119780-120221_08-07-1940_09-24-1940IN Otl0 1531 M i101053tl Ad000tl0i11 SQ8VONVIS d0 nV38na 1VNOIiVN U 1 ' VIII 9•T�•T SZ•i S•�IIIII �.� ����� _ se ZZ sir Mill s zlhl 4 W o c0 \ a' 10 ti 5. k SERIAL 110. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT j!_ /� ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP (/ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE 't0 BE DESTROYED If Limited � LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILITDll f�7 CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS' / a o NUISER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT ITICROFILIICD a SIGNED ✓ m Operator UOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor Council File No ------- .--------- -----.---..-- By------ --------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and exp sea for on ucting a sewer on Arkw�right Street from the terminus existing sewer Sl fee south of York Street to Whitall Street, RESOEUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- _ ?LENT. 1 . under Preliminary Order..---llbbl3.----_ Intermediary Order_.. -.115918-------- Final Order_.... 116201 approved September 12 -..-.19....39 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iu.......... ----_...-_..equal installments. 'AUG 71940 a Adopted by the Council..... - ------------------------------ ------ '- 19 .... 1 L: L1. C�f11.111.,, ...-.....-, City Clerk. Approved. --.......................19.._ F... a. B. 19 d File 8759 _ • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ,July _.9, 1940.. _?�W_....._ In the matter of the assessment f benefits, costs and expenses ; for 13wt constructing a sewer on Arkwright Street from the terminus of the existing sewer 81 feet south of York Street to Whitall Street, under Preliminary Order 115,913 intermediary Order 115918 Final order _ 116201_ _ approved _ September 12+.. 1939_ ..-_ 31W, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - materials, equipment, engineering Cost ofzl and supervision. $__941.19.__.._..___.. Cost of publishing notice . $___......_�.Z$__....._....... _ Cost of postal cards . $_ Inspection fees $ b� Amount of court costs for confirmation.2.5 r_n Total jexpenditure. ;. $_ 946.14 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above awer- twined, to -*it: the sum or $ 946,14 _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. z. a_u✓ .... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. li Council File No ------- .._.........._....___.- By........................ ......._ _...__-.... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sanitary sewer on Hoyt Avenue from Niagara Street to a point 220 feet west of Niagara Street, storm and surface water to be.exaluded'therefrom, RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS - NEST. ( ' ' ..r...:. 114660 Intermediary 'Order...... 116001 Final Order under Preliminary Order...-_.....---_.. y approved...---June-27 .19_39_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_.... --..........._.equal installments. AUG 71940 Adoptedby the Council ------------ -----.....--...................................-------------- ..:.:... 4* IT, -- ..... - ........ - .. City Clerk. Approved.................. ------- --- --------------------------- - Mayor. F...i B. B. 18 - -- - J File 6697 -� PtinLISiiLD CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE 'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - Report of Completion ' of Assessment. �\ _ __. July_ 9. __1940 in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for j6m constructing.& sanitary sewer on Hoyt Avenue from Niagara Street to a point 220 feet west of Niagara Street, storm and surface water to be excluded therefrom, under Preliminary Order. 114680 - Intermediary- Order 115QQI - - Final order._ 115312. _ _ approved June 27, 1939 IVUX7c_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz` materials, equipment, engineering and 332_.18....__ Cost ofsbntaEiamc .supervision h__.. _. 1 00 Cost of publishing notice . .. __....___.._.__..___..__.. .18 " Cost. of postal Bards Inspection fees . •00 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ - - Total expenditures $_ 334.26 •Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 334.26 y twined, to -wit: the sum of _ -. - -- -- --upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the beneffts conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner', and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. , . �_. >, L ._........ _.... ....... - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 .y, nealo,I to cur curt '• � g =:. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL�ILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCil. RESOLUTION ---GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY '� L,(, �(, )Li, t/ 1�ti__,).. vLDATE— ` COMMISSIONER___ -__. -_ _ __._. _. ___ -.__. RESOLVED, That the proposed construction of a r.Nw building on the south side of University Ave. between Dunlap and Griggs Sts. on the premises described as Lots 2 and } and the east ore -half of Lot 4, Block 1; Midway, Industriel-Division in the City of Saint Paul, and the conduct of a Confectionery and Dance Hall business therein by Carl J. Foy be and the same hereby is approved) provided, however, that nothing herein shall be deems$ to authorize or to grant any permit or license pertinent to said matter nor preclude fur- ther consideration by the Council thereof upon the filing of applications for proposed the necessary permits and licenses for the said/new,structure and the conduct of such businesses t1iorein. N C.Aesolved,No 19That Sthe rpro... d d AL uash- etruotlon of a new building pn nthe .. _.. .. a ..r in lverelty Ave. between oil.. Eby tha.Council thereof upon the Ming of appncat,one Lor ina ........ permit. and Moen... for the said pro- ��@ poe.d new fracture and the conduct ' of such bu.in.—It therein. Adopted by the Council'us- 7, 1940. Approved Aug. 7, 1940., 1 py1940) AUG 71940 C011TICILmEn Adopted by the Council-. 194 ljeas nags Harfuss AUG 71940 FindlanApprooed- _:_-- _ ---194 Parranto / l Peterson _ . In Favor Rosen 0_ Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 940 C5 23538 " CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL' C I ity Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .0!jjP-.. 1,1r. J -;nn -.i. !.:cGonnelouC, Oorporzztion Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt kt t,, Co inciJ ceeting tnca;j, or. motion of Ccru-As'.7,4 In'?r Tr-aax, 'yo.1 were a it i,nr 4 zed to craw it resolution ap,:-.rovinc, t,,e Dance Hall L: d Goafectionery appIlcatio!'s of Car, J. Fox who is to constrict it E,:ity nee. Detweei, D,mlap and Gri,�rs jjijdinL on zotith cide of UnlverLot 4, 313ck Sts. (also '-nown as Lots 2 and i.nd t'je E2c-st one-halfo 1, - f - ind,ibtriai Division), Yours vel -y Cite 01,xk. f CLINTOK A. AACKERT ROBERT B_ J. SCHOCH. INI_ D_" -NVNI. J_ SU DEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief. oft'Police Health Officer Fire Chief suet. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Nlinnesota e-a�fe�cf- Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. HARFUSS, Corrcmissioner JOHN P. NI L'I.I_AIVFY, I>eput�.iCoiii n�issioncr - I i-i:1E iiS t S, 17-J 1 " L-Inorable Ila_,. -or and Ci ty Coun;=:-11- Saint Minnesota ;n: ntl emen: Csl J_ Fox v:i s us to m ra ao Zic t3oi_ £or ,"fiance Hall -,nd Confectionery licenses at a b:ildir,F to be constri-oted on the so,_th side o`_' UriivcrsitJr Ave. betweelz n_l I?_iap and uric -:-s at. (�.1 so known s Lot s=_ri:? 3, __r 3 tl_e E.� st 1 of Lo; B1ock 1, 1'idw y Ir13-7Letria.l Div si oz- Fox Intends to or er =te a ba1� room a;rtd serve soft 9rinlcs only. He row operates simil r ea'-ablisn_-nents in a Austin, 'linnesot?., and C1 -a27 owe There are 2 Cm 3 places w_tnir_ 2 blocks. The closest On and C'i' Sa1e Liquor pla.caa ^rc3 each 27,. bloc'cs away. The nearest c'nurcla a --ICI scYiool are e3cYz 3 bloc',�s .may. Vary truly yot_u- s , �'! License Ins_oector_ � � I z V I Ev FIN, F ACCII E '1'S %VI"111 C:, r�� - �.nn rzio„ tirn.�� � C'ou r io y �. CIT\' OF SALT PAUI. Application ._-.__... DEPARTMENT OF`PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF -LICENSES APPLICA"r10N nntR_ August 1,1940 ,um .1. Information required in connection with -a. Dance. Hall (BALLROOM) License. 2. Name of Applicant, .--9.r1_IT 3. Business address Clear Lake, Io1:a. Home-- - Clear Lake, -Iowa. -- 4.x�raeaawf��czadd Locatien Qf._nera_�a1lrQom__prnpae€d to be_ cons_trugted:- Lots §tanPaudl a tsntesolff of Lot 4, Block 1, Midway Industrial Division, .a. Are you going to operate Ibis mese ynnrae f Yes, with Emma G. Fox, my wife, and Maxine E. Fox, my daughter. B. On whnt floor located __ Number of Rooms u -I N 7. Between what erose streets _ - IN hi, side of street__. _. ti. Are premises now occupied What business Haw long_ . 4. Are premises now unoccupied How long vacant Previous use IR Are you a new owner ye B • I1sve sou been in a similar business befnrc yes. Where Clear Lake, Iowa and Austin, When I am now so engaged. Minnesota. I I. Are you.in a %. other business at the present time no, except as above. I7. [lave them been any complaints against your operation of this type of place _ -.. no- When o.When Where Ia. Ilave you ever had any license revoked no. 1\"hat reason and date 14. Which U. S. Internal Revenue Special Tax Stamp will you use ?20 or 320.7 a I :l. .are you a citizen of the United State-' yes. Ivsa;v.l _ - ". .7E3h7C➢4dIiD:.4iX — IG Where were you burn _Palo Alto. County Iowa U.3,1*.en Dece Nlo.18 _uay1895 -- \ 17. I am . married. My lwife's) Ha 6TWQIX name and address is Emma G. Fox, Clear Lake, Io'w'a. 18. How longhaveyoulived mSt. Paul I do not live in St.Paul. Residence; Clear Lake, Iowa 19. Have you ever been arrested no. (Answer fully and completely. These applications are thoroughly cheek,d and any fslaitication „all hr cau.r Gar dcoial 20. Violation of wh)rimioal law or ordinance n 5M 8' LAW OFFICES OF ALVIN B. CHRISTOFFERSON 900 MINNESJgT4�B ILOIN­ SAINT PAUL E Auaust o, 13_3 To the Common Council, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: i,ttached hereto is an application of Carl J. Fox to operate a ballroom in a new build- ing to be constructed by him on University Avenue between Dunlap and Griggs otreets.ii; this ei y. In ne event thie license is granted ,,ustruction of the nex,i building will be couuaenced about 3epts:liber 1, 15Y :he ballroom will be of the most modern type s mAlar to ballrooms now Op- erated by Lir. Fox at Austin, Minnesota, and Clear Lake, Io,;a. LIr. Fox has contracted to puraiase property for his ballroom on University Avenue and also adjoining lots in the rear to be used for part- ing purposes so as to avoid traffic congestion on the street. I stall be pleased to furnish any in- formation that you require. Youra very trul:;, ZBC:a i Encl. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SALE OF ON & OFF SALE 3.2 MALT BEVE�AGE HOURS AT WHICH SALES MAY BE RADE Weekdays: 7 A.M. to 1 A.M. Saturdays: 7 A.M. to 2 Aa 1. (Sznday morning) Sunday: 12 noon to 1 A.M. (Monday morning) No sales or consuzption of either On or Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage shall be made from 2 A.M. Sunday morning to 12 noon Sunday. REGULATIONS GOVERNING SALES: On Sale 3.2 Malt BeveraF-e establishmients may open at 5 A -Y- eveY� for the purpose of operating their restaurant business 2111- However, the sale of On or Off Sale 5,.2 Malt Beverage shall not begin until 7 A.M. weekdays and 12 noon on Sunday. At closing hours, namely 1 A.i,i. weekdays, ,nd 2 A.M. S,�nd^,y, all sales must stop and drinkir�p must also stout ghat time. Employees are not excepted. The licensee is responsibl. for the acts of his employees. No person under the are of 18 years is to be employed in an On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage establishment. The sale of Non Intoxicn.ting Malt Beverage not to exceed 3.2N either on or off sale, to any per:;on under the: age of 21 years is prohibited by City Ordinance, and the sale is prohibited even when the Product is requested by telephone message, or u on presentation of a note from a rarent or older-)ersnn. It shall be unlawful for any person to renresont himself or herself to be 21 years of agr or over for tlie -urposo of obtaining On or Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage. Sale, Possession, ,or Oor.sumntion of Intoxicatinc Liquor or, premises prohib�ted: It shall be unlawful for any n,rson duly licensed to sell non-intoxicati.,- malt liquor, but not licensed to sell intoxicating liquor, or for any of ;-.., agents, servants, or emuloyes-to have in their possession on said licers L premises intoxicotin- liquor for the purpose of consumption by anyone including themselves. It shall be unlawful for such license, his agents, servants, or emplo?ces, to permit any person to consume intoxicating -,liquor upon the premises unless such premises !!^.re duly licensed for the snle`of intoxicn.ting liquor. The consumption of ^.lcohcl for bever^ge purposes under any conditions is prohibited. No dancing, singing,. vaudeville exhibition, or entertainment shall be permitted wi_thcut a Tavern license. On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage licensees who do not possess a Tavern license .,:,all observe the following; re.ful=tions redarcing m%�c:nf.nical musical devi.ccs: 9 A.M. to 9 F.M. every day, mechanic -,l phonographs may be. operated. 9 P.M. to cl',sir.E: ro.dios only may be operated provided the volume ^f such radio is tuned down so as not to annoy the occupants of nearby ^remises. (2) License shall be posted in a conspicuous place. The business shall be carriee. on only in that part " the building specified In the application. Persons operating an on or Off Sale 3.2 Non Intoxic-.ting Malt 2evcrage establishment shall have only a $20.00 Federal Tax Stasrp, Redeeming chips or tokens from pinball machines or t.ny similar devices for cash or merchandise is gambling and is forbidden by l-?',v. All gambling is prohibited by law. Sale of Tobacco; Cigars, cigarettes, or tobacco in any form shall not be sold to any person under the age of 19 years, nor shall be sold to an^ minor pupil in any s� school, college, or university, %n6- the sone is also prohibited even whop the product is intended for a parent on older person, craw when sale Is requested by telephone messat,e, p parent or older person. (10-10-39) C. F.,No. 119783—B Fred M. Truax— Whereao, As Di..Ided by Council Oripinel to Chr,s4(k F{Le No. 119444, snnroved 7u1 y 10, 1940, CITY OF' the Counc" a th day o[ ICI August 1. !l^NO._ — OFFICE OF :'.� LLERK "''• ,EOUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENER% FORM PRESENTED BY t COMMISSIONER___. DATE—_ ....... AugUSt _%J__194O.r .. . NHEREAS, as provided by Council bile No. 319444, approved July 10, 1940, the Council did, on the 6th day of August 1940, at ten o'clock A.M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the shed on the property described as No. 1586 Woodbridge Street, located on Lot 22, Block 7, Rice Street Villas, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is urs afe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore be it Rn:SO_VED, that said building be wrecked and removed and that a copy of this resolution directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Euildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known adaress, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER R; SOLVED, that if within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissiorn r of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact(, to the Council. COUTICILMETI Adopted by the CouncR`UC 7-1940 geas nays Barjuss k AUL L 1,96 Findlan Approved. ,..__ 194 - Parranto Peterson In Favor _ 7 -- {Mayor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISIIED—f— am �-ao cs vnee CITY b,F'SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration naE. c, � 740 ilr. Joico 6. 1:cConne1oA- Corl,orution Counsel cit, null Dear Sir: The Cru:^il re���sted t�.at ;oa prt�, re a resolutim. (No. 2) :.on=irminF tre conder:nzainn of the s:,ed on `.he ;-r -,arty descri'eed as ljoo i,00dtri5,;e St. , nn Lot 22, Block ], Rice Street Villas. Yoar very tri],: > -it;, C]oTk. Orl0.iasl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEkAlk FILE NO.__ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM a - PRESEN E Ma Or MCDOiloll Co101A115�T1�=____—y—__—__.—_ _� •- ... _ DATE---._-_ RESCLVED, that there is hereby appropriated Brom the Miscellaneousland Unforeseen Item of the General Fund of the budget for 1940, Item 31 a 4, the sum of $500.00 for payment of the 1940 membership of the City of Saint Paul in the United States Conference of Mayors, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay said membership fee upon presentation of a properly audited claim therefor. C. F. No. 119784—By Mayor McDonough He solved, That [here to herebyeous n d an- propriated from the Miecellnn Un( ween Item of the General Fund Uf the tnum he ufayment of g{600.00 for for OpItem 31 athe - 1940embership f the City of Saint. Paul in the United Staten Conf... nee oe[ Mn'ors, and thel proper city o® - c rs a hereby Umitaed d di- ected to pny said membership fee p I upon presentation of a properly udit- i •€ ed claim tberefor. i Adopted by the Coltncll Aug. 7, 1940. �. 9 APProved Aug. 7, 1940. (Aug. 10, 1940) 7194 COUTICILMEn Adopted by the Council_ -_ _ ...194-_._ 1]eas nags barjuss � r Findlan Approved_.. Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough s[fl ­. Cs ]sass C: F. No. 119785—Bi1' ,Qq niq t"ll 00iiiasl to City Ckrk Wheroae, MI -a. hl oo.'f31, Dollcewomnn o •. . . r CouNUL :Department f%AVC`` FILE NO._- 011'hec d t uetet�� : �sW CLERK e . - OUNCIL Aani t btu y GENERAL FORM �a PRESENTED B __ DATE __ X11 1-9-'40.• ----- COMMISSIONER—_____. --_-_ . --_ -__ _ _ __ _ _ - -. — g,• ., - " WHEREAS, Mrs. Minnie Moore, a policewoman in the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, will be incapacitated and unable to perform her duties for a period from August lst to August 31st 3940, inclusive, and WIIEi3LlIAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with par, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore be it R iSOLVED, r hat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said Mrs. Minnie Moore, for the period from August 1st to August 31st, 1940, inclusive, with full pay. a91 AUG 71940 Counc=En Adopted b'y the Council_ _194-__ geas " Rays - y JGBarjuss 1 >{ 1 Findlan Approved__ Parranto Peterson In Favor [flay a Rosen (_ - Truax -Against Mr. President, McDonough PUBLISHED L 7 0 ,in 1— Cs vve „% C. F. re ,J'—By Gua H. BaanrPuse— . 1 1 116 Orl,la.l to City Ckrk - 1{eutenant �In. he Bureaul oP tPollae,� Dea 9'1?` 116 ➢nr[ment of Public Safety, will be rOUNCn. OFFICE mcnvacleatea a unnb�e to vertor. LE NO.— OFFICE tole' Por t"e `- y''-. from August 4t 31: COU IL RESOD n"weer PRENTED v� COMMISS ON R____ $_�rfuSB___— .._ _ __ __ _ _ .... v___.. DATE--- 116, ATE _. WHFREAS, James Nightingale, a lieutenant in the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safe4ty, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for the period from August 11th to August 31st, 1940, inclusive, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has rPccrrmended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for dibability, with pay, for said period, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph R, Section 41 of the Civil Service Pules, therefore be it RESOLVLD, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said James Nightingale for the period from August 11th to August 31St, 1940, inclusive, with full pay, COURCILMETl Ijeas slags barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax IJI .Against Mr. President, McDonough sm —0 C525333 AUG 71944 Adopted bq the Council_ Approved_ pta r ruBi.islfED .� e1 WHEREAS, Arnold Greenberg has made applicatioi% for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delingoent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Ex. SW'ly 24 ft.) Lot 1, Block 41, Rice & Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,263.66, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $864.18; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $32.78 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $664.18, and that said sum of $32.78 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,263.66. COnnCILmEn geas nays Har f us s Findlan Parranto� Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm 5-40 CS asase AUG 71940 Adopted by the Council 194 h��� tJ ileitiL9 pproved_ _._.. _- _.. -194 r i - In Favor Against ,I orJAI..l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOEnCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE C... 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—= c. F. No. 119787—sy John S. Findlan— �a /� , Whereas, Greenberg has (`//11 made application Arnold,or 1.110[ to the, blinnesota Tax Commission PRESENTED BY r relative to ./t/✓t /� 1011 :��: ��nt tnxee and �----ntc - COMMISSIONER—..- _ _"`" v d.a^ _. WHEREAS, Arnold Greenberg has made applicatioi% for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delingoent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Ex. SW'ly 24 ft.) Lot 1, Block 41, Rice & Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,263.66, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $864.18; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $32.78 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $664.18, and that said sum of $32.78 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,263.66. COnnCILmEn geas nays Har f us s Findlan Parranto� Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm 5-40 CS asase AUG 71940 Adopted by the Council 194 h��� tJ ileitiL9 pproved_ _._.. _- _.. -194 r i - In Favor Against ()dpinel a CIU• Clerk PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER— --- .� CITY OF C. Wherena, F. No. 119788--ArnoldBy 7obn.6raen9. bera Flndlan— NCIL NO OFFICE OF ode ++OPllontlon for relle�t N, - Tnx Commla,ai•. " COUNCIL RESOLUT r ,;•4•'S��"'. 6f - ___- DATE-- WHEREAS, ATE _ WHEREAS, Arnold Greenberg has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Part of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, except the following: Beginning at point on E'ly line of Eagle St. 69.50 ft. S'ly from the corner of Washington St, thence E'ly at right angles 42.50 ft.; thence N'ly parallel to Eagle St. to S'ly line of Lot 3; thence along said S'ly line to Elly line of Eagle St.; thence S'ly 3.50 ft. to be- ginning; in Block 42, Rice and Irvine's Add.,, and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3,286.53, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2,454.40; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $15.90 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $$2,454.40, and that said sum of $15.90 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delin- quency of $3,286.53. AN 71940 COUTICILIIIEII Adopted by the Council I]eas 13IIays ar(uss AUG 71940 Findlan APProved_._ Parranto In Favor _ --_ _. ---- --- - Peterson Rosen Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3l _YL'6LISITYD 0 Cs 2333, . % C Origf,,l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL couttclL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GEWRAL FOo WheroB lus�9N 13 Johhn St BaeelBr— \//r made DDll Catl, 11et to the .MIII- / /1/1/1 V"\ �/' ✓ l.�n t,,,. - re1Btl t8 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIQN ER ER—_- � I WHEREAS, Lawrence P. Stenger has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits North 1/3 of Lots 18, 19, 20 and of that part E. of alley of Lot 21, Garden Homes; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $253.67, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $181.94; therefore, be it.. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of .Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $46.05 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $181.94, and that said sum of $46.05 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delin- quency of $253.67. y , AUG 760 COUTICILI ET1 Adopted by the Council _ - _ 194_ Deas Rays Harf ass 01 AUG 7190 Findlan Approved_ - t04� Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen G Truax Mr. President, McDonough PUIiLISHLll ) - C� �m ­. cs zine. OdAiasl to city ClerkCOUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAkLFILE NO.� OFFICE OF THE CITY IRK COUNCIL OLUTION-�,GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BV c �'-'V` -_ DATE___ A�7g zt 7 l9 .0 COMMISeloNER— ---- - In the matter of curbing the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Snelling Aveuud to Albert Avenue, and the vest side of Simpson Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to the south line of lot 281 approximately 117 feet south of Hoyt Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118646 approved May 7, 1940- RE 940• $T'SOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. 7. " councitatEn Ileas nays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am s -.o CS assse C. F. No. 119790—By Mlltun Rosen— In the matter [ curbing the south aide f Hoyt Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Albert Ave., and the west aide of Simpson Ave. from Hoy[ Ave. to the oath line oL lot 28 approxi- ' m telt' 117 ft. south oL 'Ifoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 11964 approved bfay 7, 7940. Resolved, That an dere in the 1 above matter be and the same are hereby ca celled, annulled, and r - scinded and 11 proceedings in auch 4, matter dtapntinued. Y: Adopted by the Council Aug. 7, 1940. Approved Aug. 7, 1940. (Aug. 10, 1940) 6r I1Ul't _704.. Adopted by the council-, _ t Approved-- AUG -Y t3"iY7 _l94 _ In Favor�-�- 0 Against 9 q C`. odg1l l to City Cterk INCIL • CITY OF c. F. No. 119791—By Mtiton Rosen— E In the matter L grading a d aur[ac- OFFICE OF ing nbe +' F •ok Korea Re- a r n6• � �• 7 clots p G� sUNCIL SOLUT L COAL Ft,,. sI DATE AUgllet_3,__1940-- ,,MM198tONE -- — - — -- —� - - In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 1, Hoyt+s Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlote from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue; also constructing a sewer from the Alley to the sewer in Snelling Avenue in an easement to be obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of lbt 11, Block 1, Hoyt's Rearrangement of HoytisOctober Como Outl939. and under Final Order C. F. u8190ary Order 0approved5March 27, approved 4, 1939, RW.SOLMM, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above`named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, end the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the con- struction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $1,130.07, and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. Z 'C011nCILMEn 1jeas nays Bar f uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President. McDonough 3111 N•40 C$ 2333. Adopted by the Council AUG 71940 194_ -- :.' :L " 1943 Approved _ _ - --_ - — ---.-794 _ In Favor _ __ / 1 ` � -- — —mayo ptgainst _� yi � l�� PUBLISHED L� original w City A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED RY a/� _ DATE-- aSt �l�O l"- --..-._.__ COMMISSIONER__ ------ - --- - -- -- i'ff TTF1AS, ;-titer R. Eggert desires to withdraw application 41943 for Parking Lot license at 721 St. Peter St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited hereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to rctand to Walter R. Eggert the fee of $7.50 and to cancel said application for license, (the amount of $2.50 having been deducted because„the applicant operated for a period of'3 months on said ap ication). C W. A.oParr9anto—.I. S. Flndll.nfu99— Wherese, Walter ca Eggert desires [o withdraw appllcatlon 41843 for Parking a d requests the return fe thee ell - 721 St.n "ens, fee deposited thereon, there- fore,be it That the Pro r city m - Resolved, hereby author - ern be and the)' a ized to refund to Welter R. Egert . the fee of $7.50 and to cancel saidgapo- I plication for license, (the amount f i $2.50 having been dsductedbecause the applicant opeerstsd for period of 3 months o id apDlAug. 7).' Adopted by the Council Aug. 7, 1940. - Approved Aug. 7, 1940. - e (Aug. 10, 1940) COUTICILmETl ljeas Tlays Bart uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 9m <o Cs .11 - AUG 71940 Adopted by the Council-,_ _ _ _. _ 164 AUG 71940 Approved_ -19 - -- ---- 1 In Favor --- Mal r Against 119799 1# G Ei. Barf sa— Oti01vv1 to City C'� to—J 9 Fl dl . .r t H-1se CITY OI !T PAUL'S .nea..n [NCLL NO. OFFICE OFCITY CLERK �KeMNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSION Y ..._ DATE August 7, 19�_._ _- -. 1 q 1 ' RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same +axe hereb,,granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the requirgd fees: A. W. Kasmirski 170 N. 4th St. Parking Lot App. 36200 New 0. T. Skellet dba Plateau Parking Lot Co. 7 W- 5th St. if n n 36271 n" Coleman Parking & Greasing Sta. Inc. Kellogg Blvd. & Jackson " " ° 3630+ n c Coleman Parking & Greasing Sta. Inc. 1 45 w. 4th St. u s u 36305 Coleman Parking & Greasing Sta. Inc. Robert P,: E. Kellogg If it It 36306 " Coleman Parking & Greasing Sta. Inc, 165 w. 4th St, u n n 36307 n Coleman Parking & Greasing Sta. Inc.. Hellog.- bet. Robert & Jackson " n u 36309 s Mrs. Annie Nixon Mrs. Annie Nixon W. C. Stohr J. N. Geller J. N. Geller Harry' Goodman Art C. Quicksell JFfseph i7assd-ff councILMEn yeas Trays Barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am a-ao ds aaaon 75 & 77 E. Kellogg If - it " 36429 If 45-51 E. Kellogg If 11 If 30430 n 65 E. 9th St. ` " "If 36435 " 347-9 Jackson St. " " if 36�3� it 31-33 F- Kellogg Blvd. " " 11 30+37 " 11th & Robert " " " 30+39 " 1161 University Ave. If " " 364+7 " 521 St, Peter Ste"' Parking Lot " 36449 11 Adopted by the Council _ -.. _ _ -. _.._ .. _ 194 _ Approved .._194. - favor . � Mayor Againelt 0 Original w city cleh FOU NCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL F NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - » COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER—..._ _- ---- -- -- — - "-- - 2- H. F. Baden 91 E. 9th St. Parking Lot App. 36453 New J. DeLaForest 11 n 563 YPabasha• " 36459 II Gordon R. Magnuson 9th and St. Peter " " If 36460 " Magnuson - Gordon R. l.agn 472-79 Robert St. " o 36461 " Peter R. Grigsen � 144 ';Y. 4th/`St. If 11 n II 36464 Victor Sandberg 132 T_ 4th St. I 3 „ 30470 If Pioneer Tire Co. u n 152 W. 6th St. n 36174 � C•iias. Tahnk 49 W. Exchange if It 339 I Arthur Johnson 242 E. Fourth St. It it n ° 36499 5. J. Murphy 139 W• 5th St. II it " 36512 A. t4. Delander 391 Sibley St. " " " 36513 " Clarence Kapaun 207-9 E. 7th St. 11 " b 4 " 3151 F. A. Malstrom 79 E. Ninth St. If " " 36522 " C.B.Plons'ry & C.W. Haensler 93 E. Ninth St. " If 3 525 If Robt. H. Schroeder 279 E. Kellogg Blvd. " If " 36539 " Lund,uist & Trumble 3tjY and Sibley u n n 36565 u Jollyis Motor Service 19 W. 9.+h. St. I, i, n 36579 it Wm. D. Fritz 99 E. 9th St. If It " 36539 " Wm. D. Fritz 77 E. 3th St. " I' " 36590 If Adopted bq the Council 194 C011TICiLRIETI t geas nags Barf uss Approved_ ---- l94 Findlan Parranto In Favor -.. - -.- - ----- Peterson -- - _ _.. _.. mayor Rosen O Against Truax Mr. President. tcDonough am n -w cs »11. Original to City (;lmk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i DAl PRESENTED EBY R _ COMM14510NER-- COUNCIL NO. IFIL It -�10th and Robert \ rking Lot App. 36591 New Wm. D. Fritz in System 100 F. 6th St. tt+r):ing Lot " National Parking Y 36652 n ❑ � 11 35653 National Parking System 5th and '.darket n—,'` " Louis Goldie inc. 24 E. 5th St. 36674 - n I. 11 36654 Willard IT. Falk 355 Jackson St. u A. Barnacle 31-9 E. Kellogg Blvd. 36655 n n it 36656 " c, A. Barnacle 4th and Exchange u n n Alfred F. lrartin 240 F. 6th St. 36723 n n If36753 W. F. Schmitz 1160 University Ave. 35772 n Hurley & Hindman 513 Jackson St. Deioop Parking Service Inc. 354 cedar St. " 36791 n I u DeLoop Par'�ing Garage, Inc. ,157 E• 'th St. n 36792 " 99-102 E. 4th St. li " 36793 " :', 16. glass " " It 56794 1i DeLoop Parking Garage, Inc. 476-5 cedar St. ,, it 36507 " Peter Yerenberg 185 E. 5th St. n u` 11 36525 " Pete Georgantones 157 E. 9th St. n n n 36871 " c. R. Werner 176-7$ E. 5th St, " n n 36919 n Blnehouse Inc. 5 ih and St. Peter 36921 ° O'Grady Bros. 241 E. Kellogg Adopted by the Council C011nCILMEn yeas nays Barfuss - Approved_.._ __. -._194 Findlan Parranto _ In Favor -- Peterson „ Rosen Q Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough } ,3111 e•ao cs orip1i..1 . City Ckh CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— _._ - _ ___-. DATE_____—._ Poe-nce Garage Co. 439 Cedar St. Parking Lot XOP.36930 New 'Harry E. Cog 65 W. 7th St. Parking Lot n 36934 n Raynard Erickson 157 E. 9th St. / If If II 36970 Ii Joe Gunderson 199 E. Ninth St. a n n 37038 t J. Edw. O'Brien 55 W. 10th St. n " " 37057 It Harry Schloff 143 E. 9th St. ° " n 37113 t' Harry Schloff 9th and Jackson n t " 37114 " Direct Service 011 Co. 1 390 E. Kellog " n " 37535 " Edw. Frerck 149 E. 6th St. n n u 37751 n Coleman Parking & Gr. Sta. 374-94 Robert St. n It " 39729 If Paul Dahler Kellogg & Franklin n 11 tt 40339 " Hulda Larson 2225 Univ. Ave. n If 40373 " Isadore Kieffer 149 E. Kellogg Blvd. " " " 41405 n Peter Nerenberg 382-9 Jackson St. n n 42180 u Dave Bleecher 253 E. 4th St. n " w 42037 " Lexington Univ. Development Corp. 499 N. Lexiwton n n 42059 " S. E. Aarestad 176-9 E. 8th St. Parkirg Lot " 42302 n Gust l4argellon 174 E. 8th St. n if n 42682 Wm. & James h urphy 1118 Univ. Ave. If to t' 42030 tt COUIlCILITtER Adopted by AUG 7190 194 the Council ljeas nays 7 00 �iarfuss AN Findlan Approved ___.. -__.. l94 Parranto Peterson In Favor or Rosen Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M ­0 C523336 9 0d41ne1 to City lerk V v - 'In t ," f ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C `NCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " SC�INCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM (JVV c PRESEN � k August $, ig4a COMMISSI E .lam _ -- - _._ _.____ DATE —.— -- WTMREAS, Ralph J. and Lillian M. Benjamin desire to withdraw' application 42600 for Bakery license at 195z P1. 7th St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, thereford, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized tc refund to Ralph J. and Lillian M. Benjamin the fee of $7.50 and to cancel said ap,li a n tion -for license (`.he amount of $2,50 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 3 months on said application) i C. F. No. 119794—By G. R.'.BarPuas— W. wlUreae, aRa]Ph J. n.d FLilian it. Bla­ enJa In desire to withdraw applica- tion 42600 for Bakery license at 186% `f then Sti lice en [eeedepoel[ed ts ethereon therefore, be It Resolvetly That the proper clary m_ Iped be refund hto Ralph her. by Lilian M. BenJa in. the fee f $7.50 ¢nd [o cncel said pPlicatio¢ for license (the mount of $2.50 having Leen deducted, because the apPllean o operated for a period of 3 mon the o Id nDPlica- [lon ). Adopted b)' the Council Aug. 8, 1940. Approved Aug. % 1940. (Aug. 30, 1940) AUG 01940 COUrICILmEn Adopted by the Council lJeas Rays p Barjuss AUG 8 19 Findlan: Approved_.._ Parranto Peterson _In Favor --J - -- - Rosen z J • Truax 5..1_ .Against , Mr. President, McDonough sm 1-ao CS 1J0se C. F. N.. 119796— In the matte, 1 tak- % 19795 RESOLUTION HATW-Y����� In the matter of_oondenlningand_takingan easement for_the_pur ose_of oonetruotinr and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 4 ft. of Lot 23, Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from Sherburne Ave. -to the alley'in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 feet in width on the west side of the above easement'and on the westerly 5 feet of Lot 24, in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from the alley to Sherburne Ave., under Preliminary Order___118272--------------- approved --------- September 15, 1939 Intermediary Order --------117796______________, approved --------- February 14, 1940 Final Order --------------- --------------- approved--------- May 16-' 1--- -------------- A public hearing having been had -upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and tka C9uncil- having duly considered the same, now, fore b 1 o:....: .e� canco�a , anou;IWd, Resolved, That �r1iP�dt?ile d@ib SflntFle+�l sal' Wc#iWW4%U"e annex assessment 11, identified by the s1 ature of the Com 'ssioner of Finance, nd made a `-part hereofcd the awn s of damages to the ners of such lan for said taking and c demnation as set sa' assessm t roll, be and the sa is hereby in all espects ratified and co rmed. Itbwlved further, thhe said assessment of nefits, be and the same i.' -her by in allects ratified, an same is hereby ordere o be submitted to the.,District Court for conflr�. . aA®i95tt1d&1�AF i>Qxaxxxl000�xa �xbocl�xloslvek - Adopted by the Council ____ �"19_194O -------------- 19,---- ALAG 2910 --------- ------------- Approved---------------- ,19_ File 8819 Councilman 6onroY _ " Councilman Ver-guson Councilman Wonald Councilman Pearce Councilman B.ohland .ns Councilman Sgaeimer— g Mayor City Clerk. Mayor. 1+nT x.17 ��- Adopted by the Council 194 Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAND IARRANTO PETERSON ,ROSEN ---f-RUAX R. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) r a r r > v t J J1. 17 .r` .x✓`� `n �I r I, J ? ' ! �I J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ condemning ®d_taking an_easement_for_ the purpose of _constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 4 ft. of Lot 23, E Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from Sherburne Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 5 ft. in width on the west side of the above easement and on the westerly 5 ft, of Lot 24, in`'Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from the alley to Sherburne Ave., under Preliminary Order ... 116272---__ approved ---- Septem3er-15— 1939 117796---__ app Februa 14 1940 Intermediary Order ------- ------- approved .... Order --------------118048---- approved--- Msy_ 1 6 -1940 ----------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findinj on said matters. .. Q r. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING - CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ry In the matter of --- 09ndflmnla��Ad taking en easement_ in the_land necessafor_slopea, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St. Albans St. to Grotto St., !" RESOLUTIONS RATIFYING A D,CON- FIRMING N AWAR D F DAM NA'4$$rA� "' AND SE!sMEDNTO THEnEFOTL'} . C. FN 7 �' ^ she m ' Se tember 16 1939 -----____ under Preliminary Order___ 116271_____________, approved ______�______----'------- 117797_____________, approved____ February 14, 1940 - -----_--_- Intermediary Order --------- ______ Ma 18, 1940 __________________ Final Order ---------------- 118047-------------- approved ----- __Y__ -----__-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. x6mce AUG 29 1940 Adopted by the "Council ------------------------------- 1 -- City Clerk. - -- - - - - yo -r:--\ AUG 29 1940 - Approved -------------------------- 19 ---- File 3820 Councilman Conroy Ferguson Councilman Councilman McDonald l Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Councilman 3udheimer — - Mayor City Clerk. - -- - - - - yo -r:--\ Aug. 15, 19110 k.' Hon. John B. Bindlon Comer. of !inane City Hall Dear Sirs Tho City Council laid over to August 29th the matter of ratifying the condemnation of slopes, cuts, cad fills in the grading and surfacing. of the alley in Chute Bros. Division Bo. j from St. Albans St. to Grotto St., and also in the matter of condemning an eassment for a sewer on, under, and across the easterly $ ft. of Lot 23, Chute Bros. Division Bo. 7 from Sherburne Ave. to the alloy in the rear of said lot, and also a temporary easement for oonstmotion purposes on a strip of land 5 ft. in width on the west side of the above easement and on the westerly 5 ft. of Lot 211 in Chute Bros. Division Bo. 7 from the alley to Sherburne Ave. rhe Council requested that you send new notices to the property ovaers affected advising them that the Council will Con- sider the advisability of reconsidering the passage of the final order In this matter and amending said final order to provide that the sewer be constructed ander and through the alloy to Grotto St. instead of through Lot 2j. ?oars very truly, City Clerk. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OFn LANDS y` 6`0.7 In the matter of_oondemningand taking an_easement _in _the_ lend nece SSL17f for-slo2es, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 7 from St. Albans St. to Grotto St., 116271 ___-_ approved___ -__September 15, 1939 ---_______ under Preliminary Order___ -'--'-'- 117797 __-___ approved 14, 1940 Intermediary Order ------ -- --------------------------' Final Order -------------118047 --------approved-----may- 16� 1940 ---------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount,,pf benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i i u _ - ✓- _ Commissioner of Finance. O'hum l to City Clerk ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ;LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fy COUNCIL RESOLUTI N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED'BY COMMISSIONER _P.6fiHraDA-__.____. __..._-- -_ _ - _�""."_-."__ _ DATE—___.—_,A"ugti • RESOLVED, that the proper -city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ingvald Anderson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of X20.00 per w,_ek during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of education on the 1st day of July 1940; be it F"JHTHEi- RESOLVED, th at in a ccordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Ingvald Anderson the sum of $40.00 out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period from July 18th, 1940 to and including August let, 1940. C. F. No. 119797—Ry A F. Peterson e e sol Ve , That the Proper a1 tY @I- tzed to enter Into an agreement with Ingvald Anderson, providing for the PaYment of Deneation to him at suchrate of $20.00 Per week during time s he hall be totally dls- bled by s 1 injuries received by him while reason othe employ f the Department P Educaflon on the is[ day of Tuly, 1940; be 1[ { Further Resolved, That 1n accord- &�y ante With said, greemerit the proper city officer, are hereby authorized to i1 pay to Id Ing vald Anderson the sum t oY $40.00 out t the Workmen's Com - O Fund ti In Account ettlemI'. o[ ehis II' �kr. claim against the C" t being or the ' Perlod Prom T.I, 19th, 1940 to and 4 %0. including August let, 1940. l Adopted by the Council Aug. 8, 1940. Approved Aug. B, 1940. l (Aug. 10, 1940) C011IIC1LIIlEl1 Adopted by the Counci � UG 81940 _-_104___ geas nays 8 sw Barfuss AUGHV . Findlan Approved_ _ _--_ —______194-_. Parranto n ^ In Favor Rosen / 1! ( [A -J Truax ._ _Against am �,1116"& sPresident (Peterson) . 119799 Original m City Clod .' ..� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 COUNCIL NO. OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION --- GENERAL ARM i PRESENTED BY —' (/'�.w�- _- -_,_ DATE An94st H, 194O____ COMMISSIONER __.—.- _ __ ___-__... __.____ WHUCKAS, in the matter of grading Vassar Avenue (now Hoyt Avenue) from Bast Shore Drive to the East Line of Alleys in Blocks 10 and 11, Overbrook Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 112803 approved October 20,, 1938. and Final Order C. F. 713439 approved December 27, 1938, and pBEyyAS, this Council is advised that the above named improve— ment is not eligible for aid from the Federal Works Progress Administra— tion; therefore, be it F&MLVBD, That the revised specifications as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for making said improvement C. F. No. 119798—By billion Rosen— Whereas. In the tter f grading Eas[Va.aShoree Drive to Fthet East Line on1 Alleys in Block. 10 a d 11, Overbrook C. FAddit1112803 under Oct PDrovedoobery20.01 38. d FinalOrder C. F. 113439 aDProved December 27, 1938, and Whereas, This Coundcllimpro dvised that the bows *ed 18 a o irkt 8 Progress Administration; .tatWoion: therefore. be It Resolved, That the revieed Dec1fl- tions as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Pub11c Works, and the are hereby aDProved, and that the Parohaefng Agent be d h he 1 h by 6uth.tlsed a d direc . w g to advertise for bid. for making a �t Improvement. 1990. P Adopted by the C.—Il Aug. 8, Approved Aug. 8. 1940. pp (Aug. 10, 1940) � OUTICILMEn Adopted by the CounoilQuu 8194Q 194-- - Ijeas nays Barjuss AUG 81940 Findlan APproyed_..-_._. - Parranto In Favor -- --- eterson_ Rosen - / Truax Against � U �, f t ice tesi etnt kFeteeson) sm s-ao. r nssss e - C. F. No 11979D --Bk Gue M Barflies Wher ae Angu Perkin ,y� / t""''� yloye of the Bur x - "Pi {y i) 1'-@ odiiin.l to City Clerk went f �! �' 1 n' ' c CITY OF Augaat - - 1 ' a r': �ou�aea NO._. _ _ - ot hie OFFICE OF went, tj,ERK^` UNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATEl-----_ALlg_e. COMMISSIONER Bar '1199_ ------ -_ --_ -- _ Wg,RLA5, Angus A.Perkins, an employe of the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, was injured August 11, 1939, whilsidifJopartments as aeresult ofo osaid accident mwas temporaployment rilyad in tcurPe of his totally disabled until October 16, 1939, and has suffered a permanent disability to his left foot, including ankle movement, the extent of which is a ten per cent loss Of use thereof, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation law provides 150 weeks compensation for the lossof use of the foot, including ankle movement, and that the employe shall be paid on the percentage of loss of such member; and Vi;i.REAS, it is the opinion of the Industrial Commission and the Corporation Counsel that the employe is entitled to the above percentage, entitling him to fifteen weeks compensation for the loss of use of his left foot, including the ankle move- ment, and said employe has agreed to accept such settlement, and WH'ERZAS, the compensation rate of said employe is ;20.00 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to said Angus A. Perkins the sum of X300.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for compensation, resulting from his injury of August 11th, 1939. C011IICiLIIIETI Adopted bq the Council_ • _. _ 194 leas clays Barjuss AUG 9 Approved - --- - "-- ----tea Findlan _.l parranto In Favor 9 e erson or Rosen Truax _Against sin bw vite4ftsident (Peterson) Orlllnal to Citl• 6krs - C. F. No: 11980 C., Fred M• Truas— Whereas 8y Couaoll File No. 119118 NC11 NO.— _ CITY OF a roved futy 10th, 1940, thv Counall I - -- OFFICE OF dpi defter- that the ntmnni S u h W 1.�,y'M. ..1'1ona ,,� [�-}! PUNCIL RESOLUI R,'�;'-..I,_; #s1ER PRESENTED BY ilii==(�/LCL'_ ... _ _ _ .. _._ DATE COMMISSIONER—.— --- WHEREAS, by Council File No, 119442, approved July 10th, 1940, the Council did determine that the old National Laundry ;Building at No. 137-139-1.41 South 71abasha Street, located on Lot 4, Block 180, A. E. Robertson's Addition,is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WH -RHEAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance Pio. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore be it R SOLATED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public 3uildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said, premises and tear down and remove said unsafe an'. dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. AUG 8 counciLmEn Adopted by the Council_ 1.]eas nags AUG �p Barfuss AUG Approved_ --------_.—.----194__._. Findlan- Parranlo _ - 7-�"" In Favor _._ _ - _ _ __ _ Ma r Rosen Truax _Against �h YU13Ll51iF.D�-�`�' sm Mm yict,Pmtsidmc (PetetNt!) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration iso A,,z. 7, .,uo kr. i6nn W. KcConnelc-t, Cori,oration Counsel Cir,,. hall Dear Sir: — 1 c Council recaested t-�.t y,)a repare a resolaion (No.. 3) a.thorizir •rs:d cirectine t^e Comsr. of Par'r.s, P. 3 P. B. to enter zj-n t:io Fes and tear dorm an.. re^o�,e t! -.e old National. Landry Bu'_ld'ir.t; at 137-13j-141 So. W basl:a St., looted on Lot t+, Block 100, A. E. RoberS. n's A clition. lo' r:� very tram, I Cit;: C'_ ET k . W. LA_MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Perks _ Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner August 2, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This is to advise you that copies of the proceedings in connection with the condemnation of the National Laundry Building at 137-139-141 South Wabasha Street, Lot 4, Block 180, A. E. Robertson's Addition,,have been mailed to the last known record owner, Mr. Henry W. Ivey, 758 Capitol Heights with a copy to Rose H. McCaffrey, 1180 Grand Avenue. In accordance with the last paragraph of Council File No. 119442, I am hereby reporting that no appeal has been fil- ed for a rehearing of the condemnation proceedings. Y rs truly, City Architect LAR.. TJ 41) `f 91 op � _ilginel to City Clerk t ''-1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILFIL. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t/ OAT COMMISSIONER—__._.. -- -_-"--- YIH&RW , in this time of strife -in other countries it brings to us, in these United States, very forcefully the memories of sacrifice and devotion to duty of the Veterans of All pars in which this country was involved, and 7MMAS, the Co,mcil of the City of Saint Poral deems it quite fitting and proper that cognizance be take14 of the valor and sacrificek of these veterans; therefore be it RESOI+vM, That the Postmaster General of the United States of America is hereby requested to issue proper postage stamps in commemoration of the deeds and sacrifices of the Veterans of All Pars of the United States. COUTICILIIlEn yeas nays 13arjuss Findlan Parranto In Favor 0 e erson � -n � " Rosen Truax _. __ Against I III h sin MV K;cWtitesident (Peterson) C. F. No. 119801-13y Fred 31. Truax Whereas, In this time of strife In other Countries It brings to us, in these United States, very forcefully the memo lee of acriftce n d devotion to duty of the Veterans of All Wars In which this country was Involved, and Whereas, The Council o[ the City 01 Snint Paul deems I[ quite fitting a d proper that ognizance be taken of the valor and acrl._ of these veterans; therefore be it Resolved, That the Postmaster Gen- ral of the United States of America �. Is hereby requested to Issue proper s' postage stamps In mme o tion f =. g the deeds d sacrifices of the Vet - i crane of All Ware of the United States. ,{ Adopted by the Council Aug. 8, 1940. Approved Aug.8, 1940. y { (Aug. 10, 1940) Adopted by the Council AUG 8 ft __ 194. AUG 8 Approved__ __- _- _-_---.194_. l Tnay �L2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. " Adopted Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan -Par arta-- Petereen— l�1 Rosen -T-,=— �-i'resident Mr. Second Vice fres. (Truax) Ycas Nays =uss /Fi01 a anto jeon / v en ruax /r. President Fallon odam.i to cur Gert O By C. F. Fred No, 1M. Tr -0rdlaance No. 1111— A rdtnance amending Ordinance No. 8840, entitled: ••A. erdlnance for the purpose or E NO / Dg � ate. he uh sate- L F.IL un--�� run •-itr b•r7,(, VANCE NO. PRESENTED BY _._-- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840,ifltitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, and regulating and deter- mining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the bound- aries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922,as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone Lot 12, Block 12, Irvine's Second Addition (Fountain Street) from "A" residence District, to "C" residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ° Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto, L Pearce Peterson Truax Mr. President F ehm) McDonbugh Attest: �_— City Clerk 290 3.08 GS 20777 Passed by the Council AUG 27 im _. In Favor __Against _ AUG 27'94 r e --- — Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .qw.. Au,. 7, 1ST \r. Jol, W. 1L:cConneio:a Con,arntirn, Coar.sel Cit;- hall De... Sir: The Coaicil requested ti,,t ,,D_ prepare .r. or ir.nnce Fr:ntik, the uttnc_:ed ;otition for the rezoning of :,ot 12, 31oc.c 12, Irvine's Second Addition (Fo'mtain St.) f -on °AII Hesica;ce to 110 3esicence District. Yottrs very tra'_p, I City Clerk. THE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA John McDonough GEORGE F. LINDSAY GEORG E H.HERROLD TIE Roo spy MwvoR PLA—1— — ERc .... eHw R"wR o00-0Pw Rv cM wR 234COURTHOUSE IONI July 22nd, 1940. Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B Ir -1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of rezoning Lot 12, Block 12, ed by Irvinets 2nd Addition. This Petition for rezoe ingfacens west Martha McKay, at al is sufficient. The cP Property is on Fountain St. It is zoned as "A" RBsidenlizece. ° it the owners wish used as a Rest Rome. ion"order to legs to change the zoning t This building is on the edge of Swede Hollow. The land to the north is zoned industrially. Inquiry discloses that the place is run in an excellent manner and is not in any way detrimental to the neighbors. ,'i The Board of zoning recommend that the property be rezoned to "C" Residence. Yours very truly, '�N George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. JOHN S. FINDLAN Comminioner CITY OF SAINT PA U L Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Asscsseteeat Ez•+g:aes HARRY A. JOHNSON, ChisF Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier July 10, 1940. Tothe Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Comminiontr I have checked the petition attached item o ::E'31ed in the matter of rezoning 'Lot 12, Block 12, Irvine's Second er d v St. Paul from Class "B" Residence to Class "C's Res — — -e�—ice and find that same is sufficient. Yours very ta—�a y i Commissior-i o Finance. 5 a r To the Honorable The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: RE ONING Ml -"M St. Paul, Minnesota June 19, 1940 We, the undersigned ov.ners of two -tires of the several de- scriptions of real estate situated sithin 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced hereir., and we, ov.ners of 50'n or more of the frontage to be reclassified, jetition your Honorable Fo y to change the following described Property: Lot. Twelve (12), Flock Twelve (12), Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul - A, from a Class B District to a Class C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section <3, Ordinance No. 5840• FECORD OWNFR LOT BLOCK ADDITION Schmal 13: > i 6 12 Irvine's Second Addn. lga A. Schmalz Lot 7 and Lot Diary G odell 9 and E 78' of " " "it Lot 10 Alice Goodel Lot 8 and El' of hxi W, H e i n e 1 att E? of Lot 9 382' of Vuz of Lot N 38z' of Lot 10, n n n n William Heck 6, 11—It, and Lot 11 except S 78' of E'.15' and Lot 17 �T Lots 4, 5 and;.:{6 13 A. ^ at d c IDot liinaesota do ere��tyA-itor, Ramsey ' 12 n n n D4V join in this petion, 13 gtLT` L to action taken by the Board o. County Comissionere on July 1, 194o. N OFRA_ gRET Kay-�VIC. *F -being first duly sworn,, deposes and says that is the person who ci culated the rithin petition consisting of 1 page; t the parties described above are the ov.ners respectively of the lots place ediately following each name; that this petition v -as signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each an(all of the _)crties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before meegf-a"'e, this Ye - day of _, 1940. LJ St. Paul, Minnesota � June 19, 1940 ate. r% To the Honorable le The City St„ haul, Pdinn. Gentlemen: RR ONI!G i 1 de - We, the undersigned ovners of two-thirds of the severe ed herein, and we, ov,ners of 5o'' or more of the scriptions of real estate s�.tuated •,�it'h"n 100 ft, of the real estate e sir., and ,your Honorable ?'OXY to change the affected, h�:ve accuses frontage to be reclassified, _ follolving descriled property: 's Second Lot Twelve (12), Plock Twelve (I"), Iry ne Addition to St. Uaul from a Class B District to a Class C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section _,3, Ordinance No. 581,0. LOT FLOCK APDITI�N re,CoI�_ OVyiaF'R SchmiG 12 Irviners Second Addn. i' b lg A. Schmalz 0ot7 and Lot Mary G Odell 9 and S 7$' of n Lot 10 Alice Goodel El Of of Lot 8 and E, n hn W, Heinel�y,�6tk Ez of Lot 9 N 382 oj of Lot n ii u n N 38V of Lot 14, _----- r ------ (l . and Lot 11 exoeP Sq Hek Lot 17 ti illio.m ( 7$� of ul,�an II �I i Iver A. Rowe 3+, 5, Lots $, 2, , 12 IL, 15, ate o sofa and Lots 2, 3 and # 13 '.TE OF MINNL'SOTk)SS N -Y OF RAt{SEY )) being first duly sworn, derosrs and says that is the )ers— o o-ci ciliated the v.ithir. petitior. consisting o of pages described abe are the ov ov:ners respectively of thee lots place t the parties that this petition v,as si.'rie= t'Y each re said ediately `ollov:in each name; tures above are the all o. the parties so described. ov+pars in the presence of this affiant., arc: t:fst the Vin« true and correct signatures of each an' Subscribed and sworn to before 1me 0. this yew daY of July 24, 1940 $ori. John S. Bindlain Comer. of FinzLL rice C ita Hall _.e -r Si:*: The Council set a date for hearinf; for August 7th in the mx ttor of the i-tition for this rezoning of Lot 12, Block 12, I-Ine's Second Addition, from Cls.rs "A" Residence to Class ,Co Rosl4=46 Distrlot, and requested that you read notioer as required by the inning Ordincmos. Yours vory tna:v, City Clerk. � I f f I i i II ! t 1, IaiS aeon ul II� - ycas \ad's 1-cas Nays Bar(uss "73arfuss Findlan i Findlan / ,pair"auto Parranto) Peterson �1 /Peterson Rosen Rosen Truax /hruax ^� i) allon '//_1 1r, President F,111011 Fres�ept Mr. econu Ice ::_s_ t (nl.tsi orikinnH.( it> ('IrrA ^ C. F. No 119803--0rdinance IGo, 8147— ■/\/■\ By kfi lion Rosen— An ordinance oath ori zing the Issuance ar permit to the Jacob Schmidt Bre wing Companryg a co rpormtaion. permission In ,. tract ands rain- _E NO. -- 1,on a e o^ AL n' PRESENTED B i tOn Sen " Ok.YNANCE NO. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company, a corporation, permission to construct and maintain an artesian well and well room on the west side of 'v'ebster Street between Seventh Street and James Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ThE COUNCIL OF Tf_E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1, Authority is hereby giver, to the Department of Public Works to issue to the Jacob—�chmidt Brewing Company, a corporation, permission to construct and maintain an artesian well and well room on the west side of Webster Street between Seventh Street and James Avenue. SECTION 2. Said licensee shall obtain a permit for the installation and main- tenance of said artesian well and well room from the Department of Public Works, and shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a surety company bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000), conditioned to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from all damages, judgments, costs or expenses and liability of every kind arising out of the maintenance, operation., presence or removal of said artesian v;ell and well room. Said bond shall be in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance. Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall with- in ten days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance file a written acceptance with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within saic time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTION 3. The permit issued hereunder may be revoked by the Council at any time and said artesian well and well room shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. SECTION 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage an_d publication. AUG 27 Yea. Councilmen Na., Passed by the Council - Bar[uss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Against 'I'raax , Mr. Pre'idont )bLb(t� (i.. cDonough) A roc tAu['' 2 �2 :Wp 19:,v 1 9179.1 cJacob achmidt fSreWin� Gomp—Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA August %, 110. iionoraSla Milton Vo;xuissionor of Public ,4orks, city !Al I and "ourt !ioase, Saj-llt Paul, :Iiinnesota. Deqr Si.-:- Ne ir.- Ne req,uest p r-issiou to .frill P `11 on the i"est side o; Yebcter Street, saint Paul, .. i_-Lneuota, near tf, :iort:,�ac corner o£ our kct;house and also con- struct in this area a pu,ap roc --i mder thA str �3,t ap- prosipnt,31y 13 feet by 1, Peet to be used as a houslu16 for the well. ll; -xou'd be q>>reciatod i£ prompt action call be telcon on this qs Iw wo,jld lid, to star` ..vo.•k Laieliatcly. Yo:4 c very truly, JA^0T? -0., 73y St. Paul, Minnesota Sept. 4, l91!0 To the Honorable, the City Council Gentlemen: Saint Paxil, Minnesota We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 119803, being Ordinance No. 0147, adopted by the Council on August 27th, 1940. JACOB SCHMIDT BnWING CC. BY ��'i original to city Clem , CITY OF SAINT PAUL counca�,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 119805—By' John S. Findlan— ,SOUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERI Wicatio ,l John lief to has mane (r/ aPD hereon for retie[ to the -ad • rota Tax Commission relative to de- linquent taxes and assessments on the PRESENTED BY following described property, to wit: PRESENTED ER_-__-.— -- --- ------ -- ---� (Except the Nnr". 20 ft.) T.ot 1,COMMISSIO— WHEREAS, John Cincotta has' made application for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit% (Except the North 20 ft.) Lot 1, Block 1, Bryant Park Addition #4; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $2,280,82, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,656.26; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $92.02 shall be firet deducted from the total payment of $1,656.26, and that said sum of $92.02 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2,280.82. COUTICILMER I]eas hails Barjuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Truax ugh ,nMr..3lfee $eesidenr (Peterson) AUG 9 " Adopted bil the Council _ - - -- _— __ .194_. ._ _ 91940 Proved--- _._ln Favor _ - -- -- --- -tiAlor G _-- ----Against QU]3LSSHED d f)ripivel to City Clerk FOU�NCIL NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER C. P. No. 119806—By Sohn S. FI.M.n-+ COUNfIL RESOLUTION-- GENER Dl eva<Son�torl ell [ 1[o rth.e Minne.oto, t r faZ Commle.loD relative to delinquent �� t s . and ......menta on the follow - PRESENTED BY �,/t..-.. (/✓` 1, seribed property, to wit: - -- -- COMMISSIONER—_ -- -1- 60 ft. of We.[erly 100 IL ^Vzck 3. WhltDey - -- made application for relief to y�gFpS, M. B. Palmer has the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Easterly 50 ft, of Westerly 100 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Whitney & Smithts Addition; and wHERF.AR, the delinquency totals the sum of $6,438.04, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $3,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $228.90 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $3,000.00, and that said sum of $228.90 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments in- cluded in the total delinquency of $6,438.04. COU11C1LITIEn 1jeas nails ss Findl/ indlan Parranto in Favor �Pe[L�TSSn � Rosen (/ Truax_Against I��=T .m ,Mr.oy/ ;Sjresi&rit (Poterson) AMG 9 Adopted by the Council. tga Approu& - - -194- - nlago Y original to City Clerk FILE CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ eNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY C. F. No. 118807—Hy John S. Ftndlsa— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE Whereas' Bruce W. Bamber" bee made applleation for relief to the Min- - , neeota Tax Commleslon relative to delln e t taxes aad 4.....IDset- on PRESENTED BY �„ wiC. following described property) to- COMMISSIONER—.__ .- - -- nayton & Irvine's -- WHEREAS, Bruce W. Sanborn has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 6, Block 75, Dayton & Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,077.85 and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of th�,City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $31.00 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $500.00, and that said sum of $31.00 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,077.85. coUTICILMETI geas nays Barjuss Findlan Parranto _R— Rose Truax Mt. ice President (Paarson) IM s— Cs eases AUG 919 Adopted by the Council - 194 Ns 9 1 Approved__ in Favor � - - IIla Against PC' i, f P" P:?r � / � - k d 1 E Z'�i 1 Origins) to City Clerk F .i f : . , - \� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE TY COUNCIL RESOLUTION- El C'wi a O. 119808—BY Realty John S. company has made op C. -for relief to the t-Mlnneeen ,jax Com alealon relative to PRESENTED BY delln4uent tease aeeeeaments ,t ,.,. [he..f;"� �_.. s. _-__- COMMISSIONER_.. .r.,�Y"..• •_ WHEREAS, Realty Service Company has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits West 10 ft. of Lot 25 and all of Lot 24, Blook 1, Maneon & Simonton's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $700.58, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $450.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however,that the sum of $186.12 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $450.00, and that said sum of $186.12 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of `delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $700.58. COnnCILTnEn Leas .nays BarJuss Findlan Parranto Ratm_^ Rosen Truax nlc sm >A16.Njms9tc�idc:,t trmerson) Adopted bit the Council _ AUG 91940 104 \ Approved 'AUG 9196194_ i In Favor OAgaingt FUBLISIMI) — l 7_ Ji' d Original to city Clerk Clri OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. ff / OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOXA PRESENTE QV C!" 1R COMM,SSI E __ __ _. -. _ _ _ DATE— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the d ty treasury of the required feesi Eva R. Davidson 587 Wabasha St., COnncil,mEn teas nays Barf uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough am a-ao cs zaaaa Restaur,nt App. 431401: New, Old Location C. F. No. 119809-13y G. E- Bnrfue S. S. Flndlan—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the following Dere... at tine ad- dresses Indicated be and the ea. ars, hereby granted and the City Clerk to I nstructed to Issue uch licenses upon the Dep uired ayment Into .the city treasury of Elva R. Davidson, 587 Wabash. St., Restau rnn t, App, 43404. Adopted by the Council Aug. 9. 1940. AD proved Aug. 9, 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG 91940 Adopted bil the Council _ ---194- AUG __194_ AUG 91940 Approved_ —194. Favor Olay -- Against _ C. F. No. 119SiQ STr G _ �_r �grfuse— s' ���. • ^. r� )OnQival to City Clcrlc W. A F'arran to _ - �� ac32aa Resolved, That 23cg a s� �pTj' gd for CITY OF tacked by the persons raaaaa� oa �2ae list at- e'er to this rasola �� ori OFFICE OF b sad the ~O•— aIDe are liBr¢b y �T — -�aa tho cst liy censea lu instrtzcLe� La 3 5 a e such. - COUNCIL RESOLUT treasury po= ins rpea:reme th9 �tty Adopted by t3a6 g 1940. PRESE- r/ • Approved Aug_ 9_ a !ER. --'r- sem_ .St ���4� COMMIS _ # <AUSust 3'T- � .£? ? --.__-_—_- RESOLVED: at licenses applied for by the followin.�g ID z s a a -tile addresses indicated be 2nd the same are hereby graptI ed "a, the c�- t zw� 3- s i nstructed to issue such licenses upon the paymentinto the cl ty -t-= o= the required fees: Samuel W. Cohen 11+5 Robertson G= r3 App. 43138 Renewal n u tt a O Z c= BC a1. t " 43139 " C. J. Knutson 492 Case St. C:�- zr=—=- ration " 43228 " Pat Foy 629 Forest St. i c anon " 43229 it O. W. Lorenz 1202 N. Dale St. F_e 1r=--= a -sit " 43230 " C -a E Mal t ^ 43231 n n u u n Ca1t ti 43232 Jerry R. Ryan 169 11. Dale St . e _ zar --on t if 43233 " If n u C n �_ h'_a1 t n 43231} tt n if u IT C Bea_1. t " 43235 it Gust Hanson 1566 Randolph :E�. 43236 of John Eling L. Son Anita bet. W1.nIf'red 3= Co r c a c dation If 43237 " John Eling 499 Greenwood c e33very It 43238 " V. E. Conzett 685 N. Snelling e -t=� t If 43239 " Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 111 W. 4th St. tion n 43240 it E. H. Samuelson 1059 Beech St. —rte In 43242 If Nels Anderson 704 Plum St. M: c S anon to 43247 n A. J. LaVoie Guardian Bldg Ba T- == e it 43248 " Jerome Thauwald 1150 Grand Ave. If 43249 't Bernar(i J. Selinske 347 University Ave.--sit n 43255 " n It n n C s �� 71 e -1 t to 43256 n it n n if C -- c E 24-.1 t n 43257 n cc)uncii-mEn 194 yeas nags - Barfuss Findlan Ar oid _ - - _ _ - 194 Parranto Peterson .. _ _ _._In Favor Rosen Inagor Truax _ _ Against Mr. President, McDonough sm a-ao cs �na�a .Ori Rioal to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fou�nc'� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLF Q IfC COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GElNEi? A w FORM PR ES ENTEO BY- DATE- - - - -- -` —2— R. A. Jerue 384 Pleasant Ave- Grocery Aap. 43266 Renewal Fannie Blizinsl� " „ 0, Rondo St. 50 n Grocery " Off Sale Malt " 43270 k 432,71 " A. L- Bougie g 916 Grand Ave. Grocery " " 43272 43273 If n It u It Off Sale Malt Janes Formanek 665 Selby Ave. Gras Station " 43279 " Clement Ritchot 761 W. 7th St. Ba-'ber " 43280 " Erwin A. Jung 1228 Selby Ave. Gas Station " 43287 " Grand & Silver 67 E. 7th St. Restaurant " " 43290 1' 43291 " If It n n Confectionery L. M. Hatch Davis 612 Selby Ave. Grocery " 43299 n Mrs. W. A. Scanlon 2054 Marshall Grocery 43300 u W. H. Prescott 865 Grand Ave _ Grocery " 433o4 If Jeanne Seible 1598 Univ. Ave. Restaurant If Sale ISalt it 43305 433C6 n n It n u it 1' Is On Off Sale Malt Is 43307 H. R. Coney 538 Wabasha St _ Restaurant " 43308 Geo. Pappas 123 W. Central Restaurant It 43311 Thos. F. Chapman Jr. 2016 Ford Pkwy- Confectionery 43312 " Adollin Gross 48C E. Curtice Grcc:ry " 43313 p Jack Tong 367 Selby Ave. P.estaur ant It 43327 If Peter Rosenberger 130 W. Winifred Grocery " 43329 It Adopted by the Council-_ a�ic 9190-194 C011TIciLIDEn >�eas Rays AUG 190, Sar f us s Approved_ _.. ---- -_..__t - Findlan _ Par-ranto51 In Favor _ _ .-- Peterson n Truax �; Against ETIs. President, McDonough .m -no cs z3»e SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 200 403 33 i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OF SAINT PAUL. ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. COUNCIL' FILE NUMBER BARFUSS _. . _. FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVORI T AUDITP P CLAIMS �1� ROSEN 9{. 193 . A U TRUAX C�pyJST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY . �AITF1 n W E1oSLL-- MR PRIES V COVERING D .J iTO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_�QQ//.4-11 COVERING �ou AS CHECKS INCLUSIVE I PER CHECKS ONRFDE�� O CE�Q? MPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-1.ny(Ij_�^' _ __"S!_JJ� � APPROVED _._ ___9 _1fl�T�l..i93t""""""" NUMBER o vrao�n II 500 7 BY CS MAYOR C, F. No, 119811— Resulced, That checks be irnwn on the city Ireasury to the aggregate . IN FAV F amount of $82,6512.48 covering checks DATE CHECK numbered 79S68 to 73918 Incluslce, as RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER por ehr,eks on Ole In the oltlee of tiro SBURSEMENT City ('nmptroller, CHECKS Adopted by the ('ouncil Aug. 9, 1940. Approved Aug. 9, 1940. BROUGHT FC (August 17, 1940) 11141, 65. q� . . 13663 John 1, Findlan, C, of Finance 10 629 89 13664 Mrs, Louie Fay 28 60 73865 County welfare Board 12 538 66 73866 Carl Maronde 33 42 13867 John 9, Findlan, C, of Finance 478 90 73868 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 826 57 73869 Mrs. J.M. Ayd. Guardian 40 00 73870 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 117 60 73871 73672 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 262 90 9 000 46 7387 Lyle M. Robbins 80 00 73874 Hamilton Kenny 100 00 73875 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 125 30 73876 Geo. J. Grant Cons. Company 500 00 73877 Harris Brothers Plumbing Company 600 00 73878 Floyd J.` Peterson 90 00 73879 Dr. A. Schwyzer 75 00 73880 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 55 81 73881 The Grinnell Company, Inc 17 37 73882 Harris Brothers Mfg. Company 17 76 73883 Hugo E. Herr'Bnn 72 00 73984 Larry's Auto Grass Company 41 85 73985 Northern States Power Company 1 916 05 73586 Paper, Calmenson & Company 226 08 73887 Ramsey County Boiler Insp. 81 00 73888 3t.Paul Corrugating Company 97 75 73889 J.L. Shiely & Company 16 35 73890 Speedometer Service & Aoc,Co. 58 80 73891 Art'iur Lindbom 11 73 73892 Simon 8otnen 100 00 73893 John 9, Findlan, C. of Finance 717 55 73994 Chriet Dunien 75 00 73895 F,C, Peterson 3013 73696 John 91 Findlan, C, of Finance 25 624 37 7397 John C, Findlan, C, of Finance 3 28 73899 John 9. Fin9lan, C, of Finance 5 22 73899 John S.,Findlan. C. of Finance 392 88 73900 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 686 14 73901 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 90 45 40 00 73902 ® 73W 7390'+ John Lennon A.L. kli Burroughs Adding Machine Company 7 66 72 31- 73905 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 42 64 73906 J.L. Connolly 21 4o 73907 Financial Pub. Company 16 00 73y08 Tdward A. Furni, Supt. Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 13 21 21 43 77909 73910 Northern States Power Company 277 13 73911 N.'V. Printing Company 120 80 73912 Northwest Pub. 13 00 73913 Pioneer Tleetric Company 81 73 73914, ,t.Paul ''ThitP Lear? & 011 Comnany 82 33 73915 J.L. Shiely Company 74 61 77916 Tri—StatP'TPl. & Telg. Company 113 65 7-4917 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 272 07 73918 Uhl Company 18 On SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 200 403 33 .1981 ' ' Council File No...:.. '..:. PROPOSAL FOR ■l%rilPRO'/E#A tN PRJCLIMINAHY oanssa. armed `C. F. No. 119812— PRELIM�PiARY �RflER. _,W,._ ., ; The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthefollowizzg ptat+licimprovement bythe City ofSaint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct,. rely. and_ rP-pair - t2za _ s Mk- oA .:,k�e, .w.e�t..elCIO OS. RAVQ=......... S.treet.srom e• point -/47 -gee aorta -Esq - �e�t�a� Avenue; thence -north to Piller.Stre@t,•.aTiSi..4A.tel}{i.flaSt__s3.C�� _ Qi_ 33avaua.Street.. f=Om.Gantra]............ Avenue..to . ��•R�..Ae9APQ ........ - - - - - - - - - ...... . Atig�� st 1 940,e._ Dated this ..... 8th .....day of ............. - Councilman. PREL1#N1NAEz1r ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t`1 i e following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the_ _--m ::I- alk on the west side, of.,Ravoux.......... ................................ - - ......... I.... _--.........Fuller.Strge�,•,ax}SI.Rm..the..eas#_ _ side _ _vim _Ravoua.Street.from..Cantral................ ........................... having been presented to the Council of the Ciry of t Parrl.................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability <=> JE riz<-_ making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated eosc of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imp rc��-ernent. 4. To state whether or not said irnpro�,ement is 1 ed for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to tze Commissioner of Finance. _ :adopted by the Council ................. MO_ • • • `-'- - ' ='= -� - - - - - - - - - - - YEAS NAYS (� Q� AUG �t�'� Councilman BARFUSS Appro�-�Bc3 FINDLAN IARRANTO \I PETERSON U !I _ _/J-- ROSEN/ -...,... .................................... ...... May r. TRUAX x MR. PRESIDENT ` L— / z 1 t1 12-38 PUBLISHED (T ' n Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c11981 A6strnet and Whereae, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. eta w lktrnei. st. er- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,v iz.: ............... thence north .Reaonstruct,,relay.and.repair the sidewalk on the west aide of ar on Street from a point 198.25 feet north of pgilYord Street, and.on.the... �72�j.00•; beginning i5•.feet feather. north, ..thence.aoxth..SO..Yerd /�_ int 136 feet north of Milford St., theme ........... east side of Marion St, from a tbeba.® north"25'Yeet: ndtili"ZS YeAt;"b6gi-iWing'50'SAet'"fAitliBr'rioTt11I ther, north,.. �# 949.q ...no4 rth 0 feet.. ................ Augur........... beginning . �5. Yt., ..far�............ 0 �1y...... Dated thi....Sth........day of .......................................... . .. ................. ........... � councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reaonatruct rel and re air theth sidewalk on the weat,eide. oY,Marion,.,...,,.. L ... po.in ..138 .. p........ . .................. .................. 2 feet north of Milford Street, theme nor Street from a point 136• 5 thenee th-north-and..on.the... FL- beginalag 75..feet -farther north, northence at aide oY Marion St. from a point 136 feet north of Milford St., "" 0 feet Partke.. north;' ttieribs'ri6rtli"25 "feet; nortTi" "25' Peet'b'e'ginning 5 ............... ...........b.egj,l�ning. 2� . Vit,.. �axthex . nvxtb, ..thenoe.................................... . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. j. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 91940 4y -I& pted by the Council ................... 1 YEAS NAYS AUG e Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............................................ FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON• • • • • • "' ' ...........................................ayor. ROSEN /' D TRUAX / H r MR. PRESIDENT IV 12.38 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 119811 — and Ab.traet Whereas, A written DroDo.e1 for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. mnkfn` or the followl n' �nrovemanq vLHeoon.� alae• The undersigned hereby proposes the making oft he following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair. ,the..eideNalk.on,.yhg, noyt)}..q�,d.Q.of..aalla..3treet.... from Payne Avenues thence, ea�t._30, feet.,, and. oa.the..gouth,s.td4.,gf,,W4J1e..street... from Pey'tle Avenue,. thence. east..1,�4..�Qet;..beg><�ipg.J„Q, fs,et..farther..eea.t,. ......... thence east ?5..Peet. Dated this.... ft ...... day of ...... I...... August... .. y40..... .............................................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructs relay and repair the sidewalks on the north aide of Wells Street .................................. ....................... I ........ ..... ....... fro µ. Rs. RQ.,QvBnpe,..t+?6#1Ge,egat„ 30, f4ei,..and.on, th,e. south. slde.of.We1]a.street_.,.. ..from. Pine. Avenua; ..thence . east. 11.4. feet.;. begi nning. J Q.. f.e et . f arther..an6t......... thence east 25 feet. .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner]of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, gr desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AN 9 IM Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS AUG 919® Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN V ........... ....7Maor. ..y.... TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT 1%1 12.38 A I9si,5 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. r. ,.. usats— and Ab.tmct Whereas, A written yrOpeeat for the makinv f 'J—i v a..., PRELIMINARY ORDXR. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: eaonetruct,.raleg..agd. repair. the,aidawalk on the south aide of ...... ......... xt8b] an4. �arl�yes.. 414. A. poiAt..9.Q, f eet.. east, _ .. _ _ . ,... ............... seat. .36. feet ............................ ...................................................... .......... Dated this......$th.... day of ..... .... ......... A"g',tat............ .............................................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making ofdiefollowing improvement, viz.: RecOnstruct..reley end repair the sidewalk on the south aide of .....:..... n ............ h ............................ ............... Highland. Parkway..frcm. q. point. 90—feet. east. .Qf . Edgm0be..Raad , ..thenoe .......... ................eaet..36. xeet......... ...... ........... .................. ..................................... ; ........... .............................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................. 9.}`�`!V.............. YEAS NAYS �n�� Councilman BARFUSS Approved........ AUG ..... 8 A�9Y AUG FINDLAN PARRANTO Q PETERSON ROSENy ....................................... �::...... TRUAX ayor. MR. PRESIDENT (� nrr.Tsi t?n — / 7 IN ,2.38 — f COUNCIL FILE NO. By- _ - - ------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. grading Ile_vada-,kvenue-_from -btil_ton_Street_ -----to-Chateworth.-Street- -- Street_ -- ---------- 1 -- IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------approved------------------------------------------------ --%------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __E rade Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to _ C. F. No. 119816- - In the matter o[ grading Nevada Ave. Chatsworth- Street--_-----_---------------------------------------------- from Muton St. to chateworth st.. — --"�--"-'" under Preliminary Order 118860• ap- proved May 23, 1940. __________________------------------------------ A pubun hearing having been had —�------------------�� paen the above improvement upon due •cr and o ..�„ , ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------- _-__— ------------------ and the the Council -hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _ AUG 1-3 -- 192 ------- -- 3{'�f AUG 13 19W City Clerk. Approved - 192 File 9034 ,-------------- }!-' -- - / 7 � May •. Councilman Nancy- -'v-'z'-� ve3 Councilman Ferguson • = Ian Councilman McDonaid"`—'.trranto I'UBuslin) y6 Councilman McGlogait='''" / Councilman Sudheimel--sa sen Councilman Oenzet z 1 `v Mayor Hodgson �J. Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAULt DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order approved May 23, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ 1253.23 iron 1.28 The estimated cost pe/toot or the above improvement is - - - - - - - _-O --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandyALUAT"'Bldg. 14 1 North Shore Addition $300 15 1 do 125 16 1 do 125 17 1 do 125 18 1 do 125 19 1 do 125 20 1 do 125 21 1 do 125 22 1 do 1BO 1 2 do TOTAL. 150 F.— n.H 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE §EPC3RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT etoeK VALUATION Land Bldg. 2 2 North Shore Addition $125 S 2 do 125 4 2 do 125 54— 2 do 125 6 2 do 150 7 2 do 650 =5900 Total $2775 $5900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 16 40 19 Dated _ — Commissioner of Finance. I+arm B. H. 12 1 ei-'Ij St. Paul, Minn..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 7 Cay .. . ......... ......... . ......St. Ave. from -....St. Ave. to.. St. Ave. 4 NAME IN I'qT OCK ADDITION 'A" ZZ f .2- r C) Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 25 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118860 Approved May 23 1940 , relative to grading Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.28 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---12-53'2-3, and the total cost thereof is $, Inspection $22.65 Engineering $98.27 Frontage 982.67 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners/4roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. / CONI, OF Fr AqU Commissioner of Public Works. �s JUN - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTY COMMISS10NCR BURewU Or CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CHIP E....... JI. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. o""' ENGIN... Tune 24, 1940 G. H. H.RROLD CNI[P ENG.. CLeRK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St, Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: B}*AEAU Or SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGIN._, BUREAUoP CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118860 approved May 23, 1940. Estimated Cost $1253.23 Cost per front foot 1.28 Inspection 22.65 Engineering 98.27 Frontage 982.67 ft. 1 Appro d for transmission to t e Co�mmissioner of Finance MILAN ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works Yours truly, M. S �ARD Ch f Engineer I �-1q�17 C. F. No. 119817— In the matter of grading and aurtac- COUNCIL FILE NO. lag the Third d tion o Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell St. w Prior Ave. y Also constructing o f sewer In the Alley Ave. to a point 80 fn sant of Prior Ave.fro to Prior Aveo By _ _. __ -.. ____ ____________ and se Prior . Prom the Alley to the sewer In Portland Ave., under FINAL ORDER Preliminary Order 118858, approved May E3, 1940. A public hearing having been had upon the above Imnr- —en upon) due no c_ In the Matter of__ grading and surfacing the Alley in $look_ 16-Merriam_Tark.Third--- Addition from Howell St._ to_Prior--Ava.-- Also constructing-a.sewesr_in the Alley -_from _a-goint_ao feet east of Prior -Ara. --to- Prior Ave., and --in-P-rigr-Ave. -from--the--------- -- _ Alley_ to the sewer in PortlandAve— --- --- - -- ---- ----------- --___----- ------------ - -- - - - - - — - under Preliminary Order--- . 118858_ ----- _--------- ----- approved May -23, 1940- ------ Order--------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ZTAde ana-_ eUx-rae6 --- the_A11ey-1n-Blank_1fi.,__Marriam_ Park Third -Addition ... from _Howell__Stt--- to ------ ______ Alley from -_a__point-_80_-feet east_of-_Prior_Avg.__to-Pr_i9r--A 0 and—frim theAlley_ to -_the --sever in _FQ-rtJ.aad_Avo-- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 13 INC 192___ ----------------------- AUG IS 1 City Clerk. Approved . - --- -- - --- .. 192 - i - - --------------------- File ----------- ------ File 9039 t r• Councilman ASaq�z�� Councilman Mon; '"" dean PUBusrw 7 — 4� Councilman i lii€Sillcrra�mntuo Councilman lgm-� Councilman e° Councilman Mayor Hdgzga&9 u I J1 l� . Form B. S. A. 8-7 t✓ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQmNWSIONER OF FINANCE ONPRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading and surfacing the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition from Rowell St. to Prior Ave. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 80 feet east of Prior Ave. to Prior Ave., and in Prior Ave. from the Alley to the sewer in Portland Avenue under Preliminary Order approved May 23, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1224.15 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -— front - 1.36 The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for Such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 16 Merriam Park Third Addition $1150 $6660 2 16 do 1050 3550 3 16 do 1050 3650 4 16 do 1050 5150 5 16 do 1050 3150 6 16 do 1050 2900 7 16 do 1050 2950 8 16 do 1050 3750 9 16 do 1050 2850 10 16 do 1050 7800 TOTAL. Form B. B 10 .------ - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' FINANCE REPORT M' O� PRE NARY ORDER (C)ASSESSED • •DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION -g. LOT BLOCK Land $1d 11 16 Merriam Park Third Addition $1375 $7900 3500 11000 Lot 12 and East 16 feet of 13 18 do do 3200 8950 Lot 14 and West 24 ft. of 13 18 19100. Lot 15 and East Of 18 16 do 3000 3000 12600 Lot 17 and West of 16 18 do do 3000 9000 Lot 18 and East of 19 16 3000 13200 Lot 20 and west Of 19 16 do do 4250 10150 22 and 21 16 Total $34,925 $134,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f '—� vt__ _ _ _ _-__ Dated July 16_19 40 — ----- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 1 r1 1 F7 St. Paul, Minn 199 -e To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade, surface and construct drainage sewer in Block 16, Merriam Park Mrd Addition from Howell .W. Ave. to Prior Ave. 5M-7-37 3 A,16. JNI;Al� W.I. tIL-EY, PRENG-T • A. E. EGGERT 0.. K. POtlC1 E. A. PUANI P,RT, W. L. MANePiCLD H. D. RIPDON W. C. 6_ER ]. 6. IIIAW A. R. E6C lEC0.ETARY 60AP.D OF DIEtiPCT0R5 CONNOLLY PRCDERIC CR09B S H. E. IE RN, TRl APURER T. J. GIBBON6 - W. C. IENNEY C. A. MALlY SAINT .PAUL WINTER CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION COME AND PLAY IN OLD SAINT PAUL N. P. tlLLY, MANAGING DIRECTOR PI0.ET NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MIIJNESOTA To the Honorable, The Coumil City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; Re attached petition for grading, surfacing affi constructing of drainage sewer in alley of Block 16, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, from Howell to Prior avenues. Lot 19 Block 16, is occupied by a rented duplex, ownad by Prudential Life Insurance Co., and managed by Dunn & Stringer. Mr. Seiler of Dunn & Stringer authorizes the statement that a national policy o Prudential Life Insurame Company prevents gnIng said petition, but that the owners as well as the managers are heartily in favor of the proposed improvement. Respectfully youas� A ]Renin P. Kelly WINTER SPORTS CAPITAL OF THE NATION a To the 8ity Council: As a property owner of lot 4 block 16 , addition, I petition the City Council of St. Paul to grade, surface and construct a drainage sewer in the alley of block six from Howell Ave, to Prior hof Property at 193Portl6md, St, Paul, Minn, C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 27 1g40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118858 approved May 23 1940, relative to grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Street to Prior Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 80 ft. east of Prior Avenue to Prior AvenvA� And in Prior AvAnnn from the Alley to the sewer in Portland Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.36 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1224•�5 and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $22.24 Engineering $90.00 Frontage 900 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, to oft subject to assessment for said improvement. i mac_ " ?5 Commissioner of Public Works. A 4k As AM JUN 28194D CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEvuix C0..' aI0NER BURrwu Or CONeT, A REVAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIEF ENGINEER W.S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OrrICE ENGINECR ' G. H. N.RR'OL. June �4, 1-940 CRICrENGR. CLEW[ MARK W. WOODRUFF commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota BUREAU Or SANITATION FRED DRIVCR. Suvi. BUREAU Or BR- Es M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREwu Or CORRECT i0N RAY J. KARTAK, S—T. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Howell Street to Prior Avenue. Also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 80 feet east of Prior Avenue to Prior Avenue, and in Prior Avenue from the Alley to the sewer in Portland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118858 approved May 23, 1940 - Estimated Cost $1224.15 Cost per front foot 1.36 Inspection 22.2-4 V90.00 Engineering Frontage 900 ft. Yours very truly, JiR . � G ef ARD sneer kkloi Apnr ed for transmission to a Co�Lissioner of Finance MILTON ROSFN Commissioner of Public Works COUNCIL FIL NO. BY, FINAL ORDER PINAI. ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. % F. Nu. 119818 -BY A1111- R -- IN CONDEMNATIO% PROCEEDINGS I 198 '18 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for i slopes, cuts and fills in the gra ing an6 sur ac ng of—t�e�Iley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Street to Prior Avenue under Preliminary Order 118861 approved_ May 23, 1940 Intermediary Order 119514 approved July 16, 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Meriiam Park Third Addition from Howell Street to Prior Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or casements therein be and the Same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Street to Prior Avenue, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 13 1A / 19_ Approved_-- _ AUG 13 19 y ` — — ------ -- -- — ._— Mayor. \ Cou ilmen ��ByLS1;F'D uss indlan arranto en ruax a President ta a e CITY OF ST. PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFomON MM NARY ORDER FINANCE cAS cuts and In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition .from Howell St. to Prior Ave. FLS° under Preliminary Order approved May 23, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 25.00 cost of the above easement The total estimated aIDc»x�anaseasa[ $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: yxm B. B. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 16 Merriam Park Third Addition $1150 $6660 do 1080 3660 2 16 do 1060 3650 3 16 4 16 do 1050 5150 5 16 do 1050 3150 do 1050 2900 6 16 do 1050 2950 7 16 8 16 do 1060 3750 9 16 do 1050 2850 do 1050 7800 10 16 TOTAL, yxm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Hldk. Lot 12 and East 16 feet of Lot 14 and West 24 ft. of Lot 16 and East of Lot 17 and West } of Lot 16 and East of Lot 20 and West of 11 16 Merriam Park Third Addition $1375 $7900 13 16 do 3600 11000 13 18 do 3200 6930 16 16 do 3000 19100 18 16 do 3000 12600 19 16 do 3000 9000 19 16 do 3000 13200 22 end 21 16 do 4280 10150 Total 934,925 9134,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 16 40 _ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 K:7 + Indicaf�5 Cu F. AIL - Indicofes Fill Typical Nofofion '7,-po Flqures above line ehow Ci -,for Fi li of property line. 'Figures Solow )— Shorr d19fonre to Hhicti'lopes extend beyond properly iinr Lor P �6 No 2 191 x5ec Bk No 2191 (v Alley 61A-. ICAL- la— Pa,k Third Ado' q 5/010POr 2 Nn6041 ALLEYBLK./6MERR1AM PARK TN/RO ADD. /fowe// .Sf P.-ior Ave. � P A Q K T V A M Q � a 4 J90 25 s Fr ( t✓ nF ver 66� vow N ply Imo. a d1�0 ��d. J Sra/ �- /6 y /8 B r. T /5 /4 13 S>^� v P A R K T H / i2 A Gam * 4/.26 40 22 2/ 20 /9 O M E� 2 R/ A M PORTLAND AVE. P A Q K T H a y. J90 25 I { J /6 /8 /7 /6 /5 /4 13 sa-5 Z v P A R K T H / i2 A D D. SUMM/T AVE. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tune 27 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: G 3�� The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118861 approved May 28 23 19 40 , relative to nnnaa ing and + kd n eaaement In the land naca�sjt fnr alnic+a m,ts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 16, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Street to Prior Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —_, and the total cost thereof is $— and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ; 4. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a PE `-y/ COM, VF �£. Commissioner of Public Works. co A 108-19 In 0 1: In the Matter of_ --------- -- ----- curbing the north side of E. 4th Sj. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Xild 8aae_.Additicn, to Ruth St,) on the 4outh aide of E. 4th St. from the treat line of lot 19. Block 2. Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.1 on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2. Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen. St.1 on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 190- Block 3. Wild Rose Addition, toj�ederden St.1 on the north side of E. 3rd St.from the west line -of lot 46, Block 31 Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.1 og the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to,Eederson St.1 on the west side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.1 on. the asst side of Ruth St. from E'. 3rd St. to �. 4th St. -— IntermediaryOrder ---------- ----------------------------------approved ----- --------------------------- ------------ ----------------- A public hearing having been,had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same, therefore, be it zRF30hYE1; Iiy the Council of the City of St. Paul.that the precise nature, extent and kI di f im curb the north aide'of E. 3rd St. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Lot ;Brock jw, Wild Rose Addition; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Lot 36, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from Ruth St. to the west line of Lot 30, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition R$d vi h the making of said im''rovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUN-- 5 941+ - 192 -. ------ j I1 City Clerk. Approved - �J- - 192\ File 9043 - - ---- - Councilman�r Councilman �rEussay�dlnn �/ Councilman � /f' tanto ( llliii l �j, 1 Councilman osenoa Councilman Dasa Councilman az `_ / . Mayor H,'a /piCDonou h , I � /' Form B. S. A. 8-7 • C. F. 119819— In the matter of curhin& [he north elle of E. 4th St. from the eat line of - lot 48, Bloc. it 1, N'ild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.: on the south side of E. 4th St. from the 9. Block :. WIId,Z - Ruth Oet Are. frr, , BY, 47'B1 Pedersen S ilt—ont lot 19 COUNCIL FILE NO. r' ' •t By FINAL ORDER A 108-19 In 0 1: In the Matter of_ --------- -- ----- curbing the north side of E. 4th Sj. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Xild 8aae_.Additicn, to Ruth St,) on the 4outh aide of E. 4th St. from the treat line of lot 19. Block 2. Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.1 on the north side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 47, Block 2. Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen. St.1 on the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 190- Block 3. Wild Rose Addition, toj�ederden St.1 on the north side of E. 3rd St.from the west line -of lot 46, Block 31 Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St.1 og the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to,Eederson St.1 on the west side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.1 on. the asst side of Ruth St. from E'. 3rd St. to �. 4th St. -— IntermediaryOrder ---------- ----------------------------------approved ----- --------------------------- ------------ ----------------- A public hearing having been,had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same, therefore, be it zRF30hYE1; Iiy the Council of the City of St. Paul.that the precise nature, extent and kI di f im curb the north aide'of E. 3rd St. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Lot ;Brock jw, Wild Rose Addition; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Lot 36, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from Ruth St. to the west line of Lot 30, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition R$d vi h the making of said im''rovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUN-- 5 941+ - 192 -. ------ j I1 City Clerk. Approved - �J- - 192\ File 9043 - - ---- - Councilman�r Councilman �rEussay�dlnn �/ Councilman � /f' tanto ( llliii l �j, 1 Councilman osenoa Councilman Dasa Councilman az `_ / . Mayor H,'a /piCDonou h , I � /' Form B. S. A. 8-7 • r C. F. 119819- 1, them Iter of curbl. the north alde - of E. 4th St. Prom the eat i/ne of lot 48, Block 1, wild Rose Addltlon, to Ruth St.: on tl;e 1—th aide of E. 4th St. from the �= I. Block Ruth .� Mont Ave. fr-. N 47, Block Y. Peder Ft--, 1^ lotto COUNCIL FILE NO. By--- - - ------ FINAL ORDER .Ll 4 In the Matter -------- -- Q'i e 2c gobs i ,cFf ou F e J IjGQes. eJ_2F I Ol £1Jq .a04.�17 IyC ...._. -. 119216-_-_-_-a_roved .- Jima 25, 1940 under Preliminary Order__ PP - - Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------approved---------------- ---- ------ -------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ -,RES-0L fEI) $y the Council of the City of St. Paul.that the precise -nature, extent and k of Im _. rav ineut Made by a said curb the north side of E. 3rd St. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Iot, 'Tack;. Wild Rose Addition; on the north side of Fremont Ave. from Pedersen St. to the west line of Lot 36, Block 21 wild Rose Addition; on the south side of Fremont Ave. from Ruth St. to the west line of Lot 30, Block 3, wild Rose Addition Adopted by the Council j41y_ -- 641 5 $41 therewith. - , 192 --- -- - - �-C�'+�.r�-�-sem-------------- City Clerk.. Approved -- - - 192( File 9048 Councilmanc�anR3.n=s Councilman , dlan Councilman_ /f 'rento Councilman oterson Councilman an Councilman Mayor H J cllouo(a Form B. S. A. 8-7 .......... til curb the north- side, of E. 4thJSt. Prom the west line of lot 48, plwak 1, Wild Rose Addition, to,,itrth 8ti4 on the etzutjt ! of. &„ .4th St. from the 'seat of lot -10*, Blobk 2, Wild Rose Adtl tion, to Ruth, -$t.; on the -north side 0frFremont from e west linp-'of lot 47, Blobk 2, Wild Rose Addition, to-. Pedersen St. I on the-. south a de of Fr nt Ave. from the weflt line of lot 19. Block 3, Wild Rbse Addition,'to Ped sen St.I on the north si'dq oft E. 3rd St. from the west line of lot 48, Mok 3. W!Td Rose Addition, to Pedersen`'q.I on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.I on the west Bide of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.I on the ast side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. c�rreetgd #6'pi�e]saf'e pians and speclftca£loins for saidimprovemen4, ani3 submit same tote ounce or approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUN-__. 51941--------- - ----- , 192 -------- ------------ 5 1941 City Clerk. Approved - - --- - - --. , 192 File 9043 - - -------- ---------------------------------- T - �w'), r Councilman )sop �rm� ee �� s, I 4 Councilman Zgd<gl)delBse"",'vlna Councilman � /1' .1 �J / Councilman arson Councilman sen i c Councilman MkowdENUM i2lM Mayor FidIcU000n Form B. S. A. 8-7 �� C. F. 119819— In the matter of curbing the north side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot 48. Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Muth St.; on the youth aide of E. 4th St. from the "no 9, Block 2, Wild Ruth St.; on '240:. monl Ave. fr.. ®. 47, Block 2. ... t Pedersen Ftemont . _ tot COUNCIL` FILE NO. - F ' By-- ---- _ ------ RTNAT, ORDER .......... til curb the north- side, of E. 4thJSt. Prom the west line of lot 48, plwak 1, Wild Rose Addition, to,,itrth 8ti4 on the etzutjt ! of. &„ .4th St. from the 'seat of lot -10*, Blobk 2, Wild Rose Adtl tion, to Ruth, -$t.; on the -north side 0frFremont from e west linp-'of lot 47, Blobk 2, Wild Rose Addition, to-. Pedersen St. I on the-. south a de of Fr nt Ave. from the weflt line of lot 19. Block 3, Wild Rbse Addition,'to Ped sen St.I on the north si'dq oft E. 3rd St. from the west line of lot 48, Mok 3. W!Td Rose Addition, to Pedersen`'q.I on the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pedersen St.I on the west Bide of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.I on the ast side of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St. c�rreetgd #6'pi�e]saf'e pians and speclftca£loins for saidimprovemen4, ani3 submit same tote ounce or approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUN-__. 51941--------- - ----- , 192 -------- ------------ 5 1941 City Clerk. Approved - - --- - - --. , 192 File 9043 - - -------- ---------------------------------- T - �w'), r Councilman )sop �rm� ee �� s, I 4 Councilman Zgd<gl)delBse"",'vlna Councilman � /1' .1 �J / Councilman arson Councilman sen i c Councilman MkowdENUM i2lM Mayor FidIcU000n Form B. S. A. 8-7 �� CITY OF ST. PAUL... MEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F E=1PORT OF COMMISSIOP,IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Canting on the mm m-ff a sIL414M of L 4th St. Cron the went lin+b of lot 48, Block 1, W1144 Rose Add1'tis2M0L.qw lblcs TZT to St.Ian the a uth side of 3. 4th 5t. from the west line �:r 14csL 19 a ISMask 29 Wild Bose Addition to Ruth ''t. = on the north side of A7sm tram the west line of lot 1.7• Block 2, Mld Rome Addition, to —cM— I o n the south aide of rremont "no flrozn the wast line of lot l9v 13�7L=w4c=31c 3e Ild Vase Addition to pedereen Ot•i on the north aide of R. 3rd 5t. f210= 1153tLAM -srsbasf. :.laze of lot 46, Block 3, Wild. Rose Addition, to Pedermmn •nit.; aide of 2. 3rd St. from Ruth vt. to Pedersen -'It.; an she Went ase4D9 cs:!0' Yiu s mow• frnsa Ea 3rd 5t• to R- 5th �t.I on the a st Bide of Ruth St. f`r,- X— %0 B. 4th Ut. under Preliminary Order approved -Ttsie 25, 1940 To the Council of the City of St- P a is 1 The Commissioner of Fina me hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amota u t of t lae assessment for the above improvement is - - - g- 4,816.52 _ 0' 75 The estimated cost per fool for r tae above improvement is 'Che lots or parcels of land -tfa a r may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONLan yALUAT10NBld Q g• 33 1 Wild Rose Addition $ 75 34 1 do 76 $500 35 1 do 75 36 1 do 75 37 1 do 75 38 1 do 75 39 1 do 75 100 40 1 do 75 2500 41 1 do 75 42 1 do 75 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY of 57. PAUL MEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPS F2T OF COMMISS.70NER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT VI CK ADDITION 43 1 . Wild Rose Addition 44 1 do 45 1 do i6 1 do 47 1 do 48 1 do 19 2 do 20 2 do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 2 do 31 2 do o£ 32 2 do Lot 33 and Eaet I of 32 . 2 do 34 2 do 36 2 do 36 2 do 37 2 do 38 2 do 39 2 do TOTAL Y ASS c«p LIq �fCCLu A T f o Bldg. 7S 7S 75 75 7S 7S 7S 7 S 7s 7S 7 S 7 5 75 7 5 7 S 78 7S 1150 ? S ? S SO 100 950 7 S 7 5 ?s 7 S 7 S -� s G.T OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT CW COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED + aLoc. ADDITION 13 LGG ayQLUATIONBldg. DESCRIPTION 40 _ 2 Wild Rose Addition 76 41 2 do 75 -42 2 do 76 =800 43 2 do 76 44 2 do 75 45 2 do 75 46 2 do 75 47 2 do 75 ' 19 3 do 75 20 3 do 76 450 21 3 do 75 22 3 do 75 23 3 do 75 24 3 do 75 40C 25 3 do 75 26 3 do 75 27 3 do 75 28 3 do 75 29 3 do 75 30 3 do 75 31 s do 75 32 3 do 75 33 3 do 75 34 3 do 75 35 3 do 75 36 3 do 75 37 3 do _ TOTAL 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (8) • • ASSESSED DESCRIPTION _ LOT -CK ADDITION LandVALUAT"bldg. 38 3 Wild Rose Addition $75 .r 39 3 do 75 40 3 do 75 41 3 do 75 42 3 do 75 43 3 do 75 44 3 do 75 45 3 do 75 46 3 do 75 lb 2 Hazel View 100 16 2 do 100 17 2 do 75 18 2 do 75 19 2 do 75 20 2 do 75 21 2 do 75 22 2 do 75 23 2. do 75 W. of 24 2 do 50 Lot 26 and East of 24 2 do 125 300 26 2 do 75 27 2 do 75 28 2 do 75 29 2 do 75 1150 30 2 do 75 1 3 do 75 2 3 do TOTAL 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISS+ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 3 3 Hazel View $ 75. 4 3 do 75 5 3 d& 75 6 3 do 75 7 3 do 75 8 3 do 75 9 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 11 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 14 3 do 75 15 3 do 100 16 3 do 100 17 3 do 75 18 3 do 75 19 3 do 75 20 3 do 75 21 3 do 75 22 a do 75 23 3 do 75 24 3 do 75 25 3 do 75 26 3 do 75 27 3 do 75 28 3 do 75 29 3 do 75 30 3 do 75 Total $9050 $8300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated July 16 19 40 ----- � —_-- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 19R 4- SEC. 3 5, TZ -'J,- 'R ZZ _ -' SCALE L�- 300' T217 1?22. 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 5 1940 19 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 119216 approve June 25 1940 , relative to Council, known as Council File No. - 48, Curbing on the north nide of I- 4%h �h®s uth aidseof g.at n4thfSt•tfron Block 1, 'mild Rose Addition. to Tiu%b St.;on the on the west line : f lot 19. F31 -sic 2, Rilti Bone Addi.ion 10 1111thoakt2. wild Rose north nide of moat nve• onrm �hoowthtaidgenff?roomoat,A7e• from the wrist Addition. to Pederson 3t.� on the north aide of line of lot 19, Block 3, Wild lines Addition to Pederwapo "`Addition to . 3 �t. from the west line of lot 46► Block 3. gild ;L. to s�edsraea tet.{ Pedersen 9t•I on the rsouth side offrom wE• 3rd5�t•t5 E• 5th from h�t•1 on the a«ct side of � n. the wo.at lido of *quth to•E bat Ruth £+t. fr,m I. 3z" and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said imrooveemeOi� E•�'v A►tl,f �[ ' Commissioner of Public $ ,7ill. �s 1QaQ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of .. Finance Tuly 5 1940 19-- and 9— and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___Z.1 33' 6o and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $38.24 Engineering $183.54 Frontage 1,835.35 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF F14 Nfl Commissioner of Public co Alit A ao3o CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BOREAL of CONST. REPA, a DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPVTT COMMISSIONER W.S. COCKRO FT. SUPT- GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICE Ew.INEE G. H. HER ROwLO Tuly 3, 1940 CNIE• Ewc R. CLERK MARK W. WOOORU FF Coma issi<z a Mori Rosen Department: o7±-- is Works St. Pall -1 , 7-� --% � _ Dear Sir= BUREAU of SSR I Tw TIOw FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU Or BRIDGES M. S. ORYTBAK, E1111EER BUREAOOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUVT. --t-r8-= Eunit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the north s a ca e o :t' M: _ 4th St. from the west line of lot 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Acid :L -t --:I- o =IL t o Ruth St. ; on the south side of E. 4th St. from the west line of lot B3.ocik 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side Of Fremoa - iow _ :iron the west line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition, to oa the south side of Fremont Ave. from the west line of lot 19 , 13—o c -I--- 3 Mild Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the north side of E. 3r1- St _T-om the west line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen S ; _ -C=> Ira- the south side of E. 3rd St. from Ruth Street to Pedersen St . ; on tl-ze -%P,ra s t Sieh of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 5th St.; on the east side o St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St.; under Preliminary Order C. F. 1192_6 zr=2_-�roxved June 25, 1940• Total Estimated Cost Cost per front foot ' �ngi neeri ng =aspection Front age Ap-proved moa- -t- =-gII1 a s i o n to the C oma= - s i o aer of Finance Coxmni s s i o xse r F`ubl i s Worksi #4,816.52 •75 300.00 88.56 6,482 ft. Yours truly, 0 (;�M' M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer - --__ ' `- � _� _' -- � - -� - . ' ' ~/^� `-' -- + ~''--� ,�,�~ ��� ~�__� ,^ 4� -� - __'~~__--_�___-__- ~~ �~7 �� / �. � / ~ + /// COUNCIL FILE NO, By -- In the Matter of-_ ___ --. -- -. -- _- In the matter of constructing a slda• walk on the north side of E. 4th St, from the west line of lot 48 Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Muth St.; on the south Nide of E. 4th St from constructing a sidewalk on the north side of E. 4th St, from the wrest line of lot 49, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth St.; on the south side of E. 4th St, from the west line of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the north side of Fremont Ave. 'from the west line of lot 47, Block 21 Wild Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the south side of Fremont Ave, from the west line of lot 19, Block 31 Wild Rose Addition to Pedersen St-; on the north side of E, 3rd St► from the west like of lot A Kook'31 Wild Rosa Addition to Pedersen St11 on the south side ,of & 3rd R. from W St, to Pedersen R.1 on the west side of Ruth St► from E, 3rd St4 to E. 5th St,; on the east sido of Guth St, from L 3rd St, to E. 4th St,, except where good and S'�fficient Sidewalks now exist, t ------------- -------------------- A ----A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council ofe City of St. Paul that ordr.„ a' , , _ i; rcby cancelled, annulled, , ------------------- onstruot a sidewalk on the north &de of E. 4th St. from the west lin of l0 48, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition Ruth St.{ on the south side of E. th St. f the west line of lot 19, Block Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St., n the north de of Fremont Ave. from the we line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild R e Addition to ersen St.; on the south side o emont Ave. from the west line of lot 19, Bloo , Wild Rose Addition to Isderse t.; on the north side of E. 3rd St, from th est line of lot 46, Block 3, Wi Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the south sid f E. 3rd St, from Ruth St. to Pe sen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. Prom E. d St, to E. 5th St.; on the east de of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St., except where eood and sufficient dewalks now exist, .,...., ryL-rvn>_n-n, ..nc o .,munnnn.ouer uL .c.uNuu .. �...o ......�-._ directed top are plans and S1 ti for said improvement, and submit sa the Council for approval; that up said approval, the proper officials are hereby authorized and di to pro- ceed with the making said improvement ;g41co ce therewith. Adopted by the Council °u� N -.------- . --- 192.-._---. 5 W Approved---------- File pproved--------- File 54369 Councilman OMMMMMIR ft -fuss Councilman langmmurn5i F.,ullenL Councilman Pn,ranto Councilman Peterson Councilman 12osenTruaa Councilman Mayor Had9sanzIl McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - ----------- ------- City Clerk. y —'i -------------- ---- 119220 June 25, 1940 under Preliminary Order __ - . _-_----- - _--approved - ----- Intermediary Order ---- ---- ------------------------ approved ------------- ------------------------------------------------ - --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of e City of St. Paul that ordc, i : I! i"cby cancelled, Aoudad, : ------------------- on a sidewalk on the north de of E. 4th St. from the we lin of Jo 48, Block 1, Wild Rose AdditionRuth St.; on the south side of E, th St. f the west line of lot 1-9, Blook`2 Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; n the north de of Fremont Ave. from the wes line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild R e Addition to ersen St.; on the south side o emont Ave. from the west line of lot 19r Bloc , Wild Rose Addition to Pederse t.; on the north side of E. 3rd St. from th est line of lot 46, Block 3, Wi Rose Addition to Pedersen St.; on the south sid f E. 3rd St. from Ruth St. to Pe sen St.; on the west side of Ruth St. from E. d St. to E. 5th St.; on the east de of Ruth St. from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St., except where good and sufficient dewalks now exist, r vninrn, inttwmuuns.uiierui r.uuuc.. o. ,.o .... ......-. - - -- - - - directed top are plans and specificatt for said improvement, and submit sa the Council for approval; that up said approval, the proper officials are hereby authorized and dir to pro- ceed with the making said improvement n a.. cc therewith. 1941 Adopted by the Council ---------------------- -- --- 192-- ._--• _ ---------------- 1941 :i'•� --- --- - City Clerk- �:"r4J6�IS Approved - - --- --.. - . 19 File 54369 7�,--,4 yorCouncilman �- Ftarfnes Councilman - Fir , i— yigF n , Councilman ddIVUESM_. Pnrrauro Councilman Peterson Councilman I Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 �^ I _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ~% In the matter of Coast- t sidewalk on this north side of B. 4th bt. fr'- the went line t tat er, © � Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, to Ruth bt.{ on the south side of E• 4th the S;t ;he vest line 0P" lot 19, Block 26 wild Rose Addition to Ruth St. { �igt of estFreline .fir- . fron the vest line of lot 47, Block 2, Wild Rose n the south aide of Tremont '.o f"! the west llne kad_L �z=z3V to Pedersen St.{ en the north side of o: — 39, Block 3. wild Rose AddiWi n, t Pedersen St-; r.�. Fst,7r the treat line of lot 46, Block 3, Wild Rose Addition, to Pedersen St - : zm the snuth side or t. 3rd 8t. frcM Ruth St. to Pedwrsisn St-; on the west ?2uth St. fro:a U- 3rd 't- .o L. 5th bt.= c,n the east Etde of Ruth Qt. i c y 31-C &L. *o E. 4th St. under Preliminary ®rder approved June 25, 1940 To the Council of s a >< City of St. Paul: The Comm z �ioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost per square � for the above improvement is Thee �axnated sd o front rt8 1.11 The estira . ecst pedfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - ---- The lots o creels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last repo -ed by the Assessor, are as follows: D >� �GRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanQ t/AL-UAT IOttld Z. 33 1 Wild Roes Addition $ 75 34 1 do 75 $500 35 1 do 75 38 1 do 75 37 1 do 75 38 1 do 75 39 1 do 75 100 40 1 do 75 2500 41 1 do 75 42 1 do 75 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. AUL, DEPARTMENT OF FINPNCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION Lot 33 and East g of I ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION ��ii LM3 11 ATIOK�6• 43 1 Wild Rose Addition 75Q5 44 1 do 75 45 1 do 75 46 1 do 75 47 1 do 75 48 1 do 75 19 2 do 75 20 2 do 75 21 2 do 75 22 2 do 75 23 2 do 75 24 2 do 75 25 2 do 75 26 2 do 75 27 2 do 75 28 2 do 70 29 2 do 75 1150 30 2 do 75 31 2 do 75 W. ¢ of 32 2 do 50 32 2 do 100 950 34 2 do 75 35 2 do 75 36 2 do 75 37 2 do 75 38 2 do 75 39 2 do TOTAL 75 (B) . DESCRIPTION ri CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 40 2 Wild Rose Addition 41 2 do 42 2 do 43 2 do 44 2 do 45 2 do 46 2 do 47 2 do 19 3 do 20 3 do 21 3 do 22 3 do 23 3 do 24 3 do 25 3 do 26 3 do � 27 3 do 28 3 do 29 3 do 30 3 do 31 3 do 32 3 do 33 3 do 34 3 do 36 3 do 36 3 do 37 3 do TOTAL ASSESSED ypLUAT"'Blda• 75 O 75 75 $800 75 76 75 75 76 75 75 450 75 75 75 75 400 76 75 75 75 75 76 75 75 76 76 75 75 6 75 (B) DESCRIPTION Lot 25 and Bast j Of CITY OF Sf.� UL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 38 3 Wild Rose Addition 39 3 do 40 3 do 41 3 do 42 3 do 43 3 do 44 3 do 45 3 do 4g 3 do 15 2 Basal view 16 2 do 17 2 do 18 2 do 19 2 do 20 2 do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do W. of 24 2 do 24 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 2 do 1 3 do 2 3 do TOTAL 1 ASSESSED uadV ALU A T I 011ldt• 175 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 ' 75 50 125 300 75 75 76 75 1150 75 75 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT GR FIIK4NCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. 3 3 Hanel VIOW $ 75 4 3 do 75 5 3 do 75 s 3 do 75 7 3 do 75 8 3 do 75 9 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 11 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 14 3 do 75 15 3 do 100 1s 3 do 100 17 3 do 75 18 3 do 75 19 3 do 75 20 3 do 75 21 3 do 75 22 i do 75 23 3 do 75 24 3 do 75 25 3 do 75 2s 3 do 75 27 3 do 75 28 3 do 75 29 3 do 75 30 3 do 78 Total $9050 =8300 of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner his thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as report reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Jul 18 -------- ==— Dated Y 19 40— ------ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 t • St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable BW se the followinZlimove ment to be made = ........... St. Ave. from -------St. Ave. to._._ __.... St. Ave. 6- St. Paul, Minnesota, June 1940 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen•. 9 We, the president and secretary -treasurer respectively of the Co-operative Housing Association of St. Paul, and the individual property owners who are members of said Association and whose signatures appear on the attaohed petition, hereby rye ec�ful� etition your IOV61� p � improvements to be made; To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block 4, Hazel View Addition, par arly on the south side of East Third Street between Ruth and Pederson Avenues. To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block 3 of Hazel View Addition, on the entire north, crest and south side of said blocks, or more particularly on the north side of East Third Street between Ruth and Pederson Avenues; on Ruth Avenue between East Third Street and Sigel Street; on the south side of Sigel Street from Ruth to Pederson Avenues. frr :(I n7.1i To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block 2 of Hazel View Addition along the entire west and south sides of said block and more particularly on Ruth Avenue between Sigel Street and East Fourth Street; and on Sigel Street between Ruth and Pederson Avenues. To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block a:of Wild Rose Addition, particularly on Ruth Avenue between East Third and Sigel Streets; on the north side of East Third Street from Ruth Avenue to and including Lot 46 of said Block; on the south%y� side of Sigel Street from Ruth Avenue to and including Lot 19 .` c,") of said block. t To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block 2 of Wild .o Rose Addition, particularly on Ruth Avenue between Sigel and East Fourth Streets; on the north side of Sigel Street from Ruth Avenue to and including Lot 47 -of said block; on the south side of East Fourth Street from Ruth Avenue to and including Lot 19 of said block. To construct sidewalk and curbing in Block 1 of Wild Rose Addition, particiklarly on the west side of Ruth Avenue from East Fifth Street to East Fourth Street and the north side of East Fourth Street from Ruth Avenue to and including Lot 46 of said block# on 6111V 04 & �066porgilv# 681t Awlliilt o� St. Paul, Minnesota, the undersigned officers cause this petition to be made by virtue of a resolution duly passed on May 7, 1940, requesting these improvements to be made. CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING ASSOCIATION OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. S B� . r. J'Presiden, And ecre ry- r asurer. -- "(-office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, 3� ��ovc*n as Council File No. 119220 approved June 25 1940 , relative to C–' 'j--3-U'_t a videwnik :;n thy+ north alae of E. 4th -t. fr ::, the ,v.st line f 1. W114 ttcso a.fdltioII, to Puth bt.; on the south side of E. 4th athe VW -7— erect Xino of lot 19, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition to Ruth St.; on the —Ja &dale of Frenont Ame. fro x the weet line of lot 47, Bloat 2, :dile Rose to Pedersen St.; tin the south sine Of reravnt "Ve. 1':` c the velli lino +� �c ca? 3'3• shook a. ifild 8660 Additi,,n. t-:, Pedersen Lite; on the .-aort;h side of tue vr,ctt line of lot 46. 111--k- 3, Mld 11001 Addition. to Pwieruen asx tlaa south sidM of Ee63rd c;tq from nuth ute to i'aus,raeen St.; n the wort St.. tmr.i Z. 3rd 'A. to E. 5th "tel On the ebnt side Or Huth 13L - Cost per front foot and the ature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3 A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. r Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper] subjecto assessment for said imp ement. QOM, OF FINANCE M Commissioner of Public Works.A& AWL JUN '281940 ffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the of Finance of the City of. Saint Paul' Tis Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the and investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 _ Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. tottl 2 _ The�estipmatet coat thereof is $--6-7Q2. QQ, and the total coat thereof is $, Est. ost 4^ Monolithic concrete sidewalk at 1155 per sq. ft. Cost per front foot - - - X1.11 and the r: mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3 _ A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4_ 5 _ Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper subject -- assessment for said impement.� €� , OF FINANCE 46 Commissioner of Public Works. JUN 1:8 1940 IC�°',; C.F. No. 119821— COUNCIL FILE NO. n the matter of grading Alley in Block 5, fiver Bouievard Additlon from MountCurve RIVd. to Cretin Ave. Also cons t r.•!x '^ +--- •w„ By._ _ ----- wes teriy foo, ft. of Lot FINAL ORDER h_ In the Matter of--- grading 411ey_-1n_@1ock 5, River ,Boulevard Addition-from-Mo>znt__ Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue,_ Also -constructing -sewer _on the_westerly_four feet of the Easterly six feet_of- Lot_25,__in said Block 5, from the Alleyto the__ _ _slyer._-in_Bayard Avenue. _ _ _._ ------------ ----- -- - - ---------------- - --- under -under Preliminary Order _..._.119144 __- _______---.-.approved ._ June 13, 1940 1940 _.- IntermediaryOrder - ------------ ------------ ------------------approved ---------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... grade_-Alley_ig_ Dig ck__5— Miyer__Bouleyaxd__Addition__ from_Mount_Curv__e___Boule_yard_to__Creti�t_Asegue,-_Also_cor�struct__sewer__o t}le_westeFly__ four feet of the feet of-Lot_25,__in_said_ Block__5i__£rom__the_Alley to_the ---- --- --------- - - sewer--- InBayard-Avenue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- ------ ---------- ----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG_13-MO-------- ----- 192 ---------------- City Clerk. AUG 1119's'�i - 192 Approved _ .- -- - - - ----------- --------------- - --------------- -- - - File 9036 /May Councilman Clancy' ( ' i Councilman -Ferguson "r.dhw �/- Councilman WcDonald-- X' iI atlto ?"T1lIr1 iTE17.. -- Councilman McGlo%dfiega�- Councilman iidheim2t�- � eu Councilman Mayor HBi9Ben- 'I cllouongh Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAI L I r' I DEPARTMENT OF FtNANCE p� REPORT OF COMMIS516R OF FINANCE ' A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Add, from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave. Also oonstruoting serrer on the westerly four feet of the easterly six feet of lot 25, in said Block 5 from the Alley to the sewer in Bayard Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 13, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 1,293.86 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is frff��nt $ 1 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Fp - B. B. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION B�dg. DESCRIPTION LanBL 1 5 River Boulevard Addition $525 2 5 do 450 3 5 do 425 4 5 do 400 5 5 do 400 6 5 do 400 7 5 do 400 8 5 do 400 9 5 do 400 10 5 do 400 TOTAL, Fp - B. B. 10 Total $12,200 $7000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 16 19 40 Dated --" Commissioner of Finance. F.- B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF; DANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOfJ�R OF FINANCE -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (C) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 11 5 River Boulevard Addition =400 12 5 do 400 13 5 do 400 Lot 14 and (Ezoept Boulevard) 15 5 do 700 Lot 17 and (Ezoept Boulevard) 16 5 do 700 18 5 do 400 19 5 do 400 20 5 do 400 200 21 5 do 400 22V 5 do 400 23 5 do 400 24 5 do 400 25 5 do 400 27 and 26 5 do 800 6800 28 5 do 425 29 5 do 450 30 5 do 525 Total $12,200 $7000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 16 19 40 Dated --" Commissioner of Finance. F.- B. B. 12 G -/o3 �U C St. Paul, Minn....... APril 9S., To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: The grading Jnd surfacing of alley located betvJe,-n.Uartfgrd._aid..3ayard.r'vAnues.. ..... .St. Ave. from Ave. to. _ ?r+aunt Curve Kvd. ..St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ J 5M-7-37 e Offic-e of the Cornmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 25 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Corr►miss><oaer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No_ 1191L.d approved June 13 1940, relative to grading A1 --I- �y 3n B1oc3s 5 , River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Also constructing sewer on the W'ly 4 ft. of the E*ly 6 :r -t-- off' lot 25 in said Block 5 from the Allev to the sewer in Bgyard Ave. and having invest3ga ateci the rnatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 129386 Cost per front foot $1.11 2. The estiirzzated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $� =rasX>ection *23.09 Engineering $116.41 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan. proTm- Ie or s4cetch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said irr provement is asked for upon petition of three or more ownersof pFopert subject to assessmar3� d z�apro( v�}emen�vt.//L� / Commissioner of Public Works. CO JUN 3 '940 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .~ µ MILTON ROSEN, COM MIssION ER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEnurY Cores wrlssror+¢rx Bu w[wU o. COHsr. GEORGE M. S—PA=. -- M.G.— W. $. CUCKROFT� OrrIC[ E""""R G. H. HERROLD — ,Tune 20, 1940 CHIEF ENGP. CLEI K MARK WWOOOII_ IFF commlm s honer Milton Rosen Depart of Public Works St. PaLw-mft—� Minnesota Dear S -'%_ -77=01 ► BUREAU of 5wH1-111 FRED DRIVER. Surr. BU RCALI or Swloats M. 5. GRYT®AK. ENGIN FCR BURCwU CORRECTION, RAY J`KARTAK. 9Uvt. -1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost Por g+ A11ey in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition Qrom Mount Curve Boule- rads"vard t® Cretin Avenue. Also constructing sewer on the westerly four Peet I of the easterly six feet of lot 25, in said Bl-oak:5 , from the A11ey the sewer a Ba�ard Avenue, under Preliminary Order C- F - 1-3_9144 aP�oved Tune Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - #1293-86 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - 1-3-1- Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23-09 Rnginsering - - - - - - - - - - - - 116•!1 Yours very truly , M - �pAE2R Chi Eneer Appr•Q �E--d mor t=R-c ;ssio to t� a go��ssioner of Hance MIL'1'ON R03FsN Co*= ssionar of Public Work ' COUNCIL F E Nb. BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PkOCEEDINGS Ia the matter of condemning and taking an easement ,in the land necessary for slopes, ou s an a n ng o e gra ey , Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue FINAL ORDER IN' CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. app 119145 roved! dune 13, 1940 under Preliminary Order_ � Intermediary Order X19 , 41,oved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz,: For slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, to #a extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED I,URTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19Y�7I 13 1NQ 19AM_ � CitT Clerk. Approved — -- -- --- 19_ v a Councilmen7 — b Barfuss PUBLISHED .. _-- Findlan Parranto –Petereort— Rosen Truax J Mr. President l� 600 tae / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELJ,;�4INPy"2Y ORDER pr� In the matter o£ caaclernning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills mn tSz® grading of Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boules vzi rd' tO, Cretin Avenue under Prelimina r— Order approved June 13, 1940 To the Council. o tl3e City of St. Paul: The Cori n 1 ssioner Of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total stimated amount of the>�ove K ement is �� - - 25 00 rove eapemgnt .trs��iac ds $ The esti rxa - tad cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots o r parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: >0 �SCRtPTtON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . Lan dVALUAT'T dg • 1 S River Boulevard Addition $528 2 5 do 450 5 do 426 4 S do 400 b 5 do 400 6 5 do 400 T b do 400 8 5 do 400 8 5 do 400 10 S do 400 TOTAL, I- B. B. 10 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r RvjF=—SRT OON PRI%4MIIIN IONER ORDER FINANCE `C) ' ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLocK Lot 14 and (EsoePt gouda —vsrd) Lot 17 and (E3co®pE 3a'u3s ward) 11 6 River Boulevard Addition 12 5 do 13 5 do 15 b do 16 5 do 18 5 do 19 5 do 20 5 do 21 5 do 22 6 do 28 6 do 24 5 do 25 5 do 27 and 26 5 do 28 5 do 29 6 do 30 5 do R ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bid& wo 400 400 700 700 400 400 400 200 400 400 400 400 400 800 6800 425 450 525 Total $12,200 $7000 The Cornmissi o cr cf Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the oregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said rzz a Iter by the Commissioner of Public Works. duly 3�6--- -- u — Dated 19 40�J Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 p • na �a+e, c e � - Indicd<e F;!I Ty p,col Notnlion X3.0 F 9ur<s a bove ! m e straw Cu* or Fill 4 P -Percy Ilse Frcs brlo II show• d,s4o"ce +o wig ci .slopes exferd boyond P-PIr"v line. Lac.Bool.No.2365X-Sec.BkNo 2365 ALLE�BLK..S .e�✓E.2 BL/i0. A00. C��/iin A✓e. �1%f Cu�✓e B/✓d. � -SC O/C: ,411P HARTFORD AVE. HQ 13 D (/ L E ✓ .2 O .4 O O. o it /5 /4 /3 /2 4 9 2 41.* 1,1 o G1 ° 0 60 4 Fi G JJ ' �Fi G z J I ` 40 /6 /7 /B /9 ZO Z/ 22 Z3 24 �� ZS 26 27 li 28 29 4/.03 .30 \ ,� l ✓ E B O U L E V .2 O BAYARO I-9 VE. L ,411P fOffice -of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 25, 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No— 119145 approved June 13 19 40 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5 River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $——, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owne f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANO Commissioner of Public Wo s. x it co ca JUN 217 1440 C05NCIL FI E NO. BY zn -",Z_ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 119823 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. - P Nn, 119A23 -By Milton Rosen— .. -^A tu.k- under Preliminary Order 118859 approved Mav 23. 19k0 Intermediary Order 119512 approved - J'u7y 15, 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said Improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG19_ AUG 13190City Clerk. Approved---- _ __---- ---- -' 19— Mayo . /7—ka Coun : en �lllll.iSl� uss 9dan i �ranto en uax r. President 6 149 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL.IMIi}4RY ORDER t (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs 1 and fills in the grading of Nevada Ave. from Milton St. to Chatsr-rth St. under Preliminary Order approved May 23, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is $_ 211.00 The total estimated al�ma>�mixo®6 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONLandALUAT ASSESSED ION-1dg0 H 14 1 north Shore Addition $3W 15 1 do 125 16 1 do r 228 17 1 do 125 16 1 do 126 19 1 do 126 E0 1 do 126 21 1 do 126 22 1 do 150 1 2 do 180 TOTAL, Form B. a. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL'1MIr1TkRY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 2 2 forth shore Addition i H do { 2 do 6 ! do 4 ! do 7 2 do ASSESSED ,,a VALUATION 311�$M `126 125 125 125 I" 650 $59M Total $2778 =5800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 16 40 19 Dated t Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 'C7 + Indi—fe5 Cu+. � — Indicofe.s Fill. Typical Notofion '34'DQ F�ig�1ures above line show Vui or Fill of Property line. Figures below line show diafoncefo whldh_slopce extend beyondproperfy line Loc. Bonk No.22 63x-5— Bk No2763. �i%fon - C'hofsrra.�i, siooe o� ziro.�os /YEV140,4 AtiE_ Mi/fo.� Sf Chof�iryo��i _Sf D Q T N —. N QQ ,E �--� QLD. k/5 /6 /7 /S !9 ' 20 i /<2o tAYI /-ss0z� zo$0 � o - of zo ♦ = i 135 cs lilw Dr' 7 z NOQTN M � Office- of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tune 25 i4 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118859 approved May 23 19.4 o _, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Nevada Avenue from MiIton Street to Chatsworth St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of p grty, subject to assessment for rovement. Commissioner of Public Works. i FINAL ORDER IN CONDONNATION CQUNCIL FILE NO PROCEEDINGS. C.F. No. 111111—BY By S/�� ^ In the mutter of ine FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 119824 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft, of Lot 25, Block 5 -River Boulevard Addition, from the alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Avenue. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on the east one—helf of said Lot 25, except part covered by the permanent easement above described, under Preliminary Order 119146 approved_ June 13th, 1940 Intermediary Order 11950 approved _.__ July 16th, 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the iCouncil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning end taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, vie.: The westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 25, Block 5, River Boulevard Addition, from the alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Avenue. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes mn the east one—half of said Lot 25, except part covered by the permanent easement above described. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di, rected to prepare plansand specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author$ ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council At -if; 13 W 19_ 1-I Approved __ Clerk. Cou B � tens Ian arranto sen il�uax President — Mr. McDonough 800 30 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) ' In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 Peet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 25, Block 5,- Riber Boulevard Addition, from the Alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Ave. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on the east one-half of said lot 25, except part ewe red by the permanent easement above described under Preliminary Order approved Jure 13, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of, the above e�selgent is ,.� - $ The total estimated The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -- - - --� ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION VALUATION Land Bldg. 25 5 River Boulevard Addition $400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_July 16 -- 19 40 -- — - - - Commissionerr of Finance.. Norm B. S. A. P -S D A'V[R BLVD ADD, LOT 23 BM Boyore Ave Ailey �n Reor SEWER EASEMENT OR - 3 Al- - 361 0 HARTFORD ALLEY RIVER BOULEVARD ADD. 40T25 BLK 5 Bayard Ave- ANcy in Reor 902 ; SEWER EA3EMENT Bureau 1 Engineers AVE.GJune 17 /94 0 Scale 1-40. BAYA R D AVE. W a 0 O 23 II 24 25II ! 26 1 27 28 29 30 Oo4T __ 1 I Io j < BAYA R D AVE. W a 0 ,Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .Tune 20, 1940 To 9-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 119 Council, known as Council File No._._ _-146 approved_ June 13 — __ _ _- 1940 _, relative to condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing andmaintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 ft, of the eas'erly 6 feet of lot 25, Block 5, River Boulevard Addition, from the alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Avenue. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on the east one—ha o sa �io�ZS xa P ggt—Cavere�byt$e�arm�ent�asemantRtrove--- described. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— ---necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ _-- - -, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- -- — — AD Oak 5. Said improvement is----- —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ���ssioner of Public 1,4, ti , COUNCIL FILE NO. By - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__ curbing -Pinehurst Ave,. on the-nnrt]�s_id e_from_CleQeland Ave. _te--- the _east--jineof Prior Ave.-(vacated).And on the -south. -aide from-Cleveland--Ave.--to-- C. F. No. 119825— Howell --St n th matterof curbing Plnehur,t [ham north side from 01-- ' as[ u_ of Priar the ' eln "de _ ..-------- under Preliminary Order 119087 __-_approved _- June 11, 1940- - __ Intermediary Order ----- --- ------------------------------------ pproved--------------------- ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ourb Pinehurst Ave. on the north side from Cleveland provement to be made by the said City is--------------- . --------------------------- ---- -- - - Ave. to the east line_of Prior_Ave._-(vacated)and --on--the-south--siie__fr_gm--- Clgyelaud_-Ave. to Howell St - ,--------- — -- - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 3''- - - 192 AUG I R li9v City Clerk. Approved -- - -____ .- __ _ _ _ _ 192 File 9031 �/ Mayor Councilman 0ffW7MnMM!t BBrfnea ¢►p�q �,• Councilman ^ Ztan Councilman 4W66ffld=M-�lnrranto ,D O �7_�y CouncilmanIQWAt -cm- Councilman 3ire� .osen Councilman wil `�fRa Mayor HWgson.:i 1v Ouough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL j DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of curbing Pinehurst Ave. on the north side from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prior Ave. vacated and on the south side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St. under Preliminary Order approved June 11, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2 148.96 - _ _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 and 17 2 Otto's Addition to St. Paul 4 18 2 do 19 2 do 20 2 do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 85 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 do Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $750 350 350 350 $3400 350 350 350 4100 350 3700 350 3100 350 325C 350 440C CITT OF ST. PAUL " j f DEFtARTMbNT OF FINANCE .- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lone ALUATI' dg. 28 2 Otto's Addition to St. Paul $350 29 2 do 350 30 2 do 375 13 John Gaarden Second Add. 500 4500 . 14 do 300 15 do 300 3650 16 do 300 17 do 300 18 do 300 19 do 300 20 do 300 21 do 300 22 do 300 250 23 do 300 24 do 300 25 do 300 6450 W. 44 ft. of Lot 26, Prior Ave. vacated adjoining, and East 15 ftof 28 de 850 1 King's Lincoln Park 425 2 do 350 3 do 350 4 do 350 5 do 350 6 do 350 7 do 350 8 do 350 5100 9 do 350 4750 10 do 350 4750 ...M ....,, 11 do11mm 32{ ¢7§0 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Exc. West 20 ft.) Lot 1, and Prior 12 Ring's Lincoln Park Ave. vac. & ttdj. said lot, and W. 20 ft. of - - 1 Byrne's Rearrangement $500 $5900 (Except West 10 -ft.) - - - - 2 do 300 Lot 3 and West 10 ft. of 2 do 300 4 do 300 5 do 300 6 do 300 7 do 300 8 do 300 9 do 300 10 do 300 Lot 11 and East 10 ft. of 12 do 375 4550 (Ex.E. 10 ft.) 12 & E. 20 ft. of 13 do 375 3850 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 13 and E. 30 ft. of 14 do 375 4000 Lot 15 and (Ex. East 30 ft.) 14 do 425 4850 Lot 1 and East z of 2 5 Lane's Higtiland Park 900 Lot 3 and West j of 2 5 do 775 4 5 do 5W East 2 of 5 5 do 275 Lot 7 and West -'a of 5 5 do 750 7 5 do 450 8 5 do 425 Total #23,450 $79,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Jni1ia 19._44 --—.,=-- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBldg. $650 v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 20 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119087 approved June 11 19 40 , relative to the curbing of Pinehurst -venue on the north side from Cleveland Avenue to the east line of Prior Avenue ( vacated) and on the south side from Cleveland to Howell and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2 11,8 .96 Cost per front foot $.78 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— —, and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $38.41 Engineering $190.00 Frontage 2,750 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said i(*Wye$ten 1 5 g111;; r6", 8 '' Commissioner o Public :144 21 IMP. P. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D—T, Cor.mie Eio NER BUREwu oP SwNITATION B URE.W o7 Cori'9T, a R-1. GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CNIE. ENGINEER FRED DRIVER. SUPT. W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. BUREwu o. BRlooce OFPICE'E N..NEER June 18, 1940 M. S. GRK. ENGINEER G. H. HERROLA BUREwu oP CORRECTIONS CNIEF ENGR. CLERK RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT, MARK W. WOODRLI FF Commissioner Milton Hosea Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing of Pinehurst Avenue on the north side from Cleveland Avenue to the east line of Prior Avenue (vacated) and on the south side from Cleveland Avenue to Howell Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119087 approved June 11, 1940. Estimated Cost $2,148.95 Cost per front foot $0 .78 Inspection $38.41 Engineering $190.00 Frontage 2,750 ft. In a number of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work by W.P.A. labor but due to the out in W.P.A. quota, no further petitions for curbing by W.P.A. labor will be considered. Believing, however, that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing improvements on the basis of contract work, eventhough such work costs from $.25 to $.35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I am sub— mitting the foregoing estimate of construction cost. Yours very truly, GEORGE E M. SHF.P Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commi'ssiSabr of Finance 40 a l tSN ED AN Commissioner of Public Works + C. F. No. 119826— In+t1k on he matter ofrth nA. e. 1-1 ehu,,t Ave. from CIAve.land Avto the o a t line of Prior Ava. na the land A - COUNCIL FILE NO. By- -- -- --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__constructing -s_@ideealk On the._north-side_of_ Pinehurst_ Ave.--frmt-_ Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prior Ave. (vacated) and on the south side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St -s- except -where good and sufficient now.sidewalks noexist, under Preliminary Order____119086--- - --- --------------- approved -- June 11, 1940- --- --- ___ IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------------approved ------- -------------- ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is oo, s ct a sidewalk on the north side of Pinehurst -- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Av_e,_from--Cleveland_Asea-+9_the__eraet._I1n_e__Qt__Pzi4r_A9e_.__�Ye-c tQ-d)__and__un__ths__ssLtith_$ide from. Qlsseland_Aya.__to_ RDW-eU-_St„__eacsit-Xh-ere_good_en-d_suffiaient sidffvaJka­ns-exist, ---------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. 1 Adopted by the Council 13----- --------, 192_-----_. 6� ,- r - - -- ------------ 9 City Clerk. Approved - _.. — 192 File S4368 j - - — - -- - May Councilman Buss Councilman 'a° �� k - / y Councilman arranto Councilman 1111118(Bga.1,— n �1 Councilmanen Councilman 6%TAFWL� ” s. Mayor H n�:. �Icll°Gough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF CT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE fy � �REPbRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' r ON PRELIMINARY ORDERS (A) d� In the matterof constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Pinehurst Ave. from Cleveland Ave. 'to the east line of Prior Ave. (vacated) and on the south side from Cleveland Ave. to Howell St. under Preliminary Order approved June 11, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is quare The estimated cost pe out for the above improvement is - - - - - - - 0 15_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1211 Lane ALUAT IOhd g. 16 and 17 2 Ottole Addition to St. Paul $760 18 2 do 360 19 2 do 380 20 2 do 380 $3400 21 2 do 380 22 2 do 360 23 2 do 360 4100 24 2 do 36D 3700 26 2 do 360 3100 26 2 do 360 3260 27 2 do 360 4400 Form D. B. 10 CIS OF SA'PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ►• COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF • r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` (B) ASSESSED A ADDITION aALUATI%Jd, LOT BLOCK }t DESCRIPTION L ��YY 5 28 2 Otto's Addition to St. Paul $380 2 do 380 30 2 do 375 13 John Oaarden Second Add. 500 4600 14 do 300 15 do 300 3650 16 do 300 17 do 300 18 do 300 19 do 300 20 do 300 21 do 300 22 do 300 250 23 do 300 24 do 300 25 do app 8460 lf. 44 ft. of Lot 26, Prior Ave. do 650 vacated adjoining, and East lb ftof 28 1 King's Lincoln Park 425 2 do 350 3 do 350 4 do 350 b do 350 6 do 350 7 do 350 8 350 5100 9 do 350 4750 3b0 4750 10 do � 325 4750 A ........A. 11 , , . , , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT dF FINANCE DEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER <C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - Lan yALUATI ONBIdg . B Ys (Esc. test 20 ft.) Lot 1, and Prior 12 Eingls Lincoln Park "80 Ave. vao. & adj. said lot, and W. 20 ft. of - 1 Byrne's Rearrangement $50p =8900 (Ezoept West 10 ft.) - - - - 2 do 300 Lot 3 and West 10 ft. of 8" do 300 4 do 300 5 do 300 5 do 300 7 do 300 8 do 300 9 do 300 10 do Sop Lot 11 and East 10 ft. of 12 do 375 4550 (Ez.E. 10 ft.) 12 4 E. 20 ft. of 13 do 376 3850 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 13 and E. 30 ft. of 14 do 375 4000 Lot 15 and (Ex. East 30 ft.) 14 do 428 4860 Lot 1 and East of 2 5 Lanese Hidtland Park 900 Lot 3 and West of,T 2 5 do 776 4 8 do Boo East i of 5 S m 275 Lot 7 and West of 5 5 do 750 7 5 do 450 8 5 do 425 Total ;23,460 $79,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated daly 16 19 40 Porm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn J�0._...._ ._..._...1y..... To The Honorable, The Council, , City of St. Paul, Minn. ) Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Six -._.(6) ,foot slushed -in sic'ewallc v+ith .ztP�rr 7 cizr,' _on _ - ..._._ ._._..... ...... no-rth and south stdes of PinPtzurst _ _ i9t,Ave. from ioyiell s6 k. Ave. to.. _ Keru- etl'I_. 33E. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION � ( 15 1 Johrri Gaarden's 2nd Addn. E 301 t la, — m.� Vl 2Q -*L t�_ 1.3__ 4 B,rrnes Rearranrenent CG. nu R' F.20*L t 13, -� W.30*L t 12 `1 B -runes * Rearraneenent — 14 John GaardenIs 2nd Addn. _ .10*L t 12, A All L.t 11 '1 By -=es' Rsarren-e,ent C `�` That part vr�cnted an yr 10 25 22 _ - l Avenue 15* Byrnes Rearrengenant Byx-nes * Rearraneenent B yrilr's * Rearrnn-enent John Gaarden s 2nd Addn. JOhn r=aar3en's 2nd Addn. Jorirn Oaardenfs 2nd I.ddn. f Yr i o the F,-st SM -T-37 St. Paul, Minn. *ay 4J940 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: A cement sidewalk and curblwith the sidewalk placed next to the curb, on Pinehurst St. Ave. from Qleveland St. Ave. to - ..Kenneth ..St. Ave. 5M4-37 Office of the Commissiorier of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance sine 18 194_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul = The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uzzder consideration the preliminary order of the a 0 Council, known as Council File No. 119086 pprove Tune 11 194, relative to constructing a sidewalk on the north scars -c=-:r' Pinehurst Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to the east line of Prior ----%-vaaue ( vacated) and on the south side, from Cleveland Avenue to H04T40011 �-t;reet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement, is necessary aril <or) desirable. Est. Cost 4" Monolithic c0ncs-6-t a sidewalk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows : 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvemerit zs -k-iereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked -f or upori petition of three or more owners of props subject to assessment fop, id improvement. v17 OF F; rE'Commissioner of Publi IUN 21 1940 C. F. No. 119827— COUNCIL FILE NO.. 1n the matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk and curbing on the south aide of Con- gressSt. between Concord and Liv- _ mgston Sts.. including repairs to By------ -- ---- --- - --- - - --- driveway entrance east of Living- - Ston St., except where good and FINAL ORDER Preliminary in sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary walk June 2' In the Matter of_._reoonstruoting-with monolithic concrete the sidexalk and-ourbing- on the south side or Congress Street between Concord and Livingston Streets,, including _repairs -_to driverlay entralloe. east._of LiyWston Street,_e-maept.there--good..ani------- .--- _agl'f jojent ai,dexalks now exist,.- ----- - -- - ----------------- --- ---- -- - --------------------- ----------- under Preliminary Order__ 119215 _---_---------------- approved June_ 25,_1940_ _-___._ IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------approved ----- --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- b� made b y the Said City prncmcnt i0 and..aurhing on..the..aau�h..aide..of.-��ngress..S�ree�.-be..been-�onaor�-and..I�i�ing�tan.....-.. ,�.tl flfltfl f_iri0111diTlg--L'fl�9irfl_.�D..dr�YB]IAS[-_BntLflnOB__E8,8�.Dt__�..Y�llgd-toll-,S-trfldfy---eZCQp.�-_ exs-g4-9d_slid__ou£t'iQient__sidn>Aslka__nsnu exist,--------------------------------- -- — - -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG -13-10 -------- - --- 192____. 1 � / 1ty Clerk. �yta Approved ----------- - -- - ----- . , 192. i File 84370 - -- -or. . Councilman 61mtey -Vl Bnrfuea Councilman exgtsSlSSct', inn P Councilman $olixli�' % :,rrrrnnto (/ Councilman W#GWOVF-csn teroom _ J Councilman Roam Councilman" Truf x Mayor Hodgson -moi Alcllonough Form B. S. A. 8-7 4 e GI'Tlr OTI= —T_ PAUL 1 DEPARTMEFVT OF' FINANCE REPORT OF COM M I SS I ONER OF FINANCE ON PREL4 MI MARY ORDER Y�^ (o) } In the matter of reconstructing with mouoliti.ie concrete the sidewalk and curbing on the south side of .Congress Street between Concord �* d Lvirigston Streets, including repairs to driveway entrance east of Livingston Stret=� under Preliminary Order approved June 25 . 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a s fol 1 o ve- s = The total estimated amountofthe assessment for tb+✓ above improvement is rb _ stra4.�}tt _65 rr lin.f tq1� S iiiealk) #O. i5 i radiGGs 77bb The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improves m e rs t is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed b e n ef-i zs for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - Ly OT ASSESSED aLo c.c ADDITION LanQALUAT"'Bldg. DESCRIPTION Q North 175 ft. of 11 and 12 64 =6i"_ CIE West Saint Paul $1500 $13,500 er reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance furth il, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report the neon to the Counc reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. July 16 Dated - — 19 — - - – Commissioner of Finance. Form D. S. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 28 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File N0119215 approved June 25 1940, relative to reconstructing, with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk and curbing on the south side of Congress Street between Concord and Livingston Streets, Including repairs to driveway entrance east of Livingston Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: a 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - 4^ Monolithic concrete sidewalk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ -, and the total cost thereof is $ Standard Curbing $.65 per lineal foot -Standard radius curb at $.75 per lin.ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners property, subject to assessment for said improvement. coil, OF F1'40400 Commissioner of Public Works. i4 JUN 28 t 9�0 Oripiwl to City Clerk C=t71117_7� OF SAINT PAUL C FIFX� OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE 1_UTI0N--GENERACF6 M. CO Mim MI531EONEAT R_.__..—s_.�17.d1flI_!-_— _ — -_.---_—_. D 198T FILLCOUNCIL NO. WHEREAS, there was been submitted to the Council of the City of St. Pau" � list of lands lying within said City which have been forfeits - to the State of Minnesota for non- payment of taxes, and WHEREAS, The S ala $rd of County Commissioners has classified all lands ors $id list as non -conservation by resolution adopted on Atz o st 5th, 1940, NOW, THERg'O�� BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of `St. Paul tii� — said classification be and the same hereby is approve4c2 _ BE IT FURTi3E37--t SOLVED that the City Clem -k be and hereby ,is instructed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the of the County Auditor •of Remsey County. °'wee earl ThereBhas bean nbmlul itted, to llet to lands lYtng wfthln (said City a hich have been forfeited to the State. of Minnesota for non-payment of Lases, and Whereas. The Board f County Com- missfonere has .1—i fl $tion by 11 dsesa- s[d list :Ps tenon adopted on August 6th, 1940, Now. Therefore, Be Zt Resolved, BY ± the Council of the City f' St. Paul that aid classlflratlon be and the e aed. anBh e ItereFurthby1ser Respprovolved, That the City Clerk be and hereby is instructed to file a .ertffled 11 P of this, resolu- tion in the office of the County Audi- tor of Ramsey County- -y�the. Counetl Aug- 13, 1940. ADDroyed Aug. r3. (AuCust 17. 1940) CounCILM II y�sJ/�'{� Zlays / s ' Fi len Parranto �s—Petersolr'— �cllr. President, McDonough am a-40 Cs ..... AUG 131940 Adopted by the Counct __ _ _-_194__ A toned—_ -- -.-_----794_._- in Favor _ ins r RAMSEY CO LTV TTY OFFICE OF LAND COMMISSIOL%% �- JOHN S. FINDLAN, LEONARD C. SEAMER. ASSISTANT 266 COU - "<>USE EM' TELEPHONE GARFI ELO 461 Z-3 .gGly..B RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA August 10 , 1940 TO THE HONORABLE Nom_ YOi�t- AND CITY COUNCIL: Dear Sirs: Under Chapter 328 of Laws Of 1939, the'Board of County Commissioner � o£ Ramsey County is required to classify all fc)z':C d lands as conservation or non -conservation lands —rid such classification must be approved by the goverri — body of tYie political sub- division in which tine g grids lie b efore the same can be offered for sale. I submit her - ze+aith s list of Forfeited lands lying within the City o St. pawl which were classified by the Board of Courity Conunissioners as non -conservation lands by resolution ac3 0 meted on August 5th, 19j+0, a copy of which is attached Q the list _ Inasmuch as there are no conservation lands -+ -ir7x the City of, St . Paul, I recommend that the Council appr o v e the above classification by adopting the resolut J herewith submitted. Ijespectful.ly submitted, Land Commissioner. .a . uuutp Aubiter's St. Paul, Minn., .August 6 194 0 end City Council of the Ci The attention of the Lend Commissioner, County ditor, os .°P Auaul is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on the 5th Inst. By Commissioner Sudheimer psi The Bond of County Commissioners 1s required by Ciia.pter 328 of the Laws of 1939 classify,all lands forfeited to the State of Diinnesota ntzixes as conservation or non -conservation before the same are for non-i-wet of and appraised ani? offered for sale, ner has prepared and submitted a list of tax- {YHE�EAS, The Land Commissiolassified and has recom:.endec forfeited lances which have not heretofore been c that the same be classified as non -conservation, and �TEE$REAS, There are no conservation hands in Ramsey County, NOW, TIMIREYORE, 3E IT RESOLVE;, BY THE BOAiU OF COUNTY COMi""SSION_RS OF tachedbe and herebl aof retclassified atnonlcoed nserv•tiondescribed on the list hereto EUGENE A. MONICK, County "t." By Deputy . sMM1 City of Ward 1 I NOTICE NO. 352 Ward 2 1212-1213 1213 1212.1213 Ward 2 1386 1744 1842 St. Paul gXHIBIT A ivision 1 SUBDIVISION ,+JSTMINSTER ADDITION 14 1 )ivision 1 SUBURBAN HILLS Northerly 37 ft. of that part lying Easterly of the Easterly line of alley in Schafer's 1 Addition produced Southerly of Also Southerly J of vacated alley adjoining said part of Lot 1 and lying Easterly of Easterly line of alley in Schafer's Addition) extended Southerly. Northerly J of vacated alley lying between Blocks 3 and (Except the Northerly 37 ft. of that part lying Easterly of Easterly line of alley in 1 Schafer's Addition produced Southerly) Also Southerly J of vacated alley adjoining said part of Lot 1. and lying Westerly of j the Easterly line of alley in Schafer's Addition extended Southerly. I Division 2 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION 2 E. R. BRYANT'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 16.AND 16. STINSON'S FRANCES STREET ADDITION 8 it BURLINGTON HEIGHTS DIVISION NO. 1 4F I i I 41 4 4 1 15 12 • 2-2 NOTICE NO. HAYDEN HEIGHTS 2180 2181 2182 2183 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2205 2238 2240 2241 2278 2293 2294 2291 22H SUBDIVISION • WTION TOW RI -11 ON 011 'ANO' LOT [LOCH 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 32 1 33 1 34 1 36 1 36 1 37 1 32 2 37 1 2 34 4 37 1 4 HAZEL PARK DIVISION 6 2440 15 3 ELM I������ L. T. IAWTONIS SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO, 8 OF MWIN'S OUT LOTS 2822-3-4 N 42 ft. ofz�Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 I II 2822-3-4 S 42 ft. of N 64 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 2822-3-4 (Ex. N 84 ft.) Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 2848-49-50 N 42 ft. of Lots 28, 29 and 30 1 2848-49-50 S 42 ft. of N 84 ft. of Lots 28, 29 and 30 1 2848-49-50 (Ex. N 84 ft.) Lots 26, 29 and 30 1 ELM I������ K 3302. f ' k_ P 4 ) r k 368, 386 Gard 6 Division 1 NOTICE I SUBDIVISION r l . . I ."H.. I i I AAAI 'N WEST ST, PAUL REAL ESTATE & IMPROVEMENT SYNDICATE ADDITION NO, 1 4864 6zo street, the W10 ft, of Lots 11 and 14 10 Ward 7 Division 1 PERT19 SUB=ISTON OF 105 10 AND 11 Slow A Tl�. 11 6172 12 -� Ward 8 Division 1 COMO PROSPECT ADDITION 5297 21 7111 5295 22 71I WEIDE'S REARhANGEMENT OF LOTS 76, 77, 761, 79 AND 80 P+ILKIN AND HAYWARD'S LOTS 5488-6489 5491 5491 Ward 6 6591 5592 5736 Ward 11 6587 7 ft. WILKIN AND HEYWARD'S OUT LOTS E 2 ft. of W 160 ft. of 1 66 ft. W 7 ft. of E 127 ft. of S 66 ft. of Division 2 RICE STREET VILLAS Except the N 3 ft. for Ave. Division 2 ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH 2 1i 1 2 1 5 10 I lil I 3 1 1 I ward 11 Division � NOTICE I SUB�IV ISION NO. gTNd�B LINCOLN P� 008 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 �T�Dwav xI�.AND PARK 69149 801y i of §QT WUMB FAKR 7089 7096 Q 7782 7783 7784 7784 7786 7787 7788 7789 il SELOTTON ITOB oc NB�IPI gANGE 2 S I 6� 7j I 7 3 1 7 f I 14 13 15 13 16 13 17 13 18 13 19 13 20 13 21 i i 13 I II f r ;F 4 ,i 'I 7 6 tl 3 i 7 91 r, White tear i'oenehip NOTICE SUBDIVISION N. 6446.8447 1 8448 8448 6446 L man n. i;t�ddFl�i:, i+ i t-,Od 1 "Ao Atti.i eX00Otitl , therefriz, etrip 10 ft, ill width 4114, Northorly of 441 ad�eoent to Got 11 look it cad o o®l tin atri p 10 A# in width Wk, a I bet"en Dote 15 uid 14, 400k 1, and exoept,� R ing a strip 10 fts in wlCh lyin6 wtvaen Lots A and 7, look 2, anti eyooptinr s etri� j p 10 fts in uidth ly:rp Wtween LAS 12 and 18, Flook 2, and exoeptiv a strip 10 no in tividth lyiup, Lotween Lots 18 and 10, r'look 2, all in Cotta -,e lark. I R strip of land 10 feet in width more or j lose ly r,F; a}djao®sit• to at.d t4twoon :.Oto 18 and 14 in dlook 1, being jar, of ,.look Cottage tar:. j i A strip of land 10 Pest in widt': pore or lose lyicg adjnoss.i to end _W wssn Lots f° j and 7 in clook 20 .,eine p tr, of _100k Cottad;e Park. A strip of land 10 feet In width more or Joao lying adjaoent to an � bemen Lots 12 and 13 ir. Hook 2, �oinf, tart of -look �otta:o ?ark. I A strip of land 10 feet in widt!; more or leas lying sdjsosnt to ac ..otweon Lots 18 i and 18 in !:loofa 2, ''einr port of lock Cattnr.a +'arts, II II i I 1 i New Caaada Townehi 6ECTION TOWN'"" OR OR RANGE NOTICE SUBDIVISION LOT OLOCK NO. CLADSTOIX 11 10 8332 12 10 8332 I �I Ward 1 Division 1 IRVINE'S ADDITION OF OUT LATS i 8727 sI 4 8728 E e of ARI a of 4 ar Ward 2 i TOWN 28 RANGE 22 I 8749 E Q of NW 4 of Seo. 14 W of a line 60' 7111,; from and parallel with original center line of C. Bt. and St. F. Hy. (Except 0.61 acres to State) 14 28 22 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION I 22 1 9013 23 1 9014 New Caaada Townehi 6ECTION TOWN'"" OR OR RANGE NOTICE SUBDIVISION LOT OLOCK NO. J. BE ARDS ADDITION 9074 BURLINGTON HEIGHTS DIVISION NO. 2 9122 {}GYT Is T1hT/eDva'PT I QN Ward 6lDivision 1 28 2 69 I 9 CLADSTOIX 11 10 8332 12 10 8332 I �I Ward 1 Division 1 IRVINE'S ADDITION OF OUT LATS i 8727 E 2 of :R' A of 4 8728 E e of ARI a of 4 Ward 2 Division 2 I TOWN 28 RANGE 22 I 8749 E Q of NW 4 of Seo. 14 W of a line 60' 7111,; from and parallel with original center line of C. Bt. and St. F. Hy. (Except 0.61 acres to State) 14 28 22 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION I 22 1 9013 23 1 9014 J. BE ARDS ADDITION 9074 BURLINGTON HEIGHTS DIVISION NO. 2 9122 {}GYT Is T1hT/eDva'PT I QN Ward 6lDivision 1 28 2 69 I 9 0 0 Ward 8 Division 1 NOTICE NO. I SUBDIVIS IN ., p AUDITOR'S SUBII)JVJSION Ng. 6 9624 2 WIL60NI6 RLRPR"GhM.6NT OF PART OF MARSHALLtS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 27 ILACKUBIN AND MARSHALLIS Aj)hTTTQN 9700-9701 (Except street) Lots 12 and 113 1 2 Ward 8-Pivision-2 AlCt STREET VILLAS 9736 29 9 War7dD vision 1 EDMUND RICE'S 3RD ADDITION 9823 Lots 11 and 12 4 li 4 'Pard 11 Division 2 P f � r I NOTICE SECTION TOWNSHIP NO. SUBDIVISION OR OR RANGE LOT BLOCK ST. CATNERI^!E PARK 10169 Villag of North St. Paul NORTH ST. PAUL PROPER 10304 10305 Lot® it and 10306 City oV White Bear bake OAKHURST ACRES 10428 W. 378 ft. of N 1 of RAL!ALEY'S PARK ThITE PEAR LAKE 10442 29 7 10 13 12 13 i 13 13 A 1 28 � I I 0 0 city of 5t. Paul 1. - - 11 1 \| \ \ � § ~ � \ (;(/�\Ij/} � \ � � � [ \ [ \ { � } }\ is\\}], )� \: j ) �j :�.j(\ �® `§� {' ,): �\ \� I\ 0 0 city of 5t. Paul 1. - - 11 1 \| . [ ( ( <( .! � � [ ' � / k [ \ \ : l �� I N I E • "ard 2 Division 1 NOTICE NO SUBDIVISION wHo or oc TERRY'S ADDITION 10916 Beginning at a point on S line of E 7th St. 15.7 ft. NEly from NW corner of Lot 3, thence NEly along said 6 line 42 ft. thence SEly at right angles to a point 27.5 ft. 67 from E line of Lot 2, thence S parallel with said E line to Fauquier St. thence W 27.L ft. thence n''ly to a point of beglnninD; being part of lots 2 and 3 18 I II Ward 2 Division 2 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION I 10927 12 1 10928 13 1 I J. W. HAM'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2 OF THE PIONEER REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING SOCILTY'S SUisLlVISION 11377 20 11378 22 i 11379 23 r HAYDEN HEIGHTS 11402 I, 33 4 � I L. T. LAWTON'S SL�DIVISION OF LOT NO. 8 OF KERl',"IN'S OUT LOTS 11486-7-8 11486-7-8 11486-7-8 11491 11580 11581 11582 N 42 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and S 42 ft. of N 84 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and (Except North 84 ft.) Lots 1, 2 and Ex. S 44 ft. the E e of Lot 27 also Ex. S 44 ft. of Lots 28, 29 and MOODY'S REARRANGEMENT 3 2 3 III 2 3 2 j 30 2 I �I 2 3 � s f f t 11 lard 6 Division I NOTICE SUBDIVISION No. MACKUBIN Al,12 mARSKALLIS ADDITION 12064 0 Ward 1C Division 2 iiEVITTIS OUT LOTS 1ST DIVISION 12345 EX. T 40 ft. the 1, 2bO ft. S of Ellis Street 1 14 of 12344-12346 (Ex. N 333 ft.) Late 7# 8, 9 and 10, also a strip of land 20 ft. wide over and across Lots 21, 22 and 23 the center line of which Inter - soots the 8 line of Lot 23, 32.77 ft. IN of SE corner of said Lot 23 and N line of Lot 21, 54.50 ft. E from NY" corner thereof; being a 140 curve across Lots 22 and 23 Ward 11 Division 2 pe LANE'S HIGHLAND PARK 13017 UNION PARK 13511 I All Wly of a line between Lots 198 and 199 of Hinkel's 3rd Amendment to Union Park produced Sly to Oakley Ave., Part of 154 Villar of North St. Paul ORTH ST. PAUL PROPER � 13638 5 13 13639 Ili 6 13 13640 7 13 8 13 13641 13642 9 13 City ol White bear Lake MURRAY'S ADDITION TO IeHITE tsEAR 13750 0 J 11 lard 6 Division I NOTICE SUBDIVISION No. MACKUBIN Al,12 mARSKALLIS ADDITION 12064 0 Ward 1C Division 2 iiEVITTIS OUT LOTS 1ST DIVISION 12345 EX. T 40 ft. the 1, 2bO ft. S of Ellis Street 1 14 of 12344-12346 (Ex. N 333 ft.) Late 7# 8, 9 and 10, also a strip of land 20 ft. wide over and across Lots 21, 22 and 23 the center line of which Inter - soots the 8 line of Lot 23, 32.77 ft. IN of SE corner of said Lot 23 and N line of Lot 21, 54.50 ft. E from NY" corner thereof; being a 140 curve across Lots 22 and 23 Ward 11 Division 2 pe LANE'S HIGHLAND PARK 13017 UNION PARK 13511 I All Wly of a line between Lots 198 and 199 of Hinkel's 3rd Amendment to Union Park produced Sly to Oakley Ave., Part of 154 Villar of North St. Paul ORTH ST. PAUL PROPER � 13638 5 13 13639 Ili 6 13 13640 7 13 8 13 13641 13642 9 13 City ol White bear Lake MURRAY'S ADDITION TO IeHITE tsEAR 13750 0 X Ward 3 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION 10T 01 IWZX HOPKINS ADDITION 13968 Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 Ward I ivision 1 CHAS. v'EIDEIS SUBDIVISION OF 37 OF A!,LUGTON HILLS ADDITION 14010 2 V,'.,d 1 �ivision 2 DENNY HILL ADDITION', 22 3 14021 Ware} -9 3 SII i III i 14123 Ward 2 %t 6treet vision 2 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION S 14171 21 1 BURLINGTON HEIGHTS DIVISION VO. 2 14307 1 9 14308 2 9 -1-be 6 fted TAYLOR'S SU9DIVISION OF LOT 17 LEE'S SIMUPRAN HOME,' 14610 18 14611 19 i4071 cl X Ward 3 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION 10T 01 IWZX HOPKINS ADDITION 13968 Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 Ward I ivision 1 CHAS. v'EIDEIS SUBDIVISION OF 37 OF A!,LUGTON HILLS ADDITION 14010 2 V,'.,d 1 �ivision 2 DENNY HILL ADDITION', 22 3 14021 Ware} -9 3 SII i III i 14123 Ward 2 %t 6treet vision 2 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION 14171 21 1 BURLINGTON HEIGHTS DIVISION VO. 2 14307 1 9 14308 2 9 -1-be 6 fted TAYLOR'S SU9DIVISION OF LOT 17 LEE'S SIMUPRAN HOME,' 14610 18 14611 19 i4071 cl L3 0 0 Yard 3 Divisiun 1 NOTICE No. SUBDIVISION I I.T KITTSONIS ADDITION 14688 All that part of Lot 7 lying Ely of the follow inr desoribed line: Commencing at a point on Sly line of Lot 7, 59.85 ft. fron SEly corner of Lot 8, thenoe Nly to a point on Nly line of! Lot 7, 60.23 ft. from NEly corner of said Lot 8 and all of said 8 28 Ward 5 ivision 1 ,DAYTON A::D IRVINE'S ADDITION 14725 Partly in Dayton and Irvine's and partly in Rios and Irvine's Addition 11 51 14!7!72 0D IRVINS-6 ADDITION -Lt,*-t, --e- 4 34 --Ward 8 kvtial-on- I - -BAZIL-&- ROL-FRT1S­-AD-1T44)N-TO--nS-T- S -T- PALL 14860 1 12 Ward 7}division 2 ;ANNA E. R_-'MSEYIS ADDITION, ENLARGEMENT OF ,a 15067 3 30 Ward SIDiiision I !IRVINE'S ADDITION 16117 18 3 MACKUBIN AND MARSHALL'S ADDITION 16137 6 17 2 ININ114GERIB ADDITION 15148 7 7 Ward 9 Division 1 ASHTON AND SHEKBbRNE IS ADDITION 15243 Sly 12- of 4 16 Ward 11 Division 2 ST. GATiiEiIhE PARK 15743 27 1 Ward 12 Division 1 NOTICE NO SUBDIVISION WINTERS ADDITION TO M PAUL Lots 7 and 11 20 City f-ftite Bear Lake P MISCELLANEOUS TOWN 30-RAXG-Z--22 it 16040 NW of aw of NW of See. 141 30 221 WHITE BEAR 16071 Lots 5 and 6 39 Ward -2MAIM-1 j. W. BASS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 8 & 9 10, 12 AND 13 AND PART OF h2T6 7- 12 1625,4 16255 13 j 16256 14 16259 17 Ward 12 Division 1 NOTICE NO SUBDIVISION WINTERS ADDITION TO M PAUL Lots 7 and 11 20 City f-ftite Bear Lake MISCELLANEOUS TOWN 30-RAXG-Z--22 it 16040 NW of aw of NW of See. 141 30 221 WHITE BEAR 16071 Lots 5 and 6 39 Ward -2MAIM-1 j. W. BASS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 8 & 9 10, 12 AND 13 AND PART OF h2T6 7- 12 1625,4 16255 13 16256 14 16259 17 0 0 Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE susolvisION I.T NO. HAXDU HEIGM 16772 41 16774 West j of 57 I 5 16774� East * of 57 and all of 58 16782, �37 11 16783 �i28 16 i HISCELLAREQUE,TOWN 29, RMG4 22 16987 Except a triangle in BE corner being 85 ft. on Stillwater Ave. and 85 ft. on, Corning Ave. beginning at intersection 1 of center line of Phalan St, and Still-' water Ave. thence N 700 150 E along i center line of Stillwater Ave. 212*23 ft* thence Nly along center line of Corning Ave. 238 ft. thence Wly 14149 i ft. thence Sly 20 ft. to N Wall of Bldg, thence lay 10 ft- thence Sly along Joint wall 14-13 ft- thence Wly 10 ft. thence' Sly 18.91 ft. thence Wly 114,39 ft. along center line of Court to Ely line of NW Wheal & Foundry Cots Addition then sly along said Fay line to Nly line f Stillwater Ave. produced,W thence Ely along said Nly line to center line of Phalan St, aforesaid, thence to, beg; being part o SW j of NW j of Sec,'27 29 li22 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS NAD AND 31 BEAVER LAKE JJF ,IGHrS 17035 WATTS P 8 2 1703 WA=S PARS PLAT I171022 wird & AUj)jjUJAIS SUBDIVISION NO, 56 17147 3 i it I i a 0 Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE susolvisION I.T NO. HAXDU HEIGM 16772 41 16774 West j of 57 I 5 16774� East * of 57 and all of 58 16782, �37 11 16783 �i28 16 i HISCELLAREQUE,TOWN 29, RMG4 22 16987 Except a triangle in BE corner being 85 ft. on Stillwater Ave. and 85 ft. on, Corning Ave. beginning at intersection 1 of center line of Phalan St, and Still-' water Ave. thence N 700 150 E along i center line of Stillwater Ave. 212*23 ft* thence Nly along center line of Corning Ave. 238 ft. thence Wly 14149 i ft. thence Sly 20 ft. to N Wall of Bldg, thence lay 10 ft- thence Sly along Joint wall 14-13 ft- thence Wly 10 ft. thence' Sly 18.91 ft. thence Wly 114,39 ft. along center line of Court to Ely line of NW Wheal & Foundry Cots Addition then sly along said Fay line to Nly line f Stillwater Ave. produced,W thence Ely along said Nly line to center line of Phalan St, aforesaid, thence to, beg; being part o SW j of NW j of Sec,'27 29 li22 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS NAD AND 31 BEAVER LAKE JJF ,IGHrS 17035 WATTS P 8 2 1703 WA=S PARS PLAT I171022 wird & AUj)jjUJAIS SUBDIVISION NO, 56 17147 3 i it I Ward 9 Divisi NOTICE I SUBDIVISION NO. FLETCHER'S SUBDIVISION OF BRE,-STERIS ADDITION 17872 Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 2 JOEL WHITNEY'S ADDITION 17913 Tly 25 ft. of Ely 35 ft. of Lots 4 and 6 it I ill Wo NOTICE No. 17360 SUBDIVISION I KETTERING AND CONSTANS ADDITION iO FEST ST. j PAUL Wly 13 ft. of SEly 40 ft. of Nally 85 ft. of lot 6 and SEly 40 ft. of Y61y Pb ft. of Lots! 9 and 10 1 PHILIP POTTS ADDITION 11 174371 Lots 10 and Ward Division 1 FOUNDRY ADDITION 17664 I 13 1 12 Ward 1 Division 2 ST. CATHERINE PARK 18779 27 7 18765 25 8 16786 11 26 8 18787 27 8 Ward Division 1 DEAN'S 2ND AD')I'TION 18984 7 3 City of Thite .ear Lake I MISCELLANEOCS, TOWN 30, RANGE 22 I I 19243 I NW a of S'li y of SW 4 of N'R a of Section 14 30 22 Ward iii I Division 1 I i WHITNEY AND SNIT 'S ADIM101•: I!, I 19517-19915 j 7 I I 8 Ward 21 Division 2 MISCELLANEOUS, T 29, RA1.GE 22 19769 The W z of the NE a of the NW a of the NE 4 of Section li 27 I 29 22 Nard 6 Division 1 I5 ~ITa N oTICE I SUBDIVISION NO. i I I DAYTON AND IRVINE'S ADDITION III ' d P rt1 in 19772 Partly in Dayton & Irvine s an s ' Rice & Irvine's Addition, the S ly 39 ft. 9 51 !I Ward 6 Division 1 URSHALL'S ADDITION i 19773 Ely 100 ft. of 7 10 �I Ward 1 I Division 1 I'i Ward 1 Division 2 STONE & MORTON'S 2ND ADDITION 1986C i Lots 25 to 28 2 �nr�-a�-Div4a'to�& Tessa tE of P , the e of 2 o following- Beginning at rner of said tract, thence E 247 ., thenoe Nally on a 860.81 ft. 660 ft. curve to the , radius more oa ss to the W line of said traot, . I Ward 31Division i 1 I i WHITNEY & SMITH'S ADDITION 19872 lil Except 711y 8 ft. for Jackson St. the Sly 25 ftM of Nly 75 ft. of Lots 6 and 7 Block 13, City of St. Faul, also Except the Ely 10 ft. for alley, that part between the Nly and Sly lines' of the above described parts of Lots 6 & 7 produced Ely of 10 9 City of Vhite year Lake II I, lil AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 48 19888 14 3 i ELLA J. COBB'S ADDITION TO T.SITE BEAR 19889 ! II it 3 3 ' SII F7 1. LA b L 0 Ward 3 Division 1 NOTICE SUBE31VISION NO. TO H =iD WALKER'S A@DITION E)yT'S WHITNEY & SMITH'S ADDITION 19916 Except Sally 14 ft. the Sly 5 ft. of Lot 5 and; except Sally 14 ft. 6 9i City 0 White Bear Lake RAMALEY'S PARK TO WHITE BEAR LAKE 19924 19925 2 11 Ward 1�Division 1 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 7 19928 10 BROOKSIDE 19939 23 1 BRUNSON'S ADDITION 19948 Except Ry. E 66 ft. of Lots 3 and 1 4 7 CROVUY & SMITH'S SUBDIVISION OF' LOTS 17 & 24 HOYTtS OUT LOTS 19964 Except Desoto St. Lots 1 and 2 1 DAYTON'S ADDITION 19964 N 16 2/3 ft. of Lot 10 and all of 9 2 19988 j 7 5 EASTVILLE HEIGHTS 19977 21 2 19981 28 11 19983 Except N 40 ft., Lots 29 and 30 12 NOTICE I NO. SUBDIVISION 71— a IT.1...'al anacc FAIRVIEW ADDITION 19996 11 16 I I � IRVINE'S 2ND ADDITION 20002 Part SEly of Payne Ave. as opened 13 20007 Exoept Nally 14 ft., the NEly 43.23 ft of 5 20009 I 3 20010 4 20011 20012 20014 20016 i 20016 i 20017 20020 20C 20C 20C 200 20046 20049 20056 20057 JARVIS SU-'IDIVISION OF LOT NO. 3 OF BASS' ADDITION OF OUT LOTS Exoept N 23.70 ft. A. ii. KOEHLER'S REARRANGEMENT "B" MOMENE3.Y'S SUi:DIVISION "A" ,TERSON'S ADDITION N 50 ft. of E 125 ft. of Lots 1 and YUND RICE'S 18T ADDITION MUND RICE'S 4TH ADDITION INSON'S ADDITION 3', 6! 7 7', 11 2 3, 22 2 ISI 2 3 i` 10 I 19 13 21 13 26 4 9 3 12 3 9 14 1 16. Ward 1 Division 1 NOTICE SUBDIVISION L. io NO. STIFSOI.'S ADDITION 2 16 . 20058 3 ! 16 20059 �i i 20060 4 16 S 16 20051 20062 6 16, STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 36 OF ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION 20063 13 36 Ili 20064 III 14 j 36 15 36 20065 i I VAN SLYKE AND LE1,71S IiaARi iGEMELT OF HUhWIhDS ADDITION 3 3 20071 I 14Ar.REN AND WINSLOWS ADDITION I 20072 N 12--f W 100 ft. of25 li 7 20073 � 28 7 20075 Except N 30 ft. 4 g 33 I!I g 20076 20077 34 9 20078 I 314-20078) i 8 10 II II I Ii CHAS. 9EIDE'S SL?DIVISION OF BLOCKS 25 AiD 26 OF ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION 20085 24 Ili 28 31 26 20066 I 20067 32 26 20088 33 26 CHAS. YEIDEIS SUBDIVISION OF W 161 FT. 0?' •LOr,K 31 OF ARLIIIGTON BILLS ADD7ITION 8 20OSS Ward I Division NOTICE NO SUBDIVISION DoT CHAS. TEIDEIS SM,DIVIZION Or ''LOCK 46 OF AIRLINGTOE HILLS ADDITION 20092 5 WEST\JNSTER ADDITION 20095 S 80 ft. of Lots 26 to 30 'I 1 -WILLIAMS MtRRANGEILTNT OF BLOCK 3, NELSON'S ADDITION 20097 w 4, of 8 WILLIAMS REARRANGEMENT Or BLOCK 7 AND PART OF it BLOCK 4, NELSON'S ADDITION 20099 I 4 2 Ward 1 IDivision 2 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 70 20102 27 2 J. V.. BASS' ACRE LOTS 20106 28 CLARKE AND ITILGUS ADDITION 20120 1 3 20121 2 3 HILLSDALE 20149 8 6 20151 it 11 7 OTTO JOHNSON'S ADDITION 20156 5 KING'S ARCADE PARK 20187 3 1 '0188 20191 6 2 20193 2 3 20194 4 3 T NOT- N.. SUBDIVISION KIIX'S AR -ADE PARK 20195 is 3 20196 19 3 20197 20 3 20198 21 3 20199 22 3 2020 2 3 3 20201 24 3 20202 2.5 3 20203 26 3 20204 27 5 20205 28 3 LANE-HOSPES AXITION 20212 16 4 MaKIE'NOY'S ADDITION 20215 4 MISCELLANEOUS, TOn 29, RAI.GE 22 20216 Except Sts., that part of S 20 rods of,E 40 rods of NE -L of BE 41 lying W of A. Evanson's 4 Addition in Section 20 29 22 20217 That part lying N of white 15ear Road of EE 4' of NEexcept W 4b4#36 ft,, Section 20 29 22 MORTON'S ADDI'T'ION 20222 t� 20229 inc. (Except Ry., Lots 1 to 8 4 MORTON'S SU DIVISIOIS OF LOTS 4, 5, 6 AND 7 OF J. WAREERIS ACNE LOTS 2u232 20213 2 20234 3 1 20235 4 1 20236 5 1 20237 6 1 20238 7 1 q A 4 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION L.T 1-'ORTMIS St Ll:'ISION Of LOTS 4, b, 6 AND 7 Of' WARINERIS ACRE LOTS 20239 8 20240 -3� 20241 110 20242 11 1 20243 12 20244 13 20245 14 20246 15 20247 16 20248 17 20249 18 10210 19 1 20251 20 1 20262 A 1 20253 B 1 20255 3 2 20256 4 2 20267 5 2 20258 6 2 20269 7 2 20260 8 2 20261 i 9 2 20262 j 10 2 20263 11 2 20264 12 2 20266 13 2 20266 14 2 20267 15 2 20268 16 2 p NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION L.T 1-'ORTMIS St Ll:'ISION Of LOTS 4, b, 6 AND 7 Of' WARINERIS ACRE LOTS 20239 8 20240 20241 110 20242 11 1 20243 12 20244 13 20245 14 20246 15 20247 16 20248 17 20249 18 10210 19 1 20251 20 1 20262 A 1 20253 B 1 20255 3 2 20256 4 2 20267 5 2 20258 6 2 20269 7 2 20260 8 2 20261 i 9 2 20262 j 10 2 20263 11 2 20264 12 2 20266 13 2 20266 14 2 20267 15 2 20268 16 2 Ward 1 Division 2 NOTICE I nor qac ,I . . ..... .... NO. SUBDIVISION N LLIS ADDITION 20270 2 OAKVILLE PARK 20281 6 1 7 20282 7 7 PHALEN VIEW 20324 15 4 J. A. AND W. 1. STEES ADDITION 20327 19 8 20328 20 6 20329 21 i 8 20330 22 8 STONE AND NORTON'S 2ND ADDITION 20340-20341 Lots 10 and 11 4 JOHN M. WARNER'S ACRE LITS 20359 Ward 2 Division 1 1 J. 'A. BASS' SUTjDIVlSION OF COLLIE'S OLTLOTS: LOTS NO. 16, 14, 13, S OF THE C. ST. P. 11. & 0. R.R. 20371 i 3 2 LYMAN DAYTON'S -A F D I T 1,-,N 20361 NEly 11 ft. of Lot 8 & all of 7 27 20382 20 27 20313 21 27 20384 22 27 20384 23 27 20385 24 27 20386 25 27 20387 YEly 50 ft. of Lots 7 and 8 31 20388 ST 31 ft. i 17 i 31 0 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION -LT---. .T- IT L. . A. IOTZIM,'.' FEAR ti,GELE11T OF SIGEL'S ADDITION 20407 31 KELLER:S SUbDIVISI.N Ov BLUCI� 11, LYlaAl, DAYTON'S ADDITION 20412 Except the DXly 14 ft., Lot 1 also ex. the M7 ly 14 ft, and except the Wly 4.551 2 2 LEMIALIS SUbDIVISION OF BLOCK 86 AND 87 OF LYMNI DAYTON'S AD,.ITION 204161 7 87 ROBERT P. LFwIS' SU DIVISION OF BLOCK IUG, LYh-AN DAYTON'S ADDITION 20417 28 R. M. ROLFERIS REARRAIGEIMT 20516 H. F. SCi:mAbETS AD.ITIOlq 13 3 205201 SKIDMOFEIS ADDITION 20527 3 1 4 SUBDIVISION OF LLOCK 68, LYMAN DAYTO141S ADDITION 20532 17 68 TERRY'S A�'DITIOL 205411 b I 205421 7 4 WAGENERIS ADDITION 20545 20546 (Except the Nlyly 14 ft.) 2 2 1 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION -1- T ARES OUT LOTS 20551 3 3 20b62 Exoept Ely bO ft. 2 4 20o&3 Ti.at part ,� oj u lin drawh from a oii-t on Harvester Ave. 70 ft. T from t�e l ;. E corner t toa point on Sly line of C. t. P. 0 R.R. 60 ft. Y, from the E. line of 1 7 ARES PAF.I. 20554 2 1 20555 3 1 205564 1 20557 1 20558 6 20559 7 1 20560 8 1 20561 9 20562 10 20o64 12 1 20666 17 1 20567 18 1 1 20668 19 1 20569 20 1 20570-1 21 1 20171 22 1 20572 1 23 1 20573 24 1 20574 26 1 20575 26 1 20576 27 1 20577 26 1 20578 1 2 20679 2 2 20580 5 2 20581 4 2 0 NOTICE N.. SUBDIVISION AES FARE 10112 5 2 205113 6 2 20584 J 7 j 2 20566 8 2 20686 9 2 20567 10 2 20588 1 12 2 20589 j 13 2 20690 14 2 20691 15 2 20592 19 2 20593 20 2 20594 21 2 20595 22 2 20596 23 2 20597 24 2 20bS8 25 2 20599 26 2 20600 j 27 2 20601 28 2 AMES PARK PLAT 2 20602 20603 4 1 AUDITOR'S zUnDMSION NO. 56 20609 2 sores of 7 G. V. BICOPS ADDITION 20615 4 3 20616 j 10 3 20617 11 3 20622 Lots 16 and 17 7 20623 18 7 J NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION L.T 20668 W 1 of Lot 12 and all of 13 29 20669 G. -1. BACON'S AD2ITION 17 29 BIREINGH"IS PARK 20624 19 7 16 3 BEAVER LAKE UEIGiTS 20706 to 20634 4 2 20721 j 36 "G" 120 ft. from N W corner of said ?look. NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION L.T 20668 W 1 of Lot 12 and all of 13 29 20669 G. -1. BACON'S AD2ITION 17 29 BIREINGH"IS PARK 20624 19 7 16 3 BEAVER LAKE UEIGiTS 20706 to 20634 Commencing at a point on N line of ?look 2 20721 j 36 "G" 120 ft. from N W corner of said ?look. 20728 67 9 thence SWly parallel with the 71 line of Lots 1 to 43 18 "aid Block "G" to the N line of Fauquier St., thence E alonr said N line to the SE corner of Block "I_," aforesaid, thence N along the E line to the NE corner thereof, thence along the N line to place of begin- ning 20638 7 3 zubaw 8 i 3 20640 9 3 20651 1 13 20653 j 7 20 20654 18 20 20665 19 20 20656 15 22 20669 1 16 24 20663 12 27 20665 j 25 27 20666 26 27 20667 1 28 27 BEAVER LAKE HEIGHT.`: 20668 W 1 of Lot 12 and all of 13 29 20669 1 17 29 BIREINGH"IS PARK 20704 16 3 BURLINGTON HEIGhTS DIVISION IrG. 2 20706 to 20720 inc. Lots 1 to 16 2 20721 j 36 6 20728 67 9 20730 Lots 1 to 43 18 0 0 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION 1� � f DEFRANCiY'S DIVISION 20734 18 20735 19 4 20736 20 4 DENSLOY,"S REARRMPGEMET,1 OF LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, BLOCK 21 LOTS 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, BLOCK 3, A!;D LOT 11, FLOCK 4, CRUICKSHAMIS GARDEN LOTS 20742 3 1 6 207431 18 6 207" 25 7 207451 26 7 207471 S 55 ft. of that part of Lot 5, ::look 3, Cruickshank's Garden Lots adj. & 12 8 20748 S 56 ft. of that part of Lot 5, Block 3, Cruickshank's Garden Lots adj. & 13 8 207491 S 65 ft. of that part of Lot 5, Block 3, Cruickshank's Garden Lots ad.*,. & 14 8 20750; S 55 ft. of that part of Lot 5, Block 3, Cruickshank's Garden Lots adj. & 15 8 20751, -12 9 20752 13 9 207531 14 9 207W 15 9 20755 1 10 DOPE'S REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 15, 16, 17, BLOC, 8 TRACY'S OUT LOTS 20761 20762! 2 I HAMEPIS SUFDIVISION 20773 1 20774 2 20775 3 20776 4 20777 5 20778 6 1� � f Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION of .uc HAZE&'S SU'SDIVISIOL 20779 7 20780 8 I 20781 9 20782 10 20783 11 20784 14 20785 15 20786 16 20787 17 li 20786 18 20789 19 20790 20 i HAYDEN HEIGHTS 20798 44 4 1 20799 45 4 \ 20801 16 b 20802 17 5 i 20603 35 5 20812 36 10 20616 ! 10 13 20817 ll 13 20816 Except E 80 ft. that part lying N of alley of R 16 HAZEL PARK DIVISION D'0. 2 20824 ; 22 4 I 20826 23 4 HAZEL PARK DIVISION NO. 4 20826 HAZEL PARK DIVISION NO. b 20828 13 8 i 26 2 1 41 4 Wk 2 Divi,i— 2, rd NOTICE NO. Sue DIVISION HAZEL PARK DIVISION h0- 8 20832) Lots 9 and 10 3 20833) HAZEL PARK FLAT "B" 20834 t) 20836 inc. Except Ry. Lots 3 to II 7 1 i I HAZEL VIEr, 20848 lb 1 20849 16 1 20850 28 1 HILLSIDE PARK ADDITION 20159 11 2 JOHNSON'S GARDEN LOTS 20866 Part of Lot 7 Ely of a line drawn from a point: on N line of said Lot, 260 ft, from NW corner i to a point on 8 line thereof 60.90 ft. from SW corner of said 7 20867 Part of Lot 9 Ely of a line which bears 8 390 31 W from a point on E line thereof 100 ft. S from NW corner of 6 KNAUFTIS ADDITION 20872 21 1 DEN E. LAREIS NOKOMIS PARE 20682 6 1 20883 7 1 LORENA PARK 20886 �21 4 20887 ;15 6 R. F. MARVINIS ADDITION 20890 W2 ft. of Lot 17 and all of 116 1 1 20891 E 38 ft. of Lot 18 and W 20 ft. 19 20892 X23 11 Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE SUBDIVISION NO. YMALEY'S SUBDIVISION P4111*191fm 20910 20911 20915 20923 20927 20931 MEHSIKOMERIS REARRA1GEMEhT 6 0 14 MISCELLANEOUS, TOWN 28, RANGE 22 Except Hazel Ave., that part of SW 4 Of NW 4 lying S of the Upper Afton Road and E of the following described lines- Beginning on S line of the said 4 4 Section 400 ft W of SE corner thereof, thence N 150 11 E 152 ft. thence N 18' 371 W 192 ft., thence N 490 391 E 216 ft. to aforesaid Road in Section 2 28 22 -E-imerpt Hate! Ave. 42 . ods of H 40 _;_VZMTII � eff"_� P! 4 ­ section That part of T2 of NWiT of SW 14 of ST 41 lying Sly of the following, described line: - Commencing at a point on W line of said tract 603.94 ft. S of the NW corner thereof, thence S 720 21 1 E 176,70 ft,, thence N 680 531 E to intersection of E line of said w 2 2% of PIP!PIP!I 4 of SW 4 of BY,- 4, Section 2 28 22 MISCELLANEOUS, JOWL, 29, RANGE 22 Except Sts., the 'r, 1 aore, N 2 o NE of , of SV 1 Section NW 4 -1 22 29 22 Except E 396 ft. the N 652.75 ft. of E 12 of NE 4 of NW .1, Section 23 29 22 Commencing at a point on W. line of White Bear Ave. 962.44 ft. S from N line of NE 41 thence W 295.68 ft., thence N 623. 59 ft. to S line of the N i Of NE 14 of said NE -,i, t h noe W on said S line to T line of E 2' of .7d NE 4, thence S on said W line to a point 264.92 ft. IN from Nly line of Still- water Ave., thence E 283 ft., thence 8 517.78 ft. to said Nly line of Ave., thence SEly alone said Nly line to Nly line of C. St. P. M. & 0. R.F. RA,, thence NEly along said RIW to aforesaid W line of White Bear Ave., thence N on said W line to beginning in Section 27 29 1 22 Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE NO. I SUBDIVISION ipr pX+ 9"ISCELLANEOUS, TOV:9'd 29, RANGE 22 ; 20933 That treat bounded by the Wly line of Corning s Addition, the Nly line of said addition produced Wly, the Ely R%W line of and the Ely line of Northwestern Wheel and Foundry Co.'s Addition, said tract lying Nly of a line beginning in the center line of', Corning Ave. 238 ft. Nly from center of Stillwater Ave. thence Wly 141.49 ft. thence Sly 20 ft. to N wall of building, thence Wly 10 ft., thence Sly along joint well 14.15; ft., thence Wly 10 ft., thence Sly 18.91 ft., thence Wly 114.39 ft. along center of court to Ely line of NW Wheel & Foundry Co.'s i Addition, being in Sections 27 and 26 29 22 OAK PARK I 20943 Except N 50 ft. 1 20944 3 SCHOCH & ALTHEi4'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5 OF HOMES a FOR 1HE HOMELESS 20967 10 1 SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS "A" AND 31 BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS 20977 8 1 20978 9 1 i SYLVANHEIGHTS ADDITION i 20980 1 2 20982 3 2 TAYLOR'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 17, LEE'S SUBURBAN HOMES 20997 1 20998 2 { 20999 3 21000 4 21001 5 21002 6 21003 7 21004 8 21005 9 Ward 2 Division 2 NOTICE NO. I SUBDIVISION ipr pX+ 9"ISCELLANEOUS, TOV:9'd 29, RANGE 22 ; 20933 That treat bounded by the Wly line of Corning s Addition, the Nly line of said addition produced Wly, the Ely R%W line of and the Ely line of Northwestern Wheel and Foundry Co.'s Addition, said tract lying Nly of a line beginning in the center line of', Corning Ave. 238 ft. Nly from center of Stillwater Ave. thence Wly 141.49 ft. thence Sly 20 ft. to N wall of building, thence Wly 10 ft., thence Sly along joint well 14.15; ft., thence Wly 10 ft., thence Sly 18.91 ft., thence Wly 114.39 ft. along center of court to Ely line of NW Wheel & Foundry Co.'s i Addition, being in Sections 27 and 26 29 22 OAK PARK I 20943 Except N 50 ft. 1 20944 3 SCHOCH & ALTHEi4'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5 OF HOMES FOR 1HE HOMELESS 20967 10 1 SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS "A" AND 31 BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS 20977 8 1 20978 9 1 i SYLVANHEIGHTS ADDITION i 20980 1 2 20982 3 2 TAYLOR'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 17, LEE'S SUBURBAN HOMES 20997 1 20998 2 { 20999 3 21000 4 21001 5 21002 6 21003 7 21004 8 21005 9 NOTIC,, NO. SUBDIVISION TAYLOR'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 17# LEE'S SU3URBAN HOMES 21006 10 21007 11 21008 12 21009 13 21010 14 21011 20 21012 21 I 21013 22 21014 1 23 21015 24 21016 25 C v 1 IL 1 26 21018 27 21019 30 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS 21023 SW I of 9 4 21024 W Of 10 4 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS ACRE LOTS 21026 Exoept E 15 ft. 15 2 21028 1 4 ,21029 2 4 21030 3 4 rj 18 4 r ` NOTIC,, NO. SUBDIVISION TAYLOR'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 17# LEE'S SU3URBAN HOMES 21006 10 21007 11 21008 12 21009 13 21010 14 21011 20 21012 21 I 21013 22 21014 1 23 21015 24 21016 25 C v 1 IL 1 26 21018 27 21019 30 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS 21023 SW I of 9 4 21024 W Of 10 4 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS ACRE LOTS 21026 Exoept E 15 ft. 15 2 21028 1 4 ,21029 2 4 21030 3 4 21031 18 4 WATTS PARK 21036 21037 21040 21042 21043 28 2 30 2 1 4 3 6 4 6 ' q J, Up r] L Ward 2 Division 2 N o OTI' 5 SUBDIVISION or L K wrap CHAS. A. B. WEIDE'S SUnDIVISION NO. 2 ADDITION ii 21051 4 WILD ROSE ADDITION 21063 25 26 21064 21067 43 2 21068 44 2 21071 (Except N 10 ft. for street) 27 4 21072 (Except N 10 ft. for street) 28 4 21073 (Except N 10 ft. for street) 29 4 Ward 3 HOPKINS ADDITION 21097 Nly 50 ft. of Lots 11 and 12 2 KITTSOVIS ADDITION 21101 Wly 10 ft. Lot 2 and all of 3 4 21102 3 27 MARKLEY AND rALKERIS ADDITION TO HOYTIS ADDITION 21105 1 1 21106 j 2 1 Ward 41 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 44 21112 21113 Except commencing at a point on Sally line of Lot 11, 36 1/3 ft. from Sly corner thereof, thence to said oorners thence along El line 3 of said Lot, 511, ft., thence Nally 39 2 7 3 ft. to a point 53 6/6 ft. from point of begin- ning, thence to beginning 11 21114 12 CENTRAL PARK ADDITION, BEING AUDITOR'S SUPDIV NO. 3 21125 Wly 9.68 ft. 11 10 J, NOTICE SUBDIVISION CITY OF ST. PAUL, CAPITOL OF MINNESOTA 21126 Except Ely 8 ft. for Jackson St., the Sly Lots 1 and 2 17 ROBERTS AND RANDALL'S ADDITION 21139 Except that part of Nly 100 ft. Wly of a line 50.87 ft. Ely from and parallel ith Minnesota St. 6 3 SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK l.OF MEDILLIS ADDITION Ely 3 ft., Lots 18 & 191 21143 Except St. and except BERNMIMERIS ADDITION 21155 A. VANCE BRMI#S SUBDIVISION OF STINSON, BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION 21169 Except Ave. 17 8 21164 12 1 9 COLE'S REARFANGEMEVT OF BLOCKS 1 AID 2 AND SUBDIVISION AND ENLARGEMENT OF BLOCK 3 OF HIS RANDOLPH ST. AND PLEASANT AVE. ADDITION 21178 Vacated alley W of and adjoining Lot 5, also all of 2 21181 Except 8 10 ft. for alley 8 2 21182 Except N 10 ft,* the E 40 ft, of Lots 9. 10 and 11, also the W of vacated alley adj. said Lots 9, 10 and 11 2 DAYTON AND IRVINE'S ADDITION 21186 5 66 21187 6 86 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION IT -I DRAKE'S ADD-IluL 21188 w 6 ft. of Lot 4 and E 35 ft- of 6 21189 E 36 ft. of Lot 14 and W 6 ft. of 16 HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION 21196 Part sly of alley of E 20 ft. of 14 7 21197 The W lb.95 ft- of Lots 19 and 20 and except alley 16 i 7 21198 Except alley 16 7 NORMOD ADDITION 21213 Lots 1 and 2 5 RA14SEY TERRACE 21216 Except Sly 12 ft. A 21217 A strip of land 12 ft. wide N of and adj. Lots 9 and 10, being part of Lots A and B 21218 All that part of Lot B north of and adj. 8 21219 All that part of Lot Z Lar-i� of and adj. Lots 5, 6, and 7 21220 All that part of Lot B north of and adj. 2 21221 j All that part of Lot B north of and adj. Lots 3 and 4 21222 A strip of land 12 ft. wide N of and adj. Lot 1. being part of Lots B and C 21223 Except Sly 12 ft, C REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 1211 CLARKE'S AD,ITION 7 21224 Except W 7th St. RICE AND IRVINE'S ADDITION 21230 MY -j of 13 53 RIDGEWOOD PARK ADDITION 2123 15 7 ll' 21236 B 11 21239 0 13 1 21240 Except St. 8 17, "M "MUMA Ulm, mm 0 0 Ward 5 Division 1 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION - I .- I 21247 I 1,� 1 Y 21249 Lots 20 and 21 6 22 STEWART AVE. ADDITION 23 21252 6 1 21253 25 7 1 21254 21283 27 21284 8 1 21255 I 9 I 1 STINSON, BROM AND RAMSEYIS ADDITION 21258 Except the N 183 ft., the E loo ft. of the N 19 of 6 21262 I A 0 0 Ward 5 Division 1 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION - I .- I 21247 I 1,� 4 21249 Lots 20 and 21 6 22 STEWART AVE. ADDITION 23 21252 6 1 21253 25 7 1 21254 21283 27 21284 8 1 21255 I 9 I 1 STINSON, BROM AND RAMSEYIS ADDITION 21258 Except the N 183 ft., the E loo ft. of the N 19 of 6 21262 I Part bounded on N by James St on 'It 2120.6 y Eris St. and on SEly side by C. St. P. m. & 0. R.R. Co.'s R/W and a line drawn from a point on Nly line of said R/W 60 ft. from E line of Eris St. to a point on said E line 25 ft. N from aforesaid RA of 27 SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 28 AND 29 IN STINSON, BROM AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION i Except Levee 47 28 WASHINGTON HEIGHTS 21276 16 21277 21 21278 22 21279 23 21280 24 21281 25 21282 26 21283 27 21284 21285 21286 28 IVATSOKIS M ADDITION Except part for widening Chatsworth St., N 226 of S 2/3 of Lots 1. 2 and 3 2 Exoe t part for wideninp Chatsworth St., S173 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 2 "fill -IF Ward 5 Division I NOTICE NO. 21304 WOOD -,ORD PARE:17 2 Ward 5 Division 2 Ll BIRMINGHAM'S 4TH ADDITION 21307 7 4 III CHESTER PARK 21306 21311 16 FORTSTREETOUT LOTS 21316 That part of Lot 15 S of Sly line of Nly 11 of Block 13, Palisade Addition produced 2 across said 15 MICHAEL J. HOFFMANIS SUBDIVISION 21318 19 KAY ADDITION 21319 The W 6.60 ft. of Lot 5 and all of 6 2 KING'S PARK VIEW 21321 21322 14 21323 15 1 KIPP'S GLEN TERRACE 21337 34 2 PARK ADDITION 21342 Except St. 6 1 REDY-.'ING ADDITION 21344 6 2 J. N. ROGER'S 2ND ADDITION 213499 Ll Ward 5 31- NOTICE NO. Iof SUBDIVISION o <il-EIINAR ? 21350 26 STERNBERGfS ADDITION 21361 2 V1EST END p 21352 Lots 13 and 14 j 18 21353 15 18 WEST END-EDGECIMBE 21354 7 17 WOODFORD PARK 21366 1 4 21357 2 4 21358 3 4 21360 9 7 21361 1 24 8 Ward 6 F. All - ,IS AM:ITION 21364 1 16 21365 2 16 21366 Ward 5 Division 2 NOTICE NO. Iof SUBDIVISION o <il-EIINAR I. SCHULSTAD SbBDIVISIUN 21350 26 STERNBERGfS ADDITION 21361 2 V1EST END 21352 Lots 13 and 14 j 18 21353 15 18 WEST END-EDGECIMBE 21354 7 17 WOODFORD PARK 21366 1 4 21357 2 4 21358 3 4 21360 9 7 21361 1 24 8 Ward 6 F. All - ,IS AM:ITION 21364 1 16 21365 2 16 21366 3 16 21367 j 4 16 21368 5 16 21369 j 6 16 BANNING AND OLIVIER'S ADDITION 21380 N 1/3 of Lot. 1, 2 and 3 101 TOWN OF BROOKLYND 21392 7 i 14 21393 8 14 21394 I 9 14 LN NOTICE NO. 21415-21416 21440 21"8 21463 21464 21465 21466 21467 21468 21469 21470 21471 21472 21473 21474 21475 21476 21477 21478 21479 21480 21481 21482 21483 21487 21488 21489 9 SUBDIVISION COX'S 1ST ADDITION Lots 33 and DAWSON'S ADDITION DUNY,ZLL AND SPENCER'S ADDITION TO BROOKLYND HITCHCOCK'S ADDITION 0 2 1 3 1 4 2 2 3 2 4 2 6 2 21 2 22 2 23 2 24 2 1 26 2 26 2 27 2 28 2 29 2 30 2 31 2 q 1 32 2 12 3 13 3 2 4 4-111 a wc • 0 SUBDIVISION HITC11COCK'S ADDITION 21490 3 21491 4 4 21492 5 4 21493 6 4 21494 1 7-4 21496 I 8 4 21496 9 4 21497 10 4 21498 11 4 21499 13 4 21500 14 4 81601 11 5 21502 12 21503 13 5 21504 14 5 21505 16 5 21610 is 8 21511 19 8 21512 5 10 21513 7 10 211514 8 10 21516 2 11 HORNSBYS REARRANGE14FET OF BLOCK 6 OF BROWN AND, JACKSON'S ADDITION 21617 61010 Part Ely of a line 50 ft. Ely from and parallel to oenter line of C. R. I. & P. R.R. of 4 HORNSBY'S REARRANGF24INT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 6 OF BLOCK 89 OF WEST ST. PAUL PROPER 21521 3 jil, II 1J Ward 6 SUBDIVISION ... oc NOTICE NO. IRVINE'S ADDITION Except SEly 70 ft. 5 205 21526 JACKSON AND BIDWELL'S ADDITION 21529 Except St. III 9 1 KETTERING AND CONSTAlNS ADDITION 21534 15 2 21535 3 3 21536 6 III 3 21537 19 3 21538 20 3 LANGEVINIS ADDITION 11539 12 2 21540 13 2 21541 ;14 2 21542 6 3 21543 8 3 LANGEVINIS SECjhD ADDITION 21544 S 32.60 ft. of N 70 ft. of Lots I and 2 1 21648 8 2 21649 1 5 21550 2 6 21551 3 5 21652 4 5 21553 5 5 21554 6 5 it LAWTON'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 149 AND LOT OR BLOCK E, WEST ST. PAUL IROPER 21559 6 21560 7 21561 ill I SII 73 Ward 6 NOTICE SUBDIVISION N�ro •r+c NO. nor LAWTON'S AND XEYER'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 25 OF WOODDURY AND CASE'S ADDITION 21563 East 1 ft. of Lot 22 and all 23 i MARSHALL'S ADDITION 21567 21568 21570 21572 21573 21574 21676 21580 21583 21592 21595 21596 21596 21599 21600 21601 21602 21603 21604 21606 21607 21608 21611 21612 Except Wly 2F. ft. Strip Wly thereof and Nly 36 ft. Strip Wly thereof and Easterly 30 ft. Nwly MASEK'S REAUANGEVENT MORRISON'S ADDITION Except St. N i Except S 10 ft. and except St. Except St. NELSON, STEPENS'AND KING'S ADDITION 12 I 6 II 10 7 15 9 i 16 9 10 10 14 14 b 19 15 21 i 1 ' i i 2 7 i 1 '� 8 I 1 11' I 3 11', 4 11 10 14 11 14 3 18 13 2 14 2 12 9 13 9 .i 51 � is F; ; � T �•' ; " ti' � ; {!. a r c I [ C I 44 F 53 Ward 6 NOTICE SUBDIVISION N�ro •r+c NO. nor LAWTON'S AND XEYER'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 25 OF WOODDURY AND CASE'S ADDITION 21563 East 1 ft. of Lot 22 and all 23 i MARSHALL'S ADDITION 21567 21568 21570 21572 21573 21574 21676 21580 21583 21592 21595 21596 21596 21599 21600 21601 21602 21603 21604 21606 21607 21608 21611 21612 Except Wly 2F. ft. Strip Wly thereof and Nly 36 ft. Strip Wly thereof and Easterly 30 ft. Nwly MASEK'S REAUANGEVENT MORRISON'S ADDITION Except St. N i Except S 10 ft. and except St. Except St. NELSON, STEPENS'AND KING'S ADDITION 12 I 6 II 10 7 15 9 i 16 9 10 10 14 14 b 19 15 21 i 1 ' i i 2 7 i 1 '� 8 I 1 11' I 3 11', 4 11 10 14 11 14 3 18 13 2 14 2 12 9 13 9 j, 1 L I L 41 "A W. rd A NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION Loi wnc NELSOli, SThVBNS A1,D KING'S ADDITION 21613 4 19 21614 5 1 19 OLIVIER'S ADDITION 21617 A strip 5 ft. wide E of and adj. 4 1 5 21617 j A strip 5 ft. wide E of and adj. 5 i 5 ji OTTAIVA ADDITION 21618 N 37.50 ft. POTTS' ADDITION 21625 6 1 3 216267 I Lots 7 and 8 3 PRESCOTT'S ADDITION 21628 Ex oept 8 90 ft. of W15 ft., Lot 26 and except S 90 ft., Lots 27 and8 :2 PROSPECT PLATEAU 21630 my 8 8 ROBERTSON'S ADDITION 21634 8 166 1 1 21635 1 Ely 2 169 21637 10 1179 SMEDLEY'S ADDITION 21646 9 1 TOM OF WEST ST. PAUL 21653 j Except W 60 ft. 10 15 i 21666 E 100 ft. 8 87 E1660 S 40 ft. of 6 112 21667 Except E 50 ft., Lots 1 and j 2 148 % t u L NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION 71 - THE WEST ST. PAUL REAL ESTATE AND IMPROVEMENT SYNDICATE ADDITION NO. I 21672 Except the N 15 ft., the S 12, of THE WEST ST. PAUL REAL ESTATE AND lf-`-�POVEMENT SYNDICATE ADDITION NO. 2 21673 1 3 j 15 21674 4 16, 21675 5 j 15, 11676 6 15� 21677 7 li 15 21678 8 15' 21684 14 34 THE WEST ST. PAUL R,.AL ESTATE ALD IMPROVEMENT SYNDICATE ADDITION NO. 4 21690 t 12 52 Ward 7l Division 1 MARSHALL'S !OULEVA3D ADDITION 21739 The E 30 ft. of Lot 19 and W of 20 A, SUMMIT PARK ADDITION 21753 Lots 3, 4, 6 and 6 7 SI4IFT' S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 10 AND 11, SMITH LOTT IS OUT LOTS_ 21765 Except S 8 ft, 11 2 TERRACE PARK ADDITION 21766 5 5 21767 THURSTON'S SUIDIVISIOV OF LOT 7, BLOCK 3, TERRACE, !ARK ADDITION All that strip being 20 ft. in width N of and adjoining the W ly 40 ft. of Lot 5 and adj. Lots 6 and 7 t NOTICE NO.III SUBDIVISION I WOODLAND PARK ADDITION 21769 8 97.37 ft.of Lots 1, 2 and 3 5 Ward 7 )ivision 2 JOHN' B. HO)CSIEIS REA.FKANGEMENT OF BLOCK 4 OF N 12 21776 ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION, ENLARGMELT OF 21782 I 6 25 21783 9 25 21767 5 26 21788 6 26 21791 8 27 21792 9 27 21793 10 27 ST. CLAIR ST. AND SHORT LINE ADDITION PLAT 1 21800 14 4 STINSON'S BOULEVARD ADDITION �j 21821 1 29 13 21822 30 13 WRIGHT'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCKS 22, 23, 24, & 25 OF ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION 19 1 21823 Except Ave. 21824 1 Except Ave. 20 1 Ward 8 4,1 1. I AUERBACH AND HAND'S ADDITION 21849 2 36 21860 11 39 BAILEY'S ADDITION 21851 NOTICE NO.III SUBDIVISION I WOODLAND PARK ADDITION 21769 8 97.37 ft.of Lots 1, 2 and 3 5 Ward 7 )ivision 2 JOHN' B. HO)CSIEIS REA.FKANGEMENT OF BLOCK 4 OF OF ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION 12 21776 ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION, ENLARGMELT OF 21782 I 6 25 21783 9 25 21767 5 26 21788 6 26 21791 8 27 21792 9 27 21793 10 27 ST. CLAIR ST. AND SHORT LINE ADDITION PLAT 1 21800 14 4 STINSON'S BOULEVARD ADDITION 21821 1 29 13 21822 30 13 WRIGHT'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCKS 22, 23, 24, & 25 OF ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION 19 1 21823 Except Ave. 21824 1 Except Ave. 20 1 Ward 8 4,1 1. I AUERBACH AND HAND'S ADDITION 21849 2 36 21860 11 39 BAILEY'S ADDITION 21851 16 ISI i 1 JUA CK&V--El,:S REARRANG}14E T OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 10, 11 &"12 BLOCK 11, RONDO'S ADDITIOl 21853 S I ft. of Lot 11 and N 39 ft. of 12 COMO PROSPECT ADDITION i :L2 8 21863 21864 14 8 21866 1 21866 2 21867 9 9 21869 liLOts 17 and 18 10 1 10 21870 FOUNDRY AD,-ITION 21877 15 2 21878 is 2 21879 8 3 21880 9 3 21881 10 3 21882 11 3 21883 I 12 3 21884 13 3 14 3 116,15 15 3 21886 21887 16 3 21888 17 3 21689 is 3 21890 19 3 21891 20 3 21892 21 3 21893 22 3 11 21894 6 12 6 211115 21897 6 7 7 7 21898 NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION I s `ar N Ir eL K'PI anvice FOUNDRY ACDITIOi ( r 21899 21 I 7 21900 22 7 21901 23 7 21902 24 7 21903 26 7 21904 26 7 j 21905 27 7 21906 28 7 21907 III 29 7 21908 30 7 21910 5 ! 12 21911 6 12 `21912 7 12 21913 6 12 21914 9 li 12 21915 % 10 12 21916 11 12 21917 24 12 21918 2b 12 21919 I 26 12 21920 i 27 12 FROST'S REARRANGEMENT 21924Lote 8 and 9 GEM ADDITION i 21925 8 i � HOLCOMBE'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 70 TO 75 II.CLUSI`jE I 1 OF A'ILKIN AND HEYWARD'S OUT LOTS _ 21928 I 19 3 21929 20 3 21930 21 3 21931 22 3 , 21932 23 3 r ( r A 4 % Ward 6 Division I NOTICE NO. SUBDIVISION 7 - IRVINE'S ADDITION 21935 Except Ave., Lot 3 also that part N of Carrol Ave. of 8 2 KM IS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 5, RONDO'S A.DDITIO 21938 S 2/3 of Lot. 13 and 14 5 LAFOI;DtS ADDITION 21939 Except R.R. R/w, that part of Lots 2 and 3 Ely of a line drawn from SE corner of said Lot 3 to point on N line of se:id Lot 2 where same is Intersected by Sly line of aforesaid R. R. RAacross 2 MACKUBIN AND MARSHALL'S ADDITION 21948 Except Ave. 8 3 21959 14 li 18 14ERRIAM AND MOORE'S REARRANGEMENT OF PART OF BLOCKS 3, 12, & 13, FOUNDRY ADDITION 21964 That part of Lot 1 Sally of a line drawn from LW corner of said Lot to SEly corner of said Lot in 13 21965 Except SWlY 10 ft- 2 13 21986 I Except My 10 ft. 3 13 21967 Except SMy 10 ft. 4 13 21968 Except My 10 ft- is 21969 Except SyFly 10 ft, 6 13 21970 Except Swly 10 ft. 7 13 21971 Except S -fly 10 ft. 8 1 13 1 21972 1 Except MY 10 ft. 9 13 21973 Except SWly 10 ft- 10 13 J -3 A NOTICE SUBDIVISION 71— ...KPI nu+c� ?,,()OREIS REARRANIGML111 Or PART OF BLOCLS 4 12,_& 13, rOUhPliY A:,'l)ITIOL 21974 Except STIY 10 ft. 11 13 21976 Except STly 10 ft. 12 13 21976 Except MY 10 ft. 13 13 21977 Except SWIY 10 ft. 14 13 21978 Except Sally 10 ft. lb is 21979 Except SWIY 10 ft. 16 13 21980 1 Exempt Srly 10 ft. 17 13 21981 Except ST71Y 10 ft. is 13 21982 Except SVIY 10 ft. 19 13 NININGERIS ADDITION 21990 27 8 PACIFIC ADDITION 22C 32 16 4 22013 16 4 RONDO'S ADi;ITIjN 22016 9 & of Late 7 and 8 7 SOUTH'S SUBDIVISIM OF :LOCKS 2, 6, 7, & 8 OF STINSON'S DIVISION OF THE NY` t, SEC. 36, T 29 N,l R 2 3 22027.6 South 40 ft. of Lots 43, 44 and !46 22027-8 North 40 ft. of South 80 ft. of Lots 43, 44 v 46 22027-6 (Except South 00 ft.) Lots 43. 44 and 46 8 SLaTHIS STJ! DIVISION OF :fLO;;K 3 OF ST110OWS DIVISION OF tiiE NW " Oi SEC. 36, _T 29, R 23 22033 be 3 hOiiERT A. SMIT0S REAMUloEUENT 01, LOTS 1. 2, 3, 4* 6, 6, &- 7 OF t IIAlN A'D "n' OUT LOTS 22046 6 4 J NOTICE SUBDIVISION wEIDERS REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 76, 77, 76, 79 ILKIN & UYURDIS LS AND 80, WOT 1 31 22050 22051 52 1 22052 33 It 22053 34 1 22064 j, 1 22055 36 Ii 1 wILKIN AND hEYWARDS OUTLOTS 2205655 E 127 ft. of Ward 8 Division 2 COTTAGE hOMES 22072 That part of Lot 38 sly of Sly line of RAV of Ry. exoept St. also commencing at a point on W line of Lot 39, loo ft. S of S line of said R/W, thence N along W line of said Lot J 39, loo ft. to Sly line of said R/t, thence NEly along Sly line of said R/K 100 ft. to a point, thence SWly to beginning, part of Lots 38 and 39 FLORAL ADDITION 22082 1 22083 I 2 22084 3 22085 4 22086 5 22087 6 22088 7 22089 9 22090 10 22091 11 22092 12 22093 13 22094 1 14 22095 15 1-1 JLJ LL -- NOTICE SUBDIVISION wEIDERS REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 76, 77, 76, 79 ILKIN & UYURDIS LS AND 80, WOT 1 31 22050 22051 52 1 22052 33 1 22053 34 1 22064 35 1 22055 36 Ii 1 wILKIN AND hEYWARDS OUTLOTS 2205655 E 127 ft. of Ward 8 Division 2 COTTAGE hOMES 22072 That part of Lot 38 sly of Sly line of RAV of Ry. exoept St. also commencing at a point on W line of Lot 39, loo ft. S of S line of said R/W, thence N along W line of said Lot 39, loo ft. to Sly line of said R/t, thence NEly along Sly line of said R/K 100 ft. to a point, thence SWly to beginning, part of Lots 38 and 39 FLORAL ADDITION 22082 1 22083 I 2 22084 3 22085 4 22086 5 22087 6 22088 7 22089 9 22090 10 22091 11 22092 12 22093 13 22094 1 14 22095 15 • G NOTICE No. SUBDIVISION 71- l« .xe 22096 22097 22098 22100 22101 22102 22103 22104 22105 22106 22107 22108 22109 kAYH"IS ADDITION 22114 22115 RICE STREET VILLAS 22121 22122 22123 22124 22131 ROSE MARY PLACE 22143 22144 22145 22146 22147 a 22148 22149 22150 16 17 19 22 I 23 24 i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 42 j 20 7 21 7 22 7 I 23 7 24 12 7 8 i 1 9 10 11 i 12 13 14 ` I { I G NOTICE No. SUBDIVISION 71- l« .xe 22096 22097 22098 22100 22101 22102 22103 22104 22105 22106 22107 22108 22109 kAYH"IS ADDITION 22114 22115 RICE STREET VILLAS 22121 22122 22123 22124 22131 ROSE MARY PLACE 22143 22144 22145 22146 22147 a 22148 22149 22150 16 17 19 22 I 23 24 i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 42 j 20 7 21 7 22 7 I 23 7 24 12 7 8 i 1 9 10 11 i 12 13 14 Ward 6 Division 2 X NOTICE No SUBDIVISION ROSE MARY FLACE 22151 15 22152 16 17 22153 22166 20 22167 1 21 22158 23 yy 22159 24 22160 25 22161 26 22162 E7 22163 28 EDWIN M. WARE'S CUMBERLAND ADDITION PLAT 22171 2 11 22172 3 11 22173 4 11 22174 26 11 22178 27 11 22176 E8 11 EDTIN t�. WARE'S CUM6EFLAND ADDITIOIN PLAT 2 22180 6 22182-3 Lots 12 and 13 9 Ward 6 Division 2 NOTICE No SUBDIVISION ROSE MARY FLACE 22151 15 22152 16 17 22153 22166 20 22167 1 21 22158 23 yy 22159 24 22160 25 22161 26 22162 E7 22163 28 EDWIN M. WARE'S CUMBERLAND ADDITION PLAT 22171 2 11 22172 3 11 22173 4 11 22174 26 11 22178 27 11 22176 E8 11 EDTIN t�. WARE'S CUM6EFLAND ADDITIOIN PLAT 2 22180 6 22182-3 Lots 12 and 13 9 yy udaloei mi elect CITY OF SAINT PAUL cou"'IL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1L. NO._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAkFORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER. -._.. - - _-. _. DATE_Au9nSt 13, la4g RESOLVED: That Butcher license # 6250, expiring July 22, 1941, issued to Fred W. Steckmeyer at 410 Pleasant Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Fred W. Steckmeyer at 1459 St. Clair St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. transfer informally ao^roved by Council, Au.;. S, 194o cOuncILmEn 1]eas/ nays r ss indlan --Parranto P_,_fRAP�_ -R-6en ,T'ruax President, McDonough am cs »so. C. F. No. 119929—By G. H. Bartuss— W. A. Parra nto—J. S. Flndlan— Resolved, That Butcher license No. 0250, expiring July 22, 1941, issued to Fred W. Steckmeyer at 410 Pleasant Ave. be and the same In hereby trans- ferred to Prod W. Steckmeyer at 1459 SL Clair S[. and the proper city pin: chanare Instructed to make the proper ges in the city's records. AdoD [ed bythe Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13. 1940. (August 17, 1940) Adopted by the CounclPUG 13 194 Tgq t9 proved_ 194 In Favor - _ - --- --� Illayor Against Original to CRY Clerk !GY•(�� p CITY OF SAINT PAUL COO NCIL .V{#_j/�„ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORD PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER—__. _ _ - DATE—. Auf—ust_13L19- - RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43295, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43296, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43297, applied for by Mary Frances Kraker at 519 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to &sats issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally app, by Council, Aug. 8, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILIIMETI leas Rays �uss Findlan -'15arranto Pet—snnin Favor Truax / Against [lir. President, McDonough ,m �C cs »>aa C.F. No. 119830—By G. H. Barfusa- 3. 5. Ftudlan— Resolved. That license for Restau- nnt, app "call.. 43295, 0. Sale Malt Beverage, ppllca tion 43 L'J 0, and Off Salo Malt Beverage, ¢pp"cation 43297, applied for by or Frances Kraker at 519 Seib y Ave. be and the a e hereby granted and the City Clerk r Instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treas- ury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1940. AP proved Aug. 13, 1940. (August 17. 1940) 31990 Adopted by the Counoi AUr, 1 __ leg _ Approved_ _--- -----i94 May ;. Original to City Clcrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL IV [) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B 11 COMMISSIONER .. - _-- DATE—__ �11�18t 13,. 19`)0 RESOLVED: That Restaurant license +1423, expiring Tan. 12, 1941, issued to Thomas Porter at 235 Rondo Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Thomas Porter at 379 Carroll Ave. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper charges in the city's records; PROVIDED, HOWEVER; that this place is to close at 1 A.M. every night. C. F. No. 119831—By G. H. Bnrfuss— W. A. Pa-nnto—J.. S Flndlan— Resolved. That Restaurant license No. 14'23, expiring Jan. 12, 1941, leaued to Tho -ns Porter at 235 Rondo Ave. beand the a e le hereby transferred to Phomas Porter at 379 Carroll A— and the proper city ofue— are In- itruded to -site the proper changes n the city's r ords; Provided. However, That thle place le to close at 1' A, M. every night. Adopted by the Cauncli Aug. 13, 1940. APDroved Aug. 13. 1940. (August 17, 1940) Transfer -- — - -- Inf. approved by Council, July 30, 1940 auc 13 IN C011DCimu Adopted by the Council, leo 1]eas - hays r 9 � � . inolan Approved _ 194 erranto In Favor /l2o�sefi ,Trua3c // Against President, McDonough 3m 5-40 Cs 1—a 0r61ln.1 to City CI -1A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — /•y,./t- V/yCOUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FM COMMI55 ONER_. f'. August 13, 19'— RESOLVED: That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 42298, applied for by the Como Temple, I.B.O.P.E, of W. $128, at 588 Rondo St, be and the sale is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue vach license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, Informally approved by Council, May 28, 1940 New Location. COunCILMErl Qeas Rays a fyga �n n arrant. /- ruax President, McDonough em a -.o Cs 23358 C. F. No. 119832—By O. H. Barfuss— At Beverage, eveIlcenee for tlOa Sale Malt Beverage, ppllcatlon 42298, Y lE. of W No. 128the , at 588 Rondo St. be d the is hereby granted the City ad Clerk Is Instructed to Issue ch license upon the payment Into the Ity [re""" t the qul red fees. Adopted by the Coancll Aug. 13, 1940. Approvetl' pug. 13, 1940. (August 17, 1940)_ AUG 194 Adopted bq the Council. 194 1s )"N /--Approved- - - - -- - --194 c v _ In Favor _ \ � or Against Original In CITY.3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ­CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONS —__ DA —_ RESOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted to the West Minnehaha Playgrounds Assn, to conduct a festival at Minnebahn and St. Albans Street for the period from August 10, to August 16, 1940, inclusive, said West Minnehaha Playgrounds Assn. to pay any license fees that may be required. C. F. No. 119833—ay G. H. aartuss— itW. A. Parran[o— Reaolved, Tha[ permission be la Hereby granted [o the We.[ Mind rehabs Playgrounds Asan. [o tluc[ S[1efory (het Allnnehaha d SL CAlban. August 16, 1940, l�cluel e. rom ea ld ust 1West Mi nnehaha Playground. Asan. to pay Adolpted by ChetCoun IIyAbg, r13, [fired. ADDroved Aug. 13, 1940. (August 17, 19407 Informally approved by council. Aug. 6, 1940. AUG 13190 CDnnCILmisn Adopted by the Council _ 194 leas nays Barfuss Findlan Approved_ Parranto "y. In Favor Rosen ( ID yor Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough nm 1— CS »Y1. orial—I to city CI CITY OF SAINT PAUL FoU�NCIL NO. vl �✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By August 1 1940 COMMISSIONER _ _._ DATE__ 3t RESOLVED: That license for Merry -.Gro -Round, application 43519, applied for by the West Minnehaha Playgrounds Assn. at Minnebaha and St. Albans for the period from August 10, to August 15, 1940, inclusive, be and the same is hereby granted provided all ordinances applicable thereto have been complied with and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 119834—By G. H. Barfuss— W'. A. Parranto—J. S. Findlan— Resolved, Thatlns436 or p Iced Go -Round, applicationp for by the West Mlnnehshs. Play- ground, Assa. at Mlnnehnba and et. Albans or the period from August 30, the Aggus[ is 6 hereb1. y granted provided all ordinances applicable the hove been om➢l ledto and the CIIY Clerk is Instructed [o Issue such license up - n the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13. 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG IS COUTICILTTIETI Adopted bit the Council 194_ IJeas nays i /8aefuss „ .. tTI �F//igdlan _Approved_194 /P. arranto 12 _ In Favor 4tosen �uax Against Mr. President, McDonough nm � o Cs 7—a odolna In cnr /c�lHlO I1^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F1LE NO._ ✓' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM NVA PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE— Allnj0t lVu 10,940.. - RESOLPED: That Pool Hall license 18356, expiring June 23, 1941, On Sale Malt Beverage license #6501, expiring June 23, 1941, Restaurant license #1962, expiring June 23, 1941, and Off Sale Mal: Leveret 21c ise #9629, expiring June 23, 1941, issued to Frank J. Hau and Urban Seifert at 392 Selby Ave, be and the same are hereby transferred to Franc J. Hau only at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the cityls records. Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. S, 1940 Old Location. COMICiLmEn geas nays 1-15a,Juss ----Findlan ./Parranto Posen iTruax Mr. President, McDonough 3111 s- o C523138 C. F. No. 119336—By G. H. Bnr[uee— W. A. Pa-anto--J. 9ol . Fintllan- 1366eaozDlringhJuneo 23 H394111c O S soNo Malt Beverage llcenee No. 6601, e piring June 23, 1991, Reataurnnt llcenae 9 1862, ZD lying June 23 1941, 62 9nle i It Bev 23. Lice nee No. 9629; xplring June 'L3, 1991, le.ued to Frank J. Hau and Urban Set Per[ at 392 Selby Ave. be and the hI eby traneperred to ITnnlea e e on1Y at the ams address and Htho mroe itY o�ce`e are ins tructad [o yds. pr°Derhangee In the cl[y's reAd"I d br the Counc/l Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13, 1940. - (August 17,,.1940) AUG 13" Adopted by the Council - 194 Ji \pproued—_.-- _194 - I In Favor J � Mayo Against Original to City C k - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL Np, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENER FORM PRESENTED B fw' DATE Augmst—i3 --� 1 ----'— COMMISSIONER— -. -. -. - - WREBRAS, Fred W. Steclmeyer desires to withdraw application 43211 for Butcher license at 1459 St. Clair St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Fred W. Steclmeyer the fee of $25.00 and to cancel Said application for license. C. F. Nei,,T836—By G. H. Bartu9e— W. A. Parranto—J. S. ?Indlan— Whereas, Fred W. Steckmeyer de- fIroe to wlthd raw application 43211 or Bulehor Ileense nt 1469 St. Clair Sen a tees dei,osl ted ether eon, theurn of refohe re, be It Resolved, That the proper eltr ffl- Ized to r -fu. d hto Fed W. Steckand teare herebmeyer the fee of126.00 and to Cancel said application for Ito ens.. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13, 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG Z 30 C011nCILMER Adopted by the Council 194 na s Leas e _ pproved_ - -. __.-- - _.._l04 - Findlan ,,'Oarranto �Felseeer-- In Favor e � yor /lt9sen :- �. / Against ruax /T6. President, McDonough 3M a-ao cs 733,6 O ipine,•.o City Clerk .I UNCIL ary C C. F. No. 119637—By G. H. Darfuee— ,g W. J.lie S. a� --" NO. COUNCIL of ed, That OFFICE C by 'hel ned ,• That Ifc•• RESOLI ' K71�-- GENERAL FORM August 1 40 _ _ GOMM19SIONEY DATEPRESETED _ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicate the iinstructedissue be nlthe esmergranted city treasury of the required fees: such icensesupon the paymeeninohe George Dietsch 1237 Matilda St. Ice Delivery APP-42795 Renewal Capitol Ice &Fuel Co. 939 Edgerton ice Delivery Ice Storage " 42934 " ^ ^ 4ZB35 n n n 1150 Payne Ave. Ice station " 42936 " n " 2937 " " n Arkwright & Lawson Ice Station Morris Saxerud 902 Farrington Ice Station q " 43091 West End Com'1.Club 823-5 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 43119 " Jacob Effenbarger 1145-7 Rice St. Restaurant On Sale Malt 122 " 43" " 4312 " Off Sale Malt " 4312 n Leo McMahon 1326 E. 4th St. 3 Ice Delivery " 42160 " Levi Garrett 6 H. Western Ave. 35 Off Sale Malt " 43210 " Abe Gradin 171 Front Ave. n n Restaurant On Sale Malt 43224 " " " 43225 ^ ^ ^ n n n n Off Sale Malt 43226 " Joan DuBois 164 Concord St. n n Restaurant On Sale Malt " 43274 " " 43275 " n n Off Sale Malt " 43276 " n a S. H. Wellman 1158 Selby Ave. Off sale Malt ^ 43301 " Clarence E. Earle 1554 St. Clair Barber 43319 " Randolph Ice & Fuel Co. 260 W. Central Ice Station Ice Station " 43321 n 43322 " n n it 920 Randolph St. West End Ice &Fuel Co. W. 7th and Osceola Ice station " 43331 " Adopted by the Council _ -194 C011TICILITIEII Ijeas na17s Harjuss Approved_ __ ----- 194 Findlan Parranto In Favor --- - - iRayor Rosen Against Truax Mr. President, McDonough >nl Yeo Cs 0Hgl.q W city c1.r4 41 j°'` 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FI EMCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER— DATE__ - -2- Frank L. Bruzeski 482 Mississippi Off Sale Malt App.43333 Renewal John J. Schmitt 486 Jackson St. Restaurant ^ 43334 " n u n a On Sale Malt " 43335 " It n n n Off Sale Malt " 43336 it Lowell Franklin 1030 Hudson Rd. Restaurant n 43337 " Albert Linsk 681 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 43345 " John R. Clarkin 516 Jackson Restaurant " 43346 " n n n n On Sale Malt " 43347 n 0£f Sale Malt " 43348 ^ R. F. Nelson 494 N. Dunlap Confedtionery " 43352 " Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton 722 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt ^ 43353 " Leo Paraskevas 1377 St.Clair St. Vehicle Peddler It 43354 " n n n u Foodstuff VP. " 43355 " Julius Singer 340 E. 13th St. Junk Dealer " 43358 " Sam Nemo 678 Grand Ave. Restaurant a 43360 " It " " it On Sale Malt It 43361 " Thos. Hackley 778 S. Smith Ave. Gas Station II 43362 " Henry Finstad 767-75 Webasha St. Restaw ant n 43363 n On Sale Malt ^ 43364 " Off Sale Malt " 43365 " S. H. Wellman 1158 Selby Ave. Confectionery ^ 43374 " Nuwash & Sanderson 1818 St. Clair Ave. Confectionery " 43376 " T.McNuilty & G. Schleifer 266 University Ave. Restaurant ^ 43390 n n n It n n n n u On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 481 " 4, 82 n n n n C011nCILmEn Adopted by the Council AUG 13_1 lea Y /geas nays ) Findlan --�arranto -� A proved_ In Favor — eTTs�11— TTlay9 ,,Rosen / ,Truax Aqainst :3'a l•:`tiLD_ - yL Mr, President, McDonough 01191-1 to CIM Cl.r4 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL 41 co""' OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUT ION --- GENERAL FORM __— _DATE August 5, 1949 C.F. en— Resolved, That Eththe Noton erDs North States Power Company be given yermiseleq to install 136 -foot Dwole Carroll, guys.of Lexington, 1th Telephone Coy party wires. Pole � aaddwlres too be m ved when requested to da o by the Common Council and —at of aid oval to be borne by the Northern States Power ComyanY• Eatl mate 33473. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13. 1940. (August 17, 1940) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole on Carroll, East of Lexington, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires, Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 33473. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bayfuss /ndlan / �arranto //v� Retefeeft --In Favor __Rosen —,Truax —L_—Against /Mr. President a o bM 0-'s CS AUG 131940 Adopted by the Council ___-193— XM 3194th A roved 193_— — 'l -- Ma r OAple.t to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL RK COFILUNCIL NO._ t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEM.4 - COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENER!�FORM PRESENTED EY�/- DATE __Au'uS.t_._1.1 1940_ COMMISSIONER - Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 1 ##1048-5 Combined Wind Direction and Velocity Transmitter, 1 ##1242 Wind Direction Indicator, complete with indirect lighting and 1 ##1252 Wind Velocity Indicator complete with indirect lighting at a total cost not to exceed $800.00 f.o.b. Baltimore, Md. from JULIEN P. FRIZZ & SONS, for use at the Airport Administration Building, without advertisement, as they cannot be secured from any other source and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Airport 21-D2 Fund. C. F. No. 119839—gy �.p A ) ti Rea of vc d, That the P... oe tot slet. with Inot ndirect �)1gh—t- f.ogbntgnitlmoreatMd. fromceed $800.00 'I A"-. & Sone, for ro n Julie P. Administration Buliding, heith Ai port verr: from�tuent, as they cannot be ad - other ther source and n eecurea +'r Airport u21 obs gained thereby.o Charge Adopted ID3t Fund. y he Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13, 1940, (August 17, 1940) COUTICILMETl Adopted by the Council AIJC IS I 194 y ,��Y¢ Teas '�6 / muss / Ila s - u 0y9 I Findlan Approved C�9_ 194__ - a.11to In Fauor _ - --- os /� fiayor - - r-' _ Against XPresident, McDonough 3M 3-40 cs ],Jae C-0 P Y ST. Paul, Mimi.. -August 9, 1940 Mr. H. W. Austin, City Purchasing Agent. Dear sir; I am attaching Requisition #2919 For wind indicators to be installed in the Administration Building control tower at the Municipal Airport. To the best of my knowledge these instruments: can not be purchased from any other concern and are standard as used by the governmental services. This -particular type is _so flexible that four sets of indicating instru- ments may be connected to this transmitter which is'an outstanding feature and eliminates the duplication of transmitters, and has been recommended to me,by Mr. Little who is Chief of the Airport Aerological Division at Washington, D. C. and it is their intention to provide the same type of.indicators to operate from our trans- mitter4 and he has agreed to have his persnhnel service same. Very truly yours, (SIGNED) FRANCIS J. UENG Airport Director IMMUHH, in 1st. Laid ober to 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Barfuss Yeas j Nays Barfuss ­4indlan Fi9dlan Parranto Petegggg on /�arranto Jterson _ZR ta Air. President Fallon mr. President Fallon Ori,in.l to ch, ('lark C. F. No. 119310—Ordinance No. 9149— q `� ® 0. ny Fred M. Trunz— ma\ R D dina..e .ng Ordinance No. ^'342. aPP',.1.;.. 'r..,nr 30. 1927. Hied: . PRESENTED BY.�.- '��.i �lfl.. /1-`�-��'OPDINANCE NO. - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fi r� the number that may b e appointed, and establishing organization charts for the various departments of the City government. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,, health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Thtet Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 300 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by.tnserting in Section 10 thereof, in the organiza- tion chart of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, under the subdivision "Building Permits", the line: "l Senior Clerk" Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council AUG_M'74V_ Barfuss an Parranto -_- ._— In Favor -gree—= Peterson _.___ -----_.__ _Against Truax Mr. President (Matzq McDonough AUG 28 1940 Attest:'=%� P —— - -- —— — l' City Clerk Mayor 250 339 G5 20777 9 '£ W E RE od,lewroab�a.& .- - CITY OF ST. PAUL .��� NO. OFFICE OF Tj CIT CLERK COUNCIL RES IDT N --- CItNERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y �-tiG---vim DATE COMMISSIONER— RESOJjoVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following etreete and alleyat C. F. No. 119841—B Mllt R Walsh, Cottage to South to Alley Walsh, Montana to North to Alley E & W Alley --York, Sime, Edgerton, Payne Hazel, Fifth to Sixth Mean, Bates to Mound Alley --Hudson Road, Wakefield, Maple, Forest Edgcumbe at Hamlin Edgcumbe at Ridge Edgcumbe, Bobland to Randolph Alley --Loeb, Kent, Lawson, North to End Resolved. 7Rtat tl a Commiesloner o[ Pubile Works be and he le hereby an - Ing and directed to oil the by an- ing etreete and Wlaye: Walsh, Cottage to South to Alley Walsh, Montana E. & W. ton, Py .y' Mrt Alley -Marion, Woodbridge, Hatch, Lawson Huron, Nebraska to Hoyt Nebraska, Alley E of Hail4ine to Chelsea Alleyr-Raymond, Raymond Place, Marvel Alley --University, Charles, Fairview, 298' West Pinehurst, Finn to Cleveland Prior, M. R. Blvd to Norfolk Fairview, Edgcumbe to 150' North Fairview, Montrei to Ford Alley --St. Anthony, Shields, Fairview, Beacon N & S Alley --St. Anthony, Shields, Herschel, Aldine Nebraska, Como Blvd to Oxford Alley- -Van Buren, Minnehaha, Avon, Grotto and private propertyfo,the followingt William Heck, 614 North Lakland Manor Apwtments Corp., 845 S. Cleveland St. Paul White -Lead & Oil Co., 43 E. Water Villaume Box and Lumber Co., 76 W. Indiana St. Vincent's Church, 651 Virginia Northern Pacific Beneficial Assn., N P Hospital Twin City Wholesale Grocer Co., 2285 University AUG Asn Dept. of Education, Various School Gro,utnds 7 �1 ICY COUNCILMEN Bureau of Municipal Equipment--Drvdopted by7theN�ounCire Sty ______193_ Yeas � Nays a ss �in,U.:n �Parranto e erson sen ruax President {� eclfmAr)---' 5M 838 Ca // !�R.':.A''ic. :' / Approved 1013194 193— In Favor or. i Against .L9f4Rt3 pp gg� orialn.l to Cigy clerk A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR PRESENTED BY ,�^ COMMISSIONER______ �.p TE—_--Aug.--13,- 1940r RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Otto Winklesky viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of M.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 9th day of July 1940; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Otto Winklesky the sum of $80.00 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including Aug. 6, 1940. 6 COUTICIT.TTIETI gea8 TIatIS t5 9g F� n arranto _ os�fl In Fatwr Against rua r. President, McDonough - 3m 1,40 CS 73335 C. F. No. 11842—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the proper city oHi- be and they are 'hereby author- Iz a to enter Into a agreement wl th Otto Winklesky providing for the pay-{ ment oY peneatlan to him at the rate of $20.08 per week -during such I ime he hall be totally disabled byaaon f Injuries received by him _h is in the Works of the Deport - meet of Fuhl is Works on the 9th day of July. 1940; be It Fur Cher Resolved, That in a ord- wlth Bald agreement, the proper aitye office rs hereby a thorieed to Pay toaid Otto Winklesky the sum ut E80.00 dut o[ the Workmen's Com - t''; pen tion Account f the General ;y< Fund in partial settlement of his claim agalnst the City, being for th +period to nd Including Aug. 6, 1940 Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1940. Approved Aug. 13, 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG IS" Adopted by the Council-, 1 rtafSlfM Aproved_.... ���'-- 9 odalnnl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILFILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLTK COUNCIL R�FSOLUTION--- GENiR1AL FORM PRESENTED BY John S. Findl 71 ,� '�y � August 13, 1940 COMMISSIONER—_. _ llDATE DATE C. F.119843—BY john a Findlan— Wherere as, Margaret olguere, In the o [ner the fecltY Etateof sL Paull Par- ticipating Certificate N--=- WHEREAS, -__ WHEREAS, Margaret Giguere, as executrix of the Estate of N. A. Giguere, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate No. 263318 for the amount of Five Hundred Dollars; and WHEREAS, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplioate to be issued in lieu thereof, and whereas, the said Margaret Giguere, as executrix of the Estate of N. A. Giguere, has filed a bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, or double the amount of the certificate, indemnifying end saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and WHEREAS, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Kenneth M. Brill, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927: therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the above mentioned Margaret Giguere, as executrix of the Estate of N. A. Giguere a duplicate certificate in lieu of the said certificate No. 263318 which has been lost or destroyed. COUTICILTRETI Teas / [lays �5 Fin an a.rranto In Favor osen / ,tea/w.-.Against /tiRf� President, McDonough 3m -0 Cs 23338 - — Adopted bytheCouncil, UG 13 _"____tga___ AUG 13 100 Q Approved ------_------- -----194- - - - !rL;3L[91: WHEREAS, John Langhausen has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Ex. Ave.) Lots 1 and 20, Part S.E. of Pleasant Ave. of Lots 2, 3, 18 & 19 and all of Lot 21, Blk. 8, A. Vance Brown's Sub. of Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1635.17, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $900.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $746.21 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $900.00 and that said stun of $746.21 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1635,17. RUGS Ow COnTICILMEn Adopted by the Council_ _-_-_ __.__-_194__ _ 1jeas 1lay9 Aus Is" Barf uss / 11K ��mdlan Approved-- /Parranto 9-1 ln Favor— - _- _-- _ ayor Ros n ruax Against % — a /,,tt,!`r. President, McDonough T�*JBLTSHL:D---�"�"' 3m Sno CS 23338 T oriai—I t. City Clerk 4c�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL counca. NO. •_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC. F. No. I19844—Br Job. S. Findlnn— COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENER Whereas, john Langha...n has mase apyllca tion for tell of [o the Minnesota ^ Tar Commission relative to delinquent ta3:¢e and nseeeBmen [e on the follow - Ing described PRESENTED BY property, to (Ex. Ave.) !-- COMMISSIONER—_ —___... —___.—�.____.y7.-_. _______ S. E. of r —� 3.18 ars--_._ _---_— WHEREAS, John Langhausen has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: (Ex. Ave.) Lots 1 and 20, Part S.E. of Pleasant Ave. of Lots 2, 3, 18 & 19 and all of Lot 21, Blk. 8, A. Vance Brown's Sub. of Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add.; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1635.17, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $900.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $746.21 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $900.00 and that said stun of $746.21 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1635,17. RUGS Ow COnTICILMEn Adopted by the Council_ _-_-_ __.__-_194__ _ 1jeas 1lay9 Aus Is" Barf uss / 11K ��mdlan Approved-- /Parranto 9-1 ln Favor— - _- _-- _ ayor Ros n ruax Against % — a /,,tt,!`r. President, McDonough T�*JBLTSHL:D---�"�"' 3m Sno CS 23338 Petition Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing Sherwood Avenue ,from Arcade Street to Fore,et ,Street . .. .. . . . . . . ...... . . .................................................................................... ........................................................................ Dated this .... l3tA..... day of......... I .... A?9U.St..... ................. 1 �4..... ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...........Gu�b.1n�.Sberwood.Avguue..�rom.l�rceae.street..to.oFeet. Street ....................... ............. ................................................. ....... ............. C. F. No. 119845— Abstract Whereas, A written proposal for the .................................................... ....... ......... ..... .......... making of the following viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......... ...................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner -of Finance. 1 J. y: Adopted by the Council........... ......... ......................... YEAS NAYS 1..3. ..'Q� Councilmatl�FUSS Approved........... AUG....3 ... y............................. IIJDI AN ARRANTO PETERS�� ��MA �p�N:..f...C...................................,.T:.... UAX -MR. PRESIDENT 1 t,1;LiS1iL'D IM 12.38 pP PIN Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �— C. F. No. 119896— and Abst—a Whereoe, A written pro oval for the - -Ing f the ronowin �taprovethe PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,' iz.: Plant. and.protect,,treQa,. xheFe..mot..already. plac�d,..4n.�ds4wabe.�taaA from.......... Lesington.Parkwey to. Randolph .AyenuQ,,.including,eleo,.�Asta lj,xfg.a.} ttp.9, oA.arFd... .improying.the,center, boulevard. betwQen_ the. emme,.�7mits„1A,00n,;or�ty, z AY.6AUR, Dated this ..13th ....... day of................Augget................... ....., 1 .... t Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......PJ,aAt..aA4..pF4teat..tFQee,,.where,not.already placed, on Edgcumbe Road from LeaipgtglkR"lcway.to.Randolph_Avenue, including also installing shrubs on and ....... improving..th.e.center bouleyerd between the same limits in conformity with the ................................................................... ....... previously done on Egpcu be Road south of Randolph Avenue. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ado ted b the Council ...........a .. e . YEAS NAYS AUG 131 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN .......................:...................... / TRUAX�.....; Mayo MR. PRESIDENT - . 12.39 T'ITRLISFMD f — / % — 4 Petition 1191147 41 Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct, a. sidewelk.,on. the. south, aide..oY.l opt..Agexlµ@.Yee.et.. ........................... from Lexington Parkway to Chelsea Street ......... .............................. .................................................................... .......................................................................................................................,. .... .............................. Dated this .... 1.3th..... day of..... .........August ...._..... ...X.,� ...................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A lvritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct. , a , sidewalk. on, . the. soAth . side. oY..ZQY.t . AY.eAuS..W.eP.t .............................. . from Leaington.Perkwa}!. to..Chelsea.Street................ C. F. No. 119847— .................................................... 19841—.................................................... Ab.t—t. whereas, A written proposal for the ................................................................... ..................... ..�E �t (b? PollowlnR 1mProvemen[, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 7. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ISO Adopted by the Council.................. �... .. ........................ YEAS NAYS AUG 13190 Councilman BARFUSS Approved................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN! .... J.................................................. .. TRUAX May9r. NIR. PRESIDENT y ISI 12.38 Petition Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Qonstru4t, ,s� de9v8134B..4R . b.4ti}..67 de$. of .$ae.G. gawt44TRe. Ayonixe........... I ............ I ... from.grcasle..StzaeG..t.4.DGeRd4L.e. Sseat............................................................ ....................................................................................................... . ........................... ...................... I................ 13th st_... Dated tits. ...........day of..................Augu.... .............. ......... ............. ....................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct,sidewalks.on.both.sides_of East. Hawthorne Avenue ...Prom. ,Aroade. Street..to .Mendota. Street . . .. . ...... . .. .. . ... C. F. Ne. 119848— Abetreet. ...... .................... ....... ......... ... ... Whereas. A " " " " " " ' written nroPnenl rnr the ..................... mnk)R4 0[ the ' .............................................................. I......................... .r.................. ............ ,... having been presented to the Council of the Cite of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ° 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattersto he Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................... (................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved........ ,qlj�, .I. �. .................. .... FINDLAN PARRANTO —P� ROSEN TRUAX _ Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 7 —d 1\1 12.38 � � �. .... .,. .. COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------------------------------- fly 1� z 9 By--------------------------------------------------------------- ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for con3tructing a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Mendota Avenue to Forest Street, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT. C. F. No. 119849— the mutter of the as ant o[ honed s. costa and exo ,stn. r a tructing a e - from Tt under Preliminary Order......116827 ............. _.................. Intermediary Order ......117400.............................. ._......, Final Order....1178-12... ......__....... approved.........JAAgAJrYAQ----------------- ------------------------- 19...0. benefits, costs and expenses ......................... for and in connection with The assessment o£._.. ...........................--- ... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...11th „--day of September19..40., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount tlssessbd against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AUG 13161{10 Adopted by the Council ..._.._.-._._...._----_..................... AW3 T 3 Appmrved.................. ...-. ...................... _19.._..... File 8877 Councilman Clikay It...� Councilman FeFq3�a4.Tr = 1; Councilman MpQnald i / Councilman Rohland-.._;_--,.� Councilman Sudheimer _S7A 1" Councilman Wenzel _.,:=- r„I„_. Mayor Hodgson� liai±et+r Farm B. B. 17 ✓!2c/n ro-N-�•*-•-`� .................... 19........ -...... --- City i erk. ....------/........................................... --...� Mayor. puBLISHm- NOTICE clTr OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO 1�-'2 F -d TO COUt C. F. No. 1198fiR-119861-119882— Roeoly^T b. drawn on PRINTER _ �,.r v,, „IassroKace�iat j2 1_ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 19. OF $ 9, 44i 00 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7AM& T074061—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS 06 FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUG 13 190 AU d 13 190 ciTy COMPTROLLER APPROVED 193— NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER AT1R•ust 10 19340 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $5,_960.11- , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 73975 TO 707 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUG 13 i93 _ APPROVED �1 LT 13 19Q � (� of Y PTROLLER _ 193—� �✓, .. BYE%/��%%��. NOTICE TO PRINTER 19195, CITY OF SAINT PAI.4i..1—., COUNCIL FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION August 9 Ia340—. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-4,111111.56 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—73919 TO 73974 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 13 $0 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93___.. AUG 1 � CITY coM�ROLLER APPROVED 193 BY If ' II I • i i �. 1 • CITY OF'SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - ROLL CALL BARFUSS PI"DLA" "`" DI, AUDITED CLAIMS o s� ET PETERSON N R OON THE CITY RR August t REASU TRUAX AX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECtiS BE DRAWN COVE ING �`_ APA-rranto + T:� 'HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S2. .�`1y' MR PIES TALON McDonough AUGp CHECKS NUMBERED '�'$yT� TO•% 97 INCLUSIVE. AS �� va R NER CHECKS O i -FILE I7 �T+���;�ICE Jz TTY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- -- a nB24'p'(444=777 -_ .'r NUMBER � APPRO D _ � y t t� C5 /� oA 142 By q , c_� L TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED CHECK DISBURSEMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ECKS CHECKS NUMBER TCHFCKS 0 I .q 6R000HT FORWARD 200403.33_ -.- 73919 st.Paul Institute 666 66 272 73921 73920 colleotor Internal Revenue ( Geo. Sadek 1 00 73922 Mrs. L. Rosenthal 25 00 73923 Ben Rubbelke i3 40 739244 county Welfare Board 17 60 73925 41Quist & Clef k 2 25 77926 A.O. Anfinson 8 33 73927 Mrs. R. Berger 3 08 73928 Mrs. c.V. Johnson 3 51 73929 73930 H. G. McCall John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 709 43 21 45 73931 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 32 00 73932 7393 Thomas Hennessey Ralph J.& Lillian M. Benjamin 597 7393 American Rad. & stand. Corp. 42 1 1 59 73935 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 32 71 73936 corning -Donohue, Inc. 1 718 55 73937 Farwell, 02mun, Kirk & Company 52 39 73938 General Electric Supply Corp. 6 21 73939 Grinnell Company 145 73 73940 R.E. Hulme Awning Company 13 95 73941 Ray J. Kartak. Supt, 5 29 73942 G.A. MacArthur Company 26 27 73943 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company UomPanY 23 28 73944 Minnesota supply 5 59 73945 Rational Lumber Company 73947 73946 National Wire Cloth Company 37 65 Price Electric Company 129 42 73949 9t.Paul Builders Material Company 174 lg 73949 4t.Paul shite Lead & 011 Company 55 73950 soully steel Products Company 2 038 46 73951 73952 J.L. Shiely Company mesterntoilTel. 9 26 1 5t+1 94 7395 Fuelecompanyp�y 20 3 3 7395 Brown sheet Iron & steel Company 23 23 52 73955 Capital Envelope Company 1 840 87 73956 Cutler -Magner Company 668 25 73957 )ravo corporation 94 4 73959 R.C. nuncan & company 159 72 73959 'k.J. Koch & company 23 91 73960 Lewis Bolt & Nut Company 210 00 73961 G.A. Manz & Son 299 22 73962 RockfordaScrewcProductsaCompany 68 88 73963 13 75 73964 Ryan Transfer & storage Company 300 00 73965 Angus A. Perkins 64 00 73966 John Fitzpatrick 22 90 73%7 tern. Carlotta Trainor �5 56 73969 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 17 12 73969 victor Arbors 217 15 73970 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 10 29 73971 I. Kessell 9 332 67 73972 Northern States Power Company 50 50 7397 7397 3.M. Ranoone universal Loading & Die. Company 2 01 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 221 8107 alp 0 I .q } � 1 J ( 1 I 0 I .q SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 227 909 00 I I . fiyY CITY OF BAIPoT PAUL ' rti. DUPL LATE TO'CFI'Y-Cl'ERK - . 1., OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , FouN CIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN IN PETERSON - ROSEN FAVOR', AUDITED CLAIMS August 10, 1940 IB3 - TRUA% AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHEC,1 RE DRAWN� E CITY TREASURY �- ranto T.'HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT CrtS BEREDE MR PRES FA LY1P an DonoughAUG 13_ ��� -�-- 11 OF S_ -V �+-FL-L COVERING TO OQ INCLUSIVE. AS ////// 7 R BY THE COUNCIL. CKS PER CHECKS ON F E1 PER THE OFFI THE CI CO MPTRO THE ADOPTED APPROVED �v-193 -------------- NUMBER' 111 A' -___. \\ - ILLS.. BY -Yts' ---«<... /..`-iifF1'A✓ Y_ 111 ..i \ _.-. TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TNSFER _C RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 221947 99 73975 4rthur F. Haessig 21 00 • 73976 ounnigan Construction Company 5007 00 73977 victor Arbors 12 73979 S. Berglund Lumber Company Company 1 927.20 49 i3 73979 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & 308 76 73950 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 43 75 73991 Fidelity Storage & T.Company 23 36 73992 bias Perris Jones, Librarian 73993 Lampland Lumber Company g3 20 4g 30 73994 Joe Mitchell Oil Company 404 94 73995 Neptune }deter Company 32 34 73996 Nicols, Dean & Gregge. Company 96 96 73997 Northern states Envelope Company 122 96 73999 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company 73999 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 49 73990 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 13370 73991 'gym. L. weber 35 92 49 56 73992 Mr,. Mabel Murphy 7399 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 2 00 7399 Martin Reiling 646 06 73995 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 91 19, 73996 Booth Cold Storage company 52 70 73997 Capitol stationery Mfg. Company 30 13 104 42 73999 McKesson Wholesalers, Inc. 19 96 7 999 Melady Paper Company 7 63 74000 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 74001 Review Publishing Company 592 55 74002 Hoginson, Cary & Sands Company 29 37 74003 Roe -James Glass Company 132 92 74004 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 127 24 74005 Frank Sokola ! 74006 C.A. Pearson & Company 93 354 74007 Newhouse Paper Company i3 49 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 227 909 00 I I DUPLICATE TdfCjT, -CORK - - CIT SOF SAIN7 PAUL 1r� V,�,-,;T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER courvclL FILE NUMBER.. ROLL CALL BARFUSS I^� A st 12, 1940 FINDLANIN PETERSON FAVOR', AUDITED CLAIMS _ R= B] — POSEN TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN DIN THE CITY TREASURY COVERING � _zuaa=___ MR PRES--LL-= karrManto ( TO THE AGGREGATE MODOIIO f� 1 CHECKS NUMBERS AMOUNT OF S�.1/ — 40" -n TO ' 46 _ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCyIL— — PER CHECKS ON?'I�,tN THE p�/FICE OF'.'T'HE CITIY`0METROI_LER APPROVED -8 Wb��Id, B -.n NUMBER -� 7-' / ✓�-O '"v v ✓."__. TOTAL DATE CHECKBY NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED / BANK TRANSFER DIS BU 'f HECHS CHECKS CECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 227 608 00 _ 074009 Mnls.-3t.Pau1 San. S. Dist 15 000 00 74n09 John S. Finrilan, C. of Finance 7 500 00 74010 Flsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 416 67 74011 R.L. Anderson, Inc. 13 81 74012 Grinnell Company, Inc. 35 02 74013 Henry C. Haas 12 22 74414 M,% Christine Heimel 67 74015 Hilding Johnson 19 74016 B.J. Liska 4 00 74017 Nels Nor4ual 15 03 74018 H.W. Roberts 3 4 74019 L.C. Rusoh 5 89 74020 Henry C. 9ohierenbeok 12 88 74021 Ed. Snyder 27 96 74022 L.M. Sofie 2 37 74023 F. J. & 19. J. Spriggs 116 53 74024 Frick Strandlof 36 91 74025 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 274 00 74026 Dr. R.G. Allison 7 50 74027 Bethesda Hospital 156 30 74028 Cobb Clinio 16 00 74029 T)r. 'Vm. Ginsuerg 14 00 74030 DT. Hendrie IV. Grant 6 00 74031 7r. D.D. Hilger 10 00 74032 Dr. R.O. Leavenworth 10 00 74033 -)r. A.H. Pedersen 5 00 74034 Drs. Schons & Medelman 10 00 74035 T)r. C.C. Tha (weld 21 00 74036 P.r. H.J. Wolkoff 31 00 74037 John S. Findlan, Treas. P.P.F. 10 000 00 74038 St.Paul Teachers' R.F.Assoo. 8 000 00 740 9 Larry & Jerry's 35 80 7400 Saint Paul Athletic Club 75 74041 C.11. '•Reikert 5 00 74042 American Linen Supply Company 148 17 74043 The Crane Company 477 30 74044 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 75 74045 Grasselli Chemical Company 74046 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29 97 74047 Indiana Music App.H. 17 3'+ 74048 Int. Business Machines Corp. 43 P8 74049 Lampland Lumber Company 183 74050 ® Miller Supply Company 43 06 74051 F.J. Morse & Company 4 64 74052 National Lumber Company 11 01 74053 Otis levator Company 612 00 74054 7t.Paul Corrugating Company 25 95 74055 St.yaul Foundry Company 117 79 74456. ,tandard 011 Company 8 547 20 74057 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 271 03 74058 Twin City Textile Mills 7 43 74059 G.B. Van Dusen 26 25 74060 Van Paper Supply Company 34 56 74061 -vesterlin & Campbell Company 15 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00 , 272 351 33- Orl,luwl Co Cnp Clerk - CITY OF SHIN C. F. No. 119863—By G. H. snrrnee— NO.__ - - A. F. Peterson —J. A. Parrento— OFFIGE OF THE Holton Rosen—J. S. Flnalnn— M. Tru — ��UNCII�SOLUTION �� «e ceunrn y fisc-,, �`v r �_ ..,.: •' ..-- PRESENTED / "^^ / - DATE - --- ---" COMMIS SIONERER — ----- - - ------ - - - RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed removal of the Saint Paul office of some Owners Loan Corporation would be inimical to the interests of the City and its inhabitants and would result in appreciable inconvenience to mortgage debtors of said Corporation resident in said City pad considerable loss of employment; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council, on behalf of said City and its inhabitants, hereby protests against said proposed removal of said office and requests said Corporation to retain its Bait office in the City of Saint Paul; be it FuR'PHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of said Corporation at its office in Washington, D. C. AUG 14 C011RCiLiilETl Adopted by the Council ljeas Rays /5 MG 14 Approved__ --�Findlan �Parranto - _ In Favor- -� [ilayo dosen 1 _Against )YO �ruax 11UM1S1T9D L - 1 7 _- s., Id'. President, McDonough N. cs arise ,i odM1md m city clerk ,. CITY OF SHIN C. P. No' tisssa-sr c. H. e- NO._. - - A. F. Peterson—W. A. P-arr-trnnta— OFFICE OF THE • Muton Rosen -.r. s. mnalnn- OUNCIISOLUTION' j' ' T*�e covnen .tX t x PRESENTED BY /'''^^ � �� _. DATE - -- ----- -" COMMISSIONER-------- ---- - RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed removal of the Saint Paul office of Home Owners Loan Corporation would be inimical to the interests of the City and its inhabitants and would result in appreoiable inconvenience to mortgage debtors of said Corporation resident in said City fwd considerable loss of employment; be it rupd H RESOLVED, that the Council, on behalf Of said City and its inhabitants, hereby protests against said proposed removal of said office and requests said Corporation to retain its said office in the City of Saint Paul; be it FUR" R, RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of said Corporation at its office in Washington, D. C. W 14 COURCILMEIl Adopted by the Council y_�.g -104--- yeas j nays SW :- US 14 BaTfuss / Approoed_.. �Findlan - Parranto In Favor- __pey�r•, � Rtayo 4osen _Against � `ruax 1'iJ$i;Y'B' �' — 7 46r. President, McDonough �o cs vasa 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota "o, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration kii,- 7, 1�IiD Lr. jol.n 7% 1" C Coll neloii,- Ccrporation couns"I Ci,:/ :all Dear Sir: On :iDtic% otIJb -!--" ,.ere —;t,lested ly --iie Council to crus: a resilition reqiies',InC t!:e propc-r��arties in ,17,. Owners' Loma Corporation. to rnaLntain zz. cf`ice in St. Fl,il =or '.!:e rLcei,.t of iqj7ior,ts, it iiuvin,: cr:a,j tc tl.e attention 0,,j Of tl- Ooicc.! �re �Lfrot to -iovo this nffiee to C:nnh— Y�Ir, vzr; truly, Y. 3 / /0 City Clerk. II!)815 i COUNCIL FILE NO. By-- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__ constructing. curbing_ -on the east side -of- Hamlin AYQAU.Q__,f_'9Al---- ____ Hoyt_ ______Ave_nue to Idaho Avenue _ _ - ._.__ .. -.. - C. F. NO. 119864— . Ia nh [be aetast oxide Of Haimlline curbing A— --- 0 ...................... ...... -. rrom A t Ave. to Id nho under --- -- ---- - -- - -- -- -mi'�Y Order +ah.o Ave.,ve., Under __ ___---_____ -------- ---- -_..__ under Preliminary Order __ 119004- --- ------------------ approved _-June 4, 1940 - -__ --__-----_- Intermediary Order . - ------ ------------------ -approved ------- --------------- ----- ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... onstruct curbing on the east side of Hamlin ------------------------ ---------- ------------------ A_v_.esue__Szvm- &—vt--Avenue _to _Idaho-Axanua- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilMG-111A_ 192__-_ i - - - -- - -- -- - -- --- -; ----------------- AUG 14 IM City Clerk. Approved192 ---- ---- --- File 9028 - - - - - - - Mayo -- or. . Councilman'�rfuss % Councilman T 1 F}adlanRMLERED Councilman llarnwto Councilman Councilman Councilman r z Mayor Hdigmmum 7. i, Form B. S. A. 8-7 7 N u Off ice of the Commissioner of Public Works 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance A June 20 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119004 approved June 4 19 40 , relative to constructing curbing on the east side of Hemline Avenue from Hoyt Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 447*24 Cost per front foot $.75 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $7.89 Engineering $45.00 Frontage 599 ft - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coinmissioner of Public Wo ,P. _, y AlkAgh UU JUN 21 `94:-, 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) j In the matter of constructing curbing on the east side of Hemline Ave. from Hoyt Ave.` to Idaho AOe. under Preliminary Order approved June 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 447.24 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is rottt $ 0.75 The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 18 4 Chelsea Heights $500 $3000 17 4 do 400 18 4 do 400 19 4 do 400 20 4 do 400 21 4 do 400 22 4 do 400 23 4 do 375 24 4 do 400 25 4 do TOTAL. 400 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 4 Chelsea Heights 27 4 do 28 4 do 29 4 do 30 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $400 $3800 400 400 2700 400 300 425 Total $6100 $9800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July -16 19 40��' Commissioner of Finance. Porro B. B. 12 Y y li z r — -- --—11"AAL /NE e fERNWopp — N. Ciri s ,Sf•--- . I -- - i -PtyYlp Iri a a • -- --LEX/NGTON— • —AVE..--� • - i i 8,,;AU OF CONST. a REVAIR B. COCKROFT. SUIT. OFFIce ENGINEEfl G. H. HERROLD CHi ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER p ONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEFAR D. CRiEF ENGINEER Tune 18, 1940 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Puclic Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: 1 BUREAU OF SANITAiION FRED DRIVER. SUFI. BUREAUOF BRIOCES M. S. GR YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUof C11RE1TION1 RAY J. KARTAK. SUIT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on the east side of Hamline Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119004 approved June 4, 1940. Estimated Cost $447.24 Cost per front foot .75 Inspection 7.39 Engineering 45.00 Frontage 599 ft. In tha a number of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work by W.P.A. labor but due to the cut in W.P.A. quota, no further petitions for curbing by W.P.A. labor will be considered. Believing however that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing improvements on the basis of contract work, eventhough such 'work costs from $.25 to $.35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I am submitting the foregoing estimate of construction cost. Yours very truly, �o•�'/�J Approved for transmission GEORGE M. SHEP - to -the Commissioner of Finance Chief Engineer MlkbN ROSEN ` Commissioner of Public Works 2 n 4 / !< 1562 No.Hamline Ave,St.Paul,hinn., August 7,1940. John S.Findlan Commissioner of Finance St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: - I have received notice that the City Council has under consideration the construction of sidewalk and curbing on the east side of Hamline rive from Hoyt to Idaho. About twenty years ago I purchased 9 lots,nos.16 to 24 inclusive,as a restricted district.The house is located on lot 16, corner Hoyt and Hamline. There was little progress in building until about two years ago,and my vacant lots were up against the competition of those in tax delinquency. Last year builders began to be interested in my property, until a store,which the City Council was unable to prevent,was built across from my lots. During these tweny years,I needn't tell you,large sums of money in taxes and assessments have been paid to the City,and as owner of this large stretch of vacant property,with no present prospect of selling,I can't assume this added assessment for sidewalk and curbing. Trusting that my view in this matter will be taken into con- sideration,I am Yours very truly, COUNCIL FILE NO. By-- _ - - - Ir. the Matter of_.. -curbing Geranium__A_yenue from Abell_Street_to_Jackson-Street ___,_ _. . -- -- O. F. Nomatter — InA"a fromf Abell 9trder a 8968, l31- __ _ -- - ------------- ------ -- - - - ,- prenmin-Y Ordex 118968, aD- -- 3. 1-1. t: -- - -- - - -- -- -- ---- ---- - ---__----– -- under Preliminary Order-__ _1.18958_ - --------- _-------- approved _ June 3, 1940 ___________ IntermediaryOrder ----------------------------- - ----- — ------------- approved ----- ---------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,. and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that a ure, provemen lole ma e y e sal Ity-�s-_- aurranlum Avenue from ---------------------------------------------- Abell Street ac eon 6 Yr----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---- ------ -­—Xi-id--- - ---- -- -- --- -- ---k?1 ori : r- T--------------_ irl i,is sa. 13 are Fcrcby bonocllad� nn ----- ----------------- -+= ��_i��4 1'{_;.13it6i_�u_�1SC0111�AY9�------------------------- --- --- - --- -- an Council hereby orders said improvemenn made. RESO FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pu I e and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare s and specifications for said improvement, and subml to the Council for approval; that upon said ap the proper city officials are hereby authorized and1 to pro- ceed with the making of said impro nt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG �$_ --------- 192 -- -------------------- City Clerk. AUG 14" Approved - -- - - --192 File 9022 - - .....------------------------- -- May Councilman S'lancy:-< n ftnrfase k3u:L5i419__---fit` D Councilman ffargusau-f!, Firndla❑ Councilman Mollonald-: 1'n -auto Councilman WcPlogalr=n - =«sr www Councilman Sndheil9br-=^. I -- --Councilman Councilman 9W -164z6 Truax Mayor Hedgaon-.--1 ?Ict)iinougb L� I Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP lt. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of curbing Geranium Ave. from Abell St. to Jackson St. under Preliminary Order approved June 3, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1059.16 frgqnnt $ 0.66 The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Land VALUATIONBldg. 7 (Rheaume's Subdivision of Lots $400 )l and 2, Block 2, St. Paul 8 (North Outlots 275 9 do 275 q 10 do 275 11 do 275 12 do 250 13 do 200 14 do 200 15 do 200 16 do 200 TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME 4T OFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$IONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 17 Rheaume's Subdivision $200 East 32 ft. of Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8 1 Pelzl's Sub. of Lot 3, Blk. 250 $1400 2 of Saint Paul North Outlots (Except East 32 ft.) 7 and 8 1 do 375 1925 6 1 Pottgieser's Sub. of Lots 5 to 325 16, inclusive, all of Weide and Dawson's Garden Lots t) Saint Paul 16 Ransom's Rearrangement of 325 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, of Weide & Dawson's Garden Lots 19 do 350 20 do 350 1000 21 do 350 22 do 350 1250 23 do 350 650 24 do 350 800 28 do 350 550 26 do 350 400 27 do 350 950 1 do 425 850 Total $7600 $9775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 16 19_40 Commissioner of Finance. Form S. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn .................... /. __..190 c To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Put in.....s. Curbing on East Gerani}un..._.. St. Are. from ... Abs]„ _ St. Ase. to, - Cortland --_St, ..............._........... . --_. _.....St. Ave. NAME r BLOCK -- ADDITION r1O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 14 1040 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No --!:1 8958 approved June 3 1940 , relative to curbin(c Geranium Avenue from Abell Street to Jackson Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $.88 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--12-59-16—, and the total cost thereof is $___, Inspection $18.91 Engineering $95.00 Frontage 1205 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owpers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / // CONI, OF FINANCE Commissioner of Public Works. L 10, BURewu o. CORer. a REPwIR COCKROFT. SUPT. OrPIC[ ERciReeR HtRR.1. CHIeP EN C'e RK MARK W. WOOD.. IF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DtPUTY Cor.IN l s e-- GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIB. ENGINEER June 12, 1940 Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works 1, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREwU o. SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF 1311-e M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREwUor CORRECTIOIS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Geranium Avenue from Abell Street to Jackson Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118958 approved June 3, 1940. Estimated Coat $1059.16 Cost per front foot .88 Inspection 18.91 Engineering 95.00 Frontage 1205 ft. In a number of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work by W.P.A. labor but due to the out in W.P.A. quota, no further petitions for curbing by W.P.A. labor will be monsidered. Believing, however, that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing improvements on the basis of contract work, eventhough such work costs from $.25 to $.35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I am submitting the foregoing estimate of construction cost. yours ve truly, R SPI�PARD ief ngineer Approv d for transmission to t Cc 8siSonne of Finance Commis. oer 5 Public Work. / r/ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: v WE, the undersigned property owners are opposed to the curbing of Geranium Avenue from Abell Street to Jackson Street as proposed in Preliminary Order No. 118958. dated June 3. 1940. �-Oe' X � ii��� 9dPl� ��— COUNCIL FILE NO. By-- - _ - - In the Matter of__ curbing- the _e-ast _side__of-Mendota Street _from- -Margaret__Street__to HeBakL_Straet_- - ----- - C. t No. matter the east the matter of urbier c of Mendota St. from Margaret - ---------- -- --- - - Beech St.. un, der Prenm�19s4r0y _ --------------- under Preliminary Order 118872 -- approved _ May_24, 1940 IntermediaryOrder - ----------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------- A --------------------------------------------------A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED", By the Council of the City of St. Paul that nro to be made by sat t y ts--_o_urb__the__e_sat_side_of_Megdota_Street_from_Margaret Street_tn. -------------------- - ----- _oCdYi_e_J l____>- ' __------ ha and iho samo are here y cwa o Cn4 rescinded and a!i Frac. i.wu in saki"aiitl� and th Council hereby orders said im ovement to be made. RE 11 THER, That the Com ' sinner of Public Works be and is hereby t ructed and directed to prepare plans specifications for sat vement, and submit same to the o it for approval; that upon said approv the proper city officials are to uthorized and directed to Geed with the making of said impr vementjcordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - �yliCl 14 1J`--' - - - 192 ------- AUG - AUG 14 190 Approved192 -------__ -- File 9030 Councilman Councilman Councilman 4u&off6nSlrl ... I , arto Councilman bgmr:-. - --.E2- Council - Councilman J? --i Councilmanen?T- a� Truax Mayor H u McDonuui*b Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. -------- -------- ------------------------ ------------7�---� T- or. �,, �, ,!ice ' } r. i CITY OF ST. PAUL I F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) i In the matter of ourbing the east side of Mendota St. from Margaret St. to Beech St. under Preliminary Order approved May 24, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 203.10 The total estimated amFuntif the assessment for the above improvement is - ron The estimated cost pgrfoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot 16 and West 2 ft. of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 15 106 Robert P. Lexis Sub. of Blk. 106 of Lyman Dayton's Add. 17 106 do ASSESSED L� [1LUATIOAdg. $7500 $1000 750 3600 Total $1500 $4600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public `rVorksi / Jul 18 ,.� , , ` = -- Dated _--__—_1r _— - — — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. A. 8.5 D I T a;•� 3�'s St. Paul, Minn.... ...... / D To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause-, the following improvement to be made: _...St. An from �.'(�r �Or-E...!. _ _ __._..St. AN,e to_._.✓����G' /76-V/t/J.. Ad _st. ate. NAME 1 - /J - -- - j� ,f LOT 16 15_ BLOCK and the_W( P. Lewis Day 106 ADDITION at 2 feet of Lot 17, Roberl Sub -division of Block 106 on Addition. -- - Robert P. Lewis's Sub -di of "look_ 106, Lyman Day Addition to St. Paul. ris i on tons 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tune 20 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118872 Approved May 24 1940 relative to the curbing of the east side of Mendota Street from Margaret Street to Beech Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $.82 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 203.10 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $3.40 Engineering $30.00 Frontage 247 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said improvement. (Commissioner of Public o J l x CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, CGMMIss1ONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DE11T1 CO— ss10NE. BUREAU of CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER COCKROFT. SUPT. o PEKE ENGINEER June 18, 1940 G. K, HERROLD CNIEF ENG.. ..... MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF Sw NITwTION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OFBRIDGES M. S. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUOF COR.1-0— RAY J. KARTA K. SUR'. Dees Sir: I tranmmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Curbing the east Bide of Mendota 118St. from Mar2 approved aretMay 2St' to Beech St., under Preliminary order C. F. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - $203.1.0 Goat per front foot - - - - - - - .82 Inspection - - - - - - - - ' -- - - 3.40 Engineering - - - - - - ' _ _ 30.00 - - -- 247 ft. Frontage - - - ---- - - In a comber of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work bycurbing y w.P•A.Bto laborhwilltben considered. aBelieving,no ehowever, petitions for he grog by rove - that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing imp tents on econtract AtIotingtfrom 25 to x.35 per lineal footmorethan W.P..,amsetcosts heforegoing estimate of construction cost. yours very truly, GEORGE M. SJMtPARD Chief Engineer Approved foT transmission to the Commni0ai6ner of Finance IMT N ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works WOMIAL IIEARIItG POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., May 28 jA1 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will meet in the Council Chamber, on the R'h_day of JuneI99i]._ at 10:00 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of considering the advisability of awarding the contract for the =hing__of Barrett S} Pr® Fr nh Ave in to the lowest bidder, for the sum ot$-_a The lowest bid received is 2A / Higher than the prelimnecessitating an approximate assessment of0 97 -- peIf unable to attend, you are requested to notify the-undersignyposcrf or letter, whether you are in favor or opposed to awardjp� the contract. John S. Findlan, f ii/� File 9009 /�, - Commissioner of Finance.- COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDER In the Matter of. -curbing Barrett __StrQQ_t_.from _Front Avenue_to Hatch Avenue _ _ ---- C. -_C. F. Iy o. 119857— In the matter f curbing Barrett St. ��- - from Front Ave. to HatchAve. '- -- under Prenmnp- y[ove, under Preliminary Order_.-- __ - _118743 --- ------ ----- -approved _- May 15, 1940 Intermediary Order --- ----------------------------approved ------ ----- public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__4�1rh__Barnett_StreetTQI0._Fz4nt__AveAue__to_HatoJ1____ • Avenue- ------------------------- -"------------------------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG_ 14 1 ------- - ---- , 19�r----/ 4 �91014 C y Clerk. Approved _.. - - 192 File 9009- ----------------------------- Mayor. -- Councilman Clancy- "`" _ ." Z=SHED 1 �� Councilman Ferguson McDonald rranto Councilman Councilman McGlogan oseu Councilman Sudheim' Councilman men �1" T" T" S' Mayor Halgson- / aclluuough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ! OEPARTMENY 6 ' FINANCE REPORT OF CONNISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of curbing Barrett Street from Front Ave. to Hatch Ave. �j- under Preliminary Order approved May 15, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $.518.04 _ fMt .77 The estimated cost ped foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -—- — — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 11 16 Royal Oake $500 $ 75 12 16 do 450 2500 13 16 do 6 450 2600 14 16 do 450 2700 15 16 do 450 1125 16 16 do 425 3050 1 17 do 425 3550 2 17 do 450 1800 3 17 do 450 2100 4 17 do TOTAL, 450 2550 Form B. B. 10 (C) ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF'F[NANCE REPORT OF COMM SStONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 5 17 Royal Oaks 6 17 do rt r �t ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $450 $2425 500 Total $5450 $24,475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i' Dated Jud_' 16_— 19— 40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 , St. Paul, Minn._.-.:-�- -19d To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing installed on Barrett - - - e Front-vP St. Ave. to �Aatoh't from - - St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION —i. —-- QL,C( RT/cC J/q No. ' A>LAJ. O'. /G � .. i`. - � _ ._ _ ` Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tune 12 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council _File No. 118743 approved Mav 1540 19 ,relative to curbing Barrett Street from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1804 Cost per front foot $.77 2. The estimated cost thereof is $5.and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $9.24 Engineering $47.00 Frontage 675 ft. - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property,AS Allk subject to assessment for said Urea pv�rgex�t V 4 Commissioner of Public Works. JUN 13' t940 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DE—TY CominiSSIONER BUREAU or CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIS. ENOIN EER COCKR T. SORT. Or C, ENGINEER dune 3, 1940 G. H. MERROLD C E ENOR. CUERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: r BUREAU Ov SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OR BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU O. CORRECTi0N9 RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Barrett Street from Front Avenue to Hatch Avenue, under Preliminary order C. F. 118743 approved May 15, 1940. Estimated Cost $518.04 Cost per front foot •77 Inspection 9.24 Engineering 47-00 3Yrontage 675 ft - In a number of eases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work c W.P.A. labor but tleborto the will beacons considered. quota Believingf however, her petitions for curbing by. that many of the property owners would desire to proceedwith cu binge from $.25 improvements on the basis of contract work, eventhough estimate to $.35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I an submitting the foregoing of construction cost. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public works Your ry truly, A� Ch of Engineer d a COUNCIL FILE NO. By-- - FINAL ORDER r In the Matter of -curbing-the west_-gide--pf DeSoto -Street- from Case- Avenue tq York. Avenue --� -- - ----------- --' C. F. No. 119958— .____-. ____"___..-. - - -- ]n the attercurbing the welt aide Desato St from Case Ave. to All under Preliminary Order __-- 118742- _,----------------- approved May 15, 1940 IntermediaryOrder --------- - -- ---------------------------approved --------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- curb__the_west_side_of--- _eSotp-_Street_from_Cese_.____ Avenue- to York -Avenue, -- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- - --------- - -------------- and ----------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 14 lg Aw ��1:9 City Clerk. Approved - - 192 File 9027 - --- - - /' Aaym� Councilman Clam— Councilman lam'-"Councilman :Ferguwu , �Ftudha Councilman EWDonaXt T-.:'] 1�['rant RUALLfflEED Councilman WC-Glogmv-=-�'S�*� �p Councilman 496&60fai�---] n Councilman Mayor Ibx1gaon-:I ?X unuough Form B. S. A. 8-7 T CITY OF ST UL DEPARTME&IT O INANCE REPORT OFIMINFINANCE ON PRELARY ORDER (A) 1. the matter of curbing the west side of DeSoto St. from Case Ave. to York Ave. under Preliminary Order approved May 15, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 421.54 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.79 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Pcrm B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION band Bldg. 16 8 Edmund Rice's First Add. $900 $5000 do 600 3600 17 8 do 800 700 18 8 19 8 do 600 550 do 600 550 20 8 do 600 700 21 8 22 8 do 600 800 do 900 1700 North a of 24 and all of 23 8 South of 24 8 do 275 500 350 1750 North 45 ft. of Lots 1 h 2, also N. 3 8 do 45 ft. of E. 7 ft. of TOTAL, Pcrm B. B. 10 J , CITY OF ST. P' L � DEPARTMENT QF#INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. West 37 ft. of Lot 3 and (Ex. West 37 ft.) S.. 45 ft. of N. 90 ft. 1 )$375 $750 Lots 1, 2 and 3 8 Edmund Rice's First Add. ) 350 2050 (Ex. N. 90 ft.) Lots 1 and 2 and (Ex. N. 90 ft.) East 7 ft. of 3 8 do 425 Total $7175 $18,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 16 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. 11- B. B. 12 r St. Paul, Minn... To The Honorable, The Council, /J City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 0_ z� from C �yto _.St. A -FL - NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION If Ja 4011k -- - - r fig" 1 --- l Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 20, 1940 19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118742 a May 15, 1940 approved 19_, relative to west side of DeSoto Street from Case Avenue to York Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. ost 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 421 .54 per front foot $.79 _ _, an the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $7.52 Engineering $38.00 Frontage 535 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment fo; said improvement. a Commissioner of Pub ' JUN 91 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the west side of DeSoto Street from Case Avenue to York Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118742 approved May 15, 1940. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - #421.54 Cost per front foot - - - - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Inspection - - - - - - - - -- -- 7.52 Capital of Minnesota - - 38.00 • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU Or -.1. a REPAIR DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPU Tv COHHi3 s iO HER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CH EVOivEER BUREAU or SANirwrioH W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. FRED DRIVER, SUPT. orrlCE E"11"1ER June 14, 1940 .—A. Cr BRIDaes G. H. E.R.L.H M. S. GRYTBAK, EV NEER CHiEP EHOR. LER[ BUREAU Or CORRECTIORe MARK W. WOODRUFF RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the west side of DeSoto Street from Case Avenue to York Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118742 approved May 15, 1940. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - #421.54 Cost per front foot - - - - - - .79 Inspection - - - - - - - - -- -- 7.52 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - 38.00 Frontage 535 ft. In a number of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work by W.P.A. labor but due to the cut in W.P.A. quota, no further petitions for curbing by W.P.A. labor will be considered. Believing, however, that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing improve- ments on the basis of contract work, eventhough such work costs from $.25 to $•35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I am submitting the foregoing estimate of construction cost. Approved for transmission to the Commkssioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN / Commissioner of Public Works Yoursverytruly, GEORGE M. Sf�P d Chief Engineer r IP4 ..•, .el COUNCIL FILE NO. By DER— In the\Matter of curbing the north _side_ of Ivy_ Avenue from Arcade Street -to Mendota C Fibe Fe. 119869— In t—blIg the north side of "Y so dots. E&'% -d" N��I��hst-'-()Mrd­ , D57, �It -ed June 3, 1940. had ub u I roved having been n 'ba ab,o St ------ -- --------------- - ---- - under Preliminary Order_-_ 118957 - ---- -- ----- approved June 3, 1940 ------- ---- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------- ---------------------approved --- ------------------------------------------------------------ A ---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that�he precise -nattire, extent -and -kind oi im F �swi , I - ------- �- ---- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - All orders is t . ­" , - I.,,, f,i Elia Trlo aro horeby Guncefiedi 10"JI1091 - --- ----------------------s 7 Ill -­saw--MaftHW4i2QQfd1W8d1 -------------------------- - -- - ------- — ------------ - -- - - - -- --- --- -- - - -------- - - - --- - ---------- - -- - --- e to b made. Council - hereby ere -Y --O-rd orders pr in in ------------ - ---------- hereby ---- ucted-.n,- -- ---------------------------------------- - — --- ---------- -------------- -------- an he Council hereby orders said impr ment to be made. R ED FURTHER, That the Commis of Public Works be and is hereby in ucted and s AI�; �il for directed to pre lans and specifications for said impro t and submit same to the Co cil for .r 0 approval; that upon sa proval, the proper city officials are here horized and directed t ro- ceed with the making of s i improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -AUG-14-Mg --- ---- - 192_____.. - - ------------------------- City Clerk. Approved AUG 14, IMP 192 File 9029 -------------------------------------yor. Councilman Councilman Fmdbmi Councilman Pn,rar to Councilman A669409=-- -L!@set-- 61-K--7 R,,iwn Councilman SNOW611K Councilman VFRW4=" Truax Mayor Hodgson =?-'i Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL r .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) I In the matter of curbing the north side of Ivy Ave. from Arcade St, to Mendota St. under Preliminary Order approved June 3, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ s496.45 The estimated cost peXo tfor the above improvement is - - - - - - _ $ 0 -85 -- -85 -_.The The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanVALUATIONBldg. 17 7 Lane's Phalen Grove Add. $725 $2350 18 and 19 7 do 1000 4850 Lot 20 and (Ex. E. 36 ft.) 21 7 do 550 1600 East 36 feet of 21 7 do 450 2500 Lot 22 and West i of 23 7 do 750 3600 East I of Lot 23 and all of 24 7 do 750 3750 25 7 do 500 2450 26 7 do 500 2450 27 7 do 575 2750 28 7 do 650 3150 Total $6450 $29,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public NVorks. Dated July 16 1940 Form B. S. A. 8-5 D Commissioner of Finance. P CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 7, 1940 Hon. Milton Hoven Comer. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached petition of property oTmers for the installation of regulation city curbing on the north side of Ivy St. between Arcade and Mendota Sts. yours very truly, City Clerk. F, v a� St. Paul, Minn........ May 6-- ... _ _ _ _ —196.0 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Lm§ta.]�...regulat on city_ourb ng_.on_the_,_]nprth_aide_of.Ivy_.$txegt bettizeen Aroadp__ and Mendota St. Ave. from ..__ ..._ - - St. Ave. to .................. - ..St. Ave. NAME I LOT I BLOCK I ADDITION le—understand that—this can be. builij as a 9��grn�eatl_at�a_ cQst__ o the tazoaver of about 50g perfooter Qayable over period of five6eare. the_at.rQa as thQ/f Farnsworth school — --- - - - - -- 26 p,. 9 ------------ f � 5 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance lune 20 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 118957 Approved June 3 19 40 , relative to curbing the north side of Ivy Avenue from Arcade Street to Mendota Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is496.45 Cost per front foot $.85 $— , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $8.85 Engineering $45.00 Frontage 584 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 C mmissioner of Public Wor 4, 5a A, JUN JUN 21 1940 Bu REwU — CONST. A REPAIR W. S. COCKROFT. SIFT. OFF— ENGMEER G. M. HERROLD CHIEF ENO R. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, Co..=ONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEVOTI Colnie 10— GEORGE NI. SHEPARD, —1.1 E-1— Tune 18, 1940 BVREALI or 5w"ITAT111 FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU of BRIDGES M. S. GRYTSAK, ENGINEER BUREAUof CORRECTio Ns RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Itransmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the north Bide of Ivy Avenue from Arcade Street to Mendota Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118957 approved Tune 3, 1940. Estimated Cost $496.45 Cost per front foot .85 Inspection 8.85 Engineering 45.00 Frontage 584 ft. In a number of cases petitions have been received for the doing of curbing work by W.P.A. labor but due to the out in W.P.A. quota, no further petitions for curbing by W.P.A. labor will be considered. Believing, however, that many of the property owners would desire to proceed with curbing im- provements on the basis of contract work, eventhough such work costs from $.25 to $.35 per lineal foot more than W.P.A., I am submitting the foregoing estimate of construction cost. Yours very truly, �. GEORGE M. SiIEP P.,. Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MnTON ROSS �l Commissioner of Public Works i, l� I St. Paul, Minn. AUFII�&To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn - Gentlemen: petition Honorable We, the undersigned •'prope rty owners, hereby pon your Body to cause the following improvements not be made . -.Preliminar7 order JIG957 -- Curbing of -North -sick of Ivy. -fat Ave. from Aroado_ ._ St. itm to Nle rl St. Ave. LOI BLOCK ADDITION NAME - - - J5 1.3 t1 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. - By ---- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_- constructing_ a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada Street_to_245,_ C. F. No. 119860— feewesterly of Ada Street - - - .___ __ 1n the matter of oopetrnofr > -wer t__ ------ on Dunedin Tar- o 245 ft. •• ' __--- ____ under Preliminary Order_- _ _ - -- - 118770 ----------- -----.approved _ May 16, 1940 _------------ IntermediaryOrder ----------------------------- -approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- oonstruc-t-_a sewe_r_on_Dunedi_n__ Terrace_ from__pda_____ ----Street-to__245--feet_-yrester_!Y__ f__kda_Street---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement n in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council iN 14 t 0 ----- low -- - , 192---.__.-• — / - ------------------------------ t City C} rk: Approved -------- ----- --- - 192 - File 9019 Ma r. Councilman arfass (_ �_ Councilman ldn' "eo`jlaO �- / 7 - Councilman ntt��at` tit" Councilman IGd'ogaTi=="rn Councilman ttEiftier ' '� ✓ wc-: -- -Ix7 ruux Councilman wcrtxer- Mayor H ll :u ugh Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. F UL ,. DEPARTMENT OF INANCE r REPORT OF COMMIS51CINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIAAW ORDER In the matter of constructing a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada St. to 245 ft. westerly of :in Ada St. under Preliminary Order approved May 16, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 547.00 (W. P.A. ) front The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ _ g 1.19 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION East 55 feet of W'ly 45 ft. of E'ly 100 ft. of W'ly 25 ft. of E'ly 125 ft. of W'ly 25 ft. of E'ly 150 ft. of Form B. B. 10 LOT BLocK ADDITION 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 11 11 11 Prospect Plateau do do do do do Bell's Addition to West St. Paul do do do TOTAL. ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBld g. $100 $1750 225 200 200 200 225 700 2550 550 300 1600 300 900 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF ��rF [NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMMAR i ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBldg. E. 50 ft. of W. 100 ft. of N. a of 11 Bell's Addition to 'West St.Paul $275 $1850 NIly j of W-ly 50 ft. of 11 do 150 450 Total $3425 $8900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Ju 1Y.16 19. 40- - — -- -- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -St.-Avun a -W. to from St. St. *V9. NAME ), ly BLOCK ADDITION Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 14, 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118770 approved May 16 1940, relative to a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada Street to 245 feet westerly of Ada Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 00 Cost per front foot $1.19 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— 547. , and the total cost thereof is $, Frontage 460 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro subject to assessment for said improvement. COQ OF HNAMO�. Commissioner of Public Wor JUN 10 1940 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada Street to 245 feet westerly of Ada Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118770 approved May 16, 1940. The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plena, engineering, super- vision, etc, is - - - - - - - - - - $547.00 Cost per front foot 1.19 Frontage 460 ft. Yours very truly, GESUEP F P ngineer Approved for transmissioi to the C030missioner of yinAnce MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public 'Works CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMIBSION ER DONALD F. VOIG T. DEPUTY COM M19810 NER BUREAU oP CorvgT, a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNiE• Ev11— BUREAU of SANITATION W. 9. COCKROFT. SUPY. FRED DRIVER. SUPT. """ Erv...... June 12 1940 BUREwu D. BRiDDE, G. H. HERROLD M. S. GRYTBAK. ENOivEER CNIEF ENOR. CLERK BUREAU O. CORRECTION1 MARK W. WOO .RIFF RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from Ada Street to 245 feet westerly of Ada Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118770 approved May 16, 1940. The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plena, engineering, super- vision, etc, is - - - - - - - - - - $547.00 Cost per front foot 1.19 Frontage 460 ft. Yours very truly, GESUEP F P ngineer Approved for transmissioi to the C030missioner of yinAnce MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public 'Works COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_. oor;etxuotigg-e--e.x__4n Marshall Place from -the _-terminus_-of__the-_- existing sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington Street to a point 130 feet east of ----- �{. C. F. No. 119661— FarringtQn Street _ In the matter of conetrucung a sewer ._ Marshall Place from the terminus of the xIsting eewer 367.2 Ct. east of Farrington St. to a point "'0 ft. -- .. ..... ... ........ _ . =t of Farringt .. - -� under Preliminary Order ---11896Q_______---- ----approved June 3, 1940. -------- IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------Approved--------------------------------------------------- - --------------- A -------------------- -------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___QDnatruQt_.a. Ammr__Qn_Mar&ha11_ oe_fr_om_the________ terminua_of_the_axiatingsan�r__3832__SeQt__�ar:t__nf__Farri�oton�trQet to�_�4int._-__-__- 130 feet east of Farrington Street _-___-_--_-----__-_ ---------- ___—____—_—_-___—__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - AUG 1419 192 ------- 07 — , t r ity Clerk. Approved - -- - -- - - -- 192__ File 9020 \ -- ----- --------------------- - - M yor. Councilman C Rarfuve _ Councilman P�IBLISHED Councilmank�pl]fjn - Purranm Councilman TdgG1Qga�_n r-� Councilman aadhe4f m -: Councilman - Trues Mayor Ho so ?trll„nt,ugh Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Rl OORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. (D) In the matter of constructing a sewer on ;Marshall Place from the terminus of the existing sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington Street to a point 130 feet east of Farrington Street under Preliminary Order approved June 3, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amgroout nt f the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per,%ot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $- --2.38- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20 5 Niningerts Addition 21 5 do 22 5 do 23 5 do 24 5 do 25 5 do 26 5 do ASSESSED Land ALUATIOffLl d g• $325 325 325 $900 325 650 325 Total $2275 $900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July -16- -- 19 W A t" -- — -- - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D St. Paul, Minn. _._ __ . 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: *' ,t vy from St. Ave. to _ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION i n � iVU Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Tune 14 1940_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118960 approved June 3 -_ ___ - _ .___19 40 , relative to constructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the eais sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington St -.—to --a point 130 feet east of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.38 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ 612.00_ ._ and the total cost thereof is Frontage 257 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_.— asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said improvement. -- Commissioner of Public Work y4 i BUREAU OF CONST, a REPAIR W. S. COCKROFT, SUPT, OFFICE ENGINEER G. -H. HERROLD CRIEF ENCR. CLE" MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD : F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COHHiSaO GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. _EF ENGINEER Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: June 12, 1940 BUREAU OF Sw11TATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF ....... M. S. GRYTBAK, E1.1- .0 REAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the emisting sewer 367.2 feet east of Farrington Street to a point 130 feet east of Farrington Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118960 approved Tune 3, 1940. The estimate is basgd on W.P.A. Labor The cost of materials, plans, engineering, supervision, etc. is $612.00 Cost per front foot 2.38 Frontage - - - - - - - - 257 ft. Yours , R M. SHEPARD / hief Engineer Approv d for tranmgssion to t Cc ssir of Finance C 7EN — MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works U9862 C. F. No. 119862— lnfrohm �5'. t7th St. [oa 100 ttO. nrt or[h o[ COUNCIL FILE N0. he north nne or Jame, st., inana- InK cotnr^truction oP a storm water n 7th St, to the north By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. paving_ Oneida St. from W. 7th St. to 100 feet north of the north line of James St., includingconstructionof a storm water drain_Srom W._7th_S.t._to the- _north line of Palace St. -vacated. Also constructing sewer, water- and -gas- -cos- nections fromstreetmains to. property_ lines complete, where_ not already made-,------- curbing and paving driveway_ approaches, where necessary,-_--______ -------------- - - -- - ------ - - under Preliminary Order _ __ 119056- __._-approved . June 7, 1940- - ----- ----- IntermediaryOrder---------------------------------------------approved----------------------------------- --------------- - --------------- A ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the id City is_Pave _Oneida St. from YP._7th-_S_t.-_to_100_feet- north W ���tcnx of_the _north line --of j es --it. 1n41_uding._�ortetruction_AS_a_s_tvrm_watnr__siraiu-_fzcm W._ 7th_ St. - to --the- north_,line__of_Palace,_St_.__ vacated.__-]-so_coAstrt__fl54tHtti_Y+AtflL_a�d gas connections from_ s_treet__mains__to__Property_lines_comQlete,__where not_elrea____ .. IDAds.-Qurl21 --ani------------------- and the the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council �UG 14190 , 1-'C�y'— � -------------- �n -- se 1 City Clerk. Approved -- - - - 19 File 9032 Councilman Qwyl= t, Councilman A4Q)k:,r2f 4, ui,. Councilman WAmtft.-r=, R aiit,t Councilman le8a ann Councilman ��` en Councilman n1Hx Mayor HqJswA-.L3clit�n�n,gb Form B. S. A. 8-7 i Mayor. t i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN ,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM) STONER OF FINANCE lop ( ) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER�� A In the matter of paving Oneida St. fran W. 7th St. to 100 ft, north of the north line of James St. including construction of a storm water drain from W. 7th St. to the north line of FAlace St.- vacated. Also constructing sewer, water, and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved June 7, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ 17,044.00 (see font letter attache The estimated cost peroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Exo. W. 7th St.) That part of Block 17 lying SE'ly of W. 7th St, and E. of a line at right angles to South line of Block 17, from a point 100 ft. from the SW corner of Lot 20, also the North 1� of Palace St. adjoining 17 Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add. $5000 $42,500 Lots3 to 10 26) A. V. Brown's Sub. of Blks. 9425 325,000 and the S. j of Palace St, vac. adj. ( 19, 24 and E. z of 26 in eludes other proper said Lot 10 ) Stinson, Bream & Ramsey's Add. (Ex. Street) 7 1 (Stinson & Ramsey's Sub. of 700 )the W. z of Blk. 16 of B 1 (Stinsbn, Brown & Ramsey's Add. 550 9 1 do 550 10 1 do 550 11 1 do Form B. B. 10 550 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISTONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC 12 13 14 15 16 N. i of Cascade St. vac. and 17 South j of Cascade St. vac. adj. and that part of the NW4 of Block 27 lying N. of a line from a point on the W. line of Erie St. 147 ft. N. from the N. line of James St. to a poitt on the E. line of Oneida St., 80 ft. N. from the N. line of James St. ASSESSED ADDITION K VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Sub. $550 of the W. j of Blk. 16, Stinson, Bvown & Ramsey's Add. 1 do 550 1 do 550 1 do 550 1 do ) 1 do ) 1550 $55,000 Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add. 4100 12,000 Total $25,175 $434,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 16 19__40 -- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 1 St. Paul, Minn._ __ June 3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 19 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Pave with reinforced_ ooncxeta Oneida St. AM Prom South line of W. Seventh St. 9= to 100 feet North of the north line of _James . - _ St. XW= NAME 1.01, BLOCK ADDITION s 'e' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 20 1040 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119056 Approved T-8 7 19 4O , relative to paving of Oneida St. from W. 7th St. to 100 ft. north of the north line of James + including + ti + A' -'D f— w n+ti St to the north line of Palace St. vacated, also constructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $5.32 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----1-7-1-0-44--00, and the total cost thereof is $ Frontage 1,358 ft. Property Share $7,224.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. »q Commissioner ofub;W0 ji JUN 21 !940 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPVTY COMM I OS TONER BUREAV of CONST. a REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C.— ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. S—T. �(� OFFICE ENGINEER Tune 17, 194`• G. H. HERROLD CNIEi ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAV OF SANITITION FRED DRIVER, SGPT. BUREAU OF BRIDOEe M. S. GRYTSAK. ENGINEER SUREAUOF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. I tranmait herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Oneida St. from W. 7th St. to 100 feet north of the north line of James St., including construction of a storm water drain from W. 7th St. to the north line of Palaoe St. vacated, also constructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119056 approved June 7, 1940. Total Estimated Cost $17,044.00 Frontage 1,358 lia.ft. Property Share 7,224.00 City share 9,820.00 Cost per front 5.32 The above estimate covers the work proposed to be done in the street, but the Brewing Company plans to extend the pavement to their building on the easterly side of the street, and the -presence of a railroad track along the dividing line between the street and private property will make it necessary to construct the additional pavement between the building and the street coincidentally with the street work. This extension of the street pavement to the building is estimated to cost $2200.00. If satisfactory arrangements can be made to include all of this work in one contract the estimated cost will be as follows: Property Share $ 9421,•00 City Share820.00 19,244.oe ,`APs, -2 - The estimates given above do not include the cost of recon- struction and ballasting of railroad tracks, this work to be done by others, without expense to the City. Yours very truly, GEORGE M. SHEPARD r' Sll Chief Engineer Approved for transmissio to the Commi.ssAoner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public 'Works COUNCIL FILE NO. - -- By- -- - -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-- constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Hemline Avenue from -- - - - ------------ Hoyt Avenue to -Idaho Avenue -,--except where good sufficient_sidewalks_now-exist_ . - ... ......... ............... .. ._-.. -.. c. F.';.. 119863— In the matter of c ns[ducting a 111. walk on the east nide of Hamline " ioT[ Ave. to Idaho Ave., ------ under Preliminary Order -_119003-__ ---------------------- approved June 4,-. 1940 _ __ - _ __ - - ------------- IntermediaryOrder --------------- -------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - A ----- ---------------- ---------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having {leard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------ construct --- s_sidewalkon_the east side of Hamline Avenue froze_]3Qyt-l�sanue_-tQ-_Zd�klo_dvenue axoa�t_max_e__good__and__euf£icisnt_aiAmm ka now_ exists-- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- — — -and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 14-190 - 192_.-____.�� -moi, ---------------- AUG 14 Se City Clerk. Approved - 192 -- FileS4367 / - - - ------------------------------------------------- o r.. Councilman CouncilmanB�foi% Councilman 11 Wfffft __i= If p" i r �; Councilman 1��' Councilman 1, ° Z, 6 Councilman V ruax Mayor Hoig tU�,tt„uan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMJ.SSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Hamline Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. T�7 under Preliminary Order approved June 4, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - - - The estimated cost per�o�for the above improvement is - - - - - - ---9•-15- -- ---_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan dVALUATION Bldg. 16 4 Chelsea Heights $500 $3000 17 4 do 400 18 4 do 400 19 4 do 400 20 4 do 400 21 4 do 400 22 4 do 400 23 4 do 375 24 4 do 400 25 4 do TOTAL. 400 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON' PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 4 Chelsea Heights 27 4 do 28 4 do 29 4 do 30 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg, $400 $3800 400 400 2700 400 300 425 Total $6100 $9800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 16 19 40 Porm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn 193- .-... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n !9L Ave. _ U from _ __ 5L Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 17: l 61 'Office i el ioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Finance June ll� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119003 approved June 4 1940 ,relative to constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Hemline Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost 4° Monolithic sidewalk at $.15 per sq, ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _, and the total cost thereof is $� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. V 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. OF FINANC[C Cy` ��-� i Commissioner of Public Works. JUN COUNCIL FILE NO.. BY- - - - - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._constructing a-sewe_r_on Hazel_ Street- from Fifth Street_to.a_goint 144.-fest_south_of Fourth Straet-- - -- _---- 1 F. No. 119864— In the matter . c m Fifth ewer on o Hazel 5[. from Fifth St. sewer a --- -- --------- - - -- "` ^oint 180 a sou Ch of fourth St.. . r Prcliminar, Order 118959. ap- under Preliminary Order____ 118959_.- ----------------- approved _ June 3, 1940, IntermediaryOrder ---------------------- ---- -------approved ------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- oonstruot a --sewer on_Hazel_ Street -from -Fifth Street _to_a_p4.1at__144_feet --- s4ath_of--- aur_th.&tre_et ----------- ------------------------------ ---- -------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement Qiinnaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -AUG-14---__ ---192 ---_. c- -- -- - b4 City Jerk. Approved ----- ._ .. — - 192 File 9021 ----------- - Councilman t'UBLISfIED Councilman_ Councilman IV d==az5 anln Councilman WRV4690--m v Councilman Councilman rasa ` JAS Mayor HodpPlytf,nough 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 "/ v CITY O' PAUL DEPARTMEI JF FINANCE Y REPORT OF COMM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hazel St. from Fifth St. to a point 100 ft. south of Fouth St. under Preliminary Order approved June 3, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 769.00 (W. P.A. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front 0.92 The estimated cost perX of for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED p� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONLend VALUATI tild . fit. g 1 1 Wild Rose Addition $100 $700 2 1 do 75 3 1 do 75 4 1 do 75 6 1 do 75 6 1 do 100 1 2 do 100 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 North 100 ft. of 1 to 7 6 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights 550 3100 TOTAL. I- B. B. 10 CITY OF E' . PAUL DEPARTMENT 3F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM19 IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. South 100 ft. of North 200 ft. of 1 to 7 6 Robert L. Ware's EasteM $275 $2350 Heights South 50 ft. of"North 250 ft. of 1 to 7 6 do 125 1000 South 54.24 ft. ft. of N. 2 of 1 to 7 6 do 150 1000 North 54.24 ft. of South 2 of 1 to 7 6 do 175 South 50 ft, of North 104.24 ft, of South 2 of 1 to 7 6 do 175 South 200 ft. of 1 to 7 6 do 750 2100 Total $2950 $10,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Ju13c 16 19-40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.... _ _ ... 193....... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ,ter- r •'r.. -J /- t L--�.. t' /'C O��G <.- _•--F .--._.._ $E. Ave. i i from NAME '� �-; � � �,1%•-,rte LOT BLOCK - _� - ADDITION � _ �l/ _ � -. M-7-37 off. v I 9 021 I I �' -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 Suns 1.4 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 1'L 59 pproved June 3 1940, relative to the construction of a sewer on Hazel Street from Fifth Street to a point 100 feet south of Fourth Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 759.00 coat per front foot $.92 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is $ Frontage 827 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition i /J of three or more owne7f property, m subject to assessment f�Md �pipvqR (f ,i Commissioner of Public Works. �!�� 1_v l94() COMJ BBiOneT Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn - BUREAU o SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREwU OF BRIDGES M. S.GRITBAK. ENGINEER BUREwu O C—R— I ON- RAY J. KARTAK.SUPT. Dear Sir: I tranamit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for a sewer on Hazel Street from Fifth Street to a point 100 feet south of Fourth Street, under Preliminary order C. F. 118959 approved June 3, 1940 - The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The Cost of materials, plans, engineering, $759-00 supervision, eta. 1s - - Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - 0.92 Frontage - - - - ' ' 827 ft. Approved for tran®isa on to the ommission� o Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of public Works CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTONROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY C01--ONa P CONST. E REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINE E BV PEwN Di W: 9. FT. SUPT. COCKRO OFFICE ENGINEER Tune 12, 1940 G. H. HER ROLD C 11ENOR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF COMJ BBiOneT Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn - BUREAU o SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREwU OF BRIDGES M. S.GRITBAK. ENGINEER BUREwu O C—R— I ON- RAY J. KARTAK.SUPT. Dear Sir: I tranamit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for a sewer on Hazel Street from Fifth Street to a point 100 feet south of Fourth Street, under Preliminary order C. F. 118959 approved June 3, 1940 - The estimate is based on W.P.A. Labor The Cost of materials, plans, engineering, $759-00 supervision, eta. 1s - - Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - 0.92 Frontage - - - - ' ' 827 ft. Approved for tran®isa on to the ommission� o Finance MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of public Works An ordinance settling the claim of Schneider Motors, Inc. against the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section.l. That the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay, out of the Water Department Fund, to Schneider Motors, Inc. the sum of One Hundred Eighty- four and 17AOO Dollars in full settlement of its claim against said Board of Water Commissioners for damage to automobile parts and other personal property stored in basement of the premises known as No. 199 West Fifth Street, caused by breaking of water main adjacent to the above mentioned premises on the 27th day of January 1940. Section 2. Said stmt shall be paid to said olaimant upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to said Board of Water Commissioners, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by it in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fores thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Parranto P&W,Q0XFTI 1P IR' to Peterson Truax Mr. President ) McDonough Attest: City Clerk 250 3.:is CS 20777 Passed by the Council_ Aw!.29.1MG_. ” — In Favor —Against r Mayor ZSIIED 21 _ _',( 2nd. -- 1 11 1 O\ er to Adopted �— I•. 4' k� 3rd. & app.—Nays Yeas I' gg f i Yeas Nays Barfuss arfuss Findlan Parranto arranto 'Ifs eterson Peterson "Rc/ sen Rosen ruax Truax qr, President Fallon Air. President Fallon ' C. F. No. 1i8806 --ordinance No. 8150— . (71-k Urlginnl WCil_ r Q R D I BY W. A. Pa eraato— An ordinance r.. I . a Ia1m of BoardSchneider btoio.e. inn e%mee to Board of Water ('n._ T ��„Hera r 1 the Cfty of Saint ' w The ,6 Paul dose COU4(fiL FILA NO.. _— PRESENTED BY BY_ (/f --- ORDINANCE &LO. An ordinance settling the claim of Schneider Motors, Inc. against the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section.l. That the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay, out of the Water Department Fund, to Schneider Motors, Inc. the sum of One Hundred Eighty- four and 17AOO Dollars in full settlement of its claim against said Board of Water Commissioners for damage to automobile parts and other personal property stored in basement of the premises known as No. 199 West Fifth Street, caused by breaking of water main adjacent to the above mentioned premises on the 27th day of January 1940. Section 2. Said stmt shall be paid to said olaimant upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to said Board of Water Commissioners, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by it in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fores thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Parranto P&W,Q0XFTI 1P IR' to Peterson Truax Mr. President ) McDonough Attest: City Clerk 250 3.:is CS 20777 Passed by the Council_ Aw!.29.1MG_. ” — In Favor —Against r Mayor ZSIIED 21 _ _',( Origin.] [c Pity Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—.- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GEWF;RAL FORM COMMNT 5510 DATE—_Aueust 14, 1940 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of $ .1090 per gallon, less lJ discount on refinery price only for payment in ten days, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Water Department Nand. C. P. No. 119866—B- W. A. Pargranto— End she That ° the ,e y rch iso f:¢a ato he. horse, with the author of the Mayor and the Comptroller, One Lank pprsoximate)y 2-000 gallons "Q0 leaded gasoline, 70-72 tane, from the H. K. Stahl Co. t a price f $.1090 per gallon, less 1% discount n to finery price only for paythent in ten days, IncludlnC Informal bide ds on emergency tate inspection, exists where failure to act p 'x the heal[ Interelst. -ork .1 theaCltY. Chorgo 7; Water Department Fund. Approved Adopted Aug. 14, 1940.the Centel 14. 1940 (August 17, 1940) AUG 141 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_ 194____ fleas Pays ar uss 1 ,.iUG 14 proved- 194_ /t'arranlo In Favor _ - // ayo /Truax .Against 14 -dr. President, McDonough ,in 1 -oro Cs 1-11 C. F. No. 117867—By John S. Flndlan— Whereas, Tha Gln king Fund Cam- i� mit[ee has heretofore deelgnated Lho original to City Ckrk Flret Natlanal Bank t Salnt Paul - - CITY OF 5 a....`:" funn.9 „r the cltr, CIL NO._-. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "d COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL 4ORM PRESENTED BY DATE___-__ COMMISSIONER—__. _ - - WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has heretofore des- ignated the First National Bank of Saint Paul as a depository for funds of the City, including school district funds, and has fixed the sum of $32000,000 as the maximum to be deposited in said Bank, and WHEREAS, the First National Bank has heretofore trans- ferred and assigned to the City $1,500,000 U- S. Treasury 2 514% Bonds, due 11c,_-JXd sr 15, 1954, by assignment dated December 15th 1937, and has heretofore transferred and assigned to the City $1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2% Bonds, due December 15, 1947] by assignment dated January 27th, 1939, and WHEREAS, the amount on deposit at said First National Bank of Saint Paul has for some time been for below the $3,000,000 sum fixed by the Sinking Fund Committee, and the Sinking Fund Committee has, on the 13th day of August 1940, reduced the amount of the maximum to be deposited in the said First National Bank of Saint Paul to the gum of $1,50011000, and wHEREAS, the First National Bank of Saint Paul has requested, on August 12th, 1940, that it be permitted to withdraw the $1,500,000 �e4 u. S. asury Bonds, due December 15th, 1947, leaving pledged as security for the maximum deposit of $1,500,000, the $1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2 3/4,% Bonds, due June 15th, 1954, now therefore be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ised and directed to return to the First National Bank of Ssint Paul the $1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2% Bonds, due December 15th, 1947, upon execution and delivery to the City Comptroller of R receipt for said securities. C011nCILMEn gear / nays bat ss /Findlan arranto Rosen --'rruax President, McDonough om -40 cs 23 -e AUG 14 QQ Adopted by the Council _ _194 AN 141943 pproved_.- /�, In Favor [Mayor , //�JA ainsf- -- Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ES PRENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ ' n� �- ^ _ _ '� `� ` N/✓ _ pATF WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer: NAME OF FIRM KIND OF BOND HATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS J. M. De.ih & Company— St. sul Sewer July 1, 1953 2,000 2.15 Ramsey County Court House Aug. 1, 1952 1,000 2.25 and recommends that the council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for tile Water Sinking Fund, and Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it. RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance, and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays yuss FionI /arranto /Rosen --Truax 1--m r., President (rS mn)-- Inl late �,O '_r ��'.e�' i✓ l C. F. No. 119808—BY John S. Flndlan— i ee`has Th0ly SinkingfolFlowingom_ Per: rec o Name f Firm, J. M. Dain Q Com- panY; Kind of Sena, St. Pau] Sewer; Rate, 4'%%- 2,latur(ty, July 1, 1968; A NamOunte $10 FIrm,a78 M.15 & puny; Ind Kind of Bond, Ramsey County Court House;- Rate, 4 % / ; Maturity, Aub 1, 1952; Amount, $1,000; Basis, 2.26. F Ceen cur Inthe action t �o onof the(`tommi[[ee I n the purchaas of thea. bond. for f; the Water Sinking Fund, and RMeFreas, The Council is fnthe opin- lon that the above -ff-1 should be ac VeReaolvedr That the efore be tMayor, mission of Finance, he BComp- i- troller be nd they n e hereb�au thor_ ¢ Inca and and to`c ate the of transaction. onsum Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940- APProved AUK. 14, 1940. (AnKatlt 17, 1940) AUG 14190 Adopted by the Council_-- Aii,6 1.4 1940 i roved. 19_..._ _ _.-In Favor ^ Mayor Against original to City Clerk l: :d ; ,), -. ), r p CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. - — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE Al}R91 14--!'O COMMISSIONERER —_ - - - RESOLVED: That Junk Dealer license $ 449, expiring March 14, 1941, issued to Hymen Sizes at 131 Robertson St, be and the same is hereby transferred to Eymen Simes and Milton Bureloff at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Trsf. informally approved by Council, Aug. 13, 1940. Old Location. COUTICiLMETI Teas nays Barfuss Findlan ,Z arranto Aose�'etersocr---- jfruax Mr. President, McDonough IM W0 Cs ranee C. F. No. 119669—By G. H. Barfuee- -J. S. Flndlan—W. A. Parranlo— Resolved. That Junk Dealer license No. 449, explrl ng March 14, 1941, "_ sued to Hymen Slmee t 131 Robertson St. be and the sameIs hereby trans- ferred o Hymenimes and Ml lton BurelofY at [ha same aadreee a d [he proper city 0dlcers are lnstructed to make te proper change, in the cltYs as. re Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940. Approved Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17. 1940) AUG 4140 Adopted by the Council ._ _ 194 Approved_ _ _ __194 _ _14� / In Favor \ 441 — -r ma or C_ Against IMylnel to City CII -k A,.. .h V CITY OF SAINT PAIJ4,- COUNCIL NO . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CY-ERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV t _ DATE_1— COMMISSIONER _... ._ _. -._ _ 8 114 140 RESOLVED: That On Sale Malt Beverage license $ 6116, expiring December 7, 1940, and Restaurant license # 13147, expiring December 7, 1910, issued to Gordon E. Larkin at 317 Robert St. be and the same are hereby transferred to the Round -Up, inc. at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's record, Transfer informally approved by Council, July 30, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILmEn gensjnays �E�489 Findlan 1--parranto son /osen ,-Truax ,.Mr. President, McDonough sin a -<o Cs —1. C. F. Na.119870—By G. H. Barfue8— Ree ._d,d111hat pn Sale rant— Mal[ Bev - rage licenee No. 6116, esplring t em- 1347'expl�ing December 7,t 1940,usee No' to Gordon hued St b :. Larkin at 817 Robert ferred [o the It ... d-Uphelnby tuus,- ress and er sa I'll Cie d111th—ted ttoe make the paper change. n e c[y'e records. Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940. Ap proud Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17, 19 40) Adopted by the Counoil AN 14 194- lut 14 Approved_._ -___l94 - _. 1n Favor TRayor Against (/riAinei to CILY C rk a^! CITY OF SAINT PAUL FI ENQ1L NO. Y." Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \" C IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM August 14 1940 PRESENTEDBY DATE-- GOMMISSIONER _ - RESOLD; That icense for Restaurant, application 43377, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43379, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43379, applied for by Willard J. Lang and PWllis L. Chiodin at 390 N. Prior Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by council, Aug. 6, 1940, Old Location. COl1TICILMETI yeaj nays F,._ tss Findlan /Pdrrdnto eter�-"ls son �- Rosen `rte �= itlr. President. McDonough sm -0 cs -- C. F. No. 119871—By G. H. Barfuss— J. S. Findlan—W. A. Parranto— Resolved, That Ite.... for Bestau- nt, app lleatlon 43377, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43378, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, application 43379, applied for by Willard J. Lang and Ph yllls L. Chi din at 380 N. Prior. Ave. be and the same are hereby grant - d and the City Clerk Is Instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940. APpro ved Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG 14 Adopted by the Council - _ 194 /� CPi k31� proved_ --. _._--j-... _._194_ In Favorer -_ - ---- -- _ - -- - - Mayor Against (4 tR�}i,''�Ssi 0,19W.1 to City Clerk FaOUNNO. Y CIL 'M1 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ':- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENE - FORM _- _ -- PRESENTED B - _ DATE _._A u�st 1$.1 40 COMMISSIONE _ - - _---.. .. -- -- RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 43408, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 431+09, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43410, applied for by Thomas T. Hoffman at 775-7 Front St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the rec}lired fees. C. J. SNF1ndlan72 W.YAG Par,.. tr-ues— act, application 413408, on Sale eSMalt Beverage, DDllcatlon Milli. and Sxlye Mnit Beverage, aPD 776 4e Front by Theo'od the He 77 at ee 'hereby granted and the CRY— Clerk I9 Instructed to Issue -h licenses upon the P%Ymt'dent Into the city tre... 1Y of the squired fees. Apy oved Athe ug. 14, 19 Oncil AU6 14, 1940. IA.gUat 1'f, 1940) New, Informally approved by council, Aug. 6, 1940 Old Location. AN 14 NO C011iICILITIETI Adopted by the Council 194 �eitqaa..N}� ��11 ��y(} leas nays :\I+ryF^fi .A5 40 �Yar uss i APproued— __ 194 _ ndian ;J - -,Parranto i In Favor _ - --- ---- - --Petefse4l - TTlayor "'Rosen jCruax 'Mr. President, McDonough 5m 1-ao Cs —1- OriAls.l to City �(Isrk SOU NCIL - F % 7 CITY C. F. No. 119873-13Y By G., N Bartues— FILc NO• ti- r Re W.A. d. T', to—J. R. )+Y ndlan— - OFFICE Resolved, 'l'� I ,in for NCIL RESOI'! the '--GEt�ERAft.'FC�ttwt'"e *eo PRESENTED B / _ _- ___ DATE—AAP-18t COMMISSIONE _ - - ----- -� RESOLVED: licensee applied for by the following persona at the addresses indicatedrue such h l the same are hereby granted rtni t athe citythe ity trealerk is inst tell to sury of the required fees: such licenses upon the payor Robt. V. Carlson 549 Rice St. Confectionery App. 43184 Renewal ',mite Castle System 1945 University Restaurant 43393 n n C. E. Moberg 164 Iglehart Ave. Grocery " 3390 n n I, n n OYf. Sale Malt " 43391 n Mrs.Ronald Michel 181 N.Snellinng Ave. Restaurant " 43394n A n " On Sale Malt " 43395 " n " n " Off Sale Malt " 43396 " " Miss Pat Schneuer703 Reaney St. Grocery 43399 C. H. Christensen 1134 E. 7th St. Grocery 43399 n Schneider Motors Inc. 199 W• 5th St. 2hd Hand AutoDlr. " 43402 " J. A. Battu 671 N. Snelling Confectionery ° 43403 " t 0 Jackson St. vehicle Peddler " 43418 " Mark 0 Malley 7n5 t1 Foodstuff VP. " 43419 " n 82 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 4342o fl Phillip Kirmaer 3" " On Sale Malt " 43421 " n n n n " fl Off Sale Malt " 43422 Freeman Gas & Oil Co. 156-60 N. Dale St. Gas Station " 43423 " Tony Torntore 258 CarrollAve. Vehicle Peddler " 43424 a It II n n Foodstuff VP. " 43425 A. M. Schmitt 228 N. Western Ave. Ice Station n 43426 " H. A. Brummel 880 Grand Ave. Gas Station 43429 n Chas. Diemer 155 Ig}ehart Ave. Vehicle Peddler " 43429 n 11 „ " It Foodstuff VP. it 43430 C011TICILNIETI VVvv l!. Adopted by the Councihm its - -- tga fleas flays itl� tiavfuss proved _ t 3a �ndlan - - --- ,,�arranto r In Favor � - Tilayor Against / Truax /Mr. President, McDonough 3m '- Cs .sass Original to City Clerk f t I OF SAINT PAUL FO �NCIL NO. ICE OF THE CICLERK J OU SOLUTION--- ENERAL FORM A� PRESENTED By /• - _ _ _ DATE–_A4994-14-1040- --__-_— COMMISSIONER—_. - WBEREREAS: Thomas J in desires to withdraw application 43196, for Restaurant license, application 43197, for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 43198, for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, at 380 N. Prior Ave, and desires the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Thomas Jasmin the fee of $9.17, $45.83, and $4.58, and to cancel said applicar• tions for licenses (the amounts of 8M, $4.17, and 42¢ having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of one month on said applications.) COUTICILMEn ljeas nays --findlan /Parranto Rose Truax / Mr. President, McDonough am a 3c CS Haase C. F. No. 119874—By G. H. Barfuse— J. S. Findlan—W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Thomas Jasmin desires to withdraw application43196, for Res- taurant license, application 43197, for On Sale Malt Beverage Ilcenee, d application 48198, for Off Sale and Beverage license, at 380 N. Prior Ave. and desires the return of the license fee de called thereon, therefore. be It Resolved, That the proper city onl- e be and they are hereby author- Ized to refund to Thomas Jasmin the fee of E9.17,$45.83. ad $4.68, and to { c cel Bald applications for licensee ht having beendeducted belcause the apand - p operated for a period of one m o nth on said applications). Ad op ted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940. Approved Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17, 1940) Adopted by the Council AUG 14 1W 194 AUG 14190 i proved - --- -.--194 G In Favor - May r Against # Original to city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAULA�COUe"CIL NO. �F. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BLSA' •�I _ DATE_ �uH-�3'*�-1��-- — COMMISSIONER_... _. -- -- --- WHEREAS: Fra Fehland desires to withdraw application 43530 for Ice Station license at 978 Front St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it BESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Frank Fehland the fee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. C011nCi m n QeasTlalls �ss -Findlan ---�arranto -— Rosen ,/T -ax �tfir. President, McDonough 9m s-ao CS ."'. C. F. No. 119876—By G. H. Barfuas— Wher a ndITnnk F hlandrdenires to withdraw appllcation 43530 for Ice Station It cense at 978 Front St. d reaucs[e the return f the tic enae fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it Resolved, That the propcore er city tfl- med to afundnd h to Franke rFehl ndthe author - fee of $3.00 and to cancel said nppli- c: tion Cor Ilcenae. Adopted Ly the Council pug. 14, 1940. q Approved Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17, 1.940) AUG 141 Adopted by the Council / F'Y�9CF vwk r� ipproved__ In Favor— . TAay Against t Orlpla.l ^City Cl4 }i 1 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. L . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BVI - _.-.-. DATE_ st l4 1p�1/ ,..-------- COMMISSIONER-- - - - --- WHEREAS, heretofore "On Sales Liquor license $ 1542, was issued to Gordon E. Larkin at 317 Robert St, and WHEREAS, Gordon E. Larkin and the Round -IIP, Inc. have requested that said license be transferred to the Round -Up, Inc. at 317 Robert St. and WHEREAS, the said Round -Up. Inc. has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED= that 11On Sales Liquor license $ 1542, heretofore issued to Gordon E. Larkin at 317 Robert St. be and the same is hereby transferred to the Round -Up. Inc. at the awe address and the bond of the Round -Up, Inc. is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Gordon E. Larkin from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. Transfer informally approved by Council, July 30, 1940, Old Location. COUTICILMEn leas nays �ss 1_1�yindlan arranto __ier� _,R8sen ,Truax .far. President, McDonough em CS .1— ^. .In Favor Against C. F. No. 119876—By G. H. Dartuse— W. A. Parranto— Whereas, Heretofore "On Sale" Li- quor IJesus, No. 1542, wag issued to Gordon E. Larkin ¢t 317 Robert SL and Whereas, Gordon E. Larkin d the Round -Up, Inc. have requested that Id license be transferred to the Round-i)p, Inc. fit 317 Robert St. and bas filed avbonde Said in the sum of 3, of 5000.00 as required by City Ord� ��n ce, and satd 1 band execution been ,Droved an to for d tion by the d Corp oraYs ' Counsel; be It Resolved, Thn[ 'On Sale" Liquor 11- �1 ..134, 1642, heretofore issued to Gordon E. Larkin at 317 Robert St. be d the same 1s hereby transferred to HI 3; the Round -Up, Inc. t t'he same drese and the bond of tht 11011 Up, ge. is hereby ➢Droved and the Ctty Clerk is directed to deposit the same'Jy 1n [he fice of the Cl ty ComDtrolisr ,ry 3 iand the Corporation Counsel is author- til zea fid directed to lease the surety 7 on the bond of the aid Gordo. E. Lar- ' kin from any further llablllty rleing [� after the date this re solution Is Dub- Itshed. Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1940. Approved Aug. 14, 1940. (August 17, 1940) AUG 14 SO Adopted bq the Council, - _ —184 proved _.. _ - _ .104_ —� mayor \\\ y CITY OF SAINT PAUL i� APPLICATION FOR 'SON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No......................... Age /........ Name of Applicant . / :1 � ....... _ ...... .. ... ..Tele hone No..c.�.— / O Residence Address.......:. r.. ,:. J..... _... ^... p Are you a citizen of the United States?.....`='..'. .."' """' ..................... Have you ever been engaged in operating a_saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?....f. ... 4..L..... �,4'j ................... .... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation .. .. ...`. . v .... .... When incorporated? ..?.I ;(� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?. _-........ ......... .................. How many members?...... ......... ?.ame. a d addresses ofyresidem +nd/--e retar} of corporation, and name and address of general manager .. uisc name of atre.y company which will wri.c bond, it known.; r?.�.� ... ... ...� umber Strect Side Between What Cross Streets _ Ward I lo„ many feet from an academy, college or university imeasujed along streets)? ... !:!.'. Ilow mane feet from a church tnicasured along streets)?.. ...... .'::A:'.:.1.' : ............... ............. I lose many fee, froua clo,cst public (Ir parochial gra3e or, high school mwasured along s.reets,?.1...... Name of closest school...!' _........ .... .......... ...... .... How are premises classified under. Zoning Ordinance?... ...... On what floor loctueu'.. - .. .. .. \re premises o„ ned by you or leased!,,...If leased give name of o, ner It a restaurant, gi,'e seating capacm?.--� - It ho.el, seating capacity of main dining root ........... ............................... (,.vc belos,the name, or number, or other lescription of each additional room in ,vhida liquor sales are intended: .................................................................................................................................... . ................................. .............................................................................................. ................................................................. ....................................... ............................. . ......................................................................... ... .. .. .. ........ .................................................. .............................................................. jThe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). I;,) : many guest rooms in hotel?. ................ :.ame of resident proprietor or manager [restaurant or hotel) ........ ......... _.....,. _.. ............................ Gwe names and addresses of three business referen5ps: f ....... _ ................I........ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICE[: OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance Of license is not recommended P.pphcation checke I by Dated... ... .. .......193...... .............................................. .............................. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. j' .................................................. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. ..................................................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....................day of ..................... 193 ..... . ..........,............................................. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires .................................... STATE OF MINNESOTA,) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. I being first duly sworn, deposes an�j� ys that... :I.. the...................................................................................... ti( f� .�!.... ................. _ ... _ ......... ., a corporation; of.......... �...... . that.............�? �,es read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of. ... , ........................ ............knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the ............ foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof r / is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ............................... �J d an*nb ehis. `.. d4...oblit,u1y commission ex�Qyr o.................................. 04* NOTICECITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COl1AIP11 neerm I ITI/'1\I PRINTER C Resolved119877— l That checks be drawn on I►Ugl1Bt 13 46 the city treasury, to the aggregate 19s_ amount P {7,884.1 , coveing r'F$rka numbered 74082 10 7411° lr�^ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE BRAWN "y, be' We �IIfY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 7,884.6 74062 74118 OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON PILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 141 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUG 14 el T�f'PTROLLER APPROVED 193_ BY see ,e PUBLISHED i s * �CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE CATE TO CITY CLERK JFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL BAR—SS FINDLANIN PETERSON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS August 13 ROSE TRUAI WENZEL AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS 8E �('f T CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF�S 41 t COVERING MR PRES FALLON CHECKS NUMBERED.._ 1 14 `II0 V62 74 jIg INCLUS VE. AS T AUG PER CHECKS O FrLA fN.2t1E OFFI F THE C Y COMPYAOLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— --T AUG �4 83-- ` APPROVED' -- NUMBER ✓ '/) �. o Tse 5 ++oR BY "�Y `i✓ `�"�y, ✓-�f' Ay— TOTAL�/ TOTAL DnTE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - RANSFER TCHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500,00, 272 351 33 _ ® 74062 Blue & White Cab Company 7o4 62 10 �9 74063 Canital Envelope Company 74064 price Electric Company 60 22 74065 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 212 8n 74066 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 381 00 74067 H.M. Grier, Trustee for D.R.O.Corp. 890 52 74068 Minnesota Repair Department 15 35 74069 Stegmeir Tire Company 17 17 74070 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 21 75 62 74071 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 12 4 Oo 74072 Aeronautical Chambert of C.of A. 38 60 74073 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company 36 03 74074 Air Reduction Sales Company 61 91 74075 Air Reduction Sales Company 64 68 74076 Alexandria Food Market 403 16 74077 Allis-Chalmers Comnany 74078 architectural Book Pub. Company 4 50 740+9 Aasooiation Press 3 90 69 00 74060 Ault & 'Wiborg carbon Company 74081 Geo. J. Ball, Inc. 15 30 74062 Bishop ''Fire & Cable Corp. 198 00 24 oo 74093 J.H. Bonbright Company 74084 Booth Fisheries Corp. �4 30 6o 74085 Boy Scouts of America 74086 Brings & Company 277 53 162 53 74067 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burns 154 61 74088 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 26 60 74089 Central Import Company Co. 243 62 74090 Chicago Great Western Railroad 74091 Cleveland Museum of Art 1 10 74092 Commonwealth Electric Company 8 00 74093 Consumers Research, Inc. 1 00 74094 Cullen & Crowther 72 22 74095 Eagle Laundry Company 115 10 45 55 74o96 O.R. Eckhardt Company 74097 E'ibert Crescent Coffee Company 30 00 23 56 74098 L.D. Engberg 42 58 74099 Farwell, Ommun, Kirk & Company 74100 Federal Reserve Board 1 50 74101 First State Bank Ins. Agency 72 22 66 89 74102 H.'R. Fisher Pl)oto Supply Company 04 ® 7410] Gane Brothers & Lane, Inc. ;3 34 87 74104 n, F. Garland 42 74105 Generator Sp4cialty Company 741o6 Martin Giesen 13 50 7676 38 74107 Gillis & Company 9 83 741n8 h.L. Gould & Comonny 9 07 74109 Graybar Electric Company 149 25 74110 Grudem Company 19 6o 741.11 Hall Electric Company 858 30 74112 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 938 70 74113 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 03 86 74114 Hannaford-O(Brien, Inc. 74115 Harley-Davidson St.Paul Company 2 70 47 74116 Don Haynie 4O 52 74117 4.E. Hoffman Printing Company 756 74118 Honolulu Star Bulletin, Ltd. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00 280 235 49 dI rr I),JgIn i b City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL counci� rue NO.—_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, (/ / 1 l-tJR�v).. - - DATE— COMMISSIONER_..—.. r�LLl( f LJ — - -- ESSOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the estimate of expenses of the City for the fiscal year of 1941 and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be,ishe,in the official paper of said City, on ��- ESSDLVED TUR'THIM, that the Council hold public hearings from day to day in the regular place of meeting of said Council in the Court House and City Hall, at ten 0 lock i the forenoon for not less than twenty days, beginningG� , 1940, at which time and place all residents of the Ci of Saint Paul desiring to be heard may be 'heard in reference to sjW of said estimates or aqy item thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk prepare and cause to be published in the official paper of the City at the same time said estimates of expenditures are published a notice of said times and places of public hearings; which published notice sball immediately nr-^add -a+d unblisbed estimates of expenditures in said official paper, and she e thereto. AUG 15 194 C011nCILmEn Adopted by the Counoi _ eas nays '� /�55 AUG ,�5 19A9 Approved-, _ -- _. - --194 �Firidl3n ,15i arranto In Favor mayor Against Mr. Prepi�iien1, MCt) 71T0f dk ce . llcuax) >m > aocs is»e w ifs/ NOTICE OF HEARING ON BUDGET FOS YEAS Notice is hereby given that the Council will hold public hearings from day to day in the regular Place of will of said Council in the Court House and City Hall Building at 10:004to'ol02,D2If'-r the , 1940, forenoon for not lees than twenty days beginning in reference to the estimates for the expenses of the fiscal year of 1941 and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the GO—il by the City Comptroller and which immediately follows this notice. At said time and bpelacedall residents Of reference to he of City said St' Paul desiring to be heltd-, may thereof. estimates or any HAHSY T. O'CONNELL, City Clerk of St. Paul, Minnesota 's.. M—W Mnnidl l F-- ONl—l' A—i.ti- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0.911.1 .f MI—t. H. F. GOODRICH CRY C—U.11. ROOM 109 CITY HALL The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: r` August 15th, 194o. In accordance with Section 200 of the City Charter of St. Paul, I am transmitting estimates of expenditures of the City of St. Paul, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1941. Respectfully yours, City Comptroller. COMPTROLLER'S 1941 ,- BUDGET ESTIMATES Nk PER CAPITA LIMITATIONS 1940 Census 28g,209 Add- 10% of increase during 1930-1940 1,660 1941 Population - per Charter 299,s69 $30,00 Per Capita Limitation $9,696,070• "4& GROSS BUDGET Exemptions from $30,00 per capita limitations Financed Outside of Tax Levy Sundry Offices 8,gg2,00 Participating Certificates Public Safety Bureau of Police Fire Fire Alarm Health Recoverable Zxnenditures 3,500.00 2,000.00 100.00 700,00 Public Works Bureau of Engineers 20,000.00 Workhouse 3,000,00 Street Construction & Rpr. 6,500.00 Sewer Construction & Rpr, 29,000,00 Street & Sewer Cleaning 20,000.00 Education Bureau of Schools 15,000,00 Library 75,000,00 Auditorium 91,779.00 Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings Bureau of Parke Public Utilities Holman Municipal Airport Public Lighting Rater Department Total Financed Outside of Tax Levy Financed by Tax Levy Debt Service Bond and Yote Interest 1,107,300.00 Bond and dote Redemptions 1,320,000,00 Sinking Fund Requirements 300,000.00 2,727,300,00 Pensions Police Relief Association 135,000.00 Expenditures within $30 00 per canita limitation 6,300,00 11, 693,14o.00 77,500,00 191,779.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 3,000,00 1,151,920.00 1,437,991,00 2,962,300,00 4 300,191,00 7.392.959.00 ESTIMATED TAX LEVY for 1941 Purposes GROSS BUDGET Financed as Follows: Miscellaneous Receipts `A,)portionment State Cigarette License State Income Tax State & Federal Aid for Schools Bu� ness Licenses __�.tty One—Mill Tax Delinquent Tax Collections Departmental Permits Dog Licenses Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits Gross Earnings Tax Highway Privileges Monies and Credits Tax Mortgage Registry Tax Municipal Court Rents, Interest and Sundry Earnings Tax Penalties Trade and Occupational Licenses Departmental Receipts Participating Certificates Public Safety Public Works Education and Auditorium Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs Public Utilities Lighting Water Department Less: Shrinkage in Tax Collections Estimated Tax Levy for 1940 W. il,653,14o.00 18,250.00 49o,000.00 475,900.00 360,000.00 133,000.00 450,000.00 24 000.00 ,000.00 110,000.00 450,000.00 625.00 375,000.00 10,000.00 2,400.00 5,000.00 28,000.00 17.500.00 2,954.575.00 9,882.00 6,300.00 77,500.00 191,779.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 1,151,920.00 1 4,392,456,00 3921 5 ,00 600,00o.00 2 4 600 7,990,b84.00 Year Assessed Valuations City Tax Rates 1941 135,637,44o.00 59.18 One -Mill School Tax 1.00 59.19 l 1941 COMPTROLLER'S BUDGET ESTIMATES Comptroller's Estimates Code Charter Fund 37.000,0010,100.00 I City Officers' Salaries 2 Mayor's Office 33.564.00 3 Co7poration Counsel 34,200.00 4 City Oierk 5 Contingent Fund 65,870.00 6 Finance Commissioner 32,646.00 7_8_9 Public Safety Administration 717,934.00 7 Police Fund 668,225.00 s Fire 57.695.00 7_6 Police and Fire Alarm 111,367.00 9 Health 156,265.00 10 Commissioner of Public works 77,500-00 11 Street Construction and Repair 49.235.00 12 Sewer Conetruction and Repair 169,144.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 24,300-00 14 Bridges 3,333.714.00 15 Public Schools 275.762,00 16 Public Library 91 779,00 �7 Auditorium 161,464.00 is Public Parke 76,040.00 19 Playgrounds 51'834.00 20 Public Buildings 56,557.00 21 Public Utilities 222,480.00 22 Public Lighting 1,151,920.00 23 Yater Department 450,000.00 24 Board of Public welfare 66,000.00 �5 City Hall and Courthouse 1,107,300.00 26 Interest 300,000.00 �7 Sinking Fund 1,320,000.00 28 Redemption of Bonds 5,000.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 57,950',00 j0 Comptroller and Civil Service 690 .055.00 31 General Fund 11,663, 140,00 TOTAL Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES lAl Salaries 14 07 2 }:SAYOR'S OFFICE 2A1 Salaries 5,500.00 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 4,000.00 2A3 Office Expense 600,00 10,100.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 3A1 Salaries 30,4g4.0o 3A2 Legal Fees 1,200.00 3A3 Law Library 500,00 3A4 Automobile Allowance 300.00 3A5 Office Expense 500.00 33,584,00 4 CITY CLERK 4A Records 4A1 Salaries 14,300.00 4A2 Office Expense 1,000.00 4A3 Official Publications 7.500.00 4A Printing & Binding Ordinances 1,000.00 23,800.00 4B Registration 4B1 Salaries 9.600.00 4B2 Office Expense 500.00 10.400.00 Total Fund No. 4 4 2j 00.00 5 CONTINGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 FINANCE OOVISSIONER 6A Receipts and Disbursements 6A1 Salaries 53,598.00 6A2 Automobile Allowance 600.00 6A3 Office Expense 2,500.00 56,959.00 6B Participating Certificates 6B1 Salaries 7,292.00 6B2 Office Expense 1.600.00 8.552.00 Total Fund No. 6 65 6 0•oo w Financed from Participating Certificate Receipts Code Charter Funds and Items Amr•int Sub-Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7-8-9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 7-8-9A Administration 1-9-9A1 Salaries 8,196• 600.00 9,796•oo 7-8-9A2 Office Expense 7-9-913 Building Maintenance 7-8-9B1 Salaries 15,350.00 7-9-932 Services and Supplies 6,500.00 23,850.00 Total Fund No. 7-9-9 7 POLICE FUND 7A Administration 7A1 Salaries 12,500.00 7A2 Office Supplies 1,600.00 7A3 Equipment Maintenance 100.00 7A4 Office Expense 2,500.00 16,700.00 7B License Inspection 7B1 Salaries 12,000.00 7B2 Office Expense 150.00 12,150.00 70 Uniformed Police 701 Salaries 405,000.00 7C2 Supplies 3,200,00 7C3 Auto, Mntce. & Allow. 43,000.00 704 Traffic Signal Maintenance 12,000.00 463,200.00 7D Detective Division 7D1 Salaries 158,739.00 7D2 Travel Expense 800.00 7D3 Supplies 2.000.00 161,539.00 7E Radio Division 7E1 Salaries 13,575.00 7E2 Light, Heat and Power 320.00 7E3 Supplies 1.000.00 14,995.00 7F Police Station 7Fl Salaries 15,000.00 7F2 Light, Heat & Power 50.00 7F3 Supplies 1,100.00 7F4 Board of Prisoners 6,000,00 22,150.00 7G Record Division 7G1 Salaries 25,500.00 702 Office Expense 1.800.00 27.300.00 Total Fund No, 7 Totals J2,646.00 77.934,00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub-Totals Totals DEPARTIIK:T OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8 FIRE SA Administration 9A1 Salaries 35,000.00 SA2 Supplies 500.00 100.00 35,600.00 9A3 Office Expense SB Fire Prevention 8B1 Salaries 13,400.00 8B2 Office Expense 175.00 9B3 Automobile Allowance 300,00 13,875.00 SC Fire Fighting SCl Salaries 554,000.00 SC2 Gas, Oils and Greases 4,000.00 9C3 Tires, Tubes and Repairs 2,000.00 3C4 New Hose 2,500.00 9C5 Equipment Repairs 2,000,00 SC6 Other Supplies S,000.00 SC7 New Equipment 12,000.00 SCS Miscellaneous 200.00 58Q,700,00 SD Station 14aintenance SDI Salaries 25,000.00 9D2 Telephones 500.00 9D3 Light, Power and Water 3,000.00 SD4 Fuel 7,000.00 SD5 Supplies 500.00 SD6 Repairs and Renewals 2,000.00 8D7 Miscellaneous 50.00 38,050.00 Total Fund No. 8 22 .00 7-8 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM 7-8A1 Salaries 48,000.00 7-9A2 Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 7-SA3 Supplies 1,000.00 7-9A4 Telephone Lines 7,195.00 7-8A5 Equipment Repairs 600,00 7-9A6 Office Expense 100.00 Total Fund No. 7-8 57.895.00 * Expense of this Bureau is applicable to the Police and Fire Funds. 9 HEALTH 9A Administration 9A1 Salaries g 177,00 9A2 Automobile Allowance 100.00 9A3 Office Expense . 500.00 8,777.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub—Totals 913 Vital Statistics 6,1 1,00 9B1 Salaries 1,000.00 7,141.00 9B2 Office Expense 90 Promotion of Health — Schools 16,76g.00 9C1 Salaries 9C2 Transport. Crippled Children 1,350.00 903 Supplies 1,500.00 575.E 20,193.00 9C4 Office Expense 9D Food Regulation 12,59g•� 9D1 Salaries 9D2 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 13,948.00 9D3 Office Expense 150.00 9E Quarantine 18,781.00 9E1 Salaries 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,000-00 9E3 Supplies 300.00 75.00 22,156.00 9E4 Office Expense 9F Tuberculosis 14,249.00 9F1 Salaries 600.00 9F2 Rent 525,00 9F3 Supplies 300.00 9F4 Carfare 50.00 15,724.00 9F5 Office Expense 9G Workhouse Hospital g 525.00 9G1 Salaries 1,200.00 9G2 Board of Prisoners 50.00 9G3 Supplies 50.00 91925-00 9G4 Miscellaneous 9H Health Laboratory 7 422,00 9H1 Salaries 300.00 9H2 Supplies 100.00 7, 922.00 9H3 office Expense 91 Harriet Island Park 1,000.00 9J1 Salaries 9J2 Light, Heat and Water 115.00 1 390.00 9J3 Supplies and Insurance 275.00 9K Dog License Enforcement 4,141.00 9K1 Salaries 200.00 9K2 Automobile and Truck Mntce. 00 9K3 Supplies --5.0--004,391 Total Fund No. 9 Totals 111.367.00 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11A Repairs - Streets and Walks llA1 Salaries and Wages 11A2 Truck Hire 111.3 Automobile Allowance llA4 Truck Maintenance 11A5 Materials and Supplies Total Fund No. 11 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wages 12A2 Automobile Allowance 12A3 Truck Maintenance 12A4 Materials and Supplies 12A5 Miscellaneous 45,000.00 13,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 13.000.00 18,000.00 66o.00 750.00 2,200.00 625.00 ,Sub -Totals Totals 32,646.0o 717,934.00 66$,225.00 57,$95.00 111,367,00 1,599,o67.00 13,700.00 99,500.00 43,o65.00 22,235.00 X6,265.00 4. Code Charter Funds and Items Amount SUMMARY Department of Public Safety 7-5-9 Administration 7 Police S Fire 7-9 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health Total DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 10 COM14ISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 10A Administration 10A1 Salaries 12,500.00 10A2 office Expense 1,200.00 10B Engineers (Includes City Planning) 1031 Salaries 94,000.00 IOB2 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00 1OB3 Office Expense 3.000.00 IOC Workhouse 1OC1 Salaries 28,000.00 IOC2 Truck Maintenance 375.00 1003 Light, Fuel, Gas & Water 3,200.00 JOC4 Supplies 10,200.00 I005 Automobile Allow. & Postage 500.00 1006 Repairs and Renewals 350.00 1007 Miscellaneous 440.00 Total Fund No. 10 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11A Repairs - Streets and Walks llA1 Salaries and Wages 11A2 Truck Hire 111.3 Automobile Allowance llA4 Truck Maintenance 11A5 Materials and Supplies Total Fund No. 11 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wages 12A2 Automobile Allowance 12A3 Truck Maintenance 12A4 Materials and Supplies 12A5 Miscellaneous 45,000.00 13,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 13.000.00 18,000.00 66o.00 750.00 2,200.00 625.00 ,Sub -Totals Totals 32,646.0o 717,934.00 66$,225.00 57,$95.00 111,367,00 1,599,o67.00 13,700.00 99,500.00 43,o65.00 22,235.00 X6,265.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - Continued 12B Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 1281 Salaries and Wages 15,000.00 1282 Services 8,000.00 12B3 Materials and Supplies 4.000.00 27,000.00 Total Fund No, 12 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING 13A Administration 13A1 Salaries and Wages 6,167.00 13A2 Automobile Allowance 500.00 13A3 Office Expense 300.00 6,967.00 13B Cleaning Streets and Walks 13B1 Salaries and Wages 40,000.00 13B2 Truck Hire 12,000.00 13B3 Equipment Maintenance 1,500.00 13B4 Supplies 250.00 13B5 Auto Allow. & Miscellaneous 1,250,00 55,000.00 13C Snow & Ice Removal - Cindering 1301` Salaries and Wages 20,000.00 1302 Truck Hire, 7,000.00 13C3 Equipment Maintenance 3,500,00 13C4 Supplies 1,000.00 1305 Auto Allow, & Miscellaneous 1.000.00 32,500.00 13D Weed Cutting 13D1 Salaries and Wages 2,000.00 13D2 Team and Truck Hire 150,00 131)3 Supplies and Materials 350.00 2,500,00 13E Garbage Disposal 13E1 Salaries and Wages 14,302.00 13E2 Team and Truck Hire 30,000.00 13E3 Equipment Maintenance 9,500.00 13E4 Supplies 125,00 13E5 Equipment Replacements 5,000.00 57,927.00 13F Removal of Dead Animals 13F1 Truck Hire 3,900,00 13G City Dumps 13G1 Salaries and Wages 7,700,00 1362 Miscellaneous 200.00 7,900.00 13H Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 13H1 Salaries and Wages 16,000,00 13112 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 13x3 Supplies 100.00 13H4 Miscellaneous 400,00 17,500.00 Totals 49,235.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DFPART14ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 4 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING - Continued 13J Sewer Pumping Station 13J1 Salaries and Wages 4,100.00 13J2 Light and Power 750.00 13J3 Fuel and Supplies 50.00 13J4 Miscellaneous 50.00 4.950.00 Total Fund No, 13 169.144 00 14 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR 14A1 Salaries and Wages 19,000,00 14A2 Equipment Main enance 500.00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 4,000.00 14A4 Maintenance of Fences & Stairs 900.00 Total Fund No. 14 24,300.00 SU?,2dARY Department of Public Works 10 Commissioner of Public Works 156,265.00 11 Street Construction and Repair 77,500.00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 49,235.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 189,144.00 14 Bridge Building and Repair 24,300.00 Total 496,444.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15A Business Administration 15A1 Salaries 22,300-00 800.00 2 100.00 3. 15A2 Office Expense 15B Education Administration 15B1 Salaries 20,300.00 15B2 Automobile Allowance 960.00 2 3 7 60.00 15B3 Office Expense 2.500.00 15C Attendance Division 15,700-00 1501 Salaries 1502 Carfare 1,500.00 375.00 17,575.00 1503 Office Expense 151) Operation and Maintenance 15D1 Salaries and Wages 15,571.00 15D2 Exp-^ess and Freight 200.00 151)3 Office Expense 200.00 6,500.00 22,471.00 15D4 Building Insurance 15E Supply Storeroom 9,700.00 15E1 Salaries 40.00 15E2 Light 15E3 Truck Maintenance 200.00 275.00 10,215.00 15E4 Office Expense 15F Promotion of Health 46,541.00 15F1 Salaries 15F2 Supp'.les 1 200.0.00 00 48,491.00 15F3 Ofi:ce Expense .� 15G Instruction 2,2V,790.00 15G1 Salaries 1562 Carfa:-e - Taxi Service 12,388.00 15G3 Tra—zp. - Crippled Children 8,142.00 15c4 LaunLry 650.00 15G5 s„p-, L -, e:; 70,000-00 15G6 11.1.E . .1aneous 375.00 15G7 A-ni,, i,; Salaries 13,907.00 15G8 At t.c Supplies 2,500.00 15019 Special Classes 15G10 Vocational 'light School 7,500.00 6.000.00 2,379,252.00 15H Operaticn of Plant 304,000.00 15H1 Salaries and Wages 15H2 Rents 50.00 15H3 Telephone 3,750.00 15H4 Light, Power & Water 50,000.00 15H5 Fuel 15H6 Supplies 100,000.00 12,500.00 470,300.00 r Totals Code Charter Funds and Items DEPARTMENT OF EDDCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued 15J Maintenance of Plant 15J1 Salaries and Wages 15J2 Carfare 15J3 Automobile Maintenance 15J4 Truck Maintenance 15J5 Repairs and Renewals 15J6 New Buildings 15J7 Grading and Oiling Grounds 15J9 Athletic Fields 15J9 Major Repairs Total Fund No. 15 15K School Cafeterias 15M Salaries 15K2 Nmrcnandise 15K3 Telephones 15K4 Supplies 15K5 Automobile Allowance 15x6 Repairs and Renewals * Financed from Receipts 16 PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Service 16A] Salaries 16A2 Truck Maintenance 16A3 Supplies 16A4 Postage 16A5 New Books and Periodicals 16AG Binding Books 16A7 Rent and Insurance 16AS New Equipment loA9 Miscellaneous 16B Building Maintenance 16B1 Salaries and Wages 16B2 Light and Power 16B3 Heat 16B4 Water 16B5 Telephone 16B6 Supplies 16B7 Repairs and Renewals 16BS Real Estate Taxes Total Fund No. 16 Amount Sub -Totals Totals 4 79,300.00 1,000.00 950.00 900.00 45,000.00 150,000.00 2,500.00 15,000.00 45.000.00 46,000.00 60,350.00 200.00 1,500.00 600.00 3,700.00 112,350.00 154,370.00 400.00 4,000.00 400.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 94o.00 1,000.00 1.200.00 29,172.00 6,000.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 900.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 33L990-00- 194,710.00 91,072,00 275 792.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 17 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) 17A1 Salaries and Wages 41,129,00 17A2 Light, Heat, Power & Teleph. 28,450.00 17A3 Organ Maintenance 300.00 1744 Supplies 1,800.00 17A5 Repairs and Renewals 1,500.00 17A6 New Equipment 1,000.00 17A7 Rentals 200.00 17A8 Concessions - Salaries 4,000.00 17A9 - Merchandise 9,000.00 17A10 - Miscellaneous 4,400.00 Total Fund No. 17 91,779.00 SUMMARY Department of Education 15 Schools 3,333,714.00 16 Library 275,782,00 17 Auditorium 91,779.00 Total 3,70i,275.00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 PARKS 18A General Administration 18A1 Salaries 11,491.00 18A2 Office Expense 240.00 11,731.00 19B Park Administration 18B1 Superintendent and Clerk 5,913.00 18B2 Automobile Allowance 650.00 18B3 Office Expense 50,00 6,613,00 180 Park Maintenance ISCl Salaries and Wages 55,000.00 1802 Equipment Maintenance 7,500.00 1903 Supplies 4,500.00 1804 Repairs and Renewals 5,500.00 18C5 Miscellaneous 500.00 73,000.00 19D Police and Watchmen 18D1 Salaries and Wages 7,500,00 18D2 Motorcycle Allowance 1,000,00 8,500.00 19E Greenhouse and i3ursery 18E1 Salaries and Wages 15,750,00 18E2 Light, Heat and Power 5,000.00 1SE3 Supplies 3,000.00 18E4 Repairs and Renewals 1,000.00 24,750.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 PARKS - Continued 18F Upkeep of Lake Como 2,500.00 18F1 Purchase of Water and Fill 18G Zoo Gardens 19G1 Salaries and Wages 5,300,00 10,600.00 18G2 Supplies 5,300-00 PSJ City's 3 Share of Tree Trimming -1939 13,770.00 18E Park Refectories Deficit 10,000.00 18L Music and Entertainment 18L1 Band 18L2 Supplies Total Fund No. 18 18H Park Refectories * 18H1 Salaries and Wages 45,000.00 18H2 Automobile Allowance 500.00 18H3 Merchandise 35,000.00 18H4 Laundry 1,000.00 18H5 Ice 1,500.00 18HG Supplies 4,000.00 18H7 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 18H8 Equipment and Outlay 27,000.00 18H9 Miscellaneous _ ,0�00.0O w Financed from Receipts 120,000,00 19 PLAYGROUNDS 19A Playground Administration 19A1 Salaries g g00.00 19A2 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 19A3 Rent 19A4 Office Expense 600.00 750.00 11,650,00 19B Athletics and Sports 19BI Salaries and Wages 19,730.00 19B2 Supplies 1.500.00 21,230.00 19C Maintenance 19C1 Salaries and Wages 18,000.00 1902 Truck Maintenance 2,660.00 1903 Supplies 19C4 Repairs and Renewals 4,500.00 18,000.00 43,160.00 19D Acquisition and Development Total Fund No. 19 Totals 161.464.00 j6,o40.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amo Sub-Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A Administration 20A1 Salaries 9,300.00 20A2 Automobile Allowance 660.00 20A3 'Office Expense 00.00 10,L:60.o0 20B Building Inspection 2031 Salaries 24,758.00 2082 Automobile Allowance 6,500.00 2083 Truck Maintenance 40o.0o 20B4 Miscellaneous 1,600.00 33,258,00 20C Drafting 20 C1 Salaries 8,016.00 2002 Office Expense 300,00 8,316.00 Total Fund No, 20 51.834.00 SUMMARY Dept, of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. 18 Parks 161,464.00 19 Playgrounds 76,o4o.00 20 Public Buildings 51.834.00 Total 259,339.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A Administration 21A1 Salaries 5,037.00 21A2 Office Expense 315.00 5,352.00 21B Testing Laboratories 21B1 Salaries 14,319,00 21B2 Rent 1,200.00 21B3 Supplies 75.00 2184 Expense 960.00 16,554.00 21C Investigation 2101 Salaries 10,159,00 2102 Office Expense 975.00 11,133.00 21D St. Paul Mun. Airport (Holman Field) 21D1 Salaries and Wages 12,318,00 21D2 Services 3,600.00 21D3 Supplies 1,800.00 21D4 Merchandise 4,000.00 21D5 Removal of Obstructions 1,8o0.00 23,518.00 Total Fund No. 21 56•557•oo Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub—Totals 23A2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 226,285; 253.135-00 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 274,771,00 22A Admi.nistration 7,900-00 23A5 22A1 3 a] -t, • i e s 4gQ•oo 22A2. ut,)r,,obile Allowance 200.00 8,480.00 24 BOARD 22A3 Office Expense 22B Maintenance 46,000.00 24A1 24A2 Salaries Other Expense 2231 Salaries and Wages 8,442.00 2413 Ancker 24B1 Hospital Salaries and Wages 22B2 Electric Current 125,000,00 24B2 Other Expense 22B3 Ba1bo and Globes 30,000,00 240 Ramsey County Home 12,166.00 22134 Se -.,-,ices 7,000,00 6,000.00 Salaries and Wages 16,205.00 22B5 SuFplies 22B6 Building Repairs 2402 24,000.00 Total Fund No. 22 SUMMARY Department of Public Utilities 21 Public Utilities 22 Public Lighting a3 WATER DEPARTMENT 23A1 Salaries and Wages 00 23A2 Other Expense 226,285; 253.135-00 23A3 Interest 274,771,00 23A4 Sinking Fund Requirement 210,000.00 23A5 Acquisition of Property Sj,729.00 Total Fund No. 23 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 24A Administration 6,765,00 24A1 24A2 Salaries Other Expense 1,677.00 8,442.00 2413 Ancker 24B1 Hospital Salaries and Wages 147,391,00 24B2 Other Expense 80,217,00 227,608,00 240 Ramsey County Home 12,166.00 2401 Salaries and Wages 16,205.00 28,371,00 2402 Other Expense Totals 222,480.00 56,557.00 222,480.00 279.037.00 1,151,220,00 :� i Code Charter Funds and Items 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 24D Public Relief 2411 Salaries and Wages 241)2 Other Expense 24E Veterans Rest Camp 24E1 Other Expense Total Fund No. 24 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 25A1 Salaries and Wages 25A2 Heat, Light and Power 25A3 Veterans Quarters 25A4 Telephones 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 25A6 Services and Supplies 25A7 Special Repairs Total Fund No. 25 26 INTEREST 26A1 Bond Interest 26A2 Note Interest Total Fund No. 26 27 SINKING FUND 27A1 Sinking Fund Installment 28 REDEMPTION OF BONDS 28A1 Bond Maturities 29A2 Note Maturities Total Fund No. 28 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgment and Claims 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 30A Financial Records 30A1 Salaries 30A2 Office Expense Amount Sub -Totals Totals 115,087.00 69,43o.00 30,696.00 20,000.00 2,500.00 1,750.00 3,672.00 6.392.00 1.000.00 1,106,300.00 1,000.00 1,245,000.00 75.000.00 34,500.00 1.900.00 193.517.00 2,062.00 36,400.00 450.o00.OQ 66.000.00 -L 107.300.00 300,000.00 1.320.000.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 7* 30B Civil Service 30B1 Salaries 20,000.00 30B2 Special Examiners 200.00 30B3 Annual Report 150.00 30B4 Office Expense 1.200.00 21.550.00 Total Fund'No.' 30 31 GENERAI, FM 31A Purchasing Agent 31A1 Salaries 21,234.00 31A2 Printing and Postage 500.00 31A3 Office Expense 500,00 22.234.00 31B Municipal Court 31B1 Salaries 42,015.00 31B2 Jury Expense 600.00 2.000.00 44,615.00 3183 Office Expense 31C Armory 3101 Salaries and Wages 9,060.00 3102 Light and Power 1,000.00 31C3 Heat and Gas 1,000.00 3104 Repairs and Renewals 100.00 3105 Miscellaneous 710.00 11,970.00 31D Elections 31D1 Salaries - Judges 31D2 Labor - Temporary Help 31D3 - Placing Boothe 31D4 Rent of Booths 31D5 Truck Hire 31D6 Printing and Postage 31D7 Supplies 31D9 Equipment 59,070.00 31D9 Storage of Machines 1,100.00 31D10 M�scellanecus 60,170.00 3,1E Local Improvement Aid 31E1 City's Share 61,000.00 31E2 Exempt Property - Sprinkling 9,999.00 31E3 - Forestry 976.00 70,g64.o0 31F Pensions 31F1 Police Relief Assn. 135,000.00 31F2 Firemen's Relief Assn. 100,603.00 31F3 Teacher's Retirement Fund 149,395.00 31F4 Health Employees' Relief 6,707.00 31F5 Widows' Pensions 720.00 392,425.00 Totals Code Charter Funds and Items Amount j1 GENERAL FUND 31G Miscellaneous 31G1 Workmen's Compensation 30,000.00 3162 Debt Service 2,500.00 31G3 Financial Forms 4.500.00 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforseen 2,000.00 31G5 Public Examiner's Fee 2,500,00 3166 Surety Bond Premium 31G7 St. Paul Institute 8,000.00 31G8 Holiday Observance 1,500.00 31G9 Water - Wilder Baths 2,000,00 31G10 Humane Society 2,400.00 31G11 Auditorium Rentals 6,277.00 31G12 Capital Outlay - Airport 13,300.00 31G13 Municipal Employment Bureau 1,500.00 31G14 Fire Hydrant Rental 31H Local ASseSSments - Forfeited Property 344.00 31H1 Forestry 627.00 3122 Grass Cutting 31H3 Sprinkling 10,429.00 Total Fund No. 31 Sub -Totals 76,477.00 11,400.00 Totals 690.055-00 COMPTROLLER'S 1941 BUDGET ESTIMATES PEkt t;_aP1P.l Ll"uLPal'1pNS 1)40 wisud ���•?� �Jd- 1G"�i of tn„reada luring 1�3J-134J 1,660 111+1 Pul!ulati ra - uor Jhartvr 23y, 369 $3o_x., Peer Jupiter LimiCati�n $d p70•JJ ssess s���r 'watNtiond frolu $jU. `o yar 0agita li:uitaGions :,un-•dd Jutsily of lax Lavy 'a'!Jry �arciciN:�tiu„ V�rt1liU:aGcS Publt. 5afvty �l.Ll'VLi`.l C' PV 11 vc Firs Fico dlarw Hba1Gh iv•ovdrably 5auonditurv6 . Al 1 ill! . VJ lk! ..yI tSli: 'BJrky B�u'osu ,f F11l�l ucol. ti au, '100 00 l4urkhou6o 1, Jl>,! . J1 Stl'e:eG CutlstruoGiou ,� $yr. 6.700•i1l! 6dwvr' OondGruOti,!u 3 kyr. �$,�tl'�!•�4! Stv—t x Si O—L dJ 000.141 Edu�atlpu Btu• veru '� f 504-016 11, JJU . t Iu Library (1), LK auditortalw )—I 41 Parka, Yluyoruuud6 "L Puboo Butt.ilug6 Buroau uY Parka Rtblic• Utillti.a Hvlulall 6luniL'ill- I aitPo1 l-lablio 1,16htlno 9Yutv1. nol.ul'Lwout Potai Finanavd Outeido u[ 'Pn�. Lwy Finuu,;ed by Tw Loyy PobL 6vrvic- nand Laud J.L. 1nL nresL 1,1U(, 3uu.uU Bond and uuLc hcdouthLlutl6 1t32il,nuu,uu tlinkiug b'uud Itv,luir6 3Uu,U00,uu 2,727,30n.nn Peueiwl6 Police hvllnf aLI 1t 13`1 uuu.uU IEaunnditur.a wiLLUt $J(j,Uu..ler cµl.itu liudtaL oto 2 156i: td�.ln, 4uu,itSi,�n� yfsa�)�)i.uU PER CAPITA LIMITATIONS 1940 Census 268,209 Add- 10% of increase during 1930-1940 1,660 1941 Population - per Charter 289,669 $30,00 Per Capita Limitation $6,696,070.00 11,663,140.00 GROSS BUDGET Exemptions from $30.00 per capita limitations Financed Outside of Tax Levy Sundry offices 8,682 00 Participating Certificates Recoverable Expenditures Public Safety Op,00 Bureau of Police 3,5 Fire 2,000.00 Fire Alarm 100.00 Health 700.00 6,300.00 Public Works 20,000.00 Bureau of Engineers 3,000.00 Workhouse Street Construction & Rpr. 6,500.00 Sewer Construction & Rpr. 28,000.00 20,000,00 77,5 00.00 Street & Sewer Cleaning Education Bureau of Schools 15,000.00 Library 75,000.00 Auditorium 81,779,00 161,779.00 Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings 2,000.00 Bureau of Parks Public Utilities 6,500,00 Holman Municipal Airport 3,000,00 Public Lighting Water Department 1.151,920.00 Total Financed outside of Tax Levy 1,437,861.00 Financed by Tax Levy Debt Service Bond and Tote Interest 1,107,300.00 Bond and mote Redemptions 1,320,000.00 Sinking Fund Requirements 300,000,00 2,727,300.00 Pensions Police Relief Association 135.000.00 2 662,300.04 4,300.161,00 Expenditures within $30 00 per capita limitation 7,362,959.00 ESTIMATED TAX LEVY for 1941 Purposes Departmental Receipts Participating Certificates 8,882.00 Public Safety 6,300.00 Public Works 77,500.00 Education and Auditorium 181,779.00 Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs. 2,000.00 Public Utilities 6,500.00 Lighting 3,000.00 Water Department 1,151,920.00 1 4 881.00 .39 , 5 .00 Less: Shrinkage in Tax Collections 600,000.00 Estimated Tax Levy for 1940 7,890, 8 .00 Year Assessed Valuations City Tax Rates 1941 135,637,44o.00 59.19 One -Lull School Tax 1.00 59.18 11,683,14o.00 GROSS BUDGET Financed as Follows: 14iscellaneous Receipts rug ortionment Sate Cigarette License 18,250.00 State Income Tax 490,000.00 Sate & Federal Aid for Schools 475,800.00 Business Licenses 360,000.00 County One -Mill Tax 133,000.00 Delinquent Tax Collections 450,000.00 Departmental Permits 25,000.00 Dog Licenses 4,000.00 Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits 110,000.00 Gross Earnings Tax 450,000.00 Highway Privileges 625.00 Monies and Credits Tax 375,000.00 Mortgage Registry Tax 10,000.00 2,400.00 Municipal Court Rents, Interest and Sundry Earnings 5,000.00 Tax Penalties 28,000.00 Trade and Occupational Licenses 17,500.00 2 954 575 00 Departmental Receipts Participating Certificates 8,882.00 Public Safety 6,300.00 Public Works 77,500.00 Education and Auditorium 181,779.00 Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs. 2,000.00 Public Utilities 6,500.00 Lighting 3,000.00 Water Department 1,151,920.00 1 4 881.00 .39 , 5 .00 Less: Shrinkage in Tax Collections 600,000.00 Estimated Tax Levy for 1940 7,890, 8 .00 Year Assessed Valuations City Tax Rates 1941 135,637,44o.00 59.19 One -Lull School Tax 1.00 59.18 1941 00MpTRCLLER,S BUDGET ESTIMiLTES Comptrollers Estimates Code Charter Fund 37,000.00 1 City Officers' Salaries 10,100.00 2 Mayor's Office 33.594.00 3 Corporation Counsel 34,200.00 4 City Clerk Contingent Fund 65,970.00 5 6 Finance Commissioner 32,646.00 7_9_9 public Safety Administration 717,934.00 7 Police Fund 666,225.00 g Fire Police and Fire Alarm 57.995.00 111,367.00 7_9 9 Health 156,265.00 10 Commissioner of Public Works 77 500,00 11 Street Construction and Repair 49,2j5.00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 1v9 11{4.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning ?4,300-00 14 Bridges public schools 3,333,714,00 275,762.00 1 5 15 Public Library 91,779.00 161,464.00 i7 16 Auditorium Public Parks 76,040.00 19 Playgrounds 51,634.00 20 Public Buildings 56,557.00 21 Public Utilities 222,460.00 22 Public Lighting 1,151,920.00 �3 Rater Department 450,000.00 24 Board of Public Welfare 66,000,00 25 city Hall and Courthouse 1,107,300.00 300.000.00 26 Interest Sinking Fund 1,310,000.00 �7 26 Redemption of Bonds 5,000.00 �9 Judgment and Compromiee 57,950.00 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 69 j1 General Fund 11,663,140,00 TOTAL Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals Code 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES a42 2000 IAl salaries 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 5,500.004,000.00 2A1 Salaries 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 600.00 0O 1100.00 2A3 office Expense 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 30,464.001,200.00 3A1 salaries 3A2 Legal Fees 900.00 3A3 Law Library 3A4 Automobile Allowance 300.00 3 5 3A5 Office Expense 90.0.00 — 4 CITY CLERK 4A Records 14,300.00 4A1 Salaries 1,000.00 4A2 Office Expense 4A3 Official Publications 7'S 00.00 23 4A4 Printing & Binding Ordinances 1.000.00 ,900.00 4B Registration 9,600.00 4B1 Salaries 900.00 10.400.00 4B2 Office Expense 34 200.00 Total Fund No. 4 5 CONTINGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 FINANCE COW-11SSIONER 6A Receipts and Disbursements 53.999.00 6A1 Salaries 600.00 6A2 Automobile Allowance 2 500.00 56.988• 00 6A3 office Expense 6B Participating Certificates " 7,262.00 6B1 salaries 1,600.00 9 982.00 6B2 Office Expense -- 65,670.00 Total Fund No. 6 4 Financed from Participating Certificate Receipts Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals DEPAR.TMEIff OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7-6-9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 7_6-9A Administration 8,196.00 7-6-9A1 Salaries 600.00 6,796.00 7-6-9A2 Office Expense 7-6-9B Building Maintenance 15,350.00 7-6-9B1 Salaries 7-6-932 Services and Supplies 6.500.00 23.650.00 Total Fund No. 7-6-9 7 POLICE FUND 7A Administration 12, 500.00 7A1 Salaries 1,600.00 7A2 Office Supplies 7A3 Equipment Maintenance 100.00 2,500,00 16,700,00 7A4 Office Expense 7B License Inspection 12,000.00 731 Salaries 7B2 Office Expense 1.00 50 12,150.00 7C Uniformed Police 405,000.00 701 Salaries 3. 200.00 7C2 Supplies 7C3 Auto, Mntce. & Allow. 43,000.00 704 Traffic Signal Maintenance 12.000.00 463,200,00 7D Detective Division 7D1 Salaries 156,739.00 7D2 Travel Expense 600.00 2,000,00 161 539-00 7D3 Supplies 7E Radio Division 13,575.00 7E1 Salaries 7E2 Light, Heat and Power 320.00 1.000.00 14,695.00 7E3 Supplies 7F Police Station 15,000.00 7F1 Salaries 50.00 7F2 Light, Heat & Power 73 Supplies 1,100.00 6,000.00 22,150.00 7F4 Board of Prisoners 7G Record Division p0,00 2,500-00 7G1 Salaries 7G2 Office Expense 27.300,00 Total Fund No. 7 Totals 82,646.00 717.934.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub-Totals Totals DEPARTL*IT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8 FIRE SA Administration 8A1' Salaries 35.000.00 SA2 Supplies 500.00 100.00 35.600.00 SA3 Office Expense 8B Fire Prevention 13,400.00 SB1 Salaries 9B2 Office Expense 175.00 300,00 13,875.00 9B3 Automobile Allowance SC Fire Fighting 901 Salaries 550,000.00 9C2 Gas, Oils and Greases 4,000.00 SC3 Tires, Tubes and Repairs 2,000.00 SC4 New Hose 2,500.00 9C5 Equipment Repairs 2,000.00 SC6 Other Supplies 8,000.00 8C7 New Equipment 12,000.00 200.00 580.700.00 SCS ldiscellaneous 8D Station 14aintenance SDI Salaries 25,000.00 8D2 Telephones 500.00 9D3 Light, Power and Water 3.000.00 SD4 Fuel 7,000.00 9D5 Supplies 500.00 8D6 Repairs and Renewals 2,000.00 0 5.00 38.050.00 SD7 Miscellaneous Total Fund No. 5 668'225'00 7-8 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM * 7-8A1 Salaries 45,000.00 7-8A2 Automobile Maintenance 7-8A3 Supplies 1,000.00 0.00 7-9A4 Telephone Lines 7.60000 7-8A5 Equipment Repairs .oo 7-8A6 Office Expense 100.00 Total Fund No. 7-9 gL 9=00 * Expense of this Bureau is applicable to the Police and Fire Funds. 9 HEALTH 9A Administration 9A1 Salaries g 177,00 9A2 Automobile Allowance 100.00 500.00 00 9,777-00 9A3 office Expense Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals 9B Vital Statistics 9B1 Salaries 6,141.00 9B2 Office Expense 1,000.00 7,141.00 9C Promotion of Health - Schools 9C1 Salaries 16,76s.00 9C2 Transport. Crippled Children 1,350.00 9C3 Supplies 1,500.00 %' 904 Office Expense 575.20 20,193.00 9D Food Regulation 9D1 Salaries 12,598,00 9D2 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 9D3 Office Expense 15G-.-00 13,94s,0o 9E Quarantine 9E1 Salaries 18,761.00 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 9E3 Supplies 300.00 9E4 Office Expense 75.00 22,156,00 9F Tuberculosis 9F1 Salaries 14,249.00 9F2 Rent 600.00 9F3 Supplies 525.00 9F4 Carfare 300.00 9F5 Office Expense 50.00 15,724.00 9G Workhouse Hospital 9G1 Salaries 8,525.00 9G2 Board of Prisoners 1,200.00 9G3 Supplies 50.00 9G4 Miscellaneous 50.00 9,825.00 9H Health Laboratory 9H1 Salaries 7,422.00 9H2 Supplies 300.00 9H3 Office Expense 100.00 7,822.00 9J Harriet Island Park 9J1 Salaries 1,000.00 9J2 Light, Heat and Water 115.00 9J3 Supplies and Insurance 275.00 1.,390.00 9K Dog License Enforcement 9K1 Salaries 4,141.00 9K2 Automobile and Truck Mntce. 200,00 9K3 Supplies 50.00 4,391.00 Total Fund No. 9 111,367.00 Coa©- Charter Funds and�Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals SUMMARY Department of Public Safety 7-8-9 Administration 32,646.Oo 7 Police 717,934.00 6 Fire 66$,225.00 7-6 Police and Fire Alarm 57,895.00 9 Health 111.367.00 Total 1,569,o67.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 10 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS l0A Administration JOAJ Salaries 12,500.00 1OA2 Office Expense 1.200.00 13,700.00 103 Engineers (Includes City Planning) LOBI Salaries 94,000.00 1OB2 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00 IOB3 Office Expense 3,000.00 99,500.00 10C Workhouse 10CI Salaries 28,000.00 1OC2 Truck Maintenance 375.00 lOC3 Light, Fuel, Gas & Water 3,200.00 1004 Supplies 10,200.00 1005 Automobile Allow. & Postage 500.00 IOC6 Repairs and Renewals 350.00 to C7 Miscellaneous 44o.00 43,o65.0o Total Fund No. 10 156.265.00 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11A Repairs - Streets and Walks 11A1 Salaries and Wages 45,000.00 11A2 Truck Hire 13,000.00 11A3 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 11A4 Truck Maintenance 5,000.00 11A5 Materials and Supplies 13,000.00 Total Fund No. 11 js 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wages 16,000.00 12A2 Automobile Allowance 66o.00 12A3 Truck Maintenance 750.00 12A4 Materials and Supplies 2,200.00 12A5 Miscellaneous 625.00 22,235.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 12 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - Continued 12B Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 12B1 Salaries and Wages 15,000,00 12B2 Services g,000.00 12B3 Materials and Supplies 4.000.00 27.000,00 Total Fund No. 12 49,235.00 13 STREET AND SEWER CLE61NI:;G 13A Administration 13A1 Salaries and Wages 6,167.00 13A2 Automobile Allowance 500.00 6,967.00 i3A3 Office Expense 300.00 13B Cleaning Streets and Walks 13E1 Salaries and Wages 40,000.00 13B2 Truck Hire 12,000.00 13B3 Equipment Maintenance 1,500.00 1384 Supplies 250.00 13B5 Auto Allow. & Miscellaneous 1,250.00 55,000.00 13C Snow & Ice Removal - Cindering 1301 Salaries and Wages 20,000.00 1302 Truck Hire 7,000.00 13C3 EYuipment Maintenance 3,500.00 13C4 Supplies 1,000.00 1305 Auto Allow. & Miscellaneous 1.000.00 32,500,00 13D Weed Cutting 13D1 Salaries and Wages 2,000.00 131)2 Team and Truck Hire 150.00 13D3 Supplies and Materials 350.00 2,500.00 13F Garbage Disposal 13E1 Salaries and Wages 14,302,00 13E2 Team and Truck Hire 30,000.00 13E3 Equipment Maintenance 8,500.00 13E4 Supplies 125,00 13E5 Equipment Replacements 5,000,00 57,927.00 13F Removal of Dead Animals 13F1 Truck Hire 3,900.00 13G City Dumps 13G1 Salaries and Wages 7,700,00 1362 Miscellaneous 200.00 7,900.00 13H Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 13H1 Salaries and Wages 16,000.00 13H2 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 13H3 Supplies 100.00 13H4 Miscellaneous 400.00 17,500.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 13 STREET A Z SEWER CLEANING - Continued 13J Sewer Pumping Station 13J1 Salaries and Wages 4,100.00 13J2 Light and Power 750.00 13J3 Fuel and Supplies 50,00 13J4 Miscellaneous 50.00 4,950.00 Total Fund Maio. 13 189.144.00 14 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR 14A1 Salaries and Wages 19,000.00 14A2 Equipment Maim enance 500,00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 4,000.00 14A4 Maintenance of Fences & Stairs 500.00 Total Fund No. 14 24,300.00 SUMMARY Department of Public Works 10 Commissioner of Public Works 156,265,00 11 Street Construction and Repair 77,500,00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 49,235.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 189,144.00 14 Bridge Building and Repair 24,300.00 Total 496,444.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub-Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15A Business Administration 22,300,00 15A1 Salaries 15A2 Office Expense 800.00 23, 100,00 15B Education Administration 00.00 20,300-00 1581 Salaries 960.00 15132 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00 23,7 60.00 15B3 office Expense 15C Attendance Division 1 00.00 5 7 1501 Salaries 1,500.00 1502 Carfare 150 Office Expense 375.00 17,575.00 15D Operation and Maintenance 15 71,00 15D1 Salaries and Wages 200.00 151)? Ey:p-ess and Freight 15D3 Office Expense 200.00 6,500.00 22 4 71.00 15D4 Building Insurance 15E Supply Storeroom 00.00, 740.00 15E1 Salaries 15E2 Light 200,00 15E3 Truck Maintenance 15E4 Office Expense 2 00 10,215.00 15F Promotion of Health 46, 41.00 5 15F1 Salaries 750.00 15F2 Supp'. 1u 1.200.00 48,481.00 15F3 Off_ce Expense 15G Instruction, i 2,2N,790-00 15G1 S. la es88,00 1502 Cada-'e - Taxi Service 12,3 15G3 Tr,v zu - Crippled Children 8,142.00 15c4 L4..r. ry 650.00 15G5 s"1-11e 70,000.00 15G6 !S` E .':'•.:aneous 375.00 15G7 Az.,*_,- j,; Salaries 13,907,00 15G8 Al— IroI'.c Supplies 2,500,00 15G9 s� ::.��Classes 15G10 Voca6ional 'light School 71500.00 6.000.00 2, 379. 25 2.00 158 Operation of Plant 30 1} 000,00 15H1 Sal•ries and Wages 15H2 Rents 50,00 15H3 Tel,phone 3,750.00 15x4 Light, Power & Water 50,000.00 15x5 Fuel 100,000,00 12,500,00 470,300,00 15x6 Supplies Totals Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued 15J Maintenance of Plant 15J1 Salaries and Wages 78,300.00 15J2 Carfare 1,000.00 15J3 Automobile Maintenance 850.00 15J4 Truck Maintenance 900.00 15J5 Repairs and Renewals 45,000.00 15J6 New Buildings 150,000.00 15J7 Grading and Oiling Grounds 2,500.00 15JS Athletic Fields 15,000.00 15J9 Major Repairs 45.000.00 _ 338.550.00 Total Fund No. 15 3.3'iL 14.00 15K School Cafeterias 15x1 Salaries 46,000.00 15K2 Mercnandise 60,350.00 15K3 Telephones 200.00 15K4 Supplies 1,500.00 15K5 Automobile Allowance 600.00 15x6 Repairs and Renewals 3,700.00 * Financed from Receipts 112,350.00 16 PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Service 16A1 Salaries 154,370,00 16A2 Truck Maintenance 400.00 16A3 Supplies 4,000.00 16A4 Postage 400.00 16A5 New Books and Periodicals 30,000.00 16A6 Binding Books 2,500.00 16A7 Rent and Insurance 840.00 16AS New Equipment 1,000.00 16A9 Miscellaneous 1.200.00 194,710.00 16B Building Maintenance 16B1 Salaries and Wages 29,172.00 1682 Light and Power 6,000.00 16B3 Heat 7,500.00 16B4 Water 1,000.00 1685 Telephone 900.00 16B6 Supplies 1,500.00 16B7 Repairs and Renewals 5,000.00 16B8 Real Estate Taxes 30,000,00 81,072.00 Total Fund No. 16 275.782.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 17 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) 17A1 Salaries and Wages 41,129.00 17A2 Light, Heat, Power & Teleph. 29.450,00 17A3 Organ Maintenance 300.00 1744 Supplies 1,800.00 17A5 Repairs and Renewals 1,500.00 17A6 New Equipment 1,000.00 17A7 Rontals 200.00 17A8 Concessiona - Salaries 4,000.00 17A9 - Merchandise 9,000.00 17A10 - Miscellaneous 4,400.00 Total Fund No. 17 91,779.00 SUMMARY Department of Education 3.333,714.00 15 schools 275,782.00 16 Library 91,779.00 17 Auditorium Total 3,701.275.00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 PARKS 18A General Administration 19A1 Salaries 11,491.00 18A2 Office Expense 240.00 11,731.00 19B Park Administration 18B1 Superintendent and Clerk 5,913.00 1882 Automobile Allowance 650,00 6,613.00 18B3 Office Expense 50.00 19C Park Maintenance 1801 Salaries and Wages 55,000.00 1802 Equipment Maintenance 7,500.00 1803 Supplies 4,500.00 1804 Repairs and Renewals 5,500,00 1805 Miscellaneaus 500.00 73,000,00 19D Police and Watchmen 18D1 Salaries and Wages 7,500,00 18D2 Motorcycle Allowance 1,000.00 8,500.00 19E Greenhouse and Nursery 18E1 Salaries and Wages 15,750.00 18E2 Light, Heat and Power 5,000.00 18E3 Supplies 18E4 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 1,000.00 24,750.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub—Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18 PARKS — Continued 18F Upkeep of Lake Como 18F1 Purchase of Water and Fill 2,500,00 18G Zoo Gardens 18G1 Salaries and Wages 5,300,00 1862 Supplies 5,300.00 10,600.00 19J City's i Share of Tree Trimming -1939 13,770.00 18K Park Refectories Deficit 10,000.00 18L Music and Entertainment 1SL1 Band 1812 supplies Total Fund No. 18 ISH Park Refectories * 18H1 Salaries and Wages 45,000,00 18H2 Automobile Allowance 500.00 18H3 Merchandise 35,000.00 18H4 Laundry 1,000.00 18H5 Ice 1,500.00 18H6 Supplies 4,000.00 18H7 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 18HS Equipment and Outlay 27,000.00 18H9 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 * Financed from Receipts 120,000.00 19 PLAYGROUNDS 19A Playground Administration 19A1 Salaries 8,800.00 19A2 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00 19A3 Rent 600.00 19A4 Office Expense 750.00 11,650,00 19B Athletics and Sports 19B1 Salaries and Wages 19,730,00 19B2 Supplies 1,500.00 21,230.00 19C Maintenance 1901 Salaries and Wages 18,000.00 1902 Truck Maintenance 2,660.00 1903 Supplies 4,500,00 1904 Repairs and Renewals 18,000.00 43,160.00 19D Acquisition and Development Total Fund No. 19 161.464.00 76,040.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PARES, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A Administration 9,3 00,00 20A1 Salaries 66o.o0 20A2 Automobile Allowance 5,35 2.00 20A3 Office Expense —322-0-010,260,00 20B Building Inspection 24.758-00 20B1 Salaries5 20B2 Automobile Allowance 6,00.00 500.00 20B3 Truck Maintenance 1.600.00 33,259.00 20B4 Miscellaneous 21B2 Rent 20C Drafting g,016.00 2001 Salaries 8,316.00 2002 Office Expense Total Fund No. 20 51.n4. 00 SUMMARY Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. 161,464.00 18 Parks 76,040.00 19 Playgrounds 1 8 4.00 20 Public Buildings 299,339,00 Total DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A Administration 5,037.00 21A1 Salaries 315.00 5,35 2.00 21A2 office Expense 21B Testing Laboratories 14 319,00 4,200.00 2181 Salaries 21B2 Rent 75'00 21B3 Supplies 16.55 4.0o 21B4 Expense960.00 21C Investigation 10,158.00 2101 Salaries �75 00 11,133.00 21C2 Office Expense 21D St. Paul Mun. Airport (Holman Field)12, 19.00 21D1 Salaries and Wages 3,600.00 21D2 Services 1,800.00 21D3 Supplies 4,000.00 21D4 Merchandise 1.900.00 23,518.00 21D5 Removal of Obstructions 56.557• Total Fund No. 21 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 22A Administration 22A1 Sala*ies 7,800.00 22A2 Automobile Allowance 480.00 22A3 Office Expense 200.00 8,480.00 22B Maintenance 22B1 Salaries and Wages 46,000.00 2282 Electric Current 125,000.00 22B3 Bulbs and Globes 30,000.00 22B4 Services 7,000.00 22B5 Supplies 6,000.00 22B6 Building Repairs 214,000.00 Total Fund No, 22 222,480.00 SUMMARY Department of Public Utilities. 21 Public Utilities 56,557.00 22 Public Lighting 222,480.00 279,037.00 23 WATER DEPARTMENT 23A1 Salaries and Wages 326,285.00 23A2 Other Expense 253,135.00 23A3 Interest 274,771.00 23A4 Sinking Fund Requirement 210,000.00 23A5 Acquisition of Property 87.729.00 Total Fund No. 23 1,151,920.00 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 24A Administration 24A1 Salaries 6,765.00 24A2 Other Expense 11677.00 8,442.00 24B Ancker Hospital 24B1 Salaries and Wages 147,391.00 24B2 Other Expense 80,217.00 227,608.00 24C Ramsey County Home 2401 Salaries and Wages 12,166.00 2402 Other Expense 16,205.00 28,371.00 Code Charter Funds and Items 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 24D Public Relief 241)1 Salaries and Wages 24D2 Other Expense 24E Veterans Rest Camp 24E1 other Expense Total Fund No. 24 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 25A1 Salaries and Wages 25A2 Heat, Light and Power 2513 Veterans Quarters 25A4 Telephones 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 25A6 Services and Supplies 25A7 Special Repairs Total Fund No. 25 26 INTEREST 2611 Bond Interest 26A2 Note Interest Total Fund No. 26 27 SINKING FUND 27A1 Sinking Fund Installment 29 REDEMPTION OF BONDS 29A1 Bond Maturities 29A2 Note Maturities Total Fund No. 29 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgment and Claims 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 30A Financial Records 30A1 Salaries 30A2 office Expense Amount Sub -Totals Totals 115,097.00 69.430.00 193,517.00 2.o62.00 450.000.00 30,6s6.00 20,000.00 2,500.00 1,750.00 3,672.00 6.392.00 1.000.00 1, 106, 300. Go 1.000.00 1,245,000.00 75.000.00 34,500.00 1,900.00 36,400.00 66.000.00 1 lOr•00 100.000.00 1,320,000.00 Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 30B Civil Service 3081 Salaries 20,000.00 30B2 Special Examiners 200.00 30B3 Annual Report 150.00 30B4 Office Expense 1.200.00 21,550.00 Total Fund No. 30 31 GENERAL FUND 31A Purchasing Agent 21,234,00 31Al Salaries 31A2 Printing and Postage Expense 500.00 500.00 22,234,00 31A3 Office 31B Municipal Court 42,01 5 31B1 Salaries .00 600.00 31B2 Jury Expense 2,000.00 44,615.00 31B3 Office Expense 31C Armory 3101 Salaries and Wages 9. 060.00 31C2 Light and Power 1,000,00 3103 Heat and Gas 1,000.00 3104 Repairs and Renewals 100.00 710,00 11,870,00 3105 Miscellaneous 31D Elections 31D1 Salaries - Judges 31D2 Labor - Temporary Help 31D3 - Placing Booths 31D4 Rent of Booths 31D5 Truck Hire 31D6 Printing and Postage 31D7 Supplies 31D8 Equipment 59,070-00 31D9 Storage of Machines 1,100.00 60,170.00 31D10 Miscellaneous 31E Local Improvement Aid 61,000.00 31E1 City's Share 31E2 Exempt Property - Sprinkling 8,888.00 Forestry 976.00 70,864.00 31E3 - 31F Pensions 31F1 Police Relief Assn, 000,00 135,000,00 31F2 Firemen's Relief Assn. 100,603.00 3173 Teacher's Retirement Fund 149.395.00 31F4 Health Employees' Relief 6,707.00 720,00 392.425-00 ' 3115 Widows' Pensions Code Charter Funds and Items Amount 31 GENERAL FUND 31G Miscellaneous 31G1 Workmen's Compensation 30,000.00 3102 Debt Service 2,500.00 31G3 Financial Forms 4,500.00 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforseen 2,000.00 3165 Public Examiner's Fee 2,500.00 31G6 Surety Bond Premium 3107 St. Paul Institute 8,000.00 31GS Holiday Obeervance 1,500.00 31G9 Water - Wilder Baths 2,000.00 31G10 Humane Society 2,400.00 31Gll Auditorium Rentals 6,277.00 31G12 Capital outlay - Airport 13,300.00 31G13 Municipal Employment Bureau 1,500.00 31G14 Fire Hydrant Rental 31H Local Assessments - Forfeited Property 31H1 Forestry 344.00 31H2 Grass Cutting 627.00 31H3 Sprinkling 10.429.00 Total Fund No. 31 Sub -Totals 76,477.00 11.400.00 Totals Council File No. ------ -----. a;'87 By....................... ....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing Alley in Block 6, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, nNSOLUTION RATIFYING A99E88- '.KENT• C. F. No. 119R99 In tha under PreliminaryOrder-113666 114021 114253 --------.., Intermediary Order .--------..---------------- Final Order ...................... approved.. March-- 2 8-------------------------19...3 9 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 1T FU— TIIER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..............._._ -J......equal installments. Ai it 15 . Adopted by the Council----.... - - --------------------------------------------- ............. 19......... -----... .. ..... ...., City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------- . -----...19 .... �/ B. B. ie ------- ---- --------------------- ----------- Mayor. File 8620 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL oI'FICF, OF TIIE COMIAISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessr—itent July 16, 1940 _ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for AMM grading and surfacing Alley in Block 6, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue under Preliminary Order 113666 , interni,diary Order 114021. Final order 114253 approved March 28, 1939 497_ To the Council of the Pity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Conned thr, following as a statement of the exhcn- diinres necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- mrul, viz: /mflterials, equipment, engineering and Cost osupervision 967,40_ Cost of publishing cotirc 4.,20 -----—� ... Cost of postal cards .. .84 Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation 4.20 Total expenditures 976.64 Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above asec„ joined, to -wit: the still, of $ ..976.64 _ -npon each and every lot, hart or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assossn,cnt has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered i proper. n._. ,� ..__.__Commissioner of Finance. form B. D. 17 Tf - i. Council FileNo...... .......... .. ......... �A) By......_-----------..._.._.--- ....__. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, C. F. No, 11988%r In the n' [lets and expenses es forent grad: benefits, cos Ing Alley In mock tr Milton Addl- 'Ir• "- i[,il[on Street [oCFats- under Preliminary Order.... 113352 Intermediary Order ---------11891 Final Order_._114140 approved_.... Wroh. 14 .................... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 3 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT jjFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ---------- .....J.._..........equal installment. 15 SO Adopted by the Council ............. - --------------------------- ---- - - .....19_....... AUG }1oUL���PT%l ixf------, City Clerk. Approved_----------- ...- _...... ......--------- ..19.--- / -- .......- -I-...----j-/- ---------------..-. .,Mayor. Dorm B. a. Is File 8609 rmTqTTVn i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIC7E OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment July 16, 1940 x3¢W__.-_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tbox grading Alley in Block 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, ander Preliminary Order113352 Intermediary Order 113891 .. Final order 114.140 approved_ March 14,_1939 i=x__. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: m terials, ecuil-ment, enrineerirr, & 180.20 Cost of supervision $__ _ _ __.._......._...___ Cost of publishing notice . $___...4.50__-_____.___..._ Cost of postal cards $ ___ _. • 90___ __ _.... $ --- Inspection fees - -- -- - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ _ 4.50 Total expenditures $ 190.10 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of {;190.10 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ r y .......__.................................. . Commissioner of Finance. Form R H. 17 ' t C.F. No. 119881— 1 In the matter of the assessment of t benefits, costs and e.Den9ee tructlag, r struat d relay- + ��1�{.��. Ing cements idewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract 39-M-9. 1939. (l Council FileNo................................... both 1 F. O. 1158333 Montana sides, from Welds Ave. to Arcade v Street. F. O. 111015 Canada Street, west ntde, Iij' from Fourteenth Street thence '-� a .,. ................................... ... . 34 Pee[: begin at farther south " ing ' t C.F. No. 119881— 1 In the matter of the assessment of t benefits, costs and e.Den9ee tructlag, r struat d relay- + ��1�{.��. Ing cements idewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract 39-M-9. 1939. (l Council FileNo................................... both F. O. 1158333 Montana sides, from Welds Ave. to Arcade Street. F. O. 111015 Canada Street, west ntde, Iij' from Fourteenth Street thence '-� a .,. ................................... ... . 34 Pee[: begin at farther south " ing CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimlte No. 5, Contract 39-M-9, 1939 --Assessable-- F.O. 115833 Montana Avenue, both sides, from Weide Ave. to Arcade Street F.O. 111015 Canada Street, most side, from Fourteenth Street thence south 134 feet; beginning at a point 36 feet farther south thence south 8 £t, including 6 a 6 corner extensions on the southwest corner of Canada and Fourteenth Sts. and the northwest corner Canada and Thirteenth Sts., and on the southerly side of Fourteenth Street from Canada Street thence west 68 feet F.O. 115254 Valley Street, south side, from Canada Street to University Ave., and on the jj6r ffterly bide`"cr University Ave. from Valley Street to Canada Street, and on the northeasterly side of Canada Street from University A'w."tD Vw14eq Street F.O. 115116 Walker Avenue, west side, from a point 94 feet north of Hewitt Avenue thence north 87 feet] beginning 20 feet farther north, thence north BB'feets beginning 69 feet farther north, thane north 16 feet including the ooraor extensions on the SW corner of Walker and Taylor Aves.; and on the east side of Walker Avenue from Hewitt Avenue thence north 180 feet 4.5 feet in width, including driveway to Lot 11, Block 6. College Place, and corner extensions on the southeast corner of Wapmr and Taylor Avenues F.O. 114261 Grove Street, north side, beginning 36 feet east of Jackson Street thenoe east 46 ft.) beginning 82 feet farther east, thenoe east 16 feet F.O. 115263 Como Ave. West, west aide, from Pierce St. to Doswell Ave. and from Pierce St. NW'ly 238 ft- F.O. 115834 Front Street, south side, from Oxford Street thence east 50 ft.1 beginning 9 ft. farther east, thence east 51 £t., and on the east side of Oxford St. from Front St. thence south 50 ft. monolithic concrete walk, thence south 75 feet F.O. 115675 Lexington Avenue, west sides beginning at a point 54 feet north of Palace Street, thence north 108 feet, thence north 54 feet F.O. 115583 Michigan Street, south side, from Webster Street to Oneida Street F.O. 115585 EleanorStreet, south side, to connect with sidewalk in front of 1902 Eleanor Street, and continue west to Sumner Street F.O. 115673 Sherburne Avenue, south side, from Syndicate Ave. thence W. 40 ft. --Non-Asseasable-- F.O. 111015 Canada Street, southeast corner Fourteenth St, and Southwest corner Thirteenth Street F.O. 115254 Valley Street, south side, from Canada Street to University Ave. and on the northweaterly side of University Avenue from Valley Street to Canada Street, and on the northeasterly side of Canada Street from University Ave. to valley Street F.O. 115116 Walker Avenue, both sides, from Taylor Ave. to Hewitt Ave. F.O. 114261 Grove Street, north side, beginning 36 feet east of Jackson Street thence east 46 feet, beginning 82 feet farther east thence east 16 feet F.O. 115253 Como Avenue West, west side, from Pierce St. to Doswell Ave. and from Pierce St. NWIly 238 ft. W suq ov FN'.;'e+• R`'- �F• LLow Loup 2F' qN 16uO6 ogsF 27F' c LF' igLPN6z egzF' Fl x of 'O F' FNevcs 4t�if c gLovF 2CLosP' earFN zrg6' LLow 0 L ,,q 77i.i^ yns u, iLoi bTeLos 2F' YL'i,T? s20 LF9TgG'vLLOfl o cs 2F' F° y�eTGvice egai. 7L' °6F TI�$�2 GOBSO �in61SnG PIGS) -P' LG f6aT1SL c 8G 7gL�176L o;FN S.seF Fr g G®F, P s3 Uvrus 2e iGGF age{ ;gso]ceov 2F ouoG ogzF , i 'voQFN aTgoa'PLI-OW T 62i�OL yns FO Fid dna' 77dS2T ';LOn6 2-PLGG}' y 7787I9 1 `�Gro Ag7T�' 2FLSGF e' a° ° grggg ;oGf LLOw tiGL 'rA 6 YJq o -J F11G voL+•«,t a.pe,j i� v _ oofi >*4t'j t, cLss gI+'g qg 1.1 2fGutkkNleLs? Tq° ° 'nu5+4 F G ?FTeGF Foe �z TF o v .....y.ls'+t9 n#�v 71k r .i z " .. _.., _.' ..`r: eL egaF FNevcG tf ., LGG; FF sue.. cgeF 3 iF' LgLFN aTq., ;Low OXLozq { gLovF 2fLG6¢' aonF ou • T7232v` etas 2P• G Doaesjj VA6 guq j'GLCG 2F' Afi�7� S89 ergs, zLou bT Gvcs saef IE Lser Gowo 5f°' h6aP' "saF - Ls6r igs,.PNsL cge�' FN LeEF BYO 70G 0' 77'tSo^ G1TuvTu flS eGF 6gQF OL ggoxzoU 2ga oL 'vAevn s Gg3L d8 i' * p1JALFN z 'T'' ?GL'rUu7uh $8 L 'iLOAG 2FLGGF, c a0,'f.fjSEge.F COL376L OT, iclgTjB1 e-SigOT 7 Gu8 TO1JE 0- + w BIOGjt Q G 7�..v gay c,LUGL GXF c qa ,: gTTnemyn.po Fo+ T7 soca o;.c 790 LGGt iu ergFN' q o1J -ssF t` I ,s Low usa.TF� Vnsuns'C ,.tea.: gu 3' 'ee - G oL ;'g7;cGL p LcozusL OT, SivT gve ZgaIOL k T uc7ng7u rU6 e 2' q GxFGveTova c:J Fi _ 2::°. eves aoLFP 7? Ls, FrG eG QG iT —,Tr,L L°GF LO'L.fUG' L �igL' F}i G17CG `JOyF}�yG liGIIc6 f1107-* 3S LFG-1 LOm;gSGoi.. o� -soF Jo;.F?J of i3e.rr{'= v� w t9u7i 6L VA6vn6' L'.6a+' '� GT LOGY= y•p• I7..77. Te:, -LGGF az TqG o, Ggvggg 0 Oe gqg AB7 ?, e 2-P'—GG;F' 3'LGe.f' giiq on FP, iJOLFoI,geuTnG L ei FA STAG• LLow 3v7 GDe La r.F^t'As•• gJq o;; Fr,e uoLpNmszreL7n eT4B ce' LLOw GgTggg 2FLGGf FO ';Lr,G{ Fpsuc6 pG2F q3 Lo GF -r" j7GA 2FLGGF' SOA411 7 J F LLow Gwjvger 2F 0• jj'252+g s OL hofjL.PGG1JfN 2FL3v vvc o +r's gvq ZNTY Pesu,^.;f 2 'GGvy 0, fi ,r,JeLji, a78 GOLu6L 0giiggtr ,gugqu guq honLT r 2F2• e'q F}iG aoLF ntGzF ov FN° ao,TFN:aezf COLUGL o J ;ucjr.gry 8 x g coLveL sxfevsrona 'Jss LgLFrsL zonfll FN°'ucs son{l 9 LF' tGGtI pGgxu-v' gF s ;lGI*fz7ge' LLoi L,O7LF6s`Jfl 3CL_ GTMC sGOPF2oTry 7^ FLG _ gG .�. •0• 77707? ,51,ugg Fr` ¢rosz Low ., A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITFUR ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------- .equal installments. Adopted by the Council-AUCi.-.�...��Y6/ - - .......... ....... 19._...... City Clerk. 6! b kZ�j 47 Approved------------- _..------.....-----------..19_.....- ---- - --- -...., Mayor. Form B. B. 18 / L% PUBLISMB—Ld- -" � c� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE. OF TILE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment July 16, 1940 k the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 11sNc constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, EstiaRts No. 5, Contract 39-41-8, 1939 Assessable-- F.O. 115833 Montana Avenue, both sides, from Weide Ave. to Arcade Street F.O. 111015 Canada Street, most aide, from Fourteenth Street thence south 134 foots beginning at a Point 36 feet farther south thence south 8 ft. including 6 x 6 corner extensions on the southwest corner of Canada and Fourteenth Ste. and the northwest corner Canada and Thirteenth Sts., and on the southerly side of ywrttmth Street from Cuda'Street thence went 68 feet F.O. 115264 Valley Street, south side, from Canada Street to University Ave., and on th✓s' northwesterly side of University Ave. from Valley Street to Canada Street, and on the northeasterly side of Canada Street from University Ave. to Vel ley Street F.O. 115116 Walker Avenue, most side, from a0point 944 fleet north of ftHewitnce north thence north 87 foots beginning 2 66 foots beginning 69 feet farther north. thence north 15 feet including the corner extensions on the SW corner of Walker and Taylor Aves.s and on the east side of Walker Avenue from Hewitt Avenue thence north 180 feet 4.5 feet in width, including driveway to Lot 11. Block 6, College Place, and corner extensions on beginninge southeast corner of set east oatlkr andwon Taylor Street Avenues F.O. 114261 Grove Street, north side, Seat 48 ft.► beginning 82 feet farther east, thence east 16 feet F.O. 115253 Claw Ave. West, west side, from Pierce St. to Doswell Ave. and from Pierce St. NWIly 238 ft. F.O. 116884 Front Street, as£1oStreet st50 1dSt. er eat, thence east5ft., and on the ot side of oxford from Front St. thence south 50 ft. monolithic concrete walk, thence south 75 feet F.O. 115675 Lexington Avenue, west sides be at a point b!1 fest north of Palace Street, thence north 108 feet, thence north 54 feet F.O. 115683 Michigan Street, south side, from Webster Street to 0120ift Street F.O. 116686 Eleanor Street, south side, to connect with sidewalk in front of 1902 Eleanor Street, and continue west to Sumner Street F.O. 115673 Sherburne Avenue, south side, from Syndicate Ave. thence W. 40 ft. —Nonassessable-- F.O. 111015 Canada Street, southeast comer Fourteenth St. and Southwest corner Thirteenth Street F.O. 115254 Valley Street, south side, from Canada Street to University Ave. and on the northwesterly side of University Avenue from Valley Street to Canada Street, and on the northeasterly side of Canada Street from University Ave. to Vsliey Street F.O. 115116 Walker Avenue, both sides, from Taylor Ave. to Hewitt Ave. F.O. 114261 Grove Street, north side, beginning fet fefaret ea east th�aeast of neStreet ast 18 fest thence east 46 feet; beginning F.O. 115263 Cosmo Avenue West, west side, from Pierce St. to Doswell Ave. and from Pierce St. NW'ly 238 ft. F.O. 115834 Front Street, south side, from Oxford St, thence east 50 ft.; beginning 9 ft. farther east, thence east 51 ft., and on the east side �of_oxford - 8 Yrs Yi attb¢ eweoct h3t3 3& uqqj�rLcn T1cQ C LLOA( afLGrrt `EOnSie Lf• L tJ FtLGG ,1 Li, DO -446U E, SSS 71 ¢ ,° L'--CPO1. s asr ^76 GGIaO v.t GFIna rf a pg..i78FY.r e J7L�� d;cr;t 21 - Loncr tLsa+''JAoo{:., s{rkE°r:tG S,D,Sat- .ry so rra;� SSS a<: 'tl. @yl.l �,' r :7Dgt' 77P7Te , 71-' ae Fo sw 0I7 +rd . :,o r}IosereL7 ° , .�be Lz T �l r �JoaucLfN eI:r87'Eo�IZ7�uzguSgq� nA 2rznsr uAq_?o r x� a.og WFU{: LBn.F LffLrraz near �� G, Ll.om C1xLGLq 24 suq Lz.o I �4 LLE LGG�F I'BGrf as 538 L*• Lom L7azos '2r• �° GucGTT per. Le6.r aucG 5726, Ltu7 @s¢r TQ. Y 17-JL2 olrO VkG r^.eePG'ZmI?uSjigs i4S'L6� LIL; )o Ln"r a oL aTT�L�crAq ITT, IOL d�arroa ager �e Lr IxoLFF al ? rsa¢f 00"OL . Go77Gws 17 •3LO.hG 'ar LOG F' O;I VG 90I1r} 71•;�E7-IaIJST( 8 r ,7" gyjt,Gtav i" r° a Or J J' 00 710" IDOL n Icl ooLu@z G. }I;oln,,` " Lom g°SFF d�L7ns FN a.l anq ou TCGr ?A :�TgFK' eL ryrGAf7e L u GL auq yc?.SoL'c° Grrlq;u" Gd ¢r a :.' ;;�G � 1. ozr'I% 72 L°ar -a oL cozu6L 4L 7Y '�� GGL az ¢yPG1J2 002 cu ri' ELr7az uoLr}I' ru°uca ,GTJGG cozy}I ,Ist;.J'- 08 oG6 Iruu 50 L4E+ L°S`es°pL Ao FFoup}lcta? f d"aunc ee T'600 cGLLI 1!0 T,00 De LLo!7 E JO7i7� �G rpsuos :toLr; xsEr LLG ..ui�OLar. 77`21S7e :Ss7F°7 ynaune `YL.OG,= o ETgo OL CgAaqu 'Loll J. ;I)., a sar4u • LGc: apLq a. rile ;:ostOsc¢L;� .,3rr.. S{ns• LLoc i.gf�;�Ledf= +4nsv 1 LG4f 2r E+GereL71, a;q ©, Lzoly G�'qe 2rLGsf r° cuco h,sar e9 rue AOLrN Leet Jpom G9sT11 2rzaor rV auq OJ ruG 01 ?rLOGr' EOffr:7 a; gGA.�}I 'r'r n ^Sq° oL LonLr euq F7zFssA�F 2Fa�� v-uq LonLF6o It L•0' 7T2S2� �O r}tGLT Iasar GOLAGL GsAvgff OOLA@L oL G�qv u- ua7 u�G¢r Tuc7:IgT 2r¢' q r}�O uoI r} " rue o r}nof, GAco eoarp 9 Lr� o - E x 8 coL.7OL oxo O2C ;GG -C a onLreourlJ tLSGc +'116AGG oy 7IJU' q 7A C 7.A9F i G !,LOW_ .,..,.o..�d+�. .'. �7[]cJC�GucX7CJQ7G7C7C7C7C1C.XX7SX7cASC.X�UCa��{'AF84�4C7CXJ[Fx7CX�G?C7L7CT•X7C?G7L.S7CXTxXS.7f�7CY�CLL.LY.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 3,515.12,_.___ Cost of publishing notice . $ _ ____9.75__ ____ _ Cost of postal cards . $___._____1.95 Inspection fees y 351.51 Amount of court costs for confirmation - 9'78 Assessable . . . . . . Hoon- assessable . Total expenditures • 9 - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 4,176.19 _upon eaell and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form D. D. 17 - Original to City Clerk CITAF SAINT PAUL -- OFWEF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE - -- C t9 g�; i4.�63 COUNCIL FILE NO. August 15, 1940 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has made arrangements with the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota for the im- proving of Arcade Street (Trunk Highway No. 61) from Case Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, the City of st. Paul to defray the cost of moving of lights, reconstruction of sidewalks, where necessary, drainage, the moving of fire hydrants, curb stops and valve boxes, and the Depart- ment of Highways to construct new curbing to a roadway width of 42 feet and to provide the necessary paving and resurfacing for the widened roadway, and WHEREAS, the cost of moving fire hydrants, curb stops and valve boxes is estimated to be $1130.00; therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein authorized to issue the proper interdepartmenal order for the proceeding with the necessary water works changes, the aforesaid estimated amount to be paid from the Paving Aid Fund, Code 3181. C. F. No. 119882—By Milton nceus en— Ilc Whorkb 11 she de arrengemen[e Pith the Depnrtmentn f Hl.hw.,. o[ tho of ate ofArcade Street (Trunknnesota for [H lghhe "wayvNo ParkwraY, the CI LyVefuSL to hto de- fray the oat f moving o1 light., re- construction ce o eldewalkaf where ne- bydrants, curb drainage, the do aloe boxesof , and the Department of Highways to n truct w curbing to a roadway ti wises ry pa jog andel to provide the e the ldened do ey areau [acing for' Where.., the cost of naving flro hydrennt., urb [opa d alvi boxes t b timated [o be 11,130.00; therefore, be It Resolved, That the Commisaloner o[ Public Works be a d he to herein fj uthorlaed to Issue the proper inter- ; dlDhrt the tai ores.. for twha proceeding; tlchanges, then ....said 1eo works vont [o It •t.mated ,y� Ald Fund, Daid from the P.vinif Adopted by he Coulnc 11 Aug, 16 1940 , 'r ADO owed Aug lel, 1940 17, 1940) �' C011nCiLlilEn Adopted by the Council -AUG 15 __ 194_ i]4sas / nails • py�� Ila. an ^! 15 roved - /dI yin .__194 _ rranto -2 In Favor °ssl( C a or Agaigst ,m ,-jylrcgSF,,;gp3 Fire Cres. (Truax) ORIGINAL- NumB 9 J O CITY Q- -.'�- �••••- -- Y f'f 1M clTv cl.aRX o C: F. No. 118882 -By Milton Rbsen-40.._-i-[C=-_ COUNCIL iteeDlYea, xhat the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, find hei Ah•�-A AUTH RATION OF LO the contract for n • .�.4. et:T3 /� l.g off FIN_ PRBBHNTED BT Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract ® Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for paving and resurfacing of Fillmbre avenue from Robert street to State street, and State street from Fillmore avenue to St. Lawrence street, to the ORES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in accordance with plans and speci- fications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 402 of said Okes Construction Company, for the contract price of $15,994.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Okes Construction Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. FORMAL BID NO. 402 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 16,467.00 C� COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE G 1510 IN FAVOR AN 15194 AGAINST APPROVED A'�ii1.l5�tiEu..�=�� -•!'fid MR. PRESIDENT // - PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE 31E1 115,994.00 S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE 1 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE 1 S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S. 1 TOTAL _ _ _ _ - 115,994.00 co", Es TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED B EAVAILABLE CITY CLERK IN ABOVE STATED A PROPRIATIONE COMPTROLLER E MBURSE THE PER M ANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. PUBLIC WORKS IN THEA E AMOUNTS. PURCHASING / Y ® COMPTRO ,+.+/ DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED C� COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE G 1510 IN FAVOR AN 15194 AGAINST APPROVED A'�ii1.l5�tiEu..�=�� -•!'fid MR. PRESIDENT // - 14 9 �11�I -I( Original to City Clerk + CITY O AINT PAUL. Fo6Nca NO — f / OFFICEF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES ION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .�L�� August 15, 1940 DATE.------------- COMMISSIONER__..-.. In the matter of grading Nevada Avenue from Arcadb Street to Walsh Avenue, and Weide Avenue from Montana Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118159 approved March 21, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 118788 approved May 21, 1940. whereas, This Council is advised that the above named improvement is not eligible for aid from the Federal Works Progress Administration; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the revised specifications as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bide for making said improvement. C. F. No. 119889—By 4ilton In the matter of grading N to 1.169pprovsd March 21, 1940, and Final Order C. F. 118788 approved May 21, 1940. Whereas, This Council Is advised that the above named lmpr... mant is not eligible for Id from the Federal fore, be Progress Administration; there - it Resolved. tl nsassubmitted o herewith pbyiathe f I Commissioner of Pub Works, be d / in.' hnalh-sbby approved,. nd thatk g a gent bects n. d he Is pr hereby authized nd dired to ad - vs, ties for bide for making said Im- }� 1� pro veme nt. Adopted by the Council Aug, 15, 1940. Approved Aug. la, 1940. (Aug. 17, 1940) i y%' AUG 15 �1am' C011IICILMEn Adopted by the Council _194 - i]eas /' nays AW y� A �g s 6 JL r9J`' ��l*349 in If proved _.__----------tea - arranto - In Faoor — elgfson -- -- - R(a or osen � rcCuaxttt°� Against ,in s-a�ri;5 'cc Yrs. ruax. lst. 2nd. -- Laid ober to -------- ---P--- 3rd. & Ado ted —�-- app— Yeas Nays Yeas" Nays Bsrfi ss Fi lan u s s in an ✓ �f Parranto arranto I Pe/terson /eterson _Rosen , Truax -omen Truax kir. President Fallon ZT%ir. President Fallon C. F. No 119886—Ordinance No. 8161— Orgm.i to city 0"k. BY Fred M. Truax— An a r O R D An ordinance mending Ordinance he -1 Q)S..l5 6890, ei:titled tee of prom` ting he pubic ((�f -x i purpose conver'ence. ' health, e•y, oder, .. eeneral , by NO. .. A .. Drovp. alati �1r % ',V L A `� tier ORDINANCE NO. VVV PRESENTED BY c( t; C. F. No 119886—Ordinance No. 8161— Orgm.i to city 0"k. BY Fred M. Truax— An a r O R D An ordinance mending Ordinance he -1 Q)S..l5 6890, ei:titled tee of prom` ting he pubic ((�f -x i purpose conver'ence. ' health, e•y, oder, .. eeneral , by NO. .. A .. Drovp. alati �1r % ',V L A `� tier ORDINANCE NO. VVV PRESENTED BY c( An ardinanoe &sending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled °An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and balk of buildings hereafter erect- ed or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,' approved July 7th, 1922. foie is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. /TSB TS COUNCIL O8 B CITZ Op SAINT PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. Mat Ordinance No. 8840, approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to re- zone 160% 30, Block 8, Yaokubin A Marshall's Addition, located on the northwest corner of Arundel street and Central Avenue, in a. ■Cz Residence District, instead of °B' Residence District as at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council AUG 30 'M Barfuss ') Findlan In Favor Parranto Rosen Against Peterson Truax 6 30 I� Mr. President (McDonough) p ed: Attest: -- 101ty Clerk �' M�,ayor� � aso 7-90 EMUS o� r 1 t€ 1+ €E 8i t ��. r� r i t�.• F i Ei �_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,^F• Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 14, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; R o ✓fia/C e The Council requested that you prepare a+it icy granting the attached petition for the rezoning of Lot 30, Block 8, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, being on the northwest corner of Arundel and Central, from eB" Residence to "C" Residence District. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �. THE CITY PLANNING BOARD a� x SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA P. .i ii 11111�j1� Y Q C of WILLIAM H. FA LLON. M--M- ­GEORGE H. HERROLD GEORGE F. LINDSAY nry norvoR nRv cn nlR rn nn 236rvCOURTrvHOUcn.1. Mr SEnr eonRo July 30th, 1940. Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Edward Fritz, at al to rezone Lot 30, Block 8, Mackubin & Marshallfs Addition. This is the northwest corner of Arundel and Central. The property is now zoned as "B" Residence. It is occupied by a large double house too large to rent in this district. It faces Central Avenue. There is a non -conforming grocery store at the southwest corner of Central and Arundel. The other two corners are occupied by single family homes. There is no objection to this rezoning and the Board of Zoning recommend that it be granted. gh-rh Ycurs very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. BOARD OF ZONING. J, JOHN S. FINDLAN Comminioner P. E. McDERMOTT Deputy Comminioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Carhier i�w.ri July 16, 1940 To the Council City of St. Paul gentlemen: I have checked the petition hereto attached, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 30, Block 8, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, at Northwest corner of Central Ave. and Arundel Street from Class "B" Residence to Class "C" Residence District, and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance co • 1 N Wit. i'au1, Minneotr- O O •�� w - , • J J � J To the Honora:,le, ' The City Cou!.cil,- ,t. Paul, Minn. Lt �- Gentlemen 0 C-' - `n i�E C N I N G We, the undersigned owners of of tt:e severel descriptions of reel est r;te eoc- i*uated :-ithin 100 ft. :' threal ests:te ,!'ircted, have accuiesced heroin, and e, owners <__` 50°1, or more of the fronto,;, re- classified, pe. titicn your '-ionorable Body to c1-enr-, 'he follov-ing urooerty ; To rezone the northwest „corner _Of"4d; Centra, and__Argndej,r known as I Lot 30, Block 8, Hackubin & Marshall's Addition from a Class;V Residence _District. .--..-Ftrikse to Cla_as "C"_ Ra41den4..e District in order to permit the owner to remodel a large duplex into light house- keeping apartments.T71"r NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION - 4o;7-� % v 3 5- 5M-7-37 My,Commission exn1 " Y► . • don'�ide San: 7k Lx.R t E- rr � i l ` { I � � I � + t •!{ a S� c F t � P •I co • 1 N Wit. i'au1, Minneotr- O O •�� w - , • J J � J To the Honora:,le, ' The City Cou!.cil,- ,t. Paul, Minn. Lt �- Gentlemen 0 C-' - `n i�E C N I N G We, the undersigned owners of of tt:e severel descriptions of reel est r;te eoc- i*uated :-ithin 100 ft. :' threal ests:te ,!'ircted, have accuiesced heroin, and e, owners <__` 50°1, or more of the fronto,;, re- classified, pe. titicn your '-ionorable Body to c1-enr-, 'he follov-ing urooerty ; To rezone the northwest „corner _Of"4d; Centra, and__Argndej,r known as I Lot 30, Block 8, Hackubin & Marshall's Addition from a Class;V Residence _District. .--..-Ftrikse to Cla_as "C"_ Ra41den4..e District in order to permit the owner to remodel a large duplex into light house- keeping apartments.T71"r NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION - 4o;7-� % v 3 5- 5M-7-37 My,Commission exn1 " Y► . • don'�ide San: 7k Lx.R t E- rr � i l ` { t E- rr � f k r . _ . __ .. �— — _ ,,, . , .._ .. n.�,,__ _ _ _ - .__ _ �. . � �� ,- � �.-��- -g-=. � � r � �.; ,, n ,, , - � �� -, ; . - � ,. � � �-, � � � ! "_ �%,;� r. � �r �_ �- rte- ;, z% . _ . __ .. �— — _ ,,, . , .._ .. n.�,,__ _ _ _ - .__ _ !i L - § ! rTIA t Y ,iN r t 7 i �7 N '_ w — _ J :L To the Honorable, The City Council,w> = :-- 3 St. Paul, Minn.` U- ¢ Gentlemen ' — it We, the undersigned oitiners of tv,o-thirds of the several descriptions of reel estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate e['f',.cted, have accuiesced herein, end 'e, ov,ners r,f `.0%: or mr-re of the fronts;•� t� oe re- classified, petition your }lonorable Body to ccanxrr- the follo'ring property from a District to a _District. This petition is ma6e pursuan'; to Section 23, Ordinance No.5840. Record Ovmer Lot Block Addition Stat: of Ninneso*.a ) SS County of R,11 -1,Y ) • _beinE, first dulysworn, deposes and says that he is the perso wiio circulated the with petition consistingof_pRee_ that the parties described above are: the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; thnt this petition was signed by ,'-ch of said etsR:ers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above fire the true and correct signatures of eNch in,, e11 of the parties so described. Subscribed and swornbefore me � tilis,;2dnY of _ �• Notary Public, Ppm;:ey Courit-� Minn. LoHIs A. RIrsm. %Jy Commission i:plT' ldv 0"1"1— KXPL," Jae. § ! rTIA r t 7 i �7 LA `r i }# V t t •! 1 l!F!t 1 k 5 1 j(ff To the lionov,;ble, The Cit,,,, Council, S1.. pnul, Minn, Centlpmen OF )6Paul, Minnesota CL CITY FD "JUL I I PM 3 45 SAINT r, cSOTA H. T. O'G0,f N, E,,LL CITY CLERK Vie, the undersigned nvvers of two-thirds of the severel descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, of the re,l est^te affected, have aeeulesce.d herein, and w1-, ovn.:rs of 5Cr% or more of tha frontage to be re- cl4ssifiod, petition your Honorable iledy to change the followint; de=cril,_d propprtY To rezone the northwest corner of W. Central and Arundel, known as Lot 30, Block 8, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition from a Class ZQ= NBN Res. District to a Class "CM Residence District.o in or(er o perm t the owner to remo el a large duplex into light housekeeping apts. This petition is mads ours uint to Secti(,n 23, Crdinnnco No. 5.840• 1?erord owner Lot _ Block Addition 1 of Lot 15 & N ljz £t _l£ Lo 1o, Plock d=ekubin E.'dn o Ss-) Fr.o„n as 43b-3 pr x_....... . .. Fuller Ave., of p_ la. NrE( a e ae e �'” iPt •/3a �VaS1�- �, e,,,, C,,,,�� da1Tv(- 44'2 V /� v3� 01*j State of Minnesota } Sc county ' ria^lsey j being first duly sororn, de' nosas and scys that he is the person v:ho culated the within petition consisting of�sge,A!_ +h:+ the c,,rties described above me the owners re=pectively of the tots plfrc i il.nerfiatoly following etch name; that this petition we.s signed by each of s�.i:i owners in the presence of this affiant, rind th-t the sign'tures above pre V:e true: ',nd correct signsitures of each %nd all of the errties so descril,-gid. / �`r :subscribed �nd worn t .before me r *his //t of (, . - I —" plot'ri P,Jblic, Ramsey County, Minn. Afly expires FRANK P. Gam— No" No" Public, Ramsey County, Mine, My Comm:smon E•pues January 25,1944i f � i }# V t t •! l!F!t 1 k 5 1 j(ff To the jJnnornble, 1940 'Jut e Cit,v Council, PAf St. Paul, Minn. 4.R SAN;- r, CentloMen . H'T O'CU SON P)+, ANING CITY CLEj K L i Vie, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descripl,ions of real estate situated within 100 ft. ^f the re^l estate affected, have ecauiesced horein, ind wc, owners of 500, or more of the frontage to be rc:- ele.ssifiod, petition your flonarable 3c:ly to change the following d­scrth>d prep;:arty 4Q ra�aa dbt nnnRhat Pere * ni B Q�-� ••^t .."A ArttnAa1. intmmm AS _ +� t a v to nbin A Ynrayl7!n AAAS%tem fretm ,a Qt Aat —— pyp -_hi stri c!, to a OIAAS Nils Rn■1Awnns _Dist.^ict.r in order to permit the ovmer to remodel a largo duplex into light housskeeying arts. This petition is nede oursuant to Section 23, ordinance No. 5840• I2,erord Owner Lot. Block Adcition i State of Winnesota ) SF county P -n ey I being first duly eviorn, denosas and sr.ys that he is the Person who c ted the within petition consisting of_�YEFL, +hp.t the nerties described above err the owners r'-spectively of the lots pl.ncoa irvneaietcly following each name; that thin petition wrs :iened by on,'h cf saki;: owners in thy, presence of this affiant, and th-t the signrtures above -!;'eft':B true 'nd correct signatures of each ino all of the parties so describ-d. ;ubscrib�=•,dC��,� sworn'to �c:fg�'e me `his __L��"ry of-c�S4�--1/�r}C—Q X L �d \�Not rl: Yublic, R, ..ey County, Minn. O jy ortutission expires_ FRANK R GOW, Notary Public, Rammy County, Mlm�, My Cammi.— Expires January 25, 134{5, 1 h_ Orr CL Fog 040 JUL 11 PM 3 43 SANT NELLpTq �.. Ec'warci Fritz, Lot 30, Block 8. cat 4XRK Adollne E. Chase Lot 1 & 1' 1 ft. 2, Plock 8, no address. / Sylvia Turover, W 38.5 ft.. of Lot 2, Block 8, 446 Fuller Ave. �Sss to Lot 3, 1:-_ock 8, no address. )}� �,wLc �` ✓V 7 �Joseph M. Frenzel and) Velert E. Frenzel, ) Lot 4, Plock 8, 450 Fuller Ave. / GeorF;e E. Gardener, Lot 27, Plock 8, 1196 Farrington Ave. / Mabel Tubbesing, Lot 28, Block 8, 451 W. Central Ave. / Stk,te Savings Hank, Lot 2cJ, Block 8, c/o First Trust Co. 4th'& Minn. Sts. / Riiunesota Building & Loan Ass n. Lot 15, and N 12.25 ft.of 16, Block 7, Minn. & 4th Sts. Annie Geyer, ) Marie Haas, ) Frank Geyer, ) Caroline Bock, ) S 120 ft. 16, Plock 7, 439 W. Central Ave. / Fred Geyer, ) Eloise Le Mire, ) Genevieve Geyer, ) Marie Geyer ) / Fierrm J. Hank, N 1/3 of Lots 1 & 2, Clork 13, 260 Carroll Ave. / Frank Wigren, Lot 3, Block 13, 450 Central Ave. I('11fred E. Hakanson, ) Godfrey E. Hakanson, ) / Helen E. Henstrom, ) Petsy Ellen Hakanson., ) Ella Ava Hakanson,. ) /> e�rgg a —) Lot 1:_�, Flock 14, 1157 Summit Ave. Re : Rezoning Central and Arundel, which comes up for hearing August 14th. 0,191-1 to ('11v Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO:_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV aa.�,,��..ww.. ./�y,� COMMI SSIONER 3LS41_+l5F.m ___ DATE—.__ WHEREAS, the Police Bureau of the Department of Public Safety has rented a target range for the use of said Bureau, from 4ohn Ledo on his promisee on Carver Avenue near Point Douglas Boad; and WHEREAS, the annual rental for said premises for said use in 1900 is the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00); there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to pay to said John Ledo the sum of $25.00 for said rental, said sum to be charged to the Public Safety Fund, 7 D 3. COl1iiciLTTIETI geas Rails /t5ayf tlss iFi tan Parranto Rosen nm-)4r,§cAq!d Vice Pres. (Trm) C. F, No. 119886—By G. H. 13arfuss— Whereus, the Pollee Bureau of the Department of Public Safety has rent - d a target range for the u of Bald Bureau, from John Ledo on his prem- ieee on Carver Avenue near Point Douglas Road; and Whereas, the naal rental for said Dremieee for said use In 1940 le the theref oreT bend -flue Dollars (525.00); of flee ss be Resolved, he dt theyhat t are Proper reby cauthor- ized to pay toe Id John Ledo the s ,i f E20.00 for a Id ental, Id s uto I harged to the Publlo Safety Fund, 7 D3. Adopted by the Council Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 15, 1940. (Aug. 17, 1940) AUG 15 10 Adopted by the Council_ 194. AUG iii SO 194 Approved_ _. In Favor _Against !_, Orldlaei to CRY clerk;' M1lA �d'r,?13� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ua L codc 1lC„� �, �ni�•.1• OFFICE OF THE CITY . F. No. 110887—By J. B. Find,1an- 4OUNCIL RESOLUTION GEx ae envvilo Riles rJ'o APth Clhld MDne 1 nln Tr cornmi-ion, r 1tu to a- PRESENTED BY ��� DATE COMMISSIONER--_-_--_--_------ --- - -- MMREAS, Ryland J. Rothschild has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: ik except streets the SE4 of the NNf4 of the SE -lis and (Except streets) the SW4 of the NW -1K of the SFr, Sec. 23, T. 29, R.23; and WHEI,EAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $14,408.40, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $5,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $3,877.06 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $6,OOO.00, and that said sum of $3,877.06 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $14,408.40. C0UTIC1LTREn ljeae Tlays i /TSa ass / Fi [an i Parranto In Favor _Against sm ,-Mrc$�Csxdd Vice Pies. (Truax) AUG 15" Adopted by the Council-.. - _ __.- -__ 194__ _ mis 25 Approved__ --____ or origins) to City lerk {C Q%A _J CITY OF SAINT PAUL couHco. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FLe NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I.E COMMISSIONER_. . - DATEn_Af S� .lir `J,0 p� /� --- ___ BHEEMS, William P. Mattson desires to withdraw application 43433 for Barber license at 160 Ramsey St, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William P. Mattson the fee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 119888—By G. R. Barfuse, W, A. Parranto— Whereas, Will lam P. Mattson de- sires to wlthdraW application 13133 for Barber license at I" Ramsey St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be It Resolved, that the proper city of- flcers be nd they hereby uuthor- Iaed to refund to WIIII.. P. Mattson the fee of $3.00 and to cancel Said appllcetlon for license. Adopted by the Counell Aug. 15, 1910. Approved Aug. 15, 1910. (Aug. 17, 1910) 11 1r,(� 1 counCILMEn Adopted by the Council - _.194 1]eas nays Din4lan Findlan �� proved_ ;��� �� �� __l94 �arranto in Favor , �t(osell TI14y r Against`, J am �.Mo cs :-"ce rea. Trlye�c) Oginal to City Clerk,�Jr rlC. F. No. 119899—BY G. H. Barfuas,I'.1 j W. A. Pnrran[ogFindlan— CITY OF Tha[ licensee pDlled for MC k by per ... n m d on the and t- NO-- OFFICE V (1._._ OFFICE OFl tacbed to tore resoiuum be a the e hereby granted and the City COUNCIL RESOLU, Cia k are metructea to ia,me ch 11- tcenses reasurypof the payment fees the city re I Adopted by the Council Aug. 16, 1940. PRESENTED BY Approved Aug. 16, 1940. 11^ COMMISSIONER_ _.. _ (Aug. 17, 1940) at l>•9_.____.. ___ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jacob Groes 508 Fry St. Ice Delivery Aop. 43292 Renewal Morris Dorfman 254 Grove St. Vehicle Peddler n 43431 " 11 n n n Foodstuff VP. " 43432 " M. A. Tschida Jr. 616 Como Ave. Restaurant " 43434 " Frank Fisher 492 S. Snelling Ave. Restaurant " 43435 " it If " On Sale Malt ii 43436 n it " If " 0£f Sale Malt " 43437 " Joseph Bubes 65 W. George Grocery " 43439 " National Tea Co. 2032 Marshall Ave. Grocery " 43442 " National Tha Co. 1817 Selby Ave. Grocery " 43447 " National Tea Co. 101 W. Summit Ave. Grocery " 4344g e W. L. Grant Co. 41 E. 7th St. Pet Shop " 43452 e Angelo Flusco 248 Grove St. Vehicle Peddler " 43453 n " " " n Foodstuff VP. n 43454 " West End Comll.Club 825 W. 7th St. On Sale Malt " 43461 " Mrs. Mary Manlet 541 Ohio Grocery " 43462 If " " " 11 Off Sale Malt " 43463 it Ray Elsie Seashore 767 mond Ave. Restaurant " 43465 0 Francis McRoberts 920 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 43467 e Freeman Gas & 011 Co. 323 Como Ave. Gas Station " 43469 " John Christenson 221 Commerce Bldg. Barber e 43470 " COUnCILMEn Adopted by the Council AUG 15 IM__ 194 _ leas/nays ' Harfuss j ' r:t.�l3 �� ,"Findlan Approued_. ._ - 194 Parranto { j --&elereert---...�_.� _ln Faporl�- M or ,Rosen ✓ Against �- �m -9rjfmd Vice Pres. (Truax) I V NIA Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT139890— Abatraet. and Whereas. A itis. proposal for the making of the fottowing lmprovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Vig: Reconstructln6g relaying and pair- ing the sidewalk. on the north aide [ Ft )more Ave. from Sr n he; •. ¢t.. The undersignedhereb ro osesthemakin of the following public im rove) thence eaat 1ao�Coaidtlsaul,va.: P St., mep�a Reconstructingrelaying and repairing the sidewalks — on the.r;n e_ ;ids of Fillmore Ave..from So. -.Robert St.,..thenee east 130 ft., and from Eaton 5tp.; thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson . St.';"Ched'69"es9t"tb"Stet�'St:';"and"dn'the south'sid'e'of'F`i1ldlrireAae. fromElo� $obs St.,, . thence, ,seat , 99, ,;t„, fllld . ;pt0. TS.QtRu..$ ...theAC. . aaat..1S0..ft..; . beginning .100 . ft, .. . . farther east, thence east to Eva St. and from Eva St. to Rober .on St., and from Robertson St, to a point 150 i't: seats .. ................................ .... Dated this......15th... day of..................August.........._..... ....., 1y40... .......... ............................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalks — on the north side of Fillmore Ave: -from•Sov•Robert' 'Sti-, thence' east 130 ftvi and from Eaton Sb:; thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson St., thence east to State St., and on the south side of Fillmore Ave. from So. T2olier St . , . thane . east . g9.. ft.., ..end. from .Eaton . S.t ... thenca . sast..150..ft..; . beginning. 100. ft........ . farther east, thence east to Eva St. and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from Robertaua,St. �to s point”'150'ft•:''east:.......................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cosi of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 15 IM Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS AUG 151840 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............................ FINDLAN PARRANTO RO ROSEN .. M yo. lieSceond Vice Pres. Max / ISI 72.78 NOTICE 'a - COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COU C'n ""91 v PRINTER +Y; •� AugmPi13 ,8AO-_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $_ 6, 040.74 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 74119 TO-Z11L-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 4UG 15 IN t i93_/ AUL L) M t APPROVED 193 1 / coMPTnOLLeP -J1 B I"LTBU,ffED CUPLI-ATE TO CITY CLERK C TY� OF �A N'1� PAUL T. ,,Fr.,><)F THE coMPTr,oLrER ROLL CALL RF1- 9A,CLANAVOR Iti S AUDITED CLAIMS Fugust l3 934 gSEN u x RESOLVED r s a,A Nsr -ors ec o w ��� E c TREAsuRY � O)LO 71.1 covcRlNc .wa .L _ t 4l 1 ve Al P. 7 t-�o« G 41 7 .E7 cdm PTFOLLER M.l- Sc Pres � x �FI . ""^"'° c o qd \ ICC (Truax! �aJ L ,.EEK D�I���7r E e T L_ E D r P R�1G NNMeER 04 BY146 TOTAL ogre IN FAVOR OF -TURNED � H c,u r,Y eANH Nuuce ER a eCK cnsr, cN�Ec p BROUGHT I OR"A'?I, 7 500 00 200 -�35 49 • 74119 'Toughton, Mifflin Comnany 16 17 6 4120 The Howe Fire Apnaratus Company 20 63 16 74121 Huot Mfg. ComDany 27 00 74122 Joe'-, Live Bait Store 460 94 7412] American Rad. & 9. San. Corp. 2 59 74124 3. Berglund Lumber Company 127 69 74125 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 467 80 74126 General Electric Supply Corp. 371 64 74127 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 46 29 74128 Johne -Manville Company 14 60 74129 ;.A. MacArthur Company 36 �7 74130 N.'". Sanitary Surly Company 74131 Pap Pr, Calmenson & Company 3 21 74132 .t.Paul Builders Material Company 37 88 7413] J.L. Shiely & Company 00 74134 74135 Mary F. Krey Supply Company M. & C. Maint. Sup 12 2 50 2 50 74136 Marchant Cal. Machine Company 2 10 74137 McCall Corporation 112 27 74138 McClain & Hedman Company 125 00 74179 'AcGill-°garner Company 12 00 74140 7alter "g. Magee Company 8 19 74141 The Meyercord Company 15 36 74142 Midway Chevrolet ComDany 7 50 74143 Ray 9. Miller 156 12 74144 Milton Brailey Company 9 00 74145 Minnesota Historical Society 39 78 74146 Minnesota News Comnany 25 00 74147 Moody's Investors Service 95 74148 multigraph Sales Agency i7 65 74149 R. A. Myers & Company 27 00 74150 74151 Nakashian Company I\rational .Assoc, of Training Schools 4 50 224 00 74152 National Cash Register Company 30 72 74153 Ni^ols, Dean & Gregg, Inc. 82 74154 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Inc, P 436 74155 1'orthern states Power ComDany 58 68 74156 Northern States Power Company 291 6 74157 Northern States Power Company 18 92 74158 A.N. Palmer & Comp�iny 20 63 74159 74160 T.J. Pennig Company Perkins-Tracq Printing Company 87 75 74161 Pioneer Typewriter Company 25 00 239 66 74162 Pittsburgh Fquitable Meter Company 3 00 74163 Prentice -Hall, Inc. 18 07 74164 paymer Hardware Comrany 9 00 74165 Taed Ving Potteries, Inc. 4 50 74166 Tlexair S^le & 9ervice Comrany 41 62 74167 Ribm Motor ComDany 56 74168 T.°. Rosholt & Company 05 74169 Ross Valve Mfg. Company 64 4g 74170 H. & Val. J. Rothschild 4 61 74171 Rudeen Food Market SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00 296 276 23 edaa.l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._. -. OFFtC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM MISSION ER___..__.___..__-.____-._____- _.. `�✓\ _.. _ ATE—AUAg at_. 15r1940 _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the H. K. STAHI, CO. at a price of $ .1092 per gallon, less l/. discount on refinery price for payment in ten days, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUTICILMETI 1jeas r1ays Barf uss Findlan eterson Rosen uaCF x — f. Sec rl dertt,-iRc6. (f'Z fy 3m a-<o� c S-1. Vice Pres. (Truax) F. No. 119 napecu on, o formal bids as an emergency exist, where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests f the City. Charge General Fund— Municipal Equipment -1003-134. Adopted by the Council Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 16, 1940. (August 24, 1940) AUG 16 19A0 Adopted by the Council— i-, ouncil_ # Ui: iM Approved-- ---__. - -- - -----19a.. F to avor / Against 0,191-1 to city Clerk A4`, \ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU NO. , ' D cou Hca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 16, 1940 COMMISSIONER—___ _...._. -- -----% TE ------ RESOLVED: That license for Hotel. application 43411, applied for by James W. Hennessey at 481 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby granted and the proper city officers are instructed to issue such license upon the payment into" the city treasury of the required fee. New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 6, 1940, Old Location. COIITICILMEn Leas /' nays Hayjass / Findlan In Favor os /j ruax J Against ' ittr. President, McDonough ,in C.IFSNo. 119893—By G. H. Barfuss— Resolved, That llce.e. for Hotel, up- pllcation 43411, applied for by James {y, Hennessey t 481 Wabasha St. be and the same Is herebygranted and the proper c,ty facers a re instructed to Iseue a h licenee upon otfh`he ay- 9ulred Ifthe cltY treasury re - Adopted bY the Counell Aug. 10. 1940, Approved Aug. 10, 1940. (August 24. 1940) Adopted'by the Council AUG 16190_,94 Approved _-----------194 - G . [ ori[Inel to City clerk COUNCIL CITY of SAINT Pr FIL[ rjo. P--" f, 0-ov," " OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE An et 16, 1840 COMMISSIONER---- ---- - --- - ._ ..-- 'Rh MIETMSI the Minnesota Amus®mibnt Co. desires to withdraw appliation 43332 for Parking Lot license at 1080 University Ave. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper cty officers be and they are hereby authrized to refund to the Minnesota kmusewnt Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 119894—By G. H. Barfuss- 7. S. Findlnn— Whereas, The ➢li..... to Amusement Co. d[oirrYoro I Lot Hoon.. at~ 1080 University Ave. and r questa the r turn f the license fee deposited there - therefore, be It —R—Io ed, That the proper cftuthor- Izedbe and they are hereby a to refund to the Allnnesotn AmusemenCo. the f.1onf f*".,,0e nee. LO Adopted by t 11 ' Cou no11 Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 16, 1940. (August 24, 1940) ,. AUG 16 ty4ti94 COURCILMEII Adopted by the Council - 1jeas nags >-c^;4F.1 L.3 1J%l7 HISS / Approved_ Findlan arran o In Favor - -- PetersaF� — myon -- n Against Truax ,,Mr. President, McDonough Din 1.4o CS .11. original to city CIer4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PO LNO11 NO. ' `. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAkFORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— __.._. __. _ __ -_.. _ DATE AnQast ._19_ RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mrs. William C. Young the sum of $41.25 upon receipt for cancellation of Gas Station license #5374, expiring April 27, 1941, said license having been issued to her husband, William C. Young, who was killed in an explosion at the gas station at 364 E. Sixth St. on July 30, 1940, the difference between the said $41.25 and the entire. amount of the license fee (6 pumps, $55.00) being retained to cover the estimated cost of inspection, issuance of license, and operation for a period of 3 months on said license. C. F. No. 119895-33y G. H. Bnrle — J. s. Flndlan— Reaolved, Tthe the proper city offi- cers be and they n a hereby author- Yod to refund fo 41.25 William C. for cthe sum n of cele 9t upon receipt once No. 533-7-4-11 expiring April 27, 1941, said license having been issued to herhus- band, WIIllam C. Young, who was kill- ed 1, an explosion at the gas station at 364 E. Sixth SL on July 30, 1940, the difference between the id $41.25 and the entire amount of the license fee (6 pumps, $55.00) beingretained to cover the estimated cost o f Inspec- tion, Issuance 1 license, and operation for a period of 3 months on sold li- CeAdoptedby the Council Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 16, 1940. (August 24, 1940) . ril IV COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Counc qG 6 _ 194 leas Rays IWO, Approved_ - _ __.194_ --- In Favor / Z ruax Against Pi•. President, McDonough i om 1-4o cs aa�ss t ochilaal to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo Uncn. NO - OFFICE..OF THE CITY CLERK / f COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR PRESENTED BY t 16, 1 40 COMMISSIONER—_. ___. __ _ _. _. _.._. _... .. --- . DATE. Till9__._ WHEREAS: heretofore non Sale" Liquor license $1523, was issued to the Oriental Cafe, Inc. at 418 Wabasha St, and WHEREAS: the Oriental Cafe, Inc, and Robert Kemper have requested that said license be transferred to Robert Kemper at 371 Earl St. and WHEREAS: the said Robert Kemper has filed a bond in the aim of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED: that "On Sale" Liquor license # 1523, heretofore issued to the Oriental Cafe, Inc, at 418 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert Kemper at 371 Earl St. and the bond of Robert Kemper is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deoosit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Oriental Cafe, Inc. from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is p9xhlished. C. F,No . 119896—By O. H. 11-fues— J. S. Findlan— Whereas, Heretofore "Or. Sale" Li- No- to the Oriental Cafe, Inc. at 4181Wabasha It. and Whereas, The Oriental Cafe. Inc. and Aobert Kemp r have requested that - said license be trnnaterred to Robert Kemper at 371 Earl St. and Whereas, The said Robert Kemper has riled a bond In the sum of $3,000.00 saidrequiredh by been Ordinance, and approved bond a to form and exec ation by the Corporation r. Counsel; therefore, be It Resolved, That "On Sale"Liquor t Ileense No. 1623, heretofore Issued to the Oriental Cafe, Inc. at 418 Wabash, St. be and the e e Is hereby trans- fcrred to RoberteKemper at $71 Earl SL and the bond of Robert Kemper is hereby ¢pproved and the City Clerk , `. Ie directed to daDosft the a In the trice ofthe City Comptroller and the i. Corporatl on Counsel le authori¢ed and 1 directed to release the eorety on r bond of the said Oriental Cafe, Inc. from any further liability rlslm, [ter `f the date thla resolution is published. , Adopted by the Councll Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 16, 1940. - (August 24, 1940) Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. 14, 1940 New Location. AN gl 6 1 LJeas COUTICILMETI j Adopted by the Council _194 nags Ds Findldlan I', _ APProoed_______ __l94_ _ arr_aT v In Favor ruax Against r. President, McDonough am .ao Cs 4p �. _ � g g q 6 � s� 4�..�-� �,,.a.,� i' �. ,�. � � a-¢- Wiz- �fl'—�-Z . �-i�-*-a «--C` %2P t� ':c-��.i� �'v� . � ,,;�-a�lz� . -�.-� /�� u: iii - `-2.v A -,-L /1 � O'er,. ,iyL�a't. i.'v' .' 2+' _yLGi-•-�L,.� .fi �u� 1 �.1�--..�.< �v - s� �y � ), �, 6 1) 51 -77 - ti". �- !..I : 9 Bates Ave St Paul. Aug 12 1940. City Clerk. I am not in favor of granting a license to KeMere Bar looated'on Earl St - k ol W. B.' Jameson. 8 Bates Ave. CtCU VIP -6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� APPLICATION FOR 'ON SALE" LIQUOR, LICENSE Application No......... Nameof Applicant.......[..: _ ..............1111.................1111.................. Age.... ............. Residence Addtess....... 1......111...................................Telephone No...;4fO ?16V........ Are you a citizen of the United States?........-................................................................................. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ............................................................................................................................... Whenand where?... r.t.-. ' °r.�...... .._...... ..- ..................... ....:............................ .............. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.....-.......................................................... ................................... —......... ........ ............................................................... I................ Whenincorporated?.....:.........11.........11.................. _........................................ ........1111.......... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?... ::............ ......................... Howmany members?...1111... ........- _ .. .............. ............... ........- .... ................... .. .............. :.times and addresses of president and se,retary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ........................ ....... .I- - .... ..... I ....... I. ...................1111 - ........... ........... ..................... ................. ............................ .............. ..I ...... I ...... I................ (.rice name of sure -,y company which will arise bond, if known........-..�_..J...i................................ umber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward lIn,v many feet from an academy, college or university lmeasured along streets)?, ............ Iiow many feet from a church lmeasured along streets)?....:.;..Y.,. ...•. i::.; .............................................. I low many fee: from doses[ public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets,?...:_ o. Name of closest school....... a. -.t.-:-...:::,:......... .............. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..........v. _111,1+•1.111. .. - Onwhat floor located?1111.................................... .......... — ...................................1111.......... Are premises owned by you or leased?..`.,'.•:7.:- ...If leased give name of owtier ......'.._..::......o ..... .............. If a restaurant, give seating capacity?.......o- F ..... ........... .................... _ ......-............ ...... I ........... I..... If ho.el, seating capacity of main dining room? ....... n ............. ........................... ....... I .............. .......... u.ve below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ........... _ 1111 ... ........... .. _ ........... 111:1. _ ................. _ 1111... _ .. .. _ ... _ ............................ . ..... ..... ................ .._....._......... ......... ._... _....... ............1.1-1-1-1-- .. .. ............... ................. ................. _ 1111 ................I ..... ....... 1111. .............._.................... ... ...... .. .............. I .... .... ..... ...........................................111...........1................ .I ...... ......... I ............. . _ ............ I..I..................... - jhe information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales. Ho., many guest rooms in horel?...'............... .................... ......... ............ ....... .............,.._.... ._... ;.ame of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...:(..... . ..................................................... Clive names and addresses of three business references: ......._........._.................._.............. ................ I............... — ............... ........................... ...11..1....................1..... Z.......... .. ... ... ............... 111.1........... ................................. _ .... .............................. 3............................................................................................................................... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOR.ATIO.v DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended pplication chec'',e I by Dated... ..... ...................193 �... _ .. 1111... _ ............ License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, . _' - ^' COUNTY OF RAMSEY. rhehas .................. e duly sworn, ...b ing firsdeposes and says tha read the following application knows the contents thereof, and at the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribe and swo Eo lore me this ....... .o�day o ..:... ../ ...1 ._.L� Nocar Public, Ramsey %nty,/Minn. My commission expire,. -..7:L' 'fL ....C..-. ���.•.. / LEONARD I- WEIYt t Icy Public Ramse99t STATE OF MINNESOTA J � jan.17,194& ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ..................... ....... ...._...... .......... being first duly sworn, deposes and says that. ... ..... the .............. .................................................................... of ..............................................................., a corporation; ............... .................................... that.....................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the ,..same is true to the best of.. .................... knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foroing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed 6ntehalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... .. ........... day Of......... ............ 193 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ................................ go -AV Z9 Nualm— G6 t77 HOLMAN MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH BATES AVENUE ARo EUCLID STREET SA IN T P A U L, M I N N E S O T A ALBERT E. TUCK, MINI. - 998 HUD.ON AVENUE August 12, 1940. City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir : I should like to enter protest against the granting of a liquor license to Kempers Bar on Earl Street, near Hastings Avenue, hearing for which is to be held Wednesday. The members of this church, particularly those parents who have young people in Harding high School, urgently object to any increase in liquor sales in this area. These young people necessarily go along that street and the feeling is very definite that this license should not be granted. I am one of those parents as well as the minister of a church, residing two and one half blocks from this bar. My wife reVftses to gp to the beauty shop near this place just because it is there. In addition to the members of the church who priest I have been asked by the Mounds Park P T A to offer objection to this license. This organization, as you know, more widely represents the homes of the community and the neighborhood of Earl Street and Hastings Avenue and these community -minded women feel that the needs of the neighborhood are being adequately met without the granting of further license. Very sincerely yours, CL". 11'�� CLINTON A. HACKER'r ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. \VM. J. SUDEITH' G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Hcmtih Officer .Fire.Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ,�ehatlmetd 4 P'l/i, i pe o0 0 Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 3, 1940 Notice of application for license to conduct an On Sale Liquor business at the present On and Off Sale 3.2 and Restaurant establishment now operated by Robert W Kemper at 371 Earl Street. Mr. Robert Kemper has again made application to the City Council for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor license which business he proposes to engage in with his present On and Off Sale 3.2 beer and Restaurant business at 371 Earl Street which he has operated for the past five years. With Mr. Kemper's last application which was made to the Council on August lst were presented petitions in favor of the granting of a liquor license, signed by a large number of those living within close proximity of this address. At other hearings during the past four years where permission for the sale of liquor at Hudson Road and Earl St. was asked, considerable opposition has been voiced before the Council. In order that the Council may be fully informed as to the wishes of those living in the neighborhood who, it is felt, should be most concerned about the establishment of such a business, this letter is being sent together with a reply post card to all those within approximately a two -block radius of the above location. The post card is to be filled out at once by the person to whom this is addressed and mailed without delay. The Council feels that if 75% of those in this area are in favor of the granting of such a license to Mr. Kemper that such license should then be granted. Your reply will be kept confidential by the Council. This matter will be disposed of by the Council on Wednesday, August 14. If, in addition to your post card reply, you desire to be heard at that time you may appear at the City Council chambers at 10 A.M. on that day. Vory truly Commissioner of Pub c Safety (Chairman, License Committee) I'KFVE.NT %CCIDFNTS lVIT11 Car,Sen., Couii„” oddinsl to City CleteFp �NO.- CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERA] FORM August 16, 1940 PRESENTED By DATE-- COMMISSIONER --.—.—__._—.__-- RESOLVED; That license for Restaurant, application 143405, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43406, and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 43407, applied for by Mrs. Brigida Battista at 199 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the proper city officers are instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feas. New. Informally approved by council, Aug. 6, 1940, Old Location. COnnciLmEn yeas�nay9 36 Findlan dr n o ;Cmax. President, McDonough sm s -no cs 2--s- C JF No. 119897-BY G. FL E;—fuss— BC solpped.entlont434069BOno SaneeMnit Bavernge, pplfce4 43406, and Ott Sale Malt Beverage, Dvlicatlon 43407, applied for by Mrs. nBrlglda Buttletn at 199 W. 7th St. be a d the same e hereby grnnted n d the proper city I oRlcere pont [tete payment) into theso b i - P=r f the gaited fees. c AB op ted by the Council Aug. 16, 1940. Approved Aug. 16. 1940. (August 24. 1940) Aur g 1940 Adopted by the Council_ 'AUG is Approved- � r Favor --- = yor /�/)_. Against �. Original to City Cl -k r1 CITY Of SAINT PAUL FIL H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r-+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERALRM PRESENTED BY jrAngnst 16, 1940 COMMISSIONER____..... .. _. __-.._._ _...__._ ..._. _....-_.-.--._ DATE _— RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43349, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43350, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43351, applied for by Mrs. Louise Crouley at 387 N. Prior Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the proper city officers are instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C.F. No. 119898—By G. R. Barfues— J. S. Fihdlan— Reaolved, "'­oTha"'­o for Reetnu- nt, npplfe¢tfon 43349, On Sale Malt Beverage, apPlic¢tion 43360, and Ott SxIs bruit HeYerage, npollextlon 43361, ¢pplled for by Mrs. Louise Crowley ley 387 N. Prior Ave. be ¢nd the same re hereby grunted d the proper city otncere a e Instructed to issue ch II- s up,, the paYtnent into the elty treneury f the r quired fsee. New, Approved ted Aug. 16, 1940Aug. 16, 1940. Informally approved by (August 24, 1940) Council, Aug. 1, 1940, Old Location. AUG 16 t9� COUTtC1LTREn Adopted by the Council _ _.._ _ _._ 194_ 1Jeas / nays UG i6, Dirt U33 lFindlan Approved_194__. _ v —i etee3ou __In Favor *en 1 T Truax J _Against /Mr. President, McDonough ,v SM /40 C3 2533S Orlin—I to City Clerk J - A 1) 99 /U` "✓) CITY OF SAINT PAUL FoUNcl' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C1RUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �N��QI��v- � DATE Amt 16 1940 COMMISSIONER__—— - ----------------- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; A. P. Ratzlaff 535 W. Seventh St. Grocery App. 43015 New OL Prior Ice Co. Thomas & Farrington Ice Station " 43205 " OL A. 0. Marsh 332 Font St. Grocery " 43439 If OL Jos. 0. Bernstein 1210 E. Seventh St. Off Sale Malt" 43451 if HL Oscar Mastbaum 603 NO, Pascal Ave. Off Sale Malt" 43464 " HL F. W. Woolworth Co. 1099 University Ave. Confectionery" 43554 " HL Frank Holz 67 W. Tenth St. Foot Peddler If 43595 " C.W. A.o Parrinto-7 . g Findlanfuos— Revolved, That Ifcenees pplied for by the pernon9 named on the ]let [- iached to thly resolution ne d the e hereby grunted n d the City !-Irrk a1s Instructed to vu h 11 - upon the pnY mane Into the city treasury f the Ouired fees. Adopted by the Council Aug. 16. 1940. Approved Aug. 16. 1940. (August 24, 1940) AUG 16 " COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_ _ --_— 194.-- Qeas � nays / AUG 1.6 00 i8arjltss Approped___---- /Findlan— arran o In Favor — arson /A_/ n �ax _/ Against r. President, McDonough am -4o Cs casae RSBtILVD, that the action of the Committee on LaMe, an behalf of the City of Saint Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No• 8144approved July 30, 1940, for the purchase of that real estate situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows% Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 15 and 14, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and S. Block 2; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lot$ 189 2122, 23, 35 to 48 ll in Blook 5; ain 21sensenger i �laspeli's Lase park Addition; Lots 5 and 10, Block 5, and Lot 8, Blocs 10, St. _Alban 6 Dion's Rice Street Addition; from the owners thereof for the aggregate sun of live Hundred VIft -two Dollars (0552.00) without encumbrance, which land i• re u red for the pa ses of municipal waterwoNl%s of the City of Sant Paul, is hereby approved, and the proper city officer$ are hereby authorised and empowered to draw warrants in said sum of 0552.00 in favor of the owners of said real estate, to be delivered In the case of the portion of said promises owned by the State of Minnesota by virtue of forfeiture in delinquent tax proceedings, to the proper public officials entitled to accept the ease for the State of Minnesota on account of the purchase of said premises In accordance with the rules, governing the same, and in the case Of the portion of said premises privately owned, to the owner or owners of the same upon the delivery of a proper deed of convey- onop of the ease, approved by the Corporation Counsel; the cost of said land to be charged to Rater Department Fund, Code 23. COUTICILMEU gess nays e/ indlan osen ru/ax .Rlr. President, McDonough STn .-4o CS ]a31e AUG 16 __104_ _ Adopted by the Council .___._ t AUG 16 / Approved------. _.—. 184_.. . In Favor - t may. _Against FL7HIISHED �i` 1: 1 Orl,ipsl to City Ckrk lir' -e CITY OF SAINT PAUL, coulvca t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLF&K C�hy�r N.119900--13YMilton R --— /,,. PRESENTED BY �I�.�<.IYLt_ COMMISSIONER r/�9.EYS CO CIL RESOLUTION- -GEN L FORT R e t ed, mh t the acu at the Lord,. on b half of th ///����� CIt3 t Saint P 1 oder d pump /�`/' r Ittee o linnnc N 8144, app o d J.11 . — -- Z-1. - DA -r mor t ch¢ e t that a1 - RSBtILVD, that the action of the Committee on LaMe, an behalf of the City of Saint Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No• 8144approved July 30, 1940, for the purchase of that real estate situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows% Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 15 and 14, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and S. Block 2; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lot$ 189 2122, 23, 35 to 48 ll in Blook 5; ain 21sensenger i �laspeli's Lase park Addition; Lots 5 and 10, Block 5, and Lot 8, Blocs 10, St. _Alban 6 Dion's Rice Street Addition; from the owners thereof for the aggregate sun of live Hundred VIft -two Dollars (0552.00) without encumbrance, which land i• re u red for the pa ses of municipal waterwoNl%s of the City of Sant Paul, is hereby approved, and the proper city officer$ are hereby authorised and empowered to draw warrants in said sum of 0552.00 in favor of the owners of said real estate, to be delivered In the case of the portion of said promises owned by the State of Minnesota by virtue of forfeiture in delinquent tax proceedings, to the proper public officials entitled to accept the ease for the State of Minnesota on account of the purchase of said premises In accordance with the rules, governing the same, and in the case Of the portion of said premises privately owned, to the owner or owners of the same upon the delivery of a proper deed of convey- onop of the ease, approved by the Corporation Counsel; the cost of said land to be charged to Rater Department Fund, Code 23. COUTICILMEU gess nays e/ indlan osen ru/ax .Rlr. President, McDonough STn .-4o CS ]a31e AUG 16 __104_ _ Adopted by the Council .___._ t AUG 16 / Approved------. _.—. 184_.. . In Favor - t may. _Against FL7HIISHED �i` 1: y.. RNPORT.OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL.�I TO THE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has under- taken to purchase the following described real estate, to -wit: Lots 1 and 2, 11, 12,'13 and 14, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, look 2; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lots 18, 21, 22, 23, 38 to 46 in Block 6; all in Eisenmenger A Zaspell's Lake Park Addition. Lots B and 10, Block 8, and Lot 8, Block 10, St. Alban A Dion's Rice Street Addition; according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, in accord- anoe with Ordinance No. 8144, approved July 30, 1940, required for municipal waterworks purposes, and that said property can be purchased for the sum of Five Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ($662.00). Bald premises, exclusive of Lots 16 and 20, Block b, and Lots 30 and 31, Block 6, of Eisenmenger b Zaspell's Lake Park Addition, are owned and held by the State of Minnesota by virtue of forfeiture In delinquent tax proceedings, and the remainder of the property is In private ownership. The above price represents the consideration for conveyances to be made to the City covering the above property free and clear of encumbrance. The Committee recommends that said land be purchased upon the terms above set forth. c Petition G-133 I���Iirg Council File No............9,.5' lL PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT . an� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes rhe making of the following public improvement by rhe City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Fremont Avenue..r.ropt..nit.e.$ear.Avenue..to..Kandreu.Street........................ .......................................................................................................................... ............................ .Y.............................. .................. .......................... ........ .... l Dated this.....th.....da of. August t ... ......... ............ ..., 149.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... , .... ,GStreet.. .... ...... .. . . ... . . ................................................................ I..................... PRELIMINARY ORDERS. ...................................................................................... C. F. No. 119901— having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of tlteafprcIV190ters to the Commissioner of Finance. A/ Adopted by the Council....................... V.. ............................. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN --PAAQARTO— ROSEN...........................y...... .. TRUAX Ma or. MR. PRESIDENT • n YUBLI�I iLD `� -��..� U �� 4 0 1%1 12.38 A199'q Council File No................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPRdbEMENT and a PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ..................................................................:......................................I...... .... n,,the,g;ading.of, Fremont.Avenue,.f.ro.m,.Wh.it.e..Be.ar..A.velnu.e.. ......... to..Flendrau . Street....................................................................... ............... . Dated this..... 15th.... day of............. ..AUgP6t ........ ................., Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ...........................................................................................................I.................. .I....... outs..and..fills..in.the.grading..of.Menus............ ..........to..Flandrau. Street.. ..................... I........................... C. F. No. itssoz— Ao.o-aet. ..... ..... ............ ....... Whereas, A written proposal for the ..................... ... .............. .. _ .h. �n11 owIM Improvement, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............. ... "` therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is. hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �� Adopted by the Council................. AOG.16............ YEAS NAYS �± Q Councilman BARFUSS Approved........!? ..................................... FINDLAN ROSEN.................................?(0 TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT IM 12.38 �eUBL1SM'D bL qN L) • COUNCIL FILE NO. NOTICEC. F. No. 119903— - Resolved, That checks be drawn on TO COl the c1tY treasury. to [ho a6GreBa[e 1' ^ nt [ j33rp43.98 clog '1lecka August 15 4o PRINTER na _'e ANN to 44iiiinclasiYe, ae lea_ per checks on file In the ofllce of the Clty Comptroller. Adopted by the 16, 19l Ana. 16. 1940.40. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWP Approve (A Best 624191940) 88,042.98 - 74217 INCLUSIVE;+AS PER OF 5---- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED f i 1 TO CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. `` AUG 161940 ADC17ED BY THE COUNCIL --'93-` CITY CCMPTaouea AUG 16 IqA � � 193__ APPROVED BY CLERK CIT Vl OF SAINT+YA - I , CLERK CIT Vl OF SAINT+YA - ��-r DUPLICATE TO CITY _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FIL f•NUMeER ROLL CALL - -- BARFUSS FI"DLA""`AYORI PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS august 15 Boo RO BEN TRUAX�y ♦q RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY IOtW �il�� Parran YOA NBT TtJ THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S�fA-.ta�}�}C U°VV ETAS qou{�gh UG '$ a 00 VBG ���'�� McI3oT►_^ '"IU Z] Au CHECKS NUMBERED �J ` O �`1} MR PRES FALCON McDonough PER CHECKB ON ,7�Fry 1�EOLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCyI�pL- AP NUMBER Sop 98 C5 _147_ BY invon TOTAL DATE HECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - NSFEB ,CHECKS RETURNED BANKD OIBBLRSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 286 276 23 _ ® 74172 Fred w. steckmeyer 113 70 74173 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 0 74174 'Valter R. Eggert2 13 74175 74176 "7. L. Jones ;t.Paul Book & Stationery company 215 88 74177 st.Paul Bottling Company 13 33 25 50 74178 3t.Pau1 Machine works, Inc. 74179 9t.Pau1 Pattern & Model works 15 00 74150 The David•Soannell Club, Inc. 73 29 74181 Soheffer & Rossum Company 173 25 74182 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 5 15 7418} G. Seestedt Linoleum Company 2 50 74154 Society of Automotive Engineers 74155 G. Sommers & Company 72 56 74156 Speed—O—Laq Products Company 81 26 74187 Sperry Office Furniture Company 55 02 74185 spool Cotton Company 00 74189 Stark Utilities, Inc. 3 oo 74190 State Historical Society 21 19 74191 9tegmeir Tire Company 2 75 74192 9yverson Implement Company 261 86 74193 wm. H. Ziegler & Company, Inc. 107 37 74194 4m. H. Ziegler Company, Inc. 59 55 74195 74196 Thomas Jasmin John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 452 37 74197 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 272 50 665 23 74195 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 75 65 74199 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 10 755 92 74200 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 196 96 74201 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 157 57 74202 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 7 145 78 74203 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 333 13 74204 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 2278 74205 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 45 74206 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 051 23 74207 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 76 990 74208 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier 74209 Brandt, Quinn Company 8 49 74210 Ray W„ Martin 41 55 74211 MoWillan Brothers 30 520 49 74212 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 987 74213 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 150 00 74214 • Bacon & Kempe, Agents 74215 Frank Mudra 56 00 74216 C.P. Atkins, 43 7o 74217 Highland Shopping Center, Inc. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 004374 319 zl „ i q � I Origln.l to CltyC rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO ENCIL No.— yy %� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM CO MMtt$BIECNIER � DATE— RESOLVED, - _. _ RESOLVED, that the application of the Shell 011 Company for permission to install an additional 80,000 -barrel tank at Its balk oil storage plant located at Otto Avenue and Nest Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City. of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUTICILMETI 1]eas - n ays ss b/ay� F' indlan arran o sen Xruax ZX(I. President, McDonough sm 0-40 Cs 23338 C. F. No. 119904—By uue H. BarYues— Shells 011 dComDathe [orp permission ihc to Install an nddJtlona] 60,000 -barrel tank at Its bulk it forage Pinot located at Otto Ave. and Wset Seventh st., be and the same la hereby granted, said tank to benlnstalled In ordance Wlth tho and dlnnncea f the Cltny t 9[. Paul a d faction tot hlee Ctommis8lono the Public safety. Adopted by the Council Aug, 16, 1940. ! - Aoved A pprug. 16j41940. (August �4, 1940) Adopted by the Council AUG 16 ft _,94_. _ / Npproved_ 194_. In Favor %RJ OT _Against ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration . Qr— Aug. 15, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Shell Oil Co. for permission to install an additional 80,000 barrel tank at their bulk oil storage plant located at Otto Ave. and W. Seventh St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. U` CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. 1). \Ph1. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police 11calth 011icer Fire Chief shpt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �eTactrmceat al Pwic =—�14etc� Tenth and '_Minnesota Strects 0 G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOAN P. MULLANEY. Deputy Contniissioner August 15, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to anplicaticn made by the Shell Oil Co, for permission to install an additional 80,000 barrel tank at their bulk oil storage plant located at Otto and West Seventh Streets. Inspection was made by Wm. C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. His report in favor of such installation is attached herewith. Commissiol/r of Public Safety. ,to I C 'RI-AVNf-1CCCil)VNfS CV III Can l'--", Sen Cm,n Esc THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ,August 15,1940 Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regards to the application of the Shell Oil Co., for permission to install an additional 80,000 barrel tank at their bulk oil storage plant,located at Otto and West Saventh streets. We have investigated this application and report this additional storage will not create any additonal fire hazzard in this immediate vicinity. Respectfully Yours -V-e��� . Chief Fire Inspector TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOMILE FILLING STATION DATE _f 193 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA AI?PLICA.TION Is Hereby Made BY FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL BLOCK 111-I-ING STATION TO BE —ATE. ON LOT —SC...E. As OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH,.TAI(6 vim r✓t FILED BY/ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY By RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOAR. BY THE BOARD OF ZONING FuabLshed by Ordlnanc¢ No. 5840 Jaly 7th, 9944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 979 COURT HOUSE August 13th, 1940. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI. Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWINH, LUN OIL 3 ERNARD J. McGIYNN ,GIN WAHMAN A,cn loci CHARLES BASSFORD. C.+y GEORGE H. HERE ^OLD. Sc crc�ery E" near Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Deer Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell 011 Company for permission to construct an additional storage tank for fuel oil, capacity 80,000 barrels. This is at their Marine Terminal on Otto Ave. nearcapacity Seventh St. They now have ten tanks of varying p for different kinds of oil. There is no objection to the location of this tank. It will be 60 ft. south of the south line of Otto Ave. and 560 £t, east of the intersection of Otto Ave. and West Seventh St. It will be protected by an earth dike 8 feet high which creates a reservoir of 140%- capacity Of' the tank. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. This is e Heavy Industrial District and no notice is required. Yours very t—lY, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh It co -0 To BIV 40 120. P, a.. AL OT Ilt, J _ � a�:°j' 'b _ ;1 Jig' � //�'<. '4 yy TH;t d k i 48% Ht 6. SeootIii U.BARRLDS� X scat i to coTank aro J. Ike Laclatr. Nk, 009-1v 100, Pik! 4 10 1:1 ly'E C N. -- J, To i 4- 50coNy- CO. VACUUM OIL 7 • X Y P � �wk }4 � ..... . :�'� ,;}•' r, °I:� � 14, (;b 4B: rAdJ.d >e1o•M•. • 4N� oll w Go IZV- 13 .111 1 J, T YZ 6146- - - . I . "4 \ ` _ -- 00 1A Wk - A AS. 1:8411100 AT 10 L.b. Af A . O'� IT N, s. 37 L Lolmkll'" p6iiarvm.l ruot IftoWdle rhif WLI M�o 00.4 Qi3 L,,6 SuAikos- 0 �A 7__pz c. Or- �) �_ � '�) ' iou im U; F PIRAVY Cqq L 7' L14 I J�OMZ M&C Y.: 'iA ANk IRtA— C.; PIP r IV" po' f 7 0 AL Ty i. ,..,_, �-,.:.,� *j•:„ .. - _ -moi _ t V 1 MI r £ j{ , l i t s , 1 ( - ., .t �.�.:,: _ .:;, : : , _ a, - __, wI i � r � ` , � t E '• : 2r' ,4:60 '4' y, ,( p - , r 3 OZT� Avg N� 'E ;_ : .. _ _. -. .. i •0 -_ - _ 60• Wide. I - - - _ / + - - - ._ �� ' - ' a �+ 53 C. - — gid• .,•k 6a• - �. Rete _ f`"`e ,f ztix2B f ai•-.Vel.n ba e p r k 66 k—.1 T. Iot I 1 14or 0% Dikt cote•ei�y 1 , dee{b: �•e S -.,. -_i. , Or'.+ Al - I _ ': � (rs,l.s4s4 N' ":' :.:.. �. - .: ,- .,. .. _ :� •� 1 L.•P�P`f- - _ ® 9. 4 rk',.y il.sa I - : .� , q / . e.,.x. •: r .: / - (% Spar-a:Gss.-C. � '=it z,--�it I _ 90 0 �. 1< hl. t��N .1 _ f � /y."C r,,•' •e 1 / . - Dltslker take — Vol.1 Q1. �,.; �- ., - - ;; . t• _ _ �, , «vim^. ,. c. •-- _- I s.. ' a r V e, - • \ • • ; / I 5504 L . k �/ 'te/ rhe: >t ,�• 1 �/ e. ♦ ,. �{ �,}[:,: �. ' :.. : / / .. 1 i : \ �. , A X• . I / tl' ' M.I.. D.i „H ,?Y +\• _ r f{' _ `_ _: n•., ', ' E 1111:ke•e• D•6et.l:nw :w.` N,• d• 1 ... _ - - - / // o :r (.-u!iki',y ,.}: - ♦ _ j I I #'n":.c� L., a 74_: _ �i"'• s F` - V. ,. / D•1 -� ----� � ,_ -+v_ _ _ ♦ RkaL.Jie./ Y, tr / O a ♦ 1-- f Lj, •a � i 7 ` � - A y/ I „ kr :°',, )� t:, • ,•. // - r ,. cl 1 ..►, '"p! Ie...Ge1.j..,L s.° I a• `�. ,, - ' E.,4 D it c-e•N; r, ..,-� rf-.. .�•: .:..t .'/ ,- _ � ��• Mr«{eld ;'` Aka 1_.11. __ �i( / f _ �,e o \'.� �/ ♦ • j • ,} ..�F" t ,.' 1 :,i+' I'" r Bev T:. �/ •,14C 0. - Buil ' D <6 z' p:1. 1 dl i W ,' / •• �•. hj'.f#, �.. ' �� . , , � , .� • , . Ize a u• 1/f - / - — I TI,•1 0,1 t..16.lr1Ja, _ I / - d •dJ-,F,.' v - `C.�P :'.I , a 1 . it ` t ;':.r „: / i :, - 1 --' .e% �• / :any v t/t to l- o - K .a _ o .J' r' 'a'w-: c.•,.4'., ^:.+;T.: - `,.. , / id u�. . ' 1I• / r' �0 ; - Y ��, :"4. - /- - y. ( 175 Y• - t/ • '�'r' � s o -at b. .%:' - •tl .s 7p _ �.. / © — /. / c V`; a ''•� '\. o - n, _ '/'�a� 4-xs• )' {t.y a;. •.. #� .. .. 1 11 / / o"� JY .y 4 t `i• .moo •/ !�` , �. �' - �7j - i 1 i � ' I � - / / •- l? .:, - ' �"y�' \, V7. _. v \�� • / e _ _ I r ;i'4 r ' �"i'� lw!j;c., D'm. 41 .i w .? �, 1. • t�. k"r: t •. TSS. r -- __---sa� / - _ : . '/. P• ,A. _. V>• _ \ 0.. �: '1 ..T, . 4 r Los C ne a -i< !/ .S ..-�--- - _'�.Y. I f / c ) ;i! vo T �: r mow:• i *' , �' •"�. � ��pt t,, —' "S" , a 3-[•0. ,�`- ` . -6,k-� �F-3�= =,:_` �C � I ♦ ��t �a'., - •' "" r+ �`�a s 'F F i f r t< , t t � - to }' • � �°" :) a/ 45 - ,.. - •. > - - _ _; - - . - - / t :. _ ,! - - .rte- � d` /N / � �� w s%i A s I It rFd let. a 3• , • o. �: ;+ ... • - ,, i I .i4o11 -. � „ !� (. -� ! / \ � q � ��-� °! 1� All eo R Q. 20-D C t - . ..-. "� ' 1 _ � •-, -' .. .., - N� , :.;.. . . •�. .'V _. iii �� � �•-'•Gr 4 / ::.r -Sa � :, �,C. ''fit -� . . , ' ::. , _. _ ,n0 to - .' .. .,,.: _. _- _. -..: .' .. .- � � i-� .°.• _- oil .4f y � � � Celle 6k .�. .. i;< _.4r �. ::.: :.> _ :::. , >:,? \ // / ._. _♦ .. 1 oee,b�. t - t.. .. ..:.. .. :,. ,.... .-. ,- .. � � po •p \ / •i "{ rg .c`I „'<art - .. - Se THt�U 144 D. K48 Nish/ .. ., �o,�•�'p � -.i �,` ARTH HIKE _,r . ,, _ '1. .. , • ', t-: ,,.. '.,x. ... , . ♦ _ .. Co RbOf TwnK'• d-9; �1 -� / t , / • _ ♦\ -/i'\ :.p� C iA''.-K; all a' . �.: 4 . • _ ':11 : ' _ / �: : _ • .e! .,, \ ..lit.: �• } •� dti w-r,. ,7; 3:�,:: = '✓.-'-. , - ., ,, - .. o .. ,,. f .� •- �'o, _ ,. - �o -i .`er, 'r;: /• 1'' - - . ' 9 17 ed10nA t. City Cl -k CITY OF SAINT PAUL CounCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY QV�„�'y , V DATE__. A tlat 16, 1940 ------ COM COMMISSIONER—. -REEBLTffi, WHERFAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set fortht NAME Leonard Munson Roy Munson Daniel Todora Henry T. Conrad Nicholas Nicolai, Reinhold Guthrie Irvin Haley Vidgo T. Anderson Peter Meyers Frank Dean Gust A. Johnson, TITLE Utilityman do Ditch digger Plumber's Helper Ditch digger do do Lake Patrolman -WD Ditch digger do Utilityman C ar ed correct 7_ -cam- h Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUTICILMEn leas nays Bar f uss Findlan Parranto Petetsolk Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough ,in ]-YD CS —1. Overtime Sunday Regular Hate 3 bra. .73 16-1/2 .73 1-1/2 .6o 1-1/2 .62-1/4 1-1/2 .60 2 .6o 16 hre. 8 .60 16 " .61-1/2 8 ^ .6o 1. bra. .6o 12 .78 C.Rssolyed,l Thnt Y W. A. Per­t— ,-- - taln -1e hereby authotrized to Dny c Pu blicUtllitles (forext Department cor s e [ out on the Iist attachetouth) dls s lutlon. ��Ad opted by the Counell Aug. 16, 1940. A DDru ped Aug, 16, 1940. (August 24, 1940) AUG 16 IM Adopted by the Council - _ 194 AUG 16 Approved_. ---- ---- ----194 In Favor - O -Ma ,r Against August 16, 1940 An emergancy has arisen in the Nater Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Vadnaie and Sucker Lakes.*.. Work at Filter Plant Billing tank for test.** Repairing service connection 467 Oakland:f Changing 2• meter at 363 No Washington St-*** This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *To prevent trespaseiag tanairina necessary equipment. **Continuous test ran over 8 hours I.ask in connection. ***Work had to be Hone outside of business hours account of sbntting off water. BOARD OF WATER COMKISSIONERS i President Certi ied correct: Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent C. F. No. 119906—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, Thut the Drope,• ol[y ofli- odalo.l to city Clerk ce s are phe rebY "h-btsd to Dur - '.It' a loyee In the DeDnr[meut o[ COUNCIL ♦ SIT' set o Wou t.,B r'.., rgtl .l°,eay ioninie FIL[ NO. OFFIC --hili_ •Adopted by the counell Aug. 20, 1940. COUNCIL RES( ADpre.•ed Aug. 20, 1940. (August 24, 1040) « PRESENTED BY Aust 2O 4O COMMISSIONER— WHEREAS, OMMISSIONER - DATE u _-_.� . 1 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Bannids John Road Aach.Opre 2.70-- 1 Black, Jack Asph.Raker 2 •651 Bounce, William R. Road Mach.Opr. 2 .701 Bourquin, Harold K. Truck Dr. .761 Brown, Edwin J. Pow.Shov.Opr. 1 1.50 76 Byron, George Truck Dr. 9 Carroll, E. J. Truck Dr. 2 6 .7 Dickey, Paul Caretaker 4.762 .62 Diegnau, Chester Truck Dr. Faraci, Calogero Tamper 1 16 .60 Felberg, Frank 0. Staty.Fire. Gallas, lax J. Truck Dr. 4 .5b 7 Gangl, Robert B. Truck Dr. 6.501- lancy, Glen L. Unsk.Lab. G561- Goossen, James A. Sew.Mtc.Labe 8 .55 Hagerty, C. J. Unsk.Lab. 4 •503 Harper, George Road ITach.Cpr. 4 Hayek, Joseph E. Truck Dr. .56� Heller, Walter A. Truck Dr. 10 .69-�- Heller, Walter A. Truck Dr. 2 Hennessy, Edward J. Truck Dr. :7 53� Hoen Carl 0. Truck Dr. 67 Huberty, Frank T. Truck Dr. Jagger, Russell Truck Dr. 10 .4 7b Kennealy, Joseph Truck Dr. Klemenhagen, Albert W. Utilityman-PW 3 .73 COUTICiLMErl Adopted by the Council _ 194. Leas Llays �uss F dlan / / Approved_ - --_-----lea -- Parranlo j (J –i in Favor a rmrr— �osen iRayor /truax Against ,,MIr. President, McDonough 'm —e Cs xJaJe 0HAI—1 W City Clerk CITY OF SAI AUL COU CIL NO. OFFICE OF CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUT -.-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �- DATE--.--A1-1.911St 20,,_144-0__ COMMISSIONER—___ ame e Losinski, Edward L. Road Mach.Opr. 2•651 12 Maidl, Francis Truck Dr. 65 Maidl, Joseph Road Mach.Opr. .6 McGee, Frank D. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 12•55 2 b1cKenna, Patrick J. Truck Dr. •76j Mewborn, Elijah Asph.Eaker 11 Michels, Dewey G. Staty.Fire. 10.50 .69 Moga, Frank Unsk.Lab. Neuschwander, Joseph F. Truck Dr. 2 :7� Oberg, Forrest E. Truck Dr. 4.55 O'Toole, Fergus Sew.Mtc.Lab. Plumbo, Anthony Sew.Mtc.Lab. 4 Proulx, Harvey J. Sew.Mtc.Lab. 12 .55 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader-PW 2 •73 Reid, Lawrence R. Road Mach.Opr. 2 •76-it Ryan, Michael H. Truck Dr. 2 :7 70 Schreiner, Alfred P. Road Mach.Opr. 4 Stewart, Wren Asph.Lab. 6 •55 Toreen, John E. Road Mach.Opr. .73 Wadell, Leo R. Road Mach.Opr. 2 •7 West, John A. Truck Dr. Winkel, Fred L. Truck Dr. 2 •7 AUG 20 1940 C011TICIL[llETl Adopted by the Council -- tea yeas nays Barf / AUG 20 19 0 uss Findlan ( A roved___ - -tea - - ------ Parranto J Peterson In Favor ..-_ /" -. --TTlayor Rosen -D Against (__, U' Truax YUIlLISFIh;ll Mr. President, MCDonough 3M —0 C523336 An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTIUM OF P RLIC WORILS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires and watching equipment and material on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, rush oiling to complete schedule which was delayed on account of inclement weather, and finishing up paving of private alley. This emergency arose ly reason of the follevinL; facts and circumstances: Opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls, necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays nd watching equipment and material, necessity of finishi oiling which was delayed by inclement weather. 0 RXS COUNCIL FILE NO. By -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing _with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northwesterly_corner of Raymond_ and University Avenues -from UniversityAvenuethence northerly 160 ft. and from Raymond_Avenue-.thence- westerly -210 ft. including ftl11 _- apron at corner, except where good and sufficient sidewalks_now exist; _------ _. - ----------------- under Preliminary Order_ __-119218_ _-- ----- --- ----- approved _. -June 25,_1940 IntermediaryOrder ------------- - -----------------------------approved ---------------------------- ------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .reconstruct with -- monolithic con - - -t-- --- e t-he----s-idewalk--- ----------------------------o-- --------------- on_ tha_nc.r_thwaster_ly_.ccrner_ af__Raymcndr_and_University__Ayezuae�_frnm_Anisex_s_ity__ Aoexiue thence_nortberly_160_ftA_ end__from__gaymond_Avenue _thence_westerly__210_-ft.__includi_ full aTron--at _corner_>--exnept__where_-gaud_snd_snfficient__bidewalks__n0�exis-tom_______--- ---- ---- ------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Ccuncil AUG 0 t9`� ___ , 192. .__.. --- �—� AUG 20�nAA ity Clerk. Approved - - -�l 192 _ File 54373 yor. Councilman AiJA �f ya Councilman ci?eagttss �Ffdts i �f( PUBL1SIIEL)_�_XU' qd Councrlman�€eDonBld=?e irranto Councilman 2MeGlogar:��- revee�, Councilman z8ndhe3mm o a Councilman1� = `rues Mayor Ilutgson cl)-,,,,,ak Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) aP In the matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northwesterly corner of Raymond and University Aves. from University Avenue, thence northerly 160 feet and from Raymond Ave., thence westerly 210 ft., including hill apron at corner under Preliminary Order approved June 25, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $—--- fquare (2 course jnono-lithiic) _ 8 0,18 The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement Is - - - -- — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT —0— ADDITION 25 Auditor's Sub. No. 4 28 do ASSESSED LandBldg. $9600 $8300 27,000 55,000 Total $36,600 $63,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ July 23 _ —19 40 Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. S. A. P -S D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 28 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119218 Approved June �5 1940 , relative to with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the northwesterly corner of Raymond and University Avenues, from University Avenue, thence northerly 160 ft. and from Raymond Ave., thence westerly 210 ft., including full apaon at corner. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Sat. Cost - Two course Monolithic concrete walk - 4" thick - at ;x.18 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _, and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 f((!!l���'''���"'������� Commissioner of Public Works. .�r JUN 281940 • C. F. .n'o. 1109008—c In them Iter [ r struct reDnr Ing nd layl a I've sidewal1 k n n th sitl, urfh Sr COUNCIL FILE NO. - By-.- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of recongtructing,_repairing and -_relaying -the - sidewalk on -the north_ side of W. Fourth St. from a point approximately 82 feet west of St. Peter St., thence west 5 ft. repairing trap-doorj_beginning -12 feet farther west, thence west__ 48--feat;-beginning-18 feet farther--wes_t,_ thence- west 13. feet, exo-ept where _good -endd_ sufficient- sidewalks now -exist _-_-__-_----- _- - - ---------- - - -- - under Preliminary Order _ _ 119217 - _-------- ---- _---- .approved June 25, 1940 IntermediaryOrder --------- ------------------------------------- approved ------ --- ---- ------------------- ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__reconstruAt,__repair_ _-relay the sidewalk_ on__the north side of W.Fourth St. from a point approximately 8% feet west of St. Peter St.� ---- ----- ---------------- ------ --- then- ce -_wes - t --thence_west - 48_feet;-_beg_inning_18__feet_farther_west ,_ thence west 13 feet, except where good and suffi-ctegt-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement is accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council "T3- I-NO192--------. i - �1Clerk. e399 Approved --- --- 192 J /✓ ) File S4372 ------------------ --------------- -- ---_ --- --- \ Councilman - _-k3ra44.es— / Councilman - Findla-1 �'�. �'II_ a_ 4D Councilman � Parranto r " r�uLISEIk D - Councilman le Councilman er Councilman z 'r�- yffsia� Truax - Mayor H n r-zl -- / Prrcident (P� �, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the north side of W. Fourth St. from a point approtimately 82 ft. west of St, Peter St., thence west 5 ft. repairing trap -doors beginning 12 feet farther west, thence west 46 feet; beginning 18 feet farther west, thence west 13 feet under Preliminary Order approved June 25, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ --- - s ua a ((2_cpour-a >ionol�thlc) _ g 0.18_ The estimated cost To for the above improvement is ra _door extra The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan YALUATIo�hdg. The S'ly 83 ft. of Lot 8 & the W'ly ) $39,500 $3,600 12 ft. of the Slly 83 ft. of Lot 9, Block 10 Rice and Irvine`s Addition ) also Lot 1 and (Ex. Elly 10 ft.) Lot 2 - - Subdivision of Lot LO ) & the Elly 48 ft. of ( ) Lot 9 of Block 10in ) Rice and Irvine Is Addition) South 40 ft. of Lots 3, 4 and 5 do 41,000 8,750 Total $80,500 $12,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _July 1.3-- - - --19 _40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 28 _40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119217 approved June 25 1940, relative to reconstructing. repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the north aide of W. Fourth St. from a point approximately 82 feet west of St. Peter St., thenee west 5 ft. repair trap-door; beginning 12 ft. farther west, thence wee beginning ft. farther west, thence west 13 ft. l6" vy1�v and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - Two course Monolithic concrete walk - 4" thick - at $.18 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is $ per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. CD 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for ,T c';.,(m� OOT GO ttll M1RII i. i r T � .x11 _ �/ w'� •�- � ems_ Commissioner of Public Works. `� r COUNCIL FILE NO. By -- C. F. N*0 No. 119909— ln the tter t ec n tructing, lay- Ing and r,p,lring the sidewalk on both sides f Erie St. from St. Clair St. to the Chicago Tf H, St. a' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_.- reconstructing - re-ley-ing and repairip-&-the sidewalk on both__sides of Erie Street from St. Clair Street to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company tracks and Grace Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks n9w_ exists------ - - - --------------- _ _ . ---- -------__---------- 119214 under Preliminary Order .--------_ ------------ ------------- -approved June 25, 1940 ---_- IntermediaryOrder - ------ -----------------------------------approved -------------------- --------------------------- - ---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the'Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _reconstruct, relay_, and_ repair the ----- sidewalk on both - ------------- sides of Erie Street from St. Clair Street to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific_RailwaJ-Cg spy _zac}cs_snd_ race_Stre__e �_except_where__good_and sufficient sidewalks naw_exist-_ _---- ---- _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 3a 144----------- ..-. ,, 192 - ��ttpppp g City Clerk. Approved - -- - ----- - ---- - -- - 192 File S4371 - - --- --- --------- - ----- / -- r: Councilman - Ohl.. Councilman ' Councilman �elra= 9/I''lrranto ""= L y� Councilman % Councilman �/1'ruaa Councilman ll„ Mayor H D -lough Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CftY�OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER° In th'e matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on both sides of Erie St, from St. Clair St. to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company tracks and Grace Street under Preliminary Order approved June 25, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is suare The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATI O'Lld tl g• 13 (Stinson's Subdivision of $625 )Block three of Stinson, Brown 14 (& Ramsey's Add, to St. Paul 475 $ 150 15 do 475 2400 16 do 475 17 do 475 1100 18 do 475 500 19 do 475 1050 20 do 475 2550 21 do 450 1350 22 do TOTAL, 400 750 Form 6. H. 10 CITY 4P SIr PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) I . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 23 Stinson's Sub. of Block three $375 $700 of Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul 24 do 300 1650 25 do 300 1700 26 do 375 1350 27 do 400 2700 28 do 450 3150 29 do 475 1000 30 do 475 1800 31 do 475 1750 32 r do 475, 1400 33 do 475 1100 34 do 475 1200 35 do 475 36 do 550 Total $10,875 $29,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 23 19-40— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 27 19 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 1192.14 approves June 25 1940, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on both sides of to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Erie Street from St. Clair Street ---- Pacific Railway Company tracks and Grace Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i, ---------necessary and (or) desirable. Monolithic concrete sidewalk at $.15 Per s4• ft. Est. Cost 4 and the total cost thereof is $ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. Aplan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto to a att ched and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ism—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for vement. Commissioner of Public Works. .0 17 v ,tqy / C. F. No�o11991P— In the t[er f tingmono- 1h lithtc oncrsidewalk on the the southerl.ny sidede of Parkway ..Drive COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of- corxstrUCtinf, M9nQ-1.1tbLi1­ concrete sid .,on the southerly. side -- of Parkway Drive from Iowa Avenue to Payne Avenue, except where good and sufficient fidewalks.now exist,- - -- -- ------ - - - - under Preliminary Order --___119301-_--- __- ---------- June 28, 1940 Intermediary Order ----------- -approved ------ ---- ---------- public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is co__rlstnLct_ monolithc__concr_ete_ sidewal_k_on_the______ southerl,y--5ide._nf._Parkway_-Drise__fT4Al_'1 s0yA_Ayenueto_-Payr_e_Av_enue,__exoe_Rt_where__good and- sufficiegt-sidewalka-_now_exist�_____________-________--_--________--__-_- ------------------ - ------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ^ Adopted by the Council AUG 201940-11 1940 192- - ----.- "4 City Clerk. Approved - L192 File 54375" - - - - - -- -- M or. Councilman JWfi@1b3Wsjn Rarfuss Councilman &NMANDmMS Findlacl Councilman Parranto CouncilmanJJsk9agn=n= -Peter-tOw— / Councilman Rosen Councilman WwombiwFum Truax Mayor H e --, i McDonough Form B..S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ii REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF 'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ��ll (D)� In the matter of constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on the southerly side of Parkway Drive fran Sowa Ave. to Payne Ave. under Preliminary Order approved June 28, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: N The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ s uare `- 0 15 $---•- The estimated cost pe oo[ for the above improvement is - - - - - - --- ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED [ LUATIONBld Lar [� g. 1 4 Ufton Grove Third Plat $150 2 4 do 125 3 4 do 125 $3100 4 4 do 125 3300 5 4 do 125 3100 6 4 do 125 3200 7 4 do 150 3300 12 1 Harrison & Handy's Addition 100 13 1 do 175 1000 14 1 do 6R0 1000 clu es other props Total $1850 $18,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. it DatedJuly 23 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D St. Paul, Minn ,Ai ri 1 - 12, !?40 _ _193..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body W. for a:: esti�ste of cost on t'��e fellnwing improvemente3 SidewaL'c o.. Ferltwe^ wive tetweo Fayne Ave and and surfecin� on Farlcwsv; Drive hatwee.oyt.... ...._. _ C. ,t and Sti��L 401mV St. Ave - St. Ave. i BLOCK c� Uft,n Trove, Flat i — < - -- fowl _. — - 7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 8 1 n 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119301 approved June 28 1940 , relative to constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the southerly side of Parkway Drive from Iowa Avenue to Payne Avenue. and having investigated the matters \ things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1, Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost — 4^ Monol thic concrete walk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petiti of three or more owners propertyA subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. i :� CR JUL 1 D 13aC C. F. No. 119911— i' { f ' In the atter of constructing with�u11 J nonthic concrete a six foot wide "-- sidewalk on the west aide of Jo- sephlne Place between BayardAve. ere gor^ COUNCIL FILE NO. BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. -constructing with_ monolithic concrete a_ six foot wide sidewalk.- on the_wast side of Josephine PlacebetweenBayard Avenue and Eleanor Avenue, --except where_ -good and sufficient sidewalks--now-exist, -- - - - ---------- -- - --------- under ------ under Preliminary Order _ --- 119299 _ _---approved - June 28, 1940 ----- Intermediary --_Intermediary Order --- - ------ -------------- -approved --- --------------------------------------------- A ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement , on due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __-construct with monolithic concrete a six foot W_irle_ .sidewi%lk on -the,- least. -aide -nf__Jnsephine_ Place_ between_Bayard- Avenue_anci_ELeanox-- A_venue-,- e-moept__where_good-_and_su£ficient_aidcwalka__n_aw--axist.------------------------- - --- - --- _----- --- --------------- -------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 20 ------ ---- ---- , 192 � 4 i ; Clt Clerk. Approved - - - - -- - - ---- - -- --- , 192 ._ File S4374 = - ---------------------- - M r. Councilmania is (� �i _ _ ,/ Councilman giis :.� �Ft 1H , A �Uu ..�iiEll J�_ `�� Councilmang 'erranto i Councilman J Councilman E&zdhei�- °9e° Councilman -T'ruax Mayor Hjd&V14,­,j ">'&onough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE J_ LPiORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing with monolithic concrete a six foot wide sidewalk on the west side of Josephine Place between Bayard Ave. and Eleanor Ave, under Preliminary Order approved Jane 28, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-------.- -- The estimated cost pPlr ooet for the above improvement is ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 1 Melrose Park 2 1 do 3 1 do 4 1 do 5 1 do 6 1 do E. 53 ft. of 7 and 8 1 do �[ ASSESSED Lan aALUATI hd D g• $350 300 300 300 300 5500 300 650 (includes other property) Total $2500 $5500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -' i DatedW1y_23-- - -- — 19 10 --- — - t -- - — Commissioner of Finance. V.— B. S. A. 8.5 D St. Paul, Minn._ April_a0 _-. _._.196ii..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own>rs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n St. Ave. from � � � ._' �. Ave. to -_ C� . Ave. /NAME X13 o14 r` ,M-7-37 LOT BLOCK ADDITION Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 6 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 119299 approved June 28 -19 40 , relative to constructing with monolithic concrete, a six foot wide sidewalk on the west side of Josephine Place between Bayard Avenue and Eleanor Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost 4" Monolithic concrete walk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners propert subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. A Origitul to City Clerk � CITY OF ST. PAUL - ca No.-:-- _: `--------.' ....... OFFICE OF THE CITY IERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO C. F. No. s, The a J. McDonough— Whereua, The counoB did Dy xeaom- tlon No. 117E 12, ayproved July 2, 1Y40, PRESENTED (/' �7- [5.0012¢ the Welf.ce and rule of 8276,000 Public WelYa re Boh and COMMISSIONER_ _ _._ ER the proper � have rvlly for Balr tluired .0 W:-IFIRF.AS, the Council did by Resolution No. 119312, approved July 2, 19140, authorize the issuance and sale of $275,000 Public Welfare Bends and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertise— ment-required dvertise— mentrequired bids to be submitted on August 20, 1940, and as bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of The First National Bank of Chicago, The Northern Trust Company of Chicago and Tnrall Rest Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, was found to be the most advantageous bid= RESOLVED, that the joint bid of The First National Ban_< of Chicago, The Northern Trust Company of Chicago and Thrall West Coapaxiv, Minneapolis, l;innesota,be accepted and said bonds awarded to The First National Bank, The Northern Trust Co.:pany and Thrall West Company at a price, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of *% and a premitun of $3141.00, FURTFIER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said Coranittee in connection with the sale of said bonds. AUG 2 a 194D COUNCILMP:N Adopted by the Council - .19 Yeas Nays Findlan pro ed � 1Parranto on _...In Favor ayo oxen 'h / Truax / -Against`] I$EII,L au` �{C ,Mr. President jli nzITry IM 0-39•�' City of St. Paul, Minnesota $275,000 PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS Not Exceeding 61!', =r:a TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. August 20, 1940 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Bonds to be issued in coupon form, but may be exchanged for Registered Bonds, NOTICE OF BOND SALE both as to principal and interest, at a cost of $1.00 per Registered Bond, plus Postagc. _ Comptroller's Offirc, Bonds are payable in lawful money of the united States of America, at the office 109 Court Ilouw, of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, or the Fiscal August 3, 1940. - .. Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposal. ill be received at (he oflicr of the Bonds are exempt from taxation. City Comptroller in the Court flu -e and City Hull Building its the City of Saint Paul, Nluu—ota up Lo 10:00 A. AL, August 20, 1040, and the Council will at said time The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1363. meet 0 open uud consider bids for the• ode of all ur none of the folloociug bonds: - - $275,000 Par Value Coupon Public Welfare Bunds of the City of Saint Paul, Miuntsuta, Lu be i.�ued undo nuthonty of and in all 1 -pe is in full mpluuo eilh POPULATION Ch 1 ter 120 Laws of 1933 a. 141. Jul by Chaptei 43 S - I I n f 1935 Chapter 10.9 5 .. i. I f 1937, and a fu the) amender) t v CI opt ., 108 So"iou 1 f 1930 Government Census ..... ........ .. 271,606 hli t for 1139 I C u it File No 119312, iipprov,d .July 2 1940 11 — The Permanent Improvement Revoking Fund Bonds are issued against deferred bund ret be 'u.l u de late [ August 1, 1940, lel r oat f 81 ,000 culla to I t.,u e to be aL a nue n d ate of mg ,ic pal o, nt (61"') pct an um, pay ,,bh. 1 nstallments of Local Improvement A.—rarnts and are u first hen upon the cnlleclimn vmuslly, and me serial maturing as follows: - from said assessments. Phe general credit of the city is pledged to pay all deficiencies in caro the collections are insufficient to pay the bonds in full. D.o' pr tt�n I Ao—n,at Duty .,r 11 ,d 'ivuuas N.00ne,. 1b,m,n.y Numbcrn Amount Provisions are made amorally through the budget for all debt service charges A --t 1, 1941 52471 52495 3 25,000 A„x,,.t I, 1946 526.02-526x9 p 2s,oeo and a direct tsa levied which inures am 9e appropriations to retire all ubli t 1 s Ig+, in 1 1ul;ne,, I_ 1942 924"!i-'�131I 21i,e90 A119 -L I, 1947 :-21130-52a57 2tl at maturity. Allxa6l 1, 3 i3ir1'!.i2h47 21i IIaU August i, 1441 3?) i,',152686 !.,,iclo ..0 ' The Water Department has no tax limitation which would prevent the redemp- AnK +t I 1444 4Y ',i74 27 of 1 iu'I I I4IA 5-a17 �171� JUllli Anse, 1 11,13 52401 27,00u .4aaaa 1 m.0 52716-32745 i 1 aou tion of bonds at maturity. This -department operates under a budgetary control $275000 ^' system. The interest and bond redemptions are fully provided for by its comings. -gs gra The value of the Water Works which includes real estate, plant and equilno-t The approving opinion of Thomson, Wood & Huffman, Atton.cye New Sark ('At , Sew York, and .hm,ey T. Denary, ALturur_v, Saint Paul, Mino -,Ia, ,cill he for - is conservatively estimated by mlginvers to be S17,0(,0'000.00. noshed ,—h those bunds at time of wle and all bid, nmat be mo-onditiou;l. The amount of the capital assets - stated in the balance sheet is based on au Vnder :and by the terms of the Resolution, the faith and credit of the it, of mint • appraisal made in 1912, with improvements at cost added since that date. Paul, "'iune,oun, awe in-evocably pledged to pac the. loud pal and latera+t at mall -,ty on 16e above bonds. The City of St. Paul has never defaulted on any of. its obligation=, and the Orin- ___ cilud and interost un its bonds preciously issued Imre alreays been paid promptly Hid, nary be--,uhmitted in nndtipl- of 1„10% or 1;4"e. at n ateirity. unu,L brnr one rate of inte—t. 'a a•h holder nm,t acmanpanc his bid by a crrtifird check on cash dejeo-t for two _ per cent (2%) of the nni,uut of bonds hid f,a, ho -h w111 be forfeited ,,, 0quidan,l damage, it the bund, are not takoo, :u, I p:ud foo ,clmo ready fve ur dolirr. Mak, sy„,• =", checks payable to the City of Saint Paul. - Nu bids ,till br coluidorrd ,666,11 aur nsec not is unlao” with this prupo,al or for -.. n Ir -1 tliup1uac, rued iatore,t, and iLe right it u,o recd to rrjeet un) ur sll Lids. t* uxa Bond, will be fmoi,be,l by the City of Saint Paul, but delivery ,hall be at Jur- ripen. o. _ ' HAROLD F. GOOORI('11, ('omptrollrr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET GENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS As at June 30, 1940 ASSETS; 1939 Real Ik(ate Tuxuble Vuluataln ...... - Purpar o of Is - Current Assts: :Airport Bund.+_ . - .. - _ ... S 850,000.00 Cash 13aLtu .................... ....... 93!1 OOt1.00 B ]ti . bund . ... _ Petty Cu,,h II.Itu.......... .................... 5,075.00 50,000.00 Beeeivublex--Ali,e,llnncous Revenue .. _ _ _ ... 1,414,630.44 n I"te lk•pa rneut. It ,I, .. _ _ _ _.. Iuventury-btuterinla anal Buppl lrs _ . . .... 240,409.36 470,000.00 Bilged Requirement,.. ... ... 111,513.28 lI , Ii t 1. AVork iu Pn,gres... _ _ 543,130.110 185,000.(30 ]',"paid I:xpeu-r.... .... 4,866.5.1 pawing 19md, ... Ton,l ('uncut :A, -et... .. ... .. S 3,292,708.29 It lestnont, 124,000.00 Itiver Tormin:I Iiund:.. ..... _ (;,•neral SIokiug Food_.. 44,'0x7,772.25 (149,000.()0 Lii':al Impr„vrment Funds... 20.-,(1(111 fill Se,cer Bunds . .. ......... Total love -t rix A,- .. - - .. _... 3092,7722.5 Defln-1 :h+ets: 216,009.00 $24,486,000.00 EXE AIPT Spe tal Statute 10/ Linfittion "rase. _ $ 4,754 2Ss r0 $ 551,000.00 Ur 1,nqu, ut I axe= Fir 1 tblr... 2232.31,0 x9 Total General It -,nue Bo ds Out=Omdmg.... .1 ssm t I I I 31316042 _ Ill nt A :,. uu t to Ito et abr x117 94,1 91 Pentuauurt hoInovena, t It-olving lid Bondi. Total Deh rrr•1 A -et,_. .. �.. 4,171,,801.75 Fixed A- t,: _. __ .. 12,-542,000.00 Total Goo” Bundrd Debt. _ ....... _ ... _ Laud.. ...... S10,01 1,300.27 I tulldiog.;uui St", tuns__ _ 2(,,683.394.08 1910 Scriul Boud Belirement Appropriation...... Equtpnu•nt .... .. .. ..... 3,3511,09.;.74 528,(100.0(1" Total Fi-d 1a>et<_ ...... 4,1611,000.00 40,011,790.09 Ott. r A..rt:- 1Aatrr Dept. Not fiend --d Debt ... ...$4,975,851.3, A n t H . t I• Tax Fcalopt $ 94,094 91 (U.1,6 mod Se' ur til a). ........ 1 nfif3, 146.61 l3h]r, lion. Iu Lrtig tiro_ ... 1,415.1(1 $18,()7:1,7!38 47 Total Other A,.r.t< ... __.. ........ 9(1,013.31 _ . _ $31,872,07.5.00 '$23,000 lute( C ilp Bndgr Bond. S56,692J388.69 "876,000 St. ('mil-Mlnnoapoh, Sml tut_1 Ui+tart Bond= S-tal Bond Rouen cut -IT . 'hbe penrutagr of the Net General IInded Debt of the A --ed \ I 1 , Ile.. $ 117.724.92 The Ie,-ulagv of the Net. Gear ral lion ded Debt of \ t -I I1 . I -13.1 I 8 _. _.__.. .01201831"„ I„ .ar P,3able 88,111033 A- ud- Pnvuble A I (red Property I den'a ( 1 ns Due.. _ I; -"x .5 _ \ppnprtti , 5,114,15771 1',111 .-Aid- I'eIN1:LI Aid. 2130,:312613 T:,tul Currant Ludahtiee. _...... ..... $ 8,.596,'2:36. 12 urL rn• i Ll ddod tie-: ,me S," ,, P:n-moot-. S 17,x13.117 t111,� iA I'u;J oat 313.59 T.,tal Delcrrnl Ll,bditir-_ _..... .... 19,131.211 I `oLud,-II: - l] ,oerol Iioo,l� Out�t;,ndo. e 1' S2f1,'27.3, ,0-5_60 1--d hoer--oo-ot Bood.� I ,NYt,000.(Y1 T"t.d I -d Liuhi0tir..._ eurpht-: 35,279,000.00 Ito crvus and v,—Pond,..... ... R 2,1;8.5,49:3. 17 Geurr.l Sinkit g Fund. _... ... :,,(29,077T(;9 Total IO�n v�_.. _. .. $ 7,711,76716 Surplu.. (:rurr:d Fu1:d.. $ x31,721.00 (spit:, Ae,t._. I0,x39,121_49 511,670,13-1.51.19 L -al Impruvem't Fend Dr6ril. 3,570,691.:31 Total Surplu..... .. ..... .. .. .. ... 9,091, 151 15 Total ond Surplu+.. .......... .. .. .. .... .. ... 15,808.721.:31 "Total I.Inbtr r,. R rrv., and Sol plu,.......... _ ... _ $56,692088119 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT As at June 30, 1940 GENICR.AT, REVEN I"E BONDS: 1939 Real Ik(ate Tuxuble Vuluataln ...... - Purpar o of Is - flus A t I Valuation due to Hume,La1c :Airport Bund.+_ . - .. - _ ... S 850,000.00 1udit num Bonds 93!1 OOt1.00 B ]ti . bund . ... _ 498,000.00 ]iridgc Approarl, Bouds... -..... 50,000.00 ('our( liomc and City Bull Bonds... _ 1,813.000.00 n I"te lk•pa rneut. It ,I, .. _ _ _ _.. ]50,00000 Gencrul Ohhgat,ou (C-1, liaei,) Boud., 470,000.00 Iloapital Ruud=... ... 141,000.00 lI , Ii t 1. 6031,01713.00 M 1 a I Alrkl t Band, 185,000.(30 Palk B 14 ...... 947,000.00 pawing 19md, ... 399,000m13 Playground liuuds.... 75,000.00 Pubhr N, rk, Fb,n•hou- It 1, 124,000.00 Itiver Tormin:I Iiund:.. ..... _ 83,0013.00 S;, fell' Building and Fire Alarn, Itond=..... (149,000.()0 Srhoul Bond....... _ 9„51311,OU0110 Se,cer Bunds . .. ......... 4,140,001.00 FVelfum Bondy..... .... _ .. _ _ '2,660,000.00 AA hon r- anal Le, et Bonds..... _ 216,009.00 $24,486,000.00 EXE AIPT Spe tal Statute 10/ Linfittion 1938-1939 8,179,477 570,401.113 .0705 I t 1 City lindge B d. $ 551,000.00 St. P.ud Ali uveal li, hunitar3 Di (r, t Iiund... _. 4,212,000.00 4,793,000.00 Total General It -,nue Bo ds Out=Omdmg.... ..... . ...... $29,279,:3013.110 SPECIAL IIINENUE 110A'D5: Purposo of k,ur. Pentuauurt hoInovena, t It-olving lid Bondi. 1 $ 000,000.00 1A'utl r Urptu-tu t liot I. 6,512,000.00 Total Special linen., Bunds out laudmti. _. __ .. 12,-542,000.00 Total Goo” Bundrd Debt. _ ....... _ ... _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ 511,821,000.00 DI:DCC'TIONS: Gcucnd Sinking Fund (('ash and Securities). _.. _ $ 4,999.201.513 1910 Scriul Boud Belirement Appropriation...... 61(),131 omo hider -('try Bridge Bond- ... .... _ 528,(100.0(1" St. Paul-M,nncupld" Sanivary Drtrirt Honda.... 4,1611,000.00 Pel'alunl'Itt Iml;rovelumt Itevol-19 I'ulld Debt.. 6,000,000.00 1Aatrr Dept. Not fiend --d Debt ... ...$4,975,851.3, Natal 1),p( k' a, Fund (U.1,6 mod Se' ur til a). ........ 1 nfif3, 146.61 11,742,000.00 22,815,201 53 'I'"t d \, t Bonded 13 ht.. $18,()7:1,7!38 47 Margin 0,r our . Bond 1. uc_s.... ...... ... _ .. 12,896,276.5 3 8tatuNn Bonded Debt. I'mut (107, of :Assessed Valuation) _ . _ $31,872,07.5.00 '$23,000 lute( C ilp Bndgr Bond. _i Due iu 1910 i , luded in "876,000 St. ('mil-Mlnnoapoh, Sml tut_1 Ui+tart Bond= S-tal Bond Rouen cut :Appropriation. 'hbe penrutagr of the Net General IInded Debt of the A --ed 1'uluatiun i,. ... . ... .._.. .07457090••' The Ie,-ulagv of the Net. Gear ral lion ded Debt of 0,e True Value i0...._ ................. _.... _....__. _._. _. _.__.. .01201831"„ ""Ituud-:•.u•up,t by special >fatute im beled iu thi- rou,putatiou. STATEMENT OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE - - - REAL I•:S'FATR VALI-ATION (1039)... I .......-1$313,911,579OO 4i;_; -..t, — PERPOAAI. PROPEI?TY VALUATION (1939) C ls.. No 2.ub]ect to 25% f full ti e t .... $15418,306.00 t ('las, No 3 subject to 33l�% of full va.lue. 50,056, 520.00 Chess No. 3\.ubjevt to 10% of full value ... 2.650.00 Class No. 4 wbiect W 40% of full value. ..... 12,703,938.00 83,181,408.00 MONEYS AND('RI•;DITS-10% of full value..... _.-_.-....$168,529,96(3.00 1.7,65,652,847.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION v _ 1939 Real Ik(ate Tuxuble Vuluataln ...... - .-$109,412,1129.00 flus A t I Valuation due to Hume,La1c (Chapter 359, Lunn of 1933) ... -... 16,053,87200 $125,46fi,501.f30 3939 Personal Property Taxable Valuation _ - _ _ 24,724,389.00 1930 Money. and (',edit, Taxable Valuation- _ _ _ .. 168,529,860.00 $318,720,7,0.00 VALVATIO\........ .. $ISI3,190,890.00 1939 Tax Rate -Gaily Pip I D39 Tax It t O 1e Mill S hooI 1.03 1939 Tux lit. C m t P t i - 27.09 1939 Tux Bate State Purpo,e-s ...... ... 9.711' _. $99.20 ,....._: -State Rate 9ppb,ahle to Humcateads....$ 363 TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT I NC'0LId:C7'ED TAXES _ .A, At End of:A, At A. At Tax Year Dee. 31, 1939 Feb. 29, 1940 TAX LEVY Per Per P,r Year Amount Anulunt Cent Amount C'lut. Amount Cont 1934-1935 $8,856,900 $1,380,69555 .15-59 $5779147.1 0653 $5116,502.51 .Oo39 1936-1936 8,015,846 885,515.27 .1105 43,9,450.21 .0541 427,585.(15 .0533 1936-1937 7,02(1,4(38 (188,1.50.27 .0903 42-1,659.95 .0557 420,009.78 .05:11 ..,t...yy.,F 1937-1938 8,296,253 1138,291.513 .0769 427,570.17 .0515 416,2711.93 .0502 1938-1939 8,179,477 570,401.113 .0705 576,101.03 .0705 524,S7L07 .13612 1939-1940 S,236,3I;5 !2n I et._---___ d. Laid over to — 3rd. & app. .i "� �— Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas/ Nays Bra fra fuss B��atfuss /Findlan io _-Parranto stetson,-��terson 1 -Kos en ./4 AKosen r.. ruax C -Ir. President Fallonfr. President Fallon C. F. No. 119913—Ordinance No. 8183— OelYlnal so City CI•rY By O. H. Bartues--- _ O R r An ordinance ding Ordinance Na. 1 L 8012 [(tied �'A dl ante amend- "3(11 Kis (Ji r- n e No 7881, entitled An a t g d controlling end [ravel tn-ILE NO. Paul^ PRESENTED BY OR NO. �3 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8012, entitled ,�@An ordinance mending Ordinance No. 7881, entitled $An ordinance regalatipg and eontroll. traffic, riding, driving and travel in the st of the City of Saint Paul, and providing Pani _ ent y` for the violation thereof, and repealing all Ordi- nanoes and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,11 approved December 30, 1937. This is an ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 26, 1939. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE CWNCIL OF THE CITZ OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8012, approved April 26, 1939, be and the same is hereby mended by adding to Subdivision (3) of Section 86 (as quoted in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8012) the following: 'and no person shall park a motor vehicle on the south side of.Fourth Street between Washington Street and Market Street for a longer period than fifteen minutes between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M.0 Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 8012 be and the same is hereby further mended by striking out of Subdivision (61 of Section 85 (as quoted in Section 1 of said Ordinance No. 8012) the following: 'Fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Seven Corners, and from Broadway to Jackson Street;$ and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: t "fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Seven Corners, with the exception of the south side of Fourth Street between Washing- ton Street and Market Street; and Fourth Street from Broadway to Jackson Street." Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) 3 1 Attest: r City Clerk r 2507-40 Passed by the Council Approved: In Favor Against oriyin.l to city clok ORDINANCE 11091", COUNCIL FILE --JO. f� 2 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— (2) O. (g) ieotio>9 We ordinance is hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public pea�cee, health and safety. Seotion`$� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mir. /President (McDonough) Attest: City Clerk ago 7•.0 Passed by the Council SEP 41940 o -r In Favor Against — e : Up 41940 Mayor e lst. — 2nd. Laid over to Adopted�f 3rd. & app. Yeas Nays l ens �. Nays arfuss Barfuss _ -15"Wlan i --Parranto Eosen i Peterson Rosen Truax 4ruax )Jr. President Fallon /Mr. President Fallon Mr. President Fallon �il4r. Original to ('it) Clio C. F. No. 119914—Ordinance No. 8182— By G. H. Barf...— dinanOrd -An ce ding Ordinance No. N! p y O 8011, a [I tied "An dinance end- i 'gig Ordinance No. 7808,enti pled An ' in; ones within ..,...�hlel, LE NO..------ 1�Y PRESENTED _ ORDINANCE NO. Yeas Attest An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8011, entitled 'An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7808, entitled 'An ordinance establishing zones within which parking of motor vehicles is prohibited; establishing sones wherein such parking is per- mitted for specified periods of time; authorizing the installation of parking meters to regulate suoh parking in permitted zones; repealing inoon- elstent ordinances; and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,' approved Nay 28th, 1937. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 26, 1939. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DONS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8011, approved April 26, 1939, • be and the same Is hereby amended by adding to Paragraph (c) of Section 1 thereof, the following: "and no person shall park a motor vehicle on the south side of fourth Street between Washington Street and Market Street for a longer period than fifteen minutes between the hours of 8400 A. M. and 6:00 P. M." 'Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 8011 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Paragraph (e) of Section 1, the following: 'Fourth Street from at. Peter Street to Seven Corners, and from Broadway to Jackson Street;1 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Seven Corners, with the exception of the south side of Fourth Street between Washing- ton Street and Market Street; and Fourth Street from Broadway to Jackson Street." Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto in Favor -- Peterson _ _Against Truax Mr. President kGohen')—^" F y: • �� Approved: --- Mayor 9 coicr—a to City c9 'k PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 1199 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. (2) Section 3. We ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservition of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. We ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: SEP 4 194 Passed by the Council - In Favor Against SEP 4194 L-- Mayor City Clerk 2W 7-40 L,UTDLISFMD 0 4 ORDINANCE 1199 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. (2) Section 3. We ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservition of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. We ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Attest: SEP 4 194 Passed by the Council - In Favor Against SEP 4194 L-- Mayor City Clerk 2W 7-40 L,UTDLISFMD 0 C. F. No. 119915—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the DroDer city IR- OrlRlu.l to City Ckrk cera be and they are hereby authorize CITY OF S to a for Into al-reem­ CITY cour+clL Contlnelll, nvldl•.. •'• FILE NO.- OFFICE TI °P X15 LtERK COUNCIL RES U ON ---GENERAL FOPM PRESENTED BY--�_-.. DATE— August..20., 1940. - COMMISSIONER_ ---- -- - - - - - - - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with G. Continelli, providing for the payment of compensation ;, LLm at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he +hF ..1 be totally disabled byreason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 11th day of March 1940; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said G. Continelli the sum of $5.87 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including March 20, 1940. Qur, 20 too counciLmn Adopted by the Council if eas clays ga S barf uss C proved_-- - - - --194_ "Findlan Parranto In Favorpetersel _ -- ayor Rosen Truax Against--= Mr. President, McDonough sm s�ao cs assse 0,111111 in cur circ: t (% COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FC c. Wi e o ,,1sSectioon G9ss H. B meson s 1938 supplen*nt, authorizes Ides to c Ind 1[y employee re the pollee and PRESENTED BY n[s thereof a ,ff lose - - - CRESEOMMISSIONER_ ar --- - - ore dpp t 1 I g or r,•ml�.'�g WHEREAS, Section 1963-67, Mason's 1938 Supplement, author- izes cities to indemnify employes of the police and fire depart- ments thereof against loss or expense arising or resulting from claims for bodily injuries, death or property damage made upon any such employe by reason of his operation of a motor vehicle while in the performance of his duties, and authorizes such cities to defend such employes and to compromise claims or pay judgments rendered against thee►, and WHEREAS, -Anthony Kruszewski, a carpenter in the Police Department, while in the performance of his duties as an operator of a motor vehicle owned by the Public Safety Department, was involved in an accident and a claim has been made against him by People' Joe & ftel Company of St. Paul, in the sum of $13.751 therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant payable to Peoples Ice and Fuel Company of St.Paul, in the sun of $13.75, upon execution by said Company and delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. ,AUG 2 01940 COnnCIl.I IEn Adopted bit the Council 194 eas nays CQ pproped ,-"Findlan rranto , In Favor _ _ - n�teeeon ayor *sen P /Truax ` - Against kUBLISIdED Mi. President, McDonough am s . cs v- orlalnal W City clerk ,... ;... CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1L. EOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FARM PRESENTED �YL• COM MISSIONERER —_ _ -- VVV Y -� ---. DATE 1 ut? _ _''AS, '_'1ie omair�si">ncr oi' Paris, P1ay-r.iyulids and Public Bll�Id L11�5 as rer,;)_-ted t, t".e iii uC(:'J'_'.'. ai.0 P.. 'Nit._ Section F? of ""e c't; c=_arter, _.__ efiste.ece of a-. 1i r -,.d reel iiecessar t; C- e::; lc)yra-nt. of er`.ain e^.rioyes )f `lis deparrment for .::o -c than eight 1i -vi -s _ . day, said emr]beim rare t1-311 their _isual hours of e: rlo eflta ._'_.erefore, it _ty oifi2er:3 a -- i-) lay t>1c, Polluv.ili i -:.-.Cu .. ,t_­ly •, at thy_ rate _,._ 1 ro. _ _"n at 'or t'.. `.iTe J.':__: 5�e:. r regi Tr'_=er B _71y Ray "-'ree Le.bcrer ? .55 l'. F. No. 119917—By Fred M. Truax— Whereaa, The Commi eslo ""of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bulld- ings has reported to the Council,, In ordancewith Section 53 of the city charter, the existence of anemergency whichrendered necessary the employ- ment f certain employes f his depart - 'or for mto a than ight hour, per day, said a pl oyment being more than their usual hours of employment, t therefore, be It Resolved, Thn[ tho proper city o(fl- e hereby employ.. t he the following lamed employes, to the rate therwc fixed for extrn employment far the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name. a Tohn A. Olsen; Title, Tree Trimmer; Hours, 8; Rate of Overtime, !n E0.7. Nome, Ray T. t; Title, Tree + Laborer; Hours8; Rate, B; Rate of Overtime, �! the $0.66. k' Adopted by the Council Aug. 20, 1940. S` Approved Aug. 20, 1940. vti (August 24, 1940) - iT.! counciLmER Adopted by the Council, _ — 194. 1jeas nags w t+ 940 barfuss Findlan p ve /Parranto In Favor - "Rosen �_ ,,,Truax Against i Mr. President, McDonough aln a-ap Cs a ' W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parla Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Coravoirsioner A-,-�-ist 1-7, 1940 c plr -)f certain ev;,loye- �f w -cccssar;' f1cc 'ull' ct cr .. -tions 0ri9l111 to Citr Clrrk f•,1 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLW FILE NO.__ _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ ... —..._ _..... _ _ DATE__.__.. RUMV=v that the application of the Unit oil Oompw for permission to install an additional driveway at its filling station at 1161 University Avenue, also described as the north- west corner of Dunlap Street and University Avenue, in accordance with the blue -print submitted, be and the sans is hereby granted. COunClLmsn 1]eas I nags /a rf uss 'Findlan /ISarranto -Rosen ,Truax .Mr. President, McDonough mh e-ap cs wase AN 20 1544 Adopted by the Council 194 �-- proved_ In Favor m. or . Against�� C. F. No. 11991 '—By Cue H. Rnr[ues— Rt o it That the application oe the Unit Olaf Campany eor Perm lssion Install to n adition al driveway at Its ❑fling station nt 1161 University also ae scribed as the north wast c �e o umap st. a unlveraltr rDir; Are m ltted anbo wtth the Print sub— al sma grantsd. nId tIs hereby AdoPted by the Cou aril Aug. 20, Provea APAub. 20, 1940. 1940. (August 24, 1940) 1 3 � i 6 AN 20 1544 Adopted by the Council 194 �-- proved_ In Favor m. or . Against�� CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, NI. D. Health Officer NIM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSNIAN Fire Chief ,opt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota .�'ratlmeid 4 Pwic e !���111�,,/V 00 00 Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. NIULLANFY, Deputy Commissioner August 19, 194o Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; This is in reference to application made by the Unit Oil Co. for permission to remodel the present driveways to their filling station located in Block ] on Lots 29, and 30, of Sanborns Midway Addition, also described as 1161 University Ave. Ins�)ection was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Sunt. of Traffic, and his report in favor of such installation is attached herewith. Ver y/itruly yours, Commissioner of Publ c Safety PREVENT 1CCIUHN'IS 161111 CC.- C.-n..n,., S— - Crn-- 0�1-1 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 13 1940 Mr. U. B. Barfuse Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in referemoe to application made by the Unit Oil Company for permission to remodel the presenton botOMts , and MIN to their filling station loonted in Block 7, S0, of Senborne Midway Addition, also desdribed ae 1161 IIniversity Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints for this station and do not find that the remodeling of the present driveways to this station will materially interfere with traffio. From a traffio standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of tbie permit. Yours truly, gory 1. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic 1* CITY OF 6T. PAUL IL[O Iry TR[ CITY ORIGINAL clanrc s oFFlca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application F r. License AUTOMOBILE / 19 DATE—'.,1--- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made — -- AMa 0—IF-1 I,�— BY —OR iN0 FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A ------= iv[IR OR INeIOa aAF�Ac 3v 111 FTO RELOCATED ON LOT ALSO DESCRIBED A6 InoOITION---- 1 - . --- . NO OF OAS TANKS _ H CAPACITY OF EACTANK NOOF PUMPS FILED N/ el BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK CITY PLANNING BOARD CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration "42? .o Aug. 14, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council req,rested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Unit 011 Co. for permission to install an additional driveway at their filling station at 1161 University Ave., also described as the northwest corner of Dunlap St. and University Ave. yours very truly, City Clerk. �. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, C arm n AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWINH. LUNDIE BERNARD J. .cGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN HARLES BASSFOR D. Co, Ar111-0 :3e01GE H. HERROLD. F, ',nc.. Secy—” THE BOARD OF ZONING FSidbl,,h,d by Ordinance No. 5840 July Th, 1922 ,HINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 119 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. o'Connell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir August 13th, 1940• In the matter of application of the Unit 011 Company for an additional driveway in connection with the remodeling of their filling station at the northwest corner of Dunlap and University. This is on Lots 29 and 30, Block 7, Sanborn's Miawey Addition, also known as llbl University Avenue. The plans submitted show a standard arrangement with the driveway nearest the corner starting b ft. 10 inches from the property line. This driveway will be 19 ft. wide thus leaving a 30 ft. island between the new driveway and the existing driveway to the west. This is a remodeling job and the eaditionel driveway does not require notice or hearing. The Board of Zoning recocmnend that the permit be granted on this plan. Yours very truly, J/ GEORGE Y.. HEKROLD, _ Engineer Secretary. f eh-rh �J C%Ty op S � a THE BOARD OF ZONING Estabh�h ed 6, Ord mance No. 5840 July 71h, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE August 13th, 1940. ARTHUR 5. MILINOWSKI C arm a� AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE LERNARD J. i.iGLYNt! E GIN WA CHARLES BASS,ORD. C.•) A11h�e<! -iEORGE H. HERROLD. _r ��er Se v e!ary Mr. Barry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Deer Sir : In the matter of application Of the Unit 011 Company for an additional driveway in connection with the remodeling of their filling station at the northwest corner of Dunlap and University. This is on Lots 29 and 30, Block 7, Sanborn's Midway Addition, also known as llbl University Avenue. The plans submitted shout a standard arrangement with the driveway nearest the corner starting b ft. 10 inches from the property line. This driveway will be 19 ft. wide thus leaving a 30 ft, island between the new driveway and the existing driveway to the west. This is a remodeling Job and the additional driveway does not require notice or hearing. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted on this plan. a Yours very truly, GEORGE H'. HhaiROLD, (( Engineer Secretary. ah-rh ! llrigipel we y k CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO[NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK Wy-GOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �- _ -- DAT August 20, 1940 COMMISSIONER --.. _..__ _ ---- RES8EM: That license for Restaurant, application 43314, On Sale Malt BeveBege, application 43315, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43316, applied for by Sam M. Ferraro at 525-7 Broadway St. be and the same are hereby granted and the dty clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 1, 1940, 013 Location. COUTICILMEn gees nays Barjtlss ,4indlan ,-Oarranto Peterson _ __-tn Favor -'Rosen /1 Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough ,in a -a, cs vsne C. F. No. 119919—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Pnrrnnto—S. S. Flndlan— Resolved, " Ilcense for '-'a- ,art,application 43314, On Sale Malt Beverage, pp I lection 43315, and Ott Sale Malt Beverage, application 43316, applied for by Sam M. Ferraro at 525-7 Brnndwny St. be and the Ictrac re hereby granted and the City Cleric Is Instructed to Issue uel, license, upon the payment int, the city treas- ury of the required Pees. Adopted by the Council Aug. 20, 1940. Approved Aug. 20. 1940. (August 24, 1940) AN 9,Q 190 Adopted by the Council _ -. -- -_..__ 194_ _ Approved --__- Tnayo - v C. F. No. 119920—By G. H. Barfuee— ; } aripioel to CI lark Regio ve Farra' That tolls. S. Flndtonan— DPlled Por Ct� (by the persons nn d the list t- ;OUNCIL tache' " this reaolu[lon be d the IL[ NO. OFFICE I m e Hereby granted and ttie City Clerk ale instructed to issue h ll- PUNCIL RESOL ea"aea upon the pay rose, Int- the eity or treasurr f the required feee. Adopted by the C eil A Approved Aug. 20 194ug. 20, 1940. 0. COMMISSIO PRESENTED BY (August 24 1940) NER_ llet 2D, 1940 -_ ..— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the require! fees: Sohleh Bros.X 460 Como Ave. Ice Station App. 42170 Renewal Art Tf cle 602 N. Dale St. Gas Station " 43298 " Kisoh Bros. 689 N. Snelling Grocery " 45309 " Randolnh Ice & Fuel Co. Palace & Snelling Ice Station " 43620 " A. Melamed 130 E. Colorado Ice Delivery " 4333u " Ted Bies 1141 Forest St. Grocery " 43366 " John Brant 736 Edmund St. Bakery " 43367 " Joseph Selbitsohka 558 Edmund Ave. Restaurant " 43569 " It n On Sale Malt " 43370 " It It Fi4f'f Sale Malt " 43371 " Stephen Berg! 690 N. Dale St. Grocery " 43393 " Ydm. C. Doran 13ul E. 7th St. Ice Station " 43427 " John Esch 1120 Beech St. Grocery " 43466 " Henry Pariseau Grocery 1406 WhiteBeargrmuiryx " 43471 " Off Sale Malt 1406 White Bear 43472 " Hildebrandt Bros. 43-45 E. Fifth St. Hotel " 43473 " Wm. Gerdta 382 Front St. Gas Station " 43475 " M. J. Cummings 1938 St. Clair Ave. Con'ectionery " 43476 " Laurence H. Erickson 780 Grand Ave. Barber " 43480 " AUG ?p 990 CODRCILmEn Adopted by the Council Deas nays Fluss 'Findlan A roved___________ Parranto _ In Favor ^ Rosen / alcor Truax AgainL— Mr. President, McDonough edln..1 to city Cl .�. Vw CITY OF SAINT PAUL couaca Fllli NO OFFICE OF THE CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -NERAL FORM PRESENTED B DATE Aussjuet ZO, 1940 COMMISSION -0_. RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, applioatioA 43414, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Malt Beverage, application 43416, applied for application 43415, and On Sale by Dennis Mulhall at 707 E. Third St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. '\ C. F- No. 119921—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Pr"" Resolved, That licenses for Restau- nt, application 48414, OR Snie hlalt Beverage, pplica[lon 43415, and On Sale M it Beverage, ' pplicatlon 43416, applied for by Dennis Mulhnll at 707 H. Third St, be and the s e here- etrortea`ed n Issue nd ltsuch City l c�,lnrk ses l u pon the payment Into the city trensury oe the squired fees. Adopted by the Council Arg. 20, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, ?940. (August 24, 1940) New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 6, 1940, Old Location. AUG `� 6 194 C011IlCILMEn Adopted by the Council Ileas nags /Barjuss i Approved__ __ —--- —194 _ ---findlan --parranto In Favor pelepoen or i Rosen C� Truax P.. .. _. Against Mr. President, McDonough am 1-4q Cs -- 0.lpm.1 1. city ,�.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -,,VrCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV , M 11� _ _ DATE-- August 20, 1940 1v _--_— COMMISSIONER - - — — — -- - ----- - -- - —_ RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: He E. Dickinson 261 E. 5th Ste Restaurant App. 43068 New New Location J. E. Sundberg 1103 Arcade St. Gas Station " 43x75 " Old n Burns & Wall Oil Co. 640 N. Prior Gas Station " 43604 " Old " Frank L. Ryan 1940 St. Clair Ave. Gas Station " 4361V " Old " Mrs. Minnie Kennedy 580 Cedar Ste Foodstuff VP. " 43644 " " n rc n " Vehicle Pedaler " 4a645 It Pauline Rudoy 8'L N. Milton Grocery It 43262 " Old Locat It" n n 11 11 Off Sale Malt 43223 " Floyd V. Edgar 1161 University Gas Station " 43181 " It n C. F. No. 119922—By C. H. nurf—e— W. A. Parrunto—J. S. FIn01an— RL-1-d, That licenses pplied for by the persons n lld on the list s t- tuched to this 1 solution be and the Clerk uls instruli­ebctedn toel ssue slle uch`illy trcasu rupof tlhe payment into the city y o resulted fees. Adoptedby the Council Aug. 20, 1040. Approved Aug. 20, 1940. (August 24, 1940) councILTREn Deas nags �_arfuss Findlan ,1_11arranlo Petal so /IP osen Truax Mr. President, McDonough Adopted by the Counoil=:. _1940- t94___ i r ved --- -- --t94_ - In Favor? _- /r — — Ma179 - Agains(�� Original to City Cl rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL oiNca NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,siQ�t3CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTTED BY ,/Y� IINN _._ DATE August 20, 1940 COMMISSIONER_. �� RESOLVED, That license for Restaurant, application 43283, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43284, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43285, applied for by Albert Pavlick at 1175 W. 7th St. be and the ea)ne are hereby granted ana the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, July 30, 1940, Old Location. COnnCiLMEn fleas nays �rfuss -"Findlan /¢arranto Fetergun'----- /Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sul s -4o CS ]ssse C. F. No. 119923—By GA. . H. Barfu.e— Resran oly d. That llc'e,na ar' Heatau_ .seers DDlfcatlon 43283,'On Sale Malt Sale Mxl[ Be4elicatiOn 4.3284' and Off pPlletl for by Albert Palvlicka t41176 kr. 7th 3285 S[8^ e and the s hereby granted d the Cltya Clerk le In- trueted to issue each licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury oP ` he re4ulred fees. Adopted by the COuncil APg. 20, 1940. Approved Aug. 20, 1940. (August '�4. 1940) Adopted by the Council MUG ?, 0 '1940 194 _ oved_ _-_ln Favor Against C. F. No. 119924—By W. A. Parranto— orlgin.l t. City Clerk R... I—d, That the Board or Water CITY OF SA Comrnleatonera be a a tt la nereny nu- 't NO._ thorized to enter Into agreement OFFICE OF TH wlth Rr Vi,'laeki ..i r the COUNCIL RESOLUTIOrpaNERA'L'F'ORM n t i , PRESENTED BY `,�A;`n1n ­._.August 2�i.,... 1940 COMMISSIONER_-���'-Ein-tO - -.. --- -_ -- RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ray Polaski, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $19.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of i4juries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 30th day of August 1939, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Ray Polaski the sum of $9.60 out of the Water Department Fund in final settlement of his claim against the said Board, being for the period to and including September 9, 1939. councILmEn Deas � flays `13ar(uss _,T'indlan h1arranto -Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough IM >-ao Cs a»+s AUG 20 1840 Adopted bit the Council _ 194- - v -- 1 ° 'i` r ��r Approve -_._----194-- In Favor- MirtIor L-GBLibHED_____� r rNTEB DI y OSDEHa. C. F. No..1111111— avlden7ng F� s ]r .fie m it of opening� zc[lon COUNCIL FILE NO. --.--- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of land inftheState northeasterly Fillmore Ave. by taking and condemning a triangular piece corner of lot 6, Block 7, Marshall's Addition, bounded by a line described as follows' Beginning on the northwesterly line of said lot, 7 feet from the northeast corner thereof, thence to said northeast corner, thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said lot, 7 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning,' pprove under -Preliminary Order L9994 __—__-_ a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby and adopted, and the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved hereby ordered to be proceeded with, the Council recommends is open, widen and extend 2. That the nature of the improvement which and condemning a triangular the intersection of State St. and Fillmore Ave. by taking piece of land in the northeasterly corner of lot 6, Block 7, Marshall's Addition, bounded by a line described as follows' Beginning on the northwesterly line of said lot, 7 feet from the northeast corner thereof, thence to said northeast corner, thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said lot, 7 feet, thence northwesterly to point o�� bee,�3nnin , with no alternafives, angel'that the estimated cost thereof is $-- `>0-=0�— l7th day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on_th Se tember 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of House and City said meeting to the persons and in the ane, I cost thereof as estimatedear the time and place o ear - in ing, the natur_O of the improve AUG 2, 193_ -- Adopted by the Council_ —-------' 193 f . i tifAUG 20 ft._�s, Cle Approved----- ayo File 9060 Councilman Parfuee 1�' ' 1l�13L- i1ED Councilman-="=:�:'� Findlan Councilman l s.� EUU-- Councilman Councilman Councilman = Truax Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No, 119926— In the matter of opening, widening and extending the Intersection of State St. and St. Lawrence St. by taking 1:'tl condemning a triangular place _ —d In the southwesterly corer 11. Addlttou2l,t DUBnwel'. 9 by a line describ- nning on the vaI'd, lot, 6 F COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of State St. and St. Lawrence St. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in the south- westerly corner of lot 11, Block 21, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as followst Beginning on the southwesterly line of said lot, 6 feet from the southwesterly corner thereof, thence to said southwesterly corner, thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said lot, 6 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning, under Preliminary Order_ 119586 approved July 19, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend the intersection of State St. and St. Lawrence St. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of lot 11, Block 21, Du.Iwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as follows-. Beginning on the southwesterly line of said lot, 6 feet from the Southwesterly corner thereof, thence to said southwesterly corner, thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said lot, 6 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th day of September, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hal? Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe -sons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the ir; orovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilAl IG-frt►-rte -- 193 AUG 20 Approved 193 City Cle File 9059 / ' y Councilman old -g I;ar yY — t'UuLISHMT) � � � �' W 0 Councilmanv_ _-g-;-^•7 Finrl lac / Councilman i .w__a I ;,,ran, Councilman Councilman Councilman Truax Mayor Ml Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO._ C. F. No. 119927— In the matter of grading and surfacing lley In Chute Bros. Division No. 4 fru. St. Alban. St to Dale 9t.: also netru ding a sewer n the westerly _r vr.� F tee[ of ^oLot 4 f m th, i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St. to Dale St.= also constructing a sewer on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from the said alley to the sewer in Lafond Ave. under Preliminary Order_ 119406 __._approved July 9. 1940. --- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St. to Dale St. Also construct a sewer on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from the said alley to the sewer in Lafond Ave. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $107.10. _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th __ _day of September, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciLlUG 20_ _ 193____ Approved 193 /� City Cle File 9052 yo Councilman kM2EzM3kEmM Pirrf*19s / kUBLISHED_ a i- _ L'o Councilman S"� Findlart / - - Councilman "z Pnrranto 4 Councilman_.:.- - Councilman'== I oacu Councilman fi�enmb"� Tn�aa ;Mayor \1*LoaS3F.­ Form S. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 119928— In the matter of condemning and tak- inment for the purpose f con. truetl�g and maintaining a pub - Ile s11fee, under and across the en[erlyr 4 - ea-terly 6 COUNCIL FILE NO._—__—__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from Lafond Ave. to the Alley in rear of said lot; also a temporary easement for construction purposes on the easterly one-half of said lot 8, except part covered by permanent easement above described and except part occupied by building and permanent structures, under Preliminary Order— 119408 approved_ July 9 1940. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from Lafond Ave. to the Alley in rear of said lot; also a temporary easement for construction pur- poses on the easterly one-half of said lot 8, except part covered by permanent easement above described and except part occupied by building and permanent structures, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $— 50.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thr 17th __day of September, 1940 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of .Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AU'u H v .0C-, 193 AOG 20 1 A0 Approved 19 City Clerk File 9050 or Councilma Barfn 9H- q0 Councilmar� Fin(ilan i Councilmats&WNMR=u=�- 11nrranto _ Councilman Councilma- -� Hosen Councilman---�' Truax Mayor 7s�.�y- ,jc1)onauzh Form B. S. A. 8.6 C. F. No 119929 In the m Iter of c ndemningd tak- ing a easement In the land eces- ary for slopes, cute and fills in [he grading and surfacl ng �f A11eY In Ch" COUNCIL FILE NO.._— By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St, to Dale St. under Preliminary Order 119407 _ __approved Jud 9 1940_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of Alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St. to Dale St., in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 17th _day of September, 1940 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciLLAUG 201� 193__ FUG 1940 Approved 193 ity Clerk File 9051 y r Councilman lnnzjd.- uL. iSliFil 4' ND Councilman Councilman .p - Councilman finwft-- Councilman„ee❑ Councilman Truax Mayor Nilbaggam Mcllonougb Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing Alley in Block 13, Arlington Hills Addition from Greenbrier Street to Walsh Street C. F. No. 119930- 1- the matter of grading and surPac- "•$ Aon n—in fromBI-k Gr�r br13tler�S t. n ,nd 'IrJnV­ under Preliminary Order—__119492 _ _.-approved _1uly 41940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface Alley in Block 13, Arlington Hills Addition from Greenbrier Street to Walsh Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 683.23. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th ___day of September, 1940 XMIP , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL__=-- -- 193—. _. AUG 20 Approved------- 1 3_--__ City Clerk File 9064 - - ---- Iv;„yor AhcDoxaich� , i;;irt ss rUUi1JHEll -all- Ub Councilman Councilman b4ay-. --I 1z:'.'i6: , / _ - Councilman $earE ;i: _- F:4Ir .;Ito ! \ Councilman Councilman Councilman q%WfMdz� t Truax Mayor MW e„- ?i<<4 n-tizh Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. - ---- ii INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 13, Arlington Hills C. F. h'o. 119931— Addition from Greenbrier Street to Walsh Street 1nitgea.,atter nfn; n theliandnd tak- ary for slopes, cuts and fills In `the grading and surfacing of the Alley o Block l3_, !rl�ngton Hills Addl- f- 3t. to Welsh n^d— 11^403, 119403 _— _approved July 9 1940 _- under Preliminary Order -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 13, Arlington Hills Addition from Greenbrier Street to Walsh Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -17th --day of September 1940 X"X- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciLa� '`--- —, 193—_ AUG2.0 394 0 — City Clerk Approved — 3— File 9063 ` or Councilman D-3 fiarin= Yl;,;t,lsHED - f4 Councilman Councilman Councilman fMkq- '-`— Councilman -Councilman W—'" ' Mayor M #-. c: Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO_ ___ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Barrett St. from Hatch Ave. to West Jessamine Ave. C. F. To. 119932— In[rom Halcht rA Ce.0tn bW,.nTessam'e Ord 11930' under Preliminary Order-- 119304 .____approved June 28 19 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissione of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Barrett St. from Hatch Ave. to West Jessamine Ave. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1378.63. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of September, 1940 1044 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilAUG-NO-19-0--, 193 MAW File 9053 Councilman McDonald- - Mlaya4- a Li Councilman Councilman Pearce' Councilman Councilman Councilman wenzet='�-"'^ Truax Mayor Mme.-. 2lcllunuu ¢h Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.------ INTERMEDIARY O.—_- — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Hartford Avenue from Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street r. F. Yo. 113933— In the matter of urb ,e Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to South Wheeler 6r. under Preliminary ord r-np- •. .,, .7•n. ^¢, 1910. m• .. i. ,1 119302June 28, 1940. under Preliminary Order—— _--approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Hartford Avenue from Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 670.13. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 18th --day of S�antemher,1W ,xb0df , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and A140____ tthe total cost thereof as estimated. AUG c Adopted by the Council o193— AN Approved_) 194 .19 Cit erk File 9054 Ma t / � Q Councilman McDer arf �Ut3L1SHE V_ au`4 Councilman Wy'. --'.`3 3 Findlan Councilman Yar,anto CouncilmanTM "«tremr— Councilman Roeen CouncilmanZV° T- Truaz Mayor tea- Di,!,:,n„uayt Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO— By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Hartford Avenue from Maealester St. to Davern St. C. F. No. 110924— tt .. In the maer of curbing Hartford Ave. from Macalester at: to Davern BL, under Prell.l. Order 111111, ayhperoved 'nae 28, 170. or Bt: Paul hapto, �s 'int a- the Qom- under Preliminary Order 119305 approved June 28, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said ,improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Hartford Avenue from Macalester St. to Davern St. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,044.36. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of September, 1940 190ix— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and AUG 20 ital cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council , 193— l-� f AUG 20 190 Annroved 193. �_ _ City Clerk File 9056 Councilman Barfuas `' i'jJjIj,ISHED ��- a�yU Councilman l�t`y"-•a'� Findlan Councilman Parranto /O Councilman lfvselti - L� Councilman Rosen Councilman- ' Truax . Mayor tv1 -. PI IJ�rnumh Form B. S. A. 8-6 , 1.9985 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In,the Matter of ourbing the southerly aide of Parkway Drive from Iowa. Avenue, to Payne Avenue C. F. No. 119936— In theatter t curbing the southerly lde or Parkway Drive from Iowa Ave. to Payne Ave., under Prellm!- t:..<arr June under Preliminary Order 119300 approved June 28 IM The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement`is Hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb the ,a outherly side of Parkway Drive from Iowa Avenue to Payne Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 434.93. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of Rept—ber. 1960 %*L_ at the hour of 10 o'cloclyA. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Bbilding in the City of St. Paul. That%the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc;IAI IG 20 00 193— AUG 201940 Approved 1 City Cler File 9056 ayor Councilman Bari— g. �_ s(0 Councilman Find(an Councilman Parranto Councilman ^ 3ete"9091- Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor mpw*_'�n McDonough Form B. 6. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Soheffer Avenue from Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street C.F. No. 119939,— 3. thematter of curbing ScheQer Ave. + from Fatrview Ave. to 9onth Wheeler 9t., under Preliminary Order The C,. approved June 22, 1940. The Council tlt tho City of St. Paul e r e,.. b . under Prelimmary Order 119303 approved June 28 1940 , Tht Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abw a improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Seheffer Avenue from Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 989.79 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of September, 1940 p®0.1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cgg}}ounciLy�A9�]19QG 20 ,, 193_ AUG 20 yid'f19 �� ' s-�T File 9057 Councilman NVOOMPPM Barfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman _ Parranto 1 �' �J Councilmane e� Councilman 1qVijiZza�- Rosen Councilman, t4 '' Truax Mayor M ---; MCD00011gh Form B. S. A. 8-6' E Council File No.... 1.:".1T)37 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Recoastryctin&, !ley$..........P.....alkonthesouthr ...g........... ............. a.ide..ot . Rpke..St�eeet . trpaa. Bibi? . S4F@et..tP..P.leasant, �venne............... ............. .................................................................. ............................................................. 16th 9 , Dated this.. .............day of.............. August.................,. 1 �— .G�.-:........ rn,e� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERBAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructi., rel. in and re ,airin the sidewalk on the south gtreetI . to .Pleeaeat• Apenne........ • .. . ............... „,ira�. Bs..W.CI.•.treat 5.. ..... ........................... .................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......... P -.:...i.... .............................. therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To.investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3• To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......... F7p o•'�.............. YEAS NAYS .................. Councilman BARFUSS Approved .............. AUG.2-0- jp FINDLAN PARRANTO -y ROSEN Ma or. TRUAX MR PRESIDENT'��L1SIED N- N I 18 Council File No.........9.911 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: „ the, eidewalk.on. the. south. aide .... of.Ramsey„Street Prom Pleasant Ayenue, thence east 940 feet. .............................................................................................................................. Dated this... 20th...... day of ................ Augus............. :.., 19y0.... �.'L Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..... econstructing,,,relg4ing, and, repairing the sidewalk on the south aide ............ af. Earasey . stzeat. Sxom .Pleasant. Avenue, ..thence . ea. 3AO..deet......................... . ................................................................................... C. F. No. 119938— .. AfttraM. ................ ................................................................... , having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..........::. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Y , 1940 a V�Adopted by the Council............ 2.. 1 ....................... YEAS NAYS AU6 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved...................2.U............................ FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN... .... ......................................... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT ��' eUJ311SBED '6 'Al, 1AA� "4 1M 12.38 OdAlnel to City Clerk _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fl LIE NO. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION» -GENERAL ¢ PRESENTED BY COMM13310NER-- ��' DATI Resolved, That John S. Findlan,, Comm ispiaaex of Fnanee, of the City of St. Paul, be and he, is hereby dire'" d"to attend the Thirty-third Annual Conference of the National Tax Association to be held in the City of Nein York, New, York,- 'September 9 to 12, inclusive and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse John S. Findlan for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said conference. Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A3• COl1nciLmEn Seas nags .-'Fin Ian PPartafifo " n ln Favor os izlent 4ttoT3o lou em a-ao cs asses I 1 AN 211940 Adopted bq the Council ,194 AN 21 SO . Oriilmd to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE,CTTy CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BY yy//�� •-- __ - COMMISSIONER— _ DA Resolved, ,That Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer of the City of St. PaUl, be and he is hereby directed to attend the Thirty-third Annual Conference of the National Tax Association to be held in the City of Now York, Now York, and the Seventh National Conference of the National Association of Assessing Officers to be held in the City of Baltimore, Maryland, both from September 9 to 12, inclusive; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Leonard C. Seamer for such traveling expenses incurred by.him in attending said conferences, Charge Finance Department Fund, Code 6-A9. C. F. No. 119940—BY John S. Flndlan— Resolved, That Leopard C. Besnier, Valuation and Aaesnement Engineer the City oI.11, Fee 1, be ad ke.ie here- by d,_ted° to attend the Thirty-third I. Annual Conference of the. Natlonal Tax Aeaociatlon to be held In the City of i New York, New York, d the Seventh Noelonal : Conference...*[ t1 .National Aaoociation L Aseeasing Officers to be heldin the City of Baltimore, Mary- land, both from September 9 to 12, Incluslye; nd be It Further Resolved, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorlxed and directed, to reimburse Leonard C. Seamer for such traveling expennee Incurred by him in attending said conference.. Charge Finance Deparment Fund. Code 6-A2. Adoptedby the Council Aug. 21, 1940. Approved Aug. 21 1840. (August $4, 1940) Adopted by the Connoit_ AUG(t�i1f �+� i A_ -- 9 AUG 21 IN ppro/need __ t94_ ------ =In Fatwr / Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cFILfiout4clL NO ­ OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C�CIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL*ORM CRESENTED MM STED BY _. ,110RLAS, the Sinking Puna Committee has received the following offer; NAME OP FIRM SIND OF BOND RATE MATURITY AMOWT BASIS E. . Rollins & Sons City of Saint Paul 6 N July 1,1951 1.000 2. and recommends that the council concur in the action Of the Committee in the purchase of this bond for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WEM S, the Council is of the opinion tilat_the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Finance, and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUTICILMETI I]eas Tlays Lndlall Ss arrano /t ost e>n �4t',tiaaa� }Tlcl�eclelreTh-1 sm n_)AjWnd Vicc Pres. (Truax 119941—By John S.,Flndlan— nsTh. Sint recelvedm the following' cur inme In the purchase of this bond Lor, the Particlpatlug Qertlflcate - Fund, and Whereas, The Council is of the pin- t Lon that the above, offer should be i accepteit d, therefOie- be if, t Resolved, That the Mayn d or, the onm- in [mroller tie sadEthey or. herebyeauthor- lzed and -directed to consummate the ,l transaction. Adopted by the COunnll Aug. 21, LB40. Approved Aug. 21 1940. ' (August �4, 3940) i AUG 211W Adopted by the Council__. _ 1a4-- aUG 21 MO - Approved_. -- -----------184--.. In Favor __-_-- --- Against endo -1 to cl Clerk .11911-0 24 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FLSMCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL fjRM PRESENTED Y August 21, 1940 COMMISSIONER___. _—_____.__. __ _.______ _._ ___..__ DATE WHEREAS: Jacob J. Effenberger desires to withdraw application 43293 for Tavern license and application 43294 for Dance Ball license at 1145-7 Rice St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOUM: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Jacob J. Effenberger the fee of $200. and $15.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUTICILMEn Ijeas hays �s Findlan on /Truax ,,,Mr. President, McDonough .in .•.. Cs ..... C. F. No. 119942—By G. H. Barfuss- 7. e. Findlan— Iree t0ewi the aw appliaatlon 43299 foder Tavern lloenee and application 49294 for Dance Hall ilcenee at 1145-7- Rice 9L and requests the return of the 1f - b. jL fee depostled thereon, tperefore, ceraeba and theytarn hereby authcity riz d to refund to Jacob J. Effenberger the fee of $200 and ;15.00 and to cancel j Bald applications forllceneea. Adopted by the Council Aug. 21, 1940. Approved Aug. 21 1940. (August �i9, 1940) f AUG 21190 Adopted by the Council_._____—_—_____tBa__ AUG 21190 roved—.----- _.._In Favor - - _ - Ina r _ _Agains 1 C. F. No. 119948—BY ti.- T3.""Barlueo-- Parranto—J. d Lor ^ ^ a to CI ler Reeolved, That licensee theevvI' named on the list _ e,141se1 Y by the-petsone. he DUNCIL CITY Cl tsched to thio reeolutton be the Cite and the City La hereb.t.d NO. - ems are to I OFFICE C1 Clerk is lnetruoted -toy tease. such 1 y upon. the yaym6at into the city Cou%uu RESOL c eneee t-ii, the the C uncn Aug. 21, 1940. le Approve(Aufu 1141918¢0) 21, 1940 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_—__---- ------- -- VSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instaaeted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Edmond J. Sullivan 171 w. 4th St. Hotel App. 43417 Renewal Herbert Christensen 144 E. Fifth St. Pawnbroker " 43469 11 A. C. Buchanan 1334 W. Minnehaha Barber " 43492 " F. w. Woolworth Co. 55-61 E. 7th St. Florist " 43489 Case Benkowski 633 Rice -St. 2nd Hand Dlr." 43490 " (auto Pte) Abe Wegofeky 468 State St. Vehicle Peddler 43492 " n it If n Foodstuff VP. 43493 " Clemens & Fahey 1459 St. Clair St. Grocery W. 43499 " n n If " Off Sale Malt If 43499 Freeman Gas & Oil Co. 392 Rice St. Gas Station It 43501 " H. E. Saul 962 Earl St. Gas Station " 43502 " A. N. Barthes 495 S. Snelling Gas Station " 43505 " Dave Diamond 110 State St. Confectionery 11 43512 " Leslie P. Murphy 690 St. Peter Vehicle Peddler 43515 " If n n n Foodstuff VP. 43516 it Oil -Electric Co. 2921 Stevens,Mpls. 011 Burner App. 43519 11 Harry O'Gary 270 E. 13th St. Vehicle Peddler 43520 If if If 11 " Foodstuff VP. 43521 11 Bereco Cil Co. 39 W. Water St. Gas Station 43525 If Harry Pittelkow 599 Wabasha St. Grocery Up. 43526 " C011i1C1LMER leas nails Barfuss Findlan Favor Rosen Truax — ----Against Mr. President, McDonough ,in s -4o CS n.... Adopted by the Council _ - _ --194--- 0 Approved ----_-- _194 --- mayor OrldInnl b City C1. k ry i 1� 1 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL couivea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'�� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER --.----- — - - DATE 2_ Sarah Sigel 956 E. 7th St. Grocery App. 43529 Renewal Herman Marten 16g0 Grand Ave. Grocery " 43535 " n n n n Off Sale Malt n 43536 " Isreal Hackner 1090 Earl St. Grocery " 43537 " Nov$ck Bros. 300 S. Snelling Gas Station " 43539 " Jos. Felger 7g6 Randolph St. Bakery " 43540 n Edmund A. Schmidt 107 Concord St. Bowling Alleys " 43542 n R. H. Adams 742 N. Snelling Restaurant " 43545 " On Sale Malt " 43546 if Off Sale Malt " 43547 ^ H. C. Eilers 1971 E. Minnebaha Grocery ^ 43549 ^ n n n n Off Sale Malt ^ 43550 " Cooperative Inc. 394 N. Prior Ave. Grocery ° 43551 " J. G. Longendyke 63 W. Winifred Restaurant " 43555 " x n n n On Sale Malt " 43556 n " it 11 " 0£f Sale Malt " 43557 " Mrs. Anna Fiedler 100 Earl St. Restaurant " 43559 " On Sale Malt ^ 43559 " x n n n n Off Sale Malt It 43560 It J. P. Quigley 2057 Marshall Ave. Gas Station ^ 43567 " Alex Riden 419 Sibley St. Restaurant " 43571 ^ Orvie Cohen 141 E. Robie St. Foodstuff VP. ^ 43572 " " it 11 " Vehicle Peddler ^ 43573 " Ned Engler 944 White Bear Ave. Bakery n 43577 x C011IlCILmEn Adopted bg the Councim.n'M_ 194__ I]eas � nags /rurs AUG 211 /lan pproued_____. 194_-__ Peterson _ _ _� In Favor Magor _Y,efen -Truax j/nr, -President, McDonough Sm .do CS o..- Petition 11() (1,14 Council File No ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and AL PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing Sherburne Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street .......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................... ... .......................................... I ...... ............ ......................................................................................... �............................ Dated this.... 20th..... day of .............. A?wW? ........................ .,, 1 ... _ ........................ �-............... ......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..........AWCb�kg.r`�1?expVgC>��.Agenue„trom,Grotto.Street to Avon Street ............................ ..................................................................................... C. F. 1qo.:119944 Abmacb ..................................................................................... ne, A � •^ nor a 6e ................................................................................... , ...` W..... ^Q i..... �. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .� Adopted by the Council............e.' ..a .......................... YEAS NAYS AUG 211940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO —PEiER8911�� ROSEN1 ..................................... TRUAX Mayor MR. PRESIDENT Iti 12.39 Petition -11191944 119194 9 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and `v PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Curbing Sherburne Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street ...................................................................................................I...................... ..................................................................................................................... ..... .............................................................................................................................. ............... I .......... I...... Y .......................................................... f............................. Dated this .... 20th..... da of .............. A?!?st......................... ..., 19�..... ............. ..................`............�................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,,,,..,,,,CUFp��g.he�p>e,Ayenue, Prom, Grotto Street to Avon Street ..................................................... ..................................................................................... C. F. X..:119944— Ab.tracf, .._. _ .. . ..................................................................................... . A • o.u' nor a he ........................................................................ . r ... ..... x having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the, making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of .the fya%.°o��r��e��grroing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. PY Adopted by the Council............ —2,.19t' ................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved...., AUG.21...IMO ..................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO .��PffER99lii� ROSEN'.............. ...................... . TRUAX Mayor MR. PRESIDENT -u;D yo IN IL38 petition 119945 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.ti. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz Qopgtpgot,a,sewer.on.Arlington, Avenue from Quincy Place to s point 30 feet west. of.North,Victorie Street .......................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... Dated this.... 20th..... day of ................. Auanet................ ......, 1 ..... ........................................ .... ....\ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: popgt�µct.,e.,sewer,.on./Irlington.Aveaue from Quincy Place to a point 30 feet ............................................................. west of North Victoria Street .................... C. F. No. uasas— Abxtm L .................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 21194 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PARRANTO f �PRfRSeN "" `°` _ ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT Approved ........... APP. 21.1940 ..................... Mayo �,��F NO yUBLISHGD Petition Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEaENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: QoaQtruot.s.�ewer,on.Hoyt,Ageaue,,Prom a Roint 75, feet .sat of Lexington Avenue .to the terminus of existing sewer 220 Peet west of North Oxford Street ....................... .............................................................................................................................. ............... Dated this.... 20th..... day of...................Mg..................X�� ................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qonstruot, a. sewer, on,Hoyt. Apenue.Yram a point 75 Peet east of Essington Avenue ..to..the..te=1Anue..Qf.exjeta.Ag. Oxford Street ................... ......................................................... ...... .............. ....... C. F. No. 119946-- ........................................ I ........................................... 19998—.................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......... f r', :.`...t. ..::7 ........ :............ r:'.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing [matters tothe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................�8............. YEAS NAYS [� Councilman BARFUSS Approved ......... AUG .21 1940 ..................................... FINDLAN PARRANTO —PEiERSem— ROSEN......... ..t ........................................ TRUAX May MR. PRESIDENT �� HO xusLlsx�� IM 12.38 Petition I()q'q dq Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz .... CQUAtsuct..sewer.on.WoBt LOW.son.ApeAye..iron, Cimmberland.,Street.to..125.,feet,east... .... of• Owberland--Street:....................................................................................... ....... _....................................................................................... ...................................... Dated this ... 20th...... day of ................... August........... r.................................................1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A .written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .....;..4onstruCt.��leeT..oi[.Wa4t.T,glq$oq.,gggpue,.irom,C>m�berland Street to 12� feet east 9R..GW4b.QF.�a�$..Street................................................ C. r. No. 119949— .......................................... Abetenet. Whereas, A W -Litt" •� +npoeal for the - aktnr of tt ten' ^ —t. ................................................................ 'v. r' d' - .; '..;v having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ........................... ........................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................AUG..2.1..19.4.0 ......... .............. YEAS NAYS nnAAAA Councilman BARFUSS Approved.....AUG FINDLAN PARRANTO .�AETlRZCIC"� ROSEN << TRUAX f- Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT iN 12,39 r,'ULSLISHELI'�^" T 1W v DUPLICATE TO CITY ROLL CALL CLERK CITY OF EAI OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I COUNCIL FILE NU BAnFUSS FIN LAN D C F. 119948— '.che III, 11"Tel',, checks be dra­ I PET R N ---IN E So ROSEN FAVOR tht, uggregat t 6.1 -111'19 IhIlk, m bared i 26 Ims --wgu-st 19- 4G TRUAX WENZEL AGAIN 6T ��,,,!LoRarra atA 17 c 1. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Adopt`-C11 Aug. 21, 1940. EGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING 1. 1 yG 1 2 '4' 940,o) SERE LU I I.VLIL (August 194 90—Ma ON FIOL I RRnough ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IA, 'TR FS AP'R 193 NUMBER 148 BY ;�'7 TOT AL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DATE . RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 374-31 21 74218 John S. Findlan, 0, of Finance 45 00 27 LG44 66 74219 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 74220 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 00 74221 The Time Ins. Company 3 50 74222 Otto Winklesky do 001 74223 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 33 60: 74224 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 2 921 74225 E.C. Peterson 10 50' 74226 Lawrence Peterson Cons. Comnany 879 50 74227 First National Bank of Saint Paul 3 717 W 74228 Ted Carlson 3 20, 74229 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 219 13 74230 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 go 74231 Mrs. Anna R. Foley6 8 74232 H.W. Ballou 540 1� 124 74233 Refiew Publishing Company 149'64' 74234 Ingvald Anderson 40 w 74235 Ingvald Anderson 46 67 74236 Carl Maronde 3� 42 74237 S. Berglund Lumber Company 2 95 74238 CapStal City Lime & Cement Company 122 67 742�9 Firestone Auto Supply & S.Storee 12 78 74240 Fuel oil & Gas Company 874 25 74241 Goodyear Tire Company 50 86 74242 Lamprey Products Company 1 96. 742 G. Sommers & Company 2 91 742N Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 54 00 74245 Wm. Mattson 3 00 74246 Lysle M. Robbins 76 67 74247 ysle V. Robbins 5 75 74248 �ohn Ledo 25 00 74249 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 940;0 08 74250 County Welfare Board 12 9 79 74251 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 593 36 74252 County Welfare Board 48 936 31 74253 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 807 94 74254 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 108',73, 74255 Minnesota Amusement Company 10'00 74256 Landers, Norblom, Christenson Gompany 1 433'37 74257 National Lumber Company 5 88 74258 Northern States Power Company 438 06 74259 Northern States Power Company 76 68 74260 Quality Park Tavelope Company 3s 42` 74e61 J.L. Sbiely & Company 60 87 74262 W.L. Shiely & Company 3 680 Og SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00 501 292 94 OrlileftVto City Clerk 1 1904 NO -- ----- --- "her. a: . 'h'.". d ings has reported ltbe'coun.tl r "ITY OF : that rtain two or t b that OFACC OF to rl.k buildin 's'4 the alloy COUNCIL RESOLUTIO';'°.q'tr4 , ;Mary of Lot WIW=g, the Commissioner of Parks, PISYPOUn&s and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that cortab two-story brick building located on the east 10 fast Of the alloy adjoining aid -the north 2$ loot Of Lot 13, all of Lots 14 and 15 and %except north 6 fest) 14% 16, Block 1, J. N. *,Bsia Subdivision Of Lots 15, 14, and that part of 13 (11111129 south of the 0. 0%. P. X. & O. R.A.) of Collins' Oullots to St. Paul, also described an No.. 861-883 Vaia6mb Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition RG to warrant Its being oondeaned and torn !own; therefore, be it RESOLVED, %h&t. a- public hearing be had upon the said building, On advisability and necessity of wrecking the 17th day of September, 1940, at ton o'clock A. X. in the Council'Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, xinnesota;.be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that not Igoe them ton days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall sail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to.ths agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the tine, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he Shall 8160 coullIs & notice of such hearing to be given by one publication In the official newspaper of said Citysaid notice to be sapublished not lose than five days prior to the data of id hearing. counciLmEn fleas nails r Findlan __FarrnT0_ A.. /Truax Mr. President, McDonough .M s'... cs 2.... Adopted by the Council __ AUG -22 -IN me, 0o Wo 4P Approved----_ 194---:. ,,4 In Favor /Ulamor, kn- Against — y013LISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL;�� Capital of Minnesota fr OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. a , 19110 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the building located at 881-3 Newcomb St., described as the Nast 10 £t. of alley adjoining and North 28 ft. of Lot 13, all of Lots lk and 15 and (Exc. North 5 ft.) Lot 16, Block 1, J. W. Base Subdivision of Lots 15, 14, and that part of 13 (lying South of the C. St. P. & 0. R. R. ) of Collings Outlote to St. Paul. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. h BASSFORD Supt of Parks Supt of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner August 20, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This Department is receiving complaints relative to the building located at 881-3 Newcomb Street, described as the East 10 Feet of Alley adjoining and North 28 Feet of Lot 13, all of Lots 14 and 15 and (Exc. North 5 Feet) ,Lot 16, Block 1, J. W. Bass Subdivision of Lots 15, 14, and that part of 13 (lying South of the C. St. P.y,7 0. R. R.) of Collin sf Outlots to St. Paul. This building has outlived its usefulness and is in a dangerous condition to life, limb, and adjoining prop- erty. It is an old two story brick building, with the walls cracked, out of plumb, deteriorated beyond repair. It is owned by the First National Bank & Trust Company, Fourth and Minnesota Streets. A Danger Notice has been posted. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yo s truly, City Architeot������G� ]LAR .. U !t \ it j Original to (sty Werk 99.591 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .I 1 DATE___--__ RESOLVED, that the application of the Coca Cola Bottling Company for permission to install a 2,000 -gallon gasoline tank inside of the garage, under the cement floor, at the new plant now being built on Wabash& Street between water Street and Fillaore Avenue, be and the same Is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. nece.lt n 2;000 -gallon - gasoline tank Inside of the garage, under the cement floor, at -the new plant no being built on Wabeaha 3t between Water St. and ;Fillmore A e be and the same le here tiy grant- ed said tank to be Installed In ae- Gorda with the ordinances of the City of eBalnt Paul, d under the dl- reotlon and to the:satiafaetlon of tho 'Commissloner of. Public Safety. Adopted by the Council Aug. 22, 1940. Approved Aug: 22, 1940. (August 24,'1940) COUTIC1LmST1AUG 221940 Adopted by the Council---.-- 9 lJeas -- nags -FiBf�andlan Approve AUG 2219Q ro— lan � --- --1.84-- . ` in Favor 1-fl-ax truax . _Against Mr. President, McDonough aln a-ao as vasa. CITY OF SAINT PAUL.,.,. Capital of Minnesota ;• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 21, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Coca Cola Bottling Co. for permission to install a 2000 -gallon gasoline tank inside of the garage under the cement floor at the new plant now being built on Wabasha St. between Water St. and Fillmore Ave. Yours very tr ly, City Clebc. CLINTON A. HACEERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. SVM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police - Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // . eApttccceat of Public =Sa�el j Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 16, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to a letter attached herewith regarding the placing of a 2000 gallon gasoline tank in the inside of the garage and under the cement floor at the new Coca Cola Plant now being built on Wabasha St. between Rater Street and Fillmore Avenue. Inspection was made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, and his report in favor of such installa— tion is attached herewith. Very t y your Commissioner of Publi Safety I'R EVENT .XCCII)GN'l S WWII CGu, C,,nnnun Sena< - Caunsc THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 9th, 1940, Bon. G. B. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Attached is a letter from Ernest B. Schmidt regarding the placing of 20oo gallon gasoline a tank in the inside of the garage an cement floor at the new Coca Cola Bottling Plant now being built on Wabasha Street between Nater Street and Fill- more Avenue. We have made the usual inspection of this location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity, nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if this installation is allowed. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. NCB/z OFFICE OF ERNEST H. SCHMIDT & CO. ARCHITECTS 313 Coughlan Building MANKA'TO, MINN. July 11, 1910 ire Prevention Bureau Public Ssfety Builuing St. Paul, .6inuesuta vent1emen: ":.e writer called at 'u.0 ui=ice ester(i�• in re tard to ,,asoline t .n:: to be ,)laced in garage. ;e we nut aiildin;; a Coca Cola Bot-ulin,; Pl:nt on ,abasha Street between ;iter unc, =illmore. Tire front .part is to be used as a outtlinE; ?lant and the rear part as a arage. .e Il'✓uld like to place a 3000 gallon tank in the inside of ;'arage under t,.e ce.ient flour. 7e herewith u,)ply for a permit to place such a tank in suid ,,aruge• ill uu :cinal;r ,:ive us � our a?,Iruved ethod of 1»',)ut, recom:r,endatiuns, zT,d cunstructiuns. Venr trily ,)urs, :iili+r,S= ': CHI,:I�1 Ps Cu. By nriploet City Clerk 1 DD CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. NO. OFFICE OF THE C q F. No. 110961—Br G. -H.. Earfass— COUNCIL RESOLUTION".W. A. P-rantq—J. S. rindlan— ReQolved, That licenses a I?d for b the Dersons named. on the+?"-_'.t h d:, •�: Cul!✓ d.; (i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_—_--..____ x- ,g A11g118ti '�'�� .__— _—..__ __._.._—___ •' DATE 1940 RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is.instracted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Hymen Lachman g63 E. 7th St. Butcher App. 43050 Renewal Jennie Dorfsman 500 Rondo St. Butcher " 43243 ^ John N. Schmidt 25 W. 7th St. Butcher ^ 43246 ^ George Janssen 440 University Butcher It 43317 0 Louis Stanley 1491 University 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. It 43326 It Peter Rosenberger 130 W. Winifred Butcher ^ 43325 It Joseph Moses 119 Eaton Ave. Butcher It 43339 ^ Nan Maloney 1359 University Ave. Restaurant ^ 43342 It E. J. Reese 1793 St. Clair Ave. Butcher " 43397 " National Tea Co. 191 N. Snelling Grocery ^ 4�-2 ^ ^ n ^ r Butcher It 43�4f+4 ^ National Tea Co. 617 Grand Ave. Grocery 11 43445 0 ^ ^ ^ It Butcher " 43446 ^ C. J. Beciclund 43 S. Cleveland Ave. Butcher ^ 43503 It It p It ^ Grocery " 43504 ^ Julian Mikatowski 410 Pleasant Ave. Butcher If 43517 " Herman Martens 1690 Grand Ave. Butcher " 43534 It Fred L. Steward 501 Lafayette Butcher ^ 43541 ^ Jerry Wharton 1075 E. Jessamine Confectionery ^ 43562 ^ Mrs. Anna^Drucner T Randolph St. Grocery ^ 4 q^ Butcher ^ 4J;82 " COUTICiLMEn Adopted by the Council_ 1]eas nags Bar{ass Findlan Approved_ __ 194_.. _ ?s:eaeto — ___.____in Favor -VeerWn Magor Rosen Truax ____—Against Mr. president, RlcOonough 3m 3-4e G 23338 Orlpngi L city CNh CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE _NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSION R_ __- .---- DATE -2- J. C. Keplinger 347 Robert St. Restaurant App. 43583 Renewal L. E. Barthol 982 Selby Ave. Gas Station " 43591 " Kalil Soman 490 Greenwood Grocery " 43592 " John H. Eggen 1306 Payne Ave. Confectionery " 4359 " it n fl a Off Sale halt " 4359 " Geo. C. Snyder 2048 Marshall Ave. Bakery " 43596 " J. W. Rogers 437 Marshall Ave. Grocery " 43597 " " " 11 a 0£f Sale Malt " 43598 " J. J. Poepl 451 Mendota Grocery " 43599 " It a n It Off Sale Malt " 43600 " Hyman Burstein 168 E. Congress Grocery " 43601 " a n a n Off Sale Malt " 43602 " fl a 11 n Butcher 11 43603 " John Hager 214 Bremer Arcade Barber " 43607 " Walter F. Schoewe 817 E. Maryland Ave. Confectionery " 43609 " Olaf Waldum 321 university Ave. Grocery " 43611 it Rex Trummrr 923 Randolph Gas Station " 43613 11 Herseth & Bowman 826 Aldine St. Butcher " 43614 " Eli Wiener 136 N. Dale St. Grocery " 43616 " 11 II u n Off Sale Malt " 43617 " AUG 22 1940 C011TICiLmEIl Adopted by the Council _te4--- yeas nays / AUG 22 1940 Approved____ t94_- Findlan rran ' In Favor or ospn � fS-1i�- !0 Against �i,y�HLL `io /` r. president. McDonough 3m 3A/0 CS 2333. octal to City Cl. k CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fac NO. COUNCIL RE UTION---(NERAL FORM PRESENTED L COMMISSIONER ( DATEAURet 2i,1940 In the matter of curbing Sherwood Avenue from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue under Preliminary Order 118771 approved May 16, 1940, and Final Order 119744, approved August 6, 1940• RES04 ED, That the plans and specifications for above-named improvement as submitted herewith by the commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. COUTICILMETI !fees / TIa9s Findlan ---rarawra- �=Ffetef95n Rosen /Craax ,Mr. Resident, McDonough sin 5.4o Cs angina Adopted by the CounCAUG' _22 1A I.a_-._ AAUG 22 190 -t94 / Ppr ed----- - _--__In Fauor r _.... Against 118868—By Mftton Roeen— �.Inmatter of curbing aherwood Ave. from FlandW SL to White. Bear Ave. under Prellminary Order 118771 aDProved May.:. 10, 1840, and 1; Final Order 118744, aPProvedaAuguet a, 1840. 55; ; g: Resolved .That fhe Plans and spec!- a �ncatlone . -dor above -named fmproveth- meat - submitted herewith by e Commleeloney of Public Works, be and thesame are hereby. approved. Adopted' by :the Council Aug. 22, 1840. ' Approved Aug. 22, 1840. .» '+'V� (August 24, 1840) i COUTICILMETI !fees / TIa9s Findlan ---rarawra- �=Ffetef95n Rosen /Craax ,Mr. Resident, McDonough sin 5.4o Cs angina Adopted by the CounCAUG' _22 1A I.a_-._ AAUG 22 190 -t94 / Ppr ed----- - _--__In Fauor r _.... Against Oritinsl to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL •COUrvca - FILE NO.—_ ---- ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM q 1 0 PRESENTEDDER �.-_.-___-.---. _- DATE---.--.__ COMMISSION— - --'---'---- _ — - WHEREAS, We La Mont Kaufman, Superintendent of Parke of the City of Saint Paul, has made application to the Tax Commissioner of the State of Minnesota for the abatement of a tree trimming assessment, in the sum of $3.07, levied against the northeast 40 feet of Lot]S and the southwest 40 feet of Lot 17, West Crocus Hill Addition to the City of Saftt Paul, for the reason that the levy was made is error, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Tax Commissioner of the State of Minnesota grant the relief requested. COTITiCILMEn Ilea" nays /r ss indlan P nl o en rva President, TncDonough 3m 3- o Cs 23335 Adopted bit the CoAUQ-22..'Y_^-!_--- -.____194_-_ // roved_AUG 22 I194__ In Favor i r A Inst i 0,10-1 to City Clark - . CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNetc _ lt10 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION•--GENERALhNo. 119964—By John 6 Flndlan ered's,. john A. earner has .trade J atlon for relief I& the Mlnneeote, �� r"lative to delinquent; PRESENTED BY V'Tr +ants on tba follow DATE '— wSEREAS, John A. Ganzer has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 1, Block 5, Como; and yMREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1,224.34, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $545.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $361.98 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $545.00, and that said sum of $361.98 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,224.34. AUG 2219A0 councILmEn Adopted bg the Council AUG te_, 22 _�ytryp tea__ leas nags Satfuss AUGI Findlan roved Pat tat to or In Fav _— Rosen Truax _ Against kU1iLISHED 2`I' Q Mr. President, McDonough 3111 540 C3 23546 erl9nn.l to City Clerk1-19955 OTY OF SAINT PAUL couNca PILe NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL4LK -. UNCIL RESOLUTION- GENE Ate C. -r. xo 119955—By Sohn 8 Flnal$n— Wh3reae John A. Ganser hen maa, n'for retfai t Mf... a.ta avl-eow �3nlon e7 ! lln4u�nr PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_-- _ IEMREAS, John A. Ganser has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Lot 4, Block 5, Como; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $533.57, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $253.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint -Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $122.18 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $253.00, and that said sum of $122.18 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $533.57. COUTLCTLMEiI Adopted by the Council AUG 22 -'NC vea9 Uatl9 AUG 22194 Barfuss proved_ 194___ Findlan r-- Psffunt— -2610man— ��--- — Favor - _-._.---- — LRa�r Rosen (� —Agai � 7 4� Truax —__._ Mr. President, Mc'Oonough 3m 3.40 Cs 23338 .. nrlAlasi to City Clem - _ - — : 1 919 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL C. F. No. 119966—Hy Toha 8. Ftadlan— ' OFFICE OF THE CITY . CLI Whereas, Tonin I Ganser has made appltce,flon for relief to the,Mlane- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENE soca za: Commiseloa relative -to de l ota Tt tazos and assessments on the follawiag flescribed. pro -ty, to Wit • [---fEzcept W f 4'L ft_1 That peg o TL PRESENTED BYt-F�7 a 3, COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, John A. Ganzer has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits (Except W. 47 ft.) That part of Lot 2 E. of W. line of Mj of NW4 of Seo. 23, T. 29, Range 23, Block 5, Como; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $194.21, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $87.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $56.62 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $87.00, and that said sum of $58.62 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $194.21. COUTICILiNET1 I]eas Ttags barjuss Findlan Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough,_ sm 3•ee CS 33338 Adopted by the Council -AUG -22.-IW--194— AUG 2219Q Ap r ved In Favor -- lIor Again Original to City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERALl e It t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -- --"- i i91,,)t57 COUNCIL VILE NO, 119967 -By 7ohe S. Millen— 'Gane John A �aGanser fine mad plleatihereea fur relief to the Minnesota - a Commlesion relative to delin¢uent ass and aeeessme is r^ the fo tow n. descrlbed Droner+ -'ISne or _i "1 ---- WHEREAS, John A. Ganzer has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the followifig described property, to wits Part of Lot 3, E. of W. line of N* of N* of Sec. 23, Town 29, Range 23, Block 5, Como; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $164.05, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $75.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $39.55 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $75.00, and that said sum of $39.55 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $164.05. court iLmEn Yeas nags Barf uss Fndlan Pa came P -157957 -- Rosen Traax Mr. President, McDonough Sm .•.D CS asssa AUG 221 Adopted bit the CouncilAUG -- AUG 22 A roved —' in Favor —> ma Ag nst PU1B�.L9iy — AI -I. Orpin.l to city clerk. COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ FIL11 NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY,.cw'c ereas, cs. aro. i>ss69-13Y .aohws. 71nius -i �--- COUNCIL RESOLUTION CsEN� whharie toilet-to ¢s �oemxe nmeas applere ¢ for tnA"MSn¢eabta i TTax Commtbeton relative to dellnucent ma + l the follow- NED By PRESE COMMIST SIONER WHEREAS, Charles Hoemke has made application for relief 'to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 18, Block 1, H. M. Rannay's Sub. of Blk. 11, Stinson Division; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the.sum of $807.49, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $438.78= therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $12.25 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $438.78, and that eaid sum.of $12.25 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of 4897.49.. AUG 22 COUTICILRIEn Adopted by the Council_.—._ 1e4_ teas Tlags Barfuss AUG 22 IWO Ape194_ Findlan p a i�anenlq v In Fauor Rosen Truax Aga Y.UBLLSIiED :- )1 u 0 Mr. President, McDonough _ nm3.40 CS 25336 - OdAlnal to City Clerk - - ,P 191959 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL )' NO. .OFFICE Of THE CRY - Fac C. F No 119969—By John.B Median— COUNCIL RESOLUTION -9 whereas alma N earner has mase IPDllcatfon for r lief t the Minnesota r ;Tax at Ilea relative to dellntl' I PRESENTED BY razes and aeveesments on the follow- t COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Alma N. Herbst has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to'del'inquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Auditor's Sub. #4, all that part of lot 21 and of the Elly IT 14 ft. of lot 10 between two parallel lines drawn at right angles to W. line of Raymond Ave. from points on said W. line 56 ft. and 88 ft. respectively, N. from S.E. Corner of said Lot 27; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $566.38„ and the . applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $461.84i'therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of. the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum ' of $3.20 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $461.64, and that,said"sum of.$3.20 shall be paid to the City of.Saint Paul' in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency,of $566.38. � pur- COUnClLMEII Adopted by the Con h 2_2 _ t9a___ ljeas hags Harfuss ,AUG 22 int Findlan roved Y9ta__ P�nrantn Baan —in Favor �• Ronan Truax --A9 1 CIBLISHEI% Mr. President, McDonough ON{la.l to City CI.rt CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK comm7. RkSOLUTION --GEI C. F Wo. llsa6o-.By John S. rmdtan Whereas, IIilzapath .: M. Daly., has made application fOT 'relfeR to: Mhz PRESENTED BY - � aN� MIeneeota Tax Commission relative to. COMMISSIONER _ ,_ d.117uent taxes, anfl -sesst.. L. the - ollowing d 1 escrlbemen fl p oyer n- 1 '- fWLOnek WHEREAS, Elizabeth M. Daly has made application for relief)` to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described -'property, to wit: Lot 3, Lamprey's Sub. of part of Block 11, Roberts and, Randalls Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquenoy:totals the sum of $11,313.17, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $4,001.40.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however,that the sum of $6.88 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $4,001.40, and that said sum of $6.88 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $11,313.17. AUG 2219AAS! COUTICTLMEn Adopted bq the yeas Rays Barfuss AUG 22 Findlan A roved---194- ---In oved__194_--In Favor r d Or Rosen Truax Truax V Again _ Mr. President, TRct)onough em 0-40 CS ring. Oriiinat to City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE[ NC;. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- /— COUNCIL, RESOLUTIOiJ== GE11 G -s No 119981—By John > pyndlan— ` (T/ - p1�iO' " W.hereae M.' B t t,, hae made applfcatlon or on rely i- ��. �.yLnn uent f Taz'Cam on relatt ' r a uen6 PRESENTED ER tazae a x T 4 COMM19810NER '��'— WHEREAS, M. B. Palmer has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following desoribed property, to wits . Lot 4, Block 5, Rogers & Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $725.94, and the applicant offers to pay in fnll.settlement thereof the stmt of $250.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of 0173.22 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $250.00, and that said sum of $173.22 shall be paid to, the City of-Saint'Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delin— quency of $725.94. AU6 2219Q 1�4 _ COUTICILTTIER Adopted bq the Connor! __ _ ._..__ — y,ag Hagg AUG 221940 barjuss Findlan A roved 1e4__ ln FavorMa Rosen $- )Lid. D Tmax Mr. president, McDonough am 6-40 CS 23338 CITY OF SAINT PAUL_ coumctt..__. OFFICE OF THE CITIJ C{ p. No. 11996—By John S. Milian- COUNCIL RESOLUTION Whetea5, PhiltDD Walker has made ; GI aD ncatlon for yeller oto_ the, I` -a :1 Taz Commlealoa tele.tivgto del la vont , / O _ '4 Laze. and assessments' on the sol low- � PRESENTED BY / ��(,�(�(^/�. Ing described property, to -wit: COMMI5910NER� (BzceDt St) Lot 6 Block Doan s 8 and jd and in ._ f es...r'A I y T WHEREAS; Philip Walker has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits (Except St.) Lot 5, Block 5, Dean's Second Add.; and WEEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $160.55, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $125.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the.Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of - $8.09 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $125.17, and that said sum of $8.09 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinqueney of $160.55. COnnClLmEn yeas nags 5arjuss Findlan U Rosen Truax Mr. President, Mct)onough ani 3-40 Cs 23335 AUG 221N Adopted bg the Council_._ __ 194_, AUG 22 1M Approved 194 _ -'571n Favor `� Ag nst 11919; 0riji°al to City Clerk ' COUNCIL CITY Of SAINT PAUL � .- OFflCE OF THE CITY C c F 140.ilssaa—Br Tohn s Ftndlan Whereas. L Tr Hurley hM1' Inad , COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENT !gom°�;a on o�aistiv°o tos d p,olquent n taxes and assessment- to tthe' fullow (� ✓ Ing de-ctlbed property, 48 1L) Lots 1 PRESENTED BY �jy�. (/A�.!`- __ tExcaHt the W lYRobarte & ltan'. aad 2,. Blcek 10, COMMISSIONER dnll's Additiop; and _ WO�etese, The delinquency [orale the _—.____--.--------""-- sum of 23 884.8E and the applicant o1- Ier. to .Oar- la full s therafora, bee It f l the -um. , $8,000.00;' Re -clued, That she Council of.:;the, CftY, of-reaint Paul hereb9a�ovtd d -aid , offer of settlement; pp however 'thot-'the sum o1 .511:88 -heti II°en r of aia o00 oo,f an� thatt.olld Bum f 91n..8`ahall be paid to the;'City of Saint Paul in. settlement of do . neat swessmenta included in the total de- linquency of ssa,694:88. - Adopted 0y', t Council Aug.'88, 1940. Approve(A gus22, 2491940) WHEREAS, L. J. Hurley has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Wits (Except the Wily 48 ft.) Lots l and 2, Block 10, Roberts & Randall's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3,694.32 and the applicant offers to pay in full. settlement thereof the sum of $2,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $11.28 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2,000.00, and that said sum of $11.28 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3,694.32. COUTICILMEn 1]eas Ttags Barfuss Findian P - Rosen Truax TRr. President, Illct)onough am 3-4e C8 9333. Adopted bq the CouncilAUG_22' 194-- AUG 22 19 �j Approved 104--- _ ✓ in Favor ----- r Altai NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. No. 119884- TO Cc Resolved, That checke...ba drawn on the city treasury, [a the aggra3ate PRINTER , amount p 18.601.19, cover(ng checks Inumbered '7868 -to 74318 .1noluslve, se August �0 IRs.Q_ per checks on •file. in the o'oe of tka CItQ' Comptroller. Adopted by tke Councll�Aug. 82, 1840. RESOLVED,.THAT CHECKS BE DRA '°DrOVe(Auga.t 24181940)- THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 19, 601.19 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERE6­742 1 TO__74-312 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 22 �� f ADOPTED BY THE COON L 193- ' OITY COMPTROLLHR APPROVED AUGr1 �•1 !,7 193_ BY. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00519 994 05 t j A DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTIR&W COU FILE NCIL E NUMBER - ROLL CALL BARFU SS FINDLAN ---IN PETERSON ROSEN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS __-Au9U1A- 20 TRUAX RESOLVED. THAT CHECK, BE DRAWN 01 THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 10,6C)'I 19 . COVERING MR. PRES FALL CHECKS NUMBERED MoD 8h AUG 22 _-CINCLUSIVE AS TO ----INCLUSIVE. M'T. LLER P S ON FILE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- PER CHECK T "�VCITY APP VED 3- NUMBER BY TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED ENT BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD __75Q0_Q0__501_28_86 74263 John S. Finnan, c.,of Finance 9 749 14 153.00 74264 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 74265 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 582,39 72466 Frank Fehland 3 00 74267 Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 3 50 74268 Devoe & Reynolds Company, Inc. 8 go 74269 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 1654 40 74270 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 33 09 74271 General Electric Supply Company - 100 27 74272 Griggs, Cooper & Company 137 83 74273 Grinnell Company 25 20 74274 mpla. st.paul & sault Ste.Marie Ry. 355 47 74275 s M mpla. st.paul & auit ste.axie Ry. 230 15 74276 mpla. st.paul & Sault Ste.Marie Ry. 24963 74277 11.j. Morse & Company io 69 74278 St.paul Builders Material Company 100 91 1 984 6 74279 Trap Rook Company 147 50 74280 Tri-State Tel. & Tel'g. Company 74291 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 32 45 74292 74283 Washington Foundry Company western oil & Fuel Company 90 10 2 4 ro 74284 74285 John Lennon Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 00 11 00;; 74286 T.Yf. R.G. Allison 10 oo 74287 Drs. L.R. Bouma & G.P. Wenzel 1900 36 86 74288 Brown and Day 22 ool� 74299 Dr. A. Christiansen 74290 Dr. Philip F. Donohue 15 00, 74291 Dr. W.H. Hengstler 25 00" 74292 Dr. Detlof E. Johnson to00' 74293 Dr. George Kelley 10 00 74294 Dr. H.N. Klein 22 00 74295 August F. Kroll 21 75 14 oo 74296 Dr. J. J. McCarthy 13 00 74297 Dr. John A. Yoga 74298 Drs. Naslund & Morse; 25 00 74299 Dr. A.H. Pedersen 32 00 30 00 74300 Dr. H.J. Prendergast a 00 74301 Dr. Ramby Rasmussen 46 oo 74302 Dr. Wallace P. Ritchie • 74303 74304 St.John's Hospital st.joseph's Hospital 10 00 392 35 9t.Luke's Hospital 119 95� 74305 6 50' 74306 Dr. V.L. Satterlund 20 00 74307 Dr. Armer H. Stolpestad 13 00 74308 Dr. James Travis 20 00 74309 T)r. 11. D. Vehe 25 00' 74310 nr. -ft. H. von der Weyer '37O 74311 Dr. F.L. Webber 28'37 6 5L 74312 Drs. Williams, GTau & Williams SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00519 994 05 j C. F. No. 119965— Ordlnnnce No. 8154— nripinelto('ilr('I:rL , BY Milton Rosen— ' An din¢nce kivInO mission to R DIN thn Chlc¢go. St. P¢ ' ne¢pons & O R DI ` , `'1...Cnn.ha1 12¢Ilw¢Y_S - ^ninpsoDur a ¢m PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.__I—_ An orairance giving pemissitn to the (.-ticoCo, St. Paul, minneaoclis. CmanFi Railvey Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain spur treeks across Janes Ave, cnd -!-.r, oneiue ct. from Seventh -t, to Ranaeinh Ave. The Council. o1the Ctty of Saint Paul noes ordain : Section 1. Permission is heresy ,ranted to sue ChicsRo, St. Paul, t,inneapoiis pc UmaneEailv,?v Cor.oenv, _ cor-,)reticn, to c;lnstxvct imnc maintain spur tr,cks across James Ave. rnu along oneiaa St. from .events St. to Randoinn Ave. Section 2. Suis oermi=sicn is �rFntec coon Fina s._-,ect to ,.;.e-,!!n,in,r ccnditions . (1) tie to licensee sn-11 indemnify nnll s -,.,e nFrmles: the City of St. Paul t'rom anv and a11 Liaoility, iucc7nerts, s.iit.s, costs and ca -ages that may accrue to persons or ureo_ or =ri: i» -r,m tna rn.ainte- aence, ,_e, ore-ence or said tr=.ars. (2) Said t e cons* :r:ai-i-,'dies unser tire sloe^vision and 7�ie sati:;;'actio_. of t'ie C renis.>i 1-.._ ,ic i;ork: =-na ,hen oraerec so to ac ov _: io Cvanis,;i_ner, .,;Ilo 1 i en, zee ..1-,' -)1 -ik :uia repL-n4: the c?•1 yin,_ .,,, ') r,rlaer tr vel ..re -ria o v-. 'n' iii, .gid I .,t 'joie al .. , c:,_�: to s.. .no .in.,. a.,. Dr -'firer:er'l ,-.- lu'c is tr,v_,. (3) "'he Ci-,• of tet. Paulshall n— the __ — ^t. any time 1.., e -t=ar un'n )° the street= or allevs t;et ma''oa cov,red nv t:ie track or tracks of s;�ia rn.ilway csaoan7 TIr the purno:e of constri,tin.= n^ reol-irin✓ Se:- -r__;, w-ter,nains or otn-r ouolto imur;--ier.-.s. (4) Said tracks shall he taken un and remrvec +na tie stria Wires:.urea to their ori;;incl, ^i�nu_tion ,it the ^-st nd ern-n=e of s:,ia licensee iene,er tn� nlncil=.n�.11 so _suer. (5) Said licensel> stall within ten days alter '.lie pFc-jc* ^na oublic,�,ion of tris ordin,nce iiLe a writs -I accertsnce thereof ", to the Cita Cl,,rk i -i fort as may ne ^'lnrovea by tae Coroo-i-.ion Counsel. Section 3. s ordin ice shall take efi'ect and be in rorce tri rty avys e; ter its passat,e ❑nn publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Bariuss -'P7 n add n - PFL€i?SFt— Rosen Truax Mr. President (FAN6h) - Attest -- City Clerk - - SEP 11 Jam Passed by the Council In Favor _ - _Against Approved: SEP 111940 / r - -- - .ttzn�) TO THE HONMIABM MAYOR AMID COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAMMy OrA: Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company (a corporation) hereby requests authority and permission to construct, and thereafter to maintain and operate, certain industrial trackage across James Street and on and along Oneida Street between James and West Seventh Streets substantially as and where shown colored in Yellow on the print hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the purpose of enabling said Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company to switch oars for the use, benefit and accommodation of structures now erected and operated or that may hereafter be erected and operated along and adjacent to said industrial trackage by Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company or by such other concerns and industries as may hereafter be located along and adjacent to said industrial trackage. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 16th day of August, 1940. CHICAGO, SAINT PAW,KMWAPOLIS AND CASA WAY C ::!� By Executive Vi Pres. 7aoob Schmidt Brewing Company (a corporation), as owner of certain real estate situated on the easterly and westerly sides of Oneida Street and lying adjacent to proposed industry trackage designated in Yellow on attached print, hereby consents to and urges the granting of the foregoing Petition; and the said Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company for itself, its successors aid assigns, hereby waives all claim for damages to such property by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation by the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, its successors and assigns, of aforesaid industry trackage, or by reason of the passage by said Council of the City of Saint Paul of an Ordinaaae authoriz- ing and permitting the construction, maintenance and operation thereof. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 16th day of August, 1940. JACOB NG COMPANY BY a ice President. . s S T R E ET w . !•t/ 7 Tti / y°• 49' 20' 10 b I- f )'. Z `O � �. 9,yAeQ* -`��y�� ,`r\ �0t7� ,�, � / \\�\� \\ O� � \ �/ '�Jg ' \ ' Y ^" �,� •s o--•-�«�+'"�. �v�srid ti� � \ \ ' ° �,% ' \ dT / \ ti / •C" �� � '\ £ `� \ \ .� ' \ J aasc'�t'�t85fcn ell M \ rA 'r C :-tt�,�,�1,�, 1 _ }" 7W SYOF o s I� I 11 /�• // .. �d3 /`�� \•Z- Q.`/ !,\'\.� �. � RD /� I vA, NV I I I YAtw -- �f s• G.�.� �� �\\�l 111 � I !� /i � ��/ r ( ` � tis - � \ \ OFF . - c _ 1 / 10 m upQNS�eD d'r.P a Ix 1p v.,,;�.., •� Pv It IS 14 IS K 77 ti O d 4e 4.• d' ol�A+o' � Ine•_. .�.. _ � a--�.... �.__�a_ tet__-..r-.�=.:-�_.-tet �. .�S T R E ET y I T T10 / 2 O � aq9 e � 1 o` Al, /o0 lb / \ i / v De 41 >'�r �• � \ `7 �1� o \ \ h <e.Y�' e , W. do September 19th, 1940. 6 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omeha Railway Company hereby accepts and agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council rile No. 119965, being Ordinance No. 9154, adopted by the Council on September 11th, 1910. CHICAGO, SAINT PAUL, OMAHA W COMPANY gy 0� It ecutive Yice President • � 0.D. 288 ' CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS & OMAHA RAILWAY CO. ' SAINT PAUL, MINN. CARL R. GRAY. JR. September 18th, 1940. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 16th enclosing published oopy of Ordinance No. 8154 authorizing the Omaha Company to contract and maintain spur tracks across James Avenue and along Oneida Street from Seventh Street to Randolph Avenue. Herewith written acceptance of the terms of said Ordinance by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaba Railway Company - Your bill, amount $3.00, covering cost of publica- tion of this Ordinance, is being placed in line for payment. Yours truly, Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. KA Ist. 2nd... 3 0 Laid over to 3rd. & a Z' pP.- Adopted Yeas Nay � Yeas Nays Barfuss Fin Findlan '"rarra to Parranto to n Peten " �� !J �o&en ruaa �Xruaa r. President Fallon Z_1Ir. President Fallon Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss arra Peteeselr--- Rosen Truax i Mr. President xx Attest: , McDonough s City Clerk 300 12.39 CS 21724 1i" .i- � b SEP 111940 Passed by the Council i In Favor 0 Against App SEP 11 1940 Mayor ' y :, -ED An ordinance giving permission to the Seeger Refrigerator Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a track for man -power operated UrlAin.l to Cit- Clerk j C F No 314989—Ordldance No 6166 Aa orsy hntdito¢ nance Bglvtdg Dermfaeion to She aeoger'Reirl6erator GbIDDany a O D I orporat on ogon tract and matntala t zrk.•i lir ae1� . Oersted truoke a � CO�?1W'• O�ocna' .i NO._ i �- ��6 �� approximately 210 ft. east of east line of Arcade Street. PRESENTED BY - �' ORDINANCE NO._ �� Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss arra Peteeselr--- Rosen Truax i Mr. President xx Attest: , McDonough s City Clerk 300 12.39 CS 21724 1i" .i- � b SEP 111940 Passed by the Council i In Favor 0 Against App SEP 11 1940 Mayor ' y :, -ED An ordinance giving permission to the Seeger Refrigerator Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a track for man -power operated trucks across the St. Paul Board,8f Yater Commissionerst right-of-way, approximately 210 ft. east of east line of Arcade Street. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain Section 1. Permission is hereby granted to the Seeger Refrigerator Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a track for man -power operated trucks across the St. Paul Board of Water Commissioners$ right -of -:ray, approximately 210 ft. east of east line of Arcade St. Section 2. Said permission is granted upon and subject to the following conditions (1) S aid licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs and damages that may - accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, use, presence or removal of said track. i. (2) Said track shall be constructed and maintained under'the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and when ordered so to do by daid Commissioner, said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to.render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow trucks to stand or remain upon said right-of-way so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (3) The City of St. Paul shall have the right at any time to enter upon - said right-of-wpy that may be covered by the track of said company for the purpose of constructing or repairing sewers, watermains or other public improvements. (4) Said track shall be taken up and removed and the right-of-way restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passage and publication of this ordinance file a written acceptance hhereof with As City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss arra Peteeselr--- Rosen Truax i Mr. President xx Attest: , McDonough s City Clerk 300 12.39 CS 21724 1i" .i- � b SEP 111940 Passed by the Council i In Favor 0 Against App SEP 11 1940 Mayor ' y :, -ED Ea St. Paul, Minnesota Sept. 16, 1940 To the Honorable, the City Council Gentlemen: Saint Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned, do hereby accept anti agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 119966, being Ordinance No. 9155, adopted by the GOouncll-on Sept. 11th, 1940. SEED^ IGERATOR C a -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 15, 1940 Hon. Milton Rosen Comer. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sirt The Council referred to you for recommendation the attached application of Seeger Refrigerator Co. for permission to run a spur track for the operation of trucks by man -power across Whitall St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. /� MAKERS OF CABINETS FOR USE WITH NEW YORK E.LECTRICALREFRIGERATION AND ICE BOSTON M - AIN OFFING AND FACTORY CHICAGO L05 ANGELES SAINT PAUL August 14, 1940 Hon. John J. McDonough, Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: To facilitate the handling of steel between our Buildings #2 and #ll, it,u!ould be desirable for us to have a combination track and runway as indicated on the attached print. This runway would cross %ilhitall St., which is not paved and which serves as access only to the Berglund Lumber Company and to our own loading docks. It would be, as shown on the print, six feet wide, of sufficient strength to carry any traffic, and would have two im- bedded steel rails on which we could push (by man power) four-wheel trucks to and from the buildings indicated. 'Ne respectfully request that permission of the Council be granted to us to construct this runway. NHGriebenow:GR Enc. CABINETS W SAINT PAUL Yours very truly SEEGE REFRI R COMP r W Manager r. original to CHY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL z COUNCIL 1 nu NO. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ,/4V\ �lil/'�__ __ .— DATE August 23 1940 COMMISSIONER---- --- --- WHEREAS, heretofore "0n Sale" Liquor license #1491 was issued to Phillip Gallivan and Jack Gibbons at 372 Wabash, St. and WHEREAS, }ha Phillip Gallivan, Jack Gibbons, and Robert J. Gallivan have requested that said license be transferred to Robert J. Gallivan at 372 Wabash, St. and THEREAS, the said Robert J. Gallivan has filed a bond in the 'sum of $3,000.00 as required by City Ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESCLVED, that "0n Sale " Liquor license #1491, heretofore issued to Phillip. Gallivan and Jack Gibbons at 372 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert it Gallivan at the saw address and the bond of Robert J. Gallivan is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said 0 Phillip Gallivan ai:Cdt.SiGk Gibbons from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is phblished. C. F. No. 119967—BY W.. A. Parranto- -Flndlan— Wh.r•6, Heretofore "Os Safe" o y.nr Nn 1Awas 156ued tto .t.. �.k r'hhoneati 4t Transfer informally approved by Council, August lb, 1940, Old Location. AUG 231940 C011TTCILIREIl Adopted by the Council _- Ijea6 ❑aqs AUG 231940 use / //�L/ pproved Findlan Parranto In Favor --Pbtersaw- + -- qor Rosen 1➢�-15V io Against �BLI' mr. President, mcDonough 3m 3.40 Cs 23536 CITY OF SAINT PAULK% - APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICE/sr 7 Application No ......................... �1................ Age. Name of. Applican .... / '_ / Residence Address... .. / • • �4,,a. /.. • Telephone No ... Are you a citizen of the United States?....... . . �................................................I............ Have you ever been en a d®inq o%eratin a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? -.e-... ............... . When and wher �C�G'./7...................... '�.......................................... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ..... .............. .... ....... ....... _.... ........ ........... . Whenincorporated?............................................................................................................... If club, how long has corporation owned or teased quarters for club members? ........................................... Howmany members?............................................................................................................... Lames and addresses of president and secretary of corporation,, and name and address of general manager ....................................................................................................................................... ............................... - - - .......—............................................................................. ........! hive name of surety company which will write bond, if knot I umber Street Side Between What Cross Stree Ward Ito-,, many feet from an academy, college or university (measured-5tonna streets)? ..... ASL:iX!V................. I tow many feet from a church (measured along streets)?........o. .-: ........ _............... �. ........ 1 low many fee. from closes lie or parochial grade (meas red along streets)?. A.LC�-�..... c� �1' ,� Name of closest school........... 7...C'C/.................................................. How are premises classified un r mg Ordinanc ...... ..... ................................ ......... • ....... ....... On what floor located?.......5�v ......... e......r�)) `.. Are premises owned by you or lea If leased give name of ow; e�(�L�.<CN�r..�E!� LCA/ 67 if a restaurant, give seating capacity?..... ........................................................... ............ If ho,el, seating capacity of main dining room? .......................... Gave belo.v the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ....................................................................................................................................... .............. .... ....... ........... ....... ............. ............. ........................ ................ I .... ..................... .............................. _..................................................................I.......................... .................................................................................................................................... .. (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Ito,% many guest rooms in hotel?................................................................................................. ;.ame of residen propri or or nager (restaurant or tel) ..... - �_ Give nan o r e business refer test.. .. .... � � . . . . " Q t. ✓ ' . ...! ......... 1. ... . ..... ........ ... .. .......... 3. 4r -e ........ 1 ................. T l' APPL {� ION VE FLED THE AP CANT, AND IF CO POR, BY AN OFFICE& OF T CORP TION DU AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; ND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATT CHED: Issuance of license is not recommended @pplication checke i by Dated.............................193...... ._........................................... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE 61 ❑.38 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss: / COUNTY OF �A SES. ':.�!:%✓... i%� t/�.'. L..........being first duly sworn, deposes andays that he has read 40 following applicagdn and knows the contents there #, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. ... ..... S and sworty b�efoor' me t 's _ r... "`. day of ..4�J"' .:... 93� �✓ Notary Public, Ra {County, Minn. j My commission espirWl . ./.../ ¢..!•r.. v ` / LBONARD J. W,_... Now Pditi Ramsey Ccwnty, Mann. STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 � s]*Wone>�pJr JmI7,194& COUNTY OF RAMSEY. s. ............................................................................................�. being first duly sworn, deposesand says that...:..................the...................................................................................... of......................}........................................................................................... , a corporation; that......................................has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of : ..............................knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ............................................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this .................... day of ..................... 193 ............................................... , Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires C. F. No 118U1149-�Sy �• A. Parranto— �� � Y� Orlaasi to City Clerk I 3• S.IM.dlan— '? F.esolved Th.t 11 mess applied for COUNCIL CITY; by the pe eon named on the Iter at- [ached to this resolutlon be- and the NO OFFICP same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is Instructed to Issue such 11- COUNCIL RESQ cenees upon the paymeht Into he city ;g y of the r qulred see. 'Adopled by the Council Apg. 23, 1840. p Approves Aug. as, lsao. at 23, 1940 PRESENTED SV �ti1� Qlj�(�� (August 31, 1910)+ COMMISSIONER--- --- _ _— RESOLVED' That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees2 Lorenoe & Barris Goldberg 190 Concord St. Butcher App.43215 New Old Loca. n n n n n Grocery " !6216 Joseph Moses 118 Eaton Ave. Off Sale Malt " 43341 National Tea Co. 1082 University Grocery " 43372 " New Loos.. Butcher " 43373 " New Loca. Harry E. Anderson 799 Raymond Ave. Grocery " 43384 " Old Loca. It n n 11 Butcher Is 43385 " Old Loca. n It - n " Off Sale Nalit" 43366 It old Loos. Istvan Erdos 341 Jackson St. Restaurant " 43387 " Old Loca. Elmer E. Johnson Motors 899 University Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. 43388 n Old Loose Clyde Fish 287 E. Sixth St. Restaurant App. 43481 Is New Loon. John A. Schneider & Marge O'Brien 468 N. Lexington Florist " 43513 " New Loca. Barney Sigel 856 E. 7th St. Butcher " 43527 " Old Loca. F. W. Ramaley & Co. 1332 Grand Ave. Bakery " 43564 " Old Loos. L. N. Houston 902 E. 7th St. Grocery " 43624 " New Loca. Butcher a 43625 M. Be Stoffells 1199 N. Snelling 'Pitchman Peddler " 43674 " AUG 231940 C0llnciLmEn Adopted by the Council __ - —_ L94--- _ 1]eas nay, AUG �, 3 �94� roved------- Findlan /✓//L Parranto —i?et91'SBTT— __.ln Favor---..-..-- Posen - __Agai Mr. President, McDonough sm It— CS-1— _. 0,14i..1 t. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cour4ca Fit■ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM T[t l PRESENTED BY �/ DATE Angust 23, 1940 COMMISSIONER_ '�� ---- – -- RESOLVEDt That liognee for Restaurant, application 43618, On Sale Malt Beverages application 43619, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43620, applied for by Robert J. Gallivan at 372 Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Liquor Trsf. informally approved by Council, Aug- 15, 1940. Old Location. coUWILMEn Qeas Tlays 1Fi�an arranto oxenr r. President, Mct)ongvQ apt '440 G 23336 C. F. No. 119969—By W. A. Ferrante - 7. S. Fladlan— Resolved, That license for Reston rant, application 43618, On Sale Malt' Beverage, application 43819, and Off Sale .Malt Bevern;% application 43620, 3p iced for by Robert 7. Gallivan at 72 Wabe9ha SL be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk 1s Instructed to Issue such licenses upon of tfie yment,qlInto tteee�e city treasury i Adopted by the Council Aug. M. 1940. Approved Aug. 23, 1940. (August 31, 1940) Adopted by the CouncilAUG __-__ 23190 _--- 1G 23 1 / In Favor —__- --- — �Ag C. P- No. 119970—By W. A. 1'.+a,rrauto.._ Orltled b City Clam J. & FInd18n— CITY OF $� Resolved, That llceneea sDDlled for 1� by the.yyeraone named on Wallat-at NO. FICE OF TF1 tached=to this reeo1%.. be and the same are hereby ed to issue. tha Ctty '.Clark le lnatrueted to Issue each 1f-' RESOLUTI oeneee upon the yayment Into the city 1 I treasury.. 1 the rapuired fees. Adopted by the Couhcgl Aug. 23, 1940. PRESENTED BY Approved Aug. 211, 1990. 3 194G COMMISSIONER---.�'y�-----� -_ -- (!baguet RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: We F. Grewe 8785 Be Smith Ave. Restaurant App. 43563 Renewal Frank Lenahan 601 N. Western Ave. Dance Hall " 43621 " Erickson Oil Co. 214 S. Wabasha St. Gas Station " 45630 " We C. Rohde 2599 We 7th St. Gas Station " 43633 " Joy Bros. Motor Car Co. 192 Pleasant Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr." 43642 " Lewis Motors Inc. 166 We 6th St. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. " 43649 " Midway Chev. Co. 1389-99 University Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr." 43652 " Herman Cohn 687 S. Cleveland Ave. Gas Station " 43653 " Fred J: Robinson 138 E. 7th St. Pawnbroker " 43654 " Wm. Rants 62 Lyton Place Vehicle Peddler " 43666 " n it n It Foodstuff VP. " 43667 " John We Rants: 76 Lyton Place Vehicle Peddler 2 43668 " of n n n " Foodstuff VP. " 43669 " Harry Kamer 231 E. 14th St. Foodstuff VP. " 43708 " Vehicle Peddler " 43709 " Roy Barks 192 Aurora Ave. Vehicle Peddler " 43729 " n n n n Foodstuff VP. " 43730 " Max Bloom 891 IgAehart Ave. Foodstuff VP. " 43745 " n n n n V. Peddler " 43744 " COUTICILMEn Ileas Ttays arranto wen -..zp:.ti�--= -'`•• President, McDonough .in a..o Ca sass Adopted biI the Council //_��A��ggUG� 2 I le4__ AUG 2 3 190 A proved___ 194___ L _ _In Favor ___Against Q"7 oriuia.l iq c clert 1 9 ...: 15. TY OF SAINT PAUL sou N..L FILK NO FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAFORM COMMISSIONER_ �� ���----------- DATE ----------- RESOLVED, that the bond given to the City of Saint y Paul by Paul G. Preiner, as Bailiff in the Municipal Court, which bond Is dated August 6, 1940, in the sues of $1,000, with the Rational Surety Corporation as surety, approved as to form and execution by the'' Corporation Counsel, and &a.to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file the same in the office of the City Comptroller. 9{ C. r. No. 119971—By W. A. Parranio—�' PYndlan— Resolved, That the bond- Given to' the Cit! of. Wnt Paul by- Paul G. -- Prefner, ea 8sllIf, In the Xunlclpal Court, which bond Its dated August G. . 1940, In the evm of 51,000, w th the j approved Bur toY form and, execution by the Corporation Counsel, and to euretY by the Comtaieaioner of lri- cepted Bandad the approved, a Is andhore the YCItY Clethenk to office of the Col Comptrole the ller. in Adopted by theAug. Councli Aug. r3, 3940. Approved Ault—t331,940 1940 ) C0111ICILMEII Ilea3 nags Ft an F"t/ an Parranto -Pat w lr President, McDonough 3111 3.40 CS 33338 Adopted by the Council AUG 23190 AUG 231940 / . Approved—._ _t94-- In Favor r �eD f I RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the application of J. L. Shiely Company, Inc., a Minnesota corporations owner of thepromises hereinafter described, pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, of Ordinance No. 5840, of .said City, as amended, for a permit to quarry and remove the natural deposit of atone upon and from said premises, upon due consideration of the favorable report and recommendation of the Board of Zoning, made and submitted in said matter, and upon 1 due consideration of the records, files and proceedings in that t certain civil action in the District Court in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, entitled: "Philomena C. Hiusler, et al, plaintiffs,1 ve. J. L. Shtily-:Company, Inc., et al, defendants;" (Court File No. 234905), that it be and it hereby is determined that subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions herein- after enumerated, said permit may be granted -consistently with the general welfare; be it FUR TRER RESOLVED, that said application be and the same hereby to granted, subject to such terms, conditions and restric- tions, agd-;.tha.t _said. J. L. Shiely, Company, Inc. be and it hereby Is granteQ a aid permit'fer the conduct of such quarrying operations upon that certain tract or parcel of land situate in said City, County and State, described as follows, to -Witt Block 32, West End, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, subject to the following terms, condi- tions and restrictions hereby imposed, to -wits 1. That slued:permittee shall at all -times conduct such operations so a s not to substantially annoy or disturb the public or occupants of premises adjacent theretocontinence no operations on any day earlier than seven o'clock A. ; j conduct no such oper- ation: OR any Surd ay or holiday; sprinkle the surface of all rook ledges during all drilling and blasting operations; construct and maintain a shield or shields of suitable material between operating; drilling machines and adjacent occupied promises, efficacious is the muffling and defleoting of noises resultant from such drilling operations; limit each blasting operation to the use of eight sticks of dynamite and to one hole; employ a suitable blast mat COUTICILMEil Adopted by the Council--_._ lgq geas nags ------------ -- —zffru—ss Findlan Approved_.____ tgq___ Parranto __R0W ,p"--` In Favor Rosen Magor 1Cf dax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 3.40 Cs 23338 L3398, No. TE—By Milton Roeen— erlO..l to City Ckrk $eeol% theCovacli of the City of BainR Paul, .upon du conald3ration - t the ayplfcatloa [ J I«.Bhlely Com- CITY QQ +t^; Ina, a Minna ote corporatlon,,;fuNci�{ £ - t the yremiaee--:: herelnattrr -K NO. OFFICE OF'TY. ,YI i 4. 44.nnt r. lrticle COON L RESOLUTION GEI�,iir1L PRESENTED B COMMISSION ' V'� DATE--- DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the application of J. L. Shiely Company, Inc., a Minnesota corporations owner of thepromises hereinafter described, pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, of Ordinance No. 5840, of .said City, as amended, for a permit to quarry and remove the natural deposit of atone upon and from said premises, upon due consideration of the favorable report and recommendation of the Board of Zoning, made and submitted in said matter, and upon 1 due consideration of the records, files and proceedings in that t certain civil action in the District Court in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, entitled: "Philomena C. Hiusler, et al, plaintiffs,1 ve. J. L. Shtily-:Company, Inc., et al, defendants;" (Court File No. 234905), that it be and it hereby is determined that subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions herein- after enumerated, said permit may be granted -consistently with the general welfare; be it FUR TRER RESOLVED, that said application be and the same hereby to granted, subject to such terms, conditions and restric- tions, agd-;.tha.t _said. J. L. Shiely, Company, Inc. be and it hereby Is granteQ a aid permit'fer the conduct of such quarrying operations upon that certain tract or parcel of land situate in said City, County and State, described as follows, to -Witt Block 32, West End, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, subject to the following terms, condi- tions and restrictions hereby imposed, to -wits 1. That slued:permittee shall at all -times conduct such operations so a s not to substantially annoy or disturb the public or occupants of premises adjacent theretocontinence no operations on any day earlier than seven o'clock A. ; j conduct no such oper- ation: OR any Surd ay or holiday; sprinkle the surface of all rook ledges during all drilling and blasting operations; construct and maintain a shield or shields of suitable material between operating; drilling machines and adjacent occupied promises, efficacious is the muffling and defleoting of noises resultant from such drilling operations; limit each blasting operation to the use of eight sticks of dynamite and to one hole; employ a suitable blast mat COUTICILMEil Adopted by the Council--_._ lgq geas nags ------------ -- —zffru—ss Findlan Approved_.____ tgq___ Parranto __R0W ,p"--` In Favor Rosen Magor 1Cf dax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 3.40 Cs 23338 Page 2 .Council F �v/�j - _ ( ':. T over .each drill hole in each blasting operation, and at all times^'operate its, steam abovei or ohovels'so as to depokit excavated rook In trucks and ours whioh may., be employed for=the carriage of same so as to prevent the -dropping of such rook from an unnecessary height. 2. That said permittee in the conduct of such operations shall be and hereby is restricted: in the conduct of drilling to the period between and including the dates of October 15th, 1940 and October 31st, 1940, in the conduct of blasting operations and the nae of power shovels to a period of ninety working days within the ye or'commencing November let, 1940, and to drilling and blasting operations, of which three days written notice shall be given by the permittee to the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. 3. That any authorisation for the extension of heavy Industrial uses or other uses, inconsistent with the general provisions of said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended./pertinent to premises thereby classified in "A" residence district, shall expire upon the completion of the work hereby authorized,` and In no event later than February lot, 1942, whereupon said prem- ise. shall b6odme's3id be thenceforth subject to all the terms,. provisions and restrictions of,s aid ordinance applicable, to premises thereby classified as "A" residence district, and the City Council may thereupon adopt an ordinance or resolution of such import sad effect. 4. That said permittee, in the conduct of such oper- ations under said permit, shall: conform to the plan set forth In said application, furnish totthe Council, upon request, cross sections of the excavation to indicate the condition in relation to the depth specified, which shall in no case exceed fifteen feet, and upon failure so to do, shall be liable to the City to the extent of the cost.of such surveys and cross sections as may be required to acquaint the Council with such conditions, and where such excavation adjoins a street, or streets said permittee shall provide a twenty foot berm between the property line and the' edge of the pit at the a treat grade, and shall be liable in the event of disturbanoe thereof by reason of such operations, to restore the lateral support of any adjacent or bordering street or streets, and to indemnify and save harmless the City from any loss, expense or liability resultant from such disturbance or default in regard to such restoration, and shall provide a fence of a type approved by the Chief Engineer of the City, upon notice by such engineer demanding the instgL lation of the same as necessary for the protection of the public, such t9+be done at the expense of the pexmittee. 5. That all terms, provisions, restr4 tions, limitations, and reservations applicable to said permit and contained in said Ordinance No. 58400 a a amended, whether herdinabove expressly set O 7pinsl to City Clerk - CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIS910NER----------- --- — DATE Page S COUNCIL FILE NO.—__-- —_ forth or otherwise, shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof, and shall be binding upon said p 11 ermittee. ¢. Said permittee shall furnish a surety bond in the penal sum of 48000, operating in favor of the City of Saint Paul, as obligee, conditioned for the full and faithful performance of all the terms and requirements of said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, for the full and faithful -performance of all the terms and re- quirements of this resolution, and to indemnify and save said City harmless from all liability of every kind and nature arising out of the injury of persons and property by reason of the issuance of this permit or the conduct of such operations by said permittee thereunder. 7. That said permittee shall f urnish a aid bond which shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, and deposit the some with the City Clerk of said City, with its written acceptance of this resolution and the terms and conditions thereof, in form approved by the Corporation Counsel, and pay the - expense --of publication of this resolution to said City -Clerk, within the period of fifteen days from and after the publication of this;'7 . resolution, and in the event of its default so to do, this resolu- tion and the permit thereby granted shall be null and void. COUTICILMEn leas nags an Znto ose�R n - r. President, McDonough 31n 3-40 CS 23338 AUG 23'840 Adopted by the Council____ Approve�d_--________ In Favor !� t or _Against 1'LJBLISIiEII � - 3� Page 2, Council over each drill hole in each blasting operation,, and at all times operate its steam shoval or shovels so as tso depokit, excavated rock in trucks and oars which may be employed for the carriage of.eame so as to prevent the dropping of such rook from an unnecessary height. 2. That said permittee in the conduct of such operations shall be and'horeby is restriotedt in the conduct of drilling to the period between and including the dates of October 18th, 1940 and October 31st, 1940, in the conduct of blasting operations and the use of poorer shovels to a period of ninety working days within the year commencing November, lots 1940, and to drilling and blesting'operations# of which three days written notice shall be given by the permittee to the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. 3. That any authorisation for the extension of heavy Industrial uses or other uses, inconsistent with the general provisions of said Ordinance No. 8840,ss amended# pertinent to premises thereby classified in "A" residence districtb shall expire upon the completion of the work hereby authorised,, and in no event later than February lst# 1948, whereupon said prom- ises, shall become and be thenceforth .subject to all the terms,. provisions and restrictions of said ordinance ,applicable to premises thereby classified as "A" residence districts and the City Council may thereupon adopt an ordinance or resolution of such importsmd effect. 4. That said permittee, in the conduct of such oper- ations under said permits shalla conform to the plan set forth In said application, furnish to the Council, upon request, arose sections of the excavation to indicate the condition in relation to the depth specified, which ahall in no case exceed fifteen feet# and upon failure so to do, shall be liable to the City to the extent of the cost: of such surveys and cross sections as may be required to acquaint the Council with such conditions, and where such excavation adjoins a street or streets said permittee shall provide a twenty foot berm between the property line and the edge.of the pit at the street grades and shall be liable in the event o, disturbance thereof by reason of such operations# to rogtore'the lateral support of any adjacent or bordering street or streets, and to indemnify and save harmless the City from any lose, expenseor liability 'resultant from such disturbance or default in regard .to such restorations and shall provide a fence of a type apyiroved'by the Chief Engineer of the City, upon notice by such engineer demanding the instgl lation of the same as necessary for the protection of the publics such t9be done at the expense of the permittee. 8. That all terms, provisional reatruotionss lisitations, and reservations applicable to said permit and contained in said Ordinance No. 8846# a a amended, whether herdinabove expressly not St. Paul, Minnesota Sept. 4, 1940 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 119972, adopted by the Council on August 23rd, 1940. J. L. SHIEGY CO., INC - BY ' �J CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Z Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: Aug. 20, 1940 'fir i, 'l The City Council requested that you draw a resolution or ordinance granting permission to J. L. Shiely Co. to operate a quarry on the property described in the attached application and file, subject, however, to the following restrictionst (1) That drilling operations be permitted only from October 15th to October 31st, 19401 inclusive. (2) That blasting and the use of power shovels be permitted for not to exceed 90 working days within the period of one year from and after November 1st, 1940. (3) That the said J. L. Shiely Co. notify the Public Works Depart- ment of each date on which they propose to drill or blast. (4) That the property in question be rezoned for Class "A" Resi- dence purposes after the operations hereinbefore mentioned are completed. Yours very truly, ���� City Clerk. RECEIVED AUG 2 0 1940 CORPORATION COUNSEL CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHANE fiIer HOMER GANNAWAY � HILARY J. FLYNN ar. CpMRS TION ATTORNEY EDWIN MURPHY• CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVING GOTLIEp JAS. P. SULLIVAN ROY E. H. SWEDEEN A-1ETANTE CLAIMS A-NEY August 16th, 1940 To the Council. Gentlemen: Re: Application of J. L. Shisly Company, Inc. at al for quarrying permit under Ordinance No. 8038. You state that the J. L. Shiely Company has made written application under ordinance No. 8038 for a permit to engage in the business of removing stone from Block 32, West End Division, and for the purpose of utilizing the same. You refer us to such written dppiicetion, the documents supporting the same, and reports thereon, std an action in the District Court of this Corinty'whersln g` Philomena C. Hausler et al are plaintiffs, and said sly Company at al, defendants, being Clerk's File No. 234908, and specifically to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Judgment and Decree therein. The Judgment and Decree permit the Company to perform the work subject to specified conditions thereby imposed. You ask if a permit issued under said ordinance, which did not conform to the terms and provisions of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Judgment and Decree in the action above referred to would in the opinion of this office be sustained if attacked in court. It is my opinion that your question should be and it is answered in the negative. Y rs very, t ly, Louis P. Sheehan Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. BNEAXAN HILARY J.P�YNN EDWIN MURPHY JOHN W. MCCONNELOUG HOMER 6ANNAWAY IRVINO OOTLIEB CORPORATION COUNSEL COMA MTION ATTORNEY JAS. V. SULLIVAN AWIETAN ROY E. H. SWEDEEN CLAIMS ATTORNEY May 18th, 1940 To the Council. Gentlemen: The attached application of J. L. Shiely Company, Inc. for permission to continue to excavate stone in Blocks 32 and 40, West End Division, is herewith returned. It was your request that I investigate the matter of the civil action which was recently decided by the Hon. John W. Boerner, Ju4ge of the District Court of Ramsey County, which involved said property. According to the findings in that case, the Judge has found that Block 32 is still zoned as Resi- dential. However, the Court also found that the Shiely Company had ceased to remove rock from Block 40 for the reason that all commercial rock in that block had been removed. It was also found that the Shiely Company could continue to remove rook from Block 32 under certain conditions, the text of which Is outlined in the latter of the Secretary of the Board of Zoning, which is attached hereto. JWXcC-U 11 Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen i In the matter of the request of the 1. L. SUS17 Company, Inc. for a permit tEto continue Addition, stone quarryoperations in Blocks 32 and 40. west The gravel pit and stone quarry ordinance approved August 18th, 1939 provides that operators of existing pits are to apply within sixty days for a permit to obntinue operation. 0n April 30th, 1940 the T. L. Shiely Company, Inc. made appli- cation to the City Clerk under this stone quarry ordinance to continue their business South of Adrian Street in the western part of the city. They submitted a blue print showing the property on which they wished to continue operation - this being Blocks 32 and 40, West End Addition. They stated that they had been operating this quarry, which extends northerly to Otto Avenue, during the last twenty-five years, and that the only remaining marketable stone in in Block 32; that the excavation will be 15 ft. below the level of Adrian he ,etre t thatwhile are he ordinance calls for a 10 ft. berm along keeping more than 20 ft. from the street. Certain residents along E. Seventh St. and Adrian St. asked for an injunction against the Shiely Company continuing operations in Blocks 32 and 40, West End Addition. This matter came to trial in March 1940 and the court handed down its decision May 4th. The court decision stated that the plaintiffs were entitled to a decree for an injunction permanently enjoining defendant from so continuing the operation of their quarry in said Block 32 as substantially to annoy and disturb plaintiffs in the use and enjoyment of their premises and homes. It states further t THE BOARD OF ZONING C F Esiablished by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 4+ �r� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 44 279 COURT HOUSE alla O dse area ee1ee May 14th, 1940- 940.ee so ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD 1, M<GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, Ciiy A,,h-cl GEORGE H. HERROL1Dc 4xreiay To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen i In the matter of the request of the 1. L. SUS17 Company, Inc. for a permit tEto continue Addition, stone quarryoperations in Blocks 32 and 40. west The gravel pit and stone quarry ordinance approved August 18th, 1939 provides that operators of existing pits are to apply within sixty days for a permit to obntinue operation. 0n April 30th, 1940 the T. L. Shiely Company, Inc. made appli- cation to the City Clerk under this stone quarry ordinance to continue their business South of Adrian Street in the western part of the city. They submitted a blue print showing the property on which they wished to continue operation - this being Blocks 32 and 40, West End Addition. They stated that they had been operating this quarry, which extends northerly to Otto Avenue, during the last twenty-five years, and that the only remaining marketable stone in in Block 32; that the excavation will be 15 ft. below the level of Adrian he ,etre t thatwhile are he ordinance calls for a 10 ft. berm along keeping more than 20 ft. from the street. Certain residents along E. Seventh St. and Adrian St. asked for an injunction against the Shiely Company continuing operations in Blocks 32 and 40, West End Addition. This matter came to trial in March 1940 and the court handed down its decision May 4th. The court decision stated that the plaintiffs were entitled to a decree for an injunction permanently enjoining defendant from so continuing the operation of their quarry in said Block 32 as substantially to annoy and disturb plaintiffs in the use and enjoyment of their premises and homes. It states further t $P page --2-- 1. L. Shiely Company, Inc, will not be considered to have violated sucA injunction if it will commence operations not earlier than 7 o'clock. Not to operate on Sundays or holidays. Sprinkle the surface of the rook ledge to prevent duet from blowing into the houses. Muffle their drilling machine and reduce their blasting charges and operate their steam shovel in a more careful way. In their investigations the Board of '.Zoning finds that the district to the south of Montreal is in an Unassigned Dtatrict; and that the area between Montreal and Otto Avenues, formerly in the Unassigned District, has heretofore been declared an Industrial District by the Council. There are thirteen houses along Adrian Street,in a distance of about 1/4 mile; that five of these houses were built more than 40 years ago, and eight more than 24 years ago. It is probable that these people purchased their lots prior to the discovery that the area was solid rook. This matter comes to the Board of Zoning under the Stone Quarry and Gravel Pit Ordinance for examination and report of its opinion whether such excavation should be permitted at the place specified, and whether it will interfere with future street extensions or the development of the district for buildings or other purposes. The Board of Zoning is of the opinion, considering the character of the land, that it will not interfere with future street extensions or the development of the district; and beyond the determination of this question, the Board.has no advisory jurisdiction, nor in the face of this court decision permitting the J. L. Shiely Company, Inc. to continue operations in Block 52 under certain restrictions can the Board of Zoning recommend against the coutinuation'of these operations or the issuance of a permit. Yours very truly, !a..- --,�. �. _1P George H."Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. To the; Council St. Paul, Minn -=2 The matter of regulation of blasting under permit by the Department of Public Works is entirely apart from the permit required under Ordinance 8098 approved August'180 1939, this ordinance being an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance 5840 approved July 7, 1922. This latter permit is issued by the - — Council and is for theNp pose of authorizing the removal of Band, gravel, cle'T, stone, or natural deposits for the purpose of utilizing these materials commer- cially. Respectfully submitted, . /qRO R M. SH�PARD hief Engineer Encl. . J. L .H16.Y. ►116 _ A. e. SHIRLY. V= rllel o. L .n4 TAE ­R H. J. FARRELL. ,-A"MY �. �. SmIRLY COMPANY Ina WASHS.0 S"AND }; CRUSHED ROCK WAS HSO a VGL AGRICULTURAL LIMB,/ CLt AN uw rl,' . AGGREGATE* 1101 SNELLING AVE. MINN.__N--ORTH JY1W)IeRS ANO OPERATORS O9 ST. PAUL, . GUAW NTEEO CONCRETE CO. "REF.DY•MIY.EO CONCRETE" April 3011940 - The Honorable City Councils City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We hereby make application, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840 as amended, for the removal of stone from the property owned by our oompany, a blue print of which is hereto attached. This blue print shows only the part of our -property on which stone of marketable value remains. As you undoubtedly know, this is a continuation of an operation that has been in existence for some twenty-five years. The crushing plant is about a quarter mile distant from the property as shown on this print. The print shijwe the present grades and the grade at which the property will be left when the stone is rsmpved. You will also notice ws are not excavating within twenty feet of Adrian Street, although the ordinance calla for a berm of only tea feet. This property has been zoned for heavy industrial purposes, and due to its proximity to railroad tracks, would not be good for anything else. i It Is helyC*ftddk*ft flenneth M. Wright Sudio s SAINT PAUL, MINN. Ave. 2, 1940 mr. Patrick $geek 1-2681 let Ant. 8k. Bldg. at. Peal, Wan. Dear 81ri the matter o4 the J. L. 8hiely Oo. quarry Will be taken up by the Oounoil on August 8th at 10 A. Y. Will you kindly arrange to be proem%? Yoare very truly, City clerk. APg. 2, 1940 Mrs. 0. A• Sa wler 1134 B. seventh 8t. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Wadamt ale matter of the J. L. 8hte)y 00. *Wrir will U taken 11 on August h at oby the o be present,oana onvW this In oaM. mMIM,, Will YOU kIUdlY Rrrms$ tto interested gar"s's? Tours very truly, . MY Glad[. u C. F No. 119973 --BY Mille Rogan— Od,WIb Cp71 mak- aesolved, That the Comm le inner of 4OuwclL NO La 0 8,.9 CITY (7 bjic Warhn be and h 1 hereby nu l;A d4r.otled. then • fillorized and oto oil _ OFFI OF'Yt"rynu ..sv.wt.�4�t. COUNCIL SOLU'I'(�IS " OMtRW.t: FY�RNk ` PRESENTED BYE. - DATE— commissioNER RESOLVEI);that the,: do of Public Works be and;he'is hereby authorized t� and ,directed 'to oil the following streets and alleys: k „ Blhexx Iorwood, Arl$.ngton, Payne1. , Greenbrier B®{soh, ennard to 154te Bear t'x Germain, Ross.to Seventh Hazel, Cottage to Arlington Alley --Linwood, Osceola, Chateworth, Milton Alley --Western, Virginia, Thomas afon& Alley --Bayless Place, Pearl, Croll, Bayless Alley --Eleanor, Schaffer, Pascal, Albert Alley -Hartford, Watson, Macalester, Snelling Alley -Fuller -Aurora, Victorian Fink Alley-Minneheha, miglewbd, Avon, Grotto 1 c�rld pr veto property for the followings L. N. Sickels, 2233 University Avenue; '._ A. Klemenhagen, 823 N. Fairview :... F. Meis, 1148 E: 4th Union Brass and Metal Mfg. Co., 501 W. Lawson Hamm,Breving Co., 720 Payne Avenue K. V. Peterson, 1085 Hyacinth ,J Curtis 1000 Inc.-, 1000 -University Avenue Dept. of,Public'Safety, "Parking 'Lot University of 'Minnevota, Farm Campus Provincial Convent of the Good Shepherd.. .. I � s WOR s. ,y�%I�Q �fP IDVV a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cous — 193— yeas Nays 1 AU NO Approved 193.— P.iranto , In Favor ." Miffor sen Against PUBIGLSHED - 31- r: President (iPa}Iol- sr+ 648 L cs odlu.el m caw clew T 99 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE Or THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM , COMM ISSI NB .. — DATE WHEREAS, Theophi,. Standaert, Foreman in the Tater Department of the City of Saint "aul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 29th day of August 1940, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Theophil Standaert be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, beginning August 20, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph Be Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to Theophil Standaert for thirty (30) days beginning August 20th, 1940 with full pay. C. F. No. 119974—By W. A. Parranto Whereas, TheopIIll gtandaert,: Fore- -_- 'man In the Water Department -of tha City of Saint Paul, wll1 be' incayaol_ toted and..unable to perform 0d6 dutiesl for *avaried of at least thirty (30) days rrom and after the Both day of Au6uat, 1940, and Wh reas. The Commissioner of Pub Utilities has recommended that Theophil Standaert be granted a thirty dway leave of absence for disability Ith pay, beginning August 20, 1940, Bald leave being In compollanea Ith ! " j Paragraph E, 8ectlon 91 i the Civil j Service Rules, therefore be It Resolved, That the proper city au-'� thcrities be and are hereby auhorized to grant a leave o[ absence to Theopbll ningdAugustrBoth, 194090) day. b gI. n a. Adopted by the Council Aug. 29, 1940. 1 Approved Aug. 23, 1940. (August Sl, 1940) COtinc=En Adopted by the Cocndl AUG_2 308 194_ lJoae nays AUG 23 9940 Approved_.- 194 arranto __—__In Favor or oxen Against r. president, McDonough ... sin 3,ao CS 23336 U ii,10 .l a Cur CI -k I ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE llaust 23 1940 COUNCIL���' FILE NO. In the matter of construdting a sewer on Dunedin Terrace from der Ade. Street to SMayft- 16,westerly 1940, end FinalStreet, Orderu119860,e approvedimi August 118770, approved 14, 1940• F SOLVED, That the plane and specifications as subtttedbbyed the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, the same ere hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C. F. 104827, approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost dobe materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $547•00 it B 1Mnm F&,SOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. counc1LmEn leas nays indi�F an unto e�etson 'Rosen President, McDonough 3m 5•40 CS 23335 (August 91. 1940) Adopted by the CounoiF I fj ", 3 m 194---- AUG 94_.__ AUG 2319Q APProued____.�-194_ _ In Favor ------ or Against original to city Clerk l I! ();)?ifj CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU NCIL ' �' " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILIENO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE�►Usust 23, 1940 T6,11101�_.,'iloaen In the matter of constructing a sewer on Marshall Place from the terminus of the existing sewer 367.2 ft. east of Farrington Street to a point 130 ft. east of Farrington Street, under Preliminary Order 118960, approved Tune 3, 1940, and Final Order 119861, approved August 14, 1940• RESOLVED, That the plane and speoificatone as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved, and. the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C.F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $612.00, and be it FCETRER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to, purchase the necessary materials. councILmEn tjeas Rays r-tsarittas Findlan Parranto Pete Rosen Mr. President, McDonough aln 3-40 G 23330 x C. F. No. 119978—BY �tlton, Boeen In.the.matt r of eonetruoting ant on Dfaraball P14: from tl a terlp of, the; ezletlui sewer 887.8 ft.: of .Farrington BL to _s Vo 181 equlptnent, engineering and super- vision being $812.00, and be It Further eeolvad. That the Por- chaaaaaaggqqqqing..Agent be and he 1. herein urlaed and directed to purchene the eceseary aterlale. A opted by the Council Aug. 29, 1940. 1 Approved Aug. 22, 1940. (Auguat 21, 1940) AUG 231940 Adopted by the Council_ i_1e4_ AUG 23 1940 Lproved___ –.---In Favor -----�qor —_.____Against ONAlnsl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL P OFFICE THE CITY CLERK nu NO. �—� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER__.Iton_Roaen _ DATE AUl1Bt 23, 1940 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hazel Street from Fifth Street to a point 100 ft. south of Fourth Street, under preliminary Order y?` 118959, approved June 3, 1940, and Final Order 119864, approved August L4f 1940. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he - herein is authorized,and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, C.F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $759.00, and be it FURTHER RESOLMM, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 219977—By Mit.. Rosen— IR'the matter of constructing a eewer on Hazel .;at,. from :Fifth SL to a1 point 1001, it. south of Fourth St. i d under Preliminary Order 1189596,N- 119804, 18959 aD i ..proved June 3, 1940, and F189 drder 219904, up _v August 14, 1940. Resolved,That the plans a d ecl- flcapions as submitted b th'foe - 4om- mis3loner of Public t4 rks tor. the above named Improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. and the - Commissloner t Public Works De and he herein to dthorized, nd ippetrnoted i to proceed � tth the constructlotn of the I above n mad Improvement, 1 accord- 11 ewith the terms of dlnance i 7708, C. F. 104827 approved September ' 12, 1938, the estimated cos of ma- I terlale, equipment, glnee�ing d supervleion beln $759.00. and -be It ch elnBBurthe Agento be ved. That e and he lehe eln j authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materl Is. Adopted by the CounL Il Aug. 23, 1940. Approved Aug. 23, 194 st 0. (Augu31, 1940) d � 4 councILMEn Ariopted by the Counoi[=UG_23 t L94_ yeas r n Rags AUG 2 3194d& Findlan Approved__ 164.___ Parranto i Favor Rosen _ _Agains Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3.40 f:3 23333 _-119978 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- PRESENTED BY 7 ORDINANCE NO. V /F An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An_ordinanoe for the purpose of promoting tho.public`health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for - - the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades add industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected -or'altered;:and regulating and determining the minimum sise of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries`of districts__ - for said purposes," _ approved July 7th, 1922, as amended, by making provision for the mailing of notice of hearing upon appeale pursuant to Section 20 of said ordinance. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Sectien-l. That Ordinanoe No."5840,.approve'd July 7th," r 1922, as'amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended by" strikiag therefrom the followingportlon-ot the second paragraph of Section 20 of rtiole 4;sf."daSd ordinance, to-wits - - `"T�Tfie`�onaoil, b�pubilrhiAg'notise-o! a data for hearimg the appe3lsat in the official pipsr ataeasti-one week " before such hearing, may, IA a specific case by resolution passed by a majority vote, after considering the "recomeend- ation of the .Board •and after .such - — hearing, deteralne algid vary'.the appli- cation of the provisions,of this ordinance in harmony: with the general Intent and purpose as follows; and by inserting therein in place and-Anstead of said stricken :portion the followings *The Council,, after fixing the time for a public hearing upon said'appeal, caus- Ing a noties stating the time,:place and purpose of suck hearing to be mailed at least ten days prior thereto to every knownowner or argent of the premises affected" and to every known owner,or' agent of ,ths real estate situate within two hundred feet of the 'same, .addressed in eaoh instance to the owner or agent at Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coundil Baduss Parranto In Favor Rosen Against Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) Approved Attest: City Clerk Mayor .i - • deo 7.40 � F «a' orlvl.d w acs Ct.rt ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) 119978 his last known place of abode, and causing such notice to be published in the official newspaper of said City at least one reek preceding such hearing, may in a specific came, by resolution passed by a majority vote, after considering the recommendation of the Hoard and after such hearing, determine and vary the application of the provisions of this ordinance in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the some as follows:' Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Fluttlarl Parranto Rosen Peterson Truax Mr. President (McDonough) A City Clerk ' aeo a.o Passed by the Council SEP 131W " In Favor __Against SEP 13194 ZMMfIED ± _Al- uo Petition (Council File No.... 119979 P40POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconatruot,:,relay„and •repair. the••sidewalk,on, thein orth, side.of• St,, Clair, Street from Prior Ave., thence east 345.0 ft., beginning 40, ft, farther east, thence east- U. •Howel•1• Ave.•fand - on. -the. -south- -side •of • St. • Glabr• St. • -from • a •point .97..32. f.t... east of Prior Ave., thence east to Howell Ave, .......................................................................................... ............................... ................................................................................................................. ... Dated this ...... 23rd ... day of................August..............Xu R................. - ......................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstzvcti relay and repairthe sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Street froni Prior Ave., thence east 345.0 ft., binn eging 40 ft. farther east, thence aaat..ta . Howell..Ase«, and. an..the..sou.th..sJ da . of. St....Clair. St...from . a. point .87.32. ft_ east of Prior Ave., thence east to Howell Ave. PRELIMINARY ORDER8. .................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul............":`:'.'................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2f To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i AUG 2 3 1`^" e Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilmar,+*Rrdsr ' Approved ............. AUCI 2319.40 ....................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROS"PETEEI%SR�� ............. MR. PRESIDENT McDonough IM 12.39 Petition- gg Council File No.... d I.(I)TJ9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Oanstzuot..e,aetver..on.Aonw.ey.S.tre�t.batr¢een..GrlYxith.scree.#.sad.X"a ak.Sheet.,...... PA, $µc�.>51,,$t�Qet,ba. Q�,G�lY�It .S.#F.Qet,and,Jonson, �arkway,,,end,,on,the,north-.,... ...bleat 6�7 X. b1.de..0�..TOktA90A. ke�k.W9Y• ..Yr.QDI . a.. P4&1A1t..3Q . ,��.9t.. aRR�klWskt.@TJ.9..0,'1'..trh.6 . AOfit11-. . line oP lotA';°Block , Lindley 5>eights dait ona..Addi lon..to..ths..eouthWe.Qt. ly...... Dated this....a3jrd..... day of. ........... August .........................--------------- :..., lybQ.... F� ti PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,,,Oonatruct,s,sewer,;on Conw�y„Street.,between,Griffith S rest end En ish treat,..,,., ,,,on,.F,achid,Street„betwaer},.�riff�t�.,��FeQt; and„�ohnson.,�,arkwag, and, on„the, north-..., weator].y..sida. aY..J'abnsian Parkway..from. a. point . 30..faet. aouthWasterly. of -the. north-.. easterly line of lot 16, Block 5, Lindley Heights Addition to the southwesterly line- -of • lob • 6;..Slmk •6•; • Lindley • Heights • Addition.; ................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................... ................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...........UU 2.3 1 YEAS NAYS IM 12.38 �........................... l May PUBLISHE11 - 31 - U� AUG 23 IWO Councilman- *RFUST— Approved .......... FINDLAN PARRANTO -P6K*9e”--- ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT — �........................... l May PUBLISHE11 - 31 - U� f'119W NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO. 11 999'"��+p TO ,Resolved gn6t checks be draon COI wn thecity, trl4eury, to t -.aggregate PRINTER amount of $34.223.89, o_t: check. numbered 74313 to 74418 inclu.ive, ¢. (� IAt ZZ 1'A per check. on file In the. once of the SQL— 198�L. .City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Aug.,23, 1940. Approved Augt . 23,31 1940.7940) D THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT � O , RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAW (Augus OF $�s22'.6 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED B6c TO 74+16 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUG 23194Q 'p 193_ APPROVED AUG 23SM 193 / /1 CITY COMPTROLLER _ �/ J/moo{/ yy, NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER August 21 " 1 99si tus4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ,L 7 3z, 0 OF $ 31.491.60' COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7+313 TOINCLUSIVE, AS PER 3 /i' v13. 61 "d/�l✓b CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUG 2 31940 193 /J 193 APPROVED AUG 2,3 1940 / mrr coMPraoLua � _ BY / � � �f� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY' OF SAINT -PA U4COU CIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL CALL FILE NUMBER FIN DLAN PETERSON — -INFAYDR AUDITED CLAIMS ___A_ugu_et.21._ -._ 19 Po ROSEN TRUAX qG AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN N THE ITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I% COVERING MR PRIES FALL_ _WanoUQ�{/, �CHECKS NUMBERED_. �7� T __..74�INCLU IV E. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- �r'YYV PER CHECKS ON FIL T FF E OF THE ITY.COMP ROLLER. �Rl_ IBS- NUMBER150 BY TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF _._..._---------- --- RETURNED d NUMBER CHECK ' BY BANK UMTRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD1i 00_00 �-884' 05.'. 74313 Mrs. wm. C. Young 41 25 74314 Victor Arbors 28 53,1 74315 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 20 486 95.fl 74316 American Development Company 6 141 52'' 74317 Capital Envelope Company 9 80, 74318 Crane Company 241 26'. 74319 sutler, Magner Company 859 16, 74320 G.A. MacArthur Company 12 1Z, 74321 National Meter Company 2634 6o 74322 St.Paul Corrugating Company 134 30 74323 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company 88 18 74324 ta_vie 011 Company q4 24 74325 Van Paper supply Company 24 83 74326 R.9. WMitaore & Company, Inc. 74327 Anton, William & Ann grebes 16 00,; 74328 Addressograph sales Agency 93 25.. 74329 American Insurance Company 36 185 74330 American Linen supply Company 74331 American Had. & stand. San. Corp. 124 49 74332 Armour and Company 88 72 7433] Badger Meter Mfg. Company 23 21, 74334 Baldwin Supply Company 74335 Ballard storage & Transfer Co. 8 25. 74336 Harold Bealka 1 50 74337 Belmont Corporation 22 97 74338 Blommer's Ice Cream Company 8 50 74339 Brown and Day, Inc. 9 39 74340 Buffalo Meter Company 5 39 74341 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 90 30 74342 Conditioned Air Equipment Company 12 00 74343 Co -Op. Laundry 18 80 74344 Curtiss Candy Company 3 60 74345 Adam Decker Hardware Company234 5 74346 Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc. 00 74347 A.B. Dick Company 5 50 74348 Eagle signal Company 17 70 74349 Electric Blue Print Company 270 57 74350 Elvin First Aid supply Company 8 50 74351 The Emporium 43 1466 7435332 H.L. Attman sponge Company 7435+ Anthony Finberg & son 35 31 7 Gangl and Company 18 50 74355 Garrison Brooks Company 10 00 74356 The Geiger Company 4 83 74357 The Golden Rule 12 75, 74358 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 239 b8 74359 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 110 10 74360 R.L. Gould & Company 314 94 74361 Graybar Electric Company 100 07, 74362 H.& W. Motor Express Company 83 74363 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 630 00 743 Hancook-Nelson Mere.Company 48 90 74365 Fred W. Hanks Company 14.4 65 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 5p0 00.551 375,65, , '� ' � , 1 Et r , � � 3 { f � i � ? DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT-PAUh OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBE, ROLL CALL 8ARFU SS FINDLAN PETERSON FAIII AUDITED CLAIMS August 2-2 ROSEN TRUAX A A'.ST RESOLVED. THAT C 'ECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL Parra�to TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_2 32__09_. COVERING INC LUSIVE, AS 4 CHECKS NUMBERED ILE I L iC:p J__ i0k CITY CON E 0 C!7ROLLER. P ADOPTED BY THE O,I�nDoinough AUG 2 3 19Q PER CHECKS ON —CITY noL coRvr en APPROVED NUMBER 151 By — ------ - TOTAL DATE CHECKTRANSFER NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 551 375 x'65 • 4366 Jacob J. Effenberger Company 215 00 7 90 74367 Acme Linen 74368 certified Ice & Fuel Company 20100 74369 Curtis 1000, Inc. 86'71' 251'60 74370 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 74371 Hawkins Chemical company 20,22 29 6 74372 Hersey Mfg. Company 74373 Herzog & Hueffmeler Company 85 00 74374 int. Art Pub. 92 46 74375 Jaoks Mfg.. Company 74376 S5.0. Johnson & Son, Inc. 5 125 74377 Kelley-How-Thomeon Company 21 �15 126 62 74378 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 74379 Wm. Kline 3 25 74390 Landon -Sauer Ins. Agency 325 18; 6 00 74391 League of Minnesota Munic. 14 io 74382 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Company 74383 Linear Broom Mfg. Company 7 25 74384 Link Belt supply Company 9 85 74385 Living American Art, Inc. 2 6g 74386 T.P. Lowe & Company, Inc. 325 13 74387 Lowe & Campbell A. Goods Company 17 00 74388 Lowry Garage 2 25 74389 LoyolaUniversity Press 1 01 19 60 74390 Lyle Sign Company, Inc. 74391 Lyon & Healy, Inc. 3 00 4 63 74392 M & L Motor Supply company 74393 Maas Keefe Company John Maurus 10 82 ll 65 74394 74395 Molesson Drugs, Inc 37 63 74396 Miller -Bryant -Piero; Company 20 45 74397 T.H. Miller 1 50 74399 Minnesota mining & mfg. Company 9 27 M99 model Laundry Company 2 50 12 00 74400 E.A. Moeller & 68 oo 74401 Motor Power Equipment Company 34 to 74402 National Cylinder Gas Company 74403 National Geographic Society 1 25 4 50 74404 Nedwick's Bookstore 6 oo 74405 Thomas Nelson & Sons 74406 New Picture magazine Daily o 4 g4 1 7 74407 74408 New York Tea Company Northern States Power Company 440 26 74409 Northern States Power Company 270 91 74410 Northwest Airlines, Inc. 101 02 34 go 74411 N.W. Printing & Binding Company 74412 Northwest Publications 29 00 7441 W.S. Nott Company 27 00 744N Palm Bros. n.0ompany 9 75 74415 Parkside Ice Cream Company 11 25 74416 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 13 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD �,j 500 00,1554 107 74,t s �xwi. oaus�ae. ii'snsa-- i r_S FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___ahanBeing the Srade of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park, end__ Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from the East and-Weet Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and .9ro14Qsage__LrloW YiSt,--to--the-Horth_-aad South- Alley_, to-oonform-to _thg red_ line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being. -shorn _by__the__blue-I J no_ th- rAon.____ALa_o 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and. -Prom Dssge--(nmr_Vio_tosis)--S_t,--- u_the NaxtlLand_SoutYidlJs�c o-ths_-P_r-oPQgod--reA-line when established. Also constructing a sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 64 feat_eaet_of__th_e_ North_end._Soutlj ley_tQ_tha_:Sio k� d_s_oxtkt_Alley.,_st�a--ix�--theme North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lkkeview Ave., under Preliminary Order___ _118873 - -____--approved ___Y 24c__ 1940 Intermediary Order----------------------$PProved--------- ------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__o�e th8'ade of the Alleys in Block 1L�— Pavilion Park, and Block 2, Stabbing's Como Viex From the East and West Alley to j,akayi r pv�aye. S Qsag�_{gow vjsCS0 1. St. to the North and South Alley, to conform to the redline on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the__prosent-e_n+ab] jg]yg n.iw 7+04no ch= -ham. +h hl, w l i w thwreon_ Am grade• and surface the Alleys in Bloak 1, Pavilion Park and Bloak,2 Stabbin *s Como View from surface Alw rn i.1!1 —9Bnue +^^ ire^+ nPagw. '(nmr_ 4i atori w,� to the North— and South Alley to the�pproposed red line when established. Also construct a sewer irl _th�Tast__and Msst_Bllay from a mint 6_ 4 £eQt_g��t oP the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and eX ffQ4tj 11-tn--the-aewer in est uue,-------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _-AUn7____---- ____, AUG 27 City Clerk. Approved------- ----------- -------------------- .- 192----- File 9042 - -- -- —' - --- ------ --- - - Mayor. Councilman Councilman �u / Councilman :1 r to L Councilman n Councilman 1 �` Councilman Mayor Hatgaaa..a •Donough Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTt OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSV NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER }� (A) In the matter of • �)Q A*h the grads of the AilWs in Moak le Pavilion Parke and Black 2, � 'Bte~a Qeno View lram the Bast and Rest Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and ts*m ds_age StreK to the Worth end S*uth Atiq, to aoafara to the red line of tlas parotile hsreS* attached sad mads a part hereot, the present estab- lished grade being sbmm by the blue line thereon. Also grade and smrfaoe the Allgs in Block 1, Pavilion Pari and Block 2, StebbiWa Qom* View Pas9tview Avenue to Lakeview ATOM and !Y*m Osage Street to the B*rth and_ ....U� � *ftbb A114W to the proposed red line wbea ermtehlimi-de . Aieo eonativ*t a sixes in the Bast and teat A110y .tram a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the Nath and South Alla, and is the North and South Alley tram the Bast and. Rest Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue under Preliminary Order approved May 24, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 2,133.60 f`r`ont 1.16 per/toot The estimated cost for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED La.IIQ LUATIONBldg• , S. 15 ft. of Cottage Av. vao.adj. and 1 1 Pavilion Patdc $750 =3250 „ and 2 1 do 675 3600 „ do do and 3 1 do 675 do and 4 1 do 695 do and 5 1 do 675 3150 .. do and 6 1 do 675 2800 _ do and 7 1 do 650 2600 •• do and 8 1 do 650 2600 do and 9 1 do 650 2450 - do and 10 1 do 650 2450 do Ram B. B. 10 and 11 1 do 660 3100 . CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RtPORT OF COMMISS ,NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION !, Land Bldg. S. 15 -ft. of Cottage Av.vao.adj. and. 12. 1 Pavilion Park $650 $3750, do and 13' 1 do 650 4700,1 do and, 14, 1 do 1250 15 1 do 1000 5800" 16 1 do 1050 1 2 Stabbings Como View 850 8500.: 2 2 do 850 3. 2 do 850 4 2 do- 950 3500.1 5 2 do 400 8 2 do 400 7• 2 do 350 8 2 do 300 9 2 do 250 10 2 do 250 11 2 do 250 12 2 do 250 13 2 do 300 3050 14 2 do 325 15 2 do 350 16 2 do 400 4750 - 17 2 do 500 4900 Total $19,800 $64,950: -. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 30 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn .........-APT-.4 _ 30........_.......14.9.._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface the alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, .........................-......_......... _..__...............__ ._.._........._.....__--- ..._.........__...__..--.___......_.....................__..........._............................ .......... ............ Stebbings Como View from Parkview Ave. to Lakeview Ave. --............ ........... . and from the north and south alley to Osage Avenue ML OM.._.._. .. .... _._._ .........._..._.................__..._............ __.......... .........._....St. Ave. NAME cXXX�✓l� LOT � /��+ BLOCK � ADDITION All s v 5M-rav MM J 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jinx 5 lip_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as'Council File No---l-1-88-7-3--approved May 24 _19A0—, relative to I Chose the grant of the AUWz !a Bloek lr Peaiiy A Parfcr oud 8100k Zr StOMMOs tie a view f'; m the. ftet and; 168tt Alley t0 Leieniea AT*=*, and tv" 08W a;reet to the B,lrbit me Septa Apert to e0nform to the rsd line +>!a *0 p OM8 WNW atft eeh*d, mid made a_ Dart hft"re the Weewt estab* MMM batpg t�fSxa b! the bsxke xiae t>�ereear also fpred0 am enrfaes la �olf7 i�,. et'► tfit►: #xic.ea4�®„ ,2� $fitbm asfo 699 view fromeu'fio bslfbttikw Amt �! >�firasfi ao theIbrth end 0 the BarOpoaed red lyre whew establishefl. Also eoastraet a artwnd pwt Mier lhrom~si�i�� taeE�sset of the BOrSh end to the 1 and 8o>ath Alleyr end fat Rhe liaRth and aaztth tlxley. attd >reet Allep 4et fibs .;isf t�aiceriaw Arenne anu tie nature ana extent or said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINAMM Commissioner of Public Wor 61 JUL 6 1940 -Offii6e of the Commissioner' of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance dO U r 7 1A �V--ITIQSI TIXT-X Mrtlafz ;S* UPDprTI01.�d 01-�30 zt4-in ppc, WTA Ily - 91',qa x;-XSQ a,�!&v?n;-" u5k`T MMo vt !W�60 1JVzroJ - Von jr-Qv,,Vp and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cper front foot $1.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the cost thereof is Inspection $38.24 Engineering $18J('. Frontage 1.835-35 ft - 4 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as Follows: 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE 4 �t V Commissioner of Public lic Wo �19 JUL 6 1940 INO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTT CO.. e -OH -R BUREAU OF SANITATION SURE AG OF CONST. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SMEPARD, CHIEF EH HEER FRED DRIVER, SUPT. W: S. COCKROFT. SUPT. euwewu of awloaee OFFICE ENGINEER � Tiny 2J 1940 M. S. GRYTBAK..—HEER G. H. HERROLD CHIEF ENR. CLERK BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of Cost for changing the grade of the Alleys in Block 1, flivilion Park, and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View from the East and Best Alley to Lakeview Avenue, and from Osage Street to the North and South Allay, also grading and surfacing the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and from Osage Street to the North and South Alley; also Constructing a sewer in the East and West Alley from a point 54 feet east of the North and South Alley to the North and South Alley, and in the North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to the sewer in Lakeview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 118873 approved May 24, 1940• Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN Co=issioner of Public Works $2,133.60 1.16 38.24 183.54 1,835.35 ft. Yours v truly, R ARD54--�4 is Engineer 0 IrINAL OADIDQ IN CONDIDIIIrATION PSO0"EDIACS. COUNCIL, LE NO.�_/ —' n BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 119984 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, auto and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Allays in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stabbing's Como View from Parkview Ave, to Lakeview Ave. and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley under Preliminary Order 118674 approved May 24, 1940 ,Intermediary Order 119690 approved __ Tu19 30. 1940 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, auto and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stabbingts Como View from Parkview Ave. to Lakeview Ave. and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby) ordered to -be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stebbing's Como View from Parkview Ave. to Lakeview Ave. and from Osage (now Victoria) St. to the North and South Alley, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council mr. 22 1940 19 AUG 27 -City Clerk. Approved 19_ r or. Councilmen Barfuss Findlan aJBLLSHED –31_y Parranto Peterson Rosen � Truax Mr. President 500 I-" -. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP/4RTMENT OF FINANCE R 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 1, Pavilion Park and Block 2, Stebbings' Como View from Parkview Avenue to Iakeview Avenue and from Osage If Street to the North and South Alley under Preliminary Order approved May 24, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement is$ 25.00 The total estimated The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1750 13260 876 S. 16 ft. of Cottage Av. vao.adj. aad 1 1 Pavilion Park do and 2 1 do do and 3 1 do do and 4 1 do do and 5 1 do do and 6 1 do do and 7 1 do do and S 1 do do anp 9 1 do do and 10 1 do do WA 11 1 do Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED LaMLUATIONBld 1750 13260 876 3800 675 675 675 S16C „ 676 2800 860 2800 660 2600 860 2450 860 2450 .. 850 $100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARJMENZ OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT gLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ISM. 81da. 3. 18 Of Coots dvvao.Rdj.and 12, 80 1 Patilion Park 0860 X3760' do and 13 1 do 660 4700. do and 14, 1 40 1260 16 1 do 1000 6800„ 18 1 do 1060 1. 2 Stabbings Como View 860 8600, 8 2 40 880 S 2 do 860 4 2 do 960 8600.. 5 2 do 400 6, 2 de 400 _ 7 2 do 660 I . 8 . 60 300 9 2 do 880 10 2 do 260 ll. 2 do 260 12 2 do 260 13, 2 do 300 6060 14. 8 do 326 18; 2 do E80 18. 8 do 400 4760, 17 2 do 600 4900 Total- �1rbi800 04,950i _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 60 1940oft f� c��f of -{„--------- Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. A//eysB/•F./Fbvi/aa 6D/f ? ..rC-oma 607 IPA RKV/E VY 000 `$ oo AVE' 40 c `o l6 .4LLEY3e9.4,A / f1✓/L/ON Pfd, /9 48 ZSTEBB/NGS COMO ✓/Z Por 0 I from �Vinry Ave. TaLokc-ch, Ave. p from D-5oye -. Ta /'&S iQ//ey - -1.o 0.4 0.3 12 O o9041 N C3�T n, v G 61,E sz 4 I �7 Intoie5 c„+ ® - Indicofes Fill. ryplcol Nato+ion ' 30 �iaure5 above — shot.' Cu+or Fill of prc.perfy ,ine. I� Ryres belcvr Une shory d,sionce +a . k'ch 51.PNS extend beyond Proper+y line. Loa. Book No. It t-7 x -sec bk No.1117 �-14 .a 1D 6 , 7 8 y /O. i 3 T 0 S4:4 .50.4 48 / Z /.j 14� 2 o0..7 uuyy _ _ pz oa 0 0.1 - So Sa _52 �h /0 IN— a..WP 0 oz; ob Q I� LAKEVIZ- Y •� C_..gr96,25 � �/E. 1 JI /4 40 /9 48 434 0 I p 0 rt N C3�T G sz 536 I r.3�� Dffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance d duly 5 1940 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 118874 Approved May 24 19 -AP— relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading end supfAcingof the Allays innMack _ I Pavilion P Arks and Block 2_ Stebbing's Como View from Parkview Avenue to Lakeview Avenue and from Osage St to the North and South All and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for sTOT ve , to Commissioner of Public W r �' JUL 6 1940 JC. t No. ter o ' In the matter of reconeLr., g elay- ^ � Ing and reuai Ing the xidewalke on q bot} eider MI 4 ea Frn' 'y J Fry�JJJ COUNCIL FILE NO -- ----- __-_--------- _.__BBy --------------------- y------------------ ------ ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing the sidewalks on both sides _of _Minnehaha__Avenue_fmm--I rte_Street_to_YYheeler__Streeteragd_o�_both --- cieg__o _Strsat`_tr_om _Minnehaha _Avenue__to-Maglewood_Avenue, ._exoept_whexa-.good--eud-4a-f4 oimt•- sidewalh__no_v_r-eid et,------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_-___ 119298_ -------------------approved --- ---- -------_ June-_ z8,--1940-----------____------ Intermediary Order ------------------------ -approved --- - --- - - -- - - - — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__xessalstrsst�__zelay_--and-rey�t�the �isislke-Qn----- ksith__aisl�s__p�_Minnehaha_Bvenu�_SricaL-Fr-y__fitrae_t._to__Eheeler Stred, _ And nn _hnthsidea. o£ Aldine Street__from_�innej}aha Av_e�ue �o En-glewood AverLue�exoept where good ead— suf£ioient__sidewalks_now exiat�-_____--__________-___-__---_____— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city ofQcials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-. teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _AU6_27_--- — 192 AUG 271940 - -- - 1 -- - Cfty Clerk. y Cl File S4376 Councilman c 4W=__r'.6o, B Councilman Councilmanlblk�m Councilman a Councilman n Councilman Mayor HqJU@v&= Wonough Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHEDC�_A - #0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RP -PORT OF WMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n, - (A) In the matter of reconstructing, relaying 9nd repairing the sidewalks on both sides of 'rte Minnehaha Avenue, where necessary, from Fry Street to Wheeler St., and on both sides of l• Aldine St. from Minnehaha Ave. to Englewood Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 28, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Pau": The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ squareolA the n_14 new . The estimated cost pery oot for the above improvement is $0.07,_ relaying / - $ +i le The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuAidn of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK N. 84 ft. of W. 39.18 ft. of 10 10 S. 46 ft. of N. 130 ft. of W. 39.18 ft.of 10 10 (Except N. 130 ft.) 9 on 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 10 15 10 West 60 ft. of 16 10 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED Lan yALUAT10L1 dg• College Place, West Division 400 tl$22760 do `' 225 2000 do 550 2250 do 1100 4900 do 1000 2850 do 1000 3550 . do 1000 8100 do 1000 3250 do 850 TOTAL, 3150 CITY OF ST. PAUL F EtPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMM-tSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT lawcK ADDITION '' ASSESSED Idg LUA1dga.. . Lot 17'and `Except West 50 ft.) 16; M College Place, West Division ,,�11�0 ; t: $4850 10' do 1000 2050 u South 125.99 ft. of r do 880 57.00 . South 125.99 ft. of 20' 10, o 950, 3400w _ (Except Alley) Lot 1 and(Exoept West 50 ft. of North 114 ft. and except West 10 ft. of that part ( 825 3050,: South of the North 114 feet) - - 2' 11 do ( 525 2200 (Except Alley h East 15 ft.) 11, 11, do 825. i '27501 (Except Alley) East 15 ft. of Lot 11 1 and (Except Alley and E. 30 ft.) - 12; 11 do 750, 2600; (Except Alley) East 30 ft. of Lot 12 and (Exc. Alley) W. lb ft.of 13 ll, do 750 2960; _ (Except Alley) East 44.78 ft.of 13. 11: do 750 2950~ (Except Alley) 14. 11, do 1000. 2750.. (Except Alley) 15, 11, do 1000 5850 (Except Alley) West 40 ft. of 16, 11 do 700, 1850 (Except Alley & West 40 ft.) Lot 16 j and(Exoept Alley) West 20.ft. of 17; 11. do 700 1600 ii (Except Alley) East 39.78 ft, of 17 . 11. do 700- 1750 (Except Alley) West 39.78 ft. of 18; 11 do 700 3200r 1 J. M. Finney+s Reerrangement 575 2800 i. 2. do 675 2150 3 . do 650, _ :23.50 � . .- . 4 do 8003950N 1 2, Wood Lawn Park Addition 700 P, 4850;; Lot 19 and West 25 ft. of 20 2, do 1200, ;6500,; Lot 21 and E East 20 of 20 2; do 978. ;2_990._„ ... TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO&WISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CC" y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LUATIo Lana Bld g. 22 2 Wood Lawn Park Addition #860 :1100 23 2 do 650 4100 24 2 do 650 4050 25 2 _ do 650 2750 .; 26, 2 do 650 2550 27 2 do 650 1100 28 2 do 650 2850 . 29 2 do 650 1 3 do 725 3400 2 3 do 650 3300 3 . 3 do 650 3550 ,. 4 3 do 650 3000 5 3 do 650 2350 .. 1 1 Gillette's Addition to Woodlawn 625 1850 Park, City of 8t. Paul, Minn. 2 1 do 625 2050 3 1 do 625 3600 ,. 4 1 do 625 3000 5 1 do 625 2750 6 1 do 625 4050 7 1 do 625 2800 Lot 8 and East 3 ft. of 9 1 do 675 2100 (Except East 3 £t.) 9 1 do 700 3200 Total 140,150 $166,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.,- - r— �N ✓ F� i Dated July 30 19 40 Commissioner of Finance. I— B. B. 12 Office of the gommissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance , July 8 19-4O-- To 9 40To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No_ 119298 approved June 28 19 -Lo— relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalks on both sides of Minnehaha Avenue where neoessary, from Fry Street to Wheeler Street, and on both sides of Aldine Street from Minnehaha Avenue to Englewood Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - Relay old the at $.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--, and the total cost thereof is Ley new the at $.-14 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is P asked for upon petition of three or more owners of p o arty, subject to assessment d ' ff vement. Commissioner of Public Works. JUL gs�i# - C. F. Nb. 119886 --Hy A. F.Petereon—'. Reeaived, That -the Council hereby Oripla.l to City Ckrk ( BDpt—o. the =11 n of Lhe C ntr t C, ItteeAyrardtn L}1B CORL[aCL6 q for fu-Ishinqq traneDortatloR for cer I' -1— CITY O tarn Vol child- n from tb Ir >. M SIH OFFICE Ol :�.T4 CITY CLkit'� 7aiA1,• ` `- ` COUNCIL RESOLUTIOy—GENERAL FORM 'NTED 9Y �/1 ,1/J_.d '- ISSIONER— / DATE ust 17,1940 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contracts for -furnishing transportation for certain school children from their homes to Lindsay School, Irving School, Jefferson School, Mechanic Arts High School, Crowley School, Hill School, Diocesan Teachers College, and/ or other schools as found necessary and back again, during the school year of 1940-41, beginning September 4, 1940, as follows: By 7 -Pass. F.B. #392: TO BROWN & WHITE CAB CO.: Automobile Group "AA Members of the Crowley Beta Classes- (Approximately 35) a. Cost per day - - - - - - - - - $13.90 $2502.00 b. Unit price per mile for any addition or deduction in mileage .17j Group "D" Members of Hard of Hearing Group;. . to the Diocesan Teachers College, 240 Summit Ave.- (Approx. 20) a. Cost per day - - - - - - - - - 8.90 16,02.00 b. Unit price per mile for any addition or deduction in mileage - - - - - - - - - -- .17j Making total amount of contract approximately - $4104.00 TO BLUE AND WHITE CAB: Group "C" Members of the Lindsay, Mechanic Arts, Irving, Jefferson & Hill Schools- (Approximately 155). a. Cost per day- (Approx.180 days'- 67.72 b. Unit price per mile for any addition or deduction in mileage - - - - - - - - - - -- .17w Making total amount of contract approximately - $12,189.60 all in accordance with specifications, their formal bids as shown above, such bids being the lowest bids and said contractors being the lowest CounCILMEn conti>kiued-- Adopted by the Council___.-_ Qeas nays -. Barfuss Findlan Approved____- Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax - - ..._Against Mr. President, McDonough 3M 5-o cs 33338 Orilio.l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FLLE NO.— COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 4 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _—_.._ DATE_ -,2_ re]t.ble and reasonable bi.dders,,and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said imontracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Charge various school funds and Public Safety funds. councILmEn lJeas / Ilays Barfuss VFin - an aar�rranto iPf e�eison �R//osen ✓i/ruax ,'Mr. r. President, McDonough 3111 3.40 C3 23338 Adopted by the Council 27 Approved_AUG 2719Q 194___ In Favor or _Aqa oriYlssl to cl Cl -k CITY OF SAINT PAUL couNca J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � FILK NO. �M COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESEN ED P COMMIS August 2 DATE 7r 1940 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43457, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43459, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43459, and Pool Hall, application 43460, applied for by Edward Gosiak at 473-5 N. Snelling Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 9, 1940. Old Location. COUTICILmEn 17eas nays fuss ' Findlan -'Oarranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough Birt 3-a0 C525338 C. F. No. 119987—By d. H. BarYuea— Reeolved. That Ilcense mfordlRestau- ant, application 43487, Oa `,ale tau - Beverage, aPPlicatlon 48488, O8 `,ale Malt Beverage, application 48449,PPand for by �Edwsrdication k434 0�973peiie j j Snelling Ave. be and the came are hereby granted and the City Clerk is /n,tracted to issue uch licenses upon I I the cequ(rod fee,, the tha city treasury of Adapted by tno Council Aug. 37, 1940. j Approved AUg. 27, 1940. (August 31, 1940) i ,;, AUG 27 IN Adopted bq the Counoil_ - .- -___-194__ AUG 271 pproved_— --- t94_-- -__—In Favo 1 ayor ___/ Against odflusi to Cl Ina CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` CO [NCIL tv0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rIL1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B August 27, 1940 COMMISSIONER__--_.. DATE WHEREAS: Daniel Delmont has made application 43734 for license to ope3late as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) DeSoto automobile, Motor No. S3-47256, Serial No. 5562930, Car. No. 3, covered by Lloyds.of Minneapolis insurance policy H212769, expiring September 3, 1940, and WHEREAS: said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVEM that license -t6 operate said entomobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Daniel Delmont and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 119988—By c. x. Darfu„— ?.. W. A. Parranto—J. B. E7ndlan S este e a taatcap pon ­­ of the City of et. Paul, one (1) DeBoto ueto..bit., Motor No. 99-{7260, Ser „aV Wherees, Sald appllcant has filed M copy of insurance Policy ith the City of St. Paul and saki policy has been approved as to form and execu- tion by tfie Corporation Counsel, there- fore, be It Resolved, That license to operate said automobile as n taxicab upon the j treets of the City of St. Pau) be and the came In hereby granted to )a.,., Delmont and the City Clerk le In- structed to Issue such license uponthe payment into the city treasury or the required by the Council Aug. 27, 1940. Adopted by the Council7 IWO C011IlCiLIRER p AUG_ yeas nags ju” ,4indlan proved _AUG 27194Q Tea___ ,,,Piirranto In Favor Peterson oxen X _/ _Against 1 President, McDonough sm -lo Cs •13D.s City CIerL C.- F. No. 139989-8yy (3. H. Harfuse—- Oriplssl to Fw.e olved, Th at�llarenses applied for UNCIL CITY O by the NO. persons named on the i.d t- .a OFFICE 9 .1—hea to this reeolutlon he and Che ma are hereby granted and the City COUNCIL RESdLIJ C1erK is instructed to feaue such lb ten9e0 upon the payment Into the city reasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Aug. E7, 1940. Approved Aug. E7, 1940. �tlst 27, 1940 PRESENTED V COMMISSION ------ ------ (August 81, 1940) RESOLVED: That 1 ceases applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue succi licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regtired fees: Adolph Seidenkranz 1650 Rice St. Ice Station App. 42251 Renewal John Zittel 1102 W. Larpenteur Ice Station " 43188 " Randolph Ice & Fuel Co. 2229 Robbins Ice Delivery ^ 43323 " John Schneider 305 W. 7th St. Pool Tables a 43400 " 09 " n Confectionery " 43401 a August Balineki 562 Rice St. Confectionery " 43485 " s n v If Off Sale Malt ^ 43486 " Stanley R. Frost 960 N. Western Ave. Grocery it 43553 " Robert V. Carlson 549 Rice St. Off Sale Malt ^ 43576 a H. T. Edlund 1200 Forest St. Grocery ^ 43626 a John Hahold Dale & Fuller Ice Sta%ion N 43634 " ^ ^ 555 Ashland Ave. Ice Delivery " 43636 ^ Otto H. Schmidt 224 N. Western Grocery " 43655 " Albert Sadowski 349-51 Univ. Ave. Tavern it 43663 If Speros Anton 621 Selby Ave. Grocery Is 43735 If Hyman D. Kaplan 109 Sherburne Ave. Foot Peddler it 43762 it COUTICILMErt yeas stays —tear s indlan —Pdd'rravto eterson �en �ax President, McDonough 3m 3-4e CS 23330 AUG �7° 10 Adopted by the Council_ -___194__ AUG 27 1QQ Approved -------_------194_ In Favor ____Against Oriiln 1 to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL v LiNcit NO. ` '1•' v OFFICE OF THE CITY CL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE COMMISSION ___- ___ DATE Awxist 27. 1940 RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43155, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43156, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43157, applied for by Elizabeth Stout and Margaret Kohn at 2550 W. 7th Ste be and thew same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, July 23, 194o, Old Location. counciLMEn yeas — hags ss Findlan —'F�arranto Aeterson ,/oxen /a�rnaX / ---- President, McDonough aM 5-4e CS 23338 C•wF. NNo.11999!—By O. 8:'"Barfy _ Resolved,rra That�l ansa iyor Restau- rBe,ant, APPlicatlan 42166, On 8We Malt Sale Merit BeveraRte� ap411c 6, and OC aPPI ed for by Elizabeth aeon 93157 Mdgtie s moa a esti rebvnd 7iran[ea ab the hC�icenss Clerk Don l ttb; uctad to issue fhe city treasury Daymant Into j Adopted by t e Council Aug.,.d 1949. ADDroved Aug. 27, 1940. (August 21, 1949) AUG 27 Adopted bit the Council —7 Approved— Favor 27 WO Approved---------- —194-- - Favor or _,_.Against o,lalael I. cur c1.,t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j (j/r` COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED i COMM19910N _ .._____._. _._ __—._—_ _�_,t._ y_ DATE August 27, 1940 __.:4: --TT RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 4'3156, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43159, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43160, applied for by Mrs. L. M. Kohler at 142 W. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instracted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Qouncil „ July 23, 1940, Old Location. COnnc=En ljeas nays fuss F1 dlan Parranto ,4i eterson /Koren if'ruax ,,Mr. President, McDonough sm 3.40 CS 2333. C. M'No. 119691—By O. R. Barfuae W. A. Parranto.—,7. 8 Nl. Serf. Re.olved, That ❑cense for Reatau- ant• lan— application 48168, on gate Malt "Sale M , applicaagtion vp43169, and 01r 60 pp11W alt Seve th B . be pa d t$ge l ealme aa�r5e'hereby granted and the City Clerk 18 Jnatrneted to Jeune Ouch 1lceneOel upon the pa"Went Into the city trees-,� iury of the reVaulsed Seem Approved A ge 7,u B l Aag• 87, 1940. P (Angus[. 81, 1840) AUG 2710 Adopted by the Council- - ---- ----194-- AUG 27 30 ✓ / Approved___ le4_.._ In Favor _ 0 _____Agains eriplosl to CRY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORMk' PRESENTED COMMISSION —__—_. _—___..__—-.-.--_—_---_....__._ _ DATE COUNCIL FILZ NO. August 27, 1940 WHEREAS, Collova & Valente desire to withdraw application 43771 for Off Sale Malt Beverage license at 262 W. Seventh St. and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Collova & Valente the fee of $5,00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 118992—By O, g, Barfuse— W A.. Pa C. int — S Flndlan— to Wlthd--.v DDlloaatlOD 42771 for t. dosOf! Seventh lg Baud requestn9 at 262 W . the license fee deposited thOreo f therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper city tn- I [ere be and they are hereby authorized o refund to Collova 4 valente the { fee ti of f6.00 and to cancel and appli- cation for license. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1940. Approved Aug. 27, 1940. (August 21, 1940) I (paid fee twice by mistake) COnnCILmEn leasnags Ha;joss Find"in arranto _p6terson n president, McDonough 3111 3-40 CS masse Adopted by the Council AUG 27 NO tea AUG 27 1940 Iroo,ved____ lea___ In Favor —Against pritissl to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Rats NO. OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK {P'I COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FOV 4r PRESENTED BY DATE Augu8t 27, 194O ij COMMISSIONER— .---- ----------------- WHEREAS! John Gershon has made application 43763 for license to operate as ax taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Motor No. P2-220440, Serial No. 2781879, Car. No. 17, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy $H212778, expiring September 3, 1940, and WITS AS: said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby wanted to John Gershon and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 119993—Br G. H. Barfues— f X411 CounCn.msn nags uss Zan �anto ,Peterson ,Rosen �Yuax President, McDonough sm s o Cs issss fore,.be...it..,..w•–.......,,.,....a., ...�..,- Resolved. Mat license to operate sold tallumbli, as n tazlcab pon the streets of the City of 8L Paul be and the same 1s hereby granted to john Ghon and the City Clerk fs Instructeedrsto issue such license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1940. Approved Aug. 27. 1940. (August 31, 1946) j Adopted by the CoungiliUG 27.._-194__ r AUG 27 194 Approped—__— 194_ / in Favor _ �) Aqai 199 Orifissl to City rlC COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILK NO. OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENEN�L FORM r V�' August 27 1940 PRESENTED DATC COMMISSION R --–----------_-- -- WHEREAS: Nettie McGibbon has made application 43791 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Packard automobile Serial No. 1091-B1239, Mtr. No. x-115493, Car. No. 70, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy H212776, expiring September 3, 1940, and WHEREAS; said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Nettie McGibbon and the City Clerk is instructed to issue Such license upon the payment C. F. No. 119994—By G. H: Bartuse— into the City treasury of the required fee. Whereas rra.Netti 4. S. bonlhaa made application 43791 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets f the City of St. Paul, one (1) Packard automobile, Serial No. 1091-111838, Motor No. x-116483, Cnr No. 70, cover- ed by Lloyds of Mlnneapoile lneurance 1940,ya 4212776, expiring September 3, Whereas, Said applicant has filed a copy of Inas, policy with the City of St. Paul and said and has been .p. 'd as to form n d execut/on by 1fa Corporation Counsel, therefore, be Resolved, That license to operate said automobile as taxicab upon the streets of the CItY of St. Paul he anfl the snme I. hereby granted to Nettie MCGIDbon and the City Clerk Is Instructed to Issue such license upon the rY.e.t Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 87, 1940. Approved Aug. ET. 3840. (August 31, 1940) AUG 271840 COUTICTLMEn Adopted by the Council— _ _ ___ —194-- yea9 / Tlays - Z ' s AUG 27 Approved__ 194___ rranto In Favor _t_._._ ,Peterson __-'--- - M. e,Kosen x _---Agar Pr. President, McDonough sill ma6 Cs vasa. C r No. 4118805-13y w1ton Roeeq Mote Protect 0221-08 (Trunk High..0 to citi, Cl -k 1 •• 'Way 01408} gamaey Cougty. 4pp41yy��4 +Wharese 11he Commie loner of Hlo.y Y� Waytt. tfo the 1=o or HIO�i• [1 �21a.�jCIL NO. CITY F SA 6 ik r. lCi OFFI F THE Ct "Fjtk c�9 c t, vr» 77 COUNCIL R UTION--- G&iF ERAL FORM COMM 9910NEYH a DATE August 2'] 1940 a' State Project 6221-02 (Trunk Highway 61-102), Ramsey County. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highw y of the State of Minnesota is about to designate the location of Trunk Highway No.. 61 formerly desig- nated Trunk Highway No. 102 through the City of Saint Paul as shown upon the plan dated August 20, 1940, for said project on file in office of the Commissioner of Public Works, and WHEREAS, said Commissioner of Highways proposes to construct and improve said Trunk Highway through said City and has prepared plans for said construction and improvement, a copy of which plans are on file in the offic' of the Commissioner of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the construction and improvement of said Trunk Highway, Roadway or Structure, requires a change in the grade of the streets in said Cil an upon which said Trunk Highway passes, to provide greater width or capa`c'ity necessary for the accommodation of the city and the high- way•traffic; and WHEREAS -,-1t has been determinedhat said Trunk Highway be con structed and improved through said City in accordance with said plans and the standard Minnesota Highway Specifications and upon the grade desig- nated therein, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer have examined and approved said plans for the construction and improvement of Trunk Highway No. 61; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the location of said Trunk High*&&—,,and the said plans and specifications for the construction and improvement of said trunk highways through said City be and the same hereby are approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said City hereby consents and approves the location and construction of said roadway or structure to provide a greater width or capacity by changing the grade of the str. is along which said Trunk Highway passes as designated and shown in said.J)lans attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the accommodation of highway traffic, and assumes any and all liability and responsibility and agrees to pay for all damages resulting directly or indirectly to any and all property that COIITICILMER Adopted by the Council___ IJeas Rails Barjuss Findlan Approved___._____ 194____ Parranto Peterson in Favor --_ mayor Rosen Truax ---Against Mr. President, McDonough 3111 -0 C3 23338 CITY OF ST. PAUL wueeu OFFICE OF THE ITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTI ---GENERAL FORM Sheet 2 PRESENTED BY mil DATE August 27 1940 COMMISSIONER S - may be damaged -on adbmnt of the location, construction and improvement,of isaid proposed Trunk Highway No. 61, including any and all'approaches and streets connecting therewith, which has not been included within the right of way of said proposed Trunk Highway No. 61, that if any action or progeedings for damages are commenced by any owner, tenants or other claimants by reason of the location, construction or improvement of said ;highway, including any and all approaches and streets connecting thert*ith, ''the. said City does hereby contract and agree to intervene and deferid�such action or proceedings and pay any damages that may be awarded in fa'& -16f such owner, tenants or claimants, together with costs and disbursements of said action or proceedings, and reasonable attorney's fee. ✓ COU LMEN Adopted by the CounclYG 271 193— Yeas Nays 27194 71 l alsnalso pproved 193— Pa 93— P` a nto Zt on In Favor yor Bai PUBL.ISI�3 �- q6 President 5M 648 C8 ORIGINAL— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Yd GTY CL..K U COUNCILit R N _ 1001 COUNCIL RESOL ON FILE No. - FOR AIJTHORIZATIO) OF LOCAL IMPRgCt ENT PROJECTS PRESENTED SY HON. DATE J117 ] Q .3 -� (]•(7194— Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract ® Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the recon- struction of Ornamental Lights on Arcade Street from Case Avenue to Maryland Avenue, to the COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 404 of said Commonwealth Electric Company, for the contract price of $6,357.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Common- wealth Electric Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized o alecute said contract on behalf C. No. 119886—By Mlttoa Ro.en— of the City of Saint Paul. eaolved, Tha[ bhe CounDu hereby 1pp^ ovea the' ward Dt th. Contra,' • � .�i� --�P"rvrawn- . FORMAL BID Nof04 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 6,544.00 NOT. TO lap PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. 11..e1.D AGAINIT 11N.FITTED PNOI.RTY - - - - - _ - - ' -APPROPRIATED- 2. - 8 E. APPROPRIATED 1.111 CITY -1 "IRK D1 LOCAL IMPIOV.M.NT.- - - C.G. 31E1 : 6,357.00 1. APPIDPRIAT.G 110M LOCAL IMPROV.M91T°—a%aMPT PROPEITY— .. APPIDPwIATaG FROM .... I.... -CCD. : 1. COUNTY AID . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° s •5,357.00_. COPIES TO: CITY CLERK ANC[ AVAILA1La IN NTT Na A.ovE aTwT[O APPROPRIATIONe ro COMPTROLLER R.IMeuRe. TN[ P.R.IAN[ni IMPIova1ENT wavoLVIN LOCAL IM PROV[MENT NO. IN RT-UR-.THE weoVa IZRMTe. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING • COMPTROLLDATE FINAL ORD" A.01— Bl— COUNCILMEN DO1T[DBYCOUNCILMEN AUG 27 YEAH NAY. _I.1AYD1 ADOPT.D BY THa COUNCIL • _-- -- - - MR. PRESIDENT — ---"-' — MY— C...... PUBLISHED j- On1DINAl� CITY OF SAINT PAUL (j AV klp� CITY CLEAN U 1 00o COUNCIL RESOLUTION G.J 1\IFILS CIL NO. P 1�1 1 WOR AUTHORIZ=-TIO O LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. ./[ DATE A'191St 9.3 _ g4G4— • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contrac& for the con- struction and reconstruction of Manholes, Catchbasins, and other • drainage structures on Arcade Street from Case Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, to DAN BORRE, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 405 of said Dan Borre, for the contract price of $2,850.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Dan Borre being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the . RA . City of Saint Pahl. ^ Ir. ITheM'lt.n '�:I�cl( her.bT FORMAL BID NO. 405 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE. 3,355.00 NOTE. TO a PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN. TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT A8 FOLLOWS: 1. A..[...D AOAIN.TITT.D RTY - - - - - - - - - S BiH[I Pw E. APPRDPRIATED FROM -R. .1 LOCAL I——....T.– - - C... 31E1 s 2,850.00 .. AFP AT.D FROM L.C.I. IMPR.v.M.NT.—. MPT PROP.—Y— - CODE 4. APPwD.RIAT[D FROM ..N. I....–CDD. s .. COUNTY AID . . . . . . . . . . . . . s TOTAL . . . . . . . :2,850.00-- -- COPIES To: I N[w.ev c[Rnry THAT T-. I. A. ......... RE..A" CITY CLERK ANC. AVAILA.LE IN THE A.. Y. "A... •...OPRIAiIDNw rD - COMPTROLLER nelMeu R.[ TN. P[ ...... I IMFR .—AT REVOLVING Fu LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. PUBLIC WORKS i IN i-- A.DVE-I%NT.. � _._._.._ PURCHASING � DAT[ FINAL ORDER ADOPTED ® COUNCILMEN YEAS • MR. PRESIDENT NAYS ADOPTED BY THE ClUI ILAUG 27_._1_' AUG 27 -- - ___ —------- _ MAYOR PUBLLSfiED It- 31- a ., J(thlid.l to City Clerk 1.119998 q, 119�1C-1 i CITY OF SAINT PAUL � COUNCIL. NO S1 p�ott ,�-,@It'J3 ` OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK - / i�Z�NCIL R� LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE �at' 27th, 1110• COMMISSIONER_ —-------------- In the matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 3, EUhlee 2nd Addition„ from White Bear Ave. to Flandraa 8t.* under Preliminary Order 0. Y. 216825 approved November 3rd, 1939, and 71=1 Order C. F. 117435 approved April 10th, 1940. Bb1g�VO. That the plane and spoeificatica►s as submitted by the omaiseioner of Public Wcrks for the above named Improvement, be and the same are hereby* approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above Ann" improvement, in accordance Tvith the texas of Ordinance 7708, 0. 7..204827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $855.85, and be it B1JFibSOLM, what the Purchasing Agent. be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. ch . Agent o be Viand nhe las hereinPut- =9 anized and directed to Durchaae the neceeeary material:. Adopted by the Council Aug- 27, 1940. Approved Aug. 27, 1940. (August 31, 1,40) ✓ ' - Counc LRlEn Adopted by the Counci1AUG_27- ie4____ Ijeas/un AN 2v Ift � flays bar Ind Ian Approved_-__--__ 194_ 6�llto 7 /t'etg✓raon---.-----in Favor oxen r- .�R yo __-Agains President, McDonough SM 3.40 CS 2333. OrI9(nnl to City Clerk _R � , ), z CITY OF SAINT PAUL CRO`NCIL NO. OFRCE, F THE CITY CLERK p COUNCIL RE UTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE -a August 27th, 1940. COMMISSIONER ---_-__--_..--____--- DATE la the matter of grading and surfacing the alley in Block 4, Syndioats No. 2 Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order 118000 approved Nareh 59' 1940, amid Baal Order 118615 approved 11my 7th, 1940. iEB80LV>m, That the plans and spegifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the ease are hereby approved, and. the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein in authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708; 0. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost o2 materials., equipment, engineering and supervision being #824.17, and be it MMM RffiOLM, That the Purchasing Agent be sad he in herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. _474 councn.men Ilea$ nays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3111 5.40 C3 23538 Adopted by the Counnil Aug. 27. 1940. Approved Aug. 24, 1940. (August 91, 1940) AUG 27 Adopted bq the Council___. AUG 27 IWC A roved _._ t94 __In Favor _ _. �----_--- — /� m r U Against orlsi—I t. city Clerk QTY OF SAINT PAUL OF E OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNCIL OLUTION---GENERAL FORD `'.N lv� COUNCIL FILM NO. Angust 27th. 1940. In the matter of grading and oiling the 8110Y in a* ftwl"I'l paoirlo Street Addition, Yoboan Avenue Addition, and Block 2, Eingils Addition, from Hbater 8t. to the east line of ringvs Addition; also constructing a serer in the easement to be obtained on the slisoelleneous tract of laud adjacent to and east of Block 20 tinges Addition tram the a11q to the sewer in McLean Avenue, under prelimia- order 1143 approved Yaroh 19th, 1940, and ri a1 order 11 706 approved Noy 10h, 19,40- M E[T=j Tint the plans and specifications as suEml.tted by the Ociesissionetr of Public 'Works for the above wed IWovs- asnt, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Oassissioner of Public 'Works be and he herein is authorised and instructed to proceed with the constrnotion of the above nosed improvement, in a000rdance with the terms ed Ordinenoe 7700, O. To 104027 approved 0eptosber 129 1936, the satisated coat of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision beixg #552.11* and be it lEiRMM RESOL98O, That the Parohasing Agent be and he is herein authorised and direoted to purchase the neosseary materlala. C. F. No. 190000—By Miitoa B An— Ia the matter o[.ggrg�{1Ing and olltng' the alley fa F. Kagti4's 1?a3In 8L Addltlon MCLean' Ave" Addltloa, and Week BL to�1Le ."tt lineao� Singe Mone^.1eo--truoting a eewer be of e; •po, dim t 4 -OUTICILMEn Teas TLays Barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3111 e.30 CS 23333 Adopted by the Council AUG 27 M 1e4__-- Litpprouad_AUS 27 IN _tea__ Favor (1 — ----------- - V Against PifOLLSFIEiA<. v nri0an.1 to City Clerk I% I' "%'J.1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CO FILUNCI_ NO OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK ` CLO UNC ESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 241.0. 1,940. COMMISSIONER ._.—_____—. _ _._.-____ __ ___ _-._ _ DATE In the matter of grading and oiling the alley in Block 28, West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition 10.2 and Block 4, Paul Martins First Addition, from Waterloo to Eaneas Avenue, under -Preliminary Order 117320 approved December 22nd, 1939, and Baal Order 117"" approved February 27th, 1940.. 2E9MVID, That the plans and specifications as sabmttted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be end the same ars hereby approved, and the Oommissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of OrQinance 7708, 0. F. 104827 approved September 12th, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being *3M22y and be it FURTHER RZOMMID, That the Purchasing Agent be and he in herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. 1"..120001—By Mlihni ioq -_ In the matter nr nsd.,s e.. .__ v �• COunCILMER Yeas Rays Harfuss Findian Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough SM 3.40 C3 93338 '7th, 1940..,,.. ....yr u eeoruary Resolved, That the plane and epecl- ations ae submitted by the Commie- Pner of Public Works for the above In d Improvement, be and the same a eheroby ppProved, and the Com - ..loner of Pubiic Works be mad he rein fe authorized and Instructed to eed with the construction of the e named improvement, In accord- ov F. the terms of Ordlaance 98, C. F. 104827 aPPr.,of Septeruber [h, 1938, the eatlmated coat of ma- rfale, equipment, engineering and pervlelon being ,342.22, and be it Further Resolved That the Pur- ithorzedgand directed hto fe herein eceaeary materials. purchase Adopted by the ConnellAug. 27, 1940. AD Proved Aug. 27, 1940. (August 31, 1940) Adopted bg the Council_AUG 2719 _ _ 194__ AUG 27 X40 Approved_______ to Favor t ___Against Original to City Clerks /. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL •Il6 NO..._-___- OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ __ _._ ....___.__. __ _. _._.. .. _ _. _—_— _ DATE _Aggnat-2M- T-1 In the matter of grading and oiling the alleys in Block 6, Warrendale from Noaenty Street to the East and West allay and from the North and South Alley to Chatsworth Street; also constructing a sewer in the North and South Alley from a point 460 feet north of XcEeaty Street to the center of the Best and West Ailey and in the East and West Alley from the North pd South Alley to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order 117038 approved November 24th, 1939, and Final Order 117500 approved April 16th. 1940. REB OLVIM, That the plane and specifications as submitted by the Ocmissioner of Public Works fol the above nested improvement, be and the name are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorised and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, 0. 7. 104827 approved September 120 1936. the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being #827.21, and be it 3URTM REBOLTM, That the Purchasing Agent be mad he is herein authorized end directed to purchase the necessary materials. C. F. No. 120002—��{t1 By iton Rosen, In the matter of graUkk� alleys In Block-erre and oulisli the , Wanda1 em McKenty St. to the- East. maid i'ey and from the North and + -- •n - to Chatsworth at.' also :o:e^In the �Nor`th Deist q� COUTIQLMETI ljeas nays fanto s n _,P6terson ,Rosen ,tuax Mr. President, McDonough .in .-S, CS 's... AUG 27 Adopted by the Council_.__ AUG 27 In Favor ayor _ /—�A6.inst pUI3LISHfD r� Original to City Clerk OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL tV O.-- /0FCC OF THE CITY CLERKCOUNCLOTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY —` `^�_–_ DATE—August__28thq 1940:-_—_-- COMMISSIONER a� In the matter of grading alleys in Block 1, Settler's Addition, from Albert Avenue to the north and south alley. -and (rami Bayard Avenue to.Hartford Avenue; [also grading A bert Avenue from. Bayard Avenue to.., Hartford Avenue,lunder Preliminary Order 115066-, approved June 6th,'1939, ani`inal Order 115979 approved April 17th, 1940. RIMOLVED. That the plane and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby- approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein Is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7/06, 0. P. 104927 approved September 12th, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, ongineering and supervision being $1.226.28, and be it lURTH R nWLM, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessarys.T iterials. ✓{' - • C011nCILMETI I]easnags Zlan /Isarrantc Peterson "Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3M 3-40 CS -35 C?•F. No. 130003—By Milton Rosor In the matter of grading allevAa' Block 9att1er'e Addltton, fr•. �..,t to theBorth i �• - ' "n ayn Adopted by the CounClluG_2 AUG 27 pproved__..___ / In 0 Favor a r ._Against PUBLiSHEn-1-31 —1�O Oriple.l to City Clerk �(+ CITY OF SAINT P COUNCIL. L FILM NO. OFFIC OF THE CITYK COUNCIL RE LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / _ _ DATE Ammst 97th_ -1940.- that the application of the Dispatoh.Pioneer Press Company for the construction and maintenance of a news stead at the southeast corner of Vniversity Avenue and Lexington parftIsy between No. Oxford St. and Lexington Parkmq, twenty-eight feet west bf the building line of Lexington Parkway, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633, and rules and regulations as prescribed by the Commissioner of Public works, be and is hereby granted; "_._.`:i. and be it YORTFER MISCL48D, that this permit Is grpted with the distinct understanding that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on this news stand. tithe Comm ssioner of be and Is hereby gratt- Aug. ET, 1940. (August Sl, 1440) 81IG -2 7 180 Counci th d b t d Aopey e lr'u C011TICIy[ltETl tea__ _ yeas i nags AUG 27 ba f f U9S — Fin n APProued___--_- -tea arran[o j In Favor or Against President, MoDonough 3n1 3-40 CS 23339 l C. F. No. 120006—By W. A. Parranto— li-ca., Ralph E. Woodward on Orkin. lo�.^,Ity Ckrk employe of the Department of Public 61 i rz Utllltlee, was •Injured on the 24d day i CITY OF SA. of AuHuat, 1s+o, while " tha tour ,i� hie employment, and dlea tr• NO._.. OFFICE OF THE I mjurlee on the and day of . y 'e40. n CIL RESOLUTIV—Gsaa • F i'r'' t /AO' DATE—Aug,-27a- 1940. --_- WHEREAS, Ralph E. Woodward an employe of the Department of Public Utilities, was injured on the 2nd day of August 1940, while In the course of his employment, and died from such injuries on the 2nd day of August 1940, and WHEREAS, said employe left surviving him his widow, Mrs. Ella Woodward, and two dependent children, Ellanor, born July 14, 1923, and William Robert, born September 26, 1930, and WHEREAS, the General Statutes of the State of Minnesota require an employer to pay compensation to the dependents of the deceased employe, whose death arose out of and in the course of his employment, in an amount equal to 60 per cent of the daily wage of the deceased At the time of his injury where a widow and two children survive as dependents, provided, however, that the maximum compensation shall not exceed the total sum of $7500.00, a aid swiss to b e paid to the widow --for the benefit of herself and such dependent ohildren,and WHEREAS, the said Ralph E. Woodward at the time of his injury and death was receiving as wages the sum of $169.05 per month, and 60 per cant thereof exceeds the sun of $20.Oo per week, and WHEREAS, the General Statutes provide that the employer shall pay funeral expenses in a sum not exceeding $150.00 in the case of fatal injury if the funeral expenses equal or exceed that amount, and WHEREAS, the funeral expenses did, in fact, exceed the sum of $150.000 said expenses having heretofore been paid by said Mrs. Ella Woodward, therefore be it ,JMOLVED,�that the proper city officers be and ��,e.,'are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Mrs. Ella'Wo`oftard for the benefit of herself and her dependent children, -the sutra of $20.00 per week, payable every two weeks.,,'ovmmenoing Augustt 3, 1940, and continuing until Juiy 14 1941, at which time compensation shall continue at the rate of J18.55'per week, due to the; fact that said Ellanor Woodward shall have reached the age of 18 y Vis, such compen- sation to continue at such rate until September 26948, when the weekly CounCILmsn fleas nays Bar f uss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough .111 .-.e CS 2333. Adopted bit the Council . ... - Appro -- ------------194-- In Favor -. _Against Mayor 0r1,I9)k 'Ciy Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU.CIL TILE NC1.—__._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED OMM COMMISSIONER-- ER - -- DATE—.___.-.--._.__-______—_— rate will then be $14.86, due to the fact e0*i3 said William Robert Woodward shall have reached the age of 18 years, such sums to be paid until the total sum of $7500 shall have b eon paid, due #o dependency, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers sr e hereby authorized and directed to reimburse said Ella Woodward in the amourt of $150 toward funeral expenses incurred, all of the hereinmentioned sums to be paid Prom the Workmen Ia Compensation Account of the General Fund. COnnCILMEn yeas" nays a ss 1 an a�rranto /Peterson sen /'Yruax /Mr. President, McDonough am I. cs mase wG 27 Adopted by the Council_ )) AUG 27 iIn Favor -- m o -Agai PUBLISHED I_) Original to City CIer4 i t Clri OF SAINT PAUL R FILENciL FILE NO.—. - - - OFFICE OF THE Clri CLERK �NCILTION---GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY DATECOMMISSIONER____ Pf T - RESOLVED$ that the Board of Water Comnisat oners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an a greement with Eldon Brubaker providing for the payment of compensation to him at the r ate of $14.54 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on or about the 15th day of ffiay 1940; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Eldon Brubaker the sum of $29.08 out of the Water Depart- ment Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including Jum 14 th, 1940 (from June C. F. No. 120006—By W. A. Parranto- 1, 1940. Resolved. That the DO -rd of Water Commiselo..re be and it le hereby authorized to enter Ina. agree- ment with Eldon Brubaker provlding. for thepayment of eompeneation to him at the rate of $14.64 per, week COUTICILME11 1]eas clays Ba� . /F��indIan llyd; No Terson sen rua - r. V esidenl, McDonough sm ".o Cs -.1. employ ofthe or about the be it :otnlneYonera le rieretiy au - o pay to Id Eldon Bru- sum of E29.08 out of fire Pott hla tclalma ag 1 s[rtfie . for [he period to d In- �ne 14th, 1040 ([rom June 1, i by the Council Aug. 27, 1840. j d Aug. 27, 1940. 1 (August 31, 1.0) I Adopted by the CouncApG 927 1W . 194 AUG 27 1948 Approved— --------------194_. In Favor ^ m Agains �1. OrIgi.-1 to CITY Cork CITY OF SAINT PAUL i COUNCIL F"•' `- RILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATEAug. _Z 7 A40 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, after due notice and hearing, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, Tip the application of Temple Baptist Church for a permitlauthorizing said applicant to construct and maintain a private driveway and private vehicular parking lot in connection with and upon its premises devoted to church purposes, described as No. 200-204 West Seventh Street, in the City of Saint Paul, the plan of which as submitted with said application is hereby approved, that the granting of said application and the issuance of such permit would be consistent with the public safety and generalvelfare and that said application should be granted and said permit issued in accordance with said application, and that said permit be and the same hereby is granted, provided that in the exercise of the same there shall be no mater- ial deviation from said approved plan and that strict compliance shall be made by the applicant with all pertinent ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. COUTICILMETI 1Jeas / hays B 53 F`iI)dYan `Farr No et�rson 0 n r%Cru President. McDonough 3m 3•-0 CS 23333 Ayproved Aug. 27, 1940. (August 31, 1940) Adopted by the Council _AUG 27 1940.1. _­ _ ___ _ _ _ 194 AUG 271940 A rouad_ In Favor /{l Matto CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 14, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Temple Baptist Church for a driveway Into their property at 200-204 W. Seventh St. Yours very tralyy�,/ �C i City Clerk. (. C%'T''op THE CITY PLANNING BOARD � SY 14 - 0 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .J� N WILLIAM H. FALCON. MAvoN GEORGE H. HERROLD cH AEORGE F. LINDSAY 0AAO �,. HONOxAPY CHAIRMAN 'LAI""' fiNG... M E O R 234 COURT HOUSE July 90th, 1940. Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk. Deer Sir t In the matter of application of the Temple Baptist Church by Rev. Murk for a driveway into their property adjoining the church(Lot 7, Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition). This is on the south side of Seventh St. near Chestnut St. This is commercial zoning. There is no alley in the block. The applicant is building an addition to their church and the balance of Lot 7 is to be used as a parking lot on Sunday and for recreational purposes at other times. The driveway is a private driveway and the parking lot and recreation area for the private use of the parishioners. Width of driveway on sidewalk 12 ft. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. gh-rh Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary BOARD OF ZONING. V' Ijv, 1 nn� I�' ORIGINAL CITY OF 6T. PAUL IFLICATEDA LED IN TN[ rTv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLeRK s oFFlee. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE— z— 3/= TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made s Iii FOR PERMIT TO INSTAL `d � D-1, B1 .. I��DR 1 N I £I TO BE LOCATED LOT v LO /-yrs%. J /�[�///0 _ AL60 DESCRIBED AV �+®��" IADDITIONI 1 YND[RI " EIONAT RE OF APPLICANT FILED � BY 1 RECEIVED COPY PROM CITY CLERK DATE 19�_ DEPARTM OF PUBLIC B FETY / BY RKCEIVED COPY FROM CITY CL RK DATE '{ '^ Ik CITY PLANNI O BOARD POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1� St. Paul, Minn. July 20, ........19...E You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of application of Temple Baptist Church for driveway and parking lot for private use at 200-204 W. Seventh St., on Lot 7, Block 26, Rime & Irvine's Add. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on July 31 1 1940 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. File 9048 CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, 11. D. F'M. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Hcalth Officer Fire Chief 'mit. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota _�Arattrtieeat al Pu ec i�et y Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August B, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirt This is in reference to the appliention of the Temple Baptist Church for driveway and parking lot for private use at 200-204 W. 7th St. on Lot 7, Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition. Inspection was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. His report is attached. Very rely yo rs, Commissioner of Pub is Safety 111LEVI(N"I 1CCIUNNTS WliiI ( 11 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 1 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to app lioatior. made by the Temple Baptist Church for percussion to install a driveway and parking; lot, for private use, adjoining Lot 7, Block 26, Rice and Irvin's Addition, which is also described as 200-204 ':Pest Seventh Street. You mai, be advised that I have made the usual inspection of theYnromises and blue prints of the driveways and do not find that the driveways to the pl���rounds and parkinF, lot will materially interfere with traffic. :rori a traffic standpoint there will be no abjection to the E rentin„ of this Permit. Yours truly, Harry D?. •vYe erg � �✓� Suparintondent of Traffic C. 10.! No. }E000s—ny Gus H. Barfusa— '� 2 6, Wher as. The Council or the City of v, Original to City Ciera ¢Int Paul, by ..... e -.utlon, .Council Flle ° p. 104353, adopted and 'approved July CITY O� { 183,. duly Dproved the vro]eet INCA t Or the' sale Pf that certain a't>. [ NO.— OFFICE OF'infi If �anp ,y COUNCIL RESOLUIWvtf `.�tiiiytK7�L M COMMENTED BY, LV ISSIONERDATE___--_—._.____._..___________. WEIRM, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution, Council File No. 104353, adopted and approved duly 14, 1935, duly approved the project for the sale of that certain tract or pareel of land owned by the City of Saint Paul, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, particularly described as follows, vis: Lot One Hundred Thirty-six (136), Union Perk, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota (said premises approximate in size, 41 feet by 135 feet, and house a build- ing formerly used as the Prior Avenue Police Sub -station), and WHEREAS, the Council by said resolution, Council File No. 104353, duly authorized and directed the proper city officers, the Committee on Lands in the premises, consisting of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent and the Caitmttissioner of Public Safety, the latter as head of the department of the City controlling said land, to sell said land under and in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 6576 of said City, approved November 5th, 1925, as amended by Ordinance No. 6957 of said City, approved August 8th, 1928, and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent of said City obtained competent appraisal of said land and thereafter caused due advertisement to be made for competitive bids for the sale of said land, all in accord- ance with the provisions of said Ordinance No. 6576, as amended by said Ordinance No. 6957, and purauant thereto one bid was received and filed in the office of the said Purohaeing Agent in said matter, to -wit, Formal Bid No. 401, Bidder, C. S. Miller, price bid, $1211.00, payable as followat $121.10 in hand, and $1089.90 with Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum thereon, in successive monthly installments of principal and interest, each in the sum of $50.00, on the 3rd day of each successive month, co»tmencing Septenber COunctt.men yeas Tlays barjuss Findlan Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax _ _Against Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3.4. C3 23338 Adopted by the Council________.._______t94__ Approved____-______ 194- __ Mayor ' #A is"'J Page 2 C. F. No. third, 19400 and continuing thereafter until the whole Of said purchase price and such interest shall have been paid* and WHEREAS, said bid In the highest and best bid In the .premises and said bid is in a sum greater than the appraised value of said land, and the Committee on Lands, aforesaid, has submitted its report and recommendations, reciting* among other things, the fact of the reception of said bid And recommending that the same be accepted and that the contract for said sale be awarded to said bidder In accordance with said bid and such is doomed in the best interests of said City, be It RESOLVED, that said report and recommendations of the said Committee on Lands be and the ams are hereby approved; that said bid be and the sum Is hereby a coepted and the contract for the sale of said land be and the sane is hereby awarded to said bidder In accordance with said bid; that the said Committee an Lands be and is hereby authorized and directed,"to proceed with and to effect the sale of said land to said bidder, at private sales in accordance with said bid and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver 44 con- tract for deeds on b4alf of the City of Saint Paul, a a vendors which shall be executed and delivered also by said b1d6er,.,qLo vendee, embracing the terms of said bid, providing for'the deliv- ery of a warranty deed of said promises by the vendor to the vendee or his assignee upon payment to -the City Of Saint Pail Of the said purchase price and such interest, In full, In accord- anoe with the terms of said bid and for the possession of said ,promises by the vendee or his assignee under suchoontraot for deed, subject to forfeiture incaseof default by the vendee or his assignee in the premises; that said contract for deed shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; and that the proceeds of said sale when received by the City, shall be credited to Public Safety Real Estate Fund No. 1015; Co104 lmen Yeas ZNays 9fuss Aian ranto erra o n "On In Favor �ruftx *r - President, , Me n ugh Against Adopted by the Council Approved Mayor Orl,in.l to Cloy clerk. PRESENTED COMMISSION .i trtt5' COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pae NO.--- OFFICE O..-OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL AORM -5— said contract shall -provide that delivery of said deed shall be conditional upon pagment by said vendee of all accruing taxes, assessments or other liens and that vendee shall Ta8ltber make or cause to be made, any improvement or alter- ation of said premises for vhich a lien claim may be made thereon, the cost or value of uhich shall be in excess of $100.00, unless the vendor, City of Saint Paul, shall, by resolution of its Council, consent thereto. COUTLCILMEU yeas nags barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough alit 3.40 Cs 23338 Adopted bq the CounAYG_2 Q___194— am roved 8 , tti34— In Favor /n ,% PUBLISHED�� (/ _ Agains C. F. No. 180009—By John S. Findlan— ••Wherene,James Rohe heretofore de- .q �d (�({j� Orl,to.l t. City-Ckrk Po-lted the um of Ten Dollar- FJ IUsI 00)t A'Ith film- Clerk nt the MunI. n CITY OF SAL -- OFFICE OF THE :{T 1f CLERK e'',;P '.0 'COON L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM`, COMMISSIONER_ -1--- DAITLE __------ WHEREAS, James Rohe heretofore deposited the sum of Ten Dollars (10.00) with the Clerk of the Municipal Court as bail money to secure his appearance in said Court on August 6th, 1940, to answer to a charge then pending against him; and 1pEREAs, said James Rohe, on account of deafness, failed to hear his case called in Court, and said bail money was forfeited and turned into the City treasury, and WHEREAS, on August 7th, 1940, said case was reinstated and said James Rohe found guilty and fined the sum of Five Dol3ws and WHEREAS, upon petition of said James Rohe, Holl. John W. Finshout, Judge of Municipal Court, has recommended that said bail money be returned to the Clerk of the Municipal Court, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city offioers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of Ten Dollars (610.00) in favor of the Clerk of the Municipal Court. COUnCILMETI Adopted by the Council -e2 Z Ileas / Rags uss AUG 66ry 1940 40 Fi fan roved---___--- t94----- arr rson • In Favor — - - - May r Aosen ru TPUBLISHED.PUBLISHED.,....___Aga President, McDonough l IJ -m a-ee CS 23334 STATE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL COURT COUNTY Ol RAms,,Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1'a State of Minnesota, Plaintiff, -vs- PETITION James Rohe, Defendant. To the Hon. John W. Finehout, Judge of Municipal Court: Your petitioner, James Rohe, respectfully represents: That he was arrested on a charge of drunkenness on August 3, 1940; that the petitioner deposited the sum of Ten Dollars (610.00) as bail money to secure his appearance; that his c ase was called on August 6th, 19400 and he was present in Court but that he did not hear his case called because he is hard of hearing; that as a result thereof, bail in the amount Of 610.00 was forfeited. That on August 7, 1940, said case was reinstated and James Rohe, petitioner, found guilty and fined Five Dollars ($5.00). WI' R? 70RE your petitioner prays for an order of the Court recommending that the Council reinstate the bail. / Petitioner V O R D E R Upon reading the foraging petition and upon all the facts and records in the ease, it is hereby ORDERED that the bail forfeited as set forth in said petition, be reinstated. Judge of Municipal Court 12� 40 COUNCIL FILE NO.----- NOTICECOUNI _-� i•� TO p t ice., J�Sm� Au{L1]9 ti 23 PRINTER RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TR S RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4t 442EM40M COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDWTO74525 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THEW107 f E CITY COMPTROLLER. r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL i93_ {� v/ O mn coMrrna��e APPROV AUG 27 193_ BY moo . oa PUBLISHED DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL _ FILE NUMBER-. - -. - ROLL CALL �. BARFU SS FINDLAN - PETERSON - --- ROSEN _IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS august 2.3 1,33u.e TRUA% _ _ ,-. qG AIN ST RESOLVED, THAT WENZEL Parranto� AUG' 27 1940 TO THE AGGREGATE q (� Orr., �S �7.[i�CN Y AUG27190 NU MBEREO... CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY AMOUNT OF 29 COVERING �� O£S-.INCLUSIVE. AS 44, -- CW3�on0ugh CHECKS PER CHECKS ON F L T CE O TH CITY OMPTROLLE R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- -------- P - A 193- NUMBER 152 6Y�I L/ iLawm..✓--- - - - TOTAL DATE ;. CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - '--'- --- - - RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7500 00 .554 107 74 74417 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 1 274 40 74418 • G. Continelli 74419 Martha Kimker 41 87 74420 Mrs. Amy M. Birdsall 7 50 74421 Capital Envelope Company 12 74 74422 Commonwealth Electric Company 172 67 74423 General Electric Suply Company 142 49 45 74424 Kelley -Row -Thomson Company 27 74425 Larry's Auto Glass Company 35 60 74426 Northern States Power Company 129 68 74427 Northern States Power Company 81 49 74428 Price Electric Company 69 13 74429,� - Shiely & Company 33 36, 74430 Hit Stahl Company 1 736 20 74431 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 129 28 74432 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 661 14 ' 74433 Minnesota Romozone Company 3 00 7443+ Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90L 74435 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 25 56 74436 Lamprey Products Company 29 40' 74437 Northern states Power Company 3 708 64 74438 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 59 75 74439 Minnesota Milk Company 5 00 74440 Minnesota Municipalities 1 00 74441 Mothers Friend Laundry 17 03 74442 Motor Power Equipment Company 18 26 74443 National Bushing & Parts Company 17 95 74444 National Cylinder Gas Company 30 5 74445 Northern Auto Electric Company 6 73 74446 74447 Northern Jobbing Company Northern States Power Company 2 85 722 47 74448 Northern States Power Company 368 50 74449 N.'v. Copper & Braes Works 16 6 74450 Oak Grove San. Dairy Farm, Inc. 3 84 74451 ovens Motor Sales 29 48 74452 Owens Motor Sales 61 25 74453 Perkins-Traoy Printing Company 67 75 3 4o 74u54 Psychological Corporation 74455 J.F. Ptaoek & Son 7 15 74456 Public Affairs Committee, Inc. 2 00 74457 H.U.A. Mfg. Company, Inc. 74 38 74459 7..J. Radlein 1 70 36 oo 74459 ® Ramsey County Boiler Insp. 74460 Remington -Rand, Inc. 78 15 74461 Rex Fuel Company 9 00 74462 Rihm Motor Company 339 74463 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 60 75 74464 Rochester Germicide Company 5 04 74465 Royal Typewriter Company 1 50 74466 Geol T. Ryan & Company 10 58 74467 St.Paul Electro Plating Works 3 25 74468 St.Paul Office Equipment Company 26 50 74469 13t.Pa[il Sausage Company 60 00 74470 9t.Paul Saw & Knife Works 2 25 74471 St.Paul Stamp 'Works 44 55 74472 st.Paul Voc. School 34 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 500 00 564 441) 03 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ~ 17 500 00 0573 160:43, , TI 1qjjFtqWF1jWF4W .... , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK PAUL �• t OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ," t FILE NUMBER._. _ ROLL CALL BARFU5S PETERSON _ -- — FINDLADN ROSEN IN FAVOR i AUDITED CLAIMS August 23 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING WENZEL Parrant TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT M T7RE'S'XdLLL1C b ��— McDonough}�_,� 1940 CHECKS NUMBERED— _ AOO PTED BT THE COUNCIL-- — PER CHECKS ON FIL TH OF E TO -�J .INCL IVE. AS F OF TH Y COM ROLLER — OVER— O CS noiL[x _193__ NUMBER cow..— BY - _ - - - TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF -- TRANSFER CHECKS - - - - - - -- - RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS M BROUGHT FORWARD ? 509:_90__64.440.03_- --- -- --- ® 74473 J.R. Walker & sons Company j03 00 1 41S 49 74`47[} Northern states Power 74475 Northern states Power Company 299 97 74476 Northern states Power Company 111 17 74477 N.19. Publioations, Inc. 13 00 161 61 74476 Pioneer Electric Company 28 48 74479 Raymer Hardware Company 23 fO 74480 9t.Paul Machine Works 14 6o 74481 3t.Paul welding & Mfg. Company 741L92 9chelen Electric Company 12 50 74483 Chas. Scribner's sone 9 00 96 00 74484 Shell 011 Company 30 75 74485 n.B. Shotwell & Company 68 30 74486 Singer 9@wingg Machine Company Corona, Inc. 25 74497 L.C.9mith & s000ny-Vacuum 011 Company 134 63 74488 4489 G. Sommers & Company 71 73 i8 00 74490 South Park Foundry & M.Co. 63 24 74491 speedometer service & A.Co. 74492 F. J. & W.J. Spriggs Company 9 00 2 332 66 74493 Standard Oil Company Zoo 4o 74494 standard Register stone Company 12 50 74495 standard 05 74496 Stromberg Time Corp. Corp. 2 00 74497 Telautograph 00= 74496 G.H. Tennant Company 67 95 74499 The Texas Company 275 00' 74500 Thornton Brothers Company 74501 Toro Mfg. Company 17 05 1 65 74502 Toronto Public Library 450 00 7450 Transit supply Company 46,22 745041 Tuttle & Bailey Company 52 74505 Twin City Ice & Fuel Company 4 00 74506 Twin City sawdust Company 60 oo 74507 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher Company 36 001 74509 United Chemical Company 2 00 74509 University of Chicago Press 1 00 74510 Valentine Clark Corporation 74511 Victory Printing Company 13 12 197 16 74512 Victory Printing Company 143 99 74513 Villaume Box & Lumber Company Varnish Company $5 • 7451 Vagner Paint & 75 18 0 74515' Geo. T. Walker & Company 15 73 74516 Wallace & Tiernan Company 28 80 74517 T.H. Webb & Company 235 72 74518 H.E. Wedelstaedt Company 1 74519 ^Qeinhagen Tire Company 6 6 74520 M.I. Welch Company 23 95 74521 west End Ice Company 73 73 74522 Westinghouse Electric supply Company 745�23 Frank Wiggins Trade School 7 21 74524 Amherst R. Wilder Charity 50 00 553 19 74525 x.W. Wilson Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ~ 17 500 00 0573 160:43, , Council File No ----------------------------------- 1201'1'12 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for constructing a sewer on Graham Street from the terminus of existing sewer 130 feet east of Prior Avenue to a point 40 feet east of Prior Avenue, ]EBOLUTIONB &ATWYMO ASSESS- TIENT. under Preliminary Order -11b814.._..._--.- Intermediary Order.-.-.--.._ 1b919- Final Order......716202-__„ approved .----§eplember_ 12-------------19.39 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT 1,'U1L'1'HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................... ........... equal installments. p AVG 281940 Adopted by the Council .............. ----------------------------------------- ...... -----19 ' City Clerk. AUG 281940 Approved......-:..... ............ --- - -----------19. Mayor. Form B. B. IS File 8767 �^ PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment JulY.._30....._ 1940._.......,'P3g In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs .and expenses for time constructing a sewer on Graham Street from the terminus of existing sewer 130 feet east of Prior Avenue to a point 40 feet east of Prior Avenue under Preliminary Order_ _.._ 115614.., _.._._ ___._. _ Intermediary Order_1-1591.9 Final order..._... 116202 _ _ _ approved._.... September 12_,....1939 -.-_,. alp4........_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: materials, equipment, engineering and Cost of/Gucxt= = supervision $ Cost of publishing notice . $......_._1.00____ ....... Cost of postal cards . $_.......__._•.06_-__..._.__._.._ Inspection fees . . ....... Amount of court costs for confirmation $,_ .30 - Total expenditures . $..195.58 _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $___195.58 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - -- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 1 Oriji-11 to City Ckrt COUNCIL CITY OFFICE NO. - - 4Concrete hifzer end one rio. �whee/:�8te �•Rile, :ar *� fn , DATE--�gUDt--281940__-_— WIDatEAS, Resolution Council File No. 114722, dated May 9, 1939, provided for rentalto the Department of Public Works from the Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company of one No. 27 E Rea Concrete Mixer and one No. 12 3-4heel: Steam Roller for use in mixing bituminous material and in rolling the runways, respectively, at the St. Paul Municipal Airport, such rental being $120.00 per month for the Rea Concrete Mixer and $90.00 per month for the 3 -wheel Steam Roller, and NEMMAB, such rental agreement did not include the cost of repairs to said equip- ment in the rental price, and VEIRREAS, in advance of using the equipment in 1940 it was necessary that certain repairs be made, it being expedient to have the equipment repaired by the owner, and WERFIXAS, the provision for additional months rental of this elfaipment was inad- vertently omitted in the original resolution Council File No. 114722; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Pte ahasing Agent be and he is hereby -authorized with the con- sent of the l%yor and the Comptroller to arrange for the payment by the Department of Public Works to the Clement--F."Soulley Equipment Company -at the"foregoing rates: the No. 27 E Rea Concrete Mixer for.'a period from April 15 to September 1, 1940, a total of 4 months at $120 per month, os1'$340.00; the 3 -wheel Steam Roller from April 8 to August 8, 1940, a period of 4 months at $90 per month, or a total of $360.00, as it was impossible to obtain com- petitive bids thereon; and, be it AIRM2 RESOLVED, That paymeDt for repairs to the Rea Miser in the amount of $252.93 be authorized to the Clement . Sculley Equipment Company,"ftd that payment of $94.98 be authorized to the Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company for repairs to the 3 -wheel Roller, both of these items being in accordance with detailed bills on file in the Depart- ment of Public Works and in the office of the City Purchasing Agent and approved by the Chief Engineer; and, be it FORTEER RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be authorized to make payment for the foregoing items to the Clement P. Sculley Equipment Company, such items totaling $1,247.91, payment to be made from the Airport Bond Fund. llc_�OUR_CILMI!n Adopted by the Counci1AUG 28'90 I]eas Bays �g9 AUG 2 8 190 Approued _ _l94___, arranto �� In Favor �aterson - - _ - a9 oxen i _ _Agains .1 PUBI,r,ST--IF.- 4oAr. President, BlcDonough n3111CS 2333! r CLS►WVF gcftjEY Equipm CO. ! b19Mardian Building Ste hg`f Paul'lbinn. To -;Purchasing Department,;- Olty,oP St. Paul St. Pau1,,Minnesotn : Anguat 27th, 1940 8etttal o� 3 wheel etsam roller at /4' rt April 8th io AU W - 8th, 1940 » ''4 m.O onths at, $B.00;;per,,month : $ 86000 2f5�40 Repalrs.- R. C. ji D%W6Co. invoice LaboY $ fours at $1.00 per hr. 5.00 B.Srtax, Muni, unempla & azoise tax - 4% •12 . . Rk. Comp.'2:;162 P.D. Ins;,; .168 07" 15.48 R.;aDuaask Co., invoice 9.05 Labors 4 hours at $1.00 per. hr. 4.00 S.S.taai .Minn.,•unempl. & eioise tea. -: 4% .16 Wk:'.00mP•.:Z162 &-P.L. Ins. .168 .10 .. 13.81 6/8/40 -'8t: Paul'Fouadry - Repair iheelf or roller 1, A2 pos. C.R. steel 1"x4s 3110 Labor. Weldor 625 22.80 E: L. Murphy Trucking Co. 50740 Maoh.,truck to .haul roller wheel -; Prom 108 St: Panl'Airport to St: Paul Foundry hours *t $8.60iper hr. 7.67. 540 -.Winch truck to haul roller wheel,,. from St. Paul Foundry to St Paul Airport 2 8�4 hours at $340 per hre 9.62. Labort b�8/40 - 2 hours at $ .85 1.70 B.S.,Minn, eicise tax - 4% 607 1Pk.0 2:162-. P.L's .168 .04, 1.81 3- 42610 82840 R. C. Danoan Co• izvoioe `807 8*97 libort 1 7/840 10 w.`8 hre. ITTIre. AV $1.00 11.00 71840 6 K ,at ' •86, 5.10 1640 _.. S•Sr. Minn. mampl. & e rise tax .84 Uk.Ccmp. 2.162 & P.L. ins. .168 .$8, 17•I2: Total - stesm roller $ 464.98 Rental of No. 27B Rex mixer at,Airport: April 15th to Sept. 1,.1940 - 4* months at $120.00 per month 540000 Balance C. F; $'.. 994196 OrlBioutl to City Clete CITY HINT PAUL - COUNCIL FILE NO._-_.. __.... OFFICE F HE CITY CLERK ( COUNCIL RES L ION ---GENERAL FORID! 4 COMMISSIONER —.__.___.__________. _. _. _. .____ DATE �U-0 28— 19110_—_--_._ WHEREAS, Barney L. Friedman, Assistant Superintendent of Sanitation, of the Department of Public Works will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, 1940, and MUMS, The Commissioner of Public Works his recommended that Barney L. Friedman be and is hereby granted a leaveof absence for disability with pay for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Barney L. Friedman for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, 1940, with full pay. C011riciLmEn fleas clays /Barf uss arrant. ,Peterson sen T�ruax /TRr. President, McDonough 2111 —o Cs -ss. C. thirty days from August 22 to Sep- tember 21,, 1940, San- ' Where¢sThe Commlasloner of Pub- lic Works has recommended that Bar -j ney L Friedman he and is hereby '.i granted leave pf "been.. for dls- ability with pay for_" period of thirty ;rant a lenge or aesence t a ney giedman for a period of thirty days n An t 22 to September 21, 1940, In ful� P Y. dopted by the Council Aug. 28, 1940. .pproVed Aug. 28. 1940. (August 21, 1940) Adopted by the CouncUj}2p__IM____ 194__ /I Approved AUG 28 --194---- J In Favor _. _ Against orlaie.l to City Ckrk CITY SAINT PAUL COUNCIL IaE NO.-- OFFI THE CITY CLERK �C?UNCIL RE UTION --- GENERAL FC PRESENTED BY `COMMISSIONER ._.___.._— .__..._.__ DATE___-lg]ta._ZB_,.._191,.Q_.___.._... WHEREAS, George M. Gaaren, Assistant Superintendent of Construction and Repflir, of the Department of Public Works will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, 1940, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that George M. Garen be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, 1940, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for George M. Garen for a period of thirty days from August 22 to September 21, W8 with full pay. 1y,/o COUTICILTRETI 1]eas nays �Harjuss arranto 'Alterson I ,-R'.spn -,rruax President, McDonough .in a-ao Cs asese C. F. No. 120016—By Milton Rosen— `�Whereas, George M. Garan, Assistant -6uperintsndent t Construction and 'Repair, of th e Department of Public Works -If Public 11be Incapacitated and un- able to perform -his duties for a period of thirty days from August 22 to Sep- tember 21, 1940, and Whereas, The Commisaimaer of Pub.,� Georg Mke. G"een haom deI. n dedhothh� 2z Aug. 28, 1940. Adopted bil the Cou>id<t'G28 X40 AUG 28 cued_ 104 In Fauor �__M _Against e,161a0 to City C i q CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FOR'e PRESENTED BY� DATE August 28 1940 COMMISSIONER_.___ WHEREAS: Earl Pratt has made application 43733 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Chevrolet automobile, Motor No. A620198, Serial No. 901224, Car No. 46, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy H214226, expiring August 24, 1941, and WHEREAS: said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upAn the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Earl Pratt and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, C. P. No. 120016-13Y G. H. narfaee— wberess, marl Pratt has made ap- eatit�fcab83 for upon the streets oaf rthe automobile. Motor No A620198.8 Setfai No. -901224, Car No. 46, covered' by Lloyds of MlnneaPolle insurance Icy H214226, ezpirP g August 24, 1941, a d a nWhereae, Said npDlloant has filed coq of Insurance policy with the City of gt. Paul ana said policy has been approved as td form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be It Resolved, That license to operate j said automobile an; a taxicab port the streets of the City of St. Paul be d the same In hereby granted to Earl t Pratt and the City Clerk is Instructed A to Issue such license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 28, 1990. ApDloved Aug. 28, 1940. (August 21, 1940) AUG 28 INN C011nCILnmEn Adopted by the Council _ . _ tea_ - geas Rays /t3arfuss (c"�Jv mvivie—.� 1 Approved_ %-Parranto Peterson --. In Favor r `Rosen -.---Aq ,Mr. President McDonough r am 5-40 C9 23533 erig;nel to Clerk _„ 6-1!? ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL FI UK NO. � ?—J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL 'FORM PRESENTED DATE August 28, 194o COMMIIS R__._____ WHEREAS: James Ie Cohen and Louis Vad desire to withdraw application 43267 for Grocery license and application 43269 for Butcher license at 499 Rondo Avenue and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to James I. Cohen and Louis pad the fee of $9.17 and $22.92 and to cancel said applications for licenses (the amounts of 83¢ and $2.08 having been deducted because the applicants operated for a period of 1 month on said applications) C. F. No. 120017—)3y G. H. )Iarfuss— Wh Where.., Jnmeaad Is I. Cohen and I,ou)e J287 3261 Grocery llc naw1thdrae and alDpllca tion 43288 f*.red',' r Butcher Ilcense at 499 he d 11 ansa . tears depotsltetl r tt er oat therefore, be It ere be and they areeheeby ner uthoffl- rized to .Lund to Jame. I. Cohen d Louie jv.a the fee of $9.17 and $22.92 and to 2ancel Bald pplications for Ilcense. 4ti (the mounts of 11, and $2.08 having been deducted because the aDpllcante S operataed for a period of 1 month o J said ppllcatlons). n Adopted by the Council Aug. 28, 7990. Approved Aug. 28. 1940. (August 31, 1940) pj� 91940 COUT1CILmEn Adopted by the CounOt Qeas nags - — — — Approved--- -- ----t94- - �aarranto rPeteraon-----_--In Favor eR n/ -- or //Trux ax .._-/.._----Ag I" President, McDonough 3m 45-42 CS 245338 Petition 20 "`TQ T Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ........... Eeoonetruot,, .................. . gyjpr ood, Pleoe.f}an.a}Fet4R.#'�a4.4...xkl4Aos,eaet:.1�`?�.5�`. r .................................. ............................................................................................I....................... .. Dated this.....2- th....day of.................Alwot.................... ... ........ ............................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...........$44QliRt7RL4t° x exes..eAd. �eAeir.. tha . eidaealk . on..the. narLh .sada . qf.................... . Ri�ervood Plods Proa Szeter Plaoe, thenoe east 152.55 ft....... ......................... C. F. No. 12001 - - ............................................................. .. .......... ... ........ Whrre. 4 ....... ............................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of 'faint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi*bner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimatedcostof said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether o,,not said improvement is. -asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report ubon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A11 610- Adopted by the Council.......... F1v� 2 $• • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved...'................................................ -�PtICDOCR"� PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN ....... TRUAX ayor. MR. PRESIDENT — Yr. NoDon IM 12.38 0 "j 120015 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing'a sewer on N' Milton St. from Arlington Ave. to Nebraska Ave., and on Nebraska Ave. from N. Milton St. to N. Fisk St. (now coma -Place) under Preliminary Order 119395 approve Tnt W T odo The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on N. Milton St, from Arlington Ave. to Nebraska Ave., and on Nebraska Ave, from N. Milton . St. to N. Fisk St. (now Como Place) _ r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 6.310.00. (Based on W.P.A. labor.') Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th day of September, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building ih the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council AUG 28 66 193 1 4Wroved - AUG 28 98 193 City Clerk File 9061 Mayo-� Councilman Barfass Councilman Councilman.;&VMZha0X05W 1'arranto / Councilman InewwatzMW Peterson Councilman Rosen /y PUBLISHED P-3 lJ Councilman Trans V Mayor M :- McDonough Form B. S. A. 8=6 vuunuu. erraov- INO '6'F'% xx'q AND FIZDIO.. FIXING G TrlA iIOxr THIDSEON�AND Tim �TIDIP7 OF 8n1AWNO'ON 120"' 2' � r20 THID AWARD, OF DAIIAOr99: 1 fIj'A RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 'IIIMN AN3 FWG TIME OF WASNIG ON lE 49M #pqMkW In the matte'of__oondemning and taking an easement for_the_purpose of_nonstruoting and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 4 feet of the westerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, Clifton Dale, from Iowa Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 7 feet in width on the es.st side of the above easement and on the westerly 2 feet of Lot 8 and the easterly 5 feet of Lot 9 in said Block 4 from Iowa Avenue to the alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale, under Preliminary Order ------11874§ ------------ approved --------MaY-15_1944--------------- , Intermediary Order ----------- 119320 ------------ approved -------- 2y _1940 Final Order----------------- 119668 ------------ approved -------- July_30,_1940-------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ 25th -----___-_day of ... September------------- 19-21q, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 28 " Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- AUG _______________ ___ __- AUG 28 1a -- __j Approved-----------------------------,19---- File 8992 Fiarfosa Councilman Cgg;Fg rte:_ Councilman Fes,_on .— Parranto Councilman MG�_"ona%d Peterson Councilman PePC€�" '' Councilman Roill�iid-=—` Rosen Councilman Sum Truax Mayor PUBLISHED -L-31 - 1210,02i RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING REWNUENMONM fUEREON AND FIX!N'r- TIFF Of ']r4"" -11F AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___condemnine and taking_an_easement-in-the land -necessary for slopes,_ outs and fills in the grading and oiling of the Alley in Block 4, Clifton Dale from Lexington Parkway North to Dunlap St., RMOLCTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME XI BEAI G VOM. -MON AND FIXING T Or,. F•g;fr ON THE 1W • ••.; .. .. under Preliminary Order--il-K-48.--------------- approved_-Ma4r_14_1944---------------------, Intermediary Order ------- 119322--------------- approved- Jul -Y- 2,_1940__-_-__-_____-___--_ Final Order --------------119667------------ approved__ july_30,_ 1940 .................... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ __ 25th__ -____--day of ------ September_-____----- 19_ 40, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 281940 Adopted by the Council____________________________ AU6 i9a- Approved -----------------------------% 19 --- File 8998 Rarfaex Councilmanz a� Councilman Councilmanw- rranM Councilman 149WWW2m=== Pltrrsnn Councilman ud,ivzzk�— Rosen Councilman 5WWWWROM Truax Mayor 19 i City Clerk. ---------- -------------- -- - ?ayor. PUBLISIPED� 3 `440 120(e'22 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF FEARING fDEREON AND FIXING T11,11E OF 11EA ."Li TEL AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of --- coPileapgiryg_ard_fakirg_an_easemexlt_in_the_)eryd-rtecessary_for slopes_ cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, Leffmann k Haas' Addition, end C. C. Van Dyke's Addition and Emil's Rearrangement of C. C. Van Dyke's Addition, from Chatsworth St, to Oxford St. DESOLi TION OF COUNcrL ""ROY- INC, As S11 AND FiEIN� TIME OF BEAR_(, TDEnEON d ` FIxDPO TIME OF BEARIN'.1 O Y AWARD OF DR MAf:T` :j r. under Preliminary Order --- 118767------------- approved__ May_ 18._1940 __-_-_____________-> Intermediary Order ---------119325_____________ approved --_J ly_21940 Final Order _______________119872____________ approved___ August_61_1940___----------_-__- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- - lqth ---------- day of ----- September-------------, 195P__, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 28 X40 Adopted by the Council ------------------------{'>'��_ _, 19__� _r AUG 281940 G� -- - - ---------------------------- -------- C' yClerk. Approved_ -------------------,19__-- File 8996 --- - -=--------------- - -- ayor. Councilman Councilman F dn'=' Councilman AWNU dd:-== , [ ; : rarito Councilman Po ('ctrrson PUBLISHED J -_v ^ Councilman R_=Rosen Councilman SV# TMs* Mayor Truax NOTICE TO PRINTER CCJNQL 2�. X23 2��4 2 COUNCIL ME NO. Awmal 27 ,wAD-_ RESC&VE,g, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TR%ASYRY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 52 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO -767o INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED B THE COUNCIL �' W 28190 193-' V ,,� �y p �(�(� mn <orrrwo..aw A APPROVED �' W 28 = 193_ BY 7'�. PUBLISHED ` L /' l/ 0 •Inulnn j_._ PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _-__� t.v6 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ WENZEL MR. PRES. FALLON ------ --------- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING _ O , " _INC LU5IVE. AS - __ CHECKS NUMBERED_ 7 2.8190 PER CHECKS ON FI FICE Oi V C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCC�I(�L{�_. AP R VED �- JI --IS NUMBER 154 BY -_ AYOR -- - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK I -" -- --- RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 I ` American Linen supply Company Capital Envelope Company 10776 55 1 74528 74529 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL'FICE 74530 5 OtOF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_ __ Price Electric Company •Inulnn j_._ PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _-__� t.v6 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ WENZEL MR. PRES. FALLON ------ --------- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING _ O , " _INC LU5IVE. AS - __ CHECKS NUMBERED_ 7 2.8190 PER CHECKS ON FI FICE Oi V C PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCC�I(�L{�_. AP R VED �- JI --IS NUMBER 154 BY -_ AYOR -- - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - - - --'-' TR ANSFER -" -- --- RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 573-160 43;- ® 74526 74527 American Linen supply Company Capital Envelope Company 10776 55 1 74528 74529 Crane Company Farrell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 36 11844 92 74530 John Leslie Paper Company 3�9 29 74531 Price Electric Company 74532 Waldorf Paper Products Company 49 21; 74533 Ray Jordan Sod Company 315 91 74534 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 32 00 74535 Capitaol stationery Mfg. Company 239 81 74536 John S. Findlan, 0. of Fin. 8 055 11 74537 74538 August Frendenberg C.E. McIntyre yy 13 '+5 13 74539 Grinnell Company 2 48 250 00 745440 Hauenstein & Burmeister 74541 Hereehler company Z32 3Z 74542 Northern States Power Company 72 1 745 3 44 H.K. Stahl Company Transportation Company i5 76 Werner 74545 Mrs. 4.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 Co. 74546 Grazzini Brothers 1 941 00 N 74547 Ray Polaski 9 6o 74548 Theodore T. Anderson 11 00 74549 E.W. Johnson, Treas. 200 00'. 74550 E.W. Johnson, Treas. 500 00 74551 Ind. Commission of Minnesota 44 64, 74552 American Rad. & stand. San. Corp. 26 44 74553 Certified Concrete Company 67 97 12 00 74554 Chicago, Rook Island & Pac.Ry. 74555 R.C. Duncan Company 112 141• 122 74556 Elvgren Paint supply Company 13 74557 ?raster Materials Company 17 46` 74558 Meier Sales & Equipment Company 158 07 74559 Melady Paper Company 1 1 74560 Owens-Illinois Glass Company 28 01 74561 Purity Cone Company 22 00 74562 Rothe Mfg. Company S6 24 74563 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 69 26 74564 G. sommers & Company 167 54 74565 Tri-State Tel & Telg. Company 65 25 74566 Twin City Textile Mblls 3 71 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 15 555 11~580 097 05 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 889 83,590 097 0514, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ji DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL UMBER- FILE NUMBER-.---------- ROLL CALL BARFUSS BARFUSS PETERSFINDLANON -IN ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS - --AUgUst 27 TRUAX .ENZEL AGAINST Par RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS ME OR- ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 01 S COVERING C. -."% P rE CLU" ' r -m -EN E INCLUSIVE. V'EL E, E ERFE T1 '7Z N R -'D CH CKS NUMB Ty C MPTRO Me T 0 Ty C ADOPTED BY THE COLIN Al IG 2 8 1940 PER CHECKS IDLE j1Wj1C E #I- PPRO ED 31 CS NUMBER 155 AID BY x3- TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF TURNED RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 15 74567 36ard of water Commissioners 702 77 74568 Board of water Commissioners 4 og 74569 Board of water Commissioners 1 162 21 74570 Boatd of Water Commissioners al Z90 74571 Board of water Commissioners '5 745 74572 Board of Water Commissioners 65 74573 Board of water Commissioners 153 74574 Board of water Commissioners 19 70 74575 Board of Water Commissioners 271 59 74576 City of St.Paul, Bur. of Aud. 3po 00 74577 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F, 440 50 74578 W.A. P%rranto, C.P.Utilities 516 60 A Axel F. Peterson, C. of Educ. 5 48 745M Axel F. Peterson, Cafeterias 3P 56� 74591 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 240 94 74582 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 10 041 6 745g Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 47 745 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 537 00 74595 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 702 98 74586 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 881 81 74597 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 10 776 77 74588 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 264 22 74599 -go Hilton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 239 42 654 40 74 5 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 74591 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 11 90 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 889 83,590 097 0514, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ji DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL UMBER- FILE NUMBER-.---------- ROLL CALL BARFUSS BARFUSS PETERSFINDLANON -IN ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS - --AUgUst 27 TRUAX .ENZEL AGAINST Par RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS ME OR- ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 01 S COVERING C. -."% P rE CLU" ' r -m -EN E INCLUSIVE. V'EL E, E ERFE T1 '7Z N R -'D CH CKS NUMB Ty C MPTRO Me T 0 Ty C ADOPTED BY THE COLIN Al IG 2 8 1940 PER CHECKS IDLE j1Wj1C E #I- PPRO ED 31 CS NUMBER 155 AID BY x3- TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF TURNED RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 15 74567 36ard of water Commissioners 702 77 74568 Board of water Commissioners 4 og 74569 Board of water Commissioners 1 162 21 74570 Boatd of Water Commissioners al Z90 74571 Board of water Commissioners '5 745 74572 Board of Water Commissioners 65 74573 Board of water Commissioners 153 74574 Board of water Commissioners 19 70 74575 Board of Water Commissioners 271 59 74576 City of St.Paul, Bur. of Aud. 3po 00 74577 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F, 440 50 74578 W.A. P%rranto, C.P.Utilities 516 60 74579 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Educ. 5 48 745M Axel F. Peterson, Cafeterias 3P 56� 74591 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 240 94 74582 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 10 041 6 745g Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 4 47 745 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 537 00 74595 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 702 98 74586 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 881 81 74597 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 10 776 77 74588 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 264 22 74599 -go Hilton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 239 42 654 40 74 5 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 74591 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 11 90 74592 O Milton Rosen, .P.Works 2 31 74593 Milton Rosen, C.P.NoTks 447 81, 74594 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 044 16 74595 Hilton Rosen, C.P.Works 225 04 489 61 74596 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 74597 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 783 71 74599 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 137 65, 74599 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 46 74600 Milton Rosen, C.f.Works 415 19 38 74601 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 464 46 74602 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 447 95 74603 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 464 55 74604 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 316 og 74605 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 393 75 74606 Milton Rosen, C,P.'Fo-fks 513 71 74607 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 193 00 74609 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 rg 21 74609 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 08 58 74610 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks. etc. 449 93 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 889 83,590 097 0514, J fl orlti—I to cit jerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL ccouemt. NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (\//t,��j\/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER --_-----.------_.--._.__..____ DATE ABt 29 1940 — RESOLVED: That Tavern license # 586, expiring December 21, 1940, and Dance Hall license f 1052. expiring December 21, 1940, issued to Edna. Bassett (Mahn) at 757 Mississippi St. be and the same are hereby transferred to Edna Bassett Mahn at 751-5 Wabasha St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the cityts records. Tref. informally approved by Council, Aug. 27, 1940, CODUCILMEn yeas nails arjuss 4flal-o �ranlo �n t ax /[[1r. President, McDonough 3(n 3.40 C9 23336 C. F. No. 120025—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Parranto— - hat vern censNo. 1686,eselPPy' dng DecemCer 21111940• and Hall license No. 1052, expiring December 21, 194' Issued to Edna; Bassett (Mahn) at0,767 Mississippi St.' be radndtothe same ferEdna BasaMy t tra6ns Wabasha St. and the propercit" om- re are Instructed to aka the Dropsr changes In the city's records. Adopted by'the Council Aug. 29, 1940.' Approved Aug. 29. 1940. (August 21, 1940) AUG 29 190 Adopted by the Counotl _ __ _ _______194_ - / Approved AUG 29 1940 l94_.-- l _In Favor — -- -,— Mayor --- _.--_- -Again Original to City, CITY OF SAINT PAUL CRO `NCIL NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR, PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER____-- DATE august 29, 1940 _ RESOLVED: That license for Restaiwant, application 43867, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43568, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43869, applied for by Edna Bassett Mabn at 751-5 pabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk 1s instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 27, 1940. Old Location. COUTICILmEn Yeas nays Barfuss -S&INNew- Parranto Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m S -.o CS .1.3, C. F. No. 120026—By G. H. Ba2fcse_ W. A. Parranto— Resolved,. That llcbnse for Restau- nt, application 48867, On Sale Malt Beverage, -PPI cation 93868, and 00: j anis Malt Beverage, ppllCatl On 93869, pplled for by Edna Bassett Mahn at 761-6 Wabaeha 3t. be d the ams hereby grantod and the Clty Clerk Iso Instructed to issue uch licensee V 1 upon the payment Into the city treaB cry of the revolted fees. Adopted bthe Council Aug. 29, 1940. Approved 'Aug.A29, 1940. (August 31, 1940) Adopted by the Council _. AUG 29_ _- _ _ _ 1940 _194 _ AUG 291940 k r 2 0 Approved---- -------te4_.. -1 __ -_tn Favor yor _ .__Against swd; Y; 27Orl,la.l to City Clerk C. F. No. 3 2 0 0 2 7=13Y Fred M. Truax Whereas, ,George T. Xemmern, CITY OF SAINT P.4 has veuuon a the �' ,• n re. OFFICE OF THE Clri G.,'�,ey .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENE„ ,+.L FORM WHEREAS, George T. gemmerling has petitioned the Council for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station on part of Lots 8 and 6, Block 9, MerrimI s Rearrangement of Merriam Park, also described as the southeast corner of St. Anthohy Avenue and Sowell Street; and WHEREAS, said George T. Semmerling has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, ppump location, sidewalks, eto. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said George T. Hemmerligg,to install and operate said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. .The laxika. and.:pumpa __ehall._be_ �apLalled in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in ourbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permission herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. Fr 9 1 ow Adopted by the Council AUG -tom-- 1]eas Tlays 2,U1.7 AUG 29 INN �� / n do Approved (1 iPeterson In Favor - Rosos�n yor /Cru ' .-Against r. President, McDonough -Me•ee Cs ]sees PUBLISHED 8 -3 /- �Q Kim OFFICE FILED F- „ITY �Fy q , 22 AM 10 24 TA St Paul, !..innesota, August 21st, 1940. To The City Council, St Pau'., innesota. 3e the undersigned, residents of the i.:mediate neighborhood where the erection of a filling station. locate S.E. corner of St Anthony Ave and Howell Street is proposed by 3eorge T. 'errerling do hereby resnectfully submit our opposition to the erection of said fillin,, station. our objection is based on the fact that there are three filling stations operating in our immediate neighborhood at present. 1 --Situate on .vest sial of Prior Ave betseen Roblyn and St Anthony Ave. 2 --Situate S."!.Corner of St Anthony Ave and Howell St., directly across street from site of proposed neer station. 3 --Situate S."•'.Corner Dewe,* and St Anthony Ave. At ti --e of constriction of stf�tion 2 above mentioned residents of immediate neighborhood opposed s�rr.e. However, perreission was --ranted for c>^;,`.:^..coon of station #2 with the understanding that station 143 above mentioned would be abandoned on completion of Station #2. But, all three stations are operating at present. 13 - - ---- -. z X_� 4LtZe W. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration �s Aug. 28, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir= The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of George T. Kemmerling for permission to erect and install a filling station at the southeast corner of St. Anthony Ave. and Howell St., on part of Lots 5 and o, Block 9, Merriam's Re. of Merriam Park. Yours very truly, A i City Clerk. RECEIVED AUG 2 R 1940 CORPORATION COUNSEL POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,_juVu t 10, Pursuant to Sectiq 40 ion 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted 6y the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1022, notified that the application of Geor a T. Ketmnerling you are hereby to erect and install a filling station located at Southeast oorner of St, Anthon Ave, and Howell St., on Block 9 Merrism's Re, of Merriam Parkrt60fft�ton5 and 6, St. hon b 88.93 ft. on Howell will come up for consideration before the Council m the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 21st day of August • i9-4 , at-t0 o'clock A. M. JOHII S. FIIlDLAn., Page File 9072 Commissioner—OT-Mance. . �� T- ��� �� ��z > >�� � .,.,/, C. R. Magnuson 1909 Rablp A--. • Se�nr Peal, Minnesota �' �' 'ILA, BUREAU OP. CONST. s REPAIR W. S. COCKROFT. SU— OPPICE E....... G. H. HE R ROLD C.I E.... CLERE MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY ColnNi..io NER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C.... ENGINEER August 21, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Building BUREAU OP SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SU— BUR . . UPT.BUREAU .• BRIDOES M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, BU— Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of George T. Kemmerling to operate a filling station at the southeast corner of Howell and St. Anthony, you are advised that the plans as submitted conform to the standards of this department. The application is, consequently, approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, GEORGE'M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer GMS :k,B THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance N.. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE August 20th, 1940. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAH MAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, E,qi...+ Secrete ry Mr. Harry T O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of George T. Kemmerling to install and operate an automobile filling station at the southeast corner of Howell and St. Anthony. This property is zoned as Light Industry. The lot is 60 ft. x 90 ft. There is a small cottage on the property in which the applicant lives. He has secured a vacant lot and is to move the cottage to the new location. The plans are standard and there is no objection to this location. There is now a filling station on the southwest corner. Howell Ave. does not go through - it stops at 3t.4nthony Ave. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL:vLl1.1r[C. IL.O IN TNa clTv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T. DFFICK, Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE August, 2d, 193 TO THE HONORABLE. THE. CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY Iryw Na of I— Ow INOIVIDuwLI FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANO OPERATE A lmtom^h plum•--�6�^}inT ___ ___ I"owiv[ IN Ow I OA. I AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ONIPOTt 09 & 6 BLOCK 912derr i&I]IS IE1TBn6— of Merriam Parkas to Blks 7,8,9,10 and 16) bounded as follows: On N. by the south line of St o�y Avenue; on Mest by lkst line of Howell Avenue on South by a line drawn from a point on W. of said lot 6, 88.93 Yset S. of N:Y Corner of sa1A lot 6 to a point on E. line of lot 411 1t in said I- 0- "int on N. line of lot 5, 60 feet East of How , so known ea f lot 6, drawn &60'W'36 388 Howell Street, NO. OF PUMPS 3 NO OF GA. TANK. 3 CAPACITY OF EACH TANK11=1000 : 2-550 Gel FILED BY RECEIVED COPY P CITY CVKDEPARTMHNT PUBL� S FE BY \ BIONA! -LICANT RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 5� DATE CITY PLANNING BO D ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE August 8d, _194D— TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY G T Kemmerlina ,NAM[ OF FIRM OR INDIYIDDwL, FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A A1tO`TDUi a Tii iriRlation(with one driVA 11) 1'�OpIY[ IN OR IN.I D[ Owpa O["1 AUTOMOBILE TO BE LOTED ON LOT .I ILLING YerriameFRea ofTMerriam- Park Blooks 7-10 & 16.weet-10 feet to a'point on Lot 5 & ttt pa t of Lot 6 North f line dr.from a poin on west line of Lot 16,88.63 ftfrNw Dor thro� to a pAgn E line of at 485.34 Merriame Rea ALSO DESCRIBED AB X388 -.Dwell Street- rom1E-pOT uDDITIopr 1.T...T AND —..RI 4 B-olok bot NO. OF PUMPS 3 NO OF OAS TANKS 3 CAPACITY F EACH TANK_ 1-1000 Gal. 2-550 Gal.9 OF wF.LIIwNT FILED RECEIVED COPY PROM C' Y CLERK DATE B_— U DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFET n RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE IB CITY PLANNING SO BY / r CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. I). WW1. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Poliec Health Officer Fire Chief . Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �epadmeptl al pwic =Sa/et[y 0 Tenth and Minnesota Streets 0 G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 8, 1940 Mr. Harry I. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Siri This is in reference to application made by G. T. Kemnerling for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station at 388 Howell St. Inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. Their reports are attached. Very ruly yo re, Commissioner of Pub is Safety i'KI(\'I(VI %CCCII)FN'I S \V TH Cw, (ono,- ""I,- - C--". THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August S 1940 Yr. 0. H. Harfuse Commissioner of Public nafety Dear Sire Me is in reference is application mads by G. T. Kemerling, for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station at SSS Hewell Street. You mar be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the promisee and blue prints of the driveovys and do net find that this station or driveways will materially interfere with traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harry H. ergrsn. Superintsudent of Traffic w/f a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 7th, 1940. Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by G. T. Kemmerling for permission to install and operate a drive- in automobile filling station at 388 Howell Street. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if the proposed station is permitted. Respectfully (yours, Chief Fire Inspector. M/z Ori/Iasi to CITY Clerk C. F. IYp 180028—BY > ged M. Tltaz— CITY OF SAII whereas . J. J. welseh has peti- tioned the Council foi ➢armieslon to OFFICE OF THE install and or, to i dive -in filling .tat.*. 11 1: ' I --r n[ Rt- A" COUNCIL RESOLUTION - PRESENTED lFbRnla� COMMISS%New t i�C WHEREAS, J. Welsch has petitioned the Counoil for permission to In 11 and operate a drive-in filling station at the southeast rner of Rios Street and Maryland Avenue; and WHEREAS, said J. .Welsch has submitted a blue -print of the propoeed lay - of -with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section b of Ordinance No. 8840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said J. W- Welsch to install and operate said station In accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to. -revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COURCILMEIl Adopted by the CouncilAUG-2.91,94 leasAays _ Barfuss // p ��t�(� n //'i Approved__A �D WMV ariP Santo -- ate n In Favor -- osen [[la —Wu _ _Against President, McDonough FUBLISHL'D !J J sin o Cs ]ssse CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK' HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .qo.. Aug, 2S , 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of J. W. Welsch for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Rice St. and Maryland Ave. Yours very truly, C/ �/rLL v City Clerk. RECEIVIED AUG 2R 1q40 CORPORATION COU"OHL POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,_ Aug. 17 1840 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St'Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application or J. W. Welsh to erectand install a filling station located S. E. corner Rice & Maryl and will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 28th day of _ Aucust -1940 , at 10 o'clock A. Ill, Join S. FIRDLAII, Commissioner of Finance. Page_ File 9079 CLINTON A. HACRERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. W'M. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alar CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital 0 of Minnesota e�admeal a/PaXh, Sa�el y Tenth and Minnesota Streets 0 G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 21, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by J. W. Welsch for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lot 10, Block 2, Stinson - Rice Street Addition, also known as the Southeast corner of Rice Street and Maryland Avenue. Ipspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. Their reports in favor of such installa- tion are attached herewith. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Pub c Safety i 1 1 ' PRHVEN"I .ACCIUI-XIS WITH Carr - Common Sense . Cuvri,... THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 21 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir t This is in reference to application made by J. W. Welsch for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lot 106 Block 2, Stinson -Rios Street Addition, also known as the Southeast corner of Rioe Street and Maryland Avenue. This is to advise that I have inspected the blue prints for this station and do not find that the drivers to a} the station will materiglly interfere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, f Harryt. Wettergren Supe-ri_ntendent of Traffio Bye- Lt. D. Traffic Division wds/f a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 19th, 1940. Honorable G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir% In regard to the application made by d, W. Vale& for permission to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lot 10, Block 2. Stinson Bice Street Addition. also known as the southeast corner of Bice and Ibryland. We have made the usual investigation of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the in- surance rates to adjacent properties if this station is permitted. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Inspector. WGB/a THE BOARD OF ZONING k s Fstabllshed by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 TAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 979 COURT HOUSE ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen August 27th, 1740. AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN - "-"^- CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 l d i u g. Dear Sir In the matter of application of I. W. Welsch to install and operate a drive-in filling station on Lot 10, Block 2, Stinsonts Rice Street Addition. This is the southeast corner of Rice St. and Maryland Ave. Tt is oommercial zoning. The lot faces Rice Street and runs back along Maryland Avenue 126 ft. to the alley. The plans are standard with one driveway off of Rice Street and two off of Maryland Ave. with a 30 ft. island between. The applicant will erect six punpe, three parallel with Maryland Avenue and three in a nest near Rice St. This latter pump island will be la ft. from the property line on Rice St. and 18 ft. from the property line on Maryland Avenue. The curb opposite the pump island parallel with Maryland Avenue Is to extend from driveway to driveway. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yoars very truly, George H.'Herrold, Bngineer Secretary. gh-rh mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGE. M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAUof CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. In the matter of application of J. W- Weleah to install and operate a drive-in filling station On Lot 10, Block 2, stinsonts Rios Street Addition, I beg leave to advise you that the driveway plane as aumbitted conform to the standards of this department. The application Is consequently approved from an engineering standpoin*:' Yours very truly, EDR6 M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. gms-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota " DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. D—TT COMM.—HEIR BUREAU OF C'ON.T. A REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ff.— Ew W, a. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICEENOIN[[R G. H. H.RR.L. CHIEF ENOR. CL MARK W. WOODRUFF August 28th, 1940. mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDGE. M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAUof CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. In the matter of application of J. W- Weleah to install and operate a drive-in filling station On Lot 10, Block 2, stinsonts Rios Street Addition, I beg leave to advise you that the driveway plane as aumbitted conform to the standards of this department. The application Is consequently approved from an engineering standpoin*:' Yours very truly, EDR6 M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. gms-rh 99 Oriylasl to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE IVO._- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FOR( PRESENTED COMMIS SIONERBY _ ���•DATE RESOLVED, that the application of the Twin City Roofing & Insulating Company for permission to operate an auto sales lot at 1642 University Avenue, under Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, be and the same is hereby granted. C. F. No. 120029—By Gua 8. BarPuae— tho pTwlnd Clty aRoo94 I ICOmaafor eria. to naulating au[ope nlea lotpat n1842 oUntyereit ate an under 9ect/on 6 oP Ordinance No 840, ga>nmta ded, be andt6e same le hereby AQtoDted by tha'Cauuoll Aug. 39, 1940. Approved qyg, 29, 1940. (August 31, 3940) CORTLCILMETI Adopted by the Council UG_29 190 Teas�arjuss hays / Approved AUG 291940 J� iB4 iBeterson In Favor _ ,lCosen [Tlayo I -Against r, president, McDonough sul 3A0 Cs 23338 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 'f Aug. 28 , 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Twin City Roofing & Insulating Co. (John L. Drew) for permission to operate an auto sales lot at 1642 University Ave. Yours very traly, City Clerk. /( V� CL � ��q�� 28 1,940p T/pN C01, 8 51f I POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` St. Paul, Minn. Augus t..10_,_.. _.... I9.40.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sid=r'the matter of application of Twin City Roofing Company to operate a used car lot at 1642 University Ave., on W. 70 ft. of E. 773.56 ft. of N.182.82 ft. (Except Ave.) of SE-;1j of Sec. 33, Town. 29, Range 23 _. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers oftL;-1ourt House and City Hall Building on August 21 , 1940 in t 2Gty of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan,�— .�,r.a.* Commissioner of Finance. File 9071 Mr. Harry T. OfConneil, City Clerk, B u i l d i u g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Twin City Roofing & Insulating Company, 1642 University Avenue, to use part of their grounds for an On -Sales Lot for Automobiles. The Twin City Roofing Company is located on University Avenue the second lot from Fry Street; the first lot is occupied by a house owned by the Twin City Roofing Company or its Manager, Mr. John L. Drew. Mr. Drew states that their business is seasonal and that his clerical force could sell an occasional used car if they could be exhibited on the unoccupied ground on the corner lot. The garage of the Twin City Roofing Company is in the rear of the residence, and any cera being placed on the lot would be brought in through the driveway which serves the garage. An the Twin City $doting & Insulating Company has improved the appearance of the corner, both the residence and the office building Since they have occupied it, and as there seems to be no objection to exhibiting a few oars on the lot or between the house and office building or between the house and their garage, the Board of Zoning recommend that permit for operating a used oar lot be granted to Mr. Drew. This' matter was postponed from August 21st until this date. Tours very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. �r gh-rh ops THE BOARD OF ZONING yrZ F Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 w a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA A .. _rto ac s 279 COURT HOUSE ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen August 27th, 1940• AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M,GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN ' CHARLES BASSFORD, City Archite<I GEORGE H. HERROLD, Er,iae<r. Secretary Mr. Harry T. OfConneil, City Clerk, B u i l d i u g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Twin City Roofing & Insulating Company, 1642 University Avenue, to use part of their grounds for an On -Sales Lot for Automobiles. The Twin City Roofing Company is located on University Avenue the second lot from Fry Street; the first lot is occupied by a house owned by the Twin City Roofing Company or its Manager, Mr. John L. Drew. Mr. Drew states that their business is seasonal and that his clerical force could sell an occasional used car if they could be exhibited on the unoccupied ground on the corner lot. The garage of the Twin City Roofing Company is in the rear of the residence, and any cera being placed on the lot would be brought in through the driveway which serves the garage. An the Twin City $doting & Insulating Company has improved the appearance of the corner, both the residence and the office building Since they have occupied it, and as there seems to be no objection to exhibiting a few oars on the lot or between the house and office building or between the house and their garage, the Board of Zoning recommend that permit for operating a used oar lot be granted to Mr. Drew. This' matter was postponed from August 21st until this date. Tours very truly, George H. Herrold, Engineer Secretary. �r gh-rh — TWIN CITY ROOFING AMU INsul.ffi►■ ...%A %..+• — /644 UN/VERS/TY qVE. S7 Pi4UL, M/NN. NESTOR 4077 August 14, 1940 St. Paul City Council, City Clerk's Office, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: !4e wish to make application for permission to operate a Used Car Lot at 1642 University Avenue, St. Paul. Legal des- oription - Lot 33, Block 29, Ex. Ave. W. 70 ft. of E. 773.56 f. of N 182.82 ft. of S. E. 1/4. Our plans are to out back the lawn between the building and sidewalk and cement this area for standing used cars on. We will protect walk on University Ave. with a curb along the pro- perty line. We will enter by using our present driveway to our warehouse in rear of residence. We do not plan on disfiguring or doing anything with the house. The space for the used oars will be up in front of the house, a space approximately 21 ft. deep by 40 ft. wide and rear of house 27 ft. by 40 ft. We own this property. The title is recorded in the name of John L. Drew, Individual Owner, Twin City Roofing Co. Whatever further steps are necessary in connection with this matter, if you will notify us, we will be glad to meet any and all requirements. ciated. Prompt action on this matter will be greatly appre- Very truly yours, TWIN OFIN OMPANY M:A By ROCKWOOL INSULATION . ROOFING AND ROOF REPAIRS ' SIDING WEATHER STRIPPING ' CAULKING Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application Of the Twin City Roofing Company, 1642 University Avenue, to use part of their grounds for an on Sales Used Car Lot. The Board of Zoning asked that this matter be laid over one week for further consideration. gh-rh Yours very truly, George H. Herm ld, Engineer Secretary. OFA THE BOARD OF ZONING ��aY yr2 Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1922 FkW a A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 iii iiiiims 479 COURT HOUSE y1T A N� ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI. Chairman August 20th, 1940. AUGUST HOH ENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES 8ASSFORD, City Archil.ct GEORGE H. HERE OLD. gine.' Sec'eta' Mr. Harry T. O'Connell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application Of the Twin City Roofing Company, 1642 University Avenue, to use part of their grounds for an on Sales Used Car Lot. The Board of Zoning asked that this matter be laid over one week for further consideration. gh-rh Yours very truly, George H. Herm ld, Engineer Secretary. TWIN CITY ROOFING AND INSULAMMG CO. /644 UN/VERS/TJ �M . ST. AM., M/N* TOR 4077* � �► ,�� 1411 pFJ �Q � \�' -Y St. Paul City 00=1611, co City 0lerkes otflse, at. Pani, lamssota. Qentlemens We wish to salol erppli6ation for pendseion to opsratib a Used Gar Lot at 1642 MITVrsity AVG=o, St. Paul. IMM -1 des- orlptioa - Loi ", I%Mk 29. UK* Ave. w. 7o !t. of B. 7n-56 rk. of it 182.82 rt. of S. E. 31A. plans are to out beet the lava botweam the bulldias and si • ORA ae*d% W ares- tot starAlns used oars alt, we wm protsel walk as ftiversity Ave. ULU a ourb 0MM6 the pro - Um. we will enter by uslns: our present drlvwmy to am a is rear at rosidauae* we do sot plain an dionswIM4 or do=ns atgtmm iatk 0iase. The spase tog the used oars wlll be ug �► f vat of hauls, a sp000 apprs3lkat6Ay 21 A* deep by 40 ti. =ride Jok rearof house 27 M bar 40 It., we ami was preps The title as rsoordeA 11e the name of yohn L. draw, lX[dfe al Omer,'Twin city mooting Co. Whatever further steps are n000asary 3n amnobtlim with this matter. It YOU will notify os, we will be glad to reset amy end all requItements. Prompt ration on this natter will be Neatly appre- aiated. very tailor Yours, u I� ?�N 0 a=%A By ROCKWOOL INSULATION • ROOFING AND ROOF REPAIRS • SIDING ' WEATHER STRIPPING • CAULKING SUDE CLINTON A. Police T ROBERT e t S Officer M. D. WM. J. Chief H G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 'eradme'd 01 Public Sa�elj �/ Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 16, 19140 mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to auplication made by the Twin City Roofing Company for permission to operate a used car lot on their premises at 16142 University Ave. also described as Lot 33, Block 29, Ex. Ave. W. 70 ft. of E. 773.56 £t. of N. 182.82 Ft. of S. E. I. Inspection was made by Harry N. Wettergren, Supt. of Traffic. His report in favor of such installation is attached herewith. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Publi Safety ['RHVI�:NT:ICCII)FNTS WITH Care - common Seo,. - C..--, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY' OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 16 1990 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Comi.ssioner of Public safety Dear Sire This in in reference to application made by tha Twin City Roofing Company for permission to operate a used oar lot on their premises at 1642 University Avenue, also described as Lot 33, Block 29, Ea. Ave. A. 70 ft. of E. 773.66 ft. of X 182.82 ft. of S. E. 1/4. There was a previous application made for this lot asking for permission to install a driveway an University Avenue. The application has now been changed so that they will enter their premises from the present driveway on Fry Street in the rear of 1642 University Avenue, West. Inamo<uoh as there is to be no now driveways, there would be no objection from a traffic standpoint to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, t::-- �. W- gran Superintendent of Traffic C. F.. No. 111011—"" M(lto Rosen- -Ree lved. That .they Co le f of( tiFork b and 1 h rebs S 01191.0 1. City Ck7rt Ruth o0zed ll ed and dlracted [o. CITY OF SAINT P lF9„e r elde vhalxl ezten 1 to up a. OFFICE OF THE C CL—A ” v C UNCIL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM r� COMM"TED BR__�I M -.._ __ __. _— _ DATE Augunt_29thp 1940 L==.------__.._ _ RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed below, by PEDERSON BROS. COMPANY, under its' annual sidewalk contract, L-4151, Comptroller's Contract Designation, at a cost not to exceed $840.00, based on the unit prices bid for Monolithic concrete Sidewalks for the current year, which cost is to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND - TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES: Southwest Corner of Minnehaha Ave. and Wheeler St. Southeast Corner of Hamlin Ave. and Niles Ave. Northwest & Southwest Corners of Prior & Juliet Avenues. Southeast & Noreast Corners of Juliet Ave- & Kenneth St. Southwest Corner of Blair Ave. & Virginia St. Northwest Corner of Virginia St. & Lafond Ave. Northwest & Southwest Corners of Raymond & Commonwealth Aves. Southwest Corner of Raymond Ave. & Scudder St. Southeast Corner of Bayard Ave- & Josephine Place Southeast Corner of Michigan & Oneida Streets Northwest Corner of Michigan & Erie Streets Northeast Corner of St. Clair Ave. & Milton St. Northeast, Northwest, Southeast & Southwest Corners of Sherwood Ave. & Hazel Avenue Northwest & Southwest Corners of Sherwood & Curve Avenues /rIl. COunCILMETI Ijeas nays rfuss rr ln ose rung President, McDonough ffin Y40 Ce 2333. AUG 291940 Adopted by the Council _- _._ _- __ _.._ ___ ._ 194 --- AUG 291940 / Approved____ 194--.- In 94_-_In Favor -- – --- – — _Against PUBLISHED zna.�_ Laid over to 3rd. & app._ Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas B/ Nays . --Barfuss Flan ar to a�rranto / iPeterson / � f n IIIYYY Truax Truax Mr. President Fallon Ir. President Fallon C. F. No. 120032 -Ordinance No. 8166— Original to city cl" 1,3..Milton, .Rope, _ An ordinance. authorfainthe leeu- ORD ance or a yarmlt to tit. ,A. T. Grant .q {� Company a ;corporation, Yo constrttCt i 20,".,1 [� dd: mqgoal. R rtealan well' and d J f .PF/ 1111' roL ; girth arae or E.,ILE NO._ / �v4D T�inneaota .+'- PRESENTED BY _. .. _ —^ ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the W. T. Grant 0ompany,a LN ration, to constrtct'and maintain an artesian well ani i W on the north side -of E. Seventh St. between Minnesota and Ceder Streets, in front of 41 E. Seventh St. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain Section 1. Authority is hereby given to the Department of Public Works to issue a permit to the W. T. Grant Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain an artesian well and well room on the north side of E. Seventh St. between Minnesota and Cedar Streets, in front of 41 E. Seventh St. Section 2. Said licensee shell obtain a pemit for the installation and maintenance of said artesian well and well roam from the Department of Public Works, and ahall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a surety company bond in the ala of Five Thousand Dollars($5000), conditioned to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul hnrmlesa from all 4m@gsq,judgaents, costs or expenses and liability of every kind arising out of the maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said artesian well and well roam. Said bond shall be in such form as shall be satisfactory to the corporation Counsel, Shall have each surety as ahall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of !inane@. Said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall with- in ten days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance file'a written acceptance with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation 0ounsel* If such acceptance is not filed within said time the authority hereby given shell be void. Section 3. The permit issued hereunder may be,revoked by the Council at any time and said artesian well and well rom shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. SEP 1319 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Barfuss Findlan Parranto In Favor Peterson Rosen _ Against Truax Mr. President Atte nffieDOno ugh ppr ed:_U__--- City Clerk Mayor :300 1238 C8 21724 / - PUBLISHED -Z-:2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .fie.. Aug. 22, 1940 Hon. Milton Rosen Comer. of Public Works City Hall Dear Sirt The Council referred to you the attached application of The W. T. Grant Co. for permission to install and maintain an arta sIan well in the vault space under the Seventh St. sidewalk at 41 E. Seventh St. yo,rs very truly,, 0 City Clerk. �. W. T. GRANT COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORES August 21, 1940 To the members of the Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn. ATTENTION: Court House Bldg. St, Paul, Minn. Gentlement The W. T. Grant Co., a corporation having itis executive offices at ].W Broadway, New York, N. Y., and presently operating a department store under the name of the W. T. Grant Co. at 41 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn., request permission to install and maintain an artesian well in the vault space under the Seventh Street aide walk at the aformentioned address of 41 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. The purpose of this well is to supply the water necessary for the operation of an air- conditioning system, the installation of which is contemplated in the near future. Respectfully submitted for your approval. 7RH-.Gr Rosenber , Supt. of Construction. Ej St. Paul, Minnesota Sept. 23, 1940 To the Honorable, the City Council Gentlemen= Saint Paul, Minnesota We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 120032, being Ordinance No. 8150, adopted by the Council on September 13th, 1940. W. T GRANT CO. BY </� . Nf,l 4i1 r, Orl{Mal to City Clerk • CITY OF SAINT PAUL couaut res NO.—_ OFfI F THE CITY CLER� COUNCIL LUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDER DATEMISSION_�---- In the matter of paving Oneida St. from W. Seventh Ste to 100 ft. north of the north line of James St., including construction of a atom water drain from We Seventh St. to the north line of PalaosLady vacated. Also constructing sewer, water end gas oonnss frmm street mains to property lines complete, where not made, curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 0. 1. 119056 approved June 7th, 1910,.and Final Order 0. F. 119862 approved lugmat "th, 1940. PMOLMM, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Forks for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby approved. St. goas Dcoonnections from street mains pert, lines complete, where not already made, aurbing and pav- ingadriveway approaches, where nec- es Y, under Preliminary Order C. F. 119066 approved June 7th, 1940, and Flna1 Order C. F. 119862 pproved August 14th, 1940. 8eeolved, That the plane and aDecl- ncatlone. as eubmltto by the Com-, mleeloner of Public Work. for the: above named Improvement, be and'tho i same are hereby aDDroved. Adopted b, the Council Aug�29, 1940. Approved Aug. 29, 1940. (August 31, 1940) r�� - AUG 291940 COUTICILTIIETI Adopted bq the Council— ______19a-_ yeas nays AUG 291940 rf uss / 7Approved_ -- ---194 arFrrrrant. //j .Peterson In Favor r men . Again President, McDonough sin 3-60 C9 3333. ko1 Original W 20t City � f .: - . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` COUNCIL Fn.[ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE diet 29, 194o COMMISSIONER -------------------- -- IMSMVED: That. Tavern license $ 565, expiring November 1, 1940, issued to Jahn J. Lane at 453 N. Lexin#ton Pkwy. be and the same is hereby transferred to John J. Lane at 1515 University Ave. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. Trs£. informally approved by council, Aug. 20, 1940, New Locatio#. COUTICILITIETI fleasnags BarfBarfuss P/ a�to Pet rson ruax- �t President, McDonough am �- o cs 23'.. C. F. No. 120 iI—uy G. H. Earfusa— W. A. Parranto— - Reealved, Dhat Tavern He.... No. 666, exptring Novamber 1. 1940, Issued to John J. Lane at 463 N. Lexington Pkwy. be 'and the same Is hereby transferred to John J. Lane at. 1616 University Ave. and the proper city officers are Instructed to make the proper changes In theItp's records. Adopted by the Council AAug. 29. 1940. !� Approved Aug. 20. 1940. (August 31, 1940) LI AUG 29190 Adopted by the Council AUG 291940 194 i11nn - J ---In Favor 194 - - T[la,or _://j Against 00111-1 to City C k s CITY OF SAINT PAUL�* ?L Foi,taa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ___— DATEAugust 29, 1940 RESOLVED: That Confectionery license $6430, expiring June 11, 1941, issued to Paul and Ruth Shiely at 1546 W. Seventh St, be and the same is hereby transferred to Paul and Ruth Shiely at 2604 W. Seventh St. and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the city's records. C. F. No. 120036—By . G. H. Barfus3— . A. Parranto— `resolvetl, That Confectiondry 11ten3e too Paul ndl Ruth) Shiely at41848 uW. Seventh St . he and the same ie ereby transferred ,0 Paul and Ruth. $hlely At 2809 W, Seventh St. and the Droner .rd.. heY oRicerae re Instructed to mtnke rd. prober hanger In the OW. .c - Adopted by the Council Aug. 29, 1940. Annroved Aug. 29, 1940. (August 31, 1940) Trsf. informally approved by Council, Aug. 21, 1940, Old Location. AUG 29�1940 C011IlCILMEfI Adopted by the Council_-__ _ __ yeas nays __-- rf urs n awn proved__..__ AUG 29 ISW rranto A-6i'erson ___ _._ __In Pau -or ora — Mayo Against , Td President, McDonough 3111 346 C8 23338 Original to City C C. F. No. 120038—By 01, A. Bar' W. A. Px._an'�—J. Ran 'I q - CIT) [nc to 11�- 11., COUNCIL OFFICE '.:,,FAj CITY CLERK v't i NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ _ g„.,...� on —'— RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Frank Bradshaw 193 N. Western Ave. Restaurant App. 43302 New Old Loi Essie Telfer 1293 Rice St. Grocery ” 4 3494 " n " John Gershon & Ed.Williams 224 W. Kellogg Restaurant n 436�5 n " n Dave L. Gottesman 499 Rondb S Avenue Off Sale Malt " 43656 " " it Cast Peterson 802 Uuive�rsity Ave. Barber " 43662 " " Thomas Heintz 38 S. Dale St. Restaurant " 43665 " New " Paul W. & Ruth M. Shiely 2604 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt " 43682 " Ord n Clement Yares 317 N. Smith Ave. 011 Burner " 43701 " Old " William Mattson 329 W. 7th St. Barber " 43702 " New " Tena Gunderson 403 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 43710 " Old " Paul Black 439 Cedar St. Gas Station " 43712 " Old n E. A. Raeller 421 N. Cleveland Gas Station It 43732 " Old " Henry E. Twits 925 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 43740 " New n Jas.G. & Isabel T. Hafiz 412 S. Wabasba 2nd Hand Auto Dlr. 43753 " Old " Ida Torodor 927 W. 7th St. Confectionery App.43755 " New n COunCILMEn 1]eas / nays Harf uss Mnalan. anto eterson ,,Rosen _-Irlruax d President, McDonough am ! . C9 23338 Adopted by the CouncilAUG 29 IMO proved--- — AUG 29 199gt _ In Favor Ma r PUBLISIIED-q-0_ eri91..] to City rk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CRY CLC FILEN COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONERDATE August 29, 1940 BESOLVEDi That license for Restaurant, application 43670, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 436719 and Dance Hall. application 43672, applied for by John J. Lane at 1515 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 20, 1940, New OR Location. COUTICILMEII I]eas nays �Bar]uss �a"rranto �terson Rosen iT,. x r. President, McDonough SM -0 CS 23338 C- • A o. 180087—gy G, $.. )lartuaa— Parranto Resolved, That lice.°& for Se6lap- ran0 aDDli&atlou 48610, Oarate Malt Beverage aDDltcatlon 49871 -and, Dq.oe beheHall, J- X tI o Oat 48678; -ayDt10d Sor :by ad tL�.a. at 1616 'V 1"I A;ve. end the CItyyBBme are hDr°by. grated 'to such Ilse Cllea u rk to lustruotad to Unto- the city tr.asu D . the payment fees. ry of the r.quired Adopted by the Couudl Aug. 89, 1940. ! ADDroved Aug. 89, 1940. (August 81, 1940) Adopted by the Council A" -2 9 194A ..... _...-_---194— _ AUG 2919 Approved_.___ 104__ _ln favor /-? m �_ __.Against a 6� .: Council File No.' ......... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPR&VEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: coaexruvt..►ith.>a�xsl4lQ..aoaarete..4fi4. 6..rt.. =..4.,..Qo?eFa.. .......... sidewalk area at the following locations ....................................................................................................... Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest corners of ......................Hazel• •sad •8herwood• Svemiea:........................................... ................. Southwest corner of Sherwood and Curve Avenues. , .. ........ . ....... Dated this..... 29th.... day of .......... August ......................... ... C. F. 1 1 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................. GOA9.#rr#'R4�.!11.t�4.7RaAa],1Lb7,a..4oA4T.9te..S116..¢. rt...�..�..�...Sol7'48F4..1A sidewalk area at the following locations : . . . . .� �licxthweet, 9ontheaet and Southwest corners of ....................Hazel, -;ad .SheasooQ. Avenuea.................................................. . Southwest corner of Sherwood and Curve Avenue$. ................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................... Mr, •29. -IM• YEAS NAYS AUG 29 ING Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... �PIICD'[riTQ'�� PARRANTO PETERSON n _. ROSEN / !.............. ... ........�ay... . .. TRUAX f MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor MoDonough IM 12.38 PUBLISHED1 `31 D Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMA and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the southerly ........................................................................................................................... ede. of•E�• 3sveath• St!•.frac•Beech•t.•egproximatelyj0 ft. west. ..................................................................................................................... ................................... I ... .......... ... Dated this ..... 2th.... day of..........A et ......... I ..... ........ ._., 19 .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................... .with mrmalithic . aaraorete. the . ai4owe] Ic .oA. the . aonth���y....... side of E. Seventh St. tram Beech St.a�prosimately 30 ft. west. ............................................ .......................................................................................... C. F. N.. 120039— ................................................... - K'l— a having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................'!'.;;'.A..........................:.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 194 Adopted by the Council....... , , , • . AUG 2 9 .................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved........... AUG 29 IM PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX ..................... MR. PRESIDENT- Mayor McDonough Mayor. IM 12.38 PUBLISIIED �3 V NOTICE -------3 TO C o . 120040 OUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER COU A „`Rli+i A "It-28-_194-9— ot 28 p 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF =19,o61.15 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 74611 TO 74662 NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- AUG 29 �/�j 194_ 1N APPROVED AUG 29 1.0 O1TV m^+"aou -- 194_ sao s-ao PUBLiSiILD_ki_l__:i .o WW DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CIT PAUL -MIN NWW ;,.. -' �, ----- - ROLL CALL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' F FILE LE NU UMBER__.-- BARFUSS FINDLAN�. _ PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS e 9 - - - - fS4g�.ia t 28 - August TRUA% _ -__ AGAINSTI RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Vi—EL MR PRE5 FALLON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E-'l�_1fL�:�- COVERING _. _.._. __. .. _- �� VUJ. i�.INCLU SIV E. AS 29 CHECKS NUMBERED-- AUGCE A TY- MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL a PER CHECKS ON FI ADOPTED APP _3—.. C. NUMBER 156 BY 1A10R — - co.rt no Lcn / _ — —✓/ -- TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN F OR OF _ - - -- TRANSFER CHECKS ----- ---- - RETURNED V DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 6,6--"9-93 497__O�i — 74611 Frank Sokola 8 41 80 74612 Pederson Brothers Company 5 795 74613 R.L. Anderson 1 500.00 74614 First National Bank 28 23 74615 Millar—Tarras Company 31 27 94 32 74616 Alexandria Food Market 74617 Booth Fisheries Corporation 20 15 74618 Carolina Nut Company 21 35' 74619 Drewry & Sone Company 1 265 06 7462() Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 319 50 74621 Griggggs, Cooper & Company 4444 58 4o 5o 74622 74623 Latuff Brothers Mayos Ice Cream Company 1 4706 502 74624 Rook Spring Dist. Company 74625 Standard 011 Company 4 457 06' 74626 sta vis oil Company 176 55 74627 westlund's Market House 75 31; 61 96 74628 74629 Mrs. Sophie Lawrence Bomth Cold Storage Company 36 95 74630 Capital ice & Fuel Company 259 08: 74631 Crane Company 37 74632 General Electric Supply Company 82'60 74633 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 8 82 14 39 74634 Price Electric Company Company 56 85 st.Paul t4hite Lead & 011 7!t 4636 Toro Mfg. Company 342'95 74637 Tri -.State Tel. & Telg. Company 112 60 7463388 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 35 67 Air Reduction sales Company 08 74640 Automotive Service Company 17 74641 74642 B Line Service Baldwin Supply Company 1 00 24 18 74643 s. Berglund Lumber Company 97 Berwind Fuel Company 2378 74644 74645 Lew Bonn Company 12 38 74646 Books & Music, Inc. 1750 74647 Borool Laboratories, 36 5o 74648 Brown and Comstock Company 1 10 74649 Brown and Day, Inc. 5 71 875 65. 74650 Campbell Coal & 011 Company 74651 Cranegie Dock & Fuel Company 508 61' 74652 The City Dairy 62 28 ® 74654 Coca Cola Bottling Company Company 218 40 50 74655 74654 Cudahy Packing A.B. Dick Company 2412 0 0 74656 Diebold Safe & Lock Company 35 00 74657 Elk Linen supply Company 8 32 74658 Feist small Animal Hospital 5 00 74659 11.19. Fisher Photo supply Company 147 61 74660 Foxboro Company 15 20 74661 Leonard Frank Company 5 40 74662 Freeberg Pies, Inc. 21 49 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 66 BBS, B3,599.. 15920�. odder to cur oak ra NCIH NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE 0_f THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R UTION --- GENERAL FORM ,',A ? PRESENTED BY /"�w''�� DATE Anaust 29 1940 COMMISSIONER. That the Northern States Power Company be giTsa'Permission to ezcsvate for and install manhole at 7aug4er and 7brest. Also install ducts and cables from nex manbols ht*at on pauquier to present ssahols. Also install pipes and cables from new ■aunbole North and South on 7orest to poles on Nast side of Porest. Isti ate 33518- T C That to. he Northc n BtMateta Pd -or Com- �yonp be given Perm as on to z —te for and !..tall manhole at Fauquler { j sad Forest Also Install ducts .and. cables from new manhole west on F"quler t. Present manhole. Also. In �tall..Dlpes and cable, from. new hole rand South on Forest to -_I polee on Eaat ,Ida of Forest. Hatlmate 38618. Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1940. (sept. 7, 1940) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilAUG 3 000 193— Yeas Naya Bar[ a Approved AN 30 193— indl n ri arranto eterson �In Favor Ma} an Against �6Y ,Mr. President (FattZ /, it ! ocOttaal to city cltr► CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILL. NO.__ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ON t A10 � COMM STED BY DATE------------------- ' RESOLVED, That Harry W. Oehler, Corporation Counsel, be and he is hereby directed to attend the Thirty-third Annual Conference of the National Tax Association to be held in the City of New York, September 9th to 12th in- olusive; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Harry W. Oehler for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said Conference. Charge Corporation Counsel's Fund, S A 2. C. F. No. 120043—By John S. Flndlat� fpo ti"I Counsel Harry W.Oehler. .directed Yo attend the Thirty-third hereby noel Conteresee of the National Tna -. Aaeoclatlon to be held in the City of New Rork, September 9th elusive; be It to 12th in. Further Resolved, That .the groper cltY ol$cere be and they are h reby Harry i W. O hlerr dor zed and dsuch travelng expenses Incurred by him In attending Id Conlerence, Charge Corporation Counsel's Fund, 3 A 2. Adopted by the Council Aug, 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1940. (Sept. T, 1940) COUTICILMETI nays yeasua rt'art. rao In Favor rx Against prq �](Lr. tuualdrec td c (Peterson) Adopted by the CouncilApp- 30 194 w11® 3® Approved—__194_-- t �/j --- – RlaII ` 4 � !44 Orlllvnl b City Clert ` t It „ CITY m4 '3A1i} Otj,61.11 1, COUNCIL �11:f FILE NO OFFICE OrYf JE rIY�`�LERK '. COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED 81 DAT COMMISSIONE ---- ----_ ____—�..- _ 1•,, A11g119t 30. 1940 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be clerk is lnstracted to issue such and the same are hereby granted and the city the into the city treasury of the required fees: licensee upon payment T. Syvertsen 972 N. Dale St. Butcher App. 36312 Renewal Malmon Motor Co. 235 W 9th St. 2nd Hand Autao Dlr." 36539 " Midway Chev. Co. 1359 University 2nd Hand Auto D1r." 36562 " Rocco & Farrell 942 Rice St. Restaurant On Sale Malt " 36630 n " 36631 Off Sale Malt " 36632 " Tanners Ldce Ice Co. 942 Arcade St. Ice Station " 36635 a L. M. Foley 940 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 36795 " J.DeLaForest 563 Wabasha St. - Gas Station " 36934 a Chas. Tahnk 49 W. Exchange Gas Station " 36942 " R. L. %ramlinger 922 Edmund St. Grocery " 36961 " William Poulos 414 Broadway Barber " 37052 It Crystal Mathes 6 W. 6th St. Barber " 37099 " J. F. Courtney 1590 University Restaurant " Confectionery " 37150 " " 37151 " h a n Thos. M. Clarkin 979 Stryker Ave. Grocery a 11 37533 a " 37534 a Is n a Botcher Chas. P. Reinsberg 424 N. Exchange Gas Station " 37793 " H. R. Conrey k 539 Webasha Restaurant " 36144 N#w New Location Oscar Buerkle 324 W. 7th St- Gas Station " 36955 New Old Location (these applications listed above have been held for have reached their expiration date) delinquent taxes & are about to 3O 1940 or Adopted by the Council_ COIliICILMEIl geas hails ;AUG 30 "a I n arranto 194 vee---- — -- — — - M r os n _Against � Max --- — PUBLISHED h ,m 'mr-cVim�VresldenF (F0tFFePn) original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `/ r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISIONE� __--_ DATE�Bt 301 1940 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: rrancis Wells 1584 Universi%y Bakery App. 43506 New Old Loca. Anton Voeller 987 Payne Ave. Barber " 43837 Mrs. Alfred Hershman 242 E. 7th St. Restaurant n 43838 COURCILMER Deas Uags /Bates indlan ,varranto Dean �uax , It sin 52r>'2.cViWOresident (Peterson) C. F. No. 120045—By G. H. Barfuss— W. A. Parrantu—John 8 Flndlan— y teeolved That licensee applied for bthe followinrt persons at the ad. Bak - t Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) J AUG 301940 Adopted by the Council-- j AUG 301940 (O Approved_ _In Favor Rlagor _Against r No 1 nol -r, odoad b City Clerk t�-/i' CITY tiy.:.i',o i :. -..�iJl„. .gni 'ILK L NO -- OFFICE OF THE UTY'CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED COMMISSIONE----------- _ ------- — DATE APAUst 30 1940 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: W. J. Seymour 312 Robert St. Hotel App- 38661 Renewal David G. Lind 2754 W. 7th St. Restaurant " ^ 41737 ^ 41738 n On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt ^ 41739 " Certified Ice & Fuel Co. 282 W. Water St. Ice Mfg. " 42330 ^ R. L. %ramlinger 922 Edmund St. Off Sale Malt ^ 43055 ^ B. C. Niemann `i° 524 St. Peter St. Grocery " Sale " 43075 43076 " ^ u u n n Off Malt -R. H. Sundgren 691 E. Third St. Off Sale Malt n 43258 " Edw. J. Smith 944 Payne Ave. On Sale Malt n ^ 43495 43496 " " n n u n n n ^ ^ Restaurant Off Sale Malt ^ 43497 " Harry L. Eramerman 1171 Jadkeon St. Grocery " 43500 ^ Robt. E. Miller 574 Wabasha St. Restaurant " Malt " 43507 43506 " ^ a 1; n n On Sale John Techida 1208 Rice St. Restaurant " Malt " 43522 43523 " ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ a a On Sale off Sale Malt ^ 4352 " Guy Whitlock 482 University Ave. Restaurant " "43579 43578 " " ^ ^ n n n n ^ ^ On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt ^ 1}3580 " F. J. Doris 890 Payne Ave. Pool Hall " " 43605 43606 " ^ n n n n Confectionery Womens City Club 305 St. Peter St. }restaurant ^ 43608 " counciLmEn Adopted by the Council—----194-- 1jeas nays Harfuss - APProued—.--- Findlan Parranto Favor - -- --- - --ln - — _ Mayor Rosen Truax __--Against sm e-uaVlL}jjffiPresident (Potetson) origa.1 w Clty Clete CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU NCII FI�K NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM August 30. 1940 PSENTED B RE COMMISSIONER_------- a - __.._._ __ .------------ DATE --- -- - --- 1167 W. 7th St. Restaurant App. 43627 Renewal " 43628 ° Artman Rack " n On Sale Malt " 43629 " a n n n off sale Malt Geo. G. Klinkner 388 Como Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Pts. " 43632 n East Side Motor Sales 683 E. 7th St- 2nd Hand Auto Dir." 43635 n 640 Selby Ave. n Restaurant " 43639 Wm. Myers John E. ora & Anton JoGk Switek 540 Rice St. n 41 4 640 Restaurant " 4641 On Sale Malt 3 " " a a n n n Ralph Marrone & James Delmedico 13 Leech St. n Restaurant " 43646 On sale Malt a 43&s7 n " n n n " n n n Off Sale Malt 3 a 382* Wabash" St. Confectionery " 436 n Wm. Kline ° 43661 " H. Shepard Jr. 728 White Bear Ave. Barber Hatfield Parry Inc. 1039 University Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dir." 43675 n Jerry Cannon 1857 University Ave. Restauraitt " 43679 n 892 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 43681 " H. L. Sanders " 43687 " Ida Jeanne Steel 199 N. Hmlline Grocery Paul M. Nadeau 461-3 University Ave. Restaurant " 43 9� On Sale Malt " 4369 n a Off Sale Malt " 43695 a Owens Motor Sales 0 University 7 9 2nd Hand Auto Dir." 4369 n Alma Davie 412 N. Smith Ave. Grocery " 43698 " 815 E. 7th St. 2nd Hand Auto Dir. ni 43700 n Wm. Wolff � 0 te4_ Adopted by the Counoi1A06. --- _ COuTLClLTREn leas / Rays so s Approved— --- Fin n a ':o °°-- In Favor 7 --- — 7 , ayor R�osen ,L_x -AgaitlsI -LI /� I� J� PUBLISIiTD_7� LL sm jAr-cVigt 1rc,ident (Peterson) COUNCIL _j 27.} odaina to cur clert CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIL[ NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM DATE Anenst 31) 1940 PRESENTED B _ _ .--_------- -- — ' COMMISSIONER -- — - BESMVED, That gas station license $5512, expiring June 19, 1941, issued to Eloy& V. Edger at 1161 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to the Unit 011 Co. at the same address and the proper city officers are instructed to make the proper changes in the cityls records. C. F. No. 120044—By O. H..Btrfues— W. A Parranto— ,hn S. Flndlan— Reaolved, That Oas Station Nesse. No. 6612, expiring June 181811, issued to Floyd V. Edgar at 11ti1 University Ave. be and the,eame 1. hereby trans- ferred to the Unit Oil Co. at the same address and the proper city oidcera are Instructed t records. a proper changes Inthe. Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1840. (SaDL 4, 1840) Transfer informally approved by Council, Aug. 21, 1910. Old Locattion. AUG 30" Adopted by the Council_ __-_--- ---_-- counC1LTRER AUG1Jeas � - Ttays U 3 0 10 /13ar(uss Approved___ -- lW dlan A"arranto to Favor - — --- - -- - -- — or �Rosan //1 _ '`/ __Against ax ,in �I r.�3�rga�residenc (Pocerson) 1 `�/ odam.l to cur Clerk FILK I'\4�lerkJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �'.. PRESENTED DATE -¢V L �%August 30, 1940 __ _ RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43767, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43768, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43769, applied for by George Nickos at 1638 Rice St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the pEVment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council, Aug. 27, 1940, New Location. COnnCILMER leas nails /9arjuss �Lndlan t�arranto % e on /K/peen.l Truax Mr. ice Presidenf (PcterSon) ala 3-40 C5 2333. C. V No. 120045—ay G. H. Barfues-- mll­ Res edgrThat 1 canes fo F1Reetau- rant, application 45757, on Sale Malt Sale MBeveraalt application BppRcatlonn 43769 applied for by oeorge NlcSoe at by Rice 9t. be and tha ato are hereby toanted issue snd such II...... uponit is C -rl the Data meat Into the city tr... ury of the re- quired fee.. Adopted by the Council Aug. 20, 1940. Approved Aug. 20. 1940. (Sept. 7. 1940) Akira Adopted by the Council__O AUG 30 proved------- L94_ ----/-- —in Favor — — M �i ____Against Original to City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A (1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO.— !?2, i,A RESENTED BY P COMMISSIONER \—_____._ ...-..._____ .DATE__---_.__.__—_—_ ---. RESOLVED, that the application of the Dispatch Realty Company for permission to install and maintain a driveway Over the sidewalk on Minnesota Street, 33 feet wide, near the southwest corner of Fourth and Minnesota Streets, said driveway to be constructed in accordance with the ordinances of the City. COl1IICiLMETI 1]eas / Rays /Ha�jfis 1s ndlan ,4(a'rrynto �ax still s-<06V%president (Paterson) C. F. No. 120049—.8, 6 H. Berfuss.— Dispatch R alty Company to, perm180 of on to Install and maintain n drive- way the sidewalk on Minne6ota Street. 32 feet wide, .or the aouth- ,t co net of Fourth and Minneeote. Streets, said driveway to be construct- ed in accorrd once with the ordinances of the City. Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) _ AUG 301 Adopted by the Council---- AUG ouncil__ AUG 30 MO pproved194 In Favor r ,! .._'.._Against Rlay CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration ° Aug. 2s, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of the Dispatch Realty Co. for permission to install and maintain a driveway over the sidewalk near the southwest corner of Fourth and Minnesota Sts. Yours very tru]y�, City Clerk. /J RECEIVED AUG 2 R 1940 CORPORATION COUNSEL POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. _._.._.19k0.... You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of application for driveway at 317 Minnesota St. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on August 28 . 19 40 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, -f-g's. 04 Commissioner of Finance. 9078 ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H, LUNDIE BERNARD J. McGLYNN -- EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1942 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. otoonnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir s August 27th, 1940. In the matter of application of the Dispatch Realty Company for permission to install a driveway oyer the sidewalk on Minnesota Strest,33 ft. wide. This is a part of the development of the Dispatch Realty Company and the rearrange- ment of their building at the southwest corner of Fourth and Minnesota Streets. The existing driveway 10 ft.wide Is on leased property which expires shortly, and in their development plans they require an in and out drivewy at least 22 ft. wide on their own property. be granted. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit Yours very truly, George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretar. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 16,1940 / '101 '10 j c7Z , Commissioner G. H. Barfuss, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs This is in reference to applioation made by the Dispatch Realty Company for permit to install a driveway across the west crosswalk Of Minnesota Street between Kellogg Boulevard and 4th Street -- the drive- way to be of concrete across the sidewalk 22 feet wide, measured on the property line adjacent to the south of the existing drivei9.63and this ' wide (driveway is on ground leased by the Dispatch Realty pa driveway cannot be separated from the applied driveway). See attached drawing 3692-A, whioh shows existing condition, and 3692-B, which shows condition as applied for. The combined driveway is to be used for excess of Dispatoh-Pioneer Press trucks totothe loading loqatedaoo south their property e Lot 1, in the rear of Lot 2. Driveway i Block 24, St. Paul Proper. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the proposed driveway and find that this is an exceptionally wide drive- way, but due to the fact that it is to be used only by their own trucks and not by the public and that there are very few pedestrians using this sidewalk, there would be no real hazard and no material interference with traffic. From a traffic standpoint there would be no objeotion to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, �Vret i.Han bnw-fjh Superintendent of Traffic ' S ',f u .cn%y : ! � /,�kc,.l �/ynl�o„u 5(zW X. ttrG�y r s f sl 01-i Xx"'d A�'n, 01/14?U _' WJ - e III� ✓/, ��au`� Gni vree�fa�ui August 14, 1940. Dispatch Realty Company, St. Paul, Minn. Attention: Mr. H. H. Ridder. Gentlemen: The contract we have with F. J. Romer Construction Company requires a reinforced concrete drive-in from Minnesota Street, across the sidewalk, for the full width of the old Stees property (approximately 25') for the access of the news trucks to the loading dock. This new drive-in to be immediately adjacent to and south of the approximately 10' wide driveway across the sidewalk at the rear of the Brown building. This office is informed by Mr. Romer a few days ago that in order to build the drive-in across the sidewalk on the Dispatch property, an application will have to be made to the City Planning Board for Council proceedings. rhe writer visited Mr. Herrold, Director of the City Planning Board, yesterday, and was given to understand that if you would file an application with the City Clerk asking for a drive-in only 22' wide in addition to what now exists on the Brown property, that such permission might be obtained. To assist you in this, we have prepared drawings and filled out an application in triplicate for your signature, which you should send immediately to Mr. Herrold. In the usual course of events, such an application might take thirty days for approval, but we have the feeling khat your personal application of this would enable the Contractor to proceed within a few days by anticipating the approval of the application. Sincerely yours, C. H. JOHNSTON By3/- Encl. IL Ordinance Na.. 7855 approved November 2nd, 1937 as to areas, tunnels, coal -holes, trapdoors, driveways, sidewalks and curbs states " ..No driveway shall be constructed more than 22 ft. in length at the sidewalk line parallel to the property line, nor more than 35 ft, in length at the curb line, except when approved by the Council." i � t � z � t,9 176 9 I � I �! 1 i 71 op �' Tion. John 9. Findlen, Comaissioner of Finance. August 14th, 1940. Attention s Mr. Geo -,q.6 Clink. pear Sir t In the Tetter o` e?plicztion of the Dispatch Realty Company for pevnission to Construct cross the rest =idenalk on Hinnosote St e driveway a . between Kellogg Blvd, F.nd Fourth St.(privevey 'St. be located on south 25.15 ft. of Lot 1, Block 24, Proper), owners of the following ^jroP"rty should ba notified t Lots 1 end 12 Blk 24, City of St. Paul Lot 12 Alk 19 Lots 6 to 11 incl. Blk 25 Lot "A" The First National plrt. Yours very truly, George H. Harrold. Engine --r Secratery. gh-rh CITY OF BT. PAUL 6 LI APPCATION T CN ORIGINAL IPL. ..P ILED IN TNS CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C`..i Application For License Driveway on Minnesota gtrseett for DISPATCH REALTY COMPANY DATE August 14, 1930— TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made By DISPATCH REALTY COMPANY, for Permit, to install"Dri,e In across the west sidewalk on Minnesota +* stree Street betw"i2 Xft1'loatmy fid.__ t+ a concrete drivewaiiy aerosiis theaa4eav0d�, 22' wide measure �n^theipooeeAA wide'19..93, drivewaydis onhgrouad ease can not be separated from the app e r ve ee+attaehed drawing 3692A which shows existing condition,and 3692B which show condi ionPioneerll YO mho nnmhip@jje1�j�i �RaY tg�used for access 2 pa Press news trucks to the loading dock on their property in the rear of Lot 2. The driveway will be locatedonon south ofLot1,, Bpllook 24, I *Dernoat' 1 YTRE6Ti•'^ N. T� cA✓ZGi��er�HRfl+I T ,uL ���� TOR P�IDANT FILED n... BY / EU*INZ.. ADOREBE. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RMCEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 19_ DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY BY Original to city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,---COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ COMMISSIONER /l _-_. ____ DATE__--__._ RESOLVED, That the application of William W. Finley for permission to erect and maintain an over -size private garage on Lot 8, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 2, situated on Ames Avenue between White Bear and Hazel Avenues, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. counciLmEn TJeas Tlays 8 ss Fin an arranto e n osGn �ax yin ,.UreYiarEPresident (Peorma) C jljja ved ""'O—BY Bthe Dl eat n. [ William �, Plnley for permiealon to erect and malntafn an over -alae prlVate garage on Lot 9, Block 2, Aayel Park Division No. 2, Ituated on Ames Ave- ue between White Bear and Basel Avenues, Is hereby granted, and the and Pub{lc Huildla 1-1 hy gare.nd. iced and lna[ructed ereb to Issue a uPermit het- thereor. Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1940. Approved Aug. 30, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) AUG 30 19410 Adopted by the Council______ --_..___._t94_ roped_® _194__ In Favor-- mayor _ -___Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota v OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .mow Aug. 29, 1940 Mr. Harry -9. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of William W. Finley for permission to erect a public (over- size private) garage on Lot S, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 2, being situated on Ames Ave. between White Bear and Hazel. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �. �� '^-''-� @�'"J/�' r� '/'' ^\ * '^ . �� _-_-__-___' ' / 194_— Adopted by the Council__ — --- Nays Yeas BARFUSS FIIN�NDLAND /PARRANTO 1-flfiERSON ZOSEN ,,fRUAX /MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) eF vi� NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of aint Paul, Minnesota, plication w bmade on 194'0, to the City YV?� of'the C;" of Sain Paul, Minnesota, by for permission to erect public garage on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minne- to wit: Lot , Block y" Addition, , Minnesota. On the side of St a Ave \ etwe,en St. Ave. and ST. Ave., Number: St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 19 ;' `� Affidavit of Publication STATE {SE MIMVESOTA; f County of Ramsey, .. ..... .../• • ........... 'bee 'cler sworn, on oath says: that a ow is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publi ons, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year tmmedfately prior to the publication therein of the printe/d AE�-...-.:......P.f!.............. .....�! .."'. -... . ........... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County o1 Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; bas been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news cOlumt]s devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its'said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated.in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the ( NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PER' IMIT To ERECTA POBUC GARAGE local postoHice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the Nati. 1 het•ey, i elm nnuunnsu,sn office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper "IntP.101, Son" S i eitl�uywU I be m da epA tate n we city proof by one having knowledge o1 the facts, of its quallficattons as a newspaper for pub- OQunxll °: the i o%s'PA Mtn•. limit= of legal notices. cats 'tSy L7! »!, 1•ueQaaera- t for 9 L e st t .yaWe aP_kb m W.':->Awedaairel NOTICE ...... t Mimeeota. oto t�• •outp aMa °t4 That the ........... ................... hereto attached I'et.r between White Rear Av:. an I A Dited ae sam[ Paul Miina°ta. Ail(. was cut from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in '�7, 19 fP1°neer_yseee, S. 17-18-14) n%%��7711 the English language, 0600-069h-wak, for... /..!✓ ?r?r4. successive -Weeks; that it was first so published on... (.!"L. ... the .........IJ ......... day of /p 4 .......L J � L% iO.�yY. Piand thereafter on .... ....... �.� :W �l.lM—weak te.wd-ta a U@ -the ......................... dfiY�oF....................... that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b° d a f a h l l k l m a a P 4 r• t a v w x Y Subscribed and sworn to before me this.l....efay of ........ .. ... / . ...... l " ot§ry ''Pub llO,LRamsey County, Minnesota } L MCCOOL, My ce on expires./....bb Hopism Der' 15' i1fl43.0... Orl,inal to City IOWA c. F. No. 120061—ny F. X Trues— Whereas. A r rvlded b, council Fllo Cm OF S No. 11985' nd P, .. CIL NO.— Coun _-- Ott.... ._ OFFICE OF 7 i..7ca:ERK y '"" •: r ' COHNCIL RESOLUTION -`—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER Truax e / —__-_________.—_-___-_. -___ DATE WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 119355, approved July 3, 1940, the Council did, on the 30th day of July, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the one- story frame building in the rear of No. 659 East Sixth Street, located on Lot 7, Block 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 73, following due notice of said hearing given pur- suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22; 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, dirsoting the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten deps after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. AUG 3 0 IM0 C011nCILMETI Adopted by the Council ________194_.._ yeas nags AUG 30 1940 Ba s — 1 an - Approved------- 194_ Parranto { �\ �.� _ In Favor' Ma I assn L /lruax 0 - ._Against r nm e-daltcd'resident (Paterson) =i CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .44W.. Aug. 29, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Ball Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-story frame building located on Lot 7, Block j, Auditor's Subdivision Ne. 73, at the rear of 659 Z• Sixth St. Yours very�tr/uly, City Clerk. / C. F. No. 120062—By F. M. Tt'utvt - Original to City Ckri,Whereas By Council File N 119782 apD CITY 0roved - 'c 7 1'10 rf COU n de lain "h f, 1 1 ..OU NCIL ...,,, ,.. ,;x u.:..,,• 1 _.1nte NO.—_ --. OFFICE Oe.ki- ItY,CL e _ SpUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 'IHEREAS, by Council File No. 119783, approved August,7, 1940, the Council determined that that certain shad located on Lot 22, Block 7, Ries Street Villas, also described as No. 1588 Woodbridge Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefoie, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUT1C1LME11 Leas days �acfnss t indlan j /Parranto �/ 1 lVJ/ In Favor /Truax - / 1 _Against sm ­*frr,§A IPresident (Peterson) AUG 30 10 Adopted by the Council_____ __ 194_ AUG 30 Approved-- _194_ _. i p lllayor PUBLISHED 1 r y^r�: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota "•� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Aug. 29, 1940 Mr. Harry w. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 3) P• B. to enter authorizing and directing the Comer. of Parks, P. d at 1586 Woodbridge upon the premises and tear down axil remove the shed St. on Lot 22, Block 7, Rice street Villas. Yours very t -1y, , City Clerk. I W. LA MOW KAUFMAN _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supp. of Park Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commbsioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commbdoner August 28, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen; A copy of Council File No. 119783 pertaining to the con- demnation of the shed at 1588 Vitoodbridge Street, has been mailed to Hoh. John S. Findlan, Land Commissioner, owner. In accordance with the last paragraph of the above reso- lution, I wish to report that no appeal has been filed for a rehearing of the condemnation proceedings and the building is still in place. Y s truly, '440-0'01'wjv� LAR. .0 City Architect C 455 Council File No..... ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz 8eoonetrnet�,., relay„ end,repair,the i�elk,oa,.the, xeat, eiQei,of.Cle�@l�{►4,gT,e,,,,, ,frog, Carter, Ave.. t4..FQA>i'44AF.e4�L�F. AY9... PP44..4A. ��.e..AOAt13. k1A9..4x. Re�t19T..Arte... Eras ... Cleveland. ATe.....th4pa@.!FlB ..�S9.a0................................................................. Dated this ...... 3Llth..day of.................August............ ........., 19340, j Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......... Reconatruct� relay and repair the walk an.the.west aide of Cleveland Ave. ................................................................................... f— Carter, Age.,.to, ao 4nwealth,ATe�..end on the south side of Carter Ave. frame .............................................................. Cleveland Ave.,..thence west 150.0 ft. ........................... rnELInrxAnY osnase. ..................................................... ........ .... hNavin p y � Jr ',,,j_ aving'been resented to the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul...............lu:............................n... thereforebe it ` RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters.to the Commissioner of Finance. WU6 30 1941 Adopted by the Council ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved ....... !1Ull, 3,0 0�`�......................... FINDLAN PARRANTO ROSEN AX -" fr. Mayor. lof�A nough ft!Vi! President (Paerson) IM 12.38 PUBLISHED -1— NOTICE OF -- _ r..,, COUNCIL FILE NO. TO COUNCIL REt t L"CiOt� PRINTER August 29 40 194- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 3, 368.45 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7663 TO -74720 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE O IF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.AUG ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUG 3a" 194 COMPTROLLER APPROVED --194 BOO 5-4G YU BLiST IED DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - PFf ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ! - • COUNCIL ' FILE rvuMBER-_ CALL ROLL CALL BARFUSS. FINDLAN PETERSON--- IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS I August28 A4a Y CO ROSEN TRUA% AINBTi RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING M E! ES - IS1 --... ..INCLUSIVE. AS AUG 3U CHECKS NUMBERED_ T 14?eQTV - ', 1! l�CT50 C. PER CHECKS ON FI LLL,,,GGGT 311/1CE -7 4�Y OMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI — �_1B3— APP V - ,. CS NUMBER AYO 157 BY TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - - - ----- - - RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD -66 969.-_$3.. 5-99 74663 Frank E. Haas 75 0074664 32 09 James I. Cohen & L. Vad 277 50 74665 Fitzhugh & R.A. Burne 1 90 74666 German Book Importing Company 50 47 74667 Goodrich-silvertown. Inc. R.L. Gould & Company 35 74669 74669 Grant Piston Ring Company 45 37 74670 Grinnell Company 20 74671 Gruber Auto Electric Company 00 74672 v.j. Haas Mfg. Company 496 06 7467 Hamm Brewing Company 1 00 7467 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Agency 74675 P.R.L. Hardenbergb Company Harley-Davidson 9t.Paul Company 43 18 74676 Hawk Mfg. Company 74677 7 08 74678 Hetfield, Parry Inc. 20 47 20 74679 A.F. Hoffman Printing Company 74690 Inter City Paper Company 3 75 21 0 74681 Joe0s Live Bait Store 29 60 74692 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company 17 08 74683 Bee Lox Mfg. Company 16 02 74684 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 2 95 74685 Kline's Key Shop 85 51 74686 A. J. Koch Company 00 74687 s. Kopilovich & son 31 62 74688 Kremer Auto Spring Company 151 30 74689 John Leslie Paper Company 23 25 74690 Linle Air Products Company 69 01 74691 McFaide -Lambert Company 10 00 74692 McGraw-Hill Pub. Company. Inc. nus Messing 4 20 746993 1} D. Company 28 09 7 Midway Creamery 14 46 74695 Minnesota paper & Cordage Company 19 25 74696 n.A. Myers•& Company 11 00 74697 National Education AAaociation 48 20 74698 Nelson Oil Company 18 99 74699 New York Tea Company 20 00 74700 North"-rn States Power Company 90 79 74701 n.'W. Petroleum Company 75 74702 N.'v. Stamp Works, Inc. 12 00 74703 Owens Diet. Company 2 16 74704 Paramount Baking Company 23 40 74705 Parkside Ice Cream Company ® 74706 Pepsi Cola Bottling Company 250 9g eRefrigeratorlphia & iService ng coal co. 74709 Pierre4707 1 50 74709 Postal Telegraph Company 33 30 74710 Purity Baking Company 63 25 74711 Purity Baking Company 1 20 74712 Rainbow Pie Company 90 74713 Restaurant China Company 32 25 74714 74715 D.J. Riley & Company Robinson. Cary & Sande Company 166 16 74716 Rudeen Food Market 7 j4 124 40 74717 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 74718 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 636 59 74719 St.Paul Bottling Company 98 27 26 17 74720 gt.Paul Glass company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .1 66 989 63, 602526 65 u V f C. q 066 -By Jotin B: .Fin4lnn, by .q request - Wherese.'Th Cbmmieel ner or Parke, � ���� ��� PlayBr undo and Yubgl Bundinga hang r Orl,la.l to City Clerk !»Port to th Counoll that the on'r 7 n dwolnna. d on 1. AL CITY OF SAHs sr„ :i" or. ,.pL x ti n. NO.__ - -- -- OFFICE OF THE _iFY CLERIFI r to v+ i[aa Powt CIL RESOLUTION --- GEN/��jC'-`FORM � A— M/YA�M � `'.. WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the one=story frame dwelling located on Lot 7, Block 9, Rondo's Addition, also des- cribed as No. 298 Cathedral Place, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 27th day of September, at ten o'olock A. M. in the Council Cgamber in the Court House and City Rall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days priortto the time fixed, for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication In the official newspaper of said City, said notice to -be published not less than five days prior to the date of Jsaid hearing• COUTICILMETI �Adopted Rays by the Council_____—__--1�— Ileas U A roved Y l�— indlan In Favor — F -- -- --- Qlay eterson /Rosen $>lwwr_Against ."Mr. President, McDonough PUi3Li5Fll D 9 - LID D -ea CS 25336 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNFST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt of Parks Supt of Playgrounds Cit' Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner August 29, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: The building at 298 Cathedral Place, described as Lot 7, Block 9, Rondo's Addition, is in bad and dangerous condi- tion, and has been referred to this Department for condem- nation. Our inspector states that it is vacant, one story frame dwelling, windows broken, dilapidated beyond repair and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. It is under the ownership of Lucy Lux, 192 Carroll Avenue. A danger notice was posted. Kindly proceed with the condemnation in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. truly, Cit rchitect LAR..0 Oritls.l to City Clerk F SAINT PAUL COUNCIL CI Fuc NO._ OFF E F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LOTION ---GENERAL FORM �^ DATE S°�tenber _�rd�1940 ___ In the matter of oonetruoting sanitary and stoM water severe on Minnesota Street frac Second Street to a point 60 ft. Seventh north o under Seventh Str9iner9 Order O.r1 •1165170approved to Saokem 0otobsr 10th, 1939• R=LYED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby camoelled, annulled and resoiuded end all prooeedings in such matter dieoontinued. COU11CiLMET1 leas // Tlags B� ar uss In an ��arranto iPeterson Asen 111�uax ir. President. McDonough 9m S -6e CS i3.1— C. F. No. In the — point 80ft. north of Seventh Street: Seventh Street from Cedar St. to Jackson St.'etc . under Preliminary Order C. F. 1166'17, approved October 10th, 1939. Resolved, That all orders In the above matter be and the same are here- by cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings an such matter dle- continued. CAdopted,by the Councli Sept. 3, 1940. Approved Sept. S. 1940. (Sept 7, 1940) Adopted bq the Council—'----- proved— in ouncilS proved_In Favor- -'^' - _ Rlagor %__Against` COUNCIL FILE NO �•1� }c5� BY ,G FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS `In the matter of taking and condemning for school purposes, Lots 1 to 14 inclusive. :;- Quiubyte ReArrangement of Block 14591fest Ste Paul,Proper, FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ton Rosea— r and cord6.1F;. n 1w under Preliminary Order 119593 approved Wy 19th- 1960 Intermediary Order 119771 approved August 6th, 1940. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations "relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City bf Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is teking and oondemning lend for school purposes. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, Qninbyls ReArr&gement of Block 145, West St. Paul Proper. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council W! 19_ tt�� SEP 3 1M City Clerk. Approved 19_ M or. Coun ' n• uss �It to PUBLISHED--L- n UBLISHEDg-n yl�. x President 4 1110011011931a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of taking and condemninr for school purposes, lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Guinby'#*— R11arranPement of flock 145, West St. Paul Proper under Preliminary Order approved July 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 199.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan VALUATIONBlde. 1 Qiiinby's Rearrangement of x$125 -- flock 145, Ylest St. Paul Proper 2. do 125 3 do 175 4 do 175 5 do 175 6 do 150 7 do 125 B do 175 9 do 150 TOTAL. Porm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT PF FI[1ANCE REPORT OF COMMPRELIMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE _ (C)- - ASSESSED • LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION ..Land _ Bldg.- 10 Quinby's Rearran gemePaulfProper150 Bock 145, West St. 11 do 150 12 do 150 13 do 150 14 do 175 Total $2150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and . hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Aurust 6 19 40 — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION -- AXEL F. PETERSON, CO.......... J. C. FELDMANN, D[PUTY COMMILION[R BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ®® , PAUL S.AMIDON, SUP[NINTENORNT BUREAUS SCHOOL CAFETERIAS TRUDEAU, A. MS may 6, 1940 Iion. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Finance Lir. Len Seamer Valuation Engineer Department of Finance City of Saint Paul BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS PERRIE JONES, LISRARIAN BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, SUP[RINTeNP_T Dear Air. Seamer: Pursuant to our conversation on several occasiss and garding the block bound by Page, Ty Gorman Streets, several blocks from Humboldt High School, may I request that you take the necessary steps to condemn this property for the Depaar mennte of Education. This property is known as @ arrangement of Block 145, Lots 1 to 14- I shall be very grateful to youif you will begin the necessary proceedin_-s to accomplish has cbeen ondemnation on this land. It may be that the alley dedicat:;d andis now a public alley. If that is true, will you please start the necessary proceedings and vacate the alley, also. You know Low to do this much better than I would be able to dir ow thdtilt will lea the entire matter in you ands,kful attention. receive Your Usual prompt Thanking you ;n advance, I am Very traly Yours�\F����" �( Commissioner of Education 9 �i AFP -H ��jj** tt.ki" v N41- o- Q-1 L1v I PE .'1JTSi �i4 B/k /GS WSi POU/%>rope CONOEMNA TION OR -3 N -368 PAGE ST j LJ Q-1 L1v I PE .'1JTSi �i4 B/k /GS WSi POU/%>rope CONOEMNA TION OR -3 N -368 PAGE ST LJ w > > -7 6 5 4 '' > 2� 1 Z Q 145 U) Z 12 13 14 I J SIDNEY ST Q.JIN6YE• PF loh I •o IA 1m -I 61k 145 W 51 Paul Proper f C)NDFMNATION.�`,CH. PURPOSE5) Dureou of En9�nePrs .,!v 21-194r Scale I 100 9 10% 1 6,,2 Office `of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance anls 30 —1.0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as"Council-File No " u9593 approved Tule 19 19J O_ relative to taking and condemning for school purposes, lots 1 to 14, inclusive Quinbv's Rearrangement of Block 145, West St. Paul Proper. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement iA necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxa and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profde or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5, Said improvement 1A Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of rope subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. ' �, Commissioner of Public Works. JUL 31 1940 COUNCIL FILE N0 ------------------------- By ------------------------ _____-_-___--_____By--------------------- ---- - ----- FINAL ORDER 20058 In the Matter of ----- a__aidewalk_on the_north__eide_ o£ West_Iy ___Avenue_------ from Victoria Street to East Lake Como Boulevard, except where good and sufficient ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- aide�mlka_Arnt_sxiat, ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 119397 ---------------- --_approved ..... July_92__1940----- --__-_ Intermediary Order ----------------------- ---approved ------------ - -- - --- - --- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pa.V tt t e precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to bade b the said City is construct s idenalk on the north side of West Iver Avenue from ���—Street to_East Lake Como_ Boulevardz exoe t where�od and --- i sufficient eidewaks now exist.- No. 1200 M. t - ter and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ___SEP 3 192______. ------------------ SEP - - -- ------ - Ci Y Clerk. - Approved----------------------- —------------------- ., 192- -- --' - --- ------- File 84377 May' Councilman SHuss Councilman Im. rrdlnn Councilman rranto Councilman on /1 n Councilman n U `PUBLI D Councilman 1� • Q Mayor H cUcaoatth Form B. S. A. 8-7 V ' J `�`/ � �. F' ✓�/�� fA/A �, 1 � ;) CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of. oonstructing a sidewalk on the north side of West Ivy Avenue from Victoria St. to East Lake Como Boulevard under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 8q arThe estimated cost pe 0.15 not the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LaeLUATION Bldg. g. That part of Quincy St. vacated between the following described parts of Blocks 31 and 32 and (Except Boulevard) the North 67 1/3 feet of South 72 1/3 ft. of Lot 4, Block 31, and the North 67 1/3 ft. Como $1675 $5800 of South 72 1/3 ft. of Lot 6, Block 32 (Except Street) 5 32 do 650 (Except Sts.) the SVY4 of the NVV4 Unplatted of the SE -14 of Section 23, Township 29, Range 23 5430 Total $7755 $5800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p Dated Aueust 6 --19—A-0— Commissioner (Finan Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. A. 8-8 D To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn ............. G. .............................19 7 V Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ( ............... ...... St. Ave. ............................. from Z...G�-Z�4 .. to Ave. I Tuly 22 19 -AO To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 119397 approved July 9 1940 , relative to constructing a 131dewalk-on the north side of West Tw Avenue from Victoria Street to East Lake Como Boulevard. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - 4" Monolithic concrete walk at $.15 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owne f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CUM. OF FINANCE co(/// Commissioner of Public Works. w�ti q J ' r JUL 23 1940 COUNCIL FILE NO.----_---------------- By----------------------------------- `3To, 3 L4atter of ` reaoaativeting t0-' aad reyyalring the eldgvyalk on+ 15outb eldrof ,Pleaeadt `Avenue. PTarJleld -Ftreet to $orbea�Ave- . 1 Tlili nej.. .}4008 ade aP ellfnet FINAL ORDER 120059 In the Matter of_reoonatruoting,__�eleyirng_agd_repairing_the__sidewalk__on_the_ soyth _ side of Pleasant Avenue fromGarfield Street to Forbes Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist— ______________ under Preliminary Order _____119410 ------ - ------ ----- —__approved ----- Intermediary ___ Intermediary Order -----------------------approved -------------- — - -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___reoonatruot rele�r end repair the sidewalk on __— the_Gouth__aido --oL_P_.Q"nJlt_AQ@MiLfS9nLCmISi41d_�tLeB t� _E9r1 Avenue. exoent vehsre goosl__at�d__a�afi'iciaat $jdswglks ---------------------- ------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement �inn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- UP3nt_ ---------- 192 --- -___- SEP 3 IN City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------------- 192------ File S4878 / = -' — - -- — --- — or. M Councilman CJanoy tiyxrueuv Councilman ]�_ Councilman I Councilman it Councilman 8 Councilman Y Mayor Hcdp Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED„ CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Forbes Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 9, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sq re0.07_, relaying old tile] 0.14, new tile. The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is ; g $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Part S.E. of Pleasant Ave. of 33 (Ex. Pleasant Ave.) the W. 7 ft. of 34 (Ex. Pleasant Ave.) the E. 39 ft. of the W. 46 ft. of 34 (Ex. St. & W. 46 ft.) Lot 34 & (Sty) 36 Part of 36 ) and vacated alley adjoining lying S.E. of Pleasant Ave, and N. of a line parallel with S. line of said lot from a point on the E. line thereof 74 ft. S. from the SIly line of Pleasant Ave.) Lan Bldg. Whitacre, Brisbane & Mullin's $500 $11,500 Sub. of Lots 1 & 2, of Leech's eludes other prol Add. of Outlets do 75 do 375 1500 do 575 2350 450 2700 Total $1975 $18,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public WIts. //- 11\ . Dated August 6 i9 40 ��'Kwv J Commissioner of Finance. Form a. S. A. 8-5 D -r 3.. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works " Report to Commissioner of Finance July 22, 1940 19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 1. A rove' July 9, 1940 19—, relative to Council, known as Council File No. 11940 PP reconstructing reiMing and repair the sidewalk on the south side of Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Forbes Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost - Relay existing walk at $.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ —, and the total cost thereof is $ Lay new the walk at $.14 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. CD 4. ~ 6. Said improvement is Asked for upon petition of three or more owners f property subject to assessment for t1� � 7NeANOF uvm Commissioner of Pubhc Works. Go JUL 23' 1940 original to civ ct.rhC. r. NIlk, 180060—ny 6 H. sarrnes—�4 "� t� e W 8arranto—Soh 9 FI'�dtan— t� Whereas. PY1' (` r mat CIL CITY OF SA appnentto,, �' �t;�. NO. 0�7 qrr OFFICE OF TH e ° "'ilk' ° 9i COUNCIL RESOLUTIOt4*,'1' NERAL FORM 1, �) COMMISSIONER ------- -------- DATE A11g118t 27 1940 WHEREAS: Frank 0. Wicker has made application 43792 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Plymouth automobile, Serial No. 2612999. Motor No. P2-264995, Car. No. 10, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy H212775, expiring September 3. 1940, and WHEREAS, said applicant has filed a copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City o$ St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Frank 0. Wicker and ghe City Clerk is irmtructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C011IICIL Eri i Ilays sa Fi an Parr nto et n dn Truax ruax ,,r. President, McDonough am ao cs mann i Adopted bq the Council SEP - 3 �.T11/ 194__ _ SEP 3 1840 roved—A--p— tea--- --In Favor _Against PUBLISHED. Original to City Clerk �24) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—._ --- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK XUIL R OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENT RESE T 0 ER BerfussCOMM WHEREAS, Joseph A. Wimmer, Detective in the Police Bureau, Department of Public Safety, has been and will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of ninety days; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended that said employe be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, for said period of ninety days, beginning August 1, 1940; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to grant a leave of absence to said Joseph A. Wimmer for said period, beginning August 1st, 1940, with full pay. I tr u,. ,.ee-_— n , ---- for-- for a period of alnety days:' and Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Safety has recommended that said emploYe be granted a leave of ab ... a. for dleablllty, ith FaY. for Bald De- rlod of ninety day,,, beglnning August 1, 1940• therefore, be St I ResolVed, That the proper city in. 1 cera be and they are. hereby authorlaed 9 to grant a leave of absence to said Jo- # seph A. Wimmer for said period, bd- ginning August lst 1940 with telt -paY. Adopted by the cone{t Sept 0, 1940. Approved Sept: 9. 1940. i (Sept. 7, 1940) i SEP 818aQ COU'aCiLMEn Adopted by the Council__- leas/� Ttays Bar g SEP 3 in an proved_.__,___ �. ``arfanto rson In Favor _ Tlayor ltr� � /.... _/._Against - r.President, McDonough 3111 $- Cs ]$3311 Original to City Ck-rk - .� CTI `.., CITY HINT PAUL COU CIL OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK ^le NO�___ COUNCIL RE TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ DATE+ e te—Mk1er _$,. 194Q___ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby,' thorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptro+ two tank cars, approximately 8000 gallons each 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, one car at a price of $ .1086 per gallon and the other at $ .1007 per gallon, less 1%' discount ten days, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 C011nCILMEtt i eas nays Findlan wear n10 .3—n X5,:n '/ r president, McDonough 3111 3.4o cs 73338 4FP � 1BM! Adopted by the Council_____ proved_ SEP 3 t94 --- In Favor C " mm ,or _Against fleas Ttays barfuss APProned_-_— 194 Findlan Parranto _ __In Favor Peterson Rosen __- ____-_Against Truax Mr. President, nlcT)onough am I— G5 ansae odal..l W cl..l CITY OF49:wmimAUk. COUNCIL NO. NL[ T`HE' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE3E BY _____,___.__. DATE Sent ember esses persons at RESOLPEDt The are hereby granted d for by the andWthe city clerk isainstructed toaissued a ditheses same such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: G. Bartusch Packing Co. 567 N. Cleveland Ave. Slaughter House App.43092 Renews Dainty Dot Bake Shop Inc. 390 Wabasba St. Restaurant Bakery "43192 " " 43193 " 11 p n n a Ernest Breul 542 Stryker Ave. Ice Station " 43241 " Joseph Moses 119 Eaton Ave. Grocery " 43340 " Hyman Horwitz 641 Canada St. Butcher " 43543 " Thomas Neal 531 St.Anthmap Barber " 43561 " J. C. Hensler 771 W. 7th St. Butcher " 43631 " George Devitt 19 E. 6th St. Restaurant " 43673 " Alma Davis 412 N. Smith Ave. Butcher " 43699 " Frank Ryan 392 N. Finn Ice Delivery " 43703 " paramount Pies, Inc. 229 N. Snelling Confectionery " 43704 " Geo. Del Signore 179 Rondo Ave. Grocery " 43705 " Adolph Baumgartner 394 Bice St. Barber " 437C6 " Joseph Damiani 597 E. 7th St. Grocery " 43713 " Lee V. Aydt 8112 S. Smith Ave. " )�eataurant On Sale Malt n " 43715 " 43716 " n n n Off Sale Malt " .43717 " Meyer Goldie 533 St. Peter St. Gas Static n " 43719 " Marie Steffen , 614 Selby Ave. Bakery " 43721 " Adopted by the Council___ __ — 194 COnnCILmEn fleas Ttays barfuss APProned_-_— 194 Findlan Parranto _ __In Favor Peterson Rosen __- ____-_Against Truax Mr. President, nlcT)onough am I— G5 ansae OVIR.e.I to CITY Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM q COMMISSIONER_- -------.---- -_. __.__ DATEJXg• Sept. 3, 1940 -2- Arthur F. Slater 435 St. Peter St. Restaurant App.43722 Renewal E. D. Wentz 2042 Marshall Ave. Butcher ■ 43728 " Yaeger & Buckner 455 S. Robert St. Gas Station " 43737 " Koppy Motors Inc. 345 Main Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dir." 43738 " Julius IS Roma 2068 Ford Rd. Restaurant " 43742 " Joseph Ryback 945 W. 7th St. Bakery " 43743 " Newmanle Cloak &Suit Co. 25 E. 7th St. Barber " 43749 " Martin Auto Cab Co. 100 W. 10th St. Gas Station " 43752 " Young Motor Car Co. 850 Grand Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Mr. " 43754 " Herman Fadenberg 354 E. Lawson Grocery " 43765 " Erwin A. Jung 10420rand Ave. Gas Station " 43766 " R. C. Malloy 379 Maria Ave. Groce3 " 43770 " Tanners Lake Ice Co. 886 Duchess St. Ice Del. " 43775 " W. E. Simpson 340 N. Smith Ave. Gas Station " 43779 " Rogers & Steinbring 615 University Ave. Restaurant " 43780 " " " " " On Sale Malt " 43781 " n " " " Off Sde Malt " 43782 " Henry Parasol 176 N. Western Ave. Butcher " 43784 " Harry Kaufman 773 Cortland Plac4 Grocery " 43786 " " " Off Sale Malt " 43797 " Alfred McArdell 196 Concord St. Off Saie Malt 93 3 11COUTICILIIIEtl Adopted by the Council-SEPy4_�—Te4__ iQ4 IJeas/ nays SEP 3 uss F' Ian �BArranto Pproved 194--- -- /Peferson -----ln Favor - --------------— ' ayo / "an Truax Against /Mr. President, McDonough .in —0 CS 2.... PUBLISHED Origins[ to City Cork e NO�. CI"F SAINT PAUL couNca f P f . rag ' — / OFFXE 4OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1#S UTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER/ _—___.. _. -_-.— DATE._S_rIQ�iQe�_�.�—_194Q__. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 104 hogs at a total cost of $871.81, from GEOGE N. BURT COMPANY, without advertisement, as this is the, only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. councl En 1]eas nays yids in lar ar alfto 'parton ruax /,tnr. President, McDonough 3111 3Ae CS 23338 MEN Charge Workhouse Farm- 1016-131 C. F. " 1180084—By Milton Rosen— Reeolved, That the $yrchastng Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consentof the Comptrotler. for the St. Paul -Work - 'house, 104 hogs at a total.cost. of $8be 3rd ertisement. as rthla nip the only waY n urchaee of livestock can be trade on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm -1018-181. Adopted by the Council Sept. S, 1940. Approved Sept. 9, 1940. (Sept. 7,.1940) — SEP 3 40 Adopted by the Counci 1194__ SEP 3IWO / proved_____. 194__ In Favor ma('Pt `Against ( ' - _12006t5 D. F. No: 120068— ebstt—et. it File No ................ PROPOSAL Fb'wb iii e+ N1 "-oth. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct sanitary -and storm water sewers on Minnesota..Street from... Second Street to Eighth Street; Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Jackson Street- Robert Street from a point approximately 50 feet south of Seventh Street to Eighth Street; Sixth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 132 feet east of Minnesota Street- Fifth Street from Minnesota Street to a'poi rt l50 feet east of Mlnnesota Street; Foutth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 45 feet east of Minne- sota Street. Also construct a relief sewer at the intersection of Fifth Street and Cedar Street from the sewer on Fifth Street to the sewer on Cedar Street. Also a connecting manhole at Eighth Street and Cedet ar Street. Cedar Street. Also build a diversion struQ_.$;g , at N4R h, -,k Also build a bulkhead in the Ninth Street sewer at Minnesota Street. Also constructing connections to existing sewers and constructing lateral sewer connections from the sewers above described to the property lines where necessary. ,�_s��;ry-gam •gCparffi-SII,'Cs��epe�s'oii-�ineiesotaBtreet frost..... $aooh$,$,treet..to•Sighth Street Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Jackson Street Robert Street rom a point approximately' S0 feet south of Seven Street to Eighth Street; Sixth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 132 feat east o2 Minnesota Street Fifth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 150 feet east of Minnesota Street; Fod2th Street from Minnesota Street to a point 45 feet east of Minne- sota Street. 480 coa►struct a relief sewer at. the intersection of Fifth Street and Cedar Street from the sewer on Fifth Street to the sewer on Cedar Street. Also a connecting manhole at Eighth Street and Cedr.,r Street. Also build a diversion structure at Ninth Street and Cedar Street. Also build a bulkhead in the Ninth Street sewer at Minnesota Street. Also constructing connections to existing sewers and constructing lateral sewer connections from the sewers above described to the property lines where necessary. - YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved •.... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT / IM 12.38 v " YUI3LISHED T—'/ ........... TWC Z", 1-T- , 3 1 -,bp(- 'g � V- . -A _ ; — , , er yj 2 r'L;TQ �Pr'l, 6 If 'r 1. 6, tT)-FC') 6 P r (I T, J`TL LGG T -PJ P -,'T 3u LTT PP 4"!-- C- E� 6 C or P TiJrl G t ().P V .LB LOW i, go 7, bo -4,3j,- TZO :Lsra.p 00'�? c-, - ol 0 LOTITP 17�5 T,,aop, afyap ot ;1-u- T. _C�-4_:0 1T.L—;Lee,C ..................................................................................... I .......................... Dated this .... 3rA ...... day of........ AQpt.9Mb6r ................ . ... . ..... .... :i :.. 1 _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... .... .. . 1— ....... Contract Sudtary,and stora*water *Qw6rV-'cV-M1Uftsota; Street frog..... .SaQ9a4AUP0,to.Eighth Street- Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Jackson Street- Robsrf'i�fiee-t krom a point appioximi'itely' 50 feet South of Seventh Street to Eighth Street; Sixth Street from Minnesota Street to a Point 132 feet east of Minnesota StreetFifth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 150 feet east of M14e ota Street-, Foutth Street from Minnesota Street to a point 45 feet :aSt of Minne- Sots, Street Also construct a relief sewer at the intersection of Fifth Stree; and Cedar Street from the sewer on Fifth Street to the sewer on Cedar Street. Also a connecting manhole&t Eighth Street and Cedar Street. Also build a diversion struoture at Ninth Street and Cedar Street. Also build a bulkhead In the Ninth Street sewer at Minnesota Street. Also constructing connections to existing sewers and constructing lateral sewer connections from the sewers above described to the property lines where necessary. .......... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved.... up.... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON TRUAXROSEN . . ... .... ... . .... ........ 'yo� ..... ......... ......... .. .... MR. PRESIDENT Mayo IM M38 L) PT 97 - rY 71etc: hTS 1_li j7rl: ;:T• . rr n1 z .:;011 (T;rc} s sit 7 Tan a ... , . C; c_1, re.cttfL ^�z,�s rLGE.�'. r �. Itt✓ T. 36o LO;�' al;.. 1 77 PPII i r. �' Q `� .c,: CI 1-G pfS�3 I);-(' \�7 0 ini; jl!-{' E Lf TSG. OfiL nT•� x t10w T,LOXFT,56, to ;'0.1-?,lr 'tin �OgF �r7 `t L� TEb.p T T:oa'TJC T35 yc�F GU t ctF. ,a z; 7G" - ' f r� +, = F GA65 ? Lfnrc+: .r-tw rr�'Rj3-'f7:. 1pt�9PtA"e'.� ...... Dated this .' ..daq of r t ` . bLobei.Fa TT"6? MPGL6 UGGG229L%' TgF6L'3T 26fA6L COUVGGFTOU2 tLOLU ATG aetAGL2_gLBo7 7pe> 1IT2o couagWICc TUR COVUeGFTou2 Fo 6xr2F; 2 26 eL29UgGOUFL ;fTao PnTTq 9 PnTKp6gq Tu Fp6 RTuFp 2FL66F 26AWL 9F TyjTUUG20Fs 2FLssF• VTSO PffTT9 9 gjAGLa;ou 2PL1i0FnLs gF XTuFp 2FLssF 9Uq CegwL 2FLssF• VT2o s GouuecF;ug Mw"POTs 9F ETgpFp 2FLeeF %Vq Csg9L 2FLssF. Fy6G 26AGL ou Ceg9L 2FP G BTUP VZGGeP 9uq CegsL 2FLssF LLOm ps aemsL oA BTLssFFo ssF•Teo cou2L11cF s LeTTeL asmsL gF FT ;uFsLa-oL 20F9 2FF AL NTu s- LzoQ7ueaoFs SF®sFFo.s ho -F 2sweeoFa ep6q-r3 LLOW X?uussoo,BAeeF to s PTFT g y6e , Fo 9 bo;uF _.T354d. boo; eaa � oL uneaoFe-gFLeeF ?b F.ru''FL6eF having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......... .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.............`S.E:P ..... •1•�Y• • • ................ YEAS NAYS �+C q im Councilman BARFUSS pp A roved.......tT}-p....!.................................. FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ................ .... ROSEN................................. TMayor RUAX MR. PRESIDENT W 12.38, / YUBLIS1-IED---L-1— J20066 66 Petition_ Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .... 4uTASA6.iUAim.O.Rt�eOA.xrw .!J'eylor, Aveane.to.the_ north .line .................. .................................. oi, Young! e, Additiom.............................................................. ..........................................- .......................................................... .... ................... Se tuber....../ .........., 19 .... Dated this ... ?r! ........ day of ............ .... ...$........ .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................... Q4T.bSAB . Ail11A0..$TeOt .�pgt..Teylor, Avenue, to, ,the .north .line................. . Ck�F. wo::180b68— •� ... ox.Xouug!A.Addition.................... ae.a.•e.• ............................... m1k; ..i.. �p........................................ .................................................... ......................... "J' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works beand is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of. said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............ SEP... V. ••••"""•"'•' YEAS NAYS SEP S " Councilman BARFUSS Approved ............................. ANDLAN �- PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN .............................................. Mayor. TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT — Etayor NODOUOU& YUl3LISHED--+--Q:— IM 12.38 Petition.20f 67 Council File No.. :.:........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Cu;bing,Pelace. Avenue. fray Leziugton Parkway .tc. $dgmimbe Road............. .................3� ..... ...Y...... September Dated this...............da of............. ... .... ............................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: ourbing Palace Avenge from Leaingtoa Parkway to gdgo=be Road........ ............................................................................ ................................. C. F. Nn. 12001 _ .. .......................................... .................... 11c .....:.�....... .�......... ........ In, .... 4' ................. ?��..................................... ..............................................................IL' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ....................................... I............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..............SEP... 1 ...... • • • • . YEAS NAYS p Councilman BARFUSS Approved ...... SEP .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..• • "' • "" FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN�R...................... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT . MoDonough / IM 12.38 J PUBLIS:IED Council File No ...... &......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and A PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Heoonatracte,.relay•ead:repair•the,siddgelk•oa.the,weet aide of Louie Spreet. fro�,e •poist..71.0, ft., south- of pgyTler Avenue, thenoe south 72.0 ft. .., ............................................. ..................... I................................ ............................ Dated this..... 21r4..... dayoftemberA-. ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Beconatrunt, . le] eg. and. repair .the..aidepal k . oa..the..aaet . side..ot .Lout d ......... Street fra®a oint 71.0 it. south of fiLller Aaennee thence south 72.0 ft. . P.... ......... ............................................................... .................... C.; F. No. -120008— A6tlsact. Where,:,,o ,'�•... Los .......... makln • -?' .,�.. .,..,vem, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......... • • • • • • - 1........... :....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making,of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and ,the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters he Commissioner of Finance. 3 SER M Adopted by the Council.....................6.......6.................. YEAS NAYS .. A '� Councilman BARFUSS PProved........ SEP..... ....................... _ FINDLAN PARRANTO PETERSON - ROSEN May TRUAX ( or MR. PRESIDENT - NCI)Onou& 1u 12,38 PUBLISHED�C% �{(J NOTICE 'a �'OUNCIL FILE NO. TO soul 7 kLrVv10N. '".. PRINTER w August 29 1940— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 140,154.09 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7721 TO 7776 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SEP SO 194— cCn cin comrrta m APPROVED— K---194Two_ soo saa /IYJ� -- PUBTASHED 1-%"` d DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL - - - FILE NUMBER- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS ---August 29 940 ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 1EiQQ---1 Parranto TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3 1 IQ j5�� D9 COVERING 7INCLUSIVE MR PRES. _FALLO __ -- pr PER CHECKS ONCHECKS FII_I T O�ICE BY THE C�C��� _ _=�J(�T�T{{�7 O/• AS OFTH TITYCO PTROLLER ADOPTED A PPR D_ AP ISS- NUMBERBy /MH !96 C5 -Aro cover+no i en TOTAL DATE CHECKBY NUMBER IN FAVOR OF — - -- -- RANSFER TCH ECKS - RETURNED v DISBURSEMENT BANK BROUGHT FORWARD _66. 99 3 L7 Dui Dd eC�H�E.C�N[B C 6o2526--65--- -- -- ------ 74721 Dr. Jos. J. McCarthy 39 00 654 50 74722 Adler steel Products Company 7552777 65 7472] 74724 National Meter Company Model Laundry Company 43 74725 Model Laundry Company Finance 44 69 67 71056 74726 John S. FSndlan, C. of 38 74727 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 74728 �g 00 John Fitzpatrick 53 96 74729 Mrs. Emile LaBiesoniere 71 6o 74730 Mrs. w.s. Frantz. Treas. 74731 Peoples Ice & Fuel Company 13 75 74712 Tinton Christianson 100 00 7473] Joseph Coria 100 00 747 4 ?award Landeen 100 00 583 43 7475 Healy Plumbing Company 74736 C.F. Scully Equipment Company5 800 00 74737 City of St.Paul, Minn. 608 8060 74738 City of st.Paul, Minn. 4 74739 Board of water commissioners 1 898 59 3 123 49 7474o Mpls.-St.Paul San. Dist. 74741 George F. Dix, C. of M.Ct. 10 'o0c. 63 18 74742 Conrad Hamm 60 00 74743 Mrs. Ella Woodward 74744 Mrs. Ella Woodward 150 00 1 1446 65 74745 Schmidt Brewing Company 74746 Schmidt Brewing Company 913 30 74747 Schreier's Auto Top 10 25 74748 Sherwin-Williams Company 18 O1 on 74749 Geo. Shetka & sons 154 6 74750 ".A. skafgaard & Companyoo 74751 V.r.Smith Tire Company 23 08 74752 snap -on Tools Company 18 29 74753 30conq-Vacuum Oil Company 108 91 74754 Sperry Office Furniture Company 11 02 74755 Standard Unit parts Company 61 43 74756 State of Minnesota 40 50 74757 Truck Parte, Inc. 7 80 74758 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company 35 00 74759 Twin City Ice & Fuel Company 21 09 74760 Universal Sign Company ® 80 74761 74762 Geo. 'Varner & Company warren steam Pump Company 82 3�00 74763 74764 Taterous Company westlund's Market 24 13 74765 R.S. Whitacre & Company 15 87 36 o0 74766 'voroh Cigar Company 74767 Yoerg Brewing Company 207 50 74768 q.H. Ziegler Company 52 39 74769 Dr. Jos. J. McCarthy 50 00 69 74770 Campbell Coal & Dock Company 119 74771 Cutler -Magner Company 970 35 74772 L.J. Glazier 6 00 74773 Graybar Electric Company 26 1 8 594 1 74774 Northern Coal & Dock Company 74775 Northern States Power Company 4 1 2 3 07 74776 Mitsoh & Heck Company 1 900 01 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 79 446 29. 731 164 29 Orfllad to City Clerk _ COMMIBSICNEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO—ION•--GENERAL FORM — __._.__._ DATE COUNCIL NO. September 4, 1940 RESOLVED, , the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the Cbty Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RF80LVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein- after set forth: Overtime NAME TITLE Sunday Regular Rate Vidgo T. Anderson Lake Patrolmen-W.D. 16 bra. .61-1/2 William D. Carlson Filter -Plant lab. 8 .65-3/4 Roy Munson Utilitymen-W.D. 12 hre. .73 Leonard Munson do 15 ` .73 Ed Sordell Mach. Helper 12 ` .62-1/4 Sam Ranelli do 12 " .62-1/4 James Tighe Hnerg.Repairman 12 ` .65-3/4 Leo Boyle Ditch digger 12 " .60 Toe Bruno do 12 " .6o Tommaso Mazzola do 12 " .6o Frank D. Strong Emerg.Repairman 6 " .65-3/4 Raymond A. Hoover Water -shed lab. 6 ` .63-1/4 Harvey Donahue Utilityman-W.D. 6 ` .73 Thomas Fahey Mech. Helper 6 ` .62-1/4 Chas. DeVinney Emerg.Repairman 6 • •65-3/4 Peter 7. Murphy do 6 ` .65-3/4 Frank B. Truso do 6 " .65-3/4 Mike Alfonso Ditch digger 6 " .6o Peter Febio do 6 " .6o Cerfified correct L�sa N.son General Superintendent councn.mEn yeas nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto Peterson _.__ _In Favor Rosen / Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough em 3-40 C9 23333 C. F. No. 120070—By WA. Parrauto— seYbyahorzedtPty oarcerarehereauthoio Isla employee In the Department Bol Public Utilities for xtn employment as get out In the "at atta ept. 4, 1940.ched to this resolution. Adopted by the Council Sept 4, 1940. Approved S (Sept 7, 1940) 1 Adopted bil the Council S_ __� IN Approved_tp 4 " 194 v ,° '8eptaeber 4, 1940 An emergency has arisen in. the Water Department, rendering employment of certain es 'of that department for more aecaseary,'the employm p1aY then eight hours per day in the doing of the -following work:: Patrdliu Vaduais and Backer Lakes .# Repairing main Eoeabel and 4th Streets.* Tat.L = at office and storeyard # tis This emergency arose by reason of the following rants and circum f'sAce44 f'fo prevent trespassing '*Leak in main, had to be reynisred after buiiagsa hours account of ®batting off water. On Sundays. a BOARD'OF WATER YON&1S esident o`ertsfiea;corregi,�: . Leonerd`H.:Thompson General 8nperiatendent sE= i Council File No---------- ................ By.................. . ..................... -------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for reconstruating and relaying cement sidewalks, Estlatim No* S& Contrast F*Oi ZUW, Smith AveMe, both sides, from Ramsey St. to Forbes Ave., and on the siszt side Smith Ave* frpm a point 90 ft. mouth of W. Seventh St., thence South 00 feet, and an the suit side of Smith Ave. from MoBoal St. thence x*Ah 104 M construotinc amolithio conorete walks beginning 82 ft. thence south to Goodrich Ave*, and on the nest 'side Of 'Wth #r:r2NftL,X0U4%i1dat. thea0a south 60 ft., and on the south side MoSoal St. -from a point 24 ft. east of SmiLth A". thenOt east 80 ft. from Arattroux AV*,, thins south to alley F.B. 12 FOO. 12 "at 32 feet acid on the 040,41 ft. -(W'ftq P.O. 118988' cousse Avenue, a an the vast aide. FoO. 11056.7 Smith Avftues both th C.F. Poo. n6god P.O. 1116406 of Kmith Ave, f W41 St. from from Johm'Qu Parkway to a poems' ISO feat east a Johnson Pdr 7 to a point 104016 ft, east from Greenbrier Ave. to a point approximtely Ld# ei,'-Xrqaf At0ter, Ste -to' 401t*Vd=Sto from SU=A47 Aronk kv*,� 13 rent oath sL PWSr Sto +hQA00 went 90 ft., and at I �i' uth 66 toot Forbes , the gout " l Ave* from &`06int'gb ft, ih of Wi6eventh St., and op -,tb of tiiitk A"­L*'�'�O* *I , , asst - its WMMIsId r. at a most 3;dt 00tions'00R. as p Avov$ mouth 1 st side, W. ai* street, Wrth 1 and. on the h0ft side, thenoo ft. idsfaal7c bwLons to Co.the �tes�[iaane Webster Streets at, tho Ve want 90 ft. and on S2 toot Parkway to a pa#t 190 foot east 04 to a POWIA'40 TJ8$08r$d'�3 ��aA* LR e7gs �xerr_n'�tir�aue _ u iiia ;LOag ag¢f 9u fps Agefi efgo h' ee Las; L'0' 772288 G+�7Te4a Vasisae° eon;F e7gs° t c"ixPF 2fi'rsutra rasa; 80 =f'' —g an; 27 ' (Ta t;' 7u AMV) 33 Las; L;=q nu 476 U04T 'eigs KT=0Fslie 24%Qeo� T%0=r +wgTviixru VAG- 1renae (75 Las; Iii Anw)z Beerw7uC da Las; � Kos.s> *a Vsuae Laic roo L'0' TT2070 211877iU Vdeiuis* eve; eiget 2;xaq;1 ¢00900 7JOL 7i M ;QG; V01' 772314 giOW Ursef* p.o,-F aigera' Txaui pueT7TV? Va®+ 6 V== 'Y # 1'0. 712238 ,+ooq[)Wgft U%O4' etas; a7gs' t V4ew;ss. u;' ;o a77tni-q a;' 723'71'LOG; aria; L'0. 779Sw 7sgk .2yt �ae° a0..1;y e7gs' XXoz8 mosup4jaz Vne• po v bA7iip ebbsoa7mspe7L rias* pFeditaO gsQ;1 2e tsot" is'0' MON kft*pv -POGO u04fP: 1,90! T7 L$ef As"' 9L AYT;s DOM 9lvg 0u• gxF,eorr r a;q� t gapTi 4u s; i ;.TWTR W eaa; L`0' TTesOe g;8er 4: iue,r;OTge` TT ,ap�au';fi0Zi—A fio or- 7a2 tog{ 0se; L`0' 7Tt88iId 8 -04;x es@; e7ge�."trQBr V%?naFXou 'Vna•i fiFeuaa.06A p-po e7Ysn .RtCBa�7 2F' uxoar;s bo7�'S�.t;' �e'a; OL _2mi';ir k•.as �rsu`ce errsf UO L;' ewt Ft91l9sT ��� L�+o�;�7�$? it�%�. ¢ismuCo'ses; SBG.`'tfi'S: �uq of RFs uns¢}r a74e oL ir4g o ;F 4??m".. ;Fexrpe g -;;i e0 r :CFe ,Rir ;ri na' a gsT. >aan x� . flseasaa eiui fF..pc .6ogpTaki, V�O° "(j au " sage- v: at # S 7tSg` b;" co s¢xataFT moiivT{ -iii+ oouazsfs A+sJ7t 'P9$�ii g as U f.'8dho So LOW crzaq ou ,f)1s ags-F slge 0:6 2*,;1' Vas• Zi Ow ,c$ov7 2F' ppsuor -ova alge eis7py V-1 tio- 0, ba7u; ao t;• eon;F of h!' 2eA0114pW 2F" PFe21c8 L'tS"Y72531 .3 VAsnas' Fo;u OT900 TLOW Nisesl 2; • Fo LOLP02 VAo•' euq = Fre A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered fually satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT �4TIJER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .... ............_.......... equal installments. 41940 Adopted by the Council ................................. ...... ............. 19......... SEP 419 Form B. B. IB City Clerk. PUBLISHED J_L_'= CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment August 6, 1940 192---- ............ .................. . ........ . ........... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for3d*ZX a trdo4A a, rsoonxtruatins and relaying 0012Gnt sidewalks, Betimts 10* 0, Contract d" so-wo, lose "Assessable— y,04 1155e7 Smith Avenue, both sides, from Ramsey St. to Forbes Ave., and an the east side Smith Ave. from & point 90 ft- south of W. Seventh St., thence South So feet, and an the "at side of Smith Ave. from MoBoal St. thence south 104 ft. constructing mnolithic concrete valkl beginning 82 ft. souih thence south to G"drich Ave. and an the most side of D(aBoal St. from Smith Ave• thence oast II80 Pt., and on the north side of -00 ft. 490, thence south to alley feet east ft.,east *6W6t'-_Wh11b07 Malt F.O. how AV*. thence West 50 feet 139.14 feet west r�0j.111aS8 Woodbridge Strest 0 went side, from Atwater St. to Milford St. F.O. 116214 Bred, Street, both sides, from Snelling Ave- tO,A;c no P.O. 118017 east side, fran vinnehibe Stro*t;' U-6, -north 132 feet (12 feet in vidth)j Begi=Ing 79 toot farther north, ,thea relaying W.Nit"Wid" 'M W �11 'Aarth side Ximwhmh'L Street 6001 4,iii., Ave. thence F.O. 1159ii 6 "at 51 ft* (19 ft* in width) -6 side., t. thence vii 90 ft., and an the vast side W. Sixthso feet —Non-Asses"ble— POO* 115587 bot #om� ey St. to Foj�_bjs,,,*, #" and an the 'IL I t east' sjd#-�e-'-ft th Ave. from a =po go ft* souVVftonth St., theno* south 80 feet, and an the east side of Smith Ave# from XQB0%i St - eta, walk beginning zonalktbio qc2aib.l. thence south 104 1 i ' 46-2 . e _4.. 904"'ot of Smith Ave. f nth fide St. thence *Kft 80 fol, "o id in W oil, 'St 4 - Vri* T =A". thenii "Iffid sad "thW:north sh diof trsrm a ?'�,iJftt,24 ;t W.r.I#,44th �T r4l 2t east Ott Rdnor df'%blib1'Marks U and lie Is Ifersibi keA to to,," _k ex 4W� #*.r;is0d,&nd directed, 16i i6natkoted at the iooAiccs listed below by the Standard Stone Co. F04-0 at a east not to exceed 6125#001 F"Q, lioj?'88, 061lege 'Aves. south 6100 Sts thence west -90 ft* and on en x so ou the vest side W. Bilft SUIV& nth 88 -fes �rcm Johnson Parkway to e, - point iff flet, -let F.00 list" Sigel Street, north side, and on the south side from Johnson Parkway to a paint` IBS.'IE C' w 9 ass fps son;P sfiga L"pzj 9 b lo+ar� Fo s bovyp J ,`re tf' ear&; JJBSo@;Bt�J 2 e9k' zroa6Fr„$T9A? sou :berr ars Fo g bol?F Ja9''Tee; 0--f Asa sus _ stg0 d'.' @ lsosr_Fji ee ;eoF ' J5fta8${4"�7ap (as'' eanFXt''T L 8�F:@F+ ;nage Aes;.” cs q ou ufes 9eafTous. g'E ?oqi uisF s irrrg �eps¢sfyoeFs': 7 • d0&SY a W,4 FfiesroejMga 20 OF awq ears; 27 3S 10f auq ars �jrs rio?.fP.e;xis I+d?�alpar gfLsof Isom au6J.d71 Vim• FPeuoa (JS Leef �1T4F}r }Z Ba►S S8 ;eeF teT;NoL., ror.;lr? $}reaps s e1v �TuS 1-0. 7J@OSS.8Ae37a Siaoursa* esrtt;,e gos Ltoto A+?T ITsi! `:2Fiea;* ltesrce >roi:{,P .12S ;eBF B�e4s:2�ae�R` PnfPs,i,�7ea.t �x,4?r gsra�srr'�rrs• Fo s�asr�r:,�no* L`'0• I`Trs$8R'�i��iR7tXY"8.8+'�'Oe.}h £ 6'Ffe ZF Fo 14#JTonq 2f 1:,'0' 11@Sof CJeB's•-0e¢' earrFP ane. LL= 0466 RpLTes. V1:o• ;o v bora; arbbs.oxFXu4e7R vee• .;peu0e Aeof P6 area; VO' 77@079 i4t� 2409;'. UO;F;p ejgQI ;Lox ar bop9 77 ;B8F yes; o; d4PTFe Hell. ararq ou }'Ire sorrfy eTgs TAOM golrueoa BWLX X Fo or beTU; J9d•J9 bF• ears; L•0. 11@Soe uTR"T 2¢s•eeF% impy, sTgs:' Ttoru jolmori lsilcetvX fa ar bOW; Jag yea; ears; ` 110' near Aieat 2.�zsa;' eseF s74a'; .;;jz!?UTVM.f%•ouu y.ner' _Oyesrre spa;P Fo arTjex ygQ2oi J gf. ;xism s FinTu "If* 090f o; 2W1'FP Vna• ;Pesos egaf 80 ;F' OROWT 2f' V-= SIUMr Vas* fPeaoe,eare;,S@o_ WO -1 vuq ou FpQ,r.OUfP sT.ge o; $?QifP vAe• FIOH°ar Ef• FI?asias soaf} @0 Ww` -q oa'¢ps ad V prge . "sgre� QtTJTfp? .Fj *000 aoaizlr gt kry Vas+" suq ou ;Pe Ass; ergo aL t+?rr€P io�i i.F' dousfsrsafl a2 suouoJUPTO oorrox.e;a zV271 P041 TV2 9S T.P. goaO 60 Les;' ewq ou pe erre; a7go oL 2nTTFp VAG' ;zorr KCoBOUT 2;• (peace :rase; OT90 ^amTfp Vaca• iL Or boTuF 80 LF• eot7rp o; 9. 2casv;p 2F•' FPenco xxxxxx -—1°o�xjt-x To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards . Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Assessable. . . . . Nonstsrssabl� o a espen tures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..... 3 426.98__ __...._ .._.._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a. part hereof, is the said assessment as a im- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may �beee considered proper. 07i. c1 ���-.-.- 't - Commissioner of Finance. Farm 8. B. 17 6 Laid over to q Adopted 3rd. & app.— Nays Nays Yeas Yeasga as Muss � r lan Fi n _ � � nto P/ arranW /'1 ete n `t erson /� J o b / g9aen C/ ruax % Truax Mr. President Fallon r, President Fallon — 000ma to ah Curt ORDINANCE` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED -BY ORDINANCE NO �'�" — (S) considered to -be the basis of any cause of action by any such user of said Stickney'Street sever against the City ofSaint Paul. Section 9. The.City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right to inspect`andezamine said Stickney Street sever or any extension thereof to determine whether or not,saikd.sexer conforms to the requirements now existing or hereafter to be established with referei&e to said sever; and whenever it ie: found thatL':eaid.,sewer=dei'as not most such requirements, the City-ofSouth Saint _Paul shall by appropriate action require that said sewer 'shall conform with such requirements. Section 10. In order that the City of Saint Paul shall be informed of all connections to said Stickney Street sewer,; the City of South Saint Paul shall, within thirty Jaye after the passage of this ordivanoe, as hereinafter provided, furnish the sCommissioner `of Public Works of the City of,Saint Paul with a-1 of s11 existing hewer connections :to eald.,Stiokney Street sever and shall report to said Commissioner all sewer oonneotions sabaequently made thereto. _...M... $eotion il. The Vity of South Sa2nt Paul shall pass an ordinanceormally_accepting and agreeing to abide by the orme and -,,04A of this ordinance, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, .and sW1,":gfile a certified copy of such ordinance with the .. . City Clerk and the City Comptroller, of the City of Saint Paul. A,period of sixty days.from and after the effective date of this ordinance to hereby given to the City of South Saint Paul to pass Ats ordinance aocepting the terms and conditions here- in,,during-which eixty-day period the privilege of maintaining its sever connection with said Stiekney Street sewer (author ized'by Ordinanoe No. 7127) shall becontinued,but if at the' and of saidsixty»day period the City of South,Saint Paul has not aooepted the terms and conditions of this ordinance iA the manner herein provided, then all the rights and privi- leges granted to the City of South Saint Paul to, so oonnect and maintain said sever connection shell cease:' Section 18. The permission hereby granted maybe revoked atiany time by the Council .of thio ty of Saint.Paul, but said permission shall not be 'revoked without.first giving to the City of South Saint Paul reasonable notice of such intention. Section 13 This ordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe'rendered necessary for the preeervation of the;,public peace, health and safety. Section 14 This ordinance shad take effeot_and be in . force froa,and "after its passage and pitblioation. X Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council FindlaiiParrAfiIn Favor Rosen - Against Triax h) APProved SEP 18 Attest.• a President (Paterson) City Clerk— ntJ mayor no%a' PUBLISHED CITY OF SOUTH SAINT CITY OMCIALS A. O. ELDER JOHN F. O-DONNELL CBT Recorder ]OSEPH JERHOFF - - City Tm... mr WALTER T. RYAN - - City Attorney L. M,NULTY - Adi.g City Enpteeer SOUTH SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA $oulm 87 1 November Z7, 11d40. Mr. harry I. O'Connell, 01'fice of City Clerk, bt. raul, Minn. Lear Sir: 'PA U L COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN ALLER C. W. ANDERSON T. E. FORSYTHE D G. HARD AN HOMER T. MALM ALBERT ROBINSON PETER S. WOOG Replying to your 1�-atter of November 26th, 1940, Ae are Enclosing herev,ith certified copy of Ordinance No. 256, as per ycur request. Yours very truly, OJJIT, , W, 'ljTi, LA1NT i'AUL ll� J City hecorder. r:E L,: ORDINANCE NO. 256 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 8158 OF THE CITY Or ST. PAUL. WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has heretofore by Ordinance duly adopted, granted permission to the City of 6outh St Paul, to connect a sanitary sewer located on Stickney Street, in the City of South St. L'aul, with the sewer system of the City of St. Paul, at the intersection of Stickney and Annapolis Streets, for the purpose of affording an'outlet for sanitary, sewerage for the property owners on Stickney Street, from Annapolis Street to Bireher Avenue, and WHEREAS; the Council of the City of St. Paul has by Ordinance No. 8158,`among other things',,determined that a charge of $6.00 per year iB a reasonable and proper charge to be made the City of South St. Paul for each conneetion.made:with said sewer from any property under the jurisdiction=of the City of South St. Paul, and WHEREAS, a copy of said Ordinance No. 8158, adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, has been served upon the City of South St. Paul, NOW- THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL of, the City of South St. Paul' do ordain: SECTION L. That said Ordinance Nd. 8158, adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, on the 19th day of September,. 1940, be and hereby is accepted and approved by the Council of the City of South St. Paul. SECTION II. The City of South St. Paul hereby agrees to be bound by the conditions and provisions of said. Ordinance No. 8158 and to pay to the City of St. eaul,`the-sum of $6.00 per year for each connection made with said sewer, over which South St. Paul has jurisdiction, whether located within or without the limits of South St. Paul, upon statements therefore rendered.by the City of St. Paul. SECTION III. Upon receipt of a statement for such charges the Council of the City of South St. Paul shall immediately provide funds for the payment of the same. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Oity Council October 21, 1940. Yeas 6 Approved October 23, 1940. A. 0. Elder Mayor. Attest:; O ty ..order. Published: October 26, 1940. I, John F. O'Donnell, City Recorder of the amity of bOuth:' St. Paul and keeper of the records thereof do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a. a meedolution u yaern passed and 19opted by the City Council at ting h City hecorder. CITY OF SOUTH SAINT PAUL SOUTH SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA City OMCIALS' COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Q ELDER . . . . M.Yar apUTM 87 P•q`< JOHN ALLER JOHN F. O'DONNELL City R-6, C. W. ANDERSON J OSE PH IER}JOFF - - Ctty Tmeaurer":o wVr T. E. FORSYTHE WALTER T. RYAN - C11, Attorney D G. HARDMAN L. McNULTY - Acttng CRy Engineer HOMER T. MAJ.M 1 ALBERT ROBINSON �f! PETER S. WOOG November 19, 1940. 11 r Mr. harry i. O'Connell, Office of City Clerk, St. caul, Minn. Lear oir: ate are enclosing herewith copy of Ordinance No. 256, which is an Ordinance accepting and approving Ordinance No. 8158 of the City of St. caul. Yours very truly, CITY Or SOUTH DAIiNT rr;UL BY City ecorder. EB L�'k, 0. 0 Nov. 26, 1940 Mr. John I. 00DOnnell City Recorder South St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Our Corporation Counsel is of the opinion that we should have in our files a Certified Copy of your ordinance No. 256, a copy Of which is herewith enclosed. Will you therefore kindly certify this Copy and return it to W" 47sa UK you for your attention to this matter, j as, Very truly yours, City Clerk. 5 Odslad b Cay a.+k .. ' ' t CITY OF, ST. PAUL n a"�! No it �7'i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RES UTION--- GENERAL FRRM PRESENTED By -" - COMMISSIONER_ DATE i 'IIA EESOLVED. ` 1 C P No. 120074—By Milton Rosen That the Northern states Power Com- ,pang be. given Dermlealoa to install [ "� . 1-40 foot Dola on Chatsworth aafl Como anchors, Hast with neceaeary.� guys, onon or anohore, w]'aB, nad TeleDhoae Company -wires. Pole and wlreh to ba removed when requested to do _so by the Co- be borne by thet Northern States Power ComDaay, DfunlcfDal E'h. Cte No. 32712. ' ' - AddDted by the Council 9eDt. 4, 1940. ADDrdved 9eDt•9, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) - , That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole.on Chatsworth and Como Boulevard East with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole attd wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. !(ttnicipal Estimate #33712. COUNCILMENS7 4 Adopted by the Council 60 87 Nays Bar(uss se Findlan roved 193— Parranto 7 Peterson ' In Favor Rosen Mayor Truax Against Mr. Presiden a on 6BS eJe CB'; 0401od W at, Cvk I COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO. OFFICE OF WE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES O ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER_ DATE++$Ua%'cti, 1940 C. F No. 120075—BY M11toa Ro 6Rd.; RESOLVED That the Northern 4 tee Fower Com- �nnny be I• ' tb Install r•� ,1,, r is .1:.; .r (;tlerx_..,� th That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install l.:pole on east side of Walsh at alley north of Nevada, 2 poles in alley north of Nevada between Walsh and Weide, and 4 poles on Walsh between Wheelock Parkway and Nebraska, with necessary gays, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $33420. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Court� 4 193— Yeas Nays Rarinss se �I Findlan pproved193— Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Q i1 or Truax Against Mr. President• r=M117— am sag Cs a pUgLiSHED OdWW to Otr.O,tk .. COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�� OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION^--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y /-�"'�' DATE AVP1 et' P3 1alio ' ,- :COMMISSIONER' " T rC. F. No. 120070 --By Milton Rosen f• $>gSCj41IJaD D �Ya btehagN�rntheyra Btates Power Com - 1 -15 foot pole In thoraliey poet°oLlAjba11 merle, :north of Ariingtoa, wtth aec- e nary guys, �anchore, wires, and Tele- Dhono Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do I so by the Common Council and coat t aid removal to be borne by the Northers Btates Power Company, I .Datimate No. 8871fi. - Ad pled > Y the Council BeDt. 4,194o. ApD cued Sept. q, 1940. 00t. 7, 19,0) y::;" That the Northern States power Company be given per- mission to install 1-35 foot pole in the alley Meet of Albemarle, north of Arlington, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company. wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requisted to do so by the Common Council and cost: of 'saidrdmoval to be >I. borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate $33715• C 4 Adopted by the CounelhP 193--- COUNCI MEN I Yeas Nays SEcLP 4 a ss •• ` an" Approved 193 Par to In Favor e r6on J i Ma )i pgaios ru r. President (Path.- sx ce /� j CITY OF SAINTPAUL COUNCIL, FR[ NO. OFFICE OF rHE CITY; C = C UNCIL RESOLUTION•- GE� c F No. 120077—By John S. B9ndlan— Whereas. Lyons Realty Co. hsa made �; ¢pplfcatloa fos ielfet to the Mlaneeota � ,(; Taa Commission rel.tIV to dlUn(Went i PRESENTED By tease and �ssse ntmfF� oa COMMISSIONER �` G~~ in h deet :ier '^----- ,• . z.cs+tsaf s4iiyodui^pt til, !S .8— o COMMIS 77 (. .. WHEREAS, Lyons Realty Go. has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to Witt Easterly 30 ft. of Lot 5, all of Lots, and Westerly 38 ft. of Lot 7, Horace Thompson Subdivision of Blook 4. of Hoyt's Additions and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3,801.57, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in Hill settlement thereof the sum of $2,000.001 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby, approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum 001-- #12.28 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2,000.00, and that said sum of $12.28 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3,501.57. counctl.mEn Adopted bg the CouuolEp ._.4 194__ ueas >ys SEP 4M rfusg In an Approved 194_ nto In Favor _ eace _-_ `— Magor -T/Against tr Prasideut, McDonough PUBLISHLD s[II s-ao. CA sss�s - 24YI ) d 8 oapf.l to city clot. CITY OF SAINT Rr couMa� �n OFFICE OF THE CITU C F, v ,P?ova B JohnS. Fh asdmft— f �COUNCIL RESOLUTION Cels �a • *�4 t*x - - _ cn I .eo, f 1 n:_ e,A7 •eo1 V t z �/Y�/,;+ d! U p 'DATa PRESENTED BY... . COMMISSIONER � s� ' r' <hq - - !-✓,n.-vWV✓v WHEREAS, Martin N. Moffat has made applioation for relief - to lire Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lots 157, 158 and 189,E Hewitt+s Outlots, First Division; and WHEREAS, the, delinquency totals the sum of $1,032.90, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $600.001 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $17.00 shall be first deducted from the total payment of '$600.00, and that said sum of,117.00 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul , An settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,032.90. SEP ' C011IlC1LMET1 Adopted bq the Council____._.___._ 1]eas nay8 SEP Bart= Findlan ppro»ed__� Parranto La. Rosen FavorPeterson �-"--- , Alat7or Trcax Against PUBLISHEDV Air. President, McDonough 9m 5,40 C! 33338 ,.Ae, .:.Or41ad to city Cl.rkC Cliff' QF $Alts 20070—Bv : hl . ,p IL WX...1, Mar OFFICE OF THE H 1 avpil goh ; Tax , t RM COUNCIL RESOLUTION: ;`.* a"PRE9EN 6D BV 'DAT ,.. COMMIBIONER yPny&a., Mary F. Brennan has made application' for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes assessments on_ihe following described property, to wits and Lots 7 and 'S, Thomas Daly'e Sub., ofLots 4,;5 6 and Irvinal s Addition;_ Lots B and 7, Block 50, Dayton old 9 and 10, Block 50, Dayton and lrvins's.Addition; and ' Wi�REAB, the'delingnenoy totals -the sum, of7;b$3.46,=and that the applicant pay in full settlement it. has been stipulated thereof, the sum of $6,640.28; therefore, be. it RESOLVED, That the 0aun oil -of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the;.sum Of . S$.97 shall be first deduoted from the total payment of $5,640.26, and that said sum.of'$55.77y'shall be paid to the City o£ St. Paul .1. - in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $7,553.46. a f tea— Adopted bri the Coun(AsEp COUTLCTLTRETL Qeas naris SEP 4 S barfuss ppcoved t94_— Findlan Parranto In Favor ' Peterson . Rosen 'I,�' Truax pUBLISHED:. Mr, President, McT)onough ' Original to CityClerk - CITY OF:SAINT PAUL COUNCIL d. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE,P"' FILE NO. C0-OFFICE RESOLUTION... GENEIT7v]2008 $Y TPResEwohn Q, Flndlan— �/II!/, e— �' '� filar ?J• FIerbat ha [nada COMMISTED•9Y .' T - t to the Mlnne t COMMISSIONER �K rlv t dallna • •,fa �,y'ry�„ th tollo WHEREAS, Alma N. Herbst has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wito Lot 31, Block 64, St. Anthony Park; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $723.61, and it has been'stipulated that the applicant pay,,in full settle- ment -thereof the sum Of $500.00; therefore, be it RE&Q#ViD; That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $17.87 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $500.00, and that said StM of.$17:87 shall be paid to the City Of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $723.61. C011riClLI11T R SEP Adopted bq the Council---,. ,. ___ tqq_ Yeas nays p�� Barfuss SEP 41940 Findlan cued t84__ Parranto Peterson In Favor Rosen Truax (JC Against Mr. President, McDonough YUBLLSIiED _ `�(� 3111 p.ao Ca.aaaa. - oNYlnal to CIO Clem .. .,. .. .. . . CITY OF SAINT PAULCOUNCIL; i( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER rat NO COUNCIL OLUTION-••GENER C. E. N raoosi By John Wtiereae Zenith Land C x ' :PRESENTED 9Y C i 011(M18QIONER✓I Tez1tCominlastoa Bre I t th taxes, F WHEREAS, Zenith Land Co. has made, application for relief " to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent. taxes and assessments on the follAwing`described property, to wits Lot 47, Block 1, Ryan Place; ani WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the .sum of $1,146:68, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the Sum 0£-$800.00,p 'therefore., be sit . - RES 01LVgD, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby apRroves said, offer of settlement; provided ver, that the SUM of $487.,32 sha11'be first deduoted,fiom"the total payment Of $600.00, and that said sum of $437.32 shall be paid to the City of St- Paul in. settlement of delinquent assessments'included in the total delinquency of $1,146.68. SEP 4 � C011riCiLI11E Adopted by the Council __—__- Naas nays Barfuss Findlan Parranto ern �pp� Approved SEP Peterson —ln Favor -- — Rosen Ma r , Truax ' �—Againat Itlr. President, McDonough am a•ao Ca faaae ' eri;loel to City Cl.h .^i ✓N �: g) CITY OF SAINT PAUL eo ecu NO 9 v ii1 ii ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 120011—By john a. 111"V CODUTION- GENERi Where.. ,ranee gape ha. mai a1 �- pllc tion (r relief to the NJ ',Opt Tsa Con for on of to + delfttetth PRESENTED -BV _!n a d— d + 1 `COMM13810NER__-" -- o�`f, 11 +. P WHEREAS, Elise Sauer has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Pacific Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $160.64; and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settle- ment thereof the sum of $110.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Councilof the City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlement;, provided„ however, that the sum of $41.08 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $110.00, and that said surk of $41.08 shall be paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $160.64. C011RCILMEn yeas nags Barf uss Findlan Parranto in Favor Peterson — Rosen Agatrid Truax —0-- Mr. President, RtcDonough am 0.00 CS 23338 Adopted b>3 the Couno6_SP 4' 110 l94__ zrp 4 I .. Poona to cur ct-k CITY OF;SAINT PAUL = coumctc rlcc NO. C)mCE & THE CITY CLERK C GL RESOLUTIpM--GENERAIc. F. No; 1,2 0 0 8 3--89 John 8. Findlan- 1 Wb�r aai Erie ! Plaen hoe PRESENTED BY/�`� COMMISSIONER + r WHERF.ILS, Effie H. Olsen has made application for relief to.the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described` property, to.wit3 Lots 9 -and 10, Block 12, Lane's Highland Park=, and WHEREAS, the delinquency, totals the sum of $1,630.36, and it has bsen`stipulated that the applioant pay in full settle- ment thereof the sum of•$876.60, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ,Counoil,of the ;City of St. Paul hereby approves said settlementl',provided, however, that the sum'of $729.81 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $876.80, and that said sum of $729.81 shall be.paid to the City of St. Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments inoluded.in the total delinquency of $1,630.36. SEP 41940 COnncndnEn Adopted by the Council__..___ 1"— Iled$ Ua'is SEP Barjuss Approved__ 194— Findlan Parranto Peterson - --In Favor Rosen' Truax Aq nst Mr. PreIsident: McDonough PU.BLISM, D erlyin.1 to City Clem CITY. OF SAINT PAUL eouNea Fff J. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ray NO. O N I RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FC'"b whxo 12ooa a sr x siaa a. PRESENTED BY ap1"d'u CC'V 1 s n COMM18810NER � �� WEEREAS, L. J. Corcoran has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 8, Block 5, Hudson Road Gardens; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $348.49, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $256.22; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Counoil'of the City of St. Paul hereby approvsa said offer of�.settlement; provided. however., that the sum of $166.01 plus interest from"February; 193S,'shall be first, deduoted from the total payment of $256.22, and that said`sum'of $166.01 plus interest shall be paid to the City of St. Paulin settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $348.49. COUTICILME4SSP Adopted bg the Council ____—___ _ 194 nays yeas — barf uss Findlan pproved 40 0 _ 184 _ Parran[o Peterson In Favor Rosen Tltayor Truax _ Against Mr. President, McDonough \, PUBLISHED �J — am 3-40 CS aaaes ' 120 X85 0,181.0 to CIN ci.dk ee CITY OF ST. PAUL Fuena` NO. -- `�•' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ ment; therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Hemline Branch Up nm wiluam J. Sailing COUNCILMEN, Yeas Nays a ss Janitor—BngLueer 16 hre. (Overtime for month of ,August) .6S $10.08 . No. 120086—BY A?el F. Peteen— me t of certain employee of We us - pertinent for more than. their usual hours of --employment; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city o00- cars are hereby authorised to pay the at the rate otherwise fiaeddforr employes, employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: Hoanna B-0, L1DWil Name, William J. 8adine, Title, Sen- Itor-Engineer; Time;., 16 bra.; Rate, .88; Total, 110.09. 1Cvertlme for Couronth of Sept.Aug4, . doDtod Dy the Council eDL 4, 1940. Approved A(9epL47, 1940. 0) SEP 41940 Adopted by the Council 193— So 4 MO ind an poved 193— arr nto ate son In Favor -pr-, _��M7 �o5en TAgainst ruax �. � fir. President (aitodj i�/ and -s�� FORM NO. 1 September S, 1990 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: To keep HemlineBranchT3brarY open apd to oleate boiMRS This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Heoe4sar9 to kaea this bai,ldina oaen on a9o20_4 special aotidties at IZU-Q4as-_ This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. Librarian PJ -HB Original to city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILM MNeu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM hassNreported to hesioner of council, inraccorldanceowwith Sds ec. 53Public of t�ldings. city charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department tfor heirousua hoursurs per day, of employment,itheerrefore,abeing more than be it, That proper city officers boauthorized to pay thllowingnamedemployee,at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. 4 COUTICILMETI Adopted bq the CounailEP_. —194_-- y�, / Tlags 41�1Y r s9 SEP Approved---------- �Pa nto In Favor e%l rson -- -- — Magor iitosen _� __Against �ruax — /Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3.40 CS 23336 TITLE HOURS RATE OVERTIME NAME 9 '52' Ernest Boerner Golf Ranger John A. Olsen Tree Trimmer 8 .71} Ray T. Teachout Tree Laborer 8 .55 C. F. No. 120088—By Fred M. Trua:— That the proper city om-' .$esolved. cars are hereby author sed to Day certain employee Sn the Deyartmeat of t forraeatntrra employlaygroundm a- actuo¢tp" the list attached to this resolotton. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 19'40. Approved Seeppt.' 4j,1940. 1940) 4 COUTICILMETI Adopted bq the CounailEP_. —194_-- y�, / Tlags 41�1Y r s9 SEP Approved---------- �Pa nto In Favor e%l rson -- -- — Magor iitosen _� __Against �ruax — /Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3.40 CS 23336 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL'' Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner September 4, 1940 To the 3i9norable, The Mayor and M"bers of the City Council. T r Gentlemen: Ah emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, render- ing necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than 8 hours per day in perform1mg Rork involving care and maintenance of golf courses and policing of same This emergency arose by reason of necessity of providing services in the interest of the public. Yours truly, Commissioner .j C. F No.;!M087—By Fred hL Truax— WLerea& A3 Proylded by Council Ftle 'o. 118780, approved Aukuet 0'. 10'�.. he. -- uncit eW 01 -the ".rd 0091011 to City Ckr4 - he• CITY OF SAINT PAUL' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No- 119760, approved August 6, 1940, the Council did, on the 3rd day of September, 1940, at ten otolock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking 'that certain one-story frame store building located on the northeast 30 feet of Lot 23, Block 2, Tinker's Addition, also described as No. 211 East Thirteenth Street, following flue notice of said hearing given pursd Itsuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; the opinion of the Council that said building isunsafe should be wreaked and removerous to lif ed; thelimb refore, befit property i RESOLVED, that said building be tweaked and removed, and that a oopy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record the agent or occupantpofty at his last known address, or said building; be It to MTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. AFP 4 Adopted by the Council—._ —-------t�— C011IlCiLTREit tQA(� fleas__ nails SV 4/ l Barfuss _--tea-_- � A /F�'indlan ,Parranto ! In Favor - — Mayor ,,Peterson 140'sen % Against pul;L1SHED ` /Truax , / Mr. President, McDonough 310 a`<O CS 23338 )7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. aCONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. j, 19+0 Mr, Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-story frame store building located on the northeast 30 ft. of Lot 23, Block 2, Tinker's Addition, also known as No. 211 E. Thirteenth St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. odafa.l to clerer '(�)(�y CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1 4 Fay NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - 1 PRESENTEDBY September 4, 1940 COMMISSIONER ------._-_—_____. __—_____._ - __ DATE WHFIREAS: the Twin City scrap Iron Metal Co, desires to withdraw application 41547 for Junk Dealer license at 94 E. Fairfield Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Twin City Scrap Iron Metal Co, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUTIC1LMEn yeas j Tlags 13afjuss -'F�indlan 1Parranto e��tcrson �Roaen �r'uax ,FCjr. President, McDonough am a.40 Ca ]alae C. F. No. 120088—By p, g, Barfus Whereae (Thea Twin' Clip r ra to— Metal Co. desires to with aw aD➢llca- Lien . Fa for Junk Dealer ]Icenae at 94. r Fair for Avenue and requeete the return of the It .... a fee deDoelted thereon, therefore, be It Resolved, That the ➢roper city o®- cere be and they are her ncity zed to refund to the Twin City Scrap Iron Metal Co. the tea of 510.00 and to cancel said aDDllcatlon for llcehee: Adopted. by theCouncil SeDk 4, 1940. Approved Sept. 4, 1940. -- (Sept. 7, 1940) SEP 410 Adopted bq the Council ____- ✓�.'J Approve d IY ----- SEP- 4 Oa--- In Favor----- magor ___, Against 1210 1 Q19 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE September 4, 194o RESOLVEDt That license for Fire Sale, application 43928, applied for by Adolph H. Nachman at 1594 University Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, From Sept. 5, 1940 to Dec. 5, 1940- COUTICILMETI fleas TTags 8a�uss _,-tindtan �rranto ,15eterson osen lT�ruax 116. President, McDonough sill 3-40 CS asses 9 C. F. No. 190089—By 6. H. Barfuss— John-S. Flndlan—W, A. Fi—ttto— ppRe-Wed, That license for Fire Sale, FI:DN chman88at, 1684 Univers ty dAve be and the same le hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to fesue such ]!cense -PoIl the payment Into the city treasury o[. the required fee. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1940. ADDroved Sept. 4, 1940, (Sept. 7, 1940) Adopted by the CouncilSEP_ _4 __ t94___ 3EP 4 X40 Approved__ _104__._ In Favor / iilatlOr _ Against / orifi—i to City Cf.rk 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CFO `NCIL NO. (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B - DATE September 4 19I0,__-_ COMMISSIONE ..---------------- RESOL9EDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees'. Alrick & Mathison 451 Wabasha St. Bakery App. 43148 Hew Old Edwin Orf 619 Lafond Ave. Grocery 11 43574 n a a 0 Off Sale Malt ■ 43575 Marie Landberg 441 Thomas Ave. Off Sale Malt it 43757 !' " n a n a Grocery " 43759 n n Lester L. Jesmer 572 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 43879 Chas. Olson 902 Livingston Foot Peddler �, 43910 " COUTICILTIIEn Ileas nays r{uss �ndlan �rranto Peterson ,Rosen f t`ruax President, McDonough am s-na Cs ....a C. F. No. 120090—By G. H. Bartue_ W. A. P¢rraato�TOhn S. ]Ttndlan b ythe perooneenam d oe. n'tee list for lathed to this reeolutio¢ be -nnq the same are hereby granted and the the Clerk Is Instructed to. I...a such llcen- eee, upon the payment into the city tr Adopted by the the Couired fee. ac 1 Sept. 4, 1940. Approved Sept. 4, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) SEP 41940 ,Adopted by the Council— Approved— ouncil_ Q�p 1940 Approved _ aGr4 .. In Favor l _- Against i n fl n a 'E9091—n.6. � 9 F. ?tr•i'..;-a— g $.' Origiosl b City k `^rnnto—J7 Y+e.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL--_. .._: lir ' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK he COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ry .PRESEN- TED B DATE September 4 194A ._ COMMISSIONER — -- ----- -- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the $sme are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: C. J. Laps 1140 prkwright Grocery App. 43676 Renewal Spee-lel-Wash Super :89rvice 464 Jadkson St. Gas Station ^ 436:8 ^ Otto M. Johnson 1194 X. Dale St. Grocery ° 43707 " Mrs. Pearl- Gray 1215 Randolph St. Grocery ^ 43750 " a a" ^ ^ Off Sale Malt p 43751 " G. A. Dick1 W. Seventh St. man 75Restaurant ^ 43772 " Patrick C. Flaherty 2373 University Restaurant ■ 43795 " a a n " On Sale Malt ^ 43796 " p p a a off Sale Malt ■ .43797 p p n n Bowling Alleys ^ 43799 Thos. J. Leach 118 S. Wabasha Restaurant ■ 43799 " a 11 M a On Sale Malt ^ 43900 ^ p a a ^ Off Sale Malt ■ 43801 " p a a p Pool Tables ^ 43902 It John J. Verstraete 567 Hall Avdnue Butcher ^ 43803 ^ Edw. Miller 243 Concord St. Grocery ^ 43906 ■ 11 a It ■ Off Sale Malt ^ 43807 n Mrs. Frank Laska 1050 W. LarpeAtedr Ave. Restaurant ^ 43$10 ^ Roy Stock & M. Frerek 1. 477 S. Snelling Gas Station ■ 43814 ^ Oscar Buerkle 324 W. 7th St. Gas Station ^ 43s16 ^ Shewmacher & Sather 806 Univ. Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr.^ 43822 ^ L. R. Williams 1593 W. Minnebabs Fuel Dealer ■ 43923 ^ cOnnclLmEn Adopted by the CounctrVEP ._ 4 W_194__ �na S 4�s /Uarrnss 9 i pproued_-.SEP 41840 194--- !Findlan �. ,P3rrant0 In Favor rPeterson ----- ----- - _ _�Maor ,tosen __ -Against PUBLISHED- 6 ,,-Truax- /Mr. President, McDonough SM 3 --so CS 23358 12 o. in ibe HIatter of recoastrtleting rejay_ "���� tng and ,repalrlpg the aid.,' k oa the north side of 8elb Av . frodf' a COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the northt ' side of Selby Ave. from a point 94 ft. east of Fairview Ave. thence east 360 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther east, thence east 93 ft., and on the. south side of Selby Ave. from a point 64 ft. east of Fairview 'Ave:, thence east-.80 ft.; beginning 160 ft* farther east, thence east 240 ft., and,on -rite west side of:pWbeeler Ave. from a point 92 ft. north of Selby Ave., thence north. 56`'ft,t beginning 13 ft. farther north, thence north 67 ft., and on the east side of,Wliaeler .6..'from a point 30 ft. north of Selby Ave., thence north 79.16 ft." under Preliminary Order 119400apptoyed July 9 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received• the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby (tesolves: q i 1. That the said report and the same is :hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementu hereby ordered to be proceeded wtth 2. That the nature of the tmprp�etneat v h �eCouncil iecommende ;s reconatrgot, relay' and repair the sidewalk on the north>s ti oS Selby, Ave front a point 94 ft. east of Fairview Ave. thence east 360 ft ; beginni#i 40 ft. ;farther ®est, thanoe seat 93 :ft , and on the south side of Selby Ave. froffi a,Point, ,kS4 ft. east of Fairview Ave., thence,. east 80 ft.; beginning 160 ft. farther east,t thenoe'seast 240-.ft., and on the west aide ofWheel Ave. from a point 92 ft. north of:Selby Ave x kh�oe north !i6 ft.; ; beginning 13 ft, farther north, thence riortb 67 ft'y and on=`the east side of Wheeler Ave. from'a point 30 ft. north of Selby Ave.;..thenoe,north 79.16 ft., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, er square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0,07,_reia3Eng old tiler $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of October, 1940 — at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul." That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manna?; provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear., ing, the nature of the improvement and the�tota1 cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council SP 1Vgv 193 N_ ; SEP __.4 - _ Approved 193- City Clerk" File S4379 Mayo Councilman MicIaomdZl F3arfuas Councilman 194a __ Findlay Councilman � Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman' eP52M2 A Rosen- o� °TTBLISHF_ L7_ Councilman Truax � D �%' �. Mayor Mi9MWOZ�u McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 120,094 In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Snelling Avenue from Shields Avenue thence south 170 feet, C.'F_ No. 140094— r i . the Matter. of reodnstru.tlag; telay- Ing andrepalring the"eldewalk`ron West-elde or'enalIIag +�AVenue, >?N 91,10d. Ayenue•- theride . south ds •!Iminar ' )rd,,, • f 9' under Preliminary Order 119219 approved June 25 11X40 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said.improvement,is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay.' and repair the sidewalk on the west side of Snelling Avenue from Shields Avenue thence south 170 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof�s $ 0.07,_rA1aying old tile j $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st day of October, 1940 pMx , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing„the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SP �4 lmgY 193 SEP 4 Aooroved 193-4 't'(27\ �_ .,,-2 „ City Clerk File S4380 Councilman &ft8WMXbh= Barfuse Councilman 4092CROMM Findlan Councilman4ZINNOM3MEM Parranto CouncilmanW4WN==== Peterson Councilman Rosen CouncilmanWkWigmmw Truax Mayor McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 �J /- PUBLISHED 9- YLI In Lh`e`"'Matter or: Focona[rnCfing re- • ' ]nying and r0 hiring the eldewalk .` '�®^ " on the north A�dn of York Ave from � 9 Jf n Point 1 '.R ";& to a .95 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY - ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and, repairing the sidewalk on the north side of York Ave. from a point 200 ft. west'of Agate St., thence crest 86 ft.j beginning 48 ft. farther west, thence west 12 .ftei thane in aisi,to Jackson St. relaying area . 6 ft. by 6 ft., and 4 ft. by .6 ft: p- and .on ttie' south side 'of York Ave. from'a point 150 ft. west of Agate St.°,'thence west ;approxiinately,30 ft. relaying walk and constructing wall! beginning 108 ft:.farth'er west, thane west 12 ft.s_ beginning 50 ft—farther west, thence west to Jack son.St.j and on the east side of Jackson St. from York Ave. thence north 60 St.; anis'from York Ave: thence south 12 ft"'. under' Preliminary Order 319409 pproged Jirly 9 1940 The Council of thwiCity of St: Paul having recey 4 rhe report of C1ie Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and hiving considered said, repotr, hetEby resolves:. 1. That the said rept and the same is"hereby aQgtoved and adopted an'd the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededvritE .e the:Cooddl recommends is reconstruct, relay and 2. That the nature of the improvement which repair the sidewalk on the north side of; York Ave.'.from ecint`200 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 86 ft.; beginning 48 ft farther vrest> thence west 12 ft.; thence in area to Jackson St. ''relaying area 6 f , Eft ,and 4 ft.;by 6 ft.;and on the south . aide of York Ave. from a point 150 ft west';of Agate,St- .., --thence, west approximately 30 ft. relaying walk and oonstructing wallt:beginnirig 108;f^t.-farther west, thence west 12 ft.; beginning 50 ft. farther west, thence west to Jackson St.j and on the east side of Jackson St. from York Ave. thence north 80 ft., and from York Ave, thence south 12 ft., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is-$0_01. relgyi_„gn old tile] $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing behadon said improvement on the lst day of October, 1940 Wpc_ at the hour'of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the ear-ing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Counc*l SEP 4 193_ §EP 41QdQ i Approved 193 City Clerk File, 54381 P=Mayor Councilman ININUNdimm Barfuss Councilman XONOWNREam Findlan Councilman'0NOMMOMM Parranto Councilman' Peterson Councilman Roser} hh CouncilmanTruax MayorMcDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F, No. 120096- - In the Matterot reconstructing 're- therinfetn8'relayingthn. elPawaik on, verve': fy �('1{ 9s:s IF W n r AJ'tu ra sP: �::' 1N(j►' W6 J F. COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the east side of Western Avenue from a point 150 feet south: of Blair.Avenuethence south 77.5 feet, and on the south.side of Blair Avenue from Western Avenue, thence east 50 feet, under Preliminary Order 119899 approved—' July, 9 1940, The Council of.the, City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F 11 upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on the east side of Western Avenue from a point 150 feet south of Blair Avenue, thence south 77.5 feet, and on the south side of Blair Avenue from Western Avenue, thence east 50 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, pe square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.07, relaying old tiles $0.14, new tile..` Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the let day of October, 1940 >_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4 1193— 4� SEP � Approved 193 City Clerk File 84882 Ma or, Counciltnar#,Mcl)&t ld �3 Councilmalq'"' Findlay Councilma Parranto Councilma Peterson CouncilmaPPEFIR Rosen yorlTruax m McDouocgh / V YCTBLiSI�D Form B. S. A. 8-6 i � 20097 COUNCIL FILE NO By — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the eWst side of Avon Street from University Avenue, thence south to alley, C p`. NO 1E0007— Ih the nitI oYecona£ructtng with DAOlithfhic QOnOf;r8t0 tl' " �- i OII Mde ,peva YN13.� flak A under Preliminary Order 119598 approved July 19 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the, said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and. the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of d.e improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Avon Street from University Avenue, thence south to alley, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the lat day of Ootober, 1940 1 IW= at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 41940 193— SEP 4��� /Oria.L A ,A1 File 54383 CouncilmaniMcDonddz=, isarluaa CouncilmancMay:r-si Findian Councilmanet$ear 9— _- M Parranto CouncilmanzRAsaammms Peterson CouncilmanEWSOMMOMAN Roam CouncilmargWWWOMMU Truax Mayor 14 jbawk•_a McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 P 1%WI 1SHED Mayor / COUNCIL FILE NO t i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstruoting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east.' side of Garfield St. from Pleasant Ave. thence south to Alley, C. F. No. 120098 In the Matter f reedn.tr meting, . Ing and y rir +wi ane r — ` t under Preliminary Order 119589 approved Jul -V A The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Comet the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and' the same is hereby approved and adopted,"irk hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is r and repair the sidewalk on the east side of Garfield St. from Pl south to Allev. exceot where rood and sufficient sidewalks now e } COUNCIL FILE NO: c* F .No. 1$On9A a . In the Mn �'.� = �• inn INTERMEDIARY ORDER 120099 In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Marion St. from University Ave. thence north 143 feet] beginning 20 feet farther north, thence north to Sherburne Ave., and on the east side of Marion St. from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave., under Preliminary Order 119588 approved July 19, 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west side of Marion St. from University Ave. thence north 14$ feet; beginning 20 feet farther north, thence north to Sherburne Ave., and on the east side of Marion St. from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ger square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.07, relaying old tile; $0.14, new tile; $ 0.15, 4" monolithic concrete. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1st _day of October, 1940 *933 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement.and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 193— SEP 490 � �o Approved 193— r n City Clerk File 84385 Cf `�f Mayo Councilman 4107999SWE Iia rtnan Councilman Findlan Councilman�=12 Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman "" r`' - Rosen Councilman - Truax Mayor 1AWWWPO McDonough PUBLISHED 9' Form B. S. A. 8-6 f C. s: No,<120100— In the Matter of reconstrueting reL:. '- ii 'Ing and revalring the: �eldewalk, -' G the west elde. of Moore St. fro, lA 12 il N tnn Avn to �tarehali Ave. r •� ..88..//h..��111'V...LLL r c. COUNCIL FILE NO By TATTL'T L1VJL L.LXiVLL"JLX1Xl1V1 V1�1JL1� In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west - side of Moore St. from Dayton Ave.. to Marshall Ave.,1ead on the -east side of Moore St. from a point 75 ft. north of Dayton Ave.; thence north, 75 fte1 beginning 20 ft: farther north, thence north 25 ft.t beginning'94 ft. 'farther -north, thence north 8 ft., under Preliminary Order 119590 Yuji I9r,940. The Council of 'the City of St. Paul having received the repbtt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered.said report, hereby, resolves':`- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved -arid adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be prQceeded.with._, 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council` recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west side of Moore St. from Dayton Ave, to Marshalls Ave., and on the east side.of Moore St. from a point 75 ft..north of Dayton Ave., thence north 75 ft.; beginning 20. ft. farther north, thence north 25 ft.1 beginning 94 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, pgr square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof fix0.02�18y� old tile; $0.14, new tile= $0.15, 4 monolithic concrete. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ist day of October,. 1940 xppgc _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City. of. St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council S 41M 193— 1-5; ' SEP 4I Approved 193 City Clerk MO File S4386 Councilma Barfuss CouncihnanGNKVFiridlan Councilman-- 1'arranto CouneilmarrWa- —�" Peterson Councilman-`'�. Roarn � � (� Councilman'" —' Truax Mayor McDonough PUBLISHED Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO C,: X, No. 120102— In the 20102—In.the Mattor of reconstructing, relay Ing and'.repalring the:sldewalks on 0 n.&htil10f .1 S -111y ARVs f,•m" INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sideways on the north side of Selby Ave. from Farrington St. thence east 46 ft.1 beginning 94 ft. farther east thence east 176 ft.; beginning 142 ft. farther east thence east 210 ft. and re- setting curb; and on the south side of Selby Ave. from a point 255.ft. east of Nina St. thence east 92 ft., including corner apron at the southeast corner of Nina St. and Selby Ave., under Preliminary Order 119595 approved July 1Q 1940 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby o ered to be,proceeded with. That the nature of thedraprovement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and- repair tit e,sidewslka nn.the_aorth side of -Selby Ave. from Farrington St. thence east_ 46 ft.1 beginning 94 ft. farther east thence east 176`ft.1 beginning 1412 -ft. farther t east thence east 210 ft. and reset`ourbl aa6on`the south side of Selby.Ave. from -i point 255 ft. east of Nina St. thence east 92 ft., including corner apron at the south- east corner of Nina St. and Selby Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exial wi�t�"h� no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is .07 Der a4- rt., relaying old tile; {v.14 per sq. fit., new tile; #0.15 per sq. ft., 411 monolithio concrete. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the let day of October. 1940 Xgor_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Me, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4194 193_ Approve t SEP 4 193y. City Clerk File S4388 -- --:: Mayor Councilman Bindles PRIBLISHE]) U Councilman IWO Findlan Councilmad 11691 Parranto Councilman Peterson Councihnarl ti 12nsen / O Councilmarp*q+ er-^ Truax / Mayor MWIWAOys+ lluuougfi Form B. S. A. 8-6 mouth, aide of a, P 120103 COUNCIL FILE NO By roiayin�:�t -,sidewalk on the so th In the Matter of reconstructing, rep's..irint., e U -thence West 64ft.; side of E. Seventh St. from a point 27' -,West-, 6f`Siblay:�Sta; beginning 60 ft. farther west, thence'viest,24 ''ft.; e in- 21 ft. farther west thence west 14 ft., including radius:��,�at--tli6'southymst.doi�ner of E. Seventh St; and Sibley St., under Preliminary Ord 119398 aAn The'Council of the City of St. Paul having4eteiveA the� repoit�# t4e.70cmihissioner of Finance upon Iv the above improvement, and having considered 6ai �rep&� hiiebY'ic"iWo 6i' 1. , That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopt4 and the said improvement is hereby ordired to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair and relay the sidewalk on the south side of E. Seventh St. from 8.point 27 f1t. west of Sibley St. thence west 64 ft. I b eginnin _�g 6� fj! 'farther w . est, thence west 24 ft. beginning 21 ft. farther west thence west 14 inolud I ing radius curb at the south- wsat corner of E. Seventh St. and Sibley St., except 'where good and sufficient sidewalks..: now exists per square foot witli no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/L $ 0,23: - two -course monolithic concrete Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th, Ist -day of -October, 1940 xbffir at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the- Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting -to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time ana place of hear� ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council REP 400....-193- Approved- SEP 193, C ty Councilman pK4pff&W� I BarfuBa PUBLISBE-D__��J/47 Councilman Findlau Parranto Councilman Counci" Rosen Councilman W... Truax a 201Q4 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Arlington Avenue from Quincy Place to a point 30 feet west of North Victoria Street F. No. 1 t—. Te V+ under Preliminary Order 119945 approved -August 21, 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report'of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby.resolves 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said: improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is `construct a sewer on Arlington Avenue from Quincy Place to a point 30 feet west_of North•Victoria Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 888.00 (Based on W*P..A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, 1940j, —, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of ,the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4 193_ File 9087 " May Councilman Barfusa v 1 Councilman Findlan PUBLISI�D�=SCJ Council=larranto Councilman. Peterson Councihnan Rosen Councilman Truaz / 10/ Mayor Iful5womMcDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of . constructing sewer on West Lawson Avenue from Cumberland St. to 1.25 feet east of Cumberland St. °:•2Tq: 1$olas— ; he>$awo o{ :....tructtng aeeicer j W9et Lawson"Avenue.Srom,Cum-" %'and FE tn>d2fi gt'giatlot Cnm- •l.'. -:tuu Iroinary Oider 'S;T tB40� under Preliminary Order 119947 approved August 21, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of thq Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct sewer on West Lawson Avenue from Cumberland St. to 125 feet east of Cumberland St. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 510.00 (Based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, 1940 4M ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Or 4 193— qrP / 41840 , - Anoroved 193-(L „ , , — City Clerk File 9091 CouncilmanAdAkmamidwo Barfuss Councilman ndlan Councilmaril9� —n A- ^-" arranto Councilma I Peterson Councilma Rosen Councilma Truax Mayor hfidmmm McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISHED-• INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of construoting.a sidewalk on the south side of East Arlington Ave. fA.white,, a Ave. to Flandrau St., white, tii1 .,. No. 120106-- the 20106—the Matter cr constructing�' y$gL Ide- `.alk on "the south-eIda of g� Ar- jLA,,, .0 ngfon Ave om Rhite Beat ". to ff t �:rui u _ta 't'minarr or - .k under Preliminary Order 119773 approved—Auguust 6..1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report, of the Commissioner, of'Flria nce upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the, said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonatruet;a sidewalk on the south side of East Arlington Ave. from White Bear Ave..to,Flandrau 8t., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, 1940 F.X3_c at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4 1940 193— SEP 4 193— City C erk Approved File 54391 Councilman Barfuas Councilman Findtan Councilman Parranto Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Trues Mayor Madwoon McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 nBLISI-IED_Z__L_ –JZZO Mayor 120107, COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a four -foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Harvard St. from E. Annapolis St. to E. Winona St., .. F. Xo. 120107— "a the {Matter ofconstructin'i' our took cement sidewalk fieast 81de . 'l ryard 3G. fiom E. Annapolls'9L P nova 8L. Ander Ire lminary. 71,:.apDroved --August" 0, Str f u ';ran 'nrar.;"a under Preliminary Order 119774 approved auigst '6- -1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of. Finance" upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemenf. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct'a four -foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Harvard St. from E. Annapolis "St. to's9Pinolpa``St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.15 per square foot - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the— tad day of October, 1940 aprpgx__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4 193— 1 Approved_ ` 193 • City Clerk File S4392 Mayor Councilman Berfuse Farrant dlan Councilman '�BDISHED_:�J- J Councilman " PT— Councilman n Peetersonterson Rosen Councilman Councilman enze Truax J1�l� Mayor 2McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 r 120108 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northerly side of Pleasant Ave. from Chestnut St. thence westerly 128 ft., r. No. 120108= - ,,., the Matter of reconstruCting "I h ,.. bthln concrete the eldewalk,on nrtherly side. of Pleasant"Ave., y'he.tnut SL thence:. westerly Pr-11-1nary. rn-,O az f,'. .t: 1, 1940,• under Preliminary Order 119724 approved -A?1g_ttet 1 1840. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the 'commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council 'recommends is-restitiot with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the northerly side of Pleasant`Ave from Chestnut St. thence westerly 128 ft., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist.' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__P.15 per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, `1940 ."X at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul That the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council S3_ EP 4 19/ SEP 41M _ Approves 193 City Clerk File.S4383 r Mav Councilman Barfuea �j � � dr Councilman NJ Findian Councilman Parranto Councilman MR0=9W Peterson G Councilman fffipumim RosenTrus, / Councilman Mayor MWAW020 McDonough Form -B. S. A. 8-6 C.' No. Sa0109— In the Metter of reconstvuatlng re- pairing and relsying ttib eldewalR on the north aide of van Buren 6ve. .�� No neat. thence eget 1361t.�be thonce .<y'1t iito�fu fiU t vhane-+ -. .A.,.. +ar COUNCIL FILE NO. --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER ;1 -120199 In the Matter of reconstructing, repairing and relaying the sidewalk on the north east 115 ft.;beginning 40 ft. Farther side of Van Buren Ave- from Avon St. thence ce east 160 ft.; and on east thence east 200 ft.; beginning 40 ft, farther east then the south side of Van Buren Ave. from Avon St. thence east 193.5;,gT@ging 160 ft. farther east, thence east 240 ft., 119723 approv An s I46.t Order ' under Preliminary brt�r of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commies the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement w�ith the Council recommends is reconstruct, repair Van Buren Ave. from Avon St. thence east and relay the sidewalk on the north" Bide of Fr a 115 -ft.; berg"40 ftr'east'thenoe east 200 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farther St. thence east thence east 16o ft., ant'on the south side of Van Buren Ave. from Avon east 193.5 ft.; beginning 160 ft. farther east, thence east 240 ft., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof,s$10.67, s $ 0 07 vine old tile; $0.14, new the Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 2n _ day of October, 1940 +r4937r at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building m the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. the Counci r.cD 4 , 193— r Adopted by - SEP 418 V� lerk Approve May File 54394 Councilman ijat'fll99,JI�.xII Findlan Councilman Ptirranto Councilman f� Peterson Councilrnan� Rosen Councilman' -" Councilmanm�w Trutiz �JJ Mayor � Plcl)0nough / Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Geranium Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street :xo. ]sones >{he Matter or curbgna" :Gerantu o,; - venue firers treat uht nder, eet to', 'vest Ordst r 9394, .under, P4]y 9. -� Order 119396, approved JeIY 9, t, r.e ch F under. Preliminary Order 119394approve,l Julv'r9, 1940 The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the %.Commis oner'of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:? 1. That the said report and the same'iis hereby approved and adopted, and.t4sai& improvemenit is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb"`Geranium Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street, t .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 990.08. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 4 190 193-- ) SEP 4 E94Q Approved 193 City C171 File 9077 Councilman 3vtal?asA$.N-2� Barfuss Councilman=:- Fiodian Councilman ---=.x Parranto Cotfricilmandbluilzm== Peterson Councilman's al - Rosen CounciImandWdWWhMqW Truax Mayor NW908,06 McDonough Form B. S. A.'8-6 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THMN AND MW = W WARS OW THE AWM& 0 In the matter of_ condemningand_taking an easement in the_land necessary for_sL2tt --- cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alleys in Block 4, Kensington Park ` Addition, from Eleanor Ave. to Schaffer Ave., and from Albert St. to the North and South Alley, der Preliminary Order__- 118822 -------------- approved---__ YtLY-21,- 1940------------------ r edi ry Order ......... der --------------- 119327 ---_----_-- 119574 ------------- approved ------ approved ------- July_ 2z-1940 ----------------> Ilaly-34.-JR40.---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assesshient of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the- --3rd day of -------- - - =_ 3rd October ------_--__- 19_x_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. {- Adopted by the Council ------`SEP----------------------- 19 ---- SEP Cit Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19�-,-- File 9000 - -=-------------------------- -- Findlas - Ma or. Councilman Findlan C Councilman F Ynirmnto JP�J iLLs=p Councilman Councilman P . COUIICIhnan R {torn � Councilman SdONOWFwasm Truax Mayor�allen — NOTICE C. F. Nos. 120114_12011x-- COUNCIL FILE NO. -- Resolved, Resolved, That ch.g be drawn.on TO [the City treasury - to the aggregate - 1 amount of $126.56.07, coveringSoAecks PRINTER numbered. 74777 t. ha - inoloelve, se per Dhecas n I'll In the 1111.1 of the 194_Q city comptroller: p t At/ n1o? r_� t_! Adopted by the Counell Sept. 4, 1940. Approved BepL 4, }640. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAT CBeDL 7, 1940) CO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO 14952 INCLUSIVE, AS PER 1262%6-W 7'(777 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 41 940 SEP ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL F� ciTv coMPrnoLLER APPROVED 194—� NOTICE clrY OF BAPNT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 14 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER August 30 1940_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 91'53706 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 74777 TO 74B�7 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SFP 41940 -51-Z/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---------194— -- SEP4 CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED— --194___ �f BY -- see s o DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK i OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - COUNCIL _ ROLL CALL FILE NUMBER__ �. - --- SARFU5S FINDLAN �j rI� CLAIMS '�i s TMC I� PETERSON -- ... - IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS August. 30 ROSEN '^b'� TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4 COVERING MR_. PRIES FALCON % -.-INCLUSIVE. AS --- CHECKS NUMBERED— .'//4? /f_ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- — PER CHECKS ON FILE F E OF ITY CO PTROLLE R. co.nnatEn A F(PRO - - NUMBER 159 BY TOTAL DATE IN F OR OF - - - -- --"- "-- - RETURNED CHECK TRANSFER : DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS " BROUGHT FORWARD 81406 2ffi 1-164 2 ® 74777 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 74778 Ann F. Campion, 'widow of D.H.C. 30 00 74779 80 Societyelen �lSullivan, he M.S. Prevention of C. 200 00 74781 Dr. Albert E. Ahrens 29 00 00 74782 Drs. Arnquist & Cook 74783 Bethesda Hospital 30, 74784 Hobert E. Chial 36 0 74785 Dr. Gustaf Edlund 74786 Ind. Commission of Minnesota 12 00 14.00 7478'7 Dr. TI.G. Johanson 74786 Dr. H.N. Klein 28 00' 74789 Dr. F.V. Langenderfer 10 on ` 74790 nrs. Naelund & Morse 74791 nr. A.H. Pedersen 6 oo 74792 St.Joseph's Hosi)ital 22 55 74793 The Saint Paul Clinic 285 00 74794 Drs. Sohons & Hedelman 15 00 74795 Dr. B.J. singer 4 00 74796 Drs. Williams, Grau & Williams 60 500 74797 Simon Botnen 74798 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 14 79478 74799 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 212 50. 74800 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 6 5 23 74801 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 30 893 50 74802 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 1 905 11 74803 John 9. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 919 59 74804 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 10 977 37 74805 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 18759 74806 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 6 918 22 74807 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 886 1 559 74808 John s. Findlan, C. of Finance 2 290 748 4 74809 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 74810 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 5 032 97 74811 John S. Findlan, C.P.R.F. 332 84 74812 W.A. Parranto, C.P.Utilities 96 on 74813 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 679 56 74814 L.A. Soler, Cashier Water Dept. 408 7�5 74815 The Barrett Company 119 74816 Cha;les F. Bruess 70 00 74817 Thos 'Q. Curran ® 74818 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 67 41 74819 The First National Bank of St«Paul 100 00 74820 Neptune Meter Company 2 094 75 74821 Jo3. Pavlicek 11 25 74822 Raymer Hardware Company 206 40 74825 St.Paul Builders Material Company 25 89 74824 G. Seestedt Company _ 11 13 74825 Sharp & Dohme, Inc. 7 50 74826 T -in City Brick Company 402 37 74827 Western Union Telegraph Company 78 03 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD L 01 .513.68 819 .593 95 ,I w C SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD � F I 1 i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL: -- -- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - COUNCIL FILE NUMBER - ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN- PETERSON -" FA"°R� AUDITED CLAIMS ' Aust 31 0 ROSEN TRUA% -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5�T. M EFIE MR. PRES FALCON ---- -- ADOPTED BV THE CnOrU _ SEP CHECKS NUMBERED_ NnC IL ` E 4 1" PER CHECKS ON FI�E%I e'd 2 INCLUSIVE. AS t9 T 1 OF THE CITY COMP OLLER. APPROVED_ �r r-� B3-- NUMBER cs BY MAvoP TOTAL T DATE CHECK NUMBER IN 'VOR OF --E -- - ', REBANK �.� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS u .. BROUGHT FORWARD - _ 81 513. 68 819593 -95 - --- ----- ® 74828 Minnesota State Board of Pharogaoy 10 00, 74829 state of Minnesota, Dairy & Food 15 00 74830 state of Minnesota, Weights & M. 10 00 74831 Ballard Motors & Ramp 11 95 74832 Dr. A. Schwyzer 31 00 74833 American Rad. & Stand. San. Corp. 21 73 74834 Cracker Jack Mfg. Company 142 10 74835 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 23 14 74836 Helady Paper Company 30 51 74837 Railway Express Agency 17 79 74838 M.I. welch 23 72 74839 Mrs. Louis Fay 28 80 74840 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company 215 25 74841 John S. Findlan. C. of Finance 27 326 45 74842 John s. Findlan, C. of Finance' 232 80 748433 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 276 45 74844 John S. Findlan, C. of Financet 451 50 74845 John S. Findlan, C. of Finanoei 2 092 36 74846 John 8. Findlan, C. of Finance 3 365 07 74847 Canitol Stationery Mfg. Company 247 26 74848 Otto Winklesky 60 00 74849 Carl Maronde 33 42 74850 Griggs, Cooper & Company 81 86 74851 John Leslie Paper Company 176 40 ' 74852 H.A. Smith Company 107 35 C SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD � F I 1 i 81 513.68. 854 625 86 1 1 �. C. F. No. 120118-8yy milt.on ..... gg0p n— John S. Finalan—Aa 1 F. Yet M.= original to City Ckrl•. Mayor McDonough -W. A Pr nto *41 1 L� 40�,NCIL tTr:•n:.- T mer -CITY OF SAw,",AAUL-.+a eon , aPILHOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION- -GEN AL FORM 7�� Ann-„a/;� WHEREAS, the recent and sudden death of the Hon. Ernest Lundeen, 'United States Senator from Minnesota, has occasioned immeasurable grief and inoalcdable loss to the people of the State of Minnesota and to the people of the United States, and WHEREAS, the late Senator served with merit and distinction in the Congress of the United States, and public recognition is given to the fact that in the pursuit of his congressional duties the late Hon. Ernest Lundeen ever strove faithfully and unrelentingly to preserve and defend the interests of the people of the Nation andto promote the general public welfare and thus merited and received the recognition and gratitude of the public, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paulo on behalf of the Council and the people of the City of Saint hereby extends an expression of sympathy to the family of the late United States Senator Ernest Lundeen, and expresses and records its true appreciation and that of the people of the City of Saint Paul of the distinguished, valiant and fruitful service rendered by the late Senator in the interest of all the people of the United States in the pursuit of his congressional duties; and be it FURTHER SOLVED, that the Flag be Mown at half staff for a period of� days, and that s copy of this resolution be delivered to the family of the late Senator. COUIlCiLmEn leas i nays 8 ind n arranto ,f4e�erson �Ros n ruax /(nr. President, McDQnough Sul 0.40 CS 33358 1 In Favor _Against SEP 4 ” Adopted by the Council _____ .___ __.__ 104_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Hoyt Avenue from a point 75 feet east of Lexington Avenue to the terminus of existing sewer 220 feet west of North Oxford Street -C. F No. 120117 -.'n the Matter of �one�,r. -oi ,� on � Hoyt v�y, tj y. feet t ee i,l tits FI iG: under Preliminary Order 119946 a'p'proved 9ugust 21 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the repopt of thelCo'"- "oner 4f Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report hereby resolves:F 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on Hoyt Avenue from a point 75 feet east of Lexington Avenue to the terminus off existing sewer 220 feet west of North Oxford Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 561.00 (Based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of October, 1940 4;6x at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council � 4 ICY 193— y 011 SFP 419�M Annroved 193—C_ �_ _ if City Clerk' File 9090 Councilman Councilman >~wNiam Councilman AWSOEMEMEamZ'irrauan Councilman WWWXM====py�ec, Councilman VANWORMEKa Roeun Councilman VMWOMMEM Truax Mayor Mo Mcllonangb Form B. S. A. 8-6 � 0 Original t City Clark counea.NO,-----.------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL raa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LUTTI N N RAL FORM it RESOLV-LD, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars in favor of Fdward A• Furni, Superintendent of the St. Paul Auditorium, to cover his expenses in connection with a trip to New York City for the purpose'of attending booking conferences on traveling road shows and arena attractions, on September 8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14, 1940, said sum to be payable from the Auditorium Miscellaneous Fund 1021. 7Y.i! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -13-�- ]n an e on ..............In Favor en r, President o_n / im 1059 4*W@ in ....Against C. 1P.No ThatBthe proper ots- and directeds be and toydraw aare rwarrant in $the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars in favor of Edward A. Furst, superit tende.t of the SL Paul Auditorium, to -over his e.penes. in connection with a trip to New York City for the par- j pose of attending booking confers ce on traveling road shows conference - and arena attractions. n satember 8, 9 10t b 11 12, 13 and 14, 1940, said sums ayablefrom the Auditorium MI cet laneeus Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council sept 6 1940. E Approved Sept -5. 1940. (sept. 7, 1940) _ S" 519111 Adopted by the Council.. SEP 51M Ap ved..... ------ ----.- ----- -_----------19........ - - ----- - Mayor C Original to City Clerk 4 f e ,,� r r C OF SAINT PAUL couNCIL /-d� r.t "19 • tragi NO,—_ �OFTHELERK COUNCILNERAL FORM �- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accord- ance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Depart- ment for more than eight hours per days and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Brown, Edwin J. Pow.Shov.Opr. 1.50 Conroy, Anthony M. Truck Dr. Felberg, Frank 0. Staty.Fire. i6 :73 Fitzgibbon, Joseph J. Storekeeper -AP 2 Gallas, Max J. Truck Dr. 8 .6 Neuschwander, Joseph F. Truck Dr. 20 .7 Putnam, Fred A. Crew Leader -PVP 8.73 Rich, Augustus L. Staty.Eng. 8 71 Swanson, Carl A. Road Mach.Opr. 2 .6 Tester, Clyde A. Truck Dr. 4 .5 counciLmEn fleas nags --@erfess -�-P6fTt1 8<�E'�a Own iKose ruuaa. Or. President, McDonough sn1 s-ao Cs asese C Resolved, That tie DiroDer lton otty oul- care are hereby suthorlaed to Day-oer- lain employee ,la the Departmeut of public Works forextra employment as set out on. the list attached to this resolution. Adopted by the Connell Sept. 6, 1940- Approved Sept. 6, 1940. i (Sept. 7' 1940) Adopted by the Council 3Cr 5 _194__ ''411 �-� APprjo�ed__------ --- _ In Favor / ( — --- ---- - --- Magor _Against An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTiAIMT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Answering emergency complaints on sewer stoppages, tending fires on Sundays at Asphalt Plant, and rushing oiling to complete schedule which was delayed on account of inclement weather. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Opening sewers after hours in answer to emergency calls necessity for keeping fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays, and rushing oiling to complete schedule. COMMISSIONER OF -71 WORKS oRIOIn ALS CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OITY DL.RE N° 1002 FILE No... COUNCIL SOLUTION - ' OR /)L,AUTHORIZATION OF AL NPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESEW.'IL AY MON. eDATE • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for curbing Juno Ave. from South wheeler St. to Fairview Ave., to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION CO. in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 408 of said Feyen Construction Co. Il for the sum of $568.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said I iFeyen Construction Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the C. F. No. 120120—By Mlllnn Ro City of Saint Paul. D D�o�aawa Tbnt V, TO' FORMAL BID NO. 408 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE a 335.00 NOTeTO e L FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. A..E..ED ADAIN.T .aN.FITTRI PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a368.00 E. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY..HARE OF LOCAL IMPROv M.NT.- - - CODE a .. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPwDYaMaNT.-aEeMPT PR01-11- 1. PaR -A. APPROPRIATED FROM .OND I..Ue-CODE a .. COUNTY AID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ E a _. . . . . •368.00 - TOTAL COPIES TO: I I MERERY CERTIFY THAT THERE I. AN uNEMCUMSaweD L. CITY CLERK �O ANI[ AvwlLwal.THE IN THe A.ov[ .TAi[D APPROPwMTION 'ro T IMFRO T oLN LOCAL IMPwOVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER N THE 111—AMOUNY1. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING MTROLLfiR _ __ DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED —------- ® C COUNCILMEN -�- SEP 5 IN ----_— NAYS YEAS y[/ ADOPTED • -- -INFAvon SEP 5 IM .Oo AAO OE EMR. PRESIDENT -- �aTTT, Orlalad to City Cork C. Where�aea H? F. D of d hn$ petition - CITY OF SAINT PAUI efl the Council for psrmleeton --' -- r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLQ-totl`dn na 'Arnie permi. ion COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENE A- -)on e� PR63ENTED BY� w.l_.OV�L�__,____. _._._ DATE_ -" WHEREAS, E. F. Dornfeld has petitioned the Council for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 10, Lindley Park, located on the north side of Hudson Road at the intersection of Point Douglas Road; and WHEREAS, said E. F. Dornfeld has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Section b of Ordinance No. 6840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to said E. F. Dornfeld to install and operate said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and land - soaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improve- ments within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COl1TICILIIIETI yeas nags as /Findian �armrte-- ln Favor elecson osen /� AgAinsl rPresident, McDonough 'M !-Ce cs 1".. SEP 5 W Adopted by the Council____.____-- —t9 -- SEP 51949 roved_ '�// a r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .Qe.. Sept. 4, 1540 Y,r. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of E. F. Dornfeld for permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station on the north side of Hudson Road at intersection of Point Douglas Road, on Lots 11, 12 and lj, Block 10, Lindley park. Yours very truly, �V �� City Cleric. e l7SNM) N011V Od803 UVbL 9 d3S Q3AI9094 POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., August 24, ig 40 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted bit the Council of the ON of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application.of E. F. Dornfeld to erect and install a filling station located on North side of Hudson Road at intersection of Point Douglas Road on Lots 11, 17 and 14 Rlgok 10 Lindley Park will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 4th daq of September 19 40 , at to o'clock A. M. JOHII S. FIUDLAII, Commissioner of Finance. Page File 9088 BUREAU OF CONS,. A REPAIR W. B. COCKROFT. Su". OFFICEENGINEER G. H. HER SOLD CHIEF ENOR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTv CommISSIONEw GEORGE M. SHEPAR D. CHIEF ENGINEER Sept. 3, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Sir: BUREAU of SANITATION FRED DRIVER. Suer. BUREAU of BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. In the matter of application of E. F. Dornfeld to install and operate an automobile fill- ing station on Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 10, Lindley Park, you're advised that the drive way plans as sub- mitted conform to the standards of this department. The application is, consequently, approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours truly, );7. M. SHEP 7D 4 fiEngineer GMS:MB Mr. Ferry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i u g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of 8. I- Dornfeld to install and operate an automobile filling station on Lots 11,12 and 13, Block lo, Lindley Park. This is on the north side of Hudson Road where the old Point Douglas Road takes to the south. It is our under- standing that Mr. Dornfeld now owns or operates the filling station lying in the triangle formed by the Hudson Road and the old Point Douglas Road and is moving across the street to this new location - This is an in and out station. The distance from driveway to driveway returns is 102 ft., with a 38 ft. Island between. The pump island will be parallel to Hudson Road and sets back 16 ft. from the property line. The applicant asks for 1- 2000 gallon capacity storage tank and 2. "0 gallon capacity storage tanks. The plane are in accordance with the citygs standards. The east property line of the filling station is 62 ft. west of the west property line of Tobnson Parkway. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, „��'✓�---rte/ GBDRGB H. H&MILD, / Engineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BOARD OF ZONING s ,.� Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 7944 F4� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CA "'s;"'r't �Q a 279 COURT HOUSE w. September 3rd, 1940• ARTHUR S. MILINOWSK I, Chairman AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. MCGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Arch;teci GEORGE H. HEE OLD, Sacral ar qin .r Mr. Ferry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i u g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of 8. I- Dornfeld to install and operate an automobile filling station on Lots 11,12 and 13, Block lo, Lindley Park. This is on the north side of Hudson Road where the old Point Douglas Road takes to the south. It is our under- standing that Mr. Dornfeld now owns or operates the filling station lying in the triangle formed by the Hudson Road and the old Point Douglas Road and is moving across the street to this new location - This is an in and out station. The distance from driveway to driveway returns is 102 ft., with a 38 ft. Island between. The pump island will be parallel to Hudson Road and sets back 16 ft. from the property line. The applicant asks for 1- 2000 gallon capacity storage tank and 2. "0 gallon capacity storage tanks. The plane are in accordance with the citygs standards. The east property line of the filling station is 62 ft. west of the west property line of Tobnson Parkway. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, „��'✓�---rte/ GBDRGB H. H&MILD, / Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CLINTON A. HACKERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �efattffcerfl al Alh, S-Ielf Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commiseiener JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 5, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir t This is in reference to application made by E. F. Dornfeld for permit to inaall and operate an auto- mobile filling station to be located on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Hook 10, Lindley Park Addition, which is also known as Hudson Road and Point Douglas Road.. Inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. You will note from their reports that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very truly yours, Commissioner o ;Public Safety „d PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH Caro - Common Sena, - Courtesy THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION September 4 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs This is in reference to application made by E. F. Dornfeld for permission to install and operate an automobile filling station to be located on Lots 11-12—and-13, Block 10, Lindley Park Addition, also known as Hudson Road and Point Douglas Road. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints for this station and do not find that the proposed station or driveways will materially inter8drec-with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harry N. Re gren Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 26th, 1940. Ronorebte G. H. Barfuss, commissioner of Pablic Safety. Dear Sir: In reWd to the application made by Z. !. Dornfeld for permission to install and operate an auto- mobile filling station to be located on Lots 11-12-13, Block 10, Lindley Park addition, also known as Bindson Road and Pt. Douglas Road. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious Increase in the fire hazard of that "cinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if this installation is permitted. Respectfully yours, Chief dire Inspector. WCB/Z TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL T11S APPLICATION TO BE NA.. IN PILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK s 0 CK. Application For License A-COMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ly}� 04 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made �/' �{c FALL -12 LIE (NwM[J 1 MOR INDIVtDUAI) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANDOPERATE A C'...— IN{•' OR "INSIDE OARAD["1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT /+ • C 'R , BLOCK �� f✓I"�'�M ALSO DESCRIBED A6 �`S..U`P'i�.. L"Y�41 ?�L✓'E�I li.� - �.'•1 X1,.2 ( ITI 1 (STRE[T AND NUMB[RI �] NO. OF PUMPS NO OF OAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ,,yyam+•.; Ae.. FILED AP un ` EI � w BY B—N.S. ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK I RECEIVEO COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE IB_ DATE IB_ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY 16 i� CaYor DfeDon- y. 29, Orlyia.l to CityCkrk C. F. 120122—BY M CITY OF SAINT PAUL xeeolhvorpoip[ed` . Ghat- Harry W Oehler, fnsely'-"'.,•,�.e and he _.. , ti1.---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE �iereby y COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENE16AC.E%ORM A RESOLVED, That Harry W. Oehler, Corporation Counsel, be and he is hereby authorized to attend the 1940 Annual Conference of The United States Conference of Mays, which Is attended by many Corporation Counsels, City Attorneys and City Solicitors, to be held in the City of New York, September 19th to 21st inclusive, and also to go to Washington, D. C. in connection with various legal matters and actions now pending in his office; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Harry W. Oehler for such traveling expenses incurred by him in attending said Conference and going to Washington, D. C. ,harge'Corporation Counsel's Fund, 3 A 2. C0111ICILIIlEi1 gess /i hays /bars /Findlan a/rr"!� auto Peterson zr. President, McDonough 3111 5-90 Ci 25338 SIP 518 Adopted by the Council_ SFP 51840 / Approved__194_.. In Favor _'_Against / YUELISHEDT7� 1201123 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a F. xo. 22ons_ Ab.*: ./,.... and uAhe^9u ; "iq, Yor;a'y: PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Oonatruot„a,6„foot, oe�ent„sidewalk On the westerly aide of yetis St. from Como Ave. to the north city limit® on the westerly atri.p of the lens noqulred by ooridemzietidri for • the •widening•of. -Eastis•St- -under. Mal . Order. C...F..118786. approved. May -21st..1940• Also constructing an extension of said sidewalk on the northerly side of Como Ave. �'o'YliA"tti�itiiig 6t'ACibri"eff't}1e'set?t eide'oY'the 4aivereity of Minaosota ri-ght+nf+. ..........................h ..........I............... Dated this ...... 4Xr ....day of.............September...,.. ............................................... Councilman. PihIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conatru.ot..e.A.foot.nement..sidewalk.pa.th0.wegt���y..eid4.9g. ati.4,3t,..ircg,0omo,Ave . to the aotth oity limits on the westerly strip of the land aoquired by ooadamnation for- the • widening •of , Bliatts• -St:- -under Final• •order .0, - Fi,- •1-18786 • approved. May .2l:at,..1940. Also of said sidewalk on the northerly side of Como Ave. to the waiting station on the seat ai$e of the Ylai'veraity of"�innesote dight-of=ersy. ...........:.................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To -investigate the necessity for, or`dest alAltty of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................: ..4FP....... 51-M ................. YEAS NAYS UP -'. ++ C �� p'Y Councilman BARFUSS Approved ........UP...5 94d...••••••••••••.••••••.• FINDLAN -" PARAA'F7T0" PETERSONROSEN TRUAX ayor. MR. PRESIDENT - MoDonough PUBLISMDC Q IM 12.38 or dial to City Cork i • h..: }i..__ • Cl OF SAINT PAUL 'O ENCIL NO.-_ O I OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCII�� OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Septmber 5th, 19!10. COMMISPIONER _ _ `- _ DATE In the matter of ourbing Magnolia Avenue from Frank Street to Duluth Street under Preliminary Order O. F. No. 318645 approved May 7th, 1940, and Final Order 0. F. No. 119741 approved August 15th, 1940. EBSOLYED, that the plane and speotfications as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 120124—By Milton Rosen - 7n the matter of: curbing Magnolia Avenue from Frank Street to Duluth Street under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 118646, a proved May 7th, 1940" d Final Order C. F. No. 119741, up - proved August 16th, 1840. R solved, That the plane and apeci- ficatlons as submitted. by the Commis- sioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same r heroby npproved. Adopted by the Council Sept. 5, 1940. 1 Approved Sept.6, 1940. (Sept. 7, 1940) 1 ✓ counCILMEn5IM Adopted by the Council tga_ geaSnays - ---- Bar indlss I. / roved SEP 5 1940 194_ eters(m .. - In Favor Z omen --_ - - -------- ID yruaxIn Against r �,y restdent, McDonough sinCS ]3338 Orlpin.l to cur Ckrk ,4•' -� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CovNCIL OfF F THE CITY CLERK .ae NO.—. COUNCILS �LOTIpO,N--�GENEitAL FORM PRESENTED BY V vr� — September 5th, 1940 COMMISSIONER ______—__—_.___. _______....__.. DATE—______—______.—_.____—___ In the matter of curbing Pinehurst Ave. on the north side from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Prior Ave. (vacated) and on the south side iron Cleveland Ave. to Howell St.. under Preliminary Order C. F. 119087 approved June 11th, 1940, and Final Order C. F. No. 119825 approved August 13th, 1940. H88OLVED, That the plana and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named Improvement, be sad the some are hereby approved. I c V-'f' COUTICILMEIl ljeas Rays barjuss Findlan -- Peterson Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm .-.o CS 2.... In Favor _. _._Against s SEP 5 � Adopted by the Council SEP 51940 Approved____________ 194_/ Ma \ _. i _ Oriiind to City C - 6"r �.a 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Y Ir' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK as NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �; PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ _ -_ �,. Sanfi archon r tObA... - RESOLVED: That license for Restaurant, application 43969, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43970, and Off $S1 Malt Beverage, application 43971, applied for by Maurice Roberts at 191 N. Western Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. " ftormally approved by Council, Sept. 6, 1940 New Old Location. CDunCILMEn leas nays Finn /Pa to n osen ;Zr-tident, McDonough am 3.40 CS 23338 C. L v.. That Resolved, That 1Bly, .. gfo B Restau ; rant, application 43988, On Salo Wait l Beverage, application 43970, and 08 gpaple al Beverage Beverage, apyytleatlon .43971 N.PWeateSrra Ave be -ad tthe rserao are ' hereby granted anfl. the cltg clerk le Inatructed to faeue"�.ueh licensee upon I the pnyment Into the city treasury of the repvlred fees. Adopteded by the Cooll 9 Sep8, un -Pt. 8, 1990. Approvt. (Sept. 14,1940, 1940) I 011 Adopted by the Council SEP _ __ . _ 61940_ __ t94-_ / SEP 61940 __in Favor _ or _____Against Original to City Clerk t' /"_ r/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - 'ILE NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER— "' ~�' ` __—.-_ __-_— DATE--.__—._.—___—_—__—.____. WHEREAS, the Sinking Pond Committee has received the following offert NAME OF 71R4 BIND OP BOND RATE MATURITY AMOUNT BASIS Phelps,Penn & Co. City of Saint Paul Nov. 1, 1959 30,000.00 2.35 and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Participating Certificate Fund, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, the Commissioner of Fimnce,Sod the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. C. F. No. 120127—By John S. Finalan— 1 h,reas, The Sinking Fund Commit- terIII asrceived the following offer: Name f ,Firm, Phelps, Fenn & Co.; Hind of Bond, City of Saint Paul; Rate, 41¢q'; Maturity, Nov: 1, 1959; Amount, 5311,000.00; Basis, 2.36 and recommends that the Council con- cur in the actlon of the Committee In theppurchaee f these bonds for the Partloil)= Certificate Fund, and Whereas. The Council Is of the op(n- lon that the above offer should be ac- cepted, therefore be it. Resolved, That the Mayor, the Com7. misaloner of Finance, and the Comp= troller be and they are hereby author- . 1.cd and directed fo consummate the - transaction. Adopted by the Council SepL 0, 1940. Approved Sept. 9, 1940. (Sept. 14, 1940) COUTICILITIETI leas / Ttay9 B 39 "ran / P anto P son Rosen IIlr. President, McDonough sm 3-a0 CS 23338 l SEP 6 SQ Adopted by the Council__.._ SEP 61W � A PP in Favor mayor .Against ( / Original to City y Clerk C. F. No. 120128—By Q. H. Batfuee— (q1 a Whereas The •' CITY OF SAINT ^'tye•r `nin'1oner of Parke, f 'r a. aA nae 10 OFFICE OF THE CI7 CO NCIL (jF OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �4Y)�� COMMISSIONER _._._ _ -.-- DATE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the barn in the rear of 2017 St. Anthony Avenue, located on the south 120 feet of the west half of Lot 2, Block 4, Merriam Park Addition, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being icondemned and torn down; therefore, be RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said barn, on the lot day of October, 1940, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber In the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it further Resolved, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner,o,f Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days6rior to the date of said hearing. 2 r� 1, counCILInEn 1 / Adopted by SEP 61940 the Council I]eas days c+Cti Bar SEP �q11 /Findlan / / Approved-__— 1.94, /Parranto /-,Peterson In Favor Rosen ( [Mayor igainst AiLIS_ED ,Alr. President, McDonough me 30 es 23— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .gw.. Sept. 4, 194o Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the barn in the rear of 2017 St. Anthony Ave., located on the South 120 ft. of the West Half of Lot 2, Block 4, Merriam Park Addition. Yours very truly, G��r City Clerk. RECEIVED SEP 5 jun CORPORATION COUNSEL W LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Pd. Supt of Playgrounds CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commisdoner CHAS. A. BASSFORD CIH Architect August 31, 1940 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen; I am referring to you the condemnation of the barn in the rear of 2017 St. Anthony Avenue, located on the South 120, of the West Half of Lot 2, Block 4, Merriam Park Ad- dition. This barn is dilapi,ated, Out of plumb and level, danger- ous to life, limb, and adjoining property. The owner is Nora Samuell and Gladys E. Voss, 2017 St. Anthony Avenue. This building has not been repaired and we therefore would appreciate it if you would set a hearing and proceed with the condemnation action. truly, LAR..0 ty A chitect Y _y� G2 I 29 orl¢m.l to C/a CJerk manes's-i Fdo� CITY OF ST. PAUL .ae No ------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION N L FORM PRESENTED By Axe1 F Peterson DATIE September 6 1940 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED. That the free use of the arena of the St. Paul Auditorium bed andi940e it is hereby given to the Saint Paul Dispatch on October 1. 2, for their annual cooking school; said Saint Paul Dispatch to pay only the cost of op ming and operating the arena for the saidperiod. C. F. No. 120129—nyhat ,Aael F. Peterson- arena 1 t the St. Paull Auditorium the he d It la hereby given to the Saint Paul Dispatch on October 1, 2, and 3, 1940 for their annual cooking school; saIR Saint Paul Dispatch toon ay ly- the oat of opening and. operating thei arena for the amid period. Adopted by the' Council Sept. 6, 1940. Approved Sept. 6,'1940, (Sept. 14, 1940) Adopted by the Coun COUNCIL EN c1 7p 61840 19..-.._. Yeas Nays B W 61944 owed...--------- - ....... ..........19........ �F�an do /Par 'to ..In Favor-- r ..- — Mayor sen uax-------------- Against 1M fie V��O�tRC lFo]efiC lli 1 ortnn.ltocity t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSION ER — —___.. _.._._.___________. DATE September 6 1940 RESMVEDs That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasary of the required feesi Edward Mann 754 Capitol Hgts. Ice Delivery App.43g24 New New Dave Zacklin 494 S. Snelling Grocery n 43894 a " Carl Salhow 1255 Payne Ave. Fuel Dlr. " 43995 " COUTICILMEIl yeas j hays 0 juss FV�indlan 1Parranto Peterson Rosen /Mr. President, McDonough sm e -4s CS ..... r C. F. No. 120130—Dy 6, H. Harfuse- -.'W. . Parranto—Vohn S. Flndlan— Re�olved, That licensee applied for f';by the [ollowing Dare.. at the afl- dreeaee Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk 1. instructed to Issue see i licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury oL the resulted fees: Edward Mann, 764 CBDItol HgteIce Delivery, APD. 48824, New, New 1;. a tion. Dave Zacklln, 494 S. Snelling, pro- ..,� - eery, App. 43894, New, New Loratfon. Carl Salhow, 1266 Payne Ave., Fuel boater, App. 4886, New, New Location. Adopted by -the Counall Sept. 6, 1940. Approved Sept. 6, 1940. (Sept. 14, 1940) Adopted by the Counot[ A o gEP--_6 W _194 — ___In Favor ^ Mayor —_ —Against " n C. F'No. 180181—By a .-''Bartuse—; 8 W. A. Parrnnto—John " Findlan— Resolved, That licensesayplled for 9� 9 OrlQlanl b tY Clerk by the persona named on iho list at-" � :, _. tached to thle reeolutlon ba d; the , NCIL CItY, same ars hereby, granted and th City Fl 0 Clerk Is Instructed to lb.ua'su h Ilcety NO. OFFICE see upon the payments Into the city treasury COUNCIL RESO Dy iee re, Sept 0, 1940. Apllrovod Sept, 0,- 1940, ' COMMI5810 R (Sept. 14, .1940) _. .September 6. 1944 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee": Tassies Bakery 489a Wabasha St. Bakery App. 43147 Renewal Yale Johnson 379 Wabasba St. Off Sale Malt o 43392 " Mrs. Frieda Salisbury Bent & Edmond Ice Station a 43510 0 J. M. Lowenthal 477 St. Peter St. Restaurant 0 43514 n Frank Fehland 851 Marion St. Ice Delivery " 43531 " C. J. Wettergren 629 Kent St. Grocery " 43532 9 Frank E. Miksch]. 498 Thomas Ave. Grocery " 43565 " Mrs. Frieda Salisbury 868 Fauquier Ice Delivery " 43584 ■ Isadore Feldman 347 E. Winifred Ice Delivery " 43587 re John Hahold Western & Uhiv, Ice Station " 43635 " John Nightingale 822 Como Ave. Butch er " 43643 n Hazel Chakeris 869 Grand Ave. Restaurant n 43657 re Edward Guenther 1560 Payne -Ave. Ice Station " 43692 " M. IH Saaerud 313 Topping St. Ice Delivery re 43697 n Chas. J. Prokop 128 E. Fourth Et. Barber " 43714 n E. J. Lingle 1051 Payne Ave. Grocery " 43 Off Sale Malt" 47 " R. Johnson 856 Edmund Ave. Off Sale Malt " 43776 n Fraternal Order of Eagles 167 W. 7th St. Restaurant n 43808 a a n " a 0 On Sale Malt " 43909 n C011nciLmEn Adopted by the Council SPA _g_Q��y__tga -m- 8 R7Y{! Leas nays t)artnss � W �p�� r Fi Ian ZPPaarfanto . son -----___ln Favor - ZZ. osen /) �Maqor -� Against �`Mr. President, McDonough sm 1-ao C9 ­.. 999IW) 6 _,1 MYIItR'NLMBER .. UNCIL COU C. F. No. 12018E—By Mllton Ros Cour en— NO Resolved, That th .I hereby ap- r prOV.B the BwaTd of t), .-t t Com- " mittee therefor, am de the f AUTNORITJ1T10 °•..e' "� To" Iis:ME'N'IfF 1 PRES@tTWBY NON. SOA Resolved,'That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract OCommittee this efor, and hereby:. awards the. contract for grading N@vada Ave, from Arcade St. to Walsh St. and Weide Ave. from Montana Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, to the C. F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor -hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 410 of said C. F. Sculley` Equipment Company, for the contract price.of $29620w31, such bid being the lowest bid and said C. F. Sculley Equipment Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder,, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the` proper;form of contract therefor, and the proper City,officials hereby are 'authorized to execute said contract s. l on behalf of the City'of Saint Paul. FORMAL BID No. 410 - ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,355,.47 NOTE: TO EE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL POO ADOPTION, 4 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING. FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COSTOF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: f. ASSESSED AGAINST SENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - _ - - $..2,620.31 IL APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f: �. AFPROPR IATED FROM.. BOND Issue—COOK f S. COUNTY AID - - _ f. , TOTAL , 2,620.31 COPIES To: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SA10 CITY CLERK , ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STA, AP REIMBURSETMEPERMANEHTIMPROVHMeNTRSVOLVIROP LOCAL IMPROVEM[N7 NO. IN THE AEOVE"AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS 1 PURCHASING ROLLER^ .COUNCILMEN aYE YEAS N IN PAVOR MR..?NE.manr DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED cF� 6 '18110 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SEP 6 I orIfilmd t. City Clerk ? e CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ►n.e NO._... - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM owreSp tember Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor and materials and Re -Roofing the Lighting Department Warehouse, No. 35 East Kellogg Boulevard, to M. CHARLEBONS, in accordance with City specification therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 412 of said M. Charlebois, for the total contract price of $1050.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said M. Charlebois being the lowest re- liable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #412. !20114 --By W. Aare eC 81111199'Boulevard, oto _M. Sofa, [n' accordance .with City atlon therefor hereto attached 3 Formal Bid No. 412 or said e. Pole, for the total contract price I a auch bid hot., tha toweat 1 Bald M. Charlebote bein the eeCorporatlon eCan...I be and forml"rr ' "'tract therefor ¢ d aper City oileI.Ia hereby ato re au - of the City of Saint Paute said l acF. 8 ted by the Council Sept. 0, 1940. 3ved Sept. 0, 1940. (Sept. 14, 1940) COUTICILITIETI Adopted by the Council SCr 0_194_ yeas / naip is SEP 618QQ Findlan arranto In Favor oxen _ ___Against sm ,-jure)/"President (Peterson) C. F411& 120184--8y Axe1:F Paterson— ` Resolved, That the Lnnail her by a t npD[ove6 the award o2 ;, '.r ..lnR Original to City Clerk ommltte/- t9ereror. ani a - •r• CITY OF SAI pt 1��,4�UeLii!(NI� "t COUNCIL . - :FILK NO.—__._-- - ---- CITY OF THE 0i CLERK S LUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE—"gU5t30• 1.240------ COMMISSIONER_— -- .-------.------- Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing approximately 12,000 boxes Popular and Advertised 5¢ candy bars and penny goods, to be delivered to various school cafeterias during the school season from September 1, 1940 to June 15, 1941, to McFADDEN- LAMBERT CO., in accordance with city specifications and list submitted with bid hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 396 of said McFadden - Lambert Co. for the total contract price of approximately $7920.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said McFadden -Lambert Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable"bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. F.B. #396. counCILMETI I]eas /� Tlays �1//ar[u �s i�F nd arr No �n sen uax csVecc President (Peterson) Adopted by the Council SEP_-_ 6 / SEP 61840 Approved------_-- —194_--- In Favor Mayor -_Against YUBLmHu) Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ra.®caEMARY oResRa. and t'oiac PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz: Change• the„grads, oY•6rotto, 8t., from,Front Ave. to ......... ...... Ave. . conform• .to the red line on the profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereof. the present established • grade • being • shown • by. -the. •blue • 1•ine• •thereon ...... Al so - grade • Grotto - St from Front Ave. to Hatoh Ave. to the red line when established. ..................................4........................ ................................... . Dated this ... 4 tti......da of................September............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Change the „grade, oi,(+rotto• $t.. from.?rOJ►b..SF6....to..Hat.Ch.Ava...ta.00ntarm• ........$o the red line ou the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present ........ eatabl i shed..grade. •being..shGm. -by . the -blue. •line - theremu...Aiso• -grade- grotto, St from Front Ave. t.. Hatch Ave, to the red line when established. ............................... I ....... ..................................................................... «✓. - having been”presented to the (i(buncil of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it q _ r iEs0VVhat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate thS necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ` 2. , ToAnvestigate -titer ature, extent and estimated cost o said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. TD furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state -whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to to the Commissioner of Finance. 6 hhr f Adopted by the Council.......... SEP................... • • ....... • • • YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PAR ---PETERSON ROSE Mr. Vice President (Peterson) IM 12.38 Approved................SEP .......... 6 ... 1940..... . _71 ................................... ............... Mayor. G.67 129 1.136 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, ........................................................................................................................... outs and fills in the grading of Grotto St. from Dont Ave. to Hatch Ave. .......... ....................................................................................................... I......... .................................................................................................................. . ..................�................................................................................................ 6th Dated this...............day of ............... aeptamber........ ........... .., ly ✓�—� ............................................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................QQA$QNASAg..4A$. t?4g.'..Re4e)peat„in. the, lapd. neaeesary..i4}..slopes......... .....ottt e..etud . f.1lle.. in..tho. grading..of.. Grotto. St...from .Front .Ava...ta .Hatch .Ave..........:. . ......................................................................................... N.. +84. .. ............................................................................................ n,. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........... 4ggP ... 6J.la'!!+................... YEAS NAYS IM IM8 Councilman BARFUSS Approved .................. SEP...6 .► Q ........... FINDLAN PARRANTO PETER” R _ / ROSEN........_. .....:.............'.............. ............. Mayor. C� Mr. Vice President (Paerson) t%7� PTIi3LISIiEIi— T v . . Od,in.l to City Clerk _ 7. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL2.d FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATESept�mber 5,- 940 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the lease of the Municipal Hangar Building No. 1, located on Saint Paul Municipal Airport ^Holman Field11, for a period of five years beginning September 1, 19409 to ALEXANDER ROZANICH, in accordance with city specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No, 403 of said Alexander Rozawich, for the total contract price of $15,000.00 for the five year period, such bid being the highest bid and said Alexander Rozawich being the highest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of lease therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said lease on behalf of -the Cit of Saint Paul. F.B. . 7( ^V�e C. p No. 3 Thi tsy W. A par auto Rrbye. d, That the %th oil -hereby_ City Commit, the award Of the Contract Committee therefor, -and hereby award, �Sha contract [or Yha lea., the Mu nlclDat hangar Ilundfag No. '. loca- 'Ited on 6aint pnuf ^Mhnfclpa� b Tlolman Fint.l •, .. .. .._ _ _ COURCILMETI y� Tlays ar/B Juss eterson In Favor Rosen � 2 Tr r. President, McDonough 3111 -o C3 24338 (BeDt. 61, 1946) Adopted by the Councir P �' ._194_ SEP 13 IN Approved__ �� Rla r 0 September Sixth 1940 Commissioner William Parranto City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Confirming telephone conversation today this is to advise that we have given careful consideration to the onmatter the St. of this Company leasing the Municipal hangar pawl Municipal Airport.' We regret to advise that because of various problems with which we are confronted with respect to our future opera- tions we are not in position to take over the hangar in question. We wish to thank you very kindly for the opportunity afforded us of taking over this building. 0e traly s. W. Miller JWM:vn Vice President A General Manager TTpIY QA55 OF SFAVI® RN 1201 51., L— S Thk 4 •full-r.rc lli• f/J DL-D.,tn... Tekpme or Gblo- UNION forted ehanace kiry Lc -D u-.dG s. diured br a adbbk wti-Ghk Mahe isme otdfet tba addrm� R. e. wwTe Rwcor+e c �. c. w_ _ ahb S.dao.m rwaama..r b Cllm rico shown W tLe dmu SAa m w epam sed d kRAma k SPANDARD TIME at P.lst of xiyn• 19me of rwdpt i, STANDARD TLU: at point of derma LD18D 16 STPAUL MINN SEP 6 1940 939A THE HON MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL , DELR 1000A COURTHOUdE -)TPAUL MINN IN REGARDS TO LEASE OF HANGAR CITY OF STPAUL KINDLY CONSIDER PILOTS AND MECHANICS CONSIDER MIDCONTINENT . R LARSON 949A T" COMPANT WILT. APPRLOfATe BOOOASPLONS FROM rN PATRONS CONCABRINO ITB BpH9IC70 SP ,nd. . • fou— WESTERN 1201 $iMBOLS DL.D.. L.e.. Tppam�am�Im Ib dWdO U O � err-o..AWurl.a.s fmcd cbantter 4lry , <G -Def dG61. dlnted 67 a mdbbk gmbol above M pro- IrLT—CSa Naha ieme th addraa Rrwa. oaerr� wn www o +w aowao rawer v� s+aLL�oar+r � L3)23VI 21 T EXTRA D STPAUL MINN 944A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL DLR 1015A COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE STPKJ L MINN IN THE INTEREST OF CITIZENS OF STPAUL PLEASE REJECT ALL BIDS ON CITY HANGARS, STPAUL JUNIOR ASSN OF COMMERCE, B J LOAGUE JR AVIATION CHAIRMAN 954AM T® OOMPA" WML APFRWMTM SOOOoSRONG FROM M PATRONS CONCIMNURI lag Sl[Kn011 QA55 OF $kllVECB WESTERN 1ZOl $i L— w.-o.r� Telepa or Gbly trr-o.ea�shrrd.pe stun mim 4s du - fated chatatter 4lry LC -W dCaeb dieted bf • wluhk NLT-table NbW Lae .1mho1 .hoveDw tsdio8 the.dd w. e. wHrre UNION ercwrt.�Rvan Aca The NIaS time shown Lathe date Sm an teloc m and day 4ftwa 6 STANDARD TIME at paint of migi . Time oI mMpt b STANDARD TIIB K pWat of dutb" LD9F 10 STPAUL MINN 6 911A HON MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL DLR 10 AM STPAUL MINN WE URGE YOU NOT TO ACCEPT THE BID OF ROSAWICH SITYWAYS INC 912A UM 00YPANi WILL APPBIMATS SCOOSSTIONS PROM ITS PATRONS cONCSRNINO Dw S1RVICS CLASS OF $rRVIB WES"'ERN d.-Dn Laar Tek�a Gblu Nr-O.aaybrrekow mlm iee de• UNION Ic-p.r ,d cbl. dieted b� winbk .Tmlfpl above o[ pre' NlT-66te NYh<lexe oed4r, th addtea. w. R. wtlrtC NRwcoma CMLTOer "4'.. wi,cavew ShW R.digp® STANDARD TIME at pofvt of eelWn. Thas of receipt Is STANDARD TIMN at point ofdeatleat LD22VI 24 5 EXTRA STPAUL MINN 945A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL DLR 1015A COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE STPAUL MINN PLEASE WITHHOLD ACTION ON CITY HANGAR AT AIRPORT TO FURTHER CONSIDER POSSIBILITY OF AIR LINE BASE BY MID CONTINENT, JUNIOR ASS' N. FLYING CLUB INC. 951AM TSS 001@ANr WUd. APPRSOIATS SCOOSSrIONS FROM ITS PATRONS OONCRIPIMO tie SIMMS Q'V Y Irl d-% P9ra -rn -w-% to v LDN60 23 6 EXTRA NT 1940 SEP 5 PM 10 41 STPAUL MINN SEP $ HONORABLE MAYOR MCDONOUGH AND COUNCILMEN DELIVERED TO COUNCIL CHAMBER WHILE IN SESSION STPAUL MINN WE URGENTLY REQUEST THAT YOU DO NOT ACCEPT :ROZAWICR BID FOR LEASE OF STPAUL AIRPORT. CLOUD CLUB INC TED TUBISCO AND HAMILTON FORD PtMLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. TI® OOIPANT WDLL APPRWUTR SOOOWrlOKS FROM ITS PATRONS OONMRNDiO M RRRVRM QA55 OF SbIVIQ WE S T EID 1201 gy�p(s Thb 4 a EuilT.te AA Dl-Dt leRv Ii.1- (b J dplll.mftw en .bUNION M-Orne16U. ander d dbbT amble NLT-O.N. NyW l gmbol .bove F Dw N -=l c ��aV6w !� Rdioa.m The N(RS time shown b th. date Rm on teieow .ad day berms i. EMANDARD TIME .t polar o/ orian. These ol.emiPt b STANDARD TIME o<pdnt otdaWutlt LD16 VI 19 STPAUL MINN 929A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL DLR DURING SESSION- COURT HOUSE. STPAUL MINN IN INTEREST OF THE CITY OF STPAUL WE REQUEST THAT YOU CONSIDER MIDCONTINENT AIRLINES REGARDING LEASE OF CITY HANGAR, J P LAMOTTE 935A T® OOMPANT WDLL APPSROIATR SOOOWPIONS FROM ITS PATRONS OONORRNM ITS ®RMS TERN Imt sxMBOIS LASS OP .SERWCS DL -D" is V (ul Lener Th� l�rste WESUNION_ f«ted d� ac�u� Lc-D.e..<a ahl. Aloted b7 R1lnblc NLT-6b4 Niism gmbol above or pra 60110E tb0 edd[ti R. B. WHR6 HRWOOMI CMLTON J. O. Wn16VHR Shb RW4® Tim of modK is STANDARD TIMZ&tpdrA of4odn2ti LD17V1 19 STPAUL MINN 936A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL DLR 10 AM COURT HOUSE STPAUL MINN. WE URGENTLY REQUEST THAT YOU DO NOT ACCEPT BIDS ON CITY HANGAR AT THE STPAUL AIRPORT AT THIS TIME, STPAUL FLYING CLUB. 938AM TH1 OOHPANP wn& ApPRro=TE SGGGIETLONA P PPS PATRONS OWC30LMM ITS t®BW(= '.w WESTERN fml M,L--s Q.A55 OF �VICB This V • foilr.m DL -lar t..R. Te4pRmless Ib dm V ® N[ o.en.Y1..Te4ov d.aN.veN uln. - N Lc-tldeOd66l. 1 ��Rdt NLT-Cb6NYhti oedlnE the sdd.ra R. B. wtarej. c.L�RVP_Rpv is. STANDARD TIME st point of otfeia Thne of ,-dpt 1. STANDARD TIME" point of 4c tbu h LD19V1 23 3 EXTRA STPALA. MINN 942A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL STPAUL MINN WE URGENTLY REQUEST THAT YOU DO NOT ACCEPT BIDS ON THE CITY HANGAR AT THE STPAUL AIRPORT AT THIS TIME, W C R 1 EDEL, SECRETARY/ AND TREASURER SA NI TAR Y FARM DAIRIES, 945AM TOM OOIRANT WI.L APPREOfATI 9DOO6 ONS VROY ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS ®6801 Thw i SDIt WESTERN IZ01 SYMOLS i7ile S • fullmte DL -On tem. Tekpem or CaWv NT-OUam4'Tr pn pppsmmIm la ds' fnrcd cLmcltt loin•UNION LC-Dd CA U dYaad 6T • wittbk MT-C.M. NYN Iem.. efmbol shove of pre tedips f}u eddlelL �t-o`1TC .—COMB CwRLTCN n J v�ca-'rtaeiowi SbIPRdW­ The Stsed- shown in the dete line m tde m sed d"%UY STANDARD TIME et Perot of -flew. Time o! teodpt Y STANDARD TIME et point LD24V1 28 STPAUL MINN 956A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL STPAUL MINN BEING A MEMBER OF THE STPAUL FLYING CLUB AND TENNANT OF MUNICIPAL HANGAR I HOPE THAT YOU WILL CONSIDER OUR INTEREST AS PER THE LEASE OF STPAUL HANGAR, C J PIEMEISL 95TAM =8 OOMPANT WQ.L APPRAMRATE SDOOSSTIONS MOM ITB PATRONS ODNCA6NQiD M 111HV[Dl r l P1" 'lf v -w-% --ft-w LD27VI 12 STPAUL MINN 956A SEP 6 1940 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL, STPAUL MINN THE STPAUL AIRPOI-T IS OUR INTEREST,CONSIDER OUR INVESTMENTS AND NOT R02AWISCH, RAYMER AND WEST CLYING SERVICE, 959AM PID OOMPANT WILL APPROCIATM SDOOLSPIONS FROM ITS PATRONS OONOORNWO Pig SIRTIQO 11"i S"OoLs WESTERN QASS OF $FI[VI® Us.h..Z. UNI®w �..`�_\_\_\�V■,,e[ IWry[uinbk o[ Pte' I. c. wl[.Levea ledin>t [he eddbo. a. e. wHlTa or ....I i, DAJLDTLuz=tofdasUns0 LB20V1 1S 4 EXTRA STPAUL MINN 942A SEP 6 1940 HON MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL STPAUL MINN KINDLY CONSIDER OUR INTEREST AT THE AIRPORT AND GIVE MIDCONTINENT AIR LINES ]7JE CONSIDERATION LEXINGTON AIR SERVICE 946A TH1 C0.. NII.L ".MMA- BCOCmP— BSO[[ PPB PATSONB CONCS'MR PPB ei8PiC1 OF SWESTERN 1101 SY LS C].A55 ESVlCO DL -On lsna Th� 4 �full•ntu pw nleb ib dryV I.c.od,.�arcl. fined ehv�eter y Iry dlobd b9 soibble NLT-Oab6NYme gmbol e6ove Pb'wl� ER odin([6e nddaa.. a. B. WHITH _ _® ye ClluP'dme ehowo ie tba ylo Ilus au fel[Lnm uud dq le[fm+ d STANDARD TINE �[ point of ori�o. Time of .ebip[ 6 STANDARD TDA oL Ddn[ oldeaClouC LD33 F 22 STPAUL MINN 6 1029A C� HON MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COURT HOUSE STPAUL MINN BELIEVE IT URGENT OUR AIRPORT LEASE BE HELD IN ABEYANCE TILL SUCH TIME MIDCONTINENT AIRLINES CAN COMPLETE NEGOTIATIONS FOR ACQUIRING THIS PORT H MILLER 1030A T® Co"P WD.t. APPO=CIATf uuO wPIoN0 PSOY ITB PeT om commmm PPB ai6vtQ! original to City Clerk CITY OF -ST. PAUL ■ ea NO,------_.---_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LU ONE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Axel F. Peterson t ppTE Sept 7 19�4Q �1 COMMISSIONER RaOLVED, That upon the reconanendation of the Conmtissioner of Education and textbook cam>mittee set up by the Teachers' AdvisoryBoard and approved by the Superintendent of Schools, the following textbooks are hereby adopted for the public schools of the City of St. Pauls Junior Anthplogy - Grade 7 by 1yellons-Wilurnan-Smith published by Laidlaw Bros. Inc. list price $1.48 Junior Anthology - Grade 8 by "Yellons-bid1lurnan-Smith published by Laidlaw Bros. Inc. list price $1.56 RESOLVED FVRTHFR, That for the purpose of placing these textbooks in the public schools as aforesaid the Comaissioner of Education is author- ized on behalrof the'City of St. Paul to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these textbooks. COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan -�arrsnto'—'— Rosen . Fill IM tAIS•}esident (Paterson) prove,y ne tluperintenaent of - School., the following textbook. are - hereby adopted for the public- school. of the City of St. Paul: Junior Anthology= --Grade 7, by Wel- lons-MoTurnan-Smith pubtlshed by Laidlaw Bro.. Inc., list price $1.48. Junior Anthology --Grade 8 by Wel- ions-McTurnan-Smith published by Laidlaw Bros. Ino., llst price E1.68. Reeolved'Further, That for the Dur- pose of placing these teztbooke In the miss oner of Lrsducatlon Is authorized on behalf of the City of St. Paul to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these teztbooke. Adopted by the Connell Sept. 7, 1940. Approved Sept. 7, 1940. (Sept. 14, 1940) SEP 71840 Adopted by the Council:::.-----------------------19....--- Sp 71840 roved--/-f--1----------------------------- - In Favor ----- ------------ _...May- o v --------------Against orlainal to city ©ark C ITY OF ST. PAUL NO ..... ._-----_-_-..---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESPLUTIO NERAL FORM PRECOMMMISSIONER Axel F. Paterson - pA,F 3a�t=7_ i41�n RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Education and the textbook committee set up b y the Teachers' Advisory Board and approved by the Superintendent of Schools, the following textbooks are hereby adopted for the public school's of the City of St. Pault You and Your Co>mmmit -Grade 9 b Bob and Wheat published by D. . Heath - list price $1.8k if to displace Making a Living, adopted in 1930 andpublished by Macmillan Company, and Our Economic Life, adopted in 1934 and pub- lished by 7ohn C. Winston Company. RESOLVED FCI�PHriM, That for tIB purpose of placing these textbooks in the public schools as aforesaid the Commissioner of Education is authorized on behalf of the City of St. Paul to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these textbooks. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan --- Fet¢ m — Rosen —T: am 1M 17R. sident (Peterson) 10 Adopted by the Counc�f Q..... 7- 'il.-----19........ ap 71940 roved....- -----.............................19-. - .In Favor - - -- -- - - - - - ----------- Mayor/ ... .....Against C original to GUY Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL _ cm, No ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION,—G6NERALFORM 4, 1940 ^R RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner'of Education and the textbook co=ittee concerned the following textbooks are hereby adopted for the public schools of the Citys Language, Literature and Life - Book I by Scott -Horn, published by Scott Foresman & Company, list price $1.48 Language, Literature and Life - Book II by Scott-Sanford-Gummere published by Scott Foresman & Company, list price 1.68 Language, Literature and Life - Book III by Scott-Sanford-Gummere published by Scott, Foresman & Company, list price 1.72 to displace New Elementary Latin by Ullman and Henry published by Macmillan, adopted in 1929, and Second Latin Book by Ullman and Henry, adopted in 1925, pub- lished by Macmillan Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, That for the purpose of installing said texts in the the public schools as aforesaid, the Commissionerof Education is authorized on behalf of the City of.St. Paul.to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these texts. C F No. 180140—BY Asti F. Peterson—, nesWed. That :upou the recommen- Idatlon,of: the Corn-Gioner.of Educa-' i tion and^ textbook; commlttae-conoerneQI COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Rosen .-iretar"' im 2JDf$aVi4fIffis®ident (Peterson) bcoltfod- — II y -Sanr6ummere,pul&eW_ ed by Scott Foreaman & Company,. list; price $1.08. ' Language, Literature and Lite=Houk Irl ed by Scott, Foreamanu& Company,1 st price $3.78 to dteplace New Elementary Latin by U illaa ado t vp3929,.blishand 8 c nd Latta Book by Ullman and Henryy. ad0Dtfd in 1926r published by U...it- lan COMpany oFurther, That for the Pur - ... t . ose.. o[f I at In fold teats In the mfeeion r of Bducailon A. an rIx.M1 n behalf of tho City of, SI_ Paul to enter I ato an ngreaen n with the publishers for suDplY in , theea texts. Adopted by the Council; Sept. 7. 1044. Ep 7 Approved Sept 7. 940. ---------- .............. .------ 19--...... _ SEP 7 00 ved---------------- .19- --..In Favor .... ---.....----....................................................... May. -- ...... _......Against orlynal to City Clerk - 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL .a g No ------------------ ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLD to E AL FORM RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Education and the textbook committee set up by the Teachers' advisory Board and approved by the Superintendent of Schools the followidg textbooks are hereby adopted for the public schools of the City of St. Paul: Guidance in Reading - Grade 4 by William H. Johnson published by Lyons & Carnahan list price .$. 88 Guidance in Reading .. Grade 5 by William H. Johnson published by Lyons & Carnahan list price $.88 Guidance in Reading - Grade 6 by William H. Johnson published by Lyons & Carnahan list price .$.88 the above textbooks to displace The Story Hour Readers - Grades h. 5 and 6, published by the A'§lerican Book Company and adopted in 1928. P RESOLVED FURFHER, That for the purpose of placing these textbooks in the public schools as aforesaid the Commissioner of Education is authorized on behalf of the City of St. Paul to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these textbooks, C. FI'No. 120141 -By Axel F. Peters— solved, Thal' upon recomalebda- tion of the Commfeafoner OL Eduoa- tion ad the textbook ...of ttee oat i up by the Teachers' - Advisory Board I and approved byy the Superintendent. of Schools the foilowing `taXtbooke--arn+� hereby adopted for the public, acbe'.W of the City f St.- Paul: Guidance 1n Reading -(trade 4 by' I William N Johnson, published by Lyons & Cnrnahan, lint price, op. Guidance In Reading—orad' 6 by WIIII.m R. Johnson, published by Lyons -& Carnahan, list price ;0.88. Guidance to Aeading- (hada 6 by Wlnlam H. Johnson., pubnehed by Lyons & Carnatian lfet prl- $0.88 the above text Gotta to dtsDlace The Story Hour Renders—Grades-4, 6 and 6, Published by the American Book Com- pany and adopted }n 1828. Resolved Further, That for the pur- Doas of placing these textbook. In the missloOschools Education' ted authorlxed on behalf of the City of St. Paul to 'ter Into an - agreement. with the Publisher. for supplying these text - coke oke. Adopted by the Council Sept 7, 1940. Approved BeDt. 7, 1940. N.A. 14, 1840�)�p�— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council................................19-..-...- Yeas Nays Barfuss SEP 7 W Findlan proved.. -.--...............----------...9.....19.. - .In Favor in Rosen Ma or ur- - _-Against im V V �ldent (i?aterson) 4F Council File No .......... ...................... By---------------------•-------•--- -_----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 12014Z In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Mendota Avenue to Forest Street,, i ^E90LUTION &ATIVYINO ABlEBa 118827 117400 Final Order..117642 Y under Preliminary Order..._....._ ................. Intermediary Order...........-....-, -- approved January -30 ...._...19..40.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment -having been further -considered by the-Counoil,and'bavmgbeen considered finally satisfactory, be it -(herefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ir................. ...... ..egeetinstallmenth. SEP 111940 Adopted by the Council- ... ... ................................. ... ............................... 19......... City Clerk. SEP 111940 Approved............ ................ •........................ 19 Farm e. B. 18 Mayor. File 8877 PIIBLIS?-M, D_� _ (w CITY OF ST. PAUL ;i- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..._August._ _...? _1940 _ -- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fortlmt constructing a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Mendota Avenue to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order ..._..____116.&27___-._._.. ............... __....... Intermediary Order 117.4010 Final order.. _117 42 ................ __ .. . ... approved..._..........._Jan9a.?y-_ 0,....].940__...— ., =............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: ma erials, equipment, engineering End super - Cost of oax . vision Cost of publishing notice . $--.__-.-.3._60 _ Cost of postal cards . $................ .72____-_._. Inspection fees . $...._........ -- -- Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-.-.._1256.17 .,__-.,-._....,.... _....... ...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actior thereon as may be considered proper, Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Oritla.l to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "It c COUNCIL SOL 'ON---GENERAL FORM �n COMMISSIEONER Se tember 11 1 __._...____—___ DATE _.__� INZWLS, in the matter of the paving and improvement of Arcade Street between Case Avenue and Wheelook Parkway by the Department Of Highways of the State of Minnesota, the Commissioner of Highways has requested the City of St. Paul to supervise the construction of the aforesaid improvement, the said Commissioner agreeing to reimburse the City of St. Paul for actual engineering and inspection costs incurred, but not to axoeed the stmt of $2500.00; therefore, be it HSSMVED, That the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized and instructed to enter into agreement with the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota covering rein_ bursemlent for costs of engineering and inspection incurred by the City in connection with the paving and improvement of Arcade Street between Case Avenue and Wheelock ParkmW. ✓ COUT1CiLmE1I IJeas / Tlays /6arfuss i "'rlmllafl"---- ��ose/R n / t rUa�t 1-8(r. President, McDonough Drtl e14D CS aeann SEP 111940 Adopted by the Council________. SEP 111940 roved___ _ 194 Favor / , -- ------ - --- m r __--- 'Against__,..�._....--- .OalO1NwL� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL CITY-... _ N° 1003 COUNCIL,•AgSOLUTION FILE No.�._�..��._ OR AUTHORIZATIONOF LO L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. ^ _ DATE Sept. 6, 1940,.,— • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for grading Vassar Ave. (now Hoyt Ave.) from East Shore Drive to East Line of Alleys in Blocks 10 and 11, Overbrook Addition, to . WILLIAM EBERTZ, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and the Formal Bid No. 407 of said William Ebertz, for the contract price of $1553.41, in accordance with his supple- mentary letter dated September 4, 1946, reducing his bid from $1909.96 and also reducing the scope of the work to be done to keep the assess- ment within a reasonable degree of the original estimate, subh bid being the lowest bid and said William Ebertz being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is • directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said conttact on behalf of the City of St. Paul. (This reduction to be acceptable to the bonding company. FORMALBIO NO. F. NO. 120144—BY:M&O'CRaseD�-..,,{STIMATE S 1564.00 -�407 tesolved, That the Connoil hereby I NOTE, To It eewnne. A. To Fun.e wvAILAeL[ ar coMPrw rovea the award of the Cgatrant P mates thflrotor, and hereby-aTYard. t . ... <Datract fore grading•. Vassar •,Ava.-' - -- A r r 2rom-Ha Shore 11iirlve a PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE R� y,'�11jY 118ye .1n B10Cif8. 30 ffEMENT AS FOLLOWS: , J'" .'r 2,m' E 1553.41 I. A..E..E. w.AIN.T .ENE.ITTE. IR.I[RTY - - - - X. AFFROPRIwT[D FROM CITY. ON RE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COD[ - E S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.—[%EMIT 1101.RTY- 4. CODE E APPROPRIATED FROM .OND ...Ue—<Do. S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 1. B • 1553.41 COPIES TO: I HER..Y CERTIIY THAT THERE I. AN UNENCUMBEREDAL• CITY CLERK NC AVAILABLE IN THE AROYS STATED APPROPRIATION:- - COM CLERK ER N�I!`ReE THE 11 N A. IMPROVEMENT REVOLVINGLOCAL L IN' OVEMENT NO A.OVE UHT.. PUBLIC WORKS I PURCHASING IZMPTRO.OATCFIR11L ORDER ADOITCO L- - ---------- COUNCILMEN - SEP 111940 YEAS NAYS A.OPT[O BY THE COUNCIL _ • _ -- FAVOR SEP 111940 ---- APPROVED MR. PRESIDENT Boo A-.o C. aalaa G .•' t� (vy"�. _.�,f odYl..l to City Cl.rl. CITY Of SAINT PAUL FILECOUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY //!�'✓�'' /'ice- _ "GATEet��.('c�.l.,__L�_40_._ COMMISSIONER — ---- --- - -- -- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Model 784 Addressograph equipped with skipper and envelope ejector, 3700 style CB embossed plates and 24 Style CB card index filing drawers at a total cost not to exceed $380.85, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Auditorium - New Equipment- 1021 _V. No. 120146—By Milton ~.Rosen, by req....— y: R...1—d. That the Purohnalns Agolii" Adopt.d by th Council Sept. 11, 1940. ADDroyed 9eDt 11. 1940, (Bept. 14, 1940) SEP 111940 COUTICILMETi Adopted bil the Council___ — ---1134__ Teas nays /. SEP 111940 n an roved__ t94_ Pte_ \ In Favor - _- _. — - --- - Eve -- - T31 or I Rose /Cu max Against 1,M'r. President, McDonough Siii S-90 CS !] 00hm.1 to city clerk CITY O SAINT PAUL coUNCIL FILE NO._._..—_.. OFFI THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION--GENERAL FORM 'r e4COMMISSIONER DATEf• Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he,,;Ls hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Workhouse, 99 pigs at a total cost of $817.63, from TiFE RING PIG COMPANY, without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm - 1016 -131 C'". No. 180146—Bq MIR." R -"-n Resolved, Th4t the Purckasing Agent' be, and he III hereby authort0.ed to Dur-. haee, with the consent. ot. the. Comp- troller, for.tl,e St: P4u1Workhouse, 99 Dicta at 4 total east of "."t'."" 8i7.68,. from The )Sing PIB ComD4ny, without ad- vertteement, s this to the only way a Lhec Bouth fat�Pavlk Market. mCharge Workhouse Farm�1018-131. Adopted by'the Council 9.Dt. 11, 1940. ADDroved Sept. 11, 1940. (BeDt. 34, 1040) I C011RCiLMETI Adopted by the Council SEP .111940 194_ Leas / hays /B/rf uss SEP 11 ��dfl t�— In FavorP11p Truax Against '1116. President, McDonough sin 3•4o cs 23338 Orilin.l to CItY Ckrt COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILM NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE .September 10 1940 COMMISSiONER_- --- --"— - " RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue Suhh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Marian Lavelle 6g E. Colorado Confectionery App. 43254 New Old Loca. Lee M. Weiss 621 Wabasha St. Restaurant N 43310 " Old Loca. George Tisell 193 W. 7th St- Restaurant " 43880 " Old Loca. Morris W. Gardner 22 S. Washington, Mpla. Phot Peddler n 44009 Pitchman Peddler 15 E. 7th St. Stank Allen " 44019 " COUTICTLTRE" I]eas �/ Tlays �8arjnss __•TindkM __JPWTffrdv_ /Rose _/Truax ,TTIr. President, MCDondugh am 3• o C525333 C W. ti Psrrstrto 1ohn 8. 'Indica '* Resolved, Thnt licensor DDI ed for by the persons named on the listat- tached to. this resolution be and the same are hereby Granted a Bathe City Clark 'is Instructs to issue auchlicen- ... upon the paYment into tits city treasury of the reQulr.11,1 es: - AppDoyea Sethept. i1,t19f09eDt. 11, 1940. i (Sept. 14, 1940) At Adopted by the Council _. SEP .__.. 1190 194 _ _ -- Wp 111940 Approved____ l� -- - r Aqainst OrI/laal to City Clerk C.,4. No. 120148—Sy G. H. Sariueu— W. A. Pananto—John S. Modica— ' ' Reeolved�. That llcacase applied for A ^� 21)'Q 4•a „t (0 by the persona named on.-the Itetat' urea CITY C tached to. this resolution �b and; -.the NO, 1 ams are hereby granted . and the Clty rs OFFICE Clerk In. (..treated to 199ue'3.eh 1(cen- COUNCIL RESOL ee9 upon n payment Into the city. treaenry,oi� the mglred tees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. Approved-Sept 11, 1940. PRESENTED BY (Sept. 14, 1940).. tember 10 1940 COMMISSIONER ___.. _. RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Frank E. Mikscbl 496 Thomas Ave. Butcher App. 43566 Renewal St. Paul Buick, Divn. of W.R.Stephens Co. 165 Pleasant Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr." 43711 " Nels Ylvisaker 1222 Randolph St. Gas Station " 43913 " Boyd & Skoog 488 Rice St. Tavern If 43819 " if n 11 "5z Dance Hall 11 43820 n J. H. McKenna 790 S. Cleveland Confectionery If 43925 If Midtown Motors Sales 1223 University 2nd Hand Auto Dlr.n 43927 " Mrs.. A. Lee 921 Selby Ave. Grocery " 43828 " If n n n Off Sale Malt If 43929 " C��rr 1 E. Jo son 678 Ohio St. Grocery " 43930 " C4P r. N 1 119SE7(*st Butcher " 43831 " Harry R. Frye 979 E. 5th St. OilBurner Install." 43833 n Herman Nelson 286 Rice St. Gas Station " 43934 " Rex Oil Co. 207 Como Ave. GasStation y- 43935 " Charles Dick 201 N. Snelling Grocery " 43839 " a n n n Off Sale Malt n 43940 " J. Wiener & Son 670 Canada St. Butcher if 43841 n Hulda Larson 2225 University Restaurant n 43842 " Geo. J. Miller 1017 W. 7th St. Barber " 43944 " John R. Sevcik 421 N. Dale St. Grocery " 43945 If COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council__._ I]eas Ilays Barf ass --_i-inain. — -- Approved_._.— --1Ba—_— ______In Favor ----- ---- --Petersoft— ---- - Mayor Rosen Truax -___—Against Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3.40 G 23338 i- Original to City Clerk -" CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL PIL" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By _—_______ DATE .Sept 10 1940 COMMISSIONER- -2- F. OMMISSIONER -2- F. C. Thompson 376 Wabaeha Restaurant App. 43846 Renewal Kemper Motor Co.Inc. 801-5 E. 7th St. Gas Station n 43847 " Kemper Motor Co. Inc. ll it 2nd Hand Auto Dir.n 43848 " Justin Curran 484 S. Wabasba Gas Station " 43849 " O.B. Oil Co. Inc. 418 E- 9th St. Gas Station " 43554 n Mary Sandstrom 1783 E- Minnehaha Bakery " 43858 " Victor E. Fait 480 S. Snelling Confectionery n 43859 It Mary Nemer 543 W 7th 2b. Off Sale Malt It 43860 " P. C. McMahon 455-59 St. Peter St. Hotel " 43864 " Martin Salzwedel 2759 W. 7th St- Gas Station " 43871 " s it It n Restaurant n 43570 n Theodore %riz 710 S- Smith Ave. Bakery " 43573 " National Tea Go. 2040 Ford Pkwy. Grocery n 43574 " it It Butcher it 43575 " Joe Paymar 250 E. 7th St- 2nd Hand Dlr. n 43577 " Graetzman Bros. 858 Thomas Ave. Grocery " 43$82. n i, li n s Butcher n 43883 n Uebe1 & Strandquist 699 N. Snelling Gas Station " 43556 n St. Paul. Nash Motors 184 W. College Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr." 43597 " John Stasny 1053 N. Western . Ice Station " 43,9^03 " C011IlCiLiRER Adopted by the Council_.SEp 1��4CL l]eas� Ilays Bar{uss SEP 11 t� Approved—_--__— 104--- - Findlan arra^ o In favorIIla � Against _,JF14. President, Mcl)onough sm 3.40 C9 23338 oogla.l to city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL CoUNOILFILE NO.--- OFFICE O. —OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM COMMI54ION ER ----------- DATE SEp1 EESOLPED2 That license for Hotel, application 43939, applied for by Mrs. D. D. Pearson at 443 W. 4th St. be and the same is hereby granted tan and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, Informally approved by council, Sept. 5, 1940, Old Location. counclLmEn Ileas nays /Barjuss rintlian Pana�`nio 3e/ n /C/ruax President, McDonough SM 3.40 CS 23338 C. ResolvedEOThaat 181 .... ffarHot l g.eDD Ifcation -.48939, applied for by Mrs. D Pearson at 44 i4 W. 4th at be and cgdouted ity. clerk 1. instr o here cts toissued such ncense upon the Payment into the city i treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. Approved. Sept. 11, 1940. (Sept. 14, 1940) yy n� Adopted bi) the CouncilSEP s l 1940 SEP 111940 Approved------------iB4---- Favor _ __�_Agaitlst t.. No..1801b0—sy4,g�aKdes M1Vg 7. ��°., A, Pars9atb--JoLa 8. H'1 %o Odilsd to City Clerk P ResolveQ• That licenses ayyDned for by tha. persons tarried on, rho- list. at- N�'� NO. CITY OFA tacked to this reaolntion be and. the same are hereby granted and'the Cityl OFFICE OF Clerk Is Instructed to issue such ltoen- nes; upon the DaYment Into the altp COUNCIL RESOLD treaanry of the rsgnlred fees. Adopted by the Cuenca Sept. 11, 1940. .Approved Sept. li 1940. PRESENTED By , (Sept. Si, 1940) tember--11•r_1.940—._ COMMISSIONER -- - — - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated the clerk is instructed to issue such be and the same are hereby granted and city licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. Frieda Salisbury 774 Arcade St. Ice Station App. 42923 .Renewal A. A. Zahrback 759 Cromwell Ice Delivery " 43324 " " 43325 " li n n ll Ice Station Harry J. Muggley 383-5 Robert St. Restaurant " 43650 " n 43651 " 0a 0 11 On Sale Malt Dave Selnick 362 N. Dale St. Grocery " 43659 Jack G. Pavo 14 W. 7th St. Grocery " 43691 n Arlene Oldfield 355 Jackson St. Restaurant " 43719 " George Damian 238 Front St. Ice Station " 43727 " -Chas. H. Homeier Globe Bldg. Restaurant ° 43741 n Walter J. Gaertner 391 Robert St. On Sale Malt +' 43911 ° " 43912 It n n n Restaurant Hasely Bros. 707 Wilson Ave. Grocery " 43s65 " " 43866 n " r n n Butcher Yale Winnick 20 E. Fairfield Junk Dealer " 43978 " Christine Sanders 363 Minnesota St. Restaurant " 43997 " Gladie Davidson 406-8 Minnesota St. Bowling Alleys " 43599 Walter Nelson 1180 E. 7th St. n n Restaurant�„� On Sale Malt 4390 n r n n n n Off Sale Malt " 43902 " Strobel Bros. 2119 Grand Ave. Butcher gg 433906 " n n n n 0£f'sHe Malt C01111C1LMEn Adopted bit the Council_-_. geas flays Barf uss Approved __-__in Favor ---- - Mayor Rosen Truax --__ —Against Mr. President, McDonough 3111 3-40 CS 2336- ' UdAind m city clot COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV __ _ ____ DATE _�_ COMMISSIONER--- -- - -2- Arthur N. Gauthier 1824 Grand Ave. Barber App. 43909 Renewal A. P. Nelson 625 N. Robert St. 2nd Hand Auto Dlr." 43911 ^ Bertba Simunds 1187 Payne Ave. Confectionery " 43912 If Irvin D. Lewis 1439 Arcade St. Gas Station If 43913 if Carl Zerfahs 184 E. 10th St. Grocery " 43919 " Agnes )£Esus 561 Charles St. Butcher " 43922 " Fred Herriges 2607 W. 7th St. Gas Station " 43924 John M. Sullivan 1211 E. 7th St. Confectionery " 43926 White Castle System 172 E. 6th St. Restaurant 43927 n Paul Leonhart 849 E. 7th St. Restaurant 43929 If If u n On Sale Malt " 43930 " 11 u n n Off Sale Malt " 43931 " Goldie Geller 238 E. Fairfield Ave. Grocery ° 43933 Agnes Connolly 1853 Randolph St. Grocery " 43936 " 241 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 43972 " James Manos " n n n u On Sale Malt " 43973 Off Sale Malt " 43971+ " Matt Webdr 20 E. 7th St. R$stsurant" 43975 s n On Sale Malt 11 43976 " n n " " If n If Off Sale Malt " 43977 E. 1 th St. Vehicle Peddler " 44020 ^ Salvador Ciresi 235 3 " 44021 ^ n s u n Foodstuff VP: SEP 111940 Conn tnlEn Adopted bq the Council _.. _ yeas � nags SEP A 11940 /B/arjnsst9a__._ Approved-------- �t In Favor :� ---- -- Against -""ruax t. president, McDonough sm 3-4 - GS aaaae Oritia.l to City CkrY ' CITY SAINT PAUL COUNCIL BILE OFFIC THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL R UTION---GENERAL FORM C �n PRESENTED BY � ^ _ DATE COMMISSIONER— — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 70-72 octane, from H. K. STAHL CO. at a price of ,$ .09920 per gallon, less 1/ discount. ten days on refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUTICILMETI leas Tlays "barjuss 'Roge/ n 7if/run r. President, McDonough Sin e•ao Cs sews C. F. No. 120151—By Milton Ro end Resolved, That the Purchaeing Agent be,, and.: he to hereby authortia t I purobase -with the consent of the Jday or and tea Comptroller one tank aar api roxlmatel 9,000 $nllone ', Q- ..T.rd gasoline; 701, octane,Yrom 2. x' 9tahi C0..at a vprlce oIt i•09920 Der gallon, laeg, lgb; dlseount day" on refinery • price, lacluding stato tot and .state laeDeciton,. on informal blds ae. an '. emergency eaters where failure. to 'act to tly would work a'horaahlp'to the beat Patereste of the City. Charge tlan- eral nd —Municipal EQulpment.— 1003-134. n Ad0Dte the.Coucll 9eDt. 11; 1940. Sept. l ADDro�ed i .1940. (90pL 14, 1940), Adopted by the Council SEP 111940 104_ SEp 111940 In Favor Approved __.__t94___ , �' " nlay __Again t ir C. F NO. 120152-8y, 1HUton Rosen, Orldia.1 tAfty Ck,k Q,� !111 at the action of the U- tLa d,. L 2` `1 CITY OF SAINT NO— CITY 0 TH 0 OiFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0' COUNP�RiIE'SOLUTION­GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY 4. COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED, that the action of the Committee on Lands, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 8144, approved July 30, 1940, for the purchase of that reale state situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lots 18,-21, 22, 23, 35 to 46 in Block 5, all in Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition; Lots 5 and 10, Block 5, and Lot 8, Block 10, St. Alban & Dion's Rice Street Addition; Lots 19 and 20, Block 5. and Lots 30 and 31, Block 6. Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition; .from the owners thereof for the aggregate sum of Five Hundred Fifty- two Dollars ($552.00) without encumbrance, which land is required for the purposes of municipal waterworks of the City of Saint Paul, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and empowered to draw warrants in said sum of $552.00 in favor of the owners of said real e state, to be delivered in the ease of the portion of said premises owned by the State of Minnesota by virtue of forfeiture in delinquent tax proceedings, to the proper public officials entitled to accept the same for, the _State of Minnesota on account of ths-ptichase of said premiseeF lia accordance',with the, rules governing the, same, and in the case of the portion of said premises privately owned, to the 9,yer or owners of the same upon the delivery of a proper deed of convene of the same, approved by the Corpora- tion Counsel; that said pu3afhase price shall be paid and d istributed as follows: $452.00 there, , to be paid as the consideration for the conveyance of such forfeited lands owned and held by the State of Minnesota, the same being sing all of the aforesaid real estate, exclusive of said Lots 19 and 200 Block 5, and said Lots 30 and 31, Block 6. Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition, and the remainder, $100.00 thereof, to b a paid :kw the ConalftratAon for the conveyance of said Lots 19 and 20, Block 5 and said Lots 30 and 31, Block 6. Eisenmenger & Zaspell Is Lake Park Addition, unto the,, City of Faint Paul, the c ost of said land to be charged to Water Department Fund, Code 23; COUTICILMEn easTlaqs iarjusis -11"Mr- ---ra—rr­anT6— In Favor Rosen Truax ---Against Mr. President, McDonough .in ­. CS ...3. Adopted by the Council 194 Approved_-_—__ 194 Magor 009In41 t. City Clrrk couNC IL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILMNO.— ---- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ____ DATE -------- — COMMISSIONER --� _ _-�— BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as respects the purchase of said privately owned real estate, the disbursement of the consideration to be paid for the conveyance thereof, shall be conditioned upon the filing of an opinion by the Corporation Counsel to the effect that the City's vendor of record has a good arketable which pinioto the pres;s to bn shallbecbaseded to upon athe City, duly certified abstract of title, and that as respects said lands owned and held by the State of Minnesota by virtue of forfeiture in _ proceedings to enforce the collection of delinquent real estate taxes, the consideration to be paid for the conveyance of such property shall be disbursed only upon the filing by the County Attorney with the City Comptroller of an instrument in writing, certifying that such lands were legally so forfeited to the State and are owned and held by the State by virtue of such forfeiture which certificate shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that resolution, Council File No. 119900 be and the same hereby is annulled and vacatedy and be it y MTnR RESOLVED, that such certificate by the County Attorney shall be deemed to be in lieu of an abstract or certificate of title pertaining to said forfeited lands and no further evidence respecting the title thereof shall be required as a condition to the payment of the said purchaseprice. counaLmen leas nags arf uss n m` 06 - In Favor os rua / "Against r. President, McDonough sm 14. CS ...Is SEP 190 ., Adopted bii the Council_._ - ---194— Sfp 111540 A roved,__—. ----194__ — — ITIa r J, p AMENDED REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs'.to report that it has undertaken to purchase the following descri4. d real estate, to -wit: Lots 1 sad 2, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 1; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 2; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Lots 18, 21, 22, 23, 35 to 46, in Block 5; all in Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition; Lots 5 and 10, Block 5, and Lot 8, Block 10, St. Alban & Dion's Rice Street Addition; Lots 19 and 20, Block 5, and Lots 30 and 31, Block 6, Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition; according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, in accordance with Ordinance Nb 8144, approved July 30, 1940, required for municipal waterwOrke purposes, and that said property can be pur- chased for the sum of Five Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ($552.00). Said premises, exclusive.of Lots 19 aid 20, Block 5, and Lots 30 and 31, Block 6, of Eisenmenger & Zaspell's Lake Park Addition, are ovned and held by the State of Minnesota by virtue of f orf eiture in delinquent tax proceedings, and the remainder of the property is in private ownership. The dove price represents the consideration for conveyance to be made to the City covering the above property, free and clear of encumbrance. The above purchase price is apportioned as follows: Four Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ($452.00) as the price to be paid for the forfeited lands held by the State, and One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to be paid for the privately owned lands. The Committee recommends that said land be purchased upon the terms above set forth. COMMITTEE ON LANDS Mayor Commissioner of Public Utflities �purogent ormla.l to City CMrt _ 12. ;y � { 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CpOUCNCIL NO.__ _. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER vV _—.___________. __..____ DATE r RESOLVED, that the application of Mayer Carburetor & Ignition Company for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 3, Block 2, Hopkins' Addition, also described as No. 262 East Fourth Street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COnnCILMEn teas / nags /Ba/rf uss 4 �o en r/LrnA esident, McDonough SRI e�40 CS 23358 -�-- C Resolved 2 Tha Bthe$ ap 1lCatlon"Of' May r -Carburetor & Ignit on Company-' for Dermiseloa to erect and' malntatn a DU it. 6araga on LOb 8 Block 2'-H -Xlne' Addition, also described s N4 202 Haet Fourth Street, is heretlyBr%- ed, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildingsis authorized and instructed to Issue a Der It therefor Adopted by WeCounelliSeDt. 11, 1940. ADproVad Sept. 11 .1940. (Sept. 11 940) Adopted blI the Council 3EP 111A _194 SEP 111940 Approved_______ _194__ In Favor m r /1J _Against CITY OF' SAINT PAUL;. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clark and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 3, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Mayer Carburetor & Ignition Co. for permission to erect a public garage on lot 3, Block 21 Hopkins Addition, also knovm as 262 E. Fourth St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. v .r NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO tRft* PUBLIC GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuknt to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 444A 3 190, to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by for permission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minne- sota, to wit: Lot 3 , Block o2. , Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the S side of St. Ave., between r1a� S t . Ave. and P-a.a� _ ST. Ave., Number: 01 6 L, —4 St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, Vii. Y Affidavit of Publication STATE, OF MYlV18ESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey, f ............... ...................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publtcatibns, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, EL )MOMMMft4f, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for mora than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ..... Not.SGB..ie.i..P.(e�.Y7tltilt..t4..Opq rMe..4L..701.lA..QaLrgge ..- •.�. Y.,(: ......... hereto attached, said newspaper was pt7nted and published In the Migllsh language from its known office of publication In the city of St Paul in the County of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be Issued, daily at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been Issued from its known office as above stated, established in said plass of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Printing the same; has had in Its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been Hone In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and muo.ellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry asSecondeases mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place oI publication; that there has been and is on Ille in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper �xoxtcz ovrria°wTigx �° r a- proof by ane having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- ffi,f,-,o ilibe ee ERt�'en``YYGGaaiI Wtiu oto liCattOn Of Iegal nOYlCeP. 0[alnenceN 7210 frt11 t7tt t made 1?Ru�apininli 3 1BYb`."� n Mc Y °onn• - 1 sit of Ne , Ity of 9twCDifnne.., or D{srer rburet r a to raR+ loon That the ........ ... NOTICE ....... .. ern e.ton r t ew9 to euw• ............ • ............ .. hereto attached tp�s tonewln. a �xeea AWE teoe t¢. a.lt• was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed and published therein 1n ted i¢ gn�9tmm !Y ° ty; n;', dlll�o.. toe i T.gt 3. 81orx 20 P-1.F-ftwbkm bewtween .Wr ut a% . nei�ei se a i e P vee U i ° s. e T 1 p H 1t 1,wo. the Eogllslr language, OS061C0810XSf9PaC for ....... ��lZ'........I4.....•[9C06�f9EM9CD000 ..(Pres DI o�. 'ku6 17 19.20:) that it was first so published cn..UrtArdAy ...... the.......... ..... day of ...... Anglusl...... I 1940, and thereafter on.Auguat..19-arm-r19r4chNa1 *x to and Including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and 18 hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: .bodershtlkIm¢opgr.ta 1.zr. Subscribed and sworn W before me tins.20Stktlay f .... ll`ft............ 1940 �Publlc, .......... ................ utnty;•Mhy -ota My °IINoesty Ptdilie R9m ; j pjodSt 9... \__ My Commission F.plrm Aec.15,1943. a bed* f g h I J k I te no P q r t uVwxyz .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 2Q of .... _X44at ........... 19.4.0 Public, Ramsey County, -6icaesota 3. L M.CO04 eo on es mr Commission Ezpims Dec. 15, IM idavit of Publication STATVP.FMMME ,OM, S& Count Y of R;aAwy, ............ .......... being duly sworn, on oath Bays: that he now Is, and during all the time �W hes been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the X1XMM3XafiXM=St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed.............. C�­­­­* ... * Q, gA7...... ereto attached, said newspaper n� was printed and published in the English language Its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It purports to be Issued, daily as least six days of each week in column and Sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publt- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of Interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and misoanny; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second elm mail matter In the local postoffice of Its said place of publication; that there has been and Is on file in the �APPMCAXJLO 9MAIVA -IVOT office of the County Auditor of the County in which Said publication was made, proper by one having knowledge the facts, its for — I , &Q. gy��.G _t to proof of of qualifications as a newspaper pub- Non. J.,b...,bj 1,b. el"K b. lication of legal notices. Paul�ylembe S. tWN-th. ca cneeVn. a. e6 the'. MW b, on o Ito I +on..I W. "I'd That the ........................ NOTICE .................. hereto attached .t;A I.' PA -W, Wit'106- W" Mt 3 Bi-& " oo', Ith. South aift,Of was cut from the columns of Said new and was printed published therein in �tat;_otw­tft St. a.d Fourth SL 3t o,nnbar 262 E-,= 1tos" 84. Saint Paul jl�t,d 't - M11 the English language, ors wimmmm for..... Thrae.-tizas al"KMMME; 17.- 1940- 61 Aog. .... that It was first so published on.AQA.Urd4LV ....... the ..... 1.7.th ........... day of .....A49140......... lG.+Qand thereafter to and including the ......................... day of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a bed* f g h I J k I te no P q r t uVwxyz .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 2Q of .... _X44at ........... 19.4.0 Public, Ramsey County, -6icaesota 3. L M.CO04 eo on es mr Commission Ezpims Dec. 15, IM WM. J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN CLINTON A. HACKBRT ROBERT B J. SCHOCH, M. D. Fire Chief Supt. of police and Fire Alarm Chief of Police Health Officer... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota e �epaztrfr,er�t o� �u��ac �a�ete� Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS'Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner October 9, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Mayer Carburetor and Ignition Company for permit to install and operate a public garage at 262 East Fourth Street. Inspections were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspectors. From their reports, hereto attached, you will note there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very rely yours, Commissioner �fPablic Safety �tIREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH Care - Common Sense - Courtesy 7 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 4 1940 Mr. C. A. Heckert Chi of of Police Dear Sirf This is in reference to your letter of August 180 1940, requesting.that I make an investigation and submit a report to you on the application made by the Mayer Carburetor and Ignition Company for permission to install and operate a public garage and "driveway over the sidewalk to same, located on Lot S, Block 29 Hopkins Addition, also known as 262 East Fourth Street. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints and do not find that this driveway will materially integers with the movement of ttiaffio. From a traffio standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours very truly, Hery�N-Wlhttargraa Superintendent of Traffic Wlf a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - _ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 9th, 1940. Hon. O. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety= Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by the Meyer Carburetor and Ignition Company for permission to install and operate a public garage and driveway over same, located on Lot 3, Bloch. 2, Hopkins Addition; also known as 262 E. 4th Street. We have made the usuai investigation of the foregoing location and report that there would be if this ser- ious increase in the fire haard of that vacinity installation is permitted. Yours very truly, Chief Fire Inspector. WCB/z TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAULIAPPLICATION TO MAD IN P LICATE'AND F LED IH TXl CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK euRH•t OFFICE. Application For License DATE TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL' OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made; FILED—. TURE. �APPLIC '.i BY •'MS + „ BUtIN[88 AOORH88. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK GATE 1B— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY BY (NAM7[j(J/O' P PIRM OR INDIVIDUAL', ' T Ff�.�I�A l �'L"' f FOR PERMIT TO INBT L AND OP y'±� ♦ ! IORIV[ IN R IN91DH OAPwOI 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT BLOCK } 1 • `t f �LI LSO DESCRIBED A6 P lF •C: A . I6TR[[ NO NUM t IADDITIONI FILED—. TURE. �APPLIC '.i BY •'MS + „ BUtIN[88 AOORH88. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK GATE 1B— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St, Paul, Minn. .... Augu.st..31+....._._.......19..40- You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of application of Mayer Carburetor & Ignition Co. to construct a public garage and private driveway over sidewalk at 262 E. Fourth St., on Lot 3, Block 2, Hopkins Addition and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on September 11 , 19 40, in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. = John S. Findlan, 'Amp. Commissioner of Finance. File 9088 ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. M.GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HE E OLD, Secretor gieeer y THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 279 COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry T. otoonnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir i September 10th, 1940. /20 1,.--]? In the matter of application of the Mayer Carburetor Company to install and operate a public garage and driveway over the sidewalk to some at 262 E. Fourth Street. This is on the south side of Fourth St. between Rosebel and wacouta Streets, and is making nee of a vacant building. The driveway is to be 12 ft. wide at the building line and there will be a hallway 3o ft. long for oars. The plans for drive- way and curb returns are in accordance with the City9s standards. The Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. MCAR01D, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTT COMMISSIONER SUR[AU OF CONST. S REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. GFFIDE ENGIN[Ew G. H. HERROLO September 11, 1940 CHIEF ENGA. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Mr. Harry O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. Suer. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORR[CTIONE RAY J. KARTAK, SUPT. In the matter of the application of the Mever Carburetor Company to install and operate a public garage and driveway at 262 1. 4th Street, you are advised that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department. The driveway plan is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, h'J . RGE Y. SHEPARD isf Engineer 0091s•1 to City Clerk F. No. 1$0154 By Bred. lli. Truaz— �iP �' Resolved, That Dermisslon..ba and Clay'OF .j ""'by W"" to [ho Erlckeoa Motor ur4cit. \ Oil Company [n lh-o"'a ..and oDera[e F NO.—.- 4, OFFICE OF 11;a, and ddiioa, COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENtZ kir ww� COMMISSIONER C�A/tom cis ti/ RESOLVED, that permission be and it Is hereby given to the Erickson Motor & 011 Company to install.and operEme a drive-in filling station on Lots 4 and 5, Block 15, Bazin & Robert's Addition, located at the svvAiw orner of South Robert Street and Chicago Avenue, in accordancewith the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will auto- matically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COunCILm6n geas _ !/ hays 't5arjuss O$P Truax President, McDonough nm x-40 C31»3! SEP 111940 Adopted by the Council _ . 194 (� SEP 111940 pproved__. __`------- —194--- i In Favor / / Maya _Against PULLISHI D [� Mr. Harry T. OiConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Erickson Motor & Oil Company for permission t tall and operate a drive-in filling station at the est corner of So. Robert St. end Chicago Ave. This is m Lots 4 and 5, Block 15, Bazil & Robertfs Addition. The zoning is Heavy Industry. The applicant asks for 3 pumps and 3- 1000 gallon storage tanks. The plant is on trackage. The applicant has 100 ft. on So. Robert St. and 119 ft. on Chicago Ave. There will be an in and out driveway on So. Robert St. end one driveway on Chicago Ave. The plans are in accordance with the City's standards. The Board of Zoning recommend this location and approve the plans. No hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George H: Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BOARD OF ZONING c•TY'rm �k0 y�x Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, 1944 gra d SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 111; 13i >' ?Q 479 COURT HOUSE ��- �. C September 11th, 1940. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD J. WGLYNN EGIN WAHMAN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HE OLD. Secret ar E qin ar y Mr. Harry T. OiConnell, City Clerk, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Erickson Motor & Oil Company for permission t tall and operate a drive-in filling station at the est corner of So. Robert St. end Chicago Ave. This is m Lots 4 and 5, Block 15, Bazil & Robertfs Addition. The zoning is Heavy Industry. The applicant asks for 3 pumps and 3- 1000 gallon storage tanks. The plant is on trackage. The applicant has 100 ft. on So. Robert St. and 119 ft. on Chicago Ave. There will be an in and out driveway on So. Robert St. end one driveway on Chicago Ave. The plans are in accordance with the City's standards. The Board of Zoning recommend this location and approve the plans. No hearing is necessary. Yours very truly, George H: Herrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, OEPUTT CONMIaeIONER BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. OFFICE ERGINE.. •� �(� G. H. HERROLD September 11, 1940 CHIEF ENG.. CLERK September MARK W. WOODRUFF Mr. Harry O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUFT. BUREAU OF BRIDGES M. S. GR YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUFT. In the matter of the applioation of the Etriekson Motor and 011 Company for Permissil)-UItO install and operate a drive-in filling station at the eat corner of South Robert Street and Chicago Avenue, you are advised that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department, the application is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. yours very truly, 'rl . • t� SIDiPABD ?Ob,i.&;;iu'eer CLINTON A. HACEERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WEL J. SUDEITH G. E. BRISSMAN Chief of Police Health Officer Fire Chief Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �eradwe'd 0,1 pwl;c Salelrl Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 7, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to application made by the Erickson Motor & 011 0cmpeny for permit to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lots 4 and 5, Block 15 of Basil and Robert's Addition, which is also described as the northwest earner of Robert Street and Chicago Avenue. Inspections of these premises were made by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, and William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector. You will note from their reports, which are attached, that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. PT Very truly ytqure, Co��//m dmaaai�fo��nererr of lio Safety PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH Care - Common Sense - Courtesy THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 6 1940 Mr. G. H. Barfus s Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir It This is in reference to application made by the Erickson Motor & Oil Company for permission to install and operate a drive—in automobile filling station to be located on Lots 4 and 5, Block 15 of Bazil and Robert's Addition; which is also described as the&ewest oorner of Robert and Chicago Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspection of the premises and blue prints for this station and do not find that the station or driveways will materially interfere with the movement of traffic* From a traffic standpoint there will be no objection to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, Harry N. N ergren Superintendent of Traffic wIf c THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 6th,1940. Honorable G. H. Barfass Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs In regard to the application made by the Brickson Motor & Oil Company for permission to install and operate a drive-in automobile filling station to be located on Lots 4 and 5, Block 15 of Basil and Roberts Addition. which is also dbscribed as the Northwest corner of Robert d, Chicago Avenue. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard of that vicinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if this installation is permitted. Respectfully Yours. Chief Sire Inspector. WCB/j TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL TH I AIPLIC TION TO IE MADE IN TR:'­�A­ AND ""' IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTC40BIWE FILLING STATION DATE— 1931� TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AN. OPERATE A I.- OR -Ow 06"1 ­ ,.,/" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT -BLOCK (.1- AND NUM.6"I IA.PIT. ONI . A. No OF PUMPS . . . NO OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK r IF APPLICANT.FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE IB_ DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC SAFETY BY -7 "v 4, BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE 19 - CITY PLANNING BOARD SN . i or: ---,vr+IOEs 4.IPrI.Qu: Lo T,.n - �i n To nuRain r) r,,. S7 AT to m o r­ 'EQ_*c_r Sow -mc—ok- r 011 c 1.1 C. NIEMEYER, ARCHITECT NEW YORK BUILDING ISAINT. PAUL, MINN,-SOTA py—Ic-0 commisslo" O'l SHWaT No. �E � � �_ �P� ' 8 14 — i --------- - 01 It J Pro e'iy Lin -5 A' L L kt- el 16-1 e ed 0: . i or: ---,vr+IOEs 4.IPrI.Qu: Lo T,.n - �i n To nuRain r) r,,. S7 AT to m o r­ 'EQ_*c_r Sow -mc—ok- r 011 c 1.1 C. NIEMEYER, ARCHITECT NEW YORK BUILDING ISAINT. PAUL, MINN,-SOTA py—Ic-0 commisslo" O'l SHWaT No. �E � � �_ �P� ' 8 14 — i --------- - 1st. 2nd. i B Laid over to 3rd. & app. � i Adopted Yeas N Yeas Nays Barfus Barfuss Findlan/ip Findlan 1,Parranto Parranto Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Truax '40 Truax Mr. President a Mr. President Fallon �O�FWIN�ANCIE.R1 MAINTAIN AND APPURTENANCES PRODUCTS UNDEi BOULEVARD, PR: THE CITY OF Si ORDINANCE REN] OF THE PUBLIC Y+ 201_5& MANTING PERMISSION TO THE WOOD 7INING COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT, )PERATE`PIPE LINES WITH NECESSARY FOR THE CONVEYING .OF.PETROLEUM tNEATH THE SURFACE OF MISSISSIPPI 4"-V [CR AVENUE AND SHERIDAN STREET,IN LINT PAUL. . THIS IS ANEMERGENCY:, >ERED NECEBSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION PEACE,. HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 2 Section 1. That permission and _authority hereby: granted to Wood River Oil & Refining Company, a Kansas oorpor- ation, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate pipe lines with the necessary appurtenances for the conveying of petroleum products from the following desoribedr' . premises situate in the City of .:Saint. Paul, ,•:.County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to --wit: Except�'West 100 feet; and except part£tc City,- Ali Lot 31, Franklin Steele Subdivision of"Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 21, Town M. Range 23, i underneath the surface of Mississippi River-Boulevard,_Prior Avenue and Sheridan Street to the following described premises situate in the<bity of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of,Minnesota, to wit: All that part of the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 21, in T. 28, R. 23, lying S. of the right-of- way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, the Stly boundary of said right-of-way being parallel with and distant SO feet_S!ly of, measured at right angles to, aline drawn from a .point in the E. line. of said NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 distant 802.9 feet. S. from the NE ooiner thereof, measured along said E. line,;to a,point In theW. line of said NW.1/4.of the -.NW 1/4 distant 869.86 feet S- from the NW corner thereof, measured along said W. 1ine.,'exoept the E!ly 60 ft-. thereof and the Wtly"lO0 feet thereof-, subject,however, to any change in ,the size of; said property cause$ by"the vacating, opening, widening or narrowing of any street or alley.... Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is �,q hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for said � / pipe lines, subject to the following oonditions: (a). That said pipe lines.shall be donstructed under the supervision and direction of the -Commissioner of Public -Works, and the cost of such supervisionand in- spection, if any, shall be paid by said licensee. (b) That said licensee shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, claims, scats, judgments and expenses whatsoever, in any way arising out of the construction, maintenance, use or remotal.Of said pipe , lines, ;and shall file with the City Comptroller a surety bond in the penal sum of $5,000.00, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commisoloner,of Finanoe, conditioned to. so indemnify 'the City of•Saint Paul. (o) That said pipe lines shall be removed from said street and the street restored to its former condition whenever the Coiinoil of the City of Saint Paul shall,so order. (d) That said licensee shall, within thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof, containing th4e r agreement to abide by all the terms, condition and limitations hereof, which acceptance and agreement shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance is,hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force"'from and after its passage and publication, and its accept- ance as herein provided. _2_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL t '� Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, D-UT1 CO-1—ONER BUREAU OF SANITATION BUREAU OF CONST. s REPAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER FRED DRIVER. BUR. W. S. COCKROFT. SU_. BUREAU OF BRIDGES OFFICE ENGINEER September B, 1940 M. S. GRYTBAK, ENGINEER G. H. HERAOLD BUREAU of CORRECTIONS CHIEF ENGR. CL — RAY J. KARTAK. Su PT. MARK W. WOODRUFF Ron. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: draft Of Under this date the Wou referred ood Riverooil & Refining 9Ompax>,y proposed ordinance granting permission to construct, maintain and operate, pipe lines under the Mississippi River Boulevard, Prior Avenue and Sheridan Street. you are advised that the ordinance as suggested -is satisfactory from an engineering standpoint. Mr. Sheehan has made some minor grammatical corrections to the ordinance. your attention is called to larger the fact that a petition t has been filed for re -zoning he the railroad right of way. The effective date of the proposed -orderly i- nance authorizing this pipe line should be deferred until the property has properly been re -zoned. The petition for re -zoning has been passeds being he Board ofiZoning,ewhhotwiill,aI believe, holdent and has the hearing at the Sent by the the to earliest possible date. yours very truly, 7M. ChiEngineer Hon. Milton P. Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Milt: 'Enclosed herewith p lease find three copies of n to od River ordinance granting steermissiO maintain and opera�elpipe elines ing Company to under certain streets. I am enclosing herewith a map. The property on Which diagonal blue lines have been placed is that which the Wood River 011 & Refining Company owns. TheIred line shows the approximate location of the pip all of which are to be constructed punder -rior ,your supe vision and under plans approved by y Sheridan and Stewart is, I believe, not even graded. Would greatly appreciate it if you would introduce possible this leavingtownIham asking tMr. Hodgson date. ofourn asmuch as Ioffice to watch this matter. Sincerely, 1 n WHO:Ca OpPENH EIMER,C) I CKSON, HODOSON, BROWN AND. DONNELLY DNuwD B.DURNCNr wl.ecwr R.NoowE ATTORNEYS AT LAW enww�rs......D FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING WIWAN N.OPP[NHEIHER $HINT PAU L,M IN N. FREDERICK N.DICRBON FRANK C.HODOBOH s �"„ ooH E�°"°R N B.BACw BENHO F.WOVF BERT F. WOOO R.-ER .ORER DON 9HGPARO September 7, 1940. Hon. Milton P. Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Milt: 'Enclosed herewith p lease find three copies of n to od River ordinance granting steermissiO maintain and opera�elpipe elines ing Company to under certain streets. I am enclosing herewith a map. The property on Which diagonal blue lines have been placed is that which the Wood River 011 & Refining Company owns. TheIred line shows the approximate location of the pip all of which are to be constructed punder -rior ,your supe vision and under plans approved by y Sheridan and Stewart is, I believe, not even graded. Would greatly appreciate it if you would introduce possible this leavingtownIham asking tMr. Hodgson date. ofourn asmuch as Ioffice to watch this matter. Sincerely, 1 n WHO:Ca ',eptevnb,.r ti, 1940 i, n. -iit ,n i 7ubl i c 7,7o L(-.� r "i I,: L! d*,nLt of proposed C,,!I:i t -my emaivzion r-,ntln -Lc': ve� til 4L he �11 i isLi : i o If-, nd t 1�i...Fj cake: . 013 T) ':-Ivur huulav-vd, VEa.un Z,: Lhe-ic, I. t. u . zit �Lvioed in eiLir.ee ir.6' of rdpcjnt. ri.-. 'bflnh:,n 1v :i v.a0s,,. a oi.e nino- cor ecticns C) II, ojc!!D-q:lce. i,;-I.tj,.r, is nL to the that a petition n tr!:Ct jUe:t southerly from the 01 VM -. -cutivf c)i' �h, pro, r, 4n�.-ace ' i . e �-i- authorizinf,, teas i i.7e 1 n .9hi-u! c! be de-;'er.-a until Thee Property h :s accordingly boom re -zoned. 'the ,,Qt A t4 2n 7z r4,-,bc,:n -pt eSad by the -Fin,ince Dep--tment z, be, cuf: icient ind has b cn vent to the hoard o' Zoni-n-, oho 1., -- Lwlie,!a, hole, 'he he rin , at thf; earliest po3.=ible. d ie. y ur:- 7 -1 --ruly, ITC), rl!' ii. UUT 1 C rhie` Elir,sneer ,7J imKils] CI\O, IllaIll L. IL z9al7l'7 104A V HOA 0 SCHOOL C//Y 0/ St,odal o EAJ 53 77 J'_ moi` $lJJZJ� 10 7 D.7 23 �7 ct S Q, 7w. L -J- H, H,rL fill :3 id 7 A_ 7 P-9 u 7 Li /Z --- I 4 4 OX I w LE joea geI7 -17 cr W 11 i 41N�6 WL prp iiaii imKils] CI\O, IllaIll L. IL z9al7l'7 104A V HOA 0 SCHOOL C//Y 0/ St,odal o EAJ 53 77 J'_ moi` $lJJZJ� 10 7 D.7 23 �7 ct S Q, 7w. L -J- H, H,rL fill :3 id 7 A_ 7 P-9 u 7 Li /Z --- I 4 4 OX I w LE joea geI7 -17 cr W 11 i 41N�6 WL •2.. A B Hysrr N . T W (14 41 - - I aMAGOFIN a , 33�� �3� ,� b Q 4 I _ I �ti �^�1�, �.y �J • tg _ n;^ p _ 7 e 1 yC� 71 T All ��•-' 1�0 ,. ,7. ��', ti• 15 ,.'. ' rmm..►• OQ � l � - � r _— -�,.cf -I - y — � % . S / 9 �e 17 Chas_<�.variirro� ° ' O 4 W re fol"' .t.'. /hPivs L 0 1 It Gi eVRN AVE 1 O �� LL - 0 ' . 106 b N., \ 0 1 a r Rit ' IRNIA AVC � N(:�/ � Z Y . a J R �� � I o h'uf`fs E /inLrlPTmail r --- I vim C P. o'} _ �,e�- y Q, l 1.//'b / <//•` / i - _------- � �s�.' I �HOMECROF� �I N ��•.�"—•�� SCHOOL I 7-1 w. > d S' � Amm T. W 9 r J i I � r - 3 '� W il I 9; 011M..l t. city Cork ' t CITY OF HINT PAUL 'ILE IL PILE NO.---.---- OFFICE O HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' /1�� DATE—.— -----w ---- COMMISSIONER - ------------- WHEREAS, Robert F. Wille, Attorney for E. Estelle Barnett, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes end assessments on the following described property, to wit., (Except E. 6 ft. for Jackson St. and W. 10 ft. for alley) The S. 1/13 of lots 1 and 2. Blk. 12, City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $8,240.5b, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2,671.84 plus 1939 tax; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of said settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $280.64:plus 1939 assessments in full shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2,671.84 plus 1939 tax, and that said sum of $280.64 plus 1939 assessmentp in full shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $8,240.56. C0III1CILMEn I]eas L Ilays Barjuss Findian --?artllllfQ�'°" Rosen e. President, McDonough .in •00 CS 23538 Adopted Approved ---- In Favor Mayor Again(` �, / Orljipsl b City COUNCIL CITY Of SAINT PAUL CFILIEOU NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ .DATE September 4 1940 WMMEAS, the Highland Shopping Center, Inc. desires to withdraw application 43889 for Restaurant license, application 43890, for On Sale Malt Beverage license, and application 43891, for Off Sale Malt Beverage license, at 134 E. 5th St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the pooper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the Highland Shopping Center, Inc. the fee of $50.00, $10,00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. C011IICLLIIIEA Adopted bq the Council -SEP 194Q Taa___ TLags Leas 9s SEP 111940 .�, Approved _— i94-- n -'T�dtTBftTo In Favor illayo rua Against 7presideut, McDonough 3M 3-40 CS 23339 eryint to Cur clerk hf 25...f .".. ) CITY OF INT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL /RESO ION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIS15- ER S TMREAS, Albert H. Couplin has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits W. 24 ft, of the E. 48 ft, of the S. 99 ft. of Lot 5, Block 16, Rice and Irvine's Addition, end WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $2,690.16, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,750.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $234.92 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1,750.00, and that said sum of $234.92 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2,690.16. oa?TO•A ZA°sb§ rt�n°u°na0naa°aa. COnnCtLmEn leas nays Barf uss PitMMn — ram arsel�"T o'�� Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 6.43 C3 2333. Adopted by the CouncirSEP_l l 0_ __194_ SEN 111940 Approved—_--- 194 / A _ In Favor - ma __ ___Against r -A ray Oritinal to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. --.-- OFFICE OF THE TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM MM 1OE COBe DATE---_—__.__.__ NR WHEREAS, Lyons Realty Co, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits East 2/3 of Lot 6, Block 8, Whitney & Smith's Add,; and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $9,904.34, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $4001.60; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $62.65 shall be first deducted from the ,total payment of $4001.60, and that said sum of $62.65 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $9,904.34. °'wi NO. 120159--33Y 2E Lyons Realtr°°cno: nae made aDDllcatlon for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commis.fon relattan j Whereas, The dellnqueney totals the o sum of 39,904.34,. and It has been stip- - r, Witted that the uppD�Itccut. pay fa full eettl6tnent thereof the soon of 54,001.60; therefore, -be It Iteaolvad; That the Councll v of the j CityofSaint Paul hereby aper. so said offer of Settlement provided however, i that the sum of (62.66 shall be drat deducted from the total payment of 34,001.60, aad, that sold anon of $02.66 hall be .paid to the City of Saint Paul In settlement of delin¢vent assessments Included In the .total delinquency of 3s,904.a4. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. Approvedpt. 11, 1940. 9eeDt. 14, 1990) - _.--_____--_---..z—.rte SEP 1119A11 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council_—___1e4_ Tleas nags Barjusit SEPy 119AO A proved_ - —_194-- In Favor Rosen / Truax ___D AgainA/ t Mr. President, McDonough son 3-oo CS 23338 Aq � '1 Original to City Ckrk -� ' � 1- f CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL rn_c �03FFICE E CITY CLERK COUNCILSO TION --GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER/ ------- -- — DATE _---------- WHEREAS, Zenith Land Co. has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 46, Block 1, Ryan Place; and yHERF,AS, The delinquency totals the sum -of $1,147.48, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settldment thereof the sum of $601.30; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $437.50 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $601.30, and that said sum of $437.50 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included C. F. No.-120180—Ry .Milton:-Roean— in the total delinquency of $1 147.48. whereas, Zenith Land Co. nae. made< qll y , npplfcatton for .relief., _to, the .Miaaesotf. i C011nCimmi yeas nays bdrf uss e e'P't"raon�� Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sill 3-40 C7 23336 Whereas. The delinqudnoy totals the sum of $1,147.48, and ft has been etlp- ulated that the applicant pay to full. settlement thereof. the sum'of ;601.30; therefore, be It Resolved.. That. the Council of the', Cityf..Saint' Paul hereby �pprovee Bald offer ofsettlement provided, how - ver, that the,. sum of $437.50'shall be first deducted 'from the total payment j p of 5801.30, and that said sum of $467.60 (; hall be paid to the City of Saint Paul In aettlemayt of delln7uent assessments `*. included In the. total delinquency of 'i E1, 147.48. " Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. Approved Sept. 11, 1140. (Sept. 14, 1940) 111940 Adopted by the CounciC 4EP SEP 111940 Approped 194—, In favor �'=- ' �- iTlay r __- - ---Against Orl/Inal to City Ckrt I P� H H F� 1._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL cout4ctt tragi NO.----__ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUJa —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ~_ , - , COMMISSIONER ___.._—_____—__.. _._..___ DATE---------__________. WHEREAS, Roy F. Johnson has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 4. Block 8, Chelsea Heights; and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $384.56, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $237.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $153.66 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $237.00, and that said sum of $163.66 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included C�''W+F No. 380161— Ilton Rosen— in the total delinquency of $384.56. ppllhe, tlobyt_ re lei MIGnn Kinn sola Tsa Commission relativeto delinquent.. taxes and anSaiOt me on the'tollowlag;. described- propyerty. to. it: a ddot 4, Black 8,.. Cbaleen Heights; Whereas, The delinquency totals the sum of $384.66, and It has peen, stip- ulatedthat the 'applicant pay In full settlement thereof the sum of ;237.00; therefore, be 1t Resolved, That tit's Council of the City of Saint Paul :hereby approves said offer of aettlament proylded, how- Hver,.thnt the sum of 3163.66 shall be r9t deducted from the total' pa mast of SE87.00, and that said aura ef, {168.88 or l be pall to the City of Saint Paul u In settlement of delln4uent aeseesmente included 1n the total delinquency of 83 Ad89.66. opted by the Council Sept."ll, 1940. Approved Sept. 11 1940. (Sept 1{-1940) SEP III VA Adopted by the Council ___ _1a4— P 3.I Ago COUTIC1LMETI 1]eas nags barjuss In an azranto Yell soles n Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough sm e,40 C7 3335. Approved_ 194_ In Favor _._ _ _ _Against Oritin.l to City Ckrk CITY OF S T PAUL COUNCIL 'ou OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCILES N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY --_ DATE_--------..--- COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, S. R. Thompson has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following desoritred property, to wits Lot 27, Block 86, Dayton & Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $1,815.69, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1,377.36; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, however, that the sum of $118.61 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1,377.36, and that said sum of $118.61 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included C. F, No. 120162—By Ilton Rose'— in the total delinquency of $1,816.69. -DDI cation' for -ilei°top.ho h nne de Tax Commie -lou relative to delinquent raze- and a.......nts on the. following i da.cribcd property, to -wit: Lot 27, Block 86, Dayton & Irvine's Addition; and. Whereas, The delinquency total. the -um of 31,836 69, and It has been stip- leted t at fbe "'Dllcant Dny 1n full settlement thereof the -sum of s1,877.86; therefore, be It - Ree Ived, That -the Council o1.. the COUTICILITIETI yeas Tlags 9ar{uss Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3-.0 G9 35339 11, 1940. 1 t SEP 111940 Adopted bq the Council _194__ y SEP 211940 proved 194_ In Favor Matto _"'._._Against Original to City Ckrt CITY OF SAINT PAUL .,ounce rate NO.-. OFFICE OF THE C CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY — -- ' .._—_._..____ GATE_ ---- WHEREAS, the Sodality of St. Peter Clever for the African Missions has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits W. z of Lot 5 and N. 87 1/6 ft. of Lot 8, Blk. 3, Rice and Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of 03,093.06, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in ftll settlement thereof the sum of $1,876.48; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $46.02 shall be first deducted!,jom the total payment of $1,876.48, and that said sum of $46.02 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included C. F. No. 120189-13v 'Milton n -- in the total delinquency of $3,093.06 COURC1LMEn yeas nays BarJuss err -'t TcT— Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 5-40 CS 23335 u [ea from the total Payment of =1,878.48, and. that Bald .um'of $40.02 .,halt be Paid to the City of Saint Paul In settlement of delinquent assessments Included In the total delinquency of 58,099.08. Aded by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. APoptProved $L 11 1940. 18e.PPL 14, 1940) j SEP 11 t6�O Adopted bq the Council 194_ ;P 111940 roved__t94 In Favor - = �- -/ - ----- manor, Against / Original to City Ckrk CITY OF SAINT PAUL cOUNCIL roc NO. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —_- --- DATE _----.---- - TMREAS, Carl J. Fox has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lots 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, Midway Industrial Divisions and YMREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $7,113.48, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $4,944.53; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settbment; provided, however, that the sum of $1,564.30 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $4,944.53, and that said sum of $1,564.30 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $7,115.48. COUTICILITIEn Tf eas Trays Tiarfuss 4'-1+wA�iOlf^ Ros�rbretllr' en Truax Air. President, McDonough 3m ewo Ca 2333* Adopted by the CouncilSEP 111940 194_ sEp 111940 Approved _T94--- In Favor // Mayor _Against C. OritiOdto Citr Ckrk W- CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIL COFIL�n OFFICE THE CITY CLERK- NO—.-._ COUNCIL RES)p ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _.__._ WHEREAS, Leonard Johnson has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described propetty, to wit: Lots 17 and 16, Block 3, Lyman D. Baird's Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $656.72, and it has been stipulated that the applicant pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $12.11 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $500.00, and that said sum of $12.11 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included C. 11 No. 120165-33y Mtltoa Rosen in the total delinquency of $656.72. Whereas, Leon rd.Tohnaon has e1� gial.atloa Yoreit rf to the has;. otd' Lote 1 and 19,Block 9, Lyman D. Bair We Addition: and auml of 1669 72• andnitUhas.ncy total. nt he ` Settlement thereof he an.D0y 5 full therefore, be It _ 11600.00; Resolved. That. the Counetl Of the CI of 'Saint Paul. hereby apyroves seta offer of eottlement; rov(ded, how- ever, that , the aum - of 12.11 shall be of 150000, andithat rom the ldtot l,of —ct hal be paid the City of sum Paul In settlement of, deltnaueut Saint F-ta Included' I. the total' .delinquency t $868.72:of Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1940. ADproved sept. it 1910. (sept 1J, 1940) counclLmen SEP 1100 Adopted bg the Council 194 geas nays liarf uss Ep 111940 proved 194 ,,Polersen,.® In Favor q� _- - Rosen 7� - ------------- m/ Truax V _Against Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3140 Cs 2333a C. F. No. 180160--H7ThatAh. plat- naBgalnettlie Ort61p.1 to city clerk / ; �Ity of Salnt' Paul, DY'•LlllLLnSeLY, c i ;"' of the pDto-lees ap]aoovt to, o the , CITY OF SAIM Y Street,Plgygroundn 4• Ctt�,.�cu. NO._ t vat'de.rc!;,•..— -- - ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY y L:.,t& rh COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__�-�i���y.__—__.______-- —.--_ DATE RESOLVED, that the claim against the City of Saint Paul, by Lillian Kelly, owner of the .premises adjacent to the Valley Stredt Playgrounds of the City of Saint Paul, described as Lot 1, Block 20, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, which claim is in the sum of $350.00, as money damages, on account of the alleged excavation and removal of soil from said premises, and the use of said premises for playgrounds purposes by the City heretofore, be compromised and fully settled as now proposed, by the payment of the sum of $350.00, in considdr- ation of the execttion and delivery of a full release of said .claim and all claims against the City asserted or *Ich might be asserted by said claimant's predecessors in.interest who were such during the past ten years, pertaining to said real estate, acquitting the City of Saint PL`ul of all liability,oneceount of the excavation and removal of earth from or the uge of said premises by. —the -City, and upon the deliver to _the City of a deed of convey- 'y conveying unto the, City ,iW-60661,' to fee simple title to a aid real estate, free of ericumiisanc, and ,that the proper cit officers be and they hereby are.authorized to disburse said sum of §350,00 from the Judgment and Compromise Item of the General Fund, to the persons entitled thereto, in accordance with the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, upon the delivery of such release and deed of conveyance, the said claimant shall be obligated to furnish and deliver a duly certified abstract of title pertaining to said ]and, unto the City of Saint Paul, with said deed. COutla-LTRETI Adopted by the Council SEP 11 � _194_ Ileashags SER111944 Barf uss 194_ - Patranta- In Favor Ma,. Alt., (/ [//� L / /'l ZI __�.-AgainsT T 0 President, McDonough PUBLISFIED eln 0-40 CS 2333. 01191x,1 W city CWk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV COMMISSION R r T_ DAT E September 10, 19% BE IT RESOLVED, that C.A. Haokert, Chief of Police in the Department of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend a meeting of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, which will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 9 to 12, inclusive, for the purpose of discussing police methods. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated from the Police Fund, Code 7 A 2, the sum of $100.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the expenses of the said C. A. Hackert while attending the said meeting. Counen s3DL 11, 1940. 11, 1940. 14,-.19'40). �Fp 11 1940 COUTICiLmEIl Adopted by the Council geasnays rfuss SEP 111940 Approved_ 194__ in Favor ,Truax --_Against-- /Trio. President, McDonough ant 3-a0 C9 23331 1190168 -----RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING i§MN AND FW% 7W OF HEARING ON TUE AWARD OF UNL%U In the matter of --- aondemnin,_aod takin4 an easement in - the land neoessary_for elopes! cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the Alley in Block 1, St. Catherine Park Second Addition from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order- _116503 _________ approves- April 25_1940 ------------------- Intermediary Order -------119223------------ approved- _June 251 1940 ---------------- Final Order -------------- 119607--------------- approved__ Jul -Y_23,_ 1940------___-_______-._- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-- _ 10th ----------day of -------------- Qatober-------- 19_4.4-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council___ SEP I1 1%0 -- -r-- ----------------------------------- SEP 1 1 1940CityClerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- File 8984 -- --- ------------ ------------------- Berfvea - May _ Councilman oy, councilman `son _ P'UBLISHED— Councilman 9606Douatt3 % councilman Pearce= " Councilman Rohlanfi-,=.— Rosen � Councilman S--'�. dhe Truax Mayor - -}on- 1201,69 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING In the matter of_ condemning, and taking an easement _in_ the- land _nee essary-for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the East northerly and southerly alley in Block 31, St. Anthony Park North, from Carter Ave. to Doswell Ave., ISOLUTIOF.'OF COUNOIIi.'APPn. V- yc.. •.}, ASSESSMENT ARn....P13UNG REARING under Preliminary Order ---- 118691-_-____--- approved__ -------------------- Intermediary Order ---------11922b_______--- approved ---June 25t_1940 ------------------- Final Order -----------------119600---------- approved--- --------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted' his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- --- he_____ 10th --------- day of ------------- October --------- 19-4R, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_ 5'EP_1- 1940 ____, 19____ ------------------ gp 111940��-- - - - ------------- �- Approved-----------------------------,19---- City Cle File 8993 - -----'------------------------ --- BarPues yor. Councilman %;uAlr.0 Councilman - , _x,- r— Councilman i}° JF;LISFIED Councilman Councilman Rosen v Councilman Tom= Mayor ��eilea W 21 il70 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF. HEARING TIMM AND FMN6 TIME Of HEARING ON THE AWA19 M VANAGES In the matter of__codemixig_euc�Jci�g_ea� eaeela�nt_Ysr_ha_BurP9�a 2f_n9De#zsiEtiug And maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 25, Block 5, River Boulevard Addition, from the alley in said Block 5 to Bayard Ave. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on the east one-half of said Lot 25, except part covered by the permanent easement above de- scribed, under Preliminary Order ---- 119146 ------------- approved ------- --------------- Intermediary Order -------__ U-KQ$_----------_, approved -------- Luly_1.6_1a4Q______________, Final Order ---------------- 119624-----------_- approved -------- August -13, -1940 ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-_ _ 10th_ ---____--day of ....... October -------------, 19_ 40 , at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---- SEP_11 1946 SEP 111940 Approved-----------------------------,19- File 9026 "'+r tiarfuae j Councilman GIt) Councilman FVK;Aon= Councilman 1 PWCC •L— —^ /Councilman �T`'--�- 'i"ree"WW_ Councilman 1 F � Vusen Councilman Truax Mayqr ro s- --------------- 1 -- ---- ------ ---------- City Clerk.; --- - ---------------------------- ---- /n- or. %(ESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING TWEM AND Ei LNG TIME OF SEARi1G ON TU AWAS 9 URMS In the matter of_condemnin� and taking_sn easement_in_the land neoessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, River Boulevard Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, tE80 SOFCOII,W,19SE188�" i88�I6NT.JdY• 2.t under Preliminary Order__119145-------------- , approved____ June -13,-1940 Intermediary Order ------- 119510--------------- approved---- Jul -y_16,_ 1940----------------_> Final Order -------------- 119822--------------> approved--__ August 13z_1940 _______-------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the-___ _10th -----------day of__ Ootober-----------------, 19-!Q-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereb} directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council______SEP _____ 111940 _________ SCEP 11 1940 --'A;K'-_ Approved-----------------------------,19---- File 9035 --- Betines � - -- Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman1'--^'^�- Rosen Councilman SWA� Truax Mayor y --- - - -- - City Clerk. COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Highland Parkway from a point 90 feet east of Edgcumbe Road, thence east 36 feet, - '. he Mattec, of reco 4atra t g relap "' tv r and. reyairlrt, :e qIK pnT.. -L nth sld under Preliminary Order 119815 approved August 9. 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemene is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and, repair the sidewalk on the south side of Highland Parkway from a point 90 feet east of Edgoumbe Road, thence east 36 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, pe square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/ is $0.07, reLavi++R old tiles $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of October. 1940 43)3x -at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SER 11 !a-- 193= SEP 11190 - Approved 193— City Clerk File 54395 May Councilmat Barfues '- Councilmar L=-"1 Councilma -. PUBLISHED Councilma ee e"P�7531—t�-- .,. Councilma'"'t Rosen V Councilma ems="' Truax Mayor 1�gjUa Mcllouoush Form B. S. A. 8.6 1. n the No. ter of— - � �„yp.i In the Matter or'reoonetrao1-d relay- Ing .i9/ 6/ and reyyairing the eld0walk.ea ,e,,_ the went side of Ravonz $tenet t?i-..', COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Ravoux Street from a point 47 feet north of -Central Avenue, thence north to Fuller Avenue, and on the east side of Ravoux;9treet from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue, under Preliminary Order— 119812 approved August 9 1940 The Council of the City of St Paul having received the repofviof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the west. side of Ravoux Street from a point 47 feet north ' of Central Avenue, thence`ziorth to Fuller Avenue,- and 'on the east side.of Ravoux' Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue, except where good and sufficient.side- walks now exist, per square foot with,no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofzis $,-0-07- relaying old tile=. $0.14, new tile. Resolved: Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of i Ootober, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof,as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP , 1 193 sEP 111940 Approved 193—x— City Clerk File 54397 Mayo Councilman h611@=Nhb= Barfnss Councilman `r;nII=an--� f Councilman 417 / _ a Councilman' �" Councilman Rosea _..__..._. Councilman Truax Mayor NINjouigm Mcllonougb Form B. S. A. 8-6 C,B.n,No 120178— -� In .the Matter of rec0netwet1fW relsyx tWheRe .i.sltdeeSw9Ltal,kyfr' oomII thg UVthreep1 ad"V1'f PAM. ,Mice 20178 �.Jo .lir COUNCIL FILE NO — By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying';`and repairing the sidewalk on the north . aide of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thenoe keast 30 ft., and on the south side of Wells St. from Payne Ave. thence east 114"ft.j beginning 10 ft. farther east thence Past 25 ft., I under Preliminary Order 119814 approve l august 9, 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay and repair the Sidewalk on the north aide of Welrs'St from Payne Ave. thence east 30 ft., and on the south aide of Wells St.°from Payne Ave, thence east 114 ft.= beginning 10 ft. farther east thence east 25 £t., except where good and sufficient aidem lks now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.07, relaying old tile, $0.14, new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of Qo} h gco X*3_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City, Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of saldtiieetmg.td the persons and in the manner' provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of• hear- ing, the nature°of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council S FP''� 1 19 0 193— SEP 111940 Approved 193 L City Clerk. File 54398 Ma r ' Councilman VWftuWdW= Bariuse[JBLISHGDf Councilman=r--�-- Councilman 1 r- Councilman I-ETR9ant'°""*- C� Councilman Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor Mjh93gL= McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 - Iq tlie Matter of ­71 R.01l'anyg, e: ionai glaq sri6`eCMd!rthreya+1Ualdrtnof 1°RruoEln)t reee': oi ora, Bt.,'thence "et=I aP� r gSft,7. thenCea". - COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER' In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and. -repairing the sidewalks on the north side of Fillmore Ave. from South Robert St thence east 130 ft., 4nd from Eaton St. thence east to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of Robertson St., thence east to State St., and on the south side of Fillmore Ave. from South Robert St. thence east 99 ft., and from Eaton St. thence east 150 ft.; beginning 100 ft. farther east, thence east to Eval St., and from Eva St.; to Robertson St., and from Robertson St. to a point 150 ft. east, f underPreliminary Order 11agao approved t 1 S, 1960 The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivefl the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said zeport and the same is hereby 'approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council, ecomme ds i reconstruct, ielky and repair the sidewalks on the north side sof Fillmore Ave.%-from'South Robert St. thence east 130 ft., and from Eaton St. thenoe,.east.to EvatSt., andfromEva St. to Robertson St., and from a point 100 ft. east of berteon-„ thence east to State St., and on the south side of Fillmore Ave. fr onth Hobart -St. thence east,99'-ft , and from Eaton St. thence east 150 ft.; beginning -1160 ft. farther east thence ',ast to Eva St., and from Eva St. to Robertson St., and, from Robertson St. to 'a point 150 ft. east, except where good and sufficient sidewalk :sow existf pe. square _foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof`isr.$ 0- 07. relaying old the j $0.14, new tiler j ; < $0.22,.'6" monolithic concrete drivewa Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the gtA day ofy Ootober, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, staring the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounSEQ A 1 190 193— . i SEP 111940 Approved 193 City Clerk File 54399 Mayo Councilman Ej'dS J—__Z 1-a..,17L/(�` Couricilman Batinas I Councilman -•a.. Councilman , Councilman Rosi n Councilman = " '" , Trcaa., Mayor M� - f+lcLonuugh, Form B. S. A. 8=6 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Duke Street from Banfil Street to Pleasant Avenue, n.. Matter of reooaatruetlnffi 'relay: reppalrtng than- B..tlk opa 1 at�ie oL Duke: arrest from Kt d 1a to Plea"neat leen J-1 f under Preliminary Order 119937 approved A!! 20: 1840: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the. said improvement':w hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct, relay',' and repair the sidewalk on the east side of Duke Street from,Banfil Street to Pleasa6t Avenue, except where good and sufficient side":—.now exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof /is $0.07, relavinp, old tile; $0.14, new ti le, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Stn day of Octoberr 1940 „XV?X at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 11190 193— SEP 111940 Annrnved_ _ 193 �• n /_� �. _. City Clerk 0 File S4402 Councilman MR�rfvre Councilman v av Councilman i -, Councilman's s Councilman-' Rosen Councilman Truax Mayor Nil;, .UjTfX Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 F. No. 120182— [jT � the ,Matter or roconetructing, relay- _� 201,82 1. reyyairinss the eldew' lg: no th aid ofat C(alr tcye: from 4 aL"" 91fi Ltr'#�egin- q .,�nR lib' f -rwi COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north .�of St._- Clair Ave. from Prior Ave. ,thence east:345 ft.; beginning 40 ft. farthelW ett, 'thence east to Howell St., and on thesouthside of St. Clair Ave. t from a point 87.38 ft. east of Prior Ave.,.'thenoe east to Howell St., under Preliminary Order 119979 approved Augtlr 23, 1940. The Council of the City of St: Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financ8. upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves.'' 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said irnprvement_ls hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reoonstrut>d�l4 and repair the sidewalk on the north,side of St. Clair Ave. from Prior,Avei thence east S4i f �3.beginning 40:ft+ fhrther east, thence east to Howell St., and on the ,a southe of St.- Clair Ave: front a Poilrt 87+3Z Pt essi?o' Prior Ave.. thence east to Howell St., except"wheretgood and:sui'fioient sidewalks now. exist,- ped square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof u $0.07. rdlay a old tileL $0.14, new tile• 7-1 - "8th Resolved Further,That a public hearing be hit on said improvement on the day of hatnher,, 1940 WL— at the hour of'10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said :'the persons and in the manger.provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, tl e.#a a=of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted Eby the Council CFP- 111940 193— SEP 111940 Approved 193 City Clerk Fire Srt404 Ma r`, ,. Councilman t3arfuea`g�x �d G°ouncilmsn Ctmneilniaii` £++tedLattx yw-QMH i*a"'�+e Councilman etrraon ^a Councilman - Idoenn Councilman` Truax Mayor h Form B. S. A. 8-6 , 41 1210183 COUNCIL FILE NO BY. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing alley in Block 2, Hazel View from Ruth St. to Pedersen St., o F No. 120183— In,'tL Matter oL gradtag nfl anrrfi clog alley in BIocK 2, -:Hazel Stew .,.from Ruth SL to Peder9ea St., uufl'er ,� ;mtaary -order 1.9ss0, approve;?.! under Preliminary Or 119650 approved July 24, -1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,, and the said improvetrienCis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade atld surface alley in Block 2, Hazel View from Ruth St. to Pedersen St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,412.18. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of October, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted- _y the Council SEP 11190 .1193— g�P 111940, Anoroved 193 10 „ — City Clerk File 9066 Councilman Barfuee Councilman . Councilman arranto Councflman—1'LTerenn "' Councih=nR*—r =� IZasGn Councilmaiiwwgi-e� Truax Mayor 1aixeiS isici;,:uuuxh Form B. S. A. 8-6 G C. F.'94. 120186— 4, In the Matter of grading and sur facing alley' In Block 2, Llademann Place from Blalr.Ave:. tc Y8n Sures Ave, and r ��• Asbury 9t. to::aorth "a0 ODaetrpCtlDg . COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing alleys in Block 2, Lindemann Place from Blair Ave. to Van Buren Ave., and from Asbury St. to north and south alleys also constructing sewer in the north and south alley from the sewer in Van Buren Ave. to the east and wrest alley, and in the east and west alley from a point 50 feet east of the center il of the north and south alley to the north and.south alleynin said Block 2, under Preliminary Order 119558 npproved__3aly 17 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report_of the Commissioner of Finance upon the. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved; and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the.nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface alleys in Block 2, Lindemann Place from Blair,Ave. to Van Buren Ave., and from Asbury St. to north and south alley. Also construct sewer in the north and south alley from the sewer in Van Buren Ave, to the east and west alley, and in the east and west alley from a point 50 feet east of the center of the north and south alley alb to the north and south alley„yin said Block 2, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,187.31. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of October, 1940 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 111940 193— SEP 111940 Approved— 193—_ -/;9'/ter- City Clerk , File 9088 ,NyAyor n Councilmaalar-tet pr. / (igPftl@1i • MMMiS��i��.L.{—.-� _7/�// Councilman May _— — '.... CouncilmanganrcE.=. _ Councilman R SP^""'^""y”"-. P ♦e«���. ;. -._.., Councilman _ Rosen • . CouncilmanalhundmEms Tmaz Mayor NkiggggM McDonouab Form B. S. A. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY ` ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing alley in Clement's Highmoor and Cavanaugh's Subdivision from Flandrau Street to the north and south alley and from Cottage Ave. to Sherwood Ave., � Fhe o. 120ers rnaln$ ens rra- .Ing alley In Clements Hlghm �:nd Cacanaugh'e Habdlvlslon f -frau St reat to' the north t9 9 and from Coi.t r .. h Av, •.: de r.; 1,1° - a:: under Preliminary Or 119560 Approv Ulx 17, 1x40_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of .Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby, resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which .the Council tecommends is gradeand ourfaoe . alley in Clement's Highmoor and Cavanaugh's Subdivision from Flandrau Street tb.the north and south alley and from Cottage Ave.. to Sherwood Ave.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.376.06 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of October, 1940 -"PPyr_y at the hour of i0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear in& the nature of the improvement and'the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 111940 193_ Approved SEP.1.1 W 193— C' Clerk File 9082 Mayo Councilman MmBeeridgm Barfuss Councilman PUBUSHEI1— = -- Councilman Councilman Councilman T3attx,- Rouen Councilman0lt-za�za'7 Truax - .. `Mayor hlahetcl Form B. S. A. 84' C. F. No. 120190-- In-the 20190—In-the Matter or oondeme land n tak-.. 120190 ��(� Ing an easement In the land Wages X nary 'for to ee, outs and fine In the .-rading and urfacing of alley In - hmoor-and Cavne., a - COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and.surfacing of alley in element's Highmoor and Cavanaugh's Subdivision from Flandrau St. to the north and south alley and from Cottage Ave. to Sherwood Ave. under Preliminary Order 119561 approved Julv 17 1940. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report ,of the Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take as easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading. and surfacing of alley in Clement's Highmoor and Cavanaugh's Subdivision from Flandrau=St. to the north and south alley and from Cottage Ave. to Sherwood Ave., in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of:; October, 1940 ,> at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear, ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilSEP 11 IND 193 WP 1119 Approved 193— City Clerk File 9081 /May Councilma Barfuea SDS" Councilmaa:..ald.. Councilma Councilman P.I.— Councilman tom" M Rosen CouncilmarPOWMWI� T—ax JJU' Mayor McDonough / Form B. S. A. 8-6 rM COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 13, Stinson's Addition, from Minnehaha Avenue to Fauquier Avenue, F. No. 120182- -• ' -0 Matter of coademniug and tak 3n firer n* , the land nate.- _3 nut to th. under Preliminary Order 119405 approved July 9* 1940. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of• Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .00ndema and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in t2le,grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 13, Stinson's,Addition, from M shahs Avenue to Fautjuier Avenue, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hat6hod portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the'£illas,' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of " October, 1940 043x at the hour of 10 o'clock A: M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said'meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total. cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Courted SEP l i9ao 193— SEP 111940�� d .� -' 43 r .. NOTICE C. F. 14oe. 1Yo1ea-lzoxa9- TO resolved; That ebecke be drawn ;on COUNCIL FILE NO. CC the city treaeyrryy "to . the drawn drawn, le amount of 3158 pa9.90;, covering checks PRINTER numbered Ton to.7S9a7 Inclusive, as par cl{ecke on, die 1n: the office of the cit comdtbyyller. 194.Q._ ADPTAdop'oved 8 DL 1 1the 850. Sept. 11, 1890. RES�V�,WAT CHECKS BE DRAY Ise°`' 19,rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED *9W AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— SEP 11 W O 194_ C� CAMITROLLER APPROVED qEP 11 1�—____194__ / eoo seo BY, _ _ __ tom, NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 ' TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER August 6 194_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT P s 7 F"", �$ OF S 120,251-97, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED74-953 TLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.SEP 111940 _ 1 �l ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 194 �i .,� , SEP 111940 C Y COMPTROLLER APPROVED- 194_.— " J�- soo sm �Y" - bJ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL _..—_ .. —. _... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER— ROLL CALL BARFUSS a FINDLAN IN FAVOR PETERSON -- AUDITED CLAIMS _september- 6 B4� ROSEN �^„ate Lms RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W NZEL _ � - • pn t/�olIN5TI TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 120 251-97 ' COVERING MR. PRIES. FMeQ-- Mc Do%1 ugh (�rpp�� 1 CHECKS NUMBERED— 30E -F' QGI� __INCLU VE, AS qq�g 9 IS� PEF CHECKS -ON FI — H— OF TH,EJCITY COMP OPLL ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -----9{i . 193—_- / / c APPRO D — NUMBER _ � j/J B t TOTAL DATE IN FAV OF RETURNED CHECKBY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 74853 Harold F. Goodrich, C.C. Findlan, C. Finance 300 250 00 00 74854 74855 John S. of Leonard C. Seamer 25000 74856 St.Paul Fire Dept. R.Assoo. 9 500 00 74857 Harry w. Oehler, Corp. Counsel 250 00 74858 Hamilton Kenny 11 80 954 00 91 74859 County Welfare Board 37 763 27 74860 County welfare Board 1 74861 Cornelius Shea 12 40 �3 00 74862 74863 John Lennon County Welfare Board 1S 417 14 - bJ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL _..—_ .. —. _... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER— ROLL CALL BARFUSS a FINDLAN IN FAVOR PETERSON -- AUDITED CLAIMS _september- 6 B4� ROSEN �^„ate Lms RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W NZEL _ � - • pn t/�olIN5TI TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 120 251-97 ' COVERING MR. PRIES. FMeQ-- Mc Do%1 ugh (�rpp�� 1 CHECKS NUMBERED— 30E -F' QGI� __INCLU VE, AS qq�g 9 IS� PEF CHECKS -ON FI — H— OF TH,EJCITY COMP OPLL ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -----9{i . 193—_- / / c APPRO D — NUMBER _ � j/J B t TOTAL DATE IN FAV OF RETURNED CHECKBY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ,120 251 97. 74853 Harold F. Goodrich, C.C. Findlan, C. Finance 300 250 00 00 74854 74855 John S. of Leonard C. Seamer 25000 74856 St.Paul Fire Dept. R.Assoo. 9 500 00 74857 Harry w. Oehler, Corp. Counsel 250 00 74858 Hamilton Kenny 11 80 954 00 91 74859 County Welfare Board 37 763 27 74860 County welfare Board 74861 Cornelius Shea 12 40 �3 00 74862 74863 John Lennon County Welfare Board 1S 417 14 74864 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 4 121 419 26 27 74865 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 12 74866 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 50 00 74867 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 295 20 74868 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance' 1 520 95 74969 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 821 95 74970 John S. Findlan, C. of Finances 9 460 1 74971 John S. Findlan, C, of Finanoe 120 00 74872 Twin City Scrap Iron Metal Company 10 00 7487 r..4. Furhi, Supt. Auditorium 200 00 29 74874 Automotive Service Company 14 69 03 74875 3. Berglund Lumber Company 561 67 74876 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 65 94 74877 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 3 74878 The Gopher 4 74879 Indiana Musto Appreciation H.Rts. 74880 Jurgens Company 52 92 74881 74982 Lindell Upholstering Shop Price Electric Company 177 37 40 86 Builders Material Company 4 9 43 74883 3t.Paul 26 22 74984 Albert D. Smith Company "fel. 153 14 74985 Tri—State & Telg. Company 74896 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Company 87 15 74987 U.B. Government Printing Office 74889 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 102 104 90 30 74889 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 74890 John S. Fin9lan, C. of Finance 1 12 795 368 00 02 74991 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 74892 MTs. Carlotta Trainor �2 90 ® 74893 74994 Mrs. Agnes recta Feyen Construction Company 400 00 74895 yielding & Shepley, Inc. 500 00 74996 w.w. Magee 1 300 000 00 00 74997 Okes Construction Company 93 50 74898 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ,120 251 97. �I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 146 034 30„. I• � 1 f z j r { I CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY. _ --. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F� ENNUMBER ROLL CALL BARFUSS. FINDLAN PETERSON IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS �y� segtember._. 10 193 LCL ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAIN BTI RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS RE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY W�NZEL DaTiSntO TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING AS MR.'�TE E'Ai-CA L_L_ON __ _ TO._ FT —INCLUSIVE. ---Flc�onough QEp it 19_40 CHECKS NUMBERED EO TH F I I Y CO TROLLER. PER CHECKS ON F�iE_7 A pO'EED BY THE COU C L7��y{(�� y� APPR• I •"'� _193— NUMBER �� MAvon ^_—��co_vvr/nolle W .s CHECK f ` IN FAVOR OF — - TRP NSF TOTAL DATE _..-----.._. _ _ RETURNED 'r ER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS yi BROUGHT FORWARD ® 7 999 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 16 005 6 49 74 0 Mrs. Mabel Murphy DO i 7401 Mrs. Charles Tuchner32 74902 Ms. Ella Woodward Mrs. 0 00 74903 John S. Fin1lan, C. of Finance 10 50 34 15 74.904 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 74905 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 co 74906 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance �79 90 74907 John S. Findlan, C, of Finance 81 20 600 00 74908 Johnson Service Company 600 p0 74910 74909 J.S. Sweitzer & Son Inc. San. Corp. 46 7 American Rad. & S. 74911 Beier Brothers 160 00 63 12 74912 R.H. Coe Mfg. Company 206 69 74913 Graybar Electric Company 74914 R.E. Hulme Awning & Shade Company 25 33 74915 Johnson Wax Company 10 50 74916 74917 Lampland Lumber Company Minnesota Paper & Cordage Company 19 05 134 07 74918 C.F. Soulley Equipment Company 1 247 91 74919 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 373 97 74920 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company, 131 53 74921 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 31 19 16 DO 74922 Minnesota Legislative Research B. " 7492'] The Villaume Box & Lumber Company 10 00 433 75 74924 Commonwealth Electric Company 60 07 74925 The Crane Company 691 51 74926 Cutler, Magner Company E57 50 74927 R.C. Dunoan & Company 778 14 74928 R.A. Myers & Company 441 00 74929 Neptune Meter Company 74930 Mary E. Krey 32 00 55 05 74931 John S. Findlan, 0. of Finance 74932 George N. Burt Company 871 81 13 48 7493 Capital Envelope Company 16 53 7493 74935 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Company Hersey Mfg. Company 932 27 74936 A.J. Koch Company7 6 342 64 74937 Robinson, Cary & Sande Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 146 034 30„. I• � z j f I i 1 J i o,uio61 t. city Cl -k CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FIL[ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM Whereas, Albert L. JOhnson,,,'Rsrata6r. of the Department of Public Utilities will be incapacitated and unable to perform him duties for a period of thirty ,('3b) days frac September 10, 1940 to October 9, 1940, inclusive, and, Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reocmaeuded that Mr. Albert L. Johnson be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from September 10. 1940 to October 9. 1940, inclusive, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E. section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved.. That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Albert L. Johnson from September 10, 1940 to October 9, 1940, inclusive, with full pay. councimEn Qeas itays Bar arranto —Peter>�vtr� radx President, McDonough 3111 5-40 CS 23556 Adopted by the Council Ep_121-940 194 j. 9EP 1219401 Approved—.--.-194--- Favor pproved_.__. 194__Favor — —� yo 0 __Against Orl41on1 b City Clerk �� � r, a CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B DATE September 18 1940 COMMISSIONE—_—._--._._-._ _. __ — —____ ___.-. - _._. _. _. - WHEREAS: Merrill W. Zahn desires to withdraw application 44082 for Push Cart Peddler license and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Merrill W. Zahn the fee of $14.00 and to cancel said application for license (the amount of $7.00 having been deducted because the applicant operated for a period of 4 months on said application) COnnciLMEn Meas nags barjuss Parranto _4aelers0R"_ Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3-eo CS 23338 C. F. No. 120196—BY G. H., Barfuee— W. A Parranto— Wherean. Merrill W. Zahn deair�s'' lthdraw application 44082 for Cart Peddler It%— and requests ' turn of the license fee deposited' - i thereon, therefore, be " Resolved That the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby authorised th of §19.00 add ton to rcerilancal le eadn applica tion for license (the amount oI 17.00 having been deducted because the ap- I mncant operated for a period of 4 ntha on said application). Adopted by the Council Sept. 12, 3940. Approved SePPDt(Sgl,-4, 40) SEP 121940 Adopted bil the Council _ SEP 121940 pproved__. —_--- 194--- In Favor _y___ _._Against N_ l i�RY6 ndYinal to City Clerk COUNCIL 41 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Flit NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED - DATE September 12, 11340 COMMISSIONER_--------- -------- - RESOLVED: That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43978, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 43979. and Restaurant, application 4 3980, applied for by William A. Meske at 871 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed toissuesuch licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally,.gpproved by Council, Sept. 10, 1940, Old Location. C011nCILMEn yeas nays liarf uss .�� I—r In an Parranto Rosen Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3m 3-4o CS 23338 C. W. A.F. o. 120197 —BY G, H- Bartues— Resolved. That ]leen.. for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 43973, OR Sale Malt Beverage,Dpllcatton 43979, and Restaurant, application 43880,t� plied for by William A. M.."' at 871 Arcade St- be d the came are hereby granted and the Ity clerkto issue fe Snetructed anent Into ththe City trea uh licenses ron h y ofthe re- qulred fees. i Adopted by the Counefl Sept. 12, 1940. Set.Approved Sept.11411940) — SEp 121940 AdeHted bq the Council-- --. — _ tea ---- SEP 121940 A ped_---_--.---- l94_. _ ---- _-ln Fapor n-- - ---- - - — Mayor _Against orlab.t to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ' rat: NO.----- - ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE RESOLVED, That J. B. Probst, Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, be and he is hereby directed to attend the annual meeting of the CIVIL SERVICE ASSBUILY in Cleveland, Ohio, to be held September 30 to October 4, 1940; and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to reimburse the said J. B. Probst for traveling expenses incurred by him to attend the said annual meeting of the CIVIL SERVICE ASSESLY from the Civil Service Filed, Code 30-B, upon presentation of itemized statement of traveling costs.c.R .aNo..120198--BYhW. A. Parrant J_ B. Probst C1 III Cleveland, Ohio, to be held tieptam- ber 80 to October 4, 1940; aad be it furthee Asa baa That the DroDer city *it': be. and they re hereby authore said and directed aro reimburse the see incurred ro beby him to rattendgthe sen aid annual meeting f the Civil Servlca Assembly from the Civil Service Fund, Code 80-B, upon presentation 11 Item- Iaed statement of traveling costa. i Adopted by the Council Sept 12, 1940. Approved Sept 12, 1940. 14, 1949) SEP 121940 COUTICILMETI Adopted by the Council —________—_-_ 1]easnays B� AP 121940 _ roved "Parranto C fill Favor ayor ruax rJ _Against �- f"' President, McDonough ,in e-ao es cease orijin.l t. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FR[ NO. RESOLVED, That there be and hereby is sppropiRated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (2002) the sum of .37 pa able to W. R. Graves, 2222 Nicollet Avenue, Apt. #4, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against property described as Lot 4, Block 1, Dewey, Drake & Pence's Addition, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property ownet having paid this amount as represented by Tax Receipt #57795. COIlTLCILMETI yedSIlays 5arfuss arranto 0�9'—�elersrftr� /Truax President, McDonough 3M 3.40 CS 23330 t 4,) 199 C. F. No. 120199—BY Fred M. Tru az- Resolved, That there be and hereby ls, appropriated out o1 the. For" Revolving Fund (2002) the. a. 2. ,2�1 let Aveenue AD$ Nog 48� Min... Polls, MIpnaeota, for the Pull;... of relm- bureing htm Lor em _assess_.., Lcr tree trlmmtng workagalnst proyertS�de- scrlbed as Lot 4 Block 1, )ewey, Drake & Pence's Addll[on, as the assessment wnereVh¢ving error. thief smouncerae i represented by Tax. Receipt No. 67791. Adopted by the Council Sept 12, 1940. Approved III. 14 11411940) 90 Adopted bit the CoundI5 -2_.' P_ SEP 121940 roved-----__--- l94_-- In Favor-- (/ —Again3t--- c. F. X.. 120300- - y Ia tie Matter of .... -tingre Itary' and form eewer 'lticna-i iV 11UtiaL +.� � R 3 '}UA^A J iiu :.�:•'hl 120200 1• COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY- ORDER In the Matter of constructing sanitary and storm water sewers on Minnesota St. from Second St. to Eighth St.; Seventh St. from Cedar St. to Jackson St.; Robert St. from a point approximately 50 feet south of Seventh St. to Eighth St.; Sixth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 132 feet east of Minnesota St.; Fifth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 150 feet east of Minnesota St.s Fourth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 45 feet east of Minnesota St. Also constructing a relief sewer at the intersection of Fifth St. and Cedar St. from the sewer on Fifth St. to the sewer on Cedar St. A� a a conpcting.msnhole at Eighth St. and er St._ Also.:building; , divers62' tructure at Ninth St. and Cedar St. Idaso building a bulkhead in the Ninth-, St.: sewer at Minnesoti.=St • Also eonstruetifig; corinection13 to 'existihe�Isewerd' and constructing l&-ttr&l,,sewer connections from h'e-�sewers above described to the property lines where necessary; 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C4onnmerttls is covet et sanitary and storm water sewers on Minnesota St. from Second St. to ESt.; Seventh St. from Cedar St. to Jackson St.; Robert St. from a point aprimatelyly 60 feet south of Seventh St. to Eighth Stas Sixth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 132 feet east of Minnesota St.; Fifth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 150 feet east of Minnesota St.; Fourth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 45 feet east of Minnesota St. Also construct a relief sewer at the intersection of Fifth St. and Cedar St. from the sewer on Fifth St. to the sewer on Cedar St. Alsoa connecting manhole at Eighth St and -Cedar St. Also build EL diversion :itrticttire'at Ninth' St, and` Cedsro' build a `bu1kh6ad- iii'the Ninth St. sewer at Minnesota St. Also construct_ connections to existing. sewers and, construct lateral sewer eonnectioris from the 'sewers above described to the property lines *hsr.6 necessary; r ing, the nature of the improvement an tine total cost thereof as esnme`ted Adopted by the Council SEP 121940 193— SEP 1940 Approved 193— City Clerk File 9093 ayor Councilman IQH'e'8iR1 Barfuss Councilman ll,- - o PUBLISHED Councilman VVH-xW" "-=— Parranto Councilman Councilman Rosen �—s- O Councilman Trnez Mayor Maimmmpm McDonough Form B. S. A. 8.6 C. F No 120200-- . y to t#dnd ste Morm a atter bf conatracttnawere eanitarg;ai(vntril a 2'. 120200 couuec.Pior-z ro Gx; zr?L. graezeroa z.qz.-r ;t,; �.; Ot TEf� r• snq pscaz 27p' V7zo pniTCIUKv Fn7KFeg4 I pus V120 s cozr:eGf-uU' mr JjIITG yr ,IEI142N or suq GGg9L 21" VTao pn7TgTu,- a ou Cega1. 2,C- Trrfez2eef7ou ol, TdbfF 21" uuq CegsrL 24" &Lom due, eeneL ou. E?tF} 2f' �o IPG Saxer. c boruf 46 l,ee.F se2.r, OT, ygruuse-o; „2c' yreo en je.fLrnc.PYug` e 'ie7iOL 2ehtez 9P Fl:e 2f' {:o s borer T20 1,eep oveF 0- r.F 2;' :t;olg Wlune20P9 2;- under ;• under Preliminary Order 120065 approved September 3 1940 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cot4ltecds is —� — ---- — 7. construct sanitary and storm water sewers -on Minnesota St. from Second St. to EiliSt.f Seventh St. from Cedar St. to Jacksorx St'.; Robert St. from a point s plcb?dmately 50 feet southr o£ Seventh St. to Eighth St.; Sixth St. from M3nn'esota St. to a point 132 feet east of Minnesota' 'St.;'Fifth St. from Minnesota St. to a point 150 feet east of Minnesota St.; Fourth St. from Minnesota St. to a point.45 feet east of Minnesota St. Also construct a relief sewer at the intersection of Fifth St. and Cedar St. from the sewer on Fifth St. to the sewer a on Cedar St. Also a connecting manhole at Eighth St and ,Cedar St.,,.Also build:a diversion ?' structure tit Ninth St. in& Cedtir`3t`. A16o build i 'buTk�iBad' in -the Ninth St. `sewer ; at Minnesota St. Also construct connections to existing sewers and,construct lateral sewer connections "from'tha sewers abgve described to the property lines *h6re necessary; T. of F P .•.y;s . � � .� :.., a riY' � - .`A''umg, t e nature oft9e°im�l�bV'�n'�iei{`i`�tiY��1i ci8't t €T t as'�lAte�."�r`-� `. Adopted by the CouncilP 12 193— SEP 1 1940 Approved 193— City Clerk r File 9093 ayor Councilman M iiarfuss l Councilman ARa :-=-. +s pl}BLISHED22/ Councilman Parrento Councilman Councilman VFNF`am� Roe— O Councilman INWRF01211M Trus=" Mayor M% McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 120200- } I. [ e Mattat Uf c...tructing eannary: � t! 9aorm ar e.�q ru�4noa=hl ::Ni76Jpt4:'✓n § 120200 .._ ,. t.., LLC..: 4:N6 29.6:9LH 3pc.. BJ 20 c0u2pLflc-PTuti GODU6c.PTOI:2 +c E <:• :;rrc.L� c.- zp:.:�::*::.,: op '-n;; : Vic• euy �egeL 2,.• BT20 y.rrrlcrzr4 U prrTKusag yTzo s couuec+;J vupoje a� „,-i'_jtrp 2r uuq �sgsL g.r• V12o plrr:igruu e, GU Gsgs-L 2.r• 7;J;GL2 scp7ou 07 L?bfp 2�' auq CsgUL 24• LLonr;}re eseasL orl Gdi.FF% 2p• po r}s ese+.eL c� korur f2 F.ssC s::<:r (,T, �,TUUG20.pa..2.p. yjeo coit2-?.nG.rrf;e_a Ls;j'sl, 2sensL sp .rlis konz.PN 2-P, ILLour YH1uas2crs 2 po with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 328,205.00 (based on W.P.A. labor). Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of Ootober, 1940 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance_ give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided -by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ing, the nature of the improvement and'the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 121940 193- 12 1W 93- 1219411 Approved 193— City Clerk File 9093 ayor Councilman hft31t11 Harfuss Councilman _ n Councilman "= 1 Parranto PU13LISHED Councilman Councilman.•=.- .-„ Rosen Councilman IMINW30OW Truax' Mayor Mid McDonough Form B. S. A. 8-6 I to City Ckr4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.—_ -_.. .__.. OFFIC OF i� THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIEONE---------- DATE RESOLVED, that the application of the Witte Transfer Company for permission to install a private driveway into 2348 University Avenue, being the east 75 feet of Lot 75, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, be and the same is hereby granted, said driveway to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City. _ - COUTICILIIlETI fleas clays Barfuss Parranto a..� Rosen . Truax Mr. President, McDonough 3nl 3-88 C323338 C. F. No. 120201—Ry Milton Rosen- Reaolved, That the application of the nsfer Com '.Witte Trapany for permis 'Bionto Install a private driveway Into 2848 University Avenue, hetng the'eaet 75 feet of Lot 76,, BeWitt's Outlets.' FirstR Division,be and the same Is'� hereby, granted, said driveway to be Installed In accordance with .the ordt- nancae of the Cttyy. Adopted by the Coucll Sept. 12, 1940., Approved .Sept. N. 1990. (Sept. 14, -1940) SEP 121940 Adopted by the Council__ .._.___ -- SEP SEP 1219M0 jcued_— 1 V In Favor F ---- tilay r -_Against (� -_ &¢. G. E. BRISSMAN N A. HACHERT ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. WN. J. UDEITH Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Chief of Police Health Officer Fire CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2o 2 D/ Capital of Minnesota�eratime'd al AR;c �-Pv Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner September 5, 1940 Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referring to application made by the Witte Transfer Company for permit to install a private drive- way to be located on the east 75 feet of Lot 75, of Hewitt Outlots Addition, which is also known as 2346 University Avenue. The usual inspection was made in this con - notion by Harry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffio. His report is attached, from which you will note that there is no objection to the granting of this permit. Very /truly yours, Commissioner of Publ Safety PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH C— - Common Sense - Courtesy THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION September 4 1990 Mr. G. H. Harfuss Commissioner of Publio Safety Dear Sirs This is in referanoe to applioation made by the Witte Transfer Company for permission to install a private driveway to be loosted on the East 751 of Lot 75, Hewett Outlots Addition also known as 2348 University Avenue. You may be advised that I have made the usual inspeotion of the premises and blue prints of the proposed driveway to the new garage. I do not find that this driveway will materially interfere with traffio. From a traffio standpoint there will be no objeotion to the granting of this permit. w/f 0 Yours truly, H�arry7s.—Jtteran Superintendent of Traffio q? CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Sept. 11, 1940 Mr. Harry '14. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting attached -application of Witversity Ave., being the east 75 ft. of te Transfer Co. for permiesion the attached- to install a private driveway into 2349 Uni Lot 75, Hewitt's Cutlots, First Division. Ycurs very truly, i i j City Clerk. �\ RECEIVED SFP 1 ' ln40 CORPORATION COL'` `SPL POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. _.. August_ 31, ._ _ ..19. 44. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will con- sider the matter of application for private driveway into 2348 University, being the East 75 ft. of Lot 75, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division (by Witte Transfer Co.) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on September 11 , 1940 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. John S. Findlan, Commissioner of Finance. File 9089 THE BOARD OF ZONING Fd Jyr� Established by Ordinance No. 5840 July 7th, '1944 a. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 479 COURT HOUSE AA.. d^c ri September 10th, 1940. ARTHUR S. MILINOWSKI, Chairmen AUGUST HOHENSTEIN EDWIN H. LUNDIE BERNARD i. M.GLYNN EGIN WAHMAN City Arch;tect CHARLES BASSFORD, GEORGE H. HEREOLD•. Secretory Mr. Harry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir In the matter of application Of Off48 the Witte Avenue. Transfer Company for a driveway at It is on the south side of 'University Avenue just west of the present building used by the Witte Transfer Company. The plans cell for a 15 ft- driveway across the sidewalk with a b ft. radius curb, making a total width at the curb of 27 ft. There is no objection to this development,, and the Board of Zoning recommend that the permit be gr d. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh I r L� � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT. DEPUTY COMNI[elo— Bu.EAu OF CONT. . R[PAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— ENOIM[[R W. S. COCKROFT. SUPT. ornc[ ENGINEER September 11, 1940 G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF Mr. Harry O*Connell City Clerk St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU of BRIDGE[ M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION[ RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. In the matter of the application of the Witte Transfer Company for a driveway at 2348 University Avenue, you are advised that the driveway plan as submitted conforms to the standards of this department. The plan is consequently approved from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, R M. SHVARD Chie engineer 1 orlprnal to city tom' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou"'C"' "'�x NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .10 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— —--. _ _ _ — -- — DATESttpt. 19110 RESOLVED- That license for Restaurant, application 44010, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 41011, applied for by H. P. & William Conrad at 666-8 University Ave, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No: 120202—By G. H, Barfuse— renge applicattion license 1010 sand On 3Bale Wait for by ge. P ali nd BWIIIIamOConrad at '666-8 UnlBvaralty Ave: be and the name are herebyy granted and the elty clerk le. lo3tructefl to 16eue each llcen- eee upon the paymeat foto the city treasury of the required tees Adopted by the Councn $ept. 18, 1940. Approved $ept. 18 1840. ($ep4 2t , 1840) - New, Informally approved by Council.,..Sept, 11, 1;0, Old Location. C011RCILtiIER Adopted by the Councll_SEP 13 1940 tea____ Meas Rays / 5arfuss SEP 131940 i� Approved________ no � Peterson —__ .--In Favor Rosen 1 � Rlayor Truax Against Mr. President, McDonough 3m 5-40 CS 23330 ,C, F. No. 18U893-89 Ci H. Bartues— Odsiosl to City Clem + W. A. Parranto—John S. Ffndlan' neeolvod, That llaenees aDDlled for •il. CITY OF Sr;hs they t, the named 6n the 'let at- NO. — CITY to this resolution be and the OFFICE OF TQ­ ieric fesfn erayby '+ COUNCIL RESOLUTI1�_..D... AL FORM PRESENTED BY ___ ^ _ DATE .Sept 13. la4O COMMISSIONFR---- RESOLVED: R ---esses RESOLVED: That licensee applied for by theddfollowinganhe city clerk Isersons at einstrructed todissued be and the same are hereby granted such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Alice Gustafson & Esther Johnson 1} 690 New Old Loc 1337 N. Pascal Grocery App.43690 Fred Born 377 Dayton Ave. Grocery ° 43724 " n " It 11 II n Off Sale Malt ° 43725 11 11 n Frank H. Hoppe 1074 Hudson Rd. Butcher n 43736 n 11 n Hayden Motor Sale s Inc. 1900 Univ. Ave. 2nd Biud &utoDlr.n 43779 n n n Mayer Winer 37 Carroll roll Ave. Grocery " 43799 11 11It Butcher " 43799 " n n n n n n Off Sale Malt " 43790 11 u " 5 Louis E. Beatty 12 W. Central Barber " 439550 Henry H. Engfer 376 Maria Ave. Grocery 11 43952 It If It s n 11 Off Sale Malt " 43953 A.S. & R.E. Bruckner 509 University Butcher It 43923 Mrs. Bills Marian Edward 540 University Restaurant " 43925 it " n1 John T. Eddleston Jr. 2249 University Ave. Gas Sta. 3P. It 43941 " " It John L. Drew dba. Twin City Auto Co. 1642 Univeisity Ave. 2nd Hand Auto Dir. 44026 it New It Thos. Bailey 312 Robert St. Foot Peddler App .44094 II Dakota Coal Co. Inc. 2250 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dealer it 44047 a New Loc Harry Iverson 959 University Ave. Restaurant " 44p3795" New Loc CoUttCILMETI Adopted by the Council SEP r7 1940 - t94— -- 1Jeas nays uss _ SEP 131 —5.1. Approue- d- - --- t94- - m a 8 _fin Faoor -_ __ _--.--_---- - te --- ttlay PUBLISHED ruax Against President. mcDonough 3m 3.40 CS 23336 C. W A. Parranto—.rohn 8: Fladn] ra��--- Or141se1 to City Ch'k Resolved, That licensee Applied for by: the to this, anmed on the list at- ,9 4 j11 i CITY rashes to thee, see anted be and the 'OU IL �" !©d -same are hereby granted and the City Fa[ NO._"'' 6 -�'` OFFICE' Clerk Is fnetructed to issue such Ilcen- COUNCIL RESO� IVO upon the Dnyment Into the city i treasury of the reQuli•ed fees i! Apv:t by the Council sept. 18, 1840. ADDroved sept 13 1840. PRESENTED Y (Bept. 81 1840) COMMI9910NER - - - —Uwre f sept 13, 1940 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Olga Moser 169 Marshall Ave. Bakery App. 43450 Renewal Hammer Heat Service Corp. 9 1 61 Feronia "" 011 Burner " 43659 " Rueben E. Gilbertson 191 W. Kellogg Hotel 11 43723 _h" Walter Motz 610 Wabasha If 11 11 it Restaurant it if i1a On Sale Malt " 43956 11 n n Off tale Malt " 43857 If Elmo Solent 48 S. Snelling Barber 11 43876 n E. T. Berke 321 Thomas Ave. Grocery " 43893 " Johnson Bros. 941 W. 7th St. Grocery 11 g 1} 4 n 39 Peter LaTuff 23 W. Fairfield Restaurant " v " 43920 " On Sale Malt " 43921 n H. A. Clark 202 W. Central Grocery If 43932 " L. M. Foley 940 E. 7th St. Confectionery 11 43937 n J. C. Ballinger 1602 University Ave. Confectionery If 43946 " Krank's Variety Store 238 S. Snelling Confectionery " 43949 " John Policano 564 Payne Ave. Pool Hall n 43957 11 Walter Kujawa 991 Arcade St. Grocery " 43962 " Butcher If 43963 " Jo"e Roglowski 151 S. Wabasha Off Sale Malt If 43965 " On Sale Malt 1i 43966 It Harold Lang 379 University Ave, Restaurant 1' 43969 If COl1TLCILMEn Adopted bq the CounolSEP 13 1 _ leas Ttails Barfuss SEP IS i.'>Ny�®,w, T Approved_In Favor rso , Tile r Against ,i; sident, McDonough am s G 23338 Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TH ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLGENERI .//�_U COUNCIL ■LLE NO. --- FORM A DATE19bA.- In the matter of changing the grade, regrading and oiling roadway, construct new curb, and reconstruct sidewalks and drainage structures, on 4mtd Juao Street from 120 feet west of Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 111447 approved June 14. 1938• RESOLVED, That the plane and speoifioations as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized and instructed to proceed with the construction of the above named improvement, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance 7708, 0. F. 104827 approved September 12, 1936, the estimated cost of materials, equipment, engineering and supervision being $1,382.00, end be it FOATM RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials. __H_ - H. COunCILMEn Yeasnays �B�a/rf u'ssT eterson osen Xuax President, McDonough sur 1.80 CS 23338 C. F. No. 1808011—By Milton Rosea— In the matter of changing the grade, regarding and 0111.6 roadway, co.- "struct new chrb;-and r...nstru0t sidewalks aut& drainage tructuree. on Juad gtreat 'from 180 fee4 at of Mfltoa eVeet to Cbaataworth eV0et; varier IPrellminary Dr der 111447, approved June 14, 1838. , Resolved, Tbut the plans and ape .,.Bons., a�u, mined by the Commie_. Furchas- author- the nec- 18, 1840. SEP 131940 Adopted by the Council_ ___194_ SEP 13194 14 1/ - In Favor G' Mayor -� Against ` Orlainsl to City Cl.,k OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL d • .. FILE NO.------.. E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 7 PRESENTED BY DATE___-___ September-12L—�i- COM MISSION - -- -- ----- In the matter of constructing curbing on the east aide of Hemline Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 119004 approved June 4, 1940, and Final order C. F. 119854 approved August 14, 1940• HJ3BOLTn, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works foe the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUnCILMETI Ijeas nays -,Barluss -r8/pp�au�-Tir11—RriS''''�� `ete1P n �o�xen President, McDonough sin 3-40 Cs 23338 C. F. No.- 120208—By Mlton Rosen— In the matter of constructing. curbing. pph*the 'east aide of Hamlin. Avenue �ftdmHoyt6venus to'Idaho Avenu@ $ndet Prellmiaary Order 0.E. 13800 DDtoved. June 4 1990, and Final Or - Order C. F. 119f184 approved August 14. 1940. Resolved, That the plans and epees- ' ncations as submitted by the Csmmle- stoner of Public Works for the above named Imyprovement, be and the Came' arehere by the Coprove uncil gepL 12, 1940. Approved Sept. 12 1940. (BepL 21, 1940) SEP 1319 Adopted by the Council_ t94___ SEP 13190 R' Mayor .__Against Petition 12 Q 7 Council File No ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ............ ..... to.. the.Alwt..Q. M7.1- A@� .. .... . ----- .1.1 ..................................... I .................. Dated this.... 13th..... day of .......... a.epte=ber . ......................................................... ............. ............................... .. ........ ...... . ... ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..... Gr.401M... 13.Vrr841A8. a A4. IZP-To Qer.vlp�r. Avenue. ,from, pq�knt. Douglas 49�ad. to ..the. ZeAt.. City. LiMit, a .............................................. PIIELIMNAAY ORDEILS. ................................................................................. ........................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the.making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent.and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. -To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners'. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 31844 �Iciop`ted by the Council ............. ................. I ... . .. . .... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved............ gp 13 1940 r.IAIt11 Awl ............................... PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. IM 12.38 1202° 8 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 'w and I: PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ...............4AAdeggop.�ng, sad, tekiag,an_ easement in the land neoeaeary Por slopes, ........... ..... outs and rills the gradin, surfacing and improving Carver Avenue from ............................................... .......... .........�Oxnt.IloVg�aa.R9§d'. Q. ®.�a.Qt..4.;tg.Limits. .................................................... ..................................................... ................ ............. Dated chis.. �3th......day of.......... September 9..... ..........� ............................... uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............... Condemming ane„taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, ....................... Dote ens rills. in„the ,gradin&R, surfaoiag end, imi2?w?ing Carper, Ayeane, from ..... ........., Point Douglas ROad to the. gest, City %1m1ta. C. F. No. 120208— ... Abstraet ..................................................................................... 1. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............ .::?:Y:u:.. �q?u':. "6 therefore, be it sc RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total L*dst thereof. 3. To furnish a -plan, profile or-sketcli'o'f"said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...................SEP 131940.......... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS Approved .............. F2 IBkAW — PARWffe PETERSON ROSEN ...................................... TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT ISA 12.38 ..,✓� PLlBUSHED__2 . ^L, 0 Petition �g -6-182 -1206T. Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and euriaoe the asst and West...........9in Blook 2, Janzen�. Addition, f?M...Q A.AP.@A .tR..t#46.3+9 h..Bt�4..4ont?l.A4e9... A mock,2,,7srZPTL!A-Addition,.. ........ and. 21.00k. 2,..7anzan! a. 2nd. Addition................................................................... ............................................................... :................r .......�.............. Dated this ... 1,21:b.: .... day of ......... &OPt€ iter.......... .............. 19/Q.... .... ... .. . ................. ........................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grad4..a74d. euaoe, thQ,_east,s�d,TgQst, AlieA, in,Blook,2,, 7anzen!s„Addition,........... ixom. Go. =an. Avenue . W -the, norxh..and..sauth. AllaY..in. Blook.2,. Tanen! a. Addition,.. ........end. Addition. ........................ r. F. Nn. 12020? - i a having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...........rt:'.......... ........................... therefore, be it , , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improyement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated 1-1 cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. —�5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' "Adopted by the Council................`...EP ....... 13 19�Y. ................... YEAS NAYS Approved 131940 Councilman BARFUSS PP S•EP•••••••��••••••••••••••.•••...'•"”' PETERSON ROSEN.....f........................................ TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT (_ pj]g( iyEIED - x-10 1M 12.38 Council File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .,,,Condemning and taking an eesement in the lead accessary for slopes, cute and ............................... Ville.ia,the„grading, sad,enrfaoing,of the east anfl xeat Alley is Block 2, Janzen's Addition from Gorman Ave. to the north and south Alley in Block 2, ......................................................................................................................... 7anzen!s Addition� endBlock 2, Janzen's tad Addition. Dated this... 12th..... day of .................... S.i6p G0Pr... ......... 9A0.... ............................................. ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: „-,Condemning and.,talcing,en,eeae�ent,in, the. lend ne......y for elo�ee, onto and Jenzen�e Adflition from Gorman A. yet the north and south All in Blook 2, 7anzea',e, Addition,..and Block„2, . Jaazea!,e 2nd Addition. - xu. : ; a- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ` �5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council...................SEP 1137 00.......... YEAS NAYS SEP 13 1940 Councilman BARFUSS Approved ................................................... D - PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT eVBLISaffilu q- 2,I- ao IM 12.38 NOTICE ` COUNCIL FILE NO. c. F. Nos. laoalx-1aos12— — TO Reggolved That oheclte be drawn on the o'It9 trea.0 to the aggregate PRINTER amount oh 88,99`.88, coveringg check. September 11 numbered 7498g�to--76017: Inaluelve; as per h_k. mDtrolle8le to the o91c. of the 194Ott _ Adopted by the -0onnoal Sept. 18, 19400.. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE Dq Approved 9s p412111940) V, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $)Pxm— 75037 --, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7493a TO— INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SEP 1319 194— /J TY COMPTROLLER APPROVED ,EP 131940 —194— � / CITY CLERK -- Y OF SAINT PAUL • Y 9 7 DUPLICATE TO _ - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CDUNCIL _i FILE NUMBER-_- -- -- ROLL CALL BAFFLES PI"DLA" PETERSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ___ZBptenber ..11- -- -40 _ ROSEN TRUAX _ _ AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR.AWN^O.N THE CITY TREASURY WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING Ml4•Ttl�S�ALi'6R Parranjto _ KS -- RoDonough SEP 1_31940 PER CHECCHECKS ON.FJ T _IN G,USIVE AS �ERICE OF CITY C.MPTROLLER jr ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPR D ^•^- JU/Ill '-- aaa!!!SSa11L. _193- NUMBER / n couvrnoLLen 11157 1 /' !00 CS MAYOR _- BY _ - -- TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF __. ._-_. __.-__. _. .-._ --._ RETURNED CHECKBY NUMBER BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 74938 R.L. Anderson, Inc. 41 84 74939 Theo. Anderson Bohl 9 63 1 58 74940 74941 Mrs. L.H. Tony Brigl 00 74942 Capitol Supply Company, Inc.82 4 74943 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & 0.Ry, 5 50 74941} Clapp-Thomesen 10 775 74945 John Clark 19 74946 Carl P. Dahlby 4 4 0 74947 Gardner Company o4 74948 J.C. Rauscher 4 8 74949 T.J. Reilly 5 36 74950 Louis J. Rozgcki 7 70 74951 Geo. w. Smeed 89 74952 Dr. F.A. Thompson 39 00 74953 M.A. Teohida 1 5 74954 Walton-Vicking Company 11 1 74955 Wm. F. TPeyh 225 25 74956 Mrs. Jeanne L. white 3 87 6o 74957 A.E. wickworth 5 74958 County Telfare Board 27 05 74959 9t.Pa•j1 Institute 646 6s 74960 Brady Convefeor Corp. oo 74961 Capit`1 City Lime & Cement Company 48 99 74962 Chase Pen Shop 2 35 74963 Collector Internal Revenue 82 85 74964 The Crane Company 314 292 74965 Eleo trio Blue Print Company 64 74966 Fuel Economy Fngineering Company 6380 74967 rdward A. Furn1, sunt. 16 68 74968 J.J. Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 35 25 74969 Graybar Electric Company 30 33 74970 Hotel Lowry 9 70 74971 Lamprey Products Company l 20 74972 Larry 8 Jerry's 12 74973 Mueller Company 90 74974 National Expert winlow Cleaning Company 439 29 Northern States Power Company 2 74975 74976 Pioneer Typewriter Company 10 950 74977 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 74978 Reinhard Brothers Company 2 85 74979 ® 9t.Paul Voc.School Petty Cash F. 1 0 0 00 74980 Drs. Bray & Shellman 2 74981 Charles P. Dawson Truss Compajq 8 00 74982 The Emporium 3 50 74981 Martin Auto Livery 5 00 74984 Dr. B.J. Mears 75 00 74985 St.Josephls Hospital 71 95 74986 St.Luke0a Hospital 91 80 74987 Dr. Geo. IT. Snyder 38 00 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 151 528 00 4-, - r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ COUNCIL _ _- _--- - FILE LE NUMBER_-.- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN .-IN FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS _-QepteMbffi_ 11_.._ 183 40 ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 'IO�1N THE CITY TREASURY MGBU"I.___L= perraoto C� •� (y� '(�' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -�;y .B COVERING M R. PRE==A==-N__ NaDOSouI V�I, Y��v�v - �•7(�J/V���� _ __INC LU BAV E. AS l,l PER CKHECKS (IN F�iRJ OfY*E DF I CITY COMPS/A/O LLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ A, OUNCIL.-- -- yp��/JJJJJJ A, D (J}_ _193_ / By 50o In AVOP- TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - - ----- -- -- •RETURNED CHECK TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 74988 D.C. Heath Company -,,340 00 74989 Int. Business Machines Corp. 10 74990 Keegan Farm Equipment Company 15 88 74991 Lenox Hook Company 1 6 75 74992 Lowe & Campbell Company 00 74993 John W. Lux Company 10 50 74994 Chas. Marks 3 85 00 74995 Phil Maynard 62 22 74996 McKesson Drugs, Inc. 74997 Meier Sales & Equipment Company 23 50 74998 Midway Chevrolet Company 11 74999 Mitsoh & Heck Company 13 11 50 60 75000 Model Laundry Company 75001 National Parent-Teacher Magazine 1 00 75002 Nicols, Dean & Gregg Company 54 35 75003 Northern States Power Company 13 J 75004 Northwest Airlines Company, Inc. 44 jjjvvv I 1 N.W. Printing & Binding Company 54 50 75006 N.W. San. Supply Company 37 4 75007 Otis Elevator Company i] 00 f Paper, Calmenson & Company 35 1 1 Park Machine Company 75010 Personal Book Shop, Inc. 28 95 75011 The Julius Peter Company 106 12 75012 Ramer Hardware Company 44 04 75013 S.J. Rutherford Company fj St.Paul Awning & Shade Company 2 25 75015 St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist Company 3 87 75o16 st.paul Milk Company 72 6 00 61 75017 St.Paul Stamp Works 4 5 001 75018 Sanitary Farm Dairies 14 20 75019 Schroeder & Company ?5020 The Seagrave Corporation 115 95 00i 64 4-, - r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ COUNCIL _ _- _--- - FILE LE NUMBER_-.- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN .-IN FAVOR PETERSON AUDITED CLAIMS _-QepteMbffi_ 11_.._ 183 40 ROSEN TRUAX _ AGAINST, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 'IO�1N THE CITY TREASURY MGBU"I.___L= perraoto C� •� (y� '(�' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -�;y .B COVERING M R. PRE==A==-N__ NaDOSouI V�I, Y��v�v - �•7(�J/V���� _ __INC LU BAV E. AS l,l PER CKHECKS (IN F�iRJ OfY*E DF I CITY COMPS/A/O LLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ A, OUNCIL.-- -- yp��/JJJJJJ A, D (J}_ _193_ / By 50o In AVOP- TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF - - ----- -- -- •RETURNED CHECK TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 74988 D.C. Heath Company -,,340 00 74989 Int. Business Machines Corp. 10 74990 Keegan Farm Equipment Company 15 88 74991 Lenox Hook Company 1 6 75 74992 Lowe & Campbell Company 00 74993 John W. Lux Company 10 50 74994 Chas. Marks 3 85 00 74995 Phil Maynard 62 22 74996 McKesson Drugs, Inc. 74997 Meier Sales & Equipment Company 23 50 74998 Midway Chevrolet Company 11 74999 Mitsoh & Heck Company 13 11 50 60 75000 Model Laundry Company 75001 National Parent-Teacher Magazine 1 00 75002 Nicols, Dean & Gregg Company 54 35 75003 Northern States Power Company 13 92 68 75004 Northwest Airlines Company, Inc. 113 75005 N.W. Printing & Binding Company 54 50 75006 N.W. San. Supply Company 37 35 75007 Otis Elevator Company 612 76 00 75008 Paper, Calmenson & Company 35 66 75009 Park Machine Company 75010 Personal Book Shop, Inc. 28 95 75011 The Julius Peter Company 106 12 75012 Ramer Hardware Company 44 04 75013 S.J. Rutherford Company 75014 St.Paul Awning & Shade Company 2 25 75015 St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist Company 3 87 75o16 st.paul Milk Company 72 6 00 61 75017 St.Paul Stamp Works 4 5 001 75018 Sanitary Farm Dairies 14 20 75019 Schroeder & Company ?5020 The Seagrave Corporation 115 95 00i 64 75021 Shell 011 Company 10 8o 75022 Adolph Shetka P. & Htg.Co. 75023 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 55 10 42 75024 Socony-Vaouum 011 Company 75025 Sperry Office Furniture Company 163 25 75026 Sunrayed Products Sales Company 13 228 40 2 75027 The Texas Company 1 00 ® 75028 75029 Charles J. Thorndike Truck Parts Inc. 91 31 Charles E. �fuLtle Company 4 75030 75031 United States News 20080 75032 Vander Bies,;In^. 12 00 75033 Webb Publishing Company 3 08 75034 -estern Machine Mfg. Company 75035"est Publishing Company 425 14 75036 John C. Winston Company 75037 ?it kowerIs 1 50 ortpinel to Clty Clerk ry''"' CITY OF ST. PAULCO1NCd .tie No ------------_----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE%� ORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Axel F. Peterson , =7t DATE September 6-�_ RESOLVED, That the free use of the St. Paul Auditorium be given to the Minnesota Education Association ibr their biennial state�onvention to be held in St. Paul on Ociober 24, 25 and 26, 196 ; be ittp • ;2 r FDRTi1•d.R RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of opening and operating the Auditorium for said period for the above occasion be set up in the budget for the year 1942 in Audititorium Fund No. 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss --€iad'isII-- Peterson �. .'� In Favor weeks= Truax _.....Against Mr. President (Ffi1,Lr`p"j,7 / 1M 1030x® ///C.Vt(ty(�•j�L.y3•!l i C. F, No. 120213—By Axel F. Paterson— Resolved, That the" a ties f the fit. Pavl Audttortum be SI= to III: y t�lhelroblennfal a title Vicon entlod) t ba ;,petd In �8t. Paul on Oatobor 24j 25 and 45'88 1940. +be It �'urthSE Resolved.' -That .an .amount epual u tris cost oL.oDening sad ober- ting a Audltorlum for Bald partod for tae bove ocCaslon-be eat up.1n the budaet for the year 1842 In Audltorl- um Fund No. 1081. it Adopted by tris Council Sept. 14, 1940. Approved x01. 14 21 , 1 18494 (8Dt. 0) Adopted by the Council...SEP 14194Q...............................19........ Approved.. SEP 1419-4...------.19....-... - --- --------- .. - 6- D 0 Original to City Clerk,�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE- NO.—.—T _--- r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- —_._— __-_.__. _-- DATE--_____ HESC m, flat the spOiostion or Shell oil Company, Imo.for permiisieg'a Install one additional 2000-68,1100tank at its tilling station at university Avenue and Syndicate Street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in a000rdanoe with the ordinenoes of the City of Saint Paul, and ander the direotion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Publio Safety. C. F. No. 120214—By G. H. Barfuee— Resolved That the' apDllcatloIt of Shell Oil Gtompany. Ina. for permission to Install one additional 2,001 11,, tank at its dlting station at University Avenue and Syndicate Street, be d the same le hereby granted .said and to be installed In accordance with the. ordlnancee of the City of SL Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council SepL.14, 1940' Approved SepL 141940. -- 1 (Sep 1. 23, 1940) COunCtLMEn Adopted bq the Council SEP-. 141-W 194__ yeas nays Barfuss 1P 141940 I at. / / Approved__/___`__ Peterson In Favor - -- — — -- - �.::wt Ma Truax _Against `- Mr. President, McDonough 3111 s-ao Cs .sass CLINTONSUDE A. HACRERT ROBERT B. J. SCAOCH. M. U. \V M. J. Chief TH Health Officer Fire Chief Chief of Police - ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota// // e 0 �erattr Cal a1 Public = a,Id } Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner Mr. Harry T. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota G. E. BRISSMAN Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm August 16, 1940 Dear Sir: In regards to the application made by the Shell Oil Company, Inc., for permission to install one additioml 2000 gallon tank at their filling station at University Avenue and Syndicate Street. Inspection was made by William C. Barron, Chief Fire Inspector, and his report in favor of sack installa- tion is attached herewith. Ver truly Yours, Comm/ iisssfil,oner of Publ c Safety PREVENT .\CCIURNTs WITH Care C'-- s—, - C --y THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 10th, 1940. Ron. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir; In regard to the application made by the Shell Oil Company, Inc., for permission to install one additional 2000 gallon tank at their filling station at University Avenue and Syndicate Street. We have made the usual inspection of the foregoing location and report that there would be no ser— ious increase in the fire hazard of that vacinity nor would there be any increase in the insurance rates to adjacent properties if this additional storage is permitted. Respectfully yours, ��,�, Chief Fire Inspector. WOB/z • - CITY OF 6T. PAUL THiB APPLIGTON TO BE MN DE iN TRIPLICATE - - rRU•LICATE AND FILED IN Aft CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' CURK•E OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING -STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY (NAM'OF IDUAL) 2t6 � ellFOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AD is •� BLOCK AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATE. ON LOT __AL60 DESCRIBED ASS - ��atR D N� i- # (ADDITIONI NO. OF PUMPS NO OF GAS TANK S�CAPACITY OF EACH TANK * I F' ISI 8 N ANC( M FILED �' /P+^►`�y�f�L ,,�I BY J�ffF IJC✓ -- I N DDNE 8. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE CITY PLANNING BOARD BY �C�SY Opay THE CITY PLANNING BOARD Rfi r3 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA e WILLIAM N. FALCON, MAYOR GEORO! H. HERROLO GEORGE F. LINDSAY ONORARY CHAIRMAN N[[R CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 234 COURT HOUSE July 22nd, 1940. Mr. Gerry T. OtConnell, City Clerk, B u i l d i n g. Deer Sir : In the matter of application of the Shell Oil Company for permission to increase their storage capacity for gasoline at their filling station at the southeast corner of University and Syndicate. They now have 2-1000 gallon tanks and 1- 2000 gallon tank under- ground. They wish to add to this by adding 1-2000 gallon underground tank at the location shown on blue print attached. Zoning is Light Industry. The Board of Zoning recommend that this permit be granted. Yours very truly, i George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh - - '- - - FROM jArt..' Gf - /Nc^c..0i..�� %RErs a.v BoatEuyRPa) - .. - �'icf a/r NOTICE q• �. No. 180216-- TO iteeavea, ThatChebe draw6 COUNCIL FILE NO.� � , %. PRINTER CCry. a igeouatYof 18147.80 to 'the aggregate numbered 760 8 to .6094 aelusl Becks Per checks on flIe !n the mtAd y eamptroller. °wee er'in° September 13 0 Approved 8gpt: 1du19lOeept. 14, 199U RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAY,.._ j 194_ S'�pt. 2 1940) ---�__ 10 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT CHOF S 6.147.90ECKS ON FILE I , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 75031 -TO 79o94 i NCLUSIVE, AS PER CH N THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---- SEP 141940 194_ APPROVED SEP 14190 / LOMPTgOLLER 194_— �iiiJti�/p aoo s �o 6 y .. DUPLICATE TO CITY CERKL_. OF SAINT PAUL .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER, $ S COUNCIL64 Y FILE NUMBER- ROLL CALL BARFUSS FINDLAN -_ - - PETERSON IN FAVORI AUDITED CLAIMS _ sept -ember 13 1934Q ROSEN T Tom,_ ____ _ AGAINST' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY YVFL-� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E COVERING MR. PRES. FALLOLO-N �PTarranro tlerizeel CHECKS NUMBERED (,1/p�7(�J(/� _.._INCLUSIVE. S OFF OF T E TY COMPTRO ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—SEP-1419C PER CHECKS ON L APPROVED.. __C moi --193-- NUMBER -- oR165BY - - - -- - — _ TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF -- TRANSFER CHECKS DATE ---- - --- - RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK C.EOK. BROUGHT FORWARD 154 998 56 _. T503_6_iii 3h6pping Oelit�g� Z�u. - - --- --767x, 0�-- • 75039 Clara Heidenrioh 75 00 75040 Capital City Lime & Cement Company 143 5 75041 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company' S5 9 75042 Farwell, Owun, Kirk & Company 69 82 75043 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 13 05 75044 Guaranteed Concrete Company 29 07 75045 A.J. Koch Company 118 59 75046 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 94 08 75047 The Van Hoven Company, Inc. 381 00 75048 John S. Findlan, C. of Finance 37 40 75049 John S. Findlan, C. of Fin�ince. 3 65 75050 G.A. Barfuss, C.P.S. 9 00 75051 Frank sokola 3 86 75052 Bacon & Kempe, Agents 150 00 75053 Mrs. Thos. E. Dahill 257 75 75054 Goodrich—Silvertown. Inc. 13 28 75055 C.A. Heckert, 0. of Police 195 53 75056 Jopetin- & Schilling Company 1 93 75057 Frank Mudra 52 50 75058 Joe. Pavlioek 37 95 75059 Joe. Pavlioek 15 66 75060 Jos. Pavlioek 39 24 75061 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 5 20 75062 St.Paul Builders Material Company 126 82 75063 Schroeder & Company 12 00 75064 Scully Steel Products eompany 35 97 75065 G. Sommers & Company 59 81 75066 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 310 g8 75067 Tri—State el. & Telg.'Company' 137 49 75068 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Company 97 05 75069 Wolverine Brass Company 1 76 75070 George Sullivan, Agent 150 00 75071 Shell 011 Company, Inc. 1 098 26 75072 Jae. T. Denery 68 75 75073 Thomson, Wood & Hoffman 137 50 75074 Thomas Hennessey 66 67 75075 Aome Linen Supply Company 48 47 75076 Adams Products Company 40 48 75077 .air Associates, Inc. 56 41 75078 American Institute of P.Fx. 10 00 75079 American Investors Union, Inc. 1 50 75080 American Linen supply Company 130 23 75081 • American Mat Corporation 172 62 75082 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. 30 08 75083 American Rad. & S. San. Corp. 148 79 75084 B Line Service -1 88 75085 George J. Ball Company 2 00 75086 Beach & Pool 1 00 75097 Booth Cold Storage Company 4 14 75099 Boston symphony Orchestra, Inc. 4 00 75099 Builders,Service Stores, Inc. 1 50 75%,, Burnitol Mfg. Company 79 20 75091 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 705 90 75092 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 471 68 75093 Chicago Great Western R.R.Co. 2 13 75094 The Continental Chemical Company 29 85 . SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD X61 146 46 .._ l orWool to City Clock CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOo em`a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENFJ3AL FORM RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Education and the textbook committee set up by the Teachers' Advisory Board and approved by the Superintendent of Schools, the following textbooks are hereby adopted for the public schools of the City of St. Pauls SCIENCE AND LIFE - Grade 7, by Reh and Wheat published by American Book Company -list price $1.20 SCIENCE AND LIFE - Grade 8, by Reh and Wheat published by American Book Company - list price $1.48 RESOLVED FURTHER, That for the purpose of placing these textbooks in the public schools as aforesaid, the Commissioner of Education is authorized on behalf of the City of St. Paul to enter into an agreement with the publishers for supplying these textbooks. COUNCILMEN YeasNay. arfuse :Wanto ,,'Peterson In Favor Against r. Presiden $ a 1M 028 Hwy® /1 0`1G Adopted by the CouneiL r-_�.4 —__ 19.....-.. %P 14 IM Approved_ .......................... . --19- -........- . ......................... . Ma or l Original to City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE1V0 ► 'i`C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM DATE Sept -13,194o Whereas, the City Clerk and Camnni.ssioner of Registration has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency whieh rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it ResolvedK that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for theextra time hereinafter set forth[ / ✓ .Victor[ Arbors, Storehouse Helper, 11 hrs. 0 .49 t, James 41asilens Storehouse Helper, 11 hrs. 6 ,49 Fred W -F,., Js Lest. Registration Clerk, 61 hre. 0 .69s ✓ Paul Jennings, Asst. Registration Clerk, 9Q hrs. 0 .531 ✓ Edgar C. Johnson, Storehouse Helper, 33 hra. 0 .511 gorothv Of Grady, Junior Clerk, 4 hrs. 10 .5q Jacob Rookstroh, Asst. Registration Clerk, 23 bra. 0 53. Raymond A. Schroeder, Junior Clerk—Typist, 281 hrs. 0 .394 C F Nb 120817 By Q H. Barfus., by repu.pt " Whigs, The V1ty Clerk and: Com- migglonbr of R.g gtrptit, has reported lu accordance with Section 66 of the I Alt �.cbani btie a i enC eoo ea tan the Victor Arbore, Storehouse Helper. 1,James_ Clawn, Storehouse Helper, ,James_ ®.48:' Fred W: Hill,' As.t Registration Clerk, Qj hr.. 0 .69%. Paul ennings - AeeL Registration Clerk, 0, re. .68. Edgar C. John.on, Storehouse Helper, 98 hr.. 0 .61%. Dorothy O'Grady, Junior Clerk, 4 bra. ® .66;4. Jacob Rocketroh, As.L Registration Clerk, 88 hre. S .68 iS. Rnymand A. Schroeder Junior Clerk- �. �,4 TY dlril I ftybre. .89 4 Adopted Ly the ouncl Sept. 30, 1940. Approved Sept 16, 1940. (S.L 81, 1940) COnnciLmEn Ser Adopted by the Council leas nays / Barfuss / Approvedrindidrr— //Parranto Favor —Pelmsott•— --- —ln — ------ --- t / .�— -----Agatq't resident,-liloDene .m 3.Urci45931r `'i_ .'res. (Truax) HARRY T. VCONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration'"*� h. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ BUREAU OF REGISTRATION AND ELECTIONS 33 City Hall and Court House Sept.13, 1940. An emergency has arisen in the office of the City Clerk making it necessary to employ overtime city employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: The emergency has arisen by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Preparing registration card cabinets for delivery to the judges of elections; preparing voting machines at the warehouse for the transfer company; receiving returns of judges at Court House election night when office was open all night; and preparing machines for inspection at warehouse for the Canvassing Board and other work incidental to registration and election. I�' -e arry 0'C nne f City l 3 ark Commissionerof Registration C. F. No. 180818 --BY Frad-M. Trnai^, �j 1 ���% oetiaai to City Clerk Whereas. AH: Drovlded by Counefl F '; IIJJ I Flle No. 118189 ' aDDrovad June 14 1910, � CITY OI the Couauil dl� on the, 9th day a>` July, ueeu \' , 1910' a1 ten,o-Wok d. M. to the Conn-.lH---- OFFICE OF „p R bar of l^e Conn House and' / NCIL RESOLUTIC�J4' 4ii'iikAr;;iw`V,y:-4- PRESENTED-9Y '.. / • • /�/ A4 __.-- DATE pre '$, as tridad by a3ounoil File. No. 3.3.9162,aged Jena 14, 190, the 0ouaell did, pO the 9th aay at ten otol0ok A. K. in the Oawsoll Ohmabor a doom;x"as and City Rall, mold a publie burins ppon' Olu Atwisabllit:t and assessity of rroOkIng that oirtala sao•et trahe buiidiog_looat.d on the east 4 test of also; %, Hills tion, also desorlbed as ft . 789' tm�at kwiiwo, fo2l9wing due notiea or $afd be;WIN' aswes s ►i to 0rilnaaar its. 7tlp, apps sd lb ].930 22 19�j .assd l�. i8 the opinion of the Qonnoil t11at said ba�1ding Si' teulMatlr mad ""mus to lit*, 21ab e�ld *A1°i prOpert* and be wreaked and rouorsd= th*rrtese, bs i HRe©btO, that said iailains be wreaked 604 revered, and that a dopy of this reaolsiion, direetl a wree and removal at said bnlldto`, be nal2ea QotihilelM*ever of parks, ple ►wounds mad ftbi a Bte1l4i s to `iast`ksliwrn resord "nor Or, ,s4L4 �proPera' uR his lats� aM�"esi .or to the *seat or Oset><pant o! said baildlnsf 1f'i 9 raITUR niIf �sthle� tom. die op nailing of this natter to .90419 pprroopart o'er i retial la►t, or the oaenpmar<t, no �ppeMi has 1>sed t ea troll this ender said Ceamissioner of lmrks, ply►gronnds mad �i1�l�io 1�ltlitQge shall report said fast to the'06080110 SEP 1610 COURCILMEn Adopted by the Council_______ -___._-_t94__ yeas nays q9 Barfus MP Fine lat 1'16 Approved___�.__-104__ Parranto In Fauor 4�_ — -------(r , Rosen , TLU2X _ _ _Againsb ,in ,Mrc§q gad Vice Pres. (Truax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK HARRY T. O'CONNELL City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration .0w.. Sept. 13, 1940 Mr. Harry W. Oehler Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of the one-story frame building located on the east 40 ft. of Block 48, Arlington Hills Addition, also described as No. 789 Payne Ave. Yours very trily, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council-__-194— Yeas ouncil___194_ Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAND PARRANTO PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX MR. PRESIDENT (McDONOUGH) S � rnaray SDIDB i<N CONDIDffiP49CI01f CQUNCIL FILE NO ?Drrtas• r BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 120219 In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of State St. and = Fillmore Ave. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of len a no ea, ly corner of Int 6, Block 7, Sarshallts Addition, btiiugded by a line*scribed es tQl ctiwa Beginning on the northwesterly line of afid lot ,'7 feet=,from tWb Lortheast corner thereof, thence to said northeast corner, thenos aoutiieasterly along, the northeasterly line of said -lot, 7 feet, thence northwesterly to point of'beginning. under Preliminary Order i 195.94 , approved Jttly'19th. 1940- , Intermediary Order 119925 , approved August 20th, 1940. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is opening, widening and extending the intersection of State St. and Fillmore Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: A triangular piece of land in the northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 7, Marshall's Addition, bounded by a line described as follows : Beginning on the northwesterly line ofa•.id lot, 7 feet from the northeast corner thersof,thenee to said northeast corner, thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said lot, 7 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r, Adoptt8 by the Council �_ 'A/� SEP 271948 19 P 27 t City Clerk. Approved 19_ ayor. dlan nto Fesident n McDonough. eao r-'o- .+ CITY OF ST. PAUL f , ... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCED ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of State St. and Fillmore Ave. by taking andcondemning a triangular piece of land in the northeasterly corner of lot 6, Block 7, Marshall's Addition, bounded by a lira described as follows. Beginning on the northwesterly line of said lot, 7 feet from the northeast corner thereof, thence to said northeast corner, thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said lot 7 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning, under Preliminary Order approved July 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: b 50.00 The total estimated teams$ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION LanXALUAT'ONBld . g 6 7 Marshall's Addition to $1000 $5200 West Saint Paul The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, toget-II7 with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Aug st 9n 1940_ Commissioner of Finance. (Commissioner / Form B. S. A. 8-S D - � �Iz Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of, Finance Tuiv 26, 1940 19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of public Works, having had under. consideration the preliminary or6r of the Council, known as Council- FIle No____119-59A�spproved July 19 relative to intersection Of state St. and Fillmore Ave- by opening, widening and extending the lot 6, and condemning a tri. ;ular piece of land in the northe"terlY corner of - Taking Addition, bounded -by a linedescribe& as follows: Beginning OIL the R—t; I northwesterly line of said lot,7 feet from the northeast corner thereof, thence to My �01�6 said 7 feet, nwKt- thence northwesterly to point of beginning. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx - and the total cost thereof is $-Xxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owns 0 roperty'w subject to assessment for said improvement COM. QF F rnmmissioner of Public Works. AEU p 1944 E jo-aDuae. COUNCIL FILBY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 120220 In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of State St. and St. Lawrence St. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in the south- westerly corner of Lot 'll, Block 21, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as follows : Beginning on the southwesterly line of said lot, 6 feet from the southwesterly corner therttof, thence to said southwesterly oorner,'thenoe northeafterly along the southeasterly line of said lot, 6 feet, thence nor$hwesterly to point of beginning. under Preliminary Order 3,19586 approved July 19th, 1940 Intermediary Order 1.19926 approved August 20th, 1940. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is opening, widening and extending the interseotion of State and St. Lawrence Streets. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby o[dei�to beTaki-n, an ppropated'a"nd condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of Lot 17., Block 2I., DunweU and Spencerts Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as follows t Beginning on the southwesterly line of said lot,6 ft. from the southwesterly corner thereof, thence to said southwesterly corner, thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said lot, 6 -feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby author- ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19_ P 17 City Cle . Approved 19_ ayor. cn� � x��..lsx>•:ll q�d • d,'s a to .Yee;eon - /f /�TRYys€n v /� r. President- l[oDonough 500 149 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' „yC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ~,��j In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of State Street and St. IatMtenoe St. by taking and oonderaning a triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of lot 11, Block 21, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as £ollowst Beginning on the southwesterly line of said lot, 6 feet from the southwesterly corner thereof, thence to said southwesterly corner, thence northeasterly along the south— easterly line of said lot, 6 feet, thence northwesterly to point of beginning under Preliminary Order approved July 19, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 50.00 The total estimated ars cost of the abovg�rovRy _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK L�AALUATIONBldg. South 37 2/3 feet of 11, 12 and 13 21 unwell & Spencer's Addition $700 $3250 to Brooklynd J a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works; .') Dated Auzust 20 19.4II( ._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D - iii July 26 —19-4O— To g40To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 119586 approved July 19 19 4o , relative to opening, widening and extending the ia,nrsection of State St. and St. Lawrence St. by taltIng ana coMenning a ran ar p ece .o an s n e sou wes er corner o n , Block 21, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, bounded by a line described as follows* corner thereof, thence to said southwesterly corner, thence northeasterly along•the $ontb AAAtgnlV ling of RMA ln+ 6 ?A,t tieadS and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— axxxx necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ _; and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owner of property, subject to assessment for d� prg Mmeafe Commissioner of Public Works. Al C JUI.30 1944 - FINAL*ORDERS- _ 2pp[[i2�//^'§§ 1. c. r, No COUNCIL FILE NO------------------------- By ---------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____gx�ding�nd�urSaai_ el1aX__in--Chula__B=s.__Disisioa_Nn�_�fr�m__ . St. Albans Sts to—gale St •also cottstruatine�a ssQx§'r a�t�Q gQs etly 4 feet owe_ las erly_6 feet of lot 8. Chute Bros. Divisjo _Xq 4 from the sal d _&] 1qy_o the sewer in Lafond under Preliminary Order_—_1194Qfj__----- _--- —--- — ---- approved ---- Jud,Y_--9,.__7.91Q----- —--- —------ ------------- — Intermediary Order ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,.extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___�rade _and surfaoe_ ells�in Chute 13ros. Div�g— lo. 4 from St. Albans S�_fo Voss -her lg 4 feet of the eas er1V 6_�QQt_Q�1Qt 8.�iimte Hros._Division No. 4 !rom the Raid e11AY to _ the sewer ir�_La�9lld—Ave --- ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. `.RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and direeted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - coed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___ --_SEP 24 W _.__�192__ �_ - ------ City Clerk. KP 2419 0 Approved--------------------_ 192_____ File9052 /1 191 Councilmaim n titan Councilma,,,.ra„io / Councilma 3 Councihn 2oscu Couneilms. -- Councilman enzel LWV�, Mayor IfRRVW Mr. Vice Pre4denr (Peterson) Form B. S. A. 8-7 ACil::zr Mayor. Q+ I;Wi2 q( ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ' A DEPARTMENT 10F. FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIO ER OF FINANCE ON ..PRELIMINARY ORDER `) In the matter of grading and surfacing alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St. to Dale St. Also constructing a sewer on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of lot 8, Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from the said alley to the sewer in La£ond Ave. Preliminary Order approved 119406 under a To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ is $ 1,107.10 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement - The estimated cost p n oot or the above improvement is _ - - $ 0 93 benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V LUATION Lan Bldg— _. 1 Chute Brothers Division No. 4 $1175 East 31 ft. of ,.(Except East 31 ft.) 1 and all of 2 do 825 $2400 , 3 do 575 1600 „ 4 do 575 1300 .. 5 do 575 6 do 575 3500 .. . 7 do 575 2250 . 8 do 575 3250 ., 9 do 575 4000 10 do TOTAL. 575 115.0 Form B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PENANCE 'REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION l . J Land_ 49 _jr_ DESCRIPTION .:. _- _ _::. „ i _. I 11 4Chute Brothere Division No. 4 $575- tli100 _ ul_._ :Addition to the Cit of St. Pau Y �1760 12 do 57b _ I la ; do 575 14 do 650 300 .15 do 700 44b0 do 600 6600 16 17 do 650 1200 _ 18 do S&5 700 West a of Eeat.a of 18 do 325 650 ;I 19 do 425. 2000 ,. ' West 26 ft. of . East 14 ft. of 19 & W. 13 ft. of 20 do 450 750 20 do 450 1400 East 27 ft. Of , 21 do 650 .650 do 650. 1600 22 23 do 650 1350 _ 24 do 650, _ 1650 25 do 650. 1200 26 , do 650 70.0 !! 27 do 650. 1200 do 600. 3050 :! . 28 do 800 3250 ;forth 40 ft. of 29 and 30 Total 08,850 $56.,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and rt made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the repo reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / c Dated C (� yO 19 �� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. a. 12 i'' p4e St. Paul, Minn._......._....._..._................_......_........11;_...G .j -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause thefoil 'ng improvement to be made: ......... 4a�'i4 V W.4St. Ave. ... ......... from.................. ..........--_.St. Ave. to......._...................._................ .................. .................... . ........ . . ..................................................._St. Ave. SM -7-37 ADDITION W, SM -7-37 BUREAU OF CONST. S REPAIR W. B. COCKROFT. 9u Pr. OFF... ENGINES. G. H. HERROLD CHIRP ENO.. CLERK MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER DONALD F. VOIGT, DEPUTv CDMrnISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIEF Eras INFER Tuly 17, 1940 Commissioner Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU ofBRIDGES M. S. GR YTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAUGF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans St. to Dale St. Also constructing a sewer on the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 6 feet of 1 t 8, Chute Bros. Divi- sion No. 4 from the said alley to the sewer in L 9ond Street, under preliminary Order C. F. 119406 approved 7uly 9, Estimated Cost $1,107.10 Cost per front foot 0.93 Inspection 19.38 Engineering 1-18•79 Frontage 1,187.94 ft. Your , MARD ?lie;ineer 0 Approved for transmisa n to the ommissioner F nance MILTON ROSi Commissioner of Pu is 'Works r Idoffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 22 i4 40 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the rely 9 _1940 relative to Council, known as Council File No 119. 406 Approve gradin and surYacing the elfin Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St, Albans Street to Dale Street. Also constructing a sewer on the westerly 4 ft- oY the easterly 6 Yt. of lot 8 Chute Bros- Division No. 4from the said alley to the sewer in Lafoud Street. referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and things necessary and Ooat desirable. 1. Said improvement �— e,at thereof is r front foot •93 and the to�al C 2. The estimated cost thereof is ce 1,187.94 ft- 118.,19 Frontag Inspection $19.38 Engineering $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. isfor upon petition o�th`ree or more owners of oPertY 5. Said improvement ______-asked —asked !Z/`' subject to assessment for said impTR4gmaF' FI �AIVC[ r-�01,u,', [,U�1 CommjssionWorks JUL 231940 me JOHN S. FINDLAN P. E. MCDERMOTf CoMinissioner Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j _�•�� a LEONARD QSEAMER, Valuation end Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clark CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier �O September 18, 1940. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I hseve checked the petition of remonstrance attached hereto in the matter of grading and surfacing alley in Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from St. Albans to Dale, also constructing a sewer in the west 4 feet of the east 6 feet of Lot S. Chute Bros. Division No. 4 from the said alley to the sewer in Lafend Ave. and find that some isinsufficient. Yours very truly, JohnS. Findlen, Commissioner of Finance. 1121munnulln awlinuffmillnuffoll P. E. MCDEPMOTT Deputy Comminioner JOHN S. FINDLAN Commissioner CITY O F SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clark CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashlar October 24, 1940. To the Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: Under date of October 17 you referred to the Detainment of Publignatur86rtogetherhwith Department of Finance the attached petition con diby two others asking that their the communication under date of Octobertition�for the grading of the alley between names be withdrawn from the original p which matter was Dale Street and St. Albans Street in Chute Bros. Division No. 4, heard finally before the Council on September 2d and a final order adopted ordering the improvement to be made. This decision was reached after hearing all persons present interested and giving consideration to the petition of remonstrance that had been filed and checked by the Department of Finance and was found to be insufficient. ject Inasmuch as the opposing petition representing 18 out of 31 descripit eouldbhave no to assessment was presented after the adoption of the final order, attorney weight as a phBtieitionersnsthatcthe real obWe are jectrofdthe petition was to have the representing P lace and date Council reconsider their action as of September 24, fixing a time, p for a public hearing. In that connection services upon the propertynt of eis at the owners or the present time engaged in making persona 6, for the c hearing scheduled for Wednesday, ondemnation of the necessary slopes for cuts and fills and for the sewer easement. Inasmuch as this hearing has been definitely set, it is the opinion of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Finance that no other notice be forwarded for a reconsideration of the final order and the Council give the petition consideration on November 6 when the matter of the ents awards and sages an the assess - up ment of benefits for the taking of for consideration. Respectfully submitted, ,1 Geo a M. Shepard, \` Chief Engineer. � Valuation Engineer. LCSscj Preliminary orders 119406 and 119447. Z3 File 9051 and 9052 ' Ne, the undersigned, signers of the origin^1 petition for �ra.dina the alley between Dale Street and St. Albans Street in s pe obtained Chute Bros. Div. No. 4, the signature of oh the the a misunderstanding of the object and pure d-sire to have our names withdrawn and removed from, said-pof surosc itlz and that we be registered as opposed to the improvement., alley amd also aLainet the construction of sewer lot A. Address Name of Owner /_ 6 JVp Lot -owned h fP, — — i qo -- L �'� ✓' i J/ V J!r rtiya�°�i� I'ATHFP►slp IIJ4a m,�s!ogExphe:,-, Oct. 17, 1940 S t. Paul, ?,jinn. Gentlemen; 7,e the undersigned ?etioners beg to present you with this petion and beg you to aknowledge as bonafied of all the undersigned. In regards to Chute Bros., #l4 D ivision from St. Albans to Dale Street in the matter of graveling, surfacing, and sewer, we urge you gentlemen to reconsider this or- der, and remove same. yours respectfully; T he committee of the tax payers of the property concerned. SERIAL 110. OF ROLL -2SSA DEPARTMENT 0,4 e ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP t/ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If L mated LIMITED RETENTInnON `/ DATE MICROFILNEDj"ka eg CONTENTS G o w h2 i �! i ae B ecLelRS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NA1E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor 1b0 1531 N O1053tl Ad000b�in S08VONVIS jo nV38ne 1VNOIIVN L ,r 2, ti �ac0 5 0 dti << ti 5° , 5