructed plat- forms in front of said building; one platform on East 9th Street and one platform on Pine Street. The descriptions of the areas occupied by said platforms are as follows: PINE STREET Said platform occupying a space.described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of 9th Street East with the southwest line of Pine Street; thence southeasterly along said southwest line of Pine Street one hundred and no tenths (100.0) feet; thence northeasterly at right angles twelve and six tenths (12.6) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with said southwest line of Pine Street ninety six and no tenths (96.0) feet; thence south- a westerly at right angles four and six tenths (4.6) feet; thence northwesterly at right angles four and no tenths (4.0) feet; thence southwesterly at right angles eight 1` and no tenths (8.0) feet to the place of beginning. NINTH STREET EAST Said platform occupying a space described as followss Beginning at a point in the southeast line of 9th Street East four and no tenths (4.0) feet southwesterly as measured there- on from its intersection with the southwest line of Pine Street; thence southwesterly along said southeast line of 9th Street East eighty one and five tenths (81.5) feet; thence northwester- ly at right angles ten and no tenths (10.0) feet; thence north- l . � .,,•.: r . ^�i''&a!:"+�iWu,:.2i'v:.a�� �'e�t�48kn �..�.�...•.u.--..._a�.asa�c..:p..��:n:rr�a«.-..,�..-�:..•,.. - ;.v,+�¢sasr�ewvn:,.., .:... :.r.v. ... easterly parallel with said southeast line of 9th Street East, seventy seven and five tenths (77.5) feet; thence southeaster- ly at right angles six and no tenths (6.0) feet; thence north- easterly at right angles four and no tenths (4.0) feet; thence southeasterly at right angles four and no tenths (4.0) feet to the point of beginning. 3. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully requests the City Council to grant permission by ordinance to maintain within the limits of said East 9th Street and Pine Street said timber platforms as now constructed, upon such terms and conditions as the City Council shall deem appropriate. GREAT NORTHERN RAIINAY COMPANY, o, By g t of YIay,Iand & Tax Commissioner. Ist.- ..... .... .. 2nd. ;. Laid over to -- 3rd.?4 app. - Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas � Nays Bar us, as l dIan /Parranto �indlan .Parranto �R/osen Truax oxen Truax Mr. President Fallon �r. President Fallon Origl al t. CIV Cl—k- p R ?c. r. No. 1^_1838—Ordinance Nb. 8228—; 121838 O D 1v By ]tilt on Rosen_ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 78/2ntltled '.fin adnnmlatrativ. —1 'Ince 4 % I PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employee in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organisation charts for the.various departments of the city government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neo saary for the preserva- tion of the public peaTe, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 13 in the chart of the Department of Public Works, under the Street Repair and Oiling Division, the following line: " 1 Engineering Clerk" Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson --- P Mresident (McDonough) Attest: �� Clty Clerk 250 7-40 Passed by the Council APR 2 1941 Iri Favor Against APR 2 1941 ved: � G Mayor 111'BLISHED C. F• No. 17!879—ry blilton ltos¢n— \Yheroae llmlxnloner of Pub- '� �% �.� Il11 \t'—,- , t 1 1/ a urdnnce 1a 218 Origins! to City CIer4 Ith 9e ° CITY S. ler ,4-- I ' Yeo. -^LE ICIL NO. OFN F T, -_j 4AFRK %'�1 N COUNCIL R TION --- GENERAL 6A y 7 PRESENTED BY 4 O'ag _ DATE Marc--�-7-1841' COMMISSIONER_ _.. .. ... .. ... ..... ... .. .._.. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emplcy- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name _-- _ Title---_—__ -No.Hrs. Rate of' Pay Boldt, Carl G. Road Mlach.Opr. 8 .57 Byron, Donald Road Mach.Opr. 7 •57 Corcoran, Charles F. Road Mach.Opr. 7 •57 Dunleavy, Anthony G. Road Mach.Opr. $ •57 Eischens, Mathew C. Road Mach.Opr. 8 .57 Emms, Eugene C. Road Mach.Opr. 8 .57 Harrington, Raymond It:, road Iriach.Opr. 8 8 .57 Hayek, John W. Road Mach.Opr. 6 .57 Itilty, Donald M. Road Mach.Opr. .57 LaBarre, Edward J. Road N ach.Opr. 7 8 •57 Lendway, Leo A. Road Mach.Opr. -�7 Patrow, Edward C. Purvis, Elmer E. Road Iv1ach.0pr. Road Mach.Opr. -8 .57 55 Ratwik, Bjarne J. Truck Dr. 6 Sattler, Edward C. Road Vach.Upr.. .53 Starrett, Dale T. Truck Dr. noad 8 Sweiger, Hurtle W. Mach.Opr. .57 r Wadell, Clifford A. Road Mach.Opr. 8 Wadell, Marvin L. Road Mach.Opr. 8 .57 Webber, William J. Road Mach.Opr. .57 Welsh, Ralph J. Road Mach.Opr. 8 Ziemer, William H. Truck Dr. .5? 7 1941 C011nCILmEn Adopted by the Council'_ _.._ ...._ te4..... . gea8 nays 7 1941 indlan I''arranto Approved_ (.J ` ! In Favor 777 ; . `\ Tna ,K'osen :'1- �� t / Against fnlr.:Presldent, 'McDonough 7r—i em-�ii`resU•i d t'_,.c:u.: U:-"0") "0G) PUBLISHED •� • 121839 An emergency has arisen in the DLPARMITENT OF PUBLIC wORKS,- rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Snow plowing and snow removal. This emergency arose Ly reason of the following facts and circumstances: Snow plowing and snow removal necessitated by recent storm. -- CULSPdISSIOi1T5'R OF YLTZIC WORT{S COnnCILmEn Ijeas nays �in�3��.. `` Parr nto I rson Zrua r. President, McDonough em.. -4o cs ]nnae OR 7 1941 Adopted by the Council- ­ JW -7 1941 - proved__ 194_.,,,., In Favor Magor Against 3=/ Yuui.lsti>Jll W I ­ [7.'�,,''/qafie (ny�y 12- 840t7l. x Ori{loll to City Ckrk .�. Pnrranto— by .Johns.Flndtan— Resolved, thatM1 h.. neraone OF•a<;"t OFFICE OF THe.&Y Q:Ekk eF -^CITY al• NO._. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM (/� PRESENTED BY � _ PRESENTED ER-__ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: James H. Bray 2128 University Ave. Fuel Dealer App.46060 Renewal M. Rolnick 148 Plato Junk Dealer It 46801 ." Skelly Oil Co. 215 Eaton Ave. Intal Dealer n 46948 to Jewel Hotel Inc. 405 N. Washington Hotel " 47152 " P. J. Dooley 34 S. Cleveland Gas Station " 47174 " W. H. Williams 2190 Como Ave. W. Butcher " 47207 " H. S. Kaplan 116 E. Chicago Junk Dealer " 47234 of Chas. Hassett 1214 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant " 47250 n J. H. Reiners 1238 E. 7th St. Grocery " 47251 " Louis Rosen 102 S. Robert Barber " 47309 " Nick. Nocholas 192 E. 7th St. Barber " 47323 of Hercules Powder Co. 735 Cromwell Ave. Gunpowder Dlr. II 47328 " T. L. Medved 406 Minnesota St. Barber n 47331 " Gas J.Margellon 438 Jackson Barber " 47343 to Wilfred P.J. Rafferty 837 Mississippi Gas Station " 47358 to COnnCILmEn Ijeas nays �in�3��.. `` Parr nto I rson Zrua r. President, McDonough em.. -4o cs ]nnae OR 7 1941 Adopted by the Council- ­ JW -7 1941 - proved__ 194_.,,,., In Favor Magor Against 3=/ Yuui.lsti>Jll OHAioal to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCIL F INO•— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE/S/OL/TION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�� - I /��j March 7, 1941COMMISSIONER ��r��'�//ff��� DATE_____.____.-____--._... NH _... RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Neree Cloutier 46 Cambridge Gas Station App.47227 New Old Loca. Leona Hoeller 1798 Ashland Ave. Grocery " 47333 " ° P n n " 11 0£f Sale Malt " 4733 n " Knox E. Stah6l 82 E. 9th St. Gas Station it 47386 COIITICILMEn Teas nags F/ i tan P4rranto / "e- rson Z R/9sen Truax �r. President, McDonough 3M -0 C32333B U. It, Wo, 1'L 1841—By John 5, Findlan— w. A. Parr nto— uea for Resolved. that Ileeneen PP hµ' the persons nam d on the Ilet t - t ached to this r solat loo be td the e herel,y g anted aI,, he Cit b' l:lerk le Instructed rtq Issue b ncea- the pu)'ntent Into the city' t reasu" [ the squired fe v Adopted by the Council M.I. MI. Approved Slat. ,XIII. II. (Starch la, 941) . W 71941 Adopted by the : 3uncil _=... . . . .. -194___._ /7 1941 proved__ ------ 194-- In Favor _....... ---...... ... ` m�rl " ; 6, .,- - .0 --..Against FINAL ORDERS iI �• S 121842 COUNCIL FILE NO.. . ...... .. . By... . . ... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. gr:ading,and, gaying-Alley„in„Block 1,,,_C ...C1..$mersor,!s, Additi.gp-from Plilton Street to Chatsworth Street, ............. ...... .... .. .... ........--.....-----..-. ...... .. ...... ..... --...-----.....-.................................. ...............- ... . ....... .... :......... ... ... .......... . .. . .. . .............--............... ......... ...... ... . ....-.-------- ...........................:.. ............................. ... .. ........ . .... ... ............ -....- under Preliminary Order. --.....1.21324 ---­----------------- approved .. .Jknuary. 7,.- 1.941 ------------------ IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. --grade and_-pave_Alley__irk_Pl ock-- -- --- --,.__Etiners on_ -s-__ Addition-- from - Milton - Street - t o-Chatswrorth _ S t re et--------------------------r------__-_-__-___-_----__----------_____--- . .......... ............ ---------- ................................ ------------.....-......------.... ;..------------------------------------------------ ------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvveernept in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... iWY-1 *4 ..----.., 192:...----. ------------------- City Clerk. Approved .....--.... 11..1T!!-.. , 192...E File 916 9". --------- - or. ....... May Councilman �1„�.. lU Councilman Councilman VgPona3nd-:z--: Councilman pGlozm-r.. '--: /J :,0 . Councilman $ydheimer' Councilman `jkmzeL-- 'x Mayor HqjKsonL /i Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLIS:IED, 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ In the matter of Prad ng and paving alley in Block 1, C. C. Emerson's Addition from Talton St. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order approved January 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ~ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $2070. 00 ft (Est. cost. if surfaced - - $ 773.66) The estimated cost pegoot for. the above improvement is 73 (Est. cost per front ft. if surfaced - $ 0.55) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ki g• I.andALUAT[Md 1 1 C. C. Emerson's Addition $1200 $2450 2 1 do 1100 2300 3 1 do 1100 3050 4 1 do 1100 2950 5 1 do 1100 2350 6 1 do 1100 3000 7 1 do 1100 3000 8 1 do 1100 3500 9 1 do 1100 4100 10 1 do TOTAL. 1100 2450 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT UFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) `DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bld;. 11 1 C. C. Emerson's Addition $1100 $2950 12 1 do 1200 1600 13 1 do 1200 2050 14 1 do 1100 1750 15 1 do 1100 2800 16 1 do 1100 3100 17 1 do 1100 4050 18 1 do 1100 3200 19 1 do 1100 3200 20 1 do 1100 2850 21 1 do 1100 1700 22 1 do 1100 2750 23 1 do 1100 2700 24 1 do 1200 3600 Total $26,800 $67,450 TMSCommissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated February 11 Commissioner of Finance. Form H. H. 12 St. Paul, Minn ............ A U.9 1.4 ...........................193.4'0... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Ve' the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause (�I t fo oi%dng improvement to be made: �n cleaning and repairing! ing! alley between Osceola Avenue and Lin%.'2od Place .. .. ... .................................. . . . ........................ .......... ..................... St. Ave. from ',Ailton St. '60M. to Chatsworth ........ . .. .... . .... ...... ................... .................... ......... .... . ... .. .. . . .... .. .. .. ..... . .... ..... . .. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION z 7 vz t7 RA 61,kvdlfA.11 Eq t IY7 5M.7-37 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ALTERNATE Tan. 24, 1941 19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121324 approved January 7 19_, relative to grading and paving Allay in Block 1 C. C. Merson's Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $.65 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ 773.66 and the total cost thereof is $, Engineering $120.00 Inspection $12.82 Frontage 1198 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY Cotrim 1-01ER BUREAU of CONIT. a REPAIR 4 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. 0""'E ...... .FICEEGINEER January 21, 1941 G. H. H.RR.L- C - ENGR. CLERK MARK .WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAU or SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU o. BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU or CORRECTIGN. RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. ALTERNATE I tren—it herewith preliminary estimate of coat for grading and paving the Alley in Block 1, C. C. Emersonts Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 12132/. approved January 7, 1941• Length 599 feet Roadway width 14 ft. Frontage 1,198 ft. PAVING 6" CONmETE Total Sq. Yd. $ 2'30 Property Share $ 2070.00 Total $ 2070.00 (a) Front Foot 1.73 Estimate includes $180.00 for engineering and inspection. Yours v truly, kn V74' SHEPARD t'pproved for transmission of nginear to the commissioner of Fi ce �4SEN /�� I��'/) Commissioner of Public Works office of the Commissioner .of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ALTERNATE Tan. 24 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works; having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121324 approved Tan. 7 19_41 , relative to grading and paving the Alley in Block 1, C. C. Emerson's Addition from Milton St. to Chatsworth St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3.. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of PuWfOo s re CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF,PUBLIC WORKS . MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU 'or CONeT. . REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY Com HI.—HER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGIN EER OFFICE ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD Jannery 21, 194 CHIEF ENGR. CLERK ]�1-� MARK .,,-WOODRUFF �TERNATE Commissioner Milton Hosea Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SAHITATIOH FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU of BRIDGE. M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTI.— RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for grading and Alley in Block 1, C. C. Emerson's Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121324 approved January 7, 1941, Estimated Coat Engineering Inspection Cost per front foot Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commissions of i�oe MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works $773.66 120.00 12.82 o.65 1198 ft. Yours truly, )27HEPARD " 54�- Chief •inser �E� 0 Oak FINAL ORDER IN CONDF)INATION f I '1 OCRr.,DIN OR COUNCIL FI NO. 121843 CO b .. BY FI AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes outs and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, C. C. Emerson's Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order 121325 approved January 7, 1941 Intermediary Order 121612 approved_...._ . Feb,rger�,_11,�.Jot1. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, C. C. 'Emerson's Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, C. C. Zmerson's Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council OR 11 �y X19_ t City Clerk. Approved _............ _..-VAR 11 ���. –.. -.-' t9—� dor. Councilmen _BUA— Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President 500 t -N PUBi.ISUCt) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER rJ In the matter of condemning and tuki.ng an easement in the land necessur.: fnr slnoes, cats and firs in the grxdinr and pavi—, of Alley in .-',lock 1, C. C. Emerson's Adtfition from alili_on St. to Chatsr:orth St. under Preliminary Order approved Janw:ry 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above ease ent is The total estimated aMXXXUDf than>�mammt�r ve a i3DPraX=OXrkisxx - ff zy-CO The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan'AALUATIO'Aldg. 1 1 C. C. %person's Addition $1200 $2450 2 1 do 1100 2300 3 1 do 1100 3050 4 1 do 1100 2950 5 1 do 1100 2350 6 1 do 1100 3000 7 1 do 1100 3000 8 1 do 1100 3500 9 1 do 1100 4100 10 1 do TOTAL, 1100 2450 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 1 C. C. T--�mereonts Addition 12 1 do 13 1 do 14 1 do 15 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do''` 21 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 do 24 1 do ASSESSED Land VALUATIONldp.. $1100 911211950 1200 1600 1200 2050 1100 1750 1100 2800 1100 3100 1100 4050 1100 3200 1100 3200 1100 2850 1100 1700 1100 2750 1100 2700 1200 5600 Total $26,800 $67,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated February 11 _19_41 _ ''7.... ,., '-•f >' ..: , u" a.ti _ Commissioner of Finance. B.— B. B. 13 K7 IoJ;-- cut. t "Y" Typ—I F,e,,eb ab,,e 1;ne 6— Cut 'I prop-ly p beyond P-P—ty Ime. Loc e—k N. I705 N..1206 I L I- E Y OLK. I C. C. EIIIER.501V S ADD. A/ M/Hoo -51 C-halff wol-lh .Sf 5c,71c. 1-40 610 49f, so kj ki ARCO - Chal-rmolh 51ov.,O,r?jYh 630 05C, -.OLA AVE. m E 55 o /V "5 6 oho ol 'T, /7 E IEE 16 19 20 J 0 A/ LINWOOD A VE. z ool 417- Q 24 rol Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finanfe Ian. 24 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.1?1 approved Jan- 7 19 1 , relative to condemning and t!ling an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the tading and paving of Alley in Block 1, C. C. Emerson's Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-4--ecessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _, and the total cost thereof is $ , a✓% and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plAprofile or sketch of said improvellnent is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i t 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ `.''... .. . �a , AMML = Commissioner of Public . I %FT. 01: E'NA* 121844 COUNCIL FILE NO, By. —FINA DER In the Xatter of.. chanting the p ,,:gjje. 9�f._:ghe AI.Iqy.in F.10 ..2., Milton A.ddit4 �on.from Victoria St. to. 'Milton St. to. co.nf.o.r.m. t.o. the red line on- the profile hereto attached and. made. -a. part. hereof, .the.. pre.s.e;at --- es.tab.lished gradje line thereon4--also zradinp, and. sur.fac-in—the. Al -ley in Block .2.,. Milton Addition from. Victoria St. to. Milton St.,. .. .. .. .................. . ....... .......... ............. ... .... . .. .. . ...... .. under Preliminary order..... 191322 ...........................approved . January 7, 1941 ---------- I ...... IntermediaryOrder ------------------ ---------------------------------approved ....... ------ ------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tha of _:tt_e__jk1 --- % �rov.me.t to be made by the said City lilt n th, in,��d --- I.- dd�. Q.f_, a ._from..Vic.tQr.ia _5,t._A_Q ... c_Qnf_Qra.1.o .. thp--- he.retQ...a.. Qhod_&nd._mad?'_.ft_.P 'flue -life. ---hereon.-__ t.A! Additi on ---- ---- -- _ilton ------------ from Victoria St. 0 Milto ----------------------- ------------------- - - - ..... ................. ........... --------------- ------------------------------------ ori -cuncolled, Anndod, n_d ""q"-ce rE t h ' 'd d specifications - q c e' a p ra n --- ___A d --- ----- ---- -------- -d improvement ml That e hereby ns uvt. ci t� t same to the un, Victoria -S ...... ................... --------- --------------- ----- --- m and the Council hereby o ders said improvement to e made. RESOLVED FURTH Th Public ESOLVED FURTH That the Commissioner Public Works be and is hereby .:ns acted and directed to prepare plans an specifications for said im ovement, and submit same to the unci] for at upon s i pp v 1, t r r I n di recte t' that n ads r a he a and approval; that upon said appr val, the proper city official are hereby authorized and directe to pro- ceed ceed with the making of said provement in accordance erewith. Adopted by the Council . .. ...... APRIo.-tan 192.....___.. ... . .. .. ..... - - - -- ------------------------- AR 10 1941 City Clerk. Approved 192. .... .... . .... File 9173 M or. Councilman Councilman 4Fergusw f-'. Councilman sMGDonatd-­:; J� Councilman McGlagan_-_-..: !%-i, --i A Councilman :Stulheimer .: .1 !:, ­­ 0 - Councilman gManzeli:­ Tmjax Mayor Had= fi1­ ..... 101 Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL ft DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) L.,n IMP In the matter of than -in!; the frr.:e of the Alley in Kock 2, IAlton Addition from 7ictoria ;:-1 St. oto Stilton St. to conform to the red line on the ^rofila hereto attached an<i made a part hereof, the present established grade bein p, shown by the blue line thereon. Also gradinr, and surfaciric the Alley in Block 2 ,'.!ilton's A.!dition from 9ictoria St. to h1ilton St. (0,'rr' . , .. . . under Preliminary Order approved January 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 1,139.39 rout 0.96 The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 2 'Ii.lton Addition $725 $2400 2 2 do 700 1800 3 2 do 700 2350 4 2 do 700 1600 5 2 do 700 2050 6 2 do 700 1750 7 2 do 700 1650 8 2 do 700 2200 9 2 do 700 10 2 do 700 TOTAL. F— B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIO �ldg• DESCRIPTION Land 11 2 Milton Addition $700 700 $2050 12 2 do do 700 1350 13 2 700 2050 14 2 do 750 2650 15 2 do 700 2400 1.3 2 do 650 1200 1'7 2 do 650 1400 18 2 t'o 650 2050 19 2 do 20 2 do 650 650 2900 21 2 do 650 1.500 22 2 do 650 1050 23 2 do 650 1050 24 2 do 650 2200 25 2 do 650 2150 26 2 do 650 1150 27 2 do 650 2800 28 do 650 1300 29 2 do 650 2600 30 2 do r Total $20,375 $49,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Z. Dated r'abrunry 11 ,_ 19_41... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn ................................... ...............193......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: G-p� .sem..................................................... u r:.... C....... / ... /� /.Tp.. From ............. � �' C.Y-/ d./ 1 St. Ave. to ..St. Ave. NAME 1.0T BLOCK ADDITION X All-- a A24L y sm ,-ar i� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. 23 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121922 approved len % 1941, relative to changing the grade grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Milton's / Addition from Victoria Street to Milton Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. cost per front foot $.96 2. The estimated coat thereof is $12139139' and the total cost thereof is $ - Inspection $19.99 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1,194 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owner of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / . L-1 Commissioner of Public Works. B'v , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D.—TT COMMIS s r ORER BUR EA Ii OF CONST. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. C._ ___R BUREAU O. SANITATION W. S. COCKROFT. SORT. FRED .RIVER. SORT. 0""' ER.....R January 21, 1941 ..R... o. 811-1 G. H. HERR OLD M. S. GRYTSAK. E1111EER CRIEFENGR. CLERK BUREAU Or CORRECTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. SURT. Commissioner Milton xosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I-transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade,and grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Milton's Addition from Victoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121322 approved January '/, 1941. Estimated Cost Engineering Inspection Cost per front foot Frontage Approyod for transmi)Fin.noe on t/� Comma i_o7r MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public 'corks $ 1,139.39 120.00 19.99 o.96 1,194 ft. ;�•� ' � �.��� � .. 'il �' � , I� �. / -/ / �. i� �:J � � s � -� -�� s ��;�- �. � ��� U �;�.� �� JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner R E. McDERMOTT Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier March 12, 1941. City Clerk, City of St. Paul Dear Sirt As per your letter of March 11, we have checked the petition attached in opposition to the grading and surfacing of alley in Block 2, Milton Addition from Victoria to Milton St. and find that there are 30 lots in this block which would be effected by such improvement, 3 of which are owned by the State of Minnesota under tax forfeiture. of the remaining 27 lots, there are 10 wholly or partially signed for by the record owners, 3 by persons not record owners and 1 by the wife of a record owner. If checked as a petition of remonstrance under Section 243 of the Charter, the petition would be insufficient. Yours very truly, John S. Findlan, i , Commissioner of Finance. "I L) ,1 4 St. Paul, Minn ...... .. . ....... . ..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own3rs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement t6410601k: ............ ................. . ... . ...... .............. . . ... ............. .. ......... ... . . . . ............ . ... ..... ... . . . ........ ... . . ..... .. ..... .... . ... ......... ........... ..... ...... ...... . . ...... ..St: -Ave. NAME r t'. -V7 ZZ r7l ADDITION St. Paul, Minn 4, .A/ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement-INNONNOW .... ...... ............... . .. . .... ............... .. . . ..... . . . ....... ..................... . .. . . ......... St. Ave. .... .... .. 4r= ... ... ... ... .. ..... . ..... ........ ........ ....... ...... ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK AJ)DITION 9,3 4� b '7 ------- - .... I'm, -1 -I COUNCIL F N � BY 21845 i 1 " " i 0 u it F �r ()- aF M. 'I".. P R4)g �" E -D I N q -S- .--- TIn the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, louts and fills in the grading eld surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Milton Addition (from Victoria St. to Milton St. I - I' under Preliminary Order 121323 approved_ January 7. _1941 , Intermediary Order 121616 approved- February.11, 191,1 .. _......__.._, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Co ncil o[ the City of Saint Paul that ttrtr precise na x ens an m o m- ovement to be made by the id City is condemning eking an easement a land necessary slopes, cuts and fi a in the grading and surfs ng of -the Alley in Block ,�lton Addition from Victoria St to Milton St. .All ordere. h i!M r r n tkreby cancelled, annulled, and rescind ---d ^1 aniiaued. \HER uncil hereby orders said imp vements to be made. LVED FURTHER, that the fol wing land, lands or easements th rein be and'the same are ereby e taken, appropriated and conde ned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and lls in the grgding ands acing of the All in, Milt Addition from Viotoria St. to Milton St., to the extent shown onthn file in he office of the Commi ioner of Public Works.LVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of P lic Works be and is hereby Inst ucted and di- repare plane and specs cations for said improvement, nd the proper city officials are h eby author- iected to proceed with making of said improvemen in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 10 1941 19_ pp pp�� City Clerk, Approved----..-.QC',R..�O 1�`f�__--...._, 19_ . Mayorf' Councilmen Barfuss j Findlan 1 Pn Peetersotersoy! v n Rosen Truax PUBI_tFtrD . Mr. President BOB 1 -au i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF +FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �A) In the matter of condemning; and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, c,lts and fills 'in the Pradintr and surfacing* of the alley in Block 2, Pilton Addition from Victoria St. to Milton St. under Preliminary Order approved January 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above e��.semen 25.00 The total estimated atrtbtx)f�}1JF:aR;1CJC9lAA*XLcOtM��FXRXRK'��7x - - - The estimad cost per foot for the above improvement is_ ---- "The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bld-. 1 2 Milton Addition 0725 $2400 2 2 do 700 1800 3 2 do 700 2350 4 2 do 700 1600 5 2 do 700 2050 6 2 do 700 1750 7 2 do 700 1860_ 8 2 do 700 2200 9 2 do 700 10 2 do TOTAL, 700 Form B. B. 10 (C) P CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FIDIANCE REPQRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 2 Milton Addition 12 2 do 13 2 do. 14 2 do 15 2 do 16 2 do 17 2 do 18 2 do 19 2 do 20 2 do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 2 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $700 700 $2050 700 1350 700 2050 750 2650 700 2400 650 1200 650 1400 650 2050 650 650 2900 G30 1500 650 1050 650 1050 650 2200 650 2150 650 1150 650 2800 650 1300 650 2600 Total $20,375 $49,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. February 11 —_19._41 Dated ~Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 TYp,t'al nb. I C„r or !',II er peop.rrr dhra.�.. ro ,.6rch elopes c' rend beyond penp,,tr 1;— L Fcck No.%�''�.." }« Hk. No.&: -h_' Ycforin -iy/i/fog ALLEY BLK. 2 M/L TON A00. Vcforio Sf M117,012 Sf 9x72 Q, I .• I O I F, Ycforin -iy/i/fog ALLEY BLK. 2 M/L TON A00. Vcforio Sf M117,012 Sf 9x72 N Sco/e 1'='40 Auro o A ve. M / L IT O N A D D.Qj /2 /.1.... /0 9 8 7 Fr IO JAL __.._. vas:4oi; Fi Fi. Fr. Oar. o{s' �ja � e a-�'r,., a�� .. ��_ oIN �� • �N of Fr ter. r Nti Fi Tn Fi. Gcr 'o. 7-7 Fi Gor Gar -1 r, Cmr, 2 /9 20 / Z / L ZZ % 23 24 ZS 26 27 2.6 D ' 29 30, —u/ r A v . ,o 37 t /S /4 /3 I F, F `r + Ifr F 16 /0 10,/7 N Sco/e 1'='40 Auro o A ve. M / L IT O N A D D.Qj /2 /.1.... /0 9 8 7 Fr IO JAL __.._. vas:4oi; Fi Fi. Fr. Oar. o{s' �ja � e a-�'r,., a�� .. ��_ oIN �� • �N of Fr ter. r Nti Fi Tn Fi. Gcr 'o. 7-7 Fi Gor Gar -1 r, Cmr, 2 /9 20 / Z / L ZZ % 23 24 ZS 26 27 2.6 D ' 29 30, —u/ r A v . ,o 37 t Office of- the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the i Council, known as Council File No. 121329 approved Jan. 7 19 41 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Milton's Addition from Victoria Street to Milton Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxg -, and the total cost thereof is $, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie asked for upon petition of three or more owners property, subject to'assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. l • 11. Nu. 121846— In the. y in l RratllnK and oilinK ���` ` e ` the Alley in Sloe 'lichens Pnb lT)(?j {l�D al�•Imm� nt r. - v Lvlon f -,nu -eec 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. By... %5;. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. grading and oiling.e_.Alley in. Block._11..hichel's Subdivision, o: Block_4,.Stinson's Division from Kent Street to Dale Street, ......,. . ................. .. ..... ... .. ------------ .... under Preliminary Order ...121320 ........................approved January 7, 1941 IntermediaryOrder ..........................--------------_-- ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.Breda-_and--oil..the..Ailey--in--Block.-- --,-_?Aichel' s Sub- division of Block 4, Stinson's Division from Kent Street to Dale Street, ......................... ....................----------------------------------------....------------------------------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...... , 192 .. 19V_C--- t 111941 'City Clerk. Approved ... 192 File 9171 :..... r`----------- ------------------- - Ma r. a� Councilman hliap�l �, Councilman F gtty F- 7 F ]an Councilmanto Councilman Councilman XteGinga3r_--=, Councilman I _ Councilman ruaa i t� Mayor Hqd&aQa—.s wunouZb Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLI&J-LW CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONPRELIMINARY ORDER '(A) D tite Allby in Block In the matter of grading and oiling 1, 4ichel's Subdivision of mock 4, Stinson's Division from Kent St. to Dale St. under Preliminary Order approved Januar}' 7, 1341 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of finance hereby reports as follows: 3777 51 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ,i2 fr t S._...-- 0.. 32 The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is -file lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALU ATIONld�. Land f3 DESCRIPTION 3 1 Subdivision $975 $3050 (in• (Ex. W. 40 ft.) Lots 2 and vi Block 4, Stinson's Division Block 4, eludes other property ludo do 400 West '10 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 900 do ' 400 4 1 400 200 5 1 do .— 400 2650 6 1 do 400 1350 7 1 do 400 600 8 1 do 400 1500 9 1 do 10 1 do TOTAL. 400 Form B. B. 10 // CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER b (A) *01 �. f ?clock In the matter of rradin� and oiling the Alley in Block 1, ;`F.ichel's Subdivision o� Stinson's Division from Kent St. to Dale St. under Preliminary Order approved Janue.ry 7, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 377.51 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.32 frnt $.._.---— The estimated cost p V, of for the above itnproeement is cot, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvem parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION 'ALU AT IOs DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Landl-ir- 3 1 hiicitel's Subdivision of $975 $3050 (in - (Ex. W. 40 ft.) Lots 2 and (E, Block 4, Stinson's Division eludes other prop do 400 West 40 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 g00 4 1 do 400 400 200 5 1 do 400 2650 6 1 do 400 1350 7 1 do 400 600 8 1 do 400 1500 9 1 do ' 10 1 do TOTAL. 400 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land ld K• 11 1 Michel's subdivision of $400 $1200 Block 4, Stinson's Division 12 1 do 400 50 (Except South 60 ft, of W. 30 ft.) 13 1 do 1600 2800 West 30 ft. of South 60 ft. of Lot 13 ) and South 60 ft, of 14 and ( 15 ) 1 do 900 1450 Lot 16 and '!dust 11 ft. of 17 1 do 1800 3200 East 29 ft. of 17 1 do 325 2200 18 1 do 475 900 19 1 do 475 3050 20 1 do 475 900 21 1 do 475 1850 West 20 ft. of 22 1. do 225 750 East 20 ft. of 22 1 do 225 800 23 1 do 475 1000 24 1 do 475 1050 25 1 do 475 1350 26 1 do 475 1150 27 1 do 475 1550 West 38.42 ft. of 28, 29 and 30 1 do 450 950 East 81.58 ft. of 28 1 do 300 850 Total $15,075 $37,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. February 11 Dated ----. _._.,.....----------- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, MiIIIII... (-t . . ..... ... .... . .. .... 191.1 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owner~, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................. L . . ..... Ave A-Ve.. to . ..... . . .. ... ... .. ... .... .......................... from C . . ........ St. ( ..St. Ave. I A*40 --, 4 - �y NAME LOT BLOCK 9 All ilk 0 96 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. 22, yn 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121320 approved Jan. 7 194-1, relative to grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 1 Michel's Subdivision of Block 4 Stinson's Division from gent Street to Dale Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: cost per front foot $.32 1. Said improvement is 377-51 necessary and (or) desirable. 'Engineering $120.00 Inspection $5.05 Frontage 1196.12 ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of operty, subject to assessment for said improvement.�� t Commissioner of Public Works. a , 4� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, CoMMIssIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMM I..I.— DUR.wu OP CON9T. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CRIEF ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENGIN FUER January 21, 194 G. H. HER ROLD U .�-�+ 61 1J4+ CNIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU of BRIO... M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER SUREwUOF C11REGTIO11 RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and oiling the Alley in Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division from Sent Street to Dale Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121320 approved Tanuary 7, 1941• Estimate of Cost *377.51 Cost per front foot 0.32 Engineering 120.00 Inspection 5.05 Frontage 1196.12 ft. Yours truly, o 9' s7r,4 .00% SHARD ief ineer Approved for tranmmission t% tie aeioner of Finance ;mai MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works % FINAL ORDER IN CIINDELNATION PROCEEDINGS COiJNCILFI N 121847 BY Y� h, FI AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division from Kent Street to Dale Street under Preliminary Order 121321 approved_ January 7, 1941 Intermediary Order 121614 approved.-.. February 11, .1941_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division from gent Street to Dale Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division from Kent Street to Dale Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the makin 11 tsar of said improvement in accordance therewith. IY1 Adopted by the Council I9_ 11 ts4i City Cler Approved----- --'-'- ---- 19— yor. Councilmen -'Barkees. — Findlan Parranto ll J J Peterson Rosen Truax5 -)15-1 Mr. President PUBLISFITD boo 1-ao CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE H� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) � In the matter of condemnin:^ and takint an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the ?radinK and oilins. of the Alley in Blook 1, "'ichel's Subdivision of Block 4, Sti.nson's Division from Kent St. to Dale St. under Preliminary Order approved January .,, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is The total estimated aM=xxtCokfd=asaessroeat anF zhaxhat� iaa�rDv> ntenxxx The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form a. II. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION If LaneLUATIO161dg. DESCRIPTION 3 1 Michel's Subdivision of $976 93060 other proper ()x. N. 40 ft.) Lots 2 and Block 4, Stinson's lvision eludes do 400 Nest 40 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 400 900 4 1 do 400 200 b 1 do .400 2650 6 1 do 400 1350 7 1 do 400 600 © 1 do 400 1500 8 1 do 400 10 1 do TOTAL. Form a. II. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE RF;PORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i1S3 LandVALUATIO'bldg. 11 1 Miohel's Subdivision of $400 $1200 Block 4, Stinson's Division 50 12 1 do 400 (Except South 60 ft. of W. 30 ft.) 13 1 do 1600 2800 West 30 ft. of South 60 ft. of Lot 13 and South 60 ft. of 14 and 15 ) 1 do 900 1450 17 1 do 1800 3200 Lot 16 and West 11 ft. of 17 1 do 325 2200 East 29 ft. of 18 1 do 475 900 19 1 do 475 3050 20 1 do 475 900 21 1 do 475 1850 West 20 ft. of 22 1 do 226 750 East 20 ft. of 22 1 do. 225 B00 23 1 do 475 1000 24 1 do 476 1050 25 1 do 475 1350 26 1 do 475 1150 27 1 do 475 1550 West 33.42 ft. of 28, 29 and 30 1 do' 460 950 28 1 do 300 850 East 81.58 ft. of Total $15,075 $37,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. February 11 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ®+ IrxJica#es Gu#. O ' IndicalnsFill. Typicol Notation R9ures above I i ne shon Cuf or F 11 a# pr�—hy line. FtJums below lincshow di5fa.ca #o which slopes extend beyond properly line. !-oc.b-k Na.25CC X-5cc 15 No.25C6 'YBLK.//Yl/GHEE 5 3UB.OFBLK.4ST/NSO/YS- Kenf 9170 14 �o 01 /5 , ! /4 /3 I /Z 3e.iz 4o i S/oPeO� ?iYo.C32 M//Y/YE"/1A HA A VE. /O 9 8 7 6 1 i � Fr. Fi Fi� Fi. Fi Fr S!i I Gr. Gr Gr I � 1 I 2/ 22 I 23 24 2s S VA/Y Bv.2E/Y A VE. lY 40 + 3. z st sf�. /70� Fr Gar} , /70 44, i 28 26 27 -- -5 v B. 0 0 66 38 t 40 /6 /7 Q M S/oPeO� ?iYo.C32 M//Y/YE"/1A HA A VE. /O 9 8 7 6 1 i � Fr. Fi Fi� Fi. Fi Fr S!i I Gr. Gr Gr I � 1 I 2/ 22 I 23 24 2s S VA/Y Bv.2E/Y A VE. lY 40 + 3. z st sf�. /70� Fr Gar} , /70 44, i 28 26 27 -- -5 v B. 0 0 66 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance San. 22 q 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121321 approved_ Jan- 7 —19"—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 1, Michel's subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division from gent Street to Dale street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ a= _, and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of ropert subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. J y' n t' Orth r f."A848 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. construct in g. a,the..rqrtherl..y ..side of St. L?'vYrence .fFo.T.,.Minnetonka St, to a point 125 feet westerly of Minnetonka St., and on the .1sputh.pj:.1y side.of St.. Laz:renqe 5t. . frqM. Minnetonka St.. to Fent.on and. on. .Minnetonka St. from St. Lawrence St.. ta.Texas St. ........ .. ...... . ........... ... .. ........ ......... ... . ........ ........... ... under Preliminary Order... 121244 . . ...... ................ approved December 27, 1940.. . . ............. IntermediaryOrder .......... ......................................... approved ............................... --------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-. ............... pp.ipt __12.5 _.feet_we ste rhy-_.Rf._YinnetonkaStj_, ... ­ -------- ------- ­ --- Lawrence St. from Minnetonka._St. to Fenton St., and . ..... ...... ...................... .... --------- ­--------------- ----------------------------------------- - on Minnetonka St. from St. Lawrence --- St. to --- T.e.x_a_s__.S_t ---------------- - I ------- -------------------- I ------------------ ... ...... ............... .......... ------------------------------ ............................................. ----------------------------- - ----------­------ I ------------------- I ------------------- — ------------ - -- - .......... I --------- I ----------- I ---------------- - ------------------------------- - --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 .. ...... MAR 111941 Cita' Clerk. Approved 192 File 9174------------------- .... .......... . ... Councilman 0ancy=_--.-z -I' . ayo Councilman ;;r9"=-:7 I lm: Councilman IWD"d- - Councilman aMeGlogmi- Councilman *(Fd1reinidr a.LISHE Councilman RV4AM�'_' Mayor IJ0dMni_a Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM*NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructine, a sewer on the northerly side of St. Lawrence St. from '+'inneihonka to a noint 125 ft. westerly of Ilinnetonka St., and on the southr, side of St. Lai;rence St, from Ilinnet.onka St, to Fenton St., and on 14innetonka St. from St. Lav,rence St. to Texas St. under Preliminary Order approved Decejj:cr h7, 1040 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1 725 60 (W,1;.A. ) front 2 gg The estimated cost pef%foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land fild"T.. 4 22 Dinv;ell ane Spencer's Addition $40C $950 to Frooklynd Southeast 100 ft. of 5 22 do 300 1350 So:,theast 1(10 ft. of 6 22 do 325 650 Northwest 44 ft. of 5 and 6 22 do 2'75 550 (7xc,;rt :�orthwe,st 95 ft. ) 7 anti 8 22 do 300 Southeast 45 ft, of NIN 95 ft. of 7 3, 8 22 do 275 ?dort}:w�at 50 ft. of 7 and 8 22 do 350 1050 Lots 1 to 12, 'lock 23j vacated alley, ) vacated Chester St. & 1,2,3,]0,]1 R: 12) 24 do 7575 150C TOTAL, Form D. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , F3EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 ' 1 Lan;evin's Addition to St. Falll $350 $200 2 1 do 325 500 3 1 do 325 4 1 do 325 1('0 5 1 do 325 1050 6 1 do 350 550 Total $11800 $8750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r / i Dated Februe ry Porro D. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. )Lill VVI St. Paul, Minn ............ 4.-t! .. ... �j.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentleinen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ... ...................... . ... .... . .. . ..... . .... ........ ... . .. . . ............ . . ...... .... . ......... . . ... . . . ... ..... .. ........ . . . St. Ave. from t6 ... .. ........ St. Ave. to . ........ ................ . . ... .... .. ... ...... .. ... ........... ... .. ... .... .. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION i. 7-7 .. . ... . ........... .. � ���. ' +�i;5 �,�.;. �- J �:. � ���. ' +�i;5 �,�.;. �- J office of the Commissioner of Public Warks Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. 23 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: order of the The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary Dec. 27 19'�'� , relative to 12121.4 approve Council, known as Council File No �-- rat. Laurence Street from int tz �+�• ^---- Minnetonka Street toe Fenton Street, and eouthe_r exas Street- . side of St. LawreuOe Street from Minnetonka Street to on Minnetonka Street fro , m tLawrence Street to TPo ts. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby necessary and (or) desirable. 1, Said improvement ism— cost per front foot $2.43 nc �n and the total cost thereof is g. The estimated cost thereof is $—' Frontage 710 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: rovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 A plan, profile or sketch of said imp q, masked for upon petition of three or more owners of p�Pert y, CD 5. Said improvement � subject to assessment for said improvement. ' Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. OEP.- Co�+Mla I—ER BUREfu P CONST. . REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEFAR D. CRIED EKairy EER W. $oCOCKROFT. SUPT. o"'...I...... January 21, 1941 G. H. HERROL. C"111ENI". CLERK MARKW. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREwu OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OP BRIaa E. M. S. GRYT.AK. E --ER BUREwuIF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTA K. SUPT. =.transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for constructing a sewer on the northerly side of St. Lawrence Street from Minnetonka Street to a point 125 feet westerly of Minnetonka Street, and on the southerly side of St. Lawrence Street from Minnetonka Street to Fenton Street, and on Minnetonka Street from St. Lawrence Street to - Teaas Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121244 approved December 27, 1940. The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor. The cost of materials, plane, engineering, supervision, etc. is $1,725.60 Total frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 710 ft. Coat per front foot - - - - - - - - - 2.43 yours truly, k . 'BARD 4416n 1eY ngineer Approved for transmission M the Oosmliasioaer of F ce MILTON ROSSN Commissioner of Public Works Origlaal to City Ckrk -�` () ,q CITY OF SAINT PAUL COFILU._ PRESENTED ITJIIZe NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ,,� y COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED: RESOLVED: That On Sale Malt Beverage license #6741, expiring December 17, 1941, 0£f Sale Malt Beverage license f27, expiring December 17, 1941, and Restaurant license +2261, expiring December 17, 1941, issued to Ben 0. Leavell at 1128 Payne Avenue be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest and guilty plea of Sigurd Reitzel on the charge of possession of liquor for consumption on the premises, no On Sale Liquor license, COnnCILMEn Meas nays i Par nto `��P.s.n n R/osen JCruax ,Mr. President, McDonough ,in .-ao cs -- Q. 1'. Nu. 1L1 \\'. a. IL'l E4:1-19y'Jet'- S. 1llndWu— Ilto— Ifesoh'cdee • that On .Pule "a" Reveruge cenNe. 6-141.Plring Lee_ Ler IY11. ort sale Malt 13—erage ucenne Itrvtuurvttit rlieenntt�N tber 17, 1941 j ­ ,j i Revell ar li, 1941, Ianuad toHenC: Len yell at il_'y I'aYne Avenue be and I ani e a re leere by r yoked .,-aendntlun [ [be Bureau q[o 1'allce i ne of then rent and gulllyo leu of l nr rd Reltzel Pn the `-Iiarge f Poy_ .Ion [ Iit^uor far c Ptlon u the premlueu. pn Sale Lllgor 1leean. Adopted by' the t.'uu ncll :Nor. 11, 1941. \Piu'a rt•d Jtur. 11, 19/l. (Jl arch 15, 1941) Adopted bil the Counci�AR..11. ts_.41.-_>.G4__ SOAR 11 1941 Approved—..._.— In Favor .-Against PUBLISHED I(;. t'•. \o. 1Y 1X50—IXY Fred St. Truax— r�' K? react. I[ Ia n en [Y to h., eDi- 9 (j{�� Orilln.l to C.IIY Ckrk c1u11Y trnined n so !p U 1 F/. � en tzaelanuln a[ C •[o, ,_, CITY OF SA: ien �o1r , ••r=• � � : n: NO._.._ _ .... OFFICE OF THI ,1v COUNCIL RESOLU'�T��IO1 "AA1' fbiM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- WHEREAS, it is necessary to have specially trained men to act as golf professionals at Como, Highland and Phalen golf courses respectively, and WHhR-AS, such special training requires: (1) Ability to repair golf clubs and advise in their use. (2) Ability to oversee and regular' --the playing upon an assigned course. (3) Ability to advise in connection with the construction and maintenance of fairways, hazards and bunkers. (4) Ability to organize, train and direct caddies. (5) Ability to play a 6,300 yard, 18 -hole course in 80 or under. (6) Experience in professional golf work and in teaching golf, and WHEREAS, Eddie Landeen, Winton Christensen and Joe Coria possess the required ability and have the required training, and the said Eddie Landeen, Winton Christensen and Joe Coria are willing to enter into a contract with the City of Saint Paul to act as golf professionals at the Como golf course, Highland golf course and Phalen golf course respectively, for the season of 1941, begin- ning April 1, 1941, and ending November 30, 1941, on the basis of a consideration of $800.00 each, for said period, plus the privilege of retaining receipts for teaching and the sale and repair of golf clubs, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that a contract be entered into with the said Eddie Landeen, Winton Christensen and Joe Coria upon the aforesaid basis, excepting only that the said contract may be cancelled by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings at any time upon twenty-four hours written notice to the respective golf professionals, of the fact that he so cancels the contract; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, that the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw the proper contract therefor, and when drawn the proper city officers are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City. MAR 111941 C011IlCILiilEil Adopted by the Council _, ...... 1jeas nays V ArovedMAR 111941 indlan Lj �ranto ^ In Favor .. _ ...._...._. .. •.... ...... _"--Ma.�ra,. oxen Ir kPresident, McDonough PUBLISF';1Sll am -0 Cs saga. 85 Original to CITY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r. PRESENTED BY TvV �_ DATE COMMISSIONER —._ RESOLVED, that Federal governmental grant payment in re improvements to Harriet Island, W. P. 8797, represented by federal governmental check or warrant in the sum of X868.49, now in the hands of the City Purchasing Agent, be credited to the Parke Department Fund No. 18-1, whereupon disbursements from said fund not in excess of said sum shall be made by the proper city officers in the purchase of two stone save and one water pump needed in said pro4ect. COunCILmEn gess nags .!iindlan /rarranio 4eterson /ossa /f'rljax 1-1fir. President, McDonough ,in a . Cs mace V. Y, 1"_1851—BY Fred Si. Truax— Revolved, that 1'ed a iia Ko—amental Ilnrrle[�I�InntdtIV. P. yn^ rot antes nted . L)• federal Kovernmenlal heck o 1-11r- `- tnt In the n of SBS 8.47, 11.1 In the In �nndu [tar I;It)' 1'u nh:talnKlKen t. edited o the P.rku De 'n t' 1: and N',. 18-I. whereu Pon dlvbu rue men tv ' from vain fund of Iu .x eav o[ a Id vhall he made by tl'e Proper rll)' Illeeru ttl n the `r'ttel11% ntu mode Itr tin .1 �:tld Pro]ecl nr r Ad Pted by the t('ounrll \ln 11, 1741. r :\PPro ved �f ar. 11. IN41. (Unrch Adopted by the Council__, MAR 1 671 " .... _.....--- 194.. . OR 11 1941 Approved_ _.... In Favor ... .� ..._— .. �—mag r� Against 06,11-1 1, City Ckrk OF SAINT PAUL 'i� council JG7 FILE NO.— .. O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER_.__.. __.—._,—..____.. ... .... .. .. .. .. ... DATE March._10.,...1941._._. ..... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 240 cu.yds., more or less, heated ready mixed concrete, on informal competitive bids, without advertisement, at a total cost of approximately $1824.00, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would ivork a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge P.I.R. 3001- Minn. -7th Str.Sewer L-4226 11. \u. 1218u'_' -6y 1111tun Itosen— Itexnl,•rd, 'I'm the Purchasing Agent he, -Id he iu he.reh)y uuthort2ed to Pur- �h:xe with the 'o se{t of the \iai rr nd the (mp-Aler, '_1 c.t. ` m' r I—, n,e t`u r..Je lix. �tvith:n,t �• Inlur ,al mnetiii �'�: hid ��Ireriisemen,, '" 1, tntul Coxt nf ap- pr"�i,nnlrly $1.824.00. a n emergent)' V.Iplx whorl. Full—"to :� t' Promptly ­,I, r .0 IJ � ' I, •: hnrJxh lP to the hexE. in- terest.e fthe 0 y, 10p1 -11TH n.—ilh til r. Fe ut'rzr L-4 �.6. AJnpteJ by the. I;nu Heil llnr, 11. 1441. • Appro�'"'Mar. 11. 1941. IMnrrh 1:•. 1941) MAR 111841 councILmEn Adopted by the Council_ . .............. 194--..__ gess hays �'1841 /F�indlan Approved_„ Parranlo �terson In Favor ........ _ ..... .."-a, �Kosen � , ax ...Against ARr. President, McDonough nm 5.40 C57333a CITY OF SAINT P,;� h1UNCIL if NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENE FORM PRESENTED COM MISSION ERBY ---AXEL--Z... . ......... .. . . ��­:.­.... ........ . .. . WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED* That the proper city officers are hereby au thorijed to pay the following named employes, at ;he rate otherwise fixed for extra employmont for extra time hereinafter set forth: JANITORS & ENGINEERS'- EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITTZ TIME FOTAL itirs.Sigrid Ash Janitress 5 hrs. R.03/4 .99 Charles C. Bakcr Jar. Eng. 2 11 .80 1.60 George Barrett Do. 3 .80 2.40 Christian Bauer Do.. 4 .80 3.20 Henry Bauer Do. 10 .80 8.00 Charles Bee Do. 4 19 .60 3.20 Arthur A. Beisang Do. 1,1- 1, 2 .60 1.20 Erik Bergstron Jan. 3 .56w 1.70 John Blomberg Jan. Eng. 7 .80 5.60 Harold A. Boockmann Jan. 9-1- 2 .56 5.32 John Buhl Jan. Eng. 4 .80 3.20 Richard Bulena Do. 4 .80 3.20 Fred Bursinger Do. 17 .80 13.60 Cecil P. Carlsen Do. 3--2 .60 2.80 David Donovan Do. 3 .80 2.40 Joseph Ehnquist Do. 3 .60 2.40 Joseph Fed1meier Do. S -L 2 aO 6.80 Earl Foster Do. 6 .80 4.80 Fred Gales Do. 52 .80 4.40 John IN. Gipple Do. 10 .60 8.00 George Gunther D6. 2 .80 1.60 Anthony Y. Haider Jan. 6 .47 2.82 Oscar Halgren Jan. Eng. 4 .80 3.20 Charles. Harmarlund Do. 15 .80 12.00 Frank Hayek Do. 4 PIO 3.20 George Hayes Do. 6a .80 5.20 Frank Hedlund Do. 2 If .80 1.60 Werner Hesse Do. Jk If .80 1.20 ElLne"COUTICILMEn Hintz Do. 9 Adopted by the C8A91-.7 J.0 Ileas clays MARI 19N 1941 Findlan Approved_ Parranto Paterson In Favor or Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISHED 3 am 1- CS -.1. - -2- 121853 JANITORS & ENGIIMRS - EXTRA CURRICULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Anton E. Johnson Jan. Eng. 2 hrs. .80 1.60 Gilbert Jorve Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Ralph Joyce Do. 3 " .80 2.40 Gus Linde Do. 7 " .80 5.60 Giuseppi Lucia Do. 8 " .60 6.40 Thomas Lunzer Do. 4 " .80 3.20 William Mc -Neely Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Edgar M alaske Jan. 3-- .544 1.90 Edward I'+lanska Jan. Eng. ill " .80 9.20 Thomas Mulcahy Stat'.Fireman 8 " .63 5.04 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng. 5 " .80 4.00 Karl Oster Do. 3 " .60 2.40 William Paulsen Do. 2 " .80 1.60 Leo Peet Do. 3 " .80 2.40 George Runyon Jan. 2 " .56a 1.1 Frank St.Germain Jan. Eng. 10 " .80 8:00 Benjamin Samuelson Jan. 42 " .56i 2.54 Joseph Sander Jan. Eng. 4 " .80 3.20 Wilbur Sii. ons Do. 15 It .80 12.00 Galus Staffs. Do. 12 " .60 1.20 Robert Stahel -;e Do. 3 If - .80 2.40 Harold Stake Do. 6 It .54'' 3.26 Charles Starz Jan. ung. 14 " .80 11.20 ArtYmr Story Jan. Eng. 2 " .80 1.60 Christopher Tarte Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Edward Thomas Do. 4 " .80 3.20 Albert Thompson Do. 32 " .80 2.80 Isaac Thompson Do. 2 " .80 1.60 George Turnquist Do. 8 " ,80 6.40 James Watson Do. 8 " .80 6.40 I,' ax Werner Do. 7 " .60 5.60 TOTAL 252.70 ti ' FORM NO., t 121853 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following wok; Jan. Engs. Extra Curricular Overtime. Cleaning schools and firing. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances , Keening sohnnl ]> ii l i ng -a np An fnr Axtr. r --- extra nllrriml Ar anti vi ti Aa_ This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. P. N,' I -By A- 11. Peterson - . l the od9f.4 to City C k -'k CITY OF SARVALIL 14 c ou NO.- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GEN AL FORM AXEL F. PEr PRESENTED BY .72RSON COM ATE-!Aau- WHEREAS s The Commissioner of Education has reported t& the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employifient; therefor, be it, RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby au- thoriged to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: JANITORS & ENGINEERS REGULAR OVERTIME NAME TITLE TIMB -ATE TOTAL Warren Asher Stat . Fireman 24 Hrs. .56 13.44 Charles C. Baker Jan. Eng. 9 it .532 4.82 GeorGe Barrett Do. 44 it .63 27.72 Christian Bauer Do. 28 If .63 17.64 Henry Bauer Do. 7 11 .63 .4.41 Charles Bee Do. 19 it .,!,' 3/4 9.26 Albert Beecroft Do. 8 it .63 5.04 Arthur A. Beisang Do. 8 if .63 5.04 William Benton Do. 2 .63 1.26 Erik Bergstrom Jan. 2 .56z 1.13 John Dlomber, Jan. Eng. 11 el 6.93 Harold A. Boeckmann Jan. 3 .56 1.68 Ralph Bogue Jan. Eng. 4 .63 2.52 John Buhl Do. 5 .63 3.15 Richard 3ulena Do. 10 .63 6.30 Charles 3urlinGame Do. 34 zAA 2 18.19 Fred Bursinger Do. 37 .63 23.31 George Canercii Do. 8 .63 5.04 Cecil P. Carlsen Do. 31 .63 10.53 Frank Chapman Do. 8 .63 5,04 Arthur Copley Stat.Firenan B60 3/4 4.86 William Cbrding Jan. Eng. 7 :60 3/4 4.25 Carl Dahlby Do. 7 .63 4.41 John Dippel Do. 9 .63 5.67 Thomas A.H. Donnerstag Do. 8 .53 4.26 henry Donmosky Jan. 2' :561 1.13 2 Joseph Elr.-.quist Jan. Eng. 28 .63 17.64 Andrew EnGstrori 11d. Jan. 2 .63 1.26 qeas COUTICILITIETI hays Adopted by the Council AW.11.1M -194-.- uss Approved-. NAR Ji �R9 proved ­ 194 Findian Parranto Peterson In Favor Uld Rosen Truax Against YL Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISITrD- sIn ­. cs-.. 12,1854 JANTTOiTS & E',;AR GINEERS - FEGUZOVLRTILZ T, AR.7.1-1041 TITLE ....... RATE TOTAL NA1+1E Joseph Fedlmeir Jan. Eng. 6 hrs. 11 .61 376 3.2 Frank Felberg Stat.Fireman 12 9 If . 5.67 Earl Foster Jan. Eng. I� 16 .63 .63 10.08 Carl G. Fransen Do. g ++ 3.786 Gabriel Gagliardi Do. ++ .63 3.78 Charles Giossi Do. 34 " .63 .63 21.42 John W. tipple Do. 4 " 2.52 George Gunther Do. 41 " .63 .63 25.83 Oscar Charles I:algren Fammarlund Do. Do. 25 " .63 15.75 Harry Hamraersten Do. 5 " 31 " .63 3/4 3.15 18.63 Frank Hayek Do. Do. 21 " .60 .63 13.23 George Carl Hayes Hedlund Do. 6 " .63 3.76 Frank Hedlund Do. 5 It 192 it .63 3.15 12.29 John I.Ieinz Do. Do. 11 " .63 .63 6.23 Otto Werner Hesse Hesse Do. 2 " .63 1.26 Elmer Hintz Do. 29 " " .63 18.27 4.26 Melvin Hoiberg Pat4Fireman 8 7 If .532 4.41 Anton E. Johnson Jan. Eng. 2 " .63 1.06 Fred H. Johnson Do. 2 " .54 Gunn Johnson Do. 5 " .63 2.23 Howard M. Johnson Jonson Do. 46 " .562 28.98 Gilbert Bruce Jorve Journey Do. Do. 10 " .63 .63 6.30 Ralph Joyce Do. 9 " .48 3/4 4.39 August Kohler Do. 16 " .63 10.06 Emil Keller Do. 7 " .56 3.92 Andrew Kolstad Do. 12 It .63 7.56 Joseph Kustalski Do. 30 " .63 13.90 Willian La -Chapelle Do. 2 " 3 ".62 .63 1.26 1.67 Elisa Larsen Janitress 5 11.48 3/4 2.44 Oscar Lindberg; Stat.Fireman Gus Linde Jan. Eng. 26 If .63 16.38 Giuseppi Lucia Do. 31 " .63 19.53 Thomas Lunzer Do. 36 " .63 22.68 James Lynn Do. 35 ' .63 22.05 Harry Mc -Donald Do. 8 " .63 5.04 George tic -Kinnon Do. 6 " .60 3/4 3.65 William I.:c-1?eely Do. 8 " .63 5.04 Jacob Magnuson Do. 9 " .63 5.67 Eaward M anska Do. 3.663 " :5 10.08 1.13 Nels I.:artin Jan. 2 6-,! Carl Culler Jan. Eng. 6 " .e3 3.78 Leslie I:iiller Do. 5 " .63 3.15 Lester I,°oilers Do. 5 " .63 3.15 John l.:ombrao Do. 11 " .63 6.93 John munkelvritz Do. 102 it .63 6.62 John Nelson Do. 8 It .63 5.04 Leonard Cberg Do. 10 if .532 5.35 Hugh O -Donnell Do. 2 " .63 1.26 Karl Oster Do. 3 If .48 3/4 1.46 Nels Paulsen Do. 2 " .63 1.26 William Paulsen Do. 20 " .532 10.70 Robert Pearmon Do. 3 " .63 1.89 121854 -3- JA-!jT0-S <c EIiGIIIEEP.S - REGULAR OVERTILI LAR.11 1941 a TITLE TIT--F-,,RATE TOTAL PIAD'E Peet Jan. En �• 19 hxs. It .63 11.97 3.78 Leo August Peterson Do. 6 14 „ .63 .63 8.82 Waldemar Richter Do. 3 n .63 1.89 Frank Ritchet Do. 9 „ .63 5.67 Thimothy Roddy Do. 3 „ .532 1.61 Elmer Rongsted Do. 15 n .63 9.45 Mathias Ross Do. 4 „ .63 2.52 Viilliam Sagissor Do. 12 „ .53a 6.42 Frank St-Cermain Do. 9 „ .63 5.67 Joseph Saner Do 9 „ .56 5.04 Clinton Sandercock Do. 9¢ „ .63 5.99 Otto Schneppmueller Do. 16 �� 3/4 Albert Schoener Stat.I�ireman .63 3.78 Bert Seidler Jan. Eng. 16 „ .S3 10.08 Wilbur Simons Do. 3 a .63 1.89 Oscar Smolensky Do. 33„ .63 20.79 Lloyd Spetzman Do. 11 „ .63 6.93 Nicholas Stadtfeld Do. 8 „ .63 5.04 Galus Staffs. Do. 4II „ .56 26.88 Robert Stahnke Do. 9 „ .63 5.67 Charles Starz Do. 6 n .63 3.78 Arthur Story Do. It 6 .63 3.78 Hermann Svendsen Do. 38 11.63 23.94 Christopher Tarte Do. 37 „ .54 19.98 Rudolph Thalhuber Do. 7 „ .63 4.41 Edward �•homas Do. 3 „ .63 1.89 Albert Thompson Do. 6 6 „ .63 3.78 Isaac V7. Thompson Do. 2 „ .63 18.27 George Turnquist Do. 7 e .63 4.41 Carl warodell Do. 41 „ .63 25.83 James 'Matson Do. 9 „ .63 5.67 ig� Werner wilwert Do. Jan. 19 a .561- 10.74 John Herbert Zirk Jan. Eng. 27 It .58,E 15.73 TOTAL - 964.15 FORM NOw 1 March 11 194 =� An emergency has arisen'in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Jan. Engs. Regular Overtime. Cleaning Schools And Firing. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances s IlVness of Regular Employees. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Orhiio.l to City Clerk 12181515 CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNclr_ Ftl_e NO._. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY.•..�_. March 10, 1941 COMMISSIONER — .._ .. __. ._. .... DATE_ .................... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 102 feeder pigs at a total cost of $1088.62 from the GEORGE N. BURT CO., without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Public Works- P1ork- house 1016-131 C. No, L1855—Ity ]illton Rosen— 1 lttaolvetl, that the I'u rcltuslnK A•Ken[ he. and he la herehy uuthorl-rad to Dur rliu: c. with the a ae t [ tho Comp- 1 [uller, Cur the SL Wurkliuusc, lo_ ceder T',,,{{ t total "tai eo5[ u[ SI,UNN.fi_ from the �t�FK'e T. Burt �I thuut uJ vertlaemant• Ihlx [lie only x' y stlithe l n Suuth St�"jellttek aa I,�i�nrg� ,-.blle \V orks—t\'ork hu use IUI S -l:{]. Adopted Ly the C'o unci] Mar. 11, 1911. approved Afar. 11. 1911. l Ahtrch 15, 191!7 C011IICILTiIETIMAR 111947 Adopted by the Council—, �t .. _..... _ 194--.-- geas Tlays �99/ a; ass A ndlan Approved -4arrTruax_...._. ___..... ... ... anto ,,Peterson In Favor Rlayo .,Rosen -Agafnsl Mr. President, McDonough 1111 '-Z cs .1.3. OrI91-1 b Clty Clerk 12`1856 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PIL[ NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY U7f,'�/�J� �J COMMISSIONER————. _�F el-....Peterg_on "--ATE Ma - ch 11 19 41 RFSOLVED,'rhat the free use of the theater sact on of the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to St. Joseph's Academy on the afternoon of Jun` 3, 1941, for its commencement exercises; said St. Joseph's Academy to pay only the cost of Opening andogerating said portion of the Auditorium on that date for the above occasion. COUTICILITIEn Beds nays llndliF' an A3arranto Peterson �l2osen �['r x President, Mct)onough 3m 3-40 CS 23333 ISI366—IJY Apel F. Peter{u the I l:. I'- Nu. [hu[ the t17 - PI -1 uAudl- l[eeulvud.[LLnn t the 8t.to I thr lu[n c it Ix o[ei r�� Ti III—— hn•e aPnaemr [ Si. Jun,, ty�t• tuc III,' h;g pctudenUY to of June uido i of nepp n d yer- 1exerPlneu: to ncaunrinm I oiing enld Purtlun thou. iun. tltut elute Ithe the 6lnr, ii. ty�l., Cu 1911. Ado Pled hYytu r. 11, Approved (3turc11 15. l9a I1 Adopted by the Council _MA 1 1941_ i' TI p n Approved--.." -.... .4 1941 ..,-.In Favor r ......Against C. F.No' 121857—ay pi_11o, AV. A. Parnto— Original to City Clerk AV. that ii—­1 121857 CITY OF Sd vi PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rile NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ATE--.--.Ma.rc. h 11 _194l.— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addr 4ses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the c i ty clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Howard J. Driscoll 756 Forest St. Grocery App. 45972 Renewal. Merton E. Coan 391 N. Prior Ave. Confectionery 11 46506 11 Eugene R. Coy. 397 University Ave. Grocery n46765 I Mrs. K. H. Marsh 600 Western Ave. N. Confectionery 46944 Mrs. W. Wallace 1654 Grana Ave. Confectionery 46922 Green Gate Grill 364 St. Peter Restaurant n47051 It n it 11 n On Sale Malt 47052 Allen Brown 176 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt If 47063 Andrew Urban 566 N. Robert St. Grocery 11 47134 E. W. McGill 920 Rondo Ave. Grocery It 47151 it Raymond M. taFaver Roller Rink 1051 Grand Ave. 47166 W. J. Robb 299 Maria Ave. Grocery 47184 Abdo M. Kadrie 312-14 Rice St. Restaurant 47195 If On Sale Malt 4716 11 u n Off Sale Mal 47187 S. Zaikaner & Tankenoff 1036 Front St- Grocery 47204 John V. Patten 193 W. 6th St. Grocery 47220 Victor R. Foley 17 W. Exchange St. Restaurant 47259 11 n 11 n On Sale Malt it 47260 11 Off Sale Malt 11 47261 6 Carl A. Johnson 1103 Payne Ave. Grocery 47335 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council -MAR 194__..._ 1je22 days _�Kndlan ApproDed_...iA.AR_.j_1.. ,,-Parranto Peterson In favor /Rosen may y 14ruax ./,Against PUBLISILLD /ItIr. President, McDonough 301 5-40 CS 23338 Orlyi—1 to Clty Ck•rk CITYOF SAINT PAUL ? COUNCIL NO._ _ OFFICE.OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMM ISSIONERER . _.____—.^_____. {\l/ ... _ ... ... DATE—..Cl'1 RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Ann Dehler 726 E. 7th St. Grocery App.46740 New Old Loca. n n n n n Off Sale Malt n 46741 n n u Grand Union Tea Co. 188 W. 4th St. Grocery s 47293 n 11 n Raymond M. LaFaver 1051 Grand Ave. Confectionery n 47320 " n n Local #45 Billposters Union, 1536 N. Pascal Bill Poster " 47345 " New Loca. Vasilios P. Tsiamardos 169 W. 7th St. Restaurant ° 47359 " Old Loca. COUTICILMETI geas nays Ian PPaarranto Paterson' osen ' Truax m .Ar. President, McDonough t;. 1�. \o, IY1SSs—I3>' Juhn � Tina htu-_ I'urruntu— Hexolved, [hu[ Ilcenxex Dplied for Lr the perxon. n , a mI t`Ite 11x( ut- timhed to ere re ulu[lun hr Ina t l:lerk Ix elnx[rucietlgl cull...eted l x u Iid th Iic•enV t eupon the peyln nt into (hr city eituur)• o[ (II �. r tutted [eex. Adopted b)• the t,n hejl \fur. 11. 1941. App roved 31ur. 11, 1941. (March 15. 1941) Adopted by the CouncilMAR 111941 / 1111941 104 VIn Favor C. -.Against 0091-1 to CITY 04r41218 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CFIOLE 16 vt�e NO._.... .. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,, RESOLUTION ---GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY �� ....._. _. DATE—..—Xa�.Qh .. ]•], r....�1=1—.-.--- - COMMISSIONER_..—__4- _.._.. _. .- .. .. RESOLVED: That Gas Station license $5774, expiring Jan. 2, 1942, issued to Francis S. Pariseau at 620 E. Seventh St. its be and the same is hereby transferred to Francis S. Pariseau at 695 Arcade St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. No. 1'_11869—SY John S. Findlae— W. A. Parranto— Reaolved, that Co., Station Ilee— No. 774, expiring Jan. 2. 1942, laeued to Fran cle S. Par leeno at 820 E. Seventh St. be and the e e I. hereby trane- ferred to FranetatS. Partaeaa at 696 Arcade St. nd the pee a Ity elite. ra enaInatrneted to n,a'er the ngee In the .ity'. record.. proper Old Location. Adopted by the Ceanell filar. 11, 1941. An pro ved Mar. 11, 1941. (March 16, 1941) Old Location. COnnCILITIEn leas nays S Findlan /4arranto ,,P6terson Posen /fruax ,-Mr. President, nleDonough em b'40 cs 23358 MAR 11 1941 Adopted by the Council—.._ ... .. -194----- MR In 1941 In Favor �� „Against gor original to city Clerk�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL RO[NC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY"' --- COMMISSIONER__.. U wHEMS, Albertine Rainer has made application to the State Tax Commissioner for abatement of the 1940 taxes and sprinkling assessment on the west SO feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 145, Town of West St. Paul, for the reason that due to an error the taxes for said 50 feet were levied.againet 80 adjoining feet purchased by the applicant; therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it recommends that the State Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested. C011nCILmEn 1]eas nays Fiindlan ,Farranto 'Merson Rosen /Fruax 14 ". President, McDonough ,in ,-ao CS C. 1', Flo, 121800-11)• Joh t S. lu,dian— N',ereus, klbertine Rainer han nt de application to the bYate Tax Commlx- xloner for abatement of the 19 0 tnxen 60d fe elili X11 I.o[xtl �smdn6,oBlock ]18, Totr that due sto St. Paul,on the t---- or ,aid 50 feet were an eIev,1eQ against 60 adjoining feel pub`ch[nsed by the at) n t: therefore.the Council o[ lite City c Rexolved, bl' mendx that of Saint Paul that It r the State Tax /_omtnlsalo er giant the rellef r quesyted. �doptedd hlnth'e 11.194� Mur. 11. 1941. iProve (Murch 16. 1941) MAR 111941 Adopted by the Council _... .... ....._... __ 194..... - " 111941 t94 Approved....— In pproved _...._..In Favor IIla9or Against n:l,h.l in cur rlrrt��( CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE 4 . COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1-l� COMMISSIONER—.. WHEREAS, W. S. Cockroft, Superintendent of Construction and Repair for the City of Saint Paul, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for the reduction and correction of certain assessments for the oiling of Fauquier Street between Seventh and Cypress Streets, because said assessments were levied in error; and , AREAS, the particular lots affected by said application are set out in detail in said application; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the State Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested. 121861-133' Johnlndhtn— whereua, W'. S. Cockroft, 3uperin-I tendert[ of S.Jnructlon d tteayae [nr the Cllr of Saln[ Ynul, has de n, 'd leatlon .lo the Nl nnexetu Tav Cunt-' nlxnloncr [or the reductlen nod lion r[ eertnln u nta fnr the -oiling of h7tutiuler Street between Sev- exteaament'- —1- levle dx In eernr; u.,'Id, \V lterenx, the Varliculnr lot- Off -ted; by sola nMtllcatl On nr xot nut 6: detull �. •In old nU➢lle.tlon; therefore, ne It Itexolr ad, thnt the C,unt•Il of the etity I " of Salol Ynulend- [l,xt the iilett t• Tuz Cummlxaloncr NranI the r Aduptettl byyedihe l,'e unell Mar. 11. I44t1.' A lroroved ]Inr. 11, 1!141. (Notch 18, 194i) councimEn leas nays Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 31111 S -Ce CS 1355E NEAR 11 341 Adopted by the Council.. ..... _ ... ..--_ 194...,,. _ 4 - Approved_.. �'�' v�,m1� _194. ...In Favor \. m or .Against Offilnal to City Clerk 1 21 '862) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNclt- NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A(I COMMISSIONER_._ WHEREAS, John P. Kartheiser, Deputy County Auditor, i has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for the abatement of certain sprinkling assessments against the east 55 feet of Lot 5 and all of Lots 2, S and 4, Block 3, Mid- way -Industrial Division, because the same were levied while the property was owned by the State of Minnesota;,therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the State Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested. COUTICILMEn 1]eas nays Findian Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M -e Cs aaaaa I `R. No. 1"1862-13:,'1"1862-13:,'John S. Findlnn— \\'here ue, John P. fiar(nelaer. I)eVuty a: ou ty Auditor, luta nade uPPllmtti�n the Mlnneaotn 1`u> Com mixaluner for: the abatement of ••rluin' xPrinkling' tx'a!;'al nxt lite uxt 5 feel f Lot 5x nd II f Lotu " 3 nd 4• t{lock t htNidn•x)'i n du let' ed Dl hlle nihe eprope ertyxw a otvted 1,' the State of prop: to "therefore. be It " Min R-olved, than the Cuunetl of the City of Salnt 11 "1 et tmmen dx that 'hc IAxle Tai (:ontmixxlmter grant the lef rey uealed. Ado Ptetl b the t'u a •.II alar. 11, I:N I. Al,P o, d tar.ti. t. (March Is, 194'7) MAR 111941 Adopted by the Council „ - ­­ - 194_ k 1941 /--, Approved_ ....... ...... -------194- .,_In Favor Inay .. Against t Oripinel to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYjM.. DAl COMMISSIONER—_. ..... _ .. ... .. .-. - �. 2-1863 COUNCIL FIL[ NO. AREAS, John P. Kartheiser, Deputy County Auditor, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for the abatement of assessments and penalties on certain property described in the attached application because said assessments were levied against the property while the same was owned by the State of Minnesota; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Tax Commissioner grant the relief re- quested. couTIC1LmEn 1]ea3 Tlays Find Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough ,in a-ao CS —1. L. N. Ko. 121863—ny John ' F'In di.n—i lvnereaa, John Y, RI urtbeser, Deputy, Cuunq' Auallor, b"mae uDPlicu[I" to the Minnexo l:t Tar Comminaloiter (or I th[ e abatement aaesamentn a a Ven- allled on certain yyroperly deacrlbed In the nttac hed ae Allen tion because a Id encs ""re levied asgnlnat the V roperty while the same 'u caned by lhxeetal,eedt thnI the Couin ocll off the. Cllyl [ Sal' Ynul rec omm nds that the Taa i C•ommisslener grant the relief request -i J ed. ]i Adopted byy the l'ouncll Mar. 11, 1941. Approved 31 r. 11, 1941. (March 16, 19411 MAR 111941 Adopted by the Council. BRf'�ifi Approved _............ .......----- ---194.. In Favor . �. _.............. / _ or Again I O'hib-1 to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILA NO._ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY commissIONER_.. _.. 1 ..-_. :.._ _ ...—.... __--- WHEREAS, W. II. Kaufman, Superintendent of Parke of the City of Saint Paul, has made application to the Minnesota Tax Commissioner for the abatement of assessments for tree trimming levied against Lot 6, Block 4, Lovering's Addition. to Union Park, and Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Eastville Heights, because the same were levied in error; therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it recommends that. the Tax Commissioner grant the relief requested. COUTICILMEn geas Rails Beefsna Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough and -o Cs ... - I'. P. No. i'_'Ixe4—BY Juhn S. 1•`Indlun— K'ha•rens.Kaufman. Superin- tendent of Parka of the CRY of Suint Paul• hasn de aFplicati fr to the Wn- nesota Tax Colnmaaloner for the abate- ment of a aex enta for tree trimming levled agalnatsLot G. Block 4,, 0—ring's Addition to Union Park, d Iota 11 and 12, Block 1, haatvllle Heights. be- e the a %ere levled error. therefore, be II Resolved. by the Council of the Clty of Saint Paul that It re da that the Tax Commissioner xrantn the relief reiluealed. y Ad,pto'ed yl the llUt1941 I 1. \inr. 11, 1941. i March ]o. Uall MAR 1199 Adopted bil the Counoil -. MAR JIL W1 Approved-__ In Favor Aqainst NOTICE C� ^" —' 121865 F. xo. COUNCIL FILE NO.--- TO Iisisq- gC. hRexovei •P - r PRINTER "'" :; r"' MHroh 7 1 ------'---194-- -RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE, AMOUNT 62,452.29 80681 80732 OF $ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO—aNC� SIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. NGk 11 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__—..._—__...—. -._..__.___.-194_ . Y CO ROLLER APPROVED----_..-- goo o-0 PUBLISHED-2_LL -��� M11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 155859 78 Z DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 18 f i OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL BARFUSS CG UNCIL FILE NUMBER_..—__.--___ FINDLAN PN I- PETERSOETERSON INFAVORi AUDITED CLAIMS ROUEN AGAINST! March 7 March i TgUA% I MR PR ES MC DONOUGH RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE OR WN11ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3�2 fy�['� .52..2q_ COVERING Mjq�'4 +q -:H ELKS NUMBER _ TO_., „INC/y/USIVE, AS ADOPTED BY TH t; C UyCl4 -��41 194 PER CHECKS O / A,PRo E 7yW�OjR, Sd 7i� ^ t CE OF CITY CO¢fPTRO L L ER lM1_ U.SER C' - BER -,� covrrno[[n CHECKTOTAL � NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ______ _ — --.•' DATE i RETURNED TRANSFER CHECKS D15B U RSEMENT BY BANK �I CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD ' 0 4P7 ® 80681 William Gund 40 00 80682 8068 John S. Findlan, C. of Financie John S, Fin+lan, C, of Finanole 152 0 1 39 to 8844 80685 John 3. Finilan, C, of Financia August 6 655 51 80686 Rahler John 9, Finilan. C. of Finance 20 0o 9 188 54 80687 80688 John S. Finilan, C. of Financia 73 255 80689 John S. Findlan, C, of Finanoe 110 00 , 80690 John S. Finilan, C. of Finance Richard Jansen 120 00 80691 80692 John S. Findlan, C, of Finano'o 25 60 3 111 26 80693 John S. Findlan, C, of Finanop John S. Findlan, C. of Finano: 93 36 13 208 73 80694 80695 Thos. L. Otte Hymie H. Levy 10 00. 80696 80697 John Lennon American 71 95 4o 00 ; a[o69g Hoist & Derrick Compiany 4 00 80699 Oswell Gravelle j 10 ; Grace Martinez 44 35: 80700 Arthur E. Thom 1 00 80701 9t.Paul Institute 500 001 80702 County Welfare Board I 15 701 80703 John J. Bailey 20 00 90704 G.J. O'Donnell 20 00 80705 80706 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Comp* y Malady 39 06: Paper Company 108 50 80707 John S. Findlan, C, of Finange 70 50i a 80708 John S. Findlan, C, of Fivande 51 30 80709 John 9. Finilan, C, of Finan 9 227 68 80710 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90; 80711 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 25 56: 80712 Mrs. Ella Woodward 1E0 60 jI 80713 80714 Brown and White Cab Company 195 70 80715 3 John . Findlan, C. of Finance Cullen & Crowther, G.Agents 258 40 ` 58 04° 80716 Firestone Auto Supply & 9.5. . 113 95 80717 Edward A. Furni, Supt. 14 80• 80718 General Electric supply Company 46 01 80719 G,odrieh—Silvertown stores 72 95 80720 Hannaford—O'Brien, Inc. 36 11 80721 80722 Don Haynie Latuff Brothers 54 16- 8072 Maendler Brush Company 178 63 111 6'' 80724 John W. Uitohell 11 60 80725 80726 Northern States Power Company, Scully 14 04990. Steel Products Company. 19 80727 W.F.smith Tire & Battery Company 10758 - 80728 H.R. Stahl Company 802 0. 80729 S.O. Swenson Agency 43 86 80730 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 3�j Oo 80731 Vocational School Petty Cash i1'Fund 34 02' 80732 (Peed, Parker & Company 72 68 .j M11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 155859 78 Z Orlgin 1 (o (:Ity Ckrk •, • ` (� iiiff, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUCILNO _121866 ra OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IVJLV COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—___--____.._ ............. .. ... .. -. .-.. _ DATE February 4.,..19.1}1.........._.... WHEAAS, Oscar A. Hanson has made application 46875 for license to operate as an auto livery car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Cadillac automobile, Motor 110. 3290724, Car No. 25, covered by Emp1byers Mutual Liability Insurance Co. of Wisconsin pglicy No. 3-468563, expiring Dec. 13, 1941, and \) L WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy wi* the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as an auto livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Oscar A. Hanson and the City Cleric is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee (renewal -formerly Dampier-3aird) 1_Iti64—Ity 1;. 11. Barfu....— \\'ht•rex w. 11. ar A. 11;l - ha.. 1. z". :tuulit nll��u IG4;F f��r li1,1a+�- to i�ur•rute t tit St'>' a" uu"11 the wtrt•etw of ii e i�ity � . rs:ta. :: t• 111 r•adnla:-. nulum obi h•. \Incur Ko. a'907Y eu by l•: u: uluy.rw Sl ulu:�l I�iliir \Inv frame 1 of \\'Iwt•uu nin 1"41. Vn, :t -.I Ii.S:if::. eyulrinl:' It.-,. 1" .1. IUJ 1. tna \l'hernn w. ..mill :1 u1'I j,; hathw til���l '��1.` of In+n rn ut''r unlit�y h :• l:lty ;luuru a�n.l ::.. to f�n�ni n.t .. r Itiuu by tlt�• t'nrpunttinu 1 nu nwel,� Ihrrrfnre.� he it Re-�ult'etl. th:tl lit'nwe lu:. 3. rill 't tul�n:nhile w as—1, li\'e ry nq tinnith t.. of the y of hvt. 1'::ul ht• : uu 1 11:: nwun sort the 1'lly ('Irrl< In inwtt ru t•t eel; :til lit u::��• noontht• umod',l i ut�wwttht. elty trr::wu r)' u[ the n•�Iuireti t 1. to mo erly :it•r- Itniru ). ,\tlnl'te by thy 1. 1 ,94.ij ylar. 11, 1!�41.; INlar,ol t:.. 1941 MAR 11 1941 COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council Qeas Tlays - - MAR 111941 Findlan /1arranto /Peterson In Favor -7v2 ' -Rosen Rlayor uax . Against i ,/Mr. President, McDonough CM a -au Cs ]pppe SPATE O8 MINnSOTA') ) es. COUNTY 08 RAM SRI' ) LI. being duly sworn, dopose and state that I have made eppliontion to the City Q� ` of Saint Paul for a license to operate ai Ai ✓ <,C y (speci ty taxi. livery. etc.) for the period of one year commencing the /v- day of I further affirm that there are no UDwafted Judgments for personpl injury of property damage docketed against me in Pry court in the State of Minnesota. I mplre this affidavit for the purpose of complying with the provisions of the license ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. which ordinances provide that any license issued for the operation of a taxicab. auto livery ops. etc. may be revoked if any unsatit" judgments appear of record against the applicant. arising out of damages to person or property by reason of the operation of sn 7. cab or auto livery. Subscribed and sworn ore me this day of 912�� tary Rib ic. Ramsey County. Minn. }.y commission expires i_rtinti "BAIR", ounty, Minn, My Commission Lupi- Sept. 20, 194$ o,iaiu.l,u (Nty Ckrt r. r, ���.,I L: I,mn s. rinm:'�' .. r, .: 'JCa CITY OF S., • �Yhoren�. ' ' . NO._. ` I OFFICE OF TI COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENEx,:, FORM PRESENTED B DATE—.... F'eh SI'y COMMISSIONER - -- -- - - .. - ---. r WHEREAS, H. C. Gottwald. dba Blue & White Cab hasmade application 46925 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, four (4) automobiles described as follows! Cab No, blake Motor No. Serial No. Ins Co & Policy Expiration 99 Plymouth P12-193507 11229097 Lloyds of btpls.H222377 1-11-42 100 Desoto 8340964 5562811 Lloyds of Mpls1H200496 2-11-41 180 Plymouth P10-65997 10933595 Lloyds of Mp1s.1900496 2-11-41 200 Plymouth P6T278118 10621607 Lloyds of Mp1s.H218988 11-111-41 WHEREAS, said applicant has filed copies of. insurance policies -with the City of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs topon H. theGstreets twald of the City City of St. Paul be and the same are hereby granted Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal. COIITICILMETI Ileas [lays Fiadl/ an / P/apranto /P/eterson "Rosen -name Ar. President, McDonough IM a-ao Cs -- MAR 12 1941 Adopted by the Council__-__ ... ... .._194__._._ MAK 12 1944 In Favor _ ...:: .... ..._. ..._. ._.may c ..__.. „Against PUBLISI�D r `D C. 1, Su. '_lass—aY G. LI. anr[uN.— JOhn y. I'IPdlnn—\V. All to Cily Ckrk�V hr.'r e:t�. Loreltn C-11 uld dhn nlue 3 \l'hll, U , t. r­de a.Puplir:••' n COUNCIL 12186.8 CITY 169Pnn :tv ILE OFFICE n. Lt, CLERK Q COUNCIL RESOLUIION --- GENERAL r;lv1 PRESENTED B February 4, 1941 COMMISSIONER .____......._. _ _..... .. DATE---..-.-.-. .. .......... ...... .. ..._ . WHEREAS, Loretta Gottwald dba Blue and White Cab has made application 46926 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. 1`10-405676, Serial No. 11121343, Car No. 198, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis, insurance policy H216099, expiring August 24, 1941, and WHEREAS, said aDplicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Loretta Gottwald and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Renewal. C011nC1LMETI 1Jeas nays iRdlan "Parranto ,'15.terson ,Rosen ,Mf� President, McDonough IM 1". cs vvae MAR 12 1941 Adopled by the Council__... _ . is Approved-____....__ In Favor ayor _Against YG1Il,lSHED 1 1'. \n. 1.'1 nri:i_It?' I+ill ellln 21869 Orlyi,.l 1. 1:11> Cierk Iteynl CITY OF S/', I l ,l `...L LUJ L e NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY •JMarch 12r 1941• COMMISSIONER—_ DATE— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon'the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Fannie Breslaw 144 S. Robert Restaurant App.47144 Renewal On Sale Malt n 47145 n n "1' Off Sale Wlt " 47146 P Gertrude C. Lindsay 180 N. Western Ave. Grocery " 47300 It " " It of Off Sale Malt " 47301 " Speedometer Service & Acc.Co. 251 W.Kellogg 2nd Hand dealer " 47346 " Nick Seuillace 453 Rice St. Restaurant " 47349 " of'11 m.,:,................ Ir.....n................,..._...............,..... l...M.......t.......ii .. ..... ....,... ,.11...............: On sae al47350 1t 11 " It Off Sale Malt " 47351 " Sam Perna 686 Canada Grocery " 47352 " Joe Corbey 448 Jackson St. Confectionery ° 47353 " Mary James 800 E. 7th St. Restauratt " 47354 S.L. Leestamoer 224 W. 7th St. On Sale Malt " 47356 " 11 It It " Off Sale Malt " 47357 " Arthur C. Sedin 1410 Arcade St. Grocery " 47366 " Michaud Bros. Inc. 1059 Grand Ave. Grocery " 47369 " Alrick & Mathison 1054-2 Hudson Rd. Bakery 11 47375 " Adolph Neuburger 1828 St. Clair Ave. Bakery " 47377 Alois J. Stang 1825 Univ. Ave. Gas Station n 47379 to Lange & Thill 332 E. 7th St. GasStation 11 47389 " Lawrence Gelbmann 1297-1303 Rice St. Ice Station to 47391 n counCILMET1 Adopted by the CouncilMAR.12 1949- Ijeas Tlatts uClG7%S ;:; FiPd /tan / Approved / 'Parranto \ I ,Peterson VVV In Favor ITlayor .Kasen �\ Against r. Presidenl, McDonough IM 1-eo Cs 1-1. PUBLISIILD Original to City Clerk 1:) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL PILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r .. PRESENTEDBy COMMISSION ER __1_.��tDATE __..T,ch 1.2..,. 1941 WHEREAS, Adolph Lindstrom has made application 47376 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P12-283600, Serial No. 11277890, Car No. 91, covered by Pennsylvania Casualty Co. insurance policy #22-341-02649, expiring March 8, 1942, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be 1 RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Adolph Lindstrom and the City Cleric is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. - - +'. P. No. 1_1,'70—Ily John S. Ill.dhtn—I W er.... \dolh,h Lindsthud.. nWication 4737 (or urom ue m cer.e 1p operate p x. a tax lenb anon the treetx of the. ,ty or 9L Pnt l]) plrmoutn. u to mohile. Motor N0. No. 17271 N90, Car Nn. 91 o , c redd by D)•1 1•en nxvlrutr hr I;naunityy Cn. lnau toner IrollryNo. ^-84]-0_rr49, ¢xpl rinR March. X. 1942, and Wheereas, card unnliranl has filed py f Inst ran ie policy Ilh the City of St. Pa `Is and sxitl nnlley has been til err(`n rli to form and ecutlon b)' 1t ❑nlntlon lbunsel, tnererore, he u.Itesolced. that II¢ense to onernte sold streets n(e[h ey C ity It hof l St. PahuPobe the. theI indst romtsan dr the R(`Itn ted to Adol nh strutted In Issue s+•1, IIYen 1¢ru Is the ulynlenl Into the eity treuattrypof the required fee. Adopted e,• the Counrll hfnr. 1_", 1940 Ann toted blur. 1C. 1941. (March ]i, 19411 X counctl.menMAR 12 1941 Adopted by the Council _ .. .- t]eas Tlays 194 Q (t p p ��T� �. aFindlan Approved_ „_. _... ............. _184. rarranto I j /Peterson In Favor 2� osen .Against -nlr. President, nlcC)onough 3111 3.40 CS 23333 WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 120762, approved November 6, 1940, the Council did, on the 3rd day of December, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing -upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two and one-half story frame building located on the east 50 feet of the south 100 feet of Lot 6, Block 1, Paterson's Addition, also described as No. 413-415 East Thirteenth Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this -resolution, directing the wrecking . and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it .FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. CO11nCILmEn yeas nays ar uss `fi�dlan 4arranto /`t�eterson �<Iosen �r. President, McDonough Adopted by the Council. MAR 12 .1944194 Approved_ .... ..__194 In Favor >Zlayo� - Against PUB1.IS1'IED I.% F. N.. 121871—Hy Fred M. Truax— qq Peterson —H xT O 'her inrtl h�Q1fber origi& to City Clerk'- r x �.,� .fir 6.l 940. cher 8, 1De- • .1n1 CIL CITY OF ! i"' ' • Dti«. NO. OFFICE OF THL Cis PRESENTED BY Truce COUNCIL L TION--- E .. ....—_ COMMISSIONER_._.. WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 120762, approved November 6, 1940, the Council did, on the 3rd day of December, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing -upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two and one-half story frame building located on the east 50 feet of the south 100 feet of Lot 6, Block 1, Paterson's Addition, also described as No. 413-415 East Thirteenth Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this -resolution, directing the wrecking . and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it .FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. CO11nCILmEn yeas nays ar uss `fi�dlan 4arranto /`t�eterson �<Iosen �r. President, McDonough Adopted by the Council. MAR 12 .1944194 Approved_ .... ..__194 In Favor >Zlayo� - Against PUB1.IS1'IED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 11, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the two and one-half story frame building located on the east 50 ft. of the south 100 £t. of Lot 6, Block 1, Peterson's Addition, also known as 413-415 E. Thirteenth St. Very truly yours, City Clerk. tV6t i t 80 An -ordinance permitting Northern States Power Company to assess an additional charge to consumers of electricity for the use of neon tubes, mercury vapor tubes, gaseous tube lamps, 2nd. Laid oyer to I v ?rd. &app._%:__ _ e Adopted ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Yeas Nays Yeas S Nays Barfuss Barfuss p Findlan e , , Findlan brranto n } Parranto (y[ Pederson . Peterson 9 :.'RosenY b t Rosen `�'rua� .� Mr. President Fallon Truax said Company to conduct its business within said city as a \Ir. President Fallon U public utility company furnishing electric power for hire, OriyLuito City Clok ORDINANCE 121872 permit, install neon tubes, mercury vapor tubes, gaseous COUNCIL FILE NO. LL PRESENTED It3� ORDINANCE NO. An -ordinance permitting Northern States Power Company to assess an additional charge to consumers of electricity for the use of neon tubes, mercury vapor tubes, gaseous tube lamps, fluorescent lamps, or other lighting devices having lower power factor than ninety per cent. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. t` THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. In each instance that customers of Northern States Power Company receiving and consuming electric power for lighting purposes, supplied by said Company as a public utility corporation for hire within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, shall hereafter during the period of the existing permit heretofore granted by said City, authorizing said Company to conduct its business within said city as a public utility company furnishing electric power for hire, or during the period of any extension or renewal of said permit, install neon tubes, mercury vapor tubes, gaseous tube lamps, fluorescent lamps, or other lighting devices having lower power factor than ninety per cent, and do not at their own expense provide power factor correction equip- ment which will maintain the power factor of each such device or group of such devices connected as a unit at not"'1906 than ninety per cent, the said Company may assess a charge, in addition to the rates for electric energy consumption specified in the schedules of rates now in force and effect, 1 G at the rate of One Dollar per month per kilo -volt-ampere of i c. P: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan In Favor Parranto Rosen Peterson Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved: Attest: {" r City Clerk Mayor }� 280 7-40 , 4 f #lit st P S oviginal to Cit, WWk 121872 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) uncorrected lighting devices having a power factor of lose than ninety per cent; such charge may be assessed by said Company against all uncorrected installations made after this ordi- nance becomes effective and against all existing installations when the same are reconstructed, materially altered, or moved to a new location; provided that no such oharge shall be assessed unless it amounts to twenty-five cents or more per month. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and,be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council _ Barfuss Findlan In Favor Parranto Rosen Peterson — Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor RENOLUTI ON OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING 4.9 Essmr, T AND PINK -4 T[JIE 'F'N• rPEP IN AND 121873 RESOLUTION TI' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THMN AND FIRM TIME or HEAPNCi o'l T111- AWARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- oonde=ing and taking for the widening of Eustis Street a tract of land lying within the SW, of the NWJ of Section 20, Town 29, Range 23, bounded on the north by the north line of the SYt, of the Nq of said Section 20, on the south by the northerly line of Como Avenue, on the east by the westerly boundary of Eustis Street as widened by the addition of a 10 foot strip of land taken and condemned under Council Final Order No. 118786 approved Ilay 21, 1940, and bounded on the west byy a line described as followsl Beginning at a point on the north line of the SWN4 of the NWJ of said Section 20, 113 feet west of the northeast corner of the said SWI,, thence south and parallel to the east line of the said Si- to a point which is 91.6 feet north of the north line of Como Avenue measured on said line extended, thence on a curve to the right of 140 foot radius through a central angle of 32 degrees 10 minutes, thence on a tangent to said curve a distance of 3 feet to a point on the north line of Como Ave. 27.9 feet northwesterly from the intersection of the north line of Como Ave. and a line 113 feet west of the east line of the SWJ of the 1* of said Section 20, Final Order The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. . Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- -9th------------day of ------ ------------------, 1941— at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- AR -12 1941 Cit Clerk. / Approved ------------------------------- 19---= l 4�_ File S'.54 / 1\ Mayo , Councilman Councilman !<' rods aso Councilman Councilmansaa 1'U33Lialii:L' Councilmanffii= Rftn Councilman Mayor 6iialoW Mcuouaugh IMMM Aj@ A1t1" 7W OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF IMAGO under Preliminary Order -__-11161_ __--__-_, approved__-__ De2ember_18 Intermediary Order --------- -------------- approved-_-___ ------------- Final Order ----------------121662"_- 1,'_ 18 _124-1 ------------ ------------- approved------'- e-h-r-�-i The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein .appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the- making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- -9th ------------ day he-____9th_____--___-_day of ---- r 1 ------------------, 19A!-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council-------MAR-----12----1941 ------------------ 19__-- ' • 1 -. , ------------ City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- y\` rale 9154 1------------------- -- ----�---------- Councilman-%I=W.4b, Mayo-" Councilman �� Councilman Councilman71111 PUBLiSliL�Z — Councilman Councilman Mayor g 1Hcuou va�h nF7sotUmloN OF r Q. wnPRov-lllJJJ r ING "!-T' .'•I "T \NO .FIRING � /� TITIM"1'l " Q* ^ YD 1. .1 C RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING fWKW AND FMN6 TIME OF HEARING ON 111E AWARD OF UKACk� In the matter of Conde; Zink and taking^ an easement _r._t_e land necessar. .or sloes, ----------------------- ------ ------------------------- cuts and fids in the gradin, an,: sir.'acii:e of the Ailey in Block 2, :,:erriam :=ark 3rd Addition from Wilder Street to bloore Street, under Preliminary Order ---- 12100'L __ approved- --,'ecer.;ber 4, 1940 Intermediary Order ---------- 121433_________-__, approved- _ _JT flrivarv_ 21a_19k1 _______________, Final Order ---------------- 121660------------- approved ___Fe�ruary_ LBS 1941 ---_--__-_____- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said asseysment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St.. Paul on the ---- _-9th of .... Apri 1 __ 19.41-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAR 12 194 Adopted by the Council ---------------- rt---------------- 19____ -- -- -- - - - --- -- - -- City Clem Approved------------------------------ 19__L� File 9161 \ Councilman Councilman Councilman 4 / !j Councilman s J`jjgLISF1FD —' — Councilman ANINI t - U Councilman Mayor NEmwgo McllououAh I RESOLUTION OF i ••I:NI:IL Ai q I INC. ASSE-8NF: ND 1 57RE 0 •. • 121875 5 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING II THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF UAR1":G UUN THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter ofa: a:-... 4--c.. :.a ______-sect_ n:_----------------____-- Lw,-rrencr ;:e'. an_ _ an --Aar :r.c 1.^..::•a ... ....r. _,......- lot Li, I°loc!: �1, 1ar:r.c.l.i vnr •:^ancer's iti.o: t:. !}roo:;:'-•nd, 1 `:o -..^,de 'oar a 1ine ;:e::cri'.:A:i r.s=o?lowc: r:.e.,inn'n- on t':.e scuthwesterl:' line of said =cet . ro:n the soati ..ester r: coc::.r -h,r r_o , t:::: e to said ,o:achvrester;" corner, norf.:ar:assrl; al...... ...,. so..neast..l I.4ne oC si::d lot, _ feet, ta-nce north- ts .erl,. tc .,o:a ci' '..r •irninr, under Preliminary Order ---- ilq'_ pproved_____=''l=__`__� __'_='' Intermediary Order _________11 - �' ____________- approved______'u nst Z,, 1 C Final Order ----------------] 2 ------------r approved----- Sed _.e_ter- 17y-13,.0 ------------ The The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- 2t:! ------------ day of---A^ri_l ___________________, 19_4_%_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAR 12 1941 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 19____ Wt dot �.� t,...�--------T-- --- ----�- ------------------ City Clerk. Approved-=-------------- --,19- - ?ilr: 9009 - or. Councilman Mmewouna F-Mdh p Councilmanpito. P._-- Councilman Councilman"°� 'PUBLISTIfiD Councilman Mayor s •Iclhluou 1218:;!ji J 21JJSI1,/ NOTICE 1% 11. 1- 12iI,17II INCIL FILE NO.- TO COUNI...R­fl­.� 'h1° PRINTER �'. �: . .... . RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO-THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 907n io.___!---'-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR12 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. .,CITY CO-R-ER APPROVED___- - ----- ...._--194.___- 1/8 PUBLISIM) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL .121876 p 2 6 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER coDN U A J FILE NUMBER_... .. --- ..__- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAPARRAN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Mva^r�c �o PA RRANTO _„ Y�,_iSL--.__._.__184 PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRRAWNO�Nf�7 �HE ITY TREASURY TRUAX TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i�Y}.- COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGH - CHECKS NUMBERED �3_7T0 ii10770 INPLUSIVE. AS �WYPj11 ZK. f � PER CHECKS ON �N llil OF� OF TAE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL... -�- � NUMBER APPR E Id '941IB4 co.vrnoiicn 0 BY_ C CHECK NUMBER TOTAL DATE IF -- RETURNED I IN FAVOR OF a II BY BANK j. TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ' CHECKS CHECKS i BROUGHT FORWARDj 55 859 lg j II 8073'j� John S. Findlan, C. of Finance ! 1 390 41 e 8073` Mrs. Charles Tuchner i 32 00 80735 9t.Paul Foundry Company i 1.075 00 80736 Geo. Shetka & Sone 2 006 00 6 80737 John S. Findlan, C. of Financo 116 26 I: 80738 John S. Findlan, C. of Fina.noo 90 00 i! ; 80739 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian ! 40 00 I 80740 Capitol Stationery Mfg.CompanT 195 00 44 80741 80742 Frank Sokola The Midway News 35 112 56 80743 Brown and White Cab Company 379 05 80744 L. 13. Dorgge1 h 15 00 80745 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin&% 111 35 80746 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 187 69 80747 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oompan 23 83 ! 80748 Graybar Electric Company 42o 69 80749 Johnson's Wax, Inc. i 113 20 ! �� 80750 Leslie Paper Company 52 92 l� 80751 Maendler Brush Company 63 50 80752 Mechanical Service Company 30 14 '. 80753 Meier Sales Company 56 45 I:' ' 80754 Minnesota Paper & Cordage Com any 110 01 1 i 80755 Paper Mfg. Company 38 73 80756 Price Electric Comoanyj 590 '90 80757 G. Sommers & Company 165 58 is 80758 Standard 011 Company ! 116 40 80759 Ifestinghouse Electric Company{ 137 07 I 80760 80761 M. Ch rlebois R.L. fitman Sponge Company 167 50 29 64 80762 Rotel Lowry i 8 50 i' i 0 7§' Temple B&ptist Church 54 45 '. 64 Mrs. Roy Vasaau 20 50 80765 Villaume Boz & Lumber Company:. 150 92 80766 Washington Foundry Company e 8 30 80767 John S. Findlan, C, of Financ 1� 00 !� 80768 John S. Findlan, C, of Finano 208 67 80769 John S. Findlan, C. of Financ 228 00 ! 80770 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano 1 432 50 ?i i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .. ii . I( 171 977 85: 1 I 7j I ! 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL i —.--- ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COD NCI. ° FILE NUMBER_.__.. BARFUSS FIN N PARKANTO ARRA PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS. - --- ROSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE WIC{Qh�f}.J ITY TREASURY MR PRES Mc DONOUGH TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _ /- "� • COVERING _ 9{}rn �1 Y'FVENd"'Wi9�S CHECKS NUMBERED �nA0773TO Q-7INCLl151V E. A5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.. ,,, PER CHECKS ON FIDE Ifi THE 0­14E/OFTHE.' ,CITY.TROLLER O�M'LP APPRNt,—" 2. _CIT—LER I - CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED :I J I BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I i CHECKS I CHECKS I BROUGHTFORWARD I; fl 1171 977 85' 'I ® 80771 80772 American Linen Supply Compani American Had. & Stand. San. orp. ` 323 03 120 341 .I 80773 Armour and Company 1o5 04 ,•. 80774 moult & 4lbbrg Company 5 251 4 80775 Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 2 000 00;. 80776 F.J. Brings & Company The 150101. 14 891' 80777 City Dairy 80778 Coca Cola Bottling Company 186 40; r 80779 'isher Nut Company 110 87. 80780 Gangl and Company 66 701 ! 80781 Generator Specialty Company 8 941!. 80782 Globe Ticket Company 48 82 80783 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company 422 67: 80784 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 489 17f 80785 Harley-Davidson Company 1 60 05 80786 Hersohle Sale, 13 20; 80787 Hetfield-Perry Company 42 00; 89788 Inland Coal & Dock Company 301 88. 80789 Mahle Auto Body Company, Inol 6 251: 80790 Midwaq. Chevrolet Company 25 051 80791 Motor Power Equipment Compan# 83 281: 80792 National Auto Part, 1 00; ! 80793 National Cylinder Gas CompanT 29 16; 41; 80794 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company; 108 80795 Northern Auto Electric Compa.4y 21 621' 90796 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 121 96' 80797 Owens Motor Sales, 'Inc.7 04;: 80798 Park Machine Company 284 52 85 80799 Purity Baking Company i 8�: 80800 C. Reis, Coal Company i 916 51. 80801 C. Reis, Coal Company ' 6 587 87' 80802 Ribm Motor Company 250 001 !° 808033 St.Paul Bottling Company 147 17; I 90901+ St.Paul Foundry Company 56 42; 90805 13t.Paul Nash Motors 6 42 80806 St.Paul White Indiana Servioj 30 901 r 90807 Schaffer & Rossum Company 19 13 80809 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Compan 223 58 ; 80809 9ohreierle Auto Top28 75'. 80810 T.R. Shaw Lumber Company 1 18 70j 80811 Speedometer Service & Aco.Qo., 100 371• 90812 80813 Universal Sign Company, Inti.; Wausau Service Company, Inc. 20 50! 931. 80814 Isolters Auto Sunply 48 17: 80815 Yoerg Brewing Company 53 631 80816 Toung Motor Car Company Ziegler 190 39 80817 Rm. H. Company, Inc. ; 352 35: ij i 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD � i I' I , 5 I i 196342 6 ` I J .I i Orlyinsl to l.'il>' CMrk C. I•`. \u. 1LIsi%—ICS' IV. A. I'nrrxntu— g rtexotvPa. wxt to ' couxcu nerenr un- �C+1 87, 7 CITY OF "'R,, 'ro­d or w 11.ix,r CIL .. OFFICE OF COUNCIL :,ZESOTION---0ENEhAPTED BY... .... COMMISSION R ._ .... ... .. DATE__-Rarch. 8.r. 19.41.. .. .... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the. Purchasing Committee itherefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing and de- livering the following cast iron water pipe to the 'Nater -Department: TO U. S. PIPE & FOUNDttY CO.: 13,920 lin.ft. 6" Class 150, Type I,B&S Centrifugal pipe in 12' lengths - - - - - - - $10,857.60 24 lin.ft. 42" B&S Class C, Type V Pipe in 12' lengths - 454.80 Total amount of contract - - - - $1 ,312.40 TO THE -CENTRAL FOUNDRY COMPANY: 7200 lin.ft. 6" Universal 1IMP-421 Class 150, Type IV 'olted Joint Pipe in 61 lengths At a To -,al contract" price of $ 5,544.00 in accoruance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 485 of above companies, delivery to be made by bare to St. Paul Barge Terminal and thence by rail to 'Nater De- partment Storeyard, such bids being the lowest bids and said com- panies being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf oi the City of Saint raul. F.r. #485 C011nCILMEn Adopted by the Council—... 3 1941 tea.. _.. Leas clays ydlan ;/ Approved_... .... ...... .... ... -t94 . f � arranto /Peterson In Favor ..�� �. ,. .... _.... ..... .._. _—.. ..._ ayor osan Truax Against . Mr. President, McDonough PUBLIS111:1) om ".. Cs mole I 11. N, S74-1ly N111t.2111 0,19i..l In Cky Ck,k It �;.,11.21 Ihal 0,. 12187! CITY C FILE N()._. OFFICE O. CLI-:-< COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM A /' /, `��il/ �.E..NTIE. .-I .0MMISSI0NER­­.­...­... DATE Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the awards of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards the following contracts for furnish- ing the Department of Public -Forks during the season of 1941 with Road Oil: THE OHIO OIL CO.- 200,000 gals.,more or less, Road Oil No. 1, Grades A,B,C & D 6 $ .0483 gal. Total amount of contract approximately - $9,660.00 STANDARD OIL COLFFANZ- 700,000 gals.,more or less, Road Oil No. 2 @ - - - - - - $ .0473 gal. Total amount of contract api-roximately - $33,110-00 W. H. BARBER COMPANY- 50,000 gals.,more or 1•=ss, - Road Oil No. 3 @ - - - - - - $ .0424 --al. Total amount of contract aplroximately - $2,120.00 in accordance with standard city specifications therefor hereto attach. -3d. and the Formal Bids No. 465 of said comi:anies, such bids being the lowest bids and said companies beim the lowest reliable and reasonable bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized t6 'execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #465. counciLmEn gear nays -,findlan ,41arranto --Veter3on ,,Kosen ,Truax Pr. President, McDonough 15, c 3M -4 CS 33338 MAR 13 1941 Adopted by the Council ;01 X Approved—— In Favor aijor Against (:. F. No. 121890—By Fred M. Truax— • wh,•r,•a_. by (:01111111 1.11, vim. I.1c2s. Oripid,[ to (;ItY Gkrk nPprovvtl ' 1 lY It nail CITY Of SAID y ,r NO.—. ------- OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G NERAL i -ORM - - PRESENTED By ( �„tA•.ti„( _ DATE_—_-------- - COMM ISSIONER_..��uax .J•' �"`� / -' _ _-- WHEREAS, by Council File No. 121629, approved February 13, 1941, the Council determined that that certain shack in the rear of No. 983 Randolph Street, on Lot 32, Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addition, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal haw.been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and direct- ed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. MAR IS 194) COnnCILmEn Adopted by the Council, geas nays „ ee _Approved_ %`Findlan /Parranto IZ In Favor •� � __ /Peterson a or /Truax Against _ (- PUBL1SI ILD Ar. President, McDonough .m-ao Cs a.... d;. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration N> (� t CQch 12, 1941. MAR 12 ;got CO tr()RA rf;1):, COSI SR 11r. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) authorizing and directing the Comsr. of Parks, P. & P. B. to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the shack in the rear of 993 Randolph St., described as Lot 32, Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addition. very truly yours, City Clerk. G� W. LA. MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall i. FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner March 10, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: A copy of Council File No. 121629 has been mailed to St. Paul Federal Savings & Loan Association, 4 Bast Fourth Street, pertaining to the wrecking and removal of the shack in the rear of 983 Randolph Street, de- scribed as Lot 32, Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addi- tion, as published in the official paper. This resolution directs the owner to remove the build- ing and provides that he may file an appeal for a re- hearing of the condemnation action. The building is still in place and no appeal has been filed in this office. �.s truly, City chitect LAR. IT orlain•l to City Clerk 8.8 t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fou NCIL FILE NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r COMMISSIONEERR _—.... PRESENTED 't��� M L'✓ `� ^� -��j .. DATE._... March 1". .1941 ... .. :"1. . .... ._ .... - RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47397, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 47399, and off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47399, applied for by Joseph M. Tighe at 274 Rice St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, "!ar. 11, 1941, Old Location. COUnCILMElI 1]eas Ttags indlan �arranlo �Pelerson Xosen �4uax /Hlr. President, McOonough sm o-ao cs 13338 In Faoor J Against :. II. \o. 1_1.��1—ItyIimlinn— \\'. A. I'nrrnnto— Hes�ilred, tlml license fors It�•slau- nl. :rn V11cn1ion li.^, 11 <ln 'ale \1nit `iev ern Rr-. PPllcntlon 4i:{!I Y. and OR ':rlt• \loll Ile r'e J.,.4 aPPllcntl,, 17392.4 Illi�il Sl r�1� band �rlhvh , TlKhe hereby 1: in nl„d n:l the. nrh l}Ilet nsk slsln lIt, onrul lte m:?'im:n t�lnto the clty trensury of the 'e�lui red fees. \err. Inrnrmall\ PPbe (:ou n- . 11, \lar. 11. 1941, Old I—almc•:tl tori. ,1 do Pterl by thr ('ouncil ]I:r r. ]:l, I911.: r -h 1:.. I:: 111 Adopted bq the CoungW 13 1941 194. _. NOTICE -_.. -- -...._ _.... 2JL882 i�. n,.. iziF.v_ OUNCIL FILE NO._.._ TO COU PRINTER k`_ March 12 1 ---......_. —194-- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 512,173' 69 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 80818 TOS 083 aNCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 13 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- - .. ___..__194—._— ) '.L.....'._�: "�/''L✓ CAY COMPTROLLER --- --- APPROVED-.!' saa sao VUBLISI-IBD� / S / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL I TOTAL IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERUR5EICNT CHECKS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. DATE E TUR RY BANKED II r BROUGHT FORWARD EIARFU SS FINDLAN_O _.INFAVR1 PAR RANT 0 AUDITED CLAIMS ®II '. . ..... March, PETERSON First National Bank ROSEN I AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA - T THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . COVERING MR ES .1DON­I­ _PR AN 13 1941 INC CHECKS NUMBERED,,__4,?p _T%.F.; LUSIV ELAS N_ %ICE PER CHECKS ON-kl Y CO M PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY L WWI, .'a American Red. & Stand. San. I ARO 194 NUMBER g0821 �D_7­,. 7 46 BY - 80922 8082] GTaybar Electric Company 4 951 23 gO824 Miss Perris Jones, Librarian 1 I 26 45 80925 John Leslie Paper Company i 293 97 80926 R. A. Myers IS Company 778 14 89 80827 National Lead Company ij 53 18 05 80828 N.1f. Bell Telephone Company I 80929 ovens Motor Sales, Inc. 424 03 80930 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company 196 94 80931 Scully Steel Products Compan 107 21 80832 Tri-State Tel. & Teig. Compazy 148 821. 8093� Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compazy 682 091 80534 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp Ile 401. ii 80835 r 4a ool. 80936 Academy Book Shop i 1051: 90837 Air Reduction Sales Company, !Inc. 55 26 90839 Akron Brass Mfg. Com-pany, Ind. 30 00 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL I TOTAL IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERUR5EICNT CHECKS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. DATE E TUR RY BANKED II ROLL CALL BROUGHT FORWARD EIARFU SS FINDLAN_O _.INFAVR1 PAR RANT 0 AUDITED CLAIMS ®II '. . ..... March, PETERSON First National Bank ROSEN I AGAINST RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA - T THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . COVERING MR ES .1DON­I­ _PR AN 13 1941 INC CHECKS NUMBERED,,__4,?p _T%.F.; LUSIV ELAS N_ %ICE PER CHECKS ON-kl Y CO M PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY L WWI, .'a American Red. & Stand. San. I ARO 194 NUMBER g0821 �D_7­,. 7 46 BY - 0 CHECK NUMBER I TOTAL IN FAVOR OF TRANSFERUR5EICNT CHECKS 11 DISB C KS C H E II DATE E TUR RY BANKED II BROUGHT FORWARD II a86 342 56 ®II 80818 First National Bank 1• 8 86.. 2? 761:: 80819 Henry Rebeck corp. 1 99.. jl 80920 American Red. & Stand. San. I g0821 Brady Conveyors Corporation i Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compoy 49 75'i: 77 75 80922 8082] GTaybar Electric Company 4 951 23 gO824 Miss Perris Jones, Librarian 1 I 26 45 80925 John Leslie Paper Company i 293 97 80926 R. A. Myers IS Company 778 14 89 80827 National Lead Company ij 53 18 05 80828 N.1f. Bell Telephone Company I 80929 ovens Motor Sales, Inc. 424 03 80930 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company 196 94 80931 Scully Steel Products Compan 107 21 80832 Tri-State Tel. & Teig. Compazy 148 821. 8093� Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compazy 682 091 80534 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp Ile 401. ii 80835 John Fitzpatrick 4a ool. 80936 Academy Book Shop i 1051: 90837 Air Reduction Sales Company, !Inc. 55 26 90839 Akron Brass Mfg. Com-pany, Ind. 30 00 808 9 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company j a 204 35;. : 90940 90841 Allyn & Bacon Company j 'American Book Company 8 381: 86 37 Ii 80842 American Forestry Association 4 001' American Institute of Planners 25 00!: 8064 aNAmerican Nature Association i 3 00 g0845 Xm er i a an Planning & Civic Asloc. 5 00; 11 80846 American Rose Society 3 50:' 90847 American Technical Society i 32 36 go849 D. Appleton -Century Company 1 27 351: g0$49 Ballard Motors & Ramp 10 00; 90950 Prof. Louis B. Bassett 15 001 80951 Belmont Corporation :i 31 62:; li 80852 Bemis Bag Company j 31 67: II h 9085 Big 4 Beverage Company 11 25 9OV Blomberg's Grocery % 6 25'; 90855 Board of Education 1 50 17 13! 80856 Lew Bonn Company j 90857 Botanic Publishing Company 3 00 90858 Brozek's Food Market 9 02 62 ij 80959 Buffalo Meter Company 15' g0860 Bureauof National Affairs. 1 c 5 00 �i g0e61 Capitol Laundry Company, Inc 30 271 90862 Carbide & Carbon Chemical Coo. 8 501 ii 9086 arnegle Dock & Fuel Company, 76o 92:: 908 64 garnegle Doak & Fuel Company!: 1 225 39" 90865 Central Soap Company i 6� 96. 90866 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 7 75!! % 80867 Cleveland Public Library 50 g0868 ColgateQPalmolive-Peet Compoy 52 50: 80869 Como Grocery Company 2 57:; 90870 Comptometer Company 1 25; 80871 Co -Op. Laundry Company 26 40i: 225 80872 80973 Charles R. Cory The Crane Company 106 99. it i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 199516 2 II . F-1 0 WHEREAS, by resolution, Council File No. 116891, approved November 10th, 1939, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul requested the Commissioner of Highways to approve the construction of a grade separation bridge at Reserve Street over the tracks of the Chicago, Burlington and quinsy Railroad Company,; the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company; and the Chicago, Great Western Railrofad Company in order to eliminate the traffic hazard and delay which exists at the present grade crossing, and U wEM- i:AS, the Commissioner of Highways has included such project in the 1941 Federal Grade Separation Program, and WHEREAS, the complete plans and specifications have been prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works for the project, in cooperation with the railroads and the State Highway Department, auah-ili�+6.aa Qfi:: *W both b n —+1 such plans being approved both by the railroads and the State Department of Highways; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the dity Council..doss hereby approve the plans and specifications for the aforesaid project as prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Highways and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Campany; and the Chicago, Great Western Railroad Company for the construction of the Reserve Street Bridge with Federal Grade Separation Funds, and be it FURTHER RESOLVF•D, that the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized and instructed to transfer the sum of $22,000.00 from the Bridge Revolving Fund, Code 1018, to the State Treasurer of the State of Minnesota, said amount to constitute a revolving fund for the purpose of guaranttmi.ng-the payment of estimates covering the cost of the work after such estimates come due, during the lapse in time between contractor's payments and federal authorization of finds for reimbursing the state for estimates paid, it being understood that this amount, less any items not reimbursable W the Public Roads Administration, will be refunded to the city upon completion of the project. PleCOUTICILTIlETt Teas Rags / /ParrentoJ ` In Favor Peterson �2osen Against Truax ,Mr. President, McDonough ,In rno Cs -11. Adopted bq the CouncPR 14 1941..._.._.194.. NO 19 41 Approved-----..., _ ._—...---......_.194. YU[31.ao�11.tJ ' a d•oere.i,�. i�>' n. �"„n�li�•,,, r i;u ru.. � 6�; (�q)(T�o OriRi—I W CRY Clerk i1:1'�, CITY SAINT PA.•n„.......... .. OFFIC F THE CITY °•I" '" 1 .. ra�.k. ..f COUNCIL RE UTION ... GEN AI. ! •, .., '.. ..��i 114th, 1 941 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERER —_........_..— WHEREAS, by resolution, Council File No. 116891, approved November 10th, 1939, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul requested the Commissioner of Highways to approve the construction of a grade separation bridge at Reserve Street over the tracks of the Chicago, Burlington and quinsy Railroad Company,; the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company; and the Chicago, Great Western Railrofad Company in order to eliminate the traffic hazard and delay which exists at the present grade crossing, and U wEM- i:AS, the Commissioner of Highways has included such project in the 1941 Federal Grade Separation Program, and WHEREAS, the complete plans and specifications have been prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works for the project, in cooperation with the railroads and the State Highway Department, auah-ili�+6.aa Qfi:: *W both b n —+1 such plans being approved both by the railroads and the State Department of Highways; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the dity Council..doss hereby approve the plans and specifications for the aforesaid project as prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Highways and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Campany; and the Chicago, Great Western Railroad Company for the construction of the Reserve Street Bridge with Federal Grade Separation Funds, and be it FURTHER RESOLVF•D, that the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized and instructed to transfer the sum of $22,000.00 from the Bridge Revolving Fund, Code 1018, to the State Treasurer of the State of Minnesota, said amount to constitute a revolving fund for the purpose of guaranttmi.ng-the payment of estimates covering the cost of the work after such estimates come due, during the lapse in time between contractor's payments and federal authorization of finds for reimbursing the state for estimates paid, it being understood that this amount, less any items not reimbursable W the Public Roads Administration, will be refunded to the city upon completion of the project. PleCOUTICILTIlETt Teas Rags / /ParrentoJ ` In Favor Peterson �2osen Against Truax ,Mr. President, McDonough ,In rno Cs -11. Adopted bq the CouncPR 14 1941..._.._.194.. NO 19 41 Approved-----..., _ ._—...---......_.194. YU[31.ao�11.tJ . r. x:. I-,+r•._1... n'. Warn:...—I Ori0.insl to l:irx Clerk CI1'1 ,r.1t4T PAt".. COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICc OF THE CITY- CLERK r COUNC—�IL RESOLUTION---GENERAL-FORM 114r 1941. PRESENTED `c'.- COMMISSION R f _ DATE _.. _March . RESOLVED: _ That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated the city cleric is instructed to issue sbzh be and the same are hereby granted and. licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Howard J. Driscoll 756 Forest Butcher App. 45973 Renewal. Adolph Gatti j06 E. Fifth St. Confectionery 46893 n 1' 46994 n 11 11 11 11 R$staurant Vasil Lemonowsky 1022 Earl St. Grocery " 47027 n Edith Cohen &Hyman Goldberg 500 Selby Butcher " 47057 " Andrew Urban 566 N. Robert Butcher " 47133 " Great A. & P. Tea Co. 791 Grand Ave. Butcher " 47252 D-K Coal & Oil Co. 519 Prior Ave. N. Fuel Dealer " 47271 Norman M. Malchick 1579 Grand Ave. " Confectionery " 47295 " 47296 " It 11 n Off Sale Malt Sam Rossini 239 Marshall Ave. Butcher Station ^ 47314 " " 47315 " n 11 " " Ice victor J. & Sam Dunn 426 S. Robert St. Butcher " 47322 Kafka Bros. 694 N. Western Butcher " 47325 " 9 Morris Gerr 165 State St. Butcher ^ 47341 Edgar N. Belland 1753 Selby Ave. Gas Station 11 47370 " Anna Stepka 393 4 Rice St. Restaurant f1 47390 " N 47391 " u is u Is n n It n On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 47392 " Norman Reuterdahl 154 E. 6th St. Confectionery 11 47395 n Harold R. Nielsen 595 University Ave. Confectionery 11 47392 " 1.4 1941 COUTICILTTIETI Adopted by the CouncilM.AR Teas nays ar uss -�//Rdldli'_rranto / A proved_ B /Pa , /Peterson In Favor v . Aosen- Aruax .Against ISj r ) rL ,,l President, McDonough /Mr. nm D-a0 r5 ]�]JB ; )�) . Otlpinnl In (:il)• Ckrk - 5- ;.�1 '�; 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PR ESENTE BV//� L march 14, 1941 COMMISSIpppppry���...IIIE ..... ... DATE__. WHEREAS, Nettie McGibbon has made application 47483 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P12-312529, Serial 11285962, Car No. 65, covered by Pennsylvania Casualty Co. insurance policy #22-341-026819 expiring March 15, 1942, and WEEREAS said anplicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said atomobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the szme is hereby granted to Nettie McGibbon and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUnCtLMETI geas Tlays �tfranto /Pherson /Rpsen Truax /Inr. President, McDonough !M 5-40 CS 73.138 \1'hrzrraa'. ,n 7. 18.3 e pl cl:fl:hncen,un :late :un'w�awr...' e i.. �,In�rnte rl,ansa h,,.0 1'on thr �t raeL III the I'nul, uII�• (1) {'Iyml'u th au[u- Ir, i:llc, alntur \i:. Yl_ -1 L:iLY, Cerh,l 1'elln- .rl,'nnia I' ..wally I ���I n..ul'llu�•e 1"di,y \�'. -.1110^_fyl, r�'ui rinR Shlrl�h I5. 1 P1_, :Itul 1\'h�•rea.. .:tIA nV�Ilr:,ut hu., til,, a ..r 11`I url'a III I -.111deVai 1 u) Il'ill,l �I � h� :t al'r�')'ell ::.. III (Irrnl I iIa a ec1 III�a by ,11:. 1 r:rl'1r r:Ilinn t:�u un1el: lh:.,'elfi�r:�, he Ilial it Iu 1�Ile I.�II•a I. .II..'n Vlhe �II1r.11. ur th�`I'•I•I �� :�( Vit. 1':1 ill lie :I I::1 the .•+ u:. •: hprei�y y,ra nted t•. \:.lti:• M��I:i lih��Il 1 nll llu� I'II.� I'I ••rl: - ..trurl�.11 II�•�I:�..�ue .. Irh II�•e il.�. II I�'�II Ih�• I'ayui�.n, 'uli� the ��it)' II �.I.I cif Ih�• I e'luir�•a fe.�. ' A:I�I t:•II h)' III.. I it MaI' 11. ItM. A,.; I'��v�e.1 Mar. 1111:,111. RAR 14'1941 Adopted by the Council_- jY.'. Approvedf .. .. ... .._. .. _._t94 In Favor `" 1 ^ Rlayor Aqainst 0091-1 1, CIty Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 121886 PRESENTED BR � --f- /J ... DATE__. .March 14, 1941 COMMISSIONER __.__...._ .4� .. RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47422, On Sale Malt %average, application 47423, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 47424, applied for by Frank T. Brodala at 565 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. V New, Informally approved by Council, March 11, 1941 Old Location. COUIiCiLMEn teas nays Bar{we Par auto _ .,.rson .Rogan u x r. President, McDonough �m -0 Cs vn I•: Su. 1JI sa'I;._.I<c \\'. .\. r ......... I tasnleILai fir;.n=r f��r t:�.-1:,In :In1. :I11p11 c:LLl—nn {NL'S. On Nn L. \h11t i l: t, nlrpllrn tion {.i!:t, null 1. .�. 7r�Mnl1 n1;rr•I'nl;k Irlrlirnlinn{i{_.1,.,nn."'.lI.,. I.r Drank 'r. 1<r " In nt 5fi:� I':, }'n, :\.'e. lu� �na Iri,• �t, „,. ner,�e.� ,plop nil Ith�• i•ilr ,�lerk I� in.•trurlr•rl t III.. noon 111 �• Ira; In��nl Inlri i1 lr�.:�.n r� cif tln'�I ni Yr�.,l f'fn 1, �.r.... M;nIn fnrinn ll� nlrlirn,.��1 1�nn ,i rrh It. IJ{1. C)I�1 In.:LL in.i. .\d�rla�•a by OLu'ch C' 19111 MiAR 14 1941 Adopled by the Council_. owed_ ...... ........ ..._ 194. L In Favor mayor Against L- 0r10.in.1 I, t:lty CIerY . 218,97 CITY OF SAINT PAUL councIL C LE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ... , 'RESENT I— /� March :OMMISSIO EF DATE__. RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Edna Schaffer 319 W. Maryland Confectionery App. 47367 New Old Loca. to " " toOff Sale tdalt " 47366 " It 11Clarence P. Rollinger 1345 Grand Ave. Gas Station tt 47410 It to " Royal Oil Co. 1679-61 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dlr. " 47416 " New Loca. Mayme Grundmark 42 S. Snelling Restaurant " 47432 " Old Loca. COUTICILMETI geas Tlays ---TVIair jJuss� wif eterson Aosen /Cruax Mr. President, McDonough cs -- In Favor 0 . Against YnI,'nnt,r— I<rvnlrvJ. Iknl I w�r..rnI, .• :.na nPpli ,r fpr Iry nu• rrn,r,. h,!: I we +.da r.•..r. InJirn tr•d Irr,nJ th,• en rr• Ir r:rr•!ry rd :rnd Ik¢,•Ity 1'I,•.rkriu rin.t ru.:lyd r •.I nr•`,�ily I,rnv, r, cif Ikr• r�.�InireJ �I;,rrl:Ina— „rrr•,�u�n,•ry. Ann. {vasr. :.•r•:�'. ina ISdnn\pu'yld . I.. urt S:r l,• �I:In, ann. +�:a.•. sr�t.•, Old Lo nnrn. 1•I;, r�.rr,r• P. spa w,�rr, rl la na 4 v,•.._.r:ax Slnlli.n. App. {:{In, \r•te�(,I,] I. :rl iirn. I tr-r:,l Oil f'rr., 1679.11 1'nlr. Avr- 1'rrrl Idr.. Anl,. I:{1%, \�•,v. \,•„� n. \tn�',nr• r; rndnn,rk, {_ .�. App. 4743'-'. {i{3_. \,•„ AprMar. l d,:; ","- I,It,,.r ril \I:, r. 11, 7941, MAP 14 1944 Adopted by the Council _. Approved_ 0691 sl to Cit,Clerk CITY SAINT PAUL COU 'CIL FILE NO.- OFF]rXgf THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_.._._._.. ....__.. __. _. .. .. .. �^ GATE—_)Larch 14, 1941 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of $ .09946 per gallon, less lg discount ten days on refinery price, including, state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale Street, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where fallu.re to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Egaipment - 1003-134 COnnCILMEn yeas nays bar{nee---� /Parranlo IFI-terson K`osen uax ,?ftr. President, McDonough ,m ,-,o Cs .- \,,, 1'2IBSx—Itg \Ilhon Ituaen— Revulee. ural the 1`u renaslny Agrnt he.:1IId ne I. 11,•reln• ,unnllrr.,.a In pur- rhay�.. wilh Ihr em of the Mayor nil the twin Vi n�lle:14u P lank r xt,_ Ilrualnul lel• iillll I:nllun.� .•(�•. Ili,,,teil ,;nxulin e. -0-7C uvtn ne. (Yum I1. R. NTdHI. 1'O. :, , Irrico or Si199iE per Kallen. le.. v.. i•'; dlu<•uunt I.•n du,' ren ne r)' price. Inch: dinK xt:rla 4,s : nd ,ule � �=peeuml. In ne =nnu.•a , n IQ— "It i,1- i�ipnl�Iiquipnu•ut Burenis spur :u Dale � I roll. inhmm:u Lldx. : asl.a ,.�her�. r.1�1:1I1 I�eI�1��pnr thr Lout inlrtya1a "of Ihe11'IU'. 1'hnr ,.I rm1d—annuelpal ranuhllm,ul- 1 on ��-Ilxa. :1�lun,oa IIv tlu• cil \I�p I'u 1'ed \In I'. 1 , 1\Iar. 11. 1:111. 22. 1 '_', 199 11) 9ilii 14 1941 Adopted by the Council_ .. 194_..... Approved_ ....... ..... .... .......------194-. In Favor mayor Aqainst nriai551 a5 eny Clerk FILE FCOUNCIL 8 2188 CITY OF SAINT PAUL' FILE N().— — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M CO L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �' PRESENTED BY sen COMMISSIONER - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pa Cluckey,-Paul Unsk.Lab. 5 , 550 counc=En yeas nags t5arluss a.r�r,anto _Pe)erson /i/�gsen Cruax , Rfr President, McDonough 3M 3-40 Cs 23335 12122'!,-1!)' Gillun Itns,;n— 'V \Ph rre:,x. the I' miss;oner nY I'uhlio V ­ k+ .:I:,v rr.l,nrirrrl rrl:t n, ,. trilh e�'lina :.:t „f tll,. I'ify (,M1u rler. Iht• e ,I,�rerl 'net ifvv��t ,, 'n,•rb'ran)' wlilrh ren- Inil, r �''I�h,• rin ltlnymenl „f ,• r_ his Il�l,lt rt n,e 111 fnr e Ihan r•iti l,t bourn n,•r Iar ana , �nn,l,'y. ,v ti,l ,ntlrlo�'nteul heilllr r 'n Than ,n I:rl Il �,u rn of em hl.,)'m ent: llttere'- fnrr•. Iiet i l Itrnn ir,.ri. Ih:rl ih,• Irr„ur'r ,ilk ,•Inci•rx Intrl rl�rel,�' 't;lt hr, ri'r.e,l In �;t �� ihr• �,ll„•rn'Ix�"'�II.\orl �(r�rl,i)�rtri nt Ihr rale f,�r Ihr• ,•,��I ra ti,l,r h,•reinaft r•r 1�,:1 )f n'rll� T Jup nvl lir ti, t I tril ]Iar. 11, 172 1, H irk rnred AInr. 14. 1941. 2". 1>W rrh 1J, 1!,11) OR 141941 Adopted by the Council Approved rl In Favor — or Against An emergency has arisen in the DEPART1.07NT OF PJRLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Cindering icy streets and hills. This emergency arose ty reason of the follcv'ing facts and circumstances: Necessity for cindering icy streets and hills follow thaw. COTE-AISSIOITFR OF P! -LIC WORKS NOTICE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRINTER IINCIL FILE NO. Til �A COON T 1nr!�. I^Is'n �T101� `�"�IY�.d. I I, � -- :' March 12 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 6,112.36 __ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 60874 TO -60925 NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 14 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL...._ AR _'794__ 14 1941`t ., CITY COOMP ROLLER APPROVED..------...------------ eoo S-40ZIIY— PU-BLtsiirD_j—.,2 . DUPLICATE TO CIT CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - 9 q , .----- _.ROLLCALL ! OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER,,. _ .._... _..,_..__ BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTD "— ! _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS xro Mn_12. .. _ 1 PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRU A% i MR PRES MCDONOUGH RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -45-r112-36-- TREASURY COVERING Aj rtj�y//,� �(I.y�tJ 1 ;`y '()Aj CHECKS NUMBERED tfI 941 LTA-01�4INCLU�IVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL t[1 �?;Y 1 Y PER CHECKS O_:M N -T E OFFIyv O�FV E ITY COMPTROLLER. — is A �(jA f- -_"," !}e, ROVED,:Zt :.. �.14 19M94 NUMBER i � i ` t i � 1 I TOTAL • DATE i CHECK IN FAVOR OF I RETURNED I� NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 1! BROUGHT FORWARD I II11 16 , . DUPLICATE TO CIT CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - 9 q , .----- _.ROLLCALL ! OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER,,. _ .._... _..,_..__ BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTD "— ! _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS xro Mn_12. .. _ 1 PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST TRU A% i MR PRES MCDONOUGH RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -45-r112-36-- TREASURY COVERING Aj rtj�y//,� �(I.y�tJ 1 ;`y '()Aj CHECKS NUMBERED tfI 941 LTA-01�4INCLU�IVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL t[1 �?;Y 1 Y PER CHECKS O_:M N -T E OFFIyv O�FV E ITY COMPTROLLER. A �(jA f- -_"," !}e, ROVED,:Zt :.. �.14 19M94 NUMBER i q. I TOTAL DATE i CHECK IN FAVOR OF I RETURNED I� NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 1! BROUGHT FORWARD I II11 16 , ® 80874 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence _98. 61 96 jj 80875 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 4 176 88, I 80876 Cudahy Packing Company I 27 05 is 80877 Delegard Tool Company 9 85 80878 Dictaphone Sales Corp. 78 4o.- 0;80879 90879 Drake Marble Company R.C. Company BD.. 63 88i; 80880 80881 Duncan Dunn la Fairway Market 19 65 80882 W. J. Dyer & Brother3 0: 50;- 90883 80883 Tk'kholm's Record Shop 14 68 ° 50884 Electric Machinery Mfg.Company 3 06 it 80885 Elk Laundry Company S 1711. 80886 8mporium Department store 26 49 !i 80887 Fairbanks, Morse & Company i Company 10 S0; 26 711: 1i 80888 Farwell. 0zmun. Kirk & 80889 Feist Small Animal Hospital I 6 001: ' 80890 F.I. Products Company 34 ooi 80891 Flor-Sant Mfg. Company 16 ooi. 80802 Foreign Policy Association 5 00;: j 8089 Fuel Economy Engineering Com*y 28 50 !i 80894 Gane Brothers & Lane, Inc. d 301 '1 80895 General Electric Supply Corp.j 35 86; 80896 Ginn and Company 65 311! 80897 Wm. Glendinning 2 10i. 80898 Gopher Carriage Company 200; 80899 Gopher Ribbon & Carbon Company 2 00 ii 80900 Grace Lee Products Company 1:3 25 80901 Grant Piston Ring Company 12 071 80902 Gregg Pub- Company 32 02;. 80903 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29 16! j! 80904 Hamline Cash Grocery 6 o5l :I 80905 80905 Fred W. Hanks Company ! 314 69 So906 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agendy 3 701 80907 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company ! 4 591. !� " 50908 Harian Publications 1 09!i II 80909 Hazel Park Grocery9 08 80910 D.C. Heath & Company 3 45 : �� •. 80911 Geo. Heimel 5 06�. 80912 Erich S. Herrmann, Inc. 58 12 !! 80913 H.R. Huntting Company Inq. 81 02' 18 75! !I 80914 Industrial Grease &.Drum, 80915. Inter City Paper Company 40 17' ji 50916 Jacks Mfg. Company 27 00! i( 80917 C.I. Johnson Mfg. Company 10 70. 80918 Johnson Pub. Company 7 32. 80919 80920 Johnson Service Company 4.P. Jurgens Company 62 85: 26 77: i 32 36. 80921 Kee Lox Mfg. Company company 443 06{ 80922 Kenny Boiler Mfg. 39 70; 80923 Kisohts Food Market 9092 R.L. Klingel 53 80925 Klosterman Grocery 4S, 8 1' i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD !i ro4 629 61 j y 'j 1 ' COUNCII, FILE NO. . . By... FINAL ORDER 1218()1. In the Matter of . nlantin ; ,and -protecting trees on Pinehurst avenue from.'airyiew.. 4yepue to -„Cleveland Avenue, trees to bp.�'cotch Fine.and rvh.ite AIt alternatia5% .. .. under Preliminary Order...... 1193,96 .....................approved .. July Q. 1940 Intermediary Order .................... .. ..........................approved ........................ ------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- eovement to be made by the said City is.. lent- and-protect.-trees-_on__Pinehurst__Ayenue_ from___ ..A:venue to Cleveland Avenue, trees to be Scotch Pine and A7tite Ash alternating, ...................... ------ ------...------................._.............� 'i .......................................'---- --.......,.,,. .r.�--------------- :-- . ........................................ ---------------------------------------------------- - ............................... I-- - ----------- ---------­------- I ------ -- — --------------------------------------------- and - -- - -- - -------------- ----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in ,accordance therewith. Adopteti''by the Council ...., 192..._-... APR 15 1941 _ _. .. City Clerk-. Approved 192 File 9175 ............ ..aym:._"� Councilmans-z�� /f,INq u Councilman Saa^^' 1 y( Lu, 1 Councilman Councilman 4vRSGW4gr'=:.. e:qa _C_ Councilman NM''ei= Councilman wrli gE'_ Mayor Hadgmwvx: Norm B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISI� CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof planting and nrotectinr trees on Pinehurst Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., trees to be Scotch Fine anfl 'Nhite Ash alternatinp.. under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 9 fnt The estimated cost per7o"Tt for the above -improvement is 4 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land 51-2G. 21 3 Lane's 54.Fhland Fark $700 22 3 do 690 Wes' t.of 23 3 do 325 Lot 24 and ER:;t of 23 3 do E;75 $6550 25 3 do 650 'Nest of 26 3 do 325 Lot 27 and i:.as.t of 26 3 do C,75 A750 Lot 2.' and West a of 29 3 do 975 9700 Lot 30 and of 2:t do i'75 Lot 31 and of 32 3 do 975 5400 F.— B, B 10 TOTAL, CITU OF ST. I -UL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION Lot 33'and East N of Lot 34 and West 1 of Lot 36 and East > of Lot 37 and West of Lot 39 and East of Lot 40 and West ;c of Lot 42 and East of Lot 8 and West 7 feet of (Except West 7 ft.) Lot 9 and (Except Fast 29 feet) East 29 feet of 10 and W. of Lot 12 and East of Lot 13 and 'Best of Lot 15 and East of Lot 1 and East i o^ Lot 3 and West 2 of East of Lot G and West r of Lot 1 and East 1 of West. — of Lot 3 and East of Lot 5 and West L of Lot 6 and East of Lot 8 and Vest of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 32 3 Lane's Highland Park 35 3 do 35 3 do 38 3 do 38 3 do 41 3 do 41 3 do 9 , 4 do ASSESSED Lan&ALUATIOttld,,. $975 $5250 975 7150 975 9750 975 8700 975 7350 975 8550 1050 11350 600 10 4 do 600 11 4 do 700 11 4 do 300 14 4 do 875 14 4 do 975 2 5 do 925 2 5 do 800 4 5 do 525 5 5 do 275 5 5 do 750 7 5 do 450 8 5 do 425 2 6 do 1050 2 6 do 325 4 6 do 975 4 6 do 975 7 6 do 975 7 6 do 975 TOTAL 7900 5300' 10200 2000 6400 6050 6750 7400 11100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan a/ALUATIOltldg. 9 6 Lane's Highland Park $650 $ 10 6 do 650 East of 11 6 do 325 Lot 12 and 'hest of 11 6 do 975 4650 13 6 do 650 14 6 do 650 15 6 do 650 16 6 do 650 17 6 do 650 18 6 do 650 19 6 do 650 20 6 do 650 21 6 do 650 22 6 do 700 17 and 16 2 Otto Is Addition to St. Paul 2000 18 2 do 400 19 2 do 400 20 2 do 400 3400 21 2 do 400 3150 22 2 do 400 23 2 do 400 4100 24 2 do 400 3850 25 2 do 400 3100 26 2 do 400 3400 27 2 do 400 4400: 28 2 do 400 29 2 do 400 .. •..... 30 2 do X CYEW-X 42,5 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE do 300 _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L t 3 and West 10 ft. of 2 do (B) 4 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATIOgldg. 13 John ?aarden Second Addition $625 $4500 14 do 400 3550 15 do 400 3650 16 do 400 400 17 do 400 do 18 do 400 9 19 do 400 3800 20 do 400 400 21 do 400 22 do 400 250 23 do 400 24 do 400 25 do 400 6450 axcent Last 15 ff!et) 26 do 450 Prior Ave. vac, adj. & E. 15 ft. of 26 do 450 (Except 71. 20 ft. ) ) 1 Bvrnels Rearran:;ement 700 6250 and Prior Ave. vac. adj. ) West 20 ft. of Lot 1 R: (Except W. 10 ft.) 2 do 300 L t 3 and West 10 ft. of 2 do 500 4 do 400 5 do 400 6 do 400 7 do 400 3 001. 8 do 400 3300 9 do 400 3800 10 do TOTAL 400 3650 ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK West �0 ft. of Lot 1 A, (Except 13 ADDITION 14 John .^,aarden Second Addition 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 (Extent Last 15 fe!et,) 26 Prior Ave. vac, adj. & E. 15 ft. of 26 (Except 71. 20 ft. ) ) 1 and Prior Ave. vac. adj. ) West �0 ft. of Lot 1 A, (Except W. 10 ft.) 2 do 300 L t 3 and 'Nest 10 ft. of 2 do 500 4 do 400 5 do 400 6 do 400 7 do 400 8 do 400 9 do 400 10 do 400 YowM e.e.ii TOTAL . 3300 3300 3800 3650 ASSESSED ADDITION LBndVALUATlOg1dg. John .^,aarden Second Addition $625 $4500 do 400 3.550 do 400 3650 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 250 do 400 do 400 do 400 6450 do 450 do 450 Byrne's Rearran,ement 700 6250 W. 10 ft.) 2 do 300 L t 3 and 'Nest 10 ft. of 2 do 500 4 do 400 5 do 400 6 do 400 7 do 400 8 do 400 9 do 400 10 do 400 YowM e.e.ii TOTAL . 3300 3300 3800 3650 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY .ORDER (C) IASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIO�jd� Land I. Lnt 11'and ---',5t 10 ft. Of 12 Byrne's Rear ranE,e7.nnt $4550 (ExceFt E. 10 f -t.; Lot 12 A. E. 500 3850 20 ft. of 13 do (ExceFt East 20 ft.) L,,t 13 and East 30 ft. of 14 do 500 4000 Lot 15 and (Lxce:-t East Y' ft. 14 CIO 550 4850 1 Kj, I!; Lincoln -'z,rk 475 2 (40 1*1 l0 400 4 do 40O 5 do 400 6 40i: 7 do 4C0 11 ": Q 4CO 5100 9 do 4(10 47a1 10 10 4CO 4750 11 do 400 4750 12 (10 1B0 0 111c . 1, 1 $63, ?.2b $262,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated18---1941 Commissioner of Finance. Por. B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, (-4T St Paul Minn y - Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: A- ------------- . .... Ave. from. ......... ..f*. Ave. to. �c -St. Ave. NA . .... .. - - ----- LOT BLOCK ADDITION (> 4# OV-) )6 "V I St. Paul, Minn. ... ...... 193. To. The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .................... ..... .......... . .......... ... ....... St. Ave. from.. ......... ......... ....St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAM Lo LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 13 A( 19W _.- _ r _ - _ - � .i - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jan. 22, 1941 _19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. X9396 approved July 9 __1940 , relative to plantinQand protecting trees on Pinehurst Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., trees to be Scotch Pine and White Ash alternating. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 918.95 Cost per front foot $0.19-3/4 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_ , and the total cost thereof is $, Frontage 4.845 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owner of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Works. (+� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMIE SIOREP BUREAU OP CONST, a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. GRIEF EnDIREER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENGINEER n� G. H..F�ERROLD `Tanuary 21, 1941. 1"I . EROR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF" Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir. BUREAU of SAIRTATI11 FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OP BRIDGES M. S. GR YT BAK. ER.—ER BUREAU OP CDRRE.TIORS RAY J. KARTAK. S—T I tran®it herewith preliminary estimate of cost for planting and protecting trees on Pinehurst Avenue from Fairview -Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, trees to be Scotch Pine and White Ash alternating, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119396 approved July 9, 1940. Estimated cost to plant and protect trees $ 918.95 Cost per front foot 0.19-3/4 Frontage 4845 feet Approved for transmissiol to the Commissioner of,. -Finance MILTON ROSEN Pommissioner of Public Works Your truly, RGE . S� /—�� hist ineer 6044 I �- (� P GEORGE R z,6,�' n Dv orkca, CVice a��� ?4 ESTABLISHED 1908 CP3 s n at 1-0522 o,,':ncr rcs- St. P!% 1 has under �J.. v 2t-, _a;. Ll I c oI b�:! ci i s to ant r0 p1-oD-Z)--e t ,...es -vo-late 1, r o.:,. .;"d�' :). � p - � �(� - - ti a e..+ �,)e , 1 , n. - a co a er f r o n -'t C) o t I:.ave j)e,11 t p lzn:�i , :'ger :,,,I `.ea.rijj- br�, "hold on �'V� :,latter in t":e, CO ' 1 " !-� 'b % ", Y :o aa of c o,.. '1,'sc a�, n.- on t�-e l3t) OF b,! o'�t oft:. C -Ii--: 7 a::: col:r)cllcd oa t-, ::' .;"-, to e s :'leans to a,,,., e - c -:Df t' -,c 1�car-in--, 11 :. - t, -at '.:etz_n,'-er and, 1 ar loint ,)%*,-nors '-'re opposed t��e pl'olloct. -i.s '..m%vso i, cons aleralti-.)n of tl'e street a,. d 'siu C-.)nst--1cL on in "ictV'ec! "L',! :'v r o arc .!.S 1-10 '-loc'- ar 0, •:^+t. t- 1,v, 0 21.y.e e rt s on 4-0' .. �. - - :1 ',; 1-o r o-.-:ntrs -:.prol-I -'-o are ., 0 c 'J^ Io c s tre are -.voll arron-ed cared Or •a -'." .ns u,_1 es -,%ear4:,i a i t Ic ap, ce ar.' o t:, o -,n oa- trees ::ill L P' -:e oiin:on o!' 0":* —co - e u c. s ty Lac:: of c ',ost-r-J.an 161.c- arca, t bc; to turn vo'lr attention to tl:c, rczonin-.- of ..'ord i r v 10 w . It '..s soriE!,:ihat Incon- '-%ic!-- is On "loc".: :South 0, rant oern,31ts for iui of aoart-ments at 31.u. -,>ard, an Lit ',;"-e s -"'C, ti!: --c 0 a C'I or, te f- in our f -,Ont yard. tree �lantln' for ,I.n Kr. Fred M. - truax -2- 1.1arch 13, 1941 I trust the Cit; Council will give consideration to our ob- jection to tree planting in this area. Tree plantin. will accomplish no good purpose towards beautification of the street, antiwill'onl;; result in increased cost of home owner- ship. 0 To the Honorable City Councils We, the undersigned, %ing the owners of real estate along both sides of Pinehurst Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Howell Ave., do hereby object to the planting of trees on that portion of Pinehurst Ave. C(.. ,� Q 6n e,-,- A0 /A To the Honorable Oity Qonnoils Nep the uedereignedr being the owners of real estate along both sides of Pinshwat Ave. between Fairview Ave: and Howell Ave., do hereby ob,eet to the planting of trees on that portion of Pinehurst Avers go ARM= 2�7 lyfJ April 1941. Saint Panl,Minneeota. WE TF.E UNDER SIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS OPPOSE THE PLANTING OF TREES ON 1y� PINE'HURST STREET IN THE BLOCK BETWEEN HOWELL AND KENPIETH ST'S P ,SAINT ?AIM 9AMV ADDRESS / \/ n l G/ 17 J ,1 �' I. � _ j\' V/ l � �%�� �t F <. •!lcr x,1.7'. f . �'C f 76 i lig , �. `�: ..._.. / �✓ J t, i,,...,/lr'. April 1941, Saint Panl Minnesota -Wr& THA UNDL4 SlGX.&D PROBIMTY OWNERS OPPOSE THE PLANTING OF TREES ON PIREHURST STRHJI',f IN THE BL3CK BETWEEN HOWELL AND KENNETH STREETS,SAIITT PAUL. ADDRESS r•[.�.[�. ueura[s COUNCIL FILE NO. By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of zradir.S and surfecinr. the Alle s it 'loc.: 7, Elmwood, :rom Randolnh Ave._.te dames.Ave., and fro T..the North.and South. -11e .to-Davern.Street, also ... oonstruct- ine a sewer in the Alley from a point 88 feet east of liavern Street to the center line ..a. DavFrn.Str.eet, ther..ce.ir Davern.5treet from thc.cente.r line of. the Alley.. proauccsl to ti e sewer in James. A te., .......... .................. .. . . . . . ........... under Preliminary Order... . 1214.46 .. ... ..... .......... approved January.2. ,. 1941 Intermediary Order ------------------------- ---- ---------------------approved -------------------.----------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ...°rade--ar:d. s;irf�ce _tre._lleys-_ ir-_91gc_ 7, -Eh wood, from Randolph Afire, to James Ave., and --from the North arri. South Alley to Davern Street. A1so..construct..a. sewer An..ther __Str.Qft__tsz--_-- the.centex...line..of..Daxstrn.Strut-.tkierrc�..ir.Davexn..S.treet-from tre-_center--line of - - - --------------------- the Alley_ oroduc-ed .to -.the w:_ the James Ave., - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. $ 1941 Adopted by the Council ...... , 192 ------ 91-PASSFP b to Qn� C C tl�lro 619 .. ........ ity, Cle�k Approval �. , 192 File 9179 Councilman Olariop'..-..:=.=��' [y. rtz—���" Mayor. Councilman Fergtt3dr'^"'/I'i rd'nn Councilman WeU6450'`' "/I': ant Councilman 4Vl%;Gi8gaTf Councilmanlidfrettn`E'L t / Councilman ' Mayor Hodgsm=z�ai$it7 vttough Mr. Vice / PUBLISIIED ['rr.: : .t ,,`, neon, Form B. S. A. 8-7 ha CITY OF ST. PAUL DE' 2TMENT OF FINANCE REPORTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In.thematter of f-radinj,and s�:rfacil�; the Alleys in Knck 7, Elmwood, .from Randolph Ave. to James Ave., and from the north and south alley to r)nvern :it. Also constrjetinf; a sewer in the alley £rum a noint '38 feet enst of Daysrn 'r;t. to tate cent -r line of DPv=rn St., thence in Dav;rn St: from the center line of the Alley pro:iuced to the sewer in Janes -ve. under Preliminary Order approved 1-22-41 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1 83. 67 front 1.11 The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is - . - - - - - - $.._...... —. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lard R1dg. 1 7 Elmvood 900 $2950 2 7 do 800 2Pfr) 3 7 do R50 2000 4 7 do 850 1500 5 7 do 850 2550 G 7 do 1:00 4500 7 7 do 1150 5750 8 7 do ) 2000 12500 9 7 do j 10 7 do TOTAL. 1000 2900 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CGMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 7 ElTawood 12 7 do 13 7 do 14 7 do 15 7 do 1. 7 do 17 7 do 18 .7 do 19 7 do 20 7 do 21 7 do 22 7 do 23 7 do 24 7 do 25 7 do 26 7 do 28 7 do 1 2 Webster Add. to, the Cite of St. I-aul, Ramsey Co., 1ilnn. ASSESSED VALUATIO N Lard ld?, $loon $6750 1000 3000 1000 2500 1000 1000 4750 1000 5000 1450 1000 3000 700 3500 700 3450 700 3650 700 2651 700 2400 700 2900 700 2700 700 2300 700 2700 900 2 750 o`.,al an., 150 $95,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and Hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- _---- —19..... _. _ .._. __..... 1__:-`.�=--'--=— ---� -� ---- --.....y--- Commissioner of Finance. F—M B. B. 12 6Zr 6-170 St. Paul, Minn ............. 1961...,J To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvemenZt to be made: L ............ —0. ......... .................. . . . . ... . .... . . ...... . . .. ...... . .... ..St. Ave. from.............. . . . .. ............St. Ave. to.......... . ......... .................................. . ........................... .... ... ... ... . ... ... ..... ..St. Ave. NAME 1.01, BLOCK ADDITION 0 71 Cr J. 4" V Office ' of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of. Finance Jan. 30 14 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121"6 approved Jan. 22 1941, relative to grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 7, Elmwood from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the No an South ey o avern venue. so c n- structing a sewer in the Alley from a point 88 feet east of Davern Street to th. D' , line of the Alley produced to the sewer in James Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.11 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ l 383••67 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $24.66 Engineering $126.00 Frontage 1,254.55 ft• and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Z i.13i T.; j .l � ��' ommissioner of Public tC\: 'O JO lg�l J DMPP �E ._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D[PUTT CONNiB 'OVER BUREAU Or CONBT. 8 R[PwIR GEORGE M. SHEIRAR D. CH,[r ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. Orric[ ENGIN[[R .�77 �D G. H. HERROL. Tamst 29, 1941 CHIeF ENOw. CL[w[ `"�`�"�� MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BURewu or 5wNITATION FRED DRIVER. 9URT. BU R[wu or BeioO[e GRYTa AK. ENGINEER BUIEIUGr COReECTIONs RAY J. KARTAK. Suer. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 7, Elmwood from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South Alley to Davern Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 88 feet east of Davern Street to the center line of Davern Street, thence in Davern Street from the center line of the Alley produced to the sewer in Tames Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 12141,6 approved January 22, 1941. Estimated Cost 1,383.67 Cost per front foot 1.11 Inspection 24.66 Engineering 126.00 Frontage 1,254.55 ft. Yoursvery truly, Approved for transmission GEORGE M. SHEPARD to the Commissioner of Finance Chief Engineer o1—C- MILTON ROSEi Commissioner of Public Works C I T Y O F S A I N T F A U L St. Paul, Minnesota May 26, 1945 This is to inform you that on the 6th day of June, 1945, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall in St. Paul, the Council will reconsider Final Order No. 121892, approved ;larch 18, 1941, in the matter of: Grading and surfacing the alleys in Block 7, Elmwood, from Randolph Ave. to James Ave., and from the north and south alley to Davern St.; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 88 feet east of Davern St. to the center line of Davern St., thence in Davern St. from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in James Ave. This hearing is deemed advisable because the present cost thereof will be higher than the original estimated cost, which was $1383.67, or $1.11 per front foot. The present estimated cost is $1717.43, or $1.37 per front foot. JOHN S. FINDLAN, Commissioner of Finance File 9179 r•rset. onntat rti eosmeva vrnw COUNCIL FILE NO. 121f��A� BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking eeaeaent in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gra ng an suan ea ng of t e eye n oc from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Street, Davern under Preliminary Order 121"7 approved _._Tanuary 22nd, 1941 Intermediary. Order 121686 _ approved . February 19th, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and therefore, be it rnhaving fully considered the same; RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of inr provement to be made -by the said Citv is condemning end taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alleys in Block 7, Elmwood, from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Davern S treat. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the Same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz..: For elopes, cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alleys in Block 7, Elm mod, from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, and from the North and South alley to Davern Streetq to the ektent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement,and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAk 18 1941 19 Approved ig- r (ity Clerk. M Councilmen ayor. ar u�8"--f ss — Findlan / Parranto Rosen ''. ceetrjePt,e�yMC h _ _ sou IW Vice President'Pocerson) PUBLISHED 1 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT%OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemninc and tRki..r an ettsemunt in the lana neee ;s::ry for slot: s, cuts Rno �I fills in the Trading and surfacinm of ti:e Alleys in iilock 7, Elmwood from RRn:lolcla Ave, to James Ave., and from the north and south alley to :.av�rn Street under Preliminary Order approved 1-•1.2-41 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of thte above ecsement is 25.00) The total estimated aastam>�o%vktt'yens+casxtneKxfct�tdt���BK� - - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $- -- --'—' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lahr LUAT IOkAg. 1 7 Elmwood 9000 $12950 2 7 do 800 2650 3 7 do 850 2000 4 7 do 850 1500 5 7 do 850 2550 6 7 do 1300 4500 7 7 do 1150 5750 8 7 do ) 2000 12500 9 7 do 1 10 7 do 1000 2900 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �G) DESC"IPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L nneALUAT' Or41d H e• 11 7 Elmwood $1000 $6750 12 7 do 1000 3000 13 7 do 1000 2500 14 7 do 1000 16 7 do 1000 4750 16 7 do 1000 5000 17 7 do 1450 18 7 do 1000 3000 19 7 do 700 3500 20 7 do 700 3450 21 7 do 700 3650 22 7 do 700 2650 23 7 do 700 2400 24 7 do 700 2800 25 7 do 700 2700 26 7 do 700 2300 28 7 do 700 2700 Total $25,250 k92,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Feb. 18 41 Fora B. O. 13 _ — Commissioner of Finance. 0 - C -f. AML - 5'il I. Typical IJotahon 'ib F,q.,<.ab— 1— 541— ...+o, R11 of p-pc,iy lirre. F,9.,cs bI.— 1— 5b— dmf.n k. whichslopes I4. qao X-5— Bk No.198o, AZLZ-K5,5Z1<. 7,f'Z1W?YOOD Fro/77 Ave, To A From A/ & -57 All, --v To 001 -CI -17 -51,. hE L I i "'Y 19 20 2/ 1 22 23 -Z4 25 U -5q-3S /7 16 /Z YY 0 40 14 VZT. 0 0 --Z 61 06 . ae 0 � 7:Lz 03 J�3 FE 7-7 i. .0.2 41. 114-1. 20 Bb Gr V 0 0 A .0.00 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan 30 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121447 approved Tan• 22 19 4i , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and -- ,., +,,e —.Ai— and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 7, Elmwood from Randolph Avenue to Tames Avenue, and from the North and South Alley to Davern Street. and having investigated the matters and things'referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—x2D= —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of P , 1941 ~ DEPT. OF Fi�;AI`GE .' lu ❑o- '� •n pi:uuing � Ini; learn herr : al'ea Ede' : R...'�t �. F'n rk,r 121894 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. planting and..protectin_r trees, where not already placed, on Ed:cc......... „shrubs, -on and improgin the center.., ouleyard. betwi:.i en the. same limits n coq^e.rmity,_ .i-dth.the .landscaping preyiausly. done. Qn..hdgcumbe. Road scuth.of. Randolph Avenue ...................... . under Preliminary Order... .. . .......................approved August 13, 1940 IntermediaryOrder ...................--------------------------- ---approved...................................................... ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ..Plant --and protect trees, where not already placed, n.rdgcumbeRoadfromalso in- -. ............................... s.talLia ashrubs..on..and..imarQsln..the..-csntie#-.louJPyard.-oetween the_same limits in conforritr-with-t-he--landscaping_-orevicusly done or, rd cumbe Road south of Randolph .....-- Avenue ... ......................._.....--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----...------------------------------- ----------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imEr�o�vement in accordance therewith. �dtt ! 8 1941 r' dopted by the Council ------ ...... , 192 ------- - L __------_------- OR 18 1941 city clerk. Approved . 192 File 9188 ....... .... .i.- -- ----­----' Qi Mayor. Councilman Glancy , Councilman LFerguson P Counci1manLMcDonald Councilman'�McGlogan-!t^rrenrr Councilmarr Sudheimer CouncilmarFWenzel-=---;P*=*s= Mayor. I3wdgsonLl Mr. Vice President (Peterson) _22 _ Norm B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER,, In the (atterof nlantinfr and protecting; trees, where not alread'r placed, on ?decumhe iioad from Lexini;ton P,,rkway: to Randolph Ave., includinf also installing shrubs on Ind improving* the centa'r'bouievard between the same limits in conforri.ty wit, the landscapin, previously done on Edmeumbe Road south of Randolph Ave. under Preliminary Order approved 8-1-40 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 3 454.40 fro -a$0,98 trees gn side �oul,v d center hlvd. The estimated cost per/toot for the above improvement is $0.90, plant center blvd.,trees i. ort sides The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. `':6,[CUT!'Ue RORId and Lexington Ave.) Tnat. part lying' southerl,. of . (Expert ' i?t.:�t - of northeast - of !loth• -aster, 3, riaja-of«wa� ?,!. is J C. St, P. oC $13,200 of Section 10, Township 28, Ran. -.p 23 14 3 Dunlap F1 Ree Addition 325 (;--xce^t Fd,.cumbe Road) 28 4 do 11,840 $5700 Lots 1 to (Except r-d?cumhe Road) 17 1 Lexinr.ton-' ilat 6 - �-- 725 4500 1.8 1 do 675 1350 do 19 1 do %75 do 20 1 do c75 do 21 1 do 475 do Lot 1 900 3650 doA (Ex. s. 39 feet ) i 2 do TOTAL, Form B. B 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CSF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER // LOT CK ADDITION (g\ • BLO ASSESSED ATIO dg. Land VALUISI DESCRIPTION Edgcumbe Road) S. 39 ft. of 2 2 Lexington Park Plat 6 $4100 (Except $850 and (Exc. S. 26 ft.) 3 2 do (Except Edgcumbe Road) S. 26 ft. of 3 2 do 850 3400 4 and (Except S. 13 ft.) . 2 do (Except Edgcumbe Road) Lot 5 h S. 13 900 3600 ft. of 4 2 do 650 1 3 do (Except Edglcumbe Road) 600 5600 2 3 do do 600 4750 3 3 do do 600 4 3 do do 650 5 3 do do 650 4500 do S. 45.2 feet of 17 4 do ) do and Exc. S. 45.2 ft. 17 4 do j 4600 600 also (Ex. Ed.Rcumbe Rd.) S. 36.2 ft. 18 4 do (Except Edgcumbe Road and Except S- 36.2 feet) Lot 18, also (Except 600 4500 Edgcumbe Road) south 27.2 feet of 19 4 do (Except Edgcumbe Road and Except 5- 27.2 feet) Lot 19, also (Except 600 5550 -dgcumbe Rd.) S. 18.2 feet of 20 4 do (Except 6'dPcumbe Road and except S. 18.2 feet) Lot 20 also(except 600 4700 Edgcumbe Road) South 9.2 feet of 21 4 do 4700 21 4 do 600 North 45 feet of Lexington Park plat 7 700 5000 17 1 (Except Edgcumbe Road) 650 450 18 1 do do 700 4150 19 1 do do TOTAL CITY OF ST. IAUL DEPART(AENT OF FINANCE "REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `B) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONBldg. DESCRIPTION (Except Ed!ccumbe Road) 20 1 h Lexington Park P1Rt 7 $700 $2350 21 1 do 750 2500 de 1 2 do 750 do 2 2 do 700 2950 do 3 2 do 700 2050 do 4 2 do 700 do 5 2. do 700 do do and Exc. E. 92 ft.Lots 13, 14 and 15 4 do 650 2050 16 4 do 600 do 17 4 do 650 4150 d, 3 2 Kay Addition 1300 17500 (includes other prop. (Except West 6.6 feet) Lot 5 and all 4 2 do 280^ 2000 Road) 1 Walton Heights 6 qoII�� 2650 ('incIizdes other pronert; (Except Ed„cumbe 20 do 500 5350 do 21 do 500 4100 do 22 do 500 3800 do 23 do 500 do 24 do 1000 5300 do ( do 25 do ) 26 do 500 5650 do 27 do 500 5100 do 26 do 500 do 29 do 500 3400 do 30 do Soo do 31 do 500 450 do TOTAL (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Exe. Ed;*cum. ioe Road) 32 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land 31dP. W.Iton lleiF�ht s $5oo $2400 Total $59,250 $148,550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ..^ebruar�:.,ld 19....41_. .._.—...----'-- ........-----'-' Dated--- --' -' —.- ----�--`-- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Hon. F. M. Truax Comer. of Parks, P. & P. B. City Hall hay 14, 140 Dear Sir: The Council referred to ,You the attached petition of property om ers requestiNf that the center boulevard be beautified by planting shrubs, evergreens, and deciduous trees on Edgecumbe Road from Edgecumbe Road to Lexington Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CI CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 14, 1,40 Hon. F. M. Truax Comsr. of Parka, P• & P. B. City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached petition of property owners requesting that trees be planted in boulevards on the south side of Edgecumbe Road from Edgecumbe Road to Lexington Ave. Yours very truly, „ G v G' City Clerk. � VA St. Paul, Minn9'Aat/ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .-St. Ave. from _ St. Ave. to .St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ate-----...----=---'------ ---- - two V 6 �t .D ate.. 3 rr� _... ... ------ ---- St. Paul, Minn.. 19CJ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -ale (�7 ....o fa to .......... St. Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME .......... 7' Jpjw_ C'�L' 0 . ........ ............ J13 '00* St. Paul, J . . ... ...... 194.0 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Road.. ;fTopi Lq4.in.9t.0A Ave., 49 RaUdPlph.aad plan. ,.ou evard along . same.. area . . A.4t.�4ve ..Where no trge.e.. have been a1jte5U placed. . . .. .. . . ..... . .. ..... ......... : . ... ... . .. ... . .. St. Ave. .,-NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7— Y `Lectin ton Park Flat 6. 3 J x"? Iq ji ---------- 51 `7 'V1 Ytc Vs a— F7 5M.7-37 St. Paul, Minn ....... .. .. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Sentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: T - -i--nd o nbe llc�a& f.rom..Lea..-fAj Von. AVe. �-ridac&pe tbt..��ntL.r Irl:- -a Edilow- L to -11-mdolpli aiati plix-z--tzear,- ca bcilev"zd aloz4, aw4e.- L_rea. 436.-Aqw . ...... ub.a>np. no tx.,�PR. haw,- br.,x:n . ......... I -_eA— -1,,c ad. .jj . .. ... . ............St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION . . .......... .. . . . .. . . ........ -------- -- September 20, 1940 Mr. 47. Lamont Kaufman, Sup't., Parks, & Playt<rounds Den't., 4th. Floor - Court douse St. Paul, 14inn. Re: Tree Planting - Edgeumbe Road from Lex. Ave. to Randolph Street Dear Sir: I am furnishi.ne ,you the proceedings to -date relative to the above proposal and ask that ,you kindly locate on the attached prints the position and number of plantings within these limits; toeether with an esti- mate of the cost and the unit price per front foot. The total length between these limits is 2,248 feet and a frontage of 3,728 feet. Very trul yo W. S. COCKROFT;Su WSC-jiv construction & Rewir att-file �`- CITY OF,SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D-11 CONI.Is I — BUREAU Or ConST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CNIE' ENDINEER BUREAU Or SANITATION W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. FRED DRIVER. Burr. OPr CNOINeER BUREAU Or BRIDGES G. H. HERROLD M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER CKIer ENGR. CLERK BUREAU Or CORRECTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. Suri. September 20, 1940 Mr. 47. Lamont Kaufman, Sup't., Parks, & Playt<rounds Den't., 4th. Floor - Court douse St. Paul, 14inn. Re: Tree Planting - Edgeumbe Road from Lex. Ave. to Randolph Street Dear Sir: I am furnishi.ne ,you the proceedings to -date relative to the above proposal and ask that ,you kindly locate on the attached prints the position and number of plantings within these limits; toeether with an esti- mate of the cost and the unit price per front foot. The total length between these limits is 2,248 feet and a frontage of 3,728 feet. Very trul yo W. S. COCKROFT;Su WSC-jiv construction & Rewir att-file �`- y ,Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance'' February to 1041 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119846 approved Aug- 13 19 40 , relative to planting and protecting trees, where not already placed, on Edgcumbe Road from Lexington Parkway to Ran olp AV nue, also installing shrubs on and improving the center boulevard between the same limits in conformity with the lan and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more oy+ners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. t.,1011C/% CVS •:N,`.�� ;� jam._.,_. / '�'. { Commissioner of Public Works. 00 FEB 1- 1941, DEPT. OF UU 7� t• FINANCE A M1 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: r9c�on�-id�$dart`1t$"Fi�l�`°�ej�tubY"iBeCt��Tib�yeti41§' cYgcY&r84°r�lant— Body. to cEomxkmjfmHD=iagxbmpmxmxmw Amxmxx: ing of trees and shrubs on center boulevard and bouleyardp on Edgcumbe Road from Lexington Hkwy, to Randolph. .............. --Tfiereason for this renest is ariat..riiar,y-.of... tlie. signers 'of the. original petition believed that 30.00 per 50 ft. lot would Jae the ap— proxi-mate.-cost -of- the-- improvement-;... whereas- -a-f-i-gure... ft: -98 -- x per front foot has been established as the cost. ; firm....... ......... . . ........... . S x x c.. .... ....... ...... . ... ....... ......... ....... sxac M_ � 21� :.ADDITION ..) .� .��..r , .I,l��,,/•l✓��...�. _.._ � �/� ,tea..:. M_ � 21� St. Paul, Minn 1.4ar.0.11 18 . .. ...... . ... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own=rs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cx=x tkQi*ftwkr&tiupxovRw by2m2udax rec:,nsidex and hcid a public hearing on � the order for pl:,nting of trees and snrllb- on center bou I-vard and boulevards on 2dgcumbe Road from Lexington Pxwy. to Randclph. The reason for 'tEi'e ... r e qu, e's t is a m o the signers o any I f the original petition believed that per 50 ft. lot would be cost of the im-orcvement,, ereas a fi'gur'e' ...-8txAX% -t-e a—proximate w,:7 of'4.98 .ger front foot has been established as the cosi. Eramx . .. ....... .. ....... wm:ua ....... . .. .. .. ..... ... .. ..... . . ................ . ...... .. . NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /7 S ANDAKll 0IL COMPANY 1 c=Ho=w,YwJ AP0r,1. BRANCH SAEEs DFPARTMFNT LL'.'P. ISA\NN INTF,It. m , J. S'. tiC:ll,\IH)\\', n.tiv��n=w vn,i rc, rn aorto oa ewcrc acaeov M I NK FA 1101:1 ti. 1%f I N N. March 21, 1941 FILE T SUBJECT Plnntina Trees rmd ''-.rubs on center island and side bou]Pvard on Ede.ecomb Road, St.Paul ns EF,ssed.'by Council, Ci*,y Council Mer. lP, 1?41 City of 't. "aul St.P9u1, ,.'innesota 0111. Attention Commissioner Tr,lax Gents even: Ue h,jve. b =n renuested by other nroor.rty owners to Join in their r,rnest thl:t the Cnijrici let a date fn^ re-hvr:rin� of the above It would appear that many pronerty owners feel ti, -et they did not have 1; full o:,uortunity to be herd. Therefore, in view of such situation, the under�imled resoectf\aly rarnlest such re-henrinu. for the satisfaction of all. You -s truly STf,JTD',RD OIL Cc1 PANY 0 Man P. wer St. Paul, Minn. March 17 St. Paul City Council Dear Sirs: I an in favor of landscaping Edgeumbe road from Randolph avenue to Lexington avenue. I feel this proposed beautification project would be of greater value to the city than similar work previously dons on the bleak rural stretches of Wheelock and Johnson parktays, still largely populated by rabbits, and on the outer reaches of Edgoumbe road, toward Port Snelling, where artistic clumps of shrubs and trees have no doubt proved an aesthetio inspiration to the adjacent fields of corn. However, I am not in favor of the price proposed. Have competitive bide been taken! How much has similar work cost in the past! I m unable to attend the hearing, but would like to have you inform my neighbors. The estimated coat (your estimate) is somewhere between $500 and 4600 a block which to as seems ample to provide not only trees and shrubs of finest ancestral stock, with purest sap lines, but also a few sunken gardens and sundry exotic birds and animal s. I still am in favor of landscaping the area in question. Edgcumbe road is heavily traveled between Lexington and Randolph and is well built up with tax -producing homes. Therefore, I want good landscaping --- but at a lover price. A / Respectfully, ��/ v CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU or CONST. A REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMIssio NEA GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHI[I ENGIN EER W. S. COCKROFT, SUPT. OFF— ENGIN [[w G. H. HERROLD January 31, 1940 CNIEP ENa R. C�eRK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU oP B ... - M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOP CORREOT""' RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for planting and protecting trees, where not already placed, on Edgcumbe Road from Lexington Parkway to Randolph Avenue, including also installing shrubs on and improving the center boulevard between the same limits in conformity with the landscaping previously done on Edgoumbe Road south of Randolph Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119846 approved August 13, 1940• Total estimated cost $ 3,454.00 2620 lin.ft. frontage at $.98 2,567.60 (Plant trees on aide & center blvd. 1108 lin.ft. frontage at $.80 886./+0 (Trees in. Plant center blvd.) Coat per front foot to plant trees on side blvd. & center blvd. 0,98 Cost per front foot to plant center blvd. (Trees in on sides) 0,80 Frontage 3,728 ft. rA. Yours truly, 77 GEOIPE M. SEMPARV Chief Engineer Approved for transmissi to th Commissioner o inance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works R \o. 1-^^1895— Itt the utter ,r Re in!; Rurnqukt ti[re 1 frnm a t,, Ji -' Ata Irrr, r01naryj COUNCIL FILE NO. k By... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .grading Burnqu,ist Street .fr.om.h'.arz:land.A3zenue .to. Jessamine. ,kvenue. . .. .................. .. . ...... .. under Preliminary Order.. .120319 approved Sertember 24, 1940 IntermediaryOrder ........... ................... ------------------ approved .................. ....................... .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. rade---Purnguist-. StreEt. from_Marylen i_P venue .to_---_. _ Jessamine Avenue ........................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------- ..... ..... ...... ... ................................................... --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ......I ........................................... ..............--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ................................................------------------------......------....... -------------- --------------------------- -------------------- --- ------------------------------------------- —--------- -------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .... MAR 18 19 9 ........ 8 ------ 192 ... T-------------------- MAR 18 X44 City Clerk. Approved ........ 192.... r �l File 9177 1.. ---- ----.'o'r". ti AcMayor. Councilman ^Clahey = = 4 Councilmang rg6siAlv.' l'"idlan L CouncilmangRe'NTairllar Ott° _ L T Councilman'Nlis'GSlogtnYu Councilman Weimei Z l:oten h CouncilmanlW% h Mayor I- m Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT, OF FINANCE ' REPORT OMMI NARY ORDER FINANCE N PRELIMINARY (A) In the matter of r.rading r..urncilti.st St. from Y4iryland Ave. to Jessamine Ave. under Preliminary Order approved 9-24-40 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $--L,5,9.58 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -1 .90 frm,t ' The estimated cost per tj oot for the above improvement 1s rovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Morro B. B. 10 ASSESSED BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Bld?. LOT DESCRIPTION Land $200 SZ50 19 'L Lane i'.osnes Addition 150 'LO 2 do 150 'L1 2 do 150 22 c do 150 100C 2;5 2 do 150 24 2 do 150 25 2 do 150 26 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 28 2 do TOTAL. Morro B. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIOBldg. Land Bldg. 29 2 Lane-Hospes Addition $150 30 2 do 150 31 2 do 150 32 2 do 150 33 2 do 150 34 2 do 150 35 2 do 150 36 2 do 150 37 2 do 500 (Except :,% ry and Ave. and Y.P. Ry. Co.'s R/�Y) t3e North 990.20 feet of thr t .cart lyingE. of the W. line of the 'A'nter 'Aorks R�li of the Northeast 4: of Section 28, Township 29, Ranke 22 5000 0 Total $8250 $1250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated Febr2ar: 1$ 41 ...._. Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn 19".... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . .. ............. .... .. .... . � St. Ave. . ..... ..... . ......... from OY" Ck .. .. ........ St. Ave. to .... .... . ... ............... ..St. Ave. 1-7 'A--, .3 St. Paul, Minn.. December -.14....- 193- 9 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..Grade Burnquist Avenue between East, MArylsnd St, attd..Je,ssamine St. .............................. .............................. .... ...... Smcx sa. fYdF}5............................................ ......7c1cxPa. •BLOCK•• • r r V'' /�i � •. ..�� �•..�i..- it • � fir.• � 1 •% , � 1 i mil •, l � / • � � �• r� / ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 30 19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 120319 approved September 24-19-4L_ relative to grading Burnquist Street from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. cost per front foot $1.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— 3,439.6 , and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $250.00 Frontage 1,960.9 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L` i 1_y- ^` JAN 30 1941 C� DEPT. OF ' FINANCE [ Commissioner of PJ Js. rig O'J1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VoIGT. DEPUTY COM-S—NER BUREAU OF CONST. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRISP ENGINEER W. 5. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENGINEER Janua�.y 29, 191,1 G. H. HERROL. CNIEFENGR. CLERK MARK W. r'OODRU.FF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OP SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU of BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU DF CGRREDTIONs RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Burnquist Street from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue, under Preliminary order C. F. 120319 approved September 24, 1940. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSENC Commissioner of Public Works $ 3,539.68 1.80 250.00 1,960.9 ft. Yours very truly, GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer FINAL oft IlE t IN CONDF:.n NATION nit I/CF.F:Di NI:!t COUNCIL. FILE NGS, _ 1218%BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning andtakingan easement in the land necessary for slo ep_ s._._ cuts and fills in the grading of Burnquist Street from Maryland Avaue to Jessamine Avenue, under Preliminary Order 120320 approved __.,...___ Septamber 24th• -),9,4D Intermediary Order 121682 approved _ February 19th, 194.1 ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint I aul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Burnquist Street from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Burnquist Street % from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council LIAR 18 1945 19_ _ Pity Clerk. Approved _.__.... 19_ Mayor. Councilmen - Bj fti g9 Findlan / Parranto .-?et�SQfl�� r Rosen / rA x PUBf,IS?.TrD .3 C coo '-Mr. Vice Pre<i.' pnr...; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) land necessl, r done cuts and In the matter of condemninc- and '.akt an. ei.se;nent in ine t :urnoaist Si. from ;Larvland Avo. to Jessamine AvP. loop fills in the gr.�:iin� under Preliminary Order approved • -�'l'�=0 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated 3=tam=rXfxchecs5asssxseAt:f°ut�ze:abco4'Q'tcaiCcotxv[teAt:ta:x - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the .Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAT IOld Land li g• 19 2 Lane liospes Addition $200 $250 20 2 do 150 21 2 do 150 22 2 do 150 23 2 do 150 1000 24 2 do 150 25 2 do 150 26 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 28 2 do TOTAL. 150 F.— R. 11. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OFomMISSIO ORDER FINANCE ON ASSESSED (C) ADDITION VALUATIO Nld g. LOT e�ocK Land fY33 DESCRIPTION 29 2 Lane-Hospes Addition $150 150 30 2 do 150 31 2 do 150 32 2 do 150 33 2 do 150 84 2 do 150 35 2 do 36 2 do 150 500 37 2 do (Except Maryland Ave. and N.P. Ry. Co.'s 11/w) the North 990.20 feet of that part lying E• or W. 6000 W. line of the wateof Secti nn 28. Township 29s Rant e 22 of the Northeast a Total $8250 $1250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. February 18 .19_ 41... _.....::...- Commissioner oI mance. Dated _.- -_. 0 -t- Cut AL — indie.t. Fill. 2s .t2 Typical Notation 34 A6.— line she..' Cut — P.0 at properly R". Pip -s below line Sh*w distance to which sl -pc* ,xf,nj beyond property Una, U.. Book N*,M36 X-5-. M - BURN QU15-r S-r- jesson7i"a Ave. MOI-,YI,7,7d 19Vr• Zo Z? Scale l= Sor I- + "In n, R 1. G H T OF WAY OF ST PAUL W A -r E r -k BDA R0. 613 H 0 5 P E S A. D D L A N E 04 26 30 i35 51 3.7- 1 33 36 i 37 I -P �Pn, Z�, ;t Ij ` . t �, I- + "In n, R 1. G H T OF WAY OF ST PAUL W A -r E r -k BDA R0. 613 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance San. 30 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration'the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -1223 -2 -0 --approved Sept. 24 1940 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary, for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Burnquist Street from Maryland Avenue to Jessamine Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ a'�xx and the total cost thereof is $ xax and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, to for said i ovement. subject assessment _ Z1.111ytJ . l �F 1V Commissioner of li ' v , SO \9041 IFN — ID r-'I 0F . F1l�ArCF 'In tlir n:lfar :if Kra,11n2': n,l .�:rf:•In� ��� Ilia ,\�Ilcy' In ninrl; �f.a• � � •� [[�J�� [7 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. gradin? and surfecir_g-the Alle; in..Rlock.. 2.r. Lane-fiospes Addition from Jessamine Avenue to :,r:rvland Avenue .............. ....... under Preliminary Order... 121.450 .....................approved Januar: 22, 1941 Intermediary Order -- -- -- ------------------------------------------approved ... ........ ..................................... ----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .....rade a the Alley ir. 'clock 2, Lane- .i, pspesAddition.-from. Jessam;__ne--Avenue_to-_: ar�:lan Avenue ---------------- -- --- --------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR g 8 T941 .... ........ . 192 . . ............ �. .... ----------------- -41 c `_ inti City Clerk. Approved ... .. 192 .. /l/^I�( ((` ��f� File 9161 "'.:Cw.i . �...... y........ Mayor. Councilman 01ou ,-^ r�rra--- 1 Councilman i�gasosw- r ,I! ,f, I (, Councilman Donald f Councilman McQlogan Councilman $adheinw_ Councilman 4tlafatirih'= ' \ �� r Mayor HWggau\ _, blt. y1resident .uu l•. Vice P(ppo] (y y Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED `� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of r.radlnr, and surfnr. nc the Alley in Block 2, Lane-aospes A:icition from Jccsa:cine f+ve. to rvland Aye. under Preliminary Order approved 1'?41 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 45. 741 3 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - -3, 241 .-- ---• ' fron t 1.71 The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Land B1.9;• 1 2 Lane-'.ospes Add. ) 8150 2 2 do ) 3 2 do 100 4 2 do 200 5 2 do 250 6 2 do 350 7 2 do 45C 3;3900 8 2 do 450 2 do 450 2600 10 2 do 450 3200 11 2 du 450 12 2 do 450 2900 15 2 do 450 4350 14 2 do 450 3500 15 2 do 450 2450 16 2 do 450 3350 17 2 do 475 4050 13 2 do 500 4650 19 2 do TOTAL. 200 250 Form D. 11 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION Land "lit, 20 2 Lane-llospes Add. $150 21 2 do 150 22 2 do 150 23 2 do 150 111000 24 2 do 150 25 do 150 20 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 2i' 2 do 150 29 2 do 150 30 2 do 150 31 2 do 150 32 2 do 1.50 33 2 do 150 34 2 do 150 3b 2 do 150 36 2 do 150 37 2 do 500 Total $9775 $36,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Feb. 19 dl ` ,ft -------" Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 11 L7 St. Paul, Minn .... .... .. . ............... ...... .... .... ......... 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owjjBr.,;, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . . .. . ... . ....... .... .... .................. . ............ .............. ................. .... .... ...... ........... ... ........ .. ........... from . ..... . St. ow. t" Gk— ..... ................ ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0 0- S- 5M-', -37 .. .. : , _ - '.- r - !� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. 30 _. _1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 21450 approved Tan' 22 19 41 , relative to grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2 Lsne•r-Hospes Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.71 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ 3,241.45 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $59.82 Engineerin$190.60 Frontage 1,906 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner ofUD P i 1941 DEPT. OF - \��l FINANCE .;r': BUREwu Or CONST. a REPwIR W. S. COCKROFT. SUIT. OrrI ,.E ENGIN[[R G. M. HERROLD CNIEIENGR. GL[RK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEIUTY COMI SS IONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEI ENGINEER commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: January 29, 1941 BUREAU " Sw NIT 7" FRED DRIVER. SUIT. BUREwu OI BRIDG[R M. S. GR YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOI CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUIT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Lane's Hospes Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121450 approved January 22, 1941. Estimated Cost $3,241.45 Cost per front foot 1.71 Inspection 59.82 Engineering 190.60 Frontage 1,906 ft. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSENC Commissioner of Public Worka. A* oft Yours very truly, /A V' GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer F•n.�t. --.It El c"osueu s.rrutx • r•norta•:nn'as COUNCIL FILE NO. BY ��� FINAL ORDER IN CONDI "" ',xTION PROCEEDIRSS In the matter of eondanning and taking em easement in the lend necessary for slams_ outsand fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 2, Lane-Hospea Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 1:21451 approved—January 22nd, 1941 Intermediary Order 121684 approved February 19th, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading.e"d mnTtesing-of the alley in Block 2, Lane-Hospea Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the suutc Lire hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For elopes, cute and fills in the grading of the alley in Block 2, Lane -Hoopes Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR J 1241 19_ .� i tT ty Clerk. Approved.,_._.... 19__ ACtW Mayor. Councilmen Findlan Parranto "eketeen Rosen a� _ZI h PUBLISHED •>l / eta ibk: Vice President (Poterson) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTAAENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof conde:nnin-, and W -in- an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cufa und' fiils in the -radin- an+i si:r.'ac:n-� oP' the All,�Y ir, Rlocl: 2, lane-rosnes A r1i'.ion from, Jessamine .•ve, to K: zrylariu Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Jan'aar,' 22, 1941 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of file a:.o:a ra:,e (-..t isZ ` .QH9e: . The total estimated amm oaaof' ..=f nmbR1abare:lRS4XHY.0031ftTlttI6X The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAT I OpI YSl DESCRIPTION Land dg• 1 2 Lane-Iloepes Add. ; $150 2 2 do 3 2 do 100 4 2 do 200 5 2 do 250 6 2 do 350 7 2 do 450 $3900 6 2 do 450 9 2 do 450 2600 10 2 do 450 3200 11 2 do 450 12 2 do 450 2900 do 450 4350 13 2 450 3500 14 2 do 1 450 2450 5 2 do 1 465 3350 6 2 do 50 17 2 do 475 4 16 2 do 500 96650 19 2 do 200 250 TOTAL. Form B. n 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan(yALUATIOtlld g. 20 2 Lane—Hoopes Add. $150 21 2 do 150' 22 2 do 150 23 2 do 150 81000 24 2 do 150 25 2 do 150 26 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 23 2 do 150 29 2 do 150 30 2 do 150 31 2 do 150 32 2 do 150 33 2 do 150 34 2 do 150 35 2 do 150 36 2 do 150 37 2 do 500 'total $9775 $36,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works - Feb. 19 41D -_...---' _' __'___c ___ : --_.. ...._._... -� �� ��� Commissioner of finance. Form B. B. 12 46' / I I �y r. O ZE k- / oID �I a moi= '•y t0{O SIH ALLEY 3LK LANE-170SOE5 AL S/ope UcE�iNO.. * Indicates Cut. S — Iadicafes Fill. Typical Notation `M 30 Figwrbabo-e line shoo - Cur - Fall at property lint. F;g.res bcl.— line show dmfar.ce to which slopes e=te„ d beyond property line. Loc. Bods Net/33 X Sec. K.No.Z/J3 L I A Z 60 ALLEY BLK. 2 LANE-fiOSPEb• ADD. ,rE55AM//VE AVE. MARYLAND Ab,—r. B /v Q u / s T 5 r O S P E 29 26 27 26 Z5 24 23 `i �! 22 20 -IN 6' ° H o.lA e'_ No10. Nli m ~O N, at ` �° •o{�_ ml� h'{_ o .IN Nlt.t ,Ic ?�o { I v q a I . (•e. _ I /i. .,'✓r Fi.4ei SvVii� ` - . al:�/.. .%G✓r. /i a.o oNq Nl O.b V 30 4 5 6 7 B 9 /0 // /2 /3 /4 /� /6 /7 2 r016 ' L Z- A E Office of the Commissioner of Public forks Report to Commissioner of Finance 0. Jan- 30 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121451 Approved Jan. 22 19 41 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Lene'a Homes Addition from Jessamine Avenue to Maryland Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxx _, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A'plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - -le 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said improvement. r .3�T _. i,, . Commissioner of Pu r 1941 GO I��� lAN 30 .. DEPT. OF \moi flNANCE . Oddi -1 4, City CI.,Y - CITY OF ST. PAUL .�.." Nn_...... ._ F. s.,. ^_is: ,_-nr i,a,,, 5. Pindlnu— OFFICE OF THE CITY RK ,�„•I r•,,,r:,�,�— ern„n m,Iw: --- RAL FC r���a�,�a COUNCIL RE _ ... r�wiI�.� PRESENTEDBY C , ---- - -' - COMMISSIONER.._�.L_�L_ .-- ... .... .... .._ .. _... .. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it is opposed to the tax limitation bills introduced In the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the State of Minnesota, and known as Rouse File 857 Senate File 770 M ” 856 0 " 771 n " 870 Is " 842 Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent by the City Clerk to the Senate and House Committees on Taxes and Tax Laws, and also that a copy of this'resolution be sent to the Chairmen of the Ramsey County delegation in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays in Ian � nto son osen �l Against MAR 18 1941Iia ... _ Adopted by the Council . . . .... Approved—=` j ._. AC ... -Mayor r,rl „MrcVicc President (Paterson) 1Zi3BLISHED Introduced -by: Btirnap-Dixon-Johnson, J.A. H.T.670 Whoaton-Nelson, L.H. Referred to: Taxes 2/2'7/41 i, BILL FOR il,! I:CT PROPOSING LN 111ENDM-Tr TO LHrICLE 9 OF TIT_ CO:;STITUTION OF TTU' STI,TE OF MIMESC/i'„, PROVID- ING TUAT NO PROPERPY, EITNER REL OR PERSONAL, NOW TAXED ACIX)RDD�G TO W: LUE, S L'.LL BE SO T1,�Zl) IN EX- CESS OF ONE ISTD OhTs-IL'.LF PER UEITr OF ITS FULL AND TRUE W-LUE IN ?:OILY FOR I,i.I, SPATE LM LOCI, PURPObTS, A14D PROVIDING FOR ADDITIOI�.L Ti.XES OF ME-L;,LF OF ONE PER CENT OF T?y FULL AND TRUE V, LUE OF SUCH REAL : ND PERSOKI,L PROPERTY OVER SUCE LBM'.TION OF OIvr i,ND ONE-I111F PER CENT. BE IT EIVCTED BY THE LEGISUTURE OF TL STATE OF h;DWESOTA: Section 1. The following afaendment to said Lrticle 9 of tiro GOn- stitution of the State of tlinnesota, by the addition of Section 1B inmcdintcly following section 11, of said Lrticle 9, is hereby proposed 'o the pco»lc of said state for their approval or rejection, and vhcn so ataended shall read as follows: "Scetion 1B. No real or personal property now taxed accordinE.�'•`,_ value shall. be so_taxed in excess of one and one-half per cent of it and true veluc in inoncy for all state and localurnoses, not to c;:ceud •,r_ per _cent of aihich amount so taxed and colloctod shall be paid into State Treasury to be placed in the State Goncral Revenue Fund for state c;.pcnditures: but laws mal be passed authorizing one-half of one ncr cent additional_ taxes, to be levied in _any taxing district on such real_ or personal proucrt;/ over such limitation of one and one-half per cent when such tax lc is aroved by not less than_ six+ � »_r- cent of the electors of the taxin„ district - - - - - on such proposition. The �islature_ shall by law ake the neccssa y provi ions fol carr in out he rovision^ of this section. Nothing herein --------- ehah Y --T-- --p ---= ----- -- ----- prohibit thc State of Minnesota oraL�of its subdivisions front levying taxrs_ over and above tl:c foregoing limitations for the payment of ay, i n :_ ndebtedneso_ ani nature existiniainst the state or anY such subdivision at the tin this act becomes effectiva, nor shall it prohibit the State- of tiinncso_ a_ from ------------- raising funds throyh taxation over and above_such limitation in case of war to rcncl_invasion or suppress insurrection. Provided _that not_, y of the provi_ions of See'1 1 of said Lrticle 9 shall be affected by the-fore�oin limitations.”'------ — --- - -- Section 2. The foregoing amendment to saidi.rticlo 9 as Sct i'orth in said Section 1B shall be submitted to the electors of the statr, at the general clection next onsuin after the passage of this act in the :aanner provided by low, and t^e votes thereon shall be counted, canvassed anct the results thereof proclaimed as *rovidod by law. The ballots ir. such election shall have printed thereon the following: 721. proposed amendment to Article 9 of the Constitution of the State of Kdnncsota, amending said :,rticic 9 by adding Section 1B immediately follow- ing Section L', to said Article 9 providing that no property, either real or personal, now taxed according to value, shall be so taxed in excess of one and one-half per cent of its full and true value in rnoncy for all state and local purposes, not to exceed ten per cent of which amount so ta7;cd and col- lotted shell be paid into the State Treasury to be placed in the Sta'a tR110-01 Revenue Fund for state expenditures; and authorizing additional ta.:es of one-half of one per cent to be levied over and above such limitation of one and one-half per cent of such full and true value in money whenan_.irovcd by at least sixty per cont of the electors of the taxing district voting cn �ucl• proposition. Nothing contained in such limi'Cation shall prohibit the state or any of its subdivisions from raising money throueh taxation over such limitation to pay ang indohtedn ss ezistir_;11 n`.'']':c this ac b^c0:es effective, and prmvidinC for lacr=1 asacssments. Y„ -- --- — N-) Each elector voting u?on ;uch proposed amendm^nt shall _].a^r a cross mark, thus (x), i:_c space to be left opposite either the worn 1"2s° Dr GI C, word :1140" and shall be counted for or against such proposed .:aid i>rticle 9 in accordance with the expressed will of the elector, ac i.ro;id..d LY the election laws of this state." :action 3. This act shall take effect and be in fcrec fr0::' ant H'LU7 ltd :? _ 857 Introduced by: Mo®re Referred to: Taxes A BILL FOR AN ACT LIMITING TAX LEVIES MADE DURING THE YEARS 1941 AND 1942 ON PROPErTY ON AN AD VALOREM BASIS AND COLLECTED AS PART CF '� l THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX FCR ALL CITIES, , VILLAGES, BOROUGHS, T WNS, COUNTIES AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE STATE. BE IT ENACTED B`' THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NIIN"'LSiTA: Section 1. As used in this act, the following terms an', d,finit shall govern: (a) The ward "municipality" means all cities; including those operating under a home rule charter, villages, boroughs, toi,,ns, counties and school districts of the state. (b) "Phe expression "taxes which any municipality muy 'Levy for r.eneral purposes" shall include all tax levies of municipalities 1nvi&. on property on an ad valorem basis and collected as a part of the general property tax, but shall not include speeial assessments for local improvements, contributions t: employees' pension or retirement funds or amounts lovied for the retirement of debts. (c) The expression "governing body" of a municipality stnll include all officers, boards, councils, commissions or committees charged by .lati•: with the making of a tax levy, or any part thereof. Section 2. The maximum amount of taxes which any municipality may levy for general purposes on property on an ad valorem basis during the year 1941, shall be at a rate in mills not exceeding three per cent less than the mill rate of such tax levied during the. year 1940. Section 3. The maximum amount of taxes which any municipality may levy for general p uVoses on property on an ad valorem basis during the year 1942, shall be at a rate in mills not exceeding six per cent less than the mill rate of such tax levied during the year 1940 Section 4. The governing body of any municipality which failed to make any tax levy for general purposes on prpperty on an ad valorem basis during the year 1940, shall be entitled under Sections 2 and 3 of this act to use. as its comparative levy the last 1 -my made by such municipality instead of the 1940 levy as therein provided. Section b. If the governing body of any municipality shall certify a tax levy for either of the said years in an amount exceeding the amount which can be levied under the terms of this act, it shall be the duty of the• county auditor of the county in which such municipality is located within five days after the tax levy has been received to notify the clerk of th,1 governing body of the municipality of the error. If the governing, body within tan days thereafter fails to correct the tax levy, it shall be the duty of the county auditor to reduce the tax levy in such amount as may be necessary in order that the same shall not exceed the amount herein authorized. Introduced by: tborc I1.F.856 Referred to; Taxes 2/26/41 A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATrNG TO Ti,nTION OF REAL A'.FD PERSOIUL PROPERTY Ai'D LINUING TIE AI.IOUNT T':-TREOF; PROPOSING AN AMEMI.EUr TO SECTION 1 OF i0rICLE 9 OF T:y CO"STTTUTION OF TFiE STATE OF b L TNEESOTA B-: IT ENACTED nY VIE LEGISL-4TURE OF 'DC STATE OF h'IINISESOT•';: Section 1. The constitution of the state of L1inn0s0tr:, i;Tticic 9, Section 1, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Tho povrer of taxation shall never be surronderod, :rnrr a•ed or contracted away. Taxes shall be uniform upon the sorle class end shall be levied and collected for Public nurnescs, out pah).i c bar:/ink ;;rounds; public school houses, public hospitals, woad.^^.mics; universities, and c.11 seminaries of learning, all churcllcs, sur. )urty ::nd }souses of '::orship, institutions of purely public public nro�r.rt�r u.sod o::cl:.,::ivcly for :,.ny public nurrose, ::11 be ;-c r t f-07, t,:xation, said there m6y be oxcrr ted from tax.:tio .re; r, -;O ral nrono. rt'y not uxcocdinr; in v:.auc �::00.00 for ouch household, or hoII'1 0'i family, ond l:oa::uhold _,roods and farm rkochinery, as t=::= ?c.::islaturc nw ri,ctcrmir,:: Provided. that the legislature :ut;,ori7c municipo.l co::?o'r.at ions to levy :.n(j collect asscsancnts for loccl irmrovc:raents upon .Wo:'.crty beno- fi.terl t`+crcb;� ;;ithout rc.?c:rd to a c:ah vslllu,tion, and pruvidu} :"ar'i;::�'r, that nothin herein coatuined sh:)ll be construed to affect, modify Or repo;l any cxisti',, las; nrovidi.nG for the taxation of ''.Ilu „ru:::: cnrn9.n(„ : of , ._.lroads- In eddition to providing for i}is *'t.irtcnancc cr ea lc}.ce a n r!sinn and rc;tilroment funds, and .or the'rctiremert of such inddbtedness _i:__w' crir;t or. the first d of 7:mrar��_.19^3, the lc,,^,i slr_'curc- of--- Baur. of ---- - - - h Iidr: esota rn.d 'the_ G•rv_crr.itiS bods' of ca ch citjy,_ i_nclu( l_nI_ ;:ny city o -)_ rat:T a ul}dcr r: 1'pte: rule chrter, will_;mac, ioTrou<µh, to'.vnstri cuunt� c_nd School .ti strict sh_a.11 be entitled to levy a. -tax .,r. real and on an ad valorem basis durinE the ear 19^.mat__ rate_ in _rolls slot e.;cci:dir:: three »Cr went less than_ the mill rate_ of such tax levied for purposes othc.' tl:an for retirement of debts and ?o.r contribution to esjployecs+ rr_ti.rcrtent and pension fundsby each such toxin.; body during the year 1942. The succeeding S.�nnual tax levies -un -to and includirs the lug! ttad_e dnTlnF_t$C- _CC1T_-1952 for purooscs other than for the retiremont of subh debts and for con ributio_n_of emnloyccs' nonsion r-nd rc_tiromnt funds shall be reduced each year by an additional amount cquul to three nor_cent of such mill rate a:,ju'ovidcd in' the ax lcv_J madefor uch di, the _ nurnoses urn�_c.ar 1942.ta _Suc11 _. levia ti other than for the reti_rernen't of such debts and for_ contribution to cmplOYccs nen,-ion .end rctircrlcnt fun_ds,_ node during the year 1953 and succcedir. cars sh: 11 not exceed the ::ill teas of the levy :.a ado during_ the ,c.ar 1952._ In any ,iunicipalit� or school dintrict .!hlch filed to levy a-tp-; on real or uer::un,.l pro} erty Burin^ tr.-,.rcr overnins_ body sir.:).1 ,e _:n't. i.tlrc} -2- i?. F. 856 to base its levy during the year 1943 and succeedinI�earsi upon the last tax levy n de on such property with the same oroportionatc reductions as herein _.provided." Section 2. Such proposed amendment shall be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection, at the general election for tite year 1942,. and the secretary of state shall place this proposod amendment as ;•Io. 1 on the offic'Jal ballot, ond'the oualified electors of the state, in their respective districts may, at such election, vote for or against such proposed amendment by ballot, and the return's thereof shall be made and certified ithin the time, and such votes canvassed, and the result thereo; declared in the manner provided by law with reference to the election of state officers. If it shall anpear thereupon that a majority of all electors voting at such election shall have voted for and ratified said amendment, as provided in the next section hereof, the ;overnor shall make proclamation thereof, and such an se ratified shall take effect c:nd be in force as a part of the con- .._tution. Section 3. The ballots used at said election on said•.')reposed ::ave printed thereon: "AmendmOnt to Section 1, Artiele 9, ti: ..^onati ution of the state of DlinnesOta, relating to taxation, pro- �r.;;.i".:. -„� tl+e r•.:duction of taxes or. farms, l:omcs ::nd all other r0al. and n�.rr:.. _ n ,pert::• .:+::ich is taxes on on cd valorem basis, and rc^ui- .1., ti'.ut :xcs .•.ri .d 01: .:uch pro�crty by ,ll tax lcvyin bodies of titin ,itatc'for t':an ti:c retirement of such indebtedness as w c::ist On the 194?, and for ,^.L^intcnancc of e plolrees``:^e;?:;ion and rctiroMCnt funds during; tl':c year 1943 and shall not exceed three _acr dent lees,; t±ari the mill rata of the te.xes so levied durin3 the year 194,: for such pur.x rc> ::nd that ouch taxes so levied for such nurpoacs in e c,ci:. ::uccaadir.E; year un tc• ::n ineludi?;; tl;:' tc'.xes l:vied durim; the year 195^ c;-Iall '>e reducofl oa.ch .r,:a-' 1, an amount. o: 0.0'u•:Iil to t..rcc ncr cont of thu m ll rate of the .levy rkidc durill. tFc :Icor 1942 ane: that tlx: levy t:uwdc duri i .; '::hc ves 195: rid aubser'ti:1.t cvs f-ar such '•>urpos0:: .::11. 'int e-3ced tar, rate in mills of the l:;vy .rta:c d;rri:1 the ye -:r 1952 ::nd furt:.:r ,arovifinr t.•c't ally !2wai.ci nal.ity ^r L^hnol cintrict that f..:9.led to levy :. t:':)' on such ',r•),)cr+y durir'; yc rt :;y a: c tia� las, tax levy mad:,; i'.. co; �'�ara i -c levy.” ......................?in.....,.. ...., ... E ... eic^.tor voting upon such proposed ;a^..:;,r? nt rl!a01 Maes . cc�as Mark, thus !'X" in a sna;co 'to be left on tho bc;ll.ot oppc•Sito tit I d:: y^s" and "no" :according , ho ru,;;�; s:i:;h to vote for or :.gainst said .nenwY. nt; and votcsshral be counted in : ccordn»c•' with thn cx*arc^scd rai.11 of such elector as 'nrovided by th•: c::.cctS.on laws o:" this S'tatc. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration fir. Harr W. Oehler orporaton Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: March 13, 1941. The City Council requested that you draw a resolution opposing the three tax limitation bills described in the attached Legislative Bulletin of the League of Minnesota Munictpalities, and that the resolution provide that copies be sent to the Senate and House Committees on taxes and tax laws and to the Ramsey County Delegations in the House and Senate. Very truly yours, City Clerk. i® V E MAR k i94j Ct)R�'iF;AIlO COUNSEL. r -.- LESLATIVE. BULLETIf'1 MAR 12 1941 = = - Number 3 - March 10, 1941 CORPORATION COUNSEL THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES TAX LIMITATION HEARING Three tax limitation bills have been introduced into the Legislature, (SEe page 125, March Minnesota Municipalities.) A joint hearing before the Senate and House Committees on taxes and tax laws will be held on these bills on Tuesday, March 18, at 7,30 P.11i, in the House Chamber of the State Capitol, They are: (1) H.F. 847, S.F. 770, requires a reduction in mills levied of three per cent in 1941 and six per cent in 1942 from the 1940 levy, exclusive of taxes for outstanding debt and employees' pensions. (2) H,F. 856, S.F. 771, proposes a constitutional amendment whichthrough continue these three per cent annual reductions, based on the 1942 levy, g 1952. Thus if both bills should be passed and the constitutional amendment adopted, the 1942 rate in mills would be cut at least six per cent below that of 1940, and the 1952 rate would be at least 30 per cent below that of 1942. (3) H.F. 870, S.F. 642, proposes a more drastic reduction by constitutional amendment. This proposal limits taxes on any property to one and one-half per cent of full value but authorizes the Legislature to permit one-half per bcent in additional levies on approval of the voters. These bills are supported Minnesota Conference of Real Estate Taxpayers. League Opposition Reaffirmed at Two Harbors In a resolution adopted unanimously at the annual convention of the League at Twc Harbors last June delegates opposed such tax limitation proposals as being "unsound in principle and ruinous in practicer. Articles pointing out the fallacy of tax limitation measures appeared in the October, November, and December, 1940, issues of Minnnesota Municipalities, Reprints of these articles are available at League headquarters,15 University Library Building, Minneapolis. See summary of arguments in opposition to tax limitation attached. Your Council Should Take Official Action Your council is urged to take official action on these pending tax limits, tion measures and, if possible, be represented at the hearing on March 18. If you cannot attend the hearing write to members of the Tax Committees of the House and Senate. The names are listed in the February issue of Minnesota I+a icipalities, page 87, OTHER HEARINGS ON BILLS OF MUNICIPAL INTEREST March 12 and 13 - House Chamber - 7:30 P.M. - Iron Ore. Hearings will 1,3 held on the iron ore tax bills 'recommended by the Interim Commission on Iron Orc Taxation. t '.March 13 - 3:30 Capitol - 9 A.M. - The Senate municipal affairs conmittEe will consider 1) S,F, 840, the League sponsored bill providing for the convevai.ce of tax reverted land to municipalities for public use; and (2) S.F. 742, a bill requiring village councils to publish their proceedings. For names of these com- mittee members see February magazine. A bummary of Arguments Against Tax Limitation Proposals in Minnesota 1. Blanket tax limitation of the type now being considered by the Minnesota legislature strikesat the very heart of municipal home rule by denying tc local authorities the discretion as to what local services are to be provided and how they "should be financed. 2. The measure 'ander conaideraticn is arbitrary in ac::ept4n,5 the 1340 levy as a reiling rate from which to scale down future taxes. A single year1s levy may mance to be unduly high or low; it may be fax re.rcve-1 fres . a normal cr avorare rate. 3. ^xperience elsewhere has shown tax Iia.itaticn tr Fe ur.Le iralle for tore rea,rr.s: (1) in some cases limits are, or have hal to he evade•i, thus eneouraf;ing such undesirable financial practices a: un.alanced 'cudgets, exce_cive b,%rrowinF for .urrent revenues and ir-flrntion of assessed -::,.lues; (2) in many cases essential services have had to be seriously alae::".ec., rr a.bar.:cned altogether. 4. Blanket limitations creat -e uncertainties as t- the allo:ation if revenues amcnr, the levyir.; bodies involved. The most ..ommon r•ractice, ap- pointment cf a board of allotment, h2a fre,?uently resulted in .iiscrimination against municipalities since they are usually under -represented and sr out- voted nn these bcdie3. The mcrt serious discrimination against rities and villp,-es .i is- ing froc these measures lies in the fact that the property tax repre>-art- their largest revenue element whereas ether local unite, excert towns..,.r. c?n rely on other sources to a large extent. The Public Examiner's fcr the year 1938 reveals that 71% of municipal revenues were derived froia the property tax while counties drew but 48.9% cf -heir funds from that scarce andschool districts 62.4. Counties and school ?istricts receive very n;:pre- cia.ble sums in the form of state aids, counties from the Pas tax,a.nd cchccl -listricts the income tax. In 1938 counties received 45.3 of their revenue frrm such aids and school districts 33%. Municii.alities, however, zot only 3.7% cf their funds from the state. 6. The present bill may also be objected to on the ground that no steps are taken by its proponents to accept the responsibility of furnishing rerla-emer.t levies. A fair measure should provide substitute revenues and at the aa,:ae time permit flexibility for reasonable local discretion as to the tyres and extent of services to be provided. 7. The burden of property taxation is admitted to be heavy, but the solution is not an arbitrary strait -jacket on property tax rates which emasculates municipal hove rule; seriously affects essential local services, or enerur::Fea unscu.nd financial practices. What is needed is a coi:.prehensive atu:iy of cute and local functions and a correlated system for financing thea. (incit::ing modern revenue authority and. state -colleted, lccall;/-shn.red t%xe:.), Such a study or tax. revision program should provide a large glare for local self-Fovernr.ent, with lrcal councils exercising large discretion aid loyal officials having a.lEWge share in the responsibility for adminis- 'trat icn. Leac-ie of h,innesota Municipalities March 10, 1941 F ANALYSIS OF EFF'IMS UPON GENERAL -OPERATING FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSE"Y (EXCLUDING DEBT CHARGES AND P MSION AND RETIR34EI'TT FUNDS) OF H.F. 8560 H.F. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less.; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal 'property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. ??, F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to Iffl per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) Full and true valuation, R. and P.P. w416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,176.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levy necessary to raise general 'purpose funds . 51.24 Year Mills Levy State Local Loss 1940 51.24 X7,000,000 :,;7,000,000 1941 49.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 w210,000 1 i�2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 X625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 618,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,798,000- 1947 40.90 5,560,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 536,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 516,000 4,662,000 2,3313,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 . -952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 436,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. i ANALYSIS OF EFF:CTS UPON GENERAL OPERATING FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAITSE"Y (EXCLUDING DEBT CHARGES AND P:MiSION AND RETIREMENT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.F. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to S per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; In 1945 to 9 per cent leas, and so on, up to lev" of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded„ H. F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to 1i. per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) Full and true valuation, R. and P.P. $416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage ]e vy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2;106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levy necessary to raise general purpose funds 51.24 Year Mills LevyState Local Loss 1940 51.24 $7,000,000 k7.000,000 1941 49.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 $210,000 1:%2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 4200000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 $625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 # 1944 45.26 6,180,000 616,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,960,000 598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7-08,000- 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,662,000 2,338,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,760,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 :_952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 438,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 k 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. 11 per cent limitation anplies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EF,-,'-,'CTS UPON GENERAL COUNTY OF OP:RATING FUNDS 017 RMSEY (EXCLiDIFG CITY OF SAIriT PAUL AND DEBT CHARGES AN'., P-21?SIOti AND RETIR:2.12YT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, II.P. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. real 856andAmends cent less (in tomillage inlimits personalconstitution; for 1942; in 1944 per to 6 Per cent less; mills) than levy in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and soon, up to levy of funds 1953. Debt charges and Pension and retirement excluded. u. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and mills) personalrty in in941 1942oto 6eperent centess lessithan 1940. Debt charF.es and pension and retirement funds excluded. i 870 - Amends constitution;limits levy on real and person- to 11 cent of full and true value, for al property per all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections be raised to 2 per cent if for state purposes; lirjit may 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) pull and true valuation, R. and P.P. X416,473,705.00 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, county, 132,064,581 Assessed valuation, city, 28.0 28.066 County millage levy 61.27 City millage levy 8,223,178.90 City tax levy 3,890,862.00 County Tax levy City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 2,106,753.00 County debt charges For city and county Feneral purposes, 6,885,548.00 excludin(* debt and pensions Portion of millage levv necessary to 51.24 raise general purnose funds Year Mill s Lev_y State Local Loss 1940 51.24 :7,000,000 ;7,790,000 000,000 w210,000 x,.70 1941 486,790,000 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1 :2 1943 48.17 45.75 6,250,000 „.625,000 000 1 375 000 5,625, , 5,562,000 1,438,000 1944 45.26 6,1802000 518,000 5.,960598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1945 1946 43.81 ,000 n 780 000 578,000 4ti.35 5, , 5,202,000 .1,x8,000' 1,876,000 5,022,000 1947 40.90 5,580,000 . 558,000 5,380 000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1948 1949 39.44 , 37.99 5'980,000 518,000 4,662 ' 000 2,33 ,000 4,4820000 2,51L8,000 1950 36,53 4, , 000 498,000 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 ,898,000 1951 1952 35.08 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 , 000 3 068,000 3,982 1953 32.17 4,380,000 438,000 , , 11 per cent limitation anplies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EFa'."CTS UPON GENERAL OP3hATING FUNDS O CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OP RX -.'SLY (EYCLUDIEG DEBT CHARGES AI'?'j P12IISIOII AND RZTIR�^f,'•'[EIT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, II.F. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and Dension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millaFe levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 Der cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to 111T per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and r-tirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state nurposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ra:"Isey Gounty: (1940) Pull and true valuation, R. and P.P. ;416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,736,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage lavy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00- ,021,739.00County Countydebt charges 2,106,753.00 Yor city and county general nurposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general nurnose funds 51.24 Year Mills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.24 :;7,0'30,000 •7:7,000,000 1941 40.70 6,790,000 6,,790,000 -210,000 1-x:2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 *.625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 518,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 5,382,000 5,202,000 1,E18,000 1,7)8,000- 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,678,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,652,000 2,33x,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 436,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EF '.'CTS UPON GENERAL OP'HATINO FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF R[0 -:SLY (EXCL'iDING DEBT CHARGES AN.!, PzL"SION AND HITIRrO!3FT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.F. 857 and 11 F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 ner cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and nension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millaFe levyon real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; Sn 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and nension and retirement funds excluded. P. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and Derson- al property to 11 Der cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 ner cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) Full and true valuation, R. and P.P. yr416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension cliarges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges ' 2,106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general nurnose funds 51.24 Year Mills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.247,000,000 .:.7,000,000 1941 4J.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 -210,000 1 "2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 ~`,.625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 518,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 6,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7148,000' 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,.000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,602,000 2,330,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 436,000 3,982,000 .3,068,000 11 Der cent limitation applies in 1943. �• 5�_ iii S. i. _ �!. i t ��.. � � ., �. _ ,� f � _ `�a , ! ANALYSIS OF EF '.'CTS UPON GENERAL OP'HATINO FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF R[0 -:SLY (EXCL'iDING DEBT CHARGES AN.!, PzL"SION AND HITIRrO!3FT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.F. 857 and 11 F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 ner cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and nension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millaFe levyon real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; Sn 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and nension and retirement funds excluded. P. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and Derson- al property to 11 Der cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 ner cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) Full and true valuation, R. and P.P. yr416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension cliarges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges ' 2,106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general nurnose funds 51.24 Year Mills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.247,000,000 .:.7,000,000 1941 4J.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 -210,000 1 "2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 ~`,.625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 518,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 6,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7148,000' 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,.000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,602,000 2,330,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 436,000 3,982,000 .3,068,000 11 Der cent limitation applies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EF '-MS UPON GENERAL OP ;.RATING FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RiV SiLY (EXCL'iDING DEBT CHARGES AN.':i P':iF?SION AND RETIREMEi'T FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.F. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; In 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension andretirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. p F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to 11 per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state nurposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) full and true valuation, R. and P.P. ;416,473,705.00 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millafe levv necessary to raise general ournose funds 51.24 Year Mills Levy State Local Loss 1940 51.24 ;7,000,000:7,000,000 1941 4-).70 6,790,000 6,790,000 w210,000 1-1-2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 N625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 :F 1944 45.26 6,180,000 618,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7)8,000 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,662,000 2,338,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 43302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 438,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. A14ALYSIS OF EFi`SCTS UPON GEiiERAL OPI�HATINO FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RIV SLY (EXCLTMING DEBT CHARGES AIt;, P!iITSION AND RETIR04ENT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.P. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. A H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. F. F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to li per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) full and true valuation, R. and P.P. 4416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 For city and county Peneral purposes, excluding debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general Durnose funds 51.24 Year Mills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.24 ;.p7,0-30,000.::7,000,000 1941 4:3.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 w210,000 1 :2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 42.0,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 W625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 518,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 6,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7)8,000- 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,662,000 2,330,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 438,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EFF'ICTS UPON GENERAL OPERATING FUNDS OF CITY OF. SAINT PAUL AP?D COUNTY OF RAI SEY (EXCLTIDIP?G DEBT CHARGES AND PENSION AND RETIR04EITT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.P. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millape levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. F. F. 670 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to 32 per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) full and true valuation, R. and P.P. N416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax -levy 3,890,662.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 For city and county general purposes, . excluding* debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general purpose funds 51.24 Year Mills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.24 '7,000,000 ;;7,000,000 1941 49.70 6,790,000 6,790,000 -210,000 1-;:2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 &625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 :s 1944 45.26 6,1800000 618,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,798,000- 1947 40.90 5,580,000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1948 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,662,000 2,338,000 1950 36.53 4,980,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,513,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 438,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. ANALYSIS OF EF'_CTS UPON GENERAL OPERATING FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAhSiY (EXCLUDING DEBT CHARGES AND P'&SION AND RETIRrEMEMT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, H.P. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 Der cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to l� per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) I•011 and .true valuation, R. and P.P. 0416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,738,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage levy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739..00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 Yor city and county general purposes, 6,885,548.00 excludin!* debt and pensions Portion of millage levy necessary to 51.2a raise general nurnose funds Year Hills Lever State Local Loss 1940 51.24 x;7,000,000 V7,000,000 0,790,000 02101000 1941 1 --12 43.70 48.17 6,790,000 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 "625,000 618,000 5,625,000 5,562,000 1,375,000 as 1,438,000 1944 1945 45.26 43.81 6,180,000 5,980,000 598,000 5,38,000 000 ,618,000' 1946 422.35 5,780,000 578,000 558,000 5,202,,7?, 5,022,000 1000 , 1,878,000 1947 1948 40.90 39.44 5,580,000 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 498,000 4,662,000 4,482,000 2,330,000 2,513,000 1950 1951 36.53 35.08 4,980,000 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 ;2,698,000 '.2,878,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 438,000 4,122,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. W. ANALYSIS OF EFr'sCTS UPON GEiIERAL OPERATING FUNDS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF 'RlkESiEY (EXCLUDING DEBT CHARGES AN!,5 P::ITSION AND HETIREMENT FUNDS) OF H.F. 856, Ii.F•. 857 and H.F. 870. H. F. 856 - Amends constitution; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1943 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1942; in 1944 to 6 per cent less; in 1945 to 9 per cent less, and so on, up to levy of 1953. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. H. F. 857 - Amends state law; limits millage levy on real and personal property in 1941 to 3 per cent less (in mills) than levy for 1940; in 1942 to 6 per cent less than 1940. Debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded. P. F. 870 - Amends constitution; limits levy on real and person- al property to ji per cent of full and true value, for all state and local purposes, debt charges and pension and retirement funds excluded; 10 per cent of collections for state purposes; limit may be raised to 2 per cent if 60 per cent of voters approve. Facts pertaining to Saint Paul and Ramsey County: (1940) full and true valuation, R. and P.P. 5416,473,705.00 Assessed valuation, county, 138,736,125.00 Assessed valuation, city, 132,064,581.00 County millage levy 28.06 City millage ]s vy 61.27 City tax levy 8,223,178.90 County Tax levy 3,890,862.00 City debt and pension charges 3,021,739.00 County debt charges 2,106,753.00 Por city and county general purposes, excludi.nr* debt and pensions 6,985,548.00 Portion of millage levv necessary to raise general nurnose funds 51.24 Year Mills Levy State Local Loss 1940 51.24 w7, COO, 000.,:.7,000 , 000 1941 4J.70 6,790,000 ^,790,000 w210,000 1 �:2 48.17 6,580,000 6,580,000 420,000 1943 45.75 6,250,000 w625,000 5,625,000 1,375,000 1944 45.26 6,180,000 618,000 5,562,000 1,438,000 1945 43.81 5,980,000 598,000 5,382,000 1,618,000 1946 42.35 5,780,000 578,000 5,202,000 1,7.0'000- 1947 40.90 5,58000 558,000 5,022,000 1,878,000 1946 39.44 5,380,000 538,000 4,842,000 2,058,000 1949 37.99 5,180,000 518,000 4,662,000 2,331,000 1950 36.53 4,960,000 498,000 4,482,000 2,518,000 1951 35.08 4,780,000 478,000 4,302,000 2,698,000 1952 33.62 4,580,000 458,000 4,122,000 2,878,000 1953 32.17 4,380,000 436,000 3,982,000 3,068,000 11 per cent limitation applies in 1943. O,igl,,l to City 431-1, I 219� ill) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11L. NO. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL 101M PRESENTED BY ��n 0, March !3, 1941 COMMISSIONER_.....DATE— RESOLVED: That license for Auctioneer, application 47479, applied for by Simon Libman at 665 Broadway Street be and the same is hereby franted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Renewal. councimn Qeas naq3 Zfirdlzin 3M ao V.—VAge President Ni N,-. I-N!"l—Ily hdn, S. rip II:- -- A. 1-a-an- '.I...47R. ;I111pli I f- �y Simon Lmnlnn ::"ay Illy ('[,-t-k I, t,, -j, III I i I mar. il. I,-11. 2". 1!1111 VAR 18 1941 Adopted by the Council __ ,.194_ Approved_ In Favor Mayor..... ✓ Against r%ASLISI ILD '. Ir N,1.1' 1:.11—IlyIin.11an— Orijinsl to Oily Clerk Itr�.,l,ril. thn. Ilcrn.Y¢� 1111.1 lr•.1 fr hl�'��� } I'.r.+.n.Y Lhr li..l ♦� 111i), r rinlio.. hrinnl .hr .Y u.c, ..r�• tirnnl r"d,: nil thy. ,'i. �� ., CITY OFh•irrr ...Irnrl•d �,..�.e NO._ o _..,,❑ m,:n.,�„ OFFICE OF ii,,,. uh:a n,•hl' lui�'u{r In..., I'.'�i ', ''Id COUNCIL RESOLD' .\' In u.r . .....i1 rrl. C9. 1!,I rch 16, 1941_ PRESENTED BY /l/li, co�F,l'%// �/t�` COMMISSIONER___._ . ✓" ,y��"� -� . L,,.,_.__ . . RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue. such licenses upon the payment into the city t5eagury of the required fees: Certified Ice & Fuel Co. 282 W. Water St. Fuel Dealer App.47159 Renewal. Certified Ice & Fuel Co. It It Gas Station " 47159 " James Zacks 254 E. 13th St. Barber " 47274 It Earl J. Orth 50 S. Cretin Grocery " 47396 " William F. picha 665 University Ave. Restaurant " 47402 " " it 11 " It On Stale Malt " 47403 it if It " Off Sale Malt " 47404 " Clarence J. Schiller 1039 Charles Ave. Butcher " 47405 It It 47406 n " u it Grocery M.L. & E.K. Schroeder 1981 Ashland Ave. Grocery It 47412 " H. W. Johnson 341 Robert St. Confectionery " 47417 " Paul Strot 2600 3rd Ave.S. Tr:pls. Foot Peddler " 47425 " Egekvist Bakeries Inc, 2052 St. Clair Bakery " 47426 !! Merriam Park Floral Co. 2177 St.Anthor>„v Ave. Florist ° 47440 " Joe. Bernstein 1210 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 47446 to Mrs.7dna Prouty 261 W. Tellogg Hotel " 4744g J. P. Miller & Sons 1767 Hudson Rd. Florist it 47451 to Sam Erlich 1024 Ielehart Ave. Sunk Gatherer to 47455 II Robert St. Auto !.art 139 S. Robek St. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. to 47464 " Munger & Sackett 1463 Marshall Ave. Gas Station to 47492 " �6 1941 C011IICILiilEit Adopted by the Council .,194, .. 1]eas Rays ar ss Approved 104. izndulan In Favor erson nCilTd,'? mayor Rosen ? Against ' �(c3'Bnt, fig_, ,m �h&.NimAresidcat (Yoterson) 1219f 0r1gI..1 ,o City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.-_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL/U]TION --- GENERAL FORM p1, PRESENTED BY �j�/v�� �"f�Y ""vy/fO DATE- March ,15,, 1941 COMMISSIONER_---._.... ........... ... RESOLVED: That license for Hotel, application 47369, applied for by John B. Grose at 337 Jackson St, be and. the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. .x.1..1.:...1 I.)' Il:i•:' ::I.�il .�I:: r, 1�. 1:�11.� New, Informally approved by Council, Manch 6, 1941, Old Location. COUTICILIiIETI Adopted by the Council gess nays ar uss i. `in51{a --T-71 _ Approved_ Tar anto o�...�.....e In Favor_/ U _.__. tiE:i119 ITlayor osen / --TMT- � / • Against ,Jill13' �m n.Mre,v4s Irrc icant (Prtersun) r. r. qg C .� „•e:•rea,. I�,�.•,,:mr:...urc sat"- r,l: - I ortnma t. c"y cl.rk ' CITY OF SAINT'""��' i:. 'NO... OFFICE OF THE CI. � /yC.O/yJ'/� KIIL, RRE-SOLU �N-------Gi 4ERA FORM PRESENTED BY / " - — " z `' `' �Gr' - �' DATE _ . MBrCh 1. 0 1941 COMMISSIONER_.... .... �/ ifHEREAS, heretofore "Off Sale" Liquor license #614 was issued to Andrew Fargo at 560 Como Avenue, and WHEREAS, Andrew Fargo and AlexandriM_Fedoreal have requested that said license be transferred to Alexandrit- Fedoreal at 560 Como Avenue, and WHEREAS, the said Alexandriu Fedoreal has filed a bond in the sum of $1,000.00 as regiired by City Ordinance, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "Off Sale " Liquor license #614, heretofore issued to And.rew Fargo at 560 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Alexandrix_ Fedoreal at the same address, subject totthe approval of the State Liauor Control Commissioner, and his bond, in the sum of $1,00.00 approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit #2m the said bond in the office of the City Comptroller and to notify the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota of this action of the City Council, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to make the necessary changes in the city's records, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to notify the surety on the bond of the said Andrew Fargo that it is released from any further liability arisine after the date this transfer becomes effective. Transfer informally approded by Council, Mar. 4, 1941. qq Old Location. M1 AIR COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_- Leas nays / Approved e194, in lap ti "9 t anto In FavorVIKJ`-'" t� �B�ll*? Ulayor osen t -•- Against PuBtas17iv 3m-4�dasVeaaeh,r, irnr I'rce:•• CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~� APPLICATION FOR ''OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ................... (This form mus, be bllyd our .n Aditio. to ihr apphr.,ion fnrn+ —d sworn s,ascmrn, required by thr L;quor C-1-1 c:ummiss;oncr of she Stasc of Minnc1o14 Name of Applicant...... �74�1141 i1.F,r..Fpdpre4.j ............................................... Age ...... *.��.......... Residence Address ......... 560. M-. Com—Ave.. on .Znd..floor.........................Telephone No...F1..3A88......... Are you a citizen of the United States?............ Yea......................................................................... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Had off Sale Liquor License at this address from Feb. 11 1934 to Jan. 12, 1337 . ....................................................................................................................................... When and where? ........ 560,W...G.4P14..6`LOTAte.r..... TiR. .. . A...4 above. .............................................. If corporation, give date when incorporated ..................................... no........................................... Name and address of president and secretary of corporation; and name and address of manager of premises upon .which liquor is to be sold................................................................................................... Name of surety company which will write bond, if kno%wn...kMERICAN.SUR-ETY COMPANY..OF.-IMW.YOM Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 560 W. Como Aventie South Kent and Dale 6th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? ....... 9 -Xu ea.. ...... :,\ ........... How many feet from church (measured along streets)? ...................... . blacks....................................... How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets)? ......... 7..bloeks.... Name of closest school ................................. Gorman..Public.SehoaL............................................ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.............................Busine as.................................. Onwhat floor located? ......................... first. Sloarr................................................................. If leased, give name of owner.....................................I..am. the. Qwner.of..the..premiaea................... Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? .............. General..Food.Stare.......... How long have you operated present business at present site? ............. 9.3rears........................................ Do you now have an On Sale non -intoxicating liquor license? ........................ na ................................... (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated........ Fob Aary.28.th.1%1.MM- ! l ............................................................ /.. License Inspector. APPLICANT. �ZFIZm � STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF -SALE LICENSE This Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT' refers to an individual, to all members of a partnership, or in case ofpenacorrp'oration, to all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. Every queQ41W be OWWA&tilL INDIVIDUAL for and in behalf of_ .....----- ----.. - -- - ---' —'— - herebv execute the following questionnaire. 2. Aly- residence at present and foWe>pa-4eEiue*MrAIA& 4ki&Ol r - -- -- - -'-' ' ----------sIuly.. _. 3rd- - 3. I was born— at -. -.---- -- -- month day year citt /. village; or br&ggh state or country 4. State whether applicant is a -citizen of the United States . If naturalized, state date 7un> 18 5. If married, give *Tff11 =&uBldodreaJll na5S0aWJ 4FA,_., an, Julianna Fedoreal, 560 S. Como Ave. St.Paul, Linn. 6. If a corporation, date of incorporation— ...._. _.. , state in which incorporated- --, amount of authorized capitalization , amount of paid in capital -- if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so give purpose of corporation-- name orporation name and address of all officers and directors_ ----- If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? Number of certificate of authority----- Also uthority -Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have al- ready been filed and no changes have been made, so state .. ....._.__ 1569-W Como Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 7. Address of location for which license is being applied for . TWO &'TORT BRICK BUILDII"fi, C" 7)SITI IN IDOFd... A"i0J4kh4meWir" - ---- -Ftl st Fir' --- -- - S. On what floor is the establishment located? ---------------- -- 9. If operating un#YPWMr # ng ordinance, how are premises classified ? .—_ _—.--.-- ---_-..-___ .__. Are the premises located within the prescribed area for such licenses?..._. 10. If the establishment is located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school, state approximately the distance the store is from the school or church ---- 2 miles.. from acade.-W 7 blocks from church and school 11. State name of owner of business premise—_Alexandrin_E. Fedoreal residence^^ �� b60 W Como Avenue. length of ownerships_ Y ----- has owner any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant' //- 12. Specify the date of deed or lease for premises as the case may be 1�4the building m�aelf 13. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent? Pd in advance 14. State present and proposed nature of your business at said premisesGeneral Food Store- Retail - - - -,-- -...--.--.- -.- - -- 15. If this application is for a renewal of your Off -sale license, give date that you first began to operate _.....__.._. az_ noon as. app yed . . _..-Just_ starting --.Transfer 16. Have you ever been engaged in the production or sale of intoxicating liquor any time prior to Janu- ary, 1934, if so, state nature and extent of such business? no 17. State whether applicant has ever had an application for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or Federal authority; if so, give date and details . -- - 18. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violation of any law of the United States, or the State of Minnesota, or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution or possession for sale or distribution, of intoxicating liquor; if so, give date and details.. nn----- .. _ ......_ If a corporation, have any of the principal officers and directors been indicted, arrested, or convicted?— no 19. Has the applicant ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any viola- tion of any such laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details.. -- no 20. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 19, in this state, or any other state, or under the Federal Law, and if so, give date and details --- no 21. StaCe name of individual hired to manage liquor store, if such is the case..... Osmer is manaymr.. 22. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title or interest in the leasehold, or in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied for, and if so, give name and details - - -- - -- --- —.. - _.. __...._ . _ ...... _ ._ no. 23. State whether applicant has any agreement or enderlanding or intention to have any agreement, or understanding with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other person, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and details no 24. Iias applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota; if so, give name and address of establishment m 25. «hat occupation have you followed for the past ten years? GI',NE'RAL r,ROGER- . FOOD gAMET _ 26. h"urnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference, and briefly state the nature and extent of business relation with each ...4SSt;ga_Coaper.&_la.._..-NO-Al . - MOTR..gTATE BUK .__...-...._ .._.._.._.._. _.. SWIFT & CO. " " " FIRST NATIONAL BANK __._. -WRY-Brom. ' 3oea?€-IS-Iocery Kennedy Fruit Co. - " "---.—_.� - ----- ---- -- -- - - - - 27. ho YOU pnssess a retail dealer's identification card issuer) by tile. I,iquor Control Commissioner Nvhich will expire December 31st of this year? If so, give. number TeSF.- _._ -- 28. State whether or not applicant intends to handle certain exclusive brands of intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contract or arrangement with person from whom purchased or to be purchased. 29. Ctatc whether applicant is engaged in any- other business or intends to engage in any business other than the sale of intoxicating liquor; if so, give type of business ery wtd location _..-.---- name of employer 30. If the Off -sale application to operate an exclusive liquor store is made by a hotel proprietor nr an em- ploye and is to be located on the premises of the hotel, will the establishment be an entirely separate business, and situated so that it is in no way connected with the hotel? If not, state the arrangement -___— M. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer'_-� 32. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping, possession, or operation of, on the licensed premises, or in any froom adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any gambling therein _ If a renewal, state whether applicant has ever permitter] gambling devices no premises where liquor was sold -- --- ne - GENT i -UL FOOD STORE 33. Under khat classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, f)RUU STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?_—._..—.—..-.. - 3.1. if a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation Ir the Off -sale establishment tlkTk under a ra eTlanle, state name to he used 36. State whether applicant will be granted aPoOn-sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises-- --'--' tl��.�,�>�""'—�%-��?- .^�;� 37. Give number of Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Special Tax Stamp_LU_. ` "" %9�`;'`! 39. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment?—_ . 39. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to he, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration 9t� ..P 1 1Situ1. — Andrew Fargo, 560 W. Como Avenues , I bcreb verify the above statement_(SignLatur.•brrtioe •10. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the ty the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinances. rules and regulations to be made from time to time I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questionAn answers /and t a eans�werss to said questions are true of my own knowledge. (Signa re of applicant) 26thIbscribed and sw9&rbtW6re me this 41 G •' _. day of---- — 19-- - R%�'KEDsI,R� �iatar: Public - ( SEAL)popmus:on rxV" REPORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the.._ _,---- -- -- -- - - .- _ .. _ ._ ..._._—Police Department has I'Vc— of nty, uillagr h••mu::h� caused an investigation of the above named applicant for Off Sale Liquor License. His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: APPROVES THIS DEPARTMENT RTHE ISSUANCE OF THE ABOVE- LICENSE. DISAPPROVES DEPARTMENT _---...TITLE. (if you have no police department, either the Marshall or ; .ss; the Constable must execute this report on the applicant) ar 14 ✓ t r I } ! t .s I 1 ! ( I 1 F s GENT i -UL FOOD STORE 33. Under khat classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, f)RUU STORE, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE?_—._..—.—..-.. - 3.1. if a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation Ir the Off -sale establishment tlkTk under a ra eTlanle, state name to he used 36. State whether applicant will be granted aPoOn-sale license in conjunction with the Off -sale license and for the same premises-- --'--' tl��.�,�>�""'—�%-��?- .^�;� 37. Give number of Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Special Tax Stamp_LU_. ` "" %9�`;'`! 39. Do you intend to deliver, by vehicle, liquor sold in the Off -sale establishment?—_ . 39. In case this application is for a transfer of an Off -sale license, state the name of the former licensee, location of Off -sale establishment and state whether or not any consideration, money or property has been, or agreed to he, or will be paid, or given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the purchase or transfer of the license; also state the amount of the consideration 9t� ..P 1 1Situ1. — Andrew Fargo, 560 W. Como Avenues , I bcreb verify the above statement_(SignLatur.•brrtioe •10. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the ty the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinances. rules and regulations to be made from time to time I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questionAn answers /and t a eans�werss to said questions are true of my own knowledge. (Signa re of applicant) 26thIbscribed and sw9&rbtW6re me this 41 G •' _. day of---- — 19-- - R%�'KEDsI,R� �iatar: Public - ( SEAL)popmus:on rxV" REPORT ON APPLICANT BY POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the.._ _,---- -- -- -- - - .- _ .. _ ._ ..._._—Police Department has I'Vc— of nty, uillagr h••mu::h� caused an investigation of the above named applicant for Off Sale Liquor License. His record of arrests and convictions so far as our investigation has disclosed is as follows: APPROVES THIS DEPARTMENT RTHE ISSUANCE OF THE ABOVE- LICENSE. DISAPPROVES DEPARTMENT _---...TITLE. (if you have no police department, either the Marshall or ; .ss; the Constable must execute this report on the applicant) ar 14 ✓ WHEREAS, Thomas F. Shea has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent 'taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 3, Block lb, Basil k Roberts Addition to West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3,710.61, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,915.58; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $834.60 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1,915.58, and that said sum of $834.50 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settle- ment of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3,710.61. ” L1. 4 MAR 18 1941 C01.111C1LIilEn Adopted by the Council 1.]eas clays AFAR 18 1941 —an Approved .. ..._.. . ...... ...... .. ..._104. unto 1 In Favor '�,,�tMR. —. .. mayor osen _c Against y �m President (Porer,on) Original to city CI,,k , . �'. x,,. 1-219114-11Y .11,11, �. 1'imUuv— \1'hrrv•:, r, 'I'I,umnu 1'. \I„•:, h:,.+ n,to CITY C: . I, I�IIv„II„n f„r rr•Iler ,,, 11„• \li„n,'"„1:, DU NGIL OFFICE C1:,..,:,„tea �O._, ,,.� , ,,,enl:, ,11 :❑,. r,.n..„. `0i' 1t:;;+,•ri.. COUNCIL RESOLIn,I:i„ f „ ' :11a PRESENTED BY /..�!✓.` Ct/Y� 1 _ , .. DATE_ _._.._.. .... COMMISSIONER__._._........__ _... .. _ _ .. .. ........ WHEREAS, Thomas F. Shea has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent 'taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 3, Block lb, Basil k Roberts Addition to West St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3,710.61, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,915.58; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $834.60 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1,915.58, and that said sum of $834.50 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settle- ment of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3,710.61. ” L1. 4 MAR 18 1941 C01.111C1LIilEn Adopted by the Council 1.]eas clays AFAR 18 1941 —an Approved .. ..._.. . ...... ...... .. ..._104. unto 1 In Favor '�,,�tMR. —. .. mayor osen _c Against y �m President (Porer,on) 0 Otlllinsl 10 L•Ily C11•rk �� C OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ; 0 C OF THE CITY CLERK PILE NO._. COUNCIL.. LUTION --- GENERAL FORM f PRESENTED BY f _. COMMISSIONER_,_- '�� •�' •� '�..rL' ��"'� _. .;.. .... _. _. .... DATE— . WAS, the City Council did, by resolution Council File No. 111542, adopted June 22nd, 1935, grant permission to F. M. Blomquist to install and operate a drive-in filling station on the easterly 50 feet of Lot 1, Gerardinefs Garden Lots, also described as No. 1203-1207-1211 White Bear Ave., and WHEREAS, the Council did, by resolution Council File No. 121073, adopted and approved December 12th, 1940, extend the time in which to construct said filling station to June 22nd, 1941, and WHEREAS, the said F. M. Blomquist has submitted an amended plan of the proposed lay -out which differs from the original plan approved by said Council File No. 111542; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the said amended plan hereto attached be and the same is hereby approved. c. r•. ,,. 19r.1n:,...1:> .,lily.:: io.c...1-- \\'llr1,.:1.. .111,. 1•n> I ,-❑ dia. Ise =,1I,Iw1,1 ri1 1111 1��i��111.•a .1u .1a. u1zs. grant lyrod r•. ��i.-iii1:,,1111111a 1 1.�I:In : ml ��i�� r:�i1• n drir�•-hl nIIInI; ��i;li ion on thry I.I.•rly .�0 G•el 1.f I...1 1, 1 r11i l,e'. . x111.11 I.r�l.+, :t..�� �Ir.+��ri1��.:11• \I,. ^O:t-,_nr.l_II \\'ilii.• Ik:lr .\,:•.. 1.. y1 \\'1,1.1'r11.�, 1111.1 ril 11111, .... I' . 111t- 11111, 1 y�il 1'11:111\Ii,. 1_111 i:t, :nl: �,nl•11 yl :1111�1r x•11 11r yt11•r I.1 h. 1:1111, 1 y11 Ily j11iin 1 111 ,rlllrll y1 1111 Il llillti ..111111111 y� .111 n.• __lyl.Y 11 of 11. 11111 n 1I1,1.'u1�rrl i�l,•i,l, :,i1hr1:1'1:,,11i111 y 11'11. 11:1)1.II. I11tt1I:1tn•1r11..X11111fXf1r1t1r1, .,11111•^ v1 jay..u1 1rh n1111rur,.11 1.r ..11111 �'� 1 ;ail �-i1.• Sn.,11:.VJ:II,,•n.furr. 110 i "nulroll. 1hn1 1111. s,i11 :1 1,111.111,1:1,1 1, 1.x1.111 n1 yIr111.11 In. :�11I, t I 8..:.111„1 ��y.r:\1 l•iir :111,Irn.... . 11 �It 111 11 lls I n�-it Nin”. 1.�, 1:111. 1 1 :\1111 r��vi•il \Inr. 11191I. (\In rrll IV111 COunCILmBn Adopted by the CouncilTgq Leas Tlays ar uss -1rindlan �Parr�TL �SOTI� �TQ37r—�- `�tfiat7ououc�; nm �-ae°j{HsY�55ePrecidenr fPitCrson' In Favor – Approved_ 194 ­ ' �I-CUJI,7 Mayor Aqainst CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH Chief -of Police Health OBicer Fire Chief CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital ofMiPUL nneeesotta/ �CyJCI'ttmetiC Oyu/ SCij el O Tenth and Minnesota Streets LC��I !� G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: G. E. BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm March 17, 1941 Attached is report by Harry N. ;^ie:.cergren, Superintendent of Traffic, covering inspection made in connection with application made by F. M. Bloom- quist, in the name of the Shell Oil Company, for permit to make a slight lateration in the easterly driveway to the oil station located at the northwest corner of White Bear and Maryland Avenues. You will note thenis no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Publio L 'J Safety PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH CARE — COMMON SENSE — COURTESY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 17 1941 Mr: C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Siri This is in reference to an a;:plioation made by F. 11. Bloomyuist, in the name of the Shell oil Company for permission to make a slight alteration in the easterly driveway to their oil station on Varyland Avenue at the Northwest corner of White Bear Avenue, known as Lot 1, Gerardine`s Garden Farms. These •iriveways have been previously approved. It is my opinion that this change will not materially make any difference insofar as traffic entering or leavinc; the oil station is con;erned. Therefore, there will be no objection from a traffic standpoint by permitting them to make this change. Yours truly, fl Harry N. 4Yet rgren Superintendent of Traffic hnw/f c C"TY Op s nc THE BOARDOF ZONING by Ordinance No. 5840 Ally 7111, 1944 ;AINI PAUL, MINNESOIA ?T+ l:0UR1' HOUSE March 25th, 1941. ARIHUR S. MILINOWSKI Che; -- AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H.LUN DIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BAS5FORD, C.,y A,<h,t.ct GEORGE H HEREogLD. Sec,ela, ,n e, Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell oil Company for a filling station at the northwest corner of Maryland and White Bear. A permit was formerly granted to Mr. F. M. Blomcuist for a filling station on this site but that permit provided for one driveway on Maryland St. The Shell 011 Company have acquired 20 ft. additional from Mr. Blomcuist, giving them 100 ft. on Maryland instead of BO ft. and they desire two driveways. The plans are standard with two driveways on White Beer Ave. with 29 ft. island between, curb returns for which were put in with the paving is White Beer Avenue, and todtwo be placed walong the roperty St. with 30 it. island between, line between drives. A hearing was held on the original filling. station appli- cation, and as we recall there were no objectors— Since the. original hearing Mr. Blomquist has asked for extension of time, the last one expiring June 22nd, 1941. Since this application was granted to Mr.. Blomcuist, houses have been built on Marylend St, on land owned by Mr. Blomquist or sold by him for houses. We have, therefore, secured the approval of the owners of the two houses lying immediately to t a west for the extension 0f this station to the west, and we believe that no further public hearing is necessary. yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh `r'} -e :`onorsrle ^it• "n•.nril� Cit,, OP St. Pail, T"i.nn^seta. "nntlemen: We, the :indersir-ned. rivr•ers n` nropert., at the nddresc.es indicated, do hernh-- consent tc locat'.on n` r1.r!,!-vrRv tr sitveted .r t -1,e. rFri' 20.76 f,et c` ''Ile. 100.72 feet c" rrt ]., erardi^.n': nrden Ln'r, St. Fa -,I, Yinnenota. in^:n--ection r.*ith the-re-.t..on of a riri-re-in fil'_in�- --`atiorto ^e .^.gnat—tad on tt:e E,�stnrlg 90 fe^`. tl—recf. Dated at St. Fa•.•.l, " ll—srta `_��is Yam da-; of March, 1941. Tn Presence 0' Fso ----------- 176t -- G,�, f( 91� e",q 7�lar, /Q�� 4yq� vY�•jfe �3 Q 4 r- F i -'AI i -� !' ..� )'' - �I '/J EA�L f- rN• nA'. L�_r/r �.. t..- 1 .lh_4 t-E4CoR4 L /. - r_ - - ..__ :.(.i0/LF/.�t�1 _ : < O ` _�c :� hLEL. �` �. !. I 'pl .� I To'o.y Pry,: b>v e•v / t - /y o/ — U. ���� —_-_.._�I_..._____.If._-_+"_—__ 1 —\-\-._— �-L•<.• rood—_ _ .. 1- 11 - � '' .4 LL /Pzo�.-;zT, wvss p y,z��E Y 10 1: i -A J • o,/J 3 -r--o E ✓c :E.flMii7r-S eX1:5 Ey. o.e. Ta �.bGA ;"E- .5E U_j r.rJA7E2 A ie.4.-- -A / - a - — ,�. £ //l/dE O /C 2£LGC Tr T2E t c7•N_<.z � WSJ'.: uc .c �. — i c ( w r� C .. 1111 - p n e E tiT I r - v 0" I _ _ _ ♦ e- a _� -m ic. e4 -,. 'I _ �• � .. 7 E N .T x A "r c C- _ _ L e. 1r c r.i G T. G L •✓� 2 ^ �l �- r I. �' � Orl¢in.l 10 City Clerk w COUNCIL 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL r,Le -NO.- OFFICE NO._OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNJCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM • °y PRESENTED BY l'/�� �,•�"� '� I(�j� E___ .-. . COMMISSIONER--..... WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounda and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergencywhich ofrendered his necessary the employment of certain employes dsaid employment artment for more than eight hours p y, being more than their usual hournt, therefore, s of employme be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby �therat to pay the following named employes, at herwise fixed for extra employment for ereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME Walter Cronk TITLE Blacksmith Thor J. Jackson Truck Driver Curtis C. Wallace,Truck Driver a counCILITIETI I]eas hays /Findlan /'�arranlo ,-Rosen 1Tli. President. MCDOnough ,m y�cVtw>UUcc+idwc (Yrttisil,lal Uf In Favor / Against HOURS OVERTIME 9 .75 hr. g .63 6 .63\ . v..,:. r.1:1o,-u\ .\x1.1 F. r,•1,1.110- 11y re�1111'.�I-� nlin.i ilnl•r 11f 1'a rk �. I`In)'K1'11un11. ::11111I`u 11111 Iillila` F1:11,r� 0, 1i k v1.1 �, 11111 �.t 11f Ih1•A 1.111 `y �1'hi,�11 r' 11 �•; 1�a ,;:1�1':I:" f11111i 111111•,1'1 rll Ii111.� t -1d �111:1n 11.il:ht 111.111'. 111.r 11:1 �'. ;: •:n I11111'1111.n1 1�1.i n.1' ;:,�:;: 0h:1n Ihrlr ual klrur. .1f 1.11111ny n11•nt; Ihl�refllrr. 11. i 1.11. tk:1t 1111. 11x11,11,. .ily 11111 �� I:x.111 �' 11::1 kr (Illy 111•r1•liy 11111111'i'i.1•�1 t�� 111:. :111' �11�\rinl: :11111.11 � 1:111111 )'11.'.: '1 �111I1111x 1111•nt 1.tkxrwi.�• lixl•11 (lir :� th1. 1•xirn ti1n 1'111nxk.<1i1i 111-9t 111i.r111' i 11 \\':1111.1. 1 11111 k. -��'rk1�r .i..1;11�k..1111. 1x111.1: 111'i�'1.1'-� 111'r. �irli. t\':111:1rv, t1111�k 11 xi 1'xx-R :\ai�llt x.l li>' 1k1. 1111, \1111x11x1�11 \1:11'. 1�. 1:1a1. Adopted by the Coungtel9t`. j• t' te4...... Approved., .. .. ..... .. -_194. Rlayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parlor Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKFS, Deputy Commioioner �9 March 18, 1941 To the Honorable, The Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering nec- essary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day in performing emergency snow plow repair and cinder- ing of park roads. This emergency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the general public. Yours truly, ��, Commissioner y f.i. Q o \I-1 0,191 1 to City Ckrk CI F SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. - OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— M,aT C.Yl. 18., ll COMMISSIONER �. Resolved, That the Piirchasi.ng AL,ent be, and he is heresy authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller,, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 101 pigs at a total cost of $1106.00 from THE iaNG FIG COs!PAI''Y, with3ut advertisement, as this iG the only way a purchase of liv;:�stock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm- 1016-161 r..',,. IT"191417—ny Nuu„11 Ruw�•11_ III,: 1'll rellaelllp :vI;eal �.,..:I11�1 Ilr i� Ilorr�„� ;Illwllrl«•a 1.. pllr- ��na,,,.. ..dul In,• I I •lu ��r nu• rollnl- ��ill:•r. f��r Ih�• �I.V I':I 111 \\'llrkhll u.+�•, Il in nig., :II � I�aal v �+I of Euuc.ao from 'I'I1 i•: I:I\I:I 1'I1: I't)\I1':\\1', wi1II..III ..f k I...1 III. all; �I 1':1111 \la l�k l•1. 4 harg,- .\Il��il..�l liy IIII. 1' ail 11.•1 !I41. 1 \la r�1, _'. I:, 111 1t i�r 1941 COuncit-m n Adopted by the Council_.. t9a. ... gear nays iydlan Approved .... ........ ..........lBa. /. Par[anto / / //7 In Favor ITlayor 1 -sen / / „.TZyaV4 Against ,,m—MresVitmaPresident lPetereon: Oripi—I a City CI.r4 .1211)1N CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILFILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM a PESENTED BY CROMMISSIONER_..- Axel F. Peterson R_50LVED, That the free use of the ai,ena and exhiti n halls of tbo St. Paul Auditoroium be anu they a e hereby given to the St. Paul Division of the Minnesota Education Association on October 23, and 24, 1941, for its annual meetings Gnd exhihits; said Association to pay the sum of $400 toward the cost of opening of said portions of the Auditorium on those dates; b:� it FU T-ri.i, M-3OLVED, That tha balance of th,; cost incurred in excess of said sum of $400.00 shall be s_t up in the budget fo: 1942 i:: Auditorium Fund No. 1021. '11,1❑�.,�It'��a, u,al ute trey nil e�'hi hiliun hnll.�ll��f the .�I. •I'n 11 l•t:\:Mil �•rin nl h�. ::li.I they :� ,� here - ht' t: n 1:• the � IS�III Ili,'Ixh nl :�( the \lin ne.l:in I:Iluellli��n .\xv��e lxtiuli li'1 �ihel• _ nll !{. I:III, fair ilu � I;ItI eelintiv ��' nll ..�hihil..: +:t itl T.I.nrin- 11:: lilt�l Ilse .. nt 8Jiln t:: t�':I rll the lii•I nln �•f r•I �:'I�itt:t' ��t ill 1'��rli��n.. cif Ih�� :\li•lil��l'i II III 1 I -,-d. .I.Inlr•", lig. i I Il rlher I::.'i�l t'eh, Ilnll III•. h:,i'tne• i•. I ln� �• �"1 i •��1 i •if .rill ,v �•f 8{nii,illll�.hnll `n lei IIID lilniti•.I I:�I_ in •'I.\\II I�I•TI'•I „••':e1 lll1\d' i tMt .ie l I:rinnnl 'i 1 Ma I. \Ii%, 11n4 _II.. IS. Tltarret 2 2. 19411 COnnCILMEn Adopted bit the Coun*AR 194L . -_ 194. Qeas hays r indtan Approved_. . .. _..194 �arranto �l .�j In Favor / ra Mayor osen Against �m 0-M��•$ia?d'T[AlJlcn[ ;Ytterscn' it 41(.)4.9 I/r1AIn,1 b CITY clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FI MNCIL NO. . , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ad C CIL RESOLUTION --'G NERAL FORM - — 41 PRESENTEp // F �i DATE_ — = COMMISSIONERER ff% L _' _ _, _----'-' _-': .—..._ ... 1 ,r;rqS, of lie utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 tlommission. Pub of the City Charter, the existence of an emertater Pr.cy which rendered necesent for more than hyri the per employment of certainb ngomore thanyes of eulsuA' hours ofeemployments therefore, be it day, Eaid employmentnamed RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to �y the fol).owina employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth: Overtime ATF NAME PATE Sunda Regular Py 66 /LI Vidgo T. Anderson Peter Meyers Gust A. Jo' -son ;falter Foidenraich Martin o' Connor Simon A. Schulte 16 hrs. -' Lake Patrolman :"..D, 8 .60 Ditch digger g hrs. .73 utilityman-1"�.D. 4 „ .65 3/4 water -shed lab.la I, ,65-3A.I do Li n .63-1/ 4 do Certified correct "V '41 --i \ -_. Leonard E. Thompson General Super intetldent ,-.\p Vo. 121918 —Il.' N'.I i1 •I'u I is n,•r,•:, v, a„• , '. gra:, n,'�� 1'Ii1111r. h:.. ll r.giu�leJ� in ri,`:; rl,•r. o,e ..' 1, .I ":h :�:�:� r��"i:�:� ,�•�i�'I,r ����!�: Ac„I:�r n,•oar .i I ¢.. , r,•i,:ui,>.l lal �l oc...... n I I u,�ll, j���wln� mora ,•on�l',:ai• ::,::, r! �•y m�•u1 ,a 1, �. r..'I.�' a..•a o,r I•�. � >I,.y ��r. I'ai1 �'1, ail; ��I„•a la :,1 I �' v:,1�•r..li t•a lnl�orrr >I:,n In 1'r,•::on:�r,�'� __I er.. 61 ea��, ;,ler-xn;•a 1a1,��rcr .� Iirl�ul;,r wilt U'ur.,D.— :.oa n.- t' na,:nlr�:i All :R- IS 1941 Adopted by the Council-, ... _....._ l94 . . COUTICILMER yeas Uays tea / Approved-...... r in tan arr to .In Favor '---`— . _......... 1 t cif Mayo oxen / Against ,in ,-Mrp"p+?�' enc (Pcters:.r11 lkq k, ) March 16, 191L1 An emerkency has arisen in the WATERDRPARTYJ,ENT rendering; necessary the employment .of certain employes of that denartment for more than eiPht hours per day in the doing of the follmring work: Patrolling Vadnsis and Sucker Lakgs.* _ Renairinr, Filter Plant eauipiient.41 This emergency arose by reason of the following fa cts and circumstar.cesl *Totrasr assini,. IPro have equilment ready for next da s work. - — — -- --- ----- .. . BOARD OF WATER C URUSSIONF.RS esiden� Certified correct: (A Leonard 11. Thompson General Superintendent 01iyillnl W City CII IA CITY OF SAINT PAUL IILX' L NO.- OFFICE O. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COM MISSIONER_..�DATE_.._..__—_ RESOLVED, that the application of Fulton Hanson for permission to install and operate a root beer stand on Lot 9, Block 21, West End Addition, located at the southeasterly corner of Montreal Avenue and'West Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby granted, and upon the payment of the required license fee, the proper city officers shall Issue a license to said applicant for said purpose, and in the installation and oper- ation of said business, said licensee shall comply with all governing provisions of law. II . I�..'•,. I_1910—IIc .�..i.., .. I indla„— n. „1,'•,1. 11,: I1:, ::nnii� . :,f .11 �1••n '�I:n,••u r`,� I,•:r,,,,...;,n �;', iunlall 111 •. .•„Ili •.:,.t r•rl )' I •rf \li�i,l r,•:,l :\,�i•II IIS. II II \\"�•.1 �..nlll •. I�•. �Innn 1f.�. X11 :1i),Ill�.nl of I1, I...i I'lir•.li- I�Inli•••IIIA. 'hall T. ..I•�.rali,.,, ..r .:iia I,I��n�•.==. =:Inll �I lni11--i I N1 :T r. Ile.n. .1� nl:1r,IT -_1 . 1:•nl COUTICILIIIEn' Adopted by the Council IVi1 1• I]eas nays ss _16 ndlan Approved_ _ 194 /�arranto I e+�t� rsbi on to Favor -� TIlayor �osen ' Against �pF�Fi�STT,'ZTILpgf� ym e-MrrV,1a"4'residc,n; (Peterson) CITY OF SAINT- PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 14, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Fulton Hanson for permission to install and operate a root beer stand on Lot 9, Block 21, West End Addition, being the southeasterly corner of Montreal Ave.. and West Seventh St. Very truly Yours, City Clerk. MAR 141941 °i`��' !RATIO. COUNSEL ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, C^ 11— AUGUST HOH ENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE 3 ERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD. C.1y Arcs :ec GEORGE N HERROLD, En:l.neer Secreiar, 1HE BOARD OF ZONING i s++bLsb,d by Ordinance No. 5840 July 711,, 199.2 ';AINT'PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE March 14, 1941 To the Mayor and Honorable City Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: In the matter of application of Fulton Hanson to operate root beer stand on Lot 9, Block 21, West End Addition,' at the southeasterly corner of Montreal Avenue and West Seventh Street. This is a triangular piece of ground zoned for com- mercial use and driveway designs are acceptable. FD: MB We reoommend that the application be granted. Very truly yours, / FREDERICK ID/OLP�� Acting Engineer Secretary THE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GEORGE F LINDSAY N�f Ar GEORGEH.HERROLD WILLIAM H FALLON.-- 'ILA "CRT '..` rvEEw A. July 30th, 1940. Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter Of' application of Fulton Hanson for permission to operate a root beer stand at W.SeventhSt. and Montreal. This is on Lot 9, Block 21, West End Addition. It is the triangular piece of ground lying east of the intersection of Montreal, West Seventh and Pleasant, and is zoned 1'or commercial purposes. The applicant has withdrawn his application. Yours -very truly. George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary, BOARD OF ZONING. gh-rh jI -Tp..) POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓ St. Paul, Minn. July 20,, 19 .40 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul w:II con. s;der the matter of application of Fulton Hanson to install and operate a rootbeer stand on the E. corner of inter- section of W. 7th St. and Montreal Ave., on Lot 9, Block 21, west End Addition and that a pu �c hq�yf,8 be held in the COIInC;l Charnbers of the Court House and Cit alt#j� �h July 31 19 40, in the City of St. Pau,, at 10: !o� M. John S. Firidlan, -:j- Commiss!oner of Finance. File 9047 G. E. BRISSMAN CLINTON A. Police T ROBERT a It S Officer M. D. WMFireC Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Chief of Police Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 1bEf azb2zn.t of -CjDu.L-rC!e : Sa fEtg Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner July 18, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir Referring to application made by Fulton Hanson for permit to install and operate a root beer stand to be located on Lot 9, Ilock 21 of the West End Addition, which is also described as the southeasterly corner of West Seventh and Montreal Avenue. The usual inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffio, and William C. Barron,.Chief Fire Inspector. Their reports are attached. Very truly you s, Commissioner of Pub io Safety IN THE MEANTIME, PRACTICE SAFETY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 12th, 1940. Hon. G. H. Barfusn, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by Fulton Hanson for permission to install and operate a root st Fnd beer stand to be located on Lot 9, Block 21, Addition, also described as the southeasterly corner of West Seventh and Montreal Avenue. i.e have investipated the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase estand in the fire hazard of that vacinity if this proposed is permitted. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Insspector. WCB/z TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL ILHO '. T.. " --T" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK dawnOFF— Application For License b 7-77� 7-1 DATE— 193. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby. Made BY OF 111, 01 111—OUA- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE BE LOCATED ON LOT DESCRIBED ... ....... III -—ANT FILED .Y RECEIVED COPY FRO. CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK /0 DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY DATE /'— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Ileo Iry iw• clic OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY FOR PERMIT TO INSTALI. AND OPERATE A_J�� - - BE 1.0c.TE- ON LOT, BLOCK ALSO DESCRI.E.'_ZB�'� FILED BY _ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY -K DATE Z -- DEPARTMENT OFPUB C SAFETY RECEIVED COPY FRO. CITY CLERK _ DATE /0 C- PLANN� BOARD Y July 31, 1940 Hon. John S. Tindlau comer. of rin�aos Oity Hall Dear Sir At the request of the applicant, the Council laid over to jam■ +h lith, lqul, application of Tilton Hanson for permission to operate a root beer stand at the east corner of the interaeation of J. Seventh St. and Montreal Ave., on lot 9, Block 21, Nest and Addition, and requested that you send new notices for that hearing. Yours very tr'17, City Ole*. 01181,81 to City cl"k1 4�. 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,,.c NO. 1l� a� ,2. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -GOUNCy, RESOLUTIO GENERAL FO, �� 1 I �•�. I l j PRESENTED BY A,,,� 111 I r ii I I I A ii. 1111 1 COMM ISSIONER_Trliab_. . 8888 .._ .. __.. DA 1�1'i 116 h n, 1 c .—. __ •.r _ _..__ 1 r WHEREAS, by Council File Ko. 121764, approved February 27, 1941, the Council determined that that certain barn located on Lot 14, Rearrangement of south half of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1, also described as No. 717 West Central Avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as'required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. MAR 18 tot coui`cll,Ml:n - Adopted by the (:Ouncil.. ... 1J3.. Yeas Na.vs lhn / Approved .. ....193 .. in "---III"' to lu I a'ur Mayor �. Ac3uYg( osen reittt�� Againat ..�.lc Pi7BLI3FED President (Pecerson) gal c. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 14, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. j) authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildi.,Zs to enter upon the premises and tear down and remove the barn on Lot 14, Rearrangement of south half of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 11 also described as 717 W. Central Ave. Very truly yours, i A City Clerk. 'L MAR 1,1 '1QA1 V. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Perla Supt of Playgrounds CIN Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Cornmissioner March 13, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul entlemen: A copy of Council File No. 121764 has been mailed to Minnie A. Troy, 38 N. Milton Avenue, pertaining to the wrecking and removal of the barn on Lot 14, Rearrange- ment of South Half of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1, described as 717 West Central Avenue. This resolution directs the owner to remove the build- ing and provides that he may file an appeal for a re- hearing of the condemnation action. The building has not been wrecked and no a::peal has been filed in this office for a rehearing. LAR. .II Yours trruully, / ty Architect Petition. 121.9 ! Council File No..:---,* ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi:.: Construct a monolithic conorete sidewalk 4 ft. wide on the east aide of .......................................... Osage St. from W. Orange Ave. to Ivy Ave. ...................................................................................................................... �:... .. ....................... ...................................................................... Dated this..... 18th.... day of.... Ltareh Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct e.monolithio ooncrete sidewalk /, ft. wide on the east side of Oeage.St..,from.W. Orange Ave. to Ivy Ave. --- ............. .. .. .. ...... .... ... .. ... ... ... --rulst,nn c.�er ulu>p:ea ............................................................................. �,,. 1_1:,1.• having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......... ;.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ il�1Y: YEAS NAYS Couneilm Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO .. t ................ ROSEN ............... ........................ meq*.® %iCi1tI( Mayor. M r. V1?1\1 12-38 �nfT _W esidet I aersou) %� . F. ,219.x. V \l'll i•r a ': Illutl I,r,�l�ii.:,l �� , I,I,'I'I. n,:Ikill l: ,.f I11,� (i,l l,�a�I l: �• "' .Ill' No .. .. .. .. .... .. .. PROPOSAL FOI " "" ;:;.L •ANT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi=.: Reconatruot, relay and repair the walk on the east aide of Exchange St. faom. W.. Fourth St..,.. thence ..south..35. Q. ft.., beginning . 2-4..0..xt...fabAh�.r..eautb,.. theuq e. ele 2 0 ft and on the..eouth ei.de.of W.. Fourth St. f .south .?5..?..i't.,.. tbe.>?.a.Q..�.....y..?....................... Exchange St., thence West 47.Q ..ft. .................................I... Dated thi:..... Isth.... day oL.............mv..4h............... _ ....% .... �'......:. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of rhe following improvement, vi_.: Reconstruot,.relay.and repair the walk on the east side of .t.4change St. ................. from. T6.,Fpyxth.,St,.,.thence.south 35.0 ft. beginning 24.0 ft, farther south, thence e0utb..?5..9..Y.t.....th6Rce,,reley.22.0..ft...end.on the south aide o.. W. Fourth St. from Eaohsnge„St.... thenoe west..47.0 ft.......................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 18 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS is t941 Councilm&a- SAWW69- '� Approved ................................................... FINDLAN-/�{p—�,_r/y{` PARRANTO j--'�/ t'W” ,V ROSEN ........ .................. ......ayo ....... l�tj Mayor. MEWSMENT .McDgz 1-0 ).!r. V'rr. prrnid ent (Pacrsoo; 1%1 12.38 3 % , 12-1014 ....... lire it File No ............... ��',,,•r.•:, s. i � iuen i PROPOSAL h.. and y PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public impro•: ement by the City of Saint Paul'vi..: ................ Reoonatruct.,..raleY..end..raAair.the..[e1k..oA.tJle..eae.texJY..s7de 4f............. So Robert St. from..$., Fillmore Ave. to E. Indiana Ave. ....................... .............. . .................... ..................................................................................... ................................................... Dated this.....1Bth....day of .................... Mercb,........... U .. ............................................................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A ,vritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �taoPnat rust,.. relay . and . repair..the..walk . on..the..easterly . e.i de..of ............ from. E..F.ill]nore. Ave... to. -E... Indiana. Ave. ............................. ..................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate rile nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. j. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. mi,,, ib 11A Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilma FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN 4r. Vice 13—ident (Paterson) r} ?94 Approved................................................... &lln: Mayor. or. III 2.38 PUBLISH 3 J ml — r- 0,1. t 1.219.1 rD tC hCn•:, a. :: �c rlltCn Pry q,ow,l mnl:InK „[ ,hC fi:ll„�c lnK im Vr,,,'Ci,ic„1. PROPOSAL FOR iM(,1VEM1: " , a 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposes the makingoftlie folio v,ingpublicimpt-6 ementbytheCityofSaintPaul,%-i:.: Reoonatruot..with..�".. two. aourae, monoli tM R. concrete,.. the. "4. on .the .west..... , side of Webesha St, from a point 75,0 ft. south of Exchange8treetl thence ...................................................................................... south59.0 ft.................................................................................................. f.'.. ............... ................ig............................................. :, Dated this... lath..... day of .................... Merch...... ..... ....... ..... .................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi:.: ....... Rec�nstFuct„w�,+1�.5"..tY?Q..epuFse,�oftolithic, concrete.,. the. walk.. on. the. west. eide..of.Wabasha. St., from.a.point.75.Q. ft., south of..Eachange Street, thence...... south 59.O..it. .............................................................. ... . having been presented to the Council of the City of 'Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. R 1$ 1941 Adopted by the -Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman 4ARilf6r--- FINDLAN PARRANTO PiiEM-41 ROSEN M(�7I1'S�OER'f"� ftlr;§; '!941 Approved .................................. /��� Mayor. 121916 . �, . r. s,•. In:,n:.._ Ile No ................ w a,•r,•:,,, .� I,lrn Kron...+:a r„� a„• PROPOSAL FO .............r "i, r.,w.„: i� nh �., uai n,i,. ,� , •tele PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of' -int maul, vi=.: o St c c no ate the sidewalk.,on, the, east..side, of..Rioe. Street from Charles St. to Como Ave......................................................................... ........................................ ......................................................................... . .... .... ..................................................................................... Dated this.....18th.... day of ............... March...............•: �.., ./1 �r. ............ .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A hvritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi=.: �acona.truct..�S th.monolixhic..caacrat.a..tt e..s,idawaJk..oA.t,>xe..eest, sl.de.,of. Rice„Stmkt Como. Ave ....................................................................... ............................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.l.................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. j. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1941 1 C 1......................... Adopted by t he ounct ....................... YEAS NAYS i4;Fik 18 1941 Councilman-6A*ftln— Approved ....................... F�INDLLA�N......�+� PARRANTO ROSEN h Mr. Vice President (Paereon) 1=-39 r ' Mayor. G-139 " f '1�1 it File No .... : ........... PROPOSAL FG, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes t lie making oft lie folloNving Publ'c"Pro velnent by t b eCity of in t P1ul,N'1 :.: Block 3, Hazel park Division NO. 5 from Grade and surface the ... allay ... in .... ... . ...... d ..... f"Teily -Dyka - St... - froff,orange 64 the gra a 0 .Van .. Dyke Also Chang file hereto attached, � ra4..UAA.q4-#e pro .............. raointh -Ave. - -t(I aonform .:to. t)'( - . ....... — by a Ava.. - to - R s.ed.. o a a part hereof, the present established grade being shown blue line and made ; from. orenge,Ave— to. -Elyaointh - Ave.. to -the. pro 'and'grads'Van'Dyke' St:' ............ ............... ..................................................... March ................................ Dated this .... ..... day of ...... Z .......... // ....... ..................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ""king of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface the all7Y in Block ... 3, Hazel Park Division No. 5 ...... 8 ..i. o a .. be . ar . Ave. 4 a ... al . so .. a . hange the grade ... �t , 1 'a' ta, ... Dyke ... S't­.­f]i16m­0range Van -Ave- . 'to'Hyaoiath- -Ave.. - to coufoxm. to -the. rect. line..on the.profile. hereto..attached,... a and made apart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; Dyk*O'St.'fraff orange - A,,;­to,Hyscjnth, Ave:- - to the -proposed - ............ red line when.astablishad .................................... .................................... ............. .............. ........ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comnlissioner of Public . 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition . I) of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the P 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................. YEAS NAYS Councilmas��� Approved. FINDLAN PARRANTO _Pffft501T_ ROSEN ,ft. gh Mr. Vlcx Pr"idmc 12-38 MAR 18 1941 ....................... Ips Mayor. PUBLISHM, 7 - -:1 - --/, I,.Ir:,4t i t�1 \\'hc rra.., ..Illen prory�s:�l h,r Ihi• G-139 ,:,kl:a „t ,��,,.,,t„11,,,,1„� ...:1„��,•.•;::�:,,. 1, ,'�.n J,•m u;,.c ::::•� '�i lcinp :u: ... .n:Pnt VO .. ....... ... .. .. 'In ih,• � � fur PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi=.: ............QOAdgMA1Ag.andA4 ing.as.ses.eaent..11R.the..1.end.AAgASA41.fos..e?AP.QA,..cuts,., and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Hazel Park """ Division. No♦5' from. Van -Dyke- St': ' to- 'Whito-'Bear' Ave•'; ' and”In: "the'grading 'o -f.... Ven Dyke St. from Orange Ave. to Hyacinth Ave. ..................................................................................................... ..... ................................................................................................................. ...... Dated this... ......day of...............March.................:' .. ..>..• ,.'... !�>n �; ......... .. . ....................................... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A '.Written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi=.: ....Condemning . and .taking..an . easement. in .the..land. neces sary..for..slop.ee., ..cute.. and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 3, Hazel Park Div iaion''MW5'from'Van"Dyke '3t:'tor "White Bear''Ave:';'And -In -the ' grading ' orf "' Van Sake St. from Orange Ave. to Bvacinth Ave. ................................................................................. . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and.estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................::i............................. YEAS NAYS Council m3m-B*R+466- FINDLAN PARR ROSEN M P,RE$l'D�N7L�Rb Mr. \'i :• 1':r:dda;t tP�xrl.,un: MAR 18 1941 Approved................................................... ^l ` rV i ...... .. ..........� .../.'.............. ......... ! i iftl ng Mayor. 1 r l rant ts>�--­ Petition G -157 V. s... IYWI::._ 12� al:ar:,�'' rG...H��:::111�i 7 kir ,( :: written Vru Vnz;,l fnr lkc 1 .. ...... .. .. ... ,. n,k lnl; nr lke (: �I I::,�;Inft in:l:r::r:•:nent, ' PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi:.: GrA4 . ausl .13.Urraca . t)aa . alley. in. Zahn. Gaarden! a. 2nd. Addition..an(I .the ............... ....vacated..portion.nf..PTLor.. Ave..Srnm.the.WGat 11ne of •Blook.'4) Lane 9'sHighland "" Park .to. Y,enneth. Av.e........................................................................ ...... .......... ......................... ;�.. ............ Dated this .... 16th .... day of ....... March ...................... ........,. ........................ C.:ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface the alley in John Gaardents.2d Addition..and..the.............. .......................... ... vaoated . portion. of. Prior..Ave.. from .the..w.est. line..of. . Block. 4,"Lanata' Highland kazk.to. Sennett .Ave..................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said' improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...................�fl..A:t ..... 16 ....... !941 ............... YEAS . NAYS Councilma FINDLAN PARRANTO ROS-�YIT�R�dIQ""' EN TRl9>•*---d IpRF,61DENF �-MaDoh Mr. Vic, Pr,sicicat (Pocerson) Approved................................................... 6`,�.>f. ........... ..... ..... . ' Mayor. F. N.. 1519199��"— n�strn�r raj 7 \\'1,rr�.a.. a Prvtl,ns;J ; nlrI IIIA. 1219NO „�, I11."fiil l��I��i li 1: illi flr�i 'I i�nl. PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following, public improvement by the City of >ai nt Paul, vi:.: .......... �PAa.�4AiAB.4Ad:.t.9k1Rg..eD .9.�e.e919At„in..the..land. necessary. for, elopes.,. cute.... .?44. fll.le . I,n..the..gzeding.end..eurfaaing .of . alI eY.. 7 u..7akw. Gaarden!a. 2nd. Addl.tion.... and the vacated portion of Prior Ave, from the west line of Block 4, Lane's ................................................................................................................... Hi&hland Park to genneth Ave. Dated this.....lgth.... day of .................. March........... 4o o3.:.. r Coulie ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi:.: Condemning and taking an e-sement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ........................................................................................................... ...and.fil.ls..1A..the.gradlRg..eAd..eu.rFac.1¢g.of.alley.ia.7pbn„Gee;denls..2nd Addition and..the..vaoatod.9ostZou..of..Pr1.4r..1(ve... Zrom..the..west. line, ,of. Block..q,..�,eae>s...... _. Highland.Park,to genneth Ave. .................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated' cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improveinent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To ieport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. WIp lb 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS ;,AR 181941 Councilman-0*RRYSS— Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN fA& ................... Mayor.... ,r IresidcnriPacrsoa) J 1%1 12-38PLTDLISHED 1 L fi e4 :• � � { � � � �, Lt k NOTICE CITY OF SHIRT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.--.-------- --- TOI_I1__— rR I' rl• r: 1. t.•rkx lir; rl r;. uII r Rr• :�4 •I::r1 PRINTER +11 '+�: � "�'� k' March 14 ^� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY T§�4AURY, TO TH3AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9 TO---06INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- �-�� ����� �-�-�-� .._... _. ..-194 ._._— — AAAA-� ._ PITY COMPTROLLER ... _...194......— APPROVED- ... _. _.. .. AAAA AAAA.__. .. BY.. �.�... �-_. .,:�<.... soa s -no NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL l' COUNCIL FILE NO.----- TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---- PRINTER 1.3......... __._194-1.— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ?5, 559.66 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED go9?6.___TO._.o979 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I 1941 Y COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED .. .. .. .. " _._194_.,....... ' L_a O'l•. L ' 1 1 i TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL• '�l Y DUPLICATE -- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_...._—. - ROLL CALL BARFUSS i PARRA N _ _INFAVORI PARRANTO AUDITED CLAIMS �/,�.,.�y� 1 March .13, PETERSON ROSEN i__ _ _qG A1NBT RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BE W/�1pyr� T ITV TREASURY TRUAX I MR -PEES MCDONOUGH THE AGGREGATE COVERING Q7 59. COHECK. NUMBERED ASJQ jL4 � .V j .INCLUSIVE AS `�,•+ J 66 �� PER CHECKS ON FILE Iry OFF19f OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. APPROVED. ,THE � HUM�B(ER ! v TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETUBY BANKD TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD I;zoo . 628 61 . 80926 John S. Findlan C. of Finande Kalman 1 216 85. ; 1 319 85 80927 Charles 0. etc. 80928 Lillian L. Murray 1 242 65: 1 242 85; 80929 John L. Lamprey 1 242 85' 80930 flea L. Re3'field 80931 Frank H. Murray 81 50: 80932 Harry Oehler, Corp. Counsel 3 70 80933 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 6 25 80934 Flsa M. Obst, Treasurer C.R. 146 20: 80935 A.J. Ries, Abstract Clerk 20 95 80936 Schluke-Biers 126 17 16o oo 80937 Brown and Comstock 80938 Mayor John J. McDonough 250 00 80939 J.L. Connolly 19 On 80940 George Sadek 7 92. 60941 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 29 35' 80942 The Belmont Corporation 17 68 8094 Berglund Lumber Company 187 18 37 63 8094 Brown and Day, Inc. g0945 Chase Braes & Copper Company, Inc. 6 53° ; 80946 Farrell Contracting Company 333 50. so Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CompaIIy 85 21 go948 J.J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of Diet.Ct. 11 00 go949 Goodrich-Silvertown, Inc. 12 54. 90950 Griggs, Cooper & Company 67 32! 80951 Griggs, Cooper & Company 110 64: 80952 Hub Miller 50 00- 8095 Lineer Broom Company 5 88 36 93' 9095 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 80955 Northern States Power Company 4 797 38 90956 Otis Elevator Company 612 00' 80957 Pioneer Typewriter Company 15 05: 80959 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 13 20' 80959 St.Paul Vocational School 9 14. 80960 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 67 27: 90961 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 70 80: 90962 State of Minnesota 671 03 80964 Tri-State Tel. &'Telg. Company 87 95 75° 90964 go965 U.S. Naval Institute Villaume Boz & Lumber Company 333 21 80966 Tallaoe & Tiernan, Inc. 10 00_ ® 90967 80968 American Lumber & Wrecking Company nrs. Arpquist & Cook 547 65 7 00: go969 Bethesda Hospital 61 10. 2 00 90970 ^ra. Bray & Shellman 80971 Drs. Buroh & Bu3oh 3 00: 80972 Dr. O.W. Holcomb 17 00 8097 Inlustrial Commission 7 00 9097 nr. A. Kugler 9 00 80975 Mid -ay Hospital 10 00 90976 9t.Joseph.'s Hospital 45 80 90977 Dr. F.C. Schuldt 33 00 80978 Dr. Wm. H. von der Weyer 50 00 80979 Dr :. K rl C. Told & R.". Holmen 9 00. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 220 188 27 ' 1 1 i • j I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 257 816 12 CITY OF SAINT PAUL1. . -- - , , "., )4 .y I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER..._...— ROLL CALL I BARFUSS FIN DLAN_ __IN PARRANTO FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS .,eh .14 PETERSON ROSEN TRU A% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING MR PRES M DONOUGH I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $.— 27 ._... _ _ INCLU SIV E. AS ----�— �---�—�_�—�'—"' +il CHECKS NUMBERED. � - g14 OFFICC'OF THF ITY COMPTROLLER. CKS ON FILE IN ISiE ADOPTED BY 7HE QUNCIL_ _ PER CHEC ^ -•—���~' `--corwrwoiic APPROVED....t _ -, NUMBER _ t��}^T M1_I. t' BY .} I TOTALDATE CHECK NUMBER RETURNED IN FAVOR OF i'--- '' BY BANK i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 'I' 1220 188 27 , ® 80980 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. Finance 272 50 607 10 80981 of S. Findlan, C. Finance3 664 25 80982 John of . 50983 John 9. Findlan. C. of Financ 10 989 53 80951E John . Findlan, C. of Finance 7 97 04 80985 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 187 57 80986 John S. Findlan, C. of Finc,nce 1 172 89 80987 John S, Findlan, C. of Financ¢ 2 866 38 80988 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 213 27 ' 80989 Magnus Chemical Company 38 ' 80990 J.P. Marsh & Company 4 0 01 80991 Martens Market 7 19 80992 Master Materials & Fuels, Inc+ 219 92 80993 John Maurus 32 85 80994 McFadden -Lambert Company 1 012 09 80995 Rdward McGivern 4 oo . 80996 Dr. Meinicke 'a 4ntigens to 00 80997 MemmerIs Food Market 8 30 80998 Merrill, Greer, Chapman Compa#y 10 16 80999 Gus D. Messing 9 86 ' 81000 Midwest Heating Equipment Company 112 66 81001 Milton -Bradley Company 76 8o 81002 Mining Auger & Tool 'Yorks 12 00 81003 Minneauolis Directory Company: 21 00 81004 Minnesota Book Store 26 56 i 81005 Minnesota Historical Society 3 00 ' 81006 Minnesota Library Association. 2 00 81007 Minnesota Milk Company 181 56 81008 M.J.H. Company 10 08 81009 T.A. Moeller Company 14 o0 81010 Monroe Calculating Machine Company 8o 50 81011 Muller Flexible Shaft Company; 8 00 81012 Muoic Tducators National Confgrence 3 50 81013 National Bushing & Parts Company 72 60 ' 81014 National Checking Company 7 70 81015 National Education Assoc. of the U.S. 2 00 . 81016 'National Safety Council, Inc.: 25 00 81017 National Theatre Supply Company, Inc. 28 05 81018 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 68 87 81019 Northern Coal & Dock Company 2 918 21 81020 Northern States Envelope Company 24 25 ® 81021 81022 N.7. Fuel Company N.I9. Hardware Company, Inc. 115 26 48 05 81023 N.17. Sanitary Supply Company 81 75 8102!} N.I. Publications, Inc. 4 48 81025 Otto's Grocery 3 51 810'6 Parsons Electric Service Comp4.ny 7 81 81027 Pas4dena City Board of Eduoatjon 2 50 81028 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 47 25 . 81029 Perfection Type, Inc. 27 17 81030 Permutit Company 150 00 81031 Peters Meat Products Company 69 00 81032 Peyer Music Company 6 50 81033 Pioneer Electric Company, Inc.. 92 53 81034 Pitheon Grocery , 1 51 81035 Polaris Concrete Products Company 382 80 81036 Prentio-Hall, Inc. 10 10 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 257 816 12 ;r I I ;r it lhal 1h:11 I 01I9I1.1 t. city .:k ,.,::'1..,..1Ili"_ �,n,rih ",NO. a .. e. CITY OF 51,; r, ,.:..r i.i H�orh '.. .viii,:,,::. :,i�d,-• i ri i..d �. :ao gin.=1.x�nr,l w,•,. OFFICE OF THE ,,,.�`:, ,ri:,❑�•h„a :.,,a d:,,,w.n::.. CVNCIL REAOLUTION, /j I ly PRESENTED BY•e.i /w� ,iF✓V`. .TE .. .. . COMMISSIONER. ... ..... .._ .-.. ... WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling located on the north 16 2/3 feet of Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Block 2, Dayton's Addition, also described as No. 530 Mississippi Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 15th day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and h; shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. �I MAR 1tJ3 �- Aduptrd Ily the <'ouncil COINC I LINI EN Yeas Nacs ;,fiii•-; .., . Apprucal ' .. 193 .. �iuJl:ut '�/• � arralitu . Ili Pa'::r �C{t�: Mayor Agaill:.t p1TRLlSHED � _-�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK •d�iy HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration -'0g-) March 18, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling located at 530 Mississippi St., on the north 16 2/3 ft. of Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Block 2, Daytonts Addition. Very truly yours, City Clerk. ' '!;7 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. EASSFORD Supt., of Parlor Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner lcnrch 1F, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Paul 0 antl erten : The dwelling located at 530 M ssissi^.Ti Street, de- scribed as the North 16 2/3 F'eet of Lot 10 and All of Lot 9, ;flock 2, Dayton's Addition, is being referred to you for condemnation action. The front of this dwelling is two stories high while the rear part is only one story. It is vacant, open, dilapidated, a fire hazard, with sheds attached, all dangerous to life, limb, and acajoininigr property. The property is under the ownership of the State of Minnesota, c/o John S. Pindlan, Land Conn ssioner. A Dan.:;er :;ot.lce has bean posted. ours �trul- ity Architect Gl LAR. IT 'i 121924 ..I' Or191nd to CltY Cler4 .I I'I:ir �,�„, ,.1.. :, ��I I'i,I �I iI<„ilili„�;,• li:�,. •�'t �.�l �� 'il Ilr:il Ilii. ,ail No. CITY OF ST. i,l:��l: �n,ili�'- h:: i ii;.: r OFFICE OF THE C: I.d,r,.la .\,,.• '"I,,,I I. -p- COUNCIL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- . PRESENTED By � j//% a- 1 COMMISSIONER y.../Y"�UY.LJP 4` DATE .. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the old blacksmith shop in the rear of No. 121 South Wabasha Street, facing West Fairfield Avenue, on Lot 1, Block 180, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous con- dition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisabil- ity and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 15th day of April, 1941, at ten -o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED., that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public;Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication In the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be pub- lished not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council, 103.1041 . Yeas Nays Isamiss .4 Findlan Approved .... 193 Parranto T ayor Rosen /ruwshED 2'— V All '— \yamse r.ac ,-Ajr,-.V1cc Naidwc (Parccwui / CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota yrs r OFFICE OF CITY CLERKl% HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration bin March 18, 1941. Mr. Harr, W. Oehler Corporation Counsel Cites Hall Dear Sir: The Council reouested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the old blacksmith shop in the rear of 121 So. Wabasha St., facing West Fairfield Ave., on Lot 1, Block 130, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Very truly yours, City Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds CIN Architect Supt. of Parlor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 CRY Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner March 18, 1941 Fon. Council r city of St. aril Sentl eren : The Fire Prevention Bur -au has recorrended for conderna- tion the old blacksmith shop in the rear of 1,'1 South 'r:abasha Street, facing Vest Fairfield Av-,,nue, on Lot 1, Block 160, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Our inspector reports that the shop.is vacant, in ver;; bad repair, open, o,,t of plumb, £allir.; apart in the rear, and in .general in very poor shape. 1t is beyond repair, and dnn::,erous to life, limb, and adjoining; prop- erty. The property is under the ownership of Annie Monsour, 322 Alabama Street. A Danger Notice has been posted. nindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the buildi.n, code. . .� Yours tr x City Architect LA'.'... T' 1219/'171) 01101.1 to Cit). ct"* COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE.... ),larch 19, 194 PRESENTED BY f /v�� .;;, COMMISSIONER_... j RESOLVED; That license for Fire Sale, -Ioplication 47556, anclied for by Joseph Surornick at 1666 Grand Ave. be and the same is here -by amm oxmi granted andthe city -clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required. fee. r. N, ...... (..I' VI, S. a A- IISI - i, h"I 'o, -h It, ily it .11:!, 1!,. 1!,41. 941 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council .194 teas nails Approved. 194 /4indlan Y ,,Rarranto ,- t In FaFavor/ . ,� Ma,4or ,Rosen Aqainst 'PeEer., ,in ,sw 1 eas nays Approved— 19 19d leo .Flla/rranto In Favor Mayor M Against 'M Y, 11 (:Ity Clerk It,- I I, CITY 0 --hM it " I it,,, tl� I. I . NO OFFICE 0 D'll CHY 11-k I., ... ....... COUNCIL RESOLU Ad; 'I... . ......... it BY APIIr'Itll'�I6d Ma... 39. .11m. 1!111. 19'1, arch 19, 19�1 PRESENTED COMMISSIONER-.. ,SSIONER-.. the following Persons at the addresses indicat RESOLVED: Thnt licenses applied for by d and the City clerk, is instructed toissueed be and the same are hereby grante . the city treasury of the required fees: into such licenses upon the payment 1796 E. Minnehaha Grocery App.46617Renewal W. J. Hansen !Tettie Cardelli 327-9 Jackson St. if Restaurant on Sale M.alt It 46757 If if 46759 II 6 11 If 11 It 11 off Sale Malt 11 n 46759 Vasil LemenoNvskY 1022 Earl St. Butcher 11 47029 . L. Croan Edw. �; 171 N. ChatsworthConfectionery 47104 Mrs. E. H. Kreidler 1662 Grand Ave. Restaurant 47105 Walter A.V. Prick 969 E. Minneluiha Grocery 47156 Tim. Sp . iel 823 E. 7th St. Restaurant 47245 L. `. Meysembourg lgc)a, Stillwater Ave. Grocery if 47361 Joseph A. Wiese 961 F. 7th St. Barber If 47379 it ,!orris Fiddel II n 799 Thomas Ave. II 11 Grocery Off Sale '.-alt 0 474co 11 11 474ol to John L. Etten 63'� IT. Snelling Ave. Confectionery it 47411 Peter J. Brodala 777 E. 7th St. Berber 11 47413 Paul Faraci 413 St. Peter St. Barber 0 47429 If Dey Bros. 1215 N. Dale St. Florist 11 47433 If M.-ario Nardi 177 W. 7th St. Florist it 47434 if Adolph T. Skalicky 437 S. Cleveland Ave. Barber of 47445 Park Rec. Parlor, Inc. 192 N. Snelling Restaurant 474oS2 RAP 1, 9 194 1-4- Adopted by the Council 1 eas nays Approved— 19 19d leo .Flla/rranto In Favor Mayor M Against 'M OrlQiml II, Clly Clrrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM p CRESENT D ER_ .�/�/L �� `��� ?' DATE-... March 19, 1941 MISSRESOLVED: That Gas Station license #5609, expiring October 10, 1941, issued to George Carter at 1031 Hudson Road be and the same is hereby transferred to Arthur 0. Williamson at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to mace the proper changes in the city's records. u;.. ............ :nd lin.:�l;iu. aAr Old Location. WAR CounCILMETI Adopted by the Council. .194 ljeas clays p�ar uss ­findlan Approved_ _ 194 arranto In Favor nn eers ,itrL.rl;;r ` RTayor mr- Against Mr: President. -McDonough Mr :�42�T'I'.—l"k o,lpinel I,. Pity Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUCILNO 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /J COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY (� V �y� j J%Y�f DATE._ ��'�rCh 19, 1941 COMMISSIONER-.. .. '�.^'� "V— RESGLVEDi. That Gas Station license #5811, expiring Febru-:ry 1, 1942, issued to Knox E. Stahel, at 82 E. Ninth St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Charles E. Horan at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. I:..I::n�.l.:I .., i• sn:u,�st.. y L.r�. r,,.d d In ,. 11. Transfer informally <pproved by Council, Isar. 14, 1941, Cld Location. c, o4i councILmEn Adopted by the Council_, 184. Leas days ....Bads-'...-.........._. Approued. 104 �lindlanIn arranto / `/��,� Iory� [Mayor /itosen Against .EAvmm >m ­1WcVM&3President IPoterson! 9,A 0,1ji—I to Pity Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU'CIL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t �� a PRESENTED 6Y NH(M a� 1/ /7i1/jj f` DATE_ W,,ch 19, 1941. COMMISSIONER.. .. `f RESOLVED: That GIs Station license +5699, expiring January 2, 1942, and Ice Sirtion license #1599, expiring !!ay 21, 1941, issued to the W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co. at 35.5 N. Smith Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Harold A. Petschauer at the same address and the prover city officers are instructed to m-!ce the Proper chanties in the city's records. Ib�s�•Jc,•d. Ihv� � i li. : �,� .i \li• �.,,... I:�aa, •..�'liirillti• �Il�.�:ii N". mayl. �. ..a L• tit•. �t�. r. wenn Tire N. R dui dr•.. br ii:�r••I�I . �in�� oiq�•.��r ray. AJ�.I•I rd Lc ih�. ..il \I:u' I•,. Ian. Old. Location. counciLmEn 'leas Clays 4indlan _-Parranto /ff osen •' i3_en`t: T[1ci3opQgigh nm �di{a,ddi¢c+ik<sL-:�.rtc ;t'a,-r....t• In Favor / 1 . JAgainst Adopted by the CouncMAR 19 10,41 104. Approved- _ .104 i.11l� Mayor Ilrlginel to Cit,Clrrk ." i i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL LE NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL M RESOLU ION ---GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY ��,.,,� C�N� `���%�%`�lf�j�j' DATE__. arch 19, 1941 COMMISSIONER_-__. r 7 RESOLVED, Ifnat Gas Station license +5649, expiring December 12, 1941, issued to Ralph H. Pulse at 517 Robert St. be and the same is hereby transferred to William Arver at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the Droner chan€es in the, city's records. X Transfer informally approved by Council, mar. 6, 1941. Old Locati on. COUnCILMEII leas nags Kin / /Parranto ~' ~ In Favor elerson lRbsenXwwx Aqainst ieafi3en� �h am e#ttr.cYosa�i'�'>.icnt lFeccrFon . r. �,.. I:Ih::n I:c .1 •.I.I.. ril:.u:. ,, ... \c..\. i•n rr:nn... u.i.., i•:.:...i�.Lli_.� l:.l .� . ...i .•d III..: I. d...\iii ir:.,,,. . `............ �I.lni i... I. r•i.. 'I'rnii l'.•r••i nl'....... nlly :.I.I.r.. �'i.. I I.y I .'i 1. \I:. r. .'. I:•I1. ..ISI 1... �:.I I.•I.. .\.I.•I.1 .•.1 I..' III.. .'il \I:. I'. i:., I!•11. Adopted bq the Council,, te4 Approved_ J4, Magor Orlafnsl Io CRY Clerk �. I2 [ f :.% . % CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J ��.��.iPGl�� 1 r�i4/J1�j%. DATE._. L�GrCh ].9, 1941 COMMISSIONER_ .. v RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, arolicr_t?.on 47475, and Pool Tables, application 47476, anulied for by Jean J. Burke at 574 Rice St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. s. vi""la — A. 1; .1717: il.'11lty rki1: � .I'1 � nPl•l i..a I'n L. .L,. :I• I: i..,. 1��.�i�a Ilii rel .iia Ilir City �� ..f Ilii. r�•�I iiii..�l r��..... •'ii. �I:�r. I::, I:�I1. �a�l I.. ;.1 i..il I'�•r . New, Informally a. -proved by Council, 4.arch, 13, 1941. Old Location for Restaurant New Location for Pool Tables. COIITICILNIETI Adopted bq the Council,_ ..194 geas nags 1 Firtdlan Approved- �_ .194 Parranto G— f to Favor zi,���- .,_"' Magor 5e en Trvax-----'•' Against gRgFrMident; moDottough OrlQinsl to I:il>' Clerk k: -1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL --L •'� FILE N0._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENE�^L FORM PRESENTED BY -- ✓ 0--, ( lr/ .�'n�' !;i'r DATE.- l4pgH 19, 1941 COMMISSIONER_._.... RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by the £ollowinz persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Berth. Ross 183 S. Chatsworth Confectionery App.47205 New Old Loca it n v n Off Sale 2.1.alt I' 47206 " It n James A. Harrison 470 S. Osceola Barber " 47367 New Loca Gordon A. Heille 9t5 Rice St. Barber 'I 47419 " Old Loca Frank F. Pittelkow 15sO Como Ave, 'Ir. Fuel Dealer " 47438 " New Loca Win. J. Hoye 740 University Ave. Gas Station 47470 ° Old Loca Kenneth ?dcKey 839 Jefferson Ave. Gas Station " 47502 New Loca ,: ;....,..• ?I. L.. is �F�li IV,!%R t fl t9� COUTICILMEll Adopted by the Council._ .194. geas hays Fin... -.._...w. Approved.. ...194 dlan Z1P onto In Favor •.�/(/ �'�!,r!�%.' . Mayor �osen Against idPM. c::Db#619� ,m -ad rcifieea P rc<,:ir:.. I'r U ripinc! to Cit>1'lerk CITY OF SAINTCOUNCIL OFFICE OF THE P LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO - ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, on October 21, 1940, Fred Krause deposited the sum of $3.00 in the office of the Commissioner of Finance, for a permit fee for house sewer connection at No. 673 Sue Place, and WHEREAS, subsequently the work was performed by another house drain contractor who paid the required fee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized and directed to rebate to the said Fred Krause the sum of $3.00 out of the Miscellaneous Revenue Fund. COUTICILMEil 1]eas Rays ,--T1'nd1an Farranto �osen ruaT x �r-PresideriL. McDonough ym e,n'�res i33i �'r •:n i;irn: i',y rr;r,� Adopted by the Council 194 APproued,_ In Favor] 1 Mayor Against Odel"I 10 Cllr CI.,Y 121.934, CITY OF T. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOW! ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 7 t COMMISSIONER_ ems` _ ` DATE_ March 10. 191}1_„ „ _„— '.I<ri.i•n— 'I'il:ll Illi. \rrl'111 r•rn �Inlr�r 1'ri �,'r•I' nll,:l li �' Irr >; I Ilr•rlli...\..... lrr i :III . II r,Ill (, �r.l Irr�le r the rrrtlr .irlr.l r.f E I'h:lrh; ”. hr•I "'r•r•II�IITI it lrrn : Ilrl \'ir�l rirl:l, Ilrl 'rr•Ir•Ilhr�ll. nrl � il' .Irr hr. ...........r•rl ,I�Il��ii I` I •rl. 1 rl I rlrlrr > r I.� Ihr. 1 !i Il:I nrl l r r I ... l... I-r„III r.l' irI ........... ... I Irr .......... rr 1.� I hr \r i�111 r wiI rr,l'.r, \Innir ilr:ll I{.I`i.... r. �.ilI :\rlr•Irl r�rl I Ill r. r r�il .\I'I�I'rr��r•rl ..\I:I I', 1:r,�ll:r ll. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south side of Charles, be- tween Milton and Victoria, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Estimate #33821. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �indlan ,Parranto Favor Posen --�/� - rrnnv- _„�� — /_Against esj8ent (Fallon) aM ­M98V;c Praidua kpaclsoni `- R a q mi Adopted by the Council.___... —_._.. -193- 6+ Approved.._.._..________ --193_ _. AC(! Mayor RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Charles Niemela, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.84 per week during such time a+e shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries receivedllllll by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 28th day of January 1941; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles Niemela the sum of X13.62 out of the Aorkmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the'city, being for the period to and including March 1, 1941. COunCILmEn leas nays i Findlan Parranto e "' r.Kosen t': lesicrent, L(1ciTo lk'41 am-<Mcs`dias.+ r. l.iar,l tP xcrnnn :N.A`? I q 1941 Adopted by the Council, t94 Approved_ 194 In Favor Mayor / A ainst 1:1:1.', -11Y A. ­I I•. I'r.l r•i.rrii__ p _ 5q Itr•.r�lyr�r 1. lli;rl lir.• Irrr.I rr. i� r�'ly rr til r�r•r. I'p' 4 �^ Ilripin 1 t. City Clerk I:.rrl rr. Ir r•rr.lry :r rrl lrrir'izr•rl tr. . /7�t^� Irrr.y M. \Ir•r rr r•I:r. lrrr r. ��� �' rr't 11rr ,Aller\ 1'hrr rlr.. CITY OF SAIt]•' I�:r.'nrr•rn ^r NO.—_._ u l,r.0 OFFICE OF THE!iI':.::+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,FERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1/ i, ,�''I.�r(� /`-� DATE_.__..—._—....__-- COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Charles Niemela, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.84 per week during such time a+e shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries receivedllllll by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 28th day of January 1941; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles Niemela the sum of X13.62 out of the Aorkmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the'city, being for the period to and including March 1, 1941. COunCILmEn leas nays i Findlan Parranto e "' r.Kosen t': lesicrent, L(1ciTo lk'41 am-<Mcs`dias.+ r. l.iar,l tP xcrnnn :N.A`? I q 1941 Adopted by the Council, t94 Approved_ 194 In Favor Mayor / A ainst Ilriginel to City CI. k 2 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1 FILE NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMSEM SSIONNTED ER1uSer' l ! ✓� SAT E_ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authoriaed to enter into an agreement with George W. Rummelhart, providing for the payment of compen- sation to him at the rate of $19.92 per week during such time as he shall be'totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Parks Department on the llth day of February 1941; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said George W. Rummelhart the sum of $59.76 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period I'. N.. IJI:c:,;... toy .1.0", S. Vin ]I; u— to and including March 17, 1941. `' ;;'„°;i:' i s Iiu m'..ry. I... iii iil..y. ii �.,...�•,� il'iii'�i�l',...,, �. W. I i:• 11: I � �.oii�c�l .•:i•i is �;��..��� ..r r���'.�I:����� :�,;.�������i '.\il,.p,.�d Lr ,h,. i , un�il \L�r. Io. I:•I1. COUTICILMEII Adopted by the Council ..194 Teas nays r it`Approved._ 194 indlan `..,.. -'Parranto In Favor`�",� `G gra'( I � Mayor ..Rosen Against .�c�Pnmsident;-Inel�oug h ,in F{11�"f�4 re: i.:rnr 1Pet.rl n•.n� ' dc'1 / I)riYinel I. City .1-1, ' ' • I' I : \�• I.'1.'::; -.I:� \f III'. ii I....... ,4 ,�, 1` 311 • I:, .., . I,Y OF SAINl: FICE OF THE C m �'I �� 'Ilu. li.l ':�i C. i, .a I�"i eiO1 ,� .... li .... COU I ESOLUTION- u l .hl •a liy u,. n a:., `I?. .r ,>Ia rah :1. Ib II: PRESENTED BY It 0 / �/ DATE_....__.__.": "h.. 19,: 1941.-- ., COMM, SSIONE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the mployment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs• Rate of Pay. Bates, Carl D. Truck Dr. 16 .661 Boeck, William C. Sr.C1k.Typ. Bourquin, Harold K. Bowers, Clarence Truck Dr. Conc.&C.Lab. 13 .55-j Brown, Edwin J. Pow.Shov.Opr. 3 14 1.50 2 Brunner, Joseph Gregor Util.Fore.-PW Sew.bltc.Lab. 16.55 Brygicki, Dr. 76 Byron, George Truck Carroll, E. J. Truck Dr. 16 .69 Cederquist, August Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 .55 62 62 Clinton, John M. Kettle Fire. 13 . DeMarais, Mike COnc.&C.Lab..55 13 5 DeM,artina, Frank Sewer Lab. 14 2 Dickey, Paul Caretaker 9 Diegnau, Chester Truck Dr. 22 .7 Einck, Walter T. Dispatcher 2f Elliott, Edward M. Util.Fore.-PW Road Mach.Opr. 12 Ot z_, Elliott, George Fitzgibbon, Joseph J. Storekeeper -AP 1 � 9 u y9� Gallas, Max J. Truck Dr. 12 1 • Garbe, Philip N. Sewer Lab. 54 Girtz, Matt Unsk.Lab. 16 . Goossen, James A. Sew.Mtc.Lab. .55 Harper, George Road Mach.Opr. 8 Heller, Walter A. Hilger, Carl J. Truck Dr. Truck Dr. 7 .69 •7 Truck Dr. 13 •69 Hoen, Carl 0. COlinciLmEn Adopted bq the Council, t94 leas nays Fje dla Approved f In Favor. osen T -.,AW Against 4'r 7resident, IIl4Donougik am-hOre�hiax+d4 oriainA t. cur 4.1-1, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_ .... _._.. COMMISSIONER_ ° rio•— SHEET 2 .... __ -- Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Jagger, Russell Truck Dr. 8 14n 69 Kabitz, Paul L. Hvy.Truck Dr. 8 .7 69 Kenealy, Joseph Klemenhagen, Albert W. Truck Dr. Utilityman-PW 122 Kramer, Joseph J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 13 .K5 Lavalle, David J. Sewer Lab. :g5 Lava�le, James Util.Fore.-PW 1 1.071- Lava le, James Pay.Tore. 16 Lindbom, Arthur Sew.B1tc.Lab. 16 Lindbom, John A. Sew.Mtc.Lab. .55 Linnan, Thomas Util.Fore.-PW 12 Maidl, Francis Truck Dr. 4 ,76 Maidl, Francis Sweeper Opr. .76 Marzitelli, Mike St.Sweeper 16 55 1icGee, Frank D. Sew.Mtc.Lab. . McKenna, Patrick J. Truck Dr. 16 McKillop, Alex Sew.lvltc.Lab. 16 .5 Messina, Michael Sew.Mtc.Lab. 6 16 .55 5 Morrey, Joseph Sew.Mtc.Lab. .5 Neuschwander, Joseph F. Truck Dr. . 694 Oberg, Forrest E. Truck Dr. 8 .7 Olsen, Thomas Staty.Eng. 16 O'Toole, Fergus Sew.D1tc.Lab. 16 .55 Pastuch, John Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 .55 Perrazzino, Guiseppe Sew.Tvltc.Lab. 16 •55 Plumbo, Anthony Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 .55 Proulx, Harvey J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 12 .55 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PW 2.69 Rice, William Truck Dr. .69 Rueth, Henry G. Truck Dr. Ryan, Michael H. Truck Dr. 16 Schrenkler, Ernest Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16 .55 5 Schrenk.ler, Louis W. Sew.Mtc.Lab. ._55 Schude, Ben G. Sew.lvltc.Lab. 12 Sullivan, Patrick J. Util.Fore.-PW 1-k 69 Taube, Albert Truck Dr. COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council 194 Teas Rags Approved. .. 194 Findlan Parranto In Favor 1� Pte_-..- - ��� ,0 Mayor Rosen _ Against Rk President, iilcD&nough am a-aaf Cs•4abae�.- .. .ri ... ,. . .' orlylo I to City t:kd CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou N CIL .. FILE NO._ --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM SHEET 3 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. GATE_....._-..... ...._.. _.. ..._ Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Treon, Ora Conc.&C.Lab. 12 .55 Tuccitto, Nunzio Sew.Mtc.Lab: 12 .55 Vincelli, Domenick Sew.Mtc.Lab. 16.K5 8 West, John A. Truck Dr. Winkel, Fred L. Truck Dr. :69� 8 6 n IMAR C011nCILIT1En Adopted by the Council�4 1jeas nays ^---- lc ,l �f < 1;441 Findlan Parranto �. ' _ Approved,. ,,._ 194 In Favor' srg.-.!jtp, , Magor Rosen :�r"a;t J Aqainst 1& President, McDonough_ A.n emergency has arisen in the DI.PARTMENT OF PUPLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the eriployment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following pork: Opening sewers in answer to emergency complaints, tending fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, plowing and removing snow, cindering icy streets and hills. This emergency arose Ly reason of the follo'J'ing facts and circumstances: opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency call , necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Pla on Sundays a watching equipment and material, plowing ue d remov ng sn� ls. to recent storm, necessity for cinderi y s &-anS� C i'R'dISSIOidFR Or PLTLLIC WORKS t ;1.11!) a� erlAlo.1 to City Clerk r �•` TY OF SAINT PAUL FILECOUNCIL FILE NO.— F ICE OF THE CITY CLERK CC C SOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV / �'-L� DATE- ......... __.—. .....___-..- --- COMMISSIONER _.._..--..... _.__.. ._....--.—.—---- BR TT RESOLVED that Milton Rosen, Comnissioner of Public Works; George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer; and E. S. Spencer, G. H. Herrold, and M. W. Hewitt, Engineers in the Department of Public Works, be and they hereby are authorised to attend the first Minnesota Traffic Engineering Conference to be held at the University of Minnesota, March 25 to March 28 inclusive, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper city officials be and they hereby are authorized and directed to draw a warrant payable to the University of Minnesota in the amount of $6.00 each, or a total of $30.00, to cover the registration and tuition fee, said warrant to be appropriated from the Engineers Fund, Code 10-B3-125. I:.. II I:,..�.If'f •i•ui Ali. \n11 Win. ........ I:�. i; f..;.. .. iI 1:.I 1:� r.l v�•;I tll:,l 11: �. I�I���I��.:' ��il)� ..Ill,�i ��I.� I„• ;�I IIIA II��'•�1. �� II,;;yol�l�• t thr 1'oir;•r—y ��f >IIII- la it, III�. /��-CounmmEn geas nays — �iridlan 1Parranto Zb'sen Tu�Tf', x- -" =R;F President: mcDonod'gh �m _a#rt5VgJ'twidert lPO=nlwl ' j. In Favor j Against Adopted by the Council. 194 /Appprrove�d. .194 mayor mxkinl; „f f„li.,,. � roil, w.��,•i,,,.�i i. Ill' I`0 ..... ... .. .. .... PROPOSAL FOR liv.-IROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. n The undersigned lierebv proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi:.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side ............................................................................... of, Pascal , Apei}Re..iF.Om . Brede . Stxeet..to..9.gmo. Avenue,..where..necessary............... .................5th.................................................................... ........... March...... /........J, /�1.... Dated this ..... .........day of........................... ............. �^�r� ............................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ... Reconstructing,, .relaying, and . repe,i.Ping . she, , s,�d.ewt3J,lF..gn . t.17e , west..sida . Af......... pascal .Aget}R2..frgm.?�.reda.Stxe t..tc.Como.Avenue,..where..necessary..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul— .................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the -Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...................,�',,, ..: A',a'T4.1............ YEAS NAYS Councilrrar%kRfbSY-- FINDLAN PARRANTO —"TERSCSF — j ROSEN L.J' T�RIpIA� I:.ax ., j 9 i941. hidfif Mayor. Petition G -16Q®5 ���. 1'. .•�. 1_1:•10_.. �>����i.. t ,kfi, l: ,•r 11„`(,:11r„ri,i1,' ii„I, r,r��,•i,i,.is i. PROPOSAL FO "':\• r,• r a 'n PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned lie rebvproposes the making oft Ile follovvint:publicin) pro\'etnentbetheCit}of aintPaul,\'i_.: Grade and surface the Alley in lots 15, 16 and 17, Suburban Acre Lots, Be'rtha's .................................................... .Rearrangement,. Picha?.s..Subdivision..and. B.],ock..2,..$iRgsford,park„;ro�,$.Rp.i,ztt.b6..Yt... east of the west line of lot 15 Suburban Acre Lots to the North and South Alley...... ......................................................... in Block 2, Kingsford Park..• .................................................. Dated this .... llth..... day of ................... masoh......................... ...................... ........................ t....� .:.:.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A vvri I tell.. proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi_.: Grade. and surface. the.kiley.in..lots.?,5,,.16.and.17,,Suburbap.gpre.zots,,.$ertha!3... Rearraugemeut, . P1.0k... Subdi,vi,sJon . and. Black . 2, .Kingsford. Park . from. .a..pQint..66. ft:... . ea et . pr. the. WQ s,t, .1 j,ne.. p.i..lot..15, ..Suburban . Acre. Lot a. to. the. NQTLh..and..South. Alley.. - . in. Block 2...Kin Kiord .Park...................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, CNtent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4-4; Adopted by the Council ......................:.::;.� 1............... YEAS NAYS v; .'ate 11.91941 CouneilmaN 4.Ar ic< Approved ...............................:................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN w {s.... .. tij'11# Mayor. MkE !7 / PRE.SID�AIT ,. J ? 2 1_.\X F N ­ .......... • .12.1(141 le N ................. FO iI, NT PROPOSAL • PRELIMINA:&? ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof thC following pLill!ic irnpro-,cinell I by the City of Saint Pal Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ... and , fills, jn­tjj6-grathe . Alley '"'n161's' l5, 16 ­ and ill- BeerangemQAt,- Piaha! a.sub.division. and .Black .2, ..... . Kingsford Park from a point 66 ft. east of the west line of lot 15 Suburban ...Aare -Lots to. the -North- -and. -gouth- -Alley- -in Block -2; -Kingsford, Park: ..................... ............................... ..................... :'' '' March Dated this ... ..... day of ................ ............................. i o4l ..... ............. ............ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A vritten proposal for the making of the foll"v"lg improvement, "1:.: Condemning. the .. necessary, for.. sloPq.P,..934JP ...... a . nd . 'jij'js in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in lots i5, 16 and 17, ..Suburban -Acre Lots, --Bertha a -Rearrangement j . Pich0. a. -Subdivision and. -Blook. .2.; Kingsford Park from a point 66 ft. east of the west line of lot 15 Suburban Kingsford rd. Park: having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch Of said improvement. 4. To ,rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petitiol) of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to rile Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adoptecl by the Council .............. ................ YEAS NAYS MAR 19 1941 Council rnan-BARFU!;�� Approved ......................... ......................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN.......... -A.- M a yo r !ufjp M, (P 21,1 IIFSOIX"ON' OF CoVICII, 1.%(; .%SSF,.IN31EXT COUNCII, FILE NO . .. . . ............ ..... . ....... ........ I'. F. No 21942— 13V... .. .. . .... ..... ........... . ....... .. ....... ting. CITY OF Resolution of Council j -pproving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex: . enses for constructing, r000nstraotinm and relaying cement sidgwalkso Fatimate No. 11, Contract 59-U-9, 1939. Assessable-- Poo. 115678 :;elby Avenues southerly side from the most easterly steps easterly from summit Ave., thence westerly to the steps adjacent to the easterly side of Summit Ave. F.O. 1158,35 Fairmount Ave., both sides from r.aratoga Ave. to Hamline Avenue F.O. 116207 7usoargm Street, north side, from a point 118.73 feet east of Milton St. thence east 40 ft., beginning 40 ft. farther east, thence east 100 ft., beginning 160 feet farther east* thence east 80 Me and on the south side of Tuscarora St. from a point 40 ft. east of Milton St., thence east 200 ft., beginning 200 ft* farther east, thence cast So ft., beginning 60 ft. farther caste thence east 40 ft. F.G. 116151 Tuscarora 3t. north side, from a point 40 ft. east of Chatsworth St., theme east 40'ft*, beginning 80 ft. farther cast, thence east 200 ft., beginning 160 ft. farther caste thence east to ifilton St., and on the south side of Tuscarora St, from a point 202 ft. east of Chatsworth !t., thence east 160 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther cast, thence east 40 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther east, thence east 40 ft. F.O. 113016 Portland Avenies north side, from Oxford !..'treat to Lexington :'arkwayj and on the south side of Portland Avenue from a point SO feet west of Oxford Street, thence west 320 fent; beginning 80 feet farthervest, thence west to Lexington Parkway. F.O. 116029 Dayton Avenue, north side, from Syndicate Ave., thence east 178 ft; be- ginning 40 ft. farther caste thence east 40 ft.; and on the south side of Dayton Ave. from Syndicate Ave., thence east 178 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther east* thence east M ftel beginning 80 ft* farther seats thence east 60 ft. F.O. 116893 Dayton Avenue, south side, from the west line of Hemline Ave. to the west line of Lot 3, Block 7, Boulevard Addition N'o. 3 F.O. 116030 Carroll Avenue, north side, from Victoria St., thence west 56 ft.; beginning 200 ft. farther west, thence west 302 ft.; andon the south side of Carroll Ave.. fr.M,,g point 56 ft. west of Victoria f:t. , thence west 200 ft.; be ginning.200 ft, rarther.w!!st, thence most 40 ft. F.O. 115059 Como Avenue, both sides, from the southerly side of Atwater Street, thence southeasterly to the northerly side of the Great Northern Railway Bridge F.O. 115217 Burgess Streets north sides from Como Avenue to Mackubin Street and on the east side of mckubin Street from 2urgess Street, thence south 127 feet. F.C. 115041 Oliver Street, north side, from a point 60 feet west of ?,doe street, thence west 42 feet F.O. 116150 East Seventh Street, south side, from a point 60 fact east of sari street, thence east 402 feet F.O. 115835 Fairmount Ave. both sides from Saratoga Avenue to Hemline Avenue —Non-Assessable— F.O. Non-Asaassable— F.O. 115835 Mirm.ount Ave., both sides from Saratoga Avo. to Hamline Ave. F.O. 116207 Tuscarora Stroet,north side,from Victoria St. to I'Alton St. F.O. 116151 Tuscarora Street, north side, from Chatsworth f:t. to ;'ilton ,treat F.O. 116029 Dayton Avenues south side, from Syndioate Avenue to ^riggs Street F.O. 116030 Carroll Ave., both sides, from Victoria Street to Milton Street F.O. 115039 Como Avenue, both aides, from the southerly side of Atwater Street, thence southeasterly to the northerly side of the Great Northern Railway Pridge F.O. 115835 Fairmount Ave., both sides, fromSamtoip Avenue to Hamline Avenue F.O. 116016 ?6rtland Avenue4p north side, from Oxford Street to Lexington parkway and an the south side of Portland Avezjuv fr= a point 60 feet west of Oxford Streets th9wo wet 320 Netj beginning. 80 ft. farther vest, thenoo vest to Lexington PsAway. xx�.Xxxx-x-xxxx-x mXX'X k312LXx.- The assessment of ccr�s and expenses. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the. Couneil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER., That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 1. 11 . .. .... .. ... day of A :'rill, ..I jzp� at. the hour of 10 o'clock A. Af., in the Council Chamber of the Court .. . ....... ......... ... House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the. Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. M q Ph" L i 1941 Adopted by the Council ..... ... ... .... ................ .......... ............. City Clerk. Approve(] .. ...... . . M., .. . .......... 192 ........ .... Councilman Clancy P,,'BLM-rPD VIR641 MayoszNWAm hit V;1" ZEA . NOTICE CITY OP SAINT PAUL Rie k 4. 9 1 TO COUP' r. > I_rn:;_ )UNCIL FILE NO._.H..__'-184, _( f d. ar:I DTII . PRINTER � � "' n..• n�;grv:gnio .mar -all .15.- --1941-.-- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 105,712.38 81037 91693 OF S__ . , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__-_ __.__.TO. _..______'-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- ._..:.___._.:y•- (!:' CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED .._.... .... _.... ..... ._194—._ _ 0 0 ' I i CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' 1 Y y DUPLICATE TO CITT CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COM PI ROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL SS BARFU FINDLAN PETERSON Ih FAVOR. AUDITED CLAIMS Marsh 15ROSI��...- iRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED :-'4T CHECKS BE DRAW h' ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL MR PRES FALLON .HE A,G REGA-v_' Ay.O',;Vi '� :0 :HE t.0 KS NUMBERED RSI S` {'y7 �JY OI' S.-...-_.__ ,_... ..- COVERING CLUSIVE AS //���� MPTROLLER �� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL I. .. ..-.._-. ...-. PCR CH ECtiS O!: FILE' IN THE Sio3 OFFIC�.`6/; 51093' APPROVED ar���93-._ NUMBER r:•�: ., .� —_o/� 10 ..�.,��J 50 -� TOTAL NC HECK UMBER IN FAVOR OF .. -R AI SFEP .; r+ECKS DATE ;RETURNED V C.I.�dURSE.M ENi BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD n P 257 816 12_„ 81037 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 151 40 81038 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance' 1 998 26 81039 John S. Fin-ilan, C. of Finance 4 981 23 81040 Mr3. @mile LaBissoniere 53 96 81041 Blue & White Cab Company 1 349 95 81042 George N. Burt Company 1 088 62 8104,j Canitol Stationery Mfg. Company 76 24 61 81ON Chain Belt Company 143 81045 Thn Crane Company 14 66 81046 Cutler, Magner Company 523 71 81047 Frank Mudra 52 50 81048 Northern States Power Company 3 490 69 81049 Northern States Power Company 13 449 17 81050 The Waterous Company 463 13 81051 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 800 50 81052 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 81053 Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 250 00 81054 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 394 19 8105.5 Mrs. Louie Fay 28 80 81056 Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 8 11 81057 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 26 653 49 81058 John S, Findlan, C, of Finance 29 68o 86 51059 Oil Beat Service Company 4 25 81660 National Fire Protection Assoc. 4 >0 81061 Ramaley Printing Company 19 95' /81062 Row, Peterson & Company 26 11 8106]j Royal Typewriter Company 438 77 .81064 Rudeen Food Market 4 78 81065 St.Marte Cigar & News Company 1 00 81066 St.Paul Awning & Shade Company 3 25 81067 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 387 32 81068 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 97 96 81069 `?t.Paul Sausage Company 75 00 81070 Benjamin Sanborn and Company 30 35 81071 Sanitary Farm Dairies 359 72 81072 Schoch Grocery Company 27 90 81073 Schulz Food Market 15 5 81074 Schuneman's, Inc. 89 64 81075 Science Research Associates 1 00 81076 Scott, Foresman Company 49 56 81077 Ieully Steel Products Company 90 05 81078 Singer Sewing Machine Company 25 50 81079 Star Photo Company26 on 81080 G.m. Stechert & Company 23 85 81081 A. Steiert & Son 285 60 81082 Superior Refining Company 5 93 8108 Sutro Library Associates 75 81084 Syntron Company 25 00 81085 Treadwell Mat & Mfg. Company 20 40 81086 Twin City Bag Company 7 00 81'A7 U.S. Bedding Company 10 75 81088 University Microfilms 5 05 81089 University of Southern California 1 53 81090 Vander Bies, Inc. 673 40 81091 Van Paper Supply Company 57 08 81092 Victory Printing Company 13750 81093 Villagra Book Shop 2 0 � SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 363 528 50 .. ' I i V. \o. 1•.1:, 1.1—I:y .1 iOt ii S. 1:1„i, I:, ti— ' It-. A. I`u'rnntu-- origin 1 to (:fly Clerk 1 ` trio 11,u,11l t1 i t.."'lll�tl�,ll [:fill. llIt I,,' CITY OF SAINT NII, tni. t'i•liy wr,t,t •il, tial thr ,'Jty t'I,.rkI� D•__ OFFICE OF THE CITY ina nt,-tea• t,i.�; a,ou,t•t,.•� ulun I u..• t.,. yt„•nt ott,n,;. ,-I, ry tn•,tr,t ry ..r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G t", '''•'itt"''•'' r,^•„. !'. 1:11) PRESENTED BY N� V✓' L"Y� 1941 COMMISSIONER_...../ --`--"--- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: ?label Rogalla 960 Payne Ave. Florist „pp, 47452 Renewal Ewald N. Hermes 940 Payne Ave. Florist ” 47454 ” E. !I. Coan 450 N. Cleveland Restaurant " 47459 " u u " 11 On Sale Malt " 47L60 u 11 " it " Off Sale Malt " 47461 " F. W. Topel 191 E. 7th St. Florist 47463 " German house,inc. 4414 Rice St, Dance Hall " 47466 Thelma & Calvin Croskrey 209 Marshall Grocery " 471+13 If Chas. J. Ptacek 376 E. Third St. Barber " 47477 11 Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins Grocery If 47496 " Audrey Holmberg '.'.cGraw 296 E. 5th St. Restaurant " 47497 It James Amadick 481 S. Wabasha Ga.sStation 't 47504 " Thos. D. Constantine 416 St. Peter St. Florist of 47507 It Francis Herber 2134 E. Hoyt Ice Del. " 47510 't M. A. Lillis 499 W. 7th St. Confectionery " 47512 " Super Service Oil Co. 301 W. 7th St. Gas Station " 47514 " Henry J. Welsch x&k 1623 Rice St. Restaurant " 47515 " it If " t' On Sale Id. " 47516 It 0 If It " Off Sale Malt " 47517 " Harry Cohen 365 E. 7th St. Junk Dealer " 47526 " 941 counClLmEn Adopted by the Council 194. _ Leas nays 1 Approved 194 'fifndlan �F'arranto /In Favor Mayor Rosen ,Trunr__ Against t?reslde)T,, Ti;P9Pdu5j' -In' 'J&.c kV 'President (l'ct:erson) 0,191"11, city Cal,' A '•. V. Su. 191:qu-. Isy.�A.���r/' CITY O ii„i °E '' NO. OFFICE OF "'r "r •1''"' C/COUNCIL. �P,,ESOLU ;;,:•:\--- GEIN—RAL FORM i PRESENTED BY T �YA��.�`V•" i/I iT (� DATE COMMISSIONER.... l ^ ..... ...' RESOLVED, that upon due consideration of the application of Cemstone Products Company, a corporation, owner of the premises hereinafter described, for a permit under Article 1, Section 8, Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, authorizing said applicant to excavate and remove sand, gravel and soil upon and from the real estate described as Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 9, Denslowls Rearrangement, located at the southeast corner of Reaney and Germain Streets, in the City of Saint Paul, to the extent that the elevation of said real estate shall be reduced to that of the bordering streets, and upon due consideration of the favorable report and recommendation of the Board of Zoning thereon, it is hereby determined that such permit may be granted consistently with the public interest, subject to compliance by the permittee with all the applicable provisions of said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, particularly by Ordinance No. 8038, and that said application be and the same Is hereby granted, and that such permit be and the same is hereby Issued to said applicant, the same to expire at the and of one year from the effective date of this resolution, and that the same shall be subject to compliance by the permittee with all applicable provisions of said Ordinance No. 5840, as- amended,perti=3,arly n sub-sectios (1), (j), (k) and (1), Section 8, Article 1 thereof, and subject to the filing by said applicant of a surety bond in the penal sum of $5,000, wherein the City of Saint Paul shall be obligee, conditioned to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability and lose to third persons and otherwise occasioned by the operations of said permittee under said permit, and further conditioned for the full and faithful performance of all the terms and requirements of this resolution and all applicable provisions of said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said surety bond, together with the written aooeptance f said permittee of this resolution and all Its terms and condZ6ne shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten days from the effective date hereof, and said surety bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance. 14AR ` 1941 COCNCHANI1.:V Adopwd by the Council . .. 103 Yeas \ace S /findlan / Approved 19:3 /Parrantu l/I/ In Favw- ��• kllfi7Mayor oxen ....--+ Against _ i9 FUt�I.I�,iED 3 _ J 1 T_ eat ,�•c�icr Pr e9idasr lPa crsc,.:. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration ,') Feb. 27, 1941. The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of H. T. Becken, doing business as Cemetone Products Co., for permission to remove sand, gravel, and dirt from Lots lj, 14, and 15, Block 9, Denslowts Rearrangement, being the southeast corner of Heaney and Germain Sts., subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9039, with reference to the operation of gravel nits. .�2 Very truly yours', P i City Clerk. 1 FEB 27 19A1 THE BOARD OF ZONING I by O,,31'-ce No. 6840 Jvly 7:h, 195? '•AINI PAUL, MINNESOTA 77'% COURT HOUSE February 26th, 1941• A Y.I t=UR 1. I�ILINOWSII, „'•e•'Te^. AUGU°7 HUHEN EIEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE ERNARD :. M<::LYNN jGIN WAHMAN ,,4ARLE5 BASSFOdD. C. -y A•c'• +e.l ;EOa>E � HERLROLn .e <r.••e•e.v Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of (H.T.Becken) Camstone Products Company for permission to remove sand, gravel and dirt from Lots 13,14 and 15, Block 9, Denslowts ReArrangement, being the southeast corner of Reemey and Germain Streets, for building purposes. The Board of Zoning acted favorably on this matter giving Mr. Backen a one year permit for the completion of grading operations involved. Under paragraph "1" Section 8 Ordinance No.8038(Grevel Pit) paragraph 4, a to ft. berm between the property line and edge of pit at the street grade shall be left, and in case material is removed from this area it shall be replaced with suitable material, and under Section 5 a fence of suitable type shall be constructed on the property lines for the protection of the public. Upon granting of this permit the necessary $5000 bond approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel shall be filed. Yours very truly, Frederick.Dedolph, Acting Engineer Secretary. D-rh T. W. RECKEN. Vice P—ldcnr N. 'i. REt.K[N. Pn,iJcnr CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY CONCRETE BLOCKS WASHEDSAND& GRAVEL . . Saint Paul, Minnesota 1540 East Minnehaha Street CEMENT—LIME—COAL WOOD PRECAST CONCRETE JOISTS Telephone Tower 3747 January 9, 1941 To the Homorable, The Council. _. City of St, pe.ul , lninn. Gentlemen; (� I We have Three lots on Reaney St at the Corner of l�aV Germain St. , Which are 10 or 12 ft, above street level 5.�. We desire a permit to Remove sand, gravel and dirt on this property to bring to street grade for building purposes. Sincerely yours, CMISTOITF PRODUCTS CO. By. �( Pres. HTB ,.T I , :GEMSTONE n OAyi—I In r:lr,' clrr!t t COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL ligl„E NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNC RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE'—'. ' COMMISSIONER—... ^ WHEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 121752., approved February 27, 1941, authorize the issuance and sale of $265,000 Certificates of Indebtedness and as the.proper city officers have fully caused the said certificates to be advertised for sale and Baid advertisement required bide to be submitted on March 20, 1941, and as bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. and Blair & Co. Inc., was found to be the most advantageous bid, RESOLVED, that the joint -bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. and Blair & Co. Inc. be accepted and said certificates awarded to Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. and Blair & Co. Inc. at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 1.30% and a premium of $233.20. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said certificates. did by ], .:�191a_. ap.t......d Ih•L roar' _ ��if1 lii it �•I.I..d is f.ill.' .1 i•I 1., id. .I 1: I.:,l.� ::I t 1.. .11111 i •.1 - " H. I.i�l. � lily ' f II':I�:,.r, �I.::: rt1 .6 :' In:•.:i:d 1;7'iirl I: �..,,!,�..�I. 11,:1 111 �. i I I. i.l .•f II:i:. i I1:.. niI:'.. d r,�l, •. '::I 111..E 1:.1 :: 1.��1 ..:..< :. 1111: 1:.1 ''11. /t 1'0 1941 �1, r:'I1 :• _. I :n l , 194. C011nCILITIER geas nays (AAA Ili 1941 Approved_ .. ..._194 �FZindlan f In Favor 1 "- .�;,!!;i�) Mayor -Kosen ... Against "Yrna7�— .Wrsidetit,M on0i6b ,m o,Mrci-/4"ad'rr..nidur11 :I`-,,::'.,. . y 1 1 LIST OF BID'MS W BIDS RECBiY" MARCH 20, 1941 ON S 000 CMEiTIFICATBS OF INMU MSB Mm.. ew�x ser.. stuart & Co. Inc 1.30 _ 233.20* Blair & Co. Inc. Phelps, Penn & Co. 1.30 186.00 Wells -Dicker Co- Lazard Brerea & 00. ) ) 1.30 103.35 Allison-Willisms 00. Salomon Bros. & Hntsler 'B. 1.30 39.75 Harold flood & Company First National Bank of saint Paul ) First Nat.Baok & Trust Co.Mple. ) J. M. Dain & CompanY, Minneaplis 'York ) ) 1.40 821.50 Bankers Tst Company, New ru The First bat. Bank of Chicago ; 1.40 5o6.0o The Northern Trust Company mum & Company stranshan, Barrie & Co. Inc. 1.40 500.85 Bond, Judge & Co. Inc. na Blyth & Go. IDC- ) ) 1.50 1,714.55 Stern Brothers & Co. Stern Barrimsn Ripley & Co. Inc. ) Mercdatils-Ccmwarce Bank & 'Trust Co.) 1.50 1,189.85 duras, Moody & Rice ) •9uocessful Bidder. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bonds and Certificates of Indcbledness :are payable in lawful money of tire United Stales of Amc,icir, at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City , St. Rual, Al in uesnta, or the Fiscal Agency of lire City of St. Ynul, ill tire City of Ncw York, Sufic of Ncw York. floods and certificates are exempt from taxation. The City of St. Pawl was incorporated March 4, 1551. POPULATION 1910 Cuvernnmut Census ...................... 237,736 The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds are issued against deferred installments of Local Improvement Assess'menls and are a fiat lien upon the collection from said assessments. The general credit of the city is pledged to pity all deficiencies in case the collections are insufficient to pity the bunds in full. Provisions are made annually through the budget for all debt service charges and a direct tux levied which insures ample appropriations to retire all obligations at maturity. The nater Department has no, tax limitation which would prevent the redemp- tion of bonds at maturity. This department operates under a budgetary control system. The interest and bond redmnptions are fully provided for by its earnings. The value of the Water Works which includes real estate, plant and equipment is conservatively estimated by engineers to be S17,000,OW.00. The amount of the capital t>_sscts as stated in the balance silent is based on an appraisal made in 1912, with improvements at cost added since that date. The City of St. Paul has never defaulted on any of its obligations, and the prin- cipal and interest on its bonds previously issued have always been paid promptly at maturity. ^Val- (. t City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $265,000 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS Not Exceeding 6% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. NI. March 20, 1941 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE SALE Comptroller's Office, 100 Court House, March 1, 10-11. Notice is herebyggiven that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Comptruller in the Court House andCity Hall Building in the City of Saint Paul, Miuuesota, up to 10:00 A. M., Marc 1. 20, 1011, said the. Couuril will at said time nmet to spun and consider bids fur the sale of all or none of the following certificates: $265,000 Pair Value Coupon Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of Saint Paul, \linncsotn, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance withChapter 3 151 Lu44s of Minursota for 1930, Card Council File No. 1'21752, approved Feb ua`nv 27, 1941. Th - certificates ore to be issued under date of March 1, 10.11, 'n I'll inntions of SI,000 such, to bear interest at n rata not exceeding six per cent (tib) Per nuuunl, Payable scnu-annually, and are serial maturing its follows: Det..f c,rfircat. Am.u.t Data .f Maturity Number. Maturity Number. Amount \6,rr1, I, 1942 5:1120-.'31.`,0 5310110 Murch 1, 1946 53248.53.180 $33.01x1 \I„aid, 1, 1:143 531s 1.5318'_' 32.000 M:mh 1, 1947 53281.53314 :11.11110 Maeda 1, 1944 i.!IS3713214 'S•_llell Mar.h 1, 1948 5:1315-53:14:1 3:,,0011 Murch 1, 194.1 53'_15.5:1247 33,000 \larch 1, 1919 5:3:1511.5:1384 35.0100 4965,000 The approving Opinion of 'piemsnn, Wood l, IIo6man, Attorneys, \ow, Fork City, 'N'ew York, and Jaron T. Denery, Attorney, Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be fur- nished with these certificates at time of sale and :dl bids must be unconditional. Fgde.r and by the terms of the Resolution, the. faith and credit of the City of Sniilt Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest at maturity un the above certilicatrs. Bids may be submitted in multiples of 1/10% or 1/47Jo. Certificates must bear one rate of interest. Each bidder must accompany his hid by a certified check or clt;h deposit for two per rout (21,",) if tiro :avium of real ifi.:rtrs bid fair, which b will e forfeited :” liqui- dnt4•d dmnuge< if the certificate: are out taken, :old paid for when ready for delivery. Maku checks p:p•uhle to the City of Sain6 foul. No bids will he considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and :accrued interest, :cod the right is rnsnrved to reject any ur all bids. Certificates will be furuished by the City of Saint foul, but delivery shall be :it purch:ucr" expe'ean. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Comptroller. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $265,000 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS Not Exceeding 6% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. NI. March 20, 1941 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE SALE Comptroller's Office, 100 Court House, March 1, 10-11. Notice is herebyggiven that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Comptruller in the Court House andCity Hall Building in the City of Saint Paul, Miuuesota, up to 10:00 A. M., Marc 1. 20, 1011, said the. Couuril will at said time nmet to spun and consider bids fur the sale of all or none of the following certificates: $265,000 Pair Value Coupon Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of Saint Paul, \linncsotn, to be issued under authority of and in all respects in full compliance withChapter 3 151 Lu44s of Minursota for 1930, Card Council File No. 1'21752, approved Feb ua`nv 27, 1941. Th - certificates ore to be issued under date of March 1, 10.11, 'n I'll inntions of SI,000 such, to bear interest at n rata not exceeding six per cent (tib) Per nuuunl, Payable scnu-annually, and are serial maturing its follows: Det..f c,rfircat. Am.u.t Data .f Maturity Number. Maturity Number. Amount \6,rr1, I, 1942 5:1120-.'31.`,0 5310110 Murch 1, 1946 53248.53.180 $33.01x1 \I„aid, 1, 1:143 531s 1.5318'_' 32.000 M:mh 1, 1947 53281.53314 :11.11110 Maeda 1, 1944 i.!IS3713214 'S•_llell Mar.h 1, 1948 5:1315-53:14:1 3:,,0011 Murch 1, 194.1 53'_15.5:1247 33,000 \larch 1, 1919 5:3:1511.5:1384 35.0100 4965,000 The approving Opinion of 'piemsnn, Wood l, IIo6man, Attorneys, \ow, Fork City, 'N'ew York, and Jaron T. Denery, Attorney, Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be fur- nished with these certificates at time of sale and :dl bids must be unconditional. Fgde.r and by the terms of the Resolution, the. faith and credit of the City of Sniilt Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledged to pay the principal and interest at maturity un the above certilicatrs. Bids may be submitted in multiples of 1/10% or 1/47Jo. Certificates must bear one rate of interest. Each bidder must accompany his hid by a certified check or clt;h deposit for two per rout (21,",) if tiro :avium of real ifi.:rtrs bid fair, which b will e forfeited :” liqui- dnt4•d dmnuge< if the certificate: are out taken, :old paid for when ready for delivery. Maku checks p:p•uhle to the City of Sain6 foul. No bids will he considered which are not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and :accrued interest, :cod the right is rnsnrved to reject any ur all bids. Certificates will be furuished by the City of Saint foul, but delivery shall be :it purch:ucr" expe'ean. HAROLD F. GOODRICH, Comptroller. I',- _ .. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY DEBT STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET .STA'T'EMENT AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE . As at February 28, 1941 GENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS .YBLzee As at September 30, 1940 IifoAl, ESTATE VALUATION (1940) ...........................$314,336,428.00 ASSETS: 0—ent. A,svls: 3_2,(100.00 1'1?RSONAf. PI?OYERTY VALUATION (19-10) ('ash flat: ours ................................ S 729,523.79 n .��.. Class No. `l subject to 25°,°0 (toll ealue......... S16,232,520.00 felt} ('a'h Balance s .......................... 5,075.00 Awk—Rn•oivnhle,--\II<I.1'IInIICIIII.� Itl•—uC.... .. .. .... 1,259,110.4.1 Class No. 3A subject to 10% (If full ":due........ Class No. 9 sublect to 90°90 of full volae......... 12,281,615.00 1 ovenurr).—Materials and Supplies ............. 210;109.30 rsa Budgget ltequi, eats .... .. ................... 61,513.28 3(;8,339.13 79,616,655.00^'¢” 1C ark in I'n:gmss... .. ......................... 1'mpaid h:xpcnsc.... .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. ...... 1,07:3..5!1 src+.ne Total Current Assets .................................. It 2, eCd�d... Ingoneral ts: (;,-nerale-orrd Sinking Fund ......... .......... ...... S 4„866,772.25 (.ural Improcrment Funds ..................... 20.;00(1.0(1 ®o Total invc3tmcnts.......... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 5,071,772.25 - y, Drferrrd :fe=et<: '1'axss Rcrricablc. .. ...... .......... .. .. .. .. S :3,234,72.5.37 sew.,„ llrlinqucnt T'axos lt,civalble................... 2,1 t(), IOU.G:i A,ses,uteots Receivable ........................ .12;115.53 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION Delinquout A—t—nems Becrit'sbl.............. 716,833.78 �a Total Deferred Assets ..................... 4,021,1100.(10 (,;;23,17.1.33 flus Ac—A Vnluatiou duo to Hmneste:ul 113W .sass... .'._. (Chapter 359, Lax•s of 1933).............-16,853,935.00 Fi-d As,et, Land .................. .....................S10,011,300.27 2,775,000.00 192000.170 $234134,51717.00 Wharves and . 1'uilding, and Structures ....................... 31;,(!83,39-1.0,8 3,,311,1105.7.1 $125,635,240.00 1•:SI•:MPT--Special statute—i0% Limitation Equipnnmt................................... 10.10 I'rr,unal Property Taxable Vulustiun......................... 23,280,858.00 ■ Tula! Fixed Assets ...................................... 4,685,000.00 '10,04-1,790.09 +` Other Assets: As,vssnu•ots I2crriyablc-1?x Exctupt........... S 97,855.57 SPECIAL REVENUE 13ONDS: Ubj r. ctiun;—In Litigation ....... ........ ....... 1,418..10 Purpose of I:,uo: Rrrnuu,rut Improvemmnt Itcvolviog Fund Bonds. _ Total Other Assets............................... VAIA'ATION...... ............. ......... . .....$143,911;,008.00 . . , 99,273.97 ' Total Assets .......................................... I'mo Tax Rate—City Parr ................... ............$61.27 $54,434,060.23 .s.�.ms -'- LI:\101.1"1'l i:S: 1940 Tax hate—One Mill 811140(...... ... . ..... ....... 1.01) 2.)'.96 Total Gross Bonded Debt ................................ Current Liahilitie�: Vouchers Payable ............................. $ 106,459.;8 Notes Pa-vnhlc ............................... Payable 61,:513.'28 80,263, 10 DEDCCT-IONS: Contract.; ........ ................... —r -k 1':,n1Ao—A,:quircd 1'raperty............ 1„835.51 19Bog Fund (Cash and Sopriation...... $ 5,972,552.74 071,800,00 Iutrn•:t Cuupous Duc.............. '_,145.1)(3 3,06$.11-19.111 1941 Serial Ruud Retirement Appropriation .... It Sd ial Inter -City Bridge Bund, ............. .. ..... r'w'( o.00 A pprupriat i„n, ............................... Paving Aid—County Aid...................... 20,:342.60 St. Paul -Minneapolis Sanitary District Bonds.... -1,0.,,13001.00' Total Current Liabilities .......................... S 3,341,211.-18 6,000,001.11 Deferred LL bilis P A,rred So— iliti ]'nymenls...... .............. .. $ 18,00-1.72 Dns Wale c- . _Nt iooda L69 t, o ivial Publications......... .................. 481.70 Watur Dept.. Sinking Fund (C:uh and Sccurilios)............ 1,658,23:1.31 : . 'Total Deferred Liabilities ............................ CNCOLLECfED 'EASES 18;576.42 .. F4wd Liahilitie, : Ck•nord 13„ods Outstanding....................$20,006000-00 06,000-00 Puldi.• 11'elfan: Bands autborircd bol. not is,ued................ Lural Lupro—octlt Bund, ..................... TAS LEVY . Year not Amount P ... cut Anluuat Perccut ('ret;fico(r, of IndrLU•dnes uuthuriisd but nut Margin for future Bond 1,11cs............................... ........... Total Fixr•d Liabilities ................................... :lou .—....--” -------- — . 1031-1035 58,.851;!)1117 51,380,f,!15 .1550 85139,9112 .0576 35,106,000.00 . Total Liabilities ....................................... 1!133-10:56 8,015;8-16 SS:i,ail:i .110.5 361,783 .045:5 7,620468 1358,150 302,110 38,4(35,787.90) 1 It li$h; iLV 1•:S AND SI'ItI'LCS: 1!136-1937 .09133 .0515 -� 19:37-19:3.8 8;296,253 1135,291 .0769 3:513,290 .0429 ' S 25,001) Toter -('it}• liddge, Boody due in 1041. .. Ito revs: Goueral Funds ............... $ 2,68:5,493.47 ' 101,000 St. Paul-\lime:gwlis Sanitary DiArlet . - ._ Gcuoral Sinking Fund......... 5,047,466.92 csat®n Total Rcserves ........................... $ 7,732,960.39 The penrntage of the Net General Ronded Debt of the AvessedValuation Surplus: Geurrnl Fund.. $ 831,721.00 is ............................................... 'Prue Capital Accts... 11,00:,,,286.93 $11,837,007.93 Tax Levy' includes read and d n, Cert •. Pana al ro acct ' taxes become Pef p I ) 1 f J The percentage of the Net Guncral Bonded Debt of LhI, Value Les.,: Local Improvcni t Fund Defrcit. 3,601,695.99 i, ......................................................... ::le91�i✓#r. 'local Surplus ........................... 3,23::;,31 1.94 "lined, exempt by special ,(otos., int -luded in Otis euwpuLnLiun. _�vwtr Total Reserves and Surplus ............................ i 15,968,272.3:3 'T �a Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surplus ................. $54,434,060.23 I',- _ .. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY DEBT STATEMENT .STA'T'EMENT AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE . As at February 28, 1941 IifoAl, ESTATE VALUATION (1940) ...........................$314,336,428.00 GENERAL REVENUE' ISONDS: 1'urpo,c of L—c: S 3_2,(100.00 1'1?RSONAf. PI?OYERTY VALUATION (19-10) Airport Bonds ................................ Bunds 9:.2,000.00 n .��.. Class No. `l subject to 25°,°0 (toll ealue......... S16,232,520.00 \uditorium .. .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. ISridge Bond.—............................... 498,000.00 Class No. 3 subject to 33)8% of full v;due....... 51,090,090.00 3,400.00 . Bridge Approach Bonds ....................... 50,(700.00 Class No. 3A subject to 10% (If full ":due........ Class No. 9 sublect to 90°90 of full volae......... 12,281,615.00 C:uurt. Ibmsc and City 111-11 Bonds .............. 1,775,000.011 Fin: Department flood., ....................... 150,000.017 79,616,655.00^'¢” General Obligation (Cub Basin) Bonds.......... 232,500.00 llospi0d Bonds ............................... 133.1100.00 MONEYS AND CREDITS-100%of Full Value .................. 179,925,4-(0.00 � ---•— library Bond............ ti011,131111.00 \luniripal Market Bunds ...................... 180,0111.017 $573,878,523.00 Park Bund., .................................. 93:5,1100.00 - y, Paving 11un1s................................ 390,000.00 Playground Bonds .......... ................. 75.000.110 Public Works Storehouse Bunds ................ 124,000.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION Itiver Terminal Bunds ......................... SafcLy'Building and Fin: Alarm liunds.......... 75,000.00 638,000.00 9,277,000.00 --- 1040 Real E,tata Taxable Valuation................ 5108,731,305.00 School Baud, ................................. Smcer ]loots ................................. 4,021,1100.(10 flus Ac—A Vnluatiou duo to Hmneste:ul 113W .sass... .'._. (Chapter 359, Lax•s of 1933).............-16,853,935.00 {;•,Tram Bond. ............................... Levee ISond...................... 2,775,000.00 192000.170 $234134,51717.00 Wharves and . $125,635,240.00 1•:SI•:MPT--Special statute—i0% Limitation 10.10 I'rr,unal Property Taxable Vulustiun......................... 23,280,858.00 Inter -City Bridge Bonds ... .. .. ............ .. .. St. P:IaI-\I inuoapolk Sanitary District Bonds.... S :528,000.00 4,157,1700.00 4,685,000.00 1941) Muw•ys :old C'rcdits '1'nxabic Valuation ................. ..... 179,925,440.00 r rT r-� 'fatal General Revenue Bonds Outstanding ................ $28,549,500.011 $328,841,538.00 :.�.:.-. SPECIAL REVENUE 13ONDS: �-� --••-_ Purpose of I:,uo: Rrrnuu,rut Improvemmnt Itcvolviog Fund Bonds. $ 13,000.000.00 VAIA'ATION...... ............. ......... . .....$143,911;,008.00 . . , Water Dapartmr,ot Bunds ..................... 6;150,(700,00 I'mo Tax Rate—City Parr ................... ............$61.27 Total Special Revenue Bunds Outstanding ................. 12,450,000.00 1940 Tax hate—One Mill 811140(...... ... . ..... ....... 1.01) 2.)'.96 Total Gross Bonded Debt ................................ $40,999,500.00 Rate--(:uu:L1' Purp,isl:: ...... . . ........... 1910 Tax hale—State Purposes........ . .. . . . 0.135' ...•' $169.98 DEDCCT-IONS: 2i'.✓: ' r::: 19Bog Fund (Cash and Sopriation...... $ 5,972,552.74 071,800,00 'State Rate Applicable to IIomestends..... .....$ 1.21 1941 Serial Ruud Retirement Appropriation .... It Sd ial Inter -City Bridge Bund, ............. .. ..... r'w'( o.00 St. Paul -Minneapolis Sanitary District Bonds.... -1,0.,,13001.00' nuo Re"'lving Fund U( -IL.. 6,000,001.11 TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT Dns Wale c- . _Nt iooda L69 t, Watur Dept.. Sinking Fund (C:uh and Sccurilios)............ 1,658,23:1.31 6;15(1,(100.00 23,053,052.7.1 CNCOLLECfED 'EASES Total Net Booted Dcht....... .. .. .. S17,046,447.26 A, of End of As at T-Ycnr Dmnnber 31, 1940 Puldi.• 11'elfan: Bands autborircd bol. not is,ued................ 275,(1013.00 TAS LEVY . Year not Amount P ... cut Anluuat Perccut ('ret;fico(r, of IndrLU•dnes uuthuriisd but nut Margin for future Bond 1,11cs............................... ........... 265.000.110 14,397,706.5.1 :lou .—....--” -------- — . 1031-1035 58,.851;!)1117 51,380,f,!15 .1550 85139,9112 .0576 Statutory Bonded I)ebt Limit (10% of A.sscssed Valuation)...... $32,884,153.80 1!133-10:56 8,015;8-16 SS:i,ail:i .110.5 361,783 .045:5 7,620468 1358,150 302,110 'Included i; 1941 Serial Ruud Retirement, Appropriation: 1!136-1937 .09133 .0515 -� 19:37-19:3.8 8;296,253 1135,291 .0769 3:513,290 .0429 ' S 25,001) Toter -('it}• liddge, Boody due in 1041. 1938-1930 8,170,477 5713,401 .0705 391,11211 .0476 0$67 ' 101,000 St. Paul-\lime:gwlis Sanitary DiArlet Ifunds duo in 10-11. 19:3:1-1940 s.236,315 714,332 ASW 71.1,332 pp�y..—... 1910-191 l 5,1191,178' The penrntage of the Net General Ronded Debt of the AvessedValuation is ............................................... 'Prue .0688217 ” Tax Levy' includes read and d n, Cert •. Pana al ro acct ' taxes become Pef p I ) 1 f J The percentage of the Net Guncral Bonded Debt of LhI, Value delinquruI M:nrb I,1.--Pir,l Il:df of real pa'aperly inxcs become. drliuqucut June 1st— '•..: ,. ,” res i, ......................................................... .(3:39.1359'" v;r.md ll:df becomes delinquwrt S4yen:ber 1,1.. ® _ �—•�� "lined, exempt by special ,(otos., int -luded in Otis euwpuLnLiun. i A Is 2 t.i. t 1,,i,l ov,r to Adopted i. 3,d. & app. Nay, Yeas Nays Yeas Zu'fuss "'f"' 4indlan dIan -famnlo arrantO Peterson Peterson Atosen /4osen Truax Truax Mr. President Fallon Ir. President Fallon l'. I'.N,1_1947-. a n,..• \... 47 0,4-1 to CIV CI rk I ` " O R , ., �� ordina n�`r :,u tl,orizly lC lto,h 11-1 1.21. ,Ua ,•�• ��nr .n�1, r.,r ' bRPINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY — An ordinance authorizing Roth Hotel Company, a corpor- ation, to construct and maintain a tunnel or trench for housing a steam main, and to construct and maintain said steam main across St. Peter Street at its intersection with'Fifth Street and on Fifth Street from St. Peter Street easterly to a point 60 feet easterly from the east line of St. Peter Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to the Roth Hotel Company, a corpor- ation, to construct and maintain a tunnel or trench for housing a steam main across St. Peter Street at its inter- section with Fifth Street and on Fifth Street from St. Peter Street to a point 60 feet easterly of the east line of St. Peter Street, in the City of Saint Paul, and to construct . and maintain said steam main therein. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for the con- struotion and maintenance of said tunnel or trench and steam main, upon said licensee's compliance with the following express conditions: (1) That said licensee shall construct said tunnel or %rano and said steam main entirely at its own expense,.and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works. (2) The licensee, prior to the In- ception of the work, shall submit plans therefor to the Commissioner of Public Works, and said plans shall,be approved by said Commissioner. (3) The said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in the street, both by day and by night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons and property; shall properly fill and tamp said street to avoid settling, and shall restore said street to its original condition. (4) Said licensee shall prosecute' said work continuously, with diligence, and fully complete the same to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss In Favor Findlan — Parranto Against Rosen Peterson Ttffff Mr. President (McDonough) Approved: Attest: Mayor Cit Clerk i 290 7-90 i ,11,..k 12194'7 O R D I N A N C E PRESENTED BY. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. �0 (2) (5) The said licenses shall give a surety bond to the City of Saint Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul from any and all liability, judgments, suite, costs, charges, damage or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence, or removal of said tunnel or trench and said steam main. The bond shall be in such farm as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (6) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and shall, within ten days from and after the passage thereof, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. (7) Said tunnel and steam main shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect an$be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council .._....�_. 1941_.__.__ 6arfuss Findlan _ In Favor Parranto ----"— Rosen _ Against Peterson -- ` Mr. President (:McDonough) '! a o ed: APR 4 1941 Attest: v - 1ty:. Clerk �— ayor asa r.+aCUt USM6�=,G__ _y� FINAL ADOPTION. C -I"',' -,'!L FILE 1,--Iq%17 U-rillL:Cz NO. 9230 An 'inance z.-,thorizin- Rot's rotFl Co. to c.-,nstruct and ,.airtain a turmt,l -r tromc%:for I �,tra.,t ztn.i :-:,Jmdn said stex:: m,,in icr,:.-ls Sil. Pot-nr St. at its infcnl.,�Ctlnn Fifti, St. Fi-ft- St. St. p(,tor S1. eadtprly -1-lnt --l) ft. ew:tPrl-., fr:-n ea -.t lim,, S'. ter St. , and decjstring thi i: fa. )r-oirrmce. BUREAU O. CONE T. a REPAIR W. 5. COCKRO FT. SUPT. O.eICE ENGINEER G. M. HERROLD CI+IEE ENG R. CLERK MARY. W. WOODRUFF Mr. Harry Oehler Corporation Counsel Dear Mr. Cehler: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIG T, DEPUTY CONrAIG aiorvER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CUIEF ENGINEER 4P BUREAU o1 SA11TAT101 FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BURCAU o. B.,OGE. M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGIry ECR BUREAUof CORRECT ions RAY J. KARTA K. SUPT. March 19, 1941 Several days ago, the City Council informally approved the application of the Hotel St. Paul for permission to construct a tunnel or trench for housing a steam main to serve the Albrecht Building from the hotel. While the Council authorized the construction of a tunnel alone, I think the ordinance should authorize both a tunnel and trench so that whichever one proves most practicAble can be constructed. The proposed structure will be constructed across the intersection of St. Peter Street Rr_d Fifth Street, and on Fifth Street from St. Peter Street easterly to a point sixty feet easterly from the east line of St. Peter Street. Will you kindly prepare the necessary ordinance in accordance with the Council's instructions and the data furnished you herewith? GMS:C Very truly yours, );". S44. OR E M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer MAR 1 `+ 19d1 St. Paul, Minnesota April 7, 1941. To the Honorable, the -Cit;: Co'Ancil Saint Pa::l, Minnesota Gentlemen: � We, the under5,gned, do hereb-� accept and agree tc abide by all the terns and conditions of Council File No. 121947, being Ordinance No. 6230, edopted by the Council on April 4th, 1';41. ROTE HOTEL 00. BY I �/ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 10th day of April A. D. 1941. / _ J Totary Public in and for Scott County, Iowa L(y commission expires July 4, 1942 r. r. s,l. 1. :..,,_..I Oriai-1 a cur cbh n,.,,,1l ea, Ilv III,.I. III, Wc, I�,1' CITY C,I:i.I I,:II ,•f ��I, ' ._ 'COUNCIL .FILE NO. r•' • �• �: OFFICE C>Lllc, xall: I iiKl ' CpUNCIL RESOLfJi.l II iENERAL FORM'' I r nl•,.; ne. PRESENTED BY ER DATE______._.— .__.. COMMISSIONER_. "" "' ""'-"" RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in re application for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate, Ramsey C ounty Auditor's No. 57534, pertaining to the real estate situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Block 16, Robert & Randall's Addition to St. Paul, except the-materly 91 feet of Lot 5 thereof, that the recommendation by the Board of Abatement or County Board in the matter of said application that the assessed value of said premises for taxation purposes be reduced $26,960.00 being 3.627 per cent of the assessed value thereof for the year 1939 and for the reduction oft axes for said year by the sum of 2,674.45, making the taxes against said premises for said year 71,062.90, is hereby in all things approved, and that action by the Commissioner of Taxation of the btate of Minnesota reducing said assessed value and said taxes for the year 1939 against said premises in accordance with said recommendation be and the same hereby is approved. Y/ COUTICILMEIl Adopted by the Council_.. tea geas nays (({{@@ IYl`�l} ,�i V f9Y7 i Approved _......... ....194 to In Favor � `/i/�'���••rt.:,' _ �1 &!Igg Mayor osen EWBL�>D 3- Against fi�Pgsident, McDonon.qh ,lm-9KCV4rA.Prt 1d"1E IPatu*OAI) ,. No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IN,. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,vi= Reconstruct, re1MY and repair the sidewalk on the northerly aide of ..................................... ............................ ..................... thence westerly 70 ft. and include a 10 Pt. driveway. Smith Ave. from Kellogg Blvd., 20th March Dated thi.....?9. .....day of ............. A........... ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruot, .relay. and repair, the sidewalk on the northerly aide of ......... from gel o Blvd thence weaterl it and..include..a. l0.ft...driveway. Smith, HgPr..............1.88........ r.r ...................... Y.. 7P.....! ... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the tOCal cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. j. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. M en- p 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilmatr --- ANDLAN PARRANTO PETMON— R��OOSE^NN M1ZwT+RESIDENT. – lials IICi1gh Mr. Vice P!- i,1 ­1 1 tPc.er.: •a, nt 12,38 .. Approved ....................2 Q.......1..941 ...... ............ .. `. - �1�/�� or.. 121950 1L19i11— Ahxtrnet l\',hrrt•:tx, n :'t•'n I,ruDnxnt for the N .... .... .. ... ... raking n( Iln Prrrr'e nren t. PROPOSAL FOR I \.!ik";;!"'r'EM�N'1 A.!r.n,• 1 1'nrk and wa' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, rix.: ............R9cPA4tT!�Ct�..T.Q1.99..4Ad..T.eP.�1x. tkia.O7�l]F..PA. the.A9F.th. s1A9.:9x. gheTbine...... Avenue from a.polnt.150.Yt.•.east.oY..Park.Street•t.thenoe .east.100,ft..and,including corner extensions on the northwest corner of ca itol Blvd. and Sherburn ve. ....................................................................... P............... .............................. Dated this ....... .Pt ..da of .................................... . 20th y March . ....<.. ... ............................ .......................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: e o,st t regia and re air the calk on. the north side of Sherburne ......... R..P. P... rue . ,..... . Y........... P .............. . eet t once east 100 ft and. including Avenue .from . a . Po int..150.. P.t... aast..o% .P.ar1f..Str....., ... h ........................ ..... . corer extensions on the. northwest. corner, of CaRitol Blvd. and Sherburne Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. j. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 2 0941 Adopted by the Council .................. ........ �................... YEAS NAYS MAR 2 p 1941 Councilm— Approved ................................................... FINDLAN / PARRANTO ROSEN ........ .............••.•• '... ........ ... Mayor. Mr. Vice President tPner'.orn' M 12-38[cif �•i.,: �,: 3_x2—tip I'. I'. 5.. i-1931_ riz.: �•I'� ' PROPOSAL FOR .:::: ��a1ENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo,ving public improvers ens by the City of Saint Paul, wi=.: ............................... Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Sherburne .............................................. ................. St., thence east to a point 90.0 t. Avenue from .. point 46.0 it. eget of Fry............................................................... ..................... West of Snelling Avenue............................................................................. . ............... ........... ................. ................................. Dated this...20th......day of ................... M.FR........... . ................................................... (.:ounce man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A ,written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Via: ................. and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Sher urns ..... Reconst,ruct�. relay........... .................. .. ............ Avenue..Y.row..a. po•SAt..44..9..xt...eHst, of.-Try,St..,. thence east to a point 90.x. it....... Reat.. px..SuaZ.�iatg .Avenue........................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, c\tent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .Adopted by the Council .................... Pp. ?-Yi . l� 1 ............. YEAS NAYS Councilman FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN M9T66�f.'�'ucY��ot�gh Mr. Vice President lPaterxon' iv; 4f{ �) U 1941 Approved................................................... .1?!� Mayor. i+ '_J C. F. \t• 1.1!1 "r_— 121952 .\Ir.t rnr�t ll'1, t•r,•�x, :, x'rittvn Irrrrnrrxnl for the r mxl<Inl: of thr• fullu •,"'• .. �••. .,.m r.n 1. Rr•r•nn.utrnr�l, 'r.l� PROPOSAL FOR the e,�t and t,r•. PRELIMINARY vRDER. The undersigned lie reby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, ....�eoonetruat,, rels9,.and..repair.the.walk. on. the. north.aide..oY.Smith.Ave... from Chestnut St. to Walnut St. and on the east side of Walnut St. from Smith ...................................... Ave. ,..thence, north..�O.Yt.............................................................................. ................................ �. Dated [Ilis..90.th...... day of .......... March ..................... . C:ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A lvritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: xegonst�y ct, . rQ� n9.. oma . FBT �'� r. the. walk. on, the. north. —side. oY. Sgth. from Chestnut St., to. 7lalnut. St.., and on the east aide of Walnut St...Yrom. Smith..... Ave., thence north 50, pt.................................................................................... haling been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR 2 0 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilmart—& tPVTT--t FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSE--PlttRSQIQ'�� bAr. Vicz Presidenc (Ptrtcrsou' Approved......... MAR .C.0. 194) ....................... L %f!y!�.l..t... ............. Mayor. "7'L1SbTD J � - - U 1 121953 95, PROPOSAL FOR IMPR Nherex s, a•rittrn nrnw,xal rnr u,e makln Ft n[ lh, Ixllon'InR I,n Procem en[, �'I�.: rrlx` n,l rrnxir 1h'•� and � I1rr PRELIMINARY OI The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vi:.: Reconstruct tela end re it It e walk on the east..aid....e..o. f Smith Ave. .. from Sixth St. to NinthSt..and.reset......curb.where necessary. ......... ............................ .......... ..................... ... ......... 20th y March Datedthis............ da of ................................... .... ...... Councilman....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi:.: ...........Renonstruct,..ral�q..end..repslr. the,.wajk, op„the..eaet. side..of. Smith Ave. iTOU1 _S� nth. St...to. N1Rt. st.e. and, reset, curb, where.,necessary....................... .................................................................................... hating been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 10A 2C- 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman tArF7ST— Approved FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSE•PfT "Mr-- Mr. VL:r P—id,-o, P•' n Aonm :5 UDR. 0..1941 t —Tjk��ex, .......................... --- �JigfMayor. _w NOTICE 1, i li,.Ni,,lli,lii �,i ,aiei•k.r tm a�n�Y�� IRI UNCIL FILE NO. TO COUI l lu�i�„rl sia �=o4.a v,, ui� RsuT��Ri,• Im L,•rr:d .�'�oJ .:'I ItK I'hv�•k.� PRINTER i���l ,•�i,•,'k„ :I alu`�� i�ltin ` ��iit«���r'li,:• March 19 1 .��t::t, t..a ICY a„• nlllllcti �iaT..o. teat. ............ _._._.. :�nrv�Y�•�i RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN,— _... ..._..__., . _ HE AGGREGATE AMOt1NT 126,709-39 81o94 81144 OF S— COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED —TO._ - INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..._...._... ......... .._...... ._.. .._194__ iIi ,� ,'—...,:..... li i Iji, :� X95 CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED.-____....... .... .._. ._._194.....__ - 11 ft SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 7 Soo oo „ 482 737 84 R CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER . .. ___-_..-_......_ ._. COUNCIL FILE NUMBER... ... .._�_- ROLL CALL 7 BARFUSS FINDLPARKA N PETERSON � PETERSON FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS - v� 196 A♦��h� 19--_-- ROSEN I_ AGAINST!RESOLVED:' THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY - TRUAX i MR PRE_ M:DONOUGH -- II t TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-1^C _ COVERING 1� -- CHECKS NUMBERED.p,I�y TO-....p//{�1+,y I.-" SIV E. AS -_ - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED. .. PER CHECKS ON F,CLE TNQ.1'Yq�K�}y X194! HUMBER ` ' NUMBER OFF16E OF' TAY 1 Y COMPTROLLER. ,r TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IFAVOR OF jy TRANSFER CHECKS R ETU RNED BYBANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD .:.. .. -.. °.363 525.50 _...... ....----- _.. _ .... _ . .. ® 81094 .. ... Basil J. Berry 73 3 59 528 94: 81095 County welfare Board : 45 00 81o96 John S. Findlan, C. of Finano6 6 00° 81097 John S. Findlan, C, of Financd Financ4 2 407 44' 81098 John S. Findlan, C. of 1 415 36 81099 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 676 63, 81100 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 81101 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 791 10 81102 Bacon & Bempe, Agents 150 00 53 42 81103 Brown and Day, Inc. 81104 Tivgfen Paint Supply Company 83 31: 81105 J.J.Fitzgerald, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 53 70 81106 General Eleotric supply Corpovation 69 22- 81107 Herzog Iron works, Inc. 162 00 162 CO. 81108 Herzog Iron '?orks 81109 John Leslie Paper company 135 5= 81110 Pink Supply Company 3 8Z. 81111 Price Electric Company 29 01- 81112 Prominent Specialty Company 9 90• 81113 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 8 95. 81114 St.Paul Bgilders Material Company 161 50: 81115 Clyde L. Scott 30 00 81116 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 288 55 81117 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. CompanT 91 96 81118 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. CompanT 50 87 81119 Villaume Box & Lumber Company: 178 70 81120 Vocational School Petty Cash Rind 61 24 81121 Amherst H. 'gilder Charity 100 00' 81122 William Gund 40 00 81123 John S. Jones 600 00 8112(} John S, FinIlan, C. of Finance 9 721 59: 81125 John Lennon 40 00 81126 John S. Fin -Ilan, C. of Finance 3 00- 91127 County welfare Board 14 053 09- 81128 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 967 94 81129 Jnhn S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 50- 33 42 81130 Carl Maronde 81131 John S. Findlan. +yeas. P.P.Fund 11 000 00 81132 St.Pa.ul Teachers' R.F.Assoe. 12 000 00 81133 John S. Finnan, C. of Finance 7 500 00 81134 Elsa M. Obst, Treas. R.Co. 416 66 81135 Christian Service Auxiliary 36 87 81136. Employers Mutual Liability Ins.Co. 50 00 81137 Universal Credit Company 11 69 81138 Crescent Creamery Company' 73P 91 81139 Louis A. Gilbert 4 00 72 14 8114o Thi Grknnell Comnnny,.Inc. ',t.Paul 86 86 81141 white Lead & 011 Company 81142 C.F.Seulley Equipment Company 165 00 81143 Victory Printing Company 277 50 81144 Vocational School Petty Cash Rind 59 63 ft SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 7 Soo oo „ 482 737 84 R 7 , ' i I i 3n, 1. Laid leas sacs leas a S Barfuss B,rfu s FifidI.ITI Piudlan Pa r ra n t o 'Parranto Peterson -1'eterson Truax Truax /Nlr, President Fallon /Mr. President Fallon COUNCIL FILE NO ---- PRESENTED PRESENTED By�\--� Q L�i ORDINANCE NO.—_G An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled: "An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating,or affecting the construction, altera- tion, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of Saint Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances Inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved May 22, 1940, by inserting therein additional provi- sions regulating concrete masonry and finish cement work, and other provisions for the issuance of licenses and permits as a condition to the lawful performance of such work. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PALL, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Article IX of Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same hereby is amended by striking therefrom the words "Quality and Strength of Materials" immediately following the words and figures Article IX" and inserting therein in place and in stead of said words so stricken, the following: "Concrete Masonry and Finish Cement work Quality and Strength of Materials". Section 2. That Article IX of said ordinance be and the same hereby is further amended by inserting therein immediately following the first sub -heading, the following sections: "Inspections. "Sec. 9-1 (a) The licensed contractor, in each instance, shall, upon the completion of the excavation, footings and walls involved by all concrete masonry and finish cement viork, immedi- ately notify the Commisloner of Public Buildings of such comple- tion, and thereupon said cormnissioner shall, as soon as possible, inspect the same, and no backfilling shall be done, in any such case, until such notice shall have been given, such inspection shall have been made, and said commissioner shall have approved the completed work. Yeas Councilmen Naps Passed by the Council _....... _ .. ._....______ Bar(uss Findlan ___-__, -__-_.—.In / Parranto Favor Rosen _Against Peterson -..------.-.------ \Ir. President {McDonough) Attest: 211955 t_� �3/ Permits Sec. 9-2 (a) N iteration, addition or construction (/ of concrete masonry an�finish cement work in connection with a residence, public or private garage, filling station, apart- ment building not in excess of eight apartments, or a one- story commercial building with a floor area not in excess of 3000 square feet, where the cost of such alteration, addition or construction shall exceed $50.00, shall in any case be com- menced or performed except after the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall have issued a permit therefor, pursuant to the provisions hereof, to a duly licensed concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor. (b) That no such permit shall be issued in any case except after a written application therefor by a duly licensed concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor, which application shall be filed with the said Commissioner of Public Buildings, and shall be in such form as he shall prescribe. (c) That each such application for a permit shall be accompanied by a plan of the proposed work and an estimate of the actual cost thereof. (d) That except in cases where a building permit has been duly issued to a general contractor for the construction of a new building, embracing such work, the licensed contractor in each such case shall, as one of the conditions to the issuance of such permit, pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a permit fee of $1.00. (e) That each permit issued hereunder shall expire Non the elapse of three months next after' the issuance thereof, unless the work authorized thereby shall have been actually commenced within said three months period and shall have been, after its commencement, expeditiously prosecuted. License Sec. 9-3 (a) That the term "concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor", as herein used, shall be construed to mean a person, firm or corporation actually engaged in the business of soliciting, accepting or performing concrete masonry an "'finish cement work for another or others within the c orporate limits of the City of Saint Paul. (b) No person, firm or corporation shall engage in business or hold himself out as engaged in business as a concrete masonry -and finish cement work contractor, within the confines of said City, without first having duly obtained a license so to do, pursuant to the provisions hereof, from said Commissioner of Public Buildings. Method of Obtaining License. Sec. 9-4 (a) Any person, firm or corporation, duly authorized or licensed to conduct its business in the State of Minnesota, may, in writing, in such form as said Commissionfr of Public Buildings shall prescribe, apply to said Commissioner of Public Buildings for a concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor's license, whereupon said application shall be referred by said Commissioner of Public Buildings to the Board of Examiners hereby created. That upon such reference, in each -2- case, sald.Board d Examiners shall examine into said application and the competency of the applicant, and shall its er of findings and determination thereupon to said Public Buildings, recommending the issuance or denial of the license sought by the application. In each such case, where such Board of Examiners shall recommend that the license applied for shall issue, it shall be the duty of said Com- missioner of Public Buildings to issue the same to the appli- cant, subject to the provisions hereof in r ela tion to the payment ofT-71 therwise. Board of Examiners. Sec. 9-5 (a) There is hereby created a Board of Examiners, consisting of three members, two of whom shall be concrete masonry and finish cement contractors, and the third member thereof shall be the City Architect of the City of Saint Paul who shall act as chairman of said Board. (b) The concrete masonry and finish cement work contractor members of said Board shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Buildings and shall be approved by the City Council. Said appointive members shall hold office until the first day of May of each year following their appointment. (c) The contractor members of said Board of Examiners shall each receive the sum of $10.00 as compensation for their services for each days attendance upon meetings of said Board called by its chairman. Meetings of Board of Examiners. Sec. 9-6 (a) The Board of Examiners shall meet upon call or notice from the chairman, vho shall be empowered to call a meeting of said Board whenever in his opinion there is a sufficient number of applicants for examination. Examinations by Board. Sec. 9-7 (a) The applicant for license, in each instance, exclusive of corporation applicants, shall present himself for examination by said Board of Examiners at such time and place as the chairman thereof shall designate and shall thereupon be subjected by said Board to such examination for the purpose of determining his eligibility and competency in relation to his application for such license assaid Board may in its discretion impose. No corporation shall be granted any license hereunder save such corporations as shall have and retain in their officership personnel a person eligible and possessed of the requisite competency to receive a license hereunder, and in the event of an application by such a corpor- ation, such officer thereof as.it shall appoint for the purpose, shall comply with all conditions hereof applicable to persons, firms and partnerships pertaining to examinations as conditions to the issuance of licenses hereunder. The license issued to a corporation in any such case shall be dependent for its con- tinued effect upon the retention by the corporation as one of its officers of the individual examined in the matter of the application of the btonfor such license. ceXasionhall inachcasepayaleby theaPplicantforlinse be e5.00. -3- (b) The said Board of Examiners shall examine applicants for such licenses as to their practical knowledge of concrete masonry and finish cement work, and shall seasonably thereafter certify its findings based upon such examination respecting the eligibility and competency of the applicant in each case, for the issuance of the license aaught by his application, together with the recommendations of said Board for the issuance or denial of such license; such certifi- cation and recommendations in each case shall be made to and filed with said Commissioner of Public Buildings. Re-examination Sec. 9-8 (a) Any applicant who shall fail to pass the examination imposed by said Board of Examiners may file a new application for a license and shall thereupon become entitled to a second examination of said Board of Examiners. However, should any such applicant fail to pass said second examination he shall not be eligible to take a third examination -until the elapse of a period of one year next succeeding the date of the second examination. Any such applicant upon the expiration of said year, may again -make application for license and shall then be entitled to take a third examination to be conducted by said Board of Examiners at next date set by said Board for the conduct of examinations for licenses to be issued hereunder. Bond RegtLi:rement. Sec. 9-9 (a) No license hereunder shall be issued in any case until the applicant therefor shall furnish a surety bond to the City of Saint Paul in the penal sum of $5000, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned to indemnify said Ci,xy against all liability and loss occasioned by any default or neglect on the part of the applicant as licensee hereunder, per- taining to any such work performed by,for or under the super- vision of said applicant licensee. Qualifications and Fees for License. Sec. 9-10 (a) Every applicant for license hereunder vh o is a citizen of the United States of America, who has been engaged in concrete masonry and finish cement work in the City of Saint Paul for a pail od of not less than six months next preceding the effective date of this ordinance, shall, upon certification by said Board of Examiners to the effect that he is competent to engage as contractor in such work, shall be entitled upon his application and such certification, to a license hereunder, provided, however, that his application shall be accompanied by the payment of an examination fee in the sum of 45.00, and that no license .shall be issued to him until he shall have paid into the treasury of the City of ''aint Paul the annual license fee of $25.00. _s Renewal of License - Penalties. Sec. 9-11 (a) Each.license issued hereunder shall expire at the end of the calendar year during which the same was issued, subject to renewal from year to year thereafter, conditional upon the payment by the licensee in each case of an annual license fee of $25.00. In the event of failure on the part of any licensee to so renew a license issued hereunder, the same may nevertheless be re -instated on or before February first next succeeding, upon the payment by the licensee of the annual license fee of $25.00, plus a penalty of 510.00, and on or before -4- March first next succeeding, upon the payment by the licensee of the annual license fee of $25.00, plus a penalty of $15.00, provided that no license which shall have expired by reason of default of the licensee in the matter of the provisions for its renewal herein contained, shall be subject to re -instatement upon any dates subsequent to March first next succeeding such default. (b) Every licensee hereunder who has defaulted in the matter of compliance with the provisions hereof relating to the renewal of licenses and who shall, without having effected a renewal of his license pursuant to the terms of this ordinance, or without having obtained a new license, engage in business as a concrete masonry and finish cement contractor within the cor- porate limits of the city of Saint Paul, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to the penalties of law in such cases made and provided. Every person who shall, subse- quent to thtfty days next after the effective date of this ordi- nance, engage in the business of concrete masonry and finish cement contractor within the corporate limits of said City, without a license therefor in force and effect, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penaltie,dof law in such cases made and provided. Records Sec. 9-12 (a) Each licensee hereunder shall file with said Commissioner of Public Buildings a verified statement, in writing, setting forth the location of his place of business and the name under which his business shall be conducted, and shall seasonably notify said Commissioner by filing with him a similar statement in writing, setting forth any change respecting such location or name, and it shall be the duty of said Commissioner to compile and maintain readily accessible to members of the public, an indexed record of all such information concerning all licensed concrete masonry and finish cement contractors, such records to be available for public inspection in the office of said Commissioner. Non -transferability of License. Sec. 9-13 (a) No concrete masonry and finish cement contractor license issued hereunder shall be transferable. No partnership shall be authorized to engage in such business as contractor unless each member thereof shall hold a license issued pursuant to the provisions hereof. Revocation of License. 0 Sec. 9-14 (a) The Commissioner of Public Buildings shall be empowered to revoke any license issued hereunder upon hearing at such time and place as he shall appoint, after ten days notice to the licensee, upon his determination based upon the evidence submitted and recorded, that the licensee has been guilty of a wilful violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, whether relating to concrete masonry and finish cemertt work or otherwise, and in the event of such revocation, the license revoked shall not be re -instated within the period of six months next succeeding its revocation. -5- j A. (b) 'Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by any decision of said Commissioner of Public Buildings, upon any application for a license hereunder, or by any action taken by such Commissioner in the matter of the revocation of any such license, or by any action taken by said Com- missioner upon any application for the renewal or reinstate- ment of any such license, shall have the right to appeal from the decision of said Commissioner in each such case, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, providing he shall serve a written notice of appeal upon said Commissioner, and fiL�e a copy thereof od th the City Clerk within the period of ten days next succeeding the decision in question. In the event of any such appeal, the record$of said Commissioner and said Board of Examiners pertinent to the subject thereof, shall be certified to and filed with the City Clerk, and the same shall be reviewed upon said appeal by said kouncil and its decision thereon shall be entered and recorded, affirming, reversing or emending the decision appealed from. Section 3. That said Article IX of said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by changing the numbers of Sections 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-10, 9-11, 9-12, 9-13, 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, 9-18, 9-19, 9-20, 9-21, 9-22, 9-28, and 9-24, so as to b e respectively Sections 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, 9-18, 9-19, 9-20, 9-21, 9-22, 9-23, 9-24, 9-25, 9-26, 9-27, 9-28, 9-29, 9-30, 9-31, 9-32, 9-33, 9-34, 9-35,9-36, 9-37 and 9-38. Section 4. That Article XI of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended bT, adding to and at the end of Section 11-7 thereof, the following st"ntence: "Basement floors may also be finished without the one-half inch finish facing if monolithic flooring is desired." Section 5. That Article XI of said ordinance be and the dame is hereby further a mended by adding to and at the end cf Section 11-8 (e) thereof, the -following sentence: "All oytside concrete block walls either 8" or ]2" in thickness shall be provided wd th two 1/4" rods every 21 in height, laid horizontal." Section 6. That Article XI of said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to and at the end of Section 11-8 (f) thereof, the following sentence: "Footings that are 24" wide and 8" thick shall be provided with three 1/2" re- inforcing rods= footings of larger size to have additional rods as approved by the Commissioner of Public Buildings." -6- a 0r10?o.l to City CI.r4 ORDINANCE 121955 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE NO. 3 Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson . Tsyn- Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: ity Clerk 250 r-40 –7 - Passed by the Council APR—.11-19-4 6 ---In Favor Against l\ APR 1941 Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS, A. BASSFORD Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Cornmbdoner February 10, 1941 Mr. nrry ^ehlor Coruoration Cotin —1 3l : City =:all St. ?ar:, ..`.n"_:;ota De!. r Sir; - .nth.. tt. soa or.,:..unc„ for licensing n,; }- � �};, t}'; },rod, ; � �.,,.. ., concrete masonry :.tnA finish ca n-nt work contractors, thich ill _evise .1'r:'..^.le :k of tim St. Faul building code as fol- 1OW3 Amend :article !A by in,ertin:; ahead of the present title the woods 'r Concrete Easonry And Finish Cement Work And, and con- tinuinS rith the neer sections: Inspections Sec. 9-1. (a) All licensed concrAV masonry ,anti finish coment work cot', actor3 ....all notify th&Corr issioner of ?ublic 2uildings far inspvct ons on cotroAtion of e: ca•:a- tion, footin;s, and walls. to backfilling.' shall be done. un- til all work has been inspected an. npprov^d. Permits Sec. 9-2. (a) Perx.its shall be required for all alt^ra- tions, ad:itions, anO construction or concrete mssonry and finish cement work where the cost exceeds :,50.00 in connec- tion with residences, •>>tL'•lic rnd private ;;ara,s, fillin3 stations, apartment buildings not to exceed ei§ht a:art- vents, and one story storw buildings with a floor area not to exceed :;,000 square feet. (b) Application for : ermit Must state the actual or timat id cost of t},e = )rovement. (c) No work on the repair, altgrat.ion, or construction of any conar,te masonry and finish cem :nt work shall be com- m9nced unlesa a nrrit b, first obtained from the Commis- si ^.e" .1 ?u.lic i'u'.ldil (d) A fee on ,;1,00 shall be charred Car each 'permQ goneral contractor is iss�A 9 P IT t for a new buildin;, the licensed rasonry and finish ce:''=nt work controMr shall not be charted a hermit fee• (f) If the v:ork is not commenced under any perrhc ' with- in three, months after issue of said p ., erm_t anif wrk is not thereaft o_ sat`.sf _ etorily aresecutod, such .:"t will to cons `_derid as having er.OM& License sec. 9-3. (a) No •:a_•son, firm, or corporation shall en.'a;e in or cork at the b :siness of concrote nasonry and finish cemAnt work without first receivins a license from the commis:;ione.r of Public Tuildings as heroin provided for. L_cense, How Obtained / ` )-4• (a) .\ny person, firm, or aorporat9on des"_r- to en;*a; in or ror:c at the business of concrete reason- � - e ' t t St- i'aul shall _y and finish car:Int �::or,c n he city of r. i'.u.'_ld:.n:.;s_:'. . make application to the Oorm"issinner of 'V,Wli. and shall, at aiirh time an:'. place as M 1hairman of tl;e C�<, it :foard o'' Examiners ray desi:;nate, be res:;ired at sns to c hir^self to srch examination as to his alificati.ons to wore at or on,a;e in tho"siness of cOnc-,ta „'a:>p::ry and ' finish cement workas the may deer.: advisable. (t:) '.'non said—Board ben.•; satisf„ac.l of .. the conpetency y of thq applicant for a license, the Tom'nissi,ner of Public nuildi r ;s shill th ._ an )on .... ve a license to nach up jli- cant authori :in:; h0m to en * ge in the work or MO -ss., of concrete masonry :enc, finish cement work. Boa, of Examiners S,;c, ,l_5, (a) inhere shall be a loard of :>: :;mir:ers cons' stin ; of throg r+nnl qr3, two of which shill by C01— crats na<. hry an! finish c :r:ent work contractors ane. the ,.._.r:•:an Of B.`c'. "pard shah be tiie city Architect. (b) The concrete Masonry and finish cemant work con- tractor nenbern of snid Hoard shall be upao'nte:l '.:y the n pul,lic "'�u`.ldings and shall be app-oved by �0=71::i .. .5q .�rrgr .^ . the city Co"neil. Said awoo r'tiv ,..embus sh•.11 hold or - flee "ntil `h— Yrst : ny or ivy of each yyar followknd `.heir :eppo'nMent. .t (c) The compensation for serving on this :.card of ix- amincrs shall be 110.00 per day, the said com sensation to be Wait.'. only to the a _x ;.rtiva r.:errbers. Board of Examiners to 1:.eet - '.,hen Sec. 9-6. (a) The Boa -d of Examiners shall neat Upon call or notice from the ,chairman, who shall be empo'agred to call a re ting of sal.; '.oara whenever in his opinion there is a soffic` ent nwA—r of applicants for tion. Method of =xmil ni.nt, Ser,. 9-7. (a) The said Doa_d of Examiners shall exan:- _ne applicants to their practical knowledge of concrete 4sonry and finish convent work, and if satisfied of the competency of such applicants shall the-eupon author`ze the 0o':m:iissioner of Public Buildln4s to 'issue a license to such a0plicant authoeizing him be engarr,s in or work at the busi- neza of concrete masonry and finish cerent work in the City of St. Paul :or the nnoxpirQ period of theJan , year, af- ter the .payment by such a_::plAant of the fee herein provid- ed for. Failure to Pass Examination .. 3-?. (a) Should the apolicant fail to pa,s the exasr.'_-ation given by said hoard, he shall be entitled to file a new ap;llcation and take a second exacAnution; but should he again fail to ;pass, he will not be eligible for another examination for a period of one year f :vr.: the date of the last examination, but at the expiration of one year he Eny again file an application and take the examination at the first reqular resting of the Board thereafter. Bond See. 9-9. (a) 7very concrete masonry and finish cement :cork contra>ctor, before he shall be allowed to an ;a3e ill the business of concrete ruuonry and finish cement work, shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the.sur. of 5,000 with two ;ood ;u ri s,rf;'icient sureties, or of some s!n'ety company, approved by the Commissioner of Finance, conditioned that he or they will inder:nify or s ava horn- less the City of 3t. _uul from all lose or da. ajn by rea- son of acrid -nts caused by ne:;ligence in the execution or direction of work and for WNW"! and inadelgate work done by or undev the direction of said a:plicant. :ii a li f'. ca t_'ons anu t•".e3 .for i.canses Sec. 9-10. (a) Tvery 71erscn, who ;s a citizen of ;he ?:nIted States of Ar::rica, who has done wort: in i;he City of St. Paul for a period o;not les3 than six months are- vi.ous to ti:e time of making • ::,lication, wh4,ch an:!lica- ti..zn rust be ac:u:laniea by tho examination e:.pense fee -f .00, shall be ,..,itler. to a concrete masonry and finish cer.:ent work contracior's license after havin:; been certified as conpetant by said Hoar.: of Hxan'ner ,u:. -on haw:; .:aic': i -lie annual license fee of ,•'' .OU. i entilties for Failure of P.anewal of Lic^nse Sec. 9-11. (a) Every concrete masonry and finish ce- ment worn contractor holding; a 1 -cense shall renevr his li- cense for the year immediately foll twin.,; that covered by said,9license on nayinent of the annual fe> of ;;`?5.00. '_-Ivory CerAn hol3in.� a concrete masonry an'9 finish cei::.nt work contractor, ^ `cense anti .o hay not obta•ned h': s lic=,:ise fo. yyear followir t!- :t c:,vered by the license :lr. ady .i hell:• h1n, be. oro the _ . rst d:a of January Of th'i ensiling ye -r shall be considered i:avir.; alloi,;ed htr li.nen:e to lre A reinstatement of this license can be �:.adR u•': to the _first day of _'ebruary on payment of the r,,Fg alar fec of , ).00 Mus a penalty of .,1:).00; fror: t]_o f i rs t day of "ebruary anI ;;rior to the first "ay of ".arch, r^instatement of tll• licanss can be :ado uorn :,a'etent th^. _.a;;ul:ar f•>e of .. .00 ^lus a •)•malty of ;..1-..00. Siibs•> .cent to the f:`: si, .lay of . a . re1, no o' tl'... 1_G9nse cal: be . .th.o',t tteIng a no,.; ex,.... nclt._o-1 a:. .. .. �, u.. ::ayi^;t':te re;:ila'r examl.nation fisc arc: r:>..,'.val _. (:c) .-.very .erson allowin;; h'_.s licens•'i to ex_..r.e in SRch a ,.rater stn-; .:::o .s st'll bt,s es.. on th '.rat d:,y Januc'y of th. that covered :y h.is o'-:1 1_'cen., , s,:::ll b-:. 3•.i:; iect to t`:e inalti.es , rovided by this code. ?;ecoid :;ar,•, xno' :'lace of '."1131ngss Sec. 9-10. (a) The -o'•'m ...ion .r of Public zll a _eco ^ i •,ro a ` rly indu e in , h'.ch he ..:all record the names and ad(:resse3 of all _sari; n1:111fied to act as concrete r:a::onry .nci ..'irilsh cement r:nr:c cont'r:i -tors t- of 2 !n On - t, Paul, vn ov"ri 1 erson nuullf'ed tO a .0 in of ,,,,ytc rasojYj und "Wof. lork Chall record his Placc Of "Aness, is tmnsact7l, W Nall in - nu,", , under vjVch �hn !"sinem ,tjf, the Cormisrinnew of Public 7""Y of' w"ch naze or ' 11ce of businsm 001 Oych j wjq noon ,.,ice r,vord; of Me c`1 -n— :hall W of Alic nniMnus. 701. T2ansferabl.-': see. 2-13. (a) A cOnSrete vaoonvy and fjZy, nooent ;(,rk contractor's 11cense as not transferable aml tM r!"t of any firm or corporntion to do business vneer mid !Lcenze denends upon the rotantion, az� an aCtj.V.�t of' thR holder of the 11conse -ndar ONCh thel urs ad to do K"Oniss- (1) :, OLO 0, a -artnersh! p, -act cel' 0 re- quirM to tUt U 11conza.1 Sec. 0-10. (a) The Cornisoianer of 7011c 9"1" gs SY,ull Dun, the -owcr .. ...... ... . entifinate of any con- croty 1 ascnry ond finish cervA mark coytracter n satis- factory that the holder of 1_cc;1�130 '--a:; m"'­"lly proof jloa ti fa violated the ,rooislor3 of this cod, or of any ordOwnce relatint to concret4 e rasonry 04 fin !sh cement work. If such license shall he rvoked, Un 300C shall not be reins` ot"d lithill .3i:, !-,enuxnber 5ections 0-1 to 2.24 to be knolm E15 q.ZE r;2:eeWv0ly- -1d th- folloWnZ nt,nce to section 11-7: Baseront floors ray also be finished .nthvvt the one- _ !sh FacinS !f monolitnic flooryg is de- sired. -F (e): to sect_ an 11 " in All out0de concrete Mock valls nI . jtj,e­ p" op 12 th!cAnqss shall be ;.,Wdad mith W A rods qverY ?i in hr :ht, 1W hOrizontul. C, Ad6 , sentence to Secti-)." 11-C (f) v.hich T -;ac- as 'ollows: 24", \ wide and R" th'.ch shall t— pro- vided %-:'th thro.e 1/2" reinforcing nforcing rods. 1-ootini-IS of *,(�aj rods as ap,,-rovod b�j 1-7-ir slp�e to )-.-a,7-- Ei(I uit,o f), the O-�I _11,lic After -yc-u ordinance form, .,.o - kii-I 2 appreci- s.te i.t if Jou --c) tha t nia, to could.svbr,!'t it to nl'� y o comi-i s,,: inner I'.N,. 1_1!1,. Ily :\.—I F. I'. I.•r.:�ll— 121956 \\Isere:. n. tile• I" i.:llll�..i��l:..,. 0,1&;J I. QlY CWk rrpurteJ n: the . :Ile Ihr - CITY OF ST. reeler i.uly . OFFICE OF THE,•RK '• "' ' �r COUNCIL RE?9T/liil N All 0 FORM, R4PR ESENTEO BY Tw..e_ .c'SO/ MREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has -reported to the Council that the three-story briok building on the Kest 70 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Bazil & Robert's Addition to Nest St. Paul, also described as No. 94 East Fairfield Avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 15th day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the Hate of said hearing. '941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 193— Yeas Nays � ss :N /fmdlan Approved 193— ,4arranto �.�. In Favor�-R `-X'' ( b^ d�--- �� ---------' ii-.. Mayor ,B.osen _Against ,--rrQax---- I&r resldent.(l;allpn�.- OWLISHED 6M 1•h4=8\7i— Precldenr 1Yctel For.; CITY OF SAINT PAUL�� f� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mar. 20, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building known as 94 E. Fairfield Ave., described as the west 70 ft. of Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Bazil & Robert's Addition to West St. PaD11. Very truly yours, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JQHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Perks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiuioner Llarch 19, 1941 Hon. Council City of St. Panl Gentlemen; Investigation has been made of the building known as 94 East Fairfield Av.nue, described as the 1-dest 70 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Bazil 'c Robert's addition to Vest St. Paul. This is a three story brick buildings the brick walls on the street side beim dan,;erous as bricks are falling. The cornice is bad and the entire building is in poor structural condition. 011 lamps are used for lighting and coal stoves are used for heating. The building is oc- cupied for light housekeeping. Th -:re is only one egress from the third floor and the o:;tside stairs to the second floor are very hazardous. The building is dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed. A Danger Notice has been posted and Frederick J. Burucker c/o Henry Parks, Administrator, 723 New York Building, has been notified of its condition. Kindly sAt a yearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. -s truly �ity Architect i i So. 121957-113' Asrl 1''. I1,t,n'son— 121911-57 Iry' r..n�cyt— Oti,hnitoCRY CIuF 1'In �'u n,u n,l.� ', n,1 1'�u'1,1 i, i11 I1.01di"K, ha, T w:,; NO. CITY OF s _..--_----- � slorc Lrirp hulldiu4��l��rs lyd Lut F of n,n'„�I�y. 1:«:n'•:, nR:,.,,,,•in „r R.,n.. 1. • OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RES9I�TI�ON---Vt�>rcRAL :• - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the two-story brick building located on Lot 8 of Hornsby's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Block 89, West St. Paul Proper, also described as No. 154-156 Concord Street, is un such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon.the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 15th day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court I1 House and City.Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of Bald City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 1 COUNCILMEN I Adopted by the Council__IwAR __ 1941 .193— Yeas Nays Findlan Approved..— —_.-193_..__ Parranto % Favor ..... ....,_. yo_ .... Mar Rosen % .._:.....Against em iNk-dVIcc Ptcsidcot (Pacccsc\n1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 20, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the two—story brick building at 154-150' Concord St. on Lot 8 of Hornsby13 Re. of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Block 89, West St. Paul Proper. Very truly yours, City Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt of Playgrounds City Architect Supt., of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner 1,1arch 19, 1D41 Hon. Council city of St. Paul sentlemen: Th.s will notify you of the condition of the two story brick buildi.n;, now vacant, at 154-156 Concord Street, on Lot 6 of Hornsbyts Re. of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of 31ock 89, Nlest St. Paul Proper. It is in very dilapidated condition, plaster is off the walls, chimney is in poor repair, bricks are loose and falling. The building is dan;erous to li"e, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice has been posted. The last known record .;wrier is State of i4innesota, c/o Hon. John S. _ ..ndlan, Land Commissioner. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the biiilding code. Yours truly,] C�ty, Arc`..itect L P i L, Original to CRY Clerk 12195, .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU "CIL �' FILE NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' . COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM BY COMMISSIONER_....... .. .i.:. `—i: i. .''1 � 'dam" DATE _...YL7ch 2l, 1941 RESOLVED; That license for Dance Hall, apolication 47493, applied for by Carl J., Emma, end 1,4axine Fox at 1190 University Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. r r•. �:,. I_u�as_...I:y .l..in: �'. i•i��ala�,-_ :IT -11.. irl 4719:% :I l.l.l i"l .I.. I:nl�n;1, ane )I:I�In.� I�..� :il I1AIn i� lig v 1 �'�� 111fnr111:111 :l Ills..,'... I I....•n 11.. 11. X11 :\11..f •1 ••1 I.r 111...'. 1 r1.i1 >1:1 r. .1. 1:•11 .\....r.....1.1.11!117. New, Informally a.�proved by Council, EXC Aur st 7, 1940. New Location. C011nciLmEn Adopted by the Council_. 4T` 194. 1]eas nags Approved 194 --`Findla❑ - �Parranto/J�,. In Favor "r. �p .._, � Rlayor ,'iosen Against Pres itl�ni, .Il]c�iio;}}�1 .,m �.it1.ccYioa,Pttsidenc-(Prtern(\II1 IJ y hal OrlRinal ,o ChY Ck-A CITY OF SAIINO.- OFFICE OF THE RM COUNCIL RESOLUTIOt, 14TE..,_Marqh 21, 1941... PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_...- WEMmks, the Martin Auto Livery has made aonlication 47591 for license to operate as auto livery cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, five (5) automobiles described as f011Ov7s: .. Live .10 _Make Motor No. Serial No. InsCo& policy Zxpirat' 10 Packard 390715 914B206 St.paul JAercury Indemnity Co. policy JcA-41394 11 Packard 392590 914413 eoiring A -or. 12, 1941 12 Packard 399772C g14 -X5703 11 11 13 Packard 603635 9340340A if 14 Packard 903548 934395 it WHF insurance policy with the City Of St. Paul ,PEAS, said d aoolicFLnt,has filed c6py of insura .t io n and said policy has been aPproved as to form and execution by the Corpora Couns6l, therefore, be It P-ESOLVED, that licenses to operate said automobiles as auto liverys upon the streets of 1 be and the same are hereby granted to the Martin Auto Livery the City of St. Pau and the City Clerk is instructed to issue arch licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Of the required fees. Renewal. w:t 1941 Adopted bq the Council COUTICII'METI _ leas Tlails ba,Kluss Approved - Z -findlan r --P�rranto In Favortlk14'4 ftiallor -..Rosen Against v C/ --Tr-uax ,n, COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council--, t94... .. Leas nays WK 4A ,-' ndlan If. Approved- '15ary�nto (NQ Al /� In Favor' A.af,r� .V alersen—, /ltosen tfL'N(sSr Rlayor Against Ty eiident, TTlcDonough am 11�a( ietimi�acnidc.,r iPacrarul OH91-1 to ('ny Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._. OFFICE Ot THE CITY CLERK 'CO--- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��/y� ��'1XXjj.JJW /�R�ESO�LUTION 211 V ' �Q�✓�A�e✓'� DATE_- 1941 COMMISSIONER__.-...... ,L�TCh _ PESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and thea, same are hereby granted and the cit,,,, clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: August J. Bulinski 217 Charles Ave. Grocery App.46303 Renewal Ruth A. Smith 1055 Grand Ave. Confectionery " 47173 James B-rtucci 1321 Forest St. Grocery " 47194 " F. A. Jerue 678 Lafond Grocery n 4 73 9 If 2 " " n II Off Sale Malt " 47330 If Carl J. Rudeen 237 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 47484 it St.Paul Floral Co. 678 Front Ave. Florist 47492 " Carl J. Johnson 397 Case St. Grocery " 47508 " C. 0. ltella.nd 1293 Arcade St. Florist " 47518 If lAinr.. Amusement Co. 1077 Payne Ave. Conf. " 47519 " Edw. Eggers 309 E. Geranium Ice Delivery " 47530 " • L,. r,ay •r:.m•a.:oa u.,• r11 �. i ���r1k •i=i,vlrul .a I is,.u,• =nrn linen- 11:0 •i (Y� . nI'��11ft 11In11r,�quir �1 fr�. i''.\il rani, l li,' ,.•' , \Inn. .1. •\1•Ir„•il '\1:,nr. _1.111 194 ::(1I. In 11.1 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council--, t94... .. Leas nays WK 4A ,-' ndlan If. Approved- '15ary�nto (NQ Al /� In Favor' A.af,r� .V alersen—, /ltosen tfL'N(sSr Rlayor Against Ty eiident, TTlcDonough am 11�a( ietimi�acnidc.,r iPacrarul Oripinel to CR, CVA COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��,COUT"L 0,a01W--"e DATE-... 1W:Qh­2l-- 1941 COMMISSIONER__.. RESOLVED- That licenses.ppplied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be Rnd the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reouired fees: Joseph Gens Costanzo 1599 University Ave. Evelyn Belkin 255 W. University Gordon E. Smith 436 Selby Ave. Saner Service Oil Co. 430 S. Robert St Restaurant Apo -L7296 New Old Loca. Grocery 11 47290 0 Off Sale 1,saltn 47291 01 n II Gas Station 47415 " tI Gas St -,tion a 47513 " MAP- - ,. couuciLmEn Adopted by the Council qeas nays Approved. 194 ,Parranto In Favor itn maqor Against hcboaQkiQF .1 2119f 0,Igin.1 I. CLLv clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL council FILE NO.—. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y ��rLaM DATE-_. llar.ch.XF 1, ,1941., COMMISSIONER_...... S;?CREAS, Florence Moran desires to withdraw anplica.tion 47569, for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, application 47568, for On Sale t.ialt Beverage license, and application 47567 for Restaurant license at 1139 University Avenue and requests the return of the license fee d.epo:Ated thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the croroper city of_°icers be and they are hereby atthorized to refund to Florence Moran the fee of $5.001 $50.00, and $10.00 and to cancel seid ap-lica.tions for licenses. C011nCILn1En geas nays aruss indlan -Parpnto moose 'Fftlaa� ..m-ablzsUmoe.F'rrsidrn, i',•rcre,.n: In Favor Against �.T, 1 arl ft Adopted by the Council-�R "' MAR Approved- / -194 r$6sITr�''j lTlayor 121 91a,! rrrlpinel m Cur rk.k , Y OF SAINT PAUL Fou NciL • � FrLE NO...__ F CE OF THE CI'I�Y CLERK COUN SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n DATE—__-_�arCh_ 21,, 1941 COM MISSIONE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Ars. Rate of Pay Langevin, William Unsk.Lab. 11 4 .50 Lavalle, William Unsk.Lab. •50 MPP,: > 1 1,941 COn11ClLIiIEn Adopted by the Council.. 104. geas nags &I. `6ndlan / Approved _ 104 Parranlo In Favor C /h—�V r • LL erson &M7;g mayor 'Rosen Tmer— Against �leepidpa4_41cDo noug h 'm �$°��!*isc'e`_'p'ieaidenr�:Yrr.e•r.... 1,91 #;'3 An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following Fork: Cindering icy streets and hills. This emergency arose ty reason of tilt follcv,ing facts and circumstances: Cindering in answer to emergency compl ints. COIJQdISSI0i1FR OF YUTLIC WORKS 121964 I 1'It iC t'I \I I YA 111 OII U19r1 V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM —_ and a l?;',.'°'" ...... ,.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vl=.: Construct..a..aewer on Otto..Ave. from the Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10 feet .. northwesterly of the center of Butternut Ave., thence west on the center line of Otto Ave. , .a distanae -of 360 feet. Said. .sewer. .ahal.l..include..the. reconatrwtion. of... house sewer connections from drill hole to new sewer where necessary. ................................................................................................................ .. .......... Dated this.... 21st..... day of.... March..................../'11 .................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A ,mitten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...Construct e..sewer on Otto Ave. from the Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10 feet northwesterly of the center of Butternut Ave., thence west on the center line of Otto Ave..,, a distance, of..380 feet..Said. . Bawer. .shall..include..the..reconstruction.of... house sewer connections from drill hole to new sewer where necessary. ............................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. -To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state ,vhcther or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. . 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.....................4....� i�at 4 .............. YEAS NAYS,,pp��pp '')) 9 1 Councilman FUSS Approved..................11 ................................. FINDLAN PARRANTO —Pk;WAQ"_ / ROSEN........ ..... . . .......... . TRI N ........, ? �4*aao Mayor. / MRM'IDENT '' ILcDonougp 114r. Vice Frmidc' at (FaernoaJ I�f IL3N RT3LISF>!FD=X c/ �/ 1213615 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �' ~ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the C: it of Saint Paul, vi:.: Open, widen. and. ®atend..Nevada. Ave...to..a, width, of..50. Yt... acroas..Block.25,..Como,.... the center line of said Nevada Ave. being 305.97 ft. north of the north line of .Arington .Ave... on, Milton St.. - and 3x5.79 • ft. -north. -of the north line. of Arlington. . . . Ave. on Quincy Place. .................................................... j ............... .................................. .. .......... Dated this..... 21st.... day of ........ March .................... ..:' .. '. �.. 7�... .................. (.;ounrilm;m. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follo\ving improvement, vi:.: elf •,..Qpen,. widen„aAd..e�ten<d.NaYada.AvQ....t o. .fl. wj,dth..of..50..Yt,l..across.Hlook.25...0omo.... �k{• the center line of said Nevada Ave. being 305.97 ft. north of the north line of Arlington Ave. -an Milton Sti and $05 -:79 -ft -north of -the north line of -,Arlington Ave. on Quincy Place. ........................................................................................................................... ...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on The petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAk 21 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman-eATFUT-r- ' Approved... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN -Ti2t1hX"'"'+Q Mr. Vice Pr<sidcnt (Ptxerson) I\1 1:.1R MAR 21 1941 Ad.Ung Mayor. y �- til pll.li.ISHED -3 - I'1\.\1. ORDERS 1 21966 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ^radin.; ar:: sur.' cir:_=.tit:. Alley. in ?lock 4, Svndicate P'o. 3 Addition from Avon :'tr,et to 'ictoria Street, ............... .... ............ ...... under Preliminary Order.. 1Z14'4� .... ... .__...approved Januar, 22, 1941 Intermediary Order..................................................approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ..urn3e-_and.surface.t_e ,411ey ifi '.lock 4,- S}mdicate ._ ............ I1o..3..Addition.from.. A.:ron.SirsE.t.tn..'iator=a..S ree-t..... ....................................... ---------------------- . . ... ..... ..... .. ........................................................................................................... -------------------- . . . . ............................................ ...... .............................. ----------------------------- --..... ........ ............... -.................. -------..................................................... -------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public forks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR.2.5.-141...... , 19yCif/�2, City Clerk. MAP 25 1941 Approvedef .�� File 5133 -' ' Councilman M=cs-.=. Councilman Fuson: 1 ,Iu1Ir.11 — Councilman �Horiafd' 1':.I l:uuo Councilman Giiipatt "=' Pok a, n Councilman WidFitfltteF'' Councilman %i�.ar=�=^�°� — h , Mayor 11100ion-;0. Form B. S. A. 8-7 C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L St. Paul, Minnesota June 26, 1945 This is to inform you that on the 5th day of July, 1945, at 10;00 o'clock A. Pd., in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall in St. Paul, the Council will reconsider Final Order No. 121966, approved March 25, 1941, in the matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition from Avon St. to Victoria St. This hearing is deemed advisable because the present cost thereof will be higher than the original estimated cost, which was $886.00, or $0.75 per front foot. The present estimated cost is $1339.71, or $1.12 per front foot. File 9183 JOAN S. FINDLAN, Commissioner of Finance CITY OF Siq� PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of -red s' and surfacin[ the Allen ir! :lctcl 4, Syndicate ';o. A:id'tior. Avon at. to Fiatorie St. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost per Cot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Syn,.; -.ia �r, No. .. A.�...it on 2 2 do 5001: w rCin s 4 do snc 25an 4 c10 50f 2700 5 4 .'.o 500 ..,.SG 6 4 do P:CC 1160 7 9 do SCC 210(1 4 do 500 1700 - do 500 2650 10 4 do TOTAL, 500 15001 F- u. B 10 Total 815,700 $61,e00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference' to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Fe-hruftr,. 2'0- 41 . ........ .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 .1 CITYOF UL DEPARITTMYENY OF F INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1,,ndVALUAT'ONj,j...,. 11 4 Smdic-.ate 3;o. 3 . :diition X500 $1550 12 4 do 500 9.00 1:) 4 do 500 2550 14 ydo 5.0 2100 115 e do 400 1050 16 4 do 500 )p 50 17 4 do 5.,.;0 2 s50 Fl 4 4.,) 550 050 do 5.50 300 20 It do 550 3200 21 1250 22 4 do 5.50 950 26 4 do 550 550 ; do 5r0 1750 24 2:: 4 do 550 600 25 4 do 5 �d 0 1160 27 4 do 550 On 2R 4 do 550 i.700 550 4160 2 9 4 .;o 30 4 do 500 3450 Total 815,700 $61,e00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference' to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Fe-hruftr,. 2'0- 41 . ........ .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 .1 t To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. e7- is.3 St. Paul, Minn................._C:y... ..... ,� .............. 193�.....� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following imppvement to be made: L_.�-camt:�'� i .C. ... ............... _. �" �.....................,...... .... ........ ....... .. .. ... ... ..................$t. Ave. from ........ �:: "V 2`�'ti. - - St. zrre. to..... v...: ... . .... .. . .........................St. Arae: NAME LOT BLOCK DDITION 1. a o `% 9 5 41 Alk jIftL An gal Y jSM.�-J� 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tan. 30 1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121448 approved January 22 19 41 relative to grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -necessary and (or) desirable. 886.00 cost per front foot $.75 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— and the total cost thereof is $ , Inspection $15.02 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1184.53 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �i N 301941 — JP. I� )7EPT. OF :. Vt.C.E Commissioner of Publi �Um L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D—ITI COMMISSIONER BUPLA'J O. Cower. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEI ENGINEER COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFIce ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD Tanuary 29, 1931 CHIEFENGiL CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BORA' " SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUFI. BUREAU OF BRIDOE1 M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. Suri. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121448 approved Tanuary 22, 1941. Estimated Cost # 886.00 Cost per front foot 0.75 Inspection 15.02 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1.184.53 ft. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSFN Commissioner of Public Works' Yours truly, �Jevery � GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer 'COUNCIL PILE NO. i BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land -necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street under Preliminary Order 121449 approved,-.. Tanuary 22, 1941 ....__--- 121746 — approved February 26, 1941 Intermediary Order . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint -Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or casements therein be and the Eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 3 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance. therewith. Adopted by the Council 25 1941 19_- -OR 9--OR 25 1941— -- it(r y Clerk - Approved .._-- . 19— .. --- --- M yor. Councilmen pj l.i.n —Sarfuss Findlan t Parranto Pet".— Rosen T2 tt— Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMFr,,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of cor.�ii:-r. r.:- e:: u: iul'i en ease,ae.::c, ir: ti.c lnctfl rx;ese::r,r;: I., Q::': 41 I':l�C?'• O: th - Al I,::.' ir? i:1 f,C,n : .,..cr, T:o. .. .....; anc --.,s in tl.. '•ra, na . frt'=-: :.^on .>trGui, tr .ictgrin ..*rye;: under Preliminary Order approved 'J"n.s.r; 1`•:41 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is mrntartof:t3la:aasessniac far ckic'abocxrim�provomenuis• E _....._......" 'I'hc total estimated a ----- -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - '--'-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ON I.. f:::tiVALUATI:'1r' 1 4 Syndicate No. 3 Addition 5550 2 4 do 500 $3600 3 4 do 500 2500 4 4 do 500 2700 5 4 do 500 2050 6 4 do 500 1150 7 4 do 500 2100 8 4 do 500 1700 do 500 2650 9 4 10 4 do TOTAL. 500 1500 Form B. 11 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUAT"kd g. 11 4 Syndichte No. 3 AOdition $500 $1550 12 4 do 500 900 13 4 do 500 2550 14 4 do 500 2100 15 4 do 400 1050 16 4 do 500 3850 17 4 do 550 2650 18 4 do 550 4350 19 4 do 550 3300 20 4 do 550 3200 21 4 do 550 1250 22 4 do 550 950 23 4 do 550 550 24 4 do 550 1750 25 4 do 550 600 26 4 do 550 1150 27 4 do 550 800 28 4 do 550 1700 29 4 do 550 4150 30 4 do 600 3450 Total $15,700 $61,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i February 26 41 Dated— -- —19....... Commissioner of Finance. V.— B. B. [l. ICY+ Indicates Cut AM 7 Indicates Fill. Typical Notation +�-23A4 F,g—es a6o,e line show C, — Fill nt property li� Fig—. below line 360w diM.— to "el' a"Pos eatand beyond PMP—ty line - Loc. Bok NaZ94E X-3— Bk - _N PA .. Olk. 4' ,.cafe N93 9.2 V9.3751 ALLEY BLK. 4 SYN 01 CATE: No. 3. AVON ST. Vic-r6pIA ST. 5cale 1---40 . . ..... .... BLAIR Avr- ro 10 9 12- IJ 14 1.3 32 19' FF,,- FDrjay-., F' e —bl. rcar, Stv. isI FFr.1 4F Sh sh. h1j lfi Far." Ga Y. G4r- '2' r 3234 40 7 I r 18 Iq zo c, 1 N! p 1 Y I I Gar.21 25 T E L A FO N D AVF-- N 0, 13 :Stu. FY-. i 'Stu Cmr-, 71F i 112 r.'T;Stu. L IT 2 G-1-- 26 27 I 28 40 q 30 GO z 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 30 —19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121449 approved Jan. 22 _19 41 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 4, Syndicnte No. 3 Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said -improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-7� , and the total cost thereof is $, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of P li r 00 DE F r' WEPT. OF . AP, COUNCIL FILE. NO. By. . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ;'radinj a::d sur:.acin _. p:e Ailey in i°lock 2, Settler's Addition, and .`flock 1, v;4r ',4',y View, fro,- .41t:ert Street to Pascal Street, under Preliminary Order. 1214"1 approved Inn'iar.v 2!;, 1941 Intermediary Order ............ .. -....................--------.approved .......... ................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is "rade er:c surface tP.e sllev ir. Elock caltlerI s ........................... ..-.-----. -----......--------------- 1 —ci n a tier, a d._olnc ...1, _.., i..Ci tik--i`.]ew,_--._rom AlbertStreet-.to Pascal Street, ............ .......... .---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- .......................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council2.5��1.... , 19� 2 ....... _ + W251941 Cit Clerk. Approved 192 File ":1E7.................. ................... r or. Councilman ffd'r cp= +s Councilman CouncilmanN-1m_Ir==, CouncilmanV t!D o"gan :2 - Councilman emter Councilman Mayor l)grgeon'' Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISGIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL-IMIaRY ORDER �~ (A), In the matter of ttnd surt,aoir.-. ti -.e lle^ in Flock 2, :,ilttler's ...l.,.ticr., nr.d Turin Cit,.% fro.. till-ert; St. to �'sscnl :;t. under Preliminary Order approved Jnnu,:r- 2%, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ;n.07 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ------ ------- The estimated cost per oot or the above improvement is�Ci•`'' a-``_ f'ce_; el_ -" lb- feo:: a] iev h "' $0.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION z z dt+ 55c 4700 2 do 550 5300 4 2 do 525 4.500 5 do a2o 1800 G 'L 325 4200 7 do 325 1boC 2 do 375 4 1. 'rwin Cita' '.View• 400 2 1 do TOTAL. 400 Form B. B 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF2Y ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 3 4 5 F 7 Lot 15 a.. '1i :5t 1`.' it- of 15 (Ex. W. 1C ft.) Lot 15 (Ex. E. 20 ft.. ) 16 .ast 20 ft. o+' Lot 16 W. Ll., ft. of 17 (Excer.t N. �:c ft.) Lot 17 and (Ex- cept East b ft.) 18 Lot 19 and east 5 ft. of 1R 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDITION Twit: 1.i.t;; View do do to do do d0 do to do de ASSESSED VALUATION Land =' 1 . $400 ,00 4A:0 3!5 3'75 900 375 3300 375 4200 4.75 375 275 275 350 1 e Totc.l $10,425 $3. ,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Feb. 26 41 Dated_ Commissioner of Finance. F.— 6. 13..13 350 1 0 300 1 do 325 1 do 325 1 do 27S Totc.l $10,425 $3. ,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Feb. 26 41 Dated_ Commissioner of Finance. F.— 6. 13..13 St. Paul, Minn.... _vc...ir_ob.ex'....h+ To The Honorable, The Council, City- of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: hereby Petition your Honorable Body to cause We; the undersigned property own?rs, the following improvement to be made: in Block 2, Sattledition Grading and surfacing Alleyr1 .. .. ...... a Ad ....... and Block 1, Twin City View . ....St. Ave. From..... Aloert Ave. St. Ave. to Pae..cal Ave.nue . ... .. .. ... . .St. Ave. NAML109, BLOCK ADDITION ski1� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Feb. 10 41 --19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had u . nder consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1-21-491 approved -T—.. 28._--19 41 , relative to grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition, and Block 1, Twin city View, from Albert St. to Pascal St___ _ and t.--- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessaryand (or) desirable. (see estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owner f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works." 13 1941 1 DEPT. PT. OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • MILTONROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIG T. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BURE,U OF CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENc1N EnR W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ENGINEER G. H. HERROL. February 6, 1941 CNIEF EROR, CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Deer Sir: BUREAU OF SA.RITAT. - FRED DRIVER. SU17. BUREAU OF SRI -- M . RIDGESM. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTA K. SUPT I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition, and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121,491 approved Sanuary 28, 1941. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot 20 foot alley 15 foot alley Inspection Engineering Frontage 20 foot alley 15 foot alley Approved for transmi41 on to th'o Con to 3 ce 'MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works $958.07 0.97 0.73 16.43 120.00 380.44 ft. 820 ft. Yours truly, G y---4 M. BBEPARD Ch f Lgineer 00 i LIBERTY STATE BANK SELDY AT SNELLING SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA N.H.5 `Sarch 24, 1941 City Council City of St. caul Court House - amity Hall St, _'nul, llfinnesota ventlemen: I am in receipt of a notice advising; that a punlic hearing will be held in the Council Chaeibers on tie twenty fifth day of -arch at 10:00 O'clock AJ-. in the .,atter of grading, and surfacing, condemningand taking an ease;eent in the l.,.nds necessary for slopes i'ordock cuts &.nd fills in grading and surfacing the alley 2 ]Dat,-ler's Addition in Block 1 in :win City View from -loert z)treet to rascal otreet which isunder preliminary order 121291-92 approved January 28, 1941. 1 write to e.dvise that I am the owner of the property known as the east 15 feet of ,ot17 dditione( est 35 feet of Lot 18, dock 1, 'ztiiin amity viewnayard 'venue) and wish to go on record as oeing in favor of a 20 foot alley. However, I realize that -.-',,e alley provided In the platting of I— this City View 31ock 1 provided I a 15 foot alley only. If this is the widest alley that can be provided wi-6houtfurtherle to .egal proceeding s, the 15 foot w1Ct:, will be "g" Yours very truly, By�(t �- iiHSico:;lu,Id: mr i FINA. oanHnt IN t•n.nt:n.n•r,o. PRO reocetsnracs. COUNCIL FLLENO. 121969 a� J rte'. FINAL ORDER IN CONDET�NATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary, for elopes, cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street under Preliminary Order 121492 approved___-... __- January 28, 1441 Intermediary Order 121748 approved . February 26, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, -objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Settler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert Street to Pascal Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are -hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MW 2 5 1941 _19- 25 92G 1941 City Clerk. Approved.__.... .. _ 19_ , May Councilmen �mresa= Findlan Parranto —PenTsmr— Rosen Tress Mr. President 5W I -3Y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s J`, In the matter of condernn4n^ ar.-: Lakin:, nn elise-.e.nt ir. tho ln::d r:eces:ar;; Yrsr slone:, cuts nr.d .ills in tr:c -r+:.sirs at:d rurPncir.,^ o!` th+: Ai L_, it.. ::lock nr:] r`., ....itinn en:: :�lucf: 1, Turin C:t^ V:.tnv, f'ron Apert otrt•at to 'u::ca- +.r - under Preliminary Order approved Jnnaa,r: 2i�, lEtil To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cosT o" Iric a: ove ...se^:+:nt: i s The total estimatedsmnnnxnkzhearosassnxemtdmnzkm.abetto:imtprotemenctixx - ?.._.`.:._CO -------- 1 -he estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is— 'I'he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 25 e LFLnyQQALUAT IONld .. 1 2 Sattler'e Addition $625 $5100 2 2 do 550 4700 3 2 do 550 5300 4 2 do 525 4500 5 2 do 325 1800 6 2 do 325 4200 7 2 do 325 1500 8 2 do 375 Q 1 Twin City View 400 2 1 do TOTAL. 400 F.— B It 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINAW ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. 3 1 Twin City View X$400 4 1 do 400 5 11; do 400 6 1 do 375 7 1 do 375 800 8 1 do 375 3300 9 1 do 375 4200 10 1 do 475 11 1 do 375 12 1 do 276 13 1 do 275 Lot 14 and Test 10 ft. of 15 1 do 350 (Ex. W. 10 ft.) Lot 15 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 16 1 do 350 East 20 ft. of Lot 16 tc 14. 25 ft. of 17 1 do 300 (Except W. 25 ft.) Lot 17 and (Ex— cept East b ft.) 18 1 do 325 Lot 19 and East 5 ft. of 18 1 do 32b 20 1 do 275 Total $10,425 $35,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report-thEredn. to the,.Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f Feb. 26✓ f Dated_....... _.:—'_..... .._.....__.19.. .._. -' Commissioner of Finance. FoM a.6. 12 � � Indreotes Cwt - Indlcotes Fill. TYPlcol , 30 U Figures oboe Lne show or Fi II of pro7er4y line Fig -es be!o.+ lint show vstonro to w'u�h slopes .�xlrna bly— ',.,,!,er+y In". _oc. Boo4;io.251'1 X---l.Bk NO.'_sl h W fJ/k 2.3oJt/res 2 Twin �r . pvsca/ e Or 2 do 635 EYBLK. 2SAT71-6 QS ADD. S &A 2 TIY/n' C✓TYY/EYY n A/bP�f Sf P173c0/ Sf 9.186"', 11ARTFO.PO V�,.5ATTLER'S 40D. / /V c T47 , y A I I c >o II V.4 P f -'r .3 �„ '.'y ,;r C � � -' r I r r M ti,lr. o iv, r tr- ! of :O .n F A. o el.- TIN ^ �+ N, _ � Y _ �'= "!7 .d,� ._I., :w to `� r �!o _ . r-�_ ... .�� ...... ... ..I; �rrII ! oP F Grl Jv Gr, . I i I w I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 4o I 47' 47 /9 20 I S j 6 7 I 9 I T a q'KARo AVE. 110111 11d ii 111111 60 Q 4 Q Office of the Commissioner of Public 'AIorks Report to Commissioner of Finance Feb. 10 _19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121492 approved Tan. 28 19 41 , relative to and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 2, Sattler's Addition, and Block 1, Twin City View, from Albert St. to Pascal St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-7 —, and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. PC 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro ert ✓ `.... ti_ subject to assessment for s7• jp ent. `' ( en t Commissioner of Public Wor FEB ? C 1941 , j DEPT. OF 'ICF f, .Ci<7C.rk ORDINANCE 121970 COUNCIL FILE NO _— PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. Y _ An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 7-r-017-- — S_'::::— approved February 13, 1935, entitle dlr.;,. ` A. «' I'• .\ii iirdiii:iire eiidlnR Ordinance "An ordinance dividing the Classifies s,,.1 ;e...:.ii're•e a•r>' ';• ' -s' Service of the City of Saint Paul it `"' Ir )i `r , l; _.. di 1' I '• , eight specialized services, a skills ,I'. •;: ,. ;;; labor service, and an unskilled labs..' ,:,. c•I,,•: ""' service, and defining and fixing the titles,duties and qualifications for the various positions within each service". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 76070 approved February 13, 193511 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker -Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Mays Barfuss _ —In Favor Findlan _ —Against Parranto i� j q 41_ Rosen :i� • 2nd. !' y� � } Laid over to --.--- �t 3rd. & app..' Adopted f 1 City Clerk Yeas Nays Peas/ Nays i /Barfuss Baifuss Pindlan PP indlan �Parranto 'Parranto /retcrson ,Peterson ' /Rosen ,/f�osen Truax ,Trua. \Ir. President Fallon \Ir. President Fallon .Ci<7C.rk ORDINANCE 121970 COUNCIL FILE NO _— PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. Y _ An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 7-r-017-- — S_'::::— approved February 13, 1935, entitle dlr.;,. ` A. «' I'• .\ii iirdiii:iire eiidlnR Ordinance "An ordinance dividing the Classifies s,,.1 ;e...:.ii're•e a•r>' ';• ' -s' Service of the City of Saint Paul it `"' Ir )i `r , l; _.. di 1' I '• , eight specialized services, a skills ,I'. •;: ,. ;;; labor service, and an unskilled labs..' ,:,. c•I,,•: ""' service, and defining and fixing the titles,duties and qualifications for the various positions within each service". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 76070 approved February 13, 193511 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker -Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Mays Barfuss _ —In Favor Findlan _ —Against Parranto i� j q 41_ Rosen _ � ' Attest• I fT f 1 City Clerk .Ci<7C.rk ORDINANCE 121970 COUNCIL FILE NO _— PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. Y _ An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 7-r-017-- — S_'::::— approved February 13, 1935, entitle dlr.;,. ` A. «' I'• .\ii iirdiii:iire eiidlnR Ordinance "An ordinance dividing the Classifies s,,.1 ;e...:.ii're•e a•r>' ';• ' -s' Service of the City of Saint Paul it `"' Ir )i `r , l; _.. di 1' I '• , eight specialized services, a skills ,I'. •;: ,. ;;; labor service, and an unskilled labs..' ,:,. c•I,,•: ""' service, and defining and fixing the titles,duties and qualifications for the various positions within each service". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 76070 approved February 13, 193511 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker -Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Mays Barfuss _ —In Favor Findlan _ —Against Parranto i� j q 41_ Rosen _ T}ax Vf>r-P.•esi'ent cD'ofi>3ttgb) ' Attest• I fT ass 7.40 City Clerk Passed by the Council t — _ —In Favor _ —Against i� j q 41_ Pr _ Mayor I i a I f e � 7 t f pr" 11liNNNllll t i� t !f y� ...— t t laid over to - -_ __......._. ...._.—.. -- t 3rd. & alts._ f AcloPtcd �— R_y Yeas i Nays Peas Nays "fuss -tarfuss �Findlan . Findlan -Parranto �arranto / •�'j .-Peterson -Peterson ,Rosen i Truax /Truax 111r. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon e � 7 j i r f • i t !f y� o6gi—1 t. City Cl -i 121971 COUNCIL FILE NO J PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. W 'r�invnc. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, entitled: "nL b '.z- i "An administrative ordinance relating to 11 the appointment by City officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant" and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker—Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yea.< Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council 13arfuss Findlan Parranto-----In Favor Rosen weer+—� _ Against Truax J.Qg!W ton h) .� P�� q 'yam__ r Attest: j r/il �.11 — -- City Cler \Mayor 250 7-a 7 O t 7 • � 1 9 I Oriy'.n.l t. City Ci.h , �' 121972 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED Y - ORDINANCE NO. 6f�7 � -2 itv \l'.:\. t'nrrnnto An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325 .t "cli...... ordina— approved August 20, 1914, entitled: ��n•e r- ic 1 servk, Bu- oc : "An administrative ordinance relating to, rthint rn - anodl. the Civil Service Bureau of the City of �tPnn Saint'Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 32508i approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant" and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and pub- lication. I hereby -recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. Civil Service Commis oner APR 9 1941 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan _ _In Favor Parranto Rosen .__Against Pte- TAN $ 19414 `Presiea f1Y1cD'ozihi) lkppr r ire ''.4cr5on7 Attest: �Ivl City Cler 360 7-40 7 2nd. 1 a e � ta. '.�. • Laid over to ._-..._........._.....--- i' t i Adopicd ._._�— 3rd. S app---`�— Nays Deas Nays Yeas Ijarfu ss i Fin Aarfuss dlan Findlan Zarranto Parranto % -Pe .... on p /�eterson sen Rosen ,Truax Truax :1Ir. Mr. President Fallon President Fallon c/r, ORDINANCE .1 12.1.9'7`2 COUNCIL FILE NO._ J PRESENTED Y — ORDINANCE NO. �� ✓ 'z N- 121'�-. Vrdlnanc No. .'r17_— ny W. A. narran An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325 N. An •c:.... :nn, Ordlnanca approved August 20, 1914, entitled: aub—t so, tela. in dman�•e r t sere lee nu- ' nr sai��t nam. "An administrative ordinance relating to zr. ..'I'LinK lult,: d the Civil Service Bureau of the City of 6aint Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 32501, approved 'August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out, where it appears therein, the title "Airport Attendant" and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Caretaker Airport". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and pub- lication. I hereby -recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. Civil Service Commissioner APR $ 1941 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ------ Barfuss Findlan —In Favor Parranto Rosen —_, Against T`.'PFesiaZfMcD'orrnug�) AIR 91941 1PPr r ice 'dcrson ) Attest: City Cler Mayor 250 7.40 UriAin.l to Cita CI -14 CITY OF SAINT P,' I(.. O 1 E OF THE CIT)'... nI".'i.']` the In ups . 'L.• i1. oln nh6 ,•aoi nrlamel ro cur c111k CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIoENCIL NO. ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA FORM PRESENTED BYC qTE—..—iiarCh..2�.._1.71}l COMMISSIONER_ F. Petvr�on r RI�SCLVED, That the free us, of th. a: ,n of the .9t. r.::1 AuJitoriu:u be and it is —reby 6i'aen to Cretin High School on ti',. ev:u;ind oi' June 6, 1941, for i:.s comuencement xerciees; said C etin High School to pay ouly thy: cost ofopea.n, aa.i o_:;rc.ting the arene on sail ul,. for the above occasion. F. u. .a..•a. u.: nI, rr ..r Ilu I� ..r IIIA. I•:Iul .���m�i�,�rl,�„I L.. i I MO. , Mn I e _:. I:, n I COUTICILTTIETI Adopted by the Council f•�,`,s � i� :�J�R� 194 yeas nays 3lii�s� '_'iV 154) Approved. ......._. _ .. _..194 .. indlan Parranto v In Favor ayor 'Peterson .Rosen Against /16. President, McDonough IM 1— cs „eye 121975 Original to CRY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FIL[ NO.— — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM I PRESENTED BY ( J�.(� DATE_._,.JkKCn.. COMMISSIONER—.Yetsr..on _ / _ R:SCLV_D Th. -_t t... fr_•e use of the thgat•.1' scCtion of th:_ St, Yau1 Auditorium be, anu it is h•::rNby given to the Catholic Choral Society on the ev.ning of Agri_ 17, 1941, for a concert.; said society to t.:,y on -y th., co:;t of op�min6 and oj, r�:ting th,oat_r section on zaiJ dam'_ for th.; a.ove occz.sion. V. I;..,.�ir:•�I li�:n n Ir,.�� �..�. ��i lac i •iil :\'aril I:. 1:11,1 li•r I��I ��•I,,��iiinu!.i nil �� I::i �� i ill>• Ilii. � .�i` i 1•f ��I�t•i;�l iii �; 11„• Ilt,•:ilr,r .' 7R6� C011TICILn1ER Adopted by the Council 194. �^ _ Leas nays MAR ?I i Approve i _ ... ..194 4indlan ;`�arranto In Favor �...- — .'!'eterson TR or Rosen ^) G „.^.� Against Mr. President, McDonough .in a -aa Cs ��>aa 121 976 oNcr.,,\ ,e Cl" Cly NO. ...... ........ .... CITY OF S'' . r. ��,. 1.1:': a._tss :\a�,•1 r•. r,�l,-; :.,,;�__. - - 14* uh'.d. 16: thr I,wp• it}� oHlr OFFICE OF THE COUNC R SOLUTION ,.�„,d„�,:;••:n :�, , ; 1 ,�;; 11„ r,l .,1. • ;arl,...I In Ihl= r��xululion. ee�c �w.•'cn ov � { �'Y � a � l 1\In r,�l; ":,. I?al) .......................... RESOLVED CiILrR1W The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an omer3oncy crhich rendered necessary the otTloymont of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of enploy- ment; therefor, be it, RTOOL17DThat the proper city officers are hereby au- thorised to pay the followinC named enploycs, at the rate othervrise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: ii,11.4: TITIN TI1.9, RATr TOTAL Eleyker, Nicholas D. Stage Carp. 1 week ;65.00 wk 63.00 conn, Leonard Stage Elect. 1 week 65.00 wk 65.00 EbinSer, Ernest Janitor 32 hours .56- hr 18'06 Furni, Edward A. Supt. 76 ” 1.674 hr 127.49 Hansen, Alfred R. Custodia::-:+ud • 75 .691 hr 51.83 Herman, Louis Janitor 39 " •541 h' 21.43 Loague, Pomeroy Janitor 44 " 36 hr 24.75 CChief Refn & 56 " .87z hr 49.00 McElligott, 1. F. Her Eng'. Stoneman, Albert J. Janitor 31 " .5441 hr 16.82 L'techt, Helen M. Jr Clk-Typist 5 " .474 hr 2.39 n 61 �;axKatherinere, atherine H. Jr :;lk-Steno 2 � z hr 1.13 4 442.92 /•. �' `2 [' COUNCILMEN Adopted by tile n e Couuf�la^._.. ��.3 .194 193 Yeas indlan `1 i_';�4� ...193 In livor .Approved �.�'...... Against y nn, of Mr President (6eh 3M 636 FORM NO, 1 ,arch 2q, 1941 1940. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, tiuditorium Bureau of )(A6, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Winter Carnival events held in the cuiidin.'� Feb. 1 - 8. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances Quick changes for events held for the 7;inter Carnival in the This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. 121977 977 " OdllneRo City Oerk .,,.� NO.-----...---- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM J _--- r PRESENTED BY_._ ----- COMMISSIONER__ N~-------'-- —. RE80LVED, that the Petty Cash Fund used by the City Comptroller's office be and the same is hereby SncreaseY'from Ten Dollars ($10.00) to Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), such increase to be payable from Comptroller's Office Expense Fund, 30-v�- 2- . F X. ...I i :h.. i v, P, rnll,•r :. .�tllr,• Lr. i I.:i y':, 1.1.. fr.•,,, i „i,li: r. rl l,�I". I,Itl i�.. I:�.. ' .\•I••1�1.•.I i 11,,. � ,�il \I:, i'. _.. 1:x.11. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays indlan I/ I ,frarranto _—._In Favor /lSeterson ,^ oossen -'-_-Against. Tp—, lr. President ( bit 11-38 Ca ;;;H 35 1941 Adopted by the Council.._ c jv j,,c I a 1941 Approved---- 193__—_ r OrlAi..I to Pity Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ' DATE___ .. PRESENTED BY lurch 25, 1941 COMMISSIONER_..... '�t!Y1 -Y� '" '�//-/ . WHEREAS, Emil Barbeau dba Brown & White Cab has made application 47644 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P12-257069, Serial No. 11260946, Car yo. 20 covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis, insurance policy 114222200, ex.Tiring JanuaVY 12, 1942, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed P. cony of insurance policy with the City of St. paul and said policy has been a -proved as to form and execution by the Corooration Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED', that license to operate said automobile as a tnxicaL upon the streets of the City of St. Faul be, and the s.me is ;:ereby (?tea`.+ed to Fail Barbeau -and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, ':,b I,a. :ulr :,VPlirali,m r..:�, r.,, Im.11.,. , ,�i��•,:,I,• :, I:af. i,I , r Sn. JO r���l:y Llnydc .clime..:, n.�n.-.. .,=,1 �: ,:�: I,�di,:r 119'1'J_:•^ ,..cpie'inq.leni.-ni"�I 1. 1:4 _.: nn Cid :rnnn��:nn k:,, ril..,i pen ....„� Lr ..,'p. e.ile..0 ......... ..I:. id ..� ,.�h qui ,n��•i, I`i'.. h:, Renewed. r .0 4 • r• I:. 5 1941 COUTICILmEn Adopted by the Council_, 194. Leas Rays Approved_t4>;'� ;, 1941 194 !�indlan Parranto In Favor _ 'pelerson Posen .Truax Aqainst Tier. President. McDonough IM ­. Cs vs 121979 Oflsl,d t, City Osr4 CITY OF ST. PAUL `�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLU ON ---GENERAL FORM rr Pf�ESENTE BY Resolved,that R. H. Rookwood. Chief Chemist, and N. A. Shookey, Assistant Testing Engineer, of the Testing Laboratories: be and they are hereby authorized and dlreoted to attend the National meeting of the Amerioan Chemioal Sooiety at St -L0413, Missouri on April 7, to 11 inolusive,and the proper oity offioers be and they are hereby authorized and instruoted to issue a warrant to saoh of the above named in the sum of $100.00 payable'out of the Testing Laboratory Fund, Code 21 BI► to defray their ezpenses,and any balanoe remaining to be returned to said fund. MAR 25 1941 COUNCILMLN Adopted by the Councli_.— Yeas Nays iFlndlnn Approved_....w.��--193..... , rranto 'on --In favor .. .._.. ... .._...... ....--- - r 7Ma o n �� --Against i.. r. President. (Zi0.idxm) .'M a x r�s MoDonough °d�`� ONRns il w('11) Clerk (`•�-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/��. �JG±� h!aS Qi1 25, 1941' COMMISSIONER__ ..... DATE— RESOLVED: V'" !/� V\// RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 47467, On Sale Malt Beverac.e, aprlication 47466, and Off Sale I✓,alt Beverage, application 47459, applied for by t.irs. Catherine Doma€all at 656 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, ;,:arch 16, 1941, Old Location, COUTICILMETI ljeas Rays Findlan r ' Parranto Peterson --Rosen 'Mr. President, McDonough 'm - Cs ».nn �. P. ti•. 1l rao_..las .I ••i:,, r. Fiudl:: n -.— A. Itcculrril. ,h:rt ii•'••u... 1�•P I:,•.,:u, r:u,l. tli.. : 11,.:., :.( \•.,,. Il: t:�l'lll:l ll. :, I•I�1'•�\ :..1 1�� �.I,ii .\ i i 111. : \I.,i _.•. i :• 1 I. 1 )I., r. is �:!. 1:• I I i Adopted by the Council_ 9 41 194_ Approved.. 194. In Favor _ Rlayo Against-- Clrrk COUNCIL NO.. +" vily CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM March 25, 1941 A /fifer -� COED TER- ��� W� r ,'� DATE_ MM S_. ndicated esses RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons ,e�ktis instructedtoissue be and the saane are hereby ranted': .he the city c_ of the required fees: such licenses u ­,on the payment into the city treasury Grocery 4---473 05 New Bew Loca. Joseph Trnntanella 503-5 Asbury 1 147306 11 " 11 u ❑ u Off Sale Malt a 47324 ++ II It u u n Butcher Donald Keller 559 Charles Barber it 471+1+1 " Old Loca. 1} ++ Old Loca. 6 Wabasha Parking" Lot 11 7559 Robert Pecker 5 3 u 59 E. FourRestaurant 1♦75 gl ° New Loca. 10 th Restaura Clarence Snell II 4 3 n Old Loca. g. 759 Anna. R�/burn 9 5 Selby Ave.Ave• Restauran \c. A. r„I.-1,i,�— i I: r.�d,.•J, Ihal l..,rd:1: vl'I'l lull . .. ......I's I11n �. h,•d This niaul;l'n .ln�� uul .il ,II ���III U,�1 IIS:,. li, �•II I'u'I IIIA 11��. .''1)' ..f III' I.��luir�.�l 1���•:. COUTICII'METl Rays Leas -b- ass— f indlan Parranlo Peterson Rosen ruax TTti. President. McDonough r ,in >-no cs v»e SM 25 1541 Adopted by the Council_94 ... �R ty J 1��41 l94 ....Appre ovd_ .. ..... � � - In Favor q. V TTl yor / Ayainst / Oripirtnl In laity clerk COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BV/Vy��n DATE_. March 25, 10,41 COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 47499, On Sale !.'alt Beverage, application 47500, and Off Sale 1.1alt Beverage, application 47501, applied for by Mrs. Veneeta Lindberg and Walter G. Hedberg at 541 Rice St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee9e Flew, Informally a^.proved by Council, ?,larch 18, 1941 Old Location. counCILCRETI Leas nays /!'indlan ,-Parranlo /Peterson •Rosen ;9 "It Cllr. President, McDonough nm 1— Cs —1. I:,.a,•I c,.d, Ih:.: :i•..u. '.I I:r.I::ur:cul. t�: ;, JNT; ntl :n:!:!i•::�i..I:'::::d �i ���:. ��:: F�.�. :unai,�:Ili.... Ai:.n 1. ::ladi,�d L•: I I•.�Il�• :•11 I:i I,•1 II,• III. ..11. i.l III. .\i1..I.:...1 ...IS..:i \I:U. _.. 1:•11. .\I.I.I�.., ...I \I�.r I:• 11. s�tBeF� 2 5 194f Adopted bq the Council e) / � In Favor J - / [y ayor Against I `�-. 19 8i' Uda;nsl ru (7,y Cirrk COU "CIL NO._. CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .0 A� DATE_ March 25, 1941 PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER_.. --� RESCLP"r.D: That yotion Picture license #532: e)pirine January 19, 1942, and Confectionery license 47265, expiring January 19, 19142, issued to E. C. Christians at at 627 So. Smith Ave. be and the same are hereby transferred to Joseph Stern the prover city officers are instructed to make the proper the same address and chanr;es in the city's records. Cld LocF_tion. C011TICI .mEll leas Pays indlan 1;Larranto iPeterson i Rosen "F-taa7c� Mr. President. McOonough �m .o cs -1- �•..:..:: .ILII _ .I:I ::: �, Ir Irlc.: .d !a:�II II:I I�, io-. ivle. t ..d I ."i�i.'� •I•���,. I It'll Adopted by the Council _. -' L94. i 194 / Approved_ "-- In Favor yor Aqainst . I:. S... I..I:,Nl ..11y Orlpin�l la t'itl� CY•rk' \\', :\. 1':: rr:, nl�:-- I'�` CITY OF SAINT PI I._ u,g van„.q:x ::, �:: •d �.: ,e,. ii.\ :,I- ).. OFFICE OF THE CITY > e v -" :i ' :„ i�.a• I,,- . ,..•wn: > m G vo , >^ :i --GENKCOUNCIL RESOLUTION- .• u- vJ... 011. PRESENTED BY �/�.��' �jj�(.�j�j' •*� Qr�l, .!_�. 1'�IIl 11,941 COMMISSIONER.... ` RESOLVED: That licer,sesa applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Clarence Ivey 759 Capitol Heights Grocery Aon. 47045 Renewal St. Anthony Confectionery 11 47263 ” John A. Lane 551= 1} II n u u pool Tacles ° 4726 " Samuel 3rodinsky 951 Payne Ave. A. H. Kamp 171 W. Central Steve P. Harbeck 1146 Rice St. ?,yrs. ?!-°ry Nemer 543 W. 7th St. The Golden Rale 95 E. 7th St. Frank X. Drechsler 127 W. Winifred Simon Damian. u u 230 front Ave. It n 11 " u It Louis J. ^.ernes 595'.4. Dale St.. Seeger Floral Co. 533 IT. Dale St. Mrs.Clara MacKinnon 700 E. ?:arylamd R. A. r• J. A. Lacher u n It 1520 Grand Ave. 11 It Harola '.:. Peterson 989 Arcade St. Goo%:rich Silvertown Stores 176 W. 6th St. Ruben Star 251 E. 13th St. John Kroeten 92 Wood St. C011iIcil-m Tl 47506 " geas hays -Alindlan __ -TY.-rranto ,Fe'terson �Rbsen 4r. President, McDonough ,in a . cs —.1. Grocery t1 47360 n ISrocery " 47430 " Grocer;; " 47458 " Grocery " 47498 " Florist " 47506 " Confectionery 11 47520 11 Restaurant 47532 " Malt On Sale " 47533 " Off Sele }!-1t 1' 47534 " Grocer" " 47539 " Florist " 47544 Grocery " 47554 " Confectionery 11 47570 " Off Sale Malt 47571 " Gas Station " 47573 " Gas Station '1 47576 n Junk Gatherer " 47635 " Junk Gatherer " 47650 It Adopted by the Council_. '.f X11 . .194.-.., / Approved._ _.. ... ._194 In s �h n Favor �� lilayor Against NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._—..--.---'—'-- TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION ®oL,v.... PRINTER _...-.March 21 .....__.._1941 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 14,111.46 81210 81252 OF S_.... ,____ ___, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_—.. ---TO— —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.WR 25 1941 S ," ... CITY COMPTROLLER .. ...._194..__ _._ :... ..: ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .. -M� 7 5 1941 Id d ... _ ... __194......_. .... ... . APPROVED-- - --_....__ . ._. ..._. BY NOTICE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL rQUNCIL FILE NO— NOTICE _ TO COUw �'•. 191'x'-I:I:.�c-19 r:. -IJI}� . �..�..'Y,.:I " k. lig. PRINTER '.:.;.,.. :. _ .Me>vCh .21i.... .. -_194-1- RESOLVED, --1941-RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE 2AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— -TO -----------INCLUSIVE, AS PER � CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 2 C. 1941 ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -",,941 ��i ' �YCOMPTROLLER APPROVED...... ... _ ..._194.._...__ -?-- ".��`,) CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO.—.___..._—._-- TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER PRINTER _ _MA—rCLl. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO TSH� AGGREGATE AMOUNT 58 24,262.45 81145 OF S — ----, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ... —.__ __TO.._.—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - li1�Ap; %T 2,5 1941 ....._194_..__._ ".. �. "�'i��` TY-C`=-.�_—_� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.......-.... -' -' "' -" l �r �.�'" OMPTROLLER�G 45 1941 APPROVED ...-.. .-.194_......_ l ..C� �rw Soo s -aa CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—__'.___r COUNCIL RESOLUTION .March 21 -194 1 -- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 56,868.52 81159 81209 OF S_--___._._.._.., COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED —_.... __TO. --....-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 5 1941 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- ........ ._ _...._194__ 7- / CITY COMPTROLLER Y.,p ? SS 194i APPROVED. .. . .... ..........:. .. _194....._ Soo s.ao By. ri i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00.,507 000 33: „ i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _. ...._ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER .. ..._ —_ ROLL CALL BARFU FINDLA S I PARRA N PA RRANTO IN FAVOR t AUDITED CLAIMS Mnroh 20 1 .. .... .. _... PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TRUA% ' N.R PRES McDONOUGH TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S _ wLn _}I. e_ ... COVERING GOC T5 — ----�` CHECKS NUMBERED ���jj INCLU[SIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. P.,R CHECKS OWfILl-1f0 FFICE �0 F�T4lE�L I�1'Y COMPTROLLER. APPROVED__. ._.._. a 19Aµ? NUMBER x�. 52 .._ .o `s...Cs - — BY . - - -- _ - TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF — RETD BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 7 Soo OD -482 737 ..68 .�. ......... ... ...„.._ • 81145 John S. Fin -Ilan, C. of Finance 13 514 44 97 70 81146 John S. Fin~ilan, C. of Finance 59 76 81147 Geo. v. Rummelhart 13 62 S1148 ^harles Niemela 6 698 56 S1149 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 81150 John S. Finnan, 6. of Finance 1 5�3 89 81151 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 1 6 86 81152 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 521 89 81153 The Grinnell Company, Inc. 89 03. 1 149 21 81154 Janney -Semple -Hill & Company 81155 Paper, Calmenson & Company 245 75: 5 81 82156 G. Sommers & Company 81157 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 155 93 81158 Carol H. Springer 20 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00.,507 000 33: „ i � 1 1 i � 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 127 930 27 , 543 539 5g; i . . . . . . . . ..... i t I I . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OU PLICATE TO CITY CLERK CORN __- — OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERCIL NUMBER_ FILE NUU MBER_. ROLL CALL ARFUSS FBINDLAN I __IN PARRANTO PETERSON FAVOR T AUDITED CLAIMS Ma-reh... q1 REN RU M R PRES-M<OONOUGH AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS I ��: TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF BE ORAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY q _.. ��g6g,5Q---. COVERING E. AS V I- CHECKSNUMBERED.. .—— d1 IN GLU SIV TO Cliq�gVp7 TH8 CITY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNP.ILS PER CHECKS ON 9f4E IN,THC DFFIlOF q� VED— .'� ., NUMBER �7w_"1 cowvrnoi[n r% .��o-A.�16 BY— TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS T RN U ED RBY BANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 OO 507 0.00..33.- 003381159 91159 American Lumber & Wrecking Co. 202 34 14 032 38 81160 John S. Fin'llan, C. of Finance 81161 Mrs. CarlottalTrainor 90 2 56 81162 Mr% Agnes Weiss 0 4 00 81163 Mrs. Ella Woodward 91164 B. of 'Tater Commissioners 1 859 92 81165 City of St.Paul 17 748 07 705 48 81166 City of St.Paul 81167 City of St.Paul 16 80 81169 Mple.-St.Paul San. District 17 200 00 81169 Patterson Dental Supply Comnany 10 67 81170 P-rkine-Tracy Printing Company 133 50 81171 Pioneer Electric Company 106 12 81172 Peter Pirsoh & Sons Company 29 00 81173 Postal Telegraph Company. 19 17 81174 Prentic-Hall, Inc. 195 96 81175 Raymer Hardware Company 81176 D.J. Riley & Company 12 70 4157 59 81177 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 81178 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 81179 St.Paul Corrugating Company 1993 4 5g 34 95 Sligo St.Paul stamp Works 81181 Sharp & Dohme, Inc. 37 19 63 81182 D.B. Shotwell Company 81183 South Park Foundry & Machine Co. 190 00 811 H.M. Spence 1 00 . 30 56 81185 H.B. Stahl & Company 20 81186 Standard Unit Parts Company 81187 Tilden Food Market 81188 Transit Supply Company 2 091 00 9 6o 81189 Twin City Supply Company 81190 U.S. Bedding Company 15 5o 81191 University of Illinois 50 51192 Valley Iron forks, Inc. 83 53 81193 Wagner Paint Company 126 62 8119! Geo. T. Walker & Company 81195 'dater Level Controls Company 3 75 81196 W.L. Weber 58 35 1S6 83 81197 H.E. Aedelstaedt & Company 81195 'Pest End Ioe Company 30 00 81199 Western Materials Company 19 14 81200 Western Sign Company 17 35 81201 ® westlund's Market House 91 99 81202 'Test Publishing Company 10 00 242 26 81203 S.S. White Dental Mfg. Company 17 45 81204 H.W. Wilson Company 33 90 81205 John C. Winston Company 81206 Wisconsin Free Library Commission 1 00 51207 Wolters Auto Supply Company 66 81208 'Ifoldra Grocery Company 19 1 04 81209 'forld Peace Foundation 3 51 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 127 930 27 , 543 539 5g; I 1 1 , yHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 27 930 27 557 650 o4. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL _--__..__.._ ' RO.LL CALL I _. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. BARFUSS FIN—AN I PARRANTO —' PETERSON IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS I March -.21 ...... _ ROSEN TRU AX I gGAIN ST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_._}I�....1}i.-� -� COVERING .. PRES Mc DONOUGH —.- ? 1 CHECKS NUMBERED. TO _ INC LUSI .AS PER CHECKS ON FI LpFIC �q�J�q� HC CITY COMPT LLER ADOPTED BY THE COU NCII�. - .. 94 NUMBER APPROVED Y -4-1 TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RBY BANKD ' i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 'I CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 27 830 27 X43 538 5$._ 81210 American Rad. & Stand. San. Cdrp. Thomas E. Dahill 34 99. 335 45 81212 81211 Mrs. Graybar Electric Company Coal CompaiYy 10 10 61 81213 Great Lakes & Dock 81214 Lampland Lumber Company 110 28. 342 26 81215 The Logan Bindery 81216 Northern States Power Company- 113 75 81217 Northern States Power Company 372 16. 81218 J.L. Shiely Company 51 55 65 66 81219 Tallin Cabinet Company 81220 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance. 1 039 25 81221 Lee—Hoff Elevator Company 287 11 81222 Fred Krause 3 00 65 00 81223 Florence Moran 55 06, 81224 Aome Linen Supply Company 81225 Ahlberg Bearing Company Tne. 12 85 39 43: 81226 Air Reduction Sales Company. 81227 American Library Association 13 00 g122g American Linen Supply Company' 114 26 81229 American Planning & Civit Assao. 00. 81230 American Soc. of Mec.Engineerd 40 81231 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 170 28 81232 Austin Public Schools 2 90 81233 N.'9. Ayer & Son 15 00 32 49 81234 _ Baldwin Supply Company 8123 Bards's Food Center Service Company . 19 94 8123 Blue Print 81237 81238 Bureau of curriculum2 Burroudhe Adding Machine Co. 00 149 75 81239 Campbell Coal & Oil Company 3 32 812 0 Carnegie, Illinois Steel Corp.. 7 50 20 00 81241 Certified Ice & Fuel Company 81242 F.T. Compton & Company 53 4 00 81243 Conditioned Air Equipment Company Laundry Company 26 77, 81244 81245 Co—Op. Jurtis 1000. Inc. C8 32 81246 Detroit Board of Education 2 20. 81247 Eiber—Crescent Coffee Company- 30 d0 81248 Tleotrio Blue Print Company 57 44 81249 Electric Blue Print Company 96 85 81250 D.F. Garland 61 37 • 81251 R.L. Gould & Company V. Guenther 83 58 25 64 81252 Herb. yHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 27 930 27 557 650 o4. I 27 930 27 560 978 99 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL " FILE NUMBER... --.--..._---- ROLL. CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO March 24 INFAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS I91 PETERSON I RESOLVED: THAT CHECKS BEyRII\9.11,Z5L E CITY TREASURY JGV ROSEN _ TRUA% I -- AGAINST TO THE AGGREGAT �I�T OF I ff_ S_�_da. % _ _, COVERING TOOO_�1--INC LUSIVE. AS N_R PRES Mc DONOUGH CHECKS NUMBERED ..._..._ PER CHECKS ON fIL(rlp`IlTHE OFF)CE OF THQ CITY COM/Pf• ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ') _ A RPR O�ED_--- 1k _ .194 NUMBER `�- • 9 _.__...___,_:.__..._..� I_.... .. TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFBY TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED BANK DISBURSEMENT I: CHECKS II BROUGHTFORWARD 27 830 27 II 557 650 04_ ® 81253 Mrs. Mabel Murphy Mrs. Charles Tuchner 49 00 . 81254 81255 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 11 �3 97 1440�� 81256 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Companp 00° 81257 Gilbert Ellis 4o oo 81258 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 3 00 81259 rept. of Labor&Industry 118 15: Si26o H.F. Goodrich, City CAptrollelr 30 00 81261 Tlniversity of Minnesota 3 20 81262 Friedman's 3 00 91263 The Grudem Company 1 50. 81264 I. J. Haas Mfg. Company 1 20. 81265 Stanley Harding 15 39 81266 Harper & Brothers 81267 Hawk Mfg. Company 57 19 81268 D.C. Heath & Company 25 36 25: 81269 Theo. G. Helle & Company 7 81270 Highland Spring "tater Company 18 50' 81271 Howell Electric Motors Company. 16 10 81272 H.E. Hulme Awning & Shade Company 323 52 81273 Inland Coal & Dock Company 30 00 81274 M.L. Johnson 112 83 81275 Junior Literary Guild 4 50' 81276 `falter Kidde Comnany, Inc. 10 00 81277 Landon -Sauer Ins. Agency 54 81278 Librarian, Library of Congress 18 75 81279 Lipschultz Brothers 7 00 81280 Liquid Carbonic Corporation 00 81281 Lowry Garage 12 28 81282 Lyons & Carnahan Company �5 90. 81283 John Maurus 299 14 81284 Phil A. Maynard 4019 81285 Hcgesson & Robbins, Inc. 2 03 81286 Midland Book Company 473 65 81287 Minnesota News Com -any 3 25 81288 Mississippi Dept. of Education 15 99- 81289 Mother's Friend Laundry Co. Inc. 2 03 81290 National Education Association 72 50 81291 National Lead Company 1 75 81292 National Probation Assoc. Inc. 1 80 81293 Nelsen-Kolstad Mfg. Company 44 92 51294 Nicols, Dean & Gregg Company 79 81295 ® Northern States Power Company 254 23 81'296 Northern States Power Company ' 358 78: 81297 Northern States Power Company i 5 5`,i 81298 N. -V. Copper & Brass 'forks 9O 81299 Oakland Public Schools' 1 90 813on 81301 P+sn .American union M.S. Patterson Dental SuoolY COmnBny • 26 26 OO 81302 Pioneer Clock Company 27 930 27 560 978 99 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ,, f - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of--- '- condeni r. -.-r and :ar.zr.n :: :. rou:;emnt i.r. the 1e.nd- recess::r:.,,, • for .::os, - ----------- ----'-----'------------------------ -------------- case en:i P4 , is L:w- 'r--.14: - an.- .:r[:.ci::- o: r.:.e ..,la:: in :'lcci: ..vi!=vi Addition, fro:a rrie.. Ave:rr_ Z":e ...:;t line c 1: 17, RESOLI"IIOB 11A'1•WVM; AVD CO - F'Ia F11\G CO]n6F1]AT1OY ASD1 AWAnOv (IF' OAMAGEN 1\'11 As -I �E.S.SMENT TnENF;F'1111. ' V. \n. 121969— 'In ih, I iit,.r 4 ----- n -----• approved-- ctOe- --L-1c------------------ Intermediary C--------------- under Preliminary Order____________ Intermediary Order ---------- ------------ approved .... -e_e^� - l t_1,_ -G _____________ 1' 146c anuar. 2 1941 Final Order----------------------=------------� approved ----`------`------=------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation. of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 3wlx qld- ftAgNmikbg%8,1 ,dtvibX3euab�:detft=)ed toxbee. ayahte:% inuE_a.< �xE�ust.:inst�athrie seas%iix%ncir R xael:toLiancl•:desrribnckxheneinx Adopted by the Council ------ OR -26-a94------------, ;.:. •f�" ' --. City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,741e K4') 19- -- �j 1 Councilman Conroy yor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman Donald �' PUBLISMI) Councilman ce Councilman 'bland Councilman Sdiiheimer Y ^aT— Mayor rA Mr. Vi:... . ...... .. ..'.�,_,...., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A` • ill T �.' b :,.> -::e ------ ar- -- cor------: a:::: n.n erase ;rr.c la.,a In the matter of--------------------------------------------------�-----------=---------- sloot�s, cues au .'_ils _... ..:r :ficin- the Alla/ in itloc:: _, :nvi.,,v ;:c::'tion, .ran =' vi ..ven'.ie -C.., ti:e r. -s% .r e o" i.^•t 1?, 1^q q' Uc".oher °, 1t' G under Preliminary Order --- _=----=-----, approved------------ --L----- �------------------------ 1':1L63-----, 8 p.'_ P ---- Intermediary Order -------------- PProved______-----�=�=`='-'�-==' �-1==�=---- 121 g9 tanaary ':> 191 Final Order --------------------------- approved ----------- THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r.. ---------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. I"Ift I- 121990 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR co de .:: n- ar. t.i.'_..- na ':ase.=.�er•c in la.. ec=scar: r In the matter of_______'_________ °r s :.s ar.a -i lis in rra,....: Lrx. -li:r. ... A;Ic-::; •Iec: :.'rsa Scr.efier Av- n:.2,.. _ :ra ,.::1 ...... ;.... e•:.. .>....... ..-- :.1`.ert RESOId'TIUY R_{Ttryis(i AND COS - %'tree'. PIRMIN; (•()VllEMNAl'"T. AN AWARDS (IP DAMAGES.\AD A�- SESSMP,\T THEIM•.POIt. li, Ihi• ^' ..i under Preliminary Order .... 1'-_930 ____________, approved______'c_g;er- 2' �, - 0_ ^ '^ ece•ib_er o1 194^v Intermediary Order---------1=1r..�%------------- approved -----=------------L------------------ Final Order - - i'1' 1 -------------- approved ....... IL ------------- A - approved------Jam"__y231^'L1------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. &tt» ur hsx 3�akr��i t txkl�e �e�e�arua kex��&xitxi�r rzreboeAetmm3ined::toxbe: a incxxaxxxicxxegnak:dns9adlmeRts<-ae:xaxeachc parte,,c&lam&xtesoribediherei= Adopted by the Council -----MLR—Jr fig _____________, :.: Cify Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19- =ile 9134 ----------- - - - or. Councilman Conrby': '_' Ferguson- '- Councilman McDofiald. � ` 1 P :.r,.•„ ; y-CouCouncilman • ..,,, „ PUBLISHED- _'!;o;— Councilman ncilman Pearce . _ ..._,. Councilman Rohland Councilman Slldheimer ' Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ , ... • e• ::----''------- = - ==c - ------ _,Ps, js _n ..c: n.. .,che.r'er Ave...., co mer r_' Av- :.:r 'ro.. _:.r; :;o:.... an . ii o= under Preliminary Order_ -1_--'_' ______, approved ----- `=`-- =---1-"--- ----------------------- 1_l:'� - approved---- P=2 _S 1,40 4! Order ______________ ---- 1�.?'1------- approved ---- ':-L-a1`r'-="�-'- 1= -------------------------- Final Order____________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. 0,121.1 W Cllr CIHk • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_PRESENTED B _--- Y ���_ _ ------ .121991. IIU.:« " No_ ----- RESOLVED, that the application of Elmer E. Johnson for permission to erect and operate a public garage on Lot 7, Block 2, Vernon's Addition, also described as No. 899 University Avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. n�s:de�.a. rn:n ud• ::none:: u..., ..r 1<1- i�1 n���a<........... INA MtRk 26 1941 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__..__..__....____ -193—_ Yeas Nays -BW 261941 �11Pind Approved ---------193-.-- Z afanto /Peterson _.___In Favor – — May � ,)t6sen ' ._..Against >4t' President (Fsiiee} CITY OF SAINT PAULe; Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Liar. 25, 19141 - ]Ar. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council reeuested that yo'a prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Elmer E. Johnson for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 7, Block 2, Vernon's Addition, also described as 899 University Ave. Very traly yours, City Clerk. 2 1� . MAR 2 5.9941 Ctflt!'!fRAlif}:r COUNSFL NOTICE OF APPLICATION ?OR PE-ulIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby given that .pursuant to Ordinance :';o. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, 11innesota, anplic.ation will be made on �fi to the City _�=— Co o�f�ythe CitU int Paul, ,-jinnesotay by rect a public arae on the following for pernissiOn'tor"e described real .estate, situated in Ramsey County, i.tinne- sOrt ' tc wit: Lot , Blocl: i� 1 Adttitiur., %lj sidc of Sai t Paul, Minnesota. On the _—_ 5t. Ave., between S�t. Ave/.ana ST. Ave., I',umber: / ISt.Ave. Dated -,t Saint Paul, Minnesota, _ -- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF AIINNESOTA, 1 � County of Ramsey', s 1... r.....:; ..:�........ r• .................. being duly sworn, on oath . during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- says: that he now is, and of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, -9!e west Publications, Inc., publisher full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated I,&uj_pWn .. n -m^ and has immediately prior to the publication therein of the That for more than one year r ....... ...... �. (r In ......... ( �.. t ............. ......... hereto attached, said newspaper in the English language frro°m�its`knowna°ti�et i,m publication was. printed and Published was in the County of RRInseyr in the city of St. Paul least six days of each week in column and sheet forth purports to be issued, daily at inches of single column two inches wide; equivalent in space, to at least 450 runnmg 1 - established in said w has been issued from its known office as above stated, W PSP ingun tile necessaryvoted cation, equipped with skilled worktnen and of eichic] printing the same; has had in its makeup tweet,-fi=1 seri e, Pressowuurn ct to local news of interest to said community it purports has contained general ne'rs, cul" bas been done in its said known oilice of publication; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has �t been ment and miscellany; matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PER- MIT TO ERECT A PUHI.tC OARAGE. entirely made up of patents, plate to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered Norke t. nerehr men ma, Pa t m ' ��lit°9>iinn �'ea i21"l.°;Irene ititlne"I a near its said place of publication t has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the file le : .I+ren 3S. .011. " Ne ptv em nnl [o paying subscribers; its said place of public:lUm1; that there has been and is on pr cuv t .. P`aw. Mmnre"�a, Et— E. Ae�trenn Inr r [eaten ,n e a mr rone.wn� n.nvrit;r`•n local postollice of proper of the County Auditor of the Com1tY in which said publication was maue, proper a newspaper for pub- µour estate ne ..11—d r" Rama Cl"m ,. MinPeaoia. Int ;. Rbrk 3. ver- office roof by one having knowledge of the falls, of its qualifeations as ine n -mu1PmcranvbApi.•eIr�iI Al.. N11" hAgo ned s,. Pam. W;- ­,March 10. p llcaUon of legal notices. a IPf arch .� IPreaa a n:aP. M hereto attached . That the ........... ............. NOTICE ......................... of said newspaper, and was Printedand published therein bl was cut from the columns i1t:.'.:. �...GCrh,t.?. suaeeaeivc-'�ekr; the English language. or�k, for........ I�............ day of was first so Published o.........`.'..`f....the........... that n //it '/tl.1. / ,. 1: �fYbl escl3-week Ig././ ........ ................ 19.7.�� and thereafter on / ....'. day of ....................... I t9....; and . W and Indudlrlg-the ......................... ........ the lower core alphabet from tZ. both inclusive, of e I that the following is a Printed copy kind of type use tile size and d n the composition and is hereby acknowledged as being and Publication of said notice, to -wit: e. b e def g b 11 k 1 m n o D R re t u O W l Y .................................:.... ..... ... .. ... 1' J, ' 7 :' ! A_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this...::'... daY;o ............. Q.:................... Ramsey County, hfinn¢sata Notary Public, ]. L MCC001.. Mina, 19... ' My commission expires .. NotaR Public'.Raman 15, 1943. L)_. My Co.. �_ Affidavit of Publication STATE ok, jn IN,ESOTA, l 88 Co unk, - of Ramsey, j .i . 1 '•'j64t-F ;�, l •`.' f K I'., being duly sworn, on oath i...... ......... r................... :...... .................. says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North - the St,-Peu1..lelr, St. west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as kr.owledge of the facts hereinafter stated Paul Pioneer Press, and has full for than one year immediately prior to L.e publfcation therein of the That more �' C C...° printed ................ ...:........ . .... Com• (. , , , ... hereto attached, said newspaper • .:� • , , , and published 1n•the English language from its known office of publication It was printed ota, from which In the city of St. Paul In the County' of Ramsey', State of Mhmrs in column and sheet form purports to be issued, daily at least SIX days of each week inches o1 siogle column two inches wide; equivalent 1n space, to at least 450 running established In said place of publi- has been issued from its known office as above stated, skilled workmen acid the necessary material for Preparing and cation, equipped with devoted the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five perof news printing serve, pressouurkuuf which to local news of interest to said commwdty is purports has been done in its said known ollim of publication; has contained 6f'tc''� news, com- lien and t llany; has not duplicated wholly, any other Publicatross; has mat `NoruE OF APPLICATtOS FOA PEA-� xrr To EAEcr A PUBLIC GARAn Ei ment made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and I Nntic ala eerehv Ive orN I cit:f or I ne entirely near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered in the Paw.. to mpjfrm ;tvw he m to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second dans mail mutter is file hl Lite - el ei 7�nna^�'rnr na i^ r ^' local po stoHice of its said place of publicauon; that there has bcen and on d elle Raraee he e deacr, r.rA i toe all mt = v coumv. '('' Vrr-' office of the County Auditor of the County in which said puUlication was macic, proper , as a newspaper for pub - \tlnnen^ta.' n Ln ece R. . A,Idainn. Paw ^ta. m^ A:•e. proof by one having knowledge o1 the facts, of Its gtuthHcations he ta-RrN nAc• hive ttu err d nni.rre r an . nares al sr. Pau. 1 t^. ntareh in. licatron of legal notices. MI. Prcaa k Dian.. \larch NOTICE ......................... hereto attached That the................ ..... ... cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was Printed and published therein ill was J/ ti eek.: the English language, 0aee-ee6t—week, for..... .C:......(^: �. J.. sueeeeepk, t (- that it was fssst so published On... ). .....the........ P. ......... day of . t c. f.-/ t-IJ..If�oEtBeh `Week .... �.......:.......... 19.f%�, and thereafter on ................. day of :............ ....... 19 .... ; and - -the .print . ... from A to Z, Uoth Inclusive. that that the following 1s a P�t•� coPY of the lower case alphabet t following kind of type used in the composition and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and and publication of said notice, to -wit: nbedefghIIkImooPar.suvw:r• i ............in........�':.t{................... .. .. day of �/11�. e . f`' ., 19..../ Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .�' ./.. „l. ... .......... ..................... . Notary Puubbllicic . R,anLsey county. 1. L McCf-. My commission expires . Mvt I3S`trca L7�.`y15` 1945. 19.. . Comtmimion Ori0.,v4mCIO clerk ........ .... ' „( ,'ell CITY OF 5 �ni— i�,�lh FICE OF 1 COUNCKAI OLUTI( I: al crow. March 25 1941 .. . PRESENTED BV�•rir,„, DATE_.—_-..—_........__._. ... COMMISSIONER._. ... ' ' ..._.....---- --- WHEREAS, in the matter of the construction of well house, equipment, piping installation and appurtenances, both at old and new well, at the Minnesota Fish Hatchery, Indian Mound. ,Park, dComate ofller'scompletContract G 4677, Keys Well Drilling Company, contractor ary 26, 1941, and WHEREAS, although contractor has prosecuted his work diligently, he has experienced considerable delay in progressing with his work because of unforseen and inclement weather conditions, and WHEREAS, because of the inclement weather conditions, the contractor required an extension of time for completion; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to epecute an rovided howeverntthatt to said thiscontract resolution shall the time to March 21, 19/,.1, p have no force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller, and be it further RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claims for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection charges will be made on this project by the city on account of such extended period. VAR Adopted by the Council. COUTIC1LMEn t9a Leas nays / ...... � .. proved_ tea /findlan r 4arranlo In Favor /, eterson Rosen Against IM'. President, McDonough om -ao Cs I- N993 x_..)93 0r41..1 b CIW CI.hNO. •,�`"I'u• ••:rl :v .•, :'i, iu - .. CITY OF ' ` inr,•:�:dri nl�,:.:�L�,�iinma...: " .e,..::, ..i 3:..•:•••:. a.. OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ­,%ONt�tRAL FORM PRESENTED By _ COMMISSIONER_._ — -_ �9 WHEREAS, by assignment dated January -2C—, 1935, the Empire National Bank & Trust Company assigned City of Saint Paul 4% High School Bonds, numbered 59A, 60A, 108A, 109A and 110A, in the sum of $5,000, due March 31, 1941; and WHEREAS, said Bank has requested that it be permitted to substitute $5,000 United States of America 3/4$ Treasury Note Series "A" 1945, due March 15, 1945, being Note No. 1160, in lieu of the bonds above.described; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Sinking Fund Committee that said Bank be permitted to make such substitution of securities for deposits; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorizedto r lease and deliver to said Empire National Bank & Trust Comla�the said City of St. Paul 4% High School Bonds No. 59A, 60A, 108A, 109A and 110A, due March 31, 1941, in the sum of $5,000, and to accept in lieu thereof said $5,000 U. S. of America 3/4$ Treasury Note Series "A" 1945, due March 15, 1945, upon the same obligation and conditions contained in the original assignment, and the City Clerk is instructed to file a copy of-this resolution with the City Comptroller, to be attached to and become a part of said original assignment. "OAR '26_W193__ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-­=— :_17Y1 Yeas Nays '�_ pproved_ 193-....... 4Finthan �a[ranto -'_I% � n savor . i. ... .... ......_.- ---.. - �Peterson - -ayor Rosen. r. President on bM II-3 C8 ' 0Hg!"I to City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE_ VrHEP.ZAS,the -une Com-ittee '-:a,.- rocei%,,c th.- following offer: NfiW2 01' --ITUI Kll,':-) OF BC -ND RATE hlATIUR I TY IT BASIS 8. Co. cit'; 01 y i'mo 2. 03 tac.: ouncil conc---.r In the of the. -om::ittee in ti:e c'jr(:h.as7e of abovt, bond .or Vro Farticin,-tint; Certi'lente ?and, and =`.A.S, SI t.:. is of the oqinion thr.t the a!,1 -'v,-. ov"Pr should be iccented, thcrt,:'o,c, be it, L"."D — - .. .- , :..,• r, ':' -- � .: - , hlreby zmt,:'Qr` :03 F111Cl tran-,-ctior.. 1 rind: I A,- ;4 2.010, w f 1r:i.'i11:11i1i� .1'111111. n11 --f—, be It Vi .......... . a WR - I�- 26 1 41 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council 194. 1]eas hays WMR 9,6 1941 7 7 �n '", Apjrovad.. Parranlo .Pelerson V: In Favor Rosen Against /Mr. President, McDonough r nriAio.l w City l:lrrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT N ---GENERAL FORM ASI///n ,. ^ + PRESENTED BY V � NY1 (/tel 114 ' ATE_.. ... ._.. _. .... _ .._. ..._.. COMMISSIONER_ �. / _- -- ---- ' RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it opposes S. F. 1008 and H. F. 1148, being a bill entitled: "A bill for an act creating'a metropolitan traffic commission and defining its duties and powers"; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Highways and to the Chairman of the House Committee on Civil Administration; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to t he Chairmen of the Senate and House delegations from Ramsey County. I :.....iv. d b it . •i�.. . �I 1'�� '; Ili r il:•..:rl� c:l Ilial nni:.( til i.. �i�li�linn 1::• yr I.. tllr 1'hasrnl..li t li a� v n:l Ill i:u�'v :1.•1.•K:Iti.�n� fr:.n: :\:I::I�i �•:1 i:\� ill. :\ I:I: r:.l'.•:1 I M41' IR 2 6 1941 C01111ClLlllEi1. Adopted by the Council .. 194 leas Rays ate- , Els f> ;`341 Approved. Fiudlan LL .. `I .l 'Parranto`I In Favor paerson Aosen J Against Mr. President, McDonough �m ao CS I.... CITY OF SAINT PAULfi?�f1r� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY -T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 18, 1941 - Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel CiHall Dear Sir: The City Council today went on record in opposition to the passage of H.F. 1148 and S.F. 1008, entitled as bill for an act creating a metropolitan traffic co—ission and defining its duties and powers°. If you believe that a resolution should be adopted opposing this bill, will you kindly draw the same? Very truly yours, City Clerk. /l MAR 1�= 'gti, F. 1148 Introd-,cod !%Y' ileo rrrr.t 1 iiami—trit-ti")'! 7'ef_ Companion S.F.1008 3/1 1,41 YtILL 1. �,-U.-LTZOPOLMAI' TR,�FFIC FO,� ITS DUTIES A:--D P31.7ERS *i *.I 3s10 .':..-.D D12-D-IFG OF 1:I!_-'ES0rTA: T Irby created c. ;Y-tropolitan Traffic Commission, Iways of c:-.1lod th+- M—o3ed of the oiler Of ­ii�l b,:i rIjaT two additimial rt�prc- t�,.crc.of, oo stat-�: c who shall be Of tiro Statc. f Minneso.- I of -jyz, two rw)rcroi�uftivos -'ror, the - wy C by the 2Lcird a;" thereof, t-. liniv-1--it" �,, �',iln'osD ­ . :j�njl be _)1)0iIItcd Mi from tho DYI'�' I Df Ijnivnr�;ity of I llne.'otcll V.10 rc,1rn7­!':t::ttivcs' Dr�,cto7-:.. t':,_,roof, two representatives . . ­ . tCity of Minneapolis, - '10 froia t':--- "vo, hu- ndred 0:n t h,_- C i t 0. pokIl lit o:ualc:tion of five n-ne. iron -,.:,lc' -, nrunicina thin t 'ivo miles from the ill t—io. ;-Itato ,jj. 1 wenty-, , ile. o r tijo Covcrniiig borirds of scid be it.. sc;ctioT! avid ":nnTAlf�::J0 .,.all and cn.�pjlctc study and -,urroundil.l, the: citic- ; of trr.ff-' ec-:c �;ovcr, d subrit t-0 board:; :)r;- out .tl% ffocto a - -TId control of 'd for t!!-.1 ir ill tr:1fi.lic, bathCOMM-rc4-Ltl `7ld C; a su re 1 .1 :.rnu bo for the ub? i u; stclt c ts of !:t lntros at z.t ticall of he chairman,chairman,, �y noce c,f,,ice, :j:, yn, (,lc,,ct such i.ihcrc o' the an :; . I. , -no ;o ,:Ilzlll :Ccp such records t'..,, be . c c S 5 oc,!,vo jr ctu..11 for 'lit, out _,Ct, * "):It sh.-.111 serve roup 017 "IliniciP�illitY t, ti: c,)j-,oration, :,�c o t i nj, from t ;Ittendi s f ic,; :Ind ronaring :;uch ., I L, I , i -,,; -, :-,Ilcl,. stud . ' t', represent T� c' a ,V c, sh 11 be :?inch "ol �,d docidu upon to hccl) ikd rcport.'.- T.,:-.id fnr by the to 'i" of i Section 4. It flt�,111 t"r' duty --3f th(� the Dad:31 ;,F,30ciation notifJ Beer(. of Rog,;­.�!'t�� of ::!to University of 1.1innonotz't, ntitled to rcP- . municipalities lihich are e 'j!iivc;r:AtV .if blinllc,:o�', op.d t)�.,! -runic rty days s of this ,let within thi Comi, avision Ar reprosenta- s*ach of the 1), rc� 0 nt,�t ion a - have thoin to �-nnoint the nftor it!.-, PcssaGc and onylr0v�:I, ind to t,,.c s,-jr..1c shall be car- s " 0 ,y!3 thereafter. .rh n sucl, have been r-adu, , first tive ti,orcoil. ere, r. The if_ .inner .,f tcn and tificd tn the Comm &r.--n after M--oti:w� of the Commission be withir, sixty of tl:is act. in .idvi:1'oiY cu'!Qcitv only and 5. Said -ion shall act i Section Seid r,- _.)Ort r;liv be included in the t- i,!'c. bionni�_,11Y- -)T. . -jivitlys. tl'.0 C, r of TUC biennia). 17(-`,�Ort Of CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. 5IEAHAN . HARRY W. OEHLER HILARY J. FLYNN CORPORATION COUNSEL IRA KARON MARSHALL F. HURLEY COURTHOUSE JAMES. F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. OAUGHERTY SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA FRANCIS M. SMITH .a.. ASSISTANTS I6I, I ::ere. _ _... _esol'1' ao o 0_:1; II 3.-. I ._.. Ir;?i__ .._ ei Address all correspondence to Corporation Counsel. Orlainal, to Clrr Clerk r.• ;�. �� �1.1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL --- •. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �.,a r. r••o�r�„n.,l„ I,,, ti, . F. 187,�lnd I n1 '6!, LO CI R SO� .TION--GF�NERAL FORM �. tx; „a n. r•; s:,c PRESENTED EBY R COMMISSIONER._ J �v (���V M'� DATE.—''—-'_'___... WHr:REAS, S. F. 187 and H. F. 696 have been studied by the License Committee of the City of Saint Paul, and a report returned to the Council by said License Committee, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs in and adopts the report of the License Committee; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution, together with a copy of the report, be sent to the chairman of the House Committee on Temperance and Liquor Control; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of the resolution and the report be sent to the Chairmen of the Senate and House delegations from Ramsey County. COUTICILITTETI teas nays ru Fin dlan 'arranto -on' Z /A'�r�President, McDonough Jm 1-ao CS -- MAR MAR 2, 6 1941 Adopted by the Council _194. <pE-►�: � � 194 ' Approved ,. _ . _ 194 In Favor ayor / Against �n . � - � — All �- FOR SERVICE CALL Mc Clair. &Hedjv0Np Co• oV Garfield 7587 PHONE MESSAGE M. gurle You were called at 10 By M}•ea Dolan of Phone No.. G,r 3081 to call her. cssa c was March 19, 1941. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In reporting to you on Senate File. 187 this date referred to this committee, we respectfully re;,ort that we agree in prin- ciple with the bill as regards the prohibition of Slot machines, but submit that it is absolutely superfluous and unnecesse.ry in so far a its applicati:n in the City of St. Paul is concerned, for the reason that there are not and have not been for several years past slot machines operating within the confines of our city limits on any premises, whether dispentning licuor or any other commodity. This condition was brought about because of a definite policy of the Council condemning their usage and by the tment in enforcing this policy. diligence of the Police lleper Consequently, it is our considered opinion that what hos been accomplished in the City of St. Paul through its Pul•lic Safety Department without a legislative act such as is now proposed, can be accomplished in any other political sub- divisions of the State of i9innesote, through their law enforcement agencies, and while agreeing with the principle prohibiting slot machines on ,remises selling intoxicating liquors or non-into::icating malt liruors, we fircly believe the bill, in event it is enacted into. law as written, would constitute another invasion and would transgress on home rule government because it would divest local governing bodies of powers and control by reason of the mandatory provision of obtaining State permit for operation and penalties prescribed for operation without ssid permit. Accordingly, upon the grounds of invading and transgressing on home rule government by the legislature, we recommend aisapproval oi' the bill. Respectfully submitted, License Commite, Gus H. Rarfuss, Commissioner omms Parran o, Commissioner of Public Commissi�nex of Pub7.' Sefety.� Utilities. John S. Findlan, r.,mm;ssioner of Finance. _ P. E. McDERMOTT JOHN S. TINDLAN De Commissioner Commissioner ' r?uty CITY OF SAINT PAUL fib'{r�J, Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier March 19, 1941. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In reporting to you on Senate File. 187 this date referred to this committee, we respectfully re;,ort that we agree in prin- ciple with the bill as regards the prohibition of Slot machines, but submit that it is absolutely superfluous and unnecesse.ry in so far a its applicati:n in the City of St. Paul is concerned, for the reason that there are not and have not been for several years past slot machines operating within the confines of our city limits on any premises, whether dispentning licuor or any other commodity. This condition was brought about because of a definite policy of the Council condemning their usage and by the tment in enforcing this policy. diligence of the Police lleper Consequently, it is our considered opinion that what hos been accomplished in the City of St. Paul through its Pul•lic Safety Department without a legislative act such as is now proposed, can be accomplished in any other political sub- divisions of the State of i9innesote, through their law enforcement agencies, and while agreeing with the principle prohibiting slot machines on ,remises selling intoxicating liquors or non-into::icating malt liruors, we fircly believe the bill, in event it is enacted into. law as written, would constitute another invasion and would transgress on home rule government because it would divest local governing bodies of powers and control by reason of the mandatory provision of obtaining State permit for operation and penalties prescribed for operation without ssid permit. Accordingly, upon the grounds of invading and transgressing on home rule government by the legislature, we recommend aisapproval oi' the bill. Respectfully submitted, License Commite, Gus H. Rarfuss, Commissioner omms Parran o, Commissioner of Public Commissi�nex of Pub7.' Sefety.� Utilities. John S. Findlan, r.,mm;ssioner of Finance. _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HARRY W. OEH LER HIL ARY J. FLY NN IRA KARON CORPORATION COUNSEL MARSHALL F. HURLEY COURT HOUSE JAMES. F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. DAUGHERTY SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA FRA IQCIS M. SMITH 1. .., March 25, 1941. To the Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: A resolution in opposition to S. F. 187 and Ii. F. 696, which matter has had your attention before, is herewith transmitted to ,you, together with a printed copy of the Senate bill. The Senate File was moved out of Committee and on the floor for vote on March 24th, and on motion by Mr. Finstad 250 copies of the said bill were printed; Mr. Finstad further moved that the bill lie over, which motion prevailed. The house File has had no consideration whatever by the house Committee on Temperance and Liquor Control as yet. Yours truly, Marshall F. Hurley MFH -.S Assistant Corporation Counsel .-Mdrrss ail rorrespondcn,-e In Corporacion Counsel. k 111W )9 nMlpinel'W city l'lerk 1 COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO._—_ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , C UN IL RESOL TION ---G NERAL F RM D PRESENTED BY VV7/ / ATE_. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it opposes S. F. 955 entitled: "A bill for an act enabling cities of the first class to impose, levy and collect'sales taxes"; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Taxes and Tax Laws, and to the chairman of the House Committee on Taxes; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the chairmen of the House and Senate delegations from Ramsey County. -- "---- . P. Na 111!,!; Ilr \boor MI -I 1, l: -..:\ W. I'. I•r l.•r.un—.l Diol .. rinnl:�n-... I<�•>:•Iv:.11. I: �� III �� I ::'II i:f Ih:� I :�II I:�. ::f tb:. li r.'t :�1::+.111 ���inli l::•.�.�. I.•. �� III rlll•. 11�-. I:1 'IIIl'1:iI..1'.�.IlrlaA: ll:�.yI•lI :l\�:-11l. I::haI�tb i1l: �l'•IiIlIlI;Il .1 1 if�l'IIli. .Ih-n I. . I:rl.• :.li• it ':\., •I1 II�� II•.:i.:• I 1-:: �:..: 1•:� i I urthi•illll:«����I r. Il �I11::11 �.i•lii�i�i Ihi:' �.:.I:II i��n 1.:. III•. I�b:l hill li.• Il:�ii...::Il:l�v II.II:� il:.l:•ti::il i�•n� frl•I I: .\:I��I�I��I Illi II II I: �� : •�il \I:i :�. '::. 1 :�I 1. MAR 26 1011 Adopted by the Council- .194 C011RCILIiIEiI * n � Leas Tlays �o ..��.....__" Approved" _. .. _. ..194 'Findlan �1 ,-Parranlo In Favor ' ay,., /Peterson 1 -4 -sen // Against -,Mr. President. McDonough r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 16, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall 4 0 Dear Sir: The City Council adopted a motion opposing the adoption of the attached bill, S.F. 955, entitled sa bill for an act enabling cities of the first class to impose, levy, and collect sales taxes", and also any other sales tax. If you think it advisable to have the Council adopt a reso- lution opposing this bill, you might prepare such a resolution. Very truly yours, IV� City Clerk. MAR V 'Gd' Introduced by: Neumeier Referred to: Com. on Taxes k Tax Laws 3-13-41 A BILL FGF, AN ACT ENABLING CITIES OF TfE FIRST CLASS TO D..T OSE, LEVY AND COLLECT SALES TAXES. RF IT "!ACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MS11NESCTA: Section 1. As used in this act: (a) The terms "sale" and "sales" shall include any transfer, exchange, barter or permission of use for a consideration of: (1) Tangible personal property excluding, hrwever, sales for human con- sumption of cereals and cereal products; milk and milk products; meat and meat products; fish and fish products; egg and egg products; vef table and vegetable products; fruits, spices and salts; sugar and sugar products other than candy and confectionary; coffee and coffee substitutes; and tea, cocoa, or cocoa products other than candy and confectionary. Sales of soft drinks, aiders, sundaes and beverages such as are ordinarily dispensed at soda fountains may be subjected to the tax herein. (2) Electrical energy and gas, telephone and telegraph facilities; transportation facilities for human beings and other similar services except, how- ever, street railway transportation and bus transportation auxiliary thereto. Per- sonal and professional services are not subject to this act. (3)' Accommodation such as those commonly' furnished by hotels, inns, tourist camps, resorts, restaurants, lunch counters, and similar businesses. (b) The term "retail sales'' shall include sales for any purpose other than for resale but does not include an isolated sale not made in the ordinary course of repeated and successive transactions of a like character. (c) The term "sale price" means the consideration in money, the value in money of any other consideration or both for any sale, exclusive of any tax im- posed upon the sale by the federal Government or by this state or any political subdivision thereof: Section 2. The council or other governing body of any city of the first class within the state of Minnesota is hereby empowered to im-�Ose, levy and collect. by ordinance a retail sales tax at a rate not to exceed three (3) per cent of the sale price. `_xcept as limited by this act, the porter herein conferred shall he commensurate with the power of the state of '.iinnes•ta t• imp—!, 1L:vy 2nd •:Ille.ct retail sales taxes including the creation of ac'.mini:trative agencies, the appoint— ment and compensation of'employees, the imposition of civil and criminal penalties, the calling of witnesses, the inspection of accounts and all other acts necessary fcr effective administration and enforcement. Section 3. Any tax imposed by a city ordinance pursuant to the authority granted in this act shall have application only within the territorial limits of the city but within these limits any city herein—shall have the same jurisdiction to impose a retail sales tax as the state of Minnesota has to impose such a tax within the territorial limits of the state of Hinnesota. The tax may be in addition to ether taxes. Section 4. This is an emergency measure designed and intended to give needed tax relief to real estate in said cities and to avoid the necessity of further large borrowing by said cities for relief purposes and the enactment by the state of i'innesota of a general retail sales tax at any, time subsequent to the enactment hereunder by ordinance of any city retail sales tax shall automatically vacate any such city ordinance. Section 5. Revenues resulting from the imposition of taxes under the authority granted in this act shall be paid into the city treasury and become part of the general revenue fund. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration C4 Mr. Harry N. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: idar. 25, 1941. The Council requested that, yo;; draw a resolution opposing the adoption of S. F. 955 entitled "A Bill for an Act Enabling Cities of the First, Class to Impose, Levy, and Collect Sales Taxes", said resolution to provide that copies be sent to t} -,e Ramsey County Dele- gations in the House and Senate. Very truly yours, Clerk. City � MAR 2 194 til RP!lftA1 i6:1' COUNSFL CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HARRY W. OEHLER HIL RY J. FLYNN IRA KARON CORPORATION COUNSEL MARSHALL F. HURLEY COURT HOUSE JAMES. F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. DAUGHERTY SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA FRANCIS M. SMITH ASS15TANTS T -m act tbl cithe.,; first clan. Iddrtsi all correspondence to Corporation Counsel. r� �� WIS O rliln.1 m C4 C4rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU ~c'� NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCJL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PCOMMISSIONER_RESENTED BY DATE_. .--- ""-- RESOLVED by the Council Of the City of Saint Paul that it opposes S. F.'963 and H. F. 1272, entitled: "A bill for an act relating to intoxicating liquor licenses r and amending Masonts Supplement 1940, Section 3200-2 'oe it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the chairman of the Senate Liquor Control Committee and the 6hairman of the House Committee on Temperance and Liquar Control; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the chairmen of the Senate and the House delegations from Ramsey County. I ... 1:1:• ..:x. I:y 11:,­ ........... I:�: ••� ..\111•..11- cL - L. it ..I11 I...� . 11114 lb,'11:, n t. ..I' 111,....1.....1 'I'.. 111 �..1 ..1.. ., 1111 I.i 11 •1 , ,. i, ,•�I: 1.,;.111 � 11 I' „ '111... I:.. �.I...I. 111:1 •�i...� ..1 :11i�� .r if1 ...\1::11.1.....1 ...,i111..i, _. .\il..l�i •�11 I. �� 111, � 1 .�il �I:1r I:�11. \1.1.1 •, x'11 \1:11 •1 :�1 1, COUTICILMEn Ileas nays ,-tindlan 1 Parranlo /Peterson lRosen Truax......_. "Mr. President, McDonough �m -.o Cs —1. MAP, 26 1941 Adopted by the Council, .. . .194 ' Approved. ,,, .. 194 `. In Favor Tna r Against Introduced by: Finstad 1.7'963 Referred to: Liouor Control 3/12/41 A BILL FOR t:: Ate" .1=,'iI;-G i'0 I1nO;:ICATIN0 LI';UOR LICE; -SS, :.- iDING KASON'S SUPPLEP,i:'r 1940, SEC'_'IO0 .3200-25. I- IT F.E.: .TED BY THE LEGL�:.OF ` ',T STATE OF 2;-IITNESOTA: Section 1. tAnst.:.1- Supplement 1940, Section 3200-25, is hereby amended to read as follows: That it shall be unlnsful for any person, directly or indirectly', upon any pretense or by any devi.3c, to manufacture, import, sell, exchange, barter, dispose of or keen for sale, any intoxicating liquor, without first having ^btained a license t;:cr^.for, as herein provided. Nothing herein shall prohibit the natural formentation of fruit juices in the home for family use. .,il T.anufacturer's and anccloscicrvs licenses shall include the right to import c,na shall be granted by the Lir.uor Control Commissioner. The business of manu- fn—Turcr and wholesaler m y bq combined and carried on under one license'lasued therefor, All lic,nscs for retail "Off sale" and ''On sale" shall be granted by the local governing body subject to the approval of the Li•nuor Control Commis- signercm" effective until so approved. and shall not bec�..� ,-. .- - - — The Lioucr Control f,'c.r-:lssioner may issue a license or r,crmit to any r.silroad company, dining c:_ co::^ -any, or sleeping car compnny, water transpor- tation company or other cornon carrier operating, in this state, to sell intox- icatin.; liquors referred to in ':':is chapter upon any vessel, dining; cur, buffet, observatior or cafe cei• rlhere meals or lunches are served. Each such company npplyir for such license shall ply to said Liquor Control Commissioner a fee :,f Twcnty-five Dollars ner an -*.u:. A duplicate of such license shall be posted in each cur and for each du*�!ic:±te of ouch license a fee of Onc. Dollar shall be -aid. Such license so granted scall cover and permit the sale of such intox- icatin-, liquor in the St:.tc .. !:innescta, or in any political subdivision there- of, in any vessel, dining cnr, buffet, observation or cafe car which is a nart of a train or which is about to become a part of a train then being operated or to be onerated in this state. Such liquor to be sold only to bona fide pas- sengers cr persons actuall;r being; tran-sported. "Off sale" ar^ ''^r _ole!' licenses issued by any municipality shall not be effectivo untilaap­.v(e, together .with the bond, by the Liquor Control Commissioner, but no fee ::;:c.11 be p,iyc�blo to such Corainsioner for such approval, All "On nul:'" lip^..:.res shall t.., granted and the annual license fee therefor fixed by thc. respective lccel governing bodies of the various political subdivisions of the: Nate, :,a:J.':ouch governing bodies shall have the right to. revoke 'licenses issued by thea., for cause, No "On sale" licenses shall be issued contrary to any of tee -)revisions of this Act. Not more than one "On sale" license shall be issued in..Iny city ,f the first class for every 1500 inhabitants. Not mora than 200 :'on sale" licenses shall to issued in ;-ny city of the first class. I;ot gore than 15 "on sale" licenses shall be issued in any city of the second class, Provided, however, that "On sale" licenses may be is 'muod, except in cities of '-he first class, in addition to the limitations as herein provided, te. bona "ide, clubs in existence for 20 years which are duly incorporated. and which licenses shall be for the sale of intoxicati::g liquors t: momberc only for a license fee of •;100.00. Nct more than 10 ;'On sale" license:: stall •be issued in cny cit;- of the third class. Not .^..ore th�.n :ale" licenses shall be issued in cny city of the fourth class, or borouEho- Not mcr:: than 10 "On sale;' lice::;os shall be issued in any village " =ver 10,000 population. Net more than 5 'On sale" licenses shall be issued in ally village of 5,000 to 10,000 '.1oi,ul.ti,)n. Not ;:core than 4 "On sale:' licenses shall be issued in any villa;•:: of °,500 to 5,000 population. 'Not more than 3 On sale" licenses shall 'cc i.;.-ecc! in any village �,f 500 to .'.,500 ronulation, :an 2 "On sale" licenses s?:;11 'co issued in any villa,,,c >f les; than PIo� :-,oro �. ' 1. . ..2- 6, F, 963 SOC, t:or,!lation, Provided, ;%owovcr, t}tat in cities of tY.s fourth clan, containirg a population of more than 5,000 situated in counties cor.tainir.:; not less than. 20,000 nor more than 25,000 in!tabitents according to the 1930 federal census, -nd containing no't less that: .^•0 nor nor•: their. 21 full cnd fractional congres- sianal to,enships, 10 "On sofa:' licenses :nay be issued. Provided, hon -.'over, that . in c:ny city of the fourth. class, operating under :� home rule charter, having a morulation in excess cf ?,NO 'Iersons, located in a cout:ty having not less th.,In 29 nor more then'30 full'and fractional townships with ar. assessed valua- tinn in excess of :$10,000,000, exclusive of moneys and credits, and having a population in excess of 23,000 inhabitants according to the last Federal census, the council may issue one "On sale" lia'ense for every 600 inhabitants or frac- tion thereof. Provided, P':rt:ier, that in nny city of the fourth class, organized under any genot,:l ar special law and having a population of not less their. 500 nor more than 1,000, oxce-tin;,, however, any city of the fourth claw governed under a Lorne rule c}tarter adopted pursuant to Section 36, brticle 4 of the St: -.to constitution, not ::or•than 3 "Off sale" licanses any be issued therein. n c Ioun-Aes htnvinr nny area of :::_^_o then 5,000 square miles, if the Liquor Con- trol Cor -.i Metier also aP"roves:,the ;ovcrning hedy in cities of th•, third clash. m,;•; 15 such liccn.s!s :.,... in cities f the fourth Iles'- may issue 9 such z populc:tion ;f more than 9,500 :end. lc_s than t (C lic•_ne,,s. r. c:ilie•s ^f the fcurti: cl::.ss :situated in ::ry county in 'r.2. rot_ .. :._an 100 nor more than 110 full and fractional c•:-.sr�..._:�n:.7. `''.n-_hipa _r.riJhnVinp a popul:,ti= ::f •,Jt les.^ than 1(4,000 norc;�•:: .•.... 15,000 in.hn`_..entI.: ccordinE; to the last federal census, the number of "Dn s•,] liconsec ;hr.11 by detc :..ined by the Fzoverninp, body there^::, ;and where ._:eh city is cperetinp L, munici�.:,1 lienor :core at :,Off sale" only, "On sale" may be erar.ted t_ '.etc'.:, clubs, restaurants and exclusive liquor °nn sale" licenser. ..c issued for the' sr -le of intoxicntin:� licuor in hnttlr., clubs rnd restnsanta ir. ,iti,:s of the first, second, end third class ' Cver 10,000 it:;tnbitants, Such licenses may be. i.ssu-:-d in cities _hC .earth class, and othU'r v llares and boroughs for such sale of int•_x- tin:- lic^:cr in hotels, cubs andjor exelusivc licuor store-:, ,;hic,: exclusive .:..res ti. C: rarcrnit:!, ,f rs.,e:: r:unicipulitics -L%y act:ali�:h of permit to be r ^hlisland fc,rdispc:r. aticn •^f licuor either"On sale" or :10 In. sale, or both In ^_iti -nd villu:�o:: ha's n^ aver 5,000 end net mere than 10,000 ronulation, ti: _ .,...._:i^;.lity lice::::c _.. l:." in rest,urunts in lieu ;f the tnblish- ...ent In citio : tic _..rst class not ­.,--rc than 3nc "off vsle.' license „:•'1 Y•.: :tr ntcd : r evrr�: :'%,000 inhcbitr!rts in ,.:ny ,..ch city. In such cities, liecrses ah:_1.1 . ie::., rictors :'•f drug store:s, genarul food �t.res_ nd xcciv... 1i .. suet ._ .... �l,r .� pr')p• c u_,_ r cities, villcs, and , a,_r: -: "_ Tus. In all oth., toot. hc:, the nu:iccr Cf licc:nc•es tc bo is cd t:': heir. sh al be det,:;rni::cd by th-: 1cca1 vcr.ing bray. In .all ;itios, villages :and boroughs ether ti ­ r. cities :f turn_ -_t^.1.:._ "Off sOIC' li^c^sec shall c., issuod only to pr_•prietors -,f drug st^re}-... .: cxclu._ivc l.ir._l:", :;teres. Un t Wore than one "Of fin _ % cit_, .=11•,; er bor�urh less than 1,000 o ... tl::tion. : fess.. •: fe•:': :aid t f'7 r:. '-.. _:rue.^.cr ,f lice' -so, :;h&11 be i,ry :.a;.^.: fl ctur : , :erc•in r._fi:: d, ....::11 »':y t< the :rtete, nn ;. :.. annu;.l l.`_.....- fcc it. *.: ::'_r: ^.f SOO,C•G, xc•:pt test brert�rs of a.1t. bcv; . _ ::i,:-11 7a} . , :cat : :nr,:aai liconec fee of X500,00, ural e.xacr _ ,serf ti -.-,:n 25 rcr Cent 'f a1 c._ ,_. of .ter. ^nh. '•;u;..ht}shc,ll - tet ar. annual licc:ns.. :;.-,•O.OG. (iii An: ....•ier;:.lc., l.t: defL:_d, ....:1i p.i:t ':; ti:c cr - e,.0 rrholca:acr:: .'in: cent .. .;1c:hrl b•; ..fight and ::hola;sicrs of brioori*:in- ecru thun�;. _ a:nt^af P.Lal li. Cts P.Ee 0.00. (c) :';r ::n "Off ::::lc" tr, r al •c_. ...:11 e' p2=+0,00 ... , .11 `iti;. -and 10,000 „':1:.t; r.ccn _ _ :" ': i. a .. .::. , t!.' ..axi:^.u": lie_:' -c ft r "'r�, ^1 ro,•u1..,- •n:'Dff ,fn,_ 11 tc :S1:G,ftO in all +i^ b:: rc,::n OOOJ1 1.0,' .•, :;;ir:u: lir::.t:a; c; i lla 1 i.,,),)cj ,ul inn, "r loan t1:c :rtai:uu:; lice^.sc .,r n 1, tic .. _ fa a 'Jff .rl lice- hell be f:.. .:!' ' 1 c, l ;l .:... ' -r hull u ti o lie : ^ r' :such li ci::acs .. '..7`t'.:a :;liP.iC c:11'. ..ln - this _, .. ti b_ r rst.. s..,.r o. u.,1 r t^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HARRY W. OEHLER HILARY J. FLYNN IRA KARON CORPORATION COUNSEL MARSHALL F. HURLEY COURT HOUSE JAMES. F. SULLIVAN FRANK B. DAUGHERTY SAINT PAUL -.- MINNESOTA FRANCIS M. SMITH ASSISTANTS :.. ., '.5, . I u :,e_ec•it:: a resolut o: also ;'.C:.c^ ..ere' . _ J6:_ 4i a woulrt7I ac C.C'71� o SiGr.e er .enses. b,rr._raL .r. ::•.:=lei a, xstar. Corporation Counre.i Address all correspondence to Corporation Counsel. A. OHAI..I,. ('fly Clerk by ,lu, p�. ,..ou. 'u:, ..n I',,. i'..I CITY OF SAI • : r.i.�.:..•i... :r::oi,•a.::oa u,. ruy NO._. OFFICE OF THE ,n,:, ".i:;.i::,.,,,,•,i, i�d.',e,• ..n>. :a ,n,......vdr,•n r,..... COUNCIL RESOLUTION, H" . PRESENTED BY J ��'I/"v/'\ '---'---- G 26' 194]" COMMISSIONER_..._. RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following nersons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Otto P. Gruner 742 Edmund Ave. Grocery App. 45981 Renewal 1, n 11 11 Butcher ° 45992 " W. J. Hansen 1796 E. Minnehaha Butcher " 46616 " James Murphy 403 St. Peter St. Confectionery 11 46672 " Sam Danna 600 Canada. Grocery " 47235 " Viola Kirwan 1277 St. Clair Grocery t1 47339 " 11 It 11 11 Butcher " 47339 " it 11 of 11 Off Sale Malt " 47340 " L. H. Meysembourg 1999 Stillwqter Ave. Butcher " 47362 " Bernard Dillon 105 S. Wabaslh<. Restaurant ° 47372 Isaac Greenberg 466 Wabasha M Confectionery " 47427 " Steve P. Harbeck 1146 Rice St. Butcher If 47li57 It John Fischbach 793 W. 7th St. Butcher to 47465 it Seabrook Sydes 862 Selby Ave. Barber of 47486 11 Louis Wolf 339 Wabasha. Barber 11 47491 it R. 0. Schulz 878 Payne Ave. Barber 11 47503 " Ra,y 14. O'Donnell 929 Arcade St. Barber " 47529 11 Coal Blox Co. Inc. 861 University Ave. Fuel Dlr. " 47542 " Midway Amusement Co. 1633-9 Univ. Ave. Dance Hall " 47551 of 11 of 11 11 Tavern " 47552 it Joseph Posen 691 Selby Ave. Barber it 47555 of COnnciLmEn Adopted by the Council ' It;Q( ..194......,. Leas nays _ .,._Approved_ ,. ..._......_._194. F;indlan arranto In Favor Terson 'r �lZosen Against /illr. President, UtcOonough nm I— Cs »> INTI:RRI:6I:IR\- BIMER`1 In the Matter of grading and oiling ti:e Alley in Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, l:nderwood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision to the vest line of Block 1, Beyer's Su':.;division. Also constructing_, a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet o^ the vest 6 feet of lot 4, Block 1, Peyer's Sub- division from Juliet Avenue to the said alley under Preliminary Order__ -121602 -- —,_._approved FebnFary lis 124.1....-.-_ -.... ,_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is :.rade and oil the Alley in Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, ?;ndet-rood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, pecer's Subdivision to the west line of Block 1, Peeer's Subdivision. Also construct a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the eastcrly 4 feet. of the west 6 feet of lot 4, Block 1, Fever's Subdivision from Juliet Avenue to the said alley with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_... _._-_2.-2nd._.-_...... .. .. day of April, 1941 VW , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance: give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. W. A2 2, 6 1941 Adopted by the Council .-_...___.-.._._—.-.—_ 193 .. .- MAR 2 6 1941 - �/m it Clerk Approved— File 9201 ( . CouncilmanMisM11Wtf"..iSA finag Councilmart`May'—'` ' % ?p.T,ISEIED Councilmaff-'Pear&.''--" Councilman,%6,66--- Councilman ax Councilmaf-Wi—Airi' Mayor ighoney:+ Form B. S. A. 8-6 '. P. N,, ltl_e0p- 102000 In the ntattrr :�( •'rn:linF ;tn t nilln>; thel .\Iloy in Ftl:"•k I. Rol'rr'v tSuhAiel�lon [-..,:— Z \ere l,ot>: rrn n t h.` r. st loin „( Block 1, Rryer'.v �ui:aiti..inn to tln• n- st llne f Block 1. Fi:•S'er'� �nl:,li='i�inn. :\Ivn n- .trnr:in I `"• " "f COUNCIL FILE NO.—._--_ i'i;r°'::' I: By-- -�------... ----- --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and oiling ti:e Alley in Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, l:nderwood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision to the vest line of Block 1, Beyer's Su':.;division. Also constructing_, a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet o^ the vest 6 feet of lot 4, Block 1, Peyer's Sub- division from Juliet Avenue to the said alley under Preliminary Order__ -121602 -- —,_._approved FebnFary lis 124.1....-.-_ -.... ,_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is :.rade and oil the Alley in Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, ?;ndet-rood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, pecer's Subdivision to the west line of Block 1, Peeer's Subdivision. Also construct a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the eastcrly 4 feet. of the west 6 feet of lot 4, Block 1, Fever's Subdivision from Juliet Avenue to the said alley with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_... _._-_2.-2nd._.-_...... .. .. day of April, 1941 VW , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance: give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. W. A2 2, 6 1941 Adopted by the Council .-_...___.-.._._—.-.—_ 193 .. .- MAR 2 6 1941 - �/m it Clerk Approved— File 9201 ( . CouncilmanMisM11Wtf"..iSA finag Councilmart`May'—'` ' % ?p.T,ISEIED Councilmaff-'Pear&.''--" Councilman,%6,66--- Councilman ax Councilmaf-Wi—Airi' Mayor ighoney:+ Form B. S. A. 8-6 { •. r. �,�. t-euat— t Ili the nlatt.•r .,f cu n.lclllni n l; a-1 tak- In Ia .• IhnA h„ °:::. cutis. xlid 1111+ i I th 122001 I: ru�lilll;' :Incl �,IIinF I�( :\I1.•�' ill Hl����k i. Itv) �Iliillrl.+I�i cif I��t �. 1'nder- inl .\rrr,l.��l.+ frl�m thr et�t ling of Itlk I.I;,•,'rr .+ vuhni•' , t�� thr COUNCIL FILE NO.— By— -- --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of cordemnin;, and taking. an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills in the grading and oiling of Alley in Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, tinderwood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision to the west line of Bloc¢ 1, Bearer's Subdivision under Preliminary Order---! --__approved— Deb _uar,_.1L 1941... __.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oilin.? of Alley in ?lock 1, Beyer's Subdivision of lot 7, Underwood Acre Lots from the east line of Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision to the west line of Block 1, Beyer's Subdivision in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions khowing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 25,00 22nd Resolved Further, That a:public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__—_._..._......__..day of Ate; 1,9� 41 _, XW_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buildi4 in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the totalcostthereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—__kAR.2AAAL—_., 193. i MAR M6 1941 -�%-- Approved 193_1 -?,City Cl _..._.,..._ .._. ._-_...r� — File 9200 � Mayor Councilmat tal . r ti.gc. Pi1Busr".� / CouncilmaruMap�:•ts.,­o. "I+ Fi:ullan ' Councilmaq me-;-i�=_:!, 1'arronle h Councilmatgdja=tr� J:w 1'.•te-son Councilmat&%Txuax.'�H,'meo Councilmar mom' ­i'nmtr Mayor *b2 w,- a i)t•tt ,nit h Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. .......... rlrr COLINCIL FILE NO. ----- By----­—­-­­­­-­­ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of of 1,�- 4, and -xes!� 'n for t�;enose cf - :n lite der lr o r B r:., 7 ndc! rv:cl,r�� rf.' t 10 an` re;:r of I :�e: 4 r and .he hc -:e cia. se. nen. t"! a ce. r:C r i --Ir e 1:21 under Preliminary Order—.--'-- The Council of the City of St- Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. is 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends-er �,.ons, ructfn­ and me intai-4-r. .1 c se- conderan and talke an aascrienz for t!!P �eerl of lo, 4, a,"c: s Kvunie '-, t1rc. All(':: ji, tne rear of 7, �cre Lots, ':'t tp',, '.ent for .Iso a• easer - j! ;ii 3 , " J. e. 0 t�le an,Q,yc aFtr.rly moo,.,_,,. t o nortil. of ftn:� with alternatives, an Is 22nd h n _,na i e d that the estimate cosf thereof Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ ....day of xV93x—xhe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Auril, 1941 1 , at tu issioner of Finance give notice of 'ity Hall Building in the City of St- Pa 1. That the Comm House and ( ' stating the time and place of hear - said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, e ing, the nature Of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL__._ MAR 2 6 - 1941 193 MAR 26 1941 193�— eirty Clerk Approved_ File 9199 Councilman MORAWWWM_11mTtrse- PUBLISHED C0'unciImanbd8V=--.�xT= Fi,,dj,,. Councilman J,n,,anto Councilman *Msens—­=� !,,teson CouncilmanJW9aar---­:.-.;M Roden Councilmangftzwhma_�� -TFu-K-i------ Mayor U0b=Ry.__, NUX"..'gh Form B. S. A. 8.6 - th, n't Lt,r at nl; i,l surL�cin� '•h.• .�II.•y. N, 111--k �, )Iut tack A122003 — COUNCIL FILE NO._—.__. ----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of -radia:^ and surfecit;�7 the Alleys in :lock 4, Mattock i ark from 'iatson Avenue to Niles ja.venue, and from the Korth and South Alley to ?.±acalester Street 121607 a roved—Febniary11,-1941 ,_.........,, under Preliminary Order—__------- -- pp The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is wade and surface the Alleys in Block 4, t:`attock Park from `Natson Avenge to rfiles Avemie, and from rite North and South Allev to 1.1acalester Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$—_ i7?• 90 Resolved Further, That a public hearing. be had on said improvement on the_...._22rd__ . . day of A-ril, 1941 q{c at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the_tjme and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL.. AR_2-6-194--,- 193 - a . Approved—.— MAR -26 -ts"! —193 File 9203 Councilman 16Pei7'OtiUtdM:'-= -!►n"'�1. Councilman 1Gfey-:' Councilman P&ice- Councilman R,outr'°7..�-�... ; Councilman TFruax-'- i • . r:. Councilman Wile itl r Mayor 1, l iieg: Form B. S. A. 8-6 tC ty Clerk '- - )ayor s- ,In 111 n ..1 .' nJrninin:; :1 nK.11• 1.'"'ll I`i r- land 1ec��- v (.� � •�I..1��.:. •' n nr1 lilt. i : I Ile NI: ti Fa ^k X 122M4 COUNCIL FILE NO. ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of cordernnir.P and taking art easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradin.r and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 4, 1.1attock Park from Watson Avenue to Niles Avenue, and from the North and South Alley to I.lacalester Street under Preliminary Order-- 121608 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eor.dermt and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the mradita and surfac- ing of the Alleys in Block 4, ?dat.tock Park from `Matson Avenue to Niles Avenue, and from the North and South Allem to ?dacal-ester Street in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched cortions showing t;:e cuts and the shaded portions silnwinP the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_22nd _ ..-day of April, 1941xF�3tX , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL._.__+rA 2_&_ W___, 193.. - MAR U 1941 _ - 1��C Approved- 193—_ orty Clerk --{ M File 9202 % Councilmapiltilay'- =' r' '''"' ' PUBLISIITI) Councilma aim Councilma>': 'r CounciImanxTr S ,: CouncilmaffAVA -u %1-` "" ! Mayor 1&abMr Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 122oo5 In the Matter of Rradi7; and surfacing the Alleys in Block 1, Honkins 2nd Addition and Block 1, Woodlalvn nark Addition, from Fry Street to the East north and south allev and from ,Unnehaha Avenue to the East and West Alley and from the East and West Alley to ,,an Buret: Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the East and West alley from the East north and south Alley, and in the West north and south alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Ven _wren Avenue under Preliminary Order 121497 _ approved January 28- 1!9 1 The Council of the City 6f St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Prade and surface the Alleys in Block 1, �Iopkins 2nd Addition and Block 1, Woodlawn Park Addition, from Fry Street to the East north and south alley and from Minnehaha Avenue to the East and West Alley and from the East and West Alley to Vsn.uren Avenue. Also const- ict a seater in the East and West alley from the East north and south Alley, and in the `Nest north and south alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Van. "wren Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,232,79 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__... 22ud __.__........day of Apr; t 1941 2 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_'aR 26 1941 — — 193.._...... i KAR 261941 Approved 193 City Clerk File 9205 Mayor CouncilmanlvlcDonald Councilman_May I" ::dl;, : 1'LLL .•t =• ' — 6 `— CouncilmanaPearce Councilman zRosen n Councilman -Truax _. Councilman Wenzel _ Mayor Kahoney Form B. S. A. 8.6 :. 1220111i COUNCIL FILE NO.._._...._ ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of conde:vr,n: and takin? an eu.er.:ent :n t,e land necess ,ri for slopes, cuts and fills in ,.he •rr,di,'.- and ,,...,...- taa .... :n ilinck 1, :iorkins 2nd Addition, and '?.lock 1, 'Noodiawn par:•: A:.. _. fr:n -'r;: .;treet to t... East north and south a'_le:•, a:- fro-:. ......itai:r.. ..._n -e `_a L::e tin`i .Yes' Alley and from. the 'est and West Aller to 7ar under Preliminary Order_ .. 1.:=l iv approved_.... . Jat itt 9...1.941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eondenn and take an ease:nen't in the land necess.^.r}: for sloa^.s, cuts an-: f; I's in the rradi n- and surfacing of the Alleys in .,1nck 1, Hopiins 2nd Addition, and _...::c::'_, iyoo•iia,o: iarr A-ldition, from Fry Street to the East nortiv and south alley, and fro::: ;'innei:aha A,,enue to the Fast and West Allev and fro!a the East and hest Alley to V.1n Avenue in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and :wade a part hereof', th:! hatched rortions showing the cuts and the shaded wort=.ons showin- the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.24.,3.4.— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -.....?,2nd _- day of Ar -r' 1941 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR 26 1941 Adopted by the Council.__.___..., 193 MAR 26 1241 iCtyClerk �- Ma r 1 File 9204 Councilman o id.._ �� �✓ Councilman lday- Councilman Pearce "'- Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Councilman Wenzel: Mayor M�Jhgpey Form B. S. A. 8-6 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. By �In Ikc -g-ding 'rnrl +u r(:r clog. Ilii :\Ilr}' i i fil �tn inJ�.r t. Dale fIe1 Pap.rk��':y I\ '�l(:rd- j Of 7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of gradin; and surfacin,, the Alley in Block 3, Clifton Dale from. Lexington Parlmay to Dunlap Street under Preliminary Order 121609 _ approved_rebruary 11, 1941 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface the Alle, in Block 3, Clifton Dale from Lexin?ton Parkway to Dunlap Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,023.51 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 2 2nd__.-. ...__._ day of April, 1941 *93:gx at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_. _ '% % R 1941 193 i q 41 Approved_ —193..___ G City Clerk --- File 9207 _. ....._. _ .__ May Councilman T. - Councilman -May Finn:an Councilman: Pearce 1':Ir ri,- Councilman :Rosen. ':_ ' ' 1'••: r i r;or Couneilman.Truaxi­,en Councilman=euzel"-Sir. ,-x Mayor Mghgney... Form B. S. A. 8-6 .' P. Nr,. In the ;,x n,•r „f . ,ndemninK xnd Lak- in;ari a "�n;en; in Inh+1• lund ,erPx- ,. (nr x'lupca. ,',na d tlllx i [he 122( . :idlnK ; nd xurtn,'inK ,rf [he aIle)' 5C fi l,x'k r:, t'liftun nnl• from I.r�- COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of conderm;n- and takin an easement in the land cecesru ry for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradin- and surfacing of the Alley in =lock 3, Clifton Dale from Lexinrton Parbn`,a;: to Dunlan Street under Preliminary Order 12181.0____ ____,approved February_ 11,- 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the,e,radir;? and surfacing of the Alley in Plock 3, Clifton Dale from Lexinr7ton Parkway to Dunlap Street i.n accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showinP the cuts and the shaded :ort ions showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-____�LILd .__. _._..day of Arri 1 1940 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.' MAR 26 1941 Adopted'by the Council__..__.___._—_..—._ 193_ mirR 26 1941 Approved-__.. _193,— City Clerk File 9208 r ..._. or Councilman Councilmanwy Finellan Councilman Councilman A�Si__. ")+n to �� 1'rfera. ,❑ .. Councilman � _; j ,, eu Councilman. Mayor 1".i :IrUun.,ugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 In thy n.t t.•r orf Fr' ainl; nml cnrfnr thr :\Ilr�� in Ifloi�l: ::, $utte 1'nrk :\ Ad - alllnn i�lnt \r.. .I lrcrm Highlxna I'n rl<- 1 (�4 yf �( • to I{I,•nnrr.. nn� unacr rr,.. 1{ y( COUNCIL FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of -radinr,and surfacln�: the Alley in Block 3, State Park A dition Plat `4o. 4 from :?i?bland Par,:Nuv to nlea:,cr Avenue under Preliminary Order_._._-. 121652-approved_..___Februar;,. 14, 1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .rade and surface the Alley in Block 3, State Park Addition Flat 'io. 4 from 3i�hland Par'kwav to Eleanor Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-, 396.10 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__,-._Z=n�_. ......... ._day of A.rril, 19419139x_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted .by the CounciL._ f`tl� 2 6 19`ii--.- , 193 MAP 29 1941 - Approved-- —._.__193-- — City Clerk File 9212 i /j May Councilman Councilman AdOpMOMESEW Findlau P Councilman MENNIONaffiz Pa,mi,to Councilman @WWNER22C= Petersen Councilman W5ffA5WWj5N= Rvaen Councilman 408001sufmN :.Fear -- Mayor MakUgagm AlCJI... ­u¢b Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemnint: and takin,: an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the c-radinF and surfacinr., of the Alley in Block 3, State Park Addi- tion Flat `;o. 4 from Highland Farkt,vay to Eleanor Avenue under Preliminary Order --__121653 ____approved February 14, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfac- ing of the Alley in Block 3, State Park Addition Flat ^Jo. 4 from Hi -bland Parkway to Eleanor Avenue in accordance with the blue print here'zo attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showinr the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.10 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ z end _..._.._.. _ day of April, 1941 , W:—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ �V1Hj�¢L—_.., 193 MAP Approved— _ 193-- City Clerk File 9211 ( ayor Councilmani�IDlst'1$1'd-"''—"-----•-- �USLISHED��- `�/ Councilmatffhtr+ *� Councilma b'. M V:i::anto Councilman P,t,:raon Councilma RI—D Councilma Trtrwr----- Mayor WWMMMWMrJ :n•'•o pi, Form B. S. A. 8-6 I'ebruv ry,l COUNCIL FILE NO.—_._-___._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the omfatter of constructin^ a se•. -;r on Bradforc S treet from Har:•^der. Avenue to a roint 70 feet northeasterl't of Lon. Avenue under Preliminary Order—__ 121651 - ____ ,..approved FPbr^.t3ry 1<� _1941 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a set;•er on Bradford Street fron Hamnden Avenue to a point 7C feet northeasterly of Loi:¢ Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-4 7 yr .A. labor Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____.`2na .... _.._..day of A ori 1, 1941 , tRix _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i'4AH 2 6 1941 Adopted by the Council. ............ -__.._, 193 i Kr Approved._-___—___.._- _193_-..--- City Clerk File 9208 ayor Councilman WF?Si;;?id `j 'H- Councilman WOW Councilman«':_` W 1':•..:un,� Councilman = Councilman it r: Councilman - Mayor M OU91N DIG U••uc,uZtt Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of construe ti 'i, a sewer on !,'arior. Street from Catta:�e A-;enue to a coint 370 feet north of rottR;-e A.;unue under Preliminary Order—.. 121649 approved —__FnbniLr�_14y 1.9.41.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on ;'arion Street from Cotta>e Avenue to a point 3,'G feet north of Cotta;e A•renue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 7C'6.50 ,}.•r'.A.labor Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ `Zrd .__ _..._.. day of Apri I I QA 7_ia30X , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. A' 6 Adopted by the Council__.?��-f193. i -- ., t Approved...._— _193_—_ Ciry Clerk f . .\ File 9209 M or \ - c Councilman Councilman Fiudl;in Councilman Pte= I't:: rant,, Councilman R99 Peterson Councilman Rttseu f Councilman Ta- a Mayor Ma DlcUunaur(k Form B. S. A. 8-6 V. N,.. 'lu Ilii• ��:�11,.,..,r ­nu,un�� Iticlnr,.md a fnnu NI N.1 ga" �l i��eir::ui nd�.r I•r.•I•imi�.:�. 122i J 3 COUNCIL FILE NO. Bv_ _..__.._._._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constractir- a serer on Richnond Street from ,ichi-an Street to a point 1:52 feet south o: 1,'ic ican Street under Preliminary Order—. 121606 .—_._,___ __approve r ebruar+ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct e sewer on Rich pond Street from Michi;an Street to e roi::t 152 feet south of ..;&_Iran Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4F17.5( W.�.A.1a;-or Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ``nd —.__.___day of A -r; 1 1 041 ;;93y— , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Half Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... MAR .Z 5 1941 —. 193........ Approved—_ "r 193-- -- City Clerk i ayo' Councilman Councilman-= I' Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman 1 Mayor M4qM3p2= Mcll.t:,migh Form B. S. A. 8.6 Odflnu b Olr Clerk > ` "� � t CITY OF ST. PAUL .,,. " NO....._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �, ;�, I•;,rr;,,,r„—,�.,.I I:. I•,•I,rrnuu— COU�I�fGiL RE$irYLl1TIO?�4�r E(JERAI,e. FORM �•r n r• r „r,nn,ei-I PRESENTED BY. . ' >> �-t: 0: COMMISSIONER_DATE .... .._ .../ Y WHEREAS a bottleneck of approximately 48 miles in the St. Lawrence diver deprives the people of the United States of vital production and transportation facilities in the Great Lakes area; and WHEREAS, engineeringg surveys made by our government have approved the feasibility of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project and forecast a benefit to the entire nation; and WHEREAS, a deep waterway from our great inland in- dustrial, mineral and agricultural region is vital to our nation and a bulwark of strength to our defense; and WHEREAS, the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project is not only a defense measure but also a means of bringing a new era to the country's most important agri- cultural and industrial region; therefore, be it ABSOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it floes formally and respectfully request the Congress of the United States of America to enact, and the President to approve, legislation enabling the completion of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project by removing existing barriers; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk send a copy of this resolution to the Senators and Representatives in Congress from Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councill _"�.}Qf __193_ Yeats Nays / 6 1941 indlan Approved.__._— ---193_— -. 'farranto In Favor 2 Mar ,R,Gsen j C y - -17"M ----—_...--Against— .Xr. President'-fFaifoaj'-- 6M 6418 Ce • '” '' `" . � i .. .. /,� -/ -��._ r i. ��� 1���. L� . ,� V CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mar. 25, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: 'Q The Cit;; Council regt{ested that yo: draw a resolution as requested in the attached letter of Edward J. Jeffries, Jr., Mayor of Detroit, said resolution to provide that conies be sent to Minnesota's Senators and Representatives in Congress and to the President. Very truly yours, Ott/ City Clerk. v �. : f] MAR 25 M1 CORPORATION COUNSEL fit# a f vet# EXECUTIVE OFFICE LUN'��iU J JFI'FRiLS. J. �, [+- �i v e Honorable J. J. ;cDonoufji t ayor St. paul, itinnesota. My dear Mr. Vayor: March 14, 1941 Michigan and her sister states of the Great Lakes region want to make the fullest contribution to rational Defense. They want also the opportunity to ship their goods directly to world markets in the most economical manner. A recent survey reveals that there are 21 active ship•ards on the Great Lakes. These yards and other available unused facil- ities could build every type of naval vessels except battleships and aircraft carriers. The removal of the 48 mile bottleneck in the St. Lawrenee River will enable our government to utilize these vast resources and shipbuilding facilities of th'_s rugion, to the benefit of the entire nation. President Roosevelt well expressed it when hs said. "The U Ated States needs the St. Lawrence Seaway for defense. Ship- yards on the Great Lakes, with access to the ocean, yet close to the sources of supply of labor, raw and finished materials, fur`,h-ir reoved ofm mthis conminant. They will helpbtoabuildlthefactor shipsndefense i11 bring back commerce to the harbors of the Atlantic Ports." The Common Council requested me to create a Detroit: Great, Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway Committee to work for the compleono'o of the Seaway. Resolution adopted by that committee urging $res- sional approval is enclosed. t,ay I ask you to assist us in removing this barrier from the greatest inland natural wate nsay in the world by taking similar action? Sincerely yours, Mayor EKM Fn iiosure t. Mrs. Margaret Abernathy 14th Democratic Congressional Committee, 666 Coplin. William E. Anderman Publisher, The Detroit Times, 1370 Cass Avenue Mrs. W. B. Bachman Lae{yer, 1130 W. Boston Blvd. Martin W'. Baginski c/o Wayne County Probate Court, County Building Barney Bartkoviiak Clerk - Judge Arthur Webster, Circuit Court, 6584 Gladys John Lord Booth President, WJLB Broadcasting Station, Eaton Tower Charles W. Burton President, Burton Abstract Co., 1734 Dime Bank Bldg. James V. Butler Attorney, 3456 Penobscot Building March i4, 3.941 DETROIT GREAT LAKES -ST. LA',iRENCE SLAtiAy COIAMITTEE Committee of citizens appointed by Honorable Edward J. Jeffries, Jr., Mayor of Detroit, to support creation of the St. Laurence Waterway. The Committee was appointed pursuant to Re::olution adopted by the Common Council of Detroit, February 5, 1941. Executive Committee W. C. Cowling, CHAIRIA0 Publisher, Automobile Topics, 622 New Center Bldp;. C. F1. Avery President, Murray Corporation of America, 7700 Russell Street; President, Detroit Board of Commerce, 320 ''fest Lafayette Avenue J. Lee Barrett Detroit Convention & Tourist Bureau, 1005 Stroh Bldg. George Carter President, Detroit Insurance agency, 510 Fisher bld6. Rev. Raymond Clancy St. Boniface Parish, Vernor tligherttiy & Vermont Tracy Doll President, Ffayne County Industrial Union Council (CIO), 80i Hoffman Building E. S. Evans President, Lvans Products Co., Fullerton & Greenfield William P. Fisher President -General Manager, Fisher Boat Vorks Inc., 9666 E. Jefferson Ave. Henry N. Johnson President, Detroit Real Estate Board, 300 Penobscot Building Oscar Kaufman Vice President, Equitable Trust Company, 600 Griswold Building ' f John L. Lovett General Manager, Nuchig:.n Manufacturers' Association, 1001 National Bank Building William P. Lovett Executive Secretary, Detroit Citizens League, 1022 Dice Bank Building George i7. PdcCordie W:nager, Port of Detroit Commission, 2333 Barlum Tower R. J. Maclean President, Detroit Commerci::l College, 602 Book Bldg. Frank X. .Martel American Federation of Labor, 274 E. Vernor Highway Fred C. Matthaei President, American Metal Products Company, 5959 Linsdale Avenue H. Ljnn Pierson, Jr. President, Detroit harvester Co., 5450 CF. Jefferson T. Mel Rinehart President, Highland Oil Corp., 15093 Laialle Blvd. H. M. Robins President, H. M. Robins Comp=,11,,120 Madison Avenue Mrs. George V. Rowe President, Detroit Federation of Women's Clubs, 13550 Wark W. Colburn Standish President, j.dcre.ft Club of Detroit, 88 Custer Ave. John Super President, Service Clubs Council of Wayne County, c/o Truscun Laboratories, Caniff & Grand Trunk Ry. Henry S. Sweeny Councilman, City of Detroit, City Hc.il Eugene I. Van Antwerp Councilman, City of Detroit, City Hall Arthur P. Zirkaloso Attorney, 3800 Fort St., Lincoln Park, Mich. Allen Dean, SECRETARY Manager, Transportation Bureau, Detroit Board of Commerce, 320 W. Lafayette Avenue Mrs. Margaret Abernathy 14th Democratic Congressional Committee, 666 Coplin. William E. Anderman Publisher, The Detroit Times, 1370 Cass Avenue Mrs. W. B. Bachman Lae{yer, 1130 W. Boston Blvd. Martin W'. Baginski c/o Wayne County Probate Court, County Building Barney Bartkoviiak Clerk - Judge Arthur Webster, Circuit Court, 6584 Gladys John Lord Booth President, WJLB Broadcasting Station, Eaton Tower Charles W. Burton President, Burton Abstract Co., 1734 Dime Bank Bldg. James V. Butler Attorney, 3456 Penobscot Building 2 M. G. Campbell President, CKLW Broadcasting Station, Windsor, Ont. Milton P. Christa Commander of Detroit District, American Legion, 401 W. Lafayette Ave. Rev. Charles H. Cloud, S. J. President, University of Detroit, McNichols and Livernois Al. Conrad Pharmacist, 8560 V.I. Jefferson Avenue 17iiliam M. Cornelius President, Parker Rust -Proof Go., 2177 E. Milwaukee Rt. Rev. Frank W. Creighton Bishop of Episcopal Diocese, 18240 Fairway Drive Valentine Feliks 8130 Michigan Avenue Hugh J. Ferry Sec.-Treas., Packard Motor Car Co., 1580 E. Grand Blvd. Leo Fitzpatrick president, FIJR, The Goodwill Station, Fisher Bide. Rabbi Leon Fram Director, Religious Education, Temple Beth El, Belcrest Hotel Dr. Clarence Hill Frank Exec. Sec., Detroit Council of Churches, 404 Park ,:venue Building Dr. Leo M. Franklin a,.Lbbi, Temple Beth El, 26 Edison !!venue Harvey C. Fruehauf President, Fruehauf Trailer Co.., 10940 Harper Ave. Hazen Funk Strathmoor _iusinessmen's Association, 14832 Grand , River ;,venue Frederick J. Gartner Member of Michigan Legislature, 516 Emmons L''lvd., i!yandotte, Michigan Charles E. Hansell Secretary,Do.;In Giver Chamber of Commerce, V,`yandotte, Michigan Judge G. B. Hartrick Pres., WFXL Radio Station, kl2 W. 6th St., Roy:l Oak, Michigan John Hennigar (retired) 9585 Monica Avenue James F. Ilopkins President, iiJBK Broa3castiuE Station, 6559 Hamilton Avenue John S. Knight Publisher, The Detroit Free Press, 321 ;f. Lafayette Avenue Samuel W. Leib Attorney, 2057 Union Guardian HldR. A. L. Lott Pres. -Gen. Nigr., Motor Products Corp., 11801 Mack Avenue H. A. McDonald President, H. A. McDonald Creamery Co., 9700 Oukland Rev. Harold J. Markey Director, Catholic Youth Ortanization, 2040 - 14th Stanley J. Mirus Attorney -at -Law, 8575 W. Jefferson Ave. S. Charles Novak Tivoli Brewing Co., ; I 9 t:j . • i. :1 �. i�eillilwl�ll>I�I RESOLUTION TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES ice- FROM .sem DETROIT GREAT LAKES -ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE HONORABLE EDWARD J. JEFFRIES, JR., MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DETROIT ): WHEREAS, a bottleneck of approximately 48 miles in the St. Lawrence River deprives the People of the United States of vital production and transportation facilities in the Great Lakes area; and WHEREAS, the deepening 4f the St. Lawrence channel as advocated by President Roosevelt will enable us to make our full contribution to the present needs of our nation and to participate in the post war program of world rehabilitation and stabilization: and NX'HEREAS, our national defense requires full utilization of the potentialities of our 21 active shipyards on the Great Lakes; and WHEREAS, the deepening of the St. Lawrence channel could be completed in time to aid the present defense program and reliable investigations reveal that the proposed deepened channel could permit passage of all ships except battleships and aircraft carriers; and 7 \VHEREAS, engineering surveys made by our government have approved the feasibility of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project and forecast a benefit to the entire nation; and WHEREAS, the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River provide an unparalleled natural highway of over 21350 miles from the heart of our nation to the Atlantic Ocean; and /WHEREAS, a deep waterway from our great inland industrial, mineral and agricultural region is vital to our nation and a bulwark of strength to our defense, and WHEREAS, the people of Michigan and the states adjacent to the Great Lakes possess a natural right to transport their industrial products, agricultural and mining commodities to the markets of America and the world in the most economical manner; and WHEREAS, the midwestern section of our nation. which is a part of the Great Lakes region, Produces more agricultural commodities and has more industrial production than any other section of the country; and WHEREAS, the Detroit industrial area and the State of Michigan are a part of the great mid- western section of our country in which 40,000,000 people live; and WHEREAS, the Greqt Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project is not only a defense measure but also a means of bringing a new era to the country's most important agricultural and industrial region: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DETROIT GREAT LAKES -ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY COMMITTEE. APPOINTED BY EDWARD J. JEFFRIES, JR., MAYOR OF DETROIT' pursuant to request of the Common Council- that we do formally and respectfully request the Congress of the United States of America to enact legislation enabling the completion of the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project by removing existing barriers: and HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a formally attested copy of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States of America, to the Secretary of State of the United States; to the Senators and Representatives in our National Congress and to the Mayors of our important sister cities throughout the United States. Respectfully submitted, DETROIT GREAT LAKES -ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY COMMITTEE. Approved for City of Detroit, Mayor Adopted March 10, 1941. Chairman a 7 9 n I I/rlglo.l to City CI -1, py ' y CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOU�HCIL -t0 -^ " OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK IV COwNCIL -;R&S UTION--GENERAL FORM 14 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ pRERF.AS, by resolution adopted August let, 1940, permission was Wanted to M. W. Harter to install and maintain a Gasoline Filling Station at the southwest corner of Jefferson and Pleasant Aves. and on Feb. 5t'h, 1941, a resolution was adopted by the Council granting an ' extentaion of tinge for the construction of said station to Aug. 1st, 1941) an d WHLREAS, the said M. W. Harter has now requested an approval of a change in the plans for said station to provide for the installation of two 3,000 -gallon tanks and one 1,000 -gallon tank instead of four 1,000 -gallon tanks as shown on the original plan; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the said change in the plans with the understanding, however, that except for this change, the applicant will conform to the original plan. COUi1ClLmEn fleas nays ,-findla. ,,Peterson Rosen . - Tru37c'—" /inr. President, McDonough ,in ,-ao Cs —1. V N.., IJJn13—Itr .I.Jm S. FlnJla n --i ... \Phr Lc ululi.m uluyrrJ An-. ....... _°•?I. \\'. n:...1 ,.,. 1 I:�n.:, Ana--��� ............. riiiil�e� � `ii��• .\.�.... �. Itali �I:iii ��: nal• 0. —id \I. W. 11:.rl.. ear .�iln..,,...1 :.nl. ri i��:.l .•1.:.1.4.. i ���r n„• I�,:�i:n l:�n;.1..•r Ii u�a. a:. u..n .uka :nut .. .. I,uun.,alLm�la nit Incl ra.l r f��nr Ipon.uulluu 1 ..kv shown .•n �i e.. i�rltinnl nla.1: 1hi•r.•r��r. 1..• II 1:.•s..11'�..1. 11.:.1 Ih.• . .�il e.�r.•1.�� tl... i1h le.• nn.l. tI.I. 1, 0' •1'..r. 11.at a\...I.1 f.•r .I.:i .. r:.., th.• nnlllw:1111 ill ��.... f.�rn1 1.. Ih.� 11. 1'I4•.'i..:.l ISI:. n. IIi +•I..1.1 �.I 1.1� 11,1. �� I \t a.. _ . 1!�I7. Adopted by BAR r'� 1941the Council,. -194. Approved..194 in Favor ' Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK tt HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration March 24, 1941. To the Honorable City Council Gentlemen: On Aug. 1, 1940, you granted me permission to install and maintain a gasoline filling station at the southwest corner of Jefferson and Pleasant Aves., and on Feb. 5, 1941, granted me an extension of time to Aug. 1, 1941; to complete the station. I now desire to change my plans so as to install two 3,000 -gal. tanks and one of 1,000 gals. instead of four 1,000 -gall.. tanks as shown on my original plan, and will greatly appreciate your approval of this change. Except for this change, I will conform to the original plan. Very truly yours, CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health 011icer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL J v' Capital of Minnesot//a// �et�admerd al Public e�a�etc� Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner March 28, 1941 Mr. Harry T. o'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached is report covering inspection made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, in connection with the application of 11. W. Harter for permit to change his plans for the storage of gasoline at the filling station tc be constructed at the southwest corner of Jefferson a nd rleasant Avenues. Please note that this change is approved by Mr. Barron. Very truly yours, (� d43�li" Commissioner] of Public Safety iJ PREVENT ACCIDENTS win -i CARO — COMMON SENSE — COURTESY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 27th, 1941. Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Regarding the letter from Mr. M. W. Harter requesting permission to change his plane for the storage of gasoline at the filling station to be constructed at the south- west corner of Jefferson and Pleasant. The original application was for four 1,000 -gal.. tanks which he wants changed to one tank of 1,000 gallons and two 3,000 gallon tanks. This department will approved this change in storage. Yours respectfully, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration -gm-q) N,T& 24, 1941. To the gonomble City 0-011 Gentleman: on Aug, 12 1910, You Vtanted ms psrmission to install and maintain a gasoline tilling station at the southwest corner of Jeffareon and PleasMt Ales. s and on Feb- 5, 19111, granted ms an extension of time to Aug. 1, 1941, to complete the station. I now desire to oheags » Plms so as to install two 39000-9al. tanks and one of 1000 gals• instead of fovr 1,000 -gal• tanks as sho" on 27 original Plan, and will gre477 appreciate Your appal of this cheap* &xoept for this change, I will conform to the original PI -- very truly Yours, rn ',4�aA �e4 s ` ^ 2nd. ' I It— Laid over to — 3rd. &app. Adopted —-- Yeas , Nays Yeas / Nays Bar(uss Barfuas I'iodlan F�1an 'Parranto Parranto Peterson /Yeteraon / ,Rosen ,P(osen Truaz ,Truax / President Fallon at en Fallon f f i i F r oa,,,.w w M7 ci..r C. F. s.,. ie^o,s--u1di��.., n , ..,. Pi rrnnto— 122 )16 O R D I u„ ,.h �..u« s , .: ^::•,:i. GOU m,.At FILE NO. PRESENTED_- ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance to establish, locate and regulate a public market in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota{. to provide certain rules and regulations for the government of said market, and for the establishment of other and further regulations relative thereto. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Establishment of Market. All that tract of land bounded on the west by Jackson Street, on the south by Tenth Street, on the east by the east line of Sibley Street, and on the north by the north line -of Twelfth Street; also that -tract of land bounded by Jackson Street on the west, Twelfth Street on the south, Grove Street on the north and on the east by a line 72.67 feet west from and parallel with the west line of Temperance Street, together with streets and alleys contained within the boundaries of said tract and contiguous thereto And together with such additions and extensions. -as may hereafter be made thereto, is hereby designated and estalilished as the City Market of the City of Saint Paul for the barter and sale of meat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, Christmas trees and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest, subject to all the regulations and provisions of this ordinance, to all other laws and ordinances relative thereto and to such other rules and regulations governing the same Yb.ich may be promulgated by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Section 2. Market Business Hours. The market business hours for the City Market of the City of Saint.Paul are hereby designated at from 6:00 A. M., to 2:00 P. M. daily except Sunday from April 16th to September 30th each year; from October let to April.15th daily except Sunday such hours as may be fixed and posted by the Market Director from time to time; and no person shall sell or display for sale upon said market any meat, vegetables, fruit, garden truck, or other farm products earlier or later than the hours prescribed herein or duly fixed and posted by the Market Director, except that the Market Director, with the approval -of the Commissioner of Public Utilities,may, if he deems it for the best interests of said City Market, allow regularly approved stall renters to display their products at an earlier hour. All buyers patronizing said market are prohibited from bringing vehicles thereon until 6:00 A. M. No person shall display or offer for sale any article on the City Market on Sunday. Section 3. Market available to Producers. All farmers and market gardeners who raise their own produce, upon approval by the Market Director of their application for a Producerts Certificate, shall be admitted to the use of said City Market on terms of -equality and without discrimination, and subject to the rules and regulations of this market and the provisions of this IT. Yeas ord RNen Nays Passed by the Council JJJIII Barfuas --flndlan In Favor �} Parranto Rosen Peterson Against Truax Mr. President (McDonough) A Attest: i j City Clerk 250 T-40 f i'22 16 V Section 4. What May Be Sold on the Market. Meat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, Christmas trees, and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest may be sold on the City Market. All live poultry, rabbits, hogs and veal and other animals brought to the market shall be confined in suitable crates. No person shall display or offer for sale in any market place any manufactured goods, wares or merchandise. No goods purchased on the market or elsewhere shall be resold or offered for sale on the market. All products offered for sale shall be placed according to regulations by the Market Director, and if any of saidarticles shall be deemed by the Market Director to be unwholesome or unfit to be consumed or used, he shall order the owner or owners thereof to remove the same forthwith from the City Market. In the event of the failure or refusal of the said owner or owners of such unwholesome or unfit articles to remove same it shall be the duty of the Market Director to cause the arrest of such person and his removal from the City Mar}m t. Section 5. Traffic Regulation. The Market Director with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, shall promulgate reasonable rules for the regulation of traffic within the boundaries of said market, may designate the place of ingress and egress, and prescribe the manner of placing and moving vehicles so as to avoid congestion and confusion arra to promote the convenience of prospective purchasers. Section 6. Rentals. Stalls upon said market may be rented for one year or any less period, singly or in groups. Any farmer or market gardener or association thereof who has a Producer's Bertificate shall make application for stall space to the Market Director, specifying the number and location thereof. The Market Director, upon receipt of payment of stall rental, shall forthwith deliver to each applicant a receipt which shall entitle the holder to the use of the stall or stalls therein described for the period specified. The Market Director shall also grant applications for stall or stalls or other ser- vices at the market for any other period desired, in accordance with the schedule herein set forth. The market season shall be deemed to extend from April 16th to November 15th of each year. Rentals of stall space and scale weight charges shall be a a follows: Season growers market permit (if made in one payment on or before June 15th).......... $30.00 per season . Season market permit (six month payment plan @ $5.50 per month) ....................... 33.00 per season iMonthly market permit ...................... 7.50 1 per month Daily market permit ......... ......-_ . _ per day Grocers and Peddlers permit (six payment plan @ $1.00 per month) ....................... 6.00 per season Rental of spaces from November 16th to April 15th of each year .................. .50 per day -2- Charges for stall use for Christmas tree sale during the month of December shall be fixed by the Market Director with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Rentals shall in all cases be payable in a dvance according to the above schedule. No credit shall be extended. Default in payment of rent shall immediately terminate all rights of the lessee to the stall or stalls rented, without other or further notice. SCALE WEIGHT CHARGES Small scale (capacity 1,500 lbs.) per load $.05 Large scale (capacity 40,000 lbs.) per load .20 Section 7. Weights and Measures. All weights and measures used on the City Market shall be in conformity with the standard weights and measures as regulated by the laws of the State. Section 8. Full Weight Required. The Market Director shall prohibit the sale of all articles which are displayed Cr offered for sale on the market that are of less weight than represented by the container or by the seller. Section 9. Horses. No horses or other draft animals shall be allowed tostand within the boundaries of the market. When the vehicle has been placed in the stall, the horse or horses shall be removed from the market. Section 10. Refuse. All refuse or s tandard garden truck from the normal market operation, such as vegetables, fruit, berries, melons or similar products must be disposed of in such manner as the Market Director may order before the person discarding such material leaves the market place. If, howdver, any vegetable, fruit or any other unwholesome, unfit or unusual refuse not from normal market operation shall be found on or about the market, the Market Director shall order the owner or producer to remove same at once at the sole expense of the owner thereof. Section 11. Wilfully deface. No person shall wilfully deface or damage the buildings, pavement or other physical equip- ment of the City Market. Section 12. Open to Inspection. All products sold or bought on the City Market of the City of Saint Paul shall b e open to the inspection of duly authorized municipal or state health officials and the officials of the City Market. Section 13. Nuisances. No person shall distribute, scatter about or post on the City Market any advertising pamphlet, card, handbill or other printed matter; nor shall any person except as may otherwise be provided by this or other city ordinances, beg, loiter, solicit patronage for any business or . sell or attempt to sell, display or demonstrate any goods, mer- chandise, real estate, animals, vehicles or other materials or things whatsoever on the City Market. Section 14. Liquors in Market Prohibited. No person shall have in his possession, use, sell or give away in the City Market any wines, spirituous, intoxicating, mixed or fermented liquors or beer. -3- �� to C4t7 auk 122016 ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. v Section 15. The provisions of this ordinance shall extend to embrace all spaces, streets and commons on or about the market where farm products are offered for sale. Section 16. Penalty for Violation of Rules and Regulations. Any person >ti o shall violate the rules and regulations of this market or any provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the City of.Saint Paul, be punished by a fine in a sum not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for every such offense, or by imprisonment therefor in the Saint Paul Workhouse for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. Section 17. Penalty for Resisting Market Director. Every person who shall resist said Market Director in the lawful discharge of the several duties imposed upon him by the rules and regulations of said market and by this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemenaor and on conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Section 18. Bond of Market Director. Before entering upon the duties of his office said Market Director shall execute and deliver to the City of Saint Paul a surety company bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such officer. Section 19. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such inconsistency. Section 20. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss --Findlan--.___ Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) City Clerk 280 7.40 "h—APR 15 1941 Passed by the Council In Favor Against po : APR 15 Mayor / L'UBLISHEDy;-�-1 � I I 22 X16 L� Section 4. What May Be Sold on tthe Market. Meat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, Christmas trees, and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest may be sold on the City Market. All live poultry, rabbits, hogs and veal and other animals brought to the market shall be confined in suitable crates. No person shall display or offer for sale in any market place any manufactured goods, wares or merchandise. No goods purchased on the market or elsewhere shall be resold or offered for sale on the market. All products offered for sale shall be placed according to regulations by the Market Directors and if any of saidarticles shall be deemed by the Market Director to be unwholesome or unfit to be consumed or used, he shall order the owner or owners thereof to remove the same forthwith from the City Market. In the event of the failure or refusal of the said owner or owners of such unwholesome or unfit articles to remove same it shall be the duty of the Market Director to cause the arrest of such person and his removal from the City Marr t. Section 5. Traffic Regulation. The Market Director with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, shall promulgate reasonable rules for the regulation of traffic within the boundaries of said market, may designate the place of ingress and egress, and prescribe the manner of placing and moving vehicles so as to avoid congestion and confusion aril to promote the convenience of prospective purchasers. Section 6. Rentals. Stalls upon said market may be rented for one year or any less period, sinp.�ly or in groups. Any farmer or market gardener or association thereof who has a Producer's 6ertificate shall make application for stall space to the Market Director, specifying the number and location thereof. The Market Director, upon receipt of payment of stall rental, shall forthwith deliver to each applicant a receipt which shall entitle the holder to the use of the stall or stalls. therein described for the period specified. The Market Director shall also grant applications for stall or stalls or other ser- vices at the market for any other period desired, in accordance with the schedule herein set forth. The market season shall be deemed to extend from April 16th to November 15th of each year. Rentals of stall space and scale weight charges shall b e as follows: Season growers market permit (if made 'in one payment on or before June 15th .......... $30.00 per season Season market permit (six month payment plan @ $5.50 per month ........................ 33.00 per season 1'Monthly market permit ...................... 7.50 per month. Daily market permit ........................ .50 per day Grocers and Peddlers permit (six payment plan @ X1.00 per month ....................... 6.00 per season Rental of spaces from November 16th to April 15th of each year ................. .50 per day -2- Charges for stall use for Christmas tree sale during the month of December shall be fixed by the Market Director with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Rentals shall in all cases be payable in a dvance according to the above schedule. No credit shall be extended. Default in payment of rent shall immediately terminate all rights of the lessee to the stall or stalls rented, without other or further notice. SCALE WEIGHT CHARGES Small scale (capacity 1,500 lbs.) per load x..05 Large scale -(capacity 40,000,lba.) per load .20 Section 7. Weights and Measures. All weights and measures used on the City Market shall be in conformity with the standard weights and measures as regulated by the laws of the State. Section B. Full Weight Required. The Market Director shall prohibit the sale of all articles which are displayed or offered for sale on the market that are of less weight than represented by the container or by the seller. Section 9. Horses. No horses or other draft animals shall be allowed to stand within the boundaries of the market. When the vehicle has been placed in the stall, the horse or horses shall be removed from the market. Section 10. Refuse. All refuse or s tandard garden truck from the normal market operation, such as vegetables, fruit, berries, melons or similar products must be disposed of in such manner as the Market Director may order before the person discarding such material leaves the market place. If, howdver, any vegetable, fruit or any other unwholesome, unfit or unusual refuse not from normal market operation shall be found on or about the market, the Market Director shall order the owner or producer to remove same at once at the sole expense of the owner thereof. Section 11. Wilfully deface. No person shall wilfully deface or damage the buildings, pavement or other physical equip- ment of the City Market. Section 12. Open to Inspection. All products sold or bought on the City Market of the City of Saint Paul shall be open to the inspection of duly authorized municipal or state health officials and the officials of the City Market. Section 13. Nuisances. No -person shall distribute, scatter about or post on the City Market any advertising pamphlet, card, handbill or other printed matter; nor shall any person except as may otherwise be provided by this or other city ordinances, beg, loiter, solicit patronage for any business or sell or attempt to sell, display or demonstrate any goods, mer- chandise, real estate, animals, vehicles or other materials or things whatsoever on the City Market. Section 14. Liquors in Market Prohibited. No person shall have in his possession, use, sell or give away in the City Market any wines, spirituous, intoxicating, mixed or fermented liquors or beer. -3- A -y Laid over to 3rd. & app.— Ado'pI,d Z -11"I Yeas Nays' 'Barfassi Yeas . ' Nays ,�Ifus s in'dlan i_nllan Rarranto ar, nto Peterson A"eter"', 'Rosen 'Rosen Truax Truax Ar. President Fallon -A,4r. President Fallon origttu1 to city Q.rk PRESENTED BY MUM 11. Nu. 1!!01 —0,11 nce No. n 8236— AT, Itoaen— Aordinn nae apprhe ctoving tproje the 11:111,.::te 12201." .Pu" 1_ FILE NO. DINANCE NO. '*Z;Z 36 An ordinance approving the project of acquiring the real estate described as Lots 27 to 32 in- clusive, Brookvale 2nd. Addition to the City of Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the Municipal Paving Plant, Depart- ment of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DORS ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Public Works having reported to the Council that the real estate described as Lots 27 to 32 inclusive, Brookvale 2nd Addition to the City of Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, is required for the operation of the Municipal Paving Plant in the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul; that the estimated cost of the acquisition of said real estate is $320.00; that the estimated market value thereof is at least the sum of $320.00; and the Comptroller having cer- tified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquisition of said real estate; that the Council hereby approved the project for the acquisition of said real estate for the aforesaid purpose and directs that the same be acquired for such purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent and the said Commissioner of Public Works, if the same can be so acquired at a reasonable price, and they shall so report to the Council; provided, however, in case said Committee cannot procure such land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that con- demnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the City Charter to secure said real a state, and that the c ost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purchase or condemnation, shall be paid from Paving Plant Fund 1017, and so much of said fund a's may be necessary therefor is hereby appropriated and set apart for such purpose. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval andpublication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss ---Pindhm— Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax fMr. President (McDonough) "' Atte!A i City Clerk aso 7.40 Passed by the Council APR 15 1941 In Favor Against Approved: APR 15 1941 M yor LISIO:D_ I 1 �4�) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU O. COvsT. . REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY C—MI..IO GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. C.,EE Evciv EErs BUREAU O. Sw vlT w ilOv W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. FRED DRIVER. S—T. o....E Erv...... BVgEwll o. BgIOC ES G. H. HERROLD M. S. GR YT Evolry EEq C"I" Ervc R. C�. March 26, 1941. BI,RE,,U o. COgrscc riorvc MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. S—T. To the Council Gentlemen: The undersigned, Commissioner of Public Works, hereby reports that there is a need in the Department of Public Works, particularly in relation to the operation of the Municipal Paving Plant, for the acquisition of the real estate described as: Lots 27 to 32 inclusive, Brookvale 2nd Addition to the City of Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, The above described real estate abuts upon the north line of Jenks Street, between Mississippi and Westminster Streets, and lies atnppreclable height above t13 elevation of said Jenks Street. The said real estate contains large quanti- ties of sand, gravel and other materials needed in the operation . of said paving plant. The estimated cost of its acquisition by the City is the sum of $320.00, and the estimated market value thereof is at least said sum of $320.00. The land has a value to the City of Saint Paul by reason of the availability therein of such materials substantially in excess of said cost and said market value, and its acquisition for the aforesaid purpose vo uld result in considerable profit to the City. There is annexed hereto a sketch or diagram of said real estate. The undersigned requests that the Council, by ordinance, approve the project for the acquisition of said real estate, which project is hereby proposed, and authorize the Committee on Lands to act in the premises and to purchase the same. There is herewith submitted a proposed form of ordinance for such approval and authorization, containing the endorsement of the City Comptroller, certifying that there are fundsavailable to defray the expense, which shall be charged to Paving Plant iFund 1017. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Works. 6 • LID 1-5 -,p p CA 'Ev -OV''W 7k L�N JI N- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WE 5-71-1 IF? . counCILMEn �Peterson In Favor Posen Trilax,—, Aqain5l Mr. President. McDonough cs--- Adop!ed by the Council. 194 Approved ,194 M,11 I, CITY OF SAINT P;'!:, -I.. •k - OFFICE OF THE CITY h:n. ... ........ . ... .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G' .. 1941 PRESENTED BY COMMt SSIONER P. ML V llh�t license—. 1,nlild fIr by the fojlowin:r ners.-ms ad:ireszes indicated be n:'. -he s�%me are !,�-reby =,^nteft --n-.1 tl;E, city cleric is instructed to issue licens-'-,z u, -.On tno nnymont into the cit,, trensur.,,- of t,i,, re,iulred feez: ..,Iter 't. Sett;:rholm 105.7-9 Butc'le-r ,,.....1;7314,,.....1;7314.e -- ne,' j. 7,ee 111V'. Inyn,Ave. --rr Der h Busc!,Lnncn it 47557 u Inc. 548-.'i- W--as"If! St- Res—:2--nt 7 939 SL -'b:,, l,.o' 4 :,n c 'urt n45 54 194'? St. -AntlnorQ., Go nf p c t i o n,,. ry 11 L17 57l', 11 0ff Sale 1'r;lt I 1-7575 .-.nn;: T -.n S,!ons inc. 7t!', St. Confection,ry 47583 S,r,iice 4;7:.tion in,-. —t ion 59, n. J. Shoo: on St. St. Confecli-:)n,>ry 11 7D., L. �reen -0. 67 E. 7t':-: St. :tori 11 ::7:`;11; 11 If fl fl If Fet II L Len. V!inneili St. B,,l t c 1: e r 11 -7"1:> C: ni "oI "e;'t "o. St. 10.33 ion 77 'i. y7691 erre 124 D-lercart 47715 counCILMEn �Peterson In Favor Posen Trilax,—, Aqain5l Mr. President. McDonough cs--- Adop!ed by the Council. 194 Approved ,194 M,11 I, Orl yinel la 1'itp Clrrk I:•.,dcrd. thou Borba,.= hr th•,tr trd :'I' Iir,l f••r �, (.. ,. CITY OF SAINTt OFFICE OF THE CI Al. th,:It.- f'lerk lv'In',vtrnrlrartnli`I,1 „Yd h. r Itr COUNCIL --�i.lh'rgbh'�,II RESOLUTION--- ESOLUTION- � ,..,,.1 1•>.h: �..n : -. ton. 1941 P1941 RESENT ED B COMMI 55 ON ER_._��., RESOLVED; That licenses, applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated' be and the same are hereby granted ?nd the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Waiter B. Setterholm 1057-9 F. hlaryla.nd Butcher App.117312 Renewal ^rank J. Lee 1190 Payne Ave. Barber " 47414 If },lartha M. Buschman 513 Wabasha Bakery 47557 it White Castle System Inc. 5481 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 47562 Theodore Mann 989 Selby Ave. motion Picture " 46564 if Evan H. Edwards 1949 St. Anthony Confectionery " 47774 11 It 11 11 11 Off Sale ?Malt 11 47575 n Fanny Farmer Candy Shops Inc. 60 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 47593 DeLOOp Service Station Inc. 384 Ced?r St. Gas '�'atior. " 47599 t1 A. J. Shomion 354 St. Peter St, Confectionery " 47606 H. L. Green Co. 67 F. 7th St. Florist 47614 " u u n It Pet Shop n 47615 " Len Vannelli 369 Mill St. Butcher " 47616 Capitol ?;eat Co. 526 Wabasha St. Butcher " 47625 u n n if Grocery " 47626 " Youn:>nuist k. Salown 241 lS'. 7th St. Butcher 47653 " Sam Rom 77 W. Isabel Junk Gatherer If 47691 It Aa,Pust De'.',arre 124 Iglehart Jun'c Gatherer if 47715 MAI" 27 X941 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council _ .194. .. Leas nays % Clndlan f Approved_ ., .. _ .. . _ 194 te eters o �elljrson J G' In Fauor Rlay r 1<01'set, TMA'5fr — Against ' Mr. President, McDonough ,,m a-ao cs aaaae ' OIIWI-C ^OIy Oak �-� CITY OF ST. PA COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CIT CPUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G ' �,';;-""' "';' ':';;" " PRESENTED BY '. COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 121777, approved February 28, 1941, the Council did, on the 25th day of March, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one-story frame shack on Lot 25, Block 2, Hazelview Addition, also described as No. 2057 Fremont Street, following due notice of said hearing given pur- suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ar uss ,i Jan �+ Parranto _f"eterson v -----In Favor __Against sm sae Ce Adopted by the Counci1M R 27 1941_193_._._ MR 27 1941 pproved._ —M or PLIBLISIIT:D CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �} OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /S HARRY T. O'CONNELL ' City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mar. 25, 1941. 61r. Harry v7. Oehler Corporation Counsel CitY Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-story frame shack on Lot 25, Block 2, Hazelview Addition, also described as No. 2057 Fremont St. Very tnily ;yours, 4l �r City Clerk. MW 21F n 4l CORNRATION COU,1'SEL O,IyOui to City 0.,4 122,; t20- CITY 20•CITY OF ST. PAUL .ae NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��t„� V✓ COMMISSIONER—____--.._---_— RESOLVED, that the application of H. E. Myhrie & Son for permission to install and operate a parking lot in the rear of 149 North Smith Avenue, under the provisions of Paragraph f, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, be and the same is hereby granted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays indlan / �Parranto Peterson —� —In Favor -,Kosen ._— _.. Against ,Mr. President -(-Fa h nj-- � 661 0.39 Ca 4�� I:, N- 19Jn.o_.Rc ., :,i,,, S. Yinaim-- �� ."otl :ud ��prrnt.. .� pa rld n� L.I In ,ham rain:,,,,,• N.,. r.9.in. i,� :,nit rn� MAR 27 1941 Adopted Uy the Council.._-_._..._.__....._—193...— IYiAK 27 1941 Approved— ---"-- ----193 -- . , r ---� i% CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mar. 26, 1g41. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir. The Council requested that you preparo a resolution granting the attached application of H. E. Myhrie and Son for permission to operate a parking lot in the rear of 147 N. Smith Ave. Ver, truly yours, City Clerk. . MAR2F> r C,l1K�"�RAl1U;� CCU�SF.L PbST-CARD NOTICE OFFICF OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Si. P.".j. :.,Z; 2 . 15, 19 41 You a'c 1'�-'rlyl ❑ol C ly of S1. Pau' "ll r 1- .'. 7 anal ihat a ruhGc j -;1I bo h,.!ci in the Council Chambers of h' and Gly Hall BuJding o,. —rjj-ch L,' , Cour? 19 Si. Pa'A. al lo:")o A. the City of 9IL14 Commissioner of Finance. THE 'BOARD OF ZONING •I,',h-.h:d by Ordinance No. 5840 J,-1 7,1, 74Y9, AINi PAUL, MINNESOTA 1'T+ C011RT 1-10USE March 25th, 1941. ARj HiJR i. IAILINOWSKI. l'e••inn AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARL E5 BASSFORD.C,!, A,11-1 �' ,FORGE H. HERR RO�nne. Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of H. E. Myhrie & Son for a parking lot on Smith Ave. end on Fifth St. as shown on plat attached. This seems to be e'trsnsfer of ownership, Lot 2 formerly had a filling station which was approved by the Council and Lot 4 and pert of Lot 3 had a parking lot which was opereted by the owner of Lot 2. There is no objection to this property being continued as a parking lot. The driveway is already in on Fifth St. and Lot 4 will be entered by way of the alley, the same as heretofore. gh-rh The Board of Zoning approve the application. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. ORIGINAL CITY OF BT. PAUL ii LII ,u Tw, carr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License 'j C) DATE _— I TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA tAPPIJCATI0 Is Hereby Made By NAM L FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANDOPERATE A --- R I -- TO BE LOC -TED ON LOT 3 —BLOCI- 67 T' - " ' � -� G - A it NO. OF pOVr.S_---- NO TANK...—. kA FILED BY AT �;V�7— RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBL 1c rF BY RKCEIVED COPY FROM C l' DATE CITY PLANNING BOA�D' THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 19 1941 Mr. C. A. Hackert ' Chief of Police Dear Sir - This is in reference to your letter of March 12, 1941, with a letter attached from Commissioner Barfuss, relative to application made by H. E. Myhrie & Soil for permission to install and ope-ate a parking l:t in the rear of 147 North Smith Avenue and Lot No. 2 re -arrangement of part of bl:,ok No. 62 of' Irvine's Enlargement to Rice -Irving Addition to the Torn of Saint Paul, otherwise known as 265 West Fifth Street. You may be informed that I made the usual inspection o:' these lots and find that th,:re will be no driveways installed to either of these lots inasmuch as lot No. 2 et 265 West Fifth Street already has a driveway permitting traffic to enter this lot from either Fifth Street or the alley. The lot facing Smith Avenue at 147, will be entered from the alley proper. Therefore, there will be no material interference With traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, ��• Harry N. 1,V.tte ,ran Superintendent of Traffio hrw/f a Otfgl. a1 to Clty Cleh , CITY OF ST. PAUL .,�e NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUrCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.____DATE .... _.. ..-.---__.. ... ..__... .._ .. .. RESOLVED, that the application of Brown & Kimmel for permission to operate a used oar lot at 1001 University Avenue, under Paragraph f, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the payment of the license fee required by ordinance, and subject to compliance with any and all other requirements of the ordinance. b rrgnirrd Lp nrdiuRm;e. ;-d snb;, n�PIL, n:,� lith and all nthrr ,:- '"\:1 ��f,t:',f`hr tht•, ,n �ll \I:, r. _.. 1:11. n ,( t COUNCILMEN Adoptrd by the Council.. Yeas Nays _' Fipolan 1 _ APProved.�—.: ---' 193. Parranto -Peterson _,—.—In Favor .......... ...._ ; ,Rosen / /) ...J—_... Against _Ar. President-ff Fft e�-- / 6M 6-38 (:a � L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration r a Mar. 26, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution grinting the api;lication of Broom t,nd Kimmel for permission to operate a used car lot at 1001 University Ave., subject to the payment of the license fee required by ordinance, and subject to compliance with any and all other requirements of the ordinance. Very truly yours, / -/ / A-/ j City Clerk. . POST CARD NOTICE br-F,CF 011: THE COMt-MSSIONER OF FINANCE S!. P-",;�. 19 c::: I "! ;c ;!" r n t WII br.. of iho Cay I LA Bui:--.i:,g m, 191 . fn the Cay of 10:00 A. M. Fi 1 HE BOARD OF ZONING No. S:ia.) 4;1, Ah, 1929 AINI PAUL, MINNES01A '.o11T1 HOUSL March 25th, 1941. qRI I,R' MwnowaRl c�:a:,T,-. �IJG V>i HOHENSTCIN -DWIN H. LVNOIE iERNARD J. McGLYNN E(ilN WAHMAN CHARLES RASSEORU, c:.:. A::,' -1 '•EO -GE :f HERROLGer Sr, •era , Mr. Harry T. OlConnell, City Clerk. ➢sir Sir In the matter of application of Brown &Kimmel for a Used Car Lot at 1001 University Avenue(Lot 10 except 'N.16 ft. Lots 11,12 and 13 except east B ft. of Lot 13, Block 2, University Sub). This is between Chatsworth and Oxford, end the prooerty has a frontage of 110 ft. The epplicent states that they will use the alley as an entrance to this On -Sales Lot. There is e curb cut and entrance to the property immediately to the east. There are cars on the frcT)osed site at the present time and there are indications that they use the driveway to the east and then drive alone; the sidewalk to get into tais sire. The Board of Zoning recommend theat this site b'e used for an On -Sales Lot, but that a substantial fence be placed along the front of the property to prevent any future driving over the sidewalk on University Avenue. Yours very truly, George •H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. eh- rh ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL I" *A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made kv, ly BY FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANO OPERATE AUTOMOBILE FILLING -ATI.. TO BE LOCATED ON LOT - ALSO DESCRIBED AS NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TAN- _-CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_ FILED BY n RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC C1,Y 'PLANNING BOARD By THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ?Saroh 25 1941 L'n'. C. A. Hackert Chief of Police Dear Sir This is in reforence to your letter of ],arch 12, 1`.41, renuestin!- 'that an insneotion be made ir. ccnnecticr. with the apl:licetion of Brown and Kimmel for permission to install and oporate a "used oar" lot at 1001 Un:ver:::ity Avenue. For your information,l have inspected the pr on;ises end blue prints of the oro_osed "used oar" let and find that entrance to this lot will be from the alley and that there will be no driveways; therefore, from a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the 11.ranting of t' -As normit. Yours very truly, :ferry N. Wel4ergren �J Superintendent of Traffic hrsvIf 01. 1.22 a2'2 OdY6ul to cur a.a " N O. CITY OF ST. PAUL -----' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYE DATE—.—._-------------_._. _.. .. .. COMMISSIONER---.--..--. _ ._—,9. �..._--____. .... _—..._—. —.._ . RESOLVED, that the application of Wesley Merrick for permission to operate a used oar lot at 216 University Avenue (being the southwest corner of University Avenue and Marion Street) under Paragraph f, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, be and the same is hereby granted. ..I' l'iii��•rril)' :\1't•liil�• i.... \I:Irl��li I .I r,•i�l) ii ii�l �•r 1':i nll;'r:i li 11 f� \, :�.� lii. :1. :iii �li �l�•�I � lig. •:��i.l x.•.1-1. 1. leu .\•I��I�I ��•I I..' tli.. 1' ��'ll�\1:1 .\i•i'r••1 ��i1 \I:. r. 1•'1:•.11. COUNCILM);N Adopted by the Council..._'tl- Yeas Nays MAP, l i 194Z1 I' 'iudlan\i� Approved.__..__---- � 193_—_ , `�arranto .'Peterson ---In [savor Rosen T _ ..__. _ Against_. . ,,Mr. President �€allaej � 6 661 6.38 Ca CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mar. 26, 1941. Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation. Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Wesley Merrick for permission to operate a used car sales lot at the southwest corner of University and Marion, also described as 216 University Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk. r� ;r YAR r:OR RA i tu,� COUN'SR POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE 01' THE COLVASSIONER OF RNANCF S1. Po;:!. Vi,.. If), 19 as wo huaby .0114 No cmn", M %cly of A Pm! WA r—. C:,r c*i,nor All Om, . muc hank "!I be :,I the &>,!n(;! Chambers of House a-1 CPy I SL Peal. ai 10:00 Qid A. M, , 1,941 Jnl"Ciiyof Join :MIS Commissioner once. Nance. APIHI;R S. MILINOWSPI :.n-m,, AUGUS7 HOHENSIEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE ;i ERNAR0 J. ucG LYNN GIN WAHMAN CHARLES 9ASSFORD. C.�� A,ch.­ �'�EORGE H. HEPROI.C, ?HE BOARD OF ZONING y, L)rd-m Cc No. S84o 1.,1, 1.1'. 1999 AINI PAUL, MINNESOTA "OURI HOUSE Mr. harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : March 25th, 1441. In. -the attar of applic,•tion for Used Car Sales Lot at the southeHst rner of Marion and University. This is Light Inddstrial zonl7fg'. The property is now occul:ied by a filling station - Mr. Merrick being the operator of the station. He desires to use the property in the reer of the filling station for an On -Sales Lot. He will use the present driveways to the filling station. There is no objection, snd the Board of Zoning recon end that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, George A. Ibrrold, Phgineer Secretary. gh-rh 1 rt .1 ORIGINAL CITY OF 6T. PAUL 1�[n IR rR• cliv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' C�ERn r orr�ca Application For icense AUTOMOBILE DATE193:.-/ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY --�1-_ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A. —'.... L50 DESCRIBED (dam �/�j •C�,��ei4�'!�{ 'i� —77;rJ 1: FILED scrL+T vwe o� +� �icAR 1 RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE ' /Z DEPAATMENT OF PUBLIC,FAFETI J -- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK �l DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 21 1941 Mn. C. A. lieckert Chief of Police Dear Sir; This is in reference to your letter of Larch 10, 3941, with a letter attached, requesting that nr inspection by made with regards to a;,plicrition made by SYesloy Merrick for permission to install and operate a used oar sales 1 t at 216 University Avenue. For your information] have made the usual inspection and find that there are no blue prints submitted with this application and there will not be any but I have inspected the premises and find that this park ng lot is part of the ground in connection with the oil station. The oars can be driver, onto this property either from the oil station drivewgys of from the alley. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very tn;l�', ff 41. L�1 Harry 11. Xettergren Superintendent of Traffic hnvi/f a WNL J. SUDEITH CLINTONchief A.of olive 'C ROBER1Health 011ic r M. D. Fire Chief Chief of Police ' _ � �.�..�.a.�r...iaY.LYYYYYY►�FSFIF�F�F*�F#�F�F�F�F�F�FM-�F�F�*� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ':)�Cradfpteal 01 �ceic ' q'lv Tenth and Minnesota Sheets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Co nmissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, ?Jinnesota G. E. BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm ;larch 26, 1941 13 Dear Sir- Referring to applications made by the following to install parking lots in the City of St. Pault Wesley Merrick, used car sales lot at 216 University H. r, Vyhrie & Son, in the rear of 147 N. Smith Ave. Brown & Kimmel, used car lot at 1001 University Ave. Attached are reports covering inspections made by Harry IT. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traf"io, and William C. Barron, Chief :ire Inspector. You will note there are no objections to the granting of these permits. Verj trily yours, Commission -r of Public Safety: PREVEN'r ACCIDENTS wrr11 CARE — COMMON SENSE — COURTESY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 17th, 1941. 1, Honorable G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir. - In regard to the applications made by' the following to install parking lots in the City of St. Paul; Wesley Merrick, used car sales lot at 216 University, H. E. Myhrie & Son, in the rear of 147 N. Smith Ave., Brown & Kimmel, used car lot at 1001 University Ave. We have made the usual inspections of the foregoing locations and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard at any of the above locations if these lots are permitted. Respectfully yours, WCB/z Chief Fire Inspector. 0091-1 t" Ch, ckh COUNCIL gICE F SAINT PAUL FILE NO.. F THE CITY CLERK I,COUNCILTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 0Y / DATE _- March 27, 1941 co MMISSIONER__ .. 8 Re:solved, That the Purchas_ng AEent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of t.h-:.Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 Eallons nQ" leaded �-asoline, 70-72 octane, from the ATLAS GAS & OIL CO. at a price of $ .09946 per r-allon, less 1% discount, includ:n,. state tax 'and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal rauipment Bureau 'spur at utile Strc:'et, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where fai.>_ure to act promptly would work a hardship to thy: best int,r�5sts of the City. Chai- e Genera]. Fund - Municipal Eouipm,=.nt- 10.3-134 Iby�.�prJ. ibvl Ih�• I'urrLasiu� .\;;.•III Le, :,nd Ile I. li..l'..br tial h.•rixed In ,IIIr- rLan.�. ,cflL 111.. .au.vrnt ..I' Illy \I:I)nr IIII I11.• I' IIIIrl rilller. �.II.• I:I IIk . Ir- ���I111.:. � I li�t:l nl�. Yri.11l IIII• :\Il:l.v :I IIII Illxll,;rti:i ll. tll 11.. i�il to IIII.\ I \I II II ir�i n:ll I•:.lull�llle 111 Itll- I I;I II. SUeel, ii f��rlll:ll ,. erf; elll�>' ill "� �r lll.re :lilll rl�l,l 11 •'llrl Irlllll ntly \ ulll t Irl< 11:1 rll.11 ill t.. 111.: lie.l ..1. ` 1111' 'ily. I'II:I rF:.. 1 ':I111i1 �Il ` I•:il I•:•Illinlll elil--1 Uli�-I:t �. .\.lilll lIl 1111 t it \I II r. 1:11. ikl Adopted by the Council _ 194. COUTTCTLTTIETI Leas nays 41z Approved-, t94 indlan i'ParrnNo - In Favor - j \\ ,Peterson [Cla /Rosen ` Against Mr. President• McDonough nm -n6 Cs vzan .x.225124 0,10.1 to ClN cl..k TY OF ST. PAUL OF'I OFT" F THE CITY CL ///��—�UNC ESOLUTION--- GENE' aL FORM ....... PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__.—._—__.—__._„_ WHEREAS, the Super Service 011 Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1251-55 University Avenue; and WHEREAS, sal Super Service 011 Company has submitted a blue -print of the roposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said Super Service 011 Company to install and operate said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ian F"Panto Petrson 'Rosen Truk Ar. Presidentt'Paffmt)— d rm a -as cs 1941 Adopted by the :3' i Approved ------- --..--In __._..--..__In Favor Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration n Mar. 26, 1941. Mr. Harry '11. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application. of Super Service Oil Co. for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling statin at 1251-55 University Ave. Very. truly yo -ars, City Clerk. I �. - V1, I Af p:g, �J.Y cot.. ; i, POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., :i E: r. 15, t9 _1 . Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St Paul, July 71h, 1922_ uou -Ire hereby ' notified that the application of n C to erect and install a filling station located_• _i '_-.c. _-_: _--.-r will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court Hous. Building on the __..__.._.—.....__...--+ 2 u_ +.i day of .._. „L:�:cit ,. .. _, t9.= L ._, at to o'clock A. BL. JO1IU S. FITIDLATI', Commissioner of Finance. Page eGREA�i or Cone.. a REn COCKROFT. S—T. Orrice ENcin EEn G. H. MER ROLD CHiErENGe CLEna MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTONROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. OEnu TY C--- ­ GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CnIEr E'G 'E Mr. Harry O'Connell City Clerk Building March 26, 1941 euR or S.--T.— FRED DRIVER. SUPT. e VRE or 13 -.EG M. s. GRYTS K. ENGINEER euR Gr ConnECTlons RAY J. KARTAK. S-1. Dear Sir: In the matter of application of the Super Service 011 Company for a filling station on the north side of University Avenue, on the East 20 feet of Lot 21, Lots 22 and 23, and the West 25 ft. of Lot 24, Block 32, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, you are advised that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department. The plan is consequently approved from an engineer- ing standpoint. Yours v truly, GEO E M. q;WARIf Chief Engineer CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT E. J. SCHOCH. M. D. WM, J. SIiDEITH G. I. HRiSSMAN Chief of police Ilcalth Officer Fire Chief Supt. of police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ,�erac mettl of P,.,Il;c Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner March 17, 1941 Mr. Barry T. O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application made by the Super Servioe Oil Co., Inc. for permit to install and opera!:e a drive—in automobile filling station to be located at 1251-55 University Avenue. Attached are reports covering inspections made by Harry N. wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire inspector. You will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. very truly yours, Commissioner of,Pu/ afety . w PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH CARE — CO\I\ION SENSE — COURTESY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION March 13th, 1941. Eon. G. E. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by the Super Service 011 Co., Inc. for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located at 1251-55 University Avenue. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard to adjacent properties if this station is permitted. Respectfully yours, WCB/a Chief Fire Inspector. j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION March 17 1941 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chief of Police Dear Sirs T1,is is in reference to your letter of March 12, 1941, ocnaerning. application made by the Super Service Oil Comoany, Inc. for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station on the premises at 1e51-55 University Avenue. You may be informed that I :nada the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do riot find that this oil station or driveways will materially interfere with traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection, to the granting of this Permit. Yours very truly, He,.."ran Sui.ariutendent of Traffic hnw/f 0 THE BOARD OF ZONING AIN! PAUL. MINNESOTA 1"; COUPa HOUSF March 25th, 1941. !JI:INowsr. AU(�U,T HOHENi EIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE 'i ERNARD J. M. GLYNN GIN WAHMAN ARLES 8ASSFORD. C.1, A,.h.:.cl :, EORSE I .,ERROID. Mr. Harry T. OlConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Super Service Oil Company, Ino. for a filling station on the north side of University Ave., on the East 20 ft. of Lot 21, Lots 22 -'nd 23 end the best 25 ft. of Lot 24, Block 32, Syndicate No -5 Addition. This is an in and out station lying between Syndicvte and Griggs. The property hes a frontage on University Avenue of 125 ft. and the island between the two driveways will be 55 ft. The plans are standard, and the Board of Zoning recommend that the nermit be granted. Yo:Lrs very truly, George j Had, ngineer Secretary. gh-rh ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ILEu iN iR[ clrr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cL[Rw s orFic[ Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE 193... TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made .. .NA,.[ M oR InolYinuAL r FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A____ R.. aR %Kilo[ 9ARA�� '.1�f-73 –n ✓.C. BLOCK — _54. UT MOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON Lly..�� '-"--- /� �./-•09_^– __ ALSO DESCRIBED AS NO OF PUMPS ------- NO OF GAS TANKS_ CAPACITY OF EACH TaNlt„ '.. f / FILED / 11 —A -RE or Ann 4fYBY ......... i. 1 -2644- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT F PUBLI—AF Y B/ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 19_ ._ CITY PLANNING BOARD —: - - \ . 3 ,� _ - - - - •9,a/�....e f _� _ ,�Tiv�E.r�./ .5y/,.,oi G',yJsF `c' ./yoRTi� lR/EJyS� sla��l .. - _- o RArO,o>rN SJra�tJ ✓��' P•�.<<ist�N.::� s.T,:-. 6 544 L 1 i .G1.v 'Op a .EAsT /20' o T 2/,of 0 23 IP ,VOD WA' .COCK ` • - - - ` - - ' 5 - r i� �I � ss dam: �R w,�.�•�.F- - _ - .�s� �_• �... �,: �,�; r �..,�.4.,, z� � s.T�' _ ff _ — B o ✓ .< I• 4 lT 2r �60�. .S hzie 3R - 101, ° it - .i• O R R - r- -- _ \ c'Vey,El,F-,n .E'er J' P< <9 .. ... _ Ai4 �r,�iC. - - .' ..... ._. f -. ..a�vpe ... �FJor/.E7E�! ✓yidA/ CI'1%f- c /IOR� �/Q��7 `s . ✓/ �� " , -c _ NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL --..._..—...-- ; FILE NO. TO COUNCIL PRINTER 'ie.•...,�ir•.ai ,�,��� I„'���„(`',. d,A1 i, F'k, ^ I�,��i,...•a alau:: L.. ix �:, „•i,`,- � �--26� ------194L— �r .•li,•rk.� ,,, Iil.•in 111•. „IIi...�l••I 11, , mplrnllrr. II\ili,l�r.•.I I,r the ,'„R R,iI \I:, T. 1:•II. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T .�I�I�TOY,"I �I;,r. _.. I:HI. AGGREGATE AMOUNT 131,18'2.21 9 OF $ ., COVERING CHECKS NUMt$LKLLF—.--_ I u..—.__ --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THECITY COMPTROLLER. Nk ��1JY4 COMPTROLL R. ��ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL '...._L/..x/J--T nL - .•...-:. :: �_. _cs_� MAR B 7 11941 CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED. .... .....................__.... .......-194._.._.._ r eao s<o INT PAUL S CITY OF A NOTICE .-- ------ __. FILE NO. TO COUNCIL PRINTER .... ...:..........YaZch..2b. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 81359 OF S 131,1 2.2 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ 1...- TO.-----ANCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THECITYCOMPTROLL R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL... _ .... _194—....._ �5`� j-''' �%; :..... �- CITY coMFrnoLLen MAR 27' y '1941' �:, r APPROVED- soo s-ao f I { t ' I f � . i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_ _. ..-.. _----- ROLL CALL BARFU SS FINDLAN PARRANTO IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -.xamh.26 i PETERSONTREASURY ROSEN-_AGAINSTi RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRffA�'W N_.O.N^TH^E 11C TTY COVERT TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $134192.-2 -.,-. COVERING TRUAX I-- MR FRES MCDONOUGH I CHECKS NUMBERED.. _.=O/_ -I ., INCLUSIVE. AS -_�__ � t ^ OF T TY COMPTFOLLER PER CHECKS ON: it,L6ZFFiGL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL r - BY TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OFBYBANK TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I , BROUGHT FORWARD i X7..830 27...- 560 97.8_ 89_ .._ .._.-....._w__ 81303 American Lumber & Wrecking Company 200 80: 294 001 • 81304 Firestone Auto supply & Service Stores 157 50' 81305 H,°rzog Iron ''Yorke 4 634 81306 Northern States Power Company 62; 224 62' 81307 Park MachineCompany A. II.Dept. 106 94• 81308 81309 Lawrence Thompson's Restaurant 75 75` 81310 Vocational School Petty Cash Fund 52 57' 81311 Mary E. Krey 00 32 . 0. 489 0ol 81312 C.A. Hackert, Chief of Police 42 44 81317 Schlukebier's Inc. 47 12 8131+ uillar-Tarras, 134 81315 Diamonl Iron works, Inc. 0 81316 Film Record Company. 40 50 81317 Hawkensen Printing Company 0' 93 50' 81318 Latuff Brothers 2 8 5 81319 Santis Company Robinsnn, Cary & Sand 4 12. 2- 81320 Fred A. Sohader 808 3. 81321 H.R. Stahl Company 626 43. 81322 Company Pl Tri-State Tel. & g. 85. 8132 Bethesda Hospital 2 00' 8132 Dr. T.J. Bulinaki 6 00 81325 l'arl Clinic 9 00 81326 Dr. John F. Holt 4 o0 81327 nr. 4. T. Ide 26 00 81328 7r. G. L. King 53 75 81329 Midway Hospital 2 00: 81330 Mounds Park Hospital 00: 81331 nr. Bernard E. O'Reilley 00 81332 Dr. Harry P. Ritchie 100 00. 81333 st.John's Hospital 15 10' 81334 St.Joseph's Ho,3pital 20 00: 81335 81336 Dr. S.E. ,Stinnette Drs. Williams, Grau & Williams 00 299 76 81337 Henry Rebeck 55 70' 81338 Greene P eting Service 120 0133 81.339 John S. Tinalan, C. of Finance 23 4 81340 Sidney Rosen 81341 American Hoist Company p3 96 81342 Booth Cold Storage Company 1 80. 81343 Bureu of Publications 210 33. $13411 Carnegie nook & Fuel Company 1 428 00 ® R.J.81345 Dyer & Brother 122 60 81346 Martin Falk Paper Company 131 4 81347 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 209 07 81348 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 35 24 81349 Griggs, Cooper & Company 13 13 81350 Grinnell Company 202 80` 81151 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 13 lob 81352 q.W. Koepke 10 72: 81353 Lewis BOIDt Company 14 5o; 81354 ldiller-Bryant-Pieroe Company 97 53! 81355 Raymer Hardware.Company 19 001 81356 St.Paul saw & Knife "Forks 44 63- X1357 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company $. 41 4g 81358 S000ny-Vacuum 011 Company, Inp. 30 So 9.1359 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 27 gap 1 27 692 161 13 , e • I I • 1 I i I nrlpin.l b Clty Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 111206 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIL[ NO._ ) 01JNCILRESO UTION --- GENERAL FORM COMMISPRESENTESIOD 2 l NER_... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, ana hereby awards ho contract for furnishAnE the Water Department with 800 3/4" Type 9 Empire Water Meters to the NATIONAL METER COL:FANY, in accordance with city specifications hereto attached, for tho price of $11,320.00, in accordance with the Formal Rid No. 451 of said. National Mener Company, such bid bui.nir the lowest bid and said National bietor Company beinE the lowsst re.liabl:: and reasonable bidder. ( Fadden Fume & Fquipmunt Cols bid of ,7,160.00 not minting, tho City specifications) and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to •craw up the. hrop_.r .form of con,.ract therefor, and tho G_oper City offlcia.,s hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Fall. &1. #481 i.,.,.:. �ii�l� �u' nor i i,ni:� w,. ��411:•,� ... 'n..... "II, 1,,. r�•r:n:�l I:i.l :\;" aai".r .:d.. nail IIIA' "Il n•I `Il..l.r 'I��I:'i `rel l .''•! it oil' 11i �l�l I':: ..1 I I:.. ' I:�I 1•r��l,..,. i�Ili��i:�l.�I II..,�,. f��r. li,l . Aw �j .\I�I�i il��.l•.1 :\I �I��`. '�li i, �'il \I;I:�. _... I:r.l 1. ' r: 1941 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council . Tgq TJeas flays -garfaea--' ' --Andlan:.V < + 154 �- l94 —TWerson J In Favor)APprove " / (i - T Against \ �'Mr. President, McDonough r II CLI. nrilyn.l tq,Cilr Clete Y '. ''�? CIT OF SAINT PAUL CLK I OFflC OF THE CITY CLERK r /f COUNCIL RES LUTION --- GENERAL FORM•. PRESENTED RYA ,//) I �j �. --�� COMMISSIONER_ i! �✓t�'��''R e1� March DATE_ ._.___..._.._7.. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following -named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name 'Title No,Hrs. Rate of Pay Langevin, William Unsk.Lab, 8 ,50 Lind, Andrew Unsk'.Lab. 8 .50 counc=En leas Tlails R�r#nc ,,' indlan /¢arranto .—Tcrac�c Mr. President, McDonough 3M 3-40 CS 23338 In Favor / Againd M.. I . 1. Nu. IJt1u_i—It)' ?lill �•:: n�•,c,.u— \t'hen•an. ul' 1'u blit \l'nrkar,.l:nrtrl;f lig; I ti•.rlii•n .,. nr th,. I, it �� t'hart,. r. thr• . 1 i111+•nr,: nf•n1 i- Kent+ \\'h ich r nrler� d ,,. .. .. 111; .In rn I:Iny n1•.n1 „f e�• npin)�r.. „r hia Iti�purl n:,•nt f„rI I h;:n ,•iKht hnn ra I,,.r d:i �� � nd , do}'...' id en;Vln>'nn.nt heinK n r1,• than i��•1 h l e,.anl.,�a. w:It u�„ nrnn:•r 'u>' nm- • n,.rrhy : I;ulnrr:e,l Iu n+u• w,� n:ii�,d�i�;K-I:n;nea �• nn,lnyea :n u;.• r:,tn f�;r th,• •..�tr:1 tine hereina rl�r at�t forth. N;, Lind, AI,d re \c: Title, 1;-l, Ilrc., :\:I::il.•.I h�' tl:\• ;' i'il \Inr. _S, Adopted bit the Council t9a, WAR 28 1W Approved_ Ti Aor il"1 c F %• An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTMENT OF PJPLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following Fork: Cindering and snow removal. This emergency arose: ly reason of the following facts and circumstances: Cindering and snow removal necessa y in answer tc e e gency calls. COLUISSINFR OF P . -LIC WORKS 12-10_+—I1y A-1 Ir. 1'eterarrrl— II. It:r rr ua. .,I,ihll I+i IlAlan—}`' 01191111 lu City l.'lerk ��'. :1. 1'a rra 111„—I�, \I, •(•r�r;r�—�7lltrrn A' % s'F t If„a,•rI—\I:I>i,r \1rll,ll,IIIK`•— It,•aA r,A, I,y Ihr i Ih• r:it)' CITY OF SAINT P, „r s:Iilll .•:..a ': I • �OFFICE OF THE CITY -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENLRAL FORM PRESENTED EBY Ry” COMMISSIONER_ !!! n^" ✓'�•�� UVJ rJ'// DATE_ ...... RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that public recopnition be taken and recorded of the distinguished and meritorious public career'of the late Mark W. Woodruff who served the City of Saint Paul faithfully and well for thVity years and who has been called now to his eternal reward; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council hereby extends an expression of sympathy to the surviving members of the family of the late Mark W. Woodruff in this the hour of their grief, occasioned by his death, and that the City Clerk be and he hereby is directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the family of said late Mark W. Woodruff. CO1MCILMETI Adopted by the Council 194 teas Ilays Barjuss f.dlan Approved„ .194 Parranto ' Peterson In Favor Rosen mayor Truax '.� Against ' Mr. r. President, McDonough PUliL15: am a ao Cs aae>e Orlai—I to Cit, Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 11L. NO... OFFICE OF'THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Ilk PRESENTED BY ou ct-,� DATE COMMISSIONER-_ this -,i nkin-f lm.j C,:..:: I rec,Aved ',ho fol In -.7' -f:-r: OF FI314 �2 10vrl T --A S jrc.. ar,j in il,' action n., the tile tile b,)n:ls "or T;-np Fllin--, anddt 'owivil is of the o--)ini,,n -,—er be acc.Qlt-a, ti`er(",)r, "il it, �:-.-SOLV - ED, thnt the the Cnmriisvdoncr "IncTlt".9, ani the ti, -,.i h-reb,. ---nd ;:ir- the tr:lnspcti:rl. and ro I-.% N, y IT-'. 1.141. COUTICILMEn qeas TIaqs narjuSs indlan Rosen —Tr -u. -- /TfIr. President. McDonough Im -- CS -1 - In Favor Adopted by the Council m 194. ApprovedW!li; 194 -- or C011nCILmEn Adopted by the Council_..- -. -. ..,,r.. .194 geas days --'' indla r �.� Apl:rrooved. .. .. .194.. Parranto In Favor r �ayor /Rosen ..—.- Against jnr. President, nicE)onough nm e . cs —1. Ilrlpinnl I. (•it.' CMrk •1;. .•,Itl:.lir: • CITY OF SAIN 1 NO.. OFFICE OF THE C ...,.;: COUNCIL RESO UTION-- :I.: :' :;' I•,,, ; PRESENTED BY 'On .. ?7, 1941 COMMISSIONER_...L;�'fli RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to i§sue such licenses upon the pryment into the city treasury of the required fees: John. Yorea 836 Woodbridee Grocery App. 47199 Renewal 11 11 11 1' Off Sale ;,halt 11 47200 Geo. Geor.,ropoulos 513 Rice St. Rest::ura.nt If 47241 n n n u on Sale Malt 11 47242 11 11 11 II II Off Sale :Salt 11 47243 11 11 If it If Pool Tables 11 47244 11 Walter B. Setterholm 1059 E. Maryland Grocery If 47313 11 C. A.Costello 1299 E. 7th St. Grocery 47393 Ora Latham 1604 University Restaurant 47409 " 41. R. Houghton 1097 W. 7th St. Grocery " 47429 11 S.D.`.acent ?. A.J.Branca 2513 Univ. Ave. Restaurant 11 47439 If ?')illism I. Guegel 495 S. Wabashe Restaurant If 47442 " If n " n On Sale Melt " 47443 11 " " Off S, ---le Malt " 47444 John T. Peisert 1167 Rice St. Grocery 47463 H. K. Lieberman 176 Concord Confectionery " 47547 1 11 11 It 11 Off 'Sale halt " 47543 Stiefel Products Inc. 501 Concord Fuel Deller n 47559 II C.- S. & Wm. Jacobsen 1097 Payne Ave. Bakery 47605 n - Aichele Ice R. Fael Co. 909 Johnson Pkwy. Ice Station " 47609 Fred J. Kind 501 University Ave. Restaurant 11 47620 n 11 11 1, On Sale Malt 11 47621 II it 11 n Off Sale Malt It 47622 C011nCILmEn Adopted by the Council_..- -. -. ..,,r.. .194 geas days --'' indla r �.� Apl:rrooved. .. .. .194.. Parranto In Favor r �ayor /Rosen ..—.- Against jnr. President, nicE)onough nm e . cs —1. Oflai—1 toVity Cl—k :; L CITY OF S). . NO.- OFFICE OFT Inonna IhI8, 1—Wti" 1—e Y KrantX COUNCIL RESOLUTI �j I. "Y' —, In d;PuI rlt; BY AP 101I 1 29, 1941PRESENTED COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED: That licenses applied plied for by the following oersons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby grE;nted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses unon the payment into the city treasury of the reouired fees: Anthony Bova 564 Payne Ave. Barber A-op.47129 New New Locatic Eugene 1,!arrien Highwood &-Is Station 11 47176 it old Band Box Hamburgers Inc. 635 Selby Ave. Restaurant If 1-7292 11 few 11 Paul G. S,)ourds 1624 Rice St. Gas Station Is 47332 11 Old It Art Butler 1339 '!- Pascal Barber 47373 0 New 11 1.'usten3he urffil 530 Robert Grocery II 47407 11 Old It 11 it 11 It Off Sald !.:alt 47409 it it Anton C. Amundson 33 S. D.:l e St. Restaur-,:nt 47417 11 Old Andrew Eckert 43 S. Snelling Barber 11 117490 11 Old Julia Parsons 367 Robert St. Barber 47509 It ?dew Tony L—amanna j'012:, -.upper Levee Grocer -T 47565 Old. if It Butcher a 4750, it It b!. r.Kransnor & 1'ax Frank 1795 E. !.ffhrjia .1rocery u 47GOO " Old Loca. John H. Healey 1220 W. h'innehqha Grocery 47612 11 Old. 11 11 if It . If Off Sale '-!Filt I1 47613 if 11 it The Pure oil Co. 920 E. 7th St. Gas Stntion ti 47617 11 11 It John R. Peterson 2060 Randolph Ave. Gas Station 47:'51 It councit-mut Adopted but the Council.. .194 teas days Findtan t Approved, 194 Parranto In Fdtor Rosen ...... Aqaiqst Mr. President, McDonough Tim fc. UrlRinal to ('Ity clerk COUEN C IL NO.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL rt OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 4march 28, 1941 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-. r V RESOLVED; That license for Rest-MITTSrIt, aoolication 11.7595• On Sale l.alt Beverage, applica.. tion 47596. and Off Sale alt Beverage, a-oplication plied 47797, applied p far by Iriatthevr J. Luby at 72S Armstrong Ave. be and the same -re hereby granted end the city clerk is ins`ructed to issue such licenses upon the pa,-pnent into the city treasury of the required fees. I'inalan— I:r•aou'url, That lir�.�nvr. frrr Itr•.\I:III- rnt. >:PPll�a[Ion i�:.:.:, t.ln dal.• rl J OMnit i..vent Ke. :,tour :,tion ii59G, nIr .alt• atilt Is.crra.er•.:urnucatir,�� r617. :r721 -Ann+l—1-t f�rr Lr :V at nro.r .1. Luby :r nmt,^ aAvp, - r rl t i , t Ir r•r.•Iry Kr:tn(r.rl n.l Ithr: r�ity�:i rlli ��k,r In.tr r•11 Irr I..,.ur: xu..•It IIr•t•nx.•:r nlrnn t hr: ray)'mr:nt into thr• ��itY tr..a.0 rr of :h.• r.•rinirr•rl f.�.•+. sc\.. ntrr�\ : r �r r•a 1. r r�rtnl:ii. 194 1. (llrl Iwr •lion. .-\rlrrnti �l 1�\ Ih. �iil \lar. _ I:rll. .\1•Ir rr;�rrl '\lar. , .rrlr:�ll. t.\Irril ,:.. I:1411 New, Informally approved by Council, March 25, 1941, old.Iocation. i 1941 Adopted bq the Council C011TICILITIEiI slags 'JA1 ljeas ' ar uss- _ Approved_, 194 indlan L ) /Parranto/ In Favor / Isla or Pe(erson 'tcosen` / Againpl /Illr. President. Mcoonough ,m e-ao Cs -1- ()rlpinul I, CRY Clrrk Ya (?6� • 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONERER _ DATE. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in re application for reduction of assessed valuation of real estate for the year 1940, Ramsey County Auditor's No. 58541, pertaining to the real estate situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described in said application, that the recommendation by the Board of Abatement or County Board, in the matter of said application that the assessed value of said premises for taxation purposes be reduced $92,630.00, and for the r• eduction of taxes for said year by the sum of X09,255.53, making the taxes against said premises for the year 1940 the sum of $p88,454.18, is hereby in all things approved and that action by the Commissioner of Taxation of the Stat e of Minne sota reducing s aid a ssessed v alue and said taxes for the year 1940 against said premises in accord- ance with said recommendation be and the same hereby is approved. COl1nCILm n Ijeas nays Fi Ian lar'rantto� os/K en /Ml. �FPresident, McDonough_ nm ­cs _- P. So. IYJII:i::--Ity ,lobo 5. Finit; ur— I:r'F�rl\rd, ' ul,. t nu ril of lhr r'it)' r:ern i ;�nnilr�:rnrrrr o,l� I' arlcllr,ee r.r .��n .:ew:ar,rlr rrr r�:�i .!,'(ur Ihr v 'r 1910. it y I:our,ly \,IuI il ��r'..� \��, ���11. Irr•rl;ei r,i l,K to tlrr• .' I r•+late �itun tr rl i r ILe \n,nhaunt)'. l irl ur•nrrf:r, rlo.r, ri lri•ril In ..+eid :,Pn1I thwl Illr• , nrlalirrn Iry III, It.. urrri rrf :\Iralr•uren lrrr :nt)' Roura. thr- rr! :IUIrI I:r lrl:l ir•ntiun [hat 11, r• n .erl ,'a lu i. r,r urirl Ir r..lu l.�r.•v (rrr r rlrrrcr•.c Irr• rr•rl ur; e•rl E:r..l{30.OU. r(r rrrl�r r•rlr:r lirue •,f I .. Irrr girl �' IrIr)' 1h'. ulut . �r IE:r._Er��:i, r rulciuK tlrr�ta.\r•.:, Ir rr•ru irr•. (rrr Il, r• leerr•- r :rll Ilrin Kr l�r lrlrrrr��r�rl rrl Ilral `V a Ir}' Ilrr r rr :v�rrrur rr( '1•u �:;l �Iir r l Ilrr• :rlr. rrr \liuui•..��I:I rrr�rl ur�i r�K "14irl r�l:r I:rllr " ti ri r� "aid I�r,•Iriixr�� r r :':irr rte rirr`Irrrr 1..�.. �r Irr earl rlr.. :\�li �I�t r•rl I.,' Ilrr�rr1) ur�i lr �\I:`_' rrl: I:\Irril :., 1:-.111 Adopted by the Council ° . 194 l� Approved. 194 In Favor TRa or / Against �..- NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO.--_..—__ TOCO i_ao:a-Ic_nss._ .I(:..�il, �.il. tk::i :�I:n�k. 1... iir :Ik:•� PRINTER •FIs i�,.::. • n:�.:�4•.,.,..:, ��:,,n� March 27 J 1 "A "'.. n, T�•.i ,l,e,:k.�' ���,. „nl.�..:•r ,�,•n: n. — . .....--.... .......... ......-194_ I:� RESOLVED pril IIIc THAT CHECKS BE DRAW. " ""' ) THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT i, 81452 OF S_ '.., COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—m'3o w -TO.-.-.-- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Z `12 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .. �' :r• _ �.' _�,-(r !�' carr CO—ROLLER ROLLER ;" •� ;,t• r: il�al ,– r ' .- �. J mvr APPROVED .'HEET TOTAL -FORWARD 27 930 27 697 935 42 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER. ROLL CALL FINDLAN S FIN DLAJ PARRANTO --- PETERSON INFAVOR� AUDITED CLAIMS I March -26 --194 ROSE. � AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT ! CHECKS BE DRAW V T.'YHeE CITY TREASURY TRUA% MR__ RES MCDONOUGH TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S._.�,�I 1T1 .aG�-_. COVERING I AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- CHECKS NUMBERE,D..41_L460_-j0_p1.Al•j�5A_.-INCLUSIVE. .- PER CHECKS ON'FILE IN -T OFFiCEYOF THE y1rY COMPTROLLER p .._ ,''...� Lo f 77- 94 NUMBER 57 1.40 S �.. TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 1 ' BROUGHTFORWARD _. 27.. g3o . 27.:69. 161 _13.� . ® - 81360 James T. Denery 68 75 137 50 81361 Thomson, "good & Hoffman Chamois 4g5 91' 81362 American Sponge & Co. Inc. 81363 w.H. Barber Company 170 37: 66 81364 Brady Conveyer Corp.. 11 111 46 81365 Ca)itol Stationery mfg. Company 793 43 31366 Cutler, Magner Company 126 25 81367 Graybar Electric Company 81368 9chlukebiers 93 31 81369 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 12 79 44 10 81370 G. Sommers & Company 926 25 81371 The Naterous Comcany 9 66 81372 H.F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 81373 A.F. Goodrich, City Comptroller 15 00 81374 Auto Brake specialties Company 15 75 81375 Automotive Service Company 80 57 81376 Blomberg's Grocery 2 82 81378 31377 Borchert•Ingersoll, Inc. �558 7anital Auto Parte Company 81379 Goodyear Tire Company g5 92 81380 Grant Piston Ring Company 7 26 81381 Gruber Auto Eleotricr Company 59 52 81382 The Haas Company 9 00 35 04 81383 Harley-Davidson Company 81384 Hazel Park Grocery 18 06 81385 Geo. Heimel 3 75 81386 Int. Harvester Company 55 36 81387 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 23 26. 81388 Kremer Auto spring Company 43 20 81389 Larry's Auto Glass Company 43 36 43 91390 M & L motor Supply Company 81391 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 20 01 81392 Martens Market 45 5 74 91393 Michaud -Friedmann 12 12 81394 Midway Chelrrolet Company 63 57 81395 Chris Mickelsen 19 78 81396 motor Power Equipment -Company 141 05 81397 Nicole. Dean & Gregg 23 o4 91399 Northern Auto Electric Company 81399 North6rn states Power Company 1�2 g2 890 Owens motor Sale. Inc. 32 92 91401 ® Owens Motor sales, Inc. 44 26 81402 9t.Paul Book & Stationery Company 81403 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company Pj3 88 81404 Electric Company Schelen Auto E 18 15 19 9140F ;h,11 oil Company 1is 3P on 32 43" 81406 Speedometer Company 66 O1 91407 Standard Unit Parts Company 16 5C 81408 Universal Sign Company, Inc. 2 00 81409 gniversity Auto Parts Company 2 21 81410 Victoria Food martet 6 55: 81411 wobig & Company - 42 6: 81412 'Tolters Auto supply Company 21 75. 91413 Sondra Grocery 104 97, 81414 'Soolburn and Brandl 289 06 S1419 'Sm. H. Ziegler Company .'HEET TOTAL -FORWARD 27 930 27 697 935 42 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF SAINT PAOL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCILFILE NUMBER..".__...._.- R(:LL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO-IN FAVORi AUDITED CLAIMS _p.2.7 PETERSON ROSEN '_ TRUA % AGAINSTI RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORA WN ON THE CITY TREASURY _. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFS�' 77.1 COVERING MR PRES MCDONOUGH --- -------' CHECKS NUMBERSO.�OI��L' C ,�.'N �1. _.I IJCLU SIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL !PER CHECKS ON )LE Lf[f- 0F'! OF TH CITY COMPTROLLER • APPROVED MBS NUR i TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURN BY BANKD TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ' CHECKS CHECKS ' BROUGHT FORWARD ' -�7 030.27 M697 835 42, 81416 G.H. Barfuse C.P.Safety 'vater S 00 287 45 81417 Board of Commissioners 81413 Board of "tater Commissioners 1 617 10 81419 Board of vater Commissioners 267 80 81420 Board of water Commissioners 224 28 81421 Board of 'later Commissioners 176 25 81422 Board of Water Commissioners 270 25 81423 Board of later Commissioners 233 60 81424 City of St.Paul,Bur, of Aud. 300 00 81425 John S. Finllan, C.-r.R.F. 503 78 81426 W.A. Parranto, C.P.Utilities 71 17 81427 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Educ. . 574 30 81428 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Vorks 2 919 03 81429 Milton Rosen, C.P.-vorks 1 693 88 81430 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 918 88 81431 Milton Rosen, C.P."'orks 7 993 22 81432 Milton Rosen, C.P.rlorks 497 94 81433 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 385 50 81434 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 143 39 81435 Milton Rosen, C.P.works. 493 82 81436 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 170 39 81437 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 164 91 81438 Milton Rosen, C.P.19orks 213 66 81439 Milton Rosen, C.P.'9orks 2 305 48 81440 Milton Rosen, C.P.Rorks 522 27 81441 Milton Rosen, C.P.'vorks 742 18 81442 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Yorks 622 57 81443 Milton Rosen, C.P.'9orks 208 83 .81444 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 147 255 81445 Milton Rosen, C.P.Torks 629 74 81446 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 747 20 81447 Milton Rosen, C.P.works 1 135 29 81448 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 106 29 81449 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 361 58 81450 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 710 50 81451 Milton Rosen. C.P.Works 442 99 81452 Fred M. Truax, C.PatkB, eto. 1 381 53 • tNTenarr:ur-Ar+Y onnr:n... I I� �A(-� l h-16h-16� yr ' COUNCIL FILE NO.-.--- -.- -----_-- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the ?`latter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on' the north side of Burgess Street from Farrington Avenue, thence west 100 feet, and on the west side of Farrington Avenue from Burgess Street, thence north relay 126 feet 121486 roved__.._.___.January 281 1941 under Preliminary Order_.__ _-.-.-------- _..... ___ .. apP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of Burgess Street from Farrington Avenue, thence west 100 feet, and on the west side of Farrington Avenue from Burgess Street, thence north relay 126 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-17-Aq• ft. 30th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-... ___.-._-.-. _ . .- day of April 1941 k' at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court aul. That the issioner sa d House meetn g toCity theHall perBsonstng andtnn the the man manner proty of St. vce of ided by the Charter, stating stating the time and place off Finance give tthear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost [hereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_._.. 193 _.. . 3Gxfi± , „193._- ..-- ..—.._�---'----- City Clerk May File54419 f Councilman rmbEW:"^' Councilman Frr Ilan Councilman Councilman>&�1:=�'=A--k•'e•.r*��!r"� - ' Councilman =-�'� h•,nrn Councilman Wye ' �•w Mayor ' 7 Jii l' ;nnugh Form B. S. A. 8-6 Su. lt'Jaa�_- olit�l�it���r [he taldex ik, [lint; , �ri,i n�,• un U:e -1h '�II,•K�: A�'en urt [ru:n Wan 2 l 1l'�a beta hnt �.., 6 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk and reseting curbing on the north side of College Avenue'from Wabasha Street, thence east 70 feet, and on the east side of Wabasha Street from College Avenue, thence north 60 feet, including full apron corner y 121485_ ___ ____.....approved_January 28,_1941 under Preliminary Order_.__...__ _. ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk and reset curbing on the north side of College Avenue from Wabasha Street, thence east 70 feet, and on the east side of Wabasha including full apron corner, Street from College Avenue, thence north 60 feet,/except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_17 sq, ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.._ _80t4_ _ ._... day of April, 1941 ,;¢# , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the ltotal cost thereof as estimated. {{ Adopted by the Council- .1' . ____?8 ?94`....__' 193 ... f NAR 2 8 1941 Approved._ 193_____ ity Cl k File S4420 Mayor Councilman Nff!)669&3d Councilman It gf Councilmanrre _ :.•:.,::1, Councilman Councilman Councilman�"�S3' Mayor Mesio: : ha r::u•_•a.4`r Form B. S. A. 8-6 IT 1IIIIIIIIIIIN t th. iinit.r i•. ir i.t rnCtlnt;. rr•I:�.- inF:tl�.r.i�l......rrllir• xlA�,calk nn Ili,. nil .a rrn ur: (r. writ ..��l' 122. Ic� COUNCIL FILE NO.._...._._.____._....._.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER . In the Matter of reconstruoting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Grand Avenue from a point 60 feet west of Grotto Street, thence west 80 feet; beginning 80 feet farther west, thence west 120 feet, under Preliminary Order—__.—.._j 21487 _ approved— January 28, 1941 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the south side of Grand Avenue from a point 60 feet west of Grotto Street, thence west 80 feet; beginning 80 feet farther west, thence west 120 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .08 per sq, ft, old tile with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ .14 " " " new " Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_....._. 30th- ­ day of April, 1941 , � , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__. ti.]...., 193 Approved___—. --..__._...__—___. 193_--- City rk File S4422 l Ma r Councilman MGMUENWIM Councilman`" Councilman Councilmander�u= �• +cr**mr'-- /' �_ Councilman $max 1 • jr❑ Councilman W&M Xl "—&•- i `}`tri-- Mayor MQhvneK;.:+ ;m;iuu gF? Form B. S. A. 8-6 In the ni� I.r ..f In,c itiil !r�l�airi nr; the .Idewalk� th.. .i A,• or sta�� v •et [Yom Flnr- to 5� 14,4d; _,g inq COUNCIL FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of State Street from Florida Street, thence north 50 feet; beginning 50 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning 25 feet farther north, thence north 80 feet; beginning 40 feet farther north, thence north 30 feet, under Preliminary Order____ 4 __ -_—.-. -approved January 28_,__1941. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west side of State Street from Florida Street, thence north 50 feet; beginning 50 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning 25 feet farther north, thence north 80 feet; beginning 40 feet farther north, thence north 30 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .08 per sq, ft. - Old tile with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_214 " " " - New the Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___...._30... ... day of April, 1941 P*Xz , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. t=..10 i - Adopted by the Council_. .__._._ -•a�+ 193. � MA � R 1941�-- Approved.__—:_. ---..-___..193 .._ t Clerk — File S4425 Zp{flv0 Councilman Councilman ^'L,a...-22 Firdimi Councilman FW'tc@'=-. °=:r: 1'::: :;:'tr Councilman R bkhe :: Councilman TFUnk =. Councilman Wenzel--' -- 1 ---'--- Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8-6 i 1:. F. NO. 11_040- 7n the nntlter Ot const -0119. relaYin� and repalrint- the .ld—alk nn the est aide u[ LV 11 kin COUNCIL FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of construoting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Wilkin Street from Forbes Avenue, thence south to alley 121495 January 28, 1941 under Preliminary Order_.._... _..._._.___— ...—___--....__ approved____.___...._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west side of Wilkin Street from Forbes Avenue, thence south to alley, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist .08 per sq. ft. - old tile with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ X14 n_ ^ - New tile Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._._. Sin_...... ....day of April, 1941 , If$x—_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.... a 193._ t r �j- 281941 Approved ---... -- -- - 193 }- -- _[City Cl k File 54426 ! ayor ..4CoCouncilman McDonahi ar a r."-- P; _.: 7--.4— Councilman uncilman MW}e r : i • ,. ,,• Councilman Pearre. ! :.:.,•ao Councilman Councilman T u;i% 5%, - Councilman Mayor Mahemy- .- i;,.: ......h Form B. S. A. 8-6 C` r'. So. 19_011— 1. the matter of r nns[runtin4`, rnln�'- Ing an i re Pa it in4' the sid— a": n th.• ('� ��77 '•1� n/ IT :llnr t tf rent .� /�1 '41 fluff f.: 1 a COUNCIL FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, r slaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Hemline Avenue from Grand Avenue to Lincoln Ave., end on the west side of Hemline Avenue from a point 39 ft. south of Grand Avenue, thence south 21 feet; beginning 21 feet farther south, thence south 3 feet, and on the north side of Lincoln Avenue from Hemline Avenue, thence east 48 feet under Preliminary Order___.._—.. 12181b -- —__,__,--_approved March b, 1941_. .... _,_ . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said Report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the east side of Hemline Avenue from Grand Avenue to Lincoln Ave., and on the west side of Hemline Avenue from a point 39 ft. south of Grand Avenue, thence south 21 feet; beginning 21 feet farther south, thence south 3 feet, and on the north side of Lincoln Avenue from Hemline Avenue, thence east 48 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ .0-8- sq- ft- -old tile, X5.14 new tile Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._ 30th day of April, 1941 ?9131 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-_ ..WR 2-R.. 193 MAR 28 1941 Approved.,_....___ 193 __._ City C rk File S4429 Mayor Councilman Councilman Findlan� Councilman 401652EME= flamenco Councilman -% Councilmant€4ii�-x'�' '`-� lt.•«cn Councilman +geA§-PW� �- Mayor Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8.6 I Arm".- 1 I 1 th�� m: l:'•` .r[ r.•i��r ll,e =i�'.•,rulk ..n u n,'l Uu:rinK 4,dn Strcrt to A2 COUNCIL FILE NO._--.__-- _ . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on thewest side of Pascal Avenue from Breda Street to Caro Avenue 11 under Preliminary Order_..._.._.121814 ___.,___...,_._.approved__ Oh 5L1941_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west side of Pascal Avenue frm Breda Street to Como Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist .08 per sq. ft. - old tile with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. �._._"_. "_ a - new tile Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_... Nth . day of April. 1941 , 1931-x, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1 _ _, Adopted by the Council ........_.. _�.. -... 193. _. 1 Approved-..__—. ' 1941_193-.__ _ — — City Clerk - - M or \ File S4430 Councilma PUBLIS-A) Councilma Findlarl Councilma rjVFVFWsWE2K;M1 Parranto Councilma --P,!,Imcn-""' Councilman R,Nec Councilma—....n: Mayor higbimey.a McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 mh `CnL� .ar•��i �,o I,i � 14 `j t COUNCIL FILE NO.—.._—_. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Coloraoo Street from South Robert Street to Livingston Avenue, and on the north side of Colorado Street from South Robert Street, thence west 150 feet; thence west 160 feet relay the existing walk 121818 March 5, 1941 under Preliminary Order__—_.—__.._._._....._—__ ---approved_—_.._.._..—. __..... . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Colorado Street from South Robert Street to Livingston Avenue, and on the north side of Colorado Street from South Robert Street, thence west 150 feet; thence west 160 feet relay the existing walk, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist .lbs per sq. ft. - Monolithic with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-08 " " " - Old tile .14 " " " - New tile Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the—. _.._SGth.._ . . day of Agril,1941 , ]kala at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. :' 194 Adopted by the Council___:'�G,:: 9� City Clerk File S4428 yor... Councilman ffF5 h—Ad '_ Councilman tv[ Councilman pLaTce'` Councilman—' - Councilman vak ' ' "—c" Councilman €ttzeiT` T -"a' — Mayor Mffieriey -: `Iri,,,u ugb Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE :. 1". M, 1!_I1li— In r.•P-111 Ja,ky::P f riir .trw rth r t. t 1 l'nit'rr.•+it� t,�r�•,: (j�� 6/j f� Y li"�nln ` ':t t:.r uu'1`rt `Prri V.1rt �.: �h•Nt YY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reraving Jackson St. from Fourth S,.. to University Ave., with sewTr, water and -as cormections from street mains to Prone.rty lines, vhterc not already ;nade; also includin- reconstruction of curb and cor.structicn of new curb, where necessary; p vin; alley and driveway ar-proaches and recor.structi^.n sidevraiks, where necesser.; also ail ocher vxrk necessary; and esser.tiai to the above described improvement l9 under Preliminary Order__.__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to. be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repave Jackson St. from Fourth St. to Cniversity Ave., with set.cr, %;at.er and -as connections from, street mains tc rronert' lines, whero not alreed}' ^male; a.st. 'i.ncludin,.T recon:ttnlction of curb and cons' ruction of new curb, ti: -.ere necessary; navi.%- aliey and drive -,,:ay approaches and reconstruction of sidewalks, where necessary; also all other work necessary- and essential tc the above described improvement with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 82,.8.1320 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... ... day of April, 1941 , 193—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_._._'.r' ?141 193.... . .1 t�AR 2� 194 f Approved--- __-193_ — it Clerk File 9213 Cr Councilman Councilman1W1R=3SWff=F'.• '. I':n Councilman—G I'.....u..• Councilman; P -r nTr — Councilman 1"19'" Councilman ;';,— Mayor N4NhVMzVMti n Form B. S. A. 8-6 . i PINI . unuFn.a COUNCII. FILE NO. By .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter :• :_a:,-.. as __a! - ',est '•.li A-r...-•,te ...,.. et:.d ..... ...... ...'--a_?d'--- ..... ......... ....-......................ver, ...... J..... 'o------ :.:.:. .. � rr; the 1 •-............................................. ..................... ..........—.................. ......... .... ......... ..... .............. .................... ............. ................................ under Preliminary Order.._ ?-1:=.' ...approved January 22, 194.1 IntermediaryOrder . .................................................approved .................----'----------------.............-...........---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that; t e precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .' .g..->:._...';.� �°" =���'' � =-�1:=�'----------------------"'-�:-•=-- r :1-1F i r;_ a t t _o r.... —Ce:-- . ---------- ......-.......................... ..............................--........... _._........ ............ ....... ......... I ............. ------------ ------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - ed with the making of said imovement in accordance therewith. �Z --Adopted by the Council _ ..... , 192 ...... ._. City Clerk.. Approved ... ...... .... .. .... 192..:..', _ l ............. . ... __ ___ _ i ayor. Councilman le ncy�-�q Councilman br�gu`s&ir=' Councilman 2cDonald �''' ! T "' / / f ✓ Councilman VcGlogan / Councilman'Sudheimer r J PUB' SiiED / L__ 3 CouncilmanrWenzel Mayor MOson Form B. S. A. 9-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL \ t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of :r•a.!:n` atd r.lr:eci::. ...�e :au'`.:: !:r;l .Ca•:'a Al',-iro-:' vi 5:r',;n; ).ro. to '.:o'a�t=o •:"•.. �!td t:•., ar:d ,cai. 1•. ].l^... ^ro-: ti::c: we:;: ::nrt; .,,.:.... r,lL: :},,, ,.ms ens;, :;or.., ....:.n A'!1: ... !'lnr:.. `�, .. ..,gin ... nts under Preliminary Order approved .ls::•�:,:r;' 1S•;1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pe Oct the above improvement is ------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each !ot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION len F 2 0 3n ., :1 • i r, 4 d� ? rio i] da Form R. 11. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION Lar•: Id!;. g2504'n0r) 2rr� lent? 2:x 2000 2r,n 1.100 225 250 2CoO 2 ,,) 1450 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF commissibNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - - . . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I.and • 12 T:.,,:!den "ei.�.Its 9 do 2.5 2000 do 250 G()O 1b 9 do 200 1450 16 do o 2 270 f Q 1 00 220 175 21. io ]7`• 178 nb0 17 1750 2 '10 17 F, 25 600 A, 2, 35 do 1 a7675 .533,706 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f Dated 19 4 i Commissioner F.— B. B. 13 of Finance. Ik To The honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. G -"Zi 1 444 St. Paul, Minn... N,,-�.....18>..............19�..Q. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owner,. hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............. ._ AJJ .(;;RAJ Ah ... OF -a de s .b�. ..w.ee..rr........ ..... ......S..b..e7 w oOd c_ijal e /c /-i ✓ . . ........ ...... . St. *we: From .... ..._C Wr LAC St. Ave. to A z / .................... ..St. Ave. NAMF. LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0 _..... ..... 1t.J .. :M -37 U Tol Y % 0 _..... ..... 1t.J .. :M -37 U Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Feb. 21 --__19 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of. the Council, known as Council File No. 121444 approved—.— Jane 22 — - — _1941_, relative to grading and surfacingthe North end South Allele from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the West -North and South Alley to the East- North and South `'lley in Block •----------------------- 9, Hayden and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereofis525.71 Coat per front foot $0.99 �— --, and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $27.37 Engineering $130.00 Frontage 1,549.02 ft.' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is—_ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of {a'ropert� subject to assessment for said improvement. Cm omissioner of Public Works. 04 �G4 - 1` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DE—T1 COMM19s1— BUREAu b• CORST. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— —.VEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OIEIC[ ENCIREER MERROL. February 18, 1941 r1111 E-1. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. De.r Sir: BUREAU Or S—TAT101 FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAUOr BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. —1— BIR RG 1— BUREAUoe CORRECTIORs RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT I transmit herewith preliainary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottege Avenue, end the East and West Alley from the West— North end South Alley to the East— North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights, under Preliminary Order C. F. 121444 approved January 22, 1941. Yours ve ruly, ORG M. FARO hief Engineer An_croved:for transmiss n to the psione� Finance i MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Estimated Cost $ 1,.52.5,,71 Cost per front foot 0.99 Inspection 27.37 Engineering 130.00 Front:;ge 1,549.02 ft. Yours ve ruly, ORG M. FARO hief Engineer An_croved:for transmiss n to the psione� Finance i MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works till all, -H D E S M 0-1 RT-S—,t-0-WA- A TANGNEY-McGINN HOTEL '4 A TANGNEY-McGINN HOTEL PISA1, UII DER I]' PUS n4UIS A'1'111V / l COUNCIL FIL / 122o'46 1,,: BY / FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS' In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the west North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights under Preliminary Order 121445 approved __....-._Tanua?T22, 1941, . Intermediary Order 121816 approved. March 5, 1941 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the west North and South Alley to the east North end South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to pe taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the west North and South Alley to the east North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 194 19_ ' yyn�t City Clerk. Approved__... _.... .APYt_ f�'-�t .., 19 Councilmen /// PUBLISH') ,� _ / Bar(uss Findlan Parranto Fetrr5041 Rosen T•••—iravw—•• / Mr. President coo 149 CITY OF, ST. PAUL DEPARI"ENl• OF FINANCE J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of cn..de:r `a' a'ei?'!' u:'! euse';:r•r!;, i.n ta:nd :.ocosury .cr ;Torr::, cu t3 a o Lsd C'il:s. in t (z • r!::i'_r.r ;'Irt'uci::r -,f- tnu !:ort''I an ::o'.ILa Pllc::s fr: .,aeru'ood Ave. to to �..Ot:ftae SVP:•.. n::•3 t:!(? !l^.:f z lie;: I'ro.•; .. , under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - s ..r c6f' tji(zabaYe:ianaroverneatvsx $— '17he total estimated av mnnr.mE<r]zecassasemeat:d®n The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each !ot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 9 Hayden Heights 2 9 do 3 9 do 4 9 do 5 9 do 6 9 do 7 9 do B 9 do 9 9 do 10 9 do 11 9 do Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $250 $900 200 1000 200 175 2000 200 1400 200 225 225 250 950 250 2050 250 145C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OI•; FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 12 9 Hayden Heights $250 $1900 13 9 do 14 ': 250 2000 do 15 9 do 250 600 250 1450 16 9 do 250 17 9 do 250 2700 18 9 do 225 1500 19 9 do 225 20 9 do 175 21 9 do 175 22 9 do 175 950 23 9 do 175 1750 24 9 do 175 25 9 do 225 600 26 9 do 200 2150 27 9 do 225 1700 29 9 do 225 29 9 do 225 3050 30 9 do 225 1300 31 9 do 225 32 9 do 22.5 1400 33 9 do 225 34 9 do 225 900 35 9 do 200 Total $7675 $33,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to•the Council, together with the report and made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. llated_Flerch 5 `tt ............_.19. Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. K.7 C,t ® Ir.rc�t?s F' F^ar<sohovelii � snore Cuter FII) of pm�—ty line. Foumsb.'•o� - show oly�nre to nhic� A`°pes ec'rnr beyond orope rty Ilne. :oc. E3anK No ^_5F9 R sec Bk Na'.569 ALLEYS 31-K.9 H,4>'OENHE/6N7S Foin _Shc �rvood Av` . To o�foaP 9v�. Fc;n �r�St-ns�s�r//�y 7oz�,51-A&-5A/iey ° AVE• YYOOp SHE,e?yo00 AVE. SHER DO 0 ''0+00 0 JO' .40 �a f1 A"�9"�3 :.� Cj- . N• I 1 i ' IL 13 A \ ll I n!tos 1` N o i ! I 03 L2 1 io-pd �0Gr nil ! F Gr I � Fi. Gr j Gr I 9 -- o! ,_ a `I- '�..�, ��� mak` e c F, I-----�--- __ - _• - -.� .. °I .0. 0.1 G r ar. N Fr iin� � p 5 ' n LO3-3y O vzb 27 z8 � 29 � 0 'F� 3/ 2 33 -34 '3S� la2.4 .J6Z•I" I �� � � I � � 2'i TL N f1.0 0 0 2+G8 74 ° ° COTTAGE � A ✓�- q;ie COTTAGE AVE, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 21 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. —121AL5—approved— Tan. 22_.... 19 41 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the North and South Alleys from Sherwood Avenue to Cottage Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the West- North and South Alley to the East- North and South Alley in Block 9, Hayden Heights and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessaryand (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- 1 —,-, and the total cost thereof is $— 1 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement isaskedfor upon petition of three or more owns of prope subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works -CD COUNCIL FII,E NO. By \.. I22e47— Iln the r tter ��( ehn nKlnK the KruJe ut the Ailey in H. Nlchel'n ItenrrunKe- y vk 22 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.chan: in- the -rade o" the A11ev it a, _chef's 2earran .-`_`" ni:.--__ -the So',tL- `; c -lock 2,...�s!__h:s Suta-visite•; o Blocks. -2,--h, 7 .k E?s--St_nso� s _ _ >o;; to con- form to the red line on t,:c: nro::le hereto attached at:•: nate a art hereo_', ;e ore:;ent ....--'---......-'-'---------.`-------------------------------------....-----------------'-----------......-'--------------------'----................. _....... ----=-------------- e;- co':ished =ra.'e ;:eir,- s:­,wn i;v.t':e ^i::e 14ne. ir`.:: ia:..nl-sg-_Rrni_;p..a;l..surf}ci.n said A1; bc. ::. Yat?aat.in. --, "'--'„i;e--rei?,--I:;; e_wren_esrR Cl i§ ---d r'3--cur;structi.ne a sewertae ?.11ev fr.... a .e:r.t co.: .t. wc. ,� St. from ...... i Sr-., thence _ ..ran^_'el the center line of the AlleY .rprofiuced to the sewer i :'lair St., tinder Preliminary Order...121495. ... ..... .. ..approved .. Jaluary 28,..1941.. . . . . .. . ........ IntermediaryOrder ................................... ...... .........approved ..................... .............................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councir of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ghn^r.e. the -rade of th.e Alley in B. ldichei's Rearranl-e- sea�...c.:. ..... sio^ conform -co ti -:e red line or: he oro_ile heret: taci1cd and de a art ecf,-the ................... .............-------' ............... .......... ............. .------ ........--------........:c.: x.. treses t es;,abiishec -rade ' ;.:_ ..........................................-._....-..._..._.._...:...._.St....a._.>.:u._.ul.Sl e.....:A....t:t.: Cg.4i1....__ _ .-.-r,-,-d---­-----_------___ Sa,:d,_ il.l d...fr.i7 .:--=dc!__-a�..._tQ__.:ai.LL1!.�:1.::_L...:�.:... �1i...I.c I�.IlIIE__.t:t:_.L':z�::�_t:�_�i'.r_.✓`S__1:9r StrUct i -a. o. �scr.r �l E?_.fT a_ n�L--� -.•- ...p:e<c..o_.. iu c, c ce_._._'_rriel_:. from h� center T•^,"—o� Ene le:: ,mace fo n se.;':.r _n �eir and the Council Hereby orders 's l Improvement rEoeUe made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement �ip�n�accor�dance therewith. Adopted by the Council . rt - - -4 --'.94�'�_-_�_�_.--------- 192 .._..� �9 rty Clerk. Approved... .... JUL..2..� . 192....~ File 9195 ........ ------------------------ — - �( ay Councilmam,lancy ; Councilmas-FerguMn - iE +t' + (' J l� L:JT1il J_rJ:- . ' l t CouncilmanIaMcDonald:/ CouncilmainrMoGldpn - t� s•rrn ! �l 1 Councilmair-6adheitiier Councilmax.>- ' Mayor Yodgaon::+ Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of c', n.- ul;t�l tirr:.t:: 1 2, :;rfi-t..il s 7 1 vi. in to 1,.d. 1'no n.n d ra e 1�ne tiit--,eon, x.15:-. ^r:: n I r -3, c i - :,n 4 to :':;c;rod l4no wl:.cn (,Q: r n. A under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per,'foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 anfl 1 2 o! 7 -,nd t:i,- o' Lot o err.: 2 4!;O ince F.,, 7 .13 o. anj rtes. 13 4 2 Js. o:' 2 '10 xf L 275 1160 7 2 In -1 :to ;:Y 1200 10 2 do 27L 950 11 27 011fl 27:1 1300 TOTAL. F.— B. 11. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B� a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 13 2 (5. Wlcnel'5 Re. of 51k. 7 a• )tne S. ; of i.:lk. 2 of Smi,tn's 14 2 )Seib. of iilks. 2, 6, 7 ? 8 of )St.inson's Ui.v. of 1^!@ of Sec. lc 2 (30, T. Z°, R. 23 16 2 do 1•' 2 do I! 2 do 19 2 do 20 2 d o 21 2 do 22 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 eo 2;t do 29 i do 30 2 do 21 2 do 3'2 2 do 3:5 2 'o 342 do 35 2 do 3 6 do 67 do 3B P. 60 3`1- 2 o TOTAL r ASSESSED Land VALUATIO!J1dP,. $275 X1250 275 1250 27.5 600 275 700 275 1500 275 1800 275 1450 275 1500 275 1000 275 1900 .5 i30i: 2 55U 1850 350 1300 350 1000 1000 350 ;50 050 600 350 1200 350 650 350 1000 3;i^ G00 350 800 350 110�i 35C so(, 50 900 550 900 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C).• DESCRIPTION LOT BL-OCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lan,: i" 1.! .-. 40 (:,x 4600 o 42 2 0 3 11" 0 2 do 4ti Si n -do Z do 50 2 'Jo 3-30 do I 011C 11:i, 275 150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .19 Commissioner .. of . Finance. 12 /. St. Paul, Minn., ..._✓........_ ...:.'. ......19 � To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ......... .. . Ave from St. Avc. to... ......................... ........................ ........ ..... ..St. Ave. AAMEE I. 0'I' �N A i i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance February 20 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 121495 approved— January 28 1941 , relative to changing the grade of Alley in B. Michel's Rearrangement of the SJ of Block 2 Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 & 8, Stinson's Division, also grading and surfacing said Alley from Arundel St. to Mackubin St., and constructing a Sevier n e ey rom a point wes Arundel St. from the center line of the Alley produced to the sewer in and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.27 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $27.40 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1,195.26 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property., gft subject to assessment for said improvement. ` Commissioner of Public Works. zn ;:• o& C CITY OF SAINT PAUL + Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COM.Iee-- BUREAI,'O• CONeT. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEIARD. C.— E.oINEEP W, S: COCKROFT. SUPT. o'"" ErvOI.EER February 18, 1941 G. H. HE.h OL. --ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SA.ITAT— FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OPB11-9M. S. GR YT BAK. EN.—I.- BUREAU OP CORRECTIO.e RAY J. KARTAK. SUIT. Deer Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing the grade of the Alley in B. Michel's RearrangemVnt of the S1 of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 & 8, Stinson's Division, also grading and surfacing said Alley from Arundel St. to Mackubin St., and constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 260 feet west of Arundel St., thence in Arundel St. from the center line of the Alley produced to the sewer in Blair St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 121495 approved January 28, 1941• Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage ir A ppmgI ion of Finance Commissioner of Public 'Forks $1,517.40 1.27 27.40 120.00 1,195.26 ft. 7TChie truly, rvl ngineer COUNCIL FM NO. BY _ �.: � 122048 FI AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking. an easement in the land necessary cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the All for slopes, Rearrangement of the South j of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision OfMBlocks s2, 6, 7 and 8, Stinson's Division, from Arundel Street to Mackubin Street under Preliminary Order 121496 -- approved`_ January 28, 1941 Intermediary Order 121820 _ approved _.. -March 5, .1941. _ !t A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the. said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary cuts and fills in the grading and of the Alley in B. Michellsr slopes, Rearrangement of the South 1 of Block 2, th'S Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 and 8, Stin®oafs Division, from Arundel Street to Mackubin Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For elopes, cuts and fills in the grading and oflBlockaB2,M6,hel'ssdReearrangement of the South of B 2, of the Stinson's Division, from lock 2, Smith's Subdivision to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office�delthe Street to Mackubin Street., Works mmissioner of Public RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Lt 19, Approved 19—_ CJ 'f ity Clerk. Councilmen Ma r.� Barfuss Findlan Parranto PLi3L:Si.: Rose—Aeteccet� aoo t -au Adopted"by the ,Council Yeas Nays BARFUSS .•/FINDLAND v� PARRANTO P f'ROSEN ,/MR. PRESIDENT (WwDeN621-1) / U Adopted b/X.Souncil Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAND •v/ PARRANTO J -- PETERSON-- ROSEN TRI 1 A, 4 MR. PRESIDEN (�H) dune 12, 1941. FB:.. j,.' :. S. F-'! '.I: -.n Co., -.3r. c-' rimmed :)e -r Sir: 2:0 -X` ' I !�,�Jcl m. �r. July th I-, VIC "'atter of tho pas-sktCe of the final .)rdir intl,.(, �-u'tt,�r of ch'm;�nF t'v, !-rade of t'ic lx. c:f 31-ck 2: Smith's Su' 3clivi s' 0:1 ':f - -310 ' -':s 2, 7, anU S, St inso:ils Division, .190 Frading -rid oi!Lg said ;--lley fro: �rundel tc rrjcj-.&i.n st., :;nj wnstructlngp a sourer in the alley from a point 260 ft. went of Arandel. St., thence In Arundel St. from the center line of the alley produced to the sewer in Blair St., and requested that you send notices to interested property oymers. Very truly yours., City Clerk. JOHN S. FINDLAN P. E. McDERMOTT Commissioner Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier June 6, 1941. To the Council City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have checked the petition of remonstrance attached hereto filed in the matter of changing the grade, grading and sur- facing alley in B. Dlichel's Rearrangement of the S..' of Blk. 2, Smith's Sub. of Blks. 2, 6, 7 & 8, Stinson's Div. frgm Arundel to hackubin, also constructing sewer in the alley, etc, and find that some is insufficient. Yours truly, 7 y J, v�r/rLG�(GtrL/ Jo% Findlan . Commissioner of Finance. to � � PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE To the Council City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: We the undersigned, being 60% of the resident owners of property representing not less than 50% of the frontage abutting alley in B. Michel's Rearrangement of the Louth a of Blk. 2, Smith's Sub.etc, from Arundel to Mackubin most strenuously and protest to the grading and surfacing as proposed by C.F. 12149b, approved January 28, 1941 Ownerk-1-1 ✓ Addres�s/ �j Lot Blk. Addition Frontage a � V �➢�7�.K�11H�Y."CtY (A�4'Td.lL�J�SB!5 /I � gj� O ........ . . v STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY 4- ij:t. duly deposes and says that -;Acul.t.d t�th�/f foregoing petition, t�. the shown thereon are the signatures of the miners o the property set opposite thereto and are personally known to +4ijr. Minn. Notary PuRS blic, RaTrfsey My commission expires CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMN*S5IONER OF FINANCE , (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L In the matter of c.,., ,,,.,... i r: e •!,: ca }t i " ; ...; ..; J r ,..... .. t: e: ,r. r:' .:r s.L.. r s in Pr. -ra:^. r.t:: s tr_,�r,i::•• nl' cite i,i]• .. .......el'.. iio-,.. ....r:: of .. , , .. 1 c.}. _, „r under Preliminary Order approved ';;:.---'f% r' _. , i:•,1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: r.ost' n:' ''::. u,'. ^.'r�: ER .f::'L,•i'L ., 'L i).'.',: The total estimated am'nuatcvf:the:nascssmea4:foMhesabwe'iml:rovoms¢Ltis� - - - $....------"--' -'------ The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of tach lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 2 and Lot 3 and (^xc. 11'. 10 ft.) Lot 5 and West 10 ft. of F.'. B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOrjjldF'.. Land 1 2 (B. 1ichel's Rearrangement of $575 31350 (Block 7 and the ::oath � of 4 2 )Block 2 of 'math's Sub, of 450 1250 )::locks 2, 6, 7 'c 8 of Stinson's 4 2 (Division of Northwest ,uarter 375 1200 (of `;oc.3o5, Twp. 29, R. 23 276 1150 6 2 do 7 2 do 275 100 8 2 do 275 150 9 2 do 275 1200 10 2 do 275 950 11 2 do 275 1050 12 2 do TOTAL. 275 1300 (B) Cm OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan V ALUATIOlildg. 13 2 (B. Miohel's Re. of Blk. 7 & $275 $1250 )the S. of Blk. 2 of.Smith's 14' 2 )Sub. of Blks. 2, 6, 7 to 8 of 275 1250 )Stinson's Div. of NWJ of Sea. 15 2 (36, T. 29, R. 23 275 600 16 2 do 275 700 17 2 do 275 1500 18 2 do 275 1800 19 2 do 275 1450 20 2 do 275 1500 21 2 do 275 1000 22 2 do 275 1900 23 2 do 275 1300 24 2 do 275 1900 25 2 do 550 1850 26 2 do 350 1300 27 2 do 350 1000 28 2 do 350 1000 29 2 do 350 C50 30 2 do 350 800 31 2 do 350 1200 32 2 do 350 850 33 2 do 350 1000 34 2 do 350 600 35 2 do 350 800 36 2 do 350 1100 37 2 do 350 B00 33 2 do 350 900 39- 2 do vMw a.a.ii TOTAL 350 .900 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bld3. 40 2 (B. Michel's Re. of Plock 7 & $350 $600 )the S. of Block 2 of Smith's (Sub. eta. 41 2 do 350 1350 42 2 do 350 ` 43 2 do 350 500 44 2 do 350 1250 45 2 do 350 900 46 2 do 350 1100 47 2 do 350 850 48 2 do 400 1000 Total $15,275 $48,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated March ._5.._.....-. � .. ... _..1991.... Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 11 N. X S- 13k Wl699 A /- L Z '7S _1,.,Wl 7 /Yff 2, 9, 6 ff 711K5 OW -0/ V ARUNDEL 6T MACALIEVIV 5T k' A 1-3 uRL.,v A v CH L'.5 1'�E. 0 7 /-H,5 5U3. �3'� �(15, 1 7A 5T/k,50/V,5 V J 66 616 If ? 1,9 �o .^(i 50 -/0 44 -16 9.7 45 IVI TH �5 ��,5 Z, 6,76, 65 TPvJ ON' zql V C Hf-- L J RF. k5 0 0 TH. 12 z�5L'�< Z Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Feb. 20 19 41 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-12149-6—approved—T811, 28 —1941 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing the Alley in Michel's Rearrangement of the South I of Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 and 8, Stinson's Division from Arundel St. to Mackubin St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ Xxxcx _, and the total cost thereof is $, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of"4operty, subject to assessment ;rMeA�i provement. Commissioner of Public Works. "i � :r [91 , y COUNCIL FILE NO. By .� , � .. til � 'Ny' •� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... pla lii-. .A>>3- r.4tecti- -.shade-.-trze;. oz .the.. north .s .�e_.of..Fcr eles Avenu: frog 'r;rs Street to SvTcicaie Street ----------------------_.-.................................. ---- ................ .................. ... .................. ...... I............................. ................ ....... ................................................ .... ..................... ..................................... .............................................:................. .......... .................................. .............................. ..... .................................................................................. ..._...... ... ....... ...... .......................... ----.---- .................... --........................................ .......................... .............................................................. ....................................---..... under Preliminary- Order.... 12-0'.95 .. ........ ..approved Decer.,ber 4,..194.0 . IntermediaryOrder .............................................. ..--approved ................................................ ................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is . Plant. ^.c rro-tec;, si'ade.. rens c__- the__nerth side ... - - -- ----- of ierkelev ve.r.+,e fra:a 'riR s ree_t o i.�r;dice "cat .....-............_ ................................. - ........ ... --- -.................--..................................... ----- ---------- ....------ ......................---..............-----------.-----------..................................... --- -- . ------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...A PR.....1.194�............ J City Clerk. APR 11941 Approved ........................ .... . 192... i1c 9196 M r. Councilman 00may-153MV1ure CouncilmanWMgT136n^'"^1 %wi,l:", t Councilman > ffMo7Iald : Councilman CA'IcG]og&fl — Councilman ,'r-A!dhbimer / • , - Councilman -Wenzel a �`- Mayor Iudgaon . ......... ,r -.— Form B. S. A. 8-7 i, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of 0.:'. 1.-1, ..'rt.n vron under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per -foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assdssed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION L -OT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED YALUATIOP4 r 2 2 TOTAL. F.— B. 6 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION :.An V. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' Dated-- � __. .=--...._. ........ _— 19 Commissioner of Finance. Firm B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /..........d? 1s...........� . Cts �.. . ... ... .UU .......� ... W. Ave. From .... .......... St. 4;;'. to.... ja St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK / ADDITION: v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Feb. 21 _1941 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cduncil, known as Council File No. 120995 approved_ Dec• 4 ____ 19 40 _, relative to planting and protecting shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.22 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—_ 105..6—, and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $12.32 Frontage 480 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. to 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more own rs of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY --.199-- Ou"A"01 CONST. G REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C111— ENOI.YEER W. S. COCKROFT, SUPT. o11IEE ENCI — February 18, 1941 G. H. H.R.OL. FEROR. CLERK RIMA RK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Denr Sir: BUR 1 SA HITATI OH FRED DRIVER. SUPT. Sa"'I OI SRI11— M. S. GRY—AK. Eu.-- BUREAU01 CORREC110— RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for planting and protectin, shade trees on the north side of Berkeley Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 120995 approved December 4, 1940• Estimated Cost Cost Der front foot Engineering o Frontage Apyroved for transmigs' n �o t e Commissione I r Finance MIL"!ON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works $105.65 0.22 12.32 480 ft. Yours ry tru�lyyf, G . SFS �-RD Chie Engineer r•. �. IJL::i__11. A.rl I•. r..l..,.,..1... ll qq _ ttoe 0,1ol—I 1. City CI ­k It. ,l r..l. I:iII Ih. :':i:ll Iil I: .r.i•y ;, li- .� Iti ey ,t y CITY I l' •. Iii:. ;I v:: fll iir llll t .I ': JUNcll OFFICE O' UNCIL RESOLUS4uP4==-Gi­ • _�L FORM PRESENTED BVn $.-I" DATE__.11i$I:_L'.Y1.7a....1Q41- -- COMMISSIONER_�+ir' .. .._ i' ... ..-—........ __....— -- ___—_ Resolved, That 1.h Council hereby approves th<; award of t.re Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards The contract for the compleae plumbinE and heating installation in t.'r. addstion and alt,,�ratlons to the Hayden Heights School, tinder Item A5, to REUB'EN L. ANDERSON, INC. in accoruance with pl,.ns :and sr—cifications i,herl'for and thr� Foi-mal Bid No. 490 of said Reubz:n L. Anderson, Inc. for the contract price of $19,987.00, such bid bein;_ the lowest bid and said Reuben L. Anderson,Inc. being the lowest relia..le and rcascnable bidder, (Geo. RicG•�ary & Son havimt' been permitted to withdraw their lova tial of $17,88.7.00 due to an error in omittin:_ an ite:^ of .$1830.00) ani the Corporation Counsel be and h=reby is dir- cted to draw uL• the prcper form oi''ccntract thereor, and the praj:er city officials hereby..are authorized. to execute said contract on behalf of the Citi' of Saint Paul. Architect'9 Estimate $18,000.00. F.3. #x490 R APR I CODUCILITIEn Adopted by the Council l94 Teas nags r uss r _ . 1 Approved4'� _ �ri �. I.C�4._l94 ,'`Vindlan _ ,'Parranlo In Favor �C '�eterson TTI ,,Rosen ... Truax— Against –Rlr. -President,-IAaDottouc3lti IM 1-40 Cs aan�e Il rWW to City M-1, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _X NO— OFFICE COUN RESO. UTION --- GENERAL FORMPRE y GOMMISS ONER � ._ / �"• DATE__.I1 ar_Q+!_..27.1- Resolved, That the Council hereby ap;:r'oves the award of the contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the cDntract for the complete Electricai'instaiiation in the addition and alterations to the hayden neights School, under Ite, Al, to the PEOPLES ELECTRIC COMM ANY, in accoraance with plans :..nd specifications thcrefor and the Formal E"d No. 490 of said Peoples El'octric 6omp^hy for th. contract price of $7,601.00, such bid bein;_ Qe lowest bid and said reopies Elnctric Company being; the lowest reliable ana reasonable bid_;er, and the Uorporation'counsel be and hereby is directed to arar, up the rroi=er form of contract therefor, and the pro-er city officials hereby are authorized to execute said contrast on behalf of the city of Saint Paul. Architect's Lstimats $7,800.00. F.E. #490 ��. r. ::,,. 1.Cu:•I—.lo,' :\arl r. rrtrrsl�ll— Itc I:�,<„i I'rine�:Cnm- n f„r, Fna hl'rl:hr ����':I Ilu hr tnllaa't fnr Ihr r�nnplrt,• 1•:Irctrlcal in- tl„r, In Ihr 'Idlliti�ul Ind altrr- ��'' I� I�: Ih.• Ilayll,•n IIrlKhta SCh nol. n,irtr Itrin :\1. I�� thr 1'�•ilF lr.� lilrrl rir Inl,::n�'. ill �„rrl:l:i �'r Ir'tll Flan.v :lull `It,.rilir:ll ii�ll.:l.l h,�r..f,,:' :I nll IIIc. I� ,�rnull , I1I,1 \,,. {:Ili „r .:IIII I'����FI.�. 1•:Irrl rig' In FaII �' („r Ihr .�,.tll ra rt Frlr,• Ir loom .rh O h, hl,l K th.• 1.,wr.1 r�•lia hl.� anll r uthlr hi,l.Ir r.:lnll Ihr I �.rF,�r::t i..n I rl 1.,. nd burr L>' i' dirrvlrtl I:� arnoV Ihr w,.r,.n�r.: nn VrnprI I ,AlriaL hrrrh)' I hrhnl( of Ihr• I `ity „f Saint Paul. Archin •� Irr t'.� I:�Iim:l t,• f�..�li n. niJ. I�. It. 1n. X911. :1111iF1r,1 I. �� tll.. I• I I��il .\I�ril I. 191. :\FFr,�crA AFril 1. II9i1. COl1TICILMETI Adopted by the Council 194. geas Tlays a B fuss -' '� AK11r Kt Fipolan `. Approved-. ., .- -. ...194 _ /Parranto 1 met son In Favor IDayo en "I rT Again /t `��TTIr�Yrestdeiff, TT1cUon�tfgh'---- .m ­. Cs z».. u,iginel tt. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL coUNClt. vat NO. ---.-----..-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' PCRESEOUQRES UPON GENERAL FORM TENBRV DATE__Ma—r—cl ..? (_9 OWN l .. . _._._ Resolved, That the Council herel'y approves Lhe award o. the Contract ) committee therefor and hereby awards the contract f'or the co. ylc�te rdofin•C, sheet metal and ventilation installation in the addition and alterations to the Hayden Heich:s School, under Inim A2, to M.CHARLEB0I51 in accordance with plane and specifications therefor and the Formal Bid No. 490 )_ said K. Charlebois, for the contraot 'price of $4,141.00, such bid bvinE the lowest bid _:nd said M. Charlebois 'owini_ the. 1ue.est reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel b•.: end sueby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby ar= aat! oris=od to execute said c;r.'tract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Architect's rstir_ate $4,500.00. F.E. #490 V. \, 1__i:5_.. 11y.\r-'I Ir I Resolved, that the :'nu ncil ht•rehy xp- I�ruvr.v ittre th�.ref��r xnd lierrli;' nrr:r ril. t,W++•'+ .•.. intrnel tier Ihr :• n:1:1�•1. rvi�i lin R. .vht•er tet:rl url ntllnli��u Iu..t;tllntinn In: trhe udrl�iturn ;tlIlny- •h:n Ilei,;h 1.� Vchi�l:l. tul�irr ltl•m A_. ti: \I.:`h:: rlrh��iv. i �rdn nee Sei1h Iglu n. n:l .prcilie:rti:: n,v nt h�•r.•fur and the full llr the i• rnt rn et 1:rice cif Sl.11l.11tt, . Icll I�iil heiuu the Inwrxt hid nod .ri Jl ll. I'h:l rir hld� hei u,;'tlu• lulve�l relin l�le :lud lahl:• hldder.:nld the f'��rnl�rntir.n .rl 11�• nd Ilerrhr I>' die •rt:•d "^' �Ir:ItH' un thrl I: ru Orr fnrnl of ro tense Ihrrefur. ud the Ornit��r i`Ily a/nrhllu h�•rrhv ha ",half ,ltf ofltee cute .�nitl :utr:tc'11� n he hoof elle �'il,v of 4nt tinln 11':lul. nrchitrcl'.. 1:.•tinlnlr S/.v Oo., I•, Ii. \n. 490. Adl�l:ted liy the I :ell April 1. 041. A 1111r::vrd All,il I��III ni 1. (:\Irril 5, Itlt :•.,3,<. 1 1941 CounclLmEn Adopted by the Council t94 leas nays . Approved_ t04 _Ngdlan �Parranto ?eLrson In Favor � .. .. a9a ..... :Rosen / -"- / Against TFuax 'm . est ed nTT[T�DOttou9h'..... . in a•no cs »��. Oriain,i b City Ckr4 liv its :l n,•..1-- I .12� r( Y3 ...MMM CITY OF SAINT :nll,,.:. n,..r.r .,,•a r,•i.�n,.nrn.+ii�r �_.., OFFICE OF THE C11. •• .:j..,. COU IL RES UTION--- UiNERAL FORM PRESENTED BYy' ,r / ,,�,�,•AjC}�,/ / COMMISSIONER._ � 9 W`�� Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and here -.y awards the contract for furnish] nlr all labor and material required l'or the construction, erection and compl=_'tion of the addition and alterations to the Hayden H-L..hts School, less electric, mechanical and roof'in,_, sheet metal and ventilation, under Item A, to J. S. SWEITZER & 30P;, IP'C., in accordance with plans and specifications there -for and the Normal Bir. En. 490 of said J.S.Sweitzer & Son, Inc., for the contract price of .1103,353.00, such bid boinu the lowest bid and said J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Inc. bein the lowest reliable and reasonable oidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the. proper City officials here:;y are authorized'to execute said contract on behalf of the city of Saint Faul. Architect's Estimate $l10,0u0.00.F.::.. :y490 APR 1. 19,4,1 COl1nCILMEn Adopted by the Council 194 i]eas. Rays 1 t fuss Findlan Approved_ q 194 Aarranlo iPelerson In Favor , Rosen ayor --T�calc Aglinsl r. resident, M.033nou — em a-ao Cs .1— 122164 i'. V N... -1-'11 i, s. F if I h,,,-- Orld,.�m�yO.A CITY OF S. m:, a•,:.. ... .i,�i,uc namir;:, hn. OFFICE OF THE,.--(.1-r-nl.'I •.n tv .1.�1 r.• � 1. C UNCIL RESOLUTION=w31ENERAL FORh'I .e"'r� V A PRESENTED BY _OMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the store building at 983 Randolph Street, on Lot 32, Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addition, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and town down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 25th day of April, 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Mall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed,for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property,_at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notiee'stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not leas than five days prior to the date of said hearing. O_... 19YY 193.-.. % Adopted by the Council APP COUNCILMEN YeasNays ar ss / Approved--­­---------- 193---. r indlan 7 a rran to ln Favor r Peterson ayo Xosen _L._.._..Against T on 6M B-38 Ca _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL; Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Liar. 2g , 1941. Lir. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City HEL11 Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the store building at 993 Randolph Ave., on Lot 32, Block 13, L.ichel & Robertson's Addition. Very truly yours, City Clerk. MAR 2 F 1946 COW W. LA MOIJT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD 'Supt. of Part Supt. of Playgrounds CIN Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner A?arch 26, 1.941 lion. Council City of St, Paul 3entler:en ; -'his is'll notify you to institrite condemnation .proceed- in;�s against the store building at 3P3 Randolph Streat, on Lot 32, %ilociL 13, la:.chel & Robertson's Addition. This is a one story store, vacant, settled, out of plumb, sills ro"ted, and in very dilapidated condition and past reasonaT:le re�.,air. it is a fire menace and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. .'he last known owner is Louis Dressely, 983 Randolph .— Street, and the St. Paul Federal Savings :c Loan Assn., 4 East Fourth Street. :Kindly set a hoaring in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. s truly, Citp'A.rchitect LAS .. T; 0,191..1 t. city clerk r 22, rt yf, CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour l_ FEL[ NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUl RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMENT D ER.^' " / April 1st, �(/C, /L�'-r—v�'"y^ DATE—_._..—... ._ .. __,.... .... .. .. ...._ Whereas, 7. R. varrell, 784 North Fairview Avenue, has made application for license as House Sevier Contractor, and Whereas, 1. F. Farrell lies signed an affidavit that he has been a Licensed Mastir Plumber of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, for the last three years and that he has been a resident of the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, for the last six months, and Whereas, 1. F. Farrell has filed a bond in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661; therefore, be it RESSOLVED, that a license as House Sewer Contr,ctor be hereby granted to said 1. F. Farrell subject to the provisions of said ordinance Pud the Commissioner of Public Works is in- structed to issue said license upon payment into the City Treas ury of the required fee. \\'i. •.r�.:,.. .,. F. P:: rr•dl.'S4 .,,rin ,air-� �•i:. .... : �i Vii, ;.: I:..r.i �...1 ::�:.� o- . i::..... 11..::•. .•f , 1.1 -—.Ii: 1 -i 1 ` I"11.1 i•• \\'..i 1: � i �•'I the L'il>' Treulury of llie required ice. Adopted b1' the l'ounell .\I�rll 1. 1. "i' :lpp ro�'ed Apr!I 1. 1:141. (April ,, 1411 V I COUTTCILMETI Adopted by the Council, F�l� 1941 .194 Tleas nays �arfoss =1' 1 1941 Approved_ .. 194 i'Findlan -Parranto G ,Peterson In Favor ..... _ • �"' ... a47o� Rosen ' Against IM 1-ap cs vac. N, 11. Ila 'N.."- 0091n.t Ar'.. - V (� t CITY OF S: NO. OFFICE OF CO)INCIL RESOLUTI( PRESENTED BY DATE ...... COMMISSIONER._ 4— - - – --- ----- 'ffHER-ASx James E. Seery, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Frotection, was injured on the 20th day of February 1941, while in the course of his employment, and died from such injuries on the said 20th day of February 19410 and VniEREAS, said employe left surviving him his widow, Katherine Seery, and one dependent child, Raymond Seery, born August 30, 1923, and WHEREAS, the General Statutes of the State of Minnesota require an employer to pay compensation to the dependents of the deceased employe whose death arose out of and in t he course of his employment, in an amount equal to 50 per cent of the daily wage of the deceased at the time of his injury where a widow and one child survive as dependpntso provided, however, that the maximum compensation shall not exceed the total sum of x:7500.00 said sum to be paid to the widow for the benefit of herself and such dependent child, and further provide that the employer shall pay funeral expenses in a sum not exceeding y 150.00 in the case of fatal injury, if the funeral expenses equal or exceed that amount, and WHEREAS, the said James E. Seery, at the time of his injury and death, was receiving a a wages the sum of x$151.35 per month, and 50 per cent thereof equals the sum of 617.47 per week,and W-HUREAS, the funeral expenses did, in fact, exceed the sum of X150.00, said expenses having heretofore been paid by said Katherine Seery, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Katherine Seery for the benefit of herself and her dependent child, the sum of X17.47 per week, payable every four weeks, commencing 21st day of February 1941, and continuing until Au--ust 30, 1941, at which time compensation shall continue at the'rate of $13.97 per week, due to the fact that said Raymond Seery shall have reached the age of 18 years, said sums to be paid until the total sum Of b. COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council .194 Tlaqs barfuss Findlan Approved - . . .194 Parranto to Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against 3M 5— C5 —38 Il rillinel r. City CI ­k CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE"' L FILE NO.—_ --'---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM P. PRESENTED BY DATE_......_ ..._ .... ._..... _ ..-- COMMISSIONER_--....—.-.-.-----'---r- 47500 shall have been paid, due to dependency, and be it FURTHER RF•SOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed tor eimburse said Katherine Seery in the amount of j150.00 toward funeral expenses incurred, all of the herein mentioned sums to be paid from the ''Uorkmenrs Compensation Account of the General Fund. a councti-mEn Leas nays 'barfuss Fiadlan t'arranto '45eterson 'Rosen ax r. res ont, c onoug �m a-ao cs z�n�s Adopted by the Council APR a 1941194 Approved, ,194 �i 1 In Favor / I Tna Against 'wli''i-,:,. i— Jy Ilripfnnl t, CITY Clerk .57 ll:• Minn..:, l•,,li>-�:,'nl ��. N:. i5 nl Fl,i..l , CITY OF SHIN. .... 'L�n . ,. NO. ---.-.--'— OFFICE OF THE C11 •CL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--G121i�` ' / PRESENTED BY DATE_...._..__.__.__ .... ..... — COMMISSIONER.._ WHEREAS, under Chapter 341, Laws of 1933, creating the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, it was provided that if, upon completion of the work or improve- ment, or portion thereof,'any sums paid by the contributing cities were excessive, that such excess should be returned to the said city, and KHLER:�'AS, it has been reported by the Mi-nneapolis- Saint Paul 'Sanitary District that the construction work has been comDleted and that there remains in its construction fund the sum of x.48,417.28 which, under and pursuant to the statute made and provided therefor, belongs to the City of Saint Paul, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it requests the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District to r eimburse the City of Saint Paul in the sum of 448,417.28 and that this amount be paid into those certain funds and in amount as follows, to -wit: To the 3o d Interest Fund, 26-A, the sum of $� 417.28 To the R demption of Bonds Fund, 28-A-1, the sum of 448,000.00 �r�M 11941 COnnCILmEn Adopted by the Council .194 ljeas nays APR 1 Ba 'ss 14� Approved_ 194 Findlan I /�arranto '? In Favor 4elerson M r ,R4sen I . f Against !� I —7Tp3T ` r. resi nt, nl_cDonough ' IM Y -.o CS :»n. CITY OF SAINT PAUL".�. Capital of Minnesota 0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration m IR 1;arch 27, ;:r. i3nrr;r 'U. Oehlcr Cornnration Couns 1 Cit-: 11all re:.r Sir: The City Council re..acsted t^at you draw a resol.ation alul€ tl:e line req�iested in the last purr:grapti oC the attached letter of ''Allen Siagner, Faecutive Secretary of the, 1.!irs:eapolis—St. Paul Sanitary District. Very tr•:1;r yours, / City Clerk. MAR 2 ; 1941 CORP' AIIOP' COUNSEL GEORGE J. SCHROEPFER. PHONE OSCAR HALLAM. C_ ___ nn,S__ ..... TOWER U55 PHONES: 1384 AT ... _ MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT P. O. BOX 3598.r-H"g ROAD Saint _-aul Council CAY ::all Sato pau" :Mmewora T. 01,'onnell, ',ity CGA ct"e ro.,ort of too Sone Publiz Enunt"T an zhe cannuotion fwd of the .:i=wyoHsOahk -aul SwRary Divaict Ar the perik %"nWcr 1, IN3, to WeceMur 9, 1940, Ks been fonvardod tKs day to the City tonywAler of your city. Ids cerAltutes a fbml a:idit of t:io conrtruczion and from the incc.,tion o-, !;!e z;ic coll.c.ction of an poso ioio frcn ';.ic '.edorel A�',:-:in-_-stratior of ,ulriic '.7orhs. 1 rep'u.,; '.ere arc ."-;t ':)z pc !�_ cf tc -r- ::dt sc_klin.; one to yyo OwwAc ntoy. Tt is very yutifN, to :tole Khat U1111,1or the %=.: M: =A the :;tate Joec not mkvc we sk§e s"*&Vn or c.:-;-L7ienL or ic.. as TO anner in v".Ach coZr;truc`ciow ammms wer- -; t..c- rr;rnrt s:,.o.ws 'a'int all myAs in No construction _%ind are acccur-;o;! Cor tc, the perry. T-:......:._. of tit -s ro:-ort arc -No total trnc%inc a!, _,unt':r for co:acruot:e^. viror':, -c.ho tutul a:r.ouiT:; 112ou, f'or .511ch nwr:osc, the wit -h Lhe ano--an.;s alloca­t;cd acc each city's port ion. o vr-- 11 be Noted tmt of Mr, reriaj_nir.!-. in theuc,Istrizction fun -,1 n?tcr an cui wA"s of un Dwont am no, ne W�w pwom H=�._n" ng"2 wok no ancounts cc um Kawny Antrut .,..•.rbuw�s to the My of • Ann- ayMv aM 414.25 bel"m t? Cc CRY op K�& uml. o-11 (,:' T--.vr:: of 1533, vadch created bre Smitary District, pro- vides 0 yrt an Miaw: if a" co=pletim a: the wwk Or Wprwmm&, or -.01-tion t.1creof, zile mot of whisl has been so allocuted aw: convi" H be MA Chat the curt so pai(.1 by suc�I city fro!a -cl,.e proceeds ci a hot im" is mucssOn such encess shall be returned to "Ai coy MA u RH so poem in wo sAUA- No of MCI hood ocue, Ias :.all be um swiely for the om"wo K payto &Ic IwL Apl and f, zI­01 hcrcur.t1er !..:- suc�-. SAINT PAUL 1: MINNESOTA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ALBERT M B"M C- ALLEN WAGNER ROBERT A. OLSON. V­-C.A1­., D- ­ MILTON ROSEN. C.—R— Scc. cTARr. ST. P ­ SIDNEY BENSON. M:—Al.— ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS GEORGE E. LEACH. M- M_-. Arch 2, 1111 To THE SECRETARY UNLESS JOHN J. MIDONOUGH. MAI.R, ST 1-1 OTHERWISE REQUESTED OLIVER T. SKELLET. ST. 1— Saint _-aul Council CAY ::all Sato pau" :Mmewora T. 01,'onnell, ',ity CGA ct"e ro.,ort of too Sone Publiz Enunt"T an zhe cannuotion fwd of the .:i=wyoHsOahk -aul SwRary Divaict Ar the perik %"nWcr 1, IN3, to WeceMur 9, 1940, Ks been fonvardod tKs day to the City tonywAler of your city. Ids cerAltutes a fbml a:idit of t:io conrtruczion and from the incc.,tion o-, !;!e z;ic coll.c.ction of an poso ioio frcn ';.ic '.edorel A�',:-:in-_-stratior of ,ulriic '.7orhs. 1 rep'u.,; '.ere arc ."-;t ':)z pc !�_ cf tc -r- ::dt sc_klin.; one to yyo OwwAc ntoy. Tt is very yutifN, to :tole Khat U1111,1or the %=.: M: =A the :;tate Joec not mkvc we sk§e s"*&Vn or c.:-;-L7ienL or ic.. as TO anner in v".Ach coZr;truc`ciow ammms wer- -; t..c- rr;rnrt s:,.o.ws 'a'int all myAs in No construction _%ind are acccur-;o;! Cor tc, the perry. T-:......:._. of tit -s ro:-ort arc -No total trnc%inc a!, _,unt':r for co:acruot:e^. viror':, -c.ho tutul a:r.ouiT:; 112ou, f'or .511ch nwr:osc, the wit -h Lhe ano--an.;s alloca­t;cd acc each city's port ion. o vr-- 11 be Noted tmt of Mr, reriaj_nir.!-. in theuc,Istrizction fun -,1 n?tcr an cui wA"s of un Dwont am no, ne W�w pwom H=�._n" ng"2 wok no ancounts cc um Kawny Antrut .,..•.rbuw�s to the My of • Ann- ayMv aM 414.25 bel"m t? Cc CRY op K�& uml. o-11 (,:' T--.vr:: of 1533, vadch created bre Smitary District, pro- vides 0 yrt an Miaw: if a" co=pletim a: the wwk Or Wprwmm&, or -.01-tion t.1creof, zile mot of whisl has been so allocuted aw: convi" H be MA Chat the curt so pai(.1 by suc�I city fro!a -cl,.e proceeds ci a hot im" is mucssOn such encess shall be returned to "Ai coy MA u RH so poem in wo sAUA- No of MCI hood ocue, Ias :.all be um swiely for the om"wo K payto &Ic IwL Apl and f, zI­01 hcrcur.t1er !..:- suc�-. a"h 2, 101 "j, !�.l ymw na Ac' bu# M;zRCKMI, c,o Pry 6a-nitary n rel mane V- COY Of 'nQ in mlawh vmw :=w Of wx ywd to tMF in PHOn M"cy is co be Pam. i or y or tne �oar,: o SERIAL NO. OF ROLL .2 S fA DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RFTE14TIOV DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED RETENTIION DATE 19ICROFILI? D, a/��ai 3 96�'� CONTENTS c tc /9C: / T/ CJ c P_E-dam/nS MlBER OR NAIhE OF FIRST DOCU ENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS `LUMBER OR NAME OF LASTnnDOCUIENT I4IICROFILIED ,' F SIGNED .l'0 .. �, 114 7__ Operator JOIHT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor vrv� ;s3i ry inios3a +ao�ox��n SOHVONV1S 3o nV38ne IVNOIlVN 9 i III 17.1 8 • I IIIII o z 1.z ll s .. 0 •i IIIII u 3 So dy a V py , b � S r �b X9'0 46 �A >ay 'na o de a� AN%k 40AM 00 q; f,lk y . 6Ah oti �1 r